oruialk aftev ttuo hundred fifttj gears cAn account of the Celebration of the 250th c/lnnfbersary of the Charter of the Tolfon 1651 September llth 1901 Including Historical Sketches of Churches, Schools, Old Homes. Institutions, Eminent Men, Patriotic and Benevolent Work, together with The Record of Soldiers and Sailors enlisted in Norwalk from 1676 to 1898. The Civic Progress in the Last Century and Statistics of Commerce and other miscellany of Local interest. Published under the auspices of the Norwalk Historical and Memorial Library Association. C. A. FREEMAN Publisher SOUTH NORWAI.K. CONNECTICUT Ludlow Monument, East Norwalk. Charles Melbourne Selleck, the son of Henry Selleck and Mary jAnn Selleck (nee Keeler), was born in Xorwalk, January 17, 1KJ1, He wasa pupil at four years of age of Susan Belts' school, Xorwalk and later continued his education in public and private schools in Connecticut, graduating finally at Hall's Academy in Xorwalk. He began teaching at Cranbury Plains about 1<4(> and later taught in the down-school in East Xorwalk, where he was principal,for two years. He was induced to go to Troy, X. Y. and open a boarding and day school known as the Selleck School. It was located on First Street. Troy, and continued five years. In 1855 he found the school quarters too small in Troy and returned to Norwalk, where he opened a boys' school and continued "as principal until 1888. During this period Trinity College of Hartford conferred upon him the degree of A. M. He was ordained to the Deaconate in 1865 and to the priesthood by Bishop Williams in 1860. He served in Xorwalk as Dr. Mead's personal assistant in St. Paul s parish for fourteen and a half years and in 1879 succeeded to the care of the parish. He resigned its rectorship in 1883 but was re-elected in 1889. He kept up his school to this time. He agar.i resigned in 1891. Since 1884 he has labored under Bishop Potter of Xew York as- Missionary in charge of St. John's Church in Lewisboro, Westchester County. He continued the work in that place during his second incumbencv of the Rectorship of St. Paul's. He prepared and delivered an historical address for the centenary of St. Pauls in 1886. The interest excited by the wealth of materials of "this historical sermon, delivered July 15, 1886, led to the greater historical work upon which subsequently he was engaged and which is known as the Xorwalk History, which abounds in interesting historical and family records not surpassed by any similar publication in this country. Rev. Mr. Selleck is the author of many historical papers and addresses. He has made Xorwalk his twin brother, as it were, and it has been said of him that when his last day shall come he will desire no other epitaph or eulogy than this Faithful to God, to mankind and to Xorwalk. His "personality is known to every citizen. His former pupils scattered all over the land from ocean to ocean revere his name and admire his sterling qualities. His devotion to the town where he was born is an object lesson in patriotism. His assistance in the celebration of Xorwalk s 250th Anniversaty was memorable and the compiler of .this work can testify to his untiring zeal and energy in promoting the success of that event. May his days be prolonged and his service to Xorwalk be always appreciated. S. K. \V. To the lieu. Charles Melbourne Selleck (Historian of NorwalK) whose unselfish labors and fidelity to his birthplace inspired and suggested many of the features of the 2 5 CUlt JVimiuersary Celebration of tit* Charter of tf|* ffotott SEPTEMBER 8th, loth, nth and i2th, 1901 and to whom ITS CITIZENS ARK UNDER AN EVERLASTING DEBT OF GRATITUDE these pages are affectionately AS A TRIBUTE OF FRIENDSHIP AND APPRECIATION ON THE PART OF HIS ASSOCIATES AND CO-WORKKRS IN DOING HONOR TO Bornmlk TABLE OF CONTENTS Biographical Sketch of Rev. C. M. Selleck 'i Dedication 2 Preface "7 Norwalk Historical Society t) Historical Sketch of Norwalk 13 First Day's Celebration 20 Historical Address by Rev. C. M. Selleck 22 Discourse by Rev. George D. Egbert 37 Discourse by Rev. J. McClure Bellows 47 South Norwalk Congregational Church 49 Trinity Episcopal Church . 54 South Norwalk Methodist Church 58 Sketch of St. Mary's (Catholic) 61 St. Joseph's (Catholic) Church 63 First Methodist Church &5 Grace Church of Norwalk 72 Christ Episcopal of Westport 76 Memorial of Holy Trinity, Westport ; &4 Saugatuck Congregational of Westport 86 Second Day's Celebration 98 Franklin School 9 8 Over River School IO Middle Five Mile River School IO1 East Norwalk School IOX History of the First School. IO 9 Centre School The Public Assembly "4 Address by Secretary Blanchard "4 Address by Walter Seth Logan lrt> Evening with Aboriginal Norwalk Il8 The Lesser Ischoda The Historical Tableaux Third Day's Celebration li4 Historical Trolley Ride Afternoon Exercises September nth " The Building of Norwalk." By Rev. A. F. Beard, D. D . 127 "'A Sweet and Hallowed Time." Poem by D. John Gay- lord Davenport 'Address by Hon. Orville H. Platt. . ' The Home Gathering ,, Letter of W. T. Clark,' of 'Memphis, 1 Tenn. Letter of D. James M. Taylor ...... /. Up-town and Down-town; by Rev. Paul M. Strayer. . . . Address by Rev. Chas. M. Belden, of Wilton Address by Hon. Edward H. Knapp, of Bridgeport 172 Address by Rev. W. J. Slocum i?3 Fourth Day's Celebration i?4 The Military and Civic Parade i?4 Norwalk's Patriotic Record 179 Names of Norwalk Soldiers in Indian War 179 Graves of Revolutionary Soldiers 180 Norwalk Men in War of 1812 184 Graves of U. S. Volunteers, 1861-1865 185 Names of Norwalk Men in Spanish American War, 1898. . . 193 Military History of Norwalk 196 South Norwalk Ladies' Patriotic Society, 1861-65 206 Norwalk Chapter of the D. A. R 211 Education in Norwalk in the Nineteenth Century. By A. Blanchard 214 District School Committees : 1854-1901 227 South Norwalk Union School District 230 Springwood Union Sunday School 234 Northwest School 236 West Norwalk School District 239 South Five Mile River School 243 Civic Progress Commercial Navigation 244 Commercial Statistics 252 Banking in Norwalk. By Eben Hill, Esq 254 St Paul's Church 268 Other Churches 269 Advent Christian Church 270 South Norwalk Baptist Church 271 Hungarian Reformed Church 273 Hungarian Congregational Church 273 First Baptist Church 274 The Legal Profession of Old Norwalk 280 Some Old Homes in Norwalk 288 The Borough of Norwalk 306 The City of Norwalk 308 South Norwalk Public Library 312 Town of Norwalk Vital Statistics 319 Benevolent Orders Masonic 320 Grand Army of the Republic 326 Woman's Relief Corps 328 O. S. Ferry Commandery 328 Norwalk Chapter D. A. R. Objects 328 Founders and Patriots. Objects 329 Officers of the Historical Society 330 Central Club 330 Women's Club 330 Friday Afternoon Club 331 4 The Norwalk Club ; 331 South Norwalk Club 332 Various Clubs and Associations 333-334 Temperance Organizations 335 Lodges and Chapters and Commandery's 336-337 Independent Order of Odd Fellows 338 Norwalk Hospital Association 340 Improved Order of Red Men and other societies 341-356 Norwalk Industries 357 Presidential Vote 380 City of South Norwalk 381 ERRATA. The exercises of the school meeting, on the bottom of page 145, should have been included in the proceedings mentioned on page 114. On page 212 the name of Rev. S. Parkes Codman should read Rev. S. Parkes Cadman. Page 280 The article upon the legal profession should be credited to Hon. A, B. Woodward. R HIS volume has been prepared under the nominal direction of the Commit- tee on Statistics appointed at a meet- ing of the Norwalks Historical and Memorial Library association to pre- serve in permanent form an account of the proceedings and events connected with the 25oth an- niversary celebration of the charter of the Town of Nor- walk. Most of the labor of this compilation has devolved upon the Chairman. It is not intended as a work of preem- inent literary merit. Whatever merit there is in it belongs \vholly and solely to those who have contributed to its pages. Their names will be found appended to their several sermons, sketches, articles, descriptive papers or otherwise. It is not for a moment supposed that it is free from errors, or that it is not lacking in reference to sev- eral interesting local topics which might have been ap- propriately, exhaustively and profitably included. No apology is offered for such omissions. The most persis- tent efforts to obtain additional papers on such themes, as are omitted, from some of our most gifted townsmen failed to secure their co-operation. Apparently their nat- ural modesty, so common to the Norwalks, prevented their names from appearing in this volume. This may be and indeed is, a matter of profound regret but it re- flects a higher degree of credit upon those who accepted the invitation to contribute to these pages. Future gen- erations will bless the contributers for the descriptive and historical stories told by each of them. The accounts of the celebration are mainly copied from the local newspapers and it is to the credit of the Norwalk Hour and the Evening Sentinel of South Nor- walk that their work was done so creditably that it needed but slight emendation. The compiler expresses his obligations to them for completeness of their stories. Thanks are also due to Miss Angeline Scott of South Norwalk for her industrious researches and painstaking efforts to discover, utilize and formulate all sources of in- formation bearing upon the various parts of the book. Thanks are given also to all who have assisted in the preparation of the work, as authors and advisers. It is evident that the material gathered by the author of the "Norwalk" history has been extensively used that a word of praise should be accorded to the historian. The delay in this publication is due to several causes principally to the difficulty of gathering the material for the various chapters. Only those who have passed through the ordeal of such a compilation can understand the trials that have come to the com- piler in the preparation of this volume. Only a small portion of the material offered for the work has been rejected. It has been thought wise to issue the pub- lication without waiting for those who at this late day are in default in their promised contributions. The compiler is responsible for the order of arrange- ment. For his errors of judgment he solicits the public's kind indulgence. SAMUEL RICHARDS WEED, Chairman of the Committee on Statistics. Norwalk, July, 1902. THE NORWALKS' HISTORICAL AND MEMORIAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION HE 25oth anniversary celebration of the town of Norwalk owed its origin to the action of the Norwalks' Historical and Memorial Library Association. The plan and scope of the celebra- tion were worked out by a commit- tee appointed nearly one year before the celebration itself. Indeed the Association voted to hold a public celebration of the founding of Norwalk, at one of its earliest meetings in 1899. This association was organized October 5th, 1898, in pursuance of a call for a public meeting signed by the following citizens: Henry I. Hoyt, F. St. John Lockwood, C. M. Selleck, Thos. K. Noble, A. B. Woodward, Maria P. James, E. J. Hill, Russell Frost, Robt. Van Buren, C. A. Quintard, E. Hill, John H. Ferris, Samuel R. Weed, Edward Beard, Frank A. Ferris, J. G. Gregory, J. R. Marvin. Nellie S. Weed. The association at its first meeting elected the fol- lowing officers: President F. St. John Lockwood. Vice President Frank A. Ferris. Secretary Samuel Richards Weed. Treasurer John P. Treadwell. The number of members enrolled rapidly increased and by the date of the celebration the membership was nearly one hundred, of whom a large per centage were Life members. Rev. R. S. Storrs, Rev. Dr. A. J. F. Behrens, (both since deceased) Robert D. Benedict, Esq., and Chas. J. Hoadley, State Librarian, were made Hon- orary members by unanimous vote of the association. On May 3d, 1899, the question of celebrating the 250th anniversary was referred to a committee. On Oc- tober 4th, a report of the committee was presented out- lining a plan and a written request was also presented, signed by the Selectmen, that this association take the initiative in the proposed celebration. A larger com- mittee was appointed to prepare further details, who re- ported on November 8, 1890, a program for the several days. This report contained several recommendations which found their proper place in the final program. On December I2th, 1900, the committee reported a plan for a celebration of the 25oth anniversary of the found- ing of Nonvalk on September n, 1901, and providing for the appointment of special committees composed of citi- zens of the Town of Norwalk and of members of the association to carry into effect the details of the plan. This report was adopted and the co-operation of the Selectmen invited in accordance with their official request of October 4th, 1899. The plan was communicated to the Selectmen and at a public meeting it was voted to appropriate $2,500 to aid in the proposed celebration. On January 9. 1901, the committees were appointed to take charge of the celebration as follows: Executive Committee A. B. Woodward, Chair- man. Finance Committee E. O. Keeler, Chairman. Invitation Committee C. M. Selleck. Chairman. Literary Exercises Committee Rev. C. M. Shelton. Chairman. Statistics Committee Samuel Richards Weed, Chairman. Parade Committee Gen. Russell Frost, Chairman. Program Committee Samuel Richards Weed, Chairman. Subsequently in the organization of these commit- tees some changes were made in the chairmanships and as the work progressed a large number of committees were appointed to sub-divide the labor. Great credit is due to all the committees who labored faithfully to carry out their several duties. The record of the celebration and its brilliant success in every detail of the program furnish the strongest tribute to their untiring zeal and labor. Their work was done faithfully and for the honor of our town. The Norwalks' Historical and Memorial Library 10 Association became an incorporated society by an act of the Legislature approved May 2d, 1899. Its meetings are held on the second Wednesday of March, June, September and December. Its officers are the same as are above given with the exception that John H. Ferris is now Vice President, in place of Frank A. Ferris, who declined a re-election. The association is already the possessor of many valuable historic relics, and its object is to acquire and preserve such memorials of the Colonial and Revolutionary history and of later periods as should by right remain in Norwalk. By hearty co-operation in these objects a collection may be secured which will be invaluable to posterity, and it is not regarded as a vissionary project that the association may some day own its own building and have suitable rooms for the display of its historic treasures. BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT. Incorporating the Norwalk Historical and Memorial Library Association. Resolved by this Assembly: Section i. Tha't F. St. John Lockwood, Frank A. Fer- ris, Charles M. Selleck, Thomas K. Noble, Nellie S. Weed, Robert Van Buren, Samuel Richards Weed, Asa B. Woodward, Russell Frost, James G. Gregory, John P. Treadwell and Chas. A. Quintard and all other present members of the Norwalk Historical and Memorial Liter- ary Association, a voluntary association, now existing in the town of Norwalk, and such other persons, as may be associated with them, are hereby constituted a body po- litic and corporate by the same name for the purpose of promoting and encouraging Historical and Geneological research in said town and for the further purpose of pro- moting useful knowledge in said town and its vicinity. Section 2. Said corporation may purchase, receive, hold, sell and convey real and personal estate for the purposes of its organization, which property while owned by it and used for or contributing to the promotion of said purpose shall be free from taxation, except such part of its real estate as may be leased or rented for other purposes. Section 3. Said corporation may make and carry into effect such by-laws, rules and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of the State, concerning the number of its members, the manner in which they shall be chosen, the care and management of its property and affairs and generally for the promotion of its objects, as shall from time to time be deemed necessary or proper. Approved May 2, 1899. A true copy. HUBER CLARK, Secretary of State. INTRODUCTORY HISTORICAL SKETCH OF NORWALK. LARGE portion of the territory which constitutes the present town of Nor- walk was the purchase from the Abori- gines, in 1640, by Roger Ludlow, a New England immigrant, in 1630, from old England. Mr. Ludlow's purchase (February 26th, 1640) em- braced the Norwalk lands lying east of Norwalk or Norwalk River and on the twen- tieth day of the following April, Daniel Patrick a fellow- passenger with Ludlow to America and a Ludlow fellow. Pequot fighter in New England, bought from the In- dians, that portion of the town of Norwalk which now lies west of the Norwalk river, the northern limit of both purchases being a point some twelve miles north from "the Sea." (Long Island Sound). Ten years intervened between the Indian sale and the English settlement of the town. Daniel Patrick met, during this period, with a violent death but Mr. Ludlow maintained, all this while, a residence in Fairfield, de- signing, it would appear, that Norwalk should -be the ul- timate home of his two sons for whose use he reserved, in his agreement with the settlers, in 1650, two of the most available residence lots in the plantation. That Mr. Ludlow's purchase and subsequent sale of Norwalk was something more than a mere commercial [The accompanying testimony under the date of June 15, 1687, is worthy of preservation " I Thomas Fitch of Norwalke, doe testify that about the yeare 1660, 1 heard Mr. Ludlow formerly of Fairfield, say that Norwalke had libertie from the Court with Fairfield Deputies consent, to purchase a tract of land lying npon the east side of Soaketuck River and that against Compoe Rocks," etc.] transaction seems supposable from the tenor of his 1650 "agreement" proper with the on-coming planters. He himself appears to have affixed Sundry "conditions," one of which in conformity, perhaps, to a Colonial regulation of his own framing, ran that some thirty families at least must constitute the settling community, that these must be "approved" and that an "orthodox" minister must be 13 placed over them, in which connection it is interesting to note that the first Norwalk minister's wife was the daughter of Mr. Ludlow's New England partner and Windsor neighbor and close friend. It is a tradition that the earliest Norwalk comers, led by the surveyors, Richard Olmsted and Richard Webb, cut their way through the forests lying^ between Hartford and Norwalk and fording the Saugatuck some two miles from its mouth arrived} first at the "Rocks" from whence after a brief tarry they wended in a souther- ly direction and finally established themselves in what is now known as East Norwalk building, it is believed, their "companie house" close by the ancient "Fairfield Path" which is in 1901 denominated "Fort Point Street." The street called to-day East Avenue was Norwalk's primus path. Along it the settlers built their first dwell- ings and the original proprietors limited their growth on this path or street to the upper end of "Goodman Hoyt's" or "Meeting House" hill. This was the extreme north- ern boundry of the original settlement which, however, soon transcended this boundary and extended quite to the northward, reaching in 1664, the "Whitney Mill" at the foot of the "Mill Hill" of the current year. Ludlow's purchase of Norwalk was at about the date of the distinguished man's removal from Windsor to Fairfield This occurred, it is probable, some time in 1639, and within the next year Norwalk was his owner- ship. During the ten years purchase and settlement in- terim Ludlow was busied with court and other matters, but did not, it would seem, entirely forget his possession en the hither side of the Sasco. The pioneer settlers ar- rived during 1650-51, and on Septemper n, 1651, their new home was "ordered to be a towns." Empowered now "to sue" and eligible to "be sued," the little "com- panie" entered upon the sea of corporate existence. Proper officials were chosen and in 1652 their first minis- ter, Rev. Thomas Hanford, was called. This well fur- nished man here remained and ministered for somewhat over fifty years. The town gradually grew in population and its settlement limits gradually spread. "Parish" off- shoots Wilton, Canaan, Saugatuck anon sprang from the parent stock and the towns "centre" was transferred from its cradle (East Norwalk) to "the point of the rocks, " afterward many years known as "The Bridge," now Norwalk proper. The enterprising and expanding city of the South Norwalk of 1901 bore, for a long period the name of "Old Well/' the settlers designation of the same territory being "Over the River." Besides the Nor walk and South Nor walk of the present century East Norwalk has grown to comprise a large and important constituency, and West Norwalk, Broad River, Silver Mine, Winnipauke and Cranbury are flourishing sec- tions and districts, the interest-history of which places is elsewhere in this work presented. The English history of Norwalk opens with the pur- chase of the place from the Indians, in 1640, by Roger Ludlow. The territory, however, was not English oc- cupied until ten years afterward, during which decade- interim its owner resided in Fairfield and