UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS LOUDON'S HORTUS BRITANNICUS. CATALOGUE OF ALL THE PLANTS INDIGENOUS, CULTIVATED IN, OR INTRODUCED TO BRITAIN. PART I. THE LINNEAN ARRANGEMENT, IN WHICH NEARLY 30,000 SPECIES ARE ENUMERATED : WITH THE SYSTEMATIC NAME AND AUTHORITY, ACCENTUATION, DERIVATION OF GENERIC NAMES, LITERAL ENGLISH OP SPECIFIC NAMES, SYNONYMES SYSTEMATIC AND ENGLISH OF BOTH GENERA AND SPECIES, HABIT, HABITATION IN THE GARDEN, INDIGENOUS HABITATION, POPULAR CHARACTER, HEIGHT, TIME* OF FLOWERING, COLOUR OF THE FLOWER, J$otJe of ipropagatiott, Soil, NATIVE COUNTRY, YEAR OF INTRODUCTION, AND REFERENCE TO FIGURES: PRECEDED BY AN INTRODUCTION TO THE LINNEAN SYSTEM. PART II. THE JUSSIEUEAN ARRANGEMENT, OF NEARLY 4,000 GENERA, WITH AN INTRODUCTION TO THE NATURAL SYSTEM, AND A GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY OF EACH ORDER. EDITED BY J. C. LOUDON, F. L., H., G., & Z. S. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROWN, AND GREEN, PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1830. LONDON : Printed by A. & R. Spottiswoode, New-Street- Square. PREFACE. JL HE titlepage of this Catalogue indicates how much it is in advance of all that have been hitherto published ; but there are some improvements in it not there stated, and others of which it may be requisite to give some explanation. The numeration of the species in the Linnean Arrangement, and the use of figures instead of letters in designating the varieties, are adopted with a view to facilitate the numbering of plants in gardens, of dried specimens in herbariums, of drawings, or of seeds. For the first purpose we have given an explanation of the Seton mode of cutting tallies (p. xxi.\ by far the simplest and best for cutting with a knife on number sticks. The genera are numbered separately for the same purposes, and for more ready reference to the Linnean Arrangement from the Jussieuean, and to both Arrangements from the General Index. A star (*) before either the number of a species, or that of a genus, indicates that next in alliance to it there is an additional species or genu, or several additional species or genera, in the Sup- plement (p. 467, to p. 490). A section () indicates that the name has been changed, or that the genus or species has undergone some alteration in the Supplement. After the Natural Order two numbers are placed, as totals of species (e. g. sp. 4. 10.) ; the first indicates the number of species in the Catalogue, the second the total number hitherto described by botanists. An accurate idea is thus given of what additions are to be expected to the British Hortus, in any genus of plants. The signs, used for the habits of plants (col. 3.), and those of their habitation and duration in the garden (col. 4.), explained in p. vii. viii., are improvements in botanical description by the Editor, first described in the Encyclopedia of Gardening in 1822, and applied in the Encyclopedia of Plants (1st edit. 1829). The twenty-three varieties of habit are indicated by figures of the plants themselves ; as a tree for a tree, a shrub for a shrub, a climber or twiner for plants of these descriptions, a grass for a grass, a bulb for a bulb, a plant floating on water for an aquatic, &c., to recollect which requires no exertion of memory. A perennial is indicated by a triangle, A , the sign of the Trinity, and therefore connected with perpetual duration or eternity, instead of the old sign, ty ; an annual remains a circle as before, O , be- cause, among other reasons, gardeners sow patches of annual flowers in circles ; and a biennial is a double circle, Q>, instead of the old sign, $ . The bark stove is a parallelogram, [ |, which may be considered as representing the section of a hot-house closed on all sides, to maintain the greatest degree of heat ; the dry stove, three sides of a parallelogram, ~~|. to maintain the next degree of heat ; the green-house two and a half sides of a parallelogram, I I, which figure may be considered as the section of a green-house ; and the frame two sides of a parallelogram, j, which may be supposed to resemble the section of a frame or pit. This explanation will assist the reader in recollecting these signs. By combining the signs of duration with those of habitation, E3, 23, O OJ, &c., one column is made to serve the purpose of two. Thus, with these natural signs of habit, which amount to twenty-five, and of duration and habitation, which amount to nineteen, we have extended the power of this department of abridged botanical description from ten, the greatest number of signs, and these entirely arbitrary, that, we believe, has hitherto been used in botanical works, to forty- four, and these all natural or characteristic, the number employed in this Catalogue. The systematic names are accented on a simple principle, which is explained in detail in p. viii. The derivations of the genera are given, and the specific systematic names literally translated, any explanatory words accompanying such translation being printed in Italic. Those names, whether of genera or species, which are commemorative, as Banks/a in honour of Sir Joseph Banks, are distinguished by having the subjoined letters in Italic where the rest of the word is in Roman, and in Roman where the rest of the word is in Italic, as Banksia, ; those which have been applied to plants by the classic writers of antiquity are dislinguished by having the initial letter in Italic, as Pyrus, where the rest of the word is in Roman, and in Roman where the rest of the word is in Italic, as Pyn/s. All words, generic or specific, of unknown derivation, or aboriginal names, are wholly in Italic or wholly in Roman, according to the letter in which the preceding or following matter may be printed, as Paderia Lingun Boj. or Pcederia Lingun By. This mode of indication, which occurred to the Editor in 1826, was first exemplified in the second volume of the Gardeners Magazine, and, with the mode of accentuation adopted in this Catalogue, is continued in that magazine, and in the Magazine of Natural History, not only in the scientific names of plants, but in those of animals and minerals. Short Introductions are given to the Linnean and Jussieuean Systems, illustrated by A 2 iv PREFACE. engravings ; and this circumstance, together with the important one of all the specific names being literally translated, will, by giving the meaning of almost all the terms used in botanical description, in a great measure supersede the necessity of a grammar of botany to the young gardener. The literal translation of the specific names may be considered as, to a certain extent, teaching him the Latin language, and the etymologies of the generic names will give him the meaning of a number of Greek words. The species of every genus, where numerous, are subdivided into sections and subsections, which are shortly defined by specific characters ; and so copious are the descriptive particulars after each species, that we will venture to assert that the genus to which any plant .belongs being known, the specific name, in a majority of cases, may be discovered by this Catalogue without the aid of a Species Plantdrum* In the popular descriptions of the Natural Orders, the medicinal properties and econo- mical uses are slightly noticed ; and the soil, propagation, and general treatment of the different groups indicated ; so that this part of the work, in our opinion the most valuable collection of botanical facts that has ever been brought into so small a space, may be con- sidered an epitome of the history, uses, and culture of the whole vegetable kingdom. Who- ever has a sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge of plants and of vegetable culture to generalise on these subjects, will find in this Natural Arrangement the rudiments of every thing that can be said or written on botany, gardening, and agriculture. Enumerations of those species which are adapted for culture in the open air in Britain, or in corresponding climates, with an estimate of the quantity of ground which each order or tribe would occupy, are given in the Natural Arrangement, with a view to the form- ation of arboretums or botanic flower-gardens ; but, for an explanation of this improvement, and of its value to the practical gardener, we must refer to the body of the work. (p. 491.) The same proportionate enumerations will prove useful in contriving the size of the different drawers, divisions, boxes, volumes, or pages, required for preserving a hortus siccus, or collections of drawings, of engravings, of seeds, or of specimens of woods. The Supplement to the Linnean Arrangement (p. 467.) includes all the plants introduced to Britain and figured in English botanical works up to February, 1830; and Supplements in continuation are intended to be printed annually, and sold separately, at a price probably not exceeding 3d. per Supplement. The first Supplement will appear in January next. Every future impression of the body of the work will contain references to all the Supple- ments published, up to the time of taking the impression : this improvement, and a great one it is, can only be effected in a work which is stereotyped ; and it will save much trouble that would otherwise be unavoidable in referring to the Supplements at random. After certain intervals, according to the number of plants yearly introduced, and, probably, never exceeding seven years, the Supplements will be incorporated in the body of the work, the stereotype plates broken up, and entirely new editions produced. What the proprietors may, by this arrangement, have sacrificed in the sale of new editions, they confidently expect to gain by the decided superiority which even this part of its plan will give their Catalogue over every other. No further explanation appearing necessary in this Preface, it remains for the Editor to state that the Linnean Arrangement and its Supplement are entirely the work of Mr. GEORGE DON ; the Natural Arrangement is founded on that of Professor LINDLEY, with some additions and alterations rendered necessary by the plan of this Catalogue ; and Dr. GRE- VILLE, the profound cryptogamist, assisted in arranging the Cryptogamia. Those who are acquainted with the present state of botany, and with the botanists of this country, will allow that three gentlemen better adapted for cooperating in producing a Catalogue like that now submitted to the public are not to be found. It is presumed that this Catalogue, numerous, original, and complex as are its details, beyond those of any other book of the kind ever pub- lished in this or any country, exceeds likewise all others in typographical accuracy. For this essential merit the Editor is entirely indebted to the classical and scientific attainments of Mr. ALEXANDER ROWAN, under whose care this work passed through the press. All that the Editor claims for himself is the plan of the work, which he certainly considers much superior to anything that has preceded it. The literal translation of the specific names, the derivations of the generic names, the indications of derivations, and, above all, the general descriptions of the Natural Orders, will, he confidently expects, be found not only of great value in determining the names of plants, and in recognising them at sight, both individually and in masses ; but in assisting the botanical student and practical gardener to acquire some know- ledge of their structure, physiology, analogies, affinities, properties, uses, and culture. J. C. L. Bayswater, Mai/, 18 SO. CONTENTS. Jr REFACE and General Introduction - Page iii Abbreviations used in the Linnean Arrangement vii General Rules for Pronouncing Botanical Names viii List of Authorities for Generic and Specific Names ix List of Books referred to - ... xiii Methods of naming and numbering Plants - - xxi Drying Plants and forming a Herbarium - xxii Drawing Plants, Flowers, Fruits, &c. - - xxii LINNEAN ARRANGEMENT. Introduction to the Linnean Arrangement ..... xxiii Table of Linnean Classes - xxiv MONA'NDRIA Monogynia, genera and species ... 1 Digynia, genera and species - - 4 DIA'NDRIA Monogynia, genera and species - 5 Digynia, genera and species . 12 Trigynia, genera and species - 13 TRIA'NDRIA Monogynia, genera and species - 14 Digynia, genera and species - 23 Trigynia, genera and species ... 36 TETRA'NDRIA Monogynia, genera and species - 37 Digynia, genera and species - 51 Tetragynia, genera and species - - 51 PENTA'NDHIA * Monogynia, genera and species - .52 Digynia, genera and species - 93 Trigynia, genera and species ... 109 Tetragynia, genera and species - . 112 Pentagynia, genera and species - - 112 Polygynia, genera and species ... 115 HEXA'NDRIA Monogynia, genera and species - - 116 Digynia, genera and species - - 139 Trigynia, genera and species ... 140 Polygynia, genera and species - - 142 HEPTA'NDRIA Monogynia, genera and species - - 143 Digynia, genera and species ... 143 Tetragynia, genera and species - - 144 Hcptagynia, genera and species - - 144 OCTA'NDRIA Monogynia, genera and species - - 144 Digynia, genera and species - - 158 Trigynia, genera and species ... 158 Tetragynia, genera and species - - 160 ENNEA'NDRIA Monogynia, genera and species - - 160 Trigynia, genera and species ... 161 Hexagynia, genera and species - - 162 DECA'NDRIA Monogynia, genera and species - - 162 Digynia, genera and species . - 175 Trigynia, genera and species ... 179 Pentagynia, genera and species - - 183 Decagynia, genera and species - - 187 DODECA / NDRIA Monogynia, genera and species . - 187 Digynia, genera and species ... 190 Trigynia, genera and species ... 190 Tetragynia, genera and species - - 193 Pentagynia, genera and species - - 193 Hexagynia, genera and species - - 193 Dodecagynia, genera and species - - 193 ICOSA'NDRIA Monogynia, genera and species ... 194 Di-pentagynia, genera and species - - 200 Polygynia, genera and species ... 208 POLYA'NDRIA Monogynia, genera and species - . .215 Digynia, genera and species - - 221 Trigynia, genera and species ... 222 Tetragynia, genera and species - - 224 Pentagynia, genera and species - - 225 Polygynia, genera and species ... 226 DlDYNA\MIA Gymnospermia, genera and species - 232 Angiospermia, genera and species - - 241 TETRAD YNA V MIA, genera and species - - 254 MONADE'LPHIA Tridndria, genera and species . - 267 Pentdndria, genera and species - - 268 Hexdndria, genera and species ... 271 Heptdndria, genera and species - - 271 Octdndria, genera and species ... 276 Decdndria, genera and species - - 276 Dodecdndria, genera and species - - 285 Polydndria, genera and species - - 286 DIADE'LPHIA Pentdndria, genera and species Hexdndria, genera and species Octdndria, genera and species Decdndria, genera and species POLYADE'LPHIA Decdndria, genera and species Polydndria, genera and species - SYNGENE^IA JEqualis, genera and species Superjtua, genera and species Frustranea, genera and species Necessuria, genera and species Segregata, genera and species GYNA NDRIA Mondndria, genera and species Didndria, genera and species Hexdndria, genera and species MONIE V CIA Mondndria, genera and species Didndria, genera and species Tridndria, genera and species Tetrdndria, genera and species Pentdndria, genera and species Hexdndria, genera and species - Octdndria, genera and species Icosdndria, genera and species Polydndria, genera and species Monadelphia, genera and species DICE^CIA Mondndria, genus and species Didndria, genera and species Tridndria, genera and species Tetrdndria, genera and species Pentdndria, genera and species Hexdndria, genera and species - Octdndria, genus and species Ennedndria, genera and species Decdndria, genera and species Dodecdndria, genera and species Icosdndria, genera and species Polydndria, genera and species Monadelphia, genera and species POLYGA^MIA Monce^cia, genera and species Dice^cia, genera and species CRYPTOGA^MIA Filices Polypoditicece, genera and species Osmundacece, genera and species - Gleicheniea;, genera and species Op/iiogldssete, genera and species Poropterides, genera and species - Equisetacete, genera and species Lycoppdinece, genera and species Marsiledcete, genera and species Musci A stomi, genera and species Gymnostomi, genera and species Aploperistomi, genera and species Diploperlstomi, genera and species Schistocarpi, genera and species - Hepatic*, genera and species Al'gce Diatbmete, genera and species Nostochince, genus and species Confervoldece, genera and species Ulvacete, genera and species Floridece, genera and species Fucoldece, genera and species Lichens Idiothdlami, genera and species - Ccenothdlami, genera and species Homothdlami, genera and species Athdlami, genus and species Psei'cdo-lichines, genera and species Fungi Hymenomyctites, genera and species Pyrenomycvtes, genera and species Gasteromycetcs, genera and species Coniomycctes, genera and species Supplement to the Linnean Arrangement - 467 A 3 294 295 318 319 321 339 358 362 365 373 374 374 375 376 378 380 381 - 387 395 396 397 398 401 401 401 402 402 402 403 405 413 417 423 423 424 424 424 424 425 425 425 426 428 431 431 432 433 434 437 437 438 439 441 441 445 445 445 456 459 CONTENTS. NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. Explanatory Introduction Introduction to the Jussieuean System - 491 - 492 VASCULA^RES. DICOTYLED&NE.SE. Combretacea; - - - 513 Myoporina? Rammculaceac - - 495 Vochysieaa ... 513 Acanthaceae Dilleniaceaa - 496 Rhizophoreao - - 513 Orobancheaj Magnoliacea; - 496 Lopliirea? ... 513 Lentibul&rUe Anonaceaj ... - 496 Onagrariaj - - 513 Primulaceae Menispermaceaa - 496 Halorhgese ... 514 Globulariffi Berberideoa - Podophyllacea; Hydropeltideas - - 497 - 497 - 497 Ceratophyllea? Lythrarieaa or Salieariai Tamaricinea? - . 514 514 514 Plumbagiueae Plan tagi nea; Nyctagineaj Nymphsaeeae - 497 Melastomaceae ... 514 Amaranthaccae Suraeenite Papaveraceae Fumariaceaa - - 498 - 498 - 498 Alanagifece ... Philad^lpheas - - Myrtacea? ... 515 515 515 Phytol&cea; Chenopudeae Begoniaceae Cruci ferae - 498 Cucurbitacea; ... 515 Polygbnea; Resedaceaj - - 500 Passifloreae ... 516 Laurinae Datisceae - 500 Loaseaj . 516 Myristiceas Capparideaj - 500 Turneriaceaj . - 516 Protecicea? Flacourtianea? . 500 Portulacea? ... 516 Thymela3\e Bixineaj - 500 Paronychifea? . - 516 Osyrideaa Cistineaj . 500 Crassulacea? ... 516 Santalacea- Violarieaa - - 500 Ficoidese 516 Elasagneae Droseraceae Polygaleaa - 501 - 501 Cacteaj or Opuntiacea? Grossulari&e - - 517 517 Asarinaa Cytinea? Tremandrca? - 501 Escalloniaj 517 Euphorbiaceae Pittosp6reae - 501 Saxifrageaa ... 517 Stackhouseaa Fran ken iacea? - 501 Cunoniaceas 517 Antidesmeaj Caryophylleaj - - 501 Umbelliferaa 517 Urticeaa Lines; ... . 502 Araliaceae ... 518 Ulmaceas Malv.icea? Bombaceoe - 502 - 502 Capri foliaceaa ... Lorantheaa ... 519 519 Piperaceaa Jugk'mdeaj Byttneriaceas - 502 Chloranthea? - - 519 Amentaceae Tiliacea- - 503 Rubiacea? - - - 519 Hamamelidea; Elaeocarpeas - 503 Opercularifeaj ... 520 Conifera? Chlenacese - 503 Valerianeaj ... 520 Empetreaa Ternstroemiacea? - 503 Dipsacea? ... 520 Camelli&e - 503 Calycereae ... 520 Olacinea? - 503 Comp<'>sita3 ... 520 MONOCOTYLEDUNE.JS. Aurantiaceee - 504 Lobeliaceaa ... 522 Hypericineas - 504 Stylidea; ... 522 Cycadeas Gutti ferae - 504 Goodenbvis ... 522 Hydrocharideaa Marcgraaviaceaz Hippocrateuceas - 504 - 504 Campanulaceaa Gesneri&e ... 522 522 AlismaceaB Butbmeae Erythroxyleaa - 505 Vacciniea; 523 Juncaginea? Malpighiacese - 505 Ericeaa ... 523 Orchideae Acerineae - 505 Peneacea? ... 523 Scitaminea: Hippocastaneas - 505 p]pacrideae ... 523 Cannea; Rhizoboleae - 505 SymplocineaB . - 523 Musaceae Sapindaceaa - 505 Styracineaj ... 524 Indeac - - - Meliiceae - 506 Myrsineae 524 Hajmodoraceae Ampelideae - 506 Sapbteai ... 524 Hypoxideae Geraniaceaa - 506 Ebena^ese 524 Amaryllideas Tropajuleas - - 506 Brexiea3 ... 524 Hemerocallideaa Balsamineae - 506 Olfeina? 524 Dioscorifeaa Oxalidcae . 507 Jasminese . 525 Tiimeaa Zygophylleaa - 507 Strychneae ... 525 SmiKiceaa Rutaceaj - 507 Apocynea? - - 525 Asphodelea? Simarubacea? - ' - - 507 Asclepiadeae - . . 525 Tmip&cea Ochnaceas - 507 Gentianea? - - - 526 Melanthax^eaa Coriarifeas - 508 Bignoniaceaj - . 526 Bromelia,cea3 , - Celastrineae - 508 Cobaaaceag - . 526 Pontedereas - . Rhamneae - 508 Pedalineaj .... 526 Commehneas Bruniaceaa - - 508 Sesameaj ... 526 Palmse Samydeas - 508 Polemoniaceae 526 Pandaneas Homalinea? , 503 Hydroleaceae . - 526 Typhina? Chaillcti&ceae - 509 Convolvula,ceaa 526 Aroideae ... Aquilarineffi - 509 Boraginea? ... 527 Fluviales Terebinth&ceaB . 509 Cordiaceas - - - 527 Jiinceae I>eguminbsse. Kos&ccae - 509 - 512 Hydrophylleaa ... 527 527 Gilliesieaj Resti&ceaa Calycantheie - 513 Scrophularinae 528 Cyperaceae - (Jranktese - 513 Labiatae 528 Granunea? Memec^lfa3 - - - 513 Verbenaceae ... 29 CELLULA N RES. FOLIAYE'E. I.ycopodinea? - - Marsileaceae - - 544 544 APIIY'LLA. A'lgae Filices - - 543 Musci 544 Lichenes Equisetaceaj - 544 Hepaticae 544 Fungi General Index 546 TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS AND CHARACTERS. COLUMN 2. English Name. COLUMN& Height. bar. he. 1 bast, bastard. ftd fruited. fit floating. ba. s. p. 1 bg bearing. hyb. hybrid. bog h 1 bran, branched. Ik like. COLUMN 1. Time of Flowering. bog! pi. t brct bracted. Ivd leaved. brd berried. sctd scented. ja January. s September. ags. 1 ^. } l cal calyxed. eld' colored, dble double, flwd flowered, flwg flowering, fmd formed. fr. fringed. shpd shaped, spkd spiked, spnd spined. stkd stalked, stmd stemmed, stmnd stamened. wgd winged. f February, mr March, ap April my May. jn June, jl July, au August. o October, n November, d December, sp Spring, su Summer, aut Autumn, w Winter. ao. me. I bor. fi. I br. 1 bu. fi. I bu. hi. 1 bu. pi. 1 cal. ba. ( all sea all seasons. cal. ro. < COLUMN 3. Habit. wetw wet weather. ch. ba. ( 5 Deciduous tree. ch. cl c J Evergreen tree. COLUMN 8. Color of the Flower. ch. fi. < ch. hil < JE Palm tree. Sk Deciduous shrub. Ap apetalous. JEiug asrugi- Li lilac. Lu lurid. ch. pa. < ch. so. c it Evergreen shrub. nous. B blue. O orange. Och ochraceous ch. wo. < clov. fi. i j* Deciduous under-shrub. Bd blood. 01 olive. clt. gr. < tt Evergreen under-shrub. J; Deciduous twiner, ligneous or Bh blush. Bk black. Bksh blackish. Oliva olivaceous. P purple. Pa pale. cor. fi. dit c dit. ba. herbaceous. Br brown. Pk pink or d. m. pi. j^ Evergreen twiner, lig. or herb. Deciduous climber, lig. or herb. Bri brick-co- lored. Brsh brownish. rose. PI pellucid. R red. dr. co. < dr. a < dr. ha ( U_ Evergreen clin iber, lig. or herb. Bsh bluish. Ro rosy. dr. pa. < -i Deciduous trailer, lig. or herb. JU Evergreen trailer, lig. or herb. Bt bright. C crimson. CEES csesious. Rsh reddish. Ru rufous. Rus russet dr. wo. < d. st pi d. st w. ^ Deciduous creeper, lig. or herb. Ch chestnut. Rust rusty-co- dungh. ( j^ Evergreen creeper, lig. or herb. ^ Deciduous herbaceous plant Evergreen herbaceous plant Ci citron. Cin cinereous. Cop copper-co- lored. lored. S scarlet. Saf saffron. Sil silvery. ed.ofd. gra. he. gra. pa. jilk Grass. Crea cream-co- Smo smoky ash- gra. so. tf Bulbous plant lored. D dark. color. Spot spotted. hea. hea. w. % Fusiform-roott d plant Din dingy. St striped. hed. & Tuberous-rooted plant ^ Aquatic. Dl dull. Dp deep. F flesh. Str straw. Su sulphur. Tan tan-color- hed. b. ] hghLv. hil. pa. ft Parasite. Fer ferruginous ed. ir. bog. COLUMN*. Duration and Habitation. Fi fiery. Fla flame-co- Taw tawny. Test testaceous. ir. mo. ir. roc. A perennial lored. Tran transpa- ir. sho. Ful fulvid. rent ir thi Q) Biennial. Fus fuscous. Umb umber-co- lak. O Annual. G green. lored. m. alp. r~1 Bark, or moist, stova Gl glaucous. Go golden. V violet Va variegated. mar. [~~ Dry stove. Gsh greenish. Ve vermilion. m. a.w. 1 1 Green-house. 1 Frame. Hoa hoary. Vy veiny. W white. m. c. h. m. ch. s. [A] Bark stove perennial. 3S] Dry stove perennial. L light La lake. Ld livid. Wsh whitish. Y yellow. Ysh yellowish. mea. me. pa. m. h. 7 lAl Green-house perennial Lem lemon-eld. m. he. i _AJ Frame perennial. O] Bark stove biennial COLUMN 9. Native Country. m. hed. mic. ro. m. me. TS1 Dry stove biennial C. G. H. Cape of Good Hope. moi. fi. i(DI Green-house biennial E. Ind. E. Indies. N. Amer. North America. moi. h. CJ>\ Frame biennial. N. Eur. North of Europe. moi. pi. {T71 Bark stove ar mual N. Holl. New Holland. 12 Dry stove annual. iQJ Green-house annual N. S. W. New South Wales. S. Amer. South America. S. Eur. South of Europe. moi. w. mo. pi mos. b. Ql Frame annual V. Di. L. Van Diemen's Land. moun. W. Ind. West Indies. m. pas. COLUMN 5. Popular Character. ms.pas. ag agricultural m medicinal. COLUMN 10. Year of Introduction m. r. h. cl clothing. or ornamental of Exotics, and Localities of Bri- mrit. r. clt cultivated in its native p poisonous, pr pretty. tish Species. m. s. pi. country. rk for rock- al. bogs alpine bogs. m. thi. cu curious, cul culinary, de delicate, dy dyeing plant ec economical. work, ro robust, spl splendid, tm timber tree, un uninteresting al. b. p. alpine bushy places, al. hea. alpine heaths, al. lak. alpine lakes, al ma. alpine marshes, al. me. alpine meadows. m. wo. mud.d. mud. s. n. of e. n. of s. el elegant. w weed, abund al riv. alpine rivers. old w. 7 esc esculent fr fruit tree. ant in cul- tivated soil al. roc. alpine rocks, a. r. tr. alpine rocks and trees. old wa. 3 os. hoi fra fragrant in its native ba. banks. pas. gr grotesque. country. bar. gr. barren ground. pea. d A 4 barren heaths, barren pastures, barren sandy places, boggy heaths, boggy places. bogs on mountains. boggy meadows, borders of fields, branches, bushy fields, bushy hills, bushy places, calcareous banks, calcareous rocks, chalky banks, chalky cliffs, chalky fields, chalky hills, chalky pastures, chalky soil chalky woods, clover fields, cultivated ground, corn fields, ditches, ditch banks. dry mountainous places, dry commons, dry fields, dry heaths, dry pastures, dry woods, dry stony places, dry stony woods, dunghills, edges of ditches, gravelly banks, gravelly heaths, gravelly pastures, gravelly soil, heaths. heaths and woods, hedges, hedge banks. Highland valleys, hilly pastures. Irish bogs. Irish mountains, Irish rocks. Irish shores. Irish thickets, lakes. moist alpine places, marshes, margins of lakes, moist alpine woods, moist chalky hills, moist chalky soil, meadows. meadows and pastures. jj' | mountainous heaths. moist hedges, micaceous rocks,, moist meadows, moist fields, moist grounds, moist heaths, moist places, moist rocks, moist woods, mountainous placet, mossy bogs, mountains, moist pastures, mountainous pastures, mountainous rocky heaths, maritime rocks, moist rocks and trees, moist shady places, mountainous thickets, mountainous woods, muddy ditches, muddy shores, north of England, north of Scotland. | old walls. osier holts, pastures, peaty ditches* viii RULES FOR PRONOUNCING BOTANICAL NAMES. riv. ba. river banks, rivul. rivulets, ro. sid. road sides. rub. rubbish, sa. hea. sandy heaths, sal. m. salt marshes, sa. ma. sandy marshes, san. fi. sandy fields, san. gr. sandy ground, san. pi sandy places, san. sh. sandy shores, sa pas. sandy pastures, saw. d. salt-water ditches. sa.w. p. sandy wet places, sc. alp. Scottish alps, sc. bog. Scottish bogs, sc. isl Scottish islands, s. cliffs sea cliffs, sc. ma Scottish marshes, sc. mo. Scottish mountains, sc. pas. Scottish pastures, sc. roc. Scottish rocks. Scottish shores. Scottish thickets. Scottish woods. SO. CO. south coast. s. of s. south of Scotland. sp. bo. spongy bogs. sta. wa. stagnant water. st. in w. stones in water. sto. hi. stony hills. sto. pa. stony pastures. sto. pi. stony places. sto. wa. stones and walls. sun. hi. sunny hills. sun. ro. thick. sunny rocks, thickets. tr. trees. tr. & st. trees and stones. tru. tr. trunks of trees. tur. bo. turfy bogs. tur. he. turfy heath. unc. gr. unc. pi. wa. gr. uncultivated ground, uncultivated places, waste ground. h. w. alp. wet alpine heaths. Welsh alps. watco. watery commons. wat pi w. bog. watery places. Welsh bogs. W. CO. wet commons. w. gr. wet ground. w. lak. Welsh lakes. w. roc. Welsh rocks. p. wet sandy places. w. s. gr. p. w. thi. wet shady ground, wet shady places, watery shady places, wet thickets. sc. sh. sc. thi. sc. wds. ] sc. wo. j sea co. sea coast. sea sh. sea shore. -sev. isl. Severn isles. sha. ba. shady banks. sha. bo. shady bogs. sha. la shady lanes. sha pi shady places. sh. roc. shady rocks. s. m. pi. shady moist places. Accents. In the first sixty-two pages the acute (') is used to denote accented syllables merely ; after p. 62. it is restrained to such vowels as are sounded short, while the grave 0) is placed over those sounded long, as Martha, Mary. The systematic names are distinguished as classical, i. e. names applied to plants by the ancients, by the first letter being in Italic, as ^ N bies ; as commemorative, by the terminating letter or letters being in Italic, as Banks/a; and as aboriginal, or of uncertain derivation, by the whole word being in Italic, as JE'rua. All the other names are formed, in almost every case, from the Greek, but sometimes from the Greek and Latin. COLUMN 11. Propagation. B by budding. c cuttings. D G division of the plant, grafting. I L inarching, layers. Ls leaves. offsets. R division of the root. S seeds. Sk suckers. COLUMN 12. Soil. aq. watery places. CO. common garden soil S? common peat, or bog. heavy rich clay. h;l. heavy loam. L loam. if lt.l. loam and peat, most loam, light vegetable soil, light loam. m.s. moist soil. P- peat. p.l. r. peat and loam, most peat, rich garden soil. r.m. rich mould. ru. rubbish. s. sand. S.I. s.p s.p.l. sandy loam, sandy peat sand, peat, and loam. RULES FOR PRONOUNCING BOTANICAL NAMES. SYLLABLES. IN classical words there are as many syllables as there are vowels; except when u with any other vowel follows g, q, or s, and when two vowels unite to form a diphthong. The diphthongs are (e, ce, ai, ei, oi, ui, au, e.u, and mi. These seldom coalesce in final syllables, oo, ee, ea, and other combinations which never occur as diphthongs, in classical words, follow, in commemorative names, the pronunciation of their primitives, as Teedm, Woodsza. VOWELS. In this work, with the exception of the first sixty-two pages of the Linnean Arrangement, the sounds of the accented vowels are indicated by the mark placed over each, the long sound by a grave accent ("), the short by an acute (') ; but, as in the abovementioned sixty-two pages the acute accent alone is employed, the following observations will be found useful in showing when the vowel is to be sounded long, and when short : Every accented penultimate vowel is pronounced long, when followed by a vowel or a single consonant, as ^chillea tomentbsa; but it is shortened when followed by two consonants or a double one, as S6rbus, Taxus: except when the first consonant is a mute and the second a liquid, as A v brus. Every accented antepenultimate vowel, except u, is pronounced short, as //elleborus, /ftimulus ; but when succeeded by a single consonant, followed by e or i and another vowel, it is lengthened, as Stellaria : except i, which is short, as 7'ilia. A unaccented, ending a word, is pronounced like the interjection ah, as Sti'cta (ah}. E final, with or without a consonant preceding, always forms a distinct syllable, as Silene, A'loe ; also when the vowel is followed by a final consonant as Trichoma-nes, not Tricho-manes. 7 unaccented, if final, sounds as if written eye, as Splca venti (eye) ; but, when it ends a syllable not final, it has the sound of e, as Mespilus (Mespelus), Smiths (Smithe-eye). Y is subject to the same rules as t. The diphthongs cc and ce conform to the rules for e i ei is generally pronounced like eye i the other diph. thongs have the common English sounds. In addition to the primary accent, every word of more than three syllables contains a secondary accent, which is regulated by the same rules. The secondary accent must always be at least two syllables before the primary accent, as in Chelidonium ; for its place the ear is a sufficient guide, and even were it entirely omitted, still, however inharmonious, the pronunciation would not be incorrect. CONSONANTS. C and g are hard before a, o, and u, as C6rnus, Galium ; soft before e, i, and y, as Cetraria, Citrus. T, s, and c, before ia, ie, if, to, iu, and eu, when preceded by the accent, change their sounds, t and c into sh, as Blet/a, Ficia ; and s into zh, as Blasza : but, when the accent is on the first diphthongal vowel, the pre- ceding consonant preserves its sound, as aurantlacum. Ch, before a vowel, is pronounced like k, as Chelidbnium (kel), Colchicum (kolkekuni) ; but in commemora- tive names it follows their primitives, as Richards6m', in which the ch is soft Cm, en, ct, gm, gn, mn, tm,ps,pt, and other uncombinable consonants, when they begin a word, are pro- nounced with the first letter mute, as Pteris (teris), Cnlcus (nikus], Gmellna (melina'), 6'nidia (nidid) ; in the middle of a word they separate as in English, as iap-sana, Z,em-na. Ph, followed by a mute, is not sounded ; but, followed by a vowel or a liquid, sounds like /, as Phleunj (fleum). Sch sounds like sk, as Scho? v nus (skemts] ; in tl and zm both letters are heard. S, at the end of a word, has its pure hissing sound, as Dactylis ; except when preceded by e, r, or n, when it sounds like x, as Kibes (at). X, at the beginning of a word, sounds like %, as Xanthium ; in any other situation it retains its own sound, as T&xus, Tamarix. (Gardener's Magazine, vol. v. p. 232.) LIST OF AUTHORITIES FOR GENERIC AND SPECIFIC NAMES. Albertini and Schiveinitz. Writers upon Fungi. Abel. A traveller in China, and author of a Notice of Chinese plants. Acharius. A Swedish professor, and writer upon lichens. F. Adams. A Russian botanist, who tra- velled through Arctic and Eastern Siberia. Adanson. A French systematic botanist. Afzelius. A Swedish professor. Agardh. A Swedish professor, and writer upon A'lgx, &c. Alton. The superintendant of the King's garden at Kew. Albertini. A writer upon .Fungi. Allioni. An Italian botanist. Ammann. An old Russian botanist. Anderson. A London merchant ; published a paper on paonies. Andrews. A famous botanical draughts- man. Andrzejowski. A Russian botanist. Arduini. An Italian botanist. Asso. A Spanish botanist. Aublet. A French traveller in Guiana. Audibert. A French cultivator. Balbis. A French professor of botany. Bade. A German botanist ? Baldwin, M. D., of Savannah in Georgia. A botanist. Bart ling, M. D., and Wendland, of Got- tingen, botanists. Banks. A great traveller and patron of science. Barrelier. A French botanist of 1714. Barton, M. D. Formerly a professor at Philadelphia. Bart-ram. Formerly a nurseryman at Phi- ladelphia. Bastard or Batard. A writer upon the Flora of France. Batsch. A writer upon Fungi. Battarra. Published a History of Fungi, 1789. J. C. Baumgarten, M. D., of Schasburgh, in Transylvania. A botanist. Bauhin, brothers ; professors of medicine, published 16*0, 1650. J. C. Baumgarten, M.D., of Schasburgh, in Transylvania. A botanist. Botanical Cabinet. By Loddiges and Sons. Beaupret. A French botanist, mentioned in Dec, Systema. Palisot tie Beauvois. A French traveller and botanist. Duke of Bedford. A great promoter of botany. Bellardi. An Italian botanist. Bentham. An English botanist, secretary to the Horticultural Society, London. Bergius. A Swedish writer upon Cape plants. J. Bergeret, M. D. A French botanist. Bcrnliardi. A German botanist. Bertolini. A writer upon the Flora of Italy. Besser. A Russian professor, resident in the Crimea. Bieberstein. A Russian botanist of great note. Bivona. A Sicilian botanist. Blume, M. D. A Dutch botanist. Botanical Magazine. By Curtis, Sims, &c. Bocrhaavc. An old Dutch botanist. Bohm. Bois. Boj. Bol. Bonp. Bore. Bory. Bosc. Bouch. Bouche. Bow. B.R. Br. B. Rep. Brad. Bred. Brid. Brig. Brm. Broeg. Brong. Brot. Brou. Bui. Burc. Cces. Cam, Campb. C.SfR. Carey. Carm. Cass. Castag. Cat. Cav. C. Bauh. Cer. Chaix. Cham. Choi. Clair. Clar. Clem. Clus. Co. C. Colb. Coll. B'dhmer. A German botanical writer. Boissieu la Martiniere* who accompanied La Peyrousc Bojer. A professor ot botany in the Isle of France. Bolton. An English writer on Fungi. Bonpland. A French traveller in South America, and botanist. Borckhausen. A writer upon the Flora of Hesse Darmstadt. Bory de St. Vincent. A French traveller and botanist. Bosc. A French botanist, and traveller in North America. Boucher. A writer upon the French Flora. F. A. G. Boucher. A French botanist. ,7. Bowie. A collector of plants for Kew Gardens. Botanical Register. By Ker and Lindley. Patrick Browne, M. D. Author of Civil and Natural History of Jamaica. An Irish botanist. Botanical Repository. By Andrews and others. Bradley. An old English writer upon suc- culent plants. Bredemeyer. A German. Bridel. A German writer upon mosses. J. Brignoli. Professor at Verona. Burmann. A Dutch editor of other people's works. Broegelmann. A German botanist. A. Brongniart. A French botanist Brotero. A Portuguese botanist. Broussonet. A French botanist, and tra- veller in Barbary. Buchanan. An English physician, and traveller in Nepal. Bulliard. A French writer upon Fungi. Burchell. An English botanist, and tra- veller at the Cape of Good Hope. Burgsdorf. A German botanist. Buxbaum, M. D. A Russian botanist ; tra- velled through Armenia. CtESalpinus. A famous old Italian botanist. Campana. An Italian cultivator. Campdera. A Spanish botanist. Castagne and Robillard. French botanists ? W. Carey, D. D., of Serampore. Capt. D. Carmichael. A Scotch botanist. H. Cassini. A French botanist. L. Castagne. A French botanist ? M. Catesby. A botanist and traveller in North America. Cavanilles. A Spanish professor and bo- tanist. Caspar Bauhin. A celebrated botanist of the sixteenth century. Vicente Cervantex. A Spanish botanist and professor. Chaix. A French botanist and ecclesiastic. Chamisso. A German traveller round the world. Choisy. A Swiss botanist. Clairville. A French botanist. J. Clarion. A French botanist. S. Clemente. A Spanish agriculturist. Clusius. An old French botanist and tra- veller. Colville's Catalogue. Plants cultivated in Colville's nursery, Chelsea. Colebrooke. A celebrated English writer upon Indian plants. J. F. Colladon. A Gencvese botanist. AUTHORITIES FOR GENERIC AND SPECIFIC NAMES. Com. Commelin. A Dutch garden botanist. Corr. Correa de Serra. A Portuguese botanist and diplomatist. Cr. Crantz. An Austrian botanist. Cun. A. Cunningham. A collector of plants for Kew Gardens. Cur. Curtis. An English writer upon plants. Cus. Cusson. A Swiss writer upon Umbelliferae, whose wife burnt his herbarium. Cyr. Cyrilli. An Italian botanist. Dan. Danthoine. A French botanist. Dav. H. Davies, D. D. A Welsh botanist. JJ. Don. David Don. Librarian to the Linnean Society. Deb. Debry. A botanist of Frankfort. Dec. Decandolle. A celebrated French system- atic botanist. Del. Delile. A French professor, and traveller in Egypt Delan. Delany. An English artist. Deless. Delessert. A French botanist Desf. Desfontaines. A French botanist, and tra- veller in Barbary. Desp. Desportes. A French botanist. Desr. Desrousseaux. A French botanist Desv. Desvaux. A French professor of botany. Deth. Detharding. A botanist of Rostoch. Dick. Dickson. An English cryptogamic bo- tanist Die. Dietrich. A German gardener. Dil. Dillwyn. An English writer upon Con- ferva?. Dit. Ditmar. A Dutch botanist. Domb. Dombey. A French traveller in South America. Dor. Dorthes. A French botanist Don. Douglas. A collector of plants. :. Dow. Downe. Not known. Dry. Dryander. A Swedish botanist. Dub. Dubai's. A French botanist. Duch. Duchesne. A French botanist or horticul- turist. Dufr. Dufresne. A French writer upon va- lerians. Duh. Duhamel. A celebrated French physio- logical botanist. Dum. Dumont Courset. A writer upon French garden plants. Dunal. Dunal. A French botanist. Durand. Durand. A French botanist. Durb. Durborough. Not known. Duroi. Du Roi. A German writer upon plants. Dut. Dutour. A Belgic botanist. Duval. Duval. A French botanist. E. B. English Botany. By Sowerby and Smith. Eddy. Eddy. An English gardener. E. F. English Flora. By Sir. J. E. Smith. Ehren. Ehrenberg. A German traveller in Arabia, &c. Ehrh. Ehrhart. A German botanist. El. Ellis. London merchant and botanist. Ell. Elliot. An American botanist. Esp. Esper. A German writer on .Fungi. Et. Ettlinger. A German writer on S&lvia. Fau. Faucoult. A French botanist ? Feu. Feuillee. A Chilian botanist. Fis. Fischer. A Russian botanist. FL br. Flora Britannica. By Sir James Edward Smith. Fl. dan. Flora Danica. By Oeder, Hornemann, and others. Fl. gr. Flora Gr will not be confounded, on recollecting that V is the usual numeral letter for five. xxii DRYING PLANTS, HERBARIUM, DRAWING PLANTS, &c. As an example of application, suppose we take species 341, variety 8, the tally will be cut thus : 341 8 The long cut ( ) between the number of the species and the number of the variety is merely to separate the one from the other, and is to be considered as the sign of separation. By the use of this sign several numbers may be cut on one stick : it is a fixed rule that the number shall always read from the root or sharpened end of the tally, because it is necessary for the operator to hold that end in his hand in cutting the marks. Names written on tallies, on the contrary, should always read from the top, by which means the letters are kept at the greatest practicable distance from the soil. DRYING PLANTS AND FORMING A HERBARIUM. THE best mode for gardeners, and such as have little spare time to dry specimens of plants, is to gather them when perfectly free from exterior moisture, place them between paper, and press them with bags of hot sand. In this way they dry of their natural color in a few hours. (Mag,' Nut. Hist. vol. i. p. 196.) Or they may be dried in sand. (Ibid. vol. iii.) To fill up a space that would otherwise remain an unseemly blank, we shall here observe, that every gardener ought to dry plants and form them into a herbarium. The herbarium may be a folio volume of stout thick paper, white, if he can afford it ; if not, brown ; allowing in binding the thickness of a leaf for every page, in order that, when filled with specimens, it may shut close and preserve its form. Mr. Toward, who has formed one of the handsomest gar- dener's herbariums we have any where seen, in four thick folio volumes, uses cartridge paper, pasting to the back of each leaf a leaf of brown blotting paper, and round the margin of both surfaces of the double leaf so formed strips of cartridge paper. These strips rather more than compensate for the thickness of the dried specimens ; so that when the leaves are bound up, their edges cut, arid the books shut close, the external air is excluded, and the appearance as neat as that of any printed volume. (Gard. Mag. vol. iv. p. 463.) The specimens, as dried in sand, or between loose leaves of paper or in any old book, may be fixed to the cartridge side of the leaves of the herbarium book, according to any arrangement which may be preferred. DRAWING PLANTS, FLOWERS, FRUITS, &c. EVERY gardener ought also to be able to draw plants; and this he may acquire himself by copying with a pen or pencil, without the aid of colors (for all the essential objects of drawings may be effected by lines), the outlines of the ribs, veins, and other inner lines of the different parts of the dried specimens as they lie flat before him on the paper. Having practised this for some time, he may then draw plants, flowers, and fruits from na- ture ; beginning by washing one side of a pane of glass over with gum, holding that when dry between his eye and the plant or other object to be drawn, and then tracing the object with the point of a nail in the gum, or on it with the point of a black-lead pencil. ( Gard. Mag. vol. vi. p. 305.) The outline of hard fruits, such as the apple and pear, may be correctly taken by dividing them into two parts, as may that of soft fruits if not too ripe. ( Gard. Mag. vol. iv. p. 230. ) Every gardener ought also to be able to draw landscapes, figures, and animals, all manner of garden implements and structures, and plans of gardens and maps of estates. This he may acquire himself by copying the various engravings in our Encyclopedias of Gardening and Agriculture ; and for plans, maps, and landscape-scenery more particularly, by copying the elementary plate (PL 1. sold by itself, under the title of Elementary Details for Pictorial Map-drauing, for 3s. 6d. ) of our Illustrations of Landscape- Gardening and Garden Archi- tecture. He may afterwards draw figures and landscapes from nature, first through a gummed pane of glass, and next on paper ; and finally, measure and draw from nature implements and buildings, and map gardens, parks, and farms. On correctly applying, pronouncing, and spelling the names of plants ; on drawing plans neatly, and being able to produce off hand a sketch of any thing ; on being able to measure and value all kinds of country work ; above all, on good penmanship, spelling, and writing a correct and intelligent letter, much of the success in life of a gardener depends. Without i possessing these qualities, by a regular course of education at school, or determining to ' labour hard at self-instruction till he has possessed them, no young man in the present I improving age should attempt the profession. HORTUS BRITA'NNICUS. PART I. LINNEAN ARRANGEMENT. JL HE main object of the artificial system of botanical arrangement is to facilitate the discovery of the names of plants. For this purpose some one organ, common to plants in general, is fixed on; and, according to certain conditions in which this organ is found, individual species are referred to their places in the system, as words, by their initial letters, are referred to their places in an alphabetical dictionary. In the progress of artificial systems different organs have been fixed on by different botanists; but those which have been most extensively employed are the corollas by Tournefort, and the stamens and pistils by Linnwus. The system of Tournefort has been a good deal employed in France, and may be considered as the artificial system of that country ; that of Linnaeus has been employed in most other countries, and is justly esteemed by far the most perfect artificial system which has hitherto been produced. It is, therefore, adopted in this work. The application of the Linnean system in practice, Sir J. E. Smith observes, is, above all other systems, easy and intelligible. Even in pursuing the study of the natural affinities of plants, this botanist affirms " that .t would be as idle to lay aside the continual use of the Linnean system, as it would be for philologists and ogicians to slight the convenience, and indeed necessity, of the alphabet, and to substitute the Chinese character in its stead." (Introduct. to Sot.) " The student of the Linnean artificial system," he elsewhere observes, " will soon perceive that it is to be understood merely as a dictionary, to make out any plant that may fall in his way." (Gram, of Sot.) " If we examine," says Decandolle, "the artificial systems which have been hitherto devised, we shall find the most celebrated of them, that which was proposed by Linnaeus, to i>pssess a decided superiority over all others, not only because it is consistently derived from one simple prin. ciple, but also because the author of it, by means of a new nomenclature, has given to his terms the greatest distinctness of meaning." (Elements of the Philos. of Plants, by Decandolle and Sprengel.) Whether or not subsequent advances in science may enable botanists to dispense with the Linnean system altogether, it is not for us to affirm ; but in the mean time nothing can be more certain than that the Linnean system is the jest leading arrangement for such a work as the present, in the existing state of botanical knowledge in Britain. * According to the Linnean system all plants are furnished with flowers, either conspicuous or inconspicuous. The plants with conspicuous flowers are arranged according to the number and position of their stamens and pistils ; those with inconspicuous flowers are arranged according to the situation of the flowers on the plant, or according to other circumstances in the plant itself. To discover the name of a plant by the Linnean system, therefore, all that is necessary for a beginner is to possess a specimen of it in flower, and to be able to know its different parts by the names given them by botanists. To discover the class, order, and genus of a plant, it is only necessary to be able to distinguish and name the different parts of the flower. These parts are : the calyx or cup (fig. 1. a), which is that leaf, or those leaves, by which the flower is usually enclosed when in a bud, and which, when the flower is expanded, appear under it. The corolla (corona, a crown) is the colored leaf, or leaves, of a flower (fig. 1. b). The stamen (or first principle of any thing) is the thread-like process, or processes, imme- diately within the leaves of the corolla (fig. 2.) : it consists of two parts, the filament or thread (a), and the anther (b) ; this anther contains what is called the pollen, or fructi- fying meal (c). In the centre of the flower is the pistil (fig. 3.) : it consists of three parts, the germen, or rudiments of the fruit or seed (a), the style (b), and the stigma or summit (c), which crowns the style, and is destined to receive I the fructifying pollen. The pistil and stamen are the essential parts of a flower. The corolla or the calyx may be wanting, and yet the flower will be termed perfect, because the absence of those parts is no obstacle to reproduction. Even the style and the filament may be absent without preventing the formation or ripening of the fruit ; and there are many flowers which have the anther sitting close to the corolla, &c., without a filament, and the stigma to the germen without a style ; but the anther, the germen, and the stigma are essential. The seed is contained in the pericarp, or seed-vessel, which is the germen when grown to maturity. The i name of the seed-vessel varies according to its form, substance, &c. ; but the word pericarp (pert, about, karpon, | a fruit) is applicable to all its varieties. The receptacle is the base or medium which connects the other parts I of the fructification. (Magazine of Natural History, vol. i. p. 233.) i The degree of knowledge conveyed by the following Table, and the preceding observations, will enable a 1 beginner to discover at least the class and order of any plant which he may find in flower. \ * The best work in the English language for acquiring a knowledge of the Linnean System of botany is smith's Introduction to Botany, 1 vol. 8vo. The best work for acquiring a knowledge of the Natural System is Lindley's Introduction to the Natural Orders, 1 vol. 8vo. Concise and familiar Introductions to both the ' Linnean and Jussieuean Systems will be found in the Magazine of Natural History. LINNEAN ARRANGEMENT. FIRST GRAND DIVISION. Plants with conspicuous Flowers (Phanerog&mia}. -In the same flower, rMale and female organs distinct, "Stamens not united either above or below. 'Generally of equal length, CLASSES. f" 1. Mondndria (monos, one, r One, - - < aner, a man). Example, (_ Blitum capitatum. p. 1 C 2. Diandria (dit, twice, aner, Two, - - < a man). Veronica Cha- ( ma2 ( drys. 5 _ f 3. Tridndria (Ms, thrice, ' I aner,man). P6adnn.l4 f 4. Tetrandria (tetra, four, Four, - - s aner, a man). Cdrnus [_ san guinea. 37 f 5. Pentandria ( pente, five, Five, - - < aner, a man). Lysima- (. chia JSph^merum. 52 C" 6. Hexandria (hex, six, aner, Six, - - < a man.) Scula bifolia, 1 f 7. Heptandria(Aep aner, a man). Cratje'gus to the calyx, - J Oxyacantha. 19 not attached to the r erlcta. 215* - calyx, - J Of unequal length, f" 14. Didynamia (dis, twice, f Two long, and two) dyo, two, nema, a fila- [ short, - -"\ ment). TeucrJum liici- t dura. 232 f 15. Tetradynamia('nia, Tetragv'nia, Fen- tagVnia (pente, five, gyne, a woman), Polygon!* (polys, many, gyne, a woman). 4. Monogynia, Digynia, Trigynia, Polygynia. 4. Monogy'nia, Dig^nia, Tetragynia, Heptagynia (hepta, seven, gyne, a woman). 4. Monogynia, Digynia, Trigynia, Tetragynia. 3. Monogynia, Trigynia, Hexagynia (hex, six, gyne, a woman). 5. Monogynia, Digynia, Trigynia, Pentagynia, Decagynia (deka, ten, gym, a woman). 6. Monogynia, Digynia, Trigynia, Tetragynia, Pen. tagynia, Dodecagynia (dwleka, twelve, t^i/ne, a woman). 3. Monogynia, Di-pentagynia (dyo, two, pente, five, gyne, a woman), Polygynia. 5. Monogynia, Digynia, Trigynia, Pentagynia, Poly- gynia. 2. Gymnospermia (gifinnys, naked, sperma, seed), Angiospermia (aggeion, a vesse), sperma, seed). 2. Siliculosa (silicula, a silicle), Siliqubsa (siliqua, a silique). 7. Triandria, Pentandria, Heptandria, Octandria, Decandria, Dodecandria, Polyandria. 4. Pentandria, Hexandria, Octandria, Decandria. 4. Decandria, Dodecandria, Icosandria, Polyandria. 5. Polygamia aequalis (equal), Polygamia superflua (superfluous), Polygamia frustranea (frustrn, in vain), Polygamia necessaria (necessary), Poly- gamia segregata (separated). 3. Monandria, Diandria, Hexandria. tfondndria.Diandria.Triandria.Tetrandria.Pen- tandria, Hexandria, Polydndria, Monadelphia. 14. Monandria, Diandria, Triandria, Tetrandria, Pentandria, Hexandria, Octandria, Ennean- dria, Decandria, Dodecandria, Icosandria, Polyandria, Monadelphia, Gynandria. I 2. Monoe'cia, Dioe'cia. SECOND GRAND DIVISION. Plants with inconspicuous Flowers (Cryptogumia}. Reproductive organs scarcely visible,7 24. Cryptogamia (kryptos, con- so that they have not been dis- V cealed, gramos, mar- tinctly described, - - - S riage). 417. 9. Fnices s (Jilir, , hair), fem), Equisetaceae (equus, horse, Lycopodmeae (lykos, wolf, pout, foot), Marsileaceffi (Count L. F. Narrigli), .AluVci (nuisciis, moss), Hepatica- (hepar, the liver), A'lgae ( year 4 year 3 year 4 year 4 year 3 year 3 year 3 year -_- 3 year E] or 3 my B3clt 3 s.d _ G3 or 3 au.s G2 or 16 ja.f S F S o R R R R R R R.Y R R R S Bot. re^ 470 Bot.rel.'206- Bot. reg 77^ Rose scit ic ' p ~ * *' J ja.i o jG3or 10 mr.ap Pk narrow-leaved (23 or ' oriental yellow compact naked broad-leaved pa\c-Jiowering broad-leaved saffron-colored stalked rushy flaccid glaucous rufous iris-flowered . -> petiolata Rud. * 6 variegata Lo. C ! 7 bicolor Ker 8 malaccensis W. . n, , ^ m( *l- Z Maranta zebrina B. M. 5 v >lacea Lindl. violet-colored Rio Jan. India India S. Amer. 1731. E. Indies 1629. Trinidad 1819. S. Amer. 1809. W. Indies 1822. Maranh. 1823. Brazils 1822. S. Amer. 1820. Brazil 1824. S. Amer. 1825. S. Amer. 1820. S. Amer. 1822. Brazil 1825. Brazil 1818. India 1822. W. Indies 1820. 1821. Peru 1820. S. Amer. 1820. Brazil 1820. Brazil 1820. S. Amer. 1824. E. Indies 1820. E. Indies 1820. E. Indies 1820 Brazil 1818. Brazil 1818. W. Indies 1820. W. Indies 1820. 1823. 1820. Indies 1820. S. Carol. 1788. S. Amer. 1732. S. Amer. Peru 1816 D r.m D r.m D r.m D r.m D r.m D r.m R r.'m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m R r.m a Venetian physician, d. 1554.) W S. Amer. 173^ R s 1 W W.Indies 1800. D s'l Guiana 1823. D s.l Brazil 1818. R r.m Brazil 1823. R r.m Guiana 1803. R s.l Caraccas 1809. R s.l W. Indies 1820. R s 1 E. Indies 1819. R s.l E. Indies 1818. R s.l W. Indies 1800. D s.l Guiana 1818. D s.l S. Amer. 1825. D s 1 Brazil 1823. D p.l E. Indies 1820. D s.l from the form of the stigma.) R.Y Brazil 1815. R s.p Bot. reg. 775 Bot. mag. 2317 Bot. cab. 743 Bot. cab. 634 Pis. br. ic. Rosc. scit. io. Rosc. scit. ic. P.asc. scit. ic. Rose. scit. ic. Rosc. scit. ic. Rosc. scit. ic. Rosc. scit ic. Bot mag. 2323 Sal. st. 3. 2 Ex. bot. 2. 102 Bot. mag. 2302 Bot. mag. 19S8 Bot. mag.' 2307 ' SI. jam. 149 Rud. gui. 3 Rosc. scit. ic. Rosc. scit. ic. Rud. gui. 2 Jac. ic 2. 201 Bot. mag. 2398 Ru. am. 4. 7, Rosc. scit. ic. Rud. gui. 37 Bot. reg. 786 Ru. am. 5. 71 Cannes. 7 9. Bot reg. 385 P Brazil s.l Bot. reg. 961 MONANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLA; 51 flavescens Lindl. flavescent 52 Allofya. Jac. Allouya 53 longibracteata B.R. long-bractcd 54 R6ss Lo. C. Ross's 55 villosa Lo. C. villous 4. THA'LL* L. THALIA. 56 dcalbata Rose. whited 57 geniculata Rose. jointed * 5. PHRY'NIUM L. PHRTNIUM. 58 capitatum IV. headed 59 imbricatum Box. imbricated 60 dichotomum Rox. forked 61 parvitklrum Rox. small-flowered 62 grandiflorum Rose, great-flowered 63 spicatum Rox. spiked 64 Myrosma Rose. Myrrh-scented Myrosma canna?folia L.Jil. 65 comosum Rose. tufted Maranto comosa L.Jil. 66 Parkeri Rose. Parker's 67 Casupo Rose. Casupo Maranta Casupo Jac. 68 ellipticum Rose. elliptic Maranta spicata Aub. 69 virgatum Rox. twiggy 70 obliquum Lo. C. oblique 71 angustifolium i0.C. narrow-leaved Brazil 1822. D si Bot. reg. 932 Trinidad 1824. D s.l Brazil 1826. D s.l Bot. reg. 1020 Brazil 1825. D s.l Braail 1825. D s.l (J. Thalius, a German physician, d. 1588.) i* lAJ or 4 B S. Carol. 1791. 22 or 2 au.s B W. Indies 1823. Cunnece. 2. R p.l Bot. mag. 1690 D p.l PI. gen. 26. 108 (Phrynos, a frog; a plant of marshes.) C&nnece. 14. Ji fA)or 5 W.P E. Indies '1807. II s.l As. res. 11. 3 [23 or Lj Pa.R E. Indies 1818. D s.l jg 123 or 6 ' W E. Indies 1810. R s.l Vr iy\l or 4 Y E. Indies 1820. R s.l Rose. scit. ic. ^ IA1 or 1 Y Brazil 1823. R s.l Rose. scit. ic. FA1 or 1 Y E. Indies 1825. R s.l Rose. scit. ic. E3or 2 W S. Amer. 1820. R r.m Rose. scit. ic. [23 or 3 Y Surinam 1812. R r.m Rose. scit. ic. (23 or 123 or 2 13 Grenada 1823. S. Amer. 1820. R r.m Rose, scit ic. R r.m Rose. scit. ic. l| Pa.Y Guiana 1822. R r.m Rose, scit ic. ES or 8 jn.jl W E. Indies 1818. D s.l j 23 or 1| my.jl Y E. Indies 1824. D s.l H [23 or li my.jl Y E. Indies 1824. D s.l 6. HEDY'CHIUM Kb'n. HEDYCHIUM. (Hedys, sweet, chion, snow ; flower.) Scitaminets. 20. 72 coronarium Rox. garland [23 or 5 jn.s Y E. Indies 1791. R p.l Bot. mag. 708 73 angustifolium Rox. narrow-leaved ^ (23 or 5 jn.s S E. Indies 1815. R S.1 Rose. scit. ic. 74 aurantiacum Rose. orange-colored j (23 or 5 O E. Indies 1812. D s.l Rose, scit ic. angustifolium B. M 75 coccineum Rose. scarlet j [23 or 6 S E. Indies 1815. D s.l Bot. reg. 157 angustifolium B. R. 76 gracile Rox. slender . [23 r 3 jn W Bengal 1823. R S.1 77 carneum Carey flesh-colored 123 or 4 au Pk E. Indies 1823. D 1 Bot. mag. 657 78 longifolium Rose. Idng-leaved LAI or 6 jn.jl R E. Indies 1819. I) s.l Rose. scit. ic. 79 flavum Rox. yellow ^ 23 or 3 Y Nepal 1822. R s.l Bot. cab. 604 80 flavescens Lod. flavescent tf [y^] QJ. 6 Y India 1822. R s.l Bot. cab. 723 81 heteromallum B. R. variable-haired fAl or 3 Y India 1822. R s.l Bot. reg. 767 82 speciusum Wai. showy IAI or 8 au.s Pa.Y E. Indies 1823. D s.l 83 maximum Rose. largest (23 or 8 au W E. Indies 1820. D s.l Rose. scit. ic. 84 elatum R.Br. tall up IAI or 5 jn.d Pa.R E. Indies 1818. R s.l Bot. reg. 526 85 Gardner/rtnww Wai Gardner's (23 or 7 Y E. Indies 1819. R r.s Bot. reg. 771 86 villosum Wai. villous n\~\ Qf 3 Crea E. Indies 1823. D S.1 Rose. scit. ic. 87 glaucum Rose. sea-green (23 or Si W E. Indies 1822. 1) s.l Rose. scit. ic. 88 ellipticum Sm. elliptic IAI or jl.s W E. Indies 1804. D S.1 Rose. scit. ic. 89 acuminatum Br. acuminate f (23 or 4 W E. Indies 1820. D s.l Rose. scit. ic. 90 spicatum B. M. spiked (23 or 3 jn Y India 1810. R CO Bot. mag. 2300 91 thyrsiforme Sm. thyrse- formed \ IAI or 4 W Nepal 1618. D s.l Rose, scit ic. 7. ROSCO'E^ Sm. ROSCOEA. (W.Roscoe , the historian of the Medici.) Scitammece. 5. 92 purpurea Sm. purple \ [23 or 1 P Nepal 1820. R S.1 Ex. bot. 97 93gracilis Sm. slender I [23 or 1 P Nepal 1821. U S.1 94 elatior Sm. taller ?AI or 1 P Nepal 1820. D s.l 95 spicata Sm. spiked ^ 23 or 1 P Nepal 1820. 1) s.l 96 capitata Sm. capitate 3 IAI or 1 P Nepal 1819. D s.l 8. ALPI'NM L. ALPINIA. (P. Alpini, an Italian physician, d. 1615.) Scitaminece. 24. 97 comosa Jac. tufted-spiked IAI or 1 ap.jn W Caraccas 1752. R s.l Jac. ic. v. 3 98 Galdnga Swz. Galanga 23 fit 6 o!f W.Y E. Indies ... R s.l Ru. am. 5. 63 99 racemosa Rose. racemose fAlor 5 J1.S W W. Indie. 1752. R S.1 PI. ic. 11. 20 100 occidentals Swz. occidental ^ IAI or (S jl W Jamaica 1793. R S.1 101 nutans Rose. nodding * IA1 or 13 ap.jn Pk E. Indies 1792. R s.l Ex. bot. 2. 106 102 diffissa /taw. two-cleft [23 or 6 P.B.Y E. Indies 1818. 1) s.l Rose. scit. ic. 103 auriculata Rose. eared JAl or ii R.Y E. Indies 1814. D s.l Rose. scit. ic. 104 exaltata Mey. lofty ; IA1 or 2u" my.jn R.Y Surinam 1820. 1) s.l Rose. scit. ic. 105 cernua A M. drooping ) [23 or 6 ap.jn Pk E. Indies 1804. R s.l Hot. mag. 1900 106 calcarata Rose. spur-Jiowered g (23 or 3 s W E. Indies 1800. R s.l Bot. rep. 421 107 malaccensis Rose. Malayan 1 fAl or 5 W E. Indies 1799. R s.l Bot. reg. 328 108 mutica .Bo*. spurless 23 or S au W E. Indies 1811. R S.1 Rose. seit. ic. 109 bracteata Rox. bracteate 17V! or 3 my.jn W E. Indies 1824. 1) s.l 110 Antillarum A Sf S. Antilles rAI or 4 my.jn F W.Indies 1826. 1) s.l SI. jam. 105. 2 Ill penicillata ^osc. pencilled iAJ or 3 my.jn Pk China ... D s.l Rose, scit ic. 112 spicata Rox. spiked [Al or 2 Sumatra 1822. R r.m 113 striata Lk. striated 23 or 4 E. Indies 1818. 1) s.l 114 Roscoea/ia R. & S Roscoe's 1 lAlor 3 my R'" E. Indies 1823. D S.1 bracteata Rose, non Rox. 115 Cardambmum ./Jew. cardamom 23clt 8 au W.P E. Indies 1815. R S.1 R.mal.11.4,5 116 tubulata B. R. tubular fAl or 2 R Demerara 1820. R s.l Bot. reg. 777 117 punicea Rox. scarlet fAlor 6 mr S E. Indies 1820. I) 8.1 118 media Spr. mediate ^ [Al or 6 R E. Indies 1815. D S.l 10. 4, 5 Cardamomum medii im Rox. 119 linguffiformis Rox. tongue-formed fAlor 6 R E. Indies 1820. D s.l 120 Allughas Rose. Allug.of Ceylon [23 or 2 R E. Indies 1796. R s.l Bot. rep. 501 *9. HELLE'NI^ W. HELLENIA. (C. N. Hellenius, Professor at Abo.) Scitaminea;. 2. 5. 121 crerulea R. Br. blue-berried 23 or 4 jn.jl W N. Holl. 1820. D s.l Rose, scit ic. 122chinensis W. China 10. ZI'NGIBER Gae. GINGER. 123 panduratum Rox. fiddle-lipped 124 Mioga Rose. Mioga 125 officinale Rose. officinal | or 3 jn.jl W China 1825. D s.l (The original Indian name.) Scitaminece. 13. 14. I 23 or 3 my.jn Pk E. Indies 1812. R s.l t LAJ or 2 my.jn Pk Japan 1796. R r.m eCAJclt 2 R E. Indies 1605. R r.m Jac. vin. 1.73 ORDER I. MONANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 126 Zerumbet Rose. 127 Casumtiuar Rox. 128 purpijreum Rose. 129 roseiim Ilox. 130 rubens Rox. 131 ligulatum Rox. 132 sqiiarrosum Rox. 133 chrysanthum Rose. 134 capitatum Rose. 135 elatum Rox. 11. COSTUSRosc. 136 arabicus L. 137spicatus W. 138 speciosus Ttosc 139 nepalensis Rose. Zerumbet Casumunar purple-bractcd rosy red ligulate rough-spiked gold-flowered capitate lofty COSTUS. Arabian spiked showy Nepal fA| or 4 au Y. E. Indies 1690. R r.m Ex. bot. 2. 112 [Al or 2 s.n W.Y E. Indies 1807. R r.m Bot. mag. 1426 fA~[ or 2 s P E. Indies 1796. R S.1 23 or 2 au R.Y E. Indies 1822. R s.l Rox. cor. 2. 126 [A] or (5 o.n R E. Indies 1822. R s.l Rose. scit. ic, fA~l or 2 Pk K. Indies 1823. D s.l fAl or 2 au Pk E. Indies 1822. R S.1 23 or 8 Y E. Indies 1821. R s.l Rose. scit. ic. [A] or 4 Y E. Indies 1825. R s.l Rose. scit. ic. 23 or 6 Y E. Indies 1820. R s.l (Gosth, its Arabic name.) Scitaminea;. 10. 17. 23 or 2 au W both Ind. 1752. R s.l speciosus ft angustifolius B. R. 140 afer B. R. African 141 maculatus Rose. spotted afer /3 hirsutus B. R. 142 spiralis Rox. Alp. spiralis Jac. 143 Pisonw Lindl. 144 villosissimus Jac. 145 lanatus Lo. C. spiral Pison's ^ most villous % woolly ^ 12. KIEMPFE'RIA L. GALANGALE. 146 rotunda L. 147 Galdnga L. 148 angustifolia 149 pandurata Roi 150 latifolia Dorm 151 ovalifolia Rox. 152 marginata Jac. round-rooted Galanga narrow-leaved fiddle-shaped broad-leaved oval margined 13. ^MO'MUM Rose. AMOMUM. 153 Afzel Rose. Afzelius's 154 grandiflprum Sm. large-flowered 155 angustitolium Rox. narrow-leaved IAJ or 1 jn Y W. Indies 1793. R s.l Rose. scit. ic. [A] or 3 au W E. Indies 1799. R s.l Jac. ic. 1. 1 fAl or 3 W R Indies 1799. II S.1 Bot. reg. 665 IA1 or 2 jn.jl W S. Leone 1822. R s.l Bot. reg. 683 23 or 2 W S. Leone 1822. R S.1 Rose, scit ic. 23 or 4 n.d S St. Vine. ... R s.l Jac. sc. 1. 1 FA) or fAl or 2i jn.jl 6 n.d c Y Maranhaol823. St. Vine. 1822. R R s.l s.l Bot. reg. 899 Jac. fr. 80 [Al or 3 my.jn ... S. Amer. 1820. U s.l (E. Kcempfer, a German naturalist, d. 1716.) 23 or 1 R.vv E. Indies 1764. R ScitaminctE. 7. 8. s.l Bot. mag. 920 23 clt 1 jn.s W.P E. Indies 1728. R s.l Bot. mag. 850 IAJ or m.ap W.B E. Indies 1797. R s.l Red lil. 7. 389 23 or ap.jn P E. Indies 1797. R s.l Bot. reg. 173 23 or ap.jn W E. Indies 1803. R s.l fAl or jl B Malacca 1822. R s.l Rose. scit. ic. [Al or B E. Indies 1822. R s.l Rose. scit. ic. whiced wild smallcardamom prickly broad-leaved subulate 156 dealbatum Rox. 157 sylvestre Swz. 158 C'ardamomum L. 159 aculeatum Rox. 160 latifolium Afz. 161 subulatum Rox. 162 Grana Paradisi W. grain of parad. 163 maximum Rox. greatest 164 aromaticum Rox. aromatic I65sericeum Rox. . silky 14. CURCU'MA L. TURMERIC. 166 Zedodria Rose. Zedoary 167 aromatica Sal. 168 latifolia Rose. 169 Zer&mbet Rox. 170 sruginosa Rox. 171 rubescens Rox. 172 cae'sia Rox. 173 comosa Rox. 174 elata Rox. 175 ferruginea Rox. 176 leucorhiza Rox. 177 xanthorhiza Rox. 178 rubricaulis Lk. 179 angustifolia Rox. 180 viridiflora Rox. 181 petiolata Rox. privative, ma/nos, impurity; a counter-poison.) Scitaminea;. 13. 20. 3 my.jn Pk S. Leone 1795. R r.m An. bot. 1. 13 3 jn.jl W S. Leone 1795. R r.m Ex. bot. Ill 8 jn.jl R Madagasc. ... R r.m Son. it. 2. 137 fAl or 23 or I or 3 mr.ap W Bengal 1819. W. Indies 1819. pa.Br E. Indies 1820. SI. jam. 1.105 Ru. am. 5. 65. 1 As. res. 11. 6 R s.l R s.l D s.l D s.l D s.l R s.l R r.m R.mal. 11.6 R s.l Bot. reg. 929 D s.l D s.l 182 Amdda Rox. 183 longa Ros. 184 montana Rox. 185 reclinata Rox. aromatic broad-leaved Zerumbet rusty rubescent grey tutled-flowered tall ferrugineous white-rooted yellow-rooted red-stemmed narrow-leaved green-flowered petiolated Amada-ginger long-rooted mountain reclinate R s.l Rose. scit. ic. R r.m Bot. mag. 2000 R r.m R r.m Rose. scit. ic. R s.l Rose. scit. ic. Rose. scit. ic. 15. GLO'BBA Rose. GLOBBA. 186 marant//ifl Rose. maranta-like 187 bulbifera Rox. 188 orixensis Rox. 189 Careyawz Rox. 190 erecta Dec. 191 racemosa Sm. H6ra Rox. 192 pendula Rox. 193 sessiliflora B. M. (Kurkum, the Arabic name.) Scitaminea. 20. 3 R R Indies 1797. R r.m Bot. mag. 1546 Y E. Indies 1804. R s.l Rose. scit. ic. E. Indies 1820. E. Indies 1807. E. Indies 1807. E. Indies 1805. Bengal 1819. E. Indies 1819. R s.l E. Indies 1819. R s.l E. Indies 1819. R s.l E. Indies 1819. R s.l Amboyna 1819. R Indies 1822. R Indies 1822. R s.l As. res. 11. 5 Sumatra 1822. R s.l Pegu 1822. Bengal 1819. E. Indies 1759. R s.l E. Indies 1824. R s.l E. Indies 1824. D s.l (So named in the Moluccas.) Scitaminea. 8. 9. R s.l R s.l R s.l Rose. scit. ic. R s.l Rose. scit. ic. Jac. vin. 3. 4 Rox. cor. 151 bulbiferous Orixian Dr. Carey's upright racemose pendulous sessile-flowered 23 or liJUu Y IAJ or 2 Y fAl or 2 Pk 23 or li an Y fAl or l" jn jl W [A] or 1 jnjl Y fAl or 1 Y 23 or liau Y R Indies 1800. R s.l E. Indies 1820. D s.l E. Indies 1819. D s.l Pegu 1822. E. Indies 1820. Ceylon 1812. R s.l R s.l Ex. bot. 2. 103 As. res. 11. 8 Bot. cab. 6rfl Red. lil. 174 E. Indies 1822. Pegu 1807. R s.l Sm. ex. bot. 117 D s.l Rox. cor. 3. 228 R s.l 16. MANTI'SIA Sims MANTISIA. (The flowers resemble the insect mantis.) Scitaminea?. 2. 194 saltatoria B. M. dancing-girls fAl or 1 jn P R Indies 1808. R s.l Bot mag. 1320 195 spatulata Rox. spatulate C3 or 1 jn.jl B E. Indies 1823. R s.l 17. PHI'LYDRUM R. Br. PHILYDHUM. (Philos,alover,hydor, water.) Related to Jtmraz?,R.B. 1. 2. 196 Ianugin6sum R. Br. woolly 18. LOPE'Z/yi Cav. 197 hirsuta Jac. 198 racemosa Cav. 199 fruttscens Dec. 200pfimila Kth. 201 hispida Swt. 202 coronata //. K. 203 cordata Horn. LOPEZIA. hairy racemose frutescent dwarf hispid cordate H OJor 3 jn.jl Y China 1801. C l.p Bot. mag. 783 (T. Lopez, , a Spanish botanist.) Onagrdrics. 7. 10. OJ or lj s.n R Mexico 1796. S CO Jac. c. 5. 15. 4 V OJ or 1 i au.o R Mexico 1792. S CO Bot. mag. 254 a. 1 1 pr 1 jl-s R Mexico 1826. s r.m iJLs R Mexico 1824. B r.m O or t| s.o R Mexico 1826. 8 CO Sw. fl. gar. ic. in d or 1 1 jl s R Mexico 1805. S CO Hot , rep. 551 or n 2 jl.'s P Mexico 1821. s CO 13 "2 MONANDRIA DIGYNIA. CLASS I. ORDER II. 19. BOERHAA'V/yl L. HOGWEED. 204 erecta L. upright 205 ditfusa W. spreading 206 procumbens Roxb. procumbent 207 hirsuta L. 208 plumbaginea Cav. 209 discolor Kth. 210 viscosa Lag. 211 scandens L. 212 excelsa W. hairy Plumbago-like two- colored clammy climbing tall 20.CENTRA'NTHUSD,c. 214 angustifolius Dec. narrow-leaved 215Calcitrapa Ditfr. caltrop-leaved 21. rOCHY'SIA Poir. VOCHY. 216 excelsa Lam. lofty Jamaica Spain 1820. S co Guayaquill825. S co Peru 1821. C Jamaica 1691. S. Amer. 1820. C 23. SALICO'RNIA L. GLASSWORT. (Sal, salt, cornu a horn j salt-wort.) Chenog Arabia i/oo. 1 | or ! | or Al cu A or O clt O clt 218arabica W. Arabian 219 fruticosa L. shrubby 220 perennans W. perennial 221 radlcans E. B. rooting 222 herbacea L. herbaceous 223 procumbens E. B. procumbent 24. HI PPU'RIS L. MARESTAIL. 24 vulgaris L. common 25. ZOSTE'RA L. WRACKGRASS. 225 marina L. marine ^ A { 26. CHLORA'NTHUS Swx. CHLORANTHUS. 226 inconspicuus Swz. obscure - LJ cu 227 mon6stachys Lindl. one-spiked j El cu 228 monander R. Br. one-anthered tt. CD cu 1 au.s | au.s 1 s 1 au.s i au A P Ap Ap Ap AP Ap Arabia ' 1758. C s.l Britain sea sh. S s Siberia 1823. S 8.1 Britain sea sh. S s Britain sea sh. S s England sal. m. S 1 6. 18. M.h. 2. 33. 7 Eng. bot. 2467 Pal it. 1. D. 1 Eng. bot. 1691 Eng. bot. 415 Eng. bot. 1691 1 ap.s 1 l|jn Ap Ap Ch n China 3. 4. Lind. col. 17 CLASS I. ORDER 2. MONA'NDRIA DIGY'NIA. * 27. CORISPE'RMUM L. TICKSEED. 229 Ayssopifolium L. hyssop-leaved 230 squarrosum L. rough-spiked 231 Redowskw Fis. Redowsky's 232 intermedium Schw. intermediate 233p6ngens Vahl pungent 234 nitidum R 8f S. clear 235 canescens W. $ K. canescent 236 patens R. $ S. 237 tenue Lk. 238 glomeratum Lag. 239 Marschallw Stev. spreading slender glomerated Marshall's 28. CALLI'TRICHE W. WATER STARWORT. 240 verna L. spring aquatica E. B. 2 aquatica E. Fl. 41 aulumnalis L. aquatica y E. B. 29. 5LFTUM L. 24-2 capitatum L. 243 virgatum L. twiggy o 244 chenopodioides Lam. chenopod.-like O 245 petiolare Lk. petiolate O 246 maritimum Nut. sea-side Siberia 1822. S co. Poland 1822. S co Siberia 1818. S co Hungary 1820. S co Hungary 1824. S co ..f... 1824. S co 1825. S co 1824. S co Caucasus 1820. S co Bux.c.3.56 Haloragece. 2. S aq Eng. bot 722 water autumnal STRAWBERRY ELITE. (Bliton, insipid, Gr. and Celt.} O or 2 O or 2 mv.s un 2| Ap Crimea un 1| Ap dit. dit aq Col ec. 1. 316 Eng. bot. 722. 2 1824. S co N. Amer. 1825. S co 30. MNIA'RUM Forst. MMARUM. (Uniaros, mossy.) ( % 247 biflorum Forst. two-flowered iAJ cu i jn.jl W N \ Ap 1 2. 1823. S s.p For. co. goet. 1.1 i, a shield, karpos, a fruit.) M 1 | fr 15 W S. Europe ... C r.m Bot. cab. 456 3 latitolia broad-leaved ] : i_jfr 15 W S. Europe ... C r.m 4 ferruginea iron-colored 15 W S. Europe ... C r.m 5 obliqua oblique-feaved * L_Jfr 15 W S. Europe ... C r.m 6 Auxitolia box-leaved * > Ljfr 15 W S. Europe ... C r.m 256 verrucosa Thun. warted I ft) |or (5 W C. G. H. 1814. C p.l 257 americana L. American i ll_|or 6 jn W N. Amer. 1758. s s.p Cat. car. 1. 61 258 dioica Rox. dioecious ' k CD or SO mr W E. Indies 1818. C s.l 259 cernua fa/W drooniner a 1 1 lor 10 W Mauritius 1816. C s.l 260 Roxburgh/rt'/wzR.&S. Dr. Roxburgh 's C~| or 15 au.s W E. Indies 1820. C r.m paniculata Rox. 261 fragrans Thun. 262 lancea Vahl fragrant J lance-leaved 4 Hor or 4 20 Y W China 1771. I. France 1819. L C p.l r.m Bot. mag. 1552 263 capensis L. 264 emarginata FaA/ Cape i emarginate ' HOT or 5 40 jn.s au.s W W C. G. H. 1730. Madagas. 1825. C C p.l r.m Bot. reg. 613 Lam. il. 8. 2 265 undulata Jac. Vfave-leaved i 1 1 | or 6 W C. G. H. 1730. C P 1 Bot. cab. 379 266 arborea Lo. C. tree j 1 |or 20 au.s W 1825. C r.m 267 excelsa //. K. tall 1 |or 15 my W Madeira 1784 s p.l 268 paniculata 7J. J?r. panicled [ l_Jor 10 jl \v N. HolL 1825. C r.m *37. PHILLY'REA L. PHILLYREA. (Phyllon. a leaf; leafv.) Oleirue. 11. 269 angustifolia L. narrow-leaved or 8 my.jn W S. Europe 1597. L S.1 Lam. iL 8. 3 2 rosmarinifolia rosemary-lvd or 8 my.jn W S. Europe 1597. L s.l 3 brachiata brachiate or 8 my.jn W S. Europe 1597. L s.l 270 media L. mediate or 15 my.jn W S. Europe 1597. L s.p 2 Auxitolia box-leaved or 15 my.jn W S. Europe 1597. L s.p / 271 virgata W. twiggy or 15 my.jn W S. Europe 1597. L S.1 272 pendula H. K. drooping or 15 my.jn W S. Europe 1597. L S.1 273 oleaeiolia H. K. olive-leaved or 15 my.jn W S. Europe 1597. L S.1 274 HgurtrifSlia W. privet-leaved or 15 myjn W S. Europe 1596. C l.p 275 lee'vis W. smooth-leaved or 15 my.jn W S. Europe 1597. L S.1 276 ilicifolia W. holly-leaved or 15 my.jn W S. Europe 1597. L 8.1 277 latitolia L. broad-leaved or 15 my.jn W S. Europe 1597. C r.m 278 obliqua H. K. 279 robi'ista Rox. oblique-leaved * or robust J 1 i tm 15 60 my.jn jn.jl W W S. Europe 1597. E. Indies 1824. C C r.m S.1 38. CHTONA'NTHUS L. FRINGE TREE. (Chion, snow, anthos, a flower.) Olline. 3. 8. 280 virginica L. Virginian =" or 30 my.jl W N. Amer. 1736. L p.l Cat. car. 1. 69 281 maritima Ph. marine & or 10 my.jl W N. Amer. 1736. L p.l 282 axillaris R. Br. axil-flowering 31 d) or 7 my.jl W E. Indies 1810. C p.l 39. NOTELJE'A Ven. NOTELJJA. (Notos, south, elaia, olive.) <283 longifolia R. Br. 284 punctata R. Br. 285 ovata R. Br. 286/igustrina J'cn. 287 rigida Desf. long-leaved spotted ovate-leaved privet-leaved rigid : | | or 1 | or * t_Jor m | | or a I | or 3 mr.jn 3 jn.jl 2 jn.jl 3 3 jlau 5. -6. N. S. W. 1790. C s.p Bot. rep. 316 N.S. W. 1824. C s.p N, S. W. 1824. C s.p V. Di. L. 1807. C s.p V. Di. L. 1821. C s.p *40. LIGU'STRUM L. PRIVET. (Ligare, to tie ; its flexible branches.) Oleince. 2. 4. 288 lucidum H. K. 2 floribimdum 289 vulgare L. 2 sempervirens 3 xanthocarpum 4 leucocarpum 5 variegatum 6 angustifolium 41. SYRFNGA L. 290 vulgaris L. 2 violacea 3 alba 4 variegata 5 purpurea 291 chinensis L. shining profuse-flwd common evergreen yellow-berried white-berried variegated narrow-leaved 8 jn.s 8 jn.s 10 jn.jl 8 jn.jl 8 jn.jl 8 jn.jl 8 jn.jl 8 jn.jl W China 1794. g.l s.l W China 1794. g.l s.l W Britain hedg. S co W Italy L co W Italy ... L co W W Britain Britain hedg. gard. L co L co W Britain hedg. L co Eng. bot. 64 4 rothomagensis Turp. Rouen h 292 persica L. Persian 2 alba white Slaciniata cut-leaved LILAC. (Syrinx, the native name in Barbary.) Oleince. common & or 8 my B " ' violet-flowered S& or 8 my P white & or 5 my W variegated-Zw/ & or 8 my P purple-flowered 3fe or 10 my P Chinese 3fe or 4 my.jn V 4 my.jn V 5 my P 2 my \V 5 my P Persia Persia Persia Persia Persia China China Persia Persia Persia 1597. Skco ... Skco ... Sk co Sk co ... Sk co 1795. L Lp ... L Lp L s.p 42. NYCTA'NTHES L. NYCTANTHES. (Nyx, night, anthos, a flower.) 293 arbor tristis L. *43. JASMI'NUMi. 294 Sdmbac L. 2 flore pleno 3 trifoliatum 295 liirsutum L. '.:>; /auritoliuTTi Rox. 2!.7 angustifolium L. 1640. L .'.. L Lp Jasrmnece. 3. 4. Schk.han. 1.2 Bot. mag. 133 Bot. mag. 486 tree of sadness * CD or 15 JASMINE. (Ysmyn, the Arabic name.) 6 year W 6 year W 6 year W 3 W or 4 my.s W or 10 year W B 3 1. W E. Indies 1781. C r.m Bot. reg. 399 Jasminece. 33. 51. Bot. reg. 1 Bot. rep. 497 Bot mag. 1785 Ex. bot 2. 118 R Indies 18!9. C r.m Bot reg. 521 E. Indies 1816. C s.l Bur. in. 4. 2 E. Indies 1665. C r.m E. Indies 1700. C r.m E. Indies 1730. C r.m E. Indies 1759. C r.m DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS II. 298 glaucum H. K. 299 scandens Vahl 300 bracteatum Rox. 301 latifolium Rox. 302 arborescens Rox. 303 trinerve Vahl 304 simplicifoliumFors/ 305 gracile R. Br. 306 elongatum L. 307 acuminatum R. Br. 308 paniculatum Rox. 309 undulatum Vahl 310 auriculatum Vahl 311 campanulatum Lk. 312 flexile Vahl 313 capense /%re. 314 zeylanicum Ma. C. 315 tortuosum W. flexile Jac. 316 dispermum Wai. 317 divaricatum fl. #r. 318 heterophyllumtfoj:. 319 azoricum L. 320 fruticans L. 321 humile L. 322 odoratissimum L. 323 revolutum B. R. 324 officinale L. 2 fol. argenteis 3 fol. aureis 4 fl6ribus plenis 325 grandiflorum L. 326 stenopetalum Lindl. glaucous climbing large-bracted broad-leaved arborescent three-nerved simple-leaved slender elongated acuminate panicled wavy auriculated campanulate flexible Cape Ceylon twisted two-seeded i_J or divaricate g_ I I or variable-leaved i | or Azorian fl_ I I or sprouty & or low & or sweetest-scent. &_ \ I or revolute-./Zu)rf |_ i I or officinal J, or silver-leaved J, or golden-leaved _& or double-flowered J. or large-flowered fl_ I I or narrow-petaled CD or 10 ap.jl 14 jn.jl 5 ap.n 3 apo 3 jn.s 3 my.n 12 mr.o 15 jn.o 15 jn.o 15 jn.o 15 jn.o 15 jn.o 4 C. G. H. 1774. E. Indies 1820. E. Indies 1818. E. Indies 1817. E. Indies 1824. E. Indies 1804. S. Seas 1800. Norfolk 1. 1791. E. Indies 1820. N. Holl. 1820. China 1818. China 1819. E. Indies 1700. 1822. E Indies 1825. C. G. H. 1816. Ceylon 1823. C. G. H. 1818. Nepal 1825. N. Holl. 1819. Nepal lf>20. Madeira 1724. S. Europe 1570. S. Europe 1656. Madeira 1656. E. Indies 1812. E. Indies 1548. E. Indies E. Indies ... E. Indies E. Indies 1629. E. Indies 1824. C Lp Sal. st. 8 C co C s.l C s.l C r.m C l.p C r.m C s.p C r.m C Lp C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m r.m Bot. mag. 980 Bot. rep. 127 Ber. ph. tr. 1772. CU Bot. cab. 469 Bot. reg. 436 Bot. reg. 264 r.m Jac. sc. 4. 490 Bot. reg. 129<> C l.p C r.m C r.m C r.m Bot. reg. 89 C r.m Bot mag. 461 Bot. reg. 350 Bot. mag. 285 Bot. reg. 178 Bot. mag. 31 L co C r.m C r.m C co C co C co C co C r.m C co Bot. reg. 91 44. LEPTA'NDRA Nut. 327 virginica Nut. Vir_ Veronica virginica L. 2 incarnata flesh-colored 328 sibirica Nut. Siberian Veronica sibirica L. LEPTANDRA. (Leptos, slender, aner inian A or 5 W , an anther.) Scrophuldrirue. 2. 1714. D co Hof. got. 15. 1 A or A or 5 3 1714. D co 1779. D co Am. rut 20. 4 331 maritima L. marine 332 Hostw R. & S. Host's 333 Stephanz'ffWrt R. & S. Stephan's 334 angustifolia Fis. narrow-leaved 335 spuria Schr. 336 paniculata Pall. 337 complicata Hofg. 338 azurea Schott 339 polystachya Lk. 340 glabra Schr. 2 alba 341 leucantha Fis. spurious panicled sky-blue many-spiked smooth white white-flowered 342 amethystina W. en. amethyst 343 elatior Ehrfi. 344 acuta Mart. 345 argute Schr. 346 melancolicaltes/'. 347 nitida Lk. 348 longibracteata Lk. 2 latifolia 349 media Schr. 350 oersicifolia Schott 351 praealta H. C. 352 australis Schr. 353 longifolia L. 2 incarnata 3 alba 354 grossa Mart. 355 ambigua Mart. 356 falcata Mart. 357 neglecta Vahl 358 incana L. taller acute sharp-notched melancholy clear long-bracted broad-leaved mediate peach-leaved very high southern long-leaved flesh-colored white gross doubtful fa\cate-leaved neglected hoary 359 grandis Fis. grand 360 Wormski61dM - R.&S. Wormskiold's stiff elegant short-leaved spiked small flesh-eld Ecluse's 361 rigens Mart. 362 elegans Dec. 363 brevifolia Lk. 364 spicata L. 365 incarnata G. Don 366 C1US Schott JLA^U^ o 367 Waldsteimana Schott. Waldstein's 368 confusa R. 4- S. confused 369 menthtzfolia Schott mint-leavea 370 Barrelierz Schott Barrelier's 371 orchidea Crz. orchis-flowered 372 longiflora R. 8j S. long-rlowered 373corymbosaflbr/. corymbose 374 hybrida L. hybrid 375 ciassifolia Kit. thick-leaved 376 ruthenica Jac. Russian 377 Ponce Gou. Fona's A or A or A or A or A r A r A or A or A or A or A r A r A or A or A or A r A or A or A or A r A or A or __ A r ^ ^ or ^ A or ^ A or & A or & A or .^ A r ^ A r & A r ^ A r ^ A r ^ A or ^ A or ^ A or ;v A r ^ A or ^ A or ^ A r ^ A or & A or ^ A r i A or ^ A or 5K A or A or ^ A or tA or A r l.s jn.jl 2 s.o 3 jl.s 2 jl.s 4 jl.s 4 jl.s 2 4 jl.s 7 jl.s 5 jn.jl 3 jl.s 1 jn.jl 2 1 au.s 2 jl.s 4 jn.jl 3 jl.s 3 jl.s 2 jn.jl 3 jn.jl 1 jn.jl B B B B L.B B B B B B W W B B B B B B B B B B B B B F W B B B Germany 1819. Persia 1821. Siberia 1822. Siberia 1731. Russia 1797. S. Europe 1812. 1821. 1821. S. Europe 1804. Siberia' IS*!?. S. Europe 1812. S. Europe 1808. 1822. S. Europe 1812. 1820. Europe 1817. ...7.. 1817. 1818 Germany 1804. 1823. 1817. S. Europe 1812. S. Europe 1731. 1| 2 jl.s ?& 2 my.jn B 2 my.jn Pk 1 jn.jl B 1 jl.s B f F i jl-s B J B 1* jnjl Crimea 1821. Sweden 1823. 1820. D.B Siberia 1797. B Russia 1759. W Siberia 1826. B Greenlandl819. 1823. S. France 1822. 1822. England 1800. . 1 jl.s . 1 jn.jl U Jnjl 1 jl.s 2J my.jn 2 my.jn i my.jn 1819. Austria 1823. S. Europe 1823. Europe 1819. 1824. 1817. England moun. Europe 1822. Russia 1821. Pyrenees 1822. _ co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D s.l D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co trince. 134. 170 W. & K. 2. 102 Hof. ph. E. 3 Sc. v. 29. 1. 1 1.3S Hof. ph. E. 4 Sc. v. 25. 1. 4 Sc. v. 22. 2. 2 Sc. v. 23. 1.2 Sc.v.24.2.S Sc.v.24.2.1 W. & K. 3. 244 Hof. got. 15. 6 Bot. mag. 2975 Eng. bot. 2 Bot. mag. 2210 Eng. bot. 673 Gou. il. 1. 1 ORDER I. DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 378 villosa Schr. villous ^ A or 1 jl.s B S. Europe 1804. D CO Sc.v.31.1.3 379 piimata L. 380 incisa H. K. pmnate-lcaved ^ cut-leaved & A or A r 1 2 B B Siberia 1776. Siberia 1779. 1) 1) CO CO Hof. got 15. 10 Bot. cab. 1397 381 laciniata H. K. j agged- lea ved ^ A or 2 B Siberia 1780. D CO Jun. ic. 2 382 parviflora Vahl small-flowered n. l_|or 1 jn.jl B New Zeal. 1822. C s.p 383 gentianoidcs Vahl 384 pallida Horn. gentian-like ^ pale ^ A or A or 2 my.jn 1 my.jn D.B B Levant 1748. Tauria 1821. 1) 1) CO CO Bot. mag. 1002 385 Aellidioides L. daisy-like ^ A or 1 jnjl B Switzerl. 1775. D CO Hal. h. 15. 1 386 fruticulosa L. shrub-like-tfM n. or | F Scotland sc. alp. D CO Eng. bot. 1028 387 saxatilis L. rock Jk A or 4J1 B Scotland sc. alp. D CO Eng. bot. 1027 388 nummularia C?0. moneywort-/^ -* A or i jnjl B Pyrenees 1820. 1) CO 1.1. 2 389 alpina L. alpine .* A or my B Europe 1) CO 2 integrifolia R.Sf S. entire-leaved -* 3 pumila All. dwarf -* A or A r | my.jn s my B B Silesia 1814. Piedmont 1819. D 1) CO s.p Kr. sil. 28. 3 Al. ped. 22. 1 4 obtusifolia fl. $S. obtuse-leaved -* A or i my B Scotland moun. D s.p Eng. bot. 484 5 heterophyllafl.^YS'. variable-leaved-* 6 rotundifolia fl.# S. round-leaved ^ 390 depauperata Kit. impoverished ^ 391 serpyliifolia L. Serpyllium-lvd -X A or A or A or A or 4 my ^my i apjl B B B B Europe ... D Europe 1816. D Hungary 1823. D Britain D s.p s.p s.p CO Bra. sal. 15. 2 W. & K. 3. 245 Eng. bot. 1075 2 tenella Sc//m. tender -* A or i ap.jn B Europe 1) s.p 3 neglecta Schm. neglected -* A or i my.jn B Europe D CO 4 quaternata quaternate -* A or i my.jn B Europe D CO 5 nummularifolia money wort-lvd -Jk A or J my.jn B Europe D CO 6 humifusu humifuse -* A or | my.jn B Europe ... U CO 392 tenella All. tender ^ .Alpr I my.jn B France 1820. D CO Al. ped 22. 1 393 erotica Pall. Cretan ^ Al pr 4 my.jn B Crete 1819. D CO 394 mrcrophylla Kit. 395 decussata H. K. small-leaved ^ cross-letived tt. A or 1 | or * apjl 1 B B Hungary 1822. Falkl. I. 1776. 1) C S.p r.m Bot. mag. 242 396 aphylla L. leafless-stalked & A or 5 my B Italy 1775. D CO Seg.ver.1.3.2 397 Beccabtinga L. Brook-lime =2= A clt 2 my.jn B Britain rivul. 1) CO Eng. bot. 655 398 caroliniana Pair. Carolina ^= A or 1 jnjl B Carolina 1821. I) CO 399^nagallis L. PimperneUz'Are ^ A or 2 jl B Britain mar. J) CO Eng. bot. 781 400 scutellata L. saucer-leaved =*= A or 2 F Britain mar. 1) CO Eng. bot. 782 401 parmularia Trat. 402 orientalis H. K. small-shielded =5= eastern -ok A or A or 1 i jnau R L.B S. Europe 1824. Levant 1748. D D CO CO Bot. cab. 419 403 taurica W. Taurian -ok A pr I jnjl B Siberia 1820. R 1.1 Bot. cab. 911 404 tenuifolia Stev. fine-leaved fc A or IJnjl B Iberia 1821. 1) CO 405 trichocarpa fl. $ S. hairy-capsuled ^ A or * jnjl B Levant 1820. D S.I pilocarpa Lk. 406 caucasica Bieb. Caucasian ^j A r i Jn Jl Pa.R Caucasus 1816. D CO Bot cab. 1369 2 latifolia G. Don broad-leaved ^ A r i jn.jl Pa.R Caucasus 1820. U CO 407 Jacquinz Schott Jacquin's ^ A or 1 my.jn B Austria 1748. 1) CO Jac. au. 4. 329 408 pectmata Vahl pectinated ^ A or 1 my.jn B Italy 1819. D CO Bux. c. 39. 1 409 Schmidts R. & S. Schmidt's ^ A or 1 my.jn B Bohemia 1820. D CO 410 austriaca Jac. Austrian A or I L.B Austria 1748. D CO M. h. 2. 23. 12 411 multitida L. much-cut -* A or 5 myjl L.B Siberia 1748. D CO Bot. mag. 1679 412 pinnatifida W. pinnatifid ^ A or 1 my.jn B 1817. D CO 413 Allicn^ Vil. Allioni's ft, A or \ L.B S. Europe 1748. D CO Al. ped. 1. 46. i 414 officinalis L. officinal jft. A or i apjl B Britain D CO Eng. bot. 765 415 TourneforUJ Vil. Tournefort's ,. A or i my.jn B France 1821. 1) CO 416 setigera D. Don bristled 5 A or i apjl B Scotland med. D CO hirsuta Hopk. 417 Mullerifla R. &S. Muller's ^ A or 1 Jnjl B Syria 1825. D s.p 418 Chaixz Lap. 419 prostrata L. Chaix's trailing -* A or A or I Jnjl 1 my.jn B B S. Europe 1825. Germany 1774. U D S.1 CO Riv. mon. 95 420 plicata Pohl plaited ^ A or 2 my.jn B Bohemia 1817. D CO Pohl fl. bo. 1 421 dentata Schr. tooth-/eat>ed ^ A or 1 my.jn B Europe 1818. 1) CO Cl. h. 349 422 micrantha #b/g. 423 Jamiifolia Hayne small-flowered ^ dead-nettle-lvd ^ A or A or li my.jn 1 my.jn W B Portugal 1822. 1825. D D CO CO Fl. por. 57 424 melissffifolia Pair. balm-leaved ^ A or 1 my.jn B 1826. D CO 425 latifSHa Z. broad-leaved ^ A or 1 my.jn W.B Austria 1748. D CO Sw. fl. gar. 23 426 Tehcrium L. Germander-/i;d-^ A or 2 L.B Germany 1596. U CO Bot. cab. 425 427 polym6rpha fF. en. multiform ^ A or 1 B 1817. D CO 428 pilosa I,. pilose ^ A or 1! my.jn B Bohemia 1819. 1) CO 429 acutiflora Lap. acute-flowered & A or 1 my.jn B France 1821. D CO 430 crinita Xtf. hairy A or 1 B Hungary 1822. D 431 6'hamze'drys L. Germander ^ A w | B Britain m.pas. D CO Eng. bot. 623 432 urticaefolia L. nettle-leaved A or 1 Jnjl L.B Austria 1776. D CO 433 (Axcmtdet G. Don Circffia-like ^ A or | my.jn R Switzerl. 1820. 1) CO Jac. au. 1. 51 434 montana i. mountain ^ A or 1 JUu B Britain moi.w. D CO Eng. bot. 766 435 peduncularis Bieb. pedunculated ^ A or 1 my.jn B Caucasus 1826. D CO 436 petra'a Sfcy. rock & A or 1 my.jn B Caucasus 1821. 1) CO 437 perfoliata R. Br. perfoliate lAI or 1 B N. S. W. 1815. D r.m Bot. mag. 1936 438 labiata R. Br. labiated lAI or 1 ap.jl L.B N. Holl. 1802. C r.m Bot mag. 1660 439 plebeia fl. Br. plebeian j lAJ or 1 jnjl B N. S. W. 1820. D CO 440 gracilis fl. J5r. slender jg iAJ or 1 my.jn B N. S. W. 1820. D CO 441 distans fl. Br. distant tf lAJ or 1 my.jn B N. S. W. 1825. U CO $442pulchra G.Don fair lAI or f B N. Holl, 1823. D l.p 443 maxima Stev. largest O or 1 my.jn B Caucasus 1824. S CO Bux. c. 1.34 444 verna L. vernal w 1 B Britain S S Eng. bot. 25 445digitataFaM digitated w ft Jl B S. Europe 1805. S CO 446 triphyllos L. three-leaved O w \ B Britain S S Eng. bot. 26 447 Aedera2f61ia . ivy-leaved -* w \ mr.jn B Britain S CO Eng. bot. 784 448 cymbalaria Bert. cymbalaria-ft/d ~* O or 2 W S. Europe 1821. S CO Fl. gr. 9 449 peregrina L. outlandish O cu \ mr.jn W N.Europe 1680. S CO Fl. dan. 407 450 filitormis Sm. filiform ~ O or 5 my L.B Levant 1780. S CO Bux. c. 1. 40. 1 451 pra'cox All. early O or i rnr B S. Europe 1775. S CO Al. au. 5. 1. 1 452 acinifolia L. acinus-leaved O or | L.B S. Europe 1788. S CO P. &T. fl.1.23 453 arvensis L. corn field -*. O w i apjl B Britain old w. S CO Eng. bot. 734 454 agrestis /,. rural ~ w i mr.jl B Britain S CO Eng. bot. 783 2 versicolor various-colored 8w i mr.jl B Britain fields. S CO 3 opaca opaque w \ mr.jl B Britain fields. S CO 455 amce'na Stev. pleasant O pr ^ R Iberia 1824. S CO 456 biloba FaA/ two-lobed O pr A B Iberia 1819. S CO Bux. c. 1.36 457 pulch&la Bernh. pretty O pr i W 1819. S CO B 4 DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS II. 4.58 prs:ca Poir. 459 Buxbaunw Ten. Persian Buxba urn's O pr O pr i B iapjn W Persia 1818. S. Europe 1800. Fl. nap. 7. 1 46. DIPLOPHY'LLUM Leh. DIPLOPHYLLUM. (Diploos, double, phyllon, a leaf.) Scrophularince. 1. 460 won/c^formeLe/i.veronica-formedJ: O cu B Caucasus 1813. S co Lin. tr. 11.13 Veronica Crista galli Stev. 47. MICRA'NTHEMUM MX. MICRANTHEMUM. (Mikros, small, anthos, a flower.) Primulacece. 1. 2. 461 orbiculatum MX. round-leaved !U .Aj pr $ my.jn W Carolina 1826. D s.p 48. GALIPE'A Aub. GALIPEA. (The name in Guiana.) Kutacece. 1. 462 trifoliata Aub. three-leaved * CD or 4 ? . . G Guiana 1803. C p.l Aub. gui. 269 49. SCHWE'NCKL* L. SCHWENCKIA. (J. T. Schwenck, Prof. Med. at Jena.) Scrophuldrinar. 1. 7. 463 americana L. American tf Ol 1 au.s Li Guiana 1781. C s.p Sch. bs. 328. 1 50. HEMI'MERISi. HEMIMERIS (Henu, half, meris, a part: a half flower.) ScrophulSrince 1 464 montana L. mountain -- "" 51. HO'ST^ Jac. HOSTA. 465 cserulea Jac. blue Cornutwz punctata W. 466 latifolia Hum. broad-leaved 467 longifolia Hum. long-leaved 52. CORNU'T7v4 L. CORNUTIA. 468 pyramidata L. pyramidal 53. GRATI'OLA L. HEDGE HYSSOP. 469 officinalis L. officinal ^ 470 virginica L Virginian ^ 471 aurea Ph. golden | 472 latifolia R. Br. broad-leaved jf 473 quadridentata MX. four-toothed ^ ES or ... ... C. G. H. 1816. C p.l Lam. iL 532 (N. T. Host, a German botanist.) * CD or 6 B Mexico Verbenacece. 3. 1733. C p.l BoL mag. 2611 SB: 6 6 Mexico Mexico 1824. (J. Cornutus, a physician of Paris.) CDor 6 jl B Mexico Verbenacece. 1. 17.33. C p.l 541 (Gratia, grace of God; as a purge.) Scrophularince. 5. 3.1. Am 1 L.B Europe 1568. D co Fl. dan. 363 A or 1 au Y Virginia 1759. D co Apr i my.jn Y N. Amer. 1820. Deo Bot. cab. 1399 LAJ or 1 jl au W N. Holl. 1822. I) p.l A or W N. Amer. 1821. D co Lam. il. 16.2 54. BONNA'Y^ Lk. BONNAYA. 474 brachiata Lk. brachiate 475 veronictefoYia. Spr. speedwell-lvd Gratlola veroniccefolia. Retz. 476 reptans Spr. creeping (Bonnay, a German botanist.) Scrophuldrincc. 3. 12. Opr 1 au W Brazil 1823. S r.m L. &O. a.b. g.ll -*[QSor |jn.s Pk E. Indies 1798. C co R. mal. 9.59 fcr CD or A jn.jl B E. Indies 1820. D s.p 55. SCHIZA'NTHUS Fl.per. SCHIZANTHUS. (Schtzo, to cut, anthos, a flower.) Scrophuldritug. 477 pinnatus Fl. . 478 porrigens Hook. pinnate O or spreadmg-sta/ked O or W.p W.p 56. ELYTRA'RIA MX. ELYTRARIA. 479 virgata MX. twiggy 480 crenata Vahl crenate Justice acaulis Rox. 481 marginata Bcauv. marginate 482 imbricata Pers. imbricated 483 caulescens Led. caulescent 484 ramosa Hum. branched 485 lyrata Vahl lyrate (Elytron, an envelope ; its scaly stem.) Carolina 1813. E. Indies 1820. Chile Chile 1822. 1822. Lp Hook. ex. fl. 73 1 Hook. ex. fl. 86 Guinea 1823. W. Indies 1824. E. Indies 1823. s.p s.p Mexico 1825. S co E. Indies 1825. S co Acanthacece. 7. 9. D s.p Mic. am. 1. 1 D s.p Rox. cor. 127 S Vahl ec. 1.1 57. HYPOE'STES Sol. HYPOESTES. (Hypoestes, an inner garment ; the involucrum.) Acanthacece. 4. 11. 486 involucrata Rox. involucred * CD or 1| W E.Indies 1811. C p.l 487 purpurea R. Br. purple FA] or 2 my.jn Pu China 1822. C p.l 488 fastuosa Sot. sumptuous * CD or 2 my.jl R E. Indies 1818. C p.l 489 serpens JR. Br. creeping ^ fAI or ... Australia 1820. D p.l *58. JUSTl'CI^ L. 490 bicalyculata Vahl 491 hispida W. 492 Ecbolium L. 493 thyrsiflora Rox. 494 vitellina Rox. 495 alba Rox. 496 coccinea Aub. 497 echioides L. 498 quadrifida Vahl 499 pumila Die. 500 nigricans Lou. 501 nitida Jac. 502 bracteolata Jac. 503 picta L. 2 lurido-sanguinea 504 paniculata Vahl 505 variegata Aub. 506 salicina Vatd 507 polysperma Rox. 508 secunda I'ahl 509 geniculata B. M. 510 ciliaris L. 5111iicida Vahl 512 elongata Vahl 513 cuspidata Vahl 514 salviaeflora Hum. 515 Gendartissa L. 516 carthaginensis Jac. 517 nemorosa Swz. 518 pedunculosa MX. 519 polystachya Lam. ;>20 procumbens L. 521 quinquangularis A' 522 diffusa W. 523 humilis MX. 524 comata L. 525 eustachiana Jac. JUSTICIA. (J. Justice, an eminent Scotch hort. and bot.) Acanthacece. 58 150. two-calyxed rrti or 3 au Li E.Indies 1755. S S.I Cav. ic. 1. 71 hispid fAI or I Y.w S. Leone 1824. U p.l expelling ju { ! or 3 B E Indies 1759. c p.l Bot. mag. 1847 thyrse-flower'd 41 [ | or 8 ap.jl S E. Indies 1812. c p.l yolk-like a. [ I or 1 my.jn Y.B E. Indies 1818. c white - CD or 2 ap.jl W R Indies 1816. c p.l scarlet t*. CD or 5 f S S. Amer. 1770. c p.l Bot. mag. 432 Echium-like tf CA1 or 1 R R Indies ' 1820. c p.l four times cut BL CD or 3 mr.s S Mexico 1795. c p.l Par. Ion. 50 dwarf tt. CD or I mr.jn S. Amer. 1820. c p.l blackish tt i | or 6 mr.s W!'R China 1819. c p.l clear tt- CD or 4 mr.s W W. Indies 1790. c pi Bot. rep. 57 small-bracted tt. CD or 6 P Caraccas 1823. c p.l Jac. ic. 205 painted or 8 C R Indies 1780. c p.l R, mal. 6. 60 lurid blood-Zw? or 8 C R Indies 1780. c p.l Bot. mag. 1870 panicled or Pk E. Indies 1811. S p.l R. mal. 9. 56 striped-floweret lit CD or 2 my.jn R Guiana 1825. c Aub. gui. 1. 4 \v\\\ww-leaved * CD or 1| au.s R Peru 1816. c s.p many-seeded -* Ol cu f P.B E. Indies 1818. S p.l side-flowering jointed .14 CD or * CD or 3 jn.jl 2 jn.jl R P W. Indies 1793. W. Indies 1820. c c P.l p.l Bot. mag. 2060 Bot. mag. 2487 ciliated shining-leaved R7I or jot 1 1 or 1 3 W S W. Indies 1780. W. Indies 1795. S c S.1 p.l Jac. vin. 2. 104 Bot. mag. 1014 elongated fT^j or 2 myjn R E. Indies 1812. c s.p cuspidate 4fc f ] or U jn.jl Arabia 1820. c s.p sage-flowered * CD or 4 B Mexico 1824. c p.' Gendarussa v [ | or 3 jn.jl Li E. Indies 1800. c p.l Bot. reg. 635 Carthagena tt. [ | or H Jn-Jl P Carthag. 1792. c s.p. IBot. reg.797 grove fAI or 2 my.jn P W. Indies 1825. c s.p pedunculated ty j\\ or 1J j'.au rLi N. Amer. 1759. c s.p.l Bot. mag. 2367 many-spiked ^Mt 1 ^ or 2 jn.jl P Guiana 1821. c p.l procumbent ^~ fAI or Pk E. Indies 1798. L s.p Pluk. al. 56. in. five-angled 2~ fAI cu J P E. Indies 1820. c p.l diffuse *CDor 1 my.jn W E. Indies 1826. c p.l dwarf f Al or % jn.jl W N. Amer. 1818. c p.l comate j fAI or 2 P Jamaica 1795. R s.p SI. jam. 1. 103. 2 Eustachian J* CD or J au.s St. Eustac.1799. c S.p Jac. am. pic. 15 ORDER I. DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 526 Keridna Swt. Ker's tt. f~~lor 2 jn.o W E. Indies 1790. C p.l Bot. reg. 309 eustachiana Bot. re. ?. 309 527 nasuta L. large-snouted tt. 1 __] m 2 f.o W E. Indies 1790. C p.l Bot. mag. 325 528 lanceolaria Rox. Ismcc-leaved tt. 1 1 or 3 R E. Indies 1818. c p.l 529 speciosa Rox. showy it. CD or 4 au.s P E. Indies 1826. c p.l Bot. mag. 2722 530 Koxburgh/aaR.&S. Roxburgh's tt. CD or 1 au.o Pk E. Indies 1815. c p.l Ru. am. 6. 22. 1 tinctoria Rox. 531 pectoralis Jac. pectoral balsam^ fA] m 3 my.jn P W.Indies 1787. L s.p Bot. reg. 796 5:52 humifusa Swz humifuse It, 1 1 or \ 1 jn.jl Pk Jamaica 1820. c p.l 533 periplociiolia Jac. periploca-lvd tt. 1 | or 14 jn P S. Amer. 1799. c Jac. c. 7. 2 534 reHexiflora MX. reflex-flowered E] or I P W. Indies 1824. C s.p 535 furcata FrtM forked L CD or 5 V Peru 1795. c p.l Bot. mag. 430 536 iithospermifoliaJrtc. Gromwell-lvd 1 | or 3 P Peru 1796. c p.l Jac. sc. 1.4 537 caracasana Jac. Caraccas *~. I I or 5 my.jn V Caraccas 1822. c p.l Jac. ic 2. 206 533 plumbaginajfoliaJac . Plumbago-lvd !U 1 I or 4 V W. Indies 1819. c p.l Jac. ec. 12 539 Adhatoda L. Adhatoda f CD or 10 my.jl P Ceylon 16!)9. c s.l Bot. mag. 861 540#etonica Vahl betmiy-leaved tt CD or 3 my.jl W E. Indies 1737. s p.l R. mal. 2. 21 541 maculata Lod. spotted tt. CD pr mr Pk E. Indies 1824. c p.l Bot cab. 626 542 ramosissima R. $ S. most branchy tt. CD or 2 jn.jl P E. Indies 1825. c p.l 543 formosa IV. beautiful It r~ i pj. 9 my.jn P ...... 1818. c p.l 544 Ayssopiiolia L. hyssop-leaved tt. 1 | or 2 Y Canaries 1690. c ,.1 Mil. ic. 9. 13 545 orchioides L.fil. Orchis-like tt. i.l or 2 au C. G. H. 1774. c; p.l Ven. mal. 51 54 flavicoma B. R. yellow-tufted tt. D or 2 jl.s Y Brazil 1825. C p.l Bot. reg. 1027 547 calytricha Hook. beautiful hairy tt. CD or 2 Y 1824. s Ex. fl. 212 *59. DICLI'PTERA FW DICLIPTERA. (Dw, double, kleio, to shut ; fruit of 2 valves.) Acanthacece. 11. 22. 548 hexangularis Vahl six-angled 1171 or 2 jl R S. Amer. 1733. 8 s.l 279. 6 549 rcsupinata FaM resupinate or 1 W.P S. Amer. 1805. S p.l Cav. ic. 3. 203 550 bivalvis Vahl two-valved tt. or i 3 jnjl P E. Indies 1818. c pi Ru. am. 6. 22.1 551 martinicensis Pi/A/ Martinique tt. or o P W. Indies 1818. c S.1 Jac. am. 5. 6 552 peruviana Vahl Peruvian tt. CD or 2 P Peru 1818. c p.l Fl. per. 1.16. a 553 verticillaris Vahl whor\-Jluwered tt. 1 | or 1 my.jn P C. G. H. 18U6. C p.s 554 chinensis F/M China ^ lAlor 1 au.o Pa.B E. Indies 1816. C s.l Bur. in. 8. 64. 1 555 pectinata Vahl pectinated tt. CD or 1 B E. Indies 1798. c p.l Rox. cor. 2. 153 556 scorpioides FW scorpion-like tt. CD or 3 1 jn.jl Vera Cruz ; 1802. c p.l R. Hou. 3. 1 557 assurgens Vahl 558 retusa Vahl assurgent retuse tt CDcu E3 or 2 2 mr.ap R P W.Indies 18 18. W. Indies 1821. s c r Br. jam. 2. 1 Bot cab. 724 60. NELSO'N/^ R. Br. NELSONIA. (D. Nelson, a bot who accompanied Capt. Cook.) Acanthdcece. 1. 5. 559 hirsuta R. Br. hairy CD un 2 R E. Indies 1818. C p.l 61. ERA'NTHEMUl 560 spinosum R. Br. 561 pulchellum B. R. 5ti2 variabile R. Br. 563 bicolor B. M. 564 strictum Rox. 565 crenulatum Wai. 566 capense L. 567 elegans Beauv. 568 roseum R. Br. 569 ambiguum R. $ S. 62. CAMPYLA'NTHUS Roth. CAMPYLANTHUS. (Kampylos, a curve, anthos, a flower.) Primuldccce. I. 570 salsoloides Roth salsola-like * i_J or 1 mr Pu.B Teneriffe 1825. C s.p 63. WULFE'N/^ L. WULFENIA. (F. X. Wulfen, a German botanist.) Scrophuldrirue. 1. 571 carinthiaca Jac. Carinthian O pr 1| jl-au B Carinthia 1817. S co Jac. ic. 1. iJ 64. P^DERCXTA L. P^DEROTA. (Applied by the ancients to a sp. of Acanthus.} Scrophuldrince. 2. fl R.Br. ERANTHEMUM. (Ear, spring, anthos, a flower.) Acanthdcece. 10. 24. thorny tt-CDor 3 W. Indies 1733. C s.p Jac. am. 2. 2.1 pretty n-CDor 2 ja.o B E. Indies 1796. C s.p Bot. rep. 88 variable tt. i | or 2 jn.jl P N. Holl. 1820. C s.p two-colored t CD or | W.R Luconia 1802. C s.p Bot. mag. 1423 strict tt.CDel 2 mr.ap P Nepal 1818. C p.l Bot. reg. 86? crenulate tt-CDpr 1 o Li Nepal 1824. C p.l Bot reg. 879j Cape tt. ( | or 1 P E. Indies 1818. C s.p elegant tt. CD pr 3 jn.jl Sc Guinea 1824. C s.p Beau. ow. 50 rose-colored e. CDpr 2 my.jn R E. Indies 1820. C s.p ambiguous tt.CDor 2 jn.jl R 1821. C s.p 572 Bonaroto L. Bonarota's 573 Ageria L. Ageria I *65. CALCEOLA'RIA L. SLIPPERWORT. 574 pinnata L. vfing-leaved 575 scabiosajf.'.lia R. #S. Scabious-lvd 57fi rugosa Fl. per. wrinkled 577 integrifolia L. entire-leaved 578 corymbosa Cav. corymbose 579 Fothergllli H. K. Fothergill's my.jn | my.jn Austria Italy 1818. 1824. D s.p Jac. vin. 2. 121 D s.p Jac. au. 5. 39 (Calceolus, a slipper; corolla.) lQ| or JU. iAI or tt. | or tt. | or LAI or ^Jor 2 2 2 2 1 i jl.s my.o au.s au.s my.jn Y Y Y Y Y Peru Chile Chile Chile Chile Falkl. I. Scrophuldrina:. 6. 55. 1773. S s.p Bot. mag. 41 ' C co Bot. mag. 2405 C co " - 1822. 18-22. 1822. co Hook. ex. fl. 99 Bot. reg. 744 Bot. reg. 723 1777. D Lp Bot. mag. 348 66. PINGUFCULA L. BUTTERWORT. (Pinguis, fat ; greasiness of the leaves.) Lentibularice. 6. -15. 580 lusitanica L. 581 vulsjaris L. 582 alpina L. f>8.; gr.mdiflora Lam. 584 lutea Walt. 585 edentula Hook. Portugal common alpine large-flowered yellow toothless Britain bogs D bog Eng. bot. 145 Britain bogs D bog Eng. bot. 70 Germany 1794. D bog Fl. dan. 453 Britain ir. bog. D bog Eng. bot. 1128 Carolina 1816. S bog Bot. reg. 126 N. Amer. 1823. D bog Hook. ex. fl. 1 67. UTRICULA'RIA L. HOODED MILFOIL. (Utriculus, little bottle ; app. to roots.) Lentibuldria:. 3. 63. >) vulgaris L. common =% A cu | jn.jl Y Britain sta.wa. D aq Eng. bot. 253 587 minor /,. lesser *: A cu \ jl Y Britain sta.wa. D aq Eng. bot. 254 >88 intermedia Hay. intermediate *= A <-u | my.jn Y Britain sta.wa. D aq Eng. bot 2489 68.STACHYTA'RPHETA Vahl BASTARD VERVAIN. (Stachys, a spike, tarpheios, dense.) Verbenacea:. 9. 16. 5S<) indica Vahl Indian CTl or 2 au.s W Cevlon 1732. S s.n 590 angustifolia Vahl 591 urticifolia B. M. umbrosa Hum. 502 jamaii-ensis Vahl 593 prismatica Vahl 594 cayennensis Vahl 595 hirsutissima Lk. 596ordbica Vahl 597 mutabilis Vahl narrow-leaved OJ or nettle-leaved ^? O1 or 1 2 my.jl Jamaica prismatic Cayenne most hairy Orubian changing-^ttw/ Ol or O1 or tt-CIior (23 or ITT! or CD or 2 jn.s B 2 my.jn B 3 my.jn B 1| mr.ap B 3 V 3 mr.s O Ceylon 1732. S. Amer. ... S. Amer. ... W. Indies 17 14. W. Indies 1699. Cayenne 1822. Brazil 1822. Panama S. Amer. C p.l C p.l C p.l D p.l Jac. ob. 4. 86 Bot. mag. 1848 Bot mag. 1860 Jac. ic. 2. 208 1G99. C l.p Ehr.pic.5.1 1801. C p.l Bot. mag. 976 59. LYCO'PUSL. WATER HOREHOUND. (Lykos, a wolf, poits, a foot ; the leaves.) Labiatcc. 5. 7. 598 europasus I,. 599exaltatus7,. European tall A or A or 3 6 Britain Italy D m.s Eng. bot. 1105 1739. D m.s Fl. gr. 1. 12 10 DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS II. 600 australis R. Br. 601 virginicus L. 2 ^uercifolius 602 intermedius Schr. southern ^ iAJ or 3 my.jl W N. Holl. 1823. D co Virginian ^ A or 3 au.s W.p Virginia 1760. D m.s Oak-leaved ^ A or 3 au.s W N. Amer, 1700. D co intermediate ^ A or 3 W Europe 1820. D m.s 70. AMETHY'STEA L. AMETHYSTEA. (Amethystos, the amethyst ; color of flower.) Labiate. 1. 603 cserulea L. blue-flowering O pr 1| jn.jl B Siberia 1759. S p.l Bot. mag. 2448 71. ZIZI'PHORA . ZIZIPHORA. (Zizi, the Indian name, and pfioreo, to bear ?) Labiate. 10. 13. 604 acinoides L. Thyme-like *sk A rk I R Siberia 1786. J) S.I 605 clinopodioides Lam . Basil-like rk 1 jn Pk Siberia 1821. S CO Ac. pet. 1810. 11 serpyllacea H. K. 606 capitata L. 607 hispanica L. headed Spanish 8 or or i jn R R Syria Spain 1752. 1759. S s CO CO Fl. gr. 1. 13 Lam. il. 18. 1 fi08 spicata Lag. spiked or If In P Spain 1826. s CO 609tentiior. slenderer or 5 jn.jl Li Levant 1752. s CO Lam. il. 18. 2 610 tafirica L. Taurian or z jl-S R Tauria 1816. s CO 611 serpyllacea Bieb. 612 media Lk. Serpyllium-like !U mediate JU A A rk rk 2 | R R Caucasus Caucasus 1803. 1822. c c S.I CO Bot. mag. 906 613 dasyantha Bieb. thick-flowei red 1, A rk I R Siberia 1803. c CO Bot. mag. 1093 Pouschklm H. K. 72. CUNI'LA L. CUNILA. (Konos, a cone, or Cunila, the name of a town ?) Labiate. 2. 5. 614 mariana L. Marian ^ A or 1 jl.s R N. Amer. 1759. D CO M. h.3. 19.7 615 coccinea Nut. scarlet J lAJpr !* S N. Amer. 1823. C p.l Hook. ex. fl. 163 7a HEDEO'MA Pers. HEDEOMA. (Hedeoma, a Greek name for mint.) Labiate. 2. 3. G16/Julegioides Ph. Pennyroyal-like O or | B N. Amer. 1777. S co Thyme-like O or R France 1699. S co M. h. 3. 19. 6 MONARDA. (N. Monardez, a physic, of Seville, in 16th cent.) Labiate. 17. 617 ihymoides Pers. *74. MONA'RD^ L. 618 fistulosa L. 619 media W.en. 620 mollis L. 621 oblongata H. K. 622 clinopodia L. 623 purpurea PA. 624 altissima W. 625 aff inis Lk. 626 rug6sa H. K. 627Kalmidna Ph. 628 didyma L. 629 Russelh'awa Sims 630 ciliata L. 631 citriodora Cav. 632hirsutaZ,. 633 gracilis Ph. 634 punctata L. hollow -stalked mediate soft oblong-leaved Wild-BasiWw* purple tallest allied wrinkled Kami's twin, or Oswego tea Russel's ciliated lemon-scented hairy slender dotted N. Amer. 1656. N. Amer. 1656. N. Amer. 1656. N. Amer. 1761. N. Amer. 1771. N. Amer. 1789. N. Amer. 1821. N. Amer. 1821. N. Amer. 1761. N. Amer. 1813. N. Amer. 1752. N. Amer. 1823. N. Amer. 1798. Mexico 1825. N. Amer. 1798. N. Amer. 1820. N. Amer. 1714. Bot. mag. 145 D r.m Mil. ic. 122.2 D r.m D r.m D r.l D r.l D r.l D r.l R p.l D r.l D p.l Ph. am. 1 Bot. mag. 546 Bot. mag. 2513 164.3 D r.l R p.l D r.l R p.l D r.l D r.m S s.p Bot. reg. 87 75. SOSMARI'NUS L. ROSEMARY. 635 officinalis L. officinal 2 latitolius broad-leaved 3 fol. argenteis silver-leaved 4 fol. aureis Rold-1 636 chilensis Mol. (Ros, dew, marinus, of the sea ; on sea-shores.) Labiates. 2. * or 4 ja.ap P S. Europe 1548. C co Fl. gr. 1. 14 gold-h Chile or 12 j or 4 ja.ap or 12 ja.ap or 4 jl S. Europe 1548. C co S. Europe ... C ru S. Europe 1548. C co Chile 1795. C s.l SAGE. apple-bearing large-calyxed Canary go\Aeu-flwd tooth-leaved interrupted-/w tt. hairy-flowered vf'mgcd-leaved Hablitz' tt. tt. or tt. | j or tt. i | or tt. | | or d tt. i ( or 2 ap.s B C. G,H. 1774. C p.l Jac. sc. 1. 8 750 scabra .R. S. scabrous tt. | or 2 K C.G.H. 1774. C 8.1 751 polymorpha #o/. multiform ^ Q) or I myjl B Portugal 1821. S co Bar. ic. 22C 752 clandestina Z. clandestine ^ Q) r B Italy 1739. S co Fl. gr. 1. 24 753 multifida Sift. multifid ^ A or i* B Greece 1826. S s.l Fl. gr. 23 754 erosa Desf. erose-leaved O or 1 jnjl B Europe 1817. S co 755byzantina Rus. 756 ceratophylla Z. 757 ceratophylloides Z. 758 bracteata J. Turkey ^ Q) or stag-horn-lvd ^ Q) or stag-horn-lvd-lk^ Q) or /OH^-bracted ^ A or 1 2 1 3 jnjl B Y Y P Turkey 1825. Persia 1699. Egypt 1771. Russia 1821. S co S s.l S s.l D co Pluk. aL 124. 5 Ard. sp. 2. 2 759 trichostemoicles Ph. Trichostema-like O pr f my.jn B N. Amer. 1826. S co 760 prismatica C. M. Anise-scented iAj or 2 jl.s IVY E. Florida 1776. D p.l A or 2 au Y Carolina 1812. D p.l A or 2 au Y Carolina 1806. R p.l A or 3 o Y Carolina 1806. D p.l Bot. mag. 1213 *78. CATA'LPA J. CATALPA. 766 syrhigifolia B. M. syringa-lvd 767 longissima H. K. longest-podded 768 microphylla Spr. small-leaved Bignon/a microphy'lla Lam. 79. GHI'NI/i Schreb. GHINIA. 769 spin6sa Schreb. thorny-fruited (Indian name.) or 20 W CHor 20 Oor 15 Bignonidcece. 3. 5. N. Amer. 1726. S p.l Bot. mag. 1094 ... W. Indies 1777. L s.p PI. ic. 57 ... Hispaniol.1820. C p.l PI. ic. 55 (Ghini, an Italian botanist.) Verbenacece. 1. 2. PTTl cu 2 au P W. Tndies 1733. S s.l R. Hou. 2 80. FONT ANE'S/,4 Lab. FONTANESIA. (M. Detfontaines, professor of botany at Paris.) Oleiiue. 1. 2. 770phillyraeoidesia6. phillyrea-like & | or 12 au Y Syria 1787. C s.l Lab. syr.l. 1 81. LINOCIE'R^ Swz. LINOCIERA. 771 compacta R. Br. compact < 772 Agiistrina Swz. Privet-like 4 (C?. Linocier, a French physician.) Oleirue. 3. 7. SO or 10 ... W W. Indies 1793. C l.s.pJac.c.2 s CD or 12 ... W E. Indies 1820. C l.s .6.1 773 cotinifolia Vahl Cotinus-leaved * ! C]or 12 ... W Ceylon 1818. C s.l *82. AC^E'NA L. AC.EMA. (Akaina , a thorn ; the berries.) Sanguis6rbK. 10. 16. 774 latebrosa H. K. latebrose iAI cu 1 ap.jn G C. G. H. 1774. C l.p.s 775 pinnatifida Fl. per. pinnatifid jf iAj cu my.jn G Chile 1822. D l.p.s Fl. per. 1.104 776ovalifoliajF/./w. oval-leaved ^ ; A cu 1 my.jn G Peru 1802. D l.p.s Ven. ce Is. 6 777 adscenderis Vahl ascending A cu 1 my.jn G Magellan 1822. I) l.p.s 778 magellanica Vahl Magellan A cu 1 my.jn Y Magellan 1823. D co Lam. il. 22.2 779 Sanguisorba Vahl 7801ucida Vahl Burnet-leaved ]g shining ^ A cu iAI cu 1 J n . my.jn G G N. Zeal. Falkl. I. 1796. 1777. D D l.p.s Lam. il. 12.1 l.p.s Lam. il.22.3 781 argentea Fl. per. silvery A cu 2 a my.jn G Chile 1822. I) l.p.s Fl. per. 1.103 782 Isevigata H. K. smooth A cu i G Magellan 1790. D l.p.s 783 ovina Cun. sheep . 3. 1 R Britain D co Eng: bot. 1056 R Europe 1821. D co ~ 5 jn.s R Britain moun. D co uAJor 85. CIRCIE'A L. ENCHANTER'S NIGHTSHADE. 790 lutetiana L. Parisian ^ A or 791 intermedia Ehrh. intermediate & A or | R Europe 1821. Deo Fl. dan. 792 alpina L. mountain ^ A or jn.s R Britain moun. D co Eng. bot. 1057 86. FE'DIA Moen. FEDIA. (A name of Adanson's, probably without meaning.) 1. 2 793 cornucopia; Vahl horn of plenty O or 1 jn.jl R S. Europe 1796. S co 32 *87. PIMELE'A Forst. PIMELEA. 794 /inifolia Sm. 795 collina R. Br. 796 glauca R. Br. 797 /igustrina Lab. 798 /inoides Cun. 799 decussata R. Br. 800 rosea R. Br. 801 filamentosa Rud. 802 drupacea Lab. 803 pauciflora Schr. 804 spicata R. Br. 805 incana R. Br. flax-leaved hill glaucous privet-like flax-like decussate rosy thready cherry-fruited few-flowered spiked hoary (Pimele, fat?) L | i or tt.l_|pr 2 2 W W 2 my.jn W *L | | or 2 tt. i | or 2 ap.s W H_Jpr 2 my.jn R ML I | or 2 mr.s II n. l 1 or H - * tt. | | or 2 my W tt_l | or 3 my W t-l (or 2 mr.s W M-l |cu 2 W N. S. W. 1793. N. Holl. 1824. N. Holl. 1824. C s.p N. Holl. 1823. ' N. Holl. 1826. N. Holl. N. Holl. N. Holl. N. Holl. V. Di. L. 1812. N. Holl. 1824. N. Hoi). 1824. C s.p 12. 32. C s.p Bot. mag. 89 sp 1824. 1800. 1826. 1817. C s.p Lab.n. h. 1.3 C s.p C s.p 8 C s.p Bot. mag. 1458 C s.p Lin. tr. 10. 14. 1 C s.p Bot. cab. 540 C l.p Bot. cab. 179 s.p 10. 14. 88. CLA'DIUM Schr. CLADIUM. 806 germanicum Schr. German 807 occidental Schr. Western 808 glomeratum R. Br. glomerated 809 junceum R Br. rushy 810 schcenoides R. Br. Schrenus-like Schce'nus acutus Lab. (Klados, a branch or twig.) Cyperacece. 5 __ 14. iAI cu tAl cu 3 3 my.jn 4 4 4 Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Britain mar. D m.s Eng. bot. 950 Jamaica 1820. D l.p N. Holl. 18i6. D an 1820. D aq N. Holl. N. Holl. 1823. D aq Lab. n. h. 1.18 89. GUNNE'R^ L. 811 perpensa L. GUNNERA. (E. Gunner, bishop of Drontheim, a botanist.) UrticequalitV>lia.& 8fS. unequal-leaved pepto, to digest.) W. Indies 1748. W. Indies 1748. W. Indies 1800. Jamaica 1823. Jamaica 1748. S. Amer. 1793. W. Indies 1793. Jamaica 1759. E. Indies 1804. E. Indies 1790. S. Amer. 1816. E. Indies 1818. W. Indies 1821. W.Indies 1748. Carthag. 1768. E. Indies 1768. E. Indies 1788. Campeac. 1768. W. Indies 1768. W. Indies 1768. Jamaica 1793. Campeac. 1768. Peru 1823. Brazil 1820. W. Indies 1820. S. Amer. 1811. Peru 1822. ) Piper -acece. 27. 116. r.m PI. am. 56. 74 l.p PI am. 53. 73 C r.m Aub.gui.23 C r.m C r.m Jac. ic. 2. 210 C r.m C r.m C r.m SI. jam. 1. 87. 1 C r.m R. mal. 7. 15 C r.m Lam. il. 79. 23 C r.m C r.m Jac. ic. 2. 212 r.m Bot. cab. 610 C r.m PI. am. 57. 7.3 C r.m Jac. ic. 2. 215 C r.m Ru. am. 5. 117 C r.m Ru. am. 5. 116. 2 C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m Fl.per. 1. 61. a. C r.m C r.m Jac. ic. 2. 8 C r.m Jac. ic. 2. 15 C r.m Jac. ec. 1. 76 (Analogous to Piper.} 876 steljata Pers. 877 iiicana Haw. 878 talinitolia Kth. 879 tricarinata Haw. 880 amplexi folia Lk. 881 subrotiinda Haw. 882 serpens Swz. 883 repens Kth. 884 rubella Haw. 885 capensis L. starry great-downy Talinum-lvd three-keeled stem-clasping serpent creeping small red Cape Piperdcece. 41. 134. S. Amer. 1818. C r.m W. Indies 1793. C r.m W. Indies 1793. C r.m Jac. ic. 2. 213 W. Indies 1739. S. Amer. 1817. Caraccas 1809. Trinidad 1824. Jamaica 1820. W.Indies 1826. St. Vine. 1824. St. Vine. 1824. S. Amer. 1812. W.Indies 1812. S. Amer. 1793. E. Indies 1815. S. Amer. 1821. St.Domin.1790. S. Amer. 1748. S. Amer. 1822. Jamaica 1818. Jamaica 1818. S. Amer. 1809. C r.m Tr. ehr. 54. 9 C p.l Jac. ic. 2. 212 C r.m Jac. ic. 2. 214 p.l p.l C p.l H. & B. n. 1. 6 C p.l Hook. ex. fl. 164 C p.l Hook. ex. fl. 165 C r.m Fl per. 31. 48 C r.m Bot. mag. 1882 C r.m PI am. 51. 67 C r.m Bot. cab. 128 C r.m Bot. cab. 610 C r.m PI. am. 60. 66 C r.m PI. am. 54. 72 C r.ra PI. am. 69 C r.m Swz. ic. 4 C r.m C r.m W. Indies 1768. C r.m S. Amer. 1802. C r.m PI. am. 52. 68 Jamaica 1778. C r.m Bot. cab. 574 S. Amer. 1820. C r.m Hook. ex. fl. 67 Caraccas 1802. C r.m Hook. ex. fl. 21 ...... 1822. C r.m Nees h. b. 8 Jamaica S. Amer. Peru Jamaica Brazil 1775. 1818. 1800. 1802. 1815. . . C r.m Hook. ex. fl. 23 W. Indies 1820. C W. Indies 1818. C S. Amer. 1823. C 1812. Jamaica 1820. S. Amer. 1823. W. Indies 1820. C. G. H. 1820. r.m Hook. ex. fl. 22 r.m Fl. per. 1.46. a. r.m Jac. vin. 2. 217 r.m Bot. cab. 503 p.l r.m C r.m C p.l C r.m C r.m Hook. ex. fl. 59 C r.l 14 TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS III, CLASS III. ORDER 1. TRIA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. 95. VALERIA'NA L. VALERIAN. ( Valere, to be in health ; or, Valerius, a king ?) Valerihnece. 20. 70. 886 ceUtica /,. Celtic * -r 1 Jn W Switzerl. 1748. D CO Jac. c. 1. 1 887 supina Vahl 888Saliuncav4//. supine Lavender ^ ^\ or & A or I my.jn 1^ jn.jl Pk R S. Europe 1822. France 1824. I) I) CO CO Jac. m. 2. 17. 2 Al. ped. 1. 70. 1 889 saxatilis L. rock : A or r j W Austria 1748. I) CO Jac. au. 3. 267 890 elongata Jac. elongated j^ A or 1 jn.jl Y Austria 1812. D CO Jac. au. 3. 219 891 montana L. mountain ^ A or 1 jn.jl L.R Switzerl. 1748. D CO Bot. cab. 317 892 alliaria:f61ia Vahl Alliaria-lvd ^ A or li jnjl R.w Caucasus 1826. D s.p 893 tuberosa L. tuberous-roofer ?A A or 1| my.jn L.R S. Europe 1629. D co M. h. 3. 15. 20 894asarif61ia J D/r. Asarum-leaved jk A or 1 jnjl R Crete 1824. D s.p 895 dioica L. dioecious ^ A or 1 my.jl F Britain mar. D CO Eng. bot. 628 896 Phu L. Phu j^ A or 3 my.jl W Germany 1597. D CO Black. 250 897 tripteris L. three-winged ^t A or 1 W Switzerl. 1752. D CO Jac. au. 3. 268 898 heterophylla Lois. various-leaved ^ A or 1 Jn.jl R France 1817. I) CO Loi. gal. 1. 2 899 pyrenaica i. Pyrenean ^ A or 3 my.jn Pk Scotland sc.wo. D CO Eng. bot. 1591 900 officinalis L. officinal ^i A m 3 jnjl F Britain mar. D CO Eng. bot. 698 901-sambucifolia Mik. Elder-leaved ^. A or 3 my.jn Pk Germany 1819. 1) CO 902 Aisymbriifolia Vahl Sisymbrium Ivc 1^ G> or 1 jnjl R S. Europe 1824. D CO 903 intermedia Vahl intermediate & A or 1 jnjl W Pyrenees 1818. D CO 904 Cardamines -ff?o. Cardamine-lvd ^ A or 1 jn.jl Pk Caucasus 1824. 1) s.p 905 capensis Thunb. Cape iAI or i jn.jl R C. G. H. 1816. D CO * 96. VALERIANE'LLA Dufr. LAMB'S LETTUCE. (A diminutive of Valerian.') Valerianeee. 18. 24. 906 echinata Dec. prickly-crt/WMfe d O cul 1 Pk S. Europe 1807. S CO Col. ec. 1. 206 907 olitoria Dec. salad O cul | Bk Britain corn fi, S CO Eng. bot. 811 908 dentata Dec. toothed O un 1 ap.jn B Britain corn fi. S CO Eng. bot. 1370 909 vesicaria DM/r. discoid 8un 1 ap.jl B Italy 1731. a CO M. h. 3. 16. 29 912 carinata Dec. keeled un i B France 1819. S CO 913 eriocarpa Dec. woolly-fruited O un 1 Li France 1821. S CO M. h. 3. 16. 33 914 radiata Fa/*/ radiated Sun 1 Pk N. Amer. 1821. S CO 915 dasycarpa Jiieb. 916 uncinata jB?6. shaggy-fruited l\ook-fruited un O un 1 1 my.jn Li Li Crimea 1821. Tauria 1822. 8 S CO CO 917 auricula Dec. eared Sun I my.jn Pk S. France 1824. S CO 918 pumila Dec. dwarf un 1 Pk S. Europe 1826. S CO Dufr. v. 3. 7 919 mixta FA/ mixed O un 1 my.jn Pk Provence 1818. S CO Dufr. v. 3. 6 920 platyloba Dufr. broad-lobed Sun I my.jn Pk 1825. S CO Dufr. v. 1 921 exscapa Stey. stemless un i my.jn Pk Siberia 1826. S CO 922 tridentata Stev. three-toothed O un 1 my.jn Pk Tauria 1821. S CO 9V. OX YB A'PHUS R.% P. UMBRELLA- WORT. 923 viscosus Uerit. viscid tf _A| cu (Oxys, acid, baphe, dyer's color.) 6 my.s P Peru 1793. Nyctagmece. 12. 13. C l.p Bot. mag. 434 924 aggregatus CViy. aggregate Al cu 1 Pk N. Spain 1811. S s.l Cav. ic. 437 925 glabrifolius W. en. smooth-leaved _AJ cu 3 P N. Spain 1811. c s.l Cav. ic. 379 926 Cervantes^ Lag. Cervantes's iU _A.I cu 2 jn.jl P Mexico 1823. B r.m Sw. fl. gar. 84 927expansus R.tyP. expanded its. Al cu 2 P Peru 1819. S r.m Fl. per. 1. 75. ; i. 928 ovatus Vahl ovate )U Al cu 2 jLs P Peru 1820. S s.p Fl. per. 1. 77. 1 >. 929 nyctagineus ^wf. nocturnal -* A cu 1 JLs P Missouri 1823. S s.p Allionitf nyctaglnea MX. 930 pilosus Nut. pilose -* A cu 1 jl.s P Missouri 1812. S s.p Alli6nio pilosa P. 931 hirsutus Nut. hairy -* A cu 1 jl.s P Louisiana 1812. S s.p 932 angustifolius Ata. narrow-leaved *.A,cu 1 jl.8 P Louisiana 1812. S s.p Calymenia angustifolia Nut. Allionia linearis Ph. 933 decumbens Nut. decumbent -A A or 2 jl.s P Missouri 1818. S s.p 98. BOLDO'^ Lag. BOLDOA. (D. Soldo, a Spanish botanist.) Nyctagtnea:. 2. 5. 934 purpurascens Cav. purpurascent G3 or 1 my.jn V Cuba 1820. C s.l Cav. h. m. 7 935 tanceolata Lag. lance-leaved a. Q or 3 jn.jl P W. Indies 1824. C s.l H.&B.l. 44 Salpianthus arenarius H.fyB. 99. LCEFLI'NG/^ L. LEFLINGIA. 936 hispanica L. Spanish 937 pentandra Cav. pentandrous (P. Loefling, a Swedish botanist.) CaryophfiUeee. 2. 3. O cu i jn G Spain 1770. S s.l Cav. ic. 1. 94 O cu i jn.jl G S. Europe 1820. S r.m Cav. ic. 2. 148. 2 100. HIPPOCRATES L. HIPPOCRATEA. (Hippocrates, father of physic.) Hippocratedcece. 5. 23. 938 obcordata Lam. obcordate ft. CD or 10 ... G.w W. Indies 1819. C p.l Lam. il. 1. 28. 1 scandens Jac. 939 ovata Lam. volubilis L. 940 indica W. Indian fl CD or 10 ... G.w E. Indies 1818. C p.l Rox. cor. 2. 130 " CD or 14 ... G.w E. Indies 1818. C p.l Rox. cor. 3. 205 CD or 20 ... G.w E. Indies 1820. ~ 941 obtusifolia Rox. 942 arborea Rox. ovate Indian obtuse-leaved tree i O or 10 G.w S. Amer. 1793. C p.l Lam. il. 1. 28. 2 C p.l 101. TONSE'LLA Vahl. TONSELLA. (Ravoua-tontelle, a Caribe name.) Hippocrateacete. 2. 10. 943 scandens Va hi climbing ft. CD or 6 au.s G Guiana 1824. C s.l Aub.gui. 1. 10 944 pyriformis H. T. pear-shaped fl_ CD or 5 ... G Guiana 18i25. C s.l 102. A'NTHODON R. SfP. ANTHODON. (Anthos, a flower, odous, a tooth.) Hippocraicdcea:. 2. 9. 945 paniculatum Mart, panicled * CD or 12 ... Y o Rio Jan. 1818. C p.l 946 ellipticum Mart. elliptic CD or 12 ... Y.o Rio Jan. 1818. C p.l 103. JO'HN/^ Rox. JOHN i A. 947 salacioides Rox. Salacia-like 948 coromandeliana^ox. Coromandel 104. O'LAXi. 949 scandens Rox. 950 imbricata Rox. OLAX. climbing imbricated Rev. Dr. John, of Tranquebar.) Hippocratedccce. 2. - or 4 ... Y.G E. Indies 1822. C p.l or 10 ... Y.G E. Indies 1820. C p.l (Olax, a furrow ; the flower.) Qlacineee. 2. 3. ft. CD or 8 year W E. Indies 1820. C l.p Rox. cor. 2. 102 ft. CD or 8 year W E. Indies 1820. C l.p ORDER I. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 15 105. SPERMA'XYRON Lab. SPERMAXYRON. 951 strictum Dec. strict * i j or (Sperma, a seed, xyron, acute.) Qlacinece. 1. 2 4 ... W? N. Holl. 1820. C p.l 106. CNEO'RUM L. WIDOW-WAIL. (Kneoron, a name of Theophrastus.) Tcrebintaceee. 2. 952 tricoccum L. three-grained *f i | or 6 ap.s Y S. Europe 1793. C p.l Lam. il. 27 953 pulverulentum Ven. powdery m.\ | or 6 ap.s Y Madeira 1822. C p.l Ven. eels 77 107. COMOCLA'DI A L. MAIDEN PLUM. (Rome, a tuft, klados, a branch.) Tcrebintaceee. 3. 4. 954 integrifolia L. entire-leaved t CD tm 15 R Jamaica 1778. C p.l SI. jam. 2. 222. 1 955 deritata Jac. tooth-leaved f CD tm 30 jl R W. Indies 1790. C p.l Jac. am. 13.173.4 966iliclf61ia5ow. holly-leaved i CD tm 15 R Caribbee Is.1789. C p.l Plum. ic. 118. 1 108. VOUA'PA Aub. VOUAPA. (A Caribe name.) 957 bifolia Aub. two-leaved H I I or 10 Leguminosce. 1. Guiana 1823. C s.l Aub. gui. 1. 1 109. OU'TEA Aub. JOUTAY. 958 bijuga Dec. two-paired Macrolobium bijugum Co/6. 959 guianensis Aub. Guiana (A Caribe name.) CD or 10 ...... I CD or 110. XY'RIS L. 960 operculata Lab. ml brevtfolia MX. 962 laj'vis R. Br. 963 bracteata R. Br. 964 juncea R. Br. 965 gracilis R. Br. 966 americana Aub. XYRIS. covered short-leaved smooth bracted rush-like slender American (Xyros, acute.) Slpr 1 jn.jl pr _ | pr 1| Y pr 1 Y 111. CALLI'SIA. L. CALLISIA. 967 repens L. creeping 1 Y j iAI pr Y A pr I jl.s (Kates, pretty.) *- G2 pr jn.jl LegumindscB, 2. 5. E. Indies 1823. C s.l Lin. tr. 12. 17 Guiana 1825. C s.l Aub. gui. 1. 9 Mncete. 7. 27. N. S. W. 1804. S bog Bot. mag. 1158 Carolina 1812. S bog N. Holl. 1819. S bog N. Holl. 1825. S bog N. Holl. 1822. S bog N. Holl. 1821. S bog Guiana 1825. D bog Aub. gui. 1. 14 CommelinecE. W. Indies 1776. 1. 3. R s.p Jac. am. 11. 11 112. COMMELI'N^ 968 angusti folia Mr. 969 dianthitolia Dec. 970 cajennnsis Rich. 971 dubia Dec. 972 hirtaia Vahl L. COMMEUNA narrow- leaved pink-leaved Cayenne doubtful hairy (J. &j G. Commelin, Dutch botanists.) *~ .AJ or jn.jl B Carolina 1824. ACS] or B 1816. *~ (AJ or | jn.jl B Guiana 1823. *~[AJor 1 jn.jl B 1818. At A or 1 B N. Amer. 1820. Commelinetz. 23. 50. D p.l R s.p Red. lil. 7. 390 D ps D p.s Red. lil. 6. 359 R s.p 973 virginica L. Virginian t* A or ija B Virginia 1779. R s.p 135.174.4 974 moilis Jac. soft *~ [A1 or 2 au B Caraccas 1804. R s.p Jac. ic. 2. 293 975 obliqua Vahl oblique-feam* its, (AJ or 1 jn.jl B 1820. D p.s 976 tuberosa L. tuberous up [/\\ or 1 jn.jl B Mexico 1732. R r.m Bot. rep. 399 977 ccelstis W. sky-blue EAJ or B 1813. R r.m Bot. mag. 1695 978 fasciculata R. &jP. fascicled ^ A or I 2 jn jl B Lima 1817. R s.l Fl. per. 1. 72. 6 979 bcngalensis Forsk. Bengal X~ [AJ or 3 jn ^ B Bengal 1794. R s.p Mur. 18. 5 980 parviflora Zra small-flowered *~[AJ or B 1824. D p.s 981 communis L. common or 2 P.B America 1732. S CO Red. lil. 206 982 polygama Roth 983 deficiens Her6. polygamous deficient !t fAI or 1 jn jl 6 f.s B B China Brazil 1818. 1823. D C p.s p.l Kaem. 888 Bot. mag. 2644 984 longicaulis Jac. long-stalked S~ fAl or 3 au B Caraccas 1806. R s.p Jac. ic. 2. 294 985 caroliniana Jfatt. Carolina !U A or 2 jn.jl P.B America 1732. U r.m 986 pallida H. $ B. pale blue JUfAlor 1 jn.jl B Trinidad 1820. D p.s W. h. b. 2. 87 987 er6cta L. upright tA or 1 au.s B Virginia 1732. R s.p Di. el. 94. 77. 88 988 caripensis H. Sf B. Caripe fAI or 1* Jn.jl B Trinidad 1826. 1) p.s 989 cyanea R. Br. bright-blue i Al or 1 B N. Holl. 1820. R s.l 990 africana Z,. African *~. iAI or 1 my.o Y C. G. H. 1759. R r.m Bot. mag. 1431 113. ANEILE'MA^.^r. ANEILEMA. (Aneileo, to involve ; flowers from spathe.) CommelinecB. 11. 29. 991 biflora R. Br. two-flowered JtU. i Ai or 1 B N. Holl. 1820. R CO 992 ambigua Beauv. ambiguous CD or 3 jl V S. Leone 1822. D r.m Beau. ow. 15 993 sinica Ker Chinese i Al or 1 mv.jn P.B China 1820. 1) r.m Bot. reg. 659 994 acuminata R. Br. acuminate j/\| of B N. Holl. 1822. D s.l 995 nudicauiis 7i. Br. naked-stemmec lit! fAI or i jn.jl B E. Indies 1818. I) s.l R. mal. 9. 63 996 spirata L. spiral SWiAlor B E. Indies 1783. I) s.l 997 aft'inis R. Br. similar ^ lAlor 1 B N. Holl. 1820. D s.p 998 longifolia Hook. long-leaved j [AJpr 1 au B Mozambi. 1825. C p.l Hook. ex. fl. 204 999 nudi flora L. naked-flowered S-.OJ or 1 jn.jl B E. Indies 1824. D Pluk. al. 27. 4 1000 serrulata Vahl serrulated ~ !A1 or \ jn.jl B Trinidad 1824. D p.s 1001 aquinoxialis Beauv. equinoxial IU. [Al or B Guinea 1820. D p.s Beau. ow. 15 114. ORTE'GIA L. ORTEGIA. (C. G. de Ortega, a Spanish botanist.) Cary<. iphffllets. 2. 1002 hispanica L. 1003 dichotoma ^//. Spanish forked ^ A cu ^ A cu i Jn.jl | au.s AP Ap Spain ' Italy 1768. 1781. D D l.p l.p Cav. ic. 1. 47 Al. tau. 3. 4. 1 115. POLYCNE'MUM L. POLYCNEMUM. (Polys, many, kneme, knee ; joints.) Chenopbdete. 6. 12. 1004 arvense L. field 1005 recurvum Lot. recurved 1006 sibiricum Pall. Siberian 1007 oppositifolium Pall, opposite-leaved 1008 sclerospt'rmum Pall, hard-seeded ived *116. CRO'CUS L. 1010 vernus E. B. 2 neapolitanus Ten. 3 obovatus R. S. 1011 albiflorus Kit. 1012 minimus Red. \ 1013 versicolor H. K. i 1014 biflorus Mil. I 1015 pusillus Ten. j 1016 susianus Kit. j 1017 reticulatus Stev. i 1018 striatus L/C. j 1019 sulphureus H. K. 2 flavus 1 1020 luteus Lam. ' 1021 lagenaflorus Sal. 2 flavus CROCUS. spring Neapolitan obovate white-flowered smallest party-colored two-flowered little Susian netted channelled pale yellow common yellow tf bottle-flowered yellow 8 cu' cu J! Ap S. Europe 1640. France 1820. S S s.l s.l Jac. au. 4. 365 O cu 1 Ap Siberia 1826. S s.l Gm. si. 23. 1 O cu U Ap Siberia 1826. S s.l Pal. it. 52 cu I jUu Ap Tauria 1818. S s.l Pal. it. 56 cu IJUu Ap Caucasus 1823. S s.l Bux. c. 1. 17. 2 (Krokin, Chaldee.) Iridece. 18. 21. * A or J Lap P England mea. CO Eng. bot. 344 $ A or 1 f.ap P.B Naples CO Bot. mag. 860 tf A or i tap P S. Europe ... CO Bot. mag. 2240 $ A or | W Austria CO tf A or * P 1629. CO tf A or i P S. Europe 1629. CO Bot. mag. 1110 $ A or i W Crimea 1629. CO Bot. mag. 845 3 A or Naples 1824. CO Bot. cab. 1454 1 A or Y Turkey 1605. CO Bot. mag. 652 tf A or | B Crimea CO 5 A or | W 1820. CO A or | Y S. Europe 1629. CO Bot. mag. 938 A or P.Y S. Europe 1629. CO Bot. mag. 1384 tf A or i Y Turkey 1629. C) CO Bot. ma?. 45 *? A or D.Y Greece CO Fl. gr. 1. 35 5 A or % P.Y Greece CO Bot. mag. 1111 16 TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS III. 1022 mfesiacus B. M. 1023 stellaris Haw. 1024 sativus L. 1025 serdtinus H. K. 1026 nudinorus Sm. 1027 Pallasw Bieb. *117. WITSE'N/J L. 1028 maura L. 1029 corymbosa Sm. 1030 ramosa Vahl 118. /'XIA L. 1031 HneaYis L. 1032 capillaris L. 1033 aulica H. K. 1034.fucata Ker 1035 incarnata Jac. 103<) patens H. K. 1037 leurantha Pers. 1038 flexuusa H. K. 1039 aristata B. M. 1040 hybrida Ker 1041 conica //. K. 1042 monadelpha H. K. 2 ciirta ^wrfr. 1043 columellaris H. K. 104* amce'na Lk. 1045 maculata L. 2 ochroleuca 1046 ovata Audi: 1047 capitata Pers. 1048 dubia /terf. 1049 viridiflura Pers. 1050 erecta H. K. 2 incarnata 3 lutea 1051 crateroides Ker 1052 retdsa Sal. 1053 scillaris Kit. 1054 crispa Than. Maesian 5 A or starry $ A of cultivated saffron tf A or late autumnal 5 A or naked-flowered 5 A or Pallas's autumnal^ A or WlTSENIA. Moorish corymbose branched IXIA. linear capillary courtly TS stained tf flesh-colored tf spreading-^twd tf iAJ or white-flowered tf iAI or bending-stalked tf lAI or awned % tf iAI or spurious* tf i Al or conical tf iAI or monadelphous tf iAI or short tf i Al or pillar pretty spotted cream-colored ovate headed doubtful green-flowered tf iAI or upright tf i Al or flesh -colored yellow crater-like retuse $ squill-flowered tf iAI or curled-/eai>ed tf tAJ or if.ap Y Greece 1629. O co Bot.mag.1111.45 i Y O co Hort. tr. 136 i s.o V England mea. O s.l Eng. bot. 343 | s.n V S. Europe 1629. O co Bot. mag. 1267 i o.n V England mea. O co Eng. bot. 491 | s.o Li Crimea 1821. O co (M Witsen, a Dutch patron of botany.) Iridees. 3. 5. LAI or 4 n.ja Y.B C. G. H. 1790. C s.p Bot. reg. 5 f LAI or f ap.s P.B C. G. H. 1803. C s.p- Bot. mag. 895 j tAI or 1 ap.jn P.B C. G. H. 1819. C s.p (Ixia, birdlime ; viscid nature of the roots.) Iridex. 24. iAI or s? iAJ or tf iAI or iAI or tAJ or tf lAlor tf iAI or tf lAlor tf LAlor tf lAlor iAI or iAI or tf iAI or tf lAJor 1$ i Al or iAI or W V 2 Pk f jn.jl Pk lap my F 1 ap P limy W 2 Pk 1 Pk 1 W 1 O I B | O | au Va 1 R 1 1 C. G. H. 1796. 1774. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. my.jn C. G. H. my.jn P.Y C. G. H. R C. G. H. my.jn W. B R my.jn G my.jn W my.jn my.jn my.jn ja.f ja.f F Y D.R L.Y Va 1 B C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 570 O s.p.l Bot. mag. 617 1774. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1013 1800. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1379 ... O s.p.Uac. ic*2. 282 1779. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 522 1779. O s.p.Uac. ic. 2. 278 1757. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 624 1800. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 589 1757. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 128 1757. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 539 1792. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 607 1792. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1:'78 1790. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 630 1822. O s.p.l 1780. O s.p.l Bot rep. 196 1780. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1285 1780. O s.p.l And. rep. 23 1780. O s.p.l Bot. rep. 159 ... O s.p.l Red. lil.2. 64 1780. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 549 1757. O s.p.l Bot. m. 623.1173 1757. O s.p.l And. rep. 155 1757. O s.p.l And. rep. 159 1778. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 594 1793. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 629 1787. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 542 1787. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 599 119. TRICHONE'MA Ker TRICHONEMA. (Thrix, hair, nema, a filament.) Ir'idece. 13. 1055 Bulbocodium Ker Bulbocodium $ A or 1056 purpurascens Swt. purpurascent tf i Al or /'xia purpurascens Ten. 1057 Columns Ten. Columna's g iAI or 1058 coelestinum Swt. sky blue T$ ( A] or /'xia coelestina Bart. 1059 cruciatum Ker cruciate $ lAlor 1060 quadrangulum Swt. quadrangular $ i Al or /'xia quadrangula R. fy S. 1061 recurvum Spr. recurved tf iAI or 1062 chloroleucum Ker milk-colored $ lAlor 1063 caulescens B. M. caulescent tf .Al or $ 1064 monadelphum Swt. rribnadelphous tf iAI or 1065 pudicum Ker blush tf iAI or 1066 speciosum Ker showy ff iAI or 1067 roseum Ker rosy tf i A'l or 120. GEISSORHI'ZA Ker TILE ROOT. mr.ap R I mr.ap Pu mr.ap B | mr.ap B my B |my.jl S. Europe J739. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 265 Italy 1825. O s.p.l Ten. fl. nap. 1. 2 Italy 1825. Carolina 1818. C. G. H. 1758. C. G.H. 1825. O s.p.l O s.p.l Bart. it. 3 O s.p.l Bot. mag. 575 O s.p.l 1068 Lar6che* R. & S. l()69^uncea Lk. 1070 setacea Ker 1071 obtusata Ker 1072 vaginata Swt. 1073 secunda Ker 2 ccerulea 3 albescens 1074 sublutea Ker 1075 imbricata Ker 1076 hirta Ker 1077 excisa Ker 1078 ciliaris Sal. De la Roche's rushy bristle-leaved blunted sheathed side-flowering blue albescent yellowish imbricated hairy short-leaved ciliated tf iAI or # iAI or tf [Al or ? lAJor tf -AJ or tf i A) or tf iAI or tf iAI or ^ LAlor tf lAlor tf iAI or tf iAI or tf iAI or * myjl I my.jl i jn.jl 4 |"au i mr.ap I jl (Geison, a tile, rhiza, a root.) R C. G. H. G.w C. G. H. Y C. G. H. R C. G. H. R C. G. H. R C. G. H. Pk C. G. H. my V W Su Y Y.B W B W Y Va W W C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. II. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C.G.H. C. G. H. 121. HESPERA'NTHA Ker 1079 radiata Ker radiated $ tAI or 1080 pilosa Ker hairy tf iAI or 1081 angiista Ker narrow-leaved tf iAI or /'xia angnsta Jac. 1082graminif'6lia Swt. grass-leaved tf iAI or 1083 talcata Ker sickle leaved ? LAI or 1084 cinnamomea Ker Cinnamon $ LAI or 122. SPARA'XIS Ker SPARAXIS. 1085 tricolor Ker three-colored 2 sanguineo-purpurea bloody purple g iAI or 3 violaceo-purpurea violet purple g iAI or 1 my 1 my 1 my 1 my.jn 1 my.jn 1 my I 1 EVENING FLOWER. (Hespera, evening, anthos, a flower.) Iridete. 6. 3812. O s.p.l Red. lil. 5. 25. 1 1825. O s.p.l Jac. ic. 2. 270 1810. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1392 1825. O s.p.l 1808. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1244 1808. O s.p 1 Bot. mag. 1476 1808. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1225 Iridece. 11. 12. 1790. R s.p.l Bot. mag. 598 1822. O s.p.l 1809. O s.p.) Bot. mag. 1255 1801. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 672 1824. R l.p Sw. fl. gar. 138 1795. O s.p.l Bot. m. 597. 1105 1795. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 597 1795. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1105 O s.p.l O s.p.l O s.p.l O s.p.l Bot mag. 584 O s.p.l 1825. 1825. 1825. 1789. ap.jn " V V my.jn W | V " C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1794. 1811. 1825. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 573 O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1475 O s.p.Uac.ic.2.279 4 r6seo-aiba red and white 1086 versicolor Swt. party-colored 1087 bicolor Ker two-colored 1088 grandi flora Ker great-flowered 2 striata striated 3 LiliJtgo lily-flowered 1089 bulbifera Ker bulb-bearing 1090 fragrans Ker sweet-scented 1091 flnemoniflora B. M. anemone-flwd /'xia ro-sea Ker 105)6 capensis Ker 1097 longiflora /fer 1098 tenuiflora Vahl 1099 concolor Sutf. 1100 rochensis B. M. 1101 pallida Ker 1102 pectinata AVr 1103 lineata Ker 1104striata Ker 1 105 securigera Ker 1106flava Ker green-flowered rosy Cape long-flowered slender-flwd self-colored De la Roche pale-flowered pectinated linei 1108 fenestrata Ker 1109crocata Ker lllOdeustaXer 1111 miniata Ker 1112 xanthospila Ker 1113 refracta Ker 124. WATSCKN/^ 1114spicata.Kd 5 LAJ or yellow-spotted tf iAI or refracted tf iAJ or $ iAJ or tf iAI or tf iAI or tf i AJ or tf iAI or tf iAI or tf iAI or g iAI or tf uAJ or tf i Al or tf iAI or tf lAlor iAI or i A| or iAI or iAI or iA| or J| jn.jl 1 au.o ap.jn apjn ap.jn au an my.jn my my.jn my ' I my 1| my.jn my.jn I au 1 my.jl 1 my.jn F Y (r ]'k \V W Y Y Y W Y Va B Br Y Ru Y O Ful Ful R.Y Y allusion C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. C. G. to the stamens.) Iridece. 22. 23. H. 1787. O s.p.l Hot. mag. 678 H. 1825. O s.p.I Sw. fl. gar. ic. H. 1788. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 127.5 H. 1793. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 618 H. 1811. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1531 H. 1774. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 256 H. 1811. O s.p.!B.m.l502.f.maj. H. 1811. O s.p.l B.m.l502.f.min. H. 1811. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1503 H. 1806. O s.p.Uac. ic. 2. 262 H. 1825. O s.p.l H. 1774. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 487 H. 1825. O s.p.l Jac. ic. 2. 260 H. 1774. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 383 H. 1780. O s.p.l Bot. reg. 747 H. 1774. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 581 H. 1801. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 704 H. 1758. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 184 H. 1774. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 622 H. 1795. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 609 H. 1825. O s.p.l Red. lil. 3. 124 Ker WATSONIA. spiked tf Plantain tf Potted-flowered tf red and white tf variegated tf marginated tf lesser tf 1121 brevifolia Ker 1122mdif61ia Jac. 1123 fulgida Sal. 1124 Meriana Ker 1125 humilis Ker 1126 aletroides Ker 2 variegata strict-flowered rosy short-leaved Iris-leaved bright Merian's humble Aletris-like variegated-^twd tf (ir. lAlor iAI or iAI or iAI or iAI or iAI or iAI or iAI or lAlor iAI or iAI or iAI or Al or iAI or iAI or i A! or H. 1815. O s.p.l Bot. reg. 135 Watson, a London apothecary.) Iridece. 13. ' my Pk C. G. H. 1791. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 523 C. G. H. 1774. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 553 1800. O s.p.l Bot. rep. 177 ... O s.p.l Bot. mag. 537 ... O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1193 1774. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 608 1812. ' my C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. O s.p.l Bot mag. 1530 1810. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1406 1803. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1072 1794. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 601 1795. O s.p.l Jac. ic. 2. 234 O s.p.l Bot. mag. 600 O s.p.l Bot. m. 4 18. 1194 1754. O s.p.l Bot. m. 631.1195 1774. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 441 1795. 1750. Va C. G. H. 1774. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 533 125. BABIA'NA Ker BABIANA. (Babianer, 1127 Thunb^rgw Ker Thunberg's g iAI or 1128 ringens Ker gap'mg-flowered % iAI or 1 129 tubiflora Ker tube-flowered tf lAi or 1 130 tubata W. long-tubed tf lAlor 1 131 spathacea Ker sheathy tf iAI or 1132 sambucina Ker Elder-scented T$ iAI or 113.3 disticha Ker two-ranked tf lAlor 1J34 plicata Ker folded tf lAlor 11 35 stricta Ker strict tf lAlor 1136 angustifolia Ker narrow-leaved tf iAl or /'xia stricta B. M. 1137 tenuiflora Swt. slender-flwd tf i Al or 1138 sulphurea Ker su\phur-flwd tf iAI or 1 139 mucronata Ker mucronate tf iAI or 1140 villosa Ker hairy tf iAI or 1141 obtusif61ia Ker obtuse-leaved tf iAI or /'xia villosa Jac. not H. K. 1 142 purpurea Ker purple g iAI or 1143 rubro-cyanea Ker red and blue tf i Al or 1144 nana Spr. dwarf tf iAI or Gladiolus nanus And. Rep. W P jlau Pk V jn Pk p Pk P Pk F 4 my R U my.jn F f, my.jl L H my.jl li my.jl Dut. ; the roots the food of baboons.) Iridea?. 17. 1 ap PC. G. H. 1774. O S.p.l A my.jn P C. G. H. 1752. O s.p Bot. cab. 1006 fjn Y.R C. G. H. 1774. O s.p Bot. mag. 847 | jn W.R C. G. H. 1774. O s.p Bot. mag. 680 |jn L.B C. G. H. 1801. O s.p Bot. mag. 638 | B C. G. H. 1799. O s.p Bot. mag. 1019 | jn.jl B C. G. H. 1774. O s.p Bot. mag. 626 my.jn Pu C. G. H. 1774. O s.p Bot. mag. 576 1 my.jn B.w C. G. H. 1757. O s.p Bot. mag. 621 1 my.jn Va C. G. H. 1757. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 637 my.jn P C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.l Sw. fl. gar. ic. my.jn Y C. G. H. 1795. O s.p Bot. mag. 1053 | my.jn P C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.l Jac. ic. 2. 253 au D.R C. G. H. 1778. O s.p Bot. mag. 583 my.jn B C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.l Jac. ic. 2. 284 f my.jn P C. G. H. 1806. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1052 | ap.jn B.R C. G. H. 1794. O s.p Bot. mag. 410 ^ B C. G. H. 1807. O s.p.l And. rep. 137 126. LAPEYROU'S/J Ker LAPEYUOUSIA. (La Peyrouse, the French navigator.) Iridete. S. 1145 corymbosa Ker corymbose 1 146 falcata Ker falcate 1147 fasciculata Ker fasciculate Galaxia plicata Jac. 1148 fissifolia Ker cleft-leaved 1149 anceps Ker two-edged 1150 aculeata Swt. prickly 1151 Ailenofdes Ker Catchfly-like 1152 Fabricii Ker Fabricius's *127. MELASPJOE'RULA Ker MELASPII.EHULA. 1 153 graminea Dec. Grass-leaved 5 iAI or 1 1154 intermedia Swt. intermediate graminea B. R. not Red. 1155 iridifolia Dec. Iris-leaved g Al or T$ tAI or tf iAJ or tf iAJ or 5 Al pr tf j_AJ or ^ iAJ or tf iAI or my.jn B * my.jn B my.jn W my.jl my.jl my.jl V B B.y V B C. G. H. 1791. C. G. H. 1825. C. G. H. 1825. C. G. H. 1809. C. G. H. 1824. C. G. H. 1825. C. G. H. 1822. O s.p.l Jac. ic. 2.270 C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.l O s.p Bot. mag. 595 O s.p.l Thun. ir. 4. 1. 3 O s.p.l Jac. ic. 2. 291 O s.p -Bot. mag. 1246 R 8.1 Sw. fl. gar. 143 O s.p.l Sw. fl. i Al or iAI or (Melae, black, sphaira, globule ; bulbs.) Iridets. 3. G C. G. H. 1787. O s.p Red. lil. 163 1 Y,G C. G. H. 1787. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 615 Jac. ic. 2. 236. 128. GLADI'OLUS L. CORV FLAG. 1156 Watsomws Thun. 2 variegatus 1157 viperatus Ker 1158 alatus L. 2 algoensis Herb. 1159 namaquensis Kcr 1160 permeabilis Lor. llfil brevifulius Jac. 1162 hirsutus L. 1163 versicolor Ker 2 binervis B. M. 3 tenuior Ker llfii edi.lis Kcr U65 hastatus Thun. Y.G C. G. H. 1787. O s.p (Gladius a sword ; the leaves.) Iridecc. 37. 46. C. G. H. 1791. O s.p.l Bot.mag.450.569 C. G. H. 1801. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 5G9 C. G. H. 1787. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 688 C. G. H. 1795. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 586 C. G. H. 1824. R l.p Bot. mag. 2608 1800. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 592 1825. O s.p.l Lar. dis. 2 1802. O s.p.l Bot.mag.727.992 O s.p.l Bot. mag. 574 O s.p.l Bot. mag. a, 1042 O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1 1042 O s.p.l Bot. mag. 556 O s.p.l Bot. reg. 169 O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1564 Watson's tf iAJ or 1 f.ap D.R variegated tf iAJ or 1 mr.ap R.W viper ^ iAI or | G.Y wmged-flwd ? iAl or f my.jn S.Y Algoa Bay tf ,^J or f jl O Namaqua $ .Al or f my.jn O.G permeable tf iAJ or f my.jn O short-leaved tf tAJ or 1 d.jn Pk hairy tf iAJ or 1| ap jn Pk various-colored tf iAI or 1| my.jn Br two-nerved ^ iAJ or 1| my.jn Pk slenderer $ LAJ or 1 my.jn Va eatable tf ,AI cul 1| my.jn W hastate , 5 iAJ or 1 F C C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1795. 1794. 1806. 1779. 1816. 1816. 18 TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS III. 1166 tristis L. sad tf iAJ or 1 my.jn Br.Y C. G. H. 1745. s.p.l Bot. mag. 872 1167 concolor Sal. self-colored tf iAI or 1 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1790. s.p.l Par. Ion. 8 1168 hyalinus Jac. glassy lAlor 1 my.jn Y.R C. G. H. 1825. s.p.l Jac. ic. 2. 242 1169 tenellus Jac. tender ^ .Alor f my.jn Va.Y C. G. H. 1825. s.p.l Jac. ic. 2. 248 1170 Colvillw Swt. Colville's X iAI pr 1 jn.jl S.Y hybrid 1824. l.s Sw. fl. gar. 155 1171 trichonemifolius Kt r Trichonema-h '$ iAI or 1| my.jn Y C. G. H. 1810. o s.p.l Bot. mag. 1483 1172 gracilis Jac. small $ iAI or 2 mr.ap B.w C. G. H. 1800. s.p.l Bot. mag. 562 1173 debilis Sims weak tf lAipr 12 my W C. G. H. p.l Bot. mag. 2585 . 1174 recur vus H. K. recurved tf iAI or 2 Str C. G. H. 1758. s.p.l Bot. mag. 578 1175 carneus Jac. fiesh-colored $ iAI or 2 my.jn F C. G. H. 1796. s.p.l Bot. mag. 591 1176 cuspidatus L. pointed tf iAI or 1 W.Bi C. G. H. 1795. s.p.l Bot. mag. 582 1177 blandus H. K. bland lAJor li jn L.F C. G. H. 1774. s.p.l Bot. mag. 625 1178 albidus Vahl whitish S lAlor 1 my.jn W C. G. H. 1774. s.p.l Bot. mag. 648 2pictus B.M. 1179 trimaculatus Vahl painted three-spotted tf tf iAI or iAI or i l my.jl my.jn R.w R.w C. G. H. C. G. H. 1794. 1794. s.p.l Bot. mag. 1665 s.p.l 1180 campanulatus B. R . bell-flowered iAJ or 1J tmy L.p C. G. H. 1794. s.p.l Bot. rep. 188 1181 angustus L. narrow-leaved tf iAJ or ? my.jn L.Y C. G. H. 1757. s.p.l Bot. mag. 602 1182 involdtus Lar. involute tf iAI or 1- \ my.jn Pk C. G. H. 1757. s.p.l Lar. dis. 2. 3 1183 flexuosus Thun. flexuous tf iAI or i 1 my.jn C. G. H. 1825. s.p.l Thun. ir. 1. 1 1184 undulatus Jac. wave-flowered tf iAI or l Pk C; G. H. 1760. s.p.l Jac. ic. 2. 242 2 pallidus pale tf iAI or 1 P.Pk C. G. H. 1760. s.p.l Bot. mag. 647 3 carneus fiesh-colored If iAI or l F C. G. H. 1760. o s.p.l Bot. mag. 538 1185 floribundus Jac. bundle-flwd tf iAI or l my.jl Ci C. G. H. 1788. s.p.l Bot. mag. 610 1186 Milleri Ker Miller's tf iAI or u [ V C. G. H. 1751. s.p.l Bot. mag. 632 1187 cardinalis B. M. cardinal lAJ or 2 D.R C. G. H. 1789. s.p.l Bot. mag. 135 1188 byzantinus Mil. Byzantine tf A or 2 jn.jl R Turkey 1629. s.p Bot. mag. 874 1189 cbmmunis L. common fl A or J jn.jl R S. Europi j 1596. s.p.l Bot. mag. 86 2 carneus flesh-colored A or Ij F S. Europi J1596. o r.m Bot. mag. 1575 1190 tenuis Bieb. slender tf A or 1 my.jn R Tauria 1823. CO 1191 imbricatus L. imbricated A or 1 my.jn R Russia 1820. IP 1192 segetum Ker corn field iAl or 2 jn.jl P S. Europe 1596. s.p.l Bot. mag. 719 129. SYNNO'TJ/i Swt. SYNNOTIA. (W. Synnot, who collected many plants at the Cape.) Iridete, 3. 1193 variegata Swt. variegated 5 iAI or 1 ap.jn Va C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.l Sw. fl. gar. 150 1194 bicolor Swt. two-colored tf iAJ or * mr.ap B.Y C. G. H. 1786. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 548 /'xia bicolor #M Sparaxis bicolor Ker. Gladiolus bicolor W. 1195 galeatus Suit. hehneted tfiAJor 1 mr.ap B.Y C. G. H. 1825. O s.p.l Jac. ic. 2. 258 Gladiolus galeatus Jac. 130. ANOMATHE'CA Ker 1196juncea Ker rushy ANOMATHECA. g iAI or (Anomos, singular, theca, a capsule.) Iridece. 1. i Li C. G. H. 1791. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 606 131. ANTHOLY'ZAi. ANTHOLYZA. (Antftos,fl.,lyssa,rage', fl. like a mouth ready to bite.) Ir'idex. 3 4. 1197 aethiopica L. Ethiopian $ iAJ or 3 my.jn S.G C. G. H. 1759. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 561 1198 praealta Dec. very tall $ iAI or 2 ja.f O C. G. H. ... O s.p.l Bot. mag. 1172 aethitfpica j3 vitfgera B. M. 1199 montana Ker mountain tf j\J f ra 1 jn Br C. G. H. 1822. R s.p Bot cab. 1022 132. ANISA'NTHUS Swt. ANISANTHUS. (Anisos, unequal, anthos, a flower.) 1200 splendens Swt. 1201 Cunoma Swt. splendid Cunon's lAlor 1| mv.jn i Alor 2 my.jn AntholjrzaCun6m'a B.M. Gladiolus Cunonzo H. K. C. G. H. 1825. Iridece. 3. O s.p.l Sw. fl. gar. ic. 1202 quadrangular) s Swt. quadrangular tf AJ or 2 mr.ap Y Gladiolus quadrangular is B.M. C. G. H. 1756. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 843 C. G. H. 1700. O s.p.l Bot. mag. 567 (Xip/ios, a sword ; the leaves.) H. UiaUMSIl JIUf l^ W Jl Jl -T1.JJ A^m-tnn ap. wv/. *-r bOg i^llg. bOt. 1121 1375 imberbis R. Br. beardless jut tAJ cu 1 Ap N. Holl. 1818. D bog 137t> melanustachys%ff.5r. black-spiked jut iAJ cu 1" Ap N. Holl. 1822. D bog 1377 stellatus W. star-headed , Jilt tAJ pr f s.d Ap W. Indies 1822. D bog .151. CH^ETCXSPORA R. Br. CILETOSPORA. (Chcete, a bristle or awn, spora,a. seed.) Cyperacece. 2 23. 13/8 ferruginea Hum. rusty Jilt A un Ap Europe 1821. D bog Sc. ger. 1. 1. 4 Schce'nus ferrugineus L. 1379 turbinata R. Br. turbinated Jilt tAJ cu | jl Ap N. Holl. 1820. D bog 152. LEPIDOSPE'RMA Lab. LEPIDOSPERMA. (Lepis, a scale, sperma, a seed.) Cyperacece. 1. 21. 1380 gladiata R. Br. gladiated Jilt iAJ cu 4 JLau Ap N. Holl. 1819. D bog Lab. n. h. 1. 12 153. DULI'CHIUM Pers. DULICHIUM. (The name of an island, where found.) C 138J spathaceum Pers. spathaceous jilt A cu ... Ap N. Amer. 1818. D racece. 1. 2. I Pluk. al. 301. 1 154. RHYNCHO'SPORA Vahl RHYNCHOSPORA. (Rhygchos, a beak, spora, a seed.) Cyperacece. 3. 38. 1382 alba Vahl white-headed ML A w 1 au Ap Britain bogs. D bog Eng. bot. 985 1383 fusca Vahl brown-headed M A w 1 au Ap Britain bogs. D bog Eng. bot. 1575 13S4 comata Lk. tuft-headed Jilt GS cu 1^ au Ap Brazil 1820. D bog 155. FIMBRI'STYLIS Vahl FIMBRISTYLIS. (Fimbria, a fringe, stylus, a style.) Cyperacece. 4. 65. 1385 dichotoma Vahl dichotomous Jilt O un 1 jn.jl Ap E, Indies 1819. D bog Rtb. gr. 13. 1 ISSSannua R. fyS. annual Jilt O un | Ap S. Europe 1H10. S bog Host gr. 3.63 1387 puberula Vahl mossy W A un 1 Ap N. Amer. 1820. D bog 1383 diphylla Vahl two-leaved Jilt A un 1 jn.jl Ap Nepal 1822. S bog 15;>. ABILDGAA'RD/^ Vahl ABILDGAARDIA. 1389 monostachya Vahl one-spiked jilt iAI cu 1390 tristachys Vahl three-spiked ML iAJ cu (Prof. Abilgaard, of Copenhagen.) Cyperacece. 2. 4. Ap N. Hotl. 1819. D bog SI. jam. 1. 79. 2 ? 1 Ap N. HolL 1824. D bog 157. ISO'LEPIS M. Br. ISOLEPIS. (Isos, equal, lepis, a scale; flower of equal scales.) Cyperacece. 8. 48. 1391 fluitans R. Br. floating =*= A cu fit Ap . Britain dit. D aq Eng. bot. 216 Scirpus fluitans E. B. 1392 setacea R. Br. bristle-ftfc ML O CU Ap Britain bogs. S bog Eng. bot. 1693 1393 tenuissima D. Don slenderest jut O cu I Ap Nepal 1821. S bog .S'ci'rpus densus Wai. 1394nod6sa R. Br. knotted Jilt iAJ cu 1| jLau Ap N. Holl. 1820. D bog Lin. tr. 10. 15. 2 .Scirpus gracilis Rud. 1395 complanata R. 8s S. flattened jut uAl cu ... Ap E. Indies 1823. D bog 1396 //oloschce'nus R. $ S. whole Schcen us jut A cu S jl Ap England i sea sh. Skbog Eng. bot. 1612 1397 romana R. Sf S. Roman jut A cu 3 jl Ap Austria Skbog Jac. au. 5. 448 1398 australis R. # S. southern jut A cu 3 jl Ap S. Europe ... Skbog Pluk. ph. 40. 5 158. .SCI'RPUS R. Br. CLUB RUSH. (Cirs, rushes, Celt.} Cyperdcece. 17. 126. 1399 caespitosus L. tufted Jilt A w i jl Ap Britain tur. he. Sk bog Eng. bot. 102 1400 pauciflorus E. B. few-flowered Aw | au Ap Britain bgs. m. Sk bog Eng. bot. 1122 14<)1 elongatus Ham. elongated A un 1 s Ap Nepal 1825. S bog 1402 lacustris L. lake A ec 6 Ap Britain rivers. Sk bog Eng. bot. 666 1403 articulatus L. jointed [23 un 2 au.s Ap Europe 1826. S bog R. mal. 12. 71 1404 glaucus E. B. glaucous Aw 2 Ap England sal. m. Sk bog Eng. bot. 2321 1405 triqueter L. triangular Aw 3 au Ap England mar. Sk bog Eng. boL 1694 1406 mucronatus W. sharp-pointed A un 2 au Ap Eur. Asia ... Sk bog 1407 carinatus E. B. keeled Aw 3 Ap England riv. ba. Sk bog Eng. bot. 1983 1408 carfcinus Sm. Carex-like A cu 1 Ap Britain bogs. D bog Eng. bot. 1010 Schce'nuscompressus E. B. 1409 rufus E. F. rufous A cu | jl Ap Scotland bogs. D bog Eng. bot. 791 Schoe'nus rufus E. B. 1410 maritimus L. salt-marsh AW 2 jl.s Ap Britain sal. m. Sk bog Eng. bot. 542 1411 radlcans Schk. rooting A un 2 Ap Europe 1800. D bog Schk. us. 4. 1 1412 atrovirens Mhl. dark-green A un 2 Ap N. Amer. 1818. D bog 1413 Luzuhe L. Luzula [A] un 1| jl.s Ap E. Indies 1776. Sk bog Pluk.m.27.417.3 1414 sylvaticus L. wood Jilt A w Is" Jl- s 1415 quinquangularis Fa/// five-angled Jilt A cu 1 jn.jl Ap Ap Britain m. s. p. Sk bog Eng. bot. 919 1820. D bog 159. ELEO'CHARIS R.Br. SPIKE RUSH. (Elos, a marsh, chairo, to delight.) Cyperdcece. 9. 28. N. Holl. 1819. D bog W. Ind. 1822 D bog SI. jam. 1. 83. 3 Britain mar. Sk bog Eng. bot. 131 Germany 1818. Sk bog Britain bogs. D bog Eng. bol. 1187 1416 acuta R. Br. 1417 geniculata R. Br. 1418 palfistris R. Br. 1419 ovata Roth 1420muUicaulis Sm. .S'cirpus multicaulis^. B. 1421 acicularis R. Br. needle Scirpus acicularis E. B. 1422 obtusa R. Sf S. obtuse-scaled 1423 glauc^scens R fy S. glaucescent acute-scaled Jilt jointed jilt marsh jilt ovate jlli< many-stemmed jut iAI cu i.AI cu A w A un A cu I i'ft" 1 jn.jl I AP Ap Ap Ap Ap 1424 tenuis R. $ S. 160. ELY'NA Schr. 1425 spicata Schr. slender ELYNA. spiked A w A cu A cu A cu Ap Britain mar. Sk bog Eng. bot. 749 | I Ap Ap Ap Carex Bellard/ All. myosuroides Vil. (Elyo, to cover.) A cu I jn.jl Ap N. Amer. 1818. D bog N. Amer. 1820. D bog N. Amer. 1824. D bog Cyperacece. 1. Europe 1819. S bog Vil. del. 2. 6 161. ERIO'PHORUM L. COTTON GRASS. (Erion 126 vaginatum L sheathed 1427 poly ^stach yon Sm. many-spiked t"8 pubescens Eng. Fl. downy 1429 angustifolium Reich, narrow-leaved 1430 virginicum L. Virginian 1431 gracile Rath slender 1432 capitatum E. B. headed ML A P r jilt A P r or jilt A P r Jilt A pr Jib A pr jilt A pr 162. TRICHO'PHORUM Pers. TRICHOPHORUM. 1433 cyperinum Pers. Cyperus-like Jilt A cu 1434 alpinum Pers. alpine jlli A cu , wool, phoreo, to bear ; seeds in wool.) Cyperacece. 7. 9. 1 mr.ap Ap Britain moors. D bog Eng. bot. 873 1 jn.jl Ap Britain bogs. D bog Eng. bot. 563 1 my.jl Ap England bogs. D bog 1 ap Ap Britain bogs. D bog Eng. bot. 564 1 Ap N. Amer. 1820. D bog Pluk. al. 299. 4. i Ap Scotland sc. mo. D bog Eng. bot. 2402 f au.s Ap Scotland sc. mo. P bog Eng. bot. 2387 (Thrix, hair, phoreo, to bear.) Cyperacece. 2 2^ my.s Ap N. Amer. 1802. D bog Pluk. m. 419. 3 i Ap Scotland bogs. D bog Eng. bot. 311 C* 3 TRIANURIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS III. 163. CYPE'RUS L. 1435 Aitom R. & S. 1436 articulatus L. 1437 niluticus Forsk. 1438 viscosus H. K. 1439 compactus R$tx. 1440 tenellus Vahl 1441 mucronatus Rtb. 1442 pannonicus L. 1443 ArizsE'us Rich. 1444 alternifolius L. 1445 dtibius Rtb. 1446 conglomeratus L. 1447 compressus . 1448 vegetus W. 1449 ligularis L. 1450 Luzula W. 1451 paniculatus Vahl 1452 patens FoA/ 1453 rigidus Vahl 1454 pallescens JDe$/l 1455 flavescens L. 1456 fuscus L. 1457 conglomeratus JW6. 1458 erubescens Lk. 1459 australis ScAr. 1460 esculcntus L. 1461 hfdraATx. 1462 Pang6re Rtb. 1463 badius L. 1464patulus Host 1465 longus L. 1466 tenuiflorus 7HS. 1467 M6nti L. fil. 1468 paramattensis Lk. 1469 strigosus L. 1470 J'ria L. 1471 distans FaAJ 1472 fastigiatus Rtb. 1473 alopecuroides Rtb. 1474 cruentus .fl^A. 1475 glomeratus L. 1476 polycephalus i*. 1477 polystachys Rtb. 1478 fascicularis iawz. 1479 leucocephalus Ret 1480 can'cinus D. Don 1481 tristilcus D. Don 1482 difiormis i. 1483 prostratus Sieb. 1484 dives De/. 164. PAPY RUS Lk. 1485 antiquorum XA. 1486 odoratus W. CYPERUS. (Cypris, a name of Venus ; roots aphrodisiacal.) Alton's jilt tAJ cu 14 jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 8* jointed jut O un 1 au Ap Jamaica 1817. S Nilotic jilt O cu 1 au Ap Egypt 1810. s clammy jut (23 cu 2 Ap Jamaica 1781. Sk compact jilt O un 1 Ap Chile 1819. S slender mucronate Jill' iQI cu jilt [Q] un i my.jn 1 jl.s Ap Ap C. G. H. 1819. W. Indies 1819. S S Pannonian Briza-like jut O cu jilt (23 un 1 1 jnjl Ap Ap Hungary 1781. S. Amer. 1817. Sk S alternate-lvd jilt (23 cu 2 Ap Madagasc.1781. Sk doubtful jilt [23 cu i jl Ap E.Indies 1802. S conglomerated compressed jilt A ul1 jilt (23 un 1 au 1 au.s Ap Ap Arabia 1818. Jamaica 1820. S S fresh jut A cu 1 my.s Ap America 1790. Sk l\gu\ar-leaved jilt O un 1* Jnjl Ap Jamaica 1817. S Luzula jut [23 cu 2 my.s Ap W. Indies ... Sk panicled jllii (7\| cu 1 my.jl Ap E. Indies 1804. D spreading jilt fTTl un 1 jn.jl Ap W.Indies 1821. S rigid jilt [23 un 1 jn.jl Ap W, Indies 1826. S pallescent jilt A un 2 jn.jl Ap S. Europe ... D flavescent jut G) cu 1 jn.8 Ap Germany 1776. S brown jilt O cu iju Ap England mar. S . conglomerated jut 23 cu 1 my.s Ap Arabia 1820. D erubescent Jilt LAI CU 1 my.jn Ap 1820. D southern eatable jilt O un A A cul 1 my.jl 1 jl Ap Ap S. Europe 1824. S. Europe 1597. S Sk hydra jilt A un 1 Jl Ap N. Amer. 1812. S Pangore's 1 jn.jl Ap Ceylon 1824. S brown Jilt iAI cu 2 IJl Ap Algiers 1800. Sk spreading jilt O un 1 jn.jl Ap S. Europe 1824. a long jilt A cu 3 jl Ap England mar. Sk slender-flwd eun Ap S. Europe 1818. S Monti's un 1 s Ap Italy 1824. S Paramatta jilt O un 1 my.jn Ap Paramata 1826. s strigose jilt (23 cu liJU Ap W. Indies 1786. Sk Ira jut r7\i cu 1* Jl Ap E. Indies 1802. Sk distant jilt (23 cu 2 Ap W. Indies 1820. D fastigiate jilt (23 cu 1 Ap E. Indies 1800. Sk Foxtail-like jilt lAlcu 2 Ap C. G. H. 1804. Sk bloody jlUi A un 1 jn.jl Ap S. Europe 1823. S clustered jilt O cu 2 Ap Italy . 1804. S many-headed w un 1 jn Ap S. Europe 1820. S many-spiked jilt tAJun 2 jl Ap E. Indies 1819. s parcelled jilt O un 1 jn.jl Ap S. Europe ... s z. white-headed jilt A un I au Ap W. Indies 1819. s Carex-like Jilt A un 1 au.s Ap Nepal 1826. s three-furrowec 1 jilt A un 1 n Ap Nepal 1824. s two-form ed Jilt O un 1 jn.jl Ap E. Indies ... s prostrate rich jilt O un Jilt A un 1 jnjl 1 jn.jl Ap Ap Egypt 1825. Egypt 1824. s s PAPYRUS. (Babeer^Syrian ; hence Papyrus,_Egyptian paper.) ancient sweet-scented Cyperacets. 50. 300. bog SI. jam. 81. 1 bog Sk bog Jac. ic. 2. 295 bog bog Pluk. al. 300. 4.5 bog Rtb. gr. 8. Skbog Hostgr. 3. 20 bog Sk bog Jac. ic. 2. 298 bog Rtb. gr. 20. 4. 5 bog Rtb. gr. 15. 7 bog SI. jam. 77. 1 Sk bog Jac. vin. 3. 12 bog 11.2 Skbog Rtb. gr. 13.3 bog bog bog bog Desf. at. 1.9 bog Hostgr. 3.72 S bog Hostgr. 3. 73 ~ bog bog bog Seg. ver. 3. 2. 2 Skbog Hostgr. 3. 75 bog bog Rtb. gr. 7. 3 Sk bog Desf. at. 1. 7. 2 bog Hostgr. 74 Sk bog Eng. hot. 1309 bog Jac. ic. 2. 296 bog Mo. gr. 12. 1. 2 bog Skbog 40. 11.3 Sk bog R. mal. 12. 56 D bog Jac. ic. 29'J Skbog Rtb. gr. 32. 7. 2 Sk bog Rtb. gr. 38. 8. 2 bog Rtb. gr. 5.1 bog bog bog Rtb. gr. 11. 1 bog Lam. il. 38. bog bog bog bog Rtb. gr. 9. 2 bog Del. .eg. 5. 3 bog Cyperacea;. 4. 6. D bog Mic. gen. 44. 19 D bog SI. jam. 74. 10 Cyperus odoratus Brm. 1487 laxiflorus Spr. lax-flowered =fe (23 or 7 Ap Madagasc.1822. D bog 1488 elegans G. Don elegant = iAJ or 7 Ap W. Indies 1820. D bog SI. jam. 1. 75. 1 6'yprus elegans L. 165. KYLLI'NGyf L. 1489 monoc6phala L. 1490 intermedia R. Br. 1491 polycephala Lk. 1492 uncinata Lk. 1493 triceps L. 1494 brevifolia Rtb. KYUJNGA. one-headed intermediate many-headed hooked three-headed short-leaved (P. Kylling, jilt (23 un | jn.jl jilt (73 un | jn.jl Jilt IAI un Jilt \7\] un Jilt [23 un Jilt 23 un a Danish botanist, d. 1696.) Cypcrdcea. 6. 14. Ap India 1793. Sk bog Rtb. gr. 4. 4 Ap N. Holl. 1822. S bog Ap Brazil 1820. ~ Ap Brazil 1820. Ap India 1776. Ap W. Indies 1817. 1 f 1 my D bog D bog Sk bog Rtb. gr. 4. 6 D bog Rtb. gr. 4. 3 167. REMIRE'A Aub. 1502 maritima Aub. umbelled tall conflexed aggregated Panic-grass smooth egg-seeded REMIREA. jilt (23 cu 166. AfARI'SCUS Vahl MARISCUS. (Mar, a marsh, Celt.; growing in marshes.) Cyperdcea:. 7. 28. ,,r u_ii^.._ rr_i., ...,,-j ..,. m . ,, : _ E. Indies 1789. Sk bog Rtb. gr. 4. 2 E. Indies 1805. Sk bog Jac. ic.2. 300 Brazil 1819. D bog 1822. D bog S. Amer. 1820. D bog Rtb. gr. 6. 1 S bog S bog Pluk. al. 91.* 14H5 umbellatus Vahl 1496 elatus Vahl 1497 conflux us Lk. 1498 aggregatus W. 1499^aniceus Vahl 1500 he'vis R. Br. 1501 ovularis Vahl 3 I|S I jn.jl 1 jnjl 2 1 Ap Ap AP Ap Ap Ap Ap N. Holl. Carolina 1818. 1818. (The native name in Guiana.) Gramineee. 1. 2. Jilt A cu | Ap Florida 1822. D sea s. Aub. gui. 16 168. LYGE'UM L. 1503 Spartum L. 169. CORNUCOTIjE L. CORNUCOPIA 1504 cucullatum L. hooded jil LYCEUM. (Lygeo, to bend ; its flexibility for ropes, baskets, etc.) Gramineee. Broom Jilt A ec 1J my.jn Ap Spain 1776. D co Cl. h. 2. 2 (Cornu, a horn, copia, plenty : the spike.) Gramineee. 1. O cu \ au Ap Levant 1788. S co Fl. gr. 1. 51 170. CE'NCHRUS L. CEISTCHRUS. (Kegcttros, the Greek name of the Millet.) 1.105 echinatus L. echinated Jllk Ol cu 2 au.d Ap W. Indies 1691. 1506 fribuloides L. Tribulus-Hke Jilt O cu 1 Ap N. Amer. 1818. 1507 splnifex Ceiv. thorn-producing Jilt A cu 1 my.jn Ap S. Amer. 1820. 1508 australis JR. Br. southern Jilt O cu 1 Ap N. Holl. 1822. Graminece. 4. 12. S co Cav.ic.5.39.4G2 S co Cav. ic. 5. 461 S co Cav. ic. 5. 461 S co 171. FUIRE'NM Rtb. 1509 umbellata Rtb. FUIRENA. umbelled (G. Fuiren, a Danish botanist.) Jill (23 cu 1 my.jn Ap W. Cyperacea. 1. 9. Indies 1825. D bog Rtb. gr. 17. 172. HYPCKLYTRUM Vahl HYPOLYTRPM. (Hypos, underneath, elytron, involucrum.) Cyperacete, 1. - 1510 senegalese Rich. Senegal Jilt 23 cu 2 Ap Senegal 1824. S bog ORDER II. TRIANURIA DIGYN1A. 173. PENNISE'TUM Rich. PENNISETUM 1511 setosum Rich. setose 1512 polystachyum R $ S. many-spiked 1513 Kiolaceum Lam. Violet 1514 orientate Rich. oriental 1515 compressum R. Br. compressed 1516 Aolcoides R. 8f S. Holcus-like Panicum Aolcoides Rox. 1517 cenchroides Rich. Cenchrus-like 1518 barbatum R. &-S. bearded 1519 dichotomum Del. dichotomous 1520 nepalense Spr. Nepal 174. SPARTI'NA Schreb. SPARTINA. :. (Penna, a feather, seta, a bristle.) O un 2 Ap Brazil O un 2 Ap E. Indies 1W4. S CO iQI un 1 Ap Senegal 18^0. S CO O un 1 jn.jl Ap Guiana 1817. S CO CZ3 un 1 Ap N. Roll. 18^0. s CO O un 1 Ap E. Indies 1816. S CO OJ cu 1| Ap C. G. H. 1777. s CO O un 1 Ap E. Indies 1823. s CO Q) un O un 2 2 AP Ap Egypt . Nepal 1823. 1822. s s CO CO 23 Graminca:. 10. 22. 1817. S co Ru. am. 6. 7. 2. 6 Ku. am. 6. 7. 2 Del. xg. 8. 3 (Spartan, a rope made from broom.) Gramine N. Amer. 1781. s CO 1613 nitidum /,a?w. shining jilt RTJ un 1 Jn.jl Ap N. Amer. 1819. s CO 1614 uligin6sum Roth bog jut O un J jn.jl Ap 1820. s bog 1615 anceps MX. two-edged jut A un 1 Ap N. Amer. 1816. s CO 1616 arundinaceum Swz. Reed-like jut iAJ un 3 Ap Jamaica 1819. s CO 1617 coloratura L. colored jut O un 2 jl.s Ap Egypt 1771. s CO Jac. ic. 1. 58 1618 repens L. 1619 proliferum Lam. 1620 numidianum D^s/. creeping proliferous Numidiaa jilt O un jilt A cu jilt O un 1 L 2 AP Ap Ap S. Europe 1777. N. Amer. 1820. Numidia 1818. s s s CO CO CO Fl. gr. 1. 61 Desf. at. 1.11 1621 hispidulum Retz. hispid jilt O un 2 Ap E. Indies 1804. s CO 162 fnrmentaceum Rox. frumentaceous jut O cul 2 Ap E. Indies 1810. s CO 1623 muricatum /tete. prickly jflt O cu Ap E. Indies 1805. s CO 1624 wziliaceum L. millet jilt O ag 1J Z jl.s Ap E. Indies 1596. s CO Host gr. 2. 20 1625 gongylodes Jac. Rape-sm/frf jilt O un 2J jn.jl Ap W. Indies 1826. s CO 1626 laj've Lam. smooth jilt O un 1 jn.jl Ap W. Indies 1820. s CO 1627 capillare L. 2 minor .R. # S. hair-pa ?iicled smaller jilt O un jilt O un 2 1 jn.jl AP Ap America 1758. America 1758. s s CO CO Host gr. 4. 16 1628 diffusum SMS. diffuse jilt fAi un 1 jl Ap W. Indies 1821. s CO 1629 asperrimum Lk. roughest jilt O un 1 jn.jl Ap 1821. s CO 1630 maximum Jac. largest jilt O un 1 Jn.jl Ap W. Indies 1820. s CO 1631 patens L. spreading 1 Ap India 1804. s CO 1632 altissimum Mey. tallest jut O un 3 Ap 1816. s CO 1633 marginatum A j?r. marginate jut 23 un 2 Ap N. Holl. 1822. s CO 1634bicolor/?.7*r. two-colored Jilt IAI un 2 Ap N. Holl. 1822. s CO 1635 brevifolium L. short-leaved Jilt O un Ap E. Indies 1800. s CO Pluk. al. 176. 189 187. SET A'RIA Beauv. SETARIA. (Seta, a bristle : the involucrum.) G: ramk ne f e. 26. 35. 1636 sericea Beauv. 16.37 verticillata Beauv. silky whorled Jilt O un Jilt O w 1J my.s 1J Ap Ap W. Indies 1780. S England S CO CO Eng. hot. 874 1638 viridis ^awy. green Jilt O w Ap England . s CO Eng. bot. 875 1639 pumila /,&. dwarf Jilt O un 1 Ap 1819. s CO 16K) maerochaj'ta Spr. 1641 purpurascens Hum. 1642 intermedia 7?oM long-haired purpurascent intermediate Jilt O un jut O un Jilt RTJ un 2 2 jl.s Ap Ap Ap 1819. Brazil 1822. R Indies 1821. s s s CO CO CO 1643 Weinmannt R. & S. Weinman's jut O un 1J jl.s Ap Teneriffe 1816. s CO 1644 glauca Beauv. 1645 helvola R. 8f S. glaucous pale red Jilt O un Jilt O un 4 Ap Ap S. Europe 1771. E. Indies 1821. s s CO CO Hostgr. 2. 16 1646 erubescens R &S. erubescent Jilt RTJ un 1 Ap W. Indies 1818. s CO 1647 geniculata Horn. jointed jut O un Ap 1805. s CO 1648 maritima Pair. sea-side Jilt O un H Jl.s Ap 1816. s CO 1649 germanica Beauv. 1650 italica 7&aww. German Italian jut O ag Jilt O ec Is* . " Ap Ap S. Europe 1548. India 1816. s s CO CO Host gr. 2. 16 1651 composita H. & B. compound Jilt O un 2 A> S. Amer. 1824. s CO 1652 cylindrica 7f. $ s. cylindrical IJjl.s Ap 1819. s CO 1653 setdsa Beauv. setose jut O un 2J Ap W. Indies 1804. s CO 1654 polyst&hya R. $8. many-spiked mit Ol un jt.S Ap Brazil 1824. s CO ORDER IL TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. 25 1655 tenacissima R. S;S. 1656 Pennisetum R. $ S. 16f>7 scandens Spr. lt>53 aurfcoma Lk. 16.iy aspera Lk. 1660 muricata Lk. 1661 cenchroides R. Sf S. most tenacious Jilt Pennisetum Jilt scandent Jilt golden-hairea rough prickly Cenchrus-like un 2 un 2 O un 3 jut O un 1* jilt A un 2 jilt O un 1 jut O un 1 Brazil 1819. S S. Amer. 1821. S 1820. 1818. C. G. H. 1820. N. Amer. 1818. Cayenne 1821. CO co S co S co S co S co S co 188. ECHINO'CHLOA Beauv. PIMCKLY GRASS. (Echinos, a hedgehog, c/iloa, grass.) Graminece. 8. Ii2 stagnina Beauv. stagnant Jilt O un 3 Ap E, Indies 1802. S co I(i2 itagnlna Beauv. stag 1663 commutata R. S; S. changed Paiiicum stagninum Host 1664 intermedia R. $ S. intermediate 1665 erythrosperma R.$S. red-seeded 1666 crus-corvi Beauv. crow's-foot 1667 crus-galli Beauv. cock's-foot Paiiicum crus-galli E. B. 1668 eehinata R. 4- S. prickly 1669 setigera R. Sf S. setigerous jilt O un 3 Ap jlli O un 14 Ap jilt O un H Jl-au Ap jut O un 1 Ap jilt O uu 1 Ap jilt O cu 1| Ap jilt O un Jilt Ol cu 1 1 AP Ap Hungary 1802. S co Host gr. 3. 51 1818. S co 1818. *S co E. Indies 1781. S Britain S co co Eng. bot. 876 N. Amer. 1818. S E. Indies 1820. S 189. ORTHOPO'GON R Br. ORTHOPOGOV. (Orthos, straight, pogon, a beard.) 1670 hirtellus R. Br. 1671 undulatifolius Spr 1672 Burmanni R. Br. 1673 iromoides R. Sf S. /oliaceus Spr. 1674 compositus R. Br. 1675africanus G.Don hairy wavy-leaved Burman's Bromus-like compound African 6. 28. jilt O un jut Tj] un jut RTi un Oplismenus africanus Beauv. 190. MONA'CHNE Beauv. MONACHNE. 1676 unilateral Beauv. one-sided .A/ilium villusum Lk. Jilt [D] un jut O un 1 jn.jl 1 1 jajl 1 Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Graminece. W. 'Indies 1795. S co S. Europe 1795. S co Host gr. 3. 52 E. Indies 1800. S Trinidad 1820. S Bur. in. 12. 1 Ru. am. 6. 5. 2 Ceylon Africa 1818. 1824. H. pfl. 12. 96. 1 Beau.ovv. 2. 67.1 (Monos, one, achne, a glume.) Graminece. 1. un 3 Ap W. Indies 1819. S co SI. jam. 14. 2 191. PENICILLA'RIA Beauv. PENICILLAUIA. (Penicillus, a pencil ; in allusion to the spikes.) Graminece. 2. 1677 ciliata W. ciliated Jilt Q un 2 jl.s Ap Jamaica 1748. S co Plk. al. 92. 5 1678 spicata W. spiked jilt O un 2 jn.jl Ap India 1592. S co Plk. al. 32. 4 Graminece. 1. (Isos, equal, achne, a glume.) Gramin A un 1 jn.jl Ap N. Holl. 1820. S bog 192. ISA'CHNE R. Br. ISACJINE. 1679 australis R. Br. southern 193. ZAPPA'GO Schreb. LAPPAGO. (Lappa, the burdock; with rough prickly flowers.) Graminece. 1. 1680 racemosa Schreb. racemose jut O cu 1 Ap S. Europe 1771. S co Host gr. 1. 36 194. STI'PA L. 1681 pennata L. FEATHER GRASS. (Stype, a silky or feathery substance.) Graminece. 12. 37. feathered Jilt A or 2 Ap Britain al.roc. D s.l Eng. bot. 1356 1682 humilis Cav. low jut O cu i Ap S. Amer. 1802. S CO Cav. ic. 5. 466. 1 168:3 torcilis Desf. twisted jilt A un 1 Ap Greece 1820. D P 1 86 1684 Lagascrf? R. & S. Lagasca's jut A un 1 Ap Spain 18'20. D P!I Desf. at. 1. 28 1685 tenacissima L. most tenacioi is Jilt A cu 2 Ap Spain 1817. D CO Desf. at. 1. 30 1686 capillata L. long-haired jilt A cu 2 Ap Europe 1815. I) CO Host gr. 3.5 1687 Juncea L. Hush-leaved Jilt A cu 3 jl Ap France 1772. D CO FI. gr. 1. 85 ' 1688 gigantea Lag. giant Jilt A cu 3 Ap Spain 1823. D s.p 1689 aristella L. awned Jilt A un 1 Ap S. Europe 1819. D p.l FLgr.87 1690 bicolor Vahl two-colored Jilt A un 1 Ap N. Araer. 1820. D 1 P Cav. ic. 5.466. 2 169 Iconftrta R. $ S. crowded Jilt A cu 2 Ap 1819. 1) I'P 1692 sibirica Lam. Siberian Jilt A cu 3 Ap Siberia 1777. D CO Gm. si. 1. 22 195. ARISTI'DAZ. ARISTIDA. (Arista, an ear of corn.) Graminece. 2. -14. , 169,3 vagans R. Br. wandering Jilt iAI cu 2 Ap N. Holl. 1816. D p.l Cav. ic. 5. 471 1694 stipoides R. Br. Stipa-like jilt Al cu If jn.jl Ap N. Holl. 1826. S 196. CH^TA'RIA Beauv. CHJSTARIA (Chaite, an awn or bristle.) Graminece. 4. 21. 1695 adscensionis Beauv. ascension Jilt El un 1 Ap W. Indies 1820. S co SI. jam. 1. 2. 56 Aristida adscensionis W. - 1696 hy" strix Benuv. porcupine Jilt (23 un 2 Ap E. Indies 1820. S co Pluk. al. 191. 5 1697 divaricata Hum. divaricate Jilt ,AJ un 2 Ap S. Amer. 1818. S co Jac. ec. 6 1698 ca^rulescens R. Sj S. ceerulescent Jlit O un 2 Ap Canaries 1818. S co Desf. at. 1. 21. 2 197. CH^ETU'RUS Lk. CHJETURUS. (Chcete, a head of hair, oura, a tail; silky panicles.) Graminece 12 1699 fasciculatus Lk. bundled Jllk O un | jl.s Ap Spain 1816. S co 198. LAGU'RUS L. HARE'S-TAIL GRASS. (Lagos, a hare, oura, a tail.) Graminece. 1. 1700 ovatus L. ovate-spiked Jilt O cu 1 jn Ap Guernsey bor. fi. S co Eng. bot. 1384 ! 199. ECHINOPO'GON Beauv. ECHINOPOGON. (Echinos, prickly, pogon, a beard.) Graminece. 1 1701 ovatus Beauv. ovate jilt _AI un 1 Ap N. Holl. 1820. S p.s Lab. n. h. 1. 21 ^grostis ovatus Lab. 200 HIERO'CHLOE Gm. HIEROCHLOE. (Hieros, holy, chloe, grass.) Graminece. 3. 7. H702borealis R.&;S. northern Jilt A cu 1 my.jn Ap Scotland moun. D co Gr. wo. 167. ic. fldlcu8 borealia Schr. odoratus L. 1703 australis R. S; S. southern Jilt A cu 1 jn.jl Ap S. Europe 1777. Deo 1704 fragrans R. & S. sweet-scented Jilt A cu 1 jn.jl Ap N. Amer. 1777. D co /folcus odoratus MX. 201. POLYPCKGON Desf. POLYPOGO.V. (Poly, many, pogon, a beard.) Graminece. 5. 15. I 705 monspelit^nsis Desf. Montpelier Jilt O pr 1 .7061ittoralisSw. shore jilt O pr 1 ^grostis littoralis E. B. 707 maritimus W. sea-side jilt O un 1 708 tataricus Fis. Tartarian jilt O un 1 ,709 glomeratus IV. glomerated jilt Q un li ^grostis setosus Hfuhl Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Britain Britain way s. S co sea s. D co Eng. bot. 1704 Eng. bot. 1251 S. Europe 1817. S Tartary 1820. S N. Amer. 1826. S 202. GASTRI'DIUM Beauv. GASTRIDIUM. (Gastridion, a little swelling.) Graminece. 2. 110 australe Beauv. southern Jt Q ag Ap Britain san. fi. S co Eng. bot. 1107 A/nium lendi'gerum E. B. 711 mfiticum Spr. beardless * Ap Sicily 1819. S co 26 TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. CLASS III. 203. ^GRO'STIS L. 1712 stolonifera L. 2 latifolia Sin. BENT GRASS. (The Greek name for all grasses. Astros, a field.) creeping Fiorin * A ag 1 jl Ap Britain moi.m. broad-leaved ^ A ag 1 jl Ap Britain mo. pa. GramiT>ea;. 40. 110. C h.l Eng. bot. 1552 S co Gr.wo.225 ic. S angustifolia Sin. 4 aristata Sin. narrow-leaved awned S A A ag ag 1 Jl 1 jl Ap Britain mo. pa. Britain mo. pa. S S CO CO tir.wo.olb. ic. Gr.wo.345.ic. 5 nemoralis Sin. grove n* A ag 1 jl Ap Britain woods. S CO 6 palustris Sin. marsh A 1 Jl Ap Britain mar. S CO 1713 diff'usa Host diffuse Alii; A un 1 Ap Austria 1818. D CO Host gr. 4. 55 1714 neglecta Schr. 1715 capillSris Sm. 1716 tenella R. %S. neglected capillary slender jiit A A A un un un 1 1 Ap AP Ap Pannonia 1820. Caucasus 1825. Tyrol 1821. 1) D U CO CO CO Sm. ic. in. 3. 54 Sc. ger. 1.5.1 11 11 spuria R. 8f S. spurious .jiii, A un 1 Ap Pannonia 1826. D CO Host gr. 4.51 1718 decumbens Host decumbent Jllli A un 1 jn.jl Ap Pannonia 1819. D CO Hostpr. 4. 54 1719 alba L. white Fiorin y A ag 14 jl Ap Britain mar. S m.s Gr.wo.342.ic. 2 purpurascens purpurascent ^ A f 1 Jl Ap Britain mar. S CO Eng. bot. 118 3 vivipara viviparous S| A ag 1 Jl Ap Britain mar. s CO 1720 dulcis Sm. sweet jli A un 1 jn.jl Ap Greece 1818. D CO 1721 tenuitolia Bieb. fine-leaved JlUi A un 1 Ap Caucasus 1820. D CO 1722 patula Gau. spreading Jilt A un 1 Ap Switzerl. 1818. D CO 1723 valentina R. Sf S. Valentia Jilt A un 1 Ap France 1819. D CO 1724 gigantea Roth 1725 dubia L?rs gigantic doubtful Jilt Jilt A A un Ull 2 1 Ap Ap Caucasus 1820. Germany 1818. D D CO CO Sc. ger. 1. 11. 2 Lee. her. 4. 4 1726frondosa Ten. frondose jilt A un 1 jnjl Ap Italy 1824. D CO 1727 vulgaris JE. A common r* A w Ap Britain me. pa. S 1 Eng. bot. 1671 1728 ambigua R. % S. 1729Juress Lk. ambiguous Juress's JUJi A A un un 1 jl 1 jn.jl AP Ap Europe 1819. Germany 1820. D D CO CO Host gr. 56 1730 aspera MX. rough Jilt A un 1 jn.jl Ap N. Amer. 1820. 1) CO 1731 capensis Thun. Cape Jilt A un ^ in jl Ap C. G. H. 1818. D CO 1732 virginica W. Virginian Jilt A un 1 jnjl Ap N. Amer. 1820. D CO Lab. n. h. 1. 23 1733 maritima Lam. sea-side Jilt A un 1 jnjl Ap France 1818. D CO 1734 versicolor Stev. 1735 debilis Poir. party-colored weak Jilt Jilt A A un un 1 jn.jl Ap Ap Caucasus 1820. France 1818. D 1) CO CO 1736 Forsteri R. & S. Forster's Jilt A un I 2 jn.jl Ap Austria 1821. D CO 1737hispida W. hispid Jilt A un 1 Ap Europe 1805. S CO 1738 sylvatica L. wood Jilt A un f JM Ap Britain woods. S m.s Lee. her. 4. 3 1739 varia Host variable Jilt A un Ap Germany 1817. D CO 1740 latifolia Otto broad-leaved Jilt A un 1 S jnjl Ap Germany 1826. D CO 1741 Tenorii Otto Tenore's Jilt A un H jnjl Ap Italy 1826. D CO 1742 plebeia R. Br. plebeian Jilt A un 1 Ap N. Holl. 1806. 1) CO 1743 ae'mula R. Br. rival Jilt A un 1 Ap N. Holl. 1822. I) CO 1744 Billardierz R. Br. La Billardier's Jlli A un 1 Ap N. Holl. 1806. D CO Lab. n. h. 1. 31 1745 verticillata W. Jilt un 1 jnjl Ap S. Europe 1800. B CO 1746 spica-venti W. 1747 interrupts L. 1748 pallida Dec. windward-spkd Jilt interrupted Jilt pale Jilt 8 cu un un 4 jn.jl 2 i jn.jl 4 Ap Ap England san. fi. S S. Europe 1820. S France 1819. S 6.1 CO CO Eng. bot. 951 Host gr. 48 1749 purpurea Gaw. 1750 paucifl6ra R. $ S. few-flowered jUt O un A cu 1 jnjl 1 Ap Ap Vallesia 1821. Switzerl. 1824. S D CO CO 1751 retrofracta W. en. retrofracted Jilt A un 2 Ap N. Holl. 1806. S S.I 204. TRICHCKCHLOA Dec. TRICHOCHLOA. ( Thrix, hair , chloa , grass.) Graminea!. 6. 30. 1752 longiseta Trin. long-awned Jilt A cu" ^grostis tenuiflora Muhl. Cinna tenuiflora Lk. 1753 mexicana Trin. Mexican jut A cu 1 Ap Ap N. Amer. 1820. Mexico 1780. S s CO CO Wil. h. b.12 ^4grostis mexicana L. dnna mexid ina Bet '.UV. 1754 foliosa Trin. leafy jilt A cu 1 Ap N. Amer. 1819. s CO ^gr6stis filiformisJ V. annafilif6rm isZ jT 1755 sobolifera Trin. soboliferous jut cu 1 Ap N. Amer. 1819. s CO 1756 microspe'rma Dec. small-seeded jilt cu 1 Ap Mexico 1820. s CO JgroatM microspen na Lag. 1757 capillaris Dec. capillary jut A cu 4 Ap Carolina 1818. s CO 205. TRICHO'DIUM MX. TRICHODIUM. (Thrix, hair, eidos, like ; inflorescence.) Graminea:. 12 18. 1758 caninum Schr. dog i vl!fj A w If Ap Britain pas. S CO Eng. bot. 1856 1759 alpinum R.fyS. alpine 1 jut A un jnjl Ap Europe 1821. D CO Sc. ger. 1. 3. 4 1760 rupestre R.&S. rock jut A un 1 Jl Ap S. Europe 1815. S CO Sc. ger. 1. 3. 5 1761 neglectum R.$S. neglected jiit A un 4 Jnjl Ap Pannonia 1819. 1) CO 1762 flavescens Host flavescent jin A un 1 jn.jl Ap Europe 1817. D CO Host gr. 4. 52 1763setaceum R.SfS. bristly jut A un 1 Ap Britain dr. he. S CO Eng. bot. 1188 1764rubrum Schult. red jut A un 1 Ap Lapland 1820. D CO 1165 hjrbridum Schult. hybrid jut A un 1 jnjl Ap Switzerl. 1821. D CO 1766 diffusum Lk. diffuse jut 1 A un 1 Jl Ap 1816. S CO 1767 decumbens MX. decumbent JUt A ag 2 jnjl Ap N. Amer. 1786. S CO Fras. mon. ic. 1768 iaxiflorum MX. loose- flowered jut O) un 2 Ap N. Amer. 1818. s CO Mic. am. 1. 8 1769elegans Thore elegant jut un 4 Jnjl Ap France 1818. D CO Thore j. 2 206. TKI'STEGIS Nees. TRISTEGIS. (Treis, three, stege, a covering; three glumes.) Gram'mece. \ 1770 glutinosa Nees clammy jUi A cu j jn.jl Ap 1822. S co Neesh.b.7 207. SPORO'BOLUS R. Br. SPOROBOLUS. (Sporos, a seed, ballo, to cast forth.) Graminea:. 5. 10 1771 Indicus R. Br. Indian jllii O cu 2 au.o Ap India 1773. S co SI. jam. 1. 73. 1 1772 purpurascens Beauv. purpurascent * .dgrostis purpurascens Sum. 1773 tenacissimus Beauv. most tenacious 1774 elongatus R. Br. elongated 1775 diandrus Beauv. diandrous Agrostis diandrus Retz. 208. AIRO'PSISDew. AIROPSIS. 1776 globosa Desv. globose 1777 obtusata Desv. obtuse-valved 1778 Candollej Desv. Decandolle's Poa crgrostidea Dec. Aira rtgrostidea Lots. 1779 brevifolia R. & S. short-leaved W A cu Alra brevifolia Ph. 209. PERIBA'LIA Trin. PERIBALIA. 1780 hispaniea Trin. Spanish Alia, involucrata Cav. l|au.s Ap W. Indies 1806. S co JHt O cu cu | au.s 2 au.s 1 au.s AP Ap Ap E. Indies N. Holl. E. Indies 1801. 1820. 1820. S S S CO CO CO (Aira, Jilt A un jilt A un Jilt A cu hair grass, opsis, 1 jn.jl Ap 1 jnjl Ap 1 jn.jl Ap like.) Graminea!. France 1826. D co Carolina 1826. D co S. Europe 1820. S co Jac. ic. 16 4. 6. Thore j. 1.7.3 Dec. ic. 1 1 jnjl Ap Missouri 1818. S co (Periballo, to encompass.) O un 1 jn Ap Spain Graminea!. 1. 1820. S co Cav. ic 44 1 ORDER II. TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. 27 210. PSA'M MA Beauv. MAT GRASS. (Psammos, sand ; its place of growth.) Gramineee. 1. 2. 1781 arenaria Beauv. sand Jilt A cu 2 jn.jl Ap Britain sea co. S s Eng. bot. 520 ^rundo arenaria E. B. 211. CRY'PSIS H. K. CRYPSIS. (Krypto, to conceal ; the flowers concealed in the leaves.) Gramineee. 3. 8. 1782 aculeata H. K. prickly Jilt Q un f au Ap S. Europe 1783. S co Host gr. 1. 31 1783 alopecuroides Schr. Foxtail-like Jilt O un Ap Germany 1816. S co Host gr. 1.29 Hele6chloa alopecuroides Host. Phalaris crypsoides Urv. 1784 schcenoides Lam. Rush-like Jilt O un au Ap S. Europe 1783. S co Host gr. 30 212. ^LOPECU'RUS L. FOXTAIL GRASS. 1785 bulbosus L. bulbous Jilt A 1786 arundinaceus Pair. Reed-like Jilt A 1787 macr6stachys Pair, long-spiked Jilt A 1788 colobachnoides R. % S. Colobachne-lk Jilt A 1789 brachystachys Bieb. short-spiked 1790 pratensis L. 1791 nigricans Horn. 1792 alpinus E. B. 1793 agrestis L. 1794 geniculatus L. 1795 fulvus E. B. 1796 utriculatus Pers. 1797 ramosus Pair. 1798 ventric6sus Pers. 1799 echinatus Thun. 213. PHLE'UM L. C/ 1800 pratense L. 1 majus Sin. 2 minus Sin. 1801 nod6sum L. 1802 Bertolimi R. & S. stoloniferum Bert. ? 1803 alpinum 1804 Micheli? W. en. 1805 commutatum Gau. 1806 felinum Sm. 1807 echinatum Host 1808 Gerard/ AU. meadov blackish Alpine wild jointed bladdered branching ventricose hedgehog .T'S-TAIL GRASS. meadow larger smaller knotted Bertolini's Alpine Micheli's changed cat's hedgehog Gerard's Jlfc A jut A jut A jut O A jut A jtt O jut A jilt E2 (Alopex, a fox, oura, a tail.) Gramineee. 15. 22. w 1 jl Ap England sal. m. S m.s Eng. bot. 1249 ag 2 jn.jl Ap Europe 1826. D co cu Ap Barbary 1826. S co cu 1| Ap Siberia 1826. S co cu Ap Siberia 1820. S co ag 2 my Ap Britain mea. S h.l Eng. bot. 759 ag 4 jn.jl Ap Europe 1815. S co Jac. ec. 13 cu fmy.jn Ap Scotland S s.l Eng. bot. 1126 w 1| Ap Britain ro. sid. S s.l Eng. bot. 848 w 1 Ap, Britain mea. S m.s Eng. bot. 1250 w 1 jn Ap England ponds. S m.s Eng. bot. 1467 un 1 Ap Italy 1777. S co Host gr. 3. 7 un 1 jn.jl Ap Carolina 1819. D co un 1 jn.jl Ap France 1821. D co un I jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 1825. S co (Greek name for Typha ?, applied by L. to this plant.) Gramineee. 9. Jilt A ag ' 2 jl Ap Britain me. pa. S m.s Eng. bot. 1076 Jilt A ag 2 jl Ap Britain me. pa. S co Gr. wo. 195. ic. Jilt A ag 2 jl Ap Britain me. pa. S co Gr. wo. 197. ic. Jilt A w l|jl.s Ap Britain Wales. S co Fl. dan. 380 jilt A un 1 jnjl Ap Italy 1826. D co Scotland sc. alp. S h.l Scotland al. roc. S co Valesia 1820. D co Greece 1819. S co S. Europe 1818. S co France 1820. D co Eng. bot. 519 Eng. bot. 2265 Host gr. 3. 11 Jac. ic. 301 214. ACHNODCXNTON Beauv. ACHNODOTON. 1809 Bellard* Beauv. Bellardi's Jilt A un Phalaris Bellardi W. slender m Q un 215. CHILO'CHLOA Beauv. CHILOCHLOA. 1811 Bo3hmri Beauv. Bcehmer's Jilt O Phlum Bcehmt'K E. B. (Achne, a chaff or husk, odous, a tooth.) Gramineee. 2. | jn.jl Ap Spain 1798. S co 1 jn.jl Ap Mesopota. 1804. S co Bar. ic. 14. 1 (Chilos, fodder, chloa, grass.) Gramineee. 5. 6. 1 jl.s Ap England plains. S co Eng. bot. 459 1812 cuspidata R. $ S. cuspidate Allt A un * jn.jl Ap Austria 1821. D CO Host gr. 4. 20 1813aspera R.SfS. rough jUt w 1 Ap England hea. Sj CO Eng. bot. 1077 Phleum paniculatum E. B. 1814 annua R. $ S. annual jut un 1 jn.jl Ap Caucasus 1821. 8 CO Phleum annuum Bieb. 1815 arenaria Schr. sand JUt O w Ap England S CO Eng. bot. 222 Phalaris arenaria E. B. 216. PHA'LARIS L. CANARY GRASS. (Phalaros , brilliant ; having shining seeds.) Gramineee. 13. 23. 1816 canarinsis L. Canary Jllb ag 2 Ap Britain unc. pi. S r.m Eng. bot 1310 1817 aquatica H. K. water 1818 minor Retz. smaller JJ O un un H Jn.jl 1 jn.jl Ap Egypt 1778. S S. Europe 1823. S CO CO Host gr. 2. 38 1819 commutata R. % S. changed jut or 1 jn.jl Ap Italy 1823. S CO Bar. ic. 700. 2 1820 capnsis Thun. Cape jUt O un Ap C. G. H. 1804. S CO 1821 caerulescens Desf. cserulescent Jilt un 1 jnjl Spain 1818. S S.1 Bux. c. 4. 53 1822 nitida Presl shining 1823 quadrivalvis Lag. fbur-valved 1824 appendiculata R.SfS. appendiculate 1825 parad6xa L. paradoxical 1826 microstachya Dec. small-spiked Jilt Jilt JUt 8 un un or un un 1 jn.jl 1 jn.jl 1 jnjl 1*6$ A? Ap Ap Ap S. Europe 1820. S Spain 1824. S Egypt 1820. S Levant 1687. S N. Amer. 1826. S CO CO CO CO CO Host gr. 2. 40 1827 bulWsa Cav. bulbous 1828 nodosa Bieb. knotty Allt jUt A A un K Jnjj 1J jn.jl Ap Ap Spain 1798. S S. Europe 1820. D CO CO Cav. ic. 1. 64 217. DE'GRAPHIS Trin. DEGRAPHIS. (Dis, twice, grapho, to mark.) 1829 arundinacea Trin. Reed-like Jilt A w 3 jl Ap Britain Ar&ndo colorata E. B. 2variegata variegated jilt A or 3 jl Ap Britain gard. S co 1830 americana Ell. American jilt A un 3 jl Ap N. Amer. 1820. S co Phalaris arundinacea MX. 218. CORYNE'PHORUS Beauv. CLUB GRASS. Gramine^. 2. S co Eng. bot. 402 1831 canescens Beauv. A\ra. canescens E. B. 1832 articulatus Beauv. 219. ./41'RA Z/. 1833 pulchella W. 1834 flexuosa L. 1835 caryophyllea L. 1836 versicolor R. Se. S. 1837 atropurpiarea Wahl. 1838 lendigera Lag. 1839 humilis Bieb. 1840 refracta Las. 1841 glabrata Brot. 1842 pallens Spr. 1843 arundinacea L. 1844 semineutra Kit. canescent Jilt jointed jilt HAIR GRASS. pretty jilt flexuous jilt Clove-pi nk-lvd Jilt party-colored Jilt dark-purple jilt maggot-bearingjllt dwarf jut refracted JiUi smooth jilt pale jilt Reed-like jut half-neuter jilt 7? 6. O Aw | Ap England S s.l Eng. bot 1190 A cu f Ap S. Europe 1816. S co Desf. at 1. 13 (The Greek name of our Lolium.) Gramineee. 12. 18. O un $jn Ap Spain 1820. S s Aw 1 jlau Ap Britain hea. S s.l Eng. bot 1519 Qw ijl Ap Britain sa.pas. S s.l Eng. bot 812 A un | jn.jl Ap Spain 1821. D co A un 1 s Ap Finmark 1820. S co Fl. dan. 961 O un i jn.jl Ap Spain 1826. D co A un 1 jn.jl Ap Caucasus 1826. D co A un 1 jn.jl Ap Spain 1825. D co A un 1 jn.jl Ap Portugal 1820. D co A un 1 Ap N. Amer. 1820. S co A cu 3 Ap Cumana 1817. S co A cu 1 Ap Hungary 1812. S co 28 TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. CLASS III. 220. CATABRO'SA Beauv. CATABROSA. 1845 aquatica Beauv. aquatic =fe A Aim aquatica E. B. 1846 viridula R. # S. greenish =fe A (Katabrosis, food.) Graminece. 2. cu 1$ my.jn Ap England rivul. D aq Eng. bot. 1557 jn.jl Ap 1816. D aq 221. DESCHA'MPS/^ Beauv. DESCHAMPSIA. (M. Deschamps, M.D. a French botanist.) Graminece. 11. 14. jilt A w 3 jn.jl Ap Britain m. sp. S co Eng. bot. 1453 1847 caespitosa Beauv. Aira. casspitosa L. 2 vivipara 1848 glomerata G. Don 1849 lasvigata R. $ S. Air a Isevigata Sm. 1850 alpina R. & S. 1851 bottnica Trin. Aira. bottnica Wdhl. 1852 montana G. Don Aira montana L. 1853 ambigua Beauv. 1854 discolor R. $ S. 1855 j'uncea Beauv. 1856 media R. # S. tufted viviparous glomerated smooth-leaved Alpine Bottnica 3 jn.jl 3 jn.jl I II Jn.jl 3 jn.jl Ap Britain m. sp. S co Ap Scotland moun. S co Ap Scotland sc. alp. S co Eng. bot. 2102 Ap Ap Denmark 1819. S co Fl. dan. 961 Bottnia 1816. S co Wa. lap. 1.4 mountain JlUi A un jn.jl Ap Lapland 1817. S co Stel. gr. ambiguous two-colored Kush-like mediate m A jiin A m. A M A un 2 jn.jl un un 11 jn.jl 2 jn.jl 1 jujl Ap Ap Ap Ap N. Amer. 1821. France 1817. S. Europe 1819. Montpel. 1817. S co 222. ERIA'CHNE R.Br. ERIACHNE. 1857 obtusa R. Br. obtuse Aira. truncata MM. (Eric A cu i, wool, achne, a glume.) Graminece. 1. 8. 1 jn.jl Ap N. Amer. 1819. S co Ac. pet. 11. 7 OAT GRASS. early 223. j4VE'NA L. 1858 prse'cox Beauv. Aira. pra'cox E. B. 1859 brevis Roth 1860 alba Dec. 1861 orientalis Schreb. 1862 sativa L. 1 melanosperma 2 leucosperma 1863 nuda L. 1864 fatua L. 1865 sterilis L. 1866 hirsuta Roth 1867 sempervirens Vil. 1868 fallax Dec. 1869setacea Vil. 1870 pratensis L. 1871 />romoides Gou. 1872 planiculmis Schr. 1873 versicolor Vil. 1874 pumila Desf. 224. TRISE'TUM Pers. TRISETUM. 1875 striatum Pers. striated Avena. striata Lam. 1876 tenue R. &j S. slender m O un 1877 LoflingiaHMm R. & S. Lcefling's Jilt O un 1878 pensylvanicum2feawe>.Pennsylvanian Allt O un 1879 neglectum R. fyS. neglected Jllk O un 1880 micranthum R. $ S. small-flowered Jilt O un 1881 parvifiorum Pers. small-flowered Jilit O un jilt o or jilt o un jut o "" jut A w short Jl JbO u n f jn.jl white Jl eastern Ji 18 un ag I 3 jn.jl jn.jl cultivated Jl lk O 3 jn.jl black-seeded Jl it O ag 3 jn.jl white-seeded ag 3 jn.jl naked ag 2 jn.jl insipid J w 4 an barren o cu 4 hirsute o un 3 jn.s evergreen A un 1 jn.jl doubtful J A un 1 jn.jl setaceous J A un 1 jn.jl meadow A ag 1 jn.jl Bromus-like A un .l flat-stalked A un 2 jnjl party-colored A un J dwarf A un 1 jnjl (Aten, from etan, to < O w | my.jn Ap Ap AP Ap Ap AP Ap AP Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap it,Ceft.) Graminece. 17. 40. Britain hea. S co Eng. bot. 1296 Germany 1804. France 1820. 1798. Britain cor. fi. Barbary 1640. Barbary 1798. Germany 1820. France 1824. France 1825. Britain me. pa, France 1820. Germany 1821. S. Europe 1819. N. Africa 1825. S co Host gr. 3.42 1) co S co S r.m S co S co S r.m S co co S S D co D co D co S h.l D co D co D co D co Host gr. 3. 44 Host gr. 2. 59 Host gr. 3. 43 Host gr. 2. 58 Host gr. 2. 57 (Treis, three, seta, a bristle.) Graminece. O un 11 Ap S. Europe 1804. S co 1882^1opecurus JR. $ S. Fox-tail 1883 condensatum R. fy S. condensed 1884 pilosum Bieb. pilose 1885 pubescens R. # S. downy Avna pubescens E. B. 1886 rigidum Bieb. rigid 1887 alpinum R. % S. alpine Avina. planiculmis E. B. alpina E. F. 1888 carpaticum R. < S. Carpathian J 188.9 flavescens R. S( S. flavescent J Avena. flavescens E. B. 1890 alpestre Beauv. mountain J 1891 brevifolium R. SfS. short-leaved j 1892 arg&iteum R. % S. silvery j 1893 distichophyllum Vil. distich -leaved J 1894 airoides Beauv. Aira-like J 1 jn.jl 1 jn.jl 6 jl 1 jnjl 1 jn.jl 1 jn.jl 2 jn.jl 11 jn.jl 2 jn.jl Jllk A un 1 jn.jl M A w O un A w A un A un A un A O un Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap AP Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap jn.jl Ap S. Europe 1820. S Spain 1770. S N. Amer. 1785. S Italy 1826. S 1826. S Italy 1820. S 1816. S Sicily 1819. S Iberia Britain co CO co co co co co CQ 1818. S, co ch. pa. D s.l Caucasus 1819. D co Britain sc. alp. D co Vil. del. 2. 5 Vil. del. 2. 5 Eng. bot. li'04 Sc. ger.6.2 Vil. del. 2. 4. 5 20. 35. Lee. her. 9. 3 Host gr. 2. 55 Cav. ic. 1. 45. 1 Savi pis. 1. 1. 4 Desf. at. 1.32 Eng. bot. 1640 Eng. bot. 2141 Austria Britain 1824. S co Host gr. 4. 31 ... S co Eng. bot. 952 jn.jl jn.jl 11 jn.jl I jn.s * jn.jl Ap AP Ap Ap Ap Europe 1819. S. Europe 1818. Switzerl. 1819. Switzerl. 1796. Switzerl. 1800. D co S co S co D co S co Host gr. 3. 39 Hostgr 3.40 Host gr. 2. 53 Host gr. 2. 53 Host gr. 2. 45 225. TRICH^S'TA Beauv. THICHJETA. (Treis, three, chtete, a bristle.) Graminece. I. 1895 ovata Beauv. ovate JL A un Ap S. Europe 1824. S co Cav. ic. 6. 591. 2 2?romus ovatus Cav. Trisetum ovatum Pers. ^vena ovata Spr. 226. DANTHO'N7.4 Dec. DANTHONIA. (M.Dantholne, 1896 longifolia R. Br. long-leaved. Jilt tAI un 2 1897 semiannularis R. Br. semi-annular Jilt LA) un 2 /frundo semiannularis Lab. 1898 pilosa R. Br. pilose 1899 provincialis Dec. Provence ^4vena provincialis Pair. 1900 strigosa Beauv. strigose ^vena strigosa E. B. 1901 spicata S\ut. spiked 4v(?na glumacea MX. 1902 sericea Nut. silky 1903 macrantha R. % S. long-flowered 1904 curvifolia R. 8( S. curved-leaved 1905 calycina R. &( S. targe-calyxed a French botanist.) Graminece. 10. 18. Ap N. Holl. 1823. S co Ap N. Holl. 1823. S co Lab. n. h.l. 3 Jllk iAI un jitti O un 1 jn.jl Ap Ap N. Holl. 1823. S. Europe 1821. S S CO CO Vil. del. 2. 2. 9 m o w 3 jn.jl Ap Britain hed. s CO Eng. bot. 1266 jut o un 2 jnjl Ap N. Amer. 1824. s CO Stf u n un 2 2 jnl! Ap Ap N. Amer. C. G. H. 182G. 181U. s B CO CO jilt i Al un 1 jnjl Ap C. G. H. 1816. s co jilt iAI un 2 jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 1818. s CO 227. GAUDI'NZ4 Beauv. GAUDINIA. 1906 fragilis Beauv. brittle Avtnz fragilis L. (M. Gaudin, a Swiss botanist.) A un 1-J Ap Spain Graminece. 1. 1778. D co Host gr. 2. 54 ORDER II. TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. 29 228. CENTOTHE'CA Desv. CENTOTHECA. (Kenteo, to prick, t/ieca, a sheath.) Graminece. 1. 1907 /appacoa Desv. Burdock Jill O cu 1 jl Ap E Indies 1773. S co Beauv. gr. 14. T Cenchrus lappaceus L. 229. PHRAGMI'TES Trin. REED. (Phragn tos, a hedge ; forming hedges.) Graminece. 1. 1908 communis Trin. common Jk- A ec 6 jl.s Ap Britain dit. D aq Eng. bot. 401 ^4rundo Phragmites E. B. 230. ^RU'NDO With. WATER REED. (Arundo, a reed, Lat. t aru, water, Celt.) Grar ninece. 3. 9 1909 D6nax W. Donax Hit A ec 10 Ap S. Europe 1648. S CO Host gr. 4. 38 2 versicolor striped Hit A or 3 Ap S. Europe 1648. S CO M. h. 3. 8. 9 1910 tenax VcM tough Hit A un 3 jl.s Ap S. Europe 1823. 1) CO Cy. ne. 2. 12 191 1 festucdcea W. en. Fescue-like Hit A un 2 jl.s Ap Germany 1823. D CO 231. CALAMAGRO'STISyfttow. CALAMAGROSTIS. (Kalamos, a reed, asrostis, grass.) Graminece. 18. 30. 1912 epigejos Roth terrestrial Hit A w 2 Ap Britain moi. pi. S bog Eng. bot. 403 ^rundo epigejos E.B. 1913 stricta Spr. strict Hit A w Ap Scotland mar. S bog Eng. bot. 2160 Brando stricta E. B. 1914 littorea Dec. shore Hit A un H Jn.jl Ap Europe 1818. D bog Sc. ger. 1. 4. 2 1915 effusa Gm. effuse Hit A un 1* Jn.jl Ap Siberia 1818. D bog 1916 laxa Host loose jilt A un li jn.jl Ap Europe 1820. D bog Host gr. 4. 43 1917 Hallen'a/irt Dec. Haller's Hit A un 2 jnjl Ap Germany 1821. D bog Sc. ger. 1. 4. 3 ^rundo Pseudophragmltis Schr. 1918 Langsdorf Spr. Langsdorf's Jilt A un 4 jn.jl Ap 1826. D bog 1919 glauca Horn. glaucous Hit A un 1* Jn jl Ap N. Amer. 1819. D bog 19^0 strigosa Wahl. strigose 1921 varia Host variable Hit jilt A A un u n If jnjl 1 jn.jl Ap Ap Finmark 1817. Alp. Eur. 1819. D D bog bog Wa. lap.ll. a. b. 1922 acuti flora R. % S. acute-flowered Hit A un 2 jn.jl Ap Europe 1820. D bog 1923 sylvatica Dec. wood Hit A un 2 Ap Germany wo. S bog Host gr. 4.49 Calamagrostis arundinacca Roth, Ag ros tis< /run dinacea L. 1924 conflnis Spr. similar Hit A un 2 1 W 1 Ap N. Amer. 1819. n bog 1925 Hostii R. & S. Host's Hit A un Ap Alp. Eur. 1819. D bog Host gr. 4. 48 sylvatica Host 1926 lanceolata Roth lanceolate Hit A w 2 Ap Britain m. s. s. D bog Eng. bot. 2159 ^rundo C'alamagrostis E.B. ^grostis lanceolata R. # S. 1927 tenella Host tender Jilt A un | jn.jl Ap Bohemia 1824. D bog Host gr. 4. 50 Jrundo humilis R.$S. 1928 montana Host mountain Hit A un 1 jn.jl Ap Germany 1820. D bog Host gr. 4. 46 1929 speciosa Schr. showy Hit A un 2 jnjl Ap Germany 1818. D bog Agrostis C'alamagrostis R. fyS. 232. CHRYSU'RUS M*. CHRYSURUS. (Chrysos, gold, 01 ira, a tail ; the flowers.) Graminece. 4. 1930 aureus Beauv. golden-spiked jut O un .i j| * Ap Levant 1770. s CO Host gr. 3. 4 Cynosurus aureus L. cynosuroides j ?er. s. 1931 echinatus Beauv. hedgehog Hit w 2 au Ap England san. fl. s s.l Eng. bot. 1333 1932 effiisus Beauv. effuse Hit or 1 Ap S. Europe 1824. s CO 1933 elegans Beauv. elegant Hit or 1 Ap S. Europe 1816. s CO Desf. at. 1. 17 Cynosurus elegans Deaf. 233. SESLE'R/^4 Sco. SESLERIA. (Sesler, a physician and botanist of the 18th century.) Graminece. 8. 11. 1934 elongata Host elongated 1935 cylindrica Dec. cylindrical 1936 tenuifolia Schr. fine-leaved 1937 cserulea Ard. blue Cynosurus caaruleus E. B. 1938 nitida Ten. shining 1939 tenella Host tender 1940 disticha Pers. two-rowed 1941 sphaerocephala Ard. round-headed 234. CYNOSU'RUS L. DOG'S-TAIL GRASS. (Kyon, a dog, oura, a tail.) 1942 cristatus L. crested Hit A a S 2 au Ap Britain Hit A un Hit A un Jilt A un Hit A w 1| jn.jl Ap 1 Ap 1 Ap 1 my.jn Ap Jilt A un Jilt A pr jilt A un 1 Ap Jj Ap | Ap i Ap Germany 1805. S co S. Europe 1821. D co Germany 1820. D co Britain fields. S co Italy 1826. D co Switzerl. 1819. S co Germany 1826. D co Switzerl. 1819. S co Graminece. pas. S s.l Host gr. 2. 97 Sc. ger. 1. 6. 4 Eng. bot. 1613 Host gr. 2. 100 Jac. ic. 19 Host gr. 2. 99 1. 8. Eng. bot. 316 235. KCELE'R/J Pers 1943 cristata Pers. 2 glabra R. # S. Aira. cristata E. B. 1944 grandiflora R. $ S. 1945 glauca Dec. 1946 pensylvanica Dec. 1947 lobata Bieb. 1948 macrantha R. Sf S. 1949 vallesiaca Dec. 1950 tuberosa Pers. 1951 pubescens Beauv. 1952 hirsute Dec. 1953 villosa Dec. 1954/>hleoides Pers. 1955 hispida Dec. 1956 brachystachya Dec. 1957 segyptiaca Jac. ? 236. DA'CTYLIS L. 1958 glomerate L. 1959 glaucescens W. en, 1960 littoralis W. 1961 hispanica W. en. 1962 glauca Roth 1963 maritima Schr. 1964 repens Desf. 1965 adscendens R. $ S. 1966 cynosuroides Roth 1967 patens H. K. KCELERIA. (M. Kohler, professor of natural history at Mayence.) Graminece. 15. 2ft crested Jilt A un 1 Ap Europe 1800. S co Host gr. 2.75 'smooth Jilt A or 1 Ap Britain pas. S co Eng. bot. 648 jut A or 1 Ap Jilt A un 1 Ap Jilt A un 1 jn.jl Ap Jilt A un 1 jn.jl Ap jut A un 1 jn.jl Ap Jilt A un 1 Ap jut A un 4 jnjl Ap Jilt A un 1 Ap ML Q) un 1 jn.jl Ap Jilt A un 1 jn.jl Ap Jilt A un * jn.jl Ap Jilt O un 1 Ap jut O un Ap Hit A un 1 jn.jl Ap Hit O un 1 jn.jl Ap large-flowering Hit glaucous Pennsylvanian Jilt lobate long-flowered Vallais tuberous pubescent hairy villous Cat's-tail-like hispid short-spiked Egyptian COCK'S- FOOT GRASS. (Dactylos, a finger : S. Europe 1824. Denmark 1818. N. Amer. 1817. Caucasus 1825. Russia 1824. Vallais J817. Europe 1802. S. Europe 1800. Valesia" 1821. Sweden 1818. Portugal 1802. Mediterr. 1819. S.France 1821. Egypt 1826. S co D co D co D co S co D co S co S D co D co S co Desf. at. 1. 23 S co Savipis. 1.5 D co S co Lam. il. 45. 4 co Ger. gal. 1 glomerated glaucescent shore Spanish glaucous sea creeping ascending Jilt i A Cynosurus-like Jilt iO) spreading Jilt A A Hit A jut A Hit A jut A Hit A n* A 2 jn.jl un 2 jn.jl un 1 un 2 jn.jl un 2 jn.jl un 1 jn.jl un | jn.jl un un 1 un 2 au.s finger-grass.) Graminece. 10. 20. Britain mea. S h.l Eng. bot. 335 Switzerl. 1818. D co S. Europe 1816. S co 45. 5 Spain 1814. S co Saxony 1800. S co Germany 1820. D co Barbary 1821. S co Desf. at 1. 15 C. G. H. 1823. S co E. Indies 1823. S co N. Amer. 1781. S co 237. GLYCE'RIA R. Br. GLYCERIA. 1968fluitans#. Br. floating Festuca fluitans L. (Glyker os, sweet ; spike of flowers.) GraminecE. I. Aw 1| Ap Britain ponds. S aq Eng. bot. 1520 so TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. CLASS III. 238. FESTU'CA L. FESCUE GRASS. (Fest, pasture or food, Celt.) Graminetz. 47. 68. 1969 tenella PA. tender jilt o un Ap N. Amer. 1804. S CO 1970 ovina L. sheep's jut A a tr $ jn Ap Britain S S.I Eng. bot. 585 1971 Aordeiformis Sin. Hordeum-like A m 1 jn.jl Ap Britain S CO Gr. wo. 159. ic. 1972 tenuifolia L. fine-leaved jjt A 8 1 jnjl Ap Britain S CO 1973 vivipara E. B. 1974 capillata Lam. viviparous long-haired A A 8 un 4*lnJl AP Ap Britain S France 1820. D S.I CO Eng. bot. 1355 1975 curvula Gau. curved-leaved A^i A un i jnjl Ap Switzerl. 1825. D CO 1976 alpina Gau. alpine Jilt A un J jnjl Ap Switzerl. 18'21. n CO 1977 alpc'stris Host mountain A^ A un i jnjl Ap Switzerl. 1819. D CO Host gr. 4. 63 1978 Halleri ViL Haller's jllii A un * jnjl Ap S France 1821. D CO 1979 amethystina Host amethystine JUt A un 1* jnjl Ap S. Europe 1804. S CO Host gr. 2. 89 1980 cassia E. B. grey Alii A w 1 jn.jl Ap England bar. he. s CO Eng. bot. 1917 1981 stricta Host 1982 intermedia 7*. 8f S. 1983 hirsuta Host strict intermediate hairy Aii JLt A A A no un S 1 jnjl f jnjl J jnjl Ap Ap Austria 1818. Switzerl. 1819. Germany 1818. D D S CO CO CO Host gr. 2. 86 Host gr. 2. 85 1984 pal lens Host pale Jilt A un 1 jnjl Ap Switzerl. 1819. D CO 1985 vallesJaca Gau. Vallais JUt A un 1 Jnjl Ap Vallais 1820. D CO 1986 xanthina R. # 5. yellow Jilt A un 1 jnjl Ap Switzerl. 1820. D CO Host gr. 3. 19 1987 glomerata Rus. glomerated Alii A un 1 jnjl Ap France 1826. D CO 1988 fallax Thuil. fallacious Alii A un 1 jnjl Ap France 1826. I) CO 1989 varia Host variable Jilt A ag 1 jnjl Ap S. Europe 1823. S CO Host gr. 2. 90 1990 flavescens .BW. flavescent Jilt A un f Jnjl Ap Savoy 1804. S CO 1991 vaginata Kit. sheathed Alii A un H jn. 1 Ap Hungary 1804. S CO 1992 pannonica Wul. Pannonian Alii A un 1 jnjl Ap Hungary 1804. s CO Host gr. 4. 62 1993 bulbosa Bio. bulbous Jilt A un 1 jnjl Ap Italy 1820. D CO 1994 ciliata Lk. ciliated Jilt A un Ap Portugal 1802. S CO Host gr. 4. 65 1995 nutans PA. 1996 pubescens Lk. nodding downy AUi JUt A A un un 3 jn.jl 1 jnjl AP Ap N. Amer. 1805. Hungary 1822. S S CO CO 1997 heterophylla J. various-leaved jilt A un 3 jn.jl Ap France 1812. S CO Vail. pa. 19. 6 1998 duriuscula L. hardish jilt A ag 1 jn Ap Britain, s S.I Eng. bot. 470 1999 dumet6rum L. thicket jilt A un 1 jn.jl Ap Europe s CO Fl. dan. 700 2000 triflora Des/. three-flowered jilt A un 1 Ap S. Europe 1819. s CO 2001 rubra L. red A w 1 Jl Ap Britain me. pa, ,8 h.l Eng. bot. 2056 2002 cambrica Sin. Welsh Jilt A f 1 jnjl Ap Wales ... s CO Gr. wo. 157. ic 2003 glabra Sin. smooth Jilt A ag 1 jn.jl Ap Britain s CO 2004 Fze'nas Lag. Fanas Jilt A un 1 jn.jl Ap Spain 1826. D CO 2005 cynosuroides Desf. Cynosurus-like jilt A ag S. Europe 1820. S CO Desf. at. 1. 21 2006 grandiflora Zo/w. large- flowered Jilt A un 3 jn.jl Ap N. Amer. 1812. s CO 2007 ser6tina Hos* lake-flowering Jilt A un 1 Ap Austria 1819. D CO Host gr. 2. 92 2008 te'vis F is. smooth Jilt ag I jn.jl Ap Russia 1806. D CO 2009 rfibens Pers. 2010 glaiica Z,ow. reddish JUt Jilt A un ag 1 Jn.jl Ap Ap S. Europe 1776. S. Europe ... S S CO CO Fl. gr. 83 Lam. il. 46. 3 2011 mexicana Donn Mexican Jilt O un HJ1 Ap Mexico 1805. s CO 2012 baicarica Zuc. Balearic Jilt A un 1J jn.jl Ap Minorca 1825. D CO 2013 lax a 7&w/ loose Jilt A un jljnjl Ap Switzerl. 1819. D CO Host gr. 2. 80 2014 scabra Vahl scabrous jilt A un Ap Austria 1821. D CO 2015 aspera Poir. rough Jilt A un 1 jnjl Ap France 1818. D CO 239. SCHEDONO'RUS Beauv. SCHEDONORUS. (Schedon, near to, or os, a mountain.) Graminets. 17. 36. 2016 pratensis R. & S. meadow Festuca pratensis E. B. jilt A ag Ujnjl Ap Britain m.pas. S CO Eng. bot. 1592 2017 phcenicoides.R.^S. Phcenix-like JUt A cu 1 Ap Switzerl. 1819. S CO 2018 elatior .R. # S. taller jilt A ag 3 jnjl Ap Britain m. me. S CO Eng. bot. 1593 Festuca elatior E. B. 2019 caerulescens R. % S. cserulescent Jilt A un 1 Jnjl Ap Barbary 1818. S CO 2020 spadiceus R. $ S. sheathy Jilt A cu li Italy 1775. S CO Host gr. 3. 20 Festuca spadicea L. 2021 inermis R. $ S. unarmed Jilt A un 2 Ap Germany 1794. s CO Host gr. 1. 9 .Bromus inerrais E. B. 2022 calamarius R. & S. Reed-like Jilt A w 3 Ap Scotland S CO Eng. bot. 1005 Festuca calamaria E. B. 2023 deciduus R. $ S. deciduous jilt A ag 1| jnjl Ap Britain s CO Eng. bot. 2266 Festuca decidua E. B. 2024 sylvaticus R. # S. wood Fest&ca sylvatica Host JUt A ag 2 Ap Germany 1804. s CO Host gr. 2. 78 2025 /oliaceus R. $ S. loliaceous JUt A ag 1$ jnjl Ap Britain mo. pa. S CO Eng. bot. 1281 Festuca /oliacea E. B. 2026 Scheutzen R. & S. Scheutzer's Festuca Scheutzeri Gau. JUt A un 1 jn.jl Ap S. Europe 1816. s CO 2027 nutans R. $ S. nodding JUt A un 1 jnjl Ap Hungary 1825. s CO Host gr. 4. 61 Festuca nutans Ph. 2028 nigre'scens R. Sf S. nigrescent JUt A ag 1 jnjl Ap Switzerl. 1819. s CO Festuca nigrescens Lam. 2029 violaceus R if S. violaceous Jilt A un 1 jn.jl Ap Europe 1817. s CO Festuca violacea Gau. 2030 poaeformis R. % S. Poa-form Jilt A ag 1 jnjl Ap Switzerl. 1819. s CO Host gr. 2. 81 Festuca jooaeformis Host 2031 pumilus R. & S. dwarf Jilt A un * jnjl Ap S. Europe 1820. s CO Host gr. 2. 91 2032 tenellus R $ S. tender Jilt A un i jnjl Ap N. Amer. 1804. s CO Festuca tenella PA. Brachypodium/erfMcoides L. 240. MYGALU'RUS Lk. MOUSE-TAIL (Mygale, a field mouse, oura, a tail.) Graminea:. 6. 2033 caudatus Lk. tailed Festuca Myurus E. B. jilt O w *jn Ap Britain way s. s CO Eng. bot. 1412 2034 Aromoides Lk. Bromus-like jUt O w myjn Ap Britain walls. s CO Eng. bot. 1411 Festuca Aromofdes E. R. 20S5 stipoides Lk. Stipa-like jut o un 1 in il Ap Majorca 1793. s CO Bar. ic. 76. 1 2036 delicatulus Lk. delicate Alii o un * J n -Jl Ap Spain 1817. s CO 2037 uniglumis Lk. single-husked JUt w i'jn' Ap Britain sea co. s CO Eng. boL 1430 Festuca uniglumis E. B. 2038 alopecuroides Lk. Foxtail-like Jilt A un ijnjl Ap S. Europe 1819. s CO 241. -BRCXMUS L. BROME GRASS. (Bromos, a Greek name for a sort of wild oat.) 2039 secalinus L. Rye-like jllfc O w 2 Ap England corn ft. 2040 elongatus Gau. elongated jilt O un 2 Ap Switzerl. 1819. s s Gramlneee. 47. 66. co Eng. bot. 1171 CO ORDER II. TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. 31 2041 commutatus Schr. 2042 velutinus Schr. 2043 multiflurus E. B. 2044 mollis L. 2045 Gaudim R. & S. 2046 confertus Bieb. 2047 racemosus L. 2048 erctus E. B. changed Jilt velvet Jilt many-flowered iit SOft AUt Gaudin's Jilt close-headed Jilt racemose Jilt upright 2049 Bieberstein R. S. Bieberstein's 2050 australis R. Br. 2051 lanceolatus W. 2052 hirsutissimus C^r. 2053 vestitus R. % S. 2054 volgnsis Spr. 20.35 laxus 7/orw. 2056 lanuginusus Pair. 2057 variegatus Bieb. 20.38 squarrosus Z,. 2059 ^lopecurus Vahl 2060 t6rtilis Prar/ 2061 purgans L. 2062 puWscens MM. 2063 asper L. 2064 prat?nsis E. B. 2065 pendulinus Spr. 2066 parvittorus De*/. 2067 glaucus Lap 2068 altissimus PA. 2069 gigant^us Schr. Australian spear-leaved most hairy clothed Volga loose-headed woolly variegated rough Fox-tail twisted purging pubescent rough meadow jut pendulous Jilt small-flowered jilt glaucous Jiit tallest Jilt giant jut Festuca gigantea E. B. 2 trifltfrus three-flowered Jilt Festuca triflora E. B. A un O un O w O w O un O un O w A w A un O un O un A un iAJ cu O un 8un un A U11 A un O un O un A un A un O w A w O un A un A un A un A w 2 jn.jl 2 jn.jl 2 2 ' n.jl n.jl n.jl jn.jl 2 jn.jl 2 jn.jl 3 3 3 2 1 Jn.jl 3 jn.jl 4 2 3 Iongif61ius 2070 longiflorus W. en. 2071 ciliatus L. 2072 arve"nsis E. B. 2073 sterilis L. 2074 tectorum L. 2075 madritensis L. 2076 /igusticus All. 2077 rigidus Roth 2078 pi!6sus Spr. 2079jubatus Vil. 2080 maximus Roth 2081 scoparius L. 2082 humilis Cav. 2083 stenophyllus Lk. 2084 scaberrimus Ten. 2085/convoluta Horn. convolute jilt A un 1 my jn Ap Europe 119. D CO 2167 abyssinica H. K. 2168 capillaris L. Abyssinian hair-panicled jilt jilt O un O un * "VJ" 1| au.o 1| o.n Ap Ap Abyssinia 1775. S N. Amer. 1781. S CO CO Jac. ic. 1. 17 . M. h. 3. 6. 33 2169 Poirettz R. & S. Poiret's j| A un 1 jn.jl Ap Europe 1821. D CO 2170 chinensis Retz. China jilt O un 1 jn.jl Ap China 1820. S CO Bur. in. 11.3 2171 australis R.Br. Australian jut iAI un 1 jnjl Ap N. Holl. 1822. S CO Lab. n.h. 1.35 ^rundo oa?f6rmis 1 2172 plebeia R. Br. 2173 mucronata Beauv. plebeian mucronate Jilt iAI un Jilt fAl un 1 jnjl 11 jn.jl Ap Ap N. Holl. 1822. S Guinea 1824. S CO CO Beau. ow. 1. 4 2174 Molineri Balb. Moliner's jilt A un 1 jnjl Italy 1807. S CO Bal. mis. 5. 1 2175 supina Schr. supine jilt A un 4 jnjl Ap Switzerl. 1822. D CO Hostgr. 4. 27. 2176 meliacea Kit. Millet jut A un 2 jn.jl Ap Europe 1821. D CO 2177 spicata L. spiked jut A un 1 jn jl Ap Spain 1826. D CO 2178 Gaudim R & S. Gaudin's jut A un 1 jn.jl ** Ap Switzerl. 1818. D CO 2179 sterilis Bieb. barren jilt A un 1 jnjl Ap Tauria 1821. S CO 2180 angustata R. Br. narrow-spiked JUt A un Ap Melv.Isld.182a S CO 2181 tenax Lk. tough Jill; A un 2 s Ap 1817. S CO 2182 compressa L. 2183 glauca E. B. fiat-stalked glaucous JUt Jilt w A w 1 1 Ap Ap Britain walls. S Britain moun. S s.l s.l Eng. bot. 17 2184 nemoralis L. wood JUt A ag 2 jn Ap Britain woods. S h.l Eng. bot. 1265 2 angustifolia Sin. narrow-leaved Jilt A un 1 mr.jn Ap j , Britain woods. S CO Gr. wo. 182. ic. 2185 depauperata Kit. starved Jilt A un Ap Pannonia 1819. D CO ORDER II. TllIANDUIA DIGYNIA. filSfi sulcata 7?. # S. furrowed jlll A un 2 jn.jl Ap N. Amer. 1818. D CO 2187 debiiis Thuil. feeble jlll A un 1 jn.jl Ap France 1817. 1) CO 2188 versicolor Bes. party-colored jlll A un 1 jn.jl Ap Tauria 1818. S CO 21S9 coarctata L*. crowded Jill A un 1 jn.jl Ap Europe 1817. I CO 2190 amboinensis L. Amboyna jlll A un 1 jn.jl Ap E. Indies 1800. s CO Ru. am. 6. 7. 3 2191 cilianensis ^/A Cilian jlll O un 1 jn.jl Ap S France 1819. S' CO Al. ped. 91. 2 2192 caroliniana Spr. Carolina M A un 1 J.J1 Ap Carolina 1817. I) CO 21 Lag. 2274 turgidum L. 2275 fastuosum Lag. 2276 GaertneriM Lag. 2277 platystachyum Lag. 2278 cochleare Lag. 2279 durum Desf. T. vi!16sum Host 2280 siculum R. # S. 2281 Aordeitorme Host 2282 compactum Host 2283 Cevallos Lag. 2284 polonicum L. 2285 Spelta L. Zea Host 2286 monococcum L. 2287 atratum Host 2288 Cienfuegos Lag. 2289 Bauhini Lag. 2290 dicoccum Schii. 1 album 2 rufum 2291 tricuccum Schii. 2292 venulosum Ser. 2293 villusum Beauv. Secale villosum L. 2294 squarrosum Roth 2295 hispanicum W. 2296 creticum R. # S. Secale creticum L. 2297 campestre Kit. 270. 896jfinceum Beauv. TYiticum panicum L. 2299 repens R. % S. creeping Triticum repens L. 1 arvense R. # S. corn field 2 subulatum R. $ S. subulate 3 dumetorum R. # S. thicket 4 \a\llantidnum R. & S. Vaillant's 5 ~Leersidnum R. & S. Leers's PAPPOPHORUM. jilt iAI un (Echinos, a hedgehog.) $ Ap S. Europe 1771. (Pappos, down, phoreo, to carry.) 2 Gramlnece. 1. S co Host gr. 3. 8 (Tritum, rubbed; ground into flour.) one-grained dark-headed Cienfuegos Bauhin's two-seeded white-smferf rufous-seeded three-seeded small-veined villous squarrous Spanish Cretan field 1800. 1819. 1826. Gramlnece. 2. 7. S p.l S p.l Gramlnece. 30. S r.m Hostgr. 3. 26 S r.m Hostgr. 3. 20 S co S r.m M. h. 3. 1.7 S co S r.m Hostgr. 3. 28 S co S co S co S co S co Host gr. 4. 6 ? S co S co Hostgr. 4. 5 S co Host gr. 4. 7 S co S r.m Hostgr. 3. 21 S r.m Hostgr. 3. 30 S r.m Host gr. 3. 32 Host gr. 4. 8 S co Sch.ce. 17.3 S co S co 1.97 S co Host gr. 3. 32 S co Viv. fr. 1. 23, 2 S co Jit O un 2 S. Europe 1820. S co rushy AGROPYRUM. jilt A (Agros, a field, pyros, wheat.) 1| jn.jl 6 capillare R. # S. capillary 2300 dasyanthum R. $ S. 2301 distichum R. $ S. 23Q2acutumR.8(S. 2303 glaucum R. % S. 2304 obtusifl6rum R. 8( S. 2305 densiflorum R. 8< S. 2306 muricatum R & S. 2307 sibiricum R. # S. 2308 prostratum R. &S. jut A w jilt A w jut A w jilt A w jut A w illt A w jilt A w jut A w thick-flowered two- rowed acute-flowered Jilt A un glaucous jilt A un obtuse-flowered jilt A un dense- flowered Jilt A un muricated Jilt A un Siberian JlUi A un prostrate JlUi A 2309 angustifolium&^S. narrow-leaved w A un Jlli A w 2 IJjl-au jl au l| I jnjl 1 jn.jl 1 Jnjl 1 jn.jl U Jn.jl 1 my.jn \ my.jn 2 my jn Ap Ap AP Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Graminece. 26. 29. S co Eng. bot. 814 Britain rub. S m.s Eng. bot. 909 England sea-sh. Britain Britain Britain Britain Britain Britain Russia Egypt France P'rance France Siberia Siberia Siberia Tauria Siberia 1820. 1816. 1818. 1818. 1819. 1823. 1826. 1820. 1819. 1824. S co Trat. tab. 566 S co Schreb. gr. 26. 2 S co S co Schreb. gr. 26. 1 S co Lee. her. 12. 4 S co S co S co D co D co Host gr. 4. 10 D co D co D co D co D co N. c. g. 14. 19. 4 D co ORDER 1 1. TIUANDRIA DIGYNIA. 2310 variegatum R. $ S. variegated w A un li my.jn Ap Siberia 1819. D CO 2311 littorale R. $ S. shore & A un 1 iny.jn Ap S. Europe 1819. D CO 2312 desertorum R $S. desert Alii A un 2 my.jn Ap Siberia 1819. D CO 2313 rupestre R. $ S. rock Alii A un 1 my.jn Ap Siberia 1825. D CO 2314 canfnuin R. $ S. dog AUi A w Ap Britain ch. wo S S.I Eng. bot 1372 2315 cristatum R. $ S. crested 2316 pectin itorme R. Sf S. pectiniforra k Alii A A W 11 11 1 1 my.jn Ap Ap Britain hed. Tauria 1819. 8 1) CO CO Eng. bot 2267 Bux. c. 1. 50. 3 2317 imbricatum R. 8j S. imbricated Alii A un 1 my.jn Ap Caucasus 1819. D CO Gm,si. 1.51. 23 2318 pectinatum R. $ S. pectinated Alii A pr Ap V. Diem. 1818. s CO TYIticum pectinatum R. Br. 2319 subulatum Rui. subulate Alii: A un 1| jn.jl Ap Europe 1815. s r.m 2320 rigidum R. 8( S. rigid illi A un 1 jn.jl Ap Germany 1805. s CO 2321 intermddiuir. R. Sf S. intermediate Alii A un 1 A F Germany 1805. s CO Host gr. 2. 22 2322 pungens R. fy S. pungent Alii A un 1 Ap S. Europe 1824. s CO 2323 elongatum G. Don elongated Alii A un 5 jn.jl Ap Germany 1805. s CO Host gr. 2. 23 T. giganteum R. Sj S. Jriticum elongatum Host 271. LO'LIUM L. RYE GRASS. (Loloa. Celt, lolium. Lat) Gramlnete. 7. 11. 2324 perdnne L. perennial AUK A ag 1J my.jn Ap Britain me. pa. s CO Eng. bot. 315 1 vulgare R. $ S. common M A ag 1| my.jn Ap Britain 8 CO Host gr. 1. 25 2 tenue R.$S. slender m A ag 1| my.jn Ap Britain s CO Gr.wo.211. ic. 3 compositum R. 8( S. composite 4 ramosum R. &j S. branchy 5 RuBMiUJmm Sin. Russell's m Hk at A A A ag ag f li my.jn li my.jn 1| my.jn Ap AP Ap Britain Britain Britain s s s CO CO CO Sch. ag. 1. 7. D. Lee. gr. 12. 1 Gr. wo. 216. ic. 6 WhitwortlmSin. Whitworth's Mi A il S 1| my.jn Ap Britain s CO 7 Stickneyanwra Sin'. Stickney's m A ag If my.jn Ap Britain s CO 8 paniculatum Sin. paniculate Aiii A ag IJ my.jn Ap Britain 8 CO 9 monstrosum Sin. monstrous j| A a o 14 my.jn Ap Britain s CO 10 viviparum R. fy S. viviparous jl A ag 11 my.jn Ap Britain s CO 11 multiflorum Pers. many-flowered p A a g IJ my.jn Ap Britain s CO 12 humile R. ScS. humble m A ag | my.jn Ap Britain s CO 2325 multiflorum Lam. many-flowered Alii A un 2 my.jn Ap France 1826. s CO Vail. pa. 17. 2 2326 speciosum Stev. showy m A un 2 my.jn Ap Tauria 1824. s CO 2327 tenue L. slender jl un 3 Ap S. Europe 1590. s CO 2328 temulentum L. drunken Darnel M 4 Ap Britain cor. fi. s CO Eng. bot. 1124 2329 arvense With. corn-field 2330 rigidum Gau. rigid J| m 8 ag un 2 jl 1 my.jn AP Ap England cor. fi. Switierl. 1820. s s CO CO Eng. bot 1125 272. E'LYMUS L. LYME GRASS. (According to Linnaeus, elyo, to cover.)' Graminetz. 23. 25. 2331 arenarius L. sand j| A ag 4 ap.jn Ap Britain sea co S B Eng. bot. 1672 2332 geniculatus E. B. jointed AM A w 4 jl Ap England sea sh S 8 Eng. bot. 1586 2333 sabulusus Bieb. sandy tilt A un 4 jn.jl Ap Siberia 1806. a CO 2334 giganteus Vahl gigantic m A or 5 Ap N. Amer. 1790. 8 CO 2335 mexicanus Cav. Mexican. A cu 3 Ap Mexico 1823. s CO Jac. ec. 19 2336 sibiricus L. Siberian Jft A un 6 jn.jl Ap Siberia 1758. s CO 2337 racemosus Desf. racemose jtt A un 2f jnjl Ap Siberia 1826. D CO 2338 tener L. tender ill/ A un 3 jn jl Ap Siberia 1801. S CO 2339 philadelphicus L. Philadelphian 2340 canadensis L. Canadian m m. A A un un 4 4 Ap Ap N. Amer. 1790. N. Amer. 1699. S s CO CO M.h.3.2.10 23-11 glaucifolius Mhl. glaucous-lvd 2342 virginicus L. Virginian ji M A A un un 4 jn.jl 3 jn.jl Ap Ap N. Amer. 1819. Virginia 1781. D S CO CO 2343striatus W. striated m A un 3 jn.jl Ap N. Amer. 1790. s CO 2344 villosus Mhl. villous Alii A un 3 jn.jl Ap N. Amer. 1802. s CO 2345 europae'us L. European 0| un 3 jn.jl Ap England woods s S.I Eng. bot. 1317 2346 crinitus Schreb. long-awned AHi cu li jn.jl Ap Smyrna 1806. s CO Schreb. gr. 24. 3 2347 intermedius Bieb. intermediate k o un 1| jnjl Ap Caucasus 1825. I) CO Bux. c. 1.52 2348 Caput- Medusa L. Medusa's head 2349ji'mceus Fes. Rush-like Aii JH A un un 4 jnjl 2 jn.jl AP Ap Portugal 1784. Siberia 1806. s s CO CO Schreb. gr. 24. 2 M. msq. 1.45 2350 Aordeifurmis Desf. Barley-like Alii O un 3 my.jn Ap 1822. D CO 2351 hystrix L. porcupine lili A cu 2 jnjl Ap Crimea 1770. S CO Jac. ic. 2. 305 AspertHla hystrix W. en. 2352 pseudo-hystrix R. Sf S. bastard pore m O cu If jnjl Ap N. Amer. 1818. s CO (An ancient name derived from seco, to cut.) Gramlrwce. 3. 273. SECA'LE L. ' RYE. 2353 cer?ale L. corn 1 hybernum R. Sf S. winter 2 vernum R. S[ S. spring 3 comp6situm R. Sf S. composite 2354 fragile Bleb. brittle cereale Bieb. 2355 orientale W. oriental Triticum orientale Bieb. 274. TETR APO'GON Desf. TETRAPOGON. (Tctra, four, pogon, a beard.) 2356 vil!6sus Desf. villous Jlli O cu 1 Ap Barbary JDit O clt Q) clt O clt O clt O clt 3 jnjl 3 jn.jl 3 jn.jl 3 jn.jl 3 jn.jl AP AP Ap AP Ap Crimea Tauria Tauria Tauria Tauria ... S ... s ... s ... s 1816. S Host gr. : Black. 424 Host gr. 2. 48 O> clt 3 jn.jl Ap Levant 1807. S co W, n. ber. 2. 4. S Gramlnecs. 1. 1818. S co Desf. at. 2. 255 275. JfO'RDEUM L. 2357 vulgare L. BART.EY. common (According to Bodasus a Stapel, hordus, heavy.) JiUi O clt 3 jl Ap Sicily ... S GraminecE. 18. r.m Hostgr. 3. 34 2 giganteum R. & S. giant Alii clt 4 jl Ap Levant S CO 2358 cceleste Vil. celestial Alii clt 3 jl Ap Levant ... S CO Vib. ce. 1 2359 nigrum W. en. black un, clt 3 Ap S. Europe 1818. s CO 2360 hexastichon L. six-rowed Alii clt 3 jl Ap ...... s r.m Host gr. 3. 55 2361 distichon L. two- rowed jui, clt 3 jl Ap Tartary s r.m Host gr. 3. 36 2 imberbe R. # S. beardless Alii /-\ clt 3 jl Ap Tartary s CO 2362 nudum Ard. naked Q clt 3 jl AP Tartary s CO Ard. sag. 2. 4 2363 Zeocriton L. Spelt Barley Alii Q clt 2 au Ap ...... s r.m Host gr. 3. 37 2364 complanatum Beauv. flattened Alii clt 3 Ap S. Europe 1819. s CO 2365 secalinum Roth Rye-like Alii clt 3 jl Ap Europe s CO Mo. gr. 60. 96 2366 nepalense Swt. Nepal Alii o clt 3 jl Ap Nepal 1817. s CO 2367 bulbosum L. bulbous A un 3 jl Ap Italy 1770. s CO Fl. gr. 1. 98 2368 strictum Des/. 2369 murinum L. strict wall Alii Alii A o un w 2 jl Ap Ap 8. Europe 1824. Britain sal. m. s s CO Desf. at. 1. 37 Eng. bot. 1971 2370 capense Thun. 2S/1 prateuse #wd. cape meadow Alii A un w 1* 2 jn Ap Ap C. G. H. 1817. S Britain m, me. S CO Eng. bot, 409 D 2 36 2,372 maritimum With. 2373 hystrix Roth 2374 jubatum L. TUIANDRIA TRIGYNIA. CLASS III. ORDER III. sea Jilt O w 1 jn.jl Ap Britain sal. m. S m.s Eng. bot. 1205 porcupine Jilt Q cu 1 jn.jl Ap Spain 1821. S co maned m. Q) cu 1 Ap N. Amer. 1782. S co 27& MICRO'CHLOA R. Br. MICROCHLOA (Mikros, small, chloa, grass. 2375 setacea R. Br. setaceous Jilt O cu 277. jEGOPO'GON Hum. ^GOPOGON. 237<) pusillus Bcauv. small 2J77 trisetus Lag. three-bristled Ap E. Indies 1806. Graminece. I. S co Rox. cor. 132 (Aix, a goat, pogon, a beard.) Graminece. 2. 5. O cu Ap S. Amer. 1822. S co Cav.. h. m. 1.5. 2 Q cu 1 Ap S. Amer. 1822. S co Cav. h. in. 1. 5. 3 278. OPHIU'RUS Beauv. HARD GRASS. (Opkis, a snake, oura, a tail.) 2378 incurvatus Beauv. incurvate Jill O cu f jl Ap Britain Rottboell/rt incurvata L. 2379 filitormis Bemtv. filiform m Q cu J jl Rottboellw filiformis Roth 2380 subulatus Beauv. subulate ML Q cu 1 jl Graminece. 3. 4. sea co S m.s Eng. bot. 760 Ap Portugal 1800. S co Bar. ic. 117.1 Lepturus cylindricus Trin. Rottboellza cylind 279. ROTTBOE'LLJ^ L. ROTTBOELLIA. 2381 exaltata L. exalted Jilt 2382 perforata Rox. perforated Jilt Ap S. Europe 1806. S s.l Bar. ic. 5 Monerma subulata Beauv. (C. Rottboell, a Danish botanist.) cu 8 ... Ap E. Indies 1806. cu 3 ... Ap E. Indies 1822. Graminefp. 2. S co Rox. cor. 2. 157 S co Rox. cor. 2. 182 280. PHOLIU'RUS Trin. PHOLIURUS. (Pholis, a scale, oura, a tail.) Graminece. 1. 2383 pannonicus Trin. Pannonian Jilt O cu | jl Ap Hungary 1804. S co Host gr. 1. 24 Ophiurus pannonicus Beauv. 281. ANTHE'PHORA Schreb. ANTHEPHORA. (Anthos, a flower, phoreo, to bear.) Graminece. 1. 2. 2384 elegans Schreb. elegant Jilt Ol cu 2 au.s Ap Jamaica 1776. S p.l 4i Tripsacum hermaphrodituni L. Cenchrus laevigatus Trin. 282. MANISU'RUS L. MANISURUS. (Manis, the scaly lizard, oura, a tail ; spikes.) Graminece. 1. 2. 2385 granularis Sum. grained Jilt U\\ cu 2 Ap E. Indies 1821. D co Rox. cor. 2. 118 283. PE'ROTIS H. K. PEROTIS. (Peros, deficient ; flower.) Gramlnea. 1. 2. 2386 latifolia H. K. broad-leaved Jilt ED cu 2 au.s Ap E. Indies 1777. S s.p R. mal. 12. 62 284. SA'CCHARUM L. SUGAR CANE. 2387 otticinarum L. 2388 violaceum Tus. 2389 sinense Rox. 2390 procerum Rox. 2391 contractum Pair. 2392 caudatum Mey. 2393 polystachyum Swz. 2394 mexicanum Brou. 2395 dfibium H. % B. 2396 Munja Rox. 285..ERIA'NTHUS MX. ERIANTHUS. 2397 saccharoides MX. . Sugar-cane-like Jilt A Saccharum giganteum Pers. 2398 brevibarbis MX. short-bearded Jilt A Saccharumbrevibarbe Pers. (Soukar, its Arabic name.) Gramlneee. 10. 32 officinal jut [23 clt 12 ... Ap India 1597. Sk r.m SI. jam. 1 .66 violaceous Jilt 12 3 clt 10 Ap W. Indies 1824. D co Fl. ant. 1. 25 Chinese jut G 3 clt 6 Ap China 1822. D r.m tall jut (2 3 clt 10 Ap E. Indies 1822. D r.m contracted jilt (2 3 cu 4 n.'jl Ap Trinidad 1823. D CO caudate jut [2 3 cu 4 Ap W. Indies 1816. D r.m SI. jam. 1. 70.1 many-spiked jut (2 3 cu 2 Ap Trinidad 1823. 1) CO Mexican juii [2 3cu 1 Ap Mexico 1820. S CO doubtful jut [2 3 cu 2 Ap Trinidad 1826. 1) CO Munja jut (Z3 cu 4 ... Ap E. Indies 1805. D r.m (Erion, wool, anthos, a flower.) Graminece. 2. 34. pr 5 Ap N. Amer. 1826. D l.p cu 4 jlau Ap N. Amer. 1822. D p.l 6. TRICHOL^'NA R. $ S. TRICHOUENA. ( Thrix, hair, Icena, a cassock.) Graminece. I. i micrantha R. Sf S. small-flowered Jilt L^J pr 1 jn.jl Ap TenerifFe 1825. S p.l Jac. ec. 34 Saccharum Teneriffae L. Panicum Tenerittae Spr. 287. IMPERA'TA Cyr. IMPERATA. (Imperial; 2400 arundinacea Cyr. reedy jut 2401 spontanea Beauv. spontaneous Jilt Saccharum spontaneum L. perial; spikes like the plumes of a cap of state.) Graminece. 2. A ec Ap S. Europe 1817. S co Cyr. ne. 2. 11 E3 pr 3 Ap Africa 1824. D co R. mal. 12. 46 288. LEF/RS/^ Swz. 2402 oryzoldes Sivx. 2403 virginica W. 2404 austral? s R. Br. LEERSIA. ( J. D. Leers, a German botanist.) Rice-like Jilt A cu 2 Ap Levant Virginian Jilt A cu 1^ Ap N. Amer. 1770. Australian Jilt iAI un 1 Ap N. Holl. 1819. 289. ARUNDINA'RIA MX. CANE-BRAKE. (Altered from arundo, a reed.) 2405 macrosperma MX. long-seeded jlUi A or 10 jn Ap N. Amer. 1809. 2406 glaucescens R <$ S. glaucescent Jilt (23 cu 10 ... Ap E. Indies 1818. Ludolfr'a glaucscens W. Panicum glaucescens Lam. Graminece. 3. 1793. S co Host gr. 1. 35 S co Jac. ic. 2. 305 D p.l Graminece. 2. S co D p.l CLASS III. ORDER 3. TRIA'NDRIA TRIGY'NIA. 290. HOLO'STEUM L. HOLOSTEUM. (Holos, all, osteon, a bone ; by antiph. no bone.) Caryophyllea:. 2. 4. 247 umbellatum L. 2408 diandrum Swx. umbellated diandrous O rm un "* jnjl England old 1 Jamaica 1824. co Eng. bot. 2-7 co Swz. pr. 7 291. POLYCA'RPON L. ALL-SEED. 2409 tetraphyllum L. four-leaved 2410 diphyllum Cav. two-leaved 292. LE N CHE^ L. LECHEA. 2411 major Ph. greater villosa Ell. minor L. 2412 minor Ph. lesser 2413 Jhymifolia MX. Thyme-leaved minor Wai. 2414 racemulosa MX. racemulose (Polys, many, karpos, seed.) Paronychiece. 2. 3. O cu | jl W England san. pi. S co Eng. bot. 1031 O cu ^ jn.jl W 1821. S co Cav. ic. 151. 1 (G. Leche, a Swedish botanist, died 1764.) & A pr 1 W Canada 1780. Citrine*. 4. 6. D co Lam. il. 1. 52. 2 I Canada 1802. N. Amer. 1812. D co D s.p Lam. il. 52. 1 A Pr i W N. Amer. 1816. D s.p Lam. il. 3. 281 293. ERIOCAU'LON Lam. PIPEWORT. (Erion, wool, Icaulos, a stem.) Eriocaidece. 3. .34. 2415 septanguUre E. B. aeven-angied ^ A cu is W Scotland bogs. D aq Eng. bot. 773 CLASS IV. ORDER I. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. S? 2416 australe R. Br. 2417 fasciculatum Lam. 294. MO'NTI^ L. 2418 fontana L. 2419 rivularis Gm. 295. MOLLU'GO L. 2420 verticillata L. 2421 triphylla L*. Linkw' Dec. 2122 opposititolia i. 2423 Schrankz* Ser. dichotoma Schrank 2424 hirta Thun. Australian fascicled CHICKWEED. fountain brook i jn \ au.s N. Holl. Guiana 1820. 1825. D bog S bog Lam. il. 50 (Joseph Monti, professor of botany, at Bologna.) Portuldcece. 2. =fe O w i W Britain springs. S aq Eng. bot. 1206 * O un jn.jl W Labrador 1823. D aq MOLLUGO. (A name in Pliny, retained by Linnaeus.) Caryophyllece. 5. 1*. whorled O un Ap Virginia 1748. S co Ehr. pic. 6 three-leaved O un i jl Ap Brazil 1821. S jn.s opposite-leaved Schrank's hairy O un 4 *jr Ap Ap Virginia Brazil 1748. 1821. S' S rm un roi un 1 jn.jl W W E. Indies Brazil 1818. 1826. S S co co Sen. mo. 6 i jiLjl W C. G. H. 1824. S co 296. MINUA'RT/^ L. MINUARTIA. 2425 dichotoma L. dichotomous 2426 campestris L. field 2427 montana L. mountain (Minuart, a Spanish apothecary.) 8cu | jn.jl Ap Spain cu lin jn.jl Ap Spain O cu s jn.jl Ap Spain Paronychtice. 3. 1771. S co Ac. st. 1758. 1. 2 1806. S co Ac. st. 1758, 1. 3 1806. S co Lcef. it. 1. 4 297. QUE'RIA L. 2428 hispanica L. 298. KCENI'G/,4 L. 2129 islantiica L. QUERIA. Spanish (Don J. Quer y Martinez, a Spanish surgeon.) Caryophyllece. 1. 2. O cu lin my.s Ap Spain 1800. S co Qu. his. 6. 15. 2 Iceland (Samuel Kcenig, a Swiss mathematician.) O cu | ap Ap Iceland 1773. 299. PROSERPINA'CA L. PROSERPINACA. 2430 palustris L. marsh * O cu 2431 pectinata Ph. pectinated ^ Q cu ELODE; Guiana (Proserpo, to creep.) 1 jl W Canada 1818. | W N. Amer. 1822. PoJygonece. 1. S co Lam. il. 51 Halot agece. 2. D aq S aq 300. ELODE' A MX.' ELODEA. (Elodes, growing in marshy places.) Fluvidles. 2432 guyanensis Mr. ' Guiana * 2 cu f W Guiana 1820. S aq 301. HOUTTU'YN/^ Thun. HOUTTUTNIA. (Dr. Houttuyn, a virtuoso of Amsterdam.) 2433 cordata Thun. cordate (23 cu my.jl Y.G Japan 1820. D s.l 2434 fce'tida Hort. foetid ES cu Y.G Japan 1800. D s.l 1 3. M. in. 1811. 4.1 Aroldea. 2. Bot. mag. 2731 CLASS IV. ORDER!. TETRA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. 302 PETRO'PHILA R.Br. PETROPHILA. (Petros, a stone, phileo, to love.) Proteaceee. 8. 10. round-leaved it i_J or 4 W N. Holl. 1824. S s.p 2435 teretifolia R. Br. 2436 filitoiia R. Br. 2437 rigida R. Br. pulchella R. Br. Protea/ucif61ia Sal. 2438 2439 diversitolia R. Br. 2440 pedunculata R. Br. 2441 fastigiata R. Br. 2442 trifida R. Br. thread-leaved rigid neat various-leaved pedunculated fastigiate trifid i | or it | | or it | | or it i | or i | or *L_|or 5 jn.jl 5 jn.jl 5 5 4 5 p S s.p 303. ISOPO'GON R. Br. ISOPOGON. 2443 teretitolius R. Br. round-leaved 2444 anethifolius R. Br. -Dill-leaved 2445 formosus R Br. handsome 2446 anemonitolius R. Br. Anemone-lvd 2447 axillaris R. Br. axillary-/wrf 2448 ceratophyllus R. Br. Buckshorn-lvd 2449 polycephalus R. Br. many-headed 2450 propimjuus Cun allied 2451 divaricatus R. Br. divaricate Protea divaricata Andr. 2452 trilobus R. Br. three-lobed 2453 attenuatus R. Br. attenuate 2451 longifolius R. Br. long-leaved 304. PRCXTE^ L. PROTEA. 2455 cynaroides L. 2456 latifolia R. Br. 2 coccinea 3 viridiflora 2457 villifera Lindl. 2458 compacta R. Br. 2459 longi flora Lam. 2460 speciosa L. 2461 coccinea R. Br. 2462 obtusa Kn. pr. speciosa B. M. 2463 macrophylla R. Br. 24; i4 formosa R.Br. 2465 melaleiica R. Br. 2466 hirsuta IV. en. 2467 pallens W. en. 2468 lepidocarpon R. Br. scaly- fruited 2469 weriifolia R. Br. Oleander-lvd ; | | or 4 (Isos, equal, pogon, a beard.) i l | or 4 my.jn Pa N. Holl. : i I or 5 mr.jn Pa | | or 4 mr.jn Pk i i | or 5 Y 4 Pa N. Holl. 1824. N. Holl. 1823. S s,p N. S. W. 1790. S s. P Bot. mag. 796 N. Holl. 1803. S s.p N. Holl. 1824. S s.p N. Holl. 1820. ~ N. HolL S s.p 1820. S s.p 12. * I | or * i | or l I or it i | or l_jor *L-! or * l | or |_jor my.jn 3 my.jn 3 3 Pa Pa my.jn Pa my.jn Pa my.jn ap.jn jn.jl N. Holl. N. Holl. N. Holl. N. Holl. N. Holl. N. Holl. N. Holl. N. Holl. N. Holl. N. Holl. N. Holl. Proteacete. 1S23. S s.p 1796. ~ 1805. 1791. 1824. 1824. 1824. 1824. 1824. S s.p Bot. rep. 465 S s.p Cav. ic. 6. 549 S s.p S s.p Bot. mag. 697 S s.p S s. P S s.p s.p 1803. 1822. 1823. (Proteus, a self-transforming Artichoke-like * | | or li mr.n P broad-leaved it \ | or 7 jl.s P scarlet * i_J or 7 jl.s S green-flowered * i 1 or 7 jl.s G villit'erous * i | or 7 l | or 6 compact long-flowered splendid scarlet obtuse large-leaved handsome blk. & white hairy pale 7 mr.jn it i | or il 1 | or 5 S i l | or 10 mr.ap R god ; diversity.) C. G. H. 1774. C. G. H. 1806. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1806. 1806. 1800. 1810. 1795. 1786. 1824. 1786. S s.p S s C p.l Bot. reg. 900 Proteaceee. 47. 58. C s.l Bot. mag. 770 S s.l Bot. mag. 1717 C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l.p C s.l.p Ex. bot. 2. 81 S s.l Bot. mag. 1183 S s.l C s.l.pBot. rep. 110 And. rep. 646 Bot. reg. 1023 l_Jor 8 il | | or 6 il I | or 6 il l | or it ( | or *l_Jor il i l or W my.jn R mr.jl D.P 4 Pa 4 Pa 6 mr.jl D. P 6 f.ap W D 3 C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1824. S 1789. S 1786. 1819. 1819. 1806. 1806. C s.l.p Bot. reg. 208 s.l p 1 Bot. mag. 1713 C s.l.p Bot. rep. 103 S s.l S s.l S s.l Bot. rep. 301. 2 38 TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA, CLASS IV. 2470puichellaAJ?r. neat it i | or 3 R C. G. H. 1795. L 8.1 Bot. reg. 20 1 ciliata ciliated 4t i | or 3 R C.G.H. 1795. C 8.1 And. rep. 270 2 glabra smooth it | | or 3 R C. G. H. 1795. C 8.1 And. rep. 277 3 speciosa splendid 4t | | or 3 R C. G. H. 1795. C s.1 And. rep. 442 471 patens R. Br. spreading 4t i |or 2 mr.jn W.p C. G. H. 1789. C &1 Bot. rep. 543 2472 magniflca Kn. pr. magnificent 4t | (or 6 mr.jn W C. G. H. 1789. s s.l Bot. rep. 438 2473 longifolia R. Br. long-leaved it i | or 2 P C. G. H. 1798. s 8.1 Bot. ree. 47 2474 incompta R. Br. 2475 umbonalis Kn. pr. untrimmed embossed 41 1 |or 4t | | or 3 7 W C. G. H. W.bk C. G. H. 1822. 1798. C C s.I.p s.l.p Bot. rep. 144 2476 ligulasfolia Kn. pr. strap-leaved 41 1 | or 7 P C. G. H. 1798. C s.l Bot. rep. 133 2477 mellifera Thun. honey-bearing 41 1 1 or 6 my.d Pa.Y C. G. H. 1774. s 8.1 Bot. mag. 346 2 alba white 4t i | or 6 my.d W C. G. H. 1795. C S.l And. rep. ic. 2478 grandiflora R. Br. great-flowered 4t i |or 8 my.jn W C. G. H. 1787. s p.l Bot. mag. 2447 2 marginata marginated 4t i 1 or 6 my.jl W C. G. H. 1795. C S.1 Bot. reg 569 2479 Scolymus Thun. Golden thistle it i |or 3 my.jn P C. G. H. 1780. C S.1 Bot. mag. 698 2480 mucronifolia Sal. mucronate-lvd 41 1 | or 3 jl.d W C. G. H. 1803. C 8.1 Bot. mag. 933 2481 nana R. Br. dwarf it | |or 2 ap.jl Pk C. G. H. 1787. C s.l.p Ex. bot. 1. 44 2482 pendula R. Rr. pendulous it i | or 2 mr.jn C. G. H. 1806. C 2483 tenax R Br. tough 4t i lor 2. Y" C. G. H. 1801. C l.p Par. lond. 70 2484 canaliculate R. Br. channel-leaved *l_lor 3 f.d Pk C. G. H. 1800. s S.l Bot. rep. 437 2485 acuminala A A/. sharp-pointed t. pr. handsome it | |or 4 Y C. G. H. 1784. s p.l Bot. rep. 4t>9 2507 ellipticum R. Br. elliptic 4t i | or 4 Y C. G. H. 1803. C l.p 2508 conocarpum A Br. cone-fruited it \ | or 3 Y C. G. H. 1774. s s.l Pluk. ph. 200. 2 2509 grandiflorum A Br. great-flowered 41 1 1 or 4 my.jl Y C. G. H. 1800. 8 p.l Par. Ion. 116 Leucodndron grand iflorum Sal. 2510 puberum A Rr. downy-leaved it i ) or 2 Y C. G. H. 1774. C s.1 2511 patulum R. Br. spreading it , |or 2 Y C. G. H. 1823. s s.p 2512 spatulatum R. Br. spatulate it t |or 2 Y C. G. H. 1825. s s.p 2513 tomentosum Kn. pr. cottony it | |or 2 au.s Y C. G. H. 1789. s p.l 2514 parile Kn. pr. matched 4t | |or 2 au.s Y C. G. H. 1789. C IP 2515 candicans B. A whitish 4t | | or 2 an s Y C. G. H. 1790. s p.l Bot. rep. 29* Protect candicans yiw dr. 2516 hypophyllum A Br. under-leaved l_Jor 1* ... Y C. G. H. 1787. s p.l PI. man. 440.3. 306. MIME'TES R.Br. MIMETES. (Mimetes, a mimic.) 2517 hirta R. Br. hairy 4t t | or 3| R 2518 pauciflora A Br. few-flowered it i | or 3 R 2519 palustris Kn. pr. marsh 41 i | or P 2520 cucullata R. Br. cucullate-/w* 41 | | or 2 ... P Protect cucullata L. 2521 Hartog R. Br. Hartoge's 41 i | or 5 2522 divaricata R. Br. divaricate 4t | | or 2{ jn.s W 2523 tracciniitolia Swt. Vaccinium-lvd * i | or 3 Deastella yacciniifolia Kn. pr. 2524 purpurea A Br. purple 4t i | or 2 n.d P Protedcete. 8. 13 C. G. H. 1774. C s.l Wein. 4. 899. a. C. G. H. 1818. S l.p C. G. H. 1802. C l.p Boer. 2. 194 C. G. H. 1789. S s.1 C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1824. 1795. S s.1 C s.l Wein. 4. 906 1800. C l.p C.G.H. 1789. C s.l 307- SERRU'RI/f R. Br. SERRURIA. 2525 glaberrima R. Br. very smooth 2526 diffusa R. Br. diffuse 2527 abrotanifolia Kn. pr. Southernw.-lvd 2528 millefolia thousand-lvd 2529 artemis\erf6Ha Wormwood-lvd 2530 pinnata R. Br. pinnate 2531 arenaria R Br. sand 2532 cyanoides R. Br. Cyanus-like 2,533 nitida R. Br. shining (Dr. J. | | or Serrnrier, 1 or 3 it t | or 4t ( | or i_Jor it i | or e i | or 2534 pedunculata R. Br. pedunculate 2535 scoparia R. Br. Broom 2536 Niveni R. Br. Niven's Pro tea decumbens Andr. it ( | or 4t | | or i | or 4 4 5 1 1 H 2 7 3 jnau prof. bot. at Utrecht.) P C. G. H. 1825. P C.G.H. 1810. Pk C. G. H. 1803. P C. G. H. 1803. P C. G. H. 1789. Pk C.G.H. 1803. P C. G. H. 1803. P C. G. H. 1803. P C. G. H. 1823. P C.G.H. 1789. P C.G.H. 1809. P C. G. H. 1800. 2537 villosa R. Br. 2538/o3niculacea R, Br. 2539ciliata/i.^r. 2540 congesta R. Br. 2541 squarrosa R. Br. 2;";42 hylicoides R. Br. 2543 ae'mula R. Br. 2544 florida R. Br. 2545 parilis Kn. pr. 2546 odorata Swt. villous fennel-leaved ciliated heaped squarrose Phylica-like rival flowery matched sweet-scented 4t | | or 2 jn au P 4t | | or 2 P 4t | 1 or 2 P 4t | | or 2 P 4t | | or 2 P "I i | or 3 P Protea abrotanifolia odorata Andr. \ | or o j | | or 3 P l | or 2 P it | | or 2 Pk it \ | or 2 Pk C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1823. 1820. 1M)3. 1820. 1810. 1788. 1803. 1824. 1803. 1803. Proteacece. 34. 46. S s.l S 8.1 C l.p Bot. rep. 522 C 1. s.p Bot. rep. 337 C l.p S p.l Bot. rep. 512 C s.p S p.l Pluk.m. 61.345.6 S s.1 C p.l.s Bot. rep. 264 S s.l C s.p.1 Bot. rep. 349 S si S s.1 C s.l S s.l S s.l S p.l Bot. rep. 507. 4 C Lp S s.l Thun. pr. 1. 1 C p.l Bot. rep. 507 C p.l Bot. rep. 545 ORDER I. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 2547 emarginata Swt. emarginated ftl [or 2 Pk C. G. H, 1800. C p.l Bot, rep. 536 Serrilrio arenaria Kn . pr. 2548 decumbens R. Br. decumbent l_Jor 1 jn au P C. G. H. 1818. S S.I Thun. pr. 1. 1 r )4!) adsc^ndens R Br. ascending ft l | or 2 P C. G. H. 1819. s S.I 25. >0 rubricaulis R Br. red- stemmed ftl_Jor 2 P C. G. H. 1818. g S.I 2551 flagellans ft. Br. whip l | or 2 P C. G. H. 1816. s S.I 255-2 glomerata R. Br. glomerated ft l | or 3 P C. G. H. 1789. s p.l Bur. af. 99. 2 2553 decipiens R. Br. deceptive ft , | or 4 P C. G. H. 1806. c 1 P 2554 Roxburgh* R. Br. 2555 Burmamw R. Br. Roxburgh's Burmann's ft l | or ft ( | or 3 jn au 2| W P C. G. H. C. G. H. 1806. 1786. c c Lp Bur. af. 99. 1 2556 triternata R. Br. triternate ft 1 I or 7 P C. G. H. 1802. s p.l Bot. rep. 447 2557 elongata R Br. 2558 crithmifolia R. Br. elongated Samphire-lvd ftl_Jor ft) |or 1| 2 P R C. G. H. C. G. H. 1800. 1818. c s fr 308. NIVE'N/^ R. Br. 2559 sceptrum R. Br. NlVENlA. sceptre-/ N. Holl. - ft i | or ftl_jor *l_Jpr ft i | or i_J or ft 1 | or ft i | or ft I (or ft i | or ft i | or ft I | or ft L_Jor ft i |or ftl_Jor 4 ... I my.jl 3 jn.jl 3 jn.jl 4 jn.jl 7 jn.jl 4 jn.jl 3 jn.jl 4 jn.jl Y Y * N. Holl. 1822. C s.p Y N. Holl. 1824. C l.p Y N. Holl. 1824. C l.p Y N. S. W. 1800. C l.p Bot. cab. 327 Y N. S. W. 1824. C l.p Y N. S. W. 1826. C l.p Y N. S. W. 1824. C s.p Pk N. S. W. 1795. C l.p Cav. ic. 4. ?89 Y N. S. W. 1795. L s.p Bot. rep. 280 Y.R N. S. W. 1823. C s.p Sm. ex. bot.2.83 Y N. S. W. 1791. L s.p Bot. rep. 74 315. AGA'STACHYS R. Br. AGASTACHYS. (Agasfos, admirable, stachys, a spike.) Proteaceas. 2606 odorata R. Br. sweet-scented ft i_J or 3 ap.s Pa.Y N. Holl. 1826. C s.p 316. GREVFLLE/4 R. Br. GREVILLEA. (C. F. Greville, a patron of natural science.) Proteacece. 31, 48. 2607 sericea R. Br. silky ft l |or 6 ap.s Pk N. S. W. 1790. S s.p Bot. mag. 862 2608 punicea R. Br. scarlet l lor . P N. S. W. 1822. C l.p Sm. n. h. 9. 5 2609 dubia R. Br. doubtful ft 1 /or 3 ap.s V N. S. W. 1820. c Lp 2610 acanthifolia Cun. Acanthus-lvd ftl_|or 4 ap.s P N. S. W. 1824. c Lp Fi. n. h. ic. 2611 concinna R.Br. neat ft i | or 4 ap.s P N. S. W. 1824. c s.p 2612^'unip^rina R. Br. Juniper-like ft 1 | or 4 ap.s Pk N. S. W. 1822. c Lp Bot. cab. 1003 261 5 aspera R. Br. rough ft | | or 3 ap.s Pk N. S. W. 1824. c IP 2614 linearis R. Br. linear-leaved ft) | or 6 ap.s W N. S. W. 1790. s s.p Bot. rep. 272 2 incarnata B. M. flesh-colored ft l |or 4 ap.s F N. Holl. 1790. c s.p Bot. mag. 2661 3 alba Lod. white-flowered ft l (or 4 ap.s W N. Holl. 1790. c s.p Bot. cab. 1003 2615 stricta R. Br. strict ftt | or 4 ap.s Pk N. S. W. 1820. c s.p 2616 rosmarinif.'.lia Cun. Rosemary-lvd ftt_jor 4 ap.s R N. S. W. 1824. c s.p 2ol7 rii.aria R. Br. river-side ft 1 |or 4 ap.s Pk N. S. W. 1791. c Lp 2618 Flinderszz Cun. Flinders's ft l )or 3 ap.s P N. S. W. 1824. c Lp 2619 arenaria R. Br. sand l_|or 5 ap.s Pk N. S. W. 1803. c Lp 2620 acuminata R. Br. acuminate ft i 1 or 4 ap.s R N. S. W. 1805. s s.p 2621 stylosa Kn. pr. long-styled ft 1 | or 9 ap.s Pk N. S. W. 1809. c 8.1 D 4 40 TETRANURIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS IV. 622 mucronula'ta R. Br. mucronulate 41 1 ] or > ap.s Pk N. S. W. 1809. C l.p 2623 sulphurea Cun. sulphur-c/d it | | or ap,s Pa.Y N. S. W. 1824. C l.p 2624 Bauerii R. Br. Bauer's 4t i | or R N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 2625 pubescens Hook. pubescent 4t | | or ap.s R N. Holl. 1822. C s.p Hook. ex. fl. 216 2626 cinerea R. Br. cinereous 41 1 |or ap.s Pa.R N. S. W. 1822. C l.p 2627 montana R. Br. mountain 4t i | or ap.s V N. S. W. 18-'2. C s.p 2628 Auxifolia R. Br. Box. leaved 41 1 j or 6 f.s Pk N. S. W. 1790. S s.p Bot. rep. 218 2629 mucronifolia Cun. mucronate-lvd it \ | or 3 ap.s V N. S. W. 1824. C s.p 2630 phylicoides R. Br. Phylica-like 4t | | or 3 R N. Holl. 1823. C s.p 2631 podalyrirf?/Wwi Swt. Podalyria-lvd 41 | | or 5 R N. Holl. 1821.. C s.p 2632 berberi folia Swt. Berberis-leavec 41 1 j or 4 R N. Holl. 1821. C s.p 2633 podocarpifolia Swt. Podocarpus-lvd it i 1 or 4 R N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 2634 collina Kn. pr. hill 41 1 | or 4 mr.jl Pk N. S. W. 1802. C l.p 2635 asplenifolia R. Br. Asplenium-lvd 41 1 | or 5 mr.jl Pk N. S. W. 1806. C Ip 2636 heterophylla Host variable-leaved it ( | or 4 R N Holl. 1821. C s.p 2637 trifurcata Swt. trifurcate it i | or 3 R N. Holl. 1821. C s.p 317. HA'KE^ R. Br. HAKEA. (Baron Hake, a German patron of botany.) Proteacetz. 45. 58. 9638 pugioniformis R. Br. dagger-formed 2639 parilis Kn. pr. matched 41 ( | or it | |or 6 6 my.jn my.jn W W N.S.W. V. Di. L. 1796. 179ft S C s.p l.p Bot. cab. 353 2640 obliqua R. Br. 2641 gibbosa Cav. oblique-./7utd gibbous-fruited 41 1 | or it i 1 or 6 7 my.jn W W N. Holl. N. S. W. 1803. 1790. C C s.p s.p Cav. ic. 6. 534 2642 acicularis R. Br. needle-leaved 4t i | or 3 my.jn W N. S. W. 1790. C s.p Ven.mal.lll 2643 suaveolens R. Br. sweet-smelling it | |or 4 ja.n W N. Holl. 1803. C s.p 2644 pectinata Coll. 2f45 microcarpa R. Br. pectinated small-fruited it | | or 4t | ]or 4 4 my.jn my.jn W W N. Holl. V. Di. L. 1810. 1819. C C s.p s.p Col. h. rip. 11 Bot. reg. 475 2646 propinqua Cun. allied 4t i I or 4 my.jn W N. S. W. J824. C s.p 2647 sulcata R. Br. sulcate-leaved 41) |or 4 my.jn W N. Holl. 1820. C s.p 2648 subulata Cun. subulate-/eaw?rf 4t| | or 4 my.jn W N. S. W. 1824. C S.p 2649 varia R Br. variable 41 1 | or 3 W N. Holl. 1825. C s.p 2650 wlicina Cun. Furze-like 4lL_|or 4 my.jn W N. S. W. 1824. C S.p 2651 lanigera Ten. woolly it i j or 3- my.jn W N. Holl. 1820. C s.p 2652 epig!6ttis Lab. 2653 longifolia Dum. epiglottis long-leaved 4t i I or 41 1 | or 4 2 3 my.jn my.jn W W N. Holl. N. Holl. 1819. 1825. C C s.p s.p Lab. n.h. 1.40 2654 trifurcata R. Br. three-forked 4t | |or 5 W N. Holl. 1824. C S.p 2655 flexilis Burc. pliant 41 1 | or 4 W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 2856 florida R. Br. flowery 4t | |or 5 my.jn W N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. mag. 2579 2657 Hneiris R. Br. linear 4t | | or 4 ... W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 2658 jlicifolia R. Br. Holly-leaved 4t | |or 4 il s W N. Holl. 1803. C s.p 2659 nitida R. Br. glossy 4t | ) or 5 jn.jl W N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. mag. 2246 2660 amplexicaulis R. B\ f. stem-clasping it i lor 2 ... W N. Holl. 1803. C s.p 2661 prostrata R. Br. prostrate 41 | |or 1- W N. Holl. 1803. C s.p 2662 ceratophylla R. Br horn-leaved 41 1 (or 4 my.jn Br N. Holl. 1803. C s.p 2663 Lambert* Swt. Lambert's 4ll_Jor 4 W N. S. W. 1825. C sp 2664 carduifolia Lo. C. Thistle-leaved it i | or 4 my.jl W N. Holl. 1825. C s.p 2665 ceratophylla Lo. C. 2666 acanthophylla Lk. Buckshorn-lvd prickly-leaved 4t | |or 4t | |or 4 3 W W N. Holl. N. S. W. 1824. 1821. C C s.p s.p 2667 undulata R. Br. vfave-leaved 41 i |or 3 W N. Holl. 1803. L s.p 2668 oleifolia R. Br. Olive-leaved it | )or 5 JnjV W N. Holl. 1794. s s.p 2669 saligna R. Br. Vfil\ovt-leaved it i | or 7 mr.jl W N. Holl. 1791. C S.p Bot. rep. 215 2670 cinerea R. Br. cinereous-/wf 4t ( [or 5 jn.jl W N. Holl. 1803. s s.p 2671 canescens Lk. canescent *i_Jor 3 ... N. Holl. 18CO. C s.p 2672 dactyloides Cav. Dactylis-like 4t | |or 7 W N. S. W. 1790. C s.p Cav. ic. 6. 535 2673 elliptica Lab. , elliptic 4t | [or 4 W N. Holl. 1794. C s.p 2674 ruscifolia Lab. Ruscus-leaved 4t | jor 4 W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Lab. n. h. 1. 39 2675 clavata R. Br. clavate 4t | |or fl W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Lab. n.h. 1.41 2676 marginata R. Br. marginate it | |or 4 W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 2677 repanda Cun. repand 4t | (or 4 my.jl W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 2678 cucullata Cun. cucullate 41 1 |or 4 my.jl W N. Holl. 1824. C S.p 2679 ferruginea Cun. rusty-leaved 4t | |or 4 my.jl W N. Holl. 1825. C s.p 2680 latifolia Lo. C. broad-leaved it | | or 4 my.jl W N. Holl. 1825. C s.p 2681 petrophylloidesMa.C. Petrophylla-lk 2682 echinata Ma. C. hedRehoe 4t | |or 41 1 | or 3 3 W W N. Holl. N. Holl. 1825. 1824. C C S.p s.p 2683 angustifolia Ma. C. narrow-leaved 41 1 | or 3 I.'. W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 318. STENOCA'RPUS R. Br. STENOCARPUS. (Stcnos, narrow, karpos, fruit.) 2684 salignus R. Br. W 'Movr-le.aved 4I| | or 5 jn.jl G N. Holl. 1819. Proteacece. 1. 2. C s.l Bot. reg. 441 319. LAMBE'RT/^ Sm. LAMBERTIA. (A. B. Lambert, Esq., F. R. S., Pres. L. S., etc.) Protedceae. 5. 2685 uniflora R. Br. 2686 echinata R. Br. 26S7 longifolia Lod. 2688 form6sa Sm. 2689 inermis R. Br. 320. XYLOME'LUM Sm. XTLOMELUM. 2o90jyrif6rme Sm. pyriform fi _ lor Hakea pyriformis Cav. N. Holl. 1824. N. Holl. 1824. N. Holl. 1826. N. S. W. 1788. N. Holl. 1824. C s.p C s.p C s.p C s.p Bot. rep. 69 C s. P (Xylon, wood, melon, an apple.) Proledceee. 1. 14 N. S..W. 1789. S s.p Cav. ic. 6. 536 321. TELCTPEA R Br. WARRATAH. 2691 speciosissima R. Br. most splendid 322. LOMA'TIA R. Br. LOMATIA. 2692 silai folia R. Br. 2693 tinctoria R. Br. 2694 Iongif61ia .R. Br. 2695 flicifolia R. Br. 2696 dentata R. Br. Silatim-leaved dyer's long-leaved Holly-leaved toothed * 323. RHOPA'LA R. Br. RHOPALA. 2697 media R. Br. mediate Roupdla montana Aubl. C6P8 dentata R. Br. tooth-leaved 2699 sessilifolia Rich. sessile-leaved * 324. KNFGHT.L4 R. Br. KNIGHTIA. 2700 excelsa R. Br lofty (Telopos, seen at a distance; its brilliant blossoms.) Proteacece. 1. 2. il Jor 10 my.jl S N. S. W. 1789. C sp Bot. mag. 1128 (Loma, a border ; winged edge of the seeds.) Proteacece. 5. 8. 4t | | or 2 O N. S. W. 1792. C s.p Bot. mag. 1272 4ll_]or 2 N. Holl. 1822. C s.p Lab n. h. 1.42,43 41 1_J or 2 jn G N. S. W. 1816. C l.p Bot. reg. 44 l-J or 3 ... N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 41 1 | or 3 Chil 1824. C l.p Fl. per. 1. 94. a. (Roupala, its aboriginal name.) Protedcece. 3. 16. I | or 10 my jn ... Guiana 1823. C l.p Aub. gui. 1. 32 I 1 or 10 G l_|or 10 ... G S. Amer. 1802. C l.p Guiana 1803. C l.p Rud. gui. 1. 31 (T. A. Knight, Esq. F.R.S., Pres. H. S., etc.) Protedcea?. 1. l_J or 10 ... F N. Zeal. 1824. C or 1 my.jl Y :k Q) or 1 my.jl Y ^ Q) or 1 my.jl Y Siberia 1751. 7. 8. S co Bot. mag. 2325 Siberia 1801. S co Bot. mag. 714 Dahuria Siberia Siberia Siberia Siberia 1817. S co Sw.fl.gar. 154 1817. S co 1820. 1826. S co S co 1826. S co (Potha, its name in Ceylon.) flW EJ cu 4 my.jn Ap ^ E2 27. : cu 20 my.j ap.jl Ap Aroidece. E. Indies 1821. Sk s.p Ru. am. 5. 1. 3 E. Indies 1820. Sk p.l TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS IV. 2778 Petpla Rox. Peeplee 2779 gigantea Rox. giant 2780 pertusa Rox. perforated 2781 acaulis L. stemless 2782 lanceolata L. lance-leaved 2783 crenata L crenate 2784 gracilis Rud. slender 2785 violacea Swz. \\o\et-fruited 2786 cannaelolia H. K. Canna-leaved 2787 crassinervis Jac. thick-nerved 2788 cordata L. heart-leaved 2789 sagittata B. M. arrow-leaved 2790 angustata H. $ B. narrow 2791 macrophylla Swz. large-leaved grandi folia Jac. 2792 obtusifolia H. K. blunt-leaved 2793 digitata Jac. digitate 2794 coriacea Grah. coriaceous 2795 Harrisw Grah. Harris's 2796 rubrin8 Drakarna L. D r.ikasna contraj. 1 i cu G Vera Cruz 1818. R pi Bot. cab. 677 28J9 ceratosanthes Lod. Buckshorn-flwdf fAI cu f mr.jn G S. Amer. 1826. s.p Bot. cab. 1215 340. ISNA'RD^f L. ISNARDA. 2840 palustris L. marsh 341. ELJEA'GNUS L. OLEASTER. 2841 angustitolia L. narrow-leaved 2842 argentea Ph. silvery 2843 onentalis L. Oriental 2844 arborea Rox. tree 2846 latitolia L. broad-leaved 2846 acuminata Lk. acuminated 2847 conferta Sox. crowded (A. T. D. d'lsnard, a French botanist.) Onagrdriee. 1. 6. ft, A w 5 Jl G Britain pools S bog (Elaia, an olive, agnos, the chaste tree.) or or \ _ 1 or 15 jl !0 10 30 i or 4 1 or 4 or 10 Y Ap Ap Ap Ap ... Ap ... W Eht dgnete. 7. 12. Pal. ros. 1.4 S. Europe 1H33. C co N. Amer. 1813. C co Levant 1748. L p 1 Pal. ros. 1. 5 Nepal 1819. C co E. Indies 1712. Nepal 1825. L p.l Bur. zey. 39. 2 C co C s.p OllliER I. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 43 342. GLOBULA'RIA L. GLOBULARIA. (The flowers in globe ise heads.) Globuldrince. 9. 13. 2848 Iongif61ia L. long-leaved tt- i_Jpr 3 W Madeira 1775. L p.l Bot. reg. 685 tali cina Lam. 2849 Alypum L. Alypo tt. l_J pr 2 au.s Pa S. Europe 1640. L p.l Gar. aix 42 2 integrifulium entire-leaved tt. | | or 2 au.s Pa S. Europe C p.l 2850 vulgaris L. common l A P r | my.jn B Europe 1640. C p.l Bot mag. 2256 2851 finiiolia Lam. Flax-leaved A or J l my.jn B Spain 1818. D p.l vulgaris Brot. 28 >2 spiu6sa Mil. 2853 cordifolia L. prickly -leaved heart-leaved ( Ipr f. A pr my.jn ijnjl B B Spain Germany 1640. 16:33. C C 1'p Jac. au. 3. 245 2854 nana Lam. dwarf A pr | jn.jl B France 1824. C l.p Dec. ic. 1. 3 2855 nudicaulis L. naked-stalked l A pr j B Germany 1629. C p.l Jac. au. 3. 230 2856 tellidifolia Ten. Daisy-leaved j A pr i 1 jnjl R Italy 18S& C s.p *343. HOUSTO'N/^! L. HOUSTONIA. (W. Houston, M. D., a British botanist, d. 1733.) Rubiacete. 215. 2857 caerulea L. blue, .flowered A pr I L.B N. Amer. 1785. D s.p Bot. mag. 370 2858 purpurea Z/. purple-cowered^ A pr 1 P N. Amer. 1800. D co 344. ZM'PSACUS L. TEASEL. (Dipsao, to thirst ; leaves hold water.) Dips acece. 7. 10. 2859 full6num Mil. fullers' 0> ag 6 jl P Britain hedg. S 1 Eng. bot. 2080 2860 sylv^stris Mil. wood to> w 6 jl P Britain m.hed. S m.s Eng. bot. 1032 2861 laciniatus L. cut-leaved O) cu 6 P Germany 1683. S m.s Jac. au. 5. 403 2862 ferox Lot. fierce Q) cu 3 P S. Europe 1818. S CO 28ri3 Gmelim Bieb. Ginelin's A cu 3 B Caucasus 1820. S m.s 2864 inermis Wai. unarmed & Q) cu 4 W Nepal 1823. S m.s 2865 pilosus L. pilose Id) cu 4 au W Britain S m.s Eng. bot. 877 345. CEPHALA % RIA Schr. CEPHALARIA. (Kephale 2866 alpfna Schr. Alpine ^ A or 3 a head ; the flowers in round heads.) jn.jl L.Y Switzerl. 1570. D co Dipsaccce. 20. Bes. eys. 8. 1 Succisa alpina Spr. f 2867 albescens R. $ S. albescent k A or 2 jn.jl W Siberia 1804. D CO $ 2868 grae'ca R. if S. Greek k A pr 2 Y S. Europe 1819. D CO Scabiusa decurrens L. $ 2869 rigida R. % S. stiff-leaved -i_J or 2 jl W C. G. H. 1731. 8 p.l Com. h. 2. 93 2870 attenuata R. Sf S. slender-leaved .Q or 1 jl.s W C. G. H. 1774. S l.p 2871 scabra R. # S. scabrous n.i J or ^ jn jl W C. G. H. 1825. c CO 2872 transylvanica R. 8f S. Transylvanian 2873 synaca R. & S. Syrian O or or 2 3 I Li W Transylv. 1699. Syria 1633. S S CO CO Jac. vin. 2. Ill M. h. 3. 14. 14 2874 leucantha R. fy S. white-flowered ^ A or 2 S.O W France 1739. D CO Ger. em. 721.8 2875 tatarica R. $ S. Tartarian 55 or R L.Y Russia 1759. S CO Ac. up. 1744. 1 2876 uralensis Mur. Uralian o or 5 Y Siberia 1789. S CO C. g. 1782. 4 2877 lamgata W. $ K. smooth ^ A or I Str Hungary 1805. D CO W.&K. 3.230 Succisa centaurioides Spr. 2878 corniculata R. $ S. small. horned ^ A or 2 Sti Hungary 1801. D CO W. & K. 13 \ 2879 leucanthema R. 8f S. white-flowered Lepicephalus leucantha Lag. 2880 coriacea W. en. coriaceous ^ A A A or or lijnjl W Str France 1820. Tauria 1813. S D CO CO Lepicrphalus coriacea Lag. & 2881 cretacea R. 8c S. chalky A A or 4 Str Caucasus 1818. D CO 2882 VaillantzY It. & S. Vaillant's O or 1-1 B Aleppo 1822. S CO Pterocephalus VaillantzY Lag. 2883 papposa R. % S. downy -headed O or 1 jl \V S. Europe 1597. S CO \ 2884 diandra R. % S. diandrous pr i jn.jl P Spain 18-23. S CO \ 2885 plum6sa R. $ S. plumose or o jn.jl B Spain 1819. S CO Gae. fr. 86. 4 Scabi6sa WilUchi Lk. *346. SCABIO'SA VaiL SCABIOUS. (Scabies, leprosy : medicinal qualities.) Dipsacete. 68. 103. 2886 dichutoma Uc. forked k o or 1 Pk Sicily 1804. S CO Boc. mu. 120 $ 2887 Succfsa L. Devil's Bit & A or 1 au.o V Britain pas. D CO Eng. bot. 878 Succfsa pratr i Y.p Hungary 1821. D CO W. & K. 2. 150 3047 aristata L. awned ^v A pr 1 Y S. Europe 1823. I) CO 3048 supina Ztefi. supine ^v A pr f jn Pk Caucasus 1821. D CO 3049 brevifolia Ven. short-leaved KM _ Jor P Europe 1825. 1) CO Ven. eels 63 3050 cyrianchica W. Cynanche & A pr fjl F England ch.hil. D S.I Eng. bot. 33 3051 alpina Spr. alpine 5 A pr I W Caucasus 1820. D CO 3052 rigida Sm. rigid a! A pr i R Greece 1819. D CO Fl. gr. 118 3053 crassifolia /,. thick-leaved s A pr f jn W Levant 1775. D S.I 3054 tomentosa Ten. tomentose a A or 1 jnjl R S. Europe 1817. D CO Fl. gr. 119- incana 'Sm. 3055 scabra Presl rough ^ A Pr 1 jn-jl W Italy " 1824. D CO 3056 tinctoria L. dyer's ^f A P r f jnjl Pk Europe 1764. D S.I Tab. ic. 733. 1 3057 montana .K#. mountain 5 A pr 1 jnjl Pk Hungary 1801. D CO 3058 arvensis W. corn-field O w 1 Jl Li Europe 1596. S CO Lob. ic. 801. 2 3059 arcadiensis #. M. Arcadian ^ A pr i m y R Arcadia 1819. D CO Bot. mag. 2146 3060 hirta /tawz. hairy S A pr i jn.jl P Pyrenees 1817. D CO 3061 hirsuta Desf. repens Brot. hirsute I A P r i my.jn W Portugal 1819. D CO 3062 gajioides Bleb. Galium-like & A r | W S. Europe 1710. D CO Jac. au. 1. 81 Galium glaucum L. 3063 humifusa Bes. trailing jl A or i W Caucasus 1818. D CO Galium humifusum Bleb. 3064 1 on gi folia Sm. 3065 ^parine Bes. long-leaved Cleavers '1 A pr A or 1 2 R W S. Europe 1S20. S. Europe 1818. D D CO CO Fl. gr. 117 Fl. gr. 1. 117 rivalis Sm. 3066 odorata L. sweet-scented & A r f my.jn W Britain woods. D S.I Eng. bot. 755 351, SHERA'RD/J L. FIELD MADDER. S067 arvensis L. corn field 3068 muralis L. wall Galium murale All. ( W. Sherard, a celebrated British botanist.) Rubiacea;. 2. O w \ ap.s B Britain cor. fi. S co Eng. bot. 891 O un Y Italy 1805. S co Al. ped. 77. 1 TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS IV. 352. SPER M ACCKCE L. BITTON-WEED. (Sperma, seed, akofce, a point ; caj 3069 glabra MX. smooth O or 1 W N. Amer. 1823. 3070 di6dina MX. Diodia-like O un i jn.jl W Jamaica 1810. 3071 ascendens W. ascendent un 1 jn.jl W W. Indies 1820. 3072 hispida L. bristly ID] un 1* au.s V E. Indies 1781. 3073 latifolia Aubl. broad-leaved O] un 2 jl W Guiana 1803. 3074 strigosa B. M. mengre O un 1 W W. Indies 1760. 3075 cormtolia Fis. Dogwood-leaved 1TTI un 1 my.jn R Brazil 1819. 3076 stylosa Lk. /0n/?-styled O un 1 my.jn W Manilla 1819. 3077 sutf'ruticosa Jac. suft'ruticose - CD un F 1824. 3078 radicans Aubl. rooting 123 un i jl W Guiana 1803. 3079 lae'vis Lam. smooth O un 1 my.jl Str W. Indies 1820. 3080 aspera Aubl. rough . O un 1 jn.jl W Trinidad 1819. 3081 ten uiori. slender O or 2 Pk W. Indies 1732. 3082 lanceolata Lk. lanceolate O or 1 ... W. Indies 1818. 30S3 /inifolia Vahl Flax-leaved O un 1 jn.jl W W. Indies 1820. 3084 scabra W. rough i | un i jn.jl W E.Indies 1818. 3085 hirta L. hairy O un | jn.jl W W. Indies 1816. 3086 villosa Swz. villous O un 1 my.jl W W. Indies 1810. 3087 rubra Jac. red O1 un 1 P 1804. 3088 Fischer? Lk. Fischer's ED un 1 my.jn W Jamaica 1821. 3089 mucronata Nees mucronate IA1 un 2 jn.jl W Jamaica 1822. 3090 Roxburgh?* Spr. Roxburgh's O] or 1 W E. Indies 1818. Ise'vis Rox. 353. DICXDIA L. 3091 virginica L. 3092 verticillata Vahl 3093 prostrata Swt. 3094 sarmentosa Swz. Rubiacece. 22. 68- Mur.3. 6' Aub. gui. 19. 1 S s.l Bot. mag. 1558 S s.l S s.l C s.l S s.l p.l Jac. sc. 322 Aub.gui. 1.20.4 S co SI. jam. 1.94.2 S co Aub. gui. 22. 6 S co Sc. nan. 1. 22 S S S co S co Jac. ic. 308 S co S s.l Jac. sc. 256 S s.l D s.l S p.l DlODIA. Virginian verticillate prostrate twiggy (Diodes, a journeying ; a way-side plant.) Rubiaccce. 4. 10. cu i jn.jl W Virginia 1820. S co Jac. ic. 129 i jn.jl W \V. Indies 1821. S co jn.jl W W. Indies 1818. S co cu i W W. Indies 1821. C s.p 354. KNO'X/^ L. KNOXIA. 3095 zeylanica L. Ceylon 3096 corymbosa W. corymbose Spermacoce sumatrensis lietz. 3097 umbellata Sol. umbellate Spermacoce teres Rox. 355. BIGELCXV/^ Spr. BIGELOVIA. 3098 verticillata Spr. ^whorled Spermacoce verticillata L. 3099 commutata Spr. changed Spermac6ce verticillata Host 3100 stricta Spr. strict Spermacoce stricta L. (Robert Knox t an English traveller in 1681.) - CD or i W Ceylon 1826. S co *- CD or | W E. Indies 1818. S co tL CD or i W E. Indies 1820. S co Rubiaccte. 3. Bur. in. 13 Lam. il. 59. 2 (Prof. Bigelow, of North America.) CD or W Africa 1732. Riibidcetz. 3. II. S s.p Di. el. 277. 358 OJpr I jn.jl I jn.jl W W.Indies 1818. D s.l W E. Indies 1820. S s.l ' 356. CRUCIANE'LLA L. CROSSWORT. (Diminutive of crux, a cross ; leaves.) RubiacecE. 13. 16. 3101 angustitolia L. narrow-leaved 8CU 4 jn.jl Y France 1658. S CO Ex. bot. 2. 109 3102 latifolia L. broad-leaved cu jn.jl G France 1633. S CO Bar. ic. 520 3103 a?gyptiaca L. Egyptian O cu i jn.jl Y Egypt 1800. S CO 3104 patula /.. spreading O cu jn jl Y Spam 1798. S CO 3105 pubescens W. pubescent ^ A cu f P Candia 1799. c l.p 3106 glomerata Bleb. glomerated it gcu i Y Iberia 1824. S CO 3107 ciliata Lam. ciliated cu i Y Levant 1805. S CO 3108 tuberculcisa Cav. tuberculose O cu i Y Spain 1826. S CO 3109 maritima L. maritime L, | ) CU i Y France 1640. c l.p 3110 americana Mil. American t_ | | CU i Y S. Amer. 1780. S CO 3111 monspeliaca L. Montpelier O cu a Y France 1791. S l.s.p 3112 wzolluginoides Bieb. Mollugo-like ^V A cu i G Caucasus 1800. D CO Bux. c. 2. 30. 1 3113 an6mala Bleb. anomalous ^ A cu i Y Caucasus 1820. S CO 357. CALLICA'RPA L. CALLICARPA (Kalos, beautiful, karpos, fruit.) Verbenacece. 12. 24. 3114 americana L. American Hor jn.jl R N. Amer. 1724. c s.p Cat. car. 247 3115canai. 'i.. < hoary it or 3 P E. Indies 1799. c s.p Bot. mag. 2107 tomentosa Lam. 3116 lanata L. woolly it Bor 4 jn-jl P E. Indies 1788. c l.p 3117 incana Rox. hoary it or 4 R E. Indies 1800. c l.p 3118 macrophylla Vahl long-leaved gt t i or G ... Pk India 1808. c s.p Vahl sy. 3. 53 3119 lanceolaria Rox. lanceolate * Bor 4 P E. Indies 1822. c l.p 3120 ferruginea Swz. rusty i or 2 jn.jl B Jamaica 1794. c IF 3121 longitolia Lam. long-leaved it 1 |pr 3 mr.ap W China 1825. c CO Bot. reg. 864 3122 reticulata Swz. netted ii 1 | or 4 R Jamaica 1820. c l.p 3123 rubella B. R. reddish it 2 my Pk China 1822. c CO Bot. reg. 883 3124 purpurea J. 3125 arborea Rox. purple tree it Hi 3 12 jln jl.n P P E. Indies E. Indies 1822. 1820. c c Lp l.p 358. AQUA'RTI/4 Jac. AQUARTIA. (B. Aquart, Jacquin's companion in America.) Soldnece. 1. 2. 3126 tomentosa Jac. woolly il CD or 4 ... W S. Amer. 1819. C s.l Jac. am. 15 359. WITHERI'NG/,4 Herit. WITHERINGIA. (Dr. W. Withering, a British botanist.) Soldnecc. 6. 16. Her. ser. 33. 1 Di. el. 273. 352 Feu. ob. 46 Cav. ic. 4. 359. 1 Fl. per. 2. 170. 6 3127 solanacea Herit. 3128 stramonifiilia Kth. 3129 crassifolia Dunal 3130 montana Dunal 3131 phyllantha Dunal 3132 pinnatifida Dunal solanaceous Stramoni.-lvd thick-leaved mountain leaf-flowered pinnatitid Sg _ lAI or O or lAI or my.s Y Y Y W Y 1 B S. Amer. 1742. Mexico 1823. C. G. H. 1706. Peru 1822. Peru 1822. Peru 1822. D l.p C l.p C l.p C Lp C Lp C Lp 360. -EGI'PHILA L. JEGIPHILA. (Aix, a goat, philos, dear ; liked by goats.) 3133 martinicnsis L. 3134 arborescens W. 3135 elata Swz. 3136 fce'tida Swz. 3137 trifida Swz. 3138 diffusa Andr. 3139 obovata Andr. Martinique arborescent tall fcetid trifid diffuse obovate CD or 6 n * CD or 10 * CD pr 12 au * CD or 2 jn.jl 1~~1 pr 4 jn au ** I i or 2 * CD or 2 Verbendcece. 7. 14. W. 'Indies 1780. S p.l Jac. ob. 2. 27 Trinidad 1823. C l.p Aub. gui. 1. 24 Pa.Y W. Indies 1823. C p.l Bot. reg. 946 W. Indies 1800. C Lp Jamaica 1826. C W. Indies 1804. C ..1 .p Bot. rep. 578. 1 W. Indies 1804. C l.p Bot. rep. 578. 2 ORDER I. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 41 361. CEPHALA'NTHUS L. BUTTON- WOOD. (Kephale, a head, antkos, a flower.) RuUacece. 1. 3 3140 occidentals L. western 3fe or 7 au W N. Amer. 1135. S s.l Schm. ar. 1. 45 (Scopes, a broom ; appearance.) rm cu 3 jn.s W Jamaica 1730. 362. SCOPA'RIA L. SCOPARIA. 3141 dulcis L. sweet 363. CENTU'NCULUS L. BASTARD PIMPERNEL. 3142 minimus L. least * 364. PLANTA'GO L. PLANTAIN. (Planta, the sole of the foot ; similarity.) 3143 major L. 2 r6sea 3144 sinuata Lam. 3145crassa IV. crispa Jac. 3146 minima Dec. 3147 asiatica L. 3148 cordata Lam. 3149 Gouanj Gm. Corn iiti Gou. 3150 exaltata Horn. 3151 depressa W. 3152 brutia Ten. 3153 gentianoldes Sm. 3154 humifiisa Bernh. 3155 maxima L. 3156 media L. 3157 kamtchatica Lk. 3158 virginica Gis. 3159 capensis Thun. 3160 lanceolata L. 3161 sibirica Desf. 3162 hungarica W. $ K. 3163 altissima Jac. 3164 montana Lam. 3165 holosericea G. 3166 sericea W. $ K. 3167 Zagopus L. 3168 spheerocephala Poi alpina Jac. not L. 3169 lusitanica L. 3170 eriostachya Ten. 3171 interrupta Pair. 3172 varia 7Z. Br. 3173 mexicana LA. 3174 turnida Lk. 3175 alpina L. 3176 saxatilis Bleb. 3111 scorzonerittlla. Lai 3178 pilosa Cav. 3179 villosa Pers. 3180 Bellards All. spha?rocephala R. Sf S. 3181 teretif61ia Sieb. 3182 maritima Z. 3183 eraminea Dec. 3184 serpentina Vil. 3185 recurvata Z. .3186 Wulfem Sturm 3187 hirsiita Thun. 3188 salsa Pal. 3189crassifolia Forsk. 3190 tenuiflora W.$K. 3191 notata Lag. 3192 patagonica Jac. 3193 erotica L. 3194 subulata Z. 3195 J/ok')Steum Sco. 3196 elongata P/J. 3197 Serraria L. 3198 macrorhiza Pair. 3199 ceratophylla //0/#. 3200 Cor6nopus L. 3201 Jacquim R. & S. Cornutz Jac. 3202 Leeflingw L. 3203 amplexicaulis Cav. 3204 vaginata Fen. 3205 microcephala Pair. 3206 albicans Schous. 3207 Cynops L. 3208 afra Z. 3209 P^ Ilium Z. 3210 squarr6sa Mur. 3211 arenaria Jftf. 3212 indica L. 3213 divaricata Zwc. rigida //or/. 3214 stricta Sc/wus. 3215 Igpaghula Rox. 3216 pumila Z. 3217 parvifl ( ',ra DP.S/. 3218 brasiliensis Sims * 365. BU'DDLE^ L. S219globosa Z. 3220 fteemda Buc. Scrophul'irinee. 1. S s.l Her. par. 241 PrimuldcccE. J . 4. (The Roman name.) O cu | jn.jl F Britain moi. h. S s.l Eng. bot 531 Ptanlag'tnete. 16. 116. Eng. bot. 1558 Jac. c. 34. 16 Trat. ar. 42 Gm. si. 4. 37 ? Jac. ec. 72 Cor. ca. 153. ic. Jac. ic. 1. 26 Eng. bot. 1559 M. h. 3. 15. 8 Eng. bot. 507 W.& K. h. 3. 203 Jac. obs. 4. 83 W.& K. 3. 151 Wein. 4. 820. 2 Jac. vin. 2. 125 Bar ic. 119.745 Cav. ic. 3. 249. 1 Al. ped. 1. 85. 3 Eng. bot. 175 Dod. pe. 108 Mur. 1780. 6 Jac. sc. 3. 258 W. & K. 1. 39 Jac. ic. 2. 306 Lob. ic. 439 Jac. c. 1. 10 Col. ec. 259 M. h. 3. 17. 2 Fl. por. 1. 74 Eng. bot. 892 Jac. ic. 1. 27 Jac. vin. 2. 126 Cav. ic. 2. 125 Yen. eels 29 Cav. ic.2. 124? Wein. 4. 837. a M. h. 3. 17. 4 M. h. 3. 17. 4 Jac. ic. 1. 28 W.&K.51 greater & A w 1 my.jn W Britain me. pa. D CO lose-bracted k A un 1 my.jl Ap Britain a CO sinuate-lea ued k A un 1 jn.jl W 1824. s CO thick-leaved A A un i jn.jl W S. Europe 1793. D s.l least & A un * jn.jl G.w Austria 1825. S CO Asiatic ^ A un 1 jl W Siberia 1787. D s.l cordate Gouan's % A ^ A Ull un 1 W G.w N. Amer. 1818. S. Europe 1817. S S CO CO exalted ^t A un 2 jn.jl W 1817. D CO flattened k A un \ jn.jl G.w 1817 8 CO Brutian ik A nn 1 W Calabria 1824. S CO Gentian-like O un i jn.jl Y.G Greece 1826. 8 CO trailing tA un i jn.jl G.w 1826. S CO largest A un 2 i W.R Siberia 1763. 1) CO middle ^ A w W.R Britain me. pa. D CO Kamtschatka ^ A nn i* Jnjl J G.w Kamtsch. 1819. 1) CO Virginian nn Ijn.s G.w N. Amer. 1688. S CO Cape .|_J un 1 G.w C. G. H. 1788. C CO lance-leaved ^ A ag 1 my.jl G Britain me. pa. s CO Siberian is A un 1 jn.jl G.w Siberia 1820. 1) CO Hungarian fc A un Ijnjl G.w Hungary 1819. s CO tallest & A un 3 jn.jl G.w Italy 1774. s CO mountain k A un 1 Jn.jl G.w S. Europe 1819. I) CO velvety I A un s jn.jl G.w Switzerl. 1819. s CO silky ^ /\ un f jnjj G.w Hungary 1818. s CO Hare's-foot ". round-headed . ^ A un un i jSj-i G.w W Spain 1683. Austria 1774. s D CO CO Portuguese ^ A un ijl au W Spain 1781. D s.l woolly-spiked o un k jn.jl G.w Italy 1824. S CO interrupted Q nn J jn.jl G.w N. Amer. 1818. s CO various ^ A nn 4 jn-jl G.w N. Holl. 1824. 8 CO Mexican ^ A un I jn.jl G.w Mexico 1820. D CO swelling O Ull 1 jn.jl G.w Chile 1819. S CO alpine * A un 1 jn.jl G.w S. Europe 1818. 8 CO rock 5 A un 1 jn.jl G.w Caucasus 1820. S CO i. Scorzonera-lvd k A un k Jnjl W S. Europe 1826. a CO pilose un W Spain 1823. S co villous ^ Bellardi's 8 un un B i jnjl i jnjl G.w G.w Germany 1804. S. Europe 1797. S s s.l CO round-leaved 3r A un - Jn jl W Egypt 1827. s CO sea ^ A w \ jnjl W.u Britain sea. co. s CO Grass-leaved ^ A un 4 Jn.jl G.w France 1804. 1) CO serpentine O un i jn.jl G.w France 1826. s CO recurved-/wi Q> nn i jn.jl G.w S. Europe 1799. s s.l Wul fen's k A nn J jn.jl G.w Germany 1802. D CO hairy a oj un jn.jl G.w C. G. H. 1801. S s.l Mtt k A un iJl.s G.w Siberia 1804. D s.l thick-leaved slender. flwd k A O un I ? jn.jl G.w G.w Egypt 1824. Hungary 1802. S S CO s.l spotted & O un i jn.jl G.w Spain 1821. S CO Patagonian un Ijn.s Y.G Patagonia 1793. s s.l Cretan O nn * 4 J"-J l G.w Candia 1711. 8 CO a\vl-leaved A un W S. Europe 1596. D s.l Stishwort k A un I Jn.jl G.w Carniola 1821. S CO elongated & A un 1 jn.jl G.w N. Amer. 1825. 8 CO Serraria k A un 1 jn.jl G.w Barbary 1640. D s.l long-rooted Buckshorn-lvd *g nn un i 1 jn.jl Br G.w Morocco 17i'8. S. Europe 1820. D 8 s.l CO Staroftheeartl i O clt \ ap.s W.Y Britain seash. S s.l Jacquin's un J jn.jl W.Y France 1821. s CO LcDfling's o un 5 G.w Spain s CO stem-clasping o un 1 jn.jl G.w Spain 1797. 8 CO sheathed un 2 jn.jl G.w Mauritan. 1818. 8 CO small-headed nn I jn.jl G.w India ? 1821. S CO whitish ^ A un i jn.s G.w S. Europe 1776. D s.l Cynops African jut un un | 1 Jn G.w G.w S. Europe 1596. Sicily 1640. C S s.l s.l Fleawort "** O u n i G.w S. Europe 1562. S CO rough Q un 2 au.s G.w Egypt 1787. s CO sand Q un | G.w Hungary 1804. s CO Indian Q un i i G w India 1780. s CO divaricate O un G.w 1820. s CO strict un 1 G.w Morocco 1804. s CO Ispagool cu i jn.jl W E. Indies 1824. s CO dwarf small-flowered 8 u n un i i jn.jl G.w G.w S. Europe 1790. 1826. s s s.l CO Brazilian A un 1 W Brazil 1822. s CO Schou. 1. ic. 145 Mur. 1778. 5 Bot. mag. 1616 BrnDLEA. (A. Buddie, an English amateur of botany.) Scrophuldrinee. 10. 40. round-headed & or 15 my.jn O Chile 1774. C co Bot. mag. 17* Neemda * CD or 15 jn.'jl W Nepal 1824. C l.p TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS IV. 3221 brasiliensis Jac. Brazilian 3222 salvif61ia Lam. Sage-leaved 3223 salicitolia Vahl Willow-leaved 3224 saligna W. en. Willow-like 3225 madagascariensisfa/W Madagascar 3226 paniciilata Wai. panicled 3227 diversif61ia R. $ S. various-leaved 3228 americana L. American it Dor Hor 10 3 au.s O C Brazil C. G H. 1822. i7t;o. C C a Bot. mag. 2713 Jac. sc. 1. 28 41 or 6 ... ... S. Amer. 1823. c l.p 41 Hor 6 au.s W C. G. H. 1816. c Jac. sc. 1. 29 tr- or 10 .. Madagasi 2.1824. c IP Lan 3. il. 1 .69.3 Bor or 14 6 fap w Nepal Java 1823. 1823. c c l.p l.p 4t nor 10 au Y'" Mexico 1826. c l.p 366. JS'XACUM L. 3229 tetragonum Rtb. 3230 pulchellum Ph. EXACUM. (Ex, out of, ago, to drive ; expels poison.) Gentianece. four-angled O pr 1^ jl.s B Nepal 1820. S p.l pretty O pr ? au Pk N.Jersey 1826. S p.l 2. 14. 367. COUTOU'BEA Aubl. COUTOUBEA. 3231 ram6sum Aubl. branchy IT71 or .E'xacum rain6sum Vahl 3232 spicatum Aubl. spiked ] Ol or jE'xacum spicatum Vahl 3233 verticillatum G.Don whorled-headed O1 (Its name in Guiana.) li W Brazil Gentianece. 1824 S .E'xacum verticillatum W. Gentidna verticillata L. 1 W Maranh. 1823. S 1 W Trinidad 1818. S p.l Aub. gui. 1.28.1 p.l Aub. gui. 1.27 P.1 368. MICROCA'LELAr. MICROCALE. 3234 filiforme Lk. filiform JJ'xacum filif6rme E. B. 3(19. PLA'DERA Rox. PLADERA. 3235 virgata Rox. twiggy 3236 decussata Rox. decussate (Mikros, small, Jcalos, pretty.) Gentianece. 1. i jn.jl Y Britain S 8.1 (Pladaros, abounding in juice.) Gentianece. 2. 5. Ol or 1 R . E. Indies 1820. S p.l OJ or 1 jl.s W W. Indies 1816. S p.l 370. SKEW A R. Br. 8237 ovata R Br. 3238 albens K. Br. 3239 cordata R. Br. 3240afirea R. gf S. 3241 guianensis Spr. jE'xacum guianensis Aubl. SEB^EA. ovate whitish heart-leaved golden Guiana (A. Seba, an apothecary of Amsterdam.) R N. Holl. 1820. S W C. G. H. 1820. S Y C. G. H. 1815. S Y C. G. H. 1824. S fl? O or lOlpr rm or Gentianece. 5. 8. I au \ jl-au \ i Lab. n. h. 1. 52 Bur. af. 74.4 Bur. af. 74. 5 Pluk. al. 275. 3 Br Guiana 1825. S m.s Aub. gui. 1. 26.1 371. MITRASA'CME R. Br. MITRASACME. . (Mitra, a mitre, akme, a point.) Gentianece. 3. 20. 3242 polym6rpha R. Br. multiform iAJ pr j jn.jl W N. Holl. 1826. S s.l 3243 canescens R. Br. canescent iAJ pr f W N. Holl. 1824. D s.l 3244 serpyllifolia R. Br. Thyme-leaved tAJ pr W N. Holl. 1826. D s.l 372. FRASE'R^ Walt. FRASERA. 3245 carolinensis Walt, Carolina Walter* MX. (J. Fraser, a collector of plants in North America.) Gentiant ^ Q> or 4 G.Y Carolina 1795. S co * 373. PENJE'A L. PEN/EA. (P. Pena, auth. with Lobel of Adversaria Botan., 1570.) 3246 wzyrtoides L. Myrtle-like 41 i | or 2 my.jn R C. G. H. 1816. C Pencedcece. 7. 14. p.l 3247 fruticulosa L. 3248 mucronata L. fruticulose pointed-leaved 41 ( | or 41 \ | or 1 2 my.jl jn.jl R Y C. G. H. C. G. H. 1822. 1787. C S p.l Ven. mal. 87 3249 squamosa L. scaly 4l|_Jor 1 jn.jl R C. G. H. 1787- S p.l Bot. reg. 106 3250 sarcocolla Thun. thick-necked 4t , (or 1 jn.jl R C. G. H. 1825. S p.l Pluk. m. 446. 6 3251 marginata L. marginated 41 I | or jj i my.jl R C. G. H. 1816. c p.l 3252 lateriflora Thun. side-flowering 41 1 1 or I jn.jl R C. G. H. 1825. S P .l Mag. ber. 1.3.2 374. ELIE'RIA L. BL*;RIA. (P. Blair, F.R.S.. physician at Boston. Line.) Ericece. 11. 18. 3253 ericoides L. Heath-like 4ll_Jor 2 au.o P C. G. H. 1774. C s.p Pet. g. 471. 2. 10 3254 musc6sa H. K. mossy 41 1 | or 1 P C. G. H. 1774. C l.P 32.55 fasciculata W. fascicled l_jor 2 jn.jl ... C. G. H. 1812. c s.p 3 1 256 paucifolia Wnl. few- leaved 4t|ljor 2 jn-jl C. G. H. 1812. c s.p Wen. c. 2. 43 3257 articulata L. jointed 4t | | or 2 my.jn Pk" C. G. H. 1795. c s.p 78 32.58 scabra W. scabrous 4t | | or 2 my.jn P C. G. H. 1824. c s.p Wen. c. 1. 31 3259 depress a Lick. depressed 41 1 lor 1 jn.jl? C. G. H. 1816. c s.p 3260 purpurea L. 3261 duinosa Wnl. purple-flowered i | or 2 2 mv.jn jnjl P" C. G. H. C. G. H. 1791. 1806. c c s.p 3262 glablla Wnl. smooth ish 41 ( | or 2 jn.jl C. G. H. 1816. c s.p Seb. thes. 1. 2 3.2 3263 ciliaris L. ciliated 41 1 | or 2 w' C. G. H. 1795. c s.p Wen. c. 2. 49 375. SYMPIE'ZA Lich. SYMPIEZA. 3264 capitellata Lich. small-headed (Symptezo, to press together.) 41 1 |or ... C. G. H. 1812. Ericece. C s.p 1. Wen. c. 2. 37 Blx'ria bracteata Wnl. 376. CHOME'L/^ Jac. CHOMELIA. (J. B. Chomel, a Fr. bot., phys. to Louis XV.) Rubidcece. 2. 3. 3265 spin6sa Jac. Ix(')raspin6sa Lam. spiny 4inor 12 ... W W.Indies 1793. C p.l Jac. am. 18. 13 3266 fasciculata Sun.. fascicled 4* I 1 or 5 W W. Indit :sl825. C p.l Ixora fasciculata Swx. _. 377. ADI'NA Sal. ADINA. (Adinos, clustered ; its flowers in heads.) Rubidcece. 1 2. 3267 globi flora Sal. NaucleaAdina Sm. globe- flowered 41 i~l or 3 W China 1804. C s.l.p Par. Ion. 115 378. BGUVA'RD/,4 Sal. BOUVARDIA. (Dr. Bouvard, a superin. of the Paris garden.) Rubidcece. 3. 7. 3268 triphylla Sal. three-leaved * i_J or 2 ap.n Jacqiiinji Hum. Houst6nzY* coccinca B. R. 2 pubescens pubescent * i _ | or 2 ap.n 3 glabra smooth i _ | or 2 ap.n 3269 versicolor Ker various-colored * i _ | or 2 jl.s 3270 Iongifl6ra Kth. long-flowered M. CJ cl 2 ... S Mexico 1794. C s.p Par. Ion. 88 Mexico Mexico 1794. C s.p Bot. reg. 107 1794. C s.p S. Amer.? 1814. C l.p Bot. reg. 245 Mexico 1827. C s.p.l Cav. ic. 572. 1 379. IXWRA L. 3271 grandifl6ra Ker coccinea L. S272 Bandhuca Rox. IXORA. (A Malabar idol, to which its flowers are offered.) Rubidcece. 19. 30. great-flowered il O or 4 au O E. Indies 1814. C l.p Bot. reg. 154 Band hooka 3 jl E. Indies 1815. C p.l Bot. reg. 513 ORUBR I. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 3273 fulgens Box. shining * 1 1 or 5 S E. Indies 1823. C p.l Ru. am. 4. 46 longilolia S. M. 3274 stricta Rox. strict CD or 3 S Moluccas 1690. C p.l Bot. mag. 169 coccinea B. M. flai nmea Sal. 3275 erocata Ker saffron-colored 41 |~~1 or 3 au.s E. Indies 1822. C p.l Bot. reg. 782 3276 incarnata Rox. Qesh-colored & 1 1 or 2 au R E. Indies 1822. C p.l Bot. cab. 1048 3277 blanda B. R. soft blush * Bor 4 an W E. Indies 1800. C p.l Bot. reg. 100 3278 alba Rox. white 4t or 4 w E. Indies 1768. C p.l 3279 cuneitolia Rox. wedge-leaved 122 I | or 3 jn.jl W E. Indies 1822. C p.l Bot. reg. 648 3280 brachiata Rox. twVte-branched 1ft LJ or S E. Indies 1823. C p.l 3^81 arborea ^oar. tree O or 1;J au S*" E. Indies 1820. C p.l Bot. cab. 609 3282 Pavttta Andr. Pavetta * 1 1 or 3 w E. Indies 1800. C p.l And. rep. 78 3283 parviflora JF. small-flowered * 1 1 or 20 au.o w E. Indies 1800. C p.l Vahlsy.3. 11.5 3284 barbata Rox. bearded * 1 I or 1'2 jn.jl w E. Indies 1823. C p.l Bot. mag. 2505 3285 undulata Rox. wave-leaved 1 1 or 4 w E. Indies 1820. (' p.l 3286 rusea Wo/. 3287 obovata Roth rosy obovate * * Hor or 4 3 J'n.jl F P Bengal E. Indies 1819. 1816. C C !,. p.l Bot. reg. 540 purptirea Fis. 3288 flava io. C'. yellow 1 1 or 3 ... Y E. Indies 1825. C p.l 380. TETRAME'RIUM Gae. TETRAMERIUM. (Tetra, four, merion, a subdivision ; fruit.) Rubidcece. 2. 4. 3289 odpratissimum Gae. sweetest-scented it Q or 6 ... \V W. Indies 1793. C l.p Jac. am. 47 Ciiffea occidental L. Ixbra americana Siuz. 3290 paniculatum Spr. panicled it Q or 5 ... W Guiana 1822. C l.p Aub. gui. 1.58 Coffea paniculata Aubl. 361. CATESBJSM W. LILT THOR.V. 3291 spin6sa fV. spinous 3292 latifulia Lindl. broad-leaved 3293 parviflora Pers. small-flowered tit (M. Catesby, author of the Nat. Hist, of Carolina.) Rubidcece. 3 j Q or V-l my.s Y I. Provid. 1726. C s.p Bot. mag. 131 2 jn.jl W. Indies 1823. C p.l Bot. reg. 858 Jamaica 1810. C l.p SL jam. 2. 207. 1 (The namo in Malabar.) Rubidcece. 3. I. France 18J6. C s.p O un ' | W E.' Indies 1821. S ' s.p *382. PAVE'TTA L. PAVETTA. 3294 indica L. Indian it O or 4 au.o W E. Indies 1791. C p.l Bur. in. 13. 3 alba Vahl. Ixbra paniculata Lam. Pavetta Rox. 3295 aren6sa Lou. sandy at ( | or 4 mr.o W China 1799. C p.l Bot. reg. 198 indica B.R. not of others 383. ERNODE V A Swz. ERNODEA. (Ernodes, branching} in allusion to habit of plant ; Rubidcece. 1. 3 329o montana Sm. mountain !U | or jn.jl R Sicily 1820. D rk Fl. gr. 143 Asperulacalabricai. Pavetta fcetidissima Cyr. 3S4. SIDERODE'NDRUM Jac. IRON TREE. (Sideros, iron, dendron, a tree; hardness.) Rubidcece. 1. 3297 triflurum Vuhl three-ftowered Qtm 20 ... Pk W. Indies 1793. C p.l Jac. am. 175. 9 385. FERNE'L/^ J. FERNELIA. (J. Fernel, phys. to Henry II. of France, d. 1558.) Rubidcece. 2. 3. 3298 obovata Lam. obovate t O or I. France 1816. C s.p 3299 6uxif61ia Lam. Box-leaved fit I I , Coccocypselum iuxif61ium Spr. 385. COCCOCY'PSELUM R.Br. COCCOCYPSELUM. (Kokkos, fruit, kypsele, a vase ; berries.) Rubidcece. 1. 7. 3300 ripens R. Br. creeping E3 un my P W. Indies 1793. D s.p Br. jam. 6. 1 387. MITCHE'LL^ W. MITCHELLA. (Mitchell, an Englishman who travelled in Virginia.) Rubidcece. 1. 3301 ripens W. creeping ft, or jju W N. Amer. 1761. L s.p Cat. car. 1. 20 388. HEDYOTIS W. INDIAN MADDER. (Hedys, sweet, ous, an ear ; leaves like ears.) Rubidcece. 7. 3302 difftisa W. diffuse Oldenlandz'rt cliffusa Rox. 3S03 herbacea L. herbaceous 3304 umbellata Lam. umbelled 3305 cym6sa Spr. cymose 3306 ramosissima Spr. branchiest Olden landia ramosissima Fes. 3507 bifl6ra Lam. two-flowered Spermac6ce biflora Host 3308 lactea W. milk-w/te 389. MANE'TTI^ Mutis MANETTIA. 3309 coccinea W. scarlet 3310 Lygistum Swx. Lygistum 390. .EPIME'DIUM L. BARREN-WORT. (Growing in Media; retained by Linnsms.) Berberldece. 1. 2. 3311 alpinum L. alpine ^ A or f Bd England m.thi. C p.l Eng. bot 438 3P1. PTE'LEA i. SHRUBBY TREFOIL. (Greek name of the elm, adopted by Lin.) Terebintdcece. 1. 2. 3312 trilbliata L. three-leaved or 12 jn.jl G N. Amer. 1704. L co Schm. ar. 2. 76 392. MONE'T/.^ Leh. MONETIA. (Monet de la Marck, a celebrated French botanist.) Celastrlnece. 2. 9. 3313 barlerioVf'A' Loh. Barleria-like it D or 3 jl G E. Indies 1758. C s.p Her. st. 1. 1 Azima tetracantha Lam. 393. CURTl'SIA H. K. HASSAGAY TREE. ( Wm. Curtis, founder of Bot. Mag., etc., d. 1799.) Celastrlnece. 1. 3314/aginea //. A'. Beech-leaved \ | tm 30 ... Pa C. G. H. 1775. C s.l Bur. af. 235. 82 394. PTELI'DIUM Thou. PTELIDIUM. (Diminutive of ptelea, an elm.) Celastrlnece. 1. 3315 ovatum Thou. ovate it I I or 3 Madagasc.1818. C s.p.l Lam. il. 910 Ptelea ovata Lou. Seringw ovata Spr. IT71 un ;.A1 un Al un [TJ| un rm un a. I | IJn.o i W W W W \v 1 w E. Indies 1819. S p.l R.mal. 16.35 E. Indies 1792. R s.p Rox. cor. 1. 3 Jamaica 1739. S s.l Ehr. pic. 2. 1. 4 Russia? 1819. D p.s E. Indies 1821. S s.p Bur. zey. 11 E. Indies 1820. S s.p :. Manetti, professor of botany at Florence.) Rubidcece. 2. TO or 20 my.jl S Guiana 1806. C l.p Bot. reg. 693 I CD or 20 f.ap Pk Cuba 1822. C l.p Br. jam. 3.2 395. HARTO'G/^4 Thun. HARTOGIA. 3316 capensis Thun. Cape 396. EVO'DIA Font. EVODIA.' 3317 triphylla Dec. three-leaved Fagdra triphylla Lam. (J. Hartog, a Dutch traveller.) Celastrlnece. 1. or 6 jn.jl G C. G. H. 1800. C s.l (Eyodia, a sweet smell. ) Rutdcece. 1 . 5. or 7 ... W E. Indies 1821. C s.l Ru. am. 2. 50 TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS IV. * 397. AMMA'NN/,4 L. AMMANNIA. (J. Ammann, prof. bot. at St. Petersburg.) Salicdria:. 18. 22. 3318 rotundifolia Ham. 3319 Iatif61ia L. round-leaved O un j Pk Nepal 1819. S s.l broad-leaved 2 un 1 W W. Indies 1733. S s.l SI. jam. 1.7. 4 3320 humilis MX. humble O un R N. Amer. 1823. S s.l 3321 ramosior L. 33 1 22 verticillata Lam. branchier O un 2 P Virginia 1759. S s.l Boc. mu. 104 whorl-^ou-ererf iQJ cu 1 W Guinea 1819. S s.l 77. 3 332 5 rubra Ham. red ' O un R Nepal 1818. S s.l 3324 debilis If. K. weak O un 1 P E. Indies 1778. S s.l 3325 pentandra .Rox. 3326 octandra L.fil. pentandrous Ol un | P E. Indies 1823. S s.l octandrous Q) un 1 R E. Indies 1820. S co 3321 sanguinotenta Swt. bloody O un jl au R Jamaica 1803. S s.l 3328diffusa W. diffuse O un 1 W 1820. S co 33-29 multiflora Rox. many-flowered OJ un | R E. Indies 1818. S s.l 3330 racemosa Roth racemose O un 1 P 1819. S co 3331 auriculata W. 3332 baccifera i. 3333 viridis Horn. eared O un 1 P Egypt 1822. S co W. h. b.7 berry-bearing O un jn.jl Ap India 1820. S s.l Lam. il. 77. 4 green O un 1 Ap 1821. S co 3334 caspica .R'eo. 3335 aegyptiaca W. Caspian O un | P Caspian S. 1818. S co Egyptian O un 1 Ap Egypt 1820. S s.l W. h.b.6 398. FAGA'RA L. FAGARA. (Arabic name used by Avicenna.) Rutuccte. 4. 18. 3336 Pter6ta L. Pterota 1 CD tm 20 au.s G Jamaica 1768. C p.l Br. jam. 146. 5. 1 Xanth6xylon Pterclt a Thun. 3337 Piperita L. 3338 Jrag6des Dec. 3339 microphylla De*/. Piperita tt i | or 10 s W Japan 1773 L p.l Ksem. 893 Sea-rush-like * CD or 5 ... W W. Indies 1759. C l.p Jac. am. 21. 14 small-leaved CD or 10 1825. C s.p 399. ZIE'R/4 Sm. ZIERIA. (M. Zier, a learned botanist.) Rutdcene. 9. 12. 3340 Smithi* Andr. Smith's * l_J or 3 ap.jl W N. S. W. 1808. C s.p Bot. mag. 1395 lanceolata R. Br. 3341 macrophylla Bonp. 3342 Isevigata Swz. long-leaved 11 i_J or 4 my.jl W N. Holl. 1820. C s.p smooth. leaved * i | or 3 my.jl W N. Holl. 1822. C s.p 3343 microphylla Bonp. small-leaved l i_J or 3 my.jl W N. Holl. 1822. C s.p 33*4 ni!6sa Rud. pilose m i_J or 4 my jl W N. Holl. 1822. C s.p Lin. tr. 10. 17. 2 33*5 hirsuta Dec. hairy * i_| or 4 my.jl W N. Holl. 1822. C s.p 3346 obcordata Cun. obcordate i | or 4 my.jl W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 3347 revoluta CMW. revolute * i_J or 4 myjl W N. Holl. 18'24. C s.p 3348 octandra Swt. octandrous * \ | or 5 G N. Holl. 1825. C s.p Sw. au. ic. in. 400. tt'SSUS L. Cissus. (The Greek name of the ivy.) Ampelidece. 28. 80. 3349 uitiginea Z. 3350 aduata Rox. Vine-sprung ft. CD or 20 ... G India 1772. C p.l Pluk. m.27.337.2 adnate ft. 1 1 un 8 ... G E. Indies 1823. C co 3351 latifolia Law. broad-leaved ft. CD un 6 ... G E. Indies 1824. C co Ru. am. 5. 164. 1 3352 glauca Rox. 3353 cae'sia Afz. glaucous ft. CD or 10 ... G E. Indies 1818. C s.l R. mal. 7. 11 grey ft. CD or 15 ... G S. Leone 1822. D co 3354 repens Lwz. creeping $. CD un 2 ... P.G E. Indies 1821. C co R. mal. 7. 48 3355 puncticulosa MX. puncticulose ft. CD or 10 ... G Cayenne 1818. C s.l 3356 quadrangularis Z. square-stalked ft. CD or 30 ... G E. Indies 1790. C p.l Ru. am. 5. 44 3357 *icyoldes L. Sicyos-like ft. CD or 10 ... G Jamaica 1768. C s.p SI. jam. 1. 144. 1 33.58 smilacina Kth. Smilax-like ft, CD un 10 ... G W. Indies 1820. C co 3359 ovata Law*. ovate ft. CD or 10 ... G Guadalo. 1822. C s.l Br. jam. 4. 1,2 3360 antarctica Fen. antarctic ft. i | or G N. S. W. 1790. C s.l Bot. mag. 2488 3361 glandulosa .Horn. 3362 capensis W. glandular ft. CD or 10 ... G E. Indies 1819. D co Cape A_l_Jor 30 ... G C. G. H. 1792. C s.p 3363 tnlobata Lam. 3364 auriculata /tor. three-lobed ft. CD or G E. Indies 1822. C co R. mal. 5.45 eared ft. D un 8 ... G E. Indies 1820. C co 3365 acida L. 3366 carnosa Law. acid ft_ Q or 6 ... G Jamaica 1692. C p.l Jac. sc. 1. 33 fleshy ft. CD un 8 ... G E. Indies 1818. C co Ru. am. 5. 166. 2 3367 trifoliata Jac. three-leaved ft. CD or 6 ... G Jamaica 1739. C p.l SI. jam. 1. 145. 2 3368 microcarpa Fahl small-fruited ft CD un 6 ... G W. Indies 1820. C co PI. ic. 259.4 3369 angusti folia Poir. narrow-leaved JL CD un 6 ... G E. Indies 1818. C co 3370 alata Jac winged ft. CD un 6 ... G S. Amer. 1822. C co Jac. am. 182. 10 3371 pentaphylla W. 3372 elongata Rox. five-leaved ft. | | or 6 ap.s G Japan 1790. C s.p elongated ft. i | or 10 ... G E. Indies 1818. C r.m 3373 quinata H. K. quinate ft_ \ | or 10 jl G C. G. H. 1790. C s.p 3374 diversitolia Dec. various-leaved ft. CD or 10 ... G 1822. D co heterophylla W. 3375 orientalis Law. 3376 quinquefulia B. M. G oriental ft. CD un 8 ... G E. Indies 1820. C co Lam. il. 84. 4 5-leaved Brazil ft. CD un 10 jl G Brazil 1800. C co Bot. mag. 2443 401. CO'RNUS L. 3377 suecica L. DOGWOOD. (Cornu, a horn ; hardness of the wood.) Caprifolite. 13. 17. Swedish ^ A or i ap W Britain sc. alp. R bog Eng. bot. 310 3378 canadensis L. Canadian ^ A or Y Canada 1774. R bog Bot. mag. 880 3379 florida L. flowery 5 r 15 W N. Amer. 1731. L co Bot. mag. 526 3380 mascula i. male Cornel or 15 f.ap Y Austria 1596. L co Schm. ar. 2. 63 2 variegata variegated or 15 f.ap Y Austria 1596. C co 3381 sanguinea L, bloody 3fe or 8 jn.jl W Britain woods. L co Eng. bot. 249 2 variegata variegated Sit or 8 jn.jl W Britain hed. C co 3382 alba L. white-berried or lOjn.s W Siberia 1741. L co Schm. ar. 2. 65 2 russica Russian & or Sjn.s W Siberia 1820. L co . 3383 siberica Lo. C. Siberian & or Sjn.s W Siberia 1824. C co 3384 sericea Herit. silky & or 5 au W N. Amer. 1683. L co Schm. ar. 2. 64 3385 circinata L. rounded 3fe or W N. Amer. 1784. L co Schm. ar. 2.69 3386 stricta 7,am. strict or 10 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1758. Leo Schm. ar. 2. 67 2 variegata variegated or 10 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1758. C co 3387 oblonga jRox. oblong $ or 15 ... P Nepal 1818. C co 3388 paniculata Herit. panicled or 6 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1758. L co Schm. ar. 2. 68 3389 alternifolia L. alternate-lvd ^ or 15 s W N. Amer. 1760. L co Schm. ar. 2. 70 402. SA'NTALUM L. SANDAL- WOOD. 3390 album L. white 3391 wzyrtitolium Rox. Myrtle-leaved 3392 obtu6if61ium R. Br. obtuse-leaved (Its Persian name, Sundul-sitfed.) Santalacece. 3. 7. O tm 10 ... P E. Indies 1804. C p.l Ru. am. 2. 11 O or 4 ... R E. Indies 1804. C p.l Rox. cor. 1.2 u_J or 5 ... R N. Holl. 1823. C p.l OKDER 111. TETRANDRIA TETRAGYNIA. 51 403. TRA'PA L. WATER CALTROPS. (Calcitrapa, a caltrop; fruit 4-spiked.) Hydrocharldece 45 3393 natans L. floating i O clt flt W.p Europe 1781. S co Bot. reg. 88 3394 quadrispinosa Rox. four-spined *= iQI clt flt W E. Indies 1823. S co 3395 bicornis L. two-horned * iA| clt flt W China 1790. S co Gae fr 2 95 3396 bispinosa Rox. two-spined g= OI clt flt W E. Indies 1822. S co R. mal. 11. 33 404. LUDWI'G/4 L. LUDWIGIA. (C. G. Ludwig, prof. med. at Leipsic.) Onagrdrite. 4. 20. 3397 alternifolia L. alternate-leaved j^ A un 1 jn.jl Y Virginia 1752. S co Lara. il. 1.77 3398 hirsuta Lam. hairy ^ A un 1 Y N. Amer. 1812. D p.l piiosa Walt. 3399 prostrata Rox. prostrate Jc O un Y E. Indies 1816. S co 3400 parviflora Rox. small-flowered O un Y E. Indies 1825. S co *405. ALLIO'NI.4 L. 3401 violacea L. 3402 incarnata L. ALLIONIA. (Charles AUioni, prof, bot at Turin.) Nyctaginea. 2. violet-colored O or 1 jl.s V Cumana 1820. S l.p fiesh.colored O or 1 jU F Cumana 1820. S l.p Her. st. 31 CLASS IV. ORDER 2. TETRA'NDRIA DIGY'NIA. 406. BUFFO'N/X W. BUFFONIA. (Count de Buffon, the celeb. French naturalist.) CaryophijUece. 2. 4. 3403 tenuifolia W. slender-leaved O cu jn W England seaco. S co Eng. bot 1313 annua Dec. 3404 perennis POM. perennial ^ A cu f jn.jl W France 1817. S p.l Lam. il. 87. 2 407. .ffAMAME'LISL. WITCH HAZEL. (Hama, with, melon, apple j fr. accompany fl.) Hamamelldete. 2. 3405 virginica L. Virginian or 10 my.n Y N. Amer. 1736. L p.l Duh. ar. 1. 114 3406 macrophylla Ph. long-leaved f or 15 my.n Y N. Amer. 1812. L p.l 408. HYPE'COUMZ,. HYPECOUM. (Hypecheo, to rattle; noise of seeds in pods.) Papaveracece. 3. G. 3407 procumbens L. procumbent -* O or 1 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1596. S co Schk. ban. 1. ','7 3408 pendulum L. pendulous Jc O or jn.jl Y S. France 1640. S co Par. th. 372. 2 3409 erectum L. erect O or | my.jn Y Siberia 1759. S co Am. rut. 58. 9 409. MICROL^E'NA Beauv. MICROLJENA. (Mikros, small, lenos, wool; flower-stalk.) Graminece. t. 3410 stipoides Beauv. Stipa-like Jk iAJ cu ... Ap N. Holl. 1822. S l.p Lab. n. h. 1. 118 Ehrharta stipoides Lab. CLASS IV. ORDER 3. TETRA'NDRIA TETRAGY'NIA. 410. MYGI'ND^ Jac. MYGINDA. (Couns. Mygind, of Vienna, a bot. amateur.) Rhamnece. 5. 10. 3411 uragbga Jac. diuretic 41 1 1 or 4 au.s P S. Amer. 1790. L p.l Jac. am. 24. 16 3412 Twyrtitolia Nut. Myrtle-leaved il or 4 W N. Amer. 1818. L P.l /'lexA/yrsinitis Ph. 3413 .fthacbma Swx. Rhacoma it 1 1 or 4 W Jamaica 1798. L p.l Jac. ic. 2. 311 3414 latitolia Sun. broad-leaved 41 1 1 or 4 W W. Indies 1795. C s.p Fl. per. 84. 6 3415 integrifolia Lam. entire-leaved 41 ! 1 or 4 W Martiniq. 1826. C S.I 411. /'LEX L. HOLLY. (Ec or ac, a point in Celtic : the leaves.) Celastr inea>. 17. 40. 3416 ^quifolium L. prickly-lvd common^ tin 20 ap.jn W Britain hedg. S CO Eng. bot. 496 2 heterophylla various- leaved T or 20 ap.jn W Britain G CO 3 crassifolia thick-leaved or 20 ap.jn W Britain .. G CO 4 recurva recurved $ or 20 ap.jn W Britain G CO 5 fr 1 Jl B Europe 1800. D CO Hac. ca. 2. 6 3514p8duncularis Trev. stalked or 1| my.jn B Astracan 1824. 8 CO Trev. b. 18 13. 4to 3515 tenuiflura Viv. slender-flwd O or 5 my.jn B S. Europe 1817. S CO [ * 426. ECHINOSPE'RMUM Swz. ECHINOSPERMUM. (Echinos, a hedgehog, sperma, seed.) 3516 virginicum Leh. Virginian 3/yos6tis virginica L. 3517 deflexum Leh. deflexed 3518 Lappula Leh. Maiden lip JV/yosotis Lappula L. 3519 squarrosum Pers. rough 3520 Red6wskiz Horn. Redowsky's 3521 barbatum Leh. bearded 3522 marginatum Leh. marginate Myos6tis marginata B:eb. 427. MA'TTIA Schult. MATTIA. 3523 umbel lata Schult. umbelled 3524 lanata Schult. woolly Q) or 2 jn.jl B Virginia S co raginecs. 7. -~ 17. M. h. 11. 30. 9 G> un 1 my.jn B O un 1 B 2 B 5| my.jn B un ]ijn.jl B O un 1 B O un Q) un Denmark 1820. S co Europe 1656. S co 1802. S co 1819. S co 1823. S co Siberia Russia Tayria (An unknown botanist.) ^ A or 1 my.jn R j iA| or 2 jn Pk Caucasus 1822. S CQ Boraginece. 2. 4. Hungary 1822. D s.l W. & K. 148 Levant 1800. D s.l An. mu. 10.37 428. TIARI'DIUM Leh. TIARIDIUM. (Tiara, a Persian diadem, eidos, like : seeds.) Boraginece. 2. 3. 3525 indicum Leh. Indian O or 1 jnjl B W. Indies 1820. S s.l Pluk. ph. 245. 4 .Heliotropium indicum L. 3526 velutinum Leh. velvet iQI or 1 jnjl B W. Indies 1820. S s.l 429. ZJTHOSPE'RMUM L. GROMWELL. (Lithos, a stone, 3527 officinale L. 3528 arvense L. 3529 latitolium MX. 3530 orientale Vahl 3531 clistichum Or. 3532 lineatum Leh. 3533 apulum Leh. 3534 villosum L. 3535 tinctorium Dec. ^nchfisa tinct6ria W. 3536 purp.-caeruleum L. 3537 graininifolium Viv. 3538 tenuiflorum L. 3,539 dispermum L. 3540 strig6sum Bleb. 3541 frutic6sum L. 3542 prostratum Lap. officinal corn-field broad-leaved Oriental two-rowed lineate Apulian villous " dyer's purple-blue Grass-leaved slender-flwd two-seeded strigose shrubby prostrate cu 2 2 my.jn 2 2 jnjl li my.jn 1 I jnjl 1 A or 1 my A or SA my.jn O or my.jn O or ' : " :1 A or A or A or i Al or or un A or A or 1 2 my.jn 1 my.jn W Y Y Y.w P.Y Y B B P B B , seed ; hardness.) Boraginece. 16. 40. Britain ch.hil. D co Eng. bot. 134 Britain cor. fi. S co Eng. bot. 123 N. Amer. 1824. D co Levant 1713. D co Bot. mag. 515 Cuba 1806. D co Greece 1826. S co S. Europe 1768. S co Col. ec. 1. 185 S. France 1817. D co S. Europe 1596. D co England ch. so. D co Eng. bot. 117 Italy Egypt Spain Tauria 1825. 1796. 1820. C co S co S co D co S. Europe 1683. C co S. Europe 1825. C p.l Viv. fr. 5 Jac. ic. 2. 313 L. f. de. 1. 7 Bar. ic. 11GS Loi. gal. 1. 4 Carolina 1812. 430. BA'TSCH/^ MX. BATSCHIA. (J. G. Batsch, a German professor of botany. 3543 Gmellni MX. Gmelin's ^ A or my.jl carolinensis Pers. iithospermum hirtum Leh. 3544 canescens MX. canescent ^ A or 2 jl lyithospermum canescens Leh. ,) Boraginece. 4. 6. D co N. Amer. 1826. R p.l Mic. am. 14 3545 Iongifl6ra Ph. 3546 sericea Leh. long-flowered silky A or A or 4 my.jl my-.) 1 431. ONO'SMA L. 3547 stellulatum Kit. small-starred 3548 tauricum Bieb. Taurian 3549 giganteum Lam. giant 3550 arenarium W. K. sand 3551 echioides L. Echium-like 3552 tinctorium Bieb. dyer's 3553 rupestre Bleb. rock 3554 divaricatum Leh. divaricate 3555 orientale /,. Oriental 3556 simplicissimum Bleb, simplest 3557 trinervium Leh. three-nerved 3558 sericeum Bieb. &\\\iy -leaved 3559 tricerospermum Lag. 3-horn-secded ONOSMA. (Onos, an ass, osme, smell ., tin ass, Al el i osme, sine 2 ap.jn v '. A or 1 ap.jn Y A or 1 mr.jn Y i A or 1 ap.jn Y I A or 1 mr.jn W i ap.jn Y ! .AJel 1 ap.jn Y L A or 1 ap.jn Y L iAJ or I my.jn Y I A or 1 ap.jn Y I D\1 or 1 Y [ A or 1 jj] j[ Y L -AJ el 1 ap.jn Y E 3 Missouri 1812. N. Amer. 1825. grateful to the ass.) Hungary 1819. Caucasus 1801. Tauria 1818. Hungary 1804. S. Europe 1683. Caucasus 1826. Caucasus 1819. Caucasus 1818. Levant 1752. Siberia 1768. S. Amer. 1824. Caucasus 1752. Spain 1824. D co D s.p M.h.2.28.4 Boraginear. 13. 24. S s.p W. &K.2.173 D s.l Bot. mag. 889 S s.p D s.l W. &K.279 D s.l 3. 295 S s.p S s.p S s.p D s.l D s.l Bot. mag. 2248 C s.l Leh. as. 9 D co Leh. as. 10 S s.p PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS V. 432. ^NCHU'SA L. 3560 Barrelieri Gm. BUGLOSS. Barrelier's pleasing roughest Miller's stylose tall dyer's bristly delicate Jtf yos6tis obtusa W. $ K. 3561 7nyosotidi-fl6ra Leh. 3/yosotis-flwd Jfyosotis macrophylla Bieb. 3562 paniculata H. K. panicled 3563 amce'na Gae. 3564 asp<*rrima Del. 5565 Milleri W. en. 3566 sty!6sa Bieb. 3667 pr6cera Ben. 3568 tinct6ria L. 3569 hispida Forsk. 3570 tene"lla Horn. zeylanica Pat. 3571 ofh'cinalis L. 3512 ochroleuca Bieb. 2 italica W. 3573 incarnata Schr. 3574 Iatif61ia Leh. 3575 angustifolia L. 3576 leptophylla R. Sf S. angustif61ia B. M. 3577 Iongif61ia Lam. 3.578 /ycopsoides Bes. 3679 maculata Horn. 3580 undulata L. 3581 Gmelinz Led. 3582 cap^nsis Thun. 3583 hybrida Ten. 3584 Agardh/j Leh. 3585 verrucosa Lam. 3586 rupestris R. Br. 3587 sericea R. 8[ S. 433. SY'MPHYTUM L. (Agchousa, paint for the skin ; use.) A or 2 my.jn B S. Europe 1820. Boraginece. 28. 50. D co Bot. mag. 2349 ^ A or 1 jn.s B Tauria 1825. D co Madeira 1777. C S. Europe 1817. S Egypt Levant Tauria Galicia Montpel. Ceylon 1817. 1713. 1820. 1824. 1596. 1817. 1820. p.l co S co S co S co S co D co S co S co officinal ) A or Q jn.o P Britain sea co. D CO yellowish-white^ Italian ^t A A or or 8 1 jn.o Pa.Y R.p M.Caucas.1810. S. Europe 1597. D 8 CO CO flesh-colored ^ A or U jn.o F S. Europe 1816. S CO broad-leaved ^ 0) or 2 my.jn B 1826. S CO narrow-leaved j A or 2 my.jn P S. Europe 1640. D CO slender-leaved ^ A or 2 jl.o P Europe 1640. S CO long-leaved ^ Lycopsis-like ^ A A or un 2| H B B Italy 1819. Russia 1824 S S CO CO spotted-leaved % A or H my.jn B 1824. B CO waved-leaved !% A or 2 B Spain 1752. D co Gmelin's ^ Q) or 9 my.jn B Podolia 1817. S CO Cape H Ol or ] jl B C. G. H. 1800. S p.l hybrid o or 4 W.B Italy 1820. S CO Agardh's ^ A or i jl.s B Siberia 1820. S CO warty or A P.y S. Europe 1821. S CO rock ;y A or 1 jl B Siberia 1802. D CO silky ^ A or 1 B Siberia 1802. D CO Fl. gr. 163 M. h. 28. 2 Bieb. cen. 23 Bot. rep. 576 Eng. bot. 662 Bot. mag. 1608 Bot. reg. 483 Fl. gr. 164 Bot. mag. 1897 Bot. mag. 21 19 Bot. rep. 336 Fl. nap. 11 21 Pal. it. 3. 7 I.E. 3 3588 officinale L. 2 patens Sib. 3589 bohemicum Schott 3590 tuber6sum L. 3591 orientale L. 3592 caucasicum Bieb. 3593 tauricum W. en. 3594 bullatum Jac. 3595 coniatum Kit. 3596 asperrimum H. K. 2 hybridum 3597 peregrin um Led. COMFRET. (Symphyo, to make unite ; healing qualities.) Boraginece. 10. Britain wet pi. D co Eng. bot. 817 Britain wet pi. D co Bohemia 1810. D co Scotland D co Turkey 17/52. D co Caucasus 1820. D co D co D co D s.l D co D co D co officinal open Bohemian tuberous eastern Caucasian Taurian blistered-/j;rf heart-tea vcd roughest hybrid foreign 4 my.jl 4 my.jl 3 my.jl 4 my.o 3 my.jl 4 my.jl 3 my.jl 2J my.jl 2 my.jl 6 my.s 4 my.s 2 A A or A A or A A or & A or tA or A or & A or ^ A or ^ A or ^ A or ^ A or & A or 434. ONOSMO'DIUM MX. ONOSMODIUM. (Onosma, Onosma, eidos, like ; similarity.) Boraglneee. 2. 3. 3598 hispidum MX. bristly -k A or 1 jn Y N. Amer. 1759. D s.l M. h. 3. 11. 28. 3 Purshza hispida Leh. 3599 m611e MX. soft Tauria 1806. Caucasus 1818. Transylv. 1813. Caucasus 1799. hybrid 1825. Podolia 1816. Eng. bot. 1502 Bot. mag. 1912 Bot. mag. 1787 Jac. ec. 81 ? W. & K. 7 Bot. mag. 929 Purshza m611is Leh. A or W N. Amer. 1812. D s.l Mic. am. 15 435. CYNOGLO'SSUM L. HOUND'S-TONGUE. 3600 officinale L. 3601 Hae"nk- Schult. 