was busied in public matters. Depredations by the red men to the west of his Fairfield home caused concern on Ludlow's part and nothing was done in the direction of peopling his purchase until 1650. It appears to have been the Ludlow design to start, for political or prudential rea- sons, a settlement between "the plantacon beyond" (Stamford) and his own new found home in Fairfield. A wilderness zone of nearly twenty miles breadth separated the two places, portions of which zone, nevertheless, were fertile and its average twelve miles longitude coursed by, at that day, three fine streams, viz., the Saugatuck, Nor- walke and Rowalton rivers. Ludlow was keen sighted and far seeing and as there was a somewhat disturbed condition of things in the recently New Haven planted colony at Stamford and as the "Lords Waste" between Stamford and Fairfield would constitute a constant In- dian menace to the projected enterprise which had the latter place for its center the rival Hartford proprietor seems determined, (not that he coveted the uninviting area but for policy or protections sakes,) to prepare the way for the eventual establishment of another plantation midway twixt Fairfield and Stamford. The careful stu- dent of that period and of that personage can hardly fail to be impressed with the story of the time and of the man in question. Ludlow first knew of this portion of the colony through his own and Daniel Patrick's fellow sol- dierlife hereat. The two were old acquaintances and brother Indian fighters and had together pursued the foe as far west as Sasqua (Southport), and when, two years later, the Hartford court commissioned the former to establish a colony at Pequonnock (Bridgeport) it was natural for him, upon reaching the spot and finding in- sufficient or inferior cattle accommodations to move a 15 little on to the highly pleasing and productive levels of the Uncowa (Fairfield) of his twenty or so months before administration and love. It is lawful to presume that even now the sagacious Ludlow had Norwalk in mind. In the spring of 1639 his stone residence at Windsor was "drowned deep" (Connecticut River freshet) and in that same fall he removed to Fairfield and only the next Feb- ruary purchased a part of Norwalk which act was suc- ceeded, a few weeks after, by the acquirement of the other half of Norwalk by his companion, Patrick. That Lud- low was somewhat familiar, in 1640, with Norwalk geo- graphy is surmised from that years deed described boun- daries and that his interest in the spot was continuous may reasonably be inferred from his purchase (ten years after the 1640 transaction and a few months prior to his Norwalk covenant in 1650) of Salem (Lewisboro, N. Y.) which added acquisition, he included in his generous "make over" to the Norwalk company, under date of June 19, 1650, an instrument which admits of nothing of a gain-greedy but only a comity and friendly interpreta- tion. Mr. Ludlow was, beyond doubt, ambitious. This is about the only charge which could be brought against him. He had been reprimanded for transcending on some occasions, his authority, but when the circum- stances of such "exceeding of authority" on his part are critically examined we do not wonder that the distant court itself reversed its reprimand. At all events it is contrary to all sense to suppose that the well situated Ludlow could have hungered and thirsted for the mere gain or glory of the ownership of the savage infested tract, which skirted, both sides, the Saugatuck and Norwalk river banks. The case does not reasonably admit of a doubt that Ludlow's primeal object in buying Norwalk was part of a digested plan and that he had patiently watched and waited for Norwalks peopling hour to arrive. The very covenant conditions he imposed upon the new company, several of whom were his personal acquaintances, the reserva- tion of the best lot in the whole acreage for the use of his two sons, and the care the godly man would have the planters exercise in the choice of their first minister (whose wife was the daughter of his business partner and neighbor and intimate old and new world friend) em- phasizes the claim that is made for the distinguished jurist to wit that he was the designer, beginner, orighia- tor and consequently honored founder of this town. 16 Norwalk gradually outgrew its primitive limitations. The "towns streete" was northward surveyed and worked until Whitney's Mill (foot of Mill Hill of 1901) was reached. Diverging from that "streete" at a point (pres- ent Morgan avenue) two paths conducted, one to "Cran- berry plains" and the other (Fance street) to the Rocks. The settlers found, upon their arrival, two "ways" already worked and more or less trodden. The first was the Fairfield and Stamford path and the second, "Ponasses path, conducted to what is now known as New Canaan. Land was taken up along these different routes while "over the river" (South Norwalk) was by degrees tilled and tenanted. The original "common pasture" embrac- ed the area now covered by the Benedict Farm, Pine Hill, 'Gregory' point, Marvin Bros, and Langdon proper- ties, and for a period English and Indian shared its pos- session. "Saugatuck playne" was a choice strip of ara- ble soil and "long lots" were anon laid out across the Saugatuck river. The maiden sixty or seventy years Norwalk life saw Saugatuck (Westport) opened, Rowai ton (Five Mile) tenanted, Canaan parish well under way, Wilton well settled, Danbury formed and Ridgefield pro- jected. These places, all have grown and from that day been in the ascendant. Their pioneers were, as a class, hardy and honest and religious and lovers of freedom. They did good foundation work and laid, strongly so, the corner stone of their children's progress and prosperity. These children are widely scattered and their mother can point with pride to what, not a few of them, have accomplished. The town of Norwalk is now two hundred and fifty years old and at this notable age epoch embraces the two municipalities of Norwalk and South Norwalk and the fast growing section known as East Norwalk, also the West Norwalk, Broad River, Silver Mine, Winnipauk and Cranbury districts, numbering in all about twenty thousand souls. There are neat and several pretentious churches and chapels all over the Norwalks and the towns public and private schools show good results and stand high in the estimation of an appreciative commun- ity. The board of school visitors is a competent body, the influence of which is a determinate quantity in the weal of the institutions under its management. Theol- ogy, law and medicine have and have had able represen- tatives in Norwalk. Letters have here a field and culture has here a province and two skillfully and successfully 17 superintended libraries attest to the gaining power of literature and inspire the hope that it may here hold court gradually become a general characteristic of the community. The city of Norwalk comprises the towns centre. Here is the seat of artizanistic enterprise, of a considera- ble number of mercantile houses of greater or less strength, of three banks of deposits and discount and two savings institutions, of insurance, financial, benevolent and other local interest offices, lodges, etc., and the site of many homes of the descendants of the first settlers. The city of South Norwalk covers the lower portion of the old township and is a commendable and exception- al example of the true spirit of progress. Its large bank- ing houses and business capital, its commodious offices, fine hotels and stores, its iron and lock works and nu- merous important factories and "yards" and its wide awake people are features which distinguish the south- ernmost of the twin Norwalk cities. East Norwalk, the town's cradle, is fast on the way to become what the fathers' original scheme probably contemplated to make of it, a town centre. Its develop- ment is surprising and its future rank in the Norwalks it is not difficult to forcast. Winnipauk depends, largely, upon wool and cotton mill interests, Silver Mine, Broad River, West Nor- walk and Cranbury are, to a greater or less extent, farm- ing districts and Rowayton is the seat of a prosperous sea and shell fish business. Norwalk is an "antiquated" but quite the opposite of a "reducedly" antiquated New England town. Its hills are commanding view points, its lesser heights splendid building eminences and its levels and valleys form charming home seats. Its market centres are feasibly located, its industry plants well placed and its residential quarters conveniently and delightfully sit- uated. The town is accessible, there being convenient water ways and rail communication with New York al- most every hour of the working day and with Boston several times every twenty-four hours. Tramway service is very perfect, gas and electricity are illuminating agents, the postal telegraphic and telephonic facilities are perhaps all that could be wished and the press is very in- telligently and energetically supervised. There is public water, and an efficient police, and excellent sewerage and a complete fire system, and good roads and fine scenery and 18 a pure atmosphere and a rich history. Nature has dealt generously by the town and God has blest the ancient patrimony. Under the shadow of the Divine Wing two and one half centuries have now been passed and beneath the same hovering may every present and future son and (laughter of the fond old inheritance securely and happily dwell until shall cease the flux of human years and the flow of human generations. C. M. S. FIRST DAY, SEPTEMBER EIGHTH quarter-millenial celebration of the founding of the town, was officially opened at the meeting house of "ye Prime Ancient Society," on the Green, Sunday, September Eighth. This church, whose history is con- temporaneous with that of the town, was handsomely decorated for the occasion. The front was gay with national flags and bunting and the streamers in the cen- ter reached far over the main entrance. Inside the tri- color with the stars adorned every pillor and extended from seats to gallery. Intermingled were rosettes of red, white and blue. The organ was also touched up with the tri-color. From far and near the people came as the hour of service approached. It was a union service in truth. In addition to the home people there were many faces present from the daughter towns of Westport, New Ca- naan and Wilton, and they vied with the mother resi- dents in rendering tribute to the anniversary. While the celebration was not officially commenced until the afternoon, yet it in reality opened at the morn- ing services in all the churches, where fitting references were made to the anniversary. Norwalk Chapter, D. A. R., were prominent in front pews, wearing the badges of the order. Seats were also reserved for members of the executive committee. Promptly at 3 o'clock Edward J. Sims appeared at the big organ and gave an excellent rendition of the Finale of the Fourth Sonata by Guilmant. Then followed the chorus, "O God, Beneath Thy Guilding Hand," under the direction of Prof. Alexander S. Gibson, who had charge of the music of the day. Rev. George Drew Egbert, pastor of the church, then gave the invocation, which was followed by Buck's Festival Te Deum in E flat. Rev. Mr. Egbert then led in the responsive read ing from Psalm 107: "O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good ; for His mercy endureth forever." This was followed by the Gloria Patri, by Greatorex, and then came Hymn 658, "Thou by heavenly hosts adored." 90 Rev. Mr. Egbert led in prayer, which was one of thankfulness. Reference was made in it to the shadow that had fallen upon the nation, and a supplication for President McKinley's recovery, as follows: Lift up your heads, Oh ye gates, and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors, and the King of Glory shall come in. Who is this King of 'Glory? The Lord of Hosts, He is the King of Glory. Oh, Lord God, Almighty, we adore Thee, before Whom angels veil their faces and archangels are silent. Thou art the God of battles, presiding in majesty over the destinies of nations that strive together for mastery. Thou art the God of Peace, bending in benediction over clasped hands and hearts that beat in harmony. Thou didst set the stars in motion around the central sun, find- ing high praise in the rythmic music of their circling. Thou didst look with love, when in obedience to thy bid- ding, the flowers of the field first nodded to greet the sun- beam. Thy providence is mysterious in its distances, yet the smallest of thy 'creatures know Thy tender touch. Thine Almightiness alike "wings an angel and guides a sparrow." , Because Thou art great we adore Thee. Because Thou art good we love Thee. We rehearse with ring- ing voices Thy kindness shown through the years, as they have lengthened into centuries; a kindness that has been told to Thy children in mighty forests for their building, splendid fields for their tilling, copious showers for their refreshment and glowing sunlight for their joy. Finer fruits have been ours than grapes of Eschol, finer landscapes than the glowing pictures unveiled from Pisgah. Thy kindness has been told, too, in large de- liverances from savagery, noble conquests for freedom, and the final culmination in a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. For the storied past we are grateful, for the pro- phecy of romance and revelation, we are grateful, and may 'we iwho stand midway between the past and the future, between sunrise and sunset, take our place in the hurrying line of those who find their highest inspiration in the love of the Nazarene and make their own the pas- sionate prayer, Thy Kingdom Come. Remember us just now when a shadow has fallen across the flag we love : may it be the passing cloud that hides the sun for but a little', and may the banner under which our forefathers clustered once more wave unsha- dowed. God spare our President if it be the Divine will ; God tenderly cherish the wife of his long devotion ; may this dire disaster but impress the influence of his noble manhood upon the multitudinous people of this great nation. In the name of the Great Redeemer, the Tried Friend, Jesus Christ. The festival anthem, composed especially for this occasion, by Prof. Gibson, was next on the program, and was excellently rendered. Mrs. Lillian Sherwood-New- kirk sang the soprano solo with much feeling and effect. Rev. Charles M. Selieck, Norwalk's able historian, then preceded with this memorial address: In the name of the everlasting God ; Amen. Behold this stone shall be la witness unto you Joshua, Chapter XXIV., portion of verse 27. It has been remarked that as its brilliance increases as the planet approaches the sun so, at the close oi Joshua's career, when mortal life was soon to end in glorious immortaliay, his very words seemed intensity- invested. Now, because the text's syntax, the language, in part, of that hero's valedictory, is terse, and pertinent, we venure to borrow it as a base to our remarks believing that the occasion vindicates the venture. "Behold this stone shall be a witness unto you/' This service, inaugurating as it does, the celebration of the attainment to a querter-millenial years' age of one of the patrimonies of the Western Continent, a patri- mony which prior to the imprint of an English foot-form in its soil was even then denominated Norwalke, this service and the observances to which it introduces wit- ness to the intelligence, intrepidity and integrity which, under God, contributed to the successful founding of this cherished settlement of our reverence and affection. In a formal greeting to his fatherland Lescarbot began thus, "Beautiful eye of the universe, ancient home of letters ; recourse of the afflicted ; firm support of re- ligion ; very dear mother." Lescarbot, who was not apostrophising Nonvalk, although his words have Nonvalk application, bore felt and fervent testimony in relation to his home hearth, and no less fervent ought our witness, sons and daugh- ters of this ancient plantation now to prove. We are commemorating the genesis of one of the most creditable organizations and ancestry cradles in the land, and nat- ive Norwalk deserves of her offspring, the Abbot, Bar- num, Betts, Benedict, Bouton, Campfield, Church, Corn- stock, Ely, Fitch, Ferris, Gregory, Hanford, Hayes, Holmes, Hoyt, Keeler, Kellogg, Lockwood, Marvin, Nash, Olmstead, Platt, Raymond, Reed, Richards, Scribner, Seymour, St. John and Webb galaxy, deserves of her entire offspring that every eye should be animated and every heart and hand and home open. When we reflect upon the Ludlow "agreement" res- pectability ; when we ponder the pioneers' management discretion, dividing up labors so evenly and sharing minor performances so equally ; keeping the home cen- ter strong and enterprisingly sending out sturdy repre- sentatives east, west and north as far as the Oblong; when we remember our Indian and French and Indian, and Revolutionary quota, and the loyalty of our men back as far as Saybrook days and later at Ticonderoga and Crown Point, when we summon up our Revolution- ary men, not to mention those of 1812 and of the Civil War, our witness, the witness at this time of all Nor- walkers should be a royal one, and the thought of the possibility of anything less, the thought that we who have been nourished /at such a breast and borne upon such a bosom and are possessed of such a story could pass such a history, at such a time, indifferently by, would, it seems to us, be a blow to a manly nature. Breathes slightly changing the diction Breathes there a Norwalk son, With soul so ,dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native town? On the contrary, we would fain trust that our depth-feeling to-day is voiced in those two lines of Browning: Open my heart and you will see Graven inside of it Italy. Utilitarianism may possibly look askance at this and deem it sentiment. Be it so. Sentiment is not al- ways ineffective ; it plays a part in this planet's diurnal relations. Aye, if Capt. Hezekiah Betts's tears, as he is said to have sat one uncelebrated Independence Eve long ago on his France street stoop and wept because unkindled bonfires and unbooming cannon and unreverberating bells evidenced, what the aged veteran seemed to inter- pret they evidenced, that his comrades's liberty struggles had been forgotten; or if a prolonged and persistent communication which is preserved in this town, in rela- tion to one of Norwalk fatherhood not yet in his teens, James Alexander Perry, in recognition of which boy's bravery Congress took action ; or if her enthusiasm, the wife of the beloved Presbyterian pastor for over fifty years of Pound Ridge, N. Y., if Mrs. William Patterson's remembrance-warmth of her grandfather, a son of this church of which his parent was a deacon, and who was very likely baptised from that basin which, filled with pure water, the eyes of more than one here gathered must have looked upon as it used to stand, so modestly, upon the plain communion table which fronted the pul- pit pillars in the old church on this Green, if said grand- child's memory-zeal for Capt. John Thatcher, who, it is claimed, raised and equipped a company at his own ex- pense and proceeded with it to Lake Champlain, where he commanded the galley Lady Washington and rendered such illustrious service, the enemy, even, paying him a conspicuous compliment: or if Father Barnum's regard, Father Barnum, whose eloquence during a recent pas- tor's incumbency made St. Mary's walls on West avenue to ring, if Reverend Barnum's lengthened and learned letter received in this place and appertaining to his hon- ored ancestor, an officer of this 'society, whose dooryard is still well-defined at the foot of Strawberry Hill and whose grandsire sleeps abroad beneath a sculptured mausoleum of alabaster ; if all this rightful and de- lightful respect for a worthful past ; if all this patriotic feeling ; if all this standing up for the dead as Dr. Na- thaniel Bouton in 'his historical discourse fifty years ago so splendidly stood up for the valiant departed and their valor deeds, if all this be sentiment then do we with all our might exclaim beneficent, blessed sentiment ; and would God that bursting all bonds and bounds a flood of it might deluge Norwalk, for we believe it would work a sort of moral regeneration, and be an uplift in the com- munity. But let us, delving a little deeper down into this mat- ter of witness bearing, consider more precisely the sub- jects of our commemmoration, and the subject qualities we are recognizing at this interesting epoch. A recent \vriter describes the seventeenth century Puritan as one who looked upon one's advantages and opportunities as trusts to be invested, and that this should have been a characteristic redounds to the re- nown of -the Norwalk founder constituency which was not a band of explorers altogether, but to a noticeable extent, of already established colonists whom neither necessity nor an adventurous spirit wholly drave or drew to a new home, but with whom one spur to the planting of the settlement was, it is not illogical to infer, the pub- lic interest appeal addressed them by the great Nor- walk idea originator. History when thoroughly searched, teaches Canon Miley, of Paris, will always conduct to the right path. Scan the Ludlowlian Norwalk enactments ; first the pur- chase in 1640 and no recorded occupation hint thereof until the "agreement," so-called, in 1650. Read be- tween the lines of this paper, and answer whether the "mind" of the genius whose associates abroad were none the less than Vane and Humphrey and Venn, and on this side the Atlantic Mason, Maverick, Hooker, Steele and Stone, is not apparent. Who but Oliver Crom- well's elect and select commissioner; who but the po- tent destroyer of the Pequot terrors and Saviour, conse- quently of all the New England colonies ; who but the pious one who wrote to Pychon "we do stand merely by the power of our God"; who but Deputy Governor Roger Ludlow may have inspired the "convenient speed" clause in the Norwalk compact, and the "ap- proved minister" and "thirtie approved families," and "obnoxious" party paragraphs in that document. True the pioneers pledge back the purchase price, but are we sure that the munificent Ludlow required the paltry amount at their hands? Are we confident that it was not their own sense of propriety that demanded his ac- ceptance of the same? The paper of June 19, 1650, will stand search-light examination and we opine that pos- terity will constitute that day as the date of a Norwalk founding act if not the date of the Norwalk founding fact. We turn to the "considerable company" mentioned in that document, reminiscences concerning which are instructful. The Norwalk "newcomers" were a sensible, serviceable and a forcible purpose folk, purpose that led to results ; and they were a positive company ; * company the members of which entertained positive con- victions, and held positive opinions, and spake positively. Their Hartford pastor once compared a certain kind of preaching to a legal citation in which no name appears, but the Norwalk members, unlike Mr. Hooker's name- less indictment meant and amounted to something. People will read you who may not read their Bibles. So a young Hartford convert, to whom the words were addressed, was taught, and such teaching clinches. A tree is known by its fruits and the full effect of old time Norwalk stock conscience and conduct fruits can no more be calculated than can their effect value be figured up dollars and cents. Robert Stuart was a live man. He lived adjoining the present home of Dr. Augustus F. Beard, but he was one of the founders of "The Village," so styled, below Old Well, where he had a wharf and where he kept an eye open for traffic. Besides this, lands were called after his own name which demanded care. But he was also a "Ixxrd's Witness," one of his maxim's reading, "They who are in the Lord are happy indeed." His stalwart faith, ineradicable perchance from his Scotch blood stout- ly told and the Yale tutor and Andover profound scholar, Dr. Moses Stuart, dates back to him for heredity, as did also the later recalled Matthias Hubbell, whose gray hairs were a crown of glory, as were the same to his constant and ever commendable contemporary in this house of God, Evart Quintard. Bouton Hoyt had been taught that it was a sin to break the Sabbath and Freelove Wright a duty to go to church on that day, and therefore when the sun went down on Saturday night the water was shut off the Five- Mile River raceway and everything was still at the Hoyt mill until Monday, and when Sunday morning came the wagon stood before the Wright home which, ere it start- ed upon its dozen miles' trip over Long Island sands, was filled. Now to stand at Bouton Hoyt's headstone and thereat retrospect concerning the rigorous restrain- ful training in his own case and that of his next door neighbor, Daniel Weed, how it developed strengthful men and prayerful women and con- tributed through these to the world's betterment, sending out representatives, from the one fam- ily, to mould hearthstone excellence at home and run excellent careers in India, and from the other household the brilliant William B. Weed to shepherd this church and his brother, John R., to serve this community, or to muse before Deniss Wright's door first in Loyd's Neck and after in Saugatuck how that the habit of his 26 daughter was the leaven hid in the meat, one of the workings of which helped raise up such God strivers and lifelong serviceful ones as were her grand-children Han- nah Morgan and Andrew and Edward Nash ; to ponder such faith-inflexibility products, is to be convinced of the worth of this old town's old-time discipline. A lad who by a deed recorded to have been per- formed on one of our ancient streets, thereby evidenced that he had been a sturdily brought up Lockwood, grew to himself have a son who had been so stamana reared as that while a college student Peter Lockwood still made time to further occupy, as the master expressed it, one of the fruits being the conversion of the Old Well youth who afterward so idolizedly ministered, for fifty odd years, in Concord, New Hampshire. We read that Aristole was conscientiously opposed to putting out money at interest, the proof, if so, of high moral preponderance; not higher, however, than was the strict principle of our "pound for pound" progenitors who may not have lived and died millionaires, but who really lived and died richer than millionaires, and the character and candor wholeness of whom was the out- come of their righteous raising, which was strict, stern and by way of contrast severe indeed, but it is one of the recommendations of early New England family bringing up that it had a strong viking vein running through it, which vital tide was fructifying as nothing of a modern diluted sort ever, it is to be feared, can be. We repeat, the Norwdlk planters hither came duly bent. Among them were, undeniably, some, several, of means and mind moderation. They were yeoman rather than, conventionally speaking, noblemen, nevertheless Matthew Marvin left a well-appointed home on Village street, Hartford, to come to Norwalk; and Nathaniel Richards a desirable residence in Cambridge where he had for neighbors New England elect and elite; and Thomas Fitch was opulent and well, otherwise, endowed. These men were not dissatisfied with the civil adminis- tration of affairs at the Colony's crib, neither did they sit uneasy under Thomas Hooker's ecclesiastical ruling, and certainly they did not come to Norwalk with power on the brain, nor to acquire great possessions. It was beyond doubt a sacrifice on the part of at least a portion of the party to surrender the growing romfort which Richard Webb, Richard Olmstead and Richard Seymour were indulging under the satisfactory shaping of things at the capital, and to come to the Mahackemo wilds to struggle against rocks and in swamps and where life was far from being a bed of roses to them. These men sought an end and this brought them hither. The presumable Ludlow argument that the Lord's waste between Stam- ford and Fairfield afforded Dutch and Indian manoeu- vering and marauding protection which English occupa- tion would prevent, or that this wilderness tract offered another plantation site the tenantcy of which would be a further plea in the colonies' favor with Matthew Crad- ock and such other magnates as he at the govern- ment seat across the sea appealed, most probably to their sense of responibility to which they praiseworthily re- sponded. , The character of our Norwalk fathers, and it was men of their identical brand who laid New England's stable foundations and made America, men of convic- tions which they were not given to recant and men who met the truth face to face, will bear investigation. They were a plain-mannered folk and they lived in a day of plain measures. There was no call among them for great military daring any more than there was for gigan- tic financial risking, nevertheless the spirit of the Nor- walk veteran who in public assembly, and opposed to a man by the other voters of that assembly, unflinchingly Athanasius against the world maintaining his ground, declaring if I am wrong in the matter before us I ought to stand alone, but if right I can afford so to do, the spirit, we repeat, of this father was every inch as brave as was that of the Duke of Bohemia who pro- nounced "this bridge shall be my way to Antwerp or it shall be .my sepulchre," or that of the dashing stock op- erator who flew up the steps of the exchange flinging ringingly behind him "111 reach the millions column or die in the attempt." The avowed principle and veracity of our sires, who, if frugal, were fair, and if not always as liberal as they might have wished, yet were just and so, if they could not divide up their previously Indian cleared land into forty acres apiece yet squarely made it four acres all around; their principle constancy, their impartiality, protecting all along their extended water front the red man's canoe as well as the pale face's shallop anchor- age; no man, the decree ran, be he English or Indian, shall disturb another's bark; their championship of right, their keen apprehension of their obligations ; their zealous impulses, for John Gregory, John Rusco, John Bouton, Thomas Betts, Christopher Comstock and such like, were no fossil treasures, but men of diligence, en- ergy and fortitude; these as well as their unswerving faith, and genuine piety, and appreciation of education, and their patriotism and love of freedom gave them a title to respectability, proved them capable of larger undertakings and are a memory which not alone con- stitutes their children's glory, but is, as another says, cal- culated to help build up those children to the same grand level of honor and honesty. A stone dedicated to a predecessor of one of these foreparents is thus inscribed: God sifted a nation in order that choice grain might be sent to the wilderness, and the seed in God's providence delivered in our Nor- walk field-and-forest-embracings was fine. Thomas Hanford, pastor primus of the town, was a scholar who fed his flock with the manna of the morn- ing. A strong mind has such a strong grasp that it is possible for it of a titan to make a peak. The Hanford family was a power. The head of it had been college- prepared by a master from the Westminster school near the Parliament House, and was so singularly and sus- ceptibly endowed that even the savage Winnipauke from his twelve miles distant weird and "wild cat" wigwam was apparently led, as a child, by his hand. He was called when young to the new settlement and his life was spent in adherence to convincings which philosophy then was, and which the whole fraternity of philosophers now would probably have been, utterly powerless to sup- plant. Of the first Mrs. Hanford's family it is told the town came to one of its members to learn what should be done and of the mother of the family that she was a fore- parent who moved the world. This woman, who died in a corner house the grass around which home grows in its original plot in East Norwalk to this hour, married the titled grandson of Ware, the historian of Ireland, and so influential were her precepts and potent her pat- tern that down to our own day and here on one of our streets, one of her blood who chanced, a stranger in the town, to tramway pass one of God's Norwalk creations, involuntarily, with clasped hands remarked its presence. That crystal stream was to its accidental beholders inher- ited intuitions a stream which rose in Heaven. Time may dim and change impair, but it is impossible to wholly eradicate such effective tuition as was imparted by the first minister of this place and his family. His argument in defense of the constitution of the United States, a bit of bulwark-reasoning, won for Dan- iel Webster deathless terrestrial fame, and had John Warham, Jonathan Edwards or Thomas Hanford sub- stituted for their masculine presentation of God's immu- table verities our many wheel-and-pulley parish appli- ances these giants would, in all presumability, from thence have dated their downfall. That the flock of one of such signal mentality and spirituality as Thomas Han- ford should have been benefitted and elevated is plain enough to understand and was simply inevitable. And here let us enter Norwalk s maiden meeting house, finished in not even shell plastered walls, pos- sibly, and prudently provided with but a single window and that on the side opposite the swamp from which the Indians were wont to dart their arrows, and study the composition of the flock referred to, a flock which believed a whole Bible and was accustomed to perpendicular preaching and concerned itself with no theory of "inter- pretation" further than the courageful one that enabled them to read "Jehovah Shammah" wherever they offered a prayer or sung a hymn, or lent an ear to the teaching of the word. Here we find Thomas Fitch and Ann his wife of family beyond the ocean of culture and competence. Roger Ludlow himself registered Thomas Fitch as the wealthiest man in the town. Mr. Fitch's father died some years before, having will-named as his loving friends Thomas Hooker and the subsequent founder of Harvard College. Matthew and Alice Marvin have seats in that ancient building, and while Mr. Marvin complied with the con- tingency that demanded the performance of a practical branch of industry from him still the court took care to commit the local administration of justice to his com- petent self. John Gregory, son of Henry of Boston there wor- shipped, while near to him prayed his sister, Mrs. Richard Webb, whose husband, research indicated, was a great grandson of a knight lisher of King Henry VIII. Thomas Barnum walked a little over a quarter of a mile to attend that sanctuary and of his accredited grand- father the monumental record in All Saints church, Hol- lingbourne Hill, to this hour, runs: "A man on every side of gentle birth, most happy in the extreme piety of his life and death alike, on whom God poured of this world's gifts of nature, grace and honor. Richard Olmsted, naturally endowed and acquire- ment-gifted, was a visitor beneath that humble roof, and so was Matthias St. John, of acknowledged descent, and Nathaniel Ely and Nathaniel Richards, whose converse before his Norwalk residence was with the eminent of the land, and Ruth Clark, sister-in-law of the first rector of Yale College, and Richard Raymond, the honored fore- father of five commodores in the American Navy. Richard Seymour was another parishioner of Mr. Hanford and about, if not the earliest one who was com- mitted to the Norwalk earth, leaving a widow who wed- ded one of Connecticut's renowned sons and thenceforth resided near the Colony's government seat. There were some of the progenitors of early Nor- walk, all of whom were numbered among Mr. Hanford's own people a people dominated, seemingly, by the idea implied in the injunction "drink deep or taste not." The pastor had just died and the church was vacant, but at least one family had been so thoroughly taught that, without waiting the choice of their pastor's successor its members journeyed to Fairfield, where the father made profession of his faith and consecrated his little one to the Lord and had his four-years-old niece, who sleeps under the oldest inscribed tombstone in Norwalk, a little Belden bud, baptized. It is not the analist's part or policy to keep on the blind side of events, certainly not to be blind to his clients' blemishes. It is but sensible to suppose that this town's virgin story was that of a not altogether flawless administration. But as it would be invideous to imply censure unless there is known cause for it so is it dishonest to withhold praise where it is manifestly due. The training, civil or ecclesiastical, which furnished to Canaan parish such a head as Theophilus Fitch, or Wilton with a James Betts, or Westport with a John Taylor, or Ridgefield with a Matthew Keeler, the rearing, in a home lot within a stone cast of this church which developed Esther Isaacs, whose daughter Mary was the grandmother of the Prince of College Presidents, Timothy Dwight, D. D., now in Europe, and daughter Sarah, a mother from whom sprang the Kings, Grades and Hopkins, and son Ralph, the grandfather of Ralph Isaacs Ingersoll, United States minister to the empire of Russia, such rearing is entitled to remark if nothing more than in the interests of ethnology. Why was such a perceptible percentage of Norwalk's second and third generation men of consideration. Joseph Platt and his son were over fifty years in the colonial legislature. Thomas Fitch was year after year lieutenant governor and sev- eral years governor. Matthew Campfield had such high repute abroad that the King of England nominated him a charter member of Connecticut's royal patent, and Samuel Fitch was constituted a commonwealth gover- nor's adviser. Had character nothing to do with promo- tion in these cases? Were strong religious scruples noth- ing of a leverage in these instances ; or, if a modern il- lustration be asked, was it a miserable ideal which gave to this place in the person of Eli B. Bennett one whose half century's Norwalk debtor and credit treasury ac- counts balanced to a single cent. Something ruled Henry Whitney or he could have hardly ruled the settles as he did in 1664, and his descen- dant, Stephen Whitney, followed quite naturally on. Still to trace descendants down from an old glory line, the heroic Daniel Ketchum from Joseph Ketchum and his Taylor wife ; or the Master in Israel, Dr. Joel Ben- edict from Thomas and Bridget Benedict, or the wife of the distinguished president, Charles King, from Ne- hemiah and Elizabeth Rogers, or the hardy and intrepid younger and older Rear Admiral Francis H. Gregory from a Norwalk pillar in the great John Davenport's New Haven church, all this would be lawful were Sun- day the day and this the hour for the same. The seed which Thomas Hanford planted bore fruit, which fruit is fact to-day. , The church and secular histories of early Norwalk are so closely coetaneous that to pursue the one is al- most necessarily to indicate the other. Stephen Buckingham was the successor of Thomas Hanford and the town at the former's advent had con- siderably changed in the poulation particular at least. The first generation had about disappeared and those who were young at Norwalk's planting were, fifty years later, aged, while the children of Mr. Hanford's junior years were the middle-aged subjects of his successor's ministrations. The tide of progress was setting gradu- ally in. The new second meeting house was still further improved, and the first tide mill erected. Samuel Car- 82 ter had arrived and Benjamin Lynes and Ralph Isaacs and soon plans for a third fine church discussed and two school districts provided for and quite an oyster plant already proposed. Mr. Buckingham was not a narrow gauge man. His London-purchased library adorned a minister's home which was presided over by Mary Willet's daughter Sarah, a grandchild of the first mayor of New York and one of the most refined ladies of the colony, a home which after ward formed the birth spot of some of the merchant princes of the continent. It is true that after years of diligence and devotion a little cloud arose in Mr. Buckingham's horizon, but who can declare its exact why and wherefore. The great- grandson of Thomas Buckingham, of Saybrook, and the Yale-honored Harvard young man, was of no mean status. Following Mr. Buckingham came, in 1727, a New Jersey man of thirty-five in whose brother's dwelling Princeton college was born. Moses Dickinson, the son of a trader, and whose mother was of the Stratford Blake- rnan family, a descendant of which has erected the stone library in Stratford which so adorns the main street of that place, was one of the finest appearing men in the colony. His tomb and that of his parishioner, Col. Ste- phen St. John, lie in proximity and the earth, in both in- stances, covers the dust of the accredited two handsomest people in pre- Revolutionary Norwalk. Mr. Dickinson's manners as he walked up the new stone steps which had been laid at the east door of his East avenue church, (now site of Thomas residence), were striking. He was of exceptional parts and a typical best citizen of New England. His advent to Norwalk was marked by the parting with some of his choicest wheat wherewith to sow New Canaan and Wilton. A number of his flock identified themselves with the former place which in June last dignifiedly and delightfully kept its anniversary and which has given to science and humanity a Samuel St. John and to the service of the state a Samuel Raymond, and as late as this day and in the flower of his faculties a John H. Light. Of Wilton it is honor enough for the moth- er town and church now to recall the names of her Moses Stuart and Dr. David Benjamin Belden and Prof. Hawley Olmstead,. St." Paul's church was organized soon after Mr. Dick- inson arrived which Dickinson and the son of the builder of the first structure used by Yale after its establishment in New Haven, the first rector of St. Paul, cared, spirit- ually, for the Norwalk fold. Mr. Dickinson and Drs. Judd and Learning, the last two of St. Paul's, lived neighbors for many years. The stormy period of the Revolution set in and the clergy of the two churches held opposite views but both were remarkable men. Dr. Learning was Mr. Dickinson's contemporary until with- in one year of the burning of both these men's churches, Mr. Dickinson dying, beloved and lamented, on May day, 1778 and Mr. Learning removing from the town to be thereafter buried in New Haven. Governor Thom- as Fitch was of Mr. Dickinson's flock and Dr. Uriah Rogers, and the future Chancellor Kent was a school boy in one of his families, while next door to his house was born the afterward godly, gifted and widely cele- brated Bishop Abraham Jarvis, the successor of Sea- bury in the American Episcopate. The town in Pastor Dickinson's day fast grew, its directory embracing such noticeable names as Capt. John Thatcher, Col. Eliphalet Lockwood, Samuel Jarvis, Asa Hoyt, Nathaniel Bouton, Dr. Thaddeus Betts, John Belden, John Platt, Nathan Nash, Dennis Wright, Ebenezer Church and Nathan