3602 sylvaticum E. B. 3603 Diosc6ridis Vil. 3fi04 pictum H. K. 3605bicolor W. 3606 elongatum Horn. 3607 clandestinum Desf. 3608 amplexicatile MX. virginicum L. 3609 apenninum L. 3610 magellense Ten. 3611 australe R. Br. 3612 hirsutum Thun. 3613 canescens W. hirsutum Jac. 3614 Column*? Ten. 3615 holosericeum Stev. 3616 umbell&tum Kit. 3617 glomeratum Fra. 3618 cheiriKlium L. ^nchusa lanata L. 436. RINDE'R.4 Pal. S619 Isevigata R. S. a dog, glossa, a tongue ; leav n.jl P.R Britain rub. Bohemia J819. Britain France 1820. Madeira 1658. Germany 1820. es.) Boraginete. 19. 40. S co Eng. bot. 921 S co S co Eng. bot. 1642 S co S co Bot. mag. 2134 S co Desf. at. 1. 44 Apennine Magellan southern hairy canescent Columna's velvety umbellated clustered Wallflower-lvd RlNDERA. smooth tetraspisPoJ. Cynoglossum Rindera Pal. (Hinder, dean of medicine in Moscow.) A or 1 jn.jl R Siberia 1818. S co S co D p.l S co Col. ec. 1.70 S co S s.p S co S co Jac. sc. 489 S co Col. ec. 1. 178 S co S co S co S co Boraginea>. 1. 3. D s.p Pal.ros.2.88 437. OMPHALCXDES Leh. VENUS' NAVEL- WORT. (Omphalos, a navel, eidos, like; seeds.) Boraglnece. 7. 3620 nitida Leh. shininR A or 2 ap.jn W nitiaa j^en. smmng A or Cynogl6ssum nitidum B.M. Picotia nitida R.&S. 3621 vgrna Leh. spring A el | mr.ap B Cynogl6ssumOmphal6des L. Picotio vrna R.SfS. 3622 sempervirens D. Don evergreen A or 2 my.jl cnusa B ^4ncnusa sempervirens L. 3623 amplexicaulis Leh. stem-clasping O or 1 W Pic6t*'a fcrassicaef61ia.R.#S. Cynoglossum ftrassicjefolium Lag. 3624 littoralis Leh. sand O pr 1 W 3625 scorpioides Leh. scorpion-like -* O P* 1 B CVnogl6ssum scorpioides Jac. 3626 Zinif61ia Leh. Flax-leaved O or 1 W Cynoglossum /inifcSlium L. Portugal 1812. D co Bot. mag. 2529 S. Europe 1633. D co Bot. mag. 7 Britain rub. D co Eng. bot. 45 Spain 1823. S co France 1826. S co Bohemia 1825. S co Portugal 1648. S co Leh. b. 98. 6 Leh. b. 98. 7 ORDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 438. PULMONA'RIA Z. LUNGWORT. (Leaves speckled like human lungs.) Boragin&e. 17. 19. 3627 azurea Bes. azure & A or If ap.jn B 3628 angustif61ia L. narrow-leaved A A or f V 3(529 tuber6sa Schrank tuberous Si A or |my Pk 3630m6llis Wul. soft ^ A or f B 3fi31 grandi flora Dec. great- flowered ^ A or I my.jn Pk 3632 oblongata Schr. oblong ^ A or 1 my Pk 3633 pubescens W. pubescent ^t A or 1 my.jn P 3634 officinalis L. officinal ^t A or 1 my Pk 3635 saccharata Leh. sugared ^ A or 1 my.jn W 3636 davurica Fis. Daurian ^. A or 1 my Li Zithospermum davuricum Leh. 3637 paniculate H. K. panicled Zithospermum paniculatum Leh. 3t A or If my.jn L.B 3638 lanceolata Ph. /._ AT-.J T:. spear-leaved ^i A or .ftTr:* Y . 1 my.jn P Poland 1823. D co Britain woods. D p.l Hungary 1824. D co N Amer. 1805. D co France 1819. D co Germany 1818. D co Russia 1821. D co England woods. D p.l Europe Dauria 1817. 1812. . i _^_ marginata Nut. iithospermum marginatum Leh. 3639 virginica L. Virginian ifc A or If B Z/ithospermum piilchrum Leh. 3640 sibirica L. Siberian ^ A or Zithosp^rmum sibiricum Leh. 3641 denticulata JR. $ S. denticulate ^r A or sibirica Ph. Zithospermum denticulatum Leh. 3642 maritima L. sea !U A or Zithospermum maritimum Leh. 3643 parviflora MX. small-flowered JU A or Hud. Bay 1778. Louisiana 1813. N. Amer. 1699. D co D s.l D p.1 D s.l D p.l 3 jn.jl 1 my.jn i jn.jl N. Amer. 1801. D 8.1 N. Amer. 1800. D co Eng. bot. 1628 Bot mag. 2422 Dec. ic. 64 Eng. bot. 118 Bot. mag. 1743 Bot. mag. 160 Gm. si. 4. 15. 39 B Britain seash. D s.p Eng. bot. 368 439. CERl'NTHE L. HONEYWORT. 3644 major L. greater 3645 aspera Roth rough 3646 ret6rta Sm. twisted 3647 minor L. smaller 3648 maculata L. spotted B N. Amer. 1827. D e.p (Keros, wax ; bees sup. to obtain largely from.) Boraglnete. 5. 6. O or 3 Y.p S. France 1596. S co Bot. mag. 333 O or * O cu O or ^ Q) or 2 2 1 jn.o 2 jn.o Y.p Y.o Y Y.R S. France 1633. S Levant 1825. S Austria 1570. S S. France 1804. S co Fl. gr. 170 co Fl. gr. 1. 171 co Jac. au. 2. 124 co 440. JJORA'GO L. 3649 officinalis Z. 2 albiflora 3650 longifolia Detf. 3651 orientalis L. 3652 cretica W. 3653 laxiflora Horn 3654 crassif61ia Ven. BORAGE. (Alt. from cor, heart, ago, to affect ; cordial qualities.) Boragineee. 6. 7 O cul 3 jn.s O or " ' O or common white- flowered long-leaved oriental Cretan loose-flowered thick-leaved ^ A or 2 jn.jl England rub. S co Eng. bot. 36 England gar. S co S. Europe 1825. S co Desf. at. 1. 44 1752. D co Bot. reg. 288 1823. D co Fl. gr. 176 Turkey Crete Corsica Persia 1813. C s.l Bot. mag. 1798 1822. C s.l Ven. eels 100 441. TRICHODE'SMA R. Br. TRICHODESMA. (Thrlx, hair, desma, bond ; anthers.) Borasinece. 3. 4. 3655 indicum R. Br. Indian O or 1 jn.o B E. Indies 1759. S co Pluk. al. 30. 76.3 Ztorago indica Z. 3656 africanum R. Br. African O un 1 B C. G. H. 1759. S co Is. ac. p. 1718. 11 3657 zeylanicum Leh. Ceylon O un W E. Indies 1799. S co Jac. ic. 2. 314 442. ^SPERU'GO Z. GERMAN MADWORT. (Asper, rough ; from its asperity.) Boraginete. 1. 3658 procumbens Z. procumbent ^k O cu 3 B Britain rub. S co Eng. bot. 661 443. NO'NE^ Moen. NONEA. (J. P. Nonne, a German botanist.) Boraginece. 8. 12. 3659 pulla Dec. A&rVi-flouiered -* A P* f jn.jl Dk Germany 1648. D s.l Jac. au. 2. 188 Zyc6psis vesicaria Horn. 3660 Kitea Dec. yellow Zycopsis lu tea Lam. 3661 picta Swt. painted -* O /fnchusa picta Bieb. Zyc6psis picta Leh. 3662 rosea Lk. rosy O Anchusn rosea Bieb. 3663 versicolor Swt. party-colored Jc O ^nchusa versicolor Stev. 3664 nigricans Dec. blackish-^w>d Q 3665 violacea Dec. violet-colored -* O Z-ycopsis vesicaria L. 3666 ciliata X. $ S. ciliated pr 1 jn.jl Y Crimea 1805. S s.l Nocca tr. 3 pr ljn.jl Va Tauria 1800. S CO pr 1J jn.jl Pk Crimea 1823. S s.l Pr f jn.jl Va Caucasus 1820. s CO pr pr 1| my.jn 1 jn.jl Dk P Barbary 1822. S. Europe 1686. s s s.l CO Za. h. 33 M. h. 3. 26. 11 iycopsis ciliata W. - 444. Z,YCO'PSIS L. WILD BUGLOSS. 3667 obtusif61ia W. obtuse-leaved N6nea obtusifolia R. & S. 3668 echioides /,. Bugloss-like ^nchusa echioides Bieb. N6nea echioides R. $ S. 3669 variegata L. variegated O pr 1 ^nchusa variegata Leh. 3670 arvensis L. corn field O w 1 B Nonea arvensis Dec. 3671 orientalis L. oriental O un 1 jn.jl B ^4nchusa ovata Leh. 3672 calycina R. % S. targe-calyxed O un jn.jl Y 445. JS'CHIUM L. 3673 fruticosum L. 3674 hispidum Thun. 3675 Isevigatum L. 3676 glaucophyllum Jac. 3677 glabrum Vahl 3678 paniculatum Thun. 3679 grandiflorum H. K. formosum Pers. 3680 ferocissimum B. Rep. 3681 capitatum L. 3682 verrucosum Swt. 3083 argenteum L. 3684 lasiophyllum Lk. 3685 strigosum Suiz. 3686 giganteum L. O un 1 jn.jl Y Levant 1804. S co (Lykos, a wolf, opsis, the face ; flowers.) Boraginete. 6. 14. O un f jn.jl W.B S. Europe 1818. S co O_un f jn.jl B Caucasus 1820. S co B Candia 1683. S co M. h. 11.26. 10 Britain cor. fi. S co Eng. bot. 938 Levant 1796. S co Bux. c.5. 30 Teneriffe 1814. S co VIPER'S BUGLOSS. (Echis, a viper ; seeds.) J shrubby i_| or 3 my.jn Pk C. G. H. Boraglnece. 58. 80. 1759. C p.l Bot. reg. 86 hispid a i_jor 2 my.jn W C. G. H. 1818. C p.l smooth-stalked * l | or 2 jn.jl B C. G. H. 1774. C s.l Leh. as. 3 glaucous-leaved smooth * 1 | or i I or 2 2 jl my.jn V W C. G. H. C. G. H. 1792. 1791. C c s.l s.l Jac. ic. 2. 312 Bot. rep. Iti5 paniculate great-flowered * 1 | or t | or 3 3 my.jl jn.jl W Pk C. G. H. Madeira 1815. 1787. c s p.l Bot. reg. 124 fiercest-stored * t_J or headed * i 1 or 6 2 jn.jl jn.jl B R Madeira C. G. H. 1794. 1819. c c s.l Pi Bot. rep. 39 warted | . 1 or 3 W C. G. H. 1822. c p.l silvery * i | or 3 jn'jl B C. G. H. 1789. s p.l Bot. rep. 154 hairy-leaved strigose gigantic * * * 1 | or 1 | or 1 | or 2 10 jn.jl }l.ii W Vi \V C. G. H. C. G. H. Canaries 1819. 1821. 1779. c c c p.l p.l p.l Ven. mal. 71 E 4 56 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS V. 3687 aculeatum Dec. prickly ft \ 1 or 3688 molle Dec. soft \ ) or 4 6 my.jl \V W Canj-.ries 1815. Teneritfe 1820. C C I'.:! 3689 nervosum H. K. fibrous , | or 4 P Madeira 1777. s p.l 3690 bifrons Dec. two-faced ** | | or 3 my.jn W.R Canaries 1820. C p.l Dec. ic. 19 3691 ambiguum Dec. ambiguous tt i . 1 or 3 my.jn W.R Canaries IS'-'O. C p.l Dec. ic. 20 3692 virescens Dec. virescent * i | or 2 jn.jl W Canaries 1820. C pi 3693 candicans L. whitish 6 t | or 3 my.jn B Madeira 1777. s p.l Bot. reg. 43 3694 cynoglossoides R. fy S. Bugloss-like t \ J or 3 my.jn B Canaries 1816. C p.l 3695 densiflorum Dec. close-flowered M i | or 2 jn.jl B Canaries 1820. C p.l Dec. ic. 22 3696 fastuosum Jac. proud t i | or 4 P Canaries 1779. C S.I Jac. ec. 41 3697 strictum L. strict St | | or 3 my.d B Canaries 1779. C S.I Jac. sc. 1. 35 3698 lineatum Jac. lineated i 1 or 2 my.jn W Canaries 1815. C p.i Jac. ec. 42 3699 macrophyllum Leh. long-leaved 4t i | or S jn.jl B Canaries 1823. C p.l 3700 foliosum Leh. leafy * i_J or 3 my.jn W Canaries? 1815. C p.l 3701 simplex Dec. simple <* i | or 3702 brachyanthum Horn, short-flowered *l i | or 1 I| jnjl W W Teneriffe 1820. C. G. H. ? 1819. C C p.l p.l Dec. ic. 71 3703 scabrum Leh. rough l i | or 2 my.jl P.B C. G. H. 1820. C p.l 3704 longiflorum Dum. long-flowered Sk \ | or 3 jnjl B C. G. H. 1806. C P.l 3705 pyramidatum Dum. pyramidal s | | pr 3706 caudatum Than. caudate jg iAI or 3 1 my.jl my.jn B R C. G. H. 1820. C. G. H. 1818. C C Pi I'l 3707 spicatum L. spiked-rftwxr/" i Al or W C. G. H. 1799. C 8.1 Leh. as. 1 3708 plantagineum L. Plantain-/emi O or | jl.o P Italy 1776. s S.I Bar. ic. 1026 3709 lusitanicumZ-. Portugal O or 3 V S. Europe 1731. s CO 3710plantaginoides R.$S. Plantain-like O or I W S. Europe 1826. a M Jac. vin. 1. 45 3711 prostratum Ten. prostrate ^ A or 3712 macranthum R. 8< S. long-flowered O or 1 R V Egypt 1825. Barbary 1818. s s CO CO Desf. at. 1. 46 grandiflorum Desf. 3713 Mertensw Leh. Mertens's ^ A or 12 jnjl B Spain 1824. s CO 3714 maritimum W. sea O or j B Italy 1815. s CO Boc. mu. 2. 78 3715 italicum L. Italian ^ Q) or 4" jl W Jersey fields s S.I Eng. bot. 2081 3716 australe Lam. southern O r H au P S. Europe 1824. 8 CO Sw. fl. gar. 101 3717 pyrenae'um W. en. Pyrenean ^ Q) or I W Pyrenees 1815. 8 CO 3718 thyrsoideum Ven. thyrse-like 2$ Q) or i B S. Europe 1820. s CO 3719 rubrum Jac. red ^ Q) or 4 R Hungary 1791. s CO Jac. au. 5. 3 3720 vulgare L. common ^ Q) or R Britain sto. fi. s l.p Eng. bot. 181 2 flore albo white-flowered ^ Q> or 7 jlau W Britain walls. s co 3721 violaceum L. \\o\et-floweyed G) or 3 B Austria 1658. s CO 3722 tuberculatum Lk. tuberculated ^ G) or 1 Vi Spain 1820. s CO 37^3 parviflorum Roth small-flowered O or 2 jlau B Barbary 1798. s CO 3724 micranthum Schous. small-flowered O or 1 Vi Barbary 18'24. s CO 3725 tenue Roth slender ^ Q) or 1 jn.jl B Sicily 1824. s CO 3726 Sibthorp Sm. Sibthorp's ^ Q) or 1 jnjl R E. Europe 18.'4. s CO Fl. gr. 181 hispidum Fl. gr. elegans Leh. 3727 cre"ticum L. Cretan Q or 1 jl.s R Levant 1683. s S.I Bot. mag. 1934 3728 diffusum Sm. diffuse O or 1 jn.jl Pk Crete 1817. s CO 1-1. gr. 182 3729 orientate L. oriental Q or 3 Pa.B Levant 17*0. s CO Tr. pi. 1.1 3730 salmanticum Lag. Salamanca ^ Q or 1 jn.jl Pk Spain 1819. s CO 446. TOURNEFO'RT/^ L. TOURNEFORTIA. (J. P. de Tournefort, the celeb. Fr. bot.) Bo raginea?. 11. 42. 3731 MesserschmidzaR.Br.Messerschmid's*l | | or 3732 fruticosa R. Br. shrubby * | [or 6 4 jn.o jn.jl G W Canaries 1779. Canaries 1800. C C S.I p.l Bot. reg. 464 3733 angustifolia R. $ S. narrow-leaved * | | or 5 jn.n W.G Canaries 1820. C p.l 3734 argentea L. silvery * | | or 8 jn.n W E. Indies 1822. C p.l Ru. am. 4. 55 3735 fcctidissima W. most fetid * [~~1 or 9 s Pk Jamaica 1739. C p.l Pluk. ic. 226. 230 3736 cym6sa I.. cymose l \ | or 9 jl Pk Jamaica 1777. C p.l Jac. ic. 1. 31 3737 scabra Lam. scabrous Sfc 1 | or 4 jn.jl W.R W. Indies 1700. C p.l 3738 bicolor Sim. two-colored it r 1 or 6 n.l G Jamaica 1812. C p.i 3739 suffruticosa R. Br. suffruticose * C~l or 4 jnjl W Jamaica 1759. C p.l SI. jam. 2. 162. 4 3740 /aurifolia Ven. Laurel-leaved t t~~! or 6 jn.jl Y.w S. Amer. ... C p.l 3741 mutabilis Ven. changeable H j | or 4 W.G Java 18'JO. C p.l Ven. ch. 3 3742 Argtizia R, Br. Arguzia _AJ or I jn.o W Siberia 1780. C S.I Messerschmidza Arguzia L. 447. MESSERSCHMI'D/^ L. MESSERSCHMIDIA. 3743 hirsutissima R. 8; S. hairiest f [ i O r 10 Tournefortia hirsutissima Swx. (D. Messerschmid, a Ger. bot.) my.jl G.Y W. Indies 1818. 7 C lora<. p.l lneee. 4. 12. SI. jam. 2. 212. 1 3744 volubilis R. $ S. twining t r~l or Tournefortw volubilis L. 10 G.Y Jamaica 1752. C p.l SI. jam. 1. 143. 2 3745 scandens R. $ S. climbing fl ( | or Tournefortm scandens W. vol ubilis ti. & S. 10 G.Y Peru 1816. C p.l Fl. per. 2. 148 3746 /aurifolia R. $ S. Laurel-leaved fi r~l or 12 jl Y W. Indies 1819. C p.l Ven. ch. 2 Tournefortm /aurifolia Ven. *448. NOLA'NA L. NOLANA. 3747 prostrata L. trailing -i O or ' i jl.s 3748 parad6xa Lindl. paradoxical J* Q el 1| au *449. ARE'TI^ L. 3749 helvetica L. Swiss ^ndrosace Aretia Lap. 3750 alpina L. alpine 3751 Vitaliana L. Vital's 3752 argentea Gae. silvery (Nola, a little bell ; corolla.) B Peru B Chile Solunece. 2. 6. 1761. C p.l Bot. mag. 731 1825. S co Bot. reg. 865 ARETIA. (B. Aretius,a. Swiss, prof, in univ. of Berne, d. 1574.) Primuldceo:. 4. 9. *" Switzerl. 1775. D s.p Schk. han. 1. 32 *450. /INDRO'SACE 3753 maxima L. 3754 elongata L. 3755 septentrionalis L. 3756 nana Horn. 3757 lactiflora Fis. 3758 olismoides Horn. 3759 filif6rmis Retz. 3760 Chamajjasme Wul. 3761 vil!6sa L. 3762 lactea L. 3763 cSrnea L. L. ANDROSACE. greatest elongated northern dwarf milk-flowered Alisma-like filiform Bastard-jasmine villous mi]k-w/iife flesh-colored Switzerl. 1775. Pyrenees 1787. Switzerl. 1826. D s.p D sp D s.p Bot. cab. 297 Par. Ion. 107 , a buckler ; calyx.) Primulacete. 13. 56. W Austria 1797. S p.l Jac. au. 4. 331 Austria 1776. S p.l Jac. au. 4. 330 Russia 1755. S p.l Bot. mag. 2021 Denmark 1803. S p.l Siberia 1806. D s.p Bot. mag. 2022 Siberia 1820. S l.p Siberia 1820. S co Gm. si.4. 44.4 Austria 1768. D s.p Bot. cab. 232 Pyrenees 1790. D s.p Bot. mag. 743 Austria 1752. D s.p Bot. mag. 868 Switzerl. 1768. D s.p Bot. cab. 40 ORDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 57 3764 obtusifolia All. blunt-leaved or 1 ap.jn Pk Italy 1817. S sp Al ped. 1. 46. 1 3765 brevif61ia Vil. short-leaved 01 pr i my.jn W S. France 1825. S s.p *451. PRI'MULA W. PRIMROSE. ( Pri mus, the first; time of flowering.) Pri. 'tudn \ceo:. 43. 62. 3766 prse'nitensKer very glossy iAJ or 1 ja.o Pk China 1820. .S s.l Lind. col. 7 sinensis Lindl. 2 fl6re albo white-flowering iAI pr f ja.o W China S S.l) Sw. fl. gar. 196 5767 coTtusoldes L. Cortusa-like ^ A or 1 my.jl R Siberia 1794. ]) I'l Bot. mag. 3<>y 3768 suaveolens Bert. sweet-scented ^ A pr J Y Italy 182 K D s.l Fl. nap. 1. 13 Columns Ten. 3769 inflata Leh. inflated fc A pr Y Hungary 1825. I) S.1 Leh.m.2 3770 carniolica Jac. Carniolan jfc P r 5 mr.ap P Carniola .... 1) s.l Jac. au. 3. ap. 4. grandiflbra Bast. S771 uentifl6ra Andr. tooth. flowered ^ A or 1 my.jl R Siberia 1806. D p.l Bot. rep. 451 3772 brevistyla Dec. short-styled ^fc A or i my.jl Y France 1818. J) CO 2 vers,icolor 3773 veris W. party-colored ^ Spring Cowslip ^ A A or or imv.jl Y.R $ my.jn Y France 1818. Britain I) D CO s.l Eng. bot. 5 2 rubra red ^r A or | my.jn R Britain gard. 1) CO 3774 vulgaris E. B. acaulis All. common ^ A or i Y Britain woods. D S.1 Eng. bot. 4 2 plena-carneaZ?.iW r . double-flesh-cW ^ A or i mr my Pk Britain gard. D s.l Bot. mag. 229 3 plena-alba double-white ^ A or 5 W Britain gard. 13 s.l 4 pl^na-sulphurea double-brimstone^ A or 5 Y Britain gard. 1) s.l 5 plena-rubra double-red ^ A or R Britain gard. D s.l 6 plena-cuprea double-copper S A or 5 O Britain gard. D s.l 7 plena-atropurpurea doub.-drk-purp.^ 8 plena-violacea double-violet ^ A A or or P ^ Li Britain gard. Britain gard. 13 s.l s.l 3775 elatior Jac. taller Oxlip ^ A or 1 Y Britain woods i. 13 s.l Eng. bot. 518 2 polyantha many-flowered ^ A or 1 Va Britain gard. 13 CO 3 calycantha 3776 Perreinittrta Flug. colored-calyxed^ Perrein's A A or pr | Va 4 my.jl Y Britain gard. Spain 13 13 CO p.l An. mu. 12.37 3777 Pallasw Leh. Pallas's A or i ap.jl Y Altai 1823. 13 s.l Bot. reg. 896 3778 amre'na Bieb. pleasing purple A pr P Caucasus 1823. 13 s.l Leh. m. 3 3779 Auricula L. Auricula A or Y Switzerl. 1596. 13 h.l Jac. au. 5.415 2 lu tea yellow A or | Y Switzerl. 1596. 13 h.l 3 calycantha colored-calyxecl A or J Y Switzerl. 1596. 13 h.l 4 integerrima most entire A or Va Switzerl. 1596. 13 h.l Trat. tab. 431 5 hortensis garden A or | Va Europe 1596. I) h.l Trat. tab. 432 3780 Palinun Pet. Palinur's A or i Y Naples 1816. D h.l Sw. fl. gar. 8 3781 Balbfsi* Leh. Balbis's A pr Y S. Europe 1823. 13 p.l M. fl. vi. 7. ic. 3782 marginata B. M. silver-edged A or i mr.ap Pk Switzerl. 1777. 13 s.l Bot. mag. 19 crenata Loi. 3783 longifolia H. K. 3784 longiflora All. long-leaved long-flowered ^ A A or pr | apmy R i my.jl R Levant 1790. Europe 1825. 13 D P.l p.l Bot. mag. 392 Fl. au. 5. 46 3785 farinosa L. mealy A or i jn.jl R Britain D p.l Eng. bot. 6 3786 scotica Hook. Scotch ^ A or i jn.jl R Scotland al.hea . 13 S.1 Bot. cab. 652 3787 stricta Horn. strict A or i Pk Denmark 1822. D s.l Fl. dan. 13o5 Hornemannjawa L eh. 3788 davurica Fis. Davurian ^ A or A my.jn R Siberia 1806. D p.l Bot. mag. 1219 intermedia B. M. 3789 pusilla Gol. weak ^ A or ijn P N. Amer. 1822. 13 s.l Hook. ex. fl. 68 3790 altaica Leh. Altaian ^ A pr i inv.jl R Altai 1819. 1) p.l Leh. m. 5 3791 sibirica Jac. Siberian ^ A pr ^ my.jl R Siberia 1818. 13 p.l Gm. si. 4.46.1 rotunditolia Pal. 3792 gigantea Jac. giant ^t A pr i mv.jl R Siberia 1820. 13 s.l Leh. m. 6 3793 mistassinica MX. Lake Mistassins^ A pr i my.jl R N. Amer. 1818. 13 p.l Leh. m. 7 3794 finmarchica Jac. Finmarck ^ A or i my.jn V Norway 1798. D p.l Fl. dan. 1S8 norvegica Refz. 3795 glutinosa L. glutinous A P r i my.jl R S. Europe 182-t. D s.l Jac. au. 5. 26 3796 viscusa AU. 3797 integrif61ia L. clammy entire-leaved A A or or * ap P i jn.jl Pk Piedmont 1792. Pyrenees 1792. 13 1) pi P 1 Al. ped. 1. 5. 1 Bot. mag. 942 $ 3798 calycina Gau. large-ca\y\ed A or 3 jn jl Pk Switzerl. 1826. D 3799 pubescens Wul. pubescent A pr ^ R S. Europe 1800. D S.1 Jac. m. 1. 18 villosa B. M. 3800 ciliata Schrank ciliated Swiss A Pr J R Switzerl. 1700. 13 s.l 3801 dec6ra B. M. comely A or iap Pk S. Europe 1800. 13 p.l Bot. mag. 1922 3802 helvetica Donn Helvetian A or 1 ap.jn R Switzerl. 13 CO Bot. cab. 348 3803 piedmontana Schl. Piedmont A or | ap.jn Pk Piedmont 1826. 13 p.l 3804 villosa Jac. villous-feaued A or P Switzerl. 1768. 13 ,.1 Jac. au. 5. 27 3805 nivalis Pal. snowy A or A P Dauria 1790. 13 s.l Pal. it. G. *2 3806 Sims*,' Swt. Sims's A or ^ W Switzerl. 1768. U s.l Bot. mag. 1161 villosa /3 flore albo B. M. 3807 nivea Fis. nivalis Hort. 3808 lati folia Lap. 3809 Alliom Loi. 3810 minima L. 452. CORTU'S^ L. 3811 Matthioli L. snow-white broad-leaved Allioni's least BEAR'S-EAR SANICLE. A or | W Siberia ... D s p A pr A pr A or R | R Jap P Pyrenees France 1820. 1818. S. Europe 1819. D p.l D p.l D l\ Fl. pyr. 68 Loi. sup. 3 Bot. reg. 581 Matthioli's (J. A. Cortusus, prof, of botany at Padua.) Primulacea:. 1. A or A j A 453. SOLDANE'LLA L. SOLDANELLA. 3812 alpina L. Alpine 3813 montana W. en. mountain CluszY B. R. 3814 minima Hoppe least j _AJ pr 3815 pusilla Baum. weak AJ pr *454. DODECA'THEON L. AMERICAN COWSLIP. S816 Meadm L. Meadia . p.jn R Austria 1596. D s.l Bot. mag. 987 (Diminutive of solidus, a shilling; leaves.) Primulacea. 4. ap ap Switzerl. 1656. Bohemia 1816. D pi Bot. mag. 49 D p.l Bot. mag. 2163 *455. CY'CLAMEN L. 3817 c6um Mil. 3818 vernum Mil. 3819 europae'um L. Clfistf Lindl. 3820 persicum Mil. 1 inod6rum CYCLAMEN. Cos spring Euro | B Switzerl. 1823. D s.p J B Switzerl. 1820 D s.p (Dodeka, twelve, theos, a divinity.) Primulaceee. 1. 2. A or 1 apjn L.P Virginia 1744. D p.l Bot. mag. 12 (Kyclas, circular ; leaves) Primulacea. 9. 10 L.R S. Europe 1596. S s.p Bot. mag. 4 ropean Persian scentless A A A A or A A or & lAJor A iAI or ija.ap I mr au Uap i f.ap P L.R S. Europe Switzerl. 1596. s.p s.l Sw. fl. gar. 9 R.w Cyprus R.w. Cyprus 1731. 1731. S s.p Bot. reg. 1013 S p.l Bot. mag. 44 S p.l 58 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS V. 2 odorStum 3 albifl6rum 3821 Aederaefulium H. K. scented & iAI or white-flowered & iAI or Ivy-leaved A A or Jf.ap i f.ap |ap R.w W P Cyprus Cyprus Britain 1731. 1731. banks. S S S pj p.l Eng. bot. 548 europae'um B.M. & 1 ?. B. 1 purpurascens purpurascent A A or J P Britain gard. S p.l 2 albidum whitish-^wd A or W Britain gard. S 3822 repandum Sm. repand A A or i R Greece 1816. S p'l Sw. fl. gar. 132 3823 neapolitanum Ten. Neapolitan A A or 4 R Italy 1824. S Savi med. 41 3824 latifolium Sm. broad-leaved A A or | R S. Europ e 18(0. S p'l Fl. gr. 185 3825 linearifolium Dec. linear-leaved A or i P S. Europe 1824. S s.p Dec. ic. 1. 8 456. HOTTO'N.L* L. WATER VIOLET. (P. Hotton,pTof. in the univ. of Leyden, d. 1709.) Primulacete. 1.3. 3826 palustris Z. marsh i A or 1 F England dit S aq Eng. bot. 364 457. ZYSIMA'CHIA L. 3827 vulgaris L. 3828 tfphemerum L. 3829 atropurpurea L. 3830 dubia H. K. atropurpurea Mur. 3831 stricta H. K. 3832 thyrsifltfra L. 3833 capitata Ph. 3834 quadrifolia L. 3835 longifi'.lia Ph. quadri flora H. K. 3836 verticillata Pall. 3837 ciliata L. 3838 punctata L. 3839 angustit'61ia MX. 3840 hybrida MX. 3841 iinum stellatum 1 Aster61inon stellatum Lk. 3842 nemorum L. 3843 maculata R. Br. 3844 Nummularia L. /. JLOOSE STRIF common 'E. \.L,ys A or IS, O1SSO1U 3 jl.s ition. m Y acne, stnie.) 2 Britain watsh. -i-m D i ill at CO '.ece. is zy. Eng. bot. 761 Ephemerum dark-purple 1 A or lAlor 2 jl.s M' 8 W D.P Spain Levant 1730. 1820. D S.C p.l p.l Bot. mag. 2346 Hook ex. fl. 180 doubtful ik G) or P Levant 1759. S p.l Mur. 1782. 1 strict 3t A or Y N. Amer. 1781. D p.l Bot. mag. 104 thyrse-flowered headed S A or A or 1| myjl 1 my.jl Y Y England N. Amer. lakes. 1813. D I) CO CO Eng. bot. 176 four-leaved & A or 2 Y N. Amer. 1794. 1) p.l 1. 101.2 long-leaved i A or 2 Y N. Amer. 1798. D p.l Bot. mag. 660 whorled ^ A or 1 Y Crimea 1820. D CO Bot. mag. 2295 ciliated ^ A or 2 Y N. Amer. 1732. D m.s Walt. h. 12 dotted ^ A or 1| Y N. Holl. 1658. 1) CO Jac. au. 4. 3o6 narrow-leaved ^V A or Y N. Amer 1803. D p.l hybrid ^ A or li Y N. Amer. 1806. D CO Flax-star ^L O or * jn G Italy 1658. S .1 Mag. mo. 162 \Lk. wood ^ A or * my.jl Y Britain D m.s Eng. bot. 527 spotted jC iAI or i my.jl Y N. Holl. 1822. D p.l Moneywort JU A r i jn.jl Y Britain D m,s Eng. bot. 528 PIMPERNEL. (Anagelao, to laugh j removing despondency.) Primuldcece. 9. 14. 3845 arvensis L. corn field phcenicea Lam. 3846 carnea Schl. fleshy 3847 car u lea Schreb. blue 3848 indica Swt. Indian 3849 fruticosa Ven. shrubby collina Schous. 3850 latifolia L. broad-leaved 3851 Monell* L. Monelli's 3852 /inifolia L. Flax-leaved 3853 tenella L. delicate i jn.s I jn.s jn.s 1 my.s 3 my.jl . , , _ _. Britain corn fi. S co Eng. bot. 529 F B B Ve Switzerl. 1819. S Britain corn fi. S Nepal 1824. S co CO co Eng. bot. 1823 Morocco 1803. C p.l Sw. fl. gar. Bot. mag. 831 1 my.jl P Spain 1759. C p.l Mee. ic. 1. 22 1 my.s B Italy 1648. C p.l Bot. mag. 319 1 jnjl B Portugal 1796. C s.l Bot. mag. '2389 au.s Pk Britain D l.p Eng. bot. 530 459. DIAPE'NSIA Z,. DIAPENSIA. (Diapente, composed of five ; flowers 5-cleft.) Hydroleee. 1. 3854 lapponica L. Lapland A or $ W Lapland 1801. D s.l Bot. mag. 1108 460. PYXIDANTHE'RA MX. PYXIDANTHERA. (Pyxis, a box, anthera, an anther.) Hydrolece. 1. 3855 barbulata MX. small-bearded JU. .AJ or jl W Carolina 1806. D l.p Mic. am. 17 Diapensia cuneifdlia Ph. 461. CO'RIS L. CORIS. (A Greek name used by Dioscorides.) Primuldcece. 1. 3856 monspeliensis L. Montpelier OJ or | jn.jl Li S. Europe 1640. S s.p Bot. mag. 2131 462. GA'LAX L. GALAX. (Gala, milk ; whiteness of the flowers.) Saxifrdgece. I. 3857 aph^lla L. leafless ^ A or i jn.jl W N. Amer. 1786. D s.p Bot. mag. 754 Blandfordifl cordata B. Rep. 463. A/ENYA'NTHES L. BUCK BEAN. (Men, month, anthos, flower ; time in blossom.) Gentianete. 1. 2. 3858 trifoliata L. three-leaved ^ A or 1 jl W Britain C co Eng. bot. 495 3859 americana G. Don American ^ A or 1 jl W N. Amer. 1818. D co trifoliata MX. *464. VILLA'RS/^Ven. VILLARSIA. 3860 nymphoides Ven. Water-lily-like Menyanthes nymphoides L. (Villars, a distinguished French botanist.) Gentianece. 1. 12. *= A or fit jn.jl Y England rivers. Sk p.l Eng. bot 217 3861 cordata Ell. cordate * A or fit jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1820. O p.l 3862 indica Ven. Indian =fe fA] or fit W C. G. H. 1792. Skp.l Bot. mag. 658 A/enyanthes indica L '. 3863 ovata Ven. ovate-leaved jfe lAlor fit my.jl O C. G. H. 1786. Skp.l Bot. mag. 1909 3864 lacunosa Ven. pitted 3 i A) or fit jn.jl W N. Amer. 1812. Skp.l Ven. ch. 9 3865 sarmentosa B. M. twiggy jg i Al or 1 jn.jl Y N. Holl. 1806. Skbog Bot. mag. 1323 3866 parnassiifolia R. Br. Parnassia-lvd LAJor 2 jn.o Y N. S. W. 1825. Skbog Bot. mag. 1029 3867 reniformis R. Br. kidney-form l LAJ or 1 Y N. Holl. 1824. Sk bog *465. CHIRO'N/^ L. 3868 ./asm inoides Thun. 3869 /ychnoides Thun. CHIRONIA. (Chiron, one of the fathers of med., bot, and su Jasmine-like . L_] or 2 ap.jl P C. G. H. 1812. Lychnis-like t*. ( | or 2 P C. G. H. 1816. rg.) Gentianete. 9. 14. C p.l Bot reg. 197 C p.l 3870 nudicaulis L. 3871 /inoides L. naked-stemmedtt. \ | or Flax-like . i 1 or 1 2 jl.s P R C. G. H. C. G. H. 1816. 1787. C s.p C s.p Lin. tr. 7. 12. 3 Bot. mag. 511 3872 tetragona L. four-angled n. i I or 1 Y C. G. H. 1824. C s.p Lin. tr. 7. 12. 3873 baccitera L. berry-bearing . i | or 2 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1759. S s.p Bot. mag. 233 3874 angusti folia H. K. narrow-leaved tt. , | or 1 R C. G. H. 1800. C s.p Bot. mag. 818 3875 frutescens L. frutescent tL i j or H in s R C. G. H. 1756. C s.p Bot. mag. 37 2 albiflora white-flowered JL | | or U" jn.s W C. G. H. 1756. C s.p 3876 decussata Ven. cross-leaved tt. i | or h R C. G. H. 1789. C s.p Bot. mag. 707 466. EITSTOMA Sal. 3877 silenifolium Sal. EUSTOMA. Silene-leaved (Eustoma, beautiful mouth ; flower.) O OK 1 jl W I. Provid. 1804. Gentianete. 1. S s.p Par. Ion. 241 467. ERYTHR^'A Rich. ERYTHILEA. 3878 Centaurium Pers. Centaury ChironiaCentaurium E. B. (Erythraia, red ; flowers.) Gentianete. 10. 30. O or Pk Britain heaths. S s.l Eng. bot. 417 ORDER. I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 3879 latifolia Sm. broad-leaved 3880 Cachanlahuan Mol. Cachanlahuan 3881 pulchella E. B. pretty Chironw pulchella Sm. 3882 littoralis Fries sea-side Chiroiua littoralis Sm. 3883 spicata Pers. spiked 3884 maritima Pers. sea 3885 conferta Pers. crowded 388t> aggregata Swt. aggregate 3887 lutea Bert. yellow 468. SABBA'TI^ Adan. SABBATIA. icilis Sal. slender ChiromagracilisMr. 3889 angularis Ph. angular 3890 calycusa Ph. calycose 3891 chloroides Ph. Chlora-like 3892 paniculata Ph. panicled 469. VOHPRIA Lam. VOHIRIA. 3893 r6sea Aubl. roseate O or Pk Britain seas. S s.l m | Pk Chile 1825. S p.l Feu. ob. . 35 or au.s Pk England seaco. S s.l Eng. bot. 458 O or jn.jl Pk England sea co. S s.l Eng. bot. 2305 3 O Pr !U iAI or ) i A| or i i mr Pk Y Pk R Y S. France 1820. S p.s Bar. ic. 1242 S. Europe 1777. S s.l Cav. ic. 3. 296. 1 Spain 1821. S 8.1 Sw. fl. gar. 137 Bar. ic. 468 S. Europe 1824. S. Europe 1824. (L. Sabbati, a celebrated Italian botanist.) Gentianece. 5. 11. ^ Q) or 1 jl R N. Amer. ... S co Par. Ion. 32 *k Q) P r 1 Jl- au P N. Amer. 1826. S p.s & Q> or 1 D.R N. Amer. 1812. S co Bot. mag. 1600 ^ O or $ R N. Amer. 1817. S co ^t A or 1 my.jn W N. Amer. 1817. C co (Voyria, a name of the Caripons.) (22 or | R Guiana 470. HI'PPION Spr. HIPPION. 3894 visc6sum Spr. clammy JJ'xacum visc6sum Sm. 3895 verticillatum Spr. verticillate G2 JE'xacum verticillatum W. 3896 Ayssopitolium Spr. Hyssop-leaved OS .E'xacuin Ayssopitolium W. Gentidna L. Gentia*e&. 1. 3. 1822. S p.l Aub. gul 1.83.1 (Hippos, a horse, ion, a violet.) GenticLneee. 3. OJ or 2 jn.jl Y Canaries 1781. S p.l Sm. ic. fa. 3. 18 in Ayssopif61i 471. LOGA'N/^ R. Br LOGANIA. 3897 latifolia R. Br. broad-leaved jB'xacum vaginale Lab. 1* jl.s W Trinidad 1817. S p.l PI. ic. 81. 1 jl.s Ful E. Indies 1825. S p.l Bur. af. 74. 3 (J. Logan, a distinguished botanist.) Gentihnece. 3. 11. u- L_J or 3 W N. Holl. 1816. C l.p Lab. n. h. 1. 51 3898 florib.finda R. Br. bundle-flwd L | | or Eu6sma albifl6ra B. Rep. 3899 revoluta R.Br. revolute tt. | | or 2 2 W W N. S. W. N. Holl. 1797. 186. C C l.p l.p Bot. rep. 520 *472. PHLOX L. PHLOX. (Phlox, flame ; flowers.) Polemonidcece. 23. 31. 3900 paniculata L. panicled ^ A or 3 au.s Pk N. Amer. 1732. D p.l MiLic..05. alba white A or 3 au.s W N. Amer. 1813. I) p.l 3901 undulata H. K. waved-leaved ^ A or 3 R N. Amer. 1759. 1) p.l 3902 acuminata Ph. acuminate ^ A or 4 P N. Amer. 1812. D p.l Bot. mag. 1880 decussata Lyon 3903 virginica Lo. C. Virginian ^ A or J P Virginia 181. D p.l 3904 intermedia Lo. C. intermediate ^ A or 2 P N. Amer. D p.l 3905 suaveolens H. K. sweet-scented ^ A or 2 . W N. Amer. 1766. D p.l 2 variegata variegated ^ A or 1 W N. Amer. 1766. 1) p.l 3906 pyramidalis H. K. penduliflora pyramidal ^ drooping-flwd ^ A A or or 4 4 F P N. Amer. N. Amer. 1800. D D P.l p.l Bot. cab. 342 3 corymb6sa corymbose ^ A or 4 P N. Amer. ^ D p.l 3907 latifolia MX. broad-leaved ^ A or 3 P Carolina 1812. D p.l 3908 maculata L. 3909 Carolina L. spotted-stalked ^ Carolina ^? A A or or 4 1 jl.s R D.P N. Amer. Carolina 1740. 1728. D U P-! P.I Jac. vin. 2 17 Bot. mag. 1344 3910 trifl6ra MX. three-flowered j A or 1 jl.s P Carolina 1816. 1) Sw. fl. gar. 29 3911carneaAM. fleshy ^ A or 1 au.s Pk N. Amer. 1816. D p.i Bot. mag. 2155 3912 suffrutic6sa Ven. suffruticose ^ A or u :jl.S D.P N. Amer. 1790. D >.i Bot. reg. 68 3913 nitida Ph. shining ^ A or 2 D.P N. Amer. 1800. D P.I suffrutic6sa Hort. 3914 glaWrrima W. smoothest ^ A or 3 R N. Amer. 1725. D P.I Di. el. 166. 202 3915 ovata L. ovate-leaved & A or I] my.jl P N. Amer 1759. D P.I Bot. mag. 528 2 Listomana Lady Liston's ^ A or 1 P N. Amer. 1816. D P.I 3916 canadensis Hort. Canadian ^ A or 1 B N. Amer. 1825. D P.I Sw. fl. gar. ic. in. 3917 divaricata L. divaricate ^ A or 1 apjn L.B N. Amer. 1746. D ..i Bot. mag. i63 3918 rdptans MX. stolonifera H, K. creeping ^ A or iJri.s R N. Amer. 1800. D P.I Bot. mag. 563 3919 pi!6sa L. hairy-leaved & A or 1 my.jn Pk N. Amer. 1759. D P.I Bot. mag. 1307 3920 amoe'na B. M. pleasing ^j A or { Jn.jl Pk N. Amer. 1809. D P.I Bot. mag. 1308 3921 subulata L. &w\-leaved {$!. A or ap.jn F N. Amer. 1786. 1) P.I Bot. mag. 411 3922 setacea L. bristly ^ A or 2 J [ F N. Amer. 1786. D P.I Bot. mag. 415 3923 nivalis Swt. snowy ^ A or 1 W N. Amer. 1820. D P.I Bot. cab. 780 *473. COLLO'MIA Nut. COLLOMIA. (Kolla, glue; flowers) Plumbaginfte. 1. 4. 3924 linearis Nut. linear O or i jn R N. Amer. 1826. S P.I Cav. ic. 6. 527 *474. POLEMO'NIUM L. GREEKVALERIAN. (Polemos, war ; for honour of discovery.) Polemonidcete. 6. 13. 3925 reptans L. creeping ^ A or : L.B N. Amer. 1758. D CO Mil. ic. 2. 09 3926 czeruleum L. blue-flowered *& A or 2 jn B Britain bu. pi. U CO Eng. bot 14 album white-flowered ^ A or 2 jn W Britain gard. D CO 3 maculatum 3927 gracile W. en. spotted-fliKd 3t slender A A or or 2 1J jn St B Britain ' Dahuria gard. 1808. D D CO CO 3928 sibiricum Don Siberian ^ or ' jn.jl W Siberia 1800. D CO Sw. fl. gar. 182 3929 bursifolium W. Shep.-Purse-lvd^ A or 1 jn.jl B Mexico 1826. D CO 3930 mexicanum Cav. Mexican ^ iAI or 1 B Mexico 1817. D CO Bot. reg. 460 475. VE'STIA W. en. VESTIA. (Dr. Vest, of Clagenfurth.) Soldnece. 1. 3931 /ycioides W. en. Box thorn-like &i | or 3 jn Y Chile 1815. C s.p Bot. reg. 299 Cdntua Jigustrifolia J. 476. HYDROPHY'LLUM L. WATER LEAF. (Hydor, water, phyllon, a leaf.) Hydrophyllets. . 4. 3932 virginicum L. Virginian ^ A cul g my.jn B N. Amer. 1739. D m.s Bot. reg. 331 3933 canadense L. Canadian 4fc A cu my.jn W Canada 1759. D m.s Bot. reg. 242 477. PHACE'LIA MX. PHACELIA. (Phakelos, a bundle : the flowers.) HydrophGlleee. 3. 4. 3934 bipinnatifida MX. bipinnatifid ^ A cul jn.jl B N. Amer. 184. D co Mic. am. 1. 16 3935 circinata Jac. rounded ^ Q) or 1| jn.jl Pk Magellan 1817. S co Jo. h. n. 10. 19 Hydrophyllum magellanicum Lam. Aldea circinata W. Ald^-a n.ScS. Aldea ^ S936 A or 1| jn.jl Pk Peru 1824. D co Fl. per. 2. 14 60 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS V. *478. NEMO'PHILA Bart. NEMOPHILA. (Nemos, a grove, phileo, to love.) 3937 phacelioides Bait. Phacelia-like ^ A or 1 B N. Amer. 1822. 3938 paniculata Spr. panicled ^ A or f my.jn P.B N. Amer. 1813. Hydrophyllum appendiculatum MX. 479. RAMO'ND^ MX. RAMONDA. 3939 pyrenaica MX. Pyrenean & A o Ferbascum Myc6n> I* Chaixm Myconl Lap. S D p.l . 2. ot. mag. 2373 (M. L. Ramond, a French botanist.) or 5 my P Pyrenees 1731. . . D s.l Bot.mag.236 480. FEIIBA'SCUM L. MULLEI (Altered from barbascum, bearded.) Soldnete. 67. 74. *ov/. r JCtAvDA 0\>w *n j~t< 3940 Ttiapsus L. J.Tl'JL,L.Ciliil. Shepherd's-club \ - CD or ti Y Britain ro. sid. S CO Eng. bot. 549 3941 fhapsiforme Schr. Thapsus- formed Ai CD or 2 L.Y Europe 1817. S CO 3942 crassifolium Hofg. thick-leaved : CD or 3 Y Spain 1818. 8 CO Fl. por. 1. 26 3943 cuspidatum Schr. pointed .> CD or 4 my.jn y Vienna 1817. S CO Sch. mo. 1. 1 3944 gossypinum Bieb. 3945 niveum Ten. woolly snow-white 1 8 or or 4 3 jlau Y P.Y Caucasus 1820. Naples 1823. S s CO CO Fl. nap. 22 3946 candidissimum Dec. whitest ;^ CD or 4 Y Montpel. 1823. 8 CO 3947 fhapsoides Hofg. 3948 macranthum Lk. Thapsus-like long- flowered ^ A or CD or 3 3 jn.jl Y Y Spain 1819. Portugal 1820. S s CO CO Sch. mo. 5. 2 Fl. por. 27 3949 australe Schr. southern v CD or 4 Y S. 1-Jurope 1815. s CO Sch. mo. 2 3950 johlomoides L. Phlomus-like 7y OJor 3 jn.jl Y Italv 1739. s CO H. has. 170.4 3951 condensatum Schr. close-flowered it 8 or 4 Y Austria 1820. s CO Sc. verb. 3 3952 nemor6sum Schr. grove 7\- or 5 Y Austria 18i^0. S CO Sc. verb. 1.2 3953 montanum Schr. mountain .'Y CD or 3 Y France 1819. 8 CO H. got. 2. 12 3954 collinum Schr. hill .V- A or 3 Y Germany 1820. 8 CO ?. verb. 5.1 3955 versifldrum ScAr. inverted-flwd 7^ CD or 3 jn.jl P Bohemia 1823. 8 CO 3956 ramigerum Lk. 3957 Bastardw R. & S. branch-bearing Bastard's 1 CD or CD or fi Y Y S. Europe 1824. France 1824. 8 S CO CO 3958 mucronatum Lam. mucronate A. CD or 4 Y Greece 1814. S CO 3959 sinuatum L. sinuate-leaved ,^ CD or 2 Y S. Europe 1570. S CO Fl. gr. 227 3960 pinnatifidum Vahl pinnatitid "^ i Al or 1 my Y Archipel. 1788. s p.l 3961 umlulatum Z,a?w. waved .v 8 or 3 Y S. Europe 1819. s CO Fl. gr. 226 3962 bipinnatifidumZt M. bipinnatifid ^V-r or <2 Y Tauria 1813. 8 pi Bot. mag. 1777 3963 Chaixii ViL Chaix's *^ Bor s Y S. France 1821. S CO ViL del. 2. 13 3964 Hornemantu Bes. Hornemann's \, or 4 Y Europe 1821. s CO 3965 Boerhaavw L. Boerhaave's 8 or 2 Y.p S. Europe 1731. s CO Mil. ic. 2. 273 3966 elongatum W. en. 3967 compactum Bleb. long-stalked crowded I or CD or 5 3 i' Y Y Europe 1813. Tauria 1820. 8 CO CO Til. pis. 50? 3968 #naphal6des Bieb. Gnaphalium-lk CD or (-) Y Caucasus 1825. 8 CO 3969 JLychnitis Z/. Lychnitis 7v CD or 3 C Britain ro. sid. s CO Eng. bot. 58 3970 austriacum Schott Austrian s A or J Y Austria 1818. s CO 3971 pulverulentum E. B. powdered it CD or 3 Y England bor. fi. 8 CO Eng. bot. 487 3972 lanatum ScAr woolly vV CD or 3 Y Italy 1825. S CO 3973 Steveim Fis. Steven's it CD or 5 Y Siberia 1821. S CO 3974 majale Dec. hog t CD or 3 Y Montpel. 1817. 8 CO 3975 pyramidatum Bieb. pyramidal .V CD or 3 Y Caucasus 1804. a CO Sw. fl. gar. 31 3976 ovatum AWra. round-leaved it CD or 4 Y Italy 1823. 8 CO Fl. nap. 23 3978 floccosum Kit. woolly 7\- OJor 3 jn.jl Y Hungary 1805. s CO W. & K. 59 3979 leptostachyum Dec. slender-spiked V CD or 3 Y S. France 1825. s CO 3980 angustifohum TVre. narrow-leaved f' 8 or 3 Y Naples 1824. s CO 3981 formosum Bieb. handsome or Y Russia 1818. 8 CO Bot. reg. 558 3982 spectabile Z%>6. showy Q) or 2 jn.jl Y.p Tauria 1820. 8 CO 3983 longifolium Ten. long-leaved it CD or 3 y Naples 1824. S CO Fl. nap. 21 3984 nigrum L. black-rooted Jv A or 2 Y England ch. so, S p.l Eng. bot. 59 3985 orientate Z?/V6. eastern 7v A or 2 jn.jl Y Caucasus 1821. s CO 3986 ^lopeciirus Thuil. Foxtail *v A or 3 Y France 1820. 8 CO 3987 ramosissimum Pair. branchiest :\, CD or 5 Y France 1824. S CO 3988 hemorrhoidale Zf.A:. haemorrhoidal 7^ OJor w W.p Madeira 1777. s CO 3989 speciosum Schr. comely S A or 7 Y Austria 1818. 8 CO H. got. 16 3990 ovalif61ium ZZ #. oval-leaved > A or 1 jl.s Caucasus 1804. 8 p.l Bot. mag. 1037 3991 grandiflorum Schr. great-flowered ^ 8 or 4 Y Europe 1820. s CO H. got. 15 3992 Zflattaria L. Moth or 4 Y Britain gra. pi. 8 CO Eng. bot. S93 2 album white A or 4 W Britain gard. 8 CO 3993 Alattarioides Lam. Blattaria-like CD or r, Y France 1819. S CO 3994 lyratum Lam. lyrate or 4' Y Spain ? 1819. S CO 3995 repandum W. era. repand | or 3 Y Europe 1813. 8 CO 3996 Osbeckw W. Osbeck's 8 or 1 G Spain 17o2. K p.l To. it. 2. 83 3997 glabrum W. en. smooth i or 2 Y Europe 1805 CO 3998 virgatum With. twiggy 5 CD or 5 au Y Britain gra. pi, . S CO Eng. bot. 550 3999 cfipreum B. M. 4000 phceniceum Z,. copper-colored ^ purple-flowered^ A or A or 3 3 Br P Caucasus 1798. S. Europe 1796. 8 S p.l p.l Bot. mag. 1226 Bot. mag. bb5 4001 puniceum Schr. yellow A or ^ Br S. Europe 1820. S CO H. got. 14 4002 rubigin6sum W.&K. rusty CD or Y.R Hungary 1817. S CO W. & K. 197 4003 ferrugineum 11. K. rust-colored vV A or 3 Br S. Europe 1683. 8 p.l Bot. rep. 162 4004 triste Lk. dark ^ ferrugineum And. rep. not of others. A or 2 Y.R S. Europe 1788. 8 CO And. rep. 162 4005 ftetonicifulium Desf. Betony-leaved k A or 2 Y Armenia 1825. S CO An. mu. 11. 4 4006 spinosum L. thorny M. _Jor 1 my.jn P Crete 1824. S CO Alp. ex. 36 481. DATU'RA L. THORN APPLE. (Alteration of the Arabic name, tdtornh.} SolunceE. P. 10. 4007 ferox Z,. fierce O or 3 jl.s W China 1731. 8 S.I Za. h. 212. 162 4008 Stramonium Z-. Stramonium O clt 3 jl.s W England rub. a S.I Eng. bot. 1288 4009 muricata Lk. muricated O or 2 jl.s W 1820. 8 r.m 4010 Tdtula L. Tatula 8 or 3 B N. Amer. 1629. s S.I Mee. ic. 2. 13 4011 fastuosaZ.. proud or 3 Jl'.s P Egypt 1629. 8 r.m Kno. th. 1. 11 4012 Mfotf L. Metel O or 2 jn.s W Asia 1596. S r.m Bot. mag. 1440 4013 guayaquile'nsis Kth. 4014 lae'vis L. Guayaquil smooth-fruited or or 2 2 jl.s jn.s W W Guayaquill826. Africa 1780. S 8 r.m r.m Jac. vin. 3 82 4015 ceratocaulon Or. horn-stalked O or 2 jl.s W S. Amer. 1805. S r.m Jac. sc. 3. 339 482. BRUGMA'NS/J Pers. BRUGMANSIA 4016 suaveolens W. en. sweet-scented DatHra arborea Hart. 4017 Candida Pers. white-s/a/ted i D or Datura arborea W. en. (Prof. S. J. Bntgmans, Ger. bot. author.) Solunece. 23 or 15 au.s W Peru 1733. C l.p 10 au.s W Feru 1813. C l.p Fl. per. 2. 128 ORDER, I. PENTANURIA MONOGYNIA. 483. LISIA'NTHUS.ffr. LlSIANTHIIS. 4018 longifolius L. 4019 glaucifolius Jac. 4020 exsertus Swz. 4021 latifolius Suiz. 4022 umbellatus Swx. 402,3 cordifolius L. long-leaved * glaucous-leaved* drawn out broad-leaved SH umbelled * (~~1 heart-leaved * CD 4024 acutangulus R. # P. acute-angled 4025 grandiflorus Aubl. great-flowered ^ O1 or 40.6 angustitolius Kth. narrow-leaved 4027 alatus Aubl. winged (Lis, smooth, anthos, a flower.) Gentianei e. 10. 31. or li jn.jl Y Jamaica 1793. C l.p Br. jam. 8 >. 1 or 2 jn.jl P C l.p Jac. ic. 1. 33 or 12 Y W.' Indies i 1793. C l.p or 4 jls" Y Jamaica 1821. s Ip or 6 Y Jamaica 1822. C Ip or 2 ... Y Jamaica 1816. C l.p Br. jam. (.2 or 6 Y Peru 1820. s l.p Fl. per. 2. 12! or 3 Y Trinidad 1818. s l.p Aub. gui. 1. or 2 Y S. Amer. 1824. s l.p or H'jl-au W Mexico 1824. s l.p Aub. gui. 1. 484. SPIGF/LI^ L. 4028 Anthelmia L. 4029 marilandica L. WORM GRASS. (A. Spigclius, prof, at Padua, d. 1625.)- Gentianea>. 2. 5. Anthelmia fm w 14 jl G.R W. Indies 1759. S s.l Bot. mag. 2359 Maryland ^ A or 1 S N. Amer. 1694. D l.p Eng. bot. 80 (Nicander, a Greek phys. flourished about 150 B. C.) Soldnece. 2. O or 2 jl.s P Peru 1759. D s.l Bot. mag. 2458 E. Indies 1824. S co Ru. am. 6. 26. 1 485. NICA'NDRJ J. NICANDHA. 4030 physaloides Pers. Physalis-like A'tropa physaloides L. 4031 Indica R. $ S. Indian O or 2 jl.s B Physalis \ndicaLam. 486. ANI'SODUS Lk. ANISODUS. (Anisos, unequal, odous, a tooth ; calyx.) Solunea:. 2. 4032 stramonif01iusG.Z)onStramonium-lvd_^ A or 5 au.s Y.G Nepal 1823. R co Sw. fl. gar. 125 Whitleyastrainoiiitolia Swt. 4033 luridus fit. lurid *k A or 3 au.o Lu Nepal , 1824. R co Nicandra anomala Lk. *487. HYOSCY'AMUS 4034 niger L. 2 annuus 4035 albus L. 4036 reticulatus L. 4037 Senecionis W. en. 4038 aureus L. 4039 canariensis Ker 4040 pusillus L. 4041 physaloides L. 4042 agrestis Kit. 4043 pallidus Kit. 4044 muticus /,. 4045 orientalis Bleb. 4046 auriculatus Ten. L HENBANE. black annual white netted Groundsel golden Canary small Physalis-like field pale awnless eastern eared (Hys, a hog, kyamos, a bean ; eaten by swine.) Y.P Britain rub. Y.p Europe 1818. Pa.WS. Europe 1570. Y.n Egypt 1(540. Y Egypt 1812. Levant 1640. Canaries 1816. Persia 1691. Siberia 1777. Hungary 1820. Hungary 1815. Egypt 1822. Iberia 1821. Italy 1823. Solaneee. 13. Eng. bot. 591 Bot. mag. 2394 Black. Ill Com. h. 77. 22 S co S co C s.l S r.m Bot. mag. 87 Bot. reg 180 Pluk. al. 37. 5 Bot. mag. 852 Sw. fl. gar. 27 D s.l Bot. mag. 2414 S co t 488. IXICOTIA'NA L. TOBACCO. (J. Nicot, of Nismes, procured seeds from a Dutchm.) Soldne. 1.2. 4071 nyctaginifi6ra J. Marv.-Peru-flwd A or 4 jn.s W S Amer. 1823. C co Sw.fl.gar.119 Nicotz'a'na nyctaginiflora Leh. 490. SCOPO'LIJ Jac. SCOPOLIA. (G. A. Scopoli, celeb, prof, of botany, d 1789.) Solaneee. I. 4072 carniolica Jac. Carniolian .^ A or 1 D.p Carniola 1780. D co Bot. mag. 1126 atropoides R. & S. Hyoscyamus Scop61ia L. 491. IPOMCE'A L. IPOMCEA. dps, bindweed (error of Lin.), homoios, similar.) Convolvulucco;. 111. 193. 4073 Quamoclit W. 2 flore albo 4074dissecta W. 4075 quinqueloba Vahl 4076 sinuata Or. 4077 heterophylla Or. 4078 digitata L. 4079 tuberculata Desr. sticulacea Jac. Qunmoclit _i CD] or 6 jl.: white-flowered _ OJ or 6 jl.s cut-tettved J_ E3 or 10 jn.s five-lobed J_ [Ai un 8 jl.s scollop-tozwd $_ iAJ or 6 various-leaved J_ [7VI un 10 digitated _ [23 or 10 au.s tubercled %_ Q or 6 jl au D.R E. Indies 1629. S r.m Bot. mag. 24 W E. Indies 1629. S r.m S Tropics 1813. P W Pa. P Cuba 181& S r.m Jac. fr. 42. 4 P W. Indies ... S r.m PI. ic. 92. 1 ... Bourbon 1818. C l.p Jac. sc. 2. 199 C s.p W. ph. 1.2. 3 W. indies 1810. C co Florida 1817. S co Jac. vin. 159 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS V. 4080 Carolina L. Carolina _$ O or 10 P Carolina 1732. S r.m Di. el. 84. 98 4081 ven6sa Vahl veiny JL CD or 10 P Mauritius 1820. C l.p 4082 tuberosa L. tuberous-rooted & (23 or 10 ... Pa.Y W. Indies 1731. c s.p Bot. reg. 768 4083 paniculata L. panicled & [23 m 20 jn.s Pk E. Indies 1799. c s.p Bot reg. 62 4084 eriosperma Beauv. woolly-seeded ^ [23 or 10 Pk Guinea 1823. s r.m Beau. ow. 2 4085 senegalensis Lam. Senegal & [23 or 10 Pa.P Guinea 1823. s r.m 40fl B.M. Jalap A CD m 10 au.s Jalapa rosea B. R. Convolvulus Jalapa B.M. 1572 R America 1733. c r.m Bot. reg. 621 4115 Michauxw Swt. Michaux's A CD m 10 au.s W Georgia 1815. c P.l Bot. reg. 342 Jalapa . B.R. macrorhiza MX. not L. 4116 hepaticifolia L. Hepatica-lvd _$ O or 10 au.s P E. Indies 1759. s CO Bur. in. 50. 20. 2 4117 sagittata Pair. sagittate _ A or 6 P S. Europe 1821. D CO Cav. ic. 2. 107 41 18 platanifolia Vahl Plane-leaved JL (23 or 8 W W. Indies 1820. I) CO 4119 barbata.RofA bearded _ O or 10 P N. Amer. 182-i. B CO Di. el. 80. 92 4120 varia Roth various JL {23 un 10 jl au P America 1810. S r.m 4121 acuminata Vahl acuminate JL 123 un 6 P W. Indies 1818. S r.m 4122 angularis W. angular fc i i or 4 S E. Indies 1823. c pi 4123 commutata R. % S. changed _ O un 3 P N. Amer. 18'20. B r.m Cat. car. 87 4124 triquetra Vahl triangular JL CD or 4 P W. Indies 1824. S rm 4125 longiflora H. % B. long-flowered JL !23 or 6 P S. Amer. 1824. s r.m 4126 Batatas Poir. Batatas & [23 clt 6 P Tropics i:97. R p 1 R. mal. 7. 50 Convolvulus Batatas L. 4127 punctata R. # S. spotted-calyxed _& iQI or 4128 fastigiata Swt. fastigiate JL F7\l or 6 jl.s 10 jn.jl P P S. Amer. ... E. Indies 1816. S c fp Di. el. 83. 96 Convolvulus fastigiatus Rox. 4129 bicolor Swt. two-colored JL [23 or 6 au.s Y.P E. Indies 1816. s p.l Convolvulus bicolor Rox. 4130 pandurata B. R. fiddle-shaped _$ A or 12 jl.s W.p N. Amer. 1732. D p.l Bot. mag. 1939 Convolvulus panduratus B. M. 4131 solanifolia L. Nightshade-lvd J; O) or 8 Pk America 1759. C s.p PI. ic. 94. 1 4132 campanulata L. bell-flowered _, O or 8 au.s P.w E. Indies 1800. S S.1 R. mal. 1156 4133 multi flora Mil. many-flowered _ Ol or Pk Jamaica s 1 D Pluk. ph. 167. 1 4134 malabarica L. Malabar JL 1 1 or 10 P E. Indies 1823. c I'.p R. mal. 2. 51 4135 violacea L. violet-flowered _$ [T7J or 8 au.s P S. Amer. 1732. s 8.1 PI. ic. 93. 1 4136 carnea L. fleshy _J [Q] or 10 au.s F S. Amer. 1799. s S.I Jac. am 26. 18 4137 repanda L. repand _J ITTI or 10 au Sc W. Indies 1793. c s.p Par. Ion. 81 4138 sibirica L. Siberian _* O or 8 F Siberia 1779. s CO Pal. it. 3. 723. K 4139 speciosa L.fil. showy $_ CD or 8 P E. Indies 1778. s p.l Bot. mag. 2446 4140 purpiirea Lam. great purple _j O or 2 incarnata flesh-colored _J O or 10 jn.s 10 jn.s D.P F America 1629. America 1629. s s CO CO Bot. mag. 113 3 varia various J; O or 10 jn.s St America 1629. 1 CO Bot. mag. 1682 4 leucantha white-flowered _ Q or 10 jn.s W America 1629. s r.a i 4141 discolor Jac. sundry-colored 4 O or 4142 triloba L. three-lobed * O or 20 jn.s 10 jn.jl B.w V W."lndies1752. s s CO S.I Bot. mag. 1005 4143 Aederi folia L. Ivy-leaved _t O or 10 jl V S. Amer. 1773. s S.I PI. ic. 82. 93. 2 4144 Nil Pers. Nil t O or 10 jl.s L.B America 1.097. s s.p Bot. mag. 188 4145 Aederacea L. Ivy-like "1 O or barbata Roth 10 jl.s B N. Amer. 1729. s s.p Bot. reg. 85 4146 barbigera Swt. bearded JL O pr 4147 cuspiilata Pers. sharp-pointed _$ C or 4148 D.llenii Desf. Dillenius's _* O or 3 jn.s 10 jn.jl 6 P L.B B N. Amer. 1824. S. Amer. 1732. Guinea s s s CO s.p p.l Sw. fl. gar. 86 Fl. per. 2.119. a Di. el. 84 98 4149 /amnifolia L. Tamnus-leaved_$ Q or 10 jl B Carolina 1732. s CO Di. el. 318. 410 4150 grandi flora L. great-flowered L [ ) or 8 s W E. Indies 1802. s S.I Bot. rep 188 4151 muricata Jac. muricate _i d] or 8 P E. Indies 1777. s CO Jac. sc. 3. 323 bona-nox j3 purpurascens Bot. reg. 290 4152 obscura L. obscure _Jj [JJ] or 8 W E. Indies 1732. B s.p Bot. reg. 239 4153 involucrata Beauv. involucrate _$ GTJ or 4 R Guinea 1823. s S.1 Beau. ow. 2. 89 4154 hispida Vahl hispid _4 O3 ur L 10 P E. Indies 1820. s r.n i 4155 capitata Vahl headed "| ED or 10 B E. Indies 1823. B S.1 ORDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. G3 4156 pilosa Swt. pilose Jfc 23 un 4 jl.s Pk E. Indies 1815. S si Conv61vulus pilbsus Rox. 4157 leucantha Jac. white-flowered J| O or 6 W S. Amer. 1817. S r.m Jac. ic. 2. 318 4158 latiflbra Desv. broad-flowered * i | or 6 W W. Indies 1825. S r.m Jac. vin. 3. 69 4159 strigosa Roth strigose 2 O un 6 P E. Indies 1818. s r.m 4160 filiformis Jac. filiform J_ I | or 10 W. Indies 1823. s r.m Jac. am. pic. 26 4161 polyanthes R. $ S. Auricula-^wrf $_ CD or 20 jl.s Y'" S. Amer. 1810. c S.I PI. am. 102 Convolvulus umbellatus L. 4162 corymbbsa Font. corymbose _ ( 1 or 2 W W. Indies 1823. s r.m PI. am. 89. 2 4163 pudibunda B. R. blushing $^ 23 or 6 au.s Pk W. Indies 1822. s CO Bot. reg. 999 4164 gangetica Swt. __ Gangetic J_ CD or Convolvulus gangeticus Rox. 12 Pk E. Indies 1812. c p.l 4165 blanda Swt. soft $_ CD or 12 W E. Indies 1820. c p.l Convolvulus blandus Rox. 4166 Roxburgh** Swt. Roxburgh's J. CD or 10 R E. Indies 1816. c P.l multiflbra Rox. 4167 sepiaria Rox. hedge JL CD or 8 R E. Indies 1817. c p.l R. mal. 11. 53 4168 sagittifblia Ker sagittate-leaved j; A r 3 jn.s P Carolina 1819. s CO Bot. reg. 437 4169 denticulata R. Br. denticulate J, RT1 or 6 Y E. Indies 1778. s CO Bot. reg. 317 Convolvulus Medium W. 4170 glaucifblia L. glaucous-lvd $_ 23 or 6 my.jl Pk Mexico 1732. B s.p Di. el. 87. 102 4171 angustifblia Jac. narrow-leaved j| FTTl or 6 Pk India 1800. s S.I Jac. ic. 317 4172 sphzerocephala Swt. round-headed j; Ol or 6 au.o P E. Indies 1816. s CO Convolvulus sphasrocephalus Rox. 4173 hasttgera Kth. spear-bearing J_ r~~l or 6 P Mexico 1824. c p.l 4174 tridentata L. three-toothed ^ RTI or 10 Y E. Indies 1778. a s.p R. mal. 11. 65 4175 stans Cav. standing J_ 23 un 6 Vi Mexico 1823. s r.m Cav. ic. 3. 250 4176 /aurifdlia Swt. Laurel-leaved JL CD or 10 my.jl R E. Indies 1822. c p.l Conv61vulus /aurifblius Rox. 4177 salicifblia Rox. Willow-leaved J_ 23 or 4 W E. Indies 1816. s p.l 4178 bignonioides Sims Bignonia-like J_ 23 pr 4179 maritima R. Br. sea-side $ 23 or 3 10 jn.jl P P Cayenne 1824. E. Indies 1770. c s P.1 s.p Bot. mag. 2645 Bot. reg. 319 Convolvulus maritimus Desv. pes capra? Rox. 4180 brasiliensis L. Brazilian ^ 23 or 10 jn.jl P S. Amer. 1726. R s.p PI. am. 89. 104 4181 stipulacea Swt. stipulaceous ^ 23 or 6 jn.jl P E. Indies 1800. c 1 Conv61vulus stipulaceus Rox. 4182 reptans L. creeping $. 23 or J P E. Indies 1806. D j>.l R. mal. 11. 52 * 492. CONVO'LVULUS L. BINDWEED. (Convolvere, to entwine j stems.) Convolvulacea. 58. 192. 4183 arvensis L. corn field j> A w 1| jn.s F Britain corn fi. R CO JEng. bot. 312 4184 Scammbnia L. Scammony _$ A rn 2 W.P Levant 1596. R S.I Mil. ic. 1. 102 4185 erubescens B. M. erubescent _| ifDI or 6 jl.s Pk N. S. W. 1803. C r.m Bot mag. 1067 4186 chinensis Ker Chinese _i A or 6 P China 1817. I) CO Bot. reg. 322 4187 corsicus R. 8; S. Corsican _ A un 1 Pk Corsica 1824. R CO 4188 dentatus Vahl toothed J_ 23 un 1 Y E. Indies 1822. C r.m 4189 bonariensis Cav. Buenos Ayres _i A or 3 W Chile 1817. S r.m Cav. ic. 48. 2 4190 italicus Ten. Italian ' J, A un 2 Pk Italy 1820. R S.I Fl. nap. 1. 15 4191 hirsutus Bieb. hairy _J A un Y.p Tauria 1825 R S.I 4192 emarginatus Lk. emarginate _J A or 2 P 1817. 1) CO 4193 pannifblius H. K. cloth-leaved J_ i | or 15 jn.s B Canaries 1805. R S.I Bot. reg. 222 4194 lanuginbsus Vahl woolly ^ A or 6 W Levant 1818. S r.m 4195 intermedius R. 8f S. intermediate _ O un 3 P 1825. S r.m 4196 bogotnsis H. fy B. Bogota J_ iAJ un 3 jn.jl P S. Amer. 1817. s r.m 4197 filiaceus W. Lime-tree-like $. iAJ or 3 P Brazil 1820. D p.l 4198 bicolor Vahl two-colored _ [12 or 6 W.p Isl. France 18 18. S CO Bot. mag. 2205 4199 althaeoldes L. Altha?a-like J, A or 2 jn s Pk Levant 1597. R S.I Bot. mag. 359 4200 bicuspidatus Fis. bicuspidate _J A or 4 jn.jl P Davuria 1818. R CO 4201 Aryoniaefblius B. M. Briony-leaved j; iAJ or 2i Pk China 1802. R S.I Bot. mag. 943 4202 macrocarpus L. long-fruited _$ ED or 10 P S. Amer. 1752. S CO PL ic. 91. 1 4203 glaber Aubl. smooth $_ CD or 12 my.jn W Cayenne 1806. C p.l Aub. gui. 53 4204 quinquefblius L. five-leaved J ITTl or 6 W W. Indies 1821. s r.m PL al. 167. 6 4205 pentanthus Jac. five-flowered J_ CD or 6 jl.s L.B E. Indies 1808. c S.I Bot. mag. 2151 4206 canariensis L. Canary $_ ( | or 20 my.s P Canaries 1690. R S.I Bot mag. 1228 4207 farinbsus L. . mealy-stalked J_ i 1 or 6 my.jn Pk Madeira 1777. R S.I Par. Ion. 45 4208 ciliatus VM ciliated $_ CD or 6 jl.s Pk Cayenne 1816. S CO 4209 maximus L. greatest Ceylon $_ 23 or 20 jl Pk Ceylon 1799. R r.m R. mal. 11.53 4210 HermannzVz? Her. Herman's $_ lAI or 5 au.s W Peru 1799. R r.m Jac. ic. 2. 315 4211 gujan^nsis Aubl. Guiana J. CD or 10 W Guiana 1823. C S.I Aub. gui. 1.52 4212 evolvuloldes Desf. Evolvulus-like iQI or 15 R S. Europe 1820. S CO Cav. ic. 3. 277. 1 decumbens Or. 4213 siculus L. Sicilian -& O or 4214 elongatus W. en. long-peduncled .J O or 1 1 L.B W S. Europe 1640. Canaries 1815. s s CO CO Bot. reg. 445 Bot. reg. 498 Pseudo-siculus Brou. 4215 micranthus Desv. small-flowered J_ CD un 4216 verticillatus L. verticillate J. CD or 5 jl.s 5 jl.s P B W. Indies 1819. W. Indies 1819. s s r.m r.m PI. am. 94. 2 PI. ic. 94. 2 4217 ser6tinus Dec. late-flowering _J A un 20 jn.s P N. Amer.? 1824. s CO Dec. ic. 97 4218 arborescens W. arborescent CD or 10 jn.jl Mexico 1818. c p.l 4219 Imperkt* Vahl Imperati's Jf A or Y" Naples 1824. D CO Cyr. ne. 1. 5 4220 reptans W. creeping ^ f ") or 1 jl P E. Indies 1806. R p.l Ru. am. 5. 155. 1 4221 scrobiculatus B. R. small-furrowed*-. 23 or 2 ... Pa.R S. Amer. 1825. C p.l Bot. reg. 1076 4222 hirtus L. \\a\ry-stalked J* FTTl or 3 B E. Indies 1804. S S.1 4223 ochrSceus B. R. yellow i. 23 or 6 jlau Y Guinea 1825. c p.l Bot. reg. 1060 4224 suffruticbsus H. K. suffruticose j_ i | or 4225 pentapetaloldes L. Pentapetalus-lk-* O or 4226 lineatus L. lined ^ A or 3 I 1 jn a jn Pk L.B P Madeira 1788. Majorca 1789. S. Europe 1714. R S R r.m CO S.I Bot. reg. 133 Jac. c. 4. 22. 2 Tri. ob. 91. 91. 2 4227 Gerard* R. & S. Gerard's .* A or i" Jn.jl Pk S. Europe ... R Pi Bar. ic. 311 4228 saxatilis Vahl rock ra red.Jtowe red 1 | or 3 R N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. cab. 876 4275 pulch^lla R. Br. neat 1 | or 4 ap.jn Pk N. S. W. 1804. C s.p Bot. mag. 1 170 4276 microphylla R. Br. small-lea ved 1 1 or 2 N. S. W. 1822. C Lp 4277 grandiflbra R. Br. great-flo vered 1 | or ja.jn s'" N. S. W. 1803. C s.p Bot. mag. 982 4278 onosnriffiflbra Cun. Onosma- flwd 1 | or 2 ap.jl R N. Holl. 1823. C sp 4279 ruscifblia R. Br. Ruscus-1 eaved l | or 2 ap.jn N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 4280 sparsa R. Br. scattered l | or 2 ap.jn w" N. Holl. 1826. C s.p 4281 apiculata Cun. small-tu ted 1 | or 2 ap.jn ... N. Holl. 1825. C s.p 4282 obtusifblia R. Br. blunt-lea ved 1 | or 3 ap.jn W N. S. W. 1804. C s.p Ex. bot. 140 4283 impressa Lab. impresse i 1 | or 3 ap.jl C N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Sw. au. 4 4284 heteron&ma Lab. various-s tmnd I |or 3 apjl w N. Holl. 1823. C sp Lab. n. h. 56 4285 paludbsa R. Br. marsh 1 )or 3 ap.jl Pa.R N. Holl. 1825. C s.p 4286 exse>ta R. Br. drawn-oi tt l | or 2 ap.jn W Vi. Di. L. 1812. C 1-p 4287 mucronulata R. Br. small-pointed 1 | or 3 ap-jl R N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 505. STYPHE N LIA R. Br. STYPHELIA (Styphelos, rigid ; compact habit.) Epacrldece. 8. 9. 4288 tubiflbra Sm. tube-flov ered 1 ) or 6 C N. S. W. 1802. s s.p Sm. n. h. 14 4289 longifblia R. Br long-leav ed i j or 3 ap.jn G N. S. W. 1807. C IP Bot. reg. 24 OilDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 65 4290 laj^ta R. Br. 4291 adscendens R. Br. 4292 viridirlora R. Br. 4293 trifldra B. Rep. 4294 epacrioldes Hart. 4295 lati folia R. Br. fruitful ascending green-flowered three-flowered Epacris-like broad-leaved l_Jor I | or 3 ... G 3 ... G 4 ap.jn G l | or G Pk , | or 6 C I j or 4 ap.jl Pk N. Holl. N. Holl. N. S. W. N. S. W. N. Holl. N. Holl. 1822. 1822. 1791. 1796. 1823. 1823. C s.p C s.p C s.p Bot. rep. 312 C s.p Bot. mag. 1297 506. ME'LICHRUS R. Br. MELICIIRUS. (Melichros, honey-colored ; glands of flowers.) Epacridea>.2.3. 4296 rotatus R. Br. rotate t I _ | or S N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Cav. ic. 4. 349. 1 4297 medius Cun. middle Jfe i _ | or 2 S N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 507. LISSA'NTHE R. Br. 4298 sapida R. Br. 4299 subulata R. Br. 4300 strigbsa R. Br. 4301 daphnoldes R. Br. 4302 ciliata ll. Br. LISSANTUE. (Lissos, smooth, anthos, a flower.) Epacridece. 5. 6. savoury subulate strigose Daphne-like ciliated *l_Jor 4 jn.jl W tt | | or 2 ap.jl W * l | or 3 mv.jl W H | | or 3 jn.jl W * 1 |or 3 my.jl W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p N. Holl. 1823. C s. P N. Holl. 1824. C ip N. Holl. 1818. C s.p N. Holl. 1825. C s.p 508. ASTROLO\MA R. Br. ASTROLOMA. (Astron, a star, loma, a fringe ; flower.) Epacridene. 2. 6. 4303 humifusum R. Br. trailing ss t | or 1 my.o S N. S. W. 1807. C s.p Bot. mag. 1439 4304 denticulatum R. Br. denticulate m\ | or 1 Pa. R N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 509. SPRENGE^L/J Sm. SPRENGELIA. (C. C. Sprcngef, of Spandau, in Brandenburgh.) Epacrldece. 12. 4305 incarn^ta Sm. fiesh-coloted * i_J or 2 ap.jn F N. S. W. 1793. C s.p Bot. mag. 1719 510. ANDERSO v N/,4 R. Br. ANDERSOVIA. (Messrs. W., A., W., and G. Anderson.) Epacridea:. 1. 6. 4305 sprengeliolcfe* R. Br. Sprengelia-like St i_J or 2 mr.jl Pk N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. mag. 1645 511. LYSINE^M A R. Br. LYSIXEMA. 4007 pentapetalum R. Br. five-petaled 4308 conspicuum R. Br. conspicuous 4309 pungens R. Br. pungent 2 rfcbrum red E'pacris rbsea Lod. 4310 attenuatum Lk. attenuated 4311 lasianthum R. Br. hairy-flowered (Lysis, a separation, nema, a stamen.) or * l | or It I | Gi- ft I I or I | or l | or 2 Pk 3 i. my 2 f.ap 2 f.ap 2 f.ap 2 W Pk Epacridea:. 4. G. ' 1-P s.p N. Holl. 1823. C N. Holl. 1824. C N. S. W. 1804. C l.p Bot. mag. 844 N. S. W. 1804. C l.p Bot. mag. 1199 N. S. W. 1812. N. Holl. 1820. C l.p Bot. cab. 38 C l.p *512. DRACOPHY'LLUM R. Br. DRACOPHYLLUM. (Drakos, a dragon, phyllon, a leaf.) Epacridece. 3. 6. side-flowering H i j or 2 W N. Holl. 1823. S s.p Sw. au. ic. in. 4312 secundum R. Br. 4313 longifdlium R. Br. $4314 Br. 2 W 2 W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p N. Holl. 1823. C s.p Bot. mag. 2678 long-leaved fit i | or slender It \ \ or 513. TROCHOCA'RPA R. Br. TROCHOCARPA. (Trochos, a wheel ; Jcarpos, fruit ; form.) Epacrldea:. 1. 43 15 teurina R. Br. LaureUfe * i_J or 4 W N. Holl. 1823. C s.p Lin. tr. 8. 9 Styphdlia cornifblia Rud. 514. ACRO'TRICHE R. Br. ACROTRICHE. (Akros, a point, thrix, hair ; corolla.) Epacridece. 3. 8. 4316 cordata R. Br. heart-leaved t ,_J or | ap.jl W N. Holl. 1823. C s.p Lab. n. h. 1.63 4317 ovalifdlia R. Br. oval-leaved * i | or $ W N. Holl. 1823. C s.p 4318 divaricata R. Br. divaricate rima reddest 3k or 4 my.jn D.R N. Amer. . . L s.p 32 rubescens rubescent 3k or 4 my.jn R N. Amer. ... L s.p 33 rubicunda ruddy Sk or 4 my.jn R N. Amer. ... L s.p 34 rubra red Sk or 4 my.jn R N. Amer. ... L p.l Bot. cab. 51 35 rutilans shining-red Sk or 4 my.jn D.R N. Amer. ... L p.l 36 semiduplex semidouble Sk or 4 my.jn W N. Amer. ... L p.l 37 staminea long-stamened 3k or 4 my.jn R N. Amer. ... L p.l 38 stellata starry Sk or 4 my.jn R N. Amer. ... L p.l 39 tricolor three-colored Sk or 4 my.jn S.w N. Amer. ... L p.l 40 variabilis variable Sk or 4 my.jn R N. Amer. ... L p.l 41 variegata variegated 3k or 4 my.jn R.W N. Amer. ... L p.l 42 versicolor party-colored 3k or 4 rnv.jn R.w N. Amer. ... L p.l 43 violkcea violet-colored Sk or 4 my.jn V N. Amer. ... L p.l 44 Coburgz* Coburgh's 3k or 4 my.jn S N. Amer. ... L p.l 4348 bicolor Ph. two-colored Sk or 4 my.jn St N. Amer. 1734. L s.p Tr. elir. 48 4349 viscdsa L. clammy Sk or 2 W N. Amer. 1 34. L s.p Mee. ic. 2. 9 1 odorata scented Sk or 4 jl. W N. Amer. .. L p.l 2 crispa curled Sk or 4 jl. W N. Amer. ., L p.l 3 dealbta whited Sk or 4 jl- W N. Amer. .. L p.l 4 vittata filleted Sii or 4 jl. W.s N. Amer. .. L p.l 5 penicillata pencilled 3k or 4 jl. W.R N. Amer. .. L p.l 6 variegata variegated Sfe or 4 jl. W.R N. Amer. .. L p.l 7 rubescens rubescent 3k or 4 jl. R N. Amer. .. L p.l 8 pubescens pubescent Sk or 4 jl. R N. Amer. ... L p.l Bot. cab. 441 9 f issa cleft 3k or 4 jl. "W N. Amer. ... L p.l 4350 arborescens Ph. arborescent 3k or 10 il. R N. Amer. 1818. L s.p 4351 nitida Ph. shining-leaved 3k or 4 jl. W N. Amer. 1812. C l.p Bot. reg. 414 4352 glauca Lam. dwarf-glaucous Sk or 2 jn W N. Amer. 1734. L s.p Den. br. 15 4353 hispida P h. hispid & or 15 jn W N. Amer. 1734. L s.p Den. br. 6 ' 522. CHAM^ELE^DON Lk. CHARLELEDON. (Chamai, dwarf, ledon, a kind of cistus.) Rhodordcece. 1. 4354 procumbens Lk. trailing n. or | Pk Britain sc. m. L s.p Eng. bot. 865 Azalea procdmbens L. Loiseleuria procumbens Desv. 523. BRE'XIA Nor. BREXIA. (Brexis, rain ; leaves afford protection against.) Brexiea. 8. 4355 madagascariensis Pers. Madagascar d) or 30 jn G Mauritius 1812. C s.p Bot. reg. 730 4356 spinosa Lindl. thorny t CD or SO jn G Madagas. 1812. C p.l Bot. reg. 872 4357 chrysophf lla Swt. golden-leaved $ I 1 or SO Madagas. 1820. C p.l 524. OPHIORHrZA L. SNAKE ROOT. (Opfiis, a snake, rhixa, a root ; med. qual.) Rubiacea. L 4358 Mtingos L. Mungos tt. Q or 3 my.d W E. Indies 1820. C s.p ORDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. C7 f.25. ALLAMA'ND^ L. AI.LAMANDA. (Dr. F. Allamanrf, prof, at Leyden.) 4359 cathartica L. cathartic B C r.m two-colored CD or 15 jLo \V.Y S. Amer. 1815. C r.m Bot. reg. 480 long-leaved CD or 5 W Madagas. 1819. C r.m warted or 3 au W St.Domin .1812. C p.l Bot. cab. 681 Mexican [ I or] 6 jn.jl W Mexico 1810. C p.l Bot. cab. 1024 fine-leaved j or 5 ... S. Amer. 1820. C r.m conspicuous 1 or 6 ... S. -Amer. 1820. C r.m North's or 7 ... S. Amer. 1820. C r.m . Blandford's or 10 S. Amer. 1825. C r.m white or 10 w" S. Amer. 1825. C r.m long-leaved r or 10 w S. Amer. 1825. C r.m white-flowered | or 10 w S. Amer. 1825. C r.m Gouan's 1 or 10 w Mexico 1824. C r.m Lam. ic. in. 546. STROPHA'NTHUS Dec. STROPHANTHUS. (Strophos, twisted, anthos, flower.) Apocynece. 2. 6. 4438 dichotomus Dec. forked tt CD or 3 Y China 1818. C r.m But. reg. 469 .Echltes caudata L. 4439 sarmentosus Dec. sarmentose *k CD or 6 my.jl R S. Leone 1824. C p.l An. mu. 1. 27 547. CAMERA'RIJ L. BASTARD MANcmifEEL. (J. Camerarius, a hot. of Nuremberg.) Apocyncce. 3. 6. 4440 latifolia L. broad-leaved J CD or 30 au W Havannahl733. C r.m Bot. rep. 261 4441 dubia B. M. doubtful * CD or 6 O E. Indies 1813. C r.m Bot. cab. 406 Wright/a dubia Spr. 4442 angustifolia L. narrow-leaved * CD or 8 s W S. Amer. 1752. C r.m PI. ic. 72. 2 Citron-leaved i CD or white Jf CD or Laurel-leaved Jf i i or great-flowered CD or sprouty i CD or Almond-leaved *t r 1 or sundry-colored J> 1 1 or curled * | | or arched f_ \ 1 or Persicaria-lvd * [ 1 or garland * CD or double A 1 1 or B.M. waved i CD or sweet-scented t r~] or 15 10 13 6 10 6 10 6 40 6 4 4 10 4 my my.s my.o my.s my.s o.n Taberruemontanus, eel. bot.) Apocynece. 13. 36. Y - Jamaica 1784. C r.m PI. ic. 248. 2 Y '* W. Indies 1780. C r.m Jac. am. 175. 14 Y W. Indies 1768. C r.m Bot. reg. 716 W Trinidad 1823. C r.m Jac. am. pic. 41 W Carthag. 1820. C r.m * 548. TABERN^MONTA^N^ L. TABERNJEMONTANA. (J. T. 4443 citrifMia L. 4444 alba Mil. citrifulia Jac. not L. 4445 /aurifolia L. 4446 grandi flora Jac. 4447 cymosa Jac. multiflora Lk. 4448 omygdalifblia Jac. 4449 discolor Suit. 4450 crispa 4451 arcuata R. fy P. 4452 persicariasfolia Jac. 4453 coronaria W. 2 flure pleno JVerium coronarium B. M. 4454 undulata Vahl 4455 odorata Spr. Cameraria Ihtea W. Tamaquarma Aub.' 549. AMSO^N/^ Walt. AMSONIA. (Charles Amason, an American traveller.) Apocynece. 3. 4. 4456 latifolia MX. broad-leaved ^ A or 2 my.jn B N. Amer. 1759. D co Bot reg. 151 Tabernasmontano Amsonm H. K. W S. Amer. W.Y Jamaica W E. Indies Crea Peru C'rea Carthag. W E. Indies W E. Indies O Trinidad Y Cayenne 1780. 1822. 1818. 1824. 1819. 1770. 1770. 1824. 1793. C r.m Bot. reg. 338 C r.m C r.m R. mal. 1. 46 C r.m Fl. per. 2. 143 C r.m Jac. ic. 320 C r.m Bot. cab. 406 C r.m Bot. mag. 1865 C r.m C r.m Aub. gui. 1. 102 4457 salicifolia Ph. 4458 angustifblia MX. * 550. CE'RBER^ 4459 Ahouai L. 4460 ovata Cav. 4461 fruticbsa Rox. 4462 Tanquin Rox. 4463 Oddllam Ham. Mariettas B. M. 4464 lactaria Ham. Manghas H. K. 4465 maculata W. 4466 teuri folia B. C. 4467 Thevet/Vi L. 4468 thevetioides Bon p. 551. OCHRO X SIA J. 4469 borb6nica J. Willow-leaved narrow-leaved A or A or 2 my jn 2 my.jn N. Amer. 1812. N. Amer. 1774. D co I) co Bot. mag. 1873 Yen. ch. 29 L. CERBERA. (Cerberus, the mythological dog ; poisonous qualities.) Apocynece. 9. 1 Ahouai 1 CD or 20 jn.jl Y Brazil 1739. C r.m Bot. mag. 737 Cerbera borbonica Spr oval-leaved shrubby Tanquin Odallam milky spotted Laurel-leaved Thevetia Thevetia-like OCHROSIA. Bourbon ;B jn.jl or 3 or 4 or 20 jn.s my Y R Pk W N. Spain Pegu 1819. Zanzibar 1826. E. Indies 1756. C r m Cav. ic. 3. 270 C r.m Bot. reg. 391 C r.m C r.m Bot. mag. 1845 or 20 jn.s W Moluccas 1800. C r.m Ru. am. 2. 81 *CD' *CD< jn.jl my.s jn-jl jn.jl Bourbon 1782. India 1818. S. Amer. 1735. N. Spain 1800. C r.m Bot. reg. 130 C p.l Bot. cab. 989 C r.m Bot. mag. 2309 C r.m (Ocfiros, pale j wood.) It [~1 or 10 Bourbon Apocynece. 1. 2. 1823. C p.l OllDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. (Dis, double, solen, a tube; tube of corolla.) Apocynece. 1. |_J or 4 ...... China 1812. C p.l 552. DISSOLE^NA Lou. DISSOLENA. 4470 verticil lata Lou. whorled Cerbenz chine'nsis Spr. 553. WILLUGHB.EYJ Sco. WILLUGIIBEIA. (F. WMughby, a distin. English naturalist.) Apocynece. I. 4471 edulis Rox. eatable 1 CD or 10 ... E. Indies 1818. C p.l TEAK-WOOD. (Tekka, its name in Malabar.) Verbenacete. 1. ~ 554. TE'CTONA L. 4472 griindis L. great , f~~l tin 100 W E. Indies 1777. S l.p Rox. cor. 1. 6 (The Greek name for the common ash.) Sapbtece. 13. 28. or 10 au W N. Amer. 1758. L s.l Duh. ar. 2. 68 555. .SUME^LIA Swx. BUMELIA. 4473 /ycioides IV. Boxthorn-like Sideroxylon /ycio"ides L. 4474 oblongifolia Nut. oblong-leaved 4475 tfenax W. tough Sideruxylon tfcnax L. 4476 lanuginosa Ph. woolly-leaved 4477 reclinata Fen. reclinate 4478 serrata Ph. serrated 4479 strigosa Spr. meagre Sideroxylon strigosum W. en. 4480 n\gra Sivz. black 4481 nervosa Vahl fibrous Chrysophyllum macrophyilum Lam. 4482 borbonica Lo. C. Bourbon 4483 salicifolia Swx. Willow-leaved ^4 N chras salicifolia L. 4184 fcetidissima W. most fetid 4485 rotundif olia Swx. round-leaved 4486 cuneata Swx. wedge-leaved , 556. CHRYSOPHY'LLUM L. STAR-APPLE. (Chrysos, gold, phyUon,a leaf.) Sapbtece. 6. 15. 4487 Cainito L. Cainito i CD fr 50 my.jn W W. Indies 1737. C r.m Jac. am. 51. 37. & or tm 10 20 W W N. Amer. 1818. Carniola 1765. L C p.l p.l Jac. ob. 3. 54 & & & 1 or or fr _Jor 6 3 12 20 jn'" W W W W Carolina 1806. Carolina 1806. Missouri 1812. N. Amer. 1818. C C c L r.m r.m r.m p.i Yen. ch. 22 1 1 1 tm 1 lor 50 30 ... W W W. Indies 1806. Guiana 1820. C c r.m r.m 1 O or 1 1 tm 20 20 ... W W Bourbon 1825. S. Amer. 1758. c c r.m p.l Cat. car. 2.75 1 C 1 or [ZJ or C i or 22 20 14 W W W W. Indies 1820. W. Indies ... W. Indies 1823. c c c r.m r.m r.m 2 jamaicense 3 cserfileum 4 microphyllum 4488 argenteum Jac. silvery t I 1 fr 4489 angustifolium Lam. narrow-leaved J [~~1 fr 4490 monopyrfenum Swx. one-stoned i I I fr 4191 glabrum Jac. smooth _ 4492 macrophyllumG.Dore long-leaved J Jamaica blue-fruited CD fr 40 my.jn W small-leaved J I I fr 30 my.jn W W W Br fr 40 my.jn W Jamaica 1737. C r.m SI. jam. 3. 229 20 30 fr 15 fr 100 S. Amer. 1737. C r.m Jac. am. pic. 52 S. Amer. 1800. C r.m Jac. am. pic. 53 Martiniq. 1758. C r.m Jac. am. 53. 38. 1 W. Indies 1819. C r.m W. Indies 1812. C r.m Bur. am. 69 Martiniq. 1823. C r.m Jac. am. 38. 2 S. Leone 1824. C r.m 557. NYCTERISI'TION R. 8j P. NYCTERISITION. (Nykteris, a bat, sition, food ; flower.) Sapbtece. 1. 4493 ferrugineum R. # P. rusty i HI! fr 30 ... W S. Amer. 1823. C r.m Fl. per. 2. 187 Chrysophyllum splendens Spr. 558. SIDERO'XYLON L. IRON-WOOD. (Sideros, iron, xylon, wood.) Sapbtece. 2. 8. 4494 inerme L. unarmed L_J or 5 jl W C. G. H. 1692. L p.l Lam. il. 2. 120. 1 4495 tomentosum Rox. woolly * CD or 8 ... Y.w E. Indies 1818. C p.l Rox. cor. 1.28 559. ARGA^NIA R. & S. ARGANIA. (Argam, its aboriginal name.) Sapbtece. I. 4496 Sideroxylon It. # S. Iron-wood or 14 jl G.Y Morocco 1711. L co Com. h. 1. 83 Sideroxylon spinosum L. Elseodendron A'rgan W. 560. JACQUI'N/J L. 4497 arburea Vahl JACQUINIA. tree (N. J. von Jacquin, prof. bot. at Vienna.) t CD or 10 W W. Indies 1820. Myrsinece. 6. 9. C p.l 4498 armillaris Jac. bracelet J i 1 1 or 6 jn.jl W W. Indies 1768. C p.l Jac. am. 53. 39 4499 auranfiaca H. K. orauge-fwd i * CD or 4 ap.s Sandw. Is. 1796. C p.l Bot. mag. 1639 4500 ruscifolia Jac. Ruscus-leaved i * O or 3 W S. Amer. 1729. c p.l DL el. 129. 149 4501 macrocarpa Cay. 4502 linearis Jac. long-fruited 1 Imcar-leaved * Bor or 6 1 my.s my.s? R Mexico 1825. W. Indies 1823. c c p.l p.l Cav. ic. 5. 483 Jac. am. pic. 58 561. J N CHRAS L. ACHRAS. (The Greek name of the wild pear.) Sapbtece. 3, 4. 4503 Srtpdta L. Sapota Bfr 30 W S. Amer. 1731. c r.m Jac. am. 57. 41 4504 Zapotilla Jac. Zapotilla fr 10 ... W S. Amer. 1731. c l.p Jac. am. 57. 41. b 4505 australis .R. #r. southern '_ t l_Jor 20 ... ... N. Holl. 1827. c P.1 562. LUCU'MA J. . LUCUMA. (Its Peruvian name.) Sapbtece. 4. 8. 4506 mammijsa J. teated 1 1 1 fr 50 ... W S. Amer. 1739. c r.m Jac. am. pic. 59 J v chras mammosa L. 4507 Bonplandw Kth. Bonpland's ^ CDfr 40 ... W Cuba 1822. c r.m 4508 obovata Kth. obovate ID ft 40 ... W Peru 1822. c r.m Fl. per. 3. 239 .^chras Lucuma R. i it P. 4509 salicifolia Bonp. WiUow-leaved f CD fr 40 ... W Mexico 1823. c r.m 563. CO'RD/J L. CORDIA. (E. Cordus, a Germ. bot. of the 16th century.) Cordiacece. 21. 60. 4510 3/yxa L. Myxa J or 30 ... W E. Indies 1644. C p.l R. mal. 4. 37 4511 domestica Roth domestic or 16 ... O E. Indies 1820. C p.l Pluk. al. 217. 2 4512 rugbsa JF. rugose tm 30 ... * S. Amer. 1825. c P.l 4513obllqua IV. oblique-leaved } CD or 20 ... W E. Indies 1818. c Pi 4514 monoica /?ox. monoecious 15 mr.ap W E. Indies 1799. c p.l Rox. cor. 1. 58 4515 colloc6cca L. neck-berried tm 30 ... G Jamaica 1759. c p.l SI. jam. 2. 203. 2 4516 micrantha Swx. small-flowered ; tm 40 W Guiana 1822. c Pi 4517 Geraschanthus Jac. Spanish elm ' tm 30 my" Pk W. Indies 1789. c P.1 Br. jam. 29. 3 4518 nodosa Lam. knotted J or 6 W Guiana 1803. c p.l Aub. gui. 1.86 4519 flavescens ^w6. flavescent i or 8 ... W Guiana 1823. c p.l Aub. gui. 89 4520 spint'scens L. spinescent ; > CD or 60 W E. Indies 1824. c p.l 4521 Sebestena L. Sebestena ' 5 1 1 or 15 O W. Indies 1728. c p.l Bot. mag. 794 4522 Dillcntf Spr. Dillenius's < ! CD or 15 mrap Bahama 1. 1700. c P-l Di. el. 255. 331 4523 macrophylla L. long- leaved ' [ CD tm 60 W W. Indies 1752. c p.l SI. jam. 2. 221. 1 4524 laTvis Jac. smooth ' 1 i or 14 R Trinklao 1826. c p.l Jac sc. 1. 40 4525 reticulata Roth netted JP CD or 15 Y E. InOies 1820. c p.l angustifulia Rox. 4526 nervosa Lam. fibrous J i CD or 7 W Guiana 1820. c P-l 4597 dentata Pair. toothed J D or 16 W Curacoa 1819. c pi 4528 elliptica Stuz. ' elliptic 50 W W. Indies 1804. c S.1 4629 dich6toma Forst. forked Btm 90 Pk N. Holl, 1824. c p.l 4530 parviflora Desf. small-flowered or 90 ... W Jamaica 1819. c P.l F 3 70 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS V. 564. VARRO\\ T 7.4 L. VARRONIA. (M. T. Varro, a celeb. Roman, 116 years A. C.) Cordia cece. 11 CO. 4531 angustifMa Desf. narrow-leaved f [ 1 or J5 W Santa Cruz 1808. C S.1 curassavica Lam, ( :6rd/rt angustitoli ay. '.fa. 4532 olnifolia Horn. Alder-leaved * _Jfr 20 ... W Mexico 1818. C CO 4533 martinicensis Jac. Martinique m. CD or 6 au.s W Martinico 1795. C S.1 Jac. am. 41. 32 Cord/a martiniceus is A 4- 5. 453 1 bullata Desv. blistered Bor 12 W W. Indies 1823. C pi Jac. am. pic. 43 4535 monosperma Jac. one-seeded * or 12 ... W Caraccas 18i,0. C p.l Jac. sc. 1. 39 453H globusa Lam. globose fc Bor 6 au \v Jamaica 1818. C S.I SI. jam. 2. 194. 2 4537 lineata L. lined or 4 \v W. Indies 1793. C S.I Br.jam. 13.2 4538 mirabiloldes Jac. Mirabilis-like * 1 1 or 12 s W Hispanic. 1798. C S.I Jac. ara. 41. 33 4539 alba Dcsv. white 1 i or 30 ... W Trinidad 1820. C S.I Com. h. 1. 80 4540 mollis Desf. SOft * CD or 4 ... W W. Indies 1821. C S.I 45-11 dithotoma R. $ P. forked * ZD or 4 ... W Peru 1818. C s.p FL per. 2. 146. a Cordia bifurcata B. $ S. 565. PATAGO'NULA L. PATAGONULA. (Patagonia, its native country.) Boraginete. 1. 4542 americana L. American 1 1 lor 20 W S. Amer. 1732. C s.p 96 CordjVt Patagonula H. K. 566. EHRE^T/^ L. EHRETIA. (D. G. Ehret, a celeb. German bot. draughtsman.) Cordiacece. 11. 28. 4543 /inifolia L. Tinus-leaved CD tm 30 jn.jl W Jamaica 1734. C p.l Tr. ehr. 4. 25 4544 internodis Herit. internoded i CD or 6 W Antilles 1819. C s.1 Her. st. 1. 24 4545 aspera Rox. rough -leaved CD or 10 ... W E. Indies 1795. C p.l Rox. cor. 1. 55 4546 serrata Rox. serrated 1 I or 6 ... W E. Indies 1823. C S.I 4547 lae s vis Rox. smooth i CD r 12 W E. Indies 1823. C S.1 Rox. cor. 1. 56 4548 laxa Jac. loose f i or 6 W Bourbon 1826. C S.I Jac. sc. 41 4549 microphylla Lam. 4550 6uxifsi W Sider6xylon canariense _ ine canariensis Spr. C. G. H. Tcneriffe 1820. C s.p Myrtlnae. 2. 11. C co Bot. mag. 1858 * 571. ARDI'SIA Swz. 4560 acuminata W. ARDISIA. (Ardis, a spear point ; acuminated * CD or 7 jlau segments of corolla.) ... Guiana 1803. Myrsincce. 2332. C p.l Bot. nuig. 1678 Icacbrea guianen; sis Aub. 4561 finifolia Swz. Tinus-leaved f 1 [ or 20 R W. Indies 1820. C p.l SI. jam. 2. 105 4562 paniculata Rox. panicled 1 CD or 12 R E. Indies 1818. C S.1 Bot. reg. 638 pyramidalis Roth 4563 colorata Lk. colored it Bor 10 R E. Indies 1816. C s.l Bot. cab. 465 4564 coriacea Swz. leathery m or 7 S Antilles 1824. C s.l 4565 solanacea Rox. 4566 pyramidalis Cav. Nightshade-like* CD or pyramidal ? I I tm 10 5 jn.'s" R R E. Indies 1798. SantaCruzlSlS. C C f, 1 Bot. mag. 1677 Bot. cab. 448 4567 hfimilis Vahl humble | CD or 3 R Ceylon 1820. C s.p Bur. zey. 103 4568 littoralis B. R. sea-side fc 1 i or 4 R E. Indies 1809. C p.l Bot. rep. 630 umbellata Rox. 4569 lanceolata Rox. lanceolate # 1 1 or 6 B E. Indies 1820. C p.l 4570 degans Andr. crenata Rox. elegant CD r 10 R E. Indies Ib09. s {,1 Bot. rep. 49 4571 punctata L. dotted Bor 10 W China 1823. C S.1 Bot. reg. 827 4572 lentiginosa Ker speckled . or 6 year W China 1814. C s.l Bot. reg. 533 crenulata B. C. cren ata P. M. 4573 macrocarpa 11 al. 4574 complanata Wai. long-fruited levelled * A Hor or 5 6 ... F Pk Nepal 1824. Pinang 1824. C C s.p 4575 thyrsiflora D. Don 4576 excelsa H. K. thyrse-flwd tall it 9 1 ) or i . . I or 5 30 Pk Pk Nepal 1824. Madeira 1784. C c E? Gae. fr. 1. 77 M j-rsine Heberdenm R. & S. 4577 canariensis Zey. Canary i | or 10 R Canaries 1820. C p.l 4578 crenulata Yen. :renulated Si 1. | or 10 jns R W. Indies 1809. s p.l Ven. ch. 5 4579 serrulata Swz. savf-leaved jg| CD or 3 jlau R W. Indies 1820. c p.l PI. ic. 80 4580 lateriflora fT. side-flowering * 1 | or 6 W W. Indies 1793. s ul 4581 canaliculata Lo. C. channelled CD or 6 1821. c pi Bot cab. 1083 4582 pubescens Lo. C. pubescent it l_Jor 6 ... 1820. c p.l 572. EMBfTLIA Brm. EMBELIA. 4583 rob6sta Rox. robust (JEmbilla, its name in Ceylon.) Myrsfnete. 1. 6. CD or 20 ... W.G E. Indies 1823. C p.l 573. ARDUPN^ L. 4584 bispin6sa L. two-spined 574. STRY'CHNOS L. STRYCIINOS. 4585 Nux-v6mica L. Vomit-nut ' 4586 colubrina L. snake 4587 potatorum L. drinkers' ' 4588 madagascariensis Thou. Madagascar ; 4589 spinosa Lam. spiny < 4590 axillaris Colfy. axillary ] * 575. FAGR-ffiM Thun. 1591 zelanica Thun. Ceylon < "Willughbe/a zelanica Spr. ARDUI.VA. (P. Arduini, curator of the econom. garden of Padua.) Apoc<6ne. 1. CD or 12 ... VV Ceylon 1816 C g.p.l Thh. 1782, 155.4 ORDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 71 576. CARI'SSA L. 4592 Cardndas L. 4593 spinarum L. 4594 ovata R. Br. 4595 lanceolafa R. Br. 4596 Xyl6picron Thou. CARISSA. Carandas spiny ovate-leaved lanceolate Xylopicron 577. P^DE^RIAi. P.EDERIA. 4597 fo?'tida L. fetid 4598 Lingun Boj. Lingun Lygodysodia Lingun Boj. 578. GELSFSMIUM3. GELSEMIUM. 4599 seinpervlrens H. K. evergreen Bignom'a sempervirens W. 579. RAUWO'LF/,4 L. RAUVVOLFIA. 4600 nitida L. shining 4601 ternif61ia Kth. three-leaved 4602 canescens L. canescent 4603 tomentbsa Jac. woolly 580. VALLE X SI^ Fl. per. VALLESIA. 4604 dichutoma R. # P. dichotomous 4605 cymbifblia Or. boat-leaved B (Derivation not ascertained.) Apoc'/neae. 5. 10. fr 15 jl W E. Indies 1790. C s.p Bot. cab. 663 tm 20 au.d W E. Indies 1809. C s.p Bot. cab. 162. 15 jn.ii or 6 or 12 jn.n N. Roll. 1819. C s.p N. Holl. 1822. C s.p Mauritius 1820. C s.p Thou. af.24.80ic *581. M^SA J. MSA. 4606indica Wai. Indian Baeobotrys indica Rox. 4607 toment6sa D. Don. woolly 4608 argentea Wai. silvery 4609 macrophylla Wai. long-leaved 4610 pubescens G. Don pubescent Bae6botrys pubescens Lo. C. 582. SOLA'NDR^ L. SOLANDRA. tederos, an opal ; transparent changeable berry.) Rubiucete. 2. 8 * i | or 6 ... P China 1806. C l.p Kajm. ic. 9 * CD or 6 ... R Mauritius 1823. C l.p (Gelsemino, the Italian name of the jasmine.) Apocynete. 1. fl_ or 6 jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1640. C s.p Cat. car. 1. 53 (L. Rauwolf, a physician of Augsburgh.) Apoctfnea. 4. 12. r~l cu 12 jn.s W S. Amer. 1752. C s.p Bot. cab. 339 CDcu 3 my W W. Indies 1823. C l.p Bot. mag. 2440 ft CD cu 7 ... Pk Jamaica 1739. C l.p PI. ic. 236. 2 ftCDcu 3 ap.o W W. Indies 1823. C Lp (F. Vallesh, physician to Philip II. of Spain.) Apoctinece 2. 3. * CD or 3 my.jn W Peru 1822. C r.m Fl. per. 2. 151 ft CD or 3 jn.jl W N. Spain 1821. C l.p Cav. ic. 3. 297 (Maas, its Arabian name.) Mytslnece. 5. * CD or 5 n W E. Indies 1817. C p.l Bot. mag. 2052 or 5 mr.jn W Nepal 1818. C p.l or 5 W E. Indies 1818. C p.l or 12 ap.jl W E. Indies 1823. C p.l i CD or 4 ap.jl W E. Indies 1824. C p.l (Dr. Solander, a celebrated botanist.) Solanece. 4. 4611 grandiflbra I,. great-flowered fl_ Ror 15 mr Pa.Y Jamaica 1781. C r.m Jac. sc. 1. 45 4612 nitida Zuc. shining IL or 20 W E. Indies 1820. C l.p 4613 viridifldra B. M. 4614 oppositifdlia Hort. green-flowered opposite-lvd * CD or CD or 3 10 my.jl G W S. Amer. 1815. Ceylon 1820. C C r.m Lp Bot. mag. 1948 *583. CE'STRUMi. CESTRUM. (The Greek name for betonv.) Solanete. 25. 50. 4615 Zaurifblium Herit. Laurel-leaved 1 ~\ p 7 W W. Indies 1691. C p.l Sm. spic. 2. 2 4616 citrifblium Retz. Lemon-leaved 4fc Hp 6 jn.jl Y 1820. C p.l 4fil7 macrophyllum Fen. long, leaved * p 7 W W. Indies 1812. C P.1 Ven. ch. 18 4618 venenatum Thun. poisonous jf| i | p 7 f.ap W C. G. H. 1787. S p.l 4619 nocturnum L. night-tmetttng 41 Rp 7 n W E. Indies 1732. C P.l Di. eL 153. 185 4620 hirtum Swx. hairy & p 6 jn.jl W W.Indies 1800. C p.l 4621 Parqui L. Parqui m i_Jp 7 jn.jl Pa.Y Chile 1787. C p.l Bot. mag. 1770 4622 suberbsum Jac. cork-barked m Z)or 5 jn.jl Su 1815. C p.l Jac. sc. 452 4623 tinctbrium Jac. dying m CDdy 4 ap.jn W Caraccas 1823. C p. Jac. sc. 3. 332 4624 undulatum Fl per. 4625 conftrtum R. # P. wavy crowded 15 6 JnjT Y Y Peru 1825. Peru 1825. C C N P.I Fl. per. 2. 155 Fl. per. 2. 153 4626 bracteatum Graft. 4627 latifdlium Lam. bracteated broad-leaved m CD r 8 6 jn.jl jn.jl G./ W Brazil 1818 Trinidad 1818. C C H P.I Bot. mag. 2974 4628 cauliflbrum Jac. stem-flowering m 4 my.jn W 1821. C P.I Jac. sc. 3. 325 4629 salicifblium Jac. Sallow-leaved m ~i p 5 ap.jn G.w Caraccas C Lp Jac. sc. 3. 326 4630 angustif'dlium Lod. narrow-leaved m D P 6 jn.jl W W. Indies 1820. C P-l Bot. cab. 618 4631 penduHnum Jac. pendulous 1 | p 6 jn.jl G.w Caraccas 1824. C p.l Jac. sc. 3. 327 4632 vespertinum L. evening ft p 12 my.jl G W. Indies 1759. C p.l Jac. sc. 3. 328 4633 auriculatum Herit. ear-leaved ^IE p 12 jn.jl G Peru 1774. C p.l Her. st. 1. 35 4634 foetidissimum Jac. most fetid ft p 10 Y E. Indies ... C P.1 Jac. sc. 3. 329 4635 fastigiatum Jac. peaked m D P 4 n W W.Indies ... C P.1 Bot. mag. 1729 4636 odontospermum Jac tooth-seeded ft ID P 6 W W. Indies 1793. C P.l 4637 diurnum L. Aa.y-smelling flj 1 P 10 n W W. Indies 1732. C p.l Di. el. 154. 186 4638 torr.entdsum L. - downy 1 I u 6 jn.jl Y S. Amer. 1790. C p.l 4639 /ycioldes Lich. Lycium-like ft L_JP 5 jn.s W C. G. H. 1824. C " p.l 584. A'TROPA L. ATROPA. (Atropos, one of the Fates ; very poisonous.) Solanece. 2. 14. 4640 Belladonna L. Deadly Nights. ^ A P 5 jn.jl V Britain rub. R co Eng. hot. 592 4641 arbor^scens L. arborescent ft i | p 15 W Jamaica 1733. C s.l PL ic. 46. 1 585. MANDRA'GORA Ton. MANDRAKE. (Mandra, a den, ageiro, to collect ; habitat.) SolaneceA. 9 4642 vernalis Spr. vernal ^ A P 3 mr.ap W Levant 1548. R co Bui. her. 145. 1 A'tropa A/andragora L. 4643 prae 'cox Swt. precocious ^ AP I mr.ap Fus Switzerl. 1819. S co Sw.fl. gar. 198 officimdis Dec. 4644 autumnalis Bert. autumnal :k A P ajnjl Y.w S.Europe ... R r.m Fl. gr. 232 A'trop Mandragora FL gr. 4645 neglecta G. Don neglected ^ A P | Y R r.m Sw. fl.gar. ic. in. 586. PHY^SALIS L. 4646 arborescens Mil. 4647 frutescens Dec. A'tropa frutescens L. 4648 aristafa H. K. A'tropa aristata Pair. 4649 somnifera L. 4650 flexuosa L. 4651 curassavica L. 4652 viscbsa L. 4653 Jacqulm Lk. viscbsa Jac. not L. 4f>."4 pensylviinica L. 4655 Alkekensi L. 4656 peruviana L, WINTER CHERRY. (Physa,z arborescent * i | or 2 frutescei^ * | | p 5 jn.jl awned ! Ip 5 somniferous . \ | un 2 flexuose n. \ 1 un 2 Curacoa ^ (23 un Ijjn.s clammy ^ A un 2 jl Jacquin's ^ A esc 1 Pennsylvanian ^ A un 1 jl-s Alkekengi ^ A r 1 jl.s Peruvian tt | | fr U ap.o F 4 bladder Y Y Y G.Y G.Y St.Y St.Y Y Y W W ; calyx.) olbnece. C. G. H. 1700. C co Spain 1787. C s.l Canaries 1779. C s.l Mexico 1796. C co E. Indies 1759. C co S. Amer. 1699. D co America 1732. D co N. Amer. ... D co N. Amer. 1726. D p.l S. Europe 1548. D s.1 S Amer, 1772. S s.l 30. -40. Mil. d. ed. 8. 2C Cav. ic. 2. 102 Cav. ic. 2. 103 R. mal. 4. 55 111.5 Bot. mag. 2625 Jac. vin. 2. 136 Bot. mag. 1068 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS V. 4657 eflulis B. M. 4658 chenopoditulia Lam. 4659 tuberusa W. en. 4660 pubescens L. 4361 micrantha Lk. 4662 nodosa iaw*. 4663 angulata L. 4664 philadelphica Mr. 4665 atriplici folia Jac. chenopodi folia W. 4666 Rothjawa R. & S. 46(57 aequata Jac. 4668 barbad^nsis Jac. 4669 minima L. 4670 pruinosa L. 4671 prostrata Merit. 4H72 parvifldra #. .Zfr. 4673 Lagascve R. & S. 4674 dubia Lie. 4675 foetidissima Lag. eatable Goosefoot-lvd _ tuberous ^ pubescent small-flowered knotty angular-branched Philadelphia!! A triplex-leaved Roth's even Barbadoes smallest frosty trailing small-flowered Lagasca's doubtful most fetid FA1 cul 2 A un 2 A un 2 O un 2 O un 26 O un 26 S. Amer. 1773. C co Bot. mag. 1068 Peru 1798. S s.l 1815. D s.p America 1640. S s.l Feu. ob. 3. 1 America 1826. S co America 1816. S co India 1732. S s.l Di. el. 13. 12. 12 Philadelp.1800. S co E. Indies 1820. S co Jac. fr. 85. a Y E. Indies 1826. S co Y 1826. S co Pa.Y W. Indies 1798. S s.l Jac. ic. 1.39 Pa.Y E. Indies 1759. S s.l R, mal. 10. 71 Pa.Y America 1726. S s.l Di. el. 10. 9. 9 L.B Peru 1782. S s.p Bot. rep. 75 Y N.HoH. 1820. S s.p Y N. Spain 1824. S co Y Brazil 1821. S s.p Y N. Spain 1820. S s.p 587. SA'RACH.4 FLper. SARACHA. (J. Saracha, a Spanish botanist.) 4676 procCimbens fl. per. procumbent -* O or 3 jn.jl Pa.Y Peru 1822. A'trop procumbens Cav. 4677 umbellata Jac. umbelled -* Q or 4 jn.jl Pa.Y Peru 1S22. D co Jac. sc. 495 Solanece. 2. 3. D co FL per. 2. 180 588. LY'CIUM L. 4678 afrunl L. 4679 tenue Lk. 4680 rlgidum Thun. 4681 tetrandrum Thun. 46SJ carnosum Duh. 468:3 microphyllum Duh. small-leaved 4684 ruthenicum Mur, 4685 barbarum L. 4686 Shaww R. % S. 4687 turbinatum Pcrs. 4688 europa^um L. 4589 lanceolatum Pair. 4690 chinense Mil. 4691 cinereum Thun. 4692 Trcwidnum Duh. 4693 hurridum Thun. 4694 boerhaav*z > /d#w L. Boerhavia-lvd 4695 carolinianum Ph. Carolina (Lycia in Asia Minor, its or 10 jn.jl V or 4 jn.jl V or 4 V or 4 jn.jl V or 5 jnjl V or 4 jnjl V or 6 ... Pk or 12 V I | or 8 jn.jl W or 12 V or 12 Pk or 12 Pk or 6 P I | or 5 jn.jl V or 15 P ft I | or 3 VV s I | or 6 P.Pu * or 4 jl.s B original country.) C. G. H. 1712. C C. G. H. 1819. C C. G. II. 1795. C C. G. H. 1810. C C. G. H. 1795. C C. G. H. 1795. C Siberia 1804. C Barbary 1696. R C. G. H. 1700. C China 1709. C S. Europe 1730. C S. Europe ... C Chin Solftnea. 18. 28. p.l Bot. reg.354 p.l p.l Tr. ehr. 24. 1 C. G. H. 1818. C China 1818. C co C. G. H. 1791. Peru 1780. C Carolina 1806. C Mur. 1779,2 Den. br. 9 Shaw bar. 349 Duh. no. 119.31 Mic. gen. 105. 1 Duh. no. 32 Den. br. 8 Duh. no. 30 Her. st. 45. 23 589. LYCIOSERI'SSA R $S. LYCIOSERISSA. (Lycium, lye., serissa, ser. ; serissa-like lycium.) Solanece. 1. 4o96 capensis R. 8f S. Cape * |_J un 2 G C. G. H. 1820. C p.l 590. LYCOPE'RSICUM Tou. LycopERSicuw. (LyLos, wolf, pcrsikon, peach ; 4697 pimpinellif61iumZ)MMa^ Pimpinella-lvd O clt 3 my.jl G Peru Solanum pimpinellif&lium L. 4698 regulare Dunal regular-leaved O clt 3 mv il G aphrodisiac.) Solanece. 9. 1Q, ... S r.m ... S r.m Dun. so. 2.81 4699 peruvianum Dunal Peruvian k lAlclt 3 my.jn Y Peru 1823. D CO Feu. ob. 3. 25 4700 Humboldt/ W. Humboldt's clt 3 jl.s Y S. Amer. 18S2. S CO W. h. b. 27 4701 pyrirorme Dunal pear-shaped clt 3 jl.s Y ... 1823. S CO Dun. so. 26 4702 cerasiforme Dunal cherry-shaped clt 3 jl.s G | 1800. S r.m Jac. vin. 1. 11 Solanum Pseudo-lycopersicum Jac. 2 Ihteum yellow -fruited O clt 3 jn.s G Peru 1800. S r.m 4703 esculentum Dunal eatable apple O clt 3 jl.s G S. Amer. 1596. S r.m Ru. am. 5. 1.54. 1 Solanum Lycopersicum L. I erythrocarpum red- fruited O clt 3 jl.s G S. Amer. 1596. S rm 2 chrysocarpum yellow-fruited O clt 3 jl.s G S. Amer. 1596. S r.m 3 leucocarpum white-fruited O clt 3 jl.s G S. Amer. 1596. S r.m 4704 procumbens Dunal procumbent 4705 commutatum Spr. changed f 8 clt clt 1 3 jl.8 jl.s Crea Y S. Amer. S. Amer. 1700. 1818. S S r.m r.m * 591. SOLA^NUM L. NIGHTSHADE. (Solor* to comfort ; soothes by stupefying.) Solunece. 143. 370. 4706 tuberosum L. tuberous Nfc A ag 2 jn au VV Peru 15>)7 R r.m Bau. pr. 89.89 2 Commersom Poir. Commerson's & A clt 2 my.o W S Amer. 1822. R CO 5. 10 4707 appendiculatum/f 4-^.appendiculated 4708 SeaforthnmttwzAndr. Seaforth's ft _ Bor or 3 20 jl.s W Pk Mexico 1823. Barbadoesl804. B C CO l.p Dun. so. 2. 84 - Bot. rep. 504 4709 fcetaceum Cav. Eeet-leaved ft ( | or 4 jn.jl Pk S. Amer. 1803. C l.p Bot. rep. 511 4710 muricatum H. K. prickly 4711 diversifulium II. %B. various-leaved 4712oliganthum Lk. few-flowered Bor un 1 | or WWW jlau jn.jl V Pk W Peru Caraccas 1785. 1825. 1824. c c c r.m CO Feu. ob. 772. 15 Dun. so. 2. 88 4713 laciniatum R. Br. cut-leaved ft 1 | or 3 V N. HoYl. 1772. S s.p Bot. mag. 349 2 herbaceum herbaceous IA1 or 3 V V. Di. L. 1772. R S.1 4714 guercifolium L, Oak-leaved A r 2 jn.jl V Peru 1787. C r.m Feu. ob. 112. 15 4715 radicans L. rooting l | or 3 P Peru 1771. D s.p L. f. dec. 1.10 4716corymbosum Jac. corymbose ft [ 1 or o V Peru 1786. D CO Jac. ic. 1. 40 4717 Dulcamara L. Bitter-sweet p 3 jn.jl V Britain hed. C si Eng. bot. 565 2 album white-flowered T p 5 jn.jl W Britain hed. C CO 3 variegatum variegated i p 5 jn.jl V.w Britain hed. c CO 4718 angulatum R. Sf S. angular L~l or 4 VV Lima 1825. c p.l Dun. so. 2. 95. 1 quitense Lam. 4719 pygmaTum Cav. dwarfish O un j F Jn.jl B Bonaria 1819. S CO Cav. ic. 5. 439. 2 4720 Teftbre Aub. Tegore * tZl or 2 jn.jl B Guiana 1823. c pi Aub. gui. 1 84 4721 littorale Lk. sea-side _x p 4 my.jl W France 1819. c CO 4722 macrocarpum L. long-fruited 4723 calycinum Dunal /arge-calyxed i 1 or 1 1 or 1 1 my.s jn.jl B B Peru Mexico 1759. 1820. C S s.p CO Mil. ic. 2. 294 Dun. so. 29 4724 pentadactylum G. Don five-fingered 4725 racemiflorum Dunal cluster-flwd j 1 1 CU (Q)| or 2 B P.R Trinidad S. Amer. 1818. 1818. c c r.m P.l Jac. sc. 3. 33 4726 acthiopicum L. Ethiopian O or u ( ji!s W Ethiopia 1597. S IP Jac. vin. 1. 12 4727 Zuccagnirum Cav. 4825 myriacanthum Dunal many-spined m [ I or 3 P 4826 mammbsum L. teated f^yi or 4 Pa.B 4827 stramonifolium Jac. Stramonium-lvc i* 1 1 or 6 jn.s P 4828 flavescens Dunal flavescent 4t 1 | or 3 jn.jl B 4829 ferox L. fierce [A1 un 2 au.s P 4830 campanulatum.R.2?r. campanulate iQI or 1 jn.s W 4831 armatum R. Br. armed 41 l | or 2 au.s * 4832 pungentium R. Br. pungent 4833 cinereum R. Br. ashy m iQI or 1 | or 1 1 au.s au.s ... 4834 Millet Jac. Miller's & 1 | or 3 w" 4835 rigescens Jac. rigescent 4836 ciliatum Lam. ciliated * ' !or O un 1* jn.jl 2 jn.jl V w 4837 trilobatum L. three-lobed 4| CD or 12 au V 4838 acetosaefolium Lam. Sorrel-leaved it 1 1 cu 1 w 4839 carolinense L. Carolina .< iDJun 2 J1.S Pa.B 4840 violaceum Jac. violet E 1 ) or 4 jn.jl B 4841 Pynicantha $m. Fire-thorn m [ 1 or 4 au.s P 2 inermis unarmed m L 1 or 4 au.o P 4842 spinosissimum Lo. C. spiniest jH D or 3 jn.jl 4843 melanoxylum Lk. black-wooded * CJ or 3 jajl v" 4844 virginianum Pers. Virginian un jl B 4845 Jacquin* W. Jacquin's 4846 xanthocarpon S.&W. yellow-fruited [TTj un O un 2%.ri i jn.jl P B 4847 Balbis Dunal Balbis's il 1 | or 4 ap.s B 4848 tectum Pers. covered ! 1 | or 3 ap.s Y Malabar 1820. C India 1818. L Arabia F. 1802. C Egypt 1818. C Africa 1775. C America 1732. C E. Indies 1816. S Guinea 1821. C S. Amer. 1817. S S. Amer. 1816. C W. Indies 1821. C 1822. C W. Indies 1699. S \V. Indies 1778. C Trinidad 1826. C E. Indies 1795. C N. Holl. 1819. S N. Holl. 1819. S N. Holl. 1823. S N. Holl. 1823. S C. G. H. 1762. C C. G. H. 1823. C 1820. C India 1759. C E. Indies 1759. S Carolina 1732. S E. Indies 1817. C Madagasc.1789. R. mal. 2. 37 Jac. sc. 4. 469 Di. el. 268. 347 Itu. am. 5. 86. 1 s.p r.m s.p s.p s.p Bot. mag. 1928 s.p ' CO CO p.l Jac. ic. 1. 42 co Jac. ic. 1. 41 s.l Cav. ic. 3. 236 p.l Dun. so. 19 s.p Pluk. al. 226. 1 Jac. ic. 1. 44 Dun. so. 67. 2 S l.p p.l p.l co Dun. so. 2. 70 Dun. so. 2. 69 isc. 1789. C 1820. C 1821. C Virginia 1662. S E. Indies 1804. S ^Ethiopia 1824. S S. Amer. 1816. C Mexico 1824. C 592. NYCTE^RIUM Ven. NYCTERIUM. (Nykteros, nocturnal j time of flowering.) Can. IsL 1779. C s.l Jac. ic. 2.330 s.l Jac. sc. 1. 42 s.l Dun. so. 18 s.p Bur. in. 57. 22. 2 p.l Bur. in. 22. 2 p.l Jac. ic. 2. 331 s.p Jac. fr. 133. 1 r.m Ex. bot. 2. 64 r.m Bot. mag. 2547 p.l p.l s.p Di. el. 267. 346 s.p Jac. ic. 2. 332 co Sc. ban. 1. 2 co Bot. reg. 140 co Cav. ic. 4. 309 4840 cordifolium Ven. heart-leaved Solanum vespertilio H. K. 4850 amazonium B. M. Amazonian it I I or 3 P Lambert* Swt. Solanum amazouium B. R. 4851 lobatum Swt. lobed O or 2 Y Solanum heterandrum Ph. 4852FontaneseMMm Dunal Desfontaine's O or 2 jl.s Y 4853 cornutum Lk. horned it I I or 1 Y 4S54 rostra.tum Lk. beaked O or 2 Y 4855 heterodoxum Dunal variable O or 2 B | | or 2 P Mexico :i800. C Louisiana 1813. S Brazil 1813. S Mexico 1823. S Mexico 1823. S Mexico 1820. S Solanece. 7. S. co Ven. mal. 85 co Bot. reg. 71 co Ph. am. 2. 7 co Bot. reg. 177 s.p An. mu. 3. 9 s.p Dun. so. 24 s.p Dun. so. 25 593. CA'PSICUM L. 4856 annuum L. 4857 16ngum Dec. 4858 cordiforme Mil. 4859 tetragonum Mil. 4860 angulosum Mil. 4861 sphae'ricum W.en. 4862 ovatum Dec. 4863 conicum Lam. 4864 pendulum W. en. 4865 luteum Lam. 4866grossum W. 2 globosum 3 luteum 4867 conoldes Mil. 4868 pyramidale Mil. 4869 cerasiforme W. 4870 globiferum Mey. 4871 Milleri R. & S. cerasiforme Mil. 4872 frutescens L. 2 torulusum Jac. 4873 bicolor Jac. 4874 baccatum L. 4875 sine'nse W. 4816 microcarpon Dec. 4877 cerasiflorum Lk. 4878 micranthum Lk. CAPSICUM. annual ]ong-fruited heart-shaped four-angled angular-fruited g\obu\ar-fruitedtt- ovate-fruifed conica\-fruited pendulous yeUow-fruifed large globe-fruited yellow-fruited cone-like pyramidal cherry-shaped globe-bearer Miller's frutescent sub-twisted two-colored berried Chinese small-fruited cherry-flwd small- flowered Solanece. 23. 28. ( 3 cul 1 >ft u " e India 1548. S r.m Kno. th. 2. 6 < D cul 1 jn.jl W India 1548. s r.m Fuchs 733 ( 3 cul 1 jn.jl W India s r.m D cul 1 jn.jl W India ... s r.m '. < 3 cul 1 jn.jl w India s r.m m.c Dcul 2 ap.jl w 18*07. C r.m tL C D cul 3 jn s w 1824. s r.m li 3 cul H jn.jl w Guiana 1820. s r.m n. c Dcul 2 ap.jl w 1804. C r.m ML Dcul 2 w E. in'dies 1820. s r.m tt. g; H cul ill w India 1759. s r.m Bes. eys. 1. 11. 1 *- C Dclt 1 Jl w E. Indies s r.m a. rj 3dt 1 jl w E. Indies s r.m tLC. Dcul 2 ap.jl w India 1750. C r.m n. E Dcul ) cul 2 a P .jl 1 jn.s w Pa.Y Egypt 1750. W. Indies 1739. C s r.m r.m ML c Dcul 1| jn.jl W Guiana 1824. s r.m 2 }Jcul 1 jn.jl w W. Indie 5 ... s r.m Pa.Y India 1656. C r.m Ru. ain.a.88 W E. Indies 1820. S r.m P \V. Indies 1804. C r.m Bot. mag. 1835 r.m SI. jam. 1. 146. 2 r.m Jac. vin. 3. 67 C 1731. C China 1807. C 1820. r.m. cul 3 my.jn W Brazil 1823. C r.m 1824. C r.m 594. LEE\4 L. LEEA. (J. Lee, father, son. and crandson. esteemed bot. and cult.) MelihceaE. 6. 10. 4879 sambucina W. Elder-tea w?d * f~l cu 10 Y E. Indies 1790. C l.p Cav. dis. 7. 218 4880 ajquata L. even m i icu 10 G E. Indies 1777. C l.p 4881 crispa L. curled *1 |CU 3 W C. G. H. 1767. C l.p Bot. rep. 355 4882 macrophylla Rox. 4883 hirta Rox. long-leaved hairy an icu CUcu 4 6 W G E. E. Indies Indies 1806. 1823. C C l.p l.p 4884 robusta Rox. robust 1 icu 6 G E. Indies 1823. C l.p * 595. SPERM ADI'CTYON Rox. SPERM ADI CTTON. (Sperma, seed, dictyon, a net.) Rubiacece. 1. 2. 4885 suavfeolens Rox. sweet-scented it Q or 4 o W E. Indies 1818. C l.p Bot. reg. 348 596. DENTE'LLA Forst. DENTELLA. 4886 repens Forst. creeping Oldenland/a ripens L. (Dim. of dens, a tooth ; corolla.) Rubiacece. 1. 2. or i jl W N. Holl. 1802. S co Lam. il. 118 597. MACROCNE'MUM L. MACROCNEMUM. (Makros, long, kneme, a leg; fl. stalks.) Rubiacece. 3. 10. Jamaica f Q or 14 ... W Jamaica 1806. C p.l Swz. ob. 68. 3. 1 4887 jamaicense L. 4888 strictum Rox. strict 4889 tinctorium //. 8f B. dying HOT 10 or 30 s.o E. Indies 1804. C p.l Trinidad 1820. C p.l ORDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 598. EXOSTE'MMA Rich. EXOSTEMMA. 4890 cariba^um W. Caribeean 4891 floribundum W. many-flowered J 4892 longiflorum R. & S. long-flowered $ 4893 brachycarpum R.SfS. short-fruited J (Exo, without, stemma, a crown.) Rubiacece. 4. l(j W W. Indies 1780. C l.p Bot. rep. 481 W \V. Indies 1794. C l.p Lamb. ci. 27. 7 or 30 jn.jl W Caraccas 1820. C p.l Lamb. ci. 12 or 20 jn.jl W Jamaica 1823. C p.l Lamb. ci. 8 Hor 20 jii. trn 40 599. HYMENODFCTYON Wai. HYMEVODICTYON. (Hijmen, a membrane, diktyon, a net.) RubicLcece. 2. 4. 4894 thyrsi florum Wai. thyrse-flowered^ CD or 15 jn.jl G.Y E. Indies 1819. C l.p Cinchona thyrsiflora Rox. 4895 excelsum Wai. tall i CD or 50 G.Y E. Indies 1820. C l.p Rox. cor. 2. 106 Cinchona excelsa Rox. 600. CINCHO V NJ L. CINCHONA. 4896 officinalis Z,. officinal 4897 scabra Lod. scabrous (Cured the Countess of Cinchon of a fever.) Rubiacece. 2. 20. f CD m 18 R Peru 1810. C l.p Lamb. ci. 1 CDm 6 1820. C l.p 601. BURCHE'LL/^ R. Br. BURCHELLIA. (W. Burchell, a traveller in Africa.) Rubiacecz. 2. 4898 bubalma A'. Br. buffalo * CD or 3 my.jn S C. G. H. 1818. C r.m Bot. reg. 899 parviflbra B. R. 4899 capensis B. R. Cape * CD el 3 mr S C. G. H. C p.l Bot. reg. 466 602. RONDELETI4 L. RONDELETIA. 4900 americana L. American 4901 hevigata //. K. smooth-leaved 4902 hirta Swx. hairy 4903 /aurifolia Swx. Laurel-leaved 4904 hirsuta Swx. hairy 4905 thyrsoidea Swx. thyrsoid 4906 racemdsa Swx. racemose 4907 tomentosa Swx. tomentose 4908 paniculata Rox. panicled 603. COUTARE^A Aubl. COUTAREA. 4909 speciosa Aubl. beautiful Portland^ hexandra IV. (IV. Rondelet, a celebrated physician.) or 10 au W W. Indies 1752. Rubiacete. 9. 31 C s.p PI. ic. 242. 1 or 12 W W. Indie 31790. C s.p or 10 Pk Jamaica 1776. C s.p Bot. cab. 350 f ; or 5 W Jamaica 1824. C s.p Br.jam.2. 2 1 or 5 Y Jamaica 1820. C s.p [~~i or 5 W Jamaica 1819. C s.p r "j or 6 W Jamaica 1820. C s.p Br. jam. 2. 3 B or or 6 6 W W Jamaica E. Indies 1819. 1820. C C s.p S.p (Coutari, its name in Guiana.) CD or 12 ... P Guiana Rubiacece. 1. 1803. C s.p Aub. gui. 122 604. PORTLA'ND/^ L. PORTLANDIA. 4910 grandiflora L. great-flowered 4911 coccinea Swx. scarlet (Aden, a gland, phoreo, to bear.) Campanulacea. ar li jn.jl Pa.B 1818. R co Bot. r< 14. Bot. reg. 149 Duchess of Portland, famous patroness of botany.) Rubiacete. 2. or 12 W Jamaica 1775. C s.p Bot. mag. 286 or 5 ... S Jamaica 1812. C s.p * 605. ADENO'PHORA Fis. ADENOPMORA. 4912 marsupiiflora Fis. purse-flowered ^ A Campanula coronata B. R. 4913 Gmelim Fis. Gmelin's 4914 coronopifblia Fis. Buckshorn-lvd Campanula coronopifolia R. # S. 4915 denticulata Fes. denticulated Campanula tricuspidata R. Sf S. 4916 communis Fis. common Siberian Campanula communis R. 8f S. 2 suaveolens Hort. sweet-scented 3 hybrida R. $ S. hybrid H917 /ilifblia G. Don Lily-leaved Campanula /ilifolia W. 4918 Rabelaisa G. Don Kabelais's Campanula RabelaiszVi/ia R. & S. 4919 Lamarkzu/irt Fis. Lamark's Campanula Lamarkz'awa H. & S. 4920 stylosa Fis. long-slyled. Campanula stylosa Lam. 4921 intermedia Swt. intermediate Campanula intermedia R. $ S. 4922 periplocifolia Fis. Periploca-lvd Campanula periplocifolia Lam, 4923 Fischerz G. Don Fischer's Campanula Fischen R. & S. 4924 pereskia-fblia Fis. -Pereskia-lvd Campanula pereski&fblia R. & S. 4925 verticillata Fis. whorled Campanula verticillata IV. 605. WAHLENBE'RG/^ Schr. WAIILENBEUGIA. 4926 grandittora Schr. great-flowered ^ A or Campanula grandiflora L. 4927 pendula Schr. pendulous O or 4928 elongata Schr. elongated O r Campanula elongata W. S A A or l>r 2 1 my.jl jii.jl Pa.B B Siberia Dahuria 1820. 1822. D R CO CO Gm. si. 3. 33 Sw. fl.gar. 104 3t A or 1 B Siberia 1817. D p.l Sw. fl.gar. 116 ^ A or 4 jl.s Pa.B Siberia 1810. D p.l 1 A A A or or or 2 2 2 jn.jl jn.jl my.s Pa.B Pa.B Pa.B Siberia Siberia Siberia 1816. 1816. 1784. D 1) D CO CO p.l Bot. reg. 236 ^ A or B Siberia 1823. D p.l ^k A or n i Pa.B Siberia 1824. D l.p & A or 1| my.jn Pa.B Siberia 1820. R CO Gm, si. 3. 27 A or H Pa.B Siberia 1819. D p.l A or 1 jl.s Pa.B Siberia 1824. D p.l A or 2 J1.S Pa.B Siberia 1819. D p.l fc A or l|jl.S Pa.B Siberia 1821. D p.l k A or 2 jn L.B Siberia 1783. D S.I Pal. it. 3. G. 1 (G.ll'ahlenberg, M.D., auth. Fl. Lap.) Campanulacea: 5. 1 B Siberia 1782. D p.l Bot. mag. 252 1 W.p Madeira 1777. S s.l i B 1819. S co * 607. CAMPA'NULA 4929 cenisia L. L. BELL-FLOWER. Mt. Cenis ^ (Dimin. of campana, a A or i B bell ; corolla.) Campanula ce&. 129. 220. Switzerl. 1775. R co Al. ned. 1. 6. 2 4930 uniflora L. one-flowered ^ J^ or k Jn.jl B Lapland 1815. R s p Fl. lap. 9. 5, 6 4931 diffasa Vahl fragilis Ci/r. diffuse ^ A or i B Alps,ltalyl826. R CO Cyr. ne. 11. 2 4932 microphylla Kit. small-leaved ^ . A or 1 jn.jl B Hungary 1820. R CO 4933 Bollard* All. 4934 pulla L. Bellardi's ^ russet ^ . A A or pr 1 jn.jl 1 jn.jl B B Italy Austria 1813. 1779. R R CO CO Al. ped. 1. 85. 5 Bot. cab. 554 4935 Zoj-s Wul. Zoys's ^ A or | D.B Carniola 1813. D CO Jac. ic. 2. 334 4936 carpatica L. 4937 rotundifolia L. Carpathian ^ round-leaved ^ A A or or \ | B B Carp. Alps 1774. Britain hea. D D p.l p.l Bot. mag. 117 Eng. bot. 866 2 flore albo white-flowered U or 1 W Britain woods. R CO 4938 excisa Schl. cut off ^ A or I my.jn B Switzerl. 1820. U CO Bot. cab. 561 4939 pusllla Hae. diminutive ^ A or 1 jn.jl Pa.B Switzerl. 1821. R CO Bau. pr. 34. 34 4940 caespitosa Sco. tufted ^ A or J B Austria 1819. R CO Scop. car. ed. 2.4 4941 pumila B. M. dwarf ^ A or B Switzerl. D p.l Bot. mag. 512 2 flore albo white-flowered ^ A or z W Switzerl. R CO 4912 pubdscens Schmidt pubescent ^ A or f j 1 B Bohemia 18 13. D CO 4P43 gracilis R. Br. slender ^ OJ or 1 B N. S. W. 17!>4. R 00 Bot. mag. 691 494 1 Hermin Lk. Hermin's or i B Portugal 1823. S CO Fl. por. 2. 72 76 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS V. 4945 quadrifida R. Br. four-cleft ^ OJ or | B N. Holl. 1820. S CO 494(5 littoralis Lab. sand 2* OJ or % B N. Holl. 1820. S p.l Lab. n. h. 1. 70 4947 Scheuchzen Vil. Scheuchzer's S A or f B Europe 1813. D CO Bot. cab. 485 4948 angustifulia Lam. narrow-leaved ^ A or 1 B France 1818. D CO Mag. mo, 4ri 4949 virgata Raft. twiggy ^v A or 1 B N. Amer. 1823. J) CO 4950 lanceolata Lap. lanceolate s A or 1 B France 1819. R CO Al. ped. 47. a 4951 heterodoxa Vest heterodox ^ or I B Siberia 1818. R CO 4i>52 WaldsteinWwa R. & S. Waldstein's flexubsa Kit. * A or i B Hungary 1824. R CO W. & K. 136 4953 /inifblia Hue. Flax-leaved ik A or f B Switzerl. 1819. D CO Vil. del. 1. 10 4954 rigescens Pall. rigescent ^ or a B Siberia 1820. R CO 4955 spatulata Sm. spatulate-lvci *v or 1 B Greece 1817. s- p.l Fl. gr. 203 4956 ramosissima Sm. branchiest or * B Greece 1820. S CO Fl. gr. 204 lobelioxfes W. 4957 patula L. spreading ^ O> or 1 V Britain pas. s p.l Eng. bot. 42 4958 neglecta R. & S. neglected 4!>59 calycina Bieb. large- calyxed ^ Q) or 2 jn au 1 B B 1818. Tauria 1820. s R CO CO 4960 BroUMoaetjdftd R. $ S. Broussonet's or 1 B Mogadore 182.). S CO 4!>61 Loeflingw Brot. Loefling's or 1 jlau B S. Europe 1818. s CO 49ti2 infundibulum Vest funneljiivd v A or 2 B Siberia 1825. D CO 4963 .ftapunculus L. Rumpion 4964 eiegans R . $ S. elegant tG) or A r 3 1 P B Britain hed. b. S Sibeiia 1821. R r.m CO Eng. bot. 283 speciosa IV. 4965 persicifblia L. Peach-leaved ^ A or 3 jl.s B Europe 1596. D p.l Fl.dan. 1087 " 2 maxima largest peach-lvd ^ A or 3 jl.s B Europe 1596. D p.l Bot. mag. 397 3 flore pleno double blue-fiwd ^V A or 3 jl.s B Europe 1596. D CO 4 flore albo - white-flowered S A or 3 jl.s W Europe 1596. D CO 5 flore albo pleno dble wliite-flwd G grand is large-flowering 1 A A or or 3 jl.s 3 jl.s W B Europe 1596. Europe 1596. D D CO CO 4966 pyramidajis L. pyramidal St A or 4 jl.s Pa.B Carniola 1596. D p.l 2 flore albo white-flowered _ s A or 4 jl.s W Europe D p.l 4967 versicolor Sm. various-colored ^ A or 4 jl.8 St Geeece 1788. D S.1 Bot. rep. 396 planiflora IV. en. 4968 obliqua IV. en. oblique ^ 0) or 3 jn.jl B 1813. S p.l Jac. sc. 3. 336 4969 americana L. American ^ Q) or 1 jl B Pcnsylv. 1763. C S.I 4970 planifl6ra Lam. flat-flowered ^ A or 2 jl.s B Siberia 1817. 1) p.l 4971 acuminata MX. acuminate ^\. A or 3 jl.s B N. Amer. 1826. 1) p.l 4972 Ottuniana R. & S. Otto's VL l 1 or 1 Jl.s B C. G. H. 1825. C p.S 4973 nitida H. K. shining A or i jl W N. Amer. 1731. 1) p.l Dod. me. 4. Ill 2 fibre caeruleo blue-flowered ^L A or 1 jl.s B N. Amer. 1731. u pi 4974 aurea L. golden-flowered m L_J or 3 jl.s Y Madeira 1777. s s.p Bot. reg. 57 2 latifblia R. Sf S. broad-leaved v A or 6 jl.s W Siberia 1814. C s.p Bot. reg. 241 5012 aggregMa W. en. crowded-^wd ^ A or 2 jl.s Pa.B Bavaria 1817. C Bot. cab. 515 501.3 thyrsoideaZ,. thyrsoid ^v Q) or 2 B Switzerl. 1785. s s.p Bot. mag. 1290 5014 velutma Dcsf. velvety ;k A or I my.jl B S. Europe 1826. R s.p Fl. gr. 210 ORDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Allioni's peregrine 5015 AllionU Vil. 5016 peregrlna L. 5017 cernua Th. 5018 capensis L. Cape Roellrt decumbens B. R. 5019 barbata L. bearded 5020 punctata Lam. dotted-Jtowered 5021 Vands/ G Don Comtesse deVandes's 5022 Medium L. 2 flore albo 5023 afTmis R. $ S. 5024 corymb5sa Desf. .5025 6etonica?folia Sm. 5026dichotoma5wz. 5027 longiftlia Lap. 5028 spicata W. 5029 alp^ina L. 5030 mollis L. 5031 saxatilis /,. 5032 alliariaefolia W. 5033 gummifera W. 6etonica:f61ia Bieb. 5034 /amiifdlia Bieb. 5035 pendula ^e6. 5036 armena SteV. 5037 Diolaefolia .Lawi. 5038 Adam* Bieb. 5039 sibirica L. 5040 divergens W. en. spatulata W. & K. 5041 lingulata W. en. 5042 caucasica Bieb. 5043 Biebersteimawa R. & S. Bieberstein's rupstris Bieb. 5044 parviflora Lam. 5045 stricta L. 5046 laciniata L. 5047 lyrata Z.awz. 5048 cichoracea Sib. capitata B. M. 5049 lanuginbsa W. en. 5050 tomentosa Lam. 5051 ^rtnusi. 5052 rfrabarfolia Sib. 5053 erinoides L. 5054 latines L. 5055 Aederacea W. 5056 hispidulaL. 5057 dehiscens Ro.r. 77 Al. ped. (5. 3 Bot. mag. 1257 Bot. mag. 782 Bot. mag. 1258 Bot. mag. 1723 Kno. th. l.G. 2 An. mu.ll. 15 Desf. at. 51 2. 211 Fl. pyr. 6 Al. ped. 1. 46. 2 Bot. mag. 957 Bot. mag. 404 Bar. ic. 79. 813 Par. Ion. 26 S. France 1820. C. O. H. 179*. C. G. H. 1804. C. G. H. 1803. Medium white-flowering allied corymbose Betony-leaved dichotomous long-leaved spiked alpine soft rock Alliaria-leaved gum-bearing Lamium-lvd pendulous Armenian Violet-leaved Adam's Siberian spreading Pa.Y Iberia 1823. Crea Caucasus 1823. Pa.B Russia 1826. Siberia 1817. Caucasus 1821. Siberia 1783. Hungary 1814. tongue-leaved Caucasian Hungary 1804. Caucasus 1804. Caucasus 1820. small-flowered strict agged-leaved yrate cichoraceous Iberia 1819. Syria 1819. Greece 1788. S. Europe 1823. Greece 1768. S co S s. P D p.l D co D co 2 S.B 1| Vi 2 jn.jl B 2 B 1 jn.a * I iJI-au * 1814. W Levant 1810. Pa.B S. Europe 1768. Pa.B Athens 1823. Pa.B Africa 1823. Pa.B S. Europe 183. England m. s. p. B C. G. H. 1817. Ven. eels 18 M. h. 5. 3. 25 215 Her. lug. Ill Al. ped. 1. 1 Eng. bot. 73 Com. h. 2. 37 As. res. 12. 6 608. PRISM ATOCA'RPUS .HmY. PRISMATOCARPUS. (Prisma, a prism, karpos, fruit.) Campanulacca:. 9. 5058 fruticosus Herit. shrubby tt. \ | or 1 au B Campanula fruticbsa W. 5059 nitidus Herit. shining O or f W Campanula Prismatocarpus H. K. 5060 Speculum Dec. Fewws'sLook.-glass O or 1 P Campanula Speculum L. 2 album white O or 1 W 5061 hirsutus Ten. hairy O or a B Campanula hirta R. # S. 5062 hybridus Herit. hybrid O or 1 P Campanula hybrida L. 5063 falcatus Ten, falcate-peta/ed Q or | B Campanula falcata. It. Sf S. 5064 Pentagonia Herit. five-angled O or 1 B.p Campanula Pentagonia L. 5065 perfoliatus Herit. perfoliate ' O or 1 P Campanula perfoliata L. 5066 interruptus Herit. interrupted ^ , | or 1 my.jl B Campanula interrupta W. LOBELIA. C. G. H. 1787. C. G. H. 1787. S p.l S s.l Her. ser. 2. 3 S. Europe 1596. S s.l Bot. mag. 10 S. Europe 1596. Italy 1824. Fl. nap. 19 Eng. bot. 375 1820. S co Fl. nap. 20 S s.l Bot. reg. 56 England cha. fi. S s.l Italy Turkey 1686. N. Amer. 1680. S s.l M. h. 2. 5. 2.23 C. G. H. 1818. S co * 609. ~LOEE"LIA L. 5067 simplex Thun. 5068 linearis Thun. 5069 setacea Thun. 5070 /jinifolia L. 5071 unidentata H. K. 5072 Dortmanna L. 5073 paludosa Nut. 5074 salicitolia Swt. simple-stalked \\near-leaved setaceous Pine-leaved single-toothed Dortmann's marsh Willow-leaved (M. Label, celeb, bot. auth., and phys., d. 1616.) OJor tt-l | or ^ i Al or tt. i | or ^? iAI or ^ A or ^ A or l_lp Ti t pa H. K. gigantea B. M. 5075 KalniH L. Kalm's ^ A 5076 Nuttalli R. & S. Nuttall's gracilis Nut. 5077 pauciflora Kth. few-flowered commutata H. $ B. 5078 chinensis Lou. China 5079 decurrens Cav. decurrent 5080 persicifolia Lam. Peach-leaved 5081 Cavanillesitiwa R.&S. Cavanilles's persicifolia Cav. not Lam. 5082 racemosa B. M. racemose 5083 6ellidif61ia L. Daisy-leaved 5084 rhizophyta Lk. root-sprung 5085 decumbens B. M decumbent i., a B | ... B A my.jl B 1| V A V U B 1 B 6 S C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C G. H. Britain N. Amer. 1823. Chile 1794. 1794. 1791. 1816. 1752. 1794. Lobelibcece. C l.p C l.p D p.l S s.p R l.p 77. 174. Th. h. 1811. 11 Bot. rep. 240 Bot. mag. 1484 Eng. bot. 140 lakes. R l.p D bog R s.p Bot. mag. 1325 Carolina 1820. S N. Amer. 1824. S Bot. mag. 2238 B Mexico 1824. D p.l I i or [A] or :l_Jor iAI or lAlor 3 jn.s 3 jn j! 5 A China 1817. Chile 1826. W. Indies 1824. N. Spain 1825. W. Indies 1818. C. G. H. 1790. C. G. H. 1800. C. G. H. 1820. S co C s.p D s.p .1 Cav. ic. 6. 581 C p.l Cav. ic. 6.518 Bot. mag. 2137 Bot. mag. 2519 Bot. mag. 2277 C co C s.p C p.l D co 78 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS V. 5086 triquetra L. triangular iAJ or 1 B C. G. H. 1774. C G.p 5087 fenestralis Cav. windowed iQlor 1 jn.s B Mexico 1824. S p.m Cav. ic. 6. 512.2 5088 Iongifl6ra L. long-flowered EAI or 1 W Jamaica 1752. S s.p Jac. vin. 1. 27 5089 tomentosa L. woolly iAl or i my.s B C. G. H. 1821. D s.p 5090 secunda L. side-flowering i A| or | \V C. G. H. 1790. S s.p 50 1 U acuminata Swz. acuminated SL fAl or 2 G.Y W. Indies 18i'2. C P.l SI. jam. 1. 95. 2 5092 n\cotiarurfbliit Roth Tobacco-lea ved tCDI or 5093 ClaytowVina MX. Clayton's ^ A or 1 ftfi B'" E. Indies 1822. N. Amer. 1824. C D s.p W. h. b. 1. 30 goodenioldes W. spicata Lam. 5094 assurgens L. assurgent tti |or 3 jn.o S W. Indies 1787. C s.p Bot. rep. 553 5095 fulgens H. # B. fulgent jfr A| or 3 my.s s Mexico 1809. C s.p Bot. rep. 659 5096 wjrbascifolia Sm. Mullein-leaved ^ A r 6 my.jn R Nepal 1822. D r.m 5097 pyramidalis Walt. pyramidal iAJ or 4 s P Nepal 1822. 1) eo Bot. mag. 2387 5098 cardinalisZ,. cardinal flower 5099 splendens H. & B. shining ^ AJ r ^ Al or 3 my.s 3 my.s S S Virginia 16'^9. Mexico 1814. C C s.p s.p Bot. mag. 320 Bot. reg. 60 6100 debilis L. feeble iQI or 1 B C. G. H. 1774. S s.p 5101 alata R. Br. winged-stalked LAI >" 1| B N. S. W. 1804. s s.p Lab. n. h. 1. 72 5102 Tupa L. Tupa 5LAJSpl 8 s.o S J. Fernan. 1824. R CO Bot. mag. 2550 5103 syphilitica L. syphilitic 5104 surinamensis L. Surinam liS 2 au.o 2 ja.jl L.B Virginia 1665. W.Indies 1786. C C S.p s.p Bot. reg. 537 Bot. mag. 225 2 rubra red m \ | or 2 ja.jl R W. Indies 1820. C s.p Bot. cab. 749 5105 gracilis R. Br. slender iQI or 1 jl.o D.B N. S. W. 1801. s s.p Bot. mag. 741 5 1 06 purpurascens R. Br. purpurascent LAJ or 1 B N. S. W. 1809. D s.p 5107 inflata L. inflated 5108 Cliffortwna L. Clifford's O cul O or It Pa.B Pk N. Amer. 1759. N. Amer. 1733. S s s.p s.p Ac. up. 1741, 1 H. cl. 426. 26 5109 MichauxM Nut. Michaux's O or 1 R N. Amer. 1800. s CO ClifforU'ana MX. not Nut. 5110 trialata D. Don three-winged micrantha Hook. jg iAI cu i B Nepal 1822. s s.p Hook. ex. fl. 44 5111 urensL. burning ^ A Cl l 1| jn.jl B England hea. s S.I Eng. bot. 953 5112 serrulata Schott serrulated - O or 1 jn.jl B Spain 1820. s s p 5113 puberula MX. mossy ^ A r 1 jn.jl Pa.B N. Amer. 1800. s s.p 5114amo2 v na MX. pleasing ^E A r 3 B N. Amer. 1812. D S.I An. mu. 18. 1 SllSminutaL. small jg iAI cul & jn.s W C. G. H. 1772. H s p Bot. mag. 2590 5116 minima B. M. least LAJ or & Jn.s W C. G. H. 1800. D s p Bot. mag. 2077 51 17 laurentia L. Laurentian iQjor B Italy 1778. S s.p Mic. gen. 18. 14 5118 tenella Biv. . delicate ^ A r i my.jl P.v Sicily 1821. D CO 5J19 campanuloldes Thun. Campanula-Ik EZS r i W China IS'-'O. D co Bot. reg. 733 5120 .Erinus L. Erinus LAJ or * jn-s B C. G. H. 1752. S s.p Bot. mag. 901 5121 campanulata Lam. canipanulate iQlor * jn.jl B C. G. H. 1821. S s.p 5122 erinoldes L. Erinus-like ] i(DI or I B C. G. H. 1759. R s.p Her. lug. 109 5123 bicolor H. K. two-colored iQI or f Pa.B C. G. H. 1795. C s.p Bot. mag. 514 5124l.cif61ia Ker Holly-leaved jg lAlor a, m y.- s Pk C. G. H. 1815. U s.p Bot. mag. 1896 5125 4nceps L. two-edged 5126 pubescens H. K. pubescent iQI or jg lAlor i" B B C. G. H. 1818. C. G. H. 1780. S R s.p s.p Jac. sc. 2. 178 5127 zeylanica L. Ceylon jg iAI or 1 Jn.jl B E. Indies 1821. D s.p Seba 1. 22. 12 ? 51281titeaL. yellow LAJ or i jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1774. S s.p Bot. mag. 1319 5129 hirsuta L. hairy LA) or i my.s B C. G. H. 1759. C s.p Bur. af. 40. 2 5130 variifolia B. M. various-leaved lAJor 1 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1812. C s.p Bot. mag. 1692 5131 coronopifolia L. Coronopus-lvd iAI or B C. G. H. 1752. s s.p Bot. mag. 644 5132 umbellata Vest umbellate iAJr 1 jn.jl B 1818. 1) s.p 5133 Thunberg/i Swt. Thunberg's coronopifolia Thun. not B. M. j iAI or 1 J1.S B C. G. H. 1812. D s.p 5134 crenata Thun. notched-leaved 5135 dentata Cav. toothed )g lAJor iAI or | 1 jn.jl B B C. G. H. 1794. N. Holl. 1824. C D s.p s.p Cav. ic. 6. 522 5136 inundkta R Br. overflowed * iAl r i ".I B N. Holl. 1821. D s.p 5137 cjerulea B. M. blue iAJ r 1J jn.jl B C. G. H. 1824. D pi. Hot. mag. 2701 5138 Simsii Swt Sims's j iAI or 1 o.n B C. G. H. 1819. U CO Bot. mag. 2251 pedunculata B.M. not R. Br. 5139 concolor R. Br. self-colored LAJ r 1 my.jn B N. Holl. 1819. D p.l 5140-globosa R. Br. globose 5141 senecioides Cun. Senecio-like iAI or jg iAI or 1 my.jl B B N. Holl. 1824. N. Holl. 1824. D D p.l p.l Bot. reg. 964 Is6toma axillaris Lindl. 5142 pedunculata R Br. pedunculated LAJor 1 o.n B N. Holl. 1819. D CO 5143 corymbosa B. M. corymbose j LAJ r f R C. G. H. 1824. D p.l Bot. mag. 2693 610. MONO'PSIS Sal. MONOPSIS. (Monos, one, opsis, a face.) Lobeliucece. 2. 5144 conspicua Sal. conspicuous Q or B . C. G. H. 1812. S s.p Bot. mag. 1499 LobehVi Speculum B. M. 5145 inconspicua Sal. inconspicuous Q or | P C. G. H. 1812. S s.p 611. PHYTEITMA L. RAMPION. (A name adopted from Dioscorides.) Campanuluceee 28. 36 5146 pauciflorum L. few-flowered ^ A pr i my.jn B Switzerl. 182.3. D p.l 5l47globularifolium Ster. Globularia-lvd ^ _AJ pr i my.jl B S. France 1820. Dp.l 5148 Scheuchztn All. Scheucher's ^ A l>r | my.jn B Switzerl. 1813. Deo Bot. mag. 1797 514P scorzow^rzfolium Vil. Scorzonera-lvd ^ A nr 1 B Alns 1819. D n.l 515G sibiricum Vest Siberian I A pr 1 jn au B Siberia 1817. D p.l 5151 Mich^liz All. 5152 hemisphae'ricum L. Micheli's hemispherical S A A pr pr ,'r B B Switzerl. Switzerl. 1822. 1752. 1) D :! Jac. ic. 2. 333 5153 hispidum Schl. 5154 comosum Wul. hispid tufted It A Q) Pr pr 1 my.jl 1 jn.jl B B Switzerl. Austria 1825. 1752. D S L 1 Jac. au. 5. 50 5155 orbiculare L. 5156 Sieberw Spr. 5157 Charmelij Vil. round-headed Sieber's Charmeli's 1 A A A pr Pr pr 1 1 my.jl 1 my.jl V B B England Pyrenees Pyrenees 1826. 1823. D D I) P.I P.I P.I Eng. bot. 142 Vil. del. 2. 11. 3 5158 hfimile Schl. humble "V A pr i jn Jl B Switzerl. 1825. I) P.I 5159 inajquatum Kit. 5160 ellipticum Vil. orbiculare W. levelled elliptic i A A pr pr 1 my.jl B B Austria SwitzerL 1820. 1817. D D p-1 P.I Vil. del. 2. 11. 2 5161 brevifolium Schl. 5162 nigrum Schmidt 5163 cordatum B. M 5164 6etonicif61ium Vil, 5165 spicatum L. 5166 Hallerz All. short-leaved black heart-leaved Betony-leaved spiked Haller's 1 A A A A A A I'r or pr P r pr pr i I 4Jlau 2 jn.jl 2 1 my.jl B D.B B Pa.B W V Switzerl. 1819. Bohemia 1820. Hungary 1804. S. Europe 1818. Europe 1597. S. France 1822. D D D D D J) P.I s.p CO pi p.l P-1 Bot. mag. 1466 Bot. mag. 2347 5167 ovatum W. ovate-spi'ced * A pr 2 D.V Europe 1811. D P.l ORDER I. 5168 virgatum W. 5169 laneeolatum W. 5170 ca 1 ~' J ~ PENTANDR1A MONOGYNIA. 79 twiggy aum . wgg ceolatum W. \ancc-leaved panuloldes Bicb. Campanula-Ik escens Kit. cancscent 1 my.jn B 5171 canescens Kit. 5172 pinnatum W. 5173 strictum B. M. canescent vf'mged-leaved | strict 612. TRACHE'LIUM L. THROATWOKT. 5174 cajruleum L. blue 5175 diff&sum L. spreading y 0)pr I A pr I A pr A pr lAlpr t A pr (Trachelos, the throat G) or 2 jLs B : LA) or | jl.s B i jn.jl 1 2 2 2 jn.jl Lebanon 1820. D p.l Bot. cab. 6(77 Armenia 1826. D p.l An. mu. 11.5 Caucasus 1804. D p.l Bot. mag. 1015 Hungary 1804. D p.l W. & K. 14 Candia 1640. D p.l Yen. eels 52 S. Europe 1819. D p.l Bot. mag. 2145 supposed med. qual.) Campanulace. 1820. C l.p 1820. C l.p 5318 macrantha R. Sf S. long-flowered I I or longiflbra Sal. 5319 parviflora Lam. small-flowered * I I or 4 jl.s W 5320 Iongifl5ra R. & S. long-flowered * O or 4 au.s W Garden/a multiflora W. 5321 siriftosis R. $ S. Chinese * O or 5 W 5322 racemdsa Rox. racemose H r~] or 6 ... G.w W S. Leone 1696. C W. Indies 1818. C E. Indies 1818. C China 1818. E. Indies 1820. 7. 10. Fl. per. 2.29,0.b. Bot. mag. 1841 Par. Ion. 96 SI. jam. 2.207.1 Lam. il. 156. 3 C l.p C Lp 6t2. MUSSIE'NDA L. MUSS^NDA. (Its name in Ceylon.) Rubiacece. 8. 18 5323 frondf>sa L. frondose * O or 8 jn.s Y E. Indies 1814. C p.l Bot reg. 517 5324 glabra Vahl smooth * O or 6 jn.s 5325 pubescens H. K. pubescent *t dj or 3 my.s 5326 coccinea Pair. scar\et-br acted 1 [~~1 or 20 au.s Macrocnemum coccineum Vahl 5327 speciosa Pair. showy Ht I 1 or 6 au.s 5328 Landw Bory . De la Lande's it CH or 6 jn.s 5329 arcuata Lam. arched * f~l or 5 5330 chinensis Lou. China * i_J or 6 O E Indies 1820. C p.l Y China 1805. C p.l Bot. mag. 2099 R Trinidad 1825. C p.l Vahl sy. 2. 29 R Trinidad 1820. C p.l Jac. sc. 1. 43 ... I. France 1824. C p.l 157.2 Y I. France 1822 C p.l ... China 1820. C p.l RubicLcete. 1. 1823. C p.l Sw.fl.gar.145 643. LUClTLI^Swt. LITCULIA. (Luctili Swa, of Nepal.) 5331 gratissima Suit. most grateful i_J or 9 au.s R Nepal Muss fr 10 656. AMPELO'PSIS MX. AMPELOPSIS. 5375 cordata MX. heart-team* Cissus Ampel6psis Pcrs. 5376 bipinnata MX. bipinnate S 5377 Aederacea MX. Ivy-like Cissus quinquefolius MX. 5378 hirsuta Donn hairy _ W. Indies 1800. C r.m SI. jam. 2. 210. 4 G N. Amer. 1656. L s.p Jac. sc. 426 G N. Amer. 1805. L s.p or 20 ... G N. Amer. 1656. C s.p Jac. sc. 425 or 10 ... G N. Amer. ... C r.m or 10 Nepal 1820. C r.m or 10 ... G N. Amer. 1806. C s.p Jac. sc. 427 or 20 my.jn ... N. Amer. 1806. C s.p Bot. mag. 2429 or 20 ... G N. Amer. 1806. C s.p (Ampelos, a vine, opsis, resemblance.) Ampeli'dece. 4. 7. or 20 P.G N. Amer. 1803. C co or 15 or 60 jn.jl PG P.G N. Amer. 1700. C co N. Amer. 1629. C co Ac. bon. 3. 24 Cor. ca. 100 or 60 P.G N. Amer. 1806. C co ~ 657. TJHA'MNUS L. BfCKTHORN. (Ram, a tuft of branches, Celt.) Rhamneee. 36. 61. 5379 Alaternus L. i bast. -Ivd. - A later , | or 4*) ap.jn G S. Europe 1629. L CO 1 balearicus Balearic 4 or 40 ap.jn G S. Europe ... L CO 2 hispanicus Spanish it or 40 ap.jn G S. Europe ... L CO 3 glaber smooth at or 40 ap.jn G S. Europe ... L CO 4 integrifolius entire-leaved it or 40 apljn G S. Europe ... L CO 5 maculatus spotted it or 40 ap.jn G S. Europe ... L CO 6 aureus golden-edged it or 40 ap.jn G S. Europe ... L CO 7 variegatus variegated M or 40 ap.jn G S. Europe L CO 8 arg^nteus silver-edged ft or 40 ap.jn G S. Europe ... L CO 9 laciniatus jagged-leaved it or 40 ap.jn G S. Europe L CO 5380 hf bridus Herit. hybrid or 12 my.jn G ... L CO Her. ser. 5 5381 Clus/i W. Clusius's * or SO ap.jn G S. Europe 1629. L CO 5382 glandulosus H. K. 5383 integrifolius Dec. glandular entire-leaved l_]or ill |or 15 jn.jl G G Canaries Teneriffe 1785. 1822. C C p.l r.m Ven. mal. 34 Dec. mon. 16 5384 surinamensis Sco. Surinam it CD or 1 G.Y Surinam 1820. C nil Scop. d. 3. 5 5385 Iongif61ius Desf. long-leaved 3fe or 6 ... G 1823. L CO WildenovzanMi Lk. 5386 prinoldes Herit. Winter-ber-lk it i ) or 15 au.s Y C. G. H. 1778. C p.l Her. ser. 9 5387 celtifclius Thun. Celtis-leaved it I | or K ap.jn G.Y C. G. H. ... C p.l Bur. af. 88 5388 catharticus L. purging ^ or IB my.jn G.Y England hed. L CO Eng. bot. 1629 5389 virgatus Rox. twiggy gl or 8 jn.jl Y Nepal 1820. L r.m 5390 tinctorius W.&K. dyer's it or 5 my.jn Pa-Y Hungary 1820. L r.m W. & K. 2. 55 5391 infectorius L. dyer's 3 or 6 G.Y S. Europe 1683. L CO Ard. m. 78. 14 5392 saxatilis L. rock A or 1 my.jn G.Y Europe 1752. C CO Jac. au. 1. 53 5393 oleoldes L. Olive-like H or t jn.jl G.Y Spain 1752. L CO 5394 fiuxifMius Poir. Box-leaved at or 6 my.jn S. Europe 1820. L CO Pluk. al. 96. 6 5395 pubescens Poir. 5396 crenulatus H. K. pubescent crenulate it or l_Jor 4 my.jn mr G.Y France Teneriffe 1817. 1778. L L r.m p.l 5397 fycioldes L. Boxthorn-like Sfe or 6 s.d G.Y Spain 1752. L CO Cav. ic. 2. 182 2 arragonensis Afz. Arragon or n s.d G.Y Spain 1752. L CO 5:8Erytrir6xylon Pal/. Red-wood or 6 Y.G Siberia 1823. L CO Pal. ros. 63 5399 phmilus L. dwarf or 9 Jl < ; .Y Carniola 1752. L ro Scop. car. 2. 5 rupestrik Sco. ORDER J. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 83 5400 Wulfero Spr. pumilus Jac. 5401 rupestris Vtt. 5402 valentlnus W. pumilus Cav. 5403 alpinus L. 5404 davuricus Fis. 5405 fllnifolius Herit. 54()fi franguLoi'ies MX. 5407 pusilius Ten. 5408 carolinianus Walt. 5409 FHmgula L. 5410 latifMius Herit. 5411 Thetzanx L. 5412 microphyllus tf. # A 5413 tetragonus L. 5414 lanceolatus Ph. Wulfen's rock Valentia Alpine Davurian Alder-leaved Frangula-like weak Carolina Frangula broad- leaved Theezan tea small-leaved four-angled spear-leaved or 1 or 2 my.jn o or 2 my.jn G or I my.jn or 10 my.jn G or 4 my G or my.jn G or 1 my |j or 4 my.jn G or 1L' W or 4 jl O H or or 3 4 my.jn G i_J or 6 G" or 12 my.jn G S. Europe 1752. L co Jac. c. 2. 11 S. Europe 181 1. L r.m S. Europe 1816. L co Cav. ic. 2. 181 Switzerl. 1752. L co Davuria 1817. L r.m Pal. ros. 2. 61 N. Amer. 1778. L co N. Amer. 1810. L co Italy 182-3. L r.m N. Amer. 1818. L p.l Britain woods. S co Eng. bot. 250 Azores 1778. L co Den. br. 11 China ... C p.l Mexico 1823. C r.m H. & B. 1. 616 C. G. H. 1816. C p.l N. Amer. 1812. C p.l 658. BERCHE % ML4 Neck. BERCHEMIA. (M. Berchem, a French botanist?) Rhamnete. 2. 5. 5415 lineatus Dec. lined fl_ i_J or 8 jn.jl G China 1804. C l.p Osb. 7 tfhamnus lineatus L. CEntipIialineata R. $ S. 5416 volubilis .Dec. twining _J or 15 jn.jl G Carolina 1714. S s.p Jac. ic. 2.336 Cn6plia volubilis R. $ S. .fthamnus volubilis L. 659. PALIU^RUS Tou. CHRIST'S THORN. (A Greek name adopted from Dioscorides.) Rhamneee. 2. 3. 5417 aculeatus Lam. pointed 3fe or 4 jn.jl P.G S. Europe 1596. S co Lam. il. 210 australis Gae. 5418 virgatus D. Don twiggy 36 or 6 au.s G.Y Nepal 1817. L co Bot. mag. 535 Zizyphus incurvus B.M. not Wai. *6fiO. ZI'ZYPHUS Tou. ZIZYPHUS. ( 6419 vulgaris Lam. common Asafifa, the Moorish, fife fr 6 au.s Zizouf, the Arabic name.' P.G S. Europe 1640. C Rhdmnea:. 18. 48. Lp Pal. ros. 2. 59 /vhanmus Zizyphus L. 5420 sinensis Lam. China *_|or 3 my.jn W China 1818. L r.m 5421 Lotus Lam. Lote-tree Ht | | f r 4 G.Y Africa 1731. S p.l Desf.1788,21 /ihamnus Lotus L. 5122 mucronata W. en. mucronate i i 1 or 30 ... Y.c C. G. H. 1810. S r.m bubalina Lich. 5423 iguanea Lam. iguana i_Jor 3 Y Antilles 1820. c r.m Cav. ic. 3. 291 5424 spina-ChristJ W. Christ's-thorn It or 6 au.s G.Y Egypt ... L p.l Alp. aeg. 1 54 5 flexuosa Wai. flexuous 3fe or fi Y Nepal 1820. L r.m 54, J fi aibens Rox. Vfhiie-fruited it) | fr 10 G.Y China 1817. C Pi 54 .'7 Caracutta Buc. Caracutta 41 [ | or 10 my.jn G.Y Mysore 1823. C P.l 54-'s Napica W. Nape"a it I 1 or 15 W Ce'ylon 1816. c l.p Ru. am. 2. 37 5429 incnrva Rox. incurved 3fe or 6 .. G.Y Nepal 1823. c r.m Bot. mag. 2535 5430 (Enoplia .W///. CEnoplia it f~~l or 3 G.Y Ceylon c r.m Bur zey. 61 5431 Xylopyrus ff. Wood-pear it | i or 6 < G.Y E. Indies 1824. c p.l 54o2 rotundifblia 7,nm. round-leaved it | | or 6 M G.Y Ceylon 1824. c P.l Pluk. al. 197. 2 5433 Ji.julHi Lam. Jujube *CZ)fr 16 P.G E. Indies 1759. c I? Ru. am. 2. 36 /Jhammis Jljuba L. 5434 soruria #. 4-5. sister it a or 6 P.G E. Indies 1821. c IP Zizvphustnnervis R oth 5435 niti'da flo.r. shining lti_|fr 6 my.jl G.Y China 1822. c ] p 54o6 mauritiana Lam. Mauritian it [ 1 or 6 ... Madagasc.1820. c Lp fill. CONDA^L/^ Cav. CONOALIA. 5437 microphylla Cav small-leaved (A. Condal, a Spanish physician.) *_Jcu 2 ... G Chile 1824. R c hamr CO *. 1. 2. Fl.per.84 Zizyphus wjyrtoldes Or. 612. CELA'STRUSL. STAFF TREE. (Kelas, the latter season ; time of ripening.) Celastrmetf. 26. 87. 5438 oleoides Lam. Olive-like t . | QJ. 3 my.jn W C. G. H. 1824. C s.p 5439 /aurinus Thun. Laurel-like * L_|or 3 jn.jl W C. G. H. 1818. C 1 5440 plerocarpus Dec. full-fruited it | | or 3 jl W C. G. H. 1824. c p.l Bur. af. 97. 1 5441 tricuspuiatus Lam. three- pointed m | |or G my.jn w C. G. H. 1818. c s.p Buc. 12. 6. 3 Casx'me la?vigata La m. 5442 Rcidus L. shining *- \ |or 2 ap.s w C. G. H. 1722. c p.l Mee. ic. 1. 12 5443 luillatus L. blistered 1 or jl w Virginia 1759. L S.1 Pluk. al. 28. 5 5444 scan, ens /.. climbi'ng 1 or 15 my.jn Y N. Amer. 1736. L 8.1 Schk. nan. 1. 4 7 544") puiict\Uis Thun. spotted 5 Japan 1817. C 8.1 5446 nutans Rox. nodding fi_ r i or Ifi ... w" E. Indies 1810. c Lp 5447 cattauMe* Herit. Cassine-like it (_Jor 4 au.s W Canaries 1779. c Her. ser. 6. 10 544S tn'gynus Lam. three-styled 5 my.jn ... I. France 1824. c s.p 541!' cermius Tltun. drooping it | | or f mv.jn G C. G. H. 1817. c s.p 545o umiatus 7Viu. waved it ( | or 4 my.jn W C. G. H. 1826. c s.p 545! wvrtitMius L. 5452 tetragonus Thun. Myrtle-leaved four-angled f Dor it i |or 20 6 W w Jamaica C. G. H. 1810. 1816. c c: P !i SI. jam. 2. 193 1 5453 quadrangularis Sc/.r quadrangular it i i or 10 w Brazil 1820. c l.p 5454 jlfunus Bare. Uo\\y-leaved it ( | or 8 ... w C. G. H. 1817. c lp 5455 retusus Pair. retuse it) |or 6 ... Y Peru 1824. c S.1 Fl. per. 3. 229. a. emarginatus R. fy S. 5456 m ex i can us M. $ S. Mexican it 1 1 or 7 Mexico 1824. c S.I 5457 Imearis Thun. linear it) | or 4 my.jn w" C. G. H. 1818. c s.p 5458 emargin\tus W. emarginate it | | or 8 C. G. H. 1820. c S.1 5459 rigid us Thun. rigid it | | or 3 my jn w" C. G. H. 1818. c p.l 54M ftuxit'Uius L. Box-leaved it | |or 4 my.jn W C. G. H. 1752. c p.l Bot. mag. 2114 i 5461 rvmbsusj?. M. cymose i* i 1 or g jl W C. G. H. 1815. c p.l Bot. mag. 207( ) 5462 flexuL.sus Thun. flexuous it ( | or 6 my.jn w C. G. H. 1820. c p.l 54i3 multiflirus Low. many-flovered * . ) or 4 my.jn w S. Europe 1816. c 5464 pyracinthus L. fire-spined i_jor 2 my.jn w C. G. H. 1742. c p.l Bot. mag. 1167 R63. ALZATE\4 R. & P. ALZATEA. 54ti5 verticil Ikta R. &, P. verticiilate (J. A. de Alzale, a Spanish naturalist.) CelastrCnete. 1. L_J or 20 ...... Peru 1824. C s.p Fl. per. 3. 241 . 664. HARTO N GLd Thun. HARTOGIA. (J. Hartog. a Dutch traveller.) Celastnnea;. 1. 5466 capensis L. Cape * 1_J or 6 ...... C. G. H. 1824. C s.p G 2 84 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS V. 665. SENA N C/.4 Com. SENACIA. 5467 undulata Lam. v/ave-leaved 5468 nepalensis Dec. Nepal Celastrus verticillatus Rox. Senac, a French physician.) Pittospbrea:. 2. 4, or 12 W Bourbon 1785. C l.p or 10 ... W Nepal 1820. C l.p 666. EUO'NYMUS Tou. SPINDLE TREE. (Having a good name, by antiphrasis ; fetid.) Celastrwece. 17. 30. 469 europaAis L. European A or 15 my.jl W Britain hed. S s.l Eng. bot. 362 5469 europae N us L. IpCimilus dwarf 3fc or 4 my.jl W 2 leucocarpus Dec. white-fruited & or 12 my.jl W 5470 verrucbsus Sco. warted * or 6 my.jn G 5471 latifolius Bauh. broad-leaved St or 10 jn.jl G 5472 nknus Bieb. dwarf * or 3 5473 atropurpdreus Jac. dark purple 3fe or 6 jn.jl 5474 americanus L. American 34 or G jn.jl Pk 5475 sarmentbsus Nut. sarmentose 3fc or 3 my.jn Y scandens Hort. 5476 angustifolius Ph. narrow-leaved 5477 obovatus Nut. obovate-leaved 5478 japonicus Thun. Japan 5479 lucidus D. Don shining 3fe or 7 ... W 5480 micranthus D. Don small-flowered 3fc or 8 ... W 5481 chinensis Lou. Chinese * | or 4 my.jn W 5482 echinatus Wai. prickly 3fc (or 10 my.jn W 5483 grandiflbrus Wai. large-flowered * (or 8 my.jl W 5484 gr6ssus Wai. thick *t | or 6 my.jn W 5485 Hamiltonidnws Wai. Hamilton's | or 20 mr W * 667. COLLET/;! Com. COLLETIA. I 1 or 6 Pk 5486 spinbsa Lam. horrida W. 5487 serratifblia Ven. $5488 obcordata Ven. $5489'phedra Ven. spiny saw-leaved obcordate Ephedra-#A. succulenWyrf * i . . I or Cypress-leaved tt. | _ | or linear-leaved tt. i _ | or pectinated tt. i _ | or subulate lit i _ | or white-flowered H i _ | or red * i _ | or four-angled ft i _ | or slender-leaved slenderest hairy-leaved twiggy Heath-like capitate long-leaved dotted heart-shaped scaly corymbose most fetid hybrid Broom delicate (Dios, divine, osme, mr.jl ap.jn 3 i i ur tt. | | or l_Jor . i | or *L_|or , |or * t [or * i | or Furze-like tt, i | or tt. i | or t i | or Hi |or tt. i | or tt. i | or tL i | or 1 mr.jl 1 ap.jn 3 mr.jl 2 mr.jl 2 1 2 ap.jn 1 ap.jl 4 mr.jl 1 mr.jl 2 mr.jl 2 my.jn 2 mr.jl 2 mr.jl H ap.jl 1 ap.jl 1| ap.jl 2 myjl 2 mr.jl Hap.jl 1 apj ap.jl smell.) W W Pk W B W W R W W W Pk w W p w w w w" w w w w w Rutacece. C. G. H. 1752. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1790. 1800. 1812. 1818. 1800. 1752. 1789. 1820. 1731. 1820. 1756. 1790. 1823. 1823. 1818. 1818. 1824. 1823. 1812. 1823. 1823. 25. 42. C p.l Com. r. 1. 1 C p.l Wen. c. 1.1 C p.1 PI. al. 279. 2 C p.l C p.l C p.1 C p.1 C p.l C p.1 C p.l C p.1 C p.l C p.l C p.1 C p.l C p.l C p.1 C p.l C p.l C p.l C p.l C p.l C p.l C p.l C p.1 Wen. c. 1. 8 Bot. rep. 451 Com. r. 3. 3 Bot. mag. 2332 Wen. c. 1. 19 674. DICHO'SMAZte-. DICHOSMA. 5563 bitiria Dec bifid Diosma bifida Jac. (Dicka, without, osme, smell ) ; l_J or 2 ap.jl W C. G. H. '675. ADENA'NDRA W. en. ADENANDRA. (Aden, a gland 5564 unifiora W. en. 5565 acuminata Lod. 5566 amce^na Lod. 5567 speciosa B. M. 1 multiflbra Dec. 2 pauciflbra Dec. 5568 umbellkta W. en. 5569 vijlbsa Dec. Diosma villbsa Thun. 5570 marginata Thun. margined Di6sma marginata Thun. 5571 fragrans B. M. fragrant 5572 coriacea Lick. coriaceous 5573 tetragona Swt. four-angled one-flowered tfc \ | or acuminate il i | or pleasing * i | or showy it | | or many-flowered * i | or few-flowered * i I or umbellate villous ill | or i_Jor 1 ap.jl 2 ap.jl 2 ap.jl 2 ap.jl 2 ap.jl 2 ap.jl 2 ap.jl 2 ap.jl Pk W R Pk Pk .Pk Pk Pk aner, a male.) C. G. H. 1775. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1812. 1798. 1789. 1790. 1790. 1790. 1786. Rutaceec. 1. C p.1 Jac. col. 3. 20. 1 Rutacex. 10. C p.l Bot. mag. 273 C p.l Bot. cab. 493 C p.l Bot. reg. 553 C p.l Bot. mag. 1271 C p.1 C p.l C p.l Wen.c.1.10 C p.l l_J or 2 mr.jl Pk C. G. H. 1806. C p.l Pluk. al. 411. 3 *l_Jor ill | or * i | or 3 -my-jl Pk 2 ap.jl Pk 2 ap.jl W C. G. H. 1812. C p.l Bot. mag. 1519 C. G. H. 1720. C p.l C. G. H. 1798. C p.l Thun. v. 4. 5 *676. BARYO'SMA W. en. BARYOSMA. (Barys, heavy, osme, smell.) Rutacece. 6. 5574 serratifolia W. saw-leaved i | or 3 mr.jn Pk C. G. H. 1789. C p.l Bot. mag. 456 Diosma serratifolia Lod. 5575 odorata R. & S. sweet-scented H i 1 or 2 ap.jl W Di6sma latifblia Lod. -.\ |or 2 f.s C. G. H. 1824. C p.1 Bot. cab. 5576 ovata W. . ovate-leaved 5577 crenata W. crenated 5578 ftetulina Thun. ~B\rch-leaved 5579 diolca Dec. dioecious Diosma Zinif&lia Lod. W :|_Jor 2 W W W ( I or 2 ap.jl :(_Jor 2 apjl C.G. H. 1790. C p.l Bot. mag. 1616 C. G. H. 1774. C p.l C. G.H. 1790. C p.f C. G. H. 1816. C p.l Bot. reg. 502 677. AGATHO'SMA W. en. AGATHOSMA. 5580 orbicularis W. orbicular-^rf Diosma orbicularis Thun. 5581 pulchella W. 5582 latifdlia W. 5583 obtdsa R. Sf S. ' Diosma ciliata Lain. 1 ovata Dec. 2 oblonga Wnl. 3 lanceolata Ker 5584 ciliata W. 5585 prolifera Dec. Bucco prolifera Wnl. 5566 rugosa Lk. 5587 ambigua Dec. Diosma ambigua Lod. 5588 acuminata W. en. 5589 barbata Spr. 5590 imbricata W. 5591 vesttta Lich. 5592 rtnifolia Lich. 5593 cerefolia Ven. 5594 pubescens W. en. 5595 vHlbsa W. 5596erecta Wnl. 5597 hirta Ven. I purpurea Horl. * i_J or ithos, good, osme, smell.) Ruthcets. 22. 25, ap.jn W C. G. H. 1800. C p.l pretty broadileaved *l_Jor * i | or 3 f.s 2 p W C. G. H. C. G. H. 1787. 1789. c C p.l p.l Bot mag. 1357 Bot. rep. 33 obtuse-leaved L_|or 2 ap.jn P C. G. H. 1774. e p.1 Bot. cab. 210 ovate-leaved l |or 2 ap.jn P C. G. H. 1774. c p.l Wen. c. 1. 13 oblong-leavfd ill |or 2 ap.jn P C. G. H. 1774, c p.l Wen. c. 1. 14 lanceolate-/i>rf i | or 2 ap.jn P C. G. H. 1774. c pi Bot. reg. 476 ciliated *l | or 2 W C. G. H. 1774. c p.l proliferous I | or 2 apjn W C. G. H. 1790. c p.1 Wen. c. 3. 77 wrinkled *i_Jor 2 ap.jn W T C. G. H. 1790. c p.l ambiguous *l_|or 2 ap.jn W C. G. H. 1810. c p.1 Bot. cab. 461 acuminate *i | or 5 ap.jn V C. G. H, 1812; c p.l Wen. c. 1. 28 bearded ill |or 2 ap.jn W C. G. H. 1810. c imbricated *i |or 3 ap.jn Pk C. G. H. 1774. c p.1 Wen. c. 1. 9 clothed *i_lor 2 apjn W T C. G. H. 1824. c p.l " Flax-leaved *t_|or 2 ap.jn W C. G. H. 1823. c p.l Chervil-leaved is i | or 2 ap.jn W C. G. H. 1790. c p.l Ven. mal. 93 pubescent tt., |or 1 W C, G. H. 1798. c p.l Wen. c. 1. 13. H shaggy tt-^or l| V C. G. H. 1786. c p.l Wen. c. 1. 2 erect l_Jor 2 ap.jn B.n C. G. H. 1816. c p.1 Wen.c. 1.3 hairy * 1 | or 'J ap.jn P C. G. H. 1794. c l.p Ven. mal. 72 rfar/t-purple ;J ap.jn 1' : C. G. H. 1794. c Bot. reg.36U ' G 3 86 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS V. 2 VentenaUana R. & S. Ventenat's * i 1 or 3 exsiccata Dec. dried up it \ | or 5598 hispida W. hispid . i_J or 5599 brevifdlia Lam. short-leaved A. (or 5600 reflcxa Lk. refiexed-leaved i ) or 5601 Brunlades Lk. Brunia-like it L .J or 678. SPIRANTHE^RA 5A # l_J or 3 ap.jl Ap N. Holl. 1823. C s.p Gay. dis. 7 Solanum-like 41 !_j or 3 ap.jl P N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. mag. 1486 I_J or 3 ap.jl Ap N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Lab. n. h. 1. 88 41 |_J or 3 ap.jl Br N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. mag. 1485 (M. Serfage, a Swiss botanist.) Byttneriacece. 1. 41 1_| or 12 ap.jl W N. Holl. 1802. C s.p Mem. m. 7 683. BYTTNE^R/^ Loe. BYTTNERIA. (D. S. A. Buttner, prof. bot. at Gottingen.) Byttneriacev. 8. 20. M A~,...^*U~ /-.. .u:..,, , ^ 41 i_J or 3 jn.jl VV V. Di. L. 1780. C' p.l Bot. rep. 603 5624 dasyphylla Gay thick-leaved Commerson/'a dasyphylla B. Rep. 5625 hermnnnijblia Gay Hermannia-lvd* i _ | or 4 herbaceous El un 5626 herbacea Rox. 5627 grandifolia Dec. 5628 catalfxefbtia Jac. 5629 cordata Lam. 5630 scabra L. 5631 microphylla L. 684. AYE'N/^ L. 5632 pusilla L. 5633 Isevigata Swz. ^ large-leaved * Catalpa-leaved * cordate rough-leaved . small-leaved tt. AYENIA. small smooth tt. d cu Q cu 1 jn.jl un 6 un 6 un 3 6 jl 5 ... N. Holl. 1823. C p.l E. Indies 1820. C p.l Rox. cor. 1. 9 E. Indies 1823. C p.l Caraccas 1823. C p.l Jac. sc. 1. 46 Peru 1824. C p.l Gay dis. 5. loO W. Indies 1793. C p.l Cav. dis. 5. 148. 1 W.p S. Amer. 1816. C Ep Cav. dis. 5. 148. 8 (The Duke D'dyen, of Noailles.) Malvaceae. 2. 6. [S cu 1 jl.s P Jamaica 1756. C r.m Mil. ic. 79. 118 ID cu 2 ... S Jamaica ... C r.m 685. CALODE'NDRON Thun. CALODENDRON. (Kalos, beautiful, dendron, a tree.) Rutucece. 1. 5634 capense Thun. Cape { i_J or 40 ... Pk C. G. H. 1789. C l.p H. n. h. 4. 22 686. TODDA^LIA J. TODDALIA. (Kaka Toddali, its Malabar name.) Terebinlticeee. 3. 4. 5635 aculeata Pers. prickly it Q or 6 ... W E. Indies 1790. C s.p Lam. il. 139 Scopolwz aculeata Sm. Paullmia asiatica L. 5636 paokuUita Lam. panicled it Q un 6 ... W I. France 1819. C s.p Lam. il. 139. 2 ScopolzVi inermis Sm. 5637 angustifolia Lam. narrow-leaved 41 Q or 6 ... W Mauritius 1824. C p.l Rubentia angustifolia Spr. 687. ESCALLO"*N/v4MutisEscALLONiA. (Escallon, a Spaniard, and American traveller.) Escallonice. 2. 4. 5638 discolor Mvtis sundry-colored 41 FT or 6 ... W S. Amer. 1820. C l.p Yen. ch. 54 5639 floribunda H. $ B. flowery 41 n or 6 S. Amer. 1827. C l.p 688. RU'YSCH/,4 Jac. RUYSCHIA. (F. Ruysch, M. D.. a celebrated Dutch anatomist.) Marc%raviacea>. 1. 2. 5640 clusiatfblia Jac. Clusia-leaved 44 O or 4 ... P W. Indies 1823. C p.l ' Jac. am. 51. 2 689. BURSA RIA Cav. BURSARIA. (Bursa, a pouch.) Pittospbreee. 1. 5611 spinosa Cav. thorny l_J or 10 au.d W N. S. W. 1793. C s.p Bot. mag. 1767 630. CEDRE\LA L. 5642 odorata L. 5643 Toona Rox. 5644 velutina Dec. BASTARD CEDAR. (Cedrus, the cedar tree; aromatic resin.) Cedrtle&. 3 5. sweet-scented f CD tm 50 ... Pk W. Indies 1739. C l.p Br. jam. 158.10.1 Toona velvety J dim 50 J CD or 50 E. Indies 1823. C 1. l.p p.l 691. HOVE^NJ/f Thun. HOVENIA. 5615 dubis Thun. sweet acerba Lindl. 5646 injequalis Dec. _ unequal (D. Hoven, a senator of Amsterdam.) Rhdmneee. 2. 1 L_] fr 8 W China 1812. C p.l Bot. mag. 2360 dulcis D. Don and Rox. pubescens Swt. l_J fr ID ... W Nepal 1823. C p.l *692. BRITN.M L. 5647 laeVis Thun. 5648 nodiflora L. 5649 globusa Thun. 5650 deusta Thun. 5651 lanuginosa L. 5652 comdsa Thun. 5653 verticillata L. 5654 squarrbsa Thun. BRUNIA. (C. Brun, a trav smooth 4t | i pr knot-flowered 41 1 1 or globose 4l| I pr burnt-^ed - 1 1 or woolly 41 1 1 or tufted 41 1 I pr whorled 41 i_J or squarrose 41 1 1 pr eller into the Levant and Russia.) 2 W C. G. H. 1822. 6 W C.G. H. 1786. 2 W C. G. H. 1816. 1 W C. G. H. 1804. 3 W C. G. H. 1774. 3 W C. G. H. 1820. 3 W C. G. H. 1794. 2 W C. G. H. 1820. BruniaceDec. primulaefo \iaHam. 5722 Gmelinidnrt R. & S. Gmelin's & A or i jn.jl B Siberia 1820. D P ] ' Gm. si. 4. 49. 2 sibirica Gm. 5723 pygmas'a J. pigmy jg iAI or Jjl.n P.B Peru 1822. D D 1* 5724 obfiqua W. ob\iqi\e-Jtwd ^ A r i my.jn Y.B N. Amer. 1762. D P'l 5725 cucullata L. hooded ^ A or i my.jl B N. Amer. 1772. D Bot. mag. 1795 5726 sororia Ph. sister ^i A or i ap.jn B N. Amer. 1802. D pj W. h. b. 72 5727 papilionacea Ph. butterfly 5e A or ? my.jn J5 N. Amer. 1800. D p.l 5728 aspera Gin. rough ^t A or i ap.jn Pa.Y Nepal 1824. 1) p.l 5729 ambigua W. $ K. doubtful ^ A or 4 P.V Hungary 1823. D CO W. & K. 190 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS V. 5730 uliginosa Bcs. swamp ^ A or i P Carinthia 1823. D CO 5731 rotundifolia MX. round-leaved ^ A or | ap.jn P N. Amer. 1817. D p.l 5752 asarifolia Ph. Asarum-leaved ^ A or 5 apjn W N. Amer. 1820. I) p.l 5733 dentata Ph. toothed ^ A or i ap.jn B N. Amer. 1817. 1) p.l 5734 clandestina Ph. clandestine ^ A or i my Br Pensylv. 1800. D p.l 5735 blanda Nut. charming ^ A or 1 my.jl W N. Amer. 1802. 1) P.l W. h. b.24i 5736 ovata Nut. ovate-leaved ^t A or | ap.jn P.B N. Amer. 1783. D p.l primulifMia Ph. 5737 primula? folia Gro. Primrose-lvd ^ A or i ap.jn Pa.B Carolina 1800. D p.l (not of Pursh) 5738 alleghanensis R.SfS. Alleghany ^ A or i ap.jn B N. Amer. 1824. D p.l 5739 Selkirkw Gul. Selkirk's & A pr I jn.jl B N. Amer. 1823. D S.I 5740 hirta L. hairy ^ A or \ B England ch. so. D P.l Eng. bot. 894 5741 humilis H.Sf B. humble ^[ -AJ or \ ap.jn W Mexico 1824. 1) p.l H. & B. 5. 492 1 5742 hirsuta R. $ S. hirsute A or i ap jl B Bohemia 1820. J) p.l 5743 colllna Bes. hill fra \ B Poland 1822. D CO 5744 campestris Bieb. field ^ A or i P Tauria 1824. D CO 5745 palustris Sm. marsh ^ or i my.jn B Britain mos.b. I) p.l Eng. bot. 444 5746 Schmidt*dre Schult. Schmidt's ^ A or \ my.jn B Austria 1821. 1) CO 5747 pyrenaica Ram. Pyrenean ^ A or i ap.jn B Pyrenees 1817. D p.l 5748 odorata L. sweet-scented &T A fra i P Britain D p.l Eng. bot. 619 1 purpurea purple-flotvered&r A fra j P Britain L) p.l 2 alba white-flowtved * A fra W Britain 1) p.l 3 ceerulea blue-flowered ffn A fra | B Britain gard. D pi 4 purpurea plena double-purple $. A fra | P Britain gard. 1) p.l 5 alba plena double-white $ A fra | W Britain gard. 1) p.l 6 casrulea plena double-blue ;, A fra | B Britain gard. D p.l 7 pallida plena 5749 alpina Juc. double-pale ^ Alpine & A A fra or i Pa.B imyjn D.P Britain gard. Austria 1823. 1) D p.l p.l Jac. au. 242 5750 jap6nica Lan. Japan ^ A or | ap.jn B Japan 1818. D odorata Thun. 5751 palmaris Ham. palm jf A or i ap.jl Y Nepal 1825. D p.l 5752 canlna L. dog's ^ A w ap.jn B Britain hea. 1) p.l Eng. bot. 620 5753 sylvestris Kit. wood ^j A or my.jn B Hungary 1820. D CO 575-1 Krokerj Gra. Kroker's ^ A or 5 my.jn Pa.R Siberia 1820. 1) p.l 5755 neglecta Schmidt neglected or ^ my.jn P.B Crimea 1821. 1) CO 5756 AllionuPio Allioni's ^ A or 5 my.jn B France 1823. D p.l Piovi. 1.2 arenaria Dec. 5757 pumila Vil. dwarf ^ A or J my.jn Pa.B France 1818. D p.l Vil.stras.5 Iancif6lia Thore, eri< :etdrum Schr. 5758 glauca Bleb. glaucous ^ A or | my.jn P.B Poland 1822. D CO 5759 sarmentosa Bieb. twiggy Jk A or i jnjl B Caucasus 1824. 1) p.l 5760 lactea E. B. milk-co/oreo" & A or i my C England moi. h. D p.l Eng. bot. 445 5761 Ruppiz All. Kuppius's ^ 5762 Hornemanm'dwa R.&S. Hornemann's^ A A pr or ^ my.jn B | my.jn Crea Italy 1822. 1819. K D Bot. cab. 686 stricta Horn. Peach-leaved ^ A or 1 jn.jl Crea Germany 1817. D p.l 5764 montana L. mountain 5j A or I mv.jn L.B A!. ofEur,1683. p.l Bot. mag. 159 j 5765 littoralis Spr. shore ^ A or ijnjl Pa.B Baltic 1820. D p.l 5766 Langbdorffi Fis. Langsdorf's ^ A or i jn.jl B Siberia 1823. D p.l 5767 stagnina Kit. bog * A or 1; my.jn Croatia 1820. D p.l 5768 Broussoneti<)fca R. & S. Broussonet's ^ .A [ or in il B Teneriffe 1817. D p.l cordata W.en. 5769 hastata MX. hastate ^ A or | my.jn Y Carolina 1823. jj p.l 5770 NuttaUu Ph. Nuttal's ^ A or i my.jn Y Missouri 1812. D CO 5771 tripartita EU. three-parted ^ or N. Amer. 1823. I) p.l 5772 debilis MX. weak yk or j B N. Amer. 1820. D CO 5773 valderia W. en. Valderian ^ A or my.jn P Mt. Cenis 1805. D Al. ped. 2. 24. 5 5774 cenisia ^. 5775 nummularifMia All. Mount Cenis ^ Moneyvvort-lvd^t A A or or jn.jl B ^ my.jn B Mt. Cenis J?59. S. France 1820. D D p.l Al. ped. 2. 22. 6 Al. ped. 9. 4 5776 canadensis L. Canadian jg A or i my.jn W N. Amer. 1783. 1) p.l 5777 striata #. *. streaked A or i jn.jl St N. Amer. 1772. 1) p.l 5778 ochroleuca Lewis yellowish.whiteCfc A or ^ jn.jl Crea N. Amer. 1800. 1) p.l 5779 pubescens H. K. pubescent ^ A or i j n ji Y N. Amer. 1772. 1) p.l Bot. reg. 390 5780 mirabilis #". 5781 radicans Dec. wonderful j^ rooting ^ A A or or i L.B 4 Jn.jl B Germany 1732. Carolina 1823. D 1) p.l p.l Fl. dan. 1045 5782 biflora L. two-flowered 3$_ A or 5 Y Al.ofEur.1752. ]) p.l Bot. mag. 208! ) 5783 unifl6ra TF. one-flowered ^ A or ^ jn.jl Y Siberia 1774. 1) CO Gm. si. 4. 48. i 3 5784 decumbens Thun. ' decumbent Al or \ jn.jl Pa.B C. G. H. 1819. p.l 5785 arborescens W. arborescent tt 1 ] or 1J Pa.B Spain 1779. L r.m Bar. ic. 5G8 5786 saxicola ft. # S. saxatilis Hofg. rock-inhabiting^ A or i jn.jl Pa.B Portugal 1824. D p.l 5787 tricolor L. three-colored or \ ap.s Y.P Britain corn fi. S CO Eng. bot. 1287 5788 banatica A'tf. Banatian or | ap.s Y.P Germany 1820. S CO 5789 arvensis Sib. corn-field or i ap.s Y.P Britain s co 5790 eriocarpa Dec. woolly-fruited ^ A or 1 jn Jl Y N. Amer. 1823. D p.l 5791 prostrate R. & S. prostrate 3c A or \ jn.jl Crea Teneriffe 1824. D p.l 5792 declinata W. & K. turned aside & A or -I- my.jl Pa.B Pannonia 1818. D p.l W. & K. 223 5793 Kitaibelwna R. & S. Kitaibel's A or i my.jl Pa.B Pannonia 1820. D p.l 5794 Selkirk** Gol. Selkirk's A or i jn jl B N. Amer. 1822. 1) p.l 5795 bicolor Ph. two-colored ^ A or i jn.jl W N. Amer. 1818. 1) p.l 5796 altaica Ker Altaic ^ A or | mr.jn P.Y Siberia 1805 1) CO Bot. reg. 54 2 purpurea purple ^ A or \ mr.jn P Siberia 1810. D CO 5797 rothomagensis Deaf. 5798 saxatilis Schmidt lutea Bes. JRouen -^ rock ^ A A or or i B i my.jl Y France 1783. Bohemia 1810. D 1) CO p.l Bot. mag. 1498 5799 sudetica JK. en. Sudetic ^ A or | Y Germany 1805. D CO 5800 lutea . J5. yello w-flowe red ^ A or Y Britain m. pas. 1) p.l Eng. bot. 721 5801 grandiflbra L. great-flowered ^ A or Y Switzerl. ... 1) p.l Hal. h. 556. 17 5802 orfeades Bieb. oreads A or 4 my.jl P Tauria 1818. 1) p.l 5803 Pallas Fis. Pallas's ^ or \ my.jn B Siberia 1818. 1) I'l 5804 chrysantha Fis. yellow-flowered j^. A or i my.jn Y Germany 1820. 1) p.l 5805 amcetoa Swwe$ 5806 Zoysw Wul. pleasing ;^ Zoys's & A A or or i jn.jl P i jl.s Y Scotland rnoun. Carinthia ... D D p.l CO Eng. bot 1287 Jac. c.4 11.1 5807 calcarata L. spurred ^ A or 1 nu.jn L.B Switzerl. 1752. n I'.! ORDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 89 5808 cornuta L. horned 5809 Vil\arsidna R. & S. Villars's calcarata Vil. 5810 gracilis Sib. slender ^ A or my.jn B Pyrenees 1776. D p.l Bot. mag. 791 ^ A or jn.jl B Vallesia 1820. D p.l ^ A or i jn.jl P Greece 1817. D p.l 222 Violariece. 2. 3. (Erpetos, trailing, ion, a violet.) P.B N. Holl. 1823. D s.p.l Sw. fl. gar. 170 702. ERPET10N Swt. SPUHLESS VIOLET. 5811 renitVSrmis Swt. reniform $ _A1 pr J my.o Tlola Aederacea /3 latines Dec. 5812 Aederacea G. Don Ivy-leaved $ -Al pr J my.o P.B N. Holl. 1823. D s.p.l Lab. n. h. 1. 91 Viola Aederacea Lab. 703. SO^LE/i Ging. SOLEA. (W. Sole, author of an essay on the genus Mentha.) Violariece. 1. 5813 concolor Ging. self-colored ^ A or 1 jn.jl G N. Amer. 1788. D p.l Lin. tr.28 flola c6ncolor Forst. 704. TOMBA^LIA Van. POMBALIA. (Marquis de Pombal, a Portuguese statesman.) Violariece. 1. 3. 5814 Ituba Ging. Ituba lonfdium Ipecacuanha /3 B. M. 705. lONI'DIUM Ven. IONIDIUM. 5815 capense R. $ S. Cape Fiola capensis Thun. 5816 strictum Ven. strict 5817 Sprengelianum R. & S. Sprengel's S61e stricta Spr. 5818 jDolygalajfolium Ven. Polygala-lvd SMeo verticillata Spr. 5819 verbenaceum H. % B. Vervain-like (Al m 1 jl W Brazil 1822. S co Bot. mag. 2453 (Ion, a violet, eidos, like ; similarity.) n. i_| c-r 1 my.jl W C. G. H. IS Violariece. 2. 30. C l.p my.jl W my.jl W W. Indies 1824. S p.l Pensylva. 1818. S p.l tt I | or 1 G.Y S. Amer. 1797. C l.p Ven. mal. 27 G3or my.jl Pa. B Mexico 1823. S l.p H.&B.n. 5.497 706. NOISETT//* H. $ B. NOISETTIA. (L. C. Noisette, nurseryman at Paris.) Violarieee. 1. 3. 5820 longifolia H. $ B. long-leaved tt. Q or 1 ... Crea Cayenne 1824. S p.l H.&B.n.5.429.11 lonidium longifolium R. $ S. fiola longifolia Pair. 707. CALY'PTRION Ging. CALYPI-RIO.V. (Kalyptra, a veil, ion, a violet.) Violariece. 1. 6. 5821 Aubletw Ging. Aublet's fl CD or 6 ... Crea Guiana 1823. S p.l Aub. gui. 2. 319 Fiola Hybanthus Aub. lonfdium Hybanthus R. $ S. 5822 pyrifolium Mart. Pyrus-leaved tt-CD or i Brazil 1822. S p.l Mart. br. ic. 708. ALSODE'A Thou. ALSODEA. 5823 paucifl5ra Thou. few-flowered * CD or 5824 latifolia Thou. broad-leaved * CD or (Alsodes, leafy.) Violariece. 2. 7. 6 ... W Madagas. 1824. C p.l Thou. af. 17 Madagas. 1824. C p.l Thou. af. 18. 2 W *709. CERANTHE^RA Beauv. CERANTHERA. (Keras, a horn, anthera, an anther.) Violariece. 1. 1. 5825 subintegrifoiia Beauv. sub-entire-lvd m Q or 6 jn.jl W Guinea 1824. C s.l Beau. ow. 2. 66 *710. PHY'LICA L. PHYLICA. (PkyUileot, leafy ; copious evergreen foliage. ) Rhamnece. 45. 52. 5826 ramosissima Dec. branch iest il_Jor 16 my.jn W St.H< ;lena 1810. C p.l 5827 stipularis L. stipular 3 my.s W C. G. H. 1786. C P-1 Bur. af. 41 2 5828 parvi flora L. small-flowered tt j (or 2 ap.jl W C. G. H. 1790. C P.l 5829 ericoides L. Heath-like * I ) or 3 ap.s W C. G. H. 1731. C P.l Bot. mag. 224 5830 glabrata Thun. smooth * i j or 2 my.jn W C. G. H. 1817. c P.l 5831 acertaa W. chaffy it i |or 3 my.jn W C. G. H. 1820. c p.l Pluk. al. 445. 1 5832 eri6phora Berg. wool-bearing il l (or 3 n W C. G H. 1774. c P.l PI. am. 445. 1 5833 lanceolata Thun. lance-teaved * 1 j or 3 W C. G. H. 1790. c p.l 5834 bicolor L. two-colored it | | or 2 my.jl W C. G. H. 1817. c P.l 5835 sec u n da Thun. side-flowering H,_Jor 2 my.jn W C. G. H. 1817. c {,.1 5836 imb^rbis L. beardless H|_Jor "j my.jl W C. G. H. 1824. c p.l Seba. 2. 49. 5 5837 australis L. southern it t (or fi apjl W C. G. H. 1818. c p.l 5838 pftmila Wnl. dwarf *i_jor I my.jn W C. G. H. 1823. c P.l 5839 hirsiita Thun. hairy it | | or 3 ap.jl W C. G. H. 1820. c p.l 5840 villosa Thun. villous it | | or 2 my W C. G. H. 1790. c p.l 5841 papillbsa Wnl. papillose it | |or ,'5 my.jl Pa.Y C. G. H. 1820. c P-l W T en. c.3. 71 5842 rosmarini folia Lan\. Rosemary-lvd it | | or 3 W C. G. H. 1815. c p.l Bot. cab. 84!) 5843 cylindrica Wnl. cylindrical t 1 | or 2 W C. G. H. ... c I'.l Wen. c. 1 5844 excelsa Wnl. lofty 1 | or 16 W C. G. H. 1823. c Wen. c. 3. 4 5845 horizontal Ven. horizontal j i i or 2 my.jn W C. G. H. 1820. c P.l Ven. mal. 57 x 5846 plumosa W. feathered Hi_|or 2 W C. G. H. 1752. c P.l Bot. cab. 253 5847 squarrosa Ven. 5848 Commelini Spr. squarrose Commelin's 1 for i_Jor 2 au.n my.jn W W C. G. C. G. H. H. 1800. 1800. c c P.1 p.l Bot. cab. 36 Spr. b. m. 8. 8. 6 5849 pubescens H. K. pubescent it | j or 2 f.ap W C. G. H. 1774. c P.l Bot. cab. 695 5850 capitata Thun headed it) |or 1 W C. G. H. 1800. c P.l Bot. reg. 711 5851 globosa Thun. 5852 callbsa L. globose callous-leaved Hi_]or it i |or 3 1 my.jl mr.ap W W C. G. C. G. H. H. 1800. 1774. c c P.l p.l reflexa Lam. 5853 spicata L. nfnea Thun. spiked it i ]or 2 n.d W C. G. H. 1774. c p.l Lam. iL 127. 3 $5854 cordata L. heart-leaved it i |or 2 my.jn P.Y C. G. H. 1789. c p.l Com. rar. 62. 12 5855 wzyrtifblia Pers. Myrtle-leaved it) |or 3 D.Y C. G. H. 1816. c P.l 5856 Auxifblia L. Box-leaved *i_Jor 2 my.s W C. G. H. 1759. c P.l Bot. cab. 848 5857 /edifblia Desf. Ledum-leaved Hi |or 2 my.jl W C. G. H. 1820. c p.l 5858 oledides Desf. Olive-like it i | or o my.jn W C. G. H. 1800. c l.p Bot. cab. 323 spicata Lod. 5859 dioica L. dioecious it i |or 2 my.s W C. G. H. 1817. c p.l 5860 axillaris Lam. axillary./Zturf it i 1 or 2 my.jn W C. G. H. 1812. c Spr. b. m. 8. 8. 4 rosmarini f61ia W.en. 5861 orientalis LJc. oriental Hi_|or 3 my.jn W C. G. H. 1820. c p.l Her. am. 283 5862 reclinata Wnl. reclinate HuJor 2 my.jn W C. G. H. 1823. c P.l Wen. c. 2. 56 5863 acuminata Hort. acuminate it i_j or 2 my.jn W C. G. H. 1819. c p.l 5864 paniculata W. panicled it| | or 2 my.jl W C. G. H. 1817. c 5865 trich6toma Thun. trichotomous H i | or 3 my.jl W C. G. H. 1818. c P.l 5866 /hymifolia Ven. 5867 arborea Thou. Thyme-leaved tree H^or 1 1 |or 3 16 my.jl my.jl W W C. G. H. Tris.d'Ac. 1820. 1817. c c P-'l Ven. maL 57 5868pinifbliaZ,. Pine-leaved H i I or 2 my W C. G. H. 1789. c P. I 5869 racembsa L. racemose Hi_Jor L' my.s W C. G. H. 1790. r P.l 5870 imbricata Thun. imbricated *l_Jor 1 au.n W C. G. H. 1801. c Pi 90 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS V. 711. CRYPT A'NDRA Sm. CRYPTANDRA. (Kryptos, hidden, aner y a man ; concealed stamens.) Rhamnece. 4. 5871. C s.p 5874 spinescens Sieb. spinescent * i _ | cu 1 my.jn W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 712. PLECTRO^NIA L. PLECTRO.VIA. (Plectron, a cock's spur ; tree with large spines.) RMmneae. 1. 2. 5875 corymbosa L. corymbose f ( _ lor 20 ... W.G C. G. H. 1816. C p.l 94 7,13. CONOC A'RPUS Jac. BUTTON TREE. 5876 ere'ctus Jac. upright 5877 prociimbens Jac. procumbent 5878 racemusus /,. racemose 5879 acutitulius //. 85 B. acute-leaved (Konos, a cone, karpos, a fruit.)_ Combretacece. 4. Pa.Y Jamaica Pa.Y Cuba 1752. C p.l Cat. car. 2. 33 S. Amer. 1820. S. Amer. 1824. 1730. C p.l Jac. am. 52. 2 - C p.l Jac. am. pic. 79 C p.l 714. CY PHI A 5?*. CYPHIA. 5880 volubilis W. twining Lobelia vol ubilis L. 5881 bulbosa Berg. bulbous 5882 Cardamines W. Cardamine LobeUo Cardamines Thun. 5883 incisa W. cut-leaved 5884 Phyteuma W. Rampion (Kyphos, curved ; stigma.) Lobeliacece. 5. 8. O or 1 ... P.B C. G. H. 1795. D l.p iQIpr lAJ or I au.s 3 uH Kau P.B C. G. H. 1791. D l.p Bur. af. 38. 1 C. G. H. 1823. S l.p Pa.R C. G. H. Pk C. G. H. 1819. S s.p D l.p Bot. reg. 625 715. L1GHTFOO V T7^ Herit. LIGHTFOOTIA. (Rev. J.Lighffoot, author of first Fl. Scot.) Campanvlacece. 3. 6. 588:5 oxycoccoides W. Oxycoccos-like . i_J or jl B.w C. G. H. 1787. C s.l Ex. bot. 2. 69 5886 ten^lla Lod. slender tt. i | el f jn.jl B C. G. H. 1822. C p.l Bot. cab. 1038 5887 subulata Herit. awl-leaved tt- i_J or | au B C. G. H. 1787. D s.l Her. ser. 4. 5 Campanula fruticosa L. interrupta Pers. 716. JASIO'NE L. 5888 mont^na L. 5889 pernnis Lam. SHEEP'S SCABIOUS. (Applied by Pliny to a wild potherb.) CampanulaceeE. 2. 5. mountain O pr 1 J n -jl B Britain S co Eng. bot. 882 perennial ] A P* 1 J n -Jl B France 1787. D co Bot. mag. 2198 717. LAGCETCIA L. CUMIN. (Lagos, a hare, ottos, a dwelling; seeds in wool.) Umbelliferce. 1. 5890 cuminoldes L. Cumin-like Q cu 1 jn.jl G.Y Levant 1640. S co Lam. il. 242 718. flE'DERA L 5S91 Hfelix L. 2 poetica 3 arborea 4 chrysocarpa 5892 canariensis W. 5893 pe"ndula Sim.. Jvv. common poet's tree yellow-berried Canary pendulous (Hedra, cord, Celt. ; the shoots.) Araliacece. 3. 8. &r or 40 o.n G Britain woods. L co Eng. bot. 1267 fc, or 20 o.n G Britain woods. L co . or 8 o.n G Britain ... L co k or 30 o.n G Greece 1815. L co t, or 20 o.n G Canaries ... L co Mag. ber. 2. 5. 12 ... Pa. G Jamaica 1824. C p.l Swz.fl.9 *719. RI^BESL. CURRANT. (An acid plant, mentioned by the Arabjan physicians.) Grossulace&. 36. 52. 5894 rubrum L. 2 album 3 sylvestre 5895 carpaticum Kit. 5896 petras\im L. 5897 multiflurum Kit. 5898 spicatum Robs. 5899 tritioum MX. 5900 procumhens Pall. 5901 figens MX. 5902 prostratum //mY. glamiuldsum//. K. 5903 alp'mum I,. 5904 triste Pall. 5905 albmerve Mr. 590. lake 3fe oxycantholdes MX. 5929 Cynosbati L. Dog bramble S 5930 caucasicum Adams Caucasian St red & fr 4 G Britain C r.m Eng. bot. 1289 white 3fe fr G Britain C* r.m wild & or G Britain c; r.m Carpathian & or G Carpathia 1818. c CO rock 3fe many- flowered 3fe or or my R G England moun. Hungary 1822. c c CO CO Eng. bot. 705 Bot. mag. 2368 spiked ^ or G England m.wo. C CO Eng. bot. 1290 trifid & trailing 3fe stiff & or fr or *' my.jn P.Y P G Quebec 1823. Dahuria 1804. N. Amer. 1812. c: L C CO m.s CO Bot. mag. 2368 Pal. ros. 2. 65 prostrate 3fe or ^ Y N. Amer. 1777. L S.1 Her. st. 1. 2 Alpine 3fe or 3 G Britain woods. C CO Eng. bot 704 sad fe or 3 Y.p Siberia 1820. C CO Pal. pet. 10 white-nerved Sfe fr 4 G N. Amer. ... c CO blood-yfotoe; ed 3fe fr 3 Bd N. Amer. 1817. c CO golden 3fe or 8 Y Missouri 1812. c r.m Bot. reg. 125 white-fruited Sfe or 8 Y N. Amer. c CO red-fruited 3fe or 8 Y N. Amer. ... c CO Missouri 3fc or 6 ap Y Missouri c CO black Sfc fr 5 ap,my G Britain m.hed. c r.m Eng. bot. 1291 florid * or 4 Y N. Amer. 1729. c CO Di. el. 244. 315 loose-flowered 3fc or 4 Y.G N. Amer. 1812. (^ CO gumrny 3il or 3 Y.G N. Amer. 1800. L CO Bot. mag. 1583 glandular ^ or 8 .. Peru 1820. C CO Fl. per. 233. b. most viscid 3fe or 4 Y N. Amer. 1826. C CO frozen Sfe or 4 Y Nepal 1823. c CO roughish ^ or 3 Y.G N. Amer. 1812. L s.l slender 3fe or 4 Y.G N. Amer. 1812. L s.l three-flowered ^ or 4 G.Y N. Amer. 1812. L r.l W. h. b. 1. 61 rock & fr 4 my.jn G Siberia 1817. c CO eastern & or 4 my.jn G.Y Syria 1824. c CO two-spined Sfe or 4 my.jn G.Y Siberia 1781. L r.l Schm. ar. 97 reclinate 3fe or 2 P.G Germany 1683. L CO long-spined Sfe or 4 my.jn G ... C CO Rough gooseb. 3 Smooth gooseb. afe fr fr 4 4 mr.ap mr.ap G G England hed. England hed. C c r.m r.m Eng. bot. 1292 Eng. bot. 20.57 or 3 W.Y N. Amer. 1705. L co Di. el. 139. 166 fr 1 my.jn G N. Amer. ... C co or 4 Y.G N. Amer. 1812. C p.l Canada 1759. C s.l Schm. ar. 98 Caucasus 1819. C co 4 ap G 4 my.jn G 720. GRONO^VI/i L. GRONOVIA. 5931 scandens L. climbinjr 6932 Humboldtiana R.&S. Humboldt's (J. F. Gronovius, a botanist of Leyden.) LOlcu 6 jnjl G.Y Jamaica 1731. L DB cu 8 Y S. Amer. 1820. Cucurbitacete. 1. 2. C p.l Jac. ic. 2. 338 S s.p ORDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Si 721. ACHYRA'NTHES L. ACHYRANTHES. (Achyron, chaff, antkos, fi. ; envelopes.) 5933 argentea Lam. silver tt. O cu 1 my.o W Sicily Amaranthaceee. 13. 28. C l.s Boc. sic. 16.9 5934 aspera L. rough L r i cu 3 my.o Pk In dia 1751. C l.s Mil. ic. 1. 11.2 59 J5 crispa Desf. curled tt. , |CU 2 my.o W.G S. Amer. 1810. S CO 5936 virgata Desf. twiggy tt. | | CU 2 my.o W.G W . Indies 1817. s CO 5937 brachiata L. branched O cu 1 jl W E. Indies 1824. s CO Pluk. al. 331. 5 5938 obtusifolia Lam. obtuse-leaved tt. | 1 CU 2 my.n Pk ... c l.p 59 S9 porrigens Jac. extending tt-Qcu 6 P 1802. c r.m Bot. mag. 820 5940nfvea W. snowy tt. | | CU O mv.jl W Ca naries 1780. c r.m 5941 fruticosa Lam. shrubby tt. | | CU 6 my.jl P E. Indies 1820. c r.m 5942 pubescens Roth 5943 austral is R. Br. pubescent southern tt. | | CU tt. | | CU H ap.jl 2 jn.jl Pk W N. Hol'l. 1821. 1823. c s r.m CO 5944 dichotoma L. dichotomous O cu 1 jn.jl G N. Amer. s CO 5945 verticillata Tfiun. whorled tt. | | CU 1 W C. G. H. 1820. s CO 722. CHAMISSO^ H. &B. CHAMISSOA. (M. Chamisso, who accompanied Kotzebue.) Amaranthaceee. 1. 2. 5946 altissima #. %B. tallest * CD or Y Jamaica 1816. C co H.&B. n. 2. 125 Achyranthes altissima L. , 723. PHILO'XERUS R. Br. PHILOXERUS. (Philos, a lover, xeros, arid; soil.) Amaranthacea. 3. 7. 5947 vermiculatus R. Br. checkered !U [23 cu jl.o Pk S. Amer. ... C r.m Her. par. 15 /llecebrum vermiculare L. 5948 brasiliensis R. Br. Brazilian tt. CD cu 3 jl.o W Brazil 1790. C r.m Jac. ic. 2. 346 5949 aggregatus H. if B. aggregate !U [23 cu jl.s W Trinidad 1820. S s.p 724. DESMOCH/E^TA Dec. DESMOCH^STA. (Desmos, a bond, chaite, hair.) Amaranthacete. 8. 12. 5950 atropurpurea Dec. Achyranthes /appacea J. 5951 flavescens Dec. 5952 micrantha Dec. 5953 prostrata Dec. 5954 tomentosa R. S. 5955 uncinata R. #S. 5956 globusa R. $ S. 5957 patula R. $ S. Achyranthes patula L. 725. CLADO'STACHYS D. Don CLADOSTACHYS. (Klados, a branch, stachys, a spike.) Amaranthaceee. 2. 5958 frutescens D. Don frutesoent tt. CD cu 4 au.n G E. Indies 1777. C s.p Ru. am. 5. 83 Achyranthes rnurieata L. Chamissorz muncata Spr. 5959 alternifolia Suit. alternate-leaved iQJ cu 1 jl.n P E. Indies 1789. S p.l Pluk. al 260. 1 Achyranthes alternifolia W. DesmochEe^ta alternifolia Dec. from illicio, to allure.) ParonycMeee. 1. 15. England S p.l S. Europe 18^0. S p.l Fl. gr. 245 Barbary 1821. S p.l Boc. sic. 20. 3 C. G. H. 1817. S s.p Peru 1810. S s.p Brazil 1820. S s.p Trinidad 1817. S s.p alternately fert. and bar.) Amaranthaceee. 10. -25. Buenos A. 1732. D l.p Di. el. 8. 7. 7 dark-purple EI J. tt. CD or 1 au.o P E. Indies 1759. C l.p K, mal. 10. 59 flavescent iQI cu 1 jl.s Y E. Indies 1823. S CO Pluk. al. 83. 2 smdll-ttowered iQlcu jn.s y E. Indies 1820. s CO Pluk. al. 82. 2 prostrate tt. Hjor 2 G.p E. Indies 1793. D l.p Ru. am. 6. 11 woolly tt. i ~! cu 2 jl.s W E. Indies 1818. S CO honk-seeded iQI cu 1 jl.s E. Indies 1820. S CO globose iQI or 1 jl.s Pa.'R E. Indies 1817. s CO Pluk. al. 260. 1 spreading (23 cu 3 au.o W E. Indies 1823. c l.p 726. 7LLETEBRUM L. KNOTGRASS. (Illecebra of Pliny, froi 59:iO verticillatum L. whorled -* O pr 5 Jl W 5961 cymosum Vil. sprouty -* O pr iji W Paronychia cvmosaj Dec. 5962 echinatum Pair. prickly -* O pr ? Jl G 5963 leucurum Lich. white-ended ~* Q cu i jn.jl W 5964 omphrenoldes W. Gomphrena-lk RJI cu i jn.jl W 5965 glomeratum Hofg. clustered j i/\l cu i jn.jl W 5966 diffusum H.SsB. diffuse yp t Al cu 1 jn.jl W 727. ALTERNANTHE^RA R.Br. ALTERN ANTHER A. (Stam. alter 5967 Achvrantha R. Br. Chaff-flower FAl cu f W 59 joolygonoldes R. Br. Polygonum-like] iAI cu 1 W 5969 frutescens R Br. frutescent tt i | or 1 W 5970 caracasana H. $ B. Caraccas ^ fAi cu W 5971 canteens H. & B. canescent IAI cu W 5972 seiicea H.JyB. silky ) fAi cu 2 jn.jl W 5973 procumbens R. # S. 5974 si'ssilis R. Br. procumbent [23 cu sessi\e-Jlowered OS cu 4 jnjl 1 jl.o W Br 5975 ficoldes R. Br. fig-like leaved [Al cu i jnjl G 5976 spinosa Horn. spinous RT1 cu 1 my.jn Y axillaris Dec. America Peru Trinidad Cumana Quito Brazil 1731. 1820. 1819. 1825. 1S20. 1818. E. Indies 1778. S. Amer. 1821. C r.m Her. par. 17 S g.p Her. st. 1.37 S s.p S s.p S s.p S s.p r.m R. mal. 10. 11 S r.m Jac. am. 60. 4 S r.m 728. PARONY'CHIA Ton. PARONYCHIA. (Maladies of finger-nails ; med. qual.) Paronych&a:. 12. 20. 5977 capitata Lam. headed Al cu | W Spain 1683. D p.l Lob. ic. 420. 1 /llecebrum capital urn L. 5978 nivea Dec. snowy tf .AJcu 1 W Spain 1812. D S.I 5979 brasiliana Dec. Brazilian Al pr \ my.jl W Brazil 1820. S CO 5980 rtlsinifolia J. Chickweed-lvd .Al cu 3 W Spain D S.I Scop, d .13 5981 hispanica Dec. Spanish t. A cu 1 W Spain 1683. D S.I ./llecebrum Paronj 'chia /.. 5982 italica R. # S. Italian JU .AJcu 1 jnjl W Italy 1821. S s.p 5983polvgonifolia J. Persicaria-lvd A cu W Spain 1816. S s.p Vil. del .1.16 5984 pubescens Dec. pubescent 5 A cu ? Z Jn.jl W Pyrenees 1820. S s.p 5985 maritima Dec. sea-side -A A cu i W Pyrenees 1820. s s.p Vil. s. j , 1801, ic 5986serpyllifolia J. Thyme-leaved Jc -AJ cu i W France 1818. s s.p Jac. ic. 8.2.1 5987 ten ui folia Lk. fine-leaved ,* O cu i jn.jl W 1820. s s.p 5988 bengalensis J. Bengal O cu 1 W Bengal 1817. s s.p 729. CHENOLITA L. CHEVOLEA. 5989 diffusa L. diffuse 730. ANY'CHIA MX. ANYCHIA. 5990 dichotoma MX. forked Queria canadensis L. (Chen, a goose, leia, prey.) Chenopbdete. I. tt. i_J cu 1 au.s G C. G. H. 1758. C r.m (So called from its affinity to Paronychia.) Parom/chita:. 1. 8. Q) cu G N. Amer. 1806. S l.p ' Or. d. 15. 2 731. JE'RUA Forsk. 5991 lanata J. Celosia lanata L. 5992javanica J. -flEnuA. woolly Javanese (Eroua, its Arabic name.) OS cu 1 W Amaranthaceee. 2. 3. E. Indies Ib91. C r.m Mil. ic. 1. 11. 1 cu 2 W JE. Indies 1768. C r.m Bur. in. 65. 2 . 92 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS V. 732. LESTIBUDE N S/^ K. Br. LESTJBUDESIA. (F. J. Lcstlboudois, a Flemish bot.) Amnranthaceat. 3. 5. 5993 paniculata R. Br. panicled j [32 cu 3 jn.s P.Y Jamaica 1733. C r.m SI. jam. 1. 91. 1 Cel5sia paniculata L. 5994 trigyna R. Br. three-styled Q] cu 1| au.o W Senegal 1777. C r.m .Tac. vin. 3. 15 5995 virgata R. Br. twiggy tt Q cu 4 au.o G 1815. C r.m Jac. ic. 2. 339 733. DEERI'NG/4 R. Br. DEERINGIA. (Dr. C Deering, an Eng. bot. author.) Amaranthacex. 2. 5996 celosioldes R. Br. Cock's-comb-lk O] cu 6 au.o W E.Indies 1804. S s.l Bot. mag. 2717 5997 indica Spr. Indian j |Q| pr 2 au.n \V E. Indies 1804. S p.l Cel5sia baccata Retx. 734. TRIA'NTHEM A L. TRIANTHEMA. (Treis, three, antkemon, flower; disposition.) Portulacece. 3. 6. 5998 monogyna L. monogynous EH cu 1 my.jn P.G Jamaica 1820. S co Her. par. 2. 213 5999 decandra L. decanurous Q cu 1 jn.jl G E.Indies 1824. S s.p Bur. in. 31 3 6000 obcordata Rox. heart-leaved )U \ | cu i jn.jl G E.Indies 1816. S s.p 735. CELCTSIA L. COCK'S-COMB. (Kelos, burnt ; appearance.) Am aranthacea;. 14. 22. 6001 argentea L. silvery-s;'ted rni or 1 jn.s L.F China 1740. S r.m Mart. cen. 1. 7 2 linearis linear-^foyfrf iQI or 1 jn.jl F E. Indies 1714. S r.m R. mal. 10. 39 6002cristatai. crested 11)1 or g jn.s D.R Asia 1570. S r.m Lam. il. 168. 1 1 elata tall iQI or g jn.s D.R Asia 1570. s r.m Kno.del.l.H.5,6 2 compacta compact iQI or H ; jn.s D.R Asia 1570. s r.m 3 flavescens flavescent iQi or l? jn.s Y Asia 1570. s r m 6003 comosa Retz. tufted [Qjor ! jn.s Pk E. Indies 1802. s r.m 6004 coccinea L. scarlet O or 5 jn.s P China 1597. s r.m 6005 cernua B. Rep. 6006 castrensis L. drooping camp rrn or LJJ or 3 2 jl.s P P E Indies E. Indies 1809. 1739. s s r.m r.m Bot. rep. 635 Bar. ic. 1195 6007 Monsonr* L. Monson's 23 or 3 JU W E. Indies 1778. s r.m 11.334.4 6008 nodiflura L. knotted- tlwd (O1 or 2 jl.s G E. Indies 1780. s r.m Jac. vin. 1. 98 6009 pyramidalis Brm. 6010 margaritkcea L. pyramidal pearly rrn cu tL 1 1 CU 1 2 jn.s jl.s W Y E. Indies 1820. W. Indies 1817. s s s.p s.p Bur. in. 25. 1 K. mal. 1038 argentea Hort. 6011 nltida Vahl shining G3 cu 1 jl.s P Malabar 1706. s s.p SI. jam. 1. 91. 5 6012 dichotoma Roth dichotomous Ocu 1 Y E. Indies 1824. s S.1 6013 glauca Wnl. 6014echinata//.## grey hedgehog n. i | cu O cu 1 i' W P C. G. H. 1818. Orooncko 1821. s s 3.1 S.l Wen. her. 2 736. OPLOTHE*CA Nut. OPLOTHECJ 6015 floridana Nut. Florida 6016 interrftpta Nut. interrupted Gomphruia interrupta W. 737. GOMPHRE^NA L. GLOBE AMARANTH. 6017 globosa L. round RT1 2 alba white iQI or 6018 perennis L. perennial j [2J or 6019 arborescens L. arborescent n. !"""! or 6020 lactea Dec. milky white tt. I I cu 6021 lanata R. Br. woolly i(DI cu 6022 amaranthoides Roth Amaranth-like Oi cu 6023 decumbens Jac. decumbent O1 cu . (Oplon, armour, theca, a sheath ; capsules.) AmaranlhaceGIA R-Br. EUSTEGIA. (Eu, good, stege, a covering.) Asclepiadets. 1. 2. 6095 hastata R. Br. hastate fu t_J or 1 jn.jl W C. G H. 181& C p.l Th. p, M. 9. 6 ^pocynum hastdtum Thun. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. CLASS V. 759. DrfMIA R. Br. DJEMIA. 6096 extensa R. Br. extended Cynanchum exte"nsum H. K. o097 cordata R. Br. cordate 6098 scandens G. Don climbing ^/sclt-pia* scandens Beauv. 6099 bicolor Swt. two-colored Cynanchum bicolor B. Rep. (Its Arabic name.) Asclepiadece. 4. >r 3 W E. Indies 1777. C p.l Jac. ic. 1. 54 JLdDor J. CD or 10 t_ i I or 10 Arabia Gambia 1R24. C s.l 1824. C s.l Beau. ow. 1. 56 fc. CD or 6 W E. Indies 1806. S p.l Bot. rep. 562 760. DIPLO'LEPISAJSr. DIPLOLEPIS. (Diplos, double, lepis, a scale.) Asclepi&deee. 3. 5. 6100 vomituria Lindl. emetic < un 4. jn.jl G China 1820. C p.l 6101 apiculata Lindl. small-topped t un 4 jn.jl G China 1821. C p.l 6102 ovata Lindl. ovate un 4 jn-jl G China 1821. C p.l 761. CYNA'NCHUM L. CYNANCHUM. (Kyon, a dog, agche , to strangle ; poison.) Asclepiadear. 24. 50 6103 acutum L. acule-leaved A or 3 jl W Spain 1596. D CO Tr. ehr. 44. 82 6104 excelsum Deaf. tall ^ A or 10 jl W Barbary 1816. D CO 6105 monspefiacum L. Montpelier 5 A or 3 au.s Pk S. Europe 1596. D CO Jac. ic. 2. 340 6106 pauciflorum R. Br. 6107 crassifulium R. Br. few-flowered thick-leaved fc_t_Jor 10 6 ... W G Tranqueb.1820. C. G. H. 1816. C C s.p CO W. ph. 1.5.3 6108 pilosum R. Br. pilose Hor 5 jn.s W C. G. H. 1726. C pi Bot. reg. Ill 6109 HeyniUnum R. & S. Heynes'ii JL or G W E. Indies 1825. C s.p 6110capense L. Cajie t I | or 6 jl W C. G. H. 1820. C S.1 6111 ruseum R. Br. rose-colored 3 t or 3 P Davuria 1818. D s.p .^scltpias davdrica V V. 6112 Vincetoxicum Pers. Vincetoxicum ^ A or 2 W Europe 159G. D S.1 Fl. dan. 849 ^scldpias Vincetuxic um L. 6113 luteum Spr. yellow -flowered & A or 2 y Europe 1596. D s.l 6114melanthos Desf. black-flowered * A or 3 p ...... 1818. D CO 6115 mgrum Pers. black i A or 3 w S. Europe 1596. D 8.1 Bot mag. 2390 61 16 medium R. Br. mediate i A r 3 w D CO 6117 fuscatum Lk. brown-flowered A r 3 Br ^ 1817. D s.p Gm. si. 4. 42 6118 sibiricum R. Br. Siberian ^ A r 1 G Siberia 1775. D CO Mur. 2. 7 6119 villosum R. $8. villous x A or 3 jnau W 1821. D CO Bal. mis. 15. 4 ^sclepias villosa Lk. 6120 fimbriatum H $ B. fringed < fAI or 10 P Cumana 1826. D s.l H. & B. n. 3.234 6121 fce'tidum R. Br. fetid j^ CD or 10 W Mexico 1820. C S.1 Cav. ic. 2. 158 6122 cirrhosum Sum. frizzled < A or 3 1825. I) s.p 6123 undatum B. Rep. wave-leaved * Bor 6 G" W.Tndies 1803. C l.p Bot. rep. 410 6124 mucronatum B. Rep. sharp-pointed _ or 6 G Trinidad IM 4 C l.p Bot. rep. 515 6125 viridiflorum Ker green-flowered s. Bor 6 o.d G R Indies 1814. C l.p Bot niag. 1929 6126 hirsutum Vahl hairy SL or 6 Trinidad 1825. C s.p 762. METASTE'LMA R. Br. METASTELMA. (Meta, instead of, stelma, crown; append.) Asclepiadece. 1. 3. 6127 parviflorum R. Br. small-flowered J_ CD cu 6 ... G.w W.Indies ... C p.l PI. ic 215. 1 1. 2. cor. 1. 11 763. OXYSTE'LMA R. Br. OXVSTELMA. (Oxys, sharp, stelma, crown ; corona.) Asclepiadea. 28 esculentum R. Br. esculent J_ G53 cul 4 ... Y E. Indies 1816. D s.l Rox. 6128 esci 764. GYMNE^MA R. Br. GYMNEMA. (Gymnos, naked, nema, a thread ; stamens.) Asclepi&deee. 4. 6. 6129 sylvestre R. Br. wood $_ CD or 8 ... G Ceylon 18lfi. C l.p W. ph. 1.5.3 6130 tingens Spr. tinging i. CD or 8 jl Y E. Indies 1823. C p.l ^sclfepias tingens Rox. 6131 tenacissimum Spr. most tenacious J_ CD or 8 ... Y E. Indies 1806. C p.l ^scldpias tenacissima Rox. 6132 lactiferum R. Br. lactiferous J_ (23 or 8 Ceylon 1824. C l.p 765. SARCO'LOBUS R. Br. SARCOLOBUS. (Sarx, flesh, lobos, a pod.) Asclepiadece. 2. 3. 6133 globusus R. Br. globose $ CD or 16 ... W E. Indies 18*3. C p.l Wai. res. 12. 4 6134 carinatus R. Br. keeled JL CD or 16 ... G.Y E. Indies 1823. C p.l Wai. res. 12. 5 766. CALO'TROPIS A5>-. CALOTROPIS. (Kalos, beautiful, tropis, a keel ; flower.) AsclepiMea:. 2. 6135pr6cera R^Br. tall t CD or 6 jl.s WP Persia 1714. C s.l Bot. rep. 71 6136 gigantea R. Br. giant ^sclepias gigantea H. K. 767. DISCHI'DIA R. Br. DISCHIDIA. 6137 bengalensis Colb. Bengal !U 6138 nummularia R. Br. Moneyw.-lvd JU \ 768. XYSMALO'BIUM R. Br. XYSMALOBIUM. ( 6139 undulatum R. Br. wave-leaved H i I cu iulata L. or 6 jl.s W.P E. Indies 1690. C r.m Bot. reg. 58 (Dis. twice, schizo, to split.) Asclepiddece. 2. D or 1| s W India 1818. C s 1 Lin. tr. 12. 15 S] or I jls W Amboyna ... C l.p Ru. am. 5. 17ft 1 , shred, lobos, pod ; seed-ves.) Asclepiude.'e. 1. 2. jl G C. G. H. 1783. C p.l Com. r. 16 769. ANA'NTHERIX Nut. ANANTHERIX. (A, without, antherix, an awn.) Asclepiadea. 1. 6140 viridis Nut. green ^ A cu i au.s G.Y N. Amer. 1812. 1} p.l yJsclepias viridis Walt. 770. GOMPHOCA'RPUS R. Br. GOMPHOCARPUS. (Gomphos, a club, karpos, fruit.) Asclepiadea. 3. 4. 6141 arborescens R. Br. arborescent *i | or 5 d W C. G. H. 17.4. C l.p Jac. sc. 1.50 /(sclpias arhorescens L. 6142 crispus R. Br. curled-leaved . |_J or 1 il Y C. G. H. 1714. C p.l Com. r. 17 6143 fruticbsus R. Br. shrubby * i_J or 5 jn.s W C. G H. 1714. C p.l Bot mag. 1628 771. ^SCLETIAS L. 6144 svriaca L. SWALLOW-WORT. Syrian ^ (Asclepius, the gr>d of medicine.) A or 4 P N. Amer. Asclepiadea 1RS9. D co .. 34. 67. Black. 521 6145 exaltata Lk. exalted 5 A or (i P N. Amer. 18UO. D r.m connivens Baldw. 6146 phytolaccoldes Ph. 6147 amu-^na MX. Phytolacca-like^ pleasing ^ A r A or 3 3 P P N. Amer. N. Amer. 1812. 1732. D 1) CO p.l Di el. 27. 30 6148 purpurascens MX. purpurascent *. A or 3 P.G N. Amer. 17i*. D I'.l Di. el. 28. SI hy. rida MX. 6149 paupercula MX. 6150 obtusifolia MX. poor obtuse-leaved 1 A or A or 2 3 R P N. Amer N. Amer. 1817. 1820. 1) D r.m r.m purpurascens Walt. OKDER U. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. 95 6151 amplexicaiilis MX. 6152 acuminata Ph. stem-clasping acuminate 1 A or A or 2 2 R R.w N. Amer. N. Amer. 1816. 1826. D D r.m r.m Ab. ins. 7 /aurifdlia M.c. 6153 cinerea Walt. cinereous ^V A or Q Br N. Amer. 1825. I) r.m 6154 incarnata L. flesh-colored ^ A or 8 P N. Amer. 1710. D p.l Bot. reg. 250 6155 pulchra Ehrh. fair X A or 2 jlau P N. Amer. .* 1) p.l 6156 variegata L. variegated *k A or 4 W N. Amer. 1597. D p.l Bot. mag. 1182 6157 curassavica L. Curassoa (Al or 3 jn.s S S. Amer. 169.'. s r.m Bot. reg. 81 2 alb i white ^v 123 or 3 jn.s W S. Amer. s r.m 6158 citri folia Jac. citron-leaved (23 or 1 w S. Amer. isis. 1) r in Jac. ic. 343 6159ntvea L. snowy ^V A r 3 jl.s w N. Amer. 17)0. D P.l Bot. mag 1181 6160 parviflora H. K. small-flowered ^ iAI or 3 jl.o w N. Amer. 1774. C r.m Jac. ec. 28 6161 polvstachya /Fatf. many-spiked ^ A or 4 w N. Amer. 1825. u r.m 6162 deb'iiis MX. weak *V A or 2 w N. Amer. 1818. 1) r.m 6163 verticill\ta L. vfhor\-leaved ;v A or 3 W.G N. Amer. 1759. D pi PI uk. m. 336. 3 6164quadrif.Mia Ph. four-leaved \. A or 1 W.R N. Amer. 1820. 1) r in Jac. ob. 33 61ii5 mexicana Cav. Mexican ^p iAI or 3 w Mexico 1821. C S.p Cav. ic. 1.58 6166 rosea #. # B. roseate ^ iAI or 1 R Mexico 1824. c r.m 6167 angust.fulia L*. narrow-leaved lAJ or 3 W Mexico 1817. s r.m 6168 virgata Balb. twiggy 1 A or 9 w N. Amer. 1820. D r in 6169/inifolii Lag. Flax-leaved I iAJ or 3 w Mexico 1818. c s.p 6170 salicifMia Lod. Willow-leaved lAl or 2 w Mexico? 1817. c p.l Bot. cab. 272 6171 asthmatica I,. asthmatic _ (Aim 8 w Ceylon 1810. c p.l W. ph. 2. 1795 Cynanchum Ipecacuanha W. 6172 alex'iaca Jac. antidotal [23 m 8 G Ceylon 1816. c P.l R. mal. 9. 13 " 6173 longifolia Ph. long-leaved A or 2 Pa.P N. Amer. 1816. 1) p.l 6174 tuber^sa L. tuberous-rooto A r t J1.S N. Amer. 1690. D s.l Bot. reg. 76 6175 rubra L. red A or 1 R Virginia 1825. D p.l 6176 deci'imbens W. decumbent >p i A or 8 N. Amer. 1731. D P.l 6177 Linaria Cav. Toad-flax-/i;d 1? iAI or 2 W Mexico 1802. D s.l Cav. ic. 1. 57 772. STYLA'NDRA Nut. STYLANDRA. (Stylos, a column, aner, a man ; anthers.) Asclcpiadete. 1. 6178 pumila Nut. dwarf ^ _AI or A G.Y N. Amer. 1824. D r.m Podostigma pubescens Spr. -4sclepias pedicellata Ph. *773. GONO'LOBUS MX. GONOI.OBUS. (Gonia, an angle, lobos, a pod.) 6179 maritimus R. Br. sea-shore J_ CD or 6 jn.jl G Carthage Cynanchum maritimum L. 6180 suberosus R. Br. cork-barked J_ CD or 6 jl.s G America 6181 crispiflorus R. Br. curled-flowered 1 1 or 2 W.G S. Amer. 6182 plamflorus R Br. flat-flowered $' a or 10 G Trinidad Asclepiaded_ A or 8 G N. Amer. 1809. c p.l Bot. mag. 1273 Cvnanchum discoloi rB M. 6194 obliquus R. Br. oblique _1 A or 5 jlau Carolina 1818. D p.l Jac. ic. 2. 341 6195 Nuttallw/ms Spr. viridiflorus Nut. Nuttall's jfe A or 4 jl au G" Missisippi 1822. D p.l 6196 prostratus R Br. prostrate iUiAlor 3 G Mexico 1823. c p.] Cav. ic. 1. 7 6197 uniflorus H. $ B. single- flowered J 1 1 or 6 W Mexico 1825. c p.l H. & B. n .3.238 774. PERGULA^RIA L. PERGULARIA. (Pergula, trelliswork 6198 odorutissima Sm. sweetest-scent. J_ CD fra 15 jn.jl G 6199 minor & C -smaller J_ CD fra 8 my au Y.G 6200 sanguinotenta Lindl. bloody J. CD cu 6 G.Y ; fit for arbours. ) AsclepiadecE . 3. 6. E. Indies 1784. C r.m Bot. rep. 185 E Indies 1790. C r.m Bot. mag. 755 S. Leone 1822. C r.m Bot. mag. 2532 775. MARSDE N N//I R. Br. MARSDENIA. ( W. Marsden, Esq., auth. of Hist, of Sumatra.) AsclepiMece. 2.S. 6201 erecta R. Br. 6202 suaveolcns R. Br. upright sweet-scented *776. 6203 carn6sa R. Br. $6204 lanceolata Horl. 6205 crassi folia Haw. 6206 P6tts Hort. 6207 trinervis Hort. 2 W tt-CDira 3 W HOYA. (T. Hoy, F. L. S., gardener at Syon fieshy.leavcd ^ CD or 10 Pk lanceolate & CD or 2 ... W thick-leaved $J f I or 10 Potts's J. CD or 10 ... Y three-nerved J_ CD or 10 ... W Syria 1597. N. S. W. 1816. C s.l C s.l Jac. vin 1. 38 Bot. reg. 489 House, d. 1821.) AsclepiMece. 5. 7. Asia 1802. L r.m Bot. mag. 788 E. Indies 1815. C r.m China 1821. China 18-'4. China 1824. C r.m C r.m C r.m Bot. cab. 936 777. TYLO'PHORA R. Br. TYLOPHORA. ( Tylos, a wart, phoreo, to bear ; Ivs of corolla.) Asclepiadea. 3. 5. 6208 grandiflora R. Br. great-flowered J.i_J or 10 jn.jl ... N. Holl. 1822. C p.l 6209 barbata R. Br. bearded fc_ i | or 10 jn.jl ... N. Holl. 1822. C p.l 6210 exilis Co/6. slender , CD or 10 jn.jl Pa.P E. Indies 1823. C p.l Lin. tr. 12. 16 778. CEROPE'GIA L. CEROPEGIA. (Keros. wax, pese. a fountain.) Asclepiadea. 10. 12. 6211 Rox. bulbous !AI CU a ap.s R.G E. Indies 1821. R p.l Rox. cor. 1. 7 6212 tuberbsa Rox. tuberous ^ fAI cu s ap.s Re E Indies IS^l R p.l Rox. cor. 1. 9 6213 acuminata Rox. acuminate A [23 cu 2 jn.jl P Coromand 1.1820. R p.l Rox. cor. 1. 8 6214 Mncea Rox. rushy ML IDcu 1 Y E. Indies 1822. C s.l Rox. cor. 1. 10. 6215 aphylla Haw. leafless * I | cu in.jl W 1817. C pi 621H dichutoma Haw. dichotomous SL ~lcu 1 jl.s Y E. Indies 1804. C 6217 africana Lod. African $ 1 6 Y E. Indies 1823. C 1.1 Bot. cab. 906 6218sinuata Poir. sinuated | | CU 3 jl.aii Pa.R C G. H. 1818. c P-1 Bur. af. 15 6219australis Lo. C. southern t | | CU 3 N. Holl. ? 1820. c p.l 6220 Kta-peUceformis Haw. Stapelia-form C I | cu 4 jl'" P" C. G. H. 1824 c -.1 779. STAPE^LZ/I L. &TAPELIA. (Dr. J. B. a Stapel, Dutch editor of Theophrastus.) Ascfepiadete. 36. 6221 grandiflora Mas. great-flowered tt. ID cu 1 s.d D.P C. G. H. 1795. C s.l Mass. 11 95 PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. CLASS V. 6222 spectabilis Haw. showy tt. ZDcu 1 n.ja D.P C. G. H. 1802. C s.l Bot. mag. 585 grandiflora B. M. 6223 ambigua Mas. ambiguous . Z3 cu 2 jn.n P.Br C. G. H. 1795. C s.l Mass. 12. 6224 soruria Mas. sister OL cu 1 P.P C. G. H. 1797. c: s.l Bot. cab. 94 6225 patula W. f. spreading n_ 1 cu 1 C. G. H. c s.l Jac. st. ic. 6226 reflexa Haw. deflexa B. M. reflexed tt. 3 cu G.p C. G. H. ... c s.l Bot. mag. 1800 6227 lucida Dec. shining tt. [ cu 1 P C. G. H. 1812. c 'S.l 6228 juvncula Jac. girl j* i cu 1 Br.p C. G. H. c s.l Jac. st ic. 6229 Massoiu Haw. Masson's tt. 1 cu 2 ... C. G. H.. c s.l 6230 Asterias Mas. Star-fish ; cu 5 my.n RSt C. G. H. 1795. c s.l Bot mag. 536 6231 stellaris Haw. starry n. n cu i C. G. H. c s.l 6232 hirsuta JF. hairy n. i cu I P'" C. G. H. 1710. c s.l Jac. m. 1. 8 2 atra Jac. dark-flowered n. i cu 3 D.P C. G. H. 1710. c s.l Bot reg. 156 6233 hamata Jac. hooked tt. i cu Bd.R C. G. H. 1820. c s.l Bot cab. 242 6234 comata Jfic. shaggy n. i cu Is Y.Br C. G. H. 1819. c s.l 6235 multiflura Dec. many-flowered 3 cu 1 s V.R C. G. H. 1817. c s.l 6236 rdfa Ma.t. rusty-brown tt_ cu i jn.n Br C. G. H. 1795. c s.l Bot. cab. 239 637 pulvinnta Mas. 6238 n'ssirostris Jac. cushion-^tuo* split-beaked tt. 5 cu cu i jn.n D.V Y.G C. G. H. C. G. H. 1795. 1823. c c s.l s.l Bot. mag. 1240 Jac. st. ic. 6239 concinna Mas. neat - * cu ^ G C. G. H. 1795. c s.l Mass. 18 6240 glanduliflora Mas. gland-flowered tt. i cu | au.n Br C. G. H. 1795. c s.l Mass. 19 6241 glandulifera Haw. glanduliferous tt_ cu I au.n Br C. G. H. c s.l 6242 acuminita Mas. acuminated tt. cu f jl.s P.St C. G. H. 1795. c s.l Mass. 15. 17 6243 hispidula Horn. rough ish a. cu i G C. G. H. 1824. c s.l 6244 aprta Mas. open-flowered tt. cu 2 Y.P C. G. H. 1795. c s.l Mass. 37 6245 rm6sa Mas. branchy tt. cu li Jn.jl D.P C. G. H. 1795. c S.I Mass 32 6246 arida Mas. dry tt. cu Y C. G. H. 1795. c si Mass. 33 6247 incarnata Haw. fiesh-colored i cu 1 F C. G. H. 1793. c s.l Mass. 34 6248 pilifera Mas. hairy-tubercled a. i cu 1 D.P C. G. H. 1790. c s.l Mass. 23 6249 Gord6m Mas. Gordon's tt. i cu 1 ... Y.Br C. G. H. 1796. c s.l Mass. 40 6250 mammillaris W. mammillary tt. ^j cu 1 Jn.jl Br C. G. H. 1774. c s.l Bur. af. 27. t 6251 hirtella Jc. rough ish n. i c u 1 jl.s Br C. G. H. 1800. c s.) Jac. st. ic. 6252 lanigera Haw. wool-bearing li. i cu i Is Br C. G. H. 1800. c Bj 6253 flavicomata Haw. yellow-tufted tt. i cu v ... Y C. G. H. 1810. c s.l 6254 cordata Haw. cordate tt. i cu * Br C. G. H. 1805. c s.l 6255 canescens Haw. canescent tt. ~i cu Br C. G. H. 1795. c s.l 6256 ophiuncula Haw. small-serpent tt. i cu i Br C. G. H. 1805. c s.l 780. TRIDE'NTEA Haw. TRIOENTEA. (Tridens, a trident ; flowers.) Asclepiadea:. 1. 6257 gemmirtora Haw. gem-flowered tt. H! cu o.n D.P C. G. H. 1795. C s.l Mass. 15 Stapelw gemmitiora Mas. 6258 stygia Haw. 6259 mosch'ita Haw. q _Jcu Stygian musky Stapfelia hircosa Jac. 6260 vetula Haw. stale tt. | cu 6261 SimsM Haw. Sims's tt. | C u Stapelja vetula B. M. 6262 paniculata Haw. pannicled tt. I cu 6263 depressa Jac. depressed n. leu | jl.s D.P C. G. H. 1810. C s.l J- Br.P C. G. H. ... C s.l Jac. st. ic. i my.n D.P C. G. H. 1793. C s.l Mass. 16 I my.n D.P C. G. H. 1800. C s.l Bot. mag. 1234 | jn.s V C. G. H. 1805. C s.l i Br.P C. G. H. ... C s.l Jac. st. ic. (Gonia, an angle, stemon, a stamen. u f jn.n D.F C. G. H. 1793. 781. GONOSTE V MON Haw. GONOSTEMO.Y. 6264 divaricatus Haw. straddling tt. Z] cu f StapeliadivaricataMas. 6265 striccus Haw. strict tt. H] cu ijn.s Pa.B C. G. H. 6266 pallidus Haw. pale tL Z3 cu | jl.s Pa.B C. G. H. 1814. 1818. 782. PODA'NTHES Haw. PODANTHES. (Pous, a foot, anthos, a flower.) 6267 pulchra Haw. beautiful Sulph.ti. ~~1 cu Stapelj'a verrucbsa B. M. 6268 irrorata Haw. bedewed tt. I cu 6269 verrucosa Haw. Vf art-flowered tt. H) cu 6270 roririua Haw. dew-flowing tt. 1 cu 6271 pulchella Haw. neat n. leu 6272 ciliata Haw. ciliated g. I cu 783. TROMO'TRICHE Haw. TROMOTRICHE. ^ au.s Y.St C. G. H. 1800. .) Asclepiadece. 3. C s.l Bot. mag. 1007 C s.l Bot. mag. 2037" C s.l \Ven.c.2.51 Asclepiadece. 6. C s.l. Bot. mag. 786 * jl.s |auo A jl.s | my.n i o.d Y.St C. G. H. Y.St C. G. H. Y.St C. G. H. Y.St C. G. H. G.St C. G.H. 1795. 1795. 1X02. 1795. 1795. C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l Bot cab. 127 Mass. 8 Jac. st. ic. Mass. 36 Mass. 1 6273 fuscata Haw. browned n. ~~ ) cu Stapeh'rt fuscata Jac. 6274 revoluta Haw. revo\ute-flwd tt. H] cu 1 jn.s Staptl/a revotuta Mas. 6275 glauca Haw. glaucous tt. ZD cu 2 jn.n 6276 pruinosa Haw. frosted tt. U cu li jn.jl 6277 obliqua & # S. oblique-yZwd. B. m cu 1 jn.s Stapfelia obliqua W. (Tromos, fear, thrix, hair.) ijn.n Br.P C. G.H. 1814. Asclepiadea*. 5. C s.l Jac. st. ic. C. G. H. 1790. C s.l Bot. mag. 724 R.P C. G. H. D.Br C. G. H. Pa.V C. G. H. 1799. 1795. 1805. C s.l Jac. st.ic. C s.l Mass. 41 C s.l 784. CXRBEA Haw. ORBEA. 6278 maculosa Haw. spotted Stapelia maculosa Jac. 6279 bisulca Haw. two-furrowed tt. "~l cu 6280 variegata Haw. variegated tt. ZD cu 6281 Curtis** Haw. Curtis's Stapel/a variegata B. M. 6282 lepida Haw. pretty 6283 planiflora Haw. plain-flowered 6284 mutabilis Spr. changeable Stapelia mutabilis Jac. 6285'marginata R. $ S. red-edged 6286 conspurcata R. $ S. defiled 6287 normalis .R. $8. 6288 orbiculiris Haw. 6289 bufbnia Haw. 6290 angulna Haw. 6291 picta Haw. 6292 rugosa W. en. (Orbis, an orb ; flowers.) cu J jn.s Br.v C. G. H. 1 jn.s 1 jn.s 1 jn.s i " I 1 -" Y.St Y.St Y.St C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1804. 1805. 1727. 1690. AsclepicLdea:. 23. C s.l Bot. mag. 183$ G.St C. G. H. P.Y C. G. H. Y.St C. G. H. 6293 mixta Haw. regular-spotted orbicular toad snak e-spcckled painted wrinkled mixed 1805. 1823. 1805. 1795. 1821. 1799. 1806. 1812. 1799. 1805. 1" jn.'s Y.St C. G. H. .1800. C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l i jn.s ijn.o i JUu 4jl.n 1 jn.s i jn.jl I. jn.s Y.St Y.St Y.St Y.St Y.St Y.St Y.St C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C s.t C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l s.l i P.St C. G. H. C s.l C s.l C s.l Jac. st. 3 Bot. mag. 26 Jac. st. ic. Bot. cab. 191 Jac. st. ic. Jac. st. ic. Bot reg. 755 Bot. rep. 448 Bot. mag. 1676 Bot. cab. 828 Bot. mag. 1169 Jac. st. ic. Mass. 38 OllDER II. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. 97 6294 quinquenervis Haw. five-nerved 6295 Wendlandzdwa R. & S. Wendland's Stapelza rugosa Wnl. 6296 marmorata R. 8s S. marbled 6297 retusa Haw. refuse 6298 Woodfordzcma Haw. Woodford's 6299 iuodora Haw. scentless 6300 clypeata Haw. shielded tL Z3 cu | Stapelza clypeata Jac. 785. OBE^SIA Haw. OBESIA. 6301 geminata Haw. twin-flowered tL I cu Stapelza geminata Mas. 6302 decora Haw. graceful tL leu 6303 serrulata Haw. serrulate tL ' I cu Stapelza serrulata Jac. cu 1 jn.s Y.St C. G. II. 1800. C s.l cu 1 jn.s Y.s C. G. H. 1818. C s.l Wen. c. 2. 52 cu 1 jn.s Y.^t C. G. H. 1820. c s.l cu C. G. II. 1800. c s.l cu C. G. H. 1810. c s.l cu ^jl.s" Y.'st C. G. 11. 1788. c s.l C. G. H. 1812] C s!l DUVA'LL/^ Haw. DUVALLIA. tL leu 6304 reclinata Haw. reclinate StapeU'a reclinata Mas. 6305 elegans Haw. elegant 6306 ceespitosa Haw. tufted 6307 hirtella Spr. roughish Stapelza hirtella Jac. 6308 radiata Haw. rayed 6309 Jacquinwwa R. & S. Jacquin's radiata Jac. 6310 replicata Spr. folded back Stapelz'a replicata Jac. 6311 tuberculata Haw. tuberculate 6312 laevigata Haw. smooth 6313 glomerata Haw. 6314 compacta Haw. 6315 mastodes Spr. 787. CARUNCULA N RIA Haw. CARUNCUI.ARIA. 6316 pedunculata Haw. pedunculate tL ~] cu Stapelz'a pedunculata Mas. 788. PECTINA"RIA Haw. PECTINARIA. 6317 articulata Haw. jointed Stapelz'a articulata Mas. (Obesus, fat ; flowers.) Asclepiadece. 3. i my n P.St C. G. H. 1795. C s.l Bot. mag. ] J my.n Y.St C. G. H. 1795. C s.l Mass. 26 | P C. G. H. 1805. C s.l Jac. st. ic. '. Duval, a French botanist.) Asclepiadece. 12, i ji.s P C. G. H. 1795. C s.l Mass. 28 glomerated compact large-teated tJL ICU tL 1 CU tL I CU M- | cu tL I CU tL I CU tL I CU tt- ZH cu tL |CU ijl.s P C. G. H. 1795. C s.l | P C. G. H. 1790. C s.l i jl.s P C. G. H. ... C s.l i ji-s ijl.s C. G. H. 1795. C s.l C. G. H. 1802. C s.l Bot. mag. 1184 Mass. 29 Jac. st. ic. Bot. mag. 619 Jac. st. ic. C. G. H. 1812. C s.l Jac. st. ic. | jl.s Br C. G. H. 1808. C s.l i jl.s Br C. G. H. 1800. C s.l i jl.s Br C. G. H. 1804. C s.l i jl.s Br C. G. H. 1800. C s.l A Br C. G. H. ... C s.l (Caruncula, fleshy protuberance; fl.) | jn.n Br.P C. G. H. 1790. C s.l Asclepiadece. 1, Bot. mag. 793 (Pecten, a comb.) Asclepiadeev. 1. i jl P C. G. H. 1800. C s.l Mass. 30 789. PIARA'NTHUS R. Br. PIARANTHUS. 6318 pullus R. Br. dark tL Stapel/a p611a B. M. 6319 punctatus R. Br. dotted tL 63?0 parviflorus Spr. small-flowered tt. 2 Stapelza parviflora Mas. (Piar, fatness, anthos, a flower.) AsclepiMea. 3. 4. cu | au.s D.P C. G. H. 1774. C s.l Bot. mag. 1648 jLn au D.P Y.G C. G. H. 1795. C s.l C. G. H. 1795. C s.l Mass. 24 Mass. 22.35 790. HUE'RNI^ R. Br. HUERNIA. (J. Huernius, an early collector of Cape plants.) Asclepiadea. 11 12, 6321 reticulata R. Br. netted tL U cu | P.St C. G. H. 1793. C s.l Bot. mas. 1662 Stapelz'a reticulata B. M. 6322 campanulata R. Br. bell- shaped a. 1 cu *jio Y.St C. G. H. 1795 C s.l Bot. mag. 1227 6323 venusta R. Br. graceful tL ' 1 CU ^ jn.jl Y.8t C. G. H. 1795. c s.l Mass. 3 6324 lentiginosa R. Br. freckled tL |CU ijln Y.St c. G. H. 1795. c s.l Bot. mag. 506 6325 guttata R. Br. red-spotted tL ' I CU f au.n Y.St c. G. H. 1795. c s.l Mass. 4 6326 hhrnilis R, Br. humble tL I CU 5 au.n Y.St c. G. H. 1795. c s.l Mass. 5 6327 tubata R. Br. tube-flowered tL 1 CU f au.n Y.St c. G. H. 1805. c s.l Bot. cab. 225 6328 barbata R. Br. bearded tt. 1 CU 5 au.n c. G. H. 1795. c s.l Mass. 7 6329 crispa Haw. curled tL 1 CU i ... c. G. H. c s.l 6330 clavigera Haw. club-bearing tL ' 1 CU jjl.n Yist c. G. H. 1795. c s.l Jac. st. ic. 6331 ocellata R. Sf S. ocellated ML JCU ^ au.n Y.St c. G. H. c s.l Jac. st. ic. Stap&b'a ocellata Jac. *791. BRACHYSTE'LMA R. Br. BRACHYSTELMA. (Brachys, short, stelma, a crown.) Asclepiadece. 1. 6332 tuberosum R. Br. tuberous & m cu 1J jn.jl . P C. G. H. 1821. C s.l Bot. reg. 722 *792. CARALLV^MA R. Br. CARALLUMA. 6333 adscendens R. Br. ascending tL I Stapelz'a adscendens Rox. 6334 umbellata Haw. umbelled tL I cu (Its Indian name.) Asclepiadece. 2. 2 jl P E-Indies 1804. C s.l Rox. cor. 1. SO Pk E.Indies 1804. C s.l 793. SWE'RTJJ L. FELWORT. 6335 perennis L. perennial 6336 corniculata Gm. small-horned 6337 Michauxin R.&S. Michaux's corniculata Ph. (E. Swert, a celebrated cultivator in Holland.) Gentianea?. 3. 16. ^ A or 1 P England D m.s 1441 8pr ijl.s Pa. G Siberia 1817. S s.p 4.53. 3 or i G.Y N. Amer. 1824. S s.p *794. GEKTIA^NA L. GENTIAN. (Virtues first experienced by Gentius, king of Illyria.) Gentianece. 56. 110. 63381uteaZ,. yellow ^ A or 4 jn.jl Y Alp. Eur. 1596. D p.l Mil ic. 139 6339 hybrida Dec. hybrid ^ A or 2* jn.jl Y.p Switzerl. 1817. D P.l 6340 purpurea L. purple ^ A or 3 jn.jl B Alp. Eur. 1768. D p.l Bot. rep. 117 2 flore albo white-flowered ^ A or 2 jn.jl W Alp. Eur. 1823. D p.l 6341 pannonica Sco. Pannonian ^ A or 1 jn.jl P Alp. Eur. D ,.1 Jac. au. 2. 136 .';"42 punctata L. spotted-^wd ^ A or 3 jn.jl Y Apl. Eur. 1775. D p.l Jac. au. 5. 28 6343 biloba Dec. two-lobed ^ A or 2| jn.jl Y Alp. Eur. 1820. D P.l Dec. ic. 15 6344 Bursferi Lap. Burser's ^ A or 2 Y Pyrenees 1820. D P.l Trat. au. 3. 10 6345 campanulata Jac. campanulate ^ A or 2 Su Switzerl. -1819. D '.1 Jac. au. 29 6346 sept^mtida Pall. seven -cleft ^ A or f jn.jl L.B Persia 1804. I) p.l Bot. mag. 1229 2 guttata spotted ^ A or i jn.jl B Levant 1804. D Bot. mag. 1410 6347 asclepiaoVa L. Swallow-wort-lk ^ A or 1 B Austria 1629. D !>.i Bot. mag. 1078 6348 macrophylla Pall. long-leaved ^ A or 1 D.B Siberia 1796. I) P.I Pal. ros. 2. 96 6349 cruciata L. crossed ^ A or 1 jn.jl D.B Austria 1596. D P.I Jac. au. 4. 372 6350 adscendens Sal. ascending ^ A or f jn.jl B Siberia 1799. D P.I Bot.mag.705 2decumbens L. decumbent ^ A or J jn.jl B Siberia 1799. D P.I Bot. mag. 723 6351 frigida Hae. 6352 algida Pall. Sfi 4 1 A A or or i jn.jl i jn-jl W W Styria Siberia 1817. 1808. D D P.I P.I Trat. au. 7. 1 Pal. ros. 2. 95 H 98 PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. CLASS V. 6353 gelida Bieb. ice-cold A or 1 jn.jl P.v Siberia 1807. D p.l 6354 Pneumonanthe L. Wind-flo.ver 1 A or f au.s B England i moi.h. D p.l Eng. bot. 20 2 guttata spotted k A or | au B ... U p.l Bot. mag. 1101 6355 Pseudo-pneumonan- the R. & S. C Bastard j I. wind-flower j ;A A or I au.s B N. Amer 1800. D p.l 6356 linearis Fro. linear-leaved k A or 1 au B Carolina 1816. D p.l 6357 triflbra Pall. ' three-flowered ^ A or $ jn.jl B Siberia 1807. D Pal: ros. 93. 1 6358 Saponaria L. Soapwort-/i>d ^ A or 2 au.s B N. Amer. 1776. D p'l Bot. mag. 1039 6359 Catesb^V Walt. Catesby's ^ A or li in il B N. Amer. 1803. D P-l Bot. rep. 418 6360 intermedia B. M. intermediate i A or 2 o P N. Amer. 1820. D ,.1 Bot. mag. 230 6361 ochroleuca Fro. cream-flwd S A or 2 au.s P.Y N. Amer. 1803. D p.l Bot. mag. 1551 6362 incarnata B. M. flesh-colored 3i A or 2 o Pk N. Amer. 1812. D p.l Bot. mag. 1856 6363 quinqueflbra Lam. five-flowered A or | au Pa.B N. Amer. 1824. S p.l amarelloldes MX. 6364 aurea L. golden i A or iau Y Norway 1823. D p.l Fl dan. 3. 44 quinquefblia Fl. dan. 6365 umbel lata Bieb. umbellate & A el f my.jn P Caucasus 1823. D p.l 6366 acaulis L. stemless ' SW A or i B Wales walls. D p.l Eng. hot.' 1594 2 angustit'blia narrow-leaved HW A or i B Alp. Eur. 1819. 1) p.l Lob. ic. 3. 10 6367 brachvphylla ViL short-leaved SW A or i B Switzerl. 1819. D P.l Bar. ic. 103. 2 6368 alp v ma F*7. alpine SW A or i my.jl B Alp. Eur. 1817. D p.l Bot. cab. 476 6369 altaica Pall. Altaian ik A el 1 P Siberia 1824. D p.l Pal. ros. 97. 1 6370 pyrenaica i. Pyrenean 3z A or i ap.jl B Pyrenees 1825. D p.l W. & K. 207 6371 pumila L. dwarf rfrr A or i B Switzerl. 1817. 1) p.l Jac. au. 4. 302 6372 verna L. 6373 aestiva R. & S. spring summer tZ or or i i jn.jl B B England Austria moun. 1818. D 1) ! Eng. bot. 493 Hac. ca. 4. 2. 3 6374 bavarica, Z. Bavarian SW A or B Germany 1775. D P.l Vil. del. 2. 10 6375 imbricata Fro. imbricate !U A or i B Switzerl. 1819. 1) ,.1 Bar. ic. 101 6376 angulbsa #fc& 6377 utriculbsa L. angulose bladdery IS el el ^ ap.jn 1 ap P P Altai 1824. S. Europe 1822. D D P.J p.l W. & K. 206 6378 nival is L snowy . or iau B Scotland sc.alp. D S.I Eng. bot. 896 6379 humilis Steo. humble o el i ap P Caucasus 1824. D p.l Pal. ros. 97. 2 6380 clavata B. M. studded' ^ A el I ... B? 1820. D P.l Bot. mag. 2303 6381 germanica JF. German O or iau B Germany 1818. S p.l Fl. mon. 278 6382 Amarella L. Amarella o or I au P Britain S CO Eng. bot. 236 6383 campestris L. field o or iau P Britain S CO Eng. bot. 237 6384 obtusifblia W. obtuse-leaved o or i Y Switzerl. 1826. S p.l Rce. ar. 1. 2. 3 6385 pratensis Fro. meadow or B Siberia 1817. S p.l Fl. dan. 328 6386 caucasea 5. M. Caucasian or if V Caucasus 1804. S p.l Bot. mag. 1038 6387 angustifdlia Mr. narrow-leaved & A or B N. Amer. 1812. D p.l 6388 glacialis Vil. icy O or i Jl-au B Alp. Eur. 1819. S p.l Fl. dan. 318 6389 carinthiaca JVo. Carinthian o or B Switzerl. 1817. S p.l Jac. nx 2. 6 6390 ciliata L. ciliated ^ A or | au.s L.B Germany 1759. D p.l Jac. au. 113 6391 fimbriata W. fringed i A or i au.s B Caucasus 1818. D p.l ciliata .Keft. 6392 barbata Fro. bearded k CD or | au.s B Siberia 1764. D p.l Bot. mag. 639 ciliata .B. 3f. 6393 crinlta Fro. long-haired * O or 3 jn.jl L.B N. Amer. 1804. S p.l Bot. mag. 2031 fimbriata B. Rep. 795. HYDRCTLEA L. HYDROLEA. 6394 spinbsa L. thorny 6305 quadrivalvis Walt. four-valved caroliniana MX. 796. EVO'LVULUS /,. 6396 nummularius L. 6397 gangeticus L. 6398 alsino-ides R. Br. 6399 hirsutus Lam. 6400 villbsus R. 8f P. 6401 sericeus Sw. 6402 incanus Pers. sericeus R. 8f P. 6403 /inif61ius L. 6404 Nuttalham/s R. & S. 6405 emarginatus L. 6406 latifblius Ker 797. FA'LK/^ L. 6407 repens L. (Hydor, water, elaia, oil ; situation, and oily.) Convolvulacece. 2. 6. =*= I | or 1 jn.jl P.B S. Amer. 1791. C l.p Bot. rep. 566 uAJ or 1 B Carolina 1824. S bog EVOLVUUIS. (Evolvo, to roll out j not twining, opp. Convolv.) Convolvulaceee.ll. Money- wort -* O pr f s B Jamaica 1816. S co SI. jam 96. 2 Ganges Jk O pr 1 j 1 " - -- ~ - Chickweed-likeJc O pr i j hairy villous silky hoary ~ O p 1 i E. Indies 1820. S co S co E.Indies 1817. Trinidad 1818. S co S. Amer. 1810. S co W. Indies 1816. R. mal. 11. 64 Lam. il. 216.2 Fl. per. 3. 253. 6 p.s Br. jam. 10. 3 S. Amer. 1810. S p.s Fl. per. 3. 252. b. Flax-leaved -& O pr 2 au.s B Jamaica 1732. Nuttall's Jk O pr | B N. Amer. 1824. emarginate -* O pr 1 s B E. Indies 1816. broad-leaved J_ fAl pr 2 jn.jl W Brazil 1819. FALKIA. (J. P. Falk, a Swedish botanist, died 1774.) Convolvulacea. 1. creeping SW lAl or i Pk C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Bot. rep. 257 S co Br. jam. 10. 2 S co S co Bur. in. 30. 1 D co Bot. reg. 401 798. CU'SCUTATL,. 6408 europa'a L. 6409 .Epithymum Mur. 6410 chine'nsis Lam. 6411 australis R. Br. 6412 chilensis B. M. 6413 verrucosa Swt. 6414 Hook en Swt. reflexa var. verrucosa Hook. 6415 americana L. American (Kechout, its Arabic name.) Convolvulacea:. 7. 23. Britain Britain China hea. hea. 1803. D I) D par par par Eng. bot. 378 E'ig. bot. 55 N. Holl. 1818. S par Chile 1821. I) par Bot. r eg. 603 Nepal E. Indies 1821. 1823. I) S par par Sw. fl. Hook. gar. 6 ex. fl. 150 W.Y S. Amer. 1816. D par SI. jam. 1. 128. 4 799. DICHO'NDRA Forst. DrcnoNDRA. (Dis, twice, cfiondros, grain ; form of caps.) Convolmdacets . 5. 7. 6416 repens Forst. 6417 sericea Swx 6418 carolinensis MX. repens /3 Pair. 6419argentea W. 6420 rotundifblia Lk. 800. CRE'SSA L. 6421 creticai. creeping silky Carolina cu 1| l| J W W W N. S. W. Jamaica Carolina 1803. 1793. 1810. C s.p Sm. ic. in. 1. 8 C s.p D s.p W. Indies 1800. D s.p H. ber. 2. 81 silvery SW lAl cu | W round-leaved ^ LAI cu J W 1819. D s.p CRESSA. (Cressa, a native of Crete, Lot. ; abounds there.) Convolvulacece. 1. S. Cretan -* O cu P Levant 1822. S s.p Lam. il. 183 801. MICROTE\A. Swz. MICROTEA. (Mikrotes, smallness; minute parts of fructification.; Phytolacece. 2. 6422 debilis Swz. weak dl cu | jn.jl W Jamaica 1816. S co 6423 maypuntosis G. Don Maypure O cu W Trinidad 1817. S co H.&B.n. 2.122 Ancistrocarpus maypurensis Kth. ORDER II. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. 99 802. VELE^ZIA W. VELEZIA. (C. Velez, physician and botanist at Madrid.) 6424 rlgida W. rigid Q cu \ jl W.p Spain 1683. (Uncertain ; probably a man's name ) LLVCOVIA. Fox-tail-like _ Thyme-leaved Sfe i _ | or 803. LINCO^NIA L. 6425 alopecuroidea L. 642(5 /hymifblia Swx. Diosma deusta Thun. 6427 cuspidata Swz. cuspidate Diosma cuspidata Thun. 804. BUMA'LD/* Thun. BUMALDA. 6428 trifolia Thun. three-leaved Staphylea Bumalda Dec. \ _ | or 2 my.jn W 2 my.jn W C. G. H. 1816. Ca _ . _ . ic. 1018 Brunlacece. 3. 4. C p.l Swz.b. m. 4 C. G. H. 1825. C p.l Swz. b. m. 85. 4 t_]or 2 my.jn W C. G. H. 1825. C p.l Swz.b. m. 5. 284. L7.1 *805. L. HEUCHERA. 806. CUSSONIA L. 6436 thyrsiflura L. 6437 tripteris Coll. 6438 spicata L. (J. A. de Bumalda, a botanist of Bologna.) Bruniacete. 1. t. 6441 flurida Bleb. flowery 6442 oppositiflftra Schr. opposite-flwd Th. up. 3. 13 (Anabaino, to ascend ; climbs trees.) Cheno}Jodece. 4. 9. tt. i | cu tt. | | cu 1 jn.jl 8cu 1 jn.jl cu 1 j jn.jl G G.Y 1752. C l.p Cav.ic.3.283 Asia Min. 1817. C l.p Cav.ic.3. 284 Iberia Russia 1817. S l.p Bieb. cen. 1. 17 1825. S l.p 103. O 808. SALSO'LA L. SALTWORT. (Salsus, salt ; saline properties.) Chenovbdeee. 16. 51. 6443 Kali L. Kali O ec 1 F Britain s ea. sh. S S.I Eng. bot. 634 6444 TVagus L. 6445 tamariscma Pall. Tragus Tamarix-like O cu 8CU 2 2 W Y S. Europe Tauria 1817. 1820 S S s.l s.l Pal. ill. 2. 29 Pal. ill. 2. 25 6446 crassa Bieb. fleshy cu 1 W.Y Caucasus 1818. s p.l Bux. c. 1. 14. 2 6447 rosacea L. rosy O cu Pk Asia 1759. s s.l Schk. han. 1. 57 6448 oppositifolia Desf. 6449 brachiata Pall. opposite-leaved tt. branched _|cu O cu 1 1 Br" Sicily Tauria 1823. 1818. c s 8.1 P.p Cav. ic. 245 Pal. ill. 2. 22 6450 glauca Bieb. glaucous it- |cu 4 Y.G Caucasus 1821. c s.p Pal. ill. 2. 19 spicata Pall. 6451 vermiculata L. checkered O cu li G Siberia 1759. s S.l Gm. si. 3. 18. 2 6452 rigida Pall. rigid tL _|cu i jlau G Siberia 1824. c s.l Gm. si. 4. 5 6453 microphylla Cav. small-leaved O cu 2 R Spain 1759. s s.l Cav. ic. 3. 2S7 6454 verrucbsa Bieb. warty O cu i G Siberia 1817. s s.p Pal. ill. 216 6455 folibsa Schr. leafy O cu 1 Pk Siberia 1820. s s.p Bux. c. 1. 19. 1 Anabasis foliosa L. 6456 Ianifl6ra L. woolly-flowered O cu 2 Y Siberia 1797. s s.l Pal. it. 2. 236. P. 6457 saftva L. cultivated O ec 1 Pk Spain 1783. s S.1 Cav. ic. 3. 291 6458 Soda L. Soda O ec 3 W S. Europe 1683. s s.l Jac. vin. 1. 68 809. KO^CH/J Schr. KOCH i A. 6459 Ayssopifolia Roth Hyssop-leaved 6460 trigyna Lk. trigynous 6461 prostrata Schr. trailing 6462 arenaria Roth sand Chenop5dium arenarium Kit (M. Koch, a German botanist.) Chenopbdete. S. 12 8cu G Siberia 1801. S co Pal. it. 1.491. H. cu 3 G Spain 1804. S s.l Cav. ic. 3. 289 ;i | cu 2 G S. Europe 1780. C s.l Jac. au. 3. 294 O cu 1 my.jn W.G Hungary 1822. S s.l W. & K. 1. 78 6463 sedoides Schr. Stonecrop-like o cu 2 jn ' G Crimea 1821. S s.l Pall. ill. 36' 6464 muricata Schr. muricate Q cu 1 G Egypt 1773. S s 1 Al. tau. 3. 4. 2. 6465 eriophora Schr. 6466 scoparia Schr. wool-bearing broom Cypress O cu cu i jn.jl 3 jn.s G Spain Greece 1823. 16'29. s s s.l CO Sc. hal. 3 Sc. hal. 1. 1. 6467 dasyantha Schr. thick-flowered cu 1 G Caucasus 1823. S s.p Pal. ill. 1. 10 810. CHENOPCTDIUM L. GOOSEFOOT. 6468 Bonus Henricus L. Good Henry ) (Chen, A w a goose, pous, 1 G a foot ; leaves.) Britain rub. Chenopodece. 34. 72. D co Eng. bot. 1033 6469 urbicum L. city w 1 au G Britain dungh .S CO Eng. bot. 717 6470 yftriplicis L. A triplex-like O un 3 au.s S China 1780. S CO Jac. vin . 3. 80 6471 rubrum L. red O w 2 au.s R Britain dungh . s CO Eng. bot. 1721 6472 chrysomelanosper- mum Balb. f yellow and 7 iblack seeded J un 1 au.s G Galicia 1820. s CO 6473 carthaginense Zuc. Carthagena o un 1 G Carthag. 1817. s CO 6474 punctulatum Sco. small-dotted o un 1 G Europe 1826. s CO Scop.d. 1. 11 6475 guineense Jac. Guinea un 2 au.s G Guinea 1790. s CO Jac. ic. 2. 345 6476 murale L. wall w li au.s G Britain rub. s CO Eng. bot. 1722 6477 Quinoa W. green Quinoa cul 3 jl G Peru 1822. a CO 2 rubrum red Quinoa cul 3 jl G Peru 1822. s CO Feu. ob. 10 6478 rhombifblium MM. rhomb-leaved o un H ji.s G N Amer, . 1807. s CO 6479 serotinum L. late un 2 jl.8 G Spain 1821. s CO 6480 ficifblium Sm. fig-leaved W 2 au.s G Britain dungh . s CO Eng. bot. 1724 6481 album L. white w 1| jl.s G Britain rub. s CO Eng. bot. 1723 2 subrotundum roundish-leaved w 2 jl.s G Britain rub. s CO 3 viride green o w 1- il s G Britain rub. s CO 4 integrifolium entire-leaved o w 2 2 jl'.s G Britain rub. s CO 5 crassi folium thick-leaved w lijl.S G Britain rub. s CO 6482 opulifolium Schr. er6sum Bast. Opulus-leaved un 2 G Europe 1810. s CO Bast. j. 1814, 3 6483 petiolare H. & B. petioled 6484 ilitoides Lej. Blitum-like 6485 Schraderinnim R.& S. Schrader's 8 un un un 1 1 3 G G G S. Amer. France Europe 1824. 1820. 1817. s s s CO CO CO foe'tidum Schr. not i Df others 6486 incisum Poir. cut-leaved un 1| G Europe 1821. s CO H 2 100 PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. CLASS V. 6487 humifdsum Zuc. 6488 giganteum D. Don 6489 hybridum L. 6490 .ffotrys L. 6491 ftotrydides Sm. 6492 ftB/tidum Lam. 6493 multifidum L. 6494 ambrosioides L. 6495 suft'ruticosum W. 649ti amhelminticum L. 6497 graveolens JF. 6498 glaucum L. 6499 marginatum S/-. 6500 patulum Roth 6501 crassifolium Desf. 6502 olidum Sm. 6503 polyspermum L. 6504 caudatum Jac. 6505 laterale H. K. 6506 lanceolatum MM. 6507 aristatum .L. 6508 sttpium 6509 acuminatum 6510 acutifdlium E. B. 6511 maritimum L. 6512 parvifolium R. 8f S. 6513 Biebersteinj( N m/ R. & S. Bieberstein's 6514 hortense R. fyS. garden Salsola div^rgens Poir. 6515 hirsiitum Bieb. hairy 6516 fruticosum Schr. shrubby Salsola frutieosa E. B. 6517 altissimum Bieb. 6518 salsum R. $ S. Salsola salsa L. 6519 setigerum Dec. 6520 radiatum Schr. 6521PallasJ<5nwR.&S. 6522 spicatum R. & S. Salsola salsa Cav. 811. BE^TA L. 6523 vulgaris L. 1 viridis 2 rJibra 3 lutea 6524 macrorhlza Stev. 6525 patula U. K. 6526 cicla L. 6527 crispa Trat. 6528 trigyna Kit. 6529 maritima L. tallest Saltwort bristle-bearing rayed Pallas's spiked O un 1 G un 6 au.s G 8 w un i* au.s jn.s G G O w i R un. 4 G ^ un 2 jn.o G Q fir ii i'n.o G . i 1 un 2 1.0 G ML L_l un 3 G un 4 G w 1J G 8 O un un un 8 1 2 G G G o w 1 G o w 1 G o un 2 G o un J au.s G un 2 jl G un 1 jn.s G un 2 jn.jl G un 1 o o w o o w 3 au G tt. un 2 G in's Q un 3 G tt un 3 G o un 3 G tt. ec 2 au.s G un 6 G o un 1 au.s G 8 un un 2 1 jn.jl G G un 2 G un 1 G Europe 1810. S co Nepal 1818. S co Britain rub. S co S. Europe 1548. S co Britain sea. sh. S co Europe 1800. S co Buenos A. 1732. D co Mexico 1640. S co Mexico 1819. S co America 1732. C co Mexico 1823. S co England rub. S co Europe 1819. S co E. Indies 1817. S co Europe 1802. S co rub. rub. Britain Britain Guinea Europe S co S co 1806. S co 1781. S co Pennsylv. 1809. S co Virginia 1771. S co Moravia 1823. S co Siberia 1810. S co Britain unc. gr. S co Britain sal. m. S co Caucasus 1825. S co Caucasus 1824. S co S. Europe ... S co Europe 1791. S co England sea sh. C co Italy 1775. S co Astracan 1782. S co S. Europe 1822. S co N. Amer. 1820. S co Persia 1826. S co Spain 1821. S co Eng. bot. 1919 1 gr. 263 Eng. bot. 2247 Fl.dan. 1152 Di. el. 66. 77 M. h.5.35. 8 Di. el. 66. 76 Eng. bot 1454 Eng. bot. 1034 Eng. bot. 1480 Jac. ic. 2. 344 Gm. si. 3. 15. 1 W. n. her. 2. 5.2. Eng. bot. 1481 Eng. bot. 633 PaL ill. 3. 44 Fl. dan. 187 Eng. bot. 685 Sc. hal.1.3 Jac. vin. 383 An. mu. 2. 34 Bux. c. 1. 31. 1 Cav. ic. 3. 290 812. 6530 Yervamora L. (Belt, red, in Celtic.) Chei G S. Europe 1548. S. Europe ... S. Europe ... S. Europe ... Caucasus 1820. Madeira 1778. Portugal 1570. S. Europe 1800. Hungary 1796. Britain GOLDEN ROD. Yervamora a botanist of Leipsic.) .. Ru Canaries 1728. 1. S r.m Schk. han. 1.56 S r.m Pi. ic. 169 S r.m S r.m Kern. ab. 235 S r.m C r.m S r.m PI. ic. 170 S r.m Trat. ar. 117 S r.m W.&K. 1.35 S r.m Eng. bot. 285 Chenopbdecs. 1. 2. C p.l Walt. h. 24. 10 813. HERNIA X RI A L. RUPTURE-WORT. (Hernia, rupture ; supposed med. qual.) Paronychiece. 8. 12. 6531 glabra L. 6532 hirsdta L. 6533 fruticbsa L. 6534 polygonoldes Cav. 6535 mcana Bleb. hirsiita JBieb. 6536 alplna Vil. 6537 annua Lag. 6538 cinerea Dec. *814. r/'LMUSi. 6539 campestris L. 6540 suberosa Moen. 6541 fruticbsa W. 6542 glabra E. B. 6543 major E. B. 6544 montSna E. B. 6545 effusa W. ciliata Ehrh 6546 americana Ph. 6547 alata MX. 6548 alba Kit. 6549 humilis Amm. 6550 crispa W. 6551 fulva Ph. pendula W. 6552 scabra MU. 6553pumila W. 6554 parvi folia Jac. 6555 microphylla Pers. 6556 chinensis Pers. 6557 integrifolia Kox. A cu Jjl G A cu i G G smooth hairy shrubby Knotgrass-like tt. i | cu |" G hoary ^k A cu 5 G alpine annual cinereous ELM TREE. English field cork-barked shrubby smooth greater mountain England sa. gr. S co Eng. bot. 206 England sa. gr. S co Eng. bot. 1379 Spain 1814. C p.l Lob.ic.85 S. Europe 1752. C l.p Cav. ic. 2. 131 S. Europe 1822. S l.p Pluk. al. 53. 3 S. Europe 1822. S Lp Spain 1824. Montpel. 1823. S co white Argericar winged white Hangar. low curled deep-yellow scabrous dwarf small-leaved small-leaved China entire-leaved (Elm, its name in Celtic.) Ulmacece. 19. tm 80 Br Britain hed. tm 40 Br Britain hed. or 8 Br Europe tm 60 Br Britain hed. tm 40 Br Britain tm 40 Br Britain hed. tm 40 Br Britain tm 40 Br tm 30 Br tm 30 Br or 6 Br or 20 Br tm 60 Br * I _ | or 3 f O or 40 tm 40 Br or 2 Br or 12 my IJr or 10 Br Br N. Amer. 1752. N. Amer. 1820. Hungary 1824. Siberia N. Amer. ... N. Amer. ... N. Amer. ... Siberia 1771. 1822. Siberia China E. Indies 1822. L L co G co L co G co S co L co G co G co G co G co G co G co Eng. bot. 1886 Eng. bot. 2161 Eng. bot. 2248 Eng. bot. 2542 Eng. bot. 1887 Schk. han. 57 Mic. ar. 3.5 Mic. ar. 3. 6 L co L p.l Pal. ros. 1. 43 G co Jac. sc. 262 L coPal.ros.l.48.A.B.C C Lp G s.l Rox. cor. 1.78 815. CHAILLE S T/^ Dec. CHAILLETIA. (M. ChaUlet, a Swiss botanist.) ChailletetB. 1.6. 6558 Toxicaria G. Don Rat poison *L_lP 5 my.jl W S.Leone 1824. C p.l 816. PHY'LLIS L. 6559 Nbbla L. BASTARD HARE'S EAR. Noble * (PliyUon, a leaf; its chief beauty.) 3 jn.jl Rubiacets. 1. Canaries 1699. ' C r.m Di. el. 299. 386 OKDER II. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. 101 817. CORIA'NDRUM L. CORIANDER. 6560 safivum L. cultivated (Koris, a bug ; smell of leaves.) UmbellifertE. 1. 3. O clt 2 jn W England fields. S co Eng. bot. 67 818. BI'FORIS Spr. BIFORIS. (Bis, double, forts, a flap ; fruit.) Umbellifercs. 2. 6561 testiculatum Bleb. twin-fruited O un 2 jn.jl W S. Europe 1640. S co Pluk. al. 169. 2 Coriandrum testiculatum L. 6562 radians Bieb. radiant O un \\ jn.jl W Caucasus 1817. S co Coriandrum testiculatum Bieb. 819. SCA'NDIX L. SCANDIX. 6563 Pecten L. Venus' s Comb 6564 australis L. southern 65fi5 pinnatitida Ven. wing-cleft 656S falcata Lou. falcate-seeded (Greek name for an eatable plant.) Umbelliferce. 6. 10. O w jn.jl W Britain co. fi. S co Eng. bot. 1397 O un 1 my.jn W S. Europe 1713. S co Col. ec. 1. 90 O un J| my.jn W Persia 1805. S co Ven, eels 14 O un 1 my.jn W Crete 1817. S eo Hof. um. 2. 2 Wylirt radians Hofm. 6567 grandiflora L. large-flowered O un 1 my.jn W Iberia 1818. S CO Hof. um. 2. 3 Wylirt grandiflora Hofm. 6568 iberica Bieb. Iberian O un 1 jn.jl W Iberia 1823. S CO Hof. um 2. 4 Wylia iberica Hofm. *820. ^NTHRI'SCUS Pers. ROUGH CHERVIL. 6569 vulgaris Pers. common O (Ey Pliny to a plant like Scandix.) w 1$ my.jn W Britain he. ba. S UmbellifercE. 8. \ co Eng. bot. 813 Scandix ^nthriscus L. 6570 tuberculata R. $ S. tuberculate un i| Hiy.jn W Syria 1810. s CO 6571 taurica Fis. Taurian O un 1 my.jn w Tauria 1820. s CO 6572 hispid* Dec. hispid O un 1 my.jn w France 1819. s CO 6573 nodosa Pers. knotted o un 1 my.jn w Sicily 1656, s CO Jac. vin. 3. 25 6.574 trichosperma K 8f S. hairy-seeded 6575 nemorosa Spr. grove 6576/umarioldes Spr. Fumaria-like i! un un un 1J ... 2J my.jn 1 my.jn w w w Hungary Russia Hungary 1818. 1810. 1810. s D D CO CO CO Gm. si. 1. 49 W. & K. 3. 224 *821. CH^ROPHY'LLUM L. CHERVIL. 5 6577 sylvestre L. wood ^ 6578 nitidum Vahl shining ^ 6579 hybridum Ten. hybrid ^ 6580 divaricatum Pair. divaricate ^ 6581 monogonum Kit. one-angled ^ angulatum Kit. tivum Pers. cultivated Scandix Cerefolium L. 6583 procumbens Lam. 6584 bulbosum L. Myrrhis bulbosa Spr. 6585 temulum L. 6586 hirsutum L. 6587 Cicutaria Vil. 6588 roseum Bleb. 6589 hi\mile Bieb. 6590 coloratura L. 6591 aureum L. 6592 maculatum Horn. 6593 torquatum Dec. 6594 Biebersteinw R. & S. 6595 tenuifulium Pair. 6596 capense Thun. 6597 aromaticum L. 6598 angelicaefolinm Bieb. 6599 canadense Pers. Sison canadense L. 46600 Clayton? Pers. Clayton's 71/yrrhis Claytbnj MX. (Chairo to rejoice, phytton, leaf; smell.) Umbellifero. 24. 28. Aw 3 my.jn W Britain hed. D co Eng. bot. 752 A un 3 my.jn W Europe 1820. D co A un 3 my.jn W Italy 1822. D co A un 2 my.jn W Europe 1810. D co A un 3 my.jn W Hungary 1810. D co O cul 1 1 my.jn W England he. ba. D co Eng. bot. 1268 procumbent - * O un 1 Jn.jl W Virginia 1699. D CO M. h.9. 11. ult. bulbous-roofed jl i A Ull 1| jn.jl W Europe 1726. D CO Jac. au. 1. 63 giddy ; It CD w 3 w Britain hed. D CO Eng. bot. 1521 hairy-leaved ^ k A un 2| jn.jl Pk Switzerl. 1759. I) CO Jac. au. 2. 148 Cic\ita-leaved 4 fc A un 1| my.jn R.w S. France 1810. D CO rosy fc A un 1^ my.jn R Caucasus 1817. I) CO Hof. um. 1. 1. 33 humble it A un 1 my.jn W Iberia 1823. D CO colored fc A un 1| Y Illyria 1806. ]) CO M. h. 9. 10. 6 golden A un 2 Pk Scotland b. of fi. D CO Eng. bot. 2103 spotted it A un 3 my.jn W S. Europe 1810. D CO torquate fc A un 3 my.jn W Piedmont 1819. 1) CO Bieberstein's 1 A un 2 my.jn W Caucasus 1825. D CO fine-leaved ^ Cape or un 1 my.jn 1 my.jn W W S. Europe 1818. C. G. H. 1810. D S CO co aromatic i A or 3 W Germany 1726. 1) CO Jac. au. 2. 150 Angel ica-lvd t A un 3 my.jn w Caucasus 1820. D CO Canadian ] fc A or li JUu w N. Amer. 1699. D CO M. h.9. 11 A or 2 W N. Amer. 1806. D co Spr. um. 3. 6 822. RY'NGIUM L. ERYNGO. (Eryggano, to belch ; expels wind) Umbellifero. 34. 58. 6601 aquaticum L. . aquatic ^ A or 4 jl.s W N. Amer. 1699. D bog Bot. reg. 372 6602 longitolium Cav. long-leaved ji U\\ or 3 W Mexico 1820. D s.l Cav. ic. 6. 555 6603 bromelifsfblium Lai . Pine-apple-lvd G3or 3 W NewSpain 1824. D S.1 Lar. er. 28 6604 ebracteatum Lam. bractless j tAJ or 2 B< B. Ayres 1817. D s.l Lar. er. 32 6605 planum L. fiat-leaved ^ A or 3 jl.s L.B Europe 1596. D s.l Jac. au. 4. 391 6606 asperifolium Lar. rough-leaved ^ A or 2 W 1820. D s I Lar. er. 11 6607 dichotomum Desf. dichototnous ^ A or 2 B S. Europe 1820. D s.l Desf. at. 1. 55 6608 gigantfeum Bieb. giant ^ A or 4 B Caucasus 1820. D 8.1 6609 gracile Lar. slender tf L/\l or 1 B N. Spain 1824. D S.1 Lar. er. 24 6610 tricuspidatum L. tritid ^ O or 2 s G Spain 1699. I) S.1 Lar. er. 9 66 Jl casruleurn Pers. blue-flo-wered ^ A or 2 B Caspian 1816. 1) S.l M. h. 7. 37. 13 6612 maritimum L. sea-holly j^ A ec 1- il o B Britain sea sh. 1) S.l Eng. bot. 7 18 6613 alp"i num L. alpine 2 8 B Switzerl. 1597. U s.l Bot. mag. 922 6614 rigidum Lam. stiff ^ A or | B France 1816. D S.1 Vil. del. 17 6615 pusillum L. small ^ A or G Spain 1640. D s.l Lar. er. 16 66l6galioides Pair. ^ A or i G Portugal 1810. D si 6617 crorniculatum Lam. small-horned ^e A or 1 G Portugal 1803. D s.l Bot. mag. 1427 6618 tenue Lam. slender O or 1 B Spain 1824. D s.l Lob. ic. 2. 23 6619 ^quifolium Cav. Holly-leaved ^ A r 1 B Spain 1816. D s.l Lar. er. 10 6620 virgmianum Lam. Virginian ^ A or 2 fi B N. Amer. ... D S.1 Lar. er. 19 6621 virga'tum Lam. virgate ^ A or 1 jn.jl L.B N. Amer. 1810. D s.l Lar. er. 20 6622 fce'tidum L. fetid [Alor 1 au.o G W. Indies 1714. D s.l Her. lug. 237 6623 serratum Cav. serrated iAI or 1 B NewSpain 1800. D s.l Cav. ic. 6. 654 6624 Cervantes** Lar. Cervantes's f iAI or 1 jl.o G Mexico 1820. 1) 8.1 Lar. er. 18 6625 campestre L. field 3t A ec 2 B Britain pas. D s.l Eng. bot. 57 6626 Bourgatz Gou. Bourgati's ^ A or 2 Pa.B S. France 1731. D S.1 Gou. il. 7.3 6627 amethystinum L. amethystine ^ A or 3 L.B Styria 1648. I) s.l M. h. 7. 35. 2 6628 triquetrum Vahl 6629 dilatatum Lam. triangular dilated ^ A or j^ A or 1 H Jl-au B B S. Europe 1824. Portugal 1821. I) D S.1 8.1 Desf. at. 1. 54 Lar. er. 4 6630 Andersbmz Lag. Anderson's cul 3 mv.jl W Europe gard. s r.m 4 pra;^cox early horn i 0> cul 3 my.jl w Europe gard. s r.m 6642 mauritanicus L. Mauritanian ^ un 3 jn.jl w Spain 1768. s s.l Al. ped. 2. 61. 1 6643 polygamus Gou. polygamous ^ Ull 2 jn.jl w Spain 1817. 8 CO Jac. vin. 3. 78 6644 maritimus Lam. sea ^ w If jn.jl w Britain Cornw. S s.l Eng. bot. 2560 6645 gummifer Lam. gum-bearing j un 2 jnjl w Italy 1818. s CO Boc. mu. 20 6646 Gingidium L. Chervil ^ un 2 jn.jl w France 1722. s S.1 M. h. 9. 9. 10 6647 lucidus L. shining ^ L , Q) un 2 w S. Europe 1807. s s.l M. h. 3. 9. 13. 4 6648muricatusi. prickly-seeded un 2 jn.jl Pk Barbary 1683. s s.l M. h. 9. 14. 4 6649 aureus Desf. golden-flowered O un 1 Jl Y S. Europe 1823. s CO Desf. at. 1. 61 6650 littoralis Sm. shore O un 4 jn.jl W Greece 1820. s CO FI. gr. 271 6651 hispidus Desf. hispid ^ < 0> un 1| jn.jl Pk Barbary 1804. s s.l Desf. at. 63 6652 wzeifulius Brot. Meum-leaved ^ un 1 jn.jl W Spain 1817. 8 CO Brot. ph. 1.4 6653 parviflbrus Desf. small-flowered ^ un 2 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1824. s CO Desf. at. 1. 68 6654 crinitus Desf. long-haired ^ i Q) u n 2 jn.jl W Barbary 1804. s s.l Desf. at. 62 6655 montevidensis Spr. Monte- Videan O un 1 W Monte Vi. 1827. s CO *826. CAU'CALIS L. BUR PARSLEY. (Greek name used by Theophrastus.) Umbelliferce. 12. 27. 6656grandifl6ra.L. great- flowered O un W S. Europe 1648. S CO Jac. au. 1. 54 6657 latifdlia L. broad-leaved w 3 R England ch. fi. a CO Eng. bot. 198 6658 rfaucoides L. Carrot-like w 14 Jn R England ch. fi. s CO Eng. bot. 197 6659platycarposL. broad-seeded un 4 W S. Europe 1800. s CO M. h. 9. 14. 2 6660 mauritanica L. Mauritanian un i my.jl W Mauritan. 1818. s CO 6661 leptophylla L. fine-leaved un 1 Pk Europe 17S9. B CO Jac. vin. 195 6662pumila IV. dwarf o un Pk S. Europe 1640. S CO Cav. ic. 2. 101 6663 maritima Bauh. sea O un i my.jl R France 1810. s CO M. h. 9. 14 6664 orientalis Bux. oriental Q un 4 jn.jl W Levant 1699. s CO M. h. 9. 14. 5 2 pulcheirima W. en. most beautiful Q un 2 jn.jl W Caucasus 1816. s CO Bux. c. 3. 33 6665 hispida Desf. hispid un 1 my.jn W Italy 1818. s CO 6666 glabra Forsk. smooth un ? my.jn W Egypt 1820. 8 CO For. Bg. 23. 2, 3 6667 littoralis Bieb. shore un 1 my.jn w Caucasus 1819. S CO Hof. um. ed.2.1. Cachrys littoralis Spr. [1.36 827. TORPLIS Gae. TORILIS. 6668 ^nthriscus Gm. Anthriscus Caucalis Anthriscus Sco. 6669 infesta H. K. troublesome Caucalis arvensis Hud. helvetica Gm. ( Toreyo, to carve ; seeds.) Umbelliferce. 6. 9. O w R Britain hed. S co Eng. bot. 987 O w 1 Y Britain co. fi. S co Eng. bot. 1314 6670 nodosa Gae. knotted 6671 tuberculata Poir. tuberculate 6672 trichosperma Spr. hair-seeded Scandix trichosperma L. 6673 neglecta Spr. neglected 828. OLIVE^RIA Ven. OLIVERIA. 6674 decumbens Ven. decumbent .* O w O un O un 2 my.jl 1 jn.jl 1 jn.jl Britain Syria Egypt co. fi. S 1817. S 1824. S Eng. bot. 199 O un 1 jnjl W Austria 1817. S co 29 (G. A. Olivier, a French botanist.) Umbelliferce. 1. O cu 1 my.jl P Bagdad 1816. S co Ven. eels 21 829. LEDEBITR/^ Lk. LEDEBURIA. (M. Ledebure, a botanical author.) Umbelliferce. 1. 6675 pimpinelloides Lk. Pimpinella-like 3t A un 2 jnjl W Tauria 1823. S co Tragium tauricum Led. 830. MY'RRHIS Mor. MYRRH. (A name used by Dioscorides.) Umbelliferce. 1. 6676 odorata Sco. sweet-scented ^ A ec 2| my.jn W Britain m. pas. D co Eng. bot. 697 831. ^ITNIUM L. EARTH NOT. 6677 flexuosum Sm. flexuous Bulbocastanum E. B. 6678 pyrenae v um Lot. Pyrenean 6679 Bulbocastanum L. common 6680 ammoides Lk. Ammi-like flexuusum Brot. 832. WALLRO'TH/,4 Spr. WALLROTHIA. (F. Wallroth, M. D., a German botanist.) Umbelliferce. 2. 6681 tuberosa Spr. tuberous & A un my.jl W Hungary 1823. D co W. & K. 2. 182 Minium alplnum Kit. -Ligusticum alpinum Spr. 6682 splendens Spr. ^ shining & A un 1 my.jl W Pyrenees 1825. D co FI. pyr. 85 .Ligusticum splendens Lap. (Bounos, a hill ; habitation.) Aw 2 myjn W Britain past. D co Eng. bot. 988 A un 1 jn.jl W Pyrenees 1826. D co A un 1| jn.jl W Portugal 1818. D co Hof. um. 1. 1. 4 A un 1 jn.jl W Portugal 1820. D co 833. ffiNA'NTHE L. WATER DROPWORT. (Oinos, wine, anthos, a flower ; odor.) 6683 fistulosa L. fistulous & A P 2 F Britain dit. 6684 pimpinelloides L. Pimpinella-like ; 6685 gymnorhlza Brig. naked-rooted peucedanifblia Wre. pimpinelloides j 6686 approximata Merat approximate pimpinelloides Thuil. 6687 involucrata Cav. involucrate 6688 joeucedanif61ia Pal. Peucedan.-lvd 6689 silaifolia Bieb. Silaum-leaved peucedanifolia E. B. not Pall. Umbelliferce. 18. 23. D m.s Eng. bot. 363 k A ^ A un Ull 1 3 n.jl W W England Baltic sal. m. 1817. I) D m.s CO Eng. bot. 347 ''imm k.A un 2 W France 1817. D CO k A k A k A un un Ull 2 'J jn.jl jn.jl w Pk w Spain- Europe Britain 1818. 1820. dit. D D D CO aq aq Lob. ic. 729 Eng. bot. 348 ORDER II. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. 103 6690 virgata Poir. twiggy ^ A un 1 W Spain 1820. n CO 6691 prolifera L. proliferous ; fc A un q W Italy 1739. D CO Jac. vin. 3. 62 6692 globulosa L. g\obe-headed ^ t A un H" w Portugal 1710. D CO Gou. il. 18. 9 6693 crocata L. saffron-colored * It A P S w Britain dit. D m.s Eng. bot. 2313 6K94 rtptifolia Brot. Parsley-leaved ; H A un 2 w Portugal 1806. D CO Sab. rom. 84 6695 interrupta Thun. interrupted \ ? iAI un 1 jn.jl w C. G. H. 1818. S CO 6696 int-brians Thun. inebriating j| \ iAI p 1 au.s w C. G. H. 1816. S CO 6697 tenuifulia Thun. fine-leaved \ J i A| un o jn.jl w C. G. H. 1819. s CO 6698 australis Wul. southern 1 A un H jn.jl w S. Europe 1817. I) CO 6699 glauca Dec. glaucous 8un U jn.jl w S. Europe 1823. D CO 6700 nodiflbra Schous. knot-flowered un i w N. Africa 1820. S CO Conium dichotomum Brou. 834. CRI'THMUM L. SAMPHIRE. 6701 maritimuin L. sea 6702 latifolium L. broad-leaved Tenoria canari^nsis Spr. (Krithe, barley ; similarity of seeds.) UmbeU'ferce. 2. 4. I A cul 1 jl.s W Britain s. cliffs. D r.m Eng. bot. 819 iAI cu li jl Y Canaries 1780. D r.m *835. ^THAMA'NTAZ. SPICKNEL. (Found upon Mount Athamas in Sicilv.) UmbelVferce. 13. 14. 6703iban6tisZ,. 6704 Cervaria L. Rosemary ^ Cervaria ^ A A w un 2 jn.jl 4 W Pa.P England Europe 1597. S S CO CO Eng. bot. 138 Jac. au. 1. 69 Zigusticum Cervari. a Spr. 6705 sibirica L. Siberian ^ A un 2 W Siberia 1771. S CO Gm. si. 1. 40. 1,2 6706 panacifolia Spr. Panax-leaved ^ A un 3 W Spain 1823. s CO Boc. sic. 1 Cachrys panacifolia Vahl 6707 condensata L. c\ose-headed ^ A or 1 jl.s W Siberia 1773. s CO Gou. il. 83. 26 6708 incana W. hoary ^ A un 2 W Siberia 1802 s CO 6709 sicula L. Sicilian A un 3 jn.jl W Sicily 1686. s CO Za. h. 70. 48 6710 Matthiol* Wai. Matthioli's ^ A or 2 jn.jl W Carniola 1802. s CO Jac. ic. 1. 57 6711 cretensis L. Cretan Carrot ^ A un w Austria 1596. s CO Jac. au. 1. 62 6712 annua annual ^ O un 1 jn.jl w Candia 1731. s CO 6713 lasiantha W. hairy-petaled ^ A un 2 w Spain 1818. s CO 6714 tortubsa Spr. twisted tt. cu 1 w S. Europe 1826. s s.p Desf. at 1. 73 6715 carwfolia Step. Caraway-1 ea ved ^ A un 1* Jl-au w Siberia 1819. s CO 836. PIMPINE'LLA L. BURNET SAXIFRAGE. (Bipinnula, twice pinnate ; leaves.) Umbell'ifercE. 10. 6716 Saxifraga L. Saxifrage ^ A w 1 W Britain dry pa. s CO Eng. bot. 407 6717 lutea Desf. 6718 intermedia Nut. yel lo vf-Jiowered^. intermediate ^ A A un un 4 l| W W S. Europe 1823. Europe 1827. s s CO CO Desf. at. 76 6719 cretica Poir. Cretan ^ A un 1 w S. Europe 1826. s CO 6720 tfigra W. Mack-roofed ^ A un 1 w Germany 1683. s CO Boc. mu. 80 6721 magna L. great ^ A un 4 w England woods. s CO Eng. bot. 408 2 dissecta cut-leaved ^ A un 4 w Europe 1800. s CO M. h. 9. 5 6722 media Hofm. mediate ^ A un 4 w Europe 1817. s CO Jac. au. 397 6723 dissecta ttetz. cut-leaved ^ A w 1| w England dry pi. s CO 6724 rotundifolia Spr. round-leaved 4v Q) un 2 w Caucasus 1817. s CO Spr. um. 2. 4. 1.4 Pimpinella rotundif 61ia Bieb. f 6725 tenuis Sieb. slender ^ A un 1 w Crete 1820. s CO 837. :rRA N GIUM Spr. TRAGIUM. 6726 ^nlsum L. Anise Slson Jnlsum Spr. 6727 Columns Spr. Columna's Pimpinella Tragium Lam. 6728 depressum Sieb. depressed 6729 aromaticum Spr. aromatic 6730 Broterz Spr. Brotero's Pimpinella Aubonoldes Brot. 6731 villosum Desf. villous Schousboei Spr. 6732 peregrinum Spr. foreign ( Tragos, a goat ; odor.) O cul 1 W Egypt Umbettrferce. 7. 10. 1551. S co A un 2 W S. Europe 1810. S co Col. ph. 17 A un W Q) un 1 W A un If W A un 2 W A un 2 W Crete 1822. S co Caucasus 1820. S co Portugal 1822. S co Morocco 1817. S co Italy 1640. S co Jac. vin. 2. 131 838. PHELLA'NDRIUM L. WATER HEMLOCK. (Pheleo, to deceive, aner, a man.) Umbelllferce. 1. 6733 aquaticum L. aquatic ^t O P 3 jn.jl W Britain rivul. D aq Eng. bot. 684 839. DO'NDI^ Spr. . DONDIA. 6734 pipactis Spr. Epipactis Astrantia J&pipactis L. (Dondie Dupre'e, a French botanist.) A pr i mr.ap Y Alps 18 Umbelllfera:. 1. D p.l Jac. au. 5. 11 840. TRACHYSPE'RMUM Lk. TRACHYSPERMUM. (TracJtys, rough, sperma, seed.) Umbettiferce. 1. 6735 cupticum Spr. Egyptian Q un 2 jn.jl W Egypt 1773. S co Jac. vin. 2. 196 ^4'mmi copticum L. Daucus copticus Pers. .Bumum c6pticum Spr. 6736 rigens G. Don stiff . i_| cu 1 jn.jl W C. G. H. 1787. S co Conium rigens L. 2?unium rigens Spr. 841. A'MMl L. AMMI. 6737 Visndga Lam. Visnaga 6738 majus L. greater 6739 rtnethifolium Lam. Fennel-leaved (Ar. O CD tmos, sand ; habitation.) Umbelliferce. un 2 W S. Europe 1596. S co un 2 jn.jl W S. Europe 1551. S co un 2 jn.jl Y Caucasus 1818. S co 8. Gae. fr. 1. 107 Black. 447 6740 Boeben Hok. Boeber's o un 1 jn.jl W Crete 1817. S CO 6741/erulffifolium Lag. Ferula-leaved & Q) un 1 W Chile 1822. S CO 6742 acaule Spr. stemless i A un 1 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1820. S CO 2?ftnium acaule Bieb. 6743 glaucifolium Lap. glaucous-lvd ^ 0) un 4 Jn.jl W France 1816. s CO 6744 daucifolium Sco. Carrot-leaved & A u n 2 Pa.Y Carniola 1734. s CO Scop. car. 16 842. .SITEON L. BUBON. (Bonbon, the groin ; supposed medical virtues.) ^6745 macedonicum W. Macedonian ^ Q) cu 2 Pa.Y Greece 1596. Umbelliferce. 5. 7. S co Black. 382 ^thamanta macedonica Spr. 6746 rigidum Spr. stiff-leaved 2 gummlferum Sm. gum-bearing 6747 buchtornense Fis. Buchtorn 1 0) 8 cu cu or 3 3 jl.s 2i Pk Pk W Sicily Crimea Siberia 1710. 1804. 1816. S S S CO CO CO Boc. mu. 2. 76 Sm. ex. bot 120 ^thamanta rigida Horn. 6748 glaucum Spr. glaucous ^ A un li jn.jl W Tauria 1817. s CO Seseli petra^um Bieb. ^6749 siculum Spr. Sicilian v A un 1 jn.jl W Sicily 1820. s CO M. h. 9. $>f5750 dichotomum Spr. dichotomous a CD un 2 injl W Caucasus 1818. s CO Bot. mag. 2073 S&eli dichotomum Bieb. H 4 104 PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA, CLASS V. 6751 galbanum W. Galbanum Sel'mum galbanum Spr. 6752 lasvigatum H. K. smoothed .Ferula la?vigata Spr. 6753 gummiferum W. gum-bearing * L-J m 6 Y.o C. G. H. 1596. S 8.1 Bot. mag. 2489 * i_J cu 4 rnr.d Y C. G. H. 1774. S s.l * l_J ec 7 jl Pa.Y C. G. H. 1731. S s.l Com. h. 2. 58 843. CUMI N NUM L. 6754 Cymlnum L. CUMIV. officinal (Qamoun, its Arabic name.) O clt f jn.jl W Egypt Umbett'feree. 1. 1594. S co Cav. ic.4.360 * 844. SE'SELI L. MEADOW SAXIFRAGE. (Seyce'lyous, the Arabic name of a related plant.) Umbelliferce. 27. 6755 pimpinelloldes W. $ K. Pimpinella-lk^ Sel'mum podolicum Bes. 6756 leucosp^rmum W.SfK. white-seeded ^ A A uu un 1 jl lijl W W S. Europe 1796. Hungary 1805. S S CO CO W. & K. 80 6757 montanum L. mountain ^ A un 1 jn jl W Italy 1658. S CO Jac. vin. 2. 129 6758 glaucum L. glaucous ^ un 2 w France 1759. s CO Jac. au. 1. 144 6759ammoldesZ,. Ammi-like o uu | jnjl w S. Europe 1759. s CO Jac. vin. 1. 52 6760 tortuosum L. twisted ^ Q) uu 1 o w S. Europe 1597. s CO 6761 divaricatum Ph. divaricate ^ A or 1 in.jl Y N. Amer. 1812. s CO Bot. mag. 1742 6762 /fippomarathrum L. Horse Poppy ^ A un Q jl P Austria 1656. s CO Jac. au. 2. 143 6763 gracile Kit. slender A un 1J jn.jl Y Hungary 1805. s CO W.&K.2. 117 6764 elatum L. tall & A uu l| W Austria 1710. s CO Gou. il. 16. 8 6765 annuum L. annual ^ o un W France 1817. s CO Vail. pa. 9. 4 $6766 dubium Schrank doubtful Q) uu l jnjl W Russia 1817. s CO venbsum Hofm. selin oldes Bes. 6767 taiiricum Lk. Taurian ^ O> un 1 jn-jl Tauria 1818. s CO 6768 Boccom Spr. Bocconi's Q) un jn.jl ... Caucasus 1826. s CO JSubon siculus Bieb. 6769 proliferum Spr. proliferous ^ A un 1 jn jl W 1818. B CO 6770 chajrophylloides Thu n. Chervil-like OJ un 2 jn.'jl w C. G. H. 1810. s CO 6771 striatum Thun. striated HI uu 1 n.jl w C. G. H. 1820. s co 6772 camp^stre Bes. field ^ Q) un 1 jn.jl w Galicia 1823. s CO $6773 verticillatum Desf. whorled un 1 jn.jl w Spain 1820. s CO pusillum Brot. 6774 cervariarfolium Dec. Cervaria-lvd tt. LJ un 2 jn.jl w Teneriffe 1818. s CO Dec. ic. 41 6775 triternatum Ph. triternate ^ A uu jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1820. s CO 6776 fragile Gou. brittle & uu n.l W 1810. s CO 6777 Pallas Bes. Pallas's Q) uu W Siberia 1818. 8 CO 6778 LobeUfeNMN Bes. Lobel's ^ un f]n.jl w S. Europe 1817. s CO 6779 varium Trev. various ^ uu jn jl w Silesia 1817. s CO $6780 cursicum Bes. Corsican Q) uu jn.jl w Corsica 1820. s CO 6781 crassiftlium Schr. thick-leaved ^ 0) un 1 jn.jl \v Germany 1823. s CO 845. THA'PSIAL. DEADLY CARROT. (First discovered in the Isle of Thapsits.) UmbeU'feree. 7. 9 6782 villusa L. villous 3j A p 4 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1710. I) s.l M. h. 9. 18. 3 6783 te'tida L. fetid ^ A p 2 Y Spain 1596. u s.l M. h. 9. 18. 7 6784 gummifera Spr. gum-bearing ^ A cu 2 jn.jl Y Spain 1810. D CO Desf. at. 1. 72 .Laserpitium gummiferum Desf. 6785 jLaserpitii Spr. Laserwort ^ A cu 2 Y S. Europe 1826. D CO Desf. at. 1. 68 iaserpitium tfhapsolc les Desf. 6786 ^sclepiu/w L. Swallow-wort ^ A cu 2 Y Levant ... D s.\ M. h. 9. 18. 9 6787 garganica L. 6788 trifoliata Mil. Garganian ^ trifoliate ^ A A cu cu 2 3 jn.jl L.Y Y Barbary N. Arner. 1683. 1700. D 1) s.l CO Gou. il. 18. 10 846. ACTINCmiS Lab. ACTINOTUS. 6789 Helianthi Lab. Sun-flower Eriocalia major Sm. 847. TRI'NI^ Hofm. TRINIA. 6790 Hofhnannz' Bieb. Hoffmann's Pimpinella dioica E. B. 6791 Henningii Bieb. Henning's 6792 Kitaibelz Bieb. Kitaibel's (Actinotos, radiated ; involucrum.) Umbelliferce. 1. tAJ cu 2 jn W N. Holl. 1821. D s.l Bot. reg. 644 Dr. Trinius, a celebrated Russian botanist.) Umbell/ferce. 3. ^ Q) w f my.jn W England rocks. S co Eng. bot. 1209 Pimpinella dichotoma L. ramosissima J) un S) un 1 s. glauca Kit. Hungary 1803 S co W. & K. 27 Hungary 1800. S co W. & K. 172 * 848. S TUM L. ^6793 latifulium L. 6794 lancifulium Bieb. 6795 angustifulium /,. ^6796 nodifl5rum L. ^6797 repens L. 6798 Falcaria L. 6799 Sisarum L. $6800 siculum /.. 6801 lineare MX. 6802/erulaceum Sp WATER PARSNEP. broad-leaved j^ A p lance -leaved ^ A ui narrow-leaved ^ A w knot-flowered ^ A w creeping mower's Skirret Sicilian \\near-leaved .Ferula-li 3W A w it A P A A cul ^ A un A (Siw, water. Celt.} UmbelHferce. 12. 28. Britain rivul. D aq Eng. bot. 204. Caucasus 1819. D bog Britain rivul. D aq Eng. bot. 139 Britain rivul. D aq Eng. bot. 639 Britain moi. gr. D m.s Eng. bot. 1431 Europe 1726. D s.p Jac. au. 3. 257 China 1548. D r.m Schk. han. 1. 69 Sicily 1686. D s.p Jac. vin. 2. 133 N. Amer. 1810. D co 2 Spr. ferula-like & A < .Bunium/erulaceum Sm. /erulfEfolium Desf. 6803 peucedanoldes Spr. Peucedanum-lk ^. A ^anium /jeucedanoides Bieb. cu $6804 bulbosum Thore bulbous A A cu 1 1 1 1 i S. Europe 1824. D co Caucasus 1818. D co An. mu. 11. 30 W France 1826. Deo Thore j. 1.7. 2 849. srSONZ,. HONEYWORT. 6805 yfrnomuin L. Amomum 6806 arvense Brot. corn-field $6807 segetum L. corn 6808 capillaceum Spr. hairy $6809 .4'mmi L. Bishop's weed Pimpinella lateriflora Spr. $6810inundatum W. inundated Mtum inundatum Spr. $6811 verticillatum W. -whorl-leaved Sium verticillatum Lam. 6812salsum W. salt Siler salsum Spr. 6813 flexudsum Ten. flexuose 850. SCKU'LTZIA Spr. SCHUI.TZIA. 6814 cririita Spr. long-haired Si son crinltum Pail. (Sixun, a running stream, Celt.) Umbelliferce. 9. O w 3 W Britain lied. S m.s Eng. bot. 9. 16. 954 O un O w O un O un % 2 * jn.jl 1 Portugal 1817. S co England ch. fi. S N. Amer. 1818. S S. Europe 1819. S O w A or 1 my.jn 1 A un 1 A un 1 W Britain m.s Eng. bot. 228 co co Jac. vin. 200 S aq Eng. bot. 227 W Britain m. me. D m.s Eng. bot. 395 P.Y Siberia 1804. D co Pal. p. 1779,8.1.3 D co W Italy 1823. (M. Scfiullz, a celebrated German botanist.) UmbcWfcrcE. 1. Q) un 1 W Siberia 1818. S co Pal. p. 1779, 2. 7 ORDER II. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. 105 851. CICITTA L. 6815 vir6sa L. 6816 maculata L. 6817 daurica Fis. 6818 bulbifera L. COWBANE. poisonous spotted Daurian bulbiferous (A name of doubtful meaning used by Pliny. 1 Umbelliferts. 4. ^ A m 3 jl W Britain ditch. D m.s Eng. bot. 479 iAP W N. Amer. 1759. Deo Pluk. al. 76. 1 ^ A un 3 jl au W Siberia 1817. D co Gm. si. 1 47 ^ A un 1 W N. Amer. 1810. D co 852. CCTNIUM L. 6819 maculatum L. 6820 croaticum Kit. Croatian 6821 Arracdcha Hook. Arracacha 6822 moschatum //. $ B. musk HEMLOCK. (Konao, to whirl round ; causes giddiness and death.) Umbelliferts. 4. spotted ^ Q) m 5 jn.jl W Britain hed. S co Eng. bot. 1191 ' jn.jl W Hungary 1818. S co 2 jn.jl 2 jn.jl G.w S. Amer. 1823. W S. Amer. 1824. D r.m Hook. ex. fl. 152 D r.m H. & B. n. 5. 420 853. CAPNOPHY'LLUM Gae. CAPNOPHYLLUM. (Kapnos, smoke, phyllon, a leaf.) Umbelliferts. 1. 6823 africanum Gae. African Q w 3 jn.s W C. G. H. 1759. S s.l Jac. vin. 2. 194 Cbnium africanum L. .Rumio capensis Lie. *854. SMY'RNIUM-L. ALEXANDERS. (Smyrna, myrrh; similar qualities.) Umbelliferts. 9. 1 6824 Dioscoridw Spr. Dioscorides's ^ Q) or 2 my.jn Y S. Europe 1700. S co W. & K. 1. perfoliatum Brot. 6825 Dodonae^i Spr. Dodonaeus's perfoliatum L. 6826 Olus^trum L. 6827 apiifolium W. 6828 cicutarium Bleb. 6829 nudicaule Bieb. 6830 cordatum Walt. my.jn W Spain Olusatrum Smallage-lvd Cicuta-like naked-stmd heart-leaved trifoliatum Bart. Thapsia trifoliata 6831 aureum L. golden Slson aureum Spr. 6832 integerrimum L. entire-leaved Sison integerrimum Spr. 855. /TPIUM L. PARSLEY. (Apon, water, Celt. ; habitation.) 6833 Petrosellnum L. True Parsley ft Q) cul 3 jn.jl 6834 graveolens L. heavy-smelling Celery^ Q) cul 4 6835 prostratum Lab. prostrate t iAI un | jn.jl 6836 romanum Zuc Roman ^ Q) un 1 jn.jl 6837 fractophy Hum Hofm. broken-leaved ^ Q) un 1 jn.jl 6838 ternatum Pall. ternate ^ A un 2 Britain Candia Caucasus 1827. Caucasus 1817. N. Amer. 1597. ... S co sea co. S s.l 1731. D s.l D co D co D s.l Lob. ic. 790 Eng. bot. 230 Spr. urn. 4. 7 N. Amer. 1699. D r.m N. Amer. 1759. D r.m ,; U?7lb6lllfT& 6. L.Y Sardinia 1548. S r.m W Britain ditch. S m.s Eng. bot. 1210 W V. Di. L. 1826. " W W G Italy Siberia' S co Ven. mal. 81 1820. S co 1826. S co 1824. S co 856. JEGOPOM3IUM L. GOUT- WEED. (Aix, a goat, podion, a little foot; leaves.) Umbelliferts. 1. 6839 Podagraria L. Podagria, or com.^ A m 2 my.jl W Britain sh. pi. D m.s Eng. bot. 940 857. A/E V UM Tou. BAWD-MONEY. 6840 .ffiinius Jac. Square Parsley : ^Ethusa Vilnius L. 6841 Mute/Una Gae. Mutellina Phellandrium Mutellina L. 6842 otharnanticum Jac. Atharaanta-lk ^thamanta Meum L. 6843 sibiricum Spr. Siberian .tigusticum arenarium Lk. 858. ^NE^THUM L. DILL. (Ano, upwan 6844 graveolens L. heavy-smelling ^ Q) cul 6845 segetum L. corn O un 6846 Sbwa Rox. Sowa O m 6847 .Fceniculum L. Fennel ^ A cul M eum F beniculum Spr. 2 dulce sweet ^ A cul 6848 piperatum Bert. peppered ^ Q) cul (Melon, smaller; delicacy of leaves.) Umbelliferte. 4. Q) un 1 jl W Pyrenees 1778. S co Jac. vin. 2. 198 A un 1 P Austria 1774. D co Al.ped.60. 1 A or 1 ap.jn P.T Britain me. pa. D m.s Jac. au. 4. 303 A un 6 jn.jl Y Siberia 1818. D co , theo, to run : grows quick.) Umbelliferts. 5. 6. 3 jn jl Y Spain 1570. S r.m i jn'jl Y Portugal 1796. S CO r jn.jl Y E. Indies 1810. S CO 6 Y England ch. pi. S S.1 Eng. bot. 1208 4 6 jn.jl Y Y Italy Italy 1824. S S s.l CO *859. 6849 Cdrui L. 6850 simplex W. CARAWAY. (A native of Caria, in Asia Minor.) Umbelliferts. 2. common ^ Q) clt 2 my.jn W Britain me. pa. S s.l Eng. bot 1503 simple-sta/Ared ^ Q) un 1 my.jn W Siberia 1816. S s.l *860. CNI'DIUM Cus. 6851 Monniferi Cus. CNIDIUM. Monnier's 6852 Silaiis Spr. Silatis Peucedanum Silaus L. 6853 alsaticum Spr. Alsatian Peucedanum alsaticum L. 6854 pyrenB N um Spr. Pyrenean 6855 canad&ise Spr. Canadian ScFmum canadense MX. 6856 atvopurpureum Spr. dark-purple Smyrnium atropurpureum Lam. 6857 Fischers' Spr. Fischer's (The ancient name of an orach.) UmbettlfertE. 7. 10. O un A w 1* Jl-au 2 S. Europe 1771. England mea. S co D co A un 6 L.Y Austria 1774. D co A un A un 1 jn.jl 2 Pyrenees 1731. Canada 1817. A un 2 A un 2 W D co D co D co Jac. vin. 1. 62 Eng. bot. 2142 1.70 Gou. ill 1.5 Angelica Fischirz" R. & S. Jthamanta denudata Fis. Philadelp. 1810. Siberia 1820. D co 861. J9UPLEtTRUM L. HARE'S-EAR. (Sous, an ox, pleuron, a rib ; leaves.) Umbelliferts. 34. 37. 6858 rotundifolium L. round-leaved I>r 2 jn.jl Y England CO. fi. S CO Eng. bot. 99 6859 subovatum Lk. subovate o P r 1 rny.jl Y Spain 1819. 8 CO 6860 heterophyllum Lk. various-leaved o pr 1 my.jl Y Egypt 1818. S CO 6861 longifolium W. long-leaved ^ fc A l>r 3 my.jl G.Y Switzerl. 1713. D CO Cam. h. 38 6862 atireum Fis. golden k A pr 1 my.jn Y Siberia 1820. D CO 6863 angulbsum L. angulose & A P r \ my.jl G.Y Switzerl. 1759. D CO 6864 pyrenaicum Gou. Pyrenean k A l>r 1 myjl G.Y Pyrenees. 1814. D CO Gou. il. 4. 1. 2 6865 graminifolium VaJil Grass-leaved 1 & A pr i my.jl G.Y Switzerl. 1768. D CO Jac. ic. 1. 56 6866 petra^um L. rock fc A pr H my.jl G.Y Switzerl. 1768. D CO Pluk. ph. 50. 5 6867 stellatum L. starry k A P r 1 my.jl G.Y Switzerl. 1775. D CO Hal. h. 771. 18 6868 falcatum L. falcate j E A pr fmy.s G.Y Germany 1739. D s.l Jac. au. 2. 158 6869 rigidum L. rigid k A pr 2 my.jl G.Y France 1820. S CO M. h. 9. 12 6870 polyphyllum Led. 6871 baldense Tou. many-leaved Mount Baldo 1 I A k A Pr pr 1 my.jn H my.jl G.Y G.Y Caucasus 1823. Mt. Baldo 1817. S S CO CO Za.h.40 6872 sibiricum Vest Siberian k A P r 1 G.Y Siberia ISi-'fi. S CO 6873 exaltatum Bicb. exalted k A pr 2 jl G.Y Tauria 1807. D s.l 106 PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. CLASS V. 6874 nudum H. K. naked-stalked ) iAI pr Ifo G.Y C. G. H. 1778. C l.p 6875 ranunculoides W. Crowfoot-like ^ A P r 1 G.Y Pyrenees 1790. D l.p Par. th. 7 6876 caricifolium W. Carex-leaved ^ A pr G.Y France 1817. S CO 6877 Burserictnum W. Burser's ^t A pr $ G.Y 1817. S CO 6878 paniculatum Brot. paniculate ^ A pr 1| Y Spain 1824. S CO 6879 trifidum Ten. trifid & Q) pr 2| Y Italy 1824. S CO 6880.;unceum L. Hush-leaved O pr 1 G.Y S. Europe 1772. S CO 6881 Pollichw R. & S. Pollich's O pr 1 G.Y Palatine 1818. S CO junceum Poll. 6882 nodiflorum Sm. knot-flowering O pr i G.Y Greece 1823. S CO Fl. gr. 260 6883 oppositifolium Lap. opposite-lvd O pr 1 G.Y Pyrenees 1819. S CO Fl.pyr.73 6884 Iancif51ium Horn. lance-leaved O pr 1 Y Tauria 1820. S CO 6885 Odontites L. Odontites O pr | G.Y Italy 1749. S CO Jac. vin. 3. 91 6886 semicompositum L. semi-compound O pr f G.Y Spain 1778. S CO Gou. il. 7. 1 6887 gracile Bleb. slender O pr i G.Y Caucasus 1820. S CO 6888 glaticum C. # R. glaucous O pr I G.Y S. Europe 1819. S CO 6S89 tenuissimum i. 6890 Gerardi Jac. slenderest O pr Gerard's Q pr * 1 G.Y G.Y England sea sh. S. Europe 1804. S S S CO Eng. bot 478 Jac. au. 3. 256 6891 lancifolium Horn. lance-leaved ^ Q) or 1 jn.jl G.Y 1823. S CO 862. TENCfHIA Spr. 6892 arborescens Spr. TENORIA. (M. Tenore, professor of botany at Naples.) arborescent il i | pr 1 au.s G.Y C. G. H. 1810. C Umbelllfera 8. 1.S jBupleurum arborise ens Thun. 6893 fruticosum Spr. shrubby * pr 3 G.Y S. Europe 1596. C CO Den. br. 14 6894 coriaceum Spr. coriaceous 4t i | pr f G.Y Gibraltar 1784. C l.s Jac. ic. 2. 351 6895 fruticescens Spr. fruticescent * | | pr 1| au.s G.Y Spain 1752. C l.s Cav. ic. 2. 106 6896 canescens Schous. canescent it \ | pr 5 au.s G.Y Barbary 1809. C l.s 6897 plantagineum Spr. Plantain./yrf m | pr 3 G.Y N. Africa 1810. C l.s Desf. at. I. 57 6898 spinosum Spr. thorny Jfe i 1 pr 1 au.s G.Y Spain 1752. C l.s Gou. il. 8. 2. 3 6899 difforme Spr. two- formed * t_l pr 1 au.s G.Y C. G. H. 1752. C l.s 863. HYDROCO'TYLE L. PENNYWORT. (Hydor, water, kotyle, a cavity ; leaf.) Umbelliferce. 18. 60. 6900 vulgaris L. common n* A w i my-Jn R Britain wa. pi. D c.p Eng. bot. 751 6901 nutans Cur. nodding ^ A un i R Italy 1819. D p Cyr. ne. 1. 6 6902 americana i. American ^ A un i G N. Amer. 1790. D p Spr. um. 2. 3 6903 peduncularis R. Br. pedunculate $ i Al un i G.Y N. Holl. 1823. D CO 6904 umbellata L. umbelled ^ A un G N. Amer. 1795. D p Spr. um. 1 6905 bonariensis iam. Buenos Ayres $. iAI un i G Peru 1810. D p Cav. ic. 5. 488 6906 nepalensis Hook. Nepal ,, Al un jl G Nepal 1820. D CO Hook. ex. fl. 30 6907 nitidula Rich. rather shining $ I7\] un i 2 my G Java 1820. D CO Hook. ex. fl. 29 6908 villosa L. villous JW iAJ un 1 au G C. G. H. 1795. D p 6909 reniformis Thun. kidney-shaped jf^. i Al un G C. G. H. 1820. D p 6910 triloba 7%w. three-lobed (fW uAl un i G C. G. H. 1810. D p Th. dis. 2d ed. 3 6911 chinensis L. Chinese $. i Al un G C. G. H. 1818. D p 6912 asiatica L. Asiatic SW tA! un 1 G C. G. H. 1690, D p R. mal. 10. 36 6913 plebeia #. 5r. plebeian ^ LAI un i G.Y N. Holl. 1823. D CO 6914 hirsuta Surz. hairy ^ [7\1 un i G W. Indies 1810. D p spicata Lam. 6915 sibthorpicides Lam. Sibthorpia-like (^ (23 un 5 my.jl W I. France 1800. D p 6916 ranunculoides L. Ranunculus-Ik JfW _AJ un 1 W N. Amer. 1800. D p Spr. um. 1. 2. 6917 repanda Pers. repand ^ Al un 1 jn.jl G N. Amer. 1806. D p Spr. um. 2. 4. 864. BOWLE N S//4 K, & S. BOWLESIA. (W. Bowles, an Irish botanist.) Umbelllfera!. 1. 5. 6918 tenera Spr. tender SW _AJ cu G.Y M. Video 1827. D co 865. SPAN A'NTHE Jac. SPANANTHE. (Spanos, rare, anthos, a flower ; umbels.) Umbelllfene. 1. 3. 6919 paniculata Jac. panicled Ql un 2 W Caraccas 1795. S s.l Jac. ic. 2. 350 HydrocotyleSpananthe W. 866. DRITS.4 Dec. DRUSA. (M. Le Dm, a botanist.) Umbelllfera. 1. 6920 oppositifolia Dec. opposite-leaved JW LAI un | W Ten eriffe 1824. D co An. mu. 10. 38 *867. TRACHYME^NE^/rf. TRACHYMENE. (Trachys, rough, hymen, membrane ; involuc.) Umbe lliferce. 2-5. 6921 linearis Spr. linear-leaved tt. j_J cu 2 Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Cav. ic. 5. 485 6922 incisa Rud. cut-leaved tt u_J cu 1 N. Holl. 1819. C s.p Lin. tr. 10. 21. 2 868. ULOSPE'RMUM Lk. BROADSEED. (Oulos, curled, sperma, a seed.) Umbelllfera. 1. 6923 dichotomum Lk. dichotomous O cu 1 jn.jl W Barbary 1800. S co Desf. at. 1. 66 C6nium dichotomum Desf. 869. JETHITSA L. FOOL'S PARSLEY. (Aithusso, to make hot ; acrid.) Umbelllfera:. 4. Dog poison, or com. O P 2 jl.s W Britain co. fi. S co Eng. bot. 1192 C'ynapium-like O un W Caucasus 1817. superb Q un H J'-au W 1820. . 6924 Cynapium L. 6925 cynapiold 6926 elata Hofm. 6927 fatua H. K. insipid Q P W 1781. S co Eng. S co Hof. um. 1. 9 S co Hof. um. 5, 6. 5 870. IMPERATCTRIA L. MASTERWORT. (Reputed imperial virtues in medicine.) Umbettiferte. 3. 6928 Ostruthium L. 6929 angustifolia Bel. 6930 mexicana H. C. Sparrow, or com. narrow-leaved Mexican 871. CALLl'SACE Fis. CALLISACE. 6931 dahurica Fis. Dahurian Scotland D co Eng. bot. 1380 S. Europe 1819. D co Lob. ic. 700 Mexico 1818. S co (Kallos, beauty, sakos, a buckler ; seeds.) Umbellifera;. A un 2 G Siberia 1816. D co 872. THYSSELrNUM Hofm. THYSSELINUM. (Thyo, to bu 6932 palustre Hofm. marsh ^ A un 3 Selinum palustre L. 6933 Plinu Lob. Pliny's ^ A un 3 Selinum Plinu Hal. *873. SELrNUML. MILK PARSLEY. (Selene, the moon 6934 montanum W. en. mountain ^ A un 3 ni'gricans Gau. 6935 austriacum Jac. Austrian ^ A un 2 6936 corwfolia L. Caraway-leaved^ A un 2 6937 Chabra?\ Jac. Chabra's & A un 1J Imperatbria ChabrajV Spr. 6938 Seguieri L. Seguier's ^ A un 4 Imperatoria Seguieri Spr. rn, selinon, parsley ; acrid ju W Britain mars. D W Italy 1800. D ; shape of growing seeds.) W Switzerl. 1816. D W Austria 1804. D W Austria 1774. D W Austria 1791. D W Italy 1774. D ice.) UmbeUlferes. 2. m.s Eng. bot. 229 CO Umbelllferte. -23. CO co Jac. au. 1. 71 co Jac. au. 1. 16 co Jac. au. 1. 72 s.l Jac. vin. 1. 61 OllUKR II. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. 107 6939 latifolium Bleb. broad-leaved ; 6940 Oreosefinum Sco. Mountain Parsley j ^thamanta Oreoselinura L. 6941-decipiens Wnl. deceiving v 6942 siWricum Retz. Siberian 6943 polymorphum Spr. multiform 6944baicalense W. Baikal 6945 lineare Schum. linear-leaved 3 ferula rablense Wul. 6946 terebinthaceum L. turpentine ^ 6947 joeucedanoldes De.f. Peucedanutn-lk 694S venfetum Spr. Venetian 6949 rigidulum Viv. rigidish 6950 scabrum Lap. rough 6951 pod61icum Bes. Podolian 6952 elegans Balb. elegant 6953 Bellardz Balb. Bellardi's 6954 pyreniE v um Gou. Pyrenean Angelica pyrenae^a Spr. 6955 caucasicum Bieb. Caucasian Imperatoria caucasica Spr. 6956 angelicastrum Lk. Angelica-like & Angelica lancifolia Spr. Seseli pyrenarum L. *874. ANGE'LICAZ,. 6957 Archang^lica L. 6958atropurpiireai. 6959 Idcida L. 6960 triquinata MX. 6961 sylvestris L. 6962 Razoulw Gou. 6963 verticil laris L. Imperatoria verticil] 6964 pratensis Spr, Imperatoria palustri 6965 flavescens Bes. A un 2 W Caucasus 1816. D S.I A un 2 W Europe 1810. D S.I Jac. au. 1. 68 A un 2 jn.jl W Madeira 1785. D S.I Sc. ban. 3. 1. 13 A un 1J il-au W Siberia 1810. D CO A u n 2 W Russia 1810. D CO A un U W Hungary 1820. D CO A u:i I W.R Europe 1817. U CO FL dan. 330 A un 2 W Siberia 1816. D CO A un 2 W S. Europe 1810. D CO A A un un 2 1 W W S. Europe 1810. Italy 1826. D 1) CO CO Viv. fr. 1. 15 A un W Pyrenees 1824. D CO Fl. pyr. 77 A un 1 W Podolia 1817. D CO A A A un un un 14 W W W Europe 1817. S. Europe 1817. Pyrenees 1800. D D D CO CO CO Bal. st. 4 Gou. iL 3. 5 A or Y Iberia 1823. D CO A un 1J w Pyrenees 1817. D CO Gou. il. 5. 5 ANGELICA. archangel * CD (Supposed angelic virtues.) cul 4 G England UmbeUiffne. 9. 10. S m.s Fl. dan. 206 dark- purple ^ CD un 6 P Canada 1759. S CO Cor. ca. 199 shining ^ CD un 2 W Canada 1640. S CO Jac. vin. 3. 24 triquinate wood A A un w 6 W F Canada Britain 1810. m.wo. D D P m.s Spr. um. 6. 2 Eng. bot. 1 128 Razoul's 5 A un 2 Pa.P Pyrenees 5 181ti. U CO Gou. il. 13. 6 whorled-Jlwd 1 A un 6 Jl G Italy 1683. u CO Jac. vin. 2. 130 Laris Dec. meadow ^ A un 2 F Galicia 1818. D CO is Bes. flavescent .^ A un 2 Y Galicia 1818. D CO 875. ZJGU'STICUMZ,. LOVAGE. (Growing in great abundance in Liguria.) Umbellifera:. 14. 20. cul 6 jn.jl P.Y Italy 1596. D co Black. 275 w 2 jn.jl W Britain sc. sh. D co Eng. bot. 1207 un 3 G Alp. Eur. 1810. D co Al. ped. 72 common Scotch 6966 Levisticum L 6967 scoticum L. ^6968 nodiflorum Vil. knot-flowering ^ A Smyrnium nodiflurum All. 6989 peloponnesiiinum L. Peloponnesian^ A 6970 Sprengelw Bieb. Sprengel's ^ A 6971 alatum Spr. vfinged-stmd & A ^thamanta alata Bieb. 6972 athamantoldes Spr. Athamanta-lk ^ A v^thamanta pyrenaica Jac. 6973 pyrenaicum L. Pyrenean ^ A Gnidium pyrenaicum Spr. 6974 candicans H. K. whitish ^ A 6975 peregrinum L. foreign ^ CD Slson peregrinum Spr. 6976 balearicum W. Balearic ^ A 6977 longifdlium L. long-leaved 9t A 6978 acta?ifolium MX. Alder-leaved ^ A 6979 obtusifolium Horn, obtuse-leaved ^ A un 4 my.jl P.Y Switzerl. 1596. D co Jac. au. 5. 13 un 2 W Italy 1823. D co un 5 R.w Caucasus 1816. D co un W Pyrenees 1817. S co Jac. vin. 2. 197 un 3 W Pyrenees 1804. S co Gou. U. 14. 10 P.Y 1780. S co L.Y Portugal 1633. S co Jac. vin. 3. 18 un 2 un 2 jn.jl un 1 jnjl un 3 jn.jl un 3 un 1 Y Minorca Pa.P Siberia W Canada 1810. D co W N. Africa 1824. D co 1804. D co 1804. D co M. h. 9. 15. 1 (Physao, to inflate, sperma, seed.) Umbelliferce. 1, i W England bu. fi. D co Eng. bot. 683 876. PHYSOSPE RMUM Cus. PHYSOSPERMUM. 6980 commutatum, Spr. altered ^ A un iigusticum cornubiense L. 877. PLEUROSPE'RMUM Hofm. PLEUROSPERMUM. (Pleuron, a rib, sperma, seed.) Umbelllfene. 1. 6981 austriacum Hofm. Austrian ^ A un 2 W Austria 1597. D co Jac. au. 2. 151 iigusticum austriacum L. 878. HASSELQUrSTJ,* L. HASSELQUISTIA. (F. Hasselquist, M.D., its discoverer, d. 1752.) UmbeUtferce. 2. 6982 Eegypfiaca L. Egyptian Q un 1| jl W Egypt 1768. S co Jac. vin. 1. 37 6983 cordata L. heart-leaved Q un 1^ jl W 1787. S co Jac. vin. 2. 193 879. ARTE^DI^ L. 6984 squamata L. *880. FE'RULAi. 6985 communis L. 6986 sibirica Spr. Peucedanum sibiricum W. 6987 glauca L. ^6988 thyrsi flora Sm. 6989 capillaris Lk. 6990 nodiflura L. .Bubon rigidius L. 6991 Ferulago L. nodiflora Jac. not L. 6992 stricta Spr. 6993 longifblia Fis. 6994 weoldes L. 6995 orientalis Ton. 6996 persica W. Assafoe'tida B. M. 6997 Assafoe'tida L. 6998 caspica Bieb. 6999 nftda Spr. 7000 tlngitana Herm. 7001 obtusifulia Spr. Peucedanum obtusif 7002 pubescens Pall. 7003 villosa Walt. Cicuta venenata Nut. ARTEDIA. scaly (P o Artedi, a Swedish naturalist, d. 1735.) un l|jl W Levant 1740. S Umbel/iferee. 1. co Lam. il. 193 GIANT FENNEL. (Ferio, to strike ; used as rods.) UmbeUiferce. 19. 26. common ^ A or 10 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1597. D S.I M. h. 9. 15. 3 Siberian im W. A or 4 Y Siberia 1816. D S.1 Pal. it. 2. app. N glaucous ^ A or 8 jn.jl P.Y Italy 1596. D S.I thyrse-flowered ^ A or 1^ W Crete 1825. 1) CO Fl. gr. 280 capillary knotted-flwd ^j A A or or 1 3 ' .N 1 Y Y Spain 1820. S. Europe 1596. 1) D CO S.1 M. h. 9. 15 Boc. mu. 76 Ferulago ^ A or 6 jn.jl Y S. Europe ... D CO Jac. au. 5 strict ^ iAJ or 2 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1818. S CO long-leaved ^ A or 4 Y Siberia 1820. D CO Meum-like ^ A or 3 Y Levant 1810. D CO eastern ^ A or 3 Y Levant 1759. 1) 8.p To. it. 3. 239 Persian ^ A m 6 jLau Y Persia 1782. S s.l Bot. mag. 2096 Assafcetida ^ A m 7 Y Persia S r.m Caspian A or 3 jn.jl Y Caucasus 1819. D CO Spr. um. 7. 14 naked ^ A or 1 jn.jl Y Siberia 1821. D CO Spr. um. 7. 15 Tangier ^ blunt-leaved ^ Q) A or or 8 1 jn.jl jn.jl Y G Barbary Greece 1680. 1819. S D S.1 CO Her. par. 165 Fl. gr. 277 olium Sm. pubescent _^ A or 1 Y Siberia 1820. D CO villous ^ A P 1 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1824. 1) CO 108 PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. CLASS V. *881. ZASERPl'TIUMZ. LASERWORT. 7004 latifolium L. broad-leaved ; (Laser, its gum U A un 3 , pix, pitch ; smell.) Umbelllferee. 22. 26. W Eurone 1640. D co Jac. au. 2. 146 7005 trilobum Crz. three-lobed 3 I A un 3 my.jl W Levant 1640. D CO 7006 aquilegifolium W. Columbine-lvd 3 Slier aquilegifolium Gae. 7007 Zibanotis Lam. Rosemary ^ K A t A un un 5 my.jl H jnjl W P Austria 1796. Germany 1800. D D CO CO Jac. au. 2. 147 Lob. ic. 705 pubscens Lag. 7008 marginatum Kit. margined ^ 7009 Archangelicum Jac. archangel | t A l A un un 2 4 P P Hungary 1823. Carniola 1800. D D CO CO W. & K. 2. 109 Jac. ic. 1. 58 7010 Slier L. Withy t A un 3 my.jl W Austria 1640. D CO Jac. au. 2. 145 7011 gallicum Tou. French t A tin 3 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1688. D CO Pluk. ph. 198. 6 7012 triquetrum Ven. three-cornered 3 t A un 3 jnjl Pa.Y Constant. 1816. D CO Ven. eels 97 Cachrys triquetra Spr. 7013 angustifolium L. narrow-leaved 3 t A un 2 jn.jl Pk S. Europe 1738. n CO M. h. 9. 19. 9 7014 pruthenicum L. Prussian 7015 yfthamanta? Spr. Athamanta-lk ^ & un un 3 3 W W Germany 1759. Siberia 1817. D S CO CO Jac. au. 2. 153 7016 silaif61ium IV. Silaum-leaved ^ t A un Pa.Y Italy 1791. D CO Jac. au. 44 Zigusticum apiudes Lam. 7017 peucedanoldes L. Peucedanum-lk^ i A un 2 jnjl Pk Italy 1816. D CO Jac. ic. 2. 350 70181ucidum W. shining 3 iQ> un i jl Pa.P Switzerl. 1775. S CO Zigusticum./erulaceum All. 7019 caucasicum Bieb. Caucasian ^ t A un 1 Jnjl W Caucasus 1820. S CO Cnidium caucasicum Bleb. 7020 aureum W. golden i l A un 2 Y Levant 1820. s CO Bux. c. 1. 43 7021 meoldes Desf. Meum-like 3 L A un 2 Y S. Europe 1818. s CO Desf. at. 1. 69 7022 pildsum W. en. pilose t a> un 1 jn.jl Pa.Y 1759. s CO 7028 hirsutum Lam. hairy t A un 1 jn.jl Pa.Y Alps 1759. s CO M. h. 9. 15 Halleri All. 7024 sckbrum Cav. rough tin 3 W Spain 1800. s CO Cav. ic. 2. 190 7025hispidumJ5ie6. hispid ^ un 4 jnjl W Caucasus 1817. s CO *882. PEUCE'DANUM i. SULPHUR-WORT. (Peuke, a pine, danos, burning ; pungent.) Umbelliferte. 16. 21. 7026 officinale L. officinal ^? A m 6 Y England salt m. D c.l Eng. bot. 1767 7027 album Hoi. white l A un 4 jn.jl , W N. Europel819. I) CO 7028 paniculatum Lot. panicled 7029 gallicum Tou. French fj i A t A un un 4 my.jl 5 my.jl Y W France 1818. Europe 1800. I) 1) CO CO Gm. si. 1. 41 parisiense Dec. 7030 arenarium Kit. sand 3 i A tin 5 jnjl Y Hungary 1816. D C.I W. & K. 1. 20 7031 italicum Pers. Italian t A un 8 my.jl Y Italy ... D C.I Lob. ic. 781 7032 alpestre L. Alp i A un 1J jn.jl Pa.Y France 1739. D C.I 7033 ruthenicum Bieb. Russian t A un 2 my.jn Y Russia 1818. D CO 7034 tauricum Bieb. Taurian t A un 1| my.jn Y Tauria 1820. D CO 7035 longifolium Kit. long-leaved | l A un 5 Y Hungary 1823. D CO W. & K. 251 7036 Matlriolz Spr. Mathiolus's ^ i A un 3 jnjl Y Italy 1818. D CO tenui folium Poir. 7037 isetense Spr. Isetsk ^ 1 CD un 2 jnjl W.Y Siberia 1824. S CO Gm. si. 1.42,43 7038 tenuifblium Thun. fine-leaved ^ : lAJ un 2 C. G. H. 1810. S CO 7039 rupestre Hofm. rock ^ I A un 2 Y" Spain 1818. D CO 7040 sibiricum W. Siberian I A un 3 jn.jl Y Siberia 1804. D C.I W. & K. 1. 60 7041 a6reum H. K. golden 3 I A cu 3 jn Y Canaries 1779. D CO 7042 Vocontidrum Spr. Vocontians' | I A un 1 my.jl W Dauphiny IbOO. S CO Vil. del. 2. 14 .Heraclewwz pumilum Vil. *883. PASTINA'CAi. PARSNEP. (Pastinum, a forked planting 7043 lucida Gou. shmmg-leaved ^ Q) un 1J jn.jl Y 7044 sativa L. cultivated 7045 opaca Bernh. opaque 7046 graveolens Bieb. heavy-scented Malabailrt gravfeolens Hofm. 7047 pimpinellifolia Bieb. Burnet-leaved Malabailo pimpinelloides Hofm. 7048 dissecta Ven. cut-leaved 7049 Op6panax L. Opopanax Ferula Op6panax Spr. 7050 nudicafilis Spr. naked-stmd ^g Srayrnium nudicaule Ph. 7051/ceniculacea Spr. Fennel-like ^ JFerula/oeniculacea Nut. 7052 rigida Spr. rigid ^ Sium rigidius L.. 884. #ERACLE*7M L. Cow PARSNEP. 7053 Sphondy" Hum L. Sphondylium 7054 flavescens W. 7055 ancustifolium L. 7056 elegans Jac. 7057 longifolium Jac. 7058 sibiricum L. 7059 Panaces L. 7060 austriacum L. 7061 alplnum L. 7062 pyrenaicum Cus. 7063 asperum Bieb. 7064 pubescens Bieb. 7065 vill6sum Fis. 7066 caucasicum Stcv. 7067 amplifblium Lap. 7068 gummiferum W. en. gum-bearing 7069 speci5sum Hofm. showy 7070 marginatum Fis. 7071 decipiens Fis. 7072 gigant^um Fis. 7073 lanktum MX. 7074 tomentosum Sm. 7075 subvillosum W. 1* Jnjl 4 jl 7 2 Q) un 2 Y ;tool ; resemblance.) Umbelliferce. 10. 11. S. Europe 1771. S s.l Jac. vin. 2. 199 England ch. pi. S s.l Eng. bot. 556 Europe 1800. S co Tauria 1817. S co Hof. urn. 1. B. 6 Caucasus 1818. S co BUX.C. 3. 37 flavescent narrow-leaved elegant long-leaved Siberian True Cow Parsley! Austrian alpine Pyrenean rough pubescent villous Caucasian large-leaved 0) un H jnjl W Levant 1816. S CO Ven. eels 78 A m 6 jnjl W S. Europe 1640. D CO 19. 13.14 A un W N. Amer. 1817. D CO A un W N. Amer. 1820. D CO A un 2 W Virginia 1774. D s.p M.h.9.7. 1 (Heracles, Hercul A ec 4 my.jn !es; W sacred to him.) UmbelllfereE. 28. 34. Britain hed. D co Eng. bot. 939 A un 4 jnjl W Austria 1789. D CO Jac. au. 2. 173 A uu 4 my.jn W Britain w. pla. D CO Jac. au. 2. 174 A un 5 my.jn W Austria 1810. D CO Jac. au. 2. 175 A un 6 my.jn W Austria 1800. D CO Jac. au. 2. 374 A un 2 my.jn o Siberia 1768. D CO Gm. si. 1. 50 A un 3 W Siberia 1596. D CO Lob. ic. 701 A un 2 jnjl W Austria 1752. D CO Jac. au. 1. 61 or j 1 jn.jl W Switzerl. 1739. D CO Bar. ic. 55 Q) or 3" jnjl W Pyrenees 1798. S CO H. ber. 53 Q) or 3 jl W Caucasus 1818. S CO CD or 4 jl W Caucasus 1823. S CO or 4 jl W Siberia 1826. s CO or 4 jn.jl W Caucasus 1818. s CO Q) or 8m 6 4 jn.jl jnjl W W Pyrenees 1818. 1819. s s CO CO Fl. pyr. 79 W.h.b.53,54 or or 5 5 jnjl jn.jl W W Siberia Siberia 1817. 1817. s s CO CO or 5 n.l W Siberia 18-20. s CO Q) or 8 jnjl W Siberia 1820. s CO A or 4 jn.jl \v N. Amer. 1810. s CO Q) or 4 jn.jl W Greece 1820. s CO FL gr. 281 Q) or 6 jnjl W Siberia 1817. s CO ORDER III. PENTANDRIA TRIGYNIA. 109 7076 bSsvicum Lam. Basvic 7077 laciniatum Fis. laciniated 7078 tauricum Fis. Taurian 7079 verruc6sum Stev. warted 7080 /igusticifolium Bieb. Lovage-leaved *885. TORDY'LIUM L. HARTWORT. (Tornos, a lathe, illo, to turn ; seeds. 708 1 syriacum Biv. 7082 officinale L. 7083 peregrinum L. $7084 apulum Biv. 7085 maximum L. 7086 lusitanicum W. en. 47087 humile Desf. 7088 siifdlium Sco. Syrian officinal foreign Apulian greatest Lusitanian humble Sium-leaved Siberia Siberia Tauria Tauria Tauria CO 1818. 1819. 1820. S co 1820. S co 1816. S co CO Syria 1597. England corn fi. S Levant 1596. S co Italy 1739. S co England corn fi. S co Spain 1818. S Umbelllfera:. 8. 9. S co Jac. vin. 154 Eng. bot. 2440 Cam. h.37. 11 Jac. vin. 1. 53 Eng. bot. 1173 co S. Europe 1823. S co Desf. at. 1. 58 Carniola 1816. S, co Scop. car. 194. 8 (Astron, a star; shape of flowers.) Umbelllferte. 6. A pr 2 jn.jl Pk Caucasus 1804. D s.p Bot. mag. 1553 Alp. Eur. 1596. D p.l Ex. bot. 2. 76 Sicily 1820. D co Boc. sic. 5 Switzerl. 1686. D p.l Bot. cab. 93 Carniola 1812. D p.l Jac. au. 10 Caucasus 1818. D co 886. ASTRA'NTIAi. MASTERWORT. 7089 maxima B. M. greatest Aelleborifolia Sal. heterophylla W. 7090 major L. 7091 paucifldra Bert. 7092 minor L. 7093 carniolica Jac. 7094 caucasica W. intermedia Bieb. 887. ZOSl'MIA Hofm. ZOSIMIA. (A. N. and Z. Zosima, disting. editors of Greek classics.) Umbelliferce. t. 7095 obsinthifblia Hofm. Wormwood-lvd O w 2 W Persia 1816. S co Ven. ch. 22 tferaclett/w absmthifolium Ven. 888. fllTMM Hofm. 7096 taurica Hqftn. RUMIA. (Rumia, the Taurian 889. CA N CHRYS L. 7097 Libanotis L. 7098 Moris&ni AIL 7099 seseloldes Bieb. 7100 athamantoldes Bieb. Athamanta-lk 7101 microcarpa Bieb. small-fruited 7102 odontalgica Pall. toothache 7103 cretica Lam. 7 104 taurica IV. 7105 alpina Bieb. 7106 alata Bieb. CACHRYS. Rosemary Morison's Seseli-like Cretan Taurian alpine wir nged iaserpitium /erulaceum L. 890. AG ASY'LLIS Spr. AGASYLLIS. 7107 caucasica Spr. Caucasian ^ Q) un 3 Cachrys latifblia Bieb. Siler caucasicum Spr. 891. #IPPOMA'RATHRUM Lk. HIPPOMARATHRUM. ( 7108 siculum Lk. Sicilian ^ A cu 3 * A cu 1 jl W Crimea 1819. D CO (A Greek name of doubtful meaning.) Umbelliferce. 10. 16. 3t A un 3 Y Sicily 1570. S CO Schk. han. 1. e A A & A un u n ,'fi- Y W S.Europe 17 10. Tauria 1820. S S CO CO M. urn. a I Hof. urn. 1. 4 1 A un i jl W Caucasus 1818. S CO & A un i jl W Caucasus 1810. S CO M. h. 9. 1. 3 ^ A un 14 Y Siberia 1819. a CO Pal. reis. 3. ap. 9 & A un 2 W.Y Greece 1823. s CO An. mu. 11.2 & A un t| Y Tauria 1816. S CO ^t A u n 1 jl W.Y Tauria 1826. s CO ae A un 1 jn.jl W Levant 1752. s CO To. it. 2. 121 (Gre ekn arm 5 Of th( ;gum i unmoniac plant.) Umbelllfera. 1. horse, marathron, fennel.) Umbelliferte. 1. Sicily 1640. D co Boc. sic. 18 CLASS V. ORDER 3. PENTA'NDRIA TRIGY'NIA. 892. nBU'RNUMi. 7109 Tmus L. VIBURNUM. Laurestine (Weo, to tie ; pliability.) Caprifolue. it or 5 mr.d W S. Europe 1596. L co 28. 36. Bot. mag. 38 2 hirtum hairy n or 5 mr.d W S. Europe ... L CO 7110strictum strict m or 4 mr.d W S. Europe L CO 2 virgatum twiggy it or 4 mr.d W S. Europe L CO 7111 Jinoldes Mutis Tin us-like * 1 1 or 4 w S. Amer. 1820. C p.l 7112 lucidum Mil. shining-leaved it or 6 mr.d w Spain 1596. I, CO Cl. h. 49 7 1 13 rugosum Pers. rough-leaved ft Hor 4 w Canaries 1796. L p.l Bot. mag. 2082 7114 villbsum SIMS. villous | or 6 w Jamaica 1824. C pi 7115 prunif61ium L. Plum-leaved flj or 8 my.jn w N. Amer. 1731. L p.l Den. br. 23 7116 odoratissimum Ker sweetest-scent. 1 | or 8 f w China 1818. L CO Bot. reg. 456 7117 squamatum MM. scaly flj or 6 jl w N. Amer. 1822. L p.l Den. br. 24 7118 jpyrifoliumiam. Pear-leaved or 6 my.jn w N. Amer. L p.l Den. br. 22 7119Lentagoi. Lcntago 3fe or 8 jl w N. Amer. 1761. L p.l Den br. 21 7120 nudum L. naked ^ or 8 my.jn Pa.Y N. Amer. 1752. L p.l Bot. mag. 2281 7121 dauricum Pall. Daurian or 2 jn.jl W Dahuria 1785. L p.l Pal. ros. 1. 38 7122 obovatum Walt. obovate-leavcd sifc or 2 my.jn W N. Amer. 1812. L p.l 2 punicifblium Punica-leaved Sfe or 2 my.jn W N. Amer. 1812. L p.l 7123 cassinoldes L. Cassine-like it or 3 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1761. L p.l 7124 laevigktum H. K. smoothed * or 10 w N. Amer. 1724. L p.l Mil. ic. 1. 83. 1 7125 nltidum H. K. shining-leaved B or 2 my.jn w N. Amer. 1758. L p.l 712S dentatum L. tooth-leaved A or 5 jn.jl w N. Amer. 1736. L p.l Den. br. 25 7127 pubescens Ph. pubescent or 3 jn.jl w N. Amer. 1736. L p.l 7128 lantanoldes MX. Lantana-like ^fe or fi my.jn w N. Amer. L p.l 7129 Lantanai. Wayfaring tree .& or 10 my.jn w Britain he'd. L p.l Eng. bot. 331 7130 tomentbsum Thun. tomentose I 1 or 6 w Japan ... C p.l 7131 m611e MX. soft ^1 or 6 jn.'jl w N. Amer. 1812. L p.l 7132 acerif61ium L. 7i330'pulusl,. Maple-leaved Guelder Rose i or or 4 10 jn.jl my.jn w w N. Amer. 1736. Britain moi.w. I, L CO p.l Den. br. 118 Eng. bot 332 2 roseum R( se Snowball tree B or H my.jn w ... Jj p.l 3 variegatum variegated-/i>rf ^ or 10 my.jn w Britain L p.l 7134 orientale Pall. oriental or 10 jl w Caucasus 1827. L p.l 7135 Oxycoccos Ph. Cranberry -like 3& or 12 1 w N. Amer. ... L p.l 7136 edulePA. eatable-/rtt*ta/ m or 12 jl w N. Amer. 1812. L I'.l 110 PENTANDIilA TRIGYNIA. CLASS V. 893. SAMBITCUS L. ELDER. (Sambuca, a musical instrument made of this tree.) Caprifbli& 8. 11. 7137 'bulus L. Dwarf SL A or g jn.jl Britain wa. gr. R CO Eng. bot. 475 7138 humilis Mil. humble & A or 2 jn.jl W.B ...... ... R CO 7139 chinensis Lindl. Chinese ^? A or 4 8.0 W China 1823. R CO 7140 nigra L. black i ec 15 my.jl W Britain hed. C CO Eng. bot. 476 2 variegata variegated Sfe or 10 mv.jl W Britain C CO 3 aurea 4 pulverutenta golden-edged powdered 3fe or Sfe or 10 10 my.jl my.jl W W Britain Britain C C h.l CO 5 monstrosa monstrous Sfe or 10 my.jl W Britain C CO 6 viridis gteen-berried Sfe or 10 my.jl W Britain .. C CO 7 albida white-berried > or 10 my.jl W Britain C CO 7141 laciniata Retz. laciniated * or 8 my.jl W C CO Schm. ar. 144 7142 canadensis L. Canadian & or 6 W N. Amer. 1761. C 8.1 Schm. ar. 142 7143 p&bens MX. downy & or 6 W N. Amer. 1812. C S.I 7144 racemosa L. racemose 3& or 12 my.jn G.Y S. Europe 1596. C CO Jac. ic. 1. 59 2 purpurea purple & or 12 my.jn p S. Europe 1596. C CO 3 flavescens flavescent 3fe or 12 my.jn Y.G S. Europe 1596. C CO 894. RHU'S Tou. SUMACH. (Rhudd t red, Celt. ; fruit.) TereUntucece . 74. 88. 7145 C''tinus L. Wild Olive S6 or 6 jn.jl G.Y S. Europe 1656. L CO Jac. au. 3. 210 7146 3/etopium L. Metopium it CD or 4 W. Indies 1823. C p.l Br.jam. 13.3 7147 Coriaria L. Coriaria-/yo* X ec 10 jl'" G'.'Y S. Europe 1596. L CO Den. br. 136 7148 typhina L. fever $ ec 20 G.Y N. Amer. 1629. S CO Den. br. 17, 18 2 frutescens frutescent -. or 6 jl G.Y s CO 7149 javanica JF1 7150 semialata Mur. 7151 glabra L. Java half-winged smooth ?3S SI or 10 6 8 jl.s" W G.Y Java 1799. Macao 1780. N. Amer. 1726. s L L p.l p. p.l Den. br. 15 Mur. 6. 3 Di. el. 243. 314 7152 elegans W. elegant 3fe or 10 1 R N. Amer. 1726. S p.l Den. br. 16 7153 viridifK>ra Poir. green-flowered or 15 1 G.Y N. Amer. ... S p.l 7154 pdmila Afar. 7155 schinoldes W. dwarf poisonous^ p Schinus-like * [ 1 or 1 10 jl G.Y N. Amer. 1806. Brazil 1824. s C p.l 7156 chinensis Mil. Chinese. it | j or 6 '..'. !.. China 1800. C p.l 7157 pauciflkra i. few-flowered it | | or 4 , C. G. H. ... C 7158 alata Thun. winged it | | or 10 '.'.'. C. G. H. 1824. C p'l 7159 copalllna Z,. gum copal Sfe ec 6 au.s G'.Y N. Amer. 1688. s Jac. sc. 3. 341 7160 trijuga Pair. three-pair-/yrf 4 Brazil C pll 7161 obiujua Thun. oblique it f~~i or 4 "... ... C. G. H. 1825. C 7162 Commersunw Poir. Commerson's it 1 1 or 14 Brazil 1810. C p.l 7163 acuminata Dec. acuminate *l_jor 18 Nepal 1820. C p.l 7164 succedanea Z/. succedaneous it i i ec 10 jn G!Y China 17(58. s p.l Kaem. 795 7165 vernix L. varnish X or 15 jl G.Y N. Amer. 1713. L CO Den. br. 19 venenata Dec. 7166 Bucku-Amela Rox. Bucku-Amela it, (or 10 G.Y Nepal 1823. s CO 7167/raxinifulia D. Don Ash-leaved 20 Nepal 1820. C p.l 7163 obscura Zte6. obscure Sfe or 4 jl.s" Iberia 1820. L p.l 7169 vernicifera Dec. juglandifolia Wai. varnish-bearing* | | or 10 G.Y Nepal Ib23. s CO 7170 Toxicodendron L. Poison-Oak WK P 3 jn.jl G.Y N. Amer. 1640. s CO 7171 radicans Z,. rooting Nk p 3 jn.jl G.Y N. Amer. ... s CO Bot. mag. 1806 2 volubilis twining Jl P 2 jn.jl G.Y N. Amer. ... s CO Duh. no. 48 3 microcarpa small-fruited TTlK P 2 jn.jl G.Y N. Amer. ... s CO Di. el. 375 7172 glaftca Desf. 7173 lineatifolia Or. glaucous lineated-leaved | | or it | | or 2 2 jl jl.s G.Y Crea C. G. H. 1821. Cuba 1818. C C p.l p.l 7174 Thunbergiana R. & S. Thunberg's it | | or 4 C. G. H. ... C p.l 7175 ICicida L. shining-leaved it , | or 6 W C. G. H. 1697. C p.l Com. h. 1. 93 7176 Cavanillesw Dec. Cavanilles's it i | or 8 W Mexico 1816. C Cav. ic. 2. 135 Ihcida Cav. 7177 Burm&nni Dec. lucida H. K. Burmann's it | |or 6 G.Y C.G. H. 1897. C p.l Bur. af. 91. 2 7178 nervosa Poir. nervose it | | or 6 ... ... C. G. H. 1800. C p.l 7179concinna Burc. neat it | | or 6 C. G. H. 1820. C 7180 villosa L. hairy * 1 | or 6 jl '" G!Y C. G. H. 1714. C p.l Pluk. al. 210. s 7181 pyroldes Burc. Pear-like it| |or 5 ... C. G. H. 1816. C p.l 7182 pube-scens L. pubescent it | | or 10 ... G.Y C. G. H. 1800. C p.l 7183 atomaria Jac. atomed it | | or (i ^^ C. G. H. 1800. C p.l Jac. sc. 343 7184 albida Schous. Vfhite-leaved it | | or 1 Mogadore 1816. C p.l 7185 exclsa Thun. cut-leaved it | | or 5 C. G. H. 1816. C p.l 7186 mucronata Thun. mucronate it | | or 4 '..'. !!! C. G. H. 1824. C 7187 elliptica Thun. elliptic it ( j or 6 ... C. G. H. 1818. C p.l 7188 penduuna Jc. pendulous it , |or 3 G.Y C. G. H. ... L 7189 laevigata L. polished-leaved it | |or 6 G.Y C. G. H. 1758. C p.l ' elongata Jac. 7190 viminalis Vahl green-twiggy it L_] or 2 ... G.Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Jac. sc. 3. 344 7191 lancea L. lance-leaved it | | or 6 C. G. H. 1810. C p.l 7192 fragrans L. sweet-scented it , | or 5 C. G. H. 1824. C p.l 7193 rigida Mil. rigid it ! (or 3 C. G. H. 1700. C 7194 ciliata Lich. ciliated it | | or 5 C. G. H. 1816. C T) 1 7195 tridactylis J?rc. three-fingered it | | or 6 C. G. H. 1816. C p.l 7196 angustifolia L. narrow-leaved it) |or 6 '.'.'. G" C. G. H. 1714. C Pluk. al. 219. 6 7197 rosmarinifulia Vahl 7198 serraefolia Zfwrc. Rosemary-lvd saw-leaved it | i or it, |or 4 4 '..'. G.Y C. G. H. 1800. C. G. H. 1816. C C p.l Bur. af 91. 1 7199 undulata Jac. waved-leaved C. G. H. 1816. C p.l Jac. sc. 3. 346 theesans Hort. 7200 diolca Brou. dioecious it i I or 7201 Oxyacantha Schous. Hawthorn Sfe or 7202 oxyacantholdes Dum. Hawthorn-like Sfe or 5 6 6 '. G'.'Y G.Y Mogadore 1825. Barbary 1823. Barbary 1824. C C C p.] p.l 7203 lobata Poir. lobed-leaved it | I or 6 Teneritte 1800. C p.l 7204 sinuata Thun. sinuate-leaved i_Jor 3 M C. G. H. 1820. C 7205 cuneifolia Desf. 7206 tridentata L. wedge-leaved three-toothed it ( (or 2 5 ;-y C. G. H. 1816. C. G. H. 1816. C C p.l s.p.l 7207 crenata Thun. crenated it i 1 or 2 C. G. H, ... C p.l 7208 micrantha Thun. small-flowered it i |or 4 .'.. C. G. H. 1818. C 7209 dissecta Thun. dissected it; j or 3 " C. G. H. 1820. C p.l 7210 tomentbsa L. woolly./eaw'a' * i | or 10 G.Y C. G. H. 1691. C Com. h. 1. 92 7211 indsa Z,. cut-leaved it) |or 2 .. G.Y C. G. H. 1789. C p.l ORDER III. PENTANDRIA TRIGYNIA. Ill 7212 dentata Thun. spicata Thun. 7213 pentaphylla Desf. 7214 sizf phina Tineo 7215 aromatica H. K. 7216 suaveolens H. K. 7217 heterophylla Dec. 7218 digitata L. 895. CASSI^NE L. toothed spiked five-leaved Ziziphus-like aromatic *l_Jcu tt i | or it i | or * , | or 3k or sweet-smelling Sfe or various-leaved * | | or digitate it | | or CASSI.VE. 3 ... 4 ... 4 8 my 6 my 6 10 ... C. G. H. C. G. H. Barbary 1798. 1819. 1816. 1800. Sicily N. Amer. 1759. N. Amer. ... C. G. H. 1800. C C. G. H. 1820. C C p.l C p.l C p.l C p.l L p.l L p.l Desf. at. 1. 77 An. mu. 5. 30 p.l 7219 Maurocnia L. Mauroceni's Hotelier. (Its name amongst the Indians of Florida.) Celdstr'irue. 7. I | or I | or Cape PhUlyrea Colpoon tree ^Ethiopian barbarous 4t | j or ta/l it | | or opposite-leaved * i | or 7220 capensis L. 7221 Colpoon Thun. 7222 sethi6pica Thun. 7223 barbara L. 7224 excel sa Rox. 7225 oppositifolia Mil. 896. SPATHE v LIAi. SPATHELIA. 7226 simplex L. simple 897. STAPHYLE^A L. BLADDER-NUT. 7227 pinnata L. pmnate-leaved 7228 trifolia L. three-leaved 3fc 7229 occidentalis Sun. western f_ \~~ 898. STACKHOU'S^ R. Br. STACKHOUSIA. 5 1 6 ... 2 2 18 ... 5 C. G. H. 1690. C s.p.l Di. el. 121.147 C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. Nepal 1629. C s.p.l Bur. af. 85 1791. C s.p.l Bur. af. 86 1818. s.p.l C s.p.l C s.p.l C s.p.l 7230 linariif&lia Cun. Flax-leaved it \ | or 2 (Spathe, a palm tree ; similarity.) Terebinthacece. 1. 2. CD tm 40 ... R Jamaica 1778. S s.p Bot. reg. 670 , a bunch ; disposition of fructification.) Celdstrmce. 3. 5 6 ap.jn W England hed. L co Eng. bot. 1560 or 6 my.jn W N. Amer. 1640. L co Schm. ar. 80 or 30 ... W Jamaica 1824. C p.l SI. jam. 2. 220. 1 (M. Stackhouse, a British botanist.) Stackhoiisice. 1. 2. N. Holl. 182.3. C s.l.p 899. TA'MARIX L. 7231 gallica L. 7232 articulata Vahl 7233 dioica Rox. TAMARISK. (Tamarisci, a French & or jointed J 1 1 or dioecious * C~] or people of the Pyrenees ; habitat.) Tamarasdnece. 6. 18. 12 my.o F England so. co. C s.l Eng. bot. 1318 30 ... Pk E. Indies ... C l.p Van. sy. 2. 32 6 R Indies 1823. C u.l 7234 indica W. Indian m |~"1 or 6 F E. Indies C l.p 7235 germanica L. German m or 8 jn.s Pk Germany 1582. C m.s Mil. ic. 262. 2 7236 davdrica L. Dahurian m or 6 ... Pk Dahuria 1818. C l.p 900. TURNED L. TI;R\ERA. (W. Turner, M.D., died 1568.) Turneriacece. 1 1. 24. 7237 wlmifolia L. Elm-leaved tt. or 3 jn.s Y Jamaica 1733. C Pi H. cl. 10 2 angusti folia B. M. narrow-leaved . or 3 ap.s Pa.Y Jamaica 1733. C s.p Bot. mag. 281 7238 Regans Otto elegant . or 3 ... Pa.Y Brazil 1821. C s.p 7239 cuneiformis J. wedge-form OL or 1 jn.jl Y S. Amer. 1821. 8 s.p 7240 tooniflura Sims Trionum-flwd or 2 year Pa.Y Brazil 1812. C s.p Bot. mag. 2106 7241 brasiliensis W. Brazilian n. or 1 jn.jl Y Brazil 1810. S s.p 7242 Pumilea L. Dwarf rm or i Jl Y Jamaica 1796. S S.I SI. jam. 1.127.6 7243 cistoldes L. Cistus-like Q or iJn.o Y America 1774. S S.I PI. ic. 150. 1 7244 rupestris Aub. rock *L L~l or 2*jn.s Y Guiana 1824. S s.p Aub. gui.1.113.1 7245 guianensis Aub. Guiana fTTl or 1 jn.jl Y Guiana 1823. S s.p Aub. gui. 1. 114 7246 hirta W. hairy EH or 1 jn.jl Y Brazil 1818. S s p 7247 racembsa Jac. racemose O....* O or 2 Y Siberia ? 1789. S S.1 Jac. vin. 3. 94 Piriqueta racemosa Swt. 901. DRY'PSISi. 7248 spinosa L. 902. 7249 media L. 7250 Segetalis L. 7251 wzolluginea Lag. 7252 pubscens Lk. 7253 mucronata L. DRYPSIS. prickly CHICKWEED. mediate Sword-grass Mollugo-like pubescent mucronate (Drypto, to tear ; armed leaves.) Caryoph^llelia Haw. tongue-leaved jg iAI or Crassula lingusefolia Haw. 7371 toment6sa W. 7372 pertusa Haw. 7373 turrita Haw. 2 rosea Haw. 7374 obovata Haw. 7375 aloides Haw. 7376 capitella Haw. 917. GLOBITLEA Haw. GLOBULEA. 7377 cultrata Haw. sharp-leaved Crassula cultrata Z. 7378 atropurpurca Haw. 7379 rad\cans Haw. 7380 lingua Haw. 7381 lingula Haw. 7382 capitata Haw. 7383 obvallata Haw. 7384 canescens Haw. 7385 paniculata Haw. 7386 impressa Haw. 2 minor Haw. 7387 sulcata Haw. 7388 nudicaulis Haiv. 7399 hispida Haw. 1 a'u W C. G. H. 1803. C s.l' W C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C s.l C s.l Com. pr. 2 (Globulus, a globule ; stems.) l_J or 1 W C. G. H. 1790. 1818. 1818. 1818. 1818. 1774. 1774. -- Crassulaceee. 16. 29. 1732. C s.l Bot. mag. 19K) S s.l Dec. pi. 55 dark-purple tt i | or upright-rooting tt | | or tongue tt | | or little-tongue tt ( | or capitate t iAI or guarded-leaved tt | | or canescent I? iAJ or paniculate tf iAI or impressed j ;AI or smaller ^ i Al or sulcate tf iAI or naked-stemmed i Al or hispid flat-lvd tt i | or 7390 mesembryanthoides Haw. Mesem.-lktt i | or 2 altior Haw. taller tt. | | or 7391 mollis Haw. soft tt i | or 7392 subincana Haw. hoaryish tt. | | or 2 erecta Haw. erect tt \ (or iau 1 jn.o 4Jn.jl 4 jnjj 4 4JLau 4 Jn.jl ^ au.s au.s ijn.s 4 my.s ,'" au.s au.s au au W W W W W W W W W W G" W W W W W W C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1823. 1823. 1823. 1823. 1819. 1795. 1800. 1823. 1820. 1820. 1818. 1732. 1823. 1820. 1820. 1774. 1823. 1823. C 8.1 C 8.1 C s.l C 8.1 C 8.1 C s.1 C s.l C s.1 C s.1 C 8.1 C s.1 C 8.1 C 8.1 C s.1 C 8.1 C s.1 C s.1 C s.l Dec. pi. 61 Dec. pi. 133 (Kurtos, curved, gyne, a style.) *918. CURTO'GYNE Jfatu. CURTOGYNE. 7393 undata Haw. waved tt. | | or 4 au Crassula undata Haw. 7394 undulata Haw. small-waved tt. i_J or 4 au 919. VAUA'NTHES Haw. VAUANTHES. (Vau, the letter V, anthos, a flower.) Crassulacea?. 1. 7395 chloraflora Haw. Chlora-flowered U or 4 jl Y C. G. H. 1774. S s.1 Dec. pi. 67 Crassula dichotoma Z. G. H. 1818. C s.1 W C.G.H. 1797. C s.1 920. GISE N KZ4 L. 7396 pharnaceoldes L. 921. ZrNUM.BauA. 7397 gallicum Z. 7398 aureum W. Sf K. 7399 luteolum Bleb. 7400 nodiflbrum Z. 7401 strictum Z. 74 2 rigidum Ph. 7403 virginianum Z. (Lim, a inreau, i O or 1 O or 4 jn.jl O or 1 jn.jl GISRKIA. (P. D. Giseke, a Danish botanist.) Phytolacece. 1. Pharnaceum-like S3 cu 1 jn Pa.G E. Indies 1783. Rox. cor. 2. 183 FLAX. French golden yellowish knotted-flwd strict stiff-leaved Virginian (Llin, a thread, Celt.) Y Y ^ A _^ 0> or O or ^ Q) or my,, France Hungary Tauria 1820. S Italy 1759. D s.l S. Europe 1759. S p.l 'ea. 43. 61. S co Ger. gal. 15. 1 S p.l W.&K.2. 177 p.l Bux. c 5. 59 M. h. 5. fi. 11 Pa.Y Missouri 1807. Y N. Amer. 1807 114 PENTANDRIA PENTAGYN1A. CLASS V. 7404dahuricumfl.4S. Dahurian ^ A or 1 Jn.jl Y Dahuria 1816. D p.l 7405 maritimum L. sea ^ A or 2 Y S. Europe 1596. D CO Jac. vin. 2. 154 7406 arbureum L. tree n. i lor 2 Y Candia 1788. C p.l Bot. mag. 234 7407 campanulatum L. 7408 tauricum W. en. campanulated Taurian ^ A or tt. or ? Y Y Europe 1795. T.iuria 1818. D C p.l 7409 capitatum R. Sf S. capitate :k A or 1 jn'.jl Y Austria 1816. D p.l 7410 flavum /,. yellow ^ A or Y Austria 179:3. D Bot. mag. 312 7411 trigvnum Rox. 7412 africanum L. three-styled African a. i | or tJL ; J or 2 ja.o 1 jn.jl Y Y E. Indies 1799. C. G. H. 1771. C C p'.l p.l Bot. mag. 1100 Hot. mag. 403 7413 quadrifolium L. four- leaved "-I [or 2 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1787. C Bot. mag. 431 7414 vicosum L. clammy ^ A or 2 P S. Europe 1818. D CO 7415 Aypericifolium Sal. S it.John's-wt.-lvd ^ A or 11 P Caucasus 1807. D CO Bot. mag. 1048 7416 hirstitum L. hairy ^j A or B Austria 1759. D CO Jac. au. 1. 31 7417 ascyrifolium B. M. 7418 nervosum W. $ K. Ascyrum-lvd fibrous ^ A or ^ A r 1 1| jn.jl W B Portugal 1800. Hungary 1822. I) D CO CO Bot. mag. 108 W. & K. 105 7419 narbonense L. Narbonne _AJ or 2 my.jl B S. France 1759. D CO 7420 usitatissimum L. most used ag 14 jnjl B Britain co. fi. S CO Eng. bot. 13^7 7421 marginatum PozV. tu/Mfc-margined ^ A or lg jn.jl B 1810. S CO angustifolium W. en. 7422 reflexum /f. K. refiex-leaved ^ A r 1* jl B S. Europe 1777. D CO 7423 squamulosum ScAr. squamulose 4fc A or li B Tauria 1819. D CO austriacum Bieb. 7424 diffusum Schult. diffuse ^t A or 1 jn.jl B 1823. 3 p.l 7425 Lewis P. Lewis's & A or 3 jn. 1 B N. Amer. 1820. S p.l 7426 angustifblium Jfac?. narrow-leaved ^ A r 1 1 P England sa. pa. S CO Eng. bot. 381 7427 sibiricum Dec. Siberian ^t A or 2 jnjl B Siberia 1775. S p.l Bot. mag. 1086 austriacum B. M. nol ; L. perenne L. 7428 anglicum Mil. English ^ A r 2 jn.jl B England ch. pi. S p.l Eng. bot. 40 perenne E. B. 7429 austriacum L. Austrian tA or 1 jn.jl B Austria 1775. D CO Jac. au. 418 7430 montanum Schl. mountain A or 1 n. 1 B Switzerl. 1817. S p.l Scop. <;ar. 11 7431 bicolor Schom. two-colored O or H jn.jl Y.B Morocco 1820. S CO tenuifolium 8 bicolor Pers. 7432 alplnum L. alpine ^ A or J B Austria 1739. S CO Sw. fl. gar. 17 7433 decumbens Desf. decumbent ^ A r R N, Africa 1817. S CO Desf. at. 1. 79 angustif61ium / decu mbens Pers. 7434 grandiflbrum Desf. large-flowering ^ A or 1 jn.jl B S. Europe 1820. S CO Desf. at. 1. 78 7435 tenuif.Mium i. slender-leaved *k A or 12 jn.jl Pk Europe 1759. S CO Jac. au. 3. 215 7436 salsololdes Lam. Salsola-like tt. or 1 jn. 1 Pk S. Europe 1810. c p.l Bar. ic. 795 ? 7437 suflfruticosum L. suffruticose tt. \ | or 1 au Pk Spain 1759. c p.l Cav. ic. 2. 108 7438 catharticum L. purging w 5 W Britain dr. pa. S Eng. bot. 382 922. DRO'SERA L. SUNDEW. (Drosos, dew; dew-like glands on leaves.) J)roscrcece. 4. 32. 7439 pauciflora .Baw/ts few-flowered iAI pr 5 W C. G. H. 1823. S bog 7440 acaiilis Thun. stemless * i Al pr 5 \V C. G. H. 1823. S bog 7441 rotundifolia L. round-leaved A pr i W Britain tur. bo. S bog Eng. bot. 8t77 7442 americana W. American === A pf 5 w N. Amer. 1810. S bog 7443 Iongif61ia L. long-leaved * A pr i W.R Britain tur. bo. S bog Eng. bot. 868 intermedia Desv. 7444 anglica Hud. English * A Pr UUu \V.R England S bog Eng. bot. 869 7445 linearis Go*. \\near-leaved ~ A pr P N. Amer. 1818. S bog 7446 filitormis Rafi. filiform == A pr 5 my.jn P N.Jersey 1811. S bog 7447 binata a&. binate-leaved & iAI pr w N. Holl. ISL'l. S bog Lab. n. h. 1. 1C, 923. BY^BLIS Sal. BYBLIS. (Bi/blis , the daughter of Miletus.) DroscrHcets. 1. 7448 Jiniflyra Sal. Flax-flowered *= tA) pr 5 my.jn B N. Holl. 1800. S bog Par. Ion. 95 924. SIBBA'LD/^ L. SIBBALDIA. (Sir Robert Sibbald,?rot. of phys., Edin.) Rosucctc. 4. '/. 7449 procumbens L. procumbent !U. A cu i Y Britain sc. al. 1) s.l Eng. bot. 897 2 helvetica G. Dow Swiss JL. A cu Y Switzerl. 1819. D s.l 3 americana G. Don American !U A cu Y N. Amer. 1820. small-flowered A cu Y Cappadocia ... 7450 parviflora W. 7451 ertcta W. 7452 polygynia W. upright polygynous & A cu 3L A cu 1 I Pk Y.G Siberia Siberia D s.l D s.l W.n.ber. 1799,5.4 1806. D s.l Am. rut. 112. 15 1824. D s.l 925. ALDROVA'ND^ L. ALDROVANDA. (Ulysses Aldrovandus, an Ital. naturalist.) Droserucea;. 1. 7453 vesiculosa L. vesiculose * A cu W Italy 1823. D s.p Ac. bon. 2. 12 926. COMMERSCTN7/1 "W. COMMERSONIA. (M. Commerson, Fr. traveller and bot.) Byitneriuceco. 2. 3. 7454 platyphylla B. M. broad-leaved * C] or 3 jnjl W Moluccas 1806. C l.p Bot. mag. 519 7455 echinata Forst. echinated * O or Moluccas 1820. C p.l Ru. am. 3. 119 927. RULI'NG/^ R. Br. RULINGIA. (J. P. Ruling, author of Essay on Nat. Ord.) BijttnerMcece. 4. 7456 pannusa B. Br. ragged-leaved tt i_J or my W N. Holl. 1819. C l.p Bot. mag. 2191 7457 corylifulia A/a. C. Hazel-leaved * i | or 3 ... W N. Holl. 1824. C l.p 7458 hermannw/o#a Swt. Hermannia-lvd i_J or 2 ... W N. Holl. 1819. C s.l 7459 cistifolia Cun. Cistus-leaved * t_J or 2 ... W N. Holl. 1824. C l.p 928. ARMENIA W. en. THRIFT. (Armeria, sweetwilliam, Lat.} Plumbasineee. 19. 20. 7460 vulgkris IV. en. common j A or I R Europe D CO Schk. han. 87 7461 maritima W. en. sea-side A or i my.jl R Britain sea co. D s.l Eng. bot. 226 Statice Armferia L. 7462 alpma W. en. alpine A or J P Carinthia ... D s.t 7463 arenaria Pers. sand A or | Pk France D s.l 7464 littoralis W. en. shore A or 1 Pk S. Europe ... D s.l 7465 dianthoides Horn. Pink-like A or 1 my.jn Pk Europe 1810. D s.l Sw.fl.gar. ic. in. 7466 m on tana G. Don mountain A or I my.jn Pk Scotland moun. D s.l 7467 h&milis Lfe dwarf ) A or | my.jn Pk S. Europe 18 17. D s-.l 74fi8 hirta W. hairy A or 1 my.jn Pk N. Africa 1820. D s.l 74i9 cephalotes H. K. rowwrf-headed A or 1 my.jn Pk Europe 1800. D s.l 7470 pungens R. & S. 7471 Juniperiftlia W. 7472 pinifolia R. # S. 7473alliacea W. pungent Juniper-leaved Pine-leaved Gar\\c-leaved A A A A or or or or i my.jn 1 my.jn 1 my.jn 1 my.jn Pk Pk Pk W Spain 1818. Spain 1818. Portugal ... Spain 1798. D D D D s.l s.l s.l s.l Qu. his. 6. 15. 1 Cav. ic. 2. 109 7474 denticulata Bert. toothed A or 1$ my.jn F Naples 1816-. D s.l 7475j3lantaginea W. PlantaiiWw* A or 1 my.jn R S. Europe 1818. D s.l ORDER VI. PENTANDRIA POLYGYNIA. 11.5 7476 scorxonerxfblia. Lk. Scorzonera-lvd jp A or 1 my.jn S S. Europe 1816. D 8.1 7477 latifdlia W. en. broad-leaved A or 2 my.jl L.R Algarbia 1740. D s.p" Jac. vin. 1. 42 7478 fasciculata W. en. bundled tL i i or 2 P Portugal D s.l Yen. eels 38 929. STA'TICE L. SEA LAVENDER. (Statizo, to stop ; astringency.) Plumbaginelia SOT. broad- leaved A or 1 my.jl B Siberia 1791. 1) p.l 7485 oleifdlia POM. Olive-leaved $ A or 1 R Italy 1688. D s.l Scop. d. 1. 10 7486 auricutefolia Vahl Auricula-lvd AJ or i R Barbary 1781. 1) S.1 7487 emarginata W. en. emarginate f _AJ or f my.jl P Gibraltar ... D S.1 7488 cordata L. heart-leaved f _AJ or I my.jl B S. Europe 1752. 1) s.l Bar. ic. 805 7489 scabra Thun. rough -branchei rl iAI or 1 my.jl B C. G. H. 1788. S r.m 7490 virgata W. en. 7491 reticulata L. twiggy netted A or A or \\ | B B Spain England mud.s. I) 1) s.l S.1 Eng. bot 328 7492 tetrag^na Thun. four-angled iAI or 2 R C. G. H. 1820. 1) j) s.l S 1 Pmr ir 1 fTH ~~~- 7493 dichotoma Cav. 7494 altaica Hort. dichotomous Altaian ^ A or A r 1 B S. Europe 1810. Siberia 1820. D s!i 7495 viminea Schr. twiggy K A or | B 1818. J) S.1 7496 caspia W. era. Caspian * A or 1 Pa.B Caspian Sea ... S s.l Gm. si. 2. 89. 2 7497 echioides L. Echium-like iQ)J or 1 Pa.B S. Europe 1752. S s.l Fl. gr. 298 7498 spathulata Desf. 74P9 tellidifolia S/w. spatula-leaved Daisy-leaved A| or A or 1 \ jn.jl P Pa.B Barbary 1804. Greece 1810. D D S.1 r.m Bot. mag. 1617 Fl. gr. 295 7500 gr^ca Pozr. Greek A or i Jn.jl W Greece 1810. D r.m 7501 Willdenovz/iwne Poir. Willdenow's A or \ V France 1800. D r.m W.h.b.63 spatulata W. en. 7502 speciosa L. showy tf Al or 1 W Russia 1776. D p.l Bot. mag. 656 7503 conspicua B. M. 7504 tatarica L. conspicuous Tartarian Al or A or 1 Pk Pk Russia 1804. Russia 1731. D D S.1 P-l Bot mag. 1629 Sw. fl. gar. 37 7505 ovalirolia PozV. oval -leaved *; lAlor 1 W Canaries 1816. D s.p 7506 flexuosa W. zig-zag A or 1 P Siberia 1791. D 7501 purpurata L. purpled LA) or 6 jn.jl P C. G. H. 1800. D p.l 7508 minima L. small * A or i Jn.jl R Mediterr. 1658. D p.l Plu. al. 200. 3 7509 pubescens Dec. 7510 articulata Lot. pubescent jointed 1 Al or A or I R B S. Europe 1824. S. France 1826. I) D s.p s.p Boc. sic. 13 7511 pectinata H. JsT. pectinated Al or f s.o B Canaries 1780. D PL! 7512 Echinus 5w?6. 7513 suffruticosa L. hedgehog suffruticose tt- A or _Jor I | my.s R B Caucasus 1813. Siberia 1779. C D S.l r.m Fl. gr. 300 Gm. si. 2. 88. 2, 3 7514 monopetala L. 7515 cinferea Poir. one-petalgd grey tL l_|or tAJor 3 1 P B Sicily 1731. C. G. H. 1810. C D r.m Boc. sic. 16,17 7516 pruinosa i. frosted A or 1 W S. Europe 1823. 1) s'.\ 7517/erulaceai. Fennel-leaved ./" A or 1 my Y Siberia 1796. D s.l Plu. al. 28. 4 7518 sinuata L. scollop-leaved Al or 1 my.s P.Y Levant 1629. S r.m Bot. mag. 71 7519 Thouinti Viv. Thouin's A or 1 B N. Africa 1700. S S.1 Mart. cen. 84 7520 spicata W. spiked O or 1 W Caucasus 1819. S S.1 Gm. si. 2. 91. 2 lyrata Bieb. 7521 australis Spr. southern Taxanthema australis R. Br. 7522 alata W. en. winged 7523 mucronata L. mucronate N. Holl. 1823. S s.l 7524 globulariaefblia Des/. Globularia-/yd ^ Al or 7525 incana L. 7526 macroph^lla W. 7527 zegyptiaca Pers. 7528 auriculata Bes. 7529 elata ffe. 7530 cuneata H. T. Al or Al or 1 li 1 my.s 1 iAI or 2 my.jn Al or 1| my A or | A or 1 A or | P.Y R W Pk W W B B B Barbary Sicily Egypt Canaries IE, Siberia 1806. 1784. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1823. 1817. 1820. 1820. C r.m Her. st!8 D r.m Bar. ic. 793 D r.m C r.m D r.m Bot. mag. 2363 D s.l D s.l D s.l 930. MYOSITRUSZ,. 7531 minimus L. CLASS V. ORDER 6. PENTA'NDRIA POLYGY'NIA. MOUSE-TAIL. (Mys, a mouse, oura, a tail ; spiked receptacle.) Ranunculacete. I. least O cu Y Britain S co Eng. bot. 435. 931. CER ATOCE'PH ALUS Moen. CERATOCEPHALUS. (Keras, a horn, Icephale, a head ; fl.) Ranunculacece. 2. 7532 falcatus Moen. sickle-leaved O cu i my Y S. Europe 1739. S co Jac. au. 48 7533 orthoceras Dec. straight-horned O cu | my Y Caucasus 1816. S co Deless. 1. 23 .Ranunculus falcatus Bieb. 992. XANTHORHrZA Herit. YELLOW ROOT. (Xanthos, yellow, rhixa, a root.) Ranunculacece. 1. 7534 apiifolia Herit. Parsley-leaved * or 3 f.ap P.G N. Amer. 1766. Sk s.p Bot mag. 1736 12 116 HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS VI. CLASS VI. ORDER 1. HEXA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. 933. JNARCI'SSUS L. NARCISSUS. (Narke, stupor; effects of smell.) Amarylhdeae. 77. 7535 poeticus L. poet's tf A or 1 my W S. Europe ... O co Par. p. 76 7536 recurvus Haw. recurved-leaved$ A or my W S. Europe ... O co 7537 patellaris Sal. basln-flwd tf poeticus E. B. majalis B. M. 2 exsertus Haw. drawn out tf A A or or my my W W England England gard. CO CO Eng. bot. 275 3 plenus Haw. double tf A or my W England gard. CO Par. p. 75. 1 7538 angustifolius B. M. narrow-leaved 5 A or W S. Europe 1570. CO Bot. mag. 193 radiiflorus Sal. 75.39 bifl6rus B. M. two-flowered $ A or W Britain mea. CO Eng. bot. 276 7540 tenuior H. K. slenderer tf A or my L.Y 1789. CO Bot. mag. 379 7541 crenulatus Sal. crenulated $ A or mr.ap W Spain CO 7542 Trewiamis B. M. Trew's tf A or 1 mr.ap W.Y Spain r.m Bot. mag. 940 7543 floribundus Sal. bundle-flwd tf A or 1 mr.ap W.Y Spain o r.m 7544 fistulusus Haw. hollow-stalked $ A or ap W.Y ... r.m 7545 cerinus Haw. wax-colored tf A or ap W ...... ... r.m 7546 Tazetta L. Tazetta, or Polyanthus tf A or mr.ap W Spain 1759. o S.I Par. p. 81. 3 7547 multiflurus Haw. tall many-flwd $ A or ap Y ... S.1 Bot. mag. 925 Tazetta B. M. not L. 2 aureus Haw. golden many-flwd^ A or 1 ap Y ... S.I Bot. mag. 1026 7548 obsoletus Haw. obsolete tf A or 1 au.s W Spain 1819. S.I Par. p. 89. 4 7549 latifolius Haw. broad-lvd. orange tf A or 1 Y S.I 7550 Maclfeat* Lindl. Mac Leay's $ 7551 orientalis L. oriental tf A A or or j 1 mr.ap Crea W Smyrna 1815. Levant S.1 CO Bot. reg. 987 Bot. mag. rn. 7568 interjectus Haw. interjected tf A or 1 ap Y 1810. S.1 7569 odorus L. sweet-scented tf A or 1 Y S. Europe 1629. S.1 Bot. mag. 934 calathinus a, B. M. 7570 pusillus G. Don small Jtmquil tf A or J ap Y 1818. S.I Phyl6gyne minor Haw. 2 plenus double Q, Anne's Jonquil tf 7571 rugu!6sus Haw. rugulose cup tf 7572 nutans Haw. nodding tf A A A or or or Jap Y 1 ap Y 1 Y 1810. 1818. S. Europe 1789. o S.I S.I S.I Bot. mag. 945 trilobus B. M. 7573 concolor Haw, self-col, sulphur $ 7574 infundibularis Sal. funnel-flower ed$ 7575 pulchellus Haw. pretty $ 7576 striatulus Haw. small-channelled tf A A A A or or or or J ap Y | Y | Y lap Y 1820. SpaYii'" '.'.'. 0000 S.1 S.1 S.I S.I Par. p. 92 Bot. mag. 1262 7577 triandrus L. triandrous tf A or f W Portugal 1629. o 8.1 Par. p. 93. 2 7578 cernuus Sal. . pale drooping tf A or iap Y 1818. S.I Bot. mag. 48 triandrus B. M. not i. 7579 capax SaA capacious $ A or I Pa.Y ... S.1 Red.lil. 177? 7580 montknus B. R. mountain tf A or 1 W Portugal ... o S.I Bot. reg. 123 7581 galanthifMius Haw. Snowdrop-lvd $ 7582 albicans Haw. whitening tf A A or or f my | mr.ap W Pa.Y .'.'.'.'.'.' 1789. S.1 S.I Par. p. 73 Par. p. 106. 7583 Bulbocodium L. Bulb, or Hoop-pet, tf A or i mr.ap Y Portugal 1629. S.I Bot. mag. 88. 7584 inflatus L. inflated tf A or 5 mr.ap Y C) S.1 2 minor Haw. lesser swoto tf 7585 lobulatus Haw. small-lobed $ A A or or | mr | PaSu Spain 1696. Y R S.I S.1 Par. p. 107. 8 7586 tenuifolius Sal. slender-leaved tf A or f W o S.I Sw. fl. gar. 114 7587 incomparabilis..B.M incomparable tf A or 1 Y Portugal 1629. CO Bot. mag. 121 7588 albus Haw. incomparable white tf A or 1 ap W.Y .. o S.1 2 plenus Haw. double orange Phoenix^ A or 1 ap Su S.I 7589 semipartitus Haw. cloven-cupped $ 7590 Haworthi G. Don Haworth's tf A A or or 1 mr 1 ap Su Y '.'.".'.'. 1700. S.1 S.I Queltza concolor //aw. 2 plenus sulphureus Haw. dble-sulph. tf A or 1 ap Su 1629. S.I 7591 aurantius Haw. orange mixed tf A or 1 mr Y 1629. S.I 2 pltnus liiteus au- f double yellow"? * rantius Haw. (, and orange 3 fl A or 1 mr Y 1629. S.I 7592 tortuosus //aw. twisted-/>e/aferf ? A or l|ap W Spain 1629. CO Par. p. 101. 3 7593 moschatus L. musk tf A or 1 W Spain 1759. CO Bot. mag. 924 7594 patulus Sa/. spreading white musk tf moschatus S B. M. A or 1 mr W Spain CO Bot. mag. 1300 ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 11' 2 albens Haw. whitish Norfolk tf A or 1 mr W Spain ... O co 7595 serrktus Haw. serrated A or f mr.ap Pa.Y S. Europe ... O co 2 suavis Haw. sweet A or mr.ap Fa.Y S. Europe ... O co 7596 spurius flaw. spurious tf A or ap Y England O co 7597 obscissus flaw- dipt trunk tf A r my Y Spain O co Par. p. 107 7598 TelamomMS Haw. Telamon's tf A or ap Y * O co 2 plenus flaw. double Daffodil tf 3 grandiplnus flaw, great double tf 7599 Pseudo-narcissus L. Daffodil tf A or A or A or ap Y ap Y mr.ap Pa.Y O co O co England woods. O co Par. p. 101. 1 Eng. bot. 17 festalis Haw. 2 sc6ticus flaw. Scotch Daffodil tf A r mr Y Scotland gard. O co 3 plenus Haw. double Dajfbdil tf A or my Y France O co Par. p. 101. 9 4 plenissimus most double tf A or mr.ap Y ..... ... O co Par. p. 101. 6 7600 tubiflorus Sal. tube-flowered tf A or mr.ap W.Y * O co 7601 lorifblius flaw. strap-lvd two-eld^ A or mr Y O co Bot. mag. 1187 bicolor B. M. not L. 2 breviflos flaw. short-flwd two-eld $ A or mr Y ... O co 3 anceps flaw. two-edged two-eld tf A or mr Y 1800. O co 7602 bicolor L. two-colored $ A or W.Y Spain 1629. O co 7603 Sabint Lindl. Sabine's tf A r Y ... O co Bot. reg. 732 7604 nf veus \V. en. snowy tf A r my W S. Europe ... co 7605 obvallaris Sal. trenched round $ A or mr.ap Y Spain O co 7606 major B. M. larger 3 A or mr.ap Y Spain 1629. O co Bot mag. 51 7607 propinquus Sal. allied tf A or mr.ap Y Spain 1629. O co 7608 nobilis flaw. noble tf A or mr.ap Y ...... ... O co 7609 A^-dx Sal. Ajax tf A or mr.ap Y O co 7610 pumilus Sal. dwarfish $ A or | mr.ap Y Spain O co H. flor. 8 7611 minor L. smaller tf A or J mr.ap Y Spain 1629. O s.l Bot mag. 6 *934. PANCRA^TIUM L. PANCRATIUM. 7612 zeylanicum L. Ceylon tf (Paw, [A) or all, kratys, potent 1 jn.jl W ; med. qual.) Amaryltidece. 28. 32. Ceylon 1752. Sk r.m Bot. reg. 479 7613 longiflorum Rox. long-flowered tf 23 or 2 jn.jl W E. Indies 1810. O r.m 7614 verecundum Sol. ruddy tf [Al or W E Indies 1776. Skr.m Bot. reg. 413 7615 maritimum L. sea tf A or 2 my.jl W S. Europe 1597. Sk s.p Bot. reg. 161 7616 carolinianum L. Carolina tf Al or 2 jn.jl W Carolina 1759. Sk r.m Cat. car. 3. 5 7617 canariense Ker Canary tf lAI or 1| jn.jl W Canaries 1815. Sk r.m Bot. reg. 174 7618 illyricum L. Illyrian tf 7619 undulatum Kth. v/ave-leaved tf A r CZ3 or 1J my.jn W 1 jn.jl W S. Europe 1615. S. Amer. ... Sks.p Skr.m Bot. mag. 718 7620 expansum B. M. expanded tf [Al or 2 jn.jl W W. Indies 1820. O r.m Bot. mag 1941 7621 littorale Jac. sea-side tf (23 or 2 W S. Amer. 1758. Sk r.m Bot. mag. 1879 7622 Dryandri Ker Dryander's tf LAJor 2 W Skr.m Bot. mag. 825 7623 angustum Ker nariow-leaved tf 23 or W Skr.m Bot. reg. 221 7624 distichum Herb. two-ranked tf (23 or 1| W S. Amer. ... O r.m 7625 crassifolium Herb. thick-leaved tf (23 or W S. Amer. O r.m 7626 rotatum Ker wheel -crowned tf .AJ or 1 jl.8 W Carolina 1803. Sk r.m Bot. mag. 1082 7627 mexicanum i. Mexican tf (23 or 1 au W Mexico 1732. Skr.m Di. el 222. 289 7628 acutif61ium Sutf. sharp-leaved tf [Ai or 2 W Mexico 1824. O r.m Bot. reg. 940 mexicanum 5. /. not of others, fleme rocallis littoralisd acutifb lia B. M. 7629 guianense Ker Guiana tf [7^ or 2 n W Guiana 1815. Skr.m Bot. reg. 265 7630 patens Red. spreading tf 17^1 or 2 W W.Indies 1822. Sk r.m Red. HI. 6. 380 7631 pediale Lod. foot (long)flwd tf i A ] or 3 au W Brazil 1820. Skr.m Bot. cab. 809 7632 fragrans Sal. fragrant tf (7^1 or 1 W W. Indies 1819. Sk r.m Bot. cab. 834 7633 biflorum Rox. two-flowered tf (23 or 1 W E. Indies 1820. Skr.m 7634 cariba? N um L. Caribean tf LAI or li W W. Indies 1730. Sk r.m Bot. mag. 826 7635 declinatum Jac. declined tf (A] or 2 my.jl W W. Indies 1825. O rm Bot. cab. 558 7636 amce^num Sa/. handsome tf LA] or 1 W Guiana 1790. Skr.m Bot. mag. 1467 7637 o vat urn M#. ovate-leaved tf LAI or 1 W W. Indies ... Sk r.m Bot. reg. 43 7638 speciosum 5a/. showy tf [Al or 1| W W. Indies 1759. Skr.m Bot. mag. 1453 7639 americanum M#. American $ LAI or 2 jn.jl W Jamaica 1820. O r.m * 935. ISME'N Sal. ISMENE. (The daughter of CEdipus and Jocasta.) 7640 nutans Herb. nodding $ (23 or 2| jn.jl W Brazil 1800. AmaryllldetB. 