Mallory. Mr. Dickinson was assisted by Rev. William Tennent and followed by Dr. Matthias Burnet, who, coming in this place in 1785, was the first occupant of the pulpit, so remembered for its neatness, in the reverently recalled structure that stood on the Green almost facing the site of this edifice. Our old people were wont to speak with feeling regard of Dr. Burnet after whom came Roswell R. Swan, of Eastern Connecticut and memory dear to the generation just past. The day of his funeral saw the town in mourning and the cortege from the par- sonage to the Town Hill cemetery was a sorrowing one. During Dr. Burnet and Mr. Swan's incumbences St. Paul enjoyed the charge of the scholarly John Bowden, the well fitted Dr. William Smith, the interesting Ogilvie, the endeared Henry Whitlock and the energetic Dr. Reuben Sherwood. Both societies prospered under the oversight of these different men and were an influence in the history town. During the ministrations of Dr. Burnet and the temporary supply of Mr. Foot at St. Paul's, Methodism was planted, in Norwalk. The few whom Cornelius Cook in 1787 and Jesse Lee in 1789 impressed grew, ul- timately, to a vigorous body; and when a score or two years later a zealous elder visited the spot and hinted to Absalom Day with reference to a subscription for an abiding home for the faithful of that persuasion, Mr. Day at once acted upon the suggestion and himself headed a column, the footing up of which exhibited a handsome sum total. Holmes Saunders, of the present Elm crest became deeply interested and with two or three others secured the lot on lower West avenue which is now beau- tified by one of the most commodious and attractive tem- ples of worship in the commonwealth. The Methodist body is entitled to high praise. It has built five churches in Middle Norwalk and several chapels outside, and since the days that a few of its mem- bers were accustomed to sing and pray in the little almost rock overhung cottage slightly to the west of what was then known as the "old well road," has accomplished a great work for the Master. Absolom Day and Matthew Wilcox will live in Norwalk Christian annals and the name of Hill is one wherewith to exaltedly incite the mem- bers of that earnest and influential communion. While the Methodist clergy on account of their distinctive sys- tem have not remained in Norwalk as long as their brethren of other names, still their ardent promulgation of evangelical truth and their warm support of whatever is of good report entitle them to distinguished mention. After Mr. Swan came Rev. Sylvester Eaton, who was introduced to his people by Eliza Susan, daughter of Capt. Hezekiah Betts. Miss Betts was an instructress and benefactress whose merits deserve monumental memory perpetuation. Two of her brothers became ministers of Christ while another brother, Henry, was the actual originator of the Rotary Printing press. Mr. Ea- ton remained some six years, when the ministriesful Henry Benedict, in 1828, filled a brief pastoral term. Then succeeded, in 1832, Edwin Hall, whose claim upon this community's deep and lasting esteem is most valid. He was a thinker. His talent was due to reflection. He was not an orator but, rather, a calm, impassioned advo- cate of revealed truth whose expositions of the same were extraordinarily clear and convincing. He was a stranger to speculation. Such strong men of the strong Fairfield County Bar as Clark Bissell, Thaddeus Betts, Thomas B. Butler and Mason Carter were drawn to him because, not of gesture, nor of cadence, but because of Edwin Hall's soundness and incomptibility. Like Theo- philus Smith, of New Canaan, with whose doctrinal views he was in entire accord and who was one of his most in- timate friends he had a mind and a heart for his work. Norwalk to the end of its history will remain his insolvent debtor. He loved the town and did a valuable work in compiling and preserving its ancient records. Rev. C. M. Silleck's Add) ess Continued. It fell to Dr. Hall to set off from the parent pre- cinct the Second Congregational Church, the successful planting of which Old Well daughter was due to its founders' worth. It was evidently a belief in this that influenced, especially the sister of 'Mrs. Moses Gregory to surrender a portion of the prized Hoyt home seat for a site for the new society's church.' Intermixed with this society's roll call of sixty-five organization members, were various view holders, it is possible, but when James Knox, in neat syllables, and with fascinat- ing mode, and after him John B. Shaw, Francis C. \Yoodworth, Z. K. Hawley and John Austin addressed a membership, among whom were several of Norwalk's central characters, they spake to a goodly and Godly unity, a fact which at the church's start, so gratified the mother pastor that he this was told over his coffin in Auburn was moved to relinquish what his own people had provided for his comfort, in order that his former South Norwalk children might thereby be convenienced. It is renown enough for Old Well that one of its levels was the fireside of five sisters, one of whom wedded a medical celebrity, another a Washington congressman, another a local reputation inhabitant, and another still the grandfather of William Tecumseh Sherman, and that on one of its primitive meadow paths was bred the young man who fired, when Garth came, one of the shots poetry declared to have been heard round the world, and that near one of its little ontioras was brought up another youth, who on his sixteenth birth- day, June 20, 1815, knelt as soon as he left his bed, and gave himself forever to God, the same Old Well boy becoming, afterward, the founder of the American Home Missionry Society, the historian of the state of New Hampshire', and the' preacher in this pulpit, in July, 1851, of the remarkable sermon on the occasion of the . bi-centennial of Norwalk. Cherished, in Norwalk and South Norwalk, be the memory their inheritance of Nathaniel S. Bouton, whose old testament blessing to the concourse within these walls of fifty years ago was the very benediction he breathed over his family the last Sabbath night of his earthly life. The Congregational and all other churches of promiseful South Norwalk have examples of high \ tue to henceforth incite them. Deacon John .Bouton was a faithful forever man ; no one doubted Daniel K. 86a Nash's sincerity; William H. Benedict's spirit was his charm ; Stephen G. Ferris' sainthood was pure. Dr. Hall's neighbors at St. Paul's were Jackson Kempner and William Cooper Mead, two of the rarest members on the clergy list of the American Episcopal Church. The first of these rectors was called from Nor- walk to the first bishopric of the great Northwest, and the second was for many sessions secretary of the House of Bishops, and "Father," so denominated, of the Lower House of the general convention of that church, in the United States. He saw the now enlarged Trinity Church, South Norwalk, leave the parental roof and since his day Grace parish has been planted. He lived to old age and died in harness, one of the enjoyments of his last days having been his acquaintance with the Rev. Samuel B. S. Bissell, his neighbor and warm friend, and Norwalk's peerless son. It also gave him true pleasure to receive, some little time before his de- cease, a cordial, candid message from his eighteen years fellow resident, Dr. Edwin Hall, of Western New York. Drs. Kempner and Mead were Bible and Prayer Book churchmen, and their teaching was that of a simple Gospel. As to the latter's teaching mode and matter, it has never, perhaps, been better summed up than in the language of one of Wilton's irreproachable sons, and a beloved physician of Norwalk and officer of this church, Dr. Ira Gregory, who was wont to repeat "Dr. Mead was one of the most evangelical preachers I ever listened to." Since his day his old care has had several rectors. The venerable mother has a history, and may she, crowned with age and covered with glory, go on and ever shine forth in the splendor which haloed her story in the years of olden times. William Bouton Weed, who took up Edwin Hall's laid-down work, was of masterly parts and of wonderful mental resources. His signal ability securely held his congregation, which it is the plain truth to say, he fed on elegant competencies. From his day to this day, this church has continued to be presided over by men of weight, including the names so familiar to and re- gardfully esteemed by all, of Anderson, Dunham, Ham- ilton, Childs, Noble and Egbert. To treat of its long line of laity will fall to the an- al ist, next year, of this, then quarter-thousand years old society. His work will be a recompenseful one, and we can. hardly repress the conviction that the occasion would be a suitable one on which to inaugurate meas- 36b vures 'looking to the restoration o"f 'the believed to "be ..resting place, in our old cemetery, of Thomas Hanford, .who has had several Norwalk born ministerial succes- .sors, to one of whom, in whose veins the most honored .blood of the plantation flows, it most appropriately and -happily falls to pronounce, on Wednesday next, the .-oration of this celebration. The summer of 1837 .had reached its last day, when .the Baptist Society of Norwalk came into existence, .Among its vigorous first members the names of Arnold, -of Norwalk, and Moulton, of Westport, will ever stand prominently out. It was not, at the start, a large, but it was an earnest body, and its growth has been due to a candid presentation of its distinctive dogma and prin- ciples. For the early two or three years of its history its services were generally held in the present town house, and there was a somewhat transient supply of ministerial service. In 1840 the present church on The 'Green was dedicated, and the pastorate of the Rev. James Woolsey entered upon. Mr. Woolsey was an honor to his profession. Finely equipped intellectually, of deep spiritual nature and of sincerity itself eloquence, .he was esteemed wherever known, and highly beloved "by his own people. Sore affliction visited him during the earlier portion of his Norwalk life, but himself and more than admirable partner bore their bereavement pressure, and emerging from the trial, here accom- plished a good work. It is not difficult to 'trace the origin, in this town, of the Roman Catholic Church, as it is one of our latest born ecclesiastical organizations. It was the faith o those hardy very few, who, within existing memories, could have been seen on Sunday morning walking over Jarvis Hill, and there, quietly removing the shoes from their feet trudged zealously on as far east as the ol Fairfield and Bridgeport division line, where, before entering the house of God, they would replace their shoes, and dust their travel-soiled wardrobe, so that disrespect should be done the sacred p ace from wher after their morning sacrifice and the blessing of Moth Church.they would turn their faces toward their four- teen miles westward home; it was, we say, the zeal o such as these which ended in the establishment in Uus community, of that communion. The first jjas, was established sixty-eight years ago and anon put ship was offered in a hall on Water street and ^ in t town house. After this an edifice was reared in 1851, in .11CC Wd.3 1 ^.CVi x-v " -J-' 36c Chapel street, which answered until the erection of the loftier granite structure, on West avenue. St. Mary's- has been under the care of some fifteen pastors, includ- ing the scholarly Rev. Dr. John Mulligan, and also of one of fine instincts and refined ways,, and who, like Edwin Hall, seemed to love our wave-kissed beach, along which his quiet figure of saintly mien would be seen in apparent meditation and contemplation, and of Rev. Peter A. Smith, who built, in 1869, his memorial, the present temple, and whose indefatigability at that time is well recalled, and of the great-souled FnthtM- Slocum, the appreciation of whose fidelity on the part of his own people, and of his exceptional spirit by those outside his flock was ever, until his bishop summoned him to a higher position, in the ascending scale. St. Mary's has enjoyed the ministrations of a devoted clergy, and its laity has been a generous bod)'. It has provided for itself a stately and beautiful habitation, and seen built a commodious tabernacle for its So. Norwalk daughter. It has also enjoyed the honor of filling with one of its own children, the Episcopal throne of the Diocese of Hartford. Unitarianism has never had a footing here, and Universalism only a tentative one. There are those among us, probably, whose views incline in these di- rections, but their number is comparatively small. We have German and Swedish congregations ; also a so- called Latter Day Saints organization. Our Hebrew population has a burial plot, but Mormonism, albeit Brigham Young and Elder Snow and a companion of the two spent about a week in the place in endeavors to establish their belief, has never here thriven. It is hoped that all our ecclesiastical families have gathered data in connection with this month's obser- .vances, and it is expected that the same will be properly cared for. Medicine, the bar, the school and academy, art, manufacture, commerce, agriculture, banking and gen- eral business, all these have had representatives, a num- ber of whom have been distinguished, and all merit recognition, at the proper time, at this celebration, a celebration at which it would be unnatural could we forget our only older sister, the favored and beautiful town of Stamford, on our West. It took some little time for the exact definement of the geographical boun- dary lines between us, but since that date, side by side, we have gone on, God in His Providence having richly 8Cd blessed this, by a few years older daughter than our- selves, of the commonwealth, and having, we devout- ly pray, still greater benediction, if it be possible, in re- serve for her. Our limit is reached, we fear transcended, but one thought, just here, is irrepressible. The glory of our celebration is heightened and an honor done this ancient plantation by the offer, at this historic juncture, from a world benefactor, of funds for a library building, fol- lowed quickly by the gift of a handsome site for the same. Words of fulsome eulogy would be offensive, but the name of Carnegie, of collossal munificence and Bishop of local beneficence, the donations of whom mean so much that is better, purer, loftier to us, are written on our hearts, and our people are conjured by all that is truly valuable to make, as a suitable acknowl- edgement on our part, this noble offering a grand and lasting success. Our tribute to-day has largely been that to old- fashioned virtue, which has certainly here proven itself competent to be the safeguard of right, and depend upon one thing, if it be desirable that the hour shall re- turn when ancient conscience shall again bear rule, the stars in their courses will never alone bring it round; it will come, under God, not by going back to ancient agriculture, or manufacture, or travel, but to the Godly grounding ideas of days departed. This stone, brethren and friends, is a witness. Joshua's figure is fact, his rock had a tongue and this week's ceremonies here in these courts, this blessed Lord's day opened, are a voiceful and proud attestation Salutation to all, descendents of such sound stock. We bless our God for what our ancestors were, and for what they wrought. Norwalk, South, East West ml North, all Norwalk should now pitch its te deum to an exultant Key, and join in a rapturous Gloria in Excelsis. The observance has a profound interpretation, an important object-lesson, and an all important spir reality. May we enter into the spirit of the occasion May it be more to us than a past commemoration. U may it be to us a present product and a present proh and when the years shall have chased each other over these hills and valleys of our progenitors, and over c graves, and brought in Anno Domini two thousand 01 hundred and fifty, may the projectors of the ^fivc hi m- dredth anniversarv of our beloved father town s Dirt IWe be inspired by the record of what we, at this anniver- sary, have decreed and done. The Lord bless us; the Lord be merciful and gra- cious unto us. The Lord our God and our father's God, lift upon us the light of His countenance, and for- ever keep us and all who shall come after us, in His perfect peace. Amen, Amen. To Father, Son and Holy Ghost be all the glory, henceforward forevermore. Amen. The audience then joined in singing "My Country, 'Tis of Thee," and was dismissed with the benediction, pronounced by the Rev. Mr. Egbert. :jr.f First C ;ongregational Church. * V^^****^*^^. * J^IS MelhoLt f>v.....i. "it Marv's Church. S. St. au 4. Firat Church. 7- St. Mary's Chur At THE FIRST CHURCH-NORWALK S FAR as practicable the morning ser- vices of Sunday, September 8, were devoted to historical discourses appro- priate to the anniversary. During the services in the First Congregational Church in the morning the following address was delivered by the pastor, Rev. George Drew Egbert. A stage coach is picturesque ; once upon a time, it was even swift. The tourists of a nation and the corres- pondence of a nation were once carried in this fashion, to the satisfaction of all concerned. Just now, to get anywhere, and to get there promptly, people have a habit of using limited express trains. The romance of the sunny turnpike has gone, and the rough reality of rattle and cinders has succeeded. The coach has been rele- gated to the ultra society of the tally-ho, and at the other extreme, to the picturesque ultra society of the wild-west. But it was so picturesque! Yes but the everyday traveler has one purpose, and that is to get there. Hence the locomotive. A bureau with carved legs and antique handles of the revolutionary period will hold no more clothes nor hold them more securely because of its legs or handles ; and what, pray, is the bureau for? Curios- ity is one thing and capacity is another. That General Washington drank from 'a well is no certificate that the water is not crammed with microbes. It is clear enough that every man in a house divided against itself on the historical question ; a sort of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the one meaning a passion for the old, and the other an equally violent passion for the new. The latest fad that's attractive, because it is late; the oldest candle- stickthat is attractive, because it is early. But would you exchange a spluttering flicker called tallow-dip for a sixteen candle-power electric light? When it comes to light for every-night use, you want the latest, just as when it comes to heat, you prefer radiators to foot- stoves. We can grow sentimental over a faded rose, but we take good care that the flower gardens are up to date, and we do not grow faded roses. Just remember, the Venus of Milo is no more valuable for having lost her arms. We look back, then, not because we believe that the better landscapes are nearer the sunrise ; for the west if! is tapestried as magnificently as the east ; not because men were better and life was finer, for life is surely not the one exception in the story of progress ; nor yet do we look back, because as a church, we can climb into the upper and airy branches of a genealogical tree. We all have an ancestry, and to be able to trace it simply, is no large compliment to the ancestry, any more than to be able to trace the way of a brooklet through the underbrush up a mountain-side is to say that the water has a good flavor. What the thirsty climber tastes is not to be expressed in furlongs and miles. So, I say, we have stopped and turned around for a little at this season, be- cause it is healthy for us to recall that men with smaller favors than ours have lived nobly and effectively because their faithfulness with a little has made our abundance possible, and because we should be ashamed to do less and passionately eager to do far more than they. Our yesterdays are to hint our to-mor- rows : our pride that our church is old is to transform itself into a determination that we shall make it young. Thank God for the frost on the forehead, but take good care to keep it out of the heart. Though our age is unquestioned, we have to depend for the details, or at least for such details as are available, on records that are sadly incomplete. Down as far as the period of the pastorate of Mr. Swan, who was in- stalled in 1807, three large folio volumes of church rec- ords were carefully preserved, during the latter part of their existence, in the library of Dr. Matthias Burnett, Mr. Swan's predecessor. These volumes are edited res- pectively by Mr. Hanford, Mr. Buckingham and Mr. Dickinson, the first of whom was the first pastor of the church ; and we may be sure that the story they told would be fascinating to all of us who are interested in the history of this venerable organization. It appears, how- ever, that after Dr. Burnett's death, these valuable books were left in a basket in the garret of the then parsonage, and irreverent rats, with a taste for antiquity at any rate a taste for paper, gnawed their way through the precious pages, and nested among the deacons and feasted upon the statis- tics. I am glad to say, however, that there is still in existence and now in the possession of Mr. George B. St. John, the original records of the society, begun in 1726, when the church was organized as a separate insti- tution. Curious to relate, this old volume is still the record book of this society. This book and the various historical memoranda that tell the story of the town, while not ample as sources of information still serve to furnish us considerable data regarding the earlier history of this dear old church. I may add that conversation with the older members of the present congregation have furnished me with items of interest that will be available but little longer, but which add much to our stock of information concerning the every-day experiences of our predecessors in the work of this ecclesiastical society. May I also add that should any statement of this little sketch need alteration or modification I trust that the few familiar with the finer particulars of our history, particu- larly of our more recent history, will not hesitate to sug- gest the proper corrections. There have been five church buildings in the history. Three of these stood on East avenue, the first of all near the present East Norwalk station of the New Haven read, opposite or nearly opposite the bowlder erected by the Daughters of the American Revolution at the junc- ture of the road to Southport with East avenue. It is to be remembered that the church was a town institution for many years, supported by town funds, and governed through town-meetings. It is curious to notice in the town records how provisions for maintaining a pound, mending drains, pasturing cows, killing wolves, and keeping town taverns are mingled with arrangements for conducting religious services and the close connection between church and state- could hardly be more vividly suggested than by the note that the same man was ap- pointed to beat the town drum and sweep the meeting house, at the liberal salary of six dollars a year or there- about. The school clung close to the church, and when as a result of some twinges of conscience, perhaps, or some special spasm of virtue, it was determined by the town fathers that there should be no more town-meet- ings held as theretofore in the meeting-house, the school- house was chosen for such meetings, at any rate until the erection of a town-house. The first building was erected in 1659, was thirty feet long and was built on twelve foot posts. The other dimensions are given in the records, but the writing has become indistinct. An addition was made to this in 1664, nearly doubling the capacity of the church, but the building se'ems to have continued in use for only about fifteen years, for in 1679 another was planned. Then the first church trouble arose, at any rate the first trouble of which there is record. Some wanted the new church here some there. No doubt these thrifty and shrewd old settlers realized the com- mercial value of property close to a church; perhaps some did not relish a longer walk in the heavy drifts of winter to the morning service on the Sabbath. At any rate, the discussion waxed hot until it was finally" decided to leave the whole matter to three commissioners, of which the minister was one, who were given full power. It is plain that arbitration is not a modern invention, and if churches would refer their differences to 'a few reliable men and give them full 'power, we would be saved the story of many a disruption and many a scene disgraceful in itself; doubly disgraceful because of the Christian professions of its participants. Our history to- day has given us this hint, and if it gives us nothing more than this, we shall be amply repaid for the backward looking. We moderns cannot improve on this method of calming church feuds. The record reads: "These men are to hear all reasons and arguments on both sides and the town engages to sit down satisfied with the deter- mination." The chttrch finally sat down on the ast side of East avenue a little further up, about on the site of the present residence of Dr. Beard, and the old school-house stood on the site of the old building evidently once a school-house, just below Dr. Beard's. The meeting- house was forty-five feet square, and 16 feet between the joints, whatever that may mean. The story adds naively "the roof is to be after the manner of the Fairfield meet- ing-house." It would never do, of course, for Norwalk to be outdone by Fairfield, even in a roof. In 1697, an improvement was added in the shape of a gallery, and shortly afterward a bell was placed on the building, hav- ing been purchased from one Ralph Keeler on trial. I noticed that some time thereafter, this same Ralph Kee- ler had the contract not only for furnishing the bell, but also for providing a place in which to hang it. One may get a hint that these thrifty people found town jobs otherwise called public works, as remunerative as the shrewd men of to-day find political pickings. This building continued in use until 1/17, when the matter of a new building was agitated. The stated quarrel arose, but at this time it was centered about the question whether there should be a new church at all or whether the old one should be repaired. The vote was close, be- ing taken somewhat after the parliamentary fashion, a 40 division being called for and the ayes signifying their preference by adjourning to the church yard. The ori- ginal plan was finally followed, however, and the whole matter referred to a committee with power to act. It is worth noticing that when so exciting a question arose, the committee was composed of only three people a suggestion worth heeding. In the multitude of counsel- lors there is wisdom, but the homely proverb which states the other side of the question is also worth notic- ing "Too many cooks spoil the broth." Committees, with power, appointed to end a dispute on the arbitration principle had better be limited in numbers, and very lim- ited. The decision was ultimately in favor of a new building and the site was chosen on East avenue, still further up, or nearly opposite the present residence, as far as I can make out, of Mr E. M. Lockwood. We now reach the period from which dates the organization of this ecclesiastical Society as a separate organization. This was precipitated by a bitter dissen- sion that arose in connection with the then pastor, the Rev. Stephen Buckingham. He was accused of very serious misdoings, but he had his supporters, though I should judge from the tone of the records, these rapidly fell away from him, until he found it wise to resign. Three days after his resignation, the Prime Ancient So- ciety in Norwalk was organized; the first minister of the new parish being Dr. Burnett. The church continued to use the old meeting-house which, by the way, con- tained the old pulpit presented to the new organization by vote of the town. In the heat of the Revolutionary War, Dr. Burnett died, and when General Tryon burned Norwalk the meeting-house was destroyed. It was not until 1790 that the fourth building was completed, and though its erection was over a century ago, we are brought very close to it by the fact that several of the older members of this church worshipped in this old building for several years previous to the erection of the present church building. This meeting house stood on the. Green, a little north of this church, or about opposite Lewis street. It was white and had green blinds and was graced with a spire. On this was the old weather- vane recently removed from our spire, and in the belfry the bell bought in New Haven by the father of our fellow-member, Mr. F. St. John Lockwood. This bell was a few years since melted down into souvenirs, and replaced by our present bell, the gift of Miss Julia Lock- 41 wood in memory of her parents. The building faced west, that is, in the opposite direction from the present church, and after a time a platform was extended across its front and a conference room was built over the vesti- bule entered from the gallery stairway by stepping down a step or so. Here the prayer-meetings were held, and here, too, Mr. Lewis was accustomed to tune his bass viol in preparation for the service in which he was gen- erally the only instrumentalist. Once in a while, how- ever, the well-known Judge Butler, the eminent jurist, would assist in the music with his violin, of which he was considered a skilful player, and the large choir of forty voices combined with these players to make for the first church the reputation for good music, which the latter choirs have done so much to maintain. The build- ing was heated by huge wood-stoves, the pipes from one of which ran the whole length of the church and made the ''droppings of the sanctuary" something more than a metaphor to the luckless people who happened to be beneath them at unfortunate moments. North of the old church and between it and the school-house which stood near the upper end of the Green, was low marshy ground, transformed into a pond when the weather was wet, which furnished the main attraction to the young people, when frozen over. Imagine the romances of which that Green ihas been the center. Romances of which we can notice even now the results. The school- house itself, in which taught for many years, and with signal success, Miss Susan Betts, whose heart was m proportion to her body, is still standing, though trans- formed into a dwelling-house the last house on the north side of Lewis street. I am sorry to say that I have been unable to find any trace of any photograph of the old church. The present church was built in the late forties on ground previously occupied by the residence of Mr. Levi Clark. The old well remained in the cellar of this building for many years, but was finally filled up, when the new chapel was built. This building has seen but few important changes. It was thoroughly redecor- ated during the pastorate of Mr. Hamilton, the organ had already been introduced in the gallery over the vesti- bule during Dr. Quids' pastorate, and was removed to its present position when the chapel was built, while Mr. Edward Anderson was pastor. Our present organist, Mr. Gibson, was its first regular organist remaining at that time for seventeen years. The old chapel which 42 was detached from the church was presented to the Afri- can Methodist church on Knight street, and the present commodious and beautiful chapel took its place. A fire breaking out in the roof on a winter's night and threat- ening imminently the destruction of the building was too recent an occurrence to need further mention. The record would not be complete, however, if I did not men- tion the debt-raising and large church improvements during the pastorate of my predecessor, our pastor emeritus. We are now ready to notice that while there have been five church buildings, there have ministered in this parish fifteen clergymen as installed pastors, not includ- ing the present speaker. This gives 16 years as the aver- age length of the pastorate, a splendid record. The long- est pastorate was that of Mr. Dickinson, who died in 1771 in his 83rd year, having been pastor for fifty-one years. The shortest pastorate was that of Mr. Henry Benedict, who was dismissed in 1832 after serving the church for four years. To the names of the regular pas- tors as found in the manual should be added as supplies Mr. Dunham, a young man who did splendid work dur- ing a year's service ; Dr. Plummer, previously of Rich- mond, Virginia, who, while remarkably effective, was un- fortunate in having been associated in the minds of the people with secession and therefore found his later min- istry not acceptable to a large portion ; and Mr. Everest, a man of remarkable pulpit power, under whom many of the present members of the church connected themselves with it. It would be difficult in this long list of pastors to single out any as peculiarly worthy of mention. Dr. Hall was perhaps the ablest theologian, and he had a large reputation, filling the high position of Professor in Auburn Seminary. If to-day people think of him as severe and uninteresting, let them recall the fact that he was ever leveling his knightly lance at error and unhors- ing it, at any rate, to his own satisfaction. Mr. Weed was, 1 should judge, on the whole, the ablest preacher. His reputation for brilliant sermons spread far, and at this distance of years, I have marked the enthusiasm with which competent judges have mentioned him as a public speaker. Stories of his eccentricities linger, but these did not interfere with his success in the pulpit, no diminish the affection of his people ; his peculiar habit of twisting his handkerchief while preaching is recalled, but he held his audience spell-bound by wonderful ser- mons preached absolutely without notes and toward the end of his ministry, at the speed of three each Sabbath. We cannot but regret that so able a man should have burned to the socket so early. While Dr. Hall was so eminent a scholar, it should be added that he must have been eminent as an administrator, for a man who can bring up six children on a salary for years of not over eight hundred dollars give them all a decent education, and a son a college education, must have been a genius in other ways than philosophizing. One meets the hints of this side of the pastor's life in the quaint account of the committee records such as this: "Voted that Mr. Handford should have three score pounds allowed, for the year ensuing, for his rate and he is to be paid as fol- loweth: 30 pounds in wheat and pease and barley; of the other pounds, 22 pounds is to be paid in beef and pork at the common current price that it brings when it is "dew." And this "The Society declare that they will appoint a committee to get people voluntarily to cart and give wood for Mr. Tennent and trust by that means he will have a proper supply of that article." And there is a grim suggestion about the report of a town meet that voted "the inhabitants of any town shall not be un- der any obligation by for.ce of any vote to pay any provi- sion for the answering of their several proportions of Mr. Buckingham's salary." There is nothing new under the sun ; when those early settlers desired to rid themselves of an obnoxious pastor, they simply stopped his pay. So there are some things ancient that will hardly warrant imitation. This is all of a piece with the action noted in the town records: "Mr. Cornish shall be hired to teach all the children in the town to learn to read and write, and the townsmen are to hire him upon as reasonable terms as they can." Buy your teacher cheap Queues and knickerbockers and buckles and cocked hats may amuse us as ancient, but we are very like the first settlers on the money question. Get your teacher cheap. The singing of the church service has always had the attention of the church people. Frequent mention is made in the old records of appropriations for the im- provement of the singing, and within the memory of some of you, Dr. Thomas Hastings, the eminent musi- cian and religious composer, father of the present Pro- fessor in Union Seminary, conducted a singing school in a small hall down town which was attended by seventy or more aspirants for choir honors. Later, the well- 44 known William B. Bradbury gave instruction. The fol- lowing is the list of the choir which sang in the old church and also gave their service when the present church was erected: William S. Lockwood, William D. Smith, Edward Smith, Edward C. Bissell, Thomas B.' Butler, Joseph St. John, Moses O. Banks, William L. Quintard, Mrs. Hart, Alexander Smith, George Bissell, Samuel Seymour, Reuben St. John, George H. Randle, Horace G. Hyatt, Legrand Whitney, William Scribner, Storrs Hall, Charles Platt, William K. Lewis, Lorenzo Hubbell, Juliette Betts, Eulalia Belts, Julia Lockwood, Elizabeth Lockwood, Mrs. William B. St. John, Frances Lyon, Mariett Lyon, Harriet Scott, Jane Collins, Mary Hyatt, Susan Scott, Elizabeth Scribner, Isabella Wilson, Jane Meeker, Mary Stuart, Sarah Hanford, The Misses Durant. A member of this choir mentioned the other day that their choir did not escape the troubles to which choirs are peculiarly subject; for as a result of the riv- alry of two aspirants for leadership, the entire choir re- fused to sing for some time, and the tunes were started by some of the deacons from among the congregation with the aid of the tuning fork ; imagine such a calamity to-day. St. James could hardly have imagined the con- ditions surrounding the modern church choir, or he would not have asked: "Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?" for chorus choirs always do just that ; sing chords, act discords. We may imagine, too, as a result, of glances at the records that there were circumstances elsewhere that demanded tact. Much attention is paid to the proper seating of the con- gregation, and certain pews were jealously guarded. In 1708, it is mentioned that the town voted Mr. Samuel Hays into the great pew to sit in upon public days, and the town voted Mrs. Hanford, the widow of the first pastor, into the pew with Mrs. Buckingham, the wife of the then pastor, all of which is suggestive of preroga- tives carefully insisted upon. Just imagine what would have happened had she gone without the warrant. One could hardly turn around except by vote. Perhaps pos- sible friction was thus provided for, as in that other pro- vision: ''The society by vote provide that the justices shall remove and sit with their wives." One wonders, in view of this gracious permission, whether the tithe- men (with which officers, by the way, we are still pro- vided) weren't needed to keep even the justices in order. These, then, are some of the conditions under which this church grew. Time docs not permit of my reviewing each pastorate as I would like to review it, for each had its peculiar points of strength ; nor yet of mentioning many details of church life that might prove interesting. These would necessarily include references to churches which have sprung from this church or been largely recruited from it Darien, Wilton, New Canaan, South Norwalk and Westport. Perhaps when our own cele- bration takes place a more elaborate review will seem advisable, and perhaps enough has been said to at least suggest the special points that interest us all. Our heritage is magnificent. We are to hand it down ennobled and beautified not entirely, indeed not so much by what we do as by the spirit of our endeavor. Our church history focuses at faithfulness. There is something better than reading history; it is making history. May we lay no chipped stones ; may Christ be the head of the corner. AT THE GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. J. McClure Bellows spoke as follows: ( GOD, we have heard with our ears, and our fathers have declared unto us, the noble works that Thou didst in their days, and in the old time before them.'' From the Litany. As one stands in the midst of this splendid latter day civilization, and looks back through the years that are gone, it is hard to realize the conditions and the atmos- phere of those days in which our fathers lived and moved. They were days of peculiar hardships and perils, with naught else to sustain the founders of this, our common- wealth, than the vision of a distant day, when their descendants should build upon that which they, them- selves, had laid a superstructure, whose strength and light should command the respect and admiration of the world. How clear that vision was time has proved. The American nation stands to-day a mighty specimen of evolution from beginnings that are a pride and honor to the history that records them. Three forces especially distinguished the character of our forefathers: Frugality, simplicity, religion. To this latter force much of their heroic achievement is due. To them the Fatherhood of God was not a mere belief; it was the conviction that ruled their lives, that sustained them through hardship and peril, the conviction that filled them with confidence and hope in the future fruition of all they planned and did. In the power of that conviction they left home and kindred across the sea, to be led by the hand of God, as did Abraham, into a new and strange country. There, amid toil and privation, they struggled for a larger free- dom, an ideal commonwealth. How, to-day, do we, their descendants, justify their heroic sacrifice, their patient and noble laying of the foundations upon which our gov- ernment, our society, our church, rest? Alas, we have lost much of this spirit. Our government lacks sadly the stability and firmness of their noble character. Its indeterminate and unsettled condition breeds restlessness and crimes. Labor, capital and anarchy tear ruthlessly our civic fabric. Society is rank with the destroying in- fluences of gluttony, extravagance and immorality. The church languishes for lack of proper zeal. Philanthropy 47 is but half-hearted, and falls short of the Christian ideal. Men give, but give cautiously, and disproportionately of their wealth. The interview between the rich young man and the Master still remains a unique instance re- corded in Holy Writ. The cry, to-day, is "Back to the simplicity of the single-mindedness and Godly fear of our forefathers !" Back to the example of the life of the Son of God, the inspiration of which they so nobly caught and reflected in their patient and ever-glorious lives ! It is then that the nation, society and the church will have reached and grasped the true American ideal. AT THE SOUTH NORWALK CONGREGATIONAL CH U R C H EACON Nelson Dickerman gave a his- tory of the South Norwalk Congrega- tional Church, at the morning ser- vices, Sunday. He said: Standing on the steps at the main entrance to our present church, we face the site of The Old Well School House, where now stands our soldiers' monument. The second floor of this building was used as a prayer meeting and conference room by the members of the Norwalk Congregational Church, then residing in the lower part of the town. In this "conference room" was held, August nth, 1834, the first public meeting to consider the propriety of building a Congregational Church in the village of Old Well. On September i5th, 1834, the subject was brought before the Norwalk Church in a communication, which said: "We have been for some time impressed with the importance of estab- lishing a place for the worship of Almighty God in the village of Old Well" ; also, "Our own individual ac- commodation seems almost forgotten in the prospect of being instrumental in benefitting and saving souls from everlasting woe." Among other reasons given: "More than half of our population are neglectors of the appointed means of sal- vation"; and, "We feel we are called upon to. make greater exertions to bring souls for whom Christ died under the influence of these means which God has ap- pointed for their salvation." At this meeting a committee was appointed to con- sider the matter, and reported to the church at a meet- ing held September 29th, "That in the opinion of this committee it is expedient that the people at the Old Well go forward and erect a house for the worship of the Most High* among them and that it be done without any un- necessary delay." This opinion was adopted by a vote of the church. After the communion service on January 3, 1836, sixty-four members were dismissed to constitute the Sec- ond Congregational Church, of Norwalk. The first meet- ing of the newly-constituted church was held January 4, 1836, and the following persons were chosen deacons: John Bouten, who served twenty years, was instantly killed by a fall from the scaffold during the enlarging of the church in 1856 ; Daniel K. Nash, who served twenty- eight years, met death by a fall from a tree; also Ste- phen G. Ferris, who after fifty-seven years of service, beloved by all the membership of the church, "fell . asleep." James Warner was chosen clerk, and thus or- ganized their work was begun. Public worship was commenced February 14, 1836, in the conference room, and a Sunday school organized February 21, with Dea- con Stephen G. Ferris as superintendent. Their church building, begun in the spring of 1835, was completed and opened for worship the last Sabbath in March, 1836. Its cost for the lot was $300, and for the building, $2,200, a total of $2,500. The two largest, recorded subscrip- tions were for $100. Several who were unable to give money, gave materials, or day's labor, glad to aid the good work as they could. On April 16. 