3. Sk r.m Bot. mag. 1561 Pancratium calathinum B. M. 7641 calathinum Herb. - cup-Jlowered tf IA] or 2J jn.jl W Brazil 1800. Sk r.m Bot. reg. 215 7642 Amdncaes Herb. Amancaes tf [23 or 2| jn.jl Y Peru 1804. Skr.m Bot. reg. 600 Pancratium Amdncaes B. M. 936. EUCRONSIA Ker EUCROSIA. (Eu, well, krossos, a fringe ; cup of stamens.) Amaryllidete. 1. 7643 bicolor Ker two-colored tf iA! or 1 O CapeHor. 1816. O Itl Bot. reg. 207 937. EtTRYCLES Sal. EURVCLES. (Eurycles, a prophet.) Amaryllidete. 3. 7644 amboin^nsis Sal. Amboyna tf [23 or 2 my.jn W Amboyna 1759. O lt.1 Bot. mag. 1419 Pancratium amboinense L. Proiphys amboinensis Herb. 7645 nervosus G. Don nerved-leaved tf (Al or 1 my.jn W E. Indies 1822. O lt.1 Crinum nervbsum Roy. 7646 australasicus G.Don Australasian tf (23 or 1 my W N. Holl. 1821. O lt.1 Bot. reg. 715 Pancratium australasicum Ker. 9.38. CALOSTE'MMA R. Br. CALOSTEMMA. (Kalos, beautiful, stemma, a crown : flower.) Amaryllidete. 3. 7647 luteum Ker yellow tf tAJ or 1 n Y N. Holl. 1819. O s.l Bot. reg. 421 7648 purpfireum R. Br. purple tf iAJ or 1 n P N. Holl. 1819. O s.l Bot. reg. 422 7649 album R. Br. white 5 iAJ el 1 W N. Holl. 1824. O p.l 939. CHLIDA'NTHUS Herb. 7650 fragrans Lindl. fragrant Pancratium luteum Pair. CHLIDANTHUS. (Chlideios, delicate, anthos, a flower.) Amaryttidea:. 1. 5 lAlor 1 my.jn Y B. Ayres 1820. O lt.1 Lind.col.34 940. CHRYSIPHrALA Ker CHRYSIPHIALA. ( Chrysos, gold, phiale, a goblet; flowers.) Amaryllidece. 4 5. 7651 flava Ker yellow tf tAJ or 1 my 6 Peru 1820. O lt.1 Bot. reg. 778 Stenomlson flavum Herb. 7652 paucifldra Lindl. 7653 curvidentata Herb, 7654 crocea Red. few-flowered tf iA/or curve-toothed tf t AI pr saffron-colored 5 iAI or 941. LOPHPOLA Ker LOPIIJOLA. (Dim 7655 aiirea Ker. goldcn-Jiowcrcd A or Conostylii americana Ph. | my 1 o 1 my O Y Cop Peru 1822. O lt.1 Hook. ex. fl. 132 Peru 1825. O p.l Bot reg. 2640 S. Araer. 1820. O s.l , a crest ; crest of the sepals.) H. coarctate 23 or 1* my.jn Y Chile 182'-'. Sk s.p Feu. ob. 3.39 7720 magnfspatha Coll. large-spathed j 23 or f my.jn G.w S. Amcr. 1820. Sk s.l Col. h. rip. 19 *956. TILLA'NDSU 7721 usneoides L. 7722 Bartram* Ell. 7723 recurvata L. 7724 riphioMes B. R, 7725 serrata L. 7726 setacea Sun. 7727 stricta B. M. 7728 bulbosa Hook. 7729 ptilchra Hook. 7730 obscura Lo. C. 7731 aloif61ia Hook. 7732 nitida Hook. 7733 utriculata L. 7734 tenuifolia L. 7735 flexuosa SM. 2 pallida 7736 anceps Zorf. 7737 nutans Siux. 7738 fasciculata Swz. 7739 canescens Siox. 7740 paniculata L. 7741 ramosa Pk N. Holl. 1816. r.m Bot. reg. 426 Amaryllis australasica Ker 7807 arenarium Herb. sand tf IAI or 2 my W N. Holl. 1822. r.m Bot. mag. 2.355 2 blandum soft tf El or o my B N. Holl. 1821. r.m Bot. mag. 2531 7808 con fdr turn Herb. crowded $ E3or 2 jn W N. Holl. 1822. O r.m Bot. mag. 1522 7809 formbsum Herb. beautiful tf IAI or 2 jl Brazil 1820. r.m 7810 moluccanum Herb. Moluccas tf fA~l or 2 Pk" Moluccas 1819. r.m Bot. mag. 2292 Amaryllis moluccana B. M. 7811 speciosum Herb. showy Tjj El or 2 Pk E.Indies 1819. r.m Bot. mag. 2217 7812 insigne Herb. noble $ El or 3 n Pk E. Indies 1819. r.m Bot. mag. 579 Amaryllis insignis B. R. 7813 latifblium Herb. broad-leaved $ r^-] Qr 3 Pk E. Indies 1806, r.m R. mal. 11. 30 7814 zeylanicum Herb. Ceylon tf r/^] or 3 P Ceylon 1771. r.m Bot. mag. 1171 Amaryllis zeylanica B. M. 7815 scabrum Herb. rough tf El or 4 my Pk Azores 1810. r.m Bot. cab. 529 7816 Careyanum Herb. Carey's tf 2 jl W Mauritius 1821. r.m Bot. mag. 2466 7817 subme'rsiun Herb. submersed tf El or 1| Pk R. JaneirolSSO. r.m Bot. mag. 2463 7818 giganteum Andr. giant tf [7^1 or 3 W Guinea 1792. r.m Bot. mag. 923 Amaryllis gigantea Ker, E v rium petiolatum Herb. 7819 distich um Herb. two-rowed tf (23 or 2 jn.jl W.P Guinea 1774. o r.m Bot. mag. 1253 Amaryllis ornata JF. 7820 angustifolium R. Br. narrow-leaved tf iAI or 2 jn.jl W N. Holl. 1824. l.p 7821 yccrd tf fAI or 4 R E. Indies 1810. r.m Bot. reg. 171 7858 erubescens /f. K. erubescent tf [AJ or 8 Pa.W W. Indies 1789. r.m Bot. mag. 1232 riibro limbo B. M. ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 121 2 majus Herb. 3 minus Herb. 4 viridifolium 5 berbicense 7859 hybridum B. M. 7860 plicatum Hort. larger If El or 3 R.w S. Amer. 1789. O r.m smaller tf LSI or 1^ R.Y S. Amer. 1789. O r.m green-leaved $ [Z2 or 3 W Demerara 1819. O r.m Berbice tf (23 or 2 W Berbice 1819. O r.m hybrid tf [ZSl or 2 Pk hybrid 1820. O r.m Bot. mag. 2336 plaited tf t Al or 2 W China 1818. O r.m * 965. CYRTA'NTHUS H. K. CYRTAOTHI'S. (Kyrtos, curved, anthos, a flower.) Amaryllide(E. 8. 10. O r.m Bot. mag. 271 O r.m Bot. reg. 162 O r.m Bot. reg. 167 O r.m Jac. sc. 1. 76 O r.m Bot. mag. 1133 O r.m Bot. mag. 2534 O r.m Bot. reg. 503 O r.m Bot. mag 2471 966. GASTRONE'MA Herb. GASTRONEMA. (Gaster, a belly, nema, a filament.) Amaryllidea;. 1. 7869 clavatum Herb. clavate 5 iAl or | my.jn W.B C. G. H. 1816. O r.m Bot. reg. 168 Cyrtanthus uniflorus B. R. 7861 angustifolius H. K. 7862 colllnus B. R. 7863 spiralis B. R. 7864 ventricosus W. 7865 obliquus H. K. 7866 striatus Herb. 7867 odorus Ker 7868 pallidus Sims narrow-leaved tf i Al or hill tf _AJ or spiral-leaved # iAI or bellied tf iA| or oblique-leaved tf iAI or striated tf iAJ or sweet-scented tf iAI or pale 5 iAI or 1 my.jn O f C 1 S 1 R ? 2 G.o f jl O | C 1 my.jl Pk C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1774. 1816. 1790. 1770. 1774. ... 1818. 1822. *967. BRUNSVI'G/,4 Hei. BRUNSVIGIA. 7870 lucida Herb. shining 3 iAl or Amaryllis laticoma B.R. Nerine latfcoma Ker 7871 minor Lindl. smaller tf iAI pr 7872 Josephine R. L. Josephine's tf iAJ or 2 minor B. R. smaller $ iAJ or 3 striata B. M. striated tf iA|or 7873 multiflbra Hei. many-flowered tf uAJ or Amaryllis orientalis L 7874 marginkta H. K. reef-margined tf iAJ or 7875 radula Jac. rasp-leaved tf iAJ or 7876 striata Jac. striated tf iAJ or 7877 falcata Ker sickle-leaved tf iAJ or Ammocharis falcata Herb. 7878 toxicaria Ker Poison-bulb tf tAJ P Hfemanthus toxicarius L. 7879 coranica Ker Coranie Poison-bulb^ iA) p Amm6charis coranica Herb. 7880 ciliaris Ker fringed tf uAJ or Haemanthus ciliaris W. 7881 disticha Swt. two-rowed tf iAI or Amaryllis disticha Pat. Buphane disticha Ker 968. NERPNJ? Herb. NEKINE. 7882 curvifolia Herb. curve-leaved Amaryllis curvifolia Jac. (The noble family of Brunswick.) Pk S S 1 au I l| 1 l| S 1 R 1 s.o S | R 1 s.o Pk f my.jn R 1 s.o Pk 1 s.o Pk 1 jLo Bk 1 R? Pk C. G. H. 1818. C. G. H. 1822. C. G. H. 1814. C. G. H. 1814. C. G. H. 1823. C. G. H. 1752. C. G. H. 1795. C. G. H. 1790. C. G. H. 1795. C. G. H. 1774. C. G. H. 1774. C. G. H. 1815. C. G. H. 1752. C. G. H. 1823. (Nerine, the daughter of Nereus.) tf iAJ or 1 my.s P C. G. H. 1777. 7883 corusca Herb. 7884 sarnithisis Ker 7885 ventista Herb. 7886 flexuosa Herb. 7887 humilis Herb. 7888 undulata Herb. 7889aurea Swt. Lycorus aurea Herb. 7890 radiata ;littering glit Gu ernsey Lily tf beautiful tf flexuous tf low tf waved-flowered tf golden 5 iAI or iAI or iAI or iAI or iAI or iAI or i Al or 1 1 s.o 1 jn.jl 1 s.o 2 jn.jl f my.jn 1 au.s C. G. H. Japan C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. China 1809. 1659. 1806. 1795. 1795. 17fi7. 1777. Amaryllidece. 12. O r.m Bot. reg. 497 R s.l Bot. reg. 954 O r.m Red. lil. 370. 372 O r.m Bot. reg. 192, 193 O r.m Bot. mag. 2578 O r.m Bot. mag. 1619 O r.m Jac. sc. 1. 65 O r.m Jac. sc. 1. 68 O r.m Jac. sc. 1. 70 O r.m Bot. mag. 1443 O r.m Bot. reg. 567 O r.m Bot. reg. 139 O r.m Brey. c. 39 O r.m Pal. it. 1 Amaryllideae. 12. O r.m Bot. mag. 725 O r.m Bot. mag. 1089 O r.m Bot. mag. 294 O r.m Bot. mag. 1090 O r.m Bot. reg. 172 O r.m Bot. mag. 726 O r.m Bot. mag. 369 O r.m Bot. mag. 409 radiated Lycorus radiata Herb. tf lAlor l|jn.ji Pk China 1758. O r.m Bot. rep. 95 7892 pulchella Herb. 7893 versicolor Herb. *969. AMARY'LLISL. 7894 pumilio Spin 7895 pudica Ker 7896 bianda Ker 7897 Belladonna L. 2 pallida 7898 pallida Herb. 7899 reticulata H. K. 7900 striatifolia Swt. 7901 brevifMia Swt. 7902 supe"rba Swt. 7903 grandifK.ra Swt. 7904 atrorubens Swt. 7905 obscura Swt. 790fi intermedia LindL 7907 sulcata Swt. 7908 recurvata Swt. 7909 Wellsiana Swt. 7910 Vallet Swt. 7911 rubdscens Swt. 7912 purpurascens Swt. 7913 patens Swt. 7914 versicolor Swt. 7915 costata Swt. 79! 6 dioica Swt. 7917 amo? v na Swt. 7918 rugosa Swt. 7919 dec&ra Swt. 7920 pallida Swt. 7921 variegata Swt. 7922 nerviff.lia Suit. 7923 Johnson? Swt. spectabilis Lod. 7924 Anderson? Swt. roseate pretty various-colored AMARYLLIS. dwarf modest charming Belladonna pale-fiowered pale netted- veined channelled-lvd short-leaved superb large- flowered dark-red obscure intermediate furrowed recurved Wells's Vallet's rubescent purpurascent spreading various-colored ribbed dioecious pleasing rugose comely pale variegated nerve- leaved Johnson's iA|or f jl lAlor 2 jl iAI or 1 jLi Pk Pk C. G. H. 1818. C. G. H. Va hybrid 1815. (A nymph of Virgil's.) A iAI or i n Pk C. G. H. 1774. iAl or i my.jl Pk C. G. H. 1795. H my.jn Pk C. G. H. 1754. F W. Indies 1712. F Madeira ... Pa.R C. G. H. ... P Brazil 1777. P Brazil 1815. hybrid 1821. hybrid 1821. hybrid 1821. hybrid 1821. hybrid 1821. Brazil 1821. hybrid 1821. hybrid 1821. hybrid 1821. hybrid 1821. hybrid hybrid 1821. hybrid 1821. hybrid 1821. hybrid 1821. hybrid 1821. hybrid 1821. hybrid 1821. hybrid 1821. 1821. 1821. 1821. 1810. Va St R.p B .- St St ... 1 jnjl Pa.O hybrid li jn.jl St hybrid .. 2 year P.R hybrid LAI or 2 my.jn St hybrid O r.m Bot. mag. 2124 O r.m Bot. mag. 2407 O r.m Herb. ap. ic. maryllidece. 112. O r.m O r.m Ker rev. 8 8 O r.m Bot. mag. 1450 O p.l Bot. mag. 733 O p.l Red. lil. 470 O r.m Bot. reg. 714 O r.m Bot. reg. 657 O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O rm O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m Anderson's .$ iAJ or 1 jn.jl R hybrid 1821. O r.i 122 HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS VI. 7925 Colvillj Swt. Colvill's tf for 1| J n -J' R.p hybrid 15521. r.m 7926 undulaeflora Swt. wavelet-flwd ? or IA year P.w hybrid 1S21. r.m 7927 palliiflura Swt. cloak-flowered tf or 2 year R.w hybrid 1S21. C) r m 7928 discolor Swt. various-colored tf IAl or 1 year St hybrid 1821. o r.m 7929 expansa Swt. expanded tf El or 1 year D.R hybrid 182]. r.m 7930 patentissima Swt. very spreading [A] or 1J au.s C hybrid 1821. o r.m 7931 bracteata Swt. bracted tf l/\i.or 1 year R hybrid 1821. r.m 7932 Annesleyawi Swt. Annesley's tf IAl or 1 my.jl P hybrid 1823. r.m 7933 striatiflura Swt. striated-flwd ?J IAl or li year St hybrid 18-1. o r.m 7934 consobrina Swt. cousin tf LAI or my.jn Pk hybrid 1823. r.m 7935 phcenicea Swt. purple tf [7\] or li my.jl P hybrid 1821. o r.m 7936 stenantha Swt. narrow-flwd tf (7\1 or 1 year R hybrid 1821. r.m 7937 reginae L. queen's El or 2 my.jn S America 17--5. r.m Bot. reg. 453 S pulverulenta Lod. powdery JJ El or li my.jn S hybrid 1820. r.m 3 vittata //. TV. banded tf [7\1 or 1| my.jn S hybrid 1820. r.m Hort. tr. 5. 15 7938 rubicunda Sutf. reddish tf El or 1 my.jl R hybrid 1823. r.m 7939 paliescens Swt. palleaceot El or 1 year P.R hybrid 1821. o r.m 7940 accedens Sn>/. approaching tf IA j or li year D.P hybrid 1S21. rm 7941 coccinea Swt. scarlet tf El or 2 year S hybrid 1821. o r.m 7942 ringens Swt. gaping $ El or 1 year R.w hybrid 1S21. r.m 7943 carnescens Stitf. carnescent H E) or 1 year P.w hybrid 1821. o r.m 7944 r6seo-alba Swt. red and white X El or 2 year R.w hybrid 1821. r.m 7945 spathkcea StoA spathaceous ^' 1| year R? hybrid 1821. o r.m Bot. mag. 2315 7946 imbuta Swt. imbued ti El or 2 year R hybrid 1821. r.m 7947 compacta Swt. compact El or 1 year R hybrid 1821. r.m 7948 consangufnea Sutf. related 5 El or 1 year hybrid 1821. r.m 7949 principis Salm prince's ^J El or 1 jn.jl S Brazil 1823. r.m 7950 vittata tf. K. banded $ LAl or 1 St C. G. H. 1769. C) r.m Bot. mag. 129 2 major Lindl. larger rf iAl or 2 my.jl St C. G. H. 1774. r.m Bot. mag. 1430 7951 linekta Cotf. lined ^ iAl or f R.w S. Amer. 1820. r.m Col. h. rip. 3 vittata y Harrisons' B.R. 7952 pulchra Swt. fair tf iAl or f P.w hybrid 1823. r.m 7953 variabilis Swt. variable tf LAJ or 1 R.w hybrid 1823. r.m 7954 Forbesii Lindl. Forbes's , Al spl PkW C. G. H. 1823. C) S.I 2 purpurea Lindl. purple H lAJspl 1* P C. G. H. 1823. S.I 7955 vittifera Sutf. riband-bearing Tj E or 4 my-ji St hybrid 1823. r.m 7956 advena Ker stranger tf El r f my.jn S Chile 1807. r.m Bot. reg. 1125. 1 2 cerina Lindl. wax-colored f7\~| or f my.jn P.Y Chile 1821. r.m Bot. reg. 1 125. 2 7957 rutila AVr. fiery-red X FAl or f s Brazil 1815. o r.m Bot. reg. 23 7958 vittkta Hort. banded ^ [Al or 1 s hybrid 1816. r.m 7959 splendens Jfcrd. shining tf EJ or my.jn s hybrid 1820. r.m Herb. ap. 52. ic. 7960 attenuata Swt. attenuated > [A] or year Pa.R hybrid 1822. o r.m 7961 punctata Swt. dotted rf El or year Pa.R hybrid 1822. r.m 7962 fulgida .for fulgid $ El or S Ve Brazil 1810. r.m Bot. reg. 226 2 vittata Hort. banded ^J [23 or | V hybrid 1820. o r.m 7963 subbarbata A M. slightly beardec 5 [A~[ or year S Brazil 1823. r.m Bot. mag. 247 7964 mutabilis Sutf. changeable [7\^ or year Va hybrid 1822. o r.m 7965 rubro-crucea Swt. reddish saffron $ [7\~] or year R.Saf hybrid 1822. r.m 7966 cuprea iW. copper ^ [7\] or year Cop hybrid 1822. r.m 7967 crocata Ker satfron-colored tf [7^1 or Ve Brazil 1815. r.m Bot. reg. 38 2 reginae Hort. queen's fAI or my.jn S hybrid 1810. r.m 7968 stylusa j?. M stylose $ El or my.jn R Maranhaol821. r.m Bot. reg. 719 maranensis R R. 7969 pulverult-nta Herb. powdery $ E or O Brazil . 1819. r.m Bot. reg. 534 7970 venosa Swtf. veiny iAIr jn.o St ' hybrid 1822. o r.m 7971 lateritia Swt. brick- colored $ tAl or l|jn.o Bri hybrid 1822. r.m 7972 ffiiva Swrf. tawny tf ,A|or 1 jn.o Br hybrid 1822! r.m 7973 glaucescens Swt. glaucescent iAJ r 1| jn.o R hybrid 1822. r.m 7974 Hood Swt. Hood's If lAJ or 1 jn.o S.w hybrid 1822. r.m 7975 macrantha Swt. long-flowered tf tAJor lj j.o R hybrid 1822. o r.m 7976 brevifl^ra Swt. short-flowered tf iAIr 1 jn.o R hybrid 1822. r.m 7977 detecta Sotf. delightful iAl or f jn.o D.R hybrid 1822. r.m 7978 amabilis Swt. lovely 8 Al or lijn.o Va hybrid 1822. o r.m 7; 79 princeps Swt. 7980 imperialis Swtf. princely imperial I iA)or lAJor 1 jn.o 4 jn.o S S hybrid hybrid 1822. 1822. r.m r.m 7981 augfista Swt. august $ fAI or 2 jn.o S hybrid 1822. o r.m 7982 crispiflora Stf. curled-flowered iAl or 2 my.jl s hybrid 1822. r.m 7983 tortuliflora Swt. twisted-flwd iAJ or 2 my.jl s hybrid 1822. r.m 7984 ignescens Surf. 7985 tricolor Swt. ignescent three-colored 1 lAJor lAJ or li my.jl 2 my.jl Fla Cop hybrid hybrid 1822. 1822. r.m r.m 7986 equestris Jac. equestrian $ El or 1 jl.o s p W.Indies 1710. r.m Bot. mag. 305 2 major larger H [Aior li il o S W. Indies 1710. o r.m Bot. reg. 234 3 plena double tf [A] or 1| my.s s W. Indies 1809. r.m 7987 miniata R. & P. vermilion fAI or 1 jn.jl F Peru 1825. o r.m 7988 flammea R. & P. flame V [A] r 1 ap Fla Peru 1825. r.m Fl. per. 3. 286. 6 7989 solandn/?vca.\-leaved 8034 ciliaris L. fringed 8035 villbsa L. villous 8036 lanceolata L. spear-leaved 8037 afra B. R. African 978. POLIA'NTHES L. TUBEROSE. 8038 tuberosa L. tuberous 2 fibre pleno double 8039 gracilis Lk. slender (Getheo, to rejoice j perfume of flowers.) tf (A) or 8 .A) or tf LAJ or tf lAlor tf iAI or f jn. i f Amaryllideee. 5. W C. G. H. 1780. O s.p Bot. mag. 1088 W C. G. H. 1788. O s.p Jac. sc. 1. 79 W C. G. H. 1787. O s.p W C. G. H. 1790. O s.p W C. G. H. 1820. O s.p Bot. reg. 1016 (Polls, city, anthe, flower.) Hemerocallidece. 2. A lAl or 3 au.s W E. Indies 1629. O r.m Bot. reg. 63 A iAI or 3 au.s W ... O r.m & iAI or 3 au.s Pa.Y Brazil 1822. O r.m *979. ALSTRCEME V R/^ L. ALSTRCEMER IA. (Baron C. Alstrcemer, a Swed. bot.) Amaryttidea. 10. 33. 80*0 Pelegrina L. Pelegrina & LAJ or 1 jn.s St Peru 1753. R r.m Bot. mag. 139 8041 Ligtu L. Ligtu >* or 1 S Peru 1776. R Ls.p Bot. mag. 125 8042 Flos Martini Ker St. Martin's fl. & or H jn W.P.Y Chile 1822. S Ls.p Bot. reg. 731 8043 pulchella Sims pretty * [Al or 3 S Chile 1822. S Ls.p Hook. ex. fl. 64 8044 r6sea Hook. roseate or 1 jn.jl Pk Peru 1824. R Ls.p Hook. ex. fl. 181 8045 Salsilla L Salsilla > \^\\ clt 6 jn.jl G.c S. Amer. 1806. R l.s.p Bot. mag 1613 804fi ovata Cav. ovate 3 A or 4 jn.jl R.G.Y Chile 1824. R Ls.p Cav. ic. 1. 76 8047 edulis J. eatable _ or 4 R Trinidad 1820. R Ls.p Fl. ant. 14 8048 pauciflsira Kth. few-flowered Q/Sj or 3 s O.u Caraccas 1823. R l.s.p 8049 hirtella Kth. rather hairy A or 4 jl R.Y.G Mexico 1824. S p.l Sw. fl. gar. 228 *980. CONANTHE^RA Fl. per. CONANTHERA. (Konos, a cone, anthera, an anther.) Asphodeletz. 3. 5. 8050 campannlata Hook. \>e\\-flowered tf i_J or J mr B Chile 1823. O l.s.p Hook. ex. fl. 214 8051 bifulia Fl. per. two-leaved tf i | pr f mr B Chile 1823. O s.l Bot. cab. 904 8052 SimsH Swt Sims's tf LA) or i B Chile 1823. O r.m Bot. mag. 2496 bifblia B. M. not Fl. per. 981. HYPO'XISi. HYPOXIS. (Hypo, beneath, oxi/s, sharp ; base of capsule.) Hypoi ttdea. 22. 26. 8053 juncea Sm. rushy ^ Al or i jn.jl Y Carolina 1787. l.p Sm. spic. 15. 16 8054 hygrometrica Lab. hygrometric If iAi or i^jnjl Y N. Holl. 1820. l.p Lab. n. h. 1. 8 8055 alba L. white f iAI or W C. G. H. 1806. p.l Jac. c. 4. 2. 1 8056 obtusa B R. obtuse f LAJ or a jn Y C. G. H. 1816. Bot. reg. 159 8057 linearis B. Rep. linear-leaved iAI or i Y C. G. H. 1792 l.p Bot. rep. 171 8058 stellata L. star-flowered jg iAI or f ap.jn W.B C. G. H. 1752. s.p Bot. mag. 662 8059 elegans Andr. 8060 serrata L. elegant saw -leaved j lAJ or $ iAI or J ?P-J[ n . 1 jn.jl W.B Y C. G. H. C. G. H. 1752. 1788. s.p l.p Bot mag. 1223 Bot. mag. 709 8061 breviscapa Kth, short-scaped j iAI or ^ my.jn Y Brazil 1823. C) p.l 8062 ovata W. ovate g iAI or 4 Y C. G. H. 1806. s.p Bot. mag. 1010 8063 v eratrifblia L. Veratrum-lvd j A r 2 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1788. l.p Jac. ic. 2. 367 8064 carolinensis MX. Carolina $ iAI or 5 jn.jl Y Carolina 1822. C) 8065 decumbens L. decumbent j E) or 8 J 'J 1 jn.s Y Jamaica 1755. C) p.l' Mil. ic. 1. 392 8066 stellipilis Ker starry-haired tf i Al or i i Y C. G. H. 1821. s.p Bot. reg. 663 8057 obftqua Jac. oblique-leaved ) i Al or 1 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1795. p.l Bot. rep. 1P5 8068 pratensis R. Br. meadow ^ LAJ or | mr.jn Y N. Holl. 1824. P-j 80f>9 scabra Lod. rough 5 _A) or au.s Y C. G. H. 1823. B Bot. cab. 970 124 HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS VI. 8070 erecta L. 8071 sobolifera Jac. 8072 villusa L. 8073 aquatica L. 982. CURCITLIGO 8074 sumatrana Rox. 8075 plicata Dry. Sglabra ' 8076 orchioldes Rox. 8077 brevifolia Dry. 8078 Iatif61ia Dry. 8079 recurvata Dry. upright A or Jn.jl Y N. Amer. shoot-bearing iAI or | jn.s Y C. G. H. villous H LA) or f jn.s Y C. G. H. aquatic jfe iAI or | jn.jl Y C. G. H. Gae. CURCULIGO. Sumatran plaited-leaved smooth Orchis-like short-leaved broad-leaved ] recur\cd-leaved (Curculio, a weevil ; seeds.) Sumatra C. G. H. C. G. H. E. Indies E. Indies Poolo Pin Bengal 3 jl li jn.jl 1| jn.jl I jn.jl my.jl or 1 Y Y 1752. O p.l 1774. O p.l 1774. O p.l 1787. O p.l Hypoxt'dea:. 1818. O l.p 1788. O l.p 1788. O l.p 1800. O l.p 1804. O l.p .1804. O l.p 1805. O l.p Bot. mag. 710 Bot. mag. 711 Jac. ic. 2. 507 6. 9. Bot. cab. 443 Jac. sc. 1. 80 Bot. reg. 345 Rox. cor. 1. 13 Bot. mag. 1076 Bot. mag. 2034 Bot. reg. 770 983. MOLINE^RI^ Coll. MOLINERJA. 8080 plickta Coll. plaited (Ignatio Molinerio, direct, of bot. gar. at Turin.) Hypoxidece. I. [23 or 1 au S.Y Java 1820. D p.l Col. h. rip. 18 984. BAMBlTSA Schr. BAMBOO CANE. (Bambos, the Indian name.) 8081 arundinkcea W. 8082 verticillata W. 8083 spinosa Ham. 8084 stricta Rox. 8085 glauca Lo. C. 8086 nigra Lo. C. 8087 aristata Lo. C. 8088 pub^scens Lo. C. Reed-like . Jilt 3 ec 40 \vhor\-Jtowered Jilt CD cu 20 spiny strict glaucous black awned pubescent Bor 20 or 20 jut CD or 20 tit O or 20 jilt d or 20 .Hit CD or 20 Gram'mece. 8. Ap India 1730. Sk 1 Rox. cor. 1. 79 Ap India 1803. Ski Ap E. Indies 1820. Sk 1 Ap E. Indies 1824. Ski, Ap E. Indies 1826. Sk 1 Ap E. Indies 1825. Sk 1 Ap E. Indies 1824. Sk 1 Ap E.Indies 1826. Ski 985. MELOCA'NNA Trin. MELOCANNA. (Melon, apple, kanna, reed.) Graminece. 1. 2. 8089 bambusoldes Trin. Bambusa-like Jilt CD or 20 ... Ap E. Indies 1818. Sk 1 Bambiisa baccifera Rox. 986. .ZVA'STUS J. NASTUS. (Nastos, the Greek name for a kind of reed.) Graminece. 4. 8090 latifolia Spr. broad-leaved Jit Q or 20 Cumana 1818. Sk s.p Bambiisa latifolia H. $ B. : 987. CA'LAMUS L. 8091 verus Lou. 8092 tfger W. 8093 rudentum Lou. 8094 Zaldcca Gae. 8095 albus Pers. W. CALAMUS. true black cable Zalacca white (Kal SOec am, a reeo 20 ... i, Arac G >.j faimcs Cochinch. 1824. . t S ). 13. s.l Ru. am. 5. 54 CD ec 20 ... G Moluccas 1824. S S.I ec 200 ... G E. Indies 1812. S s.l ~3 r^j cu 20 ... G E. Indies 1812. s s.l Gae. fr. 2. 139. 2 3 CD or 50 ... R Indies 1812. s r.m Ru. am. 5. 52 ICD or 50 ... ... R Indies 1819. s r.m iRu. am. 5. 58. 1 988. EHRHA'RIM Thun. EHRHARTA. (F. Ehrhart, a Swiss naturalist.) Graminece. 4. 14. 8097 joanicea Sm. Panic-grass Jilt tAI cu 2 my.jl Ap C. G. H. 1790. S co Sm. ic. in. 1. 9 8098 distich iph^lla Lab. distich-leaved Jilt |_AJ un 2 jnjl Ap N. Holl. 1820. D r.m 8099 gigantea Ehrh. giant W tAJ un 3 jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 1818. D s.p 8100 calycina Sm. large-calyxed XI, LAJ un 2 jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 1818. D s.p Sm. ic. in. 1. 33 ^ira capensis L. 989. ^'CORUS L. 8101 Calamus L. 8102 terrestris Spr. 8103 gramineus H. K. ACORUS. Sweet Flag terrestrial (jtuss-leaved 990. ORO'NTIUMi. ORONTIUM. 8104 aquaticum L. aquatic 991. RO^HDE^ Roth ROHDEA. 8105 japonica Roth Japan Orontium japonicum Thun. * 992. TUPI'STRA Ker TITPISTHA. 8106 squalida Ker squalid (A, priv., kore, pupil of the eye ; med. qual.) Aroldea:. 3. ^ A m 2 jn.jl Ap Britain pools. D m.s 356 A or 1 jn.jl Ap China 1822. D co A cu f Ap China 1796. D s.p Sm.spic. 15. (A Greek name adopted by LinnzEus.) Aroide^e. 1. 4. ^ A cu jn Ap N. Amer. 1775. D s.p Hook. ex. fl. 19 (Mich. Rohde, of Bremen, in Germany.) Aroidece. 1. ^ A ec 2 ja.ap Ap Japan 1783. D sp Bot. mag. 898 (Dimin. of typis, a mallet ; flower.) Aroidece. 1. G2 cu 2 ap Ld Amboyna 1810. R l.p Bot. reg. 704 993. TA'CCA Forst. TACCA. (Its Malay name.) Aroidece. 6. 8107 pinnatifida Forst. pinnatifid tf (A1 ec 2 ... P ' E. Indies 1793. R l.p Bot cab. 692 8108 aspera Rox. rough \ E3cu 2 Br E. Indies 1816. 11 l.p 8109 IffiVis Rox. smooth 2 Br R Indies 1820. R l.p 8110 guineensis G. Don Guinea f G2cu 2 Br E. Indies 1823. R l.p 8111 phalifera Boj. crest-bearing 4 Br Mauritiu s 1826. R l.p 8112 integrifulia Ker entire-leaved ; r IAI CU * my.jl P E. Indies 1810. Skl.p Bot. mag. 1488 994. JU'NCUS L. RUSH. (Jungo, to join ; first ropes made of rushes.) Juncetc. 37. 8113 acutus L. great sharp sea Jl It A ec 6 Ap Britain sea co. S m.s Eng. bot. 1614 8114 maritimus Lam. lesser sharp sea j It A ec 4 au Ap Britain sal. m. S m.s Eng. bot. 1725 8115 conglomeratus L. conglomerated J A ec 2 jn.jl Ap 'Britain moi.p. s m.s Eng. bot. 835 SllfiefKisus /,. effuse J A ec 3 Ap Britain moi.p. s m.s Eng. bot. 836 8H7glaucus Ehrh. glaucous A ec f 8 Ap England moi.p. s m.s Eng. bot. 665 8118 balticus Deth. Baltic A un Ap Britain sea co. s m.s helortes Lk. fircticus Hook. 8119arcticus L. arctic A un 1 my Ap Norway 1822. s m.s Fl. dan. 1094 8120 filiformis L. filiform A un 1 JJ Ap Britain s m.s Eng. bot. 1175 8121 trifidus L. three-leaved A un i ji Ap Scotland sc.alp. s m.s Eng. bot. 1482 8122 monanthos Jac. one-flowered A un % jn.jl Ap Europe 1820. D m.s 8123 squarrosus L. squarrose A w 1 Jn jl Ap Britain sa.hea. s m.s Eng. bot. 933 8124 Gesneri Sm. Gesner's Jl Jt A cu | Ap Scotland sc.alp. s m.s Eng bot. 2174 gracilis E. B. ttlnuis Hook. 8125 tenuis W. slender jl it A un 1 Ap N. Amer 1818. s m.s Rostj. 1.3 812fi capitatus Weigel headed O un I Ap Europe 1823. 8 s 8127 pygma^us Thuil. 8128 planifolius R. Br. pygmy Jl flat-leaved Jl It A un it iAI un 1 Ap Ap France N. Holl. 1817. 1822. S D m.s CO 8129 pauciftorus R. Br. few-flowered Jl It iAI un 1 Ap N. Holl. 1822. D CO 8130 vaginatus R. Br. sheathed jl Ji iAI un 2 Ap N. H(-ll. 1822. D CO 8131 lampocarpus Ehrh. 8132 acutiflorus Ehrh. shining-fruited Jilt A w sharp-flowered Jilt A w 2 2 Ap Ap Britain Britain moi.p. moi.p. S S m.s m.s Eng. bot. 2143 Eng. bot. 238 8133 obtusiftorus Ehrh. blunt-flowered Jl It A w liau Ap Britain mar. s m.s Eng. bot. 21-14 ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 125 8134 valvhtus Lk. valvixl 8135 iwlycephaliis D. Don many-headed 8136 uliginosus Rath bog 8137 supinus G. Don supine 8138 aristhtus MX. bearded 8139 plebcius R. Br. plebeian 8140 subverticillatus Wul. half-whorled jnjl jnjl 8141 bulbbitu L. compressus Jac. 8142 b6ttnicus Wahl. 8143 coenosus Bleb. 8144 bufuiiius L. 8145 Tenageia Ehrh. 8146triglinnis L. 8147 bigltimis L. 8148 castaneus Sm. 8149 Jacquini L. biglumis Jac. *995. LITZULA Dec. 8150 vernalis Dec. 8151 pilosa Sm. 8152 flavdscens Dec. 8153 Forsttri Dec. 8154 glabrata Desv. 8155 albida Dec. 815fi Uitea Dec. 8157 spadicea Dec. Juncus spadiceus W. 8158 nfvea Dec. 8159 maxima Dec. 8160 arcuata Su/z. Juncus arcuatusTrtW 8161 spicata Dec. 8162 pediformis Dec. 816 > congesta J>/un 8164sudeticusDt?c. 8165 campestris Dec. 8166 multiflorus Lej. bulbous Bothnian mud toad Tenageia three-flowered two-flowered chestnut Jacquin's Mi A un jut A i jilt A ' jilt A un jilt iAI un Jilt A un jiui A w Jilt A un jilt A un illii O w jk o Jllk A jnjl | 1 * 1 | A un i jl A un i au , A un 1 jl un | ttO Ap AP Ap Ap Ap AP Ap Ap Ap AP AP Ap Ap Ap AP Ap Spain 1820. S m.8 Scotland moun. D m.s England tur.he. S m.s Eng. bot 801 Scotland moun. D m.s N. Amer. 1823. S 1816. D co 1821. S m.s ... S m.s Eng. bot. 934 N. Holl. Europe Britain N.Europe 1820. N. Holl. 1816. Britain S France 1817. S Britain bgs.m. S Britain bgs.m. S Scotland sc.alp. S Europe 1817. S S m.s D co m.s Eng. bot. 802 m.s Vail. pa. 20.1 m.s Eng. bot. 899 m.s Eng. bot. 898 m.s Eng. bot. 900 m.s Jac. au. 3. 221 LUZULA. (Gramen Luzulce of Bauhin, glowworm grass; shines.) Junceee. 17. 31. vernal Jilt A un i ap Ap Europe 1820. D m.s hairy Jilt A w a Ap Britain groves. D m.s Eng. bot. 736 flavescent Jilk A un Ap Europe 1820. S m s Host gr. 3. 94 Forster's jUi A w -J " myjn Ap England woods. S m.s Eng. bot. 1293 smooth Jilt A un 1 myjn Ap Norway 1819. D m.s white-headed Jilt A un 1 myjn Ap Switzerl. ... S m.s Lee. her. 13. 6 yellow Jilt A un 1 myjn Ap Switzerl. ... S m.s light red JIIK A un 1 myjn Ap S. Europe 1821. S m.s Vil. del. 2. 6 snowy Jilt A un 1 my.jn Ap Switzerl. 1770. S m.s Schreb. gr. 7. 7 greatest Jilt A w 2 my Ap Britain woods. S m.s Eng. bot. 737 arched Jilt ./ A un 1 myjn Ap Scotland moun. S m.s m spiked Jilt A un 1* Ap Scotland sc.alp. S m.s Eng. bot. 1176 foot-formed Jilt A un 1 my.jn Ap Europe 1824. S m.s close-headed Jilt A w I jn Ap France 1805. S m.s Host gr. 3. 97. 5 Sudetic Jilt A un 1 myjn Ap Silesia 1817. S m.s Kr. sil. 52 field Jilt A w j Ap Britain S m.s Eng. bot. 672 many-flowered Jilt A un | apjn Ap France 1818. S r.m 996. CO'RYPHA L. 8167 umbraculifera L. 8168 glaucescens Hort. 8169 elata Rox. 8170 Vtan Lam. 8171 tectorum H.S(B. 8172 Pumos H. & B. 8173 australis R. Br. FAN PALM. umbrella-bearing glaucescent tall Utan Jt roof i Pumos i southern (Koryphe, the summit ; leaves only at top.) PulmcB. 1. 13. E. Indies 1742. E. Indies 1820. S r.m R. mal. 3. 1. 12 S r.m E.Indies 1825. S r.m Moluccas 1825. S r.m W.Indies 1825. S r.m Cuba 1824. S r.m N. Holl. 1824. S r.m 997. TALIE^RA Mart. TALIERA PALM. (Its aboriginal name.) Pdlmte. 1.7. 8174 bengalensis Spr. Bengal CD or 100 E. Indies 1823. S r.m Corypha Taliira Rox. 998. LICU ALA Thun. LICUALA. 8175 spin5sa Thun. spiny 8176 peltata Rox. peltate 999. THRPNAX L.fll. THRINAX. ( Thrinax, a fan ; form of leaves.) Palmes. L 3. 8177 parviflora Swz. small-flowered d ec 15 ... W.G Jamaica 1778. S r.m (Its Macassar name.) Palmee. 2. ec 6 ... W.u E. Indies 1802. S r.m Ru. am. 1. 9 or 6 W.Y E.Indies 1825. S r.m * 1000. TRADESCA'NT/^ L. SPIDERWORT. (John Tradescant, gardener to Charles I.) Commel'necE. 21. 29. 8178 fuscata Ker browned cordate-/j>rf A or 1 au.s W Japan 1790. R p.l Bot. mag. J433 7/emerocallis jap6nica W. 8218 ovata Spr. ovate-leaved A or 1| my.jl B Japan 1790. R p.l Bot. mag. 894 J/emerocallis carulea Andr. 1009. RHIPIDODE'NDRON W. RHIPIDODEOROV. 8219 plicatile Haw. plaited * ralae\e Haw. above smooth * i _ | gr ^'loe supraUe\is Haw. | _ | gr |_J gr O Y 6 Y 4 my.jn O 8 R 5 ... O C. G. H. 1731. Sk s.l Bot. mag. 1322 C. G. H. 1821. Sk s.l C. G. H. 1759. Sks.l Bot. mag. 1975 C.G.H. 1820. Sks.l C. G. H. 1806. Sk s.l C.G.H. 1731. Sks.l Com. pr. 71. 20 1011. A'LOE L. ALOE. (A'lloeh, its Arabic name.) HemerocallideeB. 49. 50. 8227 dichutoma L. dichotomous l_Jgr 8 R C. G. H. 1780. Lss.l 8228 purpurascens Haw. purpurascent m\ |m 12jl.o P C. G. H. 1789. C s.l Bot. mag. 1474 8229 soccotrina Dec. Soccotrine <>. S s.l 1819. Sk s.l 1795. Sks.l 1821. Sks.l 1796. Sk s.l 1821. Sk s.l 1720. Sks.l 1801- Sk s.l 1620. Sk s.l 1731. Sks.l 1796. Sks.l Bot. mag. 1.340 Bot. mag. 1460 Bot. mag. 2272 Bot. mag. 1355 Bot. mag. 757 Bot. mag. 513 Dec. pi. 39 Bot. mag. 828 1012. BOWIE\4 Haw. BOWIEA. (J. Bowie, a collector of plants for Kew gardens.) Hemerocall'idete. 2. 8274 myriacantha Haw. many-spirted tt. i 1 gr 2 ap.jn R.G C. G. H. '1823. Sk s.p 8275 africana Haw. African fi. i_J gr 1 o R.G C. G. H. 1823. Sk s.p 1013. GASTE N RIA Haw. GASTERIA. (Gasier, a belly ; base of flowers.) Hemerocallidea:. 42. 8276 pulchra Haw. fair tt. i 1 gr 3 S.R C. G. H. 1759. C s.l Bot. mag. 765 8277 maoulkta Haw. spotted tt. l Igr 2 C. G. H. 1759. Sks.l Bot mag. 979. 2 fallax Haw. fallacious *t- ! I gr o S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8278 picta Haw. painted tt- i_Jgr 3 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8279 formosa Haw. beautiful J? LAJgr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8280 fasciata Haw. banded j iAJgr H jn.jl R C. G. H. 1820. Sk s.l nigricans y- fasciata Salm 2 laxa Haw. loose iAI gr 2 S.R C..G.H. 1820. Sks.l 8281 retata Haw. netted j LAJgr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8282 nfgricans Haw. dark iAJgr o jn.jl R C. G. H. 1790. Sks.l Bot. mag 838 2 marmorata Haw. marbled & lAl gr Ij jn.jl R C. G. H. 1820. Sk s.l 8283 crassifolia Haw. thick-leaved jn.jl R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8284 brevifolia Haw. short-lvd tongue} iAJgr g R C. G. H. 1809. Sk s.l . 2 perviridis Haw. very green LAJgr 1 A S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8285 obtusif61ia Haw. blunt-leaved LAJgr 1-1 jn.jl R C. G. H. 1796. Sks.l 8286 mollis Haw. soft muddy-lvd f iAJgr l" jn.J R C. G. H. 1823. Sks.l 8287 subnigricans Haw. 2 glabrior blackish smoother j LAJgr 8 2 J1..U S.R S.R C. G. H. C. G. H. 1820. 1826. Sks.l Sks.1 8288 disticha Haw. two-rowed j LAJgr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l Com. h. 2. 83 2 major Haw. larger j LAJgr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8289 conspurcata Haw. dirtied j LAJgr 2 mr.s R C. G. H. 1796. Sks.l 8290 angulata Haw. angled j iAJgr mr.n R C. G. H. 1791. Sks.l Bot. mag. 1322 longifolia Haw. 2 minor Haw. smaller ] LAJgr U au R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8291 sulcata Haw. sulcated ] iAJgr S.R C. (i. H. 1820. Sks.l Bot. mag. 1322. 3 8292 excavata Haw. excavated LAJgr H R C. G. H. 1824. Sks.l Bot. mag. 1322. 4 2 obllqua Haw. oblique-leaved j LAJgr 14 i R C. G. H. 1759. Lss.l 8293 angustifolia Haw. narrow-leaved LAJgr mr.s R C. G. H. 1731. Sks! Bot. mag. 1322. 2 2 longifolia Haw. long-leaved ] iAJgr Ji mr.s R C. G. H. 179(5. Sks.l 8294 \se\is Haw. smooth LAJgr Ij mr.s R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8295 subverrucosa Haw. subverrucose LAJgr 2" R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 2 parvipunctata small-dotted LAJgr 2 R C. G. H. 1820. Sk s.l 8296 verrucosa Haw. warty j LAJgr 2 mr.n R C. G. H/ 1731. Sks.l Bot. ma?. 837 8297 intermedia Haw. middle tonstie ) LAJgr g mr.n R C. G. H. 1790. Sks.l Bot. mag. 1322.1 2 asuerrima Haw. roughest leaved^ LAJgr 2 mr.s R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 3 lae vior Haw. smoother j LAJgr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 4 longior Haw. longer- leaved j LAJgr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8298 rfcpens Haw. creeping-7-oofcd LAJgr 1 R C. G. H 1821. Sks.l 8299 parva Haw. small j 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8300 decipiens Haw. deceiving j LAJgr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l nfgricans Haw. 8301 carinata Haw. rough-reeled LAJgr 2 jn.jl R C. G. H. 1731. Ls s.l Bot. mag. 1331 8302 strigata Haw. ridged LAJgr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8303 ketipunctata Haw. lively-spotted LAJ gr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 2 denticulata denticulated j LAJgr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1822. Sks.l 8304 subcarinata Haw. obscure-keeled j? lAi gr 2 jn.jl O C. G. H. 1818. Sks.l 2 viridior Haw. greener j LAJgr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8305 undata Haw. waved LAJgr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8306 glabra Haw. smooth-/,:ee/ec? LAJgr 3 jn.jl R C. G. H. 1796. Sks.l 2 minor Haw. smaller j LAJgr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8307 nitida Haw. shining j LAJgr 1 R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 3 grandipunctata large-dotted j 1 R C. G. H. 1822. Sk s.l 8308 trigona Haw. triangular j LAJgr l| R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8309 obtusa Haw. obtuse j LAJgr 1. R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8310 acinacifolia Haw. scimitar-lvd ] _AJ gr mr.s O C. G. H. 1819. Sks.l Bot. mag. 2369 2 minor Haw. smaller LAJgr 2' S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8311 nltens//atu. shining LAJgr 2 S.n C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 2 brevior shorter-teaued j lAJgr 2 S.R C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8312 venfista Haw. lovely j LAJgr 2 jlau S.R ( . G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8313 pluripunctata Haw. many-dotted j iAJgr 2 S.R C. G. u. 1820. Sks.l 2 magnipunctata 8314 ensifblia Haw. large-dotted ^ sword-leaved tf LAJgr lAlsr 2 1 S.R R C. G. H. C. G. H. 1823. 1823. Sks.l Sks.l 3315 candicans Haw. rough marbl.-vfhitef iAI gr 1 R C. G. H. 185.'. Sk s.l 8316 linlta Haw. smeared LAJgr 2 au S.R C. G. H. 1820. ,k s.l 8317 bicolor Haw. two-colored LAJgr 1 C. G. H. 1824. Sks.l 1014. HAWO'RTH/^ Duval HAWORTHJA. (A. H. Haworth, F.L.S., disting. bot.) Hemerocattideee. 64. 8318 viscosa Haw. clammy ] iAJ gr 11 jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 1727. Sk s.l Bot. mag. 814 .4'loe viscosa L. 128 HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS VI. 8319 indurata flaw. hard branchy iAI gr A jnjl Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sk s.l 8320 pseudo-tortuosaSa/ra subtwist. triang. LAJ gr 1* cj C. G. H. 1818. Sks.l 8321 torquata flaw. collared f LAJ gr 1 jLs Gy C. G. H. 1823. Sk s.l 8322 concinna flaw. neat LAJ gr k Gy C. G. H. 1818. Sks.l 8323 cordifolia flaw. heart-leaved j iA) gr k i my.jl Gy C. G. H. 1817. Sks.l 8324 asperiuscula flaw. roughish j LAJ gr Gy C. G. H. 1818. Sks.l 8325 tortuosa flow. twisted tf lAJ gr 1 my.s Gy C. G. H. 1794. Sks.l Bot. mag. 1337 A'\oe rigida B. M. 8326 curta flaw. short-twisted LAJ gr i Gy C. G. H. 1816. Sks.l 8327 tortella flaw. little-twisted j tAJ gr "ijl "" Gy C. G. H. 1817. Sks.l 8328 nitida S/'lm shining tAJ gr l jl Gy C. G. H. 1825. Sks.l Bot. mag. 2504 8329 setata flaw. bi ist\e-edged LAJ gr in Gy C. G. H. 1818. Sks.l 8330 expansa flaw. expanded _ iAI gr 1 jl.n Gy C. G. H. 1795. Sks.l Dec. pi. 62 rigida Dec. 8331 hybrida Salm hybrid iAI gr 3 jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 1821. Sk s.l 8332 scabra Haw. rough j iAI gr Gy C. G. H. 1818. Sk s.l 8333 sordida Haw. sordid $ i Al gr i Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sk 8.1. 8334 venosa flaw. veiny j tAJ gr i jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l A'\oe vendsa Lam. 8335 recurva flaw. recurve-leaved LAJ gr 1 au Gy C. G. H. 1795. Sks.l Bot. mag. 1353 8336 nfgricans flaw. granulat. black LAJ gr | au Gy C. G. H. 1822. Sks.l 8337 parva Haw. small ] i Al gr 4 my.jn Gy C. G. H. 1821. Sk s.i 8338 tessellata Haw. dari-checkered# tAJ gr 1 Gy C. G. H. 1823. Sks.l 8339 multifaria flaw. many-sided iAI gr i jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 1824. Sks.l 8340 retusa W. retuse cushion j iAI gr -.* -i 1 my.jl Gy C. G. H. 1720. Sks.l Bot mag. 455 8341 miitica flaw. blunt cushion tAJ gr i jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sk s.l 8342 mirabilis flaw. admirable cushion^, iAI gr 8343 turgida flaw. turgid cushion Jp LAJ gr f | au Gy Gy C. G. H. C. G. H. 1795. 1819. Sks.l Sks.l Bot. mag. 1S54 8344 lze v te vlrens flaw. lively green iAI gr i au Gy C. G. H. 1819. Sks.l 8345 papillosa Salm. papillose *? iAJ gr 2 semipapillosa half-papillose j iAI gr 1 IJau Gy ' C. G. H. C. G. H. J820. 1820. Sks.l Sks.l 8346 erecta flaw. erect pearl j LAJ gr t ... Gy C. G. H. 1818. Sks.l Dec. pi. 57 8347 fasciata flaw. banded-pearl $ ( AI gr Gy C. G. H. 18J 8. Sks.l 2 major larger j lAJ gr i* Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8348 granata flaw. grained tf iAI gr *, : Gy C. G. H. 1735. Sks.l Di. el. 16. 18 Aloe margaritifera y minima Dil. 8349 brevis flaw. short pearl j tAl gr i jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 1810 Sks.l Bot. mag. 1360 A'loe margaritifera y minima B. M. 8350 minor Haw. lesser pearl tf iAI gr 1 Gy C. G. H. Sk s.l Eot. mag. 815 835 1 margaritifera fl. A', pearl-bearing tf lAlgr 1 my.s Gy C. G. H. 1739. Sks.l Brad. sue. 3. 21 8352 Haworthw Hort. Haworth's j LAJ gr 1 au Gy C. G. H. 1801. Sks.l 8353 semiglabrata flaw, half-smoothed jg lAlgr ^ Gy C. G. H. 1811. Sk s.l 8354 radula flaw. rasp pearl tAJ gr 1| au Gy C. G. H. 1805. Sk s.l Jac. sc. 35 1 laeVior flaw. smoother j iAJ gr 1 au Gy C. G. H. 1825. Sks.l 2 pluriperlata many-pearled jg lAlgr 1 au Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 3 asperior flaw. rougher jg [Al gr 1 au Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8355 attenuata Haw. attenuated-/>ear/j t AI gr 1 Gy C. G. H. 1790. Sks.l Bot. mag. 1345 A'loe radula B. M. 8356 ReinwarU Salm Reinwart's pearlH ( AI gr i jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l Haw6rthz'a fasciata flaw. 8357semimargaritiferaflaw. semi-pearl-bg tf lAlgr 1 mr.s Gy C. G. H. 1819. Sks.l 2 major flaw. larger tf iAI gr 1 mr.s Gy C. G. H. 1819. Sks.l 3 minor flaw. smaller j LAJ gr 1 mr.s Gy C G. H. 1819. Sk s.l 4 multiperlata flaw, many-pearled j iAJ gr 8358 coarctata flaw. compressed tf 'Al gr ] mr.s Gy Gy C. G. H. C. G. H. 1819. 1821. Sks.l Sks.l 8359 albicans flaw. white-edged LAI gr 8360 \st\\s Haw. smooth white-edged j iA) gr l"j1 U 5 au Gy Gv C. G. H. C. G. H. 1796. 1820. Sks.l Sks.l Bot. mag. 1452 Com. h. 2. 2 8361 ramifera flaw. branch-bearing LAJ gr I Gy C. G. H. 1821. Sks.l 8362 virescens flaw. virescent j tAJ gr 1 au.s Gy C. G. H. 1819. Sk s.l 2 minor smaller tf 'Al gr iau.s Gy C. G. H. 1819. Sks.l 8363 arachnoldes flaw. cobweb-like )P iAI gr 1 s au Gy C. G. H. 1727. Lss.l Bot. mag. 756 2 minor flaw. smaller cobtveb LAI gr | au.s Gy C. G. H. 1819. Sks.l 8364 translucens fl. K. transparent iAJ gr 8365 setata flaw. bristle-teawa' f LAJ gr f 1 Gy Gy C. G. H. C. G. H. 1795. 1820. Lss.l Sk s.l Bot. mag. 1417 2 nigricans flaw. blackish j tAJ gr 1 Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 3 media flaw. mediate j iAI gr 1 Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 4 major Haw. larger j i Al gr 1 Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8366 pallida flaw. pale-green j iAJ gr i jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sk s.l 8367 atrovlrens flaw. dark-green jg iA| gr A'loe arachnoldes piimila B.M. 8368 p&mila flaw. dwarf cobweb tf LAJ gr 1 my 1 my Gy Gy C. G. H. C. G. H. 1823. 1752. Sks.l Sks.l Bot. mag. 1361 8369 chloracantha flaw, green-spined LAJ gr 8370 angustifolia flaw. narrow-leaved j tAJ gr |*ff Gy Gy C. G. H. C. G. H. 1820. 1824. Sks.l Sks.l 8371 reticulata flaw, netted tf 'Al gr my.f.u Gy C. G. H. 1794. Sks.l Bot. mag. 1314 8372 cymbiformis flaw. boat-formed t Al gr f Gy C. G. H. 1795. Sks.l Bot. mag. 802 concava flaw. 8373 altilinea flaw. ridge-lined tf LAJ gr Gy C. G. H. 1824. Sk si 8374 obtusa flaw. small blunt j tAJ gr i Gy C. G. H. 1824. Sk s.l 8375 planifolia flaw. flat-leaved j ,AI gr S i a p Gy C. G. H. 1824. Sk s.l 8376 mucronata flaw. membr. pointed tf iAI gr 8377 limpida flaw. limpid LAJ gr 3 J J au Gy Gy C. G. H. C. G. H. 1820. 1819. Sks.l t-k s.l 8378 aristata Haw. awned ^ i Al gr 1 Jl Gv C. G. H. 1820. Sks.l 8379 cuspidata flaw. cuspidate ^ LAJ gr 8380 denticulata flaw. denticulate j iAI gr | au Gy C. G. H. C. G. H. 1819. 1819. Sk s.l Sks.l 1015. A'PICRA W. APICRA. (Apikros, not bitter ; 8381 spiralis flaw. great spiral tt. | 1 gr 1 au.s unlike bitter aloes.) Gy C. G. H. 1790. HcmerocallidcfE. 11. Sk s.lj 8382 spirella flaw. small spiral tt. u_| gr l|au Gy C. G. H. 1808. Sks.l 8383 bullulata Jac. little-blistered tt. \ | gr U my.jn Gy C. G. H. Sks.l 8384 pentagona flaw. five-angled ft. i j gr Gy C. G. H. 17*31. Sks.l Bot. mag. 1338 2 t6rta twisted tt. , ( gr 1* jnijl Gy C. G. H. 1800. Sks.l 8385 rigida W. rigid v. [_) gr Gy C. G. H. 1820, Sks.l pseudo-rigida Salm 8386 aspera flaw. rough tt. i_J gr 1 Jn Gy C. G. H. 1795. Sk s.l 8387 asperula flaw. pale roughish tt. i | gr i jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 1824. Sks.l ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 8J88 bicarinata Haw. 8389 irtgra Haw. 8390 imbricata Hau>. A'\od spiked variegated Japan long-flowered Nepal Carolina tt. I | gr 1 jn Gy C. G. H. 1820. Sk s.l *Li_Jgr jl Gy C. G. H. 1823. Sk s.l - l_J gr 1| jn.jl Gy C. G. H. 1731. Sk s.l Bot. mag. 1455 **- l_J gr 1 Gy C. G. H. (Li, whiteness, Celt. ; flowers.) tf A o' tf A or tf A r tf A or tf A or tf A or tf A or tf A r Jtf *e , or bulb-bg tf A or m\)e\-flwd orange tf A or broad-lvd-w/6;/. tf A or lance-leaved tf A or showy tf A or pennsylvanicum B.M. dauricum Ker self-colored Catesby's Philadelphia!! Andes Canadian red-flowered 8401 concolor Sal. 8402 CatesbajV Cur. 8403 philad&phicum L. 8404 andinum Nut. 8405 canadense L. 2 rfibrum 8406 penduliflorum Red. 8407 superbum Lam. 8408 Mdrtagon L. 2 pubescens 8409 glabrum Spr. 8410 crbceum Bernh. 8411 chalcedonicum L. 8412 pyrenaicum Gou. 8413 Pompbnium L. 8414 monadlphum Bleb. 8415 tigrinum Ker 8416 pumilum Red. 8417 tenuifolium Bieb. *1017. TU^LIPAL,. 8418 sylvestris L. 8419 repens Fis. 8420 turcica Roth 8421 Celsidna Schr. 8422 cornftta /fed. acuminkta FaW 8423 altaica Pall. 8424 biflbra Pa#. 8425 tricolor Fis. 8426 6culus s61is St. Am. sun's-eve tf A or tf A or tf A or tf A or tf A or tf A or pendulous-flwd tf A or 4 jn.jl 4 jn.jl 2 2 my.jn 3 jn.jl 2 jLau 3 jn.jl 3 jn.jl 2 jn.jl 4 2 jl 1 5 4 superb Martagon pubescent smooth saffron Chalcedonian Pyrenean Scarlet Pompone tf monadelphous tiger-spotted dwarf fine-leaved TULIP. wild creeping Russian tf Turkish Cels's horned A or A or tf A or tf A or tf A or tf A or tf A or A or tf A or tf A or tf A or tf A or 4 4 1 6 3 3 4 3 4 2 2 2 my.jn W W W W W W W o o o o o L.O R S s s L.O O S8 P O O Y S D.O R Y O 1795. Sks.l Bot. mag. 1352 Tuliphcece. 26. 28. Levant 1596. O r.m Bot. mag. 278 ... O r.m ... O r.m ... O r.m 1804. O r.m Bot. mag. 1591 1820. O r.m Bot. reg. 560 1825. O p.l China China Nepal N. Amer. 1819. O r.m Bot. reg. 580 Italy Italy Europe Japan Dauria 1596. 1596. 1820. 1754! O p.l Bot. mag. 36 O p.l Bot. mag. 1018 O r.m O r.m O p.l Bot. mag. 872 jnjl S China 1806. O p.l Bot. mag. 1165 Carolina 1787. O p.l Bot. mag. 259 N. Amer. 1757. O rJ Bot. mag. 519 N. Amer. 1819. O r.l Bot reg. 594 N. Amer. 1629. O p.l Bot. mag. 800 N. Amer. 1629. O p.l Bot. map. 858 N. Amer. 1820. O r.m Red. lil. J05 N. Amer. 1727. O p.l Bot. mag. 936 Germany 1596. O co Bot. mag. 1634 Germany 1596. O r.m Bot mag. 893 O r.m 1596. O co Levant 1596. O p.l Bot. mag. 30 Pyrenees 1596. O p.l Red. lil. 145 Siberia 1629. O r.l Bot mag. 971 Caucasus 1800. O r.l Bot. mag. 1405 China 1804. O r.l Bot. mag. 1237 Dauria 181& O r.l Bot. reg. 132 Caucasus 1820. O p.l tf A or A or tf A or tf A or tf A or (Thoidyb&n, its Persian name.) 1 Y 1 Y 2 St l|jn.jl Y 2 my St England ch.pit. O Russia 1819. O r.m O s.l Levant Levant 16. 17. Eng. bot. 63 1816. Sw. fl. gar. 186 O r.m Bot. mag. 71 O r.m Bot reg. 127 Gesner's party-colored double cut-sepaled yellow mountain sweet-scented early-flowering tf A or pubescent tf A or Clusius's tf A or starred yellow-./?cnuem2 tf A or Persian 8427 Gesnermwa L. 2 versicolor 3 plena 4 laciniata 5 l&tea 8428 montana B. R. 8429 suavgolens Roth 8430 prae s cox Ten. 8431 pubescens W. 8432 Clusiawo Red. 8433 stellata B. M. *1018. FRITILLA^RIA.Z. FRITILLARY 8434 imperiklis L. Crown 1 rubra red-flowered 2 flava 8435 persica L. 2 minima Swert. 8436 obliqua B. M. 8437 te/arifolia Bieb. 8438 verticillkta W. 8439 ruthenica Wik. 8440 pyrenkica L. Pyrenean racemosa B. M. 8441 nigra B. M. black pyrenaica B. M. 8442 nervusa W. en. nerved-leaved latifolia minor B. M. 8443 lutea Bieb. 8444 messanensis Rafi. 8445 lusitanica Wik. 8446 latifolia W. 8447 meleagris L. 8448 pra^cox Swt. tf A r tf A or tf A or tf A or tf A or tf A or tf A or tf A or tf A or A tf A or 1806. 1817. 1816. 1577. 1603. 1603. 1603. 1603. 1826. Altaian tf A r 1 Y Altai two-flowered tf A or ap Y Russia three-colored tf A or 1 S Russia 1 ap R.B Italy 2 St Levant 1 Va Levant 1 Va Levant 2 Va Levant ;i Y Levant 1 jl S Persia | mr.ap R.Y & Europe 1603. 1 S Italy 1 R 1824. 1 jn W.p Sicily 1636. tf AJ or 2| mr.ap W Kumana 1827. O r.m Bot. mag. 2762 TILLARY. (Fritillus, err. a chess-board ; checkered sepals.) Tulipacete. 21. 24. Imperial tf A or 4 mr.ap D.Y Persia 1596. O co tf A or 4 mr.ap R Persia 1596. O co 4 mr.ap Y Persia 1596. O co I? Br Persia 1596. O co Br Persia 1596. O co 1 ap Br.P Caucasus ... O co 1 my Br.P Crimea 1822. O co 1 ap P Crimea 1823. O co 1 my P Caucasus 1826. O l.p ... 1605. O co tf A or least Persian tf A or ob\lque-leaved tf A or Tulip-leaved whorled Russian tf A or tf A or tf A or tf A or O r.m O r.m Bot. reg. 535 O r.m O s.l Bot. reg. 204 O r.m Bot. mag. 1135 O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m O r.m Bot. reg. 1106 O r.m Bot. mag. 839 1825. O r.m Sw. fl. gar. 157 O r.m Sw. fl. gar. 78 O r.m Bot. mag. 1390 Bot. masj. 194 Bot. mag. 1215 Bot. mag. 1537 Bot mag. 962 Bot mag. 857 tf A or tf A or 1 my.jn D.P 1 my Y.p 1| my D.P Pyrenees 1596. Caucasus 1826. O co \e\\ovr-flowered tf A or Messina tf A or Lusitanian tf A or broad-Ieaved tf A or guinea-fowl tf A or early white tf A or meleagris alba Hort. /B pne v cox Pers. 8449 meleagroldes F. is. Meleagris-like tf A or 8450 ten ella Bieb. slender tf A or racemosa a minor B. M. 8451 leucantha Fis. white-flwd. Russian^} A or 8452 Slba Nut. white American 8453 lanceolata Ph. spear-leaved Lilium kamschatcense L. 8454 pudlca Spr. chaste tf A or JLilium pud\cum Ph. Y Caucasus 1812. O co my.jn Br.P Italy 1825. O co my.jn Br.P Spain 1825. O co Bot mag. 952 O co Bot. mag. 664 Bot. mag. 853 Bot mag. 1538 A A or R mr my P W P my P W W D.P Caucasus 1604. O co Britain moi. p. O co Europe ... O co Siberia 1824. Caucasus 1826. O l.p O l.p | my 1 P.Y O l.p O l.p Siberia 1822. N. Amer. ... Kamschat.1759. O co N. Amer. Bot. mag. 1207 Eng. bot 622 Bot. mag 1216 Lin. tr. 10. 11 O l.p Ph. am. 1. 8 130 HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS VI. 1019. CHARLWOO'D/// Swt. CHARLWOODIA. (G.Charlwood, F.L.S.,an enthusiastic Asphodclca. 4. 8455 cong J my.jn W W W W E. Indies 1640. 1800. S. Leone 1800. Africa 1768. Madagasc.1816. C C c R C p. p.l p.l p.l p.l uttefcccr, 10. zu. Black. 538 Bot. mag. 1081 marginata Lam. 8464 cernua Jac. 8465 reflexa Lam. drooping reftexcd-leaved 1 or or 10 4 my my.jl W W Mauritius ... Madagasc.1819. c c. p.l p.l Jac. sc. 1. 96 8466 ferrea L. iron or 8 mr.ap W China 1771. R pi Bot. mag 2053 8467 terminalis Jac. terminal ^ CD or 10 jn-jl W E. Indies 1820. C p.l Jac. ic. 2. 448 8468 purphrea Lo. C. purple-teamed or 15 jn.jl W E. Indies 1820. C p.l 8469 umbraculifera Jac. umbrella-bearing or 10 W Mauritius 1788. c 1..1 Bot. cab. 289 8470 ovata B. M. ovate ft or 2 au.s W S. Leone ... R p.l Bot. mag . 1180 8471 interrupta Haw. 8472 leonensis Lo. C. interrupted Sierra Leone Hor or 2 3 jn.jl jn.jl W W S. Leone 1798. S. Leone 1824. C G p.j p.l 8473 nod.l 8475 mauritiana Lam. Mauritian n CD or 4 W Mauritius 1825. c p.l 8476 undulata L. waved ft i_|or 6 W C. G.H. 1816. R p.l 8477 nutans Cun. nodding L t 1 j or 4 B N. Holl. 1820. C p.l *l_Jor 3 jn 3 jn O Bourbon 1766. R p.l Bot. mag. 1535 Sk p.l E. Indies 1818. Sks.l 1021. PHYLLO N MA Haw. PHYLLOMA. (Phyllon, leaf, lotna, fringe ; eld-toothed edges.) Asphodelea:. 4. 847 flloiflbrum Haw. Aloe-flowered f CD or 10 ap O Drace\ia marginata H. K. Lomatophyllunxborbonicum W. 8479 Jacquinz G. Don Jacquin's ft | | or 4 jn O A'loe hexapetala Sal. Lomatophyllum Jacqiunz Spr. 8480 rufocinctum Swt. rufous-edged ,4'loe rufocincta Haw. 8481 macrum Lk. long A'loe macra Haw. 1022. ALE N TRISL. 8482 farinosa L. alba MX. 8483 aurea MX. O Mauritius 1817. Sk s.l ALETRIS. mealy (Aleton, meal ; covered with powder.) Hemerocallide&. 2. A or | jn W N. Amer. 1768. R s.p Bot. mag. 1418 golden-tipped A or \ Y N. Amer. 1811. R s.p W. h. b. 8 1023. TRI'TOMA Ker TRITOMA. (Treis, three, temno, to .cut; angles of leaves.) Hemerocallidece. 3. 8484 Uvaria Ker 8485 media Ker 8486 pumila Ker Uvaria .Al or 2 au.s mealy intermediate j Al or 2 year dwarf j _AJ or 1 s.n 1024. VELTHEI'M/J Gled. VELTHEIMIA. (F. A 8487 viridi folia Jac. green-leaved 8488 intermedia Hart. intermediate 8489 glauca Jac. glaucous O 'C. G. H. 1707. R p.l Bot. mag. 758 O C. G. H. 1789. R p.l Bot. mag. 744 O C. G. H. 1774. R p.l Bot. mag. 764 Veltheim, a German botanist.) Hemerocallid&e. 3. 4. tf iAJ or 2 ap.n F.w C. G. H. 1768. O r m Bot. mag. 501 T$ iAI or 1^ ap F.w C. G. H. 1800. O r.m tf LAJ or 2 ja.ap F.G C. G. H. 1781. O ran Bot mag. 1091 - 1025. SANSEVIEHLf 8490 glauca Haw. 8491 stenophylla Lk. 8492 polyphylla Haw. Thun. SANSEVIERA. glaucous IA1 cu narrow-leaved j IAI cu many-leaved ^ C3 cu (Sansevier, a Swedish botanist.) 2 ... W.G 3 ... 1818. 2 ... W.G HemerocallidefE. 14. Sks.l Sks.l Sks.l 8493 guineensis W. Guinea [A"1 cu 2 jn.n G Guinea 1690. Sks.p Bot. mag. 1180 8494 longiflora Sims long-flowered !AI or 2 jl W Africa 1824. Skco Bot. mag. 2634 8495 laeHe virens Haw. lively-green ) E3 cu 2 W.G Sks.p 8496 fulvocincta Haw. fulvous^edged ' ) (23 eu 1 Bra'z'ii" IS'20. Sks.p 8497 spicata Haw. spiked ^ [A"l cu 2 ... W.G E. Indies 1790. Sk s.p Cav. ic. 3. 24fi 8498 zeylanica W. Ceylon tZ3 cu 2 jn.ri W.G Ceylon 1731. Sks.p Bot. reg. 160 8499 ensitolia Haw. sword-leaved E3 cu 1 W E. Indies Sks.p 8500 lanuginosa W. woolly tf L7\l cu 2 E. Indies Sks.p R. maL 11. 42 8501 grandic6spte Haw. 8502 pumila Haw. large- pointed dwarf l^cu 3 1 ... W.G W.G c. G!"H. 1796. Sks.p Sks.p 8503 carnea Andr. nesh-colored A or 1 mr.jn F China 1792. Skl.p Bot. rep. 361 sessiliflora B. M. 1026. TULBA^GH/^ L. TULBAGHIA. (Tulbagh, a Dutch governor at the C. G. H.) Hemerocallldece. 3. 8504 alliacea L. GarYic-scented C lAlor 1 my.jl Br C. G. H. 1774. O r.m Bot. mag. 806 8505 affmis Lk. allied tf iAI or 1 my.jl Br C. G. H. 1820. r.m 8506 cepacea L. Onion-scented tf iAI or ap Br C. G. H. 1795. O r.m * 1027. YU'CCA L. ADAM'S NEEDLE. ( Yuca, its nam ,e in St. Domingo.) Tulipacex. 19. 22. 8507 gloriosa L. glorious * or 4 W.G America 1596. Skr.l Bot. mag. 1260 8508 acuminata Swt. acuminate-^Ziod * or 6 au.s W 1800. Skr.l Sw. fl. gar. ic. in. 8509 aloifolia L. Aloe-leaved ft i I or 2 au.s W.G S. Amer. 1696. Skr.l Bot. mag. 1700 8510 tenuifolia Haw. slender-leaved ft or 1 W.G Malta 1817. Skr.l 8511 draconis L. dragon ft l | or 8 au.s W.G S. Amer. 1732. Sk r.l Di. el. 324. 117 : 8512 concava Haw. hollow -leaved H A or 1J [au W.G 1816. Skr.l 8513 obliqua Haw. 2 major oblique-leaved larger A or A or 4 4 W.G W.G 1808. 1808. Sk r.l Skr.l 8514 flaccida Haw. flaccid A or 2 W.G 1816. Skr.l 8515 serrulkta Haw. serrulate-erf^ed ft|_Jor 10 B< W.G Carolina 1808. Sk r.l 8516 recurva Sal. rec u r v e-lea ved ft or 3 au W.G Georgia 1794. Skr.l Par. Ion. 31 8517 superba Haw. superb *l |or 10 au W.G ... Skr.l Bot. rep. 473 8518 glaucescens Haw. glaucescent ft or 2 W.G N. Amer. 1819. Skr.l Sw. fl. gar. 53 8519 filament&sa L. thready j A or 2 s.o W.G Virginia 1675. Skr.l Bot. mag. 900 . 8520 rufo-cincta Haw. rufous-edged A or 1, Ul W.G 1816. Skr.m 8521 stricta Ker upright ft or 1 jl W.G Carolina 1817. Skr.m Bot. mag. 2222 8522 conspicua Sal. 8523 angustifolia Nut. conspicuous narrow-leaved ft\ lor ft or 3 2 jLau WG W.G Missouri 1818. 1811. Skr.m Skr.l Bot. mag. 2236 , 8524 crenulata Haw. crenulate ft or O ... W.G * 1818. Sks.l 8525 arcuata Haw. bowed ft or 1 W.G 1817. Sks.l ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 131 i , leaves and flowers.) Europe 1596. O co Europe 1596. O co Europe 1596. O co N. Amer. 1665. O p.l I.iliucete. 3. liot. mag.5 Bot. mag. 1113 (Gloriosus, glorious, Lat. ; magnificent flowers.) Tulipuccez. 4. E. Indies 1690. O s.p Bot. reg. 77 Senegal 1756. O s.p Mozambi. 1823. O p.l Bot. mag. 2539 Nepal 1825. O p.l tf fA] or tf fTVl or tf ES or g Al or 6 O 2 B 4 au O 2 my.jn Y 1028. ERYTHRCTNIUM L. DOG'S-TOOTH VIOLET. (Erythros, red 85ito Dens canis L. Dog's Tooth, or com. $ A or | mr P 2 albidorum white-flowered tf A or mr W 3 minus smMer-Jiwd tf A r i mr.jn ... 8527 lanceolatum Ph. lanceolate A or i Y americanum Ker 8528 albidum J^u<. whitish tf A or W Louisiana 1824. O p.l 1029. GLORICTSA L. GLORIOSA. 8529 superba L. superb 8530 simplex L. simple 8331 virt5scens Lindl. virescent 8532 nepalensis G. Don Nepal simplex D. Don not L. 1030. ZIGADE N NUS MX. ZIGADENUS. (Zygos, a yoke ; aden, gland ; two in sepals.) Melanthticcee. 2. 8533 glaberrimus MX. smoothest j A or 1 my.jn Crea N. Amer. 1811. D s.p Bot. mag. 16SO Hel6nias glaberrima B. M. 8534 bracteatus Swt. bracted A or 1 my.jn Crea N. Amer. 1811. D, s.p Bot. mag. 1703 Helonias bracteata B. M. 1031. BULBOCO^DIUM L. BULBOCODIUM. (Bolbos, bulb, kodion, wool ; envelope of bulb.) Melanthaceee. 2. 8535 vernum L. spring tf A or D.P Spain 1629. O s.p Bot. mag. 153 8536 versicolor Spr. party-colored tf A or | au P Crimea 1820. O p.l Bot reg. 571 Colchicum versicolor B. R. 1032. UVULA N RIA L. 8537 perfoliata L. 8538 flava Sm. 8539 lanceolata H. K. 85W grandiflora Sm. 8541 sessilifolia L. 8542 puberula MX. 1033. DI'SPORUM Sal. DISPORUM. 8543 parviflbrum D. Don small-flowered 8544 fulvum Sal. taviny. flowered Uvularia chintnsis B. R. UVULARIA. perfoliate yellow spear-leaved large-flowered sessile-leaved ] downy (Formerly used in diseases of the uvula.) Melanthaceee. 6. ^ A or | my.jn Pa.Y N. Amer. 1710. Sk p.l Ex. bot. 1. 49 | A or my.jn Y N. Amer. 1810. Sk p.l Ex. bot. 1. 50 A or 1 Y N. Amer. 1710. Sk p.l Cor. ca. 41 ^ A or 1 my.jn P N. Amer. 1802. Sk p.l Ex. bot. 1. 51 ^ A or A jn L.Y N. Amer. 1790. Sk p.l Ex. bot 1. 52 A or | my.jn Y N. Amer. 1824. Sk p.l (Dis, twice, poros, a pore.) tAJor 3 jLau Y Nepal lAJcr IJs.n Br China Melanthaceee. 2. 3. 1820. Sk p.l 1801. Skp.l Bot. mag. 916 1034. STRE'PTOPUS MX. STREPTOPUS. 8545 amplexifulius Red. stem-clasping ^j 8546 disturtus MX. distorted ^ 8547 roseus MX. rosy 8548 lanuginbsus MX. woolly ^ 8549 simplex D. Don simple (Streptos, twisted, pous, a foot : flower-stalks.) Smilaceee. 5. A or 1 my W Hungary 1752. Sk It.s Red. lil. 259 " my Y N. Amer. 1752. Sk Its jn.jl Pk N. Amer. 1806. Sk Its Bot. mag. 1489 Y.a N. Amer. 1812. Sk It.s Bot mag. 14i)0 ... Nepal 1822. Skits A or 1 A or 1 A Of li jn.jl iAI or " " H n.jl 1* jnjl 1035. BURCHA'RD/^4 R. Br. BURCHARDIA. (Henry Burchard.M.D., a bot. author.) Mehmthaccee. 1. 8550 umbellata R. Br. umbellate iAJ or 2 jn.jl W N. Holl. 1820. D s.p 1036. SCHELHAMME^R^ R. Br. SCHELHAMMERA. (C. C. Schelhammer, prof, at Jena.) Melanthaceee. 2. 8551 multifl5ra R. Br. many-flowered j tAJ or If N. Holl. 1824. D s.p 8552 undulata R. Rr. undulate iAJ or | jn P N. Holl. 1824. D s.p Bot. mag 2712 1037. RIPO'GONUM Forst. RIPOGONUM. (Ripos, a flexile twig, gonos, a shoot.) Smtlacete. 2. 8553 parviflorum R. Br. small-flowered fl_ iAI or 2 jn.jl W N. Holl. 1820. D s.p 8554 album R. Br. white fi. iAI or 3 jn.jl W N. Holl. 1820. D s.p 1038. CONVALLA^RI A L. LILY OF THE VALLEY. (Convallis, a valley ; habitation.) SmUcicece. 1. 8555 majalis L. hog _^ A or | my.jn W Britain woods. R s.l Eng. bot 1035 2 r libra red-flowered ^ A or | my.jn F Britain gard. R s.l Sflorepleno double ^ A or my.jn W Britain gard. R s.l 1039. SMILACPNA Desf. SMILACINA. 8556 umbellata Desf. umbellate 8557 borealis Desf. ' northern 8558 bffulia Desf. two-leaved : 8559 trif51ia Desf. three-leaved 8560 canadensis Ph. Canadian 8561 stellata Desf. starred " 8562 racemosa Desf. 8563 ciliata Desf. ciliated 8564 rambsa G. Don branchy (Dimin. ofsmilax; similar roughness.) A or f my.jn W N. Amer. 1778. R A or 1 my.jn Y N. Amer. 1878. R i my.jn W N. Europe 1596. R i jn.jl W N. Amer. 1812. R | jn.jl W N. Amer. 1812. R | my.jn W N. Amer. 1633. R 1 my.jn Pa.Y N Amer. 1640. R | my.jn W N. Amer. 1823. R A or A or A or A or A or A or s.l s.l s.l s.l s.l A pr. 2" my.jn Pa.Y Siberia 1820. R co Smilaceee. 6. s.l Bot. mag. 1155 s.l Bot. mag. 1403 Bot. mag. 510 Gm. si. 1.6 Pluk. al. 434. 4 Bot. mag. 1043 Bot. mag. 899 1040. POLYGO'NATUM Desf. SOLOMON'S SEAL. (Polys, many, gonu, a knee ; stem.) Smilaceee. 12. 14. 1 my.jn W Scotland woods. R s.l Eng. bot 1035 & A or 8565 verticillatum Desf. vfhorl-leaved Convallaria yerticillata L. 8566 oppositif&lium D. Don opposite-lvd 8567 leptophyllum D. Don fine-leaved 8568 angustifolium Ph. narrow-leaved 8569 hirtum Lam. hairy 8570 caniculatum Ph. channelled 8571 vulgare Desf. common Convallaria Polygrtnatum L. 8572 bractektum Thomas bracted 8573 pubescens Ph. pubescent 8574 multifiorum Desf. many-flowered 8575 latifolium Desf. broad-leaved 8576 macrophyllum Swt. long-leaved ^ latifolium Ph. not of others 8577 polyanthemum Bleb, many-flowered ^j A or lAl or 1 ap W Nepal 1822. R S.1 Hook. ex. fl. !25 lAl or 2 jn.jl W Nepal 1816. R s.l A or 1 my.jn W N. Amer. 1824. R s.l A or 1 my.jn W N. Amer. 1819. R s.l A or 1 jn W N. Amer. 1812. R s.l A or 2 my.jn W.G England moun. R s.l Eng. bot .280 A or lft.H W Switzerl. 1827. R CO A or 1 my.jn W N. Amer. 1812. R s.l W. h. b. 45 A or 2 my.jn W Britain woods. R s.l Eng. bot . 279 A or 3 my.jn W Germany 1802. R s.l 3. 232 A or 3 my.jn W N. Amer. 1800. R S.1 1 my.jn W Caucasus 1826. R s.l 1041. OPHIOPCTGON Ker SNAKE'S BEARD. (Ophis, a snake, poson, a beard.) Smittcea. 2. 8578 japonicus Ker Japan _AJ cu U jn L.Y Japan 1784 D s.p.l Bot. mag. 1G63 Convallaria japonica L. 8579 spicatus Ker spiked j _AJ cu 1 au.s V China 1820. D s.p.l Bot reg. 5y3 K 2 132 HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS VI. 1042. EITCOMIS Herit. EUCOMIS. (Eukomes, beautiful-haired; tufted crown of fl. spike) Asphodilete. 7. 8580 nana H. K. dwarf folioliferum Ker leaflet-bearing tf iAJ cu Y.G C. G. H. 1806. Sks.p Bot. reg. 795 8746 paradoxum Jac. wonderful tf iAl or 1 ... C. G. H. 1825. Sk s.p Jac. c. sup. 81. 1 Ornithogalum paradoxum Jac. 1052. GA'GE^ Sal. GAGEA. (Sir Thomas Gage. , a bot. amateur.) Asphodeleee. 16. 8747 uniflora G. Don one-flowered A or } my.jn Y Siberia 1781. s.p N. c. p. 18. 6. 3 Ornithogalum uniflbrum L. 8748 striata Swt. striated | A or i my.jl Y Europe 1826. O S.I Ornithogalum striatum W. 8749 pygma^a G. Don pygmy Ornith6galum pygmae v um W. 8 A or i ap Y Spain 1825. CO 8750 bohemica G. Don Bohemian A r 4 ap Y Bohemia 1825. CO Ac.boh. 2.121.ic Ornith6galum bohemicum Schmidt 8751 fascicularis Sal. bunMe-flwd A pr i mr.ap Y Britain woods. O s.p Bot mag. 1200 lutea B.M. Ornith6galum luteum E. B. 8752 sylvatica W. en. wood >f A pr ^ mr.ap Y Europe ... s.p Us. an. 5. 1. 1 8753 villbsa Bieb. villous ^ A or i mr.ap Y Caucasus 1825. O p.l 8754 stellaris Sal. starry $ A pr i my Y Sweden 1759. B.p Us. an. 15. 1 0rnith6galum minimum Roth, arvei ise Pers. 8755 Sternbergw Hoppe Sternberg's 8756 bracteolaris Sal. bracteolar \ A or A or i mr.ap Y Y Switzerl. Europe 1826. 1817. p.l CO Sw. fl. gar. 151 Ornithogalum luteum L. not E. B. 8757 spathacea W. sheathed A pr i my Y Germanj ' 1759. s.p Hay. us. 15. 1 8758 chlorantha Bieb. yellow-flwd A or lap Y Siberia 1819. CO 8759 glauca Swt. glaucous A or 1 ap Y Switzerl. 1825. CO Sw. fl. gar. 176 8760 pusilla Schmidt small A or Y Bohemia. 1825. CO 8761 circinata /.. rounded A pr | my.jn Y Siberia 1789. s.p Pal. it. D 2 8762 serotina B. M. late & A pr Y Wales ... s.p Eng. bot. 793 Anthericum ser6tinum E. B. 1053. ORNITHO'GALUM L. STAR OF BETHLEHEM. (Ornis, a bird,*ata, milk.) Asphodelea;. 48. 56. 8763 bulbiferum Pall. bulb-bearing tf A or iap W Russia 1821. O r.m Pal. it. 2. a p. 106 8764 umbellatum L. umbelled tf A r 1 ap.jn W England me. p. CO Eng. bot. 130 8765 refractum W. refracted A or 4 my.jn W Hungary 1820. p.l 8766 fimbriatum W. fringed TS A or J W Crimea 1820. CO Lind. col. 28 8767 exscapum Ten. stemless A or i my.jn W Italy 1824. r.m Fl. nap. 34 8768 montanum Ten. mountain TS A or i my.jn W Italy 1824. O p.l 8769 comosum L. tufted tf A or i jn.'au W Austria 1596. p.l Jac. ic. 2. 426 8770 conicum Jac. conical i Al or 1 Jn.jl W.G C. G. H. 1823. r.m Jac. ic. 2. 408 8771 nfveum Sol. snowy rf i Al or i my.jn W C. G. H. 1774. r.m Bot. reg. 235 8772 ciliatum Thun. ciliated iAI or | W C. G. H. 1819. r.m 8773 crenulatum Thun. crenulated Al or i my.jn W C. G. H. 1816. r.m 8774 maculatum Thun. spotted * Al or i ap.jn w C. G. H. 1823. r.m 8775 tenellum Jac. delicate rf iAJor 4Jn w C. G. H. 1818. O r.m Jac. ic. 2. 427 8776 secfcndum Jac. side-flowering tf lAlor | au w C. G. H. 1826. r.m Jac. ic. 2. 433 8777 pilbsum Thun. pilose tf LAJor 1 w C. G. H. 1826. r.m 8778 revolutum Jac. revolute-^iurf 8 LAJor 1 mr.jn w C. G. H. 1795. r.m Bot. mag. 653 8779 elatum Andr. tall TS A j QJ- 3 mr w Egypt 1804. r.m Bot. rep. 523 8780 corymbbsum Fl. per. corymbose 8781 tenuifblium Red. fine-leaved tf Alor lAlor limy 1 w w Chile G. G. H. 1823. 1819. r.m r.m Bot. reg. 906 Red. lil. 312 8782 prasinum Ker green-flowered 8783 sauveolens Jac. sweet-scented $ tf iAI or iAI or liJDjl 1 jn G W C. G. H. C. G. H. 1816. 1826. r.m r.m Bot. reg. 158 Jac. ic. 2. 431 8784 barbJitum Jac. bearded 1 my.jl w C. G. H. 1795. r.m Jac. sc. 1. 91 8785 polyphyllum Jac. many-leaved $ iAI ec i jn.jl w C. G. H. 1824. O r.m Jac. ic. 2. 430 8786 ovatum Thun. ovate rf iAI or 1 rny.jn w C. G. H. 1824. r.m 8787 rupestre L. rock ft iAI or i w C. G. H. 1795. r.m 8788 Juncifolium Jac. Rush-leaved 8789 fuscatum Jac. dull 1 Al or LAlor f i jn.jl w L.Y C. G. H. C. G. H. 1794. 1820. r.m r.m Bot. mag. 972 Jac. ic. 2. 429 8790 odoratum Jac. sweet-scented tf iAI or 1| my.jn P.Y C. G. H. 1795. r.m Bot. rep. 260 8791 pyramidjile L. pyramidal tf A or 2 jn jl W Spain 1752. r.m Jac. ic. 2. 425 8792 longibracteatum Jac. long-bracted lAlor i my w C. G. H. 1817. rm Jac. sc. 1. 29 8793 scilloides Jac. Squill-like $ i Al or ji jn..jl w C. G. H. 1795. r.m Jac. sc. 1. 888 8794 latifolium L. broad-leaved 3 _AJ or 1| J n jl w Egypt 1629. r.m Bot. mag. 876 8795 narbone'nse L. Narbonne TS A or J 1 ij w S. Europi e 1810. C) CO Bot. mag. 2510 8796 pvrenaicum L. Pyrenean tf A r 2 jn.jl G England pas. CO Eng. bot. 499 8797 stachvoides H. K. Stachv.s-like i A or 2J ap.jl L.Y S. Europi s 1771. CO Ren. spec. 90 8798 lacteiim Jac. milk, white 1 tAI or 1 jn.jl W C. G. H. 1796. r.m Bot. mag. 1134 8799 caudatum H. K. caudate tAI or 3 W.G C. G. H. 1774. r.m Bot. mag. 805 8800 nutans L. nodding . 5 A or JL in ii W Britain CO 1997 8801 coarctatum Jac. compressed -flwd$ iAI or 1J 8 jnjl W.G C. G. H. 1804. r.m Jac. ic. 435 ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 13S 8802 aureum Cur. golden tf iAI or 1 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1790. nn Bot. mag. 190 8803 flavissimum Jac. yellowest tf iAI or 1 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1804. r.-m Jac. ic. 4:j(j SS04 thyrsoides Jac. thyrse-like tf iAI or 14 Jnjl W C. G. H. 1757. r.m Hot. mag. Ilf4 2 flavescens flavescent endulum Horn. W Teneriffe 1816. Sks.l 8909 paniculktum R. Br. panicled tf cAJ or 3 my.s W N. S. W. 1800. O s.p Bot. mag. 1421 minus B. R. not R. Br. 8910 minus R. Br. smaller iAI pr 1| W N. Holl. 1823. O s.l 8911 fimbriatum R. Br. fringed iAJ pr 1 1 W N. Holl. 1822. O s.l 8912 cirrktum R. Br. curled iAI or 3* "my.jn W N. Zeal. 1821. Sk s.p Bot. reg. 709 1066. STYPA'NDRA R. Br. STYPANDRA. (Si ipe. tow, aner. an anther.) Asphodelea?. 3. 5. 8913 gladca R. Br. glaucous iAI or 1 jn.jl W N. Holl. 1823. D r.m Arthropodium glaucum Spr. 8914 umbellkta R. Br. umbellate iAJ or 1 i W N. Holl. 1826. D r.m 8915 caespitosa R. Br. tufted iAJ or 1* jn.jl W N. Holl. 1824. D r.m 1067. CHLORO'PHYTUM Ker CHLOROPHYTUM. 8916 inornatum Ker unadorned (A1 cu 1 (Chloros, green, phyton, a plant.) Asphodelea?. 3. 4. W S. Leone ... D co Bot. mag. 1071 8917elktum R.Br. tall iAI cu 2 au.s W C. G. H. 1751. S l.p Red. HI. 191 Anthericum elktum H. K. 8918 orchidastrum Lindl. Orchis-like E) cu 2 year W S. Leone 1822. S l.p Bot. reg. 813 1068. CJSTSIA R. Br. CasiA. (Frederico Casio, died in 1703.) Asphodelea;. 1. 5. 8919 vittkta R. Br. riband ^ iAI or 1 Pa.B N. S. W. 1816. S l.p 1069. TRICO'RYNE .fl. Br. THICORYNE. (Treis, three, koryne, a club; capsules.) Asphodtlea;. 3. 5. 8920 scabra R. Br. rough iAJ or 1 jn.jl ... N. Holl. 1826. D r.m 8921 elatior R. Br. taller iAJ or 2 jn.jl W N. Holl. 1824. D r.m 8922 simplex R. Br. simple Ol or 1 W N. Holl. 1823. D r.m 1070. NARTHE^CIUM Mohr NARTHECIUM. 8923 ossifragum Hud. bone-breaking A cu 8924 americanum Ker American A cu (Narthex, a rod ; stem.) Juncecc. 2. Y Britain D m.s Eng. bot. 535 i jl au Y N. Amer. 1811. D p Bot. mag. 1505 ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 137 1071. DIANE'LLA Ker DIANELLA. (Diana, sylvan goddess ; inhabits woods.) Asphodelete. 9. 11. 8925 la?Vis R. Br. 8926 longifolia R. Br. 8927 strumusa Ker 8928 revoliita R. Br. 8929 congesta R. Br. 8930 nemorosa Lam. 8931 ensifolia B. M. Dracas^na ensifblia H. K. 8932 czerulea R. Br. 8933 divaricata R. Br. smooth long-leaved strumous revolute crowded grove sword-leaved IK. blue divaricated AiAlor AiAJor AiAJor fciAlor A lAlor 2 au B 2 au B 1| mr B 2 B 2 B 2 au B lau W 2 B 3 B N. Holl. 1822. Sk s.p N.Holl. 1822. Sks.p Bot.reg.734 N. Holl. 1822. Sk s.p Bot. reg. 751 N. Holl. 1823. Sk s.p N. Holl. 1820. Sks.p E.Indies 1731. Sks.p Ru. am. 5. 73 E. Indies 1731. Sk p.l Bot. mag. 1404 N. Holl. 1783. Sk s.p Bot. mag. 505 N. S. W. 1805. Sk s.p 1072. CORDYLPNE R. Br. CORDYLINE. (Kordyle, a club.) Asphodeleas, 2. 8934 hemichrysa Com. half-golden it O or 2 Bourbon 1823. Sk veg 8935 cannajftlia S. Br. Canna-leaved \ | or 4 N. Holl. 1820. Sk p.l 1073. EITSTREPHUS R. Br. EUSTREPHUS. (Eu, well, strepho, to twine ; habit.) Asphodelets. 2. 8936 latifolius R. Br. broad-leaved J_ i_J or 3 jn.jl Pa.P N. S. W. 1800. C s.p Bot. mag. 1245 8937 angustifolius R. Br. narrow-leaved J_ i_J or 3 jl Pa.P N. S. W. 1820. C s.p 1074. ^SPA'RAGUS L. ASPARAGUS. (A, intens. sparasso, , to tear ; prickles.) AsphodUetz. 26. 32. 8938 officinalis L. officinal :&. A cul 4 G England i >ea co. S r.m Eng. bot. 339 8939 longifulius Fes. long-leaved 5 A or 3 jn.jl W Siberia 1827 S CO 8940 amarus Dec. bitter i A cu 4 jn.jl G France 1824. S r.m 8941 sylvaticus W. & K. 8942 \erticillaris L. wood wh-irl-leaved 1 A cu A cu 2 2 G W Hungary Caucasus 1819. 1752. S S r.m r.m W. & K. 3. 201 Bux. cen. 5. 37 8943 declinatus L. declined Al cu 5 W.G C. G. H. 1759. R s.p 8944 maritimus Pall. maritime S A cu 2 jn"" G Caspian 1823. R s.p 8945 decumbens Jac. decumbent 1 | cu 2 my W.G C. G. H. 1792. R s.p Jac. sc. 1. 97 8946 scandens Thun. climbing t l_|or 6 G C. G. H. 1795. R s.p 8947 dahuricus Fis. Dahurian 1 A cu 3 my G Dauria 1823. R s.p 8948 falcatus L. sickle-leaved tt. Ocu 3 W.G E. Indies 1792. R s.p Bur. zey. 13. 2 8949 racemosus W. racemose tt. L_|or 3 W.G E. Indies 1808. R s.p 8950 Broussonet* Jac. Broussonet's 2 ... ... Canaries 1822. R s.p 8951 retrofractus W. retrofracted f iA|or 4 au.s W Africa 1759. R s.p Pluk. al. 375. 3 8952 asiaticus L, Asiatic tt. | | CU 3 W Asia 1759. R s.p Pluk. al. 15. 4 8953 arthiopicus Z. 8954 albus L. Ethiopian white tt. tt. | | CU _|cu 3 2 ... W W C. G. H. Spain 1816. 1540. R R s.p s.p M. h. 1. 1. 3 8955 stipulaceus Lam. stipulaceous I lAlor 4 ... W C. G. H. 1821. R s.p 8056 acutifolius L. acute-leaved tt Al cu 2 ... W.G Spain 1640. R s.p Par. th. 3 8957 flexuusus Thun. flexuous fl_ ,/\[ cu 3 G C. G. H. 1800. R s.p 8958 aphyllus L. leafless tt. _Jcu 3 W.G S. Europe 1640. R s.p M.h.1.1.2 8959 dependens Thun. drooping J_ ! lor 4 my.jn W C. G. H. 1819. R s.p 8960 horridus L.' horrid _|cu 4 my.jn W S. Europe 1800. R s.p Cav ic. 2. 136 8961 subulatus Thun. jiu'i ' 'uued . |cu. 3 ^ C. G. H. 1811. R s.p 8962 capensis Z,. 8963 sarmT.tosus L. Cine twiggy Hcu or 4 6 au G" W.G C. G. H. Ceylon 1691. 1710. R R s.p r.m Jac. sc. 3. 266 R. mal. 10. 10 1075. HERRE'R/^ R. & P. HERRERIA. (C. A. 8964 parviflura B. R. small-flowered J_ [Al or de Herrera, a Spanish agriculturist) 8 jn.jl G.Y Brazil 1824. C AsphodeUae. 2. r.m Bot. reg. 1042 8965 stellata R $ P. starred s. IAl cul 8 jn.jl G.Y Chile 1825. C r.m Fl. per. 3. 303. ; 1076. LUZURI A^GA Fl. per. LUZURIAGA. (D. Jgn. M. R. de Luxuriago, M.D., Span, bot.) Asphodtlece. 2 3. 8966 cymusa R. Br. cymose J_ i | pr 3 my.jn G N. Holl. 1825. C p.l 8967 montana R. Br. mountain iAI or G N. Holl. 1820. C s.p 1077. DRI'MIA Jac. 8968 altissima Ker 8969 elata Jac. 8970 ciliaris Jac. 8971 pusilla Jac. 8972 lanceaefolia Ker 8973 undulata Jac. 8974 purpurascens Jac. 8975 revoluta B. M. lancerefolia /3 B. M. 8976 mdia Jac. 8977 acuminata Lod. 1078. MI'LLEA Cav. 8978 biflura Cav. DRI.MIA. tallest tall ciliated little spear-leaved undulated purpurascent reflex-flowered tf I/yacinthus revolu intermediate tf pointed $ (Drimys, acrid : juice of roots.) !AJ or 1| au.s W.G C. G. H. 1791. 2 o.n R.G C. G. H. 1799. 1 s P.w C. G. H. 1800. C. G. H. 1793. C. G. H. 1800. C. G. H. 1819. C. G. H. 1818. C. G. H. 1774. lAlor lAlor iAl or LAI or tAJor i my.jn G s.o P au.s G i au.s P J au tus H. K. Lachenalw reflexa Andr. ,A1 or 1 au W C. G. H. 1820. lAlor I au Br C. G. H. 1829. Asphodelete. 10. O s.p Bot. mag. 1074 O s.p Bot. mag. 822 O s.p Bot. mag. 1444 O s.p Jac. ic. 2. 374 O s.p Bot. mag. 643 O s.p Jac. ic. 2. 376 O s.p O s.p Bot. mag. 1380 O s.p O p.l Bot. cab. 1041 MILLEA. (Julein Milla, chief gardener, royal garden, Madrid.) Asphodeleee. I. two-flowered S [23 or 1 my.jn W Mexico 1826. O s.l Cav. ic. 2. 196 1079. UROPETALON Ker UROPETALOV. 8979 glaticum Burc. glaucous-teaw? 8982 fulvum Swt. tawny $ Scillaser6tina/3#M. 8983 longifolium LindL long-leaved tf Al or 2 au G.R P.B Mogadore 18C8. Mozambi. 1825. l.p Bot. mag. 1185 p.l Bot. reg. 974 1080. JTYACI'NTHUS L. HYACINTH. 8984 amethystinus L. amethyst-eld tf 8985 orientalis L. oriental tf (A boy killed by Zephyrus.) Asphodelece. 2. 8. A or f B S. Europe 1759. O l.p Sw. fl. gar. 135 A or f mr.ap B Levant 1596. O r.m Bot. re*. 995 2ruber red g A or f mr.ap R 1596. r.m 3 flavus yellow 3 A or f mr.ap Y 1596. r.m 4 albus white 8 A or f mr.ap W 1596. r.m 5 semiplenus semi-double i A or f mr.ap Va 1596. r.m 6 m<iplex manifold ? A or f mr.ap Va 1596. r.m 1081. ZUCCA'GNI.4 Thun. ZUCCAGNIA. (A. Zuccaeni, gard. superin. at Florence.) Asphodeleie. 1. 2. 386 viridis Thun. green tf iAl or f au G C.G.H. 1774. O l.p Red. lil. 203 .ffyacinthu* viridis L. Lachenalm viridis W. 138 HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA CLASS VI. 1082. MUSCA^Rl Desf. GRAPE H 8987 glaticum B. K. glaucous 8988 moschatum B. M. musk 1/yacinthus Muscari L. 8989 macrocarpum Stut. long-fruited ICINTH. (Moschos, musk ; smell.) ?A or f my P.G Persia A or fapmy B.Y Levant Asphodi-lece. 7. 10. 1825. O s.l Bot. reg. 1085 1596. O s.l Bot. mag. 7o4 S" A or G.Y Levant 1596. O s.l Bot. mag. 1565 moschatum /3 flavum B. M. 8990 ciliatum Ker ciliated V A or 1 my Br.p Crimea 1822. s.l Bot. reg. 394 8991 combsum W. tufted tf A or | B S. Europe 1596. s.l Bot. mag. 133 2 monstrosum monstrous tf A or B S. Europe 1586. O s.l M. h.4. 11.2 8992 pallens Fis. pallid tf A or 2 my Pa.B Crimea 1822. s.l 8993 feotryoides W. Botrys-like tf A or B Italy 1596. O s.l Bot. mag. 157 2 pallidum pale $ A or I Pa.B Italy 1596. CO Sw. fl. gar. 15. c 3 album white 5* A or W Italy 1596. O CO Sw. fl. gar. 15. b 8994 racemosum W. racemose tf A r 3 ap B Europe 1780. s.l Bot. mag. 122 2 minus smaller tf A or i ap B Europe 1780. s.l 1083. LACHEN A^LIA Jac. LACHE.VALIA. < W. de la Chenal, bot. auth.) Asphodelece. 35. 8995 pndula H. K. pendulous $ iAJpr f R.Y C. G. H. 1789. s.l Bot. mag. 590 2 maculata spotted-fcaw?d 9* .Alpr ^ R.Y C. G. H. 1789. s.l 8996 punctata Jac. dotted | Al or i my.jn P C. G. H. 1824. s.l Jac. ic.2. 3<>7 8997 rubida Jac. red- dotted-flwd 3* LAlpr f 8.0 R C. G. H. 1803. s.l Bot. mag. 993 8998 quadricolor Jac. four-colored tf iAJpr 1 mr.ap S.Y C. G. H. 1774. s.l Bot. mag. 588 2 colorkta colored-leaved 9* LAlpr i S.Y C. G. H. 1774. s.l Bot. mag. 1097 8999 serotina Jac. late 5* .AJpr fau Pk Spain 1820. s.l 9000 tricolor Jac. three-colored 5* LAJpr 1 R.Y C. G. H. 1774. s.l Jac. ic. 1. 61 9001 luteola Jac. yellowish * LAJpr 1 Y.R C. G. H. 1774. s.l Bot. mag. 82 2 maculata spotted-/fa ved tf LAJpr 1 Y.R C G. H. 1774. s.l Bot. mag. 1704 9002 flava Andr. yellow tf LAJ pr i my.jn Y C. G. H. 1790. O s.l Bot. rep. 77 9003 sessiliflora Andr. sessile-flowered S LAJpr my.jn R C. G. H. 1804. s.l Bot. rep. 460 9004 isopetala Jac. equal-petaled tf iAJpr f my.jn W.p C. G. H. 1804. s.l Jac. ic. 2. 401 9005 unifulia Jac. one-leaved 3 LAJpr i mr.ap W.B C. G. H. 1795. s.l Bot. mag. 766 9006 pusilla Jac. small i Al or Jjn W C. G. H. 1825. s.l Jac. ic. 2. 385 9007 bifolia Ker two-leaved $ lAJpr mr.ap Pk C. G. H. 1813. O s.l Bot. mag. 1611 9008 rosea Andr. roseate $ LAlpr 1 ap my Pk C. G. H. 1800. s.l Bot. rep. 296 9009 contaminate H. K. contaminated tf LAlpr i Pk C. G. H. 1774. s.l Bot. mag. 1401 9010 anguinea Swt. serpent $ LAJpr 1 ap.jl W C. G. H. 1825. O s.l Sw. fl. gar. 179 9011 *iliifl5ra Jac. Lily- flowered tf LAJpr 1 ap.jl W C. G. H. 1825. $.1 Jac. c. 2. S87 9012 glaucina Jac. glaucous * LAJ pr 1 mr.ap G.w C. G. H. 1795. s.l Jac. ic. 2. 391 9013 mutabilis Lod. changeable ? LAJ el 1 n B C. G. H. 1825. O s.l Bot. cab. 1076 9014 orchioides H. K. Orchis-like LAJ pr 1 f.ap G.Y C. G. H. 1752. s.l Bot. mag. 1269 9015 pallida H. K. pale-flowered $ i Al pr i mr.ap Pa.B C. G. H. 1782. s.l Bot. reg. 287 9016 Ayacinthozdes Jac Hyacinth-like tf iAI pr | mr.ap W.R C. G. H. 1812. s.l Jac. ic. 2. 382 9017 angustifolia Jac. narrow -leaved iAJpr 1 W C. G. H. 1793. s.l Bot. mag. 735 9018 patula Jac. spreading-flwd | LAlpr f : C. G. H. 1795. O s.l Jac. ic. 2. 384 9019 purpdrea Jac. purple LAJ or 1 P C. G. H. 1826. O s.l Jac. ic. 2. 393 9020 lanceastolia Jac. lance-leaved ^ iAJpr | W.G C. G. H. 1818. s.l Jac. ic. 2. 402 91)21 glaucum B. R. glaucous s A or f m y P.G Persia 1825. O s.l Bot. reg. 1085 9022 fragrans Jac. sweet-scented tf iAJpr 1 W.R C. G. H. 1798. s.l Bot reg. 302 9023 unicolor B. M. self-colored i Al pr I my.jn Pk C. G. H. 1806. s.l Bot. mag. 1373 9024 lucida Ker glossy-leaved ^ LAJ pr i Pk C. G. H. 1798. s.l Bot. mag. 1372 9025 racembsa B. M. racemose $ LAJpr lmy W.G C. G. H. 1811. s.l Bot. mag. 1517 9026 pustulata Jac. 9027 purpureo-cajrdlea blistered Jac. purple-blue 5 $ iAJpr 1 ja.ap 1 W.G B.p C. G. H. C. G. H. 1790. 1798. s.l s.l Bot mag. 817 Bot. mag. 745 9028 nervosa Ker nerved-leaved iAI pr fin ' Pk C. G. H. 1810. s.l Bot. mag. 1497 9029 violacea Jac. violet-colored $ LAlpr 1 mr.ap L.B C. G. H. 1795. s.l Jac. ic. 2. 394 1084. PHO'RMIUM L. FLAX LILY. (Phormos, a basket ; use in New Holland.) AsphodUece. 9030 tenax Forst. tough j A ec 6 au G.w N. Zeal. 1798. R l.s.p Cook 2.96 *1085. CYANE'LLAi. 9031 capensis L. 9032 liitea Thun. 9033 orchidif6rmis Jac. 9034 alba Thun. 9035 lineata Bare. CYANELLA. Cape yellow . _ .-- Orchis-formed tf iAI or (Dimin. of kyanos, blue; flowers.) 5 LAJpr 5 iAJ pr white lined iAI or lAJpr au C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1768. 1788. 1826. 1819. 1816. Asphodelece. 5. O s.p Bot. mag. 568 O s.p Bot. mag. 1252 Jac. ic. 2. 447 Th.h.7.2 O s.p O s.p O s.p 1086. LECKNTICE L. LEONTICE. 9036 Chrysogonum L. Golden rod 9037 altaica Pall. Altaian 9038 eontop6talon L. Lion's-leaf 9039 vesicaria Pall. bladdered (The Greek name for wild chervil.) .A) cu A _AJ or 1087. CAULOPHY'LLUM MX. CAULOPUYLLUM. 9040 tfhalictroldes MX. Thalictrum-lk A A cu ie6ntice /halictroldes L. Berberidece. 4. 5. 1 mr.jn Y Levant' 1740. R s.l.p M.h. 3. 15.7 | Y Siberia 1818. R s.l.p Lam. il. 254. 2 1 Y Levant 1597. R s.l.p M. h. 3. 15. 3 J Y Siberia 1821. R s.l.p Pal. it. 3.5.2 (Kaulos, a stem, phyllon, a leaf.) Berber'idete. 1. 2. f my Y.G N. Amer. 1755. R s.p Mic. am. 1. 21 9041 cymbsa MX. 1089. PRrNOS L. 9042 deciduus Dec. , .Tlex rinoides H.K. cymose i A pr f my.jn WINTER BERRY. (Prion, a saw ; deciduous 3fe or 4 jn.jl W N. Amer. serrated leaves.) W Virginia 1812. D l.p Bot. mag. 1666 Rhamnece. 11. 13. L 1.8 9043 verticillatus L. verticillated tt or 6 W N. Amer. 1736. L s.p Den. br. 30 9044 ambiguus MX. ambiguous or 4 W Carolina 1812. L Its Den. br. 29 9045 laevigatus Ph. smooth ft or 4 W N. Amer. L It.s Den. br. 28 9046 lanceolatus Ph. lanceolate ) or 4 jn.jl W Carolina is'ii. L It.s 9047 glaber L. smooth 0| or W Canada 1759. L Its 9048 atomarius Nut. atomed * or 2 W N. Amer. 1822. L Its 9049jrunifoHus Desf. Plum-leaved or 4 ... W 1810. L Its 9050 coriaceus Ph. leather-leaved * or 3 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1820. L Its 9051 lucidus H. K. shining m or 2 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1778. L Jt.s .Tlex canadensis R. SfS. 9052 montanus Stvx. mountain urn or 3 ... W W. Indies 1820. C Its 1090. BE'RBERIS L. 9053 vulgaris L. BERBERRY. common (Berberys, its Arabic name.) 3fe fr 8 Y England Berber'idecK. bu. pi. L co 15. 8. Eng. bot. 49 2 violacea violet-fruited fll fr 8 Y L CO 3 alba v/hitefruited & fr 8 Y ... L CO ORDER II. HEXANDRIA DIGYNIA. 139 4 l&tea Dec. 5 purp&rea Dec 6 riigra Dec. 7 asp^rma Dec. 9054 datirica Lo. C. ye\\ovr-fruited purp\e-fruited black-fruited seedless Daurian St fr & fr & fr & fr ill or 6 6 7 6 8 ap.jn Y Y Y Y Y Europe Europe Europe Europe Dauria 1818. L L L L L CO CO CO CO CO 9055 provincial Lo. C. Provence & or 8 Y France 1821. L CO 9056 iberica Fis. Iberian slfe or 5 Y Iberia 1818. L r.m vulgaris iberica Vev. 9057 canadensis Mil. Canadian Sfe fr 8 Y Canada 1759. L CO 9058 emarginata W. en. emarginate ,* or 3 Y Siberia 17JJO. CO 9059 sinensis Desf. Chinese 3fe or 4 Y China 1815. Cf CO Den. br. 26 9060 aristata Dec. awned * or 6 Y Nepal 1820. L CO Hook. ex. fl. ! chitria B. R. 9061 cretica L. Cretan ' 3 or 6 y Candia 1759. L CO 9062 sibirica Pall. Siberian Sfe or 2 jn-jl Y Siberia 1790. L CO Bot. reg. 487 9063 ilicifolia Forst. Hollv-leaved * or 4 Y T.delFue. 1791. L r.m 9064 asiatica Rox. Asiatic ft or 4 Y Nepal 1823. L r.m Deless. 2. 1 9065 WaUichiana Dec. Wallich's It , or 4 apjn Y Nepal 1820. L r.m 9066 ruscifolia Lam. Ruscus-leaved ft 1 | or 5 my.jn Y B. Ayres 1823. I r.m Lam. il. 253 9067 heterophylla J. various-leaved * or 4 Y Magellan 1805. L CO Hook. ex. fl. 14 * 1091. M AHCTNI.^ Nut. MAHONIA. 9068 nerv6sa Nut. nerrose Berberis nervosa Ph. 9069 ^quifolium Nut. HoUy-leaved Berberis ^quifolium Ph. 9070 fascicularis Dec. bundled Berberis pinnata Lag. 1092. NANDFNA Thun. NANDINA. 9071 domestica Thun. domestic 1093. COSSI'GN/^ J. COSSIGNIA. 9072 borb6nica Dec. Bourbon pinnata Lam. 1094. HI'LL/^ L. HILLIA. 9073 longiflora Swz. long-flowered 9074 tetrandra Swz. tetrandrous (Bernard WMahon, of N. Amer., lover of hot.) Bcrberidece. 3. 6. * _J or 10 ... Y N. Amer. 1826. G r.m Ph. am. 1. 5 *_|or 6 ... Y * (or 10 Y N. Amer. 1824. G r.m Ph. am. 1.4 California 1819. L co Bot. mag. 2396 (Nandin, name in Japan.) il_Jor 6 jn.jl G.Br China Berberidete. 1. 1804. C p.l Bot. mag. 1109 (M. de Cossigny, a French naturalist.) Sapindacece. 1. *4[Zlor )0 Mauritius 1824. C p.l (Sir John Hill, a voluminous botanical author.) Rubiacece. 2. n. CU or 1J W W. Indies 1789. C s.p Bot. mag. 721 - CD or 1 jn.jl W Jamaica 1793. C s.p 1095. RICHARDSCTN/^ Kth. 9075 scabra Kth. rough Richardza scabra L. 9076 pi!5sa Kth. pilose RlCHARDSOMA. . I 1 W (Richard Richardson, an Eng. bot.) RuUhcece. 2. ! s W VeraCruz ... C l.p Sw. fl. gar. 91 W Bra2 1814. S co 1096. SCHRADE X R^( Vahl SCHRADERA. (Henr. A. D. Schroder, a German botanist.) Rubticece. 1. 2. 9077 cephalbtes W. round-headed * 3 or 4 R Jamaica 1820. C l.p Fuchs/ainvolucrata Swz. 1097. ISWRTIA Schreb. ISERTIA 9078 coccinea Vahl scarlet Guettarda coccinea Aubl. (P. E. Isert, a Danish surg. on coast of Guinea.) RubihcecE. 1. 2. tt CD spl 10 S Guiana 1820. C s.l Aub. gui. 1. 123 1098. CANARPNA L. CAIVARI\A. (A native of the Canaries.} Campanuluce&. 2. 9079 campanula L. campanulate ^ iAI or 3 O Canaries 1696. R r.m Bot. mag. 444 9080 la;vigata G, Don smoothed ^ iAJ or 3 ja.ap O Canaries 1825. R r.m *1099. FRANKE\VU L. SEA HEATH. ( John Franhenius, prof. bot. at Upsal.) Frankeniucets. 9. 16. 9081 laeVis L. smooth a A cu 1 F England sal. m. 1) s.l Eng. bot. 205 9082 Nothria Thun. Nothria iAI cu i F C. G. H. 1816. 1) s.l Berg. c. 171. 1.2 9083 nodiflora Lam. knot-flowered lAlcu 1 jn.jl F C. G. H. 1818. I) s.l Lam. il. 262. 4 9084 hirsuta Sift. hairy a~ A cu i jn.jl L.B Siberia 1789. D s.l Fl. gr 343 hispida Dec. 9085 intermedia Dec. intermediate S-, A cu W S. Europe 1817. D s.l Mic. gen. 22. 2 hirshta Dec. not Sm. 9086 pulverulenta L. 9087 corymM>sa Desf. powdery corymbose O cu A cu ^ jn.jl R R England Barbary C. CO. 1819. S D s.l s.l Eng. bot. 2222 Desf. at. 1. 93 9088 m611is Bleb. soft ^ A cu ijnjl R Caucasus 1824. I) s.l 9089 ericifolia Sm. Heath-leaved )U i Al cu R Canaries 1816. D s.l *1100. PE'PLISi. WATER PURSLANE. (Greek name of purslane.) Salicar'ue. 2. 4. 9090 Portula L. common J!fc- O cu jl.s P Britain wa. pi. S aq Eng. bot. 1211 909ralternif61ia Bleb. alternate-leaved O cu i jl'.au P Siberia 1816. S CO 1101. STEPHA^N/^ Dec. STEPHANIA. 9092 cleomoides Dec. Cleome-like Capparis paradoxa Jac. (F. Stephan,a professor at Moscow.) Caraccas 1823. Capparideo;. 1. C l.p Jac. sc. Ill CLASS VI. ORDER 2. HEXA'NDRIA DIGY'NIA. 1 102. ORY'Z A L. RICE. (Eruz, its Arabic name.) Gramlnece. 3. 9093 sattva L. cultivated m ED ag 2 jl Ap E. Indies 1596. S aq Cat. car. 1. 14 9091 latifolia Desf. broad-leaved O ag 2 au Ap S. Amer. 1820. S aq 9095 nepalensis G. Don Nepal O ag 2 au Ap Nepal 1818. S aq 1103. ^TRAPHA'XIS L. ATRAPHAXIS. (A, privative, trepho, to nourish.) Polygoncce. 2. f096 spinosa L, prickly tt. | cu 2 au Ap Levant 1732. L l.p Den. br. 119 9097 undulata L. waved-team* n. ; | cu 2 jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 1732. L l.p Di. el. 32. 36 140 HEXANDRIA TRIGYNIA. CLASS \L 1104. OXY'RIA Hill 9098 reniformis Sm. .Rumex digynus L. 2 americana renif6rmis Ph. MOUNTAIN SORREL. kidney-shaped fc A cu (Oxys, acid.) | jn.jl G Britain Polygonece. 1. alp. pa. D p.l Eng. bot. 910 American A cu \ jn.jl G N. Amer. ... D p.l CLASS VI. ORDER 3. HEXA'NDRIA TRIGY'NIA. 1105. FLAGELLA^RIA L. FLAGELLARIA. (Flagellum, rod ; long pliant branches.) Juncece.? 1 9099 indica L. Indian |_ Q cu 7 jn.jl W India 1782. Sk p.l Red. liL 257 1106. SCHEUCHZE^R/^ L. SCHEUCHZERIA. (John and James Scheuchxer, German bot.) Juncag'inecE. I 9100 palustris L. marsh j A cu my.jn Br England sp. bo. O bog Eng. bot. 1801 1107. TRIGLCTCHIN L. ARROW GRASS. (Treis, three, glochin, a point; capsule.) Juncag'nea:. 6. 12. 9101 paltistre L. 2 Dicks6n 9102 decipiens R. Br. 9103 Barrelieri Loi. 9104 maritimum L. 9105 elatum Nut. 9106 bulbosum L. marsh Dickson's deceiving Barrelier's sea tall bulbous-roofed Britain D bog Eng. bot. 3(36 England mar. D bog N. Holl. 1820. D bog Italy 1820. D bog Britain sal. m. D bog Eng. bot. 255 N. Amer. 1818. D bog C. G. H. 1806. O bog Bot. mag. 1445 1108. LICHTENSTEI'N/v4 W. LICHTENSTEIMA. (M. von Lichtenstein, a Prus. trav.) Melanthacece. 9107 laevigata W. smoothed j iAl pr 1 ... B C. G. H. 1824. O s.l Cymation Isevigatum Spr. 9108 undulata W. vrave-leaved uAJ or 1 B C. G. H. 1814. O s.l 1109. MYRSIPHY'LLUM W. en. MYRSIPHYLLUM. (Myrsine 9109 asparagoldes W. en. Asparagus-like Jfc iAI cu 6 mr.o Medeoto asparagoldes L. 9110 angustifolium W. narrow-leaved _ iAl cu 6 mr.d G.w e, a myrtle, phyllan, a leaf.) Asphodileec. 2 G.w C. G. H. 1702. R s.p Her. lug. 681 C. G. H. 1752. R s.p Til. pis. 17. 12. 2 1110. TOFIE^LDIA Hud. TOFIELDIA. (Mr. Tofield, a friend of Hudson the bot.) Melanthacea. 5. 8. 9111 palustris Sm. marsh 9112 alpina Sm. alpine palustris Dec. 9113 stenopetala Sm. narrow-petaled 9114 pubescens Dry. pubescent 9115 glutinosa Ph. glutinous *1111. MELA'NTHIUM L. MELANTHIUM, 9116 gramineum Cav. grassy tf 9117Junceum W. Rush-leaved tf 9118 secundum Lam. side-flowering tf 9119 uniflorum Jac. one-flowered tf Tidipa Breymana L. 9120 capense W. Cape tf 9121 ciliatum Thun. ciliated tf 9122 sibiricum L. Siberian tf 9123 phalangioldes W. Phalangium-lk tf A cu G Britain bgs. m. A cu | G -. N. Europe ... A cu i my G N. Amer. 1820. A cu A W N. Amer. 1790. A Pr ... W N. Amer. 1825. (Melas, dusky, anthos, flower.) lAlcu 1 my.jn W Mogadore 1823. LAJ cu jn.n Pk C. G. H. 1788. iAI cu 1 jn.n W C. G. H. 1812. lAJcu fjn.jl L.Y C. G. H. 1787. lAlcu f my.jn Br.Y C. G. H. 1768. lAJor $ jn.jl P.Y C. G. H. 1810. A or 1 Siberia 1823. A or 1 jn.jl W Carolina 1810. D D D 1) D O O O m.s Eng. bot. 536 m.s Red. lil. 56 m.s m.s Pluk. m. 342. 3 p.l Melanthacece. 8. 12. s.l Cav. ic. 587. 1 s.p Bot. mag. 558 s.p Lam. il. 269. 2 s.p Bot. mag. 767 s.p s.l Jac. ic. 2. 419 1112. ANGUILLA'RIA R. Br. ANGUILLARIA. (Anguilla, an eel ; twisted seed.) MelantMcece. 3. 5. 9124 indica R. Br. Indian _AJ or my.jl D.P Tranqueb.1818. O s.p 9125 biglandulosa R. Br. biglandulous _AJ or | my.jn P N. Holl. 1826. O s.p 9126 dioica R. Br. dioecious ^AJ or J my.jn P N. S. W. 1826. O s.p 1113. ORNITHOGLO'SSUM Sal. BIRD'S TONGUE. (Ornis, bird, glossa, tongue; petals.) Melanthacete. 2. 9127 undulatum Suit. waved tf iAI or | au.o G C. G. H. 1825. O s.p Sw. fl.gar. 131 9128 viride Sal. green-flowered tf iAI or J o.n G C. G. H. 1788. O s.p Bot. mag. 994 Melanthium viride Thun. 1114. MEDE^OL^ L. MEDEOLA. (Medea, the sorceress ; med. qual.) Smilacece. 1. 9129 virginica L. Virginian A cu f jn Y.o Virginia 1759. R s.p Bot. mag. 1316 Gyrdnia virginica Nut. 1115. XEROPHY'LLUM MX. XEROPHYLLUM. (Xeros, dry, phyllon, a leaf ; leaves.) Melanthacece. 3. 9130 gramineum Nut. grassy A or 2 my.jn W N. Amer. 1812. R s.p Bot. mag. 1599 Helbnias graminea Ker 9131 tfenax Nut. tough-leaved j A or li my jn W N. Amer. 1811. R s.p Ph. am. 1. 9 Hel6nias tfenax Ph. 9132 asphodeloides Nut. Asphodel-like j A or IA my.jn W N. Amer. 1765. R s.p Bot. mag. 748 setifulium MX. Helonias asphodeloldes L. 1116. WURMB.EM Thun. WURMBEA. (F. Van Wurmbs, Sec. Ac. of Sc. at Batavia.) Melantkacea?. 4. 9133 longiflbra W. long-flowered tf iAI cu f my.jn W C. G. H. 1788. O s.l Bot. mag. 12P1 9134 purpurea Dry. purple tAJ cu 1 my.jn P C. G. H. 1788. O s.l Bot. mag. fly4 Melanthium spicatum Hout. 9135 campanulata W. campanulate ? LAJ or | my.jl W C. G. H. 1819. O s.l Melanthium monopetalum L. 9136 pumila W. dwarf $ _& or J my.jn W C. G. H. 1800. O s.p 1117. ANDROCY'MBIUM L. ANDROCYMBIUM. (Aner, anther, kymbion, a saucer ; stam.) Melanthucca:. 3. 9137 eucomoldes W. Eucomis-like $ iAI cu f G C. G. H. 1794. O s.p Sw. fl. gar. 165 Melanthium eucomoldes Jac. 9138 melanthioldes W. Melanth.-like tf tAJ cu \ jn.jl W C. G. H. 1823. O s.p P139 volutare Sure. rolled-leaved tf iAI or | W C. G. H. 1816. O s.p ORDER III. HEXANDRIA TRTGYNIA. 1118. TRI'LLIUM L. TRILLIUM. (Trilix, tissue of three threads ; triple-leaved calyx.) Melanthacece. 14 9140 sessile L. sessile-leaved + A or | Br N. Amer. 1759. R s.p Bot. mag. 40 9141 netiolatum PA. netiolate >^ A or | Br N. Amer. 1811. R s.p 9142 erythrocarpum MX. red-fruited & A or J my.jn R.w N. Amer. 1811. R S.p Sw. fl. gar. 212 pictum Ph. 9143ovatumPA. ovate & A or I my.jn Pa.P N. Amer. 1812. R S.p 9144 pumilum Ph. dwarf & A or i my.jn R Carolina 1812. R s.p pusillum MX. 9145 cernuum L. drooping-flwd & A or 1J W N. Amer. 1758. R s.p Bot. mag. 954 9146 erectum L. erect A or i Br N. Amer. 1759. R s.p Bot. mag. 470 rhomboideum MX. purpiireum Ker 2 album white-flowered ^ A or W N. Amer. 1800. R s.p Bot. mag. 1027 9147 obovatum Ph. obovnte-leaved y- A or R Canada 1810. R s.p 9148 undulatum W. waveA-petaled A A or % R N. Amer. 1818. R s.p 9149 pendulum W. pendulous A or 1 VV N. Amer. 1805. R s.p W. h. b. 1. 35 erectum /3 Bot. ma .1027 9150 Catesb^ Ell. Catesby's A A or i my R Carolina 1820. R s.p Cat. car. 1. 45 9151 nervosum Ell. nervose + A or i R Georgia 1820. R s.p 9152 sty!6sum Nut. stylose At A or | R Carolina 1823. B s.p 9153 grandiflorum Sal. large-flowered ^ A or ap.jn W N. Amer. 1799. B s.p Par. Ion. 1 erythrocarpum B. M. 1119. CO'LCHICUM L. MEADOW SAFFRON. (Colchis, its native country.) Melanthacece. 9. 9154 byzantlnum Ker Byzantine tf A or i S-O P Levant 1629. O s.p Bot. mag. 1122 9155 autumnkle L. autumnal . tf A or s.o P Britain mead. s.p Eng. bot. 133 2 album white-flowered tf A m AS.O W Britain mead. s.p Sfoliisvariegatis variegated-lvd A m S.O P Britain gard. s.p 4 fibre pleno double-flwd rf A or s P Britain gard. s.p 9156 crocifl6rum Sims Crocus-flwd 3 A or 1J* au.s P S. Europe s.p Bot. mag. 2673 9157 alpinum Dec. alpine A or ifl P Apennin. 1820. s.p 9158 arenarium Kit. sand >f A or J 8.0 P Hungary 1816. s.p W. & K. 2. 179 9159 umbrosum Fis. shaded tf A or 5 au.o Pk Crimea 1819. p.l Bot. reg. 541 9160 variegatum L. checkered-./?^ 3 A or au.o P Greece 1629. p.l Bot. mag. 1028 9161 tessellatura Mil. tessellated or ^au P S. Europe 1600. s.p 9162 montanum L. mountain tf A or P S. Europe 1819., o 1 Al.ped. 1.74.2 Merendera montana Ram. 1120. MERENDE^RA Bieb. MERENDERA. ( A name given to Colchicum by the Spaniards.) Melanthacece. 1. 9163 caucasica Bieb. Caucasian tf A r i an P Caucasus 1823. O s.p Bulbocodium trigynum Adams, Cttlchicum caucasicum Spr. 1121. HELO S NIAS L. HELONIAS. (Helns, a marsh ; habitation.) Melanthaceee. 3. 4. 9164 bullata W. blistered A or 1 P N. Amer. 1758. R s.p Bot mag. 747 latifolia MX. 9165 erythrosperma MX. red-seeded A or jn W N. Amer. 1770. R s.p Bot mag. 803 9166 angustifolia MX. narrow-leaved A or 1 my.jn W N. Amer. 1823. R s.p 1122. NOLrN^ MX. NOUVA. 9167 georgiana MX. Georgian .Phalangium virgatum Lam. (P. C. Nolin, an American botanist.) Melanthacece. 1. A or 2} W Georgia 1812. R s.p Pluk. m. 342. 1 1123. APONOGE^TON Thun. APONOGETON. (Apon, water, Celt., geiton, neighbour, Gr.-, habitat.) Fluviales. 4. 9168 monostkchyon L. simple-spiked ^ E3 cu au.o Pk E. Indies 1803. O p.l Bot. rep. 406 9169 distachyon H. K. two-spiked * uAI cu | my.jl W C. G. H. 1788. O p.l Bot. mag. 1293 9170 angustifolium H. K. narrow-leaved ^ iAJ cu | ap.s W C. G. H. 1788. O p.l Bot. mag. 1268 9171 crispum Thun. curled-leaved * 123 cu jl.s W Ceylon 1820. O p.l 1124. SA^BAL Adan. SABAL. 9172 Adans6n B. M. Adanson's Corypha minor Jac. Chamae v rops aca 9173 Blackburma/kz Lo.C. Blackburn's 9174 ^raminifulia Lo. C. Grass-leaved 9175 umbraculifera Lo. C, umbrella-bear. 9176 Palmetto Lo. C. -Small Palm (A name given by Adanson, meaning unknown.) Pulmce. 5. (23 or 6 G Florida 1810. S s.l Bot. mag. 1434 s MX. Rh aphis acaulis W. Hor 6 ... G tropics 1825. S s.l or 6 ... (* S. Amer. 1825. S s.l 6 G Jamaica 1825. S s.l I or Georgia 1825. S s.l 1125. LIVISTOTNIA-R. Br. LIVISTONIA. (Patrick Murray, of Levistone, near Edinburgh.) Palma. 2. 9177 inermis R. Br. unarmed \ | or 10 N. Holl. 1824. S r.m 9178 humilis R. Br. humble i_J or 6 N. Holl. 1824. S r.m 11G6. TilPMEX L. DOCK. (Rumex, a spear ; shape of leaves.) Polygbneee. 9179 .ffydrolapathum Hud. Water Dock ft A w 5 G Britain R co 67. 97. Eng. bot 2104 aquaticus Sm. 9180 britannicus L. British * A rn 2 jn.jl G N. Amer. ... R CO 9181 maximus Schreb. largest * A un fi G Europe 1800. R CO 9182 glomeratus Schreb. glomerate * A un 2 G Europe 1818. R CO 9183 divaricatus W. divaricated * A un 2 G Italy 1793. S CO Til pis. 17.2 9184 Nemolapathum.EArA. Grove Dock * A un 3 G S. Europe 1810. R CO 9185 nemorosus Schr. grove * A un 2 jl G Germany 1810. R CO 9186 condylodes Bieb. knobbed * A un 3 jl G Caucasus 1816. S CO 9187 crispus L. curled * A w 2 jn.jl G Britain rubble. R CO Eng. bot .1998 9188 Patientia L. Patience * A cul 4 jn.jl G Italy 1573. R CO 9189 confertus W. close-headed * A un 4 jn.jl G Europe 1796. R CO 9190 brasili^nsis Lk. Brazilian * Al un H i m y G Brazil 1822. R CO 9191 verticillaris L. whorled * A un 2 G N. Amer. 1820. R CO 9192 spatulatus Thun. spatulate * Al un 1 G C. G. H. 1820. S CO cuneifolius Campb. 9193 acutus L. sharp-leaved * A dy o jn.jt G Britain R CO Eng. bot. 724 9194 laevigatus W. smoothed i A un 2 G Europe 1810. R CO 9195 sylvestris Wallr. wood I A un 3 jl au G Germany 1800. R CO 9196 heterophvllusSc/wfo variable-leavec i* A un 1 G Germany 1818. R CO 9197 uncatus Trev. hooked 1 A un j jn.jl G Prussia 1826. R CO 9198 nepal^nsis Spr. tuberosus Rox. Nepal & A un 2 jn.jl G Nepal 1817. R CO 9199 obtusifolius L. obtuse-leaved * A w 3 G Britain rubble. R CO Eng. bot. 1999 9200 ptilcher L. fair i A w 2 G Britain R CO Eng. bot. 1576 142 HEXANDRIA POLYGYNIA. CLASS VI. ORDER IV. 9201 purpureus Lk. purple-veined A A cu 2 jl G Switzerl. 1819. R CO 9202 sangui'neus L. bloody-veined 2 A cu 3 jnjl G England R CO Eng. bot. 1533 9203 cristatus Dec. crested * A un 1 G 1823. R CO 9204 crispatulus MX. little-curled O un 1 G N. Amer. 1817. S CO 9205 palustris Sm. marsh * A w 2 G England mar. R CO Eng. bot. 1932 9206 maritimus L. sea A w 1 G Britain salt ma. R CO Eng. bot 725 9207 persicarioides L. Persicaria-like 1 A un 2 jn.jl G N. Amer. 1773. S CO , 9208 asgyptiacus L. Egyptian O un G Egypt 1734. S CO Til. pis. 37. 1 9209 dentatus Mur. dentated O un 1 2 juu G Egypt 1732. S CO Di. eL 158. 191 9210 strictus LA. strict * A un 2 jnjl G ...... 1823. R CO 9211 ucranicus Horn. Ukraine O un 2 n G Ukraine 1822. S CO 9212 aquaticus L. water * A w 5 jnjl G Britain ditch. R CO 9213 scutatus Z,. bucklered A cul 1| Jaji G France 1596. R CO 9214 vesickrius L. bladdered O cu i G Africa 1656. S CO M. h.5.28.7 9215 tingitanus .L. Tangier i* A un 1 G Barbary 1680. R CO Za. h. 9. 6 9216 lancifMius Lk. lance-leaved A un 2 G 1823. R CO 9217 longifolius Kth. long-leaved O un 2 G S. Amer. 1824. S CO 9218 sarcorhizus I,*. fleshy-rooted & lAJ cu 1 Jl G C. G. H. 1824. R CO caudatus Desf. 9219 hasta?fulius Ztetf. halbert-leaved ^ A un IJau G Crimea 1823. R CO 9220 Burchellw Camp. BurchelPs tt. lun 1 G C. G. H. 1820. C CO sagittatus Thun. 9221 venbsus Ph. veiny ft lAJun 2 G N. Amer. 1819. D CO 9222 Lunaria Z,. Moonwort tt. 1 | cu 2 jn.jl G Canaries 1698. C S.I Pluk. al. 252. 3 9223 domesticus Hrtm. domestic 7k A un 2 jn.jl G Switzerl. 1819. S CO 9224 r5seus L. rose O un 1 G Egypt 1737. S CO 9225 l&cerus Zte#. jagged O cu i jn.jl G Egypt 1810. S CO 9226 bucephalophorus L. 9227 fimbriatus Po/r. Bucephalon-bg fringed cu & .AJun 1 jn.jl G G Italy 1683. C. G. H. 1820. S R CO CO Cav. ic. 1. 4J. 1 9228 Brownw Camp. Brown's A ,/\J cu 1 Jn.jl G N. Holl. 1823. R CO fimbriatus R. Br. 9229 Acet6sa L. Common Sorre I* A cul 2 jnjl G Britain R CO Eng. bot. 127 9230 intermedius Dec. intermediate A un 1 njl G France 1820. R CO 9231 tuber6sus i. tuberous-rooto J A cu 1 G Italy 1752. R CO 348 9232 triangularis Pair. triangular-// A cu 1 jnjl G 1817. R CO tuber5sus Hort. not L. 9233 Acetosella L. 9234 orifolius L. Sheep's Sorrel Arum-leaved EL A w l | un 1 mv.jl H ap'.d G G Britain Africa 1775. R C CO S.I Eng. bot. 1674 Jac. vin. 3. 93 9235 multifidus Z. multifid A un * jn Jl G S. Europe 1820. R CO Boc. mu. 2. 126 9236 pyrenaicus Lap. 9237 abyssinicus Jac. 9238 amplexicaulis Z,a;J. 9239 luxdrians L. Pyrenean Abyssinian stem-clasping luxuriant | A un A un A un A un k Jnjl 1 jnjl 1 jnjl 2 jn.jl G G G G Pyrenees 1812. Abyssinia 1820. Pyrenees 1810. France 1819. R R R R CO CO CO CO Boc. mu. 126 9240 alpmus Z,. alpine 5 A m 4 jn.jl G France 1597. R l.p Zo. ic. 261 9241 hastulatus Lamb. hastulate a. _Jcu 1 jnjl G Chile 1823. R CO 9242 frutescens Thou. frutescent . cu 1 jn.jl G Tris.d'Ac.1823. R CO 9243 giganteus H. ^. gigantic jg Al un 6 G Sandw.Is. 1796. R CO 9244 #raminifolius Lamb. Grass-leaved ^ A cu 1 G Russia 1820. R CO 9245 aculeatus L. prickly j A cu 1 jl G Candia R CO Bau. pr. 55 1127. JTMX Neck. EMEX. (Probably without meaning.) Polygonece. 1. 9246 spinusus Camp. spiny ~ O cu 1 G Candia 1556. S CO Fl. gr. 347 /dumex spinbsus I,. 1128. PODO'PTERUS Kth. PODOPTERUS. (Pous, a foot, pteris, a wing.) 9247 mexicanus Kth. Mexican tt. | | or 2 ... Mexico 18 Polygonece. 1. C s.p H. & B. 2. 107 CLASS VI. ORDER 4. HEXA'NDRIA POLYGY'NIA. 1129. WENDLA'ND/,4 W. WENDLANDIA. (, 9248 /wpulifolia W. Poplar-leaved J_ |_J or C6cculus carolinus Dec. (j. c. n ^ 10 jn.jl Wendland, a German botanist.) Menispfrmece. 1. jn.jl W Florida 1759. C co 1130. DAMASONIUM Schreb. DAMASONIUM. (Damazo. to subdue : med. qual.) Hydrocharidece. 1. 9249 indicum W. Indian A E) or 1 jl.s W E. Indies 1800. S aq Bot. mag. 1201 9250 ovalifolium R. Br. oval-leaved |A1 or 1 jn.jl W N. Holl. 1824. S aq 1131. ACTINOCA'RPUS R. Br. ACTINOCARPUS. (Aktin, ray, karpos, fruit ; radiated.) Alismacece. 2. 4. 9251 nrinor R. Br. smaller * lAJ or W N. S. W. ... S aq 9252 Damasonium R. Br. Damasonium ^ A or W England dit. S aq Eng. bot. 1615 Allsma Damas&nia L. Damasbnium stellatum T 1132. ^LI'SMA L. 9253 Plantago L. 9254 lanceollta With. 9255 parviflora Ph. 9256 trivialis Ph. 9257 cordifblia L. 9258 parnassifolia L. 9259 natans L. 9260 ranunculoides L. 9261 repens Cav. >. Damasbnium stellati im Pers. WATER PLANTAIN. (Alis. water. Celt. : habitation.) AlismacecE. 9. 11. Plantain spear-leaved A A A or or W P.w P.w Britain Britain pools, pools. S S aq aq Eng. bot. 837 small-flowered *r A or 1 W N. Amer. 1816. S aq trivial H-' A or li Jnjl W N. Amer. 1816. Sk aq heart-leaved S FAIor t* -. 1 W W. Indies 1810. I) aq M.h . 15. 4. 6 Parnassia-lvd A -Ai pr 3 jn jl W Italy 1820. U aq floating A or i W Wales al.lak. S aq Eng. bot. 775 Ranunculus-Ik A or p Britain S aq Eng. bot. 326 creeping =i A i" jUu W.p Wales&Eng.dit. D aq Cav. ic. 1. 55 CLASS VII. ORDER II. HEPTANDRIA DIGYNIA. 143 CLASS VII. ORDER 1. HEPTA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA 1133. TRIENTA^LIS L. WINTER GREEN. (Triens, one third ; humble stature.) Primulacea:. 2. 9262 europae^a L. European Cfc A cu | my.jn W Britain m.wo. R s.p Eng. bot. 15 9263 americana Ph. American ^ A cu W N. Araer. 1816. R s.p 1134. DISA'NDRA L. DISANDKA. 9264 prostrata L. trailing (Dys, difficult, ancr, anther; number variable.) Scrophuldrinee. 1. !U iAJ or i Y Madeira 1771. R p.l Bot. mag. 218 1135. FISO^NIA L. 9265 aculeata L. 9266 fragrans Desf. 9267 macrophylla Lk. 9268 ni'gricans Swz. 9269 obovata Lk. 9270 mexicana Lk. 9271 nitida W. en. 9272 grandis It. Br. 9273 subcordata Suit. 9274 obtusata Swt. 9275 hirtella Kth. PlSONIA. prickly fragrant long-leaved blackish obovate Mexican shining large subcordate-/v obtuse-leaved rather hairy (W. Piso, a physic i CD cu 10 mi * CD cu 3 *CDcu 3 *[IDcu 3 * O cu 3 * Q cu 4 * EUcu 3 1 (or 12 an at Amsterdam.) Nyctagme .ap G Jamaica 1739. C p.l 1823 C p.l 1823. C p.l .. G.w W. Indies 1806. C p.l 1823. C p.l Mexico 1824. C p.l .. Madagasc.1824. C p.l N Rr.ll 18f)/>- P, nl 1 * CD or 30 *CDor 4 *CDor 4 Jamaica 1821. C p.l W.Indies 1824. C p.l Mexico 1825. C p.l 1136. PETIVE'RU L. PETIVERIA. (J. Pettier, F.R.S., apothecary, London.) CDcu 2 W Jamaica 1759. 9276 alliacea L. 9277 octandra Jac. Garlic-scented octandrous :B jn.jl 2 jn.jl W W. Indies 1737. Chenopbdece. 2. C p.l Tr. eh r. 33.67 C p.l PI. ic. 213. 219 1137. ^E'SCULUS L. HOHSECHESTNUT. 9278 Hippocastanum L. Horsech., or 2 variegata 9279 glabra W. en. 9280 ohi&isis MX. 9281 rubicunda Dec. carnea Wat. 9282 pallida W. en. striped-leaved smooth-leaved Ohio ruddy pale-flowered (Esca, food ; in fabled Golden Age.) Hippocastaneee. 5. tm 40 W or 16 W or 12 my.jn G.Y or 30 W or 12 jn R or 12 jn ^ G.7 N. Amer. 1812. G co Asia 1629. S co Schm. ar. 1. Asia 1629. S co N. Amer. 1812. G co N. Amer. ... S co N. Amer. 1820. G co Den. br. 121 1138. PA N V/^ Boer. 9283 rhbra Lam. JS'sculus Pavm L. 2 argita 9284 carnea B R. 9285hfimilis G. Don .iE'sculus humilis Lod. 9286 hybrida Dec. JS'sculus discolor Ph. 9287 flava Dec. ^E'sculus flava H. K. 9288 neglecta G. Don JB'sculus neglecta Lindl. 9289 macrostachya Dec. parviflbra Walt. ^E'sculus macrostachya MX. PAVIA. (Pierre Paw, professor of botany at Leyden.) red-flowered &. or 6 my.jn S N. Amer. 1711. Hippocastaneee. 7. G s.l 120 short-notched flesh-colored humble >d. & & or or or 4 16 4 my.jn R R R Europe 1820. 1820. G 6 G CO CO CO Bot. reg. 993 Bot. reg. 1056 Bot reg. 1018 hybrid & or 4 my R.Y Georgia 1812. G s.l yellow or 20 my.jn Y N. Amer. 1764. G s.l Den. br. 163 neglected ind2 or 20 my.jn Pa.Y 1823? G CO Bot. reg. 1009 long-spiked & or 6 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1820. G CO Col. h. rip. 19 1139. 9290 Asbca Rox. pinnata W. 9291 scandens Rox. JONESIA. Asoca scandent (Sir William Jones, a celebrated scholar and bot.) Leguminbsa. 2. ... O E. Indies 1796. C p.l R.mal.5.59 LCD or E. Indies 1140. DRACO'NTIUM L. DRAGON. (Drakon, a dragon ; stems.) 9292 polyphyllum L. " many-leaved f^. fAI cu 2 mr.jn Ap India 9293 spinosum L. prickly ,. fAI cu 2 Ap Ceylon Aroldece. 2. 6. 1759. R lt.l Bot. rep. 700 1759. R lt.l 1141. CA'LLAZ. CAI,LA. 9294 palustris L. marsh 9295 aromatica Rox. aromatic 9296 pertusa Kth. perforated Z)rac6ntium pertusum L. 9297 occdlta Lou. hidden-spiked (Kallos, beauty.) *= A or W tAl or 2 jl W SWCScu 6 ap.jn W Aroidece. 4. 5. N. Amer. 1768. D p Bot. mag. 1831 China 1813. D r.m Bot. mag. 2279 W.Indies 1752. R p.l Jac. sc. 2. 184. 5 iAI or my.jn W China 1817. D r.m Bot. cab. 12 1142. RICH A'RDJ^r Kth. RICHARDIA. (L. C. Richard, an eminent French botanist.) Aro'tdeae. 1. 9298a>thi6pica/aA. Ethiopian iAI or 3 W C. G. H. 1731. Sk r.m Bot mag. 832 Calla cEthiopica L. 1143. PARINA^RIUM J. PARINARIUM. (Parinari, the Guiana name of the genus.) Chrysobalhneae. 3. 5, 9299 excelsum G. Don tall 1 CZI f r 60 ... W S. Leone 1822. C 1 9300 macrophyllum G. Don long-leaved d) fr 3 ... W S. Leone 1822. C r.l 9301 campeitre Aub. field CD or 6 ... W Guiana 1824. C s.l Aub. gui. fi06 Petrockrya camp&tris W. CLASS VII. ORDER 2. HEPTA'NDRIA DIGY'NIA. 1144. LI'MEUM L. 9302 atricanum L. LIMEUM. African (Loimos, a pest : a poisonous plant.) Portulacete. iAlp ^ JnJl W C. G. H. 1774. R s.p L *. 144 OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS VIII. CLASS VII. ORDER 3. HEPTA'NDRIA TETRAGY'NIA. 1145. SAURU % RUS L. LIZAKD'S-TAIL. (Saura, a lizard, oura, a tail ; flower-spike.) Piperacece. S. 9303 cernuus L. drooping * A cu 2 s Ap Virginia 1759. D s.p Lam. il. 1 9304 lucidus Jac. shining * A cu 1| s Ap N. Amer. 1791. D I Jac. ec. 1. 18 9305 chinra Hort. hylicoides W. conquering Phylica-like *L_lel 41 1 1 or 2 my.jn 1 ap.jn W W C. G. H. C. G. H. 1802. 1800. C C sp s.p Bot. cab. 257 9607 incurva Wnl. incurved l_J de If my.jl W C. G. H. 1821. C S.p 9608 tenuifulia L. slender-leaved L_J or 1 Pk C. G. H. 1794. C s.p Seba I. 73. 6 9609 aperta Spr. Qpen-flowered *(_ or 2 mr.ap C. G. H. 1820. C s.p 9610 ThunbergiYi W. 9611 faxifolia H. K. Thunberg's Yew- leaved *l_Jpr L_Jor 1| 1 jl.n o"' P C. G. H. C. G. H. 1794. 1788. C C s.p s.p Bot. mag. 1214 And. heaths 1 9612 petiolata Thun. petioled 4tL_J cu mr.jl Pa.P C. G. H. 1774. C s.p And. heaths 3 9613 vesicularis Sal. Vesicular *l_ or 3 C. G. H. 1796. C s.p 9614 imbricata L. imbricated *l_l or 1 P*k" C. G. H. 1786. C s.p 9615 microphylla Lorf. 9616 velleriflora Sal. small-leaved t i | or woolly-flowered* |_J cu 1 au.n 1 fjn P W C. G. H. C. Gi H. 1820. 1774. C C s.p s.p And. heaths 1 9617 brumes L. Brunia-like l_i cu 1| ap.jn W C. G. H. 1790. C s.p 9618 capitata L. 9619 nodiflora SaL downy-headed knot-flowered 4ti_Jor * 1 | or 1| mr.jl 1| Y R? C. G. H. C. G. H. 1774. 1799. C C s.p s.p And. heaths 1 9620 patens Andr. 9621 fimbriata yi/irfr. spreading fringed tt L_J or 1 mr jn i mr.jn P Pa.P C. G. H. C. G. H. 1800. 1800 C C s.p s.p And. heaths 3 And. heaths ic. 9622 melanthera Thun. dark-anthered (_ el Pa.P C. G. H. 1803. C s.p Bot. cab. 867 9623 flaccida LAr. flaccid L_ de 1 my W C. G. H. 1822. C s.p 9624 Solandra Andr. Solan der's *l_ or 2 au.n R.p C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 2 9625 humifusa Sal. trailing or I jn.jl P C. G. H. C s.p 9626 spiralis Nois. spiral *l_ or 1 ... C. G. H. 1820. C s.p 9627 sexfaria H. K. six-parted or f w" C. G. H. 1774. C s.p And. heaths 2 9628 pachyphylla Srt/. 9629 corvdalis Sal. 9630pallida Wnl. thick-leaved lark-anthered pale i 1 | or & 1 | or & ( | or 1 ... 1 1 ap.jl P.'R C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1800. 1818. C C C s.p s.p s.p 2 rubra red or 1 ap.jl R C. G. H. 1812. C s.p 9631 rigidifclia Bedf. rigid-leaved or 2 jn.jl P C. G. H. 1818. C s.p 9632 fragrans Andr. fragrant i fra f mr.jn P C. G. H. 1803. C s.p And. heaths 2 9633 oppositifolia Andr. opposite-leaved tt i or I W C. G. H. 1804. C s.p And. heaths 3 2 rubra red It i_ or 1 R C. G. H. 1810. C s.p Bot. cab. 1060 9634 biflura L/C. two- flowered 41 i de 3 ' W C. G. H. 1819. C s.p Bot. cab. 683 9635 obcordata AYws. obcordate 41 I or 2* au.s P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p 9636 spumusa L. frothy *l_ cu 1 W C. G. H. 1786. C s.p Bot. cab. 566 9637 vulgaris Z-. common SSt ec 2 f.jl P Britain heaths. L s.p Eng. bot. 1013 Calluna vulgaris Sal. 2 alba white-flowered 4t or 1 f.jl W Britain heaths. L s.p 3 fibre pleno double-flowerec & or 1 f. 1 P Britain heaths. L s.p 4 decumbens decumbent m or 1 f.jl R Britain heaths. L s.p 5 tomentosa tomentose & or 1 f.jl R Britain heaths. L s.p 6 variegata variegated m or 1 f.jl R Britain heaths. I. s.p 7 coccinea scarlet jffc or ^1 f.jl S Britain heaths. L s.p 8 spicata spiked m or 1 f.jl R Britain heaths. I, s.p 9638 glauca Sal. glaucous *t_J or 2 my.jl D.P C. G. H. 1792. C s.p Bot. mag. 580 9639 pyrokeflora Sal. Pyrola-flowerec *i_ or H my.jl W C. G. H. 1790. C s.p 9640 obtusa Lod. obtuse or P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p Bot. cab. 1027 9641 laxa ^wrfr. loose-flowered 41 i or 1 f.s'" P C, G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3 9642 lucida Andr. lucid or 1| ap.jn D.P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 2 9643 munda SaZ. neat or 1 my.jl P C. G. H. C s.p 9644 periplocaefldra Sal. Periploca-flwd & | or 2 au.d P C. G. H. 1812. C s.p 9645 pumila Spr. dwarf or 1 P C. G. H. 1812. C s.p And. heaths ic. 9646 pusilla S/. small 4t j or 1 Jn.jl P C. G. H. C s.p 9647 squamosa Andr. 9648 togata 5. M. scaly-cupped gowned *tz or or f ap.jn f Jn Jl F R C. G. H. C. G. H. 1794. C C s.p s.p And. heaths 3 Bet. mag. 1626 9649 obliqua TAww. not W oblique t i or 2 ... P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p 9650 chlamydiflora Sa/. 9651 canaliculata Andr. cloak-flowered channelled * 1 I or ** 1 | or 1 my.o P R C. G. H. C. G. H. 1801. 1799. C s.p s.p And. heaths 3 9652 callosa W 'nl. callous or 1 Jn.jl R C. G. H. 1822. C s.p And. heaths 3 canaliculata minor A idr. 9653 horizontal Andr. horizontal-/wi **u_J de ji j] s Pk C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3 9654 globosa JK globe-flowered or 1-i il s Pk C. G. H. 1789. C s.p 9655 gnaphalodes L. Gnaphalium-lk ff. 1 cu 1 W C. G. H. 1812. C s.p Pet. m.68. 346.H 0656 fabrMis Sal. carpenter's is i 1 or 1 P C. G. H. 1791. C s.p 9657 dianthifolia Sal. Pink-leaved ft 1 | or 1 P C. G. H. 1796. C s.p L 3 150 OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 9658 lavandula?folia Sal. Lavender-lvd tt ( | or 2 ... C. G. H. 1795. C s.p 9f>59 rubella Lod. reddish tt \ | pr J 1 in Pk C. G. H. 1814. C s.p Bot. mag. 2165 9660 brevifulia Sal. short-leaved tt | | or 1 ... C. G. H. 1800. C s.p V. GLOBOSJEFLO''JL. - - Flowers small, globose. 9661 6rdens Andr. glowing tt i | or 9662 nitida Andr. bright L_J de 2 ap.jn S C. G. H. 1800. C s.p Bot.reg. 115 2 jl.o W C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 3 9663 nitens Hort. shining tt | | or 2 jn.s P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p 9664 physudes L. flatulent tt ( | de If mr.jl W C. G. H. 1788. C s.p Bot. mag. 443 96(55 orbicularis Lod. orbicular-flivd i_J or 1 C. G. H. 1810. C s.p But. cab. 153 9666 viridipurpurea W. green and purplett (or 3 G.P Portugal ... C s.p Lin. er. 9. ic. 9667 arborea L. tree tt , | or 5 f.jn W S. Europe 1658. C s.p Fl. gr. 45 2 stylosa Andr. long-styled 1 pr > f.jn W S. Europe 1658. C s.p 3 squarrosa squarrose tt | or 4 f.jn W Europe 1800. C s.p Bot. mag. 1139 9668 resinosa B. M. resinous tt i (or l O C. G. H. 1803 C s.p And. heaths 2 9669 LambertVra* tt l_J el f jl WC. G. H. 1822. C s.p 9704 perlata Hort. very broad tt 1 1 or ] P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p 9705 stellifera Andr star-bearing tt L_l or <>. ap.jl P hybrid 1800. C s.p And. heaths ic. 9706 congesta Wnl. close-headed tt I 1 de 1 jn.jl W C. G. H. 1820. C s.p 9707 stellaris Nois. starry tt 1 1 or ; i ap.jn P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p Bot. cab. 893 9708 paniculata L. panicled tt 1 1 or f.ap R C. G. H. 1774. C s.p Bot. cab. 1194 2 alba vrlrite-flowered tt 1 1 or f.ap W C. G. H. 1774. C s.p 9709 flagellif6rmis Andr. twig-formed tt 1 1 or 9710 suaveolens Lod. sweet-scented tt 1 I el P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 4 au Pk C. G. H. 1800. C s.p Bot. cab. i!4 9711 tubercularis Sal. tuberculate tt 1 1 or P C. G. H. 1790. C s.p 9712 amce^na Wnl. pleasing tt 1 1 or mr.jl P C. G. H. 1795. C s.p plumosa Andr. 9713 lasVis Andr.' smooth tt I 1 de my.jn W C. G. H. 1821. C s.p 2 alba white tt I 1 or ] my.jn W C. G. H. 1801. C s.p 9714 Peziza Lod. Peziza tt I_J de ] mr.s W C. G. H. 1812. C s.p Bot. cab. 265 9715 gracilis Wnl. slender tt 1 1 or f f.jn W C. G. H. 1794. C s.p Wen. er. 8. 9. i(;. 9716 imbecilla Swt. weak tt 1 1 or 1 jn.jl P C. G. H. 1793. C s.p gracilis Sal. 9717 inter vallaris Sal. distant-leaved tt 1 1 or 1 my.n P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p 9718 nidularia Lod. nestling tt I 1 pr 2 mr.ap Pk C. G. H. 1809. C s.p Bot. cab. 764 9719 prae N cox Hort. early tt I 1 or ] P C. G. H. 1820. C s.p 9720 Persoluta Lod. Garland-flower tt I 1 or 1 P C. G. H. 1774. C s.p Bot. mag. 342 2 alba white tt I 1 or 1 W C. G. H. 1800. C s.p 3 rubra red tt i 1 or 1 R C. G. H. 1800. C s.p 9721 grandinosa Lod. hailstone tt I 1 pr mr.ap W C. G. H. 1810. C s.p Bot. cab. 627 9722 pubescens L. pubescent tt I | or ; i f.d P C. G. H. 1790. C s.p 2 minor smaller i 1 or ] f.d R C. G. H. 1802. C s.p 3 pubescentior more pubescenttt i | or 1 f.d R C. G. H. 1802. C s.p 9723 auricularis Sal. eared tt i | or 2 P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p 9724 modesta Sal. modest tt i | or 1 P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p 9725 mollis Bedf. soft tt i_J or 2 1 my P C. G. H. 1790. C s.p H. er. wo. 3. 9726 hirti flora B. M. hairy-flowered tt | | cu 1* ap.jn P C. G. H. 1790. C s.p Bot. mag. 481 pubescens Andr. 9727 mitraeformis Sal. mitre-formed tt | | or 2 jn.jl R C. G. H. 1800. C s.p pubescens Thun. not Andr. 9728 cistifolia Lk. Cistus-leaved tt i | cu 1 my.jn W C. G. H. 1823. C s.p 9729 Constantia Bedf. Constantia i | or < P c. G. H. 1810. C s.p 9730 declinata Hort. declined tt i_J or 1 s.o P c. G. H. 1820. C s.p 9731 mucosa L. mucous tt i | el ]| R c. G. H. 17S7 C s.p And. heaths 1 OUDER I. OCTJ INDRI A MON OG^ 'NIA 151 9732 ramentacea L. ramentaceous ftl_]el li jl.d D.R C. G. H. 1786. C S.p And. heaths 1 9733 mellifera Lk. honey-bearing fti |or 1 P C. G. H. 1820. C s.p 9734 micr6stoma Berg. small-mouthed ft|_Jor 1 au.n P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p 9735 odor^ta Andr. perfumed ft l_Jde 1 apjl W C. G. H. 1804. C Bot. cab. 633 <>7.J6 cruciformis Andr. cruciform ft i | or 1 ap.n P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths ic. 9737 canescens Andr. canescent ft \ | el li Pk C. G. H. 1790. C s.p And. heaths 2 eriocephala Andr. 9738 pura Lod. pure *l Ipr f au.s W C. G. H. 1807. C s.p Bot. cab 72 9739 racemusa Thun. racemose *t_|el li Pk C. G. H. 1795. C s.p 9740 absinthoides L. Wormwood-Ik * l |or 1| mr.jn P C. G. H. 1792. C s.p 9741 scariusa Than. scat-ions ft|_Jor I jn.jl P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p Bot. cab. 477 9742 campanulata Wnl. 9743 scopkria 7,. bell-flowered broom *l_Jel *l_Jpr 1 6 Y G C. G. H. C. G. H. 1791. 177a C C s.p s.p And. heaths 1 Lin. er. 14. ic. 2 minima least *l_)or 3 G C. G. H. 1800. C s.p 9744 triceps L*. three-headed *l_Jde 1 my.jn W C. G. H. 1820. C s.p Bot. cab. 962 9745 montana Bedf. mountain l_Jor 2 o P C. G. H. 1818. C s.p 9746 crossata Spr. pot-flowered ftl_Jor 2 my.jn P C. G. H. ... C s.p 9747 nivea /,1800. C s.p 2 rubra red ft or 1 jn.jl R S. Europi slSOO. C s.p 9777 reflexa Lk. reflexed ft l |cu li my.jn W C. G. H. 1820. C s.p 9778 cernua L. drooping-flwd ftuJor 1 au.d P C. G. H. 1791. C s.p Bot. cab. 822 9779 lanceolata Pers. 9780 leucanthera Andr. spear-leaved ft l 1 or white-anthered ft i 1 or 1 jn.d f W W C. G. H. C. G. H. 1791. 1803. C C s.p s.p Wen. er. 8.13.ic. 9781 nfgricans Loo". blackish ftl_Jor 1 C. G. H. 1816. C s.p 9782 r&ralix L. Tetralix ft ec 1 F'" Britain moi. h. L s.p Eng. bot. 1014 2 alba white-flowered ft : or 1 W 4 /~i... L s.p 3 carnea fiesh-colored ft ' or 1 F Britain mo.he. L CO 9783 teucrifolia Spr. Teucrium-lvd ft 1 jor 2 my.s C. G. H. 1812. C s.p 9784 cinerascens JF. en. cinerascent ftl_Jor 1 P'" C. G. H. 1810. C s.p 9785 eomplanata ^bs. fiat-flowered ft 1 |or 2 my.jl Y C. G. H. 1820. C s.p 9786 approximata Schl. 9787 virgata Wnl. approximate twiggy ft i_Jor ft i |or 1 my.jl 1 jln R P C. G. H. C. G. H. 1823. 1818. C C s.p s.p 9788 urceolaris 7%M, fti |or 1| my.jl W C. G. H. 1778. C s.p Ic. h. k. 16 9789 ros^lla Bedf. small-beaked ftl_|or 2 ap.jn W C. G. H. 1810. C s.p 9790 fatasta So/. fortunate fti |or 1 ap.jl Pa.P C. G. H. 1795. C s.p 9791 cublca L. cube-flowered fti |or 1 ap.jl P C. G. H. 1790. C S.p And. heaths 1 " 2 major larger fti (or 1 ap.jl P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p 9792 expr6mpta Spr. drawn out ft l | or 2 ap.s P C. G. H. 1811. C s.p 9793 lasiophjrlla Spr. hairy-leaved ft 1 |or 2 P C. G. H. 1816. C s.p 9794 assfirgens L. rising ft 1 |de 1 my.jn W C. G. H. 1821. C s.p 9795 caffra Andr. not i. CaffVarian ft i | or li f.o W C. G. H. 1802. C s.p 2 spicata spiked fti |or li s.o w C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 1 9796 nudiflbra L. naked-flowered ft i | or 2 D.Y C. G. H. 1783. C s.p Sm. ic. in. 3. 57 9797 iricana Wnl. hoary fti |cu 1| W C. G. H. 1810. C s.p 2 rubra red-flowered fti |cu li R C. G. H. 1810. C s.p 9798 lactiflbra Lod. milk-flowered ft i | or 2 jn.s W C. G. H. 1820. C s.p Bot. cab. 901 9799 lacticolor Tto. C. milk-colored fti | or 2 jn.o W C. G. H. 1818. C s.p 9800 regerminans jr. regerminating fti | or li R C. G. H. 1791. C S.p 2 alba white - ft i | or jn.jl W C. G. H. 1810. C s.p 9801 scabriuscula Lk. roughish ftl_Jel my.jn W C. G. H. 1805. C S p Bot. cab. 517 9802 bracteolaris Lam. 9803 cristsflora S/. small-bracted crest-flowered ft 1 I or ft i 1 or mrjl i my.jn R Pa.P C. G. H. C. G. H. 1800. 1803. C C S.p s.p 9804 protrudens Lk. 9805 flexuosa ^nrfr. divaricata Wnl. protruding ziz-zag ft i | de fti |or I apjl W W C. G. H. C. G. H. 1805. 1792. C C s.p s.p And. heaths 1 9806 umbellata i. 9807 stamlnea Andr. umbelled reflexed-stmnd _Jor *M (or 3 my.jl 2 jn.s p R Portugal C. G. H. 1782. 1799. C C s.p s.p Bot cab. 1217 And. heaths 3 L 4 152 OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS VIII. 9808 cassia Sal. grey 4k i | or 2 tnr.jl R C. G. H. 1800. C s.p 9809 latifolia Andr. broad-leaved 4k | | or 2 R C. G. H. 1800. C S.p And. heaths 2 9810 carnea L. flesh-colored *l pr i ja.ap Pa.P Germany 1763. L s.p Bot. mag. 11 2 herbacea Wnl. herbaceous 4k pr \ jn.ap Pk L s.p 9811 mediterranea L. Mediterranean 4fc or 4 P Portugal 1648. C s.p Bot. mag. 471 9812 sicula Cus. Sicilian 4k | or 2 ap.jn R Sicily 1819. C s.p 9813 arbuscula Lod. little tree 4fc \ | pr 1 R C. G. H. 1810. C s.p Bot. cab. 843 9814 vagans L. wandering 4k or 1 R Cornwall hea. L s.p Eng. bot. 3 2 alba white-flowering 4k or 1 W L s.p 3 tenella delicate 4k or 1 R Europe L s.p 9815 longipedunculata L. long-stalked 4k i | pr 1 Pk C. G. H. . 1805. C s.p Bot. cab. 103 9816 magnirica Andr. magnificent 4k i | or 2 au.n P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 4 9817 Sainsburydwa Andr. Sainsbury's 4k i | or 2 jn.s P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p And. heaths 4 9818 Comptom'd/Ki Andr. Compton's 4fc i | or 2 my.jl P C. G. H. 1802. C s.p And. heaths ic. 9819 ciliaris L. ciliated 4k or 1 jl.g p Cornwall hea. C s.p 9820 recurviita Bedf. recurvate 4k i | or 9821 pi!6sa Lod. ' pilose 4k i ) cu 1 ap.jn f jn P G C. G. H. C. G. H. 1810. 1800. c c s.p sp Bot. cab. 1093 Bot. cab. 606 9822 A'phanes Spr. Parsley-piert 4k i | or 2 mr.jn ... C. G. H. 1820. c s.p 9823 arctata Lo. C. narrow 41 i | or 2 ap.s C. G. H. 1820. c s.p 9824 albens W. whitish 4k \_J or \\ w" C, G. H. 1789. c s.p Bot. mag. 440 9825 propendens Andr. forward-hanging4k i | or 9826 intertexa Lod. interwoven 4k i | or 1* P Y C. G. H. C. G. H. 1800. 1818. c c s.p s.p And. heaths 2 Bot. cab. 1034 9827 jubata Lod. maned 4k i | or 2" jn.o C. G. H. 1816. c s.p 9828 stylaris Spr. long-styled st i | or 9629 acutangula Nois. acute-angled 4k i | or 2 2 mr.ap w" C. G. H. C. G. H. 1812. 1810. c c s.p s.p 9830 pyramidalis B. M. pyramidal 4k i | pr 9831 deflexa Hort. deflexed 4k i | or i'J" Pk W C. G. H. C. G. H. 1787. 1810. c c s.p s.p Bot. mag 36G 9832 pyramidiiormis Wnl. pyramid-form 4k i | or 9833 fhalictraeflura Hort. Thalictrum-flwd* i | or 2 s.d 1^ P Y C. G. H. C. G. H. 1818. 1820. c c s.p s.p 9834 nola?fl5ra Sal. bell-flowered ft i | or f W C. G. H. 1818. c S.p glomerata Hort. 9835 bryantha Thun. very flowery 4k i | or 1 jn.jl W C. G. H. 1812. c s.p . 9836 echiiflora Andr. Echium-flwd 4fc i_J el 11 f.jn S C. G. H. 1798. c s.p And. heaths 3 2 superba superb 4k I | or 1 f.jn s C. G. H. 1800. c s.p 3 purpurea purple 4k i | or 1 f.jn p C. G. H. 1800. c s.p 4 coccinea scarlet 4fc i | or 1 f.jn s C. G. H. 1812. c s.p 9837 argentifl5ra Andr. silver-flowered 4k i | or 1 ap.jl w C. G. H. 1800. c s.p And. heaths ic. 9838 filamentosa Andr. filamentose 4k | | or 2 year p C. G. H. 1800. c s.p Bot. reg. 6 9839 tubiuscula Bedf. small-tubed 4k I | or pubescens minima Andr. 2 ja.s R C. G. H. 1800. c s.p And. heaths 2 9840 pulchlla Thun. pretty 4k i | de 1| jn.s R C. G. H. 1792. c s.p Thun. er. 24. 4 9841 bella Spr. beautiful 4k | | or 1 ja.o R C. G. H. 1800. c s.p Bot. cab. 307 pulchella Hort. not Thun. 9842 visc^ria L. clammy-fluid 4k | | el 9843 flexicaulis H. K. crook-stalked 4k | | or 2| mr.jl R P C. G. H. C. G. H. 1774. 1800. c c s.p s.p Ic. h. k. 1 And. heaths 2 glandulosa Andr. 9844 tenella Andr. delicate 4k i J or J P C. G. H. 1791. c s.p And. heaths 2 9845 alopecuroldes Wnl. Foxtail-like 4k LJ el f my.jn Pa.P C. G. H. 1810. c s.p Bot. cab. 874 9846 furfurosa Sal. scurfy 4k | | or 1 au.d R C. G. H. 1789. c s.p And. heaths 1 9847 multifl6ra L, many-flowered 4fc or 2 jn.n F France 1731. c s.p And. heaths 2 2 alba white 4fc or 2 jn.n W Europe c s.p 9848 depressa L. depressed 4fc i_J el f Y C. G. H. 1789. c s.p And. heaths 2 rupestris Andr. 9849 aden6phora Spr. gland-bearing 4ki | or 9850 nana Sal. dwarf 4k i | el 2 my.jl f V" C. G. H. C. G. H. 1810. 1792. c c s.p s.p 9851 ambigua Spr. ambiguous 4k | | or 2 P C. G. H. 1798. c S.p And. heaths ic. cylindrica Andr. 9852 palustris Andr. marsh 4k i | or 1 my.o F C. G. H. 1799. c s.p And. heaths 2 9853 formosa Thun. handsome 4k i_J or 2 jn.s R C. G. H. 1795. c s.p Thun. er. 82. 3 2 alba white-flowered 4fc i | or 2 jn.s W C. G. H. 1795. c s.p 3 rubra red-flowered 4k i | or 9854 fl6rida Thun. florid 4k i | or 2 jn.s 1 R R C. G. H. C. G. H. 1795. 1803. c c s.p s.p Thun. er. 64. 6 2 moschata musk 4k | j or 1 R C. G. H. c s.p 9855 anthferia Spr. many-flowered 4k i | or 2 ap.jl R C. G. H. 1800. c: s.p Bot. cab. 234 florida Hort. 9856 mucronata Andr. mucronated 4k i | or 1 P C. G. H. 1800. c s.p And. heaths 3 9857 Solandridna Andr. Solander's 4k i | el 1 mr.s Pk C. G. H. 1800. c s.p And. heaths 2 9858 acuta Andr. pointed-cupped 4fc i j de 9859 ^mpetroides Andr. Empetrum-like 4k i | or 9860 pulverulenta Lo. C. powdered 4k | | or 1 my.jl 1| 1 R L.F P C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1799. 1788. 1820. c c c s.p s.p s.p And. heaths 2 . And. heaths 2 9861 turrigera Sal. turret-bearing 4k i | or 9862 procumbens Hort. procumbent 4k i | or 1| jn.s R P C. G. H. C..G. H. 1796. 1800. c c s.p s.p cupressina Hort. 9863 Bergidna L. Bergius's 4k | | cu If P C. G. H. 1787. c S.p And. heaths 2 quadriflora Andr. 9864 rubens Thun. not Andr. reddish 4k | | or 1 ap.o P C. G. H. 1810. c s.p peduncularis Sal. 9865 quadriflora Sal. four-flowered 4k | | or 1 C. G. H. 1800. c s.p 9866 barbata Andr. bearded 4k i | or 1 w' C. G. H. 1799. c s.p And. heaths 2 2 major larger 4k i | or 1 R C. G. H. 1800. c s.p And. heaths 2 3 minor smaller 4k i | or 1 R C. G. H. 1800. c s.p And. heaths 2 9867 retroflexa Wnl. retroflexed 4k i | el 1 J1.S W C. G. H. 1787. c s.p Wen. er. 8. 7. ic. pulcht C. G. H. 1798. C s.p 9927 capax Sal. 9928 pavetttefibra Sal. capacious Pavetta-flwd H i | or HI |or 2 2 my.'au C. G. H. C. G. H. 1806. 1800. C C s.p S.p 9929 nidiflora Sal. nest-flowered Hi | or 2 my.o C. G. H. 1800. C s.p 9930 borboniafblia Sal. 9931 anthina Sal. Borbonia-lvd flowery H^Jor HI | or Z 2 mr.jl mr.jn C. G, H. C. G. H. 1816. 1811. C C s.p s.p 9932 cerviciflbra Sal. neck-flwd HI |or 2 mr.jl '..'. C. G. H. 1810. C s.p inaperta Hort. 9933 ciliciiflora Sal. hairy-flowered H | | or 2 C. G. H. 1800. C s.p 9934 Ayssopifolia Sal. Hyssop-leaved HI | or 2 my.s ... C. G. H. 1800. C s.p 9935 labialis Sal. lipped H i | or 2 my.o ... C. G. H. 1800. C s.p 9936 lyrigera Sal. 9937 penicillata Sal. harp-bearing pencilled HI | or HI |or 2 2 ap.jn ... C. G. H. C. G. H. 1790. 1792. C C s.p s.p 9938 squamaaflora Sal. scaly-flowered HI | or 2 my.d ... C. G. H. 1796. C sp 9939 squarrosa Sal. squarrose H | | or 2 ... C. G. H. 1800. C s.p 9940 styldsa Sal. stylose H!_|or 2 ... C. G. H. 1789. C s.p 1174. MENZIE^S/J Sm. MENZIESIA (A. Menzies. F.L.S.. an assiduous botanist.) EricetE. 6. 9. 9941 ferruginea Ph. ferrugineous tt. or j my.jn Br N. Amer . 1811. L sp Sm. ic. in. 1. 56 9942 globularis Sal. globular-flwd . or i my.jn Br N. Amer. 1806. L s.p Par. Ion. 44 9943 pilosa J. pilose n. or i my.jn Br 1822. L s.p 9944j9olif61ia J. Polion-leaved H or <2 jn.s P Ireland moun. L s.p Eng. bot. 35 Erica. Daboeci L. 2nana dwarf HL or i in.s P Ireland L s.p 3 longifolia long-leaved H or 2' P .. L P 4 latifblia broad-leaved H or O P L P 5 pallida pale-flowering H or 2 P Britain > L s.p 6 atropurpfirea 9945 czcrulea Wahl. dark-purple blue H or a. or 2 | jail B.P B Scotland hea. L L s.p S.p Eng. bot. 2169 9946 empetriformis Sm. Empetron-formedtt. or jn.jl Pa.R N. Amer. 1810. L s.p (Stephan Elliot, a North American botanist.) Ericeee. 1. 2. I or 2 my.jl W Georgia ... L s.p (Chloros, green ; dried flowers of C. perfoliata.) Gentianece.'-l.Z. 8 or 1 jn.jl Y Britain sh. sc. S s.l Eng. bot. 60 or 1 jn.jl Y Italy 1823. S s.l 1175. ELLIO'TT/J Mhl. ELLIOTTIA. 9947 racemusa Mhl. racemose i 1176. CHLCTRA L. YELLOW- WORT. 9948 perfoliata L. perfoliate 9949 imperfoliata L. imperfoliate dubia Lam. *1177. MICHAU'X/^ Herit. MICHAUXIA. (A. Michaux, botanist to Louis XVI.) 9950 campanuloides Her it. Campanula-Ik ^ Ol or 4 L.B Levant 1787. S 9951 hevigata Ven. smooth-sftnd ^ Ol or 3 L.B Persia 1820. S 1178. JEFFERSCTN/^ Bart. JEFFERSONIA. ( T. Jefferson. President of United States.) Papaveruceee. 1. 9952 diphylla Bart. two-leaved ^ A pr A my W N. Amer. 1792. D s.l Bot. mag. 1513 Podophfllum diphyllum L. Campanulftccte- 2. r.l Bot. mag. 219 r.l Ven. eels 81 154 OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS VIII. DODONJEA. clammy Jamaica (R. Dodoens, a celebrated botanist.) Terebinthucece. 18. 22. * i | un 6 jn.jl G S. Amer. 1690. C p.l Cav. ic. 4. 327 CDcu 5 jn.jl G Jamaica 1810. C s.p Cav. ic. 1. 327 folia Swx. two-winged * 1 ) un 4 ... G S. Amer. 1822. C CO Laurel-leaved ft l | or 6 jn.jl G N. Holl. 1823. C s.p Burmann's fll 1 1 cu 5 G E. Indies 1800. C p.l Bur. zey. 23 small-fruited ft [ 1 cu 4 jn.jl G Bourbon 1824. C p.l Lam. il. i !04.2 Willow-leaved ft | | CU 4 jn.jl G N. Holl. ? 1820. C p.l dioecious * I I cu 4 jn.jl G E. Indies 1819. C p.l Ru. am. 4. 50 * 1179. 9953 viscosa L. 9954 jamak-ensis Dec. viscosa Cav. angust: 9955 bialata Kth. 9956 /aurifulia Sieb. 9957 Burmannz'dna Dec. 9958 microcarpa Dec. 9959 salicitolia Dec. angustifolia Lam. 9960 dioica Rox. heterophylla Hort. 9961 oblongifolia Lk. 9962 triquetra Andr. 9963 cuneata Sm. 9964 truncata Lod. 9965 asplenifolia Bud. 9966 filiformis Lk. 9967 angustissima Hort. 9968 elzeagnoides Rud. 9969 pinnata Sm. 9970 scabra Lo. C. 9971 attenuata Can. 1180. LAWSO^N/^ L. LAWSONIA. (J. Lawson, M.D., author of a voyage to Carolina.) Salicarice. 3. 6. 9972 inermis L. unarmed Henna plantl CZ1 cu 10 ... W Egypt 1752. C s.p Rauw. ic. 60. 7 9973 spinosa L. prickly i CU cu 18 ... W E.Indies 1759. C s.p R. mal. i.40 9974 purptirea Lam. purple | j cu 12 ... P E. Indies 1820. C s.p oblong-leaved m i | un 4 ... G.p N. Holl. 1823. C CO Bot. reg. 1051 three-sided wedge-leaved * i I 1 un \ | cu 5 3 jn.jl G G N. S. W. N. Holl. 1790. 1820. C C s.p p.l Bot. rep. 230 Lin. tr. 11. 19 truncate-leaved * 1 | CU 3 jnjl G N. Holl. 1820. C p.l Fern-leaved * | J CU 3 jn.jl G N Holl. 1820. C p.l 11. 20 filiform -leaved * | | CU 3 jn.jl G 1820. C ,.1 narrowest-^ t | | CU 3 jn.jl G 1823. C p.l Elaagnus-like 4t I | CU 5 jn.jl G S. Domin. 1800. C p.l pmnnte-leaved Ht Hcu 4 jn.jl G N. Holl. 1824. C p.l ecabrous m cu 4 jn.jl G N. Holl. 1820. C p.l attenuate m | | CU 4 jn.jl G N. Holl. 1820. C P.l *1181. OSEE'CKIA L. 9975 zeylanica L. Ceylon 9976 chinensis L. Chinese Melastoma osbeckzoto Ker 9977 stellata Don starred 9978 nepalensis Hook. Nepal 1182. flHEOnA L. RHEXIA. 9979 mariana L Maryland 2 rubella Ph. reddish 9980 angustifolia Lam. narrow-leaved mariana y exalbida MX. 9981 ciliosa MX. ciliose 9982 virginica L. Virginian 9983 Aypericoides W. Hypericum-like 9984 versicolor B. R. changing-cld OSBECKIA. (P. Osbeck, a Swedish clergyman and naturalist.) Melastomacece. 4. 2 2 jl I lijn Y P Pk P Ceylon China Nepal Nepal B5 tt-Opr tLdHpr (Rhexis, a rupture : medical qualities) Melastomacece. 6. 8. N. Amer. 1759. D s.p Bot. cab. 366 N. Amer. 1823. D s.p Sw. fl. gar. 41 1799. 1818. 1820. 1821. C s.p Bot. reg. 565 C s.p Bot. reg. 542 Bot. reg. 674 Hook. ex. fl. 31 N. Amer. 1812. D s.p Carolina 1812. N. Amer. 1759. Guiana 1820. Brazil 1825. D p.l Ph. am. 1.10 D p.l Bot. mag. 968 ' Aub. gui. 1. 161 S s.l C s.p Bot. reg. 1066 *1183. ffiNOTHE^RA 9985 biennis L. 9986 salicifolia Desf. 9987 globularis H. C. 9988 gauroides Horn. 9989 spectabilis Bernh. 9990 albicans Lam. 9991 grandiflora H. K. suaveolens Pers. 9992 parviflora L. 9993 muricata Mur. 9994 longiflora Jac. 9995 odorata Jac. undulata Dry. 9996 nocturna Jac. striata Led. 9997 villosa W. 9998 dentata Cav. L. (ENOTHERA. ( Oinos, wine, thera. a catching; acquired smell.) Onagrarue. 55. 60. Fl. dan. 446 Bot. mag. 2068 biennial Willow-leaved g'obular aura-like showy whitish great-flowered small-flowered prickly-stalked long-flowered sweet-scented night-smelling villous toothed 9999 serrulata Nut. serrulated ! 10000 cheiranthifoliaJ/cw-A Cheiranth.-lvdi 10001 minima Ph. 10002 ser6tina Hort. 10003 cruciata Nut. 10004 tetragbna Roth 10005 corymb6sa Lam. 10006 stricta Led. 10007 mfedia Lk. 10008 sinuata L. 10009 tenuifolia Cav. 10010 micrantha Horn. hirta Lk. 10011 mollissima L. 10012 pubescens W. 1001.) pinnatifida Nut. 10014 purpurea Cur. 10015 roseo-alba Bernh. 10016 Romanzovz* Led. 10017 amo^na Hort. 10018 humifusa Nut. 10019 tenella Cav. 10020 albicaulis Fro. 10021 fruticbsa L. 10022 ambigua Nut. 10033 incana Bart. 10024 hybrida MX. 10025 p&mila L. 10026 pusilla MX. 10027 linearis MX. least \ate-flowering cruciate-jlwd four-angled corymbose strict intermediate scollop-leaved fine-leaved small-flowered softest wave-lvd pubescent pinnatifid purple-flowered red and white Romanzow's pleasing red trailing delicate white-stalked '. shrubby ambiguous hoary hybrid dwarf 1 small linear-team* ] 0) or 4 jn.s Y N. Amer. 1629. S CO Q) or 2 Y 1824. S CO or 3 Y 1824. s CO or 4 Y 1810. s CO a> or 2 Y Mexico 1820. s CO or 2 Y Peru 1823. s CO or 2 Y N. Amer. 1778. s CO Q) or 4 Y N. Amer. 1757. s CO CD or 3 Y N. Amer. 1789. s CO or 3 jl.s Y B. Ayres 1776. s CO a> or 2 Y S. Amer. 1790. s CO Ol or 2 Y C. G. H. 1790. s CO Ol or 2 Y C. G. H. 1791. s CO or Y Peru 1818. s CO A pr 1 jn Y N. Amer. 1824. s p.l % or or 1| 5 Y Y Chile 1823. N. Amer. 1825. s s S.I CO A or 1| au.s Y 1820. D CO Q) or 3 Y N. Amer. 1824. s CO A or li Y N. Amer. 1820. s CO A or 3 s Y Mexico 1816. s CO O or 1J Jn.jl Y 1822. s CO A or 2 Y N. Amer. 1823. 8 p.l O or 3 jl Y N. Amer. 1770. S S.I o P r lijl.S Y Peru 1824. D CO or 1 my.jl Y California 1823. S CO O> or 2 jn.o Y B. Ayres 1732. S CO Q or 1 W S. Amer. 1825. s CO o or 2 W N. Amer. 1816. s CO o or 1 P N. Amer. 1794. s CO 8 or or 1 my 1 R.w P Nepal 1827. N. Amer. 1817. s s CO CO o or 1 P N. Amer. 1825. s CO o or P Florida 1824. s CO o pr i P Chile 1822. s CO 0) A pr or \ 3 W D.Y N. Amer. 1811. N. Amer. 1737. s D s.p s.p A or 1 Y N. Amer. 1818. D CO Q) or 2 Y N. Amer. 1820. S CO A or 1 Y N. Amer. 1813. D CO A or I my.s D.Y N. Amer. 1757. D p.l A, or 4 Y N. Amer. 1817. S CO A or us Y N. Amer. 1822. D CO Mee. ic. 1. 34 Mur. 6. Bot. mag. 365 Bot. reg. 147 Jac. ic. 3. 455 Lind. col. 10 Hook. ex. fl. 140 Bot. reg. 1040 Sw.fl.gar,184 Bot. mag. 1974 Mur. 5. 3 Schk. han. 1. 105 Bot. mag. 352 Bot. reg. 562 Bot. mag. 2424 Bot. mag. 332 Bot. mag. 355 ORDER I. OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 155 10028 macrocarpa Ph. 10029 missourdnsis B. M. long-fruited Missouri 1 A or A or 1 jn.jl 1 Y Y N. Amer. N. Amer. 1811. 1818. R R tr Sw. fl. gar. 5 Bot mag. 1592 alata Nut. 10030 glauca MX. glaucous ^ A or 2 my.o Y N. Amer. 1812. D s.p Bot. mag. 1606 10031 Frasferi Ph. Eraser's ^ A or 1 my.o Y N. Amer. 1811. 1) s.p Bot. mag. 1674 10032 triloba Nut. three-lobed i A r my.s Y N. Amer. 1822. S CO rhizocarpa Spr. 10033 rosea H. K. 10034 tetraptera Cav. rosy-flowered four-winged ;&_AJor O or 1 1 Pk W Peru Mexico 1783. 1796. S S pi S.I Bot. mag. 347 Bot. mag. 468 10035 clavata Kth. clubbed O or 1 W Mexico 1827. S CO 10036 nervosa Horn. nervose *v A or 2 Y ...... 1827. S CO 10037 caespitusa B. M. turfy ^ A or 1 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1811. It p.l Bot. mag. 1593 10038 acaulis CV. stemless ^ Al or I my.s W Chile 1821. S CO Bot. reg. 763 10039 speciosa Nut. showy tf S or 1 mr.s W N. Amer. 1821. S CO Hook. ex. fl. 80 10040 virgata Fl. per. twiggy pr la jn P.w Peru 1823. S CO Fl. per. 315 1184. GAU'RA L. GAURA. 10041 biennis L. biennial 10042 mutabilis Cav. changeable 10043 omotherjeflora Zuc. CEnothera-flwd 10044 coccinea Fra. scarlet KXH5 fruticosa Jac. shrubby tt. 10046 tripetala Cav. three-petaled (Gauros, superb j flowers.) Onagrarice. 6. 7. 5 au.o R.w N. Amer. 1762. S p.l Bot. mag. 389 Y N. Amer. 1795. S s.l Bot. mag. 388 S. Amer. 1816. S s.l Louisiana 1811. S s.l S. Amer. 1815. S s.l Jac. ic. 3. 457 Mexico 1804. S s.l Cav. ic. 4. 396. 1 1185. CLA'RK/^ Ph. CLARKIA. (Capt. Clark, accomp. Capt. Lewis to Rocky Mountains.) Onagrarice. 1. 10047 pulchella Ph. pretty Q pr ^ jn P N. Amer. 1826. S p.l Bot. reg. 1100 1186. EPILC^BIUM 7,. WILLOW HERB. (Epi, upon, lobos, a pod ; flower.) Onagrarice. 21. 25. 10048 angustif61ium L. 2 album narrow-leaved wh \te-flowered 10049 spicatum Lam. spiked 10050 angustissimum H. K. narrowest-/*^ 10051 Dodon^V All. Dodoens's Halleri Ret%. 10052 rosmarinifulium Ph. Rosemary-lvd squamatum Nut. 10053 latifolium L. 10054 hirsutumZ,. hairy,oi 10055 tomentosum Ven. 10056 parvifl&rum E. B. m611e Lam. 10057 villosum Thun. 10058 montanum L. 10059 strictum MM. 10060 r6seum Schreb. 10061 alsinifolium Vil. 10062 tetragonum L. 10063 coloratura MM. 10064 alpestre Schmidt 10065 dahuricum Pis. 10066 palustre L. 10067 obscurum Schr. 10068 lanceolatum Seb. 10069 alplnum L. 1187. GE^LA Lou. 10070 lanceolate Lou. Selas lanceolate Spr. 1188. FU'CHS/,4 L. FUCHSIA. Britain mea. D co Britain gard. D co N. Amer. . . D Alp. Eur. 1775. France 1700. Eng. bot 1947 D m.s Bot. mag. 76 D co N. Amer. 1800. D co broad-leaved ^ A or 2 R N.Europe 1779. D CO Par. Ion. 58 ir Codlins SfCrean z^ A or 4 P Britain D CO Eng. bot. 838 tomentose ^ A or 3 P Asia 1818. D CO Ven. eels 90 small-flowered 3t A pr 3 jlau P Britain wat. pi. D co- Eng. bot 795 villous jg lAlor 2 P C. G. H. 1799. D co mountain :k A w 2 jn.jl P Britain woods. D CO Eng. bot. 1177 strict ^ A or 1| P Pennsylv . 1817. D CO rose-colored . Chickweed-lvd A w SAW Pk Pk England Britain mar. sc. al. D D m.s m.s Eng. bot 693 Eng. bot 2000 square-stalked ^ A w 2"jl P Britain mar. D m.s Eng. bot 1948 colored ^ A or 3 jl P N. Amer . 1805. D l.p alpine jk A pr i Jn.jl P Switzerl. 1820. S Lp Daurian O pr I 1 W Dauria 1822. S CO marsh ^ A w 2 jl P Britain mar. D CO Eng. bot 346 obscure ^ A or 1 P Europe 1815. S CO lance-leaved tA or li P Italy 1810. D CO alpine A w i jn R Britain al. riv. D 8.1 Eng. bot. 2001 GELA. (Gelao, to shine ; leaves ?) Onaernrice. 1. lanceolate *l_Jor 4 Y Cochinch. 1820. C s.p 10071 coccinea L. 10072 gracilis Lindl. decussate B. M. 2 multiflora 10073 tenella Hort. 10074 virgata Swt. 10075 conica B. R. scarlet slender (L. Fuchs, a celebrated German botanist.) Onograrue. 13. 19. * i |or |_Jor * i j or at i lor SdS t | | or * i |or Jf l | or it | | or * i |or l_Jor 6 8 6 8 4 4 3 6 4 4 16 3 3 10 my.o my.o my.o my.o my.o jn.o jl.o ap.o my.o o jn.o my.o s.o S.p S.P S.p S.p SP S.p S.p P R R Pk G.P S P Chile Chile Chile Chile Mexico Chile Chile Mexico Chile Mexico Mexico N. Zeal. hybrid Chile 1788. C p.l 1823. C p.l. 1824. C p.l 1824. C p.l 1825. C p.l 1825. C p.l 1823. C p.l 1825. C p.l 1796. C p.l 1824. C p.l 1824. C p.l 1824. C p.l 1825. C p.l 1825. C p.l Bot mag. 97 Bot. reg. 847 Bot reg. 1052 Bot reg, 1062 Bot. cab. 1062 Bot mag. 1024 Bot. reg. 1048 Bot. reg. 943 Bot. reg. 857 Fl. per. 3. 322 many-flowered delicate twiggy conic 10076 macrostemon Fl. per. long-stamened 10077 venusta Kth. beautiful 10078 Zycioldes Andr. Boxthorn-like 10079 parvi flora B. R. small- flowered 10080 arborescens Mac. arborescent 10081 excorticate L. barked Skinnera excorticate Forst. 10082 hybrida Swt. hybrid 10083 apetala R. # P. apetalous 1189. CYMINO'SMA Gae. CYMINOSMA. (Kyminon, cumin seed, osrne, smell.) Rutacete. 2. 4. 10084 pedunculate Dec. peduncled CD cu 6 f.d G E. Indies 1800. C lt.1 Jambolffera pedunculate Lou. 10085 odorata Dec. sweet-scented *i | pr 6 ... G China 1818. C lt.1 Jambolifera odorata Lou. 1190. ELA'PHRIUM Jac. ELAPHRIUM. (Elaphros, contemptible ; wood.) Rutacete. 1.6. 10086 glabrum Jac. smooth 1 CD or 20 ... W Carthag. 1818. C p.l Jac. am. 71. 4 Fagara Elaphrium W. 1191. MELFCOPE Forst. MELICOPE. (Melt, honey, kopc, incision; nectary of notched glands.) Rutacece. I. 10087 ternata Forst. ternate * i_J or N. Zeal. 1222. C p.l Lam. il. 294 * 1192. STADMA'NN/4 Lam. STADMANNIA. ( M. Stadmann, a botanical traveller.) Sapindaceae. I. 2. 10088 australis R. Br. southern i l_J or 30 N. Holl. 1823. C s.Lp 1193. OXYCO'CCUS Pers. CRANBERRY. 10089 pa!6stris Ph. marsh !U Faccinium Oxycoccus L. (Oxys, acid, kokkos, fruit.) Ericece. 4. \ my.jn Pk Britain L p Eng. bot. 319 OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS VIII. 10090 macrocarpus Pers. long-fruited !U. FaccSnium macrocarpum H. K. fr f my.jn Pk N. Amer. 1760. L bog Den. br. 122 10091 erythrocarpus Pers. red-fruited n. fr 2 my.jn Pk N. Amer. 1806. L bog Den. br. 31 er^ctus Ph. 10092 hispidnlus Pers. rather hispid JL. fr A W Huds.Bay 1815. Gaultheria serpyllifolia Ph. Faccinium hispidulum L. ^4'rbutus tilitormis Lam. L bog Ph. am. 13 1194. FACCI'NIUM L. WHORTLE BERRY. (Perhaps from bacca, a berry.) Ericece. 43. 57. 10093 ^rctostaphylos L. Bear's Grape ^ 10094 madeirense Lk. Madeira site or fr 10 ap.jn 6 W R.G Caucasus 1800. Madeira '1777. L L l.p P And. rep. 30 ^rctostaphylos Andr. padifolium Sm. 10095 diffiisum H. K. diffuse $ or 20 my.jl Pk Carolina 1765. L P arboreum Mr. 10096 dumusum Andr. bushy or 3 my.jn W N. Amer. 1774. L p Bot. mag. 1106 hirtellum H. K. frondosum MX. 2 humile humble 31 or 2 my.jn W N. Amer. 1774. L p.l Den. br. 32 10097 ventistum H. K. beautiful Sfe or 3 my.jn Pk N. Amer. 1770. L p 10098 frondosum L. frondose Sfe or 3 my.jn W.G N. Amer. 1761. L P Bot. rep. 140 glaucum MX. 10099 pallidum H. K. pale 3fe or 2 my.jn W N. Amer. 1772. I, p 10100 elevatum Lo. C. elevated & or 3 my.jn W N. Amer. ... L l.p 10101 stamineum L. /ow^-stamened & or 2 my.jn W N. Amer. 1772. L P 10102 mucronatum L. mucronate & or 4 my.jn W N. Amer. 1822. L l.p 10103 ilbum L. white-flowered & or 2 my.jn W N. Amer. 1772. L P Bot. rep. 263 stamineum Andr. 10104 /igustrinum L. Privet-leaved 34 or 3 my.jn p N. Amer. ... L p 10105 resinosum H. K. resinous 3fe or 4 my.jn P.G N. Amer. 1772. L P W T ang. 30. 69 1 viridescens viridescent-./Ztw/3Ei or 3 mv.jn Y.G Canada 1772. L p 2 rubescens rubescent-^?tod 3fe or 3 my.jn Pk N. Amer. 1772. L p Bot. mag. 1288 10106 parviflorum Andr. small-flowered 3fe or 3 my.jn Br N. Amer. 1804. L P Bot. rep. 123 10107 corymbosum L. corymbose 3fe or 7 my W N. Amer. 1806. L P disomorphum MX. album Lam. 10108 amce^num H. K. pleasing & or 6 my.jn W N. Amer. 1765. L P Bot. rep. 138 disomorphum var. MX. 10109 virgatum //. K. twiggy Sk 2 angustifdliumJFa/. narrow-leaved 3fe or or 3 3 Pk W N. Amer. 1767. N. Amer. 1767. L L |:., Bot. rep. 181 Den. br. 34 10110 marianum Wat. Maryland & or 2 myjn W N. Amer. 1812. L 124 10111 grandiflorum Wat. great-flowered 3fe or 2 w N. Amer. 1812. L p.] Den. br. 125. A 10112 elongatum Wat. elongated 3fe or 2 w N. Amer. 1812. L P.I Den. br. 125. B 10113 minutiflorum Wat. sm ill-flowered 3fc or 2 w N. Amer. 1812. L P.I Den. br. 125. C 10114 glabrum Wat. smooth & or 2 Pk N. Amer. 1812. I, p.i Den. br. 125. D 10115 galexans MX. Gale-leaved 36 or 2 my.jn W N. Amer. 1806. L p 10116 fuscStum H. K. darkened 3 or 2 my.jn Pk N. Amer. 1770. L p Bot. reg. 302 formosum Andr. 2 angustifolium narrow-leaved & or 2 my.jn Pk N. Amer. ... L p 10117 tenellum^J. K. delicate & fr li my.jn Pk N. Amer. 1772. L P pennsylvanicum MX. 10118 Myrtillus L. Myrtle Bilberry^ fr 1J ap.jn R Britain hea. L P Eng. bot. 456 2 frfictu albo white-fruited 3fe fr 1 ap.jn G Britain moors. L P 10119 uliginosum L. bog Bleaker ry Sfe 10120 angustifolium If. X. nar.-lvd Bluet's & fr or 2 2 Pk Pk Britain N. Amer. 1776. L L p P Eng. bot. 581 myrtilloides MX. 10121 salfcinum Lod. \Vi\\ovt-leavcd S or 1| my.jn W N. Amer. ... L i.p 10122 caespitosum MX. turfy J* or t ... W Huds.Bay 1823. L p 10123 f itis Idae"aZ. Cowberry tt. pr f ap.jn Pk Britain Sk p Eng. bot. 598 2 majus larger tt. pr f ap.jn Pk N. Amer. Sk p 3 maximum largest tt. pr f ap.jn Pk N. Amer. Sk p 10124 \\a\\ericefblium Lo. C. Halleria-lvd 3fc or li my.jn W N. Amer. L i.p 10125 Tnvrtifolium MX. Myrtle-leaved S~. | pr 10126 crassifolium Andr. thick-leaved tt. pr 1 my.jl 1 jn.jl W Pk Carolina 1812. Carolina 1787. L L P p Bot. mag. 1152 10127 meridionale Swx. meridional * C H or 2 mr.jn W.G Jamaica 1778. L P 10128 caracasanum Kth. Caraccas ** L. D or 6 my.jn W Caraccas 1825. C IP 10129 nitidum Ph. glossy tt. 2 decumbens decumbent 9~ pr pr 1| my.jn f my.jn Pk Pk Carolina 1794. Carolina 1794. L L P P Bot. reg. 480 Bot. mag. 1550 10130 Afyrsinites MX. Myrsine-leaved - pr 1J my.jn Pk Carolina L P 2 lanceolatum lanceolate tt. pr 1| my.jn Pk Florida L P ?j obtusum obtuse tt. pr 1| my.jn Pk Carolina L P 10131 prunifolium Lo.C. Plum-leaved 3 or li my.jn Pk N. Amer. L IP 10132 Auxifolium Andr. Box-leaved JU. cu 1 my.jn W N. Amer. 1794. L P Bot. mag. 923 brachycerum MX. 10133 ovatum PA. ovate * fr 2 my Pk N. Amer. 1826. L P.I *1195. A/E&IE'CLYON L. MEMECLYON. (Greek name of the fruit of the arbutus.) Melastbmece. 2. 6. 10134 capitellatum L. small-headed 1 CD or 10 jl ... E. Indies 1796. L p.l Bur. zey. 30 10135 edule Rox. edible 1 CD fr 20 ... P.c Ceylon 1820. C p.l 1196. LAGE'TTA J. LAGETTA. 10136 lintearia J. linen Daphne Lagetta Swz. (Lagetto, its name in Jamaica.) CD cu 6 year Thymel^cc. 1. Jamaica 1793. C i.p Lam. il. 289 1197. DA'PHNE L. DAPHNE. (Daio, to burn, phone, noise; 10137 Mezereum L. Mezereon 3fe m 4 f.ap crackles when burning.) Thymelce'ce. 22. 38. Pk England woods. C p.l Eng. bot. 1381 1 rubra red-flowered or 4 f.ap Pk England woods. C p.l 2 alba w h \te-flowered ^c or 4 f.ap W C p.l 3 autumnalis autumnal ^ or 1 au.o R Europe C si 10138 Laureola L. 10139 p6ntica L. Spurge Laurel Pontic ' tt or or 6 4 G GY Britain Pontus woods. 1759. s C S.I S.I Eng. bot. 119 Bot. mag. 1282 2 rubra Hort. red at Hor 4 R hybrid 1827. C S.I 10140 rtnifolia Swx. Tinus-leaved 4fe or 6 Jamaica 1773. C l.p 10141 Gnidium L. Gnidium tt or 2 W* Spain 1597. C S.1 Bot. cab. 150 10142 odbra Thun. sweet-scented jit 1 1 or 3 mr.d P.w China 1771. C r.m Bot. mag. 1587 2 variegata variegated * 1 | or 4 W Japan 1800. C l.p 10143 indica L. Indian jfc I 1 or 4 my.jl W China 1800. C p.l 10144 papyracea Wai. cannabina Wai. paper *L_Jor 4 W Nepal 1824. C 8.1 As.res.13.315.ic. ORDER I. OCTANDR1A MONOGYNIA. Chinese * alpine tt Altaic * Garland flower tt. striated * hill * Neapolitan * 10145 hy"brida Swt. hybrid Dauphinw Hort. 10146 chinensis Lam. 10147 alpina /,. 10148 altaica Pall. 10149 Cneorum L. 10150 striata Trat. 10151 collina Sm. 10152 neapolitnna Lod. collina /3 neapolitana B. R. 10153 oleoides Schreb. Olive- like 10154 sericea Vahl silky oleaefolia Lam. 10155 rhymela? v a L. Wild Olive Passerina Thymela^a Dec. 10156 pubescens L. pubescent 10157 Tditon-rairaL. Tarton-raira Passerina Tarton-raira Schr. 10158 tomentosa Lam. tomentose Passerina villosa L. ; | _ | or 2 R i | or or or 4 Y 2 my.jl W 3 W 1 ap.s Pk 2 jn P 3 ja.jn P 2 ja.jn P 2 year W 2 my.jn W NIA. hybrid China Italy Siberia Austria Switzerl. Italy Naples Crete Crete 1827. 1825. 1759. 1796. 1752. 1819. 1752. 1822. 1815. 1820. C C c G L C L L C S.I S.I P.l p.l s.p a S.I 157 Sw. fl. gar. 200 Bot. cab. 66 Bot. mag. 1875 Bot. mag. 313 Bot. mag. 428 Bot. reg. 822 Bot. mag. 1917 or 3 f.ap Y Spain 3 Y 3 my.jl W Austria France 1815. C s.p Pluk. al. 299. 2 1810. C l.p Til. pis. 49. 2 1640. G s.l 354 or 2 my.jl W Asia 1800. C l.p 1198. DI'RCA L. LEATHER WOOD. (Dirka , a fountain ; habitation.) Thvmelce^ce. \. 10159 palustris L. marsh & ec 6 mr.ap Y Virginia 1750. L S.I Bot. reg. 292 *1199. GNI'DIA L. GNIDIA. (Ancient name of the laurel.) Thumelafa;. 16. 24. 10160 />inif61ia L. Pine-leaved tt|_Jpr 2 my.jn Pa.Y C. G. H. 1768. C s.p Bot. reg. 19 10161 radiata Wnl. radiated ttLjor 2 my.jn Pa.Y C. G. H. 1818. C s.p Bot. cab. 29 10162 imbe'rbis Dry. beardless-scaled &t | | pr 2i Pa.Y C. G. H. 1792. C s.p Bot. mag. 1463 10163 simplex L. simple tt. 1 1 el 1 my.jn Pa.Y C. G. H. 1786. C s.p Bot. mag. 812 10164 flava Lo. C. yellow tt!_jor 2 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1825. c s.p 10165 bifl5ra Thun. two-flowered l_Jor 2 my.jn Pa.Y C. G. H. 1800. c s.p 10166 ./uniperifblia L. acerosa Gm. Juniper-leaved tt i | or ty my.jn Pa.Y C. G. H. 1810. c S.p 10167 Jinoides Wik. Flax-like tt | |or 2 my.jn Pa.Y C. G. H. 1824. c s.p 10168 capitata W. capitate tt. | 1 CU 1 jnjl Pa.Y C. G. H. 1788. c s.p 10169 oppositif&lia L. 10170 stricta Wik. opposite-leaved tt. i | pr strict tt | | or 1 my.jl 2| my.jn Pa.Y Pa.Y C. G. H. C. G. H. 1783. 1818. c c s.p s.p Bot. reg. 2 10171 tomentbsa L. tomentose ttuJor 2 my.jn Pa.Y C. G. H. 1820. c S.p 10172 argentea Thun. silvery tt { |or 2 my.jn Pa.Y C. G. H. 1826. c s.p 10173 sericea L. silky tt. i | pr ] J r my.jl Pa.Y C. G. H. 1786. c S.p Bot. rep. 225 10174 imbricata L. denudata Lindl. imbricated It my.jl Pa.Y C. G. H. 1820. c s.p Bot. reg. 757 10175 laevigata Thun. polished tt.|_]pr 1 my.jl Pa.Y C. G. H. 1822. c l.p 1200. STELLE N R^ L. STELLERA. (G. W. Steller, a celebrated bot. collector, d. 1746.) Thymela?ce. 2. 3. 10176 Passerina L. Sparrow-wort O cu 1 W S. Europe 1759. S s.p Jac. ic. 1. 68 Passerina annua Wik. 10177 Chamaejasme L. Ground Jasmine tt. | | or Passerina Steller* Wik. 1 jn.jl W Siberia 1817. C s.p Am. rut. 2 1201. PASSERrNA L. SPARROW-WORT. (Passer, a sparrow ; 10178 uniflora L. one-flowered tt. | | cu | W 10179 laxa L. fil. loose tt. L_| cu f jn.jl W 10180 tenuiflbra W. en. slender-flwd tt. |_J cu f jn.s W beaked seeds.) C. G. H. 1759. C. G. H. 1804. C. G. H. ... Thymelafa:. 14. 28. C s.p Wen. ob. 2. 18 C p.l Bot. cab. 755 C S.D 10181 linearifolia Wik. linear-leaved j| l | or 3 my.jn W C. G. H. 1820. c s.p 10182 filif6rmis L. filiform tt. 1 | cu 1 W C. G. H. 1752. C s.p Wen. ob. 2. 15 10183 capitata L. headed tt. | | CU 1 jn.o W C. G. H. 1789. C s.p Wen. ob. 2. 17 10184 hirsuta L. 10185 ericoides L. hairy Heath-like tt, tt 1 | cu 1 |or S my.jn W W S. Europe 1759. C. G. H. 1810. C c p.l s.p Bot. mag. 1949 10186 rigida Wik. rigid tt I | or 2 my.jn W C. G. H. 1817. c s.p 10187 ciliata L. ciliated tt 1 | or 2 my.jn W C. G. H. 1818. c s.p 10188 Thunbergw Wik. Thunberg's tt l_Jor 3 my.jn W C. G. H. 1817. c s.p 10189 grandiflora L.fil. 10190 spicatai.^. great- flowered spiked tt-| | CU tt.| |CU 1 1 my.jn my.jn W W C. G. H. C. G. H. 1789. 1787. c c s.p p.l Bot. mag. 292 Bot. cab. 311 10191 anthylloides L.fil. Anthyllis-like * l | or 2 my.jn W C. G. H. 1823. c s.p 1202. LACHN^A-L. LAOH.V^EA. (Lachne, down ; clothing of corolla.) Thu "melcE^B. 5. 10192 conglomerata L. clustered tt 1 | or 2 jn.jl W C. G. H. 1773. s r.m Passerina conglome irata Thun. 10193 eriocephala L. 10194 purpurea H. K. woolly-headed tt | ] or purple-flowered tt | I or 2 2 jn'jl W P C. G. H. C. G H. 1793. 1800. c c P! Bot. mag. 1295 Bot. mag. 1594 10195 glauca Sal. glaucous 10196 iuxifolia Lam. Box-leaved Gnidia filamentosa L.fil. tt tt Hor or 2 2 mv.jl my.jl W W C. G. H. C. G. H. 1800. 1800. c c p.l Bot. mag. 1658 Bot. mag. 1657 1203. eOMBRE v TUM L. COMBRETUM, \ 10197 purpureum Vahl purple 10198 combsum G. Don comose (A name by Pliny to a climbing plant.) fl_Oor 15 jn.d S Madagasc.1818. fl_ CD or 20 ... P S. Leone 1822. Combretacece. 13. 50. C r.m Bot. mag. 2102 C r.m 10199 intermedium G. Do n intermediate fl_ 1 1 or 15 f-jl s S. Leone 1823 c r.m 10200 grandiflorum G. Don large-flowered 10201 Afz^lii G. Don Afzelius's 10202 paniculatum G.Don paniculate tt t l | or 1 I or [~~1 or 5 10 50 fjl ja.jn s s s S. Leone S. Leone Guinea 1824. 1826. 1824. C c c r.m r.m r.m 10203 elegans Kth. elegant L or 15 ap.jl s Brazil 1820. c r.m 10204 farinosum Kth. mealy fi_ or 10 ap.jl O.R Mexico 1825 c r.m 10205 secundum Jac. laxum Aub. side- flowering t or 10 ap.jl Y.s Trinidad 1818. c r.m Aub. gui. 1. 137 10206 racemosum Beauv. racemose g [ | or 12 fjl W Benin 1826. c r.m Beau. ow. 2. 118 10207 decandrum Rox. decandrous a 1 1 or 20 fjl ' W E. Indies 1826. c r.m Rox. cor. 1. 59 \ 10208 barbatum G. Don bearded-peialea *, 1 | or 10 W Maranh. 1820. c r.m 10209 nanum Ham. dwarf * 1 1 or 2 ... W Nepal 1825. c r.m ,, ASp IDFSTRA Ker ASPIDISTRA. 0210 Ifanda .Ker lurid 10211 punctata Lindl. dotted (Aspidision, a little shield ; flowers.) Araldea:. 2. El cu 1 jl P China 1822. Sk co Bot. reg. 628 El cu 1 mr P China 1824. Sk p.l Bot. reg. 977 158 OCTANDRIA TRIGYNIA. CLASS VIII. CLASS VIII. ORDER 2. OCTA'NDRIA DIGY'NIA. 1205. GALE V N7^ W. GALE VIA. 10212 africana W. African 1206. APHANA'NTHE L/C. APHANANTHE. 10213 celosioldes Lk. Cockscomb-Ik tt i (C. Galenas, a celeb, physician of Pergamus.) ChenopodecE. 1. tt. i_J cu 2 W C. G. H. 1752. C p.l Lam. il. 314 (Aphanes, obscure, anthos, flower.) cu 1 jl W.G Brazil 1813. C p.l AmaranthucetE. 1. p.l 1207. WEI NMA'NNZ4 L. WEINMANNIA. (J. W. Weinmann, a German botanist.) Cunoniaccce. 5. 12. 10214 glabra L. pinnata L. 10215 hirta Swx. 10216 ovata Cav. 10217 elliptica Kth. 10218 trifoliate L.fil. smooth * CU or 6 my.jn W Jamaica 1815. C r.m Lam. il. 313. 1 hairy fc D or 6 my.jn W Jamaica J820. C r.m ovate-leaved * I I or 6 my.jn W Peru 1824. C r.m Cav. ic. 6. 566 elliptic * CD or 4 my.jn W S. Araer. 1824. C r.m three-leaved FJ or 4 my.jn W C. G. H. 1820. C r.m Lam. il. 313. 2 1208. MCEHRFNG/^ L. MCEHRINGIA. (P. H. G. Hectoring, a celebrated physician.) Caryophyllea: . 2. 3. mossy ^ A cu % jn.jl L.P S. Europe 1775. D s.l Schk. nan. 1. 108 10219 muscbsa L. 10i!20 sedif&lia W. Sedum-leaved A cu 1209. AREMO'NIA Dec. AREMONIA. 10221 agrimonoides Dec. Agrimony-like ^ A or Agrimbnia agrimonoides L. \ jn.jl W.s S. Europe 1823. D s.l W. b. m. 3. 23 (Change from Agrimonia.) Rosacece. 1. 1 Y Italy 1739. D co Col. ec. 1.144 CLASS VIII. ORDER 3. OCTA'NDRIA TRIGY'NIA. * 1210. POL Y'GONUMi. POLTGONUM. (Polys, many, gonu, a joint ; stems.) Polvsbnea;. 68. 102. 10222 ramosissimum MX. branchiest ^c O w 1 my.jl W N. Amer. 1810. S CO 10223 gracile R. Br. slender ^L iAJ or 1 R N. Holl. 1822. D m.s 10224 amphibium L. amphibious A or 1 Pk Britain dit. D s.l Eng. bot. 436 2 hirsutum hairy A or 1 R Britain D CO 10225 coccineum Mhl. scarlet ^ A P r 1 S N. Amer. 1819. D s.l 10226 ni!6ticum Left. Nile A un 2 R Africa 1824. D m.s 10227 ocreatum L. booted A pr 2 jn.s W.G Siberia 1780. D s I Gm. si. 3. 8 10228 plebeium R. Br. plebeian tAJ or R N. Holl. 1822. S m.s 10229 virgin ianum Bieb. Virginian ^L A or 3 au.s W N. Amer. 1640. D s.l Par. th. 857. 6 10230 mite Pers. mi Id Water Pcppe'i r^fc- O or 1 R N. Amer. 1800. S m.s 10231 salsugineum Bieb. briny jfc. pr 1 Pk Caucasus 1817. D S.1 10232 Persicaria L. Persicaria w Pk Britain dit. S s.l Eng. bot. 756 10333 incanum Schmidt hoary un 2 W Germany 1804. S S.1 Pet. brit. 3. 8 10234 tepathif61ium L. Dock-leaved w 1 jn.s G England ( lungh. S s.l Eng. bot. 1382 10235 persicarioldes tfjfA. Persicaria-like or l R Mexico 1816. S CO 10236 senegalensis Mil. Senegal =*= or 1| R Guinea 1825. S m.s 10237 Hydropiper L. Water Pepper w 1 jl.8 R Britain \ rat. pi. S S.1 Eng. bot. 989 10238 glabrum .Roar. smooth or l| W E. Indies 1810. S CO 10239 minus Hud. smaller w i au.s Pk England ^ S S.1 Eng. bot. 1043 10240 arifolium Z,. Arum-leaved ^ cu 6 my.o W.R N. Amer. 1816. S s.l PI. am. 398. 3 10241 australe Spr. southern O> cu 1 R N. Holl. 1818. S m.s 10242 barbktum L. bearded Jc A cu 2 jn W China 1819. S s.l 10243 tinctorium Z.OM. dyer's a OJ dy 2 R China 1776. C s.l 10244 decipiens R. Br. deceiving a lAJ or 2 R N. Holl. 1822. S m.s 10245 floribundum Schlec. bundle-flowere< \ or 2 R Siberia 1818. S CO 10246 orientate L. oriental or 6 jl.o R E. Indies 1707. S CO Bot. mag. 213 2 album white-flowered or 4 jl.o W.G E. Indies 1781. S CO 10247 pennsylvanicum L. Pennsylvanian O or 1 R N. Amer. 1800. D CO 10248 setbsum Jac. bristly ^u A or 1 jn.jl W AsiaMin. 1817. D CO Jac. 'ob. 3.57 10249 Laxmanni Lep. Laxmann's ^ A or 1 W Davuria 1800. D CO 10250 herniarioldes Del Herniaria-like L _J cu s ... Egypt 1827. D CO 10251 erectum L. upright O un P.R N. Amer. 1792. D s.l 10252 acetbsum .Sw?6. sour J6 o un W.G Crimea 1820. S CO 10253 maritimum L. sea-side Jc A un 1 W.G S. Europe 1820. D s.l 10254 glaticum #/. 10255 equisetif6rme Sm. E:ous % setum-fmdJ: A or un 1 jn.jl 1 jn.jl w" N. Amer. S. Europe ... D S CO CO 10256 Bellardi AIL rdi's O un 1 jn.jl W.G S. Europe ... S CO , 10257 littorale Lk. sea-shore ^k A un 1 jn W.G S. Europe ... S CO flagellare Bert. 10258 arenariurn W. & K. sand * O or 1 P Hungary 1807. S CO W. & K. 67 10259 Dryandrz Spr. Dryander's P r l.jn.s W E. Indies 1800. S CO elegans Dry. 10260 patulum Bieb. spreading pr U jn.s w Tauria 1820 S CO 10261 aviculare L. small birds' Jc w 3 ap.o G Britain i ubble. S CO Eng. bot 125 10262 articulatum L. jointed pr 1 W N. Amer. 1817. S CO 10263 acidulum W. en. sourish fc A un 2 jn.jl W.G Siberia 1816. D s.l 10264 salignum W.en. Willow-like A un 4 W.G Siberia 1816. D s.l 10265 divaricatum L. divaricating A un 3 W.G Siberia 1759. D CO Gm. si. 3. 11. 1 10266 difftisum Pall. diffuse A pr 4 W Siberia 1817. D CO 10267 undulatum 3/wr. \va\e-leaved ^ A un 3 jn.jl W.G Siberia 1789. D s.l Gm. si. 3. 10 10268 alpinum All. alpine ^ A un 2 W Switzerl. 1816. D s.l Al. ped. 68. 1 10269 elegans Ten. elegant *> pr 2 W.G Naples 1824. D CO 10270 chinense JL. Chinese 3 ; o dy 6 W.G China 1795. S s.l Bur. in. 30. 3 10271 patens D. Don spreading ~ or 1 Nepal 1823. D CO 10272 sagittatum L. arrow-leaved J cu 6 W.G N. Amer. 1759. S s.l H. cl. 12 ORDER III. OCTANDRIA TRIGYNIA. 159 10273 cilinode MX. hairy-jointed 10274 adpressum R. Br. compressed 10275 dumetorum L. thicket 10276 <7onv61vulus L. Woodbine 10277 tataricum L. Tartarian 10278 emarginatum Roth notch-leaved 10279 cymosum Trev. cymose 10280 Fagopyrum L. Buck- Wheat 10281 scandens .L. American climbing 10282 sericeum Pall. silky 10283 hirsutum Walt. hairy 10284 viviparum L. viviparous 10285 ellipticum W. elliptic 10286 Bistorta L. Snakeweed 10287 petiolatum D. Don petiolated 10288 inacrophyllumD. Don long-leaved 10289 aff'ine D. Don kindred 1211. TRAGOPVRUM Bleb. GOAT'S WHEAT. 10290 lanceolatum Bleb, lanceolate & or Polygonum frutescens B. R. 10291 iuxifolium Bleb. Box-leaved & or 1| Polygonum crispulum B. M. caucasicum Hofg. 10292 polygamum Spr. polygamous sfe or 2 Polygonum polygamum Pen. parvifulium Nut. ? Pk Canada 1800. S co R N. Holl. 1822. L s.p W S. Europe 1803. S co W.G Britain corn fi. S s.l Siberia 1759. S s.l Pk China 1796. S s.l Pk Nepal 1827. S co Pk England corn fi. S s.l Pk N. Amer. 1749. D co W Siberia 1820. D co W N. Amer. 1817. D l.p W.G Britain al. pas. D s.l Pk Siberia 1807. D s.p Pk Britain me. pa. D co P Nepal 1820. D co P Nepal 1820. D co R Nepal 1822. D co Lab. n. h. 1. 127 Fl. dan. 759 Eng. bot. 941 Gm. si. 3. 13. 1 Bot. reg. 1065 Eng. bot. 1044 Pluk. al. 177. 7 Gm. si. 3. 9 Eng. bot. 669 Eng. bot. 509 (Tragos, a goat, pyros, wheat.) Pk Siberia 2 Polygbnea:. 3. 6. 1770. L s.l Bot. reg. 255 Pk Siberia 1800. L s.l Bot. mag. 1065 Pk Carolina 1810. L p.l Ven.cels63 1212. COCCO'LOBAi 10293 uvifera L. SEASIDE GRAPJ grape-bearing '_ :. (Kokkos, a berry, fr 6(5 ... lobos, a lobe ; fruit.) W.G W. Indies 1690. Polygbnece. 18. -23. C r.m Jac. am. 73 10294 puWscens L. 10295 orbicularis Lo. C. pubescent '_ round-leaved tm or 70 15 ... W.G W.G W. Indies 1690. S. Amer. 1825. C C r.m r.m Pluk. ph. 222. 8 10296 excoriata L. barked 1 1 tm 80 W.G W. Indies 1733. C r.m PL ic. 146. 1 10297 nfvea Jac. white-leaved 1 | or 20 W.G Jamaica 1818. C r.m 10298 punctata L. spotted 1 1 or 15 ... W.G W. Indies 1733. C r.m Jac. am. 114.77 10299 diversifolia Jac, various-leaved ' r~i or 20 an W.G St. Dom. 1818. C r.m Hook. ex. fl 102 10300 /aurifolia Jac. Laurel-leaved ; or 20 au W.G Caraccas 1822. C r.m Jac. sc. 3. 267 10301 flave'scens Jac. flavescent or 15 W.G St. Dom. 1820. C r.m Jac. am. 75 10302 obtusifolia Jac. obtuse-leaved ' or 20 W.G Carthag. 1822. C r.m Jac. am. 74 10303 microstachya IV. small-spiked ; Dor 16 ... W.G W. Indies 1824. C r.m parviflora Pair. 10304 obovata Kth. obovate-leaved ' f~~]or 50 ^^ W.G S. Amer. 1824. C r.m 10305 barbadensis Jac. Barbadoes ] [~~1 tm GO '..'. W.G Barbadoesl790. C r.m Jac. ob. 1. 8 10306 brasiliensis Spr. Brazilian O or 20 W.G Brazil 1825. C r.m 10307 latifulia Lam. broad-leaved O or 20 '"'. W.G S. Amer. 1812. C r.m Lam. il. 316. 4 10308 acuminata Kth. acuminate-/yrf ] I I or 20 ... W.G N. Grena. 1820. C r.m 10309 tenuifolia L. narrow-leaved ^ 1 1 or 30 W.G Jamaica 1820. C r.m Br. jam. 3 10310 longifolia Lk. long-leaved ] CD or 30 ... W.G W. Indies 1810. C r.m 1213. BRUNNI'CH.Li Gae. BRUNNICHIA. (F. Brunnich, a Danish naturalist.) Polyeonea;. 1. 20311 cirrhbsa Gae. tendrilled fl. i | or 6 ... Pk Carolina 1787. C l.p Gae. fr. 1. 45. 2 1214. PAULLrAT^ Schum. PAULLINIA. 10312 Curhra L. Curura fl. C 10313 pinnata L. -winged-leaved fl. C 10314 tetragona Aub. quadrangular-sfrnd fl_ C 10315 Vespertilio Swx. bat fl_ C 10316 weliaBfolia J. Melia-leaved fl. C 10317 senegalensis J. Senegal fl_ 10318 Cupani Kth. Cupani's fl. C 10319 sphaerooarpa Rich, round-fruited fl. C 10320 curassavica L. Curassoa fl. 10321 barbadensis Jac. Ba^badoes fl_ f_ 10322 polyphylla Schum. many-leaved fl_ C 10323 carthagin^nsis Jac. Carthagena fl. [ 10324 cariba^a Jac. 10325 pubescens Kth. 10326 hispida Jac. 10327 bipinnata Poir. 10328 cauliflora Jac. Cariba?an pubescent hispid bipinnate stem-flowe ring I.. (S. Paulli. prof. bot. at Copenhagen.) Sat nndacetB. 17. 39. or 20 ... W Antilles 1824. C s.p PI gen. 3. 2 or 15 ... W.G W. Indies 1752. C r.m Jac. ob. 3. 62. 12 or 20 ... W Guiana 1825. C l.p or 20 ... W S. Christo.1823. C s.p Ac. haf. 3. 11. 1 or 12 ... W.G Brazil 1819. C s.p Hook. ex. fl. 110 or 16 ... W Guinea 1822. C r.m or 20 ... W Trinidad 1818. C s.p or 26 ... W Guiana 1824. C l.p or 18 ... W.G S. Amer. 1739. C r.m Jac. ob. 3. 61. 8 or 16 ... W.G W. Indies 1786. C s.p Jac. ob. 3. 62. 9 or 20 ... W.G W. Indies 1739. C s.p Jac. ob. 3. 61. 10 or 16 ... W Carthag. 1818. C s.p Jac. ob. 3. 61. 6 or 10 ... W.G W.Indies ... C s.p Jac. ob. 3. 62. 7 or 16 ... w S. Amer. 1820. C IP or 20 ... w Trinidad 1825. C r.m Jac. sc. 3. 268 or 20 ... w Brazil 1816. C s.p or 18 ... w Caraccas 1822. C r.m Jac. ic. 3. 450 1215. SERIA N Nv4 Plu. SERIANA. (Philip Serjeant, a French friar and botanist.) Sapindaceee. 5. 21. 10329 sinuata Schum. sinuate-leaved fl_ CD or 15 ... W.G S. Amer. divaricate g_ D or 20 Caraccas fl_ I I or 15 ... Mexican fl_ O or 20 triternate fl_ I I or 20 10330 divaricata Schum. 10331 caracasana W. 10332 mexickna W. 10333 triternata W. C co Jac. ob. 3. 61. 2 W.G Jamaica 1824. C r.m Ac. haf. 3. 12. 2 W.G Caraccas 1816. C co Jac. sc. 1. 99 W.G Mexico 1823. C r.m Ac. haf. 3. 11.3 W.G S. Amer. 1739. C r.m Jac. ob. 61. 10 1216. URVILL,\4 Kth. URVILL^EA. (D. d'Urville, a French navigator and botanist.) Sapindhcece. 2. 10334 wlmacea Kth. Elm-like fl. CD or 20 ... W Caraccas 1824. C s.p H. & B. n.5.440 10335 ferruginea B. R. rusty l.i-'. W IB or 26 my.jl W Brazil 1823. C s.p Bot. reg. 107 1217. CARDIOSPF/RMUM L. HEART SEED. (Kardia, a heart, sperma, seed.) Sapindaceed ft, or Ssalicifolia Willow-leaved * or 10388 Indica L. Indian Buy J i | or 10389 fastens H. K. strong-smelling f i | or ?.()390 canariensis W. en. Canary J i | or 10591 Borbunia L. Bourbon - i | or 10392 crassifolia Rich. thick-leaved { 1 1 or 10393 exaltata Swz. lofty $ CU or Ocbtea turbacdnsis Kth. 10394 pendula Swz. pendulous f C 1 or lOo^S nfvea Lo C, snow-white ^ ' ' np 3 15 4 fl 20 80 10 15 40 60 40 ja.f mr.o mr.o G.Y Y.w Y.w Y.w G.Y G.Y G.Y Y.G W Y W.Y P.Y China Italy Madeira Madeira Canaries N. Amer. Cayenne Jamaica Jamaica 1806. 1561. 1665. 1760. 1815. 1739. 1800. 1800. 1800. 1820 L C C C C C C c C c c 3 S.1 S.I l.p L? l.p D 1 Bot. mag. 2497 Zo. ic. 52 Pluk. al. 301. i Cat. car. 1. 63 10396 carolinensis Cat. Carolina 2 pubescens pubescent 3 obtfisa obtuse 10397 Catesbeana MX. Catesbv's _i_ i i "- 1 L_Jtm T i_|or f l_Jor & or I.', 35 15 10 Y.G Y.G Y.G W N. Amer. N. Amer. N. Amer. Carolina isoe! 1806. 1806. 1820. L L L L [j 1-P Cat car. 28 10398 restivalis L. summer as 1 | or 6 apmy Y.G N. Amer. 1775. L 1-P 10399 gen iciilata Walt, geniculated 3fe or fi Y N. Amer. 1759. I. 1-P Bot. i nag. 1471 10400 .Diospyrus Pers. Jove's fruit 3fc or 6 G.Y N. Amer. 1810. L 1-P Bot. i Bag. 1470 10401 albida Spr.^ whitish-leaved & or 10 ap.jn Y.G Carolina 1824. L 1-P Ev6smus albidus Nut. 10402 Benzoin L. Benjamin tree 3fe m 8 Y.G N Amer. 1683. S p.s.l Com. h. 1. 97 10403 Sassafras L. Sassafras tree 5f m K my.jn G.Y N. Amer. 1633. s Ml Cat. c ar. 1 .55 10404 patens Swz. spreading *CDor 15 ... W.Y W. Indies 1824. c 1227. TETRANTHE^RA Jac TETRANTHERA. (Tetra, four, aner, an anther.) LaurirKE. 8. 11. 10405 /aurifolia Jac. Laurel-leaved * 1 1 or 6 my.jn G China 1822. c Bot. i 'eg. S 193 Litzea chinensis Lam. 10406 apt'tala Rox. apetalous ft ! 1 or 8 ap.jn G.Y N. Holl. 1824. c l.p Litzea citrifolia J. 10407 trinervia Spr. three-nerved * C~l or 10 ap.jn Y.G Ceylon 1821. c 1-P Litzea zeylanica Nees 10408 dealbkta R. Br. whited *tl_Jor 6 ap.jn Y.G N. Holl. 1825. c l.p 10409 glaucescens Spr. glaucescent iCDor 20 ap.jn Y.G Mexico 1825. c IP Litzea glaucescens Kth. 10410 Cervantesw Spr. Cervantes's 2 1 1 or 90 ... ... Mexico 1823. c S.I Litzea Cervantesw Kth. 10411 ferruginea R. Br. rusty St\ | or 8 ap.jn .. N. Holl. 1824. c l.p 10412 sebifera Spr. sebiferous ft r~ior 10 apjn Y.G E. Indies 1820. c l.p involucrata Retz. 1228. PE'RSEA Gae. ALLIGATOR PEA 10413 gratissima Gae. most grateful I-aurus Persea L. (Used by Theophrastus for an Egyptian tree.) Laiirhice 1 fZ] fr 40 ... G.Y W. Indies 1739. C l.p Pluk. al. 267/1 1229. CRYPTOCA V RYA R. Br. CRYPTOCARYA. (Kryptos, hidden, karya, a nut.) Lauriiue. 2. 4. 10414 glaucescens R. Br. glaucescent 10415 obovata R. Br. 1 L_J or 16 ap.jn W.Y N. Holl. 1818. C s.p $ l_J or 16 ap.jn W.Y N. Holl. 1820. C s.p 1230. CASSYTHA L. CASSYTHA. (Gr. name of the Cuscuta, which it resembles.) Laurince. 2. 5. 10416 filif6rmis L. 10417 glabella R. Br. filiform smoothish Q cu 3 W \ _ | or 3 W E.Indies 1796. C s.p Pluk. al. 173. 2 N. Holl. 1823. C s.p 1231. ERIO'GONUM MX. ERIOGONUM. (Erion, wool, gonu, a joint ; stems.) Polygbnece. 4 _ 6 10418 tomentosum Mr. woolly ^ A or 2 my.jn W Carolina 1811. S l.p Mic am 24 10419 sericeum Ph. silky ^ A or 1 jl Y Missouri 1811. S l.p flavum Fra. 10420 pauciflorum Ph. few-flowered ^ A or 2 jn.jl Y Louisiana 1820. S l.p 10421 longitolium Nut. long-leaved ^ A or 2 jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1822. S l.p CLASS IX. ORDER 2. ENNEA'NDRIA TRIGY'NIA. 1232. 7ZHEHJM /,. RHUBARB. (Rha. 10422 Rhaponticum L. Rhapontic 10423 undulatum L. wave-leaved 10424 n u tans Fis. nadding-flwd 10425 sibiricum Hort. Siberian 10426 fenestratum Ander. windowed 10427 hybridum W. $ K. hybrid 10428 australe D. Don southern Embdi Wai. 10429 palmatum L. palmated 10430 compacturn L. compact 10431 caspicum W. Caspian 10432 crispum H. C. curled 10433 austnacum H. C. Austrian 10434 tartaricum L. Tartarian 10435 Ribes L. Ribes 1233. PLE V EA MX. 10436 tenuifolia MX. PLEEA. slender-leaved the Wolga ; first brought from its banks.) Polygonece. 14. 15. ft A m 4 my.jn W.G Asia 1573. R co Sab. rom. 1. 34 ^ A cul 4 my.jn W.G China 1734. ^ A cul 8 my.jn W Siberia 1800. * A cul 6 my.jn W Siberia ^ A cul 6 my.jn W A cul 5 my.jn W.G Asia 1778. Nepal R co Am. ac. 3. 4 R r.m 1800. R r.m 1700. R r.m R co Mur. 1 1823. R r.m 5 W.G Bucharia 1763. R co L. f. fa. 7 4 3 my.jr my.jn W.G Tartary W Russia 5 my.jn W 5 my.jn W Austria 3 my.jn W.G Tartary 1793. R co 1758. R co Mil. ic. 2. 218 1817. R r.m 1800. R r.m 1800. R r.m 2 my.jn Levant 1724. R co An. mu. 1. 49 (Pleias, the seven stars ; flowers.) Juncete. 1. cu my.s Br Carolina 1824. D p.! Bot. mag. 1956 M 162 DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS X. CLASS IX. ORDER 3. ENNEA'NDRIA HEXAGY'NIA. 1234. BITTOMUS L. FLOWERING RUSH. (Bous, an ox, temno, to cut ; cropped by oxen.) Butbmete. 2. 104;37 umbellatus L. umbclled A A el 2 jn.jl Pk Britain dit. D r.l Eng. hot. G5i 10438 latifolius D. Don broad-leaved ^ A el 1 ju jl W Nepal 1823. D r.l CLASS X. ORDER I. DECA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. 1235. EDWA'RDS/^ Sal. EDWARDSIA. (S. Edwards, a celeb, bot. draughtsman.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 5. 10439 grandiflora Sal. large-flowered 3fe 10440 chrysophylla Sal. golden-leaved S& 10441 nitida Dec. shinii Sophbra sericea Hil. 10442 microphylla Saf. small-leaved ^ _| or 10443 minima Lo. C. least S | or my.jn S& _ [or 12 my.jn * CD or 8 ... 6 my.jn 4 my.jn N. Zeal. N. Zeal. Bourbon N. Zeal. N. Zeal 1772. ... 1820. 1772. 1818. C s.p Bot. mag. 167 C s.p Bot. reg. 738 C s.p Bot. mag. 1442 1236. MYROSPE'RMUM H.SfB. MYROSPERMU.M. (Myron, balsam, sperma, seed.) Leg. Pap Soph. 1. 4. 10444 toluiferum MX. tolu-bearing f I Im S. Amer. ... C p.l Wood. 3. 193 SOPHORA. (Altered from Sophera, the Arabic name.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 12. 15. Japanese * tm 40 au.s W Japan 1763. S" s.l Bot. reg. 585 variegated-lvd * or 14 au.s W Japan ... S s.l drooping Japan^f or 12 au.s W Japan ... S s.l China $ or 30 au.s W China 1818. S s.l glaucous d] or 7 ... P E. Indies 1818. C s.l Havannah 5 1 i or 3 au.s Y Havannal i!823. C p.l Jac. am . 173. 1 woolly f I 1 or 12 ... W India 1690. C p.l Tr. ehr ,59 thick-leaved ? CD or 18 W Guinea 1818. C p.l side-flowering 'Hi 1 I or 3 !.. V N Spain 1820. c p.l Cav. ic. 5.401 shore * I 1 or 6 ... Brazil 1820. c s.l flavescent ^ A r 2 my.jl Y" Siberia 1785. D r.l Galega-like A or 2 jjl Y Siberia 1817. D r.m Pal. as. 88 Foxtail-like ^ A or 4 Y Levant 1731. D r.l Pal. as. 87 silky ^ A or 1| jn.jl W N. Amer. 1820. D r.m * 1237. SOPHO^RA L. 10445 jap6nica L. 2 toliis variegatis 3 p^ndula 10446 chinensis Lo. C. 10447 glaiica Lech. 10448 havanensis Jac. 10449 tomentosa L. 10450 crassifolia Hil. 10451 secundiflora Lag. 10452 littoralis Sc/tr. 10453 flavescens H. K. 10454 gnlegoides Pall. 10455 alopecuroldes L. 10456 sericea Nut. Astragalus carndsus Ph.' 1238. ORMCTSTA Jack. ORMOSIA. (Ormos, a necklace ; seeds worn in necklaces.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 2. 4. 10457 dasycarpa Jack. thick-fruited CD or 20 jn.jl B W. Indies 1793. C It.l Lin. tr. 10. 26 10458 coccinea Jack. scarlet-seeded f CD or 20 B Guiana 1823. C s.l 10.27 Robim'a coccinea Aub. *1239. ^NAGY^RIS Tou. BEAN TREFOIL. (Ana, backward, gyros, a circle ; pod.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 4. 10459 fce'tida L. fetid it (or 9 Y Spain 1170. C p.l Bot cab. 740 10460 glauca Hort. glaucous it | or 6 Y S. Europe 1800. C p.l 10461 latifolia IV. en. broad-leaved it) | or 10 Y Teneriffe 1815. C p.l U0462 indica Wai. India * or 8 jl Y Nepal 1821. C p.l Hook. ex. fl. IS] Baptisia ncpalensis Hook. Thermopsis /aburnifolia D. Don 1240. MACRO'TROPUS Dec. MACROTROPUS. (Makros, long, tropis, a keel : flower.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 1. 10453 fce'tida Dec. fetid it i_J or 6 Y China 1820. C p.l ^nagyris fte'tida Lou. sinensis Steu. chinensis Spr. 1241. THERMO'PSISA Br. THERMOPSIS. (Thermos, lupine, opsis, resemblance.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 4 10464 rhombifdlia Nut. rhomb-leaved ^ A or 2 jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1811. D r.m Cytisus rhombifolius Ph.. 10465 /a'bacea Dec. Faba-like ^ A or 2 jn.jl Y Siberia 1818. D r.m Pal. as. 90. 2 Sophbra faeces. Pall, /upinoldes var. a. L. 10466 lanceolata R. Br. spear-leaved & A pr 1 jn.jl Y Siberia 1779. D It.l Bot. mag. 1389 PodalyYia /upinoldes W. Sophbra /upinofdes Pall. 10467 corgonensis Dec. Corgon ^ A or 1 jl Y Altai 1820. D r.m Pal. as. 90. 1 Sophbra alpina Pall. Podalyria alplna W. en. 1242. VIRGI'LI^ Lam. VIRGILIA. (Publius Virgilius Maro, prince of Latin poets.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 6. 7. 10468 robinwkfes Dec. Robinia-like il L_| or 8 au.s Y C. G. H. 1818. C s.p I | or Robin/a capensis Brm. 10469 lutea MX. yellow-cowered or 15 jn.jl Y 10470 sylvatica Dec. wood * , | or 4 au.o Y Sophbra sylvatica Burc. 10471 aurea Lam. golden-/Zowra* it , (or 6 jl Y N. Amer. 1812. C p.l Mic. ar. ic. C. G. H. 1816. C s.p 8 Y.w C. G. H. 2 P.w C. G. H. Abyssinia 1777. C p.l 1790. 1767. C p.l C p.l Her. st. 1.75 Bot mag. 1590 10472 intrusa R. Br. intruded * , | or 10473 capensis Lam. Cape * , | or * 1243. CYCLCTPIA Ven. CYCLOPIA. (Kyklos, a circle, pous, a foot ; base of pods.) 10474 genistotees H. K. Genista-like _| or Y C. G. H. 1787. C 10475 ^alioldes Dec. Galium-like it , j or 4 Y C. G. H. 1820. C p.l 4 Sophbra #alioides Berg, //spalathus callosa Brm. 10476 latifolia Dec. broad-leaved * i_J or 5 Y C. G. H. 1820. C p.l Genista iuxifolia Brm. Leg. Pap. Sort. 3. p.l Bot. mag. 1259 ORDER I. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 163 * 1244. BAPTTSIA Ven. BAPTISIA. (Bapto, to dye; blue tincture from leaves.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 8. 10. 10477 perfoliata R. Br. perfoliate .AJpr 3 au Y Carolina 1732. 1) c Di. el. 102. 122 10478 lanceolata Ell. lanceolate A or 1 Y N. Amer. 1818. D s.p Podalyrirt umflura MX. 10479 austrilis R. Br. southern ^ A l " 2* jn.jl B N. Amer. 1758. D c Bot, mr.g. SC-J 10480 mollis Nut. soft ^ A or 14 jn.jl B N. Amer. 1824. D s.p 10181 villosa Ell. villous ^ A or 2 jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1811. n c 104S2 tincturia R. Br. dyer's v A or Y N. Amer. 1750. D c Bot. mag. 1099 10t8 J exalt\ta Swt. exalted ^ A or 3 B N. Amer. 1816. D r.m Sw. fl. gar. 97 10484 alba R. Br. white-flowered ^ A or 2 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1724. D c Bot. mag. 1 177 1245. PODALY'RI^ Lam. PODALYRIA. (Podalirius, a son of yEsculapius.) 10485 BurchelU Dec. Burchell's it t | or 6 my.jl P C. G. H. Leg 1816 Pap. Soph. 13. 14. C p. 10488 hirsuta W. hairy it . |or 2 jkau P C. G. H. 1774. C p. 10487 sericea R. Br. silky it ( i or 6 ja.o P C. G. H. 1778. c P. Bot. mag. 1923 10488 cunei folia Fen. wedge-leaved it ( i or 6 W C. G. H. 1804. c P- Ven. eels 99 10489 myrtillifulia IF. Myrtle-leaved it \ | or 6 ap.jl P C. G. H. 1795. c; P 10490 iuxifblia W. Box-leaved it | | or 2 my.jl B C. G. H. 1790. c P- Bot. reg. 869 10491 oleaefulia Sal. Olive-leaved it i ' or 4 mv P C. G. H. 1804. c P- Par. Ion. 114 10492 styrucifMia B. M. Styrax-leaved it | | or 6 my.jl Pk C. G. H. 1792. c P.l Bot. mag. 1580 ealyptrata W. 10493 glauca Dec. glaucous it | | or 6 my.jl P C. G. H. 1810. c p.l Lam. il. 327. 4 10494 argt^ntea Sal. silvery * , | or 6 f.jn W.R C. G. H. 1789. c p.l Bot. mag. 753 biriora B. M. 10495 liparioides Dec. Liparia-like it ! (or fi f.jn F C. G. H. 1820. c p.l 10496 subbiflora Dec. subhiflowered its l | or 6 f.jn P C. G. H. 1810. c p.l 10497 cordiita B. Br. heart-leaved itujor 3 my.jl B C. G. H. 1794. c 1246. CHORIZE^MA Lab. CHORIZEMA. (Choros, dance, %emia t annoyance.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 4. 5. 10498 ;iicif6lia Lab. Holly-leaved it t | or 2 mr.o Y.R N. Holl. 1803. S s.p Lab. vo. 1.21 10499 nana B. M. dwarf tt. , | or f mr.o Y.R N. Holl. 18(13. S s.p Bot. mag. 1032 10500 rhombea R. Br. rhomb-leaved it t | or 2 ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1803. S s.p 10501 Henchmamui R. Br. Henchmann's it | | spl 2 ap.jn S N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Bot. reg. 986 1247. PODOLO^BIUM R. Br. PODOLOBIUM. (Pous, foot, lobos, pod; with footstalks.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 5. 7. 10502 trilobatum R Br. three-lobed it | | or 2 ap.jl Y.s N. S. W. 1791. S s.p Bot. mag. 1477 10503 staurophyllum Dec. cross-leaved it t | pr 2 mr Y N. Holl. 1822. C p.l Bot. reg. 959 10504 heterophyllum Hort. various-leaved it | | or 3 10505 scandens'DfC. climbing fl_ i j or 3 Chorozfema scandens Sm. 2 humifusum Dec. trailing It. | 1 or 1 Daveari humifusa Sieb. 10506 coriaceum Dec. leather-leaved it t | or 2 1248. OXYLO^BIUM Andr. OXYLOBIUM. (Oxys, 10507 retusum R. Br. retuse-leaved it i | spl 2 10508 arborescens R. Kr. arborescent it i | or 6 10509 ellipticum R. Br. elliptic-leaved it | | or 3 10510 cordifulium Andr. heart-leaved it | | or 3 1051,1 spinosum Dec spiny it ( | or 2 10512 ferrugineum Lo. C. rusty it | | or 2 10513 obtusifMium Swt. blunt-leaved it i | or 2 10514 Pultene? Dec. Pulteney's it | | or 2 ap.jl Y N. Holl. 1824. C ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1824, C ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1823. C ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1824. C sharp, lobos, pod ; pointed pods.) O N. Holl. 1823. C ap.jn Y V.D.L. 1805. C my.s Y V.D.L. 1805. C ap s Y N. S. W. 1807. C ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1825. C ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1820. C ap.jn S N. Holl. 1824. C mr D.O N. Holl. 1824. C s.p s.p s.p s.p Leg. Pap. Soph. 8. p.l Bot. reg. 913 s.p Bot. reg. 392 s.p Lab. n. h. 135 sp Bot. rep. 492 s.p s.p s.p Sw. au. 5 s.p 1249. CALLI'STACHYS Fen. CALLISTACHYS. 10515 lanceoRta yen. spear-leaved *\ | or 10516 ovata B. M. ovate-leaved it ( | or 10517 cuneata Sm. wedge-leaved i | or 1G518 linariaefolia Ma. C. Toad-flax-lvd il | | or (Kalos, beautiful, stachys, spike.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 4. 4 Y N. Ho'll. 1815. C s.p Bot. reg. 216 4 Y N. Holl. 1815. C s.p Bot. mag. 1925* 3 Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 6 Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 12.)0. BRACHYSE^MA R. Br. BUACHYSEMA. (Brachys, short, sema, standard.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 2. 3. 10510 latifolium R. Br. broad-leaved t, i_J or 3 ap.jl C N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. reg. 118 10520 undulatum Ker wave-leaved JU i i cu 3 mr.ap G N. S. W. 1820. C s.p Bot. reg. 642 1251. GOMPHOLO V BIUM Sm. GOVPHOLOBIUM. 10521 barbigerum Dec. bearded-keeled i _ | or fimbriatum Sieb. 10522 grandiflorum Sm. (Gomphos, wedge, lobos, pod ; shape.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 17. 2 Y N. Holl 1824. C s.p 2 setifulium Sieb. 10523 latifulium H. K. fimbriatum Sm. 10524 virgatum Sieb. large-flowered bristle-leaved broad-leaved twiggy it ( _ | de it | _ | de it i_J de 2 mr.s Y 2 mr.s Y 2 mr.s Y . tL l _ I or 10525 marginatum R. Br. edged it i _ | de 10;>2o pedunculare Dec. pedunculate tt. i(DI or 105i!7 tetrathecoMes Sieb. Tetratheca-likett. i _ j or 10528 mirbelzoJrffs Ma. C. Mirbelia-like tt. | _ ] or 105 1 J9 polymorphum R.Br. multiform it | _ | de 10530 lanatiim Ma. C. woolly tt. i _ | or 10531 reticulktum Ma. C. netted-leaved *t i _ | or 10532 tenellum Ma. C. delicate tt. , _ , or 10533 tomentusum Lab. tomentose it i _ | de 10534 glabratum Dec. smooth tt. j _ ) or 10535 ventistum R. B). beautiful it | _ | de lOS.Jfi pinnatum Sm. pinnate-leaved tt. Ol or 10537 glaucescens Cun. glaucescent tt. | _ | or li mr.jl Y 2 mr.s Y i ap.jl Y H ap.jl Y liapjl Y 2 Y U mr.jn Y 1*'PJ1 Y li mr.ap Y 3 ap.jl 'Y H Y 3 ap.jl P i ap. 1 Y I ap.jl Y N. S. W. 1803. C s.p Bot. reg. 21 N. S. W. 1826. C s.p N. S. W. 1803. C s.p Ex. hot 58 N. Holl. 1820. C s.p N. Holl. 1803. C s.p N. HolL 1824. C s.p N. Holl. 1824. C s.p N. Holl. 1823. C s.p N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. mag. 1533 N. Holl. 1824. C s.p N. Holl. 18-24. C s.p N. Holl. 1824. C s.p N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Lab.n.h. 1.134 N. Holl. 1820. C s.p N. Holl. 1803. C s.p N. Holl. 1820. S s.p N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 1252. BURTO'NI/4 R. Br. BURTONIA. (D. Burton, a collector for Kew garden.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 3. ' ny.jl Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.Lp a, l_J or 4 my.jl Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.p _|or i rnrjl Y N. Holl. 1812. C s.p 10538 scabra R. Br. rough-leaved tt. ( ) pr 1 my.j: i my.jl 10539 sessilifolia Dec. sessile-leaved 10540 minor Dec. smaller Goaipholobium rriinus Sm. 1253. JACKSO^N/^ R. Br. 10541 scoparia R. B 10542 spinosa R. Br spinous JACKSONIA. (G. Jackson, librarian to A. B. Lambert.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 4. &. *t L_J pr 2 Y N. S. W. 1803. C s.p Bot cab. 427 t_J pr 2 ap.s Y N. HolL 1803. C s.p Lab. n. h. 1. 135 M 2 164 DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS X. 10543 furcellata Dec. fork-branched ft i 1 10544 reticulata Dec. netted ft | | Davis* reticulata Sm. ap.s 2 ap.s N. Holl. 1824. C s.l.p Bon. nav. 11 N. Holl. 1820. C s.l.p 1254. VIMIN A^RIA Sm. RUSH BROOM. 10545 denudata Sm. stripped ft | j or 3 jn.s 10546 lateriflbra Lk. side-flowering ft i | or 3 jn.s (Vimen, a twig; habit.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 2. Y N. Holl. 1789. C s.p Bot. mag. ll!'0 Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 1255. SPHJEROLO^BIUM Sm. SPH^ROLOBIUM. (Sphaira, sphere, lobos, pod ; shape.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 10547 vimineum Sm. twiggy ft | | or 2 Y N. Holl. 1802. C s.p Bot. mag. i)rii minus Lab. 10548 medium R. Br. mediate ft | | or 1256. AO N TUS Sm. Aorus. (^privative, ous, eai 3 ; ear-like a B pen N. dage Holl. 1803. 3 to calyx wa C s.p nting.) Lee;. Pap. Soph. 3. 10549 villosa Sm. villous ft i | or 2 ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1790. C s.p Bot. mag. 949 1 ericoldes Heath-like ft 1 | or u ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1810. C s.l.p Ven. mal. 35 2 ferruginea rusty ft l | or li ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1820. c s.l.p Lab. n. h. 1. 132 10550 incana Ma. C. hoary ft L_|or ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1824 c s.l.p 10551 virgata Dec. twiggy ft L_Jor Ij ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1824 C' s.l.p 1257. DILLWY'N/J Sm. DILLWYNI A. (L. W. Dillwyn, a celebrated botanist.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 11. 12. 10552 floribunda Sm. bundle-flvvd ft i 1 or 2 ap.jl Y N. S. W. 17! f* C s.l.p Ex. bot. 2 9 10553 ericitolia Sm. Heath-leaved ft i | or 2 mr.jl Y N. S. W. 1794 t s.l.p Ex. bot. 2 <5 10554 glaberrima Sm. smoothest ft | | or 2 mr.jl y N. S. W. 1800 C s.l.p Bot. mag 944 10555 parvifolia It. Br. small-leaved ft 1 | or mr.jl Y N. S. W. 1800 c s.l.p Bot. mag 1527 10555 acicularis Sieb. needle-leaved ft 1 | or 1A ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1826 c F.p.l 10557 rudis Sieb. rustic ft) jor ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1824 c s.l.p 2 brevifolia 3 teretifolia short-leaved round-leaved ft i | or ftl_Jor S 2 apjn ap.jn Y Y N. N. Holl. Holl. 1824 18 .'4 c s.p.1 s.p.l 4 hispidula hispidish ft i | or ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1824 c s.p.l 10558 phylicoldes Cun. Phylica-like ft l | or % ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1824 r s.l.p 10559 tenuifolia Sieb. fine-leaved ft l_Jor 11 ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1824 c s.l.p 10560 sericea Cun. silky ft | | or I| a ).jri Y N. Holl. 1824 c s.l.p 10561 ./uniperina Lod. 10562 cinerascens R. Br. Juniper-leaved cinerascent *l_Jpr Ss L | or 2 a ).my n r.jl Y Y V. D. L. N. S. W. 1818 1819 I c s.l.p Bot. cab. 401 s.l.p Bot. mag. 2247 1258. EUTA'XIA R.Br. EUTAXIA. 10563 wyrtifblia R. Br. Myrtle-leaved (Eutaxla ft i | pr li , noclesty ; a i O appearance.) N. Holl. - 1803. C' Leg. Pap. Soph. s.l.p Bot. mag. 2. 1274 10564 pungens Swt. Dillwynz'a pungens pungent Ma. C. ft | | or 4 ap.jn N. Holl. 1825. c; p.l Sw. au. 28 1259. SCLEROTHA'MNUS R. Br. SCXEROTHAMNUS. (Skleros, hard, thamnos, shrub.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 1. 10565 microphyllus R. Br. small-leaved * i_| or 2 my.jn Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p ,1260. GASTROLO X BIUM R. Br. GASTROLOBIUM. (Gaster, belly, lobos, pod; shape.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 1. 3. 10566 biloLum R. Br. two-iobed ft i | or 2 Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p Bot. reg. 411 1261. EUCHPLUS R.Br. EIJCHILUS. 10567 obcordatus R. Br. obcordate-/w* (Eu, well, cheilos, a lip ; well lipped.) Leg. Pap. Soph. 1. UJ or 2 mr.jn Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p Bot. cab. 60 *1262. PULTEN^E\4 10568 ofaphnoldes Sm. Sm. PuLTEiVjEA. Daphne-like (W. Pultfney, M. ft 1 | or 2 j'n.jl D., a botanical author ) Y N. S. W. 1792. C Leg. Pap. Soph. 43. s.l.p Bot, mag. 1391 10569 obcordata Andr. obcordate /!> SCHO^TIA Jac. SCHOTIA. (R. van der Schot, Jacquin's fellow-travel, in Amer.) Leg. Cas. Cass. <4. 5. 10633 speciosa Jac. showy * Q or 5 jl.d C C. G. H, 1759. C l.p Bot, rep. 348 10634 tamarindiRilia. Afz. Tamarind-lvd * Q or 6 my.s C C. G. H. 1795. C lp Bot. mag. 1153 10635stipulatatf.A'. Mr^e-stipuled fit CZi or 5 my.s C C. G. H. 1794. C l.p .10636 alata Thun. winged St \ _ | or 5 jn.jl C C. G. H. 1816. C l.p (Omphalos, the navel, lobos, a pod.) 7,t;#. Ctes. Cass. 1. 6 my.jl Pa.P C. G. H. 1810. C r.m Jac. fr. 15. 4 Leg. &zs. Cess. 45. 138. C It.l 11. d. 15 C Fl.mcx. ic. in. Cav. ic. 5. 406 Cav. ic. 5. 407 Mil. ic. 1. 61 Bot. mag. 1708 Cav. ic. 5. 405 1267. OMPHALCABIUM Jac. OMPHAI.OBIUM. 10637 Schutm JHC. Schot's * f~l Schot/rt latifolia Jac. *1268. BAUHI'N/^ Plu. MOUNTAIN EBONY. (J. and C. Bauhirt, two celeb, botanists.) 10638 divaricata L. divaricate * Q or 5 jn.s W W. Indies 1712. 10639 Lamarkz wrt Dec. Lamark's * CD or 6 ... W S. Amer. 1818. retusa Poir. divaricata Lam. and Desf. 10640 spathacea Dec. spathaceous 10641 subrotundifdlia Cav. roundish-lvd 10C42 luniria Cav. .10643 aurita H. K. 10644 porrecta Swz. 10645 latifolia Cav. 10646 Candida H. K. 10647 acuminata L. 10648 Paulfctw Pers. 10649 grandiflora J. 10650 leptoptala Dec. 10651 aculeata L. 10652 forficata Lk. 10653 emarginata Mil. 10654 armata Otto 10655 inermis Pers. 10656 rufescens Lam. 10657 parvifldra VaM 10658 madagascariensisDst. Madagascar 10659 ungula Jac. clawed aculeata Jac. am. 111. 2 10660 variegata L. 10661 chinensis Dec. 10662 tomentosa L. 10663 pubescens Dec. 10664 multinervia Dec. 10635 glaucescens Dec. 10666 racemosa Vahl 10667 purpfirea L. 10668 retusa :isa Rox. 10669 corymbbsa Rox. anguAna Rox. 10670 scandens L. small-lvd climbing 10671 guianensis Aub. Guiana 10672 heterophylla Kth. various-leaved 10673 glkbra Jac. smooth 10674 americana Her. am. American 10675 anatomica Lk. 10676 semibifida Rox. 10677 ferruginea Rox. 10678 malabarica Rox. 10679 triandra Rox. 10680 Indica 1.0. C. 10681 microphjHla Hort. 10682 speciusa Hort. variegated China tomentose pubescent many-nerved glaucescent racemose purple retuse corymbose Dec. leg. 13. 70 R. mal. 8. 29 , Aub. gui. 1. 145 Kth. mini. 46 Jac. am. 173. 3 Her. am. 315 cut-leaved semibifid rusty-leaved Malabar triandrous Indian small-leaved showy 1269. HYMEN^E\4 L. LOCUST TREE. (Hymen, god of marriage, leaves joined.) Leg. C^es. Cass. 3. 5. Courbaril f Q or 20 ... Y. t > W. Indies 1688. C- p.l Lam. il. 330 1 - 1068,3 CoitYbaiil L. 1U6S4 verrucosa Gae. HK;S5 CandoUiana Kth, warty-podded Dccandollc's T L3 or 20 f CD or 30 M Madagasc. 1808. Acapulca 1824. p.l Lam. il. 330. 2 p.l H. &B,n.566 166 DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS X. 1270. CYNOME^TRA L. CYNOMETRA. 10686 cauliflora L. stem-flowering 10687 polyandra Rox. polyandrous (Kyon, a dog. metra. matrix ; pods.) Leg, Ctes. Cass. 2. 4 Dor 30 ... R E.Indies 1804. C s.l.p Lam. il. 331 I | or 20 ... R E. Indies 1822. C s.l.p Rox. cor. 28G 1271. CA'SSIA JL. CASSIA. (Katsa, to tear off, Arab.; bark stripped from tree.) Leg. Cats. Cass. 106. 204. 10688 bacillaris L. rod il CD or 3 ... Y E. Indies 178*. C co Bot. reg. 881 10689 speciusa Scfir. showy il CD or 5 jn.jl Y Brazil 1816. C l.p 10690 corymbusa Lam. corymbose il i 1 or 3 jl Y 10691 floribunda Cav. bundle-flwd il CD or 4 jn.jl Y B. Ay res 1796. C s.p Bot. mag. 633 New Spainl818. C l.p 10692 laevigata W. en. smooth il CD pr 3 Y C lt.l grand i flora Desf. 10693 pendula W. en. pendulous * CD or 3 Y 10694 tor6sa Cav. torose il CD or 6 jn.jl Y S. Amer. 1820. C p.l China 1816. C s.l Jac. ic. 73 chinlnsis Jac. not Lam. torulbsa Pair. 10695 chinensis Lam. Chinese il i_J or 4 jn Y China 1807. C p.l 10696 coroinandeHana Jac.^ Coromandel * a or 8jnJ1 Y Coroman. 1823. C s.l Jac. fr. 100 10697 Sophbra L. Sophora il 1 1 or 4 jl.s Y E. Indies 1658. C lt.l R. mal. 2. 52 10698 bracteata L. bracteate CD or 6 ap.d Y W. Indies 1822. C co 10699 alata /,. winged-leaved il CD or 12 ... Y W. Indies 1731. C p.l Jac. ob. 245. 2 10700 obovata Coll. obovate-lvd Senna KT1 m 1| Y Egypt 1640. S lt.l Jac. ec. 1. 87 Se'nna Lam. 10701 /igustrinoides Schr. Ligustrina-like tL 1 1 un 1 Y Arabia 1800. C H.1 10702 lanceolata Forsk. lanceol. trueSennan. CD m 1 Y Levant ... C lt.l Del.a?g.27. 1 orientalis Pers. acutiloba Dec. 10703 italica Lam Italian Senna O or 3 jn.jl Y S.Europe ... S co M. h.2.24. 2 10704 Tardntan Kth. Tarantan - CD m Y Cumana 1817. C s.l 10705 Richardzdwa Kth. Richard's *t CD m 1* Y Cumana 1823. C s.l Kth. mini. 42 10706 sericea Swz. silky-leaved O un Ji Y Jamaica 1731. S s.p Jac. ic. 3. 459 10707 obtusifolia L. blunt-leaved 101 un 2 Y Jamaica 17S2. S p.l Di. el. 62. 72 10708 ciliata Hofm. ciliated tt. CD m 1 jn.jl Y Cuba 1820. S s.l 10709 h iimilis Coll. humble CE m 1 jn.jl Y S. Amer. 1810. S s.l PI. ed. B. 76. 2 10710 Tbra L. Tora O un 3 au Y E. Indies 1693. S r.m Di. el. 63.73 10711 ciliaris Coll. ciViated-leaved O m 1 jn.jl Y E. Indies 1817. S s.l 10712 pentagona Mil. five-angled IHJ1 m 1 jn.jl Y Peru 1700. S s.l 10713 Tdgera Lam. Tagera QO w lijl Y E. Indies 1803. S p.l R. mal. 2.53 10714 viminea L. twiggy * CD pr 3 ... Y W. Indies 1786. C p.l SI. jam. 2. 189. 67 10715 macranthfera Dec. long-anthered il CD or 3 jn.jl Y Brazil 1824. C s.l Col. cas. 8 10716 quinquangularisjR/cA. five-angled CD or 3 jn jl Y Cayenne 1818. C s.l 10717 sennutdes Jac. Senna-like * 1 1 or 3 Y E. Indies 1808. C s.p Jac. ic. 1. 70 10718 Apoucoi'iita Aub. Apoucouita * CD or 8 ... Y Surinam 1820. C s.p Aub. gui. 1. 146 acuminata IV. 10719 bicapsularis L. two-capsuled il CD or 4 my.jn Y W. Indies 1739. C p.l Pl.ic.76. 1 10720 mollissima H. 8$B. softest-leaved il CD or 6 ... Y 10721 artemisioldes Gau. Artemisia-like * i | or 2 jn.jl Y S. Amer. 1816. C p.l N. Holl. 1820. C s.l 10722 glutinosa Dec. clammy it i ) or 3 jn.jl Y N. Holl. 1818. C s.l 10723 dispar W. en. unequal CD or 3 ... Y S. Amer. 1824. C s.p 10724 Berten Coll. Berter's it CD or 10 mv.jl Y \V. Indies 1824. C l.p Col. h. rip. 24 10725 acapulcensis #. 8f. Acapulca il Q or 4 jnjl Y Acapulca 1823. C s.l 10726 glauca Lam. glaucous il QH or 4 jnjl Y E. Indies 1818. C s.l 10727 sulph urea Dec. sulphur il CD un 3 jn.jl Y E. Indies 1800. C p.l R. mal. 6. 9, 10 arbor^scens t'ahl 10728 biflora L. two-flowered il CD or 6 ap.d Y W. Indies 1766. C p.l Bot. mag. 810 10729 geminiflora M.SfS. twin-flowered it CD or 5 jn.jl Y 10730 pallida Vahl pn\e-i/elloiv il CD or 6 jn.jl Pa.Y Mexico 1824. C s.l Col. cas. 3 S. Amer. 1818. C s.l 10731 Barclay . 1777. S lt.l Bur. zey. 97 10765 Thonningw Dec. Thonning's mi or 1* jn.jl Cop Guinea 1824. S s.l 10766 totoldes H. # B. Lotusulike tt. CD or 1$ jn.jl Y 10767 diphflla Lam. two-leaved tt. O P* 2 mv.jl Y Trinidad 1820. C s.l \V. Indies 1781. C lt.l Cav. ic. 5. 600. 1 ORDER I. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 167 10768 bifoliata Dec. bifoliate 41 or 2 jn.jl Y Brazil 1820. S 8.1 Col. cas. 9,3 10769 gracilis Kth. slender 41 or I jn.jl Y Orinoco 1817. S s.l Kth. mim. 36 10770 tenella H. $ B. weak * or 2 jn.jl Y Orinoco 1820. S s.l 10771 lineata Swx. lineated 0. CD or 1 jn.jl Y Jamaica 1818. S s.1 10772 prostrata IV. en. prostrate !U [Al or J ; Y S. Amer. 1819. S CO 10773 pilosa L. pilose ESpr l" jn.jl Y Jamaica 1818. S s.l 10774 triflura Jac. three-flowered O pr 1 jn.jl Y W. Indies 181& S s.1 Jac. sc. 480 10775 "Burmamif Dec. Burmann's .QJpr 1 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1810. S s.i flexuusa Brm. 10776 virgata Swx. twiggy OL CDpr 1 jn.jl Y W. Indies 1810. S si 10777 nictitans i. twinkling O pr 2 jl Y N. Amer. 1800. S lt.l PL al. 3 14. 5 10778 Chamajcrista L. Ground Crista n. CD pr 1 jn.s Y America 1699. S r.m Bot. mag. 157 10779 glamlulosa L. glandulous rm pr 4 au.o Y W. Indies 1822. S CO 10780 mimosokles L. Mimosa-like O pr 2 jn.s Y Ceylon 1806. S lt.1 10781 capx. not W. 10797 Trin itatis Reich. Trinidad ? CD m 20 ... Y Trinidad 1820. c l.p 10798 javanicus Pers. Java ^ m 19 Pk E. Indies 1779. c Lp Ru. am. 2. 22 10799 Fistula Pers. Fistula ^ CD m 80 Jnjl Y E. Indies 1731. c l.p Wood. 163 Cassia Fistula i. 10800 conspicuus G.Don conspicuous ^ r~im 20 Y S. Leone 1793. c Lp 10801 fistuloldes Co//. Fistula-like i CD or 20 ... Y Mexico 1826, c l.p Col. cas. 1 1273. PARKINSO^N/^ L. PARKINSONIA. (J. Parkinson, apothecary, and bot. author.) I^s.Cces.Cass. 1. 10802 aculeata L. prickly m O or 12 ... Y W. Indies 1739. C l.p Jac. am. 80 * 1274. POINCI^-N^ L. FLOWER FENCE. (M. de Poinci, governor of the Antilles.) Leg. Caes. Cass. 3. 10803 pulcherrima L. very fair * CD or 10 jn.s R.Y.G E. Indies 1691. C r.m Bot. mag. 995 2 lutea yellow * CD or 10 jn.jl Y W. Indies 1691. C r.m 10804 insignis Kth. noble * CD or 15 ... Cop S. Amer. 1823. C p.l Kth. mim. 44 10805 elata . tall CD or 15 ... Y E. Indies 1778. S r.m 10806 Ntiga H. K. Plu. BRASILETTO. Nuga * (C. C&salpinus, phys. to Pope Clem.VIII.) Leg. Goes. Cass. 20.-32. Z3ec 10 .. Y E. Indies 1801. S p.l Ru. am. 5.50 10807 paniculata Desf. panicled m Z3or 6 .. Y Malabar 1817. S p.l R. maL 6. 19 10808 scandens Roth scandent A ID or 20 .. Y E. Indies 1800. S p.l 10809 brasili^nsis L. Brazilian f 1 ec 20 .. O Jamaica 1739. S p.l 10810 Sdppan L. Sappan I Zjec 20 .. Y E. Indies 1773. S p.l Rox. cor. 1. 16 10811 mimosoldes Lam. Mimosa-like * ZDpr 6 Y E. Indies 1806. S p.l R. mal. 6. 8 10812 bijuga Swx. 10813 bahamensis Lam. two-paired Bahama * is 15 15 .. Y W Jamaica Bahama 1770. 1820. S S p'l Sl.jam.2.181.2,3 Cat car. 2. 51 10814 Crista L. Crista t ~~l ec 15 .. W.Y Jamaica S p.l PL gen. 68 10815 Cacalaco H. 8[ B. .Cacalaco Z]or 10 .. Y Mexico 18*24. S p.l H. & B. 2. 137 10816 cassioldes W. en. Cassia-like 4k 1 or 6 .. Y S. Amer. 1821. S 10817 mucronata W. en. mucronate j 1 or 6 .. Y Brazil 1823. S p.l 10818 punctata W.en. dotted * 1 or 6 .. Y Brazil 1820. S p.l 10819 enneaphylla Rox. 10820 oleosperma Rox. nine-leaved oil-seeded m : i or I or 10 ... Y 15 ... Y E. Indies EL Indies 1816. 1820. S S p.l p.l 10821 chim'nsis Rox. China m 1 or 10 ... Y E. Indies 1810. S p.l 10822 tortuosa Rox. twisted m 1 or 10 ... Y E. Indies 1820. S p.l 10823 suberusa Lo. C. cork-barked 4i ! 1 or 10 ... Y E. Indies 1823. S p.l 10824 vesicaria Lam. bladdered it "~lor 12 ... Y E. Indies 1820. S p.l 10825 procera Pop. tall * CD or 30 ... Y Cuba 1824. S p.l 1276. REICH A'RDIA Roth REICHARDIA. (J. J. Reichard, a celeb. French botanist.) Leg. Cas. Cass. 1. 2L 10826 hexapetala Roth six-petaled * CD or 10 ... Y E. Indies 1824. S p.l Cajsaipinza ligulata Heyne 1277. COULTE^R/^ Kth. COULTERIA. (Dr. Coulter, a botanical author.) Leg. Cats. Cass. 2. 5. 10827 h6rrida Kth. horrid * CD or 15 ... O Carthage 1824 S p.l H. & B. 569 10828 tinctoria Dec. dyer's * CD or 12 ... O Carthage 1822. S p.l H. & B. 568 Poinciawa tdrra R. & P. Cajsalpin/a tinctoria Domb. 1278. GUILANDFN^ J. NICKER TREE. (M. Guilandin, a Prussian trav. in Africa.) Leg.C&s.Cass. 2. 7. 10829 Bdnduc L. Bonduc * CD or 12 ... Y India 1640. C s.p Lam. il. 336 10830 BonduceUa L. small Bonduc * CD or 8 ... Y E. Indies 1700. S p.l Ru. am. 49. 1 (Name in Malabar.) Y E. Indies 1759. Leg. Cees. Cass. 1. 4. C p.l Jac. ic. 3. 461 1279. MORI'NGA Dec. HORSERADISH TREE. 10831 pterygosperma Dec. winged-seeded i I I cu 15 .. Hyperanthfera Moringa Vahl 1280. HOFFMANSE'GG//4 Cav. HOFFMANSEGGIA. (J. C. Hqffmanseeg, a distin. nat.) Leg. Cats. Cass. 1. 3. 10832 falcaria Caw. sickle-teami m CD cu 2 Y Chile 1806. C s.l.p Cav. ic. 392 M 4 168 DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA- CLASS X. 1281. ADENANTHE^RA L. ADENANTHERA. (Aden,* gland, anthera, an anther.) Leg.Mimbscte. 2. 5. 10833 pavonina L. peacock CD or 5 Y.w E. Indies 1759. C s.l.p Jac. c. 4. 23 J0834 falcata L. falcate CD or 5 ... Y E. Indies 1812. C s.l.p Ku. am. 3. 11 1282. CA^DIA Forsk. 10835 purpurea W. varia Herit. CADIA. purple (Qadhy, its Arabic name.) CD cu 6 ja.jl W.P Arabia Leg. Cars. Cass. 1. 1775. C lt.1 Pic. h.p.9. ic. 1283. PRO'SOPIS L. PROSOPIS. (Prosopk, a mask; by Dioscorides to Arctium Zappa.) Legum.Mimbsete. 6. 10836 spicigera L. spike-bearing } CD ec 20 ... Y.G E. Indies 1812. S r.m Rox. cor. 1. 63 spi 2 Adenanthfera gland-anthered Adenanthraaculeata Rox. 10837 dftlcis A'/A. sweet Acacia edulis W. en. 10838 cumanensis A2A. Cumana Ac\ci& cumanensis W. 10839 domingensis Dec. St. Domingo 10840 juliflora 7Jec. July flower CD ec 20 ... Y.a E. Indies 1820. S s.p CDec 20 W.G N. Spain 1818. S p.l Kth. mim. 34 Acacia falcata Desf. Mimosa pilifl&ra Sivz. 10841 pallida Kth. pale Algaroba CD ec CD or 20 ... W.G Cumana 1822. S p.l 30 ec 30 jl Y.G Y St.Domin.1818. Jamaica 1800. 20 W.G Peru 1284. LAGONY'CHIUM Bieb. LAGONYCHIOM. (Lagos, a hare, onychion, a little nail.) Legum. Mimbseee. 1. 10842 StephanwnMW Bieb. Stephan's 3fe | or 10 Y Persia Casp. 1816. S p.l Bux. c. 48 Mimosa micrantha Vahl, Acacia Stephanzawa Bieb. 1285. ERYTHROPHLEMJM Afx. RED WATER THEE. (Erythros, red, phleos, a water plant.) Leg.Mim. 1. 10843 guineense G. Don Guinea 1 CD P 100 ... Pa.Y S. Leone 1793. S p.l Atz^lza grandis Hurt. 1286. GAGNEBfNA Neck. GAGNEBINA. (Of no meaning. 1 Leguminbste Mimbsete 2. 10844 temariscina Dec. Tamarisk-like * CD or 6 ... Y Mauritius 1824. S p.l Dec. leg. 12.64. B Acacia temarlscina Lam. 10845 axillaris Dec. axillary It CD or 6 ... Y Mauritius 1824. S p.l Dec.leg. 12.64. A Mimosa pterocarpa Lam. 1287. H^MATO'XYLON L. LOGWOOD. (Haima, blood, xylon, wood ; color of wood.) Leg. Cess. Cass. 1. 10846 campechianum L. Campechy t CD dy 20 ... Y S. Amcr. 1724. S r.m Cat. car. 2. 66 1288. COPAI'FERAL,. BALSAM OF CAPEVI. (Copaiba, Brazilian name,fero, to bear.) Leg.C&s.Cass. 2 14. 10847 officinalis i. officinal CD m 20 ... W S. Amer. 1774. C s.l Jac. am, 86 10848 guianensis Desf. Guiana f CD m 50 ... W Guiana 1826. C p.l Mem. mu. 7. 13 1289. TACHYGA^LIA Aub. TACHYGALIA. (Tachygali, its name in Guiana.) Leg. Cces. Cass. 1. 3. 10849 bi'juga Dec. two-paired 1 CD or 20 ... Y Brazil 1822. C p.l 1290. HARDWI'CK/^ Rox. HARDWICKIA. (Major-Gen. Hardwick, E. I. C. Artillery.) Leg. Oss. Cass. 2. 10850 pinnata Rox. pinnate t CD or 40 ... Y E. Indies 1818. C p.l 10851 binata Rox. binate $ CD or 40 ... Y E. Indies 1820. C p.l Rox. cor. 209 1291. BA"PHIA Afz. BAPHIA. 10852 nitida Lod. shining (Baphe, a dye ; use.) Lcguminbs& Swarf zie&. I. CD or 30 jn.n W S. Leone 1793. C s.p Bot. cab. 367 1292. TRICHI'LIA L TRICHILIA. (Tricha, ternary ; capsule 3-celled and 3-valved.) Meliacete. 5. 19. 10853 hirta L. 10854 spondioides Swy;. 10855 havannsis Jac. hairy i CD or Hog-plum-like CD or Havannah CD or 15 20 20 jn.jl jn.jl jn.jl W W W Jamaica 1800. Jamaica 1800. Havannahl824. C C C pa P.I SI. jam. 2. 220. 1 1. 103 Jac. am. 175. G8 glabra L. 10856 odorata B. Rep. 10857 glandulosa Sm. sweet-scented f CD or glandulous J | | or 15 20 jn.jl jn.jl W W W. Indies 1801. N. Holl. 1824. C c iip Bot. rep. 637 1293. A/E^LIA L. BEAD TREE. (The Greek name of the manna ash.) Meliace^. 8. 10. 10858 Azedaruch L. Azcdarach \ t i 1 or 45 B Syria 1656. c s.l Bot. mag. 106t 10859 robusta Rox. robust Hor 20 W.R E. Indies 1820. c l.p 10860 superba Rox. superb or 20 W.R E. Indies 1816. c 1-P 10861 guineensis G. Don Guinea Lilac '_ CD or 30 W.R E. Indies 1824. c l.p 10862 sempervirens W. evergreen ] ! CD or 40 B Jamaica 1656. c S.1 Bot. reg. 643 10863 composita W. compound-Zfrf ' i | or 20 W.R Tener iffe 1810. c l.p 10864 excelsa Dec. lofty Hor 40 W.R E. Indies 1819. c l.p 10865 Azadirdchta W. Azadirachta ] or 60 W E. Indies 1759. c s.l Cav. dis. 7. 208 I 1294. SANDO'RICUM Cav. SANDAL TREE. 10866 indicum Cav. Indian (Santoor, the aboriginal name.) Meliacea?. 1. 1295. TURRJE^ L. TURRJJA. 10867 virens L. green 10868 rigida Yen. rigid 1296. QUIVI'SIA Cav. QUIVISIA. 10869 heterophylla Cav. various-leaved !CDtm40" ... W E. Indies 1820. C l.p Ru. am. 1.61 (George Turrcea, professor of botany at Padua.) Meliucca;. 2. 8. t CD or 20 " ... W E. Indies 1820.' C p.l Sm. ic. in. 1. 10 I or 20 Mauritius 1816. C p.l Yen. ch. 48 (Bois de Quivi, name in Isle of France.) Meliacece. 1. 4. CD cu 16 ... W Is. France 1822. C p.l Cav. dis. 213 1297. SWIETE^N/^ L. MAHOGANY TREE. (Baron van Swiefen, celeb, phys. and bot.) Meliucex. 2. 3. 10870 Mahagoni L. Mahogany i CD tm 80 ... R.Y W. Indies 1734. C p.l Cav. dis. 7. 209 10871 febrifuga Rox. febrifuge 5 CD m 60 ... W.Y E. Indies 1796. C p.l Ilox. cor. 1. 17 1298. CHLORO'XYLON Dec. CHLOROXYLON. (Chloros, green, xylon, wood.) Mellucece. 1. 10872 SwietfemYi Dec. Van Swieten's J CD tm 100 ... W E. Indies 1820. C l.p Rox. cor. 64 Swietema Chloroxylon Rox. 1299. FLINDE'RS/^ R. Br. FLINDERSIA. (Capt. M. Flinders, a celebrated voyager.) Mdiacccc. 1. 2. 10873 australis R. Br. southern 1 i | tm 60 1300. CARA^PA Aub. CARAPA. 10874 guianensis Aub. Guiana 10875 guineensis G. Don Guinea AfzeUVt splendens Hort. 10876 moluccensis Lam. Moluccas ^ CD or 20 10877 pr6cera Dec. tall f CD or 40 N Holl. 1823. C l.p Br. rem. 1 f CD or 20 tCDec 20 (Caraipe, its name in Guiana.) Y Guiana 1824. Y Meliacete. 4. C l.p Aub. gui. 387 S. Leone 1793. C l.p E. Indies 1820. C l.p Ru. am. 3. 61 W. Indies C l.p ORDER I. DECANDRIA IN1ONOGYNIA. 169 1:301. EKEBE'RG-M Spar. EK.EBERGI; 10878 capensis Spar. Cape * 1302. HEY'NE^ Rox. HEYNEA. 10879 trfjuga Rox. three-paired 10880 quinquejuga Rox. five-paired (C. G. Ekebcrg, a Danish naturalist.) Melidcete. 1. | | or 20 W C. G. H. 1789. C p.l Lam. il. 3i (Dr. B. Heync, a German botanist.) t CD or 20 s W Nepal 1812. J CD or 20 W MeliUcece. 2. C l.p Bot. mag. 1738 E. Indies 1816. C l.p 1303. GUArACUM~L. LIGNUM VITJE TREE. (Guatac, its name in Guiana.) 10881 officinale /,. officinal f O m *0 jl.s B W. Indies 1694. 10882 arboreum Dec. tree f CD m 30 ... B Trinidad 1816. ZygophyMlum arboreum Jac. 10883 verticale Or. vertical C p.l 'le. BEAN-CAPRR. (Zygos,apn\T,phyllon,a. leaf ; Us. in pairs.) Zy ophyllta: 13.-1S. 10884 simplex L. simple its fAl or Y St. Jago 1825. S p.l For. ffig. 12 10885 cordtfolium L. heart-leaved * \ | cu 60 C. G. H. 1774. C l.p 10886 Fabago L. Fabago ^ A cu 4 jl.s O.w Syria 1596. C' l.p Lam. il. 345. 1 10887 fce'tidum Schr. fetid *- l 1 pr 4 O.Y C. G. H. 1790. c: l.p Sc. han. 17. 9 2 insuave B. M. unpleasant l_Jpr 4 Y C. G. H. 1790. c: l.p Bot. mag. 372 10888 fruticulosum Dec. fruticulose n. | | or 1 Y N. Holl. 1820. c: p.l 10889 maculitum H. K. spotted-flowere rf*t l_) pr 4 o.n Y C. G. H. 1782. C l.p 10890 microphyllum Thun. small-leaved 10891 Morgsuna L. Morgsana iU. lAlor * 1 | CU 3 my.s Y Y C. G. H. C. G. H. 1816. 1732. C c p.l l.p Di. el. 116. 141 10892 sessilifulium L. sessile-leaved it \ i cu 3 Y C. G. H. 1713. c ID Bot. mag. 2184 10893 spinosum L. spiny ML i | or 1 Y C. G. H. 1820. c pl Bur. af. 5. 2. 2 10894 coccineum L. scarlet. il i | or 3 S Egypt 1823. c s.p For. teg. 87. 11 10895 album L. white il 3D or 2 o.n W Canaries 1779. c l.p L. f. dec. 1. 6 10896 prostrktum Thun. prostrate ~ tAJ or Y C. G. H. 1810. c p.l 1305. FAGCTN.L4 Tou. FAGONIA. 10897 erotica L. Cretan 10898 arabica L. Arabian 10899 glutinosa Dec. glutinous 130tl. TRFBULUS Tou. CALTROPS. (Mons. Fagon, a great patron of botany.) Zygophyllea: 3. 10. . I | cu 1| P Candia 1739. S lt.1 Bot. mag. 241 tt. i ) cu 2 P Arabia 1759. S lt.1 its I | or 1 R Egypt 1820. S p.l Del. aeg. 28. 2 10900 cistoldes L. 10901 albus Pair. 10902 terrestris L. 10903 subinermis Fts. 10904 lanuginbsus L. 10905 maximus L. 10906 trijugatus Nut. Cistus-like white *&. iQI or earth -& nearly unarmed-* iDI or woolly -* |Q| or greatest three-paired (Tribo, to tear; prickly capsules.) jn.jl W 1 JN! Y Y p. 7. 18. S. Amer.' 1752. "S* lt.1 Bot. reg. 791 Guinea 1826. S s.l S. Europe 1596. S co Lam. il. 346. 1 Thibet 1820. S s.l E. Indies 1822. S s.l Bur. zey. 106. 1 Jamaica 1728. S s.l Jac. ic. 3.462 Georgia 1819. S s.l 1307. LA'RRE^ Cav. LARREA. (J. A. H. de Larrea, a Spanish botanist.) 10907 nitida Cav. shining-leaved tt. i | or 2 jn.jl Y S. Amer. 1823. S iUeee. 1. 3. Cav ic.6.559 1308. DICTA'MNUS L. FRAXI.VELLA. (A Cretan city ; grows on mountains near it.) Rutacete. 2. 10908 Fraxinella Pers. Fraxinella ^ A or 3 my.jl P Germany 1596. S p.l Jac. au. 5. 428 albus L. 10909 albus L/C. white ^ A or 3 my.jl W Germany 1596. S p.l 1309. fllTTA Tou. 10910 pinnkta L. 10911 montana Clus. 10912 chalepe"nsis Pers. 10913 graveolens L. 10914 bractedsa Dec. 10915 divaricata Ten. 10916 angustifolia Pers. chalepensis Vil. 10917 macrophylla Sol. 10918 albiflora Hook. 10919 Corsica Dec. 10920 patavina L. 10921 pubescens IV. en. 10922 villosa Bleb. 10923 /inifolia L. 10924 suaveolens Dec. /inifolia grandi floral. A/. $ 10925 daharica Dec. Dahurian RUE. (Rule, Gr., and the same in most languages.) winged-leaved ML i | un 2 G.Y Canaries 1780. Rutacece. 16. 25. C r.m mountain tJL | un 2 au.s G.Y S. Europe 1596. C CO Jac. ic. 1. 76 Chalepo tL 1 | un 9 jn.s G.Y Africa 1722. C r.m heavy-scented . m a jn.s G.Y S. Europe 1562. C CO Duh. ar. 2. 61 bracted ML | un ij t mv-Jn Y.G Sicily 1819. C CO divaricate BL 1 un 2" my.jl Y.o Italy ISL'O. C CO Lam. il. 345. 1 narrow-leaved ML i ( un 2 jn.s G.Y S. France 1722. C r.m Bot. mag. 2311 long-leaved L I un 3 jl G.Y Africa 1820. c r.m Bot. mag. 2018 white-flowered tt. _Jpr 2 W Nepal 1823. c r.m Hook. ex. fl. 79 Corsican VL I un 1 jn.s Y.G Corsica 1818. c CO Boc. mu. 59 Paduan *y. A un 1J i Jn-Jl G.Y Italy 1819. c r.m Mic. gen. 19 pubescent s A un G.Y Spain 1816. c CO Lam. il. 345. 2 villous tL ( un 1 jn.jl Y.G Caucasus 1818. c CO Bux. c. 2.28.2 Flax-leaved ML | un ] i G.Y Spain 1752. c r.m Bot. rep. 565 sweet-scented tt I un 2 jn.s Y.G Tauria 1800. c CO Bot. mag. 2254 un 1J my.jl Y.G Dahuria 1820. C co Gm. si. 4. 6. 2 1310. CROHVE^ Sm. 10926 saligna Sm. 10927 latifolia Lo. C. CROWEA. (J. Crovue, of Norwich, a celebrated British botanist.) Ruthcets. 2. \V\\\ovf.leaved * i | or 3 jl.d P N. S. W. 1790. C s.l.p Bot. mag. 989 broad-leaved * i_j or 3 jl P N. S. W. 1825. C s.l.p 1311. ERIOSTE^MON Sm. ERIOSTEMON. (Erion, wool, stemon, stamen ; fringed filaments.) Rutucea:. 9 10928 ftuxifolius Sm. 10929 salicifolius Sm. 10930 myoporoldes Dec. 10931 obovatus Can. 10932 cuspidatus Cuii. 10933 ericifolius Ma. C. 10934 linearifolius Dec. 10935 lanceolatus Gae. 10936 squammeus Lad. Box-leaved Willow-leaved * Myoporum-Hke H obovate il cuspidate il Heath-leaved il linear-leaved il lanceolate * scaly il 1312. PHEBA^LIUM Ven. PHEBALIUM. 10937 squamulbsum Ven. squamulose ifc 10938 afireum Cun. golden it 10939 lachno'ides Cun. Lachnzea-like il 10940 elatum Cun. tall il 10941 lineare Ma. C. linear * 10942 salicifolium Ma. C. Willow-leaved il 1313. CHOI'SY.4 H. & B. CIIOISYA. (J. D. Ckoisy, a Genevese botanist.) 10943 ternata //. $ B. tcrnatc il CD or 6 jl au VV Mexico 1825. C 'l | or 2 my' Pk ' l_Jor 3 ap.jl R Ujor 1| ... R 1 |or 2 ap.jl R 1 | or 3 ap.jl R i | or 3 R i I or 3 R ! | or 3 R 1 | or 2 R (Phibalee, a myrtle ; Hor 2| ap.jl Y or 6 ap.jl Y 1 |or 3 apjl W l_jor 10 ap.jl W i I or 3 W 1 1 or 3 W N. Holl. 1824. N. Holl. 1824. N. Holl. 1824. N. Holl. 1824. N. Holl. 1824. N. Holl. 18-24. N. Holl. 1823. N. Holl. 1823. N. Holl. 1822. appearance.) N. Holl. 1824. N. Holl. 1823. N. Holl. 1824. N. Holl. 1825. N. Holl. 1825. N. Holl. 1825. C p.l C e.p.l Lin. tr. 11. 26 C s.p.l C s.p.l C s.p.l Bot. cab. 1247 C s.p.l C s.p.l C s.p.l Gac. fr. 3. 210 C s.p.l Lab. n. h. J. 141 Rutacece. 6. 7. C s.l.p Ven. mal. 102 C s.l.p Fi. n. h. ic. C s.l.p C s.l.p C s.p.l C s.p.l Rutacea: 1. lp H.&B. 6. 513 170 DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS X. 1314. CORDON W. 10944 Royeni W. CODON. Royen's (Kodon, a little bell ; corolla.) OJ cu 1 s W C. G. H. 1801. 1315. GO'MPHIA Schreb. BUTTON-FLOWER. 10945 zeylanica Dec. Ceylon (~) or O'chna zeylanica Lam. 10946 obtusifMia Dec. obtuse-leaved Hl~) el 109 17 Jabotdpita Swz. Jabotapita 41 I I or 10948 nftida Swz. glossy-leaued * O el 10949 laevigata Lo. C. smooth -leaved I I or 109.30 /aurifblia Sivz. Laurel-leaved f~~l or (Gomphos, n club; germen.) Sol- niece 1. S lt.l Bourcp. 325 OchnacetE. 6. 25. Ceylon 1823. C s.l Bur. zey.56 Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica 1803. 1820. 1803. 1820. C 3.1 C 8.1 C s.l C s.l An. mu. 8 Lam. iL 472.2 An. mu. 13 Jamaica 1823. C s.l Dec mu. 17. 15 131& QUA'SSI^ W. QUASSIA. ( Quasst, a negro slave of Surinam, first used it med.) 10951 amara W. bitter 1. 4. 1317. SIMARU^BA Aub. SIMARI;BA. 10952 exce"lsa Dec. lofty Quassia exc^lsa Swz. 10953 otficin&lis Dec. officinal Quassia Simaruba L. 1318. SIMA-BA Hil. SIMABA. 10954 orinocensis H. # B. Orinoco 10955 guianensis Aub. Guiana Z wingers amara W. CDm 20 jn.jl R Guiana 1790. C p.l Bot. mag. 497 (Simarouba, its name in Guiana.) Simar<9oO citrifolia W. LIMONIA. (Limoun, the Arabic name of the Citron.) Aurantiacete. 4. 11. crenulate it CD or 4 ... W E. Indies 1808. C r.m Rox. cor. 1. 86 small-flowered | | f r 6 year W China ... C r.m Bat. mag. 2416 scandent _ i I or 6 jn.jl W China 1800. C r.m Orange-leaved i | fr 4 year China 1800. C r.m 1321. BERGE^R^ Kon. BEKGERA. 10961 KonfgzV Rox. Konig's 10962 integerrima Rox. very entire-tad (C. J. Berger, professor of botany at Kiel.) Aurantihcece. 3. Dcu 3 jnjl W E. Indies 1820. L p.l Bot. cab. 1019 Dcu 4 jn.jl W W. Indies 1823. C s.p 1322. ATALA'NTT/f Corr. ATALANTIA. (Atalanta, the daughter of Schceneus.) AurantiTicece. 1. 10963 monoph^lla Dec. one-leaved * CD or 4 W E. Indies 1777. C r.m Rox. cor. 1. 83 Limbnium monophyllum Rox. 1323. GLYCO'SMIS Corr. GLYCOSMIS. 10964 pentaph^lla Corr. five-leaved Limdnia pentaph^lla Retx. 10965 arburea Corr. tree (Glyki;s, sweet, osme, smell ; perfume.) Aurantiacece. 2. i I I or' 20 jn.jl W E. Indies 1790. C r.m Rox. cor. 1. 84 i I I or 20 W E. Indies 1796. C r.m Rox. cor 1.85 1324. CLAUSfTNA Brm. CLAUSENA. (Not explained.) Aurantihceee. 1 2. 10966 pentaphyUla Dec. five-leaved 1 CD or 20 W Coroman. 1800. C r.m Limbnia pentaphylla Herb. Lam. not Rox. 1325. FERO^N/^ Corr. FERONIA. (Goddess of forests.) Aurantiaceee. 1. 2. 10967 elephantum Corr. elephant apple it I 1 or 4 ... W E. Indies 1804. C r.m Rox. cor. 2. 141 1326 MURRA^Y// Kon. MURRAYA. (J. A. Murray, a Swede, prof. bot. Gottingen.) Aurantiucece. 2. T0968 exotica L. exotic * I I or 8 au.s W E. Indies 1771. C lt.l Bot. reg. 434 10969 paniculata Wai. panicled * CU or 8 jl W E. Indies 1823. C r.m Hook. ex. fl. 79 1327. COO'K/,4 Sonn. WAMPEE TREE. (Capt. Cook, celeb. Eng. circumnavigator) Aurantiucete, 1. 2. 10970 punct&ta Retz. dotted 1 CZ1 f r 15 ... W China 1795. C lt.l Jac. sc. 1. 101 1328. G/RTNE V R;/ Rox. G;ERTNERA. (J. Gartner, M.D., F.R.S., a celebrated bot.) Malpighiucea,: 2. 10971 racembsa Rox. clustered fl_ a or 15 mr.ap W.Y E. Indies 1796. C p.l Bot. rep. 600 Hfptage mandablota Gae. 10972 obtusifblia Rox. obtuse-leaved fl_ CD or 20 Hiptage obtusifulia Dec. W China 1810. C p.l 13'29. BUNCHO^SIA J. BUNCHOSIA. 10973 glandulusa Dec. glandulous * CD or' 10 Malp(ghirt glandulosa Cav. 10974 glanduh'fera //. $ B. gland-bearing * CD or 10 Y (Bunchos, coffee, Aral. ; similar seeds.) Malpighiucece. 11. 16. Malpighict glanduhfera Jac. 10975 irndia Dec. intermediate Malp'ghirt media H. K. 10976 polystachya Dec. many-spiked Malpighu/ polystachya Andr. 10977 tuberculita Dec. tuberculate Malpighirt tuberculata Jac. 10978 argentea Dec. silvery 10979 nitida Dec. shining Malpighirr nitida L. 10980 paniculata Dec. panicled 10981 cuman^nsis G. Don. Cumana 10982 odorata Dec. scented 10983 canescens Dec. canescent Malpighia canescens H. K. CD or 10 Y I I or 10 Y I I or 6 Y W.Indies 1804. C p.l Cav. dis. 8. 239.2 W.Indies 1806. C p.l Jac. ic. 3. 469 W.Indies 1790. C p.l W. Indies 1806. C p.l Bot. rep. 604 Caraccas 1806. C p.l Jac. sc. 1. 104 CD or CD or 10 10 Y R Caraccas 1810. St.Domin.1800. C C p.l p.l Jac. fr. 83 Cav. dis. 8. 239.1 H[~l or * C~l or 10 10 s P Y Jamaica 1820. Cumana 1820. C C p.l p.l * C D or 10 Y Cartha ige 186. C p.l Jac. am. 177. 41 1C D or 20 Y W. In( .lies 1742 C p.l 1330. MONO'TROPA L. YELLOW BIRD'S-NEST. (Monos,one, trepo,to turn ; fls. one way.) Monotrapeee. 2. -6. 10984 uniflura MX. one-flowered ^ A cu W N. Amer. 1824. S s.p Hook ex. fl. 85 10985 Hypopithys L. Hypopithys ^t A cu jn.jl W Britain woods. S s.p Eng. bot. 69 1331. DION.EM L. 10986 Muscipula L. DION^EA. (One of the names of Venus.) Droseracete. 1. Genus's Flytrap iAI cu J W Carolina 1768. S bog Bot. mag. 785 OllUJSR I. 1332. GARU'GA Rox. 10987 pinnata Rox. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 171 GAIUHJA. (Garugo, its Telinga name.) Terebinthacece. 1. or 20 ... Y E.Indies 1808. C p.l Rox. cor. 3. 208 1333. BOSWE'LL/,4 Rox. OLIBANUMTREE. (Dr. John Bosivell, of Edinburgh.) Terebinthacecc. 2. 3. 10988 serrata Stack. serrated CZ) m 20 ... Pa.Y E. Indies 1820 C l.p As. res. 9. 377. ic. 10989 glabra ^ox. smooth Q or 30 ... Pa.Y Coroman. 1823. C l.p Rox. cor. 3. 207 1334. ICJCA Aub. ICICA. (Its name in Guiana.) Terelrinthacece. 4. ]5. 10990 heterophylla Dec. various-leaved < t CD or ... W Guiana 1823. C l.p Aub. gui. 1. 133 r/myns heterophylla /F. 10991 guianensis Aub Guiana CD or 30 ... W Maranh. 1823. C l.p Aub. gui. 1. 131 ^myris guianensis W. 10992 enneandra Aub. nine-stamened ' t CD or 20 ... W Maranh. 1822. C l.p Aub. gui. 1. 134 10993 Tacamahaca Kth. Tacamahac } ! Q or 20 ... W Trinidad 1819. C l.p 1335. KA'LMIA L. KALMIA. (P, Kalm, professor at Abo, in Sweden.) Rhodoracece. 6. 10994 latifolia L. broad-leaved or 8 my.jl R N. Amer. 1734. L s.p Bot. mag. 175 10995 angustif-Mia /.. narrow-leaved or 3 my.jl R N. Amer. 1736. L s.p Bot. mag. 331 2 r u bra red-flowered or 3 my.jl R N. Amer. ... L s.p Bot. cab. 502 3 fMiis variegatis variegated-lvd or 2 my.jl R N. Amer. ... L s.p 4 minima least or 2 my.jl R N. Amer. ... L s.p 5 nana dwarf or 2 my jl R N. Amer. ... L s.p 6 rosea rose-colored or 3 my.jl R N. Amer. ... L s.p 1 pumila dwarf or 2 my.jn R N. Arner. ... L s.p 8 ovata Ph. ovate or 2 mv.jn R N. Amer. ... L s.p 10996 cuneata MX. cuneate-leaved or 2 my.jl W.R N. Amer. 1820. L s.p 10P97 glauca L. glaucous or 2 P N. Amer. 1767. L s.p Bot. mag. 177 10998 rosmarinifulia Ph. Rosemary-lvd or 2 R N. Amer. 1812. L s.p 10999 hirsuta Walt. hairy _| or 1J au.s R N. Amer. 1786. L s.p Bot mag. 138 1336. iE^DUM L. LABRADOR TE (Ledon, Greek name of the Cistus.) Rhodoracece. 4. 11000 palustre L. marsh or 2 W Europe 1762. L s.p Bot. cab. 560 2 decumbens decumbent or * W Huds Bayl762. L s.p 11001 latifolium //. K. broad-leaved or 3 W N. Amer. 1763. L s.p Bot. cab. 584 11002 canadense Lod. Canadian or 1 jn W Canada L s.p Bot. cab. 1049 11003 greenlandia lietz. Greenland or 2 W Ireland bogs. L s.p *1337. AMMYRSPNE Ph. AMMVKSINB . (Ammos, sand, myrsine, a myrtle; habitat.) Rhodoracece. 1. 11004 fcuxif.Mia Ph. Box -leaved or 1 W N. Amer. 1736. L s.p Bot. reg. 531 .Ledum 6uxifulium L. Leiophyllum fhymifolium Spr. ' 1338. TJHODCTRA L. RHODORA. (Rhodon. a rose ; color of flowers.) Rhodordcece. 1. 11005 canadense L. Canadian 3fc or 3 P N. Amer. 1767. L p.l Bot. mag. 474 *1339. TJHODODE'NDRON L. RHODODENDRON. (Rhodon, a rose, dendron, a tree.) Rhodoracece. 23. 24. 11006 maximum L. largest ' spl '.'0 Pk N. Amer. 1736. L s.p Bot. mag. 951 11007 album Ph. white ' or 20 W N. Amer. 1811. L s.p 11008 purpureum Ph. purple ' spl 25 P N. Amer. ... L s.p 11009 ponticum L. Pontic * 1 spl 12 n.y.jn P Gibraltar 1763. L s.p Bot. mag. 650 1 album white i 1 or 8 my.jn W gardens L s.p 2 angustifolium narrow-leaved l 1 or 6 my.jn P gardens L s.p 3 cawz'nzfolium Cassine-leaved i It or 6 my.jn P gardens L s.p 4 CEerulescens cserulescent i 1 or 10 myjn B gardens L s.p 5 contortum tv/isted-petaled i 1 or 8 my.jn P gardens L s.p 6 flure pit-no double-flowered* or 12 my.jn P gardens L s.p 7 fMiis argenteis silver-leaved M It or 6 my.jn P gardens L s.p 8 foliis aureis golden-leaved t It or 6 my.jn P gardens L s.p 9 frond os um leafy 1 k or 5 my.jn P gardens L s.p 10 intermedium intermediate i t or 12 myjn P gardens L s.p 11 macrophyilum long-leaved 1 1 or 12 my.jn P gardens L s.p 12 ovatum ovate-leaved i t or 6 my.jn P gardens L s.p 13 ruseum rose-Jiowered i t or 10 my.jn R gardens L s.p 14 rubescens rubesccnt t I or 10 myjn R gardens L s.p 15 salicifMium Willow-leaved i ft or 6 my.jn P gardens L s.p 16 nepalense Nepal i I [or 5 P Nepal 1817. L s.p 11010 cinnamomeumJFfl/. Cinnamon i t | spl 20 jn P Nepal 1820. L p.l 11011 obtusum H'at. obtuse i 1 spl 12 my.jn P Gibraltar 1763. L s.p Den. br. 162 110l2arb6reum Sm. tree ' |spl 20 ... S Nepal 1H20. L s.p Ex. Lot. 6 2 album white ! _|spl 20 ... W Nepal 1818. L s.p 11013 punct'itum Andr. dotted-/caiW i ft or 4 jn au Pk N. Amer. 1786. L s.p Bot. rep. 36 2 majus larger dotted-lvd J ft or 6 Pk N. Amer. 1786. L s.p Bot reg. 37 11014 azaleoides Desf. Azalea-like * I spl 3 Pk L s.p Bot. rep. 379 2 odor \turn sweet-scented t i or 3 Pk 1820. L s.p 11015 hybridum B. R. Herbert's hybrid* spl 3 Pk L s.p Bot. re?. 195 11016 dauricum L. Daurian fe or 3 mr.d 1 Siberia 1780. L s.p Bot. mag. fi.>6 2 atrov'irens dark -green 1 1 or 3 f.ap P Siberia L s.p Bot. reg. 194 3 altAicum Fls. Altaic i 1 or 3 mr.ap P Altai 1810. L s.p 11017 wiyrtitolium Lod. Myrtle-leaved * 1 spl 12 my.jn P Gibraltar 17frJ. L s.p Bot. cab. 908 11018 ferrugineum L. rusty-leaved t It or 1| my.jl S Switzerl. 1752. L s.p Bot. cab. 65 11019 hirsutum L. hairy-leaved * 1 or 1 my.jl S Switzerl. 1656. L s.p Bot. mag. 1853 2 foliis variegatis variegafed-lvd i It or 1 my.jl S 1800. L s.p 11020 chrvsanthum Pall, yeliow-flwd e or ijn.jl Y Siberia 1796. L s.p Par. Ion. 80 officinale Sal. 11021 caucasicum Pall. Caucasian or au P Caucasus 1803. L s.p Bot. mag. 1145 11022 campanulatum D.Don campanulate < 11023 anthopogon D. Don bearded-flwd * 1 I or P Nepal 1817. I I or P Nepal 1820. L s.p L s.p aromaticum IVol. 11024 setusum D. Don setose O t | or ... P Nepal 1825. L s.p 11025 catawbiense MX. Catawba * t or P N Amer. 1809. L s.p Bot. mag. 1671 110J6 Catesbtf-^ Hort. Catesby's * t or my.jn P N. Amer. 1810. L s.p 11027 camtchaticum Pall. Kamtchatka 4 S or 2 ... P Kamtsch. 1802. L s.p Pal ros. 1. 33 11028 Chamajcistus L. Ground Cistus or | my.jn Pa.P Austria 1786. C s.p Bot. mag. 488 11029 lappunicum Wahl. Lapland tt - |or i R Lapland 1810. L s.p 1340. EPIGJ\\ L. EPK;*:A. (Epi, 11030 rt pens /,. crecp'ng t upon, gca, earth ; the stems on ground.) pr J W N. Amer. 1736. Rhodoracece. 1. 2. L s.p Bot. reg. 201 DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA CLASS X. 1341. ANDRCKMEDJ L. ANDROMEDA. (The virgin Andromeda.} Ertceee. 27. 44. 11031 tetragona /.. four-angled n. | or 4 mr ap W Lapland 1810. L s.p 11032AypnoldesZ,. Moss-like * _| pr i jn.jl W.R Lapland 1798. L s.p Fl. dan. 10 11033 calyculata L. small-calyxed * or 1 f.ap W N. Amer. 1748. L s.p Pal. ros. 2.72. 1 1 ventricosa ventricose * or 1| f.ap W Russia 1748. L s.p Bot. mag. 1286 21atif61ia broad-leaved * or \\ f.ap W Newfoun. 1748. L s.p Bot. cab. 530 3 nana dwarf u. cu | f.ap W L s.p Bot. cab. 862 11034 angustifulia Ph. narrow-leaved ft or 1 f.ap W N. Amer. 1748. L s.p 11035 crispa Desf. curled * or 3 ... W N. Amer. 1824. L s.p 11036;olifoliaZ,. Folium-leaved L or my.s Pk L s.p 1 latifolia broad-leaved tt. or my.s Pk N. Amer. ... L s.p 2 media middle, or Wild Rosemary**- or my.s W Britain L s.p Eng. bot. 713 3 subulata avrl-leaved . or my.s Pk L s.p 4 minima smallest tt. or Pk L s. P 5oleit7.Ua Olive-leaved tt. or 1 Pk ... L s.p 11037 glaucophylla Lk. glaucous-lvd tt, or 1 my.s Pk joolifolia/3 latifdlia Lod. N Amer. ... L s.p Bot. cab. 516 11038 rosmarinifolia Ph. Rosemary-lvd tt. or 1| my.s Pk N. Amer. ... L s.p Pal. ros. 2. 70. B. 11039 jamaicthisis Swz. Jamaica ft [ | or 6 ... W Jamaica 1793. L s.p 11040 mariana L. Maryland ft or 2 my.jl W N. Amer. 1736. L s.p Pluk. m. 448. 6 1 ovalis ova\-leaucd ft or 2 my.jl W N. AiriT. 17S6. L s.p Bot. mag. 1579 2 oblonga oblong-leaved * or 2 my.jl W N. An: cr. 1736. L s.p 11041 speciosa MX. showy * or 3 jn.s W Carolina 18(;0. L s.p 1 nitida shining-leaved ft or 3 jn.s W Carolina 1800. L s.p Bot. mag. 970 2 pulverutenta dusty-leaved ft or 3 jn.s W Carolina 1800. L s.p Bot. mag. fid? 3 glai'ica Wat. . glaucous ft or 1| Pk L s.p 26 11042 dealbata Lindl. whitened ft or 2 Pk L s.p Bot reg. 1010 11043 fasciculate Swz. bundled t CD or 20 ... W Jamaica 1824. C s.p 11044 salicifblia Wat. Willow-leaved tt. or 4 jn W N. Amer. ... L s.p Den. br. 38 11045 fiuxifolia Lam. Box-leaved ft O or 2 ... Pk Mauritius 1822. C s.p Hook. ex. H. 192 11046 coriacea H. K. thick-leaved or 2 Pk N. Amer. 1765. L s.p Bot. mag. 1095 nitida MX. lucidaLam. 2 rubra Lod. red-flowered ft or 3 R N. Amer. 1765. L s.p Bot. cab. 672 11047 acuminata H. K. acuminate ft or 3 au W N. Amer. 1765. L s.p Ex. bot. 2. 89 lucidajac. populifulia Lam. reticulata Walt, Jaurina MX. 11048 Catesb? x Walt. Catesby's ft or 2 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1793. Sk s.p Bot. mag. 1955 spinulbsa Ph. 11049 spicata Walt. spiked ft or 2 jn W N. Amer. ... L s.p Den. br. 36 11050 axillaris H. K. axil-flowering ft or 1 W N. Amer. 1765. Sk s.p 2 longifolia long-leaved ft or 1 W Walter* W. N. Amer. ... Sk s.p Bot. mag. 2357 11051 canescens Lo. C. canescent ft or 3 jn.jl W N. Amer. ... L s.p 11052 racemosa L. branchy ft fra 3 jl W N. Amer. 1736. L s.p paniculata Walt. 2 latifolia broad-leaved ft or 3 W N. Amer. ... L s.p 3 stricta strict ft or 4 W N. Amer. ... L s.p 11053 japonica Thun. Japan ft| | or 3 ... W 1 1054 rubiginosa Pers. rubiginous ft D or 10 ... W Japan 1806. L s.p Thun. jap. 22 W.Indies ... C s.p pubescens Poir. 11055 arburea L. Sorrel tree or 40 jl.s W N. Amer. 1752. S s.p Bot. mag. 905 11056 floribunda Ph. bundle-flwd ft or 3 my.jn W N. Amer. 1812. L s.p Bot. mag. 1566 11057 ovalifolia Walt. oval-leaved f i | or 20 ... W Nepal 1825. C s.p As.res.13.391.ic. 11058pilulifera/iW. pellet-bearing ft or 3 jn.jl W L s.p 1342. LYCTN/^ Nut. LYONIA. (J. Lyon, an American collector of plants.) Er'cete. 6. 11059 ferruginea Nut. ferrugineous ft or 3 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1784. L s.p Yen. mal. 80 Andromeda ferruginea Walt. 11060rigida Nut. rigid ft or 20 W N. Amer. 1774. L s.p Bot. cab. 430 Andr6meda ferruginea H. K. 11061 paniculata Nut. panicled ft or 3 my.jn W N. Amer. 1748. L s.p Den. br. 37 Andromeda paniculata L. 11062multiflora Wat. many-flowered ft or 2jl W N. Amer. ... L s.p 128 11063 capreaefolia Wat. tendril-leaved ft or 3 jl W N. Amer. 1812. L s.p Den. br. 127 11064 frondosa Nut. leafy ft or 3 my.jn W N. Amer. 1806. L s.p Andromeda frondosa PA. ' 1343. ENKIA'NTHUS Lou. ENKIANTHUS (Egkuos, pregnant, anthos, flower.) En'ceee. 2. 3. 11065 quinqueflora Lou. five-flowered * [ | el 3 f.s Pk China 1812. C s.l.p Bot. mag. 104-9 11066 reticulata Lindl. netted *i_Jel 3 ja.f Pk China 1822. C p.l Bot. reg. 885 ' 1344. GAULTHE^R/,* L. GAULTHERIA. (M. Gaulthier, M.D. a Fr. writer on maple sugar.) Erwed * ribless * Bor or 2 4 mr.o my.jn Pk P S. Leone Jamaica 1792. 1793. c c: sp s.p Bot. mag. 904 11138 cymbsa Wnl. &? CJor 2 P S. Amer. 1792. c l.p Sc. han. 8 11139 elongata D. Don elongated A 1 my.jn B S. Leone 1823. R l.p Osbeckzrr prandiflor *Afx. 11140 Afzeliaa D.Don Afzelius's it Bor j i ; my.jn R S. Leone 1824. C l.p 11141 leonensis Lod. Sierra Leone A or g a P S. Leone 1826. c: l.p 11142vill6sa^. W. 11143gr6ssa Mutts villous \arge-lcaved it it Hor or 1| my.jn ... 12 S. Amer. 1820 c c l.p l.p 174 DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS X. 1357. MICO X N/^ R. &P. MICONIA. 11144 grandifulia D. Don large-leaved Melastoma grandiRlia H. C. 11145 rubescens D. Don rubescent 11146 tenuifi.lia D. Don fine-leaved 11 147 an^ust"ita D. Don narrow 11148 impetiolaris D. Don sc^\\e-leaved 11 149 decussata D. Don decussate 11150 semicrenata D. Don half'-rrenated 11151 purpurascensD.Z)o purpurascent 11152 longifdlia G. Don long-leaved 11153 prasina G. Don leek-green Melastoma la?vigata Aub. 11154 trinervia D Don three-nerved Melastoma trinervis IV. 11155 tetrancira D Don tetrandrous Melastoma tetrancira Swz. 11156 AcinodendronZ)..D0 Acinodcndron Melastoma Acinodendrou /,. 11157 purpurascensZ).J%/j purpurascent Melastoma purpurea W. purpurascens Aub. 11158 Isevigata D. Don smooth Melastoma lajvigata L. (D. Micon, M.D., a Spanish botanist.) Melastomacece. 15. tt CD or 10 ... W Trinidad 1820. C l.p * CD or 6 W S. Amer. 1818. C l.p * j or 6 W S. Amer. 1818. C l.p * [1 or ... W Trinidad 1820. C l.p * CD or i W W. Indie 1822. C l.p Bon. mon. 29 * CD or CDor ... W W Guiana 1818. Guadalou.1817. C C l.p l.p Aub. gui. 1. 156 * CD or f , W Jamaica 1817. C l.p CD or -. W Guiana 1817. C IP Aub. gui. 1. 170 *t CD or 4 jl W Guiana 1817. C l.p Aub. gui. 1.159 * CDor 4 jl W Jamaica 1795. C l.p *CDor 2 ... ... Jamaica 1815. C l.p * CD or 6 p Jamaica 1804. C l.p PL ic. 142. 2 *CDor 8 ... p Guiana 1804. C l.p Aub. gui. 1. 154 :ens Aub. at a or 6 W.G S. Amer. 1815. C s.p Bot. reg. 663 1358. CHITCTNI AD. Don CHITONIA. 11159 macrophylla D. Don long-leaved i 11160 pyramidalis G Don pyramidal i Melastoma pyramidalis Desf. 11161 ZMcans D.Don \\h\tQ-teaved * (Chiton, a coat of mail ; calyx scaly.) Melastomacece. 5. CDor 10 (~~1 or 3 Trinidad 1820. C l.p Trinidad 1817. C l.p Melastoma albicans Swz 11162 Fothergilla D. Don Fothergill's $ O or 20 ... P Melastoma Fothergillrt Rich. Fothercflla mirabilis Aub. 11163 Tamonia G. Don Tamonia J CD or 12 ... P Melastoma Tamonia Swz. Swartziuwa Spr. ia59. CLIDVMIA D.Don CLIDEMIA. (Clidemii, an ancien 11164 elegans D. Don elegant i Melastoma elegans Aub. 11165 spicata D. Don spiked i 1 1 166 agrcstis D.Don field i 11167 cernua D.Don drooping i Melastoma cernua Bonp. 11 168 microphylla D. Don small-leaved 11169 holosericea D. Dow velvety '. 11 170 alata G.Dow winged Melastoma alata Aub. 11171 nfvea D. Don snow-white-/w/i 11172 aggregata D. Don aggregate '- 11173 velufina D. Don velvety i Melastoma velufina W. 11174 hirta D.Dow hairy > Melastoma hirta L. 11175 rubra G. Don red i Melastoma rubra L. 10 ... W Mexico 1815. C l.p S. Amer. 1815. C s.p Aub. gui. 1. 175 W. Indies 1815. C s.p : | 1 or 1 W I I or 1 W CD or 1 W CDor I W CD or 4 W : I 1 or 4 W iCDor 4 W : CD or W : CD or 2 W :CDor 6 s.d P i I I or 6 my.jn P 1360. PLERO N M A D. Don PLEROMA. 4 jl.s 11176 heteromalla D. Don heteromallous * I I or Melastoma heteromalla B. R. 11177 D. Don granulous CD or 10 au.s Melastoma granulusa Desv /Zhexia Fontanesw Kth. 11178 viminea D. Do twiggy * CD or 6 .Khexia viminea B. R. 11179 holosericea D. DON velvety t CD or 10 jl -flht-xia holosericea Bonp. lllSOglomerata G. Don headed * CD or 1 jl jRhexia glomerata Lod. reek botar Maranh. list.) 1822. Melastomacece. 12. C s.l Aub. gui. 1. 167 Guiana Guiana Peru 1823. 1822. 1820. C C C p.l p. p.l Aub. gui. 1. 165 Aub. gui. 1. 166 S. Amer. Brazil Maranh. 1817. 1820. 1819. C C C p.l p. p.l Pluk. am. 252. 2 Aub. gui. 1. 158 S. Amer. 1823. Peru 1820. W. Indies 1816. C C C p.l p. p.l Bon. mon. 44 Jamaica 1740. C s.p Pluk. al. 264.1 Guiana 1793. C s.p Aub. gui. 1. 161 :lls of caps Brazil ule.) 1819. Melastomacece. 5. C l.p Bot. reg. 644 Brazil 1819. C p.l Bot. reg. 671 Brazil 1821. C s.p Bot. reg. 664 Brazil 1816. C p.l Bot. reg. 323 W. Indies 1818. C p.l Bot. cab. 334 1361. TO CCTC A Aub. TOCOCA. (Tococo, its name in Guiana.) Melastomacea;. 2. 11181 Aubltt// D. Don Aublet's H O or 3 au.s Pa. R Guiana 1826. C p.l Aub. gui. 1. 174 guianensis Aub. Melastoma physuphora Vahl 11182 larnta D.Don woolly *t O or 3 au.s W Trinidad 1817. C p.l Melastoma lanata H. C. * 1362. A CIO v riS D.Don ACIOTIS. (Akis, a point, ous, an ear ; petals.) Melastomacece. 2. 11183 discolor D. Don various-colored * O or 1 jl.s W.R Trinidad 1816. C p.l PI. ic. 42 Melastoma discolor Z/. 11184 aquiitica D. Don aquatic - CD pr f jn.jl W.R S. Amer. 1793. C bog Aub. gui. 1. 169 /Zhexia aquatica L. Melastoma aquatica Aub. 1363. MERIA^N/J Swz. JAMAICA ROSE. (M. S. Merian, authoress of a work on insects.) Melastomacea. 3. ni851eucantha Swz. white-flowered it CD or 6 ... W Jamaica 1825. C p.l 11186 purpurea Suiz. purple * O or 6 ... P Jamaica 1825. C p.l 11187 coccinea Swz. scarlet Q or 6 ... S Jamaica 1818. C p.l *1364. PETALO V MA Swz. PRTALOMA (Peta/on, petal, loma, fringe 11188 myrtilloides Swz. Bilberry-like * CD or 10 ... W.Y $11189 Mouriri Swz. Mouriri Mouriri guianensis Aub. if~~lor CDor 3 jLs W ; petals in calyx teeth.) Melastomacece. 2. W. Indies 1823. C p.l SI. jam. 187. 3 Guiana 1817. C p.l Aub. gui. 1. 180 1365. ACISANTHE V RA J. ACISANTHERA. (Akis, point, anthera, anther ; anthers pointed.) Melastom. I. 11190 quadrata Pers. squared it CD cu 3 Jamaica 1804. C p.l Br. jam. 22.1 .Rhexia Acisanthera L. 1366. DA^IS L. 11191 cctinifulia L. DAIS. Cotinus-leavcd (Derivation unknown.) I_J or 10 jn.jl W.G C. G. H. Thymela^ee. 1. 3. 1776. C s.l Bot. mag. 147 ORDER IT. DECANDRIA DIGYNIA. 175 1367 BUCPDAL. OLIVE BARK TREE. (Sous, an ox ; fruit like an ox's horn ) Combretacear. 1. 4. 11192 Buceras L. Ox's horn 1 CD ec 25 au.s Y.w Jamaica 1793. C l.p Lam. il 356 1368. SAMY^DA L. SAMYDA. (Greek name of the birch ; resemblance.) SamydetE. 8. 15. 11193glabrata Su>x. smooth ifc i i or G jl.s W W. Indies 1800. C l.s 11194 villosa Sauz. villous it I | or ii il s W W. Indies 1820. C I.I 11195 decurrens Spr. decurrent ... G Brazil 1820. c s.l 11196 pubescens L. 11197 serrulata L. pubescent serrulate *Bpr 4 3 jl W W W. Indies 1793. W.Indies 1723. c c l.p s.p Jac. Jac. am. 132 c. 2. 17. 1 11198rosea H.K. rose-colored ft 1 1 pr 4 jn.jl Pk W. Indies 1793. c s.p Bot. mag. 550 11199 nitida L. glossy CD or 7 W.G W. Indies 1793. c l.p Br.j am. 23. 3 11200 macrophylla W. long-leaved 5 ... G E. Indies 1820. c s.l viridiflbra Pair. 11201 ramiflora Vahl branch-flwd Ircruciina guianensis Aub. CASEARIA. (J. Casearius, cooperator in Hortus Malabaricus.) Samydtie. 6. 23. 11202 parviflora W. 11203 parvifblia W. decandra Jac. 11204sylvestris Sum. 11205 hirsuta Swx. 11206 serrulata Swz. small-flowered small-leaved wood hairy serrulate CD or 4 CDor or 1 Jn.jl W Tauria 1817. S p.s Bieb. ros. 2. 73 11300 pedatifida Ehrh. pedatifid A or I my.jn w Scotland sc.alp. D S.I Eng. bot. 2278 11301 quinquefida Haw. five-cleft A r 1 my.jn w Britain moun. D S.I 11302 viscosa Haw. clammy A r i my.jn w D S.I 11303 pentadactylis Lap. five-fingered 11304 ceratophyila Dry. horn-leaved 11305 Schraderi Ster. Schrader's A r A r A pr i my.jn I my jn 1 my.jn w w w Pyrenees 18*15. Spain 1804. 1825. 1) 1) 1) S.I S.I si Lap. sax. 40 Bot. mag. 1651 11306 ajugifulia L. Bugle-leaved 11307 affinis D Don kindred laeVis Donn A or A or 1 jn.jl I my.jn w w Pyrenees 1770. 1) D S.I S.I Lap. sax. 31 11308 hirta Donn hairy A or 1 Jn w Scotland sc.alp. I) S.I Eng. bot. 2291 11309 plutypetala Sm. broad-petaled A r 1 jn w Scotland al.roc. D 6.1 Eng. bot. 2276 11310 decipiens Ehrh deceptive palmata Sm. A or ? my.jn w Wales wal.p. D S.I Eng. bot. 455 1131 Sternberg's 11312 incurvifolia D. Don incurved-lvd tf A or A or 1 my 5 my.jn w w Germany ... Ireland rocks. D I) S.I S.I Ster. sax. 24 11313 denudata D. Don stripped 11314 pulchtHla D. Don pretty A or A or i my.jn f my.jn w w Scotland Germany 1818. I) 1) S.I S.I 15 tridentata D. Don three-toothed A or J my.jn w D S.I 11316 moschata Wul. musky Tnusco'ides Ster. A or i my.jn L.Y Pyrenees D S.I Lap. sax. 37, 38 11317 rauscoides Wul. Moss-like moschata With. A or i my.jn Pa.Y Switzerl. 1819. D S.I Lap. sax. 35 1318 tricuspidata Rtb. tricuspidate 11319 pygmje x a Haw. pygmy A or A or I my.jn i my.jn Y W.Y Greenl. 1824. Scotland sc.alp. D D S.I Fl. dan. 976 Eng. bot. ?214 moschata E. B. 11320 tridactylltes L. three-fingered w i W Britain walls. S S.I Eng. bot. 501 ORDER II. DECANDRIA DIGYNIA. 17? 11321 contraversa Ster. contrary-turned or i my.jn W S. Europe 1824. S s.l Ster. sax. 16 11322petra2 > ai. rock or \ W Norway 1752. S s.l Jac. ic. 1. 81 113J3 adscendens Vahl ascending A or my W Pyrenees 1752. 1) s.l Ster. sax. 19. 1, aquatica Lap. 11324 lanceolata Haw. spear-bracted A or | my.jn W Europe 1800. D s.l 2 obtusa Haw. obtuse 1 A or I my.jn W Europe 1820. 1) s.l 11325 leptophylla Pcrs. fine-leaved A or I my.jn W Wales moun. D s.l 2 angustih'da D.Don narrow-cleft up A or a my.jn W Wales moun. 1) s.l 11326 condensata Gm. dense f A or i my.jn W Scotland c. mo. I) s.l Fl. bad. 2. 3 11327 lajtevirens D. Don lively green $ A or I my.jn W Scotland c. mo. 1) CO 11328 Aypnoldes L. Moss-like i A or i ap.jn W Britain d. roc. D co Eng. bot. 454 2 viscosa Hort. clammy g A or 1 my.jn W Scotland moun. I) CO 3 angustifolia Hort. narrow-leaved A or k my.jn W Scotland moun. 1) co 4 muscbsa D. Don mossy i A or g my.jn W Scotland moun. D CO 5 pulchella D. Don pretty | A or 5 my.jn W Scotland moun. D CO 11329 ccespitosa L. turfy A or 3 my.jn c Wales w.alp. 1) si Eng. bot. 794 11330 exarata nil. engraved } A or 2 my.jn W S. Europe 1818. D S.I Vil. del. 4. 45 11331 grcenlandia H. K. Greenland ^* A or a Jl \v Pyrenees 1732. D s.l Lap. sax. 19 11332 elongeila Sm. longish-stalketl J A or 1 W Scotland sc. alp. D s.l Eng. bot. 2277 *1381. TIARE'LLA L. TlARELLA. (Tiara > a Persian diadem ; mitred capsule.) Saxifranece. 3. 4. 11333cordif61ia L. heart-leaved ^r A or i W N. Amer. 1731. D s.p Bot. mag. 1589 11,334 Menzitsw Ph. Menzies's 2 A or 1 W N. Amer. 1812. D s.p 11335 polyphylla D. Don many-leaved A or 1 W Nepal 1820. D p.l * 1382. MITE'LLA L. MlTELLA. (Dimin. of mifra, a mitre ; capsule.) Saxifrdeei z-. 4. 5. 11336 diphylla L. 11337 cordifulia Zam. two-leaved heart-leaved I A A pr P r g g W W N. Amer. N. Amer. 1731. 1812. D p.l D D.l Bot. reg. 166 Lam. il. 373. 3 11338nuda. naked z A P r i W N. Amer. 1758. D p.l Lam. il. 373. 2 reniformis Lam. 11339 prostrata MX. prostrate -* A or 1 W N. Amer. 1818. D p.l *1383. ASTI'LBE Ham. ASTILBK. 11340 decandra D. Don decandrous Tiarella biternata Yen. (A intensive, stilbe, brightness.) Saxifragece. I 2. A or 2 my.jn W Carolina 1812. D s.p Ven. mal. 54 *1384. GYPSO'PHILA L. GYPSOPHYLA. (Gypsos, chalk, philco, to love ; habitat.) Carvo, uhyllece. 27. 37. 11341 Struthium L. Struthium *k A or 2 W Spain 1729. S p.l Bar. ic. 119 11342 fastigiata L. peaked ^ A or IB jn.jl W Germany 1759. S p.l Gm. si. 4. 61. 1 11343 collina Stcv. hill 3t A or 2 2 W Podolia 1821. S p.l 11344 arenaria IV. & K. sand k A or W Hungary 1801. S W. & K. 41 11345 viscosa Mur. clammy or Is jn.jl W Levant 1773. S P.l Mur. 3 11346 tene"lla Pair. delicate O or 1 W Europe 1816. S p.l 11347 altissima L. tallest ^ A or st Siberia 1759. S P.l Gin, si. 4. 60 11348 grandiflora Pair. great-flowered A or 2 W 1800. 8 p.l 11349 perfoliata L. perforate 2k A or 2 F Spain 1732. 8 P.l DL el. 276 11350 sabulosa Stev. sandy 3t A or W Tauria 1817. S p.l scorzanerifulia Dei f. perfoliata Bie b 11351 acutifolia Fis. acute- leaved ^L A or 3 W.G Siberia 1820. S CO 11352 paniculata L. 11353 adscendens Jac. panicled ascending i A A A or or 4 jn.jl 2 W W Siberia 1759. S. Europe 1800. S S p.l p.l Jac. au. 5. ap. 1 Jac. vm. 2. 138 11354glauca Stev. glaucous *fc A or Itr jl S W Caucasus 1822. S C'O 11355 graminea Sm. grassy Jc A or 1 jUu R Greece 1810. S p.l 11356 elegans Bieb. elegant O or 1 jn.s Crimea 1828. S CO Sch. mo. 21 11357 Stevfem Fis. Steven's :& A or 2 W Iberia 1822. 8 CO 1 1358 repens L. creeping -i A or i jl.s St Siberia 1774. S p.l Bot. mag. 1448 11359 cretica Sm. Cretan A A or 1 W Crete 1810. S p.l 384 11360 tenuifulia Bleb. fine-leaved & A or 1 R Caucasus 1824. S p.l 11361 dubia W. doubtful or 1 my.s W 1815. 8 pj 11362 prostrata L. trailing ^* A or 1 jl.s R Siberia 1759. S p.l Bot. mag. 1281 11363 murali3 L. wall O or - jn o F Germany 1739. S s.l Lam. ii. 375. 1 11364 ser6tina W. \i\te-flowering O or 1 au.s W Europe 1818. S p.l 11365 gloinerata Pall. glomerate ^ A or 1 Pa.R Tauria 1818. S p.l 11366 Saxirraga L. Saxifrage -* A or i Pk Germany 1774. S p.l Ex. bot 2. 90 11367rigidai. tfgM *. A or i Pk France 1769. S s.l 1385. SAPONAMUA 11368 Vaccaria L. L. SOAPWORT. Cow-herb (Sapo O or , soap ; mucilaginous sap.) 2 Pk Germany CaryophStteoB. 10. 17. 1596. S s.l 11369 perfoliata Rox. perfoliate or 2 jn.jl R E. Indies 1800. S CO 11370 officinalis L. officinal SW A or 2 jl.o Pk England hed. D CO Eng. bot. 1060 2 plena double r A or 2 jl.o Pk D CO 11371 ocymoides L. Basil-like *~ A or my.jl R France 1768. s.p Bot. mag. 154 11372 glutinosa Bieb. clammy A O> or 1 jn.jl Pk Caucasus 1817. S s.l Bieb. cen. 2. 65 11373 purrigens L. stretching or 1 Pk Levant 1680. S s.l Jac. vin. 2. 109 11374orientalis L. eastern O or 1 Pk Levant 1732. S s.p Di. el. 167. 204 11375 CEespitosa Dec. turfy A or R Pyrenees 1824. D s.p Dec. ic. 2 11376 lutea L. 11377 Aellidifolia Sm. yellow Daisy-leaved ^ A A or or i i Y R Switzerl. Italy 1804. 1825. D 1) s.p s.p Al. ped. 23. 1 Boc. mu. 62. 1 O pr i O O O o 11383 Pseud- Armeria Bieb.'Yalse Armeria A 11384 discolor Sims various-colored A 11385 barbatus L. bearded Smeetwilliam j A 11378 pr61ifer L. 11379 diminfitus L. .1380 Armtria L. 11381 armerioides Rafi. 11382 pubescens Sm. proliferous &ra.a\\-fiowered Armeria Armeria-like pubescent 11386 dentatus Fis. 11387 aggregatus Pair. 11388 latifolius W. 11389japonicus Thun. 11S90 cephalotes Ser. 11391 capitatus Dec. atrorubens Bieb. toothed aggregate broad-leaved Japanese headed headed jn.j jn.s jn.jl jn.jl A A J 0) A j^ A A or 1J" jn.o 1 jn.o 1| jn.o Pk Pk R R II P P Pk R P Pk Pk Pk P England gra.] S. Europe 1771. England NewJerseyl826. Greece 1820. Crimea 1820. Caucasus 1803. Germany 1573. Siberia 1826. 1817. China" 1804. 1823. Caucasus 1822. . 93. 135. Eng. bot. 956 1386. DIA'NTHUS L. PINK. (Dios, divine, anthos, fl. ; magnificence, fragrance.) Caryoj S p.l S p.l S p.l Eng. bot. 317 S co S .1 S p.l S s.l S r.m S p.l S s.l C s.l C p.l C p.l Fl. gr. 397 Bot. mag. 228S Bot. mag. 1162 Bot. mag. 207 Sw. fl. gar. 2 Thun. jap. 23 N 178 DECANDRIA DIGYNIA. CLASS X. 11392 polym6rphus Bieb. multiform 2 diutinus Kit. day -flowering A or A or 1 jn.o 1 jn.o R R Crimea 1822. Hungary 1816. C C p.1 p.l 11393 Balbisw Ser. Balbis's A pr 1 jl R Genoa 1817. c 6.1 glaucophyllus Horn. 11394 ferrugineus L. rusty 11395 Carthusianurum L. Carthusians' j Q) or A or la Jl- s 1J Br R Italy 1756. Germany 1573. s c ff Mil. ic. 1. 81. 1 Loe. pr. 7 11396 atrorubens All. dark-red A or 1 jl.s C Italy 1802. c s.l Jac. ic. 3. 467 11397 arbuscula B. R. little tree u. -Jpr R China 1824. c p.l Bot. reg. 1086 11398 arboreus L. tree - I or 1| Pk Greece 1820. c s.l Bot. cab. 459 113!)9 fruticosus L. shrubby ML _|or 1| J n s Pk Greece 1815. c r.m To. it. 1. 9 11400 suffrutic^sus W. half-shrubby - _Jor 1* jn.jl Pk Siberia 1804. c p.l 11401 carolinianus Walt. Carolina Al or 1 jn.s P N. Amer. 1811. c r.m 11402 rupicola Bieb. rock-inhabiting A or 1 jn.jl R Italy 1820. c s.l Fl. nap. 39 Bisignian* Ten. 11403 caryophylloides Schult. Clove-like 11404 as per IV. rough. stalked scaber Schl. A or A or f JU R Pk 1817. Switzerl. 1822. c c S.1 S.1 11405 coin nus W. $ K hill A r fjl.s W Hungary 1800. c s.l Par. Ion. 62 11406 serratus Lap. serrated j A pr 1 JLs Pk Pyrenees 1827. c s.l 11407 camp^stris Bieb. field j A or 1 W.R Tauria 1815. c 8.1 Bot. mag. 1876 11408 alpestris Balb. alpine A or 1 jn.jl R Europe 1817. c S.l Bal. mis. 7.1 1 1409 nitidus W. < K shining j A or. 1 R Carpath. 1822. c S.1 11410 diffusus Sib. diffuse A or R Cyprus 1820. c 8.1 11411 attenuatus SJ. attenuated A or JL jn jl R Spain 1822. c g I Brot. ph. 2. 73 11412 hirtus Vil. hairy A oi 1 R France 1821. c 8.1 11413 guttatus Bieb. spotted A r 1 jl.s R Caucasus 181(i. c 8.1 11414 pallidiflorus Ser. pale-flowered A pr 1 jnjl P Siberia 1817. c S.l pal lens Bieb. / 11415 versicolor jp. changeable-eld A or 1J JLs R.Y Russia 1823. c S.l 11416 pratensis .Zftefi. meadow A or 1 J1.S W.Y Crimea 1820. c s.l ochroleucus Z,fr. 11417 chinensis L. China ^ Q) or 1 JLs R China 1713. s r.m Bot mag. 28 11418 montanus Bieb. mountain j A or f jn.s R Caucasus 1803. c s.l Bot. mag. 11 62 11419 Caryophyllus L. Clove A or 2 F England walls. c r.m Eng. bot. 214 2 flore pleno double Carnation A or 2 C England ... c r.m Bot. mag. 39 3 fruticosus shrubby Carnation A or 3 C England c r.m 4 imbricatus imbricated Wheat-ear A or 1| F England c r.m Bot. mag. 16(12 11420 glaucophyllus H.C. glaucous-lvd 11421 sylvestris Jac. wild A or A or 1J jn.jl 1 jn.jl R R 1827. S. Europe 1732. L c CO s.l Bot. mag. 1740 virgineus Sw* 11422 longicaulis Ten. long-stemmed A r 1 Jn.jl W Italy . 1820. c s.l 11423 suaveolens Spr. sweet-smelling A or 1 jn.jl W 1820. c S.1 11424 Poiretianus Ser. Poiret's A or 1 jn.jl P 1816. c s.l 2 flore pteno double-flwd A or 1 jnjl P Greece 1820. c s.l 11425 LiboschitzzawwsSer. Liboschitz's j A or W Tauria 1817. c s.l petra2 N us 2fc>6. 11426 monadelphus Ven. monadelphous j A* or 1 jn.jl W.Pk Levant c s.l Ven. eels 39 procumbens Pers. 11427 sylvaticus Hoppe wood A r 1| jn.s R Ratisbon 1815. s p.1 11428 pomeridianus L. afternoon A or l" jn.jl Y Levant 1804. c S.1 Par. Ion. 57 11429 leptopetalus W. fine-petaled A or W Caucasus 1814. c s.l Bot. mag. 1739 11430 pungens L. pungent j A or 1 au.o Pk Spain 1781. c s.l 11431 divaricatus Urv. divaricate A or 1 Jn.jl P Greece 1822. c s.l 11432 bicolor Bieb. two-colored A r 1 jnjl Pk Tauria 1816. c s.l 11433 furcatus Balb. forked A r 1 jn.jl P.B Piedmont 1819. c S.1 Bal. mis. 7. 2 11434 virgineus L. true virgin j A r 1 jnjl R Montpel. 1816. c s.l Di. el. 385 pungens Poj'r. rupestris L. 11435 deltoldes L. deltoid A r f jn.o F Britain gra. pa. c s.l Eng. bot. 61 11436 glaucus L. glaucous-leaved^ 11437 Ayssopifolius Hort. Hyssop-like j 11438 crenatus Thun. crenated < A or A pr lAl or ijn.o I jn.o 1 au W Pk F Britain gra. pa. Europe 1810. C. G. H. 1817. c s c s.l CO s.l Di. el. 298. 348 Bot. reg. 256 11439marginatus Pair. bordered A r 1 Jnjl W S. Europe 1820. c s.l 11440 rigidus Bieb. rigid A r f jn.o R Casp. Sea 1802. c 8.1 11441 clavatus Spr. clavate tf A or 1 jn.o F c S.1 11442 suavis W. sweet A or 1 jn.o PaP k ...... "... c s.l 11443 cae^sius Sm. grey A r * njl F Britain rocks. c s.l Eng. bot. 62 11444 alpinus L. alpine A or 4 jnjl R Austria 1759. c s.l Bot. mag. 1205 11445 glacialis Hoe icy A or 4 jnjl R S. Europe 1820. c s.l neglectus io/. 11446 tener Balb. tender j A r 4 Jnjl R Alp. Eur. 1817. c s.l Bal. mis. 7. 3 11447 Hornemannz Ser. Hornemann's ] furcatus Horn. A or 1 jnjl R Italy c s.l 11448 Sternbergw Sib. Sternberg's A r H jn jl R c s.l 11449 petrae^us W. % K. rock 2 fluribus majoribus Dec. larger-flwdj petrae N us B. M. A or A or i * jnjl W Pk Hungary 1804. 1804. c c s.l s.l W.&K.3.222 Bot. mag. 1204 11450 ibericus W. Iberian tf A or ^ jn.jl P Iberia 1817. c s.l WilldenovM Lk. 114.51 ruthenicus Roem. Russian tf A or 1 jn.jl P Russia 1816. c s.l 11452 gallicus Pers. French A or f p S. France ... c s.l 11453 alnens H. K. whitish 11454 plumarius L. feathered iAI or A or f au | W W.p C. G. H. 1787. Europe 1629. c c Bot. reg. 256 moschatus Desf. dubius Horn. 11455 hortensis Schr. garden tf A or 1 st Hungary 1805. c r.m 11456 saxatilis Pers. rock 11457 squarrosus Balb. squarrose 11458 Musslnz Horn. Mussini's A or A or A or i jn.jl | \ W W W S. Europe 1816. Tauria 1817. Caucasus 1823. c c c s.l p.1 p.l Bieb. cen. 1. 33 11459caucasicus Simt Caucasian 11W1 frzgrans Bieb. fragrant A r A or 'I jn. S l jn p W Caucasus 1803. Austria 1804. c c 8.1 r.m Bot. mag. 795 Bot. mag. 2067 11461 punctatus Spr. dotted -f. 11462 ser6tinus W. % K. late-flowering A or A or 1 j"s Pa.Li P Hungary 1804. c c r.m S.1 Bot. cab. 896 W. & K. 2. 172 11463 arenkrius L. sand 11464 prostratus Jac. prostrate tt. 11465 fimbria'tus Bieb. fringed j A or . A or A or i my i jnjl P R Li Europe C. G. H. 1824. Iberia 1815. c c c S.1 s.l S.1 Bot. mag. 2036 Jac. sc. 3. 271 Bot. mag. 1069 orientalic Sims ORDER III. DECANDRIA TRIGYNIA. 179 1 14:1(5 plumosus Spr. 11467 monspt'-ssulanus L. 11468superbus /,. 11469 Fischer*' Spr. 11470 pulchellus Ehrh. feathery A or If jl.s W.Li M. Bald. ... C s.l Montpelier j A r 1 R Montpel. 1764. C p.l superb A or 2 jl.s W Europe 1596. C s.l Bot. mag. 297 Fischer's A or 1 jn.jl R Russia 1820. C s.l pretty ^ A or 1 jn.jl W.R Siberia 1827. C s.p CLASS X. ORDER 3. DECA'NDRIA TRIGY'NIA. 1387. CUCITBALUS L 11471 baccifer /,. CAMPIOV. berry-bearing ^ (A name adopted from Pliny.) Gary Aw If jn.jl W England bed. D ^ CO Eng. bot. 1577 * 1388. SILE^NE L. CATCHFLY. (Sialon, saliva ; v scid frothy moisture of stalks.) Caryt iph$lle ( e. 158. 227. 11472 acaulis L. stemless ^ A pr i Pk Britain sc. alp. D p.l Eng. bot. 1081 2 alba 3 exscapa 11473 pumilio Sturm w h i te-ftotoermg scapeless j dwarf A A A P r | | W R P Britain sc. alp Switzerl. 1819. Germany 1823. 1) I) I) i.p s.p CO Al. pcd. 79. 2 Stur. deu. 1. 11 11474 timbriata Sims fringed-^iwl & A pr 2f W Caucasus 1803. D S.1 Bot. mag. 908 11475 lacera Sims, torn -Jc Q) If W Caucasus 1818. S CO Bot. mag. 2255 fucubalus lacerus B ieb. 11476 stellata H. K. star leaved & A pr 1 w N. Amer. 1G96. D CO Bot. mag. 1107 11477 inflata Sm. inflated & A cu 1 my.s w Britain co. fi. D CO Eng. bot. 164 11478 angustifolia Schranl ' narrow-lvd S% A or 1 w Europe 1817. D CO Fl. nap. 37 11479 ovata Ph. ovate ^ A or 1 my.jl w N. Amer. 1820. D CO 11480 maritima Dec. sea ^ A cu f au.s w Britain sea sh. D s.l Eng. bot. 957 11481/abaria H. K. Yoba-leaved & ^J cu w Sicily 1731. S CO Boc. m. 133. 92 11482 BMen L. Behen O un 2 jn.jl w Crete 1713. S CO Di. el. 397. 409 11483 indica Rox. Indian f _AJ un 2 jn.jl P Nepal 1823. C CO 11484 viscaginoides Horn. Viscago-like ^ A cu f Jn.jl Pk Dauria 1824. D CO 114S5graminif61ia Otth Grass-leaved ^ A or 2 jn.jl W Altaia 1819. 1) CO 11486 procumbens Mur. procumbent ^ A cu 1 jn.jl Pk Siberia 1823. D CO 11487 rubella L. small-red pr f my.jn F Portugal 1732. S CO Di. el. 314. 406 11488 apetala W. petalless O cu 1 jn.jl Ap 1801. S CO 11489 sperguliiolia Bleb. Spurrey-like ^ A pr * jn.jl W Armenia 1824. D CO 114!*) Gypsophila Desf. 11491 carnosa Moen. Gvpsophila ^ fleshy A O pr un f jn.jl 1 jn.jl W P 1822. 1823. D S CO CO 11492 hispanica Otth Spanish ^ 0) or f jn.jl Crea Spain 1819. 8 CO parviflura Zea 11493 Otites Pers. Otites ^ A cu 1 Crea England gra. so. D CO Eng. bot. 85 11494 volgensis Otth Volga ^ A pr 1 G.Y Volga 1824. D CO 11495 parviflora Pers. small- flowered ^ A pr 1 G.Y Hungary 1796. I) CO 11496 effusa Otth effuse ^ A pr 1 G.Y Volga 1823. D CO 11497 sibirica Pers. Siberian ^ A cu G.Y Siberia 1773. D CO 11498 ruthenica Otth Russian ^ A or 2 jn.jl G.Y Russia 1820. S CO 11499 multiflora Pers. many-flowered ^ Q) cu 1 w Hungary 1794. a CO W.&K. 1.56 11500 elata Otth tall A or 3 jn.jl W Tauria 1819. s CO chlorantha Otth ' 11501 t.atarica Pers. Tartarian ^ A pr 2 jnau W Russia 1769. D CO 11502 gigantfea JL gigantic jg OJ pr 3 jn.jl W Africa 1738. S s.l Walt. h. 11 11503 viscosa Pers. clammy ^ 0) or 2 jl W Levant 1739. S CO To. it. 2. 361 11504 conica L. conic O w 1 jn.jl P England san. fi. s S.1 Eng. bot. 922 11505 conofdea L. conoid O P r 1 jn.jl P S. Europe 1683. s s.l M. h. 5. 36. 6 1 1506 cylindri flora Otth cylindrical-flwd^ 0) or 1 jn.jl R S. Europe 1824. s CO 11507 undulata H. K. \va\c-icaved cu If au R C. G. H. 1775. s p.l 11508 anglica . 11509 lusitanica L. English Portuguese O w pr W Pk Britain san. fi. Portugal 1732. s s CO CO Eng. bot. 1178 Di. el. 311.401 11510 tridentata Desf. three-toothed O pr f my.jn Pk Barbary 1823. s s.l 11511 gallicaL. French pr 1 my.jn Pk France 1683. s s 1 Di. el. 310. 399 11512 coarctata L#. compressed O or 1 jn jl Pk Valencia 1825. s CO 11513 ocymoides Desf. Basil-like pr 1 mr.jn P 1823. s CO] 11514 disticha W. two-rowed O pr H jn.jl R 1817. s s.l Sch. mo. 39 11515 cerasto'ides L. Cerastium-like O cu V -t f W S. Europe 1732. s s.L Di. el. 309. 397 11516 quinquevulnera L. 11517 canariensis Spr. five-wounded Canary O or or 1 f Jn.jl Bd W.R England san. fl. Madeira 1822. s s CO CO Eng. bot. 86 Spr. end. 3 11518 nocturna L. night cu 2 Br S. Europe 1683. s S.1 Di. el. 310. 400 11519 cinerea D/. grey or i jn.jl W N. Africa 1818. s co 11520 hirsutissima Otth hairiest O or 1 jn.jl R Spain 1821. s CO hirsuta Lag. 11521 pinguis Horn. fat or f Jn.jl Br.R S. Europe 1818. 8 CO 11522 inclusa Horn. enclosed O or i jn.jl R 1820. s CO 11523 discolor Sm. various-colored O or R Greece 1817. s CO Fl. gr. 410 11524reflt5xa.L. 11525 micrope'tala Dec, reflexed ^ small-petaled A cu un I 2 jUu f Jn.jl Br R S. Europe 1726. 1821. D s CO CO Mag. mo. 171. ic 11526 micrantha Lk. minute-flowered O un f Jn.jl R Portugal 1823. s CO 11527 canescens Ten. canescent ^ un 1 jn.jl R Naples 1822. D CO 11528 dichotoma Ehrh. dichotomous un H jn.jl Pk Hungary 1791. s s.l W. &. K. 29 11529 iberica Zte6. Iberian O or 1 jn.jl W Iberia 1823. s CO 11530 nyctantha W. night-flowered O cu Br 1815. s CO 11531 fellidifolia Jac. Daisy-leaved O pr 1 jn.jl Pk 1794. s s.l Jac. vin. 3. 81 11532 vespertina .Sfta. evening O cu 2 Br Barbary 1796. a CO Bot. mag. 677 11533 sabuletorum Lk. gravel-pit O 11534 cheiranthifdlia Schott Wallfl.-lvd -Q or or jn.jl P R 1818. San Roccol821. s -s CO CO 11535 obtusifolia W. obtuse-leaved or jn.jl P 1820. s CO 11536colorata Schous. colored or jn.jl P Morocco 1819. s CO 11537 imbricata Desf. imbricated O Ior f Jn.jl W N. Africa 1818. s CO Desf. at. 1. 98 11538 crassifolia L. thick-leaved j cu Br C. G. H. 1774. s p.l 11539 gracihs Dec. slender o pr W 1823. s CO 11540 jenise&isis W. Jenisee ^ A pr If jn.jl Pk Siberia 1817. s si 11541 ciliata Pou. ciliated ^ A cu P Crete 1804. s s.l 1 1542 pendula L. pendulous or 1 my.jl R Sicily 1731. s s.l Bot. mag. 114 N 2 180 DECANDRIA TRIGYNIA. 11543 hispida Desf. hispid O or 1 jn.jl R Barbary 1817. S CO 11544 laxiflora Brot. loose- flowered or W Spain 18i.'0. S CO 1J545 decumbens Bernh. decumbent or 1 !" jl R Spain 1823. S CO 1154(5 secundiflora Otth side- flowering or 1 jn.jl P Syria 1820. s CO 11547 viscosissima Ten, clammiest O or 1 jn.jl ^ Italy 1824. s CO 115481ongicaulis POM. long-stemmed or 1 jn.jl R Spain 1818. s CO 11549 quadridentata Dec. four-toothed ^j A pi- 1 my.jl W Alps 1822. D CO 11550pusilla W. 8fK. weak ^ A ii n * jn.jl W Hungary 1804: D S.I W. & K. 3. 212 11551 alpestris Jac. alpine ^ A un 1 my.jl W Austria 1774. 1) S.I Jac. au. 1. S6 11552 rupestris L. rock ^ un i my.jl R Switzerl. 1774. S s.l Fl. dan. 4 11553 glaucifolia Lug. 11554parvifolia Otth glaucous-leaved^ small-leaved ^ Q) or or 4 1^ jnjl R W Spain 1820. 1817. s s CO CO 11555inape"rtaZ,. 11556 clandestine Jac. unopcn-flowered hidden-flowered 8 un un 2 jn.jl 1 Jn.jl Br R Madeira 1732. C. G. H. 1801. s s s.l co Di. el. 315. 407 Jac. c. 3. 3 11557portensisL. Oporto cu 1 Pk Portugal 1759. s s.l 11558 ^ntirrhina L. Snapdragon un 1 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1732. s p.l Di. el. 313. 403 11559geminiflora W. twin-flowered O cu 1 Jn.jl P 1816. s CO 11560 flavescens W, $ K. flavescent ^ A pr I jn.jl Y Hungary 1804. D p.l W. & K. 2. 175 11561 /inifblia IV. Flax-leaved 1 G.y 1817. S s.l 11562 cretica L. Cretan pr f G.w Candia 1732. s s.l Di. el. 314. 404. 11563 divaricata Clem. divaricate or 1^ jn.jl R S. Europe 1818. s CO 1 1564 edoldes Jac. Sedum-like o 1"" G.w Crete 1804. s CO Jac. c. 14. 1 USooSaxifraga L. Saxifrage ^ A cu i 4 F France 1640. D s.l Bot. cab. 454 1 1566 petraB^a IV. & K. rock ^ A pr W Hungary 1822. D CO 11567 campanula Pers hell-flowered ^ A pr f G.w Piedmont 1823. D CO Al. ped. 1. 3 11568 viscida Spr. viscid ^ or 1| jn.jl W.G Carniola 1820. S CO 11569 longipetala Ven. long-petaled pr 1 G.w Barbary 1822. S CO 11570 nutans L. nodding C^ A llll 2 jn.jl W Britain cal. ro. D CO Eng. bot. 465 11571 saxatilis Sims stone A cu ijnjl G Siberia 1800. D s.l Bot. mag. 689 11572 livida W. livid ^ A pr 1 jn.jl W.G Carniola 1816. D s.l 11573 tenuis W. slender _^ A pr i Jl G.w Baical 1816. D p.l 11574 quadrifida Otth 11575 viridifloraZ,. four-cleft ^ green-flowered ^ or cu I jn.jl 2 jn.jl W G.w Verona 1818. Spain 1739. S S CO p.l Her. par. 199 11576 chlorantha W. ' 11577 nicEeensis _4//. pale-flowered ^ Nice 1 cu or 1| 1 jn.jl G.w W Germany 1732. Piedmont 1820. D S CO Di. el. 3 16. 408 Al. ped. 44. 2 1 1578 ramosissima Desf. branch iest ^ 0) or lijn-jl P Barbary 1820. S CO 11579 diversifulia Otth different-leaved o or 1 jn.jl P 1820. s CO 11580 Psammitis i*. Psammitis ^ Q) or 1| jn-jl Crea 1818. s CO 11581 catholica Otth universal ^ A cu G.w Italy 1711. D CO Jac. vin. 1. 59 11582 elegans Brot. elegant pr ji \\ s W Portugal 1819. S CO 11583 spatulata Z%#. spatulate or A a jn.jl R Caucasus 1823. s CO 11584 tenuifolia Otth fine-leaved or 1 jn.jl P Dahuria 1820. s CO 11585 repens Pa*. creeping ^ A pr Pk Siberia 1823. D CO 11586 virginica L. 11587 Catesb Cucubalus chlorjefdlius Pair. Q) or 1J jn.jl R S. Europe 1817. s CO * 1389. STELLA^RIA L. STITCH WORT. (Stella, a star; starlike flowers.) Caryoph1jlle J5 7/olostea L. Holostea & A w 1 ap.jn w Britain woods. D CO Eng. bot. 511 llt;;,i Laxmanm Fis. Laxmann's O un 1 ap.jn w Siberia 1823. S CO llf>>7 velut'ma Ser. velvety ^ A uu I my.jn w Baical 1824. 1) CO llfr>8#ramineaZ. Grass-leaued ^ A w 1 ap.jn w Britain hed. b. 1) CO Eng. bot. 803 11639 glaiica With. glaucous marshy A \v f w Britain moi. m. I) p.l Eng. bot. 825 11640 crassifolia Ehrh. thick-leaved ^ in 1 w Germany D CO 11641 uliginusa Cur. bog w 1 jn.jl w Britain rivul. S bog Eng. bot. 1074 aquatica Poll. 11642 cerastokles Z. Cerastium-like ^ A cu I jnjl w Scotland sc. alp. D bog Eng. bot. 911 11643humifusa Swx. trailing -3c un I my.jn w Norway 1816. S CO Fl. dan. 978 11644arenariaZ. sand un 1 jn w Spain 1799. S CO 1164.3 scapigera W. scape-bearing ^ A cu ? jnjl w Scotland sc.rivu. 1) co Eng. bot. 1266 1164ri multicaulis Jac. many-stemmed ^ A or 1 n. 1 w Carinthia 1816. 1) s.p Jac. c. 1. 19 11647 dahurica W. Dahurian ] CD un 1 jn.jl w Dahuria 1818. S CO 11648 muralis Lk. wall un k Jn.jl w Candia 1824. S CO 11649 Slogans Ser. elegant -i CD or 1 my.jn w Siberia 1820. S CO 11650 lungipes Gol. long-stalked ^ 0) un f jn.jl w N. Amer. 1820. S p.l f *1>90. ARENA^RIA Z. SANDWORT. (Arena, sand ; habitation. 1 ) Cari/ovM lleee. 68. 160. 11651 purpurea Pers. purple O P r ?jl p Spain 1823. S E.I 11652 r ubra Z. red O pr i p Britain S S.1 Eng. bot. 852 11653 manna Roth marine ^ A pr 1 jnjl p Germany 1795. D S.I marginata Dec. 11654 sauna ;r. salt-pit O pr i jnjl p Bohemia 1820. S s.p 11655mMiaZ. mediate w 4 jl p Britain sea co. S CO Eng. bot. 958 marina E. B. 11656 glandulosa Jac. glandular or *> p Europe 1820. S CO Jac. sc. 355 11657 canadnsis Pers. Canada o pr f jn.jl R N. Amer. 1812. S p.l 11658 ^raminifMia Schr. filifolia Bieb. Grass-leaved j A pr Ijnjl w Siberia 1817. D CO H. got 5 2 glaberrima Ztec. smoothest j A or 1 jn.jl w Caucasus 1816. D CO graminifolia W. en. 11659Tongifo!ia.ff-6. long-leaved A P r i jn.jl w Siberia 1823. D CO Gm. si. 63. 2 11660 dahurica Fis. Dahurian j A pr 1 n jl w Dahuria 1824. D S.1 11661 fonnosa .Ks. handsome A i jn.jl w Dahuria 1824. D 8.1 11662 reardifolia Fis. Nardus-leaved A or I CJ w Siberia 1827. 1) CO 11663 otitokies Adams Otites-like A or w Siberia 1820. D CO androsacea Fis. *" 11664 rigida Ifek stiff A pr i jnjl w Siberia 1823. D CO 1166S jBiiiifulia ?&. Pine-leaved ^? A pr 1 w Caucasus 1823. D s.p 11666 subulata Ser. subulate j A pr i w Caucasus 1822. D s.p pungens Step, viscu sa .Rs. 11667 capillaris Pair. siberica Pers. capillary A pr iJajl w Siberia 1820. D S.I 11668 juniper.naZ. Jumper-leaved A pr 4 jnjl w Armenia 1800. D s.p Sm. ic. in. 1. 35 Il669stricta MX. strict j A pr ^ my.jn w N. Amer. 1812. D s.p 11670/aricifulia Z. Larch-leaved j A l>r w Britain D s.p Jac. au. 3. 272 11671 imbricata Bieb. imbricated j A i* jnjl w Caucasus 1820. D S.1 11672 procera Spr. 11673rostrata W. S( K. 11674striata Vil. tall rostrate j striated A A A pr pr pr w w w Siberia 1820. Hungary 1816. Switzerl.. 1683. D D D 8.1 s.p s.p Vil. del. 4. 47. 1 Vil. del. 4. 47. 6 11675 austriaca Jac. Austrian ] A pr f jn.s w Austria 1793. D s.p Jac. au. 3. 270 Villarsw Balb. 11676 capillacea AU. capillaceouj pr 5 jn.jl w Piedmont 1819. S S.I Al. ped. 89. 2 11677 trifloraZ, three- flowered j A 1 apjl w S. Europe 1816. D s.p Cav. ic. 3. 249. 2 11678 grandiflora Z. great- flowered j A P r ijns w Switzerl. 1783. D sp Al. ped. 10 1 1679 Hflmii Fis. Helm's j A pr * jn.jl w Siberia 1826. U 11680 macrocarpa P/<. long-fruited jg A pr i n.l w N. Amer. 1810. D si 11681 canescens Fa/*/ canescent j A pr ? jnjl w 1817. D S.1 macrocarpa Horn. 11682 verna Z. vernal j A pr i my au w Britain mount. D s.p Eng. bot. 512 11683 ramosissima W. branchiest ] CD pr jn.jl w Hungary 1816. S CO 11684 caespitosa JfflirA. turfy j A or i jn.jl w Switzerl. 1826. D S.I 11685 Gerard* W. Gerard's j A pr 5 w France 1822. D s.p Jac. au. 445 Ziniflora Jac. 11686 saxatilis Z. rock ]f. A pr i w Germany 1732. D s.p Gm. si. 4. 63. 2 11687 pendula W. $ K. 11688 tenuiiolia Z. pendulous j fine-leaved A O pr pr s jnjl * jn.jl w w Hungary 1816. England U S CO CO W. & K. 2. 87 Eng. bot. 219 2 Barretter* Vil. Barrelier's pr B jnjl w S. France 1820. S CO Bar. ic. 580 3 hybrida Vil. 4 viscidula Fz7. hybrid viscidish 8 pr pr ijni 1 jn.jl w w S. France 1827. France 1818. S S CO CO Vil. del. 4. 47 * viscosa Pers. 11689 triandra Schrank triandrous pr ijnjl w 1817. S S.I Sch. mo. 30 11690 calycina POJ>. Zrtrge-calyxed pr i Jnjl w Barbary 1816. S CO 11691 mediterranea Led. Mediterranean O cu i jnjl w Mediterr. 1823. S CO 11692 reciirva ,#/. recurved ] A pr i jnjl w Alps 1822. D CO Jac. c. 16 11693 hirsuta Bieb. hairy jg A pr i jn.jl w Caucasus 1820. D S.I 11694 calyculata Pair. 11695 setacea 7Y!7. calyculate setaceous A A pr i jnjl jnjl w w Hungary 1817. France D D S.1 CO heteromalla Pers. 11696 fasciculata GOM. fascicled O cu 1 jn w Scotland sc. mo. D s.p Eng. bot 1744 fastigiata Sm. 11697 filifolia Font*. thread-leaved ^j A 1'r J jnjl w Arabia D s.p Vahl sy. 1. 12 11698 glomerata Bieb. glomerated O cu 1 jnjl w Tauria 1818. S CO 11699 uliginosa ScW. marsh A pr i jnjl w SwitzerL 1819. D S.I Dec. ic. 46 11700 fiolygonokies Wul. Knotgrass-like ^ A cu i w Switzerl. 1822. 1) CO Al. ped. 64. 4 11701 verticillata W. whorled tt. | pr IJ1 w Armenia 1823. C S-P 11702 tetrAquetra Z. 11703 lanceolata AU. square j lanceolate j A A pr pr | 8 au i au w w Pyrenees 1731. SwitzerL 1823. D D tr Al. ped. 2. 89. 1 Al. ped. 26. 5 11704 cherlerioldes ViL Cherleria-like A pr 4 w France 1) s.p 11705 densa Kit. dense A Pr i jn.jl w Hungary 1824. D S.1 11706 montana Z. mountain ^ A pr w France 1800. 1) s.p Bot. mag. 1118 182 DECANDRIA TRIGYNIA. CLASS X. Britain walls. S co Eng. bot. 923 Portugal 1819. S s.l Archipel. 1820. S co Alp. Eur. 1823. D co Alp. Eur. 1822. D co Ireland ir.mou. D s.p Eng. bot. 1745 Caucasus 1818. D s.p Europe 1794. U s.p Jac. c. 1. 17. 1 Britain woods. S s.p Eng. bot. 1483 Majorca 1787. D s.p Her. st. 1. 15 Britain sea sh. D s.p Eng. bot. 189 Egypt 1801. D s.p Vahl sy. 2. 33 1391. CHERLE"R/^ Hal. CHERLEIUA. (John H. Cherler, assistant to Jno. Bauhin.) Caryophylletc. 1. 6. 11719 sedoldes L. St->dum-like ^ A or Y.w Scotland sc. alp. D s.l Eng. bot. 1212 1392. GARIDE'LL^ Tou. GAIUDELLA. (P. Garidel, M.D., of Provence, bof. auth.) Ranunculacece. 1. -2. 11720 Nigellastrum L. Nigella-teaverf O or 1^ jn.jl B.u France 1736. S co Bot. mag. 12Go 11707 rerpyllifMia L. 11708 coimbricensis Brot. Thyme-leaved Coimbra w O pr jn.jl W *' jn.jl W 11709 pubescens Dec. pubescent A. A pr 11710 brevicaulis Ster. short-stalked ^ /\ pr i 5 jn.jl W imiscabraPoir. rough ^ /\ pr i jn.jl W 11712ciliata L. ciliated ^ A pj- i W 11713 marginataJS/. -DAKBAUOUS 11721 fucata Ker painted ^ 11 S3 BKKT. 1 CD or '8 LUatJMg/t Y . ineu. juoi togna. i 1814. GDI C C I or 2 Pk W. Indies i 173:3. c p.l Bot. reg. 568 11727 glabra L. smooth-leaved t I ] f r 16 mrjl R W. Indies i 1757. c p.l Bot. maj j.813 11728 biflura Pair. two-flowered CD or 10 Pa.R S. Amer. 1810. c Cav. uis. 8. 234. 2 jounicifdlia Cav. 1 1729 /mnicif 61ia L. Pomegranate-I vd & CD or 12 Pk W. Indies ilfi90. c p.l PL ic. 16 6.2 11730 /aginea Swx. Beech-leaved Si CD or 10 Y S. Amer. 1820. c p.l 11731'dubia Cav. doubtful jdt CD or 10 Y Jamaica 1820. c p.l Cav. dis. 8.242 11732 nitida Mil. glossy-leaved * CD or 6 Pk W. Indies 1733. c Cav. dis. 8. 239. 1 1394. BYRSO'NIMA Rich. BYRSONIMA. (Byrsa, a hide ; used for tanning.) Malpighia ce&. 1 3. 3 J . 11733 uerbascifolia Dec. ^Verbascum-lvd | J QJ- 6 Pa.R Guiana 1810. C p.l Aub. gu i. 1..184 Malpighia uerbascifolia L. 11734 /aurifdlia H. $ B. Laurel-leaved gi [ ] QJ. 10 Y Cumana 1824. C p.l 11735 nervosa Dec. nervose 4t ZD or 8 Pa.Y Brazil 1820. c fr Malpighia macrophylla J. 11736 altissima Dec. tallest CD or 60 W Guiana 1820. c p.l Aub. gu i. 1. 181 Malpighia altissima Aub. 11737 crassifolia Dec. thick-leaved 5 CD or 20 Y Guiana 1793. c p.l Aub. gui. 1. 182 Malpighia crassifolia L. 11738 Moureila Dec. Moureila 1 CD or 20 au Y S. Amer. 1823. c p.l Aub. gu i. 1. 183 Malpighia Moureila Aub. 11739 chrysophylla H.fyB. golden-leaved 11740 spicata Dec. spiked * CD or 10 6 au Y Y Orinoco Antilles 1823. 1810. c c p.l p.s.l Cav. dis. 8.237 11741 lucida Dec. shining-leaved A CD or 6 Pk W. Indies 1759. c P.1 Bot. mag. 24G2 Malpighia lucida Swx. 11742 coriacea Dec. leathery-leaved i O or Malpighia coriacea Swx. 11743 reticulata Dec. netted * Q or U744 volilbilis Dec. twining J^ [ I or Malpighia volubilis Sims 11745 pallida Dec. pale & [~~1 or Malpighia pallida Poir. 1395. BANISTE^RJ^i L. BANISTERIA. (Rev. J. W Jamaica 1814. C p.l SI. jam. 2. 1G3. 1 10 10 au.s P.Y Y Cayenne 1823. W. Indies 1793. C p.l C p.l Bot. mag. 809 Pa Cayenne 1820. C p.l 11746 auriculata Cav. auriculate 11747 ciliata W. ciliated 11748 splendens Dec. shining heterophylla W. fulgens Lam. 11749 Humboldtz'ana Dec. Huinboldt's 11750 sericea Cav. silky 11751 tomentosa Desf. tomentose 11752 /aurifolia L. Bay-leaved 11753 ferruginea Cav. rusty 11754 periplocaefblia Desf. Periploca-lvd 11755 fulgens L. shining-fruited R I I or 11756 zanzibarica Boj. Zanzibar g_ 11757 ovata Cav. ovate-leaved CD or Banister, a curious botanist.) Malpighiacece. 12 47. 4 CD or 10 ... Y Brazil 1820. C p.s.l Cav. dis. 255 10 ... Y Brazil 1796. C s.l Cav. dis. 9. 254 10 ... Y S. Amer. 1812. C s.l Cav. dis. 253 10 ... 10 10 jn au 10 10 S. Amer. 1824. C p.s.l Brazil 1810. C s.l Cav. dis. 9. 258 S. Amer. 1820. C p.s.l Jamaica Brazil 10 Y PortoRicol818. C p.s.l 1733. C s.l Bot. reg. 937 1820. C p.s.l Cav. dis. 9. 2-18 W. Indies 1759. C r.m Zanzibar 1825. C p.s.l 6 Y St.Domin.1810. C p.s.l Yen. ch. 51. A 1396. TRIO'PTERIS L. TRIOPTERIS. (Treis, three, pteron, a wing ; capsule.) Malpighiace cu 1 jn.jl R Spain 179.). s s.l Dec. pi. 122 11831 Umbilicus L. navel Penny-wort A pr 4 jn.jl Y Britain sha.roc. D s.l Eng. bot. 325 2 Mucizom Brot. Mucizoni's A pr 4 jn.jl Portugal 1823. D s.l (11832 Ihtaa flirt yellow 11833 Malacophyllum Pall, soft-leaved A pr O pr k Jn-jl jn.jl Y P.Y England Davuria 1815. Sks.l S s.l Eng. bot. 1522 Pa. it. 3. ap. G.I Orostachys Malacophyllum Fis. *1410. SE'DUM Z. STOXECROP. (Sctfere, to sit ; manner of growth.) Crassulacece. 61. 89. 11834 maximum Lk. greatest purple A or 2 jl.s W Spain 1794. D s.l latifolium Bert. 11835 albicans Haw. great white A r 2 jl.s W Europe 1794. D s.l 11836 verticillatum L. vihor\-leaved A or 1 jl.s Pk S. Europe ... 1) si Am. ac. 2. 4. 14 11837 triphyllum Haw. three-leaved 11838 argutum Haw. sharp-toothed $ A or A or 1 Pk P S. Europe ... Carpathia 1820 D I) s.l s.l 118-39 paucidens Haw. few-toothed A or 4 Jn.jl W 1818. D s.l 11840pectinatum Haw. pectinate A or % W.G 1818. D s.l 11841 Jteleplwww L. corn-man Orpin ej A or 2 jl.s P Britain bor. fi. D S.1 Eng. bot. 1319 1 1842 7'elephzo)opulif61ium L. Poplar-leaved 11847 oppositifolium^.M. opposite-leaved A or A r 1 W W Siberia 1780. Caucasus D D s.l s.l Bot. mag. 211 Bot. mag. 1807 11848 spurium Bieb. spurious A or ^ jl'.s Pk Caucasus 1816. D s ] Bot. mag. 2370 11849 dentatum Haw. toothed A or P 1810. D s.l 11850 hybridum L. hybrid A or i 2 my.jl Y Siberia 1766. D s.l Mur. 6. 5 11851 ternatum MX. ternate A or 4 W N. Amer. 1789. D s.l Bot. reg. 142 portulaco"ides Mhl. 11852 stellatum L. starred O or 1 jn jl W S. Europe 1640. D s.l Cam. h. 7. ic. 2 11853 divaricatum H. K. spreading tt. 1 | or *l jnljl Pk Madeira 1777. c: s.l 11854 Cepa^a L. Cepasa O or 1 W France 1640. s s.l 11855 spatulatum Kit. spathulate Q> or 4 Jn.jl W Hungary 1815. s s.l W. & K. 2. 104 11856 sempervivo\des.B/e&. Semperviv.-like 11857 ochroleucum Sm. yellowish-white^ A or A or 4 l"jl R W Iberia 1823. Greece 1818. D D s.l si Bot. mag. 2474 11858 altissimum Pers. tallest A or 1 P.Y S. Europe 1769. D s.l Jac. vin. 1. 81 Jacquini Haw. Sempervlvum sediforir. ie Jac. 11859 ca;rulescens Haw. caarulescent A or i Jl Y 1820. D s.l 11860 dasyphyllum L. thick-leaved A pr - jn.jl W England walls. D s.l Eng. bot. 656 11861 reflexumZ. refiex-leaved A or "1* jn!jl Y Britain walls. D s.l Eng. bot. 695 1 1862 septangulare Haw. seven-angled A or Y 1795. D s.l 11863glai'icum Sm. glaucous 11864 colllnum W.en. hill A or A or "i 1 Y Y England 1815. D I) s.l s.l Eng. bot. 2477 Dec. pi. 115 11865 minus Haw. smaller short-lvd A or Y Europe 1810. D s.l Dec. pi. 116 reflexum Dec. not of others. 11866 spirale Haw. spiral A or 4 Jn.jl Y 1818. D s.l Dec. pi. 118 sexangulare Dec. not E. B. 11867 recurvatum W. recurved green A or i jn.jl Y Europe 1818. D s.l 11868 anopetalum Dec. upward-lvd green A or Pa.Y S. France 1818. D s.l rupestre Vil. 2 aurantiacum Sal. Orange A or 1 jn.jl S. France 1820. D s.l 11869 vlrens H. K. green A or 4 n. 1 Y Portugal 1774. D s.l 11870 rupdstre Z. rock A pr Y England rocks. D S.1 Eng. bot. 170 11871 virescens W. en. virescent A or 1 G.Y 1815. D s.l 11872 Forsterwnzm Sm. Forster's A or i Y Wales w. roc. D si Eng. bot. 1802 11873 quadrifidum Pall, four-cleft A or i Jl Y N. Asia 1800. D s.l Pa. it. 3. P. 1 11874 nudum H. K. naked-branchedit. 1 | pr f W Madeira 1777. R s.l 11875 quinquetidum W. five-cleft A or i jn.jl W.G 1800. 1) s.l 11876 hexapetalum Haw. six-petaled A or i jn.jl Pa.Y 1800. I) s.l 11877 se'xfidum Bieb. annual six-cleft O or i -i i jn.jl W Caucasus 1816. S s.l 11878 monregalense .BaW>. Montreal A pr 4 jail W S. Europe 1815. D s.l Bot. cab. 464 11879 repens Dec. creeping A or i jn.jl R Switzerl. 1826. 1) s.p 11880 hispanicum Z. Spanish A or 1 jn.jl P.Y Spain 1732. 1) si Jac. au. 5. 47 11881 album Z. white A l>r i Jn.jl W England rocks. D si Eng. bot. 1578 11882 villosum Z. villous A pr 5 Jn.jl Pk Britain D s.l Eng. bot. 394 11883 annuum Z. annual O pr I au W N. Europe 1739. S s.l 11884 atratum Z. dark annual O pr 1 au P Italy 1795. S s.l Jac. au. 1. 8 11885 caeruleum Vahl pale-blue or i Pa.B Africa 1822. s s.l Bot. reg. 520 11886 sexangulare Z. six-angled A P r 4 JnJl Y England walls. D s.l Eng. bot. 1645 11887 acre Z. acrid A P r * Jn Y Britain walls. 1) s.l Eng. bot. 839 11888saxatile W. rock or i Jn.jl S. Europe 1820. D s.l 11889 pallens I 'en. pale-glaucous or i jn.jl w" S. Europe 1816. S s.l 11890 Andersons G. Don Anderson's el. or W Hungary 1816. S s.l W. & K. 2. 181 glaucum W. & K. not E. B. 11891 pallidum^Vft. pale O or i jn.jl Pa.R Caucasus 1817. s s.l 11892 oblongum Haw. oblong A or J jl au W Britain rocks. D s.l 11893 anglicum Z. English A pr i W Britain rocks. D s.l Eng. bot. 171 2 microphyllum small-leaved A or g W Britain rocks. D s.l 3 hibe'rnicum Irish A r h W Ireland rocks. D s.l 1411. PE'NTHORUM W. PENTHORUM 11894 sedoides W. Sedum-like i 1412. GRIE^LUM L. 11895 tenuifolium L. 11896 humifusum Thun. 11897 laciniatum Gae. GRIELUM. slender-leaved trailing jagged (Pente, five, horos, column ; capsule.) Crassulaccce. 1. A cu 1 G.Y Virginia 1768. D s.l Lam. il. 390 Rosacece. 3. R p.l Sw. fl. gar. 171 R p.l Bur. af. 34. 1 R p.l.s Sw. fl. gar. 306 (Grcios, old ; aspect.) iA) pr 2 Y C. G. H. 1790. tAJ or 1 ap.jl Y C. G. H. 1825. lAlpr i au Y C. G. H. 1825. 1413. BIO'PHYTUM Dec. BIOPHYTUM 11898 sensitivum Dec. sensitive O'xalis sensitiva . (Bios, life, phytc O pr 4 jl.s ny plant ; pods open when touched.) Oxaltdcce. 1. 2. Y China 18CS. S 6.1 Jac. ox. 78. 4 ORDER IV. DECANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. 185 1414. O'XALIS L. WOOD SORREL. (Oxys, sharp, or sour ; qualities.) Oxalfdea?. 97. 160. I. HEnESAROi'DES:. Peduncles many -flowered ; stems leafy; leaves trifoliate, middle one petioled. Y S. Amer. 1823'. 11809 Plumier/' Jac. 11900 Barrelii-r/ . lac. 11901 fruticosa Had. Plumier's Barrelier's shrubby L CU or tt. Q pr **- O pr 2 year 1| year 1 year Pa.R Caraccas Y Rio Jan. 1824. 1817. C p.l I>ot. reg. 810 C s.l Jac. ox. o C s.l II. CORNICULAVAJ. Peduncles 1, 2, or many, fluid ; stems leafy ; Ivs. palmate-trifol. ; leaflets sessile. 11902 perennans Haw. 11903 Dillenw Jac. 2 flurida Sal. 11904 stricta L 11905 Lyon Ph. 11906 corniculata L. 11907 microphylla Pair. r 11 bens 11 'aw. 11908 ri'pens 7'Aw. 11909 rf;sea Jac. 11910 floribunda Leh. 11911 lateriflora Jac. 11912 macrostylis Jac. 11913 tubiflura Jac. 11914 canescens Jac. 11915 secunda Jac. 11916 hirta L. 11917 hirtella Jac. 11918 multiflura Jac 11919 rubella Jac. 11920 rosacea Jac. 11921 fulgida B. R. perennial Dillenius's florid strict Lyon's small-horned small-leaved creeping-s/A'c? rosy bundle-flwd O pr O pr & A pr ftr A pr O pr Opr lAJpr lAJpr iAI or 2 my.s 2 Y 14 Jn.o Y 1 jl.o Y m N. S. W. America 1798. America 1798. N. Amer. 1658. N. Amer. 1816. s.p O S s.p S s.p O s.p O s.p Di. el. 221 Jac. ox. 4 Britain sh. roc. O s.p Eng. bot. 1726 1 mr.ap mr.ap N. S. W. C. G. H. Chile 1793. 1823. S s.p O s.p Jac. ox. 78. 1 O s.p Bot. mag. 2415 lateral-floweredj i Al pr | mr.ap P S. Amer. ? 1827. D s.l Bot. reg. 1123 C. G. H. 1824. O s.p Jac. sc. 204 Peduncles axillary, one-flwd stems elongated, leafy ; leaves trifoliate, sessile. C. G. H. 1793. ' long-styled tf i Al or | o.n tube-flowered tf i Al or 1 o.n canescent tf lAJ pr 1 ja.s side-flowering tf i Al or ^ o.n \\a\ry-stalked tf LAJ or f o.n small hairy tf iAJ pr mr.ap many-flowered tf > Al or | branching small red tf iAJ or s.n rose-colored tf iAI pr J s.n fulgid If LAJ pr 5 s.n C. G. H. C. G. H C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1790. 1821. 1790. 1787. 1823. 1789. 1791. 1793. 1820. O s.p O sp O s.p O s.p O s.p O s.p O s.p Jac. ox. 9 Jac. ox. 10 Jac. ox. 11 Jac. ox. 12 Jac. ox. 13 Jac. ox. 16 Jac. ox. 15 O s.p Bot. mag. 1031 O s.p Bot. mag. 1698 O s.p Bot. reg. 1073 IV. CxuLiFLoRjE. Peduncles axil., one-flwd ; stems elongated, few-leaved ; leaflets 3 5, stalked. 11922 reptatrix Jac. 11923 virginea Jac. 11924 disticha Jac. 11925 incarnata /,. 11926 venosa Sal. 11927 furcata Lod. creeping-rooted tf LA) pr virgin tf iAJ pr two- rowed tf iAI pr fiesh-colored tf iAI pr veiny $ i Al pr for]i-leaved tf iAI pr n.d F C. G. H. 1795. O s.p Jac. ox. 20 W C. G. H. 1820. O s.p Jac. sc. 3. 275 ja.s Pa.Y C. G. H. 1818. O s.p Jac. ox. 18 ap.jn F C. G. H. 1739. O s.p Jac. ox. 71 o.n V.y C. G. H. 182-3. O s.p s R C. G. H. 1823. O s.p Bot. cab. 1056 V. CAPRI\\^. Stemless ; peduncles 1, 2, or many, flowered ; leaflets 3 or many, stalked. 11928 Bowi/ Ait. Bowie's 11929 sericea L. silky 11930 Burmanni Jac. Burmann's 11931 tetraphylla Cav. four-leaved 11932 violacea L. violet-colored 1 1933 punctata B. M. dotted 11934 caprina L goat's-foot 11935 cernua Thun. drooping caprina B. M. 11936 cornpressa Jac. compressed 11937 dentata Jac. toothed 1 1938 purpurata Jac. purpled 11939 macrophylla Horn, long-leaved 1 1940 livida Jac. livid 11941 lobata Sims lobed tf LAJpr s.n C tf iAI or i Y tf LAJpr 5 o.n Y tf LZ3 pr A jn.jl P tf A or i my.jn L.P tf A or 5 ap.jn P tf tAJor 5 mr.jn F tf iAI or i Y tf i Al or year Y tf lAlor in.d F tf LAJpr i o.n F.w $ * Al pr iJM Pa.F tf iAI or 5 o.n F tf LAJpr o.n Y C. G. H. 1823. O s.p C. G. H. 1794. O s.p Jac. ox. 77. 1 C. G. H. 1820. O s.p Bur. af. 29 Mexico 1823. O s.p Cav. ic. 3. 237 N. Amer. 1772. O s.p Jac. ox. 80. 2 O s.p Bot. reg. 2781 C. G. H. 1757. O s.p Jac. ox. 10. 1 C. G. H. 1757. O s.p Jac. ox. 6 C. G. H. 1794. O s.p Jac. ox. 78. 3 C. G. H. 1793. O s.p Jac. ox. 7 C. G. H. 1822. O s.p Jac. sc. 356 C. G. H. 1820. O s.p C. G. H. 1793. O s.p Jac. ox. 8 C. G. H. 1823. O s.p Bot. mag. 2386 VI. SiMPLiciFbLivE. Stemless ; leaves simple ; scapes one, or many, flowered. 11942 monophylla L. one-leaved tf LAJ pr g o.n Y C. G. H. 1774. O s.p Jac ox. 79.3 11943 lepida Jac. pretty Cape tf tAJ pr ja.n W C. G. H. 1823. O s.p Jac. ox. 21 11944 rostrata Jac. beaked tf LAJ pr i o.n P.v C. G. H. 1795. O s.p Jac. ox. 22 VII. PTEROPOOE. Stemless / leaves bifoliate, or trifoliate i petioles winged i scapes one-flowered. 11945 crispa Jac. curled tf LA) pr i o.n W C. G. H. 1793. O s.p Jac. ox. 23 11946 leporina Jac. hare's-eared tf iAI pr i o.n W C. G. H. 1795. O s.p Jac. ox. 25 11947 ashrtna Jac. ass's-eared tf LAJ pr | n.d Y C. G. H. 1792. O s.p Jac. ox. 24 11948 lancerefolia Jac. spear-leaved 3 lAI pr i o.n Y C. G. H. 1795. O s.p Jac. ox. 26 11949/aba?folia Jac. .Bean-leaved ^ LAI pr o.n Y C. G. H. 1794. O s.p Jac. ox. 27 VIII. A 11950 /aburnifolia Jac. 11951 sanguinea Jac. 11952 rubro-flkva Jac. 11953 tricolor Jac. 11954 ciliaris Jac. 11955arcuata Jac. 11956 flaccida Jac. 11957 ferruginata Jac. 11958 ambigua Jac. 11959 undulata Jac. 11960 fuscata Jac. 11961 sulphurea Jac. 11962 speciosa W. 11963 variabilis Jac. 2 grandiflora Jac. 3 Simsii Dec. 11964 purptirea W. 11965 convexula Jac. 11966 Isevigata W. 11967 marginata Jac. 11968 pulchella Jac. 11969obtusa Jac. 11970 lanata /,. 11971 luteola Jac. 11972 AcetosellaZ,. lit 11973 americana Dec. 11974 tenella Jac. 11975natansZ. 1 1976 filicadlis Jac. ETOSE'LL^E. 5ft Laburnum-lvd 'ess i lei lAJpr ives tr'foha 5 S.O ,te,pet ioled; C. G. sea H. pes ont 1793. '-JtC 'KV/'i s.p . Jac. ox. 28 bloody-leaved iAJpr io.d Y C. G. H. 1795. s.p Jac. ox. 29 red and yellow 1 tAJpr | ja.ri R.Y C. G. H. 1823. s.p Jac. ox. 50 three-colored V LAJpr f o.d W.R C. G. II. 1794. s.p Jac. ox. 47 ciliate-feaverf tf LAlor A o.n P C. G. H. 1793. s.p Jac. ox. SO bowed tf iAI or ^ o.n V C. G. H. 1795. s.p Jac. ox. 31 flaccid tf LAJpr x o.n W.R C. G. H. 1812. s.p Jac. ox. 51 rusty LAJpr i jn.jl W C. G. II. 1820. s.p Jac. sc. 3. 274 ambiguous LAJpr is.d W C. G. H. 1790. s.p Jac. ox. 43 \vave-leaved ^ LAJpr 1 o.n W C. G. H. 1795. s.p Jac. ox. 44 brown-spotted ^J LAJpr i my.jn Y C. G. H. 1795. s.p Jac. ox. 45 sulphur-co/ored 3 LAJpr 5 o.n P.Y C. G. H. 1795. s.p Jac. ox. 63 specious ^ LAJ pr s n P C. G. H. 1690. s.p Jac. ox. 60 variable $ i Al or i o.d W.R C. G. H. 1795. s.p Jac. ox. 52 greaUflowered $ iAJ or 1 o.d W C. G. H. 1790. O s.p Jac. ox. 54 Sims's ? iAJ or J o.d W C. G. H. 1790. s.p Bot. mag. 1683 purple LAJ pr 5 o.n P C. G. II. 1812. sp Jac. ox. 56 small convex 7$ iAI or 1 ja.n Pk C. G. H. 1789. O s.p Jac. ox. 55 smooth O pr i jn.jt P 1818. s CO #ra>n-edged % LAJpr | s.d W C. G'.' "H. 1812. CO Jac. ox. 68 pretty tf LAI el o.n W C. G. H. 1795. CO Jac. ox. 69 blunt-leaved $ iAI or i o.n W C. G. H. 1812. s.p Jac. ox. 79. 1 vioolly.leaved $ iAI or o.n W C. G. II. 1791. s.p Jac. ox. 77. 2 yellowish T iAI pr i ja.s Y C. G. H. 1823. C) s.p Jac. ox. 65 le sorrel or com. tf A cul i W Britai n grov. CO Eng. bot. 762 American A pr | W N. Ai ner. CO delicate 1 i Al or | Li C. G. H. 1793. s.p Jac. ox 19 floating iAI or E s.d W C. G. H. 1795. s.p Jac. ox. 76. 2 thread-stmd ~tf 22 or V C. G. II. 1815. S.p Jac. sc. 2. 205 186 DECANDRIA PENTAGYNIA, CLASS X. ORDER IV. 11977 bifida Thun. 11978 cuneifolia Jac. 11979 linearis Jac. 11980 reclinata Jac. 11981 cuneata Jac. 11982 mini'tta Jac. 11983 pusilla Jac. 11984 Pi6tt CoL 11985 t^nera Spr. 11986 carnosa Mol. cloven-leaved wedge-leaved linear-shaped reclining cuneate vermilion weak Piotta's tender fleshy $ lAJor tf iAI or tf iAI or tf iAJ or S> LAI pr tf iAJ pr tf iAJ pr tf lAJpr tf iAJ pr tf iAJ pr f s.o V | ap. my W * Ja.s ija.s I ja.s ija.s 5 rny iap.s C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. Pa.R C. G. H. O C. G. H. Y Brazil Y Chile V Pk Y.w Ve 1791. O s.p Jac. ox. 79. 4 1793. O s.p Jac. ox. 41 1795. O s.p Jac. ox. 52 1795. O s.p Jac. ox. 34 1822. O s.p Jac. ox. 40 1819. O s.p Jac. ox. 35 1823. O s.p Jac. ox. 42 1816. O s.p Col. h. rip. 1 1S26. O s.p Bot reg. 1046 1826. O s.p Bot. reg. 1063 IX. ADENOPHY'LL*;. Stetr/s leafy ; Ivs petioled, 35-foliate ; leaflets linear underneath, at top glandular. 11987 glabra Thun. 11988 versicolor L. 11989 gracilis Jac. 11990 elongata Jac. 2 amce^na 11991 tenuifblia Jac. 11992 polyphylla Jac. 11993 filifolia Jac. 11994 pentaphylla Sims smooth tf iAI or various-colored tf i Al or slender elongated fine red fine-leaved many-leaved thread-leaved five-leaved tf lAJpr g i A| or tf iAI pr T$ i Al or tf iAI or tf lAlor tf -Al pr my.jn i ja mr C i P s.o | s.o o.n I ja.s C. G. H. 1795. O s.p Jac. ox. 76. 3 C. G. H. 1774. O s.p Bot. mag. 155 ~ C. G. H. W C. G. H. R C. G. H. W.n C. G. H. Pa.P C. G. H. Pk C. G. H. Pk C. G. H. 1820. 1791. 1810. 1790. 1791. 1822. 1800. O s.p O s.p O s.p O s.p O s.p O s.p Jac. ox. 33 Jac. ox. 37 Jac. sc. 206 Jac. ox. 38 Jac. ox. 39 Jac. sc. 273 O s p Bot. mag. 1549 11995/upinifblia Jac. 11996 flava L. 11997 pectin ata Jac. 11998 flabellifblia Jac. 11999 tomentbsa L. X. PALM ATI POLUE. Stemless ; leaves petioled palmately and peltately, 5 13-foliatc ; scapes one-flwd. 5 Aipinifblia Jac. Lupine-leaved tf iAJ pr o.n Y C. G..H. 1791. O s.p Jac. ox. 72 yellow tf _AJ pr mr.ap Y C. G. H. 1775. O s.p Bot. reg. 117 pectinated tf iAl pr | s.n Y C. G. H 1790. O s.p Jac. ox. 7.-) fan-leaved tf iAJ pr i s.n Y.R C. G. H. 1789. O s.p Jac. ox. 74 downy-leaved tf iAJ pr i W C. G. H. 1791. O s.p Jac. ox. 81 1415. iY'CHNIS L. 12000 Viscaria L. clammy " ~j A' or 1 'my.jn Pk Britain 2 plena double A or 1 rny.jn R Britain 12001 neglecta G. Don neglected Viscaria alba Hort. 12002 alplna L. alpine 12003 helvetica G. Don Swiss alpine alpina B. M. not E. B. LYCHNIS. (Lychnis, a lamp ; down of leaves as wicks.) Caryophyllece. 20. 93. rocks. D co Eng. bot. 788 gard. D co ... D co 12004 chalced6nica L. 2 alba 3 plena 12005 fulgens Fis. 12006 grandiflora Jac. coronata Thun. 12007 Flos J6vis L. 12008 coronaria Lam. Chalcedonian white-flowered double-flowered shining great-flowered j iAI or Flower of Jove crown Agrostemma coronaria L. 2 Alba \vh\te-flowered 3 plena double-flowered 12009 Cce v li Rbsa Desf. Rose of heaven Agrostemma Creli jRbsa L. 12010 apetala L. petalless 12011 brachypetala Horn, short-petaled 12012 diurna Sib. day-flowering sylvestris Hoppe 2 fibre pleno double-flwd 12013 vespertlna Sm. evemng-flwg 2 fibre pieno double-flwd 12014 laeHa H. K. joyful 12015 c6rsica Lot. Corsican 12016 sibirica L. Siberian 12017 pyrenaica Berg. Pyrenean 12018 Floscuculi L. Cuckoo-flower 2 fibre pleno double-flwd 12019 Githago L. Corn-cockle Agrostemma Githago L. 2 nicjcijiisU Nicean Agrost^mma nicaeensis W. 1416. CERA'STIUM L. MOUSE-EAR CHICKWEED. (Keras, a horn 12020 pauciflbrum Stev. few-flowered O un, | jn.jl W 12021 nemorale Bieb. grove O un 1 jn.jl 12022 perfoliatum L. perforate 12023 caucasicum Fis. Caucasian 12024 dahuricum Fis. Dahurian amplexicaule B. M. Holosteum Fis. 12025 maximum L. greatest 12026 stellarioides Moc. Stellaria-like 12027 dichotomum L. forked 12028 glandulbsum H. C. glandulous Scotland sc.roc. D p.l Eng. bot. 2254 Switzerl. 1814. S- s.p Bot. mag. 394 Russia 1596. D p.l Bot. mag. 257 Russia ... D p.l Russia ... D p.l Siberia 1822. D p.l Bot. mag. 478 China 1774. C p.l Bot. mag. 223 Germany 1726. S co Italy 1596. S co Bot. mag. 390 Bot. mag. 24 Levant 1713. Lapland 1810. S co C r.m S s.l Bot. mag. 295 Siberi Britain 1817. Britain hedges. D co Britain wa.&fi. D co Britain fields. Portugal 1778. S Corsica 1818. S Siberia 1817. Pyrenees 1819. Britain Britain D co s.l s.p D co D s.p, D co bogs. D p Britain com fi. S co Fl. lap. 12. 1 Eng. bot. 1579 Eng. bot. 1580 Eng. bot. 573 Eng. bot. 741 Italy 1794. S co un un O un A un 2 jn.jl 1 jn.jl 1| my.s form of capsule.) Caryophtttem. 48. 19. Siberia 1816. S co Caucasus 1818. S co Greece 1725. S co Di. el. 217. 284 Caucasus 1820. S co Siberia 1815. D co Bot. mag. 1789 inflated rubbish Taurian common oval clammy-leaved Holosteum-likej small bearded 12029 inflatum H. C. 12030 ruderale Bieb. 12031 tauricum Spr. 12032 vulgatum L. 12033 ovale Pers. 12034 viscosum L. 12035 Aolosteoldes Fries 12036 barbulosum Lk. 12037 an6malum W. Sf K. anomalous 12038 semidecandrum L. semi-decandrous 12039 tetrandrum H. K. tetrandrous 12040 pentandrum L. pentandrous 12041 gracile Desf. slender 12042 brachypetalum Desf- short-petaled 12043 diffilsum Pers. spreading 1044 serpyllifolium W. Thyme-leaved 12045 manticum L. Mantic 2 jn.jl I myjl jnjl i jn.jl I jn.jl W W W W W W W W W W W W W Siberia 1792. N. Amer. 1810. Spain 1725. Europe 1827. Europe 1827. Caucasus 1817. Tauria 1820. Britain san. pi. Europe 1800. Britain pas. Sweden 1818. S. Europe 1820. Hungary 1817. Britain walls. Scotland S. Europe 1821. S. Europe 1818. S. Europe 1816. Europe 1820. Siberia 1817. Hungary 1801. S co S co S co S co S co S co S co S co S co S co D co S co S co S co S co S co S co S co D co S co S co Gm. si. 4. 62. 2 Eng. bot. 789 Eng. bot. 790 Eng. bot. 1630 Eng. bot. 166 Dec. ic. 44 W. & K. 96 CLASS XI. OHDER I. DODECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 187 12046 rupestre Fit. rock Q> un 12047 campanul^tum Viv. bell-flowered Q un 12048 grandiflorum W.$K. large-flowered -* A pr 12049 tomentosum L. 12050 Bieberstein/ Dec. 12051 pusillum Ser. lanati woolly Bieberstein's weak woolly alpine ovate-leaved broad-leaved icy 12052 lanatum Lam. 19053 alp'mum L. 12054 ovatum Hoppe 12055 lati folium L. 12056 giaciale Gau. 12057 sylvaticum W. $ K. wood 12058 arvense L. field 12059 strictum L. strict 2 suffruticosum W. suffruticose 12060 dioicum H. K. dicecious 12061 pennsvlvanicum Horn. Pennsylvar 12062 pubscens Gol. pubescent 12063 matrense Kit. Matrensian 12064 pildsum Horn. pilose 12065 Sprengelw Ser. Sprengel's 12066 hirsutum Ten. hairy 12067 Tenoreanww* Ser. Tenore's pilosum Ten. 1417. LARBREA Hil. LARBREA. 12068 aquatica Hil. water *~ A JU A !U A S~ A i jn.jl I jn.jl i jn.jl *fifi i jn.jl i jn.jl I jn.jl Srr A . Srr A W J A un 1 A un 1 t A un !U. A un t~ A un JL. A un 0* A un O) un JU. A un O un jn.jl jn.jl W W w w w w w w w w \v w S co S co D p.s D co D p.l S co W my.jl my.jl ,'fcfi m! i jn.jl i jn.jl i jn-jl Siberia 1820. Italy 1824. Siberia 1818. S Europe 1648. Caucasus 1820. Siberia 1824. Alp. Eur. 1819. D p.l Britain w.alp. D co Carinthia 1816. D co Britain w.alp. D co Switzerl. 1819. D p.l Hungary 1820. D p.s Britain corn fi. D co Austria 1793. D co S. Europe 1796. D co Spain 1776. Pennsylv. 1810. N. Amer. 1821. Pannonia 1817. 1820. 1819. Italy 1824. Italy 1822. D co D co D co D co D co S co D co S co Stellaria aquatica Pers. Cerastium aquaticum L. Viv. an. 1. 2. 1 W. & K. 2. 168 Col. ph. 31 Bot. mag. 2782 Eng. bot. 472 Eng. bot. 473 W. & K. 1. 97 Eng. bot. 93 Scop. car. 19. 1 (Abbe Larbrc, a botanical author.) Caryophy, :*= A w ^ Jl W Britain D bog UCCE. 1. Eng. bot. 538 *1418. SPE'RGULA 12069 arve"nsis L. 12070 pentandra L. 12071 pallida Sal. 12072 nodosa L. 12073 /aricina L. 12074 saginoldes L. 12075 subulata Sim. 12076 glabra W. 1419. BE'RGI^ L. 12077 verticillata W. L. SPUR RE Y. corn-field pentandrous pale knotty Larix-like Sagina-like av/l-shftpecl smooth O O A * A -* A itr A J A (Spargo, to scatter ; expels seeds.) i " T --'-'- I jn.jl 1 jnjl ijlau W W W w A w . jnjl i jn.jl i jn.jl W " Britain S co W England S co Pa.R C. G. H. 1810. D s.p Britain san.he. D co Siberia 1820. D s.p Scotland sc.alp. D co Britain san.he. D co Caryophyllete. 8. 14. Eng. bot. 1535 Eng. bot. 1536 W Europe 1816. D s.p Eng. bot. 694 Lam. il. 392. 1 Eng. bot. 2105 Eng. bot. 1082 Al.ped.64. 1 BERGIA. (P. J. Bergius, M.D. professor of nat. hist. Stockholm.) CaryopJi$llea!. 1. 3. whorled O cu i jnjl W.R Egypt 1820. S s.p Del a?g. 26. 1 CLASS X. ORDER 5. DECA'NDRIA DECAGY'NIA. 1420. PHYTOLA'CCA L. PHYTOLACCA. (Phyton, a plant, lacca, , lac ; crimson fruit.) Phytolctcece. 9. 12078 octandra L. octandrous \/\\ or 6 jln W.o Mexico 1732. C s.l Di. el. 239. 308 12079 stricta Hofm. strict fAI or 3 jn.jl W.G S. Amer. 1820. C s.p heptandra Retx. ? 12080 abyssinica W. Abyssinian *d!or 6 my.jn W.G Africa 1775. R s.l Hof. got. 2 12081 bogotensis Hum. Bogotan $ (Al or 3 W Bogota 1824. C s.p 12082 dodecandra W. en. dodecandrous ^ L/\] or (i my.jn R Africa C s.l 12083 decandra L. decand. Virginian Poke A cul 5 au.s L.P Virginia 1615. C s.p Bot. mag. 931 12084 mexicana Swt. Mexican IA1 or 3 W Mexico 1824. C s.p Bot. mag. 2633 icosandra B. M. 12085 icosandra L. icosandrous fAI or 3 jl.n W E. Indies 1758. C s.p Mil. ic. 207 J2086 dioica L. dioecious jf |~~1 or 14 W.G S. Amer. 1768. C s.p Her. st. 70 CLASS XI. ORDER 1. DODECA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. 1421. ^4'SARUM L. ASARABACCA. (A, privative, seira, a bandage: unfit for 12087 arifMium MX. Arum-leaved A cu 12088 eurupa^um L. European j A m 12089 canadense L. Canadian j A cu 12090 grand! folium Lo.C. iarge-leaved A cu 12091 virginicum L. Virginian j A cu 1422. BOCCO\V/^ L. BOCCONIA. 12092 frutescens L. frutescent Celandine 12093 integrifolia H. SfB. entire-leaved idage; unfit for garlands.) Asar'true. 4. 5. Br N. Amer. 1823. D p.l Hook ex. fl. 40 I my P England woods. D p.l Eng. bot. 1083 f ap.jl Br Canada 1713. D p.l Bot. cab. 889 I Br N. Amer. 1820. D p.l f Br Virginia 1759. D p.l Sw. fl. gar. 18 (Paolo Boccone, M.D., a Sicilian monk.) Papaveracece. 2. 3. * CD or 10 ja.ap W.Y W. Indies 1739. C r.m Bot. cab. 83 ft CU or 4 ja.ap W Mexico 1820. C l.p H. & B. n. 1. 35 1423. MACLE N AY^4 R. Br. MACLEAYA. (A. Macleay, secretary to the Lin. Soc.) Papaveracecs. 1. 12094 cordata R. Br. cordate A or 6 my.jl R.Y China 1795. D r.m Bot. mag. 1905 Boccbnza cordata L. 1424. BA'SST^ L. BASSIA. (F. Bassi, curator of the botanic garden at Bologna.) Sapotea:. 3. 4. 12095 longifolia L. long-leaved f CZ) or 40 E.Indies 1811. C p.l Lam. il. 398 12096 latifolia Ron. 12097 butyracea Rox. 1425. 12098 trinervia L. broad-leaved butter-bearing Sor or R Indies 1799. C p.l Rox. cor. 1. 19 Nepal 1823. C s.l BLAKE A. (M. Blake, a promoter of useful knowledge.) Melastbmece. 2. 12. three-nerved * CD or 8 jn.jl W Jamaica 1789. L s.p Bot. mag. 451 12099 quinquenervia Aub. five-nerved * C] or 10 jn.jl W Trinidad 1820. C s.p Aub. gui. 1. 210 188 DODECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS XI. 1426. EEJA^RIA MX. BEJARU. 12100 racemdsa Yen. racemose 12101 glauca Hum. glaucous (A/. Bejar, a Spanish botanist.) Rhodoracea;. 2. 8. l_Jor 4 jn.jl P Florida 1810. C l.p Yen. eels 51 CDspl 3 jn.jl P N. Grena. 1826. C s.p H.&B. 2.177 1427. AGATHOPHY'LLUM J. MADAGASCAR NUTMEG. (Asathos, good, phyllon, a leaf.) Myrtacea:? ... W Madagasc. 1823. C 12102 aromaticum W. aromatic t CD or 30 ... ' "W MadagascTl823." C p.l Son. it. 127 1428. RHIZO'PHORA L. MANGROVE. (Rhiza, root, phoreo, to bear; seeds ger. on br.) Rhizophbrece. 1. 9. 12103 Mangle L. Mangle 1 CD cu 10 E. Indies 1820. C p.l Jac. am. 89 1429. GAR Cl'NIA L. MANGOSTEEJT. (L. Garqin, M.D. F.R.S., an Oriental traveller.) Giitt(fer, iL/vc.y j. ur luiu^cu?. C. G. H. 1732. C s.l Bot. cab. 591 12178 arachno\des B. M. cobwebbed 12179 varians Swt. varying Rulingz'a varians Haw. 12180 rufescens Haw. rufescent tt \ | cu 12181 rCibens Haw. reddish-towed tt. \ | cu 12182 filamentosa B. M. thready tt. i | cu 12183 polyphylla Haw. many-leaved tt. i | cu' Rulingia polyphylla Haw. 12184 lanceolata Haw. spear-leaved 12185 angustifolia Haw. narrow-leaved 1450. PHACOSPE'RMA Haw. PHACOSPERMA. 12186 peruviana Haw- Peruvian ] [Al or fl- 1 1 cu tt. I |cu iAI cu Ulcu i | fjl.s 1 au.s au.s Pk Pk Pk R Pk Pk Pk Pk C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1790. 1813. 1818. 1796. 1795. 1818. 1796. 1820. C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l Bot. mag. 1368 Bot. mag. 1367 C s.l C s.l (Phakos, a lentil, sperma, a seed.) 2 jn.jl P Peru 1820. S Ficoidece. p.l 1. 1451. ZY'THRUMi. 12187 Salicaria L. 12188 tomentosum Mil. 12189 Grsefferi Ten. 12190 diff usum Swt. virgatum Ph. 12191 virgatum L. 12192 wzyrtifblium Lo.C. 12193 alatum Ph. 12194 Kermedianum Kth. K 12195 lineare L. 12196 Ayssopifolium L. 12197 tfhymifolium L. 1452. NES^^Com. 12198 triflbra Kth. LYTHRUM. Willow woolly Grafter's diffuse twiggy Myrtle-leaved "winged-stalked (Lythron, black blood j color of flower.) _ A or 4 P Britain ^ A or 2 P N. Amer. 1700. O or P Italy 1800. & A or 1 P N. Amer. 1800. Austria 1776. N. Amer. 1820. N. Amer. 1812. NewSpainl825. N. Amer. 1812. England S. Europe 1816. NES^EA. (Neseea, one of the sea-nymphs.) three-flowered ^ A or 2 au B America 1802. Salicarite. 11. 18. D co Eng. bot. 1061 D co o s.p D s.p Sw. fl. gar. 149 D co Bot. mag. 1003 D co C s.l Bot. mag. 1812 C s.p.l D s.l S s.l Eng. bot. 292 S s.l Bar. ic. 773. 2 Salicarue. 2. 3. iythrum triflorum L. U2199 verticillata Kth. \vl\or\-flowered ^ A or 2 jl.s iythrum verticiHatum L. N. Amer. 1759. D p.l * 1453. HEVMIA Lk. HEIMIA. (Dr. Heim, a celebrated Berlin physician.) Salicarte. 1. 12200 salicifolia Lk. Willow-leaved * _J or 5 au.s Y Mexico 1821. C 1 Nesrulescent four-angled seven-angled red-spined nine-angled tented-angled Cereus-formed officinal 12267 odontophylla W. en. tooth-leaved 12268 polygona Haw. 12269 erbsa Haw. 12270 Meriifblia L. 12271 toxicaria jfz. 12272 Iophog6na Lam. 12273 hfstrix Jac. many-angled eroded Oleander-lvd poisonous crested-angled porcupine Treisia hystrix Haw. 12274 varians Haw. varying-stmd 12275 grand ifblia Haw. great -leaved 12276 cucumerina W. cucumber./z/fce 12277 magnimammaJHiiw. large-teated 12278 lanifera Haw. wool-bearing 12279 geminispina Haw. double-spined 12280 meloformis H. K. melon-formed 12281 Caput Medfis^L. great Med.Head Medusa major Haw. 2 humilis Haw. humble tt. gr | Ap C. G. H. 1794. C s.l Dec. pi. 151 U3L gT i Ap ...... C s.l 2 E gr 9 9 AP Ap E. Indies E. Indies 1768. 1768. C C s.l s.p R. mal. 2. 42 it gr 4 Ap E. Indies 1804. C s.p <0t gr 5 ji Ap C. G. H. 1823. C s.p == 20 mr.ap Ap Canaries 1697. c s.p Dec. pi. 140 m 1 ~ gr 2 Ap C. G. H. 1824. c s.l it gr 3 ... Ap C. G. H. 1824. c s.l it gr 4 Ap ... c s.l it 1=3 gr 3 jl.n" Ap C. G. H. 1731. c s.p Brad. sue. 2. 13 * gr 4 jn.n Ap C. G. H. 1731. c s.p jjfc gr 3 jl.o Ap C. G. II. 1790. c s.p it gr 2 Ap C. G. 11. 1759. c s.p Com. pr. 9 Ht r= cu 2 jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 1731. c s.p Bur. af. 9. 3 m 6 jn.jl Ap Africa 1597. c s.p Dec. pi. 77 ft gr 5 Ap C. G. H. 1824. c s.p 41 gr 3 jl s Ap C. G. H. 1790. c s.p :=te 4 3 d" jn.jl AP Ap C. G. H. India 1805. 1690. c c S.p s.p Dec. pi. 46 a gr 20 jlau Ap Guinea 1793. c s.p it cu 3 Ap Madagasc .1824. c s.p Dec. P l. ic. it gr 6 Ap C. G. H. 1695. c s.p Jac. sc. 2. 207 * gr 4 Ap E. Indies 1800. c s.p it cu 6 " Ap S. Leone 1798. c s.p gr Ap C. G. H. c s.p Vail. it. 5 ^ gr 3 s Ap Mexico 1823. c s.p 1 gr 3 M Ap Mexico 1823. c s.p it ' n er 3 Ap Mexico 1823. c s.p 3lr f my.s 2 au Ap Ap C. G. H. Africa 1774. 1731. c c s.p s.p Bot. rep. 617 Com. pr. 7 1 au Ap C. G. H. 1768. C s.p Bur. af. 8 ORDER III. DODECANDRIA TRIGYNIA. 191 12282 tessellata Haw. checkered M.H.tL 1 gr 1 au Ap 1768. C s.p 12283 fructusp'ina Haw. spine- fruited A/. I gr 2 geminata Haw. tvfm-brnnched tt. i gr fau au Ap Ap C. G. H. 1731. C. (r. H. 1731. C C s.p s.p Dec. pi. 150 Bur. af. 18. 9. 1 12284 procumbens//tfiu. procumbent M.II.tL \ gr i au Ap C. G. H. 1768. C s.p Bur. af. 10. 1 12285 patula Mil. spreading tt. ! gr i au Ap C. G. H. 1768. c s.p Dactylanthes patula Haw. 12286 anacantha L. spineless tt. 1 gr 1 s.o Ap C. G. H. 1727. c S.p Dec. pi. 144 12287 globosa Haw. globose tt. ZD gr 1 s.o Ap C. G. H. 1823 c S.p Dactylanthes globosa Haw. 12288 clava Jac. club tt. ZD gr 1 Ap C. G. H. 1774. c s.p Jac. ic. 1. 85 Treisia tuberculata Haw. 12289 Haworthw Swt. Haworth's tt. ~~l gr 1 Ap C. G.H. 1800. c s.p Treisia clava Haw. 12290 tuberculata Jac. tuberculated * ZD gr 2 d Ap C. G. H. 1815. c s.p 12291 Twyrtifolia /.. Myrtle-leaved & ~\ cu 2 A H 1 Ap C. G. H. 1699. c: s.p Her. par. ic. 12292 dupleurifolia Jac. Bupleurum-lvdtt. ' 1 gr 12293 mauritanica L. Mauritanian tt. i | cu li 2 jn!au AP Ap C. G. H. 1791. Mauritan. 1732. c c s.p s.p Jac. sc. 1. 106 Di. el. 289. 373 12294 Lamark Haw. Lamarck's tt. ZD cu li Ap C. G. H. 1808. c s.p virgita Pers. not W. $ K. 12295 hanvita Haw. hooked tt i | cu li - Ap C. G. H. 1795. c s.p Bur. af. 6. 3; 12206 Ornfthopus Jac. J5ird's-foot tt. i | gr 1 Ap C. G. H. 1816. c s.p Jac. fr. 120 12297 aphy"lla Brou. leafless tt. i | cu Ap Teneriffe 1815. c s.p 12298 balsamifera H. K. Balsam-bearingtt. | | cu 1 ... Ap Canaries 1779. c s.p 12'299 Tiruculli L. Tirucalli * ZD gr 3 ... Ap India 1690. c s.p R. mal. 2. 144 12300 atropurpurea Brou. dark-purple * i 1 cu 12,501 piscatbria H. K. fisher's * i_J cu 3 ... Ap Ap Teneriffe 1815. Canaries 1777. c c s.p s.p 12302 bracteata Jac. bracted tt. ' 1 cu ii '.'.'. Ap 1809. c s.p Jac. sc. 2. 276 12303 pendula Haw. pendulous tt. ZD cu 1 ... Ap 1808. c s.p Tithymalus pendulus Haw. 12304 dendroldes L. tree-like tt. cu 1 Ap Italy 1768. c s.p 12305 anacampsero'ides.Lawz. Anacamp.-lktt. 1 cu I 8 ... Ap S. Amer. c s.p Di. el. 288 12306 heterophylla L. various-leaved tt. 1 cu 2 ... Ap S. Amer. 1800. c s.p PI. ic. 251. 3 12307 cvathophora Jac. cup-bearing ) CD pr 12308 repanda Swt. repand tt- 1 1 cu 2 au Ap Ap S. Amer. 1800. E. Indies 1808. c c s.p s.p Bot. reg. 765 Tithymalus repandus Haw. 12309 biglandulosa Haw. twin-glanded tt. 1 cu 3 s Ap Bourbon 1808. c s.p 12310 silenifolia Haw. Catch fly-leavedtt. 1 cu A Ap C. G. H. 1821. c s.p 2 glaiica Haw. glaucous tt. 1 cu 12311 crispa Haw. curled tt. ZD cu i i Uu Ap C. G. H. 1821. C. G. H. 1819. c c s.p s.p 12312 tuberosa Haw. tuberous tt. ZD cu i Jl-au Ap C. G. H. 1808. c s.p 12313 nudiflora Jac. naked-flowered * CD cu 6 au Ap 1800. c s.p Jac. ic. 4 S70 12314 cotinifolia L. Cotinus-leaved * CD or 10 Ap S. Amer. 1690. c s.p Hook. ex. fl. 59 12315 petioUiris Sims petiolate * ZD cu 3 my.jn Ap W. Indies 1800. c s.p Bot. mag. 883 12316 mellifera H. K. honey-bearing * i | pr 1231 7 linarifolia W. Toadflax-lvd tt. CD cu 6 3 Ap Madeira 1784. 1794. c c S.I si Bot. mag. 1305 Jac. ic. 1.86 12318 Jinifulia Vahl Flax-leaved tt. CD cu 2 ... Ap W. Indies 1774. c s.p 12319 variegata B. M. variegated O cu ... s Ap Louisiana 18 11. s S.I Bot. mag. 1747 12320 prunif.Mia Jac. Plum-leaved OJ cu 2 jn.jl Ap 1799. s S.I Jac. sc. 3. 277 Tlthymalus geniculatus Haw. 12321 pyrifolia Lam. Pyrus-leaved tt. ZD cu 2 Ap Mauritius ... c s.p 12322 /auri folia Lam. Laurel-leaved tt. ZD cu 2 ... Ap Peru 1820. c sp 12323 ocymoidea L. Basil-like R71 un 1 Ap S. Amer. 1733. s S.I 12324 dentata MX. toothed O un 1 jn.jl Ap N. Amer. 1806. s S.I 12325 Aypericifolia L. Hypericum-lvd O un Ap America 1727. s S.I Hook. ex. fl. 56 12326 HumboldtM W. en. Humboldt's O un I 8 jl.o Ap S. Amer. 1809. s S.I 12327 prostrata H. K. trailing red CU un 12:"; 8 rosea Retz. rosy tT.d un 1 Jl.o iau Ap Ap W. Indies 1758. E. Indies 1808. s s S.I S.I 12 W4 linearis Retz. linear tt. ZD cu 1 Ap Vera Cruz 1824. c s.p 12330 glaucophylla Pers. glaucous-leaved (TTl un 12331 microphylla Lam. small-leaved O un 1 I jl-au Ap Ap Guinea 1825. E. Indies 1818. s s CO CO Pluk. aL 446. 5 12332 ophthalmica Com. ophthalmic O m 12333 maculata L. spotted O un i Ap R. Janeiro 1824. S. Amer. 1660. s s CO S.I Jac. vin. 2. 186 12334 tannensis Spr. Tanna O cu 1* Ap N. Heb. 1827. s CO Croton clutioirfew .Forst. 2335 picta Jac. painted fAI un 1 my.jl Ap S. Amer. 1789. c S.1 Jac. ic. 3. 477 12336 pilulifera L. pellet-bearing RT! un 12337 scordifolia W. Scordium-lvd O cu i Ap Ap E. Indies 1800. Africa 1823. s s S.I CO Jac. ic. 3. 478 Jac. ic. 476 12338 hirta Jac. hairy O cu iJ'.au Ap E. Indies 1818. s CO Jac. c. sup. 11. 1 12339 Mercurifilis Pers. Mercurialis-lk ^ A cu 1 Ap N. Amer. 1820. D CO 12340 brasiliensis Lam. Brazilian rm cu | Brazil 1826. s CO 12341 parviflora L. small-flowered ITTI cu Ap Ceylon 1820. s CO Bur. zey. 105. 2 12342 Ayssonifolia L. Hyssop-leaved KTI un 12343 condensa Fis. dense-leaved O un 1 au.s i jl-au Ap Ap W. Indies 1787. Siberia 1817. s s S.I CO 12344 globosa Horn. globose O cu 1 Ap 1818. s CO 12345 ed ^ A cu Aleppo jg _AI cu 1 1 Ap Spain 1817. Crete 1739. D 1) CO S.I Alp. ex. 64 12398 taurinensis fF. en. Turin ^ A cu lijlau Ap Italy 1818. D CO Al. ped. 2. 83 2 12399 segetalis /,. corn O un J Ap S. Europe 1699. 8 S.1 Jac. au. 5. 450 12400 diversifolia Desf. various-leaved O or i Ap S. Europe 1823. S CO Desf. at. 1. 102 12401 plumosa /for/. feathery , O or 1 Ap 1816. S CO 12402 csspitosa Ten. turfy jg A or i Ap Italy 1820. D CO 12403 biumbellata Pair. double-umbell. jg A cu 1 au Ap Barbary 1780. D S.I Pa. it. ger. 1 12404 angustif61ia /fom narrow-leaved jg A cu 1 Jl Ap 1780. D 8.1 12405 multicorymbosa He iw. rnany-corym.jg A u 1 jl Ap 1805. D S.I 12406 provincialis JF. Provence O un 1J au.n Ap S. Europe 1800. S S.I 12407 pubscens Desf. pubescent O cu 1 Ap S. Europe 1817. S CO 12408 ^uncoldes Haw. Rush-like ITT1 un 1 jl Ap 1800. S 8.1 12409 helioscopia i.sun-ol bserving IVartwort O w il au Ap Britain s S.I Eng. bot. 883 12410 serrata L. narrow saw-lvd Al cu 1* jl Ap S. Europe 17 10. D si Jac. ic. 3. 433 12411 truncata Pers. truncate ^ A cu 1 Ap S. Europe 1820. D p.S 12412 cretica Haw. Cretan hoary A un 3 ... Ap Levant 1768. C r.m 12413 punicea Swz. scarlet -flowered* \ | spl 6 ja.s Ap Jamaica 1778. C S.I Bot. reg. 190 12414 verruc6sa L. warty jg A un f Jn Ap France 1800. D S.I M. h. 10. 3. 3 12415 corollata L. corollate jg A im Ap N. Amer. 1803. D S.I Bot. cab. 390 12416 spathulasfolia #au>. spatula-leaved tt. | | cu 2 2 au A P 1800. C S.I 12417 corallioides /,. Coral-like jg A un 1 jn.s Ap S. Europe 1752. D S.I 12418 androsaemifdlia Doi in. Tutsan-lvd j A un 2 jl.s Ap Hungary 1804. D S.I 12419 pilosa L. hairy A un 1| Ap Siberia 1758. D S.I Gm. si. 2. 93 12420 orientals L. oriental A un 1 jn jl Ap Levant 1739. D S.I 12421 Valerians Lam. Valerian-Zeazvd^ A cu I Ap Siberia 1818. D p.s Gm. si. 2. 94 12422 platyphyllos Z,. 12423 stricta . B. broad-leaved O w strict O w 1 1| Ap Ap England England S S CO CO Jac. au. 376 Eng. bot. 333 12424 serrulata 77tM/Z. serrulated Q un 1 jn.jl France 1810. S CO 12425 literkta L. blotch-leaved O un 1 au Ap 1790. s CO Jac. ic. 3. 482 12426 denticulata Zawz. denticulate ^ A cu 1 Ap S. Europe 1810. D s.p Bux. c. 2. 27. 2 12427 atlantica Pers. Atlantic ^ A cu 1 jn.jl Ap S. Europe 1818. D s.p Desf. at. 1. 103 fiupleuroules Desf. 12428 marginata H. &B. 12429 longifolia D. Don 12430 'sto L. marginated )g iAI cu long-leaved jg A cu Esula A cu 1 jn.jl 1 jn.jl 1 my.jl Ap Ap Ap S. Amer. 1824. Nepal 1823. Britain woods. C D D s.p s.p CO Eng. bot. 1399 12431 sylvatica i. wood tt, ( un 2 jl.s Ap S. Europe 1768. C CO 12432 Erythrina Lk. Erythrina i Al cu 1 jl.s Ap C. G. H. 1823. D CO 12433 neapolitana IVw. Neapolitan O cu Ap Naples 1816. S CO Fl. nap. 63 12434 glareosa Bieb. gravel Jg A un I 2 jl.s Ap Tauria 1822. D CO 12435 bialata Lk. two-winged O un f jl.8 Ap 1823. S CO 12436 uratensis /. Ural A un 3 jl.s Ap Ural 1821. D CO 12437 micrantha Bieb. small-flowered O un a m y Ap Tauria 1822. S CO Bux. c. 2. 25 12438 crispata flbrw. curled )g A un 3 my Ap 1821. I) co 12439 condylocarpa Bieb. joint-fruited jg A un 3 my Ap Caucasus 1823. D CO 12440 fragifera Lk. berry-bearing jg Al un 2 my Ap Italy 1820. D CO 12441 Gerardiana Jac. Gerard's A un 1 jl Ap Germany 1801. D CO Jac. au. 436 12442 Cyparissias L. 12443 virgata ##. Cypress jg A P r twiggy A un 2 my.s Ap Ap England woods. Hungary 1807. D D CO CO Eng. bot. 840 W. & K. 162 12444 Myrsinttes L. Myrsinites jg A un 1 ap.jn Ap S. Europe 1570. C S.I 12445 reflexa Spr. reflexed A or 1 jn.jl Ap 1826. C s.p 12446 rigida #?&. rigid A r 1 jn.jl Ap Caucasus 1818. C s.p 12447 imbricata Pers. imbricated tt. | cu 1 au.s Ap Portugal 1804. c S.I 12448 nicseensis FzA Nicean jg Al un Ap Spain 1809. D S.1 Jac. ic. 3. 485 12449 palustris L. marsh jg A un 4 Ap Sweden 1570. I) S.1 Fl. dan. 866 12450 emarginata H. K 12451 hibernica JF. emarginate A un Irish A cu 2 1 my.jn AP Ap Italy 1758. Britain fields. D D CO CO Eng. bot. 1337 12452 salicifoliatfor*. Willow-leaved A un 2 my.jn Ap Hungary 1804. D CO Bot. cab. 973 12453 amygdaloides L Almond-like tt. or 2 mr.jn Ap England woods. C CO Eng. bot. 256 12454 Characias L. Characias tt. pr 4 mr.jn Ap England mo. pi. C CO Eng. bot 442 12455 veneta Lk. Venetian tt. | cu 1| Ap Europe 1820. C p.l 12456 glauc&cens fF. glaucescent j A n 1 mr.jn Ap 1823. D CO ORDER VII. DODECANDRIA DODECAGYNIA. 193 Crimea 1821. C co Hungary 1822. D co Crimea 1819. D co 94 Naples 1823. D co Fl. nap. 65 Europe 1820. I) s.p Caucasus 1821. D s.p 1823. D s.p Hungary 1818. D s.p W. & K. 55 1461. PEDILA'NTHUS Neck. SLIPPER PLANT. (Pedilon, a slipper, anthos, a flower.) Euphorbiucece. 6. 7 12457 agraria Bieb. field A un 1 Jn Ap 12458 pallida W. pale A un If jn Ap 124:3!) pro'cera Bieb. 12460 ceratocarpa Ten. 12461 afTmis Dec. tall horn-fruited kindred A un j A un ^ A or 2 au 1 If jn.jl Ap Ap Ap 12462 undulata Bieb. waved ^ A or 2 jn.jl Ap 12463 trigonocarpa Lo.C. triangular-ftd ^ A or I jnjl Ap 12464 lucida W.SfK. shining A A cu 2 jn.jl Ap 12465 rithymaloides/'o^. Tithymalus-lk tt. ZD cu 1^ wiyrtifolius Lk. Crepidma wzyrtifulia Haw. 12466 canaliculatus Suit. channelled-/^ tt. Z] cu If .Euphorbia canaliculata Lod. 12467 padii7>lius Pott. Padus-leaved tt. H] cu If 12468 cordellatus Haw. small-heart-/w/ tt. ID cu If Crepidaria cordellata Haw. 12469 carinatus Spr. keeled tt. HI cu If Crepidaria carinata Haw. 12470 subcarinatus Haw. subcarinate tt- ZD cu If Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap Ap S. Amer. 1820. C co Bot. reg. 837 S. Amer. 1820. C co Bot. cab. 727 S. Amer. 1699. C co Her. par. ic. S. Amer. 1699. C co Di. el. 288. 372 1817. C co Bot. mag. 2514 S. Amer. 1795. C co 1462. VI'SNE^ L. VISNEA. (Erroneously for Vismea; in honor of M. de Vismes of Lisbon.) Qnagrarice 1. 12471 Mocanera L. Mocanera |_J or 5 ... W Canaries 1815. C l.p Col. h. rip. 32 CLASS XI. ORDER 4. DODECA'NDRIA TETRAGY'NIA. 1463. CALLFGONUM L. CALLIGONUM. (Kalos, beautiful, gonu, joint; joints instead of Ivs.) Polugonece. 1-S. 12472 Pallasia H. K. Pallas's tt. or 4 au G.w Casp. Sea 1780. C s.1 Pal. ros. 2. 77,78 CLASS XL ORDER 5. DODECA'NDRIA PENTAGY'NIA. 1464. GLTNUS L. 12473 totoldes L. GLINPS. Lotus-like (A name given by Theophrastus to the maple.) Ficoidete. 1. 5. Oun li jl Y S. Europe 1788. S s.l Boc. sic. 21. 11 1465. BLACK WE'LL/;* Com. 12474 axillaris Lam. 12475 spiralis Wai. 12476 paniculata Lam. 12477 integrifulia Lam, 12478 grandiflbra Lindl. BLACKWELLIA. axillary * r I or spiral * I I or panicled * | | or entire-leaved H [ I or large-leaved * i ) or (Elizabeth Blackwell, bot. artist.) Homalinece. 5. 8. 4 4 6 6 ... 5 au Madagasc.1824. E. Indies 1820. Bourbon 1820. C s.p Lam. il. 412. 1 C s.p C s.p Madagasc.1823. C s.p 412. 2 China 1824. C s.p 1466. GASTO^N/^ J. GASTONIA. (Gaston de Bourbon, son of Henry IV., patron of bot.) Araliacete. 1. 2. 12479 palmata Wai. palmate * O or 4 W.G 1818. C p.l Bot. reg. 894 CLASS XL ORDER 6. DODECA'NDRIA HEXAGY'NIA. 1467. CEPHALCTTUS Lab. CEPHALOTUS. (Kephale, head, ows, ear ; glandular-headed stam.) Rosaceee. 1. 12480 follicularis Lab. follicled iAl cu 1 ... W N. Holl. 1822. S bog Lab. n. h. 2. 145 CLASS XL ORDER 7. DODECA'NDRIA DODECAGY'NIA. 1468. SEMPERVrvUM L. HOUSELEEK. (Sempervivo, to live for ever ; tenacity oflife.) Crassulhceee. 29-52. 12481 arboreum L. tree l_|or 9 mr.d V Levant 1640. C S.I Bot. reg. 99 2 variegatum variegated-/yd *L_Jor 4 mr.d Y Levant 1640. C S.I 12432 canariense L. Canary L | | or li jn.jl Y Canaries 1699. C S.1 Dec. pi. 141 12483 frutescens Haw. frutescent H. i | or 3 Y Teneriffe 1824. C s.l 12484 glutinosum H. K. 12485 glandulosum H. K. clammy glandulous-lvd . i | or tt-l |or 1| Y 1 Y Madeira Madeira 1777. 1777. C C s.l s.l Bot. mag. 1963 12486 ciliatum Brou. ciliated tt. ( | or 1| ... W Teneriffe 1815. C s.l 2 hybridum Haw. hybrid tt i | or 1 Y hybrid 1820. C s.l 12487 cjespitusum Spr. turfy L i | or |ap.s Y Madeira 1815. C s.l Bot. mag. 1978 barbatum Horn, cil iktum B. M. 12488 barbatum C. Sm. bearded . | | or 1 Y Canaries 1815. C s.l lineolare Haw. 12489 Smiths Sims Smith's tt. 1 |or 1 Y Teneriffe 1815. C s.l Bot. mag. 1980 12490 aureum C. Sm. golden tt. | | or 1 Y Canaries 1815. C s.l Bot. reg. 892 calyciforme Haw. 2 spurium Haw. spurious tt, | | or 1 Y Canaries 1820. C 8.1 o 194 ICOSANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS XII. 12491 urbicum C. Sm. city tt. t j or 2 Y Teneriffe 1816. S S.I 12492 ret u sum Haw. /ar#e retuse B- 1 | or 2 Y Teneriffe 1824. S si 12493 tabuhcformc Haw. table-shaped H | or ]J Pa.Y Teneriffe 1817. C S.I 12494 tortuusum H. K. twisted tt_ i | or f Y Canaries 1779. C S.I Bot. mag. 296 12495 villusum //. K. villous - 1 | or %kn Y Madeira 1777. D S.I Bot. mag. 1809 12496 laxum Haw. loose 1 | or s jlau Y 12497 stellatum Sm. starred iQI or % Y M. Baldo 1790. D S.I Seg. ver. 2. 17 villosum B. M. 12498 tectorum L. roof A or 1 jn.s F Britain roofs. I) s.p Eng. bot. 1320 12499 africanum Haw. African jg lAlor 1 C. G. H. 1768. D S.I 12500 dodrantale W. en. nine-inch Oor 1 Pk' Teneriffe 1815. S S.I 12501 flagelliforme Fis. whip-formed A or f R Siberia 1823. C S.I 12502 hirtum L. hairy A r 1 Jn.jl W Italy 1804. D s.p Schm. ic. 17 12503 soboliferum 5. M soboliferous j A or * jn.jl Pa.Y Germany ... D s.p Bot. mag. 1457 12504 globiferum L. globiferous A or jn.jl Y Germany 1731. 1) s.p Bot. mag. 5071 12505 grandiflorum Haw. great-flowered A or 1 jn.jl Pa.R Europe 1731. D S.I Bot. mag. 507. 2 115 globulifcrum B. M. not L. W. 12506 montanum L. mountain A or \ jn.jl R Switzerl. 1752. I) S.I Dec. pi. 105 12507 cuspidatum Haw. 12508 pumilum JBfc?6. cuspidate dwarf A or A or 1 jn. 1 1 jn.jl R Pa.R Siberia Caucasus 1810. 1824. D 1) S.I S.I 12509 arachnoideum L. cobwebbed H A or jn.jl R Italy 1699. U s.p Bot. mag. G8 1469. MONA'NTHES Haw. MONANTHES. (Monos, one, anthos, a flower.) Crassulacea:. 1. 12510 polyphylla Haw. many-leaved iAI cu J jl.s R Canaries 1777. D s.l Bot. mag. 93 Sempervivum Monanthos L. CLASS XII. ORDER 1. ICOSA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. *1470. CA'CTUS L. MELON THISTLE. (A name applied by Theophrastus to a spiny plant.) Opuntiacece. 12. U2511 Melocactus L. Melon Turk's Captt. HJ gr 12512 macraoantha Haw. long-spined tt- HI gr 12513 deprssa Dec. depressed tt. HI gr 12514 parvisp\na Haw. small-spined tt. HI gr 12515 erinacea Haw. hedgehog tt. 1 gr i | W. Indies 1688. S. Amer. 1820. S. Amer. 1798. W. Indies J815. 1818. looooo s.p: Dec. pL 112 s.p s.p s.p s.p 12516 senilis Haw. old tt._Jgr s ... ... Mexico 1823. o s.p 12517 latisplna Haw. broad-spined **- Hlgr J Mexico 1823. s.p 12518 reducta Spr. restored - Hlgr 2 Mexico 1796. s.p iii'ibilis Haw. 12519nobilisi. noble tt. 1 gr ... ... 1796. s.p recfirva Mil. $ 12520 int6rta Haw. twisted u_ j gr 1 Antigua 1768. s.p 12521 corrugata Gill. corrugated n-Hlgr ... Chile 1824. C) s.p 12522 folibsa Gill. leafy Chile 1824. s.p *1471. MAMMILLA^RIA Haw. MAMMILLARIA. (Mamma, the nipple ; tubercles.) Opuntiacece. 22.. 12523 simplex Haw. simple red-spined -Hlgr 1 W W. Indies 1688. s.p Ill Cactus mammillaris L. 12524 prolifera Haw. white-spined prolif. tt. ! gr 12525 discolor Haw. various-colored**- HI gr ... 5 R S. Amer. 1800. 1800. s.p s.p Cactus depressa Dec. 12526 straminea Haw. straw-spined _ ~| gr | 1811. s.p 12527 flavescens Haw. fiavescent-spinet t*- Hlgr | Y ...... 1811. s.p 12528 conica Haw. cone-headed tt. Igr | 1808. s.p 12529 parvimamma Haw. small-teated tt-Hlgr | 1817. s.p 12530 magnimammaflato. large-teated 12531 stellata Haw. starred tt-Hlgr | 5 my.jn Pk Mexico S. Amer. 1833. 1815. s.p s.p Bot. cab. 79 Cactus stellata W. 12532 geminispina Haw. two-spined 12533 coronata G. Don crowned n. Igr i 1 ;;; R ... Mexico S. Amer. 1823. 1820. s.p s.p Cactus coronata W. 12534 coronaria Haw. garland tt. Igr 5 S S. Amer. 1817. s.p 12535 vivipara Ph. viviparous n. 1 gr J ... R Louisiana i 1811. s.p 12536 lanifera Haw. wool-bearing 4 ... R Mexico 1823. s.p Cactus glomerata Lam. 12537 missouriensis Swt. Missouri -Hlgr | ... Missouri 1818. s.p Cactus mammillaris Nut. 12538 pusilla Swt. small **- 1 gr i ... 1820. s.p Cactus pusilla Dec. 12539 ambigua G. Don ambiguous tt. | gr Chile 1827. s.p Cactus ambigua Gill. 12540 spindsa G. Don spiny tt. HI gr ... Chile 1827. o s.p Cactus spinosa Gill. 12541 quadrata G. Don quadrate tt-Hlgr Chile 1827. s.p Cactus quadrata Gill. 12542 caudata G. Don tailed tt- 1 gr ... Chile 1827. s.p Cactus caudata Gill. 12543 coccinea G. Don scarlet tt. Igr ... Chile 1827. s.p Cactus coccinea GUI. 12544 solitaria G. Don solitary tt-Hlgr ... Chile 1827. s.p Cactus solitaria Gill. OKDER I. ICOSANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 195 *1472. CF/REUS Haw. CEREI;S. (Cereus,plian 12545 gibbosus Swt. gibbous tt. HI gr Cactus gibbosa Haw. % 12546 hystrix Swt. porcupine tL ! 1 gr Cactus hystrix flaw. ^12547 abnormis Swt. irregular tL HI gr Cactus abnormis W. 12548 regalis flaw. royal * HI gr 12549 multangularis flaw, many-angled *L 1 fr t ; shoots of some of the species.) | W 1808. i 1808. 1 W S. Amer. 1818. 10 - Opuntiacece. 44. 56. C s.p Bot. reg. 137 C s.p C s.p C s.p C 8.1 ... S. Amer. 1815. 12550 euphorbioioVs flaw. Euphorbia-like . gr 3* !.! ... S. Amer. ... c s.p 12551 heptagbnus flaw, seven-angled tL 12552 hexagonus Haw. six-angled St 5 gr 3 jl 35 W W W. Indies 1728. Surinam 1690. C c s.l s.p Bot. rep. 513 12553 peruvianus flaw. Peruvian tL ft 3 au R Peru 1728. c S.I Dec. pi. 58 12554 eburneus Spr. ivory tL H gr 3 ... S. Amer. 1818. c s.p Cactus ebiirnea Salm 12555 nobilis flaw. noble tL H or 3 Pk W.Indies 1811. c S.1 Cactus Haworth/i Spr. 12556 grandis flaw. great-sorted tL ' gr 3 ... Brazil c s.p 12557 tetragonus flaw. four-angled tL gr 3 jl W S. Amer. 1710. c s.p 12558 pentagon us flaw. five-angled tL == gr 3 jl W S. Amer. 1769. c S.1 12559 triangularis flaw, great triangular tt. 12560 quadrangularisflaw. quadrangular tL ~ fr 1 3 ... w W. Indies 1690. S. Amer. 1S09. c c s.p s.l Bot. mag. 1884 PI. am. 199. 1 12561 trigonus flaw. small triangular tL gr 1 w" S. Amer. 1809. c s.p PI. am. 2uO. 2 12562 triqueter Haw. least triangular BL 3 ... ... S. Amer. 1794. c s.p 12563 tenuispinusflaw. slender woo/-spinedtL gr a c p.l 12564 bifrons flaw. two-fronted tL gr 1818. c s.p 12565 speciosissimus flaw, showiest tL HI or 3 jl c S. Amer. 1816. c s.p Bot. reg. 486 Cactus speciosissima Desf. 12566 Royt;m Haw. Royen's tL Hi fr 2 w S. Amer. 1728. c s.l 12567 lanuginosus flaw, woolly tL ~^~\ fr 1 jl w W. Indies 1690. c s.p Her. par. 115 12568 gn'seus flaw. grey tL ~ gr 3 ... ... S. Amer. 1809. c s.p 12569 fulvispinosus Haw. tawny -spined tL gr 3 ... ... S. Amer. 1796. c s.p 12570 flavispinus flaw. yellow-spined tL z== gr 3 ... ... W. Indies ... c s.p 12571 repandus flato. repand ft fr 20 au w W. Indies 1728. c s.p Bot. reg. 336 12572 subrepandus Haw. sub-repand tL == gr 4 ... 1817. c s.p 12573 obtusus flaw. blunt tL gr 3 1820. c s.p 12574 serpentlnus flaw, serpentine tL ~ gr 4 W.p Peru c s.l 12575 prismaticus Haw. prismatic tL H" gr 2 1818. c s.p 12576 imbricatus Haw. imbricated ML 12577 nlger flaw. black tL === gr 3 1820. c c s.p s.p 12578 cylindricus flaw. cylindric tL 1=1 gr 3 ... Peru 1799. c s.l 12579 gracilis flaw. slender long-spined - gr ... S. Amer. c p.l 12580 strictus Lk. strict tL gr *3 ... S. Amer. 1822. c s.p 12581 albisplnus Salm white-spined tL : or 2 S. Amer. 1820. c S.1 12582 crenulatus Lk. crenulate tL gr 3 ... W. Indies 1822. c s.p 12583 albisetbsus flaw, white-bristly trail. !U == gr 2 ... SLDomin. 1816. c s.p 12584 reptans flaw. creeping iU 12585 grandiflorus Haw. great-floweringt. = gr spl 2 1813. c c s.p Bot. rep. 508 1 W.Y Jamaica 1700. 12586 flagelliformis flaw, rod-shaped )U or 6 mr.jn Pk Peru 1690. c: s.l Bot. mag. 17 12587 ovatus G. Don ovate si- gr Chile 1827. c s.p Cactus ovata GUI. 12588 polymorphus G. Don multiform L gr ... Chile 1827. c s.p Cactus polymorpha Gill. *1473. EPIPHY'LLUM Haw. EPIPHYLLUM. 12589 alatum flaw. winged - | pr 12590 johyllanthoWesflaw. Phyllanthus-lktL HI pr Cactus johyllantholdes Dec. 12591 Phyllanthus flaw, leaf-flowering tL I pr 12592 speciosum flaw. showy tt. I spl Cactus speciosa B. R. elegans Lk. 12593 truncatum flaw. truncate tL 1 pr Cactus truncata Lk.- (Epi, upon, pfiyllon, a leaf; flowers.) W N. Amer. 1810. C s.p '2 ' jn" 2 jn 3 jn.jl Pa.R Jamaica 1817. Opuntiacece. 5. s.p C s.p Bot. mag. 2092 W S. Amer. 1810. C s.p Bot. mag. 2692 R Brazil 1810. C s.p Bot. reg. 304 Pk Brazil 1818. C s.p Bot. reg. 696 *1474. OPU'NTIA flaw. INDIAN FIG. ( Plentiful near Opus, a city of Locris.) 12594 elatior flaw. taller black-spined tt. HI gr 6 Y S. Amer. 1731. Opuntiacea. 31. 36. C s.l Di. el. 294. 379 Cactus elatior W. 12595 Tuna Haw. Tuna tt. HI clt 3 Pa.Y S. Amer. 1731. C s.l Dec. pi. 138 12596 nigricans flaw, lesser blackish-s/M/i. t*_ 12597 polyantha flaw. many-flowered tL 12598 brasiliensis flaw. Brazilian O Hlcu 1 cu 1 cu 3 3 6 au Pk Y Y S. Amer. S. Amer. Brazil 1795. 1811. 1816. C c c s.l s.l s.l Bot. mag. 1557 Bot. raag. 2691 12599 humilis flaw. humble *L ~~] cu Y 1795. c si 12600 Dillenii Haw. Dillenius's L I CU 5 Pa.Y 1810. c s.l 12601 vulgaris Haw. common CL _Jfr Y S. Europe 1596. c s.l Bot. mag. 2393 Cactus Opuntia L. 12602 stricta flaw. strict fi. gr 3 Y 1796. c S.I Dec. pL ic. 12603 crassa flaw. thick- lobed t- gr 2 Y Mexico 1817. c s.p 12604 decumana flow. great oblong 4fc gr 10 Y S. Amer. 1768. c s.l 12605 maxima flaw. greatest tt 1 gr 10 Y S. Amer. 1820. c s.l 12606 tuberculata flaw. warted tL Igr 1 Y 1818. c s.l 12607 .Ficus indica flaw. Indian Fig tt_ 1 gr 2 jn.'jl Y S. Amer. 1731. c s.p [2472 12608 cochinillifera flaw. Cochineal-bgFz P* HI clt 5 Pk S. Amer. 1688. c s.l Bot. mag. 2471 12609 monacantha flaw. single-spined L clt 2 "... Y S. Amer. 1816. c s.l 12610 elongata flaw. elongated ML cu 3 1817. c s.l 12611 triacantha flaw. three-spined gr 2 S. Amer. c s.l 12612 lanceolata flaw. spear-shaped tL 2 jl'" Y" S. Amer. 1796. c s.l 12613 tomentosa Lk. tomentose tL 1 gr 2 Y 1820. c s.l 12614 subinermis Lk. few- spined 1 gr 2 Y 1819. c s.l 12615 spinosissima flaw. spiniest tL Igr 20 jl ' Y Jamaica 1732. c s.p 12616 fbox flaw. fierce tL 1 gr 3 Y S. Amer. 1817. c s.p 12617 curassavica flaw. Curassoa HJgr 6 jn.'jl' Y Curassoa 1690. c s.p Kno. th.2.G. 1 major flaw. larger & Hlgr 6 jn.jl Y Curassoa 1690. c s.l 2 mdia Haw. intermediate j ' 1 gr 6 jn.jl Y Curassoa 1690. c s.l 3 minor flaw. smaller tt ] gr 6 jn.jl Y Curassoa 1690. c s.l 4 longa flaw. long : Hlgr fi jnjl Y Curassoa 1690. c S.1 C) 19S 1COSANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS XII. H] gr Z3 gr 2 12618 fragilis Nut. brittle tt. 12619 polyacantha Haw. many-spincd tt. Cactus ferox Nut. 12620 media Haw. middle niatiy-spinedtt- 12621 foliosa Haw. leafy - 12622 pusilla Haw. small 12623 sulphurea G. Don BUlphur-eoforafcL Cactus sulphurea G///. 12624 sericea G. Don silky ^ Z3 gr Cactus sericea Gill. * 1475. RHI'PSALIS Gac. RIIIPSAUS. 12625 Cassfttfta Cue. Cassutha tt. Cactus pendula Swz. 12626 parasiticus Haw. parasitic tt- 12627 grandiflorus Haw. large-flowered tt. Cactus funalis Salm 12628 fasciculiiris Haw. bundled - 12629 salicornoules Haiv. Saltwort-like BL 12630 mesembryanthoules//rtu>. Mesem.-lktt. | jn N. Amer. 1814. C s.p N. Amer. 1814. C s.p N. Amer. 1814. C s.p S. Amer. 1817. C s.p S. Amer. 1805. C s.p Chile 1827. C s.p C s.p Chile 1827. 'tips, a willow branch ; flexible branches.) cu 1 s Y W. Indies 1758. C s.p Cacti. 6. Hook. ex. fl. 21 cu 1 ... cu 1 jl Y W S. s. Amer. Amer. 1800. 1818. C c s.p s.p Dec. pi. 59 Bot. mag. 2740 cu 1 cu 1| jn Y Y T>o 1 s. E. T V Amer. Indies 1817. 1817. 1017 c c r s.p s.p Bot. mag. 2461 Pa.Y E. Indies 1817. C s.p 147d PERE'SK/^ Haw. BARBADOES GOOSEBERRY. (N.F. Peireskius, Provence, lover of bot.) Opuntiacece. 4. HIDfr 5 o.n W W. Indies 1696. C s.p Di. el. 227. 294 Brazil 1818. C s.p S. Amer. 1808. C s.p W. Indies 1820. C s.p 12631 aculeata Haw. prickly Cactus Pert'skz'rt L. 12632 grandifolia Haw. large-leaved ZD fr 3 12633 longisp'ma Haw. long-spined H ZD fr 4 12634 joortulacjefolia G. Don Portulaca-lvdH I f r 3 ... W Cactus fjortulacffifolia L. 1477. BARTO^/^ Sims BARTOMA. (Dr. B. S. Barton, professor of botany at Philadelphia.) Loasete. 2. 126S5 ornata Ph. ornamented j O] or 2 jl.s W Missouri 1811. S s.p Bot. mag. 1487 decapetala B. M. 19636 nuda Ph. naked-seeded OJ or 2 jl.s W Missouri 1811. S s.p 1478. MENTZE N LI/4 L. MENTZELIA. (C. Mentzel, of Brandenburg; bot. author.) Lotise*. 3. 12637 aspera L. rough . CD or 2 Y America 1733. S co PI. ic. 174. 1 12638 oligosperma Sims few-seeded |AJ or 2 my.jn Y Louisiana 1812. S s.l Bot. mag. 1760 12639 hispida W. hispid iAl or If jn.jl Y Mexico 1820. S s.l Cav. ic. 1. 70 *1479. PHILADE'LPHUS L. SYRINGA. (Used by Athenaaus for a tree now unknown.) Phtiadelphco;. 6. 12640 coronarius L. garland 'A or 8 my.jn W S. Europe 1596. L '/ * CO Bot. mag. 391 2 nanus Mil. dwarf & or 2 my.jn W L CO 3 flore plt:no double-flwd 3fc or 8 my.jn W S. Europe L CO 4 fbliis variegatis variegated-lvd & or 8 my.jn W S. Europe L CO 12641 gracilis Lo. C. slender & or 3 mr.jn W N. Amer. 1820. L CO 12642 nepalensis Wai. Nepal Sfc or 6 jn.jl W Nepal 1822. L CO 12646 inodurus Mil. scentless & or o jn.jl W Carolina 1758. L CO Bot. mag. 1473 12644 grandiflorus W. large-flowered & or 6 jn jl W Carolina 1811. L CO Bot. reg. 570 12645 hirsutus Nut. hairy Sfc or 3 jn W N. Amer. 1820. L CO Den. br. 47 1480. LEPTOSPE'RMUM Forst. LEPTOSPERMUM. 12646 grandifblium Sm. large-leaved HI | or 5 (LeptoSy slender, sperma, seed.) jn.jl W N. S. W. 1803. C Myrtucece. p.l Bot. mag. 29. 1810 12647 grandiflorum Lod. large-flowered H | | or 5 jn.jl W N. S. W. 1810. C p.l Bot. cab. i 5M 12648 emarginatum Wnl , emarginate & | | or 5 jn-jl W N. S. W. 1818. C p.l 12649 sericeum Lab. silky H | | or 5 jn.jl W N. S. W. 1818. c: 12650 marginatum Lab. 12651 pubescens Sm. margined pubescent H, 1 or H| | or 5 5 jnjl jn.jl W W N. S. W. N. S. W. 1820. 1774. c c pi 12652 lanigerum Sm. woolly * | | or 5 jn.jl W N. S. W. 1774. c P.l Bot. cab. : 1192 12653 scoparium Forst. broom N. Zeal. Tec tH | | or 6 jn.jl W New Zeal. 1772. c P-l Bot. rep. 622 12654 tuberculatum Pair : tuberculate H | (or 4 jn.jl W N. S. W. 1816. c s.p 12655 attenuatum Sm. attenuated H| | or 5 my.jl W N. S. W. 1795. c P.l 12656 rubricate Ven. red- stemmed H | | or 5 jnjl W N. S. W. 1817. c 12657 porophyllum Cav. 12658 flexuosum Lk. porous-leaved flexuose HI | or HI | or 3 10 jn.jl my.jl W W N. S. W. N. S. W. 1800. 1823. c c P.l Col. h. rip.ann.l 12659 flavescens Sm. flavescent Hi | or 5 myjl W N. S. W. 1787. c P.l Bot. mag , 2695 12660 triloculkre Ven. trilocular HI | or 2 jn.jl \v N. S. W. 1800. c P.l Bot. cab. 791 12661 Junipennum Sm. 12662 baccatum Sm. Juniper-leaved berry-fruited H | | or HI | or 2 3 jn.jl jn.jl W W N. S. W. N. S. W. 1790. 1790. c c H P.I Ven. mal. Cav. ic. 4, 89 331. 2 12663 arachnoideum Sm. cobwebbed HI | or 3 my.jl W N. S. W. 1795. c P.I Gae. fr. 1. 35 12664 parvifohum Sm. 12665 stellatum Cav. small-leaved starred HI | or H|_Jor 5 5 jn.jl jn.jl W Y N. S. W. N. S. W. 1789. 1790. c c p.} P.I Cav. ic. 4. 330 12666 imbricatum Sm. imbricated HI | or 5 jn.jl W N. S. W. 1823. c P.I 12667 obtusum Lo. C. obtuse-leaved HI | or 5 jn.jl W N. S. W. 1820. c s.p 12668 multicaule Cun. many-stemmed HI | or 4 jn.jl W N. S. W. 1824. c s.p 12669 rtiymifolium Cun. Thyme-leaved H 1 | or 5 jn.jl W N. S. W. 1824. c p.l 12670 ambiguum Sm. ambiguous H | | or 3 jn.jl W N. S. W. 1791. c Ex. bot. 1 .59 Metrosideros corif ulius Ven. 12671 ovatifolium Swt. ovate-leaved H | | or 5 N. Holl. c s.p.l Fabricia wyrtifolia Hort. not W. 12672 squarrosum Sieb. squarrose HI | or 4 W N. Holl. ... c p.l 12673 pendulum Sieb. pendulous HI | or 4 W N. Holl. ... c 1481. FABRI'CI^ Gae. FABRICIA. (J. C. Fabricius, the celebrated Danish entomologist.) Myrtacece. 3. 12674 wzyrtifolia Gae. Myrtle-leaved H i_J or 3 ... Y N. Holl. ... C s.p Gae. fr. 355. 4 12675 Uevigata Sm. smooth.leaved H i_j or 3 my.jn Y N. S. W. 1788. C s.p Bot. mag. 1304 12676 sericea Nois. silky H L_| or 2 ... Y N. Holl. 1820. C s.p 12677 stricta Lod. strict H i_j or 3 ap.jn ... N. Holl. 1827. C s.l Bot. cab. 1219 *1482. METROSIDE N ROS Gac. METROSIDEROS. (Melra, pith of a tree, s/rferos, iron.) Myrttcece. 8. 12. 12678 VITUS Lindl. * 12679 hispidus Sm. |12i>80 floribundus Sm. ^12,-iSl cost^itus Gae. 12682 glomfilifer 6'w. 12683 angustifylius Sm. true Iron-wood f O or 20 mr.jn Y rough H | | or 6 Y bundle-flowered* | ) or 6 W ribbed H i | or 6 ... Y heap-bearing HI | or 15 my.jn Y.G narrow-leaved H j | or 6 ... Y.G E. Indies 1819. C s.l Lind.col. 18 N. S. W. 1789. C s.l Ex. bot. 1. 42 N. S. W. 1788. C s.I N. S. W. 1816. C s.l Gae. fr. 1. Si. 2 N. S. W. 1805. C s.l C. G. H. 1787. C s.l ORDEK I. 1COSANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 197 12684 asperus Ma. C. 12(585 capitals SHI. rough capitate ... N. Holl. 1824. C s.l Pk N. Holl. 1824. C s.l *1483. CALLISTiiTMON R.Er. CALLISTEMOV. (Kallistos, most beautiful, stei -non, stam, ) Myrtaceee. 14. 18. 12686 speci6sus Swt. showy *l |or 10 mr.jn C N. S. W. 1823. C S.1 Bot. mag. 1761 Metrosid'Tos speciosus R. M. 12687 viminalis G. Don twiggy *l_Jor 10 mr.jn R N. S. W. 1800. C S.1 Gae. fr. 1. 34. 4 Metrosidferos viminalis Gae. 12688 lanceolatus Swt. spear-/eayed i |or 10 jn.n C N. S. W. 1788. c S.1 Bot. mag. 260 Metrosideros citrinus Ji. M. 12689 pungens G.Don pungent l_Jor 6 my.jn N. S. W. 1827. c s.l 12690 rigidus R. Br. rigid * i. (or 5 c" N. Holl. 1800. c s.l Bot. reg. 393 12691 linear:* Swt. linear * I |or 6 jn.jl s N. S. W. 1788. c S.1 Wen. nan. 19.11 1269-2 linearifolius Lk. linear-leaved * 1 | or 10 mr.jn R N. S. W. 1820. c p.l 12693 viridiflorus Swt. , green-flowered *l_Jor 5 G N. Holl. 1818. c S.1 Bot. mag. 2602 12694 /nnifolius Swt. Pine-leaved m\ |or 6 jn.jl G N. S. W. c 8.1 Wen. c. 1. 16 12695 marginatus Swt. margined 1 1 or 6 P.Y N. S. W. 1816. c s.l Cav. ic. 4. 332 12696 form6sus Ma. C. handsome l 1 | or 5 ... N. Holl. 1824. c s.p 12697 microphyllus A/a.C. small-leaved *l |or 5 ... N. Holl. 1824. c s.p 12698 semperflorens Lo.C. ever-blowing * 1 |or fi mr.jn c'" N. S. W. 1818. c p.l Bot. cab. 523 12699 rugulosus G. Don. small wrinkly m i |or 6 mr.jn Pk N. S. W. 1821. c p.l Metrosidros rugulosus W. 12700 lophanthus Swt. crest-flowered *L_Jor 6 G.Y N. Holl. 1800. c S.1 Sw. au. 29 Metrosidferos lophanthus Vent, salig ;nus B. M. 12701 leptostachyus Suit, slender-spiked * i |or G G.Y N. Holl. 1820. c S.1 * 1484. PSPDIUM L.. GUAVA. (Psidias, a Greek name of the pomegranate.) Myrtttce 'oe. 16. 22. 12702 pyriferum L. pear-hearing 12703 latifulium Lk. broad-leaved *CDfr *CDfr 7 10 jn.jl jn.jl W W W. Indies 1656. S. Amer. 1800. C r.m C r.m Bot. reg. 1079 12704 pomiferum L. apple-bearing Oft 10 jn.jl W W. Indies 1692. C r.m R. mal. 3. 35 12705 sapidissimum Jac. most savoury * Q fi- 10 jn.jl W 1824. c r.m 12706 guineense Swz. Guinea at fjfr 8 jn.jl W Guinea 1822. c r.m 12707 aromaticum Aub. aromatic * l~~l or 5 W W. Indies 1779. c r.m Aub. gui. 1. 191 12708 grandiflorum Aub. great-flowered *Qfr 8 W Guiana 1800. c r.m Aub. gui. 1. 190 12704 guiannse Rich. Guiana * CD fl- 5 W Guiana 1822. c r.m 12710 fragrans Lo. C. fragrant air"] fr 8 W Guiana 1823. c r.m 12711 cordatum B. M. cordate d)fr G my.jl W W. Indies ilSll. c r.m Bot. mag. 1779 12712 montanum Swz. mountain H [~~l fi- 4 W W. Indies 1 1779. c r.m 12713 polycarpum Andr. many-fruited at r~lfr 9 my W Trinidad 1810. c r.m Bot. reg. 653 12714 Cattleianwwz Lindl. Cattley's 1 Ljft- 20 my.jn W S. Amer. 1818. c r.m Lind. coL 16 12715 wiyrtifiMium Lo. C. Myrtle-leaved oft- 6 f-jl W 1820. c r.m 12716 oligosptrmum Hort. few-seeded 12717 chinense Lo. C. Chinese itl | fr 6 Mini Aub. sweet-scented Mini * Bor or 10 10 W W Jamaica Guiana 1790. 1803. c c s.p s.p Bot. mag. 1242 Aub. gui. 1. 197 12737 elliptica Sm. g> 1 |or 8 my.s W N. S. W. 1790. c s.p Bot. mag. 1872 U2738 wyrtif61ia ATer Myrtle-leaved at i ) or 8 ap.jl W N. Holl. 1818. c s.p Bot. reg. 627 A/yrtus australis B. M. 12739 rtgustrina W. Privet-leaved 41 Bor 8 au W Hispaniol ,1798. c s.p 12740 uniflura L. one-flowered at or 7 W Brazil 1759. c: s.p Bot. mag. 473 $ 12741 zeylanica W. Ceylon CD or 10 jn.jl W Ceylon 1798. c s.p Bot. rep. 619 12742 balsamica Wnl. balsam t CD r ... W ...... 1816. c s.p 12743 latifulia y( G CO 2. 11 3 gobbet tn Ser. Gobbetta, white-flesh] Z fr 'JO W c; CO Duh. fr. 1. 8. 4 polygyna Ser. polyg. Cer. a bouquet * 5 multiplex Ser. double-flowered* 6 joersiciflora Ser. Peach-flowered 3 fr * fr f fr 90 20 W W W G G G CO CO CO Duh. fr 4. 3 4. 5 7 variegata Ser. variegated 3 fr 10 W ... . G CO 8 griotta Ser. Griotte 3 f fr 20 W ... ... G CO 9 cordigera Guigne heart-bearingj fr 20 W ... . G CO 12865 semperflorensDec. [ jS^""* } 3 * fr 20 W G CO Den. br. 131 2 sessiliflora Ser. sessile- flowered * * fr 20 W G CO 12866 Chamascerasus Loi. Ground Cherry i i or 8 my W Austria 1597. L s.l Jac. ic. 1. 90 128t>7 persicifulia Loi. Peach-leaved 3 fe or 8 my W N. Amer. ... G s.l 12868 pumila MX. dwarf S 1 or 2 my W N. Amer. 1756. L s.l Mil. ic. 89. 2 12869 pygma? v a Loi. pygmy ^ k or 4 my W N. Amer. 1823. B CO 12870 nlgra Loi. black j f or 20 W N. Amer. 1773. G CO Bot. mag. 11 17 12871 borealis MX. northern Choke 3 f or 20 my.jn W N. Amer. 1822. L CO 12872 depressa Ph. depressed Sand i i or 4 my W N. Amer. 1805, L s.l 12873 hyemalis MX. winter Black Choke 3, or 4 my W N. Amer. 1805. L s.l 12874 prostrata Ser. prostrate Jtt | or 12875 chicasa Ser. Chicasaw Plum^ or 1 6 Pk W Crete 1802. N. Amer. 1806. L L s.l s.l Bot. reg. 136 12876 pubescens Ser. pubescent Si l! or 12 W N. Amer. 1820. G CO Prunus pubescens PA. 12877 japonica Loi. Japan S k or 2 Pk Japan 1810. G CO 2 multiplex Ser. double S or 4 Pk Japan 1810. G CO Bot. reg. 27 12878 pennsylvanica Loi. Pennsylvanian ' * or 30 my W N. Amer. 1773. S CO 12879 Mahaleb Mil. Mahaleb or 20 W Austria 1714. G CO Jac. au. 3. 227 12880 Padus Dec. Bird Cherry = or SO W Britain woods. S CO Eng. bot. 1383 1 vulgaris Ser. common ' or SO W Britain woods. L CO L duh. fr. 5. 1 2 parviflora Ser. small-flowered *j or 30 W N. Europe ... L CO Fl. dan. 205 3 rubra Ser. red Cornish Bird a ' or SO W Britain L CO Prunus riibra W. 4 bracteosa Ser. long-graded * * or SO W Europe L co 12881 virginiana MX. Virginian j ' or 30 my.jn W Virginia 1724. L CO W. ar. 5. 2 12882 canadensis Loi. Canadian e or 15 my.jn W Canada 1820. L CO Pluk. al. 158. 4 12883 nepalensis Ser. Nepal E | or 20 W Nepal 1820. G CO 12884 serdtina Loi. late American Bird 5 ^ or 30 my.jn W N. Amer. 1629. L CO Den. br. 48 12885 occidentals Loi. West Indian J CD or 20 year W Jamaica 1784. L CO 12886 lusitanica Loi. Portugal Laurel J or 20 W Portugal 1648. S CO Mil. ic. 196. 1 12887 Laurocerasusioz. com. Laurel Ch.l i or 12 W Levant 1629. c: CO L. duh. fr. 5. 1 12888 spheerocarpa Loi. round-fruited * k (~lor 10 jn Jl W Jamaica 1820. c s.p SI. jam. 2. 193. 1 12889 caroliniana MX. Carol. Evergr. Bird i or 30 my W Carolina 1759. L CO * 1503. CHRYSOBA'L ANUS L. COCOA PLUM. (Chrysos, gold, balanos, acorn ; fruit.) Chryiobafane*. 2. 4. 12890 Icaco L. Icaco West Indian * O fr 15 ... W W. Indies 1752. L r.m Jac. am. 94 1289f oblongifolius MX. oblong-leaved * i_J f r 3 my.jn W Georgia 1812. C l.p Bart. it. c. ic. 1504. LOPHPRA Banks LOPHIRA. (Lophos. a crest ; bract at flower.) Lophfrece. 1. 12892 africana^anAs African Scrubby Oak CD or 10 jn.jl W S. Leone 1822. S s.l Gac. fr. 3. 188 CLASS XII. ORDER 2, ICOSA'NDRIA DI-PENTAGY'NIA. 1505. JVfE'SPTLUS L. 12893 germanica L. German com. 2 stricta Dec. strict 3 diffusa Dec. difflise 12894 Smithw Dec. Smith's grandiflora Sm. *1506. CRAT^'GUSi. HAWTHORN. 12895 Pyracantha Pen. Evergr. Thorn 12896 crenulata Rox. crenulated 12897 Crus-galli L. Cockspur 1 splendens H. K. shining 2 pyracanthifdliaDcc. Pyracant.-lvd 3 salicifolia Willow-leaved 4 linearis Dec. linear Mespilus linearis Desf. 12898 punctata H. K. doited-fruited 12899 elliptica H. K. elliptic-team* 12900 prun\fb\\z Bosc Plum-leaved 12901 pruneUtfulia Bosc Prunella-lvd 12902 latifulia Pers. broad-leaved 12903 parvif 61ia H. K. small-leaved 12904 ovalifblia Horn. oval-leaved 12905 apiifolia MX. Parsley-leaved 12906 pyrifolia H. K. Pear-leaved edulis Hort. 12907 glandulosa W. glandulous 12908 spathulata Mr. statute-leaved 12909 coccinea L. &oar]et-frvited 12910 cordata Mil. heart-leaved MEDLAR. (Metos, half, pilos, bullet : fruit resembling half a bullet.) Hosacece. 2. fr 12' my.jl W England bed. G h.l Eng. bot. 1523 fr 12 my.jl W Europe G CO fr 12 my.jl W Europe ... G CO Duh. fr. 1 . 3 or 12 my.jn W 1800. L CO Ex. bot. 1. 18 (Kra tos, s trength ; hardness of wood.) Eos acea:. 49. 52. or 10 my W S. Europe 1629. S 8.1 Schm. ar. 90 _|or 10 my.jn W Nepal 18*0. B s.l or 20 myjn W N. Amer. 1691. 1? CO Den. br. 56 or 20 my.jn W N. Amer. r, CO Pluk. al. 46. 1 or 20 my.jn W N. Amer. ]5 CO or 20 my.jn W N. Amer. ... B CO or 20 my.jn W N. Amer. ... B CO or 15 my W N. Amer. 1746. B CO Den. br. 57 or 20 my W N. Amer. 1765. B CO or or 20 20 my.jn my.jn W W N. Amer. 1818. B B CO CO or my.jn W N. Amer. 1820. B CO or 15 my.jn W N. Amer. 1704. B CO 65 or 20 my.jn W N. Amer. 1810. B CO or 15 my.jn W N. Amer. 1812. B CO or 15 W N. Amer. 1765. B CO 61 or 20 my.jn W N. Amer. 1750. B CO Bot. cab. 1C12 or 15 my.jn W N. Amer. 1806. B CO Eot. cab. 1261 or 20 W N. Amer. 1683. B CO Den. br. 62 or 20 my W N. Amer. 1738 B CO Den. br. 63 ORDER II. ICOSANDRIA DI-PENTAGYNIA. 201 12911 lobata Bosc lobed 12912 purpurea Bosc purple 12913 florentma Zuc. Florentine x Pyrus cratsgifolia Lab. 12914 tfigra IV. $ K. black % 12915 pentagyna W. $ K. five-styled 12916 fttva //. A'. yellow Pear-berried 5 12917 fissa Bosc cleft 12918 marocc\na Pers. Morocco 5 12919 Oxyacantha L. com. Hawthorn jf 2 rosea roseate-./?ui^ ^ laciniata Wallr. 3 major greater-fruited *t 4 pras^cox early 5 plena double-flowered 5 6 ai'irea golden-berried 5f 12920 oxyacantho'idesrAwzY.Oxyacantha-lk^f 12921 eriocarpa Lindl. woolly-fruited 12922 monogyna Pall. one-styled 12923 heterophylla Plug, various-leaved J2924 Azarolus L. Azarole 12925 Arunia Bosc Aroma. 12926 orientalis Bone oriental Azarole 12927 tanacetifoliaPe;-s. Tansy-lvd Azarole* 2 taurica Taurian Celsiuna Hort. 12928 odoratissima.ff..fl. sweetest-sctd A. 12929 laciniata Uc. fringed 12930 melanocarpa Bieb. black-berried 12931 flabellata Bosc fan-leaved 12932 spinosissima Lod. 12933 mexicana M.#S. spiniest Mexican 12934 viridis L. green 12935 Oliviewwa Bosc Olivier's 12936 Poiretirma Dec. Poiret's 12937 glabra Lod. smooth 12938 alpina Mil. alpine 12939 lucida Mil. shining 12940 sanguinea Pall. bloody 12941 carpatica Lo. C. 12942 corallina T/tun. Carpathian coralline 12943 florida Lo. C. Florida * 1507. PY'RUS L. PYRUS. 12944 cormnunis L. common Pear * 1 /Tchras Wallr. Achras entire-lvd * 2 Py raster IVallr. Pyras.serrated-lvd[ sylvestris Gae. 3 satlva Dec. garden 12945 Pollveria L. Polver's headed-lvd * BollwyllerzY/wa Dec. 12945 A-alvi folia Drc. Sage-lvd Aurelian * 12947 amygdaliformisFz'A, almond-formed 3 salicifolia Loi. 12948 dajagnifolia Pall. Elzeagnus-lvd * orientalis Horn. 12949 salicifulia L. Willow-leaved * 12950 lanata D. Don woolly 12951 crenata D. Don crenated 12952 sinaica Thouin Mt. Sinai Medlar* 12953 nivalis L. snow-white-lvd S 12954 acerba Dec. sour apple * A/alus /3 sylvestris FA dan. 12955 Afalus L. ' Apple tree 12956 astracanica Dec. Astracan apple ' 12957 floribunda B. R. bundle-flwd 12958 dioica W. dioecious 12959 spectabilis H.K. showy Chinese apple 12960 prunifulia W. Plum-lvd Siberian crab* 12961 baccata L. berried 12962 tomentusa Dum. tomentose 12963 coronaria L. crown svaeet-sctd crab 12964 angustifdlia //. K. narrow-leaved 12965 A\\z Ehrh. White Beam tree 3 1 obtusifolia Dec. blunt-leaved 2 acutif61ia Dec. sharp-leaved alp'ina W. en. 12966 intermedia Ehrh. intermediate Y 1 latifolia Dec. broad-leaved $ Sorbus latifoiia Pers. 2 angustifolia Dec. narrow-leaved . edulis W.en. 12967 torminalis Ehrh. griping Wild Service^ inalis L. or 15 my.jn W r, CO or 15 my.jn W 1822. B CO Den. br. 60 or 15 my.jn W 1800. B CO or 20 W Hungary 1819. B CO Den. br. 64 or 15 my.jn W Hungary 1820. B CO or 20 my W N. Amer. 1724. 15 CO Den. br. 59 or 15 mv.jn W 1810. B CO or or 15 15 my.jn my.jn W W Barbary 1822. Britain hed. 15 S CO CO Eng. bot. c. ic. or 15 my.jn R 15 CO or 15 my.jn W B CO or 15 my.jn W ...... ... B CO or 15 my.jn W B CO or 15 my.jn W B CO or 15 my.jn W France 1822. B CO or 15 my.jn W Britain woods j J co or 15 my.jn W Siberia 15 CO Pal. ros. 1. 12 or 20 my.jn W N. Amer. 1816. 15 CO An. mu. 12. 38 or or 15 15 mv.jn my.jn W W S. Europe 1640. S. Europe 1810. B 15 CO CO Bot. rep. 579 Poc. crat. 85 or or or 15 15 15 my.jn my.jn my.jn W W W S.Europe 1810. Greece 1789. Tauria 1800. 15 B B CO CO CO Bot. rep. 591 or 15 my.jn W Crimea B CO Bot. rep. 590 or 15 my.jn W Sicily 1816. B CO or 15 my.jn W Tauria 1820. B CO or 15 my.jn W S. Europe B CO or 15 my.jn W Europe B CO Bot. cab. 1100 |or 15 my.jn W Mexico 1823. B CO or 15 my.jn W Carolina 1810. 15 CO or 20 my.jn W Asia Min. 1820. B CO or 20 my.jn W 1810. B CO or 15 my.jn W N. Amer. 1818. B CO Bot. cab. 248 or 20 my.jn W Italy 15 CO or 20 my.jn W N. Amer. ... B CO or 15 my.jn W Siberia 1810. B CO or 20 my.jn W Carp-it, mo. ... B CO or 15 my.jn W France 15 CO or 20 my.jn W N. Amer. ... B CO (Peren, Celtic.) Rosaces. 40. 46. or 20 ap W England woods. G CO Eng. bot. 1784 fr 20 ap W ...... ... G CO fr 20 ap W G CO 87. 2 fr ap W G CO or 15 ap.jn W Germany 1786. G CO Bot. cab. 1009 or 15 my.jn W France 1806. G CO or 15 my.jn W S. Europe 1810. G CO or 20 my.jn W Siberia 1806. G co or 20 my.jn W Russia 1780. G CO Bot. reg. 514 or 15 my.jn W Nepal 1818. G CO or 15 my.jn W Nepal 1820. G CO fr 20 my.jn W Levant 1820. G CO Den. br. 49 or 6 my W Austria G p.l Jac. au. 2. 107 fr 20 W Europe ... G CO Fl. dan. 1101 fr 20 W Britain woods. G r.m Eng. bot. 179 fr 20 W Astracan 1810. G CO or 8 W China 1818. G CO Bot. reg. 1006 cu 10 W 1818. G CO fr 20 my Pk China 1780. G CO Bot. mag. 267 fr 20 Pk Siberia 1758. G CO Mil. ic. 2. 269 or 15 Pk Siberia 1784. G CO Den. br. 51 or 20 my.jn W Europe 1810. G CO or 20 my Pk Virginia 1724. G CO Bot. mag. 2009 or 20 my Pk N. Amer, .1750. G CO Den. br. 132 tm 40 my.jn W Britain moi.w. G CO Eng. bot. 1858 tm 40 my.jn W Europe ... G CO Fl. dan. 302 tin 40 my.jn W Europe ... G CO Duh. no. 34 tm 40 W Sweden 1789. G CO Fl. dan. 401 tm 40 W Denmark 1789. G CO 1. 80 three-lobed Upsal auriculated pinnatifid Crata^gus torm 12P68 trilobata Dec. 129.i9 upsalilnsis Lo. C. 12970 auriculuta Dec. 12971 pinnatifida E B. Sorbus hybrida L. 12972 microcarpa Dec. Sorbus microcarpa Ph. 12973 aucupariaGrte. fov/ler'aMountainAfh 12974 americana Dec. American 12975 Sorbus Gae. True Service Sorbus dom^stica L. fr 10 W tm 50 W or 20 my.jn W or 20 my.jn W or 20 my.jn W tm 40 my.jn W G co England woods. S co Eng. bot. 298 S. Europe 1810. G co Lab. syr. 4. 10 Sweden 1824. G co Egypt 1800. G co England rocks. S co Eng. bot. 2331 small-fruited ^ or 10 my.jn W N. Amer. ... L co or 30 my.jn W or 15 my.jn W fr 30 my.jn W Britain moi.w. S co Eng. bot. 337 Canada 1782. G co Den. br.54 England moi.w. S co Eng. bot. 350 202 ICOSANDRIA DI-PENTAGYNIA CLASS XII. 12976 lanugin^sa Dec. woolly * 12977 spuria Dec. spurious 2 sambucifolia Hort. Elder-leaved $ 12978 nepalensts Lo. C. Nepal 12979 arbutifulia L. Arbutus-leavedSfc 12980 melanocarpa W. black-fruited 3k 12981 Chamaemespilus Lindl. Bast. Quince * 12982 hybrida Moen. hybrid 12983 edulis W. eatable $ 1508. CYDCTNIA Tou. QUINCE. 12984 vulgaris Pers. common 1 maliformis Mil. apple-formed 2 lusitanica Ma. 3 oblonga Mil. 12985 japonica Pers. 2 alba 12986 sinensis Thouin or 25 my.jn W or 20 my.jn W or 20 my.jn W or 15 my.jn W or 4 my.jn \V or 4 my.jn W or 8 my.jn W tm 40 W fr 10 W Hungary Nepal 1820. N. Amer. 1700. ... S co 1800. S co 1818. S co G co G co N. Amer. 1700. S co Pyrenees 1683. L co ......... S co France 1816. G co Mil. ic. 100 Schm. ar. 86 Schm. ar. 87 Moen. wei. 9 Den. br. 52 (A native of Cydon, in Crete.) fr 20 my.jn W fr 20 my.jn W ' 20 my.jn W " my.jn W 4 year S 4 year Pk Rosacece. 3. 4. Austria 1573. L h.l Jac. au. 4. 342 1573. Spain Europe gard. Japan L co L co L co 1815. L r.l fr 15 my.jn W China 1818. Duh. ar. 1. 195 Black. 137 Bot. mag. 622 L r.l L co Bot. reg. 1248 1509. PHOTI'NIA Lindl. PHOTINIA. (Photeinos, shining ; leaves.) 12987 serrulata Lindl. serrulate-team** _| or 10 ap.jl W China 1804. Cratffi^gus gFibra Thun. 12988 arbutitolia Lindl. Arbutus-leaved* _ | or 10 W California 1796. G p.l Bot. reg. 491 12989 dubia Lindl. doubtful 1 i_J or 10 ... W Nepal 1821. 3/e"spilus bengalensis Hort. 12990 integrifulia Lindl. entire-leared * _ | or 10 ... W Nepal 1820. Rosacea:. 4. 6. C p.l Bot. mag. 2105 . . L p.l Lin. tr. 13. 10 L s.p 1510. RAPHIO'LEPIS Lindl. INDIAN HAWTHORN. (Raphis, needle, lepis, scale ; bractea.) Rosacece.6. 12991 indica Lindl. Indian \ _ | or 4 W China 18U6. C p.l 1 _ | or 4 " 12992 r ubra Lindl. red A i_J or 4 W China 12993 pha?> ;temon Lindl. brown-stamened* < | or 4 W China 12994 salicifulia Lindl. Willow-leaved * i_J or 3 W China 12995 la?\is Lod. smooth k i | or 4 W China 12996 latifolia Lod. broad-leaved * i_j or 4 W China 18i!0. C p.l Lind. col. 3 1820. C p.l Bot. reg. 468 1821. C p.l 1821. C p.l 1820. C p.l Bot. reg. 652 1511. ERIOBO'TRYA Lindl. LOQIJAT. 12997 japonica Lindl. Japan * Afespilus japonica Thun. 12998 elliptica Lindl. elliptic * .Me'spilus cuila Ham. (Erios, wool, botrys, a bunch of grapes.) Rosaces. 2. 4. _|fr 15 o W Japan 1787. G s.l Yen. mal. 19 __|or 12 ... W Nepal 1823. G s.l 1512. AMELA'NCHIER Med. 12999 vulgaris Moen. common AMELANCHIER. (Amelanchier, Savoy name for Medlar.) Rosacete. 5. & or 6 W S. Europe 1596. L co Bot. mag. 2430 13000 Botryapium Dec. Grape Pear & or 12 W N. Amer. 1746. L co 13001 sanguinea Dec. bloody or 4 W N. Amer. 1800. L co Mespilus canadensis y MX. Pyrus sanguinea Ph. 13002 ovalis Dec. oval-leaved & or 8 W N. Amer. 1800. L co 1513 COTONEA'STER Med. COTONEASTER. (Cotoneum, quince tree; similar downy Ivs.) 13003 vulgaris Lindl. common 3fc or 4 Pk Europe 1656. L co Schm. ar. 84 Rosaceee. 4. 5. Schm. ar. 89 Mespilus Cotoneaster L. 13004 tomentbsa Lindl. woolly & or 4 Pk 1759. L co 13005 acuminata Lindl. pointed & or 4 Pk Nep'af 1820. L co Lin. tr. 13. 9 13006 affinis Lindl. similar & or 4 Pk Nepal 1820. L co 13007 microphylla Wai. small-leaved Sfe or 4 W Nepal 1825. L co Bot. reg. 1114 1514. WALDSTEI'N/,4 W. WALDSTEINIA. (Francis von Waldstein, a German bot.) Rosaceee. 1. 13008 geoides W. Avens-like ^ A pr f jn.jl Y Hungary 1804. D l.p Bot. cab. 492 *1515. SPIRIT A L. SPIRAEA. (Speira, a cord j flexile branches.) 13009 opulifolia L. Opulus-lvd SI or S jn.jl W N. Amer. 1690. Rosacea;. 36. 46. L co Schm. ar. 1. 52 2 tomentlla Ser. small-woolly or 5 jn.jl W N. Amer. Skco 13010 wlmitolia Sco. Elm-leaved 3fc or 3 jn.jl W Carniola 1790. L p.l Bot. cab. 1042 13011 cratsegifolia Lk. Hawthorn-lvd 31 or 3 W ^ 1823. L co 13012 flexuosa Fis. flexuous 31 or 4 jn.jl W Europe 1820. L p.l 13013 bella Sims pretty & or 2 R Nepal 1820. L co Bot. mag. 2426 13014 chama?drif61ia L. Germander-lvd 3fe or li jn.jl W Siberia 1789. L p.l Pal. ros. 1. 15 13015 media Ph. intermediate 3fe or 1| jn.jl W Canada L co 13016 oblongifolia Kit. oblong-leaved * or 3 my.jn W Hungary 1816. L p.l W. & K. 3. 235 13017 cana W. $ K. hoary Sfe or 1| jn.jl W Hungary 1825. L p.l W. & K. 3. 227 13018 trilobata L. three-lobed 3fe or 3 my W Siberia 1801. L p.l Den. br. 68 13019 alpina Pall. Alpine & or 3 jl W Siberia 1806. Skp.l Pal. ros. 1. 20 13020 fhalictrioides Pall. Meadow Rue-lk3l or 2 my.jl W Dahuria 1816. Skp.1 Pal. ros. 1. 18 13021 pickowiensis Bes. Pickow 3fe or 4 jn.jl W Podolia 1827. L p.l 13022 tobolskia Lo. C. Tobolsk 3fc or 4 jn.jl W Russia 1823. L p.l 13023 ^ypericifulia L. Hypericum 31 or 5 W N. Amer. 1640. L co Schm. ar. 26 13024 uralensis Ser. Uralian 3fe tr 4 W Uralia 1817. L co Aypericifolia a, uralensis Ser. cremita Fit. 13025 acutifolia W. en. acute-leaved 3fc or 4 W Siberia 1817. L co Aypericifolia y acuta Ser. 13026 savranica Bes. Savrania & or 4 W Podolia 1819. L co Aypericifolia t savranica Ser. 13027 crenata Bes. crenated-leaved 3 or 2 W Podolia 1739. L p.l Bot. cab. 1252 AypericifMia y Besseriana Ser. 13028 obovata Kit. obovate-leaved 31 or 3 my.jn W Hungary 1816. Skp.l Bar. ic. 564 ^ypericifolia S crenata Ser. 13029 nepal^nsis Lo. C. Nepal 13030 ceanothifulia Horn. Ceanothus-lvd 3fe 13031 corymbosa Rafi. corymbose ae 13032 tetulifolia Pall. Birch-leaved 31 13033 lasvigata L. smooth-leaved 3fe or or or or or 3 jn.jl 2 jn.jl 2 jn.jl 4 ap.jn W W W Pk R Nepal 1824. 1823. N. Amer.?1819. N. Amer. 1812. Siberia 1774. L p.l L p.l L co L p.l Lp.l Bot. cab. 671 Den. br. 67 Schm. ar. 1. 49 altaicnsis Lax. ORDER II. ICOSANDRIA DI-PENTAGYNIA. 203 13034 salictfolia 7, Willow-leaved 2 alpestris Pall. alpine 3 alba Ehrli. \\h\tc-flowered paniculata W. 41atif6Ua W. broad-leaved obovata Kafl. not W. $ K. 13035 carpiniftilia W. en. 13036 tomentosa L. 13037 sorbifblia L. 2 alpina 13038 Aruncus L. 2 americana MX. 13039 Filipendula L. 2 plfena 3 minor Campb. 4 pubescens Campl 13040 Ulmaria L. 2 multiplex Dec. "> tomentosa Camp> 4 denudata Campb 5 variegata 13041 lobata Mur. 13042 palmata Thun. 13043 digitata W. 1516 GILLE^NIA Moen. 13044 trifoliata Moen. Spiraea trifoliata L. 13045 stipulacea Nut. targe-stipuled Spiraea stipulacea W. en. 1517. SESlTVIUM L. SESUVIUM. 13046 pedunculatum Dec. peduncled [7\] or 13047 sessile Pers. sessile-flowered [Al or Portulacastrum Dec. 13048 revolutifMium Vaht revolute-leaved fAI pr 13049 longifolium W. long-leaved O pr 13050 ripens W. creeping iTTl pr 5 Pk 5 W 5 W Britain moi.w. Sk co Eng. bot. 1468 Russia 1820. Sk co Pal. ros. 1. 22 N. Amer. ... Sk co Mil. ic. 257. 2 or 5 W Europe ... Sk co Hornbeam-lvd 3fe tomentose Sfe Sorbus-leaved 3fe or or or 4 5 4 au.s au W Pk W N. Amer. ... N. Amer. 1736. Siberia 1759. L co Skp.l Skco Den. br. 66 Schm. ar. 1. 51 Schm. ar. 1. 58 alpine 3fc or 3 au W Siberia 1817. Sk CO Pal. ros. 1. 25 Goat's-beard ^ A or 4 jn.jl W Siberia 1633. 1) p.l Pal. ros. 1 .88 American fc A or 4 W N. Ame r. ... D P.l Dropwort A A or 2 !'n.o W Britain m. pas. D CO Eng. bot. i 284 double-flower ed& A or 1J n.o W Britain gard. 1) CO smaller A A or la jn.o W Europe I) CO pubescent & A or u ^ jn.o W France 1) CO Meadow-sweet ^ A or 2 jn.o W Britain m. mea. CO Eng. bot J W double-flowered & A or ! jn.o W Britain m.mea. D p.l woolly ^ A or jn.s W Britain m.mea. 1) CO stripped ^ A or o jn.s W Britain m.mea. D CO variegated ^ A or jn.s W Britain m.mea. 1) CO lobed ^ A or g R Siberia 1765. I) p.l Jac. vin. 1, ,88 palmate A or 8 R China 1823. D digitate ^ A or 2 R Siberia 1823. D p'.l PaL ros. 1 27 ;n. GILLENIA. (Probably the name of some obscure botanist.) RosacetE. 2. three-leaved ^ A or 2 jn au R.w N. Amer. 1713. D p.l Bot. mag. 489 A or 2 R.w N. Amer. 1805. D co (Not explained.) 2 3 jn.jl 1| 1 R.w R.w R.w R.w R.w Ficoldetz. 5.1. W. Indies 1692. C r.m Lam. il. 434. W. Indies S. Amer. ... S. Amer. 1816. E. Indies 1816. C l.p S l.p r.m Dec. pi. 9 Bot mag. 1701 Ru. am. 5. 72. 1 1518. ^IZO N ON L. 13051 canariense L. 13052 elinoides L. 13053 perfoliatum L. 13054 hispanicum L. 13055 lanceolatum Mur. Aizoov. Canary Glinus-like perfoliate Spanish spear-leaved n | or - 1 | or (Aei, always, zoon, alive.) - Y Y Pk or f au Ficoidece. 5. 16. Canaries 1731. S r.m Bot. rep. 201 C. G. H. 1774. C r.m C. G. H. 1818. C r.m Spain 1728. S r.m 30 C. G. H. 1752. S r.m 1519. TETRAGCTNIA L. TETRAGONIA. (Tetra, four, gonia, an angle ; fruit.) Ficoidea:. 10. 16. 13056 expansa^.A:. expanded N. Z. Spinach iQJ cul 13057 crystallina Ker crystalline iQI un 6 au.s jn G G N. Zeal. Peru 1772. 1788. C S S.I S.I Bot. mag. 2362 Dec. pi. 34 13058 fruticosa L. shrubby tt.) |un 2 jl.s G C. G. H. 1712. c S.I Mil. ic. 2. 263. 2 13059 decumbens Mil. trailing tt-l |un 1 jl.s G C. G. H. 1758. c S.I Dec. pi. 23 13060 Tetrapteris Haw. 4-winged-seed 'edti. i | un 2 jl.s G C. G. II. 1795. c S.I 13061 spicata L. spiked tt. | | un 1 jl G C. G. H. 1795. c S.I 13062 herbacea L. herbaceous tAJ un | jn.jl G C. G. H. 1752. c S.I Com. h. 2. 102 13063 cchinata H. K. hedgehog j OJ un G C. G. H. 1774. c S.I Dec. pi. 113 13064 linearis Haw. linear tt. i | un l" s G C. G. H. 1819. c S.I 13065 obovata Haw. obovate tt. | | un M C. G. H. 1821. c S.I k !520. MESEMBRYA'NTHEMUM L. FIG MARIGOLD. (Mesembria, mid-day, antheman, fl.) Ficoid. 313. 350. I. ACAU'LIA. Stems none or very short ; leaves large. 13066 minutum Haw. minute j iAI cu A 6 - Pk C. G. H. 1795. C S.I Bot mag. 1376 13067 minimum Haw. -smallest lAJcu A- s d Pa.Y C. G. H. 1776. C S.I 13068 perpusillum Haw. very small j iAI cu ltd Pa.Y C. G. H. 1819. C S.I 13069 obcordellum Haw. small obcordate j tAI cu 1 f.o W C. G. H. 1776. C S.I Bot. mag. 1647 13070 obconellum Haw. small conical j iAI cu W C. G. H. 1786. C S.I 13071 ficiforme Salm fig-like iAI cu & B fo C. G. H. 1819. C S.I 13072 truncatellum Haw. small truncatedj tA) cu *Co Pa.Y C. G. H. 1795. c S.I 13073 fibulifurme Haw. button-shaped lAJ cu * ... C. G. H. 1795. c S.I 13074 uvaef6rme Haw. grape-like j iAI cu A ... !!! C. G. H. 1820. c S.I Bur. af. 10. 2 13075 nucif6rme Haw. nut-shaped iAJ cu C. G. H. 1790. c S.I 13076 testiculare Ait. testicular j LAJ CU i n W* C. G. H. 1774. c S.I Bot. mag. 1573 13077 octophyllum Haw. eight-leaved iAI cu In Y C. G. H. 1819. c S.I 2 longiusculum rather longer-lvd j i Al cu 5 n Y C. G. H. 1774. c S.I 3 roseum rosy i Al cu & n R C. G. H. 1774. c S.I 13078 obtusum Haw. obtuse cloven j LAJcu 5 mr.ap Pk C. G. H. 1792. c S.I 13079 fissum Haw. cleft-leaved j iAI cu i ... C. G. H. 1776. c S.I 13080 digitiforme Thun. finger-formed LAJcu i C. G. H. 1775. c S.I 13081 magnipunctatum Salm large-dotted i Al cu *i \ Y" C. G. H. 1822. c S.I 2 uncia-le inch-flowered iAI cu I Y C. G. H. 1822. c S.I 13082 n6bile Haw. noble tAJ or J Y C. G. H. 1822. c S.I magnipunctatum y Haw. | 13083 canum Haw. hoary LAJ CU jf Y C. G. H. 1-795. c S.I 13084 aloides Haw. Aloe-like LAJcu i ' Y C. G. H. 1819. c S.I 13085 albinbtum Haw. white-marked iAI or 1 Y C G H 1823 c; s 1 13086 albipunctatum/fatw. white-dotted j iAI or 1" Y C. G. H. 1823. c S.I 3087 caninum Haw. dog-c//ap )88 lupmum Haw. \volf-chap j lAJgr LAJgr 5 au.o Y Y C. G. C. G. H. H. 1717. c c S.I 8.1 Dec. pi. 95 13089 vulplnum Haw. fox-chap lAJgr ? au.o Y C. G. H. 1795. c S.I 13090 hybridum Haw. bastard lAJgr i ... Y C. G. H. c S.I 13091 albidum L. whitish ]3092 agn"mum Haw. lamb-chap j LAJgr LAJor T k my-jn Y Y C G. C. G. H. H. 1714. 1824. c c S.I S.I Bot. mag. 1824 2 minus Haw. less lAJor ^ mv.jn Y C. G. H. 1824. c S.I 3 erectiusculum/faw. more erecUwf LAJor i my.jn Y C. G. H. 1824. c B.I 204 ICOSANDRIA DI-PENTAGYN1A. 13093 tigrtnum Haw. tiger-chap 13094 felinum Haw. cat-chap 13095 mustellinum Haw. weasel-chap 13096 erminlnum Haw. ermine-chap 13097 murlnum Haw. mouse-chap 13098 muscullnum Haw. little mouse-ch. 13099 dolabriforme Haw. hatchet-formed tt. i | gr 13100 scapigerum Haw. scape-bearing j iAI cu 13101 carinans Haw. keeling j iAJ cu 13102 denticulatum Haw. denticulate 2 glaucum 3 candidissimum 13103 robustum Haw. 13104 compactum H. K. 13105 quadrifidum Haw. quadrifid bifid glaucous whitest robust compact f i A/ or j iAJ or jf iAJ or LAI or n. | | or tt. | | or 13106 bitidum Haw. bifid iAI or 13107 bibracteatum Haw. double-bracted tt. i | or 13108 rostratum L. beaked ] iAI or 13109 tuberculatum Mil. pimpled iAJ or 13110 ramulosum Haw. branchy tt. i | or 13111 pisitorme Haw. pea-shaped tAI or 13112 moniliforme Hrttu. bracelet-shaped iAJ or 13113 scalpratum Haw. great knife-shaped^ iAI or 13114 fragrans Salm fragrant iAJ or 13115 grandiflorum Haw. great-flowered uAJ gr 13116 prajpingue /fow. very fat iAI or 13117 medium Haw. intermediate j iAI or 13118 cultratum Haw. cultrate iAJ or 13119 lucidum Mil. shining iAl or 13120 adscendens /faun ascending tongue iAI or 13121 pustulatum Haw. blistered iAJ or 13122 longum Haw. long tongue i Al or 1 depressum 5. A/, depressed iAJ or 2 dec-live /taw. sloping j iAJ or 3 angustius Haw. narrower iAI or 4 purpurascens /fotu. purpurascent j iAJ or 5 uncatum //aw>. hooked j iAJ or 6 att. narrow-lea vedtt. i I or 13129 surrectum Haw. erect tt. i I or 2 brevifulium Haw. short-leaved tt. i I or 13130 heteroph^llum//au>. various-leaved jg iAI or 13131 angustum Haw. narrow tongue iAI or 2 pallidum Haw. pale iAJ or 3 heterophyllumJac. various-leaved jg iAI or 13132 diffurme Haw. deformed tt. i | or 13133 bigibberatum Haw. two-bunched t i | gr 13134 bidentatum Haw. two-toothed ft. j | or 2 inajus Haw. larger tt. | | or 13135 semicylindricumflatu. semicylindrictt. ( | or 13136 gibbosum Haw. gibbous tAJ or 13137 luteoviride Haw. yellowish-greentt. i | or i ap.n iap i ap mr.n 2 breve Haw. 13125 depressum Haw. 2 lividum Haw. 13126 cruciatum Haw. 131'27 taurinum Haw. 13128 Salmw Haw. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y W i mr.ap W au.o Y Y Y "i "au.o Y | au.o Y i au.o Y A au.o Y | au.n f au s au.o f au.o | au.o f au.o f au.o | au.o 5 au.o A mr.n | mr.n i mr.n A mr.n | mr.n A mm i mr n i s.n i s.n A my.n 1 s.n 1 s.n 1 s.n A mr.o | mr.o | mr.o f au iau 1^ au S mr.n 13138 pervlride Haw. 13139 pubescens Haw. 13140 calamiforme L. 13141 obsubuiatum Haw. 13142 cylindricum Haw. 13143 teretifolium Haw. very green pubescent Reed-shaped obsubulate cylindrical round-leaved 13144 teretiusculum Haw. rather rounder 13145 Aellidiflorum L. 2 subuUitum Mil. 3 viride Haw. 13146 acutum Haw. 13147 punctatum fatu. 13148 diminutum Haw. Daisy-flowered awl-shaped pea-green great acute-lvd } dotted awl-lvd diminished LAI or i ja my tA 1 or i 1 jl.s 5 i i ap.n i ap.n iap I ap C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1790. 1730. 18J20. 1824. 1790. 1824 1705. 1823. 1818. 1793. 1795. 1780. 1795. 1795. 1803. 1732. 1732. 1791. 1796. C s.l Bot.reg.260 C s.l 152 C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l Dec. pi. 6 C s.l C s.I C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C 8.1 C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l Di. el. 186. 229 1791. C s.l 1714. C s.l Di. el. 182. 2-4 ... C s.l 1820. 17S2. 1805. 1818. 1725. 1819. 1819. 1819. 1732. 1732. C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l Dec. P l. 71 C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C 8.1 C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C Di. el. 184. 225 1819. 1620. 1802. 1795. C s.l Bot. mag. 1866 1819. 1792. 1795. 1818. 1818. 1823. s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l 1819. C s.l 1819. C s.l 1795. C 1790. C 1790. 1790. 1732. 1820. 1818. 1818. 1732. 1780. 1795. 1792. 1792. 1717. 1796. 1792. 1794. 1794. 1717. 1717. 1717. 1793. 1793. 1789. 1789. 2 cauliculatum Haw. small-stemmed j lA 1 or II. FASCICULA^TA. Leaves in bundles j flowers polygynous ; calyx five-leaved. s.l C s!l C s.l Bot. rep. 540 C s.l Di. el. 194. 242 C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l Di. el. 194. 241 C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l Dec. pi. 5 C s.l C s.l C s.l C s'l Di. el. 224. 223 C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l lAI CU te tAJ gr 13149 loreum Dil. thong-stalked 2 congestum Haw. crowded 13150 purpureo-albumf/atu.purplish white 13151 diversitolium L. various-leaved tAI or 2 glaucius Haw. more glaucous iAJ or 3 brevifulium Haw. short-leaved iAI o 4 te\e vlrens Haw. bright green jg iAI o 5 atro-vlrens Haw. dark-green j iAI o 13152 decipiens Haw. deceiving iAI o 13153 dubium Haw. doubtful iAJ o 13154 corniculatum Haw-, sir.ail-horned iAI o 2 isophyllum Dec. equal-leaved i Al or 13155 procumbens Haw. procumbent iAI or 13156 tricolbrum Haw. three-colored iAI or 1 s 1 s |au 1 mr.o 1 au 1 au 1 au au my n Pa.Y C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. W C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. 1 Pa.Y C. G. H. 1732. 1805. 1824. 1819. 1726. 1820. 1800. 1732. C si C s.l C s.l Di. el. 200. 255 1. 198. 252 C s.5 C s.l C s.l C s.l 1 Pa.Y C. G. H. 1732. C s.l Dec. pi. 108 1 mrmyPa.Y C. G. H. 1820. C s.l 1 o YR C. G. H. 1794. C s.l Bot. mag. 2144 ORDER II. ICOSANDRIA DI-PENTAGYNIA. 205 13157 pugioniformeL. long dagger- formed it \ | or 2 carneum Haw. fiesh-colored tt. i I or 3 purpforeum Haw. purple tt i | or 4 !>it?nne Haw. biennial tt | | or 13158 capititum Haw headed tt , | or 2 rainigerum Haw. branch. bearing tt | | cu 13159 brevicaiile Haw. short-stemmed tt, ( | or 13160 coruscans Haw. glittering dagger tt. i_J or 13161 elongatum Haw. elongated tuberous & i | or 2 m'mus Haw. smaller & \ | or 3 fusiforme Haw. fusiform & \ | or !i!:I 1 jl.s { Si 1 jl.s i'j l u 1 my 1 my 1 my Pa.Y C. G. H. Pk C. G. H. P C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. Pa.Y C. G. H. 1714. C s.l Di.el.269 1714. C s.1 1714. C s.l C s.l C s.l Bot.reg.494 C s.l C s.l 1714. 1717. 181& 1820. 1812. 1793. C s.l 1793. C s.l 1793. C s.l C s.l Bot.reg.493 III. PROSTRA'TA. Trailers ; flowers poly gy nous ; calyx five-leaved ; leaves connate. 13162 geminatum Jac. twin its. \ | or f ... Pk C. G. H. 1819. C 8.1 50 13163 simile Haw. similar JU ( | or I ... Pk C. G. H. 1819. C s.l 13164 laxum W. loose X~ \ | or | my Pk C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1 13165 sarmentosum Haw. twiggy Is, | ( or l|ap Pk N. Holl. 1805. C 8.1 13166 rigidicaule Haw. stiff-stemmed 1L. i | or | mv.jn Pk C. G. H. 1819. c 8.1 131H7 validum Haw. robust its, i | gr I my.jn Pk C. G. H. 1824. c s.l 13168 Scholl/i Salm Scholl's it. \ | or I my.jn Pk C. G. H. 1810. c 8.1 Jac. fr. 51. 2 13169 filarnentusum Haw. thready its. | | or 5 mr.ap Pk C. G. H. 1732. c s.l Di. el. 212. 273 13170 serrulatum Haw. sa.\v-leaved !U i | or \ n.d Pk C. G. H. 1795. c; s.l 2 viridius Haw. greener its. L 1 or I n.d Pk C. G. H. c 8.1 13171 rubricaule Haw. red-stalked Is. i | or - \ f.d Pk C. G. H. 1802. c s.l 2 densius Haw. denser JU | | or i Pk C. G. H. 1818. c s.l 3 subvirens Haw. tall greenish JU. | | or - I* . Pk C. G. H. 1818. c s.1 13172 acinaciforme L. scimitar-formed !U \ | or | au.s Pk C. G. H. 1714. c s.1 Bot. rep. 508 2 16ngum Haw. long JU. i ) or i au.s Pk C. G. H. ... c s.1 13173 laevigatum Haw. polished Is. i | or f Jn Pk C. G. H. 1802. c 8.1 13174 rubrocinctum Haw. red-bordered Is. t | or \ ... Pk C. G. H. 1811. c s.1 2 compressum Haw. compressed its. i ) or iau Pk C. G. H. c s.1 3 tenerum Haw. tender JU. i | or r au Pk C. G. H. c s.l 13175 subulatum Haw. subul. Daisy-flwd !U i | or i ... Pk C. G. H. 1768. c s.l Dec. pi. 41 13176 edule L. eatable Hottentot Fig Is. | | or 1 Pk C. G. H. 1690. c s.l Di. el. 212. 272 ^13177 dimidiatum Haw. halved Hot. Fig Is, i j or 13178 glaucescens Haw. glaucescent its. \ | or 5*2 Pk Pk C. G. H. N. Holl. 1811. 1804. c c s.l s.1 Dec. pi. 39 13179 abbreviatum Haw. short-joined )U i | gr ... N. Holl. 1825. c s.1 13180 Rossi Haw. Ross's its. , | or - I Pk V. D. L. 1820. c s.l 13181 virescens Haw. virescent Is. | | or tjt jn Pk N. Holl. 1804. c 8.1 1:3182 aequilaterale Haw. equal-sided Is. | | or f jn Pk N. Holl. 1791. c S.1 13183 virens Haw. upright green its. | | or ijn Pk C. G. H. 1821. c S.1 13184 reptans H. K. creeping JU t | or I jUu Pk C. G. H. 1774. c 8.1 13185 debile Haw. smooth weak JU i_j gr 4 ... C. G. H. 1824. c 8.1 13186 australe Haw. southern its i | or 1 Pk" N. Zeal. 1773. c S.l 13187 crassifohum L. thick-leaved )U i | or i Pk C. G. H. 1727. c S.l Di. el. 201. 257 13188 clavell;\tum Haw. small c\ub-lvd *^ \ | or i jn jl Pk N. Holl. 1803. c S.l 2 minus Haw. smaller it, i | or |i Pk N. Holl. 1810. c s.l 3 aggregatum Haw. aggregate-tad its. | | cu Pk N. Holl. 1803. c s.1 IV. PERFOLIA^A. Stems upright ; leaves connate sheathing, generally hooked at end ; calyx five-leaved. 13189 forficatum L. sclssor-leaved tt | | or 1 s.o Pk C. G H. 1758. c s.1 Jac. vin. 1. 26 1;>190 geminatum Haw. tw\n-shooted tt. | | or I ... W C. G. H. 1792. c s.l 13191 marginatum Haw. tuAite-etlged tt, | | or ... W C. G. H. 1793. c s.l 13192 rostelium Haw. little beak tt i | or jjn C. G. H. 1820. c s.l 13193 perfoliatum Mil. great perfoliatett. | | or Pa.P C. G. H. 1714. c s.l Di. el. 192. 240 2 monacanthum Brad, one-spined it i j or Pa.P C. G. H. c s.1 13194 uncinellum Haw. small-hooked tt | | or Pa.P C. G. H. isia c s.1 Di. el. 239 13195 uncinatum Haw. hooked tt \ | or au Pa.P C. G. H. 1725. c s.1 Dec. pi. 54 13196 semidentatum Haw. half-toothed tt | | or au Pa.P C. G. H. c s.l 13197 unidensf/flw. one-toothed tt | | gr C. G. H. 1824. c s.l 13198 viride Haw. green per foliate n. \ | or jl" Pa'.P C. G. H. 1792. c s.l 13199 acutangulum Haw. acute-angled it i > or W C. G. H. 1821. c s.1 13200 curtum Haw. hort-sfteathed it | | or 1 W C. G. H. c s.1 2 majus Haw. larger st | | or i | W C. G. H. c s.1 3 pol'itum Haw. polished tt. | < or 1 W C. G. H. c 8.1 4 minus Haw. smaller it \ | or W C. G. H. c 8.1 13201 vaginatum Haw. sheathed tt | i or 1 }* W C. G. H. 1802. c S.1 2 parviflorum Haw. small-flowered tt | | or l| W C. G. H. c S.1 13202 parviflorum Haw. small-flowered tt. | | or 3 au W C. G. H 1800. c s.l 13203 rigidum Haw. rigid tt. | | or 1 | au W C. G. H. 1793. c 8.1 13204 tenellum Haw. delicate perfoliate it | | or Uau W C. G. H. 1792. c S.l 132u5 imbricatum H. K. imbricated tt. i 1 or 3 Jl W C, G. H. 1792. c S.1 2 medium Haw. intermediate tt | | or 3 jl W C. G. H. c S.l 3 viride Haw. green tt. | | or 3 Jl W C. G. H. c s.l 13206 multifldrum Haw. many-flowered tt i | or 3 jl.8 W C. G. H. 17*92. c s.l Pluk. ph. 117. 1 2 iriinus Haw. smaller tt \ | or 3 jl.s W C. G. H. c s.l 3 rubrum Haw. red-flowered it i | or 3 l.s Pk C. G. H. '..'. c s.1 ' 4 patens W. spreading tt. i | or 3 jl.s W C. G. H. 1820. c s.1 5 nltens Haw. shining tt \ | or 3 C. G. H. c s.l 13207 umbellatum Haw. umbe\-flowered _ ( | or 3 jn.s W* C. G. H. 17*27. c s.l Di. eL 208. 266 2 anomalum W. anomalous tt. | | or 3 jn.s W C. G. H. c s.l 13208 tumidulum Haw. rather tumid tt. | | or 3 mr Pk C. G. H. 1802. c s.l 2 minus Haw. smaller tt i | or 3 mr Pk C. G. H. 1820. c s.1 13209 foliosum Haw. leafy tt | | or Pk C. G. H. 1802. c 8.1 13210 lineolatum Haw. small-lined tt. i | or ^ jl s C. G. H. 1819. c 8.1 2 minus Haw. smaller tt. ( | or L S ji -S Pk' C. G. H. 1819. c S.1 3 la?"ve Than. smooth tt | | or "i ji d tt. | | or i jlau Pa.Y C. G. H. 1705. c s.l Dec. pi. 94 13313 varians Haw. varying tt. | (or I jl.o Pa.Y C. G. H. 1706. c s.l Pet. g. 78.40 13314 tortuksum L. twisted-leaved tt. | | or jn.o Pa.Y C. G. H. 1705. c s.l Di. el. 181. 222 13315 pallens H. K. pale-flowered tt. L_J or I Pa.Y C. G. H. 1774. c s.l Dec. pi. 47 13316 loratum Haw. lorate _ | (or W C. G. H. 1819. c s.l 13317 relaxatum W. relaxed tt ( | or 1 Pk C. G. H. 1815. c s.l 13318 crassicaule Haw. thick-stemmed tt. | j or i Pa.Y a G. H. 1815. c s.l 13319 anatomicum Haw. skeleton-leaved tt. ( | or f W C. G. H. 1803. c s.l 2 fragile Haw. brittle tt. 1 | or f W C. G. H. 1803. c s.l 13320 rectum Haw. straight tt. LJ or W C. G. H. 1819. c s.l 13321 crassuloldes Haw. Crassula-like tt. ( | or a Pk C. G. H. 1819. c s.l 13322 incomptum Haw. ' untrimmed tt. ( | or W C. G. H. 1819. c s.l 13323 splendens L. shining tt. ( | or 1| W C. G. H. 1716. c s.l Dec. pi. 85 13324 flexuosum Haw. flexuous tt. | | or 1 W C. G. H. 1795. c s.l 13325 acuminatum Haw. acuminate tt. ( (or 2 au.s W C. G. H. 1820. c s.l 13326 albicaiile Haw. white-stemmed tt t j gr 1 au W C. G. H. 1824. c s.l 13327 sulcatum Haw. furrowed tt. | | or 3 au.s w C. G. H. 1819. c s.l 13328 fastigiatum Haw. peaked tt. | | or If jl.s w C. G. H. 1794. c s.l 2 reflexum Haw. reflexed tt. i | or If au.s w C. G. H. 1792. c s.l 13329 umbelliflorum W. umbellate-flwd tt, ( | or If au.s w C. G. H. 1820. c s.l 13330 pallescens Haw. pallescent . ( | or If au.s w C. G. H. 1820. c: s.l 13331 micranthon Haw. small-flowered tt. \ | or w C. G. H. 1804. c s.l parviflbrum Jac. * 13332 jimceum Haw. ~ Hush-leaved tt i | or 1 au.o Pk C. G. H. 1800. c s.l 13333 granulicaule Haw. granulated-stmd tt. i | or C. G. H. 1820. c: s.l 13334 tenue Haw. slender tt. | | or 1* C. G. H. 1819. C s.l 13335 longispinulum Haw. long-spinuled *t | | or 1 au.n Pa'.Y C. G. H. 1820. c s.l 13336 spinuliferum Haw. spinule-bearingtt. ( | or 1 jn.o Pa.Y C G. H. 1794. c s.l 13337 grossum Haw. thick tt. i | or 1 au.o Pa.Y C. G. H. 1774. c s.l 13338 salmoneum Haw. salmon-colored **- 1 | or 3 au.o Pa.Y C. G. H. 1819. c s.l 13339 canaliculatum Haw. small-chan.-/yd - 1 | or 2 jl.o Pk C. G. H. 1794. c s.l 13340 viridifli>rum H. K. green-flowered tt ( | or 2 jLn G C. G. H. 1774. c s.l Bot. mag. 326 13341 tenuiflorum Jac. slender-flwd tt. | | or 2 jl.n Pk C. G. H. 1820. c s.l 13342 nitidum Haw. bright tt. , | or 2 jl.o Y C. G. H. 1790. c s.' 13343 brachiatum H. K. brachiated - ;_, or U Y C. G. H. 1774. c; s.l 13344 subincanum Haw. rather hoary tt. | | or 2 s au.s W C. G. H. 1820. c s.l 13345 testaceum Haw. tile-colored **- 1 | or 3 au.s O C. G. H. 1820. c s.l 13346 tuberosum L. tuberous-rooted**- 1 | or 3 jn.o O C. G. H. 1714. c s.l Di. eL 264 2 minus Haw. smaller tt | | or 1 J in o O C. G. H. 1714. c s.l 13347 macrorhizum Haw. long-rooted tt. | | or 2 my.jn W C. G. H. 1824. c s.l 13348 noctiflorum L. night-flowering tt. i | or 2 C. G. H. 1714. c s.l Bot. cab. 495 2 stramineum Haw. straw-colored tt. | | or 2 Str C. G. H. 1732. c s.l 3 elatum Haw. elate tt. i | or 3 S C. G. H. 1714. c s.l 13349 fulvum Haw. fulvous tt. | | or 2 Ful C. G. H. 1820. c s.l 13350 defoliatum Haw. defoliated tt. i | or 2 C. G. H. 1820. c s.l 13351 horizontale Haiv. horizontal-/^ tt. | | or 2 Str C. C. H. 1795. c: s.l 13352 speciosum Haw. specious tt. i (or 13353 nricans L. glittering tt. / _| or L3354 maculatum Haw. spotted-stalked tt. | | or If my.o If S S s C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1793. 1704. 1732. c: c c s.l s.l s.l Bot. mag. 448 13355 flkvum Haw. small yellow tt. i | or | " au Y C. G. H. 1820. c s.l 13356 obnquum Haw. oblique tt. | | or 1 au P C. G. H. 1819. C s.l Bot. reg. 863 13357 parvif,Mium Haw. small-leaved tt. | | or f au P C. G. H. 1820. C s.l 13358 brevifblium H. K. short-leaved tt. i (or 1 jl.o R C. G. H. 1777. C s.l 13359 subglobusum Haw. subglobose tt. | | or 13360 pulverulentum Haiv. powdery tt. i | or 1 jl.o R Pk C. G. H. C. G. H. 1795. 1792. c; C s.l s.l ICOSANDRIA POLYGYNIA. CLASS XII. 13361 hispidum L. hisnid L| |or f my.o p C. G. H. 1704. C S.I Di. el. 278 2 platyptalum Haw. broad-petaled 13362 hirtellum Haw. dwarf bristly L i ]or L | p or Jmy.o i my.n p Pk C. G. H. C. G. H. 1820. 1792. C C S.I si 13363 candens Haw. glitterine Li I or 1 ... C. G. H. 1820. C S.I 13364 subcompressum/faM;. subcompressedL i | or liJLau P" C. G. H. 1823. C S.I 2 minus Haw. smaller tt. | | or 1 P C. G. H. 1823. C S.I 13365 floribundum Haw. bundle-flwd L i | or i my.o Pk C. G. H. 1704. C S.I Di. el. 214. 289 13386 torquatum Haw. torqued L( |or f my.o Pk C. G. H. 1820. C S.I 13367 calycMnum Haw. /o#-cupped L i or W C. G. H. 1819. C S.I 13368 striatum Haw. striated-bristly Li |or f my.o Pk C. G. H. 1727. C S.I Di. el. 281 2 | .aliens pale Li | or I my.o W C. G. H. C S.I Dec. pi. 132 13369 attenuatum Haw. attenuated Li |or i my.o W C. G. H. 1821. C S.I 13370 hispitolium Haw. bristly- leaved Li |or i my.o W C. G. H. 1818. C S.I 2 roseum Haiv. rosy Li | or i my.o Pk C. G. H. 1818. C S.I 13371 echinatum //. K. hedgehog . i | or ViLo Y C. G. H. 1774. C S.I Dec. pi. 24 2 album Haw white tt. i | or 1 jl.o W C. G. H 1774. C S.I 13372 strumusuin L. strumose tt. i | or iau Pa.Y C. G. H. 1820. C S.I 13373 barbatum L. trailing beardec iL i | or f Pk C. G. H. 1705. C S.I Dec. pi. 28 13374 stelligerum //am star-bearing tt | | or f my.o Pk C. G. H. 1793. C S.I Bot. mag. 70 13375 stellatum Dec. starry -bearded tt. I (or 1 10 Pk C. G. H. 1716. C S.I Di.el.235 hirsutum Haw. 13376 densum Haw. dense-bearded tt. | | or i Pk C. G.H. 1732. C S.1 Bot. mag. 1220 13377 bulbosum //io. bulbous tt. | | or %au Pk C. G. H. 1820. C S.I 13378 intonsum Haw. unshaved tt, | | or i * Pk C. G. H. 1824. C S.I 2 album Haw. white tt, | | or * i Pk C. G. H. 1824. C S.I 1521. HYMENO'GYNE Haw. HYMENOGYNE. 13379 glabra Haw. smooth O cu f jl.o Mesembryanthemum glabrum IL K. (Hymen, membrane, gyne, woman j style.) Pa.Y C. G.H. 1787. S s.l Ficoidea;. 1. Bot. rep. 57 CLASS XII. ORDER 3. ICOSA'NDRIA POLYGY'NIA. *1522. Tou. ROSE. (Rhodd, red, Celt ; color of flower.) Rosacear. 116. 150. 13380 berberifblin Pall. I. SiMFLiciFbLu Leaves simple, exstipulate. Berberry-lvd & _J or 1| jn.jl Y Persia II. FERUCES. Very prickly ; branches clothed with persistent tomentum j fruit naked. 13381 ferox Law. fierce 31 or 3 R Caucasus 1796. L co Bot. reg. 420 kamchatica Red. 13382 kamchatica Fen. Kamtschatka 3k or 4 R Kamtsch. 1802. L co 2 mtens Lindl. shining & or 4 R 1822. L co III. BRACTEA"TJE. Branches and fruit clothed with persistent tomentum. 13388 involucrata Rox. involucrated * | or 3 W E. Indies 1818. L co Bot. reg. 739 13384 bracteata Wnl. bracteated or 2 au.o W China 1795. C l.p Yen. eels 28 2 scabricaulis Lindl. rough-stemmed* or 2 au.o W China ... C l.p Bot. mag. 1377 IV. CINXAMOME.E. Setigerous or unarmed bracteate ; leaflets lanceolate, glandless-; disk slender. 1790. L r.m Par. Ion. 101 Bot. reg. 419 Bot. reg. 824 13385 nitida W. *-K;*.gcy I/A i/;r unitr/ glossy ^ f/lGU, V or R N. Amer. 1807. L CO Lind. ros. 2 13386 /ftpa Bosc Turnip & or 4 R N. Amer. L CO Red. ros. 1.7 13387 lucida Ehrh. bright-team* 3 or 2 R N. Amer. 1724. L CO Di. el. 245. 316 13388 pennsylvanica Lk. Pennsylvanian 3fe or 5 jn.jl Pk Pennsylva .n.... L r.m 13389 gemella W. twin-flowering 3k or 3 R N. Amer. 1800. L- CO 13390 laxa Lindl. loose Carolina 3k or 3 R N. Amer. L CO Lind. ros. 3 13391 parviflura Ehrh. small-flowered 34 P r \\ i F N. Amer. 1724. L s.p Lawr. ros. 3 2 flure plfeno double- flowered 3k P r H F N. Amer. ... L CO 13392 taurica Bieb. Taurian 3k or 6 Pk Tauria ... L CO 13393 Woodsij Lindl. Woods's 3k or 3 mr.jn R N. Amer. L CO Bot. reg. 976 13394 carol'ma L. Carolina 3k or 6 jn.jl R N. Amer. 1726. L s.p Lind. ros. 4 2 florida Donne Florida 3fc or 5 jn.jl R N. Amer. L s.p 13395 /raxinifulia .Bore. Ash-leaved 3k or 6 my.jn R Newfound. ... L CO Bot. reg. 458 13396 cinnamumea L. Cinnamon 3k or 6 my Pk Europe L CO Eng. bot. 2388 2 flore pleno double-flwd 3fe or 5 my.jn P Europe MM L CO Lind. ros, 5 3 flure semipleno semidouble-flwd3fe or 7 my.jn R Siberia 1805. L CO 13397 pygmas^a Bieb. pygmy 3k or 3 Pk Caucasus 1820. L r.m Bieb.cen. 1. 2 13398 clinophylla Red. reclining-lvd 3k or 6 my.jl W 1820. L r.m Red. ros. 1.43.ic 13399 fruticusa Bes. shrubby 3k. or 6 jn.jl Pk ValYes'ia 1817. L r.m 13400 ambigua 'tfr. 13401 dahurica Pall. ambiguous 3k Dahurian 3k or or 6 6 jnjl my.jl Pk Pk Germany Siberia 1824. L r.m r.m 13402 adenophylla W. gland-leaved 3k or 4 jn.jl Pk ... L r.m 13403 majalis /tax. 13404 macrophylla Lindl. 13405 Lyoni* PA. hog 3k long-leaved & Lyon's 3k or or 3 6 4 my.jn Pk Pk" Europe Nepal 1822. L L L CO CO r.m Fl. dan. 688 Lind. ros. 6 V. PIMPINELLIFOLLE. Prickles equal, numerous, bractless ; 13406 alp\na L. alpine 3k or 3 jn.jl sepals connivent persistent ; disk almost none. Pk Switzerl. 1683. L r.m Bot. reg. 424 2 pyrenaica Gow. 3 pendufina L. 13407 suavis JF. Pyrenean 3k pendulous SI sweet 31 or or or 3 5 4 jn.jl my.jn jn.jl Pk P Pk Pyrenees SwitzerL 1726. 1818. L L L CO CO r.m Gou. il. 19 Lawr. ros. 91 13408 balsamea Spr. balsam 3k or 3 jn.jl R 1825. L r.m 13409 muricata LA. muricated 3k or 3 jn.jl Pk *... 1820. L r.m 13410 rubella Sm. reddish 31 or 2 jnjl Pk England s >ea sh. L CO Eng. bot. 2521 Z melanocarpa Lina 'I. black-fruited 3H or 2 Pk .***- ... I. CO 13411 stricta Lindl. strict Carolina 3k or 3 jn Pk N. Amer. ... L CO Lind. ros. 7 ORDER III. ICOSANDRIA POLYGYNIA. 209 13412 aciculkris Lindl. acicular 2 paucifl6ra Lindl. few-flowered 13413 sulphurea H. K. double sulphur 13414 lutescens Ph. lutescent 13415 Eglanteria L. Eglantine lutea unicolor B.M. 2 lutola Thore yellowish hispida B. M. 13416 flava Wife. yellow 13417 spinosissima L. spiniest Scotch or 6 my.jn Pk Siberia 1805. L CO or 6 mv.jn Pk Siberia 1813. L CO or 3 JI Y Levant 1629. L S.I Rot. reg. 4fi or 3 my.jn Pa.Y Siberia ? 1780. L CO Line I. ros. 9 or 4 my.jn Y ... L CO Bot. mag. 363 or 4 1 my.jn Y Y ... L CO Bot. mag. 1570 or 2 jn.jl jn.jl W.R Britain sa. hea. I. p.l Eng . hot. 187 Blush, Anderson's Double Lady's Blush, Double Lady's Blush, Double Pink Blush, Double Provins Blush, Double Rose Blush, Dutch Double Blush, Princess Double Crimson, Double Garden Varieties. Marbled, Double Crimson Marbled, Double Dark Marbled, Double Light Purple, Double Purple, Small Double Light Red, Double Dark Red, Double Light Red, True Double Two-colored, Large Double Two-colored, Small Double White, Large Double White, Large Semi-double White, Small Double White, Whitley's Double Yellow, Globe Double Yellow, Large Double Yellow, Pale Double Yellow, Small Double 2 reversa Lindl. reversed 3fe 3 sanguisorbif61ia Lindl. Burnet-lvdSfe 13418 grandiflora Lindl. large-flowered 3fc 13419 myriacantha Dec. myriad-spined 3fe 13420 Biebersteinw Lindl. Bieberstein's & ferox Bieb. 13421 involiita Sm. involuted 13422 reversa W.tyK. reversed 13423 altkica Red. Altaian spinosissima ica Stev. Iberian & or 6 my.jl Pk Iberia 1820. L r.m 13453 floribtinda Stev. bundle-flwd & or 6 my.jl W Tauria 1819. L r.m rubiginbsa Bleb. 13454 pruinosa Lindl. frosted or 3 my.jn Pk Siberia 1818. L CO 13455 glutinosa Sm. glutinous Cretan & or 2 my.jn Pk Candia 1821. L CO Red. ros. 1. 47 IX. CANI\V,E. Prickles equal, hooked ; h>s glandless ; sep. decid. ; disk surround, throat j branches arched. 13456 sericea Lindl. silky & or 6 my.jn Pk Nepal 1822. L p.l Lind. ros 12 13457 caucasea Lindl. Caucasian 3fe or 20 jn.jl R Caucasu i 1798. L CO 13458 canina L. 2 coll'ma Jac. dog, or** | or or 8 8 n.jl jn.jl Pk Pk Britain Britain hed. hed. L L CO CO Eng. bot. 992 Eng. bot 1895 3 dumetorum7%Mzi r. thicket Sfc or 8 Pk England hed. L CO 4 cassia E. B. grey & or 6 jn.jl Pk. w Scotland hed. I, CO Eng. bot. 2367 13459 saxatilis Stev. rock 3fe or 5 Pk Tauria 1820. L r.m 13460 baltica Roth Baltic & or 5 jn.jl Pk Baltic 1825. L r.m 13461 leucantha Bleb. white-flowered 3 or 10 jn.jl W Iberia 1817. L r.m Lind. ros. 11 13462 nuda Woods naked ^ or 6 jn.jl Pk Britain hedges. L CO 13463 Sherardz Dav. Sherard's Sfe or 6 jn.jl Pk Britain hedges. L CO 13464 sarmentacea Swz. twiggy -* or 6 jn.jl Pk Britain hedges. L CO Cur. Ion. 5. 34 13465 bractescens Woods bractescent sfe or 6 jn.jl Pk Britain hedges. L CO 13466 Forster* Sm. Forster's 3fc or 6 jn.jl Pk Britain hedges. L CO 13467 surcutosa Woods spriggy -* or 4 jn.jl Pk Britain hedges. L CO 13468 rubrifolia Vll. red-leaved 3 or 6 P Europe 1814. L CO Bot. reg. 430 2 Redutea Thory Redoute's 3fe or 3 jnjl P 1822. L CO Red. ros. 1. 38 13469 Montezunirf? H.&B !. Montezuma's l i_ J or 3 jn.jl Pk Mexico 1825. C r.m Red. ros. 1. 16 13470 Indica L. blush Indian tt or 20 year F China 1789. C Lawr. ros. 26 Alba Animating AHro-riigra Bengale Bouquet Bengale a Fl. Panache* Bengale Blanche Bich5nia Carnescens Garden Varieties referable either to R. Indica or R. semperflbrens. Centifolia Lucida Purpurea Cerise eclatante Major SanguJnea Chiffbnnee Minor Sans Epines Cucullata Monstrosa Subalba E'legans Moonshine Terneaux Florida N"igra Thisbe Gigantea Ochroleuca Veloutee Lie de Vin 2 odoratissima Suit, sweetest-sctd * I 3 pumila Red. dwarf * | 4 longifolia W. long W'itfow-lvd * _| 5 Noisettz'dwa Noisette's * | 13471 Roxburgh; Hort. Roxburgh's g | 13472 Ayacinthina Hort. Hyacinth-scented & | or 13473 Boursoultn Hort. Boursoult's 13474 Fraseri?wz Hort. Eraser's 13475 purpurea Hort. purple 13476 flavescens Hort. flavescent China 13477 L6ng Swt. Lady Long's 13478 nivea Dec. snowy 13479 semperflorens Cur. ever-blowing 13480 Lawrenceawrt Swt. Miss Lawrence's 13481 microph^lla Rox. small-leaved or 3 Pa.PkChina 1810. C p.l or 1 Pk China C p.l or 5 Pk China ... C p.l or 10 my.s W hybrid C p.l or 13 my.s W China 1821. C p.l or 13 my.s R hybrid 1821. C p.l or 13 my.s Pk hybrid 1821. C p.l or 4 my.s Pk hybrid C ,1 or 4 my.s Pk hybrid ... C p.l or 3 my.s Crea China 1821. C p.l or 20 jn.jl R hybrid L p.l or 20 jl Pa China 1820. C s.p or 10 year C China 1789. C p.l or 1 year R China 1810. C p.l or 3 Pk E. Indies 1823. C p.l Bot. reg. 804 Red. ros. 1.42 Red. ros. 2. 12 Red. ros. 2. 77. ic Bot. mag. 284 Bot. mag. 1762 Bot. reg. 919 13482 systyla Desf. clustered-styled & 2 MonsbnzVzr Lindl. Lady Monson's & 13483 arvensis Hud. 13484 hybrida Schl. 13485 sempervirens L. corn white dog -* hybrid SI evergreen !t. 2 capreolata D. Don tvfiningAyrsh. 13486 gemimita Rau. 13487 Russelwttrt Hort. 13488 multiflora Thun. 2 multiplex 3 alba 13489 Grevillw Hort 13490 Erunbnii Lindl. 13491 moschata Mil. 2 fibre pleno 3 nepalensis Lindl. 4 arborea Pers. 5 nivea Lindl. 6 cvrattna Bosc 13492 rubifolia R. Br. 2 fenestralis Lindl. twin Russel's cottage many-flowered ~ double white Greville's \ Brown's musk double-flwd S Nepal !l tree snow bush i Evratine S Bramble-lvd - windowed or 6 my.jl Pk Britain hed. L CO Eng. bot. 1895 or 3 my.jl Pk Britain hed. L CO Red. ros. 3. 67.ic or 8 jn.jl W Britain hed. L CO, Eng. bot. 188 or 4 my.jn Pk Switzerl. L CO or 20 W S. Europe 1629. L CO Bot reg. 465 or 20 W 1818. L CO or 8 jn.jl w Switzerl. 1819. L r.m or 20 jn-jl P.R L P.l or 12 jn.jl Pk China" 1804. C S.1 or 12 Pk China 1804. C Bot. mag. 1059 or 20 W China 1810. C P 1 or 20 ap.jl R China C P-l or 12 W Nepal 1822. C CO Lind. ros. 14 or 12 jl.o" W Barbary 1596. L r.m Lawr. ros. 64 or 12 jl.0 W Barbary 1596. L r.m Lawr. ros. 53 or 12 jl.o W Nepal 1822. L CO Bot. reg. 829 or 30 Persia 1824. L CO or 4 jl'" w" 1822. L CO Bot. reg. 861 or 4 Pk ...... 1822. L CO or 6 au.s F N. Amer. 1800. L p.l or 4 au.s F N. Amer. 1800. L P.1 Lind. ros. 15 XI. BANKSIA^N^:. Stipules narrow, nearly free, often deciduous ; leaves oftenest ternate ; stems scandent. 13493 sinica Ait. three-lvd China HL or 5 my.jl W China 1759. C p.l Lind. ros. 16 13494 Banks**? R. Br. Lady Banks's |_ or 20 jn.jl W China 1807. C p.l Bot. reg. 397 2 flore luteo yellow- flowered fl_ or Y China 1824. C p.l 3 multiplex double-^ott)m^fl_ or 20 jn.jl Y E.Indies 1824. C p.l Bot. reg. 1105 13495 microcarpa Thun. small-fruited | or 10 my.s W China 1822. C p.l Lind. ros. 18 *1523. JRITBUS L. BRAMBLE. (Rub, red, Celtic ; fruit.) Rosace*. 63. 116. I. PINNATIF>UI. Lvs pinnate, underneath smooth, from No. 13500. undern. clothed with white tomentunt. 13496 rosEeft.lius Sm. Rose-leaved *| | or 3 ap.o W Mauritius 1811. C p.l Sm. ic. pic. 3. 60 2coronarius garland H \ | or 3 ap.o W Mauritius 1811. C p.l Bot mag. 1783 P 2 2J2 ICOSANDRIA POLYGYNIA. CLASS XII. or I I or fr or fr 13497 Eglanttria Trat. Eglantine 13498 pinnitus W. pinnate 13499 suberectus Ander. sub-upright nemorbsus Hay. 13500 micranthus D. Don small-flowered pauciflorus Lindl. 13501 distans D. Don distant 13502 apetalus Poir. petalless 13503 occidentalis L. occidental 13504 asper D. Don rough 13505 Idae x us L. Raspberry II. PALMATIFOLII. 13506 laciniatus W. en. jag-leaved 13507 trivialis Ph. trivial 13508 Cffi^sius L. grey Dewberry -* 13509 foliolosus D. Don small leafy 13510 peduncul&susD.Do/t pedunculate;! 13511 flagellaris W.en. rod 13512 inermis W. en. 13513 corylifolius E. B. 13514 agrestis W. $ K. 13515 plicatus Weihe 13516 afTmis Weihe 13517 wlmifolius Schott 13518 Linkidfuu Ser. l_J or 3 ap.jl W N. Holl. 1825. C p.l i _ | or 5 jn.jl Pk Madeira 1789. C p.l or 4 jn.s W Britain woods. Sk co fr 10 R Nepal 1822. C co 5 jl W Nepal 1818. L co 6 P Is. France 1823. C p.l 5 my.jn W N. Amer. 1696. Sk co 5 my.jn W Nepal 1821. L p.l 5 my.jn W Britain m.wo. Sk r.m Leaves palmate, 3 5-foliate. unarmed Hazel-leaved field folded similar Elm-leaved Link's paniculatus Schlec. 13519 fruticosus L. common shrubby-* 2 albus white-fruited 3 plenus 13520 tomentosus Weihe 13521 glanduldsus W. en. 13522 hirtus W. $ K. 13523 sanctus Schreb. 13524 canteens Dec. 13525 fastigiatus Weihe 13526 filiajfolius Weihe 13527 cordifolius Weihe 13528 rubricaulis Weihe 13529 Menkzi Weihe 13530 Schlechtendahlw 1 Weihe 13531 Schleichcn Weihe Schleicher's 13532 h6rridus Weihe horrid 13533 leucdstachys Schl. white-spiked 13534 rhamnifbliusWeihe Buckthorn-lvd 13535 nitidus Weihe shining 13536 argutus Lk. sharp. toothed 13537 cuneifolius Ph. wedge-leaved 13538 sanguinolentus Lk. blood-red 13539 Sprengelw Weihe Sprengel's vulplnus Ser. doub\e-flowered~. \vootty-leaved glandular hairy holy canescent fastigiate Lime-tree-lvd heart-leaved red-stemmed Menk's 13540 villbsus H.K. 13541 strigosus Ph. 13542 jamaicensisi. 13543 hispidus L. 13544 lanuginbsus Stev. 13545 tetraphyllus H. K. 13546 parvifolius L. 13547 canadensis L. 13548 saxatilis L. 13549 triflorus Rich. 13550 arcticus L. 13551 pistillatus Sm. acaulis MX. 13552 agopodioldes Ser. 13553 odoratus L. 13554 reflexus Ker 13555 moluccanus L. 13556 rugosus Sm. 13557 stellatus Sm. 13558 Chamaemorus L. shaggy stngose Jamaica bristly woolly four-leaved small-leaved Canadian stone three-flowered arctic close-styled Jc or 12 jn.s W.R L co Jc or 7 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1789. Sk co Jk fr 2 jn jl W Britain bor. fi. Sk co j or 6 jn.jl W Nepal 1818. L co Sfc or 5 jn.jl W Nepal 1818. L co or 6 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1789. Sk co -* or 12 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1805. Sk co -* or 10 jl W Britain hed. Sk co -A or 6 jn jl W Hungary 1820. L co -Jk or 10 jn.s W Britain hed. L co -* or 8 jn.s W Britain hedges. L co -* or 10 jn.s W Spain 1823. L co -* or 10 jn.jl W Europe 1821. L co r-* or 10 jn.s Pk Britain hed. L co -* or 10 jn.s W Britain hed. L co f-* or 6 jn.s Pk Britain hed. L co Jc or 10 jn.s W Germany 1818. L co Jc or 10 jn.s W Germany 1816. L co * or 10 jn.s W Hungary 1816. L co Jk or 8 jn.jl Pk Palestine 1823. L co -J: or 6 jn.s W Alp. Eur. 1820. L co Jk or 8 jn.s W Switzerl. 1819. L co -A or 6 jn.jl W Germany 1819. L co -* or 8 jn.jl ^k or 6 jn.jl W W Germany 1816. L co Germany 1818. L co ^ or 8 jn.jl W Germany 1816. L co .'s-* or 10 jn.jl W Europe 1823. L co ^* or 8 jn.jl W Germany 1818. L co -* or 6 jn.jl Jk or 10 jn.jl W W Germany 1817. L co Britain hedges. L co ~ or 10 jn.s W Britain hed. L co ^ or 3 jn.s W Britain thick. L oo ^fc or 3 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1823. L co -* or 3 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1811. Sk co * I | or 4 R I. France 1824. C co -* or 10 jn.s Pk Germany 1823. L co 3 or 3 W N. Amer. 1777. Sk co & or 3 jn.jl W N. Amer. ... Sk co * l_| or 6 ... Jamaica 1822. C co *. or 3 au w" Canada 1768. Sk co J* or 10 jn.jl W Siberia 1820. L co -* or 10 jn.jl w N. Amer. 1819. L co * | or 2 au.s Pk China 1818. L co -* or 3 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1811. Sk co -* A or ijn W Britain m.wo. Sk p.l -* A or f J n w Canada ... Sk p.l ^ A fr i Pk Scotland al. ro. Sk p.l * A or J jn.jl R Labrador 1802. Sk p.l Eng. bot. 2572 Bot. reg. 854 Di. el. 247. 319 Eng. bot. 2442 Den. br. 69 Eng. bot. 826 Eng. bot. 827 W. & K. 3. 268 Nees r. g, 3 Eng. bot. 715 Neesr. g.8 W. & K. 2. 141 Nees r. g. 2 L or III. LOBATIFbUL sweet-scented 3fe or reflexed !, | | or Moluccas !U i | or wrinkly It i ) or starred ^ A or Cloud -berry ^ A fr Ij jn.jl W N. Amer. 1825. Leaves simple, merely lobed. Skp.l 7 jn.jl 3 3 jLau 3 jn.jl i jn.jl N. Amer. 1700. Sk co China 1817. Sk co E.Indies 1810. Sk l.p S. Amer. 1819. " N. Amer. 1824. C co Sk p.l my.jn W Britain moun. Sk p.l SI. jam. 2. 213. 1 Bot. reg. 496 Eng. bot 2233 Eng. bot. 1585 Ex. bot. 2. 86 Bot. mag. 323 Bot. reg. 461 Ru am. 5. 47. 2 Sm. ic. pic. 3. 64 Eng. bot. 716 1524. DALIBA'RD.4 L. DALIBARDA. 13559 riolaeoides MX. Violet-like repens L. (Denis Dalibard. a French botanist.) Rosacete. I. 3. A cu i my.jn W N. Amer. 1768. D l.p Mic. am. 1. 27 153S. COMARO'PSIS Rich. COMAROPSIS. (Comarum, marsh cinquefoil, opsis, appearance.) RoscLceat. 2. 5. 13560 Voniana Dec. Don's A or | my.jn Y N. Amer. 1800. D l.p Bot. mag. 1567 Dalibarda fragarioldes R M. Waldsteima Domana Trat. 13561 fragarioides Dec. Strawberry-Ik ^ A cu | my.jn W - N. Amer. 1803. D l.p Mic. am. 1. 28 Dalibarda fragarioides MX. 1526. FRAG A^RI A Tou. STRAWBERRY. (Fragrans, fragrant 13562 vesca L. edible A fr I W 13563 calycina Loi. large-calyxed A fr 1 ap.jn W grandiflora Thuil. 13564 monophylla W. one-leaved 13565 collina Ehrh. hill Green Pine 13566 majaufea Duch. Majaufe deChamp. 13567 Breslingza Duch. Bresling 13568 platanoldes Ser. Plane-like 13569 elatior Ehrh. taller perfumed fruit.) Rosaces. 13. Britain woods. Rs 8.1 Eng. bot. 1524 France ... Rs r.l 13570 canadensig M*. Canada A fr 1 my.jn W 1773. Rss.l Bot. mag. 63 A A fr fr 1 ap.n I W W Germany France 1768. Rsr.l Rs r.lj A fr 1 ap.jn w France ... Rsr.l Noi. jar. 13. 2 A fr 1 ap.jn R N. Amer. ... Rsr.l A fr 1| W Britain i fvoods. Rsr.l Eng. bot. 2197 A fr 1| W N. Amer. ... Rsr.l ORDER III. ICOSANDRIA POLYGYNIA. 213 J3571 virginiana Mil. 13372 grandiflbra Ehrh. 13513 chilensis Ehrh. 13574 bonariensis J. 13575 indica Andr. scarletV'irg'miii A fr Pine great-flwd A ff Chile A ft Buenos Ayres j A fr yellow Indian . A or 1 W 1 W fmy.jn W 2 ap.jn Ap 1 my.o Y N. Amer. 1629. Surinam 1759. S. Amer. 1727. B. Ayres ... India 1805. Rs r.l Noi.jar. 12. 2 Rs r.l Mil. ic. 2. 288 Rsr.l NoLjar. 12. 1 Rsr.l Rs s.p Bot. reg. 61 1527. CO'MARUM L. COMARUM. (Komaron, the arbutus ; similarity of fruit.) Rosaces. 1. 13576 paliistre L. marsh CinquefoUH A cu 1| jn.jl P Britain D p Eng. bot. 172 Potentilla Cttmarum Sco. * 1528. POTENT I'LL A L. CINQUEFOIL. (Potens, powerful ; supposed med. qual.) Rosacete. 102. 126. I. POTENTILLA'STRUM. Petals yellow, rarely purple ; leaves palmate, from No. 13G40. pinnate. 13577 fruticbsa L. shrubby 3 or 4 Y England m.b.f' 13578 floribunda Ph. bundle-flowered 3 or 4 jn.o Y 'N. Amer. 1811. L CO Den. br. 70 13579 nivea L. snowy ^ A pr | Y Siberia 1816. D CO Bot. cab. 460 13580 angustifblia Schlcc. many-leaved ^ A or 4 my.jn Y Siberia 1824. D CO Leh. pot. 19 leucophylla Fis. 13581 grandiflbra L. great-flowered ^t A or 1 jn.jl Y Siberia 1640. D CO Bot. mag. 75 13582 uniflora.Lfrf. one-flowered ^ A or i my.jn Y Dahuria 1819. U CO Leh. pot. 18 13583 macrantha Led. long-flowered ^j A or a my.jn Y Siberia 1820. 1) CO 13584 minima Hal.f. smallest ^ A or i my.jn Y Switzerl. 1818. D CO Bot. cab. 480 13585 glacialis Hal.f. icy ^ A or i ap.jn Y Switzerl. 1819. D CO Ser. hel. 1. 7 13586 frigida Vil. frigid A or i ap.jn Y Alp. Delp.1819. D CO Nes. pot. 10. 3 13587 velutina Leh. velvety ^ A or i ap jn Y France 1819. D CO 13588 villbsa PA. villous ^ A or 1 jn-jl Y N. Amer. 1820. D CO Leh. pot. 16 13589 /ragiformis W. 13590 speciusa JF. Strawberry-like^ showy ^ A A or or 1 jn.jl 1 jn.jl Y Y S. Europe 1800. Crete 1821. D D CO CO Leh. pot. 15 Nes. pot. 11 13591 bithynica Horn. Bithynian ^ A or 1 jn.jl Y Bithynia 1817. D CO ' 13592 declinata Horn. declinate-i>vm. ^j A or 1 mv.jn Y 1817. D CO 13593 norvegica L. 13594 monspeliensis L. 13595 elatior ScM. Norwegian ^ Montpelier ^ taller ^ A A Pr l>r or f jnjl 4JLau 2 jn.jl Y Y Y N. Europe 1764. France 1680. Siberia 1824. S D D CO CO CO Fl. dan. 171 M. h. 2. 20. 2 Leh. pot. 14 13596 subacaulis L. sub-stemless ^ A or i Y S. France 1820. D CO Scop. car. 1. 22 cinerea Chaix 13597 reptans L. 13598 humifusa ^M/. creeping ~ trailing ^ A A Pr or i jn.s ijnjl Y Y Britain Missouri 1823. D D CO CO Eng. bot. 862 13599 flagellaris W. rd Jf A or * W Y Siberia 1824. D CO Leh. pot. 12 13600 umbrbsa Stev. shady ^ A or Y Tauria 1818. D CO 13601 vinbsa Lo. C. vinous ^t A or 1 jn.jl Y 1818. D CO 13602 canadensis L. Canadian ^ A or Y N. Amer. 1800. D CO Nes. pot. 10. 1 13603 sarmentbsa W. en. twiggy .* A pr - Jl Y N. Amer. 1804. D CO 13604 verna L. spring ^t A | Y Britain highl. p. D CO Eng. bot. 37 13605 opaca L. 13606 crbcea Leh. opaque ^ saffron-co/orerf ^ A A pr or 4 my.jn 1 my.jl Y Cop S. Europe 1680. Switzerl. 1816. D D CO CO Jac. ic. 1. 91 Jac. ic. 3. 499 sabauda Dec. filifor mis Vil. 13607 debilis Schl. weak ^ A or my.jn Switzerl. 1819. D CO 13608 aurea L. 2 salisburgensis Ser. golden ^ Salisbury ^ A A pr or i my.jl f my.jn Y Y Scotland sc. alp. S. Europe 1820. D D CO CO Eng. bot. 561 Jac. ic. 1. 490 salisburgensis Hoe. 13609 patula W. $. K. 13610 fferanio'ides W. spreading ^ Geranium-like ^ A A or or 1 my.jl i my.jl Y Y Hungary 1818. Armenia 1820. D D CO CO W. & K. 2. 199. Nes. pot. 5. 1 13611 HalienSer. Haller's A or i my.jl Y Switzerl. F1819. D CO Hal. h. 21. 4 13612 piimila Pair. dwarf ^ A or 1 my.jl Y N. Amer. 1810. D CO 13613 Thomasa Ten. Thomas's 5^ A or 4 my.jl Y Italy 1822. D CO Fl. nap. 1. 44 13614 petra2 x a Schl. 13615 argentea L. 13616 Guntheri Pohl rock ^ silvery ^ Gunther's ^ A A A or pr or 4 my.jl 1 1 my.jl Y Y Y Switzerl. 1819. Britain gra. pa. Europe 1818. D D D CO CO CO Eng. bot. 89 Leh. pot. 10 13617 calabra Ten. Calabrian ^ A or 1 jn.jl Y Italy 1820. D CO Fl. nap. 45 13618 Weinmanm Lod. Weinmann's ^ A or 1 jn.jl Y Europe 1817. D CO Bot. cab. 706 13619 inclinata Vil. 13620 canescens Bes. inclined-firan. 9K canescent fc A A or or 1 jn.jl 1 jn.jl Y Y Alp.Delp. 1818. Europe 1817. D D CO CO Vil. del. 3. 45 Tau. h. c. 1. 10 13621 intermedia L. intermediate ^ A pr 1 my.s Y Switzerl. 1786. D CO 13622 col Una Wibel hill ^ A or 1 Jn.jl Y S. Europe 1816. D CO 13623 inrisa Desf. cut-leaved & A or 1 jn-jl Y 1818. D CO 13624 virgata LeA. 13625 taurica W. twiggy ^ Taurian ^ A A or or 1 Jn.jl 1 jnjl Y Y 1820. Tauria 1820. D D CO CO Leh. pot. 9 13626 thuringiaca Bernh. Thuringian ^ A or Y Germany 1819. D CO 13627 adscendens JF. era ascending ^ A pr 1 jnjl Y Hungary 1806. D CO 13628 stipularis L. stipular ^ A 1 Y Siberia 1727. D CO Gm. si. 3. 37. 2 13629 obscura W. obscure ^ A or 1 jn.jl* Y Siberia 1800. D CO Bal. tic. 10 13630 lacinibsa W. Sf K. jagged ^ A or 1 jn.jl Y Hungary 1816. D CO Leh. pot. 7 13631 pedata W. pedate ^ A or 1 jn.jl Y Europe 1819. D CO Bot. cab. 579 13632 hirsute Mr. hairy ^ A or 1 my.jl Y N. Amer. 1820. D CO 13633 hirta W. hairy ^ A P r 1 my.s Y S. Europe 1725. D CO 13634 recta L. upright 9i A pr 1 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1648. D CO Jac. au. 4. 383 13635 astracanica Jac. Astracan ^ A . pr 1 Y Siberia 1787. D CO Jac. ic. 1. 92 13636 atrosanguinea Lod. 13637 formosa D. Don dark-bloody beautiful ) .AJ or Al or 1| my.s 14 Jnjl P P Nepal 1822. Nepal 1822. D D CO CO Bot. mag. 2689 Hook. ex. fl. 88 nepalensis Hook. 13638 ruthenica W. Russian ^ A pr f my.jn Y Siberia 1799. D CO M. h. 20. 2 13639 diffiisa W. en. diffuse ^ A pr | Y 1817. D CO 13640 bifurca L. forked -leaved * A pr 4 gjj L.Y Siberia 1773. D CO Gm. it. 1. 27. 1 2 subsericea Ser. rather silky ^ A or P.Y Astracan 1827. D CO 13641 supina . trailing ^ A P r I* jUu Y Siberia 1696. D CO Jac. au. 5. 406 13642 pimpinelloides L. Burnet-like ^ A pr A Y Levant 1758. D CO Bux. cen. 1. 48 13643 ornithopodidides L< in. Ornith.-like ^ A or 4 - Y 1827. D CO 13644 cicutariaefblia W. Cicuta-leaved ^ A or 1 Y Galacea 1818. I) CO Nes. pot. 2. 2 13645 viscbsa Donn clammy ^ A pr Y Dauria 1797. D CO Nes. pot. 36 hispida *forf. 13646 pennsylvanica L. hispida W. en. Pennsylvanian ^ A pr 1 Y N. Amer. 1725. D CO Jac. vin. 2. 18S 13647 multifida L. many-cleft ^ A P r i my.jn Y Siberia 1759. n CO Ser. hel. 1. 8. 13648 biflbra JF. two-flowered ^ A or i i my.jn Y Siberia 1820. D CO Leh. pot. 20 13649 verticiliaris W. whorled ^ A or i my.jl Y Siberia 1818. I) CO Am. rut. 16 r s 214 ICOSANDRIA POLYGYNIA. CL. XII. OR. III. 13650 Decides Bleb. Geum-like ^ A or \ jn.jl Y 13651 Sprengelz(mfl Leh. Sprengel's ^ A or 1 jn.jl Y fragarioldes W. 13652 Filipendula Schl. Dropwort ^ A or 1 jn.jl Y 13653 Sanguis6rba Sckl. Burnet ^ A or 1 my.jn Crea 13654 agrimonioldes Bleb. Agrimony-like^ A or | my.jn Y 13655 candicans H. 8f B. whitish ^ _AJ or my.jn Y 13656 Egedii Worm. Egedius's ^t A or i my.jn Y 13657 sericea L. silky ^ A pr my.jn Y 13658 Anserina L. Goose Tansy ^ A w f my.s Y 13659 lineariloba M. % S. linear-lobed ^ tAJ or my.jn Y 13660 splendens Wai. fine ^ A or 1 my.jl Y lineata Trev. II. FRAGARIA'STRUM. Petals white or red, sometimes yellowish ; 13661 Salesovu Step. Salesovius's & or 2 W 13662 rupestris L. rock k A pr 1 my.s W 13663 fragarioides L. Strawberry-Ik ^ A pr I my.jn W 13664 alba L. white ii A pr $ W 136f>5 alchemilloldes Lap. Alchemilla-like^ A or my.jn W 13666 micrantha Ram. small-flowered ^ A or | my.jn W 13667 hjforida Wallr. hybrid ^ A or my.jn W 13668 glabra Lod. smooth shrubby 3k or 2 W 13669 Fragaria Poir. Strawberry ^ A cu | my.jn W Fragariastrum Ehrh. Fragaria sterilis L. 13670 caulescens L. caulescent ^ A or 1 my.jn W.Y 13671 Clusidna Jac. Clusius's ^ A P r 1 W.Y 13672 /upino\des W. Lupin-like ^ A pr f jn.jl W.Y 13673 multidentata Ser. many-toothed ^ A pr f jn.jl W.R nitida Jac. 13674 Valderm L. Valder's ^ A or $ myjn W 13675 nitida L. shining ^ A or i jn.jl W.R 13676 apennina Ten. Apennine ^ A or my.jn W 13677 Boccom' Nest. Boccon's ^ A or jn.jl W 13678 tridentata Sol. three-toothed-/z;d ^ A pr i jn.jl W Tauria 1820. D co Leh. pot. 2 Siberia 1824. D co Leh. pot. 3 Dahuria 1823. D co Siberia 1826. D co Leh. pot. 5 Caucasus 1817. D co Mexico 1820. D co Denmark 1820. D co Fl. dan. 1578 Siberia 1780. D co Leh. pot. 6 Britain m. me. D co Eng. bot. 861 Mexico 1824. D co Nepal 1822. D co Sw. fl. gar. 191 leaves pinnate,frotn No. 13664. palmate. Siberia 1823 L p.l Leh. pot. 1 England al. roc. D co Eng. bot. 2058 Siberia 1773. D co Gm. si. 3. 34. 2 Wales w. alp. D co Eng. bot. 1384 Pyrenees 1823. D co Ac. tou.1.17 Switzerl. 1820. D co Ser. hel. 1. 5 Germany 1820. D co Dahuria 1818. D co Bot. cab. 914 Britain banks. D co Eng. bot. 1785 Austria 1759. D'co Jac. au. 3. 220 Austria 1806. D co Bot. mag. 1327 Alp Eur. 1739. D co Bot. cab. 654 Austria 1798. D co Jac. au. 5. ap. 25 Piedmont 1825. D co Al. ped. 24. 1 Switzerl. 1816. D co Boc. mu. 9. 4 Apenninesl821. D co Fl. nap. 46 Apenninesl823. D co Nes. pot. 10. 2 Scotland sc. alp. D co Eng. bot. 2389 1529. TORMENTI'LLA L. SEPTFOIL. (Tormentum, pain ; supp. efficacy in tooth-ache.) Rosacece. 2. 13679 reptans L. creeping TJ* A w jn.jl Y Britain Rs co Eng. bot. 864 13680 cr^cta L. officinalis E. B. erect 1 my.o Y Britain bar. pa. D co Eng. bot. 863 1530. GE^UM L. AVEN& (Get/o, to Rive a relish ; roots of G. urbanum.) Rosacea. 21. 37. 13681 canadense Mur. Canadian ik A or 1| jn.jl Y Canada 1810. D CO Mur. 5. 4 13682 macrophyllum W.e n. Ions-leaved or 2 n.jl Y Kamtsch. 1804. D p.l 13683 heterophyllum Desv. various-lvd 3t A or 2 jn.jl W 1816. D CO 13684 intermedium Bes. intermediate ^ A or 1^ Y Vol'hynia 1794. D p.l 13685 virginianum Ph. Virginian & A or 1| W N. Amer. D p.l Her. par. 111 13686 album Ph. \\hite-flowered & A or 1 W N. Amer. 1730. D p.l Jac. vin. : 2.175 canadense Jac. 13687 Portensc^lagzd-7 Portenschlag's ^ A or H jn.jl Y 1820. D CO 13688 urbanum L. city ^t A or 1| Y Britain woods. D p.l Eng. bot. 1400 13689 chilognse Balb. Chile f A or 2 ... Cop Chile 1826. D CO Bot. reg. 1088 coccineum B. R. 13690 ranuncitloldes Ser. Ranunculus-Ik & A or 1 jn.jl Y 1823. D CO heterophyllum Hort. not Desf. 13691 rivale L. river ^ A or 1 jn.jl R.Br Britain m. me. D p.l Eng. bot. 106 2 intermedium W. intermediate ^ A or 1| my.jn Y Germany 1794. D p.l W. h. b. ] .69 13692 nhtans Rafi. nodding ;k A or li jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1825. D p.l 13693 hybridum Jac, 13694 pyrenaicum Ram. hybrid Pyrenean ^ A & A or or 1 jn.jl 14 jn.jl R.Br Y Europe Pyrenees 1804. D D P!I Jac. ic. 1. 94 Lam. il. 44 inclination Schl. 13695 rotundifulium Lan. round-leaved 3z A or 1 jn.jl Y Russia 1820. D CO Adamsja rotundifu lia Fis. 13696 brachypctalum Ser. short-petaled ^ A or 1 Jn.jl Y 1818. D CO 13697 atlanticum Desf. Atlantic ^ A or 1 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1810. D CO sylvaticum Pou. bif lorum Brot. 13698 strictum Ph. strict :ik A or 1 my.jn St N. Amer. 1778. D p.l Jac. ic. 1. : 93 13699 agrimonioides Ph. 13700 ciliatum Ph. Agrimony-Ik ciliated ^ A ^ A or or I 3 in jl W Y N. Amer. 1811. N. Amer. 1818. D D p.l CO 13701 radiatum MX. radiated I A or 1 jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1815. D CO 1531. KE'R^/^4 Dec. KERRIA. (W. Ker, a collector of plants for Kew Gardens.) Rosaces. 1. 13702 japonica Dec. Japan * or 3 year Y Japan 1700. L co Bot. mag. 1296 C6rchorus japonicus L. 1532. C ALYCA'NTHUS L. ALLSPICE. (Kalyx, calyx, anthos, flower ; colored calyx.) Calycdnthece. 13703 floridus W. florid & fra 6 Br Carolina 1726. L l.p Bot. mag. 503 13704 fertilis W. fertile & fra 3 Br Carolina 1726. L l.p Bot. reg. 404 13705 laevigatus W. en. smooth-leaved 3fe fra 3 my.jl Br N. Amer. 1806. L l.p Bot. reg. 481 13706 oblongifolius Nut. oblong-leaved 5S fra 4 Br N. Amer. 1820. L l.p 13707 pennsylvanicusLo.C. Permsylvanian 3fe fra 4 Br Pennsylv. 1820. L l.p 1533. RHEE'D/^ L. RHEEDIA. (Henr. van Rheede van Draakenstein, patron of bot.) Guttifercs? 1. 2. 13708 javanica Hort. Java 1 CZ) or Java 1826. C s.l.p 1534. CHIMONA'NTHUS Lindl. CHIMONANTHUS. (Cheimon, winter, anthos, fl. ; time of fl.) Calycdnthece. 1-3. 13709 fragrans Lindl. fragrant & fra 6 d.f Y.R Japan 1766. L l.p Bot. mag. 466 Calycanthus praeVox L. 2 grandiflorusLwutf. large-flowered & fra 8 df Y.R China ... Leo Bot. reg. 451 Sluteus yellow flfc fra 6 df Y Japan 1818. L l.p *1535. DRY^AS L. DRYAS. (Having leaves like tne oak, which was sacred to the Dryads.} Rosace&. 3. 13710 octopetala /,. eight-petaled JU pr 4 W Britain al.roc. D s.p Eng bot. 451 2 americaiu American JU pr J W N. Amer. 1800. D s.p CL. XIII. OR. I. POLYANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 215 | Greenland 1824. Canada 1820. D s.p D s.p Fl. dan. 1216 Hook. ex. fl. 220 (Kolouros, deprived of a tail; seed.) A pr | jn O Siberia 1780. (M. Sievers, a Russian botanical collector.) Rosacete. I. 3. D p.l Jac. vin. 3. 68 13711 integrif&lia Vahl entire-leaved 13712 tenella Ph. delicate integrifdlia Hook. 1536. COLITRIA R. Br. COLURIA. 13713 potentilloides R. Br. Potentilla-like Geum potentilloides L. 1537. SIEVE'RSJ^I W. SIEVERSIA. 13714 montana Spr. mountain 13715 rptans Spr. creeping 13716 anemonoides IV. Anemone-like 13717 glacialis Spr. icy Adamsja glacialis Fis. 13718 triflora R. Br. three-flowered Geum triflora Ph. 13719 Peckw R. Br. Peck's Geum Peckw Ph. 1538. EUPOMA V TI A R. Br. EUPOMATIA. (Eu, well, pomazo, to close with a lid ; fl. bud.) Anonacecc ? 13720 teurina R. Br. Laurel-like * i_J or 4 N. HolL 1824. C s.l.p A pr A A imy.s | S Austria 1597. Switzerl. 1775. Kamtsch. 1820. Siberia 1819. D co D p.l D p.l D p.l Rosacete. 6. Jac. au. 4. 373 Jac. au. 5. ap. 22 A pr Y N. Amer. 1826. D p.l A pr Y N. Amer. 1826. D p.l CLASS XIII. ORDER 1. POLYA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. *1539. CA'PPARIS L. 13721 mariana Jac. 13722 spinosa L. 13723 ovata Detf. Fontanfesw Dec. 13724 herbacea W. 13725 aegyptia Lam. 13726 aphylla Roth 13727 zeylanica L. 13728 acuminata W. 13729 sepiaria L. 13730 Brass* Dec. 13731 frond6sa Jac. 13732 trifl6ra Mil. 13733 cynophall6phora 1 13734 eustachiana Jac. 13735 saligna Vahl 13736 linearis Jac. 13737 verrucbsa Jac. 13738 pulcherrima Jac. arborescens Mil. 13739 amygdalina Lam. 13740 odoratissima Jac. 13741 tenuisiliqua Jac. 13742 ferruginea L. octandra Jac. 13743 Breynza L. 13744 jamaicensis Jac. 13745 toruldsa Swx. uncinata Lo. C. 13746 undulata Lo. C. 13747 auriculata Lo. C. 1540. NIEBITHR/^ Dec. NIEBUHRI&. (Cars/era Niebuhr, a traveller in Arabia.) Capparidece. 3. 7. 13748 caffra Dec. Caffrarian 4k u_J or 4 ... W C. G. H. 1818. C s.p CrataeVa caffra Burc. 13749 mad agascariensis Dec. Madagascar Jfc Q or 4 ... W Madagasc.1822. C p.l 13750 oblongiiolia Dec. oblong-leaved fl_ \ | or 4 ... W E. Indies 1822. C s.p Capparis heteroclita Rox. 1541. KYA^XEA Vahl RYANEA. (John Ryan, M.D. F.R.S. a correspondent of Vahl's.) Flacourtianece. 13751 speciosa Vahl showy * a o 10 ... W Trinidad 1823. C s.l Vahl ec. 1. 9 Patrinia pyrifera Rich. 1542. MARCGRAT//4 Plu. MARCGRAVIA. (G. Marcgraaf. auth. of a voy. to Brazil.) Marcgraviacece. 2.-4. 13752 umbellata L. umbelled 1 CZ1 cu 20 ... W W. Indies 1792. C s.l.p Jac. am. 96 o< CAPER TREE. (Kabar, capers, Arabic.} Camarldets. 27. 118. Marianne Is. *l lor 4 W Timor 1820. C S.1 Jac. sc. 109 common spiny 3fe 1 1 cul ovate Si 1 or 3 3 W W S. Europe 1596. S. Europe ... C C S.I S.I Bot. mag. 29 Boc. sic. 42. herbaceous $ Al or 2 W Tauria 1818. S S.I Egyptian * Q or leafless i~l or 3 ... 4 W W Egypt 1822. E. Indies 1822. C C S.1 Lp Del. aeg. 31. 3 Ceylon r~~l or 6 ... W Ceylon 1819. C S.1 acuminate Oor 6 W E. Indies 1822. C Lp Braam 29 hedge or 4 ,. W R Indies 1823. C S.1 Pluk. al. 338. 3 Brass's or 4 tt W GoldCoastl793. C 8.1 leafy or 7 W W. Indies 1793. C r.m Jac. am. 102 warty or 8 M W Carthage. 1820. C s.l Jac. am. 99 fairest Q or 10 W Carthage. 1700. C S.1 Jac. am. 106 Almond-like *t I I or 6 W W. Indies 1818. C s.l PI. gen. 40. 16 sweetest-seen ted H C~l or 6 W Caraccas 1814. C r.m Jac. sc. 1. 110 slender-podded *t 1 i or 6 t< W Caraccas 1823. C S.1 Jac. am. 105 ferrugineous * 1 1 or 4 W Jamaica C s.l Br. jam. 28.1 Breynius's . * 1 1 or Jamaica a f~~l or 11 4 W W W. Indies 1752. Jamaica 1793. C C l.p r.m Jac. am. 103 Jac. am. pic. 101 twisted ill j or 6 ... W W. Indies 1822. C s.l waved ifc 1 1 or 6 W C S.1 eared H i i or 6 ... W C S.1 13753 coriacea Vahl leathery-leaved s . 20 W Guiana C s.l.p (Anthos, a flower, loma, a fringe.) Marcgraviacete. L 10 N. Holl. 1810. C s.l TLab. vo. 41 1543. ANTHOLCPMA Lab. ANTHOLOMA. 13754 montana Lab. mountain * f~~l or 1544. NORA'NTEA Aub. NORANTEA. (Gonoro-Antegri, its name in Guiana.) Marcgravttceee. 2. 15755 guian^nsis Aub. Guiana CZ) or 4 ... V Guiana 1818. C s.l Aub. gui. 1. 220 /Tscyrum violaceum Aub. 15756 brasiWnsis Choi. Brazil * CD or 4 Brazil 1820. C s.l P 4 216 POLYANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS XIII. 1545. ACTX?A L. 13757 spicata L. 13758 alba Mil. ' vihite-berried brachypetala Dec. americana Ph. 13759 rubra W. en. red-berried brachyp^tala /3 rubra Dec. 1546. MACRO'TYS Rafi. MACHOTYS. 13760 racemosa Rafi. racemose Actafa racemosa L. ACT^EA. (AMaia, an elm; resemblance in foliage.) Banunculaceee. 3. spiked Bane-berry %_ A or 3 ap.jn W Britain m.wo. R s.l Eng. bot. 918 A or 2 ap.jn W N. Amer. ... R p.l Cor. ca. 77 A or ap.jn N. Amer. (Makros, long, ous, ear; capsule.) A or 2 ap.jn W N. Amer. R p.l RanunculucetE. 1. 2. D p.l *1547. SANGUINA^RIA L. PUCCOON. 13761 canadensis L. Canadian Bloodwort & A (Sanguis, blood ; blood-colored juice.) Papaveracea. 1. pr i mr.ap W N. Amer. 1680. R s.p Bot. mag. 162 1548. PODOPHY'LLUM L. DUCK'S-FOOT. (Pous, foot, phyllon, leaf; long leaf-stalks.) Podophyllacea:. 1. 2. 13762 peltatum L. peltate May Apple k A cu J my R N. Amer. 1664. D s.p Bot. mag. 1819 1549. CHELIDCTNIUM Bauh. CELANDINE. (Chelidon, the swallow; timeofflwg.) Papaverbcece. 3 5. 13763 majus Mil. common larger ^ A w 2 ap.o Y Britain D co Eng. bot. 1581 13764 grandiflbrum Dec. great-flowered ^ A or 2 ap.o Y Dahuria 1820. D co dahdricum Hort. 13765 laciniatum Mil. jagged ^t A or 2 ap.o Y S. Europe ... D co Mil. ic. 1. 92. 1 1550. ROME N R//f Med. ROMERIA. (J. J. Rb'mer, prof. bot. at Landshut, died 1820.) Papaveracece. 2. 3. 13766 h^brida Dec. hybrid O or 2 my.jn P Britain hed. S co Eng. bot. 201 Chelid6nium hybridum L. 13767 refracta Dec. refracted O or 1 jn.jl V Tauria 1818. S co Deless. 2. 8 * 1551. GLAU'CIUM Tou. HORN POPPY. (Glaukos, glaucous j color of plant.) Papaveracea:. 4. 5. 13768 flavum Dec. luteum H. K. 13769 ftilvum Sm. 13770 phceniceum Sm. corniculatum L. 2 flaviflorum 13771 rubrum Sm. yellow tawny : purple yellow-flowered red Q) or 2 jn.o Y Britain S co Eng. bot. 8 O or O or 2 au.s 2 jnjl 1 jnjl I jn.jl Y.a R S. Europe 1802. S co Sw. fl. gar. 35 England S co Eng. bot. 1433 Tauria Greece 1823. 1818. S co S co 488 1552. PAPA^VER Tou. POPPY. (Papa, pap, Celt.; formerly used in children's food.) Papaveracea. 21. 27. I. HISPIUICA'RPA. Capsules hispid. naked-stalked yellow-flowered scarlet smooth rooted 13772 nudicaule L. 1 luteum 2 coccineum 3 glabratum Dec. 4 radicatum Dec. 13773 rubro-aurantiacumFis. red orange 13774 microcarpum Dec. small-fruited 13775 pyrenaicum W. aurantiacum Loi. 2 puniceum Dec. alp"mum Lap. 13776 alplnum L. Burseri Crz. 13777 hybridum L. 13778 Argemone L. 13779 dubium L. 13780 Rhce v as L. 2 maculatum 3 coccineum 4 carneum 5 album 6 variegatum 7 multiplex 13781 trilobum Spr. 13782 lasvigatum Bieb. 13783 arenarium Bieb. 13784 Roubi 1 Caucasus 1813. Armenia 1815. (Mekon, a poppy, opsis, resemblance.) Y England al.roc. S co Bot, mag. 1675 s.p Papaveraceee. 1. 4. ~ s.p Eng. bot. 66 1553. MECONO'PSIS Vig. MECONOPSIS. 13793 cSmbrica Vig. Welsh ^ A or Papaver cambricum L. *1554. ARGEMCTNE Tou. ARGEMONE. (Argema, cataract of the eye ; sup. med. qual.) Papaveraceee. 4. 13794 mexicana L. Mexican O or 1| Y Mexico 1592. S co Bot. mag. 243 13795 albiflora Sims white-flowered O or 1J W Mexico 1821. S co Bot. mag. 2342 $ 13796 sulph urea Swt. sulphur O or 1| Su Mexico 1827. S co Sw. fl. gar. ic. in 13797 grandiflora Swt. great white-Bwd^ A or 3 jLau W Mexico 1827. S co Sw. fl. gar. 226 * 1555. SARRACE^NI^ L. SIDESADDLE FLOWER. (Dr. Sarrazin. a French physician.) Sarracenue. 4. 6. 13798 flava/,. yellow .AJ cu 2 jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1752. R bog Bot. mag. 780 13799 variolaris MX. pustulcd _A1 cu 1 jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1803. R bog Bot. mag. 1710 adunca Ex. bot. 53 ORDER I. POLYANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 217 15800 rdbra Walt. psittadna MX. 13801 purpdrea L. red .AJ cu 1 jn.jl P N. Amer. 1786. R bog Hook. ex. fl. 13 purple .Al cu 1 jn.jl P N. Amer. 1640. R bog Bot. mag. 849 1556. OTMPH^A Neck. WATER LILY. (Nymphe, a water-nymph ; habitation.) Nymphezacea:. 18. 21. I CYA"NEA. Anthers drawn out at top ; flowers blue or bluish ; leaves peltate, entire, or bluntly sinuated. 13802 scutifulia Dec. shield-leaved i E3 or fit jl.s B C. G. H. 1792. R m.s And. rep. 197 caerulea Andr. and B. M. not Savig. 13803 casr&lea Savig. blue =*= G3 or fit jn.s B Egypt 1792. R m.s Bot. mag. 2058 stellata var. B. M. 13804 stellata W. starred-flwd ^ [23 or fit jn.s B E. Indies 1803. R m.s Bot. rep. 330 13805 cyanea Rox. Indian blue * El or fit jn.s B E. Indies 1800. R m.s cahlara Donn II. LOTOS. Flowers white or red ; leaves peltate, often toothed, rarely entire, underneath pubescent. 13806 edWis Dec. eatable esculenta Rox. Castalio edulis Sal. 13807 pub&cens W. pubesc. Indian Lotus ^ fAI or fit Pk 13808 rhbra Rox. red-flowered ^ fAI or fit R 2 rosea B. M. roseate ^ [AJ or fit Pk 13809 Z-btus L. Egyptian Lotus =t El or fit jn.s Pk Castalia mystica Sal. 13810 thermalis Dec. thermal Hung. Lotus A 23 or fit jn.s Z,5tus B. M. not L. 13811 ampla Dec. ample-leaved i [AJ or fit jn.s 13812 versicolor Rox. various-colored^ fAl or fit au or fit jn.s W E. Indies 1800. R m.s Par. Ion. 14. E. Indies 1803. R m.s Beau. ow. 2. 83 E. Indies 1803. R m.s Bot. mag. 1280 E. Indies 1803. R m.s Bot. mag. 1364 Egypt 1802. R m.s Del. zeg. 60. 1 W Hungary 1800. R m.s Bot. mag. 797 W Jamaica 1801. R m.s PI. mss. 4 Pk.w E. Indies 1807. R m.s Bot. mag. 1189 13813 renif6rmig Walt. 13814 alba L. 2 canadensis 13815 odorata H. K. 13816 minor Dec. III. CASTA^LIA. Flowers white ; leaves cordate, not peltate. kidney-shaped ^ A or fit jn.s W white gfe A or flt J n .H W Canadian *= A > r flt Jn-J 1 w sweet-scented ^ A or flt jl W smaller =*= A or flt jl W odorata minor B. M. 13817 nitida B. M. shining cup-flwd * A or flt W 13818 pygmae v a H. K. pygmy * A or flt my.s W 13819 blanda Mey. charming Guiana^ fAI or flt jn.s W Carolina 1810. R m.s Deless. 2. 5 Britain riv.,&c. R m.s Eng. bot. 160 Canada 1820. R m.s N. Amer. 1786. R m.s Bot. mag. 819 N. Amer. 1812. R m.s Bot. mag. 1652 Siberia 1809. R m.s Bot. mag. 1359 China 1805. R m.s Bot. mag. 1525 Trinidad 1820. R m.s 1557. ^ITPHAR Sm. NUPHAR. (Neufar, Arabic name for tfympha^a.) Nymphceacece. 5. 6. 13820 lutea Sm. common yellow * A or flt jn.jl .^ympha^a liitea L. 13821 Kalmiana H. K. Kalm's ^ A or flt 13822 sagittaefolia Ph. arrow-leaved * A or flt jn.s 13823 piimila Sm. dwarf yellow =fe A or flt minima E. B. 13824 advena H. K. stranger ^ A or flt ATympha: v a advena H. K. Brit. pools,&c. R m.s Eng. bot. 159 Y Canada 1807. R m.s Bot. mag. 1243 Y N. Amer. 1824. R m.s Y Scotland al.lak. R m.s Eng. bot. 2292 Y N. Amer. 1772. R m.s Bot. mag. 684 1558. LIMNO'CHARIS-Bowp. LIMNOCHARIS ( Limne, pool, chairo, to delight; habitat.) Hydrocharldea;. 1. 3. 13825 Plumier* Rich. Plumier's ^ [AJ or 1 jn.n Y Brazil 1822. S m.s Bot. mag. 2525 1559. TERNSTRCE^/^ L. TERNSTRCEMIA. (M. Ternstrcem, a Swedish naturalist.) Ternstrcemiacete. 4. 14. 13826 brevipes Dec. short-peduncled * I I or 6 R S. Amer. 1818. C s.p Col. h. rip. 38 13827 peduncularis Dec. pedunculated * CD or 6 ... W. Indies 1818. C p.l 13828 punctata Swx. dotted * CD or 6 J n - au G W. Indies 1820. C s.l Aub. gui. 1. 228 13829 venosa Spr. veiny it CD or 6 ... Brazil 1824. C s.l 1560. CLEYE^R^T Thun. CLEYERA. (A. Cleyer, M. D., a German botanist.) Ternstrcemihceae. 1. 2. 13830 japonica Thun. Japan t i | or 5 Japan 1820. C s.p Kara. 5. 774. ic. 1561. FREZIE^R^ Swz. FREZIERA. (A. F. Frezier, a traveller in Peru and Chile.) Ternstrcemiacetg. 1 7- 13831 theceoltes Swz. Tea-like it |_J or Jamaica 1818. C s.l *1562. LETTSO^M/^ R. &P. LETTSOMIA. (J. Cockley Lettsom, an English naturalist.) Ternstrcemiacea. 1. 13832 toinentdsa R. S( P. woolly * i_J or 4 Peru 1823. C s.l Fl. per. 14 1563. BROWNLO'W/^I Rox. BROWNLOWIA. (The late Lady Brownlow, daugh. of Sir A.Hume.) TUi&cae. 1. 13833 elata Rox. tall 1 CD or 60 ... Y E. Indies 1820. C s.l Rox. cor. ic. 1564. EURY\A.L.E Sal. EURYALE. (Euryale, one of the Gorgons ; thorny menacing habit.) Nymph&acea. 1. 13834 ferox Sal. fierce * [AJ or flt jl.s R India 1809. R m.s Bot. mag. 1447 Anneslea spitiusa B. R. (Its South American name.) 3. CDm 20 Pk W. Indies 1690. S s.p Bot. mag. 1456 Hm 20 P E. Indies 1817. S s.p m 20 Pk Brazil 1820. S s.p 1566. BE'RRY^ Rox. BERRY A. (Dr. Berry, who first introduced it to bot. gard. of Calcutta.) Tilidcece. 1. 13838 Amomilla Rox. Amomilla f CD or 20 ... E. Indies 1800. C p.l 1567. PRO'CKIA L. PROCKIA. 13839 cr&cis L. cross * 13840 serrata W. serrate HE 13841 tt^fiirmis Dec. Tea-formed * Ludia heterophylla Bory 1568. LU V DIA Lam. LUDIA. (Ludo,tot 13842 heterophylla Lam. various-leaved il 13843 sessiliflora Lam. sessile- flowered il tuberculata Jac. 1565. BI'XA L. 13835 OreUdna L. 13836 purpilrea Hort. 13837 Urucurana W. AlWTTA. Orellana purple Urucu (Not explained.) Bixinea. 1. 7. Dcu 4 Y W. Indies 1822. C s.p Bot. reg. 972 DCU 6 Y Montser rat 1823. C s.l 3cu 6 Y Bourbon 1820. C' s.l Bory 2. 24 jrt ; in shape of Ivs. in young and old plant.) Bixinea. 2. 3. D or 4 Y Mauritius 1823. C s.p Lam. il. 466. 1, 2 j or 4 Y Mauritius 1820. C s.p Jac. sc. 1. 112 1569. *LK?TIA L. 13844 Thamnia Swz. (J. de Laet, of Antwerp, author of a history of America.) Bixinets. 1. 6. Thamnia il CD or 4 W W. Indies 1824. C s.p Br. jam. 25. 2 1570. SLOA^NEJ L. SLOANEA. (Sir Hans Sloane, principal founder of British Museum.) Tilictcea. 2. 8. 13845 dentata L. tooth-leaved t CD tm 40 ... W S. Amer. 1752. C p.l PI. ic. 244 13846 sinemariensis Aub. Sinemaria * CD or 15 jn.jl W Guiana 1823. C s.p Aub. gui. 212 218 POLYANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS XIII. 1571. APEFBA Marg. APEIBA. 13847 Tibodrbou Aub. Tibourbou hirsiita Lam. 13848 Petoumo Aub. Petoumo hispida Gae. 13849 aspera Aub. rough -capsi 13850 laeVis Aub. smooth-teai 1572. SPARRMA'NN/^ L. SPARRMANNIA. (A. Sjxirrmann, trav. in China and C. G. H.) Tilidcea?. 1. 13851 africana L. African 1 L_J or 10 mr.jl W C. G. H. 1790. C p.l Bot. mag. 516 (Its name in Guiana.) Tilticece. 4. -8. *[I] or 7 ... Y S. Araer. 1756. C p.l Aub. gui. 1. 213 1 CJtm 40 ... Y S. Amer. 1817. C P.I Aub. gui. 1. 215 isr 30 10. Y ... G Cayenne Cayenne 1792. 1817. C C p.l p.l Aub. gui. 1. Aub. gui. 1. 216 214 1573. ENTELE N A R. Br. ENTELEA. 13852 arborescens R. Br. arborescent (Enteles, perfect ; all the stamens fertile.) Tiliacea:. 1. I | or 20 my W N. Zeal. 1820. C p.l Bot. mag. 2480 1574. MUNTPNG/.4 L. M UNTINGIA. (Abraham blunting, prof. bot. at Groningen, d. 1683.) Tiliacea. 1. 13853 Calabura L. Calabura * Q cu 3 jn.jl W Jamaica 1690. C p.l Jac. am. 107 1575. GRE'W/^ J. GREWIA. (Nehemiah Grew ,M.D. F.R.S., physiological botanist.) Tiliacealus Swt. broad-sepaled 41 or 13942 canescens Swt. canescent 4fc or 13943 cymdsus Dunal cymose 41 or 2 my.jl 2 jn.jl 3 jn.jl 3 jn.jl 3 jn.jl 1| 2 jn.jl 2 2 my.jn P P Algiers Pa.R Crete Spain 1800. 1818. C p.l C s. F C s.l S." Europe 1640. C p.l Sw. cis. 17 Sw. cis. 6 Sw. cis. 14 Duh. ar. 1. 64 Jac. ic. 1. 95 Levant 1731. C p.l Tauria 1817. C s.l S. Europe 1596. C s.p Bot. mag. 43 ......... C s.p 2 jn.jl 2 jn.jl 4 jn.jl 2 ap.jn 2 jn.jl 4 jn.jl 3 jn.jl 3 jn.jl P Portugal 1656. Pa.P Spain 1640. Pa.R Canaries 1817. Pa.P Teneriffe 1779. R Spain 1826. R R P C p.l C 8.1 C 8.1 C 8.1 .. C s.l s.p Sw.cis. 22 s.p Par. th. 1 s.l Sw. cis. 3 Sw. cis. 9 Bar. ic. 1315 Sw. cis. 47 Sw. cis. 45 II. LEDONIA. Sep. 5, 2 outer ones largest ; pet. white ; stigm subsessile, large capitate; caps. 5 orlO locular. 13944 salvifolius L. Sage-leaved 4fe or 13945 corborinsis Pou. Corbor 4k or 13946 obtusifolius Swt. obtuse-leaved 4k or 13947 psilosepalus Swt. smooth-sepaled4k or 13948 florentinus Lam.- Florentine 4fc or 13949 monspeliensis L. Montpelier 4k or 13950 Z,don Lam. Ledon Gum 4k or 13951 hirsutus Lam. hairy 4k or 13952 lax us H. K. loose 4k or 13953 Iongif61ius Lam. long-leaved 41 or 13954 populifolius Lam. Poplar-leared 4k or 13955 latifulius Swt. broad-leaved 41 | or 13956 cordifolius Swt. heart-leaved 4k or 13957/aurifolius L. Laurel-leaved 41 or 13958 ladaniferus L. ladanum-bg 4k or 2albifl6rus white-flwd gum 4k or 3 maculatus spotted 4k or 13959 undulatus Lk. waved 4k or ladaniferus undulatus W. 13960 c^prius Lam. Cyprus 4k or ladaniferus B. M. stenophyllus Lk. 13961 CluszV Dunal Clusius's 4k or 2 jn.jl W H my.jn W 3*jn.jl 3 jn.jl 3 jn.jl fE I iii jn.jl my.jn jn jn.jl jn-jl jn.jl EL jn.jl jn.jl jn.jl S. Europe 1548. C s.p Sw.cis. 54 Spain 1656. C s.p Sw.cis. 8 C Italy s.l C s.l 1825. C s.l S. Europe 1656. C s.p France 1730. Portugal 1656. Spain 1656. C S. Europe 1800. C Spain 1656. Barbary 1SOO. Spain 1731. Spain 1629. Spain Spain 1700. C,p Sw. cis. 42 Sw. cis. 33 Sw. cis. 59 Jac. c. 2. 8 1.66 Sw. cis. 19 Sw. cis. 12 Sw. cis. C s.p Sw.cis. 23 C p.l Sw.cis. 15 s.p If P.? C s.p Sw. cis. ic. in. C s.p Sw.cis. 52 C s.p Bot. mag. 112 C s.p Sw. cis. 84 C s.l Sw. cis. 1 p.l S. Europe 1800. C Greece 1800. C p.l Sw.cis. 39 W Spain 1810. C s.p Sw. cis. 32 *1590. HELIA'NTHEMUM Tou. SUN ROSE. (Helios, sun, anthemon, fi. ; golden bloss.) Cistinece. 115. 124. I. HA'LIMUM. Sepals 3, rarely 5 ; petals very often spotted at base : stigmas capitate, subtrilobed. 13962 J.ibanotis W. Rosemary-/^ 41 _J or 1 jn Y Spain 1752. C p.l Bar. ic. 294 13963 umbellatum Mil. 13964 scabrosum Pers. 13965 algarv^nse Dunal 13966 formusum Dunal 13967 atriplicifolium W. 13968 Aalimifblium W. 13969 ocymo'ides Pers. umbel-./? tud rough Algarve beautiful Orac he- leaved Sea-Purslane-lvd4fc | or Basil-like 4k (or ;_|or : | or __]or a 3 jn.jl 3 S. Europe 1731. Italy 1775. my.jl in.jl in.jl Portugal 1800. C Y.Br Portugal 1780. C p.l sampsuciftlium Cav. not Mil. 13970 alysstfides Yen. Alyssum-like * | or 13971 rugosum Dunal wrinkly * | or 3 jn.jl 3 jn.jl 3 jn.jl Spain Spain Spain 1656. 1656. 1800. C s.p Spain 1800. C s.p Portugal 1800. C s.p Sw. cis. 5 Bot. mag. 627 Sw. cis. 50 Bar. ic. 292 Sw. cis. 4 Sw. cis. 13 Yen. ch. 20 220 POLYANDRIA MONOGYNIA. CLASS XIII. 13972 lasianthum Pers. hairy-flwd * | or 3 jn.jl 13973 involucratum Pers. involucrate * | or 3 jn jl 13974 cheiranthbides Pers. Stock-leaved * (or 3 jn.jl 13975 candidum Swt. white-leaved * or 3 jn.jl 13976 elongatum Pers. long-peduncled *>- . | or 2 jl Y Spain 1826. C sp Bar. ic. 289 Y Spain 1826. C s.p Y Portugal 1818. C s.p Y Spain ... C 6.1 Sw. cis. 25 Y Spain 1800. C p.l II. LECHEoroBs. Sep. 5, outer ones linear ; stigm. large capitate ; capsules smooth, 3-valved, 3-cclled. 13977 canadense MX. ' Canadian ^ A 13978 rosmarinifblium PA. Kosemary-lvd tt. or 13979 glomeratum Lag. glomerate tt. . | or 13980 ramuliflurum MX. branchlet-flwd ^ A or 13981 brasiliense Pers. Brazilian !U Al or 13982 /K>lygala?f6hum Swt. Milkwort-lvd tt. i | pr 13983 carolinianum MX. Carolina ) A or 1 jnjl . Y jn.jl Pa.Y 1 jn.jl 1 jnjl i, jn.jl f 1 jn-jl N. Amer. 1799. Canada 1823. Mexico 1823. Carolina Brazil Brazil Carolina 182-3. 1823. 1823. 1823. S s.l Sw. cis. 21 C s.p C s.p Sw. cis. ic. in. C s.p C s.p Sw. cis. 43 C s.l.p Sw. cis. 11 C s.p Ven. eels 74 ic. III. TUBERA V RIA. Sep. 5, ouicr larger or smaller; pet. often spotted at base ; styles scarcely any ; stigm. capitate. 13984 Tuberaria Mil. ' Tuberaria 13985 jolantagineum Pers. Plantain-like 13986 lignbsum Swt. woody i 13987 globularijefuliumPer*. Globul.-lvd j 13988 guttatum Mil. spotted-flwd 13989 serratum Pers. saw-petaled 13990 eriocaulon Dunal woolly-stemmed 13991 punctatum W. dotted 13992 inconspicuum Thib. inconspicuous A or * jn.jl or ijnjl Al or * jnjl O or i jn.jl O or i a jn.jl O r O or O or f jnjl i jn.jl | jn.jl W Y Y Y Y Y Y Y S. Europe 17.52. S s.p Sw. cis. Spain 1823. S s.p 1806. S sp Sw.cis.46 Spain 1826. S s.p England S s.l Eng. bot. 544 Spain 1804. C s.p Cav. ic. 2. 1/5 1 Spain 1817. S S.France 1816. S Piedmont 1819. S 3 s.p Sw. cis. 30 Sw. cis. 61 IV. MACIILA^RIA. Sepals.five, outer ones narrow y pet. often spotted at base ; sfigmas small subtrilobed 13993 lunulatum Dec. lunulate tt. or jn.jl Y Spain 1826. S s.p Al. au. 2. 3 V. BRACHYPE'TALOV. Sep. 5, outer ones minute ; pet. often spot, at base, small: stigm. simple : caps, triquetrous. 13994 /edifblium Mil. Ledum-leaved ^ "- 1 : " :| v lr - 1 J - 1 *- ---'"- 13995 villbsum Thib. villous 13996 ni!6ticum Pers. Nile 2 majus Dec. larger 3 procumbens Dec. procumbent 13997 denticulatutn Thib. denticulate salicifblium Gou. 13998 salicifblium W. Willow-leaved 13999 sanguineum Lag. bloody-stemmed 14000 aigyptmcum Mil. Egyptian VI. ERIOCA'RPON. Sepals five, outside silky, two outer ones minute i styles at base twisted ; capsules pilose 14001 canariense W. Canary *~ |_j or 1J jn.jl Y Canaries 1790. C p.l Jac. ic. 1.97 14002 Lippu Pers. Lippius's tt. (or 1 jn.jl Y Egypt 1820. C s.p Sw. cis. ic in 14003 kahiricum Del. Kahirian tt. (or 1 jn.jl Y Egypt 1820. C s.p Del. Kg 31 2 14004 confertum Dunal close-flowered tt. (or 1 Y Teneriffe ... C s.p VII. FUMA^NA. Cal. before flwg. a little twisted, 5-sepal., 2 outer ones small ; stigm. capit.fring, subtrilob. or iinjl Y England S s.l Eng. bot. 2414 or 1 jn.jl Y Spain 1823. S s.p Sw. cis. ic. in. O or i jn.jl Y Egypt 1817. S s.p Sw. cis. ic. in. O or 1 jn.jl Y Europe 1817. S s.p Sw. cis. ic. in. O or i jn.jl Y France 1816. S s.p O or 1 jnjl Y France 1818. S s.p Sw. cis. ic. in. or or i * jn.jl Y Y S. Europe 1759. Spain 1826. S S s.p s.p Cav. ic. 2. 144 Sw. cis. ic. in. or I jn.jl W Egypt 1764. S s.l Jac. ob. 3. 68 14005 Fumana Mil. Fumana 14006 ericoldes Dunal Erica-like 14007 procumbens Dunal procumbent tt. [or tt. (or JL. |or liSl 1 jn.jl Y Y Y France 1752. S. Europe ... S. Europe ... C C C s.p s.p s.p Sw. cis. 16 Cav. ic. 2. 172 Bar. ic. 445 14008 la'vipes W. smooth-footed tt. |or 1| Y France 1690. C s.p Sw. cis. 24 14009 arabicum Pers. Arabian tt. | or 1 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1826. C s.p viscidulum Stev. 14010 Barrelieri Ten. Barrelier's tt. (or 1 Y Italy 1820 C s.p Bar. ic. 416 14011 heVe Pers. smooth tt. | or 1 jn.jl Y Spain 1826. C s.p Cav. ic. 2. 145. 1 14012 viride Ten. green tt. (or Y Italy 1825. C s.p 14013 juniperinum Lag. J\m\per-like 14014 glutinbsum Pers. clammy 14015 Jhymifblium Pers. Thyme-leaved tt. (or tt. | or tt. |or 1 2 my.s li Y Y Y S. Europe 1800. S. Europe 1790. Spain 1658. C C C s.p p.l S.p Bar. ic. 443 Cav. ic. 2. 145. 2 Bar. ic. 444 VIII. PSEUDOCI'STUS. Sep. 5, outer ones minute 14016 origanifblium Pers. Marjoram-lvd tt. lor ; pet. small 1 jn.jl j styles at base twisted Y Spain 1795. ; stigm. C s.p capitate Z-lobed. Cav. ic. 3. 262 14017 m611e Pers. soft tt. J or 1^ Y Spain 1817. C s.p Cav. ic. 3. 262. 2 14018 dichotomum Dimal dichotomous tt. (or 1 Y Spain 1826. C s.p Cav. ic. 3. 263. 1 14019 oolandicum Dec. CEland JL or ~ jn jl Y Germany 1816 C s.p Sw. cis. 2 14020 alp^stre Dunal alp JL or % jn.jl Y Germany 1818. C s.l Cr. au. 6. 1 14021 italicum Pers. Italian tt. (or 1 J1.S Y Italy 1799. C s.p Bar. ic. 366 14022 penicillatum Thib. pencilled JL or i jnjl \ Spain 1817. C s.p 14023 obovatum Dunal obovate tt. |or 1 jnjl Y Spain 1826. C s.p 14024 vineale Pers. vine Jt, or 5 jnjl Y Germany 1817. C s.p Sw. cis. 77 14025 canum Dunal hoary JL |or f jn.jl Y S. Europe 1772. C p.l Sw. cis. 56 14026 wiarifolium Dec. Marum-leaved JL, or 3 my.jn Y Britain al.roc. C s.p Eng. bot. 396 14027 rotundifbliumDwna/ round-leaved JL (or 1 Y Spain 1826. C s.p Cav. ic. 2. 142 14028 paniculatum Dunal panicled JL |or Y Spain 1826. C s.p 14029 cinfereum Pers. grey 14030 crassifblium Pers. thick-leaved tt. (or tt. or 1 jn au 1 my.jl Y Y Spain 1818. Barbary 1818. C C s.p s.l Cav ic. 2. 141 14031 squamatum Pers. scaly tt. |or 1 jn.jl Y Spain 1815. C s.l Cav. ic. 2. 139 IX. EUHELIA'NTHEMUM. Calyx 5-sepalled, outer ones smaller, cover. 3-valved l-celled capsule ; stigm. simple. 14032 glaucum Pers. glaucous-/;d 14033 tomentbsum Dunal tomentose 14034 lavandulaefbliumD or or or 1 jn. f jn.jl i my.jl Y Y Y.w Cyprus 17;>9. 1800. France 1818. C C C s.l s.l s.p Jac. vin. 3. 53 14052 eriosepalon Swt. 14053 grandiflorum Dec. 14054 asperum Lag. woolly-sepaled large-flowered rough !U or or or $ my.jl 1 jnjl | Y Y W S. Europe ... Italy 1800. Spain 1827 c; C c s.p s.p 8.1 Sw. cis. 76 Scop. car. 25 14055 pilosum Pers. hairy fcs. pr 14 my.jn W S. France 1731. c s.l Sw. cis. 49 14056 sampsucifoliumMtf. Sampsuch.-lvd !U 14057 pulverulentum Dec. powdered JU 14058 /x>lifulium Dec. Folium-leaved !U. or or or 4 jnjl f Jn.jl 1 my.jl W W W France France England downs. c c c s.p Bot. mag. 1803 Sw. cis. 29 Eng. bot. 1322 14059 violaceum Pers. violet -_ Jor 1 W W Spain 1826. c s.p Cav. ic. 2. 147 14060 strictum Pers. strict tt. _ J or W Spain 1820. c s.p Cav. ic. 3. 263. 2 14061 lineare Pers. linear tt. _ Jor 1 jnjl W S. Europe 1818. c s.p Sw. cis. 48 14062 virgatum Pers. twiggy tt. or 1 my.jl W S. Europe 1818. c s.p 14063 fce'tidum Pers. fetid tv. or 1 my.jl W 1800. c s.p Jac. ic. 1. 98 14064 apenninum Pers. Apennine tt. or I my.jl W Italy 1731. c s.p Sw. cis. 62 14065 papyraceum Swt. 14066 hispidum Dunal paper-white hispid iu or or 2 1 my.jl W W Europe S. Europe 1816. c c s.p s.p Sw. cis. ic. in. 14067 variegatum Sutf. 14068 ciliatum Pers. variegated ciliated !U tt. or or i my.jl 1 my.jl R.w R S. Europe ... S. Europe 1826. c c s.p s.p Sw. cis. 38 Desf. at. 109 14069 rhodanthum DMH^/ red-flowered or J my.jl R Spain 1800. s.p Sw.cis.7 14070 canescens Swt. canescent !U or i my.jl R S. Europe 1800. c s.p Sw. cis. 51 roseum Jac. vin. 14071 versicolor Swt. party-colored tt. or 1 jn.jl R.w S. Europe 1800. c s.p Sw. cis. 26 14072 venustum Swt. beautiful ^ or 1 jn.jl R S. Europe 1800. c s.p Sw. cis. 10 2 fibre plfeno double-flwd Jt, or * my.jl R S. Europe 1800. c s.p 14073 croceum Pers. copper-colored !U or i jn.jl Y Spain 1800. c s.p Sw. cis. 53 14074 sulphhreum JF. en. sulphur-co/ora< !JU or 1 jn.jl P.Y France 1795. c s.l Sw. cis. 37 14075 mutabile P ... R S.I 3 compacta compact A or 2 my.jn P 14104 erotica Lindl. Cretan * A or 2 ' my.jn P Caiidia' R S.I Bot. reg. 819 14105 paradoxa Ander. paradoxical A or 2 my.jn P Levant R S.I 2 fimbriata double fringed LH?& 4 (,'/ U fiV my.jl cs can B CUlt: UlUllllllllt. ) T( Europe 1596. JW3 R IUU CO 2 album w h i te-flowered A A or 4 jn.jl W Switzerl. 1819. R CO 3 rubellum small reA-Jlwd A A or 4 jn.jl B Switzerl. 1819. R CO 14236 Kcetteanum Rchb. Kcelle's A A or 4 jn.jl B S. Europe 1820. R CO 2 pygmae^um Rchb. 14237 commutatum Rchb. pygmy changed A A A A or or 2 4 jn.jl jn.jl B B S. Europe 1822. S. Europe 1823. R R CO CO 14238 callybotryon Rchb. fine-racemed A A or 4 jn.jl B S. Europe ... R CO 14239 Hallerz Rchb. Haller's A A or 4 jn.jl B S. Europe 1821. R CO 2 bicolor Rchb. two-colored A A or 4 jn.jl B Switzerl. 1820. R CO 14240 virgatum Rchb. Iwiggy A A or 4 B S. Europe 1822. R CO 14241 hians Rchb. gaping A A or 4 jn.jl B S. Europe 1823. R CO 14242 amoe^num Rchb. pleasing blue A A or 4 jn.jl B S. Europe ... R CO 14243 Hoppzi Rchb. 14244 semigaleatum Pall. Hoppe's half-helmeted A A A A or or 4 1 jnjl jnjl B B Carinthia 1823. Siberia 1818. R R CO CO 14245 meloctonum Rchb. badger's-bane A A or 4 jn.jl B 1821. R CO 14246 formbsum Rchb. handsome A A or 4 jn.jl B S. Europe 1824. R CO 14247 acutum Rchb. acute-leaved A A or 4 jn.jl B S. Europe 1821. R CO 14248 neubergense Dec. Neuberg A A or 4 jnjl B S. Europe 1822. R CO strictum Rchb. 14249 laxum Rchb. loose A A or 4 jn.jl B S. Europe 1820. R CO 14250 IffiHum .RcAft. 14251 squarrosum Rchb. joyful squarrose A A A A or or 4 4 jn.jl jnjl B B S. Europe 1821. Siberia 1822. R R CO CO 14252 elatum Rchb. tall A A or 4 jnjl B Europe 1822. R CO 14253 angustifulium tfcAfi 14254 pube'scens Moen. narrow-leaved A pubescent A A A or or 4 4 jn.jl jn.jl B B Europe 1824. Europe 1824. R R CO CO 14255 eustachyon .BcAfi. well-spiked A 14256delphinif61ium J RcA6.Delphinium-lvdA 14257 Kohlerz Rchb. Kohler's A A A A or or or 4 2 jn.jl > jn.jl jnjl B B B Europe 1824. N. Amer. 1820. Europe 1824. R R R CO CO CO 14258 venustum Rchb. beautiful A A or 3 jnjl B Switzerl. 1823. R CO 14259 eriostemum Dec. w r oolly-stamened A A or 4 in il B Europe 1821. R CO 14260 Wildenbvw Rchb. Willdenow's A A or 3 jn.jl B Europe 1823. R CO 14261 rigidum Rchb. rigid A A or 3 jnjl B Switzerl. 1825. R CO 2 grandiflorum Fis. 14262 inunctum Koch large-flowered anointed A A A A or or 3 4 HI B B Siberia 1826. Europe 1822. R R CO CO 14263 e'minens AbcA eminent A A or 4 jn.jl B Europe 1800. R CO 14264 strictum Dec. strict A A or 4 jn.jl B Siberia 1824. R CO 14265 gale'ctonum Rchb. 14266 leucanthum .RcAft. lizard's-bane A white-flowered Jfc A A or or 4 3 jn.jl jnjl B W Hungary 1822. ..f... 1823. R R CO CO 14267 Ottonianum Rchb. Otto's A A or 4 jnjl B Europe 1824. R CO 14268 recognitum JKcA6. recognised A A or 4 jn.jl B 1820. R CO 14269 Sprengfelw Rchb. 14270 amplifl6rum Rchb. Sprengel's large-flowered A A A or or 4 4 jnjl jn.jl B B Europe 1824. Austria 1823. R R CO CO 14271 versicolor Rchb. party-colored A A or 4 n.l B Switzerl. 1819. II CO 14272 decorum Rchb. neat A A or 4 jnjl B Pyrenees 1824. R CO 14273 tatiricum W. Taurian A A or 4 jnjl B Tauria 1752. R CO laxum Rchb. 14274 volubile Patf. twining A A or 6 B Siberia 1799. R CO 14275 Brafin Rchb. Braune's A A or 4 B Switzerl. 1821. R CO 14276 biflbrum Fis. two-flowered A A or jnjl P.B Siberia 1817. R CO Rchb. ac. 15. 4 Rchb. ac. 25 Rchb. ac. 40 CLASS XIII. ORDER 4. POLYA'NDRIA TETRAGY'NIA. 16(H. CARYOTAR L. BUTTER NUT. 14277 nuciferum L. nut-bearing 14278 toment6sum W. woolly Pekea tuberculata Aub. 14279 glabrum Pers. smooth * 1602. DRrMYS Forst. DRIMYS. 14280 Winter/ Forst. Winter's Wintera aromatica Mur. (Karyon, a nut; bearing nuts.) - - 100 ... R.Y Guiana 100 ... W Guiana 1820. C Rhizobblece. 3. ( C l.p Bot.mag.2727-8 .l Aub.gui.239 Q fr 100 Guiana 1820. C s.l Aub.gui.240 (Drimys. acrid ; bark acrid and aromatic.) tarn... ... W? Magellan 1827. Magnoliacea. 1. 5. .l.p Forst. 42 ORDER V. POLYANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. 225 CLASS XIII. ORDER 5. POLYA'NDRIA PENTAGY'NIA. 1603. TRACHYTE'LLA Dec. TRACUYTELLA. (Trachytes, roughness ; leaves.) Dilleniucece. 1. i 14281 ^cta; N a Dec. Acttea j_ i_J cu 6 ... W China 1823. C p.l 1604 CIMICI'FUGA L. BUGWORT. (Cimex, a bug,fugo, to drive away ; sup. qual.) Ranunculucece. 4. 5. 14282 fce'tida L. fetid ^ A m 4 jn.jl L.Y Siberia 1777. D p.l 487 ^ctas\i Cimicifuga L. 14283 americana MX. American ^ A or 2 jn.jl W.Y Carolina 1824. D p.l Deless. 1. 66 Actaf'a podocarpa Dt ._ c. 14284 cordiloha Ph. heart-leaved A cu 3 jn.jl W.Y N. Amer. 1812. I) p.l Bot. mag. 2069 14285 palmata MX. palmated I A cu 4 W.Y N. Amer. 1812. D p.i Bot. mag. 1630 1605. AQUILE'GIAI,. 14286 vulgaris L. 2 corniculataDee. sr COLUMBINE. common (Aquila, an eagle; claw-shaped nectaries.) 4 A or 2 my.jl B Britain fields, '^l A or 2 my.jl B.w Europe RanuncuLuceae. 15. D co Eng. bot. 297 D co Cl. h. 2. 204. 1 3 inversa Dec. inverted double A. A or 2 my.jl Bw Europe ... D CO Cl. h. 2. 204. 2 4 stellata Dec. _ starred double 5 A or 2 my.jl B.w Europe ... D CO Cl. h. 2. 205. 1 5 degener Dec. degenerate double^ A or 2 my.jl B.w Europe ... D CO Cl. h. 2. 205. 2 14287 viscosa Gou. clammy A or If my.jn P Montpel. 17^ 1) CO Gou. il. 19. 1 14i>88 sibirica Lam. Siberian A or If my.jl B.W Siberia 1806. D CO Deless. 1.47 vulgaris dahuricaJK 14289 glandulosa Fis. 2 cuncolor Dec. glandular self-colored 1 A A or or If my.jl If my.jl W.B V Siberia Altaia 1822. 1822. D D CO CO 14290 alpma L. 14291 grandirtura Pat. alpine large-flowered 1 A A or or 1 my.jn If my.jl B B Switzerl. Siberia 1731. 1818. D D CO s.p Swfl.gar.218 alplna grandifl&ra Dec. 14292 pyrenaica Dec. Pyrenean ^ 14293 canadensis L. Canadian A A or or 1 my.jl If B R.o Pyrenees N. Amer. 1818. 1640. D D s.p S.p Trev.del.2 Bot. mag. 246 14294 formosa Fis. beautiful ;y f A or If my.jl R.o Kamtsch, 1822. D s.p 14295 viridifl.-.ra Pall. 14296 davurica Patr. green-flowered Davurian I A A or or If my.jl G.Y P Siberia Davuria 1780. 1827. D D CO CO Jac. ic. 1. 102 14297 atropurpurea W. en. dark purple i A or I my.jn P Siberia ... D s.p Bot. reg. 922 2 Fisher/a Ma Dec. Fisher's A or 1 my.jn P Siberia 1827. D CO atropurpurea Fis. 14298 parvi flora Led. small-flowered ;t A or 1 my.jl P Siberia 1819. D s.p Gm. si. 4. 74 14299 hybrid* B. M. hybrid A or 2 my.jl P Siberia ... D CO Bot. mag. 1221 bicolor Pers. 14300 flnemonoides W. Anemone-like ik A or 1 my.jl P Altai 1827. D s.p glandulosa var. Fis. 1606. NIGE'LLA Tou. FENNEL FLOWER. (Niger, black ; seeds.) Ranunculacece. 10. 11. I. ERL^BATOS. Stamens disposed in many series i sepals white or blue ; carpels joined. 14301 damascena L. damask O or If jn.s L.B S. Europe 1570. S co Bot. mag. 22 2 flore pleno double-flowered O or If jn.s L.B S. Europe 1570. S co Cl. h. 2. 208. ] 14302 coarctata Gm. compressed O or f jn.s W.G S. Europe 1793. S co II. NIGELLA^RIA. Stamens disposed in many series, collected into 8 or 10 bundles ; sepals bluish. 14303 sativa L. cultivated or li jn.s L.B Egypt 1548. S S.I Zo. ic. 119 2 cretica Dec. Cretan or 1^ Pa.B Crete S CO Mat. com. 581. 4 3 citrina Dec. c\tron-cld-seedcd o or li Pa.B S. Europe ... S CO M. h. 3. 12. 18. 5 4 indica Dec. Indian Q or 1 Pa.B E. Indies ... S CO 14304 arve-nsis L. corn-field Q or It jn.s B.w Germany 1G83. S S.I Schk. han. 2.146 14305 hispanica L. Spanish or 1* jn.s B.w Spain 1629. S S.I Bot. mag. 1265 14306 /ceniculacea Dec. Fennel- scented or 1 B.w Tauria 1824. S CO M. h. 3. 12. 18. 6 14307 divaricata Beuup. divaricated or 1 B.w Egypt 1817. S CO Deless. 1. 46 III. NIGELLA'STRUM. Stamens disposed in one series ; sepals yellow. 14308 oriental* JL yellow oriental O or ljjn.s Y Syria 1699. S s.l 14309 corniculata Dec. sinall-horned O or 1 Y 1820. S co 14310 ciliaris Dec. ciliated O or 1 Y Levant 1827. S co Bot. mag. 1264 Dele 1.45 * 1607. REAUMlTR/,4 L. REAUMURIA. (Reine A. F. de Reaumur* an entomologist, d. 1757.) Ficoidea;. 1. .2 14311 Aypericouies W. Hypericum-lk a. | pr 2 jl.o P Syria 1800. C s.p Bot. reg. 845 i Lab. (M. Colbert, a botanical patron.) Dilleniaceee. 2. _] or 15 mr.ap Y Coroman. 1803. C p.l Rox cor. 20 or 10 ... Y Nepal 1820. C p.l ;. Hypericum alternitolium 1608. COLBE'RT/^ Sal. COLBERTIA. 14312 coromandeliana Sal. Coromandel Dillenirt pentagynia IV. 14313 scabrella D. Don roughish 1609. TETRA'CERA L. TETRACERA. (Tetra, four, keras, a horn ; capsules.) Dilleniucece, 3. 23. 14314 potatoria Afx. drinking $ CD or 20 S. Leone 1822. C p.l obovata Dec. 14315 alnif61ia W. Alder-leaved J_ CD or 12 ... Y Guinea 1793. C p.l 14316 volubilis L. twining i. CD or 12 ... Y S. Amer. 1818. C p.l Gae, fr, 1. 69, 3 Dillenio scandens Hort. 1610. WO'RMI^ Rtb. WORMIA. (Olaus Wormius, celebrated Danish phys. and nat.) Dilleniaceee. l.~ 4, 14317 dentata Dec. toothed i CD or 20 ... Y Ceylon 1818. C p.l Lin. tr. 20 Dillenia dentata Than. 1611. CARPODO'NTOS Lab. CARPODONTOS. (Karpos, a fruit, odous, a tooth.) Hyper -icineie. 1. 14318 Uxcida Lab. shining 1 l_l or 20 N. Holl. 1820. C p.l Lab. vo. 2, 18 1612. SAURAU'J^ W. SAURAUJA. 14319 excdlsa W. tall 14320 nepal^nsis Dec. Nepal Ternstrcemiace06 medium Mur. ambiguous fi greater ^ middle ^ A A A or or or 2 jn.jl 3 jn.jl H Pa.Y G.Y G.Y Switzerl. 1819. England m. thi. Hungary 1789. D D D CO CO CO Eng. bot. 611 Jac. vin. 3. 96 14507 concinnum W. en. neat ^ A or 3 a jn.jl W.G D CO 14508 n utans Desf. nodding ^ A or 2 jn.jl G.Y Switzerl. 1819. D CO 14d09 trigynum Fis. 14510 glaucescens Dec. 14511#alio"ides Nest. trigynous ^ glaucescent ^ Galium-like ^ A A A or or or 2 jn.jl 2 jn.jl 1 mv.jl G.Y G.Y Y Dahuria 1818. Russia 1818. Alsace 1816. D D D CO CO CO Deless. 1.11 14512 angustifblium Jac. 14513 lucidum . narrow-leaved ^ shining A A or or 3 jnjl 4 my.jl Pa.Y L. Germany 1739. Spain 1739. D D CO CO Jac. vin. 3. 43 Pluk. al. 65. 5 14514 m'gricans Jac. blackish ^ A or 2 my.jl Y Austria 1798. D CO Jac. an. 5. 421 14515 flavum L. common yellow ^ A or 4 my.jl Britain m. me. D CO Eng. bot. 367 14516 vaginatum Desf. sheathed ^ A or 2 jn.jl Y Siberia 1810. D CO J4517 cinercum Desf. grey 3i A or 2 jn.jl Y 1810. D CO 14518 ZaserpitiifbliumHorM. Laserpit.-lvd ^ 14519 divaricatum Horn, divaricate ^ A A or or 3 jnjl Y.G Pa.Y Europe 1820. Europe 1819. D D CO CO 14520 difftisum Schr. diffuse fc A or H 3 jnjl Y.w Europe 1819. D CO 14521 flexubsum Jac. flex nose ^ A or I* jnjl Y Germany 1820. D CO 14522 acuminatum Spr. acuminate ^ A or 2 jn.jl P.Y Europe 1818. D CO 14523 cynapiifblium Fis. 14524 oligospermum Fw. Cynapium-lvd ^ few-seeded ^ A A or or 2 jn.jl 2 jn.jl P.Y P.Y Siberia 1823. Siberia 1820. D D CO CO 14525 divergens Lk. diverging A or 2 jn.jl P.Y Siberia 1819. D CO 14526 foliolbsum Dec. . __ small-leafy A? A or 2 jn.jl P.Y Nepal 1819. D CO 14527 rosmarinifblium Pol. Rosemary-lvd ^ A or 2 jn.jl P.Y S. Europe 1816. D CO 14528 simplex L. simple-stalked ^ A or 1 my.jn L.Y Sweden 1778. D CO Fl. dan. 244 14529 glaficum Desf. glaucous-ten ved^_ A or 5 jn.jl Y Spain 1798. D CO M. h. 20. 1 specibsum Poir.' 14530 rugbsum H. K. wrinkly ^ A or 4 jl W.Y N. Amer. 1774. D CO 14531 discolor W. two-colored ^ A or 6 jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1810. D CO 14532 specibsum Mil. showy-flowered ^ A or fi jn.jl Y Europe 1700. D CO 14533 crenatum Dec. crenated-leaved ^ A or 5 Y Europe 1800. D CO . The same as preceding, but with leaves undivided. 14534 ranunculinum MM. Ranunculus-Ik ^ A or 1 jn.jl Pa.Y N. Amer. 1806. D co GRUMOSA. Same as preceding, but with the roots grumose ; sepals petaloid, exceeding the stamens. 14535 tuberbsum L. tuberous-rooted & A or 14536 anemono'ides MX. Anemone-like A A or ^nembne Jhalictro'ides L. 2 fibre pltino double-flowered^ A or 2 jn W j W , Spain 1713. N. Amer. 1768. R co R s.p Mil. ic. 2. 265. 2 Bot. mag. 866 W N. Amer. 1768. R s.p 1634. ADCTNIS L. ADONIS. (Adonis, the beautiful favourite of Venus.) Ranunculaceee. 10. 14. Britain cor. fi. S co Eng. bot. 308 S. Europe ... S co Wein.28.a,b S. Europe 1819. S co Spain 1824. S co Austria 1800. S co 4. 355 S. Europe 1629. S co Kno. th. 2. A. 12 14537 autumnalisL. autumnal Pheasant's eye o pr 1 my.o C 14538 flava Vil. yellow pr 1 jn.jl Y 14539 citrina Hofm. 14540 microcarpa Dec. 14541 flammea Mur. citron-co/oraf small-fruited flame colored 8 or or P r 1 1 1 jn.jl jnjl F Y 14542 ajstivalis L. summer u jn.jl S miniata Jac. 14543 vernalis W. vernal ^ A or 1 mr.ap Y 14544 apennina L. Apennine 5 A or 1 Y vernalis j3 Mentzfel/i Dec. 14545 pyrenaica Dec. Pyren 14546 volgensis Stev. Volga A or 14 jl Y A or 1 Y Europe 1629. D s.p Bot. mag. 134 Alp. Eur. ... D s.p Men. pu. 3.1 Pyrenees 1817. D co Deless. 1. 21 Volga 1818. D s.p Deless. 1. 20 1635. KNOWLTO^N/^ Sal. KNOWLTONIA. ( T. Knowlton, curator of the bot. gard. Eltham.) Ranuncul. 5. 14547 rigida Sal. rigid-team* iAl cu 1| Y.c C. G. H. 1780. S p.l Bot. cab. 350 Adbnis capensis I,. 14548 vesicatbria B. M. blistering tf iAI cu 1 f.ap Y.G C. G. H. 1691. S p.l Bot. mag. 775 Q 3 230 POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA. CLASS XIII. lAI or 1 mr.ap Y.G 1 Y.G 1 C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1820. 1823. p.l Deless. 1. 19 p.l Bur. af. 51 S p.l 14549 grScilis Dec. slender 14550 hirsute Ztec. hairy Adonis hirsute Poir. 14551 daucifulia Dec. Carrot-leaved tf iAI or 1636. FICA^RIADtf. PILEWORT. (Ficus, a fig; fig-like tubercles of root.) Ranunculacece. 1. 2. 14552 ranunculo'idesA/pera.Ranunculus-likeA A w ^ Y Britain he. ba. R l.p Eng. bot. 584 Ranunculus Ficaria L. 2 plena doublc-Jloivered& A or ^ Y Britain he. ba. R l.p * 1637. R ANU'NCULUS Bauh. CROWFOOT. (Rana, a frog ; inhabiting humid places.) Ranunculacea:. 49. 165. I. BATRA^CHIUM. Pericarp transversely striated ; petals white ; claw yellow, marked with a nectar if er. hollow. 14553 Aederaceus L. 14554 tripartHus Dec. 14555 obtusifl&rus Dec. 14556 pantothrix Dec. 2 fluviatilis Wahl. Ivy. leaved three- parted blunt-flowered all-hairy long-lvd river 7>eucedanifcMius All. 3 Cespit6sus Thuil. turfy rigidus Pers. circinatus Sib. 14557 aquatilis L. water 2 peltatus Dec. peltate-leaved i A pr fit W A pr fit W A pr fit W A pr fit ajxau W A or fit W Brit Europe England Britain Britain wat. pi. L) co dit. dit. dit. dit. D co D co 1) co D co Eng. l)ot. 2009 Deless. 7. 43 Pet. brit. S9. 1 Bar. ic. 566 El. dan. 376 =fe A pr fit jl Ap Britain dit. D co Pet. brit. 39. 3 A P r A fr fit Britain Britain dit. dit. D co D co Eng. bot. 101 Bar. ic. 565 II. RANUNCULA'STRU.M. Carpels smooth, disposed into a close spike ; roots grumose. 14558 bullatus L. blistered A A 2 grandiflbrus Dec. large-flowered A A or 3 fl6re pleno double-flwd A A or 14559 chjerophyllus L. Chervil-leaved A /A cu 14560 gregarius Dec. gregarious A A r Thomasii Ten. 14561 paludosus Poir. marsh 14562 millefoliatus Vahl thousand-lvd 14563 gracilis Dec. slender 14564 /umariaefulius Desf. Fumitory-lvd 14565 oxyspermus W. sharp-seeded 14566 Hornemann/ Schl. Hornemann's A A un A A or A A or A A cu A A r A A un A A or A A or A A or 14567 cicutarius Schl.' Cicuta-like 14568 pedatus W. # K. petlate 14569 illyricus L. Illyrian sericeus W. 14570 monsperiacus L. Montpelier A A or 2 cuneatus Dec. wedge-leaved A A or apiifolius Desf. 3 rotundifolius Dec. round-leaved A A or monspeliacus Gou. 14571 asiaticus L. Asiatic com. gard. A A r 2 sanguineus Mil. blood-colored A A r 3 tenuilobus Dec. fine-lobed A A or 14572 cortussus Dec. polyanthemos Suter 2 pauciflo.rus Dec. few-flowered aureus Schl. villosus St. Am. 14620 crassicaftlis H. C. thick-stemmed ^ A or 14621 lanuginosus /,. woolly-leaved 14622 tuberosus Lap. tuberous 14623 napellifolius Dec. 14624 dissectus Bieb. cut-leaved 14625 marylandicus Pair. Maryland 14626 ripens L. 2 fibre pl&no 14627 hirsutus H. K. 14628 pennsylvanicus L. 14629 fascicularis MM. 14630 toment6sus Pair. 14631 obtusifblius Horn. 14632 trifoliatus Desf. 14633 grandiflorus L. 14634 /appaceus Sm. 14635 plebfeius R. Br. 14636 bulbbsus L. 2 fibre pleno 3 bracteatus Schl. N. Europe 1820. D co Britain wa pi. S co Lapland 1810. D s.p Lapland 1775. D s.l Lapland 1775. D s.l S. Europe 1819. D co Fl. dan. 331 Eng. bot. 681 Fl. lap. 3. 3 Fl. lap. 3. 2 Jac. au. 325, 326 Cr. au. 2. 4. 2 Pyrenees 1818. D co Gou. il. 17. 1,2 Britain Britain France Europe me. pa. D co ... D co D co , D co Italy 1823. Volhynia 1819. Caucasus 1820. N.Europe 1796. New Zeal. 1820. N. Amer. 1810. Switzerl. 1810. D co D co D co D co D s.p D co D co Eng. bot. 652 Bot. mag. 215 Lob. ic. 686. 1 Fl. nap. 1. 50 Lob. ic. 666 Napel 1 us-leaved ^ k A A creeping Jf A double-flowered,^ A pale hairy Pennsylvanian bundled woolly obtuse-leaved trifoliate large-flowered Burdock. like plebeian bulbous Switzerl. 1819. D co AmansS Europe 1827. D co S. Europe 1683. D co Pyrenees 1820. D co Turkey 1822. Caucasus 1818. Pa.Y N. Amer. 1811. Britain double-flowered^ A or bracted A A or D co D s.p D co me. pa. D co D co England rubble. S co N. Amer. 1785. S p.l N. Amer. ... N. Amer. 1820. Spain 1819. Siberia 1817. Cappadocia ... N. Holl. 1822. N. Holl. 1820. Britain D co D co D co D co D co D s.p D co me. pa. R co R co Pyrenees ... R co Fl. dan. 397 Eng. bot. 516 Eng. bot. 1504 Jac. ic. 1. 105 Schl. ran. 2. 30.2 Desf. ch. 44 Eng. bot. 515 Lob. ic. 666. 2 V. ECHINE'LLA. Carpels rough, from tubercles or prickles ; leaves dissected or lobed,from No. 14647. entire. 14637 Philon6tis Retx. moisture-loving 14638 parvulus L. little upright 14639 tuberculatus Kit. tuberculated 14640 arv^nsis L. corn-field 14641 muricatus L. prickly-seeded 2 creticus Dec. Cretan 3 caroftnus Dec. Carolina echinatus Ven. 14642 ventricbsus Ven. ventricose muricatus y brasilianus Dec. 14643 parviflbrus L. small-flowered 14644 chius Dec. Scio 14645 sessilifibrus R. Br. sessile-flowered 14646 trilobus Desf. three-lobed 14647 ophioglossifoliusTtf. Snake's-tong.-lvd 14648 nodiflorus L. knot-flowered 2 dentatus Dec. toothed O or G w O or O un O un O un O un 1 1 * | O cu \ f my.jn f jn.jl jn.jl jn.jl fjn J my.jl my.jl O w O cu O cu O or Q un O un O un S. Europe 1800. England ... S Tauria 1817- S Britain S S. Europe 1683. S Crete ... S N. Amer. ... S CoL ec. 316. 1 Eng. bot. 135 Lam. il. 498 M. h. 2. 4. 29. 24 Ven. eels 73 Brazil England gr. pi. Archipel. 1827. N. Holl. ... Greece 1818. S. Europe 1823. Sicily 1714. Sicily 1714. S co co Eng. bot. 120 Bot. mag. 2171 * 1638. TRO'LLIUS L. 14649 europae^us L. 2 humilis Dec. 14650 napellifblius Crz. 14651 asiaticus L. 2 intermedius 3 h^bridus 14652 caucasicus Stev. 14653 patulus Sal. ranunculinus Sm. 14654 americanus MM. laxus Ph. GLOBE FLOWER. European dwarf Napellus-leaved Asiatic intermediate hybrid Caucasian spreading American (Trol, a globe, Ger. , shape of flowers.) Ranunculacece. 6. A or 2 my.jn Y Britain groves. D p.l Eng. bot. 28 A or 1 my.jn Y Austria 1800. ~ Europe 1800. Siberia 1759. my.jn O my.jl Y Caucasus 1817. Siberia 1800. D p.l D p.l D p.l D p.l D p.l D p.l Bot. mag. 225 D p.l Deless. 1.44 N. Amer. 1805. D co Bot. mag. 1988 1639. /SOPY^RUM i. ISOPYRUM. (Isos, equal, pyros, wheat ; taste of seeds.) Ranunculacece. 2. 4. 14655 /umario-ides L. Fumitory-like O pr 1 J" W -G Siberia 1741. S s.l Am. rut. 74. 12 14656 *halictro v ides L. Thalictrum-lk ^ A P r f mr.ap W. Italy 1759. D s.l Jac. au. 2. 105 1640. ERA'NTHIS Sal. WINTER ACONITE. 14657 hyemalis Sal. common winter jfc A 7/elleborus hyemalis L. 14658 sibiricus Dec. Siberian A A or (Era, earth, anthos, flower ; on short stalks.) Ranuncu. 2. r i Y Italy 1596. O co Bot. mag. 3 i mr.ap Y Siberia 1826. O co 1641. HELLE'BORUS L. HELLEBORE. (Helein, to cause death, bora, food; poisonous.) Ranuncvlacea:. 8. 9. 14659 niger L. black Christmas Rose A or 1 Pk 2 angustifolius narrow-leaved A or 1 mr.ap Pk 14680 vfridis L. green A or 2 mr.ap G 14661 purpurascens Kit. 14662 odorus Kit. purpurascent sweet-scented A or A or 1| mr.ap 1 mr.ap P.(; G 14663 atroriibens Kit. dark-red A or 1 mr.ap P 14664 dumetorum Kit. thicket A or li mr.ap G 14665 foe'tidus L. fetid Bear's-foot A r H f.ap G Q 4 Austria 1596. D r.m Bot. mag. 8 Austria 1596. D co Britain woods. D co Eng. bot. 200 Hungary 1817. D s.l ' Hungary 1817. D s.l Hungary 1820. D s.p Hungary 1817. D s.l England D co Eng. bot. 613 W. & K. 2. 101 W. &K.3.271 232 DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. CLASS XIV. 14666 lividus H. K. 2 integrilobus trifulius Mil. 1642. CO'PTIS Sal. 14667 trifolia Sal. livid three-lvd ^ _AJ or I P entire-leaved ^ _AJ or 1 P Corsica Corsica 1710. D p.!" Bot.mag.72 1710. D p.l COPTIS. (Kopto, to cut ; leaves much cut.) Uanunculacece. 1. 2. three-leaved ^ A pr k Br N. Amer. 1782. D p.l Bot. cab. 173 #elleborus trif61ius L. 1643. CA'LTHA L. MARSH MARIGOLD. (A syncope ofkalathos, a goblet ; flower.) Britain mar. 14668 palustris L. 2 flore pleno 14669 radlcans G. Don 14670 asarifolia Dec. 14671 minor Mil. 14672parnassif61ia Rafi. Parnassia-lvd ficarioides Ph. 14673 flabellifolia Ph. 14674 natans Pall. 1 Y 1 Y common inarsh A A or double-flwd ^ A or rooting Jf A or i Y Asarum-leaved ^ A or i Y smaller =*= A or ? m X Y = A or i Y fan-leaved floating * A or 1 Y A A or fit my.jn W Scotland Unilasch. 1824. Britain moun. N. Amer. 1815. N Amer. 1818. Siberia 1816. Ranunculacece. 1. 11. D m.s Eng. bot. 506 D m.s D m.s Lin. tr. 8. 17 D m.s D m.s Tab. ic. 750. 2 D m.s D m.s Ph. am. 2. 17 D m.s Gm. si. 4. 82 1644. HYDROPE'LTIS L. HYDROPELTIS. (Hydor, water, pelte, buckler ; leaves.) Hydropeltidece. 1. 14675 purpftrea MX. purple ^ _AJ cu R N. Amer. 1798. D m.s Bot. mag. 1147 Brast:iua peltkta Ph. 1645. HYDRA'STIS L. HYDRASTIS. (Hydor, water ; growing in humid places.) Ranunculacel entire-leaved | l A or B Nepal 1821. D s.l 14681 alplna L. alpine l A or i my.jl B England moun. D CO Eng. bot. 477 14682 genevensis L. Geneva t A or i my.jn F Switzerl. 16 r >6. D CO Bui. her. 361 14683 foliusa Trat. leafy i A or i mv.jl B Switzerl. 1826. D s.l 14684 rupestris Schl. rock 3 t A or i Jn.jl. B Switzerl. 18^6. D s.l 14685 reptans L. Ct rmmon creeping | t A or B Britain moi.w. D s.p Eng. bot. 489 2 alba white-flowered 3 t A or -a- my.jn W Britain moi.w. D s.p 3 rubra red-flowered | t A or i my.jn R Britain moi.w. D s.p 14686 australis R. Br. southern t A or i my.jl B N. Holl. 1822. D S.1 14687 Chamas' pity s Schreb. Ground Pine Pi- iap'jl y England S s.l Eng. bot. 77 1647. ANISO'MELES R. Br. ANISOMELES. 14688 malabarica R. Br. Malabar A'epeta malabarica L. 14689 ovata R. Br. ovate-leaved ED or 14690 furcata Lie. forked tt. | | or A'juga furcata L. 14691 moschata R. Br. musk a. |~) or (Anisos, unequal, melos, member ; anther.) Labiate. 4. 7. or li V E. Indies 1817. C co R. mal. 10. 93 I* i* Pk E. Indies 1823. S l.p Bur. zey. 71. 1 Nepal 1824. C co P N. Holl. 1824. C s.l * 1648. TEITCR7Z7A/ L. GERMANDER. (Teucer, a Trojan prince, first used it in medicine.) Labiate. 50. 87. _Jor 3 jn.s V Spain 1640. C r.m Di. el. 284. 366 ^Jor |or 3 2 jn.s jn.jl v p Spain Madeira 1640. 1759. C C r.m r.m Bot. mag. 245 A or 1 Va Siberia 1800. c CO W. & K. 1. 69 or 1 jn.jl Pk Crete 1824. c CO Fl. gr. 528 _Jor O jn.o P 1777. c r.m Jac. vin. 3. 41 DJ] or 1| my P Cuba"" 1733. c: CO Jac. ob. 2. 30 Al or 1 jn.jl P Spain 1752. D CO M. h. 22. 19 or j P S. Europt ; 1820. c s.p Sab. rom. 3. 25 A or 1 JUu W Levant 1728. D CO 14692 fruticans L. narrow-lvd shrubby : 14693 latifolium L. broad-lvd tree 14694 heterophy'llum.F/mJ. various-leaved . 14695 Laxmannz Muir Laxmann's 14696 brevifoiium Schreo. short-leaved i 14697 asiaticum L. Asiatic l 14698 cubense L. Cuba ; 14699 nissolianum L. Nissolian 14700 Pseudo-Chamae'pitysi. Bast.Gr.P. i 14701 campanulatum L. bell-flowered II. VERTICILLIFLURA. Flowers whorled, whorls for the most part divided in halves. 14702 regium L. royal 14703 multiflbrum L. many-flowered 14704 Iticidum L. shining 14705 Chama?Mrys L. Germander 14706 Sc6rdium L. Water Germander 14707 scordio'ides Schreb. Scordium-like 14708 spinosum L. thorny 14709 Bbtrys L. Bctrys III. TRIFLORUM. Peduncles axillary, 3-flowered. 14710 trifidum Ret%. triad-leaved ft. i_J or P C. G. H. 1791. C r.m IV. CAPITULJEFLURA. Flowers capitate; leaves entire, from No. 14717. crenated. 14711 angustfssimumSc/ireA. narrowesUyrftt. or 2 jn.jl P Spain 1818. C co Bar. ic. 1080 14712 pumilum L. dwarf - | or P Spain 1816. C co Bar. ic. 10>S 14713 /hymifbliumScArcft. Thyme-leaved tt. or | jn.o P Spain 1816. C co 14714 sup-mum L. supine - or f jn.o W Austria 1752. C co Jac. au. 5. 417 14715 montanum L. dwarf mountain tt. | or i jl.o W S. Europe 1710. C co 534 L__J or H mv.o ' P Spain 1699. C r.m Pluk. al. 65. 1 K A or l" jl.s L.R Spain 1731. C CO Boc. mu. 117 t A or P S. Europe 1730. C r.m Mag. h. 52 A or f P England oldw. c CO Eng bot. fi80 b A or P England mar. D r.m Eng. bot. 828 or i jn.jl V Crete 1819. D s.l or my.jn W Spain 1640. S CO Cav. ic. 1. 31 or f jl.8 R S. Europe 1633. B CO Ger. em. 525. 2 ORDER I. DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. 14716 saxStile Lam. rock JU. or Pa.Y Valentia 1820. D s.l M. h. 3. 11. 4. 3 14717 folium L. Poly tt. (or 1 jl.s Pa S. Europe 1562. C r.m Bar. ic. 1074 14718 Psetido-AyssbpusSc^re&.Bast.Hyssoptt. or 1J jn.jl W Italy 1804. C co Col. ec. 1. 67 14719 capitatum L. rowwrf-headed tt. (or f P Spain 1731. C co Cav. ic. 119 14720 lusitanicum Schreb. Portuguese tt. | or l|jn.o P Portugal 1822. C co 14721 pycnophyllum Schreb. close-leaved ^ A or J P Spain 181fi. Deo Bar. ic. 1096 14722 gnaphalodes Herit. woolly tt. | or 1 jl.s P Spain 1816. C co Bar. ic. 1083 14723 aureum Schreb. golden Poly tt. | or 1 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1731. C co Cav. ic. 2. 117 14724 flavescens Schreb. flavescent Poly tt. | or 1 jl.s Y S.Europe ... C co Bar. ic. 1073 14725 hyrcanicum L. 1472ti inflatum Swz. 14727 virginicum L. 14728 canadense L. 14729 Arduim L. V. SPICATI FLORA. Flowers spiked, from No. 14727. racemose. Hyrcanian ^ A or If au.o P Persia 1763. inflated [Al or 2 au.o Li Jamaica 1778. Virginian ^ A or 2 m yJn B N - Amer. 1768. Canadian ^ A or 2 au.s P N. Amer. 1768. Arduini's tt. | or 1| jn.o Y Candia 1823. Scutellaria cretica L. 14730 abutiloides Herit. Mulberry-like tt. \ | or If 14731 Scorodonia L. Wood Sage ^ A or H jl 14732 Pseudo-ScorodoniaZte.o/. Bast. W.S. ^ A or 14733 ietonicum Herit. Betony tt. i | or 14734 flavum L. yellow -flowered -a. | or 14735 massiliense L. Marseilles tt, | or Madeira 1777. Britain woods, S. Europe 1818. D 14736 resupinatum Desf. resupinate 14737 JV/arum L. 14738 subspinosum POM. 14739 creticum L. 14740 pyrenaicum L. 14741 orientate L. 1 Y 1| Li 2 jn' S jl P 1 or li jl.s . | or 1| ... tt. | or IA VI. CORYMBIFLORA. Flowers corymbose or paniculate. Pyrenean ^ A or Pa. W Pyrenees 1731. oriental ^ A or 1 B Levant 1752. Marum subspinous Cretan Madeiri 1775. S. Europe 1640. France 1731. Pa.Y Barbary 1801. Pa.P Spain 1640. P Minorca 1816. P Crete 1825. co Bot. mag. 2013 co co Schk.han.160 co co Fl. gr. 551 r.m Jac. sc. 3.358 co Eng. bot. 1543 co Desf. at. 2. 1 19 r.m Bot. mag. 1114 r.m Par. th. 109. 1 r.m Jac. vin. 1. 94 r.m Desf. at. 2. 117 r.m Par. th. 17. 2 co co Fl. gr. 529 co co Bot. mag. 1279 1649. WESTRI'NG/^ Sm. WESTRINGIA. (J. P. Westring, physician to the king of Sweden.) LabiatcE. 8. 14742 rosmariniformis Sm. Rosemary-shpd* i _ j or 14743 Dampen R. Br. Dampier's tt L_| or 14744 rubiajfolia #. J5r. 14745 glabra R. Br. 14746 longifolia R. Br. 14747 angustifulia R. Br. 14748 cin^rea R. Br. 14749 rigida B. Br. Rubia-leaved *k\ _ j or smooth A 5 _ | or long-leaved m \ _ ) or narrow-leaved * |_J or grey & \ _ | or rigid * \ _ | or 4 Pa.B N. S. W. 3 my.jl W N. Holl. 3 my au W N. Holl. W W 3 W 3 W 3 W N. Holl. N. Holl. N. Holl. N. Holl. N. Holl. 1791. 1803. 1820. 1824. 1823. 1823. 1821. 1823. C s.p Bot. rep. 214 C s.p C s.p C s.p C s.p C s. P C s.p C s.p 1650. SATURE^JA L. 14750 approximata Biv. approximated tt. __| 14751 viminea L. twiggy Pennyroyal*- [ 1 SAVORY. (SSdtter, the Arabic name for all labiate plants.) cul 14752 montana L. 14753 rupestris Wul. /hymifolia Sco. 14754 obovata Lag. 14755 ten ui folia Ten. 14756 Juliana L. 14757 grae^ca L. 14758 hirsiita Presl 14759 Teneriffse W. en. 14760 hortensis L. 14761 nervosa W. capitata Desf. not W. capitata W. headed winter mountain**. cul rock A or 14 14763 Thymbra L. 14764 congesta Horn. obovnte-leaved tt. or fine-leaved tt. _ | un St. Julian's j _AJ un Grecian jg Al or hairy Al or Teneriffe tt. |_J un summer garden O cul nervose tt. _ | or tt. cul tt. | _ ] or tt. . _ | or Thymbra heaped 1 my.jn P 1 P H jn.jl P 1 jn.jl P 1 jn.jl P H jn.jl P a my.s Pk fjn-jl P.w 1 jn.jl 1 jn.jl P P Pk 1 R 1 jn.o P 1 my.jl P 1 R Sicily 1824. Jamaica 1783. S. Europe 1562. Carniola 1798. Spain 1424. S. Europe 1822. Italy 1596. Greece 1759. Sicily 1820. Teneriffe ... Italy 1652. Ionian Isl. 1820. Levant 1596. Candia 1640. 1821. Labiate. 15. 18. co r.m co Fl. gr. 543 co Jac. ic. 3. 494 Alp. ex. 264 (Isos, equal, anthos, flower ; regular corollc O or 1 B N. Amer. 1818. p.l r.m Lam. il. 504. 1 s.p Desf. at. 2. 12 1.2 r.m Bar. ic. 897 r.m Bar. ic. 898 s.p Labiata>. 1. s.p Mic. am. 2. 30 1651. ISA'NTHUS MX. ISANTHUS. 14765 ceeruleus MX. blue Trichostema brachiatum L. 1652. rHY'MBRA L. THYMBRA. (Name given by the ancients to a plant like thyme.) Labiates. 3. 4. 14766 spicata L. spike-Jimvered tt. | cu li jn.jl Pa.P Levant 1699. C co Pluk. al. 116. 5 14767 verticillata L. whorl-floivcred tt. | cu If jn.jl Pa.P Spain 1702. C co 14768 ciliata Desf. ciliated tt. | or 1 V S. Europe 1824. C s.l Desf. at. 2. 122 * 1653. /yYSSO N PUS L. HYSSOP. (From Hebrew name ezob, or the Arabic azzof.} Labiate. 6.^7. 14769 officinalis L. comm. officinal tt. 14770 SchleichSri G. Don .Schleicher's tt. officinalis Schl. 14771 orientalis W. en. oriental tt. angustifolius Bieb. \ 14772 Lophanthus L. crest-flowered \ 14773 epeto\des L. Nepete-like \ 14774 scrophulariasfolius W. Figwort-lvd 2 jn.s 1 jn.s 2 jn.s S. Europe 1548. S Switzerl. 1819. S Caucasus C co Siberia 1752. D p.l N. Amer. 1692. D p.l N. Amer. 1800. D co Jac. au. 3. 254 Jac. vin. 2. 182 Jac. vin. 1. 68 Her. par. 106 1654. .ZVE'PETA L. CAT-MINT. (Nepet, a town in Tuscany.) Labial. 40. 45. 14775 wzarifolia Cav. Marum-leaved ^ A irifuli Melissa erotica Lam. Thymus ma 14776 croatica Spr. Croatian Melissa alba Kit. 14777 parviflora Bifb. small-flowered 14778 sibirica Bieb. Siberian Tehcrium sibericum /,. 14779 grandiflora Bieb. great-flowered 14780 colorata W. en. 14781 melisssefolia Lam. 14782 longiflora Fen. 14783 Mussim Bieb. longiflora B. M. 14784 incana H. K. hoary I. CONFERT^EFLORJS. Flowers axillary, cymose. 1 jn.s B Spain 1800. D co Bar. ic. 1166 ?n W Hungary 1821. D co 1 B Caucasus 1820. D co A or 1 jl P Siberia 1804. D co us W., A or A or 2 V Caucasus 1817. D co Caucasus 1806. D co Candia 1752. Persia 1802. Siberia 1804. D p.l D co Ven.cels56 D co Bot. mag. 923 nu W Levant 1723. D p.l 234 DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. CLASS XIV. 14785 Nepetella L. amethystina Pair. 14786 grav^olens Vil. patella All. 14787 suaveolens Roem. 14788 amethystina Desf. 14789 /amiifolia W. en. 14790 angustifolia Vahl arragonensis Lam. 14791 Cataria /.. 14792 macroura Led. 14793 ucrania L. 14794 nuda L. small Nepete ^ heavy-smelling ^j sweet-scented ^ amethystine ^ Lamium-lvd ^ narrow-leaved ^j common cat ^ long-tailed ^ Ukraine ^ naked ^ A A A A A A A A A A cu cu or or un cu cu or cu cu 1 li U li 2'jn.jl 2 jl.s 4 2 R P B B P P W W.p W W S. Europe 1758. S. Europe 1804. 1817. S. Europe 1816. Armenia 1806. Spain 1798. Britain ro sid. Siberia 1820. Ukraine 1798. S. Europe 1713. D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co Al. ped. 2. 1 Eng. bot. 137 1.24 pannonica Jac. 14795 pannonica L. Pannonian Cfc A cu 4 au.o R Hungary 1683. D co Jac. au. 2. 129 paniculata Crz. 14796 cajrulea H. K. blue A cu li my.jn B 1777. D co 147M7 violacea /,. violet-colored i A cu 2 jl.s B Spain 1723. D co Boc. mu. 36 14798 latifolia Dec. broad-leaved ^ A or 4 P Pyrenees 1816. D co grandifldra Lap. 14799 crispa W curled-leaved ^ A cu 2 jlau Pa.B Levant 1800. D co 14800 imbricata Lag. imbricate ^ A or 2 B Spain 1820. D 8.1 II. VERT leu .LI [LOR jE. FlOWt rs in i uhorls. 14801 teucrw/6/ia W. en. Teucrium-lvd A or H P Armenia 1816. D co 14802 diffiisa Fis. diffuse It A or P Siberia 1824. Deo 14803 teucrwSflfes Lam. Teucrium-like A or li W S. Europe 1 1820. D co 14804 wzarrubio'ides W. en. Horehound-lk V A or R ... Deo 148(15 italica L. Italian ^t A or 1 R.w Italy 1640. Dp.l 112 14806 multibracteataDes/. 14807 suplna Stev. many-bracted supine I A A or or 3 1 P B Algiers Caucasus 1817. 1816. Deo Deo Desf. at. 123 14808 lanata Jac. woolly A un li my.jn P S. Europe 1 1774. Deo Jac. ob. 3. 75 14809 tuberi)sa ,. tuberous-rooto 1-& A un 2 V Spain 1683. Deo Bar. ic. 602 14810 reticulata Desf. netted * A u n 2 P Morocco 1801. Deo Desf. at. '. 124 14811 Scord6tis L. Scordotis k A or li B N. Africa 1817. Deo Alp. ex. 283 III. Si >K'A T-E l-'Liif UE. Flow ers in spikes. 14812 multifida Z,. 148136otrydides H. K. many-cleft Botrys-like * a un un f li jn.jl W W Siberia Siberia 1796. 1779. D co S co Gm. si. 3. 55 Cav. ic. 1. 49 14814 malabarica /Vrs. Malabar & DE un 1J ... Malabar 1810. S s.l R. mal. 10. 93 1655. ELSHO'LTZ/^ W. ELSHOLTZIA. (J. S. Elsholtz, a Prussian botanist.) Labiate. 3. 5. 14815 ocymoldes Pers. Basil-like O un 1 jl P E. Indies 1824. S co 14816 cristkta W. crested O or 1| my.jl Pk Siberia 1789. ;S co 502. 1 14817 paniculata W. terge-panicled j OS or 3 Pk E. Indies 1820. 'S s.l R. mal. 10. 65 Hyssbpus cristatus Lam. 1656. LAVA'NDULA L. LAVENDER. (Lavo, to wash ; use of its distilled water.) Labiate. 11. 12. 14818 Spica W. 2 alba 14820 StoTchas L. 14821 viridis Herit. 14822 dentata L. 14823 pinnata L. fil. 14824 multifida L. 14825 heteroph^lla Viv. 14826 formbsa Lk. common spike white-flowered tt or broad-leaved tt ell Stoechas tt | or green tt | or tooth-leaved tt (or pinnated tt | or many-cleft j i(l)l or various-leaved tt | or beautiful tt (or 2 jl.s 2 jl.s 2 jl.s |i*m*'-l jlJni li 14827 abrotanoides Lam. Southernw.-lk tt (or 14828 carnbsa W. fieshy-leaved jg Oil or Li W Li Li P Li Li 2 Li 2 Li 1J-. S , H S. Europe 1568. C s.l Schk. nan. 2. 157 ... C S. Europe 1568. C s.l S. Europe 1562. C Bar. ic. 301 p.l Fl. por. 1. 4 C p.l Bot. mag. 401 Bot. mag. 400 Lob. ic. 432 Madeira 1777. Spain 1597. Madeira 1777. Canaries 1597. 1816. C p.l 1816. C p.l Canaries 1699. C co Com. r. 27 E. Indies 1788. S co Am. ac. 10. 3 C p.l p.l 1657. SIDERmS L. IRONWORT. (Sideros, iron ; sup. to cure wounds by iron weapons.) Labiatte. 26. 43. I. EBRACTEA^TJ*;. Bracteas under calyx none. 14829 canariensis L. Canary lit l_|or 3 Y Canaries 1697. C r.m Jac. vin. 3. 30 14830 cand-cans H. K. whitish * _|cu 3 ap.jl Y.Br Madeira 1714. C r.m Com . h. 2. 99 14831 creTica L. Cretan tt _|cu 11 W Candia 1823. C CO 14832 montana L. mountain O or Y.Br Austria 1752. S CO Jac. au. 5. 434 14833 elegans Mur. elegant O or li V 1787. S CO Mur, 1.4 14834 romana L. Roman O or 1 W Italy 1740. S CO Cav. ic. 2. 187 14835 decumbens Thun. decumbent -A O or i W C. G. H. 1820. S s.l II. BRACTEA^TJE. Bracteate, bracteas entire. 148,% calycantha Bieb. colored-calyxedtt _Jor i Pa.Y Russia 1821. D CO 14837 syriaca L. Syrian tt _|or M Un.s Y Levant 1597. C r.m Sab. rom. 3. 40 14838 taurica W. en. Taurian tt _Jcu li jn.s Pa.Y Tauria 1822. c CO 14839 perfoliata L. perfoliate ^ A or s au.n Y Levant 1731. c CO 14840 leucantha Cav. white-flowered tt _Jor i W Spain 1823. D CO Cav. ic. 304 III. DENTA V. Bra cteate, I iractea >s toothed. 14841 incana L. hoary tt _|or li Y Spain 1752. C CO Cav. ic. 2. 186 14842 angustifMia Lag. narrow-leaved ^ A or 1 Y Spain 1820. D CO 14843 spinosa L. spiny A or n i jn.s Y Spain ... C CO 14844 flicifMia W. en. Holly-leaved ;^ A or 11 jn.s Y Levant ... C CO 14845 serrata Lag. saw-leaved ^ A or 1 jn.s Y Spain 1818. D CO 14846 AyssopifMia L. 14847 pyrenkica Pair. Hyssop-leaved ^ Pyrenean ^ A or A or 1 1 jn.n jn.n L.Y Y Pyrenees Pyrenees 1597. 1827. C C CO CO Schk. han.2. 158 Ayssopifolia /3 L. 14848 alpina VU. alpine ^ A or 1 Y S. France 1822. D CO 14849 fre'tida Pair. fetid 3i A un 1 jn.n Y Spain 1822. D CO 14850 chamaedrifulia Cav. Germander-lvd ^t A or 1 Y Spain 1816. D CO 14851 scordioides L. Scordium-like ^K A or 1 au n Y France 1.-97. C CO Bar. ic.343 14852 hirsuta L. hairy A or \ jn.jl Y S. Europe 1731. C CO Cav. ic. 4. 302 14853 crispata W. en. curled-leaved ^ AJ or 1* jn.s Y Gibraltar 1816. C CO 14854 lanata L. woolly Dior 1 V Egypt 1818. S CO 1658. BYSTROPO' 1 GON Herit. BYSTROPOGON. (Byo, to close, pogon, beard; throat of fl.) Labiate?. 1. 7. 14855 plumosus Herit. feathery-flowered n. \ | or li jn.jl Pa. P Canaries 1779. C p.l Her. ser.4 14856 origanifolius Herit. Origanum-lvd tt i_J or li jlau Pa.P Canaries 1815. C p.l Her. ser. 5 ORDER I. DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. 235 14857 canariensis Herit. 14858 punctatus Herit. Canary dotted ft I _ | or e. i _ | or j jl.s Pa.P Canaries Pa.P Madeira 1714. 1775. Com. h. 2. 65 Her. ser. 7 * 1659. JfE'NTH^ L. MINT. (Minlha, daughter of Cocytus, changed into this plant.) Labiate. 52. 62. 14859 quadrifolia Rox. 14860 viridis L. 14861 tevigata JF. en. 14862 tenuis MX. viridis Wai. 14863 crispata Schr. 14864 nepetoldes Lej. 14865 p\ per ita L. 14866 Aalsamea W. en. 14867 niliaca Jac. 14868 sylvestris L. 14869 pubescens W. en. 14870 canesccns .Ko/A 1487 1 nemorusa W. en. 14872 hirta W. en. 14873 gratissima W. 14874 Auricularia . 14875 divaricata Lag. 14876 coccinea Rox. 14877 crispa Z,. 14878 incana W. en. 14879 undulata JF. m. 14880 rotundifolia i. 2 variegata 14881 macrostachya 7>. rotundifolia W. en. 14882 rugosa Roth 14883 lavandulacea JF. 4. D CO 14898 borealis MX. northern 9 t A or 1 P N. Amer. 1800. D CO 14899 canadensis L. Canadian ^ L A or 1 Jl P N. Amer. 1801. D CO 14900 australis R. Br. southern ^ I A or 1 P N. Holl. 1820. D CO 14901 Pul^gium L. Pennyroyal ^ r A m i au.s P Britain wet co. 1) CO Eng. bot. 1026 149(12 cervlna L. stag Hyssop-leaved L A or 1* W France 1648. D CO M. h.3.7.7 14903 safival,. cultivated ^ l A or Ij au.s p England D CO Eng. bot. 448 14904 glabrata W. smoothed ^ ' A or 1 p Egypt 1802. D CO 14905 Kracilis Sm. slender ^ l A or 1 au p Britain wat. pi. D CO Eng. bot. 449 14906 palustris Sm. marsh ^ l A or 1 s p Britain mar. D CO 14907 villosa Sm. villous -^ I A or 2 s p Britain wat. pi. D m.s 14908 pratensis Sm. meadow ^ > A or 1| p Britain mea. D m.s Sol. min. 17 14909 rivalis Sm. river ^ I A or 2 p Britain riv.sid. D m.s 14910 paludbsa Sm. marsh ^ t A or 1 p Britain mar. D m.s 1660. PERI'LLA W. PERILLA. 14911 ocymoides W. Basil-like 14912 fruticosa Rox. shrubby (Not explained.) O cu W India I | or 6 jl ... Nepal Labiatce. 2. 1770. S s.l Bot. mag. 2395 1823. C p.l 1661. HY'PTIS Jac. HYPTIS. (Hyptios, resupinate ; limb 14913 ebracteata R. Br. bractless [Qj cu f ja.o 14914 suavfeolens Jac. sweet-scented O) un 3 14915 Pseiid.-t'hamfeM.PozY. Bast. Ger.-lvd'f Ol un 1 14916 ChanueMrys JF. Germander-/w2 ^ Ol un 1 14917 radiata W. radiated iAJ cu 1 jn.jl 14918 capitata Jac. capitate ^ ( pi cu 1| jn.jl 14919 polyanthos Poit. many-flowered OJ un 2 14920 inflata Spr. inflated calyx Ol un 1 Marsypianthus hyptoides Mart. 14921 brevipes Poit. short-stalked 14922 recurvata Poit. recurved 14923 polystachya Hum. many-spiked 14924 canescens Hum. canescent Teucrium rhombifolium W. 14925 pectinata Poit. pectinated .tfepeta pectinata L. of corolla turned on its back.) Labiate. 19. 29 14P2R albida Kth. 14927 spicata Poit. 14928 Plumteri Poit. 14929 *tachyo\des Lk. 149,30 persica W. 14931 icoparia Poit. whitish spiked Plunder's Stachys-like Persian Broom Pa.P W. Indies 1778. W. Indies 1800. W. Indies 1821. Guiana 1821. Pa.P Carolina 1690. S l.p An. mu.7. 29. 2 S co An. mu. 7. 39. 2 S co An. mu.7. 31. I S co An. mu.7. 27-4 D l.p An. mu.7. 27. 2 Pa.P W. Indies 1714. S s.l An. mu.7. 27. 1 ... Peru 1819. S co ... Brazil 1823. S co Li S. Amer. 1822. S co Pa.P Cayenne 1820. D co ... Mexico 1824. S co ... Caraccas 1818. S co Pa.P W. Indies 1776. D l.p An. mu.7. 30 W Mexico 1824. W. Indies 1820. W.Indies 1819. 1824. Pa.P Persia 1800. . Maranh. 1825, C Ip S co An. mu. 7. 28. 2 PL ic. 163. 1 Lin. tr. 6. 12 An. mu. 7. 31. 2 236 DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. CLASS XIV. 1662. PYCNCXSTACHYS Pair. 14932 cajrulea Hook. blue PYCNOSTACHYS. O or (Pyknos, dense, stachys, a spike.) Labiate. 1. 3 au B Madagasc.1825. S co Hook. ex. fl. 0i *1663. LEPECHrN/^ W. LEPECHINIA. (John Lepechin, a Russian botanist.) Labiatce. 2. 14933 spickta W. spiked 3t A pr 1 Pa.Y Mexico 1800. D s.p W. h. b. 21 jETorminum caulescens Or. 14934 chenopodifolia W. Chenopod.-lvd ^ A pr R Siberia 1818. D l.p 1664. GLECHO N MA L. GROUND IVY. (Glechon, a Greek name for a sort of thyme.) Labiate. 2. 3. 14935 Aederacea L. common Jt~ A w 1 B Britain i) CO Eng. bot. 853 14936 hirsuta Kit. hairy JU A I'll 2 Pk Hungary ... D CO W. & K. 119 1665. ZA X MIUM. ARCHANGEL. (Laimos, the throat ; s ihape of flower.) Labiate. 16. 20. 14937 Orvala L. Tvala, or Batm-lvd ^ A or If my.jl D.P Italy 1596. D CO Bot. mag. 172 14938 U-evigatum L. smooth ^ A un 1 mr.o P Italy 1711. D CO Pluk. al. 198. 1 14939 rugusum L. wrinkly ^ A un 1 R Italy 1766. I) CO Boc. mu. 5. 23 14940 garganicum L. Garganian ^j A un 2 P Italy 1729. 1) CO Ex. bot. 1. 48 14941 maculatum L. spotted ^ A un 1 jnjl P Italy 1683. D CO Col. ec. 1. 185 14942 hirsututn Lam. hairy ^ A or 1 jnjl P S. Europ e ... D CO 14943 album JL. white ^ A w 2 ap.s W Britain D CO Eng bot. 768 14944 moschatum Mil. musk-scented O un 1 apjl W Levant 1739. S CO 14945 mulle H. K. soft ^j A un 1 W ... 1683. D CO 14941J flexuosum TVw. zigzag ^ A or i M Naples 1824. 3 CO 14947 purpureum L. 2 albidura purple white-flowered O O w w 1 1 P W Britain Britain S S CO CO Eng. bot. 769 14948 inc.sum W. cut-leaved O w 1 my.jl Pk Britain S CO Eng. bot. 1933 14949 bifidum Cyr. bifid or Jjnjl W Italy ... S CO Cyr. ne. 1. 7 14950 tomentosum JF. woolly fS or i jnjl W Armenia s CO 14951 amplexicaule L. stem -clasping Henbit Q w f mr.jn Pk Britain s CO Eng. bot. 770 14952 multifidum L. many-cleft o cu 1 P Levant 1782. s co Com. r. 26 1666. GALEO'PSISi. HEMP NETTLE. (Gale, weasel, oni tis, resemblance ; flower.) Labiate. 8. 9. 14953 Z,adanum L. Ladanum o w f jl-s Pk Britain s CO Eng. bot. 884 14954 parviflora Lam. small-flowered o un 1 R SwitzerL 1819. 8 CO Vil. del. 2. 9 14955 angustifelia Pers . narrow-leaved o un 1 R Europe iseo. S CO 14956 canescens 5ze6. canescent o un 1 R Caucasus 1820. s CO 14957 pubescens Bes. pubescent un 1 R German] f 1818. s CO 14958 villosa //wt villous w 1 Y Britain 3 CO Eng. bot. 2353 ochroleuca Lam. 14959 Tetrahit Z,. Tetrahit w lijl-au W Britain corn fi. S CO Jig. bot. 207 14960 versicolor Cur. versicolor o w 1 Y.E Britain s CO Eng. bot 667 cannabina Roth 1667. GALEO'BDOLON Sm. DEAD NETTLE. (Gale, weasel, bdolos, fetid smell.) Labiate. 1. 2. 14961 luteum Sm. yellow ^ A or 1 my.jn Y Britain D co Eng. bot. 787 1668. #ETO'NICA.L. 14962 oflicinalis L. 14963 stricta H. K. 14964 incana H. K. 14965 orientalis L. 14966 ^lopecurus L. 14967 hirsuta L. 14968 macro lira Otto 14969 grandiflbra W. 14970 m'vea Stev. *1669. STA^CHYSi. BETONY. officinal strict hoary oriental Foxtail hairy long-tailed great- flowered snowy HEDGE NETTLE. (Bentonic, its name in Celtic.) Italy Levant 1759. 1737. P P F L.P R P Italy 1710. Pa.R Europe 1820. P Siberia 1800. R Caucasus 1820. (Stachys, a spike ; flowers in spikes.) Labiatce. 9. 12. Britain woods. D co Eng. bot. 1142 Denmark 1592. D co Par. th. 615. 4 D s.p Bot. mag. 2125 D co S. Europe 1759. D co " D s.p D co D co D co Labiate. 53. Lam. il. 507. 2 Jac. au. 1. 78 Mur. 2. 3 Bot. mag. 700 . SoLiTARiiFL&R;E. Flower subsolltary and opposite, from No. 14977. ivhorled^ Jew-flowered. 14971 spinbsa L. 14972 glutinosa L. 14973 fruriculosa Bieb. 14974 aethiopica L. 14975 Corsica Pers. 14976 angustifblia Bieb. tenuifolia Pall. 14977 rugdsa H. K. thorny clammy little shrubby Ethiopian Corsican narrow-leaved crinkly 14978 ietonicaefolia Desf. Betony-leaved 14979 Ayssopi folia MX. Hyssop-leaved I un Ifjl P Candia It MO. A or 1 jnjl P Candia 1729. or 1 P Caucasus 1818. lAlor 11 apjl P C. G. H. 1770. ^ un J Pk Corsica 1823. A or p Tauria 1823. 1 | or 2 Pa.Y C. G. H. 1774. A or ljn jl Y Rochelle 1812. A un 2 P N. Amer. 1818. D co' M. h. 11.10. 9 D co M.h. 11.4. 17 C p.l C p.l Jac. ob. 4.77 D co S s.p Sw. fl. gar. 180 C p.l Jac. ic. 3. 493 D co D co II. VERTICILLIFLORJE. Flowers whorled, 6-Jlowered, distinct, from No. 15000. contiguous subspicate,from No. 15006. I0-Jtowered,from No. 15013. many-flowered. 14980 stenophylla Spr. narrow-leaved Sideritis linearifolia Lam. or 1 Y Spain 1S23. C p.l 14981 orientalis L. oriental ^j A or li jnjl Y Levant 1768. D S.I 14982 scordioides Pair. Scordium-like tt. or 3 J J 1 Y Morocco 1818. C p.l 14983 maritima L. sea ^ A fra 2 jl Y S. Europe 1714. D CO Jac. vin. 1. 70 14984 annua L. annual O un 1 W.Y. p S. Europe 1713. S CO Jac. au. 4. 360 149S5 Balbis Lk. Balbis's O or ^ my.jl Y Italy 1823. s. p.l pubescens Ten. 14986 hirta L. hairy -* or 1 Y Spain 1725. D CO Al. ped. 1.2. 3 14987 arvdnsis L. corn w 1 P Britain corn fi. S CO Eng. bot. 1 154 14988 grandidentata B. R. large-toothed ^ A un f R Chile 1827. S CO Bot. reg. 1080 14989 albicaulis B. R. white-stemmed^ A un f R Chile 1827. s CO 14990 arenaria Desf. sand j^ A or 1 jl P Levant 1804. D p.l 14991 diffusa Schw. diffuse ^ A or P S. Europe 1804. D p.l Bot. mag. 1959 arenaria B. M. 14992 ib^rica Bieb. Iberian ^ A or 1 my.jl P Iberia 1822. D CO 14993 scordifolia W. en. Scordium-lvd -* A or 1 V N. Amer.? 18 16. D CO 14994 aspera MX. rough ^ A u n 1| P N. Amer. 1821. D CO arvensis Walt. 14995 hispida Ph. hispid ^ A or 1 jl P Carolina 1822. D CO 14996 wepetifolia Desf. 14997 arabica Horn. Catmint-leaved^ Arabian A O un or li 1 P R 1805. Arabia 1819. D 8 CO CO 14998 ambigua Sm. ambiguous ^ A w l|jn.jl P Britain al. mo. D CO Eng. bot. 2089 14999 sylvatica L. wild ^ A w 2 Bd Britain hed. D CO Eng. bot. 416 V. ORDER I. DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. 237 1 15000 Fceniculum Ph. Fennel-scented ^ Q> cu //yssdpus anisatus Nut. 2 my.jn B N. Amer. 1824. D co ! 15001 palestina L. 15002 circinata Herit. Palestine round-leaved n. A or w 1 1 my.jl P P Syria 1820. Barbary 1777. C D p.l p.l Bar. ic. 279 Her. st. 26 15003 coccinea Jac. scarlet iAI or 3 S S. Amer. 1798. C p.l Bot mat?. 666 15004 mollissima W. en. softest A w u Pa.P Corfu 1806. 1) co W. h. b. 60 15005 dec&mbens Pers. decumbent jk A w 2 my.jl Y.H 1816. D CO 1500(3 r^cta L. upright *k A or 2 Y S. Europe 1683. 1) CO Jac. au. 4. 359 15007 Heraclea All. Heraclea *V A or 3 jn.s P Italy 1822. 1) CO 1500S obiiqua Kit. ablique-leaved ,'\, A or 2 jn.jl Y Hungary 1816. I) CO W. & K. 133 15009 Mhloinoldes W. e/i. Phlomis-like v A or H P 1816. I) CO 15010 debilis Kth. weak A or i" P S. Amer. 1825. D s.p 15011 glaucescens Mus. glaucescent A or 2 P Caucasus 1826. D CO 15012 palustris L. rnarsh Clown's Allheal A w i au P Britain moi.m. I) CO Eng. bot. 1675 15013 germanica L. 15014 intermedia H. K. German intermediate 1 A A w or 3 2 jn.jl P P England D Carolina 1762. D CO CO Eng. bot. 829 15015 sibirica Lk. Siberian ^ A un 1 P Siberia ? 1822. 1) CO Sw. fl. gar. 100 15016 polystachya Ten. many-spiked t O> un 2i P Italy 1821. 8 CO 15017 biennis Roth biennial ^ 0) or 3 jn'jl P Germany 1801. S CO 15018 lusitanica Surf. Portuguese I A or 2 P Portugal 1800. D CO Eriostt-mon lusitani cusLk. 15019 salviffifolia Ten. Sage-leaved ^ A or 2 jn.jl P Calabria 1824. D CO 15020 cretica L. Cretan V A w 2 P Candia 164U. D CO Walt. h. 108. 19 ISOii alptna Z/. alpine ^ A w 2 D.P Germany 1597. D p.l Fl. pyr. 1. 8 1022 lanata Jar. woolly ^ A or 2 jn.s St Siberia 1782. 1) p.l Jac. ic. 1. 107 15023 latifMia H. K. broad-leaved k A or 2 jn-jl P 1775. D CO 1670. ZIETE X N/^ Gled. ZIETENIA. (Probably the name of some obscure botanist.) Labiate. 1. 15024 lavandulifblia Pers. Lavender-lvd tt. or 1 P Levant 1824. C co ori^ntalis Gird. tac!iys lavandulaefolia W. *16"1. JSALLt/TAL. 15025 vu'.garis Lk. 15026 nigra L. i03'tida Lk. 15027 alba L. 15028 cindrea D. Don 15029 disticha W. * 1672. MARRITBIUM L STINKING HOREHOUND. (Ballo, to reject ; offensive odor.) Labiate. 5. 7 common ^t A cu 2 P Europe ... D s.l Hack ^ A w 2 jl.s P Britain hed. D co Eng. bot. 46 white ^ A w . 2 jl.s W Britain ... D co grey ^ A un 2 P Nepal 1824. C s.l two-rowed ^ A w 1 Jl B India 1828. S co Labiate. 20. 21. 15030 v41yssum L. 15031 astracanicum Jac. 15032 peregrin um L. 15033 creticum Mil. 15034 candidissimum L. 15035 mollissimum D.Don 15036 afFme Horn. 15037 supinum L. 15038 catariaefolium Desr. 15039 leonuroldes Desr. HOREHOUND. I. PE' Alyssum Astracan foreign Cretan whitest softest kindred supine Catmint-leaved Leonurus-like (Marrob, a bitter juice, Heb.} NTADOM. Calyx five-toothed. 1 jl.s 1 jl.s 3 jl.s 2 jn.s | au.o i P Spain 1597. C s.l Pa.P Levant 1816. D co W Sicily 1640. 1) CO W Levant 1596. D co W Levant 1732. D s.p W Nepal 1820. C p.l P Siberia? 1822. D co P S. Europe 1714. D co P Levant 1819. D co P Caucasus 1819. D co 15040 africanum L. 15041 vulgare L. 15042 apulum Ten. ^ 15043 hirsutum W. 15044 cinereum Desr. 15045 crispum L. f) 15046 hispanicum L. 15047 orientate Spr. . .Sallota orientalis Presl $ 15048 acetabulusum L. saucer-leaved tt- | or ^ 15049 Pseudodictamnus L.Bast.Dictamnustt. ( or African common white Apulian hairy cinereous curled-leaved Spanish oriental Calyx ten- toothed. 1 jl.s P C. G. H. 1710. D p.l W Britain rubble. D co 2 jn.s 2 H jn.jl n.jl au 1 1818. D co D co 1823. D co W Italy PaP Pa.P Spain Pa.P S. Europe 1714. D co P Spain 1714. D co P S. Europe 1821. C p.l Candia Ifi76. C p.l Candia 1596. C p.l Ger. h. 379. 1 Jac. ic. 1. 109 Jac. au. 2. 160 Di. el. 274. 214 Boc. mu. 2. 96 Com. h. 2. 90 Eng. bot. 410 Her. par. 200 Her. par. 201 Bar. ic. 129 Lam. il. 508. 2 1673. LEONITRUSZ, 15050 Cardmca L. 15051 villusus Desf. 15052 Marrubiastrum L. 15053 crispus Mur. 15054 suplnus /,. 15055 tatiiricus L. 15();36 sibiricus L. 15057 condensatus Horn. 15058 altaicus Spr. 15059 neglectus Schult. 15060 multiridus Desf. 15061 heterophyllus Swt. 15062 lAcerus Lindl. 15063 lanatus Pers. Panztn'a multifida MOTHER-WORT. cardiac villous Marrubiastrum curled-team* supine Tartarian Siberian condensed Altaian neglected many-cleft various-leaved torn woolly Moen. .Ballota U (Leon, or , a tail ; spike of flowers.) R Britain S Labiate. 14. co Eng. bot. 286 Tauria 1820. Austria 1710. Siberia 1658. Siberia 1816. Russia 1756. Siberia 1759. Siberia 1819. Altaia 1824. S. Europe 1818. 1817. S. Amer. 1819. Nepal 1824. Siberia 1752. S S s s s s s s 8 s s s s CO CO CO CO p.l p.l CO CO CO p.l p.l co CO Jac. au. 5. 405 Mur. 8. 4 Mil. ic. 1. 80 Ex. bot. 2. 94 Sw. fl. gar. 197 Gm. si. 3. 54 1674. PHLCTMIS L. PHLOMIS. (Phlogmos, a flame ; down used for wicks. j 15064 fruticbsa L. shrubby Jerusalem, Sage* 15065 ferruginea Ten. ' rusty il 15066 cretica Presl Cretan fruticusa Sieb. 15067 scaridsa Presl roughish * 15068 virens Dec. green H 151)69 lanata W. en. woolly angustifulia Dec. 15070 purpurea Sm. purple * 15071 italica Sm. Italian it purpurea L. 15072 Lychnitis L. Lychnitis 3 jn.jl 2 jn.jl 3 jn.jl 3 jn.jl 3 jn.jl li jn.jl 2 2 Y Spain Y.Br Naples Y Crete 1596. 1823. 1820. Italy 1823. S. Europe ... Spain 1596. S. Europe 1661. Italy 1661. Labiate. 22. 30. C co Bot mag. 1843 C co C co C co C co C co C co Sm. spic. 6. 3 : ! | or 2 Y.Br S. Europe 1658. C p.l Bot mag. 999 238 DIDYNAM1A GYMNOSPERMIA. CLASS XIV. 15073 salvisef&lia Jac. Sage-leaved * or 3 P ... C CO Jac. sc. 3. 359 15074 microphylla Sieb. 15075 orienUlis Dec. small-leaved oriental 1 A or A or b" jlau Egvpt" 1827. S. Europe 1820. D D p.l CO 15076 Niasulif W. Nissole's ,AI or 2 jn.jl Y Levant 1757. D r.m Mil. ic. 2. 204 15077 samia L. Samian A or 3 jn.jl Y.Br N. Africa 1714. D p.l Bot. mag. 1891 15078 lunarifolia Sm. Honesty-leav ed* A or S jn Br Levant 1818. D CO 16079 Russellidna Lag. Russell's A or 3 jn.jl Br Levant 1821. D r.m Bot. mag. 2542 lunarifolia ,3 Russel liana B. M. 15080 crinHa Cay. ha\r-bracted *V A r O jn.jl Spain 1820. D co Cav. ic. 3. 247 15081 herba venti L. wind herb A or t jl.s R S. Europe 1596. D CO Bot. mag. 2449 15082 pungens W. pungent A or 3 jl Br Armenia 1820. 1) CO Sw. fl. gar. 33 15083 tuberosa L. tuberous 5t A or 4 jn.o L.P Siberia 1759. D CO Bot. mag. 1555 15084 alplna Pall. alpine A or 1 jn.s P Siberia 1802. D S.1 Pal. p. 2. 13 15085 laciniata L. jagged-leaved A or 3 jl P Levant 1731. D CO Sw. fl. gar. 24 1675. LEITCAS R. Br. 15086 chinensis fl. Br. LEUCAS. China (Leukos, white; downy whiteness of flowers.) KB or 1| jn.o W China 1820. Labiatce. 11. 27. S s.l Phl6mis chinensis j Retz. 15087 zeylanica R. Br. 15088 /inifolia Spr. Ceylon Flax-leaved rm un rm or lijn.o 1 jl.s P W E. Indies E. Indies 1777. 1816. S S S.I s.l Jac. ic. 1. Ill Phlomis zeylanica J Mur. 15089 Plukenetii Spr. Plukenett's rm or 3 J1.S W E. Indies 1820. S S.I Phl6mis Plukeneti i Roth 15090 cephalotes Spr. rowwrf-headed 1 rm or 2 jl.s W E. Indies 1818. S S.1 151,91 aspera Spr. rough-leaved iQI un 1 W Caramani a!818. S S.1 15092 indica fl. Br. Indian rm un li W E. Indies 1789. S s.l 15093 wrticifolia fl. Br. Nettle-leaved if W E. Indies 1810. S S.1 15094 flaccida R. Br. flaccid iQI or ills W N. Holl. 1823. S S.1 15095 martinicensis fl. Br. Martinique O un ijiis W W. Indies 1781. S s.l Jac. ic. 1. 110 Phlomis martinicen sis IV. caribiE^ a Ja> 15096 biflora fl. Br. two-flowered OJ or 2 jl.s W Ceylon 1819. S S.1 1676. LEONCTTIS fl. Br. LION'S EAR. 15097 Leonurus fl. Br. Lion's tail * (Leon, a lion, ous, an ear: fanciful likeness.) Lj or 3 o.d S C. G. H. 1812. C p.l Labiatce. 4. Bot. mag. 478 Phlomis Leonurus L. 15098 ovata Spr. Phl5mis Leonltis 2 ovate * l | or M jn.jl O C. G. H. 1713. C p.l Mil. ic. 2. 162. 1 15099 intermedia Lindl. intermediate jtt 1 1 or 3 s.o C. G. H. 1822. C p.l Bot. reg. 850 15100 nepetifblia fl. Br. Catmint-lea ved irn or 3 s.o E. Indies 1778. S S.1 Bot. reg. 281 * 1677. MOLUCCE'LLA L. MOLUCCA BALM. (Brought. from the Moluccas.} Labiatce. 4. 7. H5101 spin6sa L. prickly Q cu 1 C Levant 1596. S co Lam. il. 510 15102 laeVis L. smooth Q cu 1| jlau Pa.P Syria 1570. S co Bot. mag. 1852 15103 Marrubiastrum Step. Marrubiastrum Q or 1 P Siberia 1821. S s.p 15104 tuberosa Pall. tuberous-rooto/A A cu 2 jl Pa.P Tartary 1796. S l.p Pal. it. 3. T. 1678. CLINOPO^DIUM L. WILD BASIL. (Kline, bed, pous, foot; fl. like turned bed feet.) Labiate. 3. 4. 15105 vulgare L. common ^ A or 1 Pk Britain D co Eng. bot. 1401 15106 Eegyptiacum Lam. Egyptian ^ A or 1 P Egypt 1759. D co 15107 origanifolium Lab. Origanum-lvd ^ A or Pk S. Europe 1825. D p.l 1679. PYCNA'lSTlll^MUlVl MX. .FYCNANTHEMUM. \ryKU 15108 incanum MX. hoary Je A cu 3 jl.o os, aens W e, antiiemos, now N. Amer. 1752. cr. L.I CO ibiatce. /. 11. Di. el. 74. 85 15109 Monardella MX. Small Monarda ^ A or 2 W N. Amer.: j 1816. I) s.p 15110 aristatum MX. awned ^ A cu 2 au W N. Amer. 1752. D CO Mic. am. 2. 33 15111 verticillatum Pers. whorled ^ A cu 2 w Carolina 1820. S s.p Mic. am. 2. 31 15112 nudum Nut. naked ^ A or 2 w Carolina 1824. 1) s.p 15113 /inifulium Ph. Flax-leaved ^ A cu 1| w N. Amer. 1739. D CO Her. par. 218 yhymus virginicus Mur. 15114 lanceolatum Ph. spear-leaved ^ A or 1 Jl- au w N. Amer. 1812. D CO * 1680. ORI'G ANUM L. MARJORAM. (Oros, a mountain, ganos, joy ; odor and habitation.) Labiatce. 20. 24. 151 15 vulgare Z,. common ^ A cul 2 jn.o Pk Britain ch. w. D s.l Eng. bot. 1143 2 flore albo white-flowered ^ A or jn.jl W Britain m.woo. D CO 15116humileP. dwarf ^ A or jn.jl W 1818. D CO 15117 v'irens Lk. green ^ A or jn.jl Pk Spain 1824. D CO 15118 normale D. Don normal ^ A or jn.jl B Nepal 1819. D CO 15119 heracleoticum Z,. bast. Winter-sweet^ A cul jn.n W S. Europe 1640. D s.l Lob. ic. 492 15120 creticum L. Cretan ^ A or W S. Europe 1596. S 6.1 Schk.han.2.164 15121 megastachyum Lk. large-spiked ^ A un 1 jl.n Pk S. Europe 1823. D CO 15122 smyrnae'um L. Smyrna j _AJ or 1 jn.jl W Smyrna 1722. C r.m 15123 hirtum Lk. hairy ^ A un 1 jl.n Pk Levant 1823. D CO 15124 oblongatum Lk. oblong ^ A un - jl n W D CO 15125 Oiii tes L. Onites ^ A cul 2 jlln Pk Sicily 17*59. D CO Boc. mu. 38 15126 synacum L. Syrian ^ Q> or 15127 Majorana L. Sweet Marjoram^ OJ cul jn.jl jn.jl Pk Pk Syria 1823. Portugal 1573. S S CO r.m M. h. 11.3.1 15128 Muru L. Mastic a. (or jn.jl Pk ,,, C CO Bot. mag. 2005 wza/orawoldes W. 15129 indicum Roth Indian ^ OJ or jn.jl W E. Indies 1816. S r.m 15130 Tournef6rti H. K. Tournefort's tt. | or au.s Pk Amorgos 1788. C CO Bot. rep. 537 15131 sipyleum L. Mount Sipylus tt. | or 15132 Dictamnus L. Dittany of Creten. | or jn.s Pk Pk Levant 1699. Candia 1551. C C r.m r.m Her. lug. 463 Bot. mag. 298 15133 benghal&ise Gar. Bengal L | or jn.jl Pk Bengal 1820. C IP Bur. in. 38. 3 15134 ffigyptiacum L. Egyptian n. | fra Pk Egypt 1731. C CO Alp. aeg. 95 * 1681. THY^MUS L. THYME. (Thymos, courage ; smell reviving.) Labiatce. 33. 36. 15135 villosus L. villous . __| or f jn.jl P Portugal 1759. C CO Fl. por. 1. 14 15136cephal6tesi. gmrt-headed - 1 or P Portugal 1759. C CO Fl. por. 1. 13 15137 numidicus Poir. Numidian n. or f P Barbary 1816. D s.l 15138 Marinosc* Ten. Marinosci's . or J R Italy 1824. I) 8.1 15139 creticus Brot. Cretan L or 1 P Mediterr. 1817. C S.l Thymus capitatus Lk. . 15140 odoratis8imusflri. sweetest-scentedtt. or } P Tauria 1817. C s.l 15141 acicularis Kit. needle-leaved *~ or | P Hungary 1806. C CO W. & K. 2. 147 15142 hirsiitus Bieb. hairy tt. or ^ P Spain 1821. C S.1 ORDER I. DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. 239 15143 Zygis L. Zygis tt. 15144 MarschalliuwMS W. Marsch all's tt. 15145 glabratus Lk. smooth n. 15146 angustifolius Schreb. narrow-leaved !U. 15147 Serpyllum L. Wild Thyme JU 15148 exserens Ehrh. drawn out JU. 15149 collinus JBieb. hill *-. 15150 montanus #tf. mountain X~ 15151 nummularius 2?/&. Moneywort !L. 15152 pannonicus jr. en. Pannonian )U 15153 lanuginosus Schk. woolly -. 15154 citriodorus Pers. Lemon-scented !U 15155 lucidus Ehrh. shining-leaved tt. 15156 vulgaris L. common garden**. 2 latifulius broad-leaved . 15157 MasticMna L. Mastich 15158 elongXtus LA. elongated o. 15159 tomentosus W. en. tomentose tt. 15160 lanceolatus Desf. lanceolate L 15161 rragoriganum L. Goat's Origan. 15162 ffricaefolius Roth Heath-leaved . 15163 croat icus Pers. Croatian **- 15164 Piperella L. Small Pepperminta. 15165 filifdrmis W. filiform !U or or or or or or or or or or or or or cul cul or or or or or OF or or 15166 virgatus Ten. 15167 fruticulibsus Bert. twiggy fruticulose 1 au i i i i i jn.jl i jn.jl i jn au i jn au 1 1 1 1 jl.s 1 jl.s 1 IJUu 1 my.jn i 1 i jl-au I jn.jl 1 jlau 1 Spain 1771. S Crimea 1817. C S. Europe 1823. C C Britain heaths. C Britain heaths. D Tauria 1820. D Hungary 1806. D Crimea 1822. C Hungary 1817. C Britain Scot. C C 1816. C S. Europe 1548. C C r.m Bar. ic. 777 CO co Fl. por. 15 CO s.p Eng. bot. 1514 co co s.p W. & K. 1. 71 CO CO CO CO CO r.m Pa.P Spain 1596. C co" Black. 134 1816. C co Spain 1816. C co N. Africa 1823. C s.l Desf. at. 2. 128 Candia 1640. C co Alp. ex. 78 co co W. & K. 2. 156 s.l Boc. mu. 2. 117 co s.l s.l Spain 1806. Hungary 1802. D Spain 1810. D Minorca 1770. C Italy 1824. D Sicily 1822. C 1682. ^'CYNOS Pers. ACTMOS. 15168 vulgaris Pers. Basil-lvd common Tliyinus ,^'cynos L. 15169 heterophyllus G. Dow. variab!e-lvd O or ivllus Pair. (The Greek name of a balsamic plant.) rhymus acynoides Ten. heterophyll 15170 patavlnus Pers. Paduan ^ 15171 alp'mus Pers. alpine j 15172 grandiflorus G. Don great-flowered S~ Zliymus grandiflorus Sm. 15173 rotundifblius Pers. round-leaved tt. 15174 purpurascens Pers. purpurascent ^ 15175 herba baroni G.Don herb baroni 7*hymus herba bartjni Lot. 15176 suaveolens G. Don sweet-scented Thymus suaveolens Sm. 15177 villbsus Pers. villous 15178 graveolens Lk. heavy-scented G) or OJ or G) or n. or ^ Q) or a. or O or O or * jn.jl f ijn.s A 4 jn.jl 1 Britain Italy dryh. S 1822. S Labiates. 11. co Eng. bot 411 S. Europe 1776. Austria 1731. 1810. Spain Spain Corsica 1820. 1820. 1820. Bot. mag. 2153 Jac. au, 1. 97 1 P.R Greece 1817. S s.l I jn au 1 1683. CALAMI'NTHA Ph. CALAMINT. (Kalos, beautiful, 15179 grandiflora Pers. great-flowered ^ A or 1 jn.s R Melissa grandiflora B. M. 15180 caroliniana Swt. Carolina & & or 1 jn.jl F Thymus grandifl6rus B. M. 15181 vulgaris Swt. common ^t A or 2 R Melissa Calamintha L. Thymus Calamlntha E.B. 15182 ^epeta Ph. Nepete ^ A or 1J jl.o B Melissa ^peta L. 15183 wiarifolia Pers. Marum-leaved ^ A or 1| jn.jl P ^epeta warifulia Cav. Thymus wjaritolius W. en. 15184 cretica Pers. Cretan tt- | or jn.jl P 15185 frutictea Pers. shrubby L | or f jl.s P 15186 alba Lk. white ^ A or W Germany 1817. Crimea 1820. mintha, mint.) Italy 1596. Carolina 1804. England England ch.hil. Spain 1788. S. Europe 1596. Spain ' 1752. Hungary 1818. 1684. MELI'SSA L. BALM. 15187 officinalis L. " officinal 2 romana Roman hairy 15188 cordifolia Pers. heart-leaved 15189 altissima Sm. tallest 15190 pyrenaica Jac. Pyrenean fforminum pyrenaicum L. 15191 polyanthos Lo. C. many-flowered Labihtce. 8. 9. D co Bot. mag. 208 D co Bot mag. 997 D s.l Eng. bot. 1676 D co Eng. bot. 1414 D co Cav. ic. a 576 D r.m Bar. ic. 1166 C r.m D p.l Labiate. 5. 7. (Melissa, a bee ; gather abundance of honey from it.) ^ A m 1 J n - W S. Europe 1573. D co W S. Europe ... D co W.P Italy 1808. D co W Greece 1818. D s.l W Pyrenees 1800. D s.l Jac. vin. 2. 183 A or 1 W 1820. D 8.1 * 1685, DRACOCE'PHALUM L. DRAGON'S HEAB i. (Drakon, dragon, kephale, head ;fl.) ZaWte.23. 30. 15192 virginianum L. Virginian ^ '. A or 3 jl.s R N. Amer. 1683. D p.l Bot. mag. 4fi7 15193 speciosum Swt. showy 3( 1 A or 2 jlau Pk Siberia 1822. D CO Sw. fl. gar. 93 15194 denticulatum L. toothed ^ 1 A or 1 au.s St Carolina 1787. 1) P.l Bot. mag. 214 15195 variegatum Ven. variegated ^ ; A or lj | au.s P Carolina 1812. D CO Ven. eels 44 15196 cordatum Nut. cordate-leaved ^ 1 A or 1 P N. Amer. 1824. 1) p.l 15197 Ruyschianum L. 15198 austrlacum L. Ruysch's ^ Austrian ^ '. A ' A or or 2 1 jn.jl jn.jl B B N.Europe 1699. Austria 1597. D D p.j Fl. dan. 121 Jac. ic. 1. 11 15199 Aotryoides Stev. Botrys-like ^ ! A or i P Siberia 1822. D CO 15200 palmktum L. palmated ^ A or 15201 canarienseL. Canary Halm o/GUeadtL \ | or 15202 peregnnum L. foreign ^t A or 15203 argunense Fit. Argun ^ A or 15204 granditibrum L. great-flowered ^ A r 15205 altaiense Lam. Altaian ^ A or 3 jl.s i 1 1 }1 1 P Pa.P B B B P Siberia Canaries Siberia Siberia Siberia Georgia 1815. 1697. 1759. 1822. 1759. 1787. D C D D D U CO r.m p.l CO p.l CO Com. h. 2. 41 Bot. mag. 1084 Bot. cab. 797 Bot. mag. 1009 N. c. p. 29. 3 15206 moldavicum L. Moldavian or 2 B Moldavia 1596. S CO Lam. il. 513. 1 2 albiflorum white-flowered O or 2 W Moldavia 1596. S CO 15207 parviflorum Nut. 1:>J08 canescens L. Email-flowered ^ canescent ; g cr or 2 ! | B B N. Amer. Levant 1825. 1711. I) 1) p.l CO Sw. fl. gar. 38 15209 ibencum Stev. Iberian ^ A or 1 B Iberia 1820. 1) p.l 15210 peltatum L. 15211 ttiymiflorum L. 15212 nutansi. peltate Thyme-flowered noddine -^ A or or or P P B Levant Siberia Siberia 1711. 1752. 1731. S S D CO CO CO Lam. il. 513. 2 Gm. si. 3. 50 Bot. reg. 841 15213 chamasdryo v ides Sa/6. Germander-Ik iU Al or 15214 tibiricum L. Siberian ^ A or 1 B B Siberia' 1823. 1760. D U s.l.p P.l Bot. mag. 2183 240 DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. CLASS XIV. 1686. MELI'TTIS L. BASTARD BALM. (Melt, honey ; bees gather abundantly from.) LabiMx. 2. 4. 15215 Melissophyllum L. Melissa-leaved ^ A or 1 my.jn F England woods. D co Eng. hot. 577 2 alpinum alpine ^ A or I my.jn F SwitzerL ... D co 15216 grandiflura Sm. great-flowered ^ A or 1 my W.T England woods. D co Eng. bot 636 1687. O'CYMUM L. 15217 thyrsiflorum L. 15iil8 gratissimum L. 15219 basilicum L. 15220 pilosum W. en. 15221 micranthum W. en. 15222 viride If. en. 15223 suave W. en. 15224 canum Sims 15225 sanctum L. 15226 febrifugum Lindl. 15227 album L. 15228 americanum L. 15229 caryophyllatum Rox. 15250 vi!16sum Rox. 152.31 mentho'ides L. 15232 inodorum Lam. 15233 cristatum Rox. 15234 grandiflbrum Herit. 15235 minimum L. 15236 cordifolium Boj. BASIL. (Ozo, a smell ; powerful scent.) thyrse-flowered^? lCj)l un most grateful n. r 'I un 2 common Q cul 1 pilose O un 1 jl.s small-flowered HH un 1 green tt. f~l un sweet-scented tt. I I un O un rm un a. dm rm or rm un ) CZ3 or EJor hoary holy febrifuge white American Clove-scented villous Mint-like scentless crested great- flowered least heart-leaved or 01 or it. i _ | un O cul tt, i _ | un 3 jl.s 3 JLs 1 Jl 1 jl.s 3 jn.o 1 jl.s 1 2 2 1 1 jl.s 1 JL. 2 8.0 1 W W W W Pa.P W.o W W P W W W W W W W W W W China E. Indies 1806. S s.l E. Indies 1751. C s.l India 1548. S r.m 1816. S s.l 1816. S 8.1 1816. C s.l 1816. 1822. E. Indies 1758. S. Leone 1822. E. Indies 1816. \V. Indies 1789. S E. Indies 1817. C E. Indies 1817. C s.l E. Indies 1783. S s.l E. Indies 1823. S s.l E. Indies 1822. S s.l Abyssinia 1802. C s.l E. Indies 1573. S r.m Mauritius?1825. C s.l Labiatts. 20. 31. Jac. vin. 3. 72 Jac. ic. 3. 495 Black. 104 C s.l S co S s.l C co S s.l s.l s.l Bot. mag. 2452 R. mal. 70. 92 Bot. reg. 753 Jac. vin. 3. 86 Her. ser. 43 Schk. nan. 2. 166 * 1688. LUMNITZE N R^ Jac. LUMNITZERA 15237 ocymoides Jac. Ocymum-like O'cymum poly'cladum Lk. 15238 polystachya Jac. many-spiked O'cymum polystachyon L. 15239 tenuiflora Spy. slender-fiwd 15240 capitata W. headed O'cymum capitellatum L. 15241 moschata Spr. musk Plectranthus moschata R. Br. (Stephan Lumnitzer, a botanical author.) Labiate. 5. 9 nn or rm un O1 un O ec 1 W 1823. S co E Indies 1783. S s.l I II Pa.P E. Indies 1703. S s.l W China 1806. S s.l Mur. 3. 3 Ru. am. 5. 92. 2 iDJ or 1| jl.s W N. Holl. 1S23. S co * 1689. PLECTRA'NTHUS Herit. PLECTRANTHUS. 15242 fruticbsus Herit. shrubby is. \ | or 15243 scutellariokies R.Br. Skullcap-like fCTi or OVymum scutellario'ides H. K. (Plfktron, cock's spur, anthos, flower.) Labiatte. 23. 38 3 jn.s B C. G. H. 1774. C r.m Her. er. 85. 41 2 B E. Indies 1764. S l.p Bot. mag. 1446 15244 galeatus Vahl helmeted rm un 2 B Nepal 1820. S 8.1 15245 graveolens R. Br. 15246 australis R, Br. heavy-smelling tt. i | un southern iQI un 2 2 au.s au.s B B N. Holl. N. Holl. 1826. 1826. C C p.l p.l Bot. reg. 1098 15247 incanus Lk. hoary f iAI or 3 B 1822. D CO 15248 monachorum Spr. monks' lOJun 1 W E. Indies 1796. S 6.1 O'cymum monacho rum L. 15249 m611is Spr. soft iO\ un 1 s V E. Indies 1781. s s.l O'cymum m611e H. K. 15250 asper Spr. 15251 Forskohl^j W. rough Forskohl'8 tt. C] or 2 3 au.s o.n B B E. Indies 1824. Abyssinia 1806. C C rp Bot. mag. 2036 barbatus B. R. 15252 strobiliferus Rox. strobiliferous rm un 1 B E. Indies 1804, s s.l 15253 secundus Rox. side flowering rm un 1 B E. Indies 1816. s 8.1 15254 punctatus Herit. dotted or 2 jamy B Africa 1775. s r.m Her. ser. 87.41 152 r >5 rotundifdlius Spr. 15256 rhymiflurus Spr. round-leaved Thyme-flvvd un un 1 1 au.s B B Mauritius 1823. E. Indies 1826. s C s.l p.l 15257 viscosus Spr. clammy n. 1 1 un ^ au.s B E. Indiei 1826. C p.l 15258 parviflurus W. en. 15259 cordifolius D. Don small. Howered tt. i j | or heart-leaved tt. i 1 un 3 2 jn.s jl B B S Amer. Nepal 1805. 1823. C C 1.P S.1 W. h. b. 65 15260 comosus Sims comose tt. Q pr 2 au B Nepal 1821. s CO Bot. mag .2318 15261 coloratus D. Don colored tt | | un 2 au.s B Nepal 1820. C p.l 15262 Coetsa Ham. Coetsa i Al un 2 o B Nepal 1823. C 8.1 15263 ternatus Sims tern ate Omi-ne Plat * [A] or | au P Madagasc :.1821. D r.m Bot. mag .2460 15264 ternifolius D. Don three-leaved 1 | un 2 au.s B Nepal 1820. C p.l 1690. POGOSTE^MON POGOSTEMONT. (Pogon, a beard, stemon, a stamen.) Labiatce. 1. 15265 plectrantho^des Desf. Plectranth-lk tt. _| or 1 ... W C f.p 1691. TRICHOSTE N MA L. TRICHOSTEMA. (Thrix, hair, sterna, stamen ; slender.) Labiatte. 2. 4. 15266 dichdtomum L. dichotomous O or 1 jn.jl B N. Amer. 1759. S s.l Lam. il. 515 15267 lineare MM. linear-leaved O pr 1 B N. Amer. 1759. S s.p Di. el. 285. 369 iA Lab. PROS toothed lANTHERA. it i | or ? ostheke, appendag .. N. e, anil Holl. era, an 1824. tne C r.) i s.p MOIO. ife. I. rhomb-leaved l_Jor 4 .. N. Holl. 1823. C .p round-leaved it | | or 3 .. N. Holl. 1824. C s.p cut-leaved \\o\et-colored l | or * i lor 3 5 V .. N. N. Holl. Holl. 1823. 1820. C C s.p s.p Bot. reg. 1072 \\ncnr-leaved Ht \ \ or villous-floweredfi i | or 3 2 jnjl r .. N. w N. Holl. S. W. 1824. 1808. C C s.p S.p Bot reg. 143 15268 denticulata R. Rr. 152fi9 rhumbea R. Br. 15270 rotundifdlia R. Br. 15271 indsa R. Br. 15'272 violacea R. Br. 15273 linearis R. Br. 15274 lasianthos Lab. 1693. SCUTELLA^RIA L. SKULLCAP. (Scutella, a small dish ; figure of calyx.) Labiate. 31. 45. I. SOLITARIIFLORJJ. Flowers aelllary, solitary, 15275 galericulata L. 15276 hastifolia L. 15 1 277 scordifolia Fis. 15.'78 minor L. 15279 verna Beg. 15280 ambigua Nut. 15281 havanen&is Jac. 15282 humilis R. Br. 15283 parvula MX. small-capped spear-leaved Scordium-lvd less spring ambiguous Ha van nan dwarf very small ^t A r i A or ^ A or ^ A or ^ A or tA or [A1 or iAI cu 3t A cu 1 jn.s B 1 jn.jl P J jn.jl B % Pk J jn.jl B i jn.jl B 2 my.jn B 1 jn.jl B i B Britain D co Eng. bot. 523 Germany 1798. D co Siberia 1817. D p.l Britain m.hed. D co S. Europe 1821. D p.l N. Amer. 1824. D p.l Havannab.1793. D s.l N. Holl. 1823. D p.l N. Amer. 1822. S p.l Eng. bot. 524 Jac. ob. 2. 29 Hook. ex. fl. 105 ORDER II. DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA. 241 15284 grandiflora Sims 11. RACEMIFLOR*: Flowers in racemes, sp large-flowered ^ A or P.Y ncate, axil, Siberia 1804. n s.l Bot. mag. 635 15285 Iaterifl6ra L. side-flowering 9t A or 1 jn.s B N. Amer. 1752. D p.l III. TERMIN ALIFLf )R^E. Raceme s tern li nal, simplt 15286 orientalis L. 15287 macrantha Fis. oriental long-flowered ^ A k A or or 1 jl.s IJl.s Y B Levant Siberia "1729. 1827. D D Pi CO Bot. mag. 2120 15288 altaica Ledeb. Altaian k A or i n.jl Siberia 1817. D p.l 15289 decumbens Sieb. decumbent ^ Al or i jn.jl B" S. Europe 1825. D p.l hirta Sm. 15290 alpina L. alpine A or f jn.o B.w Hungary 1752. D p.l Sw. fl. gar. 90 15291 peregrina L. foreign k A or 2 jn.o V Italy 1683. D CO W. & K. 2. 125 15292 altissima L. tallest ^ A or 1 D.P Levant 1731. D p.l Bot. mag. 2548 15293 pSllida Bleb. pale :k A or 2 W Crimea 3824. D CO Gm. si. 58 15294 Col6mn All. Columna's 3( A or 1 B Italy 1806. D CO Sw.fl.gar.52 15295 rubicunda Horn. ruddy & A or 2 Pk 1823. 1) CO 15296 nigrescens Spr. nigrescent 3t A pr 2 Y Candia 1826. R CO 15297 albida .. Whitish 3t A or 1J jn.jl W.P Levant 1771. U s.l Sab. rom. 3. 29 15298 lupulina L. wolf k A or 1 jn.s Y.w Tartary 1739. D p.l Schm. ic. 73 15299 integrifolia Z, entire-leaved k A or 1 jn.s B N. Amer. 1731. 1) p.l Pluk. aL 441. 6 15300 Ayssopifolia L. Hyssop-leaved A or 1 jn.s B N. Amer. 1731. 1) CO 15301 purpiirascens Swz. 15302 carolinikna Z,ai. purpurascent Carolina ^ A ^ A or or l|jn!jl B B W. Indies 1820. Carolina 1811. D D p.l CO Lam. il. 515. 3 15303 nervbsa Ph. fibrous A or 1 B Virginia 1826. R CO IV. COMPOS!' riFLbR IE. Racemes compc >?, tnd, termii ml. 15304 pilosa Mr. pilose ^ A or 1 B N. Amer. 1825. D p.l 15305 serrate Andr. sa.vf-leaved k A or 4 jn.s B N. Amer. 1800. D s.l Bot. rep. 494 1694. Ptf UNE'LLA L. SELF.HKAL. (Z>? breaune, disease of jaws. Ger. ; supposed med. qual.) Labiate. 13. 15306 vulgaris Z,, common 3t A m i Pk Britain i ne. pa. D CO Eng. bot. 961 2 alba w h i te-flowered %L A cu 1 w Britain i one. pa. D CO 15307 pennsylvanica W. Pennsylvanian *k A or i jl.s Pa.E 1 N. Amer. 1801. D p.l W.h.b.9 15308 ovate Z>/. ovate-leaved O un IJUu P America S l.p 15309 grandiflora L. great-flowered ^ A or 4 i-s Austria 1596. D p.l BoL mag. 2014 15310 latifolia Lo. C. broad-leaved ^ A or P D p.l 15311 longifolia P. UttiJilNSTKJbl'J 15542 scabra Thun. 15543 dentata L. :iA L,. ilEBENS' rough toothed FREITIA. (J.. a. \ | or Opr a. i 1 1 leoenst) jn.jl my.s rgtt, W W L.L).,prot. bi C. G. H. C. G. H. at., l^ei 1824. 1739. ipsi' C S c.) r s.p p.l erber. Bot, lac. 10. 1< , mag. 483 15544 integrifolia L. entire-leaved 1 my.jn W C. G. H. 1792. C p.l Bot. rep. 252 avirea B. Rep. 15545 ciliata L. ciliated tt-uJpr 1 my.jl W C. G. H. 1815. c p.l 15546 capitata Thun. capitate tt i 1 or 1 jn.jl W C. G. H. 1823. c s.p 15547 albi flora Lk. 15548 fruticosa Thun. 15549 erinoides Thun. white-flowered tt. ( | pr shrubby tt_ i | or Erinus-like . i 1 pr 1 my.s 1| my.s 1 my.n W W W C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1822. 1816. 1816. c c c p.l p.l p.l Bot. mag. 1970 15550 chamasdryfolia Lk. Germander-lv da. i | pr 2 my.s W C. G. H. 1822. c p.l 15551 cordata L. heart-leaved t i |pr 1 W C.G. H. 1774. c p.l 1736. GMELI^N/i L. GMELINA. (George Gmelln, a celeb. Ger. naturalist and trav.) Verbenaceee. 5. _ 6. 15552 speciosissima D. Don showiest 15553 arborea Rox. tree 15554 villosa Rox. villous 15555 asiatica L. Asiatic 15556 parviflora Rox. small-flowered i_J or 15 , CD or 15 Nepal 1823. C s.l E. Indies 1824. C s.l E. Indies 1818. C p.l E. Indies 1792. C l.p Lam. il. 452 E. Indies 1817. C l.p Rox. cor. 32 1737. PRE'MNA L. 15557 reticulata J. 15558 integrifblia L. PREMNA. (Premnon, a stump of a tree; trunk.) Verbenaceee. 2. 13. netted i O or 10 Jamaica 1819. C s.l 1.56 entire-leaved 1 CD or 10 E. Indies 1824. C s.l Ru. am. 3. 141 * 1738. LANTA^NA L. LANTANA. (An ancient name of Fibfirnum ; similarity.) Verbenacets. 28. 37. I. ACITLEA^M:. Stems prickly. 15559 aculeata L. prickly it Ror 10 ap.n R W. Indies 1692. C p.l Bot. mag. 96 15560 hdrrida Kth. horrid * ^or 3 ap.n R Mexico 1824. C p.l 15561 purpCirea Horn. purple m or 2 jn.s P S. Amer. 1820. C p.l 15562 coccinea Lo. C. scarlet fit or 3 jn.s S S. Amer. 1824. c p.l 1556 3 scabrida H. K. roughish * or 2 g W. Indies 1774. c p.l Bot. cab. 1171 15564 melissifolia H. K. Balm-leaved * CDor 2 jl.s Y" W. Indies 1732. c p.l Di. el. 57. 66 15565 nivea Ven. white-flowered Ht CD or 3 jl.s W E. Indies ... c p.l Ven. mal. 8 15566 Lockhartw G. Don Lockhart's * CDor 8 jl.o W Trinidad 1820. c pj II. INE'RMES. Stems not prickly. 15567 stricta Swx. strict m CD or 3 JfcC/0 /I V /// t>U Pa.P rww. Jamaica 1733. C p.l SI. jam. 195. 4 15568 radula Swx. rasp-leaved t Hor 3 P W. Indies 1803. C p.l 15569 hispida Kth. hispid ^i or 3 jn.'s" P Mexico 1824. c p.l 15570 salviaefolia Jac Sage-leaved * Hor 3 ap.n R C. G. H. 1823. c p.l Jac. sc. 3. 285 15571 pilbsa Kth. pilose t or 3 jn.s P Cuba 1823. c p.l 15572 recta H. K. upright tt CDor 2 P Jamaica 1758. c p.l Jac. sc. 3. 360 parvifolia Sal. 15573 involucrata L. involucrate E CD or 3 my.jl Pk W. Indies 1690. c p.l Pluk. al. 114. 5 15574 odorata L. scented m 1 | or 2 my.n W W. Indies 1758. c pi PI. ic. 71. 2 15575 trifolia L. three-leaved m 1 ] or 3 jn.s P W. Indies 1733. c p.l Bot. mag. 1449 15576 Cammara L. Cammara * CD or 6 ap.s R.o W. Indies 1691. c p.l Di. el. 56. 65 15577 fucata Ker painted jit CD or 2 ap.n Pk S. Amer. 1822. c p.l Bot. reg. 798 15578 annua L. annual rm or 3 F S. Amer. 1733. c p.l Bot. mag. 1022 15579 lavandulacea W. Lavender-like it 1 1 or 3 jn.s R S. Amer. 1820. c p.l 15580 crocea Lk. copper-colored * Bor 4 jn.s Cop Jamaica 1818. c 15581 violacea Desf. violet-colored 4k or 3 jn.s V S. Amer. 1818. c p.l "15582 geminata Spr. 15583 braziliensis Lk. twin Brazilian * CD r CD or 2 3 jn.s ap.n P W Trinidad Brazil 1819. 1823. c c p.l p.l 15584 alba Mil. white m ( | or 3 ap.n W S. Amer. tti c p.l 15585 mixta W. mixed m CD or 5 au.o R.Y W. Indies , 1732. c p.l Bot. cab. 68 15586 hirta Grah. hairy it CD or 3 jl.o Mexico 1825. c p.l R 3 246 DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA. CLASS XIV. 1739. ALOY'SI^ Or. 15587 citriodora Or. Lemon-scented 3k Ferbfena triphylla Herit. *1740. LI'PPIAL. 15588 purphrea Jac. ALOYSIA. (Maria Louisa, mother of Ferd. VII. king of Spain.) Verbenacece. 1 2. or 3 my.s Pa.P Chile 1784. C 1 Bot. mag. 367 LIPPIA. (Augustine Lippi, a French phys., traveller in Abyssinia.) Verbenacece. 1. 25. jn.jl R Mexico 1823. C p.l Jac. ec 85 purple ML Q or 3 1741. MEL AMPY^RUM L. Cow WHEAT. (Melas, black, pyros, wheat ; seeds. ^ Scrophularmce. 5.?. 15589 cristatum L. J5590 arvense L. 15591 nemor6sum L. 15592 pratense L. 15593 sy Ivaticum L. crested O purple corn-field O grove O common meadow wood w 1 O w O w Jn.jl England cornfi. S England cornfi. S Europe ... S Britain woods. S Britain m.wo. S s.l Eng. bot. 41 Eng. bot. 53 Fl. dan 305 Eng. bot 113 Eng. bot. 804 1742. SELA S GO L. SELAGO. (Sel, sight Jack, salutary, Celt. , supposed med. qualities.) Verbenucece. 15. 40. 15594 canescens Thun. canescent tt.|_Jpr H jl.n Pa.P C. G. H. 1812. C p.l 15595 diffusa Thun. spreading . i_Jpr 1| P C. G. H. 1807. C p.l 15596 spfnea Lk. spiny * l_J pr 3 ... P C. G. H. 1824. C p.l diffusa Thun. 15597 ovata Thun. ovate-headed *-l_Jpr 1 jn.jl D.P C. G. H. .1774. C p.l Bot. mag. 186 15598 spicata Lk. spiked tt. | |pr f jl.o P C. G. H. 1824. C p.l 15599 ramulosa Lk. small-branchy - 1 I pr 1J W C. G. H. 1824. C p.l 15600 bracteata Thun. bracted 1* Jn.jl P C. G. H. 1812. C IP Ven. mal. 10 lucida Ven. 15601 dentata Po*>. teretifolia Lk. toothed tt. l_Jpr li W C. G. H. 1823. C p.l 15602 joolygalo'ides 7%w. 15603 rapunculoides L. Milkwort-like Rampion-like - 1 |pr 2 IJ1 '. P V C. G. C. G. H. H. 1807. 1824. C C p.l p.l fulvo-maculata Lk. 15604 fasciculata L. fasciculated tt. 1 | pr 1* Jn.jl B C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Bot reg. 184 15605 rotundif61ia 7%M. round-leaved tt- 1 | or 1 jn.jl P C. G. H. 1816. C p.l 15606 corymbdsa L. corymbose 2 W C. G. H. 1699. C p.l Con- i. h. 240 15607 spuria L. spurious .Qlpr 1 jl.o V C. G. H. 1779. s p.l Bur. af. 42. 3 15608 heterophylla Thun. various-leaved a. i | or 1 P C. G. H. 1823. C p.l Bur , af. 42. 1 1743. JTTEX L. CHASTE TREE. (Vieo, to bind ; flexible twigs.) I. MONOPHY'LLA. Leaves simple. Verbenhcece. 12. 28. 15609 ovata Thun. ovate-leaved n i ) or 4 P China 1796. C l.p rotundifolia L. II. TRIPHY'LL^. Leaves ternate. 15610 triflora Vahl three-flowered | | Q^ 6 P Cayenne 1819. C l.p 15611 altissima L. tallest tt t | or 8 P Ceylon 1802. C l.p 15612 arborea Rox. tree t O or SO P C l.p 15613 alata Roth winged i 1 ' i or 10 t> P E. Indies is'sb. C IP 15614 bicolor W. en. two-colored tt Q or 4 P E. Indies 1810. C l.p 15615 trifolia L. three- leaved * LD or 4 P E. Indies 1759. C p.l 15616 Negundo L. Negundo tt 1 I or 4 P E. Indies 1812. C l.p III. F 'EN TAPHY': LL/I ;. Le aves qi linate 15617 umbrosa Swx. shady I ! or 30 P Jamaica 1823. C l.p 15618 ,4'gnus Castus L. true Chaste Tree 3 or 6 s W.B Sicily 1570. C CO 2 latifolia broad-leaved A or 6 8 W.B Sicily 1570. C CO 15619 inclsa Lam. cut-leaved tt 1 | or 4 jl.s P China 1758. C p.l Negundo B. M. 15620 Leucoxylon L. \X711...'.*U,'~ T ~,,,,.-' white- wooded ttQor 4 .. P Ceylon 1793. C l.p Bot. mag. 2187 Ru. am. 4. 19 Bot. mag. 364 Wallrothia Leucoxylon Roth *1744. CHLOA'NTHES R. Br. CHLOANTHES. (Chloa, greenness, anthos, flower.) Verbenhcece. 2. 3. 15621 Sto2\;hadis R. Br. Stcechs-like - 1 _ | or 2 G.Y N. Holl. 1822. C s.p 15622 glandu!5sa R. Br. glandulous tt. i _ | or 2 G.Y N. HolL 1824. C s.p 1745. ZAPAW/^J. ZAPANIA. (P. A. Zappa, an Italian botanist.) Verbenacece. 2. 10. 15623 stcechadifulia L. Stcechas-leaved JU E] uri 1 au.s P W. Indies 1732. C J.p Br. jam. 3.1 Lippi sto3chadif51ia Kth. 15624 nodiflbra Lam. knot-flowered )U iAI un 1 P America 1664. C l.p 553 Ferbena nodiflbra L. Lippia nodiflbra Rich. 1746. PRrVA Adan. PRIVA. 15625 mexicana Pers. Mexican hispida J. Ferbena mexicana L. 15626 teppulacea Pers. Burdock-like echinata J. (Derivation unknown. (23 pr 2 au.s V exico Verbenbce*. 2. 7. 1726. C lp Di. el. 302. 389 [7^1 or B W. Indies 1817. C SI. jam. 1. 110. 1 1747. STRE'PTIUM Rox. STREPTIUM. (Streptos, twisted ; spiral tube of corolla.) Verbenacece. I. 15627 asperum Rox. rough ^ [23 or 2 V E Indies 1791'. C l.p Rox. cor. 2. 146 Prlva leptostachya Pers. T6rtula aspera W. 1748. SPIELMA'NN/4 Med. SPIELMANNIA. (J.R.Spielmann, bot.atStrasburg.) Verbenhcece. \. 15628 africana W. African tt i_J or 3 f.n W C. G. H. 1710. C r.m Bot. mag. 1899 *1749. FERBE^NA L. VERVAIN. (Ferfaen, its Celtic name.) Verbenacece. 26. 48. I. Ii (Divi'&as. -L .eaves i indivi ded. 15629 angustifolia MX. narrow-leaved ^ A un 3 B N. Amer. 1802. D CO 15630 paniculata Lam. panicled k A un 3 jl an B N. Amer. 1800. D CO Bot. reg. 1102 15631 bonariensis L. Buenos Ayres 5t Q) un 6 jl.o B B. Ayres 1732. S CO Di. < ;1. 300. 387 15632 caroliniana L. Carolina ^ A un 6 jn.s W N. Amer. 1732. D CO Di.( jl. 301. 388 15633 wrticifolia L. Nettle-leaved " ^f A un 3 jl.s W N. Amer. 1683. C CO Rob . ic. 26 15634 polystachya Kth. 15635 difftlsa Desf. many-spiked diffuse ] i A or Al or 4 3 R B Mexico N. Amer. 1820. 1818. D D p.l 15636 venmictefclia H.SfB. Veronica-leaved O or i B Mexico 1825. S CO 15637 stricta Ven. strict <^ A un 3 B N. Amer. 1802. D CO Bot. mag. 1976 15638 Iasi6stachys Lk. hairy-spiked & Q) or 2 P California 1826. S CO ORDER II. DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA. 247 II . TRI'FIDSS. Leaves trifid. 15639 trifida Hum. trifid or 1 P Mexico 1818. a g 15640 bractedsa Mr. bracteose ik CD or 1 Pk Mexico 1820. s 8 15641 Aubletw Jac. Aublet's srfi or 1 P N. Amer. 1774. s r.m Bot. mag. 308 15642 Lambert? B. M. Lambert's -* A or li jl P S. Amer. D CO Bot. mag. 2200 15643 hastkta L. Ytalberd-leaved 3t A un 5 V Canada 1710. 1) CO Her. par. 242 15644 pinnatitida Ph. pinnatifid A A or 4 P N. Amer. 1810. 1) p.l 15645 scabra VcM scabrous k A or 4 R Mexico 1825. D r.m 15646 officinali s L. officinal 3t A un 2 }n.s P Britain ro. sid. D CO Eng. bot. 7t 15647 sorbria D. Don sister ^ A or 2 P Nepal 1824. S d Sw. fl. gar. 202 15648 spuria L. spurious ^ O> un 2 B N. Amer. 1731. S p.l 15649 sup'ina i. 15650 prostrata R. Br. supine prostrate 3 - A un un 1 jnjl B B Spain 1640. N. Amer. 1794. s D CO CO Par. th. 675. 2 15651 hispida R. 8[ P. hispid O or I 8 P Peru 1816. S s Fl. per. 34. a. 15652 canescens Hum. canescent or i B Mexico 1824. s CO 15653 elegans #MZ. 15654 erinoides W. elegant Erinus-like *8 or or i B B Mexico Peru 1826. 1818. s s CO CO Fl. per. 1. 33. C multifida R. $ P. 1750. COLEBROO'KE^ Sm. COLEBROOKEA. (H. T. Colebrooke, an accomplished botanist.) Verbenhcece. 2. 15655 oppositifolia Sm. opposite-leaved it | ] or 3 ... W Nepal 1820. C s.l Sm. ex. bot. 115 15656 ternifolia Rox. ternate-leaved * \ | or 3 ... W E. Indies 1823. C l.p 1751. AVICE'NN/J L. AVICENNIA. (Avicenna, a celebrated Persian philos. and phys.) 15657 tomentbsa L. downy-leaved 1 O un 20 ... Pk India 1793. C l.p ?. 1. 3. eau. ow. 47 it m or 3 au.n W Mauritius 1789. C p.l Jac. c. sup. 5. 1 it Q~] or 4 W W. Indies 1824. C l.p Bot. reg. 1035 ltt r ) or 6 Li Madagasc.1825. C l.p it or 4 au.n W E. Indies 1692. C p.l Jac. c. sup. 4. 1 or 4 Mauritius 1824. C s.l Lam. il. 544. 2 it or 4 ...' E. Indies 1824. C s.l im a or 6 '.'.'. Mauritius 1823. C s.l nr. H or or 6 4 au W W Guinea 1823. 1820. C C P.l p.l Beau. ow. 1. 32 m a or 3 au.s w Mauritius 1805. c l.p Bot. rep. 554 it it B or or jl ... W.B Kindles 1815. Nepal 1822. c c p.l s.l Bot. mag. 253S it H pr or 3 4 n w' China 1824. E. Indies 1823. c c CO s.l Bot. reg. 945 it | lor 6 ... ... Nepal 1825. c s.l * 1752. CLERODE'NDRUM L. CLERODENDRUM. (Kleros, lot, dendron, tree ; med. uncert.) Verben. 38. 40. I. QUINQUEDENTAVA. Calyx five-toothed, or almost none. 15658 /igustrinum R. Br. Privet-leaved 15659 pubescens Lindl. pubescent 15660 floribundum Lindl. bundle-flwd 15661 inerme R. Br. unarmed 15662 angustifolium Spr. narrow-leaved 15663 salidfulium Lo. C. Willow-leaved 15664 coromandelianum Spr. Coromandel madagascariense Lo. C. ovktum Poir. 15665 volubile Beauv. twining 15666 ftuxifolium Sm. Box-leaved Volkameria Suxifolia W. en. ' 15667 heterophyllum R. Br. various-lvd Volkamra angustifolia B. Rep. 15668 macrophyllum B.M. long-leaved 15669 serrktum D. Don serrated 15670 lividum L. livid 15671 cernuum Wai. drooping 15672 nhtans Wai. nodding II. QUINQUEPARTIVA. Calyx 5-parted ; Ivs ent. smooth, from No. 15681. pubescent, from No.15685. toothed. 15673 Siphonanthus R. Br. Tube-flower it Q or 6 ... W E. Indies 1796. C p.l Bur. in. 43. 1 Siphonanthus indica L. 15674 verticillatum D. Don whorled-/2 15675 odoratum Ham. scented 15676 foytidum D. Don fetid 15677 trich6tomum Thun. three-forked 15678 fortunatum L. fortunate 15679 ternifolium D. Don ternate-leaved 15680 attenuatum R. Br. attenuated 15681 squamktum Vahl scaled 15682 tomentdsum R. Br. downy 15683 infortunktum L. unfortunate 15684 costatum R. Br. 15685 johlomoides L. 15686 calamitbsum L. 15687 fragrans Ven. 2 flore pleno 15688 viscosum Ven. 15689 paniculatum L. 15690 glaucum Wai. *t C~l or 6 ... Nepal 1818. C l.p * B or or 4 5 " "* R" ... Nepal Nepal 1823. 1820. C C s.l l.p *. or 6 Japan 1800. c l.p ifc f j or fi jl' ' W* E. Indies 1784. c l.p Osb. 11 * | ] or 4 Npal 1823. c s.l * ! 1 or 6 N. Holl. 1824. c s.l it it it H or or or 10 5 6 jn.T mr.ap s'" w *" China N. S. W. E. Indies 1790. 1794. c c c s.p s.p l.p Bot. reg. 649 Bot. mag. 1518 it n or 6 N. Holl. 1823. c l.p it LU or 4 au.s w E. Indies 1820. c p.l Bur. in 45.1 it n or 4 jl.o E. Indies 1823. c s.l Bur. in. 44 d !U A or jn.s P Pyrenees 1800. D s.l Jac. ob. 2.48 15787 caucasica Mus. Caucasian -* Q or | Y Caucasus 1818. S s.l 15788 Iatme Deaf. Elatine -A O or jl.n Y England corn fi. S co 15789 elatinokles 'Desf. Elatine-like -* O or ^ jl.s Y S. Europe 1821. S 15790 cirrhosa W. " tendrilled -* Q or j 15791 spftria W. spurious Jk O or \ j 15792 lanigera Desf. wool-bearing -* O or j JntirrhTinum spurium Bro. 15793 dealbata Lk. whited Jk O or j Antirrhinum lanigerum Bro. III. ERE'CT^E. Flowering stems erect ; lower leaves opposite or whorled, from No. 15841. scattered. s.l co co Portugal 1818. S co Portugal 1820. S co Pa.B Egypt 1771. S Y England corn fi. S Y Eng bot. 692 Desf. at. 2. 132 Jac. vin. 1 82 Eng. bot. 691 O or O or O or broad- leaved three-leaved reflexed Marjoram-lvd twiggy cretaceous Thyme-leaved yellow beyond theTagus O or Antirrhinum lusitanicum Lk. pedunculatum j 15803 ctlsinifolia Spr. Alsine-leaved O or 15804 vilR,sa Spr. villous ^ ^\J or 15805 rubrifolia Dec. red-leaved O or 15806 saxatilis Dec. rock !U A r 15807 hirta W hairy-leaved O or 15808 triornith6phoraJF. three-birds-bg 15794 latifMia Dec. 15795 triphylla W. 15796 refl^xa Desf. 15797 origanifolia Dec. 15798 virgata Desf. 15799 cretacea Fis. 15800 fhymifulia Dec. 15801 flkva Desf. 15802 transtagena Spr. jn.jl 1 jn.s 15809 bipartite W. speciosa Jac. 15810 minor Dec. 15811 littoralis W. 15812 chalepensis Mil. 15813 tristis Mil. 15814 versicolor Moen. 15815 Wans Spr. two-parted O w O or small seaside -* O or Aleppo O or dark _AJ or various-colored O or gaping ^ A or Antirrhinum linarioldes L. 15816 micrantha Spr. small-flowered -* O or clammy purple sand alpine Spanish creeping-ri Pyrenean Haslava Pelisser's tall Galium-like linjl 1 jn.s i jn.jl JJ'- a . u i jn.jl 1 1 jn.jl | jn.s 1 jn.s 1 jn.s i jn.s | jn.n i jn.jl 1 jn.jl 1 1 jl.s 1 jn.jl Y Y.p Y.p B B B" Y B B B B Y P P P V Y W Br P.Y Y N. Amer. 1800. Sicily 1596. co 8.1 S. Europe 1810. S s.l S. Europe 1785. D 1. N. Africa 1817. S Siberia 1827. S S. Europe 1818. S N. Africa 1820. S Portugal 1810. S if Corsica 1824. Spain 1786. S. France 1826. Spain 1819. Spain Portugal Barbary 1759. 1710. 1815. S s.l D l.p S s.l S s.l S co Desf. at. 2. 134 Bot. mag. 324 Al. tau. 2. I Bar. ic. 598 Desf. at. 2. 135 Desf. at. 2. 136 Bar. ic. 597 Jac. ic. 1. 117 C s.p Bot. mag. 523 D l.p Sw fl. gar. 30 England S Austria 1820. S Levant 1680. S Spain France 1727. 1777. 15817 Spr. 15818 purpurea Mil. 15819 arenaria Dec. 15820 alpina Dec. 15821 lusitanica Tou. 15822 repens H. K. 15823 pyrenaica Dec. 15P24 Hcelhva W. 15825 Pelissendna Dec. 1582R procera Dec. 15827 #alio v ides Yen. 15828 monspessulkna L. striata Dec. 15829 amethystina Spr. 15830 sup\na Dec. Montpelier amethystine supine S. Europe 1818. D s.l Spain 1820. S s.l Spain 1786. S s.l S. Europe 1648. S co S. Europe 1823. S s.l Austria 1570. C s.l Spain 1819. S s.l England ch. hil. S co Pyrenees 1821. S s.l 1803. S co S."Europe 1640. S s.l D co D co D co Eng. bot. 2014 M.h.5.35.9 Bot. mag. 74 Jac. ic.l. 116 Cav. ic. 1. 69. 3 Bot. mag. 368 Bot. mag. 99 Bot. mag. 205 Eng. bot. 1253 Bar. ic. 1162 Cav. ic. 1. 33. 1 250 DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSFERMIA. CLASS XIV. 15831 bipunctata Spr. 15832 spartea Spr. 15833 simplex Dec. 15834 arvensis Desf. 15835 ajgyptiaca H. K. 15836 diffusa Lk. 15837 multicaulis Spr. 15838 incarnata Spr. 15839 reticulata Desf. 15840 gla.'ica W. 15841 silenifolia L*. 15842 gen istefftlia 2tfft 15843 Zinifblia Wl Antirrhinum Lii 15844 heterophylla Des, 15845 vulgaris H. K. 2 Peloria 35846 Losel/i Schw. Antirrhinum odo 15847 macro ura Bleb. Antirrhinum strii 15848 ./uncea Dec. 15849 canade'nsis Spr. 1776. ^NARRHPNUM Desf. ANARRHINHM. (A, priv., rhin, nose ; opposed to v4ntirrh.) Scrophul. 3. -6. 15850 iellidifolium JF. Daisy-leaved Q) pr B France 1629. S s.l Bau. pr. 106 15851 pubescens Hort. pubescent j Q) pr 1J jl.s W S. Europe 1818. S s.l 15852 fruticbsum Desf. shrubby, Q) pr lljls W S. Europe 1826. S s.l Desf. at. 2. 142 1777. 2VEME X SIA Ven. NEMESIA. (Applied by Dioscorides to a kind of Antirrhinum.) Scrophulurinec. 3. 4. 15853 chamanlrifolia Ven. Chamsedrys-lvdj iAI or 2 ap.s P C. G. H. 1787. D co two-spotted broom 8 or or 1 1 jn.o Y Y Spain Spain 1749. 1772. S S CO s.l Bot. mag. 200 simple corn Egyptian 8 or or or 1 1 jlau 11 jl P.B P.B Y.p S. Europe 1816. S. Europe ... Egypt 1771. S s s s.l CO CO Jac. ic. 3. 499 diffuse O or 1 jn.jl Spain 1826. s CO many-stalked or 11 my.jl W Levant 1728. s s.l Boc. sic. 19. 1 Oesh-colored o or F Spain 1819. s CO net-flowered & .AJ or 1| my.jl P Algiers 1788. D l.p Sm. ic. pic. 2 glaucous-leaved Silene-leaved ^j O A or or 1 3 P.Y Y S. Europe 1800. Armenia 1819. S D CO S.1 Bux. c. 4. 37 Broom-leaved ^ A or 2 Y Austria 1704. D CO Bot. mag. 2183 Flax-leaved ^ i a 7?;*>A A or 1 Y Caucasus 1820. D CO la meo. one-side-leaved ^ A or l| Y.Br N. Africa 1825. D CO Desf. at. 2. 140 common ^ A w 1 jn s Y Britain bed. D CO Eng. bot. 658 Peloria A cu 1 jn.s Y Britain D CO Eng. bot. 260 Losel's O or 1 B Tauria 1823. S s.l long-tailed ^ A or 1 jn.s Y Crimea 1822. D CO im Horn. Rush-stalked O or 11 jlau Y.Br Spain 1780. S CO Canada O or 1 V N. Amer. 1812. S CO Ven. eels 49 Antirrhinum macrocarpum H. K. 15854 fastens yen. stinking 15855 bicornis Pers. two-horned 2 ap.s 2 C. G. H. C. G. H. 1798. D co 1774. S s.l Ven. mal.41 Bur. af. 75. 3 1778. MAURA'NDY^ Jac. MAURANDYA. (Dr. Maurandy, a bot. prof, at Carthagena.) Scrophularmce. 3. 15856 semperflbrens Jac. flowering J_ | | or 10 year P Mexico 1796. C l.p Bot. mag. 4fiO 15857 antirrhiniflbra#Mz. Snapdrag.-flwd J_ | | or 10 year P Mexico 1814. C l.p Bot. mag. 1643 15858 Barclayzaraa B. R. Barclay's fc_ i | or 10 year B.w Mexico 1825. C l.p Bot. reg. 1108 1779. GERA'RD/^ L. GERARDIA. 15859 delphinifblia L. Larkspur-lvd 15860 purpurea L. purple 15861 tenuifolia Vahl slender-leaved 15862 maritima Rafi. seaside 15863 flava L. yellow 15864 ^uercifolia Ph. Oak-leaved ; John Gerarde, an old English botanist.) Scrophularmce. 6. 26. E. Indies 1800. C l.p Rox. cor. 1 90 N. Amer. 1772. S s.l Bot. mag. 2048 N. Amer. 1812. S s.l 12.4 N. Amer. 1823. S l.p N. Amer. 1796. D l.p Pluk. am. 389. 3 N. Amer. 1812. D l.p Ph. am. 19 1780. SEYME^R/^ Ph. SEYMERIA. (Henry Seymer, an English naturalist.) Scrophularmce. 2. 4. 15865 tenuifolia Ph. fine-leaved O pr 1 Y N. Amer. 1730. S s.p Afzeh'a cassioldes Gm. Gerardm Afzelz MX. 15866 pectinata Ph. pectinated O pr 1 Y N. Amer. 1820. S s.p 1781. PEDICULA N RIS L. LOUSEWORT. (Pediculus, louse; sup. effect on sheep eating.) Scrophul. 21. 57. I. ROSTRA^T^;. Helmet of corolla rostrate. A pr jn.jl Pk -AJ pr i R 15867 incarnata Jac. 15868 rostrata W. 15869 tuberbsa L. 15870 adscendens Schl. 15871 gyroflexa Vil. 15872 atrorubens Dec. asplenifolia Flo. 15873 uncinata Step. 15874 compacta W. 15875 resupinata L. -AJ pr Qesh-colored rostrate tuberous ascending circular dark-red hook-flowered ^ Al or close-headed ^ Al pr resupinate jfc Al pr 1 1 jlau 1 1 1 1 my.jl Y R R D.R Y Y P Austria Switzerl. Switzerl. Switzerl. Switzerl. Switzerl. Siberia Siberia Siberia 1796. 1819. 1799. 1819. 1819. 1819. 1815. 1815. 1816. Jac. au. 2. 140 Jac. au. 205 Hal. h. 323. 10 Vil. del. 2. 9 Gm. si. 3. 44 II. Mu^TioaB. Helmet blantish, bldcntalc ; calyx bifid, from 15879. quinquejid. 15876 palustris L. marsh 15877 euphrasioldesSfcp. Eyebright-like ^ 15878 canadensis L. Canadian A 15879 sylvatica L. wood 15880 myriophylla Pall, myriad-leaved ^ 15881 comosa L. tufted 15882 Scdptrum CarolzwzmL. Charles's Sc. ^ 15883 recufita L. circumcised ^ 15884 folibsa L. leafy 15885 verticillata L. whorled ^ 15886 flammea L. flame 15887 versicolor Wahl. party-colored ^ A P r 2 jn.jl P Britain bog.m. S CO Eng. bot. 399 Alpr H P Siberia 1816. S p.l Gm. si. 3. 43 A pr i Y N. Amer . 1800. s p.l Sw. fl. gar. 67 A pr i my.jl Pk Britain m.hea. s CO Eng. bot. 400 Al pr i my.jl Y Dauria 1816. s p.l Pal. it. 3. ap. 8. 1 .AJ pr i Y Italy 1775. s p.l Al. ped. 1. 4. 1 Al spl 5 au Y Sweden 1793. s p.l Fl. dan. 26 Al pr | P Austria 1787. s P-l Jac. au. 3. 258 Al pr 1 Jl Y Austria 1786. s p.l Jac. au. 2. 139 Al pr 1 my.jn Y Austria 1790. s p.l Jac. au. 3. 206 Alpr 1 jl Y.s Switzerl. 1775. s p.l Hal. h. 8. 3 ^\Jpr 1 Y.R Switzerl. 1819. s P.l 1782. jE 15888 alplnus L. 15889 hispanicus Pers. 15890 fragrans H. K. 15891 Lychnidea Thun. 15892 tristis Thun, ERINUS. (Erinos, a wild fig tree ; applied to this plant.) Scrophuldr'mts. 5. 13. smooth alpine ^ A or i mr.ap B Pyrenees 1739. D s.l hairy Spanish ^ A or mr.ap R Spain 1739. D s.l fragrant n. i_J or my.jn Y.w C. G. H. 1776. C s.l Bur. af. 49. 4 Lychnidea tt. \ | or | my.jn Y.w C. G. H. ... C s.l Bot. reg. 748 dark-flowered tt i_l pr 1 my.jn P C. G. H. 1825. C s.l gaping Lewis's 1783. jtfl'MULUS L. MONKEY FLOWER. 15893 ringens L. 15894 LewisJi Ph. 15895 glutin6sus W. 15896 parviflbrus Lindl. 15897 alatus H. K. 15898 guttatus Dec. (Mimo, an ape ; seeds like face.) Scrophularmce. 10. 13. luteus B. M. and Ph. clammy small-flowered winged ^ A or spotted-flowered & A or 1' L.B N. Amer. 1759. D p.l Bot. mag 283 f au Pa.P Missouri 1824. D p.l Ph. am. 2. 20 3 year O California 1794. C r.m Bot. mag. 354 g year Y Chile 1824. S co Bot. reg. 874 I L.B N. Amer. 1783. D p.l Bot. cab. 410 II jn.s Y N. Amer. 1812. D p.l Bot. mag. 1501 ORDER II. DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA. 251 15899 floribundus B. R. 15900 luteus L. 2 rivularis 15901 moschatus Dou. 15902 lanatus Ph. bundle-flowered O or ys\\ow -flowered ^ A pr rivulet ^ A pr musk SW A pr woolly j _AJ pr f au Y N. Amer. 1826. S co Bot. reg. 1125 f jn.s Y Chile 1826. D p.l Bot reg. 103(1 f jn.s Y Chile 1826. D p.l | jl.s Y Colombia 1826. D p.l Bot. reg. 1118 1J jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1326. S p.l 1784. HORNEMA'NN/^ W.en. HORNEMANNIA. (Prof. Horncmann, Copenhagen.) Scrophuldrtna:. 1. 2. 15903 bicolor W. en. two-colored O pr ? jn.s B E. Indies 181(5 S s.l Gratiola goodenicefblia Horn. 1785. TITTMA'NN/^ Rchb. TITTMANNIA. (Tittmann, a man's name.) Scrophuldrtna:. 2. 8. 15904 ovata Rchb. ovate-leaved -* O pr i jn.jl Pa. R Society Isl. 1816. S s.p Plan.h.b.9 Hornemamu'a ovata Lie. 15905 viscosa liclib. clammy -* iQJ pr jn.jl ... E. Indies 1823. S s.p Hornemann/a viscosa W, 1786. MA^ZUS Lou. MAZUS. (Mazos, a teat ; tubercles closing mouth of corolla.) Scrophuldr'mce. 15906 rugosus Lou. wrinkly -* fi pr my.s Y.p China 1780. S s.l Sw. fl. gar. 35 Lindernia japunica Thun. . Br. 15907 pumilio R. 1787. TOREW.4 L. 15908 asiatica L. 15909 difftisa Rox. dwarf TORENU Asiatic diffuse O pr i jn jl Pa.P V. D. L. 1823. S g.p (Rev. Olof Toren, a Swedish botanist.) Scrophuldrina:. 2. 6. JU G3 un 1 P E. Indies 1823. S s.l R. mal. 9. 53 )U E2 un 1 P Nepal 1818. S s.l 1788. ISOPLE'XIS Lindl. ISOPLEXIS. (Isos, equal, plexis, segment ; segments of cor. equal.) Scrophul. 2. 15910 canariensis Lindl. Canary *i _ | or 4 jn.jl Br.O Canaries 1698. S p.l Lind.dig. 27 Digitalis canariensis.L, 15911 sceptrum Lindl. sceptre n. \ _ | or 2 Br.O Madeira 1777. S p.l Lind.dig. 28 Digitalis sceptrum L. *1789. DIGITA X LIS L. FOXGLOVE. (Digitale, finger of a glove ; form of flower.) Scrophularmce. 24. 28. . TRANSVE'RSJE. Upper lip of venlricose corolla transverse. 15912 purpurea L. purple ^ 0) or 4 jn.s P Britain hed.b. S CO Lind. dig. 2 2 alba white ^ Q) or 4 jl W Britain hed.b. S CO 15913 Thapsi L. Thapsi rfc A or 1| P Spain 1752. S CO Lind. dig. 3 15914 toraentosa T.k. woolly ^ A or 3 jn.jl R Portugal 1818. S CO io915 lucescens IV. $ K. fucescent ^ A or 2 jn.jl R Hungary 1823. S s.l 15916 ambf gua Mur. ambiguous ^ A or 3 L.Y Switzerl. 1596. S CO Lind. dig. 7 grandiflora Lam. 15917 ochroleuca Jac. yellowish whitest A or 4 L.Y Europe ... S CO Lind. dig. 8 ambigua Schk. 15918 fiilvd Lmdl. tawny ^ A or 3 Br ... S CO Lind. di un un un un un 2 3 2 2 2 JUu my.s Y D.P Y.G Br R.Y Europe Morocco Italy Spain A frica 1816. 1805. 1817. 1772. 1731. D D D D S CO co CO CO CO Jac. sc. 3. 286 Lob. ic. 533 Pluk. al. 313. 6 II. LACI "VIA' *T-K Leaves rut ny ifttrapil 15965 laciniata Kit. 15966 j>erbenaefolia Poir. jag-leaved ^ Vervain-leaved ^ A A un cu 3 2 jl "BrP" Hungary jl Br.P 180S. 1816. D s CO CO W. & K. 2. 170 15967 pinnatifida Bro. pinnatitid ^ A un 3 P.w Spain 1819. S CO 159(J8 variegata Bieb. variegated ^ A Ull 2 Br.P Casp. sho, 1816. D CO 15969 ^bulitulia Bieb. Dwarf Elder-lvd^ A or Y.P Caucasus 1819 s CO 15970 grandifl&ra Dec. great-flowered ^ A or 3 Y.P S. Amer. 1820. S CO III. 1 PIN: VA'T 'M. Leav es pinn ate. 15971 lyrata W. en. 15972 mellifera H. K. 15973 sambucifdlia L. ]yrate-leaved ^ honey-bearing ^ filder-leaved ^ A A A un un un 3 3 3 jl au jl.s Br.P Br.P R.G Portugal Barbary Spain 1816. 1786. 1640. n D D CO CO CO W.h.b.1.55 Desf. at. 2 143 Mil. ic. 2. 231 15974 hispida Desf. 15975 tanacetifdlia W. en. hispid ^ Tansy-leaved & A A un un 2 3 J-1.S Y.P Br.P S. Europe 1824. Tauria 1804. s D CO CO W. h. b. 1. 56 15976 canlna Z,. dog 15977 chrysanthemifoliaW.e/i Chrys.-lvd ^> A A un un 3 Br.P Br.P S. Europe 1683. Tauria 1816. D 1) CO co Lob. ic. 2. 55 W. h. b. 1. 59 15978 lucidaZ.. smning-leaved ^ A un 2 Br.P Levant 1596. D CO W. h.b.57 15979/iIicifolia Mil. Fern-leaved ^ A un 3 P.w Crete 1700. s CO Tou. it. 85 15980 multirida W. en. many-cleft-/wZ ^ A un 3 Br.P 1816. D CO W. h. b. 1. 58 15981 difftisa L diffuse 1791. VANDE'LLI^ L. VANDELLIA. (Dr. Louis Vandelli, prof. bot. Coimbra, Portugal.) Scrophul 1 2 "*-' '~ n - IjUu W S. Cruz 1824. S s.l Marcg. br. 32. 1 rf. bot. at Oxford.) Scrophularince 1. 2. England D s.l Eng. bot. 619 1792. SIBTHO'RP/^ L. SIBTHORPIA. ropa^a L, European 1793. LTMOSE'LLA L. MUDWORT. 15983 aquatica Z,. water =* 1794. BROWA'LLI^ L. BROWALLIA. 15984 demissa L. low 15985 elata /,. tall 15986 elongata Kth. elongated lactea Hort. (H. Sibthorp, M.D., ; A cu (Limus, imud ; habitation.) Scrophularince. 1. 5. O pr i jl.s F Britain S s.l Eng. bot. 357 (John Browallius, bishop of Abo.) Scrophularince. 3. 4. f jn.s B S. Amer. 1735. S s.l Bot. mag. 1136 B Peru 1768. S s 1 Bot. mag. 34 B.w . S s.l O or l|jn.s iDI or 14 jn.s 1795. STEMO^DIA L. STEMODIA. (Stemon, stamen, dis, double ; 2-anthered filaments.) Scrophul. 6. 14. " CD or R Brazil 1820. C p.l Ol un E. Indies 1818. S Brazil 1825. S S. Amer. 1817. S W. Indies 1823. S Mac. am. 174. 66 p.l SI. jam. 1.124.2 S. Amer. 1759. S p.l 15987 suffruticdsa Bonp. suffruticose Coliimnro trifoliata Lk. 15988 viscosa Rox. clammy 15989 verticillaris Lk. whorled 15990 maritima L. seaside 15991 durant(/oa Swz. Duranta-leaved Capraria durantz/o/ia L. 15992 parviflora R. Br. small-flowered 1796. TREVIRA^N^ W.en. TREVIRANA. (Dr. Treviranus, a German botanist.) Scrophularince. 1. 15993 coccinea W. en. scarlet $. G3 spl \\ au.s S Jamaica 1778. R l.p Bot mag. 374 Cyrilla pulchella Herit. 1797. COLU'MNZ^ L. COLUMNEA. (Fabius Columna, of noble family of Colonna, in Italy.) Scroph. 4. 8. 15994 scandens L. climbing fi_ D or 6 au.s S W. Indies 1759. C s.p Bot. reg. 805 15995 hirsuta Swz. hairy L O or 2 au.n Pa.P Jamaica 1780. C s.p Br. jam. 30. 3 15996 rutilans Sum. red-leaved - (_J or 2 au.s P Jamaica 1823. C s.p 15997 triioliata Lk. three-leaved tt CD or 3 au.n B 1823. C s.p RUSSELIA. (A. Russel, M.D. F.R.S., auth. of nat. hist, of Aleppo.) Scrophu. 3. 6. many-flowered * Q or 4 R S. Amer. 1812. C s.p Bot. mag. 1528 bundle-flwd * O or 4 ... R Mexico 1824. C s.l ternate-leaved il r 1 or 4 ... R Mexico 1818. C s.l 1798. RUSSE^L/^ L. 15998 multiflora B M. 15999 floribunda Hum. 16000 ternif61ia Kth. 1799. DODA'RTT/4 L. DODARTIA. (F. Dodart, M.D. French bot. and acad.) Scrophuldrmce. 1. .2. 16001 orientalis L. oriental ^ A or 1| P Levant 1752. D s.p Sw. fl. gar. 147 1800. LINDE'RN/4 L. LINDERNIA. (F.B. von Lindern, M.D. of Strashurg, bot. author.) Scrophul. 1.3. 16002 Pyxidaria L. Pyxidaria O pr 1 B S. Europe 1789. S s.l Lam. il. 522 1801. HERPE'STIS R. Br. HBRPESTIS. (Herpestes, any thing that creeps; habit.) Scrophuldrince. 8. 16. 16003 stricta Schr. strict ^ (23 pr 1 au B 1824. D bog 16004 Monnil-rja R. Br. Monnier's =*b [7V1 pr 16005 portulacacea B. M. urslzin.leaved- = 16006 cuneitolia Ph. wedge-leaved A pr 16007 amplexicaulis Ph. stenT-clasping ^ Al un 16008 rotundifolia Ph. round-leaved jfe= Al un 16009 micrantha Ph. 16010 Brownw Pers. _ small-flowered ^ ^AJ un Brown's ^ _AJ un L.B S. Amer. 1772. D bog Ehr. pic. 14. 2 |" B S. Amer. 1823. D bog Bot. mag. 2557 4au B N. Amer. 1812. D bog B Carolina 1818. D bog Pa.B N. Amer. 1824. D bog i B N. Amer. 1817. D bog Swz. ic. 33 B Jamaica ... D bog 1802. DIA'SCIA Lk. DIASCIA. (Dis, two, askion, little bladder: two protub. at base of cor.) Scroph. 1. 4. 16011 Bergiana Lk. Bergius's O un | ... C. G. H. 1815. S s.l Pluk. ph. 320. 5 1803. C APR AERIAL. CAPRARIA. 16012 bifl6ra L. two-flowered 1 60 1 3 cun eata R. Br. wedge-lea ved 16014 lanceolate L. spear-leaved 16015 unduteta L. \vave-leaved 16016 humilis W. dwarf (Caper, a goat ; leaves liked by goats.) Scrophularince. 5. 8. EE un 2 W S. Amer. 1752. S l.p Lam. il. 534. 2 tt. CD un 2 ... W S. Amer. 1759. C p.l * , I un 3 ... W C. G. H. 1774. C p.l L D un 2 mr.jl W C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Bot. mag. 1556 O un 1 W E. Indies 1781 C p.l 1804. COLLI'NS/4 Nut. COLLINSIA. (Zaccheus Collins, a vice-pres. of Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadel.) Scroph. 3. 16017 verna Nut. spring O el 1 my.jn B.p N. Amer. 1826. S l.p.s Sw. fl. gar. 220 16018 parviflora B. R. small-flowered -* O or i jn.jl P.B Colombia 1826. S l.p.s Hot. reg. 1082 16019 grandiflbra B. n. great-flowered Q el 1 my.jl Pk.B Colombia 1826. S l.p.s Bot. reg. 1107 ORDER II. DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA. 253 1805. BUCHNE^R^ L. BUCHNERA. (J. G. Buchner, a German naturalist.) Scrophuldrincn. 3. ; 16020 americana L. American ^ A cu 1J B N. Amer. 17.% D l.p 16021 hispida Ham. hispid OJ un 1 jl.o B Nepal 1818. S p.l 16022 z044 coccinea Aub. scarlet-berried tt. CU or 3 ... Y Guiana 1819. C p.l Aub. gui. 2. 255 16045 dichrus Spr. two-colored tt. Q or 3 R.Y Brazil 1826. C p.l bicolor Schott 16046 pulchella H. K. neat tt. or 3 Y Trinidad 1806. C 1 p Bot. mag. 1146 16047 melittifblia L. Balm-leaved tt. or 3 jn.jl Guiana 1739. C s.p Ex. bot. 1. 54 16048 serrulata Jac. serrulated ft. or 6 P.Y W.Indies 1806. C Jac. sc. 3. 290 II. INTE GE'RRIMJE. Segments of calyx entire. 16049 Ifitea L. \e\\ovi-flowere dtL [ 1 or 3 Y Guiana 1739. C l.p PL ic. 49. 1 16050 grandifblia Schott large-leaved . 1 ! or 3 Y Brazil 1824. C p.l 16051 hirtella Schott small-hairy tt. C~l or 3 Y Brazil J824. C p I 16052 incarnata Aub. fiesh-color-berrie d fAI or 3 ... Y Guiana 1820. C p.l Aub. gui. 2. 256 16053 violacea Aub. violet-berried |_ Bor 6 : Y Guiana 1824. C p.l Aub. gui. 2. 254 16054 mollis Hook. soft tt. or 3 ... Y S. Amer. 1823. C l.p 1810. TEE^DIA Rudol. TEEDIA. 16055 Idcida Rudol. shining 16056 pub^scens Burc. pubescent (Meaning unknown.) Scrophulannes. 2. or 2 ap.jl P C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Bot. reg. 210 or 2 my.o P C. G. H. 1816. C p.l Bot. reg. 214 * 1811. BRUNSFE'LS/,4 L. BRUNSFELSIA. (Otho Brunsfels, of Mentz, a Carthusian monk.) Solanece. f 4. 16057 undulata L. \vave-flowered ED or 4 jn.jl W Jamaica 1780. C r.m Bot. reg. 228 16058 americana L. American * O or 4 jn.jl Pa.Y W. Indies 1735. C r.m Bot. mag. 393 1 latifolia broad-leaved * CD or 4 jn.jl 2 angustifblia narrow-leaved il C I or 4 jl 16059 violacea Lod. ' violet-co/ora* * CD cu 3 16060 montana Lo. C. mountain EZD or 4 W Jamaica 1780. C r.m Bot. reg. 228 Pa.Y W. Indies 1735. C r.m Bot. mag. 393 Pa. Y W.Indies ... C r.m Pa. Y W. Indies ... C r.m Ld W. Indies 1815. C r.m Bot. cab. 792 W S. Amer.? 1820. C r.m or or or or or or or or '2 4 4 3 2 6 3 2 CCA pi jl.s jl.s jl.s ]1.S \JL* OU \. Br.Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Levant Candia E. Indies N. Africa Crete Levant 1713. 1780. 1783. 1816. 1752." 1816. 1818. S S s s s s s s CO pi p. p.l p.l p. p. p.l Lam', il. 532 Bot. mag. 1962 Bot. mag. 964 Ven. eels 27 Bot. reg. 438 1812. CE'LSI4 L. CEXSIA. (Olaus Celsius, D.D., Greek pro at Upsal, friend of Lin.) Solanece. 8. 10, 16061 orientklis L. oriental 16062 Arcturus L. Arcturus 16063 coromandeliana Fahl Coromandel 16064 viscbsa Roth clammy 16065 fietonicsefblia Desf. Betony-leaved 16066 cretica L. Cretan 16067 lanceolata Yen. spear-leaved 16068 lanata Jac. woolly * 1813. ALONSO^^ R. & P. ALONSOA. (Zanoni Alonso, Span. sec. for Santa F de Bogota.) Solanetz. 4. 16069 acutifblia R. 8f P. acute-leaved tt. i_J or 3 my.o S Peru 1790. C Lp 16070 incisifblia R. $ P. cut-leaved tt. i | or 2 my.o S Chile Hemimeris wrticifblia W. Celsio wrticaefblia Cur. 16071 linearis H. K. Imear-leaved . ( | or 2 my.o S Peru Celsia linearis Jac. Hemimeris coccinea W. 16072 caulialata R. $ P. wing-stemmed ^ or 3 my.o S Chile 1814 ANTHOCE'RCIS Lab. ANTHOCERCIS. (Anthos, flower, kerkis, ray ; radiated cor.) Solhnece. 3 16073 littbrea Lab. shore * i_J or 3 Pa.Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. reg 212 16074 albicans Cun. \ch\t\s\i-leaved * i_| or 3 ap.jl W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Sw. an. 16 16075 viscbsa R. Br. viscid i_| or 6 my.jn W N. Holl. 1822. C s.p 1815. CYMBA^IAZ,. CYMBARIA. 16076 daurica L. Daurian 1795. C s.p Bot. mag. 417 1790. C s.p Bot. mag. 210 (Kymbe. a boat ; shape of fruit.) Scrophuldrtnce. 1. 2. t A cu 1 jn.jl Y Tauria 1796. Deo Am. rut. 1 2 254 TETRADYNAMIA. CLASS XV. CLASS XV. TETRADYNA'MIA. 1816. SCHIZOPE'TALON Sims SCHIZOPETALON. (Schizo, to cut, petalon, a petal.) Crudferce. 1. 16077 Walker* Sims Walker's m cu 2 my.jl W Chile 1822. S p.l Bot. mag. 2379 1817. MATHPOL^ R. Br. STOCK. (P. A. Matthioli, an Italian physician, d. 1577.) Cructferte. 17. 28. I. PACHYNO^TUM. Petals obovate; back of stigma thick, not horned; silicle at top thick, not Mcuspidate. 16078 incana R. Br. hoary Gillyflower*. I or 1 my.n P England clitts. S l.p Eng. bot. 1935 2 coccinea 3 alba 4 multiplex 16079 annua Swt. scarlet " tt | or white branching*!- . 1 or double tt | or annual O or 1 1 1 2 my.n my.n my.n my.n S W Va R England gard. England gard. England gard. S. Europe 1731. S S S S \* D l.p l.p J.p Bau. his. 2. 875.1 2 alba wh ite Ten-week st ock O or 1- W S. Europe ... S l.p Dalech. 802. 1 3 fibre pleno double O r U R ' S l.p 16080 simplicicaulis Swt. simple-stmd O> or 2 P "" S l.p Bes. eys. 2. 3. 3 2 alba white Q) or 2 W .. <- S l.p Bes. eys. 2. 3. 2 16081 glabrata Dec. smooth tt (or 2 my.n W .. S l.p M. h. 3. 8. 2 2 purpurea 3 fibre pteno purple double tt |or tt lor 2 2 my.n my.n P P.w " S S l.p l.p 16082 graj N ca Swt. Grecian WaUflmxer-lvd O or 2 my.n W S. Europe S l.p 16083 fenestralis R. Br. window . Olor 1 P 1759. S l.p Jac. vin. 2. 179 16084 sinukta R. Br. scollop-leaved CD or 1 V England sea sh S l.p Eng. bot. 462 16085 acatilis Dec. stemless O or i jn.jl R Egypt 1818. S SP II. LUPE^HIA Petals oblot ig, of a yell owi sh purpl e; ba ck of stigm i thick , n it ho r ned. 16086 torulbsa Dec. twisted tt i | or 2 my.jl P C. G. H. 1816. C s.p 16087 odoratissima R. Br. sweetest-sctd tt i 1 or Q jnjl Ld Persia 1797. C r.m Bot. mag. 1711 2 fragrans Fis. 16088 varia Dec. fragrant various tti lor Al or 2 jn.jl I jn.jl Ld Ld Crimea Levant 1823. 1820. C C r.m r.m Fl. gr. 636 16089 tatarica Dec. Tartarian O or 1 1 1 jn.jl. R.Y i ^ Tartary 1820. S f~< s.p Pal. it. 1. ap. O 16090 tristis R. Br. dark-flowered tt \ | or 1| my.jl Ld S. Europe 1768. C s.l Bot. mag. 729 III. PINA^RIA. Petals yellowish purple ; back of stigma horned. 1G091 longipe"tala Dec. long-petaled O or 1 jn.jl R.Y Bagdad 1818. S s.p Ven. eels 93 16092 coronopifblia Dec. Buckhorn-lvd j Q) or 1 jn.jl P Greece 1819. S s.p Fl. gr. 637 IV. AciNoVoN. Petals obovate; stigmas horned; silicles at top Mcuspidate. 16093 tricuspidata R. Br. three-pointed-/^ O pr J P Barbary 1739. S s.l Lam. il. 564. 2 16094 parviflbra R. Br. small-flowered O pr P Morocco 1799. S s.l 1818. CHEIRA'NTHUS L. WALLFLOWER. (Kheyry, its Arabic name, anthos, flower.) Crucifera. 11. 18 I. CHEI^RI. Styles scarcely any ; seeds immarginate. 16095 Che\r% L. 2 fibre pleno 3 grandiflbrus 4 maximus 5 serratus 6 patulus 7 ferrugineus 8 varius 9 flavescens 10 thyrsoldes 11 sanguineus 12 ha?manthus 16096 fruticulbsus L. 16097 arbbreus Swt. 16098 alpmus L. 16099 firmus W. 16100 ochroleucus Hal. dubius Suter Cheiri, or garden tt | or 2 ap.jl O 2 ap.jl 2 ap.jl 2 ap. 1 2 ap.jl " ap.jl ap.jl ap.jl 2 ap.jl thyrse-flowered tt | or 2 ap.jl bloody tt | or 2 ap.jl double bloody-flwdtt | or 2 ap.jl If ap.jl 3 ap.jl double-flwd tt | or large- flowered tt | or largest tt | or saw-flowered tt | or double-spreadingiL | or 2 ap.jl rusty-flowered tt | or 2 ap.jl various tt | or 2 flavescent tree alpine firm pale yellow tt | | or tt (or i my.jl Y S. Europe 1573. S r.m Bui. her. 349 Y C r.m Bes. eys. 2. 5. 3 Y S. Europe 1573. C co Bes. eys. 2. 5. 2 Y S. Europe 1573. C co Bes. eys. 2. 5. 1 Y S. Europe 1573. C co Y S. Europe 1573. C co Br S. Europe 1573. C co Va S. Europe 1573. C co Y S. Europe 1573. C co Bd S. Europe 1573. C co D.Br C r.m Bd S. Europe 1573. C co Y Britain old wa. S co Eng. bot. 1934 Y Egypt 1827. C s.p N.Eui rope 1810. C s.p Wa. lap. 12. 1 1 my.jl Y Europe 1816. C s.p A or .f ap.jl Pa.Y Switzerl. 1820. D co Hal. h. 449. 14 II. CHEIROI V DES. Styles filiform ; seeds marginate ; siliclet four-sided. 16101 tenuifblius Herit. fine-leaved 16102 mutabilis Herit. changeable 2 longifblius Ven. long-leaved 16103 scoparius W. broom 2 aeruginbsus Dec. rusty 3 chamae^leo Ker chameleon 16104 semperflbrens Schous. ever-blowing tt | | or 2 frutescens Pers. frutescent tt i | or | | or 2 my.jn Y Madeira 1777. C l.p tt| | or 3 Y.p Madeira 1777. C l.p Bot. mag. 195 tt ( | or tt | ( or tt, | or 16105 /inifblius Pers. Flax-leaved 3 s.d W.P Madeira 1815. C co Ven.mal.83 3 my.o W.p Teneriffe 1812. C r.m 3 my.o Rust Teneriffe 1812. C r.m 3 my.o Y.p Teneriffe 1812. C r.m Bot. reg. 219 2 year W Barbary 1815. C s.l 2 mr.jl W Teneriffe 1815. C co .l_Jor 2 P Spain 1815. C s.l 1819. .NASTU'RTIUM R. Br. NASTURTIUM. I. CARDA'MINUM. Petals white, larger than 16106 officinale R. Br. officinal * A Sisyrobrium .Nasturtium L. 1 1. BRACHY'LOBOS. Petals yellow 16107 sylvestre R. Br. wood creeping i A Sis^mbrium sylvestre L. 16108 paliastre Dec. marsh ^ O Sisyrnbrium terrestre L. 16109 bursifblium Dec. Sheph. Purse-lvd O 16110 coronopifblium Dec. Buckhorn-lvd O 16111 sagittatum R. Br. arrow-leaved A 16112 lippizense Dec. Lippa ] A 16113pyrenaicum R. Br. Pyrenean j A 16114 amphibium R. Br. amphibious ^ A 1 indivisum Dec. undivided-/i>rf ^ A 2 variifblitim Dec. various-leaved =fe A (Nasus, nose, tortus, tormented ; effects.) Cruclferes. 12. 24. calyx; silicles cylindrical; glands four at base of stamens. cul 1 my.jl W Britain rivul. D co Eng. bot. 855 , silicles cylindrical ; glands of receptacle small. w 1 jn.s Y Britain D co Eng. bot. 2324 1 jn.s Y Britain S co Eng. bot. 1747 i jn.jl I jn.jl my.jn f my.jn my.jn w w 1} w 1 Crea Kamtsch. 1820. S co Pa.Y N. Africa 1824. S co Pa.Y Siberia 1780. D co Y Carinthia ... D co Y Pyrenees 1775. D co Y Britain riv. ba. D co Y Britain riv. ba. D co Y Britain riv. ba. D co Desf. at. 2. 154 Jac. ic. 1. 122 Dalech. 653. 3 Ac.hel.4.15 Eng. bot. 1840 Pet. brit. 49. 8 Pet. brit. 49. 10 CLASS XV. TETRADYNAMIA. 255 III. CLANDESTINA''RIA ___ Petals none or very small and white ; silicles cylindrical. 16115 benghalense Dec. Bengal O un 2 W E. Indies ... ' S co 161 16 microspermum Dec. small-seeded O un W China 1820. S co 16117 indicura Dec. Indian O un $ Ap China ... S co 1820. LEPTOGARP^ETA Dec. LEPTOCARP.EA. (Leptos, slender, karpos, fruit.) Crucrferce. 1. 16118 Loesfelz/ Dec. Loesel's Q un 1| au Y Germany 1683. S co Jac. au. 4. 324 Turritis Loesfelw R. Br. Sisymbrium Loeselw L. 1821. NOTO'CERAS R. Br. NOTOCERAS. (Notos, the back, keras, a horn ; back of pod.) Cruclferie. 3. I. DICERA^TIUM. Silicles dehiscent, two-horned ; seeds compressed ; flowers small ; leaves entire. 16119 canariense R. Br. Canary O un f au.s Y Canaries 1779. S co Jac. ec. Ill .Erysimum bic6rne H. K. 16120 hispanicum Dec. Spanish O un au.s Y Spain 1821. S co II. TETRACERA^TIUM. Silicles four-horned ; flowers small, perhaps apetalous ; leaves sinuately toothed. 16121 quadric6rne Dec. four-horned O un | jn.jl W Siberia 1820. S co Deless. 2. 16 i'rysimum quadricorne Step. Nasturtium quadricorne Dec. 1822. B ARBAR\4 R. Br. WINTER CRESS. (Anciently called Herb of St. Barbara.} Cruciferee. 4. 6. 16122 vulgaris R. Br. common jErysimum Barbarea I;. 16123 pra2 x cox R. Br. early Belleisle Cress A cul .Erysimum prae^cox L. 16124 taurica Dec. Taurian A un 16125 ibdrica Dec. Iberian A un Cheiranthus ibe"ricus W. en. 16126 />lantaginea Dec. Plantain-like A un jl.s Sisymbrium Barbarea L. A cul 1 Y Britain rub. D co 1 ap.o Y England brooks. D co Eng. bot. 443 Eng. bot. 1129 ap.o Y Y Tauria Iberia 1820. 1816. Levant 1799. D co . 1823. STEVE N N/J Adams STEVENIA. 16127 alyssoides Fis. Alyssum-like 16128 cheirantholdes Dec. Wallflower-lk (C. Steven, a Russian botanist.) Crucfferae. O un | my.jl W Siberia 1824. S co Deless. 2. 20 Q) un 1 my.jl W.p Siberia 1818. S co Deless. 2. 21 1824. BRA^Y^f Ster. 16129 alpina Ster. BRAYA. alpine (Count Bray, a German nobleman.) Crucifera. 1. 2. A cu | jn P Carinthia 1823. S p.l Deless. 2. 22 1825. PA'RRY^ R. Br. PARRYA. (Capt. Edw. Parry, R.N., sent to discover N.W. passage.) Cruciferce. 1. 16130 arctica R. Br. arctic U cu | ... P Melville 1.1820. S p.l Parry's app. 1826. TURRrTIS Dtf. TOWER MUSTARD. (Turris, tower ; pyramidal growth.) Cruciferce. 2. 3. 16131 glabra L. ^ smooth long-podded O w 1| my.jn W England S co Eng. bot. 777 ,4'rabis perfoliata Lam. 16132 salsuginbsa Dec. marsh O un 1 jn.jl W Siberia 1823. S co Pal. it. 2. app. O 1827. ^'RABIS L. WALL CRESS. (Originally from ALOMA^TIUM. Seeds immarginate ; stem leaves cordate Arabia.) Crudferce. 49. 67. clasping, from No 16147. sessile. 16133 verna R. Br. vernal pr 1 my.jn P France 1710. S S.I Bar. ic. 476 JKsperis v6rna L. 16134 alpina L. alpine *- A P r f W.Y Switzerl. 1596. D p.l Bot. mag. 226 2 Clusiana Dec. Clusius's !U A or W Pyrenees 1596. D CO Cl. h. 2, 125. 2 3 nkna Baum. dwarf JU. A or | W Switzerl. 1819. D CO 16135 albida Stev. whitish *~ A pr I ja.o w Caucasus 1798. D S.I Jac. ec. 71 caucasica W. en. 16136 undulata Lk. waved-leaved *~ A or I mr.jl w S. Europe 1810. D CO 16137 longifblia Dec. long-leaved JU A or w Persia 1820. D CO Deless. 2. 25 16138 mollis Stev. soft *~ A or 4 3 my jl w Caucasus 1817. D CO 16139 toxophylla Bieb. 16140 auriculata Lam. bow-leaved auricled *g pr un 1* f my w w Volga 1823. S. Europe ... S S CO CO Al. ped.2.2 aspera All. 2 recta Vil. upright O un f my w Europe S CO Vil. del. 3. 37 3 patula Dec. spreading O un 1 my w Hungary 1818. s CO W.&K.1.59 Turritis patula Ehr, h. 4 dasycarpa Andrz. thick-capsuled o un f my w Podolia 1820. s CO 16141 saxatilis All. stone t- G) un f my w Switzerl. ... s CO Vil. del. 37 16142 crispata W. curled t, A 1 my w Carniola 1818. D CO 16143 sagittata Dec. sagittate O) un 1 my.jl w S. France ... S CO 2 subglabrata Dec. subglabrous j Q) un 1 my.jl w Europe 1820. 8 CO 3 ovata Pair. ovate O) un 1 mv.jl w N. Amer. 1818. S CO 4 oblongata Dec. oblongate j O) un 1 my.jl w N. Amer. 1827. S CO 5 longisiliqua Wallr . long-podded Q) un 1 my.jl w N.Europe 1824. s CO 16144 hirsftta Sea hairy A w 1 my.jl w Britain rocks. D S.I Eng. bot. 587 16145 curtislliqua Dec. 16146 spatulata Dec. short-podded spatulate t Q) Q) or un * my.jl f jn.jl w w N.Europe 1825. Bonaria 1823. S s CO CO 16147 Allibniz Dec. Allioni's A un 2 my.jn w Italy 1804. D CO Turritis stricta All. 16148 muralis Bert. wall A un | my.jn w Italy 1824. D CO 16149 stricta Hud. upright A pr 1 my Crea England rocks. D S.I Eng. bot. 614 16150 ciliata R. Br. ciliated O> pr 1 jn.jl W Ireland ir. sh. S S.I Eng. bot. 1746 Turritis alpina W. 16151 incana Roth hoary-stalked ^ O> un 5 my.jn w Switzerl. 1816. S S.I 16152 Thalidwa L. Thalius's o w 1 w Britain walls. s S.I Eng. bot. 901 2 parviflora Rafi. small-flowered o un 1 w N. Amer. 1825. s CO 16153 serpyllifolia Yil. Thy me- leaved ^ Q) un I jn.jl w S. France 1823. s CO Vil. del. 3. 37 16154 pubescens Pair. 16155 procurrens W. & K. pubescent procurrent j Q) un )U A or 1| my.jl w w Barbary 1825. Hungary 1818. s D CO CO Desf. at. 163 W. & K. 2. 144 16156 prafcox W. % K. 16157 SchiwereckzanaDec. early Schiwereck's L A 1- A un or [ifri 2 jn.jl w w Hungary 1820. Austria 1826. D D CO CO 16158 petra3 r a Lam. rock *~ A or i my.jl w Austria 1800. D CO Cr. au. 3. 2 2 hispida hispid !U A or ^ my.jl w Scotland rocks. D CO Fl. dan. 386 3 hastulata hastulate r imy Y Carinthia 1823. D CO II. CHRYSODRA^BA. Plants peren. ; Ivs not rigid nor keeled ; fl. yel. ; styles almost none ; silic. oval-oblong. 16291 alpina L. alpine A pr -g Y Lapland 1820. D co Wa. lap. 11. 4 2 silicula pil'.s.-i hairy-podded f A P r Y Greenlandl820. U CO 16292 glacialis Adams icy A l ir s jn.jl Y Siberia 1826. D s.l 16293 repens Bieb. 16294 Gmeum Adams creeping Gmelin's A A l>r P r i jn.jl 3 Jn.jl Y Y Siberia Siberia 1818. 1823. 1) D s.l s.l 16295 muricella Wahl. small-prickly A pr ft jn.jl W Lapland 1810. D s.l Wa. lap. 11.2 hirta Fl. dan 16296 incompta Stev. rough A pr i Cap Y Caucasus 1821. D s.p.l Deless. 2. 44 III. LEUCODRA V BA. Plants perennial 16297 oblongata R. Br. oblongate 16298 corymbosa R. Br. corymbose 'i A A ?s not rigid ; flowers white ; petals obtuse or su pr i my.jn W Baffin's B. 1823. D s.p pr my.jn W Baffin's B. 1823. D s.p bemarginate. 16299 hirta L. hairy $ A pr f my.jl W N.Europe ;1823. 1) CO Wa.lap.ll.fl 16300 rupestris R. Br. rock A P r i my.jl W Scotland al.roc. D s.l Eng. bot. 1S38 hirta E. B. 16301 nivalis W. snow A P r 3 my.jl W Switzerl. 1824. S s.l Fl. dan. 142 16302 Iapp6nica W. Lapland $. A P r i jn.jl W Lapland 1810. S s.1 Wa. lap. 11. 5 ^ndrosacea Wahl. 16303 helvetica Schl. Swiss A pr 1 my.jl W Switzerl. 1819. S s.l 16304 fladnisensis Wul. Fladniso A pr 1 my.jl W Switzerl. 1819. S s.l Jac. m. 1. 17. ^ndrosacea /J". 16305 tomentosa Clair. woolly A P r i my.jl W Switzerl. 1819. S s.l Wa. fl. hel.3 16306 stellata Jac. hirta Jac. stellate 1 A i my.jl W Pyrenees 1820. S CO Jac. vin. 4. 3 16307 siliquosa Bieb. siliquose A pr i my.jn W Caucasus 1822. S s.l 16308 austriaca Crz. Austrian ^ A pr i my.jl W Austria 1824. S s.l 16309 lasiocarpa Roch. woolly-fruited A i my.jl W 1820. S s.l IV. HALA'RGES. Plants bienn 16310 incana L. hoary Q) ial ; Pr styles short ; flowers white, rarely yellow. f my.jn W Britain al.roc. S s.l Eng. bot. 388 cont6rta Ehrh. 16311 confusa Ehrh. confused 0) Pr | my.jn W N. Europe ... S CO Fl. dan. 130 inc\na Fl. dan. 16312 cinerea Adams grey O) pr i my.jl W Siberia 1818. S CO 16313 daurica Dec. Daurian tf Q> pr i my.jl W Dauria 1824. a CO 16314 aurea fa/// golden 0) i jn.jl Y Denmark 1820. S CO Fl. dan. 1460 V. DRABE' LLA. Plants annual ; styles none ; flowers smalt, yellow or ivhite. 16315 lutea Gilib. yellow C pr | jn.jl Y S. Europe 1824. S co An. mu. 11. 38 16316 nemoralis L. grove O pr my.jn Y Europe 1759. S s.l H. sys. 4. 60. 1 16317 muralis L. wall O pr | my W England moun. S s.l Eng" bot. 912 1847. ERO'PHILADee. EROPHILA. (Er, spring, phileo, to love ; time of flowering.) Cruciferce. 3. 5. 16318 vulgaris Dec. common O pr i mr.ap W Britain walls. S s.l Eng. bot. 586 Draba ve>na L. 16319 americana Dec. American O pr ? mr.ap W N. Amer. 1816. S co 16320 pra^cox Dec. early Q pr i f.ap W Caucasus 1820. S co Draba prae^cox Stev. 1848. COCHLEA"RIA Ton. SCURVY GRASS. (Cochlear, a spoon ; concave leaves.) Cruciferce. 13. 32. I. KERNE^RA. Silic. globose, at base subtetragonal ; filam. 4, in middle jointed ; styles short ; stigmas bilobea. 16321 saxatilis Lam. rock ^ A un jn.jl W Austria 1775. D s.l Jac. au. 2. 128 A/yagrum saxatile L. 16322 auriculata Lam. auriculate ^ A un | jn.jl W S. Europe 1818. S co II. ARMORA^CEA. Silicles elliptic or oblong; styles short, filiform ; stigmas capitate, nearly disc/form. 16323 Armoracea L. Horseradish ;fc A cul' 3 my W England D s.l Eng. bot. 2223 16324 macrocarpa W. $ K. long-capsuled jfc A un 3 jl W Hungary 1806. D s.1 W. & K. 184 III. C6CHLEAR. Silicles variable inform, at top not emarginate ; styles very short or none. 16325 Plastifblia L. 163^6 anglica L. 16327 officinal is L. 1 minor 2 rotundifolia Sm. 16328 pyrenaica Dec. 16329 gronlandica L. 16330 danica L. 16331 fenestrata R. Br. 16332 integrifulia Dec. M. h. 2. 21. 3 Eng. bot 5o2 Eng. bot. 5JO Woad-leaved ^ Q) un 1| my.jl W Germany 1648 S English O ec my W Britain sea sh. S officinal f Q) ec ^ W Britain sea sh. S smaller Q) or 4 W Britain moun. S round-leaved Q) or 5 W Britain moun. S Pyrenean , Q) pr ap.jn W Pyrenees 1820. S Greenland Q) ec my.jn F Scotland sc.alp. S Danish Q ec my.jn W Britain sea sh. S windowed Q) pr my.jn W Greenl. 1820. S entire-leaved Q) pr i my.jn W Siberia 1822. S s.p IV. IONOPSI'DIUM Silicles roundish, compressed, at top emarginate ; flowers lilac. 16333 acaulis stemless A un ^ ja.ap Li Portugal 1824. D co Jac. ec. 132 pus ilia Bi-o. 1849. THLA'SPI Dil. SHEPHERD'S PURSE. (Thlao, to compress; seeds.) Crucifera. 8. 17. 16334 latifblium Bieb. broad-leaved ^ A un 1 mr.ap W Crimea 1822. D co 16335 ceratocarpum Mur. horn-fruited O w IJjl W Siberia 1779. S co Scop. d. 1. 4 co s.p Deless. 2. 48 co Eng. bot, 2403 co Eng. bot. 693 s.p CLASS XV. TK Tit ADYNAMIA. 259 16336 arvense L. corn Penny Cress w i jn.jl W Britain corn fi. S CO ling. bot. 1659 16337 colllnum Bieb. hill O un 1 jn.jl w Caucasus 1818. s CO 163 ;8 rtlliaceum L. Garlic-scented (J tin my.jl w S. Kuropi 2 1714. s CO Jac. ic. 1. 1'JI 163,39 perfoliatum Z. 16340 montknum L. perfoliate mountain | S w uu w w England Austria sto. pa. 1) s s.l s.l Eng. bot. 2354 Jac. au. .3. 237 16341 alpestre L. alpine A w *" nyji w England in. pas. 1) J Eng. bot. 81 1850. CAPSE'LLA Moen. SHEPHERD'S PURSE. (A diminutive of capsula, a capsule.) Cntciferce. 1. 16342 bursa pasturis Moen. common Thlaspi bursa pasturis L. w 4 f '" w Britain ro. siu. s CO Eng. bot. 1485 2 minor Dec. smaller O w i f u w Britain ro. sid. s CO Tab. ic. 19 S integri fMia Dec. entire-leaved O w 1* f n w Britain ro. sid. s CO M. h. 2. 20. 1 4 coronopifolia Dec. Buckhorn-leav cxl O w 1 f.n w Britain hea. s CO 5 apetala Afz. petalless w 1 f.n w Britain fields. a CO 1851. HUTCHI'NS/J R. Br. HUTCHINSIA. (Miss Hutchins, an Irish cryptogamist.) Crucifcra. 7. 11. les filiform ; leaves entire or somewhat toothed. A pr i my.jl W.p Switzerl. 1759. D co Al. ped. 1. 55. 2 I. IBERIDE'LLA Styles filiform ; leaves entire or somewhat toothed. 16343 rotundifolia R. Br. round-leaved " * J :i " 7 - ~ : ' ""^ " my.jl Pk Carinthia 1824. D s.p Jac. in. 2. 1 | my.jl S. Europe 1824. D co Bot. mag. 2772 iberia 1823. D s.p Germany 1775. D co Jac. au. 2. 137 England rocks. S co Eng. bot. Ill Spain 182S. S s.p /beris rotundifolia L. 16344 cepeasfolia Dec. Cepea-leaved A pr 16345 stylosa Dec. long-styled A pr /beris stylosa Ten. II. NASTURTI\>LUM. Leaves pinnaiely lobed. 16346 calyclna Desv. large-calyx.ed A pr % W Zepidium calycmum Step. 16347 alpma R. Br. alpine A pr ? ap.jn W Lepidium alp\num L. 16348 petraAa R. Br. rock O pr W iepidium petras^um L. 16349 proci'imbens Desv. procumbent O pr J ap.jn W iepidium procumbens L. 1852. TEESDA^L/4 R. Br. TEESDALIA. (R. Teesdale, an English botanical author.) Cruciferce. 2. 16350 nudicaulis R. Br. naked-stalked O pr i my.jl W Britain S co Eng. bot. 327 /beris nudicaulis L. 16351 regularis Sm. regular O PA ? W S. Europe 1824. S co //epidium Dec. 1853. /BE N RIS L. CANDYTUFT. (From the country called Iberia, now Spain.) Crudferce. 22. 25. I. IBERIDA 'STRUM. Radicle horizontal ; seeds submarginate ; septum nearly double ; fructtf. pedicels racemose 16352 semperflorens L. ever-flowering a. | | fra lj year W Sicily 1679. C r.mZa.h. 165 II. IBERI'DIUM. Radicle descending; seeds immarginate ; septum simple ; fructiferous pedicels racemose, 16353 gibraltarica L. 16354 saxatilis L. 16355 corifolia B. M. 16356 pubescens W. Gibraltar rock Coris-leaved pubescent a. | l or tt. or tt. or tt. or 1 my.jn | ap.jn I ap.jl 5 ap.jn /yt/or. \V.]>k Spain 1732. W S. Europe 1739. W S. Europe 1800. Pa V oono CO CO CO CO Bot. mag. 124 Gar.aixlOl Bot. mag. 1642 16357 sempervlrens L. evergreen tt. or f ap.jn W Candia 1731. c CO Riv. tet. 224. 2 16358 Garrexzanrt All. Garrex's . or W Piedmont 1820. c CO Al. ped. 16359 conferta Lag. crowded a. or | apjl W Spain '1827. c: CO 16360 amara L. bitter O or jn.jl W s CO Eng. bot. 52 16361 intermedia Guer. intermediate G> or jn.jl w France 1823. s CO Bui ph. 82. 21 16362 pinnnta L. pinnate-leaved O fra w S. Europe 1596. s CO Lob. ic. 218 16363 odorata L. sweet-scented O fra w Geneva 1806. s CO Cl. 1). 132. 1 16384 umbellata L. 16365 Lagascanrt Dec. umbellate Lagasca's O or O or jn.jl p w S. Eurppe 1596. Spain 1822. s s CO CO Bot. mag. 106 16366 /inifi.lia L. Flax, leaved Q) or lij'Uu p S. Europe 1759. s p.l Gar. aix 105 16367 ciliata AU. cillate-leaved Q) or f Jn.jl w Caucasus 1802. s CO Bot. mag. 1030 16368 tanrica Dec. Taurian Q) or f jn.jl R Caucasus 1823. s CO 16369 violacea R. Br. violet O or 5 jn.jl P 1782. s CO 16370 nana All. dwarf Q) or * .in.jl W.p Dauphiny 1822. s CO Bot. mag. 2788 16371 spatul\ta Berger. Spatulate or \ jn.jl p Pyrenees 1823. a r.m Berg. ph. ic. 16372 Tenoreao Dec. Tenore's A or I jnjl Pa.P Naples 1823. c; CO Sw. fl. gar. 88 cepeaefolia Ten. 16373 contracta Pers. contracted tt. or J my.jl W Spain 1824. c p.l 1854. BISCUTE'LLA L. BUCKLER MUSTARD. (Bis, double, scutella, saucer"; silicles.) Cructfera:. 22. 26. I. IONURA^BA. Calyx at base two-spurred ; glands of the receptacle very prominent. 16374 auriculata L. ear-podded O or 1 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1683. S co Lam. il. 560. 2 16375 tfrigerifulia Dec. Erigeron-leaved O or 1| jn.jl Y S. Europe ... S co 16376 hispida Dec. hispid O or i jn.jl Y S. Europe 1824. S co Bar. ic. 230 16377 cichoriifolia Lot. Succory-leaved ^ Q) or 1 jn.jl Y Pyrenees 1819. S co Dec. bis. 2 II. THLA'SPIDUM. Calyx at base equal ; 16378 lyrata L. lyre-leaved O ; > *>".." or If jn.jl Spain 1799. S co 16379 raphani folia Pair. Radish-leaved C) or J| jn.jl Y Sicilv 1822. S CO 16-380 maritima Ten. sea O or 1 jn.jl Y Naples 1824. S CO Fl. nap. 61 16381 ciliata Dec. ciliated or 1 jn.jl Y S. France 1820. s CO Dec. ic. S9 coronopifolia W. 13382 depressa W. depressed O or i jnjl Y Egypt 1818. s CO 16383 microcarpa Dec. 16384 Columns Ten. small-fruited Columna's or or jn.jl jn.jl Y Y S. Europe 18 1 8. S. Italy 1823. 8 s CO CO Col. ec 284 1 163a l 5 apula L. Apulian or jnjl Y Italy 1710. s CO Lam. il. 560. 1 16386 eriocarpa Dec. 16387 leiocarpa Dec. woolly-fruited smooth-fruited O or or jnjl jnjl Y Y Spain Levant 1820. 1816. s s CO CO Dec. bis. 9. 2 2. 141 16.388 obovata Desf. obovate O or jn.jl Y Europe 1817. s CO 16J89 Iffivigata L. 2 alpestris W. S; K. smooth-podded ^ alpine ^ : A l A or or jn.jl Y Y Italy Hungary 1777. 1816. D 1) CO CO Jac. a u. 4. 339 W.&K.3. 228 16390 montana Cav. mountain ; or Y Spain 1823. s s.p Cav. ic. 2. 177 16391 coronopifolia All. Buckhorn-lvd ^ l A or jn.jl Y Italy 1790. I) CO Dec. bis. 18 16392 ambigua Dec. doubtful i A or f jn.jl Y S. Italy 1820 1) CO Dec. bis. 11.1 16393 saxatilis Dec. stone ' A or \ jn.jl Y S. Europe 1821. D CO 16394 sempervirens L. evergreen % A or | jn.jl Y Spain 1784. c s.l Bar. ic. 841 16393 stenophylla Dcsf. narrow-leaved ^ I A or 1 jn.jl Y Spain 182(5. s s.p 4 S 2 '260 TETRADYNAMIA. CLASS XV. 1855. MEG AC ARP j* A Dec. MEGACAHPJBA. (Megas, great, karpos, fruit.) Cruvferce. 1. 2. 16396 laciniata Dec. jagged ^ Q) or 1 jn.jl Y Siberia 1818. S s.p Dec. bis. 3 Biscutella megacarpa Fis. 1856. EUCLI'DIUM E. Br. EUCLIDIUM. (Eu, well, kleidoo, to shut up ; silicles.) Cruciferce. ?. 163S7 syriacum R. Br. Syrian O cu | W Levant 1778. S o Jac. au. 1. 6 J?unias syriaca Gae. 16396 tataricum Dec. Tartarian O or f W Tartary 1821. S co Pal. it. 3. ap.77.2 Telia tenuissima Pall. 1857. OCHTHO N DIUM Dec. OCHTHODIUM. (Ochthodes, warted; surface of silides.) Crudferee. 1. 16399 aegyptiacum Dec. Egyptian O cu f au Y Egypt 1787. S co Jac. vin. 2. 145 2fiinias sgyptiaca L. .ffapistrum asgyptiacum H. K. 1858. ANASTA'TICA L. ROSE OF JERICHO. (Anastasis, resurrection ; reviving in water.) Cruciferce. I. 16400 hierochuntina L. common Ol cu | W Levant 1597. S co Jac. vin. 158 18.59. CAKFLE Tou. CAKILE. 16401 maritima Sco. sea Rocket 16402 aegyptiaca W. Egyptian maritima /3 sinuatifolia Dec. 16403 americana Nut. American (An Arabic word used for this plant.) Cruc'ferce. 3. 4. 8 or fjn.s P Britain seash. S s.l Eng. bot. 231 or 1 P Egypt ... S co M. li. 2. 3. 7. 20 O or 1 P America 1823. S co Fl. ant. 1. 17 (Rapum, a turnip ; similar leaves.) Cruc'ferce. 3. 5. 1 jl Y Germany 1789. D s.l Jac. au. 5. 414 Y S. Europe 1739. S s.l Al. ped. 1.78 Y Levant 1795. S co Fl. gr. 612 1860. TZAPI'STRUM Bauh. RAPISTRUM 16404 perenne Berber. perennial ^ Cak\le perennis Merit. Myagrum perenne L. 16405 rugosum Berger. wrinkly O un li jn.jl Cak'ile rug6sa Herit. Myagrum rugosum L. 16406 orientate Dec. oriental O un 1 jl Myagrum orientate L. 1861. CHORI'SPOR A Dec. CHORISPORA. (Choris, separately, spora, seed ; separated.) Cruciferce. 3. 4. 16407 tenella Dec. slender O pr i jn.jl * Raphanus tenellus Pall. 3 arcuata bowed O pr J jn.jl Raphanus arcuatus W. Siberia 178 Siberia S co Pal. it. 3. L. S co 16408 sibirica Dec. 16409 iberica Dec. Siberian Iberian O un | jn.jl O un i jn.jl Altai Iberia 18-23. S co Mur. 1775. 48.11 1821. S co Deless.2.58 (W. Malcolm, mentioned by Ray.) O or f jn.jl P Africa 1747. S Crucifera:. 9. 16. 1 Boc. sic. 42. 1 1862. MALCCPM/,4 R. Br. MALCOMIA. 16410 africana R. Br. African Hesperis africana L. 16411 teraxacifolia Dec. Dandelion-leaved O or f jn P 16412 laxa Dec. loose O or 2 jn P 16413 chla Dec. Chian dwarf-branching O or 1 jn P 16414 maritima R. Br. seaside O or f my.jn V Cheiranthus maritimus L. 16415 arenaria Dec. sand O or f jn.jl V IKsperis arenaria Desf. 16416 parviflora Dec. small-flowered O or * jn.jl V 16417 lyrata Dec. lyrate O or jn.jl P Cheiranthus lyratus Sm. 16418 littorea R. Br. shore O or 1 jn.n W.Y S. Europe 1683. S s.l Lob. ic. 331. 1 Siberia 1795. S l.p Siberia 1820. S co Chio 17S2. S s.l Di. el. 147. 178 S. Europe 1713. S s.l Bot. mag. 166 Algiers 1804. S s.l Desf. at. 2. 162 S. Europe 1823. S co Dec.'ic. 35 Cyprus 1820. S co Fl. gr. 635 * 1863. /fE'SPERIS L. ROCKET. (Hesperos, evening ; flowers more fragrant towards.) Cruciferce. 17. 23. I. HESPERI'DIUM. Limb of petals linear, dark ; silicles two-edged, with the valves keeled. 16419 tristis L. sad Q> or 1 ap.jn D.P Austria 1629. S s.l Bot. mag. 730 16420 fragrans Fis. fragrant f Q) or 1 D.P Siberia 1817. S p.l II. DECLO'SMA. Limb of petals obovate ; silicles cylindrical or subtetragonal. 16421 laciniata All. fringed 16422 runcinata W. $ K. runcinate Q or 1| my.jn 8 or \\ jn.jl P W.p S. France ... S co Hungary 1804. S s.l Al. ped. 82. 1 W. & K. 2. 200 16423 bituminbsa Savi clammy or i| jn.jl W.P 1816. S s.l 16424 matronalis Z,. matronly j A or 4 P Italy"" 1597. D p.l Lam \\. 564. 1 2 flore albo white-flowered j or 4 W D p.l Tab. kr. 692. 1 3 flore pleno rdbro double-red-flwdj 4 flore pltno albo double white-flwd A A or or 2 R W - D D p.l p.l Weir.. 572. C. 5 flore plfeno variegato var.dble-flwdtf 6 foliiflora leaf-flowered A A or or o 2 W.R G D D p.1 p.l Munt. ph. 186 Wein. 572. A. 16425 inodora L. scentless j A or 4 my.jn Pk Britain pas. D s.l Eng. bot. 731 matronalis (3 sylvestris Dec. 16426 siberica L. Siberian A or 3 Pk Siberia 1800. D p.l matronalis y siberica Dec. 16427 heteroph^lla Ten. various-leaved j A or 4 R Italy 1823. D CO 16423 grandiflora B. M. large-flowered A or 4 W.P 1820. D CO Bot. mag. 2683 16429 data Horn. tall O) or 4 jn.jl Pk Europe 1821. S CO 16430 aprica Pair. exposed ] A or j mv.jn P Siberia 1822. S CO 16431 repanda Lag. repand ^ CD or g 8 jnjl P Spain 1821. S p.l 16432 bicuspidata Pair. two-pointed tf 0) pr 1 R Armenia 1827. S CO Cheiranthus bicuspidatus W. 16433 pulch^lla Dec. neat 16434 ramosissima Desf. branchiest 8 Pr 1 i R R S. Europe 1827. Algiers 1816. S S CO CO Desf. at. 2.161 1864. ANDREO'SKU Dec. AVDREOSKIA. 16435 integrifolia Dec. entire-leaved 3g Q) (Ant. un 1 Andrzejowsla my.jn W.R , a Russian botanist.) Siberia 1816. S co Cruclferte. 3. Sisymbrium integrifolium L. 16436 eglandulosa Dec. glandless O un 1 Siberia 1818. S CO Sisymbrium Sievers/nM Redow. 16437 pectinate Dec. pectinated Cfc O) un 1 my.jn W Siberia 1827. S CO .Sisymbrium pectinatum Dec. Hespcris pinnata Pers. 2 pinnatifida W. pinnatifid ^ o> un 1 my.ap W Siberia 1827. S CO Cheiranthus pinnatifidus W. CLASS XV. TETRADYNAMIA. 261 * 1865. SISY'MBRIUM L. SISYMBRIUM. (Sisybos, a fringe ; fringed rocts.) Crudferce. 43. 61. I. VELA^KIUM. Silicles subulate, ending in the short style ; pedicels very shirt, after flowering thickened. 16438 officinale Sco. officinal Hedge Mustard O w If my.jl Y Britain was. gr. S co Eng. bot 725 .Erysimum officinale E. B. 16439 corniculatum Cav. small-horned Q un 1 jn.jl Y Spain ( 1817. S co II. NO'RTA. Silicles cylindrical ; calyx spreading ; seeds oblong ; racemes bractless. 16440 strictissimum L. strictest ^ A un S Y Switzefrl. 1658. D co Jac. au. 2. 194 16441junceum Bieb. rushy Q) un i! my.jn Y Hungary 1820. S co W. & K. 234 JSrassica polymorpha Mur. III. FRIO. Silicles cylindrical; seeds ovate, subtriquetrous ; pedicels bracjless : leaves toothed or entire ; from No. 16444. pinnatc-lobed, lobes entire or toothed ; from No. 16463. bipinnate, lobes cut, pinnatifid, or multifid. 16442 hispanicum Jac. Spanish CD un If my.jn Y Spain ... S co ' Jac. ic. 1. 124 16443 pumilum Step. dwarf O un f jn.jl Y Iberia 1818. S co 16444 obtusangulum W. obtuse-angled Q) un If Y Switzerl. 1823. S co M. h. 3. 5. 10 16445 acutangulum Dec. acute-angled CD un If" jn.jl Y Pyrenees 1791. S co Jac. vin. 3. 97 sinapoides R. Br. Sinapis pyrenkica Vil. 16446 /araxacifblium Dec. Dandelion-lvd G) un f jn.jl Y France 1818. S co Dec. ic. 39 16447 afflne W. en. similar 16448 contortum Cav. twisted _ _ ... r _ _ 16449 austriacum Jac. Austrian Q) un If Y Austria 1799. S co Jac. au. 3. 262 16450 eckhartsbergense W. Eckhartsberg Tillier's London Rocket 16.451 Tillieri Bel. _ 16452 J'rio L. London Rocket O w If Y England walls. S co Eng. bot. 1631 16453 glabrum Jac. smooth 16454 gallicum W. en. French 16455 nitidum Zea shining 16456 subhastatum W. subhastate 16457 Columns Jac. Columna's O un 2 jn.jl Y Italy 1796. S co Jac. au. 4. 323 16458 altissimum L. tallest O un 2 au Y Siberia 1759. S co Walt. h. 22 16459 orientate L. oriental 16460 LoeselM Thuil. Loesel's 16461 pannonicum Jac. Pannonian O un 2 Pa.Y Hungary 1787. S co Jac. ic. 1.123 16462 asperum L. rough-podded O un f my.jn Y S. France 1778. S co Bau. his. 858 16463 Sophia L. Flix-weed O un 1 jl Y Britain S co Eng. bot. 963 16464 persicum Spr. Persian O un 2 jn.jl Y Persia 1818. S co 16465 millefblium H. K. thousand-lvd *L ( | pr If my.s Y Canaries 1779. C co Jac. ic. 1. 27 16466 tripinnatum Dec. tripinnate 16467 tanacetifblium L. Tansy-leaved A un 3 jn.jl Y Italy 1731. D co Za. h. 72 IV. KIBE^RA. Pedicels at base bracted ; styles short, thick, refuse ; flowers small, yellow or white. 16468 sup\num L. supine C un f jn.jl W S. Europe 1778. S co Is. ac. pa. 18 16469 runcinatum Lag. runcinate O un f jn.jl Y j Spain 1827. S co 16470 hirsutum Lag. hairy O un f Y ! Spain 1820. S co 16471 polyceratium L. many-podded O un f jn.jl Y S. Europe 1633. S co Jac. vin. 1.79 16472 rigidum Bieb. stiff O un * jn.jl W Crimea 1824. S co V. ARABIDOPSIS. Silicles linear, compressed, with sessile truncate stigmas; flws white, on short bractless pedicels. W S. Europe 1732. S co Di. el. 148. 177 W S. Europe 1820. D co Al. ped. 57. 3 Pa.P Cumana 18'20. S co Deless. 2. 63 Erysimum-like O un "l jn.jl Y N. Africa 1817. S co Desf. at. 2. 158 torulose O un 1 jn.jl Y Greece 1820. S co Fl. gr. 632 VI. DU^BIA. Doubtful to which of the sections they belong. fugacious O un 1 jn.jl Y Spain 1819. S co thick-leaved Q) un 2 jn.jl Pa.Y Spain 1818. S co H. mat 24 CD un If my.jn Y Spun ... S CO O un f Jn.jl Y Iberia 1818. S CO un If Y Switzerl. 1823. S CO . 1 u n If" jn.jl Y Pyrenees 1791. s CO 'CD un f jn.jl Y France 1818. s CO CD un Y Europe 1810. s co f. CD un If* Jn.jl Y Europe 1810. s CO CD un Y Austria 1799. s CO CD un If jn.jl Y Austria 1799. s CO un 2 jn.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. a CO ; w If Y England walls. s CO un If jn.jl Y Europe 1816. s CO un If jn.jl Y Europe 1817. s CO O O un un un 2 jn.jl If jn.jl 2 jn.jl Y Y Y Europe Archipel. Italy 1818. 1817. 1796. s s s co CO CO O un 2 au Y Siberia 1759. s CO O un 2 Y Levant 1739. s CO O un 2 Y Europe 1816. s CO un 2 Pa.Y Hungary 1787. s CO un f my.jn Y S. France 1778. s CO O un 1 jl Y Britain s CO un 2 jn.jl Y Persia 1818. 8 CO tt_ I_J P r If my.s Y Canaries 1779. c CO O un 1 jn jl Y C. G. H. 1820. s CO A un 3 jn.jl Y Italy 1731. D CO 16473 bursifblium L. Shepherd's Purse-lvd O un f jn.jl 16474 pinnatifidum Dec. pinnatifid A un f jn.jl 16475 contortuplicatum Dec. twisted-folded O un f jn.jl 16476 erysimdides Desf. Erysimum-like O un 1 jn.jl 16476 erysimoides Desf. 16477 torulbsum Desf. 16478 fugax Lag. 16479 crassifblium Cav. 1R66. ALLIA'RIA Adan. HEDGE GARLIC. 15480 officinalis Andrz. officinal A w .Erysimum Alliaria L. 16481 brachycarpa Bieb. short-fruited A un (Allium, garlic ; smell.; 3 my W Britain Ci-uciferce. 2. hed. S co Eng. bot. 796 2 W Iberia 1824. S co * 1867. jERY'SIMUM L. HEDGE MUSTARD. (Eryo, to draw ; draws and produces blisters.) Cruciferce. 42. 16482 sessiliflbrum R. 'Br. sessile-flowered CD un 2 jn.jl Y Siberia 1794. S CO Her. st. 1. 44 Cheiranthus quadrangulus Herit. 16483 siliculbsum Dec. siliculose CD un 2 my.jl Y Tauria 1823. S CO Deless. 2. 65 Cheiranthus siliculbsus Bieb. 16484 siculum Spr. Sicilian 8un 1 ray.jl Y Sicily 1820. S CO 16485 angustifbliuml?/,ir/i. narrow-leaved un 2 Y Hungary 1800. S CO W.&K.98 Cheiranthus virgatus Pair. 16486 cuspidatum Dec. cuspidate CD un 2 my.jn Y Hungary 1822. s CO Bux. c. 33. 1 II. ERYSIMA'STRUM. Styles short or scarcely any 16487 leptostylum Dec. slender-styled j CD un , silicles four-sided ; calyx deciduous 1 my.jl Y Caucasus 1827. S , flowers pedicelled. CO grandiflbrum Bieb. 16488 suft'ruticbsum Spr. sub-shrubby . or 2 my.jl Y Europe 1820. s CO 16489 odoratum Ehrh. fragrant f. CD un H Y Austria 1795. s CO 16490 strictum Gae. strict CD or my.jl Y Austria 1819. s CO 73 /aeracifblium Jac. 16491 virgatum Roth twiggy 16492 longisiliqubsum W. long-podded 16493 Aieracifblium L. Hawkweed-lvd | CD un Q) or CD or 1? my.jl my.jl Y Y Y Portugal 1807. Switzerl. 1819. N.Europe 1816. s s s CO CO CO Dec. ic. 35 Bau. his. 9.S75.2 16494 aureum Bieb. golden Q) or l my.jl Y Caucasus 1820. s CO Deless. 2. 66 16495 ibericum Dec. Iberian Q)or l my Y Armenia 1803. s l.p Bot. mag. 835 Cheiranthus armeniacus Sims 16496 cheirantho v ides L. Cheiranth-like O un 14 i Y Britain fields. s CO Eng. bot. 942 16497 intermedium Schl. intermediate CD or my.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. s CO 16498 repandum L. repand 16499 helveticum Dec. Swiss O un CD un i my.jn i my.jn Y Y Spain Switzerl. 1772. 1793. s s CO s.p Jac. au. 1. 22 Jac. vin. 3. 9 Cheiranthus helv^ticus Jac. 15500 canescens Roth canescent CD or i my.jl Y S. Europe 1816. s CO Jac. au. 1. 75 Cheiranthus alpinus Jac. 16501 Andrzejoskidm/m Bes. Andrzejoski's diffusum Bieb. CD or If my.jl Y Tauria 1818. s CO S 3 262 TETRADYNAMIA. CLASS XV. 16502 f innum Swt. firm Q) or 1 Y Switzerl. 1819. S co Cheiranthus f irmus W. en.\ 16503 coinnum Andrx,. hill Q) or 1 myJl Y Caucasus 1823. S co Cheiranthus colRnus Bieb. 16504 leptophylluni^//^.(iiie-leayed j Q) or 1 my.jl Y Iberia 1821. S co Cheiranthus leptophyllus Bi^b. 16505 pumilum Horn dwarf Q) or J rny.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. S co 16506 patulum Horn spreading j Q) or 1 my.jl Y Europe 1820. S co 16507 diffusum Ehrh. diffuse '- Q> un 1| my.jl Y S. Europe 1731. Deo 1.75 16508 lanceolatum JR. Br. spear-/mtf Q> uu 1 my.jl Pa. Y S. Europe 1597. S co Jac. au. 1. 74 Cheiranthus t-rysimoides L. \ 16509 versicolor Andrx. party-colored Q) or 1 my.jn Va Caucasus 1825. S co Cheiranthus versicolor Bieb. \ ' 15510 rhse'ticum Dec. Rhsetian Q) or 1 my.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. S co Cheiranthus rhae'ticus Sc/tl. 16511 longifolium Dec. large- flowered j Q) or 1 my.jl Y S. Europe 1823. S co grandiflbrum Desf. 16512 deciimbens G. Don decumbent Q) or my.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. S co Cheiranthus deciimbens Sciil. 16513 dubium Dec. doubtful j Q) un 1* rny.jl Y 1823. S co Cheiranthus dubius Horn. 16514 asperum Dec. rough Q) un 1 my.jn Y N. Amer. 1822. S co 16515 Reddwskw Wein. Redowski's Q) or 1 my.jl W Siberia 1821. S co 16516 strigbsum Dec. strigose Q) or 1 my.jl Y Siberia 1816. S co Cheiranthus strigbsus Led. III. CORI'NGIA. Styles scarcely any ; petals erectish ; leaves cordate, clasping the stem. 16517 alpinum Baum. alpine A un 1 my.jn P.Y Germany 1793. D s.l Vil. del. 3. 36 .Brassica alpina L. 16518 perfoliatum Crz. perfoliate O or 1 jn jl W Austria 1818. S co Jac. au. 282 .Srassica orientalis L. 16519 austriacum Baum. Aust. Hare's ear O un 1 jn W England cliffs. S co Eng. bot. 1804 Ifrassica austrtaca Jac. IV. DU V BIA. Doubtful to which of the sections they belong. 16520 altissimum Lej. tallest Q) or 3 my.jl Y Germany 1818. S co 16521 bicolor Dec. two-colored Q) or 1 my.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. S co Cheiranthus bicolor Horn. 16522 quadricorne Step, four-horned O or 1 jn.jl Y Siberia 1821. S co 1868. LEPTA N LEUM Dec. LEFFALEUM. (Leptaleos, slender ; leaves.) Cruciferce. 1. 2. 16523 filifblium Dec. thread-leaved Q cu' | jnjl Y Siberia 1820. S co Deless. 2. 68 Sisymbrium filifblium W. 1869. STANLEY Nut. STANLEYA. (Edward Lord Stanfey, F.R.S. vice-pres. of Lin. Soc.) Cruciferce. 1. 3. 16524 pinnatifida Nut. pinnatifid ^ .AJ or 1 jn.jl . Y Louisiana 1816. S p.l Clebme pinn'ita Ph. 1870. CAMELPNA Crz. GOLD OF PLEASURE. (Cliamai, on ground, linon, flax; dwarf.) Cruciferce. 5. 6. I. CHAM^LI^NUM. Silicles obovate, marginate ; stijles conic. ; stigmas simple. 16525 sativa Crz. cultivated O ec 1 liiy.jl Y ' Britain corn fi. S s.l Eng. bot. 1254 Afyagrum satlvum L. 1 pilbsa Dec. pilose Q ec 1 my.jl Y Britain ... S co M. h. 2. 21. 2 Cheiranthus sylvestris Wallr. 2 glabrata Dec. smooth O ec 1 my.jl Y S co 16526 den tata Pers. tooth-leaved O ua 1 my.jl Y Europe 1806. S s.l Bau. his. 2. 893 16527 microcarpa Andr. small-fruited O un 1 jn.jl Y Podolia 1820. S co Deless. 2. 69 II. PSEC;DOLI X NUM. Silicles globose, immarginate ; styles fill form ; stigmas capitate. 16528 barbams/o/7fl Dec. Cress-leaved ' A un 1 jn.jl Y Siberia 1818. S co Deless. 2.70 16529 austrtaca R. Br. Austrian ^ A un 1 jn.jl Y Austria 1795. S s.l Jac. au. 2. Ill 187L NE'SLIA Desv. NESLIA. (Not explained.) Cruciferce. 1. 16530 paniculata Desv. panicled O un 1| Y Europe 1683. 'S co Gae. fr. 2. 141 jMyagrum paniculatum L. 1872. SENEBIE^R/4 Poir. WART CRESS. (J. de Senebier, of Geneva, aveg. physiol.) Cruciferce. 3. 8. 16531 pinnatifida Dec. pinnatifid O w i W England rubble. S co Eng. bot. 248 Coronopus didyma Sm. iepidium didymum L. 16532 Coronopus Pair. Buckhorn O w i VV Britain ro. si. S co Eng. bot. 1660 Cbr6nopus Ruell Gae. 16533 ni!6tica Dec. Nilotic O cu jn.jl W Egypt 1827. S co Del. jeg. 34. 5 Cochlearia nilotica Del. 1873. Z-EPI'DIUM L. PEPPERWORT. (Lepis, a scale; form of silicles.) Cruciferce. 31. 58. I. CARDA^RIA. Silicles ovate-cordate ; values subturgid, wingless, terminated by the exserted filiform style. 16534 Draba L. Whitlow O un 1 my.jn W Europe 1596. D co Jac. au. 4. 315 Cochlearia DrabaZ. II ELLIPSA'RIA. Silicles elliptic ; valves keeled, wingless ; style filiform, long. 16535 chalepense L. Aleppo O un 1 my.jl W Aleppo 1798. S co 16536 glastifolium Desf. Woad-leaved Q un ]} myjl W Barbary 1823. S co Desf. at. 147 16537 amplexicaule W. stem-clasping ^ A un i jn.jl W Siberia 1826. D co III. BRADYPI'PTUM. Silicles elliptic ; valves leeled ; style short ; calyx persistent. 16538 coronopifolium Fis. Buckhorn-lvd ^ A un f my.jl W Siberia 1684. D co IV. CA'RDAMON. Silicles suborbicular, emarginate ; valves na vicular, winged at back ; cotyledons parted. 16539 sativum L. cultivated Cress O cul 1^ jn.jl W Persia 1548. S co Zo. ic. 16 2 crispum Dec. curled O cul 1 jn.jl W Persia 1548. S co Bau.his.2.913.1 3 Iatif61ium Dec. broad-leaved O cul 1 jn.jl W Persia 1548. S co M. h. 2. 19. 2 V. LE X PI A. Silicles suborbic. emarg. ; valves navicular, winged j wings adhering to the short style ; cotyl. entire. 16540 campestre R. Br. hoary field O un f jn.jl W Britain fields. S co Eng. bot. 1385 Thlaspi campestre L. 16541 hirtum Sm. hairy ^ Q w 1 n.jl W Britain fields. S co Eng. bot. 1803 Thlaspi hirtum L. 1H542 spinosum /,. prickly O un 1 s W Levant 1787. S co CLASS XV. TETRADYNAM1A. 263 VI. DILE'PTIUM. Silicles subelliptic, at top emarginatc ; valves keeled ', wingless ; style very short. 16-543 virginicum L. Virginian o un 1 jn.jl W America 1713. S CO Schk. ban. 2.180 1 5544 subulatum L. aw\-leaved tt. _J un W Spain 1739. S p.l Asso ar. 6.3 16546 ruderale L. rubble un 1 jn.jl W Britain sea co. S CO Eng. bot. 1595 16546 incisum Roth cut-leaved O un 1 jn.jl W Tauria 1818. s CO 16547 vesicarium- L. bladdery un li W Crimea 1820. s CO Bux. c. 1. 26 165+8 perfoliatum L. perfoliated un f Jl W Austria 1640. s CO Jac. au. 4. 346 16549 Cardamines L. Spanish Cress H un 1 jn.jl W Spain 1789. s CO Ard.sp. 1.18 16550 divaricatum tf. A'. divaricate . 1 f un 1| W C. G. H. 1774. C p.l 16351 bonariense L. Buenos Ayres o un 2| my.jn W S. Amer. 1732. s CO Di. el. 286. 370 16552 cuneifolium Dec. wedge-leaved o un 1 Jn Jl W New Cam .1820. s CO 16553 Piscidium Forsf. Fish-poison ec 1 s W Society Isl .1779. s CO 1(5554 rtyssopifolium Desv. Hyssop-leaved un 1 jn-jl W N. Holl. 1820. 8 CO VII. LEPIDIA'STRUM Silicles subelliptic 16555 oleraceum Foraf. potherb O , very entire ; cul 3 s valves keeled, wi W N. Zeal. ngless i 1824. style very short. S co lo.)5(> lvr\tum L. lyrate un 2f jn.jl W Levant S CO 16557 latifolium L. broad-leaved & A un 2 n.jl W Britain ; sea co. D CO Eng. bot. 182 16558 atfTne Led. similar s A un 2 jn.jl W Siberia 1819. D CO 16559 era ssi folium W. 8f K . thick-leaved ^ A un ! mv.jn W Hungary 1820. D CO W. & K. 1. 4 15560 suffruticdsum L. sufl'ruticose tt. un HJn'jl W Spain 1683. S CO Cav. ic. 2. 161. 2 graminifohum Cav. 16.361 lineire Dec. linear tt. un 1 jn.jl W Spain 1823. S CO 16562 /bens L. Iberis A un W Germany 1793. s CO Lob. ic. 223 graminifolium L. 16563 africanum Dec. African t i | un 1 jn.jl W C. G. H. 1816. s CO Deless. 2. 73 16564 diffusum Dec. VIII. DU V BIUM. Doubtful to which section it belongs. diffuse O un 1 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1823. S co 1874. BIVON,\4 Dec. BIVOIWJA. 16565 Ifttea Dec. yellow Thlaspi luteum Biv. (Ant. Bivoni Bernardi, an Italian botanist.) Cruclfem. 1. O un i jn.jl Y Italy 1824. S co Cup. sic. 2. 2.36 1875. EUNCTMIA EUNOMIA. (Eu, well, name, fodder ; used for fodder.) Crudferce. 1. 3. 16566 oppositifolia Dec. opposite-leaved j _AJ clt 1 jn.jl W Syria 1827. S co Lab. syr. 5. 9 /.epidium oppositif51ium Lab. 1876. ^ETHIONE^MA E. Br. JETHIONEMA. (Aitho, to scorch, nema, stamen ; tinged Crurfferee. 4. 9 16567 saxatile K Br. rock Thlaspi saxatile L. 16568 gracile Dec. slender 16569 Buxbaumw Dec. Buxbaum's Thlaspi arabicum Bieb. 16570 monospermum R. Br. one-seeded" O pr i jn.jl F* S. Europe 1759. S 'co Jac. au. 3. 236 Jn.H Pa.R Carniola Pa.R Levant 1823. 1823. S s.p Boc. mu. 70 S co Bux. c. 1. 5. 1 Q) cu | Pa.P Spain 1778. S co * 1877. /SATIS Bauh. WOAD. (Isazo, to render equal ; supposed effect on rough skin.) Cruclferee. 12. 18. I. SAMERA*RIA. SHicles oval or orbiculate, indehiscent, girded by a broad leafy wing. 16571 armena L. Armenian O or Y Levant 1825. S co Desv. 3. 25. 6 16572 lusitanica Brot. Portuguese O or 1 my Portugal 1822. S co II. GLA'STUM. Silicles oval oblong, nearly linear, subdehiscent ; margin suberous. 16573 alpina All. alpine fc A or 1 jn.jl Y Italy 1800. D s.l Al.ped.86.2 16574 prseVox Kit. early K. Q) or 1| my.jn Y Hungary 1822. S CO Trat. ar. 2. 68 lri.575 littoralis Dec. seaside fe CD or li my.jn Y Tauria 1823. S CO Deless. 2. 76 16576 hebecarpa Fis. blunt-fruited : fc Q) un 2 jn.jl Y Tauria 1823. S CO Deless. 2. 79 16577 tinctoria L. common dyer's ^ t CD ag 4 my.jl Y England corn fi. s s.l Eng. bot. 97 16578 campt-stris Stev. W579 bannatica Lk. field Bannatic k O) or 8un 1| my.jn 2 jn.jl Y Y Persia 1824. Bannat 1819. s s CO CO J6580 orientalis W. oriental un 2 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1818. s CO 16581 canescens Dec. 'canescent - or 1 my.jn Y S. Europe 1822. s CO Bux. c. 1. 5 2 iberica Steo. Iberian or 1 my.jn Y Iberia 1823. s CO 16582 aleppica Sco. Aleppo or 1 jn.jl Y Levant 1739. s s.l Scop. d. 216 1878. TAUSCHE^R/^ Fis. TAUSCHERIA. (Ign. F. Tausch, professor at Prague.) Crudferce. 2. 16583 lasiocarpa Fis. hairy-podded O or f jn.jl W Siberia 1824. S s.p Fisch. ic. in. 16584 gymnocarpa Fis. naked-podded O or | my.jl W Siberia 1820. S s.l Fisch. ic. in. 187P. 3/Y\AGRUM L. MVAGRUM. (Myia, a fly, agra, capture ; viscidity of original species.) Crudferce. 1. 16585 perfoliatum L. perfoliate O pr \ jn.jl Pa.Y France 1648. S co Schk. han.2. 178 1880. SOBOLE'WSK/^ Bieb. SOBOLEWSKIA. 16586 lithophila Bieb. stone-loving Q) un Crambe macrocarpa Bieb. (G. Sobolewski, a Russian botanist.) Crunferce. 1. I jn.jl W Iberia 1824. S s.p Deless. 2. 80 1881. GOLDBA^CH/^ Dec. GOLDBACHIA. (C. L. Goldbach, of Petersburgh, botanist.) CrucifereE. 