1836, the church extended a call to the Rev. James Knox to become its pastor. This he accepted only as a "stated supply." They were received into the Fairfield West Consociation, February I9th, 1839. During the first year but five were added to the church, but in the succeeding year, 1837, fifty-one were received in confession, and eleven by letter, a totaj of sixty-two. After deducting the loss by deaths, two, and by dismission to other churches, six, the membership was one hundred and twenty-three. The membership was almost stationary during the next five years, the loss by death and dismission about equaling the increase, and one year, 1839, the only year in the church's history, there were no additions. In 1843 the church again took a forward move- ment with the addition of thirty-one by confession and three by letter, and after deducting its losses had a membership" of 140. The first fifteen years of the church's existence covered five pastorates, but the Rev. Francis C. Woodworth was the only one installed as pastor. The next two pastorates were much longer and showed a larger growth in membership and activities. In the early part of Rev. D. R. Austin's connection with the church the name was changed to "The Congre- gational Church, of South Norwalk," and a debt of $800 was paid. In 1856 the church was enlarged, so as to nearly double its seating capacity, a bell and organ were secured and a general advance was made in the equipment for ag- gressive service. Under Mr. Austin's guidance the young people of the church were organized into working bands, and a Sunday school was organized on the hill oo the West Xorwalk road. The scholars met out of doors in pleasant weather, and in Mr. Bates' house at other times, and later in Samuel Seymour's barn. Another Sunday school was organized in East Norwalk near the tide-mill. A third was organized in the Ely Neck road, for which a rude structure was erected. In connection with the Sunday school work, prayer-meetings were held and a general interest in religious work stimulated. Dur- ing this ministry of fifteen years the membership of the church was advanced from 162 to 264. The pastorate of Rev. Homer N. Dunning, extend- ing from 1866 to 1883, seventeen years, is the longest of any with our church. In 1876 we celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the church. This was also the year of the great revival and as a result 118 were added to our church on profession. Following this revival the Y. P. S. C. E. was organized and has been a power for Christian growth among our young people. The Sunday school increased in attendance and help- fulness, and the religious life of the church and com- munity greatly benefitted. The additions to the church brought the membership from 246 to 416. Between the pastorates of Rev. H. N. Dunning and of Rev. James H. Ross, his successor, a chapel was built on the church property and was used for a portion of the Sunday school, for prayer meetings, and social gather- ings, and proved a very helpful addition to efficient church work. The pasto'rate of Mr. Ross was short, only four and a half years. During this time occurred the 50th anniversary "of the church. This was fittingly ob- served by services on the Sabbath, and a social gathering on Monday evening. A very pleasant feature was the Union Communion service of the Norwalk Congrega- tional Church with us on Sunday afternoon, conducted by the pastors of the Norwalk and South Norwalk Con- gregational Churches, and the elements distributed by the deacons of the two churches. This service was so highly appreciated that for sev- eral years a similar one was held, alternating between u the churches, marking the spiritual growth of the church. In 1887 sixty-one were received on profession, largely from the young people of the church and Sunday school. The church membership was increased from 416 to 497 during the pastorate of Mr. Ross. The movement for a new church building, started during the early part of Mr. Dunning's pastorate, and earnestly advocated by him, took definite form during Mr. Ross's ministry. The old church property was sold, a generous sub- scription raised, a new site was purchased and ground broken for the new structure May 31, 1888. The laying of the foundation was begun July 25th. The corner slone was laid October 24, 1888. Hon. John H. Ferris, chair- man of the building committee, was master of cere- monies. Addresses were made by Rev. Edward Ander- son, pastor of the Norwalk Congregational Church ; Rev. H. A. Delano, pastor of the Baptist Church; Rev. Charles E. Harris, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church ; Rev. J. A. Biddle, of Hartford, to whom we had extended a call to become our pastor, and Frank A. Ferris, then of New York. Deacon Stephen G. Ferris laid the corner stone, using a silver trowel. The new church was completed and worship begun the last Sunday in December, 1889. The dedication was early in January, 1890. Rev. Jacob A. Biddle accepted our call and began his work with us in November, 1888, and aided us in making good use of the impulse given to our religious interest by the removal to our new church. Ill health limited the activ- ities to which his earnest spirituality prompted him, and he resigned in April, 1891. The pastorate of Rev. Gerald H. Beard, Ph.D., be- gan October i, 1892. A young man, well equipped for the ministry by natural qualifications and educational ad- vantages, to this, his first charge, he gave himself unreservedly. He was a preacher of unusual strength and a worker of excellent executive ability. He strengthened the organized work of the church, and added to it until it included all classes of the members of the church and congregation, including The Men's Sun- day Club; The Woman's Missionary Association, with its charity and visiting committees ; The Y. P. S. C. E., including an Intermediate and Junior organization; three circles of King's Daughters ; one circle of King's Sons. A most helpful service was rendered the young people and the children of the church by the pastor's classes for instruction, in which church membership and Christian living was presented in simple form. The value of this work was apparent in those who came before the church committee for admission to the church. Dr. Beard's pastorate was terminated by a call to the College Street Congregational Church, Burlington, Vt. The pre- sent pastor, Rev. Paul M. Strayer, began his work with us January ist, 1901. The favorable beginning of this ministry argues well for its success. 1 AT TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF SOUTH NORWALK Rev. Romily F. Humphries, of this church, spoke as follows: NE law of the kingdom of God is ex- tension, or, to use a word made familiar to us to-day by happenings of state, expansion. That is the mission- ary spirit. Trinity church, South Nor- walk, was the result of expansion. On September 5, 1858, a number of par- ishioners of St. Paul's, Norwalk, 01- ganized "a Missionary and Benevolent Society for the purpose of establishing services of the church and build a chapel for that purpose,'' in South Norwalk. The fol- lowing officers were elected: Rev. William Cooper Mead, D. D., president ex-officio; John H. Smith, vice-presi- dent ; F. St. John Gibbs, secretary ; Charles F. Osborn, treasurer. According to records of St. Paul's parish, Al- fred H. Camp was elected secretary, but according to letter dated September 5, 1859, and attested by secretary of the meeting, F. St. John Gibbs was elected to the office of secretary. A piece of ground was bought for $1,163.37, and paid for. Two-thirds of this land was reserved for future sale in the hope that it would soon be worth the cost of the whole. At the time of sale it brought $2,500. On March 23, 1860, it was resolved to proceed at once to erect a chapel at South Norwalk, with the very positive understanding that when the chapel should be furnished and ready for use it should be free of debt. Unfortunately Trinity parish has more than once felt the pressure of debt, but this spirit of our fathers has not been lost ; it is the grain, so to say, to-day, and is a worthy inheritance. With the rector, Dr. Mead, were associated John H. Smith, Jonathan Camp and Charles F. Osborn as building committee. The final report of this committee was submitted July 15, 1861. The corner stone had been laid on May 9," 1860, by the Rt.-Rev. John Williams, assistant bishop of Connecticut, and the chapel consecrated by him on May 7, 1861. John H. Smith and D. H. Webb were appointed general super- visors of all minor affairs of the chapel. The Rev. Thom- 64 as Edward Pattison, curate of St. Paul's church, Nor- walk, was placed in charge of the services. Prior to the erection of Trinity chapel services had been held in Ely's hall, South Norwalk, when, on July 8, 1859, th e initial steps were taken toward the organization of the Mission- ary and Benevolent society. For the next six years the history of Trinity chapel is the record of a growing mission faithfully watched and sustained by the mother parish. But now the young child began to be conscious of its own strength ; it still desired some of the fostering income, but suggested that it could dispense with parental control. In 1867 Dr. Mead, Joseph W. Hubbell, Samuel E. Olmstead and Winfield S. Hanford were appointed a committee to take the stature of this ambitious child and judge if she could walk alone. This committee reported adversely. In "numbers and in some other respects" the members of the chapel were not judged strong enough for separate and independent parish life. Probably had they been strong enough "in some other respects" their deficiency in numbers would not have defeated their am- bition. However, the committee hoped "that the time is not far distant when these conditions will be met, and then it is not doubted that the parent will give sympathy and liberal aid." Nothing daunted the chapel worship- pers declared in the following year that they had grown and were anxious to try their strength. The parish of St. Paul's heeded this cry and voted that the growth and prosperity of the church in South Norwalk would be furthered if the chapel should become independent. The gentlemen of Trinity chapel responded, expressing pleas- ure at the vote and desiring to be set free, with their chapel property intact, that they might proceed "to or- ganize a new parish at South Norwalk in the town of Norwalk for the worship of Almighty God according to the forms, rites and usages of the Protestant Episcopal church." This communication was read at a parish meeting of St. Paul's, April 5, 1868, and on motion of SamueJ Lynes, consent was given for the foundation of a new parish, and Charles F. Osborn, treasurer of the parish, was authorized to convey the chapel property to the new corporation when all ecclesiastical and state requirements were satisfied. On April 7, 1868, the new organization was formed and the Episcopal society of Trinity church, South Nor- walk, became independent of the mother parish with the following corporate members: Winfield S. Hanford, El- birt A. Woodward, Walter C. Quintard, Burr Knapp, Lemuel A. Austin, Charles R. Bennett, Ira F. Hoyt, Robert I. Tolles, Edgar B. Hoyt, Edward D. Cornell, John H. Smith, Benjamin F. Wilcox, Alfred Chichester, Thomas Wilcox, Henry C. Ely, Henry R. Fitch, A. L. Vanderbilt, Stephen S. Hatch, E. A. Curtis, Samuel Waters, David H. Webb, Isaac N. Smith, Henry R. Oil- man, Edwin Grumman, William S. Knapp, George A. Keeler, Walter D. Smith and Royal D. Higgins, M. D. E. A. Woodward was elected clerk of the parish. Win- field S. Hanford was the first senior warden, which office he held until 1882. John H. Smith was elected junior warden, was re-elected each year until 1882, when he be- came senior warden. This office he held until his death in 1895. The first vestrymen were: David H. Webb, Lem- uel A. Austin, Edgar B. Hoyt, A. L. Vanderbilt, Burr Knapp, John H. Smith was elected treasurer. The Rev. Curtis T. Woodruff resigned the curacy of St. Paul's, Norwalk, to become the first rector of Trinity church. He was called April 13, 1868, and resigned April 21, 1870. The record of the next four rectorships may be passed by with brief notice. It is a history of ups and downs. Pastors worked faithfully and people responded with loyalty and devotion. If some days were not so bright and hopeful as others, still priest and people worshipped and worked in earnest service, they planted and watered in faith that God would give the increase. The Rev. William G. Spencer, D.D., accepted a call to the rectorship September 21, 1870, and remained until May 8, 1882. A rectory was built for Dr. Spencer, which, with the lot on which it stood, was sold later when the parish was in need of funds. The Rev. George P. Hebbard became rector in July, 1882, and resigned No- vember 30, 1885. The Rev. Thomas Bell was called January 28, 1886. and resigned charge September 19, 1887. An interval of more than seven years elapsed before another rector was called. The Rev. Olin Hallock ac- cepted a call May i, 1888, and resigned on account of ill health June i, 1895. On October 28, of the same year, the Rev. F. W. Norris became rector. His resignation was accepted to take effect June i, 1900. The rectorship 68 of Mr. Morris was one of re-organization, strengthening and enlargement. So far back as 1890, Miss Katherine Atherton started a building fund for a new church build- ing, but it remained for Mr. Norris to institute the new movement and carry it to completion. Under his ad- ministration the church grew in numbers and "in some other respects" so that in the summer of 1899, it was ready to proceed at once to enlarge the church building. The following gentlemen were appointed a building com- mittee: S. C. Palmer, G. C. Stillson, R. H. Golden and Stephen S. Hatch. The work was completed at a totai cost of $11,606.26, all paid for when the committee sub- mitted its final report April 16, 1900. The corner stone of the new church was laid on October i, eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, 1899, by the Rt. Rev. Chauncey Bunce Brewster, Bishop of Connecticut, and the new church consecrated by him May 26, 1900. The resigna- tion of Mr. Norris was most reluctantly accepted, April 27th, 1900, when resolutions appreciative of "his splen- did work in stimulating spiritual life and promoting growth in numbers and financial strength." In August, 1900, a marble altar was erected in honor of William Cooper Mead, D.D., founder of Trinity church, and placed in the sanctuary, a bequest from his daughter. The Rev. Romilly F. Humphries assumed charge as rec- tor November i, 1900. At Easter, 1901, the parish pre- sented a handsome marble and Caen stone reredos in memory of John H. Smith, whose life was so closely link- ed with that of the parish'. The present wardens and vestrymen are: Senior warden, George C. Stillson; junior warden, Josiah N. Grumman; vestrymen, Col. Leslie Smith. William W. Lester, Philip N. Knapp, Minot S. Smith, David W. Raymond, Milford A. Giffin, Charles H. Aisthorpe and Edwin H. Mathewson; treas- urer, Col. Leslie Smith; clerk, Samuel W. Hoyt, Jr.; sexton. Robert H. Wood. It is true this record does not set forth what might be termed the inner life of Trinity Parish. Its influence as a church upon the community, its ministration to human lives, but these, no human rec- ords would be sufficient to show. Perhaps the best testi mony is to be seen in its present outlook. Trinity church in its old life and in its new is aglow with desire to fulfill the wishes of her Master. God grant that as the day of Trinity Church con- tinue, so her strength may be sufficient for this service. AT THE SOUTH NORWALK METHODIST CHURCH LARGE congregation gathered at the South Norwalk Methodist church, to attend the special celebration service. Rev. Walter W. T. Duncan delivered an able address on "A Brief Sketch of Methodism in South Norwalk." His text was Numbers xxiii., 23: "What hath God Wrought?" A digest of his remarks follow: "The very first of the original Methodists to visit New England was really one of that band of devout and scholarly young men in Oxford, England, called in de- rision 'The Holy club.' It was none other than the Rev. Charles Wesley, M. A. This, however, was before his experience of the Witness of the Spirit, without which Methodism would never have been the power it has be- come. It is therefore more correct to say that the first Methodist sermon in New England was preached thirty- six years later, viz. : 1772, when the Rev. Richard Bard- man, one of America's first Methodist missionaries, es- tablished a society in the city of Boston. But still later, in the year 1785, the Rev. William Black, the founder of Methodism in Nova Scotia, was on his way to Baltimore to attend the famous Christmas conference which organ- ized the Methodist Episcopal church. He stopped and preached the gospel somewhere in the neighborhood of Bridgeport, Conn. But still one more itinerant was destined to precede the great founder of Methodism in New England ; it was the Rev. Cornelius Cook. His career was short only two years. During one of them he preached at Norwalk. "We come now to Jesse Lee. He was the 'founder' because he gathered up the scattered fragments of Meth- odist labor and gave to them permanent form. The story of his first visit to Norwalk is this: It was Wednesday afternoon, the I7th day of June, 1789. At 4 o'clock a preacher on horseback appeared before the door of Heze- kiah Rogers. This gentleman was away and Lee made his desire known to Mrs. Rogers. He desired to preach in her house. She refused, explaining that her husband was absent. Lee asked the use of an old deserted build- ing, or of the orchard. Being refused in all, he went out on the highway and proclaimed the message of free salva- tion from the text, 'Ye must be born again.' The recep- tion he -received was cold, but no man was ever better fitted to carry the message of experimental religion to a people who, from their very training, were calculated to make most chilling the reception of such a preacher as he. He adds a word of comment which at once shows his sunny faith and mounts on prophetic wing: 'Who knows but I shall yet have a place in this town where I may lay my head?' "The first circuit formed in this section of country was known as the Fairfield circuit. It embraced a terri- tory which then had only few members, and no regularly appointed pastor but which now has some twenty-three pastors and some six thousand members. "It was not, however, till Absolom Day, a Methodist convert from New York city, came to South Norwalk that Methodism really took root. He opened his house for preaching. But, noble-hearted, godly man that he was, he seemed destined to see the cause he loved de- cline and die; for despite the faithful preaching of the itinerants the field proved so barren of results that it was decided to abandon it as a preaching place. "But on the day selected for the last service, several persons received a religious awakening, a revival broke out which resulted in the bringing of Methodism at once into prominence and prosecution. Great difficulty was experienced in securing suitable accommodation. It was not until the year 1817 that the first church building was dedicated. In 1834 Norwalk became a separate charge and had a pastor of its own. In 1836 the first parsonage was built, the land having been given by Absolom Day. It was situated on what is now South Main street. This property was abandoned in the year 1851, and the next year the present grounds purchased. The building pur- chased with it was used as a parsonage until sixteen years later the present building was substituted. "The second church building was erected in 1843 during the pastorate of the Rev. Harvey Husted. Some thirteen years later while the Rev. Francis Baltome was pastor, the old edifice was enlarged and its seating ca- pacity increased to six hundred. In 1858 the Methodis church in Norwalk was established and although through this movement and the subsequent establishment of two Methodist Episcopal churches in the town of Norwalk "Old First" lost many members, she has continued strong to this hour and brings forth blessed fruit in her old age. "In the evening Rev. Mr. Duncan gave the annual address to the firemen of South Norwalk and East Nor- walk. The church was filled to overflowing upstairs and down. About ninety firemen were in attendance in full uniform. They declared the service to be most instruc- tive and enjoyable. Mr. Duncan made several additions to the historical data given in the morning in regard to Methodism in order that the record to be filed would be complete. The church was decorated with flags in keeping with the day. SKETCH OF ST. MARY'S PAfRISH (CATHOLIC) HE honor of being the first Catholics to settle in Norwalk belongs to Mich- ael Cooney and family who came from New York in May, 1828. Mr. Coo- ney was a hat dyer and lived near the dock on the east side of Water street. William Donahoe followed with his family of six persons in 1829. Cle- ment Burns came later and four years later the families of Farrell Gillooly and of Brennan arrived. Father Mc- Dermott visited Norwalk semi-annually from 1832 until his transfer to Lowell in 1837, each time celebrating mass in the front room of Mr. Cooney's house. The next priest to visit Norwalk was Rev. James Smyth of New Haven. During his visits here he celebrated mass in various places, including a residence in Five Mile River. In 1848 a committee embracing Paul Bresnen, John Hanlon, John Foley, Terence Reynolds and Farrell Gil- hooly was appointed to frame a petition to Bishop Tyler for a resident priest. Accordingly, he appointed Rev. John Brady to Norwalk, with Stamford and other places nearby as dependencies. Father Brady began imme- diately to prepare for a church building. Both Protes- tants and Catholics contributed generously to the erec- tion of the edifice. An anecdote will illustrate the feel- ing of good will that prevailed among all classes. Paul Bresnen and Terence Reynolds were appointed the com- mittee to solicit aid from non-Catholics. The most in- fluential man in the town was the Rev. Dr. Mead of St. Paul's Episcopal church. He must be secured to head the list, said the committee; so to him they went and, after making their business known, Dr. Mead, who knew the men very well, said, "Paul, how is it you come to me first? Why not go to the Congregational minis- ter, Dr. Hall?" Paul, who was always ready, promptly replied, "Well, Dr., we know you to be an offshoot from the parent stock." The Dr. took the list and headed it generously and was followed by Dr. Hall and many of the most influential citizens of the town. The church was completed in 1851 and on January 28th of that year, it was dedicated by Bishop O'Reilly. In 1853, Father Brady was succeeded by Rev. ,E. C. Cooney, who re- mained only one year. Old residents remember him as specially zealous in promoting the temperance cause. Next came Rev. Hugh O'Reilly, whose pastorate lasted five years. On July iSth, 1859, R CV - John Mulligan, D.D., one of the most talented and promising clergymen in the Hartford diocese, assumed charge. He died Jan- uary I2th, 1862. He was succeeded by Rev. Peter A. Smith, who came here from East Bridgeport, who or- ganized a school and who began and completed the pres- ent church, excepting the spire. The corner stone was laid in 1869 and the edifice was dedicated in 1870. It cost $85,000 but there was an indebtedness of only $20,- ooo when dedicated. It is a Gothic structure 60x130 and has a seating capacity of 1,200 persons. Father Smith died December i6th, 1875, after a very successful pastorate. Rev. P. O'Dwyer succeeded in January, 1876. His term of service was brief, though replete with works that redounded to the welfare of the parish. Rev. John Russell followed January 3Oth, 1878. He built St. Mary's Parochial School, purchased the convent and in- troduced the Sisters of Mercy from Meriden into this parish. His successor was Rev. Wm. J. Slocum, who came in 1883. He completed the church by the erection of a spire and also liquidated the indebtedness on the church to the joy of his parishioners. During his in- cumbency St. Mary's parish was raised to the dignity of a permanent rectorship. His successor in September, 1895, was Rev. G. B. A. Dougherty, who remained one year. He was succeeded by the present rector (Septem- ber, 1901) the Rev. John Furlong, who began his ad- ministration October 12, 1896. Recognizing the im- portance of a place for social entertainments he purchas- ed a site opposite the church where he established the Catholic Club in 1897. Written for the Committee. ST. JOSEPH'S (CATHOLIC) CHURCH OF SOUTH NORWALK Rev. William Maher, D. D., Rector. E beautiful new church on South Main Street, the pride of the Catholic population of South Norwalk, and the object of admiration ' of the, general community, has been the latest addition to the church edifices of the city. Its handsome brick facade and broad granite approaches, trimmed with brown stone, attract the attention of the stranger; who is surprised on entering the spacious building to find most superb ly harmonious furniture and decorations. The stained glass windows, the chancel drapery, the statuary, the mural paintings, the ''Way of the Cross,'' the paneled ceiling outlined in gold, the noble organ, the beautiful altars in white and 'cream and gold all com- bine to form an exquisitely artistic interior. The color effect by day is superb, particularly when the morning sunlight is beaming through the rich opalescent glass of the great rosette window above the organ gallery, or in the later hours when the sun's rays gleam through the beautiful cathedral glass of the chancel lancet groups, consisting of the Crucifixion the Sacrifice of Abraham and the Sacrifice of Melchisedec. But surpassing the polychrome beauty by day of fresco and richly tinted light, is the dazzling loveliness of the church by night, when lit by the hundreds of electric lamps clustered around the capitals of the pillars and pillarettes and in chancel brackets, or hidden behirt'd the great arch of the sanctuary and in the alcoves of the lateral shrines. Large congregations assemble at the Vesper ser- vices and for the lecture courses given by Dr. Maher on the Sunday evenings of the year, not only to listen to the choice music and the historical and doctrinal ad- dresses, but also to enjoy the strikingly elevating influ- ences of the beautiful illumination. St. Joseph's Church bears witness to the wonderful growth of Catholicity in the Norwalks in the last half century. In his historical address for the quarter mil- lenial celebration of the town, entitled "The Catholic Church in the Norwalks in the Latter Half of the Century," the Rev. Rector recalled for the benefit of the large congregation that packed the church for the occa- sion the leading facts in the foundation and progress of the Catholic faith here in our midst. It is indeed surprising that from the handful of a flock of twenty-five souls, a little more than fifty years ago, when a clergyman visited the little colony about every six months, the Catholic population has expanded to the number of 5,000 in the Twin Cities, forming two pros- perous parishes, served by three clergymen, and enjoy- ing all the religious and educational advantages of their belief. The first church edifice erected by the Catholics of the town was built in 1850, and dedicated by Bishop O'Reilly, second bishop 'of the Hartford Diocese, on Jan. 28, 1851. It has since been known as "St. Mary's Chapel." The present stately edifice on West Avenue, was dedicated in 1870 at a cost of $85,000, of which amount only $20,000 were unpaid on the auspicious occasion. In September, 1895, St. Joseph's parish was founded, and the division of the Catholics of the twp Norwalks into separate congregations was effected. The first pas- tor of the new flock was Rev. John T. Winters, who purchased the present site of church and rectory, and began the construction of the present building. The corner stone was laid on April 4, 1897, by Rt. Rev. Bishop Tierney; and the preacher on the occasion was the present rector, Rev. Dr. Maher, who chose for his subject ''The Living Voice of the Church." His address was a powerful exposition of the credentials of the Catholic Church, and made a very deep impression on the immense throng of nearly 10,000 people to whom it was addressed. At Easter, April 3, 1899, Dr. Maher succeeded to the pastorate of St. Joseph's, and at once took up the work of completing the church. The dedication took place on Decoration Day, 1900, and there were present from the Diocese and neighboring States no less than 125 clergymen. The Catholics of South Norwalk have earned the good-will and 'esteem of all classes and creeds. Politi- cally divided between the two great parties, they are socially the peers of their neighbors, and recognized in- tellectually as influential elements in the population of the city. St. Joseph's (Catholic) Church. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH OF N O R W A L K | HE services at the Norwalk Methodist church were of a purely historical character. Special prayers were said for the president and the latest bulletin stating his condition was read. After a brief introduction the pastor, Rev. H. B. Munson, gave the following statement of the church's history: Few things are more graphic than the startling con- trasts of history. A single passenger on a sailing vessel bound for Georgia amazed and impressed by the religious courage of a band of Moravians determined to know for himself the certitude of the things to be believed. The year 1735 and the passenger John Wesley. That is the genesis not only of American Methodism, but of the world wide movement of the Evangelical Revival, and of the far greater moral and religious uplift that came to all the forces of civilization from the work of this one leader. The little band of Moravian missionaries builded better than they knew when they wrought on the heart of John Wesley. But what could be more startling than the contrast between the feeble beginning and the pres- ent status of Methodism, now the most numerous of all the Protestant denominations. A contrast equally as startling and more pertinent in that it lies around us. As can be seen by noting the early history of Methodism in our own town and its growth through the years since its introduction. Norwalk was already more than a century old be- fore a Methodist minister appeared on its streets. Judged as Americans judge age the town might have been callled ancient ; its forests were cleared ; its hillsides were tilled; its roads well beaten; its social and com- munal religious life well settled. Like all other towns in the same region its traditions were fixed and honored with most scrupulous observance. The old Puritans held first to the doctrinal decrees and to tradition and it was oftentimes difficult to tell which was most tena- ciously adhered to and honored. He might occasion- ly doubt one of the decrees but a well established tra- dition was, like the honored guest, given the place of p highest honor. The doctrines he held may be briefly said to have been the five points of Calvinism, and the traditions those of the orderliness and regularity of the services of the church and the operations of sovereign grace. Their church and her decrees were a part of their town government. Their churches were built, their ministers settled and supported, their schools and col- leges established according to law; and a tax was laid on the people to sustain their institutions in conjunction with their civil institutions. In thus provding for the support of the parish church, they took care to guard against the introduction of other sects, as far as they could, simply tolerating them in holding meetings, while they were abridged in many of their rights. According GAL 10. vbgkqj cmfwyp shrdlu etaoinnnnn to these reglations all citizens were members of the Congregational church, and obliged to pay their pro- portion of the support of the church unless they lodged a certificate with the town clerk that they had attached themselves to some other society. The very appearance of a Methodist preacher was a challenge to both doctrinal decrees and the traditions of any New England community; for in place of the five points of Calvinism he brought the counter points of Ar- minianism, and instead of heeding inviolable customs he violated ruthlessly all of the observed order of proce- dure. He cared for no meeting house ; a wayside tree, a grove of them, or a small cottage were all he expected or desired, if ten or twenty persons could there hear the word of God. There is no desire to rehearse the story of the old controversy waged with such bitterness over this New England field, nor to narrate the modifications which time has brought to both parties of the contest. All that is past and both parties are devoutly glad that it is. It is sufficient for our purpose this morning to note that the place where Methodism first flung its challenge to the dominant creed lies within our own city limits, and that the pioneer preacher was Jesse Lee. On the 1 7th of June, 1789, Jesse Lee preached his first sermon in New England at Norwalk, Conn. The difficulties he encountered at the outset were characteris- tic of the community, and were met by his characteristic persistence. He writes in his diary, under date of Wednesday, June 17, 1789, "I set off to take a town farther into Connecticut than any of our preachers have been. I am the first that has been appointed to this state by the conference. I set out with a prayer to God for a blessing on my endeavors and with an expectation of many oppositions. "At four o'clock in the afternoon he arrived at Nor- walk and applied for a private house to preach in but was refused. He then asked for the use of an old de- serted building in sight, but was again refused. He pro- posed to preach in a neighboring orchard but was still refused. He took his stand at last, under an apple tree on the public road, surrounded by twenty hearers. After singing and praying, he says, I preached from John III., 7: 'Ye must be born again.' I felt happy that we were favored with so comfortable a place. After preaching I told the people I intended to be with them again in two weeks ; and if any of them would open their houses to me I would be glad; but if they were not willing we would meet in the same place. Who knows but I shall yet have a place in this town where I can lay my head?" (See Stevens's history). The apple tree referred to stood at the corner of Main street and North avenue, near where the water tank is now placed. Mr. Lee proceeded in his work till he formed a regular circuit including the towns of Norwalk, Fairfield, Stratford, Milford, Redding, Danbury and Canaan. In this circuit the oldest society was Stratford, Redding was second. The first Methodist church in New England was built in the town of Weston and call- ed in honor of the pioneer Lee's chapel. (The building was rebuilt in 1813. Authority for above, Bangs's His- tory, Vol. i, pages 286-93.) I* ' ls not known when the Norwalk society was first formed, probably not later than 1790. The services of the society were held for several years in the red school house in South Norwalk, in 1816. The first building was erected on the site at present occu- pied by the new church at South Norwalk. From this time the growth of the society was rapid and in 1834 the appointment was changed from a circuit, or a part of one, to a station. The next date which claims our attention, as marking an epoch in the Methodist history in this place is 1858. It was in this year that the Methodists living in this part of the town drew away from the parent society, and formed the organization of what is known legally as the Second Methodist Episcopal church of Norwalk, but is commonly spoken of as the uptown or Norwalk church. There had been for some years preceding the date last mentioned, a feeling that this was a goodly land and that we, as good Methodists, ought to go in and possess it. But how or when best to do it was the question that seemed to baffle the minds of those who most pondered it. The way was shown finally and the propitious time came and as we look back at it from this vantage place we can see that both the way and the time were provi- dential. An unknown but conscientious hostman writ- ing in the church records, records the fact in these words: "The division, which must inevitably have come, was hastened by certain irritating circumstances which occurred during the pastorate of Geo. C. Creevy and caused his removal, and the appointment of Hart F. Pease in the spring of 1858." The meaning of that diplomatic phase "irritating circumstances" there are man)' here who well remember, sufficient it is for our purpose to note that on the first Sabbath of the new con- ference year, April 25, 1858, a meeting was held in "Phoenix Hall," which stood on the South side of Wall street, east of the bridge. The preacher was Dr. Asa Hill, the text Phil, i :2Q, "For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer with him." At this service 96 persons gave their names as desiring to unite with the new uptown society and two committees were appointed, one on place of worship consisting of Platt Price, D. W. Nash, G. P. Adams, David Betts, Sherman Cole, George T. Brady and S. R. Bunting and one on Sunday school, George T. Brady, George W. Selleck, S. ,H. Holmes and Daniel Fitch. At the second service of this day E. J. Peck, a local preacher, spoke from Pro. III., 6: "In all thy ways," etc., and twenty more entered their names for the purpose of forming a society. The meetings were held in the hall above mentioned, in private houses and in a barn fitted with temporary benches. The first officers of the society when it was formed by the presiding elder, E. E. Griswold, were as follows: Preacher in charge Dr. Asa Hill. Trustees David Nash, George W. Selleck, George T. Brady, Gerardus P. Adams, Platt Price, Sherman Cole, Samuel R. Bunting. Stewards Nathan D. Beers, David Betts, Silas B. Meeker, George Nash, Joseph B. Scribner. Class Leaders G. P. Adams, Garrett Haulenbeck, Albert Morehouse, David Betts, Daniel Fitch. The Sunday school superintendent Garrett Hau- lenbeck. Efforts were at once put forth to secure a site for a church building and the committee, Dr. Asa Hill, Platt Price and Sherman Cole, bought for the society the ground on which the church now stands for $1,600 and within a month thereafter a building committee consist- ing of Dr. Hill, Albert Morehouse and Garrett Haulen- beck was appointed with power. Plans drawn by Tappan Reeve, of Brooklyn, archi- tect, were approved and the contract for building let to Thomas W. Lowe, of Brooklyn. Work was begun in November, 1859. The building was raised and enclosed and rapidly approaching completion, when an unlocked for calamity befell the society in the destruction of the church by a terrible gale which occurred February 10, 1860. "This calamity fell very heavily upon the builder, but the brethren consented to pay him $2,500 extra, for which he agreed to go forward and complete the build- ing according to the original contract." The dedicatory services, upon the completion of the structure, were held December 6, 1860, Bishop Janes, Dr. Bartine, of Philadelphia, and Dr. Wakely, of New York, preaching the sermons. No estimate of the sacrifice and devotion which ren- dered this achievement possible, would be at all adequate that did not give discriminating but generous praise to the leaders and the whole company of believers. They all worked and prayed and gave time, worry and devotion that this building might be commissioned for its work. Those were days in which few or none came singing "I pray thee have me excused." It is not because we are mindful of this devotion that we single out for mention the work and name of one man. He it was who like the great Hebrew of old, piloted the people of God through their wanderings and brought them to their fixed habita- tion. Dr. Hill, consecrated lay-preacher that he was, and the church's first pastor, laid the foundation in more senses than one, and all the pastors who have come since have but built on his foundation. Better cannot be said of him than to repeat the resolution passed by the officials of the church at the termination of his pastoral work. "Resolved: By the joint board of leaders, stewards, and trustees of the Second M. E. church of Norwalk, that as a church we are under obligations to Dr. Asa Hill, which we can never repay, for his active faithfulness, and successful labors, by which have been secured to us so large and flourishing a church, and so fine a house in which we and our children and our children's children can worship the living God ; and as the official board of said church, we hereby present to Dr. Hill our sincere and hearty thanks for his untiring and gratuitous ser- vices in securing these highly outward results." Dr. Hill continued to serve the church and Sunday school and other work till his death on December 26, 1874. The list of pastors with the dates of service follows: Asa Hill, 185860. Nathaniel Mead, 1861 2. Samuel H. Smith, 1863 5. J. S. Breckenridge, 1866 8. L Simmons, 186971. John Pegg, 1872 3. R. W. Jones, 18746 C. S. Williams, 187778. C. S. Wing, 187981. W. H. Thomas, 188284. H. D. Weston, 1885. W. W. Clark, 18867. George VanAlstyne, 1888 92. A. K. Wyatt, 189396. F. A. Scofield, 18978. S. L. Beiler, 1899. H. A. Munson, 1900. The list includes 17 names, of whom 6 are dead and the rest, with the exception of Brother Smith, are still in the active work of the ministry. Of the various characteristics of those pastorates it is needless that I should speak in detail. The work of the church has moved along on strictly Methodist lines, true to the genius of our faith. Revival after revival has passed through our church, and hundreds have bowed at her altars in contrition for sin. Her growth has been steady from the little band who initiated the movement to the present membership which is the largest of any Protestant church in the township. We say this not in the spirit of boasting, but rather humiliated by the consciousness of how much more might have been done and with a clear vision of the vastness of the work TO that lies still at our hands. The record of these years if they lead to congratulation ought to lead to consecra- tion ; if they show what God hath wrought ought also to show what is of great value, and that is that our church history is not made, but rather in the making and that we are the inheritors of a church and its prop- erty, whose value lies in the God given work for our community that can yet be exercised by the spirit and controlled by the mind of Christ Our ecclesiastical history may not date as far back- on the calendar as some of our sister churches. Let us give them honor for the work they have done and let us remember that the future belongs to both them and us till we all come in a unity of faith, and of the knowl- edge of the Son of God, and grow up unto Them, in all things, which is the head, even Christ. 71 GRACE CHURCH, NORWALK, CONN. N the early Spring of 1890 a petition was presented to the Bishop and Standing Committee of the diocese of Connecticut asking for the organiza- tion of a new parish in the town of Norwalk. This petition was signed by one hundred and twenty-five persons, including a number of the prominent communicants of St. Paul's Church. The ground for such action was the sincere convic- tion that there was great need of another parish in the central part of the borough, and that the time had come when "a daughter" might, without disloyalty or injury to the "mother," go out and establish her own house- hold. On Sept. i6th, the Standing Committee, with the hearty approval of the bishop, gave unanimous consent to the formation of the parish, which decision was based on their judgment that a separate organization would be far better than a chapel. On September 24th, Grace Church parish was legal- ly formed, Messrs. A. C. Golding and W. H. Smith were elected wardens ; Gould Hoyt, clerk ; Levi Warner, agent, and Chas. F. Osborn, Robert Van Buren, W. F. Bishop, T. S. Morrison, G. W. Cram and Wm. Lockwood, ves- trymen. To this number were afterwards added Messrs. W. S. Moody, Jr., C. W. Many and W. E. Montgomery. The Hon. James W. Hyatt was made treasurer, with Mr. W. E. Montgomery as his assistant. A subscription paper was immediately started, and a building committee appointed. They had plans pre- pared by Messrs. Thayer and Wallace, of Brooklyn, and recommended that the parish purchase the Belden prop- erty on the angle of Belden avenue and Cross street. This site was finally chosen, the fine old house was removed, and ground was broken for the church about the tenth of November. The work was rapidly pushed forward during the winter under the direction of Mr. A. C. Golding, and the building was completed on April 2oth. In the mean- time the ladies had organized a guild and were busy in raising funds for the furniture. They gave, in all, to this obiect, $1,300. Ml The church is, in many respects, an ideal one for a rural town. Its situation is exceptionally beautiful. The building, constructed entirely of wood, is shingled from peak of tower to foundation, with an interior finish of ash and southern pine. The ground plan is cruciform, 89 ft. long, and 48 1-2 ft. wide across the transepts. The nave is 54x25 ft. The choir (25x12 ft.) is outside of the chancel arch, raised three steps above the main floor, and the sanctuary (13x10 ft.) is formed by the organ chamber and vestry room. An ambulatory, now used as choir vestry, extends across the church, back of the chancel. Over the intersection of nave and transepts the large square tower rises to the height of 45 ft. affording light and ventilation from twenty small windows. The bap- tistry is in the west transept near the choir. The chan- cel furniture and stalls are of oak ; the pews of ash. The altar stands as a memorial of Margaret and Amelia Bel- den, the former owners of the parish property. The solid silver communion service is given in memory of Edwin and Eliza S. Hoyt by their children. Other special gifts are the brass cross, vases and altar desk, the credence table, the font, alms basins, hymn board and alms boxes. The organ has two manuals and sixteen stops. In construction, quality of tone and power, it is a splendid and thoroughly satisfactory instrument. The windows are of stained glass, in simple designs and bright colors. The approach is by broad steps to an open porch from which three doors give entrance to the nave. From this brief description it can be seen that, while in no sense pretentious, the church is complete in every detail and a model of good taste. The property, as it stands, is valued at $25,000. Current expenses are met by voluntary pledges, paid by the envelope system, and pews are assigned without ref- erence to the amount pledged. On February 17, 1891, the Rev. S. H. Watkins, of New Haven, was elected rector, and entered upon his duties on April 27. On the evening of this day the bish- op dedicated the church, and preached from Psalm xcvi. 6-9. A large congregation filled the building to over- flowing. The music was rendered by the vested choir under the leadership of Mr. J. H. Baker, of Bridgeport. The Rev. W. F. Watkins, D.D., of Philadelphia, Olm Hallock, of South Norwalk, and the rector assisted in the service. The regular services were begun on the fifth Sun- day the Sunday-school was organized, with eight teach- ers and forty-two scholars. The parish starts with a list of sixty-two families, eighty-seven communicants and 220 individuals a very satisfactory "nucleus." But these figures fail to tell of the enthusiasm and zeal which give great promise of the steady growth and make the outlook most encouraging. At the recent convention of the diocese the parish was admitted into union with that body. Thus organized and equipped, the young "daugh- ter" in this old diocese and older parish begins her labors for Christ and His Church. The old house of post revolutionary times was, as mentioned above, moved back forty feet from the rear of the church on Relden avenue. It has been thorough- ly renovated, restored in olden style and made over into a handsome and comfortable rectory. In the Spring of '92 Mr. N. Ferris took charge of choir after Mr. Baker left. In the summer of 1892 A. D. the Guild Room was built at a cost of about $1,000. Mr. H. Hills, Jr., became organist and choir master in the Fall of 1892. In May, 1894, Miss Jennie K. Nash succeeded Mr. Hills, and was succeeded in turn by Mr. Jas. F. Baker on May ist, 1897. Mr. Thos. S. Morison, Vestryman, died on April 2ist, 1894. The entire debt of the Parish (some $7,800) was paid in September, 1896, and the property deeded to the Trustees of Donations and Bequests for Church pur- poses. The contributors were C. F. Osborn, $5,000; E. A. Woodward, $1,000; Robert and Louise Van Bu- ren, W. F. Bishop, T. S. Vanderhoef, Sophia Weed, M. C. Couch, S. H. and Helen R. Watkins, Goold Brush, L. N. Phinney, Munson Hoyt, Wm. Lockwood, Rebecca Matthews, E. K. Gregory, Mary Martin, A. R. Malkin, Miss Emily Mott, Miss Lizzie Hoyt, Miss Fannie Hoyt, Wm. H. Smith, Miss Florence Morison, Levi Warner, Wm. Butterworth, Miss Cornelia Camp, Albert Davis. Rev. S. H. Watkins resigned the rectorship on Feb- ruary 9th, 1897, and the same took effect on Easter Day April 1 8th. Mr. Chas. F. Osborn, Vestryman, died on February 25*, 1897. 74 Rev. Johnson McClure Bellows entered upon his duties, as rector, May I5th ,1897. Church consecrated by the Right Reverend Chaun- cey Burns Brewster, D.D., successor to the Rt. Rev. John Williams, D.D., assisted by the Rt. Rev. Ethel- bert Talbot, D.D., Bishop of Central Pennsylvania, Tuesday, June the twentieth, Eighteen Hundred and Ninety-nine. Parish house leased by Mrs. Chas. F. Osborn, Octo- ber ist, 1900, being the house, No. 2, Belden Place, own- ed by Wallace Dann, Esq." The total number of families in Grace Parish, No- vember ist, 1901, was 185 : total number of persons, 530; total number of communicants, 316. 78 AT CHRIST CHURCH, EPISCOPAL WESTPORT EV. George Weed Barhydt, Rector, spoke as follows: In response to the request that came to us from the Committee on Literary Exercises for the 25oth anni- versary of the incorporation of the town of Norwalk, of which town the portion of Westport that lies on the west side oi the Saugatuck and south of the old Weston line, was a part for 184 of the 250 years, we have gladly joined with the people of that ancient town in hymns of thanksgiving and praise and have with sincerity prayed that its present and future may be consonant with so worthy a past. It is wise and pregnant with helpful re- sults to lay hold of with thoughtful minds the reverend history that comes down to us as our most precious herit- age. Of the town and nation as of the individual, it is true that honorable and noble standards of principle and conduct in the generations that have wrought and now rest from their labors, give birth to a noblesse-oblige that is all-controlling and can be ignored only with a loss of prestige and a degradation that is as sad as ruinous. The town of Norwalk has an honorable and noble past and we rejoice that the heritage is also ours as the ances- tors of the Westport people helped to win the glories that to-day crown this town's story. So we and especially Christ Church Parish have a rightful part in the rejoic- ings and thanksgivings of this memorable occasion. I am requested to address myself especially to a his- tory of this church and parish which begins chronologi- cally with the history of the separate town of Westport. But the men and women who formed this parish were children of old St. Paul's, whose training was received there and in the Christian homes of its parishioners and also in the public deliberations of the town and church affairs. I think that the general and careful, although not always calm, discussion and examination of the rea- sons for and against any measure that took place in earl- ier times in town and parish councils had a larger influ- ence than is usually credited in the staunchness and in- dependence of character of the sturdy men and women who have left us, both townwise and churchwise, such n noble standards of sterling excellence of character and achievement. I desire to emphasize the fact that the founding of our parish and the first generation of its life were the fruit of Norwalk life. It came from thence and thither should go the honor and praise in God's name and from thence comes the noblesse-oblige that we, now no longer of Norwalk but of Westport, should be true to a noble lineage and preserve in our day and transmit to the generations yet to come an integrity unyielding, a re- ligion pure and undefiled and the noble worship and liturgy of our fathers unimpaired. In the former days it was customary for many even to walk to and fro for divine service. Those were church going days and distance proved no obstacle. Is it not a subject for solicitude when we ponder on the paucity of good church people who to-day, eliminating the question of a pedestrial journey and considering the convenience of the trolley, would be found in their places each Lord's Day with the regularity that marked the church attendance of their hardy, pioneer ancestors, if the distance of three miles stretched between their abodes and the House of God? Yet this question of dis- tance determined the beginnings of the Church life in Saugatuck. As the population increased, the question of training the increasing number of children came up for a solution. It was a natural result that the rector of St. Paul's, Dr. Sherwood, who had organized the first Sunday school in that parish, should inaugurate a simil- ar work in Saugatuck. The interest and enthusiasm manifested were in inverse proportion to the size of the school. This led to occasional services which with the sessions of the Sunday school were sometimes held in private houses but mostly in Shercrow school house that then stood, I am told, on "The Plain," as it was called between the present dwellings of Mr. Theodore Taylor and Mr. Wm. H. Marvin. A small itinerant parish and Sunday school library was inaugurated, housed in a large market basket and composed mostly of theological books of a controversial nature. (Some of these old books are still in the possession of the parish.) Such was the situation when the apostolic Kemper succeeded to the rectorship of St. Paul's in 1831. The Congregationalists directly across the river in the town of Fairfield as early as 1831, began measures to separate from the Greens Farms Society and to organize "the Saugatuck Congregational Society of Westport," which 77 was accomplished in May, 1835. Possibly the mission services and Sunday school held by the Rector of St. Paul's may have been instrumental in this action oi the Congregational brethren. Certainly all such move- ments are infectious and we find, following the Congre- gationalists' move, the record of a meeting of Episco- palians at the house of Mr. William Nash, now the resi- dence of Mr. George A. Darrow, March nth, 1833, "to take into consideration the propriety of building an Epis- copal House of Public worship to be located on the west side of the Saugatuck river." As a result of the deliberations of this meeting "it was deemed necessary that said house should be built and that a meeting be holden at this place on Monday the i8th of March to draw up a subscription for building the church which subscription to be binding provided the sum of $2,000 shall be subscribed." Several meetings followed but nothing much was done until May 13, when at a meet- ing held in the school house, Mr. Taylor Hurlbutt was appointed treasurer to receive the money subscribed and Messrs. Taylor Hurlbutt,, Daniel Nash, Jabez Adams, Isaac Adams, Dennis Nash, Edwin Wheeler, William Nash, Noah Nash and Philo W. Jones were elected a building committee. The plan and size of the building were left entirely to this committee. Of this meeting Mr. Taylor Hurlbutt was chairman and Mr. Robert Ray- mond, clerk. At a subsequent meeting Mr. Daniel Nash was made trustee to sign all necessary papers for the con- veyance of the land chosen whereon to build this new church. Most of the history oi Christ church has been so thor- oughly exploited that little has been left to be said. But there is one matter in which there seems to be a misun- derstanding and, if so, a great wrong done to the mem- ory of Taylor Hurlbutt. I have been informed by the Rev. James E. Coley, grandson of Taylor Hurlbutt, and by others who were alive at the time of the building and conversant with the affairs of the building commit tee and who should know that the land on which the church was built was a free gift from Mr. Taylor Hurl butt. That the land was purchased by the society has several times of late been stated in print. One fact much in favor of the free gift is that in the minutes of the various meetings there is no discussion of a site or pur- chase price. Also at the meeting on June 10, a deed was presented and rejected ; the minutes read ''as no par- re ticular time was specified in the deed when the trustee, Daniel Nash, should quit-claim the land to the church"' and that a new deed be procured to that effect. Mr. Coley has that rejected deed in his possession. It reads, "I, Taylor Hurlbutt of the town of Norwalk, etc., in consideration of love, good will and affection, I hold and have towards the Protestant Episcopal church, to my full satisfaction, I do freely give, grant and convey unto Daniel Nash of said Norwalk to hold in trust for said Protestant Episcopal church, a certain piece of land ly- ing in Norwalk situate on the west side of the Saugatuck river, being a piece of land selected to build an Episcopal church thereon" etc. A new deed was drawn up, the indenture made and agreed between Taylor Hurlbutt and Daniel Nash as trustee, June 13, and recorded in Nonvalk in Book 25, page 169 on June 23d. This sec- ond deed reads, "I, Taylor Hurlbutt for the considera- tion of four hundred dollars received do give, bargain and convey, etc." This deed was accepted at a meeting held June ijth at the house of Mr. Philo W. Jones. It contains, however, a condition that if "within the term of two years a House suitable for the public worship of God agreeable to the Protestant Episcopal Faith" be not built and if " within six months after a society has been legally formed for the purpose of supporting the Protestant Episcopal worship in said house that said Nash, his heirs and assigns and without any other or further consideration than what he has already received by a proper and sufficien't deed" do not "grant and con- vey to such society" said land the deed and conveyance shall be void. If after a lapse of over sixty years the re- corded deed gives a wrong impression by placing the value of the land thus in the deed, the facts should be fully brought out and clearly understood in order that Taylor Hurlbutt should receive the due credit for his generosity. There was an effort made to increase the amount already subscribed that the edifice might be of stone which* was unsuccessful. The subscribers were 122 in number. Among the larger subscribers were: Isaac Adams $ 3 2 - Jabez Adams 5O- Matthew Camp 3- Samuel M. Coley 35 - Taylor Hurlbutt 200.00 Freelove Hurlbutt 75- Philo W. Jones 3- Jackson Kemper 50.00 Daniel Nash 1,000.00 Dennish Nash 125 .00 Cash 100.00 Labor George Nash 80.00 Noah Nash 100.00 William Nash 100.00 Keeler Nash 50.00 Charles Nash 50.00 Henry Nash 30.00 Lewis Partrick 50.00 Lewis Raymond 65 . oo Robert Raymond 35 .00 Horace Staples 30.00 Edwin Wheeler 40.00 Joseph Wood 45 oo Among the smaller gifts is one of $10 from E. H. Nash, who later became the generous benefactor that made this present commodious and beautiful plant a possibility. I cannot resist this opportunity to repeat the story of Daniel Nash's subscription, which I have heard Mr. E. H. Nash tell many times with great relish, although Mr. Selleck has recorded it in his book on the centenary of St. Pauls Church. It appears that after the first burst of generosity that the subscriptions came with less rapidity. But Dr. Kemper had no idea that his plans should fail. So as Daniel Nash warmed himself at the stove in old St. Paul's one chilly Sunday in the latter part of March, the good Doctor approached him, spoke of the pressing need of more money for the Saugatuck building fund and said: "Uncle Daniel, if you will double your subscription, I will double mine." The faithful churchman followed the lead of his trusted and trust- worthy pastor, and so it came about that while Dr. Kemper gave $50, Daniel Nash gave the munificent amount for that time of $1,000. The corner stone was laid May Qth, 1834, by Bishop Brownell, assisted by Dr. Kemper, and the church con- secrated by the Bishop Nov. 2nd, 1835, in the I7th year of his consecration. The parish was legally organized in October, 1835. The church was furnished by the women of the parish at a cost of $133.45. I subjoin a description of the old church, given me by the Rev. Mr. Coley: 'The old church was originally built with doors to the pews a 'square body,' with side pews and two aisles. The pulpit was high, on a level with the top of the gallery, which extended around three sides of the church. The pulpit, reading desk and communion table, all stood one under the other with a circu- lar chancel rail of mahogany. The lamps on the pulpit and desk were the old 'astral,' and the cushions on pulpit and desk, and cover to the com- munion table (for it was a veritable four-legged table, of mahogany frame and legs) were covered with crimson silk damask. The first carpet on the church was a light felt with red and green figures, which was afterwards replaced by a more churchly pattern and style. The vestry room was originally built at the entrance, between the two doors, but the clergyman generally changed his robes in the little closet under the high pulpit, which was hardly large enough to turn about in. At a later period the pulpit was changed and finally taken away altogether and a new vestry room added to the rear of the church. The windows in this old church were immense. They consisted of three sashes, each containing thirty-six panes of glass, making one hundred and eight panes in every window five windows on a side and two on the ends near the chancel." Dr. Kemper resigned the