1. 2. 16587 Iffivigata Dec. smooth-leaved O or my-J 1 Pa.B Astracan 1827. S co Deless. 2. 81 .Kaphanus Isevigatus Bieb. 1882. STERI'GMA Dec. STERIGMA. (Sterigma, a support ; stamens joined at base.) Cruciferce. 2. 4. 16588 tomentosum Dec. woolly ^j Q> cu 1 ap.jl Y Astracan 1817. S s.l Pal. it. 103.2 Cheiranthus tomentosus W. 16589 torulosum Dec. twisted Cheiranthus torulusus Bieb. Q) cu 1 ap.jl Y Iberia 1820. S co 1883. .BRA'SSICA L. CABBAGE. (Bresic, Celtic name of the cabbage.) CrucifertE. 28. 37. I. BBA'SSICA. Silicles sessile, sometimes terminated by a conical empty beak. 16590 oleracea L. common oleraceous ] Q) cu 2 ap.jn Y England cliffs. S r.m Eng. bot. 637 S 4 264 TETRADYNAMIA. CLASS XV. Garden Varieties. 1. acephala Dec. 1 rambsa Dec. branchy, Cavalier Cabbage $ vulgaris Dec. common, ](XX).headed Cab. M.h.3.1.6 3 yuercifblia Dec. Oak-leaved Bau. h. 2. 833. 2 4 sabellica Dec. Sabellian, Borecole Lob. ic. 247. 1 5/>almifdliaDec. Palm. leaved, Chou Palmier 6 costata Dec. ribbed, Chou dc Beauvais ^ 2. costata Dec. 1 vulgaris Dec. common, Ch. a gr. cotes Lob.ic.244.1 2 oblonga Dec. oblong, Cove tronchuda M. h. 2. 1. 4 3. bullata Dec. 3 major Dec. greater, Savoy Cabbage 4 gemmiferaDec. bud-bg, Brussels Sprouts M.h.3.13 $ 4. capitata Dec. 1 deprdssa Dec. depressed, Drumhead Cabbage 2 spnae'rica Dec. spherical, Great round Scotch Cabb. 3 obovata Dec. obovate, Penton Cabbage 4 elliptica Dec. elliptical, Early York Cabbage 5 c6nica Dec. conical, Sugar-loaf Cabbage 6 rubra Dec. Red Cabbage 5. Caulo-rapa Dec. 1 communis Dec. com. Ch.-rave, Kohl Rabi M.h.3.112 2 crispa Dec. curled, Chou-rave cr6pue $ 6. B6trytis Dec. 1 cauliflbra Dec. flwg Cab., Cauliflower M.h.2.L12 2 asparagoidesDec. Asparagus-Ik, Broccoli Dalech.522. 16591 campestris L. field O ag 2 jn 2 oleifera Dec. oil-bearing ft CD ag 1| jn 3 pabularia fodder ft CD ag IJjn 4 JVapo-firassica L. Turnip-cabbage ft Q) ag li jn 2 communis Dec. common ft CD ag 1| jn Turnip depressed oblong oil-bearing Rape oil-bearing esculent white yellow blackish 3 rutabaga Dec. 16592 flapa L. 2 depressa Dec. 3 ob!6nga Dec. 4 oleifera Dec. 16593 JVapus L. 2 oleifera Dec. 3 esculenta Dec. 2 Slba Dec. 3 flava Dec. 4 nfgricans Dec. 16594 prae x cox W. % K. 16595 chinensis L. 16596 violacea L. 16597 incana Ten. 16598 balearica Per*, sempervirens Schrank 16599 heleniana 5wrc. St. Helena 16600 Graving Ten. 16601 pinnatifida Desf. 16602 hdmilis Dec. 16603 polym6rpha Mur. 16604 montSna Rafi. 16605 repanda Dec. Swedish Turnip ft Q) ag 1 ft CD cul ft O cul 2 ap ft Q) cul 2 ap ft CD cul 2 ap tf CD ag 2 my 1 CD ag ] CD cul cul 2 2 my 2 my my Q) cul 2 my CD cul 2 2 early Kohl-reps % Q cul Chinese CD cul 4 v\o\et-flowered Q> un hoary Balearic Gravina's pinnatifid humble multiform mountain repand my my my.jn England fields. S si Eng. bot. 2234 Sweden ... S co Sweden ... S co Sweden ... S co Sweden ... S co Sweden ... S co England corn fi. S r.m Eng. bot. 2176 England corn fi. S r.m M. h. '2. 2. 1 England corn fi. S r.m M. h. 2. 2. 2 England corn fi. S r.m Lob. ic. 298. 1 Britain S co Eng. bot. 2146 Britain S co Lob. ic. 300. 2 Britain S co Lob. ob. 99. 2 Britain S co Black. 410 Britain Britain Europe China Pa.P China Naples Minorca 1812. 1770. 1818. 1820. 1820. St. Helenal816. Italy 1823. Spain 1818. S. Europe 1820. Europe 1819. Sicily 1820. S. Europe ... co S S S co S co S co S Deless. 2. 86 FI. nap. 62 Desf. at. 2. 165 D co Vil. del. 3. 39 II. ERUCI'STRUM. Silicles sessile, terminated by a conical beak at base, lor 2 seeded. 16606 Richer*'* Vil. Richer's 16607 monensis Hud. Isle of Man 16608 Erucastrum L. Eruca-leaved 16609 Cheiranthos Vil. Wallflower 16610 cheiranthiflora Dec. Stock-flwd Mphanus cheiranthiflora W. 16611 Tournef6rt Gou. Tournefort's 16612 laevigata Lag. smooth-heaved 16613 valenttna Dec. Valentia Sisymbrium valentinum L. 16614 Pseudo-erucastrum .flro*. Bast. Rocket Q 16615 fruticu!6sa Cyr. shrubby Y S. Europe D co Britain sea sh. S s.l S. Europe 1790. S s.l Switzerl. 1819. S co Spain 1806. S co Spain Spain Spain Spain Italy 1818. 1820. 1818. 1822. 1818. S co S co S co S co S co Vil. del. 3. 36 Eng. bot. 962 Bui. her. 331 Vil. del. 3. 37 W. h. b. 19 Gou. il. 20. A Bar. ic. 195. 1 Cyr. ne. 2. 7. 1 IIL MICROPO^DIUM. Stfi'c/es raised above receptacle on short pedicels ; styles short, slender, terminated bt capitate stigma. 16616 elongata Ehrh. elongated Q un 3 my.jn Y Hungary 1801. S s.l W. & K. 1. 28 16617 subularia Brot. awl Q un 1 jn.jl Y Spain 1818. S co Brot. ph. 43 1884. STNA^PIS Tou. MUSTARD. (Sino, to hurt, ops, the eye; effects.) Crucifercr. 28. 51. I. MELANOSINA^PIS. Silicles terete or subtetragonal ; styles short, small, not rostriform. 16618 nlgra L. 2turgidaPers. 3 torul&sa Pers. 4 villosa Mur. 5 Uevigata Brm. 16619 geniculata Desf. 16620 retrohirsuta Bes. common black turgid twisted villous smooth jointed back-haired O O ag 1816. Britain Britain Europe France 1827. E. Indies 1819. S S. Europe 1819. S co Europe 1818. S co corn fi. S r.m Eng. bot. 969 corn fi. S r.m 3 co . S co co II. CERATOSINAVIS. Silicles terminated by an empty conical beak. 16621 IjEvigata L. smooth O un 2 jn.jl Y 16622 auriculata W. auriculate o un 2 Y 16623 rambsa Rox. branchy o un 2 jnjl Y 16624 integrifMia W. entire-leaved un Y 16625 ./uncea L. rushy un H jn.jl Y 16626 chinensis L. Chinese cul lijl Y 16627 c^rnua Thun. drooping Q un k* Y 16628 ftrassicata L. Cabbage-teamed Q un Uin.jl Y 16629 pub(-scens L. pubescent un 2 jn.jl Y 16630 arv^nsis L. corn Charlock w 1| my.jl Y 16631 orientalis L oriental un 1* jn.jl Y 16632 taurica Fis. Taurian o un 2 jn.jl Y 16633 subpinnatifida Lag. 16634 Kaber Dec. subpinnatifid Kaber Persian o un un 2 jn.jl 1 jn.jl Y Y 16635 Alliuni* Jac. Allioni's un - jn.jl Y 16636 turgida Del. turgid un 3 jn.jl Y Spain 1769. 1819. E. Indies 1820. E. Indies 1804. China 1710. China 1782. C. G. H. 1820. China Sicily Britain Levant Tauria Spain Persia Egypt" S S S S S S co S co S co 1789. D r.m Ard. sp. 1. 9 corn fi. S s.l Eng. bot. 1748 W. h. b. 14 Jac. vin.2. 171 Ard. sp. 1. 10 1801. 1778. 1818. 1820. ... 1789. 1819. S co Schk. ban. 1.186 Jac. vin. 2. 168 III. HIRSCHFE'LDIA. Silicles terete, biloc. ; cells generally 4,-seeded; beak ovate, l-seeded, smooth, indehiscent. 16637 inc&na L. hoary-jointed CD un 3 jl Y S. Europe 1771. S co Jac vin 2 169 16638 heterophy'lla Lag. various-leaved Q) un 1| my jn Y Spain 1822. S co CLASS XV. TETRADYNAMIA. 265 iv. LEUCOSINA^PIS. Silicles I 16(539 alba L. white 1(5640 hispida Schous. 16641 disscta Lag. 16642 hastata Desf. 16643 foli&sa W. hispid cut-leaved hastate leafy 16644 apula Ten. Apulian V . DISA'CCII 16645 frufescens H. K. shrubby VI. Di 16646 nudicaulis Lag. naked-sten Silicles hispid or smooth, surmounted by an ensiform beak ; valvules torulose. O ag 3 jn.jl Y O un 2 jl Y O un 1 mr.ap Y O un 2 jn.jl Y O un 1 Y O un 2 jn.jl Y Britain corn fi. S r.m Eng. bot. 1667 Morocco 1804. S r.m Schou.4 Spain ... S co N. Holl. 1817. S co Levant 1820. S co Italy 1823. S co . DISA'CCIUM. Calyx somewhat spreading, at base bisaccate. -l_Jcu lijn.d Y Madeira 1777. C si VI. Du r BiA. Doubtful to what section it belongs. A un 1 jn.jl Y Spain 1818. S co 1885. MORICA'ND/^ Dec. MORICANDIA. (Stephen Moricand, an Italian botanist.) Cruciferee. 1. 3. 16647 arvensis Dec. corn Cabbage-JIwd Q) un l|jn V S. Europe 1739. C co Boc. sic. 25. 3, 4 2?rassica arvensis L. 1886. DIPLOTA'XIS Dec. DIPLOTAXIS. (Diploos, double, taxis, series ; seeds.) Cruciferee. 11. 14. I. CATOCA'RPUM. Styles scarcely any ; silicles pendulous, sessile, or often pedicelled ; stigmas bilobed. 16848 crassifblia Dec. thick-leaved O un 1 jn.jl Y Sicily 1818. S co Sinapis crassifblia Rafi. 16649 p^ndula Dec. pendulous O un 1| Y Barbary 1823. S co Desf. at. 156 Sisymbrium pendulum Deaf. 16650 hispida Dec. hispid O un f Y Egypt ... S co Deless. 89 II. ANOCA'RPUM. Styles conic, compressed, terminated by a two-lobed stigma , silicles erect, sessile. 16651 erucoldes Dec. Eruca-like Sinapis erucoldes L. 16652 virgata Dec. - twiggy Sinapis virgata Cav. 16653 catholica Dec. universal Sisymbrium catholicum L. 16654 tenuifblia Dec. fine-leaved Sisymbrium tenuifblium L. 16655 muralis Dec. wall Sisymbrium murale L. 16656 Barrelieri Dec. Barrelier's 16657 viminea Dec. twiggy 16658 saxatilis Dec. rock 1887. -ERtPCA Tou. ROCKET. ( Uro, to bur; 16659 sativa Lam. cultivated^MK)? O cul 12 jl .Brassica .Eruca L. 2 albo-glabra white smooth O cul 1| jl 3 albo-pilbsa 4 flavo-glabra white pilose yellow smooth cul Ujl 5 flavo-pilbsa yellow pilose cul 1| jl 6 turgida Pers. turgid U cul ljl 1 erucoides Horn Eruca-like O cul 1| jl 8 exdtica Hort. exotic O cul li jl 16660 hispida Dec. hispid O cul 1 jl 16661 vesicaria Cav. bladdery O un ljl un 1 jn.jl W.p S. Europe 1736. S r.m Jac. vin. 2. 170 o un f jn.jl Y Spain - 1817. S CO un 1 Y Spain 1822. S CO A un IJjl.o Y England walls. D s.l Eng. bot. 525 un nm Y England S CO Eng. bot. 1090 un f jn.jl Pa.Y S. France 1770. S CO Bar. ic. 1016 o un f m y Y S. France ... S CO Boc. sic. 10 A un Y S. Europe ... D CO ( Uro, to burn ; O cul l|jl biting q PaY ualities.) S. Europe 1573. Cruciferee. 3. S 8.1 Schk.han.2.186 O cul i|ji W S. Europe 1577. S CO Black. 242 cul W S. Europe 1577. S CO cul i*f Y S. Europe 1577. S CO Bui. her. 313 cul Y S. Europe 1577. S CO 646, 647 U cul Ji. \\ Y S. Europe 1577. S CO o cul I 1 Jl Pa.Y S. Europe 1577. S CO o o fill cul !' Y W S. Europe 1577. Naples 1800. S S CO CO U un ljl Pa.Y Spain 1820. S CO Asso ar. 4 1888. FE'LL A L. CRESS ROCKET. (Latinised from velar, the Celtic name of the cress.) Cruciferee. L 16662 Pseudo-c^tisus L. Bastard Cytisus tt. i | or 3 Y Spain 1759. C co Cav. ic. L 42 (Solos, a ball ; round pods.) tt. _J pr 1 my.jl Crea Spain Cruciferee. 1. 20. S s.p Desv.3.6 1889. BO N LEUM Desv. BOLEUM. 16663 asperum Desv. rough J^lla aspera Pers. 1890. CARRICHTE^RA Adan. CARIUCHTERA. (Probably without meaning.) Cruciferee. 1. 16664 Fellae Dec. annual Vella O pr f j-jl Pa.Y England san. fi. S s.l Eng. bot. 1441 Fella annua L. (Prof. Suckow, a botanist of Heidelberg.) Cruciferee. 1. O pr I Jnjl Y Minorca 1781. S s.l Jac. vin. 2. 144 1891. SUCCO* W/4 Med. SUCCOWIA. 16665 balearica Med. Balearic 1892. PSYCHPNE Desf. PSYCHINE. 16666 stylusa Desf. stylose Thlaspi PsycWne W. 1893. ZI'LLA Forsk. ZILLA. (The name of an Egyptian plant.) 1:5667 wzyagroldes Forsk. Myagrum-like tt. | cu 2 mr Li Egypt 2 macrocarpa Spr. long-fruited *L | cu 1 mr ... Egypt (Psyche, a butterfly ; wing of seed.) Cruciferee. 1 O un 1^ jn.jl Y S. Europe 1818. S co Desf. at. J. 148 Cruciferee. I. 1822 C co Ven. mal. 16 1820. C co Gae. fr. 2. 142. 2 1894. MURICAMlIA Desv. MURICARIA. (Muricatus, full of prickles.) Cruciferee. 1. 16668 prostrata Desv. prostrate -* O un jn.jl W S. Europe 1821. S co Desf at. 2. 150 JSunias prostrata Desf. 1895. CALEPFNA Adan. CALEPINA. 16669 Corvmi Desv. Corvin's A/^agrum iberioides Brot. 1896. CRA'MBE Tou. SEA KALE. (Meaning unknown.) Cruciferee. 1. O cu 1| ap.jn W S. Europe 1816. S co Brat. ph. 42 (A Greek name for sea cabbage.) Cruciferee. 11. 14. I. SARCOCRA'MBE. Lower joint of silicic depressed, thick ; stigma sessile ; larger filaments toothed. 16670 maritima L. 16(571 pinnatifida R. Br. pinnatifid 16672 orient&lis L. oriental 16fi73 tatarica Jac. Tartarian 16674 aspera Bieb. rough 16675 cordifolia Stev. heart-leaved A cul 1| mv.jn W A A un 1 1 jn.jl jnjl W W A cul 3 j'l-jl W A un 1 my W A or (i my W Britain sea s h. D r.m Eng. bot. 924 Siberia 1759. D s.l Jac. ic. 1. 128 Levant 1752. D s.l Siberia 1789. D s.l Jac. ic. 1. 129 Tauria 1820. D co Caucasus 1822. D co II. LEPTOCRA'MBE. Lower joint of silicle cylindrical, elongated; stigma sessile ; filaments toothed or toothless. 16676 hispanica L. Spanish ' O un 1| jn.jl W Spain 1683. S s.l Schk han.9. J89 16677 renif6rmis Desf. kidney-shaped O un 2 jn.jl W S. Europe 1820. S co 16678 filiformis Jac. filiform 5g Q) un W Patagonia 1796. S s.l Jac. ic. 3. 504 266 TETRADYNAMIA. CLASS XV. III. DENDROCRA'MBE. Lower joint of silicle filiform , short ; stigma seated upon a short style. 16679 fruticosa L. shrubby a. i | un 2 my.n W Madeira 1777. C s.I 16680 strigbsa Herit. meagre n. i | un 1 my.jn W Canaries 1779. C s.I Jac. ic. 1. 120 1897. -RA'PHANUSZ..RADiSH.(.RAa, quickly, phainomai, to appear; rapid germin; ition.) Cruciferce. 4. 9. I. RA'PHA MIS 1. Silit lefung ose, btt ocular. 16681 salivas L. cultivated j; cul 3 my jn W.p China 1548. S r.m Lam. 51. 566 2 radicula Dec. small-rooted fc O cul 3 my.jn W.P China 1548. S r.m 2 rotundus Mil. round-rooted if, cul 3 my.jn W.p China 1548. S CO Wein.^60. c 3 oblimgus Dec. oblong Turnip % cul 3 my.jn W.p China 1548. S r.m 4 oleiferus Dec. oil-bearing U ec 3 my.jn W.p China 1548. S r.m chinensis Mil. 3 niger Dec. black Spanish * cul 3 my.jn W.p China 1548. S r.m 2 vulgaris Dec. common % cul 3 my.jn W.p China 1548. S r.m M.h.2.3. 13.2 3 rot&ndus Dec. round ^ o cul 3 my.jn W.p China 1548. S r.m M.h.2.3. 13. 1 4 griseus Dec. grey ^ o cul 3 my.jn W.p China 1.348. S r.m 5 albus Dec. white ft o cu! 3 my.jn W.p China 1548. S r m orbicularis Mil. 16682 eaudatus L. tailed * cu I, 1 Pa.P Java 1815. S CO L. f. dec. 3. 10 II. RAPHANI'STRU.M. St/icfe terete, acuminate ,- at maturity mo nil/form, . joints one-seeded. 16683 Raphanistrum L. Wild Radish o W 1| jn.jl Y Britain corn fi. S CO Eng. bot. 856 2 riure albo Dec. white-flowered W jn.jl W Britain corn fi. 8 CO Wein. 862. a. 3 purpurascens Dec . purpurascent U W jji jn.jl P Britain corn fi. S CO Wein. 862. b 4 flore rlavo Dec. yellow-flowered o W j i* Y Britain corn fi. S CO Eau.his.2.844.ic 16684 Landra Moret. Landra o> cu 5 jnjl Y Italy 1820. S CO 16685 maritimus Sm. sea Jft A W .3 my.jl Y Britain sea co. D CO Eng. bot. 1643 (Dis, twice, desmos, band ; silicles of two joints.) Cructferte. 2. 4. Q un 1 jn.jl W N. Africa 1827. S co 1 Jnjl Egypt 1818. S co Deless.2.92 1898. DIDE'SMIS Desu. DIDESMIS. 16686 bipinnatus Dec. bipinnate Sinapis bipinnata Desf. 16687 aegyptlacus Desv. Egyptian Afyagrum segyptlacum L. 1899. ENARTHROCA'RPUS Lab. ENAUTHROCARPUS. (Ennea,3,arthron, joint, karpos, fr.) Crudf. 2. 3. 16688 arcuatus Lab. arched O un jn.jl Y Crete 1820. S co Lab. syr. 2 16689 pterocarpus Dec. winged-fruited O un jn.jl Y Egypt 1823. S co Deless. 2. 93 jRaphanus pterocarpus Pers. 1900. .SITNIAS.L. 16690 Erucago L. 16691 aspera Retz. 16692 orientalis L. BUNIAS. Erucago rough oriental (Bounos, a hill ; habitation.) Cruel/era:. 3. O un l jn.jl Y Austria 1640. S co Jac. au. 4. 340 Q un 1 jn Y Portugal ... S co A un 1 A my.jl Y Levant 1731. D co Gm. si. 3. 57 190!. ERUCA V RIA Gae. ERUCARIA. 16693 aleppica Gae. Aleppo Condylocarpus lasvigatus IV. 16694 tenuifblia Dec. fine-leaved Sinapis hispanica L. 16695 crassifblia Del. thick-leaved Ifrassica crassifblia Forsk. ( Uro, to burn ; biting qualities.) O un 1 W.P Levant ] O un 1 jn.jl O un f jn.d Y Spain W.p Egypt Crudferee. 3. 5. S s.I Gae. fr. 2. 143. 9 1817. S co 1823. S co 1 1902. HELIO'PHILA L. HELIOPHILA. (Helios, the sun, phileo, to love.) Cruciferee. 22. 49. I. CARPONE^MA. Silicles sessile, terete, acuminate, indehiscent, or scarcely dehiscent. 16696 filiformis L. filiform iQJ pr 1| Pa.P C. G. H. 1786. S s.p Lam. il. 563. 3 II. LEPTORMUS. Silicles sessile, subcompressed, very slender, submoniliform ; joints ovate, oblong. 16697 diss^cta Thun. dissected O pr 1 jn.jl B C. G. H. 1819. S s.p 2 pinnata Vahl pinnate O l>r 1 W C. G. H. 1792. S s.p III. ORMI'SCUS. Silicles sessile, much compressed, moniliform joints orbicular, one-seeded. 16698 amplexicaulis L. 16699 p^ndula W. stem-clasping pendulous pr f pr : pinnata Ven. 16700 trifida Thun. trifid O pr j pinnata L. 16701 pusilla Thun. 16702 /epidioides Lk. small Lepiclium-like O pr pr i Jn.s |jn.s jn.jl \ jn.jl W.p C. G. H. 1792. S s.p 46. 2 Y.w C. G. H. 1774. S s.p Ven. mal. 113 P C. G. H. 1819. S s.p W C. G. H. 1824. S s.p Pluk. m. 432. 2 jn.jl W C. G. H. 1813. S s.p IV. SILENECARP.EV Silicles sessile, compressed, oval, or orbicular. 16703 diffusa Dec. spreading O pr i jn.jl W C. G. H. 1818. S s.p 16704 peltaria Dec. shield-podded O pr f jn.jl W C. G. H. 1820. S s.p Peltaria capensis L. V. ORTHOSELIS. Silicles sessile, compressed, linear, with straight margins 16705 pilbsa Lam. integrifolia L. 16706 araboides B. M. pilbsa $ incisa Dec. 16707 stricta B. M. 16708 digitata L. 16709 pectinata Burc. 16710 coronopifblia L. 16711 /ceniculacea R. Br. 16712 crithmifblia W. 16713 platysiliqua R. Br. 16714 scopiiria Burc. 16715 linearifblia Burc. VI. PACHY'STYLUM. Silicles sessile, subcompressed ; linear, velvety ; style thick, conical, short ; small shrub, with entire leaves. 16716 incana H. K. hoary . i_J pr 2 P C. G. H. 1774. C s.p VII. CARPOPODIUM. Silicles pedicellate, linear. 16717 cleomoldes Dec. Cleome-like a. L_| pr 1 jl Y C. G. H. 1802. C co Cheiranthus strictus L. Clebme capensis L. pilose O pr 1 my.s B C. G. H. 1768. I s.p Jac. ic. 3. 526 Arabis-like O pr f jn.jl B C. G. II. 1768. S s.p Bot mag. 496 strict O pr f jn.jl B C. G. H. 1823. S s.p Bot. mag. 2526 digitate O pr 1 mv.s B C. G. H. ... S s.p pectinated O pr 1 jn.jl W C. G. H. 1819. S s.p Buckhorn-lvd O pr V C. G. H. 1778. S s.p Her. lug. 367 Fennel-leaved O pr 1| jn.s P C. G. H. 1774. S s.p Samphire-leavi 3d O P r .: jn.s V C. G. H. S s.p broad-podded broom M-uJpr tt. i | pr 1" 1 jn.jl P R C. G. C. G. H. H 1774 1819. c S s.p s.p Deless. 2. 98 linear-leaved tt.l_Jpr 1 jn.jl B C. G. H. 1826. S s.p 1903. SUBULA^RIA L. AWLWORT. 16718 aquatica L. water (Subula, an awl ; form of leaves ) Cruciferce. 1. O cu \ jl W Britain al.lak. S aq Eng, bot. 732 CLASS XVI. ORDER I. MONADELPHIA TRIANDRIA. 267 I. PEDICELLA^RIA. 16719 gigant^a L. gigantic 16720 arobrea H. 8; B. tree Torus fleshy, subglobose ; thecaphorum elongated. - D pr 6 jn.jl G S. Amer. 1774. S s.p tt. O or 8 jn.jl W Caraccas 1817. S s.l. Jac. ob. 4. 76 16721 cardinalis Dec. cardinal, flower rrri or 2 R Mexico 1823. S s.l Fl. mex. ic. in 16722 heptaphylla L. 16723 spinusa L. seven-leaved prickly 4 .n or Ipr 1 2 jn.jl W W Jamaica . W. Indies 1817. 11731. S S s.l s.p Marcg. br. 34 16721 pungens W. pungent j HIE Ipr 2 R W. Indies 1812. S s.l W.,h. b.1.18 spiriosa B. M. 16725 putescens B. M. 16726 rr.sea Vahl pubescent rose-colored O pr Opr 1| jn.jl W R Brazil" 1815. 1825. S S s.l CO Bot. mag. 1857 Botreg. 960 II. SILIQUA^RIA. Torus small ; thecaphorum short or none ; 16727 monophylla L. one-leaved O pr i jn.jl leaves simple, from No. Y E. Indies 1759. 16728. S s.l 3, 5, or 1 foliate. R. mal. 9. 34 2 zeylanica Dec. 16728 procumbens Jac. 16729 violacea L. Ceylon procumbent v\n\et-co/ored O or P r 1 jn.jl I jn.jl 1 jn.jl Y Y P Ceylon 1759. W. Indies 1798. Portugal 1776. S S 8 s.l s.l s.l Bur. zey. 100. 2 Jac. am. 120 Schk.han.2.189.b 16730 Dilleniana Dec. Dillenius's O pr W.Y Levant 1732. S s.l Di. el. 266. 345 ornithopodioldes W. 16731 arabica L. Arabian pr 2 jn.jl Y Arabia 1794. s s.l L. f. fa. 8 16732 iberica Dec. Iberian or k Jn.jl W Iberia 1820. s s.l 16733 virgata Stev. twiggy O or 1 jn.jl W Persia 1820. S s.l Bux.c. 1.9.2. 16734 poKgama L. polygamous or 2 jn.jl W W. Indies 1 1824. s s.l SI. jam. 124.1 16735 aculeata L. prickly or 2 jn.jl w S. Amer. 1817. S s.l 16736 Houston? R. Br. Houston's pr 1 Jl w W. Indies 1730. S s.l 16737 diffusa Bauh. diffuse or 1 jn.jl w Brazil 1823. S s.l 1905. PERI'TOMA Dec. PERITOMA. (Peritome, a cutting round about; base of calyx.) Capparidece. 1. 16738 serrulata Dec. serrulated or | P Missouri 1823. s s.l Clebme serrulata Ph. 1906. GYNANDRO'PSIS Dec. GYNANDROPSIS. (Gynandros, hermaphr., opsis, appearance.) Capp.l. 11. 16739 sessiliflbra Dec. sessile-flowered O or 1 W W. Indies 1820. S s.l Clebme triphylla L. 16740 candelabrum Swt. chandelier iQI or 1 R Clebme candelabrum B. M. 16741 triphylla L. three-leaved O or 1 W Clebme triphylla L. 16742 specibsa Dec. showy j Q1 or 3 W Clebme specibsa H. %B 2 W E. Indies 1640. S s.l Bot. mag. 1681 1824. S s.l Bot. mag. 2556 W. Indies 1816. S s.l Her. lug. 565. ic. Carthage. 1818. S s.l H.&B.5.436 16743 pentaph^lla Dec. five-leaved O or Clebme pentaphylla L. 16744 pulchella Lindl. neat O or 1 jn.jl W.p Maranh. 1825 S s.l CLASS XVI. ORDER 1. MONADE'LPHIA TRIA'NDRIA. 1907. PATERSCTN/,4 R. Br. PATERSONIA. (Colonel William Paterson, an excellent botanist.) Irideee. 7. 16745 sericea It. Br. 16746 lanata R. Br. 16747 longifblia R. Br. 16748 media R. Br. 16749 glabrata R. Br. 16750 occidental R. Br. 16751 glauca R. Br. 16752 longiscapa Swt. glauca B. M. silky' woolly long-leaved intermediate smooth western glaucous long scaped | f. t LAJor lAlor LAJor lAJ or lAlor iAJor iAI or iAI or 1 my.jl my.jl my.j my.jl * my.jl I my.jl mv.jl 1* my.jl B B P P P B P B N. S. W. N. S. W. N. S. W. N. S. W. N. S. W. N. S. W. N. S. W. N. S.W. 1803. 1824. 1818. 1816. 1814. 1824. 1820. I) U D D D D D D s.p s.p s.p s.p s.p S.p s.p s.p Bot. mag. 1041 Sw. au. 15 Sw. au. ic. in Bot. reg. 51 Bot. cab 1182 Sw. au. 39 190S. ORTHROSA'NTHES Swt. ORTHROSANTHES. (Orthros, morning, an/has, flower.) Iridece. 1. 16753 multiflbra Swt. many-flowered |AI or 1 jn.jl B N. Holl. 1820. D s.p Sw. au. 11 (J. B. Ferrari, an Italian botanist.) *1909. FERRA^RI^I L. FERRARIA. 16754 undulata L. wavy 16755 angustifblia Swt. narrow-leaved 16756 antherbsa Ker anthered Ferrari 0/0 viridiflbra B. Rep. 16757 obtusifblia Swt. obtuse-leaved 16758 unctnata Siv(. hooked 16759 divaricata Swt. divaricate 1910. TIGRI'DIA Jac. TIGER FLOWER. (Tigris, tiger, eidos, likeness ; spotted flowers.) Iridete. 2. 16760 pavbnia Jac. peacock 5f A or 1 my.s O.R Mexico 1796. O s.p Bot. mag. 532 Ferrnrirt Tigridia B. M. pavbnia L. 2 lebna Hort. lion tf A or 1 my.s O.R Mexico 1823. O s.p 16761 conchiiflbra Swt. shell-flowered tf A s pl 1 my.s D.Y Mexico 1823. O s.p Sw. fl. gar. 128 tf tf iAI or LAJpr A mr.ap 1 my.jl G.Br Br C. G. C. G. H. H. 1775. 18S5. sp s.p Bot. mag. 144 tf LAJor | mr.jl G.Br C. G. H. 1800. s.p Bot. mag. 751 tf LAJpr 1 my.jl Br C. G. H. 1825. s.p Sw. fl. gar. 148 tf I my.jl Br C. G. H. 1825. O s.p Sw. fl. gar . Ifil tf LAJpr i my.jl Br C. G. H. 1825. s.p Sw. fl. gar . 1!'2 1911. GALA'XIAi. 16762 ovata Thun. 16763 grandiflora B. R. 16764 mucronularis Sal. 16765 versicolor Sal. 16766 graminea Thun. GALAXIA. (Galaktiao, to abound in milk ; quality ?) Iridea:. 5. ovate-leaved tf uAI or | my.s D.Y C. G. H. 1799. O s.p Bot. rep. 94 great-flowered LAI or | my.s D.Y C. G. H. 1799. O &p Bot. rep. 164 mucronulated tf LAJ or my.s P C. G. H. 1799. O s.p various-colored ? tAJ or | my.s P C. G. H. 1799. O s.p Jac.ic. 291. inf. d. Grass-leaved tf iAJ or J L.Y C. G. H. 1795. O s.p Bot. mag. 1292 268 MONADELPHIA PENTANDRIA. CLASS XVI. 1912. CYPE'LLA Herb. CVPELLA. 16767 Herbert* B. M. Herbert's Tigridia Herbert* B. M. Mora\i H (Kypellon. a kind of cup ; shape of flower.) Irldece. 10. tf tAJ or 1 Ve B. Ayres 1823. O s.p Bot. mag. 2599 erbertt rt* B. M. 1913. HERBE'RT/^ Swt. HERBERTIA. (Hon. $ Rev. W. Herbert, an assiduous botanist.) Iridea:. 1. 16768 pulchella Swt. neat 1914. HOMETR/^Ven. HOMERIA. 16769 spicata Swt. spiked Mone'o spicata B. M. 16770 colttna Swt. hill Mora\ colllna B.M. 16771 exaltata Suit. exalted Mone\i colllna B exalt;ita B. M. 16772 lineata Swt. lined 16773 porrifblia Swt. Leek-leaved 16774 elegans Swt. elegant Mor<\i elegans Jac. 16775 flaccida Swt. flaccid tf .AJ ... B.P Chile 1827. O s.p Sw. fl. gar. 222 (Homer, the father of epic poetry.) Irideee. 10. C. G. H. 1785. O s.p Bot. mag. 1283 tf iAI or 1J my.jn Y tf lAJ or 2 my.jn P tf lAI or 3 my.jn Ve tf iAJ or 1 my jn Ve ? tAJ or 2 my.jn Ve C. G. H. 1768. O s.p Bot. mag. 1033 C. G. H. 1768. O s.p Bot. mag. 1103 C. G. H. 1825. O s.p Sw. fl. gar. ic. in. C. G. H. 1825. O s.p Sw. fl. gar. ic. in. 1J my.jn Ve C. G. H. 1825. O s.p tf iAI or 1| my.jn Ve C. G. H. 1810. O s.p Bot. mag. 1612 Mor"o collma a, miniata niinor B. 1U. 16776 miniata Swt. vermilion 5 vAJ or 2 my.jn Ve C. G. H. 1799. O s.p Sw. fl. gar. 152 16/77 virgkta Swt. twiggy Mor MUM MX. PETALOSTEMUM. (Petalon,pet.,stemon,stam. ; joined.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Gal. 4. 7. 16853 candidum MX. white ^ A pr 1 W N. Amer. 1811. D l.p Mic. am. 2. 37. 1 16854 carneum MX. flesh-colored 16855 violaceum MX. violaceous 16856 corymbbsum MX. corymbose Dalea Kuhnistero W. N. Amer. IS 11. D l.p N. Amer. 1811. D l.p Bot. mag. 1707 N. Amer. 1811. D l.p * 1923.PASSIFLCPR A L. PASSION FLOWER. (Flos, flower, passio, passion ; fl. appendages.) Passiflbrece.Qo. 90. I. iNDivi^sas. Leaves undivided ; flowers involucrated y involucre generally three-leaved. 16857 rilijefblia L. Lime-tree-lvd 16858 maliformis L. Apple-formed 16859 quadrangularis L. square-stalked _ 16860 angulata Swt. ang\i\nT-stemmed S 16861 alata H. K. 16862 ligularis J. 16863 /aurifblia L. 16864 finifblia J. 16865 coccinea Aub. 16866 mucronata Lam. 16867 albida Ker v/ms-stalked ligular J_ Laurel-leaved J,. Tinus-leaved J_ scarlet J_ mucronate 4 whitish $_ or 10 jl G.a.BPeru 1823. C p.l Cav. dis. 10. 285 fr 20 jl.n G.R W. Indies 1731. C p.l Bot. reg. 94 fr 20 au.s G.B.R Jamaica 1768. C r.m Bot. reg. 14 or 10 Mexico 18'23. C r.m fr 20 G.B.n W. Indies 1772. C p.l Bot. mag. 66 or 20 s Gy.P N. Gran. 1819. C p.l fr 20 jn.jl G.P W. Indies 1690. C p.l Bot. reg. 13 or 20 jl ... Cayenne 1824. C p.l An. mu. 6. 41. 2 or 20 jl.n S Guiana 1820. C p.l Aub. gui. 3.324 or 20 ... Brazil 1820. C p.l Cav. dis. 10. 282 or 15 au.s W Brazil 1816. C l.p Bot. reg. 677 ... Vera Cruz 1731. C p.l PI. am. 90 . C l.i i. NuniFLbR*. Flowers naked ; calyx double ; leaves undivided. 16868 serratifblia L. saw-leaved J. CD or 20 my.b G.P W. Indies 1731. C p.l Bot. mag. 651 16869 cuprea L. copper-colored fc_ CD or 20 O Bahama 1.1724. C p.l Jac. ic. 3. 606 ii. APE'TAL*:. Calyx simple ; flowers apetulous ; leaves undivided. 16870 multiflbra L. many-flowered JL CD or 20 jn.s 16871 pallida L. pale J_ I 1 cu 20 au.s Y.G St. Dorain. 16872 auriculata H. # B. eared ft. CD or 15 ... Ap 1820. C p.' II. Bi'LOBjE. Leaves two-lobed s calyx double ; involucre none. 15873 lunata Sm. crescent-leaved fc_ CD cu 10 W Jamaica 1733. C p.l Sm. ic. pic. 1. 1 biflbra Lam. or 10 W Jamaica 1800. C p.l Bot. reg. 577 or 20 cu 8 my.jn W p Bot. reg. 660 i.l Trinidad 1817. C p.l W. Indies 1732. C p.l Di. el. 197. 164 or 8 my.jn ... S. Amer. 1800. C p.l Bot. reg. 597 or 15 ap.s R W. Indies 1731. C p.l Bot. reg. 96 2 acutiloba acute-lobed fc_ 16874 Lockhartzj G. Don Lockhart's $_ 16875 vespertilio L. bat-winged J_ 16876 discolor Lk. sundry-colored $_ vespertilio B. R. Maximiliana Bory 16877 ri\bra L, red-fniited 16878 normalis L. normal 16879 sexflbra J. six-flowered 16880 capsularis L. capsular 16881 cuneata W. wedged lyrjEfblia Tus. 16882 tuberbsa Jac. tuberous punctata B. C. i. APE'TAL^E. Calyx simple ; flowers apetalous ; leaves two-lobed. In8S3 mexicana J. Mexican i, CD or 15 Mexico 1820. C p.l An. mu. 6. 38. 2 16884 oblongata Swz. oblong J_ CD cu 10 jn.s Ap Jamaica 181ti. C p.l $ CD' $ CD or 15 my.jn VV Vera Cruz 1771. C p.l $ CD or 16 my.jl ... H i span iol. 1826. C p.l An. mu 2. 37. 1 $CDor 14 jn.jl Y.G W. Indies 1820. C p.l PI. ic. 138. 2 ft. CD or 10 ... W. Indies 1816. C p.l Cav. dis. 12. 292 j_ | i or 12 jn.o G W. Indies 1810. C l.p Bot. reg. 432 16885 fce'tida L III. TRI'LOB*. Leaves three-lobed ; flowers involucrated i involucre three-leaved. i.CDor 10 fetid W.G W. Indies 1731. C p.l Bot. mag. 2619 270 MONADELrHIA PENTANDRIA, CLASS XVI. 16886 hircina Swt. goat-scented $ CD or 10 mv.o W.o Brazil fce'tida B. M. hirsuta Bot. cab. 139. 16887 picturita Ker. Ki888 cuneifblia Cav. 16889 edulis B. M. incarnati /3 B. R. 16890 incarn&ta L. 16891 ciliata H. K. 16892 multif6rmis Jac. 16893 caracas&na W. rubricaiilis Jac. 16894 tripartita Brot. 16895 uitifblia H. $ B. Brazil 1820. C p.l C l.p S. Amer. -1825. C p.l C l.p W. Indies Bot. reg. 321 Bot. reg. 673 Cav. ic. 12. 292 Bot. mag. 1989 C r.m Bot. reg. 332 " Bot. mag. 288 DUPLICICA'LYCES. Flowers naked ; calyx double ; leaves three-lobed. 16896 holosericea L. \e\vct-leaved i CD or 10' W.P V era Cruz 173'J. C p.l Bot. reg. 59 16897 hirsuta L. 16898 glauca H. K. hairy J^ 1 1 or glaucous-leaved_ [ 1 un 8 6 s au.s W W W. Indies 1778. Cayenne 1779. C C l.p l.p PI. am. 88. A Bot. reg. 88 stipulata Aub. 16899 U.tea /,. yellow Bcu 4 my.jn Y.w America 1714. R p.l Bot. reg. 79 Ifr'O'J punctata L. dotted-leaved cu t5 my.jn W.Y Peru 1784. C p.l Bot. cab. 101 16901 rotundifblia L. round-leaved Bcu 8 W W. Indies 1779. c p.l Cav. dis. 10. 290 16902 hemicycla Mey. half-round or 10 ... Surinam 1817. c p.l glabrata Kth. 16903 racembsa Brot. racemose ft. CD or 20 mr.o S Brazil 1815. c p.l Bot. mag. 5001 2 alata caerulea B. R. blue-winged 3 princeps Hort. chief tris 15 20 ap.jl mr.o Br S hybrid 1823. hybrid c c CO Bot. reg. 848 16904 gracilis Lk. 16905 L. 16906 Aederacea L. 16907 angusti folia Sco. heterophylla Jac. 16908 obscura Lindl. 16909 minima L. 16910 peltata Cav. 16911 maculata Bonn ii. SIMPLICICA'LYCES Flowers naked ; calyx simple ; leaves thr ee-lobed. peltata Ph. not of others. slender Cork-barked Ivy-leaved narrow-lea obscure smallest peltate spotted i* 9 I ft.cD ved f_ CD 6 au 6 jn.s 3 jn.jl 6 jn.s 1823. W. Indies 1759. W.Indies ... W. Indies 1773. W. Indies 1823. Curassao 1690. W.Indies 1778. N. Amer. 1812. O co C p.l C lp Bot. reg. 870 Ex. bot. 1. 28 PI. am. 84 Bot. reg. 188 Bot. reg. 144 Bot. reg. 507 IV. MULTI'FIDJS. Leaves multifid. narrow-leaved fc_ ( or 30 jn.o glaucous-leaved j; or 20 jn.o 16912 ^diantum W. Maidenhair i. CD or 10 16913 iryoniaefbiia H.$B. Bryony-leaved $_ CD or 12 16914 ca?rulea L. commonb\ue _J or 30 jn.o 2 cartileo-racembsa blue-clustery J_ | or 30 jn.o 3 angustifblia 4 glaucophylla 5 Colvillw Swt. 16915 chinensis Swt. 16916 filamentosa Cav. palmata B. C. 16917 serrata L. 16918 digitata G. Don 16919 pedata L. 16920 palmata LA. Norfolk 1. 1820. p.l Colvill's hybrid_& or Chinese ' thready savf-leaved digitate pedate palmate 12 jl.s 30 jn.o 20 jn.o 20 12 ... 15 ... ... Mexico 1823. W.B Brazil 1699. P hybrid 1820. W.B hybrid 1820. B Brazil Va hybrid 1824. W.B China W.B America 1817. C co C C Bot. mag. 28 C co' Hort. tr. 4. 9 C co C co C co C co W.G Martiniq. 1800. C B Trinidad 1820. C W.G W.Indies 1781. C W Brazil 1818. W St.Domin.1817. lor 12 16921 heterophylla Lam. various-leaved J_ CD or 15 V. DU^BH. Doubtful to what section it belongs. J_ i~~i or 11 (Muricuja, its name in Brazil.) l.p p.l p.l C p.l C p.l Sw. fl. gar. 126 Bot. reg. 584 PI. am. 79 PL am. 81 PI. ic. 159. 1 16922 patula Wnl. spreading 1924. MURUCUVAJ. MURUCUIA. 16923 ocellata Pers. small-eyed Passi flora Murucuia L. 16924 perfoliata Sfir. perfoliate Passiflbra perfoliata L. $ 16925 HerbertzVma Swt. Herbert's Passiflbra HerbcrUawa B. R. 16926 adiantifolia Swt. Adiantum-lvd ft. CD or 20 Passifl6ra rtdiantifblia B. It. ft. CD fr $ CD or ft. CD or 12 15 30 jl.s S W. Indies 1730. W. Indies 1806. N. Holl. 1821. Norfolk 1. 1792. C p.l PassfflbretE. 4. 10. Bot. reg. 5/4 C p.l C p.l Bot. reg. 78 C p.l Bot. reg. 737 C p.l Bet. reg. 3] 1925. TACSO^NIAJ. TACSONIA. 16927 peduncularis Pers. pedunculate Passiflbra peduncularis Cav. (Tacso, its name in Peru.) J_ CD or 10 Peru 181 Pcssiflbreie. 1. 12. ). C l.p Cav. ic. 5. 426 1926. TRIGCTNIA Aub. TRIGONIA. 16928 villbsa Aub. villous 16929 m6llis Dec. soft Hipjiocrateu cece. 2. 4. 20. C s.l Aub. gui. 1. 149 (Treis, three, gonia, an angle ; fruit.) *fc CD or Cayenne 182( * CD or Brazil 1823. C s.l * 1927. ERCTDIUM Herit. HERON'S BILL. (Erodios, heron ; fruit like head and beak. ) Geranutcea?. 35. 53. I. PINNATISE'CTA. L J.. JT1N.NA A1MV 1*1A. 16930 petraAim W. rock ^ A pr 16931 anthemidifolium Bleb. Anthe.-lvd ^ A or 16932 glandulbsum W. glandular ^ A) pr J~,eilVCS Tfl i- jn.jl iJ-J} 1 jn.jl 11 f I (HC , P P P y ?"" icu. ' S. Europe 1640. Iberia 1820. Spain 1798. I) C s CO Lp Gou. il. 21. 1 Fl pyr. 1. 1 graveolens Lap. 16933 Stephanw/HMW W. Stephan's ^ : A or J Jn.jl B Dahuria 1820. s s p multifidum Pat. 1 16934 alpinum Lk. alpine A A . pr * R Italy 1814. n CO Her. ger. 3 16935 crassifblium Desf. 16936 laciniatum Cav thick-leaved fringed j Al or Al or S B Cyprus Crete 1788. 17P4. i) r.m r.m Sw. ger. Ill Cav. dis. 4. 113.3 16937 hirtum W. hairy ^ A or ~ Jn jl B Egypt 1818. s Ii Jac. ec. 1.58 16938 stylatum Lem. styled ^ A or I 2 jnjl P 1826. s 16939 muricatum Hort. 16940 cicbnium W. prickly stork-beaked or un ,*H{ f jn.jl R P ...." 1S27. S. Europe 1711. s s .! CO Jac. vin. 1. 18 16941 cicutarium Lem. Hemlock-leaved /~\ w f ap.s P Britain ro.sid. s CO Eng. bot. 17ti8 16942 bipinnatum W. bipinnate Q un i ray.jn P Numidia 1803. s Cav. dis. 5. 126.3 16943 pimpinellifblium Cav. Burnet-leaved Q 16944 pilbsum Thuil. pilose O or or Ijnjl f mjl P D.P S. Europe 1800. France 1800. s s ro CO C;.v. dis. 4. 156.2 16945cicutifblium Thuil. Cicuta-leaved O or f jn.jl P France 1816. s co ORDER IV. MONADELPHIA HEPTANDIUA. 271 16946 romanum W. Roman ] 16947 caucalifolium Swt. Caucalis-leaved^t O)pr A P r f my.jn P 1 P Rome 1724. France 181(5. S S ro CO Eng. bot. 377 Sw. ger. G alp'mum Desf. 16948 moschatum W. musk P r 1 my.jl P England m.pas. S S.I Eng. bot. 902 16949 Bbtrys Bert. Botrys or f jn.jl B Italy 1318. S CO Cav. dis. 4. 90. 2 II. INDIVI'SA. 1 leaves so mewhat tl tree-lob ed or undivided. 16950 murdnum W. Murcian O or 1 jn.jl B N. Africa 1818. s CO Cav. dis. 4. 126. 1 16951 gruinum W. crane O un 1 jn.jl P Crete 1596. s S.I Cav. dis. 4. 88. 2 16952 serotinum Stev. late ^ A pr f JLs B Siberia 1821. D CO Sw. ger. 137 multicaule Lk. ruthenicum Bieb. 16953 chium W. Chian O un 1 jn.jl P Levant 1724. S CO Cav. dis. 4 92. 1 16954 hymenodes Herit. hymen-like j .AJ pr f year Pk Barbary 1789. 8 r.m Sw. ger. 23 16955 Gussonz Ten. Gousson's C^ A r 1 year Pa.P Naples 1821. I) CO 16956 wzalacho^des W. Mallow-like or a my.jl B S. Europe 1596. s CO Cav. dis. 4. 91. 2 16957 rzoifolium Jac. Currant-leaved or 1 Jn.jl P C. G. H. ... 8 CO Jac. ic. 3. 509 16958 incarnatum Herit. r\es,\\-colored c. 16959 glaucophfllum H.K- glaucous-lvd 1 | or O un 2 my.jl 5 F R C. G. H. 1787. Egypt 17:W. C S r.m CO Sw. ger. 94 I)i. el. 124. 150 16960 wzalopoutes W. Malope-like ^ 2 c6rsicum Lem. Corsican ^ A or A or i jn.jl * jn.jl P P N. Africii IS 10. Corsica j817. S S CO CO Cav. dis. 4. 90. 1 16961 melastigmum Ma.C. black-stigma j Al or \ jn.jl P 1823. s CO 16962 maritimum Sm. sea ^ A w F England [) CO Eng. bot. 646 16963 Reichardz Dec. Reichard's -AJ pr UjC.,-1,; TVT. 1 * ap.s W Minorca 1783. c S.I Bot. mag. IS ap. R S. Europe 182L D co CLASS XVI. ORDER 3. MONADE'LPHIA HEXA'NDRIA. 1928. GILLIE V S7J Lindl. GILLIESIA. (Dr. Gillies, of Conception, in Chile.) Gilliesiece. 1. 2. 16965 graminea Lz>ir jl my.jn Y C. G. H. 1800. R r.m Bot. rep. 269 272 MONADELPHIA HEPTANDRIA. CLASS XVI. 17009 purpurascens Pers. purpurascent A iAI pr J my.jn P C. G. H. 1800. R r.m Bot. rep. 204 17010 hirsutum Jac. hairy A LA) pr mr Pk C. G. H. 1788. R r.m Bot. rep. 317 17011 melananthum Jac. black-flowered A LAI pr i my.jn D.Br C. G. H. 1790. R r.m Sw. ger. 73 17012 dioicum Ait. dioecious A iAI pr | jn'jl D.Br C. G. H. 1795. R r.m Bot. rep. 209 17013 atrum Herit. dark-brown A LAI pr f my.jl D.Br C. G. H. 1793. R r.m Sw.ger.72 II. DIMA*CRIA. Petals 5, unequal, two upper connivent spreading at end : stamens shorter than sepals; 5fertile t two lowermost twice as long as the rest, upper very short ; 5 sterile, very small, nearly equal : stemless herbs, with tuberous turnip-like roots ; leaves stalked, p'initatifid ; segments entire, from No. 17031. lobed or mult, 17014 ficiaf61ium Herit. Vicia-leaved & iAI pr 1701") ostragalifoliumJVrx. Astragal us-lvd J%, iAI pr 17016 coronillaefolium Pers. Coronilla-lvd A LAI pr 17017 herac\crfblium Lod. Cow-parsnep-lvd,fc iAI pr 17018 nimicifdlium Swt. Dock-leaved A iAI pr 17019 foliosum Swt. leafy A LAI pr 17020 tenellum Andr. slender ^ iAI pr 17021 heterophyllum Andr. various-leaved^ iA) pr 17022 floribundum Andr. bundle-flwd ,& iAI pr 17023 undulktum Andr. 17024 linekre Andr. 11025 radiatum Andr. 17026 punctatum Andr. 17027 aflTme Andr. 17028 spatulatum Andr. ap.jn Pk iV lAJ pr 17029 revolutum Andr. 17030 virgineum Andr. 17031 aristktum Swt. 17032 opiifulium Andr. 17033 incrassktum B. M. 17034 carneum Jac. waved linear rayed dotted kindred spatulate revolute virgin awned Parsley-leaved & iAl pr thick-leaved & uAI pr flesh-colored & (A) pr A iA 1 pr AiAlpr A iAi pr I my.jn | my jl 1 my.jn i my.jl 2 mv..ll I Tnyjl I my Jl I my.jl i my ji i my .11 i my.jl C. G. H. C G. H. Br C. G. H. D.Br C. G. H. Y C. G. H. W.R C. G. H. Y C. G. H. W.R C. G. H. W.R C. G. H. W R C. G. H. Sul.RC. G. H. Y C. G. H. Spot C. G. H. P C. G. H. Y C. G. H. R C. G. H. IP C. G. H. W.R C. G. H. W.R C. G. H. Pk C. G. H. Pk C. G. H. 1779. 1788. 1795. 1818. 1823. 1800. 1800. 1800. 1800. 1805. 1800. 1800. 1800. 1800. 1805. 1800. 1805. 1800. 1800. 1801. 1812. '.Itifid. R rm Bot. mag. 579 R r.m Bot. rep. 190 R r.m Bot. rep. 305 R r.m Bot. cab. 437 R r.m Sw. ger. 318 R r.m And. rep. 311 R r.m And. ger. ic. R r.m And. ger. ic. R r.m And. rep. 420 R r.m And. rep. 292 R r.m And. rep. 193 R r.m And. rep. 222 R r.m And. rep. 60 R r.m And. rep. 282 R r.m And. rep. 152 R r.m And. rep. 354 R r.m And. rep. 317 R r.m And. rep. 366 R r.m And. ger. ic. R r.m Bot mag. 761 R r.m Jac. ic. 3. 512 rny/ j jn.jf ap.jn III. CYNO'SBATA. Petals oval, nearly equal, almost twice as long as calyx ; stamens 10, erect, the 5 alternate ones bearing the anthers ; stems shrubby, erect. 17035 lateritium W. brick-colored a, i_J or R C. G. H. 1800. C r.m Jac. ec. 1.97 17036 cynosbatifolium W. Eglantine-lvd tt, t_J or 1J ap.jl D.R C r.m W. h. b. 2. 78 IV. PERI'STERA. Petals nearly equal, as long as calyx, or a little larger : stamens 10 ; 5 longer, nearly equal, or one only occasionally abortive ; 5 alternate, very short, sterile, tooth-like : herbs with stems, and with the appearance of Erbdium or Geranium. 17037 columlnnum Jac. dove's foot & iAI pr jn.o P C. G. H. 1795. R r.m Jac. sc. 2. 133 P C. G. H. 1801. S r.m Bot. rep. 234 i my.jl tt C. G. H. 1801. S r.m Sw. ger. 42 I my.jn W C. G. H. 1812. R r.m Jac. ic. 3. 528 J R N. S. W. 1792. S r.m 100 | ap.jn W C. G. H. 1724. S r.m Jac. c. 4. 21. 2 i. GRENVI'LLEA. Petals 5 ; 2 upper ones large, obliquely obovate, 3 lower ones small, spatulate : stamens 10 ; 4 fertile, ascendent, 6 sterile, short, subulate. 17043 conspicuum Swt. conspicuous A LAJ or 1 jl.d D.Pk Africa 1810. C r.m Sw. ger. 3. 262. 2 Geranium Grenvllle^e Andr. V. OTI'DIA. Petals oblong, linear, nearly equal, about twice as long as calyx, the two upper auricled at the base on the upper side; stamens 10, erect, 5 fertile, 2 upper spatulate or subulate, Slower shorter; stems shrubby, fleshy ; leaves alternate pinnated, fleshy ; flowers whitish. iAI pr 17038 procumbens Pers. procumbent ^j iAI pr 17039 humifusum W. trailing ~ iQI pr 17040 chamadryfolium Jac. Chamtedrys-lvd^ iAI pr 17041 australe W. southern tt. iAI pr 17042 althaeoldes Herit. Altha?a-like )g Ol pr Ljpr I I or 17044 laxum Swt. loose-panicled 17045 ceratophyllum Herit. horn-leaved 17046 dasycaulon Sims thick-stemmed tt. i I or 17047 crithmifolium Sm. Samphire-lvd tt. | | or 17048 alt^rnans W.en. alternate Pars.-lvd tt. | | or 17049 carnosum Ait. fteshy-stalked _ | | or ap.jn W C. G. H. 1 my.jn W Africa 1 jl.d W.p C. G. H. 1 my.jn W.p C. G. H. 1 W.p C. G. H. 1 W.p C. G. H. 1821. 1786. 1795. 1790. 1791. 1724. S p.l Sw. ger. 196 C rm Bot. mag. 315 C rm C r m Sm. ic. pic. 13 C rm Wen. her. 2. 9 C rm Sw.ger. 98 VI. POLYA'CTIUM. Sepals nearly equal, revolute : petals 5, nearly equal, obovate : stamens 10 ; 5 fertile, the 4 lower long, subulate, upper broad, spatulate, reflexed at end ; the fertile ones shorter, incurved at end : petals with a very large dark brown spot, which is scarcely edged with yellow. 17050 multiradiatum W. en. many-rayed ,& iAI pr 1 my.jn D.Br C. G. H. 1820. R r.m Sw. ger. 145 VII. ISOPE'TALUM. Upper sepal ending in a hdney pore and not in a tube : petals 5, equal : stamens 10, united in a very short cup; 5 or 6 fertile, spreading, incurved at end; sterile unequal, subulate, incurved : shrub with a fleshy stem. 17051 Cotytedonis Herit. Navehvort-frd tt. i_J pr f my.jl W St. Helena 1765. S r.m Sw. ger. 126 VIII. CAMPV'LIA. Petals 5, unequal, two upper larger, with an auricled claw : stamens 10, hairy or pubes- cent ; 5 fertile, erect; 5 alternate sterile, of which the two upper are longer and hooked back : herbs at the base a little shrubby, branched : leaves stalked, ovate or oblong, toothed or cut : petals with an appendage to the claw. V C. G. H. U mr jn W C. G. H. U mr.jn D.P C. G. H. 1 mr.jn Pk C. G. H. 1 jn.o P.v C. G. H. Ujn.o Pk C. G. H. li jn.o W.P C. G. H. 1| Li C. G. H. i. PHYMATA'NTHUS. The same as preceding, but with the upper petals warted above the claw ; tube of stamens very short, 5 fertile, recurved, spreading, 5 sterile, straight. 17060 tricolor R M. three-colored tt. i_) pr 1 year W.p C. G. H. 1791. C r.m Bot. mag. 240 17061 elatum Swt. tall tt. i _ 1 pr 2 jn.n W.p C. G. H. 1795. C r.m Sw. ger. 1. 96 IX. MYRRHI'DIUM. Petals 4, or rarely 5, the two upper very large, obovate, cuneate, usually marked with branching lines ; two or three lower much smaller, oblong, linear : stamens 10, with their tube and filaments straight, generally with 5 antheriferous and 5 barren alternately, rarely 7 fertile : biennial or perennial herbs, rarely shrubby ; stems round ; leaves pinnate or female, often multifid. From No. 17061. anthers 5, petals 4 ; ; from N 17052 blattkrium Jac. Moth Muleyne tt. ( ) or 17053 eriostfemon Jac. woolly-stmnd tt. | | or 17054 holoserlceum Swt. velvety tt_j | or 1707>5 ffinotherae Jac. CEnothera-te ^ iAI or 17056 coronopiffclium Jac. Buckhorn-lvd tt. | i or 17057 canum Pers. hoary tt. ( ) or 17058 carinatum Swt. keeled tt. \ | or 17059 uerbasciflorum Swt. Verbascum-flwdtt. \ | pr 1720. S r.m Sw. ger. 88 1794. C r.m Jac. sc. 2. 132 C r.m Sw. ger. 75 S r.m Jac. ic. 3. 525 S r.m Bot. rep. 338 S r.m Sw. ger. 114 S r.m SwTger. 21 C r.m Sw. ger. 2. 157 1820. 1812. 1791. 1820. 1820. 1811. from No. 17064. anthers 5, petals 5 17062 canariense W. Canary tt. ( | pr 17063 myrrhifblium Ait. Myrrh-leaved tt. i | pr 17064 coriandrifolium Jac. Coriander-lvd j OJ pr 17065 lacerum Jac. torn-leaved f iAI or 17066 anemonifolium Jac. Anempne-lvd ^ Ol r 17067 caucalifolium Jac. Caucalis-leaved] Ol pr 17068 multicafcle Jac. many-stalked Ol pr rom No. 17065. anthers 1, petals 4. H jl.s W.R Canaries 1802. li W.R C. G. H. 1696. 1 m'r.s W.R C. G. H. 1724. 1 Pk C. G. H. 1731. 1J Pk C. G. H. ... f mr.s Pk C. G. H. 1812. f Pa.V C. G. H. 1802. C r.m W. h. b. 17 C r.m Jac. ic. 3. 531 S r.m Sw. ger. 34 S r.m Jac. ic. 3. 532 S r.m Jac. ic. 535 S r.m Jac. ic. 3. 529 S r.m Jac. ic. 3. 534 ORDER IV. MONADELPHIA HEPTANDRIA. 273 X. SEYMOU'HIA. Petals 2, distinct at base, abruptly reflexed in the middle ; statnens 5, nearly equal, in a long straight tube, all fertile. 17069 asarif,lium Swt. Asarum-leaved & iAJ el d D.P C. G. H. 1821. R l.p Sw. ger. 206 17070 dipetalum Herit. two-petaled A tAJ el | Pa.P C. G. H. 1795. R l.p Her. ger. 43 XI. JENKINSONIA. Petals 5, the two upper much larger than the rest, emarginate at end, striated with colored lines, the 3 lower much smaller: stam. 10, ascending, spreading at end, hairy at base; 7 fertile, of which the 3 upper are shorter ; the 3 sterile shortened, subulate, of equal length : stems shrubby : flowers large. 17071 pendulum Swt. pendulous JL. \ | el | mr.jl R C. G. H. ... C r.m Sw. ger. 188 HOlt quinatum B. M. fivefingercd tt. | | or 1 mr.jl Pa.Y C. G. H. 1793. C r.m Bot. mag. 547 17073 longicaiile Swt. long-stemmed !U i | pr 1 my.jl Pk C. G. H. ... C r.m Jac. ic. 3. 533 17074 bulFitum Swt. blistered tt. [_) pr 1 my.jl Pk C. G. H. ... C r.m Jac. ic. 3. 530 XII. CHORI'SMA. Petals 4, rarely 5, the two upper with long claws largest, tivo lower much smaller : stamens declinate, in a very long tube, jointed in middle, connate ; 1 fertile, of which the two lower are loose ; the 3 sterile shortened, subulate, of equal length. 17075 tetragonum Herit. square-stalked tt. | | el 2 Pk C. G. H. 1774. C r.m Sw. ger. 99 2 variegatum variegated tt. i | el 2 Pk C. G. H. 1774. C r.m Bot. mag. 136 XIII. PELA'RGIUM. Petals 5, unequal, the two upper approximating; stamens 10, unequal, 7 fertile, 3 sterile, subulate. \. CICONIUM. Petals whole colored, the two upper shorter and narrower; stamens short, erect, the two lowest very short with nearly sessile anthers ; stem shrubbi/,. fleshy. 17076 acetosum Ait. Sorrel-leaved tt- i I or 17077 scandens Ehrh. climbing tL | | or 17078 pumilum W. dwarf tt. i | or 17079 stenopetalum Ehrh. narrow-petaled tt. | | or 17080 leptopetalum Swt. slender-petaled tt. | | or Geranium stenopetalum Andr. 17081 hybridurn Ait. hybrid . |_j or 17082 lateritium Swt. brick-colored tt. | | or 17083 malvaefuiium Jac. Mallow-leaved tt. | | or 17084 cren ? itum Swt. crenated tt. | | or 17085 BentinckzYiHMw Dec. Bentinck's tt. | ) or 17086 oxyphyllum Swt. sharp-leaved tt. , | or Geranium miniatum album Andr. 17087 zonale W. girdle tt. ( (or 2 marginatum white-marginedtt. | | or 3 coccineum Swt. scarlet *t \ | or 4 crystallinum Swt. crystalline it \ | or 17088 Fothergillw Swt. Fothergill's tt. -, | or 2 purpureum Swt. purple *l I j or 17089 mquinans Ait. dyed-flowered tt. i | or 17090 heterogamum Herit. heterogamous tt. |__] or 17091 m6nstrum Ait. monstrous tt. | | or ii. ISOPETALOI'DEA. Petals similar in size. i. ALCHEMILLOI'DEA. Stems herbaceous ; leaves cordate, palmately lobed ; petals small. 17092 inodbrum W. scentless !U iAJ pr my.o Pa.P N. Holl. 1796. C r.m W. h. b. 1. 34 s my.s Pk C. G. ir 1710. C r.m Bot. mag. 103 s Pk C G. H. 1800. C r.m jn.jl Pk C. G. H. 1800. c: r.m [ \ jn.jl S C. G. H. 1800. c r.m jn.jl R C G. H. 1800. c r.m And. ger ic. 2 my.s Li C. G. II. 1732. c r.m Sw. ger. 63 2 my.s Br C. G. H. 1800. c r.m Jac. ec 1. 95 2 my.s Pa.R C. G. H. 1812. c r.m Jac. ec. 1. 97 2 my.s C. G. H. 1800. c r.m And. ger. ic. s'" C. G. H. 1800. c r.m And. ger. ic. 2 au W C. G. H. 1800. c r.m And. ger. ic 2 ap.d S C. G. H. 1710. c r.m Cav. dis. 4. 98. 2 2 ap.d s c r.m 3 ap.d s C. G. H. n'fo. c r.m 3 ap.d s C. G. H. 1710. c r.m 2 3 ap.d ap.d s P C. G. C. G. H. H. is'ib. c c r.m r.m Sw. ger. 226 Sw. ger. 3. 226. 6 2 my.s s C. G. H. 1714. c r.m Cav. dis. 4 KU2 2 my.s Pk . 1786. c r m Her. ger. 18 2 R . 1784. c r.m Sw. ger. 13 17093 glomeratum Jac. heaped )U LAJ pr australe Swt. not of W. 17094 odoratissimum Ait. sweetest-sctd tt. \ | or 17095 fragrans W. fragrant Nutmeg tt. | | or 1709ti grossularioides Ait. Gooseberry-Ik tt. i | or 17097 anceps Ait. two-edged JU iAI pr 17093 tabulare Herit. tabular iAI pr 27099 alchemUloides Ait. Alchemilla-likeJ .Al pr 17100 senecio'ides Herit. Seriecio-like iQI cu my.o my.o W N. Holl. C r.m Sw. ger. 68 2 my.o Pk C. G. H. 1724. S r.m Cav. dis. 4. 103.1 2 my.o Va C. G. H. ... C r.m Sw. ger. 172 2 Pk C. G. H. 1731. S r.m Cav. dis. 4. 119.2 - my.jl Pk C. G. H. 1788. S r.m Jac. c. 4 22. 3 | Pa.Y C. G. H. 1775. S r.m Her. ger. 9 I my.o Pk C. G. H. 1693. C r.m Cav. dis. 4. 98. 1 | jn.jl W C. G. H. 1775. S r.m Her. ger. 11 ii. ATHAMANTHOI'DEA. Stems suffruticose ; leaves pinnate ; lobes multifld. 17101 abrotanifolium Jac. Southernw.-lvdtt | ) or 3 my.jl R C. G. H. 1791. C r.m Jac. sc. 2. 136 17108 incUum W cut-leaved tt. | | or 3 W.R C. G. H. 1791. C r.m Bot. rep. 67 17103 tenuifulium Herit. fine-leaved , i | or 3 myjl P C. G. H. 1768. C r.m Her. ger. 12 17104 tripartitum Swt. trifid-leaved tt i | or 3 Pa.Y C. G. H. 1794. C rm Sw. ger. 115 17105 spinusum W. thorny tt. | | or 3 iny.jn Pk C. G. H. 1795. C r.m Patters. 67 Hi. GIBBUSUM. Stemf suffruticose-fleshy ; leaves tripinnate or pinnate, fleshy ; petals yellowish brown. 17106 gibbusum W. gibbous tt. | | fra 1^ my.jl G.Y C. G. H. 1712. C 'r.m Sw. ger. 61 iv TRI'STIA. Nearly stemless ; roots fascicultttely-tuberous ; Ivs decompoundly laciniate ; pet. yellowish bro 17107 fftvum Ait. yellow Carrot-lvd & iAJ fra ' "- "" ~ ~ "^ """' " 17108 filipendulifolium Swt. Dropwort-lvd ,& tAJ cu 17109 pedicullatum Swt. pedicelled A iAJ cu 17110 triste Ait. sad nigkt-smeBfag& lAJ fra 17111 schizopetalum Sivt. cut-petaled A iAJ el 171J2 lobatum W. lobed Cow-Parsnep-lvd & iAI cu 17113 millefoliatum Swt. Milfoil-leaved A iAJ cu | v. FU'LGIDA. Stems short and somewhat fleshy ; leaves cut or toothed ; petals scarlet or bloody. 17114sanguineum Wnl. bloody uAJ or 1 S C. G. H. ... C r.m Sw. ger. 76 17115 fulgidum Ail. shining Celandine-lvd *- \ | or 1| ap.jl S C. G. H. 1723. C r.m Cav. dis. 4 116. 2 17116 ignescens Swt. fiery tt. i | or 1| mr.jn S hybrid? 1812. C r.m Sw. ger. 2. 55 vi. BICOLORA. Stems suffruticose ; leaves lobed, hairy ; petals with a broad purple spot in the middle. 17117 quinquevulnerum /r. five-wounded tt, | | or 1J my.o D.P C. G. H. 1796. C r.m Bot. rep. 114 17118 bicolor Ait. two-colored tt. i_J or 1| P.w 1778. R r.m Bot. mag. 20 1 vii. CORTU^SINA. Stems fleshy, suffruticose ; leaves oblong or more often cordate, a little cut ; sfi/nt/es lanceo- late, spread' it', acute ; roots tuberously fasciculate ; stamens 7 or 6, rarely 5. 17119 pallens Swt. pale & uAJ pr fmrjl Pa.Y C. G. H. ... R r.m Sw. ger. 148 17120 pulchellum B. M. neat A iAI pr f W C. G. H. 1795. R r.m Bot. mag 524 painted & iAJ pr i W.R C. G. H. 1800. R r.m Bot. rep. 160 pricUy-stalbed A iAl pr 1 W.R C. G. H. 178 >. thick-stalked A 22 pr 5 W S. Africa 1786. spotted * I.AJ or f P C. G. H. ' ' ' au V C. G. H. 1" 1 1 1 i jLs' my.o my o my.o jn fO IttCC/ Y.Br G.Br G.Br G.Br Y.Br Y.Br Y.Br T. c. c. c. c. c. c. G. G. G. G. G. G. G. 'H! H. H. H. H. H. H. f lit //,/,-,' 1724. 1812. 1822. 1632. 1821. 1710. M , R R R R R R R r.m Jac ic. 3.522 r.m Bot. mag. 1641 r.m Sw. ger. 250 r.m Cav. dis. 4. 107.1 r.m Sw. ger. 232 r.m Sw. ger. 51 r.m Sw. ger. 2.30 Fr\mrose-flwd . i I or R r.m Bot. mag. 309 S r.m Sw. ger. 192 1786. C r.m Sw. ger. 2. 192. 6 ... C r.m Bot. mag. 477 17121 pictum Pcrs. 17122 echinatum B M. 17123 crassicaule Herit. 2 maculatum Swt. 17124 primulinum Swt. 17125 cortusafdlium Herit. Cortusa-lvd tt. | | or 2 Pk Africa 17126 renif6rme B. M. kidney-shaped a. i_| or 2 year P C. G. H. 1791. C r.m Bot. mag. 49.3 viii. PINGUIFOLIA. Stems shrubby, fleshy ;' leaves peltate or cordate, 5-lobed, fleshy ; nectariferous tube length of pedicel ; stipules broad, ovate 17127 lateripes Herit. side-stalked Ivy-lvdn. ,_j or 2 Pa.P C. G. H. 1787. C r.m Her. ger. 24 1786. C r.m Bot. rep. 121 274 MONADELPHIA HEPTANDRIA. CLASS XVI. 2 zonatum Swt. zoned tt. i (or 2 my.n 3 r5seum Swt. rose-colored tt. | | or 2 my.n 4 albo-marginatum.Dc. i | or 2 my.n 17128 peltktum Ait. peltated tt. i_l or 2 2 variegatum Andr. variegated tt. i | or 2 Pa.P C. G. H. 1787. C r.m R C. G. H. 1787. C r.m Pa.R C. G. H. 1787. C r.m And.ger.ic. P C. G. H. 1701. C r.m Bot mag. 20 P C. G. H. 1701. C r.m And. ger. ic. iii. PLATYPE'TALA. Two upper petals broader and shorter, and very obtuse. 17129 ovale Herit. oval-leaved tt. i_J or P C. G. H. 1774. C r.m Her. ger. 28 17130 elegans W. elegant tt. 1 | or 3 mr.jn W.R C. G. H. 1795. C r.m Bot. rep. 28 2 minus Surf. smaller-^torf tt. i | or 3 W.R C. G. H. 1795. C r.m Sw. ger. 3. 232 3 majus Swt. \nrger-flowered tt. i_J or 3 W.R C. G. H. 1795. C r.m Sw. ger. 1. 36. 6 iv. ANISOPE'TALA. Two upper petals longer and broader i stems shrubby. i. GLAUCESCE'NTIA. Leaves smooth or nearly so, more or less glaucous. Petals white, upper ones most often lined or spotted with red. 17131 gladcum Herit. glaucous-leaved**- \ | or 3 W.R C. G. H. 1775. C r.m Sw. ger. 235 17132 diversifulium Wnl. different-leaved tt. i | or 3 W.R C. G. H. 1794. C r.m 1713-5 cuspidatum W. sharp-pointed tt. | | or 3 W.R C. G. H. ... C r.m 17134 sororium W. sister tt. | ( or 3 ap.jl W.R ... c r.m 17135 laevigatum W. smooth tern.-lvd tt. i | or 3 W.R c. G""H. ... c r.m Cav. dis. 4.121. 1 17135 grandiflbrum W. 17137 variegatum W. great- flowered tt. | | or tt. | | or 3 3 ap.jl ap.jl W.R W.R c. c. G. H. G. H. 1"94. 1812. c c r.m r.m Sw. ger. 29 Cav. dis. 4. 118.3 C r.m W. h. b. 1. 32 C r.m Bot. mag. 148 C r.m Sw. ger. 215 C r.m Sw. ger. 3. 215. 6 ** Petals red or violet, upper ones striped with purple. 17138 p4tulum Jac. spreading tt. i | or 3 ap.jl C. G. H. 1821. C r.m Jac. ic. 3. 541 17139 saniculasfblium W. Sanicle-leaved tt | | el 3 P.R C. G. H. 1806. C r.m Jac. ic. 539 17140 fuscatum Jac. clouded tt. | | el 3 ap.jl P.R C. G. H. 1812. C r.m Jac. ic. 3. 540 . LINEA^TA. Flowers white, seldom red ; two upper petals intensely lined with red ; leaves ovate, cordate, or reniform, toothed, or undivided. 17141 penicillatum W. pencilled tt. i_| el 3 W.R C. G. H. 1794. 17142 Aetulinum Ait. Birch-leaved tt. L_J el W.R C. G. H. 1759. 17143 formosissimum Pers. handsomest tt. t | el 2 W.R C. G. H. 2 lineatum Suit. \ineate-flowered*. \ | or 2 my.jl W.R C. G. H. 1794. iii. TOMENTOSA. Petals white, narrow ; leaves cordate, soft, tomentose ; stipules spreading. 17144 tomentusum Jac. woolly tt. i_J or 3 jn.jl W C. G. H. 1790. C r.m Bot. mag. 518 17145 r/Wtolium. Jac. Currant-leaved tt. | | or 3 my.jn W C. G. H. 1798. C r.m Jac. ic. 3. 538 iv. PAPiLiOiVA > CEA. Leaves cordate, flat, toothed ; lower petals linear, upper ones lined with purple. 17146 papilionaceum Ait. butterfly tt. i | or 3 ap.jl P.w C. G. H. 1724. C r.m Sw. ger. 27 17147 cordatum Ait. heart-leaved tt. | | or 3 mr.jl P.w C. G. H. 1774. C r.m Bot. mag. 165 17148 rubrocinctum Lk. red-edged tt. | | or 3 mr.jl P.w C. G. H. 1774. C r.m 17149 conduplicatum W. doubled-heart-lvdtt- \ | or 3 mr.jl P.w 1774. C r.m v. PURPURASCE'NTIA. Leaves cordate or cuneate, toothed, undivided, or sublobate j lobes obtuse i flowers purplish ; lower petals oblong or obovate. * Leaves undivided, cucullate,from No. 17156. lobed,flat. 17150 cucullatum Ait. bonded-leaved - | | or 2 striatiflurum Swt. striated-flwd tt. | | or 3 majus Swt. greater Royal Geo. tt. \ | or 4 grandiflbrum Swt. great-flowered tt. | | or 5 parviflorum Swt. small-flowered ft | | or 17151 specibsum W. specious tt. | | or 17152 cochleatum W. coehleate-Zt/d tt. | | or 17153 acerifblium Herit. Maple-leaved tt. | ) or 17154angulbsum Ait.' angulose tt. i | or 17155 Barringtoim VV. Barrington's tt. i | or 17156 Watsdnii Lk. Watson's tt. i_J or 17157 adultefinum Herit. counterfeit tt. i | or 17158 semitrilobum Jac. half three-lobedtt. i | or 17159 zntifulium Ait. Vine-leaved tt. i | or 17160 capitatum Ait. capitate Rose-sctd tt. i | or 17161 ribens W. red-flowered tt. i | or 3 mr.jl 4 mrjl 4 mr.jl 4 mr.jl 4 mr.jl 3 ap.jl mr.jl 3 P 3 jl.s mr.jl mrjl ap.jn ap-jl my.jl C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. c. G!"H. C. G. H. C. G. H. c. G! H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1690. C r.m Cav. dis. 4. 106.1 1810. 1812. 1818. 1818. 1794. 1784. 1724. 1785. 1800. 1724. 1690. C C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m Her. ger. 21 C r.m Cav. dis. 4. 112.2 C r.m C r.m Sw. ger. 130 C r.m Sw. ger. 22 C r.m Jac. sc. 2. 139 C r.m Cav. dis. 4. 11 1.2 r.m And. ger. c. ic. r.m 17162 obtusifolium Ait. blunt-leaved tt \ | or 17163 tricuspid&tum Herit. three-pointed tt. | j or 17164 scabrum Ait. rough wedge-lvdo. \ | or 17165 hermannifuliumJac. Hermannia-lvdtt. \ | or 17166 crispum Ait. curl-leaved tt | | or 17167 exstipulatum Ait. exstipulate tt. \ | or 171S8 pustulbsum Swt. pimply tt. | | or 17169 pallidum W. pale-flowered tt- 1 1 or 17170 ternktum Jac. ternate tt. . I or CKI'SPA. Leaves lobed, lobes at top acutely toothed. P W.p W.R Pk P Vi ap.jn C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. Pk Pk C. G. H. 1780. 1775. 1774. 1779. 1820. C r.m Sw. ger. 8 C r.m Her. ger. 30 C r.m Jac. ic. 3. 542 C r.m Jac. ic. 3. 545 C r.m Her. ger. 32, 33 r.m Her. ger. 35 r.m Sw. ger. 11 r.m 1820. C r.m Sw. ger. 165 vu. RA^DULA. Leaves beyond the middle parted ; lobes toothed, pinnat/Jid ; flowers purplish or pale. 17171 guercifblium Ait. Oak-leaved tt i '\ or 3 2 bipinnatifidum Swt. bipinnatifid * i | or 4 17172 graveolens Ait. strong-rose-sctd tt. ( _J or 3 2 variegatum Swt. variegated-/vrf tt. | | or 3 Geranium capitatum var. Andr. P P P P mr.jl mr.jl C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1774. 1774. r.m Her. ger. 14 r.m Her. ger. 15 1774. C r.m Her. ger. 17 C r.m And. ger. ic. 17173 glutinosum Ait. 17174 nigre'scens Swt. 17175 hispidum W. 17176 radula Ait. 17177 balsameum Jac. 17178 isperum W. 17179 denticulatum Jac. glutinous nigrescent hispid rasp-leaved balsamic tt. f Jor * i | or tt i | or tt-i | or tt. | | or rough multifid tt L_J or 3 jl .s tooth-leaved tt. | | or 3 my.jn 4 my.jn 3 my.jl 3 mr.jl jl.s Pk.w C. G. H. 17180 delphinifblium W. Larkspur-lvd tt. | | or jn.jl C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. C. H. C. G. H. 1777. 1777. 1790. 1774. 1790. 1795. 1789. C r.m Bot. mag. 143 C r.m C r.m Cav. dis. 4. 110. 1 C C c c c r.m Bot. mag. 95 r.m Jac. ic. 3. 543 r.m Roth abh. 10 r.m Sw. ger. 109 r.m XIV. DU^JBIA. Doubtful to which of the sections they belong. 17181 discipes Haw. disk-stalked tt i I cu 17182 sparium W. spurious tt. | | or 17183 gratum W. grateful Citron-sctdK. i 1 or 17184 nothum W. spurious tt. | i or 17185 consanguineum W. kindred tt. i I or 17186 Wildenovii Lk. Wildenow's tt. LJ or 17187 unicolbrum W. one-colored tt. | | or 17188 alnif&Iium W. Alder-leaved tt. \ | or 17189 amplissimum W. largest tt. | | or 2 ap.jl 2 2 apjl 2 Africa V Pk.vy Pk Pk 2 W.vy C. G. H. .. 2 C C. G. H. 2 ap.jl Pk.vy 2 ap.jl P ' C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m C r.m ORDER IV. MONADELPHIA HEPTANDRIA. 1 215 I | or 1 | or I | or 17190 imbricatum Swt. imbricated tt. 17191 heracleifoliumSvrt Cow-Parsnep-lvdg 17192 pulverulcntum Swt. powdery 17193 pedicellatum Suit, pedlcelled I | or 17194 cardiifdlium Swt. Thistle-leaved tt i | or 17195 rugosum Swt. wrinkly ML | | or 17196 BeauforUYinww Swt. Beaufort's tt. i (or 17197 principissae Swt. princess's tt, | | or 17198 citriodorum Hort. Citron-scented tt. i | or 17199 uniflorum Dec. one-flowered tt. i 1 or 17200 viscosi'ssimum Swt. clammiest tt. i | or 17201 patentissimum Wnl. most spreading tt. | | or 17202 acugnaticum Carm. Acunna tt- 1 | or 17203 quinquelobum Col. five-lobed tt. i | or 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 my.s my.s my.s my.s my.s my.n myjl my.s Li.p C. G. H. 1806. Gy C. G. H. 1800. Gy.bdC. G. H 1822. Gy.bdC. G. H. 1822. Li. C. G. H. 1816. C. G. H. 1800 Li C. G. H. ... Dk.P C. G. H. 1820. W C. G. H. 1800. ... C. G. H. 1800. Li.w C. G. tt. 1820. Li.w C. G. H. 1820. ... Tris.d'Ac.1818. R C. G. H. 1820. C C C c c c c c c c c c c c rm r.m r.m r.m r.m r.m r.m r.m r.m r.m r.m r.m r.m r.m Sw. ger. 1. 65 Sw.ger.3.211 Sw. ger. 3. 218 Sw. ger. 3. 250 Sw. ger. 1. 15 And. ger. ic. Sw. ger. 2. 138 Sw. ger. 2. 139 And. ger. ic. Sw. ger. 2. 118 Wen. c. ic. Col. h. rip. 33 1 rtbrotanifolium Su>. ger. 351 2 aceroldes Sw. ger. 242 3 acidum Sw. ger. 261 4 acutilobum Sw. ger. 184 5 aj'mulum Sw. ger. 160 6 affluens Sw. ger. 194 7 albinbtum Sw. ger. 359 8 AlRnw Sw. ger. 229 9 amoe^num Sw. ger. 121 10 rtnthriscifblium Sw. ger. 233 11 ardens Sw. ger. 45 12 ardescens Sw. ger. 231 13 argutum Sw. ger. 344 14 armatum Sw. ger. 214 15 asperiftlium Sw. ger. 169 16 atrofuscum Sw. ger. 82 17 atropurphreum Sw. ger. 152 18 atrosanguineum Sw. ger. 151 19 aurantiacum Sw. ger. 198 20 Avtonianum Sw. ger. 364 21 BaileyawM/w Sw. ger. 87 22 Bakerzflw?w Sw. ger. 240 23 Harclayanum Sw. ger. 304 24 BarnardzoMMwz Sw. ger. 127 25 basilicum Sw ger. 360 26 BeadbmVz? Sw. ger. 191 27 BeaufortzawMwz Sw. ger. 138 28bellulum Sw. ger. 60 29 BentinckzdwMTW Sw. ger. 350 30 biHbrum Sw. ger. 287 31 bipartitum Sw. ger. 142 32 BlandfordzVmwwz Sw. ger. 101 33 blandum Sw. ger. 4 34 Boyle*? Sw. ger. 50 35 Breesz'araMwz Sw. ger. 64 36 BrightJdwra Sw. ger. 227 37 B rough t6nza? Sw. ger. 181 38 Br6wn/z Sw. ger. 146 39 iryonifblium Sw. ger. 320 40 Burnelzdnwm Sw. ger. 369 41 caloce'phalon Sw.ger. 201 42 calycinum Sw. ger.81 43 campyliaaflorum Sw. ger. 251 44 campylostipalum Sw. ger. 379 45 candidum Sw. ger. 128 46 cardiifulium Sw. ger. 15 47 carnescens Sw. ger. 388 48 cartilagineum Sw. ger. 382 49 caryophyllaceum Sw. ger. 347 50 cerinum Sw. ger. 176 51 chaerophyllum Sw. ger. 257 52 Charlwoodw Sw. ger. 380 53 chelidonifblium Sw. ger. 341 54 chenopodifblium Sw. ger. 328 Garden Varieties. 79 Daveyanum Sw. ger. 32 80 Dennisianum Sw. ger. 20 81 dentatum And. ger. ic 82 dependens Sw. ger. 195 83 cliftorme Sw. ger. 105 84 dilatatum Sw. ger. 378 85 dirnacriaafibrum Sw. ger. 220 86 disse'ctum Sw. ger. 247 87 diversilobum Sw. ger. 361 88 Dobreecmum Sw. ger. 253 89 dumbsum Sw. ger. 19 DO elatum Sw. ger. 96 91 electum Sw. ger. 238 92 elegans (I.) Sw.ger. 132 93 eUegans (11.) Sw ger. 202 94 elegans (VIII.) Sat. ger. 222 95 erectum Sw. ger. 187 96 eriocaulon Sw. ger. 357 97 eriophyllum Sw. ger. 141 98 erios^palum Sw. ger. 371 99 eximium Sw. ger. 26. 100 exornatum Sw. ger. 381 101 expansum Sw. not figured 102 Fairli Sw. ger. 178 103 flaccidum Sw. ger. 337 104 flexubsum Sw. ger. 180 105 floccusum Sw. ger. 129 106 floridum Sw. ger. 41 107 folibsum Sw. ger. 340 108 Folsjamboz? Sw. ger. 312 109 formbsum Sw.ger. 120 110 Franciszz Sw. ger. 349 111 fulgens (XIII. i.) Sw. ger. 339 112 fuscatum Sw. ger. 210 113 glabrifblium (ac.) Sw. ger. 363 114lauciitolium Sw.ger. 179 115 Gower Sw. ger. 333 116 grandidentatum Sw. ger. 217 117graridiflbrum(VIlI. ii.) 118 Grenvilliunum And ger. 119 Gurneynnw/w Sw. ger. 393 120 Hammersleirf? Sw. ger. 225 121 Harwo6dz? Sw. ger. 383 122/edysarifblium(I.) Sw.ger. 355 123 Hoareteftorum Sw. ger. 133 124 HoareawMwz Sw. ger. 80 125 Hume* Sw. ger. 324 126 Husseyrmwwz Sw. ger. 92 1'27 imbriciltum Sw. ger. 65 128 imperiale Sw. ger. 365 129 incandscens Sw. ger. 203 ISO incarnatum Stv. ger. 308 131 inciirvum Sw. ger. 249 132 inscriptum Sw. ger. 193 55 chrysanthemifolium Sw.ger. 124 133 insignltum Sw.ger. 30() 56 Clintbm> Sw. ger. 392 57 clarum Siv. ger. 36'i 58 coarctatum Sw. ger. 70 59 Co\v\\\ianum Sw. ger. 26 60 Colvillzz Sw. ger. 86 fil Co\v\l\ii (1.) Sw. ger. 260 62 Comptonue Sw. ger. 122 63 c6mptum Sw. ger. 255 64 concavum Sw. ger. 237 65 concinnum Sw. ger. 108 66 conclatisum Sw^ger. 305 67 concolor Sw. ger. 140 68 congestum Sw. ger. 325 69 coruscans Sw. ger. 173 70 Co&mianum Sw. ger. 189 71 crenaeflorum Sw. not figured 134 intertextum Sw. ger. 135 135 involucratum maximum Do. 33 136 Jenkinsoni Sw. ger. 154 137 > /0nq'w/#inum Sw. ger. 241 138 Kingz'i Sw. ger. 248 139 labyrinthicum (I.) Sw. ger. 276 140 Lambert? Sw. ger. 104 141 lanceolatum And. ger. ic 142 lasiocaCilon Sw. ger. 364 143 latifblium Sw. ger. 335 144 latifblium (VIII. ii.) 145 latilobum Sw. ger. 236 146 laxiflbrum Siv. ger. 216 147 Leghkeckz? Sw. ger. 377 148 lepidum Sw. ger. 156 149 lineatum Sw. ger. 116 72 crenatum (XIII. i.) Sw.ger. 345. 150 Lousadz'dwz^ Sw. ger. 44 73 crenatum And. ger. ic. 74 crenulatum Sw. ger. 162 75 crispum Sw. ger. 383 76 rrithmifblium Siv. ger. 354 77 cruentum Sw. ger. 170 78 cuneiflbrum Sw. ger. 330 151 luteum Sot. rep. 328 152 macranthon Sw. ger. 83 153 magnistipulatum Sw.ger. 313 154 Mattocksz'dwww Sw. ger. 234 155 melissinum Sw. ger. 5 156 mixtum Sw. ger. 71 T 2 157 modestum Sw. ger.204. 158 Mostynr 1 Pk Italy 1596. I) r.m Sw. ger. 155 17218 gymnocaulon Dec. 17219 ibericum Cav. naked-stemmed 5 Iberian l A t A or el 1 jn.s 1| jn.s B B Iberia Levant 1814. 1802. D U s.l s.l Sw. ger. 84 17220 nod5sum L. knotty ^ l A pr 1 my.o P England moun. D s.l Eng. bot. 1091 17221 angulatum Cur. 17222 Wallichianum Swt. angular-stalked ^ Wallich's | t A I A or 1 myjn f P R Nepal" 1789. 1819. D D S.1 s.l Bot. mag. 203 Sw. ger. 90 17223 Vlassovianwm Fis. Vlassov's i A pr 1 St Crimea 1821. D s.l Sw. ger. 228 17224 striatum L. channelled ^ I A pr 1 my.o St Italy 1629. D s.l Bot. mag. 55 17225 refle-xum L. 17226 phae^um Lam. reflex -flowered ^ dusky 3 i A i A or or 1* my.jn 1| ap.jn R Bk Italy 1758. England m.thi. D D s.l s.l Cav. dis. 4. 81. ] Eng. bot. 322 I 172-/7 fuscum L. brown ^ I A or U ji Br S. Europe 1 1759. D CO 17228 Hvidum Herit. livid-flowered | I A or If jn.jl P Switzerl. 1775. D s.l Her. ger. 39 17229 eriostfemon Fw. woolly-stmnd ^ i A P r k Jn.jl B Siberia 1822. D CO Sw. ger. 197 2 pallidum Swt. 17230 fiatrachioides Cav. pale ^ Batrachium-lk ^ l A L A or or 1| jn.s 1 jn.s Pa.B B Nepal Europe 1822. 1817. D D s.l s.l Sw. ger. 197. 6 Cav. dis. 4. 85. 1 17231 Lambert* Swt. Lambert's ^ i A or R Nepal 1824. D s.l Sw. ger. 338 17232 sylvalicum L. wood ^i l A el 14 my.jn B Britain m. thi. D s.l Eng. bot. 121 17233 pratense L. meadow Crowfoot-lvd^ i A el 14 my.jl B Britain D s.l Eng. bot. 404 2 flore albo white-flowered ^ l A or 1| my.jl W Britain gard. 1) CO 3 flore variegato variegated-flwd|| E A or U my.jl Str Britain gard. D CO 4 dauricum Daurian ^ [ A or 14 my.jl B Dauria 1818. D CO 5 flore pleno 17234 16ngipes Dec. double-flwd ^ long-stalked ^ L A I A or 2 my.jl 1 my.jl B Li Scotland moun. 1823. D D CO CO 17235 maculatum L. 17236 collinum Bieb. spotted ^ hill l A ' A Pr pr f 1 P P N. Amer. 1732. Siberia 1815. I) D s.l co Cav. dis. 4. 86. 2 17237 palustre L. 17238 aconitifolium Herit. marsh ^ Aconite-leaved ^ I A ' A or 2 14 my.jn P W Germany Switzerl. 1732. 1775. D I) s.l s.l Sw. ger. 3 Her. ger. 40 17239 dahuricum Dec. Dahurian A or 1 my.jn P Dahuria 1820. D CO 17240 cairuleum Pat. blue A ' A or 1 jn.s B Dahuria 1824. U s.l 17241 altaicum //brf. Altaian ' A or 1 jn.jl Pa.R Altaia 1818. I) CO 17242 pilosum Forst. pilose ^ ' A or f P N. Zeal. 1821. D CO Sw. ger. 119 17243 parviflorum W. en. small-flowered A ' A un i my.jn P V. D. L. 1816. D CO 17244 nepalense SMI*. 17245 cristatum Stev. albanum Bieb. Nepal ^ crested ^ : A '. A pr or J ljjn.8 R R Nepal Iberia 1818. 1820. U D co s.l Sw. ger. 12 Soc. mos. 4. 5 17246 pyrenaicum L. Pyrenean ^ i A pr 1 P Britain me. pa. S s.l Eng. bot. 405 17247 nemorosum Ten. grove ^ L A or 1 jn.s P Italy 1821. S CO pyrenaicum >- nemorosum Dec. 17248 umbrosum Kit. shaded A pr Hungary 1804. S co W.&K.2.144 1 jn.s III. A'NNIIA. Annual ; peduncles two-flowered. 17249 molle L. soft Dove's foot O w P Britain S co Eng. bot. 778 17250 pusillum L. small-flowered Qw ijn.s P England was gr. S co Eng. bot. 585 ORDER VI. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. 277 17251 rotundifMium L. round-leaved w j jn.jl Pk England S CO Eng. bot. 157 17252 pallets Bieb. pale un - 1 - in il Pa.R Iberia 1820. S CO 17253 columbinum L. dove w 3 in il Pk Britain s CO Eng. bot. 259 17254 dissectum L. 17255 carolinianum L. jagged-/eawd Carolina 8 W un \ *jUu l P W.vy Britain N. Amer. 1725. s s CO CO En?, bot. 753 Cav. dis. 4. 84. 1 17256 viilbsum Ten. villous O un 1 jn.jl B Italy 1820. s co 17257 bohemicum L. Bohemian un | P Bohemia 1683. s CO Cav. dis. 4. 81. 2 17258 divaricatum Ehrh. straddling un P Hungary 1799. s CO W. & K. 2. 12; j 17259 lucidum L. shining w I Pk Britain s CO Eng. bot. 75 17260 Robert/anwwz L. Herb. Robert w B l ap.o R Britain s CO Eng. bot. 1486 17261 purphreum Vil. purple o P r 1 ap.o R Switzerl. 1819. s co Vil. del. 3.40 17262 inodurum Ph. scentless o pr i ap.o Pa.R N. Amer.?1800. s CO 17263 BriceinwTO Swt. Miss Brice's pr * ap.o W Bristol rocks. s CO Sw. gar. ic. in. 1933. PHILOTHE\:A Rud. PHILOTHECA. 17264 australis Rud. southern it (Psilos (err. philos), smooth, theke, sheath ; l_J or 2 ap W N. HolL 1824. tube of stam.) Ruthc. C p.l Lin. tr. 1 1.21 I. Eriostfemum salsoloides Sm. 1934. CHEIROSTE\MON H.SfP. CHEIROSTEMON. 17265 platano'ides H. 8$ B. Platanus-like CD or 30 (Cheir, hand, stemon, stamen.) Bomlinceee. 1. N.Spain 1820. C 8.1 H.&B. 1.44 1935. HUQGPNIA L. 17266 mystax L. 17267 serrata Lam. HUGONIA. (Dr. A. J. Hugo, Hanover, friend of Haller's.) Chlenacece off 'me. 2. 3. mustachio * I I or 10 jn.jl Y Ceylon 1818. C s.l R. mal. 2. 29 serrated it Q or 8 Y Mauritius 1824. C s.l Cav. dis. 3. 73. 1 1936. OMPHALO BIUM Gae. OMPHALOBIUM. (Omphalos, a navel, Zofow, a pod.) ConnaracecE. 2. 12 17268 indicum Gae. Indian it Q or 8 ... Pa.R Ceylon ... C p.l Bur. zey. 89 Rhus Rced&lyavel Mil. Connarus asiaticus W. 17269 africanum Dec. African it Q or 8 ... Pa.R Guinea 1822. C p.l Cav. dis. 7. 221 Connarus africanus Lam. 1937. CONN A^RUS L. CONNARUS. (The Greek name given to this kind of tree.) Connarace 1820. s CO short-keeled rm un J Y * s CO yolk-like ft 1 1 un 2 my.jn Y Brazil 1819. c CO Bot. reg. 447 Senegal frn or 1 jn.jl Y Senegal 1819. s s.l villous TT1 or 1 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1824. s S.1 Medicago-like frn or 1 jn.jl ... E. Indies 1816. s S.1 K cur. 4. 1803. 5 dar/c-purple ft i |un 4 P C. G. H. 1790. c p.l Bot reg. 128 small-leaved 2ft rm or j 1 Y Arabia 1820. s s.l small- flowered O un 1 Y Ceylon 1823. s CO pale-flowered silvery m. O un l | or 2 1 jn.jl jn.jl Pa.Y Y Africa C. G. H. 1775. 1823. s s s.p 8.1 Jac. sc. 2. 2-20 neat Salt's ft Hun un 3 3 jn.jl Y Y C. G. H. 1800. Abyssinia 1810. c c p.l p.l Bot. mag. 1699 Bot. rep. 648 narrow-leaved ft i J un Ij | my.s Pa.Y C. G. H. 1815. s s.p Jac. sc. 2.219 obscure tt | | or 2' jnjl Y C. G. H. 1820. s S.1 17415 quinquefulia L. 17416 angulata Mil. 17417 fruticosa Mil. 17418 Langsdurfw Fis. 17419 f&lva Rox. ii. AXILLA^RES. Leaves trifoliate i flowers axillary. Lotus-leaved ft CU un 3 jn.jl Y.G Jamaica 1732. S taMrflowcred ITT1 un 1| Y Guinea 1781. S three-flowered [m or 2 jn.jl Y Mexico 1824. S VI. QUINQUEFO^LIA. Leaves 5-foliate. five-leaved ' [D] un 1 jn.jl Y E. Indies 1792. C s.p R. mal. 9. 28 Di. el. 102. 121 Fl. mex. ic. in. VII. DU^ angular shrubby Langsdorf 's tawny Doubtful to which of the sections they belong. 1 jn.jl Y S. Amer. 1700. 2 jn.jl jn.jl jn.jl S. Amer. 17 Jamaica 1716. S ...... 1820. S E. Indies 1817. S Leg.Pap.Lbt.Genis. 1. C s.p 1953. HYPOCALY'PTUS Thun. HYPOCALYPTUS. (Hypo, under, , 17420 obcordatus Thun. obcordate ft i | or 1 jn.jl P Crotalaria cordifolia./,. 1954. VIBO'RG/^ Spr. VIBORGIA. (Eric Fiborg, an acute Danish botanist.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Genis. 2. 3. 17421 sericea Thun. silky ft I | or 3 Y C. G. H. 1780. C l.p 17422 obcordata Thun. obcordate fti | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1810. S l.p Bot cab. 509 Crotalaria floribunda Lod. obcordata Berg. 1955. LODDIGE^SJT.4 B.M. LODDIGESIA. (Conrad Loddiges, nurseryman, Hackney.) Leg.Pap. Lot. Genis. 1. 17423 oxalidif&lia B. M. Oxalis-leaved n. ( | pr 1| my.s Pa.P C. G. H. 1802. C p.l Bot. mag. 965 1956. LEBE'CK/^ Thun. LEBECKIA. (Lebeck, an obscure botanist.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Genis. C. 11. 17424 subnuda Dec. 17425 contaminata Dec. 17426 sepiaria Thun. 17427 subternata Lk. 17428 sericea Thun. 17429 cytisdides Thun. I. SIMPLICIFOLI.E. Leaves simple. sub-naked tt. i | or 1| Y C. G. H. 1824. C p.l contaminated ft i | or 5 Br C. G. H. 1787. S p.l hed-e ft i_J or 3 Y C. G. H. 1820. C p.l II. TRIFOLIA^T^E. Leaves trifoliate. subternate ft t_) or 3 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1824. S silky Cytisus-like 2 ap 3 ap Y Pk C. G. H. 1774. S C. G. H. 1774. S Pluk. al. 424. 1 Com. h. 2. 107 1957. DICHrLUS Dec. DICHILUS. 17430 Lebeckiolde* Dec. Lebeckia-like (Dis, twice, cheilos, lip ; calyx.) l | or 2 W.Y C. G. H. 1958. SARCOPHY'LLUM Thun. SARCOPHYLIAJM. (Sarx, flesh, phyllon, leaf.) 17431 carntisum T/i. fteshy-jointed-lvd ft ( | cu 3 Y C. G. H. 1812, Leg.Pap.Lbt.Genis. 1. S26. C p.s Dec. leg. 6. 35 Leg.Pap.Lbt.Genis. 1. !. C s.l Bot. mag. 2502 1959. v4SPA'LATHUS L. ASPALATHUS. (A, priv., spao, to extract ; thorns.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Genis. 31. 86. I. FASCICULAV*:. Flowers subsessile i leaves in fascicles. spiny L_| or 2 Y C. G. H. 1824. C p.l Lam. il. 620. 3 capitate ft i_J or 2 Y C. G. H. 1823. C p.l Pluk. al. 397. 6 starry ft| | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1818. C p.l Seba 24. 6 Goosefoot ft i |pr 3 Y C. G. H. 1759. C p.l Brey. c. 11 T 4 17432 spinbsa L. 17433 capitata L. 174.34 astrdites L. 17435 Chenopoda L. 280 MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. CLASS XVI. 17436 albens Thun. whitish * \_Jpr 4 W C. G. H. 1774. C p.l 17437 hystrix L. porcupine Y C. G. H. 1824. C p.l Lam . il. 620. 1 17438 fhymiftlia L. 17439 ericifMia L. Thyme-leaved Heath-leaved il I | or I Y Y C. G. H. C. G. H. 1825. 1789. C C p.l p.l Pluk. al. 413.1 Pluk. m. 413. 6 17440 hispida Thun. hispid * i (or 2 Y C. G. H. 1818. C p.l 17441 asparagoldes L. 174*2 multiflora Thun. Asparagus-Ik many-flowered *l_jpr 3 2 Y Y C. G. H. C. G. H. 1812. 1818. C C p.l p.l 17443 uniflora L. e'mgle-Jtowered t-Jpr 3 Y C. G. H. 1812. C p.l Pluk . m. 414. 7 17444 carnosa L. fieshy-leaved 3 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1795. C p.l Bot. mag. 1289 17445 crassifolia 5. Rep. thick-leaved it i | pr 2 Y C. G. H. 1800. C p.l Bot. rep. 353 17446 afflnis 7%. kindred il l | pr 3 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1822. C Lp 17447 genistoldes L. Genista-like il i | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1816. C pi 17448 squarrbsa 77/un. squarrose il l | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1823. C p.l 17449 alio"ides Berg. Galium-like ~ 1 | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1817. c p.l 174.00 subulata 7%. awl-leaved jH i 1 pr Ij Y C. G. H. 1789. c p.l 17451 globusa .. /?e/j. globular *l_Jpr 3 jn.jl C, G. H. 1802. s p.l Bot. rep. 510 17452 /aricina Dec. Larch -leaved il | | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1823. c p.l 17453 araneosa L. cobweb il L_J pr 3 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1795. s p.l Bot mag. 829 174.04 Indica L. Indian 3 R E. Indies 1759. s p.l R. IT lal. 9. 37 17455 ciliaris i. ciliated i_Jpr 2 Y C. G. H. 1799. c p.l Bot. mag. 2233 17456 quinquefulia L. 17457 candicans H. K. five-leaved whitish jL_Jor 2 2 i' n.jl Y Y C. G. H. C. G. H. 1816. 1774. c c p.l l.p Pluk. aC278. 4 17458 argentea i. silver-leaved il i | pr 2 Y C. G. H. 1759. c P.1 II. TRIFOLIA^FJE. Flowers subsessile ; leaves trifoliate, scarcely fascicu. late. 17459 sericea Thun. silky ill | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1816. c P.l Plul :. al. 27S. 4 17460 callosa i. callous *i_Jpr 3 Y C. G. H. 1812. c l.p Bot. mag. 2329 17461 mucronata i. mucronate ill | pr 3 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1796. c l.p 17462 pedunculata Herit. long-ped uncled l_Jpr 6 Y C. G. H. 1775. Pi Bot. mag. 344 * 1960. *7 N LEX L. FURZE. (Ac, a point, CW*. ; leaves sharp.) 17463 europae^a L. European il ag 6 f.ja Y Britain san.he. S Pap. CO Lot. Genis. 4. Eng. bot. 742 1746* nana Sm. / dwarf il or 2 au.d Y Britain dry he. s CO Eng . bot. 743 17465 hibernica G. Don , Irish il or 6 au.d Y Ireland s CO 17466 provincialis Loi. Provence il or 4 Y S. Europe 1823. s CO Loi. no. 6. 2 1961. STAUROCA'NTHUS Lk. SFAUROCANTHUS. (Stauros, cross, akantha, spine.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Genis. I. 17467 aphyllus Lk. . -. leafless * or 3 ... Y Spain 1823. S p.l I7*lex mltis Hort. genistoldes Brot. 19fi2. SPA'RTIUM L. BROOM. (Spartan, cordage ; use in early ages.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Genis. I. 17468 junceum L. Rush or Spanish & ec 6 jl.s Y S. Europe 1548. S co Bot. mag. 85 2 fl6re pleno double-flowered^ or 6 jl.s Y S. Europe 1548. S co 1963. GENI'STA L. GENISTA. (Gen, a small bush, Celt.} Leg. Pap. Lot. Genis. 48. 76. I. INE'RMES. Unarmed ; leaves all orjor the most part trifoliate. 17469 parviflora Dec. small-flowered il or 3 Y S. Europe 1817. S p.l Ven. eels 87 Spartium parvifldrum Ven. J7470 clavata Poir. clavate * i j or 3 Y Mogadore 1812. C p.l Ven. eels 17 Spartium sericeum Ven. 17471 canariensis L. Canary it 1 | fra 2 my.s Y Canaries 1656. S s.l Bot. reg. 217 17472 candicans L. whitish it or 2 ap.jl Y Spain 1735. C s.l Den. br. 80 17473 patens Dec. spreading or 2 ap.jl Y Spain S s.p Cav. ic. 2. 176 Spartium patens Cav. 17474 angulata Raft. angulate it or 3 iny.jn Y Maryland 1739. C p.l Spartium angulatum W. 17475 /imtulia L. Flax-leaved a _|or 3 ja.jn Y Spain 1739. c p.l Bot. mag. 442 Spartium /inifolium Desf. 17476 triquetra H. K. triangular 17477 bracteolata Lk. bracteolate * or il |or 3 2 my.jn Y Y Corsica 1770. 1823. c c s.p CO Bot. mag. 314 17478 umbellata Poir. umbelled | 1 QJ- 3 ap.jn Y Barbary 1799. c p.l Desf. at. 2. 180 Spartium umbellatum Desf. 17479 radiata Sco. rayed il or U Jnjl Y Italy 1758. s s.p Bot. mag. 2260 Spartium radiatum L. 11. SPI ; \bsJE. Spiny ; leaves trifoliate. 17480 horrida Dec. horrid n or 3 my.jl Y Pyrenees 1821. L p.l Gil. eu. 2. 239.ic 17481 iuiitanica L. Portuguese 17482 ferox Poir. fierce it il or (or 2 li Y jnjl Y Portugal Barbary 1771. 1800. C CO p.l Bot. rep. 419 Bot. reg. 368 Spartium ferox Desf. 17483 triacanthos Brot. three-spined il or 2 my.jl Y Spain c p.l Brot. ph. 54 i. SiMPLiciFbLi^J. Spiny i leaves simple. 17484 sylvestris Sco. wood 17485 Scorpius Dec. Scorpion it or or 2 4 jn.jl mr.ap Y Y Hungary 1818. S. Europe 1570. L S p.l p.l Jac. ic. 557 Den. br. 78 Spartium Scorpius L. 17486 hispanica L. Spanish il or 2 jn.jl Y Spain 1759. c CO Cav. ic. 3. 211 17487 italica Lod. Italian it or 3 jn.jl Y Italy L co 17488 anglica L. English Petty Whin it or 2 my.jn Y Britain n loi.he. S CO Eng. bot. 132 17489 germanica L. German it or 2 Y Germany 1773. L CO III. SIMPUCIFOU.SB. Leaves simple ; stems unarmed. 17490 purgans L. purging 3k or 4 jnjl Pa.Y S. France 1768. S p.l Bui. her. 115 Spartium piirgans L. 17491 cinerea Dec. cinereous it or 4 jn.jl Y S. Europe .* S CO Den. br. 76 Spartium cintreum Vil. 17492 virgata Dec. long-twigged. i 1 or 5 mr.jn Y Madeira 1777. C p.l Jac. ic. 1. 147 Spartium virgatum H. K. 17493 congesta Dec. close-branched 3feL_|or 4 ap.jl Y Teneriffe ... c s.l Spartium congestum W. en. 17494 sericea Wul. silky rus G. Don many-flowered 3 or elongktus Hort. not W. % K. 17537 falcatus W. # K. sickle-shaped 17538 austriacus L. 17539 hirs&tus L. 17540 ruthenicus Fis. 17541 suptnus Jac. 17542 capitatus Jac. 2 W Canaries 1779. jn.jl 4 jn.jl P W 3 my.jn 4 my.jn 4 jn.jl ti t, 1 si Hungary 1760. S s.l Hungary 1804. S s.l Europe 1800. Pa.Y Hungary 1806. W S. Europe ... Austria 1792. Austria S s.l Bot. reg. 121 Bot. mag. 1438 Bot. mag. 1176 Bot. reg. 308 W. & K. 2. 183 17543 cihatus IVahl. 17544 polytrichus Bieb. Austrian hairy Russian supine capitate ciliated much-haired S Austria 1741. S. Europe 1739. S co Russia 1817. S co S. Europe 1755. S s.l Austria 1774. S s.l co Bot. cab. 520 Jac. au. 1. 21 Jac. ob. 4. 96 Jac. au. 1. 20 Bot. cab. 497 3 Y Hungary 1816. S 3 jn.s Y 5 Y 3 jn.jl Y 1 Y 3 jn.jl Y 3 jn.jl Y Carpathia 1817. S 1| jn.jl Y Tauria 1818. S co V. LOTOI^DES. Tube of calyx short, obconic; upper lip biparled, lower one 3-tootked ; corolla scarcely longer than calyx ; many-stemmed decumbent undershrubs ; flowers few, subcapitate, yellow. 17545 argt'nteus L. " silver-leaved 3% or 3 au Y France 1739. S s.l 17546 calycinus Bieb. targe-calyxed 3k or 2 au Y Tauria 1820. S co Bot. cab. 673 pauciflurus W. 17547 nanus Walt. dwarf JOL or f my.jn Y Levant 1816. S s.l Den. br. 81 17548 pygmae^us W. pygmy J* or 1 jn.jl Y Galacea ... S s.l VI. CHBONA NTHUS. Upper lip of calyx bifid, lower one trifid; lobes acute, length of tube ; petals persistent ; legumen oval, much compressed, two-seeded. eastern & or 3 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1818. S co VII. DU N BIUS. Doubtful to what section it belongs. 17549 orientalis Loi. 17550 glomeratus Boj. glomerated * Q or 3 Zanzibar 1826. S s.l (Aden, gland, karpos, fruit.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Genis. 6. Y Spain 1816. S co _1965. ADENOCA'RPUS Dec. ADENOCARPUS. ^ c , 17551 hispanicus Dec. Spanish or 3 jn.jl C^tisus hispanicus Lam. 17552 intermedius Dec. intermediate 36 or 4 my.jl Y .Sicily ... S co Cl. h. 1. 94. 1 Cftisus complicatus Brot. 17553 telon^nsis Dec. Toulon 36 or 3 jn.jl Y S. France 1800. S co Duh. no. 5. 47. 2 Spartium complicatum Gou. Cytisus telonensis Loi. 17554 parvifblius Dec. small-leaved & or 4 my.jl Y S. France 1800. S co Spartium complicatum Loi. C^tisus complicatus Dec. 282 MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. CLASS XVI. 17555 foliolbsus Dec. small-leafy Cytisus foliijsus H. K. 17556 frankenioldesChoi. Frankenia-like Genista viscbsa W. I 1 or 6 my.jn Y ap jl Y Canaries 1629. S co Bot. mag. 42 Canaries 1815. C s.l 1966. 0NCTNIS L. RESTHARROW. (Onos, an ass, onemi, to delight ; grateful to.) Leg. Pap.Lbt. Gen. 56. 1 1 L I. EUONO^NIS Stipules adhering to the petioles. L NA^TRIX. Leaves simple or trifoliate ; flowers axillary, pedunculate, yellow. 17557 crispa L. cur\-leaved - | un 2 Y Spain 1739. S p.l Mag. mo. 17 17558 hispanica L. 17559 vaginalis Vahl 17560 Mtrix Dec. 17561 pinguis L. A T atrix Spanish sheathed Goat-root greasy tt. B- tt. 0- BL ML tt. tt. 1 or | un | un | un _Jor A or i | or _Jor _Jor -Jor O or 8un or O or 8 or un O un O or If my.s 2 If my.s it jl If my.s 1 my.jn 2 * jn.jl f jn.jl i jnjl 1 f jn.jl f jn.jl f jn.jl 1 If f Jnjl Y Y Y Y.R Y Y.P Y Y Y.P Y Y.P Y.P Y Y Y Y.P Y P Spain 1799. Egypt 1815. S. Europe 1683. S. Europe 1739. Algiers 1818. Barbary 1820. TenerifFe 1816. S. Europe ... Sicily 1819. S. France 1819. Barbary 1818. S. Europe 1759. Spain 1823. S. Europe 1800. Sicily 1817. S. Europe 1680. Sicily 1713. 1820. C C S C C C C C S S S S S S S S S S p.l CO p.l CO p.l P.l p.l pi s.l s.l s.l s.l s.l s!i CO CO CO Bot. mag. 254( Ven. eels 32 Bot. mag. 329 Viv. lib. 18. 3 Desf. at. 2. 186 Bar. ic. 1239 Brot. ph. 58 Cav. ic. 2. 192 ft Dec. 17562 cuspidata Desf. cuspidate 17563 picta Desf. painted 17564 longifolia W. long-leaved 17565 falcata Viv. falcate 17566 ramosissima Desf. branch iest 17567 arenaria Dec. sand 17568 biflora Desf. two-flowered 17569 viscbsa L. clammy 17570 brachycarpa Dec. short-podded 17571 breviflora Dec. short-flowered 17572 sicula Cus. Sicilian 17573 pubescens L. pubescent 17574 ornithopodioides L. Bird's-foot-like 17575 pallida Horn. pale ii. NATRI'DIUM. Leaves simple or trifoliate ; flowers axillary, pedunculate, purplish, rarely white. 17576 rotundifMia L. round-leaved 17577 tribracteata Dec. three-bracted 17578 frutic<"'sa L. shrubby 17579 tridentata L. three-toothed 17580 angustissima Lam. narrowest 17581 cenisia L. Mount Cenis 17582 fce'tida Schous. fetid 17583 geminiflora Lag. twin-flowered 17584 reclinata L. ' reclinate 17585 Cherlfer* L. Cherler's 17586 pendula Desf. pendulous I | or _Jor eun or 2 my.jl Pk If my.jl Pk 2 my.jn Pk - f i my.jl f>.jl or f un f un f jn.jl or If Switzerl. 1570. C s.l Bot. mag. 335 S. Europe 1800. S s.l S. France 1680. S s.l Bot. mag. 317 1752. C p.l Cav. ic. 2. 152 1825. S s.l Bar. ic. 299 Spain Spain Italy 1759. S co Al. ped. 1. 10.2 Morocco 1818. S s.l Spain 1817. S co S. Europe 1800. S co Bar. ic. 761 S. Europe 1771. S l.p Bau. his. 2.394.2 S. Europe 1818. S p.l Desf. at. 2. 191 iii. BUGRA^NA. Leaves simple or trifoliate ; flowers sessile or on very short peduncles, purple, rarely white. 17587 arborescens Desf. 17588 altissima Lam. hirclna Jac. 17589 antiqu6rum L. ancients spinosa y glabra Dec. 17590 procurrens Wallr. procurrent 17591 ripens L. arvensis Lam. 17592 spinbsa L. arvensis E. B. 2 alba 17593 mitissima L. 17594 diffusa Ten. 17595 hirta Desf. 17596 fllopecuroides L. 17597 monophylla Desf. 17598 oligophylla Desf. arborescent tallest creeping spiny ^ \rhite-flowered ^ mildest diffuse hairy Foxtail-like one-leaved few-leaved or A un 2 my.jl R R Barbary Italy 1826. C p.l Desf. at. 2. 193 1596. D co Jac. vin. 1. 93 A un 1 S. Europe 1790. D co Lob. ic. 28 A or A un 1 jn.jl 1 P Pk Europe Europe 1820. D co ... D co Di. el. 25. 28 A un 1 F Britain ... D co Eng. bot. 682 Britain sea si. D co Portugal 1732. S co Di. el. 24. 27 Italy 1820. S co S Europe 1816. S co Portugal 1696. S co Schk. han. 194 Barbary 1800. S co Naples 1823. S p.l Bot. mag. 2450 17599 arragonensis Asso 17600 capitata Cav. 17601 striata Gou. reclinata Lam. 17602 Col6mn? W. 17603 minutissima L. barbata Cav. 17604 variegate L. iv. BUGRANOI^OES. Leaves simple or trifoliate ; flowers sessile or subsessile, yellow. Arragonese capitate striated Columna's smallest variegated Its. lAI or or 1| my.jl Y Spain jn.jl jn.jl 1816. Spain Spain S p.l Mag. mo. 21 1820. S p.l Cav. ic. 2. 159. 2 1817. S p.l S. Europe 1732. S co Jac. au. 3. 240 S. France 1818. S p.l Cav. ic. 153 O un i Y Spain 1784. S co Desf. at. 2. 185 II. LOTONOI^ES. Stipules scarcely or not adhering to the petioles i leafy, as in~Lbtus; but with the stamens monadelphous, as in the rest of Qnbnis. 17605 parviflbra Berg. 17606 Thun. 17607 gemina-ta H. K. 17608 umbellata L. 17609 glabra Thun. 17610 capensis L. 1761 1 emarginata Boj. 17612 cernua L. small-flowered iQI or f jn. t villous fL. \ | or 1 jn.jl twin-flowered j iAl un Ifjl.s umbellate !U. i Al or 1 jn.jl smooth JU. | | or Cape iQlor f jn.jl emarginated * I 1 or drooping-poddedn. \ | un 2 jl.s C. G. H. 1818. S co ... C. G. H. 1820. C p.l Pk C. G. H. 1787. S p.l ... C. G. H. 1816. C p.l ... C. G. H. 1824. C p.l P C. G. H. 1800. S p.l ... Mauritius 1825. C p.l * Y C. G. H. 1774. C co Com. h. 2. 1 1967. REQUIE^/4 Dec. REQUIENIA. (M. Sequien, of Avignon, a Fr. bot.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Genis. 1. 2. 17613 obcordata Dec. obcordate L Q or 1 jl Y Senegal 1825. C s.p Dec. leg. 4. 27 Podalyrirt obcordata Lam. 1968. ^NTHY'LLISL. KIDNEY VETCH. (Anthos, flower, ioylos, down.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Genis. 19. 25. I. DORYCHNOI*DES. Calyx scarcely inflated ; legumens l-seeded ; herbs perennial ; roots suffrutescent ; heads of flowers pedunculated, leafless ; /eaves pinnate. 17614 Gerard* L. Gerard's & A or W Provence 1806. S co Ger. gal. 18 17615 onobrychicades Cav. St. Foix-like ^ A or ijnjl Y Spain 1817. D s.l Cav. ic. 2. 150 II. ASPALATHOI^DES. Calyx scarcely inflated i legumen 1 or 2 seeded ; flowers in interrupted spikes, or in the axils of the upper leaves i leaves trifoliate or simple ; humble shrubs. 17616 cytisoides L. Cytisus-like . i | or 2 ap.jn W Spain 1731. C p.l Bar. ic. 1182 17617 Hermann&c L. Herman's tt. | or 1^ ap jl Y Levant 1739. C p.l Alp. ex. 26 ORDER VI. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. 283 17618 ^spalathi Dec. 17619 tenuifolia L. Aspalathus-Ukett. | _ (or 1 ap.jl Y fine-leaved tt i _ | or 1| my.jl Y C. G. H. 1824. C pi Bot. cab. 1169 C. G. H. 1818. C p.l III. ERINA^CKA. Calyx after flowering evidently inflated; legumen 1 or 2 seeded, compressed, lanceolate longer than calyx i shrubs much branched, spiny, nearly leafless. 17620 erinacea L. prickly ML _ | or 1 P Spain 17621 echinkta Hort. hedgehog tt. i _ | or 1 ap.jl P? S. Europe ? ... 1759. C s.p Bot. mag. 676 C p.l 17622 Barba Jbvis L. Jupiter's Beard it l_Jor 3 Pa.Y S. Europe 1640. C p.l 17623 heterophylla L. various-leaved tt. l_jor 1 jn.jl Pk S. Europe 1768. C p.] 17624 montana L. mountain ^ A or ? jn.jl P S. Europe 1759. S s.l 2 alba white ^ A or i HI w S. Europe 1818. S s.l 17625 Vulneraria L. common Woundwort ^ A r J Y Britain ch.pas. S s.l 2 rubra red-flowered ^ A or $ R Britain ch.pas. S s.l 3 albiflbra white-flowered ^ A or | W Britain ch.pas. S s.l rustica MX. 17626 Dillenti Schultz Dillenius's ^ A or | R S. Europe 1816. S s.l Vulneraria y rubriflora Dec. 17627 polyphylla Kit. many-leaved ^ Vulneraria S polyphylla Dec. A or 1 my.jn Y S. Europe 1816. S s.l 17628 alpina G. Don hairy alpine ^j A or i Y Britain S s.l IV. VULNEKA N RIA. Calyx after flowering evidently inflated ; legumen 1 or 2 seeded, shorter than calyx or equal, heads of flowers bracteate ; shrubs or herbs with pinnate leaves. ' Bot. mag. 1927 Bot. cab. 578 Eng. bot. 104 Di. el. 320. 413 V. CoRNiciVvA. Calyx inflated ; legumen smooth, two or many celled. 17629 tetraphvlla L. four-leaved O or 1 W S. Europe 1640. S co Bot mag. 108 17630 hamosa Desf. hooked O or J Pa.Y Barbary 1821. S 8.1 cornicina Poir. 17631 cornidna L. crow O or 1 W Spain 17.59. S p.l Cav. ic. 1 39. 17632 /otoldes L. Lotus-like O or \ jn. jl Y Spain 1739. S co Cav. ic. 1. 40 1969. CYAMO'PSIS Dec. CYAMOPSIS. (Kyamos, bean, opsis, resemblance.) Legum. Pap. Lot. Clit. 1. 17633 psoraloides Dec. Psoralia-like O or 1 P Arabia 1813. S s.l Cav. ic. 1.59 Z)61ichos psoraloldes Linn, /abzeformis Herit. Psoralea tetragonolobus L. JLuplnus trifoliatus Cav, 1970. PUERA V RI^ Dec. PI-ERARIA. (M. M. N. Puerari, professor at Copenhagen.) Leg.Ldt. Clit. 2. 17634 tuberosa Dec. tuberose fl_ I _ I or 3 ... Y E. Indies 1806. D s.l //edysarum tuberusum Rox. 17635 Wallichij Dec. Wallich's i. i _ | or 3 ... Y Nepal 1826. C s.l Dec. leg. 43 1971. DA^LE^ L. DALEA. (Thomas Dale, an English botanist.) Legum. Pap. Lot. Clitbr. 15. 35. 17636 laxiflora Ph. loose-flowered ^ A pr 6 W Louisiana 1811. D co Psoralea laxiflora Poir. 176:77 aurea Nut. golden ^ A pr 2 Y Louisiana 1811. D co 17638 alopecuroldes Nut. Foxtail-like O pr 1 Pa.B Mississippi 1812. S co Mic. am. 2 38 Psoralea Daleo L. 17639 Cliffortzawa W. Cliffort's O pr 1J B VeraCruz 1737. S co H. cl. 22 17640 iagopus W. Hare's-foot Psoralea leporina H. K. jQJor 4 o.n V Mexico 1780. S CO Cav. ic. 1. 86 17641 sericea Lag. silky ) IAI or V Mexico 1824. c s.p Kth. mim. 48 17642 tuberculata Lag. tuberculated tt. 1 1 or 2 P Mexico !&?*. c s.p 1764:3 citriodora W. Citron-scented im or 1 o.n Pk N. Spain 1780. s CO Cav. ic. 3. 271 17644 mutabilis W. changeable tAlor 1J o.n P Mexico 1818. c CO Bot. mag. 2486 17645 bicolor W. en. two-colored tf fT^n or 2 o.n Y.B S. Amer. 1817. c CO Hook. ex. fl. 43 17646 riutans W. nodding 7^1 or 1 Vi Mexico 18'24. c s.p FL mex. ic. in. 17647 reelinata W. reclinate &. [7vi or Vi Mexico 1820. c s.p 17648 Thouin/ Sen rank Thouin's iQlor 1 B 1816. s s.p Sch. mo. 9 176i9 phymatodes W. impostume-likett. i | or W.v Caraccas 1819. c s.p Jac. ic. 3. 563 17650 enneaphylla W. nine-leaved * LJpr 5 Pk W. Indies 1 1772. s CO 1972. GALE^GA Tou. 17651 officinalis L. GOAT'S RUE. officinal (Gala, milk ; increases in animals eating it.) Leg. ^ A r 4 jn.s B Spain 1568. D co Pap. Lot. Clit. 5. Mil. ic. 137 2 alba \vb\te-flowered ^ A or 4 jn.s W Spain D CO 17652 persica Pers. * Persian j^l A r 2 jn.s W Persia 1826. I) CO Sw. fl. gar. 244 17653 biloba Swt. two-lobed ^ A r 3 jn.s B 182.3. D S.P Sw. fl. gar. 216 176.54 tricolor Hook. three-colored ^t A or 3 jn.s B 1823. D l.p Hook. ex. fl. ir. 17655 orientalis Lam. oriental ^ A or 4 jn au B Levant 1801. D 8 Bot. mag. 2192 1973. AMO'RPHA L. 17656 fruticosa L. BASTARD INDIGO. (^,priv shrubby & or 6 jn.jl ?, form P ; deformity of cor.) Carolina 1724. C Leg. Pap. Lot. Clit. 8. s.p Bot ree. 427 2 emarginata emarginate-Zyrf & or 6 jn.jl P Carolina 1724. C S.]) 17657 microphylla Ph. small-leaved & | f ra 2 P Missouri 1811. C s.p 17658 herbacea Walt. herbaceous Al or 3 jn.jl B Carolina 1803. C s.p Bot. cab. 689 pubescens W. 17659 canescens Nut. canescent & |or 3 B Missouri 1812. c s.p 17660 nkna Nut. dwarf Sit (or B Missouri 1811. c s.p 17661 croceo-lanata Wat. yellow- woolled & (or 5 P N. Amer. 1820. c s.p Den. br. 139 17662 Lewisu Lo. C. Lewis's 3fe | or 3 P N. Amer. 1820. c s.p 17663 glkbra Desf. smooth 3 P N. Amer. 1810. c s.p 17664 frkgrans Swt. fragrant & or 3 jn.jl P N. Amer. 1800. c s.p Sw. fl. gar. 241 nkna B. M. not of others. 1974. MULLEM1.4 L. MULLERA. (O.F.Muller, a Dane, one of editors of Flora Danica.) Leg.Pap. Lot Clit. I. 17665 moniliformis L. bracelet-formed f Q or 20 ... Y Guiana 1792. C l.p Mer. ur. 35 1975. PISCI'DIAi. PISCIDTA. (Piscis, fish, ccedo, to destroy ; bark, by intoxicating.^ Lea. Pap. Lot. Clit. 2. 17666 Erythrtna L. red Jamaica Dogw. t D tin 25 ... W.R W. Indies 1690. C p 1 Lam. il. 6()5. A. 17667 carthaginensis Jac. Carthagena J O or 30 ... W.R Carthag. 16SO. C p.l P. ed. B. 133. 2 1976. AMI'CI^ H. & B. AMICIA. (J. B. Amid, celeb, physician.) Leg. Pap. Hedy. Euhed. 1. 2. 17668 zygomeris Dec. two-jointed poddedi_ d) or 8 ... Y Mexico 1826. C s.l 1977. POIRE^T/^ Ven. POIRETIA. (J. L. M.Poiret, editor of Encyc. Botamque.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Euh. 1.-3. 17669 scandens Ven, climbing fl_ CD or 6 mr ... Caraccas 1823. C s.l Ven. ch. 42 Glycme punctkta W. Turpin/a punctka Pers. 284 MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA CLASS XVI. 1978. ZO'RNJ.4 Gm. ZORNIA. (J. Zorn, apoth., at Kempten, Bavaria, bot.auth.) Leg.Pap. Hed. Euh.7. 1L DIPHY'LL-E. Leaves bifoliate. 17670 glochidiata Rchb. spear-pointed 17671 reticulata Sm. netted diphylla /9 ciliata Pers. 17672 zeylonensis Pers. Ceylon 17673 angustiftMia A/x. narrow-leaved diphylla Pet. 17674 dictyocarpa Dec. rm cu E3 cu rcn cu rm un * 1 Y Pu Guiana 1823. W.Indies 1800. Cejlon India 1825. 1733. Bur. zey. 50. 1 R. mal. 9. 82 EL cu } Y N. Holl. 1820. S s.l net-capsuled II. TETRAPHY'LL^E. Leaves ^-foliated. 17675 tetraph^lla MX. four-leaved uAJ cu i Y Carolina 1824. S s.l Mic. am. 2. 41 Anonymos bracte&ta Walt. .Hedysarum tctraph^llum Lam. 17676 capensis Pers. Cape iAJ cu J Y .Hedysarum tetraphyllum Thun. C. G. H. 1824. S s.l Th. up. 6. 3 1979. STYLOS A'NTHES Sivx. STYLOSANTHES. (Stylos, style, anthos, fl.) Leg. Pap. Hedy. Euh. 6. 10. *._w ..._ u )U n un 1 Y W. Indies 3821. S co SI. jam. 110. 2 17677 procnmbens Swx. procumbent //edysarum hamatum L. 17678 erecta Bcauv. 17679 viscosa Sivx. 176SO mucron&ta W. 17681 elatior Swx. hispida MX. 17682 guianensis Swx. erect clammy mucronate taller Guiana L r~l or - CD or tf 23 or 2"rif61ium guianense Aub. O or 1 1 1 2 i Y Guinea 1825. S sp Beau. ow. 2. 77 Y W. Indies 1818. S s.p SI. jam. 1. 119. 1 Y Ceylon 1817. S s.p Bur. zey. 106. 2 Y America 1816. S s.p Pluk. al. 447.7 Y Guiana 1820. S sp Aub. gui. 2. 309 1980. AUE'SMIA Dec. ADESMIA. (A, with out, desmos, a bond; stam. free.) Leg.Pap.IJed.Euhed.3. 17683 muricata Dec. muricated -* O cu 1 jn.jl Y Patagonia 179.3. S s.l Jac. ic. 568 .Hedysarum muricatum Jac. 17684 pendula Dec. pendulous s.l -* m cu 1 jn.jl Y B. Ayres 1825. S 17685 papposa Dec. downy-podded -* iAJ cu 1 jn jl Y Chile 1823. S s.l ^Eschynomene pappdsa Lag. 19S1. 'BENUS. 17686 cretica L. Cretan .^nthyllis cretica Lam. 17687 pinnata Desf. pinnate ^nthyllis sericea W. EBENUS. (Abnous, ebony, Arabic.) Leguminosts Pap. Hedys. Euhedysarece. 2. 3. tt-l_|or IJjnjl Hi Candia 1737. p.l Alp. ex. 278 OJ or i jl au Pk Barbary 1786. S p.l Bot. mag. 1092 1982. RO'THIA Pers. ROTHIA. (A. IV. Rath, of Bremen, a German botanist.) Leg. Pap. Phas. I. 17688 trifoliata Pers. trifoliate -* O cu 2" jn.jl Sul S s.l Glycine humifusa IV. en. Cleome prostrata Hort. 1983. TERA'MNUS Br. TERAMNUS. 17689 volubilis Suiz. twining 17690 uncinatus Sum. hooked (Teramnos, soft; delicate pod.) Legum. Pap. Phas. 2. R Jamaica 1824. C r.m II Jamaica 1822. C s.l P. ed. B. 221 J_ CD or 10 J_ CD or 10 * 1984. CANAVA^LIA Dec. CANAVALIA. (Canavali, its Malabar name.) Legum. Pap. Phas. 4 8. 17691 obtusifolia Dec. obtuse-leaved J. CU or 6 P E. Indies 1820. C s.l R. mal. 8. 43 jD61ichos rotundifdlius Fahl 2 emarginata Dec. emarginate %_ I 17692 gladiata Dec. Bword-podfled 17693 ensiformis W. sword- formed Z)61ichos ensiformis L. 17694 rosea W. rose-colored P E. Indies 1800. C s.l W.R E. Indies 1790. C s.l P E. Indies 1778. S s.l Jac/sc. 2. 221 Jac. ic. 560 Jac. ic. 3. 559 .L?61ichos roseus Swz. SW O Pr 3 Pk Jamaica 1812. S s.1 * 19S5. LUPPNUS Ton. LUPINE. (Lupus, a wolf ; supp osed to destroy fertility of soil.) Leg. Pap. Phas. 23. 40. 17695 albus L. white Bg a W Levant 1596. S CO 1769o Thermis L. Thermis or 3 in.jl W Egypt 1802. S CO 17697 varius L. variable 8 or 3 B.w S. Europe 1596. S CO 17698 hirsutus L. hairy or 2 B S. Europe 1629. S CO 17699 bracteolaris Desv. bracted O or jj i B Monte Vi. 1820. S CO 17700 pilusus L. pilose O or 3 F S. Europe 1710. S CO 17701 angustifolius L. narrow-leaved or 2 jl au B Spain 1686. S CO Kno. del. 2. L. 7 17702 finifoliua Roth Flax-leaved 2 B 1799. S CO Roth abh. 14. 5 17703 luteus L. yellow O or 2 Y Sicily 1596. S CO Bot. mag. 140 17704 microcarpus B. M. small-podded O r jj ap B Chile 1821. S CO Bot. mag. 2413 17705 pusillus Ph. little O or i 2 Pa.B N. Amer.? 18 17. S s.p 17706 bicolor B. R. two-colored O or *\ Pa.B N. Amer. 1826. S CO Bot. reg. 1109 17707 mexicanus Cav. Mexican H OJ or 2 f B Mexico 1819. S CO Bot. reg. 457 17708 leucophyllus Dou. white-leaved ^e A or 2 8.0 Pk Colombia 1826. S CO Bot. reg. 1124 17709 perennis L. smooth perenn. ^. A or 2 my.jl B N. Amer. 1658. D p.l Bot. mag. 202 17710 nootkatensis B. M. Nootka Sound ^t A or 2 P Nootka. So. 1794. D p.l Bot. mag. 1311 1771 1 polyphyllus B. R. 17712 villosus W. many-leaved villous ^t A or 2 jn.jl k B Pk Colombia 18 C 26. Carolina 1787. S D 5 Bot. reg. 1096 17713 sericeus Ph. silky ^ A or my.jn P N. Amer. 1826. D s.p 17714 argenteus Ph. silvery k A or 1 my.jn W N. Amer. 18'J6. S si 17715 arbureus B. M. tree * (or 6 Y 1793. C 8.1 Bot. mag. 682 17716 mutabilis Swt. changeable *_Jor 5 l.s B.Y Bogota 1819. c s.l Sw. fl. gar. 130 mil multiflbrus Desv many-flowered *_|or 4 jl.8 B Monte Vi. 1810. c M 1986. PTEROCA'RPUS . PTEROCARPUS. (Pteron, wing, karpos, fruit.) Le%um. Pap. Dalberg. 8. . 22. I. MOUTOU'CHIA. Stamens monadel. ; legumen roundish, suberous, l-seeded, upper suture straight, not winged. 17718 draco L. dragon j O m 40 ... W W. Indies 1820. C s.l Jac. am. 183. 92 II. AMPHYMEViUM. Stam. monadel.: Jr. suborbicular, 1 or 2 seeded, girded round with a membranaceous using. 17719 Rohrii Vahl Rohr's 1 CD or 20 Guiana 1816. C s.l Aub. gui. H7 56 17720 marstipium Rox. pouch f CD or 40 ... W E. Indies 1811. C s.l Rox. cor. 2. 116 17721 dalbergio! A Br. BRYA. (Bryo, to sprout ; seeds germinate before falling.) Lee. Pap. Dalb. 2. 3. 17728 .E'benus Dec. Jamaica Ebony * CD or 12 Y.G Jamaica 1713. C r.m Br. jam. 31. 2 ^merimnum 'benus Swz. 17729 leonensis Lo. C. Sierra Leone CD or 12 ... Y.G S. Leone 1824 C r.m 1989 TAMARI'NDVS L. TAMARIND TREE. (Tamarhindy, Indian date, ^rai.) Legum. Pap. Dalb. 2. 1773o1ndicaL Indian i CD in 60 jnjl Y India 1633. S r.m R. mal. 1.23 17731 occidentals Dec. western i CD m 40 f W W. Indies ... S r.m Jac. am. 10 1990. PHYLLO'LOBUM Fis. PHYLLOLOBUM. (Phyllon, a leaf, lobos, a pod.) Legum. Phyllol. 1. 2 17732 zanzibar^nse Boj. Zanzibar j E2 cu Zanzibar 1826. C s.l.p CLASS XVI. ORDER 7. MONADE'LPHIA DODECA'NDRIA. 1991 MONSCTN/^ L. MO.VSONIA. (Lady Anne Monson, eminent for hot. acquirements.) Geraniacea. 6 noa :x ^ -,,r>,.;^,,< . A I nr 1 nr> mv P f! d H. 1774. R r.m Bot. ITiaff. 7 lAI or 1 lAlor 17733 speciosa L. specious 2 pallida Suit. pale 17734 pilbsa W. pilose speciosa Sw. ger. 77 2 C611 1824. S CO 17806 nicaensis All. Nice J k u n i P Nice 1810. S ro Cav. dis. 2. 25. 1 17807 microcarpa Desf. small-fruited jj t A un 2 jn.s P Egypt 1823. D CO 17808 parviflhra L. small-flowered un 2 jn.jl P Barbary 1779. C CO Cav. dis. 2. 26. 1 17809 verticillata L. whorl-flowered un 2 jnjl W China 1683. S CO Cav. dis. 2. 25. 3 glomerata Hort. 17810 mareotica Del. Mareotic o or 2 R Egypt 1822. S CO 17811 crispa L. curled or 5 W Syria 1573. S CO Cav. dis. 2. 23. 1 17812 bonariensis Cav. Buenos Ayres /~\ un 1 W B. Ayres 1820. S CO Cav. dis. 2. 22. 1 17813 scaberrima Lag. roughest Q cu 1 Spain 1827. S CO 17814 flexubsa Horn. flexuous o un i P" Europe 1820. S CO vi. CAPE'NSES. Flowers purple or white ; leaves angulate-lobed ; stem shrubby ; outer calyx 3-leaved ; pedicels solitary, l-flowered, rarely in twos or three'-. pleasing * \ | or 3 P C. G. H. 1796. C co twiggy m | | or 6 my.jl P C. G. H. 1727. C co 10 year R C. G. H. 1713. C p.l 4 my.s P C. G. H. J800. C co 17815 amce^na Sims 17816 virgata Cav. 17817 capensis Cav. 17818 balsamica Jac. 17819 tridactylltes Cav. reflexa And. Rep. 17820 divaricata Andr. 17821 retusa Cav. 17822 calycina Cav. 17823 fragrans Jac. 17824 stricta Jac. 17825 iryonifblia L. Cape balsamic three-fingered i I or * | |or Hl_jor straddling blunt-leaved l_Jor :|_Jor ' I I or fragrant * i | or strict i | or Bryony-leaved 4k | | or 17826 grossularijefbliaCV. Gooseberry-lvd* | | or 17827 oxyacanthoides Hor Oxycantha-like*s i | or 17828 asperrima Jac. roughest \ | or vii. MuLTiFLbRjE. Flowers purplish 17829 lactea H. K. panicled mWa-white or 4 R Caucasus 1819. S s.l 17876 punctkta All. spott ed-stalked O or 2 J1.S Pa Italy 1800. s CO III. 17877 maritima Gou. AXOLOPHA. Receptacle at top truncate, expanding in a crest, sea-side * | or 2 ap.jn W S. Europe 1597. S 's.l Cav. dis. 2. 32. 3 17878 triloba i. three-lobed _Jor 3 jn.jl L.P Spain 1759. C s.l Bot. mag. 2226 IV. ANTHE\MA. Receptacle small, foveolate, not exserted nor expanded into a crest. 17879 arbbrea L. Tree Mallow j Q) or 6 jl.o P Britain sea cl. s co Eng. bot .1841 17880 neapolitana Ten. 17881 cretica Z. Neapolitan Cretan A or O or 6 4 JJ.J P L.B Italy Candia 1818. 1723. s s CO CO Jac. vin. 1.41 17882 sylvestris Brot. wood O or 2 it! P Spain 1817. s CO 17883 ambigua Dec. ambiguous or 2 J1.S P Italy 1824. s CO V. DU V BIJE. Doubtful to which of the sections they belong. 17884 lanceolkta W. en. lance-leaved 8 or 2 jl.s P Europe 1817. s CO 17885 australis Wein. southern or 2 J1.S P S. Europe 1820. s CO 2009. MA'LACHRAZ. MALACHRA. 17886 rotundifulia Schrank round -leaved ( Malache, mallows ; resemblance.) O un 1 Y Brazil 1821. Malvace.l Cav. dis. 3. 6:>. 1 Cav. dis. 3. 65. 2 S. Europe 1819. D bog Carolina 1806. D bog W. h. b. 24 Louisiana 1804. D bog Bot. mag. 2385 Carolina 1778. D bog Bot. mag. 360 Georgia 1816. D bog Madagas. 1824. C p.l Cav. dis. 3. 69. 1 E. Indies ... C s.l C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Cav. dis. 3. 60 1 E. Indies 1690. C p.l Bot. rep. 228 E. Indies ... C p.l Jamaica 1759. C p.l Cav. dis. 3. 58. 1 Brazil 1822. C co Bot. reg. 878 India 1640. C r.m R. maL 2. 38 Cumana 1818. C s.p Bengal 1823. C s.p VII. BOMBICE'LLA. Carpels many-seeded; seeds woolly ; corollas most often expanded ; involucels 5 or 10 Ivd. 17977 phceniceus W. pur\>\c-flowered i CD or 8 P E. Indies 1796. C p.l Bot. reg. 2:X) 17978 .ftosa malabarica Ker Malabar rose 4fc CD or 2 au.s 17979 rhombifulius Cav. rhomb-leaved * I I or 4 17980 elatus Swx. tall 1 CD or 20 ... 17981 ^ossypinus Thun. Cotton-like il |_J or 4 17982 micranthus Cav. small-flowered t CD or 2 ... E: Indies 1818. C p.l Bot. reg. 337 E. Indies 1823. C s.p Cav. dis. 3. 69. 3 Jamaica 1790. C p.l C. G. H. 1818. C s.p E. Indies 1794. C p.l Cav. dis. 3. 66. 1 17983 clandestine Cav. clandestine tt. CD or 1 Crea Guinea 1823. C s.p Cav. ic. 1. 2 VIII. TRIONUM. Carpels many-seeded ; seeds smooth; corollas expanded ; involve, many Ivd ; calyx inflated. 17984 TViunum L. Bladder Ketmia O or 2 jn.s Y.Br Italy 1596. S co Bot. mag. 209 17985 vesicarius Cav. bladdery O or U jl au Y.Br Africa 1713. S co Cav. dis. 3. 64. 2 17986 hispidus Mil. hispid . I jor 1 jn.s Y.Br C. G. H. ... S co Bot. reg. 806 Trionum y hispidumDec. IX. SABDARI'FFA. Cells of capsule many seeded ; seeds smooth ; involvcel l-leaved, many-toothed. Sabdariffa id>| or 2 jn.s Y E. Indies 1596. S p.l Cav. dis. 6. 198.1 17987 Sabdariffa L 17988 digitatus Cav. 2 Kerianus Dec. digitatus B. R. digitate Ker's O or 2 jl.s j Ol or 2 jl.s W.R Brazil 1816. S co Cav. dis. 3. 70. 2 W.R Rio Jan. 1816. S s.l Bot. reg. X. AZA'NZA. Same as preceding, but with the stems shrubby or arborescent. 17989 circinatus W. rounded 17990 rtliaceus L. Lime-tree-/w 17991 tricuspis Cav. three-pointed 17992 guineensis Dec. Guinea Umbrella tr. 17993 abutiloldes W. en. Abutilon-like 17994 m6nodous B. R. one-toothed 17995 racemosus B. R. racemose 17996 Richardsum Lindl. Richardson's 17997 macrophyllus Rox. long-leaved XI. DU^BII. Doubtful to which of the sections they belong. 17998 borbonicus Lk. 17999 gangeticus Lk. 18000 parviflorus Wein. 18001 scandens Rox. 18002 cancellatus Rox. 18003 setbsus Rox. 18004 pulchellus Lo. C. Bourbon Ganges small-flowered scandent latticed setose beautiful Caraccas 1820. C p.l E. Indies 1739. C p.l Bot. reg. 232 Society Is. 1820. S s.p Cav. dis. 3. 55. 2 Guinea 1822. C p.l Jamaica 1818. C p.l SI. jam. 1. 234 4 1820. C s.l S. Amer. 1820. C p.l Bot. reg. 917 N. Holl. 1820. S co Bot. reg. 875 E. Indies 1810. C p.l Bourbon 1820. C p.l E. Indies 1800. C p.l S. Amer, 1823. C p.l R Indies 1810. C p.l E Indies 1817. C p.l E. Indies 1800. C p.l E. Indies 1820. C p.l XII. LAGUNA'RIA. Involucels scarcely any, or l-leaved deciduous. 18005 Paters6n H. K. Paterson's 1 l_J or 15 P Norfolk 1. 1792. C s.p Bot. rep. 286 Lagun^a Patersom'a B. M. 18006 cuneiformis Dec. wedge-shaped f i | or 15 P N. Holl. ... C s.l 2015. THESPENSIA Corr. THESPESIA. (Thespesios, divine; planted about tropical churches.) Malvaceae. 9. 18007 .popfilnea Corr. Poplar-leaved J CD or 30 ... W E. Indies 1770. C p.l Hibiscus /jopulneus L. 2 guadalupensis Dec. Guadaloupe f CD or 30 Guadalou. ... C p.l 18008 grandiflora Dec. great-flowered 1 CD or 30 ... S PortoRico 1827. C p.l 290 MONADELPHIA POLYANDRIA. CLASS XVI. 2016. GOSSY'PIUM L. COTTON. 18009 herbaceum L. common herbaceous 18010 micranthum Cav. small-flowered i 18011 indicum Lam. Indian 18012 arbbreum L. tree 18013 wtifulium Lam. Vine-leaved 18014 hirsutum L. hairy i 18015 religiosum L. religious 18016 Iatif61ium Mur. broad-leaved * 181)17 acuminatum Rox. acuminate 1 18018 barbadense L. Barbadoes * 18019 obtusiiolium Rox. obtuse-leaved i 2017. REDOUTEM Ven. REDOUTEA. (P. J. Redouti, celeb. French bot. draughtsman.) Malvacece. 1. 2. 18020 heterophylla Ven. various-leaved O or 3 jn Y S. Amer. 1822. S co Ven. eels 11 (Gotnemsegiar, its Egyptian name.) O ag 3 jl Y E. Indies 1594. Malvaceee. 11. 16. S s.l Cav. dis. 6. 164.2 Ol or 3 Y Persia 1820. S s.p Cav. dis. 6. 193 Qlag 3 Y E. Indies 1800. S s.p Ru. am. 4. 12 Cjor 12 Y E. Indies 1694. c s.p Cav. dis. 6. 195 E3 ag 3 ... Y E. Indies 1805. s s.p Cav. dis. 6. 166 OJag 3 Y S. Amer. 1731. s s.p Cav. dis. 6. 167 (22 ag 3 jl Y India 1777. s s.p Cav. dis. 6. 164.1 IZDag 5 Y 1800. s s.p Mur. 1776. 1 1 1 ag 5 Y E. Indies 1822. s s .) OJag 5 s Y Barbadoes 1759. s s.p Bot. reg. 84 Qag 5 Y E. Indies ... s S.p 2018. LOPI'MIA Mart. LOPIMIA. 18021 malacophylla Mart, soft-leaved Sida malacophylla Lk. (Lopimos, easy of decortication.) Malvaceee. 1. or 3 jl.s R Bahia 1823. S s.p L. & O. ab. 1. 30 2019. PALA^VIA Cav. PALAVIA. (A. Palau y Verdera, second prof, bot., Madrid.) Malvaceee. 2. 18022 malvajfulia Cav. Mallow-leaved O un P Peru 1794. S co Cav. dis. 1. 11. 4 18023 moschata Cav. musk O un 1 P Lima 1822. S s.l Cav. dis. 1. 11.5 prostrata Hort. 2020. CRIST A % RI A Cav. CRISTARIA. 18024 coccinea PA. scarlet A/alva coccinea Nut. (Crista, crest; form of capsules.) Malvucece. 1. 4. A pr I jl-s S Missouri 1811. D p Bot. mag. 1673 2021. A'NODA Cav. ANODA. (Anodos, impervious ; capsule cells more united than in Slda.) Maluac. 7. I. STELLA^xaJ. Cells of carpels ending in subspinose mucrones, stellately disposed. 18025 hastata Cav. halberUmm* Ol un 1| jn.jl B Mexico 18026 triloba Cav. three-lobed iDI un 1 jl.s P Mexico Sida cristata W. 18027 Dilleruan0 Cav. Dillenius's O un l|jn.n B Mexico Slda cristata B. M. 18028 triangularis Dec. triangular iQI un 1 B Mexico Slda deltokies Horn. 18029 incarnata#.#.ff. flesh-colored OJ un F Mexico II. Mu'VicjE Carpels awnless. 18030 acerifolia Dec. Maple-leaved O un 1 B Mexico Slda hastata B. M. not of others 18031 parviflora Cav. small-flowered O un Pa. Y W. Indies 1820. S s.l Cav. ic. 5. 431 Sida crenatiflora Pers. 2022. PERITTERA Dec. PERIPTERA. (Periptera, a shuttlecock ; flowers resembling.) Malvaceee. 1. 18032 punicea Dec. crimson Shuttlecock* F~l pr 3 my.jn C N. Spain 1814. C co Bot. mag. 1644 Slda Periptera B. M. A'noda punicea Lag. 1799. S s.p Bot. rep. 588 1720. S s.p Cav. dis. 1. 10. 3 1725. S co Bot. mag. 330 1820. S s.p 1824. S s.p 1809. S s.p Bot. mag. 1541 2023. SIDA. (A name used by Theophrastus.) Malvaceae. 98. 198. I. MALVI'NDA. Carpels 5 or 12, l-seeded, not bladdery. BRE^VES. Pedicels not exceeding the petioles; leaves oblong or ovate. 18033 finifolia Cav. Flax-leaved * O un 3J 1 Pk Guinea 1822. C CO 18034 angustifolia Lam. narrow-leaved FA1 un Y Brazil 1726. S CO Her. st. 52 18035 viminea Lk. twiggy IAI un 2* Brazil 1821. s CO 18036 spinbsa L. spiny H OJ un Ujl.s Y E. Indies 1680. s CO Cav. dis. 1.1.9 18037 alba L. white-flowered KB un 2 jn.jl W E. Indies 1732. s CO Di. el. 171.210 18038 stipulate Cav. stipulate tt. [ 1 un 2 Y Mauritius 1819. s CO Cav. dis. 1. 3. 10 18039 jamaicensis Cav. Jamaica n. l~~l un 2 Y Jamaica 1817. s CO Cav. dis. 1. 2. 5 18040 bracteolata Dec. bracteolate * | | un 2 jn.jl Y Chile 1824. c CO 18041 carpinifolia L. 18042 carpino\des Dec. Hornbeam-lvd * i | un Hornbeam-like tt. (U un 3 jl.s 2 Y Y Canaries 1774. S. Amer. 1800. c s CO CO Jac. ic. 1. 135 18043 tridentata Cav. three- toothed tt. O un l| Y W. Indies 1824. s CO Cav. ic. 4. 312 18044 Schrankw Dec. Schrank's _ [A1 un 1 Y Brazil 1820. s CO braslla Lk. 18045 er6sa Lk. bitten ) IAI un 2 jl.s Y Brazil 1824. s CO 18046 ciliaris L. ciliated i(DI un If Jn.s Y Jamaica 1759. s CO Cav. dis. 1. 3. 9 18047 alnifolia L. Alder-leaved O un 2 jl.s Y E. Indies 1732. s CO Di. el. 172. 211 ii. ELONI SA^T.*:. Pedicels elongatei ?, distinctly jointed ; leaves oblong or ovate. 18048 frutescens Cav. frutescent tt. I i un 2 Y Mauritius 1810. s CO Cav. dis. 1. 10. 1 18049 compressa Dec. 18050 canariensis W. compressed iQI un Canary iQI un 2 jn.s 2 jn.s Y W Nepal 1823. E. Indies 1820. s s CO CO 18051 rhombifolia W. rhomb-leaved * f~l un 2 Y India 1732. s CO Cav. dis. 1.3. 12 18052 rhomboidea Ro*. rhomboid tt. [ 1 un 1| Y E. Indies 1818. s CO 18053 rethsa L. retuse n. 1 i un 1| jLau Y Mauritius 1818. s CO Cav. dis. 1.3. 4 philippica Cav. 18054 recisa Schrank cut GS un 2 Y Brazil 1823. s CO 18055 calyxhymfenia Gay membrane-cal. - 1 I un 2 jn.jl Y N. Holl. 1820. s CO 18056 micans Cav. glittering uAJ un Y E. Indies 1820. s CO Cav. dis. 1. 3. 1 18057 maculata Cav. spotted tt. 1 1 un 1* Y St.Domin.1818. s CO Cav. dis. 1.3.7 suber6sa Herit. 18058 acuminata Dec. acuminate tt. 1 1 un l| Y W. Indies 1800. s CO iii. CORDI FOLI,E. Pedicels elongatet i ; teaws c tt bast ' cordate, toothed, not 'lobe d. 18059 pil&sa Cav. pilose j OJ un 1 jl.s Y St. Domin.1793. S CO Cav. dis. 1. 1 8 18060 humilis W. humble !TT1 un i jl-au Y E. Indies 1800. s CO Cav. dis. 5. 134. 2 18061 supina Herit. supine FAl un f Y Jamaica 1821. s CO Cav. dis. 6. 196.2 18062 rotundifolia Cav. round-leaved tt. [ 1 un If Y Bourbon 1819. s CO Cav. dis. 1. 3. 6 18063 multiflbra Cav. many -flowered n. 1 1 un 2 Y Brazil 1818. s CO Cav. dis. 1.3.3 18064 argtota Swz. smooth shatp-lvdfk 1 1 un 3 Y W. Indies 1732. c CO 18065 cordifolia L. heart-leaved RT1 un IJjn.s Y C. G. H. 1732. s CO Di. el. 179. 209 18066 althaeif&lia Swz. 18067 urens L. Althaea-leaved * CD un stinging tt fZD un 3 jn.s HJ1.S O Y Jamaica 1820. Jamaica 1781. c c CO CO SI. jam. 136. 2 Cav. dis. 1.2.7 ORDER VIII. MONADELPHIA POLYANDRIA. 291 18068 verticillata Cav. 18()t)9 dumosa Swz. 18070 paniculata L. atrosanguinea Jac. iv. 18071 triloba Cav. 18072 jatrophoides Herit. 18073 graveolens Rox. 18074 ricinoldes Herit. 18075 Napae x a Cav. Napa^a lasVis L. 18076 dioica Cav. Napae v a dioica L. 18077 wzalvajflora Dec. whorled bushy panicled H [ 1 un * I ) un 2 2 jl.s O)un Ijjls Brazil 1823. S co Jamaica 1818. C co Jamaica 1795. S co PALMATILOBA^TE. Leaves palmately cleft into 3, 5, 7, or 9 /ofes. three-lobed * i | un 3 jl.s W C. G. H. 1794. C co Physic-nut-//^ im un 4 au V S. Amer. 1787. S co strong-scented j OJ un 1 V E. Indies 1820. S co Ricinus-like O un 4 au W Peru 1818. S co A un 4 au.s W Virginia 1748. D co A un 6 au.s W Virginia 1759. D co A or 2 P.R Colombia 1826. D p.l dioecious Mallow-flwd Cav. dis. 1. 1. 12 Cav. dis. 1.12.5 Jac. sc. 2. 142 Her. st. 1.56 Cav. dis. 1. 3. 3 Bot. mag. 2193 Cav. dis. 5. 132.2 Bot. reg. 1036 18078 occidentals L. 18079 fa/tida Caw. viscosa Herit. 18080 brevipes Dec. II. ABUT-ILO^DES. Carpels 15 or 40, l-seeded, bladdery. occidental O un Y America 1732. S co Di. el. 7. 6. 6 stinking mi un 1 Y Peru 1795. S co Her. st 1. 53 short-stalked un 1 Y St. Marthal822. S co III. ABU'VILON. Carpels five to thirty, many-seeded, often bladdery. i. OLIGOCA'RP^E. Carpels five or eight. 18081 periplocifulia L. Periploca-lvd 2 zeylanica Ceylon f_ 3 caribe x a Caribbee j 18082 ferruginea Dec. rusty . 18083 LechenautoVma Dec. Lechenault's . [~") un 18084 hernandio'ides Herit. Hernandia-Jwf* 18085 luciana Dec. 18086 nudiflora Herit. 18087 polyantha Lk. 18088 aurita Wai. 18089 triquetra L. 18090 incana Lk. 18091 pulchella Bonp. 18092 umbellata L. 18093 gigantea Jac. 18094 reflexa L. 18095 crispa L. 18096 virgata Cav. 18097 arborea L. 18098 mauritiana Jac. planiflora Cav. 18099 rtliaefolia Fis. 18100 americana L. 18101 Abutilon L. 18102 asifitica L. 18103 Sonneratjana W. 18104 joopulifolia W. 18105 hirta Lam. pilosa Herit. 18106 mollissima Cav. cisti flora Herit. 18107 grandifolia W. en. mollis Or. 18108 perm611is W. 18109 orbiculata Dec. 18110 indica L. 18111 vesicaria Cav. 18112 glauca Cav. 18113albida W. 18114 mollicoma W. 18115 pfilchra Coll. 18116 acerifulia Lag. IV, St. Lucia - naked-flowered many-flowered large-eared triangular hoary neat : umbelled giant un 2 Y un 2 Y un 2 Y un un 2 1 Y Y un 6 ... Y un 2 W un 3 my.jn Y un 3 my.jn Y un 3 my.jn Y un 2 Y.p un 3 Y un 2 jlau W un H jl.s Y un 5 Y India 1691. Ceylon W. Indies ... Peru 1822. E. Indies 1820. Hispanio. 1798. St. Lucia 1810. Peru 1731. 1821. Bengal 1823. W. Indies 1775. Sandw. Is. 1818. N. Holl. 1824. Jamaica 1788. Trinidad 1820. S co S co S co S co S co C co S co C co C co C co C co C co S co S co S co ii. PoLYCA'RFjE. Carpels nine or more, reflex-flowered * O un 3 R Peru curled twiggy tree Mauritius Lime-tree-leaved woolly Abutilon Asiatic Sonnerat's Poplar-leaved hairy softest large-leaved very soft orbicular Indian bladdery glaucous whitish soft-haired fair Maple-leaved 1799. C co rm un 1 W Carolina 1726. S CO . 1 1 un 1| Y Peru 1818. S CO *l~]un 6 Y Peru 1772. C CO RTi un 2 jl.s Y Mauritius 1789. S CO ed iQI un 2 Y China 1821. B CO roi un Y Jamaica 1730. S CO O un 1| Y India 1596. S CO IQI un Y E. Indies 1768. S CO i(DI un 2 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1806. S CO O un 1 Y E. Indies 1796. S CO OJ un 2 " Y E. Indies 1820. S CO OJun 2 jn.jl Y Peru 1789. C CO il 1 1 un 8 n.d Y Peru 1816. C CO * 1 1 un 4 Y S. Amer. 1817. S CO * 1 | un 3 jn.jl Y China 1820. C CO HI rO~l un Y India 1731. S CO HI | | un HI | 1 un 3 2 Y Y Mexico Guinea 1822. 1824. C 8 CO CO *i | un 3 W.y Canaries 1822. C CO tt. j u n 3 Y ' 1816. S CO - Oor 4 Y W. Indies 1824. S CO HI 1 | un 3 B N. Spain 1822. C CO Di. el. 4. 3. 2 Pluk. al. 74. 7 SI. jam. 139. 3 Her. st. J. 58 Her. st. 1. 59 Jac. vin. 2. 118 Bot. mag. 2753 Jac. vin. 1. 16 Jac. sc. 2. 141 Her. st. 1. 64 Cav. dis. 5. 135. 2 Cav. ic. 1. 73 Her. st. 1. 63 Jac. ic. 1. 137 H. sys. 61 Cav. dis. 1. 7. 2 Cav. dis. 1. & 4 Cav. dis. 1. 7. 9 Ru. am. 4. 10 Cav. dis. 2. 14. 1 Bot. reg. 360 Cav. dis. 1. 7. 10 Cav. dis. 2. 14. 3 Cav. ic. 1. 11 Col. h. rip. 34 18117 Millferi Dec. 18118 semicrenata Lk. 18119 fietulina Horn. 18120 acrantha Lk. 18121 spiraeifolia Lk. 18122 brasiliensis Cav. 18123 villbsa Ma. 18124 verruculata Dec. 18125 purpurascens Lk. 18126 patens Andr. 18127 contracta Lk. 18128 conf^rta Lk. 18129 lasiost^ga Lk. 18130 pentacarpos Rox. Form of fruit unknown, and therefore doubtful to which of the sections they belongs leaves linear, oblong-ovate or lanceolate, from No. 18122. cordate. Miller's half-crenate Birch-like pointed-flwd Spirasa-leaved Brazilian villous small-warted purpurascent spreading contracted clustered hairy-topped five-capsuled Manilla S. Amer. Brazil 1749. 1823. 1820. 1820. 1824. 1818. 1739. 1822. 1822. Y Brazil Pa.Y S. Amer. Y Brazil Pk Brazil Y Abyssinia 1806. Y Madagasc.1823. Y Brazil 1822. Y Brazil 1824. Y E. Indies 1820. S co C co S co C co C co S co Cav. dis. 1. 34. 1 C co C co C co S co Bot rep. 571 C co C co C co S co 2024. LAGUN.E\4 Cav. LAGUNEA. (Andreas Laguna, a Spanish naturalist, d. 1543.) Malvaceae. 2. 4. 8131 lobata W. \obed-leaved IO un 3 W Bourbon 1787. S co Cav. dis. 5. 136.1 18132 sinuata Horn. sinuated Ol un 2 Y E. Indies 1817. S co angulata Hort. 2025. RUl'ZIA Cav. 18133 variabilis Jac. 18134 lobata Cav. RUIZIA. (Don Hippolito Ruiz, one of the authors of Flora Peruviana.) Bytt. 2. 3. variable. le aved Ik O or 6 my W Bourbon 1792. C p.l Jac. sc. 3. 295 lobate *dlor 6 ... W Bourbon 1816. C p.l Cav. dis. 3. 36. 1 *2026. ERIOL^NA Dec. ERIOLJENA. 18135 Walliclm Dec. Wallich's (Erion, wool, tewo^cloakj calyx woolly.) i I or 6 U 2 ;, cloaK ; calyx woolly.) Jii/ltncnacets. 1. R E. Indies 1823. C s.p Mem. m. 10.5 Byttneriaceee. 1. 292 MONADELPHIA POLYANDRIA. CL. XVI. OR. VIII. 2027. CAROLI'NE^ L. CAROLINEA. 18136 alba Lod. white 18137 princeps L. princely 18138 mmor H. K. less 18139 insignis Swx. showy (Princess Sophia Caroline, of Baden.) Bombuceee. 4 5. spl 20 W Brazil 1817. C p.l Bot. cab. 752 spl 20 ... R.Y.G W. Indies 1787. C p.l Aub. gui.291. 2 20 R.Y.G Guiana 1798. C p.l Bot. mag. 1412 l spl 20 ... R W. Indies 1796. C p.l Bot. cab. 1004 2028. ADA NSCTN//I L. ADANSONIA. (Michel Adanson, a famous French botanist.) Bombacets. 1. 18140 digitate L. digitated Sour Gourd { CD ec 50 ... W Guinea 1724. C p.l Bot. mag. 2791-2 2029. BO'MBAX L. SILK-COTTON TREE. (Bombax, cotton; wool in pods.) Bombucece. 4. 11. 18141 malabaricum Dec. Malabar i CD tm 60 ... S Malabar ... S p.l Rox. cor. 3. 247 heptaphyllum Rox. 18142globusum^M&. globose CD tm 60 ...... Guiana 1824. S p.l Aub. gui. 2. 281 18143 Ceiba L. Ceiba CD tm 100 ... W S. Amer. 1692. S p.l Jac. au. 176. 1 quinatum Jac. 18144 septenatum Jac. seven-leaved J CD tm 50 ... W Carthage. 1699. S p.l Pluk. al. 188. 4 hetaphyllum L. 2030. ERIODE'NDRON Dec. ERIODENDRON. (Erion, wool, dendron, tree ; wool in pods.) Bombacece. 4. 5. 18145 leianthferum Dec. smooth-flwd J* CD tm 70 ... S Brazil 1818. S p.l Cav. dis. 5. 152. 1 Bombax erianthos Cav. 18146 anfractuusum Dec. winding CD tm 100 ... S E.Indies 1739. S p.l R.mal.3.49 Bombax pentiindrum L. 18147 guineense G. Don Guinea CD tm 150 ... S Guinea 1826. S p.l 18148 caribaAim G. Don Caribbean 1 CD tin 70 ... S W. Indies 1739. S p.l 176.70 2031. MYRO V DIA Schreb. MYRODIA. (Myron, fragrant balsam, odme, smell ; odor of plant.) Bombacece. 1. 3. 18149 turbinata Swz. turbinate * CD or 6 ... W W. Indies 1793. C p.l 2032. COCHLOSPE'RMUM Kth. COCHLOSPERMUM. (Kochlo, to twist, sperma, seed.) Ternstrcemticea;. 2. 18150 Gossypium Kth. cottony CD or 60 ... Y E. Indies 1824. C p.l Son. it. 2. 133 Bombax Gossypium L. grandiflorum Sonu 18151 serratifolium Kth. serrated 1 CH or 60 ... Y Mexico 1820. C p.l Fl. mex. ic. in. B6mbax jntifolium W. en. 2033. GORDCPNI^ EL GORDONIA. (James Gordon, a nurseryman at Mile-End.) Ternstr cemiucece. 18152 Lasianthus L. Hairy-flower & or 6 au.n Y N. Amer. 1739. L p.l Bot. mag. 668 18153 Hffimatuxylon Swz. Jam. Red-wood f CD tm 40 ... W Jamaica 1820. S l.p 18154 pube"scens W. pubescent 3fe or 4 au.n W Carolina 1774. L s.p Ven. mal. 1 Xacathea florida Sal. 18155 Franklin* Herit. Franklin's 3fe ... 4 au.n W N. Amer. 1774. L s.p 2034. STU A'RTI^ Cav. STUARTIA. ( John Stuart, Marquis of Bute, a distinguished hot.) Ternstr. 1. 18156 virginica Dec. common Virginian^ or 10 W N. Amer. 1742. L l.p Bot. rep. 397 Malachodendron L. 2035. MALACHODE'NDRON Cav. MALACHODENDRON. (Malakos, soft,dendron, tree.) Ternstr cemiacece. 1. 18157 ovatum Cav. ovate ^ or 9 W N. Amer. 1785. L l.p Bot. reg. 1104 Stuartez pentagynia Herit. 2036. POLY'SPORA Swt. POLYSPORA. (Polys, many, spora, seed ; fruit.) Ternstr cemiacea:. 1. 18158 axillkris Swt. axillary * CD or 3 W E. Indies 1818. C r.m Bot. reg. 349 Camellia axillkris B. R. and B. M. 2037. THE^A L. TEA. 18159 Bohea L. Bohea chinensis j3 Bohea Dec. 18160 viridis L. green chinensis a. viridis Dec. (Tcha, the Chinese name for tea.) *i_jclt 4 au.d W China CameUieeE. 2. 4. 1768. C l.p Bot. mag. 998 *l_Jclt 4 f.n W China 1768. C l.p Bot. cab. 227 * 2038. CAME'LLL4 L. CAMELLIA. (George Jo 18161 euryo\des B. R. Eurya-like * i | or 18162 oleifera Abel oleiferous * |_J or 18163 Kissi Wai. Kissi i | or 18164 SasdnquaThun. Lady Banks's \ ) pr 2 plfena rubra double red it \ | pr 3 plena alba double white * | | pr 4 semiplena alba semidouble white * i | spl 18165 reticulata R. Br. reticulated \ | spl 18166 japonica L. common Japan tt , | spl 10 1 rubra single red * i | spl 10 2 alba single white * , | spl 10 3 semiduplex semidouble red H L 4 rfibro-plena double red * L 5 carnea Middlemist's flesh color Ht \ | spl 10 6 wjyrtifolia Myrtle-to^d 41 i_J spl 10 7 atrorfibens Loddiges' dark red l | | spl 10 8 rtnemoniflora War. Anemone-flwd^l | | spl 10 9 versicolor variegated Waratah * i ) spl 10 10 pxonueflbra Paeony-floweredH L 11 variegata dowWe-striped * i | spl 10 12 Pomponia Kew blush Pompone* i | spl 10 13 flavescens flavescent Hume's blush* \ | spl 10 14 alba pl&na double-white m \ | spl 10 15 Welbankw Welbank's t ,_J spl 10 Ifi involuta Lady Long's involute* i | spl 10 17 variabilis variable white Waratahm L_ 18 hexangularis hexangular * i | spl 10 1!) dianthiflora Carnat.-flwd Warat. it i | spl 10 20 luteo-alba pale yellow i_J spl 10 21 fimbriata fringed white i | spl 10 "i" 4 i Kamel, or Camellus, a Jesuit.) my.jn W China 1824. I my.jl W China 1819. 1 CameUiea:. 6. 7. p.l Bot. reg. 983 p.l Bot. cab. 1065 10 my.jl W Nepal 1823. I P-l 4 f.n W China 1811. I p.l Bot. reg. 12 4 f.n Pk China 1818. I p.l Bot. reg. 547 4 f.n W China 1824. I p.l Bot. reg. 1091 4 f.n W China 1811. I p.l Bot. reg. 12 6 ap.jn t R China 1824. I p.l Bot. reg. 1078 10 my R China 173B. C p.l ?re Varieties. 10 R China 1739. C p.l Bot. mag. 42 10 W China I p.l Bot. cab. 633 10 R China I p.l Bot. rep 559 10 R China I l'-l Bot. rep. 199 ]() R China I p.l 10 R China p.l Bot. mag. 1670 10 f my R China x p.l 10 R China ] P.l Bot. cab. 537 10 f my St China I p.l Bot. reg. 887 10 Bh China I p.l 10 Bh China J p.l Bot. rep. 91 10 Bh China J P.l Bot. reg. 22 10 W China I P' Bot. reg. 112 10 W China J p.l Bot. rep. 25 10 W China I p.l Bot. reg. 708 10 R China I ,.1 Bot. reg. 633 ... f my W China I Pi Bot. cab. 596 10 R China J ,.1 10 10 R Pa.Y China China '. I p.l p.l Bot. mag. 2577 Bot. reg. 708 10 W China . I P.1 CL. XVII. OR. I. DIADELPHIA PENTANDRIA. 293 22 crassinervis thick-nerved * i | spl 23 expansa expanded * i | spl 24 conchiflora shell-flowered It | | spl 25 rubricaulis L. Campbell' sred-stmd* \ | spl 26 longifolia long-leaved | | spl 27 aucub&KYia. Aucuba-leaved tt ( | spl 28 coccinea scarlet it \ | spl 29 grandiflora great-flowered * i ) spl 30 nana dwarf ft i | spl 31 incarnate incarnate it | | spl 32 blanda blush Waratah ft , | sp l 33 R6ssw Ross's * i_J spl 34 spatulata spatulate * | | spl 35 straminea straw-colored ft | | spl 36 Aitoiu Alton's large single raift \ | spl 37 altha?iflora Holly hock-flwd * | | spl 38 corallina cornl-flowered ft i | spl 39 insignis splendid * | | spl 40 florida flowery * | | spl 41 anemoniflc>ra alba white Anem.-fl. * i | spl 42 Chandlfcri Chandler's str. IVaratah* , | spl 43 punctata Gray's spotted ft ^ | spl 44 .Rosa mundi Rose of the World* | | spl 45 Pressw Press's single-red* \ | spl 46 eclipsis Press's eclipse ft | | spl 47 rubro-punctata single red-spotted ft i 1 spl 10 R China .. I P.I 10 R China .. I P.I 10 R China .. 1 P.I 10 R China .. : P.I 10 R China P.I 10 R China M P.I 10 S China M P.I 10 R China ( P.I 10 R China P.I 10 F China ( P.I Bot. cab. 140 10 Bh China pi 10 R China P.I 10 R China ta P.I 10 Str China p. i JO R seedling .. P.I Chan. cam. 3 10 R seedling P.I Chan. cam. 4 10 S seedling P.I Chan. cam. 5 10 fmy S seedling M P.I Chan. cam. 6 10 R seedling P.I Chan. cam. 7 10 W seedling Chan. cam. 8 10 St seedling p i Chan. cam. 1.2 10 seedling P.I 10 W.c seedling P.I 10 R seedling P.I 10 seedling P.I 10 W.R seedling ... P.I 2039. BARRINGTCTN/J Forst. 18167 speciosa Forst. showy BARRINGTONIA. (Hon. Daines Barrington, F.R.S.A.S.) Myrtucece. 1. i CD spl 20 ... S E. Indies 1786. S r.m Ru. am. 3. Ill Myrtacece. 2. E. Indies 1822. L s.p R. mal. 4. 7 2040. STRAVA^DIUMJ. STRAVADIUM. (Tsjeria Samstravadi, its Malabar name.) 18168 acutangulum J. sharp-angled f O or 20 ... P Barringt6ma acutangula Rox. Eugema acutangula L. 18169 racemusum Suit. racemose 1'Q or 20 ... W E. Indies 1822. L s.p R. raal. 4. 6 Barringtoma racemosa Rox. Eugenia racem5sa L. 2041. GUST A^VIA L. GUSTAVIA. (Gustavus III. king of Sweden, patron of Lin.) Myrlacea. 1. 2. 18170 augusta L. august FH spl 10 ... W Guiana 1794. C r.m Aub. gui. 1. 192 (William Carey, bot and nat., its discoverer.) Myrtuceee. 3. f C3 spl \ R E. Indies 1808. D l.p Rox. cor. 3. 217 ft CD spl 3 ... R E. Indies 1823. C p.l i t~~l spl 10 ... R.Y E. Indies 1823. C p.l Rox. cor. 3. 218 2042. CARE^Y^ Rox. CAREYA. 18171 herbacea Rox. herbaceous 18172 sphae'rica Rox. round 18173 arbbrea Rox. tree 2043. ^NDROS^E X MUM All. TUTSAN. (Aner, a man, haima, blood ; color of juice.) Hyperidnees. I. 18174 officinale All. officinal ^ A or 2 jl.s Y Britain woods. Sk co Eng. bot. 1225 Hyp^ricum .lindrosa^mum L. 2044. /4'SCYRUM L. ASCYRUM. (A, priv., skyros, roughness; plants smooth.) Hypericinece. 5. 6. 18175 pumilum MX. dwarf ^ _AJ pr j Y Georgia 1806. C l.p 18176 crux A'ndrea? L. St. Andrew's cross** ( | pr 2 jl Y N. Amer. 1759. C l.p 18177 Ayperico^ides L. Hypericum-likeft i | pr 1| jl.s Y N. Amer. 1759. C l.p 18178 stans MX. standing * | | pr 1| jl.s Y N. Amer. 1806. C l.p Yen. mal. 90 18179 amplexicatile MX. stem-clasping ( | pr 2 jl.s Y N. Amer. 1823. C co 2045. MORISO'N/^ Plu. MORISONIA. (R. Morison, prof, of bot. at Oxford, d. 1683.) Capparidete. 1. 18180 americana L. American f tD or W? W. Indies 1824. C p.l Capparis Morisbm Swz. CLASS XVII. ORDER!. DIADE'LPHIA PENTA'NDRIA. 2046. MONNIE^R/^ W. MONNIERIA. 18181 trifdlia W. three-leaved (M. le Monnier, an able bot., phys. to Louis XV.) Rutacea. 1. K2J un If W Guiana 1792. S s.l Aub. gui. 2. 293 U 294 DIADELPHIA HEXANDRIA. CLASS XVII. CLASS XVII. ORDER 2. DIADE'LPHIA HEXA'NDRIA. 2047. CORYDA^LIS Dec. CORYDALIS. (Korydalis, ancient Gr. name for fumitory.) Fumariacece. 22. 33. I. CAPNI N TES. Roots tuberous ; stems simple ; cauline leaves few, alternate. 18182 pauciflora Pers. few-flowered & Fumaria paucifldra Step. 18183 Marshall/o Pers. Marshall's 18184 tuber6saZtec. tuberous hollow-rooted & 2 albiflora white-flowered Fumaria cava albiflora B. M. 18185 /abacea Peis. Bean-leaved & 18186 caucasica Dec. Caucasian & Fumaria /abacea Bieb. 18187 bulbosa Dec. bulbous & A A A A A A A or or or or or or or * f.ap i f.ap itap 1 f-ap f f-ap f f.ap I P P P W P P Pk Siberia 1819. Tauria 1824. Europe 1596. Europe 1596. Germany 1815. Caucasus 1823. Britain groves. D p.l D p.l D co D co D co D p.l D co Deless. 2. 9. A Deless. 2. 10 Bot. mag. 232 Bot. mag. 234 Fl. dan. 1394 Eng. bot. 1471 Fumaria solida Sm 18188 angustift.lia Dec. narrow-leaved ,& A or i fap P Iberia 1819. D p.l 18189 bracteata Pers. torge-bracted ,& A or 1 f.ap Pa.Y Siberia 1820. D p.l 18190 nobilis Pers. noble-^otuercrf & A or 1 my L.Y Siberia 1783. D p.l Bot. mag. 1953 II. CAPNOI^DES. Roots fibrous i stems branched i cauline leaves numerous, alternate. 18191 pxonia;folia Pers. 18192 glauca Ph. Paeon y-leaved fc glaucous 8 or or 1 2 f.ap P Y.P Siberia N. Amer. 1820. 1683. D S p.l CO Gm. si. 4. 34 Bot. mag. 179 Fumaria sempervii rens L. 18193 stricta Step. strict ^? O) or 1 Y Siberia 1827. S p.l 18194 siberica Pers. Siberian A or iJUu Y Siberia 1810. S P.l 18195 impatiens Fis. impatient O or 1 my.ap Y Siberia 1823. S p.l 18196 aurea W. en. golden 2^ Q) or 1 my.jl Y N. Amer. 1812. S CO Bot. reg. 66 18197 Kitea Pers. yellow ^ A or ]i ap.o Y England oldw. D CO Eng. bot. 588 18198 capno v ides Pers. Capnus-like & or 2'" my.o W S. Europe 1596. S CO Pluk. al. 90. 2 18199 acaulis Pers. stemless or I Pa.Y Hungary 1825. S CO Jac. ic. 3. 554 18200 uralensis Fis. Ural or 1 au Pa.Y Altai 1824. S CO 18201 brevifl6ra Dec. short-flowered or 2 jn.jl Pa.Y Kamtch. 1824. S p.l 18202 claviculata W. tendrilled 1 or 6 jn.jl W.Y Britain thick. S CO Eng. bot. 103 2048. CYSTICA'PNOS Boer. CYSTICAPNOS. (Kystis, a bladder, kapnos, fumitory.) Fumari&cear. 2. 18203 africana Gae. African 1 O or 2 jn.jl R.w C. G. H. 1696. S s.l Boer. 1.300 .Fumaria vesicaria L. 18204 alexandrina G. Don Alexandrian O or 2 jn.jl W.R Alexandr.1827. S co 2049. DI'CLYTRA Bore. DICLYTRA. 18205 Cucullaria Dec. Monk's hood Fumaria Cucullaria L. 18206 bracteosa Dec. bracted 18207 formusa Dec. handsome 18208 eximia Dec. choice Fumaria eximia Ker 18209 spectabilis Dec. remarkable 18210 speciosa Nois. showy 18211 tenuifolia Dec. fine-leaved Corydalis tenuif51ia Ph. 18212 canadensis Dec. Canadian Corydalis canadensis Gol. 18213 lachenahVzy?6raDec.Lachenalia-flwd^ elytron, a sheath ; base of flowers.) Fumariacece. 9. f jn.jl W N. Amer. 1731. D s.p Bot. mag. 1127 1 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1823. D p.l 1 jn.jl F N. Amer. 1796. D p.l Bot. mag. 1335 li jn.jl F N. Amer. 1812. D p 1 Bot. reg. 51 1 jn.jl P Siberia 1810. D p.l Am. ac. 7. 457. 7 1 jn.jl F 1810. D p.l f jn.jl Pk Kamtch. 1820. D p.l Deless. 2. 9. 13 f jn.jl Pk N. Amer. 1819. D co 1 jn.jl P Siberia 1826. D p.l Ac. pet. 1. 19 2050. ADLITMIA Raft. ADLUMIA. 18214 cirrhosa Rafi. cirrhose Corydalis fungosa Ven. (Adlumino, to fringe with purple ; flowers.) Q) or 15 jn.s W.p N. Amer. 1778. S FumariacetE. 1. s.l Sw. fl. gar. 189 2051. SARCOCA'PNOS Dec. SARCOCAPNOS. (Sarx, flesh, kapnos, fumitory ; leaves.) Fumariacece. 1. 2. 18215 enneaphylla Dec. nine-leaved ^ A or 1 my.jl P.Y Spain 1714. D co Boc. mu. 2. 73. 1 Fumaria enneaphylla L. 2052. FUMA^RIA Tou. FUMITORY. (Fumus, smoke ; disagreeable smell of plant.) Fumariacete. 8. 10. I. PLATYCA'PNOS. Silicles compressed. 18216 spicata L. spiked O or F S. Europe 1714. S co M.h. 3. 12. 11 II. SPH^ROCA'PNOS. Silicles globose. 18217 capreolata L. tendrilled i 2 Burchellw Burchell's 18218 mdia Loi. intermediate capreolata E. B. not L. 18219 officinalis L. officinal 18220 parviflora Lam. small-flowered 18221 micrantha Lag. small-flowered 1822'2 Vaillantz* Loi. Vaillant's 18223 densiflora Dec. dense-flowered OOOOO OOO; or cu or w w or or or 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 my.s mr jn.jl au.s my.jl my.jl my.jl F F" Pk Pk Pk Pk Pk Europe ... S C. G. H. 1816. S Britain corn fi. S Britain S England corn fi. S Spain 1823. S France 1800. S Montpel. 1824. S CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO Dec. ic. 1. 34 Eng. bot. 943 Eng. bot. 589 Eng. bot. 590 Vail. pa. 10. 6 ORDER III. DIADELPHIA OCTANDRIA. 295 CLASS XVII. ORDERS. DIADE'LPHIA OCTA'NDRIA. *2053. POLY'GALA Tou. MILKWORT. I. PSYCHA'NTHUS. Keel much crested ; (Polys, much, gala, milk ; supp. to increase.) Polyghlete. 42. 168. capsules smooth, marginate ; bracteas three at base of pedicels, often persistent; le aves opposi. '<% from N o. 18! 229. alte rnai \e. 18224 oppositifolia L. opposite-leaved *l_Jor 2 R C. G. H. 1790. C s.p Bot. reg. 636 18225 cordifMia Thun. heart- leaved tt 1 | or 3 P C. G. H. 1791. C s.p Bot. mag. 2438 18226 tetragona Burc. four-angled * i | or 2 year P C. G. H. 1820. C s.p 18227 nummularia Burc. Nummularia-^o '* i |or 3 year P C. G. H. 1812. C s.p 18228 latifolia Ker broad-leaved * i |or H my.jn P C. G. H. 1820. C 8.1 Bot. reg. 645 cordifblia B. M. 18229 borbonuefblia Bun ;. Borbonia-lvd * t |or s year P C. G. H. 1790. C s.p Bot. mag. 492 oppositifolia B. M. 18230 wzyrtifblia L. 18231 grandi flora Lod. Myrtle-leaved large-flowered l_jor t_jor 3 4 my.o P C. G. H. C. G. H. 1707. 1818. C C s.p Bot. reg. 669 Bot. cab. 1227 18232 tenuifblia Lk. fine-leaved m i jor 3 ap.jn P C. G. H. C 18233 miifblia Ma. C. Lily-leaved m. | |or 4 my.o P C. G. H. 1823. C s.p 18234 ligularis Ker strap-leaved * i | or P C. G. H. 1820. C s.p Bot. reg. 637 18235 intermedia Dec. intermediate l_Jor 3 2 my.o P C. G. H. C s.p 18236 bracteolata L. bracteolate * | | or G my.o P C. G. H. 1713. C s.p Bot mag. 345 18237 Burmannz Dec. Burmann's it | | or 3 my.o P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p Bur. af. 73. 4 18238 umbellata Thun. umbellate rm or 1 my.o P C. G. H. 1713. s s.p Bur. af. 73. 5 18239 simplex Burc. 18240 specibsa .B. M simple-stemmed* \ | or showy itk \ I or 4 6 my.o my.o P P C. G. C. G. H. H. 1816. 1814. C C s.p s.p Bot. reg. 150 18241 teretifblia Thun. cylindrical-lvd tt i | or 3 P C. G. H. 1791. C s.p Bot. rep. 370 18242 joinifolia Lam. Pine-leaved it | | or 3 my.o P C. G. H. 1823. C s.p Lam. il. 598. 2 18243 #enistoides Pozr. Broom-like it \ | or 3 my.o P C. G. H. 1823. C s.p 18244 Garcinw L. Garcin's * 1 (or 3 my.o P C. G. H. C s.p Bur. af. 73. 3 18245 attenukta Z,od. attenuated it i J or 3 my.o P C. G. H. 1820. C s.p Bot. cab. 1000 18246 lanceolata Lo. C. lance-leaved it | |or 3 my.o P C. G. H. 1820. C s.p II. POLY'GALON. Keel crested i capsules smooth ; bracteas three at base of pedicels, soon fatting off. 18247 major Jac. larger Austrian & A or 1 R Austria 1739. D s.l 5.413 18248 vulgaris L. common ^ A or my.jn B Britain D s.l Eng. bot. 76 18249 am&ra L. bitter & A or jn B Europe 1775. D l.p Bot. mag. 2437 18250 monspellaca L. Montpelier Q pr 5 jn.jl B Mediterr. ... S s.l Dec. ic. 1. 9 III. TIMU^TEA Keel crested (crest of ten very minute) ; capsules smooth, oval-oblong, scarcely emarginate ; racemes sometimes elongated, sometimes crowded, spike-formed ; flowers small ; 18251 incarnata L. Aesh-colored O or 1 jn.jl Pk N. Amer. leaves alternate or verticillate. 1812. S co 18252 cruciata L. cross-leaved o or i jn.jl G.P N. Amer. 1739. S CO 18253 brevifolia Nut. short-leaved o pr N. Amer. S p.l 18254 fastigiata Nut. peaked o P r % jnjl ..! N. Amer. ... s 18255 lutea L. yellow o or 1 Jn.jl Y" N. Amer. 1739. s CO Pluk. am. 438. 6 18256 nana Dec. dwarf o or 5 jn.jl G.Y N. Amer. ... s CO viridescens Nut. 18257 purpurea Nut. purple or 1 jnjl P N. Amer. 1739. s s.p sanguinea MX. 18258 sanguinea L. blood-spiked o or 1 jl.s G.P N. Amer. 1739. s CO Pluk. am. 438. 5 viridescens Pair. 18259 ambigua Nut. ambiguous o or - Jn.jl W N. Amer. 1824. s p.l 18260 verticil lata L. whorl-leaved o or * W N. Amer. 1739. s CO Pluk. am. 438. 4 18261 paniculata L. panicled en P r Pa.P S. Amer. 1822. s CO Bot. reg. 761 18262 graminifolia Poir. Grass-leaved & A or W Carolina 1824. s s.p IV. SE'NEGA. Keel beardless; the three outer sepals of calyx subequal ; leaves alternate. 18263 Senega L. Rattlesnake root& A or f jl R.w N. Amer. 1739. S co Bot. mag. 1051 V. CBAMJEBU'XUS. Lower sepal of calyx concave-cucullate ; inside at base embracing a gland. 18264 paucifulia W. few-leaved ^ A or $ P N. Amer. 1812. D s.l 18265 Chamajbuxus L. Bastard Box JU or | myjn Y Austria 1658. Sk s.l Bot. mag. 316 2054. MURA'LT/^ Neck. MURALTIA 18266 Heisteria Dec. Heister's Polygala Heisteria L. 18267 fllopecuroldes Dec. Foxtail-like /olygala olopecuroldes L. 182G8 squarrosa Dec. 18269 stipulacea Burc. 18270 juniperifolia Dec. 18271 diffusa Burc. 18^72 virgata Burc. 18273 Jinophylla Burc. 18274 macroceras Burc. 18275 mixta L. Polygala mixta Andr. 18276 htirnilis Swt. humble Polygala humilis Lod. 18277 ciliaris Burc. ciliated 18278 filif6rmis Dec. filiform Polygala filiformis Thun. 18279 micrantha W. small-flowered 2055. MU'NDIAJ^A. MUNDIA. 18280 spinbsa Dec. spiny Polygala spin&sa L. 2 angustifolia Dec. narrow-leaved Polygala viminea Hout. (John von Muralt, a Swiss botanist.) |_J or 6 ja P C. G. H. 1787. Polygalete. 14. 39. C s.p Bot. mag. S40 i J or 3 P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p Bot. mag. 1006 squarrose stipuled * i |or * l [or 3 3 my.jl ap.s P R C. G. H. C. G. H. 1820. 1801. C C s.p s.p Bot mag. 171. Juniper-leaved * l_|or 3 ap.s P C. G. H. 1810. C s.p diffuse * 1 | or 3 year P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p twiggy m L_jor 3 year P C. G. H. 1812. C s.p Flax-leaved m L_Jor 3 my.jl P C. G. H. 1816. C s.p long-horned mixed * p l | or l Jor 3 3 year year P P C. G. C. G. H. H. 1820. 1791. C C s.p s.p Bot. mag. 1714 * uJ or 1 my.jl P C. G. H. 1818. C s.p Bot. cab. 120 tt I | or * i [or 3 my.jn P li my.d P C. G. H. 1824. C. G. H. 1812. C s.p C s.p , | or 1| year P C. G. H. 1800. C s.p Bot. rep. 324 (Mundus, neat; appearance^) ; i I or 3 P Polygaleee. C. G. H. 1780. C s.p : ( | or 3 P C. G. H. U 4 C s.p 296 DIADELPHIA DECANDRTA. CLASS X VI 1. 2056. SECURID A*CA L. SECURIDACA. (Securis, a hatchet ; form of end of pod.) Poly&ilea;. 2. 8. 18281 volubilis L. twining J_ Q fra 10 ... W W. Indies 1739. C p.l Jac. am. 183. 38 18282 virgata Swt. twiggy J_ [~1 fra 10 ... W Jamaica ... C p.l P. ed. B. 248. 1 CLASS XVII. ORDEK 4. DIADE'LPHIA DECA'NDRIA. 2057. PLAGIO'LOBUM Swt. PLAGIOLOBUM. (Plagios, transverse, lobos, a pod.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Gents. 2 18283 ilicifulium Swt. Holly-leaved * i | or 2 mr.jl B N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Sw. au. 2 Hovert ilicifolia Cun. 18284 chorizemifMiumSa/. Chorizema-lvd m\ | or 2 mr.jl B N. Holl. 1826. C s.p Hovea chorizemifolia Dec. 2058. ACHYRCTNIA W. ACHYRONIA. (Achyron, chaff ; branches and leaves chaffy.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Genis. 1. 18285 villusa W. en. villous * (_j or 3 jl au Y N. Holl. 1819. C p.l Wen. her. ]. 12 2059. LIPA X RI A L. LIPARIA. (Liparog, brilliant ; surface of leaves.) Legum. Pap. Lot. Genis. 1. 18286 sphae'riea L. globe-Jloivsred * \ | or 4 O C. G. H. 1794. C p.l Bot. mag. 1241 2060. PRIESTLEY Dec. PRIESTLEYA. (M. Priestley, physiological botan.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Genis. 14. 15. I. EISOTHE\. Calyx thrust in at base. 18287 myrtifolia Dec. Myrtle-leaved * i_J or 3 ... Y C. G. H. 1823. C p.l Dec. leg. 29 Liparia wzyrtifblia Thun. 18288 hirstita Dec. hairy-stemmed * i_J or 3 ap.d Y C. G. H. 1792. C p.l Bot. reg. 8 Liparia hirsuta Thun. 18289 laevigata Dec. smooth-leaved * | or 3 Y C. G. H. 1820. C p.l Dec. leg. 30 Liparia lasvigata Thun. BorM>ma Isevigata L. II. ANEISOTHE"A. Calyx ovate or obconically attenuated. 18290 capitata Dec. capitate * i_J or 3 jl au Y C. G. H. 1812. C p.l Liparia capitata Thun. 18291 graminifolia Dec. Grass-leaved * i | or 3 ju.jl Liparia graminif51ia L. 18292 teres Dec. cylinder-leaved * i | or 3 Liparia teres Thun. 18293 mcaefolia Dec. Heath-leaved * |_J or 3 jn.jl BorbomVz ericasfolia L. 3 jn.jl 18294 sericea Dec. silky-leaved Liparia sericea L. 18295 axillaris Dec. axillary Borbbnifl axillaris Lam. 18296 elliptica Dec. elliptic 18297 villbsa Dec. woolly m i Jor Ljor 3 jn.jl I or 3 jn.jl C. G. H. 1800. C co C. G. H. 1816. C p.l C. G. H. 1812. C p.l Dec. leg. 31 C. G. H. 1794. C p.l C. G. H. 1822. C p.l Dec. leg. 32 C. G. H. 1825. C s.p Dec. leg. 33 C. G. H. 1774. C co H.n. h.5. 29. 1 C. G. H. 1800. C p.l Bot. rep. 382 Liparia villbsa L. Borbbm'a tomentbsa L. 18298 vestHa Dec. clothed * i_J or 3 my.jn Y Liparia vestita Thun. III. Dif BIE. Calyx not known ; and hence doubtful to which of the sections they belong 18299 tomentbsa Dec. downy * |_J or 3 Y C. G. H. 1812. C co Liparia tomentosa Thun. 18300 umbellifera Dec. umbelliferous * i_J or 3 ... Y C. G. H. 1826. C p.l Liparia umbellifera Thun. 2061. MEDICAXJOJ.. MEDICK. (Medike, by Diosc. to a Median grass.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Trif.40.-16. I. LUPULA^RI*. Legumen reniform, falcate or subcochleate. smooth or pubescent i margins entire ; leaves trifol. - " Tauria 1820. D co Tifliz 1823. S co Britain pas. S co Eng. bot. 971 Switzerl. 1816. S co Europe 1816. S co Tauria 1805. D s.l England bor. fi. D co Eng. bot. 1016 S. Europe 1818. D co Caucasus 1818. D co Pyrenees 1820. D co Italy 1596. C s.l Lob. ic. 2. 46. 2 Siberia 1817. S co Europe 1817. D co England D r.m Eng. bot. 1749 Britain gard. D co Hungary 1793. D s.l Jac. vin. 89 Italy ' ... D s.l Tauria ... D co II. SPIROCA'RPOS. Legumen cochleate-orbiculate, pilose or smooth ; margins entire, rough or spiny ; Ivs trif. 1&301 rupestris Bieb. rock * A or j jnjl Y 18302 brachycarpa Fis. short-podded -* O cu i jn.jl PaJ A/elilbtus brachyloba Fis. 18303 lupulina L. Hop-like Trefoil* 18304 wzniocarpa Wallr. Moss-fruited Jc O cu } Y Y lupulina y unguiculata Dec. 18305 Willdenbww Herit. Willdenow's -* o cu 1 jn au Y 18306 cretacea Bieb. chalky * A cu 4 jl Y 18307 falcata L. falcate-porfs ^ 2 jl Y 18308 procumbens Bes. trailing * A or 1 jn.jl Y 18309 cancel! &ta Bieb. latticed * A or 1 jn.jl Y 18310 suffrutiebsa Ram. suffruticose ^ A or 2 jn.jl V.Y 18311 arbbrea L. tree Moon-trefoil * or 8 mv.n Y 18312 siberica Dec. Siberian o or 1 jn.jl Y A/elilotus siberica Pair. 18313 mfedia Pers. intermediate & A or 2 jn.jl B 18314 satlva L. cultivated Lucern^ A 2 V 2 versicolor various-colored vto 18315 prostrata Jac. prostrate 5 A A or cu 2 jn.jl I jnjl Y.B Y 18316 glomerata Balb. clustered ^ 18317 glutinbsa Bieb. glutinous Jc A A cu cu 1 jnjl Y Y 18318 obscura Retz. 18319 IsVis Desf. 7/elix W. 1. JL,t doubtful smooth itnicns wiin i * O cu * O cu ',nin unu/ ff. 1 till fft Y Y UfKl/ld. 17.34. S. Europe 1816. S co S co Retz. 1. 24. 1 18320 orbicularis All. 18321 marginata W. en 18322 applanata W. round-podded margined flat * O cu -* O cu _* O cu 1 jlau 1 i Y Y Y S. Europe 1688. S. Europe 1816. 1810. S co S co S co M. h. 2. 15. 1 M. h. 2. 15. 2 18323 scutellata All. dish-like * O cu 1 Y S. Europe 1562; S co M. h. 2. 15. 3 18324 rugbsa Lam. rugose -* O cu 1 Y Sicily 1680. S co M. h. 2. 15. 4 elegans W. ORDER IV. DIADELPHIA DECANDR1A. 297 18325 tornata W. 18326 turbinata W. 18327 tuberculata W. 18328 striata Bast. trfcycla Dec. 18329 apiculkta W. turned-podded turbinated wart-podded striated small-tufted ii. Legumens with thick unarmed margins. 1 1 1 I 18330 catalonica Schrank Catalonian 18331 denticulata W. toothed 18332 flexubsa Ten. flexuous 18333 spinulbsa Dec. spinulous 18334 pubescens Dec. pubescent 18335 terebellum W. a\v\-spined 18336 marina L. sea 18337 coronata Lam. crowned 18338 tentaculata VV. tentaculated . 18339 HornemanmYmrt Ser. Hornemann's . pubescens Horn. 18340 littoralis Rohde 18341 /appacea Lam. 18342 pentacycla Dec. 18343 hystrix Ten. 18344 disciformis Dec. 18345 carstie"nsis Jac. 18346 nlgra W. 18347 tfribuloldes Lam. 18348 cylindracea Dec. 18349 praA:ox Dec. iii. Legumens spiny. O cu 1 jn.jl Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y shore Burdock-like five-whorled porcupine disc-formed Carst black Caltrops-like cylindric early softest Grecian least sand cu i 18350 mollissima 18351 graVa Horn 18352 minima Lam. 18353 arenaria Ten. littoralis Ten. 18354 muricoleptis Tineo slender-prickled-* O cu 18355 uncinata W. hooked Q cu 18356 distans Pair. distant **. Q cu 18357 rcta Desf. upright 18358 aculcata W. prickly 18359 maculata W. spotted 18360 strumaria H. Er strumous 18361 cvata H. Er. ovate 18362 caspica Fis. Caspian 18363 Gerardi W. & K. Gerard's 18364 agr&tis Ten. field 18365 rigidula Lam. 18366 muricata All. muricated 18367 spharocarpos Bert, round- fru: 18368 murex W. caltrop ^-leaved Tenore's ted 18369 laciniata All. 18370 Tenoriflwa Ser. 18371 granadensis W. en. 18372 intert^xta W. 18373 ciliaris W. 18374 echinus Dec. 18375 a;gagr6phila Granada interwoven ciliated hedgehog 8cu cu O cu O cu 8CU cu 8CU cu O cu O cu O cu O cu 8CU cu O cu O cu O cu O cu wild-goat-loved-* Q cu i | 1 jn au 1 1 jn.jl 1 jn jl i | H I 1 jn.jl 1 1 & i 1 my.jn $ i 1 i 1 1 1| my.jn | i I 1 1 1 my.jn i 1 a jl-*U 1 1 i fjnau | S. Europe 1658. S. Europe 16*0. S. Europe 1658. S. France 1820. S. Europe 1800. Catalonia 1820. S. Europe 1800. Italy 1819. S. France 1820. Montpel. 1819. S. Europe 1798. S. Europe 1596. S. Europe 1660. S. Europe ... Morocco 1818. Europe 1822. S. France 1810. S. France 1820. Naples 1820. S. France 1822. Carinthia 1789 S. Europe 1789. S. Europe 1730. 1822. S. Europe 1820. Spain 1818. Greece 1804. England eh. so. Italy 1820. Europe 1820. S. Europe ... S. Europe 1810. Barbary 1810. 1802. England 1820. 1820. Caspia 1816. Hungary 1816. Italy 1820. S. Europe 1730. England sea co. Italy 1818. 1802. S. Europe 1683. Italy 1820. Spain 1816. S. Europe 1629. France 1686. S. France 1818. 1820. S co S co S co S co S s.l S co S s.l S co S co S co S s.l D s.l S s.l S co S co S co S co S co S co S co D co S s.l S s.l S co S co S co S s.l S co S co S co S co S co S S S M. h. 2. 15. 5 M. h. 2. 15. 6 Gae. fr. 2. 155. 7 Sch. mo. 28 Bau.his.2.385.ic.? Gae. fr. 155. 7 ? Cav. ic. 2. 130 M. h. 2. 15. 16 Gae. fr. 155. 7 ? Bau.his.2.385.ic.? 2. 155.7? M. h. 2. 156. 19 Bot. mag. 909 M. h. 2. 15. 19 Fl. dan. 211 M. h. 2. 15. 21 Eng. hot. 1616 M. h. 2. 15. 18 c-o s.l S co S co S co S co S co S s.l S co S co S s.l S s.l Brey.c.34 S co S s.l Jac. c. 15. 2 S co M. h. 2. 15. 8 S co M.h.2. 15.7 S co M.h.2. 15.9 M.h.2. 15. 11 SebaS 2062. HYMENOCA'RPUS Savi HYMENOCARPUS. (Hymen,membrauc,karpos, fruit.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Trif. 3. 18376 radiatus W. ray-podded Q pr | jn.jl Y Italy 1629. S s.l Lob. ic. . 38. 2 Medicago radiata L. 18377 circinatus Savi Around-podded -* O pr i Jl-au Y Italy 1640. S co Gae. fr. 2. 155 Medicago circinata L. 18378 nummularius W.en. Moneywort-^dJk O pr i j'-au Y Italy 1640. S co Medicago nummularia Dec. 2063. TRIGONE'LLA L. FENUGREEK. ( Treis, three, gonia, angle ; flower.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Trif. 28. 46. I. GRAMMOCA'RPUS. Flowers capitate or umbellate ; legumes ovate, longitudinally nerved, with long beaks. 18379 caerulea Ser. blue O or B Switzerl. 1562. S co Melilotus cserulea L. 18380 Besseririwa Ser. Besser's O or 1 B Podolia 1810. S co Melilotus procumbens Bes. 18381 uncinata Ser. hooked O or 1 Y Tauria 1798. S co Melilotus hambsa Bieb. uncinata Bes. 18382 littoralis Cus. shore O or 1 Y Sicily 1816. S co 18383 calliceras Fis. pretty-horned O un i jn.jl Y Tifliz 1823. S co 18384- elongata Lk. lengthened O un f jn.jl Y 1823. S co Bot. mag. 2283 Bux. c. 2. 44. 1 Dec. gen. 2. ic. IL FCENUMGR^ N CUM. Flowers sessile, solitary or in pairs; legumes elongated, compressed, long-beaked, longitudinally netted. 18385 prostrata Dec. prostrate -* Q or 1 W S. France 1818. S co Bau. his. 2.365.2 18386 gladiata Bieb. svtord-podded -* O un J W Tauria 1825. S co 18387 foenumgraB\um L. com. Fenugreek O ec 2 W Montpel. 1597. S co Sc. han.2. 211 III. BU^CERAS. Flowers racemosely umbellate, pedunculate, and sessile ; legumes cylindrically compressed, subarcuate, reticulated, mucronate. i. Racemes pedunculate. 18388 spinbsa /,. thorny i. at o 4LC.V/I un :co pcuu/tist unit. Y Candia 1710. S 1.1 Lam. il. 611. 2 18389 striata L. striated un 1 Y Abyssini a 1800. S CO 18390 hamosa L. 18391 flexuosaDrf. 18392 Fischeriona Dec. hooked flexuose Fischer's O o un un or 1 jn.jl | Y Y Y Egypt Egypt Tifliz 1640. 1820. 1818. S S S s.l CO CO Alp. seg. 124 flexuosa Fis. 18393 tenuis Fis. slender o un k Jn.jl *y Tifliz 1824. s 00 18394 cancellata Dcsf. latticed -* un f jn-jl Y 1823. s CO 298 DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. CLASS XVII. ii. Racemes sessile. 18395 tnonspeliaca L. 18396 pinnatifida Cav, media Del. 18397 polycerata L. 18398 zegyptiaca Pair. Egyptian 18399 ornithorynchus Horn. Bird's bill Montpelier pinnatifid many-horned O or 8 1 jn.jl | 1 jl.s 1 Montpel. 1710. S s.l Spain 1801. S s.l S. Europe 1640. S W. & K. 2 142 Cav. ic. 1.38 Egypt Russia 1818. S co 1818. S co IV. FALCA'LULA. Flowers umbellate, pedunculate ; legumes compressed, falcate, reticulate, mucronate. 18400 ruthenica L. Russian .* A or 1| jn.jl 18401 media Lag. intermediate Jk A or j 18402 platycarpos L. broad-podded O or 1 jn.s 18403 h^brida Pou. hybrid * A cu 1 jn.s 18404 corniculata L. small-horned O fra % jn.jl 18405 ornithopodioides Dec. Bird's-foot-lk Jk O or | jn.jl TYifolium ornithopodioldes L. 18406 esculenta W. en. esculent Q clt 1 Y E. Indies 1815. S 8.1 Y Siberia 1741. S p.l Y 1818. S co W Siberia 1741. S co W.Y France 1806. S s.l Y S. Europe 1597. S s.l R Britain bar.he. S co Gm. si. 4. 8 Gm. si. 4. 9 Dec. ic. 1. 29 M. h. 2. 16. 11 Eng. bot. 1047 2064. POCO'CKIA Ser. POCOCKIA. (Richard Pococke, a traveller in the Levant.) Leg.Pap.Lol.Trif. '. 18407 cretica Ser. Crete Q or 1 Y Candia 1713. S co M. h. 2. 14. 3 jTrifblium Afelilotus cretica L. Melilotus cretica Desf. 2065. MELILO^TUS Tou. MELILOT. (Melt, honey, lotos, lotus ; bees gather.) Leg.Pap.LotTrif. 28. 29. I. CCELORU^TIS. Legumes lacunosely rugose. 18408 Kochmna W. en. Koch's ;kO> un 3 jn.s Y Germany 1816. S CO TYifblium Kocluanw m Hay. 18409 dentataW: en. toothed ^ A un 3 Y Hungary 1802. D CO W. & K. 1. 46 18410 linearis Cav. linear un 2 Y Spain 1816. S CO 18411 ruthenica Bieb. Russian tO) un 4 W Russia 1820. S CO 18412 melanosprma Bes. black-seeded CD un 4 Y Tauria 1819. S CO 18413 officinalis W. en. officinal ec 2 jLs Y Britain 1 bus. pi. S s.l Eng. bot. 1340 Trifolium Melilotui ! officinalis L. 18414 palustris Swt. marsh ^ Q) un 3 Y Hungary 1820. S CO W.&K.266 18415 arborea Castag. tree at or 15 W Turkey 1826. S CO 18416 altissima Thuil. tallest ^CD or 7 W S. Europe 1816. S CO alba Lam. [K. M. 18417 leucantha Koch white-flowered -^ Q) un 4 jl.s W Europe ... S CO Stur. deu. 1. 15. vulgaris W. en. alba Thuil. 18418 macrorh"iza Pers. long-rooted ^ A un 3 Y Hungary 1801. S CO W.&K.1.2 18419 indica Pers. Indian un Is Y India 1680. S CO Pluk. al. 45. 4 18420 parviftora Desf. small-flowered O un 2 W Barbary 1798. S CO rugulosa W- en. 18421 Segetalis Ser. Sword-grass O cu H Y Spain 1820. S CO 18422 po!6nica Pers, Polish O un L.Y Poland 1778. S CO 18423 taurica Bieb. Taurian ^ O un 3 jl.s W Tauria 1818. S CO 18424 italica Lam Italian un 2 Y Italy 1596. S CO Cam. h. 29 18425 rotundiftlia Ten. round-leaved o un 3 Y Italy 1823. S CO 18426 gracilis Dec. slender un 2 1.S Y France 1820. S CO 18427 pallida Bes. pale cu 3 JLi Y Volhinia 1816. S CO 18428 suaveolens Led. sweet-smelling ^ A or 3 Y Dahuria 1824. S CO II. PLAGIORU N TIS. Legumens transversely and subarcuately rugose. 18429 arve"nsis Wallr. corn O un 2 jl au Y 18430 Petitpierreana Hay. Petitpierre's ^ CD un 2 jn.s W 18431 Besseriana Ser. Besser's ^ CD un 4 Y plicata Stev. 18432 messanensis Desf. Messina O un 3 Y 18433 sulcata Desf. furrowed O un 2 jn.jl Y mauritanica W. en. III. DtTBi*. . 18434 Baumetti Horn. Baumetti's 18435 neapolitana Ten. Neapolitan Germany 1800. S co Germany 1816. S co Tauria 1816. S co Sicily Algiers 1680. 1798. 2066. TTIIFO'LIUM Tou. TREFOIL. (Tres, three, folium, leaf ; 3 on stalk.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Trif. 114. 150. I. LAGOPUS. Flowers spiked ; spikes oblong, at base ebracteate ; calyx vittous, after flowering not inflated. 18436 angustifdlium L. narrow-leaved O pr If Pa.R S.' Europe 1640. S s.l Bar. ic. C "" 18437 intermedium Cus. ' 18438 purpureum Loi. 18439 rubens L. 18440 carutescens Bieb. 18441 incarnatum L. 18442 Molineri Balb. 18443 Z,ag6pus Pou. 18444 gracile Thuil. arvnse var. gracile Dec. 18445 arvense L. field Hare's-foot O 18446 lasiocephalum Lk. hairy-headed O 18447 Agusticum Balb. Lovage-like O aristatum Horn. 18448 divaricatum Horn, divaricate O 18449 gemellum Pou. twin-spiked O 18450 phleo-ides Pou. Cat's-tail-like 18451 /appaceum L. Burr-like 18452 echinatum Bieb. prickly W ___, P France 1816. S co Loi. gal. 14 D.R S. Europe 1633. Deo 4. 385 B.R Siberia 1827. S co F Italy 1596. S co Bot. mac-. 323 W.R S. Europe 1820. S co ... Spain 1827. S ... France 1816. S co Bar. ic. 901 w 1 18453 erin^ceum Bieb. 18454 malacanthum Lk. 18455 sylvaticum Ger. prickly soft-flowered wood O cu 8pr cu O cu O pr O cu 1| 4 jn.jl i jn.jl J myjl S | jn jl 1 I jn.jl F P W.R Britain C. G. H. Spain san. fi. S s.l Eng. bot. 944 Brot. ph. 63. 2 1823. 1816. W.R S. Europe 1816. S co Y.G Spain 1818. S co W.Y Spain 1818. S co W MontpeL 1787. S s.l Bar. ic. 871 W Caucasus 1821. S co Pa.R Iberia 1818. S co P 1824. S s.l P France ... S co II. PHLEA'STRUM. Flowers capitate ; heads ovate, conical ; calyx after flowering not inflated. 18456 Boccum Savi Boccon's O cu jn.jl Pa. P Spain 1820. S co Brot. ph. 63.1 18457 striatum L. striated O w jn P Britain bar. gr. S s.l Eng. bot. 1843 18458 tenuiflorum Ten. fine-flowered O cu | jn.jl Pa.R Italy 1823. S co 18459 scabrum L. rough * Q pr | my.jn W Britain san. fi. S s.l Eng. bot. 903 ORDER IV. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. 299 III. EUTRIPHY'LLUM. Flowers capitate; heads ovate, pedunculate or sessile, often bracteate ; calyx villous, not inflated. 18460 maritimum Hud. sea 18461 irregulare Pou. irregular rigid um Savi 18462 supinum Savi supine 18463 constantinopolitanum Ser. C'onstautin. 18464 cinctum Dec. 18465 alexandfmum L. 18466 ochroleucum L. 18467 canescens W. 18468 pannonicum L. 18469 olyropicum Hook. Olympic 18470 trichocephalum Bieb. hairy-headed 18471 armenium W. Armenian 18472 squarrosum L. squarrose 2 flavicans Ser. yellowish squarrdsum Savi 18473 albidum Retx. 18474 LagascawwOT Ser. conicum Lag. 18475 conicum Pers. 18476 KitaibelwwMwz Ser. c6nicum Horn. 18477 alpestre L. 18478 medium L. mediate Cow-grass 18479 bracteatum Schous. large-bracted 18480 expansum Kit. expanded 18481 vaginatum Schl. sheathed pratense /3 flavicans Ser. 18482 pratense L. meadow common Clover 18483 noricum Wul. Noric 18484 pennsylvanicum W. Pennsylvanian 18485 pallidum W. # K. pale-flowered 18486 diffusum Ehrh. 18487 hirtum All. hispidutn Desf. 18488 pictum Roth 18489 Cherleri L. girded Alexandrian yellowish-white canescent Pannonian whitish I-agasca's conical Kitaibel's alpine diffuse hairy painted Cherler's 18490 sphasrocephalon Dec. round-headed 18491 globosum L. 18492 clypeatum L. 18493 stellatum L. 18494 leucanthum Bieb. obscurum Cus. 18495 obscurum Savi 18496 fimbriSLtum B. R. 18497 cyathiferum B. R. 18498 tridentatum B. R. 18499 saxatile All. globose shield-like starry white-flowered obscure fringed cup-bearing three-toothed rock o pr **'iTl Pa.P Britain sal m. S 8.1 Eng. bot. 220 pr Pa.P Pisania S CO Savi pis. 2. 1. 1 -* tin. O cu cu 4 jn.jl ipjl Pa.P Y S. Europe 18 16. Turkey 1820. S S CO CO Savi trif. 46. 2 O cu 1 jn.jl Pa.Y 1820. a CO e^ A pr 1 jnjl 1 my.jl Pa.Y Su Egypt 1798. England dr. pa. S D s.l s.l Eng. bot. 1224 ^ A ^ A pr pr 1 myjn 1 jn.jl W.Y W.Y Cappadoc. 1803. Hungary 1752. S 1) CO CO Bot. mag. 1168 Jac. ob. 2. 42 I A or 1 jnjl Pa.Y S. Europe 1820. S CO Bot. mag. 2790 ^t A pr 1 jnjl Pa.Y Caucasus 1827. D CO or 1 jnjl W Armenia 182C. D s.l Q pr J. jj Pa.P Spain 1640. S s.l M. h. 2. 13. 1 O l'r 4*J1 Pa.Y Pisania 1817. S CO Savi trif. 65 8 pr or 4 W.Y Pa.Y 1796. Spain 1818. B S s.l s.l or 1 Crea 1816. S s.l or 1 Pa.Y Hungary 1818. S s.l ^ A ja pr ag pr 2 jnjl 1 jnjl D.P R P Europe 1789. England dr. pa. Morocco 1804. S I) S CO h.l s.l Bot. mag. 2779 Eng. bot. 190 11 or or 1 jnjl 1 jnjl P Pa.Y 1820. Switzerl. 1819. D D s.l S.1 'St A ag 2 my.s P Britain me. pa. D h.l Eng. bot. 1770 A A & A pr pr 1 l|jn.s Pa.Y R Alp. Eur. 1821. N. Amer. 1811. S D s.l l.p O pr 1 jn.jl W Hungary 1803. S s.l W. & K. 1. 36 Jc O pr P Hungary 1801. S s.l W. & K. 1. 50 O pr 1 P Barbary 1817. S s.l Desf. at. 209. 1 O or 1 P 1800. S s.l pr 4 myjn P Montpel. 1750. S s.l Bar. ic.859 or W N. Africa 1820. S s.l Q pr 1 P Levant 1713. S s.l Q pr 4 W.Y Levant 1711. S s.l Alp. ex. 306 .* o O pr or pr 4 myjl P Switzerl. 1816. S s.l Al. ped. 59. 3 IV. TRIPOLI A'STRUM. Flowers capitate 3 18500 suffocatum L. 18501 congestum Cus. 18502 glomeratum L. 18503 parvifl6rum Ehrh. strictum Sturm suffocated crowded cluster-headed small-flowered heads globose, sessile or pedunculate i flowers often deflexed ; calyxes not inflated. -* O w ^k O or -* O w O or W England sea sh. S s.l i" jn.jl W.R S. Europe 1820. S 4 jn Pk England S s. 4 jnjl W Hungary 1820. S s.l Eng. bot. 1040 1 Eng. bot. 1063 18504 strictum L. strict O pr 1 W S. Europe 1805. S s.l W.&K. 1.37 18505 ripens L. creeping white Clover**. A ag 1 my.s W Britain mea. D CO Eng. bot. 1769 2 pentaphyllum five-leaved -* A cu 4 Jnjl W Britain fields. D CO 18506 anomalum Schranjc anomalous Jk A cu iJn.s w ... D CO Sen. mo. 47 18507 crnuum Brot. drooping ^k O cu 1 jnjl Pa.P Spain 1820. S s.p Brot. ph. 62 18508 pallescens Schreb. pallescent -* A pr 4 Pa.Y Carinthia 1804. D s.l 18509 caespitdsum Reyn. turfy ik A pr 5 P Switzerl. 1815. D s.l Vil. del. 3. 41 18510 angulatum W. $K. angular a o 1J R Hungary 1803. S s.l W. & K. 1. 27 18511 suaveolens W. sweet-scented o pr 4 jn.s P Italy ' 1820. S CO W. h. b. 108 18512 elegans Savi elegant * A ag 4 Jn.s Pa.R Europe 1823. D CO Savi pis. 2. 1.2 18513 hybridum Savi hybrid .Jc /\ f P Europe 1777. D S.1 Mic. gen. 25. 2. 6 18514 Mtchelianum Sari Michel's O pr W.G Italy 1815. S s.l Mic. gen. 25. 2 18515 reflexum L. reflexed ^ A pr 1 P Virginia 1794. D s.l 18516 montanum L. mountain :k A or 1 W Europe 1786. D CO Fl. dan. 1172 18517 rup^stre Ten. rock A A or 1 jn.jl W Naples 1820. D s.p 18518 lafmum Seb. Latin ^t A or 1 jn.jl R.w Italy 1825. D s.p Seba 1. 1. 2 V. VESICA'STRUM. Flowers capitate, dense ; lower lip of calyx unchanged, upper one after flowering rising up inflated and arched, covering the legume. 18519 subterraneum L. 18520 vesiculdsum Savi recurvum W. $ K. 18521 spumosum L. 18522 resupinatum L. 18523 fragiferum L. 18524 tomentosum L. 18525 physbdes Stev. 18526 alatum Biv . Cupani Tineo subterraneous bladdered frothy resupinate 8 strawberry-bg -* A woolly bladdery winged 3 jnjl jnjl -* O pr .* A or A or i f jnjl Jn-3 England bar. he. S s.l Hungary 1805. S s.l Eng. bot. 1048 W. & K. 2. 1G5 France 1771. S s.l Cup. pa. 61. 1 Germany 1713. S s.l Bar. ic. 872 England moi. p. D s.l Eng. bot. 1050 S. Europe 1640. S s.l Mag. mo. 264 Iberia 1818. D s.p S. Europe 1820. D s.p Cup. pa. 97. 1 VI. LUPINA'STER. Flowers large i petals coriaceous, persistent, red, white, or yellow; segments of calyx subulate or erect ; leaflets coriaceous, three or seven, with numerous nerves. 18527 uniflorum L. one-flowered Jc A pr i jnjl B 2 SternbergjfinMTW Ser. Sternberg's -* A pr 5 jnjl W 18528 eximium Step. choice -* A pr 3 jnjl P 2 albiflorum Fis. white-flowered ^t A pr i jnjl W 18529 alpinum L. alpine ^ A l'r i P 185oO involucratum W. involucred O pr 1 jnjl Pa.P Italy 1800. D s.p S. Europe 1822. D s.p Dahuria 1820. D s.p Altai ... * Europe 1775. Mexico 1802. D 8. P D co S co Bux. c. 3. 31. 1 Bux. c. 3. 31. 2 Stur. dcu. 1. 15 300 DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. CLASS XVII. 18531 Lupinaster L. Lupinaster Lupinaster pentaphyllum Moen. 18532 purpurascens Fis. purpurascent ^ A A el pr 1 P P Siberia Siberia 1741. 1816. D D CO CO Bot. mag. 879 Lupmaster y oblon gifolium Ser. 18533 albens Fis. whitish V A P r 1 W Siberia 1818. D CO Lupinaster /3 albifli' >rum Ser. 18534 megacephalum Nut . great-headed ^ A or 1 Pa.P Missouri ... D p.l Ph. am. 2. 23 Lupinaster macrocephalum Ph. 18535 Cussonw Tineo. Cusson's 9 A IT 1 B.R Sicily 1826. D CO Bonam. 245 VII. CHBONOSE\MIUM. 18.536 badium Schreb. Flowers disposed into an ovate pedunculated head} flowering bay-colored, deflexed, persistent. brown ^ A pr 1 Y Pyrenees petals scarious, yellow, after D s.l Bar. ic. 10. 24 18537 agrarium L. field pr 2 JN'Jl Y Europe 1815. S 8.1 Fl. dan. 558 18538 spariiceum L. scarlet ^ A 1 Y Europe 1778. D S.l Bot. mag. 557 18539 decipiens Horn deceiving o pr 1 jnjl Y 1820. S CO 18540 speciosum W. 18541 procumbens L. showy-flowered -Jk procumbent Hop -* 8 ag 1 jn.jl 1 jnjl Y Y Candia Britain 1752. dr pa. S s s.l s.l Lab. syr. 5. 10 Bot. mag. 945 18542 campestre Schreb. field Jc U or i jnjl Y Switzerl. 1819. s CO 18543 parisiense Dec. Parisian ^fe O or i jn.jl Y France ..* 8 CO 18544 Sebastian////! Savi Sebastian's - or 1 jnjl Pa.Y Italy 1800. s CO Seba 2. 4 18545 micranthum Viv. small-flowered ~& o or 1 jn.jl Y Cyrene 1816. s CO Viv. lib. 19. 3 18546 minus H. K. lesser yellow Jc o w k Jnjl Y Britain s s.l Eng. bot. 1256 18547 filitorme L. thread-shaped -i w 1 myjl Y Britain s CO Eng. bot. 1257 VIII. DU^BIA. Species not sufficiently known. 18548 tenuifolium Ten. fine-leaved -* O or i jn.jl ... Italy 1826. S co 18549 clandestinum Lag. clandestine O or | jn.jl ... Spain 1826. S co 18550 comosum L. tufted A I* i jn.jl W America 1798. D s.l 2067. DORY'CNIUM Ton. DORYCNIUM. (Dory, spear; ancient plant poisoned.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Trff.S.lZ. 18551 rectum Ser. upright Lotus rectus L. 18552 latifolium W. broad-leaved ibericum W. en. 18553 hirsutum Ser. hairy Lotus hirsutus L. 18554 tomentbsum G. Don woolly or 2 R A or 11 3 W S. Europe 1640. S co Bar. ic. 544 Iberia 1818. D co R.w S. Europe 1683. S co Bau.his.2.360.ic or 3 R.w S. Europe 1817. S co hirsutum /3 incanum Ser. .Lotus tomentdsus Rohde, sericeusDec. affinis Bes. 18555 parviflorum Ser. small-flowered ^k O * 1 Lotus parviflorus Desf. 18556 subbiflbrum Ser. subbiflowered O or 1 Lotus subbiflbrus Lag. 18557 herbaceum V'd. herbaceous ^ A or 1| jn.s 18558 suffruticosum Vil. subshrubby . \ | or 11 jl.s monspeliense W. Lotus Dorycnium L. * 2068. LCTTUS L. Y.G S. Europe 1810. S co Desf. at. 2. 211 D. S co S. Europe 1802. S. Europe 1640. D co S p.l Vil. del. 3. 41 Lob. ic. 2. 51. 1,2 BIHD'S-FOOT TREFOIL. (Probably of Egyptian origin.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Trif. 35. 56. I. KROKE^RIA. Legumes turgid, curved ; flowers one or two. 18559 edulisL. esculent -* O clt 1 Y Italy 1710. S s.l Cav. ic. 2. 157 II. LOTEA. Legumes compressed, longs flowers subumbellate. 18560 ornithopodhAdes L. Bird's-foot-like Jk O pr 1 jn au Y Sicily 1683. S s.l Cav.ic.2.163 18561 peregrlnus L. foreign -* O pr | Y S. Europe 1713. S s.l 18562 indicus L. Indian -* O pr 1 Y E.Indies 1793. S s.l Pluk. al. 200. 7 Trigonella indicaW. 18563 flexuosus Lam. flexuous -* A or 1 Y 1816 S s.l III. EULOTUS. Legumes cylindrical, long ; flowers corymbose ; styles one-toothed, from No. 18567. toothless. 18564 glaucus H. K. glaucous ^ iCDI pr 1 Y Madeira 1777. S s.l 18565 sessilifolius Dec. sessile-leaved a. ( | or I Y teneriffe 1820. C s.l 18566 anthyllrides Ven. Anthyllis-like - 1 Ipr Y C. G. H. 1812. s s.l Ven.mal.92 18567 atropurpureus Dec. dark- purple tt_ , | or 1 ap.d D.P Teneriffe 1820. c s.l 18568 jacobaTus W. S t. James's Islani rtL | | or 2 year D.Br C.Verd.Is.1714. c r.m Bot. mag. 79 2 luteus yeftovt-floweret in. t. j or 2 year Y c r.m 18569 pusillus Viv. small tt- O or i Y S. Europe is'ik s s.l 18570 crticus L. Cretan t-l |pr 1J n.s Y Levant 1680. c p.l Cav. ic. 2. 156 18571 cytisoldes L Cytisus-like Jc O pr 1 Y S. Europe 1752. s CO Al.ped. 1.20. 1 18572 sericeus Ph. silky O or 1 Y Missouri 1824. s s.l 18573 Diosc6rid*s All. Dioscorides's O pr 1 jn.jl Y Nice 1658. s s.l ALped. 1.59.1 18574Gebelia Ven. mountain JU. _AJ esc 1 my.jn Pk Aleppo D CO Ven. eels 57 18575 arabicus L. Arabian -* O pr 1J1.S Pk Arabia 1773. S s.l Jac. vin. 2. 155 18576 decumbens Pair. decumbent .* O or 1 j'.au Y Europe 1816. s s.l 18577 pilosissimus Poir. hairiest Jc O or 1 Y France 1818. s s.l 18578 hispidus Desf. hispid -A O or 1 Y Corsica 1817. s s.l Loi. gal. 16 18579 suavfeolens Pers. sweet-scented -* A or 1 Y S. France 1816. s s.l 18580 angustissimus L. n, arrowest-poeWefl ?-* O pr 1 Y Britain seabea. s S.I Bau. his. 2. 356 18581 diffusus Sol. diffuse -* O pr 11 my.jn Y England rocks. s s.l Eng. bot. 925 18582 ciliatus Ten. ciliated -* O or IJUu Y Italy 1820. s s.l 18583 gracilis W.8. S Leg.Pap.Lbt.Trif. 5. co Bot. mag. 151 )-flowered -* biflbrus Desr. quose * O A or or I i Y Y N. Africa 1818. S. Europe 1683. S D s.l CO Desf. at. 210 Jac. au. 4. 361 n-podded ,* 8 or or t my.o Y P Europe 1683. Montpel. 1754. D S 00 si Fl. dan. 800 18595 purpureus Moen. purple 1 Lbtus Tetragonolobus L 18596 biflbrus Ser. Lotus conjugatus P 18597 siliqubsus Roth .Lotus siliqubsus L. 18598 maritimus Roth 18599 conjugatus Ser. Lotus conjugatus L. 2070. C ARMICHAE'L/J R. Br. CARMICHAELIA. (Capt. Dugald Carmichael, F.L.S.) 18600 australis R. Br. southern * i_J or 2 my.jl B N. Roll. 1800. C Lotus australis Andr. Leg.Pap.Lbt.Trtf. 1. s.p Bot. mag. 1364 2071. PSORA^LEA L. PSORALEA. (Psoraleos, scurfy ; appearance of calyx.) Leg.Pap.Lbl.Clit. Bi. f>2. 1. AxiLLARiFtbiui Flowers single in the axils of the leaves, pedicellate or sessile. 18601 odoratissima Jac. most fragrant i_Jor 6 my.jl Pa.B C. G. H. 1795. C p.l Jac. sc. 2. 229 18602 arbbrea B. M. tree ft | | or 6 my Pa.P C. G. H. 1814. C pi Bot. mag. 2090 18603 pinnata L. wing-leaved ill | or 6 my.jl B C. G. H. 1690. c p.l Bot. rep. 474 18604 verrucbsa W. warted ili_J or 3 B C. G. H. 1774. c p.l Jac. sc. 2. 226 1. 18605 intermedia Bes. intermediate * l |or my.jl B C. G. H. 1820. c p.l Jac-sc.2.ic.226.2 18606 axillaris L. axillary-.// wd il i l or 8 B C. G. H. 1820. c s.p linearis Thun. 18607 tenuifblia L. fine-leaved it i )or 2 mr.jl W.B C. G. H. 1793. c p.l Jac. sc. 2. 225 18608 multicaulis Jac. many-stalked H lAJor 3 au.o W.B C. G. H. 1793. c p.l Jac. sc. 2. 230 18609 aphylla L. leafless il | | or 2 jn.jl B C. G. H. 1790. c p.l Bot. mag. 1727 18610 /athyrifbiia Balb. Lathyrus-lvd ttl_|or 3 B .... .. 1816. c p.l Bal. st. ic. 18611decumbens//. K. trailing JU.| |or 1 W.B C. G. H. 1774. c p.l Bot. cab. 282 18612 repens L. creeping JWiAJor H B C. G. H. 1774. c s.l 18613 hirta L. hairy ill |or 3 W.B C. G. H. 1713. c p.l Jac. sc. 2. 228 18614 aculeata L. prickly * i (or 4 jn.jl B C. G. H. 1774. c p.l Bot. mag. 2158 II. CAPITA'VJE. Flowers axillary, subsessile, and at the top of branches capitate or spicate. 18615 bracteata L. bracted it i |or 4 jn.jl P C. G. H. 1731. S p.l Bot. mag. 446 18616 involucrata Thun. involucred il 1 | or 2 jn.jl B C. G. H. 1818. c p.l 18617 spicata L. long-spiked *i_Jor 4 B C. G. H. 1774. c p.l Bot. rep. 411 18618 Stachydis L. Stucnys-leaved * 1 |or S Br C. G. H. 1793. c S.I 18619 striata Thun. striated *L_|or 3 my.jn B C. G. H. 1816. c p.l 18620 argentea Thun. silvery il 1 | or 3 my.jl B C. G. H. 1816. c p.l 18621 tomentbsa Thun. woolly il l |or 3 jn.jl B C. G. H. 1820. c p.l 18622 capitata L. headed il l | or 2 P C. G. H. 1793. c p.l 18623 corylifblia L. III. SPICA N T*:. Peduncles axillary, at top spicately capitate. Hazel-leaved Oj or 2 jn.jl V India 1739. S p.l Bot. mag. 665 18624 arenaria Nut. sand j^ Al or 1 P Misso uri 1823. S s.p 18625 palaestlna Gou. Palestine H iAI or ap.s V Levar it 1771. S p.l Jac. vin. 2. 184 18626 bituminbsa L. bituminous il 1 |or 4 ap.s Pa.B S. Eui rope 1570. c p.l Lam. il. 614. 1 18627 sericea Pair. silky *l_Jor 3 au.o V C. G. H. 1815. c p.l Bot. reg. 223 peclunculata Ker IV. POIKADE'VMI*:. Peduncles axillary, at top loosely spicate or racemose. 18628 esculenta Ph. esculent Bread-root & A clt 1 jn.jl B Missouri 1811. R p.l Ph. am. 22 18629 cuspidataPA. cuspidate large-rooted & A or 1 jn.jl P Louisiana 1811. R p.l 18630 incana Nut. 18631 Lupinella MX. 18632 wzelilotoldes MX. A r A or hoary Small Lupine Melilot-like 18633 Onobrychis Nut. Sainttbin-tfA Pk E. Indies 1731. C s.p R. mal. 1.54 caerulea Rox. 18652 A^nil L. Anil West Indian il CD clt 3 P W. Indies 1731. c s.p SI. jam. 176. 3 18653 Guatimala Lunan Guatimala il CD clt 3 P W. Indies 1800. S s.p tinctbria /3 brachycarpa Dec. 18654 leptostachya Dec. slender-spiked il CD or 3 jn.jl P Kindles 1818. c s.p 18655 atropurpftrea Ham. dark-purple il i. .1 or 18656 juncea Her. am. Rush-like tt. i | un 3 P Nepal 1816. C. G. H. 1825. c c S.p s.p Bot. reg. 104 filifblia Ker, aphylla Lk. Lebeckm contamina ta" H. "K. 18657 nuda G. Don naked n. CD or 1 jn.jl P C. G. H. 1820. c s.p Bot. mag. 2214 Lebeckia nhda B. M. 18658 angulata B. R. angled il i_J or 1 jn.jl R N. Holl. 1825. c S.p Bot. reg. 991 302 DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. CLASS XVII. 18659 australis W. southern * 1 | or 4 mr.jn Pk N. S. W. 1790. C s.p Bot. cab. 149 sylvatica Sieb. 2 gracilis slender * 1 | or 5 mr.jl Pk N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Bot,reg. 386 I86SO frutescens L. frutescent * l | or 3 P C. G. H. 1822. C s.p 18661 divaricata Jac. divaricate & l | or 3 R ... c S.p Jac. sc. 3. 365 ii. HERBAGE.*:. Petioles elongated ; ste ms herbaceous. 18662 lateritia W. brick -colored -* ED or 1 ... P E. Indies 1759. c s.p Jac. ic. 359 hirsuta Jac. 1866,3 viscosa Lam. clammy rm or 1 jn.jl P R Indies 1806. s s.p Sc. han. 2. 12 18664 hirsuta L. hairy ED or | D.P Guinea 1823. s S.p Lam. il. 626. 3 18665 endecaphylla Jac. eleven-leaved -* EBel 1 S Guinea 1823. s CO Bot. reg. 789 IV. BKACHY'PODJE. Leaves impari-pinnate ; leaflets approximate 18666 fragrans Retx. fragrant ML CD or 1 jl P E. Indies 18667 glabra L. smooth -* O or 1 P E. Indies 1816. ' 1820. tales short. C s.p S s.p Pluk. al. 166. 1 18668 enneaphylla L. 18669 cytisoldes Thun. 18670 stricta Thun. 18671 angustifblia L. 18672 totoldes Lam. nine-leaved Cytisus-like strict narrow-leaved Lotus-like m EH or l | or Hor or l j or 4 3 3 2 jn.o 3 P R P P R E. Indies C. G. H C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1776. 1774. 1812. 1774. 1800. S C C c c s.p s.p s.p s.p s.p Bur. in. 55. 1 Bot. mag. 742 Jac. sc. 2. 236 Bot. mag. 465 Com. h. 2. 84? V. DIGITAL. Leaflets three or. five from the same base. 18673 aspalathoides Vahl 18674 filiformis Thun. Aspalathus-lk filiform it | | or L_)or 2 jn.jl 2 P P Ceylon C. G. H. 1817. 1822. c c s.p s.p Pluk. al. 201. 2 18675 coriacea H. K. leathery-leaved * 1 | or 3 P C. G. H. 1774. c s.p 18676 sarmentbsa L. twiggy ^ tAJor * jn.jl P C. G. H. 1786. D s.p 18677 spinosa Forsk. 18678 eandicans H. K. spiny white-leaved _|or _Jor 1 my.jl If my.s P R Arabia C. G. H. 1820. 1774. C c s.p S.p Bot. mag. 198 18679 psoraMdes L. Psoralea-like 4t Ljor 2 jl.s R C. G. R 1758. s s.p Bot. mag. 476 18680 stipularis Lk. farge-stipuled ft 1 | un 1J ... R C. G. H. 1824. c s.p 18681 mcana Thun. hoary ft 1 | or 2 my.jl P C. G. H. 1812. c s.p 18682 trita L. worn OB or 1 jn.jl Pk E. Indies 1802. S s.p 18683 Aedysario'ides Lam. 18684 procumbens L. 18685 arbbrea Rox. Hedysarum-lk procumbent tree i m OD or iAI or Bor 1 * 6 jn.jl P Bd R Africa C. G. H. E. Indies 1822. 1818. 1820. S c c s.p R. mal. 9. 36 18686 pulch(511a Rox. neat ft or 1 P E. Indies 1823. c J 2073. CLITCTRIA L. CLITORU. (Kleio, to include; fructification in corol.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Clit. 12. 19. I. TERN A^TEA. Calyx fabulous ; vexUlum spurless ; leaves impari-pinnate, two or three paired 18687 heterophylla Lam. various-leaved . E] or 1 B E.Indies 1812. S s.p Bot. mag. 2111 18688 Ternatea' L. Ternatea fc. E3 or 4 B E.Indies 1739. S s.p Bot. mag. 1542 II. EtTCUTbRiA. Cafffx tubulous ; vexillum spurless ; leaflets three. 18689 mariana L. Maryland J| _AJ or 3 au B N. Amer. 1759. S) s.p 18690 mexicana Lk. Mexican $ uAJ or 3 s.n P Mexico 1823. S co 18691 formosa Hum. beautiful L'CS or 3 Pk Orinoco 1823. C s.l III. CENTROSE\MA. Calyx campanulate, divided beyond the middle into five parts ; vexittum spurred at back ; bracteoles longitudinally striated ; leaflets three. Virginian * JA] or 6 B America 1732. C s.p Bot. reg. 1047 Brazilian 3c [Q] or 4 P Brazil 1759. S s.p Brey. c. 1 arborescent * 23 or 8 au.s Pk Trinidad 1804. C s.p Plumier's fe_ E3 or 6 s.n W.R W. Indies ... C s.p Bot. reg. 268 IV. DU^BI^E. Doubtful to which section they belong. scarlet $_ d) or 4 S Brazil 1820. C s.l slender $_ EJ or 2 B S. Amer. 1824. C s.l wanton fc_ | (or 4 ... Madagasc.1826. C s.l 18692 virginiana L. 18693 brasiliana L. 18694 arborescens H. K. 18695 Plumieri Turp. 18696 coccinea Schr. 18697 gracilis Fis. 18698 lascivia Boj. 2074. NEUROCA'RPUM Desv. NEUROCARPUM. (Neuron, nerve, karpos, fruit.) Leg Pap.Lot.CUt. 2. 7. 18699 simplicifblium Kth. simple-leaved tt, Q or 2 ... W Trinidad 1824. C p.l Kth. mini. 59 18700 guianense Desv. ' Guiana tt. I I or Crotalaria guian^nsis Aub. longifblia Lam. Guiana 1826. C p.l Aub. gui. 2. 305 6. 2075. COLOGA^NJ^ Kth. COLOGANIA. (The family of Cologan, in Teneriffe.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Clit. 2. i 18701 angustifblia Kth. narrow-leaved $_ (23 or 3 ... V Mexico 1827. C p.l Kth. mim. 58 18702 BroussonH Dec. Broussonet's S G2 or 3 ... V 1827. C p.l ^i:x^_:_ r> ix"T>_it_ Legum. Pap. Lot. Clit. 4. 17. R Jamaica 1794. C l.p Bot. reg. 269 ... Bourbon 1824. C s.l P N. Amer. 1827. D s.l Di. el. 143. 170 P N. Amer. . . D s.l Clitoria Broussont'tw Balb. 2076. GALA'CTIA Br. GALACTIA. (Gala, milk ; plants milky.) 18703 pendula Pers. pendulous J. CD pr 6 18704 sericea Pers. silky fc_ Q or 6 18705 mollis MX. soft _ A or 3 .Hedysarum volhbile L. 18706 glablla MX. smoothish _$ A or 3 'rvum volubile Walt. 2077. VILMORI'N/^ Dec. VILMORINIA. (M. Vilmorin, memb. of Agricul. Soc., Paris.) Leg.Pap.Lot.Clit. I. 18707 multifl&ra Dec. many-flowered * Q or 6 ... P W. Indies 1820. C s.p Clitoria multiflora SUKS. 2078. BARBIE^R/^ Dec. BARBIERIA. (J. S. G. Barbier, M. D., a French botanist.) Leg.Pap.Lot.Clit. 1. 18708 polyphylla Dec. many-leaved * O or P S. Amer. 1818. C s.p Dec. leg. 5. 39 Clitbria polyphylla Pair. Galactia pinnata Pers. 2079. DUMA^S/^ Dec. DUMASIA. (M. Dumas, one of edit, of Annals of Nat. His.) Leg.Pap.Lot.Clit. 2. 18709 villbsa Dec. villous t lAJ or 6 au.d Pa.Y Nepal 1824. C s.l Dec. leg. 44 18710 pubescens Dec. pubescent $_ iAI or 6 au.d Y Nepal 1824. C s.l Bot. reg. 962 2080. GLY'CINEi. 18711 Aedysarioldes W. 18712 clandestlna Wnl. GLYCINE. (Gly, Hedysarum-lk clandestine leys, sweet ; tt. Dor tO or Ivs and roots of one species.) Leg.Pap.Lot. Clit. 9. 22. U jn.jl P Guinea 1823. C p.l 2 Pa.Y N. Holl. 1824. C D.I 18713 d^bilis H. K. weak OJun H jn.jl Cop E. Indies 1778. S p.l 18714 minima W. en. smallest J_ lAlor 2 P N. Holl. 1818. C p.l 18715 striata W. striated fc_ C/V1 or 4 Y.H S. Amer. 1818. c p.] Jac. vin. 76 18716 parviflbra Lam. small-flowered t_ Olun 3 jl Pa E. Indies 1812. s p.l 18717 heterophylla Thun. various-leaved $_ lAlor 2 jLau Y C. G. H. 1816. c p.l 18718 secfinda Thun. 18719 mollis Hook. side-flowering soft CliAlor t_ fAlor 2 3 i' I. an Y Y C. W G. H. 1825. . Indies 1824. c c p-1 p.l Hook. ex. fl. 201 ORDER IV. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. 303 2061. CHjT(yCALYX Dec. CHJETOCALYX. (Chaite, bristle, kalyx, cal. ; teeth.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.CM. 1. 2. 18720 vincentlna Dec. St. Vincent's _ CD or 6 Y St. Vine. 1823. C p.l Bot. reg.799 Glycine vincentlna B. R. 2082. GLYCYRRHrZA Ton. LIQUORICE. 18721 glabra L. common smooth^ A Liquiritia officinalis Moen. 18722 echinata L. prickly-headed 18723 glandulifera W. $ K. glanduliferous 18724 lepidota Ph. scaled silky-lvd 18725 fce'tida Desf. fetid 18726 asperrima L. roughest aspera Pall, hispida Pall. 18727 uralensis Fis. Ural 18728 hirsuta L. hairy (Glykys, sweet, rhiza, root.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Gal. 8. 9. clt 3 jn.s Pa.B S. Europe 1562. R r.m Lam. il. 625. 2 Italy 1596. R s.p Bot. mag. 2154 Hungary 1805. R l.p W.&K. 1. 21 Missouri 1811. R s.l Bot. mag. 2150 Pa.Y N. Africa 1817. R s.p Desf. at. 2. 199 L.B Siberia 1795. R s.p Pal. it. ap. M. 3 3 3 Pa.B Siberia Pa Levant 1818. 1739. R s.p R s.p 2083. TEPHRCTSIA Pers. TEPHROSIA. (Tephros, ash-colored; foliage.) Leg. Pap. Lot. Gal. 28. 79. I. MUNDU X LEA. Leaves pinnule, with an odd one i racemes axillary, erect, often panicled ; calyxes truncate or with five short teeth ; stamens monadelphous ; styles smooth, No. 18731. bearded. 18729 suberbsa Dec. Cork-parted * CD or 4 R E. Indies 1818. C p.l Robinia suberbsa Rox. 18730 fruticosa Dec. shrubby il CD or 6 R R Indies 1816. C p.l 18731 sericea Dec. silky - 1 | or 1 R C. G. H. 1800. C s.l 18732 Candida Dec. white-team* * CD or 4 ... Pa.R E. Indies 1816. C p.l Robim'a Candida Rox. II. BRISSONIA. Leaves pinnate, with an odd one ; lobes of calyx acuminate, at base broadish ; stamens monadelphous ; styles laterally bearded ; legumes more or less velvety or hispid ; flowers subfasciculale, dis- posed in terminal panicled racemes ; peduncles axillary. 18733 toxicaria Pers. fish-poison * CH clt 3 ... P.R S. Amer. 1791. C p.l PI. ic. 135 18734 virginiana Pers. Virginian ^ A or 4 Pk N. Amer. 1765. C s.p Pluk. al. 23. 2 Galega virginica L. III. CRACcoroEs, Leaves pinnate, with an odd one; lobes of calyx acuminate, at base broadish; stamens diadelphous ; styles bearded. 18735 ochroleuca Pers. pale-yellow tt. CD or 3 ... Pa. Y W. Indies 1799. C l.p Jac. ic. 1. 150 Galega ochrolefrca Jac. IV. REINE^RIA. Leaves pinnate, with an odd one; teeth of calyx linear, subulate; stamens sometimes submonadelphous, sometimes diadelphous. 18736 caribse'a Dec. West Indian Gal^ga caribse^a Jac. 18737 grand ifl6ra Pers. great- flowered Galega grandiflbra Vahl 18738 vill5sa Pers. villous 18739 purpurea Pers. purple 187+0 mucronata Dec. mucronate Galfega mucronata Th. 18741 lance'a?fblia Lk. lance-leaved 18742 piscatbria Pers. fisher's Galega piscatbria H. K. 18743 capensis Pers. Cape 18744 hypargyrea Dec. subsilvery Gal&ga heterophylla Fis. 18745 littoralis Pers. shore 18746 stricta Pers. strict-podded 18747 linearis Pers. linear-leaved 18748 pallens Pers. pale-flowered Galega pallens H. K. 18749 apollinea Dec. Apollinis 18750 biflbra Dec. two-flowered Galega biflora Poir. CD or *l_|or tt I I or j fAI or 3 jn.jl R.w 'W. Indies 1786. C l.p Jac. am. 125 C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Bot.reg.769 4 my.s Pk 2 jn.jl 2 2 jn.jl Pa.Y O) or 2 jn.jl P India E. Indies 1779. E. Indies 1768. C. G. H. 1823. 1820. 1778. C p.l Pluk. al. 59. 6 C l.p Bur. zey. 32 C l.p C co C l.p tt. | _ |or sa Dec. twisted * * or 40 my.jn W N. Amer. ... S s.l 18774 dubia Fauc. doubtful \ or 30 my.jn W.R N. Amer. ... S s.l hybrida Aud. ambigua Pair, echinat &Mil. 18775 monstrusa Hort. monstrous a f or 30 my.jn W.R N. Amer. ... S CO 18776 pr6cera Lo. C. tall ! or oO my.jn W.R N. Amer. ... S CO 18777 sophor&mia Hort. Sophora-leaved } I or ,'30 my.jn W.R N. Amer. ... S CO 18778 stricta Lk. strict or 30 my.jn W.R N. Amer.? ... 3 CO 18779 amorphaefolia Lk. Amorpha-lvd 3 ; or 30 my.jn W.R N. Amer. ? ... S CO 18780 viscosa Ven. clammy < tm SO W.R N. Amer. 1797. G s.l Bot. mag. 5fi 18781 pendula Or. pendulous * or 30 Pk N. Amer. ... G S.1 18782 hispida L hispid Rose-Acaciai i or 10 my.s Pk Carolina 1743. G s.l Bot. mag. 31 2 rosea upright rose 3 fe or 10 my.s R N. Amer. ? ... G S.1 18783 purpurea Lk. purple j 18784 macrophy'lla Schr. long-leaved * ! Ljor f or 15 10 my.jn P R Peru 1810. N. Amer. ? ... G S CO s.l hispida y macroph^lla Dec. 18785 davurica Lo. C. Dahurian * or 30 my.jn Davuria 1820. S s.l 18786 guineensis W. en. Guinea * tl lor 6 w" S.Leone 1822. C p.l 2087. SESBA^NIA Pers. SESBANIA. (Sesban, Arabic name.) 18787 ffigyptiaca Pers. Egyptian Q or 4 Y .5?schyn6mene Stsban L. Legum. Pap. Lot. Gal. 12. 18. Egypt 1680. S co Alp. acg. 81. 82 18788 occidentalis Pers. western I 1 1 1 or 4 Y W. Indies 1816. S Lp P.ed.B. 125. 1 18789 aculeata Pers. prickly 18790 cannabina Pers. Hemp rm or rm or 4 4 Y Y E. Indies 1690. E. Indies 1800. S S co Jac. ic. 3. 564 CO 18791 affinis Schr. kindred O or 3 Y E. Indies 1800. S p.l JEschyn6mene cannabina Hort. 18792 punctata Dec. red-spotted tm or 3 Y Guinea 1825. S p.l 18793 picta Pers. painted ^ Olor 6 Y W. Indies 1823. S co Bot. reg. 873 18794 macrocarpa MM. long-podded RTi or 3 Y Louisiana 1820. S P .l 18795 paludosa Jac. marsh RTI or 3 Y E. Indies 1816. S p.l 18796 gracilis Schr. slender O or 3 Y 1820. S P.1 18797 sericea Dec. silky rni or 3 Y E.Indies? 1818. S p.l 18798 uliginosa Rox. bog ITTl or 2 Y E.Indies 1818. S p.l 2088. AGA^Tl Rh. AGATI. 18799 coccinea Desv. scarlet Sesbania coccinea Pair. 18800 grandiflora Desv. great-flowered Sesbania grandifl&ra Pair. (Agaty, its name in the Sanscrit language.) Legum. Pap. Lot. Gal. fCD or 26 R E. Indies 1768. C p.l Ru. am. 1.77 | or 20 R.W.Y E. Indies 1820. C p.l R.mal. 1.51 2089. GLOTTI'DIUM Desv. GLOTTID. (Glottis, superior opening of larynx : legume.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Gal. 1. 18801 floridanum Desv. Florida O or 2 Y Florida 1816. S s.p Jac. ic. 148 Phaca floridana W. Sesbania disprma Ph. vesicaria Spr. platycarpa Pers. JEschynomene platycarpa MX. 2090. DAUBENTCTN/,4 Dec. DAUBENTONIA. (M. Daubenton, celebrated naturalist.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Gal. 2. 18802 punicea Dec. red a CH or 3 Ve NewSpain 1820. S s.p Cav. ic.4. 316 yEschynomene miniata Or. 18803 longifolia Dec. long-leaved it O or 3 Y NewSpain 1820. S s.p Cav. ic.4. 315 JSschynomene longifolia Cav. Piscidia longifolia W. PEA TREE. (Carachana. * or 15 Y 3fc or 10 Y & or 1 jn.jl Y . Y 3 ap.jn Y 2091. CARAGA^NA Lam. SIBERIAN 18804 arborescens Lam. arborescent Rpbim'a Caragana L. 2 inermis unarmed 18805 arenaria Dow. sand 18806 Altagana Poir. Altagana Robima Altagana Pall. 18807 microphjrlla Dec. small-leaved Robin/a Altagana var. Pall. 18808 Chamlagu Lam. Chamlagu 18809 frutescens Dec. frutescent Robima frutescens L. 18810 Redowskz Fis. Redowski's 18811 mollis Bes. soft Robima mollis Bieb. toment6sa Fis. 18812 grandiflora Dec. large-flowered 18813 pygmae^a Dec. pygmy 18814 spinbsa Dec. thorny 18815 *ragacanthdidesP. maned 18817 macrocantha Lo. C. large-thorned 18818 ferox Lo. C. fierce 2092. 'HALIMODE'NDRON Fis. SALT TREE. (Halimor, mari 18819 argenteum Fis. silvery <3fc or 6 my.jn P Robinm Halodndron L. Caragana argentea Lam. 2 subvirescens Dec. subvirescent 3fe or 6 my.jn P Robinwr triflbra Herit. 3 brachysema Dec. short-standard 3fe or 6 my.jn P name in Tartary.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Gal. 15. Siberia 1752. S co 1. 33 Siberia Siberia Siberia 1820. S s.l 1802. Sk s.l Bot. mag. 1 1789. G s.l Her. st. 76 or 3 ap.jn Y Russia 1819. S s.l Pal. ros. 42. 1, 2 or 4 my.jn Y China 1773. G CO Her. st. 77 or 2 Y Siberia 1752. L CO Sw. fl. gar. 227 or 3 my.jl Y Siberia 1827. S CO Dec. leg. 11. 45 or 2 Y Tauria 1818. S S.1 or f Y Iberia 1823. G s.l or 1 Y Siberia 1751. Sk s.p Schm. ar. 1. 37 or Y Siberia 1775. L s.p Bot. reg. 1021 or 4 Y Siberia 1816. G s.l Pal. p. 10. 7 or If Y Siberia 1796. G s.l Bot. cab. 522 or 2 my.jn Y Siberia? L s.l or 2 my.jn Y Siberia ? ... L s.l itime, dendron, tree.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Gal. 1. Siberia 1779. R s.l Bot. mag. 1016 Siberia Siberia ... R s.l ... R s.l ORDER IV. DIADELPIIIA DECANDRIA. 305 2093. DIPHY^SA Jac. DIPHYSA. (Dis, 2, pfn/sa, bladder; inflated append, to pods.) teg.Pap.Lbt.Gal. 1 18820 earth agenesis Jac. Carthagena * Q or 10 ... Y Carthag. 1827. C s.l Jac. am. 180. 51 2094. CALO'PHACA Fis. CALOPHACA. (Kalos, beautiful, phake, lentil.) Leeum. Pap. Lot. Gal. 1 18821 wolgarica Pis. VVolga & or 2 my.jn Y Siberia 1786. S s.l Pal. ros. 1. 47 ' Cytisus nigricans Pall, pinnatus Pall, wolgaricus L. 2095. COLLPTEA L. 18822 arbortiscens L. 188 .'3 media W. en. 18824 nepalensis B. M. 18825 crue"nta //. K. 18826 haleppica Dec. PtoSckw H. K. BLADDER SENNA. (Koluo, to amputate ; sup. to die after.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Gal. 5 __ 7. com. arborescent & intermediate 3fe Nepal 3fe bloody & Aleppo & or 10 or 10 or 5 au.s or 4 jn.jl or 6 my.o France 1568 Nepal Levant Levant 1822. 1710. 1/52. S co S co S co L co S co Bot. mag. 81 Den. br. 140 Bot. mag. 2622 119 Schm. ar. 120 2096. SPH^EROSPHY^SA Dec. SPH.ER. (Sphaira, sphere, physa, bladder ; pods.) Leg. 821 caspica Dec. Caspian ^ A or 1^ 11 Siberia 1818. D Colutea caspica Bicb. Phaca salsula Sleb. ,Pap.Lbt.Gal. 1.2. s.l Pal. it. 4. 9. 1. 82 2097. SWAT NSCTN/,4 Sal. SWAINSONIA. (Isaac Swainson, bot. gard. Twickenham.) Leg. Pap. Lot Gal 3. 18828 galegifolia R. Br. Galega-leaved * i_J or 2 R N. S. W. 1800. S s.p Bot. mag. 792 2 albiflora R. Br. white-flowered ** i ) or 2 W N. S. W. 1826. S s.p Bot.reg994 18829 coronillifolia Sal. Coronilla-lvd 4t t | or 2 P N. S. W. 1802. S s.p Bot mag. 1725 18830 lesserti&fblia Dec. Lessertia-lvd a , | or 2 P N. Holl. 1824. S s.p rtstragalifolia Hart. 2098. LESSE'RT/J Dec. LES 18831 annua Dec. 18832 diffusa R. Br. 18833 perennans Dec. 18834 pulchra B. M. 18835 falciformis Dec. 18836 brachystachya 1 18837 annularis Sure. 18838 fruticosa B. R. 2099. SUTHERLA'ND/^ H. K. SUTHERLANDIA. (J. Sutherland, author of bot. cat.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Gal. I. 18839 frutescens H. K. frutescent * _J or 3 jn.jl S C. G. H. 1683. S s.1 Bot. mag. 181 Colhtea frutescens L. L;. UWBVMV1I4U annual \&lCfJltCli, jL/t iQI or c&str L, c jn.jl frci R uii uui. C. G. H. int.] 1731. T /-/J s.l .J^OC.Lrai. 8, 18. Hook. ex. fl. 84 dift'use ~ iQI or R C. G. H. 1792. S s.l Jac. ic. 3. 576 lasting jg tAI or au R C. G. H. 1753. S s.l Jac. vin. 3. 3 pretty sickle-formed tt-l_Jl>r tt, | | or my R P C. G. H. C. G. H. 1817. 1826. S S CO s.l Bot. mag. 2064 Dec. leg. 6. 46 short-spiked tt. t |or P C. G. H. 182ft S s.l annular tt. t | or jlau P C. G. H. 1816. S s.l shrubby tt. i | or P C. G. H. 1826. S s.l Bot. reg. 970 2100. PHA V CA L. BASTARD VETCH. (Phago, to eat. Adopted from Diosc.) Lee.Pap.Lbt.Astrag.lQ. l 4 jl W Spain 1640. k s.l M. h 2. 8. 1 1 jl Pa.Y Austria 1795. R s.l Jac. au. 166 2 jl Pa.Y Austria 1759. R s.l Jac. ic. 1. 151 1 jl W S. France 1818. R s.l 1 jl PaY Siberia 1820. R s.l 18840 bae'tica L. Baltic ^ A pr 18341 ftSgkla L. frigid ^ A pr 18842 alplna Jac. alpine ^ A pr 18843 glabra Clar. smooth _* A or 18844 membranacea Fis. membranaceous^ A or alp'ina ,3 dahurica Fis. 1884.5 australis L. southern -* A pr 18846 astragalina Dec. Astragalus-Ik ^ A pr 18847 lapponica Wahl. Lapland ^ A or 18848 oroboldes Dec. Orobus-like ^ A or Astragalus leontinus Wahl. oroboides Horn. 18849 arenaria Pall. sand ^ A pr my.jn Pa.P S. Europe 1779. R s.l Bot. cab. 490 jn.jl W.B N. Europe 1771. R si Bot. cab. 429 jl P N.Europe 1816. R s.l Fl. dan. 1.51 jl P Norway 1820. R s.l Fl. dan. 8. 1396 Siberia R s.1 Pal. it. 3. cc. 1, 2 \ P Austria 1581. S s.1 Bot. mag. 483 *;r Caucasus 1818. Siberia *1SOO. Scotland sea ba. S Pal. as. 42 Eng. bot. 466 2101. OXY'TROPIS Dec. OXYTROPIS. (Qxys, pointed, tropis, keel ; flowers.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Astr. 26. 52. I. ACAI/LES. Stems almost none; stipules adhering to the petioles; leaflets conjugate, not verticillate ; flowers purple or white, from No. 18862. cream-colored. 18850 montana Dec. mountain ^ A pr Astragalus mont&nus L. Phaca montana Crx. 18851 cyanea Bieb. azureCaucasian^ A or 18852 ural^nsis Dec. Uralian % A pr 2 sericea Dec. silky 5 A or Astragalus uralnsis E. B. not L. 18853 s6rdida Pers. mean Astragalus uralensis L. 18854 ambigua Dec. ambiguous ^ A or I my.jl P 18855 Lambert; Ph. Lambert's ^ A l>r 1 au.s P 18856 grandiflora Dec. large-rerf-flwd ^ A or | jn.jl R 2 leptoptera Dec. narrow-winged ^ A or jn.jl B 18857 songarica Dec. Songarian ^ A or jn.jl V 18858 longirostra Dec. long-beaked ^ A or | jajl P Gmellm Fis. 18859 brevirostra Dec. altaica Pers. 18860 uncata Dec. & A I>r k Y.p Scotland S s.1 Eng. bot. 468 Songarian long-beaked short-beaked Siberia Missouri Siberia Siberia Altai Siberia 1817. 1811. 1820. 1818. 1824. 1820. Pal. as. 55 Bot. mag. 2147 Pal. as. 46 Pal. as. 51 Siberia 1802. S co Pal. as. 45 hooked fine-leaved field A or | A or A Clova mountain^ A or W Aleppo 1768. S R Siberia 1818. S P.v Germany 1778. S Pa.Y Scotland moun. S Pal. as 66 W. & K. 2. 1.30 Eng. bot. 2522 18861 leptophylla Dec. 18862 campestris Dec. 2 clove"nsis Astragalus campestris E. B. not L. 18863 foe'tida Dec. fetid Astragalus Haller/ All. II. VERTICILLA^RES. Leaflets all or for the most part subverticillate, or two or three leaflets rising from the ' Pa.Y Switzerl. 1819. S s.l Vil. del. 3. 43 18864 microphylla Dec. smM-leaved 1S865 verticillaris Dec. vthorl-leaved 1 8866 prostrata Dec. prostrate Astragalus dahilricus Pall. 18867 myriophylla Dec. myriad-leaved 18868 oxyphylla Dec. sharp-leaved ^ A or ^Z A or -* A or 3t A.or ^ A or I i Pa.Y Siberia B.w Siberia B.w Siberia P.R.W Siberia P Siberia 1819. 1819. 1820. 1818. 1816. Pal. as. 76 Am. rut. 19. Pal. as. 72 Pal. as. 71 Pal. as. 74 III. CAULESCE'NTES. Stems elongated ; stipules caullne, not adhering to the petioles; leaflets conjugate, not verticillate ; flowers cream-colored, from No. 18870. purple. 18869 piU)sa Dec. pilose ^ A pr Pa.Y Siberia 1732. S s.l Bot. cab. 544 18870 Pallhsw Pers. Pallas's ^ A or Pa.Y Siberia 1818. S s.l Pal. as, 81 306 DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. CLASS XVII. 18871 dealbkta Dec. 18872 glabra Dec. 18873 defl^xa Dec. 18874 Fischerii Dec. 18875 dichoptera Dec. whited smooth deflexed Fischer's doubly winged Caucasus 1803. Dahuria 1823. Siberia 1800. Altai 1817. Siberia 1815. S Pal. as. 23. 2, 3 Dec. as. 8 Jac. ic. 1. 153 Pal. as. 39 * 2102. ^STRA'GALUS L. MILK VETCH. (Aster, star, gala, milk.) Legum.Pap.Lbt.Astrag. 103. 248. 18876 hypoglottis //. tongue under tongue-* 18877 dasyg!6ttis Fis. thick-tongued * 18878 purpureus Lam. purple -* 18879 /otoldes Lam. Lotus-like - sinicus L. I A a Ml, (, or or or or inu V/JJJUAIU 3 jn-jl i jn.jl ^ jn.jl ; tf ic p p p R MrCWCai Britain s Siberia S. France China a. hea. IS 18. 1820. 1763. D D 1) S s.l 8.1 s.l S.l Eng. bot. 274 Dec. as. 12 Bot. mag. 1350 18880 onobrych\n\desBieb. Saintfoin-like ^ 18881 leontinus Jac. lion's tail .* A A or or 1 i my jn P B Iberia Austria 1819. 1816. D 1) s.l s.l Dec. as. 16 Bot. cab. 432 18882 Donjaniw Dec. Don's ,* A or P Nepal 1818. D s.l macrorhizus D. Don 2 18883 bayonensis Loi. Bayonne & A or 1 jl au P France 1816. I) s.l 18884 tauricus Pall. Taurian ^ A or "i jnjl P Tauria 1826. s.l Pal. as. 38 II. DJSSITIFLORI. Stipules neither adhering to the petioles, nor joined together; flowers purple, distant; legimies straight. Pa.B Austria 1640. D s.l Jac. au. 2. 195 Pa.B Altai 1817. D s.l L.B Siberia 1785. D co Jac. vin. 3. 40 P N. Amer. 1821. D s.l P Siberia 1820. D s.l Pal. as. 20 C co Pal. as. 18 3 V Siberia 1806. Stipules distinct from 'petiole, and not joined together ; flowers purple or white, densely ilium linear, elongated ; roots perennial ; legumes falcate, from No. 18892. straight.' 18885 austriacus L. Austrian 18886 otopterus Dec. ear-winged 18887 sulcatus L. furrowed 18S88 gracilis Nut. slender 18889 subulatus Bieb. subulate 18890 virgatus Pall. twiggy III. ONOBRYCHOI'DEI. spicate or capitate ; vexill 18891 leptophyllus Desf. fine-leaved 18892 dan hricus.Prttf. Dahurian 18893 linearifolius Pers. linear-leaved tenuifolius L. 18894 Onobrychis L. Saintfoin 18895 aduncus Bieb. hooked 18896 vimineus Pall. twiggy 18897 fruticosus Pall. shrubby 18898 adsurgens IV. adsurgent 2 prostratus Fis. prostrate 18899 Laxmannz Jac. Laxmann's 18900 caryocarpus B. R. nut-podded carnosus Nut. IV. SESA\MEI. Stipules not adhering to the petioles nor joined together ; flowers purplish, densely spicate or capitate ; legumes straight ; roots annual. A or 1 jn.jl W Barbary 18 U. D s.l' ' De*f. at. 2. 207 A or f jnjl P Dahuria 1822. I) s.l Pal. it. 3. app. A pr 1 P Siberia 1780. C p.l Sw. fl. gar. 73 A el H Jnjl P Austria 1640. 1) s.l Jac. au. 1. 38 A or jn.jl P Caucasus 1819. 1) s.l Bieb. cen. 2. 80 A or or 1| jn.jl P V Siberia Siberia 1816. 1804. I) D s.l s.l Pal. as. 21 Pal. as. 19 A A or or 5 jn.jl * jnjl p p Siberia Siberia 18'JO. 1818. D D s.l s.l Pal. as. 31 A or 1 p Siberia 1804. D s.l Jac. vin. 3. 37 A or 1 jn.jl p N. Amer. 1811. D .s.l Bot. reg. 176 18901 pentaglottis L. 18902 Glaux L. 18903 oxyg!6ttis Stev. 18904 cruciatus L/C. 18905 stella Gou. 18906 fribuloides Del. 18907 sesameus L. five-tongued -J O or Miltwort -* O or sharp-tongued -* O or cruciate ^k O or star-podded -* O or Tribulus-like ^k Q or Sesame-like -Jc Q or Spain Taurii 1739. S 1596. S 1817. S 1820. S S. Europe 1658. S Egypt 1817. P P B v p Pa.B S.'Europe 1616. S i jn.jl k jn.jl I jn.jl 1* jn.jl i I jn jl 1 jn.jl V. VESICA^RH. Stipules not adhering to the petioles nor joined together ; fls cream-colored ; calyx bladdery. 18908 vesic^rius L. bladdery calyx -* A or i W.Y Europe 1737. S s.l \V. & K. 1. 40 albidus W. 8s K. VI. ANNULA^RES. Stipules neither adhering to the petioles nor together ; flowers purple or white ; legumes arched ; roots annual. gypt Eur Cav. ic. 2. 188 Cl. h. 2. 241 Pluk. al. 79. 4 Gar. aix 12 18909 cymbaecarpus Brot. boat-podded -X O or 18910 NuttallzYmiM Dec. Nuttall's Jc Q or micranthus Nut. 18911 annularis Forsk. annular ~ O or 18912 trimorphus Vil. . Jnjl i jnjl W.p Spain 1800. S N. Amer. 1820. S Brot. ph. 59. 59, annular three-formed 18913 scorpitfides Pou. scorpion- like podded Q or 18914 cztaaliculatus IV. en.channe\-podded Q or 18915 mareoticus Del. Mareotic -* O or Dec. as. 7 Viv. lib. 10. 2 [jnjl P Egypt 1800. S s.l jn.jl P S. Europe 1816. S s.l B Spain 1816. S co jn.jl \V 1816. S co jnjl Li Egypt 1817. S s.l Del. zeg. 39. 3 VII. BUCE' RATES. Stipules neither adhering together nor to the petiole; floivers cream-colored; legumes oftenest arched ; roots annual. 18916 contortuplicatus L. twisted-plaited ~* 18917 trimt-stris L. three-monthly 2k 18918 hamosus L. hook-podded -* 2 macrocarpus large-fruited J* 18919 aegiceras W. en. goat's horn J*. 18920 biiceras W. en. ox-horned -A 18921 epiglottis L. tongue upon tongue -* 18922 triangularis Dec. triangular Phaca triangularis Zea 18923 baa'ticus L. Baetic J: VIII. SYNOCHREA>I. Stipules free from the petiole, but joined together ; flowers cream-colored. 18924 capitatus L. headed ^ A or 1 Pa.Y Levant 1759. S s.l J-J) o or 1 Pa.Y Siberia 1764. S CO Pal.; is. 79 or 1 jn.jl Pa.Y Egypt 1739. S CO Jac. ' irin. 2. 174 o or 1 jn.jl Pa.Y Spain 1633. S c:o Lam . il. 622. 4 or * jn.jl Pa.Y S. Europe 1820. S s.l o or 1 Pa.Y 1818. S CO o or 1 jnjl Pa.Y 1816. S CO 8 or or 4 Jn.jl 1 Pa.Y Pa.Y S. Europe 1737. ...... 1818. S S si s.l Her. lug. 77 or 1 jnjl Pa.Y S. Europe 1759. S CO Boc. sic. 7. 4 18925 emarginatus Dec. emarginate 18926 microphyllus L. small-leaved 18927 semibilocularis Dec. semibilocular 18928 n?ptans W. creeping 18929 odorktus Lam. sweet-scented 18930 stipulatus D. Don large-stipuled Pa.Y S. Europe 1825. D s.l Rauw. hod. 29 Y Siberia Pa.Y Siberia W Mexico 1773. 1804. 1818. D p.l D s.l D s.l Pa.Y S. Europe 1820. D s.l Y Nepal 1822. D s.l Dec. as. 23 \V. h. b. 2. 88 Dec. as. 24 Bot. mag. 2380 IX. CICEROI'DEI. Stipules neither adhering together nor to the petiole ; spikes pedunculatcd ; floivers cream- colored ; roots perennial ; legumes sessile. sweet-leaved Jc 18931 glycyphyllus /,. 18932 glycyphyllo'ides Dec. Glycyphyl.-lk Jc A or 8933 platyphy'llus Fis. broad-leaved -* A or 18934 riepressus L. depressed -A A or 18935 leucopha^us L. dusky Jc A or 3 jn.jl Y.G Britain 1 jn.jl Pa.Y Iberia 1 jn.jl Pa.Y Siberia i my.jn Pa.Y Europe I W.Y ch.wo. D s.l 1818. D s.l 1824. D s.l 1772. D s.l 1776. D s.l Eng. bot. 203 Bot. cab. 680 Bot. cab. Ill ORDER IV. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. 3O7 18933 C\cer L. Vetch -* A or 2 jn.jl Y Europe 1570. D s.l Jac. au. 251 18937 uliginosus L. marsh & A or 2 Pa.Y Siberia 175:.'. 1) p. I Pal. as. 26 189-38 micranthus Desv. small-flowered & A or 1 jn.jl Pa.Y 1800. D s.l 189 >9 carolimanus L. Carolina 5 A or 1J G.Y N. AnVer. 1732. D s.l Di. el. 39. 45 18940 canadetisis L. Canadian ; i A or ^ jn.jl Pa.Y N. Amer. 1732. D si Dod. m. 64 18941 falcatus L. sickle-podded 5 A or 3 jn.jl G.Y Siberia D p.l Dec. as. 26 virscens H. K. 18912 falciformis Dec. sickle-formed $y A or If jn-jl Pa.Y Algiers 1816. I) s.l Desf. at. 2. 206 1891.3 asper Jac. 189*4 pallescens Bleb. rough pallescent k A A I>r or 3 1 jn.jl Pa.Y Pa.Y Astracan Siberia 1796. 1818. D I) p.l s.l Jac. ic. 152 X. GALEGIKORMES. Stipules neither adhering together nor to the petioles ; flowers cream-colored or white; legumes stalked. 18945 chinensis L. Chinese ^ uAl or 1 jn.jl Pa.Y China 1795. S p.l L. f. dec. 3 18946 galegiformis L. Galega-formed ^ A or 2 Y.G Siberia 1729. D s.l Pal. as. 29 malacaphyllus Hort. XI. ALOPECUROI'DEI. Stipules not adhering to the petiole ; stems erect ; flowers yettmv, crowded into dense spikes at the axils of the leaves, either sessile or on short peduncles. sea-fox greatest Foxtail Foxtail-like Narbonne Pontic fox Y Y L.Y Siberia America Spain 1737. Pa.Y S. Europe 1789. Pa.Y Tauria 1820. L.Y Caucasus 1815. S s s 8 s s s.l s.l s.l s.l Kf Pal, Pal. Pal Pal. Pal. . as. 9 as. 8 , as. 10 as. 11 as. 7 18947 alopecias Pall. 18948 maximus L. 18949 alopecurokles L, 18950 narbon^nsis Gou. 18951 ponticus W. 18952 vulpinus IV. alopecuroldes Pall. XII. CHUISTIA\NI. Stipules neither adhering together nor to the petiole ; stems erect i flowers cream-colored, in subsessile glomerate racemes at the axils of the leaves. 18953 christiknus L. Chr.stian ^ A or 3 jl P.i.Y Armenia 1737. D s.l To. it. 2. 254 18954 toment6sus Lam. woolly-leaved ) _AI or 3 jl Pa.Y E^ypt 1800. S p.l Dec. as. 29 XIII. TRAGACA'NTH/E. Petioles persistent spinescent ; stipules adhering to the petioles. 18955 caucasicus Pall. Caucasian tt. or 18956 Tragacantha L. graif.Goat'sThorntt. or 1 18957 Poterium Vahl Poterium or 18958 aristatus Herit. awned tt. or 1 18959 tumidus W. tumid tt. or XIV. ANTHYLLOI'DEI. Stipules adhering to the petioles 18960 ammodytes Pall. sand viper L or | 18961 7/alicacabus Lam. kettle-calyxed ^ A or Phaca vesicaria Schreb. k jn.jl k S jl my.jl J jn.jl ; petiolei i my.jl W Caucasus Pa.Y S. Europe W Levant P Pyrenees Pa.Y Egypt ; unarm, i calyx I W Siberia Pa.Y Armenia 1824. 1640. 1640. 1791. 1816. r A or | jn.jl 3 jn.jl 1 jn.jl Switzerl. 1826. Siberia 1785. Germany 1798. D s.l D co D s.l Pal. as. 41 Retz. 3. 3 2103. GULDENST^'DT/^ Fis. GUILDENSTJEDTIA. (J. A.Guldenstaedt, nat.) Leg.Pap.Lbt.Astr.l. 2. 18979 pauciflora Fis. few-flowered ^ A or | jn.jl R Siberia 1827. S s.l Pal. as. 66 Astragalus pauciflorus Pall. 2104. BISE'RRULA L. HATCHET VETCH. (Bis, twice, serrula, little saw ; pods.) Leg. Pap. Lbt. Astr. I. 18980 Pelecinus L. Corn-weed Q pr 1 P S. Europe 1640. S s.p Lam. il. 622 2105. SCORPllTRUS L. CATERPILLAR. (Skorpios, scorpion, oura, tail ; twisted pod.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor. 6.-7. Z&UE7. OV^VUVj: JLC* J.CUO J-/. v> i CiivnuLin n 18981 tevigata Sm. smooth-leaved 18982 muncata L. prickly 18983 sulcata L. furrowed 189*4 subvill&sa L. subvillous 189S5 acutifulia Viv. acute-leaved 18986 vermiculata L. worm-podded 2106. CORONI'LLA L. CORONILLA. -* O or i jn.jl Y Archipel. 1818. S co 718 Jf O pr Y S. Europe 1640. S co M. h. 2. 11.4 -* O pr 2 in.jl Y S. Europe 1596. S s.l Desf. at. 2. 4 .* O pr 2 in.jl Y S. Europe 1731. S co M. h. 2. 11.2 -* O or i jn.jl Y Corsica 1825. S co Viv. lib. 19. 4 -* O pr 2 jnjl Y S. Europe 1621. S co M. h.2. 11.3 (Corona, a crown ; disposition of fls.) Leg.Pap. Hed. Cor. 16. 20. I. LU^TE/E. Flowers yellow. 18987 E'merus L. Scorpion Senna 3k or 3 ap.jn R.Y France 1598. L CO Bot. mag. 445 18988 juncea L. 18989 valentina L. Rush Valentia * or _|or 3 2 jnjl mr.n Y Y France 1656. S. Europe 1596. C C r.m r.m Bot. cab. 235 Bot. mag. 185 stipularis Lam. 18990 pentaphylla Desf. five leaved 18991 argentea L. silvern-leaved 18992 glauca L. glaucous seven-lvd 18993 viminklis Sal. twiggy 18994 minima L. least * |or *_jor * |or it | or jg Al or 2 2 2 a jn.jl my.jn my.s my.n Y Y Y Y Y Algiers 1700. Crete 1664. France 1722. Mogadorel798. S. Europe 1658. C L C C S S 8 :f r.m CO Mil. ic. 289. 2 Mil. ic. 2. 289. 1 Bot. mag. 13 Par. Ion. 13 Bot. mag. 2179 18995 coronata L. crown-headed Al or 2' jnjl Y S. Europe 1776. S CO Cl. h. 98. 2 18996 montana Sco. mountain 11 : Jn.jl Y Switzerl. 1776. S p.l Bot. mag 907 coronata Bieb. not L. or W. X 2 308 DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. CLASS XVI I. 18997 iberica Bieb. 18998 squamata Cav. 18999 cretica L. 19000 varia L. 19001 globbsa Lam. 19002 cappadocica W. orientalis Mil. Iberian scaly A or A or Iberia Crete II. A'LBJE. Flowers purple or white. Cretan Q or 1 jn.jl St Candia various * A or 1 jl.n Pk Europe globose n* A or 1 jl.n W Crete 1822. 1820. 1731. 1597. 1800. D co D co D co D co Bot. cab. 789 Jac. vin. 1. 25 Bot. mag. 258 Cappadocian A or f W Cappadoc. 1800. D co 2107 ASTROLO^BIUM Desv. ASTROLOBIUM. (Astron, star, lobos, pod ; disposition.) Leg.PapHed. Cor. 4. 19003 ebracteatum Dec. ebracteate O or * jn.jl Y S. Europe 1700. S co Dalech. 1. 487. 1 Ornithopus ebracteatus Brot. durus Dec. 19004: durum Dec. hard O or Y Spam 1816. S co Cav. ic. 1. 31 19005 scorpio'ides Dec. Scorpius-like O pr 2 j- Jl Y S. Europe 1506. S co Cav. ic. 1. 37 Ornithopus scorpioldes L. 19006 repandum Dec. repand O pr | jn.jl Y Barbary 1805. S co Lam. il. 631. 2 Ornithopus repandus Lam. 2108. ORNI'THOPUS L. BIRD'S FOOT. (Ornis, b\rd, pous, foot; claw-like pods.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor. 3.-10. 19007 compressus L. compressed O pr | jn.jl Y S. Europe 1730. S co Berg. ph. 191 19008 perpusillus L. very small O pr Rw Britain dry pas. S co Eng. bot.369 2nod6susM/. knotted ~ O or | my.jl W.K France ... S co Dalech. 486. 2 19009 sativus Brot. cultivated O ag jn.jl Vy Portugal 1818. S co perpusillus /3 intermedius Dec. 2109. HIPPOCRE^PIS L. HORSESHOE VETCH. (Hippos, horse, krepis, shoe; pod.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor. 9. 10. K)10 balearica Jac. Balearic * | pr 2 my.jn Y Minorca 1776. C r.m Bot. mag. 427 19011 combsa L. tufted *~ A pr Y 19012 helvetica G. Don Swiss tufted !tv A or i my.jl Y combsa Schl. 19013 glauca Ten. glaucous Jt^ A or i my.jl Y 19014 multisiliqubsa L. 19015 monocarpa Bieb. many-podded single-fruited pr O or 1 Y * my.jl Y 19016 unisiliqubsa L. 19017 ciliata W. single-podded ciliated O pr 8P r 1 jn.jl Y 1 jn.jl Y 19018 biflbra Spr. two-flowered pr J jn.jl Y England ch.hil. D s.l Eng. bot.31 Switzerl. D co Italy 1819. D co S. Europe 1683. S co Caucasus 1824. S co S. Europe -1570. S co S. Europe 1818. S co 1816. S co Fl. nap. 2. 69 Schk. han. 2.206 Lam. il. 630. 3 2110. SECURI'GERA Dec. SECURIGERA. (Securis, hatchet, gero, to bear ; pods.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor. 1. 19019 Coronilla Dec. Coronilla-^'A-e O pr 1 Y S. Europe 1562. S co Gae. fr. 2. 153. 3 Coronilla Securidaca L. Securidaca lutea Mil. 2111. DI'PHACA Lou. DIPHACA. (Dis, two, phake, a lentil; two seeds in pod.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh. 1. 19020 cbchin-chinensis L Cochinchina * Q clt 3 ... W China ... C p.l Ru. am. 3. 128 Dalbergw Diphaca Pers. (A. Pictet, a celebrated physician.) Leg.Pap.Hed. Cor. Euh. 2. 6. CHor 4 ... Y W. Indies 1824. C s.l Vahl sy. 3. 69 or 4 jn.jl Y St. Dora. 1816. C s.l Jac. sc. 237 2112. PICTE'TIA Dec. PICTETIA. 19021 squamata Dec. scaled Robinia squamata Vahl 19022 aristata Dec. awned .J&chyndmene aristata Jac. 2113. ORMOCA'RPUM Bcauv. ORMOCAHPUM. (Ormos, necklace, karpos, fruit.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh. 1.-3. 19023 sennoides Dec. Senna-like Ik Q un 3 P E. Indies 1816. C s.l //ed^sarum se nnoides W. 2114. MYRIADE^NUSDesu. MYRIADENUS. (Myrios, innumerable, aden, gland.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh. 1. 19024 tetraphyllus Desv. four-leaved OB cu 1 J'-au Y Jamaica 1818. S co SI. jam. 1. 116. 2 Ornithopus tetraphyllus L. 2115. ^ESCHYNO'MENE L. ^SCHYNOMENE. (Aischuno, to be ashamed.) Leg.Pap.Hcd. Cor.Euh. 11. 37. 19025 aspera L. 19026 sensitiva Swx. rough-stemmed sensitive .S or or 2 jn.jl 3 Y W E. Indies 1759. W. Indies 1733. S C s.l s.l Brey. c. 52 PI. ic. 149 19027 hispida W. hispid O or 2 an Y.R N. Amer. 1803. S s.l 19028 indica L. Indian or 2 jn.jl Y E. Indies 1799. S, s.l R. mal. 9. 18 19029 americana L. American CD or 2 Y Jamaica 1732. s.l SI. jam. 1. 118. 3 19030 patula Pair. spreading ttCD or 3| Y Mauritius 1826. c s.l 19031 pumila L. dwarf or I Y E. Indies 1818. S s.l R. mal. 9. 21 19032 subviscbsa Rox. subviscid pfyi or Y E. Indies 1816. S s.l viscldula W. en. 19033 viscid ula MX. viscidish O or i Y Florida 1816. S s.l prostrata Pair. 19034 crepitans Jac. rattling-podded 4fe | [ or 4 Y Caraccas 1820. c s.l Jac. fr. 42. 2 19035 pendula Boj. pendulous * 1 1 or 3 Y Mauritius 1826. c s.l 2116. SMI'TH/4 H.K. SMITHIA. (Sir James E. Smith, F.R.S., founder Lin. Soc.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh. 3. 19936 sensitiva H. K. sensitive -A O cu 4 jl.s Y E. Indies 1785. S. s.l Par. Ion. 92 19037 conferta Sm. crowded -Jc O or 1 Y N. Holl. 1820. S-'' s.l 19038 geminiflbra Roth twin-flowered -* GUI or jl.s Y E. Indies 1810. S s.l 2117. LOU'REA Neck. LOUREA. (Not explained.) 19039 vespertilibnis Desv. bat-wing-leaved _ O] cu 2 W Hedysarum vespertilibnis L. 19040 reniformis Dec. reniform-leaved O] cu 2 V Leg. Pap. Hed. Cor. Euh. 2. 3. Co.-China 1780. S p.l Jac. ic. 3. 56d China 1818. S p.l 2118. VRA^RIA Desv. URARIA. (Not explained.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh. 6. 7. I. PiNNAVjs. Leaves pinnate, with an odd one, two or three paired. 19041 picta Desv. painted-leaved tt. O or 3 P Guinea 1788. S s.l Jac. ic. 3. 567 /fedysarum pictum Jac. 19042 combsa Dec. tufted tt. d) or 3 P E. Indies 1818. S s.l 19043 crinita Deaf. hairy tt. Q or 2 Pk E.Indies ... S s.l Bur. in. 56 Hed^sarum crinltum L. ORPER IV. D1ADELPHIA DECANDRLA. 309 II. TRIFOLIA^T*. Leaves trifoliate, terminal ones petioled. 19044 /agopoldes Dec. Hare's-foot-Ik it i_J pr 1| jn.jl P China 1790. S 8.1 Bur. in. 53. 2 Hedysarum lagopodioldes L. 19045 lagocephala Dec. hare-headed tA) un 2 jl Li Brazil 1824. S co Hedysarum lagocdphalum Lk. 19046 iagbpus Dec. Hare's-foot * | | or 7 jn.jl P Nepal 1824. S s.l Hedysarum arbbreum Ham. 2119. NICOLSCTN/^ Dec. NICOLSONIA. (M. Nicolson, wrote on Nat. H.St.Dom.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh.l.-3. 19047 barbata Dec. bearded tt. CD or 1 jn.jl P Jamaica 1818. S s.l Hedysarum barbatum L. *2120. DESMCVDIUM Dec. DESMODIUM. (Desmos, band ; stam. joined ?) Leg. Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh. 60. 140. I. EuDESMboiUM. Joints of legume coriaceous, indehiscent, subelliptic; and at each extremity truncate; leaves Cnately trifoliate ; peduncles axillary ; flowers corymbosely umbellate. . umbel-flowered * CD un 3 ... W E. Indies 1801. C l.p Jac. sc. 3. 297 J/edysarum umbellatum L. II. PLEUROLbsiUM. Joints of legume membranaceous, nearly quadrate, lower side a little convex, afterwards dehiscent ; leaves unifoliate ; petioles winged ; wings at top, on each side, ending in a tooth : from 19053. leaves pinnately trifoliate ; petioles not winged. 19049 auriculatum Dec 19050 triquetrum Dec. OH or Q] or eared triangular, stkd Hedysarum triquetrum L. 19051 pseudo-triquetrumZtec. bast.Triquet. [QO or 4 19052 alatum Dec. winged EH or 4 19053 gyrans Dec. \vri\r\mg-plant O] cu 3 Hedysarum gyrans L. 19054 gyroides Dec. Gyrans-like j O1 or 5 Timor 1819. E. Indies 1802. Nepal 1820. E. Indies 1817. E. Indies .1775. Bur. in. 52. 2 Jac. ic. 3. 565 ... E. Indies 1817. S s.l O un 1| Pa.Y E. Indies 1762. S r.m Bur. zey. 49. 2 R7I un 1 P India 1732. S l.p Di. el. 141. 168 B or un 3 jnau R" E. E. Indies Indies 1820. 1807. S S s.l l.p Bur. in. 52.1 B or pr 2 2 an P P Mexico China 1824. 1818. S S s.l l.p Bot. reg. 355 n A un 6 jn au R P Guinea N. Amer. 1823. 1640. S D s.l S.1 Beau. ow. 1. 18 Cor. ca. 45 A un 2 W.P N. Amer. 1733. D S.1 Pluk. al. 308. 5 A un 14J1.0 P N. Amer. 1725. D s.l Di el . 144. 171 A un 2 V N. Amer. 1805. D s.l A A or un 2 3 J1.S V P N. N. Amer. Amer. 1823. 1787. D D s.l s.l Pluk. al. 308. 2 A A or un H jLau P V N. N. Amer. 1818. Amer. 1806. D D S.1 s.l A A or i 2 ii Li P P N. N. Amer. Amer. 1781. D D s.l s.l Pluk. al. 432. 6 A un 1 P N. Amer. 1805. D s.l III. CHALA X RIUM. Joints of legume membranaceous, indehiscent, oval or orbicular, rarely oblong, with both sides convex, and at each extremity attenuated ; racemes loose, elongated i pedicels three from each bract ; leaves simple, from No. 19062. trifoliate with the terminal one a little larger. 19055 gangeticum Dec. Gangetic Hedysarum gangeticum L. 19056 maculatum Dec. spotted Hedysarum maculatum L. 19057 reniforme Dec. kidney-shaped 19U58 sagittatum Dec. arrow-leaved Hedysarum sagittatum Pair. 19059 angustifblium Dec. narrow-leaved 19060 latifblium Dec. broad-leaved Hedysarum lati folium Rox 19061 lasiocarpum Dec. hairy-podded 19062 canadtSnse Dec. Canadian Hedysarum canadnse L. 19063 canescens Dec. canescent Hedysarum canescens L. 19064 marilandicum Dec. Maryland Hedysarum marilandicum L. 19065 obthsum Dec. obtuse Hedysarum obtusum Mhl. 19066 ciliare Dec. ciliated 19067 viridifl5rum Dec. green-flowered Hedysarum viridiflorum L. 19068 bracteatum Dec. large-graded 19069 cuspidatum Dec. sharp-pointed Hedysarum cuspidatum IV. 19070 glabellum Dec. smooth ish 19071 paniculatum W. panicled Hedysarum paniculatum L. 19072 acuminatum Dec. acuminate Hedysarum glulinosum MX. 19073 nudiflbrum Dec. 19074 paucittorum Dec. 19075 rotundifblium Di canescens W. 19076 stipulaceum Dec. 19077 ^partnes Dec. Hedysarum .'/parines Lk. 19078 cinfereum Dec. 19079 dubium B. R. 19080 cajanifblium Dec. 19081 incanum Dec. 19082 suplnum Dec. 19083 tortuosum Dec. Hedysarum tor tut 19084 adscendens Dec. Hedysarum ascendens Swx. 2 casruleum Lindl. blue tt. O un 2. B 19085 trigonum Dec. three-angled H Q un 1 P Hedysarum trigonum Swx. 19086 spirale Dec. spiral i. tZ3 un 3 19087 tenellum Dec. delicate El un 1 19088 asperum Desv. rough * [ 1 un 1 19089 diversifolium Dec. divers-leaved * I I un 2 19090 heterophyllum Dec. various-leaved (23 un 1 19091 triflbrum Dec. three-flowered j fAI un 2 jn.jl Hedysarum triflorum L. 19092 diffusum Dec. diffuse fc d] un 2 19093 torn en tbsum Dec. woolly ] iAI un IJjnjl Hedysarum tomentbsum Thun. 19094 multiflorum Dec. many-flowered it C~| un 1^ P Nepal 1823. C s.l Hedysarum multiflbrum D. Don X 3 naked-flowered ^ A or I P N. Amer. 1823. D s.l few-flowered -de A or 2 W N. Amer. 1818. D s.l round-leaved -* A or 2 W.P N. Amer. 1733. D s.l stipulaceous # GS or 1 P Mexico 1824. C s.l Bedstraw :sL*. m D un 2 jn.jl P Mexico 1823. C p.l grey doubtful m B or or 2 2 P Pa.R Mexico Nepal 1820. 1824. C C 8.1 S.l Cajan-leaved & or 2 B Caraccas 1820. C 8.1 hoary 4& or 2 P Jamaica 1818. C S.l supine ~. or 1 P W. Indies 1816. C S.l twisted-podded *Q un 3 P Jamaica 1781. C S.l im Swx. ascending L | 1 un P Jamaica 1818. C s.l W. Indies 1818. C s.l Jamaica 1733. D s.l Fl. mex. ic. in. Bot. reg. 967 H. & B. n. 6. 598 P.ed. B. 149. 1 SI. jam. 1.118.2 SI. jam. 1. 116.2 Bot. reg. 8 15 W.o Jamaica 1700. P Caraccas 1818. P 1816. P E. Indies 1816. P E. Indies 1820. P India 1796. C s.l S s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l E. Indies 1818. China 1782. S s.l B C s.l C Lp Bur. zey. 54. 1 ~ ur. in. 54. 2 310 DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. CLASS XVII. 19095 rethsura D. Don retuse 19096 Lechenafiltw Dec. Lechenault's 19097 capitatum Dec. ^ headed //edysarum capitatum Brm. 19098 guian^nse Dec. Guiana 19099 malacophyllum Dec. soft-leaved //edysarum malacophyllum Lk. 19100 serotinum Dec. \nte-flowering //edysarum serotinum W. en. 19101 brasiliense Pair. Brazilian 19102 trinervium Fis. three-nerved 19l03colnnum/Zojr. hill 19104 cephalutis Rox. roMwrf-headed 19105 hamosum Rox. hooked 19106 lacteum Boj. milk-colored 19107 spectabile Boj. showy 1 jn.jl 2 jn.jl & A un 1 j jl.s P Nepal 1820. C s.l P E. Indies 1825. C s.l P Ceylon ... C s.l Bur. in. 54. 1 P Guiana 1823. C s.l P Manilla 1822. C p.l I or 2 I or 2 | or 2 | or 2 1824. D s.l Brazil 1819. C s.l 1820. C s.l E. Indies 1816. C s.l E. Indies 1823. C s.l E. Indies 1818. C s.l Mauritius 1826. S s.l Mauritius 1826. S s.l 2121. DICE'RMA Dec. DICERMA. (Dis, twice, hernia, prop ; 19108 pulchllum Dec. neat tt. EH pr 1 jl-au Zorn/a pulchella L. 19109 legans Dec. elegant *L O pr 1 Zomia legans Pers. //edysarum elegans Lou. 19110 biarticulatum Dec. two-jointed tt. I 1 pr //edysarum biarticulatum L. bracteas at cal. base.) Leg. Pap. Hed. Cor. Eufi. 3. Y E.Indies 1798. C s.l Bur. zey. 52 Y China 1819. C s.l Y E. Indies 1808. C s.l Bur. zey. 50.2 2122. TAVERNIE'IL4 Dec. TAVERNIERA. (J. B. Tavernier, an Eastern trav.) Leg. Pap. Ned. Cor. Euh. 2. 3. 19111 /appacea Dec. Burdock-like !U | | un 1 Y Egypt 1820. S s.l //edysarum /appaceum Forsfc. 19112 nummularia Dec. Moneywort tt. | | un 1 jn.jl R Arabia 1826. S s.l Dec. leg. 6. 52 //edysarum nummularifolium Dec. 2123. //EDY'SARUM L. HEDYSARUM. (Hedys, sweet, aroma, perfume.) Leg. Pap. Hed. Cor. Euh. 27. 37. I. ECHINOL&BIA. Joints of legume in disk villous, ribbed, muricate, or glochidate : stemless: from No. 19117. caulescent; legumes prickly : from No. 19124. caulescent; legumes pilose, pubescent, or rugosely crested: from No. 19129. caulescent ; legumes rugose, subcristate, or pubescent : segments of calyx short. 19113 grandiflbrum Pall. large-flowered ^ A or 1 P Tauria 1821. D CO Bieb. cen. 63 19114 argenteum L. silver-leaved ^f A un i Pa.P Siberia 1796. D s.l Pal. it. 2. 9 19115 candidum Bieb. white ^ A pr $ my.jn P Tauria 1824. D CO 2 humile Dec. humble A or my.jn P Tauria 1817. D s.l humile Habl. 19116 splendens Fis. shining ^ A or | Crea Siberia 1819. D s.l 19117 pallidum Desf. pale Q) or 3 jn.jl Pa.R N. Africa 1820. S s.l Bot. mag. 125 1? 19118 coronarium L. garland j O> spl 4 jn.jl S Italy 1596. S CO Gae. fr. 2. 155 2 albiflbrum white-flowered ) O> or 3 jn.jl W Italy 1596. S CO 19119 humile L. humble ^ A un 1 P Spain 1640. D s.l Pluk. al. 50. 2 19120 spinosissimum L. thorniest O un 1 Pa.P Spain 1731. S s.l 19121 carnosum Desf. fleshy -* or P Barbary 1820. S s.l Desf. at. 2. 2(K ) 19122 flexubsum L. fiexuous-podded O un 1 P Asia 1680. S s.l Schk. nan. 2. 2 07 19123 varium W. variable ^j A or 1 W S. Europe 1820. S s.l 19124 lasiocarpum Led. hairv-podded ^ A or 1 P Siberia 1816. S s.l 19125 rutidocarpum Dec. wrinkled-podded.^: 19126 tauricum Pall. Taurian . 4f A A or pr I P Pa.P Siberia Tauria 1826. 1804. S D s.l s.l Bieb. cen. 2. 85 19127 rdseum Step. roseate A pr 2 Pk Caucasus 1803. 1 s.l Bot. mag. 996 19128 altaicum Fis. Altaian ^ A or I jl!au P Siberia 1818. S s.l 19129 frutic&sum L. shrubby Si el 4 jn.jl P Siberia 1782. S s.l Pal. it. 3. 5. 1 19130 ibricum Bieb. Iberian ^ A or i P Iberia 1818. D s.l 19131 cretaceum Fis. chalky ^ A or 1 P Siberia 1819. D s.l II. LEIOLOBIA. Joints of legumes smooth, 19132 consanguineum Dec. allied ^ neither echinoid nor pilose ; segments of calyx shorter than corolla. A el 1 P Siberia 1820 D s.l 19133 obscurum L. obscure ^ A el P Alp. Eur. 1640. D s.l Bot. mag. 282 19134 brachysemum Dec. short-standard & A or li P Siberia 1817. D s.l Gm. si. 4. 10 obscurum altaicum Fis. 19135 siWricum Pair. Siberian alpine ^ A or 3 P Siberia 1700. D s.l Gm. si. 4. 11 19136 caucasicum Bieb. Caucasian ^ A or 1 P Caucasus 1820. D s.l 19137 elongatum Fis. elongated ^ A or 1| P Siberia 1817. D s.l 19138 alpinum L. alpine j A el 2" jn.jl P Siberia 1798. D s.l Bot. reg. 808 19139 boreale Nut. III. DU^BIUM. Doubtful to what section it belongs. northern ^ A or jlau P N. Amer. 1824. D s.l 2124. ONOBRYTHIS Ton. FFOIW. (Onos, ass, brycho, to gnaw.) Leg. Pap. Hed. Cor. Euh. 21. 37. I. EOBRY^CHIS. Legumes oblique, rugose or prickly in the disk, toothed or interruptedly crested on the back. 19140 sativa Lam. com. cultivated ^ A ag 1 jn.jl Pk Britain ch. pa. S s.l Eng. bot. 96 //edysarum Onobrychis L. 19141 tanaitica Spr. satlva /3 subvilldsa Dec. 19142 montana Dec. 19143 conferta Desv. 19144 procumbens Stev. 19145 sup'ina Dec. 19146 glabra Desv. 19147 arenaria Dec. 19148 mareotica Stev. 19149 alba W. //edysarum albui 19150 petrffi N a Desv. 19151 gracilis Bes. 19152 saxatilis^tf. //edysarum saxatile L. 19153 carpatica Dec. Ca 19154 caput-galli Lam. cock's //edysarum caput-galli L. 19155 Crista.galli Lam. Cock's-comb tfedysarum Crista-g511i L. Tanais )ec. ^ A or ] P Caucasus 1817. S s.l mountain ^. A or A P S. Europe 1817. S s.l crowded & A or ] jnau P Iberia 1817. S s.l procumbent Jc A or i P Iberia 1819. S s.l supine ^ A or ^ Pa.R Switzerl. 1819. S s.l smooth A or P Tauria 1816. S s.l sand it A or p Siberia 1818. S s.l Mareotic i A or Pa.R Caucasus 1820. S s.l white rr o, -rr i A I>r W Hungary 1804. S s.l Y. ilf A.. rock A or W.R Caucasus. 1818. S s.l slender A or Pa.P Podolia 1820. S s.l rock T A or L.Y S. Europe 1790. S s.l LJ, Carpathian cock's-head '11*. T * A or Pr . P F Carpathia moun. France 1731. S S s.l s.l 48? W.&K.2. Ill Al. ped. 1. 19. 1 O pr 1 F S. Europe 1710. S ORDER IV. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. 311 II. HYMENOBRY^CHIS. Legumes falcate or suborbiculate, rugose or somewhat prickly in the disk, with the whole back expanded into a membranaceous crest ; scarcely subdentafe. 19156 19157 radiata Bieb. 19158 picta Dt-sv. Michaux Dec. 19159 ptolemaica Dec. Pallas's radiated painted Ptolemais A or ^ A 01 ^t A or 1 1 Pa.Y Iberia Pa.Y Iberia Pa.R Levant 1820. S s.l 1818. S s.l 1820. S s.l Bieb. cen. 1. 35 An. mu. 12. 13 Bux. c. 2. 42 A or 1 Y Egypt 1816. S s.l Del. a?g. 39. 1 III. DENDIIOBRYYHIS. Legumes smooth, unarmed, crestless ; stems pubescent. 19160 cornfita Desv. horned n. | or 1 R Caucasus 1816. S s.l To. it. 2. 249. ic. orientals Hit. 2125. ELEKXTIS Dec. ELEIOTIS. (Heleios, dormouse, ous, ear; leaves.) Leg. Pap. Hed. Cor. Euh. 1. 19161 sorbria Dec. sister white-rooted^ [Q3 un 1 ... R E.Indies 1817. S s.l Desv. 3. 6. 31 .Hedysarum sorbrium L. Halb'a sorbria W. Onobrychis sorbria Desf. 2126. LESPEDE^ MX. LESPEDEZA. (Lespedez, gov. of Florida, bot. pat.) Leg. 19162 Juncea Pers. Rush-branched tt. Q pr 2 W India 1776. 7/edysarum junceum L. Pap. Hed. Cor. Euh. 15. D l.p L. f.dec. 1. 4 19163 reticulata Pers. netted 3 i A or 2 jn.jl P N. Amer. 1816. D l.p 19164 sessiliflbra Nut. sessile-flowered 3 t A l>r 3 jl P N. Amer. ... D l.p 19165 eriocarpa Dec. woolly-fruited ^ i-AJ or 1 V Nepal 1819. D l.p ^nthyllis cuneata Ham. 19166 Stuve; Nut. Stuve's O or I* P N. Amer. 1824. D l.p 19167 frutscens Pers. frutescent 3 I pr 4 P Virginia 1739. C l.p 19168 capitata MX. headed 5 it A pr 2 jn.jl Str N. Amer. 1789. D l.p 19169 angustifiMia Ell. narrow-leaved 1 t A or 2 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1800. D 1-P 19170 polystachya MX. many-spiked 3 t A pr 3 W N. Amer. 1783. D l.p Mic. am. 2. 40 19171 hirta Horn. hairy j t A or 2 w N. Amer. 1819. D l.p villosa Pers. 19172 i>iolacea Pers. Violet-flowered 3 I A pr 2 V N. Amer. 1789. U s.l 19173 divergens Ph. diverging 3 l A or 2 V N. Amer. 1800. D l.p 19174 proeumbens MX. procumbent - k A or | p N. Amer. 1816. D l.P 19175 prostrata Ph. 19176 glomerata .Horn. prostrate ~ glomerate j fc A io or or | 3 p p N. Amer. E. Indies 1810. 1819. D D l.p l.p 2127. FLEMI'NG/,4 Rox. FLEMINGIA. (John Fleming, F.R.S. F.L.S. &c.) Leg.Pap.Hed.Cor.Euh. 9.-10. . Flowers naked or stipulate, with small deciduous bracteas; leaves trifoliate ; leaflets sessile. 19177 stricta Rox. strict ) IA) un 2 jl.s P India 1798. if s.p Rox. cor. 3.248 19178 semialata Rox. half-winged *t_ [ 1 un 3 P Nepal 1805. S P.I Rox. cor. 3. 249 19179 congesta Rox. crowded-spiked n. [ 1 un 3 J1.S P India 1802. 8 l.P 19180 prostrata Rox. prostrate JU fAI or 1 P E. Indies 1816. S l.p 19181 proeumbens Rox. procumbent !U(23or I P E. Indies 1816. S Li 19182 nana Rox. dwarf ML !~1 un li ; au P India 1804. S l.P 19183 lineata Rox. lined O3 un <2 P India 1793. S l.p Bur. in. 53. 1 II. OsTRYboiuM. Flowers furnished with a large, concave, leafy, persistent bractea ; leaves simple, penninerved. 19184 strobilifera H. K. strobile-bearing * O un 3 P E. Indies 1787. S p.l Bot. reg. 617 Hedysarum strobiliferum L. 19185 guineensis G. Don Guinea Ht Q or 10 ... P Guinea 1825. S l.p 2128. ALHA^GI Tou. MANNA. (Arabic name of the plant.) Leg. Pap. Hed. Cor. Euh. 2. 3. 19186 maurbrum Tou. Moors' tt. | | m 2 R Egypt 1714. S s.l Rauw. it. 94. ic. .Hedysarum Alhclgi L. Manna hebraica D. Don 19187 camelbrum Fis. camels' _AJ m 1| R Siberia 1816. S s.l .Hedysarum Pseudo-Al/tagi Bieb. Manna caspica D. Don ' 2129. ALYSICA'RPUS Neck. ALYSICARPDS. (Alysls, chain 19188 6upleurifblius Neck. Hare's-ear-lvd ^ C3 or 1 , karpos, fruit.) Leg. Pap. Hed. Cor. Euh. 5. 7 P E. Indies 1793. S s.l Bot. mag. 172? " /fedysarum fiupleurifolium L. ^ramini sum Rei 19189 nummularifblius W. Money wort-lvd fAI un *i ji.s P In dia 1777. S l.p Pet. g. 26. 3 fledysarum nummularifolium L. 19190 vaginalis W. % sheathed 23 un f R E. Indies 1790. 8 l.p Bur. zey. 49. 1 //edysarum vaginale L. 19191 monilifer Dec. bracelet-bearer [Al or 2 P E. Indies 1816. S s.l Bur. in. 52. 2 19192 ityracifblius Dec. Styrax-leaved tt. 1 1 un 2 ... P E. Indies 1796. C l.p /fed^sarum styracifblium L. 2130. BREMONTIE^R^ Dec. BREMONTIERA. (M. Bremontier, an agriculturist.) Leg. Pap. Hed. Cor. Euh. L 19193 Amm6xylon Dec. Sand-wood * CD or 4 ... P Mauritius 1826. C s.l Bur. zey. 82 2131. crCER Tou. 19194 arietinum L. CHICK-PEA. ra.m.'s-head O (Kikys, force ; qualities.) clt 1 P S. Europe 1548. Leg. Pap. Vic. 1. S co Bot. mag. 2274 2132. J'A^BA Tou. BEAN. (Phago. to eat : esculent.) Les. Pap. Vic. 1. 19195 vulgaris Moen. common O cul 3 jn.jl W Egypt ... S CO Black. 19 Vicia. .Faba L. 2 equina horse O ag 3 jn.jl P ... S CO 2133. n'CIA Tou. VETCH, ( Vmcio, to bind together ; twining tendrils.) Leg. Pap. Vic. 72. 108. 19196pisif6rmis /,. I. PEDUNCULA'TJE. Pea-shaped _L A or 2 Flowers pedunculated. Pa.Y Austria 1739. R CO Jac. au. 4. 364 19197 amo^na Fis. ;asing red _& A or 2 jnjl P Siberia 1818. R CO Gm. si. 4. 3 19198 caroliniana Walt. rolina tufted & A or o W Carolina 1820. R CO Crdcca Ph. 19199 dumetbrum L. hedge J A or 3 my.jn P France 1752. R CO Spr. hal. 7 19200 dentata Fis. toothed A or 4 jn.jl P Siberia 1819. S CO 19201 americana Mhl. American wood_ or 3 jn.jl W N. Amer. 1800. S CO 19202 sylvatica L. common wood A or 8 W.B Britain r noi. w. K CO Eng. bot. 79 1920S variegata Desf. variegated A or 3 jn.jl Pa.P Caucasus 1816. S CO An. mu. 12. 12 192!)4cassubicaZ. Cassubian ~ A or 3 in H L.B Germany 1711. K CO Jac. au. 3. 229 19205 abbreviata Fis. short-peduncled_ A or 2 jnijl Pa.B Caucasus 1818. S CO 19206 Crdcca L. Cracca tufted '_ A or V Britain hed. R CO Eng. bot. 1168 2 fl6ribus albis white-flowered t A or 2 jn.jl W Britain gard. S CO X 4 312 DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. CLASS XVI I. 3 fl6ribus rubris red-flowered R A or 2 Jn.jl R Britain gard. S CO 19207 Gerard* Jac. Gerard's _| A or 2 19208 Pseudo-CVa'cca Bert. BastardCraccaJ O or 2 tenuifolia Ten. n.jl n.jl V P S. Europe 1810. S. Europe 1820. S S CO CO Jac. au. 229 19209 polyphylla Desf. many-leaved A or 2 jn.jl Pa.P Algiers 1816. s CO 19210 arg^ntea Lap. silvery ^ A or 1 n.jl Pk Pyrenees 1827. s CO 19211 tenuif61ia Roth slender-leaved J A or 1| n.jl V Germany 1799. R CO 19212 consentina Spr. Consentian JL O or 2 B Italy 1818. S CO 19213 capensis Pers. Cape JL lAJ or 1 P C. G. H. 1802. R CO 19214 canescens Lab. canescent JL O or 1 B Libanus 1800. S CO Lab. syr. 7 19215 ochroleuca Ten. yellowish white JL A or 2 , n.jl Pa.Y Italy 1825. S CO 19216 onobrychioldes L. Saintfoin-like JL O or 2 n.jl P S. Europe 1789. s CO Bot. mag. 2206 19217 atropurpurea Desf. dark-purple JL O or 3 , 19218 benghalensis L. Bengal JL O or 3 n.jl n.jl P D.P Algiers 1815. E. Indies 1792. R S CO CO Her. lug. 625 19219 perennis Dec. perennial JL A or 3 , n.jl P S. Europe 1820. s CO 19-220 longifdlia Poir. long-leaved JL O or 2 n.jl Pa.Y Syria 1818. s CO 19221 villbsa W. villous 1 O or 3 . D.P Germany 1815. s CO 19222 disprma Dec. two-seeded JL O or 1| W S. France 1820. s CO parviflora Lot. 19223 altissima Desf. tallest 1 A or 3 j l.d P.B Barbary 1890. 8 CO 19224 biennis L. biennial JL CD or 2 j l.s P Siberia 1753. 8 CO Gm. si. 4. 2 19225 Nissolianrt L. Nissole's JL O or 3 n.jl D.P Levant 1773. a CO Bot. reg. 871 atropurpurea Lindl. 19226 pellucida Jac. pellucid JL lAJ or 1 P C. G. H. 1812. R CO Jac. sc. 2. 222 19227 bifldra Desf. two-flowered JL O or 1| B Algiers 1801. S CO Desf. at. 2. 197 19228 calcarata Desf. spurred JL O or 2 R.B Barbary 1790. S CO monantha Retz 19229 syrlaca Wein. Syrian JL O or 2 jn.jl V Syria 1816. s CO II. SESSILIFLbRjE. Flowers subsessile. 19230 sativa L. common cultivated JL O ag 3 my.jn P Britain corn fi 8 h.l Eng. bot. 334 2 segetalis corn JL O ag 3 i ny.jn P Britain corn fi s h.l 3 nemoralis grove JL O ag 3 i P Britain corn fi s h.l 19231 angustifolia Sibth. narrow-leaved JL O or 14, my.jn R Britain corn fi 8 CO luganensis Schl. 19232 leucosperma Moen. white-seeded JL O or 2 P Europe 1810. s CO alba Moen. 19233 glabra Schl. smooth L O or 2 P Switzerl. 1819. s CO 19234 intermedia Viv. intermediate L O or 3 ; n.jl P S. Europe 1818. s CO Viv. lib. 19. 1 19235 incisa Bieb. cut [ O or 2 i P Caucasus 1820. s co 19236 globosa W. globose i O or IJj B 1804. s CO 19237 cordata Wul. cordate i O or 2 P Germany 1816. s CO 19238 pilosa Bieb. pilose 8 or 2 P Tauria 1818. s CO 19239 megalosperma Bieb. great-seeded 19240peregrina L. foreign 19241 Michauxw Spr. Michaux's or 2 [ O or 1| ', O or 1^ jl-au P P W Tauria 1798. France 1779. 1803. s s s CO CO CO Pluk. al. 233. 6 19242 Thoulnf Mart. Thouin's L O or 2 j P Europe 1800. s CO 19243 bae'tica Fis. Baltic ^ or 2 j P Europe 1820. s CO 19244 Musqulnez Bosc Musquinez 19245 amphicarposDorf. both sides podded" 1924(5 pyrenaica Pou. Pyrenean 4 .19247 striata Bieb. striated L O or 1| L O or 1 my.jn l A or 1 my i O or 14 P P Y P Europe 1818. France 1815. Pyrenees 1818. Tauria 1823. s s s s CO CO CO CO Sw. fl. gar. 23o Dec. ic. 133 19248 tethyroides L. Lathyrus-like JL O or 14." a p.jn P Britain 3 h.l Eng. bot. 30 .E'rvum soloniense L. 19249 laevigata Sm. smooth-podded 1 9250 d ubia Schulz doubtful L A or 1| O or 2 Pa.Y P England sea. sh 1820. 8 s CO CO Eng. bot. 483 19251 luteaZ,. yellow or lij Y Britain sea sh s CO Eng. bot. 481 19252 hirta^fl/6. hairy or 2 j W Europe 1816. s CO 19253 hybrida /.. hybrid 19254 hirsuta Fis. hairy or [ O or Y Y England thick. Siberia 1818. 8 s CO CO Eng. bot. 482 19215 grandiflora Sco. great-flowering" 19256 sordida W. $ K. sordid 19257 Biebersteinw Bes. Bieberstein's O or 1 L O or 1 jn.jl \ O or 1 Y Y Y S. Europe 1818. Hungary 1802. Podolia 1820. s s s CO CO CO Scop. car. 2. 42 W. & K. 2. 134 s6rdida Bieb. 19258 tricolor Seb. three-colored JL O or 1| jn au P.Y Italy 1818. 8 CO Seba rom. 4 19259 bicolor W. en. two-colored J- O or 2 i P.w 1820. B CO 19260 trifl6ra Ten. three-flowered * L O or 2 j P Italy 1820. s CO 19261 pannonica Jac. Pannonian L O or lij n.jl W Hungary 1658. 8 CO 1.34 19262 sfepium L. hedge [ O or 2 r ny.jn V Britain " hed. 8 h.l Eng. bot. 1515 19263 truncatula Fis. small truncate 8 or 1 j Pa.Y Siberia 1818. s co 19264 narbonensis L. Narbonne 19265 serratifolia Jac. saw-leaved 19266 platycarpos Roth broad-podded J 19267 monadelpha Roth monadelphous J ag 3 jn.jl [ ag 3 jn.jl k O or l| , O or 3 P P P P France 1596. Hungary 1723. Germany 1723. N. Amer. 1820. s s s s CO h.l CO CO Roth abh. 2 Jac. au. app. 8 Roth abh.l 2134. 'RVUM L. TARE. (Erw, tilled land, Celt. ; pest in.) Leg. Pap. Vic. 10. 18. I. LENS. Legumes subinflated, broad, oblong, two-seeded. 19268 Lens L. Lentil JL O clt 1 my Pa.B France 1548. s CO Riv. tet. 35 19269 nigricans Bieb. blackish 1 O un 1 j Ml P Tauria 1817. s CO fentoides Ten. 19270 Lenticula Schreb. Small Lentil \ Q un 1 jn.jl B Carinthia 1820. s CO Sch. mo. 48 soloniense Wul. uniflorum Ten. Clcer ervoldes Brig. 19271 hirsutum L. hairy B Q un 2 jn.jl 19272 dispermum Rox. two-seeded JL O un 14. jn.jl W P Britain corn fi. E. Indies 1802. s B h.l CO Eng. bot. 970 II. ERVI'LTA. Legumes subinflated, oblong, linear, four or six seeded. 19273 rvilia L. Lentil 1 O clt 1 jn.jl P S. Europe 1596. s CO Black. 208. 3 Ticia j?rvflia W. .Ervilia sattva Lit. 19274 monanthos L. one-flowered 1 O or 1 jn.jl Ticia articulata W. iathvrus monanthos IV. en. P S. Europe 1798. s CO Stur.ger.l.32.ic 19275 tetraspermum L. four-seeded J O un 1| jn 19276 gracile Dec. slender JL O un 1 jn.jl W.B Pa.B Britain corn fi. S. Europe 1822. 8 s h.l CO Eng. bot. 1223 Brot. ph. 54 Ficia gracilis Loi. 19277 pubescens Dec. pubescent JL O un 1 jn Jl P Italy 1820. s CO ORDER IV. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. 313 2135. PPSUM Tou. PEA. (Pis, pea, Celt.} Leg. Pap. Vic. 1. 19278 sativum L. com. cultivated _ [ O cu 3 jn.s W S. Europe ... S co Lam. il. 633 2 saccharatum Ser. sugared [ O cul 4 jn.s W S co 3 macrocarpum Ser. long-podded [ O cul 4 jn.s W S co 4 umbellatum L. umbellate [ O cul 4 jn.s P S co Tab. ic. 495 5 quadratum L. squared I O cul 3 jn.s W S co 6 humile Pair. humble ! O cul 1 jn.s W S co 19279 elatum Bieb. tall { O cul 5 D.P Iberia 1820. S co 19280 Jomardi Schrank Jomardi's { O cul 3 W Egypt 1820. S co 19281 thebaicum W. Theban L G or 3 1825. S co 19282 arvense L. field [ O ag 3 jn.s R S. Europe ... S co M. h. 2. 2. 1. 4 19283 maritimum L. sea L O or 1| jl P England sea sh. R s.l Eng. bot. 104G 19284 americknum Mil. American sea \ fc A or 1 P N. Amer. 1800. R s.p.l *2136. ZA'THYRUS L. LATHYRUS. (La, augment, thouros, anything exciting; qual.) Leg. Pap. Vic. 50.-64. I. EULA'THYRUS. Vexillum at base toothless ; leaflets opposite, or from abortion none; petioles narrow-winged. i. PERE'NNES. Pere nnial ; peduncles many-flowered ; leaves one-paired, from No. 19294. many paired. 19285 sylvestris L. wood Everlasting Pea ft. A or 3 jl.s P Britain moi. w. S co Eng. bot. 805 19286 intermedius Wallr. intermediate J [ A or 4 jl.s R N. Europel820. S co Muhl. dan.785 19287 magellanicus Lam. Magellan [ A or 6 jn.jl P.B CapeHornl744. S co 19288 latifulius L. broad-lvd Everlasting ' L A or 6 jl.s Pk England woods. S co Eng. bot. 1108 19289 rotundifdlius IV. round-leaved 1 A or P Tauria 1822. S co Bieb. cen. 1. 22 19290 grandiflorus B. M. large-flowered _| A or 4" jn au P S. Europe 1814. S co Bot. mag. 1938 19291 prate"nsis L. meadow A or 3 Y Britain me. pa. S co Eng. bot. 670 19292 tuberusus L. tuberous C A cul 2 R Holland 1596. S co Bot. mag. Ill 19293 rbseus Steu. rosy J, A or 2 R Iberia 1822. S co 19294 /risiformis L. Pea-formed t A or 3 jn.jl W.B Siberia 1759. S co L. f. dec. 20 19295 mutabilis Swt. changeable A or 4 P.R Siberia 1825. S co Sw. fl.gar. 192 19296 californicus B. R. California!! \ A or 4 jn.jl P Californial826. S co Bot. reg. 1144 19297 palustris L. marsh A or 4 Pa.P Britain moi. w. S co Eng. bot. 169 19298 wzyrtifulius Mhl. Myrtle-leaved { A or 3 P Philadel. 1822. S co 19299 polymorphic Nut. multiform [ A or 3 Pa.P Missouri 1824. S co 19300 heterophyllus L. various-leaved [ A or 4 jl.s F Europe 1731. S co Bau. his. 2.304.1 19301 stipulaceus Lee. large-stipuled A or 3 P New York 1816. S co ii. A'NNUI. Annual; peduncles one or three-flowered; petioles leafless, from No. 19304. leaves one-paired, from No. 19320. two or three-paired. 19302 vTphaca L. Yellow Vetchling R O or 1 jn.jl Y England san. fi. S co Eng. bot. 1167 19303 Nissblm L. Nissolia 8 or 1 my C England S co Eng. bot. 112 19304 inconspicuus L. inconspicuous cu 1 P Levant 1739. S co Jac. vin. 1. 86 19305 sphae'ricus Retz round-seeded O or 1 jn.jl C S. Europe 1801. S co Dec. ic. 1. 32 19306 coccineus Pers. scarlet L O or 2 jn.jl S Italy 1800. S co 19307 micranthus Ger. small-flowered O or 1 jn.jl P S. France 1816. S co 19308 angulatus L. angular-seeded O or 1 jn.jl R S. Europe 1683. S co Bux. c. 3. 42. 2 19309 longipedunculatus Led. long-pedunc . O or 1 jn.jl P 1817. S co 19310 leptophyllus Bieb. fine-leaved O or 1 jn.jl P Caucasus 1818. S co 19311 setifblius L. bristle-leaved O or 1 jn.jl R S. Europe 1739. S co Bau. his. 3. 308 19312 amphicarpos L. both sides fruitec I O cu 1 jn.jl Pk Levant 1680. S co Sw. fl. gar. 236 19313 sativus L. cultivated Chickling Vetch 19314 Cicera L. Ciccr a flat-podded " Sag 3 jn.jl W S. Europe 1640. S co Bot. mag. 115 or 2 jn.jl R S. Europe 1633. S co Ger. em. 3 19315 annuus L. annual [ O or 4 Y S. Europe 1621. S co Bux. c. 3. 42 1 19316 hirsutus W. hairy-podded [ O or 4 jl P England bor. fi. S co Bot. mag. 1255 19317 hirtus Lam. hairy ( O cul 4 P Europe 1800. S co 19318 odoratus L. fragrant Sweet Pea' [ O fra 4 jn.jl Va Sicily 1700. S r.m Bot. mag. 60 19319 tingitanus L. Tangier i O or 4 D.P Barbarv 1680. S co Bot. mag. 100 19320 bithynicus Lam. Bithynian R O or 1 P England san. sh. S co Eng. bob. 1842 Ficia bithynica L. 2 sessifl5rus Ser. sessile-flowered L O or 1 P Switzerl. 1819. S co Stur. ger.1.32. ic 19321 tumidus L. tumid 1 O or 1 R Piedmont 1820. S co Al. ped. 1 . 26. 2 II. CLY'MENUM. Vexillum at base marked on each side with a conical swelling; superior leaves two or six . foliate; leaflett often alternate ; petioles often winged. 19322 incurvns Roth curved-podded gor 2 B Russia 1802. S co Bux. c. 4.46 19323 alatus Ten. winged or 3 P Italy 1823. S co 19324 Clymenum L. Clymenum 8 or 4 jn.jl R.B Levant 1713. S co Pluk. al. 114. 6 19325 articulatus L. joint-podded or 4 F.w S Europe 1640. S co Bot. mag. 253 19326 auriculatus Bert. eared \ O or 4 P S. Europe 1800. S co 19327 spurius W. en. spurious L O or 2 jn.jl P 1815. S co 19328 purpureus Desf. purple ^ O or 3 P Crete ... S co Desf. cor. 61 19329 tenuifolius Desf. fine-leaved 1 O or 3 B N. Africa 1820. S co 19330 cornutus Horn. horned JL O or 3 P 1818. S co III. DU^BII. Doubtful to which of the secfions they belong. 19331 helodes Lk. marsh J O or 4 P 1827. S co 19332 italicus Fis. Italian L O or 3 ... Italy 1827. S co 19333 lusitanicus Mart. Lusitanian [ O or 3 ... Spain 1827. S co 2137. CTCHRUS Pers. CTHRUS. 19334 pallida Pers. pale PJsum O y chrus Pers. (Ochros, pale ; pale muddy-colored flowers.) Leg. Pap. Vic. 1. j. O or 2 Pa.Y S. Europe ... S co Tou. ins. 219 *2138. O'ROBUS Tou. BITTER VETCH. (Oro, to excite, Sows, an ox ; nourishing food.) Leg. Pap. Vic. 34-48. I. UNI'JUGI. Leaves one-paired ; leaflets ovate or linear. 19335 laxiflbrus Desf. loose-flwd hain/ & A or 1 my.jl V Candia 1820. R p.l An. mu. 12. 8 hairy ' & A or 1 my.jn R Thrace 1822. R co Bot. mag 2345 beautiful ^ A or f my.jl P Caucasus 1818. R p.l Lin. tr. 11. 36 Lathyrus-like ^ A or 2 jn B Siberia 1758. R p.l Am rut. 7. 2 II. MULTI'JUGI. Leaves many-paired ; leaflets broad; stipules much smaller than the leaflets; from No. 19359. leaflets very narrow. spring ^ A or 1 mr.ap P Europe 1629. R s.l Bot. mag. 521 few-flowered ^ A or 1 my.jl P 1820. R p.l veiny ^ A or 1 my.jl B Siberia 1816. R p.l Gin si. 5. 1 rock % A or 2 jn.jl P Hungary 1817. R p.l W.&K.2. 126 many-flowered 3 A or 2 Pa.R Italy 1820. R p.l variegated ^ A or 1 P Italy LS21. R p.l Fl. nap. G8 19336 hirsutus L. 19337 formbsus Stev. 19338 tethyro\des L. 19339 vernus L. 19340 pauciflorus Hort. 19341 venbsus W. 19342 alpMris W. # K. 19343 multiflurus Meb. l!>;m varicgMus Ten. 314 19345 iricio s ides Dec. DIADELPHJA DECANDRIA. Vicia-like ^ A or 1 jn.jl ... Hungary 1819. R CLASS XVI I. p.l W.&K. 3. 242 Ticia oroboides W ill. 19346 luteus L. yellow ^ A or ji jn.jl L.Y Siberia 1759. R h.l Bot. cab. 783 19347 Tournefortw Lap. Tournefort 's & A or 1| my.jl Y.P Pyrenees 1821. R p.l Mem. m. 2. 10 19348 laevigatus W. % K. smooth ^ A or 1* my.jl Y Hungary 1820. R 19349 aurantius Stev. orange JV A or Ij jn.jl Y Iberia 1818. R p.l 19-350 sylvaticus L. wood ,Jc A or 2 my.jl C.P Britain i m.wo. R p.l Eng. bot. 518 19351 ochroleucus W.&K. yellowish white^ 19.352 niger L. black ^ A A or or 2 my.jl 3 jn.jl Pa.Y P Hungary 1816. Britain woods. R R P-1 p.l W. & K,2. 118 Bot. mag. 2261 19353 hhmilis Ser. humble 5 A or k Jl-au P Dahuria 1825. R P.1 Lathyrus humilis. Fis. 19aT4 tuberusus L. tuberous A cul 1 my.jn P Britain h leaths. R p.l Eng. bot. 1153 19355 pyrenaicus L. Pyrenean A or 2 my.jn P Pyrenees 1699. R p.l Pluk. al. 210. 2 Pluknet// Lap. 19356 tenuif,Mius Roth fine-leaved ^ A or 1 my.jl P Germany 1810. R P 1 19357 divaricatus Lap. divaricate ^ A or I my.jl P Pyrenses 1816. R P-1 Mem.m.2. 11 19358 erectus Pair. erect ^ A or 1 P R P.l 19359 varius Sol. various ^t A or li my.jn Y.R Italy"" 1759. R P-1 Bot. mag. 675 19360 canescens L. canescent ^ A or 1| my.jn W.B France 1816. R CO 19361 pallescens Bieb. pallescent Jtf A or 1 my W Tauria 1823. R CO 193n2 albus L. white-flowe red ^ A or 1 my.jn W Austria 1794. R S.I Sw. fl. gar. 22 19363 lacteus Bieb. milk-white ^ A Off 1| my.jn W Caucasus 1820. R CO 19364 angustifolius L. narrow-lea 1 fed. ^_ A or 1 my.jn W Siberia 1766. R S.I Gm. si. 4. 5 19365 saxatilis Ven. rock o or 1 p S. France 1820. S p.l Ven. eels 94 III. DU V BII . Species not sufficiently known. 19366 coccineus 3/#. scarlet 4^ A or 1 s N. Amer. 9 D CO 2 unijugus Dec. conjugate :k A or 1 s N. Amer. p 1) CO Bot. cab. 883 19367 venetus Mi/. Venetian ^ A or 1 mr.ap p Germany D CO Mil.d.ed.2.193.2 19368 Gmefinf Fis. Graelin's 5 A or 1 ... Siberia 1827. D CO 2139. PLATY'STYLIS Swt. PLATYSTYLIS. (Platys y broad, stylis, style.) Leg. Pap. Vic. 2. 19369 cyanea Swt. azure ^ A or 1 my p Caucasus 1823. R CO Sw. fl. gar. 239 0'robus cyaneus Si 'ei>. 19370 sessilifulia Swt. sessile-leav ed ^ IA or 1 my p Tauria 1823. R CO Eot. mag. 2796 0'robus sessilifolius Sm. digitatus Bieb pyreneus Pall. 2140. A^BRUS L. 19371 precatorius L. WILD LIQUORICE. prayer 1 (Abros, soft; extreme tenderness of leaves.) CD or 12 Pa.P W. Indies 1680. S Leg. Pap. Phas. 1. s.p R. mal. 3. 39 2141. SWEE V T/^ Dec. SWEETIA (Robert Sweet, F.L.S., author of several bot. periodicals.) Leg.Pap.Phas. \ 19372 longifolia Dec. long-leaved i. CD or 4 P S. Amer. 1818. C s.p Jac. ic. 572 Galega longifolia Jac. Tephrosia longifulia Pers. S. Amer. 1820. C s.p Jac. ic. 573 St.Dom. 1824. C s.p ega longifolia Jac. Tephrosia longifu 19373 filirormis Dec. thread-shaped jj_ I I or 3 P Galega filiformis Jac. 19374 lignbsa Dec. woody J_ CD or 5 ... P Glycine lignosa Turp. 2142. MICRA'NTHUS Pair. MICRANTHUS. (Mikros, small, anthos, flower.) Leg. Pap. Phaseol. 1. 19375 cochinchinensis Lou. Cochinchinese _$ E3 clt 3 W China ... S co 2143. AMPHICA'RPA Ell. AMP. (Amphi,on both sides, karpos, fr.; above and und.ground.) Leg.Pap.Phas.3t 19376 sarment&sa Ell. twiggy _$ O or 2 s Ap N. Amer. 1820. S s.p Ab. ins. 21 Glycine tilusa Horn, sarmentbsa Roth 19377 monoica Ell. monoecious _$ O or 4 s Ap N. Amer. 1781. S s.p Rce. ar. 1. 2 Glycine monoica L. 19378 combsa G. Don tufted _$ O un 1 jl.s B N. Amer. 1812. S p.l Glycine com5sa L. 2144. KENNE V D IA Ven. KENNEDIA. (Mr. Kennedy, nurseryman, Hammersmith.) Leg. Pap. Phas. 12. I. LoNGicARfN-E. Leaves trifoliate ; keel straight, rather longer than the vexillum. 19379 rubicunda Ven. rubicund $ I I or 10 Br N. S. W. 1788. C s.p Bot. mag. 268 19380 prostrata R. Br. prostrate JU i | or 4 mr.jn S N. S. W. 1790. C s.p Bot. mag. 270 19381 inophylla Cun. nerve-leaved J_ i j or 4 ... S N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 19382 ditatata Cun. dilated _ | | or 4 ... S N. Holl. 1824. C s.p II. BREVICARI*N/E. Leaves trifoliate ; keel shorter than the vexillum or wings. 19383 coccinea Ven. scarleU//otuerafJ_ i_J or 10 S N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Sw. au. 23 19384 Comptomawa Lk. Compton's J_ i | or 12 mr.jn B N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. rep. 298 19385 parviflr.ra Ma. C. small-flowered fc_ i_J or 4 N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 19386 heterophylla Ma. C. variable-leaved J_ i | or 4 N. Holl. 1824. C s.p III. SIMPLTCIFOLLE. Leaves simple , keel snorter than vexillum or wings. 19387 monophy'lla Ven. simple-leaved fc, t | or 10 mr.jn P N. S. W. 1790. C s.p Bot. mag. 263 ovate-leaved J_ | | or 6 P N. Holl. 1818. C c.p Bot. mag. 2169 i ovata B. M. latifulia Lindl. 19389 apetala Lo. C. 19390 sericea Ma. C. IV. DU*BI.E. Species not sufficiently known. apetalous * i | or 4 ... Ap 1824. C s.p silky i. i_J or 4 N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 2145. RHYNCHCTSIA Lou. RHYNCHOSIA. (Rhynchos, beak ; keel.) Leg. Pap. Phaseol. 18. 51. I. MONOPHY'LL/E. Leaves all or for the most part simple, roundish, on long footstalks. 19391 renif6rmis Dec. kidney-formed-/i>rfj Al pr 2 Y Carolina 180S. D p.l Glycine reniformis Ph. l|jn.s Y N. Amer. 1732. D p.l Di. el. 26.29 19392 diffurmis Dec. two-formed _ A u Glycine tomentosa Ph. var. volubilis MX. II. PHASEOLOI'DE/E. Leaves trifoliate, on long footstalks. 19393 erecta Dec. erect ^ A pr 2|jn.s Su N. Amer. 1820. D p.l Glycine erecta Nut. 19394 caribae^a Dec. Caribaean $_ B2 pr 2 s.o Y W. Indies 1742. C p.l Bot. reg.275 Glycine caribae'a Jac. ORDER IV. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. 315 19395 minima Dec. smallest J_ 23 un 1| Y JD61ichos minimus L. 19396 phaseolcndes Dec. Kidneybean-lk J_ E] un 2 jn.jl Br Glycine phaseololdes Sivx. 19397 precatoria Dec. prayer J_ I 1 un 4 Y Glycine precatoria W. en. 19398 reticulata Dec. net-leaved $_ LD or 6 jl.s W Glycine reticulata Vahl 19399 rhombifblia Dec. rhomb-leaved $_ C3 un 6 ... Glycine rhombifolia W. 19400 suavfeolens Dec. sweet-scented * Q or 3 jl.s Y.R Glycine suav^olens L. 19401 viscosa Dec. clammy $_ D un 3 jl.s Y Glycine viscosa Roth, glutinosa Lech. 19402 viscida Dec. viscid J_ I 1 un 3 Y 19403 Fredericjrt Dec. Frederic's fc_ Q un 4 Y 19404 scarabaeo v ides Dec. scarabasus-like _J O un 2 jn.jl P Z)olichos scarabajoides L. 19405 biflbra Dec. two-flowered _| H3 un 5 Y Dulichos scaraba?oldes Rox. 19406 angustifolia Z)ec. narrow-leaved J_ i | un 6 Y Glycine angustifolia Jac. 19407 mollis Dec. soft JL CD un 3 Y Glycinc mollis IV. III. ERIOSE N MA. Leaves trifoliate, all on short footstalks ; racemes or fascicles of flowers axillary ; vexiUum silky villous ; stems not climbing. 19408 tnolacea Dec. Violet-like * CD un 3 Y Guiana 1820. C p.l Aub. gui. 2. 30G Glycine picta Vahl, Cytisus yiolkceus Aub. Jamaica 1776. S s.l Jac. ob. 1. 22 Jamaica 1818. C p.l Bot. mag. 2284 Mexico 1825. C p.l Jamaica 1779. C p.l E. Indies 1815. C p.l E. Indies 1816. C p.l E. Indies 1820. C p.l E. Indies 1823. C p.l S. Amer. 1820. C p.l E. Indies 1773. S s.l E. Indies 1816. C p.l C. G. H. 1795. C p.l Guinea 1823. C p.l Pluk. al 53. 3 Jac. sc. 2. 231 2146. FAGE^LIA Neck. FAGBLIA. 19409 bittimindsa Neck. clammy Glycine bituminosa L. (Not explained.) 4 ap.s Lee;. Pap Phasebl. 1. Y.P C. G.H. 1774. 'C l.p Bot. reg.261 2147. WISTA^R/^ Nut. WISTARIA. (Caspar IVistar, a professor in Pennsylvania.) Leg. Pap. Phasebl. 3. 19410 Consequana London Consequa's _$ or 15 my.jn B China 1818. L r.m Sw. fl. gar. 211 sinensis Dec. Glycine sinensis B. R. 19411 frut^scens Nut. frutescent J; or 10 jn.s P N. Amer. 1724. L s.p Bot. mag. 2103 Glycine frutescens /,. /J v pios frutescens Ph. 19412 floribunda Dec. bundle-flwd Jt or 10 ... P.w China 1820. L r.m H. pfl. 8. 64. 2 Dolichos polystachyos Thun. Glycine floribunda W. 2148. -4TIOS Boer. APIOS. (Apion, a pear ; form of roots.) 19413 tuberbsa Moen. tuberous- rooted^ & or 6 au.s N. Amer. Glycine ^ v pios L. 2149. PHASE^OLUS L. KIDNEYBEAN. (Phaselus, little boat ; sup. resemb. in pods.) Leg.Pap.Phas. 46. 63. I. EupHASE\)Lus. Legumes compressed. i. CARACA'LLA. Stems pubescent s roots fasciculately tuberous ; leaflets entire ; vexillum twisted. 19414 Caracdlla L. Caracalla J fAI cul 1| au.s Li India 1690. S r.m Bot. rep. 341 Leg. Pap. Phasebl. 1. 1640. R s.p Bot. mag. 1198 19415 ii. PERE'NNIS. Stems herbaceous i roots perennial ; racemes subpaniculate , leaflets entire. rennis Walt. perennial ^ A or 3 D.P Carolina 1824. D s.l perenns alt. pere Dolichos polystachyos L. iii. MACROpbmi. Annual ; leaflets entires peduncles longer than leaves. 19416 alatus Z. winged J; O un 3 jl P Carolina 1732. S s.l Di. el. 235. 303 19417 specibsus Hum. showy _ O or 6 S Orinoco 1820. S s.l 19418 sylve'stris Kth. wood _J d) or 6 S Mexico 1825. S s.l 19419 multiflorus W- many-flowered _J Q cul 12 jl.s S S. Amer. ? 1633. S co Schk.han.2.199.a 2albus white- flowering _ Q cul 12 jl.s W S. Amer. 1633. S co iv. BaACHYpboii. Annual ; leaflets entire ; peduncles shorter than leaves. 19420 vulgaris L. ' common ^ 11 y I O cul 1 jn.s W India 1597. S CO Lob. ic. 2. 59 2 fasciatus banded-seeded _< o cul jl W India? 1597. S CO 3 variegatus var\egated-seeded J o cul jl W India? 1597. s CO 19421 compressus Dec. compressed J cul "2 W ..I... s CO Savi ph. 3. 10. 20 19422 oblungus Savi ob\ong-seeded J cul It il s Pa.V s CO Savi ph. 3. 10. 14 19423 saponaceus Savi saponaceous J , o cul 1 jl's W m s CO Savi ph. 3. 10. 15 19424 tumidus Savi tumid Nain Flageolet ', cul 2 jl.s W .. s CO Savi ph. 3. 10. Iff 19425 hajmatocarpus Savi blood-podded _< , o cul 4 Pa.V M s CO Savi ph. 3. 10. 17 19426 sphas'ricus Savi round Haricot d'Orl.^ , o cul 4 Pa.V n s CO Savi ph. 3. 10. 18 19427 gonospermus Savi angled-seeded j i cul 4 Pa.V.w .. - s CO Savi ph. 3. 10. 19 194 C .'8 derasus Schrank scraped-off'6/r-seerf.j cul 3 W.G Brazil 1819. s CO Sch. mo. 1. 89 19429 lunatus L. ha\f-moon-podded_< ' r o or 4 V Nepal 1818. s CO 19432 Xuarfeszz Jac. Xuares's i G or 4 R S. Amer. 1818. s s.l v. HETEROPHY'LLI. Leaflets all or some of them lobed. 19433 microspermus Oi. small-seeded O or 1 D.P Cuba 1825. S s.l variable-leaved _i O or 4 R Mexico 1820. S s.l Aconite-leaved J ED cu 2 Pk E. Indies 1731. S s.l Jac. ob. 3. 52 II. STKOPHO'STYLES. Legumes terete. i. LoBATiFbui. leaflets all lobed. 19434 heterophjrllus IV. 19435 aconitifblius Jac. 19436 diversifblius Pers. various-leaved -* O un 1| jn.jl P N. Amer. 1806. S s.l trilobus MX. 19437 trilobus Roth threo-lobed O un 2 G E. Indies 1777. S s.l Bur. in. 50. 1 19438 subtrilobus Lk. sub-th ree-lobed (TT1 un 1| Y Brazil 1824. S CO 19439 angulusus Or. 19440 farinbsus L. angular-leaved mealy _ ITTI un 3 3 Pa.R Pk E. Indies 1820. 1759. s s s.l co N. a. p. 1730. 42 19441 stipularis Lam. 19442 nanus W. large-st\ puled common dwarf O un O un 2 1 jn.8 Y.Br W Peru India 1805. s s s.l s.l 19443 helvolus L. ii. iNTEGRiFbui. Leaflets entire. pale red $ O cul 3 Pa.R Carolina 1732. 8 CO Di. el. 233. 300 19444 Mungo L. Mungo cul 15 Jn.jl Y India 8 s.l 316 DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. CLASS XVII. 19445 chrysanthos Savi 19446 radiatus L. 19447 scaber Steu. 19448 /athyroWes L. 19449 semierectus L. 19450 violaceus Steu. 19451 Max L. 19452 hirtus Retz 19453 dolichoWes Rox. 19454 amceNius Fors/. 19455 mesolehcus Forst. golden-flowered O or 5 Y rayed O un 1 jn.jl P China 1732. scabrous O cul 3 Y.G E. Indies Lathyrus-like ITTI or 2 S Jamaica 1786. half-erect J [LH pr 2 jl R W. Indies 1732. violet Cm or 3 V Africa 1800. 1 1 1. DU % BH. Doubtful to which of the sectioas they belong. Max O cul 1^ jn.jl G India 175S. hairy J O or 3 ... C. G. H. 1818. Dolichos-like .J O or 3 R E. Indies 1824. pleasing red _JJ O or 4 R Society Is.1820. white-middled ^ O or 4 ... Brazil 1818. Di. el. 235. 305 M. h. 2. 5. 8 SI. jam. 1.116.1 Bot. reg. 743 S s.l Ru. am. 5. 140 S co S co S co S co 2150. A'MPHODUS Lindl. AMPHODUS. (Am/:hi, on both sides, odous, a tooth.) Leg. Pap. Phasebl. 1. 19*56 ovatus Lindl. ovate $_ E3 cu 10 P Trinidad 1820. C s.p Bot. reg. 1101 2151. SCTJA Moen. SOJA. 19457 hispida Moen. hispid Dolichos So/a L. (Sooja, its name in Japan.) Leg. PC _i GJJ cul 3 V E. Indies 179 Vic. 1. S s.l Jac. ic. 145 2152. DO'LICHOS L. DOLICHOS. (.Dolichos, long ; length of climbing stem.) Leg. Pap. Phasebl. 24. 51. , EuD6LicHOS. Legumes compressed, apiculated with the style. 19458 lignusus L. 19459 Jacquinw Dec. 19460 hirsutus Thun. 19461 pi!5sus Klein 19462 tetrasp^rmus W. 19463 capensis L. 194;>1 heterophyllus Horn, variable-lvd 19465 lutcus Swz. 19466 biflbrus L. or 12 or 8 W S. Amer. 1800. or 10 jn P China 1802. un 3 au P E. Indies 1790. $ FA1 un 3 Pa.Y E. Indies 1816. iAJ or 6 Y C- G. H. 1823. O cul 5 ... Canaries 1810. P E. Indies 1776. S C C S ye\\o:v-jiowered^[I3 un 8 two-flowered Jr G3 un 3 Jamaica 1812. Pa.Y E. Indies 1776. S Bot. mag. 3b() Kajm. ic. 41 Pluk. al. 213. 4 Catjang monks' 19467 Catiang L. 19468 monachal is Brot. 19469 sinensis L. Chinese 19470 Liibia Forsk. Lubia 19471 vexillatus vexillated Phasfeolus vexillatus L. 19472 lobatus W. lobed 19473 angulosus Dec. angulose II. CATIA'NG. Legumes cylindric ; leaves entire, from No. 19472. lobed. KTI cul 3 P E. Indies 1793. S s.l R. mal. 8. 41 8 cul pr J Pa.R Pa.R Spain India 1816. 1776. S S CO s.l Bot. mag. 2232 O cul j| iQI cul J< W. Y B Egypt 1818. W. Indies 1732. S S CO CO Di . el. 2. 302 8 or 3 Y C. G. H. 1800. S CO or 2 Y N. Amer. 1820. S p.l III. UNGUICULA^RIA. Legumes subcylindrical, ending in beaks ; leaves entire. ulatus Jac. clawed j O un 3 jn.jl Y W. Indies 1780. S s.l Jac. Tin. 1. 19474 unguic 19475 tranquebaricus Jac. Tranquebar J; RTI un 3 jn.jl 19476 sesquipedalis L. 1 ft. long-podded _J H] un 6 au 19477 melanopthalmus Dec. black-eyed _ O cul 3 19478 gangeticus Rox. Gangetic J. [23 cu 6 19479 sphserospermos Dec. round-seeded RTI cul 4 23 Jac. vin. 3. 70 Jac. vin. 1. 67 19480 reticulatus H. K. 19481 setasfolius Boj. 19482 frutescens Ham. W.p E. Indies 1801. W W. Indies 1781. S s.l ... Italy 1800. S co ... E. Indies ... S co ... Jamaica 1816. S co SI. jam. 117 IV. DU^BII. Species not sufficiently known, net-leaved fc_ i_J un 3 jn.jl P N. S. W. 1781. bristle-lea Nepal frutescent $_ i 1 un ed J_ CD un cent a i | or 4 10 jn.jl C s.l Mauritius 1826. C s.l Pa.Y Nepal 1820. C s.l 2153. VI'GN.4 Savi VIGNA. (Dominic Vigna, commentator on Theophrastus.) Leg. Pap. Phasebl. 1. 2. 19483 glabra Savi smooth jfc Q P* 4 Y N. Amer. 1085. S s.l Jac. vin. 1. 90 Dolichos lutfeolus Jac. 2154. LA'BLAB Adan. LABLAB. (Lablab, the Arabic name of the convolvulus.) Leg.Pap.Phasebl. 8. 19484 vulgaris Savi common $ 2 cul 8 D61ichos Lablab L. 19485 purpfireus G. Don purple J_ (23 or 12 au.s P E. Indies 1790. S s.l vulgaris /3 purpureus Dec. Dolichos purpureus Jac. 19486 bengalensis G. Don Bengal _ OQi cu 8 W E. Indies 1800. S s.l vulgaris /3 albiflurus Dec. D.'ylichos bengalensis Jnc. 19487 nankinicus Savi Nankin _$ [UJ cul 8 W China 1820. S s.l 19488 leucocarpus Savi white-podded _$ EJJ cul 8 W E. Indies 1816. S s.l 19489 cultratus Dec. cultrate-joofiWt-rfJ EJJ cu 8 W Japan 1816. S s.l Dolichos cultratus Thun. 19490 microcarpus Dec. small-podded _$ EJJ cu 8 P E. Indies 1818. S s.l 19491 perennans Dec. lasting white C/iina%_ \ | cu 8 W China 1820. S s.l Dolichos albus Lou. E. Indies 1794. S s.l Bot. mag. 896 Bot. reg. 830 Jac. \in. 2. 124 Savi d. 22. 18.d.g Savi d. 22. 9.a.d Kaem. ic. 25 Ru. am. 5. 141. 1 Ru. am. 5. 137 2155. PACHYRHPZUS Rich. TACHYBHIZUS. (Pachys, thick, r/nxa, root ; tuberous.) Leg.Pap.Phasebl, 1.-3. 19492 angulatus Rich. angled i. CD or 5 jl P E. Indies 1781. C s.l Ru. am. 5. 132 Dolichos bulbosus L. 2156. PARO'CHETUS Ham. PAROCHETUS. (Para, nigh, ochetos, a brook.) Leg.Pap.Phasebl. 1. 2. 19493 communis Ham. common $ _&J or 1 jl P Nepal 1820. D s.l 2157. DIO^CLE^ Kth. DIOCLEA. (Diodes Carystinus, an ancient Greek botanist.) Leg. Pap. Phasebl. 1. 19494 m611is Dec. soft * (23 un Pa.Y 1824. D s.t Jac. fr.88 D61ichos m611is Jac. 2158. PSOPHOCA'RPUS Neck. PSOPHOCARPUS. (Psophos, a sound, karpos, a fruit.) Leg.Pap.Phasebl. 1. 19495 tetragon 61obus Dec. square-podded .J O or 4 s.n B Mauritius 1816. S s.l Ru. am. 5. 133 Dolichos tetragonulobus L. 2159. MUCU^NA Adan.& Dec. Cow- ITCH. (Mucuna-Guaca, name in Brazil.) Leg. Pap. Phas. 12. 20. I. ZOOPUTHA / LMUM. Legumes with lamellose transverse furrows. 19496 tirens Dec. burning L CD cu 12 jn.jl Y W. Indies 1691. C l.p PI. am. 107 Dolichos urens L. Stizolobium urens 1'ers. ORDER IV. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. 317 II. l'^97 altissima Dec. tallest t. CD or Stizolbbium altissimum Pers. 19198 prforiens Dec. common stinging J_ 1 1 cu 50 12 P P Martinico 1779. India 1680. C C l.p l.p Jac. am. 182. 85 Jac. am. 122 Stizolobium pruriens Pers. 19499 gigantea Dec. giant J_CDun 20 G E. Indies 1815. c Lp R. mal. 8. 36 Carpop6gon gigaiitu:> Rox. 19500 imbricdta Dec. imbricated S. CD or 10 ... P E. Indies 1815. c Lp Carpopr.gon imbric&tus Rox. 19501 mitis Dec. mild $ CD un 10 ... P Peru J820. c l.p 19502 macroceratkles Dec. long-horned-Ik fc_ r~) un 10 ... V Bn-.zil 1821. c Lp Raddim.13.5 III. DI; V BI/E. Doubtful to which of the sections they belong. 19503 monospt'rma Rox. one-seeded $_ CD un 10 E. Indies 1816. c l.p 19504 atropurpurea Rox. dark-purple $_CDcu 10 .. P" E. Indies 1820. c p.l 19505 nivea Rox. snow-whife J_ CD un 10 M W E. Indies 1816. c s.p 19506 bracteata Rox. bract eate $_ CD cu 10 E. Indies 18'26. c p.l 19507 anguinea Rox. snake $_CDcu 10 .'. E. Indies 1817. c P.l 2160. CAJA^NUS Dec. PIGEON PEA. 19508 bicolor Dec. two-colored Cytisus Psehdo- Cajan Jac. 19509 flavus Dec. yellow Cytisus Cfljan L. (Catjang, its name in Malabar.) Leg. Pap. Phaseol. 2. CDcul 4 Y E. Indies 1800. S s.l Jac. vin. 2. 119 CD cul 4 Y E. Indies 1687. S s.l Jac. ob. 1. 1 2161. CYLI'STA H. K. CYLISTA. (Kylistos, twining ; plants.) Leg. Pap. Phaseol. 4. 5. 19510 scariosa H. K. scarious fc_ CD or 4 ... Y E.Indies 1806. C p.l Rox. cor. 1. 92 19511 tomentosa Rox. woolly _ [ i or 4 ... Y E. Indies 1816. C p.l Rox. cor. 221 19512 albiflora B. M. white-flowered J_ I I or 6 W Mauritius ... C p.l J5ot. mag. 1859 19513 vill&sa H. K. villose i. CD or 6 Y C. G. H. 1776. S p.l Bot. rep. 446 2162. ERYTHRriNTA L. CORAL TREE. (Erythros, red j flowers.) Leg. Pap. Phaseol. 33. 43. T. ACAU'LES. Stemless ; fructiferous racemes and leafy branches annually rising from subterraneous trunks. 19514 herbacea L. herbaceous ] i | or 3 'jn.s S Carolina 1724. C l.p Bot mag. 877 19515 resupinata Rox. resupinate CD spl 1 ... Pa.S E. Indies 1823. C r.m Rox. cor. 3. 220 19516 horrida Dec. rough * I I spl 5 ... S .Mexico 1824. C r.m Fl. mex. ic. in. II. CAULESCE'NTES. Shrubs or_trees, stems bearing leaves and racemes of flowers. 19517 carnea H. K. 19518 Corallodendrum 1 19519 enneandria Dec. velufina Jac. 19520 macrophylla Dec. 19521 mltis Jac. 19522 piscidio'ides Hort. 19523 abyssinica Lam. 19524 incana W.en. 19525 portoricensis Desf 19526 poianthes Brot. 19527 secundifl5ra Brot. 19528 speci6sa Andr. 19529 rubrinervia H, . 8s 1 19530 fulgens Hort. 19531 aculeatissima Desj 19532 umbrosa H. % B. arbbrea Hort . 19533 caffra Thun. 19534 arborescens Rox. 19535 indica Lam. 19536 stricta Rox. 19537 ovalifulia Rox. 19538 ova-lis Wai. 19539 picta L. 19540 spathacea Dec. 19541 suberosa Rox. 19542 velutina W. 19543 glauca W. 19544 fusca Lou. 19545 Crista-galli L. 19546 teuri folia Jac. 2163. RUDO'LPH I A W. RUDOLPHIA. ( W. J. H. Rudolph, a botanist of Jena.) Leg. Pap. Phaseol. 2. 4. 19547 dubia Hum. doubtful JL CD or 6 ... S Havannahl815. C s.l Glycine sagittata Hum. 19548 rosea Tus. roseate fl_ CD or 6 ... R W. Indies 1826 C ^.1 PL am. 102. 1 ? flesh-colored J CD or 12 my Pk Vera Cruz 1733. S r.m fr. ehr. 8 Coral-tree " ' CD or 20 my.jn S W. Indies 1690. S r.m Com. h. 1. 108 nine-anthered I * CD spl 10 S S r.m Jac. sc. 4. 466 long-leaved spl 20 S Teneriffe 1822. S r.m mild spl 20 ... S Caraecas 1790. S r.m Jac. sc. 216 Piscidia-like ] spl 15 ... S E. Indies 1SOO. S r.m Abyssinian ' hoary 4 Hspl spl 10 10 ... S S Abyssinia 1820. E. Indies 1820. 8 S r.m r.m Porto Rico i *CDor 10 S Porto Ricol80(>. S r.m Grass-flowered CD spl 20 ja.'f" S S. Amer. 1820. 8 r.m Lin. tr. 14. 11 side-flowering " s CD spl 20 S Brazil 1820. S r.m Lin. tr. 14. 12 showy >CDor 10 au.o S VV Indies 1805. S r.rn Bot. rep. 443 red-nerved shining i gs 20 10 S S Bogota 1823. E. Indies 1.801. S S r.m r.m prickliest 1 10 ... S 1800. S r.m shady 5 CD spl 80 ... S Caraecas 1817. S r.m Caffrarian i K | | or 6 S C. G. H. 1816. S l.p Bot. reg. 736 arborescent ' [ CD spl SO S E. Indies 1818. 8 r.m Rox. cor. 3. 219 Indian ' CD r 20 ... S E. Indies 1814. S r.m R. mal. 6. 7 strict i k 1 lor 8 .. S E. Indies 1816. S r.m oval-leaved * ' CD r 10 >B S E. Indies 1816. B r m oval i 1 1 | or 6 S Nepal 1820. S Lp painted i I CD or 6 S E. Indies 1696. S r.m Ru. am. 2. 77 spathaceous ' CD S P' 15 .. S W. Indies 1824. S r.m Cork-barked ' CD spl 15 S E. Indies 1816. S r.m velvety [ CD spl M S Caraecas 1810. S r.m glaucous [ CD spl 20 m< S Caraecas 1819. 8 r.m brovm-flowered ' ' 1 1 or 20 S E. Indies 1800. C IP Ru. am. 2. 78 Cock's-Comb ] 1 . j or 40 my.jl S Brazil 1771. S r.m Sw. fl. gar. 214 Laurel- leaved j ; CD spl 4 S S. Amer. 1800. a r.m Sw. fl. gar. 142 2164. BITTED Rox. 19549 frondosa Rox. 19550 superba Rox. 19551 parviflora Rox. BUTEA. (John, Earl of Bute, a munificent patron of botany.) Leg. Pap. Vic 3. leafy CD spl 30 ... S E. Indies 1796. C r.l Rox. cor. 1. 21 superb 1 CD spl 30 ... S E.Indies 1798. C r.l Rox. cor. 1.22 small-flowered t CD or 20 ... S Coroman. 1818. C r.l 2165. PONG A^MIA Ven. PONGAMIA. (Pongam, its Indian name.) Leg. Pap, Dalb. 4. 6. 19552 glabra Ven. smooth-leaved 1 CD or 30 ... W E. Indies 1699. C s.l Ven. mal. 5:8 Dalbrg/'a arbbrea W. Robinm mitis L. 19553 uliginosa Dec. marsh i CD or 20 ... W W. Indies 1824. C si Galedupa uliginosa Rox. Robinia uliginosa W. 19554 grandiflora Ven. large-flowered f CD or 20 ... W E. Indies 1818. C s.l 19555 Piscidia Rox. Piscidia-WAre 1 CD or 20 ... W E. Indies 1818. C s.l 2166. DALBE'RG/^ Rox. DALBERGIA 19556 ougeinensis Rox. Ougein < 19557 latifolia Rox. broad-leaved L _ 19558 Sissoo Rox. Sissoo t CD or 30 .. \V E. Indies 1820. 19559 Crowe* Rox. Crowe's 1 ; CD or 20 .. W E. Indies 1823. 19560 rubiginosa Rox. rusty J CD or 10 .. W E.Indies 1811. 19561 robusta Rox. robust f CD or 20 .. W E. Indies 1816. icholas Dalberg, a Swedish botanist.) Leg. Pap. Dalb. 19. 29. or 30 ... W E. Indies 1820. C s.l or 30 .. W E. Indies 1811. C s.l Rox. cor. 2. 113 C s.l C s.l C s.l Rox. cor. 2. 115 C s.l 318 POLYADELPHIA DECANDRIA. CLASS XVIII. 19562 alata Box. 19563 emarginata Box. winged emarginate IBs 20 15 ... W ... W E. Indies 1S23. E. Indies 1823. C C s.l s.l 19564 scandens Rox. climbing Ju CD or 20 .. R E. Indies 1812. C s.l Rox. cor. 2. 192 19565 volubilis Rox. twining i_ CD or 20 .. W E. Indies 1818. C s.l Rox. cor. 2. 191 19566 marginata Rox. 19567 rimusa Rox. marginated chinky A_CDor fl_ CD or 20 20 .. W .. W E.Indies 1823. E. Indies 1823. C C s.l s.l 19568 Barclay* Hook. Barclay's fi_ CD or 15 .. B Mauritius 1823. C s.l Hook. ex. fl. 188 19569 Telfairw Hook. Telfair's fl_ CD or 15 .. W Mauritius 1823. C s.l 19570 frondosa Rox. frondose T ( 1 or 30 .. W R Indies 1818. C s.l 19571 paniculata Rox. panicled I r 1 or 30 .. w E. Indies 1811. C s.l Rox. cor. 2. 114 19572 stipulacea Rox. stipulaceous T 1 1 or 20 .. w E. Indies 1820. C s.l 19573 timori^nsis Dec. Timor t f~lor 15 .. w E. Indies 1826. C s.l R. mal. 6. 22 19574 tamarindii'blia. Rox. Tamarind-lvd fi_CDor 15 .. w E. Indies 1820. C s.l 2167. DHEPANOCA / RPUS Mey. DREPANOCARPUS. (Drepanon, 19575 lunatus Mey. half-moon-capsuled*: l~j or 12 ... W Pterocarpus lunatus L. ickle, karpos, fruit.) Leg. Pap. Da/6. 1. 5. S. Amer. 1792. C s.l PI. am. 201. 2 2168. ECASTAPHY'LLUM Br. ECASTAPHYLLUM. (Hekastos, each, phyllon, leaf ; simple.) Leg.Pap.Dalb. 3.-7. W. Indies 1733. C r.m Br. jam. 32. 1 19576 Browne/ Pers. Browne's Pterocarpus Ecastaphyllum L. 19577 Sieberi Rchb. Sieber's 19578 Plumit:ri Pers. Plunder's 10 ... W d) or W.R Guinea 1824. W S. Amer. 1820. C s.t C s.l P. ed. B. 246. 2 2169. ^'RACHIS L. 19579 hypogaT'a L. EARTH NUT. underground (A, without, rhakis, branch.) Le t O clt 2 my.jn Y S. Amer. 171i ;. Cats. Geoff. 1. 2. . S s.l 3.3 2170. VOANDZE^IAThou. VOANDZEIA. (Voandzou, its name in Madagascar.) 19580 subterranea Thou. subterran.-p uttct w HlllC. E. Indies 1796. C s.l.p Ru. am. 2. 16 19597 Cajuputi Rox. Cajuputi Tree i l~l or 15 M E. Indies 1800. C s.l.p Ru. am. 2. 17. 1 19598 viridiflora Sm. green-flowered i i | or 10 G N. S. W. 1798. c s.l.p Cav. ic. 4.333 19599 R. Br. marsh 4t | ) or t; jl.s R N. Holl. 1803. c: s.l.p 19600 globifera R. Br. globe-bearing at | | or 4 t N. Holl. 1803. c s.l.p 19601 diosmaetolia Andr. Diosma-leaved *L_Jor 4 Jn.jT G N. Holl. 1794. C s.l.p Bot. rep. 476 19n02 stypheloMes Sm. Styphelia-lvd at|_Jor 4 my.jn ... N. S. W. 1793. c s.l.p 19603 #enistifolia Sm. Broom-leaved ai i | or 4 N. S. W. 1793. c s.l.p 19604 lanc-eolata Otto lance-leaved at | | or 4 N Holl. 1816. c s.l.p H. ber. 36 If 605 striata Lab. striated i_Jor 4 P" N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p Lab. n. h. 2. If W 19606 hymoides Lab. Thyme-like-/yrf* i | or 3 ... P N. Holl. 1803. c s.l.p Lab. n. h. 2. 167 19607 imbricata Lk. imbricated at i | or 4 N. Holl. 1800. c s.l.p 19608 squamea Z,a6. 19609 taxifolia Schl. seal ^-branched Yew-leaved at(_jor as i | or 4 4 jn.jl P" V. D. L. N. Holl. 1805. c c s.l.p Bot. reg. 477 s.l.p 19610 pentagona Lab. five-angled ati_jor 3 ... N. Holl. 1820. c: s.l.p 19611 nodosa Swz. knotty at,_Jor 2 Jn'jV P N. S. W. 1790. L s.l.p Ex. bot. 1.35 19612 erici folia Sm. Heath-leaved * l | or g jl.s G N. S. W. 1788. L s.l.p Ex. bot. 1. 34 19613 armillaris Sw. bracelet at | | or 2 jn.jl G N. S. W. 1788. L s.l.p Bot. rep. 175 19614 uncinata R. Br. hook-leaved at i | or 3 jn.s P N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p 19615 scabra R.Br. rough-leaved l_Jor 3 f.s P N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p 19616 pulchella .R. Br. neat at i ) or o jn.s P N. Holl. 1803. c s.l.p Bot. cab. 200 II. OPPOSITIJ "bLI.. 1 Lz les oppo site or verticillatt 19617 incana J?. .Br. hoary at i | or 3 Y N. Holl. ]817. c s.l.p Bot. reg. 410 canescens L. 19618 fhymlfolia 5z. Thyme-leaved at | (or 2 jn.s P N. S. W. 1792. c s.l.p Bot. mag. 1868 coronata Andr. 19619 eriocephata SM-&. woolly-headed ati_Jor 4 ... .. N. Holl. 1824. c s.l.p 19620 decussata R. Br. decussate at | | or 4 jl.s P N. Holl. 1803. c s.l.p Bot. mag. 226 3 19621 rotundifolia Hort. round-leaved at | | or 3 ... N. Holl. 1816. c s.l.p 19622 fulgens /?. Br. 196-J3 discolor #cA6. splendid various-colored at | | or at|_Jor 6 3 S N. Holl. N. Holl. 1803. c c s.l.p Bot. reg. 103 s.l.p 19624 linari lia R. Br. Toadflax-lvd at | [or 3 P" N. S. W. 1793. c s.l.p Ex. bot. 1. 56 19625 cuticularis Lab. thin-skinned at,_jor 3 ... ... N. Holl. ... c s.l.p 19626 gibbosa La6. 19627 fascicularis Lab. gibbous fascicled at | ) or 3 3 ... N. Holl. N. Holl. 1820. c c sl.p s.l.p 19628 penduPma Z-orf. pendulous at i | or 3 ... .. N. Holl. 1820. c s.l.p 19629 trinervia Sm. three-nerved at , (or 3 ... M N. Holl. 1816. c s.l.p 19630 fimbriata Hort. fringed at i | or 3 M .. N. Holl. 1817. c s.l.p 19631 grandis /%. grand at | | or 4 N. Holl. ... c S.l.p 19632 dumosa Lod. bushy at | | or 2 t M N. Holl. ... c s.l.p 1963,3 epacridea Her*. 19634 euphorbwides Lod. Epacris-like Euphorbia-like at | | or at , i or 6 3 N. Holl. N. Holl. 1820. 1824. c c sl.p s.i.p 19635 virgata Hort. 19636 tenuifolia Ma. C. twiggy fine-leaved at , |or at i ! or 2 2 N. Holl. N. Holl. 1818. 1824. c c s.l.p s.l.p 19637 AypericifMia Sm. Hypericum-lvd * | | or 3 s"* N. S. W. 1792. c s.l.p Bot. rep. 200 19638 squarrbsa Sm. squarrose at , ,| or 2 w N. S. W. 1794. c s.l.p Bot. mag. 193 3 19639 tetragona #or/. four-angled *l_jor 4 ... ... N. Holl. 1820. c s.l.p 19640 calyclna R.Br. permanent-calyxed 19641 parviflbra Lk. small-flowered * l | or * 1 |or 3 3 p N. Holl. N. Holl. 1803. 1816. c c; s.l.p s.l.p H. ber. 37 19642 densa R. Br. dense-leaved at|_jor 2 p" N. Holl. 1803. c s.l.p 19643 tomentosa Coll. ' woolly at | | or 3 Crea N. Holl. 1810. c s.l.p Col. h. rip. 37 2180. TRISTA^NIATJ. Br. TRISTANIA. (Trees, three, stao, to stand ; dispos. of flws and Ivs.) Myrtuceae. 6. 19644 nereif.\lia R. Br. 19645 joersicitblia Can. 19646 arbor^scens Hort. W617 teurina R. Br. 19648 conftrta R. Br. 19649 depressa Lod. Oleander-lvd Peach-leaved arborescent Laurel-leaved crowded depressed * I | or *L_Jor : | | or l | or l_Jor I | or 6 jn.s 6 10 6 ... Y 6 jl.s Y N. S. W. 1804. C s.p Bot. mag. 1058 N. Holl. 1824. N. Holl. 1820. N. S. W. N. S. W. N. Holl. 1805. 1820. C s.p C sp C s.p C s.p C s.p 2181. CALOTHA'MNUS Lab. CALOTHAMNUS. 19650 quadrifida R. Br. four-cleft 19651 villbsa R. Br. villous 19652 clavata Ma. C. c\ub-leaved 19653 gracilis R. Br. slender-leaved * i | or , | or i_Jor (Kalos, beautiful, thamnos, shrub.) Myrtacets. 4. . 3 jl.s S N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. mag. 1506 3 jl.s S N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. reg. 1099 2 jl.s S N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 3 jl.s S N. Holl. 1803. C s.p 2182. BEAUFO'RT/,4 R. Br. BEAUFORTIA. (Mary, Duchess of Beavfort, bot. pat.) Myrtaceac. 3. 196.54 decussata R. Br. decussated it uJ spl 3 my.jl S N. Holl. 1803. C s.p Bot. reg. 18 - 19655 sparsa R. Br. scattered-leaved* \ | spl 3 ... R N. Holl. 1803. C s.p 19656 carin^ta Cun. keel-leaved i_| spl 3 ... S N. Holl. 1823. C s.p 2183. BILLCTT/^Coll. BILLOTIA. (Mad. TecophUa Billoti, of Turin.) Myrtacea. 1. 19657 acerosa Coll. Maple-leaved 67 Aurantium Risso sweet Orange r , | f r 15 Vv Asia 1595. B r.m Lam. il. 639. 2 19668 vulgaris Risso common Seville ' ' l_Jfr 15 my.jl Vv Asia 15 r.m 2 7yrtif61ia Hort. Myrtle-leaved i 3 i |fr 3 my.jl W Asia . B r.m Bot. reg. 346 19669 decumana L. huge Shaddock < 1 llfr 15 my.jl W India 1724. 15 r.m Ru. am. 2 24. 2 19670 hystrix Dec. porcupine 19671 spinosissima Mey. spiniest Lime ~< 19C72 japonica Thun. Japan small-fruited as i_jfr 15 IS 6 my.jl my.jl my.jl W W w E. Indies Cayenne Japan ... B 15 B r.m r.m r.m Ru. am. 2. 28 ? Thun. jap. 15 19673 nobilis Lou. noble Mandarin* I | | fr 15 my.jl W China 1805. 15 r.m Bot. rep 608 2 minor smaller * k LJ fr 15 my.jl w China 1 05. 15 r.m Bot. reg. 2. 1 1 19674 margarita Lou. pearl sweet Lemon ' ' l_Jfr 15 mv.jl w China .. B r m 19675 angulata W. &ngu\a.r-fruited ' L_|fr 15 my.jl W E. Indies M B r.m Ru. am. 2. 32 19676 madurensis Lou. Madura f l_Jfr 10 mvjl W China <4 B r.m Ru. am. 2. 31 19677 Auxifolia Pair. Box-leaved S i ! | fr 3 my.jl W China B r.m 2188. XANTHOCHY'MUS Rox. XANTHOCHYMUS. (Xanthos, y jllow, chymos, juice : fruit.) Gutt'iferee. 8. 19678 pictbrius Rox. painter's ' L_|fr 20 Y E. Indies 1796. S r m Rox. cor. 2. 196 19679 ovahfolius Rox. oval-leaved ' Hfr 1-2 Y E. Indies 1824. S r.m 19680 luteus Lod. yellow fr CO a< Y E. Indies ' 1824. S r.m 19681 macrophyllus Lo. C. long-leaved ' 20 Y E. Indies ?1824. S r.m 19582 purpureus Lo. C. purple 196S3 guinee"nsis G.Don Guinea gfr 20 '20 ... Y Y E. Indies? 1824. Guinea 1824. S S r.m r.m 19684 tincturius Rot.. dyer's Bfr 20 Y E. Indies 1818. S r.m 19685 dulcis Rox. sweet fr 20 ... Y E. Indies 1820. S r.m 2189. PENTADE'SMA R. Br. PENTADESMA. (Pente, five, desme, bundle ; stamens.) Gutt'iferne. 1. 19686 butyracea/f.^r. butter ^tallow-tree^ CD fr SO 11 ... S.Leone 1822. S s.l 2190. tfYPE'RICUM L. ST. JOHN'S WORT. (Origin unknown.) Hypericinece. 77. 138. I. ASCYRE^IA. Sepals at base joined and unequal; stamens numerous; leaves often large; flowers com- monly terminal, large, and few : styles commonly three, from No. 19696. 19687 elatum H. K. tall ssis or 5 Y N. Amer. 19688 frondosum MX. leafv 3fe or 5 Y N. Amer. styles commonly five. 1762. L s.l Den. br. 85 1806. C s.l 19689 grandifblium Choi. great-leaved *t \ | or 3 Y Teneriffe 1818. C s.l Chois. hyp. 3 19690 amte^num Ph. pleasing ^ or 4 Y Carolina 1812. L s.l Di. el. 151. 182 19691 hirclnum L. goat-scented $* or 3 jl.s Y S. Europe 1640. L s.l Den. br. 86 2 minus smaller l': or o jl.s Y S. Europe L CO Den. br. 87 19692 foliosum H. K. shining-leafy & l | or ;-', au Y Azores 1778. C pi 19693 floribundum H. K. bundle-flwd al 1823. (' s.l Bot. mag. 2375 19703 oblongifolium Choi. oblong-leaved & or 1 jn.jl Y Nepal 1823. C s.l Chois. hyp. 4 19704 Kalmiunum Lam. Kalm's & or 2 jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1759. c s.l 19705 calycinum L. large-calyxed dfc or 1 jn.s Y Ireland Sk CO Eng. bot. 2017 19706 balearicum L. Balearic \ | or U mr.s Y Majorca 1714. C r.m Bot. mag. 137 19707 cochinchinenseZow. Cochinchinese ia l_jpr 3' B China 1821. c CO II. ELODEA. Calyx five-sepaled ; sepals equal, entire; styles three ; filaments numerous, nine, fifteen, or eighteen ; herbs purplish ; flowers axillary, or crowded terminal. 19708 paludbsum Choi. marsh i A I* 2 R N. Amer. 1821. D co 19709 virginicum L. Virginian ^ A or Ifjl.s R N. Amer. 1800. D p.l Bot. rep. 552 Elodea campanulata Ph. III. PERFORA V RIA. Cal. 5-sepaled ; sep. equal ; stnm. numerous ; styles commonly three ; herbs or subshrubs y r ; sepals entire, from No. 19740. toothed gla flowers axillary or panicled ; leaves rarely linea, , oc^uu*. 19710 angulosum MX. angu\ose.toothed-Jl^ A or 2 J n -J' 19711 punctaturo Lam. dotted & or Ujn.jl 19712 dolabrif6rme Ven. hatchet-formed^ A or 2 jn.jl 19713 procumbens MX. procumbent ^ A or 4 au.s 19714 rosmarinifoliumLawz. Rosemary-lvdSfe | or 2 19715 virg&tum Lam. 19716 wzyrtifolium Lam. 197l7proliricum L. 19718 glaucum MX. 19719 lavigktum H. K. 19720 nudiflr.rum MX. 19721 quadrangulum L. 19722 dubium W. delphin or 3 my.jn Pa Siberia 1816. S co Jac. ic. 1. 157 wave-feat/erf ^ Q) or 2 my.jn W.y Crimea 1790. S co Jac. ic. 1. 158 III. MINORES. Florets smaller than the calyx. Leek-lvd Salsify ^_ Q) cul 4 my.jn P England S r.m Eng. bot. G38 Crocus-lvd ^ Q) or 1 jn.jl P Italy 1739. S co Col. ec. 1. 230 villous ^ Q) or 4 my.jn P.Y Spain 1794. S co field ^ Q) or 3 my.jl Y Podolia 1819. S co greater ^ O or 6 my.jn Y Austria 1788. S co Jac. au. 1. 29 2198. TRO'XIMON Gae. TROXIMON. (Troximos, eatable.) Comp. Cichor. 2. 19792 glaucum Ph. glaucous-leaved ^_ A or 1 myjn Y Missouri 1811. D co Bot. mag. 1667 19793 cuspidatum Ph. cuspidate ^ A or 1 Y Louisiana 1824. D co marginatum Nut. 2199. ARNOPO N GON W. SHEEP'S BEARD. (Arnos, lamb, pogon, 19794 DalechSmpM W. Dalechamp's ^ A pr 2 jn.o L.Y Urosp6rmum Dalechamp Desf. beard; beard of seeds.) Comp.Cichor. 4. S. Europe 1739. D co Bot. mag. 1623 19795 jjicrrtdesJf. Picris-like pr 1 Y S. Europe s 1683. S CO Lam. il. 646. 3 19796 asper W. rough O P r H Y Montpel. 1774. S CO 19797 cap^nsis W. Cape A O> Pr 1 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1818. s CO Jac. ic. 3. 577 Urosprmum cap6nse Spr. 2200. PODOSPE'RMUM Dec. PODOSPERMUM. (Pous, foot, sperma, seed ; foot-stalked.) Comp.Cichor. 7. -11. 19798 calcitrapifbliumDec. Caltrop-lvd ^ 19799 laciniatum Dec. }ag-leaved 19800 octangulkre Dec. octangular 19801 resedifolium Dec. Reseda-leaved ^ 19802 teraxacifolium Dec. Dandelion-lvd ^ Scorzonera teraxacifblia W. 19803 coronopifblium Desf. Buckhorn-lvd ^ 19804 pdmilum Cav. dwarf A pr Q) pr O) Pr Q) or A or A r O or 2 'Hi I 2 jn jl 1 jn.jl 1 jn.jl Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Levant 1820. S. Europe 1640. S. Europe 1818. S. Europe 1818. Bohemia 1820. N. Africa 1818. Spain 1816. S S s s s s s ; i^uf/t/J. i,iLnu/. /. ai. co Bux. c. 2. 22 s.l Jac. au. 4. 356 CO co Boc. sic. 7. fa. c. co Jac. ic. 1. 106 co Desf. at. 2. 212 co Cav. ic. 2. 12}. 2 *fi201. SCORZONE^RA L. VIPER'S GRASS. (Scurzon, viper, Catalans sup. med. qual.) Comp.Cichor. 27. 35. 19805 tuberbsa L. tuberous A A pr jn Y Volga 1825. D co Pal. it. ap Y 3 19806 humilis L. humble ^ A pr 1 au Y Europe 1597. D CO Jac. au. 1.36 austriaca W. 19807 tomentbsa L. tomentose 4^ A pr 1 jn.jl Y Armenia 1780. D CO 19808 crispa Bieb. curled A un 1 jn.jl Y Tauria 1817. S CO 19809 hispanica L. Spanish ^ A cul 3 jn.s Y Spain 1576. D CO Lam. il. 647.5 19810 macrorhlza Schl. long-rooted ^ A un 1 jn.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. S CO 19811 #lastifolia W. Woad-leaved ^ A 2 jn.s Y Germany 1816. D CO graminifblia Hofm. 19812 caricifblia Pall. Carex-leaved 4^ A pr lijn.s Y Siberia 1805. D CO Pal. it. 3 t .an. .T. 1.1 19813 purpurea L. purple-flowered ^ A 2 my.jn P Austria 1759. D CO Jac. au. 1. 35 39814 rbsea Kit. 19815graminif61iai. 19816 tistul&sa Brot. roseate ^ Grass-leaved 5 fistulose ^ A A A pr pr un IJfl 2 2 jn.jl Pk L.Y Y Hungary Portugal Spain 1807. 1759. 1817. D 1) r> CO CO CO W. & K. 2. 121 Jac. ob. 4. 100 19817 pinifolia Gou. Pine-leaved ^ A un 1| Y S. Europe 1816. D CO Bur. ic. 496 subulata Lam. 19818 trachysperma Gunt. serrulata Viv. rough-seeded 4^ A un If Y Calabria 1818. S CO 19819 angustifolia L. narrow-leaved ^ A pr i Y S. Europe 1759. D CO W. & K .2.1 19820 eriosperma Bieb. woolly-seeded 4^ A pr 1 Y Siberia 1805. D CO 19821 chondrilloides POM. Chondrilla-like ^. A un 1 jn.jl Y Spain 1818. S CO 19822 stricta Horn. strict ;& A un 2 jnjl Y Tauria 1818. S CO villusa Bieb. 19823 m611is Bieb. soft ^ A un 1| jn.jl Y Caucasus 1818. s CO undulata Vahl 19824 rumicifblia Hort. Rumex-leaved ^ A un 1 Y 1820. D CO 19825 taurica Bieb Taurian ^ A pr 1 Y Tauria' 1820. S CO 19826 parviflbra Jac. small-flowered ^ A pr 2 Y Austria 1819. D CO Jac. au. 305 19827 lanata Bieb. woolly & A pr 1 Y Iberia 1824. 1) CO M.h.7.( 5.17 19828 radiata Fis. rayed ^ A un 1 jn.jl Y Siberia 1820. S CO 19829 ensifblia Bieb. sword-leaved ^ A pr 1 my.jn Y Caucasus 1825. D CO 19830 hirsuta L. 19831 villbsa Dec. hairy & villous j A pr Q) or i t my.jn Y Y S. Europe 1818. S. Europe 1818. 1) S CO CO Al. ped. 31. 33 Scop. car. 46 2202. PICRI'DIUM Pers. PICRIDIUM. 19832 vulgare Desf. common Sonchus joicroldes W. 19833 tingitanum Pers. Tangier O or 19834 albidum Pers. whitish-^owere^ A or Crepis albida W. *2203. SO'NCHUSZ. (Pikros, bitter; taste.) O cul Y France 1J jn.s Y Barbary 1 jl.o W.Y France Comp. Cichor. 3. 1773. S co Al. ped. 1. 16. 1 1713. S co Bot. mag. 142 1781. S co Jac.ic. 1.164 19835 frutic&sus Jac. A. shrubby A- nuiiiA/a * i | or i. OiC/i> ap.jl dfir wui Y ry. Madeira 1777. S p.l Jac. ic. 1. 161 Jacquini Dec. 19836pinnatus/f.A:. wing-leaved fH | | or 3 ... Y Madeira 1777. C CO 19837 laevigatus W. en. smooth t 1 | or 3 Y Madeira 1816. C CO 19838 Ivr&tus W. en. lyre-leaved *i_|or 3 Y Madeira 1816. C CO 19839 radicktus H. K. long-rooted 4k i J or 3 jl" Y Canaries 1780. c CO 19840 Ayoserifolius Horn. 19841 abbreviate Lk. Hyoseris-lvd shortened * i i or 4 my.jl my.jn Y Y Madeira Teneriffe 1821. 1820. c c Lp l.p II. INDIVI'SI. Leaves i indivit fed. 19842 maritimus L. \ 19843 sibiricus L. Siberian ^ A or 2 jl.s jl.s Y L.B S. Europe 1748. Siberia 1759. D D CO CO Al. ped. 1. 16. 2 Gm. si. 2. 3 \ 19844 cyaneus D. Don Nepal blue k A or 2 , J l au B Nepal 1820. I) CO 19845 cacaliaifblius Vc&. Cacalia-leaved JE /\ un 1 B Iberia 1826. D l.p ORDER I. SYNGENESIA ;EQUALIS. 19846 agrestis Swz. field O un 2 Crea W. Indies 1818. S CO $19847 tartaricus L. Tartarian ik A r 4 jn.jl B Siberia 1784. D CO III. RUNCINA N n. Leaves runcinatt : or It/rate. 19848 palustris L. 19849 arvensis L. tall marsh corn field 1 A pr A w 6 If Y Y England Britain riv. ba. corn fi. I) 1) CO CO Eng. bot. 935 Eng. bot. 674 19850 oleraceus L. potherb w 2 Y Britain fields. S CO Eng. bot. 843 19851 asper Lk. rough O un 2 jn.jl Y Britain fields. S CO 19852 teraxacifblius W. Dandelion-lea .veil O un If jn.jl Y Guinea 1824. S CO 19853 Plumien L. Plumier's t A or 6 B Pyrenees 1794. D CO 19854 alpinusL. alpine *V A or 4 B Scotland al. pas. D CO Eng. bot. 2425 $ 19855 lapponicus Fro. Lapland ^ A or 6 B Lapland 1804. D CO Sm. ic. in. 21 19856 floridanus L. Florida sa W, Le6ntodon tuberbsus L. Thrincia pruinbsa Brot. 19954 maroccana Pers. Morocco Q un 1 Y Morocco 1799. S co Hyoseris hispida Schous. 2210. PrCRIS L. OX-TONGUE. 19955 Aieracioides L. Hawkweed-like 19956 strigbsa Bieb. strigose ^ 19957 altissima Del. tallest Crepis /appacea W. 19958 rigida Led. rigid 19959 dahurica Fis. Dahurian 19960 asplemo'ides L. Spleenwort-like^ 19961 lyrata Del. lyrate 19962 hispida H. K. hispid 19963 SprengenY/wa Chaix Sprenger's 19964 pauciflora Gne. few-flowered 19965 Rhagadiolus Pers. Rhagadiolus 19966 kamtscnatica Lo.C. Kamtschatka (Pikros, bitter; taste) Comp. Cichoracea:. 12. 18. O un li Y England S co Eng. bot. 196 Aw 1 Y Tauria 1819. S co O w Y Egypt 1800. S co O un O un O) un O un A un O pr O un O un O uai 2 Y S. Europe 1817. S co W.&K. 1.19 1 Y Dahuria 1818. S co Y Barbary 1805. S co Her. st. 82 1 Y Egypt 1817. S co 1 Y Levant 1789. D co 1 jn.jl Y Portugal 1783. S co M.h.7.5. 17 1 Y S. Europe 1816. S co Gae. fr. 2. 158. 2 Y Spain 1816. S co Jac. sc. 2. 144 1 Y Kamtsch. 1820. S co *2211. HIERA"CIUM L. HAWKWEED. (Hierax,hawk ; sup. to sharpen sight with juice.) Comp. Cichor. 123.-143. 19967 rupestre AU. 19968 alp'mum L. 1!)969 pusillum Ph. UI970 pumilum Hoppe 2 tubulosum Schl 19971 glabratum Hoppe 2 tubulosum Schl. 19972 alpestre Jac. 19973 auceum Sco. I. UNIFLORA. Scapes simple, one-flowered ; stolons none. rock alpine small dwarf tubulous smooth tubulous goWen i jn.jl i A or *| j|.au i i my.jl Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y D.Y Switzerl. 1820. D co Britain al. roc. D co Labrador 1800. D s.p Switzerl. 1819. Switzerl. 1819. Switzerl. 1819. Switzerl. 1819. Switzerl. 1822. Italy 1769. D s.p D s.p D co D co D co D p.l II. STOLONI'FERA. Stoloniferous scapes many-flowered, seldom leafy.. 19974 Pilosella L. Mouse-ear ^W A pr | rny-jl Y Britain dry pa. 1) co 2 PeletenV/Mrt Stev. Peleter's smooth * A or % my.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. 1) co 3 Pseudo- Pilosella Bast. Mouse-ear^ A or | my.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. D co 19975 stoloniferure Kit. Stoloniferous ^ A or 1 my.jl Y Hungary 1820. D co 19976 auranttacum L. Orange j^ A or 1 jn.jl O Scotland sc. wo. D p.l 2flavum yellow Srr A or 1$ jn.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. D co 19977 piloselliforme Hoppe Mouse-ear like ,tr A or \ Y S. Europe 1819. D co 1.1.1 Eng. bot. 1110 Jac. au. 191 Jac. au. 3. 297 Eng. bot. 1093 Eng. bot. 1469 ORDER I. SYNGENESIA ^EQUALIS. 325 19978 dubium /.. doubtful SU- A pr 19979 auricula L. umbelled-ear j^. A pr 19980 repens W. creeping SW A or 19981 Gochnatz Spr. Gochnati's r A or coinnum Goch. cymbsum Oed. Bauhin's fallacious Florentine very high cvmose 19982 Bauhim Bes. 19983 fallax W. en. 19984. florentinum Vil. 19985 praaltum Vil. 19986 cymbsum L. 19987 piloselloldes Vil. 19988 flagellare W. en. colllnum Bes. 19989 Besseriiinum Spr. auricula Bes. colllnum W. 19990 colllnum Bernh. hill Sn- A or SW A pr flW A pr SW A or JW A pr Mouse-ear-like ;?. A or twiggy SW A pr i j[.au HJUu 1 my.jn 1 jn.jl 1 Y my.jn Y jn.jl Y my.jl Y Britain hills. England moun. Switzerl. 1819. Switzerl. 1819. Germany 1818. 1816. Germany 1796. Switzerl. 1819. Europe 1739. Switzerl. 1819. 1816. D co Eng. bot. 2332 D co Eng. bot. 2368 D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co Bau. pin. 67 Col. ec. 1. 249 Vil. del. 3. 27 A or 1 I jn.jl my.jl Y Germany 1816. D co Switzerl. 1819. AT A or III. PLURIFLORA. Scapes many-Jiowered, naked, sometimes few-leaved ; 19991 angustifoliumWojopt? narrow-leaved ^ A P r * my.jn Y Switzerl. 1823. 19992 bifurcum Bieb. two-forked 19993 bih'dum Kit. bifid 19994 Gmelim L. Gmelin's 19995 praemorsum L. bitten 19996 crbceum Lam. saffron 19997 incarnatum Jac. Qesh-colored montanum Sco. 19998 succisaefblium All. lopped-leaved ^ A or 1 integrifblium Hoppe 19999 Lawsbiu Vil. Lawson's jk A P r $ 20000 venbsum W. veiny ^ A pr 20001 Gronovw W. Gronovius's ^ A pr 20002 subniidum Schl. nakedish ^ A or 1 jn.jl lijnjl 1 jn.jl Y Tauria 1820. Y Hungary ... Y Siberia 1798. Pa.Y Switzerl. Cop Siberia Pk Carniola 1818. 1818. 1815. D co stolons none. D co D co D co Gm. si. 2. 8. 2 Gm. si. 2. 13. 2 Gin. si. 2. 8. 1 Jac. ic. 578 1) co D co D co D co Switzerl. 1819. D co Britain n. ofe. N. Amer. 1790. N. Amer. 1798. Switzerl. 1819. D co Eng. bot. 2083 D co D co D co- IV. FoubsA. Stems leafy ; leaves entire, runcinate or toothed. 20003 paniculatum W. panicled 20004 glaucum All. glaucous 20005 saxatile Jac. rock 20006 prenantholdes Vil. Prenanthus-lk 20007 chondrilltfides Jac. Chondrilla-like 20008 sonchifblium Bieb. Sowthistle-lvd 20009 cydoniaefblium Vil. Quince-leaved 20010 molle Jac. soft-leaved 20011 cerinthoides L. Honey wort-Ik 20012 amplexicaule L. stem-clasping 2 pulmonarioldesScM. Lungwort-Ik 20013 croaticum Kit. Croatian 20014 zntybaceum Jac. End\ve-leaved 20015 crassif51ium Kit. 20016 Hallerj Vil. 20017 h^bridum Chaix 20018 lanatum Kit. 20019 Hoppednum Funk Hoppe's 20020 canescens Schl. canescent 20021 ovatum Schl. 20022 Sternbergw Lk. 20023 maculatum E. B. 20024 pulmonarium E. B. Lungwort 20025 pulmonario\des Vil. Lungwort-like 20026 pallescens Kit. pallescent 20027 porrifxilium L. Leek-leaved 20028 montanum Jac. " mountain 20029 staticifblium All. Thrift-leaved 20030 anchusaefoliumlfer^. Bugloss-leaved^ wrbascifblium Vil. 20031 verbascifoliumPe>r.v. Mullein-leaved ^ A or Andryala Janata L 20032 eriophyllum Lk. woolly-leaved ^ A pr thick-leaved Haller's hybrid woolly ovate Sternberg's spotted-leaved Canada 1800. D co S. Europe 1807. D co Austria 1801. D co Scotl. riv. ba. D co Austria 1640. D co Caucasus 1821. D co France 1816. D co Scotland sc. wo. D co Scotland sc. roc. D co Pyrenees 1739. D co Switzerl. 1819. D co , . Hungary 1820. D co Pa.Y Europe 1794. D co | jn.jl Y Hungary 1820. D co Y Britain D co * Y Switzerl. 1826. D co Y Hungary 1820 D co i jn.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. D co I jn.jl Y Switzerl. 1820. D co | Y Switzerl. 1819. D co | Y Switzerl. 1819. D co 1| Y Britain al. roc. D co 1| Y Scotland sc. roc. D co 1 Y France 1819. D co 1 Y Hungary 1818. D co 1 Y Austria 1640. D co 1 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1775. D co If jn.jl Y Europe 1804. D co 1 Y Italy 1816. D co 1 Y S. Europe 1732. D co Mil. ic. 1. 146. 1 Jac. ic. 1. 163 Eng. bot. 22J5 Jac. au. 5. 429 Eng. bot. 2210 Eng. bot. 23/8 AL ped. 15. 1 Jac. au. 5. ap. 43 Vil.deL3.26 W. & K. 2. 127 Eng. bot 2121 Eng. bot 2307 Jac. au. 3. 286 Jac. au. 2. 190 Vil. del. 3. 27 20033 sylvaticum L. 20034 villj)sum L. 20035 valdepilosum Vil. 20036 elongatum Lap, 20037 Schraderi SchL 20038 andryaloldes Vil. 2 Leotard*' Vil. 20039 pilocephalum Lk. wood villous alpine very pilose elongated Schrader's Andryala-like Leotard's hairy-headed 20040 trichocephalumjr.en. hairy-headed_ 20041 flexuosum Kit. bendmg-stal/cedi 20042 specibsum Horn. showy 0043 prostratum Dec. prostrated 20044 incanum Bieb. hoary 20045 Kalmw L. Kalm's 20046 canadense MX. Canadian 20047 virgatum Ph. twiggy 20048 speciosissimum W. showiest 20049 denticulatum E. B. small-toothed prenantho'ides Sm. 20050 parvifl6rum Schl. small-flowered 20051 Miller j Lk. Miller's 20052 sudeticum Ster. Sudetic 20053 echioldes Lum. Viper's-Bugloss-like 20054 picridifolium Schl. Picris-leaved 20055 verruculatum Lk. warted 20056 undulatum H. K. -wave-leaved 20057 macroph^llum Ph. long-leaved 20058 dentatum Hoppe toothed 20059 latifblium F rol. broad-leaved 1| Y li au Y 1 Y 1 Y I Y 1 Y i JLau Y I Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1J jn.jl Y i Y 2 Y l|au Y 2 Y 2 Y IJau Y 1 Y 1 jn.jl Y 1 Y 1 jn.jl Y f Y I Y 1 Y iH Uu X Britain rocks. Scotland al.roc. Switzerl. 1819. Switzerl. 1819. Switzerl. 1819. Switzerl. 1819. Switzerl. 1819. Europe 1820. 1823. Hungary 1804. 1818. S. Europe 1822. Caucasus 1817. Pennsylv. 1794. Canada 1800. N. Amer. 1816. S. Europe 1821. Scotland sc.wo. Switzerl. ...... Switzerl. Hungary Switzerl. ..... , Spain Canada Switzerl. Croatia 1819. 1820. 1819. 1802. 1819. 1821. 1778. 1825. 1819. 1820. D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co Eng. bot. 2031 Eng. bot. 2379 Vil. del. 3. 29 Eng. bot. 2122 . W. & K. 2. 145 326 SYNGENESIA ^EQUALIS. CLASS XIX. 20060 folibsum W. $ K. leafy ^ A el 2 Y Hungary 1805. D co W. & K. 2. 145 20061 racembsum Kit. racemose ^ A or 2 Y Hungary 1816. D co 20062 corymbusum Pers. corymbose ^ A or 2 Y 1817. D co 20003 sabaudum L. Savoy ^ A el 3 Y 20064 boreale Fries northern ^ A or 3 Y Italy 1700. D co Al.ped.17.2 N.Europe ... D co Eng. bot 349 sabaudum E. B. not L. 20065 lasvigatum W. smooth ^ A el 2 au.s Y ...... 1804. D co W.h.b. 16 20066 canescens Lk. canescent t A el 2 au.s Y 1822. D co 20067 vir&cens Schl. virescent ^t A r ... Y Switzerl. 1819. D co 20068 umbellatum L. umbelled & A el 3 jl.s Y Britain woods. D co Eng. bot. 1771 20069 stipitatum Hoppe stipitate ^ A or ... Y 20070 bracteolktum Sm. bracteolate ^ A el 1J jl.s Y Switzerl. 1819. D co Europe 1823. D co 20071 longifblium Horn, long-leaved ^ A el IJjl.s Y 1821. D co 20072 fruticosum W. shrubby . i | el 2 jn.jl Y Madeira 1785. C co 20073 humile Host humble >t A pr 5 Y Germany 1804. D co Vil.del.3.28 2 brachiatum Schl. brachiate ^ A or J jn.jl Y Switzerl. 1819. D co 20074 calcareum Horn. calcareous ^ A or J Y Europe 1816. D co 20075 nigrescens W. nigrescent ^ A pr Y 1801. D co W.h.b. 10 20076 incisum Hoppe cut-leaved ^ A r i Y Switzerl. 1819. D co 20077 prunelkefblmm All. Self-heal-lvd ^ A pr J Y Switzerl. 1820. D co Gou. il. 22. 3 Lepicaune prunell&RAia. Lap. 20078 auricuiatum Horn, eared ^ A or 2 Y 1816. D co 20079 ciliatum W. ciliated ^ A or 2 Y Crete 1824. D co 20080 rotundatum Horn, round-leaved & A r 3 Y Hungary 1817. D co 20081 compositum Lap. compound ^ A or 2 Y 20082 eriophorum St. Am. wool-bearing Jc A or 1 Y Pyrenees 1819. D co S. Europe 1817. D co 20083 murbrum L. wall & A w 1J jl Y Britain rocks. D co Eng. bot. 2082 2 obtusifblium Schl. obtuse-leaved ^ A or 1J Y Switzerl. 1819. D co 3 sylvaticum Roth wood ^ A or 2 Y Switzerl. 1819. D co Fl. dan. 1573 4 maculatum spotted ^ A or 1 Y Switzerl. 1819. D co 5 Lachenalw Gm. Lachenal's ^ A un 1 Y Siberia 1827. D co 20084 pictum Pers. painted ^ A or J Y Switzerl. 1819. D co 20085 /apsanoides Gou. Lapsana-like ^ A pr 1J jl-au Y Pyrenees 1812. D co Gou. il. 21. 3 20086 ramosum W. % K. branchy A pr 2 au Y Hungary 1805. D co 20087 glutinusum L. clammy O pr Y 20088 fasciculatum Ph. bundled ^ A pr 5 Y S. Europe 1796. S co Canada ... D co 2212. HAPALOSTE^HIUM D.Don HAPAL. (Hapalos, soft, stephos, crown; hairy receptacle.) Com.Cich. 8, 20089 sibiricum D. Don Siberian ^. A pr 3 Y Siberia 1755. D co Gm. si. 2. 10 Ifieracium sibiricum W. Crepis sibirica L. 20090 pyrenaicum D. Don Pyrenean ^ A or 1J Y Pyrenees 1723. D co /Tieracium pyrenaicum All. filattarioldes L. 20091 pilosum D. Don pilose :k A pr 1 Y Pyrenees 1723. D co Her. par. 184 /fieracium ftlattarioldes L. Lepicaune multicaulis Lap. 20092 austriacum D.Don Austrian ^ A pr 1 Y Pyrenees 1723. D co Jac. au. 5. 441 Crepis austriaca Jac. 20093 grandiflbrum G. Don great-flwd ^ A pr 1 jl-au Y Switzerl. 1791. D co W. & K. 1. 99 Hieracium grandiflbrum L. Lepicaune grandiflora Lap. 20094 paluddsum D. Don marsh ^ A pr 1J Y Britain moun. D co Eng. bot. 1094 /fieracium paludosum L. 20095 iyratum G. Don lyre-leaved & A pr 1 Y Siberia 1777. D co 9 ifieracium Iyratum L. 20096 spinuldsum Lap. spinulose ^ A or 1 Jl-au Y Pyrenees 1820. D co Lepicaune spinulbsa Lap. 2213. LAGO'SERISi. LAGOSERIS. 20097 ta&rica Bieb. Taurian Bieb. Nismes Crepis nemausensis Gou. (Lagos, a hare, seris, succory.) Comp. Cichor. 2. 2 P Caucasus 1817. S co 2 Y Caucasus 1794. S co Al. ped. 1. 75. 1 8 LID un 2214. BORKHAU'S/^ Bohm. BORKHAUSIA. (Moritx Borkhausen, a German botanist.) Comp.Cichor. 21. I. INDIVID. Leaves undivided. 20099 alpina Lk. alpine O pr 1 Jl Y Italy 1739. S CO Gm. si. 2. 5 Crepis alpina L. 20100 tellidifolia Dec. Daisy-leaved un 1 Y Corsica 1822. S CO 20101 macrophylla Spr. long-leaved 20102 Cand611ef Spr. Decandolle's 20103 senecioides Spr. Senecio-like O 8 un un un 2 1 1 J Y Y Y Numidia Egypt" 1819. 1817. 1820. S S S CO CO CO Crepis senecioldes Del. 20104 apargioldes Spr. Apargia-like ^ Q) un 1 Y Switzerl. 1816. S CO Jac. au. 3. 293 Jfieracium stipitatum Jac. 20105 Suffrenidwa Dec. Suffrene's o un 1 jn.jl Y Corsica 1818. S S.I 20106 versicolor Spr. party-colored ^ A un 2 jn.jl Y Dauria 1820. S CO Lagoseris versicolor Fis. II. RuNciNA^as. Leaves runcinate, lyrate, or pinna 20107 rubra Lk. red O pr 1J jn.jl P Italy tifid. 1632. S CO Crepis rubra L. 20108 nicaeensis Lk. Nice o un 1J jn.jl Y Nice 1823. S CO Crepis nicaeensis 20109 fe'tida Lk. fetid ^ Q) un 1J jn.jl Y S. Europe 1824. S CO M.h.7.4.4 Crepis fte'tida L. 20110 faraxacifblia Spr. Dandelion-leaved un 1J jl-au Y Italy 1818. S CO Bal. mis. 9 20111 caroliniana -Mrt. Carolina un 1 Y Carolina 1824. S CO 20112 bursifblia Spr. Shepherd's purse-lvd^. Lagoseris bursifblia Lk. Crepis bursito A lia u n L. 1J Y Sicily 1817. S CO 20113 leontodonto v idesSpr. Dandelion-like ^ Lagoseris leontodontoldes Lk. Q) un 1 Y Italy 1804. S CO 20114 raphanifolia Spr. Raphanus-lvd ^ A un 2 Y 1816. S CO Lagoseris raphanifblia Lk. 20115 zntybacea Spr. Endive-leaved & Q) un Y Portugal 1816. S CO Lagoseris zntybacea Lk. 20116 gravt:olens Lk. strong-smelling 20117 aspera Lk. rough 20118 hispida Lk. hispid O 8 un un un 1J jn.jl 2 Y Pa.Y Y 1825. Sicily 1797. S. Europe 1798. S S S CO CO CO W. & K. I. 43 ORDER I. SYNGENESIA ^EQUALIS. *2215. CRE~PIS W. CREPIS. (Name by Pliny to a plant of which he gave no description.) I. SCAPI'GERA. Scape naked. 20119 rigens H. K. 20120 diffiisa Dec. 20121 vlrens W. 20122 bannatica W. 20123 parviflora Jac. 20124 rhagadioloides L. 20125 Sprengeriawa All. 20126 Aieracioides Kit. 20127 rigida Kit. 20128 pulchra L. Prenanthes /tieracifblia W. 20129 latifolia Balb. broad-leaved stiff-leaved II. diffuse green Bannatic small-flowered Rhagadiolus-lk Sprenger's Hawkweed-like rigid fair iAJ un 1 Y Azores 1778. Leaves undivided or toothed ; stem leafy. Comp. Cich. 19.- co O un O un O un O un O un O un A un 8un un 2 'l| JLau 1 4 Jn.jl H 4 my.jl 4 I 3 < France 1818. S Germany 1796. S co S. Europe 18 Hi. S co 1816. S co Spain 1810. S co Italy 1823. S co Hungary 1816. D co Hungary 1805. D co Scotland hills. S co M. h. 7. 5. 17 W. & K. 1. 70 W.&K. 1.19 Eng. bot. 2325 O un 2 Y Europe 1818. S co 20130 heterosperma Schr. various-seeded HI. LYRA V I-JE. Leaves it/rate or runcinate ; stems leafy. 20131 Dioscoridis L. 20132 lodomiriensis Bes. Gmellnz Schulz 20133 neglecta L. 20134 scabra W. 20135 agrstis Kit. 20136 corymbbsa Ten. 20137 cernua Ten. 20138 tect6rum L. 20139 cinerea Pers. 20140 segetum ScfU. 20141 biennis L. 20142 taurin^nsig W. Dioscorides's Lodomiria neglected rough field corymbose drooping roof grey-stalked corn-field biennial Turin O un O un O un Lag6seris taurinensis Lk. c f atey/co ix.iijy. Germany 1810. S co France 1772. S Germany 1817. S Germany 1800. S France 1800. S Hungary 180L S Italy " 1824. S Italy 18i!3. S Britain past. S Europe ... S Switzerl. 1819. S England S Italy 1822. S co Schk. han. 3. 222 co CO CO CO CO CO co Eng. bot. 1111 co co co Eng. bot. 149 co IV. PiNNATi'FiDffi. Leaves pinnated ; stems leafy. pinnatifid O un 1 my.jl Y Germany 1816. S Madeira Italy 1777. 1823. 20143 pinnatifida W. 20144 filitormis W. thread-formed OJ un 1| jn.'jl Y 20145 lacera Ten. jagged O un 1| Y 20146 chondrilloldes Jac. Chondrilla-like O un i Y S. Europe 1810. S co 20147 tenuifolia W. fine-leaved iAI un 1 Y Tauria 1816. S co graminifolia Led. 2216. HELMI'NTHI A J. HELMINTHIA. (Helminthion, a little worm ; rugose seeds resemble.; Comp. Cichor. I. 20148 echioldes W. Echium-like O or 3 jn.jl Y Britain bor fi. S co Eng. bot. 972 Picris echioides L. 2217. MYO'SERIS Lk. MYOSERIS. 20149 purphrea Lk. purple 'Borkh (Mys, a mouse, seris, succory.) Comp. Cichor. 1. A or 1$ my.jn P Tauria 1824. D co 2218. TO'LPIS Gae. TOLPIS (Probably without meaning.) 20150 barbata Gae. bearded purple-eyed O pr 2 jn.jl Y.P France Crepis barbata L. umbelled O pr 2 jn.jl tallest O pr 4 jn.jl Comp. Cichor. 5, S co Bot. mag. 35 20151 umbellata Bert. 20152 altissima Pers. 20153 virgata Biv. twiggy 20154 coronopif61ia L. Buckhorn-lvd Crepis coronopifWia Desf. 2219. ANDRTALA L. ANDRYALA. Y.P Genoa 1820. S co Y Piedmont 1823. S co Balb. dis. 4.1 Y S. Europe 1800. S co Desf. at. 215 Y S. Europe 1777. S co Desf. 38. 9 (Meaning unknown.) Comp. Cichor. 11. 13. I. ANDRY'ALA. Seeds sulcate, pappous. Madeira 1777. D co Her. st 35. 18 20155 cheiranthifoliaflm*. Wallflower-lvd lAlpr my.o Y 20156 nigricans Pair. b\ack\sh-flwd O pr i Y 20157 pinnatifida H. K. . pinnatifid-/wi? ) OJ pr f Y 20158 crithmifblia H. K. Samphire-lvd iQJ pr Y 20159 ragus'ma L. Ragusan j lAI pr Y 20160 inca-na Dec. hoary Q) pr 1 jn.jl Y Crepis incana Lap. II. R6THIA. Seeds marginal, naked. Barbary 1804. S co Madeira 1778. S co Madeira 1778. S co Archipel. 1753. Deo Mil. ic. 1. 146.2 Pyrenees 1818. S co 20161 andryaloidea Gae. Andryala-like 20162 cheiranthifblia/ZoM Stock-leaved 20163 runcinata Roth runcinate 20164 argentea Lap. silvery lyrata Pou. 20165 integrifolia L. O or 1 au Y Spain 1810. S co 2. 174 O or 1| Y S. Europe 1768. S co Q) or 1 Y S. Europe 1711. S co Q) pr 1 au Y Pyrenees 1817. S co entire-leaved j Q) pr 1 Y S. Europe 1711. D^ co 2220. KRI'G/,4 Schreb. KRIGIA. 20166 virginica W. Virginian Hy6seris virginica L. 20167 caroliniana Nut. Carolina Hy6seris caroliniana Watt. 20168 amplexicaulis Nut. stem-clasping Tr6ximum virginicum Pers. 20169 Dandelion Nut. Dandelion Troximum Dandelion Pers. (Dr. David Krieg, a German botanist.) Comp. Cichor. 4. 5. O pr f my.jl Y N. Amer. 1811. S co Jo.h.n. 1. 12 O un | jn.jl Carolina 1827. S co ^ A un 1 jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1799. D p.l A A un 1 jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1826. D p.l 2221. tfYO'SERIS L. 20170 radiata L. 20171 lOcida L. 20172 scabra L. 20173 arenkria Schous. SWINE'S SUCCORY. rayed ^ A un shining ^ A un rough O un sand O un (Hys, a hog, seris, succory.) Comp. Cichor. 4 Y S. Europe 1640. D co Pluk. al. 37. 2 Y Levant 1770. D co Schm. ic. 39. 41 Y Sicily 1789. S co Y Morocco 1800. S co 2222. HEDY'PNOIS L. HEDYPNdis. (Hedys, sweet, pnco, to breathe ; scents breath.) Comp. Cichor. 7. 10. 20174 monspeliensis W. Montpelier Q un 1 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1683. S co 20175 rhagadioloides L. Rhagadiolus-like O un U tf-au Y S. Europe 1773. S co Cav. ic. 1. 43 328 SYNGENESIA ^QUALIS. CLXSSXIX. 20176 erotica W. Cretan O un 20177 coronopifblia Ten. Buckhorn-lvd O un 20178 tubffiformis Ten. tube-formed O un 20179 mauritanica W. Moorish Q un 20180 pendula W. pendulous deformed cobwebbed : eun un k. G> un 1 i a Jn-jl Y Y Y $20197 radicate L. long-rooted k A un If jn.s Y 20198 canescens Stev. canescent k A un 1 jn.jl Y 20199 Balbis Noc. Balbis's k A un 1 jn.s Y 2228. Z,APSA r NA L. NIPPLEWORT. (Lapaxo, to purge ; qualities.) 20200 fce'tida Sco. fetid ^ A un | Y Italy #y6seris fce'tida L. Arn6seris fce'tida Lk. 20201 pusilla Sco. small O ' Hyoseris minima L. Arn6seris minima Lk. Comp. Cichor. 8. 10. 1722. D co W. & K. 1. 49 A my.jn Y Britain gra. fi. S co Eng. bot. 95 20202 communis. 20203 crispa W. 20204 pubescens Zey. 20205 intermedia Bieb. 20206 lyrata W. en. 20207 grandiflura Bieb. common curled pubescent intermediate lyrate great-flowered O w O un 2 un U my.jn Y Britain clt. gr. S co Eng. bot. 844 1799. S co 1816. S co 1823. S co A un A or 2| Europe Tauria Caspi. Sea 1816. S co Caucasus 1816. S co 2229. ZACI'NTHA Ton. ZACINTHA. (Growing in the Island of Zacinthus, now Zante.) Comp. Cichor. I. 20208 verrucbsa Gae. warty O un f jn.jl Y. Br S. Europe 1633. S co Gae. fr. 2. 157. 7 Lapsana Zacintha L. 2230. RHAG ADl^OLUS Ton. RHAGADIOLUS. (Rhagas, a slit ; divisions of calyx.) Comp. Cichor. 3. 20209 stellatus W. starred O un 1 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1633. S co 20210 edMis Gae. edible O un 1 jn.jl Y Levant 1633. S co Schk. han. 3. 225 /apsanoldes Desf. iapsana Rhagad s iolus L. 0211 Kcelpinwi W. Kcelpin's O un f jl Y Dahuria 1788. S co Pal. it. 3. LI 2 Kcelpinia linearis Pall. 223i. MOSCA x RIAF/.j9er. MOSCARIA. 20212 innnntifidzFl.per. pinnatifid O (Moschos, musk ; odor.) Comp. Cichor. 1. j ... Chile 1823. S co 2232. CATANA'NCHE L. CATANANCHE. (Katanagke, strong incentive; used in philtres.) Comp.Ctch.2.S. 20213 caerulea L. azure ^ A or 3 jl.o B S. Europe 1596. D co Bot. mag. 293 20214 lutea L. yellow O or f jn.jl Y Candia 1640. 3 co Alp. ex. 286 2233. TR IPTI'LION Fl. per. TRIPTILION. ( Treis, 3, ptilon, soft feather ; seed-down.) Comp. Labiat. 2. 4. 20215 cordifblium Lag. cordate-leaved O pr I W Chile 1824. S co Bot. reg. 853 20216 spinbsum Lag. spiny Q pr i B Chile 1827. S co 2234. CICHO^RIUM L. 20217 7'ntybus L. 20218 p&milum Jac. d 20219 Endivia L. Endive 20220 divaricatum Schous. divaricate 20221 spinbsum L. spiny . SUCCORY. (An Egyptian name adopted by the Greeks.) Comp. Cichor. 5. 7. Intybus or wild A ag 2 B Britain gra. so. S co Eng. bot. 539 dwarf O un f B ...... 1799. S co Jac. ob. 4. 80 cul 2 un 2 un 2 jLau E. Indies 1548. S r.m Barbary 1798. S co Candia 1633. S co Bau. pr.62 2235. EACA^ZIA Fl. per. BACAZIA. (George Bacaz. a prof, of bot. at Carthagena.) Comp. Labiat. 1. 20222 spinosa^.jwr. spiny * i_J or 4 my.jl ... Peru 1825. C p.l 2236. SCCXLYMUSi. GOLDEN THISTLE. (Skolos, a thorn ; plants spiny.) Comp. Cichor. 3. 4. 20223 grandiflorus Desf. large-flowered ^ A or 3 my.jn Y Barbary 1820. S co Desf. at. 218 20224 maculatus L. " spotted O or 3 - Y S. Europe 1633. S co Lam. il. 659 20225 hispSnicus L. Spanish ^ A or 3 jLs Y S. Europe 1658. D co 2237. .4'RCTIUM L. BURDOCK. (Arktos, a bear ; rough fruit.) Composite Cardnuceee. 3. 4. 20226 7,appa L. Lappa or smooth-lvd Q) w 3 P Britain wa. gr. S co Eng. bot. 1228 majus Schk. 20227 Bard&naW. Bardana woolly-headed & Q> w P Britain S co Eng. bot. 2478 tomentbsum Schk. 20228 nrtnus Bieb. smaller ^ Q w 2 P Europe ... S co Schk. han, 3, 227 ORDER I. SYNGENESIA yEQUALIS. 329 2238. CESTRPNUS Cass. CESTRINUS. (Cestrinus, the son of Helen us and Andromache.) Comp. Card. I. 20229 cart/iantoides Cass. Carthamus-lk ^ A or 1 P Barbary 1797. D co Desf. at. 2. 223 Serratula acaulis Dec. Cynara acaulis L. 2239. SERRA'TULA L. SAW-WORT. (Dimin. of serra, a saw; leaves sawed.) Comp Card. 28. 40. I. UNIFLOR.E. Stem one-flowered. A or a 2 2 1 2 Pyrenees 1640. D co 20230 cynaro'ides Dec. Cynara-like Cnicus centaurioldes L. 20231 cyanoides Gae. Cyanus-like ^ A or alata Pair. Carduus cyanoides L. mollis Poll. 20232 transylvanica Spr. Transylvanian ^ Q) or simplex Baug. 20233 simplex Dec. simple ^ A P r 20234 Kitaib^lw G. Don Kitaibel's ^ A or Carduus nitirius Kit. 20235 nudicaulis Dec. naked-stemmed^ A or 2 jlau P Carduus cerinthifolius Vil. ceriuthoides W. glaucus Cau. 20236 pannonica Spr. Pannonian ^t A or 2 P Carduus pannonicus L. serratuloldes Jac. Cnicus panndnicus W. 20237 depressa Stev. depressed ^ A or 1 P Caucasus 1818. II. MULTIFL6R.*:. Stem many-flowered. R Siberia 1778. D co Transylv. 1818. S co Nepal 1821. Hungary 1816. D co D co M. h. 7. 25. 1 Scop. car. 53 Bot. mag. 2482 W. & K. 1. 52 Cav. ic. 3. 226 S. Europe 1739. D co Hungary 1810. D co Jac. au. 3. 5 D co 11.38 20238 tinctbria L. - 2 alba 20239 coronata L. 20240 quinquefblia W. 20241 Bthen Dec. Centaurfea Behen L. 20242 nltens Spr. sh Centaur ea nitens Bieb. common dyeing white-flowered crowned five-leaved Behen elegant neat Centaury-like sharp-toothed shining Caspian rayed 20243 elegans Stev. 20244 pulchella B. M. 20245 centaurio'ides L. 20246 arguta Fis. 20247 nitida Fis. 20248 caspica Bieb. 20249 radiata Bieb. centaurioides Bieb. 20250 multiflora L. linearifolia Dec. 20251 xeranthemoides Bieb. Xeranth.-like^ A P r 20252 polyclonos Bieb. many-sprigged ^. A or ambigua Dec. Carduus polyclbnos W. 20253 heterophylla Desf. various-leaved 3t A pr 202.54 stcechadifblia Bieb. Stcechas-leaved ^ A pr 20255 Plcris Bieb. Picris & A pr 20256 alata W. winged ^ A pr 20257 aspera W. rough O pr Britain Britain Siberia Persia Levant woods. D co ... D co 1739. D co 1804. D p.l 1797. S co Eng. bot. 38 Bot. mag. 1871 Caucasus 1823. S co Bux. c. 2. 15. 1 Caucasus 1819. S co Siberia 1820. S co Siberia 1804. D co Hungary 1824. D co Siberia 1827. S co Caspia 1820. S co Hungary 1800. S co many-flowered ^ A or 2 jlau P Siberia 1816. S co H jl 2 2 jlau li 1 2 IA au.s Caucasus 1825. D co Caucasus 1820. S co Lin. tr. 11 37 Bot. mag. 2589 Gm. si. 2. 38. 17 W. & K. 1. 11 Gm. si. 47. 1 Dauphinyl824. Tauria 1820. Caucasus 1822. Nepal" 1821. D co D co D co D co 3 co 2240. SAUSSITRE4 Dec. SAUSSUREA. 20258 runcinata Dec. runcinate 20259 lyrata Fis. lyrate 20260 alata Dec. winged 20261 elongata Dec. elongated 20262 salsa Spr. salt Serratula salsa Bieb. 20263 amara Dec. bitter ; Serratula amara L. 20264 angustifblia Dec. narrow-leaved Serratula angustifolia W. 20265 salicifulia Dec. Willow-leaved 20266 alpina Dec. alpine Serratula alpina L. 20267 discolor Dec. " discolored Serratula discolor W. 2 /apathifblia Dec. Lapathum-lvd 20268 pygmae^a Spr. pygmy Serratula pygmae^a Jac. (Horace Ben. de Saussure, A or 2 R . A or 2 R A or 2 R A pr 2 P A or 1| R a Swiss philos. and bot.) Com.Card. 11. Siberia 1819. S co Siberia 1827. S co Siberia 1818. S co Caucasus 1820. D co Caucasus 1816. S co A or A or 2 A or 2 A pr | jlau Siberia Siberia 1820. S co 1816. S co Gm. si. 2. 33 Siberia 1796. S co Britain al.roc. D p.l Eng. bot. 599 A pr 1 P Switzerl. 1818. D co Hal. h. 6 A or A or 1 1 jlau P.B P Europe Austria 1816. S co 1816. D co 440 2241. CA'RDUUS L. THISTLE. (Ard, a point, Celt. , plants mostly spiny.) Comp. Card. 40. 100. I. SOLITA^RII. Flowers subsolitary ; leaves decurrent. 20269 ^rgembne POM. 20270 d&bius Both. 202"! crassifblius Horn. 20272 alatus Suit. 20274 defloratus L. Argemone-lvd doubtful thick-leaved winged half-naked deflorated j^ A or ^ A r jk A or ^ O or ^ Q) or i A or 2 2 3 6 T jls R P P P P R Pyrenees 1810. 1816. 1805. 1812. Caucasus 1819. Austria 1570. D 1) n S S D CO CO CO CO CO CO Sw. fl. gar. 103 Jac. au. 1. 89 20275 alpestris Kit. 20276 arctioldes IV. alpine Burdock-like ;& A A A or or 2 jlau P P Croatia 1805. Carniola 1804. D D CO CO Scop. car. 53 20277 Ieuc6graphus L. white-painted O or 2 jn-jl P Italy 1752. S CO Jac. vin. 3. 23 20278 argentatus L. 20279 candicans Kit. silvered hoary AO) or or 1 3 jlau jlau P P Egypt 1789 Hungary 1805. S S CO CO Jac. vin. 192 W.&K.1.83 20280 hamulosus Ehrh spiny- hooked or 5 jn.jl P Hungary 1802. S CO 20281 uncinatus Bieb. hooked ^ Q) or 6 jlau P Tauria 1817. S CO 20282 corymbbsus Ten. corymbose ^ Q) or 4 jlau P Naples 1824. S CO 20283 cinereus Bieb. grey O or 3 jlau P Caucasus 1818. S CO 20284 coirmus Kit. lai A A or 3 jlau P Hungary 1818. D CO 20285 nigrescens ViL. nigrescent 5Q or 4 jlau P S. France 1819. S CO 20286 nutans L. nodding or jlau P Britain S CO Eng. boL 1112 20287 podacanthus Dec. foot-spfned 0288 macrocephalus Desf. long-headed A A ^ A or or 3 2 P France 1819. Numidia 1827. S a CO CO 20289 montbsus Pall. mountain 1 O) or 3 jlau P" S. Europe 1820. S CO 20290 onMncefblius Lam. Carl ine-leaved A O or 2 jlau P Pyrenees 1804. S CO 20291 medius Gou. intermediate ^ A or 2 P Piedmont 1819. D CO Gou. il. 24 20292 lanuginbsus W. woolly lo or 3 jlau P Armenia 1820. S CO 20293 acanthrides L. Acanthus-like o w 2 P Britain S CO Eng. bot 973 330 SYNGENESIA ^QUALIS. CLASS XIX. II. AGGREGA'VI. Flowers aggregate ; leaves decurrent 20294 peregrinus Bete. 20295 crispus L. 20296 clavulatus Lk. 20297 onopordioides Fis. 20298 pycnocephalus L. 20299 albidus Bieb. 20300 carttnoides Gou. Carlina pyrenaica L. 20301 tenuiflorus Hud. 20302 arabicus Jac. 20303 Personata Jac. 20304 orientalis Adam 20305 parviflbrus .L. 20306 volgensis Bieb. 20307 leucanthus Cay. IV. PETIOLA N TUS. Leaves petioled. 20308 atriplicifulius Tre v. Atriplex-leaved ^ A or 10 au P Siberia Onopordum deltoideum H. K. foreign O or 2 P 1816. S CO curled clavulate ^ CD or O or 2 2 P P Europe 1804. Canaries 1827. S S CO CO Fl. dan. 621 Onopordum-lk dense-headed ^ A or 1 ^ A or i iiJU P P Iberia 1818. S. Europe 1739. 1) S CO CO Jac. vin. 1. * whitish O or 2 P Tauria 1816. s CO Carline-like ^ CD or 1 P Pyrenees 1784. s CO Gou. il. 23 slender-flowered O w 2 P Britain banks. s CO Eng. bot. 412 Arabian O or P Arabia 1789. s CO Jac. ic. 1. 166 Burdock ^ CD or 4 P Austria 1776. s CO Jac. au. 4. 3-18 oriental & A or 2 jl P Iberia 1804. D CO small-flowered *k A or 2 jn.jl P S. Europe 1781. D CO III . SESSILIFOI LII. Lei ives st ssile. Volga O or 2 P Volga 1820. S CO white-flowered O or 2 W Spain 1816. s CO 1784. D co 2242. SI'LYBUM Gae. SILYBUM. (Used by Greek writers for a plant not now known.) Comp. Card. 2 .1 20309 Marmnum Gae. Virgin Mary's ^ Q) or 5 jl P Britain banks. S co Eng. bot. 976 Carduus Mariawtw L. 20310 cernuum Gae. drooping ^ A or 4 jn.jl Y Siberia 1755. D co Gm. si. 2. 19 Cn'icus cernuus L. 2243. CI'RSIUM Vail. CIRSIUM. (Kirsos, a swelled vein ; supposed to heal.) Comp. Carduacecc. 89. I. SOLITA^RIA. Leaves decurrent ; flowers red, subsolitary. P Britain banks. S co Eng. bot. 107 20311 lanceolatum Sco. com. lanceolate ^ CD w Cnicus lance'olatus W. 20312 verutum Spr. dart-armed Cnicus verhtus D. Don 20313 strictum Spr. strict Cnicus strictus Ten. 20314 cichoraceum Spr. Succory-like Carduus cichoraceus Cyr. 20315 italicum Dec. Italian Carduus italicus Savi 20316 canum Bieb. hoary 20317 neglectum Fis. neglected Q or A or A or 3 jn.s 4 jn.s 2 jl.s 3 jLs Q) or 3 P [ A or 4 P JL A or 2 P 20318 lariifl&rum Bieb. woolly- flowered^ A or 2 P Nepal 1820. S co Naples 1819. D co Naples 1816. D co Italy 1815. S co Austria Siberia Tauria 1633. 1827. 1819. D co S co S co Jac. au. 1. 42. 3 II. POLYA'NTHEMA. Leaves decurrent ; flowers red, aggregate 20319 palustre Sco. marsh Carduus palustris L. 23320 pungens Spr. pungent Cnicus pungens Seb. 20321 polyanthemum Spr. many-flowered Carduus poly anth emus L. 20322 paniculatum Spr. panicled Carduus paniculatus L. 20323 monspessulanum AU. Montpelier 20324 pyrenaicum Dec. Pyrenean Carduus pyrenaicus Gou. 20325 uliginbsum Bieb. swamp 20326 desertbrum Fis. desert 20327 -rfcarna Dec. Acarna Cnicus Acarna L. Czrttna Acarna Bieb. III. LEUCA'NTHUM. Leaves decurrent , rufescent ^ A or 3 W 0>w 3 p ^ Q) or 3 p ^ CD or 2 jn.jl Pk ^t A r 2 jn.jl P ^ A or ^ A r o 3 jn.jl p P ^t A r ^ A or O or 9:,,A 3 3 2 jn.jl K P P P m.pas. S S. Europe 1820. S Eng. bot. 974 Rome 1739. S co Tri. ob. 103 S. Europe 1781. D co Montpel. 1596. Pyrenees 1816. Caucasus 1820. Siberia 1824. Spain 1683. D co S co D co D co S co Jac. ob. 4. 95 Cav. ic. 1. 53 flowers whitish. Pyrenees 1816. S co 20329 anglicum Lob. Dec. English Carduus pratensis W. 20330 tuberbsum AU. tuberous 20331 ciliatum Bieb. ciliated 20332 echinatum Dec. prickly 20333 eriophorum Sco. wool-bearing 20334 cynaroides W. Cynara-like Cnicus cynaroides W. 20335 inerme G. Don unarmed Cnicus in^rmis W. 20336 heteromallum Spr. one-side-woolly^ CD or Cnicus heteromallus D. Don 20337 pazcuarnse Spr. Pazcuara Cnicus pazcuarensis Kth. 20338 cernuum Lag. drooping Cnicus nival'is Kth. 20339 fimbriatum Bieb. fringed Carduus fimbriatus Bieb. 20340 arachnoideum.B&'fi. cobweb-like 20341 h6rridum Bieb. horrid 20342 medium AIL intermediate Cnicus medius W. 20343 orientale Spr. oriental Cnicus orientalis W. 20344 discolor Spr. discolored 20345 altissimum Spr. tallest 20346 heterophyllum All. various-leaved 20347 helenioides Hud. Elecampane-Ik 20348 serratuloldes Sco. Saw-wort-like 20349 elatius G. Don taller Cnicus eiatior Lk. IV. ERIO'PHORA. Leaves sessile ; flowers red, subsolitary, k A w 3 jn P :k A or 3 au.o P A A or 3 au P ^ A or 1 P ^CDor 4 P k A or 2 P ^ A or 3 P & Q> or 3 P ^t Q) or 3 P & Q> or 4 P ^ A or 4 P or 7 P O or 6 P Q) or 6 Q) or 7 P or 10 jn.jl ^ Q) or 10 jn W ^ Q) or 8 jl P II. ACAU'LIA. Stemless. tO) cu i jLau W O) cu A W Q) cu A W Britain S co Eng. bot. 977 Tauria 1800. S co Montpel. 1818. S co S. Europe 1818. S co Barbary 1798. S co Schou.5 S. Europe 1648. S co Jac. vin.2. 148 Greece 1816. S co Levant 1799. S co 25 Caucasus 1823. S co S. Europe 1686. S co Jac. vin. 2. 149 Pyrenees 1739. S co Jac. ic. 1. 167 Spain 1826. S co Pyrenees 1820. S co (M. Berard, a botanist of Grenoble.) Comp. Card. 1. 20414 subacatilis Vil. sub-stemless ^ A pr P Italy 1791. D co Vil. del. 3. 22 .4'rctium lanuginbsum Dec, Onopordum rotundifolium AU. 332 SYNGENESIA JEQUALIS. CLASS XIX. *2247. CY'NARA L. ARTICHOKE. (Kyon,dog; spines of in vo 20415 Sc61ymus W. Scolymus & A cul 8 au.s P 20416 h6rrida H. K. horrid f iAI or 6 au.s P 20417 ftrox Ten. fierce *V A or 5 B 20418 spinosissima Presl 20419 Cardunculus L. spiniest Cardoon I A or A cul 4 5 au.s B B 204'JO integrifblia Vahl entire-leaved S A cu 4 B 20421 humilis Z,. humble & A un R 20422 P ygma3 % a W. pygmy * A or 1 P rum like dogs' teeth.) Comp. Card. 8. S. Europe 1548. D co Black. 548 Madeira 1778. D co Italy Sicily Candia Spain Spain Spain 1820. D r.m 1826. D r.m 1658. D co Tab. ic. 696 ... D r.m 1613. D co Pluk. al.81.2 1820. D co 2248. CARLFNA L. CARLINE THISTLE. (Charlemagne; preserved his army from plague.) Comp.Card. 11.-18. 423 acanthifolia All. Acanthus-lvd ^ A or 2 J n w Carniola 1818. Deo Al.ped. 51 424 acaulis L. stemless A or fjn W Italy 1640. Deo 1 li jnjl 2 jn.s 3 jn.jl 3 20425 acanthifulia All. 20424 2 caul^scens Schl. 20425 simplex Kit. 90426 aggregkta W. 20 Vfl lanata L. 20428 corymbbsa L. 20429 vulgaris L. 20430 racembsa /,. sulphurea DesJ. 20431 BiebersteimawaBernh. Bieberstein's^ A or 20432 sicula Ten. Sicilian ^ Q) or braeteata PresL 20433 lyrata IV. lyrate iQ}J or caulescent single-flowered clustered woolly corymbose common racemose A r A or A or Q or A r Q) w Q or 3 2 jl.s 1 1 JB.J1 W Italy 1640. D CO Kno. th.2. 1 W Switzerl. 1819. D co W Hungary 1816. D CO W.&K.2.152 W Hungary 1804. D CO P S. Europe 1683. S CO Gar. aix 21 Y P.Y S. Europe 1640. D Britain dry pa. S CO CO Col. ec. 1. 27. 1 Eng. bot. 1144 Y Spain 1658. S CO Caucasus 1816. D CO ... Sicily 1827. S CO C. G. H. 1816. S s.l 2249. /iTRA'CTYLIS L. ATRACTYLIS. (Atraktot, spindle ; light stems fit to make.) Comp. Card. I. 2. 2( 434 humilis L. humble ^ A un 1 jn.jl W Spain 1759. D co Cav. ic. 1. 54 2250. .dCA'RNA W. ACARNA. (In Theophrastus for a plant resembling a thistle.) Comp. Card. 2. 8. 2(435gummifera W. gum-bearing ^ A un P S. Europe 1640. D co Cav. ic. 3. 228 20436 can cell ata W. latticed Q un jn.jl B S. Europe 1640. S co 662. 1 ^tractylis cancellata L. 2251. STOKE^SIA Herit. STOKESIA. (Jonathan Stokes, M.D., coadjutor of Withering.) Comp.Card. 1. 20437 cyanea Herit. azure-flowered lAI pr 2 au B Carolina 1766. D co Her. ser. 27. 38 2252. STOBJEM Thun. STOBJSA. (Dr. Stobceus, of Lund, one of Linnams's first patrons.) Comp.Card. l.-ll 20438 pinnata Thun. pinnate B. \ i or 2 year Y C. G. H. 1812. C co Bot. mag. 1788 2253. ONOBRCTMA Gae. ONOBROMA. 20439 ceruleum Gae. azure-flowered Cdrthamus cseruleus L. 20440 arborescens Spr. arborescent * i _ | or Cdrthamus aroorescens L. 20441 cynaroides Spr. Cynara-like ^ A or Cdrthamus cynaroides Bieb. 20442 leucocaulon Spr. white-stemmed ^ A or 1 jn.jl Cdrthamus leucocaulis Sm. 20443 glaucum Spr. glaucous O or Cdrthamus glaucus Bieb. (Onos, ass, broma, food ; grateful to.) Comp. Card. 5. A or 1 jn.jl B Spain 1640. D co Bot. mag. 2293 6 2 jn.jl 1} Spain 1731. C s.p Caucasus 1820. S co Greece 1800. D co Tauria 1817. S s.p (Heros, noble, akantha. O or 2 Y , thorn ; beauty.) Armenia 1816. S Comp.Card. 4. G. CO aZ O or >t-c. or 2 2 jn.jl Y W & Etirope 1596. Candia 1731. S S CO CO Bot. mag. 2142 or 2 Y Caucasus 1818. S CO 2254. CARLOWI'Z/^ Moen. CARLOWIZIA. (Carlowiz, some obscure botanist.) Comp.Card. 1. 20444 salicif61ia Moen. Willow-leaved * | | or 3 au Y Madeira 1784. C s.l Onobroma salicifullum Lk. 2255. CA'RTHAMUS L. CARTHAMUS. (Qortom, to paint, its Arabic name ; flowers.) Comp. Card. 2. .20. 20445 tinctoriusi. dyer's O or 3 jn.jl O Egypt 1551. S s.l Bot. ivg. 1/0 20446 Oxyacantha Bieb. sharp-spined O or 3 Y Caucasus 1818. S co 2256. HERACA'NTHA Lk. HER. 20447 armenia G. Don Armenian Cdrthamus anm nius W. 20448 lanata Lk. woolly Cdrthamus lanatus L. Cirsium lanatum Dec. 20449 cretica Lk. Cretan Cdrthamus creticus L. 20450 taurica Lk. Taurian Onobroma dentatum Spr. Cdrthamus tauricus Bieb. 2257. CARDUNCE'LLUS Dec. CARDUNCELLUS. (A diminutive of cardunculus, cardoon.) Comp. Card. 2. 20451 mitissimus Dec. meekest 3t A or % J n -Jl B France 1776. D co Cdrthamus mitissimus L. 20452 vulgaris Dec. common ^ A or f my.jn B France 1734. D co Cdrthamus Carduncellus W. 2258. CARDCXPATUM J. CARDOPATUM. (Carduus, thistle, patos, beaten path ; habitat.) Comp. Card. 1. 20453 corymbbsum Pers. corymbose A un 3 B Levant 1821. D co M.h.7.33. 17 2259. STJEHELPN^ L*g. ST.EHEUNA. (Benedict Stathelin, a Swiss botanist.) Comp.Card. 3. 13. 20454 dubia L. doubtful 3fe fra 3 jn.jl P S. Europe 1640. C p. 1 Lam. il. 666.4 20455 arborescens L. arborescent II | pr 6 jl.s P Candia 1739. C p.l Schreb. dec. 1. 1 20456 Chamaepeuce L. Ground-Pine-/w* * _J pr 2 jl.n P Candia 1640. C l.p Pluk. al. 94. 3 Pterbnia Chamcepeuce Spr. 260. PALAFO'X/^ Lag. PALAFOXIA. (Palafox, a Spanish general.) Comp. Eupatbrece. 1. 20457 linearis Lag. linear-leaved iAI pr 2 Jn.jl W Mexico 1821. S co Bot, mag. 2132 Sterw lineKris W. *2261. PTERO^NIA L. PTERONIA. (Pteron, a wing; feathery scales of receptacle.) Comp.Card. 9. 33. 20458 camphorata /,. 20459 stricta Thun. 20460 flexicai'ilis Thun. 20461 oppositifolia L. 20462 scaribsa Thun. camphor-sctd it ( (or strict il | | or bending stalked \ | or opposite-leved it \ | or scarious it \ J or 3 jn.jl 3 ap.jn Y 3 Y J jl Y 2 Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Pluk. m. 345. 2 C. G. H. 1774. C p.l C. G. H. 1812. C co ' C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Brey. pr. 17. 3 C. G. H. 1815. C co ORDER I. SYNGENESIA ^EQUALIS. 20453 echinata Thun. echinate 20464 fasciculata Thun. fascicled 20465 glomerata Thun. glomerate 20466 pallens Thun. pale l_J or 2 Y C. G. H. 1818. C p.V uJ or 2 jn.jl Y C G. H. 1816. C p.l L_J or 2 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1817. C p.l l | or 2 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1816. C p.l 2262. VERNO^N/^ Schreb. VERNONIA. (William Vernon, bot. trav. in N. Amer.) Comp.Card. 13. 44. 20467 novehorac^nsis W. New York I. CORYMBUS*:. Flowers paniculate or corymbose ; herbaceous. 20468 prfealta W. 20469 altissima Nut. 20470 angustifblia MX. 20471 glauca W. 20472 scaberrima Nut. 20473 pandurata Jac. 20474 lineiris Spr. 20475 sericea Rich. 20476 flexubsa B. At. D co D co D co D co D co N. Amer. 1710. N. Amer. 1732. Ohio 1820. N. Amer. 1817. N. Amer. 1710. N. Amer. 1824. D co 1825. D co II. SPICATIFORMES. Herbaceous ; flowers sessile, subspicate. linear E2 or 1 jl P S. Amer. 1825. S s.l silky ^ (23 or 5 d Pa.P Brazil 1823. C co Di. el. 263. 342 Di. el. 264. 343 Di. el. 262. 341 Bot. reg. 522 flexuose Brazil 1823. S co Bot. mag. 2477 20477 arbore'scens Sim. 20478 odoratissima Kth. 20479 frutic&sa Swx. III. FRUTIC^SJE. Stems shrubby. arborescent * Q or 5 n.d P Jamaica 1733. C co PI. am. 10. 130. 2 sweetest-scented * CD or 4 au.n P Caraccas 1817. C co shrubby * CH or 4 au.n P W. Indies 1818. C co PI. ic. 95. 1 2263. ASCARJCrDA Cass. ASCARICIDA. (Ascaris, an intestinal worm, ctedo, to kill.) Comp.Card.Vern. 2. 20480 anthelmintica Suit, anthelmintic CD or 1 au.s P E. Indies 1770. S co R. mal. 2. 24 Vernbnm anthelmintica L. 20481 triplinervia G. Don triple-nerved O or 1 n d P Brazil 1825. S co Vsrnbnia triplinervia Spr. 2264. AMMO^BIUM R. Br. AMMOBIUM. (Ammos, sand, bio, to live ; habitation.) Comp.Card.Vern. 1. 20482 alatum R. Br. winged _AJ pr 2 mr.s W N. Holl. 1822. S co Bot. mag. 2459 20483 plantagineum G. Don Plantain-/yd iAJ or 1 au.s W N. Holl. 1827. C p.l 2265. LIA^TRIS Gae. LIATRIS. (Meaning unknown.) Comp. Card. Vern. 17. 25. I. TUBEROSJJ. Flowers spicate or racemose ; roots somewhat tuberous. 20484 squarrbsa W. rough-cupped ;v A el 3 P N. Amer. 1732. D p.l Sw. fl. gar. 44 20485 scaribsa W, scarious-cuppet t* A el 4 s.o P N. Amer. 1739. D p.l Bot. mag. 1700 20486 sphajroidea MX. g]obu\ar-cuppei 1& A el 3 au.o P N. Amer. 1817. D CO Sw. fl. gar 87 20487 elegans W. elegant A el 4 S.O P N. Amer. 1787. D P 1 Bot. reg. 267 20488 turbinata Swt. turbinate ~^ A or O au.o P N. Amer. 1823. D P-l Sw.fl.gar. ic. in. 20489 tenuifolia^M/. fine-leaved ^ .AJ or H au.o P Carolina 1820. D 20490 pilbsa W. hairy-leaved ik A el U s.o P N. Amer. 1783. D p'l Bot reg. 595 20491 gracilis Ph. slender *v Al or ij au.o P Carolina 1818. D P.l 20492 spicata W. /x. LAVENIA. (Supposed to be of Cingalese origin.) Comp. Helidnthece. 2. upright E2 un 2 jl.s Y E. Indies 1739. S co Bur. zey.42 20668 decumbens Swz. decumbent .* EH un jl.s Y Jamaica 1818. S co SI. jam. 1. 155. 2 2289. CACA^LI A L. CACALIA. (Kakos, pernicious, lian, exceedingly ; supp. to the soil.) Com. Jac. 33. 72. I. FRimcbs.*;. Shrubby ; leaves fleshy. 20669 carnbsa H. K. fieshy-leaved tt. ( | cu 1| jn Y C. G. H. 1757. C s.p 20670 papillaris L. papiUary-stalkedtt. \ | cu 2 ... Y C. G. H. 1727. C s.p Di. el. 55. 63 20671 cvlindrica Lam. 20672/iWides L. 20673 Kleinirt L, cylindrical tt. i | cu 1 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1818. C s.p Dec. pi. ic. F\g.\\ke-leaved tt. i_J cu 6 jn.n Y C. G. H. 1710. C s.p Dec. pi. 90 Klein's tt i | cu 3 s.o Y Canaries 1732. C s.p Dec. pi. 12 20674 Anteuph6rbium L. 20675 repens W. 20676 Haw6rth Swt. Anteuphorbiumtt. i_J cu 3 Y C. G. H. 1596. C s.p Di. el. 55. 2. 3 creeping tt. i_J cu 1 jn.o Y C. G. H. 1759. C s.p Dec. pi. 42 Haworth's tt. t_J cu 2 ... Y C. G. H. 1795. C co Klein/Y< tomentosa Haw. not of Thun. 20677 longifblia Haw. long-leaved tt. |_J cu 1 ... Y 1820. C s.l pugioniformis Lk. 20678 articulata Thun. jointed tt. i_J cu 1J s.n Y C. G. H. 1775. C s.p Dec. pi. 18 i. SUBCOHIA^CEA. Leaves subcoriaceous. 20679 reticulfita Lk. netted tt. i_J cu 2 ... Y Bourbon 1823. C s.p ii. MEMBRANA N CE. Leaves membranaceous. 20680 tomentosa Thun. tomentose tt, |_J cu 2 ... Y C. G. H. 1795. C s.p 20681 appendiculata L. appendaged tt. ; j cu 2 ... Y Teneriffe 1815. C co 20682 radicans Thun. II. HERBA^CEA. Herbaceous: leaves fleshy. rooting SW l_J cu i jl Y C. G. H. 1823. C s.p i. INDIVID*. Leaves membranaceous, undivided. 20683 bicolor Rox. two-colored tt. O or 2 my.s P E. Indies 1804. C co Bot reg. 110 20684 ovalis B. R. oval-leaved CD or 3 my.s Y E. Indies ... C s.p Bot. reg. 101 20685 sonchifblia L. Sowthistle-lvd O or U jl P E. Indies 1768. S co R. mal. 10. 68 20686 coccinea H. K. scarlet-flirwered O or 1^ jn.jl O 1799. S co Bot. mag. 564 20687 sagittata W. sagittate mi or 3 O.p Java 1823. S co 0688 hastata L. ha\bert-leaved 3g A or 1 au.o W Siberia 1780. D co Gm.sL2. 66 20689 suaveolens L. sweet-scented ^ A or 6 au.o W N. Amer. 1752. D co 20690 atriplicifblia L. Orache-leaved ^ A or 4 au L.P N. Amer. 1669. D co Pluk. aL 101. 2 20691 renif6rmis W. kidney-formed ^ A or H J!- au W N Amer. 1801. D co 20fi92 alpina L. alpine ^ A or 2 P Austria 1739. D co Jac. au. 3. 234 20693 corditblia Kth. heart-leaved A A cu * au W? Mexico 1823. R co 20694 tuberosa Nut. tuberous A A cu 1 au ... N. Amer. 1812. R p.l 20695 albifrons L. white-leaved ^ A or 2 W Austria 1739. D co Jac. au. 3. 235 20696 rhombifolia W. rhomb-leaved ^ A or 3 au.o Y Siberia 1816. D co macrophylla Bieb. 20697 leucophylla W. white-leaved ^ A or 3 au.o P.Y S. Europe 1819. D co toment6sa Vtt. 20698 scandens Thun. climbing $_ iAI or 6 ap Pk C. G. H. 1774. D co ii. DIVI^S*. Leaves membranaceous, divided. 20699 runcinkta Kth. runcinate _AI un 2 ... Y Mexico 1825. D co 20700 radulajfolia Kth. rasp-leaved _AJ un 2 Mexico 1827. D co 20701 peltata Kth. peltate .AJ un 3 Mexico 1825. D co H. & B. 4. 3til 2290. CULCITIUM Bonn. CULCITIUM. 20702 salicinum Spr. Willow-teawrd i Cacalia salicina Lad. ( Culcita, a stuffed bed ; h eads of palea>. ) Comp. Jac. 1 . 9. _Jor 6 jn.jl Y N. Holl. 1820. C co Hot.rq>.!'i.; ORDER I. SYNGENESIA ^EQUALIS. 33: 2291. KLEI'N/,4 Jac. 20703 ruderalis Jac. 20704 tagetoldes Kth. 20705 colorata Kth. 20706 Porophyllum L. 20707 viridiflbra Kth. 20708 suffruticosa W. KLEINIA. rubble Tagetes-like colored dotted-leaved green-flowered u. I I cu suffruticose n. [~~1 un (James Henry Klein, a German botanist.) Comp. Jacob. 6. 13. ICTI un ED un rm un E2 ur l~~l cu 1 1 1 lijn.o i jn.o ?jn.o W W W.R W G P 1823. Jam Mexico Mexico 1823. S co N. Amer. 1699. S Mexico 1823. Brazil 1820. S co S S s.l C co Jac. am. 127 Cav. ic. 3. 222 Cav. ic. 3. 257 Comp. Eup. 4. 7. 1776. S co Bot. reg. 1815. S co 1823. S co 1819. S co 2292. ETHLTLIA L ETHULIA. (Meaning unknown.) 20709 conyzoldes L. Conyza-like d) un f Pa.P India 20710 divaricate L. divaricate EL un | P India 20711 brasiliensis Lk. Brazil ES un 2 ] Brazil 20712 integrifolia D. Don entire-leaved iQI un 1 P Nepal sinapifblia Rox. 2293. PIQUE X RI^ Cav. PIQUERIA. (Andreas Piquerio, a Spanish botanist.) Comp. Eup. 4. 20713artemis*oh/es Kth. Wormwood-like^ lAJun 2 my.s W Mexico 1827. C s.l 20714 trinervia Cav. three-nerved iAI pr 2 W Mexico 1798. C co Cav. ic. 3. 235 20715 ov ta G. Don ovate three-nerved < iAI un 2J my.s W Mexico 1800. C s.l 20716 pi!6sa Kth. pilose uAl un 2 my.s W Mexico 1824. C s.l 2294. CHRYSO'COM 20717 Comaurea L. 20718 patula W. 20719 nivea W. 20720 cernua L. 20721 ciharis L. 20722 scabra L. 20723 denticulata Jac. 20724 Linosyris L. 20725 virgata Nut. 20726 dracunculoldes Lc 20727 nudata MX. 20728 biflora L. 20729 vil!5sa L. Ai. GOLDYLOCKi Golden-hair spreading snow-white drooping ciliate-teaved rugged toothed-leaved Flax-leaved twiggy im. Taragon-hke naked two-flowered villous-leaved 3. (Chrysos, gold, kome, hair ; * l (or 6 Y * 1 | or 3 Y * l (or 3 Y * i_J or 4 my.s W *k\ (or 4 jl.o W L_J or 4 au.s W tufts of yel. fl.) Comp. Ca C. G. H. 1731. C p.l C. G. H. 1810. C p.l C. G. H. 1816. C p.l C. G. H. 1712. C p.l C. G. H. 1759. C p.l C. G. H. 1732. C p.l rd.Vern. 13. 32. Bot. mag. 1972 Jac. sc.2. 11.147 Com. h. 2. 45 Com. h. 2. 48 Di. el. 88. 103 Jac. sc. 3. 368 Eng. bot. 2505 Gm. si. 2. 82. 1 W. & K. 53 3SSSSSS ] 2 s.o 1 au.o 2 s.o l|s.o 3 au.s li au.s Y Y Y Y B Y Europe N. Amer. Siberia Carolina Siberia Hungary 1596. 1821. 1818. 1741. 1799. D D D D D 1) co p.l co p.l CO CO OZOTHAMNUS. (Ozos, branch, thamnos, shrub.) * or 1 ap.s Y V. D. L. 1820. Comp. Card. Vern. 3. C p.l Lab. n. h. 2. 182 I | or 1 | or 1 ap.s 1 ao.s V. D. L. 1822. C s.p Lab. n. h. 2. 181 V. D. L. 1822. C p.l Lab. a h. 2. 180 2295. OZOTHA'MNUS R. Br. 20730 cinfereus R. Br grey C'hrys6coma cinerea Lab. 20731 rosmarinif61ius#.j?r.Rosemary-lvd .EupatoriMwz rosmarinifolium Lab. 20732 ferrugineus R. Br. rusty .Eupator/wm ferrugineum Lab. 2296 EUTHA^MIA-Zvw^. EUTHAMIA. (Eu, well, thames, crowded ; flowers.) Comp. Card. Vern. V. 20733 graminifblia Nut. Grass-leaved ^ A or 3 s.o Y N. Amer. 1758. D co Bot. mag. 2546 Chrysocoma ^raminifulia L. Solidago lanceolata W. 20734 tenuifblia Nut. fine-leaved ^ A or 2 o.n Y N. Amer. 1758. D co Solidago tenuifolia Ph. 2297. TARCHONA'NTHUS L. AFHICAN FLEABANE. (Tarchon, taragon, Arab, anthos, fl.) Com.Anth. 2. 7. 207o5 camphoratus L. camphor-scented* | | or 10 jn.o P C. G. H. 1690. C p.l Lam. il. 671 20736 ellipticus Thun. elliptic * t_J or 8 C. G. H. 1816. C l.s 2298. CA^LEA R. Br. CALEA. (Kalos, beautiful : flowers.) Comp. Helidnthed E3 un J jl.s W E. Indies 1804. S p.l Bot. rep. 431 Meyera orientalis D. Don 2303. IXC^DI A R. Br. IXODIA. 20744 achilleoides R. Br. Milfoil-like (Ixodes, viscid : plants.) I_J pr 2 mr.s W N. Holl. Comp. Card. Vern. 1. 1803. C s.p Bot. mag. lS3t 2304. SANTOLPNA L. LAVENDER COTTON. (Sanctus, holy, linum, flax ; med. qual.lCtowp. Anthem. 6. 13. 20745 ChamsecyparissusL. GroundCypress 20746 pectinata Lag. pectinate 20747 leucantha Bert. white-flowered pinnata Viv. 20748 squarri>sa W. squarrose 2074P viridis W. dark-green 20750 rosmarinifblia L. Rosemary-lvd or 2 jl "Y S. Europe 1573. C co' Lam. il. 67 1.3 or 2 Y Spain 1822. C CO or 2 Pa.Y Italy 1816. C CO or H Y S. Europe 1570. C CO M. h. 6. 3. 17 or \ 1 Y S. Europe 1727. C CO or 2 J1.S Y S. Europe 1683. C CO Ex . bot. 2. 62 2305. LASIOSPE'RMUM Lag. LASIOSPERMUM. 20751 pedunculare Lag. /0#-peduncled !U. A or Santolina alplna L. erfeta Rchb. 20752 eriosprmum G. Don woolly-seeded !U Al or SantoHna eriosperma Pers. 20753 nthemo\des G.Don Anthemis-like *~ A or Santolina anthemoides W. 20754 crithmifMium G.Don Samphire-lvdJU _AI or SantoVma crithmifolia W. 20755 rigidum G. Don rigid Is. _AJ or Santolina rigida Sm. (Lasios, woolly, sperma, seed.) Comp. Anthem. 5. Y Italy 1798. Deo Bar. ic. 1105 f jn.s 1 jl.s jl.s 1 jl.s f jl.s z Italy Italy 1816. D co 1727. D co Y Macedon 1817. D co Y Greece 1816. D co Fl. gr. Ic. in. 338 SYNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. CLASS XIX. 2306. OTA'NTHUS Lk. OTANTHUS. - (Ous, ear, anthos, flower; app. at base of florets.) Comp. Anthem. 1. 20756 maritimus Lk. sea A pr _f JLs Y England sea sh. C s.l Eng. bot. 141 tis candidi Santolina maritima Sm. Dibtis iissima Desf. 2307. CALEA'CTE R.Br. CALEACTE. (Kaios, beauty, akte, sea-shore; ornament there.) Comp.Helidnthece. 1. 20757 wrticifolia R. Br. Nettle-leaved * CD or 2 Y Vera Cruz 1740. C co Solidago wrticifblia Mil. 2308. ^THANA V S1A L. ATHANASIA. (A, priv., thanatos, death ; lasting flowers.) Comp. Anthem. 17. 28. I. iNDivrsJE. Leaves undivided. 20758 capitata L. 20759 longifblia Lam. capitate long-leaved ; 1 | or u_jor lijamr 2 Y Y C. G. H. C. G. H. 1774. 1800. c c l.p l.p M.h.6.3.48 20760 pubescens L. 20761 punctata Berg. 20762 dentata L. pubescent dotted toothed * * l_Jor L_]or l_J pr 6 3 my jl Y Y Y C. G. H. C. G. H. C.G. H. 1768. 1822. 1759. c c c CO l.p l.p Com. h. 2. 47 Pet. g. 81. 6 Com. r. 41 20763 tomentosa Thun woolly-leaved it L_Jpr 2 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1774. c l.p 20764 canescens Thun. canescent * l_Jor 3 jnjl Y C. G. H. 1820. c l.p Cav. ic. 1. 3 lanuginbsa Cav. 20765 crenata L. crenate * 1 | or 2 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1816. c l.p 20766 cuneifblia Lam. wedge-leaved J i | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1816. c l.p Lam. il. 670. S 20767 filifbrmis Thun. filiform t l !pr 2 au Y C. G. H. 1787. c l.p II. ] 3lYl"SJi Leaves divid ed. 20768 virgata i. 20769 crithmifblia L. twiggy Samphire-lvd * l | pr ' 1 2 Y Y C. G. H. C. G. H. 1815. 1723. c c CO l.p Jac. sc. 2. 148 Com. h. 2. 50 20770 parviflbra L. small-flowere d * 1 | pr o ap Y C. G. H. 1731. c l.p Jac. sc. 2. 149 20771 trifurcata i. trifid-leaved * i_lpr 3 Y C. G. H. 1710. c IP Com. h. 2.49 20772 tricuspis Pers. three-pointed it 1 | or 3 my Y C.G. H. 1816. c l.p 20773 pectinata 7%zm. 20774 pinnata Thun. pectinated pinnate * * 1 Ipr 1 | or 1J my.jn 1J my.jl Y Y C. G. H. C. G. H. 1774. 1818. c c CO l.p 670. 4 2309. L(TNAS Adan. LONAS. (A name of Adanson's, probably without meaning.) Comp. Anthem. 1. 20775 inodbra Gae. scentless Q or 1 Y Barbary 1686. S co Bot. mag. 2276 ^thanasia annua L. 2310. SALSA MFTADesf. COSTMARY. (Balsamon, balm ; strong balsamic smell.) Comp.An}ftem.5.6. 20776 virgata Desf. 20777 ageratifWia Desf 20778 grandiflora Desf. 20779 vulgaris W. 20780 annua Lk. twiggy Ageratum-lvd * | | large-flowering ^ H)l common annual Tanacetum annuum L. un 3 jn.jl Y.G Italy un 2 jn.o Y.G Candia or 2 Y Algiers fra 3 au.s Y.G Italy un 2 jLau Y.G Spain 1791. 1605. 1821. 1568. 1629. D co C co S p.l D co S co Jac. ob. 4. 81 Alp. ex. 326 Desf. 1. 1 Schk. han.3.240 Mil. ic. 2.227. 1 2311. PE'NTZZ.4 Thun. PENTZIA. (Charles John Pentz, pupil of Thunberg.) Comp. Anthem. 1. 20781 flabelliformis IV. fan-form-leaved it \ | or 3 Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Bot. mag. 212 crenata Thun. Tanacetum flabellif6rme Herit. CLASS XIX. ORDER 2. SYNGENESIA SUPE'RFLUA. 2312. TANACETUM L. TANSY. (Altered from athanasia.} Comp. Anthemidece. 14. 21. 20782 boreale H. C. northern ^ A un 4 my.jl Y N.Amer. ? 1818. D CO 20783 sibericum . Siberian *V A un 3 jn.jl Y Siberia 1820. D CO Gm. si. '. 2.65.2 20784 purpdreum D. Don purple-./Zou>em S A r 1J jn.jl Pa.R Nepal 1818. D CO 20785 myriophyllum W. myriad-leaved S A or 1 my.jl Y Levant 1816. D CO ^chillea bipinnkta L. 20786 grandiflbrutn Thun , great-flowered .Alor li my.jl Y C. G. H. 1820. C p.l 20787 /inifMium Thun. Flax-leaved l | un li au Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.l 20788 vesfttum Thun. clothed * 1 | un 2 au.s Y C. G. H. 1816. C p.l 20789 suffrutic&sum L. sufFruticose * Hun 2 my.s Y C. G. H. 1751. C p.l Com. h. 2.100 20790 canarie"nse Dec. Canary fl un 2 my.jl Y Canary L i.1816. C p.l 20791 argenteum W. silvery 2y A un 1 my.s Y Levant 1812. D CO 20792 orientale W. Oriental Vf A un 1| jn-jl Y Armenia 1827. D CO 20793 vulgare L. common ty A cul 2 Y Britain ro. sid. D CO Eng. boi 1. 1229 20794 crispum Hort. curled ^ A cul 2 Y ... I) CO 20795 angul&tum W. /f,.u;ii v .,. M:.~ n ,i,\i:. angled 5 A un 2 Y Levant 1820. D CO W. ach. 2.3 Achilla filipendulina Lam 2313. ARTEMl'SIA L. WORMWOOD. (Artemis, one of the names of Diana.) Comp. Anthem. 99. 120. I. FRUTicbsa:. Shrubby ; leaves undivided. 20796 chinensis Lou. Chinese Moxa 20797 eana Ph. hoary 20798 caerulescens L. caerulescent 20799 montevideensis Spr. Montevidean 20800 ambigua L. ambiguous or I | un i I un 4 jnjl l|au li au.o Y.G Y Y ... Y.o China 1818. C co N. Amer. 1800. C s.l England sea sh. C co M. Video 1827. C s.l C. G. H. 1800. C s.l Eng. bot. 2426 20801 inodora W. en. Redowskii Led. 20802 Dracunculus L. 20803 japonica Thun. II. INDIVI^SZE. Leaves undivided ; stems herbaceous. inodorous A un 2 Y.G Siberia 1548. D co Gm. si. 2.59,60.1 Tarragon Japanese 20804 rfracunculoides Ph. Dracunculus-lk^ A un nutans Fra. cernua Nut. 2080.5 serrata Nut. serrated 20806 integrifolia L. entire-leaved 20807 longifolia Nut. long-leaved 20808 gnaphaloides Nut. Gnaphalium-lk 20809 parviflbra Ham. smalUflowered A cul 2 W.G S. Europe 1548. D CO A un 3 o.n W Japan 1804. 1) CO A un 4 W.G Louisiana 1820. D CO A un 6 jl.s W.G N. Amer. 1823. D CO A un 2 Y.G Siberia 1759. D CO A un 3 Y.G N. Amer. 1827. D CO A un 3 Y.G N. Amer. 1824. I) CO A un } Y.G Nepal 1S18. D s.l Gm. si. 2. 58. 1.2 ORDER II. SYNGENESIA SUPEKFLUA. 339 III. PALMATIFOLI*. leaves for the most part palmate. i. SI'MPLICES. Stems simple. 20810 glacialis /,. icv ^ A or | Y.G Switzerl. 1739. D CO Jac. au. 5. ap. 35 20811 helvetica SrM. Swiss ^ A or Y.G Switzerl. 1819. D S.1 20812 MuteUina Vil. Mutellina ^ A or | Y.G Alp. Eur. 1815. D CO Vil. del 3. 35 glacialis Wul. rupestris All. 20813 Wulfen Schl. Wulfen's ^ A or Y.G Switzerl. 1819. D s. 20814 peduncularis Bieb. pedunculate ^[ A pr J Y.G Caucasus 1818. D ll splendens W. 20815 furcata Bieb. forked ^ A l>r Y.G Siberia 1820. D S.I 20816 alplna Bieb. changeable A or | jn.jl Y.G Caucasus 1804. D CO caucasica W. 20817 spicata Jac. spiked ^ A or | jn.jl Br Switzerl. 1790. D CO Jac. au. 5. ap. 34 20818 norvegica Fries Norway A pr i Y.G Norway 1818. D 8.1 Fl. dan. 801 rupestris Fl. dan. not Pall. W. 20819 grcenlandica Worm. Greenland ^ A or Y.G Greenl. 1810. D S.1 ii. UAMOS.E. Stems branched i shrubby. 20820 judaica L. Judean | or H au Y Levant 1683. C CO 20821 hispanica Lam. Spanish St | un U my.s Y.G Spain 1818. C S.1 20822 valentina Lam. Valentia * | or 1 Y.G Spain 1739. C CO Bar. ic. 485 20823 arragonensis Lam. Arragon * | un 1| my.s Y.G Spain 1815. C 8.1 Asso ar. 8. 1 IV. PINNATI'FID.E. Leaves pinnattfid. i. SI'MPLICES. Stems simple. 20824 coarctata W. compressed ^ A un 1 au.s Y.G Siberia J818. s CO 20825 desertorum Spr. desert . ^ A un 2 Y.G Siberia 1816. s CO leucanthemifblia Dcsf. ii. RAMOS* Stems branched. 20826 hirshta Roth hairy E.India Mugw.^t _AJ un 3 au.s Y.p E. Indies 1800. 20827 mexicana W. Mexican Mugwort ^ A un 3 au.s Y.p Mexico 1824. D D CO CO 20828 vulgaris L. common Mugwort^ A w 3 au.s P Britain rubble. D CO Eng. bot. 978 20829 indica W. Indian ^ .AJ or 3 s.o Y.G E. Indies 1796. D CO R.mal. 10.45 20830 inc'isa W. en. cut-leaved ^ A un 1| Y.G 1820. D CO 20831 procumbens Dec. procumbent -* A un 1 Y.G Siberia 1816. 20832 canadensis MX. Canadian Mugwort^. A un 3 au.s Y.p Canada 1816. D D CO CO / 20833 caudata MX. tailed ^ A un 2 au.s Y.G Carolina 1817. D CO V. GLABRA^T*. Leaves pinnate, smooth, or smoothish. 20834 pectinata L. comb-leaved O fra 1 jn.jl Br Dauria 1806. S CO Pal. it. 3. Hh. 2 2083.5 scoparia Kit. Broom O or 3 jl.s W.G Hungary 1796. S CO W. & K. 1. 65 208o6 Santonica L. Santonica * m 1 s.n W.G Siberia 1596. C CO Gm. si. 2. 51 20837 campe'stris L. field ^ A w 1 au Br England san. n. D CO Eng. bot. 338 2 alp'ma Schl. alpine ^L A un 1 au Y.p Switzerl. 1819. D CO 20838 paucifldra Stech. few-flowered ^ A un | au Y Siberia 1800. D CO Gm. si. 2. 52. 1,2 20839 palustris W. marsh O un 2 Y Siberia 1804. S CO Gm. si. 2. 55 20840 neglecta Spr. neglected ^ A un 2 G.Y Siberia 1815. D CO 20841 humilis Wul. humble * un 1 au.o Y.G Carniola ... C CO rupestris Sco. 20842 camphorata Vil. camphorated * un 5 W.G Italy 1825. 20843 subcanescens W. subcanescent-/z>d *t | un 2 Y.G S. Europe ... C C CO CO 20844 crithmifblia L. Samphire-te* * un 1 au.o Br Portugal 1739. C CO VI. INCA\\.. Leaves hoary or tomentose, pinnate. 20845 saxatilis Kit. rock ^ A or 3 jn.jl Br.G Hungary ... D CO 20846 glauca W. glaucous ^ A or 1| G Siberia 1806. 20847 palmata Lam. palmated * (or 1 jn.jl G.Y S. Europe 1739. D C CO co- 20848 nivea W. en. snowy ^ A or 2 jn.jl G.Y Siberia 1815. D co 20849 maritima L. sea ^ A or 1 au.s Br Britain sea sh. 1) CO Eng. bot. 1706 20850 gallica W. French % A or 2 au.s Br Britain mud. s. D CO Eng. bot. 1001 20851 sallna W. salt & A or 1| W.G Hungary 1823. 1) CO 20852 austrlaca Jac. Austrian ^ A or 1| au.o Br Austria 1597. D CO Jac. au.l 100 20853 orientalis W. oriental A? A or 1| Y.G Armenia 1810. D CO 20854 frigida W. . frigid ^ A or 1 au Y.G Siberia 1826. D CO 208.55 sericea silky-leaved & A or If jn.jl W Siberia 1796. D CO Gm. si. 64. 1 20856 repens Pall. creeping ^k A or 1 jn.jl Br Siberia 1805. D CO 20857 ramosa Schmidt branchy *t \ | cu 2 Canaries 1816. C S.I VII. BIPINNATI'FID^E. Leaves bipinnattfid and bipinnate. i. SI'MPLICES. Stems simole ; leaves smoothish. 20858 rupestris L. rock ^ A or 1 au Br Denmark 1748. D CO Fl. dan. 801 20859 Pallasii W. Pallas's ^ A or 1 Y.G Siberia 1820. D CO 20860 viridifolia Led. green-leaved Sit un 4 au.o Y.G S. Europe 1818. C CO 20861 ^brotanum L. Southernwood 3fe or 4 au.o Y.G S. Europe 1548. C CO Black. 555 20862 tenuifolia W. slender-leaved * L_! or 10 s.d Y.G China 1732. C CO Di.eL3S.37 ii. RAMOS*. Stems branched i leaves smoothish. 20863 herbacea Ehrh. herbaceous & Q) un 1| Y.G Siberia 1816. s CO 20864 anethifMia Stech. Anethum-lvd & Q) un 2 au.s Y.G Siberia 1816. D CO 20865 chamaemelifbliaF#. Chamomile-lvd ^ _AJ un 1 P.Br S. Europe 1739. C CO Vil. del. 3. 35 20866 annua L. annual O un 4 W.G Siberia 1741. S CO Am. ru. 196. 23 20867 biennis W. biennial ^ Q) un 2 Y.G Missouri 1804. s CO Bot. mag. 2472 20868 procera W. lofty un 8 Y.G S. Europe 1820. C CO 20869 odoratissima.De./: sweetest-scented3fe | un 1| Y.G Numidia 1818. C s.p iii. CANESCE'NTES. Leaves pubescent ; stems simple. 20870 molllssima D. Don softest ^ A un Y.G Nepal 1820. s s.p 20871 tanacetifdlia L. Tansy-leaved ^ Q) un 1 Br Siberia 1768. 8 CO Al. ped. 1. 10. 3 20872 insipida Pil. insipid ^ Q) un 1 Y.G S. Europe 1820. s CO 20873 potentillffifolia Fis. Potentilla-lvd ^ A cu 1 ... Siberia 1818. D co 20874 armenlaca Lam. Armenian ^ A un 2 Y.G Armenia 1820. D CO 20875 canescens W. canescent ^ A un 1 Y.G Armenia 1827. D CO Rchb. bot. 1. * iv. ABSI'NTHIUM. Leaves pubescent ; stems branched. 20876 argentea H. K. silvery Ht \ [or 4 jn.jl Y.G Madeira 1777. C CO 20877 afra Jac. African -Ot \ | or 2| au W.G C. G. H. ... C co 20878 incu.ta Del. uncultivated ik un 2 au.s Y.G Egypt 1818. C CO 20879 lednicensis Roch. Lednise * cu 2 Y.G 20880 arborescens L. arborescent H or 10 Y.G Levant 1640. C C CO CO Lob. ic. 753 Z 2 340 SYNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. CLASS XIX. 20881 moxa Hort. 20882 Absinthium L. * 20883 Sieyersjiwa Ehrh. 30884 laciniata W. 20885 pontica L. 20886 Balsamita W. 30887 tafirica W. 20888 valleslaca Lam. 20889 alnida W. 20890 frkgrans W. 20891 fasciculata Bieb. 30892 nutans W. 20893 mon6gyna Kit. 0894 Marschalhawa Spr inodora Bieb. *2314. GNAPHA^LIUM L. EVERLASTING. (Gnaphalon, soft down; woolly herbage.) Comp.Card.Vern. 24. I. GNAPHVLIUM. Leaves broad. 20895 Ifiteo-album L. yellowish white Qw 2 Y.w England S s.l Eng. bot. 1002 20896 albescens Swx,. albescent Jamaica tt. CD or 2 ... W.Y Jamaica 1793. C co 20897 sanguineum L. bloody ^ A or 1 my.jl C Egypt 1768. S co Rauw. it. 285. 37 20898 undulatum L. waved O cu 1 Y.w Africa 1732. S co Di. el. 108. 130 20899 obtusifolium L. obtuse-leaved O pr 1 Y.w N. Amer. 1699. S co Di. el. 108. 131 20900 purpureum L. pur pie-flowered Ol or ! jn.s P N. Amer. 1732. S co Di. el. 109. 133 20901 involucratum Forst. involucrate iAJ cu 1 Br.Y N. Zeal. 1823 S co Bot. mag. 2582 II. FILA\JO. Leaves narrow ; flowers at base naked or involucrated. 20902 americanum L. American ] E2 un I Y.Br Jamaica 1815. S co O un 1 Y.B" Pennsylv. 1815. S co moxa * I) j CU 3 au.o Y.G China ... C CO bsinthium, com. 3 t A un 1J jl.s Y Britain rubble. D CO En ',. bot. 1230 Sievers's 3 i Q) un jl au Br.G Siberia 1800. S CO torn-leaved ^ t A un i G Siberia D CO Gm .si. 2. 57 Pontine ^ l A or 3 s Y Austria 1570. I) CO Jac. au. 1. 99 Balsamita ^ L A un 1 Y.G 1816. I) CO Taurian : A or I W.G Tauria" 1818. 1) CO Vallais ^ t A or 1 L.Y Italy 1739. D CO whitish ^ t A un 3 jn.jl L.Y I) CO fragrant ^ ! A un 1 jn.jl L.Y Armenia 1739. D CO fascicled ^ l A un 2 Y.P Iberia 1823. U CO nodding t A un 3 in il Br.G Tartary D co one-styled ^ I A un 2 Y Hungary 1816. D CO W. & K. 1. 70 Marschall's ^ [ A cu 1 au.s Y.G Caucasus 1816. D CO 20903 pennsylvanicum W. Pennsylvanian spatulatum Lam. 20904 montanum W. mountain Filago montana Pers. 20905 sylvaticum L. wood Filago sylvatica W. 20906 rectum Sm. upright wood Filago recta W. 20907 coarctatum W. compressed spicatum Lam. 20908 suplnum Fil. supine alpmum Light. 20909 pusillum Hae. small Filago pusillai*. 20910 sphayricum Lk. spherical Filago sphae'rica Lk. 20911 cephaloideum W. head-like Filago cephaloidea Lk. 20912 uliginbsum L. marsh multicaule W. 20913 germanicum Sm. German Filago germanica L. 20914 gallicum Sm. French Filago g&lica L. 20915 pyramidatum W. pyramidal Filago pyramidata L. 20916 minimum Sm. least Filago alpestris Presl 20917 arvense Pers. corn-field Filago arvensis L. 20918 Lag6pus W. Hare's-foot Filago Zag&pus Pers. O un Br.Y S. Europe 1820. S co A un 1 au Y.Br Britain al. pas. S s.l Eng. bot. 913 A un 1 au Y.Br Britain sa.pas. D co Eng. bot. 124 O un 1 au Br M. Video 1819. S co A un ^ jn.jl Y.Br Scotland sc.alp. D co Eng. bot. 1193 A un lin jn.jl Y.Br Austria 1820. D co Kr.sil.41 A un U jn.jl W N. Holl. 1819. D co O un | jn.jl Y.w N. Holl. ? 1823. S co O un 1 au Y.Br Britain S co Eng. bot. 1194 O un f Y.Br Britain san. fi. S co Eng. bot. 948 O un f Y.Br Britain san. fi. S co Eng. bot. 2369 O un ? Br.Y S. Europe 1779. S co O un | Y.Br Britain sa.pas. S co Eng. bot. 1157 O un f Y.Br Europe 1804. S co O un | Y.Br Siberia 1820. S co 2315. SPIRA'LEPIS D. Don SPIRALEPIS. (Speira, a spire, lepis, a scale ; twisted.) Comp. Card. Fern. 4. 20919 squarrosa D. Don squarrose u. | 1 or 1 jl.o Gnaphalium squarrdsum L. 20920 glomerata D. Don glomerated Gnaphalium glomeratum W. 20921 declinata D. Don declinate Gnaphalium declinatum L. 20922 modesta G. Don modest Gnaphalium modestum Hook. 2316. Z,EONTOPO % DIUM R. Br. LION'S FOOT. (Leon, lion, pous, foot ; heads of fl.) Comp. Card. Fern. 1.-2. 20923 helveticum D. Don Swiss ^ A cu J jn.jl Y Austria 1776. S p.l Bot. mag. 1958 Gnaphalium ieontopodium L. Leontopbdium vulgare R. Br. C. G. H. 1816. C lAI or | mr.s P.G C. G. H. 1774. S s.p.l iAJ or A jl.o Br C. G. H. 1787. S s.p.l ^ tAJ or 1 jl.o R C. G. H. 1826. S s.p.l Bot. mag. 2710 2317. FILA^GOL. pyg EV . AX pygmava Gae. COTTON ROSE. pygmy (Filum, a thread ; covered with.) O un i Br S. Europe 1629. 2318. ANTENNA"RIA R. Br. ANT. (Awns of pappus like antenna: of insects.) C( sted-leaved _AJ pr 2 jl W Nepal 1 20925 contorta D. Don tw 20926 triplinervis D. Don three-nerved 20927 dioica R. Br. dioacious 20928 alp\na R. Br. alpine 20929 carpatica R. Br. Carpathian Gnaphalium alpinum W. not L. 20930 plantaginea R. Br. Plantain-/if 20931 margaritacea R. Br. pearly 2319. METALA^SIA.R.tfr. jn.jl jn.jl 1 jn.jl W Pk Pk Pk W W 1821. Nepal 1823. Britain Alp. Eur. 1775. 1775. Virginia 1759. England mea. Comp. Card. Fern, t, S co Cav. ic. 1. 36 no. Card. Fern. 7. 11.? D co Bot. reg. 605 D co Bot. mag. 2468 D p.l Eng. bot. 267 D p.l D p.l Fl. dan. 332 D p.l Pluk. al. 348. 9 D p.l Eng. bot. 2018 2 2 C. G. H. C. G. H. 1816. 1816. 2319. METALA X SIA R.Br. METALASIA. (Meta, change, lasios, hairy ; Ivs turned.) Comp.Card.Vern .5. 20932 seriphioldes R. Br. Seriphium-like n. i_| pr 3 ... Y C. G. H. 1825. C p.l 20933 muricata R. Br. muricated 20934 divergens D. Don diverging Gnaphalium divergens Thun. 20935 fastigikta R.Br. peaked Gnaphalium fastigiatum Thun. 20936 mucronata ft. Br. pointed C s.p C s. P . l_J or 3 W C. G. H. Bur. af. 72. 2 1812. C s.p Pet. g. 12.7.3 U-i.Jor 2 W C. G. H. 1824. C s.p Bur. af. 66. 3 ORDER II. SYNGENESIA SUPEUFLUA. 341 2320. ASTE'LMA R. Br. ASTELMA. (A, privative, stelma, crown; construe, of fr.) Comp.Card.Vern. 10. ' I. CONNIVE'NTIA. Involucres connivent. 20937 eximium R. Br. fine 20938 milleflorum D. Don 1000-flowered GnaphMium milleflorum Than. 20939 spirale D. Don spiraUeawerf lichrysum spirale W. 20940 Staehefina D. Don Staehelina-ftte lichrysum Staeheuna W. II. 20941 variegatum D. Don variegated jElichr^sum variegatum W. 20942 speciosissimum D. Don showiest .Elichr^sum speciosissimum W. 20943 imbricatum D. Don imbricated JElichrysum imbricatum W. 20944 canescens D. Don canescent Ulichrysum canescens W. 20945 retortum D Don twisted back 2?iichrysum retortum W. 20946 fragrans Swt. fragrant lichrysum fragrans And. rep. 2321. ATHRI'XIA Ker ATHRIXIA. (A,prlv.,thrix t a hair ; absence upon recept.) Comp. Neliantnece . 1. 20947 capensis Ker Cape tt. , | or 3 ap R C. G. H. 1821. C p.l Bot. reg. 681 2322. XERA'NTHEMUM L. XERANTHEMUM. (Xeros, dry, anthemon, a flower.) Comp.Card.Vern. 3. 2094S annuum L. annual O or 3 P S. Europe 1570. S s.l Jac. au. 4. 388 20949 inapertum W. unopened O or 2 P S. Europe 1620. S co M. h. 6. 12. 9 20950 orientale W. oriental O or 2 W Levant 1713. S co tt-Ljspl tt. I | el 3 1 jn.s C Pa.P C. G. C. G. H. H. 1793. 1802. S C S.p s.p Bot. mag. 532 tt. i | or 2 jl.0 W C. G. H. 1801. C s.p Bot. rep. 262 tt. i | or 1| year W C. G. H. 1801. C s.p Bot. rep. 428 RADIA^A. tt. i | or Involucres radiate. 2 my.jn Br.WC. G. H. 1801. C s.p tt-Ljel 8 jl.s W C. G. H. 1691. C S.p Bot. rep. 51 tt. i | or 2 jl.o W C. G. H. 1820. C S.p Pet. g. 5. 10 tt. t | or 1 P C. G. H. 1794. C s.p Bot. mag. 420 tt i | or 1 W C. G. H. 1732. C s.p Di. el. 322. 415 LI |or U jl Pk C. G. H. 1803. C s.p Bot. rep. 561 *2.32.3//ELICHRY"SUM/Vr*. HELICHR. (Helios , sun, chryson, gold ; blossoms.) Comp. Card Fern. 43. 20951 grandiflorumD.Dow great-flowered -l_Jel 3 W C. G. H. 1731. C s.p Bur. af. 76. 1 Gnaphalium grandiflorum L. 20952 fruticans D. Don shrubby tt. i | or 3 Astelma fruticans B. R. Gnaphalium fruticans L. 20953 crispum D. Don curled iAJ el 6 Y C. G. H. grandifl5rum And. rep. ... Pk C. G. H. 1779. 1809. C C CO s.p Bot. reg. 726 Gnaphalium crispum L. 20954 arboreum D. Don tree tt. ujel 6 W C. G. H. 1770. C s.p Gnaphalium arboreum L. 20955 divaricatum D. Don spreading tt. i J el 3 W C. G. H. 1820. C S.p Brey. pr. 18. 3 Gnaphalium divaricatum L. 20956 congestum D. Don close-headed tt-Ljpr 3 my.jn P C. G. H. 1791. C s.p Bot reg. 253 Gnaphalium congestum Lam. 20957 patulum D. Don spreading tt. t | or 3 W C. G. H. 1771. C s.p Gnaphalium patulum L. 20958 discolorum D. Don discolored tt. | | or 3 Br C. G. H. 1815. C CO Bur. af. 97. 4 Gnaphalium discoldrum L. 20959 cephalotes D. Don large-headed tt. | | or 4 ja.n Pk C. G. H. 1789. C CO 2 Gnaphalium cephalotes W. 20960 diosmaefolium Swt. Diosma-leaved tt. i__{ or M W C. G. H. 1812. C CO Yen. mal. 74 Gnaphalium diosmasfulium Fen. 20961 erico v ides D. Don Heath-like tt. | (or 1| Pk C. G. H. 1774. C s.p Bot. mag. 435 Gnaphalium ericoldes L. 0962 teretifolium D. Don round-leaved tt. i J or 1 Br C. G. H. 1812. C CO Bur. af. 77. 3 Gnaphalium teretifblium L. 20963 tephrodes Swt. cinereous tt. i lei 3 Y.w C. G. H. 1823. C s.p Gnaphalium tephrodes Lk. 20964 acuminatum Swt. acuminate JJ_ 1 j gl 3 W C. G. H. 1823. C s.p Gnaphalium acuminatum Lk. 20965 lasiocatilon Swt. -woolly-stmd tt. t J el 3 W C. G. H. 1823. C s.p Gnaphalium lasiocaulon Lk. 20966 St02\:has D.Don Strechas, com.shr. tt. or 2 jn.o Y Europe 1629. C CO Bar. ic. 410 Gnaphalium Sto2\:has L. 20967 c6nicum Sivt. conic tt. or 2 jn.o Y S. Europe 1824. C CO Gnaphalium conicum Lk. 20968 angustifdlium Swt. narrow-leaved tt. |or 2 jl.s Y Naples ... C CO Bar. ic. 1125 Gnaphalium angustifdlium Lam. 20969 ignescens D. Don fiery-flowered tt. 1 | or 2 jn.o R C. G. H. 1731. C s.p Gnaphalium igne'scens L 20970 microphyllum D. Don small leaved *-l_J el 11 jn.o Crete 1823. C s.p 20971 dasyanthum Swt. thick-flowered tt. | | or 4 Y" C. G. H. 1812. C CO Gnaphalium dasyanthum W. en. 20972 crassifolium D.Don thick-leaved tt. i | or 1 jl.s Y C. G. H. 1774. C s.p Gnaphalium crassifolium L. 20973 maritimum D. Don sea tt. i | or 4 W.Y C. G. H. 1772. C CO Bur. af. 77. 2 Gnaphalium maritimum L. i 20974 apiculatum D. Don apiculate tf lAJor If year Y V. Di. Isl. 1804. C CO Bot. reg. 240 Gnaphalium apiculatum Lab. 20975 flaccidum G. Don flaccid tf tAJ 1 Y Brazil 1826. C p.l Gnaphalium flaccidum Wem. 20976 ice'tidum D. Don fetid tf Ol or 2 jn.s L.Y C. G. H. 1692. S S.I Bot. mag. 198 7 Gnaphalium fce'tidum L. 20977 cyliiidricum D. Don cylindrical tf lAJ pr 1 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1780. C s.p Pluk. ph. 298. 4 20978 orientale D. Don oriental a. , | or 1| Y Africa 1629. C s.p Com. h. 2. 55 Gnaphalium orientale L. 20979 arenarium D. Don sand *k A or 1 jl.s Y Europe 1739. D CO Bot. mag. 215 9 Gnaphalium arenarium L. 20980 graveolens Swt. heavy-smelling 5i A el 1 jnjl Y Tauria 1819. 1) CO Gnaphalium graveolens Bieb. 20981 odoratissimum Sivt. sweetest-sctd tf tAJ fra 2 Y C. G. H. 1691. C s.p Mil. ic. 1.131. 2 Gnaphalium odoratissimum L. 20982 candidissimum D. Don whitest ^ A or 2 my.jl Pa.Y Caspian 1823. I) CO Gnaphalium candidissimum Bieb. Z 3 342 SYNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. CLASS XIX. tAI or 1 jn.jl R.Y iAI or 1| Y a. i | or 1 jl.o W 20983 r&tilans D. Don shirimg-flwd Gnaphalium rutilans L. 20984 cymosum D. Don cymose Gnaphalium cymosum L. 20985 helianthemifolium D.Don Heli.-lvd Gnaphalium helianthemifolium L. 20986 dealbatum Swt. 20987 fulgidum D. Don 20988 argenteum Swt. 20989 rigidum D. Don 20990 herbaceum Swt. sptendens B. M. 20991 paniculatum Swt. 20992 bracteatum D. Don bracted 20993 italicum G. Don Gnaphalium italicum Wnl. 2324 LEUCOSTE'MMA D.Don LEUCOSTEMMA. (Leukos, white, stemma, a crown ; fls.) Comp. Card. Vern. 1. 20994 vestHum D. Don. clothed tt. (_) or 2 jl.s W C. G. H. 1774. S s.p Bur. af. 66. 1 .Elichrysum vestitum L. 2325 PHCENO'COMAD. Dow PHOENOCOMA. (Phoinos, bloody, kome, hair ; invol.) Comp. Card. Vern. 1. 20995 prolifera D. Don proliferous tt L_| el 4 au.n C C. G. H. 1789. C s.p Bot. reg. 21 .Elichrysum proliferum W. Xeranthemum proliferum L. whitened ^ iAI or 1J year W shining tt-i | el 2 f.o Y silvery tt. | | or 2 ap.jl W rigid-leaved tt. 1 | or l|mv.jn W herbaceous ) lAJel H JLs Y panicled bracted tt. i | or O or 2 jn.s W 4 jl.o Y Italian tt. | | or 2 jl.o Y C. G. H. 1731. C s.p Di. el. 107. 127 Africa 1731. C co Di. el. 107. 128 C. G. H. 177*. C co Vol. nor. 194 V. Di. Isl. 1812. C co Lab. n. h. 2. 190 C. G. H. 1774. S s.p Bot. mag. 414 C. G. H. 1800. C co g :552 C. G. H. 1801. C co Bot. rep. 387 C. G. H. 1802. S co Bot. rep. 487 C. G. H. 1800. S co 1 N. Roll. 1799. S co Bot. rep. 375 Italy 1826. C co 2326. APHELE'XIS D. Don APHELEXIS. 20^96 humilis D. Don humble tt. | | or .Elichrysum spectabile Lod. /nnifolium Pers. 20997 sesamoldes D. Don Sesamum-like tt. i | or 2 ap.jn P.w .Elichrysum sesamo'ides W. Xeranthemum sesamoldes L. (Apheles, simple, cans, habit ; plants.) or 2 my.jn Pk C. G. H. 1810. S Comp. Card. Vern. 4. s.p Bot. cab. 59 C. G. H. 1739. S s.p Bot. mag. 425 tt. i_J or 2 mr.s P.v C. G. H. 1799. S s.p Bot. rep. 242 2 mr.s 2 mr.s 2 mr.s 3 ap.jn W R Va W C. G. H. 1799. S C. G. H. 1799. S C. G. H. 1799. S C. G. H. 1796. C s.p Bot. rep. 279 s.p Bot rep. 650 s.p Brey. ic. 16. 2 s.p Lam. il. 693.2 20998 fasciculata D. Don fascicled .Elichrysum fasciculatum W. 2 alba white-flowered tt. i 1 or 3 rubra red-flowered tt. | | or 4 versicolor party-colored tt | | or 20999 ericoldes Swt. Heath-like tt. i | or .Elichrysum ericoldes Pers. 2327. CARPE^SIUM L. CARPESIUM. (Karpesion, a bit of straw ; resembl. in Ivs of invol.) Comp. Card. Vern. 2. 21000 cdrnuum L. drooping ^ A un 2 Y Austria 1739. D co Jac. au. 3. 204 21001 abrotanoldes L. Southernw.-like^ A un 2 ' Y China 1768. D co Osb. 10 2328. BRACHYL^NA R. Br. BRACHYLJENA. (Brachys, short, lama, cloak ; calyx.) Comp. Card. Vern. I. 21002 wereifolia Swt. Oleander-leavedtt | ) or 4 au.n W C. G. H. 1752. C s.p Z&ccharis nereifolia L. Tarchonanthus dentatus Thun. 2329. 2?A'CCH ARIS L. PLOUGHMAN'S SPIKENARD. (Bacchus, wine ; odour.) Comp. Card. Vern. 11. 101. I. INTEGRIFOLIA. Leaves entire, flat ; flowers corymbose, or paniculate. 21003 angustifolia Ph. narrow-leaved i_J pr 2 jl.s W N. Amer. 1812. C co II. SERRATIFGLLE. Leaves serrated or toothed; floivers corymbose America 1696. N. Amer. 1683. Levant E. Indies 1819. Peru 1824. Peru 1820. C C C C s.l C s.l C s.l Schk. han. 3.244 Schm. ar. 82 Itauw. it 54 Brey. c. 70 21004 iv&fblia L. Iva-leaved 21005 Aalimifolia L. Halimus-lvd 2)006 Dioscoridis W. Dioscorides's 21C07 indica L. Indian 21008 glutinosa Pers. clammy 21009 parvifl6ra Pers. small-flowered Molina parviflbra Fl. per. 21010 adnata Hum. adnate * O un 6 au.n III. SESSILIFLOR*;. Leaves serrated or toothed ; flowers sessile, glomerate, or spicate. 21011 confdrta Kth. crowded * Q or 3 ...... Mexico 1826. C s.l 21012 glomeruliflora MX. cluster-flwd & or 3 au.o W N. Amer. 1817. C co IV. SoLiTARi-EFLORA. Leaves entire, flat ; flowers solitary. 21013 scoparia Swz. Broom * I 1 or 3 Crea Jamaica 1820. C s.l Br. jam. 34. 4 Calea scoparia L. S. Amer. 1823. C co *2330. CONY^ZAL. FLEABANE. (Konis, dust ; powder sprinkled to kill fleas.) Corr.p. Card. Vern. 42. 62. I. FauTicbs*:. Shrubby y leaves petioled or sessile, oblong-lanceolate. i. CORYMBOSE. Flowers corymbose or paniculate. ' 21014 odorata L. sweet-scented tt O fra 2 P India 1759. C p.l PI. ic. 97 21015 balsamifera L. balsam-bearing tt Q un 2 jl.s Br E. Indies 1822. D co Ru. am. 6. 24. 1 210l6carolinensisJac. Carolina i_| un 5 jl.o P Carolina 1821. C co Jac. ic. 585 21017 inclsa H. K. cut-leaved * i | un 3 P C. G. H. 4774. C p.l ii. PEDUNCULA^JE. Peduncles solitary. tt | un 1 jn.jl Y Can'dia 21018 Candida L. 21019 erbascif61ia W. 21020 spatulata Lk. 21021 /imonifolia Sm. Candida W. not L. white Mullein-leaved tt i j un spatulate ^ IAI un Limonium-lvd tt i I un 1 3 1 jn.jl Y Sicily B ...... Pa.Y Greece 1714. 1808. 1825. 1740. C co C co D p.l C s.l Bar. ic. 217 Boc. sic. 31. 2 iii. SUBSESSILIFLOR*. Flowers suosessile, glomerate, or spicate. 21022 arborescens W. arborescent il O un 6 n.d B Jamaica 1733. C p.l 21023 rigida Swz. rigid * dl un 2 Jamaica 1820. C p.l iv. ANGUSTIFOLI^:. Flowers suhsessile, glomerate, or spiked ; leaves narrow, sublinear. 21024 znuloides H. K. Inula-like s 1 | un 1 P Teneriffe 1780. C CO Jac. ic. 1. 171 21025 rupestris L. rock * i | un 1 ... Y Arabia 1790. c: CO Schm. ic. 36 21026 Tenom Lk. Tenore's tt |un 1 S. Europe 1824. C co 21027 saxatilis L. stone tt t _J un 1 Br" S. Europe 1640. C CO Schk. han. 3.241 21028 geminiflbra Ten. twin-flowered tt i | un 1J au.s Br 1823. C CO 21029 sordida L. sordid tt | | un 1 J1.S Br S. Europe 1570. C CO Bar. ic. 368 21030 sericea H. K. silky tt | | un Y Canaries 1779. C p.l 21031 rugosa Vahl rugose v. DECURRE'NTIA. Leaves decurrent. tt i_J n 6 n Y Brazil 1772. C p.l OUDEII II. SYNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. 343 II. HERBAGE*;. Herbaceous ; leaves petioled or sessile, undivided, broad, ovate, oblong, or lanceolate. i. CORYMBOSE. Flowers corymbose and panicled- 21032 squarrbsa L. squarrose 3t Q) w 2 Y Britain ch. oa. S CO Eng. bot. 1195 21033 paniculata W. panicled ^ un 1 P E. Indies 1818. S CO i.'10 ;+ axillaris Lam. axillary (7"yi un ]| au.o Y 1823. 8 CO 21035 amce v na Lk. pleasing ^ [yY| un 3 P Congo 1824. S CO 210.J6 patula H. K. spreading o un H Jl-s Y.p China 1758. S co Mil. ic. 2. 247 21037 blfrons L. two- fronted v A un 1 au.s Y N. Amer, , 17-39. I) p.l Pluk. al. 87. 4 21038 camphorata Ph. camphor-sctd _AJ un 3 au.o P N. Amer. , 1704. D CO Di. el. 87. 4 21039 marylandica MX. 21040 purpurascens Swz. Maryland purpurascent & un 1111 1 au.o 1 P P N. Amer. ... Jamaica 1800. S S CO CO Di. el. 89. 105 SI. jam. 1.159. 1 21041 cinerea L. grey LD] un 1 P E. Indies 1816. s CO 6. 14. 1 210+2 prolifera Lam. proliferous $ un 1 P E. Indies 1819. s CO Ru. am. 5. 104. 1 21043 hirsuta L. hairy iO)l un 2 au.s y.p China 1767. s CO 21044 a?gyptlaca H. K. Egyptian jQ| un 1| jl Y Egypt 1778. s CO Jac. vin. 3. 19 21045 Gouani W. Gouan's OJ un 1 Y Canaries 1772. s CO Jac. vin. 3. 79 ii. PAUCIFL6R.E. Peduncles one or two-flowered. 21046 amplexicai'ilis Lam. stem-clasping ^ Ol un 1 ... E, Indies 1820. S co 21047 fastigikta W. peaked O un 2 jn.jl P Senegal 1820. S co 21048 chinensis L. 21049 sicula W. 21050 aurlta L. 21051 fo^tida W. 21052 pinnatifida Rox. 21053 *hapsolde Sj Btf. 21054 virgata L. Chinese iii. SESSILIFLORA. Flowers sessile. H O] un 2 Y.p China 1796. S co Ru. am. 6. 14. 2 iv. LINEARIFOLIA. Leaves narrow, linear. Sicilian O un 1 au.s Y Sicily 1779. S co Boc. sic. 31. 4 v. PINNATI'FID^!. Leaves at base, or all pinnatifld. eared? CD un 1 au.o W E. Indies 1818. S co fetid f tAJ un 2 au.s Y Africa 1724. D co pinnatifid El un 2 ... E. Indies 1816. S co vi. DECURRE'NTES. Leaves decurrent. Thapsus-like ^ A un 2 jl.s P Casp. Sea 1806. C co twiggy ] iAI un 2 au.s ? America 1783. D co SI. jam. 1. 152. S Mil. ic. 2. 233 21055 glomerata Lk. glomerate 2331. MA^DIA Mol. MADIA. 21056 Cav. clammy safiva Mol. 21057 mellusa Mol. honeyed III. GLOME RA^A. Flowers glomerate. un P 1825. S co (Modi, its name in Chile.) O un 1J Y Chile Comp. Helidntheee. 2. 3. 1794. S co Bot mag. 2574 O un 1| Y Chile 1825. S co * 2332. RI'GERON L. ERIGERON. (Er, spring, geron, old man ; hoary in spring.) Comp.Card. fern. 36. 56. I. MULTIFLORI. Stem many-flowered; flowers corymbose, paniculate. 21058 heterophyllus W. various-leaved ^ CD Pr 1 J1.S _ r > N. Amer. 1640. S CO Fl. dan. 486 A'ster annuus L. 21059 chinensis Jac. Chinese o or 1 J1.S W China 1818. S CO Jac. sc. 3. 303 21060 austral is Horn. southern o or ] S. Europe 1827. S CO 21061 asteroldes Lk. Aster-like ^ A P r Is jl-au W* 1823. 1) CO 21062 purpureus H. K. purple A pr 1 P Huds. Bay 1776. D CO 21063 strigosus W. strigose ^ 0) pr 1 W N. Amer. 1816. S CO 21064 acris L. 21065 rupestrre Schl. sharp ^ rock ^ CD A pr pr l| | B P Britain Switzerl. 1819. S s CO CO Eng. bot 1158 21066 grandiflorus Hoppe great-flowered ^ A pr 1 P SwitzerL 1819. s CO 21057 chilensis D. Don Chile Q) cu 2| au.o Y Chile 1816. s CO Conyza chilensis Sp r. 21068 atticus VU. Attic ^ A or l|jUu P Attica 1816. s CO 21069 podulicus Bes. Podolian Q) or 1 P Podolia 1818. s CO 2l070canadensis L. 21071 pusillus Nut. Canadian little O o pr pr 1 au.s i au.s W W England rubble. N. Amer. 1823. s s CO CO Eng. bot. 2019 21072 rfelphinifolius W. en. Larkspur-lvd Ol pr 1 fl'l'au P S. Amer. 1816. s CO 21073graveolensi. 21074 bonari^nsis L. strong-smelling Buenos Ayres o pr 4 Jl'au Y P S. Europe 1633. S. Amer. 1732. s s CO CO Ger. em. 481. 2 Di. eL 257. 334 21075 Philadelphia^ W. Fhiladelphian A 1 P N. Amer. 1778. D CO 21076 contortus Desf. ii. LiNEARiFbLii. Leaves narrow, linear. twisted ^ 0) or 2 Pa.P 1826. s CO 21077 laevigatus Rich. smooth-leaved ^ O] un 1 W Cayenne 1822. s CO 21078 /inifblius W. Flax-leaved o pr 1 P S. Amer. ... s p.l Conyza ambigua D< iC. 21079 longifMius Desf. 21080 divaricatus MX. long-leaved ^ divaricate j A O) pr pr 2 1 P W N. Amer. 1820. Missisippi 1818. D S CO CO II. STJBMULTIFLOHI. 21081 Villaraii Bel. Villars's ^ Stem many-flowered ; branches one-flowered. A Pr 1 P Piedmont 1804. S co Bot. reg. 583 21082 caroliniknus L. Carolina ^ A pr 1 P N. Amer. 1727. D s.p Di. eL 3C6. 394 III. PA t'CIF LORI. Stemj few-floi uered. 21083 tellidifolius W. Daisy-leaved ^ A pr i jUu P N. Amer. 1790. D CO Serpentarius Banks 21084 caucasicus Stev. Caucasian ^ A pr 1 P Caucasus 1821. D CO 21085 nudicaulis MX. naked-stalked ^ A pr 1 jl W N. Amer. 1812. D CO 21G86 glabellus Nut. smoothish ^ A or 1 B N. Amer. 1825. D s.p 21087 jamaicensis L. Jamaica 21088 monte videensis Spr. Monte Videan pr un 1 jl.s 1 P W? Jamaica 1818. MonteVid.1827. S S CO CO SI. jam. 152. 3 21089 alplnus L. IV. UNIFLORI. Stem generally one-flowered. alpine ^ A pr 1 jl P Scotland al.rills. D S.I Eng. bot. 464 21090 uniflorus L. one-flowered ^ A pr 5 au.s P Scotland highl. D CO Eng. bot. 2416 21091 compositus Ph 21092 gramineus L. composite fc Grass-like ^ A A pr i i W.R P N. Amer. 1811. Siberia 1824. D D CO CO Gm. si. 2. 76. 2 21093 glaucus B. R. glaucous -d'ster bonariensis Sm. V. FRUTICOSUS. Stem shrubby. * l_l pr 1 year P S. Amer. 1812. C co Bot reg. 10 Z 4 344 SYNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. CLASS XIX. 2333. TUSSILA^GO L. discolored wood Farfara, common variegated-lvd 21094 alplna L. 21095 discolor Jac. 21096 sylvestris Sco. 21097 .Farfara L. 2 f.'.liis variegatis 21098 frigida L. 21099 sagittal Ph. 21100 Ijevigata W. bohemica Hoppe 21101 fragrans Vtt. 21102 alba L. . 2110S nive* fB, paradoxa Retz. 21104PetasltesL. Petasites.cowz.^Ali^ A ed.38.3 21160carni61icus W. Carniolan ^ A un 1 Y Carniola 1817. D CO incanus Sco. 21161 Jacobse v fl L. common Ragwort^ A w 2 Y Britain dry pa. D S.I Eng. bot. 1130 21162 tenuifblius Jac. slender-leaved ^ un 2 Y Britain woods. D l.p Eng. bot. 574 ^116o squalidus L. squalid w 1) tjn-o Y England walls. S CO Eng. bot 600 21164 dentatus Jac. toothed ) iAI un 1 Y C. G. H. 1820. D CO 2116.5 chrysanthemifblius Pair. Chrys.-lvd^ un S Y Sicily 1800. D CO Boc. sic. 67 21166 glauct?scens Spr. glaucescent un 1 Y .. 1824. S CO 21167/ycopifbliusPozr. Lycopus-lvd ^ canescens Schr. A Ull 2 Y 1820. D CO 21168 arenarius Bieb. sand ^ A un 1 Y Caucasus 1818. D CO cinerarioldes Viv. 21169 Othbnae Bieb. Othona-ftte ^ A or 2 Pk Iberia 1816. D CO 6'acalia pinnata W. en. 21170 delphinifoliusFaW Delphinium-lvd^ A or 1 Y Barbary 18CO. D CO Boc. sic. 51 21171 adonid//o#s Hort. Adonis-leaved ^j A or 1 Y Europe 1800. D CO 21172 abrotanifblius L. Southern wood-lvd^ A un Q jl.0 Y Alp. Eur .1640. D CO Jac. au. 1. 79 21173 artemisirf?/o/m.5Pers. Wormwood-lvd^ 21174 praaltus Bert. very tall ^ A A un un y jn-jl Jlau Y Y France Italy 1816. 1823. D D CO CO chrysanthemifblius Mor. 21175 canadensis L. Canadian ^ A or n Y N. Amer . 1820. D CO IV. VENU'STI. Leaves divided ; flowers subsolitary ; rays spreading ; shrubby. 21176 pubigerus L. pubigerous ft i_J or 2 jn.jl R C. G. H. 1816. C s.p M. h. 18. 32 21177 venustus H. K. beautiful ft i | el 1| jl.s P C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Bot. reg. 901 V. REVOLU'TI. Rays of flowers revolute. i. FRUTICOSUS. Leaves pinnatifid ; flowers panicled ; shrubby. 21178cinerascensjff..K. cinerascent tt. i_l un 6 my.jl Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Jac. sc. 2. 150 ii. L\DIVI N SI. Leaves undivided ; herbaceous. 21179 lividus L. livid O un 1 Y Spain 1801. S CO Schk. han. 3. 24 21180nebrodthisis L. Nebrod O un Ii P, a.P S. Europe 1704. S CO Bar. ic. 401 21181 telephtfblius Jac. Telephium-lvd O cu 1 Y C. G. H. 1820. s CO Jac. fr. 1. 1. 21182 glaucus L. sea-green o un IA Y Egypt 1739. s CO iii. DIVI^SI . Leaves divided ; herbaceous. 21183 crassifblius W. thick-leaved O pr i P S. Europe 1815. s CO Bar. ic. 261 21184triflbrus L. three-flowered un liJLi Y Egypt 1776. s CO 21185 aegyptius W. Egyptian o un IA Y Egypt 1771. s CO 21186 uerbenaefblius Jac. Vervain- leaved o un 1 jn.Jl Y Egypt 1803. s CO 1.3 21187 auritus Desf. eared un 1 Y Barbary 1816. s CO 21188 giganteus Desf. giant ^ A un 3 Y Barbary 1827. u CO Desf. at. 2. 234 21189sylvaticus L. wood o w 1 Y Britain woods. s CO Eng. bot. 748 21190 viscbsusi. clammy w 1 jn.o Y Britain s CO Eng. bot. 32 21191 erucifolius L. Eruca-leaved ^ un 2 Y Europe 181ii. D CO Bar. ic. 153 21192 laxiflorus Viv. loose-flowered Q un 1 Y Numidia 1827. s CO 21193 coronopif51ius Desf. Buckhorn-leaved o un 1 Y Barbary 1816. s CO VI. JACOBE^ Rays of flower none. i. FRUTICOSI. Shrubby. 21194reclinatus L. reclinate jt 1 | or 2 P C. G. H. 1774. S CO Jac. ic. 1. 174 graminifblius Jac. 21195 persicaefblius L. Peach-leaved j& i 1 or 3 jn.jl P C. G. H. 1820. C S.I 21196 />eucedanifblius L. Peucedanum-lvd ft | | or 3 my.jn P C. G. H. 1816. C S.1 Jac. ic. 3. 581 Cacalia peucedanil : blia Jac. 21197 squambsus W. scaly ft Hun 3 my.jl Y C. G. H. 1820. c p.l 21198 hsematophyllus W. en. bloody-lvd ft or 2 ap Y 1789. c CO ii. INDIVI N SI . Herbaceous ; leaves undivided. 21199 glomeratus Desf. clustered O un li au Y N. Holl. 1816. s CO 21200 scaber W. scabrous iAl or 4 Y C. G. H. 1700. c S.I 21201 divaricktus L. straddling OJor 1| jl P China 1801. s l.p 21202 AieracifbliusZ,. Hawkweed-lvd 8 or U au W N. Amer. 1699. s CO Her. par. 226 21203 ce'rnuus L. drooping or 1 V E. Indies 1780. s CO Jac. vin. 3. 98 iii. Div i*si. Herbaceous ; leaves divided. 21204 cacalio"ides Fis. Cacalia-like rm pr 1 au Y Brazil 1820. s CO 21205 purpureus L. purple | iAl or 2 jl.s P C. G. H. 1774. D CO Jac. ic. 3. 580 21206 erubscens H. K. erubescent i(DI or o jn.o Pk C. G. H. 1774. S l.p 21207 Pseudo-China L. Bastard China f iAI or i Y E. Indies 1732. c CO Di. el. 258. 335 21208 japcSnicus Thun. Japan i A pr 1" au Y Japan 1774. D CO 21209 vulgaris L. cc mmon Groundsel O w 1 year Y Britain ru ibbish. S CO Eng. bot. 747 21210 lanuginbsus Spr. woolly O or 5 o.d Y 1826. S CO 21211 wi/mamz?fblius Lk . Valerian-leaved O or 4 Y Europe 1800. s CO 21212 arabicus L. Arabian & Q) un Y Egypt 1804. s CO 2336. LE^RI^ Dec. LERIA. 21213 nntans Dec. nodding Tussilagonutans L. 21214 albicans Dec. whitish 21215 pumila Dec. , dwarf (Leri, a friend of De Candolle's ?) Camp. Labiatiflbra:, 3. 7. ^ O] un 1 jn.jl P W. Indies 1793. S co PI. ic. 41. 1^ f | jn.jl Jamaica 1820. S co Jamaica 1816. S co 346 SYNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. CLASS XIX. *2337. ^'STERZ,. STARWORT. (Aster, a star ; resemblance in flowers.) Comp.Card.Vern. 156. I. CYMBALA^RII. Shrubby ; leaves broad, ovate, oblong, or lanceolate. us L. refiexed-leaved * i | or 3 f.s C C. G. H. 1759. C p.l Bot. mag. 884 itbsus Schr. woolly , | or 1| my.jl Pk N. S. W. 1793. C p.l Bot. rep. 61 21216 reflex 21217 tomeni dentatus And. rep. ferruginea Wnl. 21218 erubescens Sieb. erubescent 21219 stellulatus Lab. 21220 myrsinoides Lab. 21221 sericeus Ven. 21222 Cymbalaria? L. 21i23 liratus B. M. 21224 argophyllus Lab. 21225 angustifblius Jac. 21226 villosus Thun. 21227 obtus*tus Thun. 21228 pluriflbrus G. Don fruticulbsus B. M. 21229 fruticulbsus L. 212JOfilifblius Ven. 21231 aculeiitus Lab. 21232 exasperatus Lk. 21233 carolinianus W. t i | or 3 my.jn R N. Holl. | | or 2 my.jn V V. D. L. 1823. * i_J or 3 my.jn Pa.P N. Holl. 1825. m i | or 3 my.n B Missouri 1802. * 1 | or 2 my.n W C. G. H. 1786. Ht L_J or 3 my.jl W N. S. W. 1812. | | or 10 my.jl W V. D. L. 1804. (iLii. Shrubby ; leaves narrow or small. * l_] or 6 my.jl Pa.B C. G. H. 1804. * L_) or 4 my jl W C. G. H. 1812. * 1 | or 4 my.jl W C. G. H. 1793. * t_J or 2 my.jl W C. G. H. 1759. . |_| or i mr.jl B C. G. H. 1759. i | or 3 mr.jl W C. G, H. 1812. * L_J or 2 mr.jl W N. Holl. 1818. * L_l or 3 mr.jl W C. G. H. 1823. 4ft | | el 8 au.s P Carolina C C C C C C C C C C C s C C C C s.p.l s.p.l Lab. n. h. 196 s.l.p Lab. n. h. 202 s.p Ven. eels 33 p.l Ven. mal. 95 l.p Bot. mag. 1509 s.p Bot. mag. 1563 l.p Jac. sc. 3. 370 l.p l.p p.l Bot. rnag. 2288 p.l Bot. mag. 2718 l.p Ven. mal. 82 l.p Bot. cab. 830 CO stellulate Myrsine-like silky-leaved Ivy-leaved ridged-stemm white-leaved II. ANGUSTIFl narrow-leaved villous obtuse-leaved many-flowered thread-leaved" priclily-leaved roughened Carolina III. PAUCIFLORI. Herbaceous; stem one or few-flowered. 21234 alplnus L. alpine ^ A or | P Alp. Eur. 1H58. D P.l Bot. mag. 199 2 fibre albo white-flowered Jt A or | W Eurooe 1827. 1) P.l 21235 pulchellus W. 2l2"36caucasicus W. Caucasian A A or or | 1 P P Armenia Caucasus 1804. D D CO CO 21237 lusitanus Brot. Spanish ^ A or *i m * ered. 21241 Ayssopifblius L. Hyssop-leaved ^ A or l|s.o W N. Amer. 1683. D CO Dod.m. 60 21242 montanus Nut. mountain ^ A or 1 au.s Carolina D CO 21243 solidaginoides MX. Solidago-like ^ A or 2 au.s w" N. Amer. 1699. D CO Pluk. al. 79.2 21244 tardiflbrus MX. late-flowering ^ A or 1 au.s W N. Amer. 1820. D CO 21245 nemoralis H. K. grove ^ A or 1 au.s Li N. Amer. 1778. D CO /edifblius Ph. 21246 rigidus L. stiff-leaved & A or f au.o P N. Amer. 1759. D CO Pluk. al ,14.7 21247 paucifldrus Nut. few- flowered 4^ A or 1 au.o W Missouri ... D CO 2i2481inarifblius L. Toad-flax-lvd ^ A or I s.o Pa.B N. Amer. 1699. D CO 21249 #raminifblius Ph. Grass-leaved ^ A or i s o Pa.P Huds.Bay D CO 21250 /inifolius W. Flax-leaved A or 2 2 W N. Amer. 1739. D CO 21251 pilbsus W. pilose ^ A or 2 au.o Pa.B N. Amer. 1812. D CO villbsus MX. 21252 foliolosus W. leafy ^ A or 3 o Pa.B N. Amer. 1732. D CO Di. el. 3J 5.39 21253subulatus MX. subulate ^ A or 2 s.o Pa.B N. Amer. D CO 21254 tenuifblius L. slender-leaved ^ A or 3 s.o W N. Amer 1725. D CO Pluk. al. 78.5 21255 foliosus H. K. leafy ^ A or 3 s.o W N. Amer. 1799. D CO 21256 dumbsus L. bushy j^ A or 3 s.o W N. Amer. 1734. D CO Pluk. al .78.6 21257 ericoules L. Heath-like ^ A or 3 s W N. Amer. 1758. D CO 212 r >8 multiflbrus H. K. many-flowered ^ A or 3 s.o W N. Amer 1732. D CO Di.el.3e 1.40 21259 cilPatus W. ciliated ^ A or 3 s.o W N. Amer. D CO 21260 canescens Ph. canescent ^ 0) or 2 s.o V N. Amer. isi2. D CO biennis Nut. marshy ^j A or 3 jl.o B N. Amer. 1784. D m.s 81363 sparsiflbrus 'MX. scattered-flwd ^ A or 3 s.n Pa.P N. Amer. 1798. D CO 21263 coridifblius MX. Coris-leaved ^ A or 1 au.n B N. Amer. D CO 21264 surculosus MX. shooty ^j A or I au.n B N. Amer. ... D CO V. LATIFOLII. Leaves entire, broad, ovate, oblong, or lanceolate ; stem many-flowered. 21265 squarr6sus Walt. squarrose 21266 oblongifblius Nut. oblong-leaved 21267 argenteus MX. silver-leaved 21268 cuncolor L. self-colored 21269 reticulatus Ph. netted-leaved 21270 trinervis Rox. three-nerved 2.271 albus W. white 21272 cornifblius W. Cornus-leaved 21273 humilis Ph. humble 21274 divaricatus L. divaricate 21275 amygdatinus Lam. Almond-leaved umbellatus H. K. 21276 salicifblius H. K virgatus Nees 21277 praealtus Pair. very tall 21278 aestivus H. K. summer 21/79 tortifblius MX. twisted-leaved 21*80 rambsus G. Don small-branchy alplnus /? rambsus Hort. 21281 Nbv* A'ngliaj L. New England 2 ruber red-flowered 212^2 sessiliflbrus Hort. sessile-flowered 21^83 spurius W. spurious 21284 cyaneus Nut. bright-blue 21285 rubricaulis Lam. red-stemmed glaucus Nees, cyaneus Hofm. 21286 grandiflbrus L. great-flowered 21287 pulcherrimus Lod. fairest 21288 /jhlogifulius W. Phlox-leaved 21289 patens H. K. spreading hairy 21290 punctatus Kit. dotted 21291 acris L. acrid A el A r A el A el A or A or A or A or A el A or A or II jn.jl I jl.s au.n au.o 2 au 3 au 3 au.o au.o au.o jl.s Willow-leaved ^ A or 6 s.o A or A or A or A pr A el A or A or A spl A or A or 6 s.o auo jn.jl 6 s.o 6 s.o 5 o 4 s.o 3 au.o 4 s.o A r A el 2 o.n li s.o A or 1| jl.o A or 1| s.n A or 3 au.s A or 2 au.s Ve B P P.R P R R B B P B B V P V B N. Amer. 1801. N. Amer. 1797. N. Amer. 1801. N. Amer. 1759. N. Amer. 1812. Nepal 1818. N. Amer. ? ... N. Amer. 1811. N. Amer. 1699. N. Amer. 1800. N. Amer. 1759. D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co W. h. b. 67 N. Amer. 1760. D co Rob. ic. 307 N. Amer. 1800. N. Amer. 1776. N. Amer. ... N. Amer.?1816. N. Amer. 1710. N. Amer. J812. N. Amor. 1700. N. Amer. 1789. N. Amer. 1789. N. Amer. 1815. D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co N. Amer. 1720. D co N. Amer.?1810. D co N. Arner. 1797. D co N. Amer. 1773. D co Hungary 1815. D co S. Europe 1731. D co Bot. reg. 183 Bot.reg.183.inf. Hof. ph. 1. B. 1 Bot. reg. 273 Bot. cab. 6 Sw. fl. gar. 234 W. & K. 2. 109 Pluk. al. 271. 3 ORDER II. SYNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. 347 21292 canus Kit. 21293 pann6nicus Jac. 21294 Jmellus L 2 angustif'blius 21295 ibericus Bieb. 2129G jalignus W. hungaricus Pair. 21297 Schreberi/ Nees 21298 longifolius Lam. Hungary 1816. D co Hungary 1815. D co Italy 1596. D co S. Europe 1596. D co Iberia ... D co Germany 1815. D co N. Amer. ? ... D co N. Amer. 1798. D co VI. SERRATiF6ur. Leaves lanceolate and ovate, lower ones serrated. Schreber's long-leaved W. & K. 1. 30 1. 8 Bot. reg. 340 M. h. 7. 22. 21299 amplexicaulis W. stem-clasping ^ A or 3 s.n B N. Amer. ... D CO pennsylvanicus Pair. 21300 prenanthoides W. Prenanthes-like^ A or 3 s.n B N. Amer. 1821. I) CO 21301 adulterlnus W. en. false ^ A or 3 au.o V N. Amer. ... D CO 21302 iasvigatus W. smooth-stored ^ pr 3 s.n F N. Amer. 1794. D CO glaucus Nees 21303 versicolor W. various-colored^ A el 8 au.s W.p N. Amer. 1790. D CO 21304 mutabilis L. changeable ^ A or g s.o P N. Amer. 1710. D CO Her. lug. 67 21305 laeMs L. smooth ^. A or 2 s.o B N. Amer. 1758. U CO lucidus H. K. 21306 concinnus W. en. neat ^ A p r U s.o P N. Amer. 1800. D CO 21307 abbreviatus Nees shortened ^ A or Q il s B N. Amer. .* D CO 21308 wzyrtitolius W. Myrtle-leaved ^ A or 2 au.s W 18*12. D CO 21309 puniceus L. red-stalked & A or 8 B N. Amer. 1710. D CO Her. lug. 651 amce'Ws Lam. 21310 firmus Nees firm & A or 6 jl.o R N. Amer. 1816. D CO 21311 rivularis Cas. river ^ A or 3 jl.o W? N. Amer. 1820. D CO 21312 hispidus Lam. rough-stalked & A or 1 s.o W China 1804. D CO Kaem. ic. 29 21313 floribundus W. bundle-flwd ^ A or 4 s.o P N. Amer. ... I) CO 21314 Nbvi Belgii L. New York ^ A or 4 s.o P.B N. Amer. 1710. D CO Her. lug. 69 21315 ftellidiflbrus W.en. Daisy-flowered^ A or 3 s.o Pa.R N. Amer. 1) CO 21316 spectabilis H. K. showy ^ A el 2 au.s B N. Amer. 1777. D CO 21317 serotmus W. \ate-flowering ^_ A or 3 s.n B N. Amer. ... I) CO 21318 tardiflbrus L. late-flowered ^ A or 2 jl.s P.B N. Amer. 1775. D CO 21319 marginatus Kth. marginate -* A or 4 jl V N. Gran. 1827. S s.l 21320 amello'ides Bes. Amellus-like ^ A or h V Podolia 1824. D S.I 21521 pyreti^us Desf. Pyrenean ^ A or 2 V Pyrenees ... D CO 21322 blandus Ph. charming ^ A or 2 o.n Pa.B N. Amer. 1800. U CO Bot. cab. 959 21323 acuminatus MX. acuminate ^ or 1| au.o Pa.R N. Amer. 1806. D CO Bot. mag .2707 21324 conyzoldes W. Conyza-like ^ A or 1 au.s W N. Amer. 1778. D CO marilandicus MX. 21325 inuloidcs D. Don Inula-like ^ A or 1 au R Nepal ... D CO 21326 nudiflbrus Nut. naked-flowered^ A or 1 au P N. Amer. D CO 21327 tataricus L. Tartarian *& A or 1 au B Tartary ms. D CO 21328 plantaginaefblius Nut. Plantain-lvd ^t A or I au.s W N. Amer. ... U CO 21329 radula H. K. rasp-leaved & A or 2 s.n W N. Amer. 1785. D CO 21330 TradescanU L. Tradescant's ^ A or 3 jl.s W N. Amer. 1633. 1) CO M. h. 7. 2 1.4 21331 recurvatus W. recurved ^ A or 3 au.s Pa.B N. Amer. 1800. D CO 21332 e"mineris W. eminent ^ A or 2 s.n L N. Amer. ... D CO pubescens Nees 21333 laxus W. loose-stalked & A or 2 s.n W N. Amer. ... D CO leucanthcmus Desf. 21334 simplex W. en. simple-stalked ^ A or 3 au.o W.P N. Amer. ... D CO virginicus Nees 21335 bicolor Nees two-colored ^ A or 3 au.s W.Y N. Amer. 1759. D CO Pluk.aL114.8 Solidago bicolor L. 21336 rtrtemisJ/ZorwsPoir. Wormwood-flwd^ A or 3 au.o W N. Amer. ... D CO rfracunculoldes IV. not Lam. 21337 polyphyllus W. en. many-leaved ^ pinifblius Nees A or 3 au.o W N. Amer. D CO 21338 laxiflorus Lk. loose-flowered ^ A or 4 s.o N. Amer, D CO 21339 junceus H. K. ' Rush ^ A or 4 s.o F N. Amer. 1758. D CO 21340 lanceolatus Lam lanceolate ^ A or 4 au.n W.p N. Amer . 1811. I) CO 21341 rfracunculoldes Lam. Tarragon-like^ A or 3 s.n W Tauria 1811. D CO 21342 tragilis W. brittle ^ A or 2 s F N. Amer, ,1800. D CO carneus Nees 21343 miser L. meagre-^tvrf ^ A un 3 s.o W N. Amer. 1759. D CO rviflorus Nees 21344 divergens H. K. 21345 diffusus H.K. scoparius Nees 21345 pendulus H. K. 21347 altaicus W. en. pumilus Fes. 21348 surculbsus MX. 21349 gracilis Nut. 21350 tene'llus Thun. 21351 Tripolium L. 21352 sibiricus L. 21353 inclsus Fu. spreading downy^i A u 3 diffu pendulous Altaian spriggy slender delicate Tripoly Siberian cut-leaved A or 2 s.o A or 2 s.o A or f B W Grind elm siberica Spr. 21354 desertorum Fis. desert 21355 eMegans W. elegant 21356 pallens W. en. pa\e-Jlowered 21357 rigidulus Nees rigidish 21358 luxurians Spr. luxuriant expansus Nees 21359 vimineus W. twiggy patulus Lam. strictus Poir. 21360 pra? v cox W. en. early-flowering A or If au.s P A r 1 G OJ or f ap.o B A or 2 au.s B A or 2 jl.o B A r li B A or 2 B A or 2 au.o B A or 3 s.o V A or 3 au.o B A or 5 s.o B A or 2| au.s B A or 2 V N. Amer. 1758. D co N. Amer. 1777. P co N. Amer. 1758. D co Siberia 1804. D co N. Amer. 1800. D co N. Amer. ? ... D co C. G. H. 1769. C p.l Britain seash. D co Siberia 1768. D co Siberia 1818. D co Siberia 1820. D co 1790. D co N. Amer. ... D co N. Amer. 1816. D co N. Amer. 1816. D co N. Amer. 1800. D co N. Amer. 1800. D co Bot. mag. 33 Eng. bot. 87 Gm. si. 2. 80. 1 21361 unduiatus L. 21362 paniculatus H. K. 21363 sanguineus W. VII. CORDIF&LII. Leaves serrated or toothed, cordate, wave-leaved ^ A r 3 au.o P.B N. Amer. 1699. D co panicled ^ A el 4 s.o B N. Amer. 1640. D co bloody ^ A or 3 s.o B N. Amer. ... D co Her. par. 96 348 SYNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. CLASS XIX. 21364 cordifolius L. heart-leaved 21365 sagittsefolius W. sagittate-leaved 21366 corymbbsus L. corymbed 21367 macrophyllus L. long-leaved 21368 heterophyllusW. en. various-leaved 21369 alwartensis Lod. Alwart P.B N. Amer. 175P. D co B N. Amer. 1700. D co W N. Amer. 1765. D co W N. Amer. 1739. 1) co Pa.P N. Amer. 1811. D co R Caucasus 1807. D co Bot. mag. 2321 VIII. DU^BIUS. Doubtful to which of the sections it belongs. 21370 gravfeolens Nut. heavy-smelling ^r A or 2 Arkansa 1826. D co 2338. CALLISTE^MA Cos. CHINA ASTER. (Kallistos, prettiest, sterna, stamen ; fl.) Comp.Card.Vern. 2. O el li jl.s B China 1731. S co Di. el. 34. 38 1731. S 1731. S 21371 hortt^nse Cas. garden A'ster chinensis L. 2riibrum red O el IJjl.s R 3 album white O el 1| jl.s W 4 variegatum variegated O el If jl.s Va 5 multiplex double O el 1| jl.s Va 6 brachyanthum short-flowered O el If jl.s Va 21372 indicum G. Don Indian O el 1 jl.s B ,4'ster indicus L. 2339. SOLID A^GO L. GOLDEN ROD. (Solido, to unite ; vulnerary quality of plants ) Comp. Card. Fern. 68. I. UNILATERA\ES. Racemes one-sided. i. TRINE'RVES. Leaves three-nerved. China China China China China 1731. S co 1731. S co E. Indies 1820. S co 21373 spfcria Forst. spurious Couy'za rugosa H. K. . \ | or 6 n Y? St. Helena 1772. C p.l 21374 canadensis L. Canadian 3e A or 3 jl.g Y N. Amer. 1648. D CO Sen. han. 3. 246 21375 fragrans W. en. fragrant ^ A or 3 jl.s Y N. Amer. ... D CO 21376 procera H. K. tall ^ A or 6 s.o Y N. Amer. 1758. D CO 21377 serotina H. K. late-flowering ^ A or 4 Y N. Amer. 1758. D CO 21378 anisata Lo. C. Anise-scented *V A or 3 s.o Y N. Amer. 1815. D CO 21379 gigantea H. K. gigantic i A or 6 au.s Y N. Amer. 1758. D CO 21380 cil.aris W. ciliated V A or 3 au.s Y N. Amer. 1811. D CO 21381 reflexa H. K. refiex-leaved % A or 3 au.s Y N. Amer. 1758. D CO 21382 lateriflbra L. lateral-flowered^ A or 3 au.s Y N. Amer. 1758. D CO ii . A fEN bs* ; Leaves veiny. 21383 aspera H. K. 21384 asperata Ph. rough-leaved roughed I A A or or 3 s 3 s Y^ Y N. Amer. N. Amer. 1732. 1808. D D CO CO Di. el. 305. 392 21385 altissima L. tallest A or 8 au.s Y N. Amer. 1686. D CO Mart. cen. 14 2 recurvata Ph. recurvate i A or 6 au.s Y N. Amer. 1686. D CO 3 virginiana Ph. Virginian I A or 6 au.s Y N. Amer. 1686. D CO 21386 pyramidata Ph. pyramidal A or 2 au.o Y N. Amer. 1790. D CO 21387 rugbsa W. wrhMe-leaved ^ A or 3 au.s Y N. Amer. 1732. D CO Di. el. 308. 396 21388 villbsa Ph. villous &_ A or 2 au.s Y N. Amer. 1732. D CO 21389 scabra W. scabrous 5 A or 3 au.s Y N. Amer. 1811. D CO 21390 nemoralis R. K. grove 5 A or Y N. Amer. 1769. D CO 21391 patula W. spreading ^ A or 2" s.o Y N. Amer. 1805. D CO 21392 wlmifblia W. Elm-leaved ^ A or 2 au.o Y N. Amer. 1805. D CO 21393 arg&ta H. K. sharp-710/c/!^ ^ A or 4 Y N. Amer. 1758. D CO 21394 Juncea H. K. Rush-stalked i A or 2 au.s Y N. Amer. 1769. D CO 21395 virgata MX. 21396 pulverulenta Nut. twiggy powdered 1 A A or or 1| au.s 3 au.s Y Y N. Amer. N. Amer. 1800. D D CO CO argentea Lo. C. 21397 polifblia Lo. C. Folium-leaved ^ A or 3 s.o Y N. Amer. 1826. D CO 21398 elliptica H. K. elliptic-team* *v A or 3 au.s Y N. Amer. 1759. D CO 21399 recurvata W. en. recurved 2 A or 2 s.n Y N. Amer. D CO retrorsa MX. 21400 sempervlrens L. evergreen & A or 5 s.o Y N. Amer. 1699. D CO Cor. ca. 169 21401 odbra H. JL sweet-smelling 1 A or 3 Y N. Amer. 1699. D CO 116.6 II . ERE'CXE. Racemes erect. i. SERRA^T*:. Lower leaves serrated or toothed. 21402 petiolaris H. K. petioled ^ A or 4 o.d Y N. Amer. 1758. D CO 21403 stricta H. K. strict Z\i A or 3 s Y N. Amer. 1758. D CO 214(4 virgata MX. twiggy QL A or 2 s Y N. Amer. D CO 21405 squarr6sa Mhl. rough ^ A or 3 au.o Y N. Amer. D CO 21406 cassia H. K. grey ^t A or 2 s.o Y N. Amer. 1732. D CO DL el. 307. 395 21407 livida W. en. livid ^L A or 2 s.o Y N. Amer. D CO 21408 hispida W. hairy & A or 2 s.o Y N. Amer. 1800. D CO 21409 hirta W. en. hairy ^ A or 2 s.o Y N. Amer. D CO 21410 /ithospermifblia W. Gromwell-lvd smooth-leaved 1 A A or or 2 au.o 3 o.n Y Y N. Amer. N. Amer. 1811. 1699. D D CO CO 21412 mexicana L. Mexican ^ A or 3 jl.o Y N. Amer. 1683. D CO Dod. m. 4. 219 21413 viminea H. K. twiggy V A or 3 s Y N. Amer. 1759. D CO 21414 specidsa Nut. showy A, A or 4 s.o Y N. Amer. 1817. D CO 21415 macrophf lla Ph. 21416 noveboracensis Ph. long-leaved New York 1 A A or or 3 au.o 3 jl.o Y Y N. Amer. N. Amer. ... D D CO CO 21417 glomerata MX. glomerated ^ A or 3 au.o Y N. Amer. 1820. D CO 21418 flexicaulis L. crook-stalked ^V A or 2 s Y N. Amer. 1725. D CO Her. par. 244 21419 elata Ph tall hairy V A or 6 au.o Y N. Amer. 1811. D CO 21420 lat.fblia L. broad-leaved ^ A or 11 s Y N. Amer. 1725. D CO Pluk. al. 235. 4 21421 ambigua H. K. ambiguous ^ A or 2 Y 1759. D CO 21422 rigida L. rigid-leaved ^V A or 3 s Y N. Amer. 1710. D CO Her. par. 243 21423 axillaris Ph. axillarv ^ A or 2 au.o Y N. Amer. 1811. D CO 21424 Virgaurea L. Golden R'od, com. ^ A or 2 jl.s Y Britain woods. D CO Eng. bot. 301 2 americana American * A or 2 Y N. Amer. 1800. D CO 3 alpina Schl. alpine k A or 1 jl.s Y Switzerl. 1819. D CO 21425 arenaria Poir. sand A or Y S. Europe 1816. D CO moritana Poir. 21426 alpestris Kit. rock ^v A or 1J jl.s Y Hungary 1816. D CO 21427 nudifl&ra Viv. naked-flowered ^ A or 1 Y S. Europe 1820. D CO 2U28 puberula Nut. 21429 cambrica Hud. puberulous Welsh 1 A A or or 2 s.o I Y Y N. Amer. Wales ... D D CO CO Di. el. 306. 21430 nepalensis D. Don 21431 multiradiata H. K. Nepal many-rayed 1 A A or or 1 Y Y Nepal Labrador 1776. D D CO CO ORDER II. SYNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. 349 21432 simplex Kth. 21433 rain uta /.. 21434 dectirrens Lou. 21435 littoralis Savi 21436 humilis Ph. simple-stemmed minute decurrent shore humble Mexico 1826. Pyrenees 1772. China 1823. Etruria 1827. N. Amer. 1811. D co D co D co D co D co Bot. cab. 189 ii. INTEGRIFOLI.IE. Leaves all entire. 21437 pauciflosculosa MX. few-floreted ^ A or 2 au.o Y N. Amer. 1811. D co 21438 angustifolia Nut. narrow-leaved ^ A or 3 s.o Y N. Amer. ... D co 21439 erecta Ph. upright ^ A or 3 au.o Y N. Amer. ... D co *2340. CINERARIA L. CINERARIA. (Cineres, ashes ; down covering surfaces of leaves.) Comp.Jacobece. 51. I. GEIFOLI.E. Flowers radiate. INDIVI8.EF6LI.S:. Leaves undivided ; peduncles many-flmuered ; shrubby. 21440 lactea W. en. milk-colored tt i | or 3 jn.jl W ...... 1816. C l.p 21441 PetasUes B. M. Butterbur4i m iAI or 3 f.d Y Mexico 1812. C CO Bot. mag. 1536 21442 gei folia L. Geum-leaved tt. | | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1710. C p.l Com. h. 2. 73 21443 canescens W.en. canescent tt-i |or 2 Y C. G. H. 1790. C p.l Bot. mag. 1990 par vi flora H. K. 21444 aurtta Herit. eared tt. | | or 1J Jn.jl P Madeira 1777. C l.p Bot. mag. 1786 214*5 cruenta Herit. bloody-leaved n. | 1 or 2 P Canaries 1777. R p.l Bot. mag. 406 21446 populifolia Lam. 21447 lobata W. Poplar-leaved lobed tt-l (or tt. i 1 or 2 jn.s 3 R Y Canaries C. G. H. 1780. 1774. C C p.l p.l Yen. mal. 100 21448 pulchella Swt. neat tt. i | or i* P Canaries 1818. C l.p 21449 hybrida W.en. hybrid tt-l |or 2 Y ... C P-l 21450 prae N cox Cav. early tt. | |pr 1| f-ap Y Mexico 1824. C Lp Cav. ic. 3. 244 21451 alba Lo. C. white tt. t_|pr 1 f.ap W? C. G. H. 1825. C l.p 21452 americana L. American *Qor 6 ... Y Grenada 18*5. C p.l 21453 incana Sivz. hoary tt. i 1 pr 2J Y Jamaica 1823. C l.p 21454 discolor Sum. two-colored-/j>d * 1 1 or 4 W Jamaica 1804. C Lp 21455 glabrata SUM. smooth n. 1 I or 1 Y Jamaica 1822. C l.p 21456 lucida Swz. shining tt. [ I or 2 Y W. Indies C p.l PL ic. 2. 154 214">7 cacalio'ides Thun. Cacalia-like . i | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1816. C p.l 21458 salicifolia Kth. Willow-leaved tt. i | or 2J Y Mexico 1827. C p.l 21459 angustifolia Kth. narrow-leaved tt. i | or 1| Y Mexico 1825. C p.l ii. DiviSjEFoLJjE. Leaves divided or pinnatifid ; peduncles many-flowered 21460 bicolor L. two-colored tt. L_! or 2 Y Austria ... C co ambigua Biv. nebrodensis Cav. 21461 AitonzViTM Spr. Aiton's tt. | 1 or 1 Y C p.l 21462 maritima L. sea Ragwort tt. | or 2 jl.s Y S. Europe 1633. C Lp Lob. ic. 227. 2 iii. UNIFLORA. Peduncles one-flowered ; leaves undivided. 21463 lanata Herit. woolly tt. LJ or 3 my.s P Canaries 1780. C p.l Bot. mag. 53 21464 wjalvEefolia Herit. 21465 elktior Bouch& 21466 gigantea Sm. 21467 sibirica L. 21468 speci&sa Schr. 21469 Isevigata Host. II. TussiLAGi'NEjfi. Flowers radiate , peduncles many-flowered ; stems herbaceous. i. CORDIFOLI.*:. Leaves broad cordate. Mallow-leaved taller igantic iberian shovy smooth-leaved ii. Sudetic rivulet thick-leaved iAJ or iAJ or A or A or A or A el 2 au 5 1| 4 6 1 Azores 1777. R p.l D l.p Cape Horn 1801. D Lp Ex. hot. 2. 65 Siberia 1784. D co Bot. mag 1869 Siberia 1815. D co Bot. reg.812 Siberia 1819. D l.p Sw. fl.gar.ic. 21470 sudetica Koch Sudetic ^ A or 21471 rivularis Kit. rivulet ^ A or 21472 crassifolia Kit. thick-leaved ^ A or ovirensis Koch 21473 crispa L. curled ^ A or 21474 alp^stris Hoppe alpine ^ A or 21475 alplna Hoppe alpine ^ A or 21476 aurantiaca Hoppe orange ^ A el 21477 spatulasfblia Gm. , spatulate-lvd ^ A or integrifolia Roth, longifolia Sturm 21478 longifolia Jac. long-leaved ^ A or 21479 papposa Rchb. pappose & A or 21480 camp^stris Retx. wild ^ A or 21481 integrifolia E. B. entire-leaved ^ A or 21482 palustris L. marsh ^ A or 21483 aurea L. golden ^ A or 21484 parviflora Bieb. small-flowered ^ A or 21485 racembsa Bieb. racemose ^ A or Leaves undivided, entire. 1 1 2|j].au Y , i f my.jl fmy.jl 2 jn au i 1 my.jn k my.jn 3 jn.jl 2| 2 1 Switzerl. 1819. Hungary 1816. Carinthia 1827. Switzerl. 1818. Switzerl. 1819. Switzerl. 1819. Switzerl. 1819. Germany 1820. D r.m Bot. mag. 2262 D Lp D r.m D r.ra Jac. au. 2. 178 D p.l D co Jac. au. 2. 177 D p.l Sw. fl.gar.ic. D p.l Austria 1792. D co Jac. au. 2. 181 Galicia 1821. D p.l Europe ... D co Jac. au. 180 England D co Eng. bot. 152 England mar. D m.s Eng. bot. 151 D r.m D l.p D Siberia 1827. Caucasus 1820. Caucasus 1820. p.l 21486 canadensis L. 21487 caucasica Bieb. 21488 humifusa Herit. iii. DIVI^SA. Leaves divided. Canadian ^ A or 2 Y Canada 1739. D co III. PAUCIFLORE. Flowers rayed ; peduncles one-flowered. i. INDIVIS^E. Leaves undivided. Caucasian j A r 1J Y Caucasus 1816. D l.p trailing uAI or Y C. G. H. 1704. R p.l ii. LYRAT^FbuA. Leaves lyrate-pinnatifid. clammy OJ or 2 Y C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Jac. fr. 12. 7. 2 (Agathos, excellent : beautiful flowers.) Comp. Jacobete. 2. - l_J pr 1| f.s B C. G. H. 1759. C p.l Bot. mag. 249 tt. t_j pr 2 f.s B C. G. H. 1800. C p.l 21489 viscbsa Herit. 2341. AGATH^A Cos. AGATHJEA. 21490 ccelestis Cas. heavenly blue Cineraria omelloldes L. 21491 /inifolia G. Don Flax-leaved Cineraria tfnifolia L. 2342. SENECPLLIS Gae. SENECILLIS. (Perhaps a diminutive of Senecio.) Comp. Jacoblee. 2. 21492 glauca Gae. glaucous ^ A or Y Siberia 1790. Deo Gm. si. 2. 74 Cineraria glauca L. 21493 purpurata Gae. purple _AJ or 2 my.jl P C. G. H. 1816. D p.l Cineraria purpurata L. 2343. CAI/y'TIS R. Br. CALOTIS. (Kalos, beauty, ow.f, an ear ; palere of pappus.) Comp. Car d.l'ern. 1. 2. 21494 cuneifolia R. Br. wedge-leaved iAI pr 1 my.jn B N. Holl. 1819. Deo Bot. reg.504 350 SYNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. CLASS XIX. 2344. KAULFU'SS/^ Nees. KAULFUSSIA. (G. Fred. Kaulfuss, M.D., prof, bot., Halle.) Comp. Jacobt supreme Belvidere Bright purple CameUia-flbra Chancellor Changeable purple Comet Crimson (Wells's) Crimson (Young's) Dodonae^us L'Honneur d'Anvers Lilac-striped Duchess of Gloucester Lutola E'legans Ma Favorite Marquis Morison Mutabilis Orange flag Princess Alexandrina Victoria Princess Elizabeth Pulchra Purptirea nlgra Royal olive Royal purple Royal sovereign Ruby Sablm Sanguinea Sans rival Sovereign Speciosa Spring grove lilac Straw-colored Sulphurea grandifl5ra Sulphurea specibsa Sunflower Superb crimson Tendre Agathe Victory Waratah White Dutch Yellow Clifton Yellow dwarf. 352 SYNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. CLASS XIX. 21592 frustranea H. K. $ 2 fulgens 3 aurantia 4 1C. tea 5 crocea barren rayed & A or scarlet & A or orange-cotorai A A or yellow A A or saffron & A or s.n 6 6 s.n 6 s.n 6" s.n 6 s.n S Mexico 1802. R h.l Cav. ic. 1.226 S Mexico 1802. R h.l Bot. mag. 762 O Mexico 1802. R h.l Y Mexico 1802. R h.l Su Mexico 1802. R h.l 2364. B(EBE N R^f W. B(EBERA. (Bceber, a learned Russian botanist.) Comp.Jacobece. 2. 7. 21593 chrysanthemoldes W. Chrysanth.-lk O pr \\ o Y Carolina 1821. S l.p Dyssbdia glutinbsa Can. 21594 porophylla Kth. Porophyllum O un 1 s Y Mexico 1817. S co Dyssbdia porophylla Cav. * 2365. TAGE^TES L. TAGETES. (Tages, a Tuscan divinity ; beauty of flowers.) I. INTEGRIFOLIA. Leaves entire. 21595 lucida Cav. shining-leaved iAI or 1 jl.n Y S. Amer. 1798. D Comp. Jacobece. 14. p.l Bot. mag. 740 II. PlNNAV *:. - - Lc avc< r pinna ted or b ipinnated. 21596 patula L. spreading French Marigold 21597 erecta L. erect African Marigold or or 2 3 jns Y.o Y Mexico Mexico 1573. 1596. 8 S CO CO Bot. mag. 150 Lam. il. 684 21598 corymbbsa Swt. corymbose or u au.s P Mexico 1825. S CO Sw. fl. gar. 151 2 lutea yellow o or H au.s Y Mexico 1825. a CO 21599 subvillbsa Lag. subvillous or i s Y Mexico 1823. s CO 21600 minuta L. minute-flowered or 2 au.o Pa.Y Chile 17 ^8 s CO Di. el. 280. 362 21601 caracasana Hum. Caraccas o or 3 au.s Y Caraccas 1819. s CO 216()2 tenuifolia Cav. fine-leaved o or 3 Y Peru 1797. s CO Bot. mag. 2045 21603 angustifblia Kth. narrow-leaved o or S au.s Y Mexico s CO 21604 clandestlna Lag. concealed or 3 jl.o Y Mexico 1823! s CO coronopifblia W. en. 21605 filifblia Lag. thread-leaved or 3 au.s Y Mexico 1826. s CO 21606 micrantha Cav. small-flowered or ft jl.o Y Mexico 1822. s CO 21607 glandulbsa Schrank glandular or 3 JLo Y S. Amer. 1819. s CO 21608 glandulifera Schrank glanduliferous or 6 o.n Y Mexico 1826. s CO 2366. HETEROSPE'RMUM Cav. HETEROS. (rfeteros, variable, sperma, seed ; shape.) Comp.Helmn. 1. 3. 21609 pinnatum Cav. wing-leaved O or 2 au.s Y NewSpain 1799. S co Cav. ic. 3. 267 (Christian Schkuhr, acute German botanist.) Comp.Helian. 1. O un 2 jl.s Y Mexico 1798. S co Schk.han.3.250.b 2367. SCHKU^HR/^ Roth SCHKUHRIA. 21610 abrotanoldes Roth Wormwood-like 2368. PE'CTIS L. 21611 humifusa Swx. 21612 prostrata Cav. 21fil3 ciliaris L. 21614 /inifblia L. 21615 canescens Kth. PECTIS. trailing prostrate ciliated Flax-leaved canescent 10. (Pecten, a comb ; teeth of pappus.) Comp.Helidnthete. 5. Uk O un | Y Jamaica 1824. S co PL ic. 95. a Jc O un Y W. Indies 1818. S co Cav. ic. 4. 324 ED un 1 jl Y Hispanic. 1793. S co PI. ic. 151. 2 [QJ un 1 j Jamaica 1732. S co SI. jam. 1. 149.3 Mexico 1826. S co 2369. LONGCHA'MPS/4W. LONGC. (J.L.A.Loiseleur Deslongchamps, M.D., French bot.) Comp Helidn. 1. 21616 capillifblia W. hair-leaved O pr i jn.jl Y Barbary 1822. S co jPctis discoidea Horn. Leysfcra discoidea Spr. Gn discoidea Horn. Leysfcra discoidea Spr. Gnaphalium \eyseroides Desf. 2370. LEYSE N IL4 L. LEYSERA. (Frederick William Leyser, a German botanist.) Comp.Eup. 4. 10. 21617 polifolia Thun. Polium-leaved tt |_J pr 1| jl.s 21618 gnaphalbdes L. woolly tt| j pr 2 jl.s 21619 squarrbsa W. squarrose ttj | pr 2 jl.s Stsehellna gnaphalbdes L. 21620 ciliata Tliun. ciliated tt i_] pr 1| jl.s C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1820. 1774. 1815. p.l p.l Jac. ic. 3. 588 Lp .p Pluk. al. 302. 3 C. G. H. 1816. S p.l 237L SELLOM Spr. 21621 glutinosa Spr. SELLOA. clammy (Fred. Sello, a German botanist in Brazil.) Comp.Eupatorece. \. 2. * CD un 3 f Y Brazil 1819. C co Bot. reg. 462 C p.l C p.l Bot. reg. 587 C p.l C p.l 2372. RELHA V NI4 Herit. RELHANIA. (Rev. Richard Relhan, author Fl. Cantab.) Comp.Helian. 5. 19. 21622 squarrbsa Herit. squarrose tt t_J pr 1 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1774. 21623 pfingens Herit. pungent tt i_j pr U s Y C. G. H. 1820. 21624 lateriflora Herit. side-flowering tt |_J pr | s Y C. G. H. 1823. 21625 /jenistifblia Herit. Genista-leaved tt t_J pr 1 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1823. /fthanasia^enistifdlia L. 21626 paleacea Herit. chaffy tt | | pr Leysera erico'ides Berg. 2373. Zl'NN/^ L. ZINNIA. (John Godfrey Zinn, prof. bot. Gottingen.) I. SESsiUFLbRA. Flowers sessile. 21627 pauciflbra L. few-flowered O or 2 jLau Y Peru II. PEDUNCULIFLOR.K Flowers pedunculate. my.jn Y C. G. H. 1818. C p.l Gae. fr. 173. 9 Comp. Helianthete. 8. 1753. S r.m Mil. ic. 1. 64 21628 multiflbra L. many-flowered O or 2 jn.o R N. Amer. 1770. S r.m Bot. mag. 149 21629 verticillata Andr. vrhor\-leaved O or 2 R Mexico 1789. S r.m Bot. rep. 189 21630 legans Jac. elegant or 2 jn.s S Mexico 1796. s r.m Bot mag. 527 wiolacea H K. 21631 tenuiflbra Jac. slender-flowered or 2 S Mexico 1799. s CO Bot. mag. 555 21632 revoluta Cav. revolute o or 2 s Mexico 1817. s CO 21633 angustifolia Hum. narrow-leaved or 2 R Mexico 1824. s CO 21634 hybrida B. M. hybrid or jn.jl S S. Amer. 1818. s CO Bot. mag. 2123 *2374. CHRYSANTHEMUM L. CHRYSANTHEMUM. (Chrysos, gold, anthemon, fl.) Comp. Anthem. 30 36. I. FauTicbSA. Shrubby ; rays white. 21635 pinnatifidum L. pinnatifid t | | or 3 W Madeira 1777. C p.l 21636 anc'jmalum Lag. anomalous tt | or 1 jn.jl W Spain 1816. D co 21637 radlcans Cav. rooming-branched ,_J or 1 W Spain 1818. C 8.1 II. ALBIFL?>RA. Herbaceous ; rays white. 21638 paludbsum Desf. marsh ^ A or 1| jn.jl W 21639 rotundifoliumJF.# K. round-leaved A or 1$ jn.jl W 21640 mexicanum Bonp. Mexican ^ A or 1 au W 21641 atratum W. blackened-/yd ^ A <" 1 W 2 lobatum Schl. lobed ^ A or W 21642 heterophyllum W. various-leaved A r 1 Jl- au W 21643 leucanthemum L. white-flowered A or 2 jn.jl W Barbary 1810. S co Desf. at. 2. 238 Hungary 1817. D co Mexico 1825. D co Austria 1731. D co Switzerl. 1819. D co Switzerl. 1806. D co Britain pas. D co Eng. bot. 601 ORDER 11 , SYNGENESIA SLTERFLUA. 353 21644 montanum L. mountain A or 2 jn.jl W France 1759. D CO Jac. ob. 4. 91 21645 lanceolatum Pers. lanceolate A or i jn.jl W Hungary 1817. D CO 21646 sylvestre L. wood j A or 2 jn.jl w 1804. D CO 21647 #raminifblium L. Grass-leaved A or 1 my.jl w Montpel. 17"9. D CO Jac. ob. 4. 92 21648 perpusillum Loi. 21649 rtbsinthiifblium Fis. very small Wormwood-lvdj? A A or or 1 jn.jl w w France Siberia 182;!. 1824. I) D CO CO 21650 monspeliense L. Montpelier jC A or 1 jn.s w Montpel. 1739. 1) CO Jac. ob. 4. 93 21651 ^chilled 21712 millefoliatum W. thousand-lvd 21713 achitte&folium Bieb. Milfoil-leaved 3: A pr 2376. MATRICA^RIA L. MATRICARIA. (Matrix, the womb ; sup. med. qual.) Comp. Anthem. 4. 5. 21714 suav^olens L. sweet-smelling Q un 1| W Europe 1781. S co 21715 Chamomilla L. JPiYrfChamomile Qw 1 my.jl W Britain ro.sid. S co Eng. bot 1232 21716 ca P N/^ Herit. BOLTONIA. (J. B. Bolton, an English botanist.) Comp. Card. Fern. 2. 21718 asteroides Herit. Starwort-like ^ A pr 3 au.o F N. Amer. 1758. D s.l Bot. mag. 2554 21719 glastifblia Herit. Woad-leaved ^ A pr 1| s Pk N. Amer. 1758. D s.l Bot. mag. 2381 2378. LIDBE'CK/^ Berg. LIDBECKIA. (E. G. Lidbeck, a Swedish botanist.) Comp. Anthem. 2. 4. 21720 pectinata Berg. pectinated * i_| pr 2 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1774. C l.p Berg. c. 306. 5. 9 21/21 lobata Thun. lobed i_J pr 2 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1800. C l.p Lam. il. 701. 3 C6tula quinqu&oba L. 2379. CE^NIA Com. CENIA. 21722 turbinata Pers. turbinated Lidbeckja turbinSta Thun. (Kenos, empty; inflated calyx.) Composite Anthemldete. 1. O un 1 W C. G. H. 1713. S co 701. 2380. CO'TULA L. 21723 anthemoides L. 2l724aurea L. 21725 coronopif61ia L. 21726 viscbsa L. 21727 tanacetifolia W. 21728 sphan-ar.tha Lk. 21729 nudicaulis Thun. COTULA. (Dim. of cota, old name for a species of A nthemis.) Comp. Anth. 7. 29. Anthemis-like E3 un 1 jl au Y St. Helena 1696. S co Di. el. 23. 25 Y Spain 1818. S co Y C. G. H. 1683. S co Lam. il, 700. 1 W Vera Cruz 1739. D l.p Y C. G. H. 1783. S co Pluk.m.430.7 Y Congo 1821. D co Y C. G. H. 1816. C l.p H. sys. 69. 4 1 jlau * jl-au I jl-au Anthemis-like !TT1 un golden O or Buckhorn-lvd ED un clammy j (A1 un | au Tansy-leaved O un f round-flowered [22 un 2 my.jn naked-stemmed^ iAJ or | 2381. GRA'NGE^ J. GRANGEA. (Grange, probably a man's name.) Composite Anthemidece. 7. 21730 chinensis Lam. Chinese C6tula cuneifblia W. 21731 minima W. least 21732 decumbens Desf. decumbent 21733 maderaspatana Lam. Madras 21734 cinerea Del. cinereous 21735 bicolor W. two-colored C6tula latifblia Desf. 21736 sonchifolia Bieb. Sonchus-leaved JC r O un i jLs Y China 1816. S CO Lam. il. 699. 2 O un h J 1 s Y China 1768. S CO Bur. in. 58. 3 O or "i Y N. Holl. 1816. S CO rm un f Y E. Indies 1780. s CO Lam. il. 699. 3 O or i Y Egypt 1818. s CO rm un li W.Y E. Indies 1804. s CO Lam. il. 699. 1 O or I Y Caucasus 1821. s CO 2382. ANACY^CLUS L. ANACYCLUS. (A priv. anthos, flower, ; 21737 anthemoides Lag. Anthemis-like ^ A un 1 Pa. Santolina anthemoides L. 21738 creticus L. 21739 orientalis L. 21740 aureus L. 21741 valentinus L. 21742 radiatus Lk. ^'nthemis valentina IV. 21743 clavatus Lk. 21744 divaricatus Cav. fklos, circle ; ovaries.) Comp. Anth. 8. ' S. Europe 1727. D co Cretan o un 1 Y Candia 1759. S CO An. mu. 11. 22 Oriental O un ] Y Levant 1731. S CO Boer. 1. 110 go\den-Jlowered 8 pr un | 1 jn.jl Y Y Levant Spain 1570. 1656. S s CO CO Lam. il. 700. 2 Schk.han.3.254.b rayed i W. pr 1| Y S. Europe 1596. s s.l Brey. c. 75 clubbed o cu 1| W Barbary 1801. s CO Biv. cen .1.7 divaricate un H W Spain 1818. s CO 2383. CLADA'NTHUS Cas. CLADANTHUS 21745 arabicus Cas. Arabian ^'nthemis arabica L. S. (Klados, branch, anthos, flower; on branches.) Comp. Anth. 1. O pr 1| Y Barbary 1759. S co Sm. spic. 9. 10 2384. -4'NTHEMIS L. CHAMOMILE. (Anthemon, a flower ; plants covered with.) Comp. Anth. 45. 49. I. FLAviFLORjE. Rays yellow ; leaves bipinnatifid or bipinnate. 21746 tinctbria L. dyer's # 'A pr Hjn.n Y Britain D co Eng. bot. 1472 21747 Rudolphsona Bieb. Rudolph's ^ A or 1 jn.jl Y Caucasus 1824. D Pyrethrum orientate W. 21748 Marsh alliana W. Marshall's j^ A or H jn.jl Y Caucasus 1816. D 21749 discoidea W. discoid O pr r Y Italy 1800. S II. 21750 fallax W. BIPINNATI'FIDJE. uncertain Rays white O pr 1 ; leaves bipin W nat/fid or bipinnate. 1825. S CO 21751 Pyrethrum L. 21752 globosa W. Pellitory of Spain ) globose A r lAlel i i jn.jl au.s W W S. Europe 1570. S. Europe 1570. I) D s.p CO Bot. mag. 462 Jac. sc. 3. 371 21753 opiifclia R. Br. Parsley-leaved ) lAJpr au.s W China 1819. D CO Bot. reg. 527 21754 nobilis L. common noble ^ A m 1 jl.s W Britain D CO Eng. bot. 980 2 fibre pleno double $ A ni jl.s W Britain gard. D CO 21755 grandiflbra Dec. 21756 arvensis L. great-flowering j corn-field A or w 1 1 W W S. Europe 1825. Britain dry fi. D S CO CO Eng. bot. 602 21757 Cotula /.. Cotula w 1 jn.s w Britain corn fi. S CO Eng. bot. 1772 21758 rigescens W. en. rigescent j 2 jl.s w Caucasus 1805. D CO W. h. b. 1. 62 21759 austriaca Jac. Austrian un 1 w Austria 1759. S CO Jac. au. 5. 444 21760 Triumf CO 21771 retusa Lk. retuse W 1824. S CO 21772 secundiramea .Z?it>. side-branched un W Sicily 1823. S CO 21773 ramosa Lk. branchy un W 1824. S CO 21774 coronopifolia W. Buckhorn-lvd f A pr jn.jl W Spain 1818. D CO 21775 saxatilis Aft. rock A pr W Hungary 1807. U CO 21776 anglica Spr. English O un | W England sea co. S CO Eng. bot. 2370 maritima E. B. not L. 1 1 1. PIN NATIVE. Leaves pinnate and pinnatifid ; flower white. 21777 incrassata Loi. thick-peduncledV A or 1 W France 1818. D co 21778 pedunculata Desf. incrassata Lk. peduncled un 1^ W Spain 1816. S CO 21779 tomentbsa L. downy * A pr A jl.o W Levant 1795. D CO 21780 carpatica W. Carpathian A pr | jn.jl W Carpathia 1820. D CO 21781 montana L. mountain A pr | jl.o p Italy 1759. D CO Ger. gal. 8 21782 peregrlna Bieb. foreign un 1 jn.jl W Caucasus 1823. S CO 21783 iberica Bieb. Iberian $ A or 4 jn.jl W Iberia 1820. n CO 21784 petra^a Ten. rock -* A or 1 jn.jl W Italy 1825. s CO 21785 Barrelled Ten. Barrelier's -* or jn.jl W Italy 1825. S CO 2178fimixtaZ,. mixed pr 1 W France 1731. s CO Mic. gen. 30.1 21787 melampodia Del. black-footed or IJnjl W Egypt 1819. I) CO 21788 maritima L. sea pr 1 W Mediter. 1800. s S.I 21789 alpina Z,. alpine A pr | jn.jl W Austria 1824. D CO Jac. au. 30 21790 Kitaibelw Spr. Kitaibel's I A or * jn.jl W Hungary 1823. D CO saxatilis Kit. 2385. CENTROSPE'RMUM Spr. CENTROSPERMUM. (Kentron, spur, sperma, seed.) Comp.Anthem. 1. 21791 chrysanthum Spr. yellow-flowered O pr f Y Spain 1823. S co 2386. SANVITA^LI^ Cav. SANVITALIA. (Most probably a man's name.) Comp. HeUdnthets. 1. 2. 21792 procumbens Cav. trailing -* O or 1 Y Mexico 1798. S co Bot. reg. 707 2387. ^CHILLEM L. MILFOIL. (Achilles, pupil of Chiron, first used the plant in med.) I. INDIVI^E. Leaves undivided. Com.Anthem.1^. 21793 lingulata Kit. tongue-leaved tf A or 1 vv Hungary 1815. D CO W. & K. 1. 2 21794 Herba-rota All. Herba- rota ^ A or i jn.jl W France 1640. D CO Al. ped. 1. 9. 3 21795 grandiflora Bieb. great-flowered ^ A or 1 W Caucasus 1815. D CO 21796 Ptarmica L. Sneezewort XT \ V LE s. Leaflt Is hori zontal. 21821 anthemo\des W. Anthemis-lk A or I Pa.Y ... n CO 21822 decumbens Lawz. decumbent !U A or i Y Kamtsch. 1816. D S.I 21823 moschata Jac. musk A or 2 n.jl W Italy 1775. D CO Jac. au. 5. ap. 33 21824 atrata!,. black-cupped A or 2 jl.s W Austria 1596. D CO Jac. au. 1. 77 21825 nana L. dwarf ^ A or J W Italy 1759. D CO Al. ped. 1. 9. 3 2 1826 erotica L. Cretan A or 1 W Candia 1739. n p.l Boc. mu. 34 21827 segyptiaca X. Egyptian ML or 1 jl.s Pa.Y Levant 1640. C p.l To. it. 1. 87 21828 holosericea Sm. velvety A. A or W Parnassus 1817. D CO 218'29 auriculata JP. eared ^V A or 1 Y A. Minor 1827. D CO 21830 vallesiaca Suter Vallesian V A or 1 W Switzerl. 1819. D CO helvetica Schl. 21831 macrophylla L. long-leaved A or 3 W Italy 1710. D CO Tri. ob. 23 I V. BIPINNA^TJE. Leaves bipinnate and bipinnatifld. 21832 compacta W. compact ^P A or 1 Pa.Y 1803. D CO 21833 glomerata Bieb. glomerated A or 1 Y Caucasus 1818. D CO A a 2 356 SYNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. CLASS XIX. 21834 punctata Ten. dotted * A or 1 Str Naples 1820. D CO 21835 leptophylla Bieb. slender-leaved A or 1 Pa.Y Tauria 1816. D CO 21836 taurica Bieb. Taurian A A or 1 Pa.Y Tauria 1818. D CO 21837 pauciflora Lam. few-flowered A or 1 Y Spain 1820. D CO 21838 jgupatoR-um W. Eupatorium A or 4 Y Casp. sho. 1803, D CO /ilicifblia Bieb. 21839 coarctata Pair. compressed A or 4 jl.s Y S. Europe 1 1816. D CO 21840 aurea Lam. golden-floweret If. A or 1 jn.s Y Levant 1739. D CO 21841 puWscens L. pubescent A or 1 jn.s L.Y Levant 1739. D p.l 21842 crithmifblia tf#. Samphire-lvd A or 1 W Hungary 1804. D p.l W. & K. 1. 66 21843 micrantha W. small-flowered A or 1 jn.o Y Levant 1805. D p.l 21844 tanacetif61ia ^//. Tansy-leaved A or 1 Pk Switzerl. 1658. D CO M.h. 6. 11. 14 21845 rbsea W. $ K. roseate A un R Hungary 1816. D CO 21846 distans Kit. distant A w 3 \V Italy 1804 D CO Al. ped. 53. 1 ambigua Poll. 21847 3/illeft>lium L. Milfoil A or 2 jn.o W Britain past. D CO Eng. bot. 758 2 rubra red-flowered A un 2 jn.o W D CO 21848 dubia Fis. doubtful A un 1 W Siberia' 1820. D CO 21849 montana Schl. mountain ^ A un 1 W Switzerl. J819. D CO 21850 heterophylla Spr. variable-leaved A un 1 W 1826. 1) CO 21851 dentifera Dec. tooth-bearing A un 1| W S. France 1818. D CO 21852 intermedia ScA/. intermediate A un 1 w Switzerl. 1819. D CO 21853 polyphylla Schl. many-leaved j A un 1 w Switzerl. 1819. D CO 21854 stricta Schl. strict A un w Switzerl. 1820. D CO 21855 bannatica W. $ K. Bannatic A un 1 w Hungary 1816. 1) CO 21856 magna L, great ^ A un 3 jn.n w S. Europe j 1683. D CO 21857 lanata Spr. woolly A or 1 w 1804. D CO 21858 tomentbsa i. tomentose ^ A or 2 my.o Y Britain hea. D CO Eng. bot. 2532 21859 microphylla W. small-leaved A or 1 jl.s W Spain 1800. D CO Bar. ic. 1114 21860 ochroleuca Ehrh. yellowish -whit P* A or 2 jl.s Pa.Y 1804. D CO 21861 odorata . sweet-scented A or | W SpaVii'" 1729. D CO Jac.c. 1.21 2186-2 setacea Kit. bristly * A or 1 W Hungary 1805. D p.l W. K. 1. 80 21863 ntibilis L. noble A or 2 W Germany 1640. D CO Schk. nan. 3.255 21864 /igflstica All. 21865 myriophylla W. en. Lovage myriad-leaved _ 1 A A or or 4 Ijjl.s W W Italy 1791. 1798. I) D CO CO Al. ped. 1. 53. 2 21866 abrotanifblia I,. Southernw.-lvd ] A or 2 Y Levant 1739. D p.l 2388. TRPDAX L. TRIDAX. (Tridaknos, thrice-bitten ; 3 deep divis. of rays of fl.) Comp.Helian. 1. 2. 21867 procumbens L. procumbent O un | Y Mexico 1804. S co Balbis/a elongata W. (Name of a plant mentioned by Virgil.) *~ l_J pr J jn.jl V C. G. H. A pr 1 au.s Y Comp. Card. Vern. 3. 4. :. G. H. 1768. C p.l Jac.c. 10. 1 Missouri 1811. D co A P r 2 au.s Y Missouri 1811. D co 2389. ^ME'LLUS L. AMELLUS. 21868 Zychmtis L. Lychnitis 21869 villbsus Ph. villous Sideranthus villbsus Swt. 21870 spinulosus Ph. spinulose Sideranthus spinulosus Swt. 2390. STA'RKE^ W. STARKEA. (Rev. M. Starke, of Gros Tschirna, Silesia, cryptog.) Comp.Card. Vern. 1. 21871 umbellata W. umbel-flowered (23 un 1| jn.jl Y Jamaica 1768. D l.p Lam. 11. 682. 2 .dme'llus umbellatus L. 2391. ANDROMA N CH.L4 Kth. ANDROMACHIA. (Andromachus, phys. to Nero.) Comp.Card. Vern. 1. 9. S. Amer. 1824. C s.l H. & B. 2. 112 21872 igniaria Kth. touchwood LAI un 1 Y 2392. COLUME'LL/^ Jac. COLUMELLIA. (L J. M. Columella, nourished 42 years A. C.) Comp.Helian. 1. 21873 biennis Jac. biennial OJ un 1 jn.jl Y C. G. H. 1821. S co Jac. sc. 3. 301 Nestlera biennis Spr. 2393. ECLI'PTAZ. ECLIPTA. (Ekleipo, to be deficient ; want of seed-crown or wing.) Comp. Hel. 6. 21874. erectaL. upright O un 2 jl.s W America 1690. S 1-P Di. el. 114. 137 21875 prostrata L. 21876 punctata L. prostrate dotted -fc ITTI un OJ un ,*jjj[ u W W E. Indies 1732. W. Indies 1818. S S l.p s.l Di.el. 113. 138 Jac. am. pic. 197 21877 procumbens MX. procumbent -* O un "i jl'au w Carolina 1818. S S.1 21878 latifblia L. broad-leaved OJ un I w E. Indies 1823. S 21879 undulata W. waved ~* iQ)l un iJUu w E. Indies 1826. S CO 2394. TETRA'NTHUS Swz. TETRANTHX'S. (Tetras,four,anthos , flower.) . Comp. Eupatbreee. 1.-2. 21880 littoralis Swz. shore itrrE] CU * jl.a w W. Indies 1820. D S.1 2395 MEYE x R/4 Schreb. MEYERA. (Gottlieb Andrew Meyer, a German botanist.) Comp.Helian. 1 6. 21881 se'ssilis Sw%. sessile j C3 un 1 Y W. Indies ... D co 2396. CHRYSANTHE'LLUM Rchb. CHRYSANTHELLUM. (Dim. of chrysanthemum.) Comp. Heliun. 1. 21882 procumbens Rchb. procumbent rm un 1J jn.jl Y W. Indies 1768. S co Sw. ob. 314. 8. 1 Verbesina mutica W. Coll^V procumbens Spr. 2397. PTILOSTE^PHIUM Kth. PTILOSTEPHIUM. 21883 coronopifblium Kth. Buckhorn-lvd O cu 21884 trifidum Kth. trifid O cu 1 (Ptilon. feather, stephos, crown ; pappus.) Comp.Helian. 2. 1 jn.jl Y Mexico 1823. S co H. & B. 4. 387 Y Mexico 1823. S co H. & B. 4. 388 2398. SIEGESBE'CK/^ L. SIEGESBECKIA. (J. George Siegesbeck, M.D., a German bot.) Comp.Helian. 6. Oriental O pr 2 au.o Y India 1730. S co Schk. han. 3.256 triangular O cu 2 au.s Y Mexico 1825. S co Cav. ic. 3. 253 Sundew-like O cu 2 au.s Y Mexico 1825. S co Bot. reg. 1061 21885 orientalis L. 21886 triangularis Cav. 21887 drosero'ides Swt. jorullensis Kth. ? 21888 cordifblia Kth. 21889 flosculosa Uerit. 21890 iberica W. heart-leaved flosculose Iberian Mexico 1826. S co Peru 1784. S co Her. st. 16 Iberia 1818. S co Bux. c. 3. 52 2399. VERBESrNA L. VERBESINA. (Altered from Verbena.] I. ALTERNIFOLI*:. Leaves alternate. i. HERBAGE*;. Herbaceous. 21891 alata L. wing-stalked lAJ pr 2 my.o O S. Amer. 1699. 21892 virginica L. Virginian ^ A pr 2 jU W N. Amer. 1812. Comp. Helidnthees. 15. C l.p Bot. mag. 1716 D co ORIJER II. SYNGENESIA SUPERFLUA. 357 21893 salicifblia Kth. 21894 BoswalUVz L. 21895 gigant^a Jac. Willow-leaved Boswail's |AJ iQl 2 2 Mexico 1825. D co E. Indies 1818. S co ii. FRUTICOSA. Shrubby. giant * CD un 8 ... Y W. Indies II. OPPOSITIFOLI/E. Leaves opposite. i. HERBA'CE^E. Herbaceous. 1758. C l.p Jac. ic. 1.175 21896 Siegesbeckw MX. Siegesbeck's ^ A un 3 o.n Y Siegesbe"ckta occidentalis L. 218!)7 heliantholdes MX. Helianthus-like^ A or 3 au Y 21898 serrata Cav. saw-leaved iAI un 3 jl.o Y 21899 satlva H. K. cultivatedOil-seed O un 6 au.s Y 21900 pinnatifida Cav. pinnatifid tAI or 3 au Y 21901 dichotoma Mur. forked O un 3 jn.jl Y 21902 laciniata Nut. jagged uAJ or 2 ... Y Siegesbeckia laciniata Pair. 21903 calendulfccea W. Marigold-like O un 2 jl.s Y Virginia 1731. D l.p 1827. S co 1803. D l.p N. Amer Mexico E. Indies Mexico E. Indies Carolina 1821. S co Ceylon 180G 182(5. C co 1789. S co Cav. ic. 3. 214 Hot. mag. 1017 Cav. ic. 1 100 Mur. 1779. 4 S co Bur. zcy. 22. 1 ii. FKUTICOS*:. Shrubby. 21904 fruticbsa W. shrubby tt. D un 3 Y W. Indies 1759. C co 21905 atriplicifulia Pers. Atriplex-leavedtt. \ | or 3 Y 1823. C co Galinsogea discolor Spr. PI. ic. 52 Col. h. rip. 31 2400. SYNEDRE'LLA Gae. SYNEDRELLA. (Synedrella, a little bench ; recept. naked ) Comp.Helidn. ]. 3. 21906 nodifl&ra Gae. knot-flowered O w $ jn.jl Y W. Indies 1726. S s.l Hook. ex. fl. 60 Verbeslna nodiflora L. 2401. GALINSO X G^ R. & P. GALINSOGEA. (M. M. Galinsoga, superint Madrid gar ) Comp.Helidn. 3. 9. 21907 parviflora W . small-flowered O un 1| my.s D.Y S. Amer. 1796. S co Cav. ic. 3. 281 21908 trilobata Cav. three-lobed O un 1J au.n O Peru 1797. S co Bot. mag. 1895 ~) or 2 au 21909 buMsioldes Kth. Balbisia-like Mexico 1825. S co H.&B.4. 386 2402. ACME'LLA Rich. ACMELLA. 21910 mauritiana Pers. Mauritian Spilanthes Acmlla L. 21911 rfcpens Walt. creeping Spilanthes rl-pens MX. 21912 occidentalis Pers. western (Akme, a point : pricking taste of folia 22 un Y Comp.Heliantheae. 3. Mauritius 1768. S s.l Ru. am. 6. 65 -* O or \ * O or \ Carolina 1818. S co S. Amer. 1825. S co 2403. ZALUZA^NI^ Pers. ZALUZANIA. (Altered from Zaluzianskia.obsc. Polish bot.) Comp.Helidn. 1.-2. 21913 triloba Pers. three-lobed j\J un ljl.s Y Mexico 1798. D l.p Acmella trilobata Spr. 2104. PASCA\L/,4 Or. PASCALIA. (Dedan Pascal, M.D., and a professor at Parma.) Comp.Helidn. 1. 21914 glauca Or. glaucous-leaved A P' Y Chile 1799. D co Bot. rep. 549 2405. HELIO'PSIS Pers. HELIOPSIS. 21915 keVis Pers. smooth .Buphthalmum helianthoides L. 21916 canescens Kth. canescent 21917 scabra Duval scabrous 21918 *uphthalmo\des Duval Buphth.-lk (Helios, sun, opsis, appearance; flowers.) Comp.Helidn. 5. A or 6 jl.o Y N. Amer. 1714. D co Her. st 45 A or A O jl.s jl.s 1 jl.s Acmella Auphthalmoldes L. j?uphthalmum scabrum Cav. 21919 dubia Duval doubtful C un 1 jl.s Y Mexico 1818. D co Bot. reg. 592 N. Amer. 1824. D co S. Amer. 1798. S co Jac. sc. 2. 151 W. Indies 1826. S co 2406. .SUPHTH A'LMUM /,. OX-EYE. (Sous, ox, ophthalmos, eye ; disk of fl.) Comp.Helidnth. 9. 27. 21920 sericeum L. silky 21921 stenophyllum Lk. narrow-leaved 21922 laavigatum Brou. smooth-leaved cori&ceum Hort. 21923 spinosum L. spinose 21924 aquaticum L. aquatic 21925 maritimum L. sea 21926 salicifolium L. Willow-leaved 21927 grandiflbrum L. great-flowered 21928 speciosissimum L. showiest 2407. DIOME^D/^ Cas. DIOMEDIA. 21929 glabrata Kth. smooth .Buphthalmum arborescens //. 21930 bidentata Cas. bidentate Z?uphthahnum frutscens L. 21931 argntea Kth. silvery *l_Jor 4 my.jl Y Canaries 1779. C p.l Bot. mag. 1836 it l | or 3 jn.jl Y Canaries 1818. C p.l * i | or 4 Y Teneriffe 1800. C p.l O or 3 jn.s Y Spain 1570. S co Bar. ic. 551 O or Y S. Europe 1731. S co Brey.c.77 _Alor l jl. s Y Sicily 1640. D s.l 129 ^ A or Ii jn.o Y Austria 1759. D co Jac. au. 4. 370 5t A or lijn.o Y Austria 1722. D p.l M. h.6.7.52 ^ A or 2 Y S. Europe 1826. D p.l (Diomeda, daughter of Phorbas.) Comp. Helianthete. 3. a [_J or 3 my.jl Y S. Amer. 1699. C p.l Di. el. 38. 43 * I_J or 2 Y W. Indies 1696. C p.l Di. el. 28. 44 * 1_J or 2 jn.jl Y S. Amer. 1824. C p.l 2408. TELE^KIA Baum. TELEKIA. 21932 speci6sa Baum. showy ^uphthalmum cordifolium Kit. (Not explained.) Comp. Heliantliea. 1. A or 4 Y Hungary 1739. D co W. & K. 2. 113 A a 3 358 SYNGENESIA FRUSTRANEA. CLASS XIX. CLASS XIX. ORDER 3. SYNGENE V SIA FRUSTRA V NEA. ^2409. HELIA'NTHUS L. SUNFLOWER. (Helios, sun, anthos, fl ; 21933 annuus L. 21934 Indicus L. 21935 tubaef6rmis Jac. 21936 multiflurus L. 2 pi 611 us 21937 tuberusus L. tuberous Jer'us. Art. 21938 angustifdlius L. narrow-leaved 21939 macrophyllus W. 21940 m61\is W. 21941 decapetalus L. 21942 prostratus W. 21943 strumbsus L. 21944 altissimus L. 21945 gigantus L. 21946 paucitibrus Nut. 21947 Iongif61ius Ph. 21948 diffusus B. M. 21949 Hnearis Cav. 21950 trachelifolius W. 21951 excelsus W. 219.>2 missuricus Z,&. 21953 parviflbrus Kth. 21954 cornifdlius Kth. 21955 laetiflbrus Per*. 21956 trilobatus Lk. 21957 divaricatus PA. 21958 pubescens Vahl 21959 Hooker* G. Don pubescens Hook. 21960 villbsus Ata. villous 21961 atrorubens L. dark-red-cyed annual dwarf Indian tube-formed many-flowered ^ double-flowered ^ long-le soft ten-petaled prostrated strumous tallest gigantic few-flowered long-leaved diffuse linear Trachelium-lvd lofty Missouri small-flowered Cornus-leaved lively-flowered three-lobed divaricate pubescent Hooker's 5 or 6 jn.o or 3 jn.o O or 5 A or 6 au.o A or 6 au.o A cul 8 s.o 3 jl.o 3 jl.o 3 s.o 6 au.o 4 jl.o 3 jl.o A or 3 jl.o A or 3 jl.o Y Pa.Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y resemblance.) S. Amer. 15P6. Egypt 1785. Mexico 1799. N. Amer. 1597. N. Amer. 1797. Brazil 1617. N. Amer. 1789. N. Amer. 1800. N. Amer. 1805. N. Amer. 1759. N. Amer. 1800. N. Amer. 1710. N. Amer. 1731. N. Amer. 1714. Louisiana 1824. Georgia 1812. N. Amer. 1821. Mexico 1823. N. Amer. 1825. Mexico 1820. Missouri 1821. Mexico 1826. Mexico 1825. N. Amer. 1810. Mexico 1824. N. Amer. 1759. N. Amer. 1795. Comp. Uelian. 28. 35. S co Ken. spec. 83 S co Tab. ic. 764 S co Jac. sc. 3. 375 D co I3ot. mag. 227 D co R co D co D co U co D p.l Rob. ic. 235 D co D p.l D co D co D p.l D co D co Eot. mag. 2020 D co Bot.reg.52ii D co D co D co D p.l D p.l D p.l D co D p.l Jac. vin. 2. 161 Bot. mag. 2051 W. h. b. 70 Boc. sic. 27. 4 Jac. vin. 2. 16( M. h. 6. 7. 66 Cav. ic. 219 H. &B.4.378 M. h. 6. 7. 66 D co Bot. reg. 524 D co Bot. mag. 2778 N. Amer. 1820. D p.l N. Amer. 1732. D p.l Bot. reg. 508 2410. GYMNOLO^MIA Kth. GYMX. (G./mnos, naked, Ionia, border ; margin of grains.) Comp.Heliun. 3. -5 21962 maculata # /Z. spotted * CD pr 3 jn.jl Y W. Indies 1821. D p.l Bot. reg. 662 219n3 connate Spr. connate * Q or 4 o.n Y Brazil 1827. C p.l 21964 triplinervia Kth. triple-nerved * a or 3 o.n Y NewSpain 1825. C p.l *2411. RUDBE'CK/^ 21965 pinnata Yen. 21966 digitata H. K. 2J967 laciniata L. 21968 columnaris Ph. 21969 subtomentusa Ph. 21970 triloba L. 21971 hirta L. 21972 radula Ph. 21973 ser6tina Swt. 21974 Newm&n* Hort. 21975 napifolia Kth. 21976 fuJgida H. K. 21977 IzEvigata Ph. 21978 amplexifolia Jac. 21979 purpurea L. L. RUDBECKIA. pinnated digitate-feawrf }a.gged-leaved columnar rather downy three-lobed #rea/-hairy rasp late-flowered Newman's turnip-leaved bright smooth stem-clasping purple (Olof Rudbeck, prof, bot., " A or 3 au.s Y 6 au.s 6 jl.s 3 au.s 3 au.s 4 au.s 2 jn.n 2 jn.n A or . 5 2 3 3 3 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y P Y Y Y Y Y D.P Upsal, died 1702.) Comp.Helidn. 15. N. Amer. 1803. D co Bot. mag. 2310 N. Amer. 1759. D p.l ~ N. Amer. 1640. D p.l M. h. 6. 6. 54 M. h. 6. 6. 53 N. Amer. 1811. Deo Bot. mag. 1G01 N. Amer. 1802. D co N. Amer. 1699. D co Bot. reg. 525 N. Amer. 1714. D p.l Sw. fl. gar. 82 Georgia 1825. S p.l N. Amer. 1823. Deo Sw. fl.gar.4 S. Amer. 1821. D co NewSpain 1824. D p.l N. Amer. 1760. D p.l Bot. mag. 1996 Carolina 1812. D co Louisiana 1793. S co Jac. ic. 3. 592 N. Amer. 1699. D p.l Bot. mag. 2 2412. G ALA'RD/^ Lam. GALARDIA. (M. Gaillard de Marentonneau, an amateur bot.) Comp. Helian. 2. 21980 bicolor Lam. two-colored ^ A or 2 jl.o O Carolina 1787. D co Bot. mag. 1602 Virgilifl helbdes Herit. 21981 aristata Ph. awned :k A or 1 jl.o Y N. Amer. 1812. D co 2413. TITHCPN/,4 Desf. TITHONIA. (Tithonus, favorite of Aurora : flower couleur d'aurore.) Comp.Hcl.l. 21982 tagettfbra Desf. Marigold-flwd * CD pr 10 jl.o O Vera Cruz 1818. C co Bot. reg. 591 2414. CO'SMEA Cav. COSMEA. (. 21983 lutea B. M. yeMov/.flowercd 21984 sulph urea W. sulphured Core6psis artemisiafblia Jac. 21985 bipinnata W. bipinnate-/w* 21986 parviflbra W. small-flowered Core6psis parviflbra Jac. 21987 crithmifolia Kth. Samphire-leaved 21988 chrysanthemifblia.KM.Chrysanth.-lvd 21989 tenella Kth. delicate Core6psis odoratissima Cav. *2415. COREO'PSIS Jac. COREOPSIS. (Koris, a bug, opsis, resemblance ; seeds.) Comp. Helian. 20. Cosmos, Opr O pr an ornamc 2 o.n 2 ;nt ; E Y Y lowers.; Mexico Mexico uom 1811. 1799. V S lena CO CO ntne: SPHENOG 22052 anthemo\des R. Br. Anthemis-like O 22053 /ceniculacea Swt. Fennel-leavcd iQI or Ursinia/oeniculacea Spr. Arctbtis/cen'^culkcea Jac (Sphen, wedge, gyne, female ; stigma.) ) el -* jl.s Y C. G.H. 1774. S 1 jl.s Comp.Helian. 9. 11. co Hot. mag 544 C. G. H. 1825. S p.l Jac. sc. 2. 156 22054 crithmifulia R. Br. Samphire-lvd n. i | el 1 ?2055 scariosa R. Br. scarious tt i | el 1 22056 flbrotanifiMia R. Br. Southernw.-lvdn. | | el 1 22057 dentata R. Br. tooth-leaved - ( I el 1| jn.jl 22058 odorata R. Br. sweet-scented tt. i | el 1 ap.jn 22059 pilifera Ker hairy tt. 22060 /eucanthemo"ides /M?r.Leucanth.-lk Arctotis fcucanthemo'ides Jac l_Jel iDI or C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1768. 1774. 1789. 1787. 1774. C 1821. C 1825. S C l.p C l.p C l.p C l.p Bur. af. 65. 1 Bur. af. 64 Bot. reg. 604 Jac. sc. 2. It 14 2431. ZCE^G^ L. ZCEGEA. 22061 Leptaurea L. Leptaurea 2432. LEtPZE/J Dec. LEUZEA. 22062 conlfera Dec. cone-bearing Centaurea conifera L. 22063 altaica Lk. Altaian ^ A or 22064 sallna Spr. salt ^ A or Cirsium salinum Fis. Centaurea altaica Bieb. 22065 australis Swt. southern ^ A or 22066 carthamoldes Dec. Carthamus-like^ A or Cnicus carthamo\des W. (J. Zoega, M.D., published a Flbra Islandica.) O un * O Levant 1779. S Comp. Card. 1. co Jao. ic. 1. 177 (De Leuze, a friend of Decandolle's..) Comp. Carduuceee. 5. 6. A or f jn.s fjn.s 1 . S. Europe 1683. D l.p An. mu. 16. 14 P P? Siberia Siberia N. Holl. Siberia 1822. 1817. 1821. 1816. D co D co D co D co 2433. RHAPO'NTICA Dec. RHAPONTICA. (Rha, rhubarb, Ponticus, of Pontus.) 22067 scariosa Dec. scarious Centaurea Rhap6ntica L. 2 lyrata Dec. lyrate 22068 uniflora Dec. one-flowered Cnicus uniflora L. 22069 Pallasw G. Don Pallas's Centaure-a Rhapuntica H. A or 2| P Switzerl. 1640. D co A or A or 2 li Switzerl. Siberia 1819. 1796. D co D co Sw. fl. gar. ic. Comp. Card. 3. Bot. mag. 1752 Gm. si. 2. 38 A or 2| P Switzerl. 1818. D co 2434. CENTAUREA A L. CENTA. (The Centaur Chiron, who first used medicinally.) Comp. Card. 158. 182. I. CENTA URE N A. Scales of calyx ciliated, sometimes at top spinosely mucronate. i. PECTINAVE. Scales of calyx pectinately ciliated, plumose. dry ^ A or 1| jn.o P Switzerl. 1633. D 22070 phrygia L. 2 ambigua Thomas ambiguous Hyssop-leaved . | or Flax-leaved ^ A or Switzerl. 1819. Caucasus 1823. France 1727. Austria 1815. S. Europe 181 9. Italy 1818. co D co D co D co D co D co D co Fl. dan. 520 22071 salicifolia Bieb. Willow-leaved 22072 pectinata L. pectinated 22073 austriaca W. Austrian 22074 uniflbra L. one-flowered 22075 flosculusa Balb. flosculous 22076 nervdsa W. en. nerved 22077 trichocephala Bieb. hairy-headed 22078 capillata L. hairy 22079 rivularis Brot. rivulet 22080 Ayssopifolia Vahl 22081 /inifolia L. linarifblia Lam. 22082 procumbens Balb. procumbent Jk A or | P S. Europe 1820. 22083 nlgra L. blackKnapweed & Aw 1 P Britain pas. nigricans Lk. ii. FIMBRIA'V*. Scales of calyx- fringed, ciliated ; floivcrs mostly red ; disks for the most part green. S. Europe 1815. D co Siberia Siberia Portugal Spain Spain 1805. 1810. 1812. 1812. 1827. D co D co D co C co D co D co D co Boc. mu. 2. 2 Gm. si. 2. 45. 1,2 Ac. got. 6 Bar. ic. 306 Bar. ic. 139 Eng. bot. 278 22084 paniculata L 22085 Cineraria L. 2086 declinata Bieb. 22087 leucophylla Bieb. 22088 cinerea Lam. 22089 dealbata L. 22090 Triumfettz All. 22091 nigrescens W. 22092 transalp x ma Schl. 22093 vochinensis Bernh. Vochin 22094 bracteata Balb. bracteate 22095 pratt^nsis Thuil. meadow 22096 astracanica Spr. Astracan 22097 Marschallw/ia Spr. MarschalPs siberica Bieb. not L. Europe 1640. Italy 1710. Caucasus 1821. Caucasus 1823. Italy 1710. Caucasus 1804. M. Cenis 1820. Hungary 1805. Switzerl. 1S19. Austria 1817. S. Europe 1817. France 1817. Astracan 1818. Caucasus 1820. S co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co Jac. au. 4. 320 M. h. 7. 26. 20 Jac. vin. 1. 92 22098 Scabiosa L. 22099 coriacea Kit. 22100 trinervia W. 22101 arenaria Bieb. 22102 zntybacea Lam. 22103 leucantha Pou. 22104 macu!6sa Lam. 22105 dissecta Ten. 22106 Sto3 v be L. 22107 limbata Lk. 22108 sempervlrens L. 22109 macrocephala W. 22110pulcherrima W. 22111 concinna W. 22112 atropurpurea Kit. 22113 calophf lla W. 2114 neglec.ta Set. sulphurea L-tg. GreaterKnapw.^ A leathery-leaved ^ A three-nerved sand lissected Sto3be fringed evergreen jg iAI or iii. SCARIOSJE Scales long-headed very fair neat dark-purple beautiful-lvd neglected Britain D co Hungary 1804. D co Podolia 1816. D co Caucasus 1818. D co S. Europe 1778. D co S. France 1816. D co Siberia 1816. D co Naples 1823. D co Austria? 1759. D co Portugal 1818. D co Spain 1683. C p.l calyx scarious, fringed. Caucasus 1805. Armenia 1816. Caucasus 1818. Hungary 1802. S. Europe 1816. Podolia 1820. D co S co S co D co S co D co Eng. bot. 56 W. & K. 2. 195 Gm. si. 2. 44. 1,2 Boc. si. 39. 3 Bot. mag. 121 W. &K.2. 116 ORUER III. SYNGENESIA FRUSTRANEA. 361 22115calocphala W. en. 22116 cicutaefulia Horn. 22117 .SalsamHa L. 22118 sibirica L. 22119 tatarica L. iv. FLAVIFLOR.E. - 22120 coronopi folia Lam. exaltata Adan. 22121 reflexa Lam. /*a Lam. rgyrophylla W. 22123 eriophylla Sjor. 22124 ornata W. 22125 centauroides i. 22125 col Una L. 22127 rupestris L. 22128 arachnoidea F/w. ceratophylla Ten. 22129 pubescens W. 22130 nic^nsis All. 22131 radiata L. 22132 sabuldsa Led. beautiful-head. ^ A Cicuta-leaved ^ A Balsamita ^j A Siberian ^z. A Tartarian ^ A Scales of calyx ciliatcu Buckhorn-lvd O or 3 Y Levant 1816. D co or ^ jn.s Y Podolia 1820. D co or 2 Y Syria 1820. D co or 1 R Siberia 1780. D co Gm. si. 2. 42. 2 or 2 Y Tartary 1801. D co \ mucronated, or terminated by a spine ; flowers yellow. or 3 jn.jl Y Levant 1739. S co reflexecl-s/>w 14. P A or 7 jn.s Y A or 2 jn.s W A or P A or 2 P A or 2 P A or 2 P A or 2 jl.o B A or 4 jn.s Y A r 4 jl.o Y A or 1 Y A or 3 jl.o Y 1710. 1597. levant Spain Italy Switzerl. 1819. Switzerl. 1819. Switzerl. 1819. Switzerl. 1819. Siberia 1731. Mauritania 1820, Levant 1739. Portugal 1816. S co S co D co D co Eng. bot. 1678 D co Brot. ph. 3 - Alp. ex. 282 22163 moschata L. musk, Sweet Sultan Q or II. CRUPI\VA. Scales of calyx entire. 22164 Centaurium L. 22165 ruth^nica Lam. 22166 suaveolens W. 22167 Crupina L. 22168 crupino\<\es Desf. 22169glauca W. 22170 alpina L. great Centauria^ A or Russian sweet-scented Crupina Crupina-like glaucous alpine P Persia Y Italy 1596. Pa.Y Russia 1806. Y Levant 1683. F Italy 1596. Cop N. Africa 1818. D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co D co S s.I D co D co S s.I S S co Boc. mu. 31. 17 Bot. mag. 62 Kno. th. 2. C. 4 Gm. si. 2. 41 Sw. fl. gar. 51 Col. cc. 1. 34 Pa.Y Caucasus 1805. S co Italy 1640. D co Cor. ca. 69.70 III. CY\ANUS Scales of calyx at top ciliated. 22171 montana L. mountain ^ A or 1| B Austria 1596. D co 22172 axillaris W. axillary ^ A or 1 P Austria 1823. D co 22173 sessana Vti. Sesane ^ A or 1 B S. Europe 1816. D co variegata Lam. 22174 stricta Kit. strict ^ A or 1 B Hungary 1816. D co 22175 mollis Kit. soft ^. A or 1 B Hungary 1818. D co 22176 depri^ssa Bleb. depressed ^ A or 1 B Caucasus 1818. D co 22177 Hngulata Lag. Ungulate ^t A or B Spain 1824. D co 22178 spatul&ta Ten. spatulate ^ A or 1| B Naples 1825. D co 22179 Fischerw Herit. Fischer's ^ A r B Russia 1820. D co 22180 americana Nut. American O or 1| R N. Amer. 1824. S co 22181 Cyanus /,. Blue-bottle or 3 B Britain corn fi. S co Sw. fl. gar. ic. Eng. bot. 277 22182 ochroleuca W. leucantha Adams 22183 cheiranthifolia W. Cheiranthus-lvd^ A or caucasica Hort. 22184 raguslna L. Ragusan * | | or 22185 argentea L. silver-leaved *L | or 22186 orientalis L. oriental ^ A or Scales of calyx fringed, ciliated; flowers yellow. yellowish-white^ A or 1| Pa.Y Caucasus 1801. D co Bot. mag. 1175 1| Pa.Y Caucasus 1820. D co 2 2 jn.jl Y Candia Pa.Y Candia Y Siberia 1710. 1739. 1759. C co C p.l D co Bot. mag. 494 Bar. ic. 218 362 SYNGENESIA NECESSARIA. CLASS XIX. CALCI'TRAPA. Scales of calyx spinosely pinnate. 22187 eriophora L. 2-2188 apula Lam. wool-bearing Apulian O r O or f jn.o 1 Y Y 22189 Calcitrapa L. Star-thistle O or 1 Pk 22190 calcitrapoldes L. Calcitrapa-like O or 1 jn.jl P 22191 aegyptlaca L. 22192 cancellata Sieb. Egyptian 3 latticed I .AJor O or 1 jn.s 1 W Y 22193 pullata L. 22194 benedicta L. shabby Blessed Thistle or or 2 2 jn.o P Y Portugal 1714. S co N. Africa 1817. S co England S co Levant 1683. S co fypt 1790. C p.l Africa 1824. S co S. Europe 1759. S co Spain 1548. S co Eng. bot. 125 Lob. ic. 542. 2 Zo. ic. 122 V. SERI'DIA. Scales of calyx at top palmately spinose. 22195 sonchifolia L. Sowthistle-lvd ^ A or 1 y au.o Mediterr. 1780. D co Pluk. ph. 39. 1 22196 Seridisi. Endive-leaved 3n A or 1 P Spain 1686. D CO Pluk. al. 38. 1 22197 cruenta W. en. blood-leaved ^ A or 1 P 1816. D CO 22198 romana L. Roman ^ O> or 3 jl.s R Rome 1739. S CO Bar. ic. 504 Zannbnii Seb. 22199 ferox Desf. fierce ^ -AJ or 2 jl.s P Barbary 1790. S p.l Desf. at. 2. 242 22200 sphaerocephala L. 22201 Isnardi L. globe-headed ^ Isnard's ^ A A or or 2 1 P P S. Europe 1683. Britain Jersey. D D CO CO Bot. mag. 2551 Eng. bot. 2256 22202 myacantha Dec. Mouse-thorn ^ A or 1 jn.o P France 1820. S CO 22203 Pouzim Dec. Pouzin's ^ or 2 jn.o P S. France 1824. D CO 22204 reapifolia Z,. 22205 aspera L. Turnip-leaved rough O or or 3 2 jl.s jn.o P P Candia 1691. S. Europe 1772. S S CO co Her. par. 189 Boc. mu. 35. 26 22206 polyacantha W. many-spined O or 1 P Portugal 1804. S CO 22207 iberica Trev. Iberian ^[ 0) or 2 P 5 Iberia 1818. S CO ii. CHRYSA'NTHJE. Scales of calyx 22208 solstitialis W. solstitial. Barnabv's T. O or 2 palmately spiny ; flowers yellow. Y England fields. S CO Eng. bot. 243 22209 melitensis L. Malta O or i Y Malta 1710. S CO Boc. sic. 35 222lOsulphurea W. en. sulphur-colored or \ Y 1815. S CO 22211 sicula L. Sicilian or 1* Y Sicily 1710. S CO Boc. sic. 8. 1 22212 Stevenii Bieb. Steven's ^ Q) or 2 Y Caucasus 1820. S CO 22213 xanthlna Spr. yellow ^ A or 2 Y S CO 22214 pallescens Del. pallescent or 2 Y Egypt" 1816. S CO 22215 Adam/ W. Adam's or 2 Y Siberia 1804. S CO 22216 straminea W. straw-colored or | Y Egypt 1801. S CO W.h.b.26 22217 coarctuta Viv. compressed or 1 Y N. Africa 1827. S CO 22218 salmantica L. 22219 tenuiflbra Fis. 22220 cichoracea L. 22221 alata Lam. 22222 peregrlna L. 22223 muricata L. 22224 Lipp L. 22225 Crocodylium L. 22226 verutum L. 22227 aurea H. K. VI. CROCODY'LIUM. Scales of calyx at top one-spined. i. Scales of calyx entire, at top mucronately spinulose. S. Europe 1596. S co Jac. vin. 1. 64 Q) or 3 A or 2 A or l| A or 1| au.s rT or 2 or 1 O or 1 jn.jl ii. SpiNbs^E. Scales of calyx entire, at top one-spined. Crocodylium O or 1 J'- au P Levant 1777. S co dart O or 2 au.s Y Levant 1780. S co Siberia " 1820. S co Caucasus 1816. D co Tartary 1781. D co S. Europe 1749. Spain 1621. Til. pis. 27 Ven. eels 80 S co S co Pa.P Egypt 1739. S co Is. 1719.10 great golden A or 2 jl.s S. Europe 1758. D co Bar. ic. 503 Jac. ic. 1. 178 Bot. mag. 421 2435. GAL AdTTES Moen. GALACTITES. (Gala, milk ; veins of leaves white.) Comp.Card. 2. 22228 tomentbsa Moen. woolly Q or P S. Europe 1738. S co An. mu. 16. 16 Centaurea Galact'ites L. 22229 australis Swt. southern O or 1 P N. Holl. 1824. S co Sw. fl. gar. ic. in. CLASS XIX. ORDER 4. SYNGENESIA NECESSA^RIA. *2436. WEDITLI4 Jac. 22230 hispida Kth. 22231 radibsa Ker 22232 acapulcnsis Kth. 22233 heliantholdes Kth. 22234 bengalensis Rchb. 22235 carnbsa Rchb. WEDELIA. (George Wolfgang Wedel, hispid .AJ or 1| jn Y a Ger. bot. d. 1721.) Comp.Helidn. 6. 22. many-rayed . I 1 1 Acapulca [A1 or Sunflower-like O or Bengal ^ Q un nesny-leaved ^ fAI cu 3 ap.n 3 jl 4 n.d n. jnjl N. Spain Brazil 1819. 1820. D co C co Acapulca 1826. C co Bot. reg. 543 Bot. reg. 610 Guieto 1827. E. Indies ... W. Indies 1820. S co S co D co 2437. ALCriSM Cav. 22236 perfoliata Cav. ALCINA. perfoliate (Fr. Ign. Alcina, a Spanish Jesuit and naturalist.) O un 3 Y Mexico 1796. S Comp. Helitln. 1. co Cav. ic. 1. 15 2438. MILLE^R/yl L. MILLERIA. (Philip Miller, F.R.S., auth. Gardener's Dictionary.) Comp.Helidn. 2. 22237 quinqueflora L. five-flowered O un 2 jl.o Y VeraCruzl731. S co Cav. ic. 1.82 22238 biflbra L. two-flowered O un 1 jl.o Y Campeachyl730. S co Mart. cen. 47. 1 2439. BALTIMO^R/i L. BALTIMORA. 22239 recta L. upright 22240 alba Pers. white (Lord Baltimore, proprietor of Maryland.) Comp. Helidn. 2. O un 2 jn.jl Pa.Y Vera Cruz 1699. S co Schk.han.3.261.C O un 2 jn.jl W S. Amer. 1800. S co 2440. Sl'LPHIUM L. SILPHIUM. (Zalaph, Arab., given to Asafcetida plant.) Comp. Helta n. 13. 15. 22241 laciniatum L. jagged-leaved ^ A w 12 jl.s Y N. Amer. 1781. D co L. f. fa. 1. 8 22242 compositum MX. compound 22243 terebinthinaceum L. Turpentine k A w 6 au.s Y N. Amer. 1765. D co Jac. vin. 1. 43 22244 glaucum Wein. glaucous Coreopsis latifolia MX. 22245 hCimilum MX. humble tomentbsum Ph. 22246 perfoliatum L. perfoliate A w 12 jl.s Y N. Amer. 1781. D co A w 6 jl.s Y N. Amer. 1789. D co Aw 6 au.s Y N. Amer. 1765. D co A or 4 jl.o Y N. Amer. 1786. D co A or 2J jl.o Y N. Amer. 1786. D co AW 7 jl.o Y N. Amer. 1766. D co ORDER IV. SYNGENESIA NECESSARIA. 363 2224*7 conjuncture W. en. conjoined 22248 connatum L. connated 22249 Asteriscus L. Asteriscus 22250 trifoliatum L. three-leaved 22251 ternatum Ttete. teraate-leaved 22252 atropurpiireum /fete. dk.-purp.-.s/'A-d 22253 erythrocaulon Bernh. red-stemmed A w 7 jl.o Y N. Amer. ... D CO A w 6 jl.o Y N. Amer. 1765. 1) CO A w 5 J1.S Y N. Amer. 1732. 1) CO Di. el. 37.42 A w 6 jl.o Y N. Amer. 1755. I) CO M.h.i 3.3.68 A w 4 jl.o Y N. Amer. 1806. 1) CO A w 4 jl.o y N. Amer. 1812. 1) CO A or 4 jl.0 Y N. Amer. ... 1) CO 2441. GASTROCA'RPHA D. Don GASTROC. (Caster, belly, karphe, chaff ; on receptacle.) Comp.Lab. 1. 22254 runcinata D. Don runcinate-Zurf j .A) or 3 au.s W Chile 1827. S co Sw. fl. gar. 229 Comp.Lab. 2. 8 co Hook. ex. fl. 101 2442. TRI'XISBr. TRIXIS. (Trixos, triple; three-celled triangular capsule.) 22255 senecioidcs Hook. Groundsel-like O pr If au.s W Chile 1821. S Leuceria senecioldes D. Don 22256 auriculata Hook. eared - O pr 1 au.s W Brazil 1827. C l.p Bot. mag. 2765 Perdicium brasiliense Dec. 2443. POLY'MNI/f L. POLYMNIA. (Polymnia, the name of one of the Muses.) Comp. Heliunthete. 4. 22257 canade"nsis L. Canadian ^ A or 6 L.Y N. Amer. 1768. Deo 1. 5 22258 Uvedalia L. Uvedale's ^ A or 8 au.o Y N. Amer. 1699. D co M. h. 6. 7.55 22259 abyssinica L. Abyssinian O) or 4 ap my Y Africa 1775. S co 22260 maculata Cav. spotted ^ A or G au.s Y Mexico 1824. D co Cav. ic. 3. 227 2444. MONTANO\4 Lai. MONTANOA." 22261 grandiflora Lai. great-flowered 22262 tomentbsa Lai. woolly (M'untano, a Mexican patriot.) i _ | un 4 n.d Y Mexico i _ | un 4 n.d Y Mexico Comp. Helidnthece. 2. 182fi. C co 1826. C co 2445. CHRYSO'GONUM /,. CHRYSOGONUM. (Chrysos, gold, gonu, knee; fl. at joints.) Comp. Helidn. I. 22263 virginianum L. Virginian j. A P* i my.jn Y N. Amer ... D p.l Pluk. al. 83. 4 2446. J/ELAMPCTDIUM L. MELAMPODIUM. (Melas, black, pous, foot; seed.) Comp. Helidn. 5. 10. 22264 americanum L. American O un If au.o W VeraCruz 1733. S co R. Hou. 9.21 22265 hispidum Kth. hispid O un 1 jLau W N.Spain 1820. S 'co H.&B.4.399 22266 Iongif61ium Brou. long-leaved O un 1 W N. Spain 1820. S co 22267 paludbsum Kth. marsh O un 1 W S. Amer. 1817. S co ovatifdlium Rchb. Wed^h'a minor Horn. Alcma ovalifolia Lag. Dyssodium divaricatum Rich. 22268 h umi le Stoz. humble O un Ifjn.o W Jamaica 1782. S co 2447. CHAPTA^L/J Ven. CHAPTALIA. (M. C/iaptal, a famous French chemist.) Comp. Labiatifl. 1. 22269 tomentbsa Ven. woolly ^ A pr f my.jn W N. Amer. 1806. D co Bot. mag. 2257 Tussilago integrifulia MX. *2448. CALE'NDULA L. MARIGOLD. (Calendte, first day of the month; flws monthly.) Comp. Hel. 20. -34. 22270 arve-nsis L. 22271 sicula W. en. aegypfiaca Pers. 22272 stellata Cav. 22273 officinalis L. 2 plena 22274 sancta L. 22275 incana W. 22276 pluvialis L. 22277 hybrida L. 22278 nudicaulis L. 22279 tframinifolia L. corn-field Sicilian or 2 my.s D.Y Europe 1597. S co or 1 my.s D.Y Sicily 1816. S co starred O or 2 jn.s officinal common O or 3 jn.s double-flowered O or 3 jn.s holy pale-flwd hoary O o O or 2 my.s Y O or Y Barbary 1795. S co Schk. han.3. 65 S. Europe 1573. S co S co Levant 1731. S l.p Barbary 1796. S l.p Desf. at. 2. 245 rainy, Small Cape Q or 1 W.p C. G. H. 1699. S s.l Mil. ic. 75. 2 hybrid, Gr. Cape O or 1 jn.jl W C. G. H. 1752. S s.l Sw. fl. gar. 39 naked-stalked Q or 1 W.p C. G. H. 1731. S s.l Com. h. 2. 33 Grass-leaved > iAJ or 1 my.s W.p C. G. H. 1731. C p.l Bot. reg. 289 22280 TYagus L. Goat-rush, bending-stkd . | (or 2 my.jn W.p C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Bot. mag. 1981 C. G. H. 1774. C l.p Bot. reg. 28 \ _ | or 2 my.jn O | _ | or 2 jn.s O 2 flaccida yen. flaccid 22281 viscosa H. K. viscous _ 22282 dentata B. R. toothed tt | _ | or If my.jl Y 22283 oppositifblia H. K. opposite-leaved n.\ _ | or 2 au Y 22284 fruticosa L. shrubby n. | _ | or 2 jn.jl Y 22285 chrysanthemifblia Ven. Chrysan.lvdn. ( _ | or 2 Y 22286 arborescens Jac*. arborescent . i.. ,1 or 3 d 22 1 J87 sufFruticosa Vahl suffruticose t | _ 1 or 1 d 22288 denticulata Schous. denticulated IL i _ | or 2 d 22289 muricata Thun. muricated tt. | _ | or 2 d C. G. H. 1790. C p.l Bot. rep. 412 C. G. H. 1790. C p.l Bot. rep. ic. C. G. H. 1774. C p.l C. G. H. 1752. C p.l Mil. ic. 2. 283 C. G. H. 1790. C p.l Bot. reg. 40 C. G. H. 1774. C p.l Jac. ic. 3. 596 C. G. H. 1823. C p.l Barbary 1821. C p.l C. G. H. ... C p.l 2449. ARCTCTTIS L. ARCTOTIS. (Arctos, a bear, ous, an ear; fruit shaggy.) Comp. Helidn. 31. 40. I. INDIVISIFOLI.E. Leaves undivided ; shrubby. 22290 decurrens Jac. decurrent n. \ | or If jn.jl W.R C. G. H. 1794. C l.p Jac. sc. 2. 165 22291 paniculata Jac. panicled tt. ( | or If jn.jl W.R C. G. H. 1816. C l.p Jac. sc. 3. 380 22292 rosea Jac. roseate tt. ( | or 1 jl.s Pk C. G. H. 1793. C l.p Jac. sc. 2. 162 22293 melanotf cla W.en. 22294 angustifblia L. 22295 auriculata Jac. 22SJ96 aureola B. R. 22297 aspera L. 22298 arborescens Jac. 22299 bicolor W. en. 2-2300 speciosa B. M. 22301 elatior Jac. 22302 maculata Jac. 22-303 cuprea Jac. 22304 squarrbsa Jac. 22305 glabr&ta Jac. Ill 22306 argentea H. K. 2 1 2307 flaccida Jac. 22308 virgata Jac. 22309 wlantaginea L. 22310 decumbens Jac. 22311 fastuosa Jac. 22312 spinulosa Jac. II. PINNATI'FIDJE. Leaves lyrate or pinnat/fid ; shrubby. dark-circled tt. i_J or 1 jn.jl W.p C. G. H. 1812. C l.p narrow-leaved tt. i | or If jl.s P C. G. H. 1739. C \.\ ear-leaved tt. | | or 1 jn.a golden two-colored P .au Y O C. G. H. 1795. C pj Jac. sc. 2. 169 ft- 1 | or 1 jl.s O C. G. H. 1710. C p.l Bot. reg. 32 broad rough-Jwrtt | | or 3 jl.s Y C. G. H. 1710. C p.l Bot. reg. 34 arborescent tt. | or C. G. H. 1818. C p.l Jac. sc. 2. 171 tt. ,_J or 1 jl.s W.R C. G. H. 1812. C l.p _! (or Y C. G. H. 1812. C p.l Bot. mag.: showy taller **- L-J or If Y.P C. G. H. 1820. C p.l Jac. sc. 2. 172 spotted tt. i | or If W.o C. G. H. 1812. C l.p Bot. reg. 130 copper-coloured*. \ | or If Y.P C. G. H. 1823. C p.l Jac. sc. 2. 176 squarrose tt. i | or H O.P C. G. H. 1825. C l.p Jac. sc. 2. 177 smoothish tt. i_| or If Y.P C. G. H. 1820. C l.p Jac. sc. 2. 175 INDIVI^S^:. Leaves undivided ; stem caulescent ; herbaceous. s\\ver-leaved OJ or 1 au O C. G. H. 1774. D l.p flagging-stalked O or 1 my.jl W.R C. G. H. 1794. S Lp Jac. sc. 2. 163 twiggy O or 1 Y C. G. H. 1816. S co Jac. sc. 3. 307 Plantain-Mi j uAJ or 1 O C. G. H. 1768. C p.l decumbent iAI or 1 jl.s Y C. G. H. 1790. D l.p Jac. sc. 3. 381 disdainful OJ spl 2 my.jl O.R C. G. H. 1795. S co Jac. sc. 2. 166 small thorn y-lvd |OI or If O C. G. H. 1795. S co Jac. sc. 2. 167 364 SYNGENESIA NECESSARIA. CLASS XI \. 22313 reptans Jac. 22314 grand iflbra Jac. 22315 glaucophylla Jac. 22316 revoluta Jac. 22317 Cineraria Jac. 22318 acaulis L. 22319 tricolor L. 22320 undulata Jac. IV. LYRATIFOLIJE. Leaves lyrate, pinnat\ftd j creeping iAJ or f jl.s W.o C. great-flowered OJ or limr.myPa.Y C. sea-green-lvd _ iAJ or 1 Y.p C. revolute lAJ or 1 Y C. Cineraria jg iAJ or 1J Y.o C. V. A c A U'LI*. Stemless. stemless iAl or \ Y.R C. three-colored tAJ or 1J my.jl W.R C. \vave-leaved iAl or 1 ap.jn O C. herbaceous. G. H. 1795. G. H. 1774. 1794. 1820. G. H. G. H. G. H. G. H. G. H. G. H. 1824. 1759. 1794. 1795. R p.l Jac. sc. 3. 382 S l.p D l.p Jac. sc. 2. 170 C l.p Jac. sc. 2. 173 D p.l Jac. sc. 2. 174 R p.l Bot. reg. 122 D l.p Bot. reg. 131 C p.l Jac. sc. 2. 160 2450. OSTEOSPE'RMUM L. OSTEOSPE 22321 corymbbsum L. corymbose 22322 inc;tnum Thun. hoary 22323 spinbsum L. spiny 22324 spinescens Thun. spinescent 22325 pisiferum L. pea-bearing 22326 moniliterum L. necklace-bearing 22.-S27 tlicifolium L. Holly-leaved 22328 calendulaceum L. Marigold-like Bldens calendulacea Thun. 22329 perfoliatum L. perfoliate 22330 niveum L. snow-white 22331 rigidum H. K. rigid 22332 ca?riMeum H. K. blue-flowered 22333 joolygaloides L. Milkwort-like RMUM. (Osteon, bone, sperma, seed ; hardness of.) Comp. Hel. 13. 27. ~ l_J or 3 au Y C. G. H. 1822. C l.p I | or 3 a Y C. G. H. 1815. S p.l C. G. H. 1700. S l.p Com. h. 2. 43 C. G. H. 1793. C l.p Jac. sc. 3. 377 C. G. H. 1757. S l.p Bot. cab. 470 C. G. H. 1714. S l.p Di. el. 68. 79 C. G. H. 1816. C l.p Bur. af. 172. 62 C. G. H. ... S p.l C. G. H. 1820. S l.p C. G. H. 1816. S l.p C. G. H. 1774. C l.p C. G. H. 1774. C l.p Jac. ic. 1. 179 C. G. H. 1759. C l.p Pluk. m. 382 41 I | or 3 f.o Y 41 I | or 3 mr.jn Y 41 1 | or 4 Y 41 1 | or 3 Y 4ll_Jor 4 Y 41 i | or 2 Y 42 | | or 41 1 | or 41 1 | or 41 1 | or 41 1 | or 3 3 3 3 3 ap.jl jn.s jn.s Y Y Y B Y I 2451. OTHO'NNA L. RAGWORT. (Othone, linen ; downy clothing of original plant.) Comp. Jacobete. 25. 39. 22334 digitata Thun. 22335 pectinata L. 22336 ^thanasise Thun. 22337 obrotanif&lia L. I. DIVI^S-E. Leaves divided ; digitate L i | or 1| jn.s Y pectinate-/wJ 41 i | or 3 ap.jn Y Athanasia-Me 4t | | or 3 n.d Y Southernw.-/wJ 41 1 | or 3 Y shrubby. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. C. G. H. 1824. 1731. 1795. 1692. C C c c l.p p. p.l P.l Bot. mag. 306 Jac. sc. 2. 242 Bot. reg. 108 22338 retrofracta Jac. II. INDIVI^SJS. Leaves undivided j shrubby. retrofracted 4fc i | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1812. c l.P Jac. sc. 3. 376 22339 crassifolia L. thick-leaved 41 | |or 2 s.o Y C. G. H. 1710. c p.l Mil. ic. 2. 245 2 22340 denticulata Thun. tooth-leaved 41 1 | or 2 apjl Y C. G. H. 1774. c p.l Bot. mag. 1979 22341 heterophylla Thur i. various-leaved 4k | 1 or 2 ap.jl Y C. G. H. 1812. c l.p 22342 arborescens L. arborescent 41 i _ J or 2 jlau Y C. G. H. 1723. c p.l Di. el. 103. 123 22343 frutescens L. frutescent 41 il or 2 jn.s Y C. G. H. 1816. c l.p 22344 cacalioides Thun. Cacalia-like A lAlor \ my.s Y C. G. H. 1774. D 22345 coronopifblia L. Buckhorn-lvd 4t i lor 2 jl.s Y C. G. H. 1731. C P 1 Com. h. 2. 70 22346 cheirifdlia L. Wallflower-leaved j^. (or 1 ap.jn Y Barbary 1752. C pj Bot. reg. 266 III. DlVISiEF bi.iJE. L eavt w dividi >.d; herbaceo IIS. 22347 pinnata Thun. pinnate iAl or 3 ap.jn Y . C. G. H. 1759. c l.p Bot. mag. 768 22348 pinnatifida Thun. pinnatilid lAlor 1 jlau Y C. G. H. 1823. c 1-I> 22349 Tagttes L. Marigold-leavei t iQlor 1 ap.jn Y C. G. H. 1823. S CO 22350 flabellifblia B. C. fan-leaved tt i ) or 1 ap.jn Y C. G. H. 1821. c CO Bot. cab. 728 IV. iNDIVIS^Fbl AJE. Lea \ves undivid ed; herbacei yus. 22351 lingua Thun. tongue-leaved iAl or ~ my.s Y C. G. H. 1787. D ] .p Jac. sc. 2. 238 22352 filicaulis Jac. thread-stmd A lAlor l\ Y C. G. H. 1791. 1) l.p Jac. sc. 2. 241 22353 bulbbsa L. bulbous Htm i Al or my.jn Y C. G. H. 1774. D l.p Brey. c. 66 22354 perfoliata Jac. perfoliate f iAl or l_i rnyjl Y C. G. H. 1789. D l.p Bot. mag. 1312 22355 parviflcra L. small-flowered n. I j or '/ Y C. G. H. 1704. C p.l Vol. nor. 226 V. ANGUSTIFOLI2E. Leaves narrow. 22356 mcoldes L. Heath-like a. i | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1815. C l.p 22357 tenuissima L. finest-leaved tt | | or ap.jl Y C. G. H. 1759. C l.p Jac. sc. 2. 239 22358 /inifblia Thun. Flax-leaved iAl or 2 2 jn.s Y C. G. H. 1824. C l.p 2452. HI'PPIA L. HIPPIA. (Hippos, horse; horses fond of original plant, chickweed.) Comp. Anth. 2. 5. 22359 frutescens L. frutescent 41 i_l un 2 Y C. G. H. 1710. C p.l Bot. mag. 1855 22360 integrifblia L. entire-lvd CD un | Y E. Indies 1777. S l.p H. n.h. 67.2 2453. SOLrv^ FL per. SOLIVA. 22361 nnthemifolia R. Br. Chamomile-lvd Gymn6styles anthemifolia J. 22362 stolonifera R. Br. stoloniferous Gymriustyles stolonifera Brot. (Salvator Soliva, a Spanish phys. and bot.) O cu O cu 4 jn.jl jn.jl Ap Holl. Comp. Anth. 2. 9. 1818. S co 61. 1 Ap Portugal 1816. S co 2454. PS1 A^DIA Jac. PSIADIA. (Psias, a dew-drop; glutinous exudation on leaves.) Comp. Card. Vern. 1. 22363 glutim v >sa Jac. glutinous tt. CD un 2 Y Mauritius 1796. C l.p Jac. sc. 2. 152 Conyza glutinosa Lam. 2455. ERIOCE'PHALUS L. ERIOCEPHALUS. (Erion, wool, kephale, head ; plant in seed.) Comp. Anth. 5. 22364 africanus L. African 4t t (or 6 Y C. G. H. 1732. C p.l Bot. mag. 833 22365 decussatus Burc. crossed i_| or 4 mr.jn Y C. G. H. 1816. C p.l 22366 purphreus Burc. purple tit , | or 4 mr.jn P C. G. H. 1816. C p.l 22367 spinescens Burc. spinescent 41) | or 4 Y C. G. H. 1816. C p.l 22368 racemusus L. racemose 4t | | or 3 mr.ap Y C. G. H. 1739. C p.l 2456. MI'CROPUS L. MICROPUS. (Mikros, small, pous, foot ; like Leontopodium.) Comp. Card. Vcrn. 2. 4. 22369 supinus L. supine O un J jn.s Y S. Europe 1710. S l.p Schk. han. 3.267 22370 erectus L. upright O un f jn.s Y S. Europe 1683. S l.p Loef. it. 1. 3 2457. PARTHE V NIUM L. PARTHENIUM. (Parthenos, virgin ; sup. med. qual.) Comp. Ambros. 3. 22371 Hyster6phorus L. Hysterophorus O un 1 jl.o W Jamaica 1728. S l.p Bot. mag. 2275 22372 incanum Kth. 22373 integrifolium L. 2458. rVA L. IVA. 22374 annua L. 22375 ciliata W. 22376 frutescens L. hoary entire-leaved O un 1 A un 3 l.p Mexico 1824. S co Virginia 1661. D p.l W.h.b.4 (Perhaps from Yua, a name used by the older botanists.) Comp. Ambros. 2. 6 annual O un 2 W S. Amer. 1768. S l.p Schm. ic. 15 ciliated Q un 2 jl W N. Amer. 1820. S p.l frutescent & or 4 au W N. Amer. 1711. C co Pluk, al. 27. 1 ORDER V. SYNGENESIA SEGREGATA. 365 2459. ACICA'RPHA J. ACICAHPHA. (Akis, point, karphe, palea ; appendage spiny.) Calycerece. 1. 3. 22377 spatulata R. Br. spatulate (Z2 cu f Brazil 1824. D p.l CLASS XIX. ORDER 5. SYNGENE N SIA SEGREGA V TA. 2460 ELEPHA'NTOPUS L. ELEPHANT'S FOOT. 22378 scaber L. 22379 carolinianus W. 22380 nudicaulis Pair. 22381 tomentbsus L. 22382 mullis Kth. 22383 angustifblius Swz. 22384 nudiflbrus W. 22385 spicatus J. rough-leaved [A1 un 1 jn.s Carolina iAI un If jl.s naked-stemmed 23 un 1J jl.s woolly i/\i un 1 soft (23 un 2 jl.s narrow-leaved f 23 un 1| jl.s naked-flowered (23 un 2 jl.s spicate [23 un 1J jl.s , eiej W mam, puus, nun.) E. Indies 1695. L. S Uf/t/J. s.p l/ctrc*..AVfllfn* o. R. mal. 10. 7 R America 1732. S Lp Di. el. 106. 126 R Jamaica 1816. S CO SI. jam.3,4. 1.150 R W. Indies 1733. S Lp W Caraccas 1820. S CO W Jamaica 1822. S CO SI. jam. 1. 148.4 W W. Indies 1818. S CO W Jamaica 1816. S CO SL jam. 1.150.3,4 2461. CEDE^R.4 L. CEDERA. (George (Eder, a Dane, prof. bot. at Copenhagen.) Comp.Card. Echinop. 1 386 rolifera Thun. roliferous * i_J pr 3 my.jn Y C. G. H. 1789. C s.l Bot. mag. 1637 1 3. 22386 prolifera Thun. prolifer 2462. FLAVE^RIA J. FLAVERIA. (Flavus, yellow ; used 22387 Contraydrba Pers. Contrayerba O) m 1 Jl.s in Chile for dyeing yellow.) Y Peru 1794. S Comp. Helidnth. 3. l.p Bot. mag. 2400 Miller/a Contrayerba Cav. 22388 angustifiMia Pers. narrow-leaved O un 1 jl.s Y Mexico 1820. S CO Cav. ic. 3. 223 Milter/a angustifolia Cav. 22389 maritima Kth. maritime O un 1 jl.8 Y Cuba 1823. S Lp linearis Lag. 2463. STCE^BE L. STCEBE. (Stibas, a bed of leaves ; original plant so used.) Comp. Card Echinop. 4. 21. 22390 sethinpica L. Ethiopian tt. \ | pr 2 au ... C. G. H. 1759. C p.l 22391 orbiculata Hook. orbiculate & A or 22497 bracteata R. Br. long-bracted & A cu 22498 tridentata Pop. three-toothed & A pr 22499 ciliaris R. Br. yellow-fringed A A el 22500 cristata R. Br. yellow-crested A A el 22501 blephariglottis/foo/c. eyelash-tongue A A pr jn.jl 1 Jn.jl k Jn-Jl 1 jn.jl 1 J jn.jl G G Y G.Y G.Y Iceland 1805. N. Amer. 1789. W. Indies 1823. R l.p R p.l R p.l W. Indies 1822. R p.l Pennsylv. 1826. R p.l Hook. ex. fl. 169 Hook. ex. fl. 95 A or | jn.jl Pk N. Amer. 1801. R p.l Bot. cab. 78 1 my.jn 1| my.jn 1 jn.jl Ji i my.jn N. Amer. 1822. N. Amer. 1805. Canada 1820. N. Amer. 1796. N. Amer. 1806. Canada 1820. R p.l R l.p R s.p R p.l R p.l R s.p Hook. ex. fl. 145 Sw. fl. gar. 62 Hook. ex. fl. 81 Bot. mag. 1668 Hook. ex. fl. 87 II. TRI'FID^E. Labellum triftd or triparted. i. INDIVI^E. Segments of labellum undivided. 22502 flava R. Br. yellow fa IAI or Y N. Holl. 1823. R p.l 22.503 marginata Hook. marginate A [Al or f JI Y E. Indies 1822. R p.l Hook. ex. fl. 136 22504 ochrole&ca R. Br.,& IA1 cu 1 jn.jl Pa.Y N. Holl. 1824. R p.l 22505 gracilis Colb. slender ,& IA1 or 1 jn.jl Y.R E. Indies 1823. R p.l Hook. ex. fl. 135 22506 macr6ceras W. long-horned FA>cu 2 jn.jl W W. Indies 1825. R P.; Swz. ob. 9 22507 leptoceras Hook. slender-horned ^ |/\| cu lo G.Y 1824. R P.I Bot. mag. 2726 ii. MuLTi'FiDjE. Segments of labellum cut multifid. 22508 intisa Spr. cut A -AJ cu 3 jn.jl Pa.Y N. Amer. 1826. R p O'rchis intisa W. 22509 lacera MX. torn A A l>r l|jn.jl Pa.Y N. Amer. 1812. R P.I Bot. cab. 229 22510 psych odes Spr. cold A A or f Jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1826. R P.I O'rchis psych .->desj r 22511 fimbriata R. Br. purple-fringed & A el 1| jnjl P Canada 1789. R P.I Bot. cab. 552 2484. BARTHOLrN^ R. Br. BARTHOLWA. (Thomas Bartholini, Danish physician.) Orchidees. I. 22512 pectinata R. Br. pectinated A C3 cu f o W C. G. H. 1787. R l.p Arethusa pectinata L. 2485. GLO'SSULA Lindl. GLOSSULA. (Glossa, a tongue; tongue-like segments of labellum.) Orchidear'l. 22513 tentaculata Lindl. feeler-flowered & E] cu f d G China 1824. R l.p Bot. reg. 862 2486. ANACA'MPTIS Rich. ANACAMPTIS. (Anakampto, to bend back ; pollen masses.) Orchldea. 1. 22514 pyramidalis Rich, pyramidal A A or 1 jn.jl R Britain dr. pa. R h.l Eng. bot 110 O'rchis pyramidalis L. 2487. A'CERAS R. Br. ACERAS. (A, privative, keras, horn ; absence of spur.) Orch idea. 1. 3. 22515 anthropophora R. Br. man-bearing ^ A cu 1 jn G England R l.p Eng. bot. 29 *2488. O^PHRYSi. OPHRYS. (Ophrys, an eyebrow ; fringe of inner sepals.) Orchidece. 11. 18. 22516 apifera Hud. bee-bearing * A el f jn.jl P England R h.l Eng. bot. 383 22517 fucifera Sm. drone- bearing A A el f my.jn P.G England ch. pi. R h.l 22518 scrtlopax Cav. woodcock A A el i my.jn P Italy 1825. R p.l Cav. ic. 2. 161 speculum Biv. 22519 tenthredinifera W. saw-fly-bearing ;&.AJel f Y.B Barbary 1815. R S.I Bot. reg. 205 2 minor B. R. smaller A .A) el i kN. Africa 1824. R S.I Bot. reg. 1093 22520 aranifera Hud. spider-bearing A A el f G England ch. so. R S.I Eng. bot. 65 22521 atrata B. R. dark & -AJ el f Gibraltar 1825. R S.I Bot. reg. 1087 22522 fusca B. R. brown A _AJ el f Br 1825. R S.I Bot. reg. 1071 22523 speculum B. R. looking-glass A A el f my.jn Br.G S. Europe 1818. R p.l Bot. reg. 370 22524 muscifera Hud. fly-bearing A A el f my.jn P England R h.l Eng. bot. 64 22525 arachnites All. cobweb * A el f my.jn Br England R h.l Bot. mag. 2516 22526 lutea Cav. yellow A^Jel f Y Spain 1818. R h.l Hook. ex. fl. 10 2489 CHAMO'RCHIS Rich. CHAMORCHIS. (Chamai, on the ground, orch is, orchis.) Orchldete. 1. 22527 alpina Rich. alpine & ,AI pr W Switzerl. 1824. R s.p Bot. cab. 1188 O^phrys alp"ina L. 2490. HERMI'NIUM R. Br. HERMINIUM. 22528 monurchis R. Br. one-bulbed A A cu O^hrys monorchis L. (Herminium, ermine ?) Orchidece. 1. jn.jl G England R l.p Eng. bot. 71 GYNANDRIA MONANDRIA. CLASS XX. *2491. SERA V PI^SL. 22529 lingua //. -22530 cordigera L. SERAPIAS. (Serapis, an Egyptian divinity.) Orchideat. 2. 4. tongue-lipped & iAl cu 1 my.jn Br S. Europe 1786. R l.p Bot. cab. 655 heart-bearing A lAJ cu 1 Br S. Europe 1806. R l.p Bot. rep. 475 2492. GOODYE^R^ R. Br. GOODYERA. (John Goodyer, an obscure British botanist.) Orchideee. 22531 repens R. Br. creeping Neottia repens Swz. 22532 pub^scens R. Br. pubescent 22.533 discolor B. R. two-colored 22534 procera Hook. tall 22535 tessellata Lod. tessellated Neottia repens Ph. -9. A pr f W Scotland al.wo. D l.p Eng. bot. 289 A pr f jl W N. Amer. 1802. D l.p Lind. col. 25 23 pr 1 n.d W S. Amer. J815. D l.p Bot. reg. 271 23 pr 2 jnjl W Nepal 1821. D l.p Hook. ex. fl. 39 A Pr f jn.jl W N. Amer. 1821. D Lp Bot. cab. 952 2493. DIITRIS Sm. DIURIS. (Dis, double, oura, tail ; lateral lobes of column.) 22536 a urea Sm. 22537 maculata R. Br. 22538 sulph urea A.r. i pedunculata R. Br. pedunculate 22639 22540 elongata Swt. 22541 longifblia R. Br. 22542 alba R. Br. I. FtAMFLuR^E. Flowers yellow. golden-flowered .Al el 1 ... Y N. S. W. 1810. R l.p spotted A iAI cu 1 Y N. Holl. 1823. R p.l sulph ur-colored& iAl cu 1 jn Pa.Y N. Holl. 1823. R p.l AiAlcu 1 Y N. HolL 1826. R p.l, II. PURPU''REO-A / LBJE. Flowers purple or white. elongated A. lAl cu 1 Pk N. Holl. 1822. R p.l long-leaved A LAJ cu 1 jl Pk N. Holl. 1824. R p.l white & tAI cu 1 jn.jl W N. Holl. ... R p.l Orchidece. 7. Ex. bot. 1. 9 Ex. bot. 1. 30 2*94. PONTHIE^V^ R. Br. PONTH. (De Ponthieu, Fr.W.I. merch. who sent plants to Sir J. Banks.) Orch. 2. 22543 glandulosa R. Br. glandulous 23 cu 1 G W. Indies 1HOO. D l.p Bot. mag. 842 22544 petiolata Lindl. stalked (23 cu 1 au Br St.Vmcentl822. D l.p Bot. reg. 760 2495. PELE'XIAPotf. PELEXIA. (Pelex, a helmet ; large.) Orchidece. 1. 3. 22545 spiranthVides B. R. Spiranthes-like (23 or f ap W W. Indies 1823. D l.p Bot. reg. 985 Neottia adnata Swz. 2496. NEO'TTI A Swz. NEOTTIA. (Neottia, a bird's nest ; interwoven fibres of roots.) Orchidece. 14. I. NEO'TTIA. Spike straight. 22546 nidus avis Swz. bird's nest A cu 1 my Br Britain ch.wo. R l.p Eng. bot. 48 22547 picta Sims painted j 23 pr 2 ap.jn W Trinidad 1805. U s.p Bot. mag. 1562 Spiranthes picta Lindl. 22548 grandiflura Hook. great-flowered j 23 or 1 apjl G Rio Jan. 1823. D s.p Bot. mag. 2730 2-2549 elata Swx. tall 23 pr 2 ap.jn W W. Indies 1790. D s.p Bot. mag. 2026 Spiranthes elata Lindl. 22550 plantaginea Hook. Plantain-MJ stivalis Rich. O^phrys spiralis E. B. 22558 autumnalis Swz. autumnal j-k A pr | O^phrys spir&lis a L 22559 aestivalis Dec. summer ^t A pr ^ tortilis Ph. O^phrys spiralis -y L. I jn.jl f au.s W N. Amer. 1796. D l.p Bot. mag. 1568 ; W W. Indies 1822. D p.l W Britain D l.p Eng. bot. 541 W Europe 1800. D p.l W N. Amer. 1822. D p.l Bar. fl. 35. 2 2497. STENORHY'NCHUS Rich. STENORHYNCHUS. (Stenos, narrow, rhynchos, beak; pointed stig.) Orch.Z.-l. 22560 specibsus Rich. showy 23 el 1 ap.jn S W. Indies 1790. D s.p Bot. mag. 1374 Neottia speci\a Jac. 22561 orchioldes Rich. Orchis-like 23 el 1| my Jamaica 1806. D s.p Bot. mag. 1036 2498. CRYPTO'STYLIS R. Br. CRVPTOSTVLIS. 22562 erecta R. Br. erect 23 cu 22563 longifolia R. Br. long-leaved 23 cu (Kryptos, hidden, stylos, a style.) Orchidece. 2. 3. 1 jn.jl D.Br N. Holl. 1824. D l.p 1 jn.jl D.Br N. Holl. 1822. B l.p Lab. n. h. 2. 212 2499. ORTHO'CERAS R. Br. ORTHOCERAS. (Orthos, straight, keras, horn ; outer sepals.) Orchidece. 1. 22564 striatum R Br. striated & iAJ cu N. Holl. 1826. D l.p Orch. 8.-10. Sm. ex. bot 1. 29 2500. THELY'MITRA Forst. THELYMITRA. (Thelys, woman, mitra 22565 ixioides Swz. Ixia-like Jt iAl cu 1 B N S: hooded fructif.) 1810. R I.D J 22566 media R. Br. mediate A lAi cu 1 ap.jn B N. Holl. 1820. R l.p 22567 pauciflbra R. Br few- flowered A lAlcu 1 ap.jn B N. Holl. 1820. R l.p 22568 angustifMia R. Br. narrow-leaved A lAJcu 1 ap.jn B N. Holl. 1825. R l.p 2569 carnea R. Br. ftesh-colored A lAJcu 1 ap.jn F N. Holl. 1820. R l.p 22570 venosa R Br. veiny A lAJcu 1 ap.jn B N. Holl. 1826. R LP 22571 Forsterw Swz. Forster's A lAJcu 1 ... N. Zeal. 1824. R IP 22572 longifolia Forst. long-leaved A tAlcu 1 ap.jn ... V. D. L. 1824. R i. P 501. LISTE X R^ R. Br. TWAY BLADE. (Martin Lister, M.D.,a celeb. English phys and nat.) Orchidea:. 2. 22573 ovata R. Br. ovate-/eayerf & A cu 1 my.jn G Britain woods. R l.p Eng. bot. 1548 Ne6ttia latifulia Rich. 22574 cordata R. Br. heart-leaved ^ A cu ^ jn.jl Br Britain moi. h. R l.p Eng. bot. 358 2502. C A LOCH PLUS R.Br. CALOCHIL 29.515 campestris R. Br. field A 22576 paludosus R. Br. marsh ^Zos, beautiful, cheilos, lip.) u, ceos, p. rc iAl or f ... Br N. Holl. 1824. D l.p iAl or f ... Br N. Holl. 1823. D l.p Orchidece. 2. 2503. ARETHITS.4 L. ARETHUSA. (Arethusa, nymph of Diana's, changed into fountain ; habitat.) Orch. 2. -4. 27577 bulbosa H. K. bulbous A -AJ el f my.jn Pk.Y N. Amer. ... R l.p Bot. mag. 2204 22578 plicata Andr. plaited A 23 or 1 ... R Indies 1806. R p.l Bot. rep. 321 ORDER I. GYNANDRIA MONANDRIA. 369 2504. CALOPO V GON R. Br. CALOPOGON. (Kalos, beautiful, pagan, beard ; fringe of lip.) Orchidece. 22579 pulchellus H. K. pretty & .A) el Linodbrum tuberosum B. M. pulchellum Sal. , , , 1* P N. Amer. 1771. (Pogon, beard ; fringed nectary lip.) 2505. POGO'NIA R. Br. POGONIA. 22580 ophioglossoules/f./f. Ophiogl.-uke & LAI el 1 jn.jl Pk N. Amer. 1816. Arethdso ophioglossoldes L. 22581 divaricata B. Br. divaricated & A pr f jn.jl Pk 22582 pendula Spr. pendulous & A pr a au ^ Arethusa pendula W. Bot mag. llfi Orchidece. 3. 5. R l.p Bot. reg. 148 N. Amer. 1787. D l.p Lam. il. 729. 3 N. Amer. 1824. D l.p Bot. reg. 908 2506. LYPERA'NTHUS R. Br. LYPERANTHUS. 22583 suaveolens R. Br. sweet-scented A iAJ cu 22584 ellipticus R. Br. elliptic A iAJ cu 22585 nigricans R. Br. blackish A iAI cu (Lype, sadness, anthos, flower ; hue.) ... jn.jl D.Br N. Holl. 1822. R p.l D.Br N. Holl. 1824. R p.l D.Br N. Holl. 1824. R p.l Orchidece. 3. 2507. .EPIPA'CTIS Rich. EPIPACTIS. 22586 latifblia Sum. broad-leaved Serapias latifolia L. 22587 palustris Swz. marsh (Epipegnuo, to coagulate ; effect on milk.) Orchidece. 2. 4. A or 1| P Britain m. wo. D l.p Eng. bot. 269 A or f P Britain mar. D l.p Eng. bot 270 2508 CEPHALANTHE^RA Rich. CEPHALANTHERA. (Kephale, a head, anthera, an anther.) Orchidece. 3. 22588 pallens Rich. pale ^ A or 1 jn W Britain ... D l.p Eng. bot. 271 JEpipactis pallens Swx. Serapirtf grandiflora L. 22589 ensifblia Rich. sword-leaved ^ A or 1| jn W Britain m. wo. D l.p Eng. bot. 494 JJpipactis ensifolia Swz. 22590 rubra Rchb. red ^ A or 1J jn.jl P Britain m.wo. D l.p Eng. bot. 437 jEpipactis rubra Swz. Serkpias rubra L. 2509. C ALE X Y^( R. Br. CALEYA. (George Caley, sometime superint. of bot. gard. at St. Vincent.) Qrchldcce. 2. 22591 major R. Br. larger A LAI pr 1| jn.jl G.Br N. S. W. 1810. D l.p 22592 minor R. Br. smaller A LAI pr f jn.jl G.Br N. Holl. 1822. R p.l 2510. PRASOPHY'LLUM R. Br. PRASOPHYLLUM. (Prason, leek, phyllon, leaf ; similarity.) Orch. 1. 12. I'NTEGRA. Lateral segments of column entire ; germen 22593 elatum R. Br. 22594 flavum R. Br. 22595 striatum R. Br. 22596 fuscum R. Br. 22597 patens B. Br. 22598 rfifum R. Br. 22599 fimbri&tum R. Br. lAlor lAlor tall yellow A LAI or 1 striated & LAI or 1 brown ,& lAlor 1 spreading ,& Al or 1 II. BI'FIDA. Lateral segments of column bifid. rufous A LAI or 1 ... Ru N. Holl. 1824. R l.p fringed A iAI or 1 N. Holl. 1824. R l.p -cylindrical, from No. 22596. obovate. . Holl. 1824. R l.p N. Holl. 1825. R l.p N. Holl. 1824. R Lp N. Holl. 1824. R l.p N. Holl. 1823. R l.p , 2511. MICRCTTIS R. Br. MICROTIS. 22600 parviflbra R. Br. 22601 alba R. Br. white (Mikros, small, MM, ear; app. to anther.) Orchidece. 2. 6. small-flowered & uAI cu 1 my.jn G.w N. Holl. 1824. R l.p A LAI cu 1 my.jn W N. Holl. 1826. R l.p 2512. ACIA'NTHUS R. Br. ACIANTHUS. (Akis, point, anthos, flower ; bristly tips.) Orchidece. 3. 22602 fornicatus R. Br. arched A lAI or 1 my.jn Br N. Holl. 1822. R l.p 22603 exsertus R. Br. exserted & iAI or 1 my.jn Br N. Holl. 1822. R l.p 22604 caudktus R. Br. tailed A iAI or 1 my.jn Br N. Holl. 1824. R l.p 2513. CYRTO'STYLIS R. Br. CYRTOSTYLIS, 22605 reniformis R. Br. renifornWyd & tAl cu f 2514. CHILOGLO'TTIS R. Br. CHILOGLOTTIS. (Cheilos, li 22606 diphylla R. Br. two-leaved ^ iAI or (Kyrtos, convex, stylos, style.) ': my.jn ... N. Holl. 1823. Orchidece. 1. 2. D p.l . .tongue; app. to lip.) Orchidece. 1. N. Holl. ... R p.l Bauer n. h. 8 2515. ERIOCHPLUS R. Br. ERIOCHILUS. (Erion, wool, cheilos, lip ; disk of labellum pubescent.) Orch. 1. 22607 autumnalis R. Br. autumnal & lAl or 1 n.d li N. Holl. 1823. R p.1 Lab.n.h.2.211.2 .Epipactis cucullata Lab. 2516. CALADE^NIA R. Br. CALADENIA. (Kalos, beautiful, aden, gland ; disk of labellum.) Orch. 5.-15. 22608 alba R. Br. white A iAJ or ... W N. Holl. 1810. R p.l 22609 carnea R. Br. fie&h-colored A iAI or F N. Holl. 1826. R p.l 22610 ca?rulea R. Br. blue A iAJ or B N. Holl. 1824. R p.l 22611 alata R. Br. winged A LAI or ... jn.jl ... N. Holl. 1823. R p.l 22612 testacea R. Br. testaceous A LAI or ... jn.jl ... N. Holl. 1824. R p.l 2517. GLOSSCTDIA R. Br. GLOSSODIA. (Glossa, tongue, eidos, like: append, within flower.) Orch. 2. 22613 major R. Br. larger A iAI pr . B N. Holl. 1810. R p.l 22614 minor R. Br. smaller A lAI pr .. B N. Holl. 1824. R p.l 2518. PTERO'STYLIS R.Br. PTEROSTYLIS. (Pteron, wing, stylos, style; col. at top winged.) Orch. 11.-M7. I. FoLibs^E. Stems leafy ; appendix of labellum at top pencilled. 22615 grandiftora R. Br. large-flowered tAI or Pa.Y N. Holl. 1824. R p.l 22616 refl^xa B. Br. reflexed & lAI-or ... Pa.Y N. Holl. 1826. R p,l 22617 obtdsa R. Br. obtuse A LAI or ... Pa. Y N. Holl. 1810. R p.l II. NUDICAU'LES. Scape naked ; radical leaves stellate ; appendices of labellum at top pencilled. 22618 cucullata R. Br. hooded A LAI or ... jn.jl Pa.Y V. D. L. 1823. R p.l 22619 ntitans R. Br. 22620 acuminata R. Br. 22621 ctirta R. Br. 22622 ophiog!6ssa R. Br. 22623 concinna R. Br. nodding A LAI or acuminate A LAI or short-lipped A LAI or Adder's tongue A iAI or > neat A i Al or my.jn my.jn Pa.Y N. Holl. Pa.Y N. Holl. Pa.Y N. Holl. Pa.Y N. Holl. Pa.Y N. Holl. 1823. R p.l 1826. R p.l 1822. R p.l 1826. R p.l 1824. R p.l III. SQUAMA YE. Stems scaly ; appendix of labellum at top naked. 22624 longifblia R. Br. long-leaved ^ LAI or ... ... N. Holl. 1823. R p.l 22625 gibbbsa R. Br. gibbous A iAI or N. Holl. 1824. R p.l 2519. CORYSA'NTHES R. Br. CORYSANTHES. (Korys, helmet, anthos, fl. ; helmet of fl. large.) Orch. 3. 22626 bicalcarata R. Br. two-spurred A LAI or ... D.Br N. Holl. 1823. R p.l 22627 unguiculata R. Br. unguiculate A. iAI or ... D.Br N. Holl. 1822. R p.l 22628 fimbriata R. Br. fringed A LAI or ... D.Br N. Holl. 1824. R p.l Par. Ion. 83? B b 370 GYNANDRIA MONANDRIA. CLASS XX. 2520. CORALLORRHrZA R.Br. CORALLORHIZA. (Korallion, coral, rhixa, root; branched.) Orch. 3. 4. 22629 innata R. Br. inborn & A cu | jn.jl G Scotland sc.wo. D l.p Eng. bot. 1554 226oO multiflora Nut. many-flowered & A cu ? jn.jl G N. Amer. 1824. D p.l Hook. ex. fl. 174 22631 odontorhiza Spr. tooth-rooted A A cu jn.jl G N. Amer. 1824. D p.l O^phrys Corallorrhiza R. Br. 2521 RODRIGUETZ/.4 Fl. per. RODRIGUEZIA. (Emanuel Rodriguez, a Spanish phys. and bot.) Orch. 1. 2. 22632 secunda Kth. side-flowering . 23 el o R S. Amer. 1818. Dp.r.w Hook, ex.fl.129 Pleurothallis coccinea Hook. 2522. GOME'Z^ R. Br. GOMEZ*. 2633 recurva R. Br. recurved (Senor Gomez, a Spanish apothecary.) | my.jn Y Brazil 1824. Orchidaz. 1. Dp.r.w Bot. mag. 1748 2523. CYMBI'DIUM Sum. CYMBIDIUM. 22634 tripterumS'z. three- vfinged-Jruitedjfi 22635 rtloifblium Sura. Aloe-leaved 22ti36 ensifolium Swz. sword-leaved 22637 sindnse W. ' Chinese jf 226-58 lancifblium Hook, lance-leaved ^ 22639 jiphiifi.lium Lindl. Xiphium-lvd 22640 suave R. Br. sweet 22641 reflexum R. Br. reflexed (Kymbe, a boat ; form of labellum.) 23 cu jn.jl W 123 or 1 my.jn Br 22 fra 2ijn.o Br 23 fra 1| s.o Br 22 el f my Y.R 23 pr i G 22 or f ...... 23 or f ...... Jamaica 1790. E. Indies 1789. China 1780. China 1793. E. Indies 1822. China 1814. N. Holl. 1824. N. Holl. 1824. Orchidece. 8. 58. Dp.r.w Sm.ic. pic. 14 1) l.p Bot. mag. 87 D l.p Bot. mag. 1751 D l.p Bot. mag.b88 D l.p Hook. ex. fl. 51 D l.p Bot. reg. 523 D l.p D l.p 2524. CIRRHJE"A B. R. CIRRH.EA. 22642 dependens B. R. depending Cymbidium dependens B. C. (Kirrhos, yellow; flowers.) Orchidece. 1. .23cu f jl Y.G China 1822. Dp.r.w Bot. cab. 936 2525. SARCOCHrLUS R. Br. SARCOCHILUS. (Sarx, flesh, cheilos, a lip.) Orchidece. 1. 22643 falc&tus R. Br. falcate iAJ or ... ... N. Holl. 1821. Dp.r.w 2526. BRA'SS/,4 R. Br. BRASSIA. (William Brass, who collected plants on W. coast of Africa.) Orch. 2. 22644 maculata R Br. spotted -fluid ^ [23 el 1 jn.jl Y.R Jamaica 1806. Dp.r.w Bot. mag. 1691 22645 caudata Lindl. long-tailed (23 el 1 jn.jl G. Y.R W. Indies 1S23. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 832 Epidendrum caudatum L. 2527. LISSOCHrLUS It. Br. LISSOCHIUIS. 22646 speciusus R. Br. showy [A] spl 22647 luteus Suit. yellow f7\\ or (Lissos, smooth, cheilos, lip ; lip of flower.) Orchidece. 2. C. G. H. 1818. D l.p Lind.col.31 2 my.jn Y llap.jn Y C. G. H. 1822. D l.p * 2598. DIPO^DIUM R. Br. DIPODIUM. (Dis, two, pous, foot; threads of pollen masses.) Orchidete. 1 2 22648 punctatum R. Br. spotted E3 or 1^ R N. Holl. 1822. D p.l Sm. ex. bot. 1.12 Dendrobium punctatum Sm. 2529. GEODO"RUM Jac. GEODORUM. (Ge, earth, down, gift; blossoms lying on earth.) Orchidece. 3. 4. 22649 purpureum R. Br. purple LZ3 el 1 P E. Indies 1800. D l.p Rox.c.1.40 Linodurum niitans Rox. 22650 citrinum H. K. Citron-colored 23 el . 1 o.d Y E. Indies 1800. D l.p Bot. mag. 2195 22651 dilatatum Ji. Br. dilated-lipped 23 el 1 Pk E. Indies 1800. D l.p Bot. reg. 675 2530. CAT ASETUM Rich. CATASETUM. (Kata, downward, seta, bristle; two horns of col.) Orchidese. 6. 7. 22652 tridentatum Hook, three-toothed _ 22653 Claveringi Lindl. Capt. Covering's j E3 or 2^654 floribundum Hook, bundle-flwd iZ3 or 22655 Hooker* Lindl. Hooker's [7\\ or 22656 cristatum Lindl. crested [Al cu 22657 fiemiapertum Hook, half-open g IA1 or 2 Y.Br Trinidad 1822. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 90 2 Y.Br Brazil 1822. Dp r.w Kot.reg. 840 2 n Y.Br Trinidad 1824. Dp.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 151 1| n :Y.Br Brazil 1818. Dp.r.w 2 o.n G Brazil 1823. Dp. r.w Bot. reg. 966 1 n Y.G Brazil 18'24. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 213 2531. ANGULOM R. & P. ANGULOA. (Fran, de Angulo, a Spanish naturalist.) Orchidece. 1. 3. 22658 grandifl6ra Kth, large-flowered ^ C3 or 1 jlau ... S. Amer. 1823. D p.r.w H. & B. 1. 27 2532. Z YGOPE'TALUM Hook. ZYGOPETALUM. (Zygot, yoke, petalon, petal ; joined at base.) Orchlde75 ruscifolia R. Br. Ruscus-leaved [23 cu f my.jn G.Y W. Indies 1791. Dp.r.w Hook. ex. fl 197 22676 folibsa Hook. leafy [23 cu f f Y Brazil 1825. Dp.r.w Bot. mag. 2746 two prominences on lip.) Orchidete. 17. 25. W. Indies 1793. D p.r.w Jac. am. 141 W. Indies 1791. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 777 Brazil 1825. Dp.r.wBot. reg. 1050 W. Y Demerara 1826. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 2773 Y.R Rio Jan. 1825. Dp.r.wBot. reg. 1007 S. Amer. 1811. Dp.r.w Bot. mag. 1491 Mexico 1826. Dp.r.w W. Indies 1825. D p.r.w Jac. am. 131. 2 Jamaica 1824. Dp.r.w Jac. am. 142 W. Indies 1823. Dp.r.w Jamaica 1793. Dp.r.w S. Amer. 1822. Dp.r.wBot. reg. 727 W. Indies 1824. D p.r.w SI. jam. 1. 148. 2 S. Amer. 1818. Dp.r.w Lind. col. 27 Brazil 1818. Dp.r.w Bot. mag. 2203 Brazil 1824. Dp.r.wBot. reg. 920 O. Y.R Trinidad 1823. Dp.r.wBot. reg. 910 (Kyrtos, convex, podion, little foot.) Orchideae. 8, 2 Y W. Indies 1804. D p.l Bot. mag. 1800 2 o Pk S. Amer. 1814. D p.l Bot. mag. 1814 2 S. Amer. 1825. D p.l 22677 altissimum Swx. tallest j fAI or 22678 carthaginense Swz. Carthaginian fAI or 22i)79 divaricatum B. R. divaricated G3 pr 22ti80 pulchellum Hook, neat (23 pr 22ri81 pubes B. R. downy _g (23 or 22o82 bifolium //. K. two-leaved j (23 or 22683 ornithorhvnchon Kth. bird's-beak [AJ or 22884 Cebollct* Swz. Cebollet's ^ 123 or 22685 tetrapetalum W. four-petaled [23 or 22686 ./uncifMium Spr. Rush-leaved ^ 23 or Epidendrum /uncifolium L. 22687 triquetrum R. Br. triangular-/yrf (23 or 226S8 luridum Lindl. lurid 2\J or 22(5.'-9 variegatum Swz. variegated j* 123 or 82690 bart&tum ZtaO. bearded ^ [23 or 22691 flexuosum B. M. flexuous (23 el 22692 pumilum Lindl. dwarf [23 pr 22693 papilio Lindl. Butterfly Plant fAI gr 4 au.s 4 my.jn | 1 fj} 2 1 1 jnjl I Jnjl 2 2 jnjl 1| Ujnjl 1 jn.jl IJmr Y 01 G.F W. Y.ii Y Y Y Y Y Y 01 Y Y Y Ol O.Y 2541. CYRT OPO^DIUM R. Br. CYRTOPODI 22694 Anderson w R. Br. Anderson's 22695 WoodfordH B. M. Woodford's 22696 glutinbsum Mey. clammy 2542. COELO'GYNE Lindl. C(ELOGYNE. (Koilos, hollow, gyne, female; form of stigma.) Orchldeee. 3. 7. 22697 punctulata Lindl. dotted-flowered jg [23 el f ... Y E. Indies 1822. D p.r.w 22698 nitida Lindl. shming-leaved [23 el 1 ' ... Y E. Indies 1822. Dp.r.w S2699 fimbriata Lindl. fringed (Z3 pr i jl.o China 1824. Dp.r.w Bot. reg. 868 2543. MACRADE'NIA R. Br. MACRADENIA. 22700 lutescens R. Br. lutescent fAI cu (Makros, long, aden, gland.) Orchidete. 1. 2. | d Ol Trinidad 1821. Dp.r.wBot reg. 612 2544. ANISOPE'TALUM Hook. ANISOPETALUM. (Anisos, unequal, petalon, petal ; sepals.) Orchidece. I. 22701 Careyanitm Hook. Dr. Carey's [23 cu o Br.P Nepal 1823. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 149 2545. MEGACLI'NIUM R R. MEGACLTNIUM. (Megas, large, klino, to bend ; spike.) Orchidece. 1. 22702 falcatum B. R. falcate (23 or 1 jl.s Y.G.R S.Leone 1824. Dp.r.wBot. reg. 989 2546 GONGO"R/f R.& P. GONGORA. (Anton. CaballeroyGongora, a Spaniard, and friend of Mutis.) Orch. 2. !23 or 1 jn.jl D.P. Trinidad 1824. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 178 22703 atropurpurea Hook, dark-purple 22704 speciosa Hook. showy fAI or 1| jn.jl Y Brazil 1826. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 2755 * 2547. DENDRO^BIUM Swx. DENDROBIUM. (Dendron, tree, bio, to live; growing upon.) Orchldece. 14.-24. 22705 specibsum Swz. 22706 Pierard/ Rox. 22707 Calceolaria Hook. 22708 fimbriatum Hook. 22709 crumen&tum Swx. 22710 je'mulum R. Br. showy Pierard's slipper fringed pursed rivs TERMHVA\IA. Racemes terminal. 1 P N. S. W. mr Pk year Pk 2 ap Y 2711 canaliculatum R. Br. channelled 22712 Myosurus Swz. 22713 cucullatum R. Br. 22714 moniliforme Swz. 2 W 1801. E. Indies 1815. E. Indies 1820. E. Indies 1823. Sumatra 1823. N. S. W. 1824. N. Holl. 1824. 22715 lingUEeforme Swx. 22716 undulatum R. Br. 22717 teretifolium R. Br. round-leaved 22718 rigidum R. Br. rigid 123 ft, ... fAI pr | ... W II. SCAPI'GERUM. Scapigerous. Mouse-tail [AJ or 1 ... Society Is.1825. III. SOLITA X RIA. Peduncles solitary. hooded (23 el 2 mr Pk E. Indies 1815. bracelet-formed jg fAI pr f ... P China 1824. IV. LATERA^IA. Racemes lateral. tongue-leaved (23 cu ... P N. S. W. waved fAI or year ... N. Holl. iAI or 1 P [AJcu i N. Holl. N. Holl. 1810. 1823. 1823. 1824. Dp.r.w Ex. bot. 1.10 D p.l Hook. ex. fl. 9 Dp.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 184 D p.l Hook. ex. fl. 71 D p.l Ru. am. 6. 47. 2 Dp.r.w Dp.r.w D p.r.w D p.l Bot. mag. 2242 D p.r.w Kzem. 865 Dp.r.w Dp.r.w Dp.r.w 2548. CAMARI'DIUM Lindl. CAMARiDiuM. 1 (Kamara, arched roof; tip of stigma vaulted.) Orch. 1. 2. 22719 ochroleucum Lindl. yellowish-white^ [AJ pr 1 jl W Trinidad 1823. C p.r.w Bot. reg. 844 Dendr6bium album Hook. 2549. ORNITHI'DIUM Sal. ORNIT. (Ornis, bird, eidos, like ; upper lip of stigma beak-like.) Orch. 1. 22720 coccineum Sal. scaxlet-ftawered [AJ or .2 year R W. Indies 1790. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 1437 (Isos, equal, cheilos, lip ; sepals and lip.) Orch. S.-5. ? pr R W. Indies 1791 D p.r.w Bot. reg. 745 W.Indies 1793. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 825 Jamaica 1823. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 196 2550. ISOCHVUJS R. Br. ISOCHILUS. 22721 linearis R. Br. linear jg [AJ pr f 22722 prolifet JR. Br. proliferous (23 pr k '' w 22723 graminifolius Kth. Grass-leaved _ fAI or my.jn G.Y Cymbidium graminioides Swz. 2551. PHOLIDO'TA L. PHOLIDOTA. (Pholis, a scale ; flowers covered with a scale-like bractea.) Orchldecs. 1. 22724 imbricata Lindl. imbricated G3 or \\ ... Br.w Nepal 1824. Dp.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 138 2552. BROUGHTO^N/^ R. Br. BROUGHTONIA. (Arthur Broughton, of Bristol, bot. author.) Orchidece. \. 22725 sanguinea R. Br. blood-colored G3 spl 1| jn.jl S Jamaica 1793. Dp.r.w Bot. mag. 793 *2553. CATTLE N Y^ Lindl. CATTLEYA. (W. Cattley, member of the London Hort. Soc.) Orchidea. 34. 22726 labikta Lindl. dark-linneA [23 spl 1 V S. Amer. 1818. D p.r.w Lind. coL 33 '22727 Loddiges Lindl. Loddiges's f 23 el 1 V S. Amer. 1815. D p.r.w Bot. cab. 337 22728 Forbes Lindl. Forbes's [23 or f Pk S. Amer. 1823. Dp.r.w Bb 2 372 GYNANDRIA MONANDRIA. CLASS XX. 2554. EPIDE'NDRUM L. EPIOENDRUM. (Epi, upon, dendron, a tree; growing upon.) Orchidetz. 19. 67. I. BuLBbsA. Bulbous ; scapes few or many flowered. spiral ,23cu 1 f.d Br.p W. Indies 1786. D s.p Bot. mag. 572 22729 cochleatum L. 22730 fragrans Swz. sweet-scented 22731 arigustif61ium Swz. narrow-leaved 22732 punctatum L. dotted 22733 anceps Lod. two-edged 22734 ellipticurn Hook. elliptic 22735 ciliare L. fringed 22736 cuspidatum Lod. pointed 22737 monophyllum Hook, one-leaved 22738 polybulbon Swz. many-bulbed Jamaica 1778. D s.p Bot. mag. KxW Jamaica 1820. Dp.r.w W. Indies 1823. Dp.r.w E. Indies 1820. Dp.r.w Bot. cab. 887 Rio Jan. 1824. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 207 W. Indies 1790. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 784 W.Y W. Indies 1808. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 783 G Jamaica 1823. Dp.r.w Hook. ex. fl.109 Jamaica 1822. D p.r.w Hook, ex. fl. 112 II. ABULBOSA. Destitute of bulbs ; flowers solitary, racemose, aggregate, or paniclcd. '". Indies 179f 22739 secundum L. 22740 fuscatum Sm. brown ariceps Jac. 22741 elongktum Jac. long-stalked 22742 umbellatum Swz. umbelled 22743 nutans Swz. nodding 22744 con6pseum Bartr. gnat 22745 diffusum Swz. diffuse 22746 verrucosum Swz. warty 22747 nocturnum L. night ;[Ai cu W. Indies 1793. C p.r.w Jac. am. 137 W. Indies 1790. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 67 W. Indies 1798. C p.r.w Bot. mag. 61 1 Jamaica 1793. Dp.r.w Bot. reg. 80 Jamaica 1793. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 17 Florida 1775. Dp.r.w Jamaica 1816. D p.r.w Bot. cab. 846 Jamaica 18'24. Dp.r.w Bot. cab. 1084 Jamaica 1816. Dp.r.w Bot. cab. 713 2555. POLYSTA N CHYA Hook. POLYSTACHYA. (Polys, many, stachys, a spike.) Orchidece. 2. 5. 22748 luteola Hook. yellowish ^ 23 cu f Y.G W. Indies 1818. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 103 Dendrobium polystachyum Swz. 22749 puberula Lindl. rather downy ^ 23 cu | o Y.G S. Leone 1822. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 851 2556. CRYPTARRHENA R. Br. CRYPTARRHENA. 22750 lunata R. Br. crescent-lipped 23 de % i 2557. ORNITHOCE'PHALUS Hook. ORN. (Ornis, bird, kephale, head ; upper end of column.) Orch. 1. 22751 gladiatus Hook sworA-leaved jg 23 cu ... G Trinidad 1823. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 127 2558. EL&TIA R. & P. BLETIA. (Louis Blet, a Spanish apothecary and botanist.) Orchidece. 9. 14. 22752 Tankervillfcz R. Br. Tankerville's ,& 23 spl 2 mr.ap W.Br China 1778. R p.l Bot. mag. l!i.'4 (Kryptos, hidden, arren, a male.) Orchidece. 1. Y W. Indies 1815. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 153 22753 verecunda R. Br. modest Linodorum ltum B. M. 22754 florida R. Br. florid 22755 speciosa Kth. showy 22756 guineensis G. Don Guinea 22757 yacinthwa R. Br. Hyacinth-like 22758 capitata R. Br. headed ,& 22759 pallida Lod. pallid & _ 22760 Woodfordw Hook. Woodford's 23 or 2 jn.jl 2559. ITRIA Lindl. ERIA. 22761 stellata Lindl. starred 22762 pubescens Lindl. pubescent Dendrbbium pubescens Hook. 22763 rbsea B. R. Rose-like 3 P W. Indies 1733. R p.l Bot. mag. 930 W. Indies 1786. R p.l Red.lil.83 Mexico 1827. R p.r.w S. Leone 1822. R p.r.w China 1802. R p.l Bot. mag. 1492 W. Indies 1795. R p.l W. Indies 1820. R p.l Bot. cab. 629 G.Y Trinidad 1823. R p.r.w Bot. mag. 2719 (Erion, wool ; woolliness of flower.) Orchidece. 3. 4. J23el 2 f Br.Y E.Indies?... Dp.r.w Bot. reg. 904 23 el l|mr Y E. Indies 1820. Dp.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 124 23 or R.w China 1824. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 978 2560. OCTOMFRI A R. Br. OCTOMERIA. (Okto, eight, meris, part ; pollen in eight masses.) Orchidece. 2. 22764 graminifblia R. Br. Grass-leaved 23 cu | jn.jl Pa. Y W. Indies 1793. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 2764 22765 spicata D. Don spicate 23 or | jajl ... Nepal 1823. D p.r.w 22766 serratifblia Hook, serrated-leaved^ B3 or Pa.Y Rio Jan. Dp.r.w Bot. mag. 2561. TRIBRATHIA B. R. TRIBRACHIA. (Treis, three, brachion, arm: spikes.) Orchideat. 1. 22767 pendula B. R. pendulous ^ 22 cu jn.n G S, Leone 1823. D p.r.w Bot. reg. 963 *2562. BRASAVO^L^ R. Br. BKASAVOLA. (Ant. Musa Brasavolo, an Italian botanist.) Orchidete. 1. 2. 22768 cucullata fl. >-. hooded 23 el jn.s W W. Indies 1793. D p r.w Bot. mag. 543 2563. SARCA'NTHUS Lindl. SARCANTHUS. (Sarx, a flesh, anthos, flower; texture of sepals.) Orchidecg. 5. 22769 paniculatus Lindl. panicled 23 el Y China ... C p. r.w Bot. reg. 220 22770 praemorsus Lindl. bitten ^ 23 el 1 ... G E. Indies 182*. Dp.r.w 22770 praemorsus Lindl. 22771 teretifblius Lindl. cylindric-lvd 23 cu 22772 rostrktus Lindl. rostrate 23 pr 1 n Vdnda recdrva Hook. 22773 succlsus B. R. lopped off ^ [23 pr 1 n Y.P China Y.R.G China D p.r.w 1819. C p.r.w Lind. col. 6 1819. C p.r.w Bot. reg. 981 China 1824. C p.r.w Bot. reg. 1014 2564. PA'NDA R. Br. VANDA. (Hindoo name of original species.) Orchidece. 5. 6. 22774 multiftora Lindl. many-flowered 23 el 2 jn Y China 1800. C p.r.w Lind. coL 38 22775 tessellata Lod. tessellated 23 or 1 W.P China 1816. D p. r.w Rox. cor. 1. 42 Cymbidium tessellatum Rox. 22776 Roxburgh/ R. Br. Roxburgh's 23 el 1} n W.p China 1810. C p.r.w Bot. reg. 506 22777 trichorh'iza Hook, hairy-rooted 23 pr f au P.G E. Indies 1822. C p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 72 Trichorliiza teretifblia Lindl. 22778 cru^nta Lindl. bloody-flowered 23 or 2 au R China 1819. Dp.r.w 2565. AE'RIDES Sw. AIR PLANT. (Aer, the air ; live for many months when suspended.) Orchidece. 2. 11. 22779 odoratum Lou. fragrant 23 fra 1| ... Pk China 1800. C p.r.w 22780 arachnites Swz. spider-like 23 or 1 ... Br.p Japan 1793. C p.r.w Kaem. 869. 1 2566. RENANTHE^RA Lou. 22781 coccinea Lou. scarlet RENANTHERA. (Ren, kidney, anthera, anther.) Orchidete. 1. 23 spl 8 S China 1816. C p.r.w Bot. reg. 1131 2567. lONO'PSIS Kth. IONOPSIS. ( Ion, a violet, opsis, appearance.) Orchideee. 1. 3 22782 utricularioides L. Utricularia-lk 23 pr i o.n W.p W. Indies 1822. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 113 ? Jantha paUidiflora Hook. 2568. EULCTPHIAfl.ffr. EULOPHIA. (Eulophos, well crested; surface of middle lobe of lip.) Or chide*. S. -10. 22783 gracilis Lindl. slender & 23 pr 2 my.n G.Y S. Leone 1822. R p.l Bot. reg. 742 22784 guineensis R. Br. Guinea A 23 el 1 my.n Pk S. Leone 1822. R p.l Bot. reg. 686 ORDER II. GYNANDRIA DIANDRIA. 373 22785 barbata B. R bearded & uAJ or 1 ... C G. H. 1825. D p.l 2278f> streptopetala B. R. narrow-petaled & tAI or 1 jl.n Y S. Amer. 1820. D p.l Bot. reg. 1002 22787 vlrens B. R. green-flowered A lAJ or Ij G.Y C. G. H. 1825. D p.l Rox. cor. 1. 38 22788 tristis B. R. sad A lA) or 1 my.jn Dk C. G. H. 1825. D p.l 22789 Iongic6rnis R R. long-horned A lAJ or I ... C. G. H. 1825. D p.l 22790 ensata B. R. svtord-lvd & [23 or 1 Pa.Y C. G. H. 1826. D p.l.s Bot reg. 1147 2569. ANGRJEfCUM Thou. ANGR*:CU.M. (Latinised from the Malay appellation angree.} Orchidete. 3 41. 22791 maculatum Lindl. spotted [23 pr 1 o.n Pk Africa 1819. Dp.r.wLind.coL 15 22792 falcatum Lindl. falcate jg [23 pr f n.d W China 1815. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 2097 22793 luridum Lindl. lurid .[23 pr 1J s.n Br S.Leone 1822. Dp.r.w 2570. AERA'NTHES Lindl. AERANTHES. 22794. grandiflora Lindl. large-flowered ^ (23 or 22795 sesquipedalis Lindl. 18-inch-flwd fAI spl (Aer, air, anthos, flower.) Orchidete, 2. 3. f in.jl G.Y Madagasc.1823. D p.r.w Rot. reg. 817 1 jn.jl \V Madagasc.1823. D p.r.w Thou. or. 66 2571. CALA'NTHE R. Br. CALANTHE. (Kalos, beautiful, anthos, flower.) Orchidece. 2. 7. 22796 yeratriflora R. Br. Veratrum-lvd [23 or 2 jn.jl W E. Indies 1819. D p.l Bot. reg. 720 22797 sylvestris Lindl. wood [23 or W? Madagasc.1823. D p.l 2572. STE'LIS Swz. 22798 ophioglossoldesSwz. Ophiogloss.-lk 22799 micrantha Swz. small-flowered STELIS. (Greek_name of some parasitical plant.) Orchide.ce. 2. 10. [23 cu G3cu | my.jn G J n.d G . Indies 1791. D p.r.w Bot. cab. 442 Jamaica 1805. D p.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 158 2573. MALA'XIS Swz. MALAXIS. (Malaxis, softness ; delicate texture of genuine species.) Orchid. 1. 13. 22800 paludosa Swz. marsh ^ A de jl Y.G England R p.s Eng. bot. 72 2574. PRESCCTT/.4 Lindl. PRESCOTIA. (John Prescot, an Englishman residing at Petersburgh.) Orch. 1. 2. 22801 plantaginea Lindl. Plantain-leaved (23 cu 1| G.w Brazil 1822. R p.l Hook. ex. fl. 115 *2575. MICRO'STYLIS Nut. MICROSTYLIS. ( Mikros, small, stylos, a column.) OrcJiidece. 1. 2. 22802 ophioglossoldes Nut. Ophiogloss.-lk ^ A de jl Y.G N. Amer. 1824. R p.s Pluk. am. 434. 4 *2576. LI'PARIS Rich. LIPARIS. (Liparos, unctuous : surface of leaves of original species.) Orchidece. 6.-13. * A pr | jn.jl G.P N. Amer. 1758. R p.s Bot. mag. 2004 Y England sa. ma. R p.s Eng. bot. 47 ... N. Amer. 1823. R p.s G Nepal 1822. Dp.r.w Hook. ex. fl. 116 G I. France 1823. Dp.r.w Bot. reg. 882 G N. Holl. 1824. Dp.r.w 22803 filiifMia Rich. Lily-leaved Malaxis Wiifolia Swz. 22804 LcestilM Rich. Lcesel's ^ A cu | jl 22805 Correana Nut. Correa's ^ A or 22806 bituberculata Lindl. two-tubercled [23 cu 22807 foltosa Lindl. leafy [23 cu | au 22808 reftexa Lindl. reflexed j [23 cu 1 au , 2577. FERN ANDE > S/^ R. & P. FERNANDESIA. (George Garcias Fernandez, a Spanish bot.) Orchldea:. 1 . 22809 elegans B. R. elegant ^ (23 cu | jn.jl Y Trinidad 1817. D p.r.w Bot. mag. 2715. Lockhartia Elegans Hook. 2578. CALY'PSO5a;. CALYPSO. 22810 borealis Sal. northern 22811 americana R. Br. American borealis Hook. (Kalypto, to conceal ; habitat.) Apr | my.jn Y.a N. Amer. 1805. A or | my.jn Pk N. Amer. 1820. Orchldea:. 2. R s.p Par. Ion. 89 R s.p Hook. ex. fl. 12 2579. VANFLLA Swz. VANILLA. 22812 aromatica Swz. aromatic fl_ CD ec 10 jn.a 22813 planifblia Andr. smooth-leaved g_ C 1 or 10 ap.jn (Vaynilla, a little pod, Span.} Orchidece. 2. 3. Dec 10 W W S. Amer. 1739. C p.l PI. ic. 183. 188 W. Indies 1800. C p.l Bot cab. 733 CLASS XX. ORDER 2. GYNA'NDRIA DIA'NDRIA. *2580. CYPRIPE V DIUM Z,. LADIES' SLIPPER. (Kypris, Venus, podion, a slipper.) Orchidece. 10. 16. England woods. R s.p Eng. bot. 1 Switzerl. 1825. R s.p N. Amer. 1759. R s.p Bot. mag. 911 N. Amer. 1790. R s.p Bot. cab. 895 N. Amer. 1731. R s.p Bot. mag. 216 N. Amer. 1800. R s.p Pluk. m. 418. 3 N. Amer. 1826. R s.p N. Amer. 1808. R s.p Bot mag. 1569 N. Amer. 1786. R s.p Bot. mag. 192 Nepal 1816. R s.p Bot. reg. 788 Nepal 1819. R s.p Lind. col. 32 2581. STYLI'DIUM Swz. STYLIDIUM. 22824 #raminifolium Swz. Grass-leaved 22825 fruticbsum R. Br. shrubby glandul6sum Sal. 22826 scandens R. Br. climbing 22827 tenuifblium R. Br. fine-leaved Jaricifolium Rich. 22828 adnatum R. Br. adnate 22829 lineaTe Swt. linear Ventenatea minor Sm. 22814 Calculus L. 2 helveticum Calceolus Schl. 22815 parviflorum Swz. 22816 pubescens W. 22817 spectabile Swz. 2*818 album H. K. 22819 candidum W. 22820 arietinum R. Br. 22821 humile Swz. 22822 venustum Wai. 22823 insigne Wai. I common, Slipper ^ Swiss ^ small-flowered ^ pubescent, yellow remarkable ^ white A white ^ ram's-head ^ II. humble ^ handsome admirable . FOLIUSA. Stems leafy. 1 A or 1 my.jl Y 1 1 A or 1 my.jl Y S [ A or 1 my.jn Y 1 1 A or 1 my.jn Y 1 1 A or 1| jn.jl R 1 1 A or 1| my.jn W 1 1 A or 1 my.jn W 1 I A or my W.R 1 SCAPI'GERA. Scapigerous. 1 A or | my.jn R.w 1 : B3el G.P 1 : (23 el 1 G.P 1 (Stylos, lAI or tt I | or column ; stamens and style joined.) 1 Pk N. S. W. 1803. S 1| my.o Pk N. Holl. 1803. S Stylideee. 6. 45. s.p Bot. reg. PO s.p Par. Ion. 77 ^ i Al or i Al or 2 1 Pk Pk N. Holl. N. Holl. 1803. 1818. S S s.p S.p Bot. mag. 2249 iQI or lAlor 1 jn.jl Pk R N. Holl. N. Holl. 1824. 1812. S D s.p p.l Bot. reg. 914 Ex. bot. 2. 69- B b 3 374 MONGECIA MONANDRIA. CLASS XX I. CLASS XX. ORDER 3. GYNA'NDRIA HEXA'NDRIA. 2582. ^RISTOLOTHIA L. BIRTIIWORT. (Aristos,best,lochia, parturition; sup. med. qual.) Asdrina:. 31-fi9. I. TRI'FIDJE. Limb of perianth fiat, trifid; shrubby. 22830 slpho Herit. 22831 toment&sa S. M. tube JL or 30 jn.jl N. Amer. 1763. tomentose JL or 20 jn.jl P N. Amer. 1799. L L s.p s.p Bot. mag. 534 Bot. mag. 1369 22832 Arkansa Lo. C. Arkansa JL or 20 jn.jl P Arkansa 1824. L S.I II. UNILABIA^JE. Limb of perianth unilabiate. i. OBLo'NGjE. Lip ovate, oblong, or lanceolate. 22833 bce'tica L. Bcetic JL A or 6 my.jn P Spain 1596. R l.p M. h. 12. 17. 6 22834 glauca 228.35 maxima L. 22836 hastata Kth. glaucous-leaved A i | or 6 jl P Barbary 1785. greatest , fl_ CD or 20 jl P N. Spain 1759. hastate fl CD or 16 ... Cuba 1822. C C C p.l l.p p.l Bot. mag. 1115 Jac. am. 146 H. &B.2.116 22837 indica L. Indian i. CD or 10 jn.jl P E. Indies 1780. C S.I R. mal. 8. 25 22838 acuminata Lam. long-pointed JL CD or 10 ... P Mauritius 1822. C l.p 22839 bilobata L. two-lobed fl_Dor 10 ... P 1824. C p.l PI. am. 106 ii. SPATULA"-!-*:. Lip spatulate, obtuse. 22840 barbata Jac. bearded |_ El or 10 ... P Caraccas 1796. R S.I Jac. ic. 3. 608 22841 fce'tida Kth. fetid fi_ CD or 20 ... Mexico 1822. C p.l H. & B. 2. 119 iii. CORDAGE. Lip cordate, unguiculate. 22842 odoratissima L. sweetest-sctd fl_ 1 1 or. 10 jl P Jamaica 1737. C p.l SI. jam. 1.104.1 22843 surinamnsis W. Surinam fl_ CD or 20 ... Surinam 1823. C p.l Jac. ob. 1. 3 trilobata Jac. iv. OBCORDA^T*. Lip at top cordate. 22844 trilobata L. three-lobed fl. CD or 6 jn.jl P S. Amer. 1775. C p.l 22845 grandiflbra Stm. large-flowered |_ CD or 20 Jamaica 1824. C 22846 ringens ftitf III. BILABIATE. Limb of perianth bilabiate. ringent i. CD or 20 jn.jl P.G.Y Brazil 1820. C p.l Vahl sy. 2. 47 22847 brasiliensis Mart. Brazilian fl_ CD or 20 ... Brazil 1820. C p.l ringens Lk. 22848 panduriformis W. fiddle-shaped fi_ CD or 10 Caraccas 1823. C p.l 22849 labibsa B. R. great-lipped JL CD or 20 P.G.Y Brazil 1821. C l.p Bot. reg. 689 2850 arbore"scens W. arborescent * i | or 20 jn.jl Y.p America 1737. C IV. HERB'A*CES. Herbaceous. i. UNILABIA^T^E. Limb of calyx unilabiate. 22851 sempervirens L. 22852 16nga L. 22853 Serpentariai.' evergreen !U | | or 4 my.jn P Candia 1727. long-rooted ^fc A r Ii jn.o P S. Europe 1548. Snake-roo* -* A or 1 jn.jl D.P N. Amer. 16.32. D R R p.l CO s.p Bot. mag. 1116 Mil. ic. 51.2 Jac. sc. 3. 385 22854 bracteata Retz. bracted JU E3 or 3 jl P E. Indies 1793. R S.I 22855 rotunda L. round-rooted j iAJ or 2 mr.o D.P S. Europe 15P6. R CO 22856 sagittata MM. sagittate ^ A or 1 jn.jl P N. Amer. 1819. R S.I Pluk. m. 78. 1 22857 pallida W. pale-flowered ^ A or 2 W.p Italy 1640. R S.I M. h. 12. 18. 2 22858 Clematitis L. Clematitis ^ A or 2 Y England woods. II CO Eng. bot. 398 ii. DILATA^TA. Limb dilated, ovate. 22859 hirta i. hairy uAJ or 2 my.jn P Chio 17S9. R S.1 To. it. 1. 147 iii. SUBDENTAVA. Limb of calyx subbidentate. 22860 Pistolochia L. Pistolochia Jc A or 2 jn.jl P S. Europe 1597. R S.I CLASS XXI. ORDER 1. MONCE'CIA MONA'NDRIA. 2583. ARTOCA'RPUS L. BREADFRUIT. (Artos, bread, karpos, fruit.) Urticea:. 2. 8. 22861 incisa L. tnie,cut-lvd CD clt 50 ... W.G S. Sea Isl. 1793. Sk r.m 1.33 2 nucifera nut-bearing } CD or 50 ... W.G E. Indies 1793. Sk r.m 22862 integrifolia L. entire-lvd, Jaca Tree CD clt 60 jn W.G E. Indies 1778. C r.m R. mal. 3. 26. 28 2 heterophyllaiawz. variable-leaved i CD or 60 ... W.G E. Indies 1778. C r.m 2584. FORSKCT L.E.4 L. FORSKOLEA. (Peter Forskol, a traveller in Egypt.) Urticea?. 3. 5. 22863 tenacissima L. clammiest O cu 1J W.G Egypt 1767. S lt.l Jac. vin. 1. 48 22864 Candida L. white iAl cu 1| jn.jl W.G C. G. H. 1774. C lt.l 22865 angustifblia Retz. narrow-leaved O cu 2 W.G Teneriffe 1779. S lt.l Mur. 24. 4 2585. CASUARrNA L. CASUAHINA. (Branches sup. like feathers of Cassowary.) Amentucece. 9. 10. I. Dio2 N ci:. Flowers dioecious. 22866 stricta H. K. 22867 distyla Ve n. 22868 torulbsa H. K. 22869 quadrivalvis Lab. 22870 tenufssima Sieb. 22871 muricata Rox. strict two -sty led twisted four-valved . . slenderesUwf J i_J or 10 muricated !_J or 15 f.n Ap N. S. W. 1775. S s.p Bot. rep. 346 I | or 15 ... Ap N. Holl. 1812. S s.p Ven.celsQ2 $ l_J or 15 ... Ap N. S. W. 1772. S s.p i I or 18 ... Ap N. S. W. 1812. S s.p Lab n h 2 218 _ Ap N. Holl. 1825. S s.p " > i_J or 15 ... Ap E. Indies 1822. S s.p ORDER III. MONCECIA TRIANDRIA. 375 1 1. MON pendula L. pendulous -* O un 4 jn.s Y America 1752. S co PL ic. 66.2 22S87 fce'tida Desr. fetid Jc Q un 4 jn.s Y Guiana 1820. S co Trichosanthes foetidissima L. CLASS XXI. ORDER 3. MONCFCIA TRIA'NDRIA. 2592. COMPTCT'N/^ Banks COMPTONIA. (Henry Compton, Bishop of London, cult, exot.) Amentacece. L 22888 dsplenifblia H. K. Fern-leaved & or 4 Br N. Amer. 1714. Sk s.p Den. br. 166 2593. HERNA'ND/,4 L. JACK IN A Box. (Francisco Hernandez, M.D., Spanish bot.) Laurinece. 3. 22889 sonbra L sounding 1 O or 50 ... W.G E. Indies 1693. C p.l Ru. am. 2.85 22890 ovigera L. egg-bearing 1 CD or 50 ... W.G E.Indies ... C p.l Ru. am. 3. 123 22891 guianensis Aubl. Guiana dJ or 50 ... W.o Guiana 1820. C r.m Aub. gui. 2. 309 2594. A'XYRIS L. 22892 amaranth o'ides L.. 22893 hybriria L. 22894 prostrata L. AXYRIS. Amaranthus-lk hybrid prostrate (Axyros, rough ; leaves.) 1 1 jn.jl G Siberia Siberia Siberia 1758. 1780. 1798. Chenopbdece. 3. 5. S co Gin. si. 2. 2 S co 4. i S co 2595. TRA^GIA L. TRAGIA. (Jerome Bock, generally called Tragus, Ger. bot.) EuphorUacece. 9. 19. I. SCANDE'NTES. Stems scandent. twining J. Q un 6 jn.jl G W. Indies 1739. C co 2. 15 involucred _ ._Q] un 3 jn.jl. G E.Indies 1759. S co Jac. ic. 1.190 peduncled J_ d) un 6 jn.jl G Guinea 1823. C co Beau. ow. 1. 54 22895 volubilis L. 2289(5 involucrata L. 22897 pedunculata Beauv 228P8 urens L. i/rticasfblia MX. iL. 22901 corniculata Vahl 22H02 infesta Mart. 22903 cannabina L. stinging Nettle- leaved Mercury like small-horned tro'ublesome II. ERE'CTJJ. Stems erect. 3 au 2 O un O un 03! un O un 1 jl au RT1 un 2 Hemp-leaved JU. E3 un 2 jn.jl G Virginia 1699. S co Pluk. al. 107. 5 G N. Amer. ... S co R. mal. 10. 82 G E. Indies ... S co G Caraccas ... S co G Brazil ... S co G E: Indies 1699. C l.p Bur. in. 63. 4 2596. CNEMIDO'STACHYS Mart. CNEM. (Knemis, spoke of wheel, stachys, spike.) Euphorbiacece. 1. 19. 22904 Chamelaj x a Spr. Chametea ED un 2 jn.jl G E. Indies 1703. S s.p R. mal. 2. 34 2597. TYTHA L. 22905 latifblia L. 22906 minor Sm. 22907 angustifolia L. 22908 minima W. CAT'S-TAIL. broad-leaved smaller narrow-leaved least (Tiphos, a marsh ; habitation.) Typhince. 4. 7. ilk A ec 6 jl Br Britain dit. R l.p Eng. bot. 1455 iilfc A ec 2 jl Br England mar. R l.p Eng. bot. 1457 Jt A ec 4 jn.jl Br Britain pools. R l.p Eng. bot. 1456 Jilt A ec 1 jl Br Switzerl. 1822. R co 2598. SPA RGA^NIUM L. BUR REED. (Sparganon, fillet ; riband-like leaves.) T$phine*/. roundish-/^ v^rfY or 23 my.jl Ap ... L CO 23064 rubra Ztetf red or 80 my.jl Ap L 00 23065 macrophylla Deaf. long-leaved x" or 20 my.jl Ap Naples ... L CO 23066 canadensis Lo. C. Canadian or 20 my.jl Ap Canada ... L CO 23067 oxyacanthif61iaZ,0.a Oxycanth.-lvdJ or 20 my.jl A P L CO 23068 pumila Nois. dwarf 3 or 10 my.jl Ap L CO 2608. JSE'TULA L. BIRCH. (Betu, its Celtic name.) Ame nil mr. 18. 19. 23069 alba L. common white x^ tm 40 ap.jn Ap Britain i moi.w. S CO Eng. bot. 2198 2 verrucosa Ehrh. warty tm 40 ap.jn Ap Britain ... S CO SdalecarlicaZ,. Dalecarlian Y tm 40 ap.jn Ap Europe ... S CO 4 macrocarpa Lod. long-fruited 5 tm 40 ap.jn Ap Europe ... S CO 23070 pendula tfoM pendulous Poplar-leaved 3 or or 40 30 ap,n Ap Ap Britain N. Amer. woods. 1750. S L CO CO Mic. ar. 2. 2 23072 exce'lsa"^ K. tall f tm 60 my Ap N. Amer. 1767. S co Den. br. 95 23073 daurica ,Pa#. Daurian tm SO jl Ap Siberia 1786. L CO Pal. ros. 1. 39 23074 nigra L. black tm Ap N. Amer. 1736. L CO Den. br. 153 23075 lanulosa MX. woolly Y tm 70 Ap N. Amer. 1817. L CO Mic. ar. 2. 3 23076 rubra AT*. red f tm 60 Ap Canada L co Bot. cab. 1248 23077 papynicea H. K. 23078 lenta L. paper pliant J tm tm 50 50 i? A? Ap N. Amer. 1/50. N. Amer. 1759. L L CO CO \V. ar. 2. 1 Den. br. 144 23079 carpinifblia rA. 23080 nana L. Hornbeam-lvd tt_ smooth dwarf S& tm cu 50 4 jl my Ap Ap N. Amer. Scotland 1759. moi.h. L I, CO CO Eng. bot. 2326 2 macrophylla ScW . long-leaved Sfc or 6 my Ap Switzerl. 1819. L CO 23081 pumila L. 23082 pontica Hort. hairy dwarf 3& Politic x" or or 6 12 Ap Ap N. Amer. Turkey 1762. L L s.p S.J) Jac. vin. 2. 122 Den. br. 94 23083 ovata Schrank ovate 3fe or 6 Ap Hungary 1820. L CO Den. br. 96 ^4'lnus vindis Dec. 23084 frutic.'.sa Pa#. shrubby 3 or 6 Ap Siberia 1818. L CO Den. br. 97 23085 pubescens Ehrh. pubescent $ or 30 Ap Germany 1812. L CO 23086 tristis Lk. sad or 10 Ap Kamtsch. L CO 23087 lutea AT*. yellow x or 20 my Ap N. Amer. ... L CO 2609. tfU'XUSZ. Box TREE. (Pyknos, dense ; wood.) Euph orbia cece. 4. 5. 23088 balearica Lawz. Balearic * or 8 jl Y.G Minorca 1780. C CO 23089 sempervirens L. cowz. evergreen * or 8 ap Y.G England ch.hil. C CO Eng. bot. 1341 2 angustifblia narrow-leaved * or 8 ap Y.G ... C CO 3 suft'ruticbsa subshrubby it- or 1 Y.G ... SI L CO 23090 chinensis Lk. Chinese * 1 | or 3 n Y.G China 1802. c CO 23091 australis Can. southern * l_Jor 6 ... ... N. Holl. 1820. c l.p 2610. SARCOCO'CCA B. R. SARCOCOCCA. (Sarx, flesh, kokkos, a berry ; substance of.) EuphorUucece. 1. 23092 pruniKrmis . R. Plum-formed * t_| or 4 jn.jl Pa.Y Nepal 1820. C p.l Bot. reg. 358 2611. CI'CC^ L. 23093 disticha L. CICCA. (Peter Cicca, who wrote in 1553.) Evpfiorbiuceee. 1. 2. two-rowed-/^ CD fr 20 ... G K Indies 1796. C p.l Jac. sc. 2. 194 *2fil2. MCTRUSZ. MULBERRY. (A/or, black, Celt.; color of fruit.) Urticee. 12. 17. 23094 alba /,. white 5f clt 30 jn Ap China 1596. L CO Schk. han. 3.290 2 macrophylla long-leaved 5 clt 30 jn Ap China ... L r.m 3 nana dwarf $ clt 10 )n Ap China L r in 4 ovalifolia oval-leaved clt SO jn.jl Ap China ... L r.m 5 nisea Rose-like f clt 20 jn.jl Ap China L 230 ( V> constantinopolitanaDes/. Constant!. 23096 sinensis Hort. Chinese $ clt clt 15 80 jn AP Ap Turkey China 18*18. 1825. I, L r.m r.m 23097 scabra L. scabrous $ or 20 jn Ap N. Amer. 1817. L r.m 2.10! 8 pennsvlvanica Not. Pennsylvanian =V or 30 jn.jl Ap Pennsylva .1820. L r.m 23099 italica Lam. Italian Y clt 20 kii Ap Italy 1817. L r.m 23100 pumila Noi. dwarf & clt 12 jn.jl Ap .... 1824. L r m 23101 tatarica Pall. Tartarian ^ or 20 jn Ap Tartary 1784. L CO Pal. ros. 9.. 52 23102 nJgra Pair. common black $ fr SO jn Ap Italy 1548. L CO Den. br. 159 23103 rubra L. red ^ or 10 jn.jl Ap N. Amer. 1629. L r.m 23104 mauritiana Jac. 23105 indicai. Mauritian Indian IBs 20 80 Ap Ap Mauritius 1823. E. Indies 1S24. C c Lp l.p Jac. ic. 3. 617 Ru. am. 7. 5 ORDER IV. MONCECIA TETRANDRIA. 379 2613. BCEHME^R/^ Jac. B(EHMERIA. (George Rudolph Bcehmer, a German botanist. 1 Urtlceee. 14. 19. [. OpposiTiFbLi^E. Leaves opposite. 23106cylindrica W. cylindrical 23107 rotundifolia D. Don round-leaved 23108 elongkta Fis. elongated 23109 caudata Swx. tailed 23110 platyphylla D. Don broad-leaved 23111 macrophylla D.Don long-leaved A un 4 ^ iAI un 3 O un * LJun * l | un t i | un 1 au.s 2 ... 4 6 ... G Virginia 1759. Sk s.p SI. jam. 1. 82. 2 G Nepal 1818. D s.l G Brazil 1817. S co G Jamaica 1820. C s.p G Nepal 1820. C s.p G Nepal 1819. C s.p 23112 rub&cens Jac. f/rtica arbdrea L. 23113ramiflora Jac. 231l4frondusa D.Don 231 lo hirtaSm. 23116 frutescens Thun. 23117 salicif61ia.D.Z)o 23118 lateriflora Mhl. 23119 interrupta W. 2614. PI' LEA 23120 muscbsa Lindl. 2615. tfRTT-CA L. II. ALTERNipbLi*. Leaves alternate. * l_| or 10 G Canaries 1779. C s.p Jac. fr. 5. 1 rubescent branch-flwd * CD un 8 G leafy * , | un 4 ... G hairy tt. O un 2 ... G frutescent * i | un 3 ... G Willow-leaved ^ A un 6 s.n G side-flowering ^ A un 1| G interrupted ] IAI un 1 au.s G Jamaica Nepal Jamaica Nepal Nepal 1823. 1819. 1817. 1819. 1819. C co C s. P C s.p C s.p D co Jac. am. 157 N. Amer. 1820. Sk co E. Indies 1816. D co PILEA. (Pilos, a cap ; nature of one of the divisions of perianth.) Urticece. 1. 3. mossy JL. 23 pr G W. Indies 1793. S co Lind. col. 4 NETTLE. (Uro t to burn ; stinging qualities.) Urtlceae. 46. 114. I. OpposiTiFbi.1^. Leaves opposite. 23121 pilulifera L. Roman, pill-bearing O w 1* G England rub. 23122 balearica i. Balearic O un U jn.jl G Balearic 1.1733. S S CO CO Eng. bot. 148 Black. 321. 1 23123 convexa Horn. convex O un 1J jn.jl G 1824. S CO 23124 scripta Ham. WacA-lined j Al cu 2 jl s Y Nepal 1818. D CO 23125 depressa Swx. depressed j^ fAI un G Jamaica 1820. 1) CO 23126 Dodartw L. Dodart's O un 1| G S. Europe 1683. S CO 23127 microphylla Swx. small-leaved 23 cu ?my.s G W. Indies 1793. D CO SI. jam. 1.93.2 23128 pumila L. dwarf O un 1 G N. Amer, S CO 23129 involucrata B. M. involucred 23 un 1 G W. Indies i!821. C CO Bot. mag. 2481 25130 grandifblia L. great-leaved - 1 l un 3 G Jamaica 1793. C CO SI. jam. 1. 83. 2 23131 ftrox For st. fierce f | | CU 20 ... G N. Zeal. 1823. C s.p.l 23132 gigas Cun. giant l | cu 30 ... G N. Roll. 1823. C p.l 23133 wzorio'ides Cun. Morus-like J i | cu 10 ... G N. Holl. 1823. C 23134 reticulata Swx. netted-leaved tt. I | un 2 G Jamaica 1793. C CO Bot. mag. 2567 23135 rufa Swx. reddish tt. 1 1 un 1 jn.s G Jamaica 1793. C CO 23136 urens L. small stinging O w 1 jn.s Ap Britain s CO Eng. bot. 1236 23137dioicaL. co mmon, direcious^ A w 2| jl.s Britain 1) CO Eng. bot 1750 23138 angustifblia Fis. narrow-leaved ^ A un 2i o.n (J Siberia 1817. D CO 23 1 39 membranacea Poir. membranous ^t A un JI j|_ s Ap Spain 1820. D CO 23140 diffusa Swx. diffuse n. fAI un 1 au.s G Jamaica 1818. D CO 23141 crassifolia W. thick-leaved j fAI un 2 jl.s Ap S. Amer. 1822. 1) CO 23142 ardens Lk. burning O un 1 jl.s Ap Nepal 1821. Jg CO 23143 chamaedryoldes Ph. Germander-like O un 1 G Georgia 1813. S CO 23144 nummularifoliaSuw . Moneywort-lvd O un 1 jn.jl Ap Jamaica 1820. S CO SI. jam. 1.131.4 23145 cannabina L. Hemp-like ^ A cu 3 jl.s Ap Siberia 1749. 1) CO Am. rut 249. 25 23146 rugbsa Sivz. \vrink\ed-stlfcd Sun 2 my.jl Ap Jamaica 1793. s CO 23147 nudicaulis Swx. naked-stalked tt. un 3 my.jl Ap Jamaica 1793. C CO 23148 gracilis //. K. slender-stalked & A un 3 Ap Huds. B. 1782. D CO 23149 Parietaria L. Pellitory-leavedn. 1 1 un 1 jl.s Ap Jamaica 1793. C CO SI. jam. 1. 93. 1 231.W ciliata Swx. ciliated tt. 1 1 un 1 jl.s Ap Jamaica 1815. C CO 23151 pulchella Lk. pretty tt. Bun lijl.8 Ap E. Indies 1820. C CO 23152 scabrella Rox. roughish tt. un 1 Ap E. Indies 1815. C CO II. ALTERNIFOLIJE. Leaves alternate. 23153 32'stuans L. raging O) un 1 jn.jl Ap Surinam 1803. s CO Jac. sc. 3. 388 23154 canadensis L. Canada ^ A un 3 au.o Ap Canada 1656. D CO Pluk. al. 239. 2 23155 divaricata L. divaricate ^ A cu 2 o.n Y Canada 1816. 1) CO 23156 nivea L. snow-white-lvd ^ A un 6 au.s Ap China 1739. D p.l Jac. vin. 2. 166 23157 baccifera L. berry-bearing a. r~1un 4 Ap S. Amer. 1793. Sk s.p Bot. rep. 454 23158 capitellata Poir. small-headed tt. (~]un G Java 1810. C CO 23159 caracasana Jac. Caraccas tt. J"~~~] UQ 8 Ap Caraccas 1824. C CO Jac. sc. 386 23160 caravellana Schrank Caravellan O un 4 Ap S. Amer. 1825. s CO 23161 eiongata Lk. lengthened O un 3 Ap Philipp.Is .1823. s CO 23162 diversifolia Lk. various-leaved un 3 au.s Ap E. Indies 1823. s CO 23163 heterophylla Wai. variable-leaved tt. cu 2 G E. Indies 1819. C CO R. mal. 2. 41 23164 horrida Lk. horrid un 3 au.s Ap Nepal 1821. s CO 23165 arborescens Lk. arborescent * un 8 au.s Ap Manilla 1822. C CO 23166 pentandra Rox. pentandrous fAI un 2 au.s G E. Indies 1800. D CO 2616. PRO^CRIS Com. 23167 punctata Ham. PROCRIS. dotted j (The wife of Cephalus.) lAiUn 1 G Nepal VrticecB. 2. 19. 1820. D co 23168 integrifolia D. Don entire-leaved iAI un 1 G Nepal 1820. D CO 2617. PACHYSA'NDRA MX. I'ACHYSANDRA. (Pachys, thick, aner, man ; stamens.) Euphorbiacece. 2. 23169 proc 11 mbens MX. trailing ^ A pr i mr.ap W N. Amer. 1800. D s.p Bot. reg. 33 23170 coriacea Hook. coriaceous ' * CD pr * jn.jl W Nepal 1822. C co Hook. ex. fl. 148 2618. DTOTIS L. DIOTIS. (Dis, double, ous, ear; two appendages at base of florets.) Cftenopbdea?. 3. -4. 23171 ceratoldes W. horn-like & or 2 mr Ap Siberia 1780. L s.p Jac. ic. 1. 189 23172 atriplicina Spr. Atriplex-like O w 1 jn.jl Ap Britain fields. S co Eng. bot. 232 ^4'tripiex pedunculata L. 23173 candidissima Desf. whitest O un 1 jn.jl Ap 1826. S co 2619. EMPLElfRUM H. K. EMPLEURUM. (En, in, pleuron, membrane ; seeds attached to.) Di6sme'! } un un 3 jl.s 4 jl.s G G England dungh. China 1685. S S ../ 1 CO CO ^UlUfJ. J^lilU-f . I. Eng. bot. 2544 Schk. han.3. 291 23189 spinosum L. spiny Q un 3 jl.8 G S. Europe 1713. I CO Her. par. 246 23190 echinatum Mur. hedgehog O un 3 jl.s G s CO Mur. 1784. c.ic. 23191 canadense Mil. Canadian cu 1 Jl G N. Amer. 1700. s CO 23192 macrocarpum Dec. 23193 catharticum Kth. long- fruited cathartic 8 cu cu 1 Jl 1 Jl G G France S. Amer. 1817. 1824. s s CO CO 2628. ^MARA'NTUS L. AMARANTH. (A, priv., maraino, to wither ; durable flowers.) Am aranthaceee. 60. I. TRIA' 'NDl 1IA.- Flowers triandt i-OUS. 23194 tenuifblius W. fine-leaved O un 1 jl.s G E. Indies 1801. s CO 23195 angustifblius .&&. narrow-leaved o un U jl.s G Levant 1723. s CO 23196 albus L. white un If jl.8 G N. Amer. 1778. s CO Wang. 9. 1. 2 23197 graeclzans L. Greek un 1| jl.s G N. Amer. 1759. s CO Wang. 8. 4. 7 23198 melanch61icus L. melancholy or 1| jn.s P E. Indies 1731. s CO Wang. 15. 9. 18 23199 tricolor L. three-colored or 2 jn,s R.T E. Indies 1548. s r.m A.3.6 23200 bicolor #bc. two-colored or R.Y E. Indies 1802. s r.m 23201 polygamus L. polygamous o un 2 a jl.'s G E. Indies 1780. s CO 23202 gang^ticus Z,. Gangetic un 2 jl.s G E. Indies 1778. s CO Wang. 16. 6. 11 23203 mangostanus L. 23204 polystachyus W. 23205 tristis Z,. Mangostan many-spiked sad, round-headed 8 un un un 2 jl.8 f jl.s 2 G G P E. Indies E. Indies China 1801. 1816. 1759. s s s CO CO CO Wang. 13. 12 Wang. 21. 5. 10 23206 inamce^nus W. unpleasant o un 2 G Japan 1820 s CO H. pfl. 72. 1 23207 inc6mtus W. en. shabby o un 2 G 1823. s CO 23208 lividus Z,. livid un 5 jl.s R N. Amer. 1759. s CO W T ang. 20. 1.1 23209 oleraceus L. potherb dt 6 Pa.R E. Indies 1764. s CO Wang. 17. 5. 9 23210 lancea?ft>lius jRo*. lance-leaved o or 3 R E. Indies 1816. s CO 23211 atropurpureus Rox. 23212 fasciatus Rox. dark-purple banded or or 3 au.n 2 P E. Indies E. Indies 1820. 1816. s 8 CO CO 23213 bullatus Ztes. blistered un 4 jLau G 1822. 8 CO 23214 JJlltum L. 23215 prostratus Zte#. wild Elite -* trailing ^ o un un 2 2 jl.s G G England dungh. France 1739. s s CO CO Eng. bot. 2212 23216 spicatus Pers. spiked o un 3 jl.s G Europe ... s CO 23217 viridis L. green un 3 au.s ' G Brazil 1768. s CO Wang. 18. 8. 16 23218 polygonoldes i. Polygonum-lk Jc. Q un 1| G Jamaica 1778. s CO Wang. 11. 16. 12 23219 scandens L. climbing \ un 2 G America 1796. s CO 23220 deflexus i. bending 3 o un 1 G 1805. s CO Wang. 10. 10. 20 23221 pallidus Bieb. pale un 1 Pa.R Caucasus 1817. s CO 23222 lineatus R. Br. lined o un 1 G N. Holl. 1823. s CO 23223 persicarioides Po/r. Persicaria-like un 1 G Nepal 1820. s CO 23224 camp^stris W. field o un 1 G E. Indies 1818. s CO 23225 interrupts R. Br. interrupted o un 2 R N. Holl. 1818. s CO 23226 gracilis Poir. slender o un 1 R Guinea 1806. s CO Jac. ic. 2. 344 Chenopbdium caud atum Jnc. 23227 Bercht61dJac. Berchtold's un 2 R Europe 1825. s CO II. PENTA 'ND RIA. Flower s pentat idrous. 23228 caulifl&rus Lk. stem-flowering un 4 jn.s G Nepal 1821. s CO 23229 hybridus L. hybrid un 4 jn.s G N. Amer. 1656. 8 CO Wang. 26. 9. 17 23230 strictus W. strict O un 2 jl.s G ...... 1793. 8 CO Wang. 27. 3. 5 23231 celosioides .KM. Celosia-like O or 2 R S. Amer. 1818. s CO 23232 caracasanus Kth. Caraccas or 2i R Caraccas 1818. s CO 23233 paniculatus L. panicled or 6 jl.s G N. Amer. 1798. s CO Wang. 32. 2. 4 23234 sanguineus Z,. bloody O or 3 jl.s R Bahamal. 1775. 8 CO Wang. 31. 2. 3 23235 retroflexus L. bent-back-haired un 2 jl.s G Pennsylv. 1759. s CO Wang. 33. 11.21 23236 IseHus W. ioyful o un 2 jl.s R 1799. s CO Wang. 28. 8. 15 23237 flavus L. yellow 23238 chlordstachys W. green-spiked 23239 hypochondrlacus L. melancholy o o or un or 4 jl.s 3 jl.8 5 jl.s L.Y G D.R India Virginia 1759. 1796. 1684. s s s CO CO CO Wang. 35. 3. 6 Wang. 34 10. 19 23240 cruentus L. bloody or 3 D.R China 1728. s r.m ORDER VI. MONCECIA HEXANDRIA. 381 23241 hecticus W. hectic or 3 au Pk 1796. S CO Wang. 25. 7. l: 23242 pumilus Nut. dwarf O un N. Amer. 1824. s co 23243 curvifolius Spr. 23244 parisiensis Schk. curve-leaved Pa/isian O un un l a jUu R G France 1824. 1817. s s CO co 23245 caudatus L. tailed , Love lies bleeding or 4 au.s R E. Indies 1596. s CO 2 maximus tree o or 6 au.s R 1820. s CO 23246 frumentaceus Rox. frumentaceous o or 2i au.s R E. Indies 1823. s co 23247 spinbsus L. 23248 specibsus B. M. 23249 giganteus Die. spiny snowy giant un or un 2 jl.s 6 4 G R R India Nepal 1683. 1819. 1817. s s s co CO CO Wang. 38. 4. 8 Bot. mag. 2227 23250 rigidus Schulz rigid Q un 1 G 1817. s CO 23251 zanensis Horn. Zano /~\ un 2 R 1822. s CO 23252 sylvestris De$f. wood Q un 1 G Pyrenees 1819. s CO 23253 speciosus Bieb. showy, Caucasian o un li R Caucasus 1818. 8 CO 2629. ACROGLCPCHIN Schr. ACROGLOCHIN. (Akros, summit, glochin, spear point.) Amaranthacece. 1. 23254 cbenopodioides Schr. Chenopodium-lk Q un 1| G Nepal 1824. S co ylmaranthus Acroglbchin Spr. 2630. LU'FFA Cav. LUFFA. 23255 fce'tida Cav. fetid 23256 acutangula Ser. acute-angled Cucumis acutangulus L. 23257 aegyptiaca Mil. Egyptian Mom6rdica Ltffa L. (Louff, its Arabic name.) Ol or 12 jn.o P India O cu 10 jn.o P India Cucurbit&cece. 3.' 7. 1812. S co Bot. mag. 1638 1692. S co Jac. vin. 3. 73,74 * Ol cu 10 jn.o P E. Indies 1739. S co Ru. am. 5. 147 2631. ^MBRO^SIAi. AMBROSIA. (Ambrosia, food of the gods; bruised Ivs fragrant.) Comp.Amb. 8. -10. 23258 integrifolia MM. entire-leaved 23259 trifida L. tr\M-leaved 23260 elatior L. taller 3261 artemisia-folia L. Mugwort-leaved 23262 paniculata MX. panicled 2326'3 maritima L. sea O un 3 jl.s G N. Amer. 1816. S co O un 6 jl.s G N. Amer. 1699. S co M. h. 6. 1. 4 8un 8 G N. Amer. 1696. S co Her. lug. 35 un 5 G N. Amer. 1759. S co O un 3 jl.s G N. Amer. 1811. S co Pluk. al. 10. 5 Bun 3 G Italy 1570. S co Schk. han. 3. 292 23264 cumannse Kth. Cumana un 3 G Cumana 1825. S co 23265 heterophvlla MM. variable-leaved O un 4 jLau G N. Amer. 1817. S co absinthiifblia Desf. 2632. SECURI'NEGA J. OTAHEITE MYRTLE. (Securis. axe.neeo, to refuse ; extremely hard.) Eup. 1. 2. 23266 nitida W. shining-leaved t CD tm 40 jn.jl W Mauritius 1793. C co Lind. col. 9 2633. NAM AS W. NAJAS. 23267 major All. greater | (Na'ias, a water nymph ; habitat.} Fluvtales. 1. t O cu ... Europe 1816. S co Mic. gen. 11. 8. 2 monospe'rma W. CLASS XXI. ORDER 6. MONCE V CIA HEXA'NDRIA. 2634. ZIZA^NIA L. ZIZANIA. (Greek name of darnel, applied to this plant.) Graminece. 3. 5. 23268 aquatica Lam. water, Canada Rice^ O ec 6 jl.s G N. Amer. 1790. S co Lin. tr. 7. 13 23269 wziliacea MX. Millet-like =a= O ec 4 G Carolina 1816. S 1 23270 fluitans MX. floating =* O ec 4 G N. Amer. 1824. S 1 2635. PHA^RUS L. 23271 latifolius L. PHARUS. (Pharos, a covering; used for covering.) Graminece. I. 3. broad-leaved Jill [Al or 6 G Jamaica 1793. S r.m Br. jam. 38. 3 ID or Dor 2636. GUETTA'RD^ L. GUETTARDA. 23272 hirsuta Pers. hairy Laugeria hirstita R. $ P. 23273 toment6sa Pers. woolly 23274 lucida Pers. shining Laugerza Iticida Swz. 23275 odorata Pers. sweet-scented Laugeria odorata Jac. 23276 scabra Ven. scabrous f | 1 Matthiola scabra L. 23277 speciosa L. showy -flowered f [ I spl 30 (Etienne Guettard, a French botanist.) EuUacecE. 7. 17. Peru 1820. C p.l Fl. per. 2. 145. a. 23278 rugbsa Swz. virink]y. leaved 20 ... or 20 ... or 20 ... spl 30 or 20 ... ... Jamaica 1820. C p.l ... Jamaica 1818. C p.l Vahlsy.3.57 ... Jamaica 1818. C p.l ... W.Indies 1818. C p.l Ven. ch. 1.1 S E. Indies 1771. S p.l R. mal. 4. 47, 48 , W. Indies 1793. S r.m (Sagu, Malay name of various palms.) Palnue. 4. CD clt 50 ... G E. Indies 1800. Sk r.m Ru. am. 1. 17, 18 Madagasc.1820. S r.m Madagasc.1820. S r.m 2637. SA*GUS Gae. SAGO PALM. 23279 Rumphu W. Rumphius's Metroxylon Sagus Rtb. 23280 Rtiffia Jac. ' Ruffia 23281 pedunculata Pair, pedunculate Raphia pedunculata Beauv. 23282 vinifera Pers. wine-bearing Palma-Pinus Gae. Raphia vinifera 2638. CO^COS L. COCOA NUT TREE. (Coco, Port. ; end of nut like a monkey's head.) Pdlm5. S r.m 2645. ACROCO N MIA Mart ACROCOMIA. 23301 sclerocarpa Mart, hard-fruited i CD or 40 23302 fusiformis Swt. spindle-shaped J f~~l or 40 Cocos fusiformis Swz 23303 minor Lo. C. smaller Bactris globosa minor Gae. 23304 globbsa Lo. C. globose 23305 aculeata Lo C. prickly Cocos aculeata L. Guiana horrid fine-leaved (Akros, top, kome,.tuft ; leaves.) Palma;. 8. 1 CD or 20 ... fCD or 20 CJ or 40 23306 guianensis Lo.C. 23307 horrida Lo. C. 23308 tenuifblia Lo. C. W. Indies 1731. S r.m Mart. palm. ic. Trinidad 1731. S r.rn Trinidad 1820. S r.m Gae. fr. 9. 1 St. Vine. 1824. S W. Indies 1796. S ... Demeraral824. ... Trinidad 1825. ... Brazil 1824. r.m r.m Jac. am. 169 r.m r.m r.m 2646. DESMO'NCUS Mart. DESMONCUS. (Desmos, band, ogkos, hook ; tendrils at apex of Ivs.) Pa/ma?. 4. or 6 5 raz j| 1?2. S r.m Mart. palm. ic. 23309 polyacanthus Mart, many-spined I I or 23310 orthacanth us' Mart, straight-spined CD or 6 23311 americanus Lo. C. American CD or 6 23312 dhbius Lo. C. doubtful CD or 6 Brazil 1822. S r.m Mart. palm. ic. St. Vine. 1824. S r.m Trinidad 1824. S r.m 2647. ASTROCA^RYUM Mey. ASTROCARYUM. (Astron, star, karyon, nut.) 23313 acaule Mart. stemless CD or 10 Brazil 1820. 23314 aculeatum Mey. prickly CD or 40 Guiana ' ' Murumuru CD or 40 Brazil common CD or 30 Brazil field (1 or 10 ,..-., Brazil . 23315 Murumuru Mart. 23316 vulgare Mart. 23317 campestre Mart. Pdlmce. 5. 10. S r.m Mart. palm. ic. 1824. S r.m 1825. S r.m Mart. palm. ic. 1825. S r.m Mart. palm. ic. 1826. S r.m Mart. palm. ic. *2648. SY\A.GRUS Mart. SYAGRUS. 23318 cocoides Mart. Cocos-like (The first who wrote the Trojan war in verse ?) Palmce. 1. or 20 Brazil 1824. S r.m Mart. palm. ic. CLASS XXI. ORDER 7. MON(E V CIA OCTA'NDRIA. 2649. DUVAUM Kth. DUVAUA. (M. Duvau, a French botanist.) Terebinthacea. 2. 23319 dep< ? ndens Dec. dependent f \ | or 20 ... W.G Chile 1790. C s.p Cav. ic. 3. 239 ^myris polygamia Cav. Schlnus dependens Or. 23320 dentata Dec. toothed 1 l_J or 20 my.jl W Owhyhee 1795. C s.l Bot. rep. 620 Schinus dentata Andr. CLASS XXI. ORDER 8. MONOTCIA ICOSA'NDRIA. 2650. ATHEROSPE'RMA Lab. ATHEROSPERMA. (Ather, awn, sperma, si 23321 moschata Lab. musk J i_| or 23 my.jn W N. Holl. Calycanthecc .? C sp.l CLASS XXI. ORDER 9. MON(E V CIA POLYA'NDRIA. 2651. CERATOPHY'LLUM L. HOENWORT. (Keras, horn, phyllon, leaf; divisions.) Ceratophyllea*. 2. 3. A "" 1 i!-s G Britain dit. D l.p En g. bot. 947 23322 iem^rsum L. 23323 subm^rsum L. demersed submersed A un 1 jl.s Britain dit. D l.p Eng. bot. 679 2652. MYRIOPHY'LLUM L. WATER MILFOIL. (Myrios, myriad, phyllon, leaf ; divisions.) Haloragea, 2.5. ^ A pr 1 R Britain dit. D l.p Eng. bot. 83 23324 spicktum L. 23325 verticillatum L. spiked whorled G England ponds. D l.p Eng. bot. 218 ORDER IX. MONCECIA POLYANDRIA. 383 653. SAGITTA X RIA L. ARROW-HEAD. (Sagitta, arrow ; form of Ivs of some species.) Alismacees. 15. -21. I. SAGiTTATiFbu/E. Leaves sagittate or hastate. 23326 sagittifblia L. common, arrow-lvd =*= A or 2 W England rivers. D IP Eng. bot 84 23327 latif-Mia W. broad-leaved =fe A or 1 W N. Amer. 1819. J) Lp 23328 Donirt Swt. Don's i _AJ or 1 W Nepal 1820. D hast'itaD. Don 23.329 obtusa IV. obtuse i _AJ or 1 W N. Amer. 1820. D ] p 23330 heterophylla Ph. various-leaved *= _AJ or 1 W N. Amer. 1822. D Lp 23331 hastata Ph. hastate *. _AI or 1 W N. Amer. 1818. 1) IP 23332 obtusifblia L. blunt-leaved * E3 or 2 W China 1804. D Lp R. mal. 11. 45 11. ANCi'STiFbLiiE. Leaves subcordate, lat iceolate, or linear. 23333 lancifMia L. lance-leaved *= iAJ or If jn.jl W W. Indies 1787. D l.p Bot. mag. 1702 23334 rigida Ph. 23335 natans MX. r\gv\-leaved =fe A or If jn.jl W floating == A r 1 jLau W N. Amer. 1806. Carolina 1812. I) 1) IP Bot mag. 1632 23336 graminea J/z. Grass-fcaved =s= _AJ or' W Carolina 1812. I) Lp 23337 falcata Ph. falcate ^ A or 1 W Carolina 1812. I) l.p 23338 acutifblia Z. acute-leaved =t rAI or 1 jn jl W America 1816. I) l.p 233.39 angustifblia B. R. narrow-leaved gi (23 or W Essequebol827. D s.p Bot. reg. 1141 III. TRI'FIDA. Leaves trifid or t. nparted. 23340 sinensis B. M. Chinese ^ lA! or 2 s.n W China 1812. D l.p Bot. mag. 1631 * 2654. BEGO X N7.4 L. BEGONIA. (Michael Begon, a French promoter of botany.) Begoniac ece. 27. 47. I. IN^QUALICORDAV*;. Leaves unequally cordate. 23341 nitida H. K. &h\n\ng-leaued **- \ 1 or If my.d W Jamaica 1777. C s.p Par. Ion. 72 23342 riich6toma Jac. forked tt. CD or 2 W Caraccas 1800. C s.p Jac. ic. 3.619 23343 discolor H K. discolored tt. I | or 3 my.s W China 1804. R s.p Bot. mag. 1473 Evansinna Swz. 23344 reniformis Dry. kidney-shaped tt. I I or 1 jn.jl W Brazil 1818. C p.l Lin. tr. 1.14. 1.2 23345 macrophylla Dry. 23341 tuberbsa Dry. long-leaved tt. CD or 3 my.s W tuberous ,& fAI or f jl.s W Jamaica 1793. Amboyna 1810. C C s.p Lp PL ic. 34. 45. 1 Ru. am. 5. 169. 2 23347 lucida Haw. shining tt. 1 1 or 1 W W.Indies 1816. C Pi 23348 dubia flaw. doubtful fAI or 1 W Brazil 1818. C P.l 23349 diptera Dry. two-winged tt. i | or 1 jn.jl W C. G. H. 1822. C 23350 spatulata W. spatulate fAI or If jl.o W W. Indies 1819. C Lp Bot. cab. 107 23351 picta flawz. painted (23 or f s Pk Nepal 1818. C Lp Bot. cab. 571 23352 pauciflora Lindl. 23353 patula Haw. few-flowered j [23 or If jl.o W spreading tt. O or 1 jn.jl W 1816. W.Indies 1818. C C l.p p.l Bot. reg. 471 23354 undulata Otto waved tt. i 1 or 2 jn.jl W Brazil 1825. C p.l Bot. mag. 2723 23355 odorata W. sweet-scented j [23 or If jl.o W 1824. C Lp 23356 hirtella 7J5:. smafl hairy (23 or 1 jl.o W 1824. C 23357 disticha Lk. two-rowed ] [A1 or 1 jl.o W 1824. C Lp 1 1. SEM icoRDA^ra. Leaves semi cordate. 23358 acumin&ta Dry. pointed-feared tt. CD or 1 my.d W Jamaica 17PO. C s.p Bot. reg. 364 23359 acutifblia Jac. acute-leaved tt. CD or 1 W W. Indies 1816. C p.l SI. jam. 127.1.2 23360 humilis Dry. humble j D3 or | o W W. Indies 1788. 8 l.P Lin. tr. 1. 15 23361 pulchella /tad. neat ED or W Brazil 1823. s p.l 23362 hirsuta Aub. shaggy-feawd O] or 1 my.jn W W. Indies 1789. s lp Aub. gui. 2. 348 23363 suavfeolens flaw. sweet-scented n. CD or 1 W W..lndiesl816. C p.l Bot. cab. 69 23364 wlmifolia Haw. Elm-leaved tt. j | or 2 my.jn W S. Amer. 1822. C Lp Bot. cab. 638 23365 argyrostigma Fis. silver-spotted a. CD or 3 jl.o W Brazil 1819. C Bot. reg. 666 maculata Rad. III. OVAT.E:FOLLE. Leaves roundish, ov ~ate, or palmate. 23366 scandens Swz. climbing |_ CD or 2 W Guiana 1822. C p.l Aub. gui. 2. 349 glabra Aub. 23367 palmkta D. Dow palmate iAJ or 1 W Nepal 1819. D pJ *2655. POTE'RIUM L. BURNET. (Poterion, a cup; infused in cooling drinks.) Rosacece. 6. 7. 23368 agrimonifbliumC av. Agrimony-lvd A P r 3 jl G Spain 1822. s CO 23369 Sanguisorba L. 23370 polygamum Kit. 23371 hybridum 7,. Sanguisorba, com.f_ A a S 2 jl G polygamous A r 3 Br . sweet hybrid A or 2 jn.jl G England ch.hil. Hungary 1803. France 1683. s s s CO CO CO Eng. bot. 860 W. & K. 2. 198 Bar. ic. 632 23372 caudktum fl. K. tailed shrubby n. | ] or 3 ja.ap G Canaries 1779. 8 23373 spiubsum L. prickly shrubby tt. i 1 or 2 G Levant 1595. s P!I M. h. 8. 18. 5 2656. AMIRO^LA Pers. "AMIROLA. (Meaning unknown j perhaps of Peruvian origin.) Sapindacece. 1. 23374 nitida Pers. shining-leaved t D or 24 Peru 1824. C p.l Lagunea nitida R. tyP. 2657. ACI BOSTON Swz. ACIDOTON. (Akidotos, pointed; stinging pointed hairs of leaves.) Euphorbiacea?. 1. 23375 ilrens Swz. stinging d) un 8 ... G Jamaica 1793. C l.p SI. jam. 1. 83. 1 2658. rHELY'GONUM L. THELYGONUM. (Thelys, woman, gonu, knee ; joints supp. to resem.) Urtlc. 1. 23376 Cynocrambe L. Dog's-cabbage ^ O un f jl G S. Europe 1710. S co Lam. il. 777 2659. CAST A^NE A Ton. CHESTNUT. (A native of the territory of Castanea, in Thessaly.) Amentncece. 4. 23377 v6sca Gae. common, edible ^ .Fagus Castanea L. 2 media 3 asplenifdlia 4 fuliis aureis 23378 americana Pers. 23379 chinensis Spr. 23380 pumila MX. 26f>0. O'STRYA MX. 23381 vulgaris W. Carpinus O'strya L. 23382 virginica W. Virginian tm 50 my.jn G England woods. S s.l Eng. bot. 886 intermediate Y tm 50 my.jn G Europe .. L CO Asplenium-lvd Y tm 50 my.jn G Europe L CO golden-leaved 5 or 50 my.jn G ...... L CO American tm 50 my.jn 6 America B< S CO Mic. ar. 2. 8 China tm 50 my.jn O China S CO dwarf J or 12 jl N. Amer. 1699. S CO Mic. ar. 2. 7 HOP-HORNBEAM. (Ostn os, a sc lie; scaly catkins.) Amentacece. 2. 4. common ^f_ or 20 my Ap Italy 1724. L s.l Den br. 143 or 20 my.jn Ap N. Amer. L s.l Ab. ins. 2. 75 2661. CA'RPINUS L. HORNBEAM. ( Car, wood, pin, head, Celt.; made into yokes.) Amentftcear. 8. 5. 23383 J3etulus L. 2 inclsa 3 variegkta 4 guercifolia Desf. 23384 americana MX. 23385 orientMis Lain. Birch, common cut-leaved variegated Oak-leaved American Eastern tm 30 Ap or 15 Ap or 20 Ap or 30 mv.jn Ap or 20 ... Ap or 12 ... Ap Britain woods. S co L co Britain gard. L co Europe ... L co N. Amer. 1812. S co Levant 1739. L co Eng. bot. 2032 Den. br. 157 Den. br. 98 384 MONGECIA POLYANDR1A. CLASS XXI. 2662. jFA^GUS L. BEECH. (Phago, to eat ; nuts used as food in early ages.) Amenthcea;. 2. 23386 sylvatica L. common wood J tm 70 Ap Britain woods. S co Eng. bot. 1646 2 atro-rubens Duroi dark-red-Jyrf 5 or 30 Ap L co 3 incisa W. cut-leaved or 10 Ap G s.l 23387 ferruginea L. American, rusty^ or 30 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1766. L s.l Mic. ar. 2. 9 2663. CO'RYLUS L. NUT TREE. (Korys, a helmet: calyx enwrapping fruit.) 23388 avellanai. Filbert 3fe fr 10 f.ap Ap Britain woods Amentacece. 6. 7. S co Eng.bOt.723 2 alba white Filbert $ I fr 10 f.ap Ap L CO 3 rubra red Filbert $ 1 fr 10 f.ap Ap L CO 4 grandis great Cob $ I fr 8 f.ap Ap * L CO 5 glomerata clustered S 1 fr 8 f.ap Ap L CO 6 crispa frizzled Si I fr 8 f.ap Ap ..... L CO 7 barcelon^nsis Barcelona 3 1 fr 8 f.ap Ap Spain" L CO 8 variegata variegated s I fr 8 fap Ap .. L CO 9 ovata ovate-fruited $ 1 fr 8 f.ap Ap L CO 10 pumila dwarf fl I fr 6 f.ap Ap L CO 23389 tubulbsa W. Lambert's, tubulose S 1 fr 10 mr.ap A? S. Europe 1759. L CO Lam. il. 780 23390 americana MX. true American 3 1 fr 10 mr.ap Ap N. Amer. ... L CO Walt. ca. 29. 63 23391 humilis W. humble Cuckold* I fr 6 mr.ap Ap N. Amer. 179& L CO americana W. 23392 rostrata H. K. com. beaked Cuckold! 1 fr 5 mr.ap Ap N. Amer. 1745. L CO W. ar. 1. 2 23393 Colurna L. Hazel, Constantinople & fr 10 mr.ap Ap Constant. 1665. L CO 99 2664. JU'GLANS L. WALNUT. 23394 regia L. common, royal a (Jovisglam, the nut of Jove.) Juglandece. 5. 6. * tra 50 Ap Persia 1562. S co Lam. il. 781 23395 nlgra L. black tin 30 Ap N. Amer. 1629. S CO Den. br. 158 23396 cinerea L. grey,ButterNut~> 1 tin 30 Ap N. Amer. 1656. 8 CO Jac. ic. 1. 192 23397 /raxinifolia Lam. Ash-leaved 3 t tin 40 Ap N. Amer. ... s CO 23398 pterocarpa MX. winged-fruited 3 : tin 40 Ap N. Amer. ... s CO 2665. CA r RYA Nut. CARTA. (Kari/on, a nut.) JugldndetE. 10. 14. 23399 toment5sa Nut. woolly f tm 30 Ap N. Amer. ... s CO Mic. ar. 1.6 23400 microcarpa Nut. small-fruited ~ J 23401 olivzeformis Nut. olive-shaped \ tin tin 30 30 Ap Ap N. Amer. ... N. Amer. ... s s CO CO Mic. ar. 1. 3 Juglans angustifblia H. K. olivaefurm is M; 23402 sulcata Nut. furrowed " | tin 30 Ap N. Amer. 1804. s CO Mic. ar. 1. 8 Juglans sulcata W. 23403 alba Nut. white shell-bark Hickory^ tm 30 Ap N. Amer. 1629. s CO Den. br. 148 Juglans squambsa Pair. 41ba MX. 23404 compressaG.Dow compressed-/^ * tm 30 Ap N. Amer. 1730. s CO Mic. ar. 1. 7 Juglans compressa MX. 23405 amara Nut. bitter Nut 3 tm 30 my Ap N. Amer. 1800. s CO Juglans ama"ra MX. 23406 obcordata Swt. obcordate d tm 30 my Ap N. Amer. 1812. s CO Mic. ar. 1.9. 3, 4 Juglans obcordata Poir. glabra W. 23407 porclna Nut. hog nut 3 tin 30 my Ap N. Amer. 1799. s CO Mic. ar. 1.9. 1,2 Juglans porclna MX. 23408 laciniosa MX. jagged *| t tin 30 Ap N. Amer. ... s CO 2666. QUE'RCUS L. OAK. (Quer, fine, cwax, a tree, Celt.) Amentacets. 62. 110. I. iNTEGRIFbl JM.- -Li 'avc 5 entire oral ittlc toothed. 23409 Phellos L. Cork tree, Willow C tm 60 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1723. s s.l Mic. ar. 1. 12 2 humilis PA. humble > tin 20 my.jn Ap N. Amer. ... B s.l 3 latifolia broad-leaved ' 1 tm 60 my.jn Ap N. Amer. ... s CO 23410 maritima W. sea * i or 6 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1811. s CO Mic. quer. 13. 1 23411 imbricaria MX. tiled J tm 40 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1786. s CO Mic. ar. 2. 13 23412 /aurifolia MX. Laurel-leaved ' t tin 50 my Ap N. Amer. 1786. s CO Mic. quer. 17 2 obtusa MX. blunt-leaved * ^ tm 60 my Ap N. Amer. 1786. s CO Mic. quer. 16 23413 lutea Nees yellow tm 20 my Ap Mexico 1825. s CO 2 microcarpa small-fruited - or 20 my Ap s s.l 3 macrocarpa long-fruited t * or 20 my Ap s S.1 23414 cinerea MX. ash-colored ; r or 10 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1789. s CO Mic. ar. 2. 14 23415 ambigua Hum. ambiguous ' 23416 mexicana Hum. Mexican is tm tin 60 60 Ap Ap Mexico 1820. Mexico 1823. s s l.p l.p H.&B.2.93 H. & B. 2. 82 23417 sericea W. silky running i i or 2 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1724. s CO Mic. ar. 2. 15 23418 virens H. K. green < i tm 40 my Ap N. Amer. 1739. s s.l Mic. ar. 2. 11 2 latifblia broad-leaved I i tm 40 my Ap N. Amer. 1739. s co II. DENTA^HE. Leaves toothed. spiny. 23419 lanuginosa D. Don lanuginous 1 _Jtm ... ... Ap Nepal 1824. s l.p 23420 Phullata Ham. Phullata >_ tm 20 Ap Nepal 1822. s l.p 23421 / x lex L. Holly, evergreen tin 60 my.jn Ap S. France 1581. s s.l 90 I integrilMa entire-leaved tm 60 my.jn Ap S. France 1581. s s.l 2 serr&ta saw-/wd or 60 my.jn Ap S. France 1581. G s.l Duh. ar. 1. 123 3 oblonga oblong-leaved ' or 60 my.jn S. France 1581. G s.l Duh. ar. 1. 124 4/agifolia Beech-leaved ' or 60 my.jn Ap S. Europe 1581. G CO 5 crispa curled-leaved ' or 60 my.jn Ap S. Europe 1581. G CO 23422 Suber L. Cork tree clt 20 jn Ap S. France 1699. S s.l Den. br. 89 23423 Pseudo suber Santi Bast. Cork tree * tm 40 my Ap S. Europe 1824. G CO San. vi. 156. 4 23424 coccifera L. kermes-bearing* clt 10 my Ap S. France 1683. G s.l Den. br. 91 23425 lusitanica W. Portugal tm 40 Ap Portugal 1824. G s.l Cav. ic. 2. 129 23426 .ffallbta Desf. Ballota, Barbary'' 23427 rotundifblia W. round-leaved ; tin tm 60 40 my.jn my.jn Ap Ap Barbary Spain 1581. S S s.l s.l 23428 gramtintia L. Grammont " or 30 jn Ap France 1730. G s.l 23429 infectoria Oliv. staining ! tin 40 my.jn Ap Levant 1822. G CO canariensis W. 23430 Turneri W. Turner's tm 40 my.jn Ap . G CO 23431 Prinus L. Prinus,Chestnut* 1 tm 60 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1730. S s.l 2 monticolaMr. mountain-inhabiting 5 tm 60 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1730. S s.l 23432 Michauxi Nut. Michaux's * * tin fiO my Ap N. Amer. ... s s.l Prinus 2 discolor MX. 23433 Castanea W. Yellow Chestnut* f tm 60 my Ap N. Amer. 1822. s s.l 23434 spicfcta Hum. spiked f O tin fiO Ap Mexico 1822. s l.p H.&B.2.89 ORDEH. IX. MONCECIA POLYANDRIA. 385 23435 montana W. mountain Chestnut * tm 50 my Ap N. Amer. 1800. S s.l Mic. ar.2.8 23436 rinoides W. Prinus-like *> or 3 jn Ap N. Amer. 182). G s.l Mic. quer. 9.1 Chinquapin Ph 23437 hiimilis Lam. humble * or '20 my.jn Ap Spain 1800. 8 CO fruticbsa Brot. 23438 bicolor W. two-eld, White swamp% tm 60 my Ap N. Amer. 1811. S s.l Mic. ar. 2. 6 III. LOBA >*.- -L, laves ai ' top h ibate. 23439 aquatica Wall. water tm 40 my Ap N. Amer. 1723. S s.l Mic. ar. 2. 17 23440 nigra L. black or 'JO my Ap N. Amer. 1739. a s.l Mic. ar. 2. 18 2 ferruginea rushy or 20 my Ap N. Amer. 1749. s CO 23441 triloba MX. 3-lobed, Downy black tm 30 my Ap N. Amer. 1800. 8 s.l Mic. quer. 26 cuneata Wan. 23442 nana W. dwarf or 12 my Ap N. Amer. 1738. ,s s.l Ab. ins. 2. 59 IV. MtTCRONA v r.E. Leave s si nuate ; lobes mucronate. 23443 ^gilops L. .ffigilops, Vdonia*t 23444 tinctoria dyer's, Quercitron*^ tm tm 20 70 my Ap Ap Levant 1731. N. Amer. 1800. s s s.l s.l Mil. d. 7. 215 Mic. quer. 24 23445 hemisphae'rica Ph. hemispherical & or 10 my Ap N. Amer. ... 3 1.1 23446 elongata W. elongated, Spanish * tm 50 my Ap N. Amer. ... s s.l falcata MX. 23447 discolor H. K. discolored tm 60 my Ap N. Amer. 1763. a s.l Mic. quer. 25 23448 Leucombedwrt Swt. Leucombe's J tm 70 my Ap ... s s.l exoniensis Hort. 23449 ruhra i. red, Champion % tin 40 my Ap N. Amer. 1739. s s.l Mic. ar. 2. 26 23450 ambigua Mr. ambiguous tm 40 my Ap N. Amer. 1800. s CO Mic. ar. 2. 24 23451 heterophylla PA. various-leaved 5 tm 40 my Ap N. Amer. ... s s.l Mic. ar. 2. 16 23452 coccinea Ware. scarlet tm 50 my Ap N. Amer. 1691. s S.1 Mic. ar. 2. 23 23453 Catesb^j MX. Catesby's or 15 my Ap N. Amer. 1823. s s.l Mic. quer. 29 23454 palustris Duroi marsh tm 60 my Ap N. Amer. 1800. s s.l Mic. ar. 2. 25 23455 Banisteri MX. Banister's 3fe or 6 my Ap N. Amer. 1800. s s.l Mic. ar. 2.19 jlicifolia Wan. V. MU\ICJE. Leaves sinuate ; lobes mutic. 23456 .E'sculus L. Beech, Italian > 28457 austriaca Jac. Austrian tm tm 40 40 my my Ap Ap S. Europe 1739. Austria 1824. s G s.l CO CI.h.1.20 23458 Cerris L. Bitter Oak, Turkey^ tm 50 my Ap S. Europe 1735. S CO Deri. br. 92 2 bullata b]istered-leaved* tm 50 my Ap S. Europe ... G CO 3 sinuata crooked-leaved J tm 50 my Ap S. Europe ... G CO 4 sempervlrens evergreen tm 50 my Ap ... G CO 5 dentata toothed tm 50 my Ap ...... ... G CO Dea br. 93 6 variegata variegated *jf or 50 my Ap G CO 23459 macrocarpaM*. long-ftd, cup white^ tm 40 my Ap N. Amer. 1800. S s.l Mic. ar. 2. 3 23460 olivasformisMr. o\ive-fmd,mossycup 23461 lyrata Walt. lyrate, Swamp-post^ tm or 50 15 my my Ap Ap N. Amer. 1811. N. Amer. 1786. S s h.l h.l Mic. ar. 2. 2 Mic. ar. 2. 5 23462 stellata Wan. starred, Iron ' tm HO my Ap N. Amer. 1819. s s.l Mic. quer. 1 obtusiloba MX. 23463 alba L. white $ tm f,0 my Ap N. Amer. 1724. s s.l Mic. ar. 2. 1 2 repanda MX. repand-leaved $ 23464 .ffbbur W. Robur, sessile-fruited*^ sessiliflbra SOT. tm tm 60 60 my Ap Ap N. Amer. ... S Britain woods. S CO h.l Eng. bot. 1845 2 variegata variegated ^ tm 40 my Ap Britain woods. s CO 23465 fastigiata Lam. peaked, Cypress f 23466 pedunculata W. com. peduncled$ tm .tm 40 60 Ap Ap S. Europe 185$. Britain G S CO h.l Eng. bot. 1342 23467 apennlna Lam. Apennine $ tm 40 Ap S. Europe ... s CO conglomerata Pers. 23468 pube"scens W. pubescent, Durmast * tm 40 Ap Britain s h.l /aginea Lawz. 23469 Tafizin Pers. Aoracnnculus L. Common Dragon & A or 3 jn.jl Br S. Europe 1548. R s.l M. h. 13. 5. 46 23509 palmatum Lo. C. palmate 4v A or }! ...... 1825. R s.l 23510 Drac6ntium L. Green Dragon > A or 2 2 jn G N. Amer. 1759. R s.l Bot. reg. 668 SSSllvcntaunaj: veiny purple-flwd ) 23 cu n mr P 1774. R s.l Bot. reg. 1017 23512 pentaphyllum L. five-leaved 23 or i E. indies 1818. R s.l Ru. am. 23 23513 pedatum Fis. pedate [ATI or 1 ... S. Amer. 1820. R s.l 23514 polyphyllum Lk. many-leaved > [Al or 1 ... S. Amer. 1818. R si 23515 campanulatum Re i*. campanulate * 23 or 2 my P E. Indies 1817. R s.l Bot. mag. 2812 Tdcca phalifera h 'urn. 23516 ringens Thun. 23517 flagelli forme Lod. 23518 triphyllum L. ringent whip-formed three-leaved 1 iAI or 23 cu A cu 1 my.jn 1 my f my.jn Br" Br Japan Bengal N. Amer. 1800. 1819. 1664. R R R s.l l.p s.l Bot. cab. 396 Bot. cab. 820 2 zebrlnum zebra 3v A cu 1 my.jn Br N. Amer. 1664. R CO Bot. mag. 950 23519 atrorubens H. K. dark-purple-stkd A cu 1 jn.jl Br N. Amer. 1758. R s.l Pluk. al. 148. 6 23520 ternatum Thun. ternate-leaved \. Al cu | my.jl P Japan 1774. R s.l 23521 bulbiferum Rox. bulb-bearing H [A1 or i my P Bengal 1813. R l.p Bot. mag. 2072 II. INDIVI.VA. Leaves simple, undivided. 23522 proboscidiiim L. proboscis-like ^ A or 1 jn.jl ... Apenninesl818. 23523 Colocasia L. Egyptian, Colocasia & G3 cul 2 ... G Levant 1551. 23524 syrlacum Spr. Syrian & A or ap.jn ... Egypt 1820. R R R s.l Boc. mu. 2. 3*. gramineum Rus. 23525 gramineum Lam. 23526 spirale Retz. Grass-leaved spiral I A or fAI or i i ap.jn my Br' China" 1823. 1816. R R s.l l.p Bot. mag. 2220 23527 pictum L.fil. 23528 marginatum Lod. painted margined i A or [Al or 2 2 ... Corsica E. Indies 1800. 1820. R R s.l s.l 23529 macrorhlzon L. long-rooted ^ 23 cu G" E. Indies 1803. R s.p Her. par. 73 23530 divaricatum L. divaricated & 23 cu 2 Jn.jV G K Indies 1759. R s.p R. mal. 11.20 23531 maculatum L. common spotted L* A w 1 my.jl W Britain t sha. pi. R CO Eng. bot. 1298 23532 orientale Bleb. oriental A or 1 ap.jn Tauria 1820. R s.l 23533 it41icum Lam. Italian ^ A or H my.jn L."Y Italy 1683. R CO Bot. mag. 245 23534 minutum W. small ft 23 cu 1 my.jl p E. Indies 1812. R CO R. mal. 11.17 23535 tenuifblium L. fine-leaved A cu i ap.jn w S. Europe 1570. R s.p Bot. reg. 512 23536 indicum Lou. Indian *t L 1 CU 5 Br China 1824. R s.p 23537 obtusilobum Lk. blunt-lobed 23 or 2 !!! 1824. R 1.D 23538 sagittifblium Lk. arrow-leaved ^ l/\ 1 nr 2 1824 R l.p 23539 integrifblium Lk. entire-leaved -Qor 3 my.jn G 1825. R Lp 23540 rambsum Lk. branchy tt. CD or 3 my.jn 1810. R l.p 23541 Aederaceum L. Ivy -leaved j^ l/\l cu 6 my.jn P" W.Tndies 1793. R l.p Jac. am. 152 23542 lingulatum L. tongue-leaved 23 cu 6 W. Indies 1793. R IP PI. ic. 26. 37 23543 trilobatum L. 2 auriculatum 23544 orixense Rox. III. SAGITTA^TA. Leaves sagittate or hastate, three-lobed. three-lobed ,& [A1 cu 1 my.jn P Ceylon 1714. eared A C3 cu 1 my.jn P Ceylon 1714. Orixian | or 1 au.o R s.p Bot. mag. 339 R s.p Bot. mag. 2324 E. Indies 1802. R s.p Bot. reg. 450 2674. ^RISA'RUM Tou. FRIAR'S COWL. 23545 vulgare Kth. common ^ Al cu (Adopted from the Greeks.) Aroidece. 1. 1 ap.jn L.Y S. Europe 1596. R s.l Jac. sc. 2. 192 2675. CARYO V TA L. CARYOTA. (The Greek name of the cultivated date.) Palmes. 3. 23546 urens L. stinging, torn-leaved O or 20 ... W E. Indies 1788. S r.m R. mal. 1. 11 23547 rnitis Lou. mild O or W China 1820. S r.m 23548 h6rrida Jac. horrid i Q or 20 ... | ... S. Amer. 1820. S r.m (Diploos, double, thema, spathe.) Palmce. 2. 4. Brazil 1823. S: r.m Mart. palm. ic. Brazil 1823. S r.m Mart. palm. ic. 2676. DIPLOTHE'MIUM Mart. DIPLOTHEMIUM. 23549 maritima Mart. maritime i CD or 10 23550 campestre Mart. field i Q or 10 2677. GOMITTUS Rum. GOMUTUS. 23551 saccharifer Spr. sugar-bearing (Its name in Malabar ?) or 40 ...... Moluccas 1820. S Palm*. 1. 2678. MANIC A"RI A Gae. MANICARIA. (Monica, a glove; spathe.) Palmee. 1 23552 saccifera Gae. sack-bg, Wine-palm CJ or 30 ...... E. Indies 1823. S r.m Gae. fr. 2. 176 ORDER X. MONCECIA MONADELPHIA. 387 2679. ATTA^LIA Hum 23553 h&milis J/ur/. 25554 compta Mart. 2-355.5 funifera Mart. 23556 R6ssM Lo. C. 23557 speciosa Mart. 23558 spectabilis Lo. C. 23559 excelsa Mart. 2680. PARIA^NA Aub. PARIANA. 23560 campestris Aub. field j. ATTALIA. humble decked rope-bearing Ross's showy remarkable tall (Attains, m CD or 10 i CD or 22 CD or 40 i D or 20 Jt CD or 70 S. CD or 70 i CD or 70 agnificer t; trees.) Bra/il Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Brazil Pdlmce. 7. 9. 1820. S r.m Mart, palin. ic. 1820. S r.m Mart. palm. ic. 1824. S r.m Mart. palm. ic. 1825. S r.m 1826. S r.m Mart. palm. ic. 1824. S r.m 1826. S r.m Mart. palm. ic. (Its name in Guiana.) Gramineee. 1. - CD cu 2 ... Ap Cayenne 1803. D co Aub. gui. 2. 337 CLASS XXI. ORDER X. MONOTCIA MONADE'LPHIA. 2681. NPPA Rum. NIPA. (Its name in the Moluccas.) Palmce. 1. 23561 fruticans Than. shrubby CDor 10 ... W E. Indies 1822. S r.m Ru. am. 1. 16 2682. AR&CA L. CABBAGE TREE. (Called areec. in Malabar, when an old tree.) Pdlmce. 10 14. 23562 Catechu L. medicinal, Catech u CD clt 30 ... W E. Indies 1690. S r.m Rox. cor. 1. 75 23563 hfimilis W. humble ^F [ 1 clt 6 E. Indies 1814. S r.m Ru. am. 1. 7 23564 oleracea W. potherb i r*~i cit 40 ... W W. Indies 1656. S r.m Jac. am. 170 23565 crinlta jSory hairy-coated i CD or 20 ... \v I. France 1824. S r.m 23566 lutescens Bory lutescent i a or 20 ... \v I. France 1824. S r.m 23567 rubra J5ory red i CD or 30 ... Mauritius 1823. S r.m 23568 Manicot Lo. C. Manicot iCDor 30 S. Amer. 1822. S r.m 23569 exllis Lo. C. slender 30 ... W. Indies 1823. S r.m 23570 montana Lo. C. mountain i CD or 30 S. Amer. 1820. S r.m 23571 triandra /to*. triandrous f CD or 20 ... E. Indies 1825. S r.m 2683. CUNNINGHA\\LL4 R. Br. CUNNINGHAMIA. (J. and A. Cunningham, trav. in N. S. W.) Conferee. I. 23572 lanceolata R. Br. lance-leaved J i_| or 20 ... Ap China 1804. C p.l Bot. mag. 2743 Pinus lanceolata Lamb. Blis jaculifblia Sal. 2684. DA'MMARA Rum. DAMMAR PINE. (Its name in Amboyna.) Contferce. 2. 3. 23573 orientalis Lamb. oriental $ CD or 50 ... Ap Amboyna 1804. C p.l Lamb. pi. 38 Pinus Ddmmara Lamb. A'gathis loranthifolia Sal. 23574 australisZawzo. southern, CowdiePine CD tm 100 ... Ap N. Zeal. 1821. C p.l Lamb.pi.2.14.62 2685. PPNUS L. 23575 sylvestris L. PINE. (Pin, a mountain, Celt. ; habitat.) I. GEMINA*. Leaves in pairs. wood, Scotch tm 80 my Ap Scotland sc. alp .S Conifer*. 39. s.l Lamb. pi. 1. 1. 1 2 rubra Mil. red-barked or 20 Ap Pyrenees S S.1 23576 genevensis La. C. Geneva $ tm 80 my Ap Geneva 1820. S s.l 23577 pumilio Hae. dwarf r or 20 Ap Carniola 1779. S s.l Lamb, pi 5.2 23578 LaricioPozr. Corsican, Larch ' tm 80 Ap Corsica 1814 S s.l Lamb.pi. 2. 28. 9 23579 pungens Lamb. pungent tm 40 Ap N. Amer. 1804. S s.l 1 .61.5 23580 Bankszawa Lamb. Banks's,ScriibPine or 12 my.jn Ap Huds.Baj 1785. S s.l Lamb, pi 7.3 23581 Mitghus Jac. Mugho ' or 10 my.jn Ap Austria ... S CO Jac. ic. 1. 193 23582 Pinaster H. K. Cluster, Pinaster ' tm 60 Ap S. Europe 1596. S s.l Larnb. pi .9.4,5 23583 uncinata Dec. looked ; ; tm 50 my Ap Pyrenees 1820. S s.l sanguinea Lap. 23584 pyrenaica Lap. 23585 PallasidHa Lamb. Pyrenean Pallas's tm tm 50 40 my Ap Ap Pyrenees Siberia 1820. S S s.l s.l Lamb.pi. 2.1. 1 23586 Massomdna Lamt . Masson's tm 40 my Ap China 1824. S s.l 23587 Pinea L. Stone, Pine : tm 40 my Ap S. Europe 1548. a s.l Lamb, pi.] 1.6,7,8 23588 maritima Lamb. maritime ' ' tm 40 my.jn Ap S. Europe 1759. S s.l Lamb.pi. 13.9,10 23589 halepensis H. K. Aleppo tm 40 my Ap Levant 1683. S s.l Lamb.pi. 2.30.10 23590 Inops H. K. Jersey, poor tm 50 my Ap N. Amer. 1739. S s.l Lamb, pi 18.13 23591 resinbsa H. K. pitchy tm 50 my N. Amer. 1756. S s.l Lamb. pi. 20. 14 rubra MX. II. TERNAV*;. Leaves in threes. 23592 variabilis var iable, 2 and 3-lvd ; k tm 40 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1739. S s.l Lamb, pi 22.15 23593 TaeMa L. Frankincense ' > tm 30 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1713. S s.l Lamb.pi.2 3.16,17 23594 echinata Mil. echinated ' tm 50 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1739. S CO 23595 ser6tina MX. late ' i or 60 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1713. S s.l Mic. ar. 1 86.7 23596 rigida Mil. rigid or 80 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1759. L s.l Lamb.pi.2 5.18,19 23597 palustris H. K. swamp tm 20 ... Ap N. Amer. 1730. S s.l Lamb. pi. 27.20 23598 ponderbsa Dou. weighty-wooded' " tm 50 ... Ap N. Amer. 1828. S CO Lamb, pi ic. in. 23599 canariensis Schmu it Canary or 40 ... Ap Canaries 1815. S s.l Dec. gen. c.ic. 23600 lutea Walt. yellow tm 40 my Ap N. Amer. 1821. S s.l 23601 adunca Bosc hooked ^ tm 50 my Ap 1820. S s.l 23602 sinensis Lamb. Chinese " i | or 40 Ap China" 1825. S s.l 23603 longifolia Lamb. long-leaved ] l_Jor 40 ... A? E. Indies 1801. S p.l Lamb. pi. 29. 21 III. QUINA^T - Leave sinfi ves. 23604 Strobus L S robus, Weymouth^ tm 100 ap Ap N. Amer. 1705. S S.1 Lamb. pi. 31.22 23605 Lambertidnff Dou Lambert's $ tm 150 Ap N. Amer. 1827. s p.l Lamb. pi. ic. in. 23606 pygmae"a Hart. 23607 excelsa Lamb. pygmy or tall f tm 40 my jn 100 mv.jn AP Ap Nepai" 1827. 1823. S s CO CO Lamb.pi. 2. 5. 3 23608 occidentalis Swz. western ? 1 1 tm 80 my.jn Ap W. Indies 1826. s CO PI. am. 17 161 23609 Cembra L. Cembra, Siberian^ tm 25 my Ap Siberia 1746. 3 s.l Lam. pi.3^ k23,24 2 helvetica Swiss J tm 40 my Ap SwitzerL 1819. s s.l 3 sibirica Siberian { tm 40 my Ap Siberia 1825. s s.l 23610 rigensis Lo. C. IV. DU^BI*. Species not sufficiently known. Riga J> tm 40 my Ap S. Europe 1824. s s.l 23611 tafirica Lo. C. Taurian t or 40 my Ap Tauria 1820. s s.l 23612 cserulea Lo. C. blue t or 40 my Ap 1820. s s.l 23613 novazaelandica Lo.C. New Zealand t tm 50 my Ap N. Zeal. 1825. s s.t Cc o 388 2GS6. A^BIES Sal. MONCECIA MONADELPHIA. FIR. (Apios, a pear tree ; cones like its fruit.) CLASS XXI. Conffera?. 18. I. SOLITARUEFO^LUE. Leaves solitary, Hat, subdistich. 23614 Fraseri Ph. Eraser's, Double Balsam^ or 30 mv Ap Pennsvlv. 1811. S s.l 23615 picea W. Silver, pitch '_ [ tm 30 my Ap Germany 1603. S s.l Lamb, pi 46.30 pectinata Lam. 23616 Douglasi Hort. Douglas's I : tm 50 my Ap N. Amer. 1827. S s.l Lamb. pi. 5c. in. 23617 balsamifera MX. balm-bearing ] [ or 50 my Ap N. Amer. 1696. S S.1 Lamb. pi. 48.31 23618 canadensistf.A:. Car i. hemlock-spruce. or 30 my Ap N. Amer. 1736. S s.l Lamb. pi. 50.32 23619 dumosa Lamb. bushy 1 or 20 my Ap Nepal 1820. S s.l Lamb. pi. ic. 23620 sibirica Dut. Siberian ' tm 40 my Ap Siberia 1820. S s.l 23621 faxifblia Lamb. Yew-leaved ; tm 90 my Ap N. Amer. 1823. S s.l Lamb, pi 51.33 23622 spectabilis Lamb. remarkable ] tm 90 my Ap Nepal 1822. S s.l Lamb. pi. 2. 3. 2 II. SpARSIFOLIjE. Leaves scattered, annulate or subulate. 23623 orientalis W. oriental P or 3(1 my Ap Levant 1825. S CO Lamb, pi 45.29 23624 Clanbrasilwn/zHK Ld. Clanbrasil'si t or 6 mv Ap L CO 23625 exclsa Poir. tall, Norway spruce tm 100 ap' Ap N. Europe 1548 S s.l Lamb, pi 37.25 Plnus .iTbies L. 2 fbliis variegatis variegated-/i>d ] ' or 41 ap Ap N. Europe ... S s.l 23626 alba H. K. white spruce \ tm 50 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1700. S s.l Lamb, pi 39.26 23627 rdbra Lamb. red spruce tm 90 my Ap N. Amer. 1755 S s.l Lamb, pi 43. 28 23628 nigra H. K, 23629 carpatica Hort. black spruce ' Carpathian ] > tm > tm 50 50 my my Ap Ap N. Amer. 1700, Carp. mo. ... S S s.l s.l Lamb. pi. 41. 27 III. DU^BIJE. Not sufficiently known. 23630 romana H. Cel. Roman tm 40 my Ap S. Europe 1820. S s.l 23631 Pichta Fis. Pitch > tm 50 my Ap Siberia 1820. S s.l 2687. ZA*RIX Sal. LAKCH. (Lar, fat, Celt. ; producing abundance of resin.) Conifers. 4. 5. 23632 europae^a Dec. European, com. wfiite^ tm 50 mr.ap Ap Germany 1629. S s.l Lamb. pi. 53. 35 Pinus L&rix L. 2 sibirica Siberian tm 40 mr Ap Siberia 1824. S s.l 23633 daurica Fis. Daurian tm 50 mr.ap Ap Davuria 1827. S co 23634 pndula Lamb. Black, pendulous $ tm 30 rny Ap N. Amer. 1739. S s.l Lamb. pi. 56. 36 23635 microcarpa Lamb. Red, small-ftd $ tm 80 my Ap N. Amer. 1760. S s.l Lamb. pi. 58. 37 2688. CE"DRUS Barrl. 23636 Libani Barrl. Ceda Pinus Cedrus L. CEDAR. (Cedron, a brook in Judea ; plentiful on its banks.) Conifers. 2. r of Lebanon or 60 my Ap Levant 1683. S s.l Lamb. pi. 59. 37 23637 Deodara Rox. Deodara tm 90 my Ap Nepal 1822 S s.l Lamb. pi. 2. 8. 4 2689. SCHUBE'RT/^ Mir. SCHUBERTIA. (M. Schubert, a Polish botanist.) Conifers. 2. 23638 distichaMir.Z-rowed, deciduous Cyp. ^ or 30 Taxodium distichum Rich. Cupressus disticha L. my Ap N. Amer. 1640. S S.p Mic. ar. 3. 4. 1 2pendulaff.,fi:. drooping ior 20 my Ap S. A.mer. 1640. S s.p 23639 capensis Spr. Cape * t | or 6 Ap C. G. H. 1756. C p.l Cupre'ssus juniperoides L. 2690. PODOCA'RPUS Herit. PODOCARPUS. (Pous, a foot, karpos, a fruit ; stalked.) Conifers. 9. 23640 macrophyllus Swt. long-leaved f 1 | or 10 Ap Ch ina 1804. S l.p Banks K. iii 23641 verticillatus Hort. whorl-leaved f 1 | or 10 Ap Ja pan S l.p 23642 elongatus Herit. elongated J 1 | or 10 jl'" Ap C. G. H. 1774. S, Taxus elongatus Thun. 23643 nucifer Pers. nut-bearing 1 | or 20 ... Ap Japan 1822. S Lp Kara. 815 Taxus nucifer K&m. 23644 Yucca G. Don Yacca t l~) tm 50 Ap W . Indies 1818. S r.m 23645 neriifblius Lam. Nerium-leaved $ CD tm 40 Ap E. Indies 1820. S r.m Ru. am .3.26 23646 asplenifblius Lab. Fern-leaved J 1 | or 20 ... AP N. Holl. 1825. S r.m Lab. n h. 2. 221 Thalamia asplenifblia Spr. 23647 texifblius Kth. Yew-leaved ;l 1 or 40 Ap S. Amer. 1820. S r.m 23648 chinensis Swt. Chinese J 1 |or SO ... Ap Ch ina 1800. S r.m Taxus chinensis Rox. 23649 spinulbsus Spr. spinulose i | or 20 " Ap N. Holl. 1820. S r.m 269L DACRY'DIUM Sol. DACRYDIUM. (Dakry, a tear ; gummy exudation.) Conifer*. I. 23650 cupre'ssinum Sol. Cypress-like } i 1 or 20 ... ... N. Zeal. 1825. C s.l Lamb. pi. 1.41 Thalamia cupressina Spr. 2692. CUPRE'SSUS L. CYPRESS. (Kuo, to produce, parisos, equal ; regular branches.) Coniferee. 8. 12. 23651 sempervlrens L. com., evergreen f or 20 my Ap Candia 1548. S co Den. br. 155 1 stricta strict or 20 my Ap M sditerr. S CO 2 horizontalis horizontal J or 20 my Ap M editerr. S CO 23652 lusitanica Ton. Portug.,Cedar of Goa] _Jor 12 Ap Goa 1683. C p.l Lamb. pi. 95. 42 glauca Lam. 23653 *hyo\des L. Thya-like, Wfiite Cedar f or 20 Ap N Amer. 1736. L CO Den. br. 156 Thuja spharoldea Rich. 23654 australis Pers. south, slender-bran, j I | or 10 Ap N HolL ... L p.l 23655 pendula Thun. pendulous J i 1 or 20 my Ap Ja pan 1808. L 23656 baccif6rmis W. berry-shaped < or 20 my Ap 1818. L p 1 23657 triquetra Lo. C. triangular " \ | or 12 my Ap C G'.'H. 1820. L p'.l 23658 torulbsa D. Don twisted > _|or 20 Ap Nepal 1824. L *2693. THtTJAi. ARBOR VITJS. (2 23659 occidentalism western, American < Tiyon, sacrifice ; used in for fumigation.) or 25 my Ap N. Amer. 1596. L Conifer*. 10. 5. co Mic. ar. 3. 29. 3 23660 orientalis L. oriental , Chinese ' or 25 my Ap Cl lina 1752. S CO Den. b r.149 23661 tatarica Lo. C. Tartarian ' or 20 my Ap T irtary 1820. L CO 23662 articulata Vahl jointed _Jor 15 Ap B irbary 1815. S CO Bot. ca b.844 23663 pi icataiamft. plaited ' or 20 my Ap N ootka S . 1796. L CO 23664 pendula Lamb. drooping [ or 20 my Ap T jrtary 1828. L CO 23665 pyramidalis Ten. pyramidal ' [ or 20 my Ap It aly 1824. L CO 23666 nepalensis Lod. Nepal 23667 australis Bosc. southern [ or [ or 20 20 my my Ap Ap Nepal 1824. S. Europe 1820. L L CO CO 23668 cupressoldes L. Cypress-Ik, Afric. ] [ 1 1 or 10 Ap C G. H. 1799. L p.l 2684. TRICHOSA'NTHES L. SNAKE GOURD. (Thrix, hair, anthos,A. ; inner divis. ciliated.) 23669 angulna L. common, snake -* .QJ or 4 my.jn W China 1755. S co Bot mag. 722 C'ucumis anguineus L. ORDER X. MONCECIA MONADELPHIA. 389 23670 cucumerina L. 23671 colubrtna Jac. 23672 lobata Rox. 23673 cordata Rox. Cucumber-like -& Ol un serpent-like -* _QJ un lobate J: U un cordate uk Ol un 4 jn.jl W E. Indies 1804. S co R. mal. 8. 15 4 jn.jl W 1817. S co Jac. ec. 128 6 W E. Indies 1812. S co 4 W E. Indies 1818. S co 2695. LAGENAMUA Ser. BOTTLE GOURD. (Lagena, a bottle ; form of fruit.) Cucurbitacece. 1. 4. 23674 vulgaris Ser. common Cucurblta Lagenaria L. -* O clt 10 jl.s Y 2 Gourda Ser. 3 depressa Ser. 4 turbinata Ser. 5 clavata Ser. Gourd depressed turbinated clubbed 6 Courgourda Ser. Courgourde .* O clt 10 jl.s -* O clt 10 jls -* Q clt 10 jl.s -* O clt 10 jl.s -* O clt 10 jl.s India 1597. S co Ru. am. 5. 147 India 1597. S co M.h. 1.5.1 India 1597. S co India 1597. S co M.h. 1.5.2 India 1597. S co M.h. 1.5. 3 India 1597. S co Ru. am. 5. 144 2696. CERATOSA'NTHES Brm. CERATOSANTHES. (Keras, horn, antAos, fl. ; inner segments.) Cucurb. 1. 23675 tuberbsa J. tuberous * El un 6 W W. Indies 1810. R co Bot. mag. 2703 Trichosanthes tuberosa W. corniculata Lam. 2697. MOMCXRDICA . MOMORDICA. ( Mordeo, to bite ; seeds seem bitten.) Cucurbitacecs. 10. 19. 23676 .ffalsaimna L. Balsam Apple J .QJ un 4 jn.jl Y India 1568. S co 23677 Chardntia L. hairy, Charantia_ .QJ un 4 jn.jl Y 23678 operculataL. lid-covered, rough-ftd_& Ol un jn.s Y 23679 dioica Rox. dioecious 23 un Y E. Indies 1710. S co Bot. mag. 2455 W. Indies 1731. S co Com. r. 22 E. Indies 1818. S co R. nlal. 8. 18 23680 muricata W. muricated _J OJ un Y E. Indies 1817. S co R. mal. 8. 10 23681 tubiflbra Rox. tube-flowered j; (23 un Y E. Indies 1825. S co 23682 umbellata Rox. umbelled _ (23 un Y E. Indies 1818. S co 23683 mixta Rox. mixed Jg 123 un Y E. Indies 1820. S co 23684 senegalensis Lam. Senegal j; OJ un Y Senegal 1822 S co 23685 .Elaterium L. Squirting Cucumber Jc A un 4 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1548. S r.m Bot. mag. 1914 2698. CUCU'RBITA L. GOURD. (Curvitas, crookedness ; shape.) Cucurbitacece. 10. 17. 23686 ovifera L. egg-bearing Jk O clt 3 jl.s Y Astracan ... S co 1 pyriformis Ser. pear-form-ftd ^k O clt 3 Y S co 2 subglobbsa Ser. subg\obose-ftd Jc O clt 3 Y S co 3 grisea Ser. grey-fruited .* Q clt 3 Y S co 23687 siceraria Mot. intoxicating Jc O clt 4 Y Chile 1824. S co 23688 aurantia W. Orange-fruited -* .QJ clt 3 Y 1802. S co 1 ordngina Ser. false Orange ~ .QJ clt 3 Y 1802. S co 2 colocyntholdes Ser. Coloquinelle -* jQj clt 3 Y 1802. S co 23689 maxima Duch. largest ^k O clt 4 Y S co maxima Pfepo Dec. 23690 Pepo L. Pumpkin Jr Q clt 16 Y Levant 1570. S co 1 subrotunda W. subrotund-/frf -* O clt 6 Y Levant 1570. S co 2 oblonga W. oblong-/^ -* O clt 6 Y 1570. S co 23691 Potlra Duch. Potiron, large-ftd~ O clt 10 Y S co 1 viridis Ser. green Potiron -* O clt 10 Y S co 2gourgera Ser. Gourd-bearing -* O clt 10 Y ...... ... S co 23692 verrucbsa L. warty -* O clt 12 jn.jl Y 1658. S co 23693 subverrucbsa W. subwarty -* O clt 12 jn.jl Y S co 23694 A/elopepo L. Melon-pumpkin, squash Q clt 3 my.s Y 23695 moscha.ta Duch. musky -* O clt 4 Y 1597. S co M.h.1.84 S co Dalech.606.3 '2699. CIPCUMIS L. CUCUMBER. ( Cur vus, crooked: shape.) Cucurbitacece. 22. 5. 23696 Coloc^nthis L. bitter, ColocynthJk U m 6 Y C. G. H. 1551. S r.m 23697 prophetarum L. prophets', globe -Jk .QJ cu 2 jn.s Y Levant 1777. S co Jac. vin. 1. 9 23698 ^nguria L. Anguria, roundprlckly -* Ol cu 2 Y Jamaica 1692. S co Mil. ic. 1.33 23699 africanus L. African -* .QJ cu 2 Y C. G. H. ... S co Bot. reg. 980 23700 muricatus W. muricate Jc .QJ cu 4 Y E. Indies 1817. S co 23701 3/elo L. Melon -* .QJ cul 4 my.s Y 1570. S r.m Sab. rom. 65 1 reticulatus Ser. netted Jk _QJ cul 4 my.s Y 1570. S r.m Black. 329 2Cantaliipo Ser. Cantalupe -* .QJ cul 4 my.s Y 3 maltensis Ser. . Maltese -Jk iQ| cul 4 my.s Y 1570. S r.m 1570. S r.m 23702 delicibsus Roth delicious -* .QJ cul 4 Y E. Indies 1818. S co 23703 utilissimus Rox. most useful -* .QJ cul 4 Y E. Indies 1820. S co 23704 Dudaim L. Dudaim, apple-shaped^ _QJ cu 6 Y 23705 Chate L. Chate, hairy -* jQ] cu 3 jn Y Levant 1705. S r.m Bot. rep. 548 Levant 1759. S co Alp.ajg. 117 23706 pubescens W. pubescent Jk .QJ cu 3 jl.s Y 1815. S co 23707 sattvus L. common, cultivated** Q cul 4 jls Y R Indies 1573. S r.m Sab. rom. 63 1 viridis Ser. green Jk O cul 4 Y E. Indies 1597. S r.m 2 flavus Ser. yellow Jk O cul 4 Y S r.m 3 albus Ser. white Jk O cul 4 Y ... s r.m 4 variegatus Ser. variegated -* O cul 4 Y S r.m 5 fastigiatus Ser. peaked ^ Q cul 4 Y S r.m 23708 flexuosus L. flexuous, snake -* _Qj cu 6 my.s Y E. Indies 1597. S r.m Ger. h. 763. 3 23709 jamaicensis Bert. Jamaica -* iJ cul 4 Y Jamaica 1824. S co 23710 lineatus Base lined Jk tf cu 4 Y Guiana 1825. S co 23711 maderaspatanus L. Madras ^k _Q] cu 3 Y E. Indies 1805. S co Pluk. al. 170. 2 23712 maculatus W. spotted uk fi cu 4 Y Guinea 1820. S co Ser.dis.3 23713 integrifolius Rox. entire-leaved Jk cu 4 Y E. Indies 1820. S co 23714 Mom6rdica Rox. Elaterium-/fe -* Q| cu 4 Y E. Indies 1820. S co 23715 Citrullus Ser. Citrul Jk OJ clt 6 my.s Y S. Europe 1597. S co Ru. am. 5. 146 Cucurbita Citrullus L. 1 Pdsteca Ser. Pasteque -* U clt 6 my.s Y 1597. S co Black. 157 2 Jace Ser. Water Melon -* .QJ clt 6 my.s Y 1597. S co 2700. SI'C YOS L. SINGLE-SEEDED CUCUMBER. (Sikyos, a Greek name for the cucumber.) Cucurb. 5. 7. 23716 angulatus L. angular-leaved _J O cul 3 jl.s Y N. Amer. 1710. S co Di. el. 51.59 23717 mtifolius W. Vine-leaved j; O cul 3 jl.s Y S co 23718 lacinifctus L. jagged * _J O cul 4 jl.s Y W. Indies 1824. S co Bur. am. 243 23719 parviflbrus W. small-flowered _ O cul 4 jl.s Y Quito 1823. S co 23720 microph^llus Kth. small-leaved ^ O cul 4 jl.s Y Mexico 1823. S co 2701. LATE X RIUM L. ELATEIUUM. 23721 carthagin^nse L. Carthagena 23722 temrioldcs W. Tamnus-like (Slater, an impeller ; elastic seed-vessel.) J O cul 5 jn.jl Y Carthage. 1823. J O cul 5 jn.jl Y Mexico 1820. Cc 3 Cucurbitacea:. 2. 8. S co Jac. am. pic. 232 S co 390 MONCECIA MONADELPHIA. CLASS XXI. (Sekizo, to fatten ; given to hogs.) **. .Q] cul 6 jn.jl Y W. Indies 1816. Cucurbitacece. 1. 3. S r.ra 2702. BVCHIUM Br. CHOKO. 23723 edule Br. eatable Sicyos edulis Jac. 2703. NEUROSPE'RMA Rafi. NEUROSPERMA. (Neuron, a nerve, sperma, seed.) Cucurbitacece. 23724 cuspidata Rafi. cuspidate -* O clt 5 jn.s Y Kentucky 1827. S co 2704. .BRYO^NIA L. BRYONY. (Bryo, to sprout up ; I. ANGULA^T^:. 23725 scabra L. scabrous, e.lobe-fruited.% iAI un 6 rapid growth of annual stems.) CucurbitacetE. 23. 61. Leaves subangular. s.o W.G C. G. H. 1774. S p.l 23726 verrucbsa H. K. warty J_ i Al un 4 W.G Canaries 1779. S CO 23727 cordata Thun. cordate Ji_ iAI un 6 Y.G C. G. H. 1816. S r.m 23728 grandis L. great-flowered fc_[AJua 8 W.G E. Indies 1783. S p.l Ru. am. 5. 166,1 I I. LOBAV E. - - Leaves, lobat 23729 epiga^a W. 23730 trilobata Thun. ground, umbel-flwd$_ [Al un three- lobed $ iAI un 8 6 s.o W.G W.G "E. Indies C. G. H. 1815. 1825. S S CO 23731 scabrella L. roughish _$rni un 2 my.jl W.G E. Indies 1781. S CO 23732 Iatebr6sa H. K. shady * iAI un 3 Ja W.G Canaries 1779. S CO 23733 dioica Jac. 23734 alba L. dioecious, red-brd^ A m white, black-brd_& A m 8 8 my.s jn.jl W.G W.G Britain Europe hed. 1807. S S CO CO Eng. bot. 439 Lam. il. 796 23735 nitida Lk. shining g>_ iAI un 3 W.G 1824. S CO 23736 cretica L. Cretan t_ AI un I, i ji_ s W.G Caiid'i'a 1759. S CO An. mu. 12. 17 23737 quinqudloba Thun. five-lobed 23738/icifulia Lam. Fig-leaved t_ iAJ un i_ iAI un 9 3 jn.o Br W.G C. G. H. Buen.Ay. 1726. S S CO CO Bot. reg. 82 Di. el. 50. 58 III. ] PALMA N F/E. Leaves j talmai fe, 23739 palmata L. palmate i.23un 4 W.G Ceylon 1778. S CO 23740 divlsa W. en. J_ i Al un 6 Y.G 1819. S r.m 23741 GarclnJ W. Garcin's _ LAI un 6 Y.G Ceylon 1812. S r.m Bur. in. 57. 3 23742 pinnatifida Burc. pinnatifid J_ i Al un 6 Y.G C. G. H. 1815. S CO 23743 lacinibsa L. laciniated &_ 123 un 4 W.G E. Indies 1710. S CO Her. lug. 97 23744 africana Thun. African J_ iAI un 4 W.G C. G. H. 1759. S CO Her. par. 708 23745 dissecta L. i. iAJ un 3 W.G C. G. H. 1710. S p.l IV. Du x Bi. Dbubtft ulf o which , section is they beloi t s- 23746 tenella Rox. slender J_ [AJ un 6 Y.G E. Indies 1820. S CO 23747 filif6rmis tfo*. filiform 6 Y.G E. Indies 1817. S CO 2705. ^NDRA'CHNE L. BASTARD ORPINE. (The Greek name for purslain.) EuphorUacete. 1. 2. 23748 telephiotdes L. Telephium-like Qw % W Italy 1732. S co Lam. il. 797 2706. STILLFNG/J L. STILLINGIA. (Dr. Benjamin Stillingfleet, an English bot.) Euphorbiacece. 4. 6. 23749 sylvatica L. wood $ iAJ un 2 Y Carolina 1787. C s.p 23750 figustrina W. 23751 sebifera W. 23752 /wpiilnea Vahl fiivet-feaved tallow-beari Poplar-like JB un 5 ec 10 or 14 ... N. Amer. 1812. C s.p China 1703. C s.p ... Ceylon 1823. C s.l 2707. OMALA'NTHES Grah. OMALANTHES. (Homalos, smooth, anthos, flower.) Euphorb. 1. 23753 ^opulifolia Grah. Poplar-leaved * CD or 6 jl.s W N. Holl. 1825. C p.l Bot. mag. 2780 2708. PHYLLA'NTHUS L. PHYLLANTHPS. (Phyllon, leaf, anthos fl. ; on the edges of the Ivs.) Euph. 28. 77 [. HERBA^CEI. Flowers solitary ; leaves subpinnate ; annual. 23754 obovatus W. obovate-leaveil 23755 obcordatus Rox. obcordate 23756 gracilis Rox. slender 23757 Niruri L. Niruri 23758 cantoniensis Horn. Canton 23759 cuneatus W. -wedge-leaved 23760 Urinaria L. urinary 23761 simplex Retz. si-jple O Ol pr f I 1 jl.s Ap M. Amer. 1803. S s.p G.Y E. Indies 1817. S s.p G.Y E. Indies 1818. S s.p G E. Indies 1692. S s.p R. mal. 10. 15 G.Y Canton 1820. S s.p G.Y China 1818. S s.p G.Y E. Indies 1819. S s.p Ru. am. 6. 17. 2 G.Y E. Indies 1817. S s.p 23762 scandens Rox. li. AGGREGA'TI. climbing fl fj Flowers a Dpr 10 ggregate ; leaves subpinnate. jl.s G.Y E. Indies 1822. C s.p 23763 grandifolius Lam. great-leaved *C D un 5 Ap America 1771. C s.p 23764 juglandifolius W. WalnuUeaved *C Dor 2 jl.s" G.Y 1818. C s.p 23765 lucens Pair. shining i_ Jpr 2 J1.S G.Y China 1820. C s.p Jac. sc. 2. 193 23766 virosus Rox. venomous *" C Dpr 4 G E. Indies 1802. C s.p 23767 lanceolatus Pair. lance-leaved *c Dpr 3 jl.s" G.Y I.Bourboi 11822. C s.p 23768 reticulatus Hort. netted *c Dpr 3 au.s R E. Indies C s.p Bot. cab. 116 23769 /raxinifolius Hort. Ash-leaved *c Dpr 4 au.s G E. Indies is'ig. C s.p Bot. cab. 839 23770 Conami Swz. Conami *c Dpr 6 jl G W. Indies i 1791. C l.p Aub. gui. 2. 354 23771 obscurus Rox. obscure *c Dpr 3 1.S G.Y E. Indies 1824. C s.p 23772 nutans Swz. nodding *c Dpr 1| au.s G.Y Jamaica 1820. C s.p s.p .Bourbonl822. C sip Lam. il. 156. 1 China ... C s.p Bot. mag. 1862 E. Indies 1820. C s.p E.Indies 1824. C s.p III. SUBSOLITA^RH. Flowe rs subsolitary ; leaves subpinnate. 23773 maderaspatensis L. Madras * Q un 3 jl Ap E. Indies 1783. C 23774 microphyllus Kth. small-leaved * CD pr 1 au.s G.Y Caraccas 1817. C 23775 longifolius Lam. long-leaved * D pr 3 jl.s G.Y * 23776 turbinatus2?.M.turbinate,sAmm.e-ft>d* Q pr 2 jl G 23777 rhamnoldes Retz. Rhamnus-like At I 1 pr 3 G.Y 23778 strictus Rox. strict CD pr 3 jl.s G.Y IV. PiNNAVi. Leaves truly pinnate, and bearing flowers between the pinnce. 23779 mimosoldes Swz. Mimosa-like (Zj pr 10 au.s G Caribbees 1817. C s.p Bot. cab. 721 23780 polyphyllus W. many-leaved CD pr 3 jl.s G E. Indies 1805. C s.p 2709. XYLOPHY'LLA L. XYLOPHYLLA. (Xylon, wood, phyllon, leaf; rigidity of foliage.) Euphorbiacev. 11 I. PHYLLA'NTHUS. Bearing flowers on the margins of the leaves. 23781 longifolia W. long-leaved * CD or 3 f.n Y.R E. Indies 1816. C s.p 12 Phyllanthus ceramiceus Pers. 23782 latifMia L. broad-leaved CD or 3 au.s Y.R Jamaica 1783. C s.p Bot. mag. 1021 Phyllanthus Iatif61ius Swz. 23783 speciosa Jac. showy tt CD or 3 au.o Y.R Jamaica 1818. C s.p Jac. ic. 3. 616 arbuscula W. 23784 angustifMia W. narrow-leaved * CD or 3 Y.R Jamaica 1789. C s.p Bot. cab. 577 Phyllanthus angustifblius Swz. epiphyllanthus L. ORDER X. MONCECIA MONADELPHIA. 391 23785 linearis Pen. linear Phyllanthus linearis Swz. 23786 elongata Lod. elongated-/0rf 23787 media Lo. C. intermediate 23788 montana W. mountain 23789 falcata H. K. falcate-leaved Phyllanthus falcatus Swz. ftOr 3 jl.s Y.R Jamaica 1819. C s.p Y.R Jamaica 1820. C s.p Bot. cab. 1091 Y.R Jamaica 1825. C s.p Y.R Jamaica 1819. C s.p Bot. mag. 2652 Y.R Bahamal.1699. C s.p Bot.reg.373 II. RAMiFLbRthish, Laurcl-lvti 'ft ( ] or 6 W.G Jamaica 1778. C p.l SI. jam. 2. 174. 2 23808 tinctbria W. 23809 Tiglium L. dyer's Tiglium, purging ft O dy L 1 m 3 10 jl'" au.s W.G W.G S. Europe 1570. E. Indies 1796. S C p.l CO Ac. pet. 1712. 17 R. mal. 2. 33 23810 Eleuteria L. Eleul ;., Sea- side Balsai i/ft 1 I m fi W.G Jamaica 1748. C l.p 23811 castaneasfolia L. Chestnut-leave d rm un 2 W Trinidad 1826. S CO Bot. mag. 2794 23812 picta Rox. painted ft CD or 4 W.G E. Indies 1810. C p.l Bot. cab. 870 II. CORDA^TjE. Leaves cordate, entire or serrated. 23813 xalapensis Kth. 23814 argentea L. Xalapa silver-leaved ft f 1 un O un 2 2 W.G W.G Mexico S. Amer. 1824. 1733. C S CO 23815 nitens Swz. shining ft un 3 W.G Jamaica 1818. C p.l 23816 lacera Desf. jagged ft un 2 W.G 1822. C p.l 23817 mlcans Swz. glittering ft un 3 W.G Jamaica 1815. C l.p 23818 macroph^lla Swz. long-leaved ft un 3 ... W.G Jamaica 1823. C p.l 23819 pungens Jac. 23820 penicillata Ven. pungent pencilled ft un un 4 4 W.G W.G Caraccas Cuba 1791. 1799. C C 1-p Jac. ic. 3. 622 Bot. cab. 440 23821 glandulbsa L. glandulous rm un 2 au.s W.G W. Indies 1 1817. S p.l 23822 flavens L. . yellowish * 1 1 un 3 W.G Jamaica 1818. C p.l 23823 aromatica L. aromatic ft 1 i un 6 W.G Ceylon 1793. C p.l Ru. am. 3. 126 23824 hdmilis L. humble ft C~l un 2 ... W.G Jamaica 1799. C p.l 23825 moluccana W. Molucca | l~lun 10 W.G Ceylon 1803. C p.l AleurUes ambinu: t Pets. 23826 astroites H. K. star-like, wooll; 1* [ 1 un 6 W.G W. Indie; i 1782. C p.l 23827 nivea Jac. snow-white ft 1 iun 3 W.G Jamaica 1823. C p.l 23828 lucida Swz. shining ft Bun 3 W.G Jamaica 1820. C p.l 23829 tomentbsa Lk. tomentose ft un 2 my.jn W.G 1824. C III. LoBATTFOLIjE. Led wes lobate. 23830 ffossypifblia Vahl Cotton-leaved ft 1 1 un 3 W.G Trinidad 1818. C p.l 23831 lobata L. lobate-leaued O un 2 W.G Vera Crui \ 1730. S CO Mart. cen. 5. 46 23832 Aibiscifblia Kth. Hibiscus-lvd ft r~1 un 4 W.G Mexico 1810. C p.l digitata Hort. 23833 digitata Fa. digitate Jft Hun 3 W.G N. Roll. 1810. C p.l 23834 flabellifolia Lod. fan-leaved ft un 3 ... W.G 1825. C CO 2716. BRADLE\L4 Gae. BRADLEJA. (Rich. Bradley, first prof. bot. Cambridge ?) Euphorbiace*. 2. 7. 23835 sinica Gae. Chinese CD cu ... ... China 1816. C s.l Gae. fr. 2. 109. 1 23836 nitida Rox. shining ft O cu E. Indies 1820. C s.l 2717. JA'TROPHA L. PHYSIC NUT. (latros, I. LOBATIFoLIjE. - Napa?a-leaved ft I I un multifid sweet-scented Cotton-leaved glandulous 23837 napaeifblia Desv. 23838 multifida L. 23839 fragrans Kth. 23S40 tfossypifolia /,. 23841 glandulbsa Vahl 23842 Curcas L. Curcas, angular-lvd 23843 peltata Kth. peltate 23844 urens L. stinging ft 3845 herbacea L. herbaceous RU or 23846 australis Lo. C. southern ft l~l un physician, trophe, food ; qualities.) Euphorb. 13. 21. - Leaves lobed or multifid. 3 G Antilles 1825. C p.l S. Amer. 1696. C r.m Par. Ion. 91 Cuba 1822. C p.l W. Indies 1690. C l.p Bot. cab. 117 Arabia 1824. C p.l S. Amer. 1731. C r.m Jac. vin. 3. 63 S. Amer. 1825. C p.l Brazil 1690. S r.m Bot. cab. 478 Vera Cruz 1759. S r.m R. hou. 6. 15 N. Holl. ... C p.l C C 4 392 MONCECIA MONADELPHIA. CLASS XXI. ORDER I. 1 1. ANcusTiFbLijE. Leaves narrow. 23847 integerrimaJac. most ent\re,spicy-lvd& CD or 3 S Cuba 23848 coccinea Lk. scarlet * CD or 4 Cuba 23849 pandurafblia And. fiddle-leaved a CD or 4 S Cuba 1824. 1800. S r.m Bot. mag. 1464 C p.l S r.m Bot. mag. 604 2718. JANPPHA Kth. JANIPHA. 23850 LcEflingw Kth. Lcefling's Jatropha Jan'ipha L. 23851 Munihot Kth. Cassava Jatropha Munihot L. (Janipaba, its nt '-. CD clt 3 le in Brazil.) Euphorbiace<. 4. G Carthag. 1820. C r.m Jac. am. pic. 244 SO clt 3 G S. Amer. 1739. C r.m SI. jam. 1. 85 jmrouiid. j.uitninui j. 23852 ^culifblia Kth. Horsechestnut-lvd * CD clt 3 ... 23853 fce'tida Kth. fetid *CDor 3 ... 2719. jRI'CINUS L. PALMA CHRISTI. (Ricinus, a tick NewSpain 1826. C r.m H. & B. 2. 109 Mexico 1824. C r.m 23854 communis L. 23855 viridis W. 23856 africanus W. 23857 lividus Jac. 23858 inermis Jac. 23859 armatus B. R. 23860 tanarius W. 23861 globbsus W. com., Castor-oil Plant Ol m 6 green Ql or 6 au African * i | or 15 Yivid-lcaved *s i j or 8 jl unarmed-capsuled Ol or 6 armed-capsuled Ol or 6 jl.s Tanarian, scallop-lvd _QJ or 4 jLs globose ** I 1 or 4 seeds resemble.) EuphorbiacecE. 8. 10. G E. Indies 1548. S co Bot. mag.22C9 G E. Indies 1802. S s.p W.h.b.49 G Africa C. G. H. 1795. 1758. s.p s.p Jac. ic. 1. 196 India Malta 1807. S E. Indies 1810. S s.p Ru. am. 3 121 Jamaica 1826. S p.l S s.p Jac. ic. 1. 195 s.p Bot. rep. 430 2720. SIPHO^NIA Rich. SIPHOMA. (Siphon, a pipe; use of exudation, Indian rubber.) Euphorbiacece. I. 23862 Cahuchu Rich. Cahuchu * CD or 6 Guiana 1823. C s.l Lam. il. 790 elastica Pers. Jatropha elastica L. Hevea guianensis Aub. 2721. AGYNEMA L. AGYNEJA. (A priv. gyne, woman ; neither style nor stigma.) Euphorbiaceae. 2. 4. 23863 impubes L. 23864 p tiber L. smooth hairy 6 Qun G ... G China China 1820. 1823. 2722. KIRGANE^LIA J. KIRGANELIA. (Kireaneli, its Malabar name.) Euphorbiacece. 1. 5. 23865 elegans J. elegant * CD or 6 ... Mauritius 1820. C s.l Phyllanthus KirganWa W. 2723. HlTRA L. SANDBOX THEE. (Its South American name.) Euphorbiacece. 2. 3. S3866 str^pens W.gra. sounding.MMe^.-too^j I I or 12 ... W.Y S. Amer. ... C l.p 23867 crepitans L. rattling, equal-toothed f CD or 12 ... W.Y S. Amer. 1733. S p.l Lam. il. 793 *2724. STERCIPLIA.L. STERCULIA. (Stercus, ordure ; some species fetid.) Byttneriacets.ll. ^. I. BALA'NGHAS. Leaves ovate or oblong, entire, rarely three-lobed. IB mr~] or 20 jn.s or 20 C~)or 6 G.Y W E.Indies 1787. Guinea 1793. E. Indies 1820. E. Indies 1817. 23868 Baldnghas L. Balanghas 23869 pubescens G. Don pubescent 23870 grandiflora Fen. great-flowered 23871 coccinea Rox. scarlet-fruited 23872 nobilis Sm. noble $ CD or 20 ... G.v E. Indies 1787. C Balanghas H. K. Southwellwi nobilis Sal. 23873 angustiiolia Rox. narrow-leaved i CD or 20 Nepal 1823. 23874 guttata Rox. spotted ? CD or 20 E. Indies 1810. 23875 acuminata Beauv. Cola, pointed $ CD or 30 ... W Guinea 1825. 23876 Ivira Swz. Ivira CD or 20 ... G W. Indies 1793. crinita Cav. 23877 diversifMia G. Don various-leaved J i_J or 14 N. Holl. 1824. C heterophylla Cun. II. QuiNQUE'LOBiE. Leaves cordate, five-lobed. 23878 tirens Rox. stinging ? CD or 10 ... G E. Indies 1793. C 23879 villdsa Rox. villous J CD or 15 E. Indies 1805. C 23880 Helicteres Pers. Helicteres-Mfce CD or 8 ... Ap Carthag. 1820. C Helicteres apetala Jac. 23881 platanifolia L. 23882 acerifblta Cun. 23883 colorata Bog. 23884 fce'tida L. p. p. p.l p. p.l C p.l C p.l C p.l C p.l China 1757. N. Holl. 1824. E. Indies 1818. p.l fetid III. PALMA^TA. Leaves palmate. *CDor 8 E. Indies 1690. C p.l R. mal. 1. 49 Bot. reg. 185 R. mal. 4. 61 Beau.ow. 1. 24 Aub. gui. 2. 279 Rox. cor. 1. 24 Jac. am. 181. 97 Cav. dis. 5. 145 Rox. cor. 1. 25 R. mal. 4. 36 2725. HERITIE N R^ H.K. LOOKING-GLASS PLANT. (C. L. VHeritier de Brutelle, Fr. bot.) Byttneriac. 2. 3. 23885 littoralis H. K. shore 1 CD or 20 E.Indies 1780. C p.l' R. mal. 6. 21 23886 minor Lam. smaller i CD or 12 E. Indies 1824. C p.l Gae. fr. 2. 98. 2 2726. ^CA'LYPHA L. ACALYPHA. (A, priv., kalos, pleasant, aphe, touch ; in handling.) Euph. 20.-60. ANDROGYNE. Monoecious ; spikes androgynous. 23887 virginica L. Virginian 23888 carolinftna Walt. Carolina 23889 ciliata Forth. ciliated 23890 pauciflura W. en. few-flowered 23891 brachystachyafK.en. short-spiked O un fTT| un O un O un fm un US un !UfA1 un j O3 un RTI un CD un II. ALOPECUROI'DE.E. Spikes of distinct sexes, female ones terminal. 23898 alopecuroidea Jac. Foxtail-like O un 2 jl.s G Venezuelal804. S 23899 polystachya Jac. many-spiked US un 1 G W. Indies 1817. S 23900 mollis Kth. soft K2 un 1 G Mexico 1825. S 23901 laevigata Swz. smooth-leaved *s CD un 3 jn.jl G Jamaica 1819. C III. MACROSTA X CHYJ. Spikes of distinct sexes, upper ones male. 23902 macrostkchya Jac. long-spiked CD un 3 jn.jl G Caraccas 1824. C 23903 diversifolia Jac. various-leaved * CD un 2 jn.jl G Caraccas 1820. IV. DIOS\;LS:. Dioecious. 23904 integrifolia W. entire-leaved * CD un 5 jn.s G Mauritius 1823. C 23892 prunifdlia 23893 indica L. 23894 reptans Swz. 23895 rubra W. 23896 hispida W. 23897 cuspidata Jac. Plum-leaved Indian creeping red hispid cuspidate 2 G N. Amer. 1759. S CO Sch. han. 3. 311 2 G N. Amer. 1811. S CO Lam. il. 7Si :>.2 2 G E. Indies 1799. S CO Vahl sy . 1. 20 2 G China 1816. S CO 2 G China 1816. S co 1 G Mexico 1825. 8 CO 2 jl.s G E. Indies 1759. S CO R. mal. 10. SI 1 G Jamaica 1820. S co SI. jam. LI S2. 3 "k jl R 1820. S CO S G E. Indies B< S CO 4 jn.jl G Caraccas 1819. C CO co C co Jac. ic. 3. 620 Jac. sc. 2. 246 Jac. sc 2. 245 23905 scabrosa Swz. rough * CD un il CD un 6 jn.jl G Jamaica 1820. C co CLASS II. ORDER II. DIGECIA DIANDRIA. 393 23906 virgata L. V. AXILLA^RIS. Spikes of both sexes axillary. twiggy *CDun 6 jn.jl G Jamaica 1823. C co Br. jam. 36. 2 2727. DALECHA'MPJ.4 L. DALECHAMPIA. (James Dalechamp, French bot, d. 1588.) Euphorbiticece. 3 18. 23907 scandens L. climbing fl [_] un 12 jn.jl G.Y W. Indies 1739. C l.p Jac. am. 252. 160 23908 brasiliensis Lam. Brazilian . CD cu 6 jn.jl G.Y Brazil 1824. C l.p 23909/icifolia Lam. Fig-leaved _ Q cu 6 jn.jl G.Y Brazil 1820. C l.p 2728. PLUKENETI/* L. PLUKENETIA. (Leonard Plukenet, an English botanist.) EuphorUhcece. 2. 5. 23910 vol&bilis L. twining J. CD un 6 G W. Indies 1739. C p 1 PI. ic. 220. 226 23911 verrucbsa Sm. warty J_ Q un 6 G Surinam 1820. C p.l 2729. GNPTUM L. GNETUM. (Altered from gnemon, its name in the island of Ternate.)- Urticeee. 1. 2. 23912 Gntmon L. Gnemon i CD or E. Indies 1815. C p.l R. am. 1. 71 CLASS XXII. ORDER!. DI(E V CIA MONA'NDRIA. 2730. PANDA^NUS L. fit. SCREW PINE. (Pandang, to behold, Malay , conspicuous.) Pandhnea. 20. 25. 23913 odoratissimus L.fil. sweetest-sctd ' CD or 20 ... W E. Indies 1771. S r.m Rox. cor. 1. 94.6 23914 utilis Bory useful, red-spined ' 23915 spiralis R. Br. spiral -8 or or 20 20 ... W .. W Bourbon N. S/W. 1805. S S r.m r.m Jac. fr. 13, 14. 1 23916 humilis Rum. dwarf n or 8 w Mauritius S r.m 14.2 23917 amarylli/6/MS Rox. Amaryllis-lvd ; CD or 20 .. w E. Indies 1820. S r.m 23918 candelabrum Beauv. candlestick ^n or GO .. w Guinea 1826. S r.m Beau. ow. 21 23919 fascicularis Lam. fascicled or 20 .. w E. Indies 1822. a r.m R. mal. 2. 6 23920 inermis Rox. unarmed or ... w E. Indies 1818. S r.m 23921 integrifolius Lou. entire-leaved * or ... ... w E. Indies 1822. S r.m 23922 reflxus Hort. reflexed or ... ... w E. Indies 1818. S r.m 23923 albus Hort. white or ... w E. Indies 1818. S r.m 23924 sessilis Boj. sessile or ... ... w E. Indies 1820. S r.m 23925 latifolius Hort. broad-leaved ' or ... ... w E. Indies 1820. S r.m 23926 marginatus Rox. margined i i or ... ... w E. Indies 1823. S r.m 23927 longifblius Lo. C. long-leaved ' i ^ or ... w E. Indies 1820. S r.m 23928 turbinatus Lo. C. turbinate ' r~~i or ... ... w E. Indies 1823. S r.m 23929 furcatus Rox. forked ' r i or ... w E. Indies 1824. S r.m R. mal. 2. 8 23930 pedunculatus R. Br. pedunculate ' ; CD or .. ... w N. Holl. 1825. S r.m 23931 foe'tidus Rox. fetid or uf ... w E. Indies 1818. S r.m 23932 edulis Thou. eatable or .. ... w Madagasc.1824. S r.m 2731. TRICHO'CLADUS Pers. TRICHOCLADUS. 23933 crinitus Pers. haired * i I or . ( Trichion, hairy, klados, branch.) C. G. H. 1823. C p.1.8 CLASS XXII. ORDER 2. DIGE V CIA DIA'NDRIA. 2732. SA^LIX L. WILLOW. 23934 triSndra L. 23935 Hoffmannidno i triandra Hofm. 23936 lanceolkta Sm. 23937 Hoppeawa W. 23938 undulkta Ehrh. 23939 Villarsiawa W. 33940 amygdalina W. 23941 decipiens E. B. 23942 Russehawa W. 23943 Humboldtz^na W. 23944 tetrasprma Roth 23945 nlgra Marsh. 23946 pentandra L. 23947 nigricans Sm. 23948 yiolacea Ander. 23949 Weigelzawa W. 23950 phylicifolia L. 23951 Boreriarca Sm. S3952 nitens Ander. 23953 Davalliawa Sm. phylicifblia W. 23954 Wulfeniana Jac. 23955 sileslaca W. 23956 Pontederana W. 23957 Mmna Sm. 23958 tcnuifolia W. (Sal, near, Us, water, Celt. ; place of growth.) [. SERRA^TJE. Leaves smooth, serrated. Amentacea. 167. triandrous ^f tm 30 Ap Britain C m.s Eng. bot. 1435 a. Hoffmann's $ tm 30 my Ap England C m.s Cur. Ion. 72 lance-leaved * tm 30 Ap England mea. C m.s Eng. bot 1436 Hoppe's tm 30 Ap Austria 1820. C m.s wave-leaved * tm 30 Ap Germany ... C m.s Villars's 3H or 6 Ap S. France 1818. C m.s Almond-leaved Sit or 6 Ap Britain mar. C m.s Eng. bot. 1936 deceptive * or 8 my Ap England woods. C m.s Eng. bot. 1937 Russel's tm 40 Ap England mar. C m.s Eng. bot. 1808 '?. Humboldt's J CD or 30 Peru 1823. C m.s ; four-seeded t CD or 20 Ap E. Indies 1796. C m.s Rox. cor. 1. 97 black $ or 20 my Ap N. Amer , 1811. C m.s An. bot 2. 5. 5 pentandrous = or 15 mr.jn Ap Britain C m.s Eng. bot. 1805 blackish broad-lvd Sfe or 10 ap Ap England os.hol. C m.s Eng. bot. 1213 violaceous 3fc or 10 Ap * ... C m.s Weigel's 3fe or 10 Ap Silesia ... C m.s Phylica-leaved 3fe Borer's " Sfe or or limy 8 my AP Ap Scotland Scotland sc. alp. C moun. C m.s m.s Eng. bot. 1958 FL dan. 1052? shining & or 10 ap Ap Scotland moun. C m.s Davall's 3fe or 6 my Ap Scotland moun. C m.s Wulfen's 31 or 6 my Ap Carinthia 1818. C m.s Silesian & or 6 my Ap Silesia 1816. C m.s Pontedera's 91 or 3 my Ap Switzerl. 1821. C m.s Laurel-like 3fe or 8 Ap England ... C m.s Eng. bot. 1806 thin-leaved or 3 my.jn Ap Britain sto.hi. C m.s Eng. bot. 2186 394 DICECIA DIANDRIA. CLASS XX 1 1. 23959 Ammanmuna W. Ammann's ^ or 20 mv.jn Ap Austria 1821. C m.s Hof.sal.17,18,19 23960 hastata L. halbert-teawtf $ or 15 my Ap Lapland 1780. C m.s Fl. lap. 8. f. g. 23961 serrulata W. serrulate 3e or 8 my Ap Lapland 1810. C m.s Fl. dan. 1238 23962 prinoides Ph. Prinos-like y or 10 mr.ap Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s 23963 discolor MM. discolored 34 or 8 ap Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s An. bot. 2. 5. 1 23964 angustata Ph. narrow-taxwrf $ or 10 mr.ap Ap Pennsylv. 1811. C m.s 23965 petiolaris Sm. dar, petioled ^ or 10 ap Ap England mar. C m.s Eng. bot. 1147 23966 wyricoldes MM. Gale-like sti or 8 ap Ap N. Amer 1811. C m.s An. bot. 2. 5. 2 23967 cordata MM. heart-leaved 3fe- or 6 Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s An. bot. 2. 5. 8 23968 rigida MM. rigid $ or 15 Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s An. bot. 2. 5. 4 23969 lucida MM. shining or 8 my Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s An. bot. 2. 5. 7 23970 ambigua PA. ambiguous 3f or 20 ap Ap N. Amer. 1821. C m.s 23971 acutifolia W. sharp-leaved 34 or 8 ap Ap Casp. Sea 1823. C m.s 23972 vitellina L. yellow.&rawcAerfY clt 15 Ap England mar. C m.s Eng. bot. 1389 23973 fragilis i. brittle or 15 Ap Britain mar. C m.s Eng. bot. 1807 23974 praeYox ffoppe early f or 20 Ap Austria 1820. C m.s r/aphnoldes Vil. 23975 Meyeriana W. Meyer's or 20 Ap Germany 1822. C m.s 23976 babylonica L. Ba bylonian, iveeping*? el 30 my Ap Levant 1692. C m.s Rauw. it. 183.25 23977 annularis Hort. r'mg-leaved 5 or 20 ... Ap 1823. C CO 23978 Napoleona Hort. Napoleon's, iwfp. f i_ Jor 30 Ap St. Helena 1823. C m.s 23979 purpurea W. 23980 pomeranica W. en. bitter purple 34 Pomeranian = or or 8 mr 10 my Ap Ap England mar. C Pomeran. 1822. C m.s m.s Eng. bot. 1388 23981 Helix L. Helix x or 10 mr.ap Ap Britain mar. C m.s Eng. bot. 1343 23982 Lamberteawa Sm. Lambert's 34 clt 10 mr.ap Ap England riv. ba. C m.s Eng. bot. 1359 23983 tetrapla Lk. four-fold 34 or 4 mr.ap Ap 1825. C m.s 23984 rubra Hud. red Osier 34 clt 8 Ap England os.hol. C m.s Eng. bot. 1145 23985 Forbywna Sm. Forby's 34 clt 8 ap Ap England os.hol. C m.s Eng. bot. 1344 23986 Croweona Sm. Crowe's 34 clt 8 Ap England mar. C m.s Eng. bot. 114ff 23987 wialifolia W. Apple-leaved 34 or 3 ap Ap England moun. C m.s Eng. bot. 1617 23988 Houstomdwa Ph. Houston's 34 or 4 Ap Virginia ... C m.s 23989 falcata PA. sickle-leaved 34 or 4 Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s 23990 Starkeana W. Starke's 34 or 4 Ap Silesia 1820. C m s 23991 prunifolia Sm. Plum-leaved 34 or 3 Ap Scotland sc.alp. C m.s Eng. bot. 1361 23992 A/yrsinitesZ,. Myrsine-like 34 or 3 ap.jn Ap Scotland sc.alp. C l.l.s Eng. bot. 1360 23993 Waldsteimawa W. Waldstein's 34 or 4 ap.jn Ap Croatia 1822. C m.s 23994 venu16sa E. B. or 2 Ap Scotland sc. alp. C m.s Eng. bot. 1362 23995 planifolia PA. Eeavttf 34 or 2 Ap Labrador 1811. C m.s 23996 fuscata PA. or 2 ap Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s 23997 z/acciniifblia Sm. Bilberry-leaved 34 or 2 Ap Scotland s.of sc. C m.s Eng. bot. 2341 23998 carinata Sm. kecl-teflt^rf 34 or 3 Ap Scotland sc. alp. C m.s Eng. bot. 1363 23999 coruscans W. glittering . 34 or 3 Ap Germany 1818. C m.s Jac. au. 408 24000 eriantha Schl. woolly-flowered3fe or 2 ap Ap Switzerl. 1823. C m.s 24001 arbuscula Sm. little tree 34 or 2 ap Ap Scotland sc. alp. C m.s Eng. bot 1366 24002 livida Wahl. livid 34 or 1 my Ap England hea. C m.s Wa. lap. 16. 6 24003 polaris Wahl. polar * or 1 ... Ap Spitzberg. 1820. C m.s 24004 htunilis Dec. humble 34 or 1- ap Ap 1820. C m.s 24005 herbacea L. herbaceous -** or 1 S jn Ap Britain sc. alp. C m.s Eng. bot. 1907 24006 Mlmifolia Thuil. Elm-leaved _i* or 1 my Ap Switzerl. 1821. C m.s 24007 arbutifblia W. Arbutus-leaTedJst or i Ap Switzerl. 1818. C m.s II. I'NTEG RM. Leaves smooth, entire. 24008 Kitaibeharea W. Kitaibel's .** or | Ap Carpathi. 1823. C m.s 24009 retusa L. blunt-leaved _** or 5 m y Ap Italy 1763. C m.s 24010 serpyllifblia W. Thyme-leaved j& or a m y Ap Switzerl. 1818. C m.s 24011 reticulata L. netted j* or Ijnjl Ap Britain sc. alp. C CO Eng. bot. 1908 24012 /wyrtillo\des L. Myrtle-like 3fe or 2 my Ap Sweden 1772. C m.s Vil. del. 3. 50. 11 24013 recurvata PA. recurved-yfoiYj? 34 or 3 ap Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s 24014 UVa ursi PA. Bearberry like J* or * Ap Labrador ... C m.s 24015 cordifolia PA. cordate-leaved 34 or 3 ... Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s 24016 pedicellaris PA. pedicellated 34 or 3 ap Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s III. \ SIE. Leav> ?S VtllOUS. 24017 glauca L. glaucous 34 or 2 my Ap Scotland sc. alp. C m.s Eng. bot. 1810 24018 sericea Vil. silky 34 or 2 my Ap S. Europe 1820. C m.s Vil. del. 3. 51. 27 24019 lanata L. woolly 34 or 2 my Ap Scotland moun. C m s 24020 Lapponum L. 24021 arenaria L. Laplanders' 34 sand 34 or or 2 my 3 my.jn Ap Ap Lapland 1812. C Scotland sc. alp. C m.s m.s Fl. lap. 8. T Eng. bot. 1809 24022 cin&rea L. grey * or 15 my Ap Britain woods. C m.s Eng. bot. 1897 24023 obtusa L. blunt ae or 4 my Ap Switzerl. 1820. C m.s 24024 bi color Ehrh. two-colored 3fc or 5 mv Ap Hercynia 18'20. C m.s 24025 MuhlenbergiV/naV V. Muhlenberg's 4 or 3 ap Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s An. bot. 2. 5. 9 24026 JacquinHJwa W. Jacquin's 34 or 2 ap Ap Austria 1818. C m.s Jac. au. 1. 409 24027 tristis Mhl. dark-leaved 34 or 4 ap Ap N. Amer. 1765. C m.s 24028 foliosa W. leafy 34 or 6 ap Ap Lapland 1818. C m.s 24029 longifblia MM. long-leaved 34 or 10 ... Ap Pennsylv. ... C m.s 24030 argentea Swz. silvery, sand & or 3 my Ap Britain C m.s Eng. bot. 1364 24031 leucophylla W. white-leaved 34 or 4 my Ap Europe 1824. C m.s 24032 dzeagno'ides Schl. 24033 repens W. Elaeagnus-/vrf 34 creeping or or 4 my 2 my AP Ap Europe 1824. C Britain sa.hea. C m.s m.s Eng. bot. 183 24034 fusca L. brown 34 or 2 my Ap Britain m.hea. C m.s Eng. bot. I960 24035 cassia Fz7. grey or 3 my.jn Ap S. Europe 1824. C m.s Vil. del. 3. 50. 11 24036 prostrata Sm. prostrate 34 or 1 my Ap Britain C m.s Eng. bot. 1959 24037 Schraderzana W. Schrader's 34 or 2 my Ap Germany 1820. C m.s 24038 pyrenaica Gou. 24039 hirta Sm. Pyrenean 34 hairy-branched Y or or 1 my 15 Ap Ap Pyrenees 1823. C England woods. C m.s m.s Eng. bot. 1404 24040 DicksomVma Sm. Dickson's 34 or 1 ap Ap Scotland sc. alp. C m.s Eng. bot. 1390 24041 parvifolia Sm. small-leaved 34 or 2 Ap England moi.h. C m.s Eng. bot. 1961 24042 adscendens Sm. ascending -** or Ap England moi.h. C m.s Eng. bot. 1962 24043 incubacea W. trailing 34 or 3 my Ap Europe 1775. C m.s 24044 Doniana Sm. Don's 34 or 6 my Ap Scotland moun. C m.s 24045 rosmarini folia W. 24046 riparia W. Rosemary-lvd 34 bank 34 or or 2 6 Ap Ap Britain C Germany 1821. C m.s m.s Eng. bot. 1365 24047 angustifblia W. narrow-leaved 34 or 3 Ap Caspian 1825. C m.s 24048 grisea '. grizzly 34 or 6 Ap Pennsylv. 1820. C m.s ORDER III. DICECIA TRIANDRIA. 395 24049 spatulata W. spatulate S or 5 Ap Germany 1818. C rn.s 24050 aunta L. eared 3fe clt 2 Ap Europe 1820. C m.s Hof. sal. 1. 22 1 24051 uliginbsa W. en. marsh Sit or 1 ap.jn Ap Britain woods. C m.s Eng. bot 1487 aurlta E. B. 24052 aquatica Sm. water *L or 10 ap Ap Britain w. thi. C m.s Eng. bot. 1437 24053 oleifolia W. Olive-leaved i or 4 mr Ap Britain thick. C m.s Eng. bot. 1402 24054 cotinifolia Sm. Cotinus-leaved ^ or 2 ap Ap Britain woods. C m.s Eng. bot. 1403 24055 sphacelata W. withered-pa//?/. JJ5 or 2 Ap Scotland sc. alp. C m.s Eng. bot. 2333 24056 caprea L. goat 24057 Stuart<57M* E. B. , great round-lud^ Stuart's i 3fe or or 30 4 A P Ap Britain dr. wo. C Scotland sc. alp. C m.s m.s Eng. bot. 1488 Eng. bot. 2586 24058 acuminata Hofm. acuminate or 15 ap Ap Britain moi.w. C m.s Eng. bot. 1434 24059 conifera Wan. cone-bearing or 10 my Ap N. Amer. 1820. C m.s Wang. 31.72 24060 viminalis L. twigg y, common Osiei &t clt 12 Ap Germany 1800. C m.s 24061 mollissima Ehrh. softest or 20 Ap Germany ... C m.s 24062 Smithaa W. Smith's or 2C Ap England C m.s Eng. bot. 1509 mollissima E. B. 24063 stipularis W. stipular 3k clt 6 mr.ap Ap England os. gr. C m.s Eng. bot. 1214 24064 Candida W. white X or 10 Ap N. Amer. 1811. C m.s 24065 Fluggertwa W. Flugge's 5 or 10 Ap S. France 1820. C m.s!. 3. 51. 28 patula Ser. 24066 alba L. common, white ajt clt 40 Ap Britain woods. C m.s Eng. bot. 2430 24067 ca?rulea E. B. blue set or 40 Ap England m. me. C m.s Eng. bot. 2431 24068 rupestris Sm. 24069 Andersomuwa E. B. silky, rock Anderson's S or or 3 3 ap Ap Scotland sc. alp. C Scotland sc. mo. C m.s m.s Eng. bot. 2342 Eng. bot. 2343 24070 Forstenawa E. B. Forster's Y or 10 Ap Scotland sc. wo. C m.s Eng. bot. 2344 24071 heterophylia Deb. various-leaved 4 or ... Ap Europe 1823. C m.s 24072 finmarchica W. Finmarck Y or 10 Ap Sweden 1825. C m.s 24073 holoser'tcea W. velvety 3fe - or 8 Ap Germany 1822. C m.s 24074 obtusifolia W. blunt-leaved Sfe or ... Ap Lapland 1818. C m.s 24075 chrysanthos Oed. golden-flwd 3fe or ... Ap Norway ... C m.s Fl. dan. 1007 24076 atrovirens Schl. IV. HELVEVI.E. Swiss dark-green & or ... species not yet described. Ap Switzerl. 1824. C m.s 24077 australis Sc/. 1.4. 24110?piralisZ,. spiral *= _AJ cu ... jl Br S. Europe 1818. S aq Mic.gen.12.10.1,2 CLASS XXII. ORDERS. DIOZ V CIA TRIA'NDRIA. 2736. .EM'PETRUM L. CROW BERRY. (En, upon, petros, rock; place of growth.) Empet rece. 2. 3. 24111 nigrum L. black-berried tt or 1 Ap Britain m. he. L s.p Eng. bot. 526 2737. CORE\MA D. Don COREMA. 24112 alba D. Don w 'mpetrum album L. (Korema, a broom ; habit of plant.) Empetrcce. 1. or 1 ap.jn Ap Portugal 1774. L s.p 2738. WILLDENO X V/^ Thun. WILLDENOVIA. (Charles Louis Willdenmv, prof. bot. Berlin.) Restiaceee. 2,S. 2^113 tferes Thun. rmmd-stalked M ,A] pr 2 jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 1790. R s.p Th. h. 1790. 2. 2 24114striata Thun. striated JdliiAJcu 2 jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 1813. R s.p 396 DICECIA TETRANDRIA. CLASS XXII. 2739. HYPOL^NA R. Br. HYPOL^NA. (Hypo, under, chlaina, cloak ; base of fruit.) Restwcece. 2. 24145 fastigiata R. Br. peaked illk iAJ cu 2 in.jl Ap N. Holl. 1820. R s.p 24116 exsulca5..ffr. furrowed -at iAJ cu 2jn.jl Ap N. HolL 1821. R s.p 2740. LEPYRO'DI A R. Br. LEP. (Lepyrodes, scaly ; bractes within scales of spike.) Restiacea:. 1. 4 24117 gracilis R. Br. slender * ^J cu 2 my.jl Ap N. Holl. 1824. R s.p 274L THAMNOCHO'RTUS Berg. THAMNOC. (Thamnos, shrub, chortos, grass ; habit.) Restihcets. 1. 3. 24118 dichotomus R. Br. two-forked m i_J cu 2 jn.jl Ap N. Holl. 1817. R s.p Rtb. gr. 4. 2. 1 Restio dich6tomus Thun. 2742. RE'STIO L. ROPE GRASS. 24119 tectbrum Thun. 24120 virgatus Rtb. , 24121 vaginatus Thun. 24122 australis R. Br. 24123 gracilis R. Br. thatch twiggy sheathed southern slender (Restis, cord ; use at Cape of Good Hope.) Restticea:. 9. 52. I. SI'MPLICES. W lAI un jdi iAJ un m lAlun jlllt iAl cu - Culm simple. my.jn Ap C. G. H. 1793. R s.p Rtb. gr. 10. 3. 2 my.jn Ap C. G. H. 1824. R s.l Rtb. gr. 5. 1. 2 my.jn Ap C. G. H. " 1820. R s.p R s.p l 24124 tetraphyllus R. Br. four-leaved 24125 paniculatus Rtb. panicled 24126 lateriflbrus R. Br. side-flowering JllL iAl cu Calorophus elongatus Lab. 24127 fastigiatus R. Br. peaked Jllli iAl cu my.jn Ap N. Holl. 1824. my.jn Ap N. Holl. 1824. R s. II. RAMOSI. Culm branched. 3 my.jn Ap V. Di. Is. 1825. R s.l 2 my.jn Ap C. G. H. 1824. 3 my.jn Ap N. Holl. 1824. iAl cu M tAJ un R s.p R s.l Lab.n.h.2.226 Rtb. gr. 4. 2. 3 Lab.n.h.2.228 3 my.jn Ap N. Holl. 1824. R s.l 2743. LEPTOCA'RPUS R. Br. LEPTOCARPUS. (Leptos, slender, karpos, fruit : pointed.) Restttcea. 1. 7. 24128 tenax R. Br. tough * ^ un 2 ... Ap N. Holl. 1823. D co Lab. n. h. 229 Schcenbdum tfenax Lab. 2744. LEGPA Thun. ELEGIA. 24129 juncea Thun. Rush-like 24130 racembsa Lam. clustered 2745. PHCE^NIX L. DATE PALM. (Elegos, lamentation ; sad color of plants.) Restiacete. 2. 3. 1 Ap C. G. H. 1789. D l.p 8. 3. 4 1 my.jn Ap C. G. H. 1804. D l.p 884. 4 24131 dactylifera L. 24132 reclinata Jac. 24133 farinifera Rox. 24134 acafilis Rox. 24135 paludosa Rox. 24136 pygmae^a Lo. C. 24137 sylvestris Rox. 24138 leonensis Lo. C. com., date-bearing i I fr 40 reclined i I I or 10 small, meal-bg D or 28 stemless i CU or 6 marsh Q or 20 pygmy | j or 6 wood f \ lor 20 Sierra Leone ~* I or 30 (The Greek name of the date.) Palmtz. 8. W.G Levant 1597. S r.m Kjem. 686. 1,2 ... W.G C. G. H. 1792. S l.p Jac. fr. 27. 24 ... W.G E. Indies 1800. S r.m Rox. cor. 1. 74 ... W.G E. Indies 1816. S r.m ...... E. Indies 1820. S r.m ...... Mauritius 1823. S r.m ...... E. Indies 1823. S r.m ...... S. Leone 1823. S r.m 2746. STILAX3O L. STILAGO. (Stylos, a style ; probably so called from its length.) Antidesmea; 2. 24139 .Bimius L. Bunius, Laurel-lvdf O or 20 au Ap E. Indies 1757. C p.l R. mal. 4. 56 24140 diandra Rox. diandrous 1 D or " ... Ap E. Indies 1800. C p.l Rox. cor. 2. 166 2747. OSrRISiam. POET'S CASSIA. 24141 alba Lam. white (Ozos, a branch : numerous supple branches.) Osyridece. 1. 2. k _J or 3 ... W S. Europe 1739. C Lp Lam. il. 802 CLASS XXII. ORDER 4. DI(E V CIA TETRA'NDRIA. 2748. AU'LAX Berg. AULAX. (Aulax, a furrow ; furrowed leaves of first species.) Protcacece. 2. 24142 pinifblia Berg. Pine-leaved H i_J or 2 jLs Y C. G. H. 1780. S l.p Bot. rep. 76 24143 umbellata R. Br. umbelled * i _ | or 2 Y C. G. H. 1774. S Lp Bot. rep. 248 2749. LEUCADE'NDRON L. LEUCADENDRON. (Leukos, white, dendron, tree ; appearance.) Prot. 39. 40. I. ARGYRODE'NDROS. Nut ventricose ; style and calyx persistent ; leaves mostly silvery. 24144 argenteum R. Br. silver tree f_ i_J or 15 au Y C. G. H. 1693. S l.p Bot.reg.979 24145 plumbsum R. Br. feather-fluid Ok \ _ | or 4 Y C. G. H. 1774. S l.p 24146 sericeum R. Br. silky Hi i_J or 3 Y C. G. H. 1817. C Lp 24147 spatulatum R. Br. spatulate it \_j or 3 Y C. G. H. 1818. C l.p 24148 retusum R. Br. retuse * L_| or 3 Y C. G. H. 1810. C Lp II. LEVISA % NUS. Nut ventricose or lenticular, wingless, on both sides or margins pilose; style totally deciduous or with the base alone remaining ; calyx a Ions time persistent, ^-parted. turn R. Br. imbricated * i_J or 4 ... Y C. G. H. 1790. C l.p C. G. H. 1812. C l.p C. G. H. 1774. C Lp Bur. af. 100. 2 C. G. H. 1820. C l.p C. G. H. ... C l.p Jac. sc. 1. 26 C. G. H. ... C l.p Bot. mag. 881 C. G. H. 1790. C Lp Bot reg. 826 C. G. H. 1774. C l.p C. G. H. 1790. C l.p Bot. reg. 402 24149 imbricatv 24150 ftuxifblium R. Br. Box-leaved * i_J or 4 ... Y 24151 Levisanws R. Br. Lewis's * i_J or 4 ap.jn Y 24152 angustatum R. Br. narrowed i_J or 3 jn.jl Y 24153 /inifblium R. Br. Flax-leaved *| | or 4 ap.jn Y 24154 fusciflbrum R. Br. dusky-flowered * i_J or 4 my.jn Y Prbtea stellaris B. M. 24155 tortum R. Br. twisted-leaved * i_J or 3 Y 24156 cinereum R. Br. grey 24157 corymbbsum R. Br. corymbed l_J or 3 : 1_J or 3 ap.jl III. SAMARI'FERA Samara smooth, winged or wingless; 24158 decbrum R. Br. decorous * i_j or ' *-*^v VK^vvri U1U 4t. 4JT. UCVU1UUB 24159 squarrbsum R. Br. squarrose * 24160 concolor R. Br. self-colored * i 1 "1 L_|or 1 | or 3 3 my.jl mr.jn B Y Y 24161 grandiflbrum R. 24162 decurrens R. Br, Br. great-flowered decurrent * i_jor Hor 3 3 ap.jn Y Y 24163 ovale R. Br. oval * or 3 ap'jl Y 24164 venbsum R. Br. 24165 glabrum R. Br. veiny smooth it * 1 | or 1 | or s 3 ap.jn ap.jn Y Y 24166 strictum R. Br. 24167 virgatum R. Br. strict twiggy * L_|or 1 | or 3 ,'3 ap.jn ap.jn Y Y and calyx deciduous ; scales of strobile distinct. Y C. G. H. 1790. C l.p C. G. H. 1824. C Lp C. G. H. 1774. C Lp Bot. rep. 307 C. G. H. 1789. C Lp Par. Ion. 105 C. G. H. 1812. C l.p C. G. H. 1818. C Lp C. G. H. 1816. C p.l C. G. H. 1810. C p.l C. G. H. 1795. C Lp Par. Ion. 75 C. G. H. ... C Lp ORDER V. DICECIA PENTANDRIA. 397 24168 adscendens R. Br. ascending 24169 concinnum R. Br. neat 24170 salignum R. Br. Willow-leaved 24171 uliginbsum R. Br. swamp 24172 floridum R. Br. atuJor 2 Y C. G. H. 1774. C l.p Pluk. m. 229. 6 at |_| or 3 ... Y C. G. H. 1800. C l.p at L_| or 3 ap.jn Y C. G. H. 1774. C l.p Boer. 2. 204 at i | or 3 ap.jn Y C. G. H. 1795. C l.p Brey. c. 21. 9 at |_| or 3 ap.jn Y C. G. H. 1795. C Lp Bot. rep. 572 IV. PLATYSPE'RMA. Scales of strobile connate ; samara leafy, compressed, smooth. florid 24173 plat-ysptrmumR.Br. flat-seeded at i_J or 3 ap.jl Y C. G. H. 1818. C 24174 comdsura R. Br. tufted i_J or 3 my.jl Y C. G. H. 1818. C 24175 je'mulum R. Br. rival * i_j or 3 jn.s Y C. G. H. 1789. C 24176 abietinum R. Br. Pme-leaved at , | or 3 jl.s Y C. G. H. 1789. C 24177 scabrum R. Br. rough * i_J or 3 ... Y C. G. H. 1812. C V. DU^BIA Doubtful to which of the sections they belong. 24178 Globularia R. Br. 24179 inflexum Lk. 24180 caudatum Lk. 24181 marginatum Lk. 24182 pubescens R. Br. 2750. ri'SCUM L. 24183 album L. Globularia inflexed tailed marginate pubescent [ | or 3 ap.jn Y 3 ap.jn Y 3 apjn Y 3 ap.jn * i | or at i J or at | | or C. G. H. 1810. C C. G. H. 1800. C C. G. H. 1800. C C. G. H. 1800. C 3 ap.jn Y C. G. H. 1819. C l.p l.p Bot. rep. 429 l.p Bot. rep. 461 lp l.p Lam. ill. 53 Lp lp Lp MISTLETOE. (Viscus, clammy ; nature of berries.) Lordnthece. 1 25. common, white cu 2 my G England trees. S m.s Eng. bot. 1470 24184 Gale L. Sweet Gale 24185 cerifera L. com. wax-bg 24186 carolinensis Wan. Carolina 24187 pennsylvanica Lam. Pennsylvanian at 24188 Faya H. K. Faya 24189 aethi6pica L. Ethiopian 24190 serrata Lam. saw-leaved 24191 laciniata W. en. jagged Oak-lv, hairy Oak-lvd heart-leaved 24192 guercifblia L. 24193 cordifblia L. 24194 mexicana W. 24195 segregate Jac. 24196 esculenta Ham. Mexican separated esculent :RTLE. (Myro> to flow; found on banks of rivers.) Amentacece. 13.-2L fi or 4 my Ap Britain sp. bo. L s.p Eng. bot. 562 or 8 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1699. S s.p Cat. car. 1. 69 at or 4 my Ap N. Amer. 1730. S s.p Cat. car. 1. 13 at or 3 my Ap N. Amer. C s.p Dull. no. 2. 55 at 1 | or 6 jn.jl A? Azores 1777. L S.1 Duh. no. 2. 56 at Hor 8 jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 1795. L S.I Pluk. al. 48. 8 4k or S au Ap C. G. H. 1793. L S.I Pluk. am. 424. 3 at t_|or 3 jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 1752. L S.I Jac. fr. 2. 1. 4 ' at l_Jor 3 jn.jl Ap C. G. H. 1752. L r.m 41 I | or 4 my.jl Ap C. G. H. 1759. L p.l Pluk. aL 319. 7 at 1 | or 8 f Ap Mexico 1823. L p.l at I | or 6 Ap S. Amer. 1824. L p.l Jac. ic. 625 1 1 | or 20 s.o Ap Nepal 1817. L S.1 2752. NAG&IA Gae. NAGEIA. 24197 Putranjlva Rox. Putranjiva 2753. DRY'PETES Vahl DRYPETES. 24198 cr6cea Poit. copper-colored Schasffikrz'a lateriflora Sutz. (Nagi, its Japanese name.) Amentacete. 1. 3. i I 1 un 12 ... Ap E. Indies 1822. C r.m ; I I or to lacerate; spiny.) Rhdmnece. 1. 4. W. Indies 1820. C Lp 2755. HIPPO'PHAE L. SEA BUCKTHORN. 24201 rhamnoides L. com. Rhamnus-lk 24202 salicifblia D. Don Willow-leaved & 2754. SHEPHE'RD/^ Nut. SHEPHERDIA. (W. Shepherd, curator of bot. gard. Liverpool.) Elasagnea:. 2. 24199 canadensis Nut. Canadian ^ or 10 Ap N. Amer. 1759. L co Hippophae canadt-nsis L. 24200 argentea Nut. silvery ^ or 10 Ap Missouri 1818. L p.l Ifippophae argentea Ph. (Hippos, horse, phao, to destroy.) ElcE&gneee. 2. or 12 Ap England sea co. Sk co Eng. bot. 425 or 8 ... Ap Nepal 1822. L Lp 2756. BROUSSONETI^ Ven. BROUSSONETIA. (P. N. V. Broussonet, a French naturalist.) Urticece. 2. 24203 papyrifera Ven. paper-bearing * or 12 f.s Ap Japan 1751. Sk co Kaem. 472 Mbrus papyrifera L. 24204 spatulata Hort. spatulate-lvd * or 12 f.s Ap 1824. C co 2757. SCHJEFFE X RZ4 Jac. SCH^FFERIA. ( James Christian Schteffer, a German naturalist.) Ehamnece. 1.-2. """completaStux. complete, white-flwdit Q or 6 au G W. Indies 1793. C p.l 809 2758. BRIPCE^ Heritx BRUCEA. ( James Bruce, celeb, traveller in Abyssinia.) Terebmthacets. 3. 24206 ferruginea Herit. rusty, Ash-lvd at C] or 6 G Abyssinia 1775. C p.l Bot cab. 129 24207 sumatrana Rox. Sumatra at Q or 10 G E. Indies 1820. C p.l 24208 gracilis Dec. slender at Q or 6 ... Y.G E. Indies 1820. C p.l 2759. TETRA^IUM Lou. TETRADIUM. (Tetradian, a quaternion; fructification.) Terebinthacea:. L 24209 trichotomum Lou. three-forked J CD or 20 China 1820. C p.l Brucea trichotoma Spr. 2760. ANTHOSPE'RMUM L. AMBER TREE. (Anthos, flower, sperma, seed.) RubicLce64. L r.m Bot. mag. 1967 5 I | ec 15 my Ap S. Europe 1664. L r.m 2764. ZANTHO'XYLUM L. TOOTHACHE TREE. (Xanthos, 24219 emarginatum Swx. notch-leaved I 1 or 10 I | or 10 fi mr.ap 6 Jk i | * Q 3fe J CD * CD or i CD or \ | * CD CD or 20 6 24220 clava Herculw L. 24221 /raxineum W. 24222 tricarpum MX. 24223 nitidum Dec. 24224 Avicenna- Dec. 242-J5 acuminatum Sum. 24226 mtte W. 24227 aromaticum W. 24228 armatum Rox. 24229 sapindoldes Dec. 24230 austrkle G.Don Fagara austrulis Cun. 24231 argenteum Lo. C. silvery 24232 Budrunga Dec. Budrunga Fagara Budrunga Rox. 2765. PICRA'MNIASm. PICRAMNIA. (Pikros, bitter, thamnos, shrub ; whole plant) Cassuv'uc. 2. 24233 Antidesma Swx. Antidisma * CD un 4 ... G Jamaica 1793. C p.l SI. jam. 2. 208. 2 24234 pentandra Swz. pentandrous * CD or 5 ... G W. Indies 1822. C p.l 2766. ANTIDE'SMA L. ANTIDESMA. (Anti, like, desmos, bond ; bark used for ropes.) Antidesmete. 5. 1 1. Hercules's club com., Ash-like three-capsuled shining Avicenna's acuminate mild aromatic armed Sapindus-like southern or CD or or or 10 or 10 CDor 10 10 20 2 I | or 20 or 10 yellow, xylon, wood.) G.w Jamaica 1739. G.w W. Indies 1739. G.w N. Amer. 1759. G.w N. Amer. 1806. G.w China 18C3. ... China 1823. ... Jamaica 1818. ... N. Amer. 1818. ... \V. Indies 1824. ... E. Indies 1816. ... Jamaica 1823. ... N. HolL 3824. ' 1825. ... E. Indies 1825. Rutacece. 14. 43. C Lp SI. jam. 2. 168. 4 C l.p Cat. car. 1. 26 L s.l Duh. ar. 1. 97 L 1.8 L r.m Bot. mag. 2558 C l.p Lob. ic. 2. 133. 2 C l.p L Lp C l.p Jac. ec. 1. 70 C l| C l.p Br. jam. 20. 2 C l.p C Lp C Lp 24235 alexiteria L. 24236 paniculata Rox. 24237 zeylanica Lam. 24238 pubescens Rox. 24239 guinensis G. Don 2767. IRESPNE L. 24240 celosioides L. 24241 elongate Hum. 24242 diffusa W. 24243 elatior Rich. 24244 flavescens W. Alexiteria panicled Ceylon pubescent Guinea un 10 my.jn Ap un 10 ... Ap or 6 ... Ap or 6 ... Ap or 6 ... Ap E. Indies 1793. C p.l E. Indies 1800. C p.l Ceylon 1821. C p.l E. Indies 1818. C p.l Guinea 1825. C p.l R. mal.5. 11 Bur. zey. 10 Rox. cor. 2. 167 IRESINE. (Eiros, wool ; woolly appearance of branches.) AmarantMce nettle ; nettle-like, without stings.) Chenop. 1. 3. 24247 cannabina L. common, Hemp-Ik. O un 2 jn.jl G.Y N. Amer. 1640. S co 2771. CA'NNABIS L. HEMP. (Can, reed, ab, small, Celt. ; or qancb, its Arabic name.) Urtlcece. 2. 24248 sativa L. common, cultivated O ag 6 jn.jl G.Y India ... S h.l Schk. han. 3. 325 24249 indica L. Indian Tobacco O clt 1 au.s G E. Indies 1800. S co 2772. HITMULUS L. HOP. (Humus, the ground; if not supported creeps along it.) Urtlcece. 1. 24250 Lbpulus L. common, Hop ._$ A ag 15 Y Britain hed. D r.m Eng. bot. 427 2773. MODE'CCA Jac. MODECCA. 24251 lobata Jac. \obeA-leaved 24252 tuberosa Rox. tuberous 24253 dubia Rox. doubtful 24254 trilobata Rox. three-lobed (Its Indian name.) fl CD or 12 au G _CDor 10 jl.s fl_CDor 10 Passifibrece. 4. S. Leone 1812. C r.m Bot. reg. 433 E. Indies 1822. C s.l E.Indies 1826. C l.p fl_CI]or 10 jl.s ... E. Indies 1818. C Lp 2774. NEGU'NDO Moe. Box ELDER. (Meaning unknown.) Acerinea?. 1. 3. 24255/raxinifblium Nut. Ash-leaved or 35 ap G N. Amer. 1688. L s.l Schm. ar. 1. 12 A*cer Negundo L. Neetindium americanum Dec. 2 crispum curled ^ or 30 ap G N. Amer. 1688. L s.l 2775. NEMOPA'NTHES Rafi. NEMOPANTHES. (Nemos, grove, ops, eye, anthe, flower.) Celastrittea> 1. 24256 canadensis Dec. Canadian & or 6 N. Amer. 1812. L p.l Dec. gen. 3 fascicularis Rafi. .Hex canadensis MX. CLASS XXII. ORDER 6. DI(E V CIA HEXA'NDRIA. 1824. D r.m W.u N. Holl. 1824. D r.m Thun. dra.17. 2 2776. XEROTES R. Br. XEHOTKS. (Xerotcs, dryness ; aridity of herbage.) Ji'tncete. 12. 24. I. CAPITA^T*. Female flowers capitate ; leaves at top entire. 24257 flexifblia R. Br. curled-leaved iAI or 1 ... W.G N. Holl. 24258 mucronate R. Br. mucronate ] iAJ or 2 II. RACEMOSE. Flowers racemose, or female ones spicate, male ones panicled. 24259 filif6nnis J R. J Br. filiform * ,AJ or 1 W.G N Ho . 1824. D r.m Thun. dra. 1. .c. 24260 graciltaA-Bh slender jP tAi or 2 ... W.G N. Ho . 1823. D r.m 24261 denticulate R. Br. denticulate lAl or 1 ... W.G N. Ho . 1825. D r.m 24262 laxa R. Br. loose iAJ or 1 ... W.G N. Holl. 1823. D r.m O.1DKR VI. DICECIA HEXANDIUA. III. DENTICULA V M:. Flowers spiked or panicled ; branches opposite or whorled ; male flowers sessile imbricated, with bractes ; capsules smooth i leaves at top denticulate; stemlcss. 24263 rigida R. Br. 24264 mont^na R. Br. 24265 longifblia R. Br. 24266 hfstrix R. Br. 242G7 arenaria R. Br. 24268 echinata Ma. C. rigid mountain long-leaved porcupine sand hedgehog iAI or tAI or LAI or iAI or lAJor lAJor G.w 1ST. Holl. ... W.G N. Holl. ... G.w N. Holl. ... W.G N. Holl. W.u N. Holl. ... W.G N. Holl. 1791. D r.m LS24. D r.m 1796. D r.m 1824. D r.m 182U. D r.m 1824. D r.m Bot. cab. 798 2777. EL^IS Jac. OILY PALM. (Elaia, olive ; natives of Guinea express an oil from the fruit.) Pdlmce. 4. 24269 melanococca Gae. black-seeded CD or 30 ... G.w N.Grenad.1821. S co 24'/70 occidentals W. western CZi or 30 ... G.w Jamaica 18^0. S r.m 24271 guineensis Jac. Guinea CU or 30 ... G.w Guinea 1730. S r.m Jac. am. 172 24272 pernambucana Lo. C. Pernambuca O or 50 ... G.w Brazil 1825. S r.m 2778. CHAM^DO^REA W. CHAMJEDOREA. (Chamai, ground, dorea, gift; flowers low.) Palma. 2. 3. 24273 gracilis W. slender CD or 10 ... W.G Caraccas 1803. Sk r.m Jac. sc.2.247, 248 24274 fragrans Mart. sweet-scented Q or 8 ... W Trinidad 1820. Sk r.m Mart. palm. ic. Nunfizza fragrans W. 2779. HYPH^NE Gae. HYPH^NE. (Hyphaino, to entwine; fibres of fruit.) Pdlmte. 1. 24275 coriacea Gae. leather-tea ved CD or 20 Egypt 1824. S r.m Gae. fr. 84. Cucifera thebaica Del. 2780. BORA'SSUS L. BORASSWS. (One of the names applied to the spatha of the date.) Palmx. 1. 2. 24276 flabelliformis L. fan-leaved CD or 30 ... W.G E. Indies 1771. S r.m Rox. cor.1.71, 72 2781. MAURI'TI^ L. fil. MAURITIA. (Prince Maurice, of Nassau, the patron of Pisso.) Pdlmce. 3. 4. 24277 flexubsa L. fil. Qexnous-spiked CD or 40 ... W.G Surinam 1816. S r.m 24278 armata Mart. armed O or 40 Brazil 1824. S r.m Mart. palm. ic. 24279 vinifera Mart. wine-bearing CD or 40 Maranh. 1823. S r.r.i Mart. palm. ic. 2782. GEO'NOMA W. GEONOMA. 24280 Spix/nwa Mart. Spix's 24281 SchotUVma Lo. C. Schott's 24282 pinnatifrons W. pinnate-leaved 24283 simplicifrons W. simple-leaved 24284 acaiilis Mart. stemless 24285 macrostachys Mart, long-spiked 2783. SMI'LAX L. SMILAX. (Geonomos, skilled in agriculture ; propagation.) Palmes. 6. 13. fCDor 15 CD or ... Pk Brazil 1824. S r.m Mart. palm. ic. ... Ap Brazil 1820. S r.m ... Ap Caraccas 1821. S r.m ... Ap Trinidad 1818. S r.m ... Ap Brazil 1823. s r.m Mart. palm. ic. ... Ap Brazil 1823. s r.m Mart. palm. ic. 24286 aspera L. 2 auriculata 24287 nlgra W. 24288 catalonica Pair. 24289 mauritanica Pair. 24290 exc51sa L. 24291 horrida Desf. 24292 zeylanica L. 24293 quadrangularisMM 24294 longifolia Rich. 24295 Sarsaparilla L. 24296 Watsbnz Swt. longifblia Wat. 24297 brasiliensis Spr. 24298 hastata W. 24299 lanceolkta Walt. 24500 China L. 24301 acuminata W. 24302 gla6ca Walt. 24303 australis R. Br. 24304 rotundifblia L. 24305 teurifblia L. 24306 syphilitica Hum. 24307 iamnoldes L. 24308 caduca L. 24309 havan^nsis Jac. 24310 ovalifblia Rox. 24311 maculata Rox. 24312 bona n6x L. 24313 prolifera Rox. 24314 glabra Rox. 24315 Alplm W. 24316 latiftlia R. Br. 24317 cumanensis W. 24318 herbacea L. 24319 peduncularis MM, 24320 Pseudo-china L. 24321 canariensis W. 24322 glycyphy 24323 puber MX. 24324 rubens Wat. 24325 virginica Mil. 2784. TA'MUS L. 24326 communis L. 24327 cretica L. (Smile, a scraper I. ACULEA'T*:. i. ANGULA^JE. - rough, Bindweed^ un 8 ear-leaved JL un 8 U&ck-berried JL un 8 Catalonian JL un 8 Mauritanian JL un 8 tall fi_ i | un 12 horrid JL un 8 Ceylon i. CD un 10 square-stalked JL un 6 long-leaved fl_ CD un 10 Sarsaparilla JL m 4 Watson's J. m 4 ; stems rough from prickles.) Stem prickly. - Stem angular. ' a W.G S. Europe 1648. s W.G S. Europe 1648. s Y.G Spain 1817. Y.G Catalonia 1817. Y.G Mauritania 1820. W.G Syria 1739. Y.G N. Amer. 1820. ... W.G E.Indies 1778. jn.jl W.G N. Amer. 1812. my.jl G.w Cayenne 1820. W.G N. Amer. 1664. W.G N. Amer. 1811. s au.o au.s au.s Smilaccce. 40. 70. Sks.p Schk. han. 3.328 Sks.p Pluk. al. 110.3 Sks.p Sks.p Sks.p BUX.C. 1.27 Sks.p Sks.p Skp.l Sks. P C p.l Sks.p Sks.l Ru. am. 5. 161 Den. br. 109 Den. br. Ill Den. br. 110 Brazil 4. CD un 6 jl.s Y.G Brazil 1820. hastate JL un ... Y.G Carolina 1820. spear-leaved JL un 5 my.jn G.w N. Amer. 1785. ii. TERETICAU'LES. Stems terete. China 'acuminate glaucous-teflverfJL un southern fl_ I I un round-leaved ft. un Laurel-leaved syphilitic Tamnus-like deciduous L. CD m 6 ; ... JL CD un 10 my.jl Havannah oval-leaved spotted 2 6 6 JL un 5 jl fl_CDm 10 ... JL A un 6 jn.jl un 6 jn.jl fi. CD un 10 jLau _ CD un 10 i. l | un 6 W.G Y.G G.w W.G W.G W.G Y.G W.G W.G Y.G Y.G China 1759. W. Indies 1824. N. Amer. 1811. N. S. W. 1815. N. Amer. 1760. N. Amer. 1739. Trinidad 1818. N. Amer. 1739. N. Amer. 1759. Havannah 1823. E. Indies 1823. Y.G i Nepal 1823. good night proliferous smooth Alpini's broad-leaved Cumana herbaceous II. INE'RMES. Stems unarmed. L ANGULAV.E. Stems angular. JL un 6 jn.jl W.G N. Amer. 1739. CD un 10 ... Y.G E. Indies 1819. Y.G E. Indies 1820. Y.G Greece 1820. N. Holl. Cumana CDun 10 JL un 6 G.w N. Holl. 1791. Y.G Cumana 1818. G N. Amer. un 8 I I un 10 A un 4 jl ii. TERETICAU'LES. Stems terete. /on#-peduncled JL A un 6 my.jl G.w N. Amer. 1812. BastardChinesefl | un 6 my.jn G.w S. Amer. 1739. l_J un 5 Y.G Tenerifte 1816. Ljun 6 ... G.w N. S. W. 1815. downy JL un 5 ... G.w N. Amer. 1806. red JL un 6 jl G.w N. Amer. 1812. Virginian JL un 6 ... Y.a Virginia Canary 11. JLC. icled JL inesefl_ Sk s.p Sks.p Pluk. al. 111. 2 Sks.p Cat. car. 2. 84 Sks.p Kaem.782 Sk s.p PI. ic. 83 Sk p.l Bot. mag. 1846 Sk s.p Sks.p Sk s.p Cat. car. 1. 1 Sks.p Sk s.p Cat. car. 1. 52 Sk s.p Sks.p Jac. am. 179. 102 Sks.p Sks.p Sks.p Pluk. al. 111. 1 , Sks.p Sks.p Sks.p Sks.p Sks.p Sks.p Bot. mag. 1920 Skp.l Sk p.l SI. jam. 1. 143. 1 Sks. P Sks.p Sks.p Sk p.l Den. br. 108 Sks. P BLACK BRYONY. (Name of Columella to a plant resembling a vine.) Tameae. 2. common J A m 10 G England hed. R s.p Eng. bot.91 Cretan ^ A un 5 G Candia 1739. R p.l 400 DICECIA HEXANDRIA CLASS XXII. 2785. TESTUDINA^RI A Burc. ELEPHANT'S FOOT. (Testudo, tortoise ; outside of roots resembling.) Diosc. 2. 24328 elephantipes Burc. com., eleph. foot & iAI cu 8 Y C. G. H. 1774. R p.l Bot. mag. 13*7 Tamus elephantipes Herit. 24329 montana Burc. mountain _k lAl cu 8 C. G. H. 1816. R p.l 2786. RAJA^NIA L. RAJANIA. (John Ray, a distinguished English naturalist.) Dioscdreee. 3. 14 24330 cordata L. cordate-leaved fi_ (23 un 6 jl G W. Indies 1786. R p.l PI. ic. 84. 98 24331 hastata L. hastate _| G3 un 20 Y.o W. Indies 1822. R p.l PI. ic. 155 1 24332 quinquefblia L. five-leaved _& G3 un 20 Y.G W. Indies 1818. R p.l PI. ic. 155. 2 2787. DIOSCCTR^ L. YAM. (Pedacius Dioscorides, a Greek physician.) I. DIVISIFOLIJE. Leaves divided. 24333 pentaphylla L. five-leaved & C3 cul 10 ... G E. Indies 1768. 2*334 triphylla L. three-leaved A (Z3 un 8 ... G Malabar 1820. 24335 trifoliata Kth. trifoliate A CZ3 un 4 Trinidad 1819. DioscbreBAT.&;F LI.E. Le aves M led. 24336 quinqueloba Thun. five-lobed A iAI un 4 G.w Japan 1822. R r.m Kasm. ic. 15 24337 brasiliensis W. Brazilian A (23 esc 8 ... G Brazil 1823. R r.m 24338 trifida L. trifid IAI un 4 Trinidad 1818. R r.m 24339 heterophylla Rox. variable-leaved A fA] un 4 G'.'W E. Indies 1818. R r.m III. C 3KDIFOL IJE. Lea vescorc late. 24340 aculeata L. prickly-stmd LAI cul 10 ... G E. Indies 1803. R r.m R. mal. 7 37 24341 alata L. wing-stalked ^ G3 cul 15 ... G India 1739. R r.m R. maL 7. 38 24342 bulbifera L. bulb-bearing ^r (23 esc 12 G . E. Indies 1692. R r.m Par. Ion. 17 24343 leonensis G. Don Sierra Leone A IAI un 10 jl W S. Leone 1822. R r.m 24344 Nummularia Lam. Moneywort A [23 un 10 ... E. Indies 1820. R r.m Ru. am. 5 162 24345 crispata Rox. curled (23 un 5 ... W.G E. Indies 1818. R r.m 24346 angulna Rox. snake l& IAI un 10 ... E. Indies 1803. R r.m 24347 pulch611a Rox. neat A 23 un 10 ... E. Indies 1818. R r.m 24348 atropurpurea Rox. 24349 globusa Rox. dark-purple globose | iAi un [AJ un 10 ... 10 D.P G.w E. Indies E. Indies 1820. 1818. R R r.m r.m 24350 fascicuiata Rox. fascicled IA1 un 10 ... G.w E. Indies 1817. R r.m 24351 glabra Rox. smooth !& LAI un 10 ... G.w E. Indies 1803. R r.m 24352 sativa L. com., cultivatec A (23 clt 20 au G W. Indies 1733. R r.m R.mal.8. 51 24353 rubella Rox. reddish (23 un 6 R E. Indies 1803. R r.m 24354 purptirea Rox. purple & IAJ un 8 P E. Indies 1803. R r.m 24355 nepalensis Swt. Nepal J^ !Ai un 6 G.w Nepal 1816. R r.m 24356 piperi folia Jfom. Pepper-leaved A IA] un 6 G.w S. Amer. 1817. R r.m 24357 coriacea #wz. leathery J^- (23 un 8 G S. Amer. 1818. a r.m 24358 scabra Hum. scabrous J^ (23 un 10 G.w Orinoco 1817. R r.m 24359 altissima Lam. tallest A I 1 un 20 G Martiniq. 1821. R r.m PL ic. 117 1 24360 angustifolia Lam. narrow-leaved ^ LAI un 10 G Peru 1821. B r.m 24361 villbsa L. villous >^ A un 3 au R N. Amer. 1752. R s.p Jac. ic. 3. 626 24362 quaternata *Fa#. four-leaved A A un 3 au R N. Amer. 1811. R s.p 24363 oppositifolia L. IV. OBLONGIFOLLE. Leaves oblong. opposite-leaved A (23 un 6 ... G ET Indies 1803. 24364 cinnamomifbliaflboAr. Cinnamon-lvd& El or 6 n G.Y Rio Jan. 1827. R s.p Pet. g. 31. 6 R s.p Bot. mag. 2825 2788. CCXCCULUS Bauh. COCCULUS. (Coccus, syst. name of cochineal; scarlet berries.) Menisp. 12. 50. 24365 /aurifblius Dec. 24366 villosus Dec. 2 hirsiitus Dec. 24367 orbiculatus Dec. 24368 palmatus Dec. 24369 crispus Dec. 24370 tomentosus Col. 24371 incanus Col. 24372 PlukenetDec. Plukenet"'s Menispennum C6i 24373 suberbsus Dec. 24374 cordifdlius Dec. 24375 rotundifblius Dec. 2789. COSCI'NIUM Col. COSCINIUM. (Koskinion, a little sieve ; cotyledons perforated.) Menispfrmacea:. I. 24376 fenestratum Col. windowed fi_ Q or 10 ... Y.G Ceylon 1800. R Lp Gae. fr. 1. 46. 2 Menisprmum fenestratum Gae. 2790. TILIAC&RA Col. TILIACORA. (TUiakora, its name in Bengal.) Menispermaceec. 1. 24377 racembsa Col. racemose g_ I I or 20 ... Y E. Indies 1800. R r.m Menispennum polycarpon Rox. I. OBLONGIF&LII. Leaves oblons, ovate, or oval. Laurel-leaved or 10 W.G E. Indies 1816. R Lp Deless. 1. 97 villous or 6 G.Y E. Indies 1800. R Lp Plu. am. 384. 3 hairy or 6 ... G.Y E. Indies 1800. It Lp Plu. am. 384. 7 II. Co RDIFOLIL - -Le, ives a t base i Cordate. round-leaved 6 G.Y E. Indies 1790. R l.p Pluk. al. 384. 6 palmate JL I 1 QJI 10 ..." W.G E. Indies 1800. R 1 P As. res. 10. 5.385 curled fl C 1 or 20 ... W.G E. Indies 1822 R 1 p Ru. am. 5. 44. 1 woolly a 1 1 QY 10 W.G E. Indies 1819. R Lp hoary fl_ Q or 10 W.G E. Indies 1820. R l.p Lin. tr. 13. 6. 1 kenet's, qfficina, ulus W. >$_ r~")m 10 " G.Y E. Indies 1790. R Lp Plk. m. 345. 2 Cork-barked i_ i~"lor 20 ... W.G E. Indies 1800. R l.p Gae. fr. 1. 70. 1 cordate-leaved 20 ... W.G E. Indies 1820. R Lp R. mal. 7. 21 round-leaved fL 1 lor 20 ... W.G 1820. R Lp 2791. MA^BA Forst. MABA. 24378 6uxif61ia Pers. Box-leaved Ferrebla ftuxifblia Rox. 24379 laurina R. Br. , Laurel-leaved * i_J or (Its name in Tonga-Tabu.) Ebenacece. 2. 9. CD pr 1J ... Y E. Indies 1810. C s.p Rox. cor. 1. 45 2792. CHAMJELI'RIUM W. CHAM^LIRIUM. 24380 carolinianum W. Carolina A or Feratrum luteumL. Helbnias lutea B. M. 3 ... N. Holl. (Chamai, ground, leirion, lily.) C s.p Melanthaceee. I. _ jLau Y "N. Amer. 1759. D p.l Bot mag. 1062 dioica Ph. .Melanthium densum Lam. ORDER IX. DICECIA DECANDRIA. 401 CLASS XXI I. ORDER 7. DIOZ V CIA OCTA'NDRIA. *2793. PO'PULUS L. POPLAR. (Paipallo, to shake ; easily by wind.) Amen&cecB. 24. 24381 alba L. white, Abele Tree % tm 40 mr.ap Ap Britain moi.w. Sk CO Eng. bot. 1618 21:382 nivea W. snow-white or 40 mr.ap Ap S. Europe 1800. C CO 24383 h^brida Bieb. hybrid or 40 mr.ap Ap Caucasus 1816. c CO 24>84 canescens SOT. canescent $ tm 40 mr.ap Ap England Sk CO Eng. bot. 1619 24,385 trepida W. trembling, Americ. f tm 30 ... Ap N. Amer. 1812. C CO Mic. ar. 3. 8. 1 tremuloides MX. 24386 trtSmula L. trembling, Aspen % tm 50 mr.ap Ap Britain moi.w. Skco Eng. bot. 1909 pendula Duroi 24387 laevigata H. K. smooth $ tm 80 mr.ap Ap N. Amer. 1769. G CO Mic. ar. 3. 11 canadensis MX. 24388 viminea Desf. twiggy * or 40 mr.ap Ap Canada 1820. C CO 24389 marilandica Bosc Maryland $ or 70 mr.ap Ap Maryland 1824. C CO 24390 gra^ca //. A:. Greek, Athenian * tm 40 mr.ap Ap Archipel. 1779. C CO Duh. ar. 184. 54 24391 nlgra L. black tm 30 mr.ap Ap Britain C CO Eng. bot. 1910 24392 Aetulifblia Ph. Birch-lvd, Bk Amer. % tm 40 mr.ap Ap N. Amer. ... c CO Mic. ar. 3. 10. 1 hudsonica MX. 24393 dilatata H. K. diluted, Lombardy * tm 70 mr.ap Ap Italy 1758. c CO fastigiata Desf. 24394 monilifera H. K. necklace-bearing ^ tm 70 my Ap Canada 1772. c CO Den. br. 102 24395 grandidentata MX. large-toothed *f tm 70 mr.ap Ap N. Amer. 1772. c CO 2 pendula MX. pendulous or 40 mr.ap Ap N. Amer. 1820. c CO 24396 acladesca Lindl. twigless, Bk Italian^ tm 70 my Ap N. Amer. ... c CO 24397 angulata //. K. angular, Carolina^ tm 80 mr Ap Carolina 1738. c CO Mic. ar. 3. 302. 12 24398 balsamifera L. balsam-bearing $ tm 70 ap Ap N. Amer. 1692. c CO Mic. ar. 3. 13. 1 Tacamahaca Mil. 24399 suaveolens Fis. sweet-scented % or 70 mr.ap Ap Russia 1825. c c 24400 longifolia Fis. long-leaved 24401 macrophylla Lindl. long-lvd,Ontario*E 24402 candicans H. K. whitish, heart-lvd * or 40 tm 70 tm 50 mr.ap mr AP Ap Ap Siberia 1826. N. Amer. 1820. N. Amer. 1772. c c c c c CO Cat. car. 1. 34 canadensis Moen. 24403 heterophylla L. various-leaved ^ tm 70 Ap N. Amer. 1765. c CO Mic. ar. 3. 9 cordifulia Burg. 24404 supina Lo. C. supine $ or mr.ap Ap N. Amer.?1824. c CO CLASS XXII. ORDER 8. DICE V CIA ENNEA'NDRIA. 2794. MERCURIA^LIS L. MERCURY. (Mercury discovered the virtues of this plant ) Euphorbiacete. 5. 7. 1 G Britain woods. D s 1 Eng. bot 1872 24405 perennis L. 24406 ambigua L.fiL 24407 annua L. 24408 clliptica L. 24409 tomentosa L. perennial doubtful annual elliptic-leaved woolly O un 1 G Owl jl.s G | un 1 my.jl G un 1 jl.s G Spain 1806. S co L. f. dec. 1. 8 Britain rub. S co Eng. bot. 559 Portugal 18U2. C co Yen. eels 12 Spain 1640. C co 2795. HYDRO'CHARIS L. FROG-BIT. (Hydor, water, charts, grace ; pretty.) Hydrocharideee. I. 24410 morsus ranae L. com., frog's bite ^ A cu jn.jl W Britain dit. Skco Eng. bot 808 2796. TRI'PLARIS L. TRIPLARIS. (Triplex, triple ; parts of fructification in threes.) Polygdneee. 1. 2. 24411 americana L. American CD tm 40 ... Pa.Y S. Amer. 1824. C r.m Aub. gui. 37 CLASS XXII. ORDER 9. DICE V CIA DECA'NDRIA. 2797. CORIA^RIA L. CORIARIA. 24412 wzyrtifblia L. Myrtle-leaved 24413 sarment&sa Forst. twiggy (Coriutn, a hide ; used in tanning.) Coriariece. 2. 7. k or 6 G S. Europe 1629. L co Den. br. 103 k | | cu 3 G N. Zeal. 1823. C co Bot. mag. 2470 2798. KIGGELA^R/^ L. 24414 africana L. African 24415 integrifolia Jac. entire-leaved KIGGELARIA. (Francis Kiggelar, a Dutch bot. author.) Kiggelariece. 2. llor 10 my.jn W.o C. G. H. 1683. C s.l Lam. il. 821 i | or 10 my.jn \V.o C. G. H. 1683. C s.l Jac. ic. 3. 628 * 2799. SCHPNUS L. 24416 Molle L, 24417 virgata Suit. SCHINUS. (The Greek name for Pistacia Lentiscus.) Terebinthacea;. 2. 6. Molle, Peruvian* i_J or 12 G Peru 1597. L r.m Mil. ic. 2. 246 twiggy il l_J or 8 my.jl G Lima 1822. C p.l 2800. GYMNO'CLADUS Lam. GYMNOCLADUS. (Gymnos, naked, klados, twig; appearance.) Leg.C&s.Cas. 1. 24418 canadensis Lam. Canadian or 20 ... W Canada 1748. R s.l Mic. am. 2. 51 2801. C A'RICA L. PAPAW TREE. (Erroneously supposed to be a native of Caria.) Cucurbitacece ? 6. 24419 Pap^a L. cowzwon,Papaya CD cul 20 jl G India 1690. S r.m Bot reg. 459 24420 citriformis Jac. Orange-formed f CD or 20 ... W.G Lima 1820. S r.m 24421 pyrifdrmis W. Pear-formed 1 D or 20 ...... Guinea 1823. S r.m D d 402 DICECIA POLYANDRIA. CLASS XXII. 24422 cauliflbra Jac. 24423 spinbsa W. digitata Aub. 24424 microcarpa Jac. 2 monoica Desf. stem-flowering J I I or 20 prickly small-fruited monoecious [Dor JCZI or 20 CZI or 20 ... G Caraccas 1806. S r.m Jac. sc. 3. 311 W.G Guiana 1821. S r.m Aub.gui.346 W.o Caraccas 1806. S r.m Jac. sc. 3. 309, 10 W.G 1818. S r.m CLASS XXII. ORDER 10. DICE V CIA DODECA'NDRIA. 2802. XTRATIO^TES L. WATER SOLDIER. (Stratos, army ; sword- like leaves.) Hydrockaride&. 1. 2. 24425 aloldes L. Aloe-like ^ A el 2 jn.jl W England dit. Sk l.p Eng. hot. 379 2803 HY^ENA'NCHE H.K. HYJENA POISON. (Hycena, hysena, agcho, to strangle ; poisons.) EuphorUhcece. 1. 244i>6 globr-sa H. K. globose * | 1 or 8 ap.s W.G C. G. H. 1783. C l.p Lamb. ci. 52. 10 Toxicodendron capense Thun. 2804. EUCLE^A L. EUCLEA. 24427 racembsa L. racemose, round-lvd 24428 undulata Thun. \vave-leaved * | | or (EuMeia, glory ; neat evergreen foliage.) or 5 n.d Euphorbiacete. 2. C. G. HT 1772. C p.l Jac. fr. 3. 1. 5 C. G. H. 1794. C p.l 2805. DATI'SCA W. 24429 cannabina L. 24430 hirta L. DATISCA. (Meaning unknown.) Dutisce1 canadense L. Canadian 24432 danricum Dec. Daurian 24433 virginicum W. Virginian 24434 smilacinum Dec. Smilax-like Cissampelos smilacina W. 24435 Lyom Ph. Lyon's or 10 jn.jl W.G N. Amer. 1823. R s.p 2807. ABITTA Aub. 24436 rufescens Aub. ABUTA. rufescent (Abutua, its name in Guiana) fl_ I I or 10 ... G.Y Guiana Menispermdcea:. 1. 2. 320. R l.p Aub. gui. 2. 250 CLASS XXII. ORDER 11. DIGE V CIA ICOSA'NDRIA. 2808. PEVMUS Pers. PEUMUS. 24437 fragrans Pers. fragrant (Peumo, its Chilian name.) Urticees. L CD fra 30 Chile 1824. C p.l Feu. ch. 3. 6 2809. GELO^NIUM Rox. GELONIUM. (Meaning unknown.) Euphorbiacets. 3. 24438 bifarium Rox. i'-ranked-teamf* CD un 6 Ap E. Indies 1793. C p.l 24439 fasciculatum Rox. fascicled * Q un 6 ... Ap E. Indies 1818. C p.l 24440 lanceolatum Rox. lance-leaved H LH un 6 Ap E. Indies 1818. C p.l 2810. ROTTLETR4 Rox. ROTTLERA. (Rev. Dr. Rattier, a Danish missionary.) Euphorbiacets. 3. 10. 24441 tinctoria Rox. dyer's * Q un 15 ... Ap E. Indies 1810. C p.l Rox. cor. 2. 168 24442 brasiliensis Spr. Brazilian O un 5 ... Ap Brazil 1827. C p.l 24443 paniculata Jac. pamcled * Q un 4 ... Ap Ceylon 1823. C p.l Croton paniculata Lam. CLASS XXII. ORDER 12. DIOTCIA POLYA'NDRIA. fr 12 jn.jl W Madagasc.1775. C p.l fr 15 ... W Guinea 1780. C p.l fr 4 ... W E. Indies 1804. C p.l fr 10 ... W E. Indies 1800. C p.l or 20 ... w E. Indies 1819. C p.l or 6 ... w E. Indies 1816. C l.p or 12 w E. Indies 1820. C l.p or 4 ... w C. G. H. 1816. C l.p 2811. FLACOU'RT/^ Herit. FLACOURTIA. (Etienne de Flacourt, a French botanist.) Flacourtian^. 8. 24444 Ramontchi Herit. Ramontchi ft r~l fr 12 jn.jl W Madagasc.1775. C p.l Her. st. 59. 30 24445 flav^scens W. flavescent-^wrf 24446 cataphracta Rox. all-armed 24447 sapida Rox. well-tasted, esculent * Q f r 10 ... W E. Indies 1800. C p.l Rox. cor. 1. 1 24448 inermis Rox. unarmed f 24449 sepiaria Rox. hedge * 24450 rotundilolia Rox. round-leaved * 24451 rhamnoldes Sure. Rhamnus-like * 2812. CLIFFO'RT/^ L. CLIFFORTIA. (G. Cliffort, of Holland, first patron of Linnaeus.) Rosucece. 16. 24. 1. MULTINE'RVLE. Leaflets solitary, at base, many nerved ; stipules simple, but rather with a leaflet on both sides, stipulate, joined into one. 24452 ilicif61ia L. Ilex-leaved tt i | or 3 my.s G C. G. H. 1714. C p.l Di. eL 31. 35 24453 cordifolia Lam. heart-leaved * |_J or 3 jn.jl G.w C. G. H. 1820. C p.l 24454 tridentata W. three-toothed * ( | or 3 my.s G.w C. G. H. ... C p.l 24455 mscifolia L. Ruscus-leaved at i | or 3 jn.jl G.w C. G. H. 1752. C p.l H. cl. 31 II. DicH6pTERfi. Leaves at first sight solitary, one nerved ; stipules bifid, or rather leaflets bistipulate trifoliate ; lateral leaflets small, dentiform. 24456 cuneata H. K. wedge-leaved * i_J or 3 ap G.w C. G. H. 1787. C p.l ORDER XIII. DICECIA MONADELPHIA. 403 C p.l C p.l C p.l III. TENUiFbLiJE. Leaflets three, subulate, linear, or oblong ; stem ones often all abortive, in bundles in the axill of the stipules. 24457 strobilifera L. strobiliferous * (_J or 3 iny.jn G.w ...... 1818. C p.l Pluk. al. 27 S. 2 24468 ericaetolia L. Heath-leaved * i_J or 3 jLs G.w C. G. H. 1799. 24459 sarment5sa L. twiggy * |_J or 4 W C. G. H. 1793. 244GO faleata L. falcate * i_J or 3 jn.jl G.w C. G. H. 1818. IV. LATIF5LLE. Leaflets three, oval or obcordate, dissimilar; stipules small; lateral leaflets stipuliform. 24461 ternata L. ternate * i_J or 3 jn.jl G.w C. G. H. 1818. C p.l H. cl. 82 24462 trifoliata L. three-leaved i _ | or 10 ap.jl G.w C. G. H. 1752. C p.l Pluk. al. 319. 4 244(33 obcordata L. obcordate-/w/ * i_J or 3 G.w C. G. H. 1790. C p.l 24464 obllqua Spr. oblique *i _ | or 3 jn.jl G.w C. G. H. 181fi. C p.l V. BiFOUAVjE. Stipules smalls leaflets opposite, bmate, from the middle one being abortive, lateral ones larger ; petioles none. 244S5 crenata L. notched-leaved i _ | or 3 G.w C. G. H. 1791. C p.l 24466 pulchella L. beautiful M i _ | or 1| G.w C. G. H. 1795. C p.l 24467 cinerea Than. cinereous * i _ | or 4 jn.jl G.w C. G. H. 1800. C p.l 2813. CY^CAS L. 24468 circinalis L. 24469 revoluta Thun. 24470 glauca Lk. 24471 squarrijsa Lo. C. 24472 angulata R. Br. CYCAS. (Greek name of a palm said to grow in Ethiopia.) Cycudece. 5 7. round-teamed CD cu 3 ... Ap E. Indies 1700. Sk r.m R. mal. 3. 13. 21 revolute-leaved CD cu 3 Ap China 1737. Sk r.m Lin. tr. 6. 29 glaucous CD or 4 ... Ap E. Indies 1818. Sk r.m rough CD or 4 ... Ap E. Indies 1824. Sk r.m angulate CD or 4 ... Ap N. Holl. 18*4. Sk r.m 2814. ZA X MIA L. ZAMIA. (Zamia, loss ; sterile appearance of male fructification.) CycMece. 21. I. UNILOCULA^RES. Leaflets confluent with the rachis; anthers one-celled. 24473 pungens H. K. pricking CDcu* 10 ... Ap C. G. H. 1775. Sk l.p Til. pis. 129. 45 24474 latifulia Lo. C. broad-leaved 6 ... Ap ...... Skp.l 24475 prunifera Lo. C. 24476 repanda Lo. C. plum-bearing repand I or or 14 6 Ap Ap Skp.l Skp.l 24477 cycadifolia Jac. Cycas-leaved 1 | CU 3 ... Ap c. G'.'H. 1775. Skl.p Jac. fr. 1. 25, 26 24478 caffra Thun. Caffrarian CD or 4 > Ap C. G. H. ... Skp.l 24479 lanuginbsa Jac. woolly | | CU 3 ... Ap C. G. H. 1812. Skp.l Jac. fr. 27, 28 24480 longifblia Jac. long-leaved tf | | CU 7 Ap C. G. H. 1818. Skp.l Jac. fr. 29 24481 tridentata W. three-toothed | | CU 2 ... Ap C. G. H. 1814. Sk p.l 24482 Cycadis W. Cycas-like 1 1 cu 3 ... Ap C. G. H. 1775. Skp.l Th. up. 2. 5 24483 spiralis Jac. spiral $ I 1 cu 3 An N. S. W. 1796. Sk p.l 24484 horrida Jac. horrid * LJcu 5 ... Ap C. G. H. 1800. Skp.l Jac. fr. 27. 27, 28 24485 spinbsa Lo. C. spiny CD or 5 ... Ap Skp.l II. BlLOCULA^RES. - -L eafletsj oint ed at tt 'le base y anthers two-eel led. 24486 angustifblia Jac. narrow-leaved \ \ cu Ap Bahama I. ... Sk p.l Jac. ic. 3. 636 24487 tenuis W. slender CD or 1 Ap Bahama I. ... Skp.l 24488 media Jac. intermediate t CDcu 2 Ap W. Indies ... Skp.l Bot. mag. 1838 24489 debilis H. K. weak, long-lvd f f | CU 1 Ap W. Indies 1777. Skp.l Bot. cab. 1;"5 24490 integrifblia H.K. entire-lvd, dwar f 1 1 cu 2 Ap W. Indies 1768. Skp.l Bot mag. 1851 24491 pygmae^a j?. M. pygmy 1 1 cu 1 my Ap W. Indies ... Sk p.l Bot. mag. 1741 24492 furfuracea H. K. furfuraceous I CD cu 3 Ap W. Indies 1691. Skp.l Bot. mag. 1969 24493 pumila L. dwarf 1 | | CU Ap C. G. H. 1812. Skp.l Bot. mag. 2006 2815. LODOFCR4 Com. LODOICEA. 24494 sechellarum Lab. Sechelles Cbcos maldivica Gm. (Laodice, the daughter of Priamus and Hecuba.) Pdlmce. 1. CD or 80 ...... Sechelles ... S p.l Bot. mag. 2734 [to 2738 2816. PHYTE'LEPHAS R. % P. PHYTELEPHAS. 24495 macrocarpa R. fyP. long-fruited * CD or (Phyton, plant, elephas, ivory.) Pandanets. 1. 2. , ... ... Peru 1822. S p.l 2817. TRE'WjM L. TREWIA. (C. J. Trew, of Nuremberg, hot. author.) Euphorbiacea:. 1. 2 24496 nudifl6ra L. naked-flowered * CD or 6 E. Indies 1796. C p.l R. mal. 1. 42 macrophylla Roth CLASS XXI I. ORDER IS. DIOTCIA MONADE'LPHIA. 2818. LATA^NIA Com. BOURBON PALM. (Latanier, its name in Bourbon.) Palmee. 3. 24497 rubra Jac. red i CD or 15 ... G.w Mauritius 1788. S co Jac. fr. 13. 8 24498 borbonica Lam. com., Bourbon i I I or 20 ... G.w Bourbon 1816. S co Jac. fr. 11. 1 chinc-nsis Jac. 24499 glaucophylla Lo. C. glaucous-lvd CD or 15 ... G.w E. Indies 1823. S s.l 2819. tfU'SCUS L. BUTCHER'S BROOM. 24500 aculeatus L. prickly tt. 2 laxus L. Tr. loose tt. 24501 hypophyllum L. leaf under leaf . 24502 hypoglussum L. tongue under tonguett. 24503 androgynus L. hermaphrodite |_ i | or 24504 volhbilis Thun. twining |_ 24505 reticulatus Thun. netted fl_ 24506 racembsus L. racemose - 2820. AE A UCA-RIA R. & P. ARAUCARIA. (Araucanos, its name in Chile.) Coniferce. 2. 3. 24507 imbricata R. % P. imbricated j i_J tm 150 ... Ap Chile 1796. S p.l Lamb.pi.2.9.4.B Colymbea quadrifaria Sal. 24508 brasiliana Lamb. Brazilian i i | tm 100 ... Ap Brazil 1819. S p.l Lamb. pi. 2.12. 5 2821. ALTI'NG/^ Nor. ALTINGIA. (Alting, some obscure German botanist ?) Conifera:. 2. 245096X^183.?^. tall ll i or 100 ... Ap Norfolk 1. 1796. S p.l Lamb.pi.1.39,40 Araucaria excelsa H. K. 24510 Cunningham? G.Don Cunningham's^ t | or SO Dd 2 (Beits, or or or or Jor Jor Jor or box, kelem, holly, Celt. ; box-holly.) Smilacece. 7. jn.d G England thick. Sk co Eng. bot. 560 ja.jn G Portugal ... Sk co my.jn G Italy 1640. Sk co Bot. mag. 2049 G Italy 1596. Sk co Schk. han.3. 340 G.w Canaries 1713. Skp.l Bot. mag. 1898 G C. G. H. 1816. Sk p.l G C. G. H. 1816. Sk p.l jn G.Y Portugal 1713. Sk co 145 Ap N. Holl. 1824. S p.l 404 DICECIA MONADELPHIA. CL. XXII. OR. XIII. 2822. JUNl'PERUS L. JUNIPER. (Juneprus, rough or rude, Celt. 24511 thurifera L. frankincense-bearing* or 10 my.jn Ap 24512 bermudianu L. Bermudas, Cedar f_ | tin 20 my.jn Ap ; stiff shrubs) Conifers. 24. 26. S. Europe 1752. L s.l Bermudas 1683. S p.l Her. lug. 347 24513 chinensis L. 24514 excelsa Bieb. 24515 Sabina L. Chinese tall common Savin ft _jor tm or 10 'JO 4 my.jn my.jn Ap Ap China 18U4. Siberia 1806. S. Europe 1548. L L L &' s.l 2 variegata variegated 4Kb or 5 my.jn Ap Europe I, s.l 24516 /amariseifolia HM t. Tamarisk-lvd * or 4 my.jn Ap S. Europe 1562. L s.l 24517 cracovia Lo. C. Cracow it or 4 my.jn Ap 1820. L S.1 24518 squamata D. Don scaled or -1 my.jn Ap Nepal 1824. L s.l 24519 prostrata MX. prostrate St. or 3 my.jn Ap N. Amer. ... S 8.1 repens Nut. 24520 daurica Pall. Daurian * or 8 Ap Dauria 1791. L S.l Bot. rep. 534 24521 virginikna L. Virginian, Red Cedar tm 30 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1664. S s.p Mic. ar. 3. 5 carol iniana Duroi 2 humilis humble fc or 12 my.jn Ap N. Amer. 1800. L s.l 24522 canad^nsis Fis. Canadian 1 or &0 my.jn Ap Canada 1820. L s.l 24523 communis L. common ii tm 15 my.jn Ap Britain heaths. S s.l Eng. bot. 1110 24524 suecica Mil. Swedish | or 15 my.jn Ap N.Europe ... L s.l 24525 nana W. dwarf Jfe or b my.jn Ap Siberia S l.p Pal.ros.2.54.A. B 24526 sibirica Burg. 24527 recurva Ham. Siberian recurved * or or 3 4 my.jn my.jn Ap Ap Siberia 1800. Nepal 1817. L L s.l s.l 24528 drupacea Lab. drupaceous 41 or 4 my.jn Ap Syria 1820. L s.l 24529 alpina Hort. alpine il or 1 my.jn Ap Britain L s.l 24530 glauca W. glaucous 4t or 4 my.jn Ap China 1816. L s.l 24531 Oxycedrus L. Sharp Cedar 41 or 15 my.jn Ap Spain 1739. C s.l Duh. ar. 2. 12 24532 phcenicea L. Phoenician il or 15 my.jn Ap S. Europe 1683. C .l Pal. ros. 2. 57 24533 If cia L. Lycian i& or 10 my.jn Ap S. Europe 1693. L s.l Pal. ros. 2. 56 24534 barbadensis L. Barbadoes Cedar lor 20 ... Ap Florida 1811. L s.l Pluk. al. 197. 4 2893. TA'XUS L. YEW TREE. (Toxon, a bow ; much used in making.) Con>/er ericoides Th. 24564 tenuifolia W. 24565 colifolia Jac. 24566 tomentosa L. 24567 pubescens Th. 24568 heterophylla Th. 24.169 pulchella L. 24.170 collina Rox. 24571 patula Rox. CLIJYTIA. (Outgers Cluyt, a Alaternus-like il i | pr Polygonum-like* | | pr Daphne-like il | | pr Heath-like il i | pr slender-leaved il i i or Poly-leaved il i i pr tomentose il | | pr pubescent il i | or variable-leaved il i | or neat il i i pr hill * CD pr spreading il [ I or Dutchman, prof. bot. Leyden.) Evphorbiitcea:. 12. 16. 2 mr.d W C. G. H. 1692. C p.l Bot. mag. 1321 2 mr.d W C. G. H. 1790. C p.l W. h. b. 51 3 my.jn W C. G. H. 1731. C p.l W. h. b. 52 2 ap.jn W C. G. H. 1790. c p.l 3 my.jl W C. G. H. 1817. c p.l L 2 ap.jn W C. G. H. 1790. c: p.l Jac. sc. 2. 50 3 ap.jn W C. G. H. 1812. c p.l 3 ap.jn W C. G. H. 1800. c 3 ap.jn W C. G. H. 1818. c p'l 2 ja.jn W C. G. H. 1739. c p.l Bot. mag. 1945 3 W E. Indies 1807. c Rox cor. 2. 160 3 ... W E. Indies 1812. c p.l 2. JOLLI'F/J Boj. JOLLIFIA. (Jollif, a friend of Bojer's.) Cucurbit acece. 1. 24572 africana Del. African $ GS cu 20 jl P Zanzibar 1895. C p.l Bot. mag. data " Telfairifl pedata Hook. Feuillea pedata Sm. [2751, 2752 CL. XXIII. On. 1. POLYGAMIA MONCECIA. 405 CLASS XXIII. ORDER 1. POLYGA V MIA MONCE'CIA. 2833. PNG A Plu. INGA. (A South American name adopted by Marcgraff.) Leg.Mimbsea:. 35. 113. I. VEV. Leaves simply pinnate ; leaflets large, 2 to 9 pairs, upper ones larger ; unarmed. i. PTEROPOD*;. Common petioles evidently winged. Brazil 1820. C p.l Guiana 1824. C p.l Cayenne 1804. C p.l Lima 1824. C p.l Feu, ob. 3. 19 Caraccas 18:>0. C pi Jac. fr. 10 Para 1820. C p.l Brazil 1800. C p.l Cumana 1820. C p.l Kth. mim. 12 W. Indies 1739. C s.p SI. jam. 2. 183. 1 Brazil 1815. C s.p ii. AprERoPODjB. Common petioles scarcely winged or perfectly naked. 24583 marginata Kth. margined i CD f r 20 ... Pk 24573 quassi<^o#a W. Quassia-leaved J CD or 20 .. 24574 setitera Dec. bristle-bearing f CD r 20 .. Pk 24575 alba W. white ] or 20 M w 24576 Feuillei Dec. Feuillee's * CD or 8 .. w 24577 fastuusa W. proud or 16 R 24578 velutina W. velvety or 20 M B> 24579 afTmis Dec. kindred or 20 .. Pk 24580 spuria W. 24581 vera W. spurious Jf common, true f Bor or SO 30 jl.a'i W W 24582 rhoifulia W. en. Pomegranate-lvd* CD or 12 ... 24584 Burgunz Dec. Bourgon's CD or 20 marginata W. Mimbsa/agifolia L. 24585 teiirina W. Laurel-teawd f CD or 20 Mimosa /agifolia Jac. 24586 punctata W. spotted 24f>87 nodbsa W. knotty 24588 macrophylla W. long-leaved 24589 spl5 diffusus 24636 virgatus W. 24657 strictus Bert. 24638 punctatus W. Jowg-twigged strict spotted-stalked p.l Pluk. al. 307. 3 W. Indies 1774. S p.l Bot. mag. 2454 W.Indies 1800. S p.l Jamaica 1686. C p.l Com. h. 1.31 III. DICHRO'STACHYS. Legumes linear, twisted or subfalcate ; sterile filaments linear, elongated, those with the fertile anthers at top bearing a pedicellate gland ; petals five, distinct or joined ; shrubs with branches, often spinescent ; leaves bipinnate, pubescent ; pinnee 5 to 10; leaflets many-pairs, linear, with glands between the pinnce, especially the lower ones ; spikes of flowers oblong-cylindrical, two-colored ; fertile stamens yellow ; sterile white, or variously colored. 24639 cinereus W. grey *tZ)un 3 jn.jl W E.Indies 1739. C p.l Rox. cor. 2. 174 24640 divergens W. en. diverging * CD un 6 ' jn.jl W Abyssinia 1816. C p.l Bruce tr. 6 24641 callistachys Dec. beautiful-spiked * CD pr 3 jl R.Y Teneriffe 1824. S p.l 24642 leptostachys Dec. slender-spiked CD pr 2 jl W Guinea 1825. S p.l *2837. ylCA^CIA Neck. ACACIA. (Akazo, to sharpen ; many species thorny.) Leg.Mim. 245. 298. I. PHYLLODI'NEJE. Leaves of two forms ; leaflets, especially in the adult plants, abortive ; petioles dilated or filiform, changed into phyllodice ; flowers yellow. Species all from New Holland. i. CAPITATE. Flowers collected into globose heads, with a solitary head on each peduncle. 24643 alata R. Br. 24644 dolabriformis Wnl. vfing-stalfced ft \ | or hatchet-shpd-lvdft i | or 6 fi ap.jl ap.jl Y Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p Bot. reg. 396 N. Holl. 1818. C s.l.p 24645 decipiens R. Br. deceiving ft I | or 3 mr.jn Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p Bot. mag. 1745 24646 trapezoides Dec. trapezium-like ft | | or 4 mr.jn Y N. Holl. 1810. C S.LP 24647 biflora R. Br. two-flowered ft I | or 3 mr.jn Y N. Holl. 1803. C 8.1.p 24648 hastulata Sm. hastulate gl i i or 4 ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.i.p 24649 nervosa Dec. nerved * I (or 4 ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1824. C S.l.p 24650 ornith6phora Swt. bird-bearing *l_Jor 6 ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1824. C s. 24 24651 armata R. Br. simple-lvd-armed 24652 hfbrida Swt. hybrid ft I | or * i |or 10 5 ap.jn ap.jn Y Y N. Holl. hybrid 1803. 1822. C c s.Lp Bot. mag. 1653 s.Lp 24653 pendula Ma. C. pendulous ftt_Jor 3 ap.jn Y N. Holl. 1824. c s.l.p 24654 /?enistifolia Lk. Genista-lvd ft I lor g Y N. S. W. 1825. c s.l.p 24655 juniperina W. wlicifolia Wnl. Jumper-leaved * | | or 6 mr.jn Y N. S. W. 1790. c s.l.p Bot. cab. 398 24656 asparagoldes Cun. Asparagus-like ft 1 |or 5 mr.jn Y N. Holl. 1818. c s.l.p 24657 Brdwnej Steu. Brown's ft | |or 6 Y N. S. W. 1796. c s.Lp acicularis R. Br. 24658 echinula Dec. prickly ft i_Jor 4 mr.jl Y N. Holl. 1824. c s.Lp 24659 pugionif6rmis Wnl. folia Cun. Podalyria-lvd 24704 olygalcef< lia Cun. Polygala-lvd 24705 falcata W. sickle-leaved 24706 falciformis Dec. sickle-shaped 24707 penninervis Sieb. pinnate-nerved impressa Cun. 24708 rnelanoxylon R. Br. black-wood * i | or 24709 heterophylla W. variable-leaved 24710amce*na W\ \ ) or 1 | or [...I or l_Jor i_Jor ap.jn Y ap.jn Y Y Y 6 my.jn ap.jn ap.jn 5 at 24710 amce^na Wnl. 24711 wzyrtifolia W. 24712 vestHa B. R. 24713 marginata R. Br. 24714 papuliformis Cun. 24715 divaricata Cun. 24716 umbrosa Cun. 24717 pyrifolia Dec. 24718 binervata Dec. 24719bivenosaDec. 24720 lunata Sieb. 24721 brevifblia Lod. 24722 obtuskta Sieb. pleasing Myrtle-leaved clothed marginate-^rf blister-shaped divaricated shady Pear-leaved two-nerved two-veined lunate short-leaved blunted 24723 crassiuscula Wnl. rather thicker-lvdJ * I | or * ( | or * i | or [~1 or 40 C s.l.p Lab. n. h. 2. 237 An artificial series of 24754 strombulifera W. spiral-podded 24755 rutcefolia Lk. Rue-leaved 24756 oligopliylla Hofm. few-leaved 24757 gummifera W. gum-bearing 24758 coronillaefolia Desf. Coronilla-lvd Mimosa girdjffie Brou. 24759 pilbsa Bert. pilose 24760 reticulata W. en. netted 24761 pulchflla H. K. pretty 24762 hispidissima Dec. hairiest 24763 detmens Burc. detaining 24764 viridiramis Burc. green-branched 24765 cassioldes W. en. Cassia-like Is or 10 ... l_Jor it i _ | it | _ | or l_Jor l_Jor ap.jl ap.jn W W Y W Y Y W C. G. H. 181ft Peru 1825. 1810. 1817. Guinea 1823. N. Africa 1817. Jamaica C. G. H. N. Holl. Jamaica N. Holl. C. G. H. 1800. 1816. 1803. 1800. 1824. 1816. 1820. C p.l C s.l.p c s.i.p c s.i.p c s.i.p c s.i.p c s.i.p C s.l.p Pluk. al. 123. C s.l.p Bot. cab. 212 C s.Lp C s.Lp C s.l.p C s.l.p 408 POLYGAMIA MONlECIA, CLASS XXIII. 24766 diptera W. two-winged 24767 robusta Burc. robust 24768 litakunensis Burc. Litakun 1 CD or 20 * , j or 6 41 i | or 6 S. Amer. 1818. C s.l.p C. G. H. 1816. C s.l.p Litakun 1816. C s.l.p III. SPICIFLOH^. Leaves bipinnate, many-paired ; flowers spiked. [NE'RMES. Unarmed. 24769 lophantha W. crest-flowered i k 1 or 6 my.jl Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p Bot. mag. 2108 24770 arenosa W. sand i k 1 or 10 Caraccas 1818. C s.l.p 24771 lophantholdes Dec. Lophantha-like i k 13 or 20 Y Jamaica 1820. c s.l.p 24772 guianensis W. Guiana ' ' 1 or 40 M W Cayenne 1803. c s.l.p Aub. gui. 2. 357 24773 Hicida Rox. shining ID or 40 B ^ E. Indies 1820. c s.l.p 24774 Serissa Rox. Shireesh ID or 20 E. Indies 1822. c s.l.p 24775 chrysostachys Swt. 24776 acapulcensis Kth. yellow-spiked Acapulca | l i 3S 15 W* Mauritius 1824. Acapulca 1825 c c s.l.p s.l.p Kth. mim. 24 24777 elephantorhlza BUT c. elephant root ' ! _Jor *.. * C. G. H. 1818. c s.l.p 24778 Rohriana Vahl Rohr's ! ! Z]or 30 ... W 1823. c s.l.p Mimosa nigricans f r ahl 24779 scleroxyla Tus. hard-wood 4 M ID or 10 ... ... W. Indies 1822. c s.l.p Fl. ant. 2J 24780 pulch6rrima W. fairest J t ID or 10 Brazil 1823. c s.l.p 24781 Wallichwmo Dec. Wallich's * t ID or 10 ... ... E. Indies 1820. c s.l.p ii. ACULEA^. Prickly or spiny. 24782 Sundra Dec. Sundra J CD or 15 ... Y E. Indies 1789. c s.l.p 24783 ferruginea Dec. rusty > * ID or ... ... ~ E. Indies 1818. c s.l.p 24784 Catechu W. Catechu t 40 Pa.Y E. Indies 1790. c p.l Rox. cor. 2. 175 24785 viridiflora Kth. green-flowered iCDor 20 ... W.G S. Amer. 1823. c s.l.p Kth. mim. 25 24786 cafra W. CaffVarian | or 12 ... Y.w C. G. H. 1800. c s.Lp 24787 cornigera W. horn, bearing Ijor IS ... Pa.Y S. Amer. 1692. c s. p.l Pluk. al. 3. 122.1 24788 monacantha W. one-spined 1 ID or 20 W Brazil 1818. c s.l.p 24789 Sp"im Balb. Spini's i 13 or 15 ... R.Y c s.l.p Col. h. rip. ap. 5 24790 latronum W. plunderers' \ > 1 or 20 W E. indies 1824. c s.l.p 24791 Senegal W. Senegal \ t dor 30 ... W Africa 1823. c s.l.p Alp. ffig. 15 IV. GLOBiFLbR/E. Leaves bipinnate ; flowers collected into globose heads, i. ACULEISTI'PUL/E. Prickles all stipular, straight , legumes unarmed; stamens twenty or more. 24792 eburnea W. ivory-thorned 41 CD or 5 24793 tortubsa W. twisted * CD or 6 24794 Burmamnwa Dec. Burman's 41 CD or 6 Mimbsa tortuosa Brm. 24795 hurrida W. horrid * CD or 6 24796 vera W. true,Egyptian Thorn T CD or 12 jl 24797 arabica W. Gum Arabic tree f CD ec 20 24798 hebeclada Dec. young-brahched \ | or 40 stolonifera Burc. 24799 leucophla^a W. white f CD or 12 24800 mauroceana Dec. Moorish 4t ( | or 6 24801 farnesiana W. Farnesian 24802 hasmatoxylon W. en. bloody- wooded 24803 tomentbsa W. woolly S4804 indica Desv. Indian * 24805 macracantho'ides Bert, long-spined 24806 flexuosa H. $ B. flexuose * E. Indies 1792. C Jamaica Ceylon 1 Rox. cor. 2. 199 1824. C s.l.p 1818. C s.Lp Africa 1823. C s.p.l Pluk. al. 121. 4 Egypt 1596. C s.p.l Pluk. al. 123. 1 E. indies 1820. C s.p.l Pluk. al. 251. 1 C. G. H. 1816. C s.Lp Pa.Y E. Indies 1812. C s.p.l Rox. cor. 2. 15 Morocco 1823. C s.l.p fra 15 Y St.Domin.1656. C s.p.l .. Y.w C. G. H. 1816. C s.p.l E. Indies 1816. C s.l.p E.Indies 1800. C s.l.p Jamaica 1820. C s.l.p Cumana 1824.- C p.l ii. ACANTHOCA'RP*. Prickles stipulary in pairs, also often petiolar, and along the ribs of the legumes ; stamens ten. 24807 acanthocarpa W. spiny-podded 24808 acantholoba Hum. spiny-lobed CD or 10 ... CD or 20 ... Pa. R N. Spain 1822. C s.l.p W S. Amer. 1823. C s.l.p iii. AcANTHOCLA^DiE. Prickles on branches scattered ; stems not climbing. 24809 tamarindifbtta W. Tamarind-lvd 24810 concinna Dec. neat 24811 I'ntsia W. Intsia 24812 pennata W. feather-leaved 24813 cassia W. grey 24814 centrophylla Dec. spur-leaved 24815 Courrantzna Dec. Courrant's 24816 arrophula D. Don Arroophul W W. Indies 1774. C s.p.l Jac. sc. 3.396 W E. Indies 1823. C s.l.p Y.w E.Indies 1778. C s.p.l R. mal. 6. 4 Y E. Indies 1773. C s.p.l Bur. zev. 2. 1 Y E. Indies 1773. C s.p.l Pluk. 330. 1 Jamaica 1818. C s.l.p Canaries 1818. C s.Lp Pluk. ic. 330. 3 Nepal 1818. C s.l.p iv. SCANDE'NTES. Prickles scattered ; stems climbing. or 10 or 10 India 1780. C s.l.p R. mal. 8. 32. 34 Cayenne 1820. C s.l.p 24817 scandens W. en. climbing 24818 Guilandlna Dec. Guilandina-tt fl. 24819 sarmentbsa Desv. twiggy fl_ v. TRICHO^DEA. Unarmed; anthers hairy ; stigma penicilliform. 24820 trichodes W. hairy 41 CD or 10 ... Pa.Y Peru 1818. C s.I.p Jac. sc. 394 or 10 1820. Q s.l.p JULIBRI'SSIN*:. blackish beautiful c\Y\ate-winged 24821 nigricans R.Br. 24822 formosa Kth. 24823 ciliata R. Br. strigosa 24824 Lcbbeck W. Loebach 24825 vaga W. common 24826 odoratissima W. most fragrant 24827 procera W. tall 24828 s]>ecibsa W. showy 24829 glauca W. glaucous 24830 leucoci-phala Pers. white-headed 24831 lomatocarpa Dec. fringed-podded Mimbsa marginata 24832 latisiliqua W. broad-podded 24833 portoricensis W. Porto Rico 24834 caracasana W. Caraccas 335 quadrangularis Lk. quadrangular 24836 Lambertwwfl D.Don Lambert's Unarmed ; anthers smooth ; stigma simple. l_| or 8 my.jl Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p Bot. mag. 2188 ' J J _-- ionc f I ~ T.-..U ~ ' c,r> Ior 10 ... W Mexico 1825. C s.l.p Kth. mim. 32 or 8 mr.jn Y N. Holl. 1803. C s.l.p Pk Egypt 1823. W Brazil 1818. W E Indies 1790. Pa.Y E. Indies 1816. P E. Indies 1742. W America 1690. W S. Amer. 1823. C s.Lp Pa.Y E. Indies 1824. C s.l.p R. mal. 6. C s.l.p Pluk. m. 331. C s.l.p Pis. br. 80. 2 C C s.l.p Jac. ic. 1.198 s.l.p Cat. car. 2.42 .s.p.l Rox. cor. 2. 120 s.l.p Rox. cor. 2.21 10 mr.jn 6 12 4 jl.s 6 mv.jn W. Indies 1777. S. Amer. 1824. Caraccas 1817. Ih25. Mexico 1818. C s.l.p PL ic. 3. 6 C s.l.p Jac. ic. 633 C s.l.p Jac. ic. 632 C s.l.p C s.l.p Bot. reg. 721 ORDER I. POLYGAMIA MONCECIA. 409 24837 tetragbna W. four-angled i t A or 26 jn.jl W Caraccas 1820. C s.l.p 2*838 discolor W. two-colored M li lor 10 m r.jn Y N. S. W. 1788. C s.l.p Bot. rep. 235 24839 angulata Desv. 24840 pubescens R. Br. 24841 /ilicina W. angular \ | or downy-stemmed* i ] or Fern-leaved 1 CD or 26 10 20 mr.jn Y Y N. Holl. N. S. W. Mexico 1820. 1790. 1825. C c c s.l.p s.l.p Bot. mag:. 1263 s.l.p Cav. ic. 1. 78 24842 villbsa W. villous * It CD or 6 w" Jamaica 1800. c s.l.p 24843 frondosa W. leafy ... E. Indies 1822. c s.p.l 24887 brasiliensis Spr. Brazilian i I i or 40 Brazil 1825. c S.D.1 2838. ENTA^DA Adan 24888 monostachya Dec. ENTADA. single-spiked fl. (Its name in Malabar.) .CD or 20 ... W Legumin Malabar 1800. MimbsecE. 5. 6. C l.p Mimbsa w83. S Ap S.Europe 1739. S 1 Ap S. Europe 1739. S Gramlnece. 7. co Fl. r. 1. 93 co co Host gr. 2. 6 1 jn.jl Ap Hungary 1805. lj jn.jl Ap Levant 1794. 1 jn.jl Ap Missouri 1819. 1 jn.jl Ap Candia 1739. S co Host gr. 2. 7 D co D co S co Fl. gr. 1. 95 2858. POTAMO'PHILA R. Br. POTAMOPHILA. 24967 parviflora R. Br. small-flowered M ^AJ un (Potamos, river, phileo, to love.) Graminece. 1. Ap N. Holl. 1820. D aq 2859. VALA'NT/^i L. VALANTIA. 24968 muralis L. wall 24969 hispida L. bristly 24970 filiiormis H. K. thread-shaped 24971 Cruciata L. Crosswort Galium cruciatum Sm. 24972 chersonensis W. Cherson 24973 aspera W. rough 24974 verna G. D:>n spring glabra Vil. Galium ve'rnum Hal. 24975 pedemontana Bel. Piedmont Galium pedemontanutn All. 24976 articulata L. jointed Galium articulatum R. & S. 24977 humiftisa W. trailing 24978 glabra L. smooth Galium Bauhinz R. & S. (Sebastian Vaillant, a French botanist.) Rubiacece. 11. 12. O un imyjl G S. Europe 1739. S co Col. ec. 297 O un 1 my.jl G.Y S. Europe 1768. S co O un ijl.s G.Y Canaries 1780. S co ^ A or li my.jn Y Britain ... D co Eng. bot. 143 W.&K.1.33 W. & K. 1. 32 ~* A or 1 jn.jl Y Cherson 1817. D CO -^fc A un jn.jl G.Y Siberia 1804. D CO -* A or 1 my.jn Y Switzerl. 1819. D CO or 1 jl G.Y Hungary 1799. S CO O un 1 G.Y Egypt 1752. S CO -* A or * jn.jl Y Asia Min. 1816. D CO - A un 1 G Germany 1371. 1) CO 2860. BENINCA V S^ Savi BENINCASA. ( Count Benincasa, an Italian nobleman .) CucurbitacetE. 1. 24979 cerifera Saw wax-bearing Jc O un 6 my.jl Y E. Indies 1827. S co K. mal. 8. 3 Cucurbita cerifera Fis. 2861. PARIETA'RIA L. PELLITORY. (Paries, z 24980 indica L. Indian C3 un 24981 officinalis L. officinal A w 24982 judaica L. Jewish, Basil-lvd $_ A un 24983 pennsylvanica Mhl. Pennsylvanian O un 24984 floridana Nut. Florida O un 24985 wrticasfolia L. Nettle-leaved S3 un Boehmena wrticaefblia Spr. 24986 lusitanicai. Portug., Chickweed-lvd ~& O un 24987 erotica L. Cretan O un 24!'88 prostrkta Lk. prostrate Jk A un 24989 joolygonoides W. Polygonum-like O un wall; commonly found on old walls.) Vrticece. 10. 19. li G E. Indies 1790. D co 1 jn.s G Britain walls. D co Eng. bot. 879 1 jn.s G Germany 1728. D co Schk. han. 3. 346 jl G Pennsylv. 1821. S co G Florida 1827. S co 1 jn.s G Bourbon 1700. S co G Spain 1710. S co Boc.sic.24. B f G Crete 1818. S co G 1823. D co i G Armenia 1728. S co 2862. ^'TRIPLEX L. ORACHE. (Ater, black ; dark color.) ChenopMeee. 35. 51. I. FRUTICOSJE. Shrubbu. 24990 7/alimus L. Halimus or 5 G Spain 1640. C CO Par. th. 724. 2 24991 /inifolia Kth. Flax-leaved it | 1 un 4 G S. Amer. 1819. C S.I 24992 canescens Nut. canescent tt-_J un 2 G Missouri 1818. c; S.I Calligonum canescei is Ph. 24993 portulacoldes L. Portulaca-like tL or 2 G Britain mud. s. c CO Eng. bot. 261 24994 glauca L. glaucous jj_ I i un 2 jlau G S. Europe 1732. C s 1 Di. el. 40. 46 24995 albicans H. K. white tt.| | un 2 jn.jl G C. G. H. 1774. C 1.1 24996 renif6rmis R. Br. kidney-shaped . i | un 3 G N. Holl. 1824. C S.1 II . HER BA^C EJL. Her baceo us. 24997 r5sea L. incisa Bieb. Rose-like O un li jn.jl G S. Europe 1739. S CO Schk. han. 3. 350 24998 alba Sco. white O un G Italy 1820. s CO t bsea Bert. [3< 50 24999sibirica7,. Siberian o un 2 G Siberia 1783. s CO Schk. han. 3.53 8. Obibne sibirica Gae. 25000 tatarica L. Tartarian o un 2 G Tartarv 1778. a CO Schk. han.S.53 9. 25001 parvif,Mia Kth. small-leaved o Ull 1 G Mexico 1827. a CO C* W 25002 montevidee'nsis 5pr. Monte Video o un 1 G MonteVi. 1827. s 00 25003 diffusa Ten. diffuse o un 2 G Naples 1825. 8 CO 25004 horte'nsis L. garden o cul t> G Tartary 1548. S CO 2rubra red, garden o cul 6 G Tartary 1548. ' S CO 25005 acuminata Kit. acuminate o un 3 G Hungary 1818. s CO W. & K. 103 nUens Schk. 25006 virgata Roth twiggy o un f G E. Indies 1810. s CO 25007 oblongi folia Kit. oblong-leaved o un 1 G Hungary 1816. 8 CO W. & K. 221 25008 prostrata Bouch. prostrate un G N. France 1820. s C'O 25009 decumbens R. # S. decumbent j^ O un i G N. Holl. 1820. a CO prostrata R. Br. 25010 laciniata L. 25011 patula Hud. fringed spreading o o w W f jn.s G G Britain Britain dungh. s 8 CO CO Eng. bot. 165 Eng. bot. 936 hastata Hud. 25012 venMa W. Venetian o un i G Venice 1816. S CO 25013 incana R. 8f S. hoary o un 1 G Spain 1818. S CO 25014 hastata Fl. dan. patula L. hastate o un f G N. EuropelSOO. 8 CO Fl. dan. 1286 25015 obtusa W. obtuse o un 1 G Siberia 1825. 8 CO 25016 angustifMia Sm. narrow-leaved o w \ G Britain rub. a CO Eng. bot. 1774 25017 campestris Koch field o un 1 G Germany 1816. 8 CO tatdrica Schk. 412 POLYGAMIA MONCECIA. CLASS XXIII. 25018 erecta Sm. upright O w ]i an G England fields S CO Eng bot. 2223 25019 verticillata Lag. whorled O un li G Spain 1820. S CO Cav. h. m.21 25020 sulcata ScAr. sulcate O un 1 G 18^4 S CO 25021 triangularis W. triangular un 1 G Venice* 181$. s CO 25022 littoralis /,. shore w 1 au.s G Britain mud. s s CO Eng bot. 708 25023 pedunculata E. B. 25024 microsperma Kit. pedunculated small-seeded O w O un ,] j J1.S J1.S G G England sal. m. S Hungary 1800. S CO CO Eng. bot. 232 2863. RHAGO"DIA R. Br. RHAGODIA. 25025 hastata R. Br. halberd-leaved * (Rhax, a berry ,- L i 1 cu 2 jn.jl principal distinction.) G N. S. W. 1803. Chenopbdete C l.i, 4. -7. 25026 Billardieri R. Br. Billardier's 1 L| | CU 1 jn.jl G.Y N. Holl. 1823. C p.l Lab n. h. 1. 96 Chenopbdium bac ;atum Lab. 25027 parabolica R. Br. 25028 nutans R. Br parabolic nodding tt | ) CU ~ iAJ cu 3 jn.jl jn.s G.Y G.Y N. Holl. 1823. N. Holl. 1820. C D p.l p.l 2864. TERMINA'LIA L. TERMIN. (Terminus, end; Ivs in bunches at end of branch.) Combretacece. 16. 31. I. CATA'PPA. Drupe compressed at margins, winged, or much attenuated. 25029 angustifolia Jac. narrow-leaved J tLZJor 20 ... W.G E. Indies 1692. C p.l Jac. vin. 3. 100 Benzoin L. 25030 moluccana Lam Molucca t CD or 20 ... W.G E. Indies 1804. C P 1 25031 subcordata W. subcordate < or 20 Y.G S. Amer. 1816. c p.l 25032 Catdppa L. Catappan ' or 20 ... W.G E. Indies 1778. c p.l Jac. ic. 1. 197 25033 mauritiana Lam. Mauritian or W ... Y.G Mauritius 1824. c II. MYROBA'LANUS. Drupe ovate or subcompressed, dry or baccate ; putamen round angulately sulcate. 25034 procera Rox. tall 25035 Fatraea Boj. Fatraea madagascarensis Spr. Myrobalanus f m or 40 ... f n or 20 ... Fatra^a Poir. Y.G Y.G E. Indies 1816. Madagas. 1826. c c 1 Rox cor. 3. 224 25036 Bellerica Rox. Belleric * or 20 Y.G E. Indies 1818. c p.l 250.37 Chebula Rox. Chebula or 20 W.G E. Indies 1796. c p.l Rox cor. 2. 197 25038 latifT.lia Swz. broad-leaved "i or 25 Y.G W. Indies 1800. c 25039 gangetica Rox. Gangetic '< * rn or 20 Y.G E. Indies 1820. c P ' 25040 Biticdria Rox. Biticaria 1 O or W Y.G E. Indies 1823. c P-l 25041 citrina Rox. Citron-like < ' 1 1 or 20 Y.G E. Indies 1823. c P-l 250*2 disticha Lo. C. two-rowed Bor 20 Y.G E. Indies P1824. c 25043 rotundifMia Lo. C. round-leaved or 20 Y.G E. Indies P1S24. c p.l 25044 arbuscula Swz. shrub i fcl lor 8 ... W.G S. Amer. 1822. c 2865. FUSA^NUS L. COLPOON. (Fusain, spindle tree, Fr. ; fruit and leaves like.) Santalacea?. 1. 5 5045 comprdssus L. compressed-stalked n. \ | un 1| ... G.w C. G. H. 1776.' C l.p Berg. c. 38. 1. 1 2866. BRABEMUM L. AFRICAN ALMOND. (Brabeion, a sceptre ; racemes of flowers.) Proteacece. 1. 25046 stellatum Thun. starred 1 l_J or 15 mr.ap W C. G. H. 1731. C l.p Brey. c. 1. 1 2867. 25047 ob!6ngum Wai. 25048 tataricum L. 25049 heterophyllum W. various-leaved semperv'irens L. 25050 obtusifolium Sm. obtuse-leaved 25051 creticum L. Cretan 25052 monspessulanum L. Montpelier 25053 penn&ylvanicum L. Pennsylvanian striatum Lam. hybridum Base MAPLE. (Acer, sharp; sharpness of its juice.) I. INDIVI^SA. Leaves undivided. oblong-leaved f (or 20 ... G.w Nepal Tartarian J tm 20 my.jn G.Y Tartary 1 1. TRI'LOBA. Leaves trilobed or trifid. Acer'mea. 22 SO. 1824. 1759. S co L co Den. br. 160 or 4 iny.jn G.Y Levant 1759. S co W. ar. 10. 4 my.jn G.Y 4 my.jn G.Y my G.Y Crete Levant France 1752. 1739. or 20 my.jn G.Y N. Amer. 1755. L co L co L co L co Schm. ar. 15 Schm. ar. 1. 14 Mic. ar. 2. 17 25054 barbatum MX. ' bearded $ tm 15 G.Y N. Amer. 1812. S s.l I II. QUINQTO'LOBA. Leaves five-lobed or five-cleft. " or 25 G.Y mountain 25055 mpntanum H. K. spic&tum L. 25056 obtus&tum Kit. 25057 opalifblium Vtt. 25058 O'palus H. K. 25059 carnpestre /,. 2 variegatum 25060 nlgrum MX. 25061 Pseudo-Platanus . 2 variegatum 25062 saccharinum L. 25063 jolatanoldes L. 2 laciniatum 3 variegatum 25064 rdbrum Ehrh. 25065 dasycarpon Ehrh. eriocarpon MX. 25066 macrophyllum Ph. long-leaved . N. Amer. 1750. L s.l Schm. ar. 1. 11 blunt-leaved 3fc or 8 my G.Y Hungary 1825. L CO 1.14. ic. Guelder-rose-lvdSfe or 12 my.jn G.Y S. France 1823. L co 1. 13.ii:. Opal us or 50 my.jn G.Y Italy 1752. L CO field f or 25 my.jn G.Y Britain hed. S CO Eng. bot. 304 variegated *jf or 25 my.jn G.Y Britain gar. L CO black J 1 tm 40 G.Y N. Amer. 1812. S s.l Mic. ar. 2. 16 . Sycamore tm 50 G.Y Britain hed. s CO Eng. bot. 303 variegated * or 50 G.Y Britain gard. L CO sugar tm 40 Y N. Amer. J735. S s.l Mic. ar. 2. 15 Plantain-like * f tm 50 my.jl G.Y Europe 1683. s CO Schm. ar. 1. 3, 4 cut-leaved * : tm SO my.jl G.Y Europe 1683. L CO 1.5 variegated 3 1 or SO my.jl G.Y Europe Ifi83. L CO red, Swamp * tm 20 R N. Amer. 1656. L s.l Mic. ar. 2. 14 hairy-fruited 3 tm 25 G.Y N. Amer. 1725. L s.l Mic. ar. 2. 13 25067 palmatum Thun. 25068 lobatum Fig. or 25 my.jn G N. Amer. 1826. L co IV. MULTI'FIDA. Leaves multfftd. palmate ^ or 25 ... G Japan 1820. lobed $ or 20 ... G Siberia 1820. L co 1.17. ic L co 2868. MAY'TENUS Feu. MAYTENUS. (Mayten, its name in Chile.) Cclastrinece. 2. 4. 25069 oetagtatu Dec. octangular i_J or 8 o.n W Peru 1822. C s.p Fl. per. 3. 229 B Celastris octagdnus Herit. 25070 verticill&tus Dec. verticillate * i | or 6 o.n W Peru 1786. C s.p Fl. per. 3. 229 Celastris verticillatus R. $ P. 2869. MERTE'NS/^ Kth. MERTEVSIA. 25071 laevigata Kth. 25072 iguknea Kth. C870. CE'LTIS L. 25073 australis L. 25074 Tournefort* Lam. smooth I I un CD un (Professor F. C. Mertens, of Bremen.) Me ... Jamaica Urtlcece. 2. 1825. C p.l H & B. n. 2. 103 1791. C p.l NETTLK TREE. (One of the ancient names given to the lotus.) southern $ or 40 my G S. Europe 1796. S Tournefort's cu 8 Levant Urticcte. 11. If), co Den. br. 105 1739. S co To. it. 2. 41 ORDER II. POLYGAMIA DICEC1A. 413 25075 occidentals L. western 3f or 20 G N. Amer. 1656. L co Den. br. 147 2 cordata cordate Y or 20 G N. Amer. ... L CO 3 scabriuscula rough ish f or 20 G N. Amer. ... L CO aspera Lo. C. 25076 tevigata W. polished $ or 20 G Louisiana ... L CO 25077 crassifolia Lam. thick-leaved *t or 20 G N. Amer. 1812. L CO Duh. ar. 2. 9 cordifolia Dunal 25078 pumila Ph. dwarf- 34 or 6 my G N. Amer. 1812. L CO 25079 sinensis Pers. Chinese or 12 G Asia 1820. L p.l 25080 micrantha Swz. small-flowered 10 au.s G Jamaica 1739. C p.l PI. ic. 20G. 1 2508lorientalisZ,. oriental S CD or 50 G.Y E. Indies 1820. C p.l R. ma 1. 4. 40 25082 lima Swx. rasp J CD or 20 G.Y W. Indies 1823. C p.l 25083 aculeata SUM. prickly ICDor 10 ... G Jamaica 1791. C p.l 2871 GOUA N N/^ L. 25084 integrifulia Lam. GOUANIA. entire-leaved (Anfoiiie Gouan, prof, hot., fl_ CD or 10 ... G.Y Montpelier.) 1800. Rhdmnece. 6. 20. C p.l 25085 dominitensis L. St. Domingo _CDor 10 ... G W. Indies 1739. C p.l Pluk. al. 201. 4 25086 corditilia Rad. heart-leaved fl_ CD or 10 G Rio Jan. 1820. C p.l 2507 tomentbsa Jac. woolly fl_ CD or 10 ... G.Y W. Indies 182.}. C id Gae.l T. 3. 183. .508 mauritiana Lam. Mauritian a | ] QJ. 10 G.Y Mauritius 1823. C p.l 3089 filiajfolia Law. Lime-tree-lvd _CDor 10 my.jl G E. Indies 1810. C pj Rox. cor. 1. 98 2872. GYROCA'RPUS Jac. GYROCARPUS. (Gyro, to turn round, 25090 americanus Jac. American CD or Y Jacqulm Gae. 5091 asiaticus W. Asiatic 1 CD or Y Jacquini Rox. karpos, fruit : in air.) Laur. affine. 2. 4. W. Indies 1816. C l.p Jac. am. 178 E. Indies 1812. C l.p Rox. cor. 1. 1 2873. HE RMASThun. HEUMAS. 25092 villbsa Tliun. hairy depnuperata L. 25093 gigantca Thun. gigantic 2509i Than, ciliated (Meaning unknown.) Umbellrfcra;. 2. 5. tAJ cu 2 jn.jl G C. G. H. 1795. D l.p Bur. af. 71. 2 lAlcu 4 jn.jl 2 jn.jl G C. G. H. 1794. D l.p Ac. pet. 14.11 G.Y C. G. H. 1816. D l.p Bur. af. 73.1 2874. BRIDE"L/^( W. BRIDELIA. (Professor Bridel, the celebrated muscologist.) EuphorbicLcece. 3. 5. 25095 spinosa W. prickly * i_J or 6 jn.jl Ap E. Indies 1823. C l.p Rox. cor. 172 25096 scandens W. scandent fl_ CD or 20 jl.s Ap E. Indies 1804. C l.p Rox. cor. 173 Clusia scandens Rox. 25097 montana W. mountain J CD or 20 ... Ap E. Indies 1825. C l.p 2875. EITRYA Thun. EURYA. (Eurys, broad ; application not evident.) 25098 chinensis R. Br. Chinese fit ( _J pr 2 f.d W China Ternstrcemiacete. 1 . 4. 23. C p.l Ab.China,c.fig. 2876. AILA'NTUS Dcsf. AILANTUS. (Ailanto, tree of heaven ; lofty growth.) Terebinthfaecc. 2. 4. 25099 glandulbsa Desf. glandulous $ or 20 au G China 1751. R l.p Den. br. 104 25100 exc&sa Rox. lofty f O or 50 ... G ' E. Indies 1800. C s.p Rox. cor. 1. 23 2877. CLITSI^ L. BALSAM TREE. (Charles deVEcluse (Clusius), celeb, bot, died 1609.) Guttiferce. 4. 16. 25101 riisea L. rose-colored J Q or 30 R Carolina 1692. C r.m Cat. car. 2. 99 25102 alba L. white-flmvered J D or 30 ... W S. Amer. 1752. C l.p Jac. am. 166 25103 flava L. ye\\ow- flowered CD or 30 s Y Jamaica 1759. C r.m Bot. rep. 223 25104 venusa L. veiny-leaved Q or 20 ... W S. Amer. 1733. C r.m PI. ic. 87. 2 2878. OPHIO'XYLON L. OPHIOXYLON. (Ophis, serpent, xylon, wood ; tortuous root.) Apoc'znece. 1. 3. 25105 serpenttnum L. serpentine n. O or 3 my.jn W E.Indies 1090. R r.m Bot. mag. 784 2879. MANGl'FERA L. MANGO THEE. (Mango, name of the fruit, fero, to bear.) TereUnthhcece. 2. 3. 25106 indica L. Indian t CD fr 20 jn.s W E. Indies 1690. S r.m Bot. rep. 425 25107 fffi'tida Lou, fetid i CD or " jn.s or 20 ... R 2880. RHATIS L. RHAPIS. 25108 flabellif6rmis H. K. fan-shaped 25109 arundinacea H. K. reeA-leaved E. Indies 1824. S p.l Ru. am. 1.28 (Raphis, a needle ; acute awns of corolla.) Palmce. 2. i iAI or 6 au G China 1774. R p.l Bot. mag. 1371 iA| or 6 s G Carolina 1765. R p.l 2881. SEAFO'RT/^ R. Br. SEAFORTIA. (Francis Lord Seaforth, botanical patron.) Palmce. I. 25110 Regans R. Br. elegant CD or N. Holl. 1822. S r.m 2882. MAXIMILIA'N^ Mart. MAXIMILIANA. (Maximilian Prince Weid-Neuwied) Pulnue. 1. *. 25111 rt:giaMw*. royal CD or 60 Brazil 1825. S p.l Mart. palm. ic. CLASS XXIII. ORDERS. POLYGA V MIA DICFCIA, 2883. CHAM^ROPSi. CHAMJEROPS. (Chamai, on the ground, rhops, twig; low growth.) Palmee.!.- 25112 humilis L. low, Fan Palm l_J or '10 G.w S. Europe 1731. Sk r.m Bot. rep. 599 25113 serrulata MX. 25114 hy'strix Fra. 25115 Palmetto MX. sav/-leuved porcupine Palmetto C6rypha Palmetto Walt. 25116 excelsa Walt. tall 25117 guianensis Lo.C. Guiana 25118 gracilis Lo. C. slender G.w N. Amer. 1809. Sk r.m G.w Georgia 1801. S r.m G.w Carolina 1809. S rm G.w Nepal 1822. S r.m G.w Guiana 1824. S r.m G.w S. Amer. 1822. S r.m 2884. GLEDI'TSCH/^ L. GLEDITSCHIA. (John Gottlieb Gleditsch, botanist, Leipsig.) Legum. Cassiea: 11. 25119triacanthosL. 3-spnd,Honey Locust^ or 30 jn.jl G N. Amer. 1700. S s.T Den. br. 138 2 in^rmis unarmed g or 30 jn.jl G S s.l Dec.leg.2.22.109 IffiVis Hort. 25120 brachycarpa Ph. short-podded or 30 jn.jl G N. Amer. ... S s.l 25121 monosperma Walt, one-seeded ^ or 20 jn jl G N. Amer. 1723. S p.l Cat. car. 1. 43 414 POLYGAMIA DICECIA. CLASS XXIII. 25122 horrida W. 2 purpurea 25123 Indica Pers. 25124 latisiliqua Lo. C. 25125 sinensis Lam. 25126 ferox Desf. orifentalis Base 25127 macracantha De$ 25128 micracanthos Lo. 25129 caspica Desf. 2885. CERATO^NIA L CAROB TREE. 25130 siliqua L. pod horrid Indian broad-podded or 10 jn.jl 5 or 20 jn.jl f or 20 jn.jl $ or 20 jn.jl G G G G Chinese I |or 20 G fierce or 20 jn.jl G long-spined small-spined V or 20 jn.jl or 10 jn.jl G G Caspian J or 20 jn.jl G China China Bengal 1774. 1774. 1812. China 1812. Caspia 1822. L p.l Li CO L co L co L p.l L co L co L co L co Den. br. 75 Dec. leg. 1. 1 (Keras, a horn ; horn-like pods.) Legum. Cass&ce. 1. L_J ec 15 s.o R.Y Levant 1570. S s.l Bot. rep. 567 2886. DALRY'MPLE.4 Rox. DALRYMPLEA. (Alex. Dalrymple, auth. Oriental Repertory.) Celastrlnece. 1.-2. 25131 pomifera Rox. apple-bearing * \ _ | or 10 ... Nepal 1820. C s.l Rox. cor. 3. 279 Turpint?a pomifera Dec. 2887. fRA'XINUSL. 25132 americana L. ASH TREE. (Phraxis, a separation ; used in forming hedges.) Otiince. 41. American, white*? tm 20 my G N. Amer. 1723. G co 25133 acuminata Lam. pointed, green 3 tm 40 my G N. Amer. 1723. G CO 25 134 ^ugland ifblia Lam. Walnut-lvd 5 1 or 40 my.jn G N. Amer. 1783. G CO Duroi 1. 25135 caroliniana Lam. Carolina or 30 my.jn G N. Amer. 1783. G CO Cat car. 80 25136 pubescens Walt. pubescent * ' or 20 my G N. Amer. 1811. G CO nlgr i Duroi 25137 pannbsa Ven. cloth-leaved * f tm ,'30 my G Carolina 1820. G CO 25138 epiptera W. wing upon wing* \ tm 30 my G N. Amer. 1823. G CO discolor MX. 25139 lancea Base lance-leaved ' f or SO G N. Amer. 1820. G CO 25140 quadrangulata MX. quadrang., blue or SO my G N. Amer. 1822. G CO 25141 platycarpa MX. broad-fruited * or SO my G N. Amer. 1820. G CO 25142 expansa W. expanded E or Sit my G N. Amer. 1824. G CO 25l43mixta.ffosc mixed E or 30 my G N. Amer. 1824. G CO 25144 pulverulenta Bosc powdery \ or SO my G N. Amer. 1824, G CO 25145 rubicunda Bosc ruddy-veined * * or 30 my G N. Amer. 1824. G CO 25146 longifblia Bosc 25147 viridis Bosc long-leaved : green 1 or ! or 30 90 my my G G N. Amer. N. Amer. 1824. 1824. G G CO CO 25148 cinerea Bosc grey E or 30 my G N. Amer. 1824. G CO 25149 alba Bosc white E or 30 G N. Amer. 1823. G CO 25 150 Richard* Bosc Richard's E or 30 G N. Amer. G CO 25151 ovata .Bosc ovate E or 50 G N. Amer. G CO 25152 elliptica Bosc elliptical or 30 G N. Amer. 1825. G CO 25153 n'igra Bosc black-branched ; E or SO G N. Amer. 1825. G CO 2.5154 fusca .ffosc fuscous ' or SO G N. Amer. 1823. G CO 25155 rufa Bosc rufous E or 30 G N. Amer. 1822. G CO 25156 pallida .Bosc pale '< or 30 G N. Amer. G CO 25157 excelsior W. taller E tm 80 G Britain woods. S S.1 Eng. bot. 1692 crispa .Bosc 1 argentea silver-edged 5? or 20 G Britain gard. G CO 2 aurea golden-edged _ < or 20 G Britain gard. G CO 3 fungosa fungous E or 20 G Britain gard. G CO 4 horizontalis horizontal 5 E or 20 G Britain gard. G CO 5 nana dwarf E or 10 G Britain gard. G CO 6 verticillaris whorled E or G Britain gard. G CO 7 erosa gnawed t or 20 G Britain gard. G CO 8 striata striated * ' or 20 G Britain gard. G CO 9 pcndula Hort. pendulous 3 10 jaspidea W.en. jasper-lk yel.-barked* 25158 atrovirens Pers. dark-green S 25159 verrucosa Lk. warty * E or E or i or fc or 20 30 4 0) G G G G Britain England gard. Norf. G G G G CO CO CO CO 25160 heterophylla Vahl various-leaved * E tm 30 G England woods. G s.l Eng. bot. 2476 simplicifblia W. 25161 macrophylla7%ottz long-leaved - f or 40 G 1823. G CO 25162 parvifolia W. small-leaved E or 80 G Levant 1822. G CO W. ar. 6. 2 25163 /entiscifolia W. Lentiscus-lvd - E or 6 my.jn G Aleppo 1710. G CO Pluk. al. 182. 4 25164 argentea Loi silvery E or 15 my.jn G Corsica 1825. G CO 25165 sambucifolia W. Sambucus-lvd 3 t or 90 my.jn G N. Amer. 1800. G S.1 25166 nana Bosc dwarf S i or 6 my.jn G G CO 25167 oxycarpa W. sharp-fruited * f or 20 G Caucasus 1815. G CO 2 oxyphf lla Bieb. sharp-leaved ' or 20 ... G S. Europe 1821. G CO 25168 lucida Lo. C. shining ' or 20 G M G CO 25169 amarissima 7.0. C. bitterest ' or 20 apmy G >a G CO 25170 appendica Lo. C. appendaged J f or 20 G M G CO 25171 appendiculata Lo. C. appendiculate 3 \ or 20 G .. G CO 25172 virt-ns Lo. C. green f or 20 G M G CO 2 variegata variegated * L or 20 ap G .. G CO *2888. BRO'SIMUM Swx. BREAD NUT. (Brosimos, good to eat ; fruit eatable.) Vrticece. 2. 4. 25173 ^licastrum SMU:. Alicastrum i 1 ["Dor 6 Ap Jamaica 1776. C r.m Swz. fl. 1. 1. 1 25174 spurium Swx. spurious, MUkwood*. ( 1 or 6 Ap Jamaica 1789. C r.m 2889. DIOSPY^ROS L. DATE PLUM. (Dios, divine, pyros, (err.) pear; resemblance.) Ebenucea. 22. 29. 25175 virginiana L. Virginian, American oc.ici.v-ij. r- r. 25176 lucida Lo. C. shining 25177 Mabola Rox. Mabola 25178 sylvatica Rox. wood 25179 /yciouies Desf. Lycium-like 25180 E benum fietz. Ebony 25181 Ebenaster Retz. Ebenaster 25182 melanoxylon Rctz. black-wooded 25183 Embry.Ypteris Pers. Embryopteris 2;) 184 reticulata W. netted 25185 edulis Lo. C. eatable 25186 lobata Lou. lobe-fruited Leaves on both surfaces smooth. clt 20 jn.jl Y.G N. Amer. 1629. S s.l 146 L s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l C s.l L rrn Bot. reg.4<>9 C s.l C s.l L s.l Eot. reg. 1139 Rox. cor. 1. 47 Ac. haf. 2. 5 Ru. am. 1. 6 ORDER II. POLYGAMIA DICECIA. 415 25187 z/accinuAdes Linal. Vaccinium-likei *l_Jpr 2 W China 1823. C r.m Hook. ex. fl. 13 5188 discolor W. discolored i > i Ifr 20 Philippin. 1823. C r.m 25189 montana Rox. mountain * i ) or 6 ... W.G E. Indies 1822, C r.m II. PUBESCE'NTES. Leaves underneath pubescent. 25190 Lotus L. Lotus, European' t clt 20 jn.jl Y.G Italy 1596. L 8.1 Mil. ic. 116 25191 pubescens Ph. pubescent ' i clt 20 ap Y.G N. Amer. 1812. c; s.l 25192 Kaki L. Kaki, Japan ' 1 | | f r 12 W.G Japan 1789. L r.m Kara. 806 25193 hirsuta L. hairy ' CD or 20 ... ... Ceylon 1820. C 8.1 25194 chloroxylon Rox. pale-wooded ' 25195 cordifblia Rox. heart-leaved ' ' f~~l or t CD or 20 15 ... W W.G E. Indies E. Indies 1822. 1794. c 6 s.l CO Rox. cor. 1 .50 25196 rugulosa R. Br. small-wrinkly ' 25197 obovata Jac. obovate Hor or 20 15 ... W.G N. Holl. 1823. W. Indies 1796. C G s.l CO Jac. sc. 3. 312 2890. CARGI'LL/^ R. Br. CARGILLIA. (James CargW, M.D., of Aberdeen.) Ebenhccce. 2. 25198 australis R. Br. southern t i i or 25199 laxa R. Br. loose \ | or 15 15 ... ... N. Holl. N. Holl. 1816. 1827. C C IP l.p 2891. MY'RSINE L. MYRSINE. (A Greek name of the myrrh.) Myrsinece. 12. 26. 25200 africana L. African i > i _| or 4 Br C. G. H. 1691. <5 p.l Com. h. 1. ( 34 25201 retusa L. retuse-leaved i t * t pj. 2 jn W.G Azores 1778. C D 1 Yen. eels 8 6 25202 semiserrata Rox. half-serrated ' t l i or 40 Pk Nepal 1822. C P!I 25203 capitellata Rox. small-headed ~< f i |or 30 G Nepal 1822. c p-i 25204 bifaria Rox. two-rowed 7 k i |or 20 Nepal 1822. c P.I 25205 subspinosa D. Don subspinose < 25206 coriacea R. Br. leathery i Hor or 20 8 ... W.G Nepal Jamaica 1823. 1823. c: c !,i p.l Samara coriacea Sivx. 25207 Samara R. Br. Samara i *l_Jpr 3 f.n W.G C. G. H. 1770. c l.p Samara pentandra H. K. 25208 melanophleos B. Br. black paper i *l_Jpr 3 ... W.G C. G. H. 1783. c l.p Jac. vin. 1. 71 Sideroxylon melanophleum L. 25209 variabilis R. Br. variable * k| |or 3 jn.jl ... N. Holl. 1824. c P-l 25210ilicifbliaLo. C. Holly-leaved 1 fc i |or 3 1826. c 25211 venulbsa Spr. small-veiny ' ' L_|or 20 ... c. G!'H. 1816. c ?:! Sideroxylon venuldsum W. 2892. NY'SS/4 L. TUPELO. (The name of a water nymph 25212 villbsa MX. hairy, Sour-gum *f or 10 my G (?) ; habitat.) N. Amer. 1806. Santalacece. 7. 9. L s.l 25213 biflbra MX. two-flwd, mountain* t or 10 G N. Amer. 1739. C s.l Mic. ar. 22 aquatica L. caroliniana L. 25214 capitata Walt. round-headed * t or 10 G N. Amer. 1806. C s.l 25215 tomentbsa MX. downy ! or 50 G N. Amer. 1818. c S.1 grandidentata MX. 25216 candicanszJ:. whitish, Ogechee lime* f or 20 G N. Amer. 1812. c s.l Mic. ar. 20 25217 denticulata H. K. small-toothed ' \ or 30 G N. Amer. 1735. L s.l Cat. car. 1. 60 angulizans MX. angulosa Pair. 25218 sylvatica Lo. C. wood 5 fc or 15 G N. Amer. 1824. L s.l 2893. HAMILTC^KM Mhl. OIL NUT. (Mr. Hamilton, an American botanist.) Santalacea. 1. 25219 oleifera Mhl. olive-bearing & _| or 6 ... G.Y N. Amer. 1800. C s.l Pyrularia pdbera MX. 2894. LAUROPHY'LLUS Thun. LAUROPHYLLUS. (Laurus, laurel, phyllon, leaf; resemblance.) I. 25220 cap^nsis Thun. Cape * ,__) or 6 ... G C. G. H. 1801. L p.l 2895. BURSE v Ry4 Jac. BURSERA. (Joachim Burser, a disciple of Caspar Bauhin.) Terebinthacea;. 2. .4. 25221 gummifera Jac. Jamaica, gum-bg J f~) or 20 ... W.G W. Indies 1690. S p.l Jac. am. 65 25222 serrata Rox. serrated $ CD or 30 E. Indies 1818. C p.l 2896. ANACA'RDIUM Rox. ANACARDIUM. (Ana, without, kardia, heart; seed external.) Terebinthacea. 1. 25223 occidental L. western f O fr 20 ... G.R W. Indies 1699. C r.m Jac. am. 1.181.35 SindicumDec. Indian 1 f r 20 ... G.R E. Indies 1699. C r.m Ru. am. 1. 69 *2897. SEMECA'RPUS-L. SEMECARPUS. (Semeio, to mark, karpos, fruit; use of juice.) Terebinthacece. 1. 25224 Anacardium L. Anacardium f CD f r 20 ... G.Y E. Indies 1820. C r.m Ru. am. 1.70 Anacardium longifblium Lam. Cassuvium Spr. 2 cuneifolium Dec. wedge-leaved Q fr 20 ... G.Y E. Indies 1824. C r.m 2898. ARCTCTPUS L. 25225 echinatus L. 2899. PA^AX L. 25226 quinquefolia L. 25227 trifblia L. 25228 aculeata H. K. 25229 fruticbsa L. 25230 attenuata Surz. 25231 arbbrea Forst. 25232 chrysophylla VaU 25233 fragrans Lo. C. 25234 conchifblia Rox. *2900. FPCUS L. ARCTOPUS. (Arktos, a bear, pous, a foot.) Umbdlifcrce. 1. hedgehog l_J m 1 my.jn G C. G. H. 1774. D p.l Bot reg.705 PANAX. (Pan, all, akos, remedy ; medical qualities.) Araliacece. 9. -11. Ginseng, 5-lvd ^ A pr 1| jn L.Y N. Amer. 1740. D s.p Bot. mag. 1333 /t'ww.three-lvd.^ ^ pr | my.jn G N. Amer. 1759. D s.p Bot. mag 1334 prickly )P E] m 1| n G China 1773. C s p Jac. ic. 3. 634 shrubby * CD pr 6 au.s G Ternate 1800. R r.m Bot. rep. 595 attenuated ED or 20 W. Indies 1823. C p.l tree f i | or 20 N. Zeal. 1820. C p.l golden-leaved Q or 20 Guiana 1822. C p.l Aub. gui. 2. 360 fragrant * CD or 10 K Indies 1816. C p.l shell-leaved CD or 20 E. Indies 1820. C p.l Ru. am. 4. 31 FIG TREE. (Derivation unknown.) Urticece. 74. 143. CORDIFOLI/E. Leaves cordate, entire. i. GLABtUFbLi^E. Leaves smooth. 25235 macrophylla Desf. 25236 nymph^itolia L. long-leaved t Water-lily-lvd f H or or 14 10 ... Ap ... Ap N. Holl. E. Indies 1759. C C p.l p.l 25237 religiosa L. religious, Poplar-lvdf 25238 pedunculata#..K. peduncled CO or 25 6 ... Ap ... Ap E. Indies S. Amer. 1731. 1776. c C' p.l p.l R. ma Pluk. 1 1. 27 al. 173. 4 25239 cordata Thun. heart-leaved * 3 or 6 Ap C. G. H. 1802. c pi Thun . fie, 8- c. 25240 7/iyrtifblia Lk. Myrtle-leaved i [ j or 4 ... Ap 1824. c p.l 25241 crassin^rvia Desf. thick-nerved t I | or 10 ... Ap S. Amer. 1823. c p.l 25242 costata H. K. ' rib-leaved $ i i or 10 Ap E. Indies 1763. c p.l 25243 laevigata Vahl polished t i i or 6 Ap W. Indies 1823. c p.l 25244 coriacea H. K, leathery-tenir^df or 10 ... Ap p], Indies 1772. c p.l Hook . ex. fl. 23 25245 liicida H. K. shirimg-leaved $ or 10 Ap E. Indies 1772. t: p.l 25246 oblongata Lk. oblong-leaved J or 6 ... Ap C. G. H. 1825. C !>.! 416 POLYGAMIA DICECIA. CL. XXIII. OR. II. 25247 lentiginbsa Vahl speckled f CD or 14 ... Ap W. Indies 1820. C p.l 25248 venbsa H. K. vemy-leaved $ CD or 10 ... Ap E. Indies 17B3. C p.l R. mal. 3. 64 25249 infectbria W. staining t CD or 15 ... Ap E. Indies 1763. C p.l 25250 leucatoma Pair. white-cleft f CD or 20 ... Ap E. Indies 1763. C p.l W. h. b. 1. 36 venbsa W. not H. K , leucosticta Spr. 25251 viscifblia Lo. C. clammy-leaved f fl or 10 ... Ap 1820. C p.l 252.52 stipulkta Thun. 25253 sagittata Vahl stipulate i_J or ... Ap China 1771. sagittate SW CD or \ ... Ap E. Indies 1810. C C p.l p.l ii. SUBPUBE'SCENS. Leaves underneath pubescent. 25254 toment&sa Box. woolly $ CZI or 20 ... Ap E. Indies 1816. C p.l II. OVATIFOLI.E. Leaves ovate, entire. i. LJE\IGA.\M. Leaves smooth. 25255 tinctoria Forst. staining 1 CD or 15 my.jn Ap Society I. 1793. C p.l 25256 Benjamina L. Benjamin tree f CD or 10 ... Ap E. Indies 1757. C p.l R. mal. 1. 26 25257 benghalensis L. Bengal f 1 1 or 25 ap Ap E. Indies 1690. C p.l R. mal. 1. 28 25258 pumila Z,. dwarf .i_Jor * ... Ap China 1759. C p.l Kara. 804 25259 populnea W. Poplar-leaved f [~1 or 12 ... Ap S. Amer. 1812. C p.l 25260 superstitiosa Lk. superstitious *t 1 1 or 6 ... Ap 1763. C p.l 25261 calyculata Mi/. calyculate $ CD or 10 ... Ap N. Spain 1600. C p.l ii. LASIOPHY'LLJE. Leaves pubescent. 25262 lasiophylla Lk. hairy-leaved CD or 10 ... Ap 1820. C p.l 25263 rug5sa G. Don wrinkly 1 CD or 80 ... Ap S. Leone 1826. C P.1 III. OBLONGiFbms. Leaves oblong, entire. i. LEAVES. Leaves smooth. 25264 longifblia io. C. 25265 elliptica Kth. long-leaved i CD or 20 ... Ap 1825. elliptic f CD or 20 ... Ap S. Amer. 1824. C C p.l p.l 25266 dumosa Lo. C. bushy i CD or 6 ... Ap 1825. C p.l 25267 retusa i. blunt-leaved * CD or 2 ... Ap E. Indies 1793. C p.l 25268 elastica Rox. elastic gum i CD or 20 ... Ap E. Indies 1815. C p.l 25269 Afzelzi G. Don Afzelius's f CD or 15 ... Ap S. Leone 1823. C p.l 25270 glabrkta A3A. smooth j CD or 10 ... Ap Caraccas 1816. C p.l 25271 nitida Thun. glossy -leaved * 1 1 or 6 mr.jn Ap E. Indies 1786. C p.l R. mal. 3. 55 25272 Hookerw Swt. Hooker's * CD or 6 ... Ap W. Indies 1816. C p.l Hook. ex. fl. Ill nitida Hook. 25273 glomerkta Rox. 25274 comosa floor. glomerated 1 CD or 10 ... Ap E. Indies 1818. tufted 1 CD or 10 ... Ap E. Indies 1818. C C p.l pi Rox. cor. 2. 123 Rox. cor. 2. 125 25275 terebrata W. pierced t CD or 10 ... Ap Mauritius 1822. C p.l Bory 17 25'.>76 pertusa Z. pierced-leaved * 1 ! or 8 ... Ap S. Amer. 1780. C p.l 25277 arbutifolia Lk. Arbutus-leaved* 1 1 or 3 ... Ap 1825. C p.l 25278 ciliolbsa Lk. ciliated tt | | or 4 ... Ap 1823. C p.l 25279 americana ^6/. American it | 1 or 8 ... Ap Guiana 1820. C p.l PI. am. 132. 2 25280 racembsa W. clustery * CD or 4 ... Ap E. Indies 1759. C p.l R. mal. 1. 25 25281 microcarpa FaM small-fruited f |_J or 20 ... Ap Guinea 1819. C p.l 25282 cotinifblia Kth. Cotinus-leaved | | or 10 ... Ap Mexico 1826. C p.l 25283 obtusifblia Kth. blunt-leaved J CD or 20 ... Ap Mexico 1823. C p.l 25284 australis W. ii. PUBE'SCENS. Leaves pubescent. southern HI i_J or 6 mr.jn Ap N. S. W. 1789. C p.l Ven. mal. 114 IV. LANCIFOLI*. Leaves lanceolate. 25285 Loganij G. Don. Logan's f 1 1 or 20 ... Ap Caraccas 1824. C p.l 25286 martinicSnsis W. Martinique J CD or 20 ... Ap W. Indies 1759. C p.l SI. jam. 2. 223 virens H. K. 25287 indica Vahl Indian f CD or 30 ... Ap R Indies 1759. C p.l R. mal. 3 63 25288 salicifblia rW Willow-leaved J i | or 10 ... Ap Arabia C p.l specibsa Hort. indie. i Forsk. 25289 virgata Rox. 25290 lanceolata Rox. twiggy f CD or 20 ... Ap E. Indies 1816. lanceolate J CD or 20 ... Ap E. Indies 1818. C C p.l p.l 25291 aurantiaca Lo. C. Orange-like t CD or 10 ... Ap 1824. C p.l 25292 p^ndula Lk. pendulous t CD or 12 ... Ap 1824. C p.l 25293 brasiliensis Z*. Brazilian * CD or 4 ... Ap Brazil 1823. C p.l V. SERRATiFbLijE. Leaves serrated or toothed. i. GLA^BRJE. Leaves smooth. 25294 capensis Thun. Cape i_J or 4 ... Ap C. G. H. 1816. C p.l 25295 Lichtensteinw Lk. Lichtenstein's * CD or 3 ... Ap C. G. H. 1824. C p.l ii. ScABRiFbLi*. Leaves scabrous. 25296 rfepens JT. 25297 wlmifblia Lam. creep\ng-s(md ^ CD or ... Ap E. Indies 1805. Elm-leaved * CD or 4 ... Ap Philippin. 1813. C C pi p.l 25298 Brass R. Br. Brass's it CD or 6 ... Ap S. Leone 1822. C p.l 25299 exasperata Vahl exasperated 41 i 1 or 6 AD Guinea 1800. C p.l scabra W. glandu!6sa Hort. 25300 oppositifolia Rox. opposite-leaved * CD or 4 ... Ap E. Indies 1802. C p.l Rox. cor. 2. 124 scabra Jac. 25301 coronata Spin 25302 obtusata LA. crowned CD or 6 my.jn Ap 1800. blunt * CD or 4 ... Ap 1821. C C p.l p.l Col. h. rip. 8 25303 Mintia Lk. Muntia * i | or 4 ... Ap N. Holl. 1822. C p.l 25304 rubrinervia Lk. red-nerved 1 CD or 10 ... Ap Brazil 1824. C CO iii. SiNUATiFoUA. leaves sinuated, scabrous. 25305 aspera Forst. rough-leaved l i | or 3 mr.jn Ap N. Holl. 1807. C p.l iv. LoBATiFoLijE. Leaves lobed. 25306 aquatica W. aquatic f CD or 10 ... Ap E. Indies 1758. C l.p 2.3307 heterophylla L. variable-leaved f CD or 10 ... Ap Malabar 1816. C pi R. mal. 3. 62 25308 Carica L. common, fig ^ CD fr 15 jn.jl Ap S. Europe 1548. C CO Tr. ehr. 73. 4 CLASS XXIV. ORDKR I. CRYPTOGAMIA FELICES. 417 CLASS XXIV. ORDER 1. CRYPTOGAMIA FI'LICES TRIBE I. POLYPODIA'CE^. 2901. POLYBO'TRYA H. $ B. POLYBOTRYA. (Polys, many, botrys, raceme ; fertile div. of frond.) 2 6. 25309 cerv'ma Kaulf. hart's tongue 23 or f Br Jamaica 1823. D l.p Pet. fil. 8. 3 25310 vivipara Hook. viviparous 22 or f Br W. Indies 1823. Dip Hook. ex. fl. 107 2902. ACRO'STICHUM L. ACROSTICHUM. (Akros, highest, sticfios, order ; lines on reverse of Ivs.) 9. 65 I. INPIVI^SA. Fronds undivided. 25311 simplex Swz. simple j fAI or 1 ... Br Jamaica 1793. D l.p Bot. cab. 709 25312 Ion gifblium Jac. long.leaved f 23 or 1 my.s Br Jamaica 1817. D l.p 25313 crinltum Swz. hairy 23 or Br W. Indies 1793. D l.p PI. fil. 125 25314 glandulosum Hook, glandulous j 23 or 1 ... Br Jamaica 1825. D l.p H. & G. 3. 1 1. DivrsA. Fronds simple, divided. 25315 alcicrtrne Sun. elk's horn j? iAI cu f au.o Br N. S. W. 1808. D s.p Bot. reg. 262-3 25316 Stemaria Beauv. Stemaria /? 23 or 1 Br Guinea 1823. D l.p Beau. ow. 1. 2 III. Pt N-NA'TA. Fronds pinnate. 25317 appendiculatumHbo/c.appendiculate 23 or 1* Br W. Indies 1824. D l.p H. & G. 100 25318 fimbriatum H. L. fringed 23 or 1 ... Br Brazil 1824. D l.p 25319 aureum L. golden 23 or 4 au Br W. Indies 1815. D l.p PI. fil. 104 2903. JTEMIONlTISi. HEMFONITIS. (Hemionos, a mule ; supposed to be sterile.) 1. 25320 palmata L. palmate 23 el f Br W. Indies 1793. D l.p Hook. ex. fl. 33 naked sori. ) 10. 31 . D l.p Swz. fil. 1.3 D l.p H.&G.45 D l.p Schk.fiL17.21 23 or 2 Br Jamaica 1810. D l.p PL fil. 144 23 or 1 Br W. Indies 1824. D 1 P PI. fil ,44 1 23 el CZ3 el 1 1 jn.jl au Br Br Jamaica 1808. W. Indies 1817. D D l.p l.p Schk. cryp. 4 23 or 23 el 1 2 Br Br Peru 1822. W. Indies 1790. D D l.p s.p W. h. b.41 2904. GYMNOGRA'MMA Desv. GYMNOGR. (Gymnos, naked, gramma, writing: I. HIRSU^TJE. Fronds underneath hairy or scaly. 25321 pedata Kaulf. pedate 23 pr | jn.jl Br to. Spain 1822. //emiotVitis pedSta Swz. 25322 myrioph y lla Swz. myriad-leaved 23 or 1 ... Br Brazil 1824. 25323 riifa Desv. red-haired 23 pr Br Jamaica 1793. J^emionitis rufa Swz. Acrostichum rufum L. II. FARINO X S/E. Fronds underneath mealy. 25324 trifoliata Desv. three-leaved Acr6stichum trifoliatum L. 25325 chrysophylla Kaulf. golden-leaved Acrostichum chrysophyllum Swz. 25326 sulphurea Desv. sulphury 253 C 27 tartarea Desv. infernal ffemion'itis dealbata W. 25328 peruviana Desv. Peruvian 25329 calomelanos Kaulf. beautiful black Acrostichum calom^lanos L. III. NU^DA. Fronds without any hairiness or mealiness. 25330 leptophf lla Desv. slender-leaved ^ A or 1 jn.'au Br S. Europe 1819. D l.p H. & G. 25 Polypbdium leptophyllum L. Acrostichum leptophyllum Dec. 2905. MENI'SCIUM Schreb. MENISCIUM. (Meniskos, a crescent ; shape of fructification.) 3. 7. 25331 proliferum Swz. proliferous .Hemionitis prolifera Retz. 25332 sorbifbli um W. Sorbus-leaved [A] or ./4splmum sorbifblium Jac. 25333 reticulatum Swz. netted 23 el Polypbdium reticulatum L. 2906. XIPHO'PTERIS Kaulf. SWORD FERN. (Xiphos, sword, pteris, fern ; form of fronds.) 2. 5. 25334 serrulata Kaulf. serrulate 23 pr i jn.jl Br W. Indies 1823. D l.p Schk. cryp. 7 GrammHis serrulata W. 25335 heterophylla Spr. variable-leaved iAI or jn.jl Br N. Holl. 1824. D co Gramrnitis heterophylla Lab. Polypodium grammitoldes R. Br. 2907. CE'TERACH. W. CETERACH. (Called chetherak by the Persian physicians.) 1. 4. 25336 officinarum W. officinal A m f my.o Br Britain cal. ro. D l.p Eng. bot. 1244 ^splenium Ceterach L. Grammitis C&erach Swz. 2908. POLYPO^DIUM L. POLYPODY. (Polys, many, pous, foot ; multitude of roots like.) 52. 160 23 or 1 ap.jl Br E. Indies 1820. D co 1 ... Br Brazil 1823. Deo f Br Martinico 1793. Dip PI. fil. 110 25337 pilosello v ides L. 25338 heterophyllum L. 25339 serpens L. 25340 attenuktum R. Br. 25341 angustifblium Swz. 25342 tsenibsum Hum. 2 53i3 repens L. 25344 lycopodio'ides L. 25345 lanceolatum L. 25346 Phyllitidis L. 25347 stigmbsum Swz. 25348 crassifolium L. 25349 ^lantagineum Jac. latifolium Vahl I. INDIVI^SA. Fronds simple, undivided. i. DISCREPA'NTIA. Bearing fertile and sterile fronds. Mouse-ear-like $ 23 or au Br W. Indies 1793. variable-leaved ^ 23 or Br W. Indies 1820. creeping ^ 23 pr J my.jn Br W. Indies 1816. ii. FERTI'LIA. Fronds all fertile. attenuated Sw 23 or i mr.jl Br N. Holl. 1823. narrow-leaved j^ 23 or Br W. Indies 1820. banded Jk 23 pr 2" my.jn Br S. Amer. 1815. creeping Club-moss lanceolate Hart's-tongue stigmose thick-leaved Plantain-like 23 pr l/\l or 23 or 23 or IAI or 23 or 23 or 2 my.jn au jn.s Br Br Br Br Br Br Br W. Indies 1810. W. Indies 1793. W. Indies 1812. W. Indies 1793. E. Indies 1823. W. Indies 1823. W. Indies 1817. D l.p PI. fil. 118 D Lp PI. fil. 120 D l.p PI. fil. 121 D l.p D l.p D l.p D l.p D Lp D l.p Sks.p D l.p D l.p D l.p PI. fil. 134 Schk. fil. 8 PI. fil. 137 PI. fil. 130 PI. fil. 123 Jac. c. 12, 6 EC 418 CRYPTOGAMIA FILICES. CLASS XX IV. II. PINNATI'FIDA. Fronds pinnatifid. i. INTEGE'RRIMA. Leaves very entire, smooth, from No. 25361. pubescent underneath. 25350 phymatbdes L. tuberclcd E3 or J3r E. Indies 1823. D l.p Pluk. ph. 404. 5 25351 pustulatum Forst. pustuled iAJ or 1 Br N. Zeal. 1820. D p.l 25352 Billardier* R. Br. La Billardiere's^ E3 or 1 Br V.D.I. 1823. D l.p Lab. n. h. 2. 240 scandens Lab. 25353 aureum L. golden f [23 or 3 mr.ap Br W. Indies 1742. Sk s.p PI. fil. 76 25354 ^uercifolium L. Oak-leaved E3 or Ij s Br E. Indies 1824. D l.p Ru. am. 6.36 25355 areolatum Hum. areolate B3 or 1 ... Br Brazil 1824. D l.p 25356 Catharine Fis. St. Catharine's (23 or 1 ... Br Brazil 1824. D l.p 25.357 curvatum Swz. curved fAI or 1 au Br Jamaica 1823. D l.p 25558 pectinatum L. comb-leaved )g (23 or 1 jn.s Br W. Indies 1793. Sk s.p Bot. cab. 74S 25359 plftmula Hum. feathered ] fAI or 1 Br S. Amer. 1824. D l.p 25360 scolopendrioklesL. Scolopendrum-lk !A1 or 1J Br W. Indies 1820. D l.p PI. fil. 91 25361 *richomanoldesS. Trichomanes-lktf: [AJ or 1 my.jl Br W. Indies 1822. D l.p Schk. crvp. 10 5362 asplenifolium L. Spleen wort-lvd fAI or 2 jl Br Martmico 1790. Sk s.p PI. fil. 102. A 25363 incanum Swz. hoary ^ (23 or | jl Br S. Amer. 1811. D l.p Schk. fil. 11. b. ii. SERRA^TA. Leaves dentate or serrated. 5364 decumanum W. tall [23 el 5 au Br Brazil 1818. D 1-P 5365 indsum Swz. cut j [23 or 1 au Br W. Indies 1810. D l.p 25366 trifurcatum L. three-forked [AJ or | au Br W. Indies 1820. D l.p PI. fil. 138 25367 vulgare W. common ^ A or 1 my.o Br Britain D l.p 1149 2 cambricum Welsh ^ A cu 1 my.o Br Britain D l.p Bolt. fil. 2. 5. a 25368 virginianum L. Virginian ^ A or 1 jl Br N. Amer. ... D 1.P PL fil. 77 III. Pi NNA^TA. Fronds pinnate. i. INTEGE'RRIMA. Leaves very entire. 5369 hastatum Swz. hastate j fAI or 2 ... Jamaica 1820. D l.p 25370 longifblium Presl long-leaved (23 or 3 ... Brazil 1819. D l.p 25371 auriculatum Presl eared CA) or 2 ... Brazil 1824. D l.p 25372 dissimile L. dissimilar ^ [23 or 2 ... Brazil 1820. D 1.P Pluk. al. 228. 1 ii. SERRA^A. Leaves repand, crenate, serrate. 25373 /raxinifblium Jac. Ash -leaved G3 el 2 au Br Caraccas 1817. D l.p Jac. ic. 639 25374 repandum Swz. repand (23 or 1 au Br Jamaica 1820. D l.p 25375 tenellum Forst. slender 3W tAI or 1 au Br N. Holl. 1823. D l.p 25376 crenatum Swz. crenate tf IA1 or U au Br Jamaica 1823. D i.p 25377 ^uglandifblium H. $ B. Juglans-lvd [AJ or 1|" Br S. Amer. 1822. D l.p IV. BIPINNATI'FIDA. Fronds bipinnat/fld, pubescent. 25378 Pheg6pteris L. Sun-fern ^ A or f jn.jl Br Britain moun. D 1-P Eng. bot. 2224 25379 hexagonopterum 1 tfjr. 6-angled-wgd ^ A or 1 jl Br N. Amer. 1811. D l.p Pluk. al. 284. 2 25380 connectile MX. connected ^ A or 1 jn.jl Br Canada 1823. D l.p 25381 jamaicense Desv. Jamaica ] fAI or 1| Br Jamaica 1820. D l.p V. BIPINNA N TUM. Fronds bipinnate. 25382 sanctum Swz. holy E3 or 1| Br W. Indies 1820. D l.p VI. TRiPiw?A v rA. Fronds tripinnate or supra-decompound. 25383 Dry6pteris L. Dryopteris ^ A or 1 jn.s Br Britain D I.P Eng. bot. 616 25384 calcareum Sm. spur-branched ^ A or f jl Br Britain I) l.p Eng. bot. 1525 25385 effusum Swz. spreading fAI or 3 n Br Jamaica 1769. Sk s.p SI. jam. 1.57. 3 25386 pruinatum Swz. frost-leaved fAI or 2 s Br Jamaica 1793. D l.p 25387 polyanthum H. L. VII. DU^BIA. Doubtful to which of the sections they belong. many-flowered j [Al or Br Brazil 1824. D l.p 25388 tetragbnum H. L. four-angled ] fAI or Br Brazil 1827. D Lp 2909. T.ENITIS Swz. T.ENITIS. 25389 lanceolata Kaulf. lanceolate Ptferis lanceolata L. 25390 /praminif61ia Hook. Grass-leaved 25391 angustifblia Spr. narrow-leaved Pteris angustifblia Swz. (Tainia, a fillet ; long narrow frond.) 3. 9. 1 au Br W. Indies 1818. D l.p PI. fil. 132 | Br | Br Trinidad 1820. D l.p 77 Jamaica 1816. D Lp 2910. NOTHOCHL^E'^NA R. Br. NOTHOCHL. (Nothos, spurious, chlaina, cloak ; seeming invol.) 4. 13. 25392 piloselloldes Kaulf. Pilosella-like C3 or Br E. Indies, 1822. D Lp H.pfl.96.2 Pteris piloselloides L. 25393 Marante R. Br. Maranta's iAJ or f Br N. Holl. 1820. D l.p Spr. cryp. 2. 18 Acrostichum Marante L. 25394 distans R. Br. distant iAJ or f Br N. Holl. 1823. D l.p 25395 lanuginbsa Desf. woolly iA) or f au.s Br Madeira 1778. R s.p Desf. at. 2. 256 Acrostichum vdlleum H. K. lanuginosura Desf. 2911. NIPHO'BOLUS Kaulf. NIP. (Niphobolos, covered with snow ; indusia like flakes of snow.) 6. 17. I. DISCREPA'NTES. Bearing fertile and sterile fronds. 25396 adnascens Kaulf. adnascent flW (23 cu | Br E. Indies 1824. D Lp R. mal. 29 Polypbdium adnascens Swz. 25397 pert&sus Spr. bored ^ E3 cu | Br China 1821. D p.l Hook. ex. fl. 162 Poly-podium pertusum Hook. 25398 rup^stris Spr. rock ^ [23 cu | Br N. Holl. 1824. D p.l Polypodium rupestre R. Br. II. CONFORMES. Fronds all fertile. 25399 c6nfluens Spr. confluent flW E2 cu & Br N. Holl. 1820. D p.l Polypodium c6nfluens R. Br. 25400 lingua Spr. tongue SW 23 cu J my.jn Br Japan 1817. D p.l Thun. jap. 38 Acrostichum lingua Thun. Polypbdium lingua Stuz. 25401 lineare G. Don linear &, E3 cu | Br Japan 1822 D p.l Thun. jap. 18 Polyp6dium lineare L. 2912. ONOCLE^A L. ONOCLEA. (Onos, a vessel, kleio, to enclose ; apparent capsules.) 2. 25402 sensibilis L. sensitive ^ A or 1 au Br Virginia 1799. D Lp Schk. fil. 102 25403 obtusilobata Schk. obtuse-lobed ^ A or 1 jl Br N. Amer. 1812. D l.p Schk. fil. 103 2913. STRUTHIO'PTERIS W. STRUTHIOPTERIS. (Struthios, ostrich, pteris, fern ; fronds like feathers.) 2. 25404 germanica W. German ^ A or 2 Br Europe 1760. D l.p Schk. fil. 105 Osmunda Struthiopteris L. 25405 pennsylvanica W. Pennsylvanian ^ A or 2 au Br N. Amer. 1812. D l.p Schk. fil. Ill ORDER. I. CRYPTOGAMIA FILICES. 419 2914. ALLOSO^RUS Bernh. ALI.OSORUS. (Alias, various, soros, heap ; sori changing at different periods.) 1.-4. 25406 crispus Bernh. curled ^ A cu i Br Britain sto.hi. D l.p Eng. bot. 1160 jPteris crispa Swz. Osmunda crispa L. 2915. ELLOBOC A'RPUS Kaulf. POD FERN. (En, in, lobos, a pod, karpos, fruit ; div. of frond.) 1. 2. 25407 oleraceus Kaulf. potherb 123 or 1 au Br Tranqueb.1818. D l.p Pluk. al. 215. 3 Ceropt6pteris ihalictroldes Broeg. 2916 PARKF^R/^ Hook. PARKERIA. (C. S. Parker, who first found the plant in Essequibo.) 1. 25408 ^teroldes Hook. Pteris-like i [23 or | au Br Essequibo 1825. D l.p Hook.ex.fl.147.23l 2917. LOMAMlIA W. LOMARIA. (Loma, an edge ; marginal position of indusia.) 5. 43. I. PIXNATI'FID/K Sterile fronds pinnatiftd. 25409 falcata Spr. falcate iAJ or 2 Br V. D. I. 1823. D p.l Stegania falcata R. Br. 25410 nuda W. naking iA] or 2 Br V.D.I. 1822. D p.l Lab. n.h. 2.248 Stegania nuda R. Br. Onoclea nuda Lab. 25411 spicant De.iv. spike A or 1 jl Br Britain heaths. D p.l Eng. but. 1159 JJlechnum boreale Sm. Swz. II. PiNNA v rjE. Sterile fronds pinnate ; leaflets serrulated. 25412 procera Spr. tall iAJ or 3 jl Br N. Zeal. 1822. D p.l Lab. n. h. 2. 247 Stegania procera R. Br. Osmunda procera Forst. 25413 longifolia Kaulf. long-leaved ^ (23 or 2 jn.jl Br W. Indies 1810. D l.p Pl.fil.117.rfc.rf;-. Acrostichum sorbifolium Vahl 2918. ^LE'CHNUM L. BLECHNUM. (Blechnon, one of the Greek names for a fern.) 10. 31. 25414 australe L. 25415 occidental L. 25416 glandulbsum Lk. 25417 pectin atum Presl 25418 longifolium Hum. I. INTEGE'RRIMA. Fronds pinnated ; leaves entire. southern western glandulous pectinated long-leaved iAI pr fAl pr (23 or CZ3 or . f mr.s Br C. G. H. 1691. R s.p Schk. fil. llO.b. 1 mr.s Br S. Amer. 1777. R s.p Jac. ic. 3. 644 f Br Brazil 1823. R s.p 1 ... Br S. Amer. 1827. R s.p 1 mr.s Br Caraccas 1820. R s.p Bot. mag. 2818 II. DENTICULA^TA. Fronds pinnate; leaves serrulated, crenulated, or denticulated. 25419 laevigatum Cav. smooth 25420 serrulatum MX. serrulated 25421 striatum R. Br. striated stramineum Lab. 25422 brasiliense Desv. Brazilian cavadense Rad. 25423 cartilagineum Swz. cartilaginous fiAl or A or i Al or 1 mr.s f mr.s f mr.s Br Br Br N. Holl. 1821. Florida 1818. N. Holl. 1824. R R R s.p s.p s.p jg fAl or 1 mr.s Br Brazil 1820. R S.p iAI or 1 Br N. Holl. 1820. R s.p 2919. WOOD WA'RDIA Sm. WOODWARDIA. (Thomas Jenkinson Woodward, an English botanist.) 3. 25424 angustifblia Sm. narrow-leaved ^ A r 1 au Br N. Amer. 1812. D p.l Schk. fil. Ill onocleo'ides IV. Osmunda caroliniana Walt. 25425 radlcaris Sivz. rnoting-leaved iAI or 1 s Br Madeira 1779. R s.p Schk. fil. 112 25426 virginica Swz. Virginian ^ A r 1 au.s Br N. Amer. 1774. D l.p Pluk. al. 179. 2 .Ble'chnum virginicum L. 2920. DOO'D/^ R. Br. DOODIA. (Samuel Doody, a London apothecary, and first Brit, cryptogamist.) 3. 25427 aspera R. Br. rough-stalked iAI pr f mr.s Br N. S. W. 1808. R s.p Bot. cab. 39 25428 media R. Br intermediate tAJ or f mr.s Br N. Holl. 1823. D l.p 25429 caudata R. Br. tailed j lAl or 1 mr.s Br N. Holl. 1820. D l.p Hook. ex. fl. 25 Woodwardz'a caudata Cav. 2921. ^SPLE^NIUM L. SPLEENWORT. (A, priv., splen, the spleen ; med. qual.) 47. 154. I. lNDivi x SAx Fronds undivided. 25430 Nidus L. Bird's Nest IAI el 2 au Br E. Indies 1820. D 1-P Brey. c. 99 25431 brasiliense Swz. Brazilian j IAI or 1 Br Brazil 1822. D p.l 25432 serratum L. snw-leaved $_ \/\\ pr 1-^ Br W. Indies 1793. D l.p Schk. fil. FA 25433 rhizophvllum L. rooting-leaved 3Jt A cu f jn.jl Br N. Amer. 1680. D l.p Pluk. al. 105. 3 25434 attenuatum R. Br. attenuated j iAI or 1 Br N. Holl. 1824. D p.l II. LOBATIFR6ND ES. F 'ronds angu lar, lobate, divided. 25435 palmatum Lam. palmate iAI or f au.s Br S. Europe 1816. D l.p Bot. cab. 868 25436 septentrionale Swz. northern ^ A or 5 jn.o Br Britain rocks. D Eng. bot 1017 III. PINNATIFROXDES. Fronds pinnate. i. SUBIXTI IGRIFoL IUM. Lea VCS i 'ubentire. 25437 angustifolium MX. narrow-leaved ^ A el 1 jn.jl Br N. Amer. 1812. D l.p Schk. fil. C7. 69 ii. SERRATIFOLIA. Leai les crenatec I, foe ithed, or serrated. 25438 cultrifblium L. knife-leaved 123 or 1 Br W. Indies 1820. D p.l PL fil. 3. 1 25439 Shepherdw Spr. 25440 obtusatum Forst. Shepherd's obtuse j fAl or iAI or 1 jn.jl lijnjl Br Br Jamaica 1820. N. Holl. 1824. D D p.l p.l Lab. n.h. 242. 1 obllquum Lab. 25441 marlnum L. sea ^t A or Ijn.o Br Britain rocks. D s.p Eng. bot. 392 25442 monanthemum Sm . one-flowered } i Al cu 1 Jl Br C. G. H. 1790. D l.p Sm. ic. in. 73 25443 falcatum Lam. falcate -f iAj or 1 jn.jl Br N. Holl. 1825. D p.l 25444 zamiffifolium W. Zamia-leaved LAI cu l|jn.s Br Caraccas 1820. D l.p Bot. cab. 854 25445 bipartltum W. biparted [TV] or li Jn.jl Br Jamaica 1820. D p.l 25446 ebeneum H. K. ebony-stalked ^ A or f s Br N. Amer. 1779. D l.p Schk. fil. 73 25447 formJSsum W. beautiful f fAl or 1 jn.s Br W.Indies 1822. D p.l 25448 TYichomanes L. Maidenhair A Pr imy.o Br Britain sh.roc. n l.p Eng. bot. 576 25449 melanocau Ion W. black-stalked ^ A pr 1 Jl Br N. Amer. 1812. D l.p 25450 viride Hud. green ^ A P r 1 jn.s Br Britain al. roc. D l.p Eng. bot. 2257 25451 Petrarch*? Dec. Petrarch's ^ A r i jn.s Br France 1819. D CO glandulosum Loi. Vallis-clausae Req. 25452 dentatum L. toothed [23 or ^ jn.jl Br W.Indies 1820. D p.l 25453 flabelhfolium Cav. fan-leaved J,, [A] or Br N. Holl. 1820. D p.l Hook.ex. fl. 208 25454 rhiz6phorum L. root-bearing 23 pr I 2 au Br Jamaica 1793. D l.p SI. jam. 29,30. 1 25455 alternifolium Sm. alternate-lvd ^ A cu i jn.o Br Scotland D l.p Eng. bot. 2258 germanicum Wets Ee 2 420 CRYPTOGAMIA FILICES. CLASS XXIV. IV. BiPiifNATi'FiDA. Fronds bipinnatifld. 25456 pumilum Swx. dwarf fAI pr 25457 diff6rme R. Br. two-formed f tAlor *i i n 'i l Br Br W. Indies 1823. N. Holl. 1823. D D ft PL fil. 66. A. 25458 fontanum R. Br. fountain .St A el f " Aspidium fontanum W. Polypodium fontanum L. Br England w. & r. D IP Eng. bot. 2024 25459 bis^ctum Swx. bisected [Al or 1J au Br Jamaica 1821. D l.p 25460 pra?m6rsum Swx. kitten-leaved IAI el f au Br Jamaica 1793. R s.p Pluk. al. 73. 5 25461 striatum L. striated [Al pr 1 Br W. Indies 1793. R s.p PI. fil. 18, 19 25462 *helypteroldes MX. Thelypteris-like ^ A or 1 ji Br N. Amer. 1823. D p.l Schk. fil. 76. 6 acrosticho\des Swx. 25463 radicans Swx. rooting j IAI or J Br W. Indies 1820. D p.l Schk. cryp. 76 rhiz6phorum Schk. V. BiPINMAVA . Fronds bivinrt ate. 25464 Haller* R. Br. Haller's ^ A or | Br Aspidium fontanum Swx. Haller* W. Athyrium Hallr Roth Switzerl. 1819. D p.l Schk. cryp. 53 25465 .Filix-fce'mina Bernh. Female Fern^ A or 2 jn.s Br Britain D l.p Eng. bot. 1453 Polypodium Filix-fce'mina L. 25466 Athyrium Spr. Athyrium ^ A or 2 jn.s Nephrbdium asplenioldes MX. Aspidium asplenioldes W. Br N. Amer. 1823. D p.l Schk. cryp. 78 25467 Michauxii Spr. Michaux's & A or li jn.s Br N. Amer. 1823. D p.l Nephrbdium .Filix-fce'mina MX. Aspidium an gustum W. 25468 lanceolatum Hud. lanceolate ^ A pr 25469 Ruta muraria L. Wall Rue ^ A cu J jn.8 3 jn.O Br Br England rocks. Britain sh.roc. D D l.p l.p Eng. bot. 240 Eng. bot. 150 25470 bulbiferum Forst. bulb-bearing iAI or 1 jn.s Br N. Zeal. 1820. D p.l Schk. cryp. 79 25471 viviparum H. K. viviparous ] (AJ or 1 jn.s Br Mauritius 1820. D p.l 25472 fragrans Swx. fragrant [AJ el 1)1 Br Jamaica 1793. D l.p Pluk. al. 282.1 25473 ^di^ntum nigrum L. Bk Adiantum^ A pr 1 ap.o Br Britain U l.p Eng. bot. 1950 25474 montanum W. mountain jk A pr *jl Br N. Amer. 1812. 1) l.p 25475 cicutarium Swx. Cicuta-like j fAl or 1 jn.s Br W. Indies 1820. D p5 PI. fil. 48. a. 25476 acutum Bory V. TRIPLICA^TO-PINNAVUM. Leaves triplicately pinnate. acute j iAJ or 2 Br Teneriffe 1818. D l.p 2922. CJENO'PTERIS Berg. CJENOPTERIS. (Kaitios, new, pteris, a fern.) 2. 13. 25477 Odontltis Thun. Odontites iAI or f Br N. Holl. 1822. D p.l Schk. crypt. 82 ^splenium Odontltis R. Br. Dartia Odontites W. 25478 appendiculatum Lab. appendaged ' iAJ or f Br N. Holl. 1822. D p.l Lab. n. h. 2. 243 ^splenium laxum R. Br. Darea appendiculata W. 2923. ALLANTCTDIA B. Br. ALLANTODIA. (Allantos, a sausage; resemblance in indusia.) 4. 5. 5479 tenera R. Br. tender iAJ or 1 jn.s Br N. Holl. 1820. D p.l 25480 australis R. Br. southern j tAJ or 2 jn.s Br V. D. L. 1820. D p.l 25481 axillaris Kaulf. axillary f iAJ or 2 jn.s Br Madeira 1779. D l.p Polypodium axillare H. K. 25482 umbrbsa R. Br. shady iAI or 4 jn.s Br Madeira 1779. D l.p Schk. fil. 61 .Polypbdium urabrosum H. K. 2P24. SCOLOPE'NDRIUM Sm. HART'S TONGUE. (Scolopendra, a centipede ; underside of fronds.) 2. 4. 5483 officinarum Swz. officinal A cu Br Britain D l.p Eng. bot. 1150 ^splenium Scolopendrium L. 2 crispum curled-leaved V A cu li Br Britain D l.o 3 undulatum wave-leaved A cu li Br Britain D 1-P Pluk. ph. 248. 2 4 multifidum many-cleft A cu li Br Britain D l.p 5 ram&sum branchy j 25484 //emionitis Cav. Hemionitis ] ylsplenium ffemionltis L. palmatum A cu Al or B.C. 1* Jl-au 1 au.s Br Br Britain Spain 1779. I) D 1-P p.l Pluk. ph. 248.1 Schk. cryp. 66 2925. DIPLA^ZIUM Swx. DIPLAZIUM. (Diplazo, to be double ; indusia double.) I. SiMPLlciFR6NDEs. Fronds simple. 25485 plantagineum Sura. Plantain-teawdje (23 or 2 au Br W. Indies 1819. D l.p ^splenium plantagineum L. 25486 castaneaef61ium Swx. Chestnut-lvd j (23 or 1 Br Guinea 1824. D l.p j.1. JTIWWA i itKuisiir-s. fjurius ptfinufc. 25487 seramporense Spr. Serampore [AJ or 3 au Br- Seramporel820. 25488 grandif Ilium Swz. large-leaved j [Al or 4 au Br Jamaica 1793. D l.p D l.p //emionUis grandifolia Swx. 25489 juglandifolium Swx. Walnut-leaved jf [AJ or 3 au Br Jamaica 1820. 25490 auriculatum Kaulf. auricled $ Q or 10 au Br Caraccas 1820. D l.p D l.p Schk. cryp. 86 Jsplenium arboreum W. III. BIPINNA^A. Fronds bipinnate. 25491 malabaricum Spr. Malabar J O or 8 ... Br E. Indies 1818. S l.p ^splenium ambiguum Swx. 25492 arborescens Swx. arborescent i 1 i or 12 ... Br Mauritius 1826. S l.p 25493 esculentum Swx. eatable C3 or 3 ... Br E. Indies 1822. D l.p Hemionitis esculenta Retx. 2926. PTE'RIS L. BRAKE. (Pteryx, a wing ; appearance..) 15. 119. I. SI'MPLEX. Fronds simple. 2o494 sagittaefblia Rod. sagittate-leaved [AJ or i Br Brazil 1825. D p.l II. DivrsJE. Fronds divided. 25495 pedata L. pedate ^ A or Br Virginia 1820. 25496 palmata W. palmate [AJ or f Br Caraccas 1821. D l.p D l.p PI. fil. 152 III. TERNA^A. Fronds ternate. 25497 arg^ntea Gm. silvery ^ A or J Br Siberia 1816. pedata var. L. D p.l N. c. p. 12. 1 IV. SiMPLiciPiNNAVjE. Fronds simply pinnate. 25498 rotundifolia Forst. round-leaved [23 or Br N. Zeal. 1824. D p.l 2.549!) longifblia L. long-leaved El or 2 jl.s Br W. Indies 1770. 25500 falcata R. Br. falcate tf iAI or 1 jn.jl Br N. Holl. 1820. Sks.p D pi Jac. sc.3.399,400 95501 grandifolia L. large-leaved (23 or 2 au Br W. Indies 1793. Sks.p Schk. fil. 89 OHDER I. CRYPTOGAMIA FILICES. 421 V. CoMp6siTO-PiNN A.\az. Fronds pinnate ; lower leaves compound. 25502 denticulata Hook, toothed (23 or 2 jl Br Brazil 1824. Sk 25503 erotica L. Cretan tAJ cu 1 Br Candia 1820. D 25504 serrulata L. serrulated (23 pr 1J au.s Br India 1770. Sk 25505 umbrusa R. Br. shady j iAJ or 3 Br N. Holl. 1823. D 25506 atropurpurea L. purple ^ A P r I au - s Br N - Amer. 1770. D VI. BIPINNATI'FID.*:. Fronds bipinnatifid ; lower leaves bifid. 25507 Plumiem W. Plunder's (23 or 2 jl Br S. Amer. 1818. D 5508 nemorklis W. grove (23 or \\ my.jl Br Bourbon 1823. D 25509 arguta Vahl sharp-notched iAl el 1 au.s Br Madeira 1778. D VII. BIPINNAVE. Fronds bipinnate. 10 hastata Swz. hastate iAI or 2 jl.s Br C. G. H. 1823. D 85511 cordata Cav. heart-shaped B3 or 3 jn.jl Br Mexico 1820. D 5512 sagittata Cav. arrow-shaped [ATI or 3 jn.jl Br S. Amer. 1826. D 25513 Elegans Pair. elegant 23 or 3 au.s Br E. Indies 1824. D 255 14. discolor Kunze discolored (23 or 3 au.s Br Brazil 1825. D elegans Swz. 25515 heterophylla Swx. variable-leaved j (23 or 4 Br Jamaica 1820. D 25516 aculeata W. prickiy-stmd \ Q or 10 au.s Br W. Indies 1793. D VIII. TRIPLICA''TO-PINNA N T J E. Fronds triplicately pinnated. 25517 vespertilibnis Lab. bat-winged ) iAI or 3 Br N. Holl. 1823. D 25518 tremula R. Br. trembling tAJ or 3 Br N. Holl. 1820. D eatable iAJ or 3 au.s Br N. S. W. 1815. D IX. DECOMPOSITE. Fronds decompound. tailed ^ A pr 2 s.d Br N. Amer. 1777. D aquiline ^ A r 3 Br Britain hea.w. D slender-leaved (23 or 2 Br Brazil 1824. D woolly [Al or 3 Br Bourbon 1819. D X. DU^BIJE. Doubtful to which section they belong. Chinese f iAI or 2 Br China 1824. D crenulated iAI or 2 jl Br 1827. D Cervantes's (23 or 1 jl Br Mexico 1824. D 25519 esculenta Forst. 25520 caudata L. 25521 aquilina L. 25522 leptophylla Swz. 25523 lanuginosa Bory 25524 chin^nsis Lo. C. 25525 crenulata Lo. C. 25526 Cervantesw H. L. Schk. cryp. 90 Schk. fil. 91 Schk. fil. 101 Pet. g. 80. 3 Pluk. al. 290. 2 Pluk. ph. 403. 5 PI. fil. 37 PI. fiL5. etll Lab.n.h.2.245 Lab. n. h. 2. 244 Jac. ic. 3. 645 Eng. bot. 1679 (Vitta, a riband; shape of narrow fronds.) 2. 10. (23 cu 2 au Br America 1793. D l.p Schk. fil. 101. b IA1 or 1 Br Brazil 1820. D l.p (Logche, a lance ; form of fronds.) 2. 5. (23 pr 1 jn.s Br W. Indies 1793. D l.p Schk. fil. 86 (23 or 1 jn.jl Br Jamaica 1793. D l.p Br. jam. 89. 1 2927. VITTA^RIA Sm. VITTARIA. 25527 lineata W. \inear-leaved 25528 graminifblia Kaulf. Grass-leaved 2928. LONCHrTIS L. LONCHITIS. 25529 hirsftta L. hairy 25530 pedata L. pedate Pteris podophylla Swx. 2929. ANTRCOPHYUM. Kaulf. ANTROPHYCM. (Antron, a cavern, phyo, to grow : habitation.) 1. 8. 25531 Janceolatum Kaulf. spear-leaved _, ES or f jl.s Br W. Indies 1793. D l.p Schk. fil. 6 /femionitis lanceolata L. 2930. ^DIA'NTUMZ,. MAIDENHAIR. (Adiantos, dry ; plunged in water, yet remaining dry.) 20. 63. I. RENIF6RME. Leaves simple, reniform. 25532 renif6rme L. kidney-leaved _ tAJ pr f jn.s Br Madeira 1699. R s.p Bot. cab. 841 II. SIMPLICIPINNA'TA. Fronds simply pinnate. 25533 macrophyllum Swz. long-leaved [23 pr 1 Br Jamaica 1793. D l.p Br.jam.38. 1 25534 lunatum Cav. lunated j (23 or J jl Br Mexico 1823. D l.p III. COMP6SITO-PINNAVA. Fronds at base compound or bipinnate, above simply pinnate. 25535 deltoideum Swx. deltoid (23 or . 1 Br Jamaica 1824. D l.p 25536 varium Hum. various (23 or 1 Br S. Amer. 1820. D l.p 25537 serrulatum L. serrulate (23 or 1 au Br Jamaica 1822. D l.p Pluk. al. 125. 2 IV. DiGlTAVo-PlNNAVA Fronds triparted, digitate, or pedate ; branches pinnate. 25538 ternatum Hum. ternate 123 or f jl Br S. Amer. 1819. D l.p 25539 radiatum L. radiated iAJ pr f Br W. Indies 1776. D l.p PI. fil. 100 pedate ^ A el 1 au.s Br N. Amer. 1640. R s.p Schk. til. 115 spreading [23 or 1 au.s Br Brazil 1824. D s.p 25542 hispidulum R. Br. rather hairy tAI or 1 Br N. Holl. 1822. D l.p V. BiPiNNA v rA. Fronds all bipinnate. hairy-stalked (23 or 1 jn.s Br Jamaica 1775. D s.p Schk. fil. 120 dusty (23 el 1 jn.s Br W. Indies 1793. D s.p Schk. fil. 119 [23 or 1 jn.s Br S. Amer. 1820. D l.p j iAI el f my.s Br Britain rocks. R s.p Eng. bot. 1564 25540 pedatum L. 25541 patens W. 25543 villbsum L. 25544 pulverulentum L. 25545 rhomboideum Kth. rhomboid 25516 Capillus Venem L. Venus's hair VI. SUPRADECOMPOSITA. Frond triplicately pinnate or supradecompound. 25547 cuneatum Hook. wedge-shaped tAJ or 1 au Br Brazil 1820. D p.l H. & G. 30 2.5548 trapeziforme L. rhomb-leaved IA1 el 1| jn.jl Br W. Indies 1793. R s.p Schk. fil. 112 (A] el 1 jl Br Jamaica 1793. D s.p Pluk. al. 354. 1 tA] or 1 Br N. Holl. 1823. D Lp Lab. n. h.2.248 2 25549 tenerum Swx. 25550 assimile Swx. trigbnum Lab. 25551 formosum R. Br. tender assimilated handsome iAI or 1 Br N. Holl. 1820. D l.p 2931. LINDS.EM Dry. LINDSJLA. (Lindsay, an Englishman, who wrote on germination of mosses.) 5. 23. I. PINNA^TJE. Fronds pinnate. 25552 linearis R. Br linear f iAJ or f ap.jn Br N. Holl. 1820. D p.l 25553 falcata Dry. sickle-shaped (23 or f ap.jn Br Trinidad 1819. D p.l Lin. tr. 3. 7. 2 II. DECOMPOSITE. Fronds decompound. 25554 microph^lla Swx. small-leaved iAJ or f ap.jn Br N. Holl. 1820. D p.l 25555 trapezaef6rmis Dry. Trapezium-fmd (23 or 1 ap.jn Br S. Amer. 1819. D p.l Lin. tr. 3. 9 25556 media R. Br. intermediate iA) or 1 ap.jn Br N. Holl. 1823. D p.l 2932. CHEILA'NTHES Swz. CHEILANTHES. (Cheilos, lip, anthos, flower; form^f indusium.) 10. 38. I. BIPINNATI'FIDA. Fronds bipinnatifid. 25557 gracilis Kaulf. slender ^ A or | jl Br N. Amer. 1823. D p.l Pteris gracilis MX. EC 3 422 CRYPTOGAMIA FILICES. CLASS XXIV. II. BIPINNAYE. Fronds bipinnate. 25558 pterioides Swz. Pteris-like ' ' ' ^diintum />tero v ides L. 25559 caudata R. Br. tailed 25560 odora Swx. sweet-smelling 25561 fragrans Sivz. sweet-scented Polypodium fragrans L. 25562 microphylla Sivz. small-leaved Nothola^na cheilantholdes Spr. 25563 vestHa Swx. clothed Nephrodium lanbsum MX. 25564 hirta Swx. hairy 25565 ferruginea Lk. ferruginous III. SupRADEcoMp6siTA. Fronds triplicately pinnate, or supradecompound. 25566 lendigera Swx. maggot-bearing jg LAI pr Br N. Spain ... D l.p * lAJpr i jl.s Br C. G. H. 1775. D Lp H. n. h. 96.3 lAlor j^ _AI or lAJpr J 1 jn.jl f au Br Br Br N. Holl. Switzerl. Madeira 1824. 1819. 1778. D D D p.l e Swz. fil. 3.6 iAI or i my.jl Br W . Indies 1823. D P.l PL fil. 58 * A pr 5 au Br N. Amer. 1812. D l. P Schk. fil .124 I iAI or FA1 or J | Br Br C. G. H. 1816. 1816. D D p.l p.l 2933. DAVA'LL-LJ Sm. DAVALLIA. (Edmund Davall, a Swiss botanist.) 7. 45. I. BIPINNA V I\E. Fronds bipinnate. elegant j iAI or 1 ap.s Br N. Holl. 1824. D p. box-like iAI or f ap.s Br N. S. W. 1808. D l.j 255(77 elegans Swx. 25568 pyxidata Cav. 1 Schk. cryp. 127 P II. SupRADEcoMp6srr. Fronds triplicately pinnate or supradecompound. 25569 canarie"nsis Swx. Canary jg iAI or 25570 gibberosa Swx. gibbous-footed tA) or 7Yich6manes gibberosa Forst. 25571 flaccida R. Br. flaccid iAJ or 25572 dubia R. Br. doubtful tAJ or 25573 concavadensis H. L. Concavado (23 or | ap.s 2 ap iap.s 1 ap.s Br Canarirs 1699. R s.p Jac. ic. 1. J Br N. Holl. 1825. D s.p 31 Br N. Holl. 1820. D p.l Br N. Holl. 182G. D p.l Br Brazil 1823. D p.l 2934. DICKSO"NI4 Herit. DICKSONIA. (James Dickson, a British cryptogamist.) 3. 23. 25574 arborescens Herit. arborescent i CD or 15 jn.d Br St. Helena 1786. D l.p 25575 dissecta Swx. cut-leaued (ZD pr 3 s.o Br Jamaica 1793. D l.p 25576 pilosiuscula W. rather hairy ^ A P* 2 jl.s Br N. Amer. 1811. D l.p Schk. fil. 131 2935. BALA'NTIUM Kaulf. BALANTIUM. (Balantion, a purse ; form of indusium. ~~ culcita Kaulf. cusl ' Dicksbma culcita Herit. L. '- 2936. CIBOTIUM Kaulf. CIBOTIUM (Kibotion, a little chest ; form of indusium.) 1. 2. 25578 Billardien Kaulf. Billardier's | | or 30 ... Br N. Holl. 1824. R l.p Lab. n. h. 2. 294 Dicksbnza antarctica Lab. 2937. ALSO'PHILA B. R. ALSOPHILA. (Alsos, grove, phileo, to love ; habitation.) 1. 9. 25579 australis B. R. southern iAI or 1 ... Br N. Holl. 1823. D p.l 2938. ASPI'DIUM Swx. SHIELD FERN. (Aspidion, a little buckler ; form of indusium.) I. TERNA V FA. Fronds ternate. 25580 trifoliatum Swx. three-leaved CS or 1^ Br W. Indies 1769. D l.p 25581 cicutarium Swx. Cicuta-like G3 or 2 ap.jl Br Jamaica 1820. D l.p II. PIMNA*TA . Fronds pinnate ; leaves crenate, dentate, or serrated. 25582 macrophyllum Swx. long-leaved j [A1 or 25583 auriculatum Swx. eared [Al or 25584 acrosticholdes Swx. Acrostichum-lk^ A or Nephrodium acrostichoides MX. 25585 mucronatum Swx. mucronate ^ LA) or 25586 ZonchHis Swx. Lonchitis ^ A or 25587 pectinatum W. pectinated LTV) or trapezoldes Schk. 25588 trapezoldes Swx. trapezium-like 25589 exaltatum Swx. lofty 25590 cordifolium Swx. heart-leaved 3 jn,l l| 25591 rhizophyllum Swx. root-leaved j L7\| or j LAJ or FA1 or 2 jl Br f Br 1 Br W. Indies 1816. D l.p E. Indies 1793. D l.p N. Amer. ... D l.p Jamaica 1820. D p.l Britain al. roc. D l.p W. Indies 1820. D Lp jn.jl Jamaica 1824. Jamaica 1793. Jamaica 1824. Jamaica 1820. D l.p D l.p D l.p D l.p spreading soft Oreopteris unseen saw joined III. BIPINNATI'FIDA. Fronds bipinnatifid. U\\ or EJor A or (23 or fTy) or 25592 patens Swx. 25593 m611e Swz. 25594 Ore6pteris Swx. 25595 invlsum Swx. 25596 serra Swx. 25597 unltum Swx. Nephrodium unitum R. Br. 25598 propinquum Kaulf. related 25599 parasiticum Swx. parasite 25600 noveborac^nse Swx. New York 25601 Thelypteris Swz. Lady Fern 25602 irriguum Sm. plashy 25603 cristktum Swx. lesser crested 25604 dentatum Swx. toothed Cyathea dentata Sm. IV. BIPINNA^TA. Fronds bipinnate. L7\l or LAJ or A or A or A or A or A or f 2 jl.s 2 au.s 3 jl 2 I 2 jl 2 au 2 au 1 jn.jl HJ1 1 1 jn.jl 1^ jl Jamaica 1784. D l.p Caraccas 1824. D l.p Britain hea. D l.p Jamaica 1824. D l.p Jamaica 1819. D p.l D l.p Br N. Holl. 1793. E Indies 1793. D l.p E. Indies 1824. D l.p N. Amer. 1812. D l.p Britain mar. D l.p Britain w sh.p. D l.p England bog h. D Lp Wales rocks. D l.p 25605 fr^grans Swx. 25606 aculeatum Swx. 25607 lobatum Swx. 25608 marginkle Swx. 25609 .Fllix-mas Swz. 25610 spinulbsum Swx. 25611 intermedium W. 25612 dilatatum Swx. 25613 rigidum Swx. Polypbdium fragrans Vil. 25614 coriaceum Swx. leathery 25615 elongatum Swx. elongated 25616 fragile Swx brittle Siberia 1820. D l.p Britain D l.p England D l.p N. Amer. 1772. D l.p Britain D l.p Britain mar. D l.p N. Amer. 1823. D l.p Britain D l.p S. Europe 1816. D l.p V. D. L. 1821. D l.p Madeira 1779. D l.p Britain walls. D l.p Jac. ic. 3. 638 Pluk. al. 296. 2 PI. fil. 145 Schk. cryp. 30 SI. jam. 1.36.4,5 Eng. bot. 797 Schk. cryp. 296 SI. jam. 1. 36. 1 Schk. fil. 32. b. PI. fil. 51 H. & G. 59 Schk. fil. 334 Jac. ic. 640 Eng. bot. 1019 Pluk. al. 244. 1 R. mal. 12. 17 Schk. fil. 46 Eng. bot. 1018 Eng. bot. 2125 Eng. bot. 1588 Eng. bot. 1562 Eng. bot. 1563 Schk. fil. 45. b. Eng. bot. 1458 Eng. bot. 1460 Eng. bot. 1461 Schk. cryp. 38 Eng. bot. 1587 ORDER I. CRYPTOGAM1A FILICES. 423 25617 atomarium W. atomed jk A or $ jl Br 25618 rhas'ticum Swz. Rhsetian ^ A el J jn.jl Br 25619 rfcgium Swz. royal ^ A el | jn Br 25620 bulbiferum Swz. bulbifcrous ^ A or 1 Br V. SUPRADKCOMPUSITA. Fronds Iripinnate or 25621 angulare Kit. angular ^ A or jl Br 25622 pubescens Swz. pubescent j [Al or ' Rr 25623 villosum Swz. villous j fAI or 25624 ae'mulum Swz. rival tf iAI or 25625 decomp6situm Spr. decomposed ^ i Al or Nephrodium decomp6situm R. Br. 25626 alplnurn Swz. alpine ^ A r 25627 montanum Swz. mountain ^ A r jl 3 jl 2 au | jn.jl Br Br Br Br N. Amer. 1820. D l.p Britain rocks. D l.p Britain al.roc. D l.p Eng. bot. 163 N. Amer. 1638. D l.p supradecoinpound. Hungary 1819. D p.l Jamaica 1817. D l.p W.Indies 1793. D l.p Schk. fil. 46. b. Madeira 1779. ~ N. Holl. 1820. D l.p D p.l J jn.jl Br | Br S. Europe 1825. Switzerl. 1819. D l.p D l.p Jac. ic. 3. 612 Vil. del 3. 53 2939. PLEOPE'LTIS Hum. PI.EOPELTIS. (Pleos, full, pelte, shield ; form of indusium.) 3. 8. 256^8 ensifolia Hook. sword-leaved ] [AJ or my.jn Br S. Amer. 1823. D l.p Hook. ex. fl. 62 25629 latifolia Lo. C. broad-leaved fAJ or | my.jn Br S. Amer. 1823. D l.p 25630 nuda D. Don naked j [AJ or my.jn Br Nepal Hook. ex. fl. 63 *2940. WOO'DS/^ R.Br. WOODSIA. 25631 pubescens Spr. pubescent 25632 hyperbbrea R. Br. northern 25633 ilvensis R. Br. Ilva 2941. CY ATHENA Sm. CYATHEA. 25634 arbbrea Sm. tree 25635 excelsa Swz. tall arbdrea Bory (Joseph Woods, a British botanist.) 3. 4. [AJ or | ... Br Brazil 1820. D l.p A el $ jl.s Br Scotland al. roc. D l.p Eng. bot. 2023 A el J jn.jl Br Britain 1812. D l.p Eng. bot s. 261\s i:v winged (Pierre Martin Dana, who wrote on plants of Piedmont.) 1. 3. (22 or 1 ... Br W. Indies 1823. D p.l PL fil. 109 CLASS XXIV. ORDER 2. CRYPTOGA V MIA EQUISETA V CE,E. 2954. .EQUISITTUM L. HORSETAIL. (Equus, a horse, seta, hair ; fine branches.) 10. 18, I. POLYSTA^CHYA. Fructiferous fronds many-spiked. 25683 prate"nse Ehrh. meadow *V A cu 1 Jn.jl Br Germany 1818. D p.l 25684 palfistre L. marsh ^ A w 1| jn.jl Br Britain D P.l Eng. bot. 2021 II. MONOSTA\:HYA. Fructiferous fronds one-spiked- 25685 umbrbsum W. shady & A cu 1 jn.jl Br Germany 1816. D p.l 25686 sylvaticum L. wood f A w 1 Br Britain D p.l Eng. bot. 1874 25687 hyemale L. winter A ec Br Britain moi.w. D p.l Eng. bot. 915 25688 limbsum L. marsh A w 2 jn.jl Br Britain D p.l Eng. bot. 929 25689 fluviatile L. great-river ^E A w 6 Br Britain D p.l Eng. bot. 2022 25690 arvense L. corn *V A w | mr.ap Br Britain I) p.l Eng. bot. 2020 2569 1 variegktum W. variegated *k A or I jn.jl Br Scotland D p.l Eng. bot. 1987 25692 scirpoides MX. Scirpus-like Si A cu 1 jn.jl Br N. Amer. 1820. D CLASS XXIV. ORDER 3. CRYPTOGAVMIA LYCOPODI'NE^. 2955. LYCOPO V D1UM L. CLUB Moss. (Lykos, wolf, pous, foot ; resemblance in roots.) 18. 140. 1. PEDICULA\EA. Spiked, pedunculate. 25693 carelinianum L Carolina )U A cu au Br Carolina 1812. D p.l Di. muse. 62. 25694 clavatum L. common-club )U A cu \ Br Britain hea. D p.l Eng. bot. 224 25695 complanktum L. smooth-/*^ ) A cu f Br N. Amer. 1770. D p.l FL dan. 78 25696 alplnum L. 25697 dendroideum Mr. 25698 densum Lab. 25ti99 annotinum L. 25700 inundatum L. 25701 alopecuroides L. 25702 selagino'ides L. 25703 rupestre L. alpine tree-like dense year-old overflowed Foxtail-like Selago-like rock II. SESSI'LIA Spikes sessile. i. VA^RIA. Leaves in various directions. JU A cu j A cu <~. i AJ cu ft~ A cu !U A cu JU A cu !U A cu JU A cu * Br J5r Br Br Br Br Br Br Britain al.bogs. N. Amer. 1770. N. Holl. 1820. Britain al.hea. Britain N. Amer. 1821. Britain N. Amer. ... au f \ jn.jl iau \ au iau ii. DI'STICHA. Leaves distich, stipulate 25704 ornithopodioldes L. Ornithop.-like !U A cu Br 1812. 25705 depressum Swz. depressed t. tAJ cu J au Br C. G. H. 1816. 25706 helveticum L. Swiss & A cu lin ... Br Switzerl. 1779. 25707 denticulatum L. toothed )U A cu lin jl Br Switzerl. 1779. 25708 fipodum L. stemless JU A cu au Br N. Amer. 1819. D p.l D p.l D p.l D p.l D p.l D p.l D p.l D p.l D p.l D p.l D p.l D p.l D p.l 25709 Selago L. 25710 lucidulum L. III. AXILLA V RIA. Capsules axillary. Selago JU A cu au Br Britain D p.l rather glittering !U A cu | au Br N. Amer. 1823. D p.l Eng. bot. 234 Hook. ex. fl. 7 Lab. n.h.2. 251.1 Eng. bot. 1727 Eng. bot. 239 Di. muse. 62. 6 Eng. bot. 1148 Schk. fil. 165 Di.musc.66.1.B. Di. muse. 64. 2 Di.musc.66.1.A. Di. muse. 64. 3 Eng. bot. 233 Schk. fil. 159 2956. PSILCTTUM Swz. PSILOTUM. 25711 triquetrum Swz. triangular Bernhard/a dichotoma W. (Psilos, naked ; destitute of leaves.) E3 cu f Br W. Indies 1793. 1. 3. D p.l Schk. fil. 165. b. ORDER V. CRYPTOGAMIA MUSCI. 425 2957. ISOE V TES L. 25712lacustr\s W. CLASS XXIV. ORDER 4. CRYPTOGA V MIA MARSILEA'CE^E. QUILL WORT. (Isos, equal, etos, the year ; remaining the same throughout.) 1. 2. marsh * A cu % my.o Br Britain al.lak. D p.l Eng. bot. 108* 2958. PILULA^RIA L. PILLWORT. (Pttula, a pill; little heads containing the i reproductive organs.) 1. 25713 globulifera L. globule-bearing JU. A cu jn.s Br Britain moi. h. D pJ Eng. bot. 521 2959. SALVI'NM Mich. SALVINIA. 25714 natans All. floating (Antonio Maria Salvini, Greek prof, at Florence.) L 4. & fit ... Italy 1818. D p.l Schk. cryp. 173 2960. MARSI'L&I L. MARSILEA. (Count L. F. Marsigli, founder of Acad. of Sciences, Bologna.) 1. 8. 25715 quadrifolia L. four-leaved *= cu & ... Europe 1820. D p.l Juss. sci. 1740 CLASS XXIV. ORDER 5 CRYPTOGA'MIA MU'SCI. TRIBE I. A'STOMI. Systematic Name and Authority. 2961. PHA'SCUM L. Time of lowering, or y when most 5 conspicuous. Locality. PHASCUM. (Phaskon, an ancient Greek name for a moss.) to Figures. Ui ^ t I. STOLONI'FERUM. Shoots creeping, leafless, articulated, branched. 25716 serratum Sch reb. serrated solitary ^ spring Pa. G shady banks Muse, brit.5 stolon iferum E. B. 2006 1 1. ERE'CTA. Creeping shoots none. 25717 alternifblium Dick, alternate-lvd 25718 crispum Hedw. crisp multicapsulare E.B. 618 25719 subulatum L. 25720 axillare Dick. strictum E. B. 2093 25721 patens Hedw. 25722 muticum Schreb. 1 ma jus Hook. 2 minus Hook. 25723 cuspidatum Schreb. 25724 apiculatum Hook. subulate axillary spreading pointless larger smaller cuspidate small-tufted 2026. curvise 25725 piliferum Schreb. piliferous 25726 ftryoides Dick. Bryum-like 25727 rectum With. upright 25728 curvicollum Hedw. bent-necked solitary & spring solitary \ spring small patches k spnng lax. sol. J sp.summer solitary ^ sp.summer solitary 55 sp.summer solitary 5^ sp.summer solitary j^ sp.summer solitary | sp.summer solitary sp.summer im E. B. 2259 patches J sp.summer solitary i sp.summer solitary | sp summer solitary jTj sp.summer Pa. G moist banks Muse, brit 5 Pa.G banks andfi. Muse, brit.5 L.G dry banks Muse, brit 5 Y.G moist banks Muse. brit. 5 Pa. G clay fields Muse. brit. 5 Bt.G moist banks Muse. brit. 5 Bt.G moist banks Eng. bot. 2027 Bt.G sea coast Muse. brit. 5 G hed. moi. ba. Muse. brit. 5 Gsh hed. moi. ba. Eng. bot. 2025 Hoa sandy downs Eng. hot. 1888 G banks and fi. Muse. brit. 5 L.G moist banks Muse, brit.5 L.G moist banks Muse, brit.5 TRIBE II. GYMNO'STOMI. Bop MOSS. (A name employed by Pliny to designate some kind of moss.) 4, 11. blunt-leaved aquatic 7 year Y.G bogs Muse. brit. 4 common aquatic 7 year Y.G bogs Eng. bot. 1405 2962. SPHA'GNUM L 25729 obtusif&lium Ehrh. 1 vulgare Hook. latifc-lium E. B. 2 minus Hook. 3 fluitans Turn. 25730 squarrosum Web. 25731 acutifolium Ehrh. capillifolium E. B. 25732 cuspidatum Ehrh. cuspidate aquatic 6 year Y.G bogs smaller floating squarrose ..^ sharp-leaved aquatic aquatic aquatic aquatic 3 year 24 year 7 year 6 year YG bogs Y.G bogs Y.G bogs Y.G bogs Schwaeg. sup. 3 Muse. brit. 4 Muse, brit 4 Muse. brit. 4 2963. SCHISTO'STEGA Mohr SCHISTOSTEGA. (Schistos, split, stege, covering ; lid at margin split.) 1. 25733 pen nata Hook. feathered solitary | spring L.G banks, Dev. Muse. brit. 8 Gymnostomum pennatum E. B. 2219 2964. GYMNO'STOMUM Hedw. GYMNOSTOMUM. (Gymnos, naked, stoma, mouth ; orifice of theca.) 15.-47. I. RAMOSA. Stems long, branched. 25734 lapponicum Hedw. Lapland dense tufts 1 spring 25735 aestlvum Hedw. summer thick tufts 1J spring luteolum E. B. 2201 25736 viridissimum E. B. greenest GrimmzVi Forsten E. B. 2225 25737 curvirostrum Hedw. bent-beaked stelligerum E.B. 2202 25738 rup&tre Schwa;. rock asruginosum E. B. 2200 II. SIMPLI'CIA. Stems short, simple. 25739 GriffithsMHwwz E. B. Griffiths's little spots summer 25740 ovatum Hedw. ovate broad patches f year 1 vulg^re Hook. common broad patches year 2 gracile Hook. slender broad patches | year 25741 truncatulum Hofm. small truncated patches r] year intermedium E. B. 1976 tufts tufts large tufts f summer 1 spring 1 sp.summer D.G alpine rocks Muse. brit. 8 Bt. G wet rocks Muse, brit 6 Bt. G trees & rocks Muse. brit. 6 Pa. G moist rocks Muse. brit. 6 D.G Pa.G mountains Muse. brit. 7 G ba. & wa.tops Muse. brit. 7 G ba. & wa.tops Eng. bot 1889 G ba. & wa.tops BtG fields & ban. Muse. brit. 7 426 CRYPTOGAMIA MUSCI. CLASS XXIV. 25742 Heimw Hedw. Heim's obtusum E. B. 1407 25743 conicum Schwte. conical little spots 25744 fasciculare Hedw. bundled patches 25745 pyriforme Hedw. pear-shaped dense patches 25746 tnue Hedw. slender little patches paucifolium E. B. 2506 25747 microstomum Hedw. small-mouthed little patches 25748 Donnianum Sm. Donn's thin patches small patches 1 summer Rsh marit. banks Muse. brit. 7 | summer Pa.G fields, S.Irel. Muse. brit. 7 | summer Y.G clayey banks Muse. brit. 7 f summer Bt.G moist places Muse. brit. 7 l spring Bt.G sandst. rocks Muse. brit. 7 J spring Pa.G banks Muse. brit. 7 spring Pa. G Scotch rocks Muse. brit. 7 2965. ANICTANGPUM Hedw. ANICTANGIUM. (Anoiktos, open, aggeion, vase ; open theca.) 2. 25749 ciliatum Hedw. ciliated depress, tufts 1 summer Hoa rocks Muse. brit. 6 Gymnostomum ciliatum E. B. 1179 25750 imberbe Hook. beardless depress, tufts 1 summer Pa. G Irish moun. Muse. brit. 6 Gymn6stomum imberbe E. B. 2237 TRIBE III. APLOPERI'STOMI. 2966. DIPHY'SCIUM Mohr DIPHVSCIUM. (Dis, twice, physkion, a vesicle ; shell of theca double.) 1. 25751 foliosum Mohr leafy matt patches J spring D.G woods Muse, brit 8 Buxbaum/a foliosa E. B. 329 2967. TE'TRAPHIS Hedw. TETHAPHIS. (Tetra, four ; theca four-toothed.) ' 2. 5. 25752 pellucida Hedw. pellucid wide tufts 1 year Pa. G dry banks Muse. brit. 8 25753 BrownzVma Grev. Brown's solitary J year Ol.G roofs of caves Grev. cryp. 169 ovata Hook. Grimm/a Browm'ema E. B. 1422 2968. DI'SSODON G. 8s A. DISSODOV. (Dis, twice, odous, a tooth.) 2. 4. 25754 splachnoldes G. # A. Splachnum-lk wide tufts 2 summer D.G alpine bogs Grev. cryp. 145 Vfeissia splachnoldes Hook. 25755 FrcelichiawMwz G. & A. Fro-lich's tufts 1 summer Pa.G mountains Muse. brit. 9 Splachnum Frcelichwnwwi Hook, reticulatum E. B. 2507 2969. SPLA'CHNUM L. SPLACHNUM. (Splagchnon, one of the Greek names for moss.) 6. 19. 25756 spha?'ricum L. spherical solitary 2 summer Pa.G dung of ani. Muse. brit. 9 5757 tenue Dick. slender Grimmza splachnoldes Fl. br. 25758 fnnioides L. Mnium-like 1 minus Hook. smaller 2 mkjus Hook. larger fastigiatum E.B.186 25759 angustatum L. narrowed 25760 ampullaceum L. bottle-headed Turnerianum E. B. 1116 25761 vascuRisum Hedw. vascular 2 rugbsum E. B. wrinkled subsolitary tufts tufts tufts tufts solitary tufts tufts \ summer Pa. G Scot. moun. Muse. brit. 9 2 year 1J year 2 year \ spring Bt.G mountains D.G mountains Pa.G mountains Pa.G cow-dung . 3 summer, aut Pa.G bogs 3 spring 2 spring Muse. brit. 9 Hed. cryp. 2.11 Hed. cryp. 2. 38 Muse. brit. 9 Muse. brit. 9 Pa. G mountains Grev. cryp. 179 Lu.G mountains Grev. cryp. 311 2970. CONO'STOMUM Swz. CONOSTOMUM. (Konos, cone, stoma, mouth; teeth of theca united.) 1. 4. 25762 boreale Swz. northern small tufts 1 summer Bt.G moun., Scot. Muse. brit. 10 Grimmia con6stoma E. B. 1135 2971. POLYTRICHUM L. POLYTRICHUM. (Polys, many, thrix, hair; calyptra hairy.) 10. 22. I. NU^DA. Calyptra naked, wave-leaved solitary Hercynian solitary II. HiRSuYA. Calyptra hairy 25763 undulatum Hedw. 25764 hercynicum Hedw. 4 autumn 3 autumn Ol.G moist banks Ol.G mountains Muse. brit. 10 Muse. brit. 10 25765 piliferum Schreb. 25766 juniperinum W. strictum E. B. 2435 25767 septentrionale Swz. hair-bearing Juniper-like northern sexangulare E. B. 1906 25768 commune L. common solitary solitary solitary broad masses 3 autumn 4 autumn 3 autumn Ol.G heaths Ol.G heaths Muse. brit. 13 Muse. brit. 10 Ol.G Scot. moun. Muse. brit. 10 1 yucccefblium Ehrh. Yucca-leaved broad masses 2 attenuatum Menz. narrowed broad masses gracile E. B. 1827 25769 alplnum L. alpine patches 25770 urnigerum Menz. urn-bearing scattered 25771 aloides Hedw. Aloe-like scattered 1 major Hook. larger scattered rubellum E. B. 1939 2 Dicksbm Turn. Dickson's scattered 25772 nanum Hedw. dwarf scattered subrotundum E. B. 1624 9 year 9 year 4 year 4 summer 4 summer 1| autumn L| autumn 1 autumn 1 autumn Ol.G heaths Muse. brit. 10 Ol.G heaths Eng. bot. 1197 O1.G heaths Eng. bot. 1198 Ol.G alp. regions Muse. brit. 11 Gl sides of stre. Muse. brit. 11 Br.G heaths Muse. brit. 11 Br.G heaths Eng. bot. 164.9 Br.G heaths Eng. bot. 1605 Br.G moist banks Muse. brit. 11 2972. CINCLIDOTUS Beauv. Cm. (Kigklis, lattice, odous, tooth j cilia of peristome in parcels.) 1. 25773 fontinaloides Beauv. Fontinalis-lk floating 5 summer D.O1 in streams Eng. bot. 557 Fontinalis minor E. B. 973. TO'RTULA Ehrh. 25774 enervis H. # G. rigida E. B. 180 25775 brevirostris H. &; G. 2.5776 rigida Turn. 25777 muralis Hedw. 25778 ruralis Ehrh. 25779 subulata Hedw. 25780 cuneifblia Roth 25781 stellata Sm. 25782 tortubsa Hedw. 25783 fallax Swz. unguiculata E. B. 2316, imberbis E. B. 2529 25784 gracilis H. $ G. slender lax tufts TOHTULA. nerveless short-beaked rigid wall country subulate wedge-leaved stellate tortuous deceitful (Tortus, twisted ; teeth of peristome.) 11. 38. subsolitary J year D.G clay banks Brew. jour. 1 subsolitary year D.G old walls Grev. cryp. 331 small patches f year D.G rocks & walls Grev. cryp. 342 tufts 1 year D.G everywhere Muse. brit. 12 deep patches 2 year D.G trees & ban. Muse. brit. 12 thick tufts 1^ year Y.G banks Muse. brit. 12 solitary \ spring Y.G banks Muse, brit 12 solitary i spring Y.G riv. sides, Sc. Muse. brit. 12 broad masses \\ sp. summer L.G limest. rocks Muse. brit. 12 tufts 1| year L.G everywhere Muse. brit. 12 1 summer R.Br clay banks Muse. brit. sup 2 ORDER V. CRYPTOGAMIA MUSCI. 427 25785 revoldta Brid. revolute tufts nervosa E. B. 2383 25786 unguiculata Hook. unguiculate tufts mucronulata E. B. 1299, aristata E. B. 2392, barbata 25787 convoluta Swx. convolute loose patches spring L.G banks Muse. brit. 12 | spring Dp. G ban. & hedg. Muse. brit. 12 E. B. 2391, humilis E. B. 1663, apiculata E. B. 2494 f spring Y.G moist banks Muse. brit. 12 2974. ENCALY'PTA Hedva. ENCALYPTA. (En t within, kalypter, covering ; large calyptra.) 4. 7. 25788 streptocarpa Hedw. twisted-fruited tufts 1| year 23789 vulgaris Hedw. common wide patches 3 year Tfrjfum extinctorium E. B. 558 25790 ciliata Hedw. ciliated tufts | spring 1 concolor Hook. self-colored tufts i spring 2 alplna Hook. alpine tufts spring 25791 rhaptocarpa Schwce. bundle-fruited tufted 2 year Bt.G moist rocks Dl.G wall tops Pa.G mountains Pa.G mountains Muse. brit. 13 Muse. brit. 13 Muse. brit. 13 Eng. bot. 1418 Pa.G Scotch alps Eng. bot. 1419 D.G Scot, mount. Grev. cryp. 163 2975. GRl'MMIA Hedw. GRIMMIA. (J. F. C. Grimm, a German botanist.) 11. 29. I. IMME'RS^E. Fruitstalks scarcely any. 25792 apocarpa Hediv. distant-fruited dense tufts 1J year D.O1 rocks & trees Muse. brit. 13 1 nlgro-viridis Hook, dark-green tufts 1| year D.O1 rocks & trees Eng. bot. 1134 2 stricta Turn. 25793 maritima Turn. strict sea-coast loose tufts tufted 3 year f spring, aut Ru mountains Muse. hib. 2. 1 Br.G marine rocks Muse. brit. 13 25794 saxicola Hook. 25795 pulvinata E. B. 25796 leucopha^a Grev. 25797 ovata W. % M. Dicranum ovale E. B. 2165 25798 trichophylla Grev. 25799 spiral is Hook. 23800 torquata Horns. 23801 unicolor Hook. 25802 Domaraa Sm. II. EXSE'RTM:. Fruitstalks longer than leaves. rock-dwelling subsolitary cushioned round tut'ts & summer f year russet broad tufts i year ovate tufts 2165 f sp. summer hair-leaved tufts f summer spiral tufts li autumn twisted tufts 2 ? one-colored tufts 2 autumn Don's little tufts spring Bt.G rocks Muse. brit. 13 Br.G housetops Muse. brit. 13 D.O1 subalp. rocks Wern. tr. 4. 6 D. G alpine rocks Muse. brit. 13 Hoa stone vv., Sc. Grev. cryp. 100 Hoa alpine rocks Grev. cryp. 203 Br alpine rocks Grev. cryp. 199 B.G alpine rocks Grev. cryp. 123 D.G loose stones Muse. brit. 13 2976. WE I'SSIA Hedw. WEISSIA. (F. W. Weis, a German cryptogamic botanist.) I. FUNA'RIA. Theca with an apophysis. Templeton's little patches spring L.G banks 25803 Templetoni Hook. Funaria Templetom E. B. 2524 II. GRI'MMIA. Theca without an apophysis. Leaves ovate or lanceolate. little patches summer L.G clayey soil i. 25804 nuda Hook. naked Grimmz'a nuda E. B. 1421 25805 nigrlta Hedw. dark-colored tufts Grimmz'a nigrita E. B. 1825 25806 latifolia Schwcc. broad-leaved tufted autumn 25807 Starkenwrt Hedw. Starke's little patches | spring Grimmz'a Starkecbia E. B. 1490 25808 afflnis Hook. kindred subsolitary ^ spring 25809 lanceolata Hook. lanceolate subsolitary * summer Grimmza lanceolata E. B. 1408 SUBULATE. Leaves linear or subulate. 19. 54. Muse. brit. 14 Muse. brit. 14 | summer Br.G mount, ban. Muse, brit 14 Pa.G Scot, mount. Grev. cryp. 149 D.G banks andfi. Muse. brit. 14 Pa.G fields Muse. brit. 14 L.G moist banks Muse. brit. 14 round tufts round tufts round tufts minutepatch. tufts dense tufts spring spring spring J spring Bt.G alpine banks Muse. brit. 15 Bt.G alpine banks Hed. muse. 13 Bt.G alpine banks Schwaeg. sup. 19 Bt. G granite roc. Muse. brit. 15 | summer L.G decay, wood Muse. brit. 15 summer year Bt.G shady rocks Muse, brit.sup.3 R.G roc. and ban. Muse. brit. 14 } summer, aut D.G rocks dense patches % year Bt. G banks Muse. brit. 15 Muse. brit. 15 | spring O1.G chalk cliffs Muse. brit. 15 sprin L.G rocks Muse, brit 15 tufts tufts Bt. G calcar. rocks Muse. brit. 15 Bt. G moist rocks Muse. brit. 15 25810 striata Hook. striated 2 minor Hook. smaller 3 major Hook. larger 25811 trichodes Hook. hairy Grimmza trich5des. #2363 25812 cirrata Hedw. tendrilled Grimm/a cirrata E. B. 2356, Dicksom E. B. 1420 25813 tenuirostra H. $ T. slender-beaked lax tufts 25814 curvirostra Hook. bent-beaked tufts Grimmza recurvirostra E. B. 1438 25815 crispula Hedw. . crispish Grimm/a crispula E. B. 2203 25816 controv^rsa Hedw. disputed Grimmza controvrsa E. B. 1367 25817 calcarea Hedw. chalk .ffrjrum calcareum E. B. 191 25818 recurvata Hook. recurved Grimmza recurvata E. B. 1489 25819 pusilla Hedw. dwarf Grimmz'a pusilla E. B. 2551 25820 verticillata Schwee. whorled Grimmza verticillata E. B. 1258 25821 acuta Hedw. acute Grimmz'a acuta E. B. 1644 2977. PTEROGCPNIUM Swz. PTEROGONIUM. (Pteron, a vr'ing, gonos, a shoot ; pinnated stems.) 3. 7. 25822 Sinlthu Swz. Smith's creeping 3 year Bt.G trees, S. Eng. Muse. brit. 14 25823 gracile Swz. slender creeping If year Bt.G subalp. rocks Muse. brit. 14 25824 filif6rme Hedw. filiform creeping 1| year Bt.G mountains Muse. brit. 14 caespitosum E. B. 2526 2978. DI'CRANUM Hedw. DICRANUM. (Dikranos, two-headed ; div. of teeth of capsule fringe.) 26. 47. I. DI'STICHA. Leaves distich. 25825 iryoldes Swz. Bryum-like patches i spring Pa. G moist banks Muse. brit. 16 Dicranum viridulum E. B. 1368, osmundz'o;rfes E. B. 1662 25826 adiantoldes Swz. Maidenhair-lvd patches 2 summer L.G wet pastur. Muse. brit. 16 Hfpnum adiantoldes E. B. 264 25827 texifulium Swz. Yew -leaved tufts f summer L.G moist banks Muse. brit. 16 f/ypnum texifblium E. B. 416 II. ASTRUMA^CEA. Theca without a struma. 25828 glaucum Hedw. glaucous broad tufts 4 autumn W.G moors Muse. brit. 16 25829 latifblium Hedw. broad-leaved subsolitary f spring Bt.G moun. banks Muse. brit. 16 Trich6stomum piliferum E. B. 2536 subsolitary solitary dense patches & spring f summer 1 summer, aut Ol.G moist rocks Muse. brit. 15 428 CRYPTOGAMIA MUSCI. CLASS XXIV. 25830 longifblium Hedw. 25831 flexuosum Hedw. 25832 flavscens Sm. 25833 squarrbsum Schwte. 25834 pellucidum Swz. 25835 spurium Hedw. 25836 crispum Hedw. 25837 ScottzYmMwj Turn, flagellare E. B. 1977 25838 polycarpon Ehrh. 25839 undul-Uum Ehrh. 25840 scoparium Hedw. 2 majus Hook. 3 fusctfscens Turn. 25841 varium Hedw. 2 viride Hook. callistomum FL br. 3 ruftJscens 4 luridum Hook. 25842 ful vellum Sm. 25843 heteromallum Hedw. 25844 subulatum Hedw. III. STRUMA^CEA. Theca with a struma. 25845 cerviculatum Hedw. small-necked small spots | spring Str pusillum E. B. 2491, uncinatum E. B 2261 25846 virens Hedw. green tufts If year BtG 25847 strumiferum Sm. wen-bearing tufts 1 year Bt. G 25848 falcatum Hedw. falcate large patches 2 spring, aut Bt.G 25849 SchrebenanMwHedw. Schreber's tufted spring Bt.G 25850 Starkw W. & M. Starke's tufts 1 spring BtG long-leaved dense tufts 3 winter, sp BtG wet rock Muse. brit. 16 flexuose loose tufts 3 winter, sp D.G peat bogs Muse. brit. 16 flavescent tufts 3 winter, sp Y.G river banks Muse. brit. 17 squarrose large masses 3 summer Y wet san. pi. Muse. brit. 17 pellucid tufts 1 sp.summer D.G wet san. pi. Muse, brit 17 spurious dense masses 4 summer BtG bogs Muse, brit 17 crisp loose patches j year BtG moist banks Muse, brit 17 Scott's large masses 2f summer, aut Bt.G moun. rocks Muse. brit. 18 many-fruited round tufts | year Bt.G rocks Muse. brit. 18 wave-toiled tufts 2| summer BtG woods & roc. Muse. brit. 18 rock patches 3 winter, sp Dp.G woods & ban. Muse. brit. 18 larger patches 3 winter, sp Dp.G woods & ban. Eng. bot. 354 fuscescent tufts 2 spring Brsh heathy plac. Eng. bot. 1597 various loose patches f spring D.G moist banks Muse. brit. 17 green loose patches j spring D.G moist banks Eng. bot. 1215 rufescent loose patches spring lurid loose patches spring Rsh moist banks Eng. bot. 1216 Lu moist banks rather tawny dense tufts f sp.summer BtG crev. of roc. Grev. cryp. 188 various- woolled large patches spring BtG moist banks Muse. brit. 18 subulate loose patches spring BtG moist banks Muse. brit. 18 bogs Muse. brit. 16 mount, mar. Muse. brit. 17 mount, mar. Muse. brit. 17 alpine rocks Muse. brit. 17, Scot Grev. cryp. 116 alpine rocks Muse. brit. 17 2979. TRICHO'STOMUM Hedw. TRICHOSTOMUM. 25851 patens Schwa. spreading deep patches Dicranum patens E. B. 1990, obtusum Fl. br. 25852 Ianugin5sum Hedw. woolly deep tufts 25853 canscens Hedw. canescent tufted creep, ericoides E. B. 1991 25854 heterostichum Hedw. various-rowed broad tufts 25855 microcarpon Hedw. small-fruited deep patches 25856 aciculare Beauv. needle-pointed loose tufts Dicranum aciculare E. B. 1978 25857 fasciculare Schr. bundled broad patches 25858 polyphyllum Schwce. many-leaved round tufts Dicranum polyphyllum E. B. 1217, cirratum FL br. 25859 ellipticum Hook. elliptical little tufts Dicranum ellipticum E. B. 1901 (Thrix, a hair, stoma, the mouth.) 9. 18. 6 year Hoa mountains Muse, brit 18 4 year 1* year Hoa stony moun. Muse. brit. 18 Y.G heaths Muse. brit. 18 1 year 2 year If summer Hoa ston. on mo. Muse. brit. 18 Ol rocks Muse. brit. 18 O1.G wet rocks Muse. brit. 19 2 year f summer Y.G moun. rocks Muse. brit. 19 BtG moun. rocks Muse. brit. 19 sp.summer BtG moun. rocks Muse. brit. 19 2980. GLYPHOMI'TRION Brid. GLYPHOMITRION. (Glypho, to emboss, mitrion, a little diadem.) 1. 25860 Daviesw Brid. Davies's tufts | spring Bt.G marit. rocks Muse. brit. 13 Grimmza Daviesw Turn. Encalypta DavieszV E. B. 1281 2981. LEU S CODON Schwa;. LEUCODON. (Leukos, white, odous, a tooth ; color of peristome.) 1. 17. 25861 sciurcAdes Schwte. squirrel-like creeping 3 summer D.G trun. of trees Muse. brit. 20 Dicranum sciuroldes E. B. 1903 2982. DIDY'MODON Hedw. DIDTMODON. (Didymos, double, odous, a tooth ; teeth of fringe in pairs.) 10. 25862 purp&reum Hedw. purple large patches f year Rsh moist rocks Muse brit. 20 .Bryum bipartitum E. B. 2357, Dicranum strictum E. B. 2294, Dicranum Cels/j E. B. 2414, Trich6- stomum papillosum E. B. 2533 25863 inclinatum Swz. inclining Grimm/a inclinata E. B. 1824 25864 nervosum Hook. nerved Grimmia atrovirens E. B. 2015 25865 flexifdlium Hook. bent-leaved Trich6stomum flexifblium E. B. 2490 i rigidulum Hedw. rigidish Trichostomum rigidulum E. B. 2178 25867 trifarium Swz. three-rowed Trichostomum trifarium E. B. 170' 25868 capillaceum Schr. hairy Trich6stomum capillaceum E. B. 1152 25869 heteromallum Hook, various-woolled patches Grimmza heteromalla E. B. 1899 25870 obscftrum Kaulf. obscure Bruntonz Muse. brit. sup. 4 25871 glaucescens Grev. glaucescent spots f spring L.G loose patches f spring Dp.G loose tufts O 1 sp.summer BtG tufts 5 1 sp.summer Br tufted /incudes E. B. 5 dense tufts 52 A. 4 sp.summer year BtG Bt.G . patches * spring Y.G broad tufts 1 sp.summer L.G closely tufted 1 summer, w Gl moist heaths Muse. brit. 20 dry banks Muse. brit. 20 banks Muse. brit. 20 walls & roc. Muse. brit. 20 BtG moist banks Muse. brit. 20 Bt.G moun. banks Muse. brit. 20 mountains Muse, brit 20 alpine rocks Grev. cryp. 193 Scot. moun. Grev. cryp. 127 TRIBE IV. DIPLOPERFSTOMI. 2983. FUNA^RI A Hedw. FUNARIA. ( Funis, a rope ; twisted structure of fruitstalks.) 3. 25872 hygrome'trica Hedw. hygrometrical tufts U winter Pa.G everywhere Muse. brit. 20 25873 Muhlenbe'rgM' Turn. Muhlenberg's tufts f spring Pa.G rocks Muse. brit. 20 25874 hibe>nica Hook. Irish tufts f spring Pa.G cottage roofs Muse. brit. 20 2984. ORTHO'TRICHUM Hedw. ORTHOTRICUM. (Orthos, straight, thrix, hair ; teeth of peristome.) 13.-49. I. Nu N nA. Peristome without ciliary processes. 25875 Drumm6nd/ H. & G. Drummond's creeping 1| summer D.G trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 115 25876 an6malum Hedw. anomalous broad tufts f year D.O1 rocks & walls Muse. brit. 21 year 1 year D.O1 wo. & stones Muse. brit. 21 25877 cupulatum Hofm. small-cupped tufted nudum E.B. 1325, anornalum E. B. 1423 II. OCTOCI'LIA. Peristome with eight ciliary processes. crisp round tufts 1 summer BtG trees & ston. Muse. brit. 21 Ludwig's creep., branc. 3 summer, aut Pa.G smth. branc. Grev. cryp. 133 25878 crispum Hedw. 25879 Ludwigii Brid. ORDER V. CRYPTOGAMIA MUSCI. 429 25880 speciosum Nees 25881 rupincola Funk 25882 Hutchinste Sm. 25883 afTme Schr. 2 m&jus Hook. 3 pumilum E. B. 25884 diaphanum Schr. arist\tum Muse. 25885 pulch^llum Sm. 25886 rivulare Turn. 25887 striatum Hedw. 25888 Lyellw Hook. showy rock-dwelling Miss Hutchins's kindred larger dwarf III. PLURICI'LIA. transparent Mb. 9. 2 pretty rivulet striated Lyell's tufts 1 summer branched, lax 1 my.jl tufts 1 spring tufts 1| spring tufts 1J spring tufts i spring L.G trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 137 Br rocks & walls Grev. cryp. 105 Br.G rocks Muse. brit. 21 Pa.G trun. of trees Muse. brit. 21 Pa.G trun. of trees Eng. bot. 1323 Pa.G trun. of trees Eng. bot 2168 Peristome with sixteen ciliary processes. tufts sp.summer Hoa trees & walls Muse. brit. 21 tufts J year L:G trun. of trees Muse. brit. 21 floating 2 year Ol.G roc. in strea. Muse. brit. 21 tufts 2 year Bt.G trees Muse. brit. 21 branched 3 year Y.G trees Muse. brit. 22 2985. ZY'GODON Hook. ZVGODOV. (Zygos, a yoke, odotis, a tooth ; teeth yoking together by pairs.) 1. 25889 conoideum Hook. conoid small tufts spring Pa.G trun. of trees Muse, brit 21 3/hium conoideum E. B. 1239 2986. ANO'MODON Hook. ANOMODON. (Anomos, irregular, odous, a tooth ; peristome.) 2. 8. 25890 curtipndulum//oo&. short pendulous pinnate 8 summer D.O1 roc. & trees Muse. brit. 22 Neck^rrt curtipt'ndula E. B. 1444 25891 viticulosum Hook. tendrilled creeping 6 spring Y.G trees & roc. Muse, brit 22 Hypnum viticulbsum E. B. 265 2987. NECKEMU Hedw. NECKERA. (N. J. Necker, a German botanist) 3. 24. 25892 phmila Hedw. dwarf creeping 2 spring Pa.G woods Eng. bot. 1443 25893 crispa Hedw. crisp creeping 6 summer BtG tr. & roc. 616.Hy/i. 25894 pennata Hedw. feathered flat-branched 3 sp.summer BtG trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 109 2988. DA LTO^N7.4 Hook. DALTOVIA. (Rev. James Dalton, an English muscologist.) 2. 5. 25895 splachnoldes Hook. Splachnum-lk tufts summer L.G Irish moun. Muse. brit. 22 Neckera splachndides E B. 2564 25896 heteromalla Hook, various-woolled tufts 4 summer L.G trun. of trees Muse. brit. 22 Neckfera heteromalla E. B. 1180 2989. FONTINA^LIS L. FONTINALIS. (Fans, fountain ; place of growth.) 3. 9. 25897 antipyrtica L. heat-proof floating 12 summer Dl.G rivers Muse. brit. 22 25898 squambsa L. scaly floating 6 summer Ol.G rivulets Muse. brit. 22 25899 capillacea Dick. capillary floating 6 summer Br.G alp. rivulets Muse. brit. 22 2990. BUXBA17M/.4 L. BUXBAUMI 25900 aphylla L. leafless (John Christian Buxbaum, a German botanist.) 1. solitary 1 summer Br Fir woods Muse. brit. 22 2991. BARTRA^M/^ Hedw. BARTRAMIA. (John Bartram, an American botanist.) I. LoMGiPEDUNcmWjE. Fruitstalks very long, not curved. 25901 pomiformis Hedw. apple-shaped tufts 2 summer 2 m"tnor Hook. smaller tufts 1$ summer 3 mkjor Hook. larger tufts 2 summer 25902 ithyphylla Brid. straight-lvd tufts 1 summer 2590,3 gracilis Flo. slender deep patches 3 summer 25904 fontana Swz. fountain thin tufts 3| summer 2 major Hook. larger thin tufts 6 summer .Bryum fontanum E. B. 590 3 marchica Swz. La Marche tufts Bt.G heaths Muse brit. 23 Bt.G heaths Eng. bot 998 Bt.G alp. hea. Eng.liot l526.B.cris. Bt.G dry banks Muse, brit 23 Dp. G alpine rocks Muse. brit. 23 Bt.G wet places Muse. brit. 23 Bt.G wet places Di. muse. 44.2 Bt.G wet places Eng. bot. 207* 25905 Hall eriana Hedw. 25906 arcuata Brid. 1 summer II. BREVIPEDUNCULA N T!. Fruitstalks very short, curved. Haller's deep patches 6 summer, aut Bt.G moun. rocks Muse. brit. 23 arched loose tufts 4 summer, aut Bt.G mountains Muse, brit 23 2992. HOOKE RIA Sm. HOOKERIA. (William Jackson Hooker, LL.D. reg. prof, bot., Glasgow.) 2. 27. 25907 lucer/s Sm. shining procumbent 3 summer Pa.G moist banks Muse. brit. 27 25908 lae^te-vlrens Hook. bright-green procumbent 3 summer Bt.G Irish bog Muse. brit. 27 2993. LE-SKEJ Ehrh. LESKEA. spring spring spring 25909 ttichomanoldesffediv. 7Yichiiman.-lk entangled 25910 complanata Hedw. flattened entangled 25911 polycan;a Ehrh. many-fruited entangled //ypnum medium E. B. inundatum E. B. 1922 25912 iulacea Mohr downy prostrate 3 spring Pterogoninm ? rotundifblium E. B. 25913 pulchella Hedw. pretty dense tufts 25914 rufesce.iS Schwa. rufescent creeping 25915 sericea Hedw. silky entangled 25916 dendro'ides Hedw. tree-like erect 25917 incurvata Hedw. incurved procumbent (N. G. Leske, prof. nat. hist. Marburg.) 10. 43. Y. G trun. of trees Eng. bot. 1493 Y.G trun. of trees Eng. bot. 1492 Lu trun. of trees Eng. bot. 1274 Hypnum atrovirens E. B. attenuatum E. B. 2420 25918 polyantha Hedw. many-flowered creep, tangled 3 summer Y.G ground Eng. bot 2525 | sp.summer Bt.G moist banks Eng. bot. 2006 4 sp.summer Rsh moun. rocks Eng. bot. 2296 3 sp.summer Y.G roc. & trees Eng. bot. 1445 3 sp.summer Y.G wo. and bogs Eng. bot. 1565 3 sp.summer D.G trees & rocks Eng. bot 2422 Y.G trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 151 2994. H Y'PNUM L. HYPNUM. (Hypnos was a name among the Greeks for a moss.) 57. 119. I. PLANICAU'LIA. Stems plane ; leave 25919 riparium L. river bank loose patches 4 summer 25920 undulatum L. wavy lax masses 6 summer 25921 denticulatum L. toothleted prostrate 1 j summer 1 angustifoliumflboA;. narrow-leaved prostrate \\ summer 2 obtusifblium Hook, blunt-leaved prostrate 1| summer distichous. aut Bt G ban. of ditc. Eng. bot. 20RO aut W.G heathy plac. Eng. bot. 1181 aut BtG roots of trees Eng. bot. 1260 aut Bt.G roots of trees Hcd. sti. cr 4.31 aut Bt.G mountains Ene. bot. 1446 II. PATE'NTIA. Leaves spreading on all sides of the stems dense patches 1 spring patches 25922 tenellum Dick. delicate 25923 serpens L. creeping subtile E. B 2496 25924 populeum Hedw. Poplar implexum E. B 1584 25925 reflexum W.$M. reflexed loose masses 25926 alpestre Swz. alpine entangled 25927 molle Dick. soft much tufted 1 spring entang.patch. 2 spring 2 spring 3 summer roc. & old w. Eng. bot 1859 Bt.G roots of trees Eng. bot. 1037 D.G trees & ston. Muse. hib. 16 D.G mountains R.G alp. rivulets Grev. cryp. 282 3 summer, aut Lu alp. rivulets Grev. cryp. 283 430 CRYPTOGAMIA MUSCI. CLASS XXIV. 25928 Schreberi W. Schreber's lax tufts 9 summer Rsh wo. and ban. Eng. bot. 1621 25929 catenulatum Schw&. chained close tufts 2 sp.summer D.G wet rocks Brid. mus. 5. 4 25930 stramineum Dick. straw- colored loose patches 1| summer Pa.G wet places Eng. bot. 2405 25931 trifarium W. & M. three-rowed subaquatic 8 summer P.G alpine bogs Grev. cryp. 279 25932 murale Hedw. wall patches 1 year L. G walls & ston. Di. muse. 41. 52 confertum E. B. 1038 25933 purum L. pure broad masses 7 spring P.G wo. and ban. Eng. bot 1599 illecebrum E. B. 2189 25934 flfiitans L. floating aquatic 6 sp.summer Va pools & stre. Eng. bot 1448 25935 plumbsum L. feathery dense mat 4 sp.summer Y.G moist rocks Eng. hot. 2071 alp'inum E. B. 1496 25936 salebrosum Hofm. uneven decumb.bran. 4 summer Bt. G roc. & groun. Grev. crvp. 184 25937 lutescens Hud. lutcscent patches 3 summer Y.G trun. of trees Eng bot 1445 25938 nUens Schreb. shining branched 3 summer Go.Y bogs Eng. bot. 1646 25939 albicans Neck. whitened patches 2 spring W.G hea. & bogs Eng. bot. 1300 25940 rtlopecurum L. Foxtail loose masses 3 sp.summer D.G moist woods Eng. bot. 1182 25941 curvatum Swz. curved lax tufts 3 sp summer Bt.G trees & roc. Eng. bot 1566 25942 splendens Hedw. 25943 proliferum L. glittering proliferous lax tufts loose patches 9 year 6 year Y. G hea. & banks Eng. bot. 1424 Dl.G wo. and ban. Eng. bot. 1494 recognitum E. B. 149J I 25944 praelongum L very long loose tufts 6 year D1.G woods Eng. bot. 2035 Stokesw E. B. 2036, S' ivartzw E. B. 23 34 [H. timbrrilum 25945 flagellare Dick. twiggy broad patches 6 summer Bt.G alpine rocks Eng. bot. 1 2565. 25946 abiftinum L. Fir-branched straggling 6 summer D.G mountains Eng. bot. 2037 25947 Bland6v Web. Blandoff's broad masses 5 sp.summer Bt.G alpine rocks 25948 piliferum Schreb. hair-bearing straggling 7 summer D.G wo. & banks Eng. bot. 1516 25949 blandum Lyell charming lax mats 3 summer Br. G banks Muse. brit. sup.5 25950 rutabulum L. poker dense mats 3 year Bt.G everywhere Eng. bot. 16+7 crenulatum E. B. 126 1 H. brevirostre 25951 velutlnurn L. velvety dense patches 1| all seasons Y.G hedge banks Eng. bot. 1568 intricatum E. B. 2421 25952 Hallerz L. Haller's creep, dense 2 summer Y.Br Scotch rocks Grev. cryp. 174 25953 dimorphum Brid. two-formed lax procumb. 3 summer Pa.G shady places Grev. crvp. 160 25954 stellatum Schreb. stellate broad tufts 3 sp.summer Y.Br marshes Eng. bot". 1302 2 squarrulosum .E. B. 25955 Ibreum i. squarrose strap-shaped patches broad masses 1| sp.summer 9 spring Dp. G stone walls Eng. bot. 1709 Bt.G wo. and hea. Eng. bot. 2C72 25956 ruscifblium Neck. Ruscus-leaved floating 6 sp.summer D.O1 in rivulets Eng. bot 1275 25957 striatum ScArefi. striated loose tufts 6 spring Bt.G woods Eng. bot. 1648 25958 confertum Dick. compact small patches 1J spring Pa.G trun. of trees Eng. bot. 2407 serrulatum E. B. 1262 25959 cuspidatum L. cuspidate loose tufts 5 summer Y.G bogs Eng. bot. 1425 25960 cordifolium Hedw. heart-leaved loose tufts 4 summer Pa.G bogs Eng. bot. 1447 25961 polymorphum Hedw. multiform matt patches 5 winter, sp BtG limest. rocks Hed. mus. 66 25962 triquetrum L. three-cornered branch, tufts 9 year Y.G wo. and ban. Eng. bot. 1622 25963 brevirostre Ehrh. short-beaked lax masses 5 autumn Y.G woods Grev. cryp. 337 25964 squarrosum i. squarrose patches 7 year BtG wo. and hea. Eng. bot. 1953 III. SECUNDIFOLIA. 25965 % /'ilicinum L. Fern-leaved small masses dubium E.B. 2126, fallax E. B. 25966 palustre L. marsh creeping tufts fluviatile E. B. 1303, adnatum E. B. 2406 Leaves on one side. 3 sp.summer Rsh bogs Eng. bot. 1570 spring 3 sp.summer 25967 aduncum L. hooked broad patches 2 rugbsum E. B. rugose broad patches 3 sp.summer 25968 uncinatum Hedw. uncinate thick patches 3 sp.summer 25969 rugulbsum Web. wrinkled dense tufts 3 sp.summer 25970 commutatum Hedw. changed droop, masses 9 year 25971 scorpioldes L. scorpion-like dense masses 9 summer 25972 silesianum Beauv. Silesian broad patches 7 summer 25973 cupressif('>rme L. Cypress-formed thick mass 4 year nigroviride E. B. 1620 2 polyanthes E. B. many-flowered thick mass 4 year 25974 crista castrensis L. crested camp lax tufts 6 summer 25975 molluscum Hedw. soft entangl. tufts 2 summer L.G ban. of stre. Eng. bot. 1665 [H. revolvens V a bogs Eng. bot. 2073 Va bogs Eng. bot. 2250 Y.G moist banks Eng. bot. 1600 Y.G heath, places Muse. brit. 26 Dp.G marg. of stre. Eng bot. 1567 Rsh wet bogs Eng. bot. 1039 Bt.G mountains Eng. bot. 2016 Bt.G trees & rocks Eng. bot. 1860 Bt.G woods Bt.G woods Y.G rocks Eng. bot. 1H64 Eng. bot. 2108 Eng. bot. 1327 2995. TI'MM/4 Hedw. TIMMIA. (J. C. Timm, a German botanical author.) 1. 25976 megapolitana Megalopolitan broad masses 3 summer Bt. G moist san. pi. Grev. cryp. 326 2996. JSRY^UM Hedw. BRYUM. 27. 43. (Bryo, to abound ; flourishes everywhere.) I. SULCA'VA. Theca furrowed. 25977 and rogyrium Hedw. androgynous patches 1 spring Y.G wo. and ban. Muse. brit. 28 Mnlum andr6gynum E. B. 1238 25978 palustre Swz. marsh deep tufts 4 summer, aut Pa.G bogs Muse. brit. 28 II. UN:QUAPERI'STOMA. Exterior peristome shorter than interior ; theca not furrowed. .25979 trichodes L. hair-pointed patches 4 summer Y.G highl. moun. Muse. brit. 28 S5980 demissum Hook. low small tufts ^ July, august Y.G Scot. moun. Grev. cryp. 92 25981 triquetrum Tarn. three-cornered loose patches 9 July, august L.G bor. of lakes Muse. brit. 28 25982 dealbatum Dick. whitened patches ]| summer Gy mount, bogs Muse. brit. 28 III. ^EQUAPERI'STOMA. Peristomes equal ; theca not furrowed. i. PLANIFOLIA. Leaves without a thickened margin. 2 summer Y.G rocks 25983 pyriforme Swz. l. J UUffUV, pyriform L1A. J^tCUt patches aureum E. B. 389 25984 iulaceum Schr. downy patches 25985 crudum Hud. fresh tufts 2T>986 carneum L. fleshy patches 25987 argenteum L. silvery patches 25988 Ziferw Dick. Zier's patches 25989 rbseum Schreb. Rose-like tufts 25990 capillare L. capillary patches stellare E. B. 2434 23991 caespititium /.. tufted patches 1 major Hook. larger patches 2 minor Hook. smaller patches Muse. brit. 28 1| summer Y.G mountains Muse, brit 28 1J summer Bt.G rocks Muse. brit. 28 summer L.G banks Muse. brit. 29 1 spring Gl on ground Muse. brit. 29 J spring Gl mountains Muse. brit. 29 2 summer Pk heaths Muse, brit 29 1 summer Bt.G heaths Muse. brit. 29 li year BtG everywhere Muse, brit 29 It year Bt.G everywhere Eng. bot. 1904 1 year BtG everywhere Eng. bot. 1601 ORDER VI. CRYPTOGAMIA HEPATICJE. 431 25992 turbinatum Swx. top-shaped thin tufts nigricans E. B. 1528 25993 nhtans Schreb. nodding little patches compactum E. B. 1527 ? 25994 alplnum L. alpine tufts 2 summer Pa.G wet san. pi. Muse. brit. 29 3 summer Bt.G walls &hea. Muse. brit. 29 2 summer P subalp. rocks Muse. brit. 28 ii. CRASSIU'SCULA. Leaves with a thickened margin. 25995 elongatum Dick. long subsolitary 1| summer Bt.G mountains Muse. brit. 30 25996 ventricbsum Dick. ventricose deep tufts 7-lnum E. B. 1518, cubicle E. B. 2554 25997 Tozeri Grev. 25998 punctatum Schreb. 25999 ligulatum Schreb. 26000 rostratum Schr. 26001 margin atum Dick. 26002 hornum Schreb. 26003 cuspidatum Schreb. Tozer's dotted ligulate rostrate edged this year's cuspidate solitary solitary solitary solitary tufts deep tufts subsolitary 4 summer Br mar. ground Muse. brit. 30 i summer Rsh clay banks Grev. cryp. 285 3 summer, aut L.G mar. places Muse. brit. 30 4 summer, aut L.G moist banks Muse. brit. 30 2 summer L.G subalp.coun. Muse. brit. 30 2 summer Y.G shady banks Muse. brit. 31 5 summer Y.G mar. 'places Muse. brit. 31 2 summer L.G wo. & walls Muse. brit. 31 TRIBE V. SCHISTOCA'RPI. 2997. ANDRE,E\4 Hedw. ANDRE^EA. (J. G. R. Andrea;, a German botanist.) 4. 26004 alplna Hedw. alpine loose tufts 1| summer D.Br rocks Muse. brit. 8 26005 rupestris Hedw. rock dense tufts f summer D.Br rocks & ston. Muse. brit. 8 26006 R6th Mohr Roth's dense tufts f summer D.Br rocks & ston. Muse. brit. 8 26007 nivaiis Hook. snow deep patches 3 summer D.Br mountains Muse. brit. 8 CLASS XXIV. ORDER 6. CRYPTOGA V MIA HEPA'TIC^. 2998. JUNGERMA'NN/// L. JUNGERMANNIA. (Louis Jungermann, a German hot., died 1653.) 81. 159. I. ASTIPULA^TE. Stipules none j stems leafy. i. IULA' CE.. Leaves i nserted many we tys. 26008 trichophylla Wahl. hair-leaved loose tufts 1| summer Br turfy heaths Hook. jung. 7 26009 setacea E. B. setaceous dense tufts 2 spring ,Pa.G bogs Hook. jung. 8.S.1 26010 iuiicea Hook. downy dense patches | summer Pa.Ol mountains Hook. jung. 2 26011 laxifolia Hook. loose-leaved cush.-likepat. sp.summer Pa.G mountains Hook. jung. 59 26012 juniperina Swx. Juniper-like crowded tufts 3 summer R.Br mountains Hook. jung. 4 26013 Hookers E. B. Hooker's small patches | winter, sp G ditches Hook. jung. 54 ii. BIFA^RI^E. Leaves bifarious. i. 1 NDivrsjE . Leaves undivided. 26014 asplenio'ides L. 26015 spinulosa Dick. Asplenium-lk spinulose loose patches crowded tufts 3 year 3 year Ol.G Y.G moist woods mountains Hook. jung. 13 Hook. jung. 14 26016 decipiens Hook. deceitful dense tufts 1 autumn Ol.G Irish heaths Hook. jung. 50 26017 Doniana Hook. Don's entangl. tufts 2| September P.Br Scot, mount. Hook, jung 39 26018 pumila Hook. dwarf small patches 1 winter, sp Ol rocks Hook, jung 17 26019 lanceolata Hook. lanceolate dense clusters 5 autumn Pa.G datnp woods Hook, jung 18 260% cordif&lia Hook. heart- leaved dense tufts 2 august D.01 mountains Hook. jung. 32 26021 Sphagni Dick. Sphagnum entangl. pate. 3 autumn Y.G marshy pi. Hook.jung.33.s.2 26022 crenulata Swz. crenulate matted patch. f o. november R.G bogs Hook. jung. 37 26023 spharocarpa Hook. 26024 hyalina Z#rf/ round-fruited transparent dense tufts broad tufts 3 early spring 1 early spring Pa.G D.G Irish bogs bogs Hook. jung. 74 Hook. jung. 63 26025 compressa Hook. compressed dense tufts 4 June P rivulets, Irel. Hook. jung. 58 26026 emarginata Ehrh. 26027 concinnata Hook. 26028 orcadensis Hook. 26029 inflata Hud. 26030 excisa Dick. 26031 ventricbsa Dick. 26032 Turner? Hook. 26033 bicuspidata Hook. 26034 byssacea Hook. 26035 connlvens Dick. 26036 curvifolia Dick. ii. EMARGINAVE. Leaves emarginated or bifid ; segments equal. emarginate neat Orcades inflated cut out ventricose Turner's two-pointed Byssus-like connivent large patches f may, june thick tufts | may, June loose patches 1 may, june dense patches 5 ja. July scatter, patch. spring dense patches f au.n small patches f march large tufts Br wet pi. onm. Hook. jung. 27 Sil wet pi. on m. Hook. jung. 3 Bt.G mountains Hook. jung. 71 Ol.G boggy places Hook. jung. 38 D.G shady woods Hook. jung. 9 Pa.G woods Hook. jung. 28 Pa.G Irish rivul. Hook. jung. 2 1 march, april Pa.G damp banks dense tufts f march, april D.OI heath Hook. jung. 12 loose patches J april, may Y.G wet places Hook. jung. 15 curve-leaved small patches f april, may Dp. P mountains Hook. jung. 16 26037 capitata Hook. 26038 inclsa Hook. 26039 pusilla Hook. 26040 setif6rmis Hook. 26041 nemorbsa L. 26042 planifblia Hook. 26043 umbr6sa Schr. 26044 undulata L. 26045 resupinata Hook. 26046 albicans L. 26047 obtusifblia Hook. 26048 Dicksbnz Hook. 26049 minftta Dick. 26050 exsecta Schmidt 2il051 cochleariformis Wets 26052 complanata L. Hi. QvADRi'vinm. Leaves three or four cleft; segments equal. capitate very smll. pat. s.ja Pa. G bogs Hook. jung. 80 cut sml.densepat. July Pa. G heaths Hook. jung. 10 dwarf sol.orthk.pat. | October, may Bt.G moist banks Hook. jung. 6.9 bristle-shaped dense tufts 2 spring G.Br mountains Hook. jung. 20 to. BI'FIDJE. Leaves bifid; segments unequal, folded together. grove matted tufts 2| July, October P woods flat-leaved crowded pate. 2 Din.Br mountains shady dense tufts \ march, april G.Br shady places wavy large tufts 3 may, June Bt.G wet places resupinate very sml. tufts | may, June Br.G heaths whitish broad tufts 1 april, July Pa.G hedge banks blunt-leaved little tufts march, april Pa.G damp places Dickson's dens, mat.tuf. | august Ol.Br mountains minute loose patches f sp.summer Ol.Br mountains cutout small patches summer Pa.G heaths spoon-shaped large patches 4 summer R.Br mount, bogs flattened cush.-likepat. 1 summer Pa.G trun. of trees Hook. jung. 21 Hook. jung. 67 Hook. jung. 24 Hook. jung. 22 Hook. jung. 23 Hook. jung. 25 Hook. jung. 26 Hook. jung. 48 Hook. jung. 44 Hook. jung. 19 Hook. jung. 68 Hook. jung. 81 432 CRYPTOGAMIA CLASS XXIV. 26053 an6mala Hook. 26054 Taylori Hook. 26055 scalaris Hook. 26056 polyanthos Hook. 26057 cuneif.ilia Hook. 26058 viticulbsa L. 26059 Trichomanis Dick. II. STIPULAV/E. Furnished with stipules. i. iNTEGRiFbLijE. Leaves entire or rarely emarginate. anomalous loose patches 2 o.noveniber Br.G bog Taylor's large patches 3 summer ladder broad patches % summer many-flowered loose patches 1J april, may wedge-leaved parasitical summer twiggy loose patches 1| spring Trichomanes large patches 1 summer Hook. jung. 34 Pk mountains Hook. jung. 57 Pa.G loamy soil Hook. jung. 61 Pa.G wet places Hook. jung. 62 Br onJung.Tam. Hook. jung. 64 Y.Br ear. damp pi. Hook. jung. 60 Bt.G moist places Hook. jung. 79 26060 bidentata L. 26061 heteroph^lla Schr. 26062 stipulacea Hook. 26063 Francisc* Hook. 26064 barbfita Hook. 26065 albescens Hook. 26066 reptans L. 26067 trilobkta L. 26068 platyphylla L. 26069 la>vig\ta Hook. 26070 ciliaris L. 26071 Wo6dsw Hook. 26072 tomentella Etirh. 26079 dilatata L. 26080 ramarisci Hook. 26081 pinguis Hook. 26082 multifida L. 26083 Blksia Hook. 26084 epiphylla L. 26085 furcata L. 26086 pubescens Schrank. 26087 LyelU/ Hook. 26088 hibtfrnica Hook. ii. BIFI SS,E. Leaves two or three cleft ; segments equal. o.november Pa.G moist places Hook. jung. 30 Pa.G stem of trees Hook. jung. 31 Pa.Ol shady places Hook. jung. 41 Pk moist places Hook. jung. 49 Pa.G woods & hea. Hook. jung. 70 Pa.G Ben Nevis Hook. jung.72.s.4 two-toothed crowded pate. various-leaved small tufts J april, n Ai?-,i,'e-stipuled cush.-like tuf. summer Francis's crowded pate. f april, July bearded crowded pate. If spring albescent loose patches f summer creeping dense tufts 1 summer Pa.G woods Hook. jung. 75 three-lobed large patches 3 summer Ol.G rocks Hook. jung. 76 iii. BI'FID.E. Leaves bifid ; segments unequal, folded together, i. PLAM'FID*: Lower segments, or smaller ones, flat. broad-leaved wide patches 2 march, au Br.G old walls Hook.jung.40.s.3 polished, loose tufts 2f summer Br.Ol woods Hook. jung. 35 ciliated dense patches 2 sp.summer R.Br rocks & hea. Hook. jung. 65 Woods's crowded tufts 5 sp.summer R.Br Irish moun. Hook. jung. 66 small downy broad patches 3 march, oct. Pa.G moist places Hook. jung. 36 ii. I.VVOLUTI FWJE. Lower segments, or smaller ones, involute. 26073 Mackkw Hook. Mackay's dense patches 1 fnovember Bk.G trees & roc. Hook. jung. 53 26074 serpyllifTilia Hook. Thyme-leaved imbric.masses } april, June Pa.G trim, of trees Hook. jung. 42 6075 hamatifolia Hook. hook-leaved verysmll. pat. | spring G rocks Hook. jung. 51 26076 minutissima Hook, minutest little patches & april, may Y.G bark of trees Hook. jung. 52 26077 calyptrifdlia Hook. calyptra-lvd little tufts summer Pa.G on fTlex nan. Hook. jung. 43 iii. SACCATI'FID,*: Lower segments, or smaller ones, saccate. 26078 Hutchinsj. 26263 Melagbnium Web. thick Melagonium crisp masses tufts I 2 4 ap su G G salt marshes Dlw. con. 9 ocean Dlw. con. B 26269 a^rea Dil. brazen long tufts 6 year G ocean Dlw. con. 80 26270 Youngona Dil. Young's minute tufts 1 su G sea shore Dlw. con. 102 26271 hormoides Lyng. necklace-like minute tufts * su G sea shore Lyng. hyd. 49 26272 collabens Ag slippery floating tufts 4 su G Germ, ocean Eng. bot. 1929. C. ee\ea 26273 flacoa Dil. flaccid tufts 2 year G onHutchins. Dlw. con. 49 26274 isogona E. B. 26275 /ucdrum Roth 26276 flaccida Lyng. equal-jointed Fucus drooping float, patches tufts tufts 1 f spring my G Brsh Brsh on .F.vesicul. on Fhci on /''uci Eng. bot. 1930. C.Young. Dlw. con. C. C. flaccida Eng. bot 2310 Ff 2 436 CRYPTOGAMIA CLASS XXIV. 26277 ferruginea Roth 26278 curta Dil. 26279 carnea Dil. 26280 aeruginbsa Hud. 26281 Brown/i Dil. 26282 stellarisfY. dan. 26283 riparia Dil. 26284 glomerata L. 26285 crispkta Roth 26286 fracta Dil. 26287 patens Ag. 2 prolifera Ag. 26288 congregata Ag. 26289 lanbsa Jg. 26 1 290 flavescens Dil. 26-291 sericea //rf. 26-292 refracta Roth 26293 aspera Ag. 26294 heter6chloa .4g. 26295 rupe"stris L. 26296 asgagropila Z/. 26297 arcta E. B. iv. ADNA^TE. Adnate, pencilled, fastigiate, colored. rusty tufts 1 year Rus. on .Fuci short minute tufts su OlBr on jFuci flesh tufts 1J aut Pk II. RAMOSE. Filaments branched. Dlw.con.66. C. fucicola Dlw. con. 76 Dlw. con. 84 verdigrise Brown's starry bank clustered curled broken spreading proliferous tufts patches floating tufts floating tufts bushy tufts patches large tufts large tufts large tufts If su Bt.G seashore Dlw. con. E. ^ spring G Irish caverns Dlw. con. D. 2 su G ins.ofwa.ves. Fl. dan. 660. 1. 3 su G salt ditches Eng. bot. 2100 1 su Bt.G riv.on stones 1854. C.te/ei 2 6 Jsu } su lakes pools ditches ditches III. CiiMULA v rA5. Filaments branched and heaped. heaped woolly fiavescent silken broken rough various grass rock tufts tufts tufts shining tufts crispent. tufts tufts tufts dense tufts wild goat balls soft ball close floating tuft 26298 vaucheriteformis Ag. Vaucheria-lk branched 26299 catenata L. chain-like patches 26300 HutchinsifZ 1 Dil. Miss Hutchins's dense tufts 26301 pellucida Hud. pellucid finelybranch. 26302 distans Ag. distant loose bundles 1 su 1 su 6 su 3 su 4 jn.jl f year f year 4 su 3 su 3 su l|su 1 su 4 su 5 au 6 aut G roc. sea coa. G on A'lgs: Y.G salt ditches Y.G sea shore Pa.G ocean G ocean D.G ocean Gl ocean G lakes Tran ocean G ocean Br ocean Gl ocean Pa.G ocean Pa.G ocean Eng. bot. 2350 Eng. bot. 2338 Dlw. con.W.C. flexubsa Lyng.hyd 5Q.C.uncialis Dlw. con. E. Eng. bot. 2088 Eng. bot.2327. C. albida Dlw.con.E.C. nigricans Eng. bot. 1699 Eng. bot. 1377 Eng. bot. 2098 Dlw. con. E. C. arcta Di. muse. 5. 27 Dlw. con. 109 Eng. bot. 1716 Dlw. con. 21. C. dijfusa 3045. BULBOCH^TE Ag. BULBOCHJETE. (Bolbos, bulb, chaite, bristle ; primary filaments.) 1. 26303 setigera Ag. setigerous delicate tufts 6 aut Dl.G lakes & riv. Dlw.con.59.C.t>z0/prtra 3046. NITE'LLA Ag. NITELLA. (NiteOf to shine : ; shining plants.) 5. 11. 26304 tran si ticens Ag. transparent branched 12 su Y.01 pools Eng. bot. 1855. CJiara 26305 flexilis Ag. flexible branched 12 su Y.O1 pon. & rivul. Chara flexilis L. 26306 opaca Ae. 26307 nidifica Ag. 26308 gracilis Ag. opaque nest- making slender branched 12 branched 12 muchbranch. 6 s Y.01 pools Y.O1 pools Y.01 pools Chisr.flex. Eng. bot. 1703. Chura Eng. bot. 2140. Chara 3047. CHA'RAi. CHARA. (Chairo,to delight; delights in water.) 3. 16 26309 hispida L. hispid branched 9 Y.G ponds Eng. bot. 465 26310 vulg;iris L. common branched 12 jl Y.G ponds Eng. bot. 336 26311 aspera W. rough branched 5 su Y.G lakes Grev. cryp. 339 3048. CERA'MIUM Ag. 26312 lanuginosum Ag. 26313 floridulum Ag. 26314 repens Ag. 26315 pi uma Ag. 26316 Daviesw Ag. 26317 R6thzz Ag. CERA.MIUM. (Keramion, a pitcher; appearance of capsules.) I. FASTIGIA'TA. Filaments short, fastigiate. woolly fine down -fa year flowering, creeping * su in fine down little tufts short down fine tufts small tufts broad tufts on A'lgse Dlw. ccn. 45. Conferva Pa.G roc. seashor. Dlw. con. F Pk onlargeJ'Ig. 1608. Conferva R on large^'lg. Dlw. con. F. R sea shore Eng. bot. 23'29 V sea shor. roc. Eng. bot. 1702 feather Davies's Roth's II. DICHOTOMA. Filaments dichotomous ; branchlets forked ; joints obscure ; theca involucred. 26318 diaphanum Ag. diaphanous diffuse 5 su Va ocean Eng. bot. 1742 2 pilosum Ag. pilose diffuse 5 su Va ocean Conferva 26319 r&brum Ag. red solitary weak 10 su P ocean Conferva III. RAMbSA. Branches furnished u<>fh branchlets, which are more or less densejind shortened. 26320 tetragonum Ag. 26321 pedicellatum Ag. 263'2'2 Hcokeri Ag. 26323 patens Grev. 26324 arbuscula Ag. 26325 corymbbsum Ag. 26326 pinnulatum Ag. 26327 rbseum Ag. 26328 /hujo^ides Ag. 263-29 versicolor Ag. 26330 Borrfcri Ag. 26o31 t^tricum Ag. 26332 interruptum Ag. 26333 Turner* Ag. 26334 plumula Ag. square stalked Hooker's spreading little tree tufts 3 su R ocean dense tufts 4 su O sea shore fine tufts If su sea shore solitary? 3 spring Fi.R sea bushy tufts 3 year D.R sea shore IV. ALTERNA^TA. Branches pinnulate ; pinnule alternate. corymbose little tufts 1^ jl R sea shore pinnulate tufts 2 ... R sea rosy finelybranch. If su R ocean Arbor-Vitae-lk finelybranch. 6 jl R ocean various-colored fine tufts 3 su P.R on Fuci Borrer's little patches l|o O.R ocean rough tufts 6 spring Dl.P seashore interrupted little tufts | jl Dl.P sea shore V. OPPOSITA. Filaments pinnate ; pinna; opposite. Turner's delicate bran. 2 Pk seashore feather-/z'fe delicate bran. 2 Pk seashore Eng. bot. 1690 Dlw. con. 108 Dlw. con. 106 Grev. cryp. 318 Eng. bot. 1916 Eng. bot. 2352 Dlw. con. 17 Eng. bot. 2465. C.purpnr. C.rbsea Eng. bot. 1741 Eng. bot. 1915 Eng. bot. 1838. Eng. bot. 2339. C.Turne. 3049. GRIFFITHS/.* Ag. GRIFFITHS. (Mrs. Griffiths, of Devonshire.) 26335 multitida Ag. many-cleft fine tufts 3 jl R sea shore 26336 ra Conferva Eng. bot. 1239 C.fibruta Dlw. con. G. Conferva Dlw. con. 33. Conferva Dlw. con. G. C.Jibrata Dlw. con. 107. Conferva Dlw. con. 70. Conferva 26353 fastigiata Grev. 263.54 Agardh/a/ja Grev. 26355 bkdia Grev. 26356 recurva Grev. 26357 byssoides Grev. 26358 fruticulbsa Grev. 26359 filamentbsa Grev. Black or blackish-brown when dry, rigid, scarcely adhering to paper. peaked little bushes 2 su " D.Br ocean Agardh's bushy tufts 8 su R sea brown fine tufts 3 su D.Br ocean recurved fine tufts 3 su D.Br sea shore VI. LATERALS. Branchlets lateral, short, fascicled. Byssus-like slender tufts 6 spring R sea shore small-shrubby finely branch. 4 su Br ocean filamentous branch, tufts 4 mr R ocean Eng. bot. 1764. C.polym. Grev. cryp. 210 Dlw. con. G. Conferva Dlw. con. G. C. patens Eng. bot. 597. Conferva Eng. bot. 1686. Fucus 3052. RYTIPHL^A Ag. RYTIPHL&A. 26360 tinctorta Grev. dyer> masses 26361 complanata Ag. plane tufts (Rytis, a wrinkle, phleo, to abound in.) 2. 3. 6 year Ol.G ocean Turn, fuci 224. Fucus 5 su R sea Turn, fuci 23.h.FwcMs. 3053. ECTOCA'RPUS Ag. ECTOCARPI;S. (JEktos, outside, karpos, fruit ; theca not enclosed.) 4. 8. 26362 siliculosus Ag. 2 atrovlrens Ag. 3 ferrugineus Ag. 26363 brachiatus Ag. 26364 granulosus Ag. 26365 tomentbsus Ag. small-podded bushy dark-green bushy ferruginous brachiate granular downy 6 spring D.G ocean 6 spring Rus. ocean bushy 6 spring Rus. ocean floating tufts 3 ap ocean flocculent 3 jl Ol.G on fuci fine down 2 jl Br ocean Dlw. con. E. Conferva Eng. bot. 2319. C.siltcul.>6 pavbnia Ag. peacock 26467 dichotoma Ag. two-forked 2 intricata Ag. entangled 26468 multifida Ag. many-cleft 26469 atomaria Ag. atom 3077. STRIA^RIA Grev. STRIARIA. 2647U attenuata Grev. tapering 3078. LAMINA^RIA Ag. LAMINARIA (Zone, a girdle ; transverse lines.) flat lobed 3 su Br. G ocean branched 4 su Ol.G ocean branched 6 su Ol.G ocean flat cut 3 au Pa.Ol ocean fan- leaved 5 su Ol.G sea shore 4. 34. Eng. bot. 1276. U'lva Eng. bot. 774. Viva Eng. bot 1913. Viva Eng. bot. 419. U'lva (Stria, a groove ; plants marked with.) 1. branched 9 su O1.G ocean Grev. cryp. 288. Carm. 26171 Agarum Ag. 26172 escule"nta Ag. 26473 digitata Ag. 26174 bulbbsa Ag. 26175 saccharina As. 2 bullata Ag. 26476 debilis Ag. 26177 latifblia Ag. 26478 Phyllitis Ag. 3079. LICHrNA Ag. 26479 pygmse'a Ag. 26480 confinis Ag. Agarum esculent digitate bulbous saccharine blistered weak broad Phyllitis LlCHINA. (Sori upon the lamina; of fronds.) large masses 60 su Br ocean large masses 60 su Br ocean large masses 60 year Ol.G ocean large masses 60 year Ol.Br ocean large masses 48 year Ol.G ocean large masses 48 year Ol. G ocean simple 8 su Ol.G ocean simple 16 su Ol.G ocean simple 12 su BtG ocean 8. 25. Turn, fuci 75. Fucus Eng. bot. 1759. Fucus Eng. bot. 2274. Fiicus Eng. bot. 1760. Fhcvs Turn, fuci 163. Fuci"- Eng. bot. 1376. F.saccA. Grev. cryp. 277 Fl. norv. 7. 5 Eng. bot. 1331. Fiicus (Lichen, a lichen j resemblance.) 2. small patches su G.B roc. on Grev. cryp. 219 small patches ^ su G. B roc. on se. co. Grev. cryp. 221 3080. FURCELLA V RIA Ag. FURCELLARIA. (Furcilla, a little fork ; arrangement of fronds.) L 26481 fastigiata Ag. peaked much branch. 9 aut.sp R.O1 ocean Eng. bot.824. F.lumbric. 3081. FIPCUS L. Fucus. 26482 nodosus L. 2 Mackai/ Turn. 26483 vesiculosus L. 2 longifructus Ag. 3 linearis Ag. 4 subecostatus Ag. 5 laterifructus Gre 26484 ceranoldes L. 26485 distichus L. 26486 serratus L. 26487 canaliculatus L. 26488 tuberculatus Esp. 26489 loreus L. 3082. CYSTOSErRA Ag. CYSTOSEIRA 26490 mco'ides Ag. Heath-like 26491 granulata Ag. granulated 26492 barbata Ag. bearded 26493 discors Ag. variable 26494 abrotanifolia Ag. southernwood 26495 fibrbsa Ag. fibrous 26496 siliqubsa Ag. podded 2 minor Ag. smaller 3 denudata Ag. naked IS. knotty (Phykos, a Greek name for sea- weed.) leathery bran. 36 d Ol.G ocean 8. 18. Eng. bot. 570 Mackay's leathery bran. 24 d D.Br ocean Eng. bot. 1927 bladdered loose masses 24 Ol.G ocean Eng. bot. 1056 long-fruited loose masses 24 Ol.G ocean linear loose masses 24 Ol.G ocean Esper fuci 146 rather ribless short masses Q su Ol.G salt marsh Grev. cryp. 181 lateral-fruited loose masses 30 su Ol.G ocean Grev. cryp. 319 mnderbolt-like bushy 12 Ol.G ocean Eng. bot. 2115 two-rowed bushy 12 01. G ocean Turn, fuci 4 serrated masses 3f> sp.aut D.01 ocean Eng. bot. 1221 channelled small masses 6 sp.aut Y.O1 ocean Eng. bot. 823 warted branch, wart. 6 j" Y.01 ocean Eng. bot 726 strap-//e masses 36 su D.01 ocean Eng. bot. 569 (Kystis, bladder, seira, chain ; upper part of fronds.) 7. 45. coralloid 6 su.aut Ol.Br ocean' bushy 12 spring Ol.G ocean much branch. 6 su.aut Ol.Br ocean bushy 6 su.w Ol.Br ocean bushy 14 spring Ol.G ocean bush, deform. 6 su.w Ol.Br ocean loose masses 24 aut.sp D.O1 ocean loose masses 8 aut.sp D.O1 ocean loose masses 24 aut.sp D.O1 ocean Eng. bot. 1968. F,\au Eng. bot. 2169. Fucus Eng. bot. 2179. Fucus Eng. bot. 2-131. Fucus Eng. bot. 2130. Fiicus Eng. bot. 1969. Fucus Turn, fuci 159. Fucus Stack, fuci 11. Fiicus CLASS XXIV. ORDER 8. CRYPTOGA V MIA LICHE V NES. TRIBE I. IDIOTHA'LAMI. 3083. SPILCTMA Ach. 26497 tumidulum Ach. 26498 versicolor Ach. 26499 microclbnum Ach. 26500 melanopum E. B. 26501 microscopicum E. B. microscopic 26502 murale E. B. wall SPILOMA. tumidish thin skin changeable-eld spotted crust small-branch, cloudy black -faced sooty spots obi. patches crust (Spiloma, a spot , appearance of fructification.) 12. 20. 4 year O bark of trees Eng. bot. 2151 3 year Gy bark of trees Eng. bot. 2070 If year Wsh aged oaks Eng. bot. 2150 2 year B apple trees Eng. bot. 2358 l^year Sea G old boards Eng. bot. 2396 3 year Ysh old mortar Eng. bot. 2397 Ff 4 440 CRYPTOGAMIA LICHENES. CLASS XXIV. 26503 dispt'rsum E. B. 26504 decolorans E. B. 26505 punctatum E. B. 26506 variolosum E. B. 26507 auratum E. B. 26508 tuberculysum E. B. scattered staining dotted speckled golden warted even crust 1 year lobed patches 1^ year crust cracked crust tumid crowd, even patch 2 year 2 year li year 3 year Gy Gy old rails old wood Gy old oaks Wsh old trees Wsh old walls Eng. bot. 2898 Eng. bot. 3399 Eng. bot. 2472 Eng. bot. 2077 Eng. bot. 2078 Caes sandst. rocks Eng. bot. 2556 3084. SOLORPNA Ach. SOLORJNA. (Solos, solid mass, rhinos, skin ; texture of fronds.) 2. 10. 26509 crocea Ach, yellow leafy frond 1| Ol.G tops of mou. Eng. bot. 498 26510 saccata Ach. hollowed leafy frond 2 su Gysh on the earth Eng. bot. 288 3085. LECI'DEA Ach. 26511 atro-cinerea E. B. 26512 coraclna^cA. 26513 atro-alba Ach. 26514 fiisco-atra Ach. 26515 fumosa Ach. LECIDEA. (Lekis, saucer, eidos, like ; shields.) I. RENIF6RMES. Thallus crustaceous, reniform. i. NI^GRJE. Apothecia constantly black, naked, not pruinose. dark-grey close patches raven tessellated black & white cracked crust dark-brown thin crust smoky tessellated 183. Lichen athrocarpus E. B. 1829 26516 lapicida Ach. stone-splitting broad patches rock thin crust confluent tartareous well-marked membranous blood-fruited gravel-pit earth-colored mixed scar-like aromatic deceiving dark-green geographical 26517 petra^a Ach. 26518 conflucns Ach. 26519 parasema Ach. 26520 sanguinaria Ach. 26521 sabuletorum Ach. 2 geuchroa Ach. 26522 miscella Ach. 26523 escharo'ides E. B. 26524 aromatica Ach. 26525 dolbsa Ach. 26526 atro-virens Ach. 2 geographica Ach 26527 silacea Ach. 26528 OZderi Ach. 26.529 alba Ach. 26530 citrinella Ach. 26531 uliginbsa Ach. 26532 scabrbsa Ach. rugose crust thin cuticle thin cuticle lobed crust granul. crust lobed crust broad cuticle thin coat figured crust 1| year Bl rocks Eng. bot. 2096 2 year Gy.B granite rocks Eng. bot. 2335. L.corad. 3 year Bl rocks Eng. bot. 180 2 year Bl rocks Eng. bot. 1734. L.dendri. 3 su Br.Gy alpine rocks 3 year H year G brick walls L.contigu. W roc. & stones Eng. bot. 246 2 aut Gy.Br rocks Eng. bot. 1964 3 aut Wsh bark of trees Eng. bot. 1450 2 year Wsh rocks Eng. bot. 155 1 year Wsh bark of trees [i year 2 year Gy bark of trees L.parase. Pa.Ol Eng. bot. 1831 1* jn D.Br earth & rocks Eng. bot. 1247 l year Ol old walls Eng. bot. 1777 4 year Caes rocks Eng. bot. 2581 2 year B rocks 3 year Y.O1 rocks Eng. bot. 245 2 year Y.R rocks Eng. bot. 1118 2 year Hsh rocks Eng. bot. 1117 3 aut W bark of trees Eng. bot.1349. Lepraria yellow-colored tessellated CEder's tessellat.powd white membranous lemon-peel-crust, cracked coat 3 spring Y.G sand, ground Eng. bot. 1877 marsh whole colored 3 spring B sandy heaths Eng. bot. 1466 rugged-shield, lobed patches 2 year Pa.G tiled roofs Eng. bot. 1878 ii. MCTA'BILES. Apothecia black, naked, when moistened becoming red or brown. 26533 imm^rsa Ach. immersed even crust 4 year Pa.Y calcar. rocks Eng. bot. 193 broad incrust. 6 year Br.Ol rocks Eng. bot. 1737 26534 rivulosa Ach. rivulet iii. Ci 26535 albo-caerulescens Ach. bluish white tartare. crust 2 turgida Ach. 26536 nbietina Ach. 26.537 speirea Ach. 26538 epipblia Ach. 26539 corticola Ach. 26540 conspurc&ta E. B. sinuated crust 3 pruinose turgid Pine tree spiral superficial bark-inhabiting small verruc. defiled rimose crust Apothecia black, with a grey bloom. Wsh Scotch alps L.prtiind. su W stone walls L.multipu, year Gl. trunks.^bies sinuated crust 4 spring W.Y flint, pebbles Eng. bot. 1864 tartare. crust 2 su W Scotch alps Eng. bot. 1137 aut Caes old trees Eng. bot. 1892 aut Ca3s old walls Eng. bot. 964 iv. Rt'Vjs. Apothecia blackish-brown, brownish, or deadened by some other color. f year 3 year 1 year 2 aut 2 auc 3 year 2 su 2 su 26541 Lightfootw Ach. Lightfoot's sinuat. patch. 26"42 guernea Ach. oak thin crust 26543 viridescens Ach. viridescent thin crust 26544 incana Ach. hoary leprous 26545 sulphurea Ach. sulphur cracked crust 26546 orosthea Ach. perennial toment. crust 26547 decolorans Ach. discoloring granular 2 Ach, granular granular .Lichen escharoides E. B. 1247 26548 anomala Ach. anomalous spotted patch. 3 aut 26549 rupestris Ach. rock tartareous 2 su Lichen calvus E. B. 948 26550 luteola Ach. yellowish thin crust 3 year 26551 earn eola Ach. horny-cupped papillose crust 3 year 2 arceutina Ach. Juniper tree smooth coat 2 year 26552 fnsco-lutea Ach. yellow-brown thin crust 3 su 26553 cinereo-fusca Ach. cinereous-brown cracked crust 3 year 26554 anthracina Ach. coal-like scaly crust 2 su Pa. G smooth bark Eng. bot. 1451 Y. G clefts of bark Eng. bot. 485 Pa.G dead trees Gl trim, of trees Eng. bot. 1683 Su rocks Eng. bot. 1186 Lt.G trees & pales Eng. bot. 1549 Gysh on earth Gysh on earth L.quadri. Pa.Ol on earth Gysh rocks L,.cyrte'll. Eng. bot. 2243 Wsh bark of trees L.verna/is Wsh on oaks Eng. bot. 965. L.cornet/s W.Brbark of trees;jf&. Gysh mountains Eng. bot. 1007 Gysh trun. of trees D.Br rocks & trees Eng. bot. 432. L.byssinus v. Ri^BK*. Apothecia dark-red, or whitish flesh-color. 26555 caeVio-rfifa Ach. redaish grey tessellat.crust 3 su D.Gy rocks & trees Eng. bot. 16.50. ~L.ferrug. 26556 ichmadcphila Ach. moisture-loving leprous crust 2 year G.W on ear. in he.'-'. ~L.ericet6r. 26557 marmorea Ach. marbled thin crust 3 year Gy.W bark of trees Eng. bot. 739 26558 alabastrlna Ach. alabaster thin crust 2 su Gy.W Scotland'#ws vi. ~Lv\E.&. Apothecia pale-yellowish, waxen, or orange-colored. 26559 melizea Ach. yellow-shield, cracked crust 1| spring Y.O1 moss, trunks Eng. bot. 1263. L. luteus 26560 Ehrhartidwft Ach. Ehrhart's cartilag. crust 2 year Gsh rocks Eng, bot. 1136 26561 polytropa Ach. variable tessellated 2 year Pale rocks Eng. bot. 1264 26.562 lucida Ach. shining soft crust 2 su G.Y rocks Eng. bot. 1550 26563 atro-flava Ach. dark-yellow ragged crust 2 year Br expos, flints Eng. bot. 2009 26564 luteo-alba Ach. yellow-white smooth crust If year W rocks Eng. bot. 1426 II. LEPIDOMA. Thallus crustaceous, of a regular figure or leaf, not reniform. 3 year 'Wsh old walls Eng. bot. 1138 3 su Br.B Highl. rocks globulifera Ach. globuliferous uneven crust 26624 communis Ach. common radiated 2 aspergilla Ach. sprinkled radiated 26625 amara Ach. bitter cracked crust 2 discoidea Ach. discoid pulverulent 26626 lactea Ach. milkv tartar, crack. 26627 gnseo-virens E. B. greyish green tubercular 26628 dealbata E. B. whitened cracked crust 26629 chorea E. B. cinereous tubercular Ol/yi. U l\V/llVyj-*/l. iVA/1 26630 Ach\rii Ach. L ^ICrt. O KUKVW Acharius's LK1A. {U/t; cracked crust eviutf) a lit 2 year &U3 MIH!< Pa.R uvi ; i rocks 2 cyrtaspis Ach. 26631 globbsa Ach. convex-shielded globose tessell. crust fringed patch. 2 year 3 year Rsh Br rocks flints 26632 cinerea Ach. cinereous concent, zone: s 3 year G.Br flints 26633 scruposa Ach. gravelly solid crust 1 year Gysh rocks 26634 Gag/V E. B. Gage's obscure crust 1 year Pa.Y rocks 26335 calcarea Ach. calcareous crowd, warts 1J year W roc. & 2 Hofflrnanni Ach. Hoffmann's sinuous pate. 1| year Ca:s roc. & 3093. LECANO V RA Ach. LECANORA. (Lekane, a basin ; form of shields.) 43. 79. I. RnfODlVJL Thallus adnate, uniform. i. NI\;RJE. Disk of apothecia constantly dark or black. 26636 atra Ach. dark granulated 1| year Gysh bark of trees Eng. bot 949 26637 argopholis Ach. white-scaled warted crust 2 su Pa rocks 26638 oculata Ach. eyed smooth, crust 2 spring W roc. & earth Eng. bot. 1833 26639 coarctata Ach. compressed broad patches 4 year Br brick walls Eng. bot. 534 442 CRYPTOGAMIA LICHENES. CLASS XXIV. 26640 periclea Ach. 2 exigua Ach. included diminutive little spots little spots year Wsh old posts | year Br old pales Eng. bot. 1850 Eng. bot. 1849 ii. MUTA'BILIS. Disk of apothecia black, naked, brownish when moistened. 26641 sophodes Ach. wise mealy crust 1| aut. G on trees Eng. bot. 1791 iii. RuV*. Disk of apothecia black, brown, brownish or clouded with other colors, naked. 26642 subfiisca Ach. 26643 ventosa Ach. 26644 frustulosa Ach. 26645 eff&sa Ach. 26ri46 chloroleiica Ach. 26647 varia Ach. 26648 apochrce % a Ach. 26549 rubricosa Ach. brownish cartilaginous 2 year exposed to wind warted 2 year broken tartareous f year scattered thin coat 3 aut pale yellow leprous 1J su various-shielded crowded f year colorless cloudy crust red-shielded round patch. Gysh trim, of trees Eng. bot. 2109 Y.G rocks Eng. bot. 906 Va rocks Eng. bot. 2273 G bark of firs Eng. bot. 1863 W mountains Eng. bot. 1373 Lt G old walls Eng. bot. 1666 IA winter Lt.G old posts Eng bot. 2075. S.Vitiligo 1 year Gy old walls L. cce^sia. iv. C/IC'SLE Disk of apothecia black, ca-sious, glaucous or variously colored, always pruinose. 26650 tuberculosa Ach. warted warted fring. 3 year D.O1 rocks Eng. bot. 1 733 26651 glaucoma Ach. glaucous-tufted tessellated 2 year D.O1 rocks Eng. bot. 2156 2665^ Hagem Ach. Hagen's spotted j winter D.O1 bark of trees Hag. lien. 1. 5 2 crenulata Ach. crenulated small spots | winter Dl.G limest. rocks Eng. bot. 930 26653 albella E. B. whitish obscure crust 1| winter Wsh smooth bark Eng. bot. 2154 v. CA'RNE^E. Disk of apothecia somewhat flesh-colored, pale, testaceous, waxen or orange colored. 26654 part Ha Ach. equal warted 26655 upsalie'nsis Ach. Upsal membranous 26656 Turner*' Ach. Turner's mealy crust 26657 carneo-liitea Ach. yell.flesh-c/d cracked crust 26658 tart-irea Ach. tartareous Cudbear tartareou 2 frigida Ach. 26659 cerina Ach. 26660 Stbnei Ach. 26661 viteinna Ach. 26662 salicina Ach. 26663 erythrella Ach. cold waxen Stone's yolk of egg Willow-like reddish 2 year W rocks Eng. bot. 727 2 year Gl.W mount ongr Eng. bot. 1634 3 aut Dl.G old trees Eng. bot. 857 1 su Wsh trun. of elms Eng. bot. 2010 2 year Gysh rocks Eng. bot. 156 thin crust 2 aut Gl earth Eng. bot. 1879 oblong patch 2 winter G trun. of trees Eng. bot. 627 oblong patch 1^ winter G trun. of trees granular 1| year Y pales Eng. bot. 1792 granular 1% spring Br on trees Eng. bot 1305 crack, rugose 2 year Gsh stone walls Eng. bot. 1993 vi. RIVERAS. Disk of apothecia red, scarlet, or purple, and sanguineous. . 26664 rubra Ach. red membranous 1| su W trun of trees Eng. bot. 2218. L.U'lmi 26665 hajmatdmma AHh. bloody-eyed powdery 2 su Wsh rocks Eng. bot. 486 2 porphyria Ach. purple thin crust 2 su Gl rocks II. PLACO'DUE. Thallus adnate, radiate, stellate, and lobed in the circumference. 26666 epigea Ach. 26667 lentigera Ach. 26668 saxicola Ach. 26:^69 murdrum Ach. 26670 Regans Ach. earth plaited 1| year pimpled round, patch. 1 year rock-inhabiting scaly crust 2 year 26S72 circinata Ach. 26673 glida Ach. 26674 galactlna Ach. 26675 cervina Ach. 26676 crassa Ach. 26677 virella Ach. 26o78 can del aria Ach. 2 polycarpa Ach. 26679 Aypnurum Ach. 26680 brunnea Ach. 26681 Hookeri Ach. wall cracked crust 1| year elegant imbricated 1 year refulgent small patches f su circled cracked crust aut frozen cracked crust 1 year milky rugose crust 1| year III. IMBRICA^RI^;. Thallus imbricated_throughout. stag lobed scales thick scaly crust W earth Eng. bot. 1778. Lcdndic. Wsh dry heaths Eng. bot. 871 Eng. bot. 1695 Eng. bot. 2157 Eng. bot. 2181 Eng. bot. 1667 Eng. bot. 1941 Eng. bot. 699 Pa.G roc. & walls Y.Or rocks Taw rocks Y rocks Gysh flat stones R.Gr rocks Wsh roc. & walls greenish candle-dying Hypnum brown Hooker's Cin roc. & stones ~L.squam. f su Gsh earth on roc. Eng. bot. 1893 multifidpatc. 1 year Bt.G trees & pales Eng. bot. 1696 Y trees & pales Eng. bot. 1794 Gy.Y old posts Eng. bot. 1795 scaly crust 1 winter Gy.Br woods Eng. bot. 740 lobed crust 1 spring Ci.Br on the grou. Eng. bot. 1246 imbricated 1 spring Gysh wet rocks Eng. bot. 283 scaly crust 1 year many-fruited toothed lobed year 3094. PARME^LIA Ach. PARHELIA. (Parma, a sort of small shield, heileo, to enclose ; thallus.) 38. 77. 26682 glomulifera Ach. globule-bearing round patch. Ij spring Gl trun. of trees Eng. bot. 2P3 ' - spring Y.G trun. of trees Eng. bot. 654 Br trees & pales Eng. bot. 2063 Gysh trun. of trees Eng. bot. 341 Y.G old trees Eng. bot. 2421 Bt.G trun. of trees Eng. bot. 294 D.G on trees Eng. bot. 1652 Ol.Br rocks & trees Eng. bot. 2180 Bt.Y trees & walls Eng. bot. 194 Ol bark of trees Eng. bot. 2156 Gl walls Eng. bot. 2064 W.Gy trees Eng. bot. 1779 G rocks Eng. bot. 700 Ol.G trun. of trees Eng. bot. 1780 Y.W rocks B.Gy trun. of trees Eng. bot. 353 Br.Gy trun. of trees Eng. bot. 983 P.Br rocks Eng. bot. 604 Gysh stones Eng. bot. 603 Pitch rocks Eng. bot. 653 B mountains Eng. bot. 2048 Br rocks Eng. bot. 982 Pa. Gy rocks Eng. bot. 2049 Pa. G rocks Eng. bot. 1375 Pa. Y moorstones Eng. bot. 2050 Pa.Gy trun.of trees Eng. bot. 858 Pa.G trun. of trees Y rocks Eng. bot. 2097 G.W woods Eng. bot. 1979 Gysh on trees Eng. bot. 1852 spring Dp.G trun. of trees Eng. bot. 063 spring Gysh trun. of trees Eng. bot. 1697 Gysh roc. & stones Eng. bot. 1052 Pa.Br boards Eng. bot. 2547 Li. Gy trees & pales Eng. bot. 1942 Wsh stones Eng. bot. 1954 26-583 caperata Ach. wrinkled round patch, f spring 26684 sc6rtea^c. leathery lobed patches 1 year 26685 perlata Ach. 26686 perforata Ach. very broad perforated round patch. 2 year crisp patches 3 year 26687 herbacea Ach. herbaceous round patch. 1| year 26688 corrugata Ach. wrinkled imbricated 3 year 26589 olivacea Ach. olive round patch. 2 year 26n90 parietina Ach. wall round patch. 2 year 26691 etelna Ach. orbicular olh -e small patches j year 26692 pityrea Ach. scurfy flat-warted 1| jl 26693 Clementicna Ach. dementi's flat-radiated 1 year 26S94 filiaceae Ach. Linden flat-imbricat. 6 su 26695 Borrerj Ach. Borrer's foliaceous 4 aut 26696 lanuginosa Ach. woolly round patch. 3 year 26697 plumbea Ach. leaden round patch. 2 aut 26698 rubiginosa Ach. 26699 omphalodes Ach. rusty navel round patch. 3 su shining dott 4 year 26700 saxatilis Ach. 26701 fahlunihisis Ach. rock Fahlun rough & pitt. 2| year smth. thallus 3 year 26702 stygia Ach. 26703 aquila Ach. infernal eagle starry 2 su multifid lobes 4 su 26704 encausta Ach. enamelled stellated dott. 3 su 26705 recurva Ach. recurved warted 2 su 26706 sinuosa Ach. sinuous starry 2 year 26707 aleurites Ach. mealy round patch 3 aut.w 26708 ambigua Ach. ambiguous starry warted 2 aut.w 26709 consprsa Ach. 26710speciosa Ach. sprinkled showy smth. dotted 1 year starry glabr. 2 spring 26711 kevigata Ach. 26712 pulverule'nta Ach. 26713 stellaris Ach. polished powdery stellate starry 3 spring pruinose mul. 2 spring rugged frond 2 spring 26714 cassia Ach. grey sorediferous f year 2 d tibia Ach. dubious granular | spring 26715 cyclfoelis Ach. circular round patch. 1 year 26716 diacapsis E. B. bitten tumid crust 1| year ORDER VIII. CRYPTOGAMIA LICHENES. 443 bladdery multif. smth. 2 year Wsh rocks Eng. bot. 126 pierced through multif. smth. 2 year Gy.G wet rocks Eng. bot. 1248 ( William Borrer, F. L. S., cryptogamic botanist.) 7. 23. branch, segm. If year Gl bran, of trees Eng. bot. 1351 If f Wsh on the earth Eng. bot. 2548 If year G.Gy trun. of trees Eng. bot. 984 1 year O apple trees Eng. bot. 1088 1 year Y trun. of trees Eng bot. 2113 If year Gl trun. of trees Eng. bot. 1352 If ap G.O1 elms Eng. bot. 1715 26717 physodes Ach. 26718 diatrypa Ach. 3095. BORRE^R^ Ach. BORRERA. 26719 tenella Ach. slender 26720 leucomela Ach. black and white dense tufts 26721 furfur'icea Ach. scurfy farinaceous 26722 chrysophthalma Ach. golden-eyed bushy 26723 flavicans Ach. yellowish branched 26724 ciliaris Ach. ciliated bushy 26725 atlantica Ach. Atlantic bushy tufts 3096. CETRA > RIA Ach. CETRARIA. (Cetra, a buckler ; receptacle.) 5. 14. 26726 junipt^rina Ach. Juniper bushy If year Pa.Y trun. of trees 2 Pinastri Ach. Pinaster bushy If year Pa.Y trun. of trees Eng. bot. 2111 26727 sepincola Ach. hedge-inhabiting bushy waved If year Ol.Br ston. & trees Eng. bot. 2386 26728 glauca Ach. glaucous bushy shining 2 year Gl on the grou. Eng. bot. 1606 2 fallax Ach. fallacious bushy shining If year W on the grou. Eng. bot. 2373 26723 nivalis Ach. snow bushy tufts 2 year Su rocks Eng. bot. 1994 26730 islandica Ach. Iceland Moss bushy 2 year Ol.Br rocky places Eng. bot. 1330 3097. STFCTA Ach STICTA. (Stiktos, dotted ; under surface of fronds.) 7. 18. 26731 crocita Ach. saffron-colored yellow warts 3 year Gl.Brrocks Eng. bot. 2110 26732 aurata Ach. gilded foliaceous 6 year Br trun. of trees Eng. bot. 2359 26733 pulmonilcea Ach. lung reticulated 2 year Oliva trun.of trees Eng. bot. 572 26734 scrobiculata Ach. sm. -furrowed roundish pat. 3 year Gysh trun. of trees Eng. bot. 497 26735 limbata Ach. bordered smooth lobed 4 year Gl. Br rocks Eng. bot. 1 104 26736 fuliginosa Ach. smutty round patch. 3 year moist rocks Eng. bot. 1103 26737 svlvatica Ach. wood pitted fronds 3 year Ru.Br shady woods Eng. bot. 228 3098. PELTI'DEA Ach . PELTIDEA. (Pclte, a target, eidos, resemblance ; form of shields.) 9. 2L 26738 vendsa Ach. veiny much veined 2 su Gsh on the earth Eng. bot. 887 267, L 39 scutata Ach. shielded crisp If year Cin bark of trees Eng. bot. 1834 26740 horizontals Ach. horizontal shining, cren. 2 year Br.G shady rocks Eng. bot. 888 26741 aphthosa Ach. inflammatory warted 2 aut G among moss Eng. bot. 1119 26742 rufescens E. B. ruf'escent incurved 2 year R.Br on the earth Eng. bot. 2300 26743 canlna Ach. dog broad-lobed 2 year Gysh on the earth Eng. bot. 2299 26744 membranacea Ach. membranous broad-lobed If year Gysh thatch 26745 spuria E. B. spurious lobed frond If jl Ol.Br thatch Eng. bot. 1542 26746 polydactyla Ach. many-fingered smooth-hood If jl Gl on the earth Jac. c. 14. 2. 3099. NEPHRO^MA Ach. NEPHROMA. (Nephros, a kidney; form of apothecia.) 2. 8. 26747 resupinata Ach. resupinate short-lobed 3 year Gy.Br among moss Eng. bot. 305 26748 parilis Ach. equal foliaceous 3 year Br stone quarr. Eng. bot. 2360 3100. ROCCE'LLA Ach. ORCHALL. (Roccha, a rock, Port. ; place of growth.) 2. 7. 26749 tincturia Ach. true dyer's bushy tufts 1% year Y.Br marit.-rocks Eng. bot. 211 26750 j uciformis Ach. Fucus-formed bushy tufts 4 year Gl granite rocks Eng. bot. 728 3101. EVE'RNIA Ach. EVERVIA. (Euernes, well branched ; bushy plants.) fl. _ 6. 26751 Prunastri Ach. Prunaster multif. segm. 2 year G.W trees Eng. bot. 859 .Lichen stictoceros Eng. bot. 1353. 3102. CENO'MYCE Ach. CENOM\CE. (Kenos, empty, mykes, fungus ; hollow receptacle.) 20. 43. 1. PVCNOTHE\IA. Thallus subcrustaceous, uniform; podetia hollow. 26752 papillaria Ach, pimpled granul. crust f winter Gysh damp earth Eng. bot. 907 II. ScYPHO'pHORjE. Thallus foliaceous ; podetia fistular, dilated upwards and fertile, or sterile and subulate ; apothecia dosed with a membrane. 26753 alcicornis Ach. 26754 endiviaefolia Ach. 26755 cervic6rnis Ach. 26756 pyxidata Ach. 26757 fimbriata Ach. 2 radiata Ach. 3 cornuta Ach. 26758 gonorega Ach. 2 anomce^a Ach. 26759 ecmocyna Ach. 2 gracilis Ach. 26760 bacillaris Ach. 26761 digitata Ach. 26762 deformis Ach. 26763 coccifera Ach. i. FU'SC.E. Apothecia fuscous or pallid. elkhorn tufts f winter Gl Endive-lvd multifid tufts f winter Y.G Stag's-horn multifid tufts If winter Gl box-like tufts f spring Gl fringed coralloid tufts If spring Gl radiated coralloid tufts 2 spring Gl horned coralloid tufts If spring Gl cushion-sprouting tufts 1 su Cin dissimilar brittle tufts 1 spring Cin imitative fine tufts f spring Gy slender fine tufts f spring Gy heaths Eng. bot. 1592 dry places Eng bot. 2361 rocky heaths Eng. bot. 2574 banks Eng. bot 1393 moors & hea. Eng. bot. 2438 on the grou. Eng. bot. 1835 moors & hea. Eng. bot. 1836 mountains hills Eng. bot. 1867 hea. & moun. hea.& moun. Eng. bot. 1284 ii. COCCI'NEJE. Apothecia scarlet or dark red. rod-like fingered deformed branched powdery branch, tufts berry-bearing long tufts 2 cornucopioldes Ach. cornucopia-Ik short tufts 2 year 1| year 3 year 3 winter Gy.G moors & hea. Eng. bot. 2051 If winter Gy. G moors & hea. 2 winter Pale lofty moun. Eng. bot. 1894 Wsh woods Lfilifor. Y.G woods Eng. bot. 2439 roots of trees Eng. bot. 1394 26764 Aellidiflora Ach. Daisy-flwd stiff scaly III. SCHASMA^RIA. Thallus foliaceous ; podetia fistular, dilated upwards, and fertile ; apothecia pervious. 26765 sparassa Ach. torn branch, tufts 2 year Gl in woods Eng. bot. 273 IV. HELOPODIA. Thallus foliaceous ; podetia somewhat fistular, cylindrical, simple, split at end or digitate ; rays all fertile. 26766 delicata Ach. delicate mealy patch | winter G rotten rails Eng. bot. 2052 V. CLADONI^E. Thallus foliaceous, scarcely any ; podetia cartilaginous, rigid, fistular, all tapering subulate branched ; axillce generally bored through. 26767 racembsa Ach. racemose loosely branc. 1| year Gsh heaths Di. muse. 16. 25 26768 furcata Ach. forked smooth tufts 2| year woods Di. muse. 16. 27. A.D. 2 subulata Ach. subulate slightly bran. 2 year woods Di. muse. 16. 21. A.B. 2R769 uncialis Ach. inch rigid smooth 1J winter Pa.G moors Eng. bot. 174 26770 rangiferina Ach. rein-deer much branch. 2 year Hoa woods Eng. bot. 277 2 pungens Ach. pungent branched tufj 2 year Gy commons Eng. bot. 2444 VI. CERA^NIA. Thallus none ; podetia soft, subsolid, subulate, somewhat branched ; axilles not bored through. 06771 vcrmicularis Ach. vermicular little tufts 1 su VV high mount. Eng. bot. 2029 444 CRYPTOGAMIA LICHENES. CLASS XXIV. 3103. B.EO'MYCES Ach. BJEOMYCES. (Baios, small, mi/Ices, fungus ; appearance of fructification.) 4 10. 26772 ruseus Ach. rosy granulated jj su Gsh heaths Eng. bot. 374 26773 rufus Ach. rufous powdery j su Gsh sandstone I>fi774 microphyllus E. B. small-leaved imbri. patch. 3 winter D.G wet heaths Eng. bot. 1782 26775 cajspititius E. B. turfy leafy tuft 3 aut Pa. G oaks Eng. bot. 1796 310-i. ISI'DIUM Ach. IsiniUM. (7505, equal ; small differences which exist betwesn the podetia.) 5. 11. 26776 microsticticum//oo. small-dotted tartareous aut Brsh rocks Eng. bot. 2243 26777 corallinum Ach. coralline crowded pate. aut Gysh rocks Eng. bot. 1541 26778 Westringi/ Ach. Westring's cracked crust aut Gysh rocks Eng. bot. 22U4 26779 phymatodes Ach. bladdery powdery crust 3 winter Pa.Su stems,old tr. 2 phragmse\un Ach. bushy powdery crust 3 winter Y.O1 stems, old tr. L. luttsc. 26780 coccodes Ach. berried powdery crust 2 aut Pa. Ol park pales Eng. bot. 1511 3105. STEREOCAU'LON Ach. STEREOCAULON. (Stereos, rigid, kaulon, a stem.) 1. 6. 26781 paschale Ach. Easter branch, tufts 2 year Gysh mountains Eng. bot. 282 3106. SPH^ERO'PHORON Ach. SPIUER. (Sphaira, globe, phoreo, to bear ; form of fructification.) 3. 14. 26782 coralloldes Ach. coral-like bushy 1| year Pa.Br rocks Eng. bot. 115 26783 fragile Ach. brittle bushy 1 year Gysh roeks Eng. bot. 2474 26784 compressum Ach. compressed bushy 1 year Wsh rocks Eng. bot. 114. L frdgilis TRIBE III. HOMOTHA'LAMI. 3107. ALECTO^RIA Ach. ALECTORIA. (Alektor, unmarried ; uncertainty respecting male flowers.) 2. 7. 26785 jubata Ach. maned long tufts 3 winter Br on fir trees Eng. bot. 1880 2 chalybiiformis Ach. steel-formed long tufts 3 winter Gy.B on fir trees 26786 sarmentusa Ach. twiggy much branch. 2| winter Pa. Y mountains Eng. bot. 2040 3108. RAMALPNA Ach. RAMALINA. (Ramale, a withered branch ; habitat.) 5. 19. 26787 /rax mea Ach. Ash-like loose tufts 2 year Gysh bran, of trees Eng. bot. 1781 526788 fastigiata Ach. peaked loose tufts 2 year Gl rocks & trees Eng. bot. 890 2 calicaris Ach. calyx- like loose tufts 1| year Gl rocks & trees 26789 scopulorum Ach. rocks loose tufts 1| year Y.Gy marine roc. Eng. bot. 688 26790 farinacea Ach. mealy bushy tufts 2 year Gysh trun. of trees Eng. bot. 889 26791 pollinaria Ach. powdery bushy patch 3 year Bt.G old oaks Eng. bot. 1607 3109. CORNICULA'RIA Ach. CORNICULARIA. (Corniculus, a little horn ; divisions of thallus.) 7. 16. 2679-2 tristis Ach. dingy shrubby 1^ year Dp.Br alpine rocks Eng. bot. 720 26793 aculeata Ach. prickly shrubby 1 year Ch Highl. mou. 2 spadicea Ach. 26794 bicolor Ach. scarlet two-colored shrubby 1 year Ch Highl. mou. 452, ~L.hispidus shrubby 1 year B Highl. mou. Eng. bot. 1853 26795 ochroleuca Ach. pale-yellow shrubby 1 year Pa.Y Highl. mou. Eng. bot. 2374 2679S lanata Ach. woolly shrubby f year Gy.B rocks Eng. bot. 846 26797 pubescens Ach. pubescent entangl. tufts 3 aut B rocks Eng. bot. 2.'18 26798 heteromalla E. B. various-woolled rough patch 3 aut B bark of trees Eng. bot. 2246 3110. U'SNEA Ach. USNEA. (Achneh, lichens, Arab.) 3. 10. 26799 tiorida Ach. flowering erect 2| winter Gsh old trees Eng. bot. 872 26800 plicata Ach. plaited pendulous 4 winter Gsh old trees Eng. bot 257 2 hirta Ach. hairy nearly erect 2 winter Gsh old trees Eng. bot. 1354 26801 barbata Ach. bearded pendulous 4 winter Gsh old trees Eng. bot. 258. 2 2 articulata Ach. jointed pendulous 4 winter Gsli old trees Eng. bot. 258. 1 3111. COLLE\MA Ach. COLLEMA. (Kollema, glue; fronds gelatinous.) 27. 41. I. PLACY'NTHIUM. Thallus crust-like, irregular or uniform. 26802 riigrum Ach. black regular patch 3 wet w B.G calcar. rocks Eng. bot. 1161 II. ENCHY'UUM. Thallus imbricated, plaited, roundish, composed of minute lobes, becoming very turgid when wet. 26803 cheileum^cA. lipped round, patch 1| wet w B.G roots of trees 26H04 fragrans Ach. fragrant small patches J wet w D.O1 trun. of elms Eng. bot. 1912 26805 crispum Ach. crisp round patch. wet w Gl on the grou. Eng. bot. 8:54 26S(W t^nax Ach. tough lobed tuft 1 wet w G moist places Eng. bot 2349 26807 plicatile Ach. plaited lobed tuft 1 wet w Ol.G wet rocks Eng. bot. 2348 26808 fluvi ale Ach. river many-parted wet w Br calcar. rocks Eng. bot. 2039 26809 melae N num Ach. blackish starry | wet w Br rocks 2 marginale Ach. marginal imbric. lobes 1 su Ol Highlands Eng. bot. 1924 26S10 fasciculare Ach. fascicled roundish 2 aut.w Br trun. of trees Eng. bot. 1162 26811 cretaceum Ach. cretaceous minute dots & winter Br chalk stones Eng. bot 738 26812 corrugatum Ach. wrinkled small patches winter D.G rocks, sea co. Di. muse. 19. 19 III. SCYTI'NJUM. Thallus somewhat foliaceous, irregular, formed of naked, expanded, thick, turgid, naked lobes. 26813 palmatum Ach. palmated lobed patch 1 Br sand, ground Eng. bot. Ifi35 2H814 granulatum E. B. granular imbric. patch l^wetw Br gravel walks Eng. bot. 1757 26815 multipartitum E. B. many-parted lobed patch 3 su Ol.G rocks & walls Eng. bot. 2582 IV. MALLOTICM. Thallus foliaceous ; lobes rounded, downy, or fibrous beneath. 26816 saturnlnum Ach. dingy leafy 2 year B.G trun. of trees Eng. bot. 1930 26817 Burgess Ach. Burgess's leafy 2 year Gl trun. of trees Eng. bot. 300 V. LATHA\;RIUM. Thallus foliaceous ; lobes somewhat membraneous, lax, naked, dark green. 26818 nigrescens Ach. nigrescent leafy 2 year D.G trun. of trees Eng. bot. 345 26819 flaccidum Ach. flaccid leafy smooth 2 year D.G Scotland Eng. bot. 1653 268?0 furvum Ach. dusky rugose memb. 2 year D.G trun. of trees Eng. bot. 1737 26821 scotinum Ach. dark flat patches 1 su Ol old walls 2 sinuatum Ach. sinuous flat patches 1^ su Ol old walls Eng. bot. 772 VI. LEFfoGiUM. Thallus foliaceous ; lobes rounded, membraneous, thin, naked, cinereous, glaucous, somewhat transparent ; apothecia slightly stalked. 26822 tremelloldes Ach. Tremella-like half transpar. 1 spring Lead rocks Eng. bot. 1981 26823 lacerum Ach. lacerated half transpar. 1J spring Gl earth Eng. bot. 1982 VII. MUSCI'COLUM. Thallus very finely laciniated and branchletted. 26824 subfile Ach. subtle starry 1 su D.G earth Eng. bot. 1008 26825 tenuissimum Ach. finest flat patch D.O1 dry banks Eng. bot. 1427 26826 Schrader/ Ach. Schrader's small tufts \ ju Y.G old walls Eng. bot. 2284 ORDER IX. CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. 445 26827 wiscicola Ach. 26828 spongiosum Ach. Moss-dwelling cushion-like spongy large fruit f spring Br among moss Eng. hot. 2264 3 year Ol.Br rocks Eng. hot. 137-1 3112. LEPRAMIIA Ach. LEPRARIA. 26829 chlor'ma Ach. pale 26830 flava Ach. yellow 26831 ochrkcea E. B. ochre-colored 26832 virescens E. B. virescent TRIBE IV. ATHA'LAMI. (Lepra, leprosy ; scurfy crust.) 4. 13 cushion-like 2 winter Su rocks Eng. hot. 2038 thin coat 2 winter Bt.Y old pales Eng. hot. 135() scatter, warts \ winter G.Y old trees Eng. bot. 2408 granular f winter Y.G elm trees Eng. bot. 2149 TRIBE V. PSEITDO-LICHE^NES. 2 year 2 year & year year 1 year I year I 1 year 3 year 3 year Eng. bot. 2346 Eng. bot. 2454 3113. OPE'GRAPHA Ach. OPEG. (Ope, a chink, grapho, to write ; shields of apoth. crack-like.) 10 35. I. HYSTERI\\A. Disk of apotheca very narrow, crack-like, somewhat covered in by the conniving tumid margins. variegated 1J year flat patch 1| year tartareous leprous angular dots largish spots dotted crust mealy crust scaly smooth skin smooth skin narrow-fruited smooth patch. 1J year blackened smooth patch. 1| year cloudy veiny Persoon's poreless calcareous spotted eruptive different common sprinkled Pa.Y old trees pa.och beeches Wsh stones Wsh slate& stones B mort., old w. Eng. bot. 1790 Brsh bark of trees O.epiphe. Pa.Ol bark of trees Eng. bot. 1789 Pa.Ol bark of trees 0. rubella G.W bark of trees Eng. bot. 1811 Gy smooth bark Eng. bot. 1828 Ol smooth bark Eng. bot. 1911 Ol smooth bark Pa.G smooth bark Eng. bot. 1753 26833 nimbbsa Ach. 26831 venTisa E. B. 26835 Persounw Ach. 2 aporea Ach. 26336 calcarea Ach. 26837 macularis Ach. 26838 herpetica Ach. 2 disparata Ach. 26839 vulg\ta Ach. 26840 epipasta Ach. 2 microscupica Ach. microscopic 26841 stenocarpa Ach. 2 denigrata Ach. II. ALYXURIA. Disk of apotheca concave channelled, or flat appearing between the separated margins. 26842 notha Ach. spurious dotted crust 3 year Wsh old trees Eng. bot. 1896 2 diaphora Ach. various-fruited dotted cruse 3 year Gy trun. of trees Eng. bot. 2280 3114. VERRUCA^RIA^cA. VERRUCARIA. (Verruca, a wart ; warty nature of shields) 11.- 56. I. LICOPHLEA. Thallus cartilaginous, membranous, contiguous, polished. 26843 maura Ach. Moorish cracked crust 2 year B rocks Eng. bot. 2458 26S44 punctiformis Ach. dot-shaped thin coat 2 year Br sm. ash bark Eng. bot. 2412 26845 analepta Ach. not oily thin coat 3 year Br sm. oak bark Eng. bot. 1848 26S46 epidermidis Ach. cuticle thin coat 1 year W birch bark 26847 stigmatella Ach. small-dotted thin coat 3 year Pa.Br smooth bark Eng. bot. 1891 II. BLENNORI\\A. Thallus nearly solid, somewhat gelatinous. 26848 ceuthocarpa Ach. hidden-fruited tessellated 4 year Pa.Ol slate rocks Eng. bot. 2372 III. LITHOCIA. Thallus subtartareous, crustaceous, contiguous, cracked into are ohe, or powdery. 26849 Schraden Ach. Schrader's dotted crust 4 year Wsh calca. stones Eng. bot. 1711 26850 Harrimannz Ach. Harrimann's small patches 1 year Br.Ol hard rocks Eng. bot. 2539 26851 plumbea^cA. \e-aA-colored lobed patches 1J year Ol limest. rocks Eng. bot. 2540 26852 striatula Ach. striated cloudy spots f year Pa.G flints 2 acrotella Ach. small-peaked cloudy spots f year Pa.G flints Eng. bot. 1712 IV. INODE'RMA. Thallus soft, cottony, somewhat spongy, or thin and arachnoid. 26853 epigt;a Ach. ground mealy tessell. 1 year G dry banks\s/. 3115. PORPNA Ach. PORINA. (Porinos, any thing that crumbles away ; nature.) 1. 19. 26854 pert usa Ach. perforated crust j aut Cin bark of trees Eng. bot. 677 3116. ARTHQKIIA Ach. ARTHOMA. (Unexplained.) 4. 14. 26855 impofita E. B. unpolished spotted patch, f year Rsh trun. of trees Eng. bot. 981 2685ii SwartzzYmrt Ach. Swartz's cracked crust 1J year Wsh smooth bark Eng. bot. 2079 26857 astroidea Ach. , star-like membranous year Cin smooth bark Eng. bot. 1847 268J8 obscura Ach. obscure warty 3 year D.O1 bar. of old tr. Eng. bot. 1752 26859 Jyncea Ach. \ynx-spotted broad masses 3 year Wsh bar. of old tr. Eng. bot. 809 3117. GRA^PHIS Ach. GRAPHIS. 26860 scripta Ach. written 2 pulverulenta Ach. powdery 3 Cerasi Ach. Cherry tree 26861 dendritica Ach. tree-like 26S62 serpentlna Ach. serpentine 26863 LyelU Ach. Lyell's 26864 elegans Ach. elegant (Grapho, to write ; apothecia like writing.) 5. 16. shining crust 1^ year Gysh smooth bark Eng. bot. 1813 Pa.Y trees Eng. bot. 17-54 Y old cher. tre. Eng. bnt. 2301 Y smooth bark Eng. bot. 1756 Pa.Ol smooth bark Eng. bot. 1755 Pa.Ol rugged bark Eng. bot. 1876 Pa.Y smooth bark Eng. bot. 1812 thin crust 2 year thin crust 3 year smooth patch. 1| year even crust 3 year cracked crut 4 year uneven crust 3 year CLASS XXIV. ORDER 9. CRYPTOGA V MIA FU'NGI. TRIBE I. HYMENOMYCE^TES. Class I. HYMENI X NI. Division I. Pileati. 3118. ^GA'RICUS L. AGARIC. (Agaria, a region of Sarmatia.) 314. 715. I. VOLVA^CEI. Stem central, ivith a veil ; gills unchangeable ; sporidia white. \ 1. AMANih-A Pers. Veil double, universal, separate, partial, annular, someivhat persistent i. Volva loose ; edge of cap smooth ; unwholesome. 26Sfi5 vi'rnus Bui. vernal fetid 3-6 sp su W woody Bui. her. 108 263(W phallo v ides Fries phallus-like scentless 4jl.o W woody places Bui. her.2.577. bulbbstis 2 verrucb.mis Fl. Ion. warty scentless 4 jl.o Y woody places Fl. Ion. 312. Aex..verruc. 3 virescens Fl. dan. virescent scentless 4 jl.o Pa.G woody places Fl. dan. 1246 26867 porphyrius Fries purple scentless 4 jl.o Ld among moss Mic. gen. 76. 3 446 CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. CLASS XXIV. ii. Volva loose ; edge of cap striated ; eatable. 26868 vaginatus Bui. sheathed eatable 6 aut W waste places Bui. her. 512 1 plumbeus Schceff lead-colored eatable 6 aut Lead waste places Schaeff 85. 86 2 hy&linus Sch6 26986 murinaceus Bui. sweet-scented fragile 2 au.o Cin pastures Sow. 106 Hi. Cap somewhat fleshy ; stem rootless, regular, growing on wood. 26987 platyphyllus Pers. broad-leaved large 4 jl.o Wsh trun. of trees Bui. her. 594. grammo. C. OBTI^SI. Gills equal, behind blunt. vii. Cap fleshy, glutinous ; gills somewhat united ; stem rooted. 26988 radicatus Rel. rooted gigantic jn.s W trun. of trees Grev. crypt. 4. 217 26989 gracilis With. slender more slender IJjn.s W trun. of trees 26990 velutipes Fl. Ion. velvet-stalked caespitose 2 Ful trees Sow. 384. 3 viii Cap tough, dry ; gills separate, close, white. 26991 f&sipes Bui. spindle-stalked eatable 2 jl.n W woods Sow. 129. crdssipes 26992 cunfluens Pers. confluent ctespitose 4 au.o Wsh shady woods 269<>3 colllnus Sco hill caespitose 4 s.o Pallid among grass Bui. her. 403. arundin. 26994 dry uphilus Sow. Oak-loving czespitose 2 o.n Wsh heaps of Ivs Sow. 127 ix. Cap somewhat leathery, dry ; gills separate, distant, pallid. i. Cap fleshy ; stem solid. 269P5 peronatus Bol. clasped changeable 2Ajl.n Test dead leaves Sow. 37 26996 oreades Bui. Oreads eatable 3 my.n Pa. llu grassy places Grev. cryp 323 it. Cap fleshy ; stem fistulose. 26997 porreus Fries ~Leek-scented fetid 3 o.n W plantations Sow. 81. zlliaceus 26998 fusco-purpureusPers. dark-purple CEespitose 2* jl.s D.P beech leaves Pers. ic. pict. 4. 1 \ 9. COLLY'BIA Fries. Pileus fleshy, membranous, flattish, small, dry. i. Cap slightly fleshy, smooth, scarcely umbilicate; gills true; stem hollow, or somewhat fistulose. 26999 scorodonius Fries Garlic scented strong smell Ii au.o Wsh heaths Schaeff 99. alliatus 27000 carneus Bui. flesh-colored dwarf 1 au.s R grassy places Bui. her. 533. 1 puniceus With. 27001 escuU'ntus Wnl. eatable esculent IA Clay way sides Scharff. 59. claims 27002 con i gen us Pers. cone-sprung filiform 2 aut Gy on fir cones and dead leaves 27003 tenact'llus Pers. small tough long 4 aut fir woods Pers. ic. pict. 1.2 27004 tuberbsus Bui. tuberous gregarious i au n W on fungi Grev. cryp. 1. 23 alumnus Bol. 27005 racemosus Sow. racemose - compound i aut Gy on fungi Sow. 287 27006 clavus Bui. club gregarious 1 au.o O.R dead branch. Bolt. pil. 39. B. 27007 ramealis Bui branch-living gregarious * year Wsh dry branches Bolt pil. 39. D. cdndidus 27008 parasiticus Bui. parasitical meteoric * au.o Gy on fungi Sow. 343 ii. Cap thin, membranous, flat, becoming depressed, plaited, rugose i gills veiny, of the sa?ne substance as the cap ; stem horny, black. 27009 VaillantK Fries Vaillant's tough 1 au.s W dead branch. Vail. pa. 11. 21-24 Merulius androsaccus With. 27010 rotula Sco. little wheel gregarious 1 year W woods Sow. 95 27011 nnrirosaceus L. Androsace-lk tough If year W. B"r dead leaves Bolt, pil 32 27012 fce'tidus Fries fetid gregarious 1 au.s Br fallen branc. Sow. 21. Meridiusfce't. 27013 pertbrans Fries boring fetid 1 year Pallid dead fir Ivs Sow. 94. androsuceus 27014 epiphyllus Pers. leaf-borne gregarious f s.d W dead leaves Sow. 93 squdtnula 27015 Hudsoni Pers. Hudson's hairy f aut Wsh holly leaves Sow. 164. pilusus \ 10. MYCE\\A Pers. Pileus membranous, campanulate, slender ; stipes hollow. i. Dry cap, generally umbonate, not depressed ; gills separate or adnate, not decurrent. i. Stem rooting, smooth, juiceless ; gills separate, whole-colored. 27016 rtlliaceus Jac. Garlic-scented fetid 6 jl.n W.Br dead leaves Jac. au. 82 27017 atro-albus Bol. black and white scentless 3 au.n Bsh damp places Bolt. pil. 137 27018 filopes Bui. thread-stemmed campanulate 3 aut moist woods Bui. her. 320 ii. Stem smooth, juiceless, somewhat rooting ; gills adnate, whole-colored. 27019 alcalinus Fries alkaline fetid 2 my.o Cin on earth Vail. pa. 12. 1, 2 27020 galericulatus Sco. small-capped scentless 3 my.o Brsh trun. of trees Sow. 165 varius With, proliferus Sow. Hi. Sf em juiceless, striated; gills whole-colored. 27021 polygrammus Dec. much marked ctespitose 6 s.d Cin dead leaves Bu\.}\er.518.H.flstulbsu3 iv. Stem smooth, milky, somewhat rooted ; gills attenuated, united at edge. 27022 galopus Pers. milky-stemmed scentless 4 au.n D.G1 woods Fl. dan. 1550. 2 27023 ha?matopus Pers. bloody-stemmed casspitose 2 au.o Pk beech trunks 2704 cruentus Fries bloody solitary 3 au.n R fir leaves v. Stem smooth, juiceless, someivhat rooting ; gills adnate, discolored at edge. 27025 (?legans Pers. elegant fennel -scented 2 au.n Ld.Y pine woods 27026 strobillnus Pers. strobile-like gregarious 2 au.n C pine woods Sow. 197. coccineus 27027 roseus Pers. rosy gregarious 2 au.n Ro pine woods Pers. syn. 3. 5 vi. Stem smooth, juiceless, scarcely rooting ; gills affixed, whole-colored; color pure. 27028 purus Pers. pure gregarious 3 jn.n Ro woods Sow. 72. roseus ORDER IX. CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. 27029 Adonis Bui. Adonis various-eld 2| s.n Rosy woods Rul. her. 560. 2 270,30 luteo-alhus Bol. yellowish-white pretty 2 au.s Y among moss Bolt, pil 38 1 27031 lacteus Pers. milky gregarious 1 jl.n W.Y heaths Sow. 385. 5. tenuis 27032 sty!6bates Fries pedestal solitary lg su Pa dead lvs& bran. Nees pilze 189 vii. Stem juiceless, rootless, but swollen at the base Mo a globe. ; cap blunt. 27033 pilipes Sow. 27034 epipterygius Sco. 27035 vulgaris Pers. 27036 pellucidus Bui. hairy. footed casspitose 2 aut Pa.Br dead agarics Sow. 24 ii. Cap or stem viscid ; gills adnate or dccurrent. Fern -borne variable 1 au.n Cin among moss Sow. 92. nu tans common gregarious 1J au.n Cin fir leaves Fl. dan. 1678. 2 iii. Dry cap, finally depressed; gills decurrent. i. Firm, persistent, with a firm stem. transparent thick li aut Ru the ground Bui. her. 550. 2 ii- Delicate, withering, with a capillary stem. bark delicate $ o.f Ru bark of trees Sow. 243 Fern-sprung beautiful 1| au.o Rosy among moss 27037 corticrUis Bui. 2J038 joterigenus Fries roseilus /ft/A. au.o Br pine cones Sow. 20K o Rsh rotten Junci Mic. gen. 80. 9 11. OMPHA V LIA Pers. Pileus membranous or flesky-membrannus, when young umbilicated. i. Cap somewhat membranous ; gills decurrent. i. Small cap membranous. riAeuuv ' ' uit. 27039 spinipcs Smv. 27040 juncicola Fries spiny-footed gregarious Rush-dwelling gregarious 27041 stellatus Fries 27042 fibula Bui. 27043 pyxidatus Bui. 27044 murklis Sow. 27045 ericetorum Pers, 27046 caulicinulis Sow. starred button box -like wall heaths 27047 epichysium 27048 obliquus P Pers. us Pers. 27049 fragrans Sow. 27050 cjespit^sus Bol. 27051 cyathiformis Bui clavatus With. 27052 murlnus Sow. 27053 Dunalw Dec. 1 W hollow trees Sow. 107. buccinulis 1| my.o O.Y among moss Sow. 45 2 my.n Test on earth Bui. her. 563. 2 | aut Br among grass Sow. 322 1 my.n W damp heaths Bui. her. ZlQ.zndroshc* 2 jl.o Fer pine woods Sow. 163 ii. Large cap, somewhat membranous. tunnel tender 1 jl.o Cin will, trunks Pers. ic. pict. 13. I oblique solitary 1 aut Pa. Ci on earth Pers. ic. oict. 13. 3 ii. Cap fleshy, membranous; gills adnate. fragrant anise-scented 1| au.d Ld among grass Sow." 10 csspitose ,pellucid 1 au.d Y peat Bolt. pil. 41. C 3 o.n D.Br earth Sow. 363. sordidui gregarious slender variable subgregar. variable solitary cup-shaped club-shaped sweet-scented solitary Dunal's gregarious s G earth Sow. 162 spring W will, trunks iii. Cap fleshy, coriaceous, somewhat corky, soft ; gills decurrent. 27054 tigrinus Bui. tiger-spotted gregarious If my.jn Wsh trun. of trees Sow. 6S 27055 lepideus Fries scaly variable 1 my.jn pa.och pine trunks Schajff. 29. squambsii! 2 monstrosus Fries monstrous deformed 3 my.jn pa.och pine trunks Sow. 382. tubceformis 27056 cochleatus Pers. spiral cajspitose 3 sp.aut Wsh old trunks Sow. 168. confluens III. ACAU'LES. Stem out of the centre none ; gills unchangeable ; sporidia white. 12. PLEUROTUS Fries. Pileus out of the centre or lateral. i. Veil universal ; cap compact, horizontal. 27057 rfryinus Pers. Oak solitary 1 au.n Wsh oak trees Schajff. 233. dimidiatut ii. Veil none ; cap fleshy ; gills decurrent. i. Cap always entire. very tough 1 jl.o Rsh birch trees Nees pilze 176 ii. Cap entire or halved. shell-shaped gregarious 1 jl.s Cin birch trees Bui. her. 298 oyster-shaped eatable | sp.aut Cin trun. of trees Sow. 241 iii. Cap always halved, somewhat ascending. petal-like gregarious f s.o Brsh beech trees Bui. her. 226. 557.2 stretching imbricated 1 jl.n W pine tr-jes fan-shaped thin AjLn Pa.Br sides of trees Bolt. pil. 157 twisted 27058 torulosus Pers. 27059 conchatus Bui. 27060 ostreatus Jac. 27061 petaloldes Bui. 27062 porrigens Pers. 27063 flabellif6rmis Bol. " Veil none , cap fleshy, when young horizontal; gills terminating in a determinate manner. 27064 wlmarius Bui. Elm caespitose 3 o.d Pale trun. of trees Sow. 67 27065 palmatus Bui. palmate caespitose 2 o.d Br oak trees Sow. 62 27066 serotinus Pers. late dwarf 1 o.ja Ol trun. of trees Bux. c. 5. 2. 2 27067 stipticus Bui. stiptic gregarious f o.ap Tan trun. of trees Sow. 109. flabeltiftrmU /icoMes With. iv. Cap fleshy, when young resupinate ; giUs running together in a point out of the centre. 27068 nidulans Pers. nestling imbricated 1 o.d Ysh fallen trees Gy beech trunks Sow. 99. echindtus Y.Br beech trunks Sow. 98 W beech trunks Grev. cryp. 235 Umb birch trunks Fl. dan. 1556. 2 27069 mastrucatus Fries furred imbricated 1 s.n 27070 m611is Pers. soft gregarious s.n. 27071 variabilis Pers. variable gregarious s.n 27072 lateralis Fl. dan. lateral imbricated 1 su v. Cap membranous ; gills adnate or running together in one point. 27073 tr^mulus Schajf. tremulous almost sessile | au.d Gy earth Sow. 242 27074 septicus Fries putrefactive delicate au.o W decay, trun. Sow. 321. pkbe'scem 27075 applicatus Batsch applied delicate | aut.sp Cin decay, trun. Sow. 301 IV. ROSEI. Stem central ; veil none ; gills changing color ; sporidia rose-colored. 13. MOU'CEROM Bauh. Pileus fleshy, becomes depressed ; lamella long, decurrent ; odor ofnewflovr. 27076 prunulus C. 6 su Wsh cow dung Sow. 131 4 au.o Cin horse dung Bolt. pil. 57. clypeatus 3 my.n Sooty dunghills Bui. her. 58 3 spring Y dunghills Sow. 96. fldvidus 3 au.s Y dunghills Sow. 128 3 aut Wsh oak trees Bolt.pil.ll. membranao. 1 Ysh trun. of trees Sow. 166. striatus dung ; found on dunghills-) 11. 24. 2 au.o W gardens Grev. cryp. 119 5 s.o Wsh shady woods Sow. 170 6 jn.d Br trun. of trees Sow. 188. A.fimetarius 7 my.n Fer trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 76 3 au.n W horse dung 4 jl.o Cin dunghills Bolt.pil. ISS.tomentbsus 3 wet w Sooty walls Bolt. pil. 26 5 aut Wsh on Ivs in wo. 2 su Cin damp places Sow. 364 2 my.o Br dunghills Sow. 262. stercorarius 2 my.o Cin dung Bolt. pil. 39. C. 3120. GO'MPHUS Fries. GOMPHUS. (Gomphos, a club ; form.) 2. 4. 27190 glutinosus Fries glutinous solitary 3 jl.n P pine woods Sow. 7 27191 rutilus Fries red solitary 3 au.o Brsh pine woods Sow. 105 r 3121. CANTHARE'LLUS Adans. CANTHARELI,. 27192 umbonktus Pers. umbonate gregarious 27193 auranfiacus Fries orange poisonous 27194 ciblirius Fries eatable esculent 27195 cinereus Fries cinereous tufted 27196 cornucopioldes Fries cornucopia-Ik elastic Merulius purpuratus With. 27197 undulatus Fries wavy tough (Altered from French name chantarelle.} 8. 43 3 au.n Cin among moss Jac. c. 2. 16. 1 fields Jac. c. 2. 14. 5 fields Grev. cryp. 258 among moss Bolt. pil. 34. infundibui. woods Sow. 74 2 au.n Hjln 1 au.n O.Y Y Bsh Br Gg year Pa on ground Sow. 75. florifdrmis 452 CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. CLASS XXIV. 27198 lobatus Fries lobed tough \ spring Brsh humid plac. Bolt. pil. Ill .membranH. 27199 lutescens Fries lutescent spirit-scented 2 jl.n Ysh humid plac. Sow.47. A. cantharello). ; resemblance in original fungus tne/iilins.'} 1. 10. 4 year Y.Br decay, wood Sow. 113 4 year Y.Br decay, wood Bolt. pil. 74 SCHIZOPHYLLUM. (Schizo, to cut ; phyllon, a leaf ; appearance.) 1. gregarious 2 wet w Gysh trim, of trees Grev. cryp. 61 3122. MERtTLIUSHaf. DRY.ROT. (Meta, pillar 27200 lachrymans Schum. weeping parasite 2 obliquus Bol. oblique parasite 3123. SCHIZOPHY'LLUM Fries. 27201 commune Fries common 3124. D-EDA^LEA Pers. D^DALEA. 27202 tfuercina Pers. 27203 biennis Fries 27204 tetulina Pers. 27205 confrag6sa Pers. 27^06 unicolor Fries 27207 gibbosa Pers. 27208 angustata Fries Oak biennial Birch rough one-colored gibbous narrowed (D&daleus, artificial variable year 1 year smaller year woody year imbricated six inches br. two inches br. appearance of sinuosities.) 7 30 aut aut aut Pa.Y oak trees Grev. cryp. 238 Fer rotten wood Sow. 190 Pal I id birch trees Sow. 182 Brsh service trees Bolt. pil. 160 Sooty trun. of trees Sow. 325 Wsh trun. of trees Sow. 194. sinubsus Cin poplar trees Sow. 193 5125. POLY'PORUS Mich. POLYPORUS. (Polys, many, poros, a pore; under surface.) 36. 143. ^ 1. FAVOLUS Beauv. Pores ample, with four or six angles resembling a honeycomb. 27209 squambsus Files scaly 3-18 inc. wide 2 jn.n Och trun. oft rees Grev. cryp. 207 27210 heterticlitus Fries variously bent 2 inch, wide aut O on earth Bolt. pil. 164 2. MICROFORMS Beauv. Pores minute, roundish. 27211 leptocephalus Jac. small-headed one inch wide 1 aut Gy on wood Jac. m. 1. 12 27212 brumalis Pers. winter 1-4 inch wide 2 year Sooty trun. of trees Scha;ff. 281. pileus "*" trun. of trees Sow. 192 trun. of trees Dick. cr. 3. 2 old wood trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 202 Gysh trun. of trees Bolt. pil. 83 Wsh trun. of trees Sow. 368. fig. min. Ysh trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 245 Sooty roots of oaks Schteffi 127 Wsh trun. of trees Pa. Br beech trees Sow. 86. imbricatus Rsh.Y oak trees Grev. cryp. 113 Brsh birch trees Grev. cryp. 229 VVsh trun. of trees Sow. 211. stipitatus trun. of pines Sow. 226. ulbidus oak trees Grev. cryp. 14 trun. of trees Sow. 195. impuber Pa. Br trun. of trees Sow. 231. Curpinus Pallid elm trees Sow. 88 willow trun. Sow. 228 willow trun. Sow. 227 trun. of trees Sow. 229 Y.Br trun. of trees Sow. 190 pa.och trun. of trees Sow. 250. pelleporus Wsh dead pines Grev. cryp. 226 Sooty beech trees Sow. 133 trun. of trees Sow. 132 red curr. ro. trun. of trees Bolt.pil.165.rfSM/ttna/ttj fallen timber Bolt. pil. 166. 1 fallen timber Bolt. pil. 163. Prbteu* fallen bran. Grev. cryp. 155 dead trees Sow. 326. medul. panit pine woods 27213 perennis Fries 27214 strobiliformis Dick perennial cone-like thin lumpish 3 aut 2 aut Cin Br 27215 pellucidus With. pellucid two inch. br. iau Br 27216 varius Fries variable patches 2 year Br 2 lateralis Bol. lateral patches 2 year Gysl 3 nummularius Bui. Moneywort patches 2 year Wsl 27217 lucidus Fries shining variable 1 to 6 su Ysh 27218 frondusus Fries leafy broad patches 2 s.o Soot 27219 velutlnus Fries velvety thin 2 sp.aut Wsh 27220 giganteus Fries gigantic tufts 24 su Pa. I 27221 sulphureus Fries sulphur-c/d tufts 24 su Rsh. 27222 tetulinus Fries Birch acid 2 su Brsh 27223 spdmeus Fries frothy thick 3 aut Wsh 27224 cae^sius Fries grey very thin 2 aut Bsh 27225 hispidus Fries hispid spongy 6 su Fer .Boletus velutlnus Sc nu. 345 27226 cuticularis Fries cuticular imbricated 3 aut Fer 27227 addstus Fries scorched imbricated 2 aut Pa.E 27228 ulmarius Fries Elm 3-4 inch, wide aut Palli 27229 suaveolens Fries sweet-smellinj I fragrant 3 aut W 2 salicinus Fries Willow fragrant 3 aut W 27230 versicolor Fries changeable tufted 1 su.aut Bsh 27231 radiatus Fries radiated imbricated 1 aut Y.Bi 27232 pallescens Fries pallescent imbricated 2 aut pa.oci 27233 abittinus Fries Pine tree imbricated 1| aut Wsh 27234 fomentarius Fries soft spongy 6 year Soot 27235 igniarius Fries fiery hard 6 year Fer 27236 Ttt&is Fries Currant appressed | aut Fer 27237 spongiosus Fries spongy tufts 2 aut Fer 27238 medulla pan is Fries bread-crumb thick 4 aut W 27239 vulgaris Fries common fragile 12 year W 27240 ferruginous Fries rusty unequal 1 su Fer 27241 molluscus Fries molluscous variable 3 year W 27242 incarnatus Fries flesh-colored firm 3 su Pk 27243 reticulatus Nees 27244 Carmichajlz'a'/ms Grev CarmichaePs crust-like \ 3. POLYSTI'CTA. Dots superficial only. netted very delicate 2 su W pine wood Nees pilze 225 3 aut W decay, trun. Grev. cryp. 224 3126. .BOLETUS DU. 27245 luteus L. 27246 lactifluus With. 27247 piperatus Bui. 27248 variegatus Su-z. 27249 subtomentbsus L. 2 sanguineus With. 27250 luridus Scheeff. rubfeolus Sow. 27251 edulis Bui. 27252 scaber Fries 2 aurantiacus Sow. 3 bovlnus Schfeff. 27253 cyanescens Fries BOLETUS. yellow milk-flowing peppery variegated rather downy bloody lurid esculent rough Orange-cW ox-like bluish (Bolos, a mass ; globular form.) 3 inch, broad 2 aut Y woods 2-4 inches br. 2| aut Buff pastures 2iinch. hroad JA su.aut Ysh woods 4 inches br. 3 aut Dl.Y fir woods cracked 2 jn.o Ol woods cracked 2 jn.o C woods 6 inch, broad 2 su.aut Ol.G groves cracked 4 su.aut Sooty woods 3 inch, broad 4 su.aut W " woods 3 inch, broad 4 su.aut Ru woods 3 inch, broad 4 su.aut Sooty woods frosted 3 su.aut Str woods (Fistula, a pipe ; tubular.) 6 aut C oak trees 9. 20. Grev. crypt. 183 Sow. 34 Bui. her. 393 Sow. 225. commutatus Grev. cryp. 121 Sow. Ill Bolt. pil. 86. procerus Sow. 110 Sow. 175. scaber Bui. her. 369 J. Grev. cryp. 270 3127. FISTULFNA Bui. FISTULINA. 27254 hepatica Bui. liver patches 3128. /nf'DNUM Z. HYDNUM. (Hydnon, truffle. A Greek name adopted by Linnaeus.) 15. 87. I. PERPENDICULA S RIA. Stem perpendicular , cap distinct, round, nearly entire ; growing on the ground. 27255 imbricatum Z. imbricated esculent 1 s.o Umb pine woods Grev. cryp. 71 27256 repandum Z. repand esculent 1 su.aut Ysh woods Grev. cryp. 44 2 squam6sum Fries scaly esculent 1| su.aut Ysh woods Bolt. pti'.&l.imbrtcafiim 3 su.aut ~ - 27257 rufescens Pers. 27258 auriscalpium Z. rufescent eatable 3 su.aut Pksh beech woods Bolt. pil. 88. repandum ear-pick curious 2J year B pine cones Grev. cryp. 196 II. HORIZONTA\IA. Stem simple, somewhat horizontal; cap halved or out of the centre, fleshy ; growing 57259 gelatinbsum Sco. 57260 erin&ceum Bui. gelatinous hedgehog on tvood. curious J aut variable 3 o Fus W pine woods Jac. au. 2.39 beech trees Bui. her. 34 ORDER IX. CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. 453 27261 coralloldes Sea. III. OBLITERA^TUM. Cap confounded with the stem, obliterated, fleshy, growing on wood. lloldes Seo. coral- like tufts 1 aut W trun. of trees Sow. 252 27262 crispum Schceff. crisp 4 inches wide o Brsh dead wood Schteff. 147. 1 27263 ochraceum Pers. ochre-colored variable 2 year Ysh pine wood Sow. 15. Daviesn 27264 minimum Bol. least curious aut Taw rotten oak Bolt. pil. 171 V. RESUPINA^TA. Cap resupinate, effuse ; growing on wood. 27265 membranacenm Bui. membranous effused su Fer pine wood Sow. 327 27266 biirba Jbvis Bui. Jove's beard 12 inch, wide su Wsh hollow trees Sow. S'.'S 27267 spatulatum Fries spatulate very delicate year W pine trees Nees pilze 231 27268 radula Fries rasp irregular | aut Ysh. W dead bir. trun. Grev. cryp. 278 27269 ferruginbsum Pers. rusty byssoid f aut R.Br rotten trun. Nees pilze 248 3129. SISTOTRE N MA Fries SISTOTUEMA. (Sisto, to place, Lot., trema, orifice; rows of pores.) 1. 27270 confluens Pers. confluent gregarious 1 au.n Wsh way sides Grev. cryp. 248 3130. PHLE^BIA Fries PHLEBIA. (Phleps, a vein ; veiny branches.) 2. 4. 27271 vaga Fries wandering membranous 2 s.n Su alder trees 27272 merismoldes Fries Merisma-like confluent 1 aut O mossy wood Grev. cryp. 280 3131. THELE'PHORA Ehrh. THELEPH. (Thele, nipple, phoreo, to bear ; papillose surface of pileus.) 30. 75. I. 1'NTEGR.E Cap entire, with a stem, terrestrial. 27273 pannbsa Fries ragged gregarious 2 aut Pallid on ground Sow. 155 27274 caryophyllae^a Fries clove tough 1| aut Psh among grass Schreff. 325 27275 elegans Mey. elegant erect 2 aut P.Br on ground II. LATERA^LIJE. Cap lateral, somewhat stipulate, terrestrial. terrestrial gregarious 1| aut Brsh on ground Bui. l\er.268.caryophyl. li aut 27276 terrestris Fries 27277 laciniata Fries ragged gregarious Fer on ground Grev. cryp. 264 " 27278 Pkdi Pers. 27279 rubiginosa Schr. 27280 tabacina Fries III. SE'SSILES. Cap sessile, lateral ; growing on wood. road 4 aut P.Br trun. of trees Grev. cryp. year Bt.Br old oaks Sow. 26. Au.ferrugin. Bird Cherry rusty Tobacco Auricularia NicottiJnrc Bui. 174 27281 hepatica Fries 27282 hirsuta W. 27283 ochroleuca Fries 27284 purpurea Schum. 27285 zntybacea Pers. 27286 sinuans Pers. 27'->87 corylea Pers. 27288 cbrium Pers. 27289 ochracea Fries 27290 radiato-rimbsaGj 27291 sanguinolenta Fries bloody br woody elegant 234 6 su.aut Fer bran, of trees Sow. 25 liver imbricated 4 aut hairy firm 3 year pale-yellow membranous 3 aut purple wavy 3 aut Endive-like very irregular 6 au.sp sinuous gregarious 1 au.w Hazel tree imbricated 6 year leathery thin 6 aut yello ui- ochre ray-cracked very broad 12 aut confluent 4 aut bloody very gregar. 2 n Dl.Br trun. of trees Sow. 388. 2. Aur. Itzfvis Ysh trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 256 Wsh trun. of trees Sow. 349. Au. papyrinut P trun. of trees Sow. 383.1. A.persistent Rsh stumps of tr Y.Br oak branch. Och decay, hazel Buff dead trunks Grev. cryp. 147 Och rotten trun. R.Br damp fir tim. Psh dead trees Grev. cryp. 225 27292 tfuercina Pers. Oak tree brittle 6 sp.a 27293 /raxinea Pers. Ash tree thin 1 aut 27294 TSliae Pers. Lime tree irregular 2 aut 27295 epidermea Pers. 27296 incrustans Pers. cuticular incrusting irregular spreading 3 n 3 aut 27297 calcea Pers. chalky cracked 6 aut 27298 Sambilci Pers. Elder tree membranous 4 aut IV. OBLITERA^T^:. Cap obliterated, resupinate ; growing on wood. \ Bsh fallen oaks Grev. cryp. 142 Gysh dead ashes Cin woods Pa. Buff dead trunks Ysh earth,tr.,&c. W decay, wood W decay, elders Grev. cryp. 242 V. PHYLACTE^RIA Pers. Sporidia four in a row, resupinate ; growing on the earth. 27299 biennis Fries biennial plaited 4 aut Wsh on ground Bui. her. 346 VI. HIMA'NTIA Pers. Effuse, resupinate, when young byssoid; sporidiafew, innate in the hymenum. 27300 domestica Pers. household smooth b wet w Br da.pla. in ho. 27301 fusca Fries brown rugose 2 aut V.Br trun. of trees 27302 lactea Fries milk-white very thin 2 aut W trun. of trees Grev. cryp. 228 Himantia Candida Pers. VI I. LEIOSTROM A Fries. Resupinate, somewhat contiguous, smooth, or with spurious papillee ; asci none. 27303 cinferea Fries cinereous uneven 4 Cin elder tree Sow. 288 3132. MERFSMAPers. MERISMA. (Merismos, division ; branched habit.) 3. 5. 27304 tte'tida Pers. fetid tufted 3 aut P.Br woods Grev. cryp. 46 2 anthocephala Fries flower-headed stinking 2 aut Fer woods Sow. 156 27305 cristata Grev. crested crust-like 2 aut Pallid damp places Sow. 151. 27306 tuberbsa Grev. tuberous solitary 1 aut Pa damp groun. Grev. cryp. 178. 3133. CLAVA^RIA Vail. 27307 b6trytis Pers. 27308 flava Pers. 27309 coralloldes L. 27310 abietina Pers. 27311 cristata Pers. 27312 cinferea Pers. 27313 c6rnea Pers. 27314 stricta Pers. 27315 pratensis Pers. 27316 corniculkta Schceff. 27317 rugusa Bui. 27318 pistillaris Z. 27.519 Ardenwt Sow. 27320 fusiformis Sow. 27321 ceranoldes Pers. Division II. Clavdti. CLAVARIA. (Clava, a club; form.) I. CRASSICAU'LES. Much branched i stems thick. 24. I bunched yellow coral-like Pine-wood crested cinereous corneous Wsh beech woods Schasff. 76. acroporph. Y woods Schffiff. 175 W on ground Sow. 278. fig. sup. Och fir woods Grev. cryp. 117 woods Grev. cryp. 190 damp places Grev. cryp. 64 dead fir trees Sow. 40 W Cin Y much branch. 3 su delicious 3 au very smooth 3 aut gregarious 3 aut polymorph. 2J aut tufted 3 su gregarious | aut II. TENUICAU'LES. Branched; stems thin. strict thin 1 au.o Brsh trunks meadow viscid 1 aut Y meadows small-horned solitary 3 aut Y wrinkly toughish 2| aut W III. CLAVA^T^E. Simple, clavate. pestle-like largest 12 au.n Ysh beech woods Sow. 277 Lady Arden's opaque 6 s Brsh bran, of lime Sow. 215 fusiform regular tufts 3s Y among grass Sow. 224 thunderbolt-like much tufted 3 aut Ysh upon trees Sow. 235. rugo$a Gg 3 SchzefF. 286. pdlltda Bolt. pil. 114. muscoldet meadows Sow. 157. muscoldes damp earth Grev. cryp. 328 454 CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. CLASS XXIV. Sow.253. vermicularis Grev. cryp. 37 Sow. 333 27322 inaequalis Fries 27323 fragilis Pers. unequal gregarious brittle gregarious 2i aut 1 aut Y Ysh meadows damp places gracilis Sow. 232 27324 acuta Sow. acute gregarious 2 aut W upon trees 27325 fimbriata With. fringed' polymor. 2 aut W upon trees 27326 ht'lvola Pers. pale red flexuose ]|aut Y meadows 27327 vermicularis Fries worm-like crowd, tufts 3 aut W meadows & p 27328 uncialis Grev. inch very greg. 1 aut W rotten twigs 27329 setipes Grev. bristle-footed gregarious iaut W dead leaves Grev. cryp. 98 Grev. cryp. 49 3134. CALO'CERA Fries CALOCERA. (Kalos, beautiful, keras, a horn ; divisions of plants.) 2. 6. 27330 tuberosa Fries tuberous root round. 2 aut Y under bark of trees Sow. 199 27331 c6rnea Fries horny tufted jl.d Y various trees Sow. 40 3135 GEOGLO'SSUMPers. EAHTH.TOVGUE. (Ge, earth, glossa, tongue ; form.) Clavaria Sow. 4. 9. 27332 hirsiitum Pers. hairy solitary 2 aut B bogs & meadows Grev. cryp. 185 27333 glabrum Per*. smooth gregarious 1 su Bsh among grass Bolt. pil. 111. 2 27334 vis^sum Pers. viscid cylindric. 1 aut B moist meadows Grev. cryp. 55 27335 viride Pers. green gregarious 2 aut G moist meadows Grev. cryp. 211 3136. SPATULAMlIA Pers. SPATULARIA. (Spathula, a spreading knife; form of head.) 1. Clavaria Sow. 27336 flavida Pers. yellowish variable 1J aut Ysh dead leaves Grev. cryp. 165 3137. MI'TRULA Fries MITRULA. (Mitra, mitre ; form.) 1. 5. Clavaria Sow. Lebtia Pers. 27337 uliginosa Pers. marshy hollow 1 Y wet ditches Grev. cryp. 312 273.38 minuta Fries minute gregarious | su Y brae, of Dips, pilos. Sow. 391 27339 Ab'ietis Fries . Pine dry aut Cin fir woods Sow. U. ferrvgineum Lebtia Mitrula Grev. cryp. 81 ' 3138. TY'PHULA Fries TVPHULA. (Dimin. oTTypha; heads resembling in miniature.) 4.^11. Clavaria Sow. 27340 PhacorMza Fries Lentil-root flexuose 2 aut W woods Sow. 253 27341 erythropus Fries red-foot gregarious | aut W sticks and leaves Grev.cryp43.PAacor. 27342 tenuis Fries slender gregarious su Bsh on wood Sow. 386. 5 27343 filifurmis Fries filiform creeping aut Cin dead leaves Grev.cryp.93.P/,icor. 3139. PISTILLA*RIA P;*es PISTILLARIA. (Pistillum, a pestle; form.) 1. 7. Clavaria Sow . 27344 quisquiliaris Fries dead leaves gregario. aut W dead fern leaves Sow. 334. 1. obtksa Class II. UiERiVi v. ELVELLA^CE^. Division I, Mitrati. 3140. MORCHE'LLA Dil. MOREL. (Latinised from morchel, the German name of the plant.) 3. 14. 27345 esculdnta Pers. esculent eatable 3 spring Wsh on the earth Grev. cryp. 68 1 rotunda Pers. round eatable 3 spring Wsh on the earth Sow. 51. fig. sinistr. 2 vulgaris Pers. common eatable 3 spring Wsh on the earth Sow. 51. fig. dextr. 27346 patula Per*. spreading eatable 3 spring Ysh on the earth Sow. 51. fig. med. 27347 hybrida Pers. hybrid cap brown 4 spring Wsh woods Grev. cryp. 89 3141. //ELVE'LLA L. HELVELLA. (A name employed by Cicero, as the name of a fungus.) 5. 15. I. PLICA^TJS. Cap waxy, membranous, at first united, afterwards wavy in plaits. 27348 leucophae^a Pers. grey solitary 4 aut Ysh borders of fields Grev. cryp. 143 27349 mitra L. mitre-like solitary 4 aut Ld hedge banks Grev. cryp. 36 27350 esculenta Pers. esculent eatable 3 Brsh pine woods SchaefF. 160 27351 infula Schceff. mitre.litce eatable 4 aut Cin damp scorch.places Fl. dan. 835 II. SEPARA^TA. Cap somewhat membranous, smooth, always separate. 27352 elastica Fries elastic slender 4 su.aut Bsh damp places Sow. 15. fuliginbsa 3142. VE'RPA Swz. VERPA. (A Latin word synonymous with phallus.) 1. 6. 27353 c6nica Sivz. conical fistular 3 aut Br on ground Sow. 11. Relhani 3143. LEO^TIA Hill LEOTIA. (Meaning unknown.) 3. 11. 27354 infundibuliformis Fries funnel-fmd solitary 3 o Cin on ground Sow. 153 27355 nana With. dwarf subsessile ^ aut W on trees 27356 lubrica Pert. slippery gregarious 2 aut Ol moist woods Grev. cryp. 56. Division II. Cupuluti. 3144. PEZ1"Z A Dil. PEZIZA. (Pezicce, a tribe of fungi in Pliny.) 49. 300. I. ALEU^RIA Fries. Fleshy, or fleshy membranous, pruinose or scurfy, with flocculent matter; usually on earth. i. HELVELLOI'DEJE. Cupule always open, or when young conniving ; veil superficial ; sporidia with two smaller sporidia. 27357 acetabulum L. saucer clustered | spring Sooty damp woods Sow. 59 27358 badia Pers. brown tufted 1 su.aut Br grassy places Bolt. pil. 99. cochleuta 27359 leporina Batsch hare's-ear gregarious 1 au.o Brsh on ground Schaeff. 156 27360 on6tica Pers. asinine gregarious 1| au.o Brsh dead leaves Sow. 79. leporina 27361 aurantia Fl. dan. Orange beautiful f aut O sandy places Sow. 78. coccinea 27362 concinna Pers. neat very broad 1 su Lem dead'leaves io\t.pi\.n5.vesiculosa 27363 cochleata Hud. cochleate brittle 2J su.aut Y.Br fields Sow. 5 27364 cerea Sou*. waxen gregarious J su Sooty dunghills Sow. 3 27365 vesiculosa Bui. bladdery crowded 2J aut Wsh dunghills Grev. cryp. 107 27366 repanda Fries repand fleshy 1| aut Wsh on ground Grev. cryp. 59 ii. GEOPY'XIS. Cupule at first closed ; veil innate ; sporidia simple. 27367 macropus Pers. long-footed solitary 2 su.aut Cin shady woods Grev. cryp. 70 27368 tuberbsa Bui. tuberous slender 2 mr.ap Br shady woods Sow. 63 27369 cupularis L. cupped fringed aut Pa.Br scorched earth Bui. her. 396. 3 27370 argillacea Sow. argillaceous scattered aut Ysh clay Sow. 148 27371 granulata Bui. granular gregarious & su O.R cow dung Bui. her. 348. 3 27372 reticulkta Grev. netted very fine 4 spring Br on ground Grev. cryp. 156 iii. HUMA^RIA. Cupule a little fleshy, small ; veil floccose only at the edge, or fugacious , sporidia with a solitary little sporidiu'm. 27373 erecta Smv. erect patches j aut Ysh shady woods Sow 369. 10 27374 humtea Fries earth scattered fc aut C damp earth Sow. 369. 2 ORDER IX. CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. 455 iv. ENC^LIA. Membranaceous, bursting forth with a separating veil ; sporidia simple. 27375 fissa Fries split solitary winter Br hazel bark II. LA'CHNEA Fries. Waxy, hairy or villous externally ; usually on wood. i. SARCOSCYPHE. Cupule fleshy or fleshy-membranous ; crust none. 27376 coccinea Sco. scarlet subgrega. spring W dead branches Grev. cryp. 171 epidendra Sow. 27377 melastoma Sow. black-mouthed solitary Pa. Br heaths Sow. 149 27378 atro-riifa Grev. black and red solitary f aut Bk. 11 rotten sticks Grev. cryp. 315 27379 radiculata Soiv. rooting clustered su.aut Su earth in gardens Sow. 114 27380 hemisphae'rica Wig. hemispherical scattered jn.d Brsh earth in woods Sow. 147. hispida 27 >81 hirta Schum. hairy scattered & au.o Brsh earth Sow. 369. 1. hybrida 27382 cerina Pers. waxen much crowd. sp.aut Ysh decayed dry wood 2738,9 scutellata L. shielded beautiful 27384 nidulus Pers. bird's-nest punctiform aut 27385 ca;riMea Bol blue punctiform 27386 plano-umbilicata Grev. plano-umbilicat. hairy 27387 stercbrea Pers. dung 27388 albo-spadicea Greu. light red 27389 sulph urea Pers. sulphur gregarious handsome pretty sp.aut O old cow dung Br decayed stems aut Bsh pine trees su.aut W decayed nettles Taw cow dung aut R.Br bare earth aut Y decay.herbac.stems Grev. cryp. 83 Sow. 24 Bolt. pil. 108. 2 Sow. 352. equina 27390 virginea Batsch 27391 bicolor Bui. 27392 variecolor Fries 27393 am6rpha Pers. 27394 papillaris Bui. 27395 vill&sa Fries 27396 plumbea Greu. H.-DASY'SCYPHE. Cupule waxy, dry, villous ; crust none ; epiphytes. virgin ivhite solitary & aut two-colored beautiful ^ aut various-colored gregario. year shapeless depressed aut pirnpled gregarious year villous crowded aut leaden crowded aut W rotten sticks W larch twigs Ysh rotten wood Och dead branches W upon wood Sow. 177 W dead herbac. stems Sow. 389. 1. sessilis Sow. 65. nivea Sow. 17 Sow. 178. hydnoidea Ful.ol rotten wood Grev. cryp. 1 1 iii. TAPE^SIA. Cupule waxy or coriaceous, seated on a downy crust. 27397 an6mala Pers. anomalous crowded year 1)1. Y fallen branches Sow. 3fi9. 3. rugbsa 27398 domestica Sow. domestic minute year Ru damp walls Sow. 351 27399 Wauchw Grev. Wauch's beautiful^ aut Pa.Br dead wood Grev. cryp. 139 27400 fiisca Pers. brown spots Gy dead branches Grev. cryp. 192 III. PHIA X LEA Pers. Waxy or membranous, rarely gelatinous, smooth, naked ; on wood. i. HYMENOSCYPHE. Cupule somewhat membranous, distinctly stalked ; hymenium distinct. 27401 firma Pers. firm gregarious 1 aut Och. Br rotten sticks Sow. 115. ochroleuc 27402 vinosa Alb. wine-like minute aut R dead branches 27403 Perso6nw Moug. 27404 fructigena Bui. Persoon's aggreg. g aut R bogs on .Equisetum Grev. cryp. 162 fruit-borne clustered aut Ysh nuts, &c. in woods Sow. 117 27405 serotina Pers. late clustered spring Y damp shady places Bolt. pil. 93 27406 inflexa Bol. inflexed gregarious aut Wsh rotten sticks Sow. 306 27407 campanula Nees be\\-s/taped gregarious aut W rotten sticks Nees pilze 295 27408 pedicellata Sow. stalked solitary $ aut Wsh rotten sticks Sow. 3f>9. 4 ii. CALYci* 27409 tuba Bol. Cupule fleshy, waxy, firm, obconical, somewhat stalked ; hymenium distinct. tubular gregarious aut Y fallen branches Bolt. pil. 106. 1 27410 calyculus Sow. small-cupped gregarious f aut O.Br rotten wood Sow. 116 27411 aruginosa Pers. verdigrise destruct. su.aut Bt.G damp wood Grev. cryp. 241 Uggleved Swed. 27412 Aspegren^ Fries Aspegren's gregarious f aut Ysh damp wood Sow. 369. 7. bicolor 27413 citrina Batsch Lemon-colored crowded aut Y fallen branches Sow. 150. aurea cyatholdes With. 27414 pallescens Pers. pallescent numerous f aut Pa.Y old trees Sow. 151. citrina 27415 tricolor Sow. three-colored scattered aut Sooty trunks of trees Sow. 369. 6. 27416 campanula Nees bell delicate & aut W dead twigs Nees pilze, 38. 295 27417 cribrosa Grev. sieve-like curious 1 aut Bl sandy places 27418 claroflava Grev. bright- yellow punctiform aut Y decayed wood 27419 punctata Grpens Pers. creeping effused year Bk dead branches Sow. 372" 11 27474 rambsa Sow. branching plane aut Bk dead wood Sow. 395. 1 V. GLEB6s.E Schmidt. Compound, determinate, separating from the subjacent body ; perithecia large. 27475 deusta Hofm. scorched unequal aut Brsh rotten stumps Grev. cryp. 324 27476 succenturiata Tode substituted oblong year Bk dead branches Sow. 394. 8 27477 nummularia Dec. money effused year Bk dead wood Sow. 3/3 VI. LiGN^SjE Schmidt. Compound, determinate, adhering to the subjacent body ; bursting forth. 27478 bullata Ehrh. studded gregarious spring Bk dead branches Sow. 216 27479 undulata Pers. wavy broad year Bk dead branches Grev. crvp. 223 27480 stigma Hofm. dot effused year Bk dead branches Grev. cryp. 223 27481 disciformis Hofm. disk-shaped gregarious year Br.Bk dead branches Grev. cryp. 314 27482 verrucitformis/TArA. wart-shpd gregarious aut Bk dead branches 2V4S3 flavovlrens Hofm. yellow green gregarious year Bk dead branches Grev. cryp. 320 27484 immersa Sow. immersed effused year Bk dead hazel Sow. 374. 1 27485 uda Pers. moist sub-immers. year Bk dead wood Sow. 374. 4 VII. VERSA'TILES Fries. Compound, determinate, adhering, at length bursting forth ; perithecia scattered. 27486 irregularis Sow. irregular prominent aut Brsh dead wood Sow. 374. 9 27487 ouercina Pers. Oak gregarious aut Bk dead oak branches Nees pilze 321 27488 ferruginea Pers. rusty gregarious year Bk decayed hazel Pers. obs. 1. 5. 1 27489 elliptica Grev. elliptical gregarious year R.Br dead beech Grev. cryp. 114 ' VIII. COVCRESCE'NTES Fries. Compound, effused, indeterminate, adhering ; the perithecia only emerging. 27490 IHa Pers. broad effused year Bk dead wood Sow. 373. 9 27491 millikria Fries thousand effused year Gy dead wood 27492 velata Pers. veiled broad aut Bk dead branches Sow. 373. 10 IX. CIRCUMSCRI'PT*: Fries. Compound ; perithecia convergingin an entire receptacle, distinct from epidermis, 27493 spinbsa Pers. prickly effused year Bk rotten wood Pers. syn. 2.9 27494 Prunastri Pers. Plum gregarious year Bk dead sloe branches 2/495 Sorbi Schmidt Mountain Ash roundish year Bk dead mountain ash 27496 corniculata Ehrh. horned sub-immers. yoar Bk dead branches ORDER IX. CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGL 457 X. INCURS* Fries. Compound ; perithecia converging; stroma dimidiate, adnate with the epidermis. 27497 nivea Hofm. snowy pulverulent year W dead branches Sow. 219 27498 leucostoma Pers. pale-mouthed imbedded year W dead branches Sow. 372. 7 XI. OBVALLA'VE Fries. Compound ,- stroma spurious ; orifices collected into a disk. 27499 lei pha2 x mia Fries pale cortical spring Pa dead oak branches Sow. 218? 27500 salicina Pers. Willow circular year Wsh dead willow Tode fun. 107 XII. CIRCINAYE Pers. Nearly simple ; perithecia in a circle beneath the epidermis. 27501 pulch^lla Pers. pretty depressed year Bk dead beeches Grev. cryp. 67 2750-2 quatermita Pers. quaternate circinnate year Bk dead branches 7503 conve>gens Tode convergent subimmers.O year Bk dead branches Sow. 374. 6 XIII. C/EspiTos^E Pers. Perithecia tufted on a subjacent stroma. 27504 cinnabarina Tode 27505 coccinea Pers. 27506 Btbis Tode 27507 /.aburni Pers. 27.508 Bei-bMAis Pers. 27509 cupularis Pers. 27510 Faccinii Sow. 27511 nidula Sow. 27512 -Pinastri Grev. vermilion scarlet Currant .Laburnum Berberry cup-shaped Whortle-berry tufted nest-like tufted Pinaster tufted prominent tufted tufted tufted tufted tufted & year R dead branches Grev. cryp. 135 year R dead trunks Sow. 255 year Br.R dead currant Tode fun. 103 year Bk dead laburnum Nees pilze 325 year Bk dead berberry Grev. cryp. 84 dead branches Pers. syn. 1.9 dead whortle-berry Sow. 373. 1 bean roots Sow. 394. 2 winter Bk winter Bk year Bk year Dk.R dead spruce branches Grev. cryp. 50 XIV. CONFLUE'NTES Fries. Perithecia emerging from the stroma, at length confluent. 27513 elongata Fries long black cracks year Bk furze branches Grev. cryp. 195 27514 melogramma Pers. black-lined lines spring Bk dead beeches Bui. her. 492. XV. SER.I A V IVE Fries. Perithecia immersed in the stroma, in parallel lines. 27515/ilicina Fries Fern lines spring Bk dead brake stems Sow. 394. 10 27516 Junci Fries Rush interrupt, lines year Bk dead rushes 27517 striasformis Fries channel-fmd crowd, lines aut Bk dead herb stems 27518 rtrundinacea Sow. Reed confl. lines spring Bk dead reed stems Sow. 336 27519 nebulosa Pers. cloudy dim spots spring Gy dead herb stems Nees pilze 341 XVI. Co.vFE'nTjE Fries. Stroma little or none ; perithecia innate in the substance of leaves, crowded, 27520 Graminis Fries Grass confl.patch. aut Bk dead grass leaves Nees pilze 314 27521 fimbriata Pers. fringed little mass aut Bk hornbeam leaves 27522 Curyli Bntsch Hazel circles su Bk live hazel leaves Grev. cryp. 330 27523 blfrons Schmidt two-fronted scattered year Bk dead oak leaves Sow. 373. 4 XVII. BYSSISE N DJE Fries. Simple , perithecia glabrous, on a subjacent tomentose stratum. 27524 aurantia Pers. Orange-eld byssoid aut O decaying fungi, &c. Grev. cryp. 78 27525 rose! la A. Sf S. pink byssoid pat. aut Pk moist wood, c. Grev. cryp. 138 27526 byssiseda Tode flax-like patches spring Gy.Br dead wood Tode fun. 69 27527 tristis Tode melancholy byss. spots spring Bk dead trunks Pers. ic. pict. 12. 5 XVIII. ViLL6s,E Fries. Simple , perithecia hairy or downy. wood emerging year Bk dead wood Grev. cryp. 82 fleecy moist year Wsh rotten wood Sow. 373. 12 hairy aut Pa hairy spring Bk broad aut Bk 27528 lignaria Grev. 27529 ovina Pers. 27530 canescens Pers. 27531 biformis Pers. 27532 Hacbdium Pers. 27533 hirsuta Fries 27534 crinUa Pers. 27535 pili'isa Pers. 27536 hispida Tode 27537 calva Tode cancscent two- formed Racodium hirsute hairy pilose hispid bald rotten wood ground, and rotten wood Sow. 373. 7 dead wood aggregated aut Bk dead wood Sow. 386. 3 ? imbedded year Bk soft decayed wood short-hair. aut Bk dead wood Pers. ic. pict. 10. 9 scattered aut Bk dead branches Tode fun. 84 shining aut Bk dead branches Tode fun. 10. 83 XIX. DENUDA YE Fries. Simple; perithecia glabrous, rounded at the base. 7538 aurea Grev. golden crowded aut O S7539 Pezlza Pers. Pezi/a little clust. aut R 27540 sanguinea Sib. blood-red minute spring 11 27541 aff inis Grev. allied parasitic aut R 27542 epispha2 x ria Tode upon SphzeYia punctiform spring R 27543 pomiformis Pers. apple-shaped minute year Bk 27544 mamma?for mis Pers. nipple-shpd large year Bk 27545 bombarda Batsch 'musket long | year Bk 27546 spermoldes Hofm. seed-like crowded aut Bk 27547 moriformis Tode mulberry-shpd wrinkled year Bk 27548 verruobsa Grev. warty scattered aut Bk 27549 pulvis pyrius Pers. chimney-dust crowded year Bk 27550 pulveracea Ehrh. dusty crowded year Bk 27551 myriocarpa Friet myriad-ftd shining yeat Bk decayed large fungi Grev. cryp. 47 dead wood Grev. cryp. 186 dead wood Grev. cryp. 175 Bangz'rt atrovirens Grev. cryp. 186 SphaeYia stigma Grev. cryp. 175 dead wood Sow. S93. 7 rotten wood Sow. 236 rotten wood Nees pilze 357 rotten stumps Grev. cryp. 6 dead branches Sow. 337. 373. 2 dead Polyp, abietina Grev. cryp. 39 dead wood Grev. cryp. 152 dead wood dead wood Grev. cryp. 152 XX. PERTI^SA Fries. Simple ; perithecia glabrous, flattened at the base. 27552 nucula Fries small nut minute year Bk oak trunks XXI. CERATOSTOM/E Fries. Simple, sitbimmersed ; mouth cylindrical, elongated, free. 27553 pilifera Fries hair-bearing naked year Bk dead 'pine wood Nees pilze 354 27554 cirrhosa Pers. tendrilled emerging year Bk soft dead wood Pers. ic. pict. 24. 3 XXII. OBTE'cTjE Fries. Simple, quite immersed, protruding a neck which contains the orifice. 27555 eiitypa Fries well marked minute spotO year Bk dead branches Sow. 217 27556 ditopa Fries double volva minutediskO spring Bk dead alder branches 27557 vibratilis Fries quivering concealed aut Bk dead plum branches 27558 inquinans Tode staining black spot aut Bk dead branches Sow. 372.5 XXIII. OBTURATE Fries. Simple, innate, at length bursting from the epidermis. 27559 Lonteene Sow. Honeysuckle cracks year Bk dead honeysuckle branches Sow. 393. 6 27560 strobillna Holm cone irregular year Bk dead fir cones XXIV. SUBTE'CT* Fries. Simple, innate, the upper part at length exposed. 27561 Tamariscinus Grev. Tamarisk immersed " " year Bk 27562 semi-immersa Pers half-immers. shining year Bk 27563 sphzerocephalaStAtw/n. globe-headed grega. year Bk 27564 sepincola Fries hedge-inhabiting minute year Bk 27565 arbuticola Sow. Arbutus dwell, confluent year Bk 27566 Taxi Sow. Yew distinct year Bk 27 567 atro.virens Tode () dark-green wrinkled year Gy XXV. CAULI'COL-E Fries. Simple, concealed, at length exposed by the deciduous epidermis, j 27568 acuminata Sow. pointed gregarious year Bk dead thistle stems Sow. 394. 3 27569 curvirostra Sow;, crooked-beaked gregarious year Bk dead Umbelliferae Sow. 373.5 27570 acuta Hofm. acute dot-like year Bk dead Umbelliferss Grev. cryp. 239 dead Tarn. germ. Grev. cryp. 45 dead honeysuckle dead branches Sow. 375. 2 ? dead branches Sow. 370. 5 dead /irb. UV. U'rsi Sow. 370. 6 dead yew leaves Grev. cryp. 13 dead box leaves,&c. 458 CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. CLASS XXIV. 27571 millepunctataGrw. 1000-dotted 27572 complanata Tode flat 27573 doliolum Pen. little-cask 27574 Plsi Sow. Pea 27575 herbarum Pers. herbs 27576 nigrella Fries blackish minute year Bk punctiform year Bk conical year Bk scattered winter Bk punctiform year Bk long spots spring Bk dead ash branches Grev. cryp. 201 dead herb stems Tode fun. 88 dead herb stems Grev. cryp. 239 dead peas haulm Sow. 393. 8 dead herb stems dead hemp nettle Fries obs. 4. 2 XXVI. FOLII'COL/E Fries. Simple, adnate, concealed, not on a circumscribed spot ; epiphyllous. 27577 tubaf6rmis Tode 27578 gnomon Tode 27579 set\cea Pers. 27580 Solani Pers. Potato punctiform aut 27581 potiolorumSc/?m. petioles rigid aut 27582 dfiplex Sow. double immersed aut 27583 //dera Sow. Ivy scattered year 27584 .E'mpetri Fries Crake-berry punctiform year 27585 microscopica Grey, microscopic dot-like sp. year tube-shaped scattered winter Br gnomon punctiform winter Bk bristly minute winter Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk Bk 27586 maculasformisP^rs. spot-shaped punctiform year 27587 punctiformis Pers. dot-shaped shining year 27588 ./Egopodii Pers. Gout-weed spots aut 3158. VERMICULA V RI A Tode VERMICULARIA. (Vermiculus, little worm ; arrangement of seeds) 1. 5. 27589 trichella Fries small hairy minute aut Bk dead ivy leaves Grev. cryp. 345 dead tree leaves Grev. cryp. 335 dead hazel leaves Grev. cryp. 333 dead leaves rotten potatoes dead leaf-stalks dead reed-mace, &c. Sow. 375. 4. 394. 7 dead ivy leaves Sow. 371. 5 dead crake-berry leaves dead Port, laurel leaves dead leaves Sow. 370. 7 dead oak leaves, &c. dying gout-weed leaves 3159. DOTHI'DEA Fries DOTHIDEA. (Dothien, a tubercle, eidos, similar.) 8. 54. year Bk dead R. currant stems Nees pilze 312 su Bk dead birch leaves Grev. cryp. 200 aut IronGy dead elm leaves Grev. cryp. 200 aut Bk dead brake leaves Reb. neo. 1. 3 su Bk live Geran. leaves aut Bk dead Umbelliferee aut Bk live alder leaves Grev. cryp. 146 su Bk live Geran. Robert. Grev. cryp. 146 3160. POLYSTI'GMA Pers. POLYSTIGMA. (Polys, many, stigma, a mark.) 2. 27598 r&brum Pers. red innate aut R live sloe leaves Grev. cryp. 120 27599 f&lvum Pers. '* fulvous innate aut Br.R live bird-cherry leaves 27590 ribesia Fries 27591 Aetulina Fries 27592 t/'lmi Fries 27593 Pt^ridis Fries 27594 Gerknii Fries 27595 Himantia Fries 27596 alnea Fries 27597 Kobertiana Fries Currant elliptical Birch shining Elm convex Brake irregular Geranium spots Himantia broad Alder numerous Herb Robert shining Class II. PHACIDIA^CEI. 3161. TY'MPANIS Tode TYMPANIS. (Tympanon, a drum ; resemblance of the young velum.) 2. 8. 27600 'lnea Fries Alder 27601 conspe"rsa Fries sprinkled 3162. CENANGrUMjFVtes CENANGIUM. 27602 Prunastri Fries Plum tufted 27603 Crasi Fries Cherry variable 27604 Aucupariaj Fries MountainAsh tufted 27605 ferruginosum Fries rusty tufted 27606 ^uercinum Fries Oak minute crowded waved spring Bk year Gy aut aut year 3163. HETEROSPHJE^RIA Grev. HETEROSPH^ERIA. (Heteros, variable, sphaira, sphere.) 27607 patella Grev. dish dead alder branches dead branches Grev. cryp. 3. 38 (Kenos, empty, aggeion, vessel.) 5. 30. aut Bk dead plum branches year Bk dead cherry branc. Pers. ic. pict. 10. 1 Gy dead mountain ash R.Br. on dead firs Grev. cryp. 197 Bk.Gy dead oak branches Sow. 373. 3. -2. shining year Bk dead herb stems Grev. cryp. 103 3164. LCTPHIUM Fries LOPHIUM. (Lophion, a hillock ; completely evolved.) 2. 3. 27608 elatum Grev. tall scattered & year Bk pine bark Grev. cryp. 177 27609 my til mum Fries limpet-shaped crustaceousO year Bk pine bark Grev. cryp. 177 3165. RHYTI'SMA Fries^ RHYTISMA. (Rhytis, a wrinkle j plants.) Xylbma of authors. 6 27610 corrugatum Fries wrinkled gregarious year Bk 27611 Andr6med Fries Andromeda shining aut Bk 276l2salicinum Fries Willow solid spots aut Bk 27613 acerinum Fries Maple broad spots su Bk 27614 punctatum Fries dotted gregarious su Bk 27615 Urtlcss Fries Nettle broad spots aut Bk crust of lichens L. gramif. live wild rosemary liv.Sal caprae^alvs Grev. cryp. 118 liv. sycamore Ivs Grev. cryp. 118 liv. sycamore Ivs dead nettle stems (Hysteresis, penury; appearance of infested trees.) 16. 52 3166. PHACI'DIUM Fries PHACIDIUM. (Phakos, a lentil, eidos, similar.) 4. 20. 27616 coronatum Grev. crowned black spot year Bk dead oak leaves Grev. cryp. 52 27617 dentatum Schmidt toothed white spot year Bk oak leaves 27618 Pini Fries Fir disk-like year Bk Scotch fir trunks Nees pilze 399 27619 .Bubi Fries Bramble confluent spring Bk raspberry leaves 3167. HYSTE^RIUM Tode HYSTERIUM. 27620 lineare Fries linear lines year Bk 27621 maculire Fries pale spotted blotches aut Bk 27622 flabi Pers. Bramble-*wrf lines aut Bk 27623 fohicolum Fries leaf-inhabiting dot-like spring Bk 27624 melaleucum Fries blk & white dot 27625 pulicare Pers. 27626 Fraxini Pers. 27627 ^uercinum Pers. flea-like Ash Oak 27628 angustatum Pers. narrowed 27629 Pinastri Pers. 27630 Juniperi Grev. 27631 gramineum Pers. 27632 varium Fries 27633 degenerans Fries Pinaster Juniper Grass variable inconstant 27634 orundinaceum Schr. Reed au very grega. year corneous year gregarious yaar minute ' year scattered year spots year gregarious year unequal year emerging year Bk Bk Bk Grev. cryp. 167 Grev. cryp. 129 innate spring Bk dead wood dead leaves bramble branches Grev. cryp. 24 common ivy leaf Grev. cryp. 129 Vac. ritis idae^a Grev. cryp. 88 rugged oak bark Grev. cryp. 167 dead ash branches Grev. cryp. 72 Gy.Br dead oak branches Dl.Bk dead wood & stumps Bk dead Scotch fir Ivs Grev. cryp. GO dead juniper leaves Grev. cryp. 26 dead grass leaves Grev. cryp. 87 oak bark Grev. cryp. 233 dead bog whortle-berry branches dead reed culms Sc.'sam. 2. 3. 3 dead fir cones Bk Bk Bk Bk 27635 conigenum Moug. cone-sprung punctiform year Bk 3168. EXCI'PUL A Fries EXCIPULA. (Excipio, to catch ; roughness to the touch.) 1. 6. 27636 .Shbi Fries Bramble punctiform aut Bk dead raspberry stem Grev. cryp. 334 Class III. CY'TISPO' > REI. 3169. SPHJERONJFMA Fries. SPHJJRON^MA. (Sphairc, sphere, naima, gelatine ; receptacle) 1. 15. 27637 subulatum Fries awl-shaped spiculiform & aut Cin on agarics Grev. cryp. 189 ORDER IX. CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. 3170. SEPTCPRIAF>7 MA Fries LEPTOSTROMA. 27651 scirpinum Fries Rush 27652 caricinum Fries Sedge 27653 /ilicinum Fries Fern 27654 SpiraAe Fries Spiraea (Leptos, thin, stroma, a layer ; consistence.) 4. 9. spots Bk Scirpus lacfistris Fries obs. 1. 6 punctiform spring Bk dead leaves of Carices Fries obs.2. 7. 4 elongated aut Bk stalks of ferns irregular spring Bk stalks of Spiral 3177. ECTOSTRCTMA Fries ECTOSTROMA. 27655 /'ridis Fries Iris oblong 27656 Lauri Fries Laurel very thin (Ektos, without, stroma, a layer.) su Bk leaves of 7. Pseudac. aut Bk dead laurel leaves 2. 10 3178. ASTERO^MA Dec. ASTEROMA. (Aster, a star.) 6. ? 27657 I I hni Grev. Elm pale spots year Bk living elm leaves 27658 Alchemtlla: Grev. Lady'sMantle pale spots year Bk living AlchemlUa Ivs 27659 Prunella Presl Self-heal radiating su Bk Prunella vulg. Ivs 276f>0 P adi Grev. Bird-cherry radiating su Br live bird-cherry Ivs 27661 P^ri Grev. Apple tree spreading su Br live apple-tree Ivs 27662 fraxini Grev. Ash very fine su Bk live ash leaves TRIBE III. GASTEROMYCE^TES. Class I. ANGIOGA'STRES. Division I. Phalloidece. 3179. PHA'LLUSMr. PHALLUS. (Phallos, Gr. ; resemblance.) 2. 9. 276,>3 fte'tidus Pers. fetid Morel fetid 8 su Wsh woods & hedges Grev. cryp. 213. & 214 27664 caninus Hud. dog smaller 4 aut Pk rotten hazel trunks Sow. 330 3180. BATTA'RR.E^ Pers. BATTARRKA. 27665 phalloides Pers. Phallus-like long (A. J. Baftarra, a cryptogamic botanist.) 1. 7 aut Br banks Sm. spic. 1. 12. Division II. Tuberdcei. 3181. 7TPBER MX. TRUFFLE. (An ancient Roman name for a fungus.) 2. 5. 27666 cibarium Sibth. food esculent 1 winter Bk under ground Bui. her. 356 27667 albidum CCES. whitish less fragrant | su.aut Wsh underground 3182. RHIZOPOX3ON Fries RHIZOPOGOX. (Ehizn, root, pogon, beard.) 1. *. 27668 albus Fries white flocculcnt \ aut W.R way sides Bui. her. 404 Lycoperdon gibbosura Dick. Division III. Nidulariacei. 3183. NTDULA^RIA Bui. NIDULARIA. i. (NHifs,nest; plants consist of cups containing egg-like seeds.) 3.-12. 766!) striata Bui. striated gregarious | aut Br rotten leaves Sow. 29. hirsuta 27670 campaimlata Sib. bel'-shaped flocculent | aut Gy rotten wood Sow. 28 27671 Crucibulum Pers. crucible coriaceous j aut Ysh dead wood Grev. cryp. 34 3184. MYRIOCO'CCUM Fries MYRIOCOCCUM. (Mt/rios, myriad, kokkos, berry.) 27672 pra; x cox Fries early confluent spring W dead leaves 3185. POLY ANGrUM Lk. POLYANGIUM. (Polys, many, apgeion, a capsule; peridium.) 1 27673 vitelllnum Lk. yo\k-colored gregarious aut Y damp trunks Nees pilze 131 Division IV. Carpoboli. 3186. ATRACTO'BOLUS Tode ATUACTOBOLHS. (Atraktos, a spindle, boleo, to eject.) 1. 27674 ubiquit&rius Tode universal powdery year W wood, stones, &c. Tode fun. 9 318V. THELE'BOLUS Tode THELEBOLT-S. 27675 store?) reus Tode dung gregarious (Thde, a nipple, boleo, to eject.) & au.sp Ysh cow dung 1. -3. Nees pilze 363 460 CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. CLASS XXIV. 3188. SPH.ERO'BOLUS Tode 27676 stellatus Tode starry SPH.EROBOLUS. (Sphaira, a sphere, boleo, to eject.) 1. 2. emerging -L su.aut Pa.Y dead wood, &c. Grev. cryp. 158 3189. FILO'BOLUS Tode PILOBOLUS. 27677 crystallinus Tode pellucid fugacious 2 r6ridus Pers. dewy fugacious (Pilos, a cap, boleo, to eject.) | year JBk horse dung i year PI horse dung Bolt, pil 133. 1 Bolt. pil. 133. 4. Class II. TRICHOSPE'RMI. Division I. Sclerodermei. 3190. SCLERODE'RMA Pers. SCLERODERMA. (Skleros, hard, derma, a skinj nature of coat.) 4. 14. 27678 verrucbsum Pers. warty handsome 5 aut Y.Br plantations Grev. cryp. 48 27679 Cepa Pen. Onion surf.variab.2 aut Y.Br plantations Grev. cryp. 66 Tuber solidum With. 27680 citrinum Pers. lemon-eld tessellated 2 aut Pa.Y about oak roots Bolt. pil. 116 27681 spadiceum Pers. light red tessellated 1 su Pa.Br beech trunks Schasff. 188 Division II. Lycoperdinei. 3191. LYCOPE'RDON MX. PUFF-BALL. (Lykos, a wolf, perdo, crepito ; application not known.) 5. 11. 27682 Bovista Pers. Bovista turbinate 3 aut Wsh pastures Sow. 332. Proteus 27683 pratnse Pers. meadow | subterra. 2 su.aut W pastures Bui. her. 435. 2 27654 excipulifi'jrme Pers. Excipula-lk chan. to br. 2 aut W pastures Bui. her. 430 2 27655 pyriforme Pers. pear-shaped tufted 1| su.aut Pa.Br about tree stumps Grev. cryp. 304 27686 perlatum Pers. pearled tufted 3 aut W woods FL dan. 1120 3192. BOVISTA Pers. BOVISTA. 27687 nigri^scens Pers. nigrescent 27688 gigantea Nees gigantic (Latinised from bqftst, its German name.) 2. 4. becom. blk. 2 su.aut W pastures Sow. 331 cracking 12 su.aut Y.W pastures Grev. cryp. 336 3193. GEA'STRUM MX. GEASTRUM. (Ge, the earth, aster, a star ; stellate appearance.) 4. 5. 27689 coliforme Pers. distaff-shaped subsolitary 2 aut Brsh pastures Dick cr. 3. 4. Lycoperd. 27690 Woodward* Pers. Woodward's subsolitary 1 aut D. Br dry hanks Bry.hist.l9.LycoptVrfon 27691 quadrifidum Pers. quadrifid subsolitary 2 aut Wsh pine woods Schaeff ittS.L.forniciitum 27692 multifidum Pers. many-cleft subsolitary sp.aut Br moors Grev. cryp. 306 Lycoperdon rec6lligens Woodw. 3194. TULO'STOMA Pers. TULOSTOMA. (Tulos a wart, stoma, the mouth ; nature of orifice.) 1. 3. 27693 brumalc Pers. winter subsolitary 1 au.o W.Br pastures Grev. cryp. 340 Division III. Physnrei 3195. LYCO'G ALA MX. LYCOGALA. (Lykos, a wolf, gala, milk ; early state like a mass of thick cream.) 1. ? 27694 miniata Pers. vermilion granular sp.aut R rotten wood Grev. cryp. 38 3196 DIDY'MIUMScAr. DIDVHIUM. (Didymas, double; inner and outer peridium.) 1. ? 27695 globfjsum Lk. globose sessile | aut Gy dead leaves Grev.cryp.l22..DjWri. 3197. PHYSARUMP<>rs. PHYSARUM. 27696 sulcltum Lk. 27697 nutans Pers. 27698 nigripes Lk. 27699 viride Pers. 27700 leucopus Lk 27701 aureum Pers. (Physa, a bladder ; appearance of peridium.) 6. ? furrowed weak sp.aut Gy rotten wood nodding weak J aut Gy rotten wood black-stmd firm aut D.Gy rotten wood green rather weak aut Y.G rotten wood white-stmd very stiff aut Gl dead beech wood golden gregarious -fa sp.aut Y decaying trunks Bui her. 407. 3 Stur. deu. 42 Bui. her. 481. 1. Grev. cryp. 125 3198. LEOCA'RPUS Lk. LEOCARPUS. (Leios, smooth, karpos, fruit ; peridium.) 1. ? 27702 vernicbsus Lk. varnished encrusted | aut R.Br stems of grasses Grev. cryp. Ill Lycoperdon fragile Sow. 3199. LEANGrUMi*. LEANGIUM. (Leios, smooth, aggeion, a vessel ; peridium.) 2. 27703 floriforme Lk. flower-like scattered & aut Y decaying trunks Bui. her. 371 27704 Trevelyam Grev. Trevelyan's scattered -fa aut Pa.Br leaves of mosses Grev. cryp. 132 5200. PERICH^NA Fries PEHICHJE.YA. (Peri, around, ischano, to compress.) 2. 4. 27705 strobilina Fries Fir-cone crowded tW year Br cones of P. .4'bies Grev. cryp. 275 27706 populina Fries Poplar gregarious . STEMONTTIS Pers. STEMOMTIS. (Stemon, a stamen ; form of some species.) 2 ? 27719 fasciculata Pers. fascicled dense f su.aut Bk.Br rotten wood Grev crvn 170 TrJchianftdaSow. 27720 papillata Pers. pimpled scattered j aut D.Br rotten wood Nees pilze 10. 118 3207. CRIBRA^RIA Schr. CRIBUARIA. (Cribrum, a sieve; upper part of peridium.) 1 ? 27721 micropus Schr. small-stmd pin-headed -fa aut Br pine trunks Sc. gen. nov. 2. 1-2 3208. DICTY'DIUM Schr. DICTYDIUM. (Diktyon, a net, eidos, similar ; peridium.) l._? 27722 cernuum Nees drooping pin-headed ^ year Bk rotten wood Grev. cryp. i, cryp. 153 Class III. TRICHODERMA'CEI., Division I. (Ethallni. 5209. SPUMA S RIA Pers. SPUMARIA. (Spuma, froth ; appearance.) 1. ? 27723 Mucilago Pers. Mucilage frothy 1 aut Br rotten wood, grass, &c. Grev. cryp. 267 3210. JETHA^LIUM Lk. ^ETHALIUM. (Aithales, splendid ; appearance.) 12 27721 flavum Lk. yellow flocculent 1 aut Y.Br on bark in stoves Grev. cryp. 272 3211. RETICULA X RIA Bui. RETICULARIA. (Reticulum, a net ; appearance.) 2. ? 27725 argentea Bui. silvery fragile f aut W rotten wood, &c. Grev. cryp. 106 27726 minuta Grev. minute fragile aut W dead leaves and sticks Grev. cryp. 40 Division II. Trichodermei. 3212. AMPHISPOMIIUM Lk. AMPHISPORIUM. (Amphl, on either side, spora, a sporule.) I. 27727 versicolor Lk. changeable spots winter Y hyacinths in glasses Nees pilze 100 3213. INSTITA V LE Fries INSTITALE. (Instila, a fringe ; appearance of plants.) 2. 27728 racliata Fries radiating woolly aut Br on plastered walls Sow. 145 27729 agariciformis Fries Mushr.-like downy & aut Br rotten wood Sow. 146 Lycoprdon radiatum and agariciforme Sow. Division III. Pilicrini. 3214. ASTERO'PHORA Dit. ASTEROPHOHA. (Aster, star, phoreo, to bear.) 1. 27730 lycoperiioldes Dit. Puff-ball-like woolly 1 aut Rsh rotten mushrooms Bui. her. 519. 1 3215. ONY GEN A Pers. ONVGE.VA. (Onyx, hoof, genos, offspring ; on hoofs and horns of animals.) 1. 3. 27731 equlni Pers. horse-hoof minute | aut Wsh decaying hoofs.and Grev. cryp. 343 similar substances Division IV. Myrothedi. 3216. DICHOSPO^PiIUM Nees DICHOSPORIUM. (Dicha, double, spora, sporule ; double coat of peridium.) 1. 27732 aggrej,Atum Nees clustered spots aut Bk bark of trees Nees pilze 99 Spumaria physaro'ides Pers. 3217. MYROTHE V CIUM Tode MYROTHECIU.M. (Myro, to distil, theke, thecium.) 1. 3. 27733 Carmichaelw Grev. Carmichael's gregarious aut W rotten bog matter Grev. cryp. 140 3218. TRICHODE'RMA Pers. TRICHODERMA. (Thrix, hair, derma, skin ; downy covering.) 1.? 27734 viride Pers. green pulvinate J aut W.Gr dead branches Grev. cryp. 271 Class IV. ScLERoiiA v CEu. Division I. Rhizogbnei. 3219. RHIZOCTCTNIA Dec. RHIZOCTONIA. (Rhiza, root, htcino, to destroy ; roots it grows on.) 1.3. 27735 Croc6rum Dec. Crocus-blight clustered year Rsh saffron roots Nees pilze 135 Division II. Apiosporei. 3220. CHdSTO'MIUM Kunze CH^TOMUIM. (Chaite, a bristle; hairy appearance of plants.) 1. 3. 27736 elatum Kunze tall bristly -fa aut Bk damp straw, &c. Grev. cryp. 230 3221. 1LLOSPO N RIUM Mart. ILLOSPORIUM. (Hlo, to envelope, sporos, a sporule.) 1. ? 27737 ruseum Fries rosy minute aut Pk on Borrera ciliaris, &c. Grev. cryp. 51 Division III. Sclerotii. 3222. PERICPLA Fries PERIOLA. (Peri, about, ioulos, down ; appearance.) 1. 27738 tomentosa Fries downy scattered | spring W potato roots 3223. SPERMOFDI A Fries ERGOT. (Speima, seed, oideo, to swell ; diseased seeds.) 1. 2. 27739 clavus Fries spike, horn-shpd nauseous su Bksh glumes of grasses 3224 ACROSPE RMUM Tode ACROSPERMUM. (Akros, the summit, sperma, seed ; situation.) 2. 5. 27740 corn&tum Fries cornute gregar l aut Rsh putrid agarics Bui. her. 256 27741 compressura Tode compressed scattered 14 & aut Bksh dead herb stalks Grev. cryp. 182 3225. SCLERO^TIUM Tode SCLEROTIUM. (Sklerotes, hardness ; texture of plants.) 11. 54. 27712 scutellatum Alb. shield-like regular spring Br dead leaves Grev. cryp. 144 S7743 guercinum Pers. Oak scattered aut Bk dead oak leaves Grev. cryp. 77 462 CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. CLASS XXIV, 27744 s^men Tode seed-like hard 1 aut Br 2 /frassica; Sol. Cabbage hard TO winter Br 27745 A/uscorum Pers. Mosses irregular spring O.Y 27746 Fungbrum Pers. Fungi roundish aut Br 27747 fructuum Grev. fruit confluent X aut Bk 27748 bullatum Dec. blistered confluent aut Bk 27749 durum Pers. hard oblong winter Bk 27750 /jopulinum Pers. 27751 salicinum Dec. Poplar Willow patches aut.w Rsh patches aut.w Rsh 27752 herbarum fw* herbs cunate aut R.B dead leaves, stalks, &c. Grev. cryp. 144 dead cabbage leaves Sow. 393. 3 stems of mosses Grev. cryp. 101 gills of dead agarics Sow. 287 rotten fruit rotten gourds dead herb stems Grev. cryp. 1 poplar leaves willow leaves herb leaves Division IV. Perisporii. (Greek name of mildew.) aut aut aut aut aut aut aut aut D \Vsh Sanguis6rba officinalis 9. 24. 3226. RY'SIPHE Dec. MILDEW. 27753 fuliginea Lk. dark patches 27754 communis Lk. common powdery 1 Leguminosarum Lk. Legum. powdery 2 Umbelliferarum Lk. Umbellif. powdery 3 Cichoracearum Lk. Cichorac. powdery 4 .Ranunculacearum Z.fc..Ranunc. powdery 5 Polygonearum Lk. Polyguneae powdery 27755 lamprocarpa Lk. shining-ftd patches 27756 depressa Lk. depressed wide-spreading su.aut Wsh on Compositaj 1 Bardanae Lk. Bardana wide-spreading su.aut Wsh on A'rctium Bardana, and Zappa. 2 Artemisia: Lk. Wormwood wide-spreading su.aut Wsh on ^rtemisfa vulgaris. Wsh various leguminous plants. Grev. Cryp. 134 Wsh on various Umbelliferaj. Wsh Composita?, TYagopbgon, Scorxonera, &c. Wsh .Ranunculac. .Ranunculus, Aquildgia, &c. Wsh Polyg6nea?. Common on Pol^g. aviculare. Blsh Plantago media and major 27757 adunca Lk. 1 Populi Lk. 2 Prunastri Lk. 27758 bicornis Lk. 27759 divaricata Lk. 27760 penicillata Lie. hooked patches Poplar patches Prunaster patches forked powdery divaricated powdery penicillatc powdery 1 Grossulkriae Lk. Gooseberry powdery 2 Berberidis Lk. Barberry powdery dropped distinct Hazel distinct Elm distinct 27761 guttata Lk. 1 C6ryli Lk. 2 tflmbrum Lk. aut W on trees and shrubs Grev. cryp. 296 aut W on various species of P6pulus. aut W on Prunus spindsa. aut Wsh on various species of A\GTC aut Wsh on Lonic^ra Caprifolium su.aut Wsh on various trees and shrubs su.aut Wsh on Kibes Grossularia. su.aut Wsh on Berberis vulgaris. aut Rsh on various trees aut Rsh on Corylus ^vellana. aut Rsh on species of elm. 3227. LASIO'BOTRYS Kunze LASIOBOTRYS. (Lasios, woolly, botrys, a bunch of grapes.) 1. 27762 Lookers Kunze Woodbine spots su Bk live honeysuckle Ivs Grev. cryp. 191 TRIBE IV. CONIOMYCE^TES. Class I. TUBERCULA'RINI. Division I. Cej)halotrichei. 3228. ISA^RI A Pers. ISARIA. (Isos, equal ; filaments.) 1. ? 27763 microscopica Grev. microscopic very min. spring W Trlchia clavata Grev. cryp. 3 3229. A'NTHINA Fries ANTHINA. (Anthinus, florid ; color.) 27764 miniata Grev. scarlet gregarious 1 aut O.R on dead leaves 1. ? Purt. fl. 3. 18. Clavaria 3230. CEPHALO'TRICHUM Lk. CEPHALOTRICHUM. (Kephale, the head, thrix, hair.) 1. ? 277ti5 nanum Lk. dwarf gregarious aut Bk dead branches, &c. 3231. AMPHICHO'RDA Fries AMPHICHORDA. 2776o farinacea Grev. powdery long aut (Amphi, on either side, chorda, a cord.) 1. ? W rotten trunks under ground Division II. Scoriadei. 3232. CER A^TIUM Alb. CEHATIUM. (Keration, a little horn ; form of plants.) 1. ? 27767 flydnoldes Alb. Hydnum-lk fugacious ^ aut W dead wood Grev. cryp. 168 Division III. Dermosporei. 5233. JSGE'RITA Pers. ^EGERITA. (Aigeiros, a poplar ; first discovered on it.) 2. 8. 27768 Candida Pers. white punctiform aut W dead wood Grev. cryp. 268 27769 setusa Carm. bristly minute aut W dead wood Grev. cryp. 2ti8 Division IV. Tubercitlarei. 3234. TUBERCULA^RIA Tode TUBERCULARIA. (Tuberculum, a pimple; appearance of plants.) 4. year Dp.R decayed sticks Sow. 294 13. Clavaria coccinea Sow. 27771 confluens Pers. confluent gregarious aut. sp F.R dead sycamore branches 27772 granulata Pers. granulated scattered & aut Br dead branches Grev. cryp. 187 27773 discoidea Pers. disk-like crowded J aut R sycamore branches 3235. FUSA^RIUM Lk. FUSARIUM. (Fusus, a spindle, shape of sporules.) 1. ? 27774 tremelloides Grev. Tremella-lk very small spring Pksh dead nettle stems Grev. cryp. 10 Class II. MUCORI N NI. Division I. Sttib'mi. .' 3256. STI'LBUM Tode STILBUM. 27775 vulgare Tode common -i/776 citrinum Pers. lemon-eld 27777 tomentusum Schr. tomentose (Stilbos, shining ; plants at first watery and gelatinous.) 3. ? very min. aut Wsh decayed stems Tode fun. 2. 16 very min. aut Y decayed stems very min. aut W Trichia nltens Grev. cryp. 281 3237. ASCO'PIIORA Tode ASCOPHORA. 27778 Jtfucedo Tode _ Mould crowded year , a bladder, phoreo, to bear.) 1. Gl putref. paste, &c. . Grev. cryp. 269 OKDERIX. CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. 463 Division II. Mucorei. 3238. 3/lTCOR Pers. Mucon. (Muceo> to be musty ; on musty bread, vegetables, &c ) 2 34 27779 sterci.reus Grev. dung watery 2 winter W dung Hydrophora stercbrea Tode 27780 canlnus Pers. dog minute year Y dog's dung Grev. cryp. 305 3239. THAMNFDIUM Lk. THAMNIDIUM. (TJiamnos, a twig ; appearance of plants under microscope.) 1. 27781 elegans Lk. elegant whorled ^ aut Pale putrid substances Nees pilze 75 3240. EUROTIUM Lk. EURO-HUM. (Euros was the Greek name of a sort of mouldiness.) 2. 27782 herbaruirum Lk. herbarium punctiform year Y dried plants Grev. cryp. 164 27783 .flosarum Grev. Roses patches su W rose bushes Grev. cryp. 164 Division III. Acremonii. 3241. STACHYLI'DIUM Lk. STACHYLIDIUM. (Stachys, spike, eidos, similar; disposition of sporules.) 1. 2. 27784 terrestre Lk. ground spreading ^ aut W dead wood Grev. cryp. 257 3242. ACREMCTNIUM Lk. ACREMONIUM. (Akremon, a branch ; thecae clustered about the plants.) 2. 27785 fuscum Schmidt brown patches aut Ol.G dead sticks Grev. cryp. 124 277S6 verticillatum Lk. whorled creeping aut W dead trunks Grev. cryp. 124 Class III. MUCE'DINES. Division I. Trichothecii. 3243. CHLORI'DIUM Lk. CHLORIDIUM. (Chloros, pallid, eidos, appearance.) 1. 2. 27787 griseum Ehren. grey very min. year Gy rotten wood Grev.cryp.236. Cluelop. Division II. Botrytidei. 3244. CORE^MIUM Lk. COREMIUM. (Korema, filth ; found there.) 1.2. 27788 glaucum Lk. glaucous powdery J year Gl old paste, &c. Grev.cryp.301. Floccar. 3245. PENICI'LLIUM Lk. PENICILLIUM. (Penicillum, a painter's pencil ; form of filaments.) 2. 4. 27789 sparsum Grev. scattered broad lines ^ aut W rotten herbac. stems Grev. cryp. 58. 2 27790 glaucum Lk. glaucous tufts ^ year Gl rotten substances Grev. cryp. 58. 1 3246. ASPERGFLLUS Mich. MOULDINESS. (Aspergillum, a brush for lustration ; resemblance.) 4. -9. 27791 glaucus Lk. blue patches year B rotten substances Mag. ber. 3. 1. 23 27792 laneus Lk. woolly patches & aut Wsh putrid fungi 27793 vlrens Lk. green broad spots ^ aut Gsh putrid fungi [barium 27794 penicillatus Grev. pencilled spots year D.Gy damp specimens in Her- Grev. cryp. 22 3247. BO'TRYTIS Mich. BOTRYTIS. (Bofrys, a bunch of grapes ; clusters of seeds.) 10. 25. 27795 diffiisa Alb. diffuse broad tufts aut W rotten herbac. stems Grev. cryp. 126 27796 flgaricina Lk. Mushroom wool, coat aut W decaying fungi Grev. cryp. 12G 27797 effusa Grev. effused spots aut P.Gy underside of live leaves 27798 parasitica Pers. parasitic lax W on shepherd's purse Sow. 359 27799 nigra L/C. black very powdery J aut Bk rotten trunks Grev. cryp. 274 27800 densa Dit. dense roundish aut "W on mosses Stur. deu. 52 27801 polyspora Lk. many-seeded broad aut W dead branches Stur. deu. 35 27802 macruspora Lk. long-seeded spreading aut Ro.R dead leaves Stur. deu. 50 27803 murlna Dit. mouse-cW tufts aut Gy rotten branches Stur. deu. 36 27804 Ieuc6spora Lk. pale-seeded woolly tufts year Gy rotten pears 3243. ACROSPO^RIUM Nees ACROS. (Akros, summit, spora, sporule; upon summit of filaments.) 2. ? 27805 monilio'ides Nees Monilia-like spots sp aut W leaves of grasses Grev. cryp. 73 27806 fascicul&tum Grev. 'fascicled patches spring Gl . rotten oranges Division III. Trichomyci. 3249. SPORO'TRICHUM Lk. SPOROTRICHUM. (Spore s, a sporule, thrix, hair.) 9. 49. 27807 macrosporumGrey. long-seeded spreading Hoa apple leaves, &c. 27808 minutum Grev. minute dots aut W on dung, &c. Grev. cryp. 108 27809 sulphureum Grev. 27810 tenuissimum Grev, yellow thin tufts thin coat year aut Y W damp corks, &c. in cellars Gre'v. cryp. 108 dead bark Wern. tr. 4. 5. 2 27811 badium Lk. brown spreading aut Fer rotten trunks 27812 stcrcorarium Lk. dung tufts year damp cellars 27813 latebrarum Lk. cavern broad 1 year W rocks 27814 aureum Lk. golden spreading o" year O.Y rotten trunks Bui. her. 504. 5 27815 fenestrale Dit. Window spots year W damp glass Nees pilze 47 3250. TRICHOTHE'CIUM Lk. TRICHOTHECIUM. (Thrix, hair, theke, thecium.) 2.? 27816 rbseum Lk. rosy tufts aut.w W rotten wood Grev. cryp. 172 27817 ? heterosporum Spr.various-seeded spots aut Br dead caps. Gentidna campestris 3251. SEPEDO"N1UM Lk. SEPEnoNUTM. (Sepedon, putrescence; growing on putrid substances.) I. 27818 wsycophilum Lk. Fungus-loving cloudy aut O dying fungi Grev. cryp. 198 3252. FUSI'DIUM *. FUSIDIUM. (Fusus, a spindle; fusiform shape of sporidia/) 2. 7. 27819 priseiim Grev. grey effused spo. aut Wsh dead beech leaves Grev. cryp. 102 27820 flavo.v\rens Dit. yellow-green effused spo. aut Ysh dead beach leaves Grev. cryp. 102 27821 candidum Lk. white effused spo. aut W dead oak leaves Division IV. Sporomyci. 3253. POLYTHRI'NCIUM Kunze POLYTHRINCIUM. (Polys, many, thrigkos, a little division.) I. 27822 TYilblii Kunxe Trefoil punctiforrn aut Bk clover leaves Grev. cryp. 216 , 464 CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. CLASS XXIV. 3254. DEMAYTIUM Pen. DEMATIUM. (Diminutive of dema, a bundle ; mode of growth.) 1. ' 27823 articulatum Pers. articulated minute aut Bksh stems of herbs Pers. Uisp. 4. 2. Class IV. BYSSA'CEJE. Division I. Rhizomorphece. 3255. RHIZOMO'RPHA Roth RHIZOMORPHA. (Rhiza, a root, morphe, form ; resemblance.) 4. ? 27V4 subcorticalis Pers. subcortical net-like 72 year Br beneath bark Sow. 392. 1 & 2. patens 2782.) dive>gens Grev. diverging creeping 24 aut Rsh beneath bark Grev. cryp. 154 27826 subterr&nea Pers. subterrane. filament. 24 year Bk mines 27827 medullaris Sm. medullary much bran. 144 year W cellars Lin. tr. 12. 20 3256. OZO^NIUM Lk. OZONIUM. (Otos, a branch ; filaments branched.) 1. ? 27828 auricomum Lk. yellow-haired byssoid 3 aut O rotting wood Grev. cryp. 260 Division II. Racodiacece. 3257. RACCTDIUM Pers. RACODIUM. (Rakos, a torn garment ; appearance of plants.) 1 ? 27829 cellkre Pers. twne-cellar shaggy 3 year Sooty cellars Grev. cryp. 259 Fibrillaria vinaria Sow. 3258. HELMISPCTRIUM Lk. HELMISPORIUM. (Helming, a worm, spora, sporule.) 2. 8. 278;X) macrocarpon Grev. long-fruited broad year Bk dead branches Grev. cryp. 148 27831 velutlnum Lk. velvet spreading year Bk dead wood Grev. cryp. 148 3259. CLADOSPCPRIUM Lk. CLADOSPORIUM. (Klados, a branch, spora, a sporule; attached to.) 2. 5. 7832 herb&rum Lk. herbs very min. su aut Ol G. dead stems Nees pilze 5. 64 27833 velutinum Grev. velvety patches spring G.Bk rotten wood 3260. HELICOSPO^RIUM Nees. HELICOSPORIUM. (Helikos, twisted, spora, sporule; sporules curved.) 1. 27834 vSgetum Nces vigorous cloud-like o Gy foot of trees Nees pilze 66 Division III. Byssea* 3261. MONI'LI A Pers. MONIUA. (MonUe, a necklace ; filaments articulated.) 1. 12. 7835 antennata Pen. antenna>-lk tufts aut Bk dead wood Grev. cryp. 255 S262. TO'RULA Lk. TORULA. (Diminutive of torus, a twisted cord ; appearance of filaments.) 1. ? 27836 herbarum Lk. herbs fragile aut Bk dead stems Class V. PHYLLERIA V CEJE. 32fi3. ERI'NEUM Pers. ERINEUM. (Erinos, a hedgehog erinaceous appearance.) 19. 40. 27837 aureum Pers. golden velvety spots su Bt.Y Ivs Pupulus nlgra Grev. cryp. 33 27838 griseum Per s. grey velvety spots Dl.P under oak leaves Grev. cryp. 141 27839 acerinum Pers. Maple depres. tufts sp.aut R.Br und. sycamore Ivs Ed. ph. jour. 6. 2. 1 & 6 27840 ^yrinum Pers. Pear tree depres. tufts aut R.Rr on crab tree 1. s Grev. cryp. 22 27841 tortubsum Grev. tortuous depres. tufts Wsh on birch leaves Grev. cryp 94 27842 Juglandis Dec. Walnut depres. tufts su Pa under walnut Ivs Grev. cryp. 263 27843 clandestinum Grev. concealed depres. tufts su W.Pk und. hawthorn Ivs Grev. cryp. 141 27844 rbseum Schultz rosy depres. tufts su C on birch leaves Grev. cryp. 21 27845 ietulinum Reb. Birch depres. tufts Wsh on birch leaves Ed. ph. jour. 6. 3. 16 27846 purpurascens Ga^.purpurascent depres. tufts su P.Br maple leaves 27847 Sorbi Funk Mountain Ash depres tufts su Rsh. B mountain ash Grev. cryp. 263 27848 P-Adi Duval Bird-Cherry depres. tufts su D.Br on Primus Padus Grev. cryp. 157 27849 alneum Pers. Alder depres tufts su O.Br alder leaves Grev. cryp. 157 27X50 /agineum Pers. Beech depres. tufts su Pk.Br beech leaves Grev. cryp. 250 27851 populinum Pers. Poplar depres. tufts su D.Br. on trembling poplar Grev. cryp. 250 27852 filiaceum Pers. Linden depres tufts su Pa lime tree leaves 27853 lanusum Grev. woolly hidden tufts su Pa margin of pear Ivs 278.~4 Fitis Dec. Vine woolly tufts su Rsh. Br vine leaves 27855 Pseudo-platani Pets. Sycamore depres. tufts su Rsh.B sycamore leaves Class VI. EUTO'PHYTI. Division I. Sporodesmii. 5264. CORYNEHJM Nees CORYNEUM. (Koryne, a club ; form.) 1. 7. 27856 pulvinatum Nees cushioned minute aut Bk dead branches Nees pilze 31 32K5. SPORIDE'RMIUM Lk. SPORIDERMIUM. (Spora, a sporule, derma, a skin ; situation.) 1. ? 27857 fctrum Lk. dark parasitic aut Bk on species of Thelephora Grev. cryp. 194 3266. EXOSPCPRIUM Lk. EXOSPORIUM. (Exo, outside, spora, sporule.) 1. 4. 27858 riliae Lk. Linden punctifonn year Bk linden branches Grev. cryp. 208 Division II. Stilbospbrei. 3267. ASTROSPCPRIUM Kunze ASTROSPORIUM. (Aster, a star, spora, sporule ; formO 1. 27859 Hoffmann* Kunze Hoffmann's minute year Bk dead beech branches 3268. STILBO'SPORA Hofm. STILBOSPORA. (Stilbo, to shine, spora, a sporule.) 3. 6 27860 ftetulina Pers. Birch raised year Bk dead birch trunks Grev.cryp.273.Derf^7W. 27861 biloculata Grev. two-celled emerging year B dead furze bran. 27862 profusa Grev. profuse spots year Bk dead sycamore bra. Grev. cryp. 212 3269. MELANCO^NIUM Lk. MECANCONJUM. (Melas, black, konis, dust; appearance.) 2. 9. 27863 ovatum Lk. ovate minute spots year Bk dead branches Grev. cryp. 212. Stilbos. 27864 coDglomeratum Lk. conglomerate spots year Bk dead branches Lk. obs. 1. 1. 7 Division III. Neemasporei- 3270. N^MA'SPORA Pers. N.EMASPORA. (Nema, a thread, spora, a sporule ; resemblance.) 3. ? 27865 CIrpinj Sow. Hornbeam irregular year Bk dead hornbeam branches Sow. 376 27866 filamentbsa Grev. filamentous tortuous year O dead branches 27867 crocea Pers. saffron gregarious year O dead beech branches ORDER IX. CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. 165 Division IV. Hypodermii. 3271. PUCCI'NM Mich. Puccivu 27868 ^sparagi Dec. Asparagus i. (T. Puccinius, a two-celled aut professor of anatomy in Florence.) Bk dead asparagus 27. 50, 27869 Circa; V Pers. Circa* two-celled aut Pk.Br under Circa2\i Ivs 27870 Chrysosplenii Grev. Chrysosple. two-celled my Pa.Br under Chrys. opp. Ivs 27871 Avicularia? Dec. Knot-grass two-celled aut Bk under Polygonum Ivs 27872 jEgopodii Straus jEgopodium two-celled aut B.Gr on ^Egopbdium Ivs 27873 tumida Grev. tumid two-celled jn Br.Gr on 2?unium Bulbocastanum 27874 Mentluz? Pers. Mint two-celled spring Bk under A/entha Ivs 27875 Polygon! Pers. Polygonum two-celled aut R.Br under Poly"g. amphfb. Ivs 27876 Centaureas Dec. Centaury two-celled aut Bk on Centaura nlgra 27877 UmbelliferarumDe, r. Umbellif. two-celled aut Ve.D on Umbelliferaelvs 27878 Saniculaj Grev. Sanicle two-celled aut Bk. Br under Sanicula Ivs 27H79 variabilis Grev. variable two-celled aut Bksh on Leont. Taraxacum Grev. crvo. 75 27880 tferacU:i Grev. 27881 Epilobii Dec. CowParsnep two-celled Epilobium two-celled su jn Bksh under Sphondylium Ivs Grev. cryp. 42 Br under Epilobium palustre Ivs 27882 5etonica; Dec. Betony two-celled aut Fer under /teton. offic. Ivs 27883 pulverulenta Grev. powdery two-celled su D.Br under Epilobium Ivs 27884 Adoxa; Dec. Moschatel two-celled su D.Br on Adoxa Moschatellina 27885 Primulas Grey. Primrose two-celled su D.Br under primrose Ivs 27886 Piohe Dec. Violet two-celled su D.Br under flola canlna Ivs 27887 Valantaz? Pers. Cross- wort two-celled su Dp.Br on Galium verum 278S8 glomerata Grev. heaped two-celled Dp.Br under Senecio Jacobse\i Ivs 27889 Ulmarise Dec. Ulmaria two-celled aut P.Bk under Ulmaria Ivs 27890 caricina Dec. Sedge two-celled aut Bk on Carex leaves 27891 Graminis Pers. Grass two-celled aut Bk on corn & grasses Sow. 140. U.frumfati 27892 glob6sa Grey. globose one-celled aut Bk on bean leaves Grev. cryj ). 29 27893 .Suxi Sow. Box two-celled su Br leaves of box Grev. cry] >. 17 27894 ^nem6nes Pers. Anemone two-celled su Br on Jnemone leaves Sow. 43. A Veld, fuscum 3272. PHRAGMI'DIUM Lk. PHRAGMIDIUM. (Phragma, a division or partition, eidos, similar.) 4. 5. 27895 .K5se Grev. Rose many-cell. aut Bk under rose leaves Grev. cryp. 15 27896 /Jubi Dec. Bramble many- cell. aut Bk under bramble Ivs 27897 gracile Grev. slender many-cell. aut Bk under raspberry Ivs 27898 Potentillee Pers. Potentilla many-cell. aut Bk under Potentilla Ivs Grev. cryp. 57 3273. jECFDIUM Pers. 27899 Pini Pers. Pine scattered | 1 su Pa.O 27900 Epilbbii Dec. Epilobium beautiful su W 27901 Fiolarum Dec. Violet crowded su Wsh 27902 albescens Grev. albescent beautiful ap W 27903 Taraxaci Grev. Dandelion spreading su W 27904 Periclymeni Dec. Woodbine large spot su Ysh 27905 .Sunii Dec. Ground Nu t deformed spring Ysh 27906 JacobaeV Grev. Ragwort agglomera t.o su Ysh 27907 Prenanthis Pers. Prenanthcs spots su W 27908 f/rtica? Dec. Nettle clusters su Ysh 27909 confertum Dec. dense clusters su Wsh 27910 GrossularijE Dec. Gooseberry bright sp. su R 27911 ./Zanunculacearum Dec. Crowfo ot clusters su Wsh 27D12 Caltha; Grev. Caltha bright spring 27913 BerbMdis Pers. Berberry spreading su O 27914 laceratum Dec. ragged swollen su Br 27915 cornutum Pers. cornute spots Y.Br 27916 Tussilaginis Pers. Coltsfoot concentrica io s su Psh 27917 rubellum Dec. reddish concentrica 10 su C '/7918 4'llii Pers. Garlic concentrica 10 su Y 27919 2"halictri Grev. Thalictrum clustered su O 27920 /Jhamni Pers. Buck-thorn clustered su Rsh.^ 27921 leucosptlrmum Dei ;. pale-seeded scattered su W 27922 1'r'imulae Dec. Primrose scattered su Pa.Y 27923 A/enth^ Dec. Mint deformed su O.Y 27924 LeguminosarumGrev. Legumin. scattered su Wsh (Ai/don, a wheal, cidos, like; pustules.) 26. 64. Pa.O on Pinus sylvestris Grev. cryp. 7 on Epilbbium moutanura Ivs under V lola canlna Ivs. Adoxa Moschatellina under Leontodon Taraxacum Ivs under woodbine Ivs on .Bunium leaves under Sen.Jacoba\i Ivs under. .Hierac. sylvat. Ivs on C7rtica dioica on Ficaria under gooseberry Ivs Grev. cryp. 62 under .ffanfinc. lingua Ivs under Caltha palustris Ivs on Serb, vulgaris Grev. cryp. 97 on hawthorn Grev. cryp. 209 on mountain ash Grev. cryp. 180 under Farfara Ivs Sow. 397. 1 under .Rumex Ivs Sow. 405 Rumicis under A'\\. ursinum Ivs Thalictrum alpinum Grev. cryp. 4 Rsh. Y buckthorn leaves Pers. obs. 1. 2. 4 anemone leaves primrose leaves mint stalks & leaves leaves of Leguminosae 3274. t/RE^DO Pers. UREDO. 27925 Ger^nii Dec. Geranium scattered 27926 Ficariae Aid. Pile-wort pulverul. 27927 suaveolens Pers. odoriferous fragrant 27928 Polygonbrum Dec. Polygonum spreading 27929 Primulas Dec. Primrose scattered 27930 CichoracearumZ)ec. Cichoraceze spots CowParsnep patches two-fronted spots Dock Bean Labiataj intruded oblong Willow 27931 #eraclz Grev. 27932 bifrons Grev. 279'33 TJumicum Dec. 27934 Fabaa Pers. 28935 Labiatarum Dec. 27936 intrdsa Grev. 27937 oWongata Lk. 27938 Salicis Dec. 27939 vitelllnae Dec. 27940 farinosa Pers. 27941 'Aissilaginis Pers. Colt's-foot 279*2 Senecibnis Dec. Ragwort 27943 cbnfluens Pers. 27944 Potentilla; Dec. 27945 flbsa? Pers. 27946 .flubbrum Dec. 27947 efftisa Grev. 27948 gyr6sa Reb. GoldenOsier pimpled mealy mealy confluent Cinquefcil Rose Bramble effused 27949 "Alchemilla: Pers. Lady's Mantle spreading 279- r >0 Rhinanthearum Dec. Rhinanth. spots 27951 ZAni Dec. Flax shining 2795Q Saxifragarum Dec. Saxifrage brilliant 27953 Campanulas Peru. Campanula bright ( Uro, to scorch ; plants called mildew or blight.) 40. 105. su D.Br on Geranium Ivs Grev. cryp. 8 su.aut D.Br under Ficaria Ivs P.Br Cnicus arvnsis Ivs su.aut Pa.Br under Polygonum Ivs Grev. cryp. 80 su Pa.Br under primrose Ivs su aut .D.Br on Compositas leaves su Pa.Br under Sphondylium Ivs aut Pa.Br both sides of sorrel Ivs aut Br on /Zhmex leaves aut Pa.Br on bean leaves Grev. cryp. 95 aut Y.Br on mint leaves aut R.Br on Alchemilla leaves su R.Br on Luzula leaves Grev. cryp. 12 aut Y under Salix pentandra Ivs my.aut Y under Salix vitellina Ivs aut Pa.Y under Salix c\prea Ivs su O under coltsfoot Ivs su O under Senecio Ivs su Y on Mercurin/w Ivs su Go.Y on Fragaria sterilis Ivs su O under rose leaves Go.Y under bramble Ivs R.O under TZoskceae Ivs Grev. cryp. 19 Y on raspberry leaves O under Alchemilla Ivs Scrophularineae Z/lnum catharticum Grev. eryp. 31 saxifrage under Campanula Ivs small patches pustular scattered pustular mottled gyrose blotches gyrose powdery mottled very powd. su* spreading su gyrose Y my.jn O su.aut R.Y su O.Y su O su O H h 466 CRYPTOGAMIA FUNGI. CLASS XXIV. 27954 Ptfrolffi Grev. Winter Green minute su Go 27955 /felioscopiae Dec. Euphorbia round aut Go 27956 linearis Pers. linear. very com. sp.aut Y 27957 ascidiiformis Grev. JEcidium-lk pustular spring 27958 Cerastii Greu. 2795y pustulata Pers. 27960 Sonchi Pers. 27961 PetasUes Dec. 27962 popdlina Pers. 27963 ovata Straus 27964 Candida Pers. Cerastium Petasites roplar ovate white Y punctiform su Go punctiform spring Y R.O gyrose aut O beautiful aut spots aut spreading aut pimp'ed Sow Thistle spreading su Go Taw W 3275. CTSTILAXiOZ,*. 27965 Segetum Pers. corn I 2796r> /rceolarum Dec. Pellitory 279ti7 caries Dec. 27968 antherarum Dec. 27969 flosculosa Dec. under P^rola Ivs under jEuph6rbta Ivs on grass leaves Sow. IW.frumenti on Sphondylium Ivs on Cerast. viscbsum Ivs on Epiluhium palustre Ivs under Sonch. olerac. Ivs under Petasites Ivs under Populus nlgra Ivs. An. wett. & 11.5 on Populus trmula Ivs. An. wett. 2.11.6 Cruciferze Grev. cryp. 251 5. 9. USTILAGO. (Ustus, scorched; appearance.) spreading su Bk within grains of corn spreading su Bk on fructif. of Carex destroying aut Bk.Br within grains of wheat Stur. deu. 34 spreading su P on Caryophylleae spreading su- P. Br on Scabiosa arvensis Sow. 396. 2. Scabibsa cankering flowers floret 3276. CYLINDROSPCTRIUM CYLINDROSPORIUM. (Kylindros, cylinder, spora, sporule ; form.) 27970 concentricum Grev. concentric my.jn W cabbage leaves Grev. cryp. 20 1. SUPPLEMENT. To save unnecessary reference from the body of the work to this Supplement, and at the same time to indicate when a reference to it is necessary, an asterisk (*) is placed in the body of the work before such of the genera as are divided or repeated here, and also in those places where new genera should have come in. Those genera or species in this Supplement, which are merely alterations of the names, or distribution in the Natural System, of genera or species in the body of the work, are distinguished by a section (). The same mark, in the body of the work, indicates that the name, or its place in the Natural System, is altered in the Supplement CLASS I. ORDER 1. MONA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. 27974 Systematic Name and Authority. s . .1*1 BJ j * - S c 3 *J 35 - S. 1 2^ Country. *8 '| ' 1 i i! II 1 n ii 8-^ S W 0,0 K HS UE* >< Reference to Figures. 1. CA'NNA. 27971 5a discolor Lindl. various-cld.-/td [23 or 10 n S Trinidad 1827. R r.m Bot. reg. 1213 3. CAL ATHENA. 27972 51a grandif.Mia Lindl. great-leaved 27973 . . macildnta Lindl. meagre 5. PHRY'NIUM. a setbsum #osc. bristly 9. HELLE^NI^. 27975 122o abn6rmis Lindl. irregular 12. KJEMPFE'R-Ll 27976 147a Roscoeana Rose. Roscoe's or 2 year Y Rio Jan. 1826. D s.l Bot. reg. 1210 or 2 year W ? Rio Jan. 1826. D s.l fAl or 2 my.jl P Rio Jan. 1824. R s.l Rose. scit. icon. (23 or 10 s W China 1824. D s.l EJ or | o W E. Indies 1827. R s.l Bot reg. 1212 27. CORISPE'RMUM. 27977 239a sabulbsum Led. sandy CLASS I. ORDER 2. MONA'NDRIA DIGY'NIA. O cu 1 Ap Siberia S co CLASS II. ORDER 1. DIA NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. 3277. 37fl. MILLINGTCTN7. 27978 - - simplicifolia Rox. 4 ROX. MlLLINGTONIA. (St simple-leaved i O or 20 r r. Mt lltngto , Sav. Fror. Ox: E. Indies 1828. tore C [.) 1 p.l 'Jletrue. l. o. 40. Z-IGU'STRUM. 27979 289 spicatum D. Don spike-flowered 36 or 8 jn.jl W Nepal 1823. C CO Bot mag. 2921 nepalense Wai. 43. JASMrNUM. 27980 304a lanceolarium Rox. lanceolar-/w* fl_ 1 lor 10 ... W Silhet 1826. C s.p 45. VERO'NICA. 27981 27982 373 callistachya Led. 412a stolonifera Leh. 442 dianthifblia Cun. prettiest-spiked^ stoloniferous # Pink-leaved A or A or iAI or 2 1 1 jn.jl jn.jl my.jn B B B Podolia N. HoVl. 1829. 1823. D D D CO CO p.l 27983 pulchra, No. 442. 454a pollta Fries polished J: w i mr.jl B Britain cltgar. S CO Eng. bot. 783 58. JUSTl'C//<. 27984 492a ventricbsa Wai. ventricose H |-~) or 3 jn-jl W.R China 1826. C p.l Bot mag. 2766 27985 27986 521a quadrangularis Hook, quadr.-stmd SSI a nodbsa Hook. kndtty-stmd * 1 1 or 1 2 ja s P R Bra'zii" 1820. C C p.l p.l Bot. mag. 2845 Bot. mag. 2913 oblong&ta Lk. H h 2 468 TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Supplement. 59. DICLI'PTERA. 27987 5580 spinbsa Lod. spiny CU or 2 ap.jl Y Mauritius 1824. C p.l Bot cab. 1244 65. CALCEOLARIA. 27988 577 integrifblia. 2 angustifblia Lindl. narrow- Ivd tt. i | or 27989 577 ascendens B. R. ascending - i | or 27990 - - thyrsitibra Grah. thyrse-floweredtt. ( | or 27991 - - polif 61ia Hook. Poly-leaved iAI cu 27992 - - connata Hook. connate-leaved OJor floribunda Lindl. Bot. reg. 1214. paniculata Herb. 27993 578a purpurea Grah. purple-Jloweredf iAJ or 27994 - arachnoidea Grah. cobweb-like ] iAJ or tinctbria Gill. 27995 579 jolantaginea Sm. Plantain-leaved^ iAI or 74. MONA'RD^. 27996 621a menthe^folia Grah. Mint-leaved ^ A or '3278. 74a. BLEPHI'LIA Raf. BLEPHILIA. (Blepharis, eye-lash ; sepals fringed?) 2 au.s Y Chile i822. C l.p Bot. reg. 1083 1 jls Y Cordiller. 1826. C Bot. reg. 1215 lijn.s Y Chile 1827. C p.l Bot. mag. 2915 1 jl Y Chile 1826. D l.p Bot. mag. 28.V7 3 Y Chile 1824. 1) l.p Bot. mag. 2897 lerb. 1 jl.s P Chile 1827. D l.P Bot. mag. 2775 1 jn.s P Chile 1827. L) IP Bot. mag. 2874 1 au Y Chile 1827. D l.p Bot. mag. 2805 3 jn.s Li N. Amer. 1827. D CO Bot. mag. 2958 ciliata Raf. ciliated ^ A or 3 jn s R N. Amer. ... D co Monarda ciliata L. No. 630., and hirsdta No. 632. Labiatce. 2. 3. 76. SA'LVIA. 27997 686a involucrata Cav. involucred *l i I or 14 jls 27998 717 desertorum Sthan. desert ^ A or 2 o 27999 721a Simsicma B. R. Sims's ^ A or 3 jn.jl bracte&ta Bot. Mag. 2320. 3279. 78o. STREPTOCA'RPUS Lindl. STREPTOCARPUS. - - Rx Lindl. Rex's 23 pr i Didymocarpus Rex?* Bow. No. 15434. 82. AC^NA. 68000 775a myriophylla Lindl. many.leaved R Mexico B Siberia Pa.B Russia Bot. mag. 2872 1824. C p.l 1829. S co 1820. D p.l Bot. reg. 1003 (Streptos, twisted, karpos, fruit.) Bignoniucece. 1. year B C. G. H. ... S p.l Bot. reg. 1173 A cu 1 my.jn G Mendoza 1828. D co 3280. 82o. MARGYRICA'RPUS R. 4- P. MARGYRI. (Margaron, pearl, karpos, fruit ; resemblance.) Rosacea 1 28001 - - setusus.R. #P. bristly m CD cu 2 ... G Peru 1829. C s.p Fl. per. 1. 8. f. d. 87. PIMELE\A. 805a clavata Lab. 796a humilis R. Br. clubbed humble * l_] cu 3 W N. HolL 1824. C s.p t i_J or 1 my.jn W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Bot. reg. 1268 CLASS III. ORDER 1. TRIA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. 96. VALERIAXE'LLA. 28004 922a congt-sta Lindl. crowded-flowered O or 1 jl R Columbia 1826. S co Bot. reg. 1094 116. CRO X CUS. 28005 1014a argenteus Sab. silvery tf A or i W.Br O co 28006 1019a lacteusSaft. milky tf A or Pa.Y O co 3281. 117a. STREPT ANTHER A Swt. STREPTANTHERA. (Streptos, twisted, anther a, anther.) Irideee. 1. 28007 - - elegans Swt. elegant tf _A1 pr i my.jn W.B.Y C. G. H. 1827. O s.p.l Sw. fl. gar. 209 127. MELASPH^E'RULA. 28008 1155a parviflbra Lod. small-flowered tf tAI or | Y C. G. H. O s.p.l Bot. cab. 443 . 141a. LEUCOCO'RYNE Lindl. LEUCO. (Leukos, white, koryne, a club ; sterile anthers.) Asphodels*. 2.-3 - - odorata Lindl. sweet-scented V ^Aj or 1 au W Valparaisol826. O p.l Bot. reg. 1293 No. 1228. and 1230. of Brodue^a belong to this genus. 3283. 141ft. TRITELErA Lindl. TRITELEIA. - - grandiflbra Lindl. great-flowered tf Al or (Treis, three; stigmas.) AsphodUece. 1. 3. .au W ? N. Amer. 1826. O p.l 142. .TRIS. 28011 28012 I303a. tenax Don. tough j 131&/ clandesfma Le clandestine j \ CZ3 or 1 1 P Californi; Brazil a!826. 1829. D pi s.l.p Bot. reg. 1218, 28013 1255a ta6rica Lod. Taurian it A or i Y" Tauria 1827. CO Bot. cab. 1506 143. MORTEM 28014 1327a catenulata Lindl. chain-dotted X : ED or 1 my W.B Mauritius 1826. D s.p Bot. reg. 1074 144. MA'RICA. 28015 1339a coelestis Leh. eky-blue j| I S3 or 1 ... B Brazil 1829. p.l 145. SISYRI NCHIUM. 28016 28017 28018 28019 1343a chilense Hook. Chile i 1352a graminifblium Lindl. Grass-leaved ^ - - pedunculatum Gill, stalked-flwd j 1353a odoratissimum Lindl. sweetest-sctd ; : lAJor : ^\] or ; Al or I _AJ or 1 1 1 S.O jn B Y Y W Chile Chile Chile S. Amer. 1826. 182.5. 1827. 1828. D D D D p-1 s.p s.p s.p Bot. mag. 2786 Bot. reg. 1067 Bot. mag. 2965 Bot. reg. 1283 162. TRICHOPHORUM. 28020 1433a montevideenseG.Do MontevideanjU it EJ un 4 my.n Ap S. Amer. 1827. D bog Eriophorum montevideense Lk. 28021 . . Lockhartfi G. Don Lockhart's Jilt E] un 4 my.n Ap Trinidad 1827. D bog; Supplement. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 4(59 CLASS III. ORDER 2. TRIA'NDRIA DIGY'NIA. 185. DIGITA'RIA. 28022 1576 eriog^na Schr. woolly-angled Jllk O un 1 jajl Ap Germany 1827. S co 221. DESCHA'MPS/^. 28023 1850a paludi^sa Marsh. marsh m A un 3 jn.jl Ap Germany 1829. S co Airu paluddsa Roth 252. MOLI'N/,4. SI 28 caerulea. Si depauperata Lindl. starved jilt ^ un 1 au Ap Scotland Clo. mo D co CLASS III. ORDER 3. TRIA'NDRIA TRIGY'NIA. 290. #OLO'STEUM. 28024 2487a sperguloldes Leh. Spurrey-like O u i jl W Europe 1829. S co 293. ERIOCAU'LON. 28025 2415 decangulare MX. ten-angled * A cu 3 au W N. Jersey 1825. D bog Bot. cab. 1310 CLASS IV. ORDER 1. TETRA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. 3281. 311rt. SI MS/// R. Br. SIMSIA. (Jofin-Siins, M.D., an English botanist) Proteacea. 1. "" - - wnethifulia K. Br. Fennel-leaved *i | or 1| ... Y? N. HolL 1825, C p.l 312. CONOSPE'RMUM. 58fi tenuif olium R. Br. th 28028 2589a acinacifulium Grah. scymitar-lvd i | or 3 W N. Holl. 189.4. r s.p 28027 2586 tenuif olium R. Br. thin-leaved i_J or 3 W N. Holl. 1824. C s.p " * | | or 314. PERSOO'N/^. 28029 3602a spatulfcta R. Br. spatulate-fwf * i_J or 3 my.jl Y N. Holl. 1824. C p.l 28030 - - pallida Grah. pale * \ _ | or 2 jl O N. Holl. 1824. C p.l 3285. 314a. ANADE^NIA R. Br. ANADENIA. (A, priv., aden, a gland; nectariferous wantfngj Proteacete* 131 28031 - - pulchdlla R. Br. neat i _ | or 2 ... Y N. Holl. 1824. C p.l 3286. 323o. QUA'DR/^ R. & P. QUADRIA. (Antoine de la Quadra, a Spanish cultivator.) Proteaceee. I. 28032 - - heteroph^lla^. $P. variable-leaved J i_J fr 40 ...... Chile 1826. C p.l Fl. per. 1. 99. 6 GuevinaAve]l&.na Mol. 3287. 324a. EMBO'THRIUM Forst. EMBOTHRIUM. (En, in, bothrion, a little pit; anthers.) Proteaceae. 1. 2. 28033 . - strobiltnum Lab. strobile-like i_J or 3 ap G.Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Lab. n. h. 265 3'J5. BA'NKS/^. 28034 2714a Zedif Mia Cum Ledum-leaved * |_| or 6 year "P.Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Cunninghami Sieb. 331. PCTTHOS. 28035 2781a longifblia Lk. & O. long-leaved G3 cu 1 ... Ap Mexico 1829. Sk I.p 28036 - - glanca Lk. 8(. 0. glaucous f fAj cu 1 ... Ap Mexico 1829. Sk I.p 28037 - - microph^lla Hook, small-leaved [] cu j s Ap Brazil 1829. Sk Lp Bot. mag. 2953 339. DORSTE^N/^. 28038 2836a tubiclna R. $ P. trumpet-^twi EXi cu i au G Trinidad 1817. D p.l Bot mag. 2804 343. HOUSTO'N/^. 28039 2857a serpyllifblia MX. Wild Thyme-/t/rf A pr i W N. Amer. 1826. D s.p Bot mag. 2822 3288. 346a. SUCCrSA Vail. DEVIL'S BIT. (Succisus, lopped ; appearance of roots.) Dipsacece. 18. 24. <) . - pratdnsis Moen. meadow ^ A or 1 au.s V Britain pas. D co Eng. bot. 878 Scabibsa Succlsa L. No. 2887 and 2888 ; also those species from the beginning to No. 2881 of Cephal&ria. 3289. 3466. ASTEROCE'PHALUS Vail. ASTEROCEPHALUS. (Aster, star, kephale, head ; seeds.) Dtps*. 52, 60. - - canscens Spr. canescent ^ A or 1 Li Hungary J802. D co \V. &K.53 Scabibsa canteens Kit. No. 2906. ; and from this to the end, No. 2923. excepted. 5290. 346c. PTEROCE'PHALUS Vail. PTEROCEPHALUS. (Pteron, wing, kephale, head ; seeds.) Dtpsacea?. 6. 12. - - Vaillantw Lag. Vaillant's O or 1 jl B Aleppo 1822. S co Cephalaria Vaill4nt R. & S. No. 2882, also 2883, 2884, 2885. ; and Scabi5sa, No. 2905. and 2923. 36*. PLANTA^GO. 28040 3147a kentuck^nsis MX. Kentucky A cu i jn.jl W N. Amer. 1829. S co 365. BU'DDLE^. 28041 3219a connata R. & P. connate-leaved * d3 or 5 my O Peru 1826 C Lp Bot mag. 2853 28042 322fia hetercphylla B. R. variable-leaved Q or 10 my Y S. Amer. ... S Lp Bot reg. 1259 373. . 28043 3249 imbricata Grah. imbricate-/vd * i_) P" 2 jn.jl Pk C. G. H. 1824. C p.l Bot. mag. 280 H h 3 470 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Supplement. 28044 3278o s&ssilis Wai. sessile-flowei ed * O or * - W E. Indies 1828. C p.l OQO 28045 3295o caffra _Bou>. Cafflrarian i_l or 4 ... W C. G. H. 1323. C p.l 3291. 388o. LIPO'STOMA D. Don LIPOS. (Leipo, to fall from, stoma, mouth ; lid from capsule.) Rubiacea;. 1. 28046 3308o campanulifl6raD.Z>on bell-floweredJL. 22 pr i B Brazil 1825. C l.p Bot. mag. 2839 JEginetio capitkta Grah. Hedyotis campanulifl6ra Hook. 397. AMMA'NN/^ 28047 3327o WormskioldiY H. ber. Wormskiold's O un 1 jl R Brazil 1827. S co 405. ALLICTNM. t 28048 3402a ovata Ph. ovate-leaved O or 1J F N Amer. 1827. S co CLASS IV. OKDER 4. TETRA'NDRIA TETRAGY'NIA. 414. POTAMOGE^TON. 28049 3444a acutifblium Lk. acute-leaved =S| A cu fit jn.jl G.Y Britain dit. D co Eng. CLASS V. ORDER 1. 422. ABRO S NIA. 28050 3467o mellifera Dou. PENTA'NDRIA MONOGYNIA. honey-bearing Jk A P* ? W California 1826. D s.p Bot. mag. 2879 423. PLUMB A' GO. 28051 3469o micrantha Led. small-flowered ^ A or 28052 3473o mexicana Lk. # O. Mexican 41 1 1 or 28053 3475o rhombif dlia Hook, rhomb-leaved ITTI or 426. ECHINOSPE'RMUM. 3519 patulum Leh. is squarrbsum, No. 3519. 3 3 a' W? W B Siberia Mexico S. Amer. 1829. 1829. 1826. D C S CO p.l p.l Bot. mag. 2917 448. NOLA^NA. 28054 3748o tenlla Lindl. slender *2t O or i JLs B Chile 1824. S p.l 28055 - - grandiflora Leh. great-flowered <* O or * jl B Chile 1829. S P.1 449. ARETHA. 28056 3750o pub^scens Dec. pubescent A pr i my.jn W Switzerl. 1824. D s.p Bot. cab. 1273 450. JNDRO'SACE. 28057 3761o carinata Torrey keeled If A pr 1 ap Y N. Amer. 1826. D p.s 28058 3763o linearis Grah. linear-feared * A pr i W N. Amer. 1826. D s.p - 451. PRI'MULA. 28059 3767o 3798o glaucscens Moret. glaucescent lAlpr A or i mr Y Pk Egypt Switzerl. 1826. 1826. D D s.p p.l Bot. mag. 2842 Sw. fl. gar. 254 calycina Gau. No. 3798. , 454. DODEC A^HEON. 28060 3816o integrifolium MX. entire-leaved A or i ap.jn L.P N. Amer 1829. D p.l Pluk. al. 76. 6 455. CY'CLAMEN. 3820 prsicum 4 laciniatum jagged-petaled AiAJpr i ap.jn R.W ... S p.l Bot. reg. 1095 464. VILLA'RS/^. 28061 3867o geminata R. Br. tw'm.peduncled * lAJor fit jn.jl Y N. Holl. 1828. p.l 465 CHIRON I A. 28062 3872 serpyllifolia Leh. Wild Thyme-lvdtL | | or 1 JLs ... C. G. H. 1829. C s.p 472. PHLO'X. 28063 3905o Sickmannz Leh. Sickmann's & A or 2 au W N. Amer. 1826. D p.l Sw. fl. gar.n.s.31 longiflora Swt. 28064 3907o cordata Ell. cordate-leaved A or 3 Pa.P Carolina 1827. D p.l Sw. fl. ga n.s.13 28065 3908o 28066 - - refle"xa Swt. reflexed scabra Swt. scabrous ^i A or ^t A or 3 jLs 3 au R Li hybrid. N. Amer. D D p.l p.l Sw. fl. ga . 232 Sw. fl. ga . 248 28067 - - 28068 3920o odorata Swt. sweet-scented proctimbens Leh. procumbent :& A or A or 3 au i my Li F N. Amer. N. Amer. 1827. D D p.l Sw. fl. ga . 2'24 Sw. fl. ga n. s. 7 473. COLLCTMIA. 28069 3924o 28070 - - heterophjrlla Hook, various-leaved grandiflora Dou. great-flowered O cu O or ^ 2 Pk Pk Columbia 1826. Columbia 1826. S S CO CO Bot. mag. 2895 Bot. reg. 1174 474. POLEMO^NIUM. 28071 3926o 28072 3927o 28073 - - 28074 - - 88075 - . lacteum Leh. milk-co/ored moschatum Worm, musky Richardsonzz Grah. Richardson's vilk>sum Rudol. villous humile R. $ S. humble :k A r ^ A or i A or ^ A or & A or 1J my.jn U niyjl i jLo i jao i jno W Bk Pa.B Pa.B B N. Amer. N. Amer. Siberia N. Amer. 1829. 1827. 1826. 1826. 1826. D D S S s CO CO CO CO CO Bot. mag. 2800 Sw. fl. gar. 266 Bot. reg. 1304 478. NEMO'PHILA. 28076 3938rt parviflora Dou. ? small-flowered ^ A or 1 Phacelia parviflora Ph. Eutoca parvifl6ra R. Br. B N. Amer. 1826. S p.l Supplement. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 472 3292. 478runl Sal. long-flowered 4 ja Pa.B Nepal 1823? C l.p Bot. reg. 1235 2 ... Pa.B Siberia 1829. D co 3 my.s B Siberia 1784. D p.l A or Y Chile Pa.B Nepal 1824. D l.p BoL reg. 973 1827. D co tL i | pr 1 ap.jl O N. Amer. 1825. D s.p N. Holl. 1824. C p.l Sw. au. 46 or 20 jl.s or 20 jl.s O N. Amer. Y.w China C co C co 622. 28108 5225a involucrata Spr. involucred . campaniflbra bell-flowered Xyl6steum campaniflbrum Lod. cu 3 my or 2 my H h 4 Huds. Bay 1824. C p.l N. Amer. % ... C co Bot reg. 1232 Bot. reg. 1179 Bot. cab. 1361 472 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Supplement. 646. WEBEMIA 28110 5336a coriacea Wai. coriaceous-/^ A CD or 6 ... W E. Indies 1828. C p.l 3297. 649a. UNCA^RIA Gae. UNCARIA. ( Uncus, a hook ; old petioles.) Rubiaceee. 2. 10. 28111 - - sessilifructus Box. sessile-fruited . O or 10 ...... E. Indies 1829. C p.l & . - Gdmbier Vial. Gambier fl_ Q or 10 ... Pa.R E. Indies 1825. C p.l Lin. tr. 9 22 Nauclea Gumbir, No. 5347. 660. ZI'ZYPHUS. 28112 5436rt melastomoidesCwn. Melastoma-likeHi _ | or 6 ...... N. Holl. 1824. C p.l 3293. 6t77fl. RETANl'LLA Brong. RETAMLLA. (Its name in Peru.) Rhdmned A iAJ cu 792. CARALLVMA. 3135 6334o fimbriata Wai. fringed tL _~) cu 28136 - - crenulata Wai. crenulated tt Ij cu 794. GENTL4\V^T. 6358 Sapcmaria 2 fibre albo 805. HEUCHE'R.l 28137 6433o Richardsonrt Dou. Richardson's white-flowered ^ A or 16 A cu G C. G. H. 1826. C s.l Bot reg. 1113 Pa.Y E. Indies 1829. C s.l WaL pi. as. ra. 8 Pa.Y E. Indies 1829. C s.l Wai. pi. as. ra. 7 1 au.s W N. Amer. 1826. D N. Amer. 1827. D co 814. 7'LMUS. 28138 6544o carpinifblia Lindl. Hornbeam-lvd 28139 - - strata Lindl. strict tm 40 Br tm 60 Br Britain Britain bed. bed. L co L co &20. ^NTHRI'SCUS. No. 6582. and 6577. of Chajrophyllum belong to this genus. 3312. 821o. CONOPCTDIUM Koch CONOPODIUM. (Konos, a cone, podion, a little foot; disk.) Umbelllferee. 3 28140 - - denudatum Koch denuded ^ A un 2 jn.jl W S. Europe ... D co jBunium denudatum Dec. . - canadtnse Koch Canadian ^ A un 1 W N. Amer. 1699. D co Chaerophylium canaddnse Pers. No. tw99. and also 6dOO. belong to this genus. 3313. 826o. ORLA^Y^ Hofm. ORLAYA. (Orlay, probably the name of some botanist.) Umbelliferee. 3. - - platycarpos Koch broad-fruited O un 1 jn.jl W S. Europe 1800. S co M. h. 9. 14 2 Caucalis platycarpos, No. 6659., also 6663. and 6656. belong to this genus. 3314. 8266. TURGE^NIA Hofm. TURGENIA. - - latifulia Hofm. broad-leaved Caucalis latifbtia, No. 6657. 835. ^THAMA'NTA. 6711o macedonica Spr. Macedonian ] .Biibon macedonicum L. Nc*. 6745. (Turgeo, to swell; seeds.) Umbellljerce. 1. O un 3 R England S co Eng. hot. 198 Q) cu 2 Pa.Y Greece 159$ S co Black. 382 814. SE'SELI. No. 6746, 6747, 6748, 6749, 6750. of .Bubon, and 6703. of ^th inta, belong to this genus. 3315. 844o. PTYCHCms Koch PTYCHOTIS. (Ptyche, a plait, ous, an ear; petals.) Umbelllfer cul 4 G England S m.s Fl. dan. 206 Angelica Archang&ica L. No. 6957., and also 6958. belong to this genus. 3322 8746 OSTE'RICUM Hofm. OSTERICI M. (Osteon, a bone ; seeds ?) Umbelliferce. 1. & '. . pratense Hofm. meadow ^ A un 3 F Galicia 1818. D co Angelica pratnsis .Spr. No. 6964. 875. XIGU'STICUM. & 6971a /erulaceum All. Ferula-like ^ Q> un 1 jl Pa.P Switzerl. 1775. S co Laserpitiumldcidum W. No. 7018. and No. 6938. of Sellnum. 3323 875a. MOLOPOSPE RMUM Koch MOLOPOSPERMUM. (Molops, a wheal, sperma, a seed.) Umbelliferce. I. & '. . peloponneslacum Koch Peloponnes.^ A or 4 my.jl Pa.Y Switzerl. 1598. D co Jac au.5. 13 Ligusticum peloponneslacum L. No. 6968. 3324. 8756. LEVI'STICUM Koch LEVISTICUM. (Lew, to assuage; relieves flatulency.) Umbelliferce. \. & . - officinale Koch officinal ^ A cul 6 Jn-J 1 Y ltal y 1596 - D co Black. 275 Ligusticum Levisticum L. No. 696S. 3325. 875c. TROCHISA'NTHES Koch TROCHISANTHES. ( Trochiskos, a small wheel, anthos, a flower.) Umbel. I. & - - nodiflora Koch knot-flowered ^ A un 3 G Alp. Eur. 1810. D p.l Al. ped. 72 Ligtisticum nodiflorum Vil. No. 6966. belongs to this genus. 876. PHYSOSPE'RMUM. No. 6829. of Smyrnium belongs to this genus. 880. FE'RULA. 28145 6987fl campestris Bes. field ^t A or 3 jn.jl Y Tauria 1829. S co 28146 - - sylvatica Bes. wood ^ A or 3 jn.jl Y Podolia 1829. S co 3326. 8800. FERULA^GO Koch FERULAGO. (Ferio, to strike; used as rods.) Umbeliifera. 2. & . . nodiflora Koch knot-flowered ^ A un 3 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1596. D s.l Boc. mu. 76 Ferula nodiflora L. No. 6999., also 6988. 3327 881a. SPLER Sco. SILER. (Salio, to shoot up ; quick growth.) UmbellifereE. 3. ' . . trilobum Sco. three-lobed-/w/ ^ A un 4 my.jl W Austria 1796. D co Jac. au. 2. 147 jLaserpitium trilobum L. aquilegifolium Spr. No. 7006. 882. PEUCE'DANUM. No. 6934, 6935. 6937. 6940. 6944, 6945. 6947. of Selinum, No. 6932. of Thyssellnum.and No. 6853. of Gnidium belong to this genus. 3328. 882a. SILA^US Bes. SILAUS. (A name used by Pliny.) Umbelliferce. 3. $ . - pratensis Bes. meadow ^ A un 2 Y England mea. D co Eng. bot. 2142 Peucedanum Silaus L. Gnidium Silaus Spr. No. 6852. ; also No. 7052. and 7036. of Peucedanum. 3329. 8830. OPO'PANAX Koch OPOPANAX. (Opos, juice, panax, the plant yielding it.) Umbell'tferce. 1. . - ChMntcum Koch Chiron's ^ A m 6 jn.jl Y S. Europe 1640. D co Gou. il. 19.13.14 Pastinaca Opopanax L. No. 7049. 3330. 885a. PETROSELPNUM Hofm. PARSLEY. (Petros, a rock, selinon, parsley ; habitat.) Umbelliferce. a $ . . satlvum Hofm. cultivated Q) cul 2 jn.jl L.Y Sardinia 1548. S co ^"pium Petrosellnum L. No. 6833. ; also No. 6807. of 5ison, and No. 6975. of Ligusticum. 3331. 8856. CONDYLOCA'RPUS Hofm. CONDVLOCARPUS. (Kondyle, a knob, karpos t fruit; margin.) Umbel. 3. . . officinalis Koch officinal Q w 2| jl F England cor. fi. S co Eng bot. 2440 Tbrdylium officinale L. No. 7082., also Nos. 7084. and 7087. belong to this genus. 3332. 885c. PLATYSPE'RMUM Hofm. PLATYSPERMUM. (Platys, broad, sperma, seed.) Umbellifera;. 3. % - - muricatum Hofm. pricUy-seeded O un 2 jn.jl Pk Barbary 1683. S co M h 9. 14. 4 Daticus muricatus L. No. 6648. - - pulchrrimum Koch fairest O un 2 jn.jl W Levant 1699. S co Caficalis orientalis Bux. No. 6664. and also No. 6667. belong to this genus. CLASS V. ORDER 3. PENTA'NDRIA TRIGY'NIA. 903. DRYMA^RTA. 28147 7254a gracilis Lk. slender *r CZS un J jn.s W Brazil 1829. S co 906. PHARNA"CE7A/. 28148 7259o HoffmanseggiaMwR.&S. Hoffman.^, LQJ cu W Brazil 1829 Deo Supplement. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 475 916. 8149 7372a pertusula Haw. CLASS V. ORDER 5. PENTA'NDRIA PENTAGY'NIA. small-pierced iAJ or 1 o.n W C. G. H. 1824. C s.l 918. CURTO'GYNE. 28150 7394a unctosa Haw. vra.vy-leaved tt. i_J or } au W C. G. H. 1824. C p.l CLASS VI. ORDER 1. HEXA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. 934. PANCRATIUM. 28151 7639a plicatum Liv. plaited-leaved tf (23 or 1 jLau W Macao 1827. O r.m Bot. mag. 2808 3333. 9350. COBU'RGH/^4 Swt. COBUHGHIA. (Prince Coburgh.} 28152 - - incarnkta Swt. flesh-colored tf Al spl 2 au.s S Quito Pancratium incarnatum Kth. Amaryllideee. 1. 2. 182d. D p.l Sw. fl.gar.n.s.17 951. 28153 7692a cruenta Grah. 956. TILLA'NDS/^. 28154 7724a acaulis Lindl. 28155 77310 psittacina Hook. 957. BILLBE'RG7J. 2S156 7754a fasciata B. R. 28157 - - cru Berberis repens Lindl. 1099. FRANKE^NU. 28183 90890 pauciflbra Dec. few-flowered -l_Jpr 1 Pk N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Bot. mag. 2896 1100. PETLIS. 28184 90910 occidental Spr. western * EG un i jl cr Guadalou.1829. S bog CLASS VI. ORDER 3, HEXA'NDRIA TRIGY'NIA. 3339. 11110. CALOCHCXRTUS Ph. CALOCHORTUS. (Kalos, handsome, chortos, grass.) Liliacca:. 3. 28185 - - nitidus Don. shining tf .AJ pr | au P Columbia 1826. O s.p Hort tr. 7. 9 28186 - - macrocarpus Don. long.fruited tf _AJ spl 2 au P Columbia 1826. O s.p Bot. reg. 1152 28187 - - elegans Ph. elegant tf .AJ pr | jn.jl W Columbia 1826. O s.p Hort. tr. 7. 9 CLASS VIII. ORDER I. OCTA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. 1148. TROP^E X OLUM. 28188 93170 tricolbrum Swt. three-colored fl_ A el 12 jn.s O.P Valpara. 1828. C p.l Sw. n. gar. 270 1172. EJECKIA. 28189 93970 saxicola Cun. 1173. 28190 9422a rigida Lod. 28191 - - rubida Lod. 28192 - - crinlta Lod. rock-inhabiting i_J or 2 W N. Holl. 1824. C p.l stiff red hairy 1177. MICHAU'XJM. 28193 9951a decandra Ft's. decandrous 1179. DODON^fiM. 28194 9969a paulliw/^/6/m Cun. Paullinia-lvd 1181. OSBE'CK/A 9978a glomerata Dec. glomcrate-flwd J /Jh^xia glomerkta Bot. cab. 334. 1183. ffiNOTHE^RA. 100190 decumbens Don. decumbent - - viminea Dou. twiggy - - tenuifolia R. S( P. fine-leaved - - quadrivftlneraJDow. 4-spotted-/jetaZed - - Lindleyw Dou. Lindley's 100200 pallida Lindl. pa\e-flowered ^ 100370 faraxacifblia Hort. Dandelion-lvd 28195 28196 28197 28198 28199 28200 28201 28202 1186. EPILO X BIUM. 28203 100530 crassifolium Leh. thick-leaved ^ lisa FWCHSIA. 28204 100770 microphylla Kth. small-leaved * 28205 100790 . N. Amer. 1826. America 1826. Peru 1825. s s s s s D S CO CO CO CO CO CO Bot. mag. 2889 Bot. mag. 2873 Sw. fl. gar.n s.19 Bot. reg. 1119 Bot. mag. 2832 Bot. reg. 1142 Sw. fl. gar. 294 A or i jn.jl R 1829. s CO 1 |pr L_|or 6 6 jn.s my.o S.P R Mexico Mexico 1828. 1827. c c ts Sw. fl.gar. n.s.16 Bot. reg. 1284 (Mr. .Dfr (Mat Pierard of Kew Green.) 20 ... Y Sumatra liva. its Beneal name.} Sapindctcete ? 1820. C p.l 1. 1. Supplement. 1199a. GNl'DIA. 28208 10174a ochroledca Lod. DECANDRIA DIGYNIA. 477 yellowish white* L__| or 1| Pa.Y C. G. H. 1820. C p.l Bot. cab. 1184 3342. 1204o. APLOPHY'LLUM J. APLOPHYLLUM. ( Haploos, simple, phyllon, leaf ; leaves siir $ - - patavlnum J. Paduan A un li Jn s G.v Italy 1819 C tfuta patavlna L. No. 10920., and also No. 10921, 10922, 10923, 10924, 10925. belong mple.) Rutticecc. 6. 8. co Miagen. 19 to this genus. CLASS VIII. ORDER 3. OCTA'NDRIA TRIGY'NIA. 1210. POLY'GONUM. J8209 102-7o injucundum B.R. disagreeable tt. | un 2 my 282JO 10279a acutatum Leh. sharpened Q or 2 G.w Valparaiso 1825. C co Bot. reg 1250 Pk 1828. S co CLASS X. ORDER 1. 1237. SOPHO^RA. 28211 104i6rt velutina Lindl. 3343. 1239o. PIPTA'NTHUS Surf. PIPTANTHUS. i . - nepatfnsis Swt. Nepal & ^nagyris indica Wai. No. 10462. DECA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. velvety * |_J or 6 jn Pk Nepal ... C p.l Bot reg. 1185 , to fall, nnthos, a. flower; soon falling off!) Leg Pap Sonh I r 10 my.jn Y Nepal 1821. L r.m Sw. fl gar. 264 ' 1243. CYCLOTIA. 28212 10475a tenuifolia Leh. fine-leaved 1244o. BAPTFSIA. 8213 10479o minor Leh. smaller 1262. 8214 10582o pedunculata/fooAr. peduncled 28215 106110 staphyled'idesCtm. Staphylea-like 1263. DAVIE^S/^. J8216 10617o leptophylla Cun. slender-leaved 28217 - - physodes Cun. bladdery 1268. BAUHl'NJ^. 28218 10673o cumanensis H.$B. Cumana 1974. POINCIA^NA. 28219 10805o regia Boj. royal 3344. 1302o WALLSlTRA Rox. WALLSURA. 28220 - - robusta Rox. robust J I I or 1337. AMMY'RSINE. 28221 11004o prostrata Swt. prostrate - or 1339. flHODODE'NDRON. 28222 11015a Gowenianum Swt. Gowen's * or 135& MELA'STOMA. 28223 11143o Banksn Cun. Banks's i_J or & Ljor 4 Y C. G. H. 1829. C p.l * A or i B N. Amer. 1829. 1) CO * 1 | or l_Jor i 2 my apjl Y Y N. N. Holl. Holl. 1820. 1824. C C s.l.pBotmag. 2860 * * 1 | or 1 | or 2 8 ap.jn ap.jn Y Y N. N. Holl. Holl. 1824. 1824. C C s.l.p 8.1.p 20 jl 40 W Cumana C p.l Bot. reg. 1133 Madagasc.1828. C r.m Bot. mag. 2884 (Wallurst, its Telinga name.) Meliace pr | jn.jl R Spain 1796. S s.l Dec. pL 122 Cotyledon hispanica L. No. 11830. 3356. 1409c. ECHEVE^RL4 Dec. ECHEVERIA. (Echeveri, a botanical draughtsman.) CrassulcLcece. 4. 5. ^ - - coccinea Dec. scarlet-flowered**. | | or 2 o S Mexico 1816. C s.l Bot. cab. 832 Cotyledon coccinea C0t>. No. 11823., and also 11826. belong to this genus. 28243 - - grandift>lia Haw. great-leaved a. \ | or 2 o O Mexico 1828. C s.l Sw. fl. gar. 275 28244 - - gibbiflbra Dec. gibbous-flwd u. i_J or 2 jl.o Y.Pk Mexico 1826. C s.l Bot. reg. 1247 1410. SE^DUM. 28245 118580 fruticulosum Brot. small shrubby tt. A 28246 118690 viridulum Haw. greenish 28247 118840 Guettardz ViL Guettard's O un A pr O un Portugal 1829. C co Europe 1824. D p.l Dauphiny 1829. S co 1414. O'XALIS. 28248 119310 tortubsa B. R. 28249 119320 Martid0 Zuc. 28250 - - papilionacea W. 28251 - - DeppeiLod. 1418. SPE'RGULA. 28252 120720 pilifera Dec. /aricina Wul. twisted Martius's butterfly Deppe's i_J or $ jn G3 or jl tAJ or J iAJ or i jn.jl Y Y Va Cordill. Brazil Brazil Mexico hair-bearing ] A 4 jn.jl W Corsica 1825. O s.p Bot. reg. 1249 1829. O s.p 1819. O s.p 1827. O s.p Bot. cab. 1500 D co CLASS XI. ORDER 1. DODECA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. 1434. EL^OCA'RPUS. 2E253 121170 grandiflt>rus Wai. large-flowered Dor 1447. PORTULA^CA. 28254 121580 grandiflbra Hook, great-flowered ^ iAI or ... W E. Indies 1829. C p.l jn.jl Y.P Chile 1827. S s.l Bot. mag. 2885 3357. 14480. CALANDRI'NI^ H. & B. CALANDRINIA. (J. L. Calandrini, a Genevese botanist.) Portulacets. 5.-16. " - - grandiflbra Lindl. great-flowered f 23 pr 1 jn.jl P Chile 1826. C p.l Bot. reg. 1194 - - ascendens Hort. ascending CM pr | ... P Brazil ... C p.l - - paniculata Dec. panicled fAl or 1$ P S. Amer. 1816. S s.l Tal'mum paniculatum R. Sf. P. No. 12171., also 12172. and 12175. belong to this genus. 1449. ^NACA'MPSEROS. 28257 121830 intermedia Haw. intermediate . i_J cu $ Pk C. G. H. 1824. C s.l Supplement. ICOSANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 479 1453. HEI'M/^. 28258 12200o wyrtifolia Hort. ""59 - - linariaefblia Hort. Myrtle-leaved Linaria-leaved _|or Y Y S. Amer. 1826 C Lp S. Amer. 1829. C Lp CLASS XI. ORDER 3. DODECA'NDRIA TRIGY'NIA. 1460. UPHO'RB7^. 28260 12262o pentagbna Haw. five-angled 28261 12292a splendens Boj. shining '28262 12318o angustit'blia Lock, narrow-leaved 28263 12422o Ktinzei Leh. Kunze's IZlgr 2BS O un 3 ... 4 jn.s 1 jn.jl Y S Y Ap C. G. H. 1824. I. France 1826. Trinidad 1827. Europe 1829. C p.l C p.l Bot. mag. 2902 C p.l S co CLASS XII. ORDER 1. ICOSA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. 3358. 1470o. MELOCA'CTUS C. Bauh. MELON THISTLE. (Melos, a melon, cactus; shape.) Cacteee. 6. 10. . . communis Lk. Sf O. common tt. ZD gr | R W. Indies 1688. O s.p Dec. pi. 112 Cactus Melocactus L. No. 12511., and also 12512. belong to this genus. 2S264 - - pyramidalis Lk. Sf O. pyramidal tt. ZD gr J ... R Caraccas ... O sp L. & O. dis. 25 28265 - - placentiformis Dec. placenta-shpd tL ZD gr J ... R Brazil ... O s.p L. & O. dis. 21 Beslen Lk. & O. 28266 - - Sellow/z Dec. Sellow's tt. ZD gr Brazil ... O s.p L. & O. dis. 22 Echinocactus Sellown Lk. & O. 28267 - - polyacantha Dec. many-spined tt. ZD gr | Brazil ... O s.p L. & O. dis. 16. 1 Echinocactus polyacantha Lk. Sf 0. 3359 . 14706. ECHINOCA'CTUS Lk.SfO. ECHINOCAC. (Echinos, a hedgehog, cactus; spin .) Cdctece. 22. 40 ? - - gibbosa Dec gibbous tt. ZD gr W Jamaica 1808. O s.p Bot. reg. 137 Cereus gibbbsus Swt. No. 12545., also 12546, and 12547. of Cereus belong to this genus. 28268 obvallata Dec. fenced round tt. gr I ... P Mexico ... sp Dec. cac. 9 28269 melocactiformis Dec. Melon-th.-ll Ctt. = gr | ... W Mexico ... C) s.p Dec. cac. 10 i - . cornigera Dec. horn-bearing tt. ZU gr platacantha Lk. $ 0. Cactus latisplna Haw. J ... P No. 12517. Mexico 1823. S.p L. & O. dis. 14 28270 crispata Dec. curled tt = Igr | ... P Mexico ... s.p Dec. cac. 8 28271 . tenuisplna Lk. Sf 0. fine-spined tt. z: gr i ... Y Brazil s.p L. & O.dia. 19.1 _ reciirva Dec. recurved-spine tm. gr 1 Mexico 1796. s.p Cactus recurva Mil. nobilis L. N 0. 1 9 * _ intorta Dec. twisted-spined tt. gr 1 jn.jl P Antigua 1768. s.p PL am. 3. 8 Cactus int6rta Haw. No. 12520. 28272 _ Salnmmo Lk. & O. Salm's tt gr ^ Curacoa ... s.p L.&0.dis.l3 28273 . tuberculata Lk. Sf 0. tubercled tt. gr Mexico ... s.p L. &O.dis.26 28274 _ gladiata Lk. &j 0. gladiated tt gr Jk ^ >4 -BS Mexico s.p L. & 0. dis. 17 28275 _ subulifera Lk. Sf O. awl-bearing tt gr | ... Mexico ... s.p L. & O. dis. 27 X depressa Lk. Sf O. depressed ft gr A tt< --B S. Amer. 1798. C) p Cactus depressa Haw. No. 12513. 28276 . . orthacantha Lk. Sf O. erect-spined jZDgr i M. Video ... s.p L. & O. dis. IS 28277 _ arcuata Lk. Sc O. arched gr L e- ^ %%9 M. Video ... o s.p L. & 0. dis. 23 - - parvisp'ina I/yfc. SjO. small-spined tt. ZD gr | Cactus parvisp v ma Haw. No. 12514., and 12515. S. Amer. ... s.p 28278 . _ intricata Lk. Sf O. intricate tt. gr i M. Video ... s.p L. & 0. dis. 24 28279 _ meonacantha Lk. less-spined tt gr Jamaica rt o s p L. & O. dis. 15 28280 Ottbwzs Lk. Otto's ML gr ... Mexico 1829. s.p 28281 . d^nsaLA. SfO. dense tt gr Mexico 1829. o s.p 28282 Dppez Lk. & a Deppe's tt gr Mexico 1829. s.p 28283 - - sulcata Lk. Sf 0. furrowed tt gr Mexico 1829. s.p 1471. MAMMILLA'RIA. 28284 12527o fulvisplna Haw. brown-spined tt ZDgr | Brazil 1829. S.p 1472. CE^REUS. 28285 12548a magnus Haw. large tt. !gr ... StDomin 1829. C S.I 28286 125490 senilis Salm old tt. gr | ... R Mexico 1823. S.p 28287 ferox Haw. ferocious tt Igr Brazil 1827. C S.I 28288 12559a undatus Haw. wavy tt. gr . ... China 1829. C S.I 28289 12560 tripteris Salm three-winged . o 28290 28291 12562o squamulosus Salm small scaly setaceus Salm bristly tt tt. gr gr Brazil Brazil ... s.p s.p s.p 28292 tt err 28293 ~ coccineus Salm scarlet tt = fci 1 gr S Brazil !!! s.p 28294 ext^nsus Salm extended tt gr 28295 tenuis Salm slender tt gr R Brazil ... s.p 28296 12564o setiger Haw. bristle-bearing tt. gr Brazil 1828. C S.I 28297 12571o ^C'Hhiops Haw. Ethiopian a- ZD gr Brazil 1829. C S.I 1473 EPIPHY'LLUM. 28298 12591o Hooker? Haw. Hooker's tt. ]or 2 jn W S. Amer. ... C s.p Bot. mag. 2692 28299 28300 12592o 12593o Cactus Phyllanthus Hook, but not of Haw. Ackermanm'Haw. Ackermann's tt. 1 or crispatum Haw. curled tL ZD gr 2 jn S Mexico Brazil 1829. 1829. C C tr 1474 OPU'NTIA. 28301 12615a rubescens Salm rubescent tt. Igr 1 Brazil ... S.I 28302 12622o longispina Haw. long-spined tt ... Brazil 1829. C S.I 28303 m glomerata Haw. glomerated tt. 1 ** ... ... ... Brazil 1829. C S.I I 12624a cylindrica Dec. cylindrical *-A i'__j ' TT XT -men r~ ]gr ^ 1OC*7C X^1~^ Peru 1799. C S.I Creus cylindricus Haw. No. 12578., and also 12576. belong to this genus. N.B. In the body of this catalogue, several Chilean species of Cicteae have been referred to genera from their appearance in a seedling state, without any knowledge of their fructification or habit when full grown. 180 ICOSANDRIA DI-PENTAGYNIA. 1475. RHI'PSALIS. 8304 12630a cereuscula Haw. small Cereus-Mceis. 1479. PHILADE'LPHUS. 28305 12640a Zeyhen Schr. Zeyher's 28306 - - floribundus Schr. bundle-flwd 28307 - - verrucbsus Schr. warty grandiflorus B. R. ?8308 - - latifblius Schr. broad-leaved '18309 12645a speciosus Schr. showy grandiflorus Hurt, and laxus 28310 - - LewisiiPh. Lewis's 4 jn 6 jn 6 jn or 6 jn or 10 jn or 6 jn Brazil N. Amer. N. Amer. N. Amer. N. Amer. N. Amer. C 6.1 Supplement. W N. Amer. L co Sc. phil. ic. L co Sc. phil. ic. L co Bot. reg. 570 L co Her. am. 283 L co Sc. phil. ic. L co 3360. 1482o. ANGO'PHORA Cav. ANGOPHORA. (Aggos, a vessel, phoro, to bear ; form of fruit.) Myrtacete. 2. a & . . cordiftlia Cav. heart-leaved * i__j or 6 Y N. Holl. 1789. C s.l Bot. mag. 1960 Metrosideros hispidus Sm. No. 12379., hirsutus Andr, $ . - lanceolate Cav. lanceolate-MJ *< ) or 6 Y N. Holl. 1816. C s.l Gae. fr. 1. 34. 2 Metrosideros costatus Pers. No. 1268). 3361. 14826. ACME^N^ Dec. ACMENA. (Acmena, a nymph of Venus's.) 4 - - floribunda Dec. bundle-flwd * i | or 6 W N. Holl. Metrosideros floribundus Sm. No. 12680. Myrtaceee. 1. 2. 1788. C s.l Yen. mal. 75 1483. CALLISTE^MON. 28311 12693a salignus Dec. Willow-leaved * i | or Metrosideros salignus Sm. 28312 12701o scaber Lod. scabrous i_J or 6 my.jl 4 jl N. Holl. N. Holl. 1788. 1820. C p.l Bot. mag. 1821 C p.l Bot. cab. 128S 3362. 14840. JOSSI'NIA Com. JOSSINIA. 28313 - - orbicul&ta Dec. orbicular-/^/ *CZIor (Not known.) 6 W Myrtacete. 1. 8. Bourbon 182J. C p.l 3363. 1487o. JAMBG*SA Rum. JAMBOSA. (Jambos, aboriginal name.) Myrtacete. 6. 18. & . - vulgaris Dec. common * D fr 25 f.jl W E. Indies 178^ C s.p Bot. mag. 169,-> Eugenia Jambos L. No. 12732. ; also 12745. 12721. 12729. 12738. and 12725. belong to this genus. 3364. 1489o. MY'RCI.4 Dec. MYRCIA. (A surname of Venus.) Myrtacea;. 2. 108. $ - - acrisDec. sharp * Q or 10 my.jl W W. Indies 1759 C s.p Pluk. al. 155. 3 A/yrtus acris No. 12766; also 12768, and perhaps several of the South American Eugenias. 3365. 1490o. SYZY'GIUM Gae. SYZYGIUM. (Zuzygfum,\ts aboriginal name.) Myrtacece. 3. 24. & - . caryophylli folium Dec. Clove-lvd i D or 20 ... W E. Indies 18'J2.' C s.p Ru. am. 14.1 Calyptranthes caryophyllifulia, No. 12773. ; also 12771. and Eugenio 12741. belong to this genus. 1502. CE'RASUS. 28314 12863a serrulata serrulate-tad J Primus serrulata Lindl. 28315 . - alicina Willow-leaved > Prunus salicina Lindl. 3366. 1503o. PU'RSH/^f Dec. PURSHIA. 28316 . . tridentata Dec. 3-toothed-leaved< Tigarea tridentata Ph. |or |or 4 W 4 W China China 1822. G co 1822. G co (F. Pursh, author of Fl. Amer. Sept.) or 2 ... Y N. Amer. 1826. C Rosaces. I l.p Ph.axn. J.15 CLASS XII. ORDER 2. ICOSA'NDRIA DI-PENTAGY'NIA. 1506. CRAT^TGUS. 12919 Oxyacantha 7 punlcea scarlet If or 15 my.jn S B CO Bot. cab. 13:3 5 1507. PY'RUS. 28317 12957o sinensis B. R. Chinese ^ or 4 my.jn W China L CO Bot. reg. 1248 12965 Artist 3 undulata wavy-leaved V or 30 my W S. Europe ... G CO 4 rugbsa wrinkled-/vd ^ or 30 my W S. Europe ... G CO 5 cretica Cretan dtt or 30 my W Crete G CO 6 bullata blistered-/eaz/ed *f or 50 my W S. Europe ... G CO 12979 orbutifolia 2 intermedia Lindl intermediate & or 4 my.jn W G CO 3 serotina Lindl. late Sit or 4 W G CO 28318 28319 28320 12979a 129800 granditblia Lindl. great .leaved pubens Lindl. downy depressa Lindl. depressed & & or or or 5 my 5 my li my.jn W W W N. Amer. !!! B B L CO CO CO Bot. reg. 1154 1513. COTONEA'STER. 28321 130060 laxiflura Jac. lax-flowered ffi or 4 ap R.w . L CO Bot. reg. 1305 28322 28323 13007o frigida Lindl. cold UVa-ursi Hort. Bear-berry-lvd microphylla var. UVa-ursi Lindl. & St or or 10 4 W W Nepai" 1820 ? L Nepal 1825. L CO CO Bot. reg. 1229 Bot. reg. 1187 1515. SPIRAEA 28324 13013o vacciniifblia D.Don Strawberry-lvdSfc or 2 W Nepal 1820. C p.l Bot. cab. 1403 1520. MESEMBRYA'NTHEMUM. 13177o lacerum Salm jagged dimidiatum Haw. No. 13177. 1L. i_Jor Pk C. G. R 1811. C s.l Bot cab. 1279 28325 13298o olsinifolium Hort. Chickweed-lvd iQI or | jl N. Holl. ? 1827. S s.l Supplement. POLYANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 481 CLASS XII. ORDER 3. ICOSA'NDRIA POLYGY'NIA. 1522. .RO^SA. 28326 133960 DicksSnt Lindl. Dickson's 3ft or 5 my.jn D.R Ireland ... L CO 13406 alplna 4 specibsa Lindl. showy & or 3 jn.jl S ... L CO 1523. .KITBUS. 28327 13515o abruptus Weihe abrupt & or' 8 jn.s W Britain m.hed. L CO 28328 28329 macrophyllus Weihe long-leaved vulgaris Weihe common - or or 8 8 jn.s jn.s W W Britain Britain m.hed. L m.hed. L CO CO 28,>30 13533o diversif61ius Weihe divers-leaved -4 or 8 jn.s W Britain m.hed. L CO 28331 discolor Weihe discolored or 8 n.s W Britain m.hed. L CO 28332 fusco-ater Weihe brownish-blacl >Jc or 8 jn.s W Britain m.hed. L CO 28333 _ pallid us Weihe pale or 8 jn.s W Britain m.hed. L CO 28334 Kohln Weihe Kohler's ~ or 8 jn.s W Britain m.hed. L CO 28335 _ echinatus Lindl. echinated -i or 8 jn.s W Britain m.hed. L CO 28336 A 1 dumetbrum Lindl. thickets' f T). or 8 jn.s ~ll - X W Britain in 1 OCOC m.hed. L j 10 cc n CO All the above are said to be natives of Britain as well as Nos. 13522. 13525. and 13527. 1528. POTENTI'LLA. 2F337 13637o Russellzano Swt Russell's A spl 1$ S hybrid D co Sw. fl.gar.279 1535. DRY^AS. 28338 13710o Drumm6ndz Hook. Drummond's JU | pr f W N. Amer. 1828. D s.p octop^tala Ph. CLASS XIII. ORDER 1. POLYA'NDRIA MONOGY'NIA. 1539. CA'PPARIS. 28339 13747o peltata Lock. peltate-feai;ed J *l_|or 6 ... ... Trinidad 1827. C p.l 1547. 28340 13761o SANGUINA X RIA. grandiflbra Rose, great-flowered & A or i ap.jn W N. Amer. ... II p.1 28341 28342 1551. 13770o 13771o GLAU'CIUM. tricolor Bernh. pe"rsicum Dec. three-colored Persian O or O or 1 jn.s 1 jl.s R R Persia 1828. Volhynia 1829. S S CO CO 1554. ARGEMO^NE. 13796o ochroleuca Swt. yellowish white sulphurea, No. 13796. O or 2 jlau Su Mexico 1827. S co Sw. fl. gar. 242 3367. 1555o. LEWI'S/^ Ph. LEWISIA. f Capt. M. Lewis, who accompanied Clarke to Rocky Mountains.) Crassitl. 1. 28343 - - redivlva Ph. revived * A or $ ... W N. Amer. 1826. D s.p 3368. 1562o. HUNNEMA^N/^ Swt. HUNNEMANIA. (John Hunneman, a zealous botanist.) Papaverfaece. 1. 28344 - - /umariajfolia Swt. Fumaria-lvd iAI or 2 ... Y Mexico 1827. S r.m Sw. fl. gar. 276 3369. 1581o. GODO^A R.&P. GODOYA. 28345 - - gemmiflbra Mart, bud-flowered (Em. de Godoy, Prince of the Peace.) Guttifer or St Europe C CO Sw. cis. 95 28360 . Andersbm Swt Anderson's JU or | my.jn st S. Europe ... C CO Sw. cis. 90 28361 140630 racemosum Dunal racemose SJ. or 1 mv.s W S. Europe 1820. C s.p Sw. cis. 82 28362 14073o cupreum Swt. copper-Jlwd !U or ijn-jl R hybrid ? C CO Sw. cis. 66 14075 mutabile 2 rbseum Swt. rose n. or 1 R S. Europe ... C CO Sw. au. 106 1407G rbseum 88363 140760 2 multiplex Swt. manifold diversifolium Swt. divers- leaved fc pr or i jn.jl Pk F 1815 Europe C C s.p CO Sw. cis. 86 Sw. cis. 96 l\ 482 DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. CLASS XIII. ORDER 2. POLYA'NDRIA DIGY'NIA. 1596. 14094 Moiitan 5 Hume* 6 rbsea-semipl 7 rbsea-plfena 8 Raw fell 9 carnea-plena 10 albida-pleria 28364 14112a Briwwi Dou. Sir Abr. Hume'sffl or 2 ap.jn P China 1817. C p.l Bot. reg. 379 semi-dble rose 5& or 2 ap.jn R China 1794. C p.l double-rose Rawes's S or or 2 2 ap.jn ap.jn R China Pa.Pk China 1804. 1820. c c I'.l p.l And. rep. 373 double flesh-c/c m or 2 ap.jn F China ... c p.l double white or 2 ap.jn W China c p.l Brown's * A or 2 my.jn R N. Amer. 1826. R S.I CLASS XIII. ORDERS. POLYA'NDRIA TRIGY'NIA. 1599. .DELPHI'NIUM. 28365 14133a MenzieszY Dec. Menzies's 28366 1413JO altaicum Pis. Altaian 1600. ^CONrTUM. 28367 14188o Lamarckw Rchb. Lamarck's pyrenaicum Lam. not L- - pallidum Nutt. pale A spl 2 jn.jl B N. Amer. A or 4 jn.jl B Altaia D p.l Bot. reg. 1192 D co A or 2 Pa.Y Pyrenees 1817. D co A or 3 Pa N. Amer. 1829. D co CLASS XIII. ORDER 4. POLYA'NDRIA TETRAGY'NIA. 3370. 1602o. ESCHSCHO'LTZ/,4 Cham. ESCHSCHOLTZIA. (Dr. Eschscholtz, a botanist.) Papaveracea;. 1. - californica Cham, Californian & A or 1 jl.o Y California 1826. S co Sw. fl. gar. 265 1607. REAUMITRM. 28370 14311o vermiculata L. vermiculated CLASS XIII. ORDER 5. POLYA'NDRIA PENTAGY'NIA. _Jpr 1 jl.o Pk Sicily 1828. C s.p CLASS XIII. ORDER 6. POLYA'NDRIA POLYGY'NIA. 1618. MAGNO'L/A 28371 14348o odoratissima Reinw. sweetest-sctd 1 CD or 10 1629. Y.w Java 1829. G p.l 28372 144300 Hudsoniowo Rich. Hudson's ^ 28373 - - Nuttalhowo Dec. Nuttall's ^ 1631. CLE'MATIS. 14460 grandiflora Dec. is Chlorantha Lindl. 28374 144680 smilacifolia Wai Smilax-leaved fl_ | 1637. .RANU'NCULUS. 28375 146290 afflnis R. Br. allied ^ 28376 - - ovalis Rafi. oval 28377 - - SchlechtendalHook.Schlechtend.^ 28378 14640o laciniatus Bang, fringed 1638. TRO'LLIUS. 28379 14650o oconitifblius Lk. Aconitum-lvd ^ A or | jn.jl A or 1 jnjl Bot reg. 1234. CHun 20 ... A un | my.jl A un | my.jl eun f my.jl un 1 A or 2 my W W P Y Y Y Y Y N. Amer. 1827. N. Amer. 1827. E. Indies 1824. N. Amer. 1827. N. Amer. 1827. N. Amer. 1827. Transylv. 1827. 1829. D D C D D S D CO CO P- CO CO CO CO 1648. 28380 14698o orchideum Lindl. Orchis-like heterophyllum Cav. CLASS XIV. ORDER 1 DIDYNA V MIA GYMNOSPE'RMIA. tt. | or 1 Pk Chile 1826. S co Bot. reg. 1255 3371. 1653a. LOPH A'NTHUS Benth. LOPHAN. (Lophos, crest, anthos, flower ; appearance of flower.) Laliata;. 5. " - - wrticifolius Dou. Nettle-leaved ^ A or 2 B N. Amer. 1826. S co - - - anieatus Benth. Anise-scented ^ A or 3 jl.s B N. Amer. 1825. S co Bot reg. 1282 #yss&pus anisatus Nut. discolor Desf. as well as No. 14772, 14773, and 14774. of Hyssopus, and N 14812, of -ZVe"peta belong to this genus. 1. 8. Supplement. DIDYNAMIA ANG1OSPEIIMIA. 1659. ME'NTH^. 28383 148760 brevispicata Lch. short-spiked ^ A " i ... P Siberia 1829. D co 3372. 16590. APHANOCHrLUS Benth. APHANO. (Aphanos, obscure, cheilos, a lip ; lip of flower.) Labia te 28384 - - inclsus Benth. cut ^ A or 2 s W Nepal 1824. D co Mentha blanda Lindl. but not Wai. 3373. 16596. DYSOPHY'LL A Blumc. DYSOPHYLLA. (Dyaodcs, fetid, phyllon, leaf ; smell ?) Labiate. 2 12 \ . . quadrifolia Benth. four-leaved 10. \ | or 2 P Nepal 1820. C s.l 3/ntha quadrifblia Rox. No. 14859. 28385 - - pumila Benth. dwarf ^ A cu jl.s P Nepal 1826. D co Botmag. 2907 Mentha pumila Grah. verticillata D.Don 3374. 16630. HORMrNUM Pers. HORMINUM. (Hormao, to incite; qualities.) Labiate. I. 28o86 - - pyrenaicum Pers. Pyrenean ^t A or 1 J n -jl B Pyrenees 1820. D co Sw. fl. gar. 252 1669. STA^CHYS. 28387 149990 hirsuta Kth. hairy _J or 2 ... R Mexico 1829. C p.l 15013 germanica 2 pubescens Lindl. purple A SP 1 2 au.o P Germany 1826. D p.l Bot. reg. 1289 3375. 1669. SPHA'CELE Benth. SPHACELE. (Sphacele, Greek name for Sage.) Labi&te. 1. 3. 28388 - - Lindleyj Benth. Lindley's tt. |_J un 2 au Pk Chile 1825. S co Bot. reg. 1226 Stachys Salvia; Lindl. 3376. 16710. ROY'LEv4 Wai. ROYLEA. (Dr. Rot/le, superintend, of the botan. gard. at Saharumpoor.) Labiate.l. 3. 4 - - Regans Wai. elegant A or 2 P Nepal 1824. C s.l ^allbta cinerea D.Don No. 15028. 3377. 16720. BERINGE X R7J Neck. BERINGERIA. (Beringer, probably a man's name.) Labiate. 8. 9. - - cinerea Benth. cinereous ^ A or 1 jn.jl Pa.P Spain 1823. D co Marrubium cinereum Desr. No. 15044. 15048, 15049. 15040. 15045. 15043. 15046, 15047. belong to this genus. 1674. PHLO V MIS. 28389 150690 flocc&sa D. Don flocky it (or 2 jl.o Y Egypt 1828. D s.lp Bot. rep. 1300 3378. 16770. CHASMCTNIA Lindl. CHASMONIA. (Chasmao, to gape wide; calyx.) Labiate. \. - - inclsa Lindl. cut-leaved Q or 2 Pk Levant 1596. S co Bot. reg. 1244 Moluccella spinbsa, No. 15101. 1680. ORI'GANUM. 28390 15116 stoloniferum Bes. stoloniferous ^ A or 1 jn.jl Pk Podolia 1828. D co 3379. 16810. MICROME^RIA Benth. MICROMERIA. (Mikros, small, meris, a part.) Labiate. 2. ? 28391 - - Teneriffze Benth. Teneriffe . _J 1 jn.jl P Teneriffe 1829. C co ThymusTeneriflfePers. as well as No. 15165. and several others. 1685. DRACOCE'PHALUM. 28392 15199a origandldes W. Marjoram-like !U _J or | jl ... Siberia 1829. D s.l.p 3380. 1685o. PHYSOSTEXJI A Benth. PHYSOSTEGIA. (Physa, a bladder, stege, a covering; calyx.) Labiate. 5. - - virginikna Benth. Virginian ^ A or 2 jl.s R N. Amer. 1683. D l.p Bot. mag. 467 Dracocephalum virginianum L. No. 15192, 15193, 15194, 15195, 15196, belong to this genus. 3381. 16880. MOSCHO'SMA Rchb. MOSCHOSMA. (Moschos, musk, osme, smell ; odor.) Labiate. 2. ocymdldes Benth. Ocymum-like O or 1| jl.s W 1823. S co Lumnitzera ocymoldes Jac. No. 15237. and 15238. 3382. 16886. ACROCE'PHALUS Benth. ACRO. (Akron, summit, kephale, head.; flowers on branch tops.) Lab. 1. 3. 28393 - .. capitktus Benth. headed O ec l^jLau W China 1806. S s.l Lumnitzfcra capitkta W. No. 15240. 3383. 1689a. CO X LEUS Lou. COLEUS. (Koleos, a sheath ; united stamens.) Labiate. 2. 11. % - - barbatus Benth. bearded tt. O or 3 o.n B Abyssinia 1806. C Lp Bot. mag. 2036 Plectranthus barbatus Bot. Rep. 6. ForskbhhY B. M. No. 15251. and 15242. belong to this genus. 3384. 16896. ANISOCHrLUS Wai. ANISOCHILUS. (Anisos, unequal, cheilos, a lip.) labiate. 1. 4. $ - - carn6sa Benth. fleshy # O or 1| jn.s Li E-Indies 1788. S co Am. ac. 10.3 Lavandula carnbsa W. No. 14828. CLASS XIV. ORDER 2. DIDYNA'MIA ANGIOSPE'RMIA. 1698. GESNE^R/^. 28394 15326a macrostachya Lindl. long-spiked & (23 spl 2 year S Rio Jan. 1825 C p.l BU. reg. K02 28395 15329a rutila Lindl. brilliant C2 spl 2 au.s S.Y Brazil 1825. C p.l Bot. reg. 11.08 1706. 28396 15393 amara Wai. bitter O or 20 ...... E. Indies 1828. C p.l 1714. SALPIGLO'SSIS. 28397 15437a picta Swt. painted O spl 2 my.jn Va Chile 1820. S co Sw. fl. gar. 258 28398 - - atropurpureaGn/A. dark-purple O or 1| s P Cordiller. 1826. S co Sw. fl. gar. 271 3385. 1715fl. CALA'MPELIS D. Don. CALAMPELIS. (Kalos, pretty, ampelis, a vine.) ^Bignoniacecc. scabra D. Don scabrous Eccremocarpus scaber R. Sf P. No. - "scabra D. Don scabrous _ fl. .Al pr fi jlau' O ' Chile ' 1824.' C l.s Sw. fl. gar.n.s.30 1717. PENTSTE^MON. 15444 pulchtHlus LindL pretty ^ ^AJ pr 1 Li Mexico 1827. D p.l Bot. reg. 1138 Chelbne legans Kth. Pentstemon elegans No. 15444. I i 2 484 TETRADYNAMIA. Supplement* 28399 - - Scoulen Dou. Scouler's A or 3 my.jn P.B N. Amer. 1827. D CO Bot reg. 1277 28400 154470 diffusa Dou. diffuse f. A r If jn.n P N. Amer. 1826. D p.l Bot. reg. 1132 28401 - - triphylla Dou. three-leaved A or Pk California 1827. 1) p.l Bot. reg. 1245 28402 154570 28403 glandulusa Dou. ovata Dou. glandular ovate-leaved A or a A s pi 2 S 4 jn.jl Pa.P B N. Amer. 1827. N. Amer. 1826. D D CO Bot. reg. 1262 Bot. mag. 2903 28404 28405 specibsa Dou. acuminata Dou. showy acuminate H A r A or 3 1 B P N. Amer. 1827. N. Amer. 1827. D D CO CO Bot. reg. 1270 Bot. reg. 12S5 28406 venusU Dou. graceful J A r 2 jls P N. Amer. 1827. C CO Bot. reg. J309 28407 pruinusa Dou. frosted If A r 1 jnjl B N. Amer. 1827. D CO Bot. reg. 1280 28408 deusta Dou. blasted 1 P N. Amer. 1827. D CO 28409 attenuata Dou. tapering ^ A r M Pa.Y N. Amer. 1827. D CO Bot. reg. 1295 28410 _ glauca Grah. glaucous A r i jn au Pa. Li N. Amer. 1827. D p.l Bot. reg. Iii86 28411 28412 . procera Dou. conf^rta Dou. tall crowded-flwd A or A or i 2 P Pa.Y N. Amer. 1827. N. Amer. 1827. D pi p.l Rot. mag. V954 Bot. reg. 1260 1718. CHELCTNE. 28413 154600 nemorbsa Dou. grove & A or 1 jLs P N. Amer. 1827. S r.m Bot. reg. 1211 1727. RUE/LLJJ. 28414 155070 Sabim0n0 WaL Sabine's **- f~l or 2 year B Silhet 1826. .C p.l Bot. reg. 1238 1738. LANTA'NA. 28415 155840 mollis Grah. soft t| lor 4 R.w Mexico 1828. C CO 1740. LIPPI^. 28416 15880 dulcis Hort. sweet fAI pr i jn.s W Trinidad P1827. D p.l 1744. CHLOA'NTHES. 28417 156220 rosmarinifbliat'Mn. Rosemary-lvd tt. i 1 or 2 G.Y N. Holl. 1823. C p.l 1749. TERBE'NA. 28418 156380 barbata Grah. bearded ^ 28419 - - alata Lk. ? wing-stemmed 28420 156410 pulchHa Swt. neat 28421 156420 chamaedrifolia Sm. Germander-lvd Melindres GilL 1752. CLERODE'NDRON. 28422 156910 emirn^nse Boj. Emire it 1762. STENOCHrLUS. 28423 15737 viscbsus Grah. clammy il 1774 ANTIRRHINUM. 28424 157790 montevidensejLA. Monte Videan 1775. LINA^RIA. 28425 157860 aequitriloba Spr. equal 3-lobed it 28426 158180 purpurascensJferwA. purpurascent ^ 1789. DIGITALIS. 28427 159220 laciniata Lindl. fringed-leaved ^ Am 1 jn.s A or 1 jl.s &) el 1 jn.s iAI el 1 jn.s Pk F P S Mexico 1826. S. Amer. 1829. B. Ayres 18'/7. B. Ayres 1827. S D S C CO CO CO Sw. fl. gar. 298 Sw. fl. gar. n. s. ! 1 I or 3 W Madagasc.1822. C p.l Bot. mag. 2925 1 jor 2 o Y N. Holl. 1824. C s.p Bot. mag. 2930 O or 1 jl R M. Video 1829. s CO A or J jn.jl [ Q) or 1J jn.jl P P Sardinia 1829. S. Europe 1829. s s CO CO Bot. mag. 2941 A pr 1 5 jnjl Y Spain 1827. D r.m Bot. reg. 1201 (John Adam, M.D., of Calcutta.) Araliacece. 1. E. Indies 1829. C p.l 3386. ? 17890. ADANVLL4 Wai. ADAMIA. 28428 - - cyanea Wai. blue 3387. 18110. FRANCI'SOE^ Pohl. FRANCISCEA. (Francis, emperor of Austria.) Solanece. 1. 14. 28429 - - uniflbra Pohl one-flowered * I ! or 3 W.p Brazil 1826. C l.p Bot cab 1332 Hopeaw0 Hook. Bot. mag. 2828. 1813. ALONSOM 28430 160710 intermedia Lod. intermediate . (_J or 2 year S hybrid ? C s.p Bot cab. 1456 CLASS XV. TETRADYNA V MIA. 1826. TURRrTIS. 28431 28432 161320 patula Grah. spreading - - stricta Grah. strict O O un un i my.jn i my.jn W W N. Amer. N. Amer. 1827. 1827. S S CO CO 1838. VESICATIIA. 28433 16241 arctica Rich. arctic ^ i-AI pr | au.s Y N. Amer. 1828. s s.p Fl. dan. 1520 ^lyssum arcticum Fl. dan. 1520. 28434 - - arenbsa Rich. sandy ^ ^41yssum arcticum Hook. : -Al pr 2 au.s Y N. Amer. 1826. s s.p Bot mag. 2882 1846. DRA^BA. 28435 162920 crassifMia Grah. thick-leaved * : A or J my.jl Y N. Amer. 1826. s S.I 28436 163150 gracilis Grah. slender o cu i jnjl Y N. Amer. 1827. s CO 28437 163170 lutea .3 Mngipes Rich. nummularia Lk. . Moneywort-lvd O un \ my.jn W 1828. s CO 1863. HE'SPERIS. 284C8 164290 excelsa Hort. lofty ^ l A or 3 my W 1828. s CO 1865. SISY'MBRIUM. 28439 164640 brachycarpum7frc/J. short. fruited un i jn.jl Y N. Amer. 1S29. s CO 2844U - - canescens Rich. canescent un 1 jnjl Y N. Amer. 1827. s CO 1867. RY'S1MUM. 2S441 164870 exaltatum Amir, exalted ^ e O) un 1 my.jl Y Potlolia 1829. s CO 28442 164930 Marschall/0M;Andr. Marschall's^ l 0) u n 1 my.jl Y Podolia 1829. s CO Supplement. 1877. /SATIS. J!S 143 KwSi-'rt oblongata Dec. .'SM4 - - variegita Led. |?8445 - - inegacarpa Fix. .'844G . . dasycarpa Led. .'8447 - - latisiliqua Fis. MONADELPHIA DECANDIUA. oblong variegated large-fruited thick-fruited broad-podded Baical Siberia Persia Siberia Persia 485 1829. S 1828. S 1829. S 1828. S 1829. S CLASS XVI. ORDER 1. MONADE'LPHIA TRIA'NDRIA. darkened tf cu f my.jl D.P C. G. H. ... O s.p Bot. cab. 1356 3388. 19130. SPATALA'NTHUS Swt. SPATAT.ANTHUS. (Spatalos, delicate, anthos, flower.) Iridece \ ?8449 - .. specibsus Swt. showy tf _AJ spl f R C. G. H. 1825. O s.l Sw. fl. gar. 300 Trichonfema monadelphum Swt. No. 1064. 1909. FERRA^RI^. 28448 16759 atrata Lod. 1919. RIEDLEV/4. 28*50 168450 borb6nica Dec. 1923. PASSIFLO S RA. 28451 168980 Raddi00 Dec. Raddi's CLASS XVI. ORDER 2. MONADE'LPHIA PENTA'NDRIA. Bourbon tt. O un 2 Bourbon 1829. C p.l Cav. dis. 174. 1 fl_Oor 10 jLs W Brazil 1825. C p.l 3589. 1923a. DISE'MMA Lab. DISEMMA. (Dfs, double, stemma, a crown ; crown double.) Passiflbrece. 2. 4. . - Herbert/0rt Dec. Herbert's O or 30 G.w N. Holl. 1821. C lp Bot reg 737 Murucuia Herbertzawa Swt. No. 16925., and also 16926. belong to this genus. 1925. TACSO^NIA. 28452 169ai0 pinnatistipula J. pinnate-stipuled 1828. C p.l Cav. ic. 5.428 3390. 19270. CLINTO^N/^ Dou. CLINTONIA. (De Witt Clinton, late governor of the State of N. York.) Lobelici. 1. 28453 . . elegans Dou. elegant O P* jUu B Colombia 1827. S co Bot reg. 1241 CLASS XVI. ORDER 4. MONADE'LPHIA HEPTA'NDRIA. 1929. PELARGONIUM, abutiloldes Sw. ger. n. s. 2. acetabulbsum Sw. ger. n. s. 40 acutidentatum Sw. ger. n. s. 36. alatum Sw. ger. n. s. 25. anacampton Sw. ger. n. s. 64. anisod6nton Sw. ger. 398. bipinnatifidum Sw.ger. n. s. 62. calamistratum Sw. ger. n. s. 32. calliston Sw. ger. n. s. 8 carbasinum Sw ger. n. s. 34. coiloph^llum Sw. ger. n. s. 3. compactum Sw. ger. n. s. 70. commixtum Sw. ger. n. s. 71. concrfetum Sw. ger. n. s. 23. cordiforme Sw. ger. n. s. 45. crataBgifolium Sw. ger. n. s. 18. Cummingue Sw. ger. n. s. 35. DarnleydwMW Sw. ger. n. s. 63. Deb6rgh<^ Sw. ger. n. s. 20. decorum Sw. ger. n. s. 14. divergens Sw. ger. n. s. 35. dissimile Sw. ger. n. s. 60. eratlnum Sw. ger. n. s. 28. flabellifolium Sw. ger. n. s 44. Garden Varieties. flagrans Sw. ger. n. s. 15 glabrcscens Sw. ger. n. s. 41. graphicum Sw. ger. n. s. 11. haemastictum Sw. ger. n. s. 17. heteromallum Sw. ger. n. s. 30. HiUianum Sw. ger. n. s. 47. insculptum Sw. ger. n. s. 65. Kenrick^ Sw. ger. n. s. 58. laciniatum (vin.) Sw. ger. n. s. 2. latidentatum Sw. ger. n. s. 27- Lawrenceawwwz Sw. ger. n. s. 22. Littleawwwz Sw. ger. n. s. 72. Loudomatt/tt Sw. ger. n. s. 16. magnifulium Sw. ger. n. s. 9. malacophyllum Su: ger 397. walachrafolium Sw. ger. n. s. 1. megalanthum Sw. ger. n.s. 3. megalelon Sw. ger. n. s. 4. megalostictum 'Sw. ger. n. s. 7. melanostictum Sw. ger. n. s. 5. rhirabile Sw. ger. n. s. 57. nodf)sum Sw. ger. n. s. 68. nubilurn Sw. ger, n. s. 19. niitans Sw. ger. n. s. 66. Obriem'anttOT Sw. ger. n. s. 10, o?nanthifC)lium Sw. ger. n. s. 12. papyraceum Sw. ger. n. s. 21. pra?clarum Sw. ger. n. s. 67. penastictum Sw. ger. n. s. 24. peramplum Sw. ger. n. s. 61. Peyton?> Sw. ger. n. s. 42. picturatum Sw. ger. n. s. 31. plectoph^llum Sw. ger. n. s. 37. poculifulium Sw, ger. n. s. 31. rhodopetalon Sw. ger. n s. 13. saturatum Sw. ger. n. s. 33. succul^ntum Sw. ger. n.s. 69. suffusum Sw. ger. n. s. 43. tinctum Sw. ger. n. s. 29. tortuosum Sw. ger. n. s. 39. translucens Sw. ger. 395. urbanum Sw. ger. n. s. 46. vestifluum Sw. ger. n. s. 26. Victorz'awMTW Sw. ger. n. s. 6. Yeatmam'rtttMm Sw. ger. n. s. 59. xingiberinum Sw. ger. n. s. 38. CLASS XVI. ORDER 6. MONADE'LPHIA DECA'NDRIA. 19380. BRO'WNE^. 28454 172740 grandiceps Jac. large-headed * CD spl 6 ... R Caraccas 1829. C 8.1 Jac. col 3. 22. a. 28455 172820 apiculkta Cun. small-pointed * |_J or 3 mr.jl P N. Holl. 1824. C s.p 1945. SCO'TTIA. 28156 173110 angustifdliaZ,md 1 I I un 20 my.jn Br.R China 1822. C p.l Bot reg. 1256 CLASS XXII. ORDER 7. DICE'CIA OCTA'NDRIA. 3U8. 27930. RHODrOLA L. ROSE ROOT. (Rhodon, a rose ; roots smelling like roses.) Crassulacece. 2. C8555 - - rbsea L. Rose-smelling & A or 1 my.jl Y Britain moun. D co Eng. bot. 508 28556 - - sibMca Hort. Siberian ^ A or my.jl Y Siberia 1827. D co CLASS XXII. ORDER 9. DIOTCIA DECA'NDRIA. 2799. SCHPNUS. 28557 24416 /erebinthifolia.flad.Terebinthus-lvdJ i | or 20 Brazil 1829. C s.l CLASS XXII. ORDER 10. DICETCIA DODECA'NDRIA. 2806. MENISPE'RMUM. 28558 24435a planifblium Wai. flat-leaved fi. CD un 20 ... Y E. Indies 1828. C p.l CLASS XXIII. ORDER 1. POLYGA^MIA MONCETCIA. 2837. ^CA^CIA. 28559 24740a pendula Cun. pendulous i_J or 8 Y N. HolL 1823. C p.l 3419. 2873a. PENTACRY'PTA Leh. PENTACRYPTA. (Pente, five, krypte, a vault.) UmbeWferte. 1. 28560 - - atropurpurea Leh. dark-purple (Z3 un 2 ... P Mexico 1829. S co CLASS XXIII. ORDER 2. POLYGA'MIA DICE'CIA. 3420. 2888rt. GALACTODE'NDRON Hum. Cow TREE. (Gala, milk, dendron, a tree.) Urtlce*. 1. 28561 - . utile Hum. useful JO 5 Caraccas 1829. S l.p 3421. 2890a. SORINDErA Thou. SORINDEIA. (Unknown.) Terebinthacecc. 1. 28562 - - madagascarie'nsis Thau. C] or 8 ... P Madagasc. ... C p.l 3422. 2897a. MELANORRHOTA Wai. BLACK VARNISH TREE. (Melas, black, rheo, to flow ; juice.) Terebin. 1 8563 - - usitata Wai. common 1 CH us 50 ... R E. Indies 1829. C l.p,12 2900. Frcus. 28564 25271a lut^scens Nois. lutescent Q un 3 my.jn Ap ... 1824. C p.l CLASS XXIV. ORDER!. CRYPTOGA V MIA FI'LICES. 2940. WOO'DS/^. 28565 25633a PerrimYJraa Torrey Perrin's j A el | jn.jl Br N. Amer. ... D l.p HO'RTUS BRITANNICUS. PART II. NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. EXPLANATORY INTRODUCTION. JL HE species under the different Classes, Orders, and Tribes, are enumerated with reference to their garden culture, and the totals given under each of the principal Subdivisions, Orders, and Tribes. The space of ground which the hardy plants of the different ordess would occupy is estimated with a view to the formation of arboretums and herbaceous grounds, arranged according to the Natural System. In the latter estimation the following rules have been adhered to : The rootless Cryptogamia, such as JV/usci, Hepatica?, &c., have not been included. All climbers, whether ligneous or herbaceous, have been allowed a square of two feet on the side. All other hardy plants, whether ligneous, herbaceous, or aquatic, under one foot in height, have been allowed a square of one foot on the side ; all of one foot and under two feet, a square of two feet on the side ; all of two feet and under six feet, a square of three feet on the side ; all of six feet and up to thirty feet, a square of ten feet on the side ; all above thirty feet, a square of twenty feet on the side. Supposing it intended to estimate, according to these rules, the space which the hardy herbaceous plants of any tribe or order would occupy; then the first thing is to find the space allowed for each species or variety separately, by multiplying the side of the square allowed to each species or variety by itself; the next thing is to add the products of the multipliers of each separate species or variety together ; and the last process is to take the square root of the total so obtained. This root gives the side of a square which would contain all the smaller squares, and consequently the size of a square bed or compartment which would contain all the hardy her- baceous plants of the tribe or order. Every gardener knows, or ought to know, how to modify this square to a parallelogram, a triangle, or a circle, of the same capacity. The same process has of course been followed in estimating the size of the compartments requisite for each of the orders and tribes of the hardy ligneous plants. The same also in ascertaining the sides of the squares that will contain all the orders in a subclass ; all the subclasses in a subdivision ; all the subdivisions in a class ; and all the classes in the two grand divisions of the system : or, in other words, of a square which will contain all the plants which will endure the open air in Great Britain. In estimating the space requisite for every individual plant, the dimensions allowed may be taken indif- ferently as the side of a square, or the diameter of a circle : since the extremities of the horizontal branches or of the leaves of every plant may be said to form the circumference of a circle, of which its stem is the centre ; and since in practice to place together any number of circular beds, is to place together the same number of squares, the side of each of which is equal to the diameter of each of the circles. But it is evident that a large circular bed of any given diameter will not contain so many smaller circles or squares, as a large square whose side is equal to the diameter of the large circle ; the latter being contained within the former ; and hence it is necessary, in adopting the circular form for any compartment which is intended to contain more than one plant, always to add to the side of the square one eighth of its length, as the diameter of an equivalent circle. Thus the side of a square which would contain the order Magnoli&ceas is sixty-two feet ; but a circle to contain the same number of plants, with the same room to each, will require a diameter of seventy feet, or eight feet more than the side of the square. One eighth part is not quite sufficient ; but it is near enough for practice ; one seventh would be too much. In indicating the results of these calculations, to save room, a tree ({) is substituted for the words, Hardy Ligneous Plants; an herb (}) for the words, Hardy Herbaceous Plants; and a water plant (=t), for Hardy Water Plants. The utility of these calculations to gardeners, in designing arboretums or herbaceous grounds, will be very considerable ; since it will enable them to proportion the size of every bed, group, or clump, to the hardy plants which can be go % t to fill it. It will also enable those who wish to form small arboretums or herbaceous grounds, to diminish tlie size of their groups in due proportion ; so as that their arrangement, however small, may exhibit not only a specimen of the plants of every group, but by its size, relatively to the other groups, convey an idea of the proportion of the plants fitted for temperate latitudes which that group contains. In general, it may be observed, that the best mode of laying out an herbaceous arrangement according to the Natural System is by circular groups, on a plane, or on a regularly convex or concave surface, with a circular boundary ; the space between the groups being covered with grass, gravel, or pavement. We should prefer gravel, each group being edged by box ; because grass is unfavourable to walking on in moist weather, and pavement, though cheapest in the end, is expensive at first. To arrange the groups systematically on this surface, and at the same time to throw the numerous circles into agreeable figures, the following mode may be adopted : Take three or four sheets of common letter paper; three or four sheets colored black on both sides ; three or four red ; three or four green ; three or four yellow ; and three or four blue. Then fix on a certain scale, say one foot to one eighth of an inch, being the common division of pocket rules, and with a pair of compasses draw circles representing all the orders of Thalamiflbra? on the white paper ; of the next subclass on the black paper ; and of the third on the red paper ; Monochlamydea? on the green paper ; Mono- cotyledfcneae on the yellow paper; and the garden plants of Foliaceas on the blue paper. Next write the name and number of the order or tribe on each circle. Cut out all the circles, keeping each color by itself, and stick on the circles representing tribes on the large circle representing the order to which they belong. Now paste several large sheets of paper together, so as to form a surface of the size and shape of the intended arboretum or herbaceous ground, adopting the same scale as for the circles. Then take all the orders belonging to one color, and arrange them in a figure, agreeable in point of effect, and correct with reference to the affinities of the orders. The same as to the other colors. \ou have thus before you all the beds of the flower, garden or herbaceous ground. After varying them in a great many ways, and having at last made a satisfactory disposition, fix each circle in its place on the large paper with gum or paste, and the result is the working plan. The same method of trial and correction will be found among the best for arranging a Systema Naturae as a flower-garden on a lawn, or on any piece of ground of irregular shape in the pleasure-ground ; and it may also be employed when the whole of the trees and shrubs in the park and pleasure-grounds of a residence are to be planted in the order of nature. In the two latter cases, when the circles are all in their places, and it is thought desirable to form irregular shapes, for the proper size and connection of such shapes the separate circles are excellent indications. In laying out herbaceous arrangements, the circles of tribes belonging to the same order, and sometimes of orders, may be joined together by bends, which in the execution on the ground may be made six or eight inches wide. These bends, judiciously contrived, will aid in giving effect to the general figure, as well as prove useful helps to the student in a scientific point of view. One of the most generally applicable methods of planting an arboretum is that of placing the trees and shrubs along one or both sides of a winding shrubbery walk ; placing no tree or shrub nearer the walk, or nearer another tree or shrub, than half its own height. A complete arboretum on this plan would extend along at least two miles of walk ; a complete herbaceous ground, as will be seen by the estimate, would occupy an acre and one third ; but all the orders and tribes both of hardy ligneous and herbaceous plants may be 492 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. exemplified in less than a tenth of these spaces. In a work which will shortly appear *, will be found a variety of plans for herbaceous grounds and arboretums composed in the manner described, and for planting all the grounds of a residence according to the Natural System. The enumeration of the species under the different garden divisions of hardy, herbaceous, &c., and under the botanic divisions of orders, tribes, &c., is of important and varied use and interest, in respect to garden culture, vegetable geography, and the formation of herbariums and collections of figures of plants ; but this we presume to be so obvious to every gardener and botanist as not to require explanation. INTRODUCTION TO THE JUSSIEUEAN, OR NATURAL, SYSTEM. First Grand Division, VASCULA^RES and cellular tissue), or First Class, DICOTYLEDO*NE.E (dis, two, Subdivision I. Dichlamydeae (dis, two, calyx and Subclass 1. ThalamiflbrjB (thalamus, a bed, mens under pistillum). 1. Ranunculacea?, Magnoliaceae, 4. Anonaceae, 5. Menisper- deaj, 7 Podophyllacea?, 8. Hydropeltidea?, Subclass 2. Calyciflbraa (calyx and flos ; sta- 59. Celastrineae, 60. Rhamnea;, 61. Bru- 6'5. Homalineas, 64. Chailletiaceas, 65. Terebinthacea?, 67. Leguminosse, &c., to Subclass 3. Corolliflora? (corolla and flos j sta- 117. Epacr Idea; 118. Symplocfnea?, 119. sinese, 121. Sapoleaa, 122. Ebenaceze, 123. ; 125. Jasmineaj, 126. Strychneae, &c.,to 150. Subdivision II. Monochlamydete calyx and corolla 151. Plantagineaa, 152. Nyctagineag, 153. Ama- tolaceas, 155. Chenopbdeas, &c., to 177. Second ClaSS, MONOCOTYLEDbNE^E 178. Cycadeae, 179. Hydrocharidea?, 180. Alis- mea?, 182. Juncagfneae, 183. Orchidea?, &c., Second Grand Division, CELLULA^RES tissue only), or ACOTYLE- (vas, a vessel : plants with spiral vessels COTYLEDCTNE^E. 27729 sp. and kotyledon; cotyledons two). and chlamys , a coat or covering ; corolla distinct). "Sg No. 0*0 of hardy flos, a flower; sta- species. 2. Dilleniaceae, 3. maceas, 6. Berber!- ,- f cog &c., to 58. Coriariea?. 58 } ft g313 mens on the calyx), niaceas, 62. Samydeaj, Aquilarineaj, 6G. r , 1 o nc 116. Peneaceae - - 58 ,; J^ mens on the corolla). Styracinea;, 120. Myr- Brexiea?, 124. Olein'se, c , Plumbagineaj - - 34 \ : L " (monos, one, chlamyst a coat ; not distinct), ranthacese, 154. Phy- Empetreaa No. of feet in the sides of squares of surface of ground and water requisite to grow the hardy spe- cies. 138 156 7 233 147i 96* 07 5 /. 609 ?' 27 i k. 623 J^ 334* 6j (monos, one,andfcotyledon; cotyledon one), macea?, 181. Buto- c , ^~)l- W to 210. Gramineaa - 33 J ^ 20 gJ >fi. ' aq (cellula, a little cell ; plants with cellular DO'NE^E (a, priv. and kotyledori). 2859 sp. First Class, 1. Filices, 2. Equisetaceae, 3. Lycopodinea?, &c. Second Class, APHY'LL^E (a, priv., 7. A'lgse, 8. Lichenes, (foliaceus, leafy ; habit). to 6. Hepatic* - - 6 J; phyllon, a leaf; leafless). 9. Fungi - - 3$ l : >&. 127 j aq. JL HE difficulties connected with the adoption of the Natural System of plants are these, that the characters of many of the orders are at present imperfectly known, and that they all depend upon a consideration of many points of structure which are not to be determined without much labour and a considerable degree of practical skill in the use of the microscope and the dissecting knife. But the facilities which the habit of viewing natural bodies with reference to the relations they bear to other bodies, and not as insulated individuals merely possessing certain peculiarities by which they may be referred to some station in an artificial system, ultimately gives to the investigations of the naturalist, are so great, that difficulties of the nature just alluded to should not be suffered to influence the botanist in determining which line of study he will follow, whether that pointed out by Linnaeus, or that traced by the hand of nature. By the artificial system of Linnaeus, indeed, no great difficulty exists in determining the number of stamens or styles possessed by a given plant, or the nature of their combination, and from the knowledge so obtained, in referring them to their class and order in the Linnean system. But when this step has been gained, what more has been acquired than the bare knowledge that the plant in question possesses a certain number of stamens and styles ? No possible notion can be formed of the relation it bears to other plants of the same nature, of the qualities it probably possesses, or of the structure of those parts not under examination the fruit for example ; and, finally, if it were wished to convey an idea of the plant to a stranger, no means would be in the possession of the Linnean botanist of doing so, except by stating that the plant belonged to Pentandria Monogynia for example, which is stating nothing. But what would be the condition of the student of the natural affinities of plants in a similar case ? It is true he would be obliged to consult more characters than the two uninfluen- tial ones of Linnaeus : it would be necessary to ascertain if his subject was Vascular or Cellular ; if Vascular, whether it was Monocotyledonous or Dicotyledonous ; if Dicotyledonous, whether the leaves were opposite or alternate, stipulate or exstipulate, whether the flowers were monopetalous, polypetalous, or apetalous, the nature and station of the stamens, the condition of the ovarium, and so on. But when he has ascertained thus much, only let it be remembered, for a moment, how much he has gained indirectly as well as directly. * Illustrations of Landscape. Gardening and Garden Architecture, by various Artists in different Countries of Europe, and in North America. Edited by J. C. Loudon. In Imperial folio parts quarterly, 5*. each. NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 493 Perhaps he has discovered that his plant belongs to Rubi&cese ; he will then have learned that all vegetable with opposite entire stipulate leaves, and a monopetalous superior corolla, are also Rubiaceous. If a fragment of the leaves and stem only of such a plant were afterwards submitted to him for examination, he would recognise its affinities, and remember that it was Rubiaceous, and, being aware of that fact, he would be able safely to infer that its calyx and corolla would be of a particular nature ; that if the roots afforded any color for dying, it would be red ; that the medicinal properties of the bark, if any, would be tonic, astringent, and febrifugal ; and that its seeds would be of the same nature as those of coffee ; and, finally, its geographical position would be tolerably certain to him. The principal difficulty which has to be encountered by the student of the Natural System of plants is caused by the want of an introduction to. the subject, accompanied by the characters of the several orders ; this is indeed removed as far as the British Flora is concerned by the publication of Mr. Lindley's Synopsis, in which the essential characters of all the wild flowering plants of this country are stated and analysed ; but it still exists with respect to the vegetable kingdom in general. It is obviously impossible to overcome this difficulty here; all that we can do is to point out the characters of the great divisions under which the orders are arranged ; even this necessarily very imperfect mode of treating the subject will probably remove some of the inconvenience that is at present experienced. _, Plants considered with reference to their general structure, are separated into two grand divisions called CELLULA^RES and VASCULA N RES. The Cellulares answer to the Linnean Cryptogamia, and are also called Acotyledbnese ; the Vasculares answer to the rest of the Linnean system, which is sometimes called Phanerogamia and Cotyledoneae. CELLULA^RES, CRYPTOGAMOUS, or ACOTYLEDONOUS, plants are all, therefore, different terms denoting the same combination of vegetables. The first term is here adopted in preference to the others as expressing the most obvious character upon which the division depends, namely, the cellular, not vascular, structure of the plants composing it. Cellular plants are formed entirely of cellular tissue (jig. 1.), without spiral vessels j or in 1 a, Longitudinal section of a stem. b, Transv. rse section of a stem. c, Stem of a moss, with leaves and theca, or seed-case. d, Leaf of a moss magn'fied. e, Leafv thallus of a li.-hen, with shields. Orustaceous thal'us of a lichen, with shields. g, Fungi of the highest dignity. h, i, Fungi of the lowest rank. k, Conferva magnified. more familiar terms by having no veins in their leaves if foliaceous, and not forming wood ; they also are destitute of perfect flowers. The lower tribes, such as Fungi and A'lgse, are destitute ot leaves, and in some points approach the animal kingdom so nearly as to be scarcely distinguishable. In the highest tribe, Ferns, apparent veins are formed in the leaves ; but as they are not supplied with spiral vessels, they cannot be considered more than analogous to the veins of other plants. Ferns, however, hold the intermediate station between Cellulares and Vasculares, and are chiefly retained among the former on account of their perfect accordance in other respects. In the whole of Acotvledons, it is unnecessary to examine the seed for the purpose of determining whether it has one cotyledon, several cotyledons, or none, the structure of the perfect plant giving the most obvious and satisfactory "evidence. VASCULA^RES, PH.KVOGAMOUS, or COTYLEDONOUS, plants, arc also separated into two great classes called Endugenes or Monocotyledons, and Exogenes or Dicotyledons, both which are distinguished as accurately by their obvious physical structure as they are by the minute and obscure peculiarities of the seed. They are all formed with cellular tissue, woody fibre, and spiral vessels (fig. 2.), and their leaves are traversed by veins; the last character is sufficient for practical purposes, if it is remembered that they also bear perfect flowers, 2 I, Vertical section of a vascular stem. m, Woody fibre, or elongated cellular tis Spiral i, vessel. o, Loaf of a dicotyledonous plant. f, Leaf of a monocotyledonous plant. 494 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. (that is, flowers furnished either with stamina, or pistillum, or both), which will always prevent their being confounded with the highest tribes of Cellulares. Endogenes, or Monocotylcdonous plants, are the first remove from Cellulares, and hold an intermediate rank between them and E.r6genes or Dicotyledonous plants, in which vegetation acquires its highest form of deve- lopement. They were formerly characterised by having a single cotyledon, but this circumstance is not only not absolute, but difficult of determination, except after minute analysis. The real difference in the seed of them and Dicotyledons is this, that in Monocotyledons there is only one cotyledon (fig. 3. s) ; or, if two, that q, Transverse section of a monocotyledonous stem. j r, Germination of a monocotyledonous seed. *, Section of ditto, to show the cotyledon remaining t, Section of a germinating embryo of a grass, to show the two alternate cotyledons of unequal size ; the back and front lobes represent these, the middle lobe is the plumula. u, Stem and leaves of a monocotyledonous plant. they are alternate with each other (f), while in Dicotyledons they are always opposite, and more than one, sometimes several, as in Pinus (fig. 4. y}. The physiological structure of the two classes is, however, that by which they are familiarly distinguished, and exhibits a beautiful proof of the harmony that exists between the great features of vegetation' and their first principle, the seed from which they originate. In Endogenes, or Monocotyledons, there is no distinction between wood and bark (fig. 3. q] ; in Extigene*, or Dicotyledons, the wood and bark are distinctly separated (fig. 4. ). In Monocotyledons the wood and cellular tissue are mixed together without any distinct annual layers of the former being evident; in Dicotyledons the wood and cellular tissue have each their particular limits assigned them, a distinct layer of the former being annually deposited. In Monocotyledons there are no radiations from the medulla to the bark ; in Dicotyledons the radiations are distinctly marked. In Monocotyledons there is generally no articulation between the leaves and the stem, while in Dicotyledons the leaves are always jointed with the stem, from which they fall off, leaving a scar behind. In Monocotyledons the veins of the leaf pass in parallel lines from the base to the apex, in Dicotyledons they diverge from the midrib towards the margin at various angles; in the former they are unbranched, the principal veins being connected by nearly simple secondary veins ; in the latter they are much branched, ramifying in many directions, and giving the surface of the leaf a netted appearance. t', Transverse section of a dicotyledonous stem. rv, An embryo with two cotyledons. Xf An embryo with four cotyledons. y, An embryo with many cotyledons. r, Stem and leaves of a dicotyledonous plant. Such are the very obvious distinctions of the two great classes of phamogamous, or flowering, plants ; and so far is it from there being any necessity for dissecting a seed in order to ascertain its structure, that this point is one of the most easy determination, and about which there cannot be in one case in five hundred the .slightest cause of doubt or difficulty. It is almost impossible to see even a morsel of a plant without instantly being in possession of the knowledge of the structure of its seed, with respect to the cotyledons. Thus far have we advanced without a single obstacle to impede us. In all farther investigation no greater degree of knowledge or application is requisite than what ought to be possessed by every one who would be able to ascertain the genus of a plant. Many of the orders do not depend upon the minute characters of the seed so much as is believed; the structure of the ovarium and position of the ovula are aids which frequently make amends for the absence of fruit: and the nature of the foliage and inflorescence is a guide which, though sometimes treacherous, is often as faithful as the fructification itself. But as it is not intended to give the characters of the orders in this place, neither is it necessary to advance further in an explanation of the manner of determining them; upon that point each order would require a particular note. It may, how- ever, be confidently believed, that there are no greater impediments in the road to an acquaintance with the natural relations of plants than those that have been already removed ; and that although neither the science NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 495 of botany, nor any other science, is to be taken by storm, yet that the fortress is sure to be reduced by silent and patient approach. It only remains to explain briefly upon what principles the names of the orders, suborders, &c., are formed. It is usual, in the school of Jussieu, to give a natural order a name derived from that of the genus which is understood to be the type of the order ; as Ranunculaceae from Ranunculus, Rosa,ceas from R6sa, and so on. But several deviations from this principle had been admitted by Jussieu, in favour of certain groups of plants, long known by other popular names, derived from certain peculiarities ; such as Labiatae, because their corollas are labiate ; Composite, because their flowers are what is commonly called compound ; Guttiferae, on account of the resinous juice in which they abound, and some others. It would, perhaps, have been better, if uniformity in nomenclature had not thus been sacrificed to a dread of innovation ; but it is now too late to remedy the evil, if such it be ; nor would the advantage of alteration be at this day equivalent to the inconve- nience. For the purpose of making it at once apparent, whether, in speaking of a group of plants, reference is had to an order or a suborder, it has of late years been thought convenient to terminate the name of the natural order in acece, and of the suborder in ece. Thus, in speaking of the whole mass of which Ranunculus is the representative, the word Ranunculdra*? is used ; but in speaking of the particular division, or suborder, of which Ranunculus forms a part, the term Ranunculi is employed. This manner of speaking is, however, at present, very partial in its application, and is of little importance, except in a few cases, of which Ranuncu- la*ceae is one of the most striking examples. In those orders, the titles of which, necessarily, from their gram- matical construction, end in ece, as Orchidea?, it is obviously inapplicable, without a total change in a great part of the nomenclature of natural orders, a measure which cannot be too much deprecated. It may, perhaps, be finally expected, that these remarks should be concluded by a recommendation of some work, from which those who are anxious to become fully acquainted with the principles and distinguishing characters of the Natural System of Botany, may derive the necessary information. Unfortunately, however, such a work has at present no existence. M. Decandolle's Theorie E'lementaire de la Botanique explains the principles upon which the orders of plants are constituted; and M. de Jussieu's Genera Plantarum contains their characters, as determined in 1789: but the latter is now too obsolete to be very useful to the tyro. In our own language, the best work to consult is the Synopsis of the British Flora by Mr. Lindley. We under- stand a more extensive work upon the subject is in preparation by the latter gentleman, by which this great desideratum in the science of Botany will be supplied. It may be expected to appear in the course of 1830, previously to which, however, the reader may consult Richard's New Elements of Botany, which contains translations of Jussieu's Natural Orders ; or he may refer to the Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles. In the list of genera under each order, in the following arrangement, the figures in the first column indicate the place, in the former part of the work, of the genus to which they are prefixed ; those in the second column of figures show the number of hardy ligneous species and varieties, and those in the third, that of hardy herbaceous species and varieties, belonging to the genus which they follow. Where a genus includes native British species, a star (*) is prefixed to the column to which such species belong. FIRST GRAND DIVISION, VASCULA^RES. Genera 3040, Species 27729 ; Hot-house Species 6261 ; Green-house Species 7648 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 2512 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 11308. 1 482| feet ; 233J feet; =fe 22| feet. CLASS I. DICOTYLEDCTNE.E, OR EXO'GEN^ (exo, outside, geinomai, to grow). Genera 2407, Species 23027 ; Hot-house Species 4P3f> ; Green-house Species 6326 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 2478 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 9287. $ 48 2 feet ; 214 feet ; =& 15 feet." - SuBDmsioN I. DICHLAMY'DEJE. This subdivision comprehends all the Dicotyledonous plants, that have both a calyx and corolla, by which they are distinguished from Monochlamydea?, in which the calyx only exists. It is in consequence of this high developement of the floral envelopes, that the greater part of handsome flowering trees and shrubs are found in Dichlamydea^, it rarely happening that those with a single floral covering have any brilliant coloring. SUBCLASS 1. THALAMIFLCTR^E. Petals and Stamens inserted in the Receptacle. Genera 517, Species 4774 ; Hot-house Species 922 ; Green-house Species 1211 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 328 : Hardy Herbaceous Species 2313. 138 feet ; 96 feet ; *= 8 feet. The insertion of the petals and stamens into the receptacle is the great character of this subclass, which, therefore, contains all the polyandrous plants of Linnajus, as the Calyciflora? contain the icosandrous genera of the same botanist. SECTION I. Carpetta numerous, or Stamens opposite t/te Petals. 1. ORDER I. RANUNCULA^CEJE. Genera 29, Species 632 ; Hot-house Species 8 ; Green-house Species 19 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 43 : Hardy Herbaceous Species 562. f 15 feet ; 56| feet ; * 5| feet. The greater part of the plants of this order are objects of interest with gardeners, containing, as it does, many of the most elegant or showy of the tribes of hardy plants. It is here that the graceful Clematis, the lowly ^nembne, the glittering Ranunculus, and the gaudy Pa?ony are found ; differing, indeed, in external appear- ance, but combined by all the essential characters of their fructification. It is remarkable, however, that the acrid and venomous properties of these plants are nearly as powerful as their beauty is great. They are all caustic, and in many of them the deleterious principle is in dangerous abundance. M. Decandoile remarks that its nature is extremely singular ; it is so volatile, that, in most cases, simple drying in the air or infusion in water is sufficient to destroy it : it is neither acid nor alkaline ; but its activity is increased by acids, honey, sugar, wine, or alcohol ; and it is, in reality, destructible only by water. The crowfoots of our European pas- tures, and the ^nembne trilobkta and triternkta of those of South America, are well known poisons of cattle. Blistering plasters are made in Iceland of the leaves of Ranunculus acris. The foliage of some species of Clematis is supposed to afford the means employed by beggars of producing artificial ulcers. Some of the Aconites are diuretic, especially Nap^llus and Cammarum. Delphinium Consolida is said to be an ingredient in those French cosmetics, which are so destructive of the surface of the skin. The jF/ell^borus, famous in classical history for its drastic powers, and the Nig<126 *2 1639 /sopyrum i. 02 1392 Gariddlla Tou. 1 1606 Nigella Tou. 14 Ifi05 Aquilegia L. 21 1599 .Delphinium Tou. *61 1600 .4conltum Tou. 128 6. Tribe 5. P,EOXIA\:EJK. ift. lig. 12. her b. 46. J 10 ft. ; 20 ft. *8 *10 2 *8 1 1604 Cimicifuga i. 4 1546 Macrbtys Rafi. 1 1545 Act&a L. *3 932 Xanthorh'iza Herit. 1 1596 P6nm L. *11 38 7. ORDER II. DILLENIA^CE^E. Genera 12, Species 29; Hot-house Species 11 ; Green-house Species 18 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. JO feet ; feet ; ^ feet. Fine plants, almost exclusively confined to tropical countries. Dillenia specibsa, a native of India, is a most noble tree with large yellow flowers, rivalling thos6 of a Magndh'a. Hibbert/'a volubilis is a green-house plan; well known for the beauty of its blossoms, and their powerfully fetid smell. The medical properties of this order are scarcely known; a decoction of the leaves or bark is astringent, and used for gargles ; and the acid juice of the fruit of some of the species of Dilleni is used in India, mixed with water, as a pleasant beverage in fevers. The foliage of many of the species is extremely scabrous, whence the dried leaves are used for the same purposes as fish-skin and sand-paper in Europe; those of Trachytella asperaare even employed in China for polishing works of metaL Most of the species strike readily by cuttings of the ripened wood in sand under a bell-glass. 8. Tribe 1. M09 Tetracera L. 1584 Doliocarpus Rol. 1583 Deli ma /,. 1594 Curatella L. 1603 Trachytella Dec. 9. Tribe 2. 1376 Pachynema R. Br. 1595 Pleurandra Lab. 2185 Candolleff Lab. 1597 Hibbertza Andr. 1610 W6rmm Rtb. 1608 Colbertzo SaL 1614 Dillenio L. 10. ORDER III. MAGNOLIA N CE^. Genera 5, Species 37 ; Hot-house Species 3 ; Green-house Species 1 1 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 23 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. $ 62 feet ; feet ; =*= feet. No one is ignorant of the grandeur of Magnolias, or of the delicious, though sometimes dangerous, fragrance of their blossoms ; but it is less generally known, that, from their affinity to the trees that produce the famous Winter's bark and Melambo bark, they possess medicinal qualities of no common power. The bark of all of them is said to have a bitter flavor without any astringency, and combined with a hot aromatic principle. In the United States, the bark of MagnohVi glauca and Liriodendron tulipifera is employed for the same purposes as Jesuit's bark, and from the fruit of MagnbbVi acumin&ta a tincture is prepared which has some reputation for removing attacks of rheumatism. The fruit of lllicium anisatum is the material which flavours the liqueur called Anisette de Bourdeaux. The Magnolias are exclusively inhabitants of Asia and America, no species having hitherto been found either in Europe or in Africa. The shoots of most of the species do not emit roots freely, and therefore they are generally propagated by layers, grafting, inarching, and sometimes by seeds ; two or three of the species by cuttings. 11. Tribe 1. ILLICIE\E. 1615 lllicium /,. 1602 Drlmys Forst. 12. Tribe 2. MAGNOUE\E. lig. 23. herb. 0. 62 feet. 1619 Michelia L. 1618 Magnbha L. 1617 Liriodendron 13. ORDER IV. ANONA^CEJE. Genera 9, Species 45 ; Hot-house Species 40 ; Green-house Species 1 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 4 ; .Harrfy Herbaceous Species 0. $ 11| ft. ; ^ feet ; ^ feet. The plants of this order are closely allied to Magnoliaceze, from which they are principally distinguished by the absence of stipula?, and by the structure of their anthers and seeds. The latter consist of a hard mass of alhumen, ruminated, as the botanists call it, that is to say, perforated by the substance of the seed-coat, in every direction. They are all trees or shrubs, and chiefly inhabitants of the hottest parts of the tropics, but a few have been discovered straggling into the temperature zones of America. The fruit of the An'ona is in many species highly esteemed as an article for the dessert, especially that of the Cherimoyer, which has the reputation of being the finest fruit in the world, next to the mangosteen. The hard fruits of the species of Uviiria are highly aromatic; those of one of them furnish the Piper ajthiopicum of the shops. The genus Asimina is the only one which contains any hardy species, and these are so delicate as to be seen very rarely in this country. In Brazil, the bark of XyK.pia sericea is used for cordage ; for which it is admirably adapted. Cuttings or layers. 1622 Jnbna Adan. I 1626 Asimina Adan. 1623 Monodi.ra Dunal 1620 Uvaria L. 1538 Eupomatia R. Br. \ 1621 Unona L. 14. ORDER V. MENISPERMA^CE^. Genera 8, Species 29 ; Hot-house Species 20 ; Green-house Species 5 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 4 j Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. J 4 feet ; feet ; * feet. The order of Menispermkceae consists entirely of twining shrubs with minute flowers. They are extremely dissimilar in habit from the orders which are placed near them, and occupy thejr present station entirely on account of certain minute but important characters in their fructification. With the exception of Schizindra coccinea none of them are worth cultivating as plants of ornament. The berries of Lardizabala biternata are sold in the markets of Chile, under the name of Aguilboquil, Guilbogui, or Coguill-Vochi, according to different travellers. The bitter, diuretic, and aperient roots of Pareira brava are the produce of the CissAmpcloa 1 1624 Artabotrys R. Br. 1627 XylbpiaL. 1625 Guatteria R. & P. NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 497 Parelra; and the famous Columbo root, so much esteemed for its intense bitterness, and for its use in diarrho?a and dysentery, is the produce of the Cucculus palmatus. The poisonous drug called Cocculus indicus in the shops is the seed of a species of Cocculus, probably tuberosus. Several Brazilian species of Cocculus and Cissarnpelos are said to possess powerful febrifugal properties. No species of Menisperm&ceas i found in Europe ; they are chiefly natives of tropical America and Asi Asia. Cuttings. 15. Tribe 1. MENISPE'RME^E. lig. 4. herb. 0. 4 feet. 2788 Cocculus Bauh. 2789 Coscinium Col. 2790 Tiliacbra Col. I 2807 Abuta Aub 1129 Wendland/a W. 2825 Clssampelos L. 16. Tribe 2. SCHIZA'NDRE*. 2806 Menispermum L. 4 J 2625 Schizandra MX. 17. ORDER VL BERBERI'DEJE. General, Species 33; Hot. house Species ; Green-house Species 10 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 20 : Hardy Herbaceous Species 3. f 35|feet ; 2 feet; *= feet. With the exception of Btlrberis this order does not contain any genus of much interest; most of the others are low, inconspicuous, herbaceous plants ; Nandina is an elegant Japanese shrub. The Berberises are all shrubs of much beauty and interest, especially the species with pinnated leaves, which are sometimes called Mahonias. These are all inhabitants either of Europe, Asia, or North and South America; none have ever been seen in Africa or New South Wales. Many of the finest species from Chile and India yet remain to be introduced. The berries of the Berberises are acid and astringent; the latter quality is especially abundant in the stem and bark. Cuttings, layers, division, and seeds. 1090 Bfrberis L. *19 I 1086 Le6ntice L. I 390 pimdium L. *1 1091 Mahbnia Nut. 1 1087 Caulophyllum MX. 1 1088 Diphylleia MX. 1 1092 Nandma Thun. 18. ORDER VI I. PODOPHYLLA^CEJE. Genera 2, Species 2 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 2. feet; li feet. * feet. Little, interesting, herbaceous North American plants, nearly related on the one hand to Nymph a?aceae, and on the other to the herbaceous genera of Berberideae. Their juice is held to be purgative. Division. 1548 Podophf llum L. 1 | 1178 Jeffersbmo Bart. 6 1 19. ORDER VIII. HYDROPELTI'DEJE. Genus 1, Species 1 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 1 ; Hardy Ligneous Species j % Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 1 feet ; feet ; ^ feet. This order differs from Nympha?acea> chiefly in having a definite number of seeds. It consists of only two genera, each containing a single species. Both are little floating plants of tropical and northern America. Nothing is known of their properties. Division or offsets. 1644 Hydrop^ltis L. 20. ORDER IX. NYMPHS A N CE2E. Genera 4, Species 31 ; Hot-house Species 19 ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 12. feet ; ^ feet ; =fe 3| ft. Like the last, these are all floating plants, and, to gardeners, possessed of great interest, on account of the elegant form and various hues of their flowers. Three species are known as the lilies of our own streams and ponds, and the remainder occupy similar stations in other countries. Some of the Indian species of Afymphae\i are delightfully fragrant. The holy Cyamus, or Pythagorean bean of antiquity, is the produce of the Nelum- bium, a stately aquatic, which abounds in all the hotter countries of the East, where its roots are frequently used as an article of food. The ditches, about Pekin and other Chinese cities, arc literally choaked up with its abundance. The pericarpia or beans are oblong, hard, smooth bodies, and possess the power of vegetating after having been dried for even thirty years. The flowers and roots of the common white A'ympha^a have been long celebrated for their sedative and antiaphrodisiacal qualities, which are, however, now considered doubtful. In Sweden, in years of scarcity, the roots of -ZVuphar lutea are pounded into cakes along with the inner bark of Plnus sylvestris. This order has been the cause of much difference among botanists, as to its true station in a natural classifi- cation, its structure being of so doubtful a character as to leave room for disputing whether it belongs to Dicotyledones or MonocotylMones. Upon this subject M. Decandolle has the following remarks : " Gartner declares that the embryo is undivided, and therefore monocotyledonous. In 1802, I remarked in the Bulletin Philomathique that the embryo both of IVymphje'a and Miphar is enclosed in a peculiar integument, and that a dicotyledonous structure is apparent when that integument is removed ; shortly after, M. Mirbel declared that the embryo of Nelumbium has two thick cotyledons ; in 1806, M. Turpin gave an accurate description of the fruit of Nelvmbium liiteum, without however removing the doubts about the real structure of the embryo, and two years afterwards his colleague, M. Poiteau, described the seed and germination of the same plant, pointing out that the embryo consisted of two thick cotyledons enclosed within a stipular membrane, but destitute of radicula : this was subsequently confirmed by M. Mirbel after very minute anatomical examina- tion ; that observer compared the seed of Nelumbium to the seed of /fmygdalus, and also to that of Piper and Saururus, and also demonstrated that the structure of the stem was analogous to that of exogenous or dicotyledonous plants. A very different opinion was shortly afterwards held by M. Correa de Serra, an observer of the highest order, who admitted indeed that Nympha?aceae are exogenous, but contended that the parts which had been taken by previous observers for cotyledons were, in fact, a mere expansion of the radicle, and meanwhile M. de Jussieu was supported by the late Professor Louis Claude Richard, a name for ever memorable in the annals of Carpology, who published a new view of their structure, in which he differed materially from all his predecessors; this botanist considered the stipulary membrane of Poiteau a simple cotyledon, and the cotyledons of that writer the hypoblastus, or body of the radicula ; he also refused to admit any evidence derived from the anatomical structure of the stem. In this conflict of opinions, I have determined to station Nymphajacea; among Exogenes, for the following reasons 1st, because the structure of their stem is that of Ex6genes rather than of Endogenes ; 2dly, because the two opposite bodies, enclosed within the little bag or stipulary membrane, described by Poiteau, appear to be undoubtedly cotyledons, which is confirmed by the presence of a plumula between them in Neldmbium ; 3dly, because of the structure of their flower, which has a great affinity with that of Pzebmo, Magnolm, and Pap&rer ; 4thly, on account of the similarity between their fruit and stigma and that of Papaver ; 5thly, because of their milky juice and convolute leaves, two characters which are not known to exist among Endo- genes " Those who are interested in pursuing this curious discussion any farther, will find many remarks and illustrative figures in the English edition of the Analyse du Fruit, published by Mr. Lindley in 1819. " and division. K k that cotyledons were as entirely absent in Nelumbium as in Cuscuta. In the meanwhile M. de Jussieu adhered to the old opinion, that NymphEekcea? are monocotyledonous ; in which he 498 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 21. Tribe 1. NELUMBO^NEJE. 1613 Neltimbium J. 22. Tribe 2. NYMPH,EE\E. Kg. 0. herb. 12. * 3 feet. 1564 Euryale SaL 1556 Nymphafa Neck. *7 1557 .Nhphar Sm. *5 23. ORDER X. SARRACENIE\E. Genus 1, Species 4 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 4 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. JO feet ; feet ; ^ feet. Plants remarkable for the singular form of their leaves, which are tubular and hold water, and some species have lids or covers, which, it is alleged, shrink and close over the mouth of the tube in dry weather, so as to prevent the exhalation of the water. The order is chiefly distinguished from Papaveracese and Nympheaceae in having a broad peltate leafy stigma. It consists only of one genus, containing six species, all inhabiting the swamps of North America. Division. 1555 Sarracema L. SECTION II. Carpella solitary or connate; Placenta parietal- 24. ORDER XI. PAPAVERA*CE,E. Genera 12, Species 65 ; Hot-house Species 2 ; Green-house Species 1 ; Hardy Ligneous Species : - Hardy Herbaceous Species 62. feet ; 18 ft. ; ^ -feet. These plants are better known for their medicinal properties than for their beauty. Some of them are the common pests of corn fields, and with grain have been disseminated over all the world. Sanguinaria is a neat little American plant well known for its crimson juice, and the emetic purgative powers of its roots.. The peculiar power of the poppy is, as is well known, narcotic ; a property which pervades all the order, although in a less intense degree in all than in the officinal P. somniferum, from which exclusively the drug opium is obtained. The Mexicans use the expressed oil of the seeds of Argembne mexicana for polishing furniture. Division, seeds, or cuttings. 1552 Papaver 1554 Argemone Ton. 1553 Meconopsis Vie. 3368 Hunnemama Swt 1547 Sanguinaria L. 1422 BoccomYz L. 1423 Macleaya R. Br. 1550 Romena Med. 3370 Eschsch6ltzza Cham. 1 1551 Glaucium Ton. *7 1549 Chelidbnium Bauh. *3 408 //ypecoumZ. 3 25. ORDER XII. FUMARIA^CE^E. Genera 6, Species 44 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 44. feet ; 13 ft. ; i feet. Tender herbs, with finely cut leaves and annual stems, abounding in a watery juice ; without any appear- ance of milkiness. They are reckoned slightly diaphoretic and aperient, but their medical properties are trifling. Formerly they were combined with Papaveraceae, from which they are now universally distinguished. The greater part of them are natives of hedges or thickets in the cooler parts of the northern hemisphere ; two are natives of the Cape of Good Hope. Many of the species are beautiful ornaments of the flower-garden. Division or seeds. 2049 Diclytra Bore. 9 I 2048 Cysticapnos Boer. 2 I 2051 Sarcocapnos Dec. 1 2050 Adi hmiaRafi. 1 | 2047 Corydalis Dec. *22 | 2052 Humana Tou. *9 26. ORDER XIII. CRUCPFER^ (crux, a cross,/m>, to bear; form of corolla). Genera 88, Species 761 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 77 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 18 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 666. 6| ft. ; 50 feet; ^ 3 feet. The importance of this order to mankind, and the singular nature of its botanical characters, render it expedient to speak very fully upon it : in which the remarks of the learned M. Decandolle, who has paid Cruciferae particular attention, will be chiefly followed. The order consists wholly of annual or perennial, often biennial, herbs, occasionally assuming a suffrutescent habit ; then, however, never exceeding the height of three feet. The roots are either thick and perennial, or annual or biennial and slender, almost always perpendicular and undivided. The young roots are tipped with a little sheath, called the coleorhiza, which is produced by the extended ruptured coat of the epidermis when the rootlet first appears. This is a curious character, and deserves attention. The stems are round or somewhat angular, branched, and often, even in the annual species, indurated at the base. The branches proceed from the axillaj of the leaves, but the upper- most ones are abortive in most cases. The racemes are always opposite to the leaves ; sometimes the terminal branch is abortive, when the raceme appears to be terminal ; but this is merely owing to that circum- stance. The leaves are simple, generally radical or alternate, rarely opposite. The flowers are either white, yellow, or purple, or in a few Cape species bright blue. The fruit is called either a siliqua or silicula, the former being a linear pod containing many seeds, the latter a roundish pod containing one or very few seeds, whence this order, which is the same as the Linnean class Tetradynamia, is divided by Linnasus into two parts, called Siliqu&sae and Siliculbsas. In the seed, the radical and cotyledons are applied to each other in different ways, from which the suborders of M. Decandolle derive their characters. When the edge of the cotyledons is pressed closed to the radicula, so that a cross section would be as at Jig. 5. a, the cotyledons are said to be accumbent, as in all Pleurorhizeaa; when the side of the cotyledons is pressed to the radicula as at b, the former are called incumbent, as in Notorhizea?. If the cotyledons are incum- bent, and at the same time half folded together or conduplicate, as at c, the suborder Orthoplbcea? is formed; when the cotyledons are incumbent and spirally twisted, so that a section would be as at d, they constitute the suborder Spirolbbea? ; and finally, when the cotyledons are incumbent, and doubled twice in their length, as at e, we have Diplecolobeaj. NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 499 The whole order is preeminently European ; 166 species are found in the north and middle of Europe, and 178 on the sea-shores of the Mediterranean ; 45 are found between Mogadore and Alexandria : 184 in the countries of the East, that is to say, Syria, Asia Minor, Tauria, and Persia ; 99 in Siberia ; 35 in China, Japan, and India ; 1(5 in New Holland and the South Sea islands ; 6 in the Mauritius and adjacent countries ; 70 at the Cape ; 9 in the Canaries ; 2 in Saint Helena ; 2 in the West Indies ; 41 in South America : 48 in North America ; 5 in Kamtchatka and the bordering islands ; and finally, 35 are common to several parts of the globe. From this it appears that there are about 100 species in the southern hemisphere, and about 800 in the northern: or, if they are considered with reference to the zones of temperature, 205 are natives of the frigid zone of the northern hemisphere ; 30 of the whole of the tropics ; 548 of the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere ; and 86 of the southern. The forty-first degree of north latitude may be considered the equa- torial line of Crucifera, about half being found on one side of it, and half on the other. Their station is very variable ; many inhabit open sandy places, some form the vegetation about the limits of the perpetual snows of lofty mountains, and many follow the footsteps of man through all parts of the world. The useful qualities of the turnip, the radish, the rape, and the cabbage and its multiform varieties, are all well known. The greater part of the order consists of plants possessing high antiscorbutic powers. These ap- pear to depend upon a certain acrid, volatile, oily principle, the chemical nature of which is imperfectly known. It is particularly abundant in the seeds of mustard and the roots of horseradish, and the leaves of Z/epidium latiiblium, which latter exercise a violent influence upon the organs of digestion. The same sort of acrimony, but in less degree, is found in the herbage of the scurvy-grass and the roots of the radish, which act much more mildly when taken inwardly ; thus, when any cruciferous plants are found to be eatable, either from culture or other circumstances, it is to be understood to depend upon a reduction of this acrid principle. The exciting powers of this last are what render the horseradish, the scurvy-grass, and others, so remarkably useful as antiscorbutics ; they are also believed to possess diuretic and diaphoretic properties. It is to be remarked that Crucifera are always eatable when their texture is succulent and watery, as in the roots of the radish and the turnip, and the leaves of the cabbage tribe. A further diminution of the acrid principle is produced by blanching. Cruciferae are said ta possess a greater share of azote than any other tribe of plants ; as is apparent in their fetid smell when fermented. The embryo of all the order abounds in oil, whence many species are employed with much advantage for expressing, either for eating or for feeding lamps. Some of the species are extremely beautiful and fragrant, as the Stocks, the Gillyflowers, the Hesperides, the Candytufts, and many others. The Hutchinsias, Drabas, Cardamines, &c., are among the most interesting of alpine plants. Almost all the species are propagated by seeds, but some of them grow by cuttings, and the perennials by division. 27. SUBORDER I. PLEURORHI'- 32. Tribe 5. ANASTATI'CE*, or 1884 Sinapis Tou. *32 ZEM (pleuron, a side, rhiza-, a PLEURORHI'ZE* SEPTULA^T^E 1885 Moricand^a Dec. 1 root ; radicle at the side of the (dim. of septum, a partition). 1886 Diplotaxis Dec. *11 cotyledons) . 1858 Anastatica L. 1887 JEruca Tou. 10 28. Tribe 1. ARABi'DE^or PLEU- RORHI'ZEJE SiUQUoVas (siHqua, a 33. Tribe 6. CAKILI'NE^E, or PLEU- 42. Tribe 13. VE'LLE^;, or OR- long pod). lig. 0. herb. 149. 19lft. ; * 7ft. 1817 Math'mla R. Br. *13 1818 Cheiranthus L. *1 1819 A T asturtium R. Br. *14 1820 Leptocarpje v a Dec. 1 RORHl'ZE^E LOMENTA^CE^I (10- mentum, a loment). lig. 0. herb. 7. 31 feet. 1859 Crt5/eTou. *3 1861 ChorisporaDec. 4 lig. 0. kerb. 2. l|feet'. 1888 fella L. 1889 Bbleum Desv. 1890 Carrichtera Adan. *1 1891 Succuwza Med. 1 1821 Notoceras R. Br. 3 1822 Barbara R. Br. *5 34. SUBORDER II. NOTORHI'- ZE1E (notos, the back, rhiza, 43. Tribe 14. PSYCHI'NEJJ, or OR- THOPLO^CEJE ANGUSTISE'PTJE. 1823 Stevenirt Adan. 2 1 824 Bray Ster. 1 1826 Turritis Del. *4 a root ; position). 35. Tribe 7. SISY 'MBRE;E, or No- TORHl'ZFJE SlLIQUO N S.K. lig. 0. herb. 1. j 2 feet. 1892 PsychlneD^. 1 1827 A'rabis L. *63 1828 Macropodium R. Br. 1 lig. 1. herb. 123. f 3ft.; 24|ft. 1862 Malcomifl R. Br. 9 44. Tribe 15. Zi'LLE*:,or ORTHO- PLO^CE^G NUCAMENTA^CE/E. 182^ Cardamine L. *26 1863 Hsperis L. *22 lig. 0. Aer6. 1. 2 feet. 1830 Pteroneilron Dec. 2 1864 AndreoskiaDec. 4 1893 Ztfte Forsk. 1831 Dentaria L. *12 1865 Sisvmbrium L. *43 1894 Muricaria D^sw. 1 1832 Neurolbma Dec. 1 1866 Alliaria Adan. *2 1895 Calepina Adan. 1 1825 Parrya R. Br. 1867 ^r^simuml,. *1 42 29. Tribe 2. ALYSSI'NE.K, or PLEURORHI'ZE^ LATISE PTJE (lo- tus, broad, septum, a partition). lig. 8. herb. 100. t&ft,: jH| ft. 1833 Lunaria L. 03 1834 Ricotia L. 1 1835 Farsetia Turra 2 1836 Berterba Dec. 2 1868 Leptaleum Dec. 1 1869 Stanlcyo Nut. 36. Tribe 8. CAMELI'NE*, or No- TORHI'ZEJE LATISE'PT*:. lig. 0. herb. 8. 5* feet. 1870 Camellna Crx. *7 1871 Neslia Desv. 1 45. Tribe 16. RAPHVNEJE.or OE- THOPLO^CE^E LOMENTA'CE*. lie. 0. herb. 33. 14^ feet. 1896 Crambe Tou. *9 1860 TJapistrum Bauh. 3 1898 Did^smis Desv. 2 1899 Enarthrocarpus Lab. 2 1897 .Kaphanus L. *17 1837 Aubrietm Adan. 3 1838 Vesicaria Lam. 3 1839 Schivereckza Andrz. 1 1840 Jlyssum L. 80 37. Tribe 9. LEPIDI'NEJE, or No- TORHI'ZE^; ANGUSTISE'pTjE. lig. 2. herb. 36. t 3 ft. ^ 11| ft 1872 Senebiera Poir. *3 46. SUBORDER IV. SPIROLO*- BEM (speira, a spire, lobos, a pod ; cotyledons). 1811 Meniocus Desv. 1 1842 Kotfga R. Br. *1 1843 Clvpeola Gae. 2 1844 Peltaria L. 02 1845 Petrocallis R. Br. 1 1873 Xepidium L. *2 28 1874 Bivon^aDec. 1 1875 Eunbmia 1876 ^Ethionema R. Br. 4 47. Tribe 17. BUNIA^DE*, or SPI- ROLO^BE*; NlICAMENTA^CE^. lig. 0. herb. 3. 3|feet. 1900 Manias I,. 03 1846 Draba L. *40 1847 Erophila Dec. .0 *3 38. Tribe 10. ISATI'DE*:, or NOTO- lilll 7E.K NUCAMENTA X CE*. 48. Tribe^lS. ERUCARIEX or SPI- 1848 Cochlearia Ton. *15 lig. 0. herb. 22. tf 1U ft. Ifg. 0. herb. 3. 3 feet. 30. Tribe 3. THLASPI'DE*, or J877 /satis Bauh. *18 1878 Tauschen'a Fis. 2 1901 ErucariaGae. 3 PLEURORHI'ZE.E AHGUSTISE'PT.C (angustus, narrow, septum, a par- 1879 3/yagrum L. 01 1880 Sobolewskia Bieb. 1 49. SUBORDER V. DIPLECO- LCTBEJE (diplax, double, lobos, tition). lig.l. herb. 59. f 2ift ; 13 ft. 1849 Thlaspi DO. *8 1850 Capsella Moen. *5 1851 Hutchinsirt R. Br. *7 1852 Teesdalza R. Br. *2 1853 /beris L. *7 13 39. Tribe 11. ANCHONIE\E, or NOTORHI'ZE.E LOMENT A^CE^E. lig. 0. herb. 3. 4 feet. 1881 Goldbachza Dec. 1 1882 SterigmaDec. 2 a pod ; cotyledons). 50. Tribe 19. HELIOPHI'LE^E, or DlPLECOLO^BEJE SlLIQUO v S.. lig. 0. herb. 17. j6ifeet. 1902 Heliophila L. 17 1854 Biscutella L. 23 1855 Megacarpae^a Dec. 1 40. SUBORDER III. ORTHO- PLO^CEM (orthos, upright, 51. Tribe 20. SUBULARIE^, or DIPLECOLO^BE* LATISE'PT*. 31. Tribe 4. EUCLIDIE\E, orPLEU- ploke, fold ; cotyledons). liff. 0. herb. 1. =*= 1 foot. RORHI'ZE^ENUCAMENTA > CE J E (nil- 1903 SubulariaZ,. *1 camentum, a catkin). 41. Tribe 12. BRASSI'CE*:, or OR- liff. 0. herb. 3. 2 feet. 52. SUBORDER VI. SCHIZOPE- 1856 Euclidium R. Br. 2 lig. 0. herb.9. tffiSffeet. TA^LEJE. 1857 Ochthodium Dec. 1 1883 J7rassica L. *40 1816 Schizopetalon Sims. Kk 2 500 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 53. ORDER XIV. RESEDA'CE^. Genus 1, Species 23 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 6 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 17. * feet ; 10| ft. ; *= feet. This order differs from Crucifera? in the capsules being unilocular and the stamens indefinite, as well as in the seeds being destitute of an umbilical cord. Weeds of no interest, except the /Jeseda odorata tor its delicious fragrance. R. Luteola, a common annual in waste places, yields a yellow color fit for dyeing. All natives of Europe and North Africa. Seeds. 1459 Reseda L. *17 54. ORDER XV. DATI'SCE^E. Genus 1, Species 2 : Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 2. feet; 4feet; ^ feet. Differs from the preceding order in having an inferior ovarium, and in the seeds being furnished with albumen. This order consists only of one genus, containing three species, natives of the south of Europe, Nepal, and North America. They are strong coarse hardy perennials, with the appearance of hemp. 2805 Datisca W. 02 55. ORDER XVI. CAPPARI'DE^E, Genera 11, Species 72 ; Hot-house Species 51 ; Green-house Species 5 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 16. feet ; 8| feet ; feet. These are nearly related to Cruciferas, of the properties of which they partake. Many are very pretty plants, especially Cleome rbsea, and the various species of CrataeVa. The common caper is an elegant bush, remark- able for its large white flowers and long purple stamens. The species are found occasionally in various parts of the world. The different kinds of Capparis are reputed to be stimulating, antiscorbutic, and aperient. The bark of the root of the common caper passes for a diuretic medicine. Several species of Cle6me have an acrid taste, which has been compared by travellers to that of mustard. The root of Clebme dodecandra is employed as a vermifuge in the United States ; and the leaves produce an inflammation of the skin, whence they are used in Cochin-China as a sinapism. Dec. Cuttings or seeds. 56. Tribe 1. lig. herb. 16. 8Jfeet 1905 Peritoma Dec. 1906 Gynandr6psis Dec. 1904 Cle&me W. 1455 Polanisia Rafi. 57. Tribe 2. 1440 CrateeVa L. 1441 Richifea R. Br. 1540 NiebMirio Dec. 1442 Bosc/a Lam. 1539 Capparis L. 1101 StephamV* Dec. 2045 Morisbma Plu. 58. ORDER XVII. FLACOURTIA'NE^E. Genera 3, Species 11 ; Hot-house Species 8 ; Green-house Species 3 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f feet ; j feet ; =& feet A very small order, formerly comprised in Tiliaceae. It is remarkable on account of the structure of its fruit, to the inner lining of which the seeds are attached upon a branched placenta. Nothing is known of the properties of the Flacourtias. The berries of Flacoiirtwz Ramdntchi are eaten in Madagascar. The order consists entirely of small tropical trees or bushes. Cuttings. 59. Tribe 1. PATRISIE^. I 60. Tribe 2. FLACOURTIE\E. I 61. Tribe 3. KIGGELARIE^ 1541 Ry&nfe VahL | 2811 Flacourtza Herit. I 2798 KiggeMria L. 62. ORDER XVIII. BIXI'NE^. Genera 4, Species 9 ; Hot-house Species 9 ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species j Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. J feet ; feet ; ^ feet The plants of this order are few in number, and not remarkable either for beauty or use. The Bixa Qrellhna is chiefly known for producing the seed called in the shops Arnotta (Rocon, Fr.) and used for coloring cheese ; the properties of the Arnotta are slightly purgative and stomachic. They are all bushes or small trees, and mostly tropical Azaras, Chilian shrubs with fragrant flowers, are not yet known in the gardens of Europe. Cuttings. 1565 Bixa L. I 1567 Prockia L. I 1568 Ludia Lam. 1569 LaeVa L. j | 63. ORDER XIX. CISTI'NEJE. Genera 4, Species 187 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 55 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 111 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 21. f_ 22 feet ; jg 6f feet ; *= feet. The common rock roses of our gardens give an accurate idea of this order, which contains little else. They are all very ornamental, and particularly well calculated for covering rockwork. They are natives of most parts of the world in dry elevated places. The gum called Ladanum is the produce of some kinds of Cistus : it exhales a fragrant perfume when burnt, and possesses slightly tonic and stomachic properties. Cuttings or 1589 Cistus Tou. 40 I 1445 Hudsfcnfe L. I 292 Lechea L. 04 1590 Helianthemum Tou. *71 17 I 64. ORDER XX. VIOLARIE\E. Genera 12, Species 135 ; Hot-house Species 13; Green-house Species 13; Hardy Ligne ous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 109. feet ; 11 feet j * feet This is one of the most favorite orders with gardeners ; consisting, as it chiefly does, of the Violet genus, xrom which most of the others are recent dismemberments. The greater part are hardy herbaceous plants, some of which are remarkable for their perfume, others for their brilliant colours, and all for their neatness. They are natives of the temperate or cold zones of both hemispheres, often growing at great elevations above the sea. Among them is a tribe called Alsodineaa, consisting of suffrutescent tropical plants ; but none of them have been introduced into the gardens of this country. The attention of collectors should be directed to pro- curing the shrubby Violaceac of Brazil, some of which possess great interest. The medical properties of the order are found principally in their roots, which appear to possess, in all cases, emetic properties, in a greater or less degree. One of the Ipecacuanhas is the root of a Brazilian violet. M. Decandolle has the following observations upon the affinities of the Violarieae : They are very nearly akin, he observes, to the Polygftleae and Droseracea?, and especially to the Passiflbrea?. From the first they are distinguished by their unilocular fruit, leave* furnished with stipules, and two-celled anthers ; from Droseracere by their solitary style, length- NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 501 ened embryo, and stipulate leaves, the vernation of which is involutive, not circulate. From Passlfloreas they differ in their fruit being capsular, not berried ; in their albumen being compact and shining, not pitted ; in their stamens being hypogynous, not perigynous ; in their anthers being attached along their whole length, not fixed by their middle ; finally, in their stigmas being one and not three. The genus Calyptrion approaches Passiflbreae in its twining stem, and Hymenanthfera borders upon Polygaleai on account of its monospennous pericarpium with solitary pendulous seeds. Divisions, seeds, and cuttings. 65. Tribe 1. Vio\EJ5. lig. 0. herb. 109. 11 feet 707 Calyptrion Ging. 706 Noisettia H. & B. 701 Flola Tou. *108 702 Erpetion Swt. 703 SMea Ging. 704 Pombaha Van. 705 lonidium Ven. Tribe 2. ALSODI'NE^. 708 Alsodela Thou. 68. ORDER XXI. DROSERA'CE^E. 709 Ceranthfcra Eeauv. 700 Lavradia VilL 3310 Hymenanthfcra R. Br. 67. Tribe 3. SAUVA\JE. 699 Sauvagesw Jac. Genera 5, Species 16 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 5 ; Hardy Ligneous Species Hardy Herbaceous Species 11. JO feet ; 2 feet ; =^2|feet The order of sun-dews is a small group of plants, natives of marshes or inundated grounds in all the tem- perate parts of the world. The species are very remarkable for the abundance of glandular hairs with which all the parts of the foliage are covered. Only two species are in any degree frutescent. The young leaves are always rolled up in the circinate manner, so remarkable in ferns. Their medicinal properties appear to be trifling : the leaves have the power of curdling milk. Divisions or seeds, some by leaves. 922 Dr6sera L. *6 I 923 Byblis Sal. I 910 Parnassia L. *4 923 Aldrovandfl L. 1 | 1331 Dionae\z L. 69. ORDER XXII. POLYGA^LE^. Genera 6, Species 64 ; Hot-house Species 5 ; Green-house Species 41 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 1 Hardy Herbaceous Species 17. f 1 foot ; 5 feet ; ^ feet Most of the plants of this order are interesting, and deserving the attention of the gardener, some for their neatness, some for their beauty, and some for their use in medicine. They are natives of most countries, and are either low herbaceous plants, occasionally less than an inch in height (small specimens of Polygala pur- pdrea), or shrubs varying from a dwarf, rigid, spiny habit, to a tall, graceful, drooping appearance. PolygaleaB are remarkable for the union of their stamens into a single body, their one-celled anthers opening with a pore, and their irregular flowers, one of which is often keel-shaped, and beautifully crested or bearded. The leaves have generally a bitter astringent taste, which is much more abundant in the roots, combined with an acrid and somewhat resinous flavor : these properties are particularly sensible in P. Senega, which is reputed a sudorific, diuretic, sialagogue, cathartic, or mild emetic, according to the manner in which it is administered. The Yelhoi of South America, the root of a species of Monnlna, has the same properties as P. Senega and is particularly used as a remedy for dysentery. The well known Rattany, or Ratanhia root, of Chile, is the produce of a plant of this order, and possesses powerful tonic and astringent qualities. According to the analysis of a French chemist, it contains gallic acid, but neither tannin nor resin. Cuttings or seeds. 053 Polygala Tou. *1 17 I 2055 Mtindia Kth. \ 1705 Kramena L. 2054 Murgltia Neck. | 2056 Securidaca L. \ 70. ORDER XXIIL TREMA'NDREJE. Genus 1, Species 6; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 6; Hardy Ligneous Species 0- Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. feet ; feet ; =*= feet. A very small order, containing only seven species, all small bushes, natives of New Holland, and remarkable for the peculiar neatness of their appearance. In habit, they may be compared to heaths, with which they agree in the anthers bursting by a pore at the end. Nothing is known of their properties. Cuttings or seeds. 1153 Tetratheca Sm. 71. ORDER XXIV. PITTOSPO'REJE. Genera 4, Species 22 ; Hot-house Species 2 ; Green-house Species 20 ; Hardy Ligneous Species : - Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. feet ; <_ feet ; ^ feet. Beautiful shrubs and small trees, with simple alternate leaves destitute of stipulas, and white or yellow flowers, chiefly natives of New Holland and the African islands. The order is distinguished by the imbricate zestivation of the sepals and petals, which last, as well as the stamina, are five and hypogynous, and by its minute embryo. Cuttings and seeds. 671 Billardiero Sm. I 689 Bursaria Cav. 679 Pitt6sporum Bau. \ 665 Senacm Com. 72. ORDER XXV. FRANKENIA^CEJE. Genus I, Species 10 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 4 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 6. 1 feet ; j2| feet ; ^ o feet Distinguished from Caryophy'lleas by the fruit not having a central separate placenta, but bearing the seeds on the inner margin of the valves. The species are natives of arid situations in Europe, Africa, and South America. They have not much beauty, and no known medical properties. Besides the genus here recorded, there are two others mentioned by M. Decandolle. Cuttings, division, or seeds. 1099 Frankenza L. *6 SECTION III. Ovarium solitary ; Placenta central. 73. ORDER XXVI. CARYOPHY'LLE^L Genera 26, Species 531 ; Hot-house Species 11 ; Green-house Species 27 ; Hardy Ligneous Species I : Hardy Herbaceous Species 492. 1 foot ; 38| feet; *=l|feet These consist of herbs or low undershrubs, inhabiting the mountains and pastures of all parts of the world. In Europe and Siberia they are particularly abundant, and least so in Africa and South America. Many are common weeds, as most of the Cerastiums, Spergulas, and others. Several of the Silenes are very ornamental, and among the Arenarias are to be found some dwarf species of considerable elegance. But it is in Dianthus that the pride of the order consists : this genus is almost unrivalled for the brilliancy of its colours, the neat- ness of its foliage, and the perfume of its flowers. From the finest of its species the title of the order has been derived. The virtues of Carypphylleaj are slight. Saponaria otticinalis, and one or two others, have been praised for possessing antisyphilitic properties ; the root of Silene virginiana is reputed anthelmintic ; and the Arenaria peploldes, being fermented, is used by the Icelanders for food. Cuttings, division, or seeds. K k 3 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 74. Tribe 1. SILE^EJE. 75. Tribe 2. ALSI'NE.E. 290 Hol6steumZ. Kg. 1. herb. 315. J 1 ft; 34ft. Kg. 0. herb. 111. 16 ft. ^=l|ft. 1418 Spc'rgula Z. 1384 GysophilaZ. 1386 DianthusZ. 1385 Saponaria Z. 1387 CucubalusZ. 1388 Silene Z. 1415 Zychnis Z. 802 Velezm W. 901 Drypis Z. 28 *93 *1 *153 *28 1 1 114 Ortegia L. 406 Buffbn/Vi W. 416 SagmaZ. 1208 MoehringteL. 1223 Zlatine Z. 1419 B^rgi L. 295 Molli>go L. iJ06 Pharnacewwz W. 2 *2 *6 2 *2 1 1 1 1417 Larbrea Hil. 903 Drymuria W. 1389 Stellaria Z. 902 Alslne L. 1390 ArenariaZ. 1416 Cerastium Z. 1391 Cherlena Hal. 1402 Spergulastrum MX. *2 *9 *1 *21 *5 *71 *49 *1 76. ORDER XXVII. LI'NE^E. Genera 2, Species 43 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 6 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 2 ; Harrfy Herbaceous Species 35. 3 feet ; 12 feet ; ^ feet. Separated by M. Decandolle from Caryophylleae, from which it is well distinguished by its fruit having several cells, or in the language of the botanist just named, being formed by the cohesion of several carpella. Most of the species are pretty plants, bearing yellow, blue, or white flowers. They are of immense import- ance in the world, on account of the tenacity of their fibres when made into flax. The seeds of common flax are between mucilaginous and oily ; the leaves of Zlnum catharticum and Z. selaginoldes, the latter a native of Peru, are purgative. Cuttings, division, or seeds. 921 Zlnum Bauh. *2 34 | 419 Radiola Dil. *1 77. ORDER XXVIII. MALVA^CEJE. Genera 22, Species 391 ; Hot-house Species 203 ; Green-house Specks 97 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 8 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 83. f 28| feet ; 25 feet ; =*= feet. Before this order was dismembered of Bombaceae and Byttneriaceae, it contained most of the grandest flowers in nature. Even now, the splendor of the various species of JV/alva, Althte^a, to which the hollyhock belongs, and Hibiscus, renders it one of the most remarkable groups of plants. With the exception of the numerous fenus Sida, nearly all Malvaceae are objects worthy of the gardener's care, particularly those which are hardy, n stoves or green-houses, the softness of their branches and leaves renders them peculiarly liable to the attacks of the red spider, mealy bug, and scale, from which few collections are free ; a circumstance which makes them less generally esteemed than the surpassing beauty of many of them merits. The greater part of the order is clothed with stellate pubescence, and a reniform one-celled anther is a character common to the whole. These two peculiarities, together with the alternate stipulate leaves, distinguish Malvaceae from all the rest of Dichlamydeae. All the species abound in a nutritive mucilage; a quality which renders the young heads of the Ochro, or Hibiscus escul^ntus, an object of great value within the tropics, as an ingredient in soups. In Brazil, the Abutilon esculentum serves the same purposes. The emollient properties of Althaea ofh'cinalis, or Guimauve of the French, are well known to physicians, as a remedy for catarrhs and pulmonary complaints. A decoction of the leaves of Sphaeralcea cisplat'ma is used for similar objects in Brazil. A species of ravbnta is employed in the same country as a diuretic in the form of a decoction. The straight shoots of S'ida micrantha are employed as rocket sticks at Rio Janeiro. The chewed leaves of Slda carpinifblia allay the inflammation occasioned by the stings of wasps. The tough fibres of many Malvaceae are manufactured into cordage. Their petals are astringent; whence those of Hibiscus rbsa sinensis are used in China to blacken the eyelashes and the leather of shoes. The fibrous threads in which the seeds of Goss> pium are enveloped furnish the valuable cotton, an article of immense importance to the world ; these threads, when examined by the microscope, will be seen to be finely toothed, which explains the cause of their adhering together with greater facility than those of B6mbax and several Apocynese, which are destitute of teeth, and which cannot be spun into thread without an admixture of cotton. Division, cuttings, or seeds. 78. Division 1. 2003 Malope Z. 3004 3/alva Z. 2005 Nuttallzrt Dick. 2006 Kitaibelia W. 2007 Alth&a L. 2008 Lavatera L. 2009 J/alachra Z. Calyx double. 1 *38 2 1 *16 *12 2010 Urcna L. 2011 Pavbma Cav. 2012 Malvaviscus Dil. 2013 Lebretbma Schrank 2014 Hibiscus L. 8 2015 Thesptsia Corr. 2016 Gossypium Z. 2017 RedouteaVen. 80. ORDER XXIX. 2018 Lopimia Mart. 79. Division 2. Calyx simple. 2019 Palavm Cav. 2 2020 Cristaria Cav. 1 2021 A'noda Cav. 2022 Periptera Dec. 2023 Slda L. 03 2024 Lagunea Cav. Genera 11, Species 28 ; Hot-house Species 27 ; Green-house Species 1 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. feet ; feet ; *= feet. Distinguished from the last by the imbricate aestivation of the calyx, and the arrangement of the stamens in five sets, or, in Linnean language, brotherhoods. The species are mostly fine trees with large showy flowers, and natives of the tropics. Some of them are among the largest trees in the world; AdansbmYz, the Baobab of Senegal, has been seen with a diameter of twenty-five feet, and specimens of Bombax Ceiba and Erioden- dron anfractubsum are not uncommon an hundred feet in height. The wood of all the species is light and soft, as in Malvaceae, from which this order probably does not differ in its medical properties. Cuttings or seeds. 1993 Helicteres L. 2031 Myrbdia Schreb. 2002 Plagianthus Fvrst. 2028 Adansbma L. 1995 Montezfimnt M. & S. 2027 Carolines L. 2029 Bombax L. 20SO Eriodendron Dec. 1921 Ochrbma Swt. 2177 Dhrio L. 1934 CheirostemonH.#.B. 81. ORDER XXX. BYTTNERIA'CE^. Genera 28, Species 151 ; Hot-house Species 78; Green-house Species 73; Hardt/ Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. feet ; feet ; i feet. Much the same kind of plants as those of the two last orders, from which they were not formerly dis- tinguished ; and from which they scarcely differ, except in their bilocular anthers. Many of the Sterculias are fine umbrageous trees, the seeds of which are large and eatable; especially those of the famous Kola, which possess the property, being chewed, of rendering bad water pleasant to the palate. The seeds of the Chicha, another and very noble species of the genus, are highly esteemed in Brazil for the dessert. Astrapu^a and several other genera related to it are among the most beautiful in the world. The flowers of a species of Pentapetes, called by the Indians Machucunha, give out a mucilaginous refrigerant juice, which is employed in gonorrhoea. Guazuma wlmifblia has its fruit filled with a pleasant mucilage, which is sweet and very agreeable ; an extract of the bark of the same plant is used in Martinique to clarify sugar ; its old bark is employed, in the form of a strong decoction, as a sudorific. Waltht-r/a Donrattinhd contains a great dcai of mucilage, and is employed by the Brazilians as an antisyphilitic. Cuttings or seeds. NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 503 82. Tribe 1. STERCULIE\E. 2724 Sterculia L. 3391 Reevesm Lindl. 2725 Heritiera H. K. 83. Tribe 2. BYTTNERIE\E. 2175 Theobroma L 2178 AbrbmaZ,. 2176 Guazitma Flu. 926 Commersbm'a W. 927 Riiling*a R. Br 683 Byttnerw Loe 684 Ayeiu'a L. 2001 KleinhufzaL. 84. Tribe 3. LASIOPETA*LE,K 682 Seringz'a Gay 680 Lasiop^talum Sm. 681 Thomasza Gay 85. Tribe 4. HERMANNIE^E. 1918 Melbchia L. 1919 Riedle?a Yen. 1915 Walth^rza L. 1916 Hermanma L, 1917 Mahernj'a L. 88. ORDER XXXI. TILIA^CE^E. 86. Tribes. DOMBEYA^CE*. 2025 RuSzia Cav. 1997 7 J entapetes L. 1996 Assbma Cav 1994 Dombeya Cav. 1920 Melhania Forsk. 2000 Pterospermum Schreb. 1998 Astra P E % a Lindl. 1999 Kydm Rox. 87. Tribes. WALLICHIE\E. 2026 Eriolae^na Dec. Genera 12, Species 77 ; Hot-house Species 61 ; Green-house Species 5 j Hardy Ligneous Species 11 Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. i 14 feet ; 62 ft. ; ^0 feel. Trees, shrubs, or herbs, in general not remarkable for their beauty, the greater part of the last being the commonest weeds of the tropics. The Lime, from which the order derives its name, is a genus of fine trees with fragrant flowers, and Sparmannz and Entelfea are handsome broad-leaved green-house arborescent plants. The inner bark of Tilia is tough and separable, and supplies the material whence the Russia mats used by gardeners and others are prepared. Corchorus olitbrius is cultivated in Egypt as a kitchen-garden vegetable ; the fibres of the bark of Corchorus capsularis are twisted into fishing lines ; and the roasted nuts of the Lime tree are reported to bear some resemblance to chocolate. Cuttings or seeds. 1573 Entelea R. Br. 1572 SparmanmVi L. 1456 Heliocarpus L. 1577 Corchorus L. 1443 Triumfata L. 1575 Grewza J. 1563 Brownlowm Rox. 1576 Tilia L. *11 1574 Muntingza L. 1571 Apelba Marg. 1570 Sloanea L. 1566 Berrya L. ORDER XXXII. EL^OCA'RPE^E. Genera 4, Species 6 ; Hot-house Species 3 ; Green-house Species 3 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 1 feet ; j feet; =& feet. These differ from Tiliacea? in nothing except their lobed petals and anthers opening by "two pores apex. The flowers of some of the species of Ekeocarpus are fragrant, the fruit eatable, and the hard stones manufactured into necklaces. Cuttings. i 1436 Dicera Forst. es at the rugose 1434 Elajocarpus L. 1435 Aceratium Dec. 1437 Friesza Dec. 90. ORDER XXXIII. CHLENA'CE^E. Genus 1, Species 2; Hot-house Species 2; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species : Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f feet ; feet; ^ feet. This order, according to Petit Thouars, is allied to Malvaceae, in having an involucrum to the flower, and in the stamens being monadelphous ; but, according to Jussieu, it is allied to Ebenacea?, from the petals being connected at the base, and in the seeds being furnished with albumen. Shrubs and trees, with simple alternate stipulaceous leaves, chiefly natives of Madagascar. The genus Hugftnz'a does not agree with the rest of the genera of this order, in being destitute of the involucrum to the flower, therefore it is placed in Chlenaceis afflnes by Decandolle. Cuttings. 1935 Hugowo L. 91. ORDER XXXIV. TERNSTROZMIA^CE^. Genera 11, Species 19; Hot-house Species 10; Green-house Species 4; Hardy Ligneous Species 5; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 18 ft. ; feet; *= feet. A are perties. Noronha states that a species of Saurauja found in Java has a subacid fruit, in flavor resembling' the Tomato, and that is eaten by the Javanese under the name of Koleho. Inarching, cuttings, or layers. 1562 Lettsomza R. & P. V very small order, consisting wholly of trees or shrubs, bearing handsome white or yellowish flowers. They nearly related to Camellieaa, from which they do not differ at all in habit. Nothing is known of their pro. 92. Tribe 1. TERNSTRCEMIE\E. 1559 Ternstro2\nwz L. 93. Tribe 2. 1560 Cleyera Thun. 1561 Freziera Swz. 2875 Eurya Thun. 94. Tribe 3. SAURAU'JE^:. 1612 Saraujo W. 95. Tribe 4. 2032 Cochlospermum Kth. 97. ORDER XXXV. CAMELLIE^E. 96. TribeS? GORDONIE^ lig. 5. herb. 0. 18 feet 2035 Malachod^ndron Cav. 1 2034 Stuartza Cav. 1 2033 Gordoma EL 3 2036 Pol^spora Swt. Genera 2, Species 59 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 59 ; Hardy Ligneous Species : Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f feet ; feet ; ^ feet. Camellias are too well known in our gardens to render it necessary to say much upon their peculiarities The Camellia is one of the most beautiful, and the tea one of the most useful, plants in the world. Both are natives of China, Japan, or Nepal. The tea is well known for the stimulating influence of its decoction upon the nerves, which is attributed by Cullen to the presence of a narcotic principle. The seeds of Camelha oleifera yield a fine oil. None of the species bear fragrant flowers. Their nearest affinity is with Ternstrcenu'- acecB) from which they probably ought not to be separated. Cutting, grafting, or inarching. 2037 Thea L. I 2038 Camelha L. 98. ORDER XXXVI. OLACI'NEJE. Genera 4, Species 6; Hot-house Species 5 ; Green-house Species 1 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 1 feet ; feet ; ^ feet Smooth trees or shrubs, with simple stalked exstipulate alternate entire leaves, and little axillary flowers. Botanists doubt whether what is called a calyx is not rather an involucrum, in which case the corolla would become a calyx, and the station of the order among Monochlam^dea?, rather than in this place. Cuttings. 104 OMax L. I 1319 Heistr* L. 105 Spermaxyron Lab. \ 1171 Ximento L. Kk 4 504 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 99. ORDER XXXVII. AURANTIA^CEJE. Genera 11, Species 32; Hot-house Species 12 ; Green-house Species 20 ; Hardy Ligneous Species j Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 1 feet ; feet ; ^ feet. These are also known under the name of Hesperldece. They consist of trees or shrubs of the greatest beauty and utility. The well-known orange and lemon are the representatives of the order, the characters of which are so well defined that there is no material deviation from the type afforded by those species. The thick leaves, articulated with the petiole, and abounding in transparent reservoirs of odoriferous oil, are the most obvious peculiarities. The flowers are fragrant, and the fruit in all cases fleshy, and generally eatable. The wood is particularly close-grained. The volatile oil contained in the reservoirs of the leaves and fruit possesses powerful tonic and stimulating properties. M. Decandolle thus explains the singular structure of the fruit of the orange. In the opinion of this learned botanist it consists, first, of a thick, valveless, indehiscent indusium or coat, which is most likely to be considered a continuous torus. Secondly, of several carpella, verticillate around an imaginary axis, often separable without laceration ; membranous, and either containing seeds only, or filled with pulp, lying in innumerable little bags proceeding from the inner coats of the cells. Cuttings, and sometimes by layers, budding, grafting, and inarching. 1322 Atalantza Corr. 654 Triphasia Lou. 1320 Limbnia L. 1327 Cookia Sonn. 1326 Murraya Ron. 1321 Berger Kon. 1324 Clausena Brm. 1323 Glyc6smis Corr. 1325 Ferbnia Corr. 1585 J*g\e Corr. 2187 Citrus L. 100. ORDER XXXVIII. HYPERICI'NE^E. Genera 7, Species 90 ; Hot-house Species 4 ; Green -house Species 34 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 14 : Hardy Herbaceous Species 38. $ 9} ft.; 14| it ; & feet. The whole of these abound in a resinous juice, and are in most cases glandular in some degree. Their leaves are all dotted, and, which is very remarkable, the dots are often black, even upon the yellow petals. These latter have a singular obliquity, which is not indicated by their outline, but by the arrangement of their veins. The juice just noticed as abundant in this order is yellow, viscid, rather bitter, often purgative or anthelmintic, and so very analogous to Gamboge, that the juice of //ypt. 5 ricum baccatum, and some other Guiana species, has received the name of American Gamboge. Most Hypericineae are bitter, and slightly astringent, whence they have been used as febrifuges. A small part of the order is tropical ; but in its most genuine form it consists of herbaceous or undershrubby plants, delighting in the shade of groves and thickets in the cooler parts of Europe and Asia. Nearly all the flowers are yellow j those of H. cochinchinense are dull red. Seeds, division, or cuttings. 101. SUBORDER I. HYPERICI'- NEJE V&RM. 102. Tribe I. VISMIE\E. 2191 Hardnga Thou. 2192 Vismea Van. 103. Tribe 2. HYPERI'CEJE. lig. 14. herb. 37. 1 9i ft. j 14| ft. 2043 ^ndrosahnum All. *1 2190 //yperieum L. *14 37 2044 ^'scyrum L. 300 t Elodea MX. 104. SUBORDER 1 1. HYPERICI'- NEM ANO'MALM. 1611 Carpod6ntos Lab. 105. ORDER XXXIX. GUTTI'FEIUE. Genera 11, Species 28 ; Hot-house Species 26; Green-house Species 2; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. JO feet ; j feet ; * feet. Trees or shrubs found in the hottest parts of the world, and well known by their thick entire opposite leaves and resinous juice. In the countries where they grow they are of great importance. One, the Garcim'a Mangostana, bears a fruit, the equal of which is supposed not to exist. The well known Gamboge is the in- spissated juice of Garcina Gambbgia, and, perhaps, other species; the juice of others is found an efficacious vermifuge, and also a remedy for the chiggers, one of the worst pests of equinoctial America. The bark and fruit of many Garcinias are astringent. The unripe fruits of Grias cauliflora are pickled. The flowers of all the order being showy, the foliage good, and the properties interesting, every species deserves cultivation. Cuttings or layers. 106. Tribe 1. CLUSIE\E. 2877 Clbsia L. 3369 Godoya R. & P. 1581 Bonnetta Schreb. 107. Tribe 2. GARCINIE^E. 1429 Garcinta L. 108. TribeS. CALOPHY'LLE*:. 1580 Mammea L. 2188 Xanthochymus Rox. 1579 Calophyllum L. 2189 Pentadesma R. Br. 109. Tribe 4. SYMPHONIES 1439 Can<511a P. Br. 110. DOUBTFUL. 1578 Grtas L. 1533 ? Rheedza L. 111. ORDER XL. MARCGRAAVIA N CE-3E. Genera 4, Species 6 ; Hot-house Species 6; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. feet j feet ; ^ feet. Very curious half-climbing shrubs, all natives of hot countries. Some of them bear among the flower*, which are large and showy, singular hollow bodies, like the pitchers of SarracfemVi. The order has been well illustrated by Professor Hooker, in the 160th article of his Exotic Flora. Cuttings. 112. SUBORDER I. MARCGRAVIE^JE. 1543 Anthol&ma Lab. 1542 Marcgrawa Flu. Cuttings. 113. SUBORDER II. NORA'NTEM. 1544 Norantea Aub. 688 RCiyschmJac. 114. ORDER XLI. HIPPOCRATEA^CE^E. Genera 5, Species 13; Hot-house Species 13; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 1 feet ; feet ; ^ feet. Little is known of this order. The species are tropical arborescent or climbing shrubs, with opposite simple leaves, and small inconspicuous flowers. The genus Tonsella contains some species known in Sierra Leone as bearing poisonous fruit Cuttings. 100 Hippocratea L. I 101 Tonsella Vahl j HIPPOCHATEAYE*; SPU^RIJJ. 102 A'nthodon R. # P. \ 103 J6hma Rox. | 1926 Trigonia Aubl. NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 505 115. ORDER XLII. ERYTHROXY'LEJE. Genera 2, Species 4 ; Hot-house Species 4 ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. $ feet ; feet ; *= feet. Thi,3 order is distinguished from Malpighiaceae in the presence of albumen, and in the petals being furnished at the base with a scale ; the habit of the plants is also different. Shrubs and trees, with simple alternate leaves furnished with axillary stipulas. Native of South America, Mauritius, and Madagascar, and one from India. Cuttings. 1400 Ery thru xy Ion L. | 1401 Sethw Kth. 116. ORDER XLIII. MALPIGHIA^CE^. Genera 13, Species 72 ; Hot-house Species 72 ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 1 feet ; feet ; *= feet Undulated unguiculate spreading petals form one of the most obvious characters of this order, the species of which are all tropical, and are either trees or shrubs, often climbers. Many of the Malpighias are well known for the prurient hairs produced on the surface of their leaves ; their fruit is eatable, their timber of a deep red color, and their bark a febrifuge. Their showy pink or yellow flowers, and firm neat foliage, render all this order worthy of cultivation, except Aspicarpa, which is a weed. Cuttings. 117. Tribe 1. MALPIGHIE^. 1393 MalpJghio L. 1394 Byrsonima Rich. 1329 Bunchbsia J. 3353 Galphimia Cav. 118. Tribe 2. 1328 Gsertnera Rox. 3352 Thryallis L. 31 Aspicarpa Rich. 119. Tribe3. 1399 Hine'a Jac. 1396 Triupteris L. 1397 Tetrapteris Cav. 1395 Banisterz'a L. 1398 Heteropteris H. & B. 1165 pVittmann/aVahl 120. ORDER XL1V. ACERI'NE^L Genera 2, Species 28 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 1 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 27 Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. ,, m ., 1992 Sarcocaulon Dec. \ 1927 Erodium Herit. *29 I 1929 ^elargbmum Herit. 137. ORDER LI. TROP^EO'LE^. Genus 1, Species 11 ; Hot-house Species 1 ; Green-house Species 7 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 3. JO feet ; 3 feet ; *= feet. These are climbing or trailing herbs with handsome solitary axillary flowers, and fleshy stems and leaves. They are distinguished from Geraniaceas by their stamens being separate, and not agreeing in number with the petals ; by their axillary flowers, and fleshy indehiscent fruit. It is very curious, that this is the only order in which the peculiar acrid flavour of Cruciferae is found to exist. Tropa2\>lum pentaphyTium, with probably other species, is a powerful antiscorbutic. All are natives of shady places in various parts of South America. The roots of some are fleshy and eatable. Seeds or cuttings. 1148 Tropa2\>lum L. 3 138. ORDER LII. BALSAMI'NE^l Genera 2, Species 19 ; Hot-house Species 2 ; Green-house Species 9 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 8. 1 feet ; 7 feet ; =*= feet. The flower of this order has been remarked by a learned botanist to be that of Fumariaceas, the capsule of O'xalis, the embryo of ilnum, and the habit peculiar. The well-known elastic spring with which the seeds are ejected constitutes a principal character of the order. All the species are annuals, with the exception of Impktiens fruticusa; they delight in moist hot situations, generally within the tropics; and are remarkable for the singularity and varied colors of their flowers. Seeds, and sometimes by cuttings. 697 ^alsamina Riv. \ 698 Impatiens Riv. *8 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 139. ORDER LIII. OXALIDEJE. 507 Genera 3, Species 112 ; Hot-house Species 8; Green-house Species 93 ; Hardy Ligneous Species Hardy Herbaceous Species 11. 10 feet ; 6 feet ; * feet. Formerly confounded with the last order. It is the opinion of modern botanists, that the species are more nearly allied to Rutaceae or Zygophylleas, and that their character and peculiar habit are quite sufficient to distinguish them. The beauty of the genus O'xalis is very great, and the readiness with which the species may be cultivated and caused to flower, would have been expected to make them universal favorites ; they are not, however, much seen in cultivation. Their properties are well known : all of them have a slightly acid taste, whence some have occasionally been employed as salad ; their acidity is very agreeable and depends upon the presence of a small quantity of oxalate of potassa. In some of the species of equinoctial America oxalic acid exists in great abundance. Several species are employed in Brazil as a remedy for certain fevers of that country. Most commonly by division, offsets, or seeds, but also by cuttings. 1404 Averrhba L. | 1413 Biophytum Dec. I | 1414 O'xalis L. *10 140. ORDER LIV. ZYGOPHY'LLEJE. Genera 7, Species 32 ; Hot-house Species 8 ; Green-house Species 22 ; Hardy Ligneous Species j Hardy Herbaceous Species 2. f_ feet ; 3feet j =*= feet. The hardness of the wood of the shrubby species of this order is most remarkable, if the softness of the stems of the herbaceous ones is remembered. To this the extreme difficulty of propagating Guaiacum is to be attributed. Zygophyllum Fabago is employed as an anthelmintic, but it is in the Guaiacum that the great medical virtues of the order are found : all the genus is extremely exciting ; the wood and bark of Guai- acum officinale and sanctum have a rather bitter acrid flavor, and are principally used as sudorifics, diaphoretics, or alteratives ; they have been found to contain a particular substance differing both from gum and resin, which has been called guayacine. Many of the species bear beautiful flowers, especially the Tribuluses, which, with their brilliant yellow Cistus-like blossoms, enliven many an arid waste in the tropics. None are found in the colder latitudes of the world. Cuttings, division, or seeds. 1304 Zygophyllum L. 1303 Guaiacum L. 1155 Porlieria R. & P. 1704 Melianthus L. 1306 Tribulus Ton. 1305 Fagbnia Tou. 1307 Larrea Cav. 141. ORDER LV. RUTA^CE^X Genera 37, Species 162 ; Hot-house species 18 ; Green-house Species 137 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 4 : Hardy Herbaceous Species 4. i 2$ feet ; 5 feet ; =*= feet. An interesting and extensive, but rather heterogeneous, group of plants, natives of all countries and all situ- ations. The species are either fetid northern herbaceous plants, as the garden rue, or neat heath-like southern shrubs, with an aromatic odor, as the Cape Diosmas ; broad or long-leaved Australian shrubs, with a stellate pubescence, as Phebalium, or tropical trees with panicles of pallid minute flowers, as the Cusparias and Zan- thoxylums. The medical properties of many genera are considerable. JZilta and Pganum are emmenagogue, anthelmintic, and sudorific. Cape Diosmas abound in a volatile oil of an agreeable smell, but acrid flavour ; several of its species are reputed antispasmodics. The Zanthoxylums are said to possess acrid, stimulating, or tonic qualities; Clava Herculis and ,/raxineum are said, in America, to be powerful sudorifics and dia- phoretics. According to Barton, they possess a remarkable power of exciting copious salivation, not only when applied to the mouth, but even when taken internally ; they have both been found powerful remedies in paralysis of the muscles of the mouth. Zanthoxylum caribaj^um is regarded in Guiana as a detersive vulnerary and febrifuge. Brucea is used as an astringent in dysenteries. The famous febrifugal Angostura bark is the produce of Cusparia febrifuga. Cuttings, division, or by inarching. 3ft; 4 ft. 1 ( I 5 142. Tribe 1. lig. 1. Aerfi. 4. 1 1309 tfuta TOM. 3342 Aplophyllum J 1444 PtJganum L. 1189 Cyminosma Gae. 143. Tribe 2. DIOSMEJJ. 1. DlOSME* EUROP-ZEA^WE 1308 Dictamnus L. 2. DU'.SME^E CAPE'NSES. 685 Calodendron Thun. 675 Adenandra JF. en. 3302 Acmadenia 5. # f-F. 676 Baryusma W. e. 677 Agathosma W. en. 674 Dichosma Dec. 673 Diosma ffw/. 3303 Coleonema B.& W. 3304 Macrostylis B. # W. 2619 Empleurum H. K. 3. DiosME^E AUSTRALA'SICJE. 1154 Corra? N Sm. 1312 Phebalium yen. 1933 Philotheca Rud. 1310 Crowert Sm. 1311 Eriostemon Sm. 1152 Borbma Sm. 399 ZienaSm. 909? Poranthera Hud. $ 4. DI6SMEJE 1191 Melicope Forst. 396 Evbdia Forst. 1190 Elaphrium Jac. 1313 Choisya H. & B. 144. Tribes. CUSPARIE\E. 678 Spiranthera St. HeL 48 Galipea Aub. 2046 Monnifena W. 145. Tribe*. ZANTHOXY'LEJE. lig. 5. herb. 0. f. 22| feet. 2758 Brucea Herit. 2764 Zanth6xylum L 3 398 Fagara L. 686 TodduliaJ. 391 Ptelea Z-. 1 2876 Aildntus Desf. 1 146. RUTA V CEIS AFFlNES. 2759 Tetradium Tou. 147. ORDER LVI. SIMARUBA V CE^. Genera 3, Species 5; Hot-house Species 5; Green-house Species ; Iferrfy Ligneous Species 0; /faro> Herbaceous Species 0. f feet; feet ; * feet Thirteen plants, found in equinoctial America, constitute this order. They are trees or shrubs, with an intensely bitter bark, a milky juice, and pinnated leaves. The Slmaruba officin"lis is well known as the most pure and intense bitter hitherto discovered ; the same property exists, in a milder degree, in the rest of the order. Quassia amara is a very ornamental plant, but rare, at present, in collections. Cuttings. 1316 Quassia W. | 1317 Simaruba Aub. | 1318 Simaba Hil. SECTION IV. Fruit (gynobasic) inserted into a fleshy Receptacle, with which the Style is continuous* 148. ORDER LVII. OCHNA^CEJE. Genera 3, Species 15 ; Hot-house Species 14 ; Green-house Species I ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 1 feet ; feet ; =*= feet. Beautiful yellow-flowered tropical shrubs with lucid leaves. The roots and leaves of Walkeria serrata, a Cingalese plant, are bitter ; a decoction of them, either in water or milk, is used in Malabar as tonic, stomachic, and antiemetic. The bark of Gomphia hexasperma is found useful in healing sores produced in cattle in Brazil by the stings of insects. Cuttings. 1582 O'chna Schreb. I 1315 Gomphia Schreb. 744 Walker/** Schreb. | 1151 Castelo Turp. 508 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 149 ORDER LVIII. CORIARIEV8L Genus 1, Species 1 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-hvuse Species 1 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 1 : Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 1 foot ; 10 feet ; ^ feet. Five species constitute the whole of this order, distributed in South Europe, New Zealand, Peru, and Mexico. They possess no beauty, and are only interesting on account of their problematical station in a botanical arrangement The leaves of C. myrtifolia are astringent, and are employed in dyeing black. Its berries are very poisonous. On one occasion, during the Spanish war, fifteen French soldiers were taken ill after eating them, and three died from their powerful narcotic effects. Cuttings and suckers. 2797 Corikria-L. 1 SUBCLASS II. CALYCIFLO^R^E. Petals separate, inserted in the calyx. Genera 1149, Species 11435; Hot-house Species 2089 ; Green-house Species 3486; Hardy Ligneous Species 1308, Hardy Herbaceous Species 4552. ^83 feet ; 15ti feet ; ^ 7 feet. 150. ORDER LIX. CELASTRI'NE^E. Genera 18, Species 114 ; Hot-house Species 19 ; Green-house Species 53; Hardy Ligneous Species 42: tfanfy Herbaceous Species 0. J 46j feet ; feet ; ^=0 feet. This order differs from the succeeding, in having the stamens alternate with the petals ; the sepals imbri- cated in aestivation ; and the ovarium wholly superior. It consists entirely of shrubs or small trees, with simple, rarely compound, alternate or opposite leaves, and inconspicuous flowers of a greenish or white colour. Several are favourite ornaments of our shrubberies, as the Staphylea, the Celastrus, and the u6nymus ; the latter of which is valued on account of its beautiful-colored fruit. The fruit of .Eu6nymus europaa N us is a brisk purgative, as is also the inner bark, and in strong doses powerfully emetic. The famous Paraguay tea is the foliage of a species of /lex. The bark of Prinos verticillatus possesses such active, astringent, bitter, tonic, and febrifugal qualities, that it is used in North America, with success, as a substitute for Cinchdna. A decoction of the twigs of Maytenus boaria is used to bathe the swellings produced by the poisonous shade of the tree Lithi. Cuttings, suckers, layers, and seeds ; sometimes by grafts. O/- -J 2868 I Maytenus Mol. & Feu. 663 Alzatea R. & P. 672 Elasod^ndrum Jac. 394 Ptelidium Thou. ? 1496 Fcetidia Com. 151. Tribe 1. STAPHYLEA^CE^E. lig. 2. herb. 0. 1 14 feet. 897 Staphylea L. *2 C 2886 Dalr^mplea Rox. 152. Tribe 2. EUONY'MEJB. lig. 15. herb. 0. f. 8 feet. 666 u6nymus Tou. *13 662 Celastrus L. 2 712 Plectronia L. 153. TribeS. AQUIFOUA^CEJE. lig. 25. herb. 43ifeet 895 Cass'ine'L. 664 Hart&gia Thun. 393 Curtis/a H. K. 410 Myginda Jac. ?804 BumaldaThun. 411 .Tlex L. 1089 Prlnos L. 2775 Nemopanthes Raft. *13 10 1 154. ORDER LX. RHA'MNE^. Genera 18, Species 171; Hot-house Species 32; Green-house Species 87; Hardy Ligneous Species 51; Hardy Herbaceous Species 1. 79* feet ; 3 feet ; ^0 feet. In habit, this altogether agrees with the last, from which the medical properties of the species are not widely different. Throughout the order, as far as it has been examined, there is a remarkable agreement between the fruit and the inner bark, especially in .Rhamnus catharticus, Frdngula, and others, in which they both are purgative and emetic. Some, as the Jujuba and the African Lote, nevertheless, yield a wholesome and agreeable fruit ; and the berries of the greater number yield, under the chemist's hands, green or yellow dyes of much importance in manufactures. The leaves of jRhamnus Theezans are substituted for tea by the poorer sort among the Chinese. The bark of Ceanbthus cajruleus is esteemed in Mexico as a good febrifuge. Cuttings, suckers, and seeds. 660 Zizyphus Tou. 4 3298 Rctanilla Brong. 659 Paliiirus Tou. 2 668 Ceanothus L. 7 1 658 Beich&mm Neck. 1 3300 Colubrlna Brong. 657 .Rliamnus L. *37 3301 WillemetzVz Brong. 661 Condalia Cav. 670 Pomadt?rris Lab. 667 CoUetza Com. 710 Phylica L. 3311 Soulangza Brong. 711 Cryptandra S?n. 3299 Trevba Cav. 2871 Gouania L. 691 Hovema Thun. 2757 Schcefferwz Jac. 155. ORDER LXI. BRUNIA^CE^E. Genera 7, Species 30 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 30 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. feet ; feet ; ^ feet Small heath-like shrubs, all natives of the Cape of Good Hope, and extremely ornamental, both in flower and foliage. Their properties are unknown. Cuttings. 692 Brtinm L. I 3309 Staavza Thun. I 803 Lincbnia L. 3300 Berzelia Brong. I 3307 Berardm Brong. 3308 Audouima Brong. 3306 Raspalw Brong. 156. ORDER LXII. SAMY'DE^E. Genera 2, Species 14 ; Hot-house Species 14 ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. J feet ; ^ feet ; =*= feet. Tropical shrubs or small trees, with entire, stipulate, alternate leaves, covered with pellucid dots, and axillary flowers of little show. Some of the species of Samyda are pretty, but very rare. Their properties are unknown. M. Decandolle remarks, that in their fruit they approach Bixinea? and Flacourtianeaj ; but on account of the position of their stamens must be arranged in the vicinity of Rhamnea and Rosacea?. Cuttings. 1368 Samyda L. \ 1369 Casearia Jac. 157. ORDER LXII I. HOMALFNE^E. Genera 4, Species 8; Hot-house Species 5; Green-house Species 2; Hardy Ligneous Species 1 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. J 3 feet ; feet ; =fe feet. Evergreen handsome shrubs, with alternate leaves and deciduous stipulas; they are readily known by their parietal placentae, an unusual character among the orders that surround them. Black welhYi/agif ulia has line bunches of starry white fragrant flowers. Aristoteh'a is an evergreen half hardy shrub, with eatable berries. Little is known of their medical properties : the root of Homalium Bacoiibea is used in Guiana as a cure for gonorrhoea. Cuttings or layers. 159S Homalium Jac. I 1146 Astranthus Lou. 1465 BlackwelUa Com- 1 1438 Aristotfelia L. 10 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 509 158. ORDER LXIV. CHAILLETIA'CE^E. Genus 1, Species 1 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 1 ; Hardy Ligneous Specfes ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. feet ; feet ; * feet. This order contains only three genera, Chailletfo, Leuc^sia, and Tapura. It agrees with Terebinth &CCJB in being furnished with a corolla and calyx. Fruit furnished with a dry covering, including a two or three celled nut, each cell containing one pendulous seed. Shrubs with entire alternate leaves, furnished with stipules and axillary and terminal panicled racemes of small white flowers ; chiefly natives of tropical Africa and its islands. - - :iiA*..-- * :A:~ : i i . u~ ii..~~ ~c c>- T _ r : : The kernel of the fruit of Chailletzo toxicaria is used by the natives of Sierra Leone mice. Cuttings. 815 Chailletja Dec. poisoning rats and 159. ORDER LXV. AQUILARI'NE^. Genus 1, Species 1 ; Hot-house Species 1 ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species j Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. feet ; feet ; ^ feet. The plants contained in this order are very imperfectly known. It differs from the preceding in the seeds being erect, not inverted, as well as in the capsules being 2-valved. Trees with alternate entire leaves, natives of Asia. Cuttings. 1370 Aquilaria L. 160. ORDER LXVI. TEREBINTHA'CE^L Genera 27, Species 142 ; Hot-house Species 58 ; Green-house Species 62 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 22 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. J 40 ft. j feet ; *= feet. This order is, notwithstanding the labours of several botanists, in a very confused state ; from want of sufficient knowledge of many of the genera, which have been hitherto imperfectly described, it is difficult either to determine the value of the characters assigned to the tribes, or the dignity of the tribes themselves. All the species are shrubs or trees, with alternate exstipulate leaves, and inconspicuous flowers, and abound in a balsamiferous resin, which is chiefly present in the leaves and bark, and from which the denomination of the order has been derived. Notwithstanding the minuteness of their flowers, many of the species are valuable as ornamental plants, on account of the beauty of their foliage, others for the sake of their utility in arts or medicine, and others for their fruit. The Cashew and the Pistachio are valuable for their nuts, which are well known articles in the markets of Europe. The Spondias and Mango are equally famous in the tropics. The well-known balsam of Mecca is the produce of the BalsamodtJndron gileadensis ; and balm of Acouchi, of the I'cica heterophy'lla ; gum comes from ^4myris elemifera and I'cica leptophylla ; mastich from Pistacia atlantica and Lentiscus ; and Venetian turpentine from Pistacia Terebinthus. Schinus Molle produces a resin, which in Peru is used as a dentrifice, as myrrh is with us. Some of the best varnishes are prepared from the exudation of I'cica guiannsis, .flhus vernix, copallina, Melanorrhoe N a, and others; the finest kinds of incense are also afforded by plants of this order, such as the wood and resin of the different species of I'cica, of ^myris balsaimfera, and of Canarium commune, the Coumia, which is used in Guiana for such purposes, and finally, the Boswlh'a serrata, which is the true frankincense of Indian temples. But among the fragrant and whole- some plants of which the order chiefly consists, lie concealed others in which acrid and poisonous qualities no less abound. Such are several species of .Khus, the juice of which produces blisters upon the skin j and the ^4myris toxifera, the juice of which is accounted poisonous. To conclude this long list of the uses and dangers of Terebinthacea?, the bark of Jlhiis glabra is used as a febrifuge and as a mordant for red colors, and that of .flhus Coriaria as a powerful means of tanning the skins of animals. Cuttings, layers, and seeds. 161. Tribe 1. ANACARDIE\E or CASSUVIE\E. lig. 3. herb. 0. f 17| ft. 2896 Anacardium Rox. 2897 Semecarpus L. 3422 Melanorrhce v a Wai. 2879 Mangifera L. 1406 Buchanama Rox. 763 Pistacia L. 30 107 Cpmocladia Z. 2765 Picramnia Swx. 162. Tribe 2. SUMACHINE.E. lig. 19. herb. 0. 1 37 feet. 894 .Rhus Tou. 19 2649 Duvaua Kth 2799 A'chlnusi. ? 1408 Robergzrt Schub. 163. Tribe 3. 1405 S P 6ndias L. 1407 Pouparu'a Com. 164. Tribe 4. BURSERA % CE.E. 1333 Boswellza Rox. 1169 Balsamod^ndron Kth. 1334 I'cica Aub. 2895 Burseni Jac. 1170 Hedwigw Swz. 3421 Sorindeia Thou. 1332 Guruga llox. 165. TribeS. 1168 ^myris L. 166. Tribe 6. SPATHELIAYE& 106 Cneorum L. 896 Spathelia L. 167. Tribe 7. CONNARA^CEIK. 1937 Connarus L. 1936 Omphalobium Gae. 1403 Cnestis J. 1(58. ORDER LXVII. LEGUMINO*SL Genera 244, Species 2626 ; Hot-house Species 886 ; Green-house Species 675 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 177; Hardy Herbaceous Species 888. { H7i ft. ; f 58 feet ; =*= feet. The family to which the various kinds of pulse belong is one of the most familiar to the world, and at the same time one of the most useful to mankind. Their papilionaceous flowers characterise a large number, and their pods and pinnate leaves the remainder, with a few exceptions which it is not necessary to particularise. As objects of ornament, many are possessed of unrivalled beauty, for example, among hardy flowering trees, the Roblma and the Laburnum ; among shrubs, for decorating the borders of the flower-garden, the various tribes of CS'tisus, Caragiina, Colutea, Amorpha, and others ; among hardy climbers, the far-famed WistanVz of China, and its sister of North America, with the species of the herbaceous genera Ficia and Zathyrus ; and, lastly, among hardy herbaceous plants, the numerous species of Luplnus and Astragalus. Great, however, as is the beauty of the Leguminosa; which can brave the inclemencies of the seasons of Northern Europe, it must give way before the splendor and elegance of their brethren of the tropics. The flowers of the Erythrlna, or Coral tree, are of the deepest crimson, and borne in profusion upon some of the loftiest trees of the forest The Bauhinias, with their twin leaves, hang in festoons of flowers from branch to branch, and are only rivalled by the less vigorous and elegant, but more richly colored blossoms of the Mucunas. But all these, with their broad heavy foliage and gaudy colors, are far surpassed by the rugged trunks, trembling airy foliage, and golden flowers of the fine-leaved Acacias, which cast a charm over even the most sterile deserts of burning Africa. While the forests of hot countries are thus indebted to species of this order for their timber, the meadows and pastures of the same latitudes are enamelled with the flowers of myriads of Hedysarums and Desmodiums, and animated by the wonderful motion of sensitive plants. As in our own country, the gayest part of our scenery is in many places indebted to the yellow flowers of our furze and broom, so in other countries the same effect is produced by other genera of Leguminksaj ; by Liparia, Borbuina, and ^spalathus 510 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. at the Cape of Good Hope, and by the Pultenaeas, Daviesias, Aotuses, and multitudes of similar genera in New Holland. The wood of the order is very hard and durable, with a yellow tinge, sometimes changing into green, as in the Labdrnum of Europe, and in the better known Brazil wood of commerce, produced by Caesal- pim'a. The following useful remarks upon the properties of the order are made by M. Decandolle : ' The family of leguminous plants, though established upon characters of primary importance, offers, never- theless, so large a number of species and such singular botanical anomalies, that it is easy to foresee that its properties will exhibit little uniformity. Still more exceptions may be anticipated, if one reflects that the chemical principle which is found most abundantly in every part of leguminous plants, and to which we must attribute their principal properties, is the extractive. It is probable that this principle, either from its own nature, or from its peculiar power of uniting with different matters, or perhaps instead of being a simple prin- ciple, it is rather a compound of different matters ; it is probable, I say, that the extractive principle exhibits much less uniformity in its results than any other. It is, without doubt, to the presence of the extractive principle, in considerable quantities, that many leguminous plants owe their purgative properties, which are common to several extracts, and which many chemists attribute to the acetate of potash, which they are almost universally found to contain. Thus the leaves and foliaceous pods of Cassia Senna Lin., of Cassia lanceolata Forsk., of Cassia emarginata of the Antilles, of the Cassia marylandica employed in the United States, of Colutea arborescens, of Genista purgans, and perhaps also of Coronilla E'merus, act as brisk purgatives, and often cause wind and pain in the bowels. The juice of Coronilla varia excites vomiting, and may even become poisonous when taken in too large quantities. It is, perhaps, from a different cause that the pulp which is contained in the husks of leguminous plants operates upon the human body ; it purges gently without causing the least pain, and ought to be considered as laxative rather than purgative. Such is the character of the juicy pulp that exists in the Cassia fistula Lin., in the Tamarindus indica Lin., in the Ceratbnia siliqua Lin., and probably in the Inga vera and 7. punctata, which are eaten in small quantities in the Antilles, but which, taken more copiously, would have the same effect as our Carobs. There are some fruits of Leguminosse, for example, the Sophbra and the Glcditsch/a, with tumid pods, in which is found a juice which surrounds, it is true, the seeds, as in the plants just mentioned, but which differs from them altogether in its very astringent and nauseous flavour; the nature and properties of this juice deserve to be examined by chemists, and would undoubtedly throw some light upon the nature of Leguminbsa;. I am induced to think, that the astringent juice of the Sophbra is a secretion of the pericarp, whilst the sweet and purgative juice of the Cassia would be a secretion of the external part of the seed ; but this hypothesis requires to be verified : what, leads me to this opinion, is the flavour commonly found in husks ; in the Carobs, for example, the husk is astringent, and the pulp sweet and laxative. But let us return to the properties which may be attributed to the extractive principle. It is undoubtedly from some one of these modifications that the singular property of the Piscidia and many Galegas is derived, which are employed in America to stupefy fish, which are taken by this means as readily as with Nux vomica. The decoction of the root of Galtga virginiana is considered in America as a powerful vermifuge. It is, perhaps, indeed, to the very same cause that the rubefacient powers of the fresh leaves of some Leguminnsai are to be ascribed, which act readily upon the skin if applied as plasters ; as, for example, in Ornithopus scorpioides among ourselves, and Moringa pterygosptrma elsewhere. It appears to me, that it is to the greater or less considerable mixture of the extractive principle with the fiecula contained in the seed, that the different properties of the pulse of leguminous plants may be attributed. If found in small quantities, the seed may serve as food for man and animals, as we see in French beans, peas, lentils, chick peas, beans, and many others, &c. If found in a more considerable quantity, it will render them purgative or emetic, as in the Cytisus Laburnum, the ^4nagyris foe'tida, and even in most Coronillas. It is remarkable that the botanical characters of Leguminosa? should so strictly agree with the properties of their seeds : the latter may be divided into two sections ; namely, first, those of which the cotyledons are thick and filled with faecula, and destitute of cortical pores, and which, moreover, in germination do not undergo any change, but nourish the young plant by means of that supply of food which they already contain ; secondly, those of which the cotyledons are thin, with very little faecula, and furnished with cortical pores, and which change at once into leaves at the time of germination, for the purpose of elaborating food for the young plant. All the seeds of the first section are employed as food in different countries ; none of those of the second section are ever so employed : the Cajan, which has long been classed among the Cytisi, was apparently an exception to this general rule ; but observation has proved the contrary. Bearing in mind its known properties, 1 formerly paid particular attention to its structure, and I have shown in a note which accompa- nies my catalogue of the Montpelier garden, that the Cajan forms a particular genus much more nearly allied to the French bean than to the Cytisi, and that it, in fact, belongs to the first of the sections which I have just described. The seeds of Leguminbsa* present also many other anomalies more difficult to reduce to any fixed laws : thus some are found which contain a rather large portion of fixed oil; such as the seed of the .d'rachis hypoga^a, lately introduced into European agriculture, and that of Moringa pterygospcrma which pro- duces oil of ben : there are some, of which the flavour and smell are rather powerful ; as the seed of Dipterix or Coinnnrouna odbra of Aublet, which, under the name of Tonquin bean, is used for perfuming snuff: there are others which, like the chick pea, have rather a bitter taste and exciting properties, and are on that account administered for the jaundice. There are others again, like those of the And\ra, which are so bitter as to be used in Java and Brazil as tonic, alexiteric, and vermifuge. In a word, are not the aperient and diuretic properties which are observable in the herbage and the roots of many leguminous plants, such as broom, beans, Ononis, Moringa pterygosperma, yfnthyllis cretica, &c., to be attributed to a modification of this extractive principle ? There are, in another view, roots which are furnished with tubercles, that is to say, with reservoirs of faecula, which furnish mankind with wholesome food, as we see in the Lathyrus tuberbsus, which is eaten in Holland, the Z)61ichos tuberbsus, and the D. bulbosus, which the Indians use as food. The roots of the liquorice have a sweet and mucilaginous taste, which is well known by every body, and which, united to an acrid and rather exciting principle, causes it to be employed as a pectoral ; the analysis of this root, published by M. Robiquet, proves that, independently of its woody skeleton, the same kind of amylaceous faecula is found as in the tuberous roots of which we have just been speaking ; it is thence seen that the acrid flavour of decoctions of liquorice depends on the small quantity of resinous oil which it contains, and that its sweet properties are by no means analogous to common sugar, since it is insoluble in cold water, soluble in warm water or in alcohol, not capable of fermentation, and docs not yield to the action of nitric acid any of the known products of sugar. It may here be added, that the sugary flavour of liquorice, and its other properties, are not confined to this genus ; they are found equally in the roots of JVifulium alplnum, vulgarly called Mountain liquorice; in those of the Atirus precatdrius, from which a pectoral draught is prepared in Hindoostan, called Velti, and in others. The barks of some trees of the leguminous class are remarkable for their bitterness, and are used as febrifuges ; the different kinds of Geoffrbya and Andlra possess this bitter and febrifugal quality in a remarkable degree ; in India, the bark of the Agati grandiflbra and of the Guilandina Bonducella are employed for the same purpose. The barks of many leguminous plants are also remarkable for their astringent qualities, caused by the quantity of tannin which they are found to contain ; this is observable in the Acacia Catechu, and in the Acacia arabica, which is used for tanning leather, and elsewhere. It is well known that almost all colouring matter proceeds from the extractive principle ; and as it appears that this principle abounds in Leguminbsa?, we ought to find in them a considerable number of the colors which are used by dyers : to this family, in fact, belong the principal blue colors, known by the name of indigo, extracted from every kind of Indigofera, and from some Galegas ; and the red colors, which are yielded by all the species of Cajsalpinia and of Haematoxylon. We may add the red juice, which is drawn from the Pterocarpus draco and santalinus, under the name of sandal and of dragon's blood ; from . '^ eflr .frondbsa, under the name of gum lac ; and also from Dalbergwt Monetaria. These juices appear to ift'er in many particulars, but their history and analysis are at present so far from being known, that it is impossible to form a true estimate of the nature of their differences. But anomalies of this nature are far from ng confined to the plants just mentioned. Among the exotic drugs employed in the arts they are very common : such, for example, are the balsam of C'apivi, produced by the copaifera ; the balsam of Peru, which, NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 511 Mutis says, is obtained from Myrosp^rmum peruiferum, and the balsam of Tolu from M. toluiferum ; the Cachou, which has been found to be almost pure tannin ; and which is supposed to be produced by Acacia Catechu ; of the same character is that remarkable resin that is yielded by Hymen^ v Cotirbaril ; gum Arabic, produced by the bark and roots of /Ickcia vera, Senegal, arabica, and others ; gum tragacanth obtained from Astragalus creticus, gummifer, and verus ; and finally, manna, secreted by Alhugi Maurorum." Cuttings and seeds ; some by division. The arrangement of this tribe of plants has been found to be attended with much difficulty. By Limifeus, and the writers who succeeded him, the number of genera was much smaller than those admitted by botanists of the present age ; many additions have been made in consequence of the discovery of New Holland, and a large number of subdivisions in old genera have been from time to time introduced by one writer or another. To combine these scattered improvements under one uniform system has lately been attempted by the learned botanist, from whom the foregoing extract has been taken. M Decandolle's method being here adopted, it will be useful to explain the principles upon which it is founded. He divides Leguminosa? into two grand divisions, the first of which consists of plants the radicle of whose seed is curved back upon the edge of the cotyledons, and the second of those whose radicle and cotyledons are straight : the former are CURVE'MBRIJE, the latter KBCTO / MBXl4fc, Tn the Curve'mbrima Lab. 2070 Carmichael/a R. Br. 2112 Pictetia Dec. 1247 Podolbbium It. Br. 1969 Cyamopsis Dec. 1 2113 Ormocarpum Beauv. 1248 Oxylobium Andr. 1976 Amicia H. & B. 1249 C'allistachys Ven. 176. Subtribe a Clitoris. 1977 Poiretz'rt Ven. 1250 Brachysema R. Br. 1251 Gompholobium Sm. lig. 0. herb. 7. t ft. ; j G| ft. 2071 Psoialea L. 05 2114 Myriadenus Desv. 1978 Zurm'a Gm. 1252 Burtbma R. Br. 2072 Indigofera L. 1979 Stylosanthes Swx. 1253 Jackson/a R. Br. 2073 Clitoria L. 1980 Adesmia Dec. 1254 Viminaria Sm. 1255 Spha?rolubium Sm. 1256 Abtus i'. 2074 Neurocarpum Desv. 2075 Cologaiua Kth. 076 Galactia Br. 2 2115 ^,'schvnomene Z,. 01 2116 Smith/a H. K. 2117 Lourea Neck. 1257 DillwymVi Sm. 2077 Vilmorin/a Dec. 2118 Urtiria Desv. 1258 Eutaxia R. Br. 2078 Barbierza Dec. 2119 Nicolsbn/a Dec. 1259 Sclerothamnus 7?. Br. 1970 Pueraria Dec. 2120 Desm<\dium Dec 15 1260 Gastrolobium R. Br. 2079 Dumasza Dec. 2121 Dice>ma Dec. 1261 Euchllus R. Br. 2080 Glycinei. 2122 Tavernicra Dec. 1262 Pulten^V Sm. 2081 Chajtocalyx Dec. 2123 //edysarum Z<. 1 28 12fi3 Davieswi Sm. 1264 Mirbfelza Sm. 173. Tribe 2. LO^E/E. 177. Subtribe 4. Galvgece. lig. 45. herb. 24. 184J fL;13Aft. 1922 Petalostemum MX. 4 2124 Onobrychis Tou. *0 20 212. i 5 Eleibtis Dec. 2126 Lespcdfez MX. 1 ll 174. Subtribe 1. Genistece. lig. 88. herb. 43. f 49 ft. ; 10Jft. 1971 Dalea L. 04 2082 Glycyrrhlza Tou. 8 1981 .E'benus L. 2127 Flemingia Rox. 1940 Hovert R. Br. 1941 Platylobium Sm. 1942 Platychilum Ate/aw. 1943 Bossi^Vi Ven. 1972 Galega Tou. 6 2083 Tephrosia Pers. 1 1973 Ainckpha L. 30 2084 NissbUYi Jac. 182. Subtribe 3. Alhac. 0. herb. 190. i ft. ; 28 ft. 2058 Achyrbnia W. 2059 Lipa'ria L. 1975 Piscidia L. 2090 Daubentonm Dec. 2131 Clcer Tou. 1 2132 Faba 7b. 2 2060 Priestleva Dec. 1950 HallzYi thun. 2091 Caragana Lam. 16 2092 Halimode'ndron Fis. 3 2133 Ficia TOM. *0 74 2134 'rvum /.. 10 1951 Heylandja Dec. 1952 Crotalaria /,. 2093 Diphysa Jac. 2094 Calophaca Fis. 1 2135 Pisum Tou. *0 12 2136 Lathyrus I, *0 51 1953 Hvpocalyptus Thun. 1954 Viborg/V/ Spr. 1955 Loddiges/rt B. M. 1957 Dichllus Dec. 2095 Colatea /,. 5 2096 Sph^rosphysa Dec. 1 2097 SwainsunzYz SaL 2098 Lessert/rt Dec. 2137 OYhrug Pf-s. 1 2138 O'robus Tou. *0 37 2139 Platystylis Suit. 2 1956 LebeckzYi Thun 2099 Sutherland^ H. K. 185. Tribe 5. PHASEO\E*. 1958 Sarcophyllum Thun. 1<)59 yfspalathus L. 178. Subtribe 5. Astragaleee. li^.S. A*.71. 13ift.; 19Jft. I960 t/*lex L. *5 lt'61 Staurocanthus Lk. 1 lig. 8. herb. 139. t 5 ft. ; 20ft. 2110 Phaca L. JO 2140 A v brus L. 2141 Swcfetw Dec. 512 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 142 Micranthus Pair. 1982 R6th/a Pers. 1 1983 Teramnus Br. 2143 Amphicarpa Ell, 3 2144 Kenn fed/a Ven. 2145 Rhynchbsia Lou. 2 2146 Fagelia Neck. 2147 Wistaria Nut 3 2148 /4 N pios Boer. 1 2141 Phaseolus L. 29 2150 A'mphodus Lindl. 2151 Sbia Moen. 2152 Dolichos L. 07 2153 Vigno Savi. 1 2154 Lublab Adan. 2155 Pachyrhlzus Rich. 2156 Parochetus //awi. 2157 Dioclea Kth. 2158 Psophocarpus Neck. 1984 Canav&lia Dec. 2159 Muctona Adan. & Dec. 2160 Cajanus Dec. 1985 Lupinus Tbw. 27 2161 Cylista H. K, 2162 Erythrlna L. 2163 Rudolphza W. 2164 Butea Rox. 186. Tribe 6. DALBERGIE^ 2165 Pongcimia Ven. 2166 DalWrgw* Rox. 1986 Pterocarpus L. 2167 Drepanocarpus Mey. 2168 Ecastaph^llum Br. 1987 ^meriranum Br. 1988 -Brya .Br. 187. SUBORDER II. SWART- ZIE^JE, or Tribe 7. 1591 Swartzz'a W. 1291 Baphia Aft. J88. Div. II. RECTE'MBRI^]. 189. SUBORDER III. MIMCf- SEM, or Tribe 8 lig. 1. herb.O. 110 feet 2838 Entada Adan. 2834 Mimosa L. 1286 Gagnettna Neck. 2833 J'nga Plu. 1939 Parkz'a R. Br 2835 Schrankia W. 743 Darlingtbn*a Dec. 2836 Desmanthus W. 1281 Adenanthera L. 1283 Prosopis L. 1284 Lagonychium Bieb. 2837 Acacia Neck. 1 190. SUBORDER IV. PI'XEM. Tribe 9. GE6FFREJE. 2169 ^'rachis L. 2170 Foandzeia Thou. 2171 Andira Lam. 2172 Geoffr&yo W. 1938 Brownea Jac. 2174 Dipterix Schreb. 191. Tribe 10. Kg. 17. herb. 3. J 51 ft. ; 1279 Moringa Dec. 193. ORDER LXVIII. 5 ft. 2884 Gleditschta L. 12 2800 Gymnocladus Lam. 1 1278 Guilandlna J. 1277 Coulteria Kth. 1275 Cajsalpim'a Plu. 1285 Erythrophleum Af%. 1274 Poinciawa L. 1276 Reichardza Roth 1280 Hoffmansgg^'a Cav. 1287 Hasmatoxylon L. 1273 Parkinsonza L. 1282 CMia Forsk. 2885 Ceratonia L. 1290 Hardwickz'a Rox. 1139 Jones?'a Rox. 1289 Tachygalia Aub. 1989 Tamarlndus L. 1271 Cassia L. 3 12b'7 Omphalbbium Jac. 1266 Schutja Jac. 1288 CopaiferaZ,. 1270 Cynometra L. 2173 Parivba Aub. 109 Outea Aub. 108 Vouapa Aub. 1269 Hymen\j L. 1268 Bauhima Plu. 1265 Crcis L. 4 34 Codarium Vahl 192. DOUBTFUL. 1990 Phyllolobium Fis. Genera 46, Species 783 ; Hot-house Species 12 ; Green-house Species 73 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 478; #aro> Herbaceous Species 219. J 199|feet; 28ffeet; ^0 feet. With the exception of Chrysobalaneae and Sanguisorbese, this order is so uniform in its appearance, that flbsa, the type from which all the other genera are to be considered variations, when justly understood, will be found to contain every form of structure which is essential to the order. Having stated this, it will be at the pear belong to Pyrus, the apricot to .drmenlaca, the plum to Pr tinus, the peach and the nectarine i Eriobotrya produces the loquat, il/e'spilus the medlar, and, finally, the quince is borne by the Cydbnia. The medical powers of many plants of this order are not less active than their fruit is excellent. The principal of once obvious, that if the other genera have such close affinity to ttbsa, they must also bear a great analogy in beauty. And this is, indeed, the fact, ^my'gdalus and Pr&nus among trees, and Potentilla, Gum, and others, among herbaceous genera, rival the rose in their blossoms, and, in many particulars, surpass that most lovely of all flowers in foliage and general appearance. But it is not for charms alone of smell, or blossom, or foliage, that this order has fixed itself so high in the estimation of mankind. It has also the rare merit of comprehending all the most important of the fruits of the temperate regions of the world. Thus the apple and to Pr finus, the peach and the nectarine to Persica ; inally, the ve than th< these is the well-known Prussic acid, which exists in abundance in the leaves and kernels of many genera, especially of Primus and yc/ 8 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species ; /farrfy Ligneous Species 8 ; ffardy Herbaceous Species 0. 121 feet ; feet ; & feet. Beautiful hardy early-flowering shrubs, natives of North America and Japan, with sweet-scented yellowish or lurid purple flowers, which are either axillary or terminal, and simple opposite exstipulate feather-nerved leaves. The wood, leaves, and flowers of Calyeanthus floridus are sweet-scented, hence it is called American allspice. The order differs from Kosaceai in the form of the embryo, and from Granite* in the imbricate asstivation of the calyx ; from both, in the absence of petals, and in the numerous divisions of the calyx. Cuttings and layers. 1532 Calyc'mthus L. 5 | 1534 Chimonanthus Lindl. 3 03. OHDERLXX. GRANA X TE^. Genus 1, Species 5 ; Hoi-house Species ; Green-house Species 1 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 4 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 20 feet ; feet ; =& feet. This order consists of only one genus, the well-known pomegranate, which is well worth a place in every garden, on account of its beautiful scarlet flowers. It differs from Myrtacea? in the leaves being destitute of pellucid dots, as well as in the seeds being enveloped in pulp ; from Calycanthea; in the calyx being valvate in aestivation ; and from Memecyleae in the stamens being indefinite. Cuttings, layers, or seeds. 1497 Piinica W. 204. ORDER LXXI. MEMECY'LEJE. Genera 3, Species 4 ; Hot-house Species 4 ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. $ feet j feet ; *= feet. Tropical shrubs or trees, with opposite entire smooth exstipulate leaves destitute of dots, axillary or terminal bluish-violet or white flowers, and edible fruit. It is a very doubtful order. Cuttings. 1195 Memecylon L. | 3346 Mourlria J. | 1364 Petaldma Swz. 205. ORDER LXXII. COMBRETA^CE^E. Genera 7, Species 39 ; Hot-house Species 37 ; Green-house Species 2 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 1 feet; feet ; * feet. Ctombretum and Quisqu-ilis are among the most splendid of the climbing plants of the tropics, adorning the trees from which they depend with garlands of white and crimson, and yellow. The bark of Buclda Buceras is used with success in Guiana for tanning leather. The juice of Terminalia vernix is employed by the Chinese as a varnish ; it is, however, caustic, and its exhalation dangerous ; benzoin is the produce of Terminalia Benzoin. The kernel of several species is eaten as a nut, and the expressed oil has the remarkable quality ol not becoming rancid. Cuttings. 206. Tribe 1. TERMINALIE^. 1367 Buclda L. 2864 Terminalia L. 1354 Getbnia Rox. 3347 Poivrea Com. 713 Conocarpus Jac. 207. Tribe 2. 1203 CombretumZ. 1355 Quisqu&lis L. 208. ORDER LXXIII. VOCHYSIEMI. Genus 1, Species I; Hot-house Species 1 ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. feet ; feet ; ^ feet. Fine trees and shrubs, natives of tropical America, with terminal panicled or thyrsoid racemes of yellow flowers, and opposite or whorled entire feather-nerved leaves, each furnished with two stipulas at the base. This order agrees with Combretaceae in having convolute cotyledons and inverted seeds, and with Onagrariae, particularly with the genus Lopezt'a, in the flowers being monandrous, or, if triandrous, two of the anthers are always sterile. Cuttings. 21 Voch$sia Poir. 209. ORDER LXXIV. RHIZOPHONEIEJE. Genera 2, Species 2 ; Hot-house Species 2 ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. feet; feet; ^ feet. The mangroves are plants of arborescent stature, which are remarkable, in tropical countries, for growing upon the shores of the sea and rivers, even as far as low water. The seeds have the singular property of germinating, while enclosed within the capsule and adhering to their parent, and pushing forth a long fusiform radicle, which lengthens till it reaches the soil, where it takes root, and forms a new individual The bark of Rhizophora gymnorluza, which is very astringent, is used in India for dyeing black. Cuttings, 1428 Rhizophora Z. | 1430 Carattia Rox. 210. ORDER LXXV. LOPHI'REJE. Genus 1. Species 1 : Hot-house Species 1 ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. } feet ; feet ; Jfe feet. A very doubtful order, containing only one genus. A beautiful shrub, native of Sierra Leone, wi-th terminal corymbs of white flowers, and a one-leaved permanent calyx. Leaves long, entire, and coriaceous. Seeds. 1504 Lophira Banks 211. ORDER LXXVI. ONAGRA'RIvE. Genera 14, Species 146 ; Hot-house Species 15 ; Green-house Species 32 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 99. f feet ; j^22| feet ; * 3 feet. A very well defined order, generally known by its pollen cohering, by a sort of filamentous substance, an inferior polyspermous ovarium, a tetrasepalons tetrapetalous flower, with a definite number of stamens, and L 1 514 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. a single slyle. From this form there are some anomalous variations, such as Clrcas^* and Lopfezztf, which are, however, easily reconciled to the usual structure of the order. Most of the genera are preeminently beauti- ful ; as Epilbbium, ffinothera, and Fuchsw, which are old favorites among gardeners. The properties of Onagraria? are little known, and probably very weak. The leaves of JussiasVz peruviana are used as an emol- lient poultice, the seed of Trapa natans as an eatable nut, and the root of GJnothfera biennis as a sort of salad. Cuttings and seeds. 212. Tribe 1. MONTINIE\E. 2762 Montinm L. ? 1462 Visnea L P1187 Gelaiowr. 213. Tribe 2. FUCHSIE\E. 1188 F&chsm L. 214. Tribe 3. ONA^RE^. lig. 0. herb. 86. 22 ft. ; *=3 ft. 1186 Epilobium L. - *0 23 1184 GauraL. 4 1183 ffinothera L. *0 58 1185 Clark/a Ph. 1 215. Tribe 4. JUSSIEU\E. lig. 0. herb. 5. o|ft. 1353 Jussietirt L. 404 Ludwigia L. 04 340 Isnarda L. *0 1 216. Tribe 5. CIRC^^E. lig. 0. herb. 7. 4| ft. 18 Lopfezia Cav. 4 85 Circa2\z L. *0 3 217. Tribe 6. HYDROCA^YBS. lig. 0. herb. 1. * 1 ft, 403 Trapa L. 01 2ia ORDER LXXVII. HALORA'GEjE. Genera 7, Species 12 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 3 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 9. $ feet ; 3 feet ; =|=4feet Obscure weeds, chiefly distinguished from Onagraria* by their naked and solitary ovula. They are natives of moist places or ponds, in various parts of Europe and North America. Some of the species of Haloragis are tropical. They are not known to possess any medicinal properties. Division and seeds, sometimes by cuttings. 219. Tribe 1. CERCODIA"NJE. lig. 0. herb. 5. 3ft,; *=3ft. 2622 Serpicula L. 420 Gonocarpus Thun. 1 1224 Haloragis Worst. 299 Proserpinaca L. 2 2652 Myrioph^llum *0 2 220. Tribe 2. CALLITRICHI'NEJS. lig. 0. herb. 3. =*=l|ft 28 Callitriche W. *0 3 22]. Tribe 3. HIPPURI'DE*;. Kg.O. herb. I. =fe3ft. 24 tfippuris L. *0 1 222. ORDER LXXVIII. CERATOPHY'LLE^. Genus 1, Species 2 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species ; Hardy J 'Agneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 2. JO feet ; feet ; gfe 3 feet. Aquatic plants, with the habit of Myriophy'llum. The order consists only of Ceratophyllum, which contains two species, both natives of lakes and ditches in Britain. Seeds. 2651 Ceratophyllum L. *0 2 23. ORDER LXXTX. LYTHRARIE^E or SALICA^RI^E. Genera 11, Species 61 ; Hot-house Species 23; Green-house Species 13; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 25. feet ; 10| ft. ; *= 1 foot. Most of these are very showy plants, in particular the genera iythrum and Lagerstroe^mm, which are the representatives of the order. They are chiefly natives of temperate climates, on mountains and among bushes. Peplis is a common bog plant in England. Heimz'a is remarkable for its yellow flowers. Little is known of the properties of Salicariae ; they are mostly astringent ; the common Salicaria is used in inveterate diarrhoeas ; a species of iythrum is used in Mexico as a vulnerary and astringent ; and Lawsbnm, which is used by the Turkish women to stain their nails, is also supposed to possess similar properties. There is a plant of this order called Hanchinpl in Mexico, which is said to possess much more remarkable powers than any of the preceding ; its expressed juice, taken in doses of four ounces, excites violent perspiration and secretion of urine, and ia said to cure venereal disorders in an incredibly short space of time. Cutting, division, and seeds. 224. Tribe 1. SALICARIE\E. Kg. 0. herb. 25. 10| ft. ;*= 1 ft 1100 Peplis L. ' *o 2 397 Ammannia L. 12 1451 iythrum L. *0 9 1454 Cuphea P. Br. 1365 Acisanthera J. 1453 Heimza Lk. 1452 Nesa3\* Com. 3348 Decadon Gm 1180 Lawsoma L. 1150 Grislea L. 225. Tribe 2. LAGERSTR(EMIE\E. 1587 Lagerstrce^nua L. 226. ORDER LXXX. TAMARISCI'NEJE. Genus 1, Species 6 ; Hot-house Species 3 ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species 3 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. i 17J ft. ; feet ; * feet Shrubs, rarely herbs, with twiggy branches, small entire scale-like leaves which are usually glaucous, and small white or rose-coloured flowers which are disposed in spikes or racemose spikes. This order differs from Onagrariae in the ovary being free, and in the imbricate aestivation of the calyx ; and from Lythrariea? in the petals being inserted at the bottom of the calyx, as well as in its aestivation. The species are natives of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Some of the kinds of Tamarix have an astringent tonic bark, and yield, when burnt, a large proportion of sulphate of soda. Cuttings. 899 Tamarix L. *3 227. ORDER LXXXI. MELASTOMA^CE^E. Genera 12, Species 76 ; Hot-house Species 69 ; Green-house Species 3 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 4. 1 feet; 2 feet ; * feet. All these are remarkable as handsome tropical shrubs or trees, with large purple or white flowers, and leaves with several costa?, or nerves as they are incorrectly termed. The genera admitted in the body of the work are those received by the greater part of previous writers ; they have been much increased, and apparently with great propriety, by Mr. D. Don. The species are generally ill treated in collections, where they are not unfrequently to be found under the form of sickly stunted plants, instead of noble broad-leaved spreading shrubs, with masses cf brilliant flowers. To be grown well they require much heat, much moisture during the summer, and much pit-room and head-room. The fruit of true Melastomas is a fleshy insipid juicy berry, which is for the most part eatable, and is often so deep a black as to dye the teeth and mouths of those who eat it. They are nearly related to Myrtaceas, from which they differ in the want of essential oil, and of the dot-like reservoirs of the leaves which contain it. The juice of the- Waves of Micoma succosa and alata is used as a lotion for recent wounds by the inhabitants of Guiana. Cuttings and seeds. NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 515 228. Tribe 1. LAVOISIE V UE.E. 1363 Meriana Swz. 229. Tribe 2. lig. 0. herb. 4. 2 ft. 1182. .RhexiaZ. 230. TribeS. OSBE'CKI*:. 1181 Osbeckza L. 1356 Melastoma L. 1360 Pleroma D. Don 1JG2 Acibtis >. Z>0 231. Tribe 4. MFCONIE\E. 1359 Clidemirt D. Don 1361 Tocbcn Aub. 1358 Chitbnia D.Don 3345 Chatogastra Dec. 1357 Mirbnia R. & P. 1425 Blakea L. ORDER LXXXII. ALANGIE\E. Genus 1, Species 2 ; Hot-house Species 2 ; Green-house Species 0; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Ifardy Herbaceous Species 0. i 32| ft. ; feet; i feet. Showy trees, natives of India, with the branches usually spinescent, alternate exstipulate ovate-lanceolate, acuminate feather-nerved quite entire leaves, and the flowers which are white rising in fascicles from the axilla? of the leaves; the fruit is edible. The order only consists of one genus; it differs from Myrtacea? in the petals being more numerous and in the anthers being adnate, as well as in the fruit being one-celled. Cuttings. 1494 Aldngium J. 233. ORDER LXXXIII. PHILADE'LPHEJE. Genera 2, Species 18 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species 18 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. J 7 feet ; feet ; i feet. This consists at present of a single genus, which was formerly referred to Myrtaceae, but which has lately been separated with much acuteness by Mr. Don. The species are hardy ornamental shrubs, natives of North America, with white flowers; in some cases fragrant. Nothing is known of their properties. Cuttings and layers. 1479 Philadelphus L. 15 | 1433 Decumaria L. 30 234. ORDER LXXXIV MYRTA V CE^. Genera 37, Species 293 ; Hot-house Species 85 ; Green-house Species 208 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. J feet; feet ; * feet. Dotted leaves with marginal ribs, and an inferior ovarium and single style, are the great features of Myrtaceaa. They are all fine evergreen shrubs or trees, generally bearing white flowers, and in the first section producing fleshy fruit. It is there that the Allspice, the Clove, the Rose-apple, and the Guava find their station, by the side of the common myrtle. The section with capsular fruit comprehends, with the exception of the gigantic Eucalyptuses, almost wholly handsome hard-wooded New Holland or South Sea shrubs, with white or crimson flowers and stamens : yellow flowers are very uncommon. The volatile oil contained in the little reservoirs of the bark, the leaves, and the floral envelopes, gives these plants the fragrance which has caused them to be celebrated by poets of all ages. It is very aromatic, a little acrid, and slightly tonic and stimulant, whether it is under the form of Cajeputi oil, the produce of Melaleuca Leucadendron, or of oil of cloves or of myrtle. In the clove this oil is so abundant as to constitute nearly a fifth of the whole weight of the calyxes that produce it. There is also a considerable proportion of astringent principle in these plants ; in the bark of Afyrtus U'gni and multifiora of Chile, and Jambbsa malaccensis, it is so abundant as to render a decoction of those plants of great use in cases of dysentery. Eucalyptus resinifera produces an astringent subresinous substance resembling gum kino. The leaves of the Chilian myrtles, Leptospermum scoparium, and some other species, have been used as substitutes for tea. Cuttings and seeds. 235. Tribe 1. CHAMJELANCHIE^JE. 1495 Calytrix Lab. 1931 Comesperma Lab. 1372 DarwiniYi Rud. 236. Tribe 2. LEPTOSPE'RME^E. 237. Subtribel. Melaleucete. 2180 Tristania R. Br. 2182 Beaufort jo R. Br. 2183 Billbt/Vz Coll. 2181 Calothamnus Lab. 2179 Melaleuca /,. 3393 Astartea Dec. 2184 Eudesmia R. Br. 238. Subtribe 2. Euleptospermece. 1493 Eucalyptus Herit. 1483 Callistemon R. Br. 1482 Metrosideros Gae. 3360 Angophora Cav. 3361 Acmena Dec. 1480 Leptospermum Forst. 1481 Fabrici Gae. 1172 Bas'ckm L. '239. Tribe 3. MY'RTEr 917 Globulea Haw. 918 Curtogvne Haw. 1220 Bryophyllum Sal. 1410 Sedum L. *0 64 -*-1 f*. 919 Vauanthes Haw. S418 Rhod'iola L. *0 2 = M *0 it. 2 913 Larochea Dec. 914 Kalosanthes Haw. 1468 Sempervlvum L. *0 10 1469 Monanthes Haw. 1 1409 6'otyledon L. 3356 Echevferia Dec. 1 259. Tribe 2. CRASSULA^CEJS 1 3354 Umbilicus Dec. *0 4 ANOMALY. 3355 Pistorinia Dec. 1 fig. 0. herb. 1. 2 ft. 1219 Kalanchbe Adan. 1411 Penthbrum W. 1 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 517 of these two, the flowers are of all colors, many of the most vivid hues, and remarkable for expanding only bcne;ith bright sunshine; this phenomenon, indeed, is common to the whole order. Tetrag^nia expinsa, Sesuvium Portulacastrum, and Mesembryanthemum edule, are excellent substitutes for summer spinach. A large quantity of saline matter is contained in all of them ; in Reaumuria vermiculata a substance is secreted, which has been found by chemical analysis to consist of muriate of soda and nitrate of potash. The whole order grows in very dry or saline places, in the temperate regions of the world. Four fifths of the whole are natives of the Cape of Good Hope. The leaves of the different species of Mesembryanthemum oft'er the most remarkable instances of figure known in the vegetable world. Cuttings, offsets, division, or seeds 261. GENUINE. I 1519 Tetragonia L. I 262. SPL^RI-E. lig. 0. herb. 3. 3 ft 1517 Sesbvium L. lig. 3. herb, a 13|ft 1520 Mesembryanthemum .03 1518 ^zoon L. 1607 Reaumur/a L. 1521 Hymenogyne Haw. | I* 64 Glinus L. \ 1446 Nitraria L. 3 263. ORDER XCIII. CA'CTEJE or OPUNTIA^CE^E. Genera 9, Species 156 ; Hot-house Species 155 j Green-house Species 1 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. feet ; feet ; =*= feet. All succulent plants destitute for the most part of leaves, the place of which is supplied by fleshy stems of the most grotesque figure ; some angular, and attaining the height of thirty feet, others roundish, covered with stiff spines, like the hedgehog, and not exceeding the stature of a few inches. Their flowers are in many cases large and remarkably specious, varying from pure white to rich scarlet and purple, through all the intermediate gradations of colors. The species are chiefly natives of the hottest and driest parts of the tropics, and are cultivable with little care, in pots filled with rubbish, in a dry-stove. Their fruit is fleshy and watery, and generally insipid, but it is eaten in their native countries for the sake of its refreshing moisture and coolness. Two species of Opiintia are hardy in Great Britain. The characters of this order and the next are very similar, although their habit is so widely different. Cacti are sometimes called Nopaleaa. Cuttings, offsets, or seeds. 264. Tribe 1. OPUNTIA^CEJE. I 3359 Eehinocactus Lh. $ O. 1471 Mammillaria Haw. , 4 Z &?**" 1470 Cactus L. 1473 Epiphyllum Haw. 3358 Meloc&ctus Bau. W* Opuntia Haw. 1476 Pereskia Haw. 265. Tribe 2. RHIPSALIDEJB. 1475 Rhipsalis Gae. 266. ORDER XCIV. GROSSULARIE\E. Genus 1, Species 49 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species I ; Hardy Ligneous Species 48 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 34 feet ; feet ; =fe feet Distinguished from the last by the definite number of their stamens and woody leafy stems. The utility and excellence of the gooseberry and currant are known to every one. None of the other species equal these, although the fruit of several possesses considerable excellence. The berry of most of these is sweet, watery, and acid, but that of Eibes nlgrum, and a few more, is tonic and stimulant, which appears to have some con- nection with the presence of glands upon the leaves of those species. Cuttings or seeds. 719 Kibes L. *48 267. ORDER XCV. ESCALLO^NI.E. Genus 1, Species 5 ; Hot-house Species 2 ; Green-house Species 3 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. $ feet ; j feet ; *= feet Beautiful evergreen shrubs, natives of Chile, with the habit of Andr6meda, and which probably should be arranged near it, with terminal racemes of small white or red flowers. Nothing js known of their properties. Cuttings and seeds. 687 Escallonta Nut. 268. ORDER XCVI. SAXIFRA V GEL Genera 10, Species 142 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 5 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 6 : Hardy Herbaceous Species 131. f 15 ft. ; 17^ feet ; ^ feet. The whole of these plants constitute the glory and delight of the cultivator of alpine plants. This is to be attributed to the neatness and perpetual verdure of their leaves, and the exquisite simplicity and elegance of their flowers, rather than to any striking attractions, of which they are wholly destitute ; their blossoms being generally white or pale pink, occasionally becoming brownish-purple. All the genuine species are humble herbaceous plants, affecting mountainous situations, but occasionally found in marshes by the sides of springs, and even upon dry walls. All are natives of cold regions, or of the most temperate mountainous situations of hot ones. They are slightly astringent ; some of them, as Heuchera americana, eminently so. Infusions of the leaves have been reckoned lithontriptic, and the powdered root of the last-named plant is used with success in cancerous disorders. Hydrangea, which is shrubby, is not a legitimate inhabitant of the order. Cuttings, division, or seeds. 1380 Saxifraga L. *0 106 805 Heuchera L. 08 1381 Tiarella L 04 1383 Astilbe Ham. 1 1382 Mitella L. 3350 Tellima R. Br. 1379 Chrysosplenium L. *0 1222 AduxaL. *0 1 1378 Hydrangea /.. 6 ? 462 Galax L. 01 269. ORDER XCVII. CUNONIA V CEJE. Genera 5, Species 10 ; Hot-house Species 5 ; Green-house Species 5 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f feet ; feet ; =*= feet These were formerly included in Saxifragea?, from which Mr. Brown first distinguished them. They are shrubs of the southern hemisphere, mostly with pinnated leaves and white or red flowers. Callicoma and Bauenz, which have simple leaves, are elegant green-house shrubs. The bark of a species of WeinmanmYi u employed in Peru for tanning leather, and is said to be also used for adulterating the quinquina. Nothing is known of the properties of the remainder. Cuttings. 1207 WeinmanmYi L. I 1457 Callicoma B. Rep. \ 1592 Bauera H. K. 1377 Cunbn/a L. I 1371 Ceratopetalum Sm. 270. ORDER XCV II I. UMBELLI'FERJE. Genera 101, Species 570 ; Hot-house Species 11; Green-house Species 48 ; Hardy Ligneous Species I ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 510. J 3 feet ; j 57 feet ; =*= feet. One of the least attractive groups of plants, and at the same time one of the most important to the world. They are not more useful as food than they are dangerous as poison ; while in their native ditches they are often suspicious lurid weeds, but under the influence of cultivation they lay aside their venom, and become wholesome food for man. They are generally recognised by their hollow stems and cut leaves, with what botanists call a sheathing petiole ; that is to say, with a petiole, the base of which wraps round the stem. Their flowers are mostly white or yellow; rarely, as in Astrantia, some species of Caucalis, and others, of a pink color; or blue, as ryngium. The inflorescence is umbellate, and their fruit consist; of two ribbed portions, improperly called seeds, which are held together by a common axis, and a thickened aiscus. All are L 1 3 518 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. natives of damp ditches or way-sides, in cool parts of the world; in the tropics they are extremely rare The simplicity of their structure, and uniformity of their appearance, have rendered their classification a matter of very great difficulty. It has been attempted in modern days by Sprengel, Lagasca, Koch, and Decandolle, all of whom have added much to our knowledge. The arrangement of Koch and De- candolle is here adopted as the most perfect, upon the whole, of any yet published. The culinary and agricultural importance of many species is well known ; the parsnep and carrot form a large part of the staple winter store of the inhabitants of Europe, as the Arracachas do of those of South America ; and the Prangos of Thibet is supposed to be the most important and productive of any in the whole world, as a forage plant. The medicinal properties of Umbellifera? are not more powerful than they are at variance with each other. While the seeds of some are aromatic, and stimulating in the highest degree, the fresh roots and leaves of others are not less narcotic. This has been supposed to arise from the difference in the state of the sap in different parts of the plant ; and it has been thought that the narcotic principle is only to be found in the ascending sap, while the aromatic stimulant properties are found in the juices, which are fully elaborated and matured. It has been already observed, that their dangerous properties are often removed by cultivation ; the common celery is a familiar instance of this ; but the most remarkable, that of ffinanthe pimpinelloldes, a most dangerous species when wild 4 which is cultivated about Angers for the sake of its roots, which arc there called Jouanettes, and about Saumur, where they are known by the name of M^chons. The roots of some Umbellifera? contain a large proportion of sugar; those of the carrot, when dried, more than an eighth ; those of the parsnep just an eighth ; and those of the chervil about eight parts in 100. Galbanum, Opopanax, and Assafoitida, are all the produce of different species of Umbellifera?. Division or seeds, sometimes by cuttings. 271 SUBORDER I. ORTHOSPER- 838 Phellandrium L. *0 1 283. Tribe 10. THAPSIE\'E Koch. MJE (orlhos, straight, sperma, 869 jEthusa-L. *0 4 lig. 0. herb. 28. 16 ft. seed ; form). 844 Seseli L. *0 27 845 2'hapsia L. 7 272. Tribe 1. HYDROCOTYLI'NE.E 860 Cnidium Cus. 7 881 7,aserpitium L. 19 Spr. Koch. 273. Subtribe 1. Hydrocdtylat. 3325 Trochisanthes Koch 1 835 Jthamanta L. 12 875 ZigCisticum L. *0 13 3320 Melanosellnum Hofm. 1 879 Artedia L. 1 lig. 0. herb. 4. 2 ft. 3317 Brignblia Bert. 1 284. Tribe 11. DAUCINE.E Koch. 863 Hydroc6tyle L. *0 4 867 Trachymene Rud. 3323 Molopospermum Koch 1 3324 Levisticum Koch 1 lig. 0. herb. 23. 12| ft. 3313 Orlaya Hofm. 3 864 Bowleszo R. & S. 3328 Silaus Bes. *0 3 825 Daucus L. *0 17 274 Subtribe 2. Mullnte. 832 Wallrothza Spr. 2 857 A/eum Ton. *0 4 3332 Platyspermum Hofm. 3 866 Drusa Dec. 834 Crithmum .L. 1 285. SUBORDER II. CAMPYLO- 865 Spananthe Jac. SPE'RMM (kampylos, curved, 275. Tribe 2. SANICU^LE-E Koch. 278. Tribe 5. ANGELICE^E Koch. sperma, seed ; form). lig. 0. herb. 35. 14| ft. 846 Actinotus Lab. lig. 0. herb. 25. 13J ft. 874 Angelica L. *0 7 286. Tribe 12. CAUCALINE*; Koch. lig.Q. herb. 16. 9Jft. 823 Sanicula L. *0 3 886 Astrantia L. 6 839 D^ndia Spr. 1 3321 Archangelica Hofm. *0 2 3322 Ostericum Hofm. 1 873 Sellnum L. 14 826 Caucalis L. *0 8 3314 Turgenia Hofm. *0 1 827 Torilis Gae. *Q 6 822 JSryngium L. *0 25 ?872 Thyssellnum^o/wz. 1 ?840 Trachyspermum Lk. 1 276. Tribe 3. AMMI'NE*; Koch, diss. 279. Tribe 6. PEUCEDA^NEJE 287. Tribe 13. SCANDICINE.E Koch, lig. 0. herb 37 15ft lig. 1. herb. 113. J 3 ft. ; 24 ft. Koch, diss. 819 Scandix L. " *0 6 888 flumia Hofm. ] 851 Cicuta L. *0 4 3319 Zizia Koch 1 lig. 0. herb. 93. 27ift. 3329 Opopanax Koch ' 1 880 Pe>ula L. 18 820 ^nthriscus Pers. *Q 10 821 Clu-erophyllum /.. *0 20 830 Myrrhis Mor. *0 1 855 .^pium L. *0 4 3326 Ferulago Koch 2 3330 Petrosellnum Hofm. *0 3 882 Peucedanum L. *0 24 288. Tribe 14. SMY'RNE*: Koch. 847 Trinia Hofm. ' *0 3 3316 Helosci&dium Koch *0 5 870 Imperatbria L. *0 3 871 Callisace Fis. 1 lig.Q. herb. 29. 13 ft. /17 LagoeY-ia L. 01 3318 Drepanophvllum Hofm. 1 3315 Ptychotis Koch 4 842 Puboii L. 858 j4nethum L. 06 828 Olivtr/ Ven. 1 824 Echin6phora L. *0 3 849 Slson L. *0 5 850 Schiiltz?Vr Spr. 1 853 Capnophyllum Gac. 1 883 Pastinaca L. *0 8 2898 Arctbpus L. 889 Cachrys L. 10 841 ^'mmi L. .08 884 #eraclewj L. *0 28 891 Jfippomarathrum Lk. 1 856 ^gopbdium L. *0 1 859 Carum L. *0 3 887 Zosimw Hofm. 1 890 Agasyllis Spr. Q 1 2873 Hernias Thun. 831 J5unium L. *0 4 280. Tribe 7. TORDYLINE^E Koch. 852 C6niumi. *0 2 836 Pimpinella L. *0 11 lig. 0. herb. 11. 7^ ft. 3419 Pentacrypta Leh. 837 Tragium Spr. 7 829 Ledeburm Lk. 868 tflospermum Lk. 1 878 Hasselquist/a L. 02 877 Pleurospermum Hofm. 1 854 Smyrnium L. *0 7 828 Oliverm Ven. 885 Tordylium L. *0 *. 876 Physospermum Cus. *0 2 848 Slum L. *0 9 3331 Condylocarpus Hofm. *0 3 3312 Conopodium Koch 3 861 ^upleurumZ. *0 33 281. Tribe 8. SILERI'NE^E. 289. SUBORDER III. COILOSPE'R- MJE (koilos, channelled, sperma, 862 Tenbna Spr. 1 o lig. 0. herb. 1. tf 3 ft. 3327 Siler Sco. 1 seed; form). 277. Tribe 4. SESELI'NE*: Koch, lig. 0. herb. 93. 24| ft. 833 ffinanthe-t. *0 15 282. Tribe 9. CUMINE*: Koch,diss. lig, 0. herb. I. .1 ft. 843 Cumlnumi. 1 290. Tribe 15. CORIA'NDRE^ Koch, lig. Q. herb. 1. 3 ft. 818 Biforis Spr. Q 2 817 Coriandrum L. 01 291. ORDER XCIX. ARALIA^CEJE. Genera 7, Species 43; Hot-house Species 26 ; Green-house Species 5 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 7 : Hardy Herbaceous Species 5. 1 15 feet ; 6 feet ; = feet. - are a sli ? ht diver gence from the well-known Umbellifera, with which they nearly agree in habit om which they are obviously distinguished by their 1-celled fru t ge of ma "y is extremely fine, especially of the species of SciodaphyU * - - , Thei? fln h g USUa ", y frutescent . and from which they are obviously distingui S VC " bea " ty ' but the foliage of ma "y is extremely fine, especiall lum an Umb'ellifer^ T C T, mO r ^ y m ^ st not be omitted ' Their **&* properties are much the same as those of aromatk JS, ^ ?P ? fru lt which differs in virtues as it does in botanical structure. Their bark exudes an ' g esm> as in Ari ^ ha umbellifera. Their roots are tonic, with, in some cases, the flavor of narsneo Wh l Ch J - S P roduccdb y ' S ' some by dvUion. oduccd , b y a ^nax, is reputed to have powerful tonic, restorative, and even probable that these have been S reatl y exaggerated. Cuttings, layers, roots ; ~> Panax L. . ~> Cussonta L. 912 Sciodaphylium Br. 2 I 911 Aralia L. 1466 GastomVi J. 3 | 3386 Adamm Wai. 718 Wedera L. NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 519 292. ORDER C. CAPRIFOLIA V CE^. Genera 11, Species 118 ; Hot-house Species 3; Green-house Species 10 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 96 j Hardy Herbaceous Species 9. f 72 feet ; '7 f eet J = feet. This is an eminently beautiful order, consisting either of twining or erect shrubs with clusters of trumpet- shaped fragrant white, scarlet, or yellow, flowers, or of fine bushes having cymes of white blossoms. The honey- suckle is the representative of the former, the dogwood of the latter. Here too is found the modest and delicate LinnaeX which, however inferior its attractions for the vulgar eye may be to those of its more ostentatious neigh- bours, yields to none of them in elegance or interest for the botanist. All the genera have a more or less astrin- gent bark ; that of Lonicfera corymbosa is used in Chile for dying black ; that of Cornus flurida in North America in intermittent fevers, as is also the bark of Cornus sericea, which, according to Barton, is scarcely inferior to Quinquina. The Elders are the link between honeysuckles and umbelliferous plants, to the latter of which they are allied by their stinking divided foliage and half herbaceous habit ; their flowers are sudorific and sopo- rific in a high degree, their leaves and inner bark are emetics and drastic purgatives. Triosteum perfoliatum is intermediate between this order and Rubiaccas, with the former of which it agrees in its purgative, and with the latter in its emetic, qualities, which resemble those of ipecacuanha. All Capri foli;icea2 love shady cool places in both hemispheres ; but few have been found in such as endure a very severe climate. Cuttings, layers, or seeds. 401 Cornus /.. 893 Sambucus L. 892 FiburnumZ,. 623 SymphoriaPA. 15 *13 *28 3 624 Diervilla Tou. 621 Caprifolium R. % S. f>22 Lonicera R. & S. 625 TriOsteum L. *lfi *-2() (I 626 Leycesterza WaL 1096 Schradera Vahl 1703 Linna2\* Gro. *0 293. ORDER CI. LORA'NTHE^E. Genera 2, Species 2 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species 2 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. $ 2 feet ; 10 feet ; =*, feet. None of these are cultivable ; they are all genuine parasites, rooting beneath the bark of the trees on which they grow, and deriving from their juices the whole of their nutriment. The Viscums have little or no beauty, but the Loranthi are among the most lovely of plants, hanging in clusters of rich scarlet flowers from the branches of trees in the tropics, which they often clothe with a beauty not their own. The mistletoe of the Druids is supposed to have been the Loranthus europse\is, the common Fiscum never being seen upon the oak, while the Loranthus inhabits no other tree. If this be so, the latter must have once existed in this kingdom although now extinct It has beefl suggested, that all vestiges of their religion were extir- pated with the Druids, which will account for the Loranthus having disappeared wherever that religion formerly held its sway. Seeds. 2750 riscumi. *1 | ? 2620 Aucuba L. 1 294. ORDER CII. CHLORA'NTHE^E. Genus I, Species 3 ; Hot-house Species 3 ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species j Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. feet ; feet ; ^ feet. Small inconspicuous shrubs with terminal spikes of green flowers, wholly destitute of interest for gardens. Cuttings or suckers. 26 Chloranthus Swt. 295. ORDER CHI. RUBIA'CEJE. Genera 73, Species 387 ; Hot-house Species 221 ; Green-house Species 34 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 3 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 129. 10| ft. ; 19 feet; =*= feet. Opposite entire leaves with intervening stipulae, a monopetalous superior corolla, with a definite number of stamens and a bilocular ovarium, are the great characteristics of Rubiacese; an order of such extent that it embraces a very large proportion of the whole of phaenogamous plants, including within its limits humble weeds and lofty trees, plants with important medicinal qualities and flowers of varied dyes. The sections into which the order has been divided are merely artificial, with the exception of Spermacoceje, G&lese, and Cephalantheas, which are the representatives of the order in northern regions. Among these the .ffubia, or madder, is the most important on account of its dye; Galium also possesses some qualities of minor con- sequence. Among the other sections, the plants of beauty or value are innumerable : of the former description, the genera Ixfjra, Bouvardw, Catesb^a, Portlands, Coutarta, Gardenia, Muss&'nda, Hamdltoi, Cephalis, Cephalanthus, and many others, are notable examples ; to the latter, every genus has a contribution of one kind or another. The root of Hedybtis umbellata is employed in India for staining nankin ; that of Mo- rinda umbellata in the Moluccas, and of Morinda citrifiJlia in India, is used for dying red and brown. The potent febrifugal properties of the Cinchona need not. be insisted on ; it is less generally known that the bark of Pinckneya pubens, Macrocnemum corymbusum, Isertza coccinea, and Portlandz'a grandiflbra, pos- sesses similar, but weaker, powers. The bark and roots of Antirhda are used, in the Isle of Bourbon, to stop haemorrhage ; and that of Morinda Rbyoc is used for ink. Astringent properties of a very marked character are found in the juice of Nauclea Gumbir of Hunter, the Uncaria Gambir of Roxburgh, which is often improperly confounded with Gum kino, the produce of a very different plant. Some of the species formerly comprehended under the genus Cinchdna, but since separated by the name of Exostemma, possess strong emetic powers. The same qualities exist in Cephaelis emetica, the Callic6cca Ipecacuanha, and Ge6phila renif6rmis, which are often used as ipecacuanha. The seed of the Cqffea furnishes the valuable beverage which is so much esteemed in Europe and the East, under the name of coffee. Division, seeds, or cuttings. 296. Section 1. GUETTA'RDE*. 2636 Guettarda L. 1097 Isertm Schreb. 637 Fanguiera J. 645 rithalis L. 297. Section2. 634 Ham&lia J. 298. Section 3. GARDENIE\E. 641 Randia L. 638 Gardens L. 635 Posoqueria Aub. 630 Canthium Lam. 640 Oxyanthus Dec. 636 Tocoyena Aub. 639 Geriipa Tou. 646 Webera Schreb. 601 Burchelha R. Br. 386 Coccocypselum R. Br. 524 Ophiorrhlza L. 299. Section 4. CiNCHbNEjE. 604 Portlandza L. 603 Coutarca Aub. 598 Exostemma Rich. 644 Pinckndyrt MX. 599 Hymenodictyon Wai. 600 Cinch ono L. 1094 Hill/a L. 597 Macrocnemum I.. 602 Rondeletm L. 642 Mzissce'uda L. 643 Luculw Swt. LI 4 300. Section 5. CEPHALA'NTHE.E. lig. 1. herb.O. flOft 377 Adlna Sal. 649 Nauclea L. 3297 Unc&ria Gae. 652 Sarcocephalus Afz. 361 Cephalanthus L. 1 648 Morinda L. ? 1486 Melanopsidium Col 301. Section 6. 388 Hedybtis W. 3291 Lip6stcma D. Don 389 Mantti Mutis 378 Bouvard/ Sal. 596 Dentella Forst. 595 Spermadictyon Rox. 381 Catesb?\i W. 520 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 385 FerneUa J. 379 Ixufrt L. 383 Ernbdea Swz. 302. Section 7. COFFEAYEJG. lig. 1. herb. 0. 387 Mitchella W. 360 JEgiphila L. 382 Pavetta L. 376 ChomehVi Jac. 384 Siderodendrum Jac. 380 Tetramerium Gae. 627 Coffea L. 650 Cephaelis Stvx. 1 ft. 1 631 Psych6tria L. 355 Bigelbv/fl Spr. 632 Nonatelia Aub. 352 Spermacbce L. 5 633 Palicurza Aub. 354 Knoxza L. 651 Ge6phila D. Don 628 Chioc6cca W. 304. Section^ GA^ [,E^. 629 Serlssa J. 647 Plocama H. K. 577 Paderia L. lig. 0. A^-6. 123. 2760 Anthospermum L. 356 Crucianella L. 18ft. 11 303. Section 8. SPERMACOCE.E. 351 Sherard/a L. 349 -Kubia L. *0 2 *0 4 lig. 1. herb. 6. 1 3ft. ; 4^ ft. 350 Aspt'rula L. *0 23 816 Phyllis Z,. 10 2859 Valantza L. *0 11 1095 Richardsonza Kth. 348 GfaliumZ. *0 72 353 Dibdia L. 1 305. ORDER CIV. OPERCULARIE\E. Genera 2, Species 6 ; Hot-house Species 1 ; Green-house Species 5 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f feet ; ] feet ; ^ feet. Exotic weeds, nearly related to Rubiaceae. that their affinity to Valerianeaj is supported by the curious circumstance, that birds devour the young shoots Their properties are unknown. M. de Jussieu has remarked jy the curious circumstance, 1" of the Opercularias as they do those of the corn-salads. Seeds or cuttings. 328 Opercularia L. \ 329 Cryptospermum Peru. 306. ORDER CV. VALERIA V NE^E. Genera 5, Species 50 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 1 ; Hardy Ltgncvus Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 49. feet ; 13 ft. ; *= feet. Small herbaceous plants, more interesting for the sake of their symmetry and neatness, than on account of any particular attractions : they may be considered a connecting link between Rubiftceae and Dipsacese. Many of the Valerians, and all the Patrinias, are pretty plants. The Valerianellas are useful esculents, known under the name of corn-salads. Their medicinal properties are of a decisive character. The roots of Valerifma officinalis, P/iit, and others, are bitter, tonic, aromatic, antispasmodic, and vermifugal ; they are occasionally used as febrifuges. The odor of Valerian is not generally agreeable, but the Orientals collect with care, on the mountains of Austria, the roots of Valenuna ctHtica, with which they perfume their baths ; and the natives of India, at this day, employ the Valerianajatamansi, the spikenard of old times, as a perfume, and against hysterics and epilepsy. Division or seeds. 20 Centranthus Dec. 95 Valeriana L. 4 I 330 Patrinz'rt J. 19 I 86 Fcdia Moen. 96 Valerianella Dufr. *0 18 307. ORDER CVI. DIPSA' Genera 8, Species 108 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 9 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 99. i feet ; 25 feet ; == feet. Very nearly akin to Comp6site, of which they have nearly the habit. All are herbaceous plants with flowers growing in heads. Some of the Scabiosas and Asterocephalus are very handsome, and popular border flowers. The whole tribe is cultivated with great facility. Some of the species "of Scabibsa have been employed as diaphoretic and antisyphilitic, but are now neglected. Division or seeds. 84 Morlna L. I 3388 Succlsa Vail. *0 15 I 345 Cephalaria Schr. 344 Zhpsacus L. *0 7 3289 Asterocephalus Vail. *0 53 347 Knafitia L. 346 Scabiosa Vail. *0 17 I 3290 Pterocephalus Vail. 5 I 308. ORDER CVII. CALYCE'REJE. Genus 1, Species 1 ; Hot-house Species 1 ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. $ feet ; j feet ; ^ feet. Obscure weedy South American plants, differing from Composita? chiefly in the position of their ovula. Seeds or cuttings. 2459 Acicarpha J. 309. ORDER CVIIL COMPO'SIT^. Genera 296, Species 2771 ; Hot-house Species 181 ; Green-house Species 609; Hardy Ligneous Species 25 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 1956. 19 ft. ; 108 feet ; ^ feet. A most extensive and natural order, obviously characterised by the cohesion of their anthers, and the arrangement of their florets in involucrated heads, or calathidia, as they are now called. Most of them may be said to be ornamental plants, and yet but a very few hold that station in the opinion of the public. It is difficult to account for this circumstance, nor is this the place to enter upon such an investigation ; certain, however, it is, that with the exception of georginas, the varieties of Chrysanthemum sindnse, and a few Calen- dulas and Arctotises, and perhaps Tag&cs, scarcely a single Composita now finds a place in a fashionable flower-garden. The prevailing colour of the flower in the order is yellow; red, purple, or scarlet being com- paratively uncommon. The species inhabit every part of the world, and in all, perhaps, in nearly equal proportions : in Europe and the north of the world they are chiefly herbaceous ; but within the tropics, they are more frequently frutescent. Their medical properties are very important : Jussilago Farfara, Chamomile, /'nula, Solidago, Virgatirea, Matricaria, Parthenium, Stevz'w febrifuga, and Xupatbrium perfoliatum are instances of the presence of tonic and febrifugal properties; Tanacfetum and Santolina are anthelmintic; Matricaria and the Achilleas emmenagogue; some Eupatoriums, Achilleas, Artemisias, and Calendulas are sudorific; certain Liatrises are diuretic, and .Erigeron philad^lphicum is both sudorific and diuretic. Ptarmica and A'rnica are sternutatory, and Spilanthcs, Siegeslx?ckz"a orientalis, ^'nthemis Pyrethrum, and others, powerfully excite salivation ; finally, many Achilleas, Chamomile, Tanacetum, and Eupatoriums are :cmc and antispasmodic. Others seem to possess all these properties combined, and are reckoned among the best alexiterics, as the Ayapana of Brazil, and the Guaco of Peru. Every one knows the excellent and eshmg flavour communicated to vinegar by Tarragon: the same effects are produced in the Alps by ulli'rt nana.^rtemismglacialis, rupcstris, and spicata. Some species of ^chillert, 7;ellis, and Artemisia have been used as substitutes for tea. The seeds of many Compusita?, as Mudia and Verbesina, yield a copious oil ; NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 521 and the fleshy roots of Helianthus tuberosus, a wholesome food for man. The juice of Lactuca virbsa is highly narcotic, and has been even employed with extraordinary advantage as a substitute for opium. It is not necessary to mention the utility of the leaves of the lettuce, the endive, the succory, the cardoon, or the roots of Scorzontra and Salsafis, as culinary productions ; they must be familiar to all our readers ; as also the fleshy receptacle of the artichoke and some other plants. The flowers of chinops strigbsiis are used as a kind of tinder; those of the artichoke, the cardoon, and others, have the power of curdling milk. The arrangement of Composite is attended with extreme difficulty ; the greatest progress that has yet been made in reducing them to order has been by M. Cassini, and Mr. D. Don in the Linnean Transactions, vol. xvi. Division, seeds, and sometimes by cuttings. 310. SUBORDER!. CICHORA*- CEM. 311. Tribe 1. HIERA^CE*:. lig. 0. herb. 200. 30 ft. 2211 Hieracium L. ' *0 132 2212 Hapalostephiuin D.Don 2215 CWpis W. *0 2217 Myoseris Lk. 2213 Lag6seris L. 2206 Prenanthes L. *0 3396 Harpalycd? D. Don 2219 Andryala L. 2228 Xapsana L. *0 312. Tribe 2. TARAXA*CE,. lig. 0. herb. 78. 17 ft. 2207 LecSntodon L. *0 15 2208 /fpargiaSco. *0 18 3397 Oporinia D. Don *0 2209 Thrncia Roth *0 3398 Calliopea D. Don 3399 JEthJ.nto D. Don 2218 Tot pis Gae. 2222 7/edypnois L. 2230 Rhagadlolus Tou. 2221 Hy&seris L. 2229 Zacintha Tou. 2198 TnSximon Gae. 2220 Krigifl Schreb. 2210 Picris L. *0 12 2216 Helminthia J. *0 313. Tribe 3. HYPOCHER5DE. lig.O. herb. 23. 7|ft. 2227 flypochae'ris L. *0 2223 Roberta Dec. 3400 Achyrdphorus D.Don *0 2224 Seriola L. 2225 Rodigw Spr. 2226 Soldevilla Lag. 2231 Moscaria Fl. per C 314. Tribe 4. LACTU'CE^. lig. 0. herb. 76. 23 ft. 2204 Lactuca L. *0 S 2205 Chondrilla L. 3394 Agathyrsus D. Don * 3395 Atalanthus D. Don 2203 Sonchus L. *0 1 2214 Borkhafism Bo'hm. 315. Tribe 5. SCORZONE^REJS. lig. 0. herb. 61. 18 ft. 2201 Scorxonera L. OS 2200 Podosp^rmum Dec. 2202 Picridium Pers. 2199 Arnopbgon W. 2197 Tragopbgon L. *0 1 2196 Geropbgon L. 316. Tribe 6. CICHORE^E. lig.O. herb.1. 7|ft. 2234 Cichbrium L. *0 2236 Scolymus L. 317. Tribe 7. CATANA'NCHEJE. lig. 0. herb. 2. 3 ft. 2232 Catananche L. 318. SUBORDER 1 1. LABIATI- FLO^RJE. lig.O. herb. 5. 3 ft. 2336 Lt-ri Dec. 2447 Chaptalta Ven. 2233 Triptilion Fl. per. 2235 Bacazm Fl. per. 2355 Perdicium Dec. 2356 Mutism Cav. 2441 Gastrocarpha D. Don 2442 TrixisS?-. 2349 Chotanthdra Fl. per 2270 DumcriliVj Lag. 319. SUBORDER III. CARDUA\ 2325 Phrenocoma D. Don CEM. 2326 Aphelexis D. Don 320. Division 1. Carduuceee verce. 2322 Xeranthemum L. 03 lig. 1. herb. 386. f 1 ft. ; 52|ft. 2317 FilagoZ,. 1 2456 Micropusi. 2 2237 /f'rctium L. *0 3 2239 Serratula L. *0 29 324. SUBORDER IV. AST&REM. 2240 Saussurert Dec. *0 12 2241 Carduus L. *0 40 2242 Silybum Gae. *0 2 2243 Cirsium Vail. *0 85 2244 Ervthrol^na Swt. 1 2245 Onopordum L. *0 13 2246 Berard/aVil. 1 2247 CynaraL. 7 2238 Cestrlnus Cas. 1 2248 Carllna L. *0 11 2252 Stobae\z Thun. 2255 Cdrthamus L. 02 2256 Heracantha Lk. 4 2258 Card6patum J. 01 2253 Onobrbma Gae. 4 2S57 Cardunc^llus Dec. 2 2254 Carlowizza Moen. 2249 ^tractylis L. 1 2250 Scania W. 02 2251 Stokesm Herit 2259 Steehelina Lag. 1 lig.O. herb. 274. 42|ft 2332 ^rigeron L *0 33 2343 Calbtis R. Br. 2337 ^'steri. *0 140 2338 Callistema Cos. 7 2339 Solidago L. 70 2296 Euthamia Nut. 2 2294 Chrysocoma L. 06 2377 Bolt6nia Herit. 2 2389 ^m^llus L. 02 2390 Starkea W. 2391 Andromachia Kth. 2347 GrindehYz W. en. 1 2348 Podolepis Lab. 3403 Styl61epis Leh. 1 2351 Bellidiastrum Cas. 1 2361 BellisL. *0 7 2;>62 Bellium L. 02 2454 Psiadia Jac. 3404 Neja D. Don 22ol Pterunia L. 3401 Craspedia Forst. 2431 ZafieaL. 1 2482 Leuzea Dec. 5 325. SUBORDER V. EUPATO"- REM. lig.O. herb. 41. 17 ft. 2435 Galactltes Moen. 2 2269 Kuhm'a L. 02 2434 Centaurea L *0 153 2268 upaturm7w L. *0 27 2433 Rhapontica Dec. 4 2266 Mikama W. 2273 Stev?a Cav. 7 321. Division 2. Echinopsidets. 2260 Palafoxza Lag. lig. 0. herb. 18. 12J ft. 2469 Rolandro Rtb. 2468 chlnops L. 16 2471 GundelzVz L. 1 2467 Spharanthus L. 2466 Angianthus Wnl. 2470 Brotero W. 1 2271 ^gt-ratum L. 04 2272 Ca-lestlna Cas. 2277 Polypteris Nut. 1 2'278 Alumia Kth. 293 Piqueria Cav. 2371 Sellbrt Spr. 2370 Leysern L. 2461 CEdera L. 2460 Elephantopus L. 2463 StceNje L. 326. SUBORDER VI. JACOKE^M. lig. 0. herb. 138. 2S ft. 2302 Cffisulia Rox. 2291 KlelmV* Jac. 2394 Tetranthus Swz. 290 Culcitium Bonp. 2286 Lagasca Cav. 2289 Cacalia L. 11 2287 Nocca Cav. 2833 Tussilago L. *0 15 2334 Werner/a Kth. 322. Division 3. Vemoniacece. 2335 Senecio L. *0 72 lig. 3. herb. 86. 1 5 ft. ; 23 ft. 3402 Arienotrichia Lindl. 2275 Amphe-rephis Kth. 3 2340 Cineraria L. *0 22 2263 Ascariclda Cas. 2341 Agathffi^a Cas. 2262 Vernbnta Schreb. 7 2265 Liatris Gae. 12 2342 Senecillis Gae. 1 2344 Kaulfussza Nees 1 2328 BrachylaEfna R. Br. 2329 ^accharis L. 20 2365 TugktesL. 14 2364 Bo3bera W. 02 2330 Conyza L. *0 6 2451 Othonnai. 2327 Carpesiumi. 2 2345 /'nula L. *0 36 327. SUBORDER VII. HELIA'N. 2346 Corvisartm Herat *0 2 THEM. 2303 Ixbdia R. Br. lig.l. herb. 206. f 3 ft; 39Jft- 2301 Humert Sm. 2465 Cassinio R. Br. 1 2295 Ozothamnus R. Br. 1 2276 Hvmenopappus Herit. 2 2367 Schkuhria Roth 1 2368 f*ctis L 2352 Gerberza Brm. 2350 A mica I,. 9 2353 Doronicum L. *0 7 2354 Diplocoma D. Don 1 2366 Heterosp'^rmum Cav. 1 2279 Melananthera MX. 2280 Marshall^ Ph. 2285 Plat^pteris Kth. 323. Division 4. Gnaphalie^ee. 2281 Spilfenthes L. 01 2402 Acmlla Rich. 2 lig. 2. herb. 37. J4ift. ; 11 ft. 2288 Lavenia L. 2264 Ammbbium R. Br. 2283 SalmeaDec. 2318 Antennaria R. Br. *0 5 2282 Petrubium R. Br. 2316 Leontopudium R. Br. 1 2814 Gnaphalium L. *0 21 2298 Cble&R.Br. 2307 Caleacte ^. ^r. 2319 Metalasia R. Br. 2299 Isocarpha R. Br. 2315 Spiralepis D. Don 2300 Neurola^na R. Br. 2320 Astelma R. Br. 2331 3/rfta MoL 2 2323 J/elichrysum Pers. 2 4 2357 Tetragonotheca Herit. 1 2324 Leucost^mma D. Don 2358 Ximcnfes/rt Cav. 3 522 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 2359 tfelemttm L. 3405 Eriophyllum Lag. 2360 Trichophyllum Nut. 2373 Zinn?'a L. 2372 Relhama Herit 2321 Athrixia Ker 2369 Longchampsm W. 2386 Sanvitkha Cav. 2388 Trldax L. 2392 Colum^ll/a Jac. 2393 Eclipta L. 2395 Meyera Schreb. 2396 Chrysanthellum Rchb. 2398 Siegesb^ckza L. 2399 Verbesina L. 2472 Euxenia Cham. 3410 Podanthus Lag. 2400 Synedrella Gae. 2421 Encelia Cav. 2401 Galinsogm R. & P. 2397 Ptilostephium Kth. 2403 Zaluzama Pers. 2404 Pascaha Or. 2405 Heliopsis Pers. 2407 Diomedz'a Cas. 2408 Teltkia Baum. 2406 .Bupthalmum L. 2436 Wedelza Jac. 2410 Gymnolbmia Kth. 2417 Actinomeris Nut. 2419 Simsja Pers. 2409 Helianthus L. 2416 Viguifera Kth. 2412 Galardia Lam. 2411 Rudbeckia L. 3409 Zexmania Lai. 3408 Echin&cea Moen. 330. ORDER CIX. LOBELIA^CEJE. Genera 5, Species 90; Hot-house Species 8 ; Green-house Species 62; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 20. f feet ; ] 9 feet ; ^ 2 feet. Very ornamental herbaceous plants, with blue, white, or scarlet flowers. The anthera are of the same structure as those of Comp6sita. The juice of some of the Lobelias is highly caustic and inflammatory ; when taken internally, producing vomiting, and even death : nevertheless, the root of LobeU'a siphilitica, in small doses, acts as a diaphoretic ; in greater quantity, as diuretic or purgative ; and, if taken in a considerable quantities, as an emetic. An infusion of Lobelw inflata is used in North America as a remedy for leucorrhoea ; and the root of Lobelia cardinalis is employed in the same country as a vermifuge. Seeds, division. 609 Lobelia L. *0 17 I 3390 Clintbma Dou. 1 I 714 Cyphia Bes. 610 Monopsis Sal. 2 | 614 Lechenaultza R. Br. 331. ORDER CX. STYLI'DE^E. Genus 1, Species 6 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 6 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. $ feet ; ) feet ; i feet. er are, if any, undiscovered. All are inhabit- ubs. They have pink flowers, ornamented with glittering glands; their stamens are united into a column, which is terminated by a sessile stigma, and which 6 3407 Eriocoma Kth. 2458 Vva L. 1 1 2414 Cosmea Cav. 2 2631 /4mbrbsia L. 8 1 2.563 Dahl/a Cav. 5 2627 Xanthium /,. *0 7 8 3406 Georglwa W. 8 2 2626 Franzer/a Cav. 2415 Coreopsis Jac. 16 1 2418 2284 Calliopsis Rchb. Bldens L. *0 3 23 329. SUBORDER IX. ANTHE- MI'DEJE o 1 1 2420 2422 Osmltes L. Sclerocarpus W. lig.n. herb. 299. flSft.; 37|ft. 2423 Culliiin/a R. Br. 2274 Cephaluphora Cav. 1 2 2424 Berckheva Ehrh. 2292 Ethnlia L. 2425 Didelta Merit. 2267 Sparganophorus Gae. 1 . 2426 Gortferza L. 2297 Tarchonanthus L. 6 2427 Gazania Gae. 2306 Otanthus Lk. *() 1 3 2428 2429 Cryptostt-mma R. Br. Arctotheca Wnl. 3 2305 2304 Lasiospermum Lag. San toll n a L. 6 2 1 2430 Sphenogyne R. Br. 1 2308 ^4thanasia L. 2413 Tithbnia Desf. 2309 Lbnas Adan. I 3 2449 2448 Arctdtis L. Calendula Z. 1 11 2310 2311 7?alsamlta Desf. V&nlzia Thun. 3 2 2443 Polymnia L. 3 2312 Tanacetum L. " 9 2444 Montanba LaL 2313 Artemis/a L. ' "11 70 1 2445 Chrys6gonum L. 1 2455 Erioc^phalus L. 5 2446 JV/elampodium L. 3 2452 Hippia L. 2437 Alclna Cav. 2453 Sollva Fl. per. 2 1 2438 Millena L. 2378 Lidbeckia Berg. 5 2462 Flaveria J. 1 2379 Cenia Com. 1 2 2464 Nauenburgz'a W. 1 8383 C6tula L. 2 2439 Baltimore L. 2 2381 Grangea J. 5 4 2440 Silphium L. 2450 Osteosprmum L. 13 2382 2384 Anacyclus L. J'ntliemis L. *0 8 43 33 2383 Cladanthus Cas. 1 328. SUBORDER VIII. A MBJ 10- 2376 Matricaria L. *() 3 2 SIA^CEM. 2387 ^chillea L. *() 74 11 Ug. 1. herb. 19. 3 ft. ; 12 ft 2374 2385 Chrysanthemum L. Centrospermum Spr. *<) 2!) 1 3 2457 Parthenium L. 3 2375 Pyrethrum Sm. 42 Like the last, the properties of this very small but curious ord ts of New Holland, and either herbs or half-herbaceous shru ants of , , is irritable in so high a degree, that, if touched with a pin, it instantly starts from its place with great elasticity. Cuttings, seeds. 2581 Stylidium Swx. 332. ORDER CXI. GOODENO^VLE. Genera 5, Species 21 ; Hot-house Species 3 ; Green-house Species 18 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f feet ; feet ; *= feet. New Holland and South Sea herbs or undershrubs, very nearly akin to the last, from which they differ more in artificial characters than in habit. All of them are pretty, and deserving culture. Nothing is known of their properties. Cuttings, division, or seeds. 615 Goodema R. Br. I 619 Veiled Sm. | 617 Dampiero R. Br. 616 Euthales R. Br. 620 Scae'vola R. Br. 333. ORDER CXII. CAMPANULA V CE^. Genera 11, Species 222 ; Hot-house Species 1 ; Green-house Species 33 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 188. $ feet ; 30| feet ; =& feet. These differ from Comp6sitap in not having the flowers in heads, in their usually distinct antherae, in their polyspermous fruit, and also in exuding a milky juice. All the genera are pretty, and some highly orna- mental. They are mostly herbaceous, and by far the greater number are extra-tropical, abounding especially in the woods and coppices of the north. The roots of Campanula .Hapunculus are used as a vegetable under the name of Rampion. Cuttings, division, and seeds. 1098 Canarlna L. 1177 Michauxza Herit 715 Lightfo6t/a Herit 605 Adenophora t 'is. 16 606 Wahlenb^rgzrt Schr. 3 607 Campanula L. *0 132 608 Prismatocarpus Herit. *8 613 Roellfl L. 611 Phytefima L. 612 Trachelium L. 716 Jasibne L. 334. ORDER CXIII. GESNERIE X ^E. Genera 6, Species 38 ; Hot-house Species 38 ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. J feet ; feet ; gt feet Fine tropical herbs, with broad, fleshy, downy leaves, and purple or scarlet flowers. They all require stove heat, and decayed vegetable soil ; in their native country, which is chiefly equinoctial America, they are found growing in the woods, where the earth is little more than a bed of rotten leaves and bark. Cuttings. NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 523 1698 Gesnferw L. 1699 Codon6phora Lindl. I 1700 Pentaraphia Lindl. \ \ 1701 Sinningia Nees 335. ORDER CXIV. VACCINIE X JE. 1809 Beslferta L. 1702 Gloxinia Herit. Genera 2, Species 56 ; Hot-house Species 2 ; Green-house Species 1 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 53 : Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f 28J ft. ; feet ; =fe feet Elegant shrubs, chiefly natives of North America, Europe, and Asia. The Oxycoccos macrocarpus furnishes the cranberries sent from North America, and the Oxycoccus palustris those of Europe. Faccinium Myrtillus is the well known whortle-berry. The order is chiefly distinguished by its inferior berry. The utility of the fruit of Faccinium is well known ; its bark is reckoned tonic, stimulant, and astringent, and the fruit slightly styptic. Cuttings, layers, and seeds. 1194 Faccinium L. *49 1 1193 Oxycoccus Pers. *4 336. ORDER CXV. ERI'CEJE. Genera 28, Species 958 ; Hot-house Species 7 ; Green-house Species 683 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 255; Hardy Herbaceous Species 13. 78| feet ; j 4 feet ; =*= feet. These are distinguished from the neighbouring orders by their polyspermous fruit, aristate anthers, and dry shrubby habit. Every genus is eminently beautiful, and worthy of the most assiduous cultivation. The first tribe is a native of hill-sides and open plains, chiefly of the extra-tropical regions of the earth. Some are famous for their beauty, some for their fragrance, and many for their foliage. The Heaths are the glory of the Cape, the Arbutuses of Europe, the Andromedas of America, and Clethra of the Canaries. The species are principally North American. Monotrbpeaa stand in their systematic station as they grow in their native woods, lowly herbs among thickets of bushes and trees. Rhodoraceaa, once considered as a distinct order, are chiefly North American ; their flowers are less tubular than those of true Ericeae ; but their habit is not materially different ; here the Azalea, the Kalnua, and the Rhododendron, the pride of Euro- pean gardens, as they are of their native woods, find their station. The berries of ^rctostaphylos uva-ursi are considered lithontriptic ; its leaves have also been employed successfully in infusions in obstinate cases of gonorrhoea. Extract of Chimaphila umbellata, in the form of pills, in doses of five scruples a day, has been found successful in cases of dropsy. Some of the species are possessed of narcotic qualities ; this is the case with Z,edum, .Rhododendron chrysanthum, and especially Azalea pontica, honey obtained from the juice of which is said by Xenophon to have caused the death of many soldiers in the famous retreat of the ten thousand. An infusion of .Rru>dodola L. *0 9 1426 Bejarm MX. 1350 Chimaphila Ph. 2 694 /'tea L. 10 SUBCLASS III. COROLLIFLCTRjE. Petals cohering in the form a hypogynous corolla, which is not attached to the calyx. Genera 485, Species 4190; Hot-house Species 1256 ; Green-house Species 902 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 233 : Hardy Herbaceous Species 1799. * 147 j ft. ; 96Jfeet ; ^ 8 feet. To this subclass are to be referred all genera which have a monopetalous corolla, with the stamens inserted into it, and a superior ovarium. 342. ORDER CXVTI. EPACRI'DE^. Genera 18, Species 71 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 71 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. feet ; ] feet ; ^ feet. Elegant shrubs, all natives of New Holland, of a dry prickly habit, with tubular white or red flowers. They are chiefly distinguished from Ericeae in the anthers being awnless. Cuttings. 343. Section 1. EPACRIDE.K \E*RJE. 512 Dracophyllum R. Br. 3294 Sphen6toma Suit. 509 Sprengeh'a Sm. 510 Andersonia R. Br. 516 Ponceldtza R. Br. 517 Cosmelia It. Br. 511 Lysinema R. Br. 504 E'pacris Forsk. 344. Section 2. STYPHE'LI/E. 513 Trochocarpa R. Br 514 Acr6triche R. Br. 515 Monotoca Jt. Br. 518 Leucoptigon R. Br. 507 Lissanthe R. Br. 519 Cyathodes Lab. 520 Stenanthera R. Br. 506 Melichrus R. Br. 508 Astroloma R. Br. 505 Styphfelia R. Br. 345. ORDER CXVIII. SYMPLOCI'NE^. Genus 1, Species 4 ; Hot-house Species 1 ; Green-house Species 3 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f feet ; feet ; =fe feet. Shrubs with serrated leaves, turning yellow in drying, and small white flowers, which are sometimes fragrant. The leaves of most of them are astringent ; those of Symplocos tinctbria are used in America under the name of Sweet-leaf, for dyeing yellow. Cuttings. 2186 Symplocos L. 5524 NATURAJ ARRANGEMENT. 346. ORDER CXIX. STYRACI'NEJE. Genera 2, Species 1 ; Hot-house Species 0; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species 7 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 23 feet ; feet ; = feet. Elegant trees with white flowers, chiefly natives of North America The Stf rax officinale affords the officinal storax of Asiatic Turkey, which issues from incisions made in the bark. The Halesta tetrapteris is the well-known snowdrop tree, with its pendulous white flowers. Cuttings, layers, or seeds. 1352 Styrax L. 4 1 1432 Hales/a L. 30 347. ORDER CXX. MYRSI'NEJE. Genera 8, Species 52 j Hot-house Species 31 ; Green-house Species 21 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. feet j feet ; =fe feet. Showy shrubs, with evergreen undivided leaves, and cymes of white or red flowers. The Ardisias are com- mon in collections. None are natives of Europe, but are found in the hot parts of Asia, Africa, and America. Nothing is known of their properties. Cuttings and seeds. 581 Mce^saJ. 560 JacquimVi L. 571 Ardisia Swx. 669 Corynocarpus Forst. 572 Enu&lia Brm. 2891 Afyrsine L. 570 Mangl'tlla J. 527 Clavlja Fl Per. 348. ORDER CXX I. SAPO V TEX Genera 11, Species 44 ; Hot-house Species 31 ; Green-house Species 6 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 1 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. $ 25 feet ; feet ; =*= feet. These are also shrubs and trees, which are mostly evergreen, and natives of the warmer regions of the world. Some of the Bum^lias are found in the southern states of N. America, but none of the order exists in Europe. They are chiefly valuable for their fruit, which, in many cases, contributes richly to the dessert. Mimasops Eldngi, Imbricaria malabarica, and Argania Sideroxylon are all of this description ; the star apples of the West Indies, the produce of several species of Chrysophyllum, and particularly of C. Catnito, are esteemed delicious ; and the Medlars, Lucumas, and Sapotillas of equinoctial America, all the fruit of different kinds of /Tchras, are among the most valuable productions of the western world. The seeds of all the order are oily ; those of .4 x chras Sapbta are accounted diuretic and aperient. Their oil is not fluid, but so concrete as to have the appearance and consistence of butter, whence the name of butter-tree has been applied to different species both in Africa and India. The most famous of this description is the Indian mava, mahva, or madhuca, the Bassia butyracea of botanists ; the seeds of which are so oleaginous, that a single tree has been known to produce three quintals of oil; the dried flowers of the same tree are mixed by some Indians with their food, and a kind of spirit is distilled from them by others. The juice of all the sapotas is milky, but not acrid and poisonous like that of most other lactescent orders, but, on the contrary, yielding a wholesome beverage or food. According to Brown, the bark of some of the Achrases and Lucumas is so astringent and febrifugal as to be substituted for quinquina. Cuttings and seeds. 1351 Inocftrpus Forst. 555 .Bumelia Swz. 569 Sersalis/a R. Br. 558 Sideroxylon L. 559 Argania R. & S. 556 Chrysophyllum L. 557 Nycterisition R. & P. 561 562 Lucuma J. 1156 Mimusops L. 1424 Bass/a L. 349. ORDER CXXII. Genera 4, Specie), 38 ; Hot-house Species 12 ; Green-house Species 22 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 4 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. $ 6 feet ; )20 feet ; =^ feet. Some of these are hardy trees or shrubs, with deciduous leaves and white flowers, natives of woods, moun- tains, and banks of streams in North America, Europe, and New Holland ; others are tropical evergreens. Of the latter, many of the Diospyruses produce eatable fruit; as, for example, the Mabolo of the Philippine Islands, which is as big as a peach, and the Kaki of Japan, which resembles an apricot. All these fruits are remarkable for their extreme austerity before maturity, and the necessity of letting them decay, like our medlars, before they are fit for table. These are also distinguished for the excessive hardness of their wood, and for the black color it sometimes acquires when old, as the Ebony. The bark of Diospyros virginia,na is used in North America in intermittent fevers. Cuttings and layers. 2791 Maba Forst. 2890 Cargillza R. Br. 2889 Diospyros L. 1373 Royena L. 350. ORDER CXXIII. BREXIE^JE. Genus 1, Species 3 ; Hot-house Species 3 ; Green-house Species ; Hardy Ligneous Species Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. J feet ; feet ; =fe feet. A very obscure order, its place in the Natural System is extremely doubtful. Fine trees with the habit of Theophrast, and with axillary bunches of white flowers. Cuttings. 523 Brxia Nor. 351. ORDER CXXIV. OLE V IN^. Genera 11, Species 124 ; Hot-house Species 11 ; Grcen-houje Species 23 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 90 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. $ 137 ft. ; feet ; =*= feet. The olives are known by their monopetalous corolla, with a valvular Eestivation, two stamens alternate with the segments, a bilocular ovarium with no discus at the base, and pendulous collateral ovula. They were formerly combined with the jasmines. They have all simple opposite leaves; their flowers either white yellow, or purple, and frequently fragrant. The Phillyreas are among our finest evergreens, and the Lilac or Syrtttga perhaps at the head of hardy deciduous bushes. The ash is an anomalous genus which hardly belongs to the order. The seed of the olive contains so large a proportion of fixed oil, that it has long been one of the most important objects of cultivation in the south of Europe. The bark and leaves of many Oleinae are bitter and astringent; these properties are particularly apparent in the ash, which has often been employed successfully as a febrifuge. From the exudation of many species of that genus, the mild purgative called manna is formed ; it is most commonly found upon the O'rnus europse^a. M. Decandolle remarks, that in pi oof of the natural affinity of the plants here combined, and of the propriety of separating the jasmines from them, it has been found that all the olives, as now restricted, will bud or graft upon one another, but not on the jasmines. Thus the lilac will graft on the ash, the Chionanthus, and the Fontanes/a and even upon jPhiilyrea latifblia ; and the olive will take upon the /'hillyrea, and even on the ash Cuttings, layers, and by grafts or buds. NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 525 28S7 JYaxinus L. 83 (yrnus Pers. 38 Chionanthus L. 3277 Millingtbuia Kox. *53 5 2 81 Linociera Swz. 80 Fontanesfa Lab. 39 Notelse N a Yen. 36 0*lea L. 37 Philly'rca I.. 40 /.igustrum L. 41 Syringa I* 13 7 !l 10 352. ORDER CXXV. JASMI'NE^E. Genera 2, Species 40 ; Hot-house Species 22 ; Green-house Species 12 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 6 ; .Harrfy Herbaceous Species 0. 6 feet ; feet ; =*= feet. Fragrance is the predominant property of the jasmine, and has made it for ages the favourite of poets and of the people ; this arises from the presence of an oil which can be extracted so as to retain its perfume. In medicinal qualities, the jasmines do not differ materially from the last ; they are neatly distinguished by botanists by the direction of their ovula, which are erect in Jasminea?, and pendulous in Oleinac. Cuttings. 42 Nyctanthes L. | 43 Jasmlnum Z. 60 353. ORDER CXXVI. STRY'CHNE^E. Genera 3, Species 10 ; Hot-house Species 9 ; Green-house Species 1 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 5 feet ; feet ; =fe feet. Tropical trees, nearly allied to Apocy" nea?, and like them truly poisonous. The Stry'chnps nux v6mica is remarkable for its bitterness and acrid deleterious effects, which are indicated not only when introduced into the stomach, but still more violently when introduced into the system by inoculation. Theophrastas are fine stove trees, with simple stems, and undulated spiny-toothed leaves, which are disposed in something like whorls. Cuttings and seeds. 526 Theophrasta L. | 574 Str^chnos L. \ 575 FagraeV Thun. 354. ORDER CXXVII. APOCY NE2E. Genera 36, Species 145 ; Hot-house Species 115 ; Green-house Species 14 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 9; Hardy Herbaceous Species 7. $ 7 feet; 8 feet; ^ feet. We now turn from the contemplation of plants endued with mild and agreeable properties, and fragrant flowers, and often bearing food for man, to others which are among the most dangerous and fatal poisons; whose juices though milky are not a wholesome and delicious beverage like those of Sapbteae,but, on the contrary, acrid, caustic, or bitter. They are readily known by the twisted direction of the segments of the corolla, which have been compared to the rays of a Catherine's wheel, whence they were called by Linnams, Cont(jrta?. By far the greatest part of the order consists of tropical trees and shrubs; a few Apocynums, Amsonias, and Vincas, are natives of the colder zones of the earth. Many are elegant climbers, as the different species of jEchltes and Melodlnus. The splendid Oleander belongs to Cerium ; the different species of Plumu ria, Cam- erana, Strophanthus, and Arduina are stove plants of the greatest beauty. The medicinal action of these plants is highly powerful. In general, the Apocyneaj are acrid, stimulating, and astringent ; these principles, when in excess, act so powerfully on the nerves as to produce stupefaction. The root of Ophioxylon is very bitter and purgative: under the name of snake-root it is used in India as an antidote to the bites of serpents. The bark of Cerbenz Mnnghas is purgative ; of chltes antidysente'rica, and the Wrlghtia of the same name, astringent and febrifugal ; the leaves of the Finca are so astringent, that they have been used successfully in tanning ; those of Cerium Oleander are said to abound in free gallic acid. The inspissated juice of a species of Cerbeni, known in Mexico under the name of Ycotli, is a fatal poison. Cuttings or divisions. 532 Alyxia R. Br. 579 Rauwolfw L. 2878 Ophioxylon L. 576 Carlssa L. 573 Arduina L. 578 Gelsvmium J. 580 Valleswz Fl. per. 550 Cerbera L. 551 Ochrbsia J. 552 Dissolena Lou. 525 Allamanda L. 528 Tinea i. *8 535 WrlghtzVz R. Br. 546 Strophanthus Dec. 529 Cerium L. 548 Tabernasmontana L. 547 Cameraria L. 549 AmsbmYi Walt. 544 Plumierw L. 534 Prestonzrt R, Br. 530 Alstons R. Br. 531 Cryptolepis R. Er. 533 Thenardfo Kth. 537 chltes L. 536 Beaumontw Wai. 541 Haemadictyon Lindl. 538 Vallaris A'. Br. 540 Ichnocarpus R. Br. 539 ParsonszVi R. Br. 553 WillughbejYz Sco. 545 Lyonsj'a R. Br. 748 Melodlnus Forst. 543 Carpodlnus R. Br. 42 ^p('>cynum L. 3295 Anthoclelsta Afz. 392 Monetza L. 355. ORDER CXXVIII. ASCLEPIA^DEJE. Generate, SmVs264; Hot. house Species 187 ; Green-house Species 32 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 2; Hardy Herbaceous Species 43. 3 feet ; 18feet ; *= feet. These differ from the last only in having the stamens united into a sort of fleshy crown, and the pollen coherent in masses of a waxy substance like that of Orchidese; their properties, habit, and geographical range, are much the same. Penploca is a singular instance of an asclepiadeous plant being a hardy shrub, every other frutescent species of the order being natives of countries where frost is unknown. Hi>ya compre- hends climbing plants, with waxen, clustered, odoriferous flowers distilling honey. Pergularia is valued for its fragrance, Ceropegia for its singularity, and Jsclepias for beauty and hardiness But the most extraordinary genera of the order are Stapelza, Piaranthus, and HueYnw, in which the place of leaves is supplied by fleshy short stems of various forms, and whose flowers are not less singular for their curious and complex organisa- tion, than they are remarkable for their strange colouring and spotting, and offensive for their foetor. 1 he root of Dipl61epis vomitorium, ^sclepias curassavica, Calotropis procera, and some others, is employed in different countries for ipecacuanha. An infusion of the root of /fsclepias decumbcns has the singular property of exciting general perspiration; whence it is successfully used in Virginia for pleurisy. It is very singular that, in a tribe of plants so generally poisonous as these are, the young shoots of some species should be an article of food : of this nature are Pergularia edulis, Oxystelma escul^nta, Hemidesmus indicus, and several more. Cuttings or divisions. 789 Piaranthus R. Br. 790 Huerni R. Br. 755 Oxype'talum R. Br. 749 Periploca L. 751 Hemid^smus R. Br. 750 Cryptostegia R. Br. 752 Secambne R. Br. 786 Duvallw Haw. 788 Pectinaria Haw. 784 O rbea Haw. 779 Stapelm L. 780 Tridentea Haw. 783 Tromotriche Haw. 782 Podanthes Haw. 785 Obesia Haw. 781 Gonostemon Haw. 787 Caruncularia Haw. 791 Brachystelma R. Br. 792 Caralliima R. Br. 776 H6y R. Br. 777 Tylophora R. Br. 778 Ceropegia L. 774 Pergularia L. 775 Marsdenia R. Br. 767 Dischidia R. Br. 764 Gymnema R. Br. 765 Sarcolobus R. Br. 773 Gonolobus MX. 771 ^sclfepias L. 769 Anantherix Nut. 772 Stylandra Nut. 770 Gomphocarpus R. Br. 754 Harrisonw Hook. 763 Oxystelma R. Br. 762 Metastelma R. Br. 768 Xysmalobium R. Br. 766 CalcStropis R. Br. 761 Cynancnum L. 759 Da?mia R. Br. 760 Diplolepis R. Br. 757 Sarcostthnma R. Br. 758 Eustegia R. Br. 753 Microloma R. Br. 756 Astephanus R. Br. IS 526 NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 356. ORDER CXXIX. GENTIA V NE;. Genera 22, Species 144 ; Hot-house Species 19 ; Green-house Species 32 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 93. f feet ; 16 feet ; ^ 4 feet. An order in some degree intermediate between Polemoniacere and Scrophularinae, from both which it is distinguished both by habit and fruit ; some of the genera border closely upon Apocynea?. The species are natives of cool or mountainous regions or pools in all parts of the world. The Gentians are mostly dwarf herbaceous plants, with deep blue flowers ; the latter color, and different shades of orange, being the prevail- ing hues They are all pretty, and many beautiful in the highest degree; but, with a few exceptions, they are impatient of cultivation. The medicinal properties of the root of 6?entita L. *0 3 470 Hippion Spr. 343 Houstunz'a L. 3 1176 Chlura L. 372 Frasera Walk. *0 2 1 370 369 Sebae v a R. Br. Pladera Box. 1 484 483 SpigMw L. Lisianthus Br. 1 467 Erythrae^a Rich. *0 7 3fi8 Microcode Lk. *0 1 471 Logan fa R. Br. 468 Sabbatia Adan. 5 366 E xacum L. 2 464 Villarsia Yen. *0 2 469 Vohlria Lam. 367 Coutoubea Aub. 463 Meny&nthes L. *0 2 466 Eustoma Sal. 1 357. ORDER CXXX. BIGNONIA V CEJE. Genera 11, Species 92 ; Hot-house Species 78 ; Green-house Species 9 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 5; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. J 11 feet j feet ; =*= feet. The showy trumpet-shaped flowers and broad pinnated leaves of these plants render them objects of general admiration. The greatest number is found in the equinoctial regions, a few only passing beyond those limits to the north. Tecoma radlcans is a hardy climbing plant, of exceeding beauty ; and the Jacarandas are resplendent with flowers of blue or purple, and leaves which emulate the elegance of the Acacia. Nothing important is known of their qualities. Their wood is said to resist the attack of worms. Cuttings or layers, sometimes by seeds. 1712 Jacardnda J. 1711 ChiWpsis D. Don. 78 Catdlpa J. 1706 Bignbnza L. 1710 TttcomaJ. 1708 Spathddea Beauv. 1707 Amphilobium Kth. 1715 Eccremocarpus R. $ P. 3385 Cal&mpelis D. Don 1709 Fields Cun. 3279 Streptocarpus Lfndl. 358. ORDER CXXX1. Genus 1, Species 1 ; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 1 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. 1 feet; feet; =*= feet. A climbing genus with large purple flowers and pinnated tendrilled leaves, recently separated from the Bignonias by Mr. Don. Nothing is known of its medicinal properties. Seeds. 498 Cobee^a Cav. 359. ORDER CXXXII. PEDALl'NE^E. Genus 1, Species 1 ; Hot-house Species 1 ; Green-house Species 1 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. f feet ; feet ; *= feet Herbaceous plants, formerly included in Bignoniaceas, from which they are distinguished by the small number of seeds in each cell of the fruit. Seeds and cuttings. 1760 Pedalium /,. 360. ORDER CXXXIII. SESA V ME^E. Genera 4, Species 8 ; Hot-house Species 4 ; Green-house Species 3 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 1. $ feet ; 2 feet ; i feet. Annual plants, natives of the tropics, with showy trumpet-shaped flowers and simple leaves. The seeds of Sdsamum abound in oil, which is easily expressed, for which the common species is extensively cultivated in hot countries. Seeds. 1710 Tourrdttfa Domb. 1720 Martyma L. 1721 Craniolaria L. 1716 Stisamum W. 361. ORDER CXXXIV. POLEMONIA V CEJE. Genera 9, Species 61 ; Hot-house Species 1 ; Green-house Species 5 ; Hardy Ligneous Species ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 55. feet ; j 17| ft. ; ^=0 feet. Herbaceous plants with showy blue, red, or white flowers, and often with pinnated leaves. They are natives of cool or mountainous parts in Europe and America, Nothing is known of their properties. Division, cuttings, and seeds. 474 Polemonium L. *0 12 I 3293 Ipom6psis MX. Oil 473 Coll5mia Nut. 3 472 Phlox L. 35 501 Hoitzfa J. 459 Diapensia L. 01 499 Gilia R. & P. 3 I 500 Caldasia W. I 460 Pyxidanthera MX. 362. ORDER CXXXV. HYDROLEA N CEJE. Genus 1, Species 2; Hot-house Species ; Green-house Species 2 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 0; Hardy Herbaceous Species 0. i feet ; feet ; =*= feet. Elegant little plants with blue flowers, chiefly distinguished from Convolvulacese and Polemoniacea2 in the flowers having two styles, as well as in the two-valved capsules. The roots of Hydr51ea spinbsa are reputed bitter and slightly purgative. Cuttings and seeds. 795 Hydrblea L. 363. ORDER CXXXVI. CONVOLVULA^CE^. Genera 13, Species 225 ; Hot-house Species 120 ; Green-house Species 36 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 1 : Hardy Herbaceous Species 68. f 2 feet ; 16| feet ; =*= feet Nearly the whole of these are twining plants with showy flowers expanding beneath the influence of bright sunshine. A few are shrubs, hut the greater part are herbaceous, and very many annual. They are fre- NATURAL ARRANGEMENT. 527 1 1 800 Cressa L. 799 Dich6ndra Forst. 2 797 Falk*o L. 798 Ciiscuta L. *0 qucntly, also, weeds, which, from their creeping roots, are difficult to extirpate. \11 parts of the world produce them, from the cold regions of the north to the burning soil of the equator, Ciiscuta is a singular parasite, wholly destitute of leaves. The root of many is filled with a milky acrid juice, which is very purgative. Scammony, jalap, and some other drugs, are the produce of Convolvulaceae. The roots of Ipomo3! v a florida, scoparia, and Quamuclit, are stimulatory; that of Ipoma?\i Batatas, which is the sweet potato of America and Southern Europe, and that of Ipomce v a edhlis are wholesome articles of food. Their botanical characters are very nearly the same as those of Polemoniaceae. Cuttings, divisions, or seeds. 502 Retzirt Thun, 497 Dinetus Swt. 492 Convolvulus L. *1 26 495 Porana Brm. 494 Calystegia R. Br. *0 11 796 Evulvulus L. 491 Ipomce v a L. 22 495 Morenua Lai. 493 Argyreia Lou. 364. ORDER CXXXVII. BORAGI'NE^. Genera 26, Species 279 ; Hot-house Species 21 ; Green-house Species 63 ; Hardy Ligneous Species 2 ; Hardy Herbaceous Species 193. J 5 feet ; 31 feet ; =fe 2| feet. True Boragineas are chiefly herbaceous plants, with alternate exstipulate leaves, the surface of which is covered over with minute asperities, and with flowers arranged in one-sided spikes or racemes, occasionally solitary. Each flower has also four distinct little nuts or seeds, as they are commonly called. Some Echiums and a few more are shrubs. They are found abundantly in Europe, Siberia, and the north of Africa, less commonly in India, and the equinoctial parts of the world ; in some quantity in North America, and in tolerable abundance in New Holland. Within the tropics the order is principally represented by Heliotropiums and Tournefortias ; in colder latitudes by Anchusas, Cynoglossums, herbaceous Echiums, and the like. Some are mere weeds, quite unworthy of culture ; others are eminently beautiful, as many Echiums, Onosmas, Onosmodiums, Symphy turns, and others. In general they are mucilaginous and emollient, qualities which are especially abundant in the root of Symphytum and Cynoglossum. Pure nitre has been found in several plants of the order. A red colour is given out by ^4nchusa tinctoria, Z,ithosptfrmum tinctorium, and Onosma echifildes, which is used in dyeing. Several plants are employed on the same account in America. The Hydrophylleae are often considered as distinct, on account of their capsular fruit and cartilaginous albumen. One or two of these are pretty plants, but most of them mere weeds. Cuttings, division, and seeds. 413 ColdemVz L. 439 Cerinthe L. 5 436 Rindera Pal. 1 428 Tiaridium Leh. 445 ITchium L. *0 24 427 Matt/a Schult. 1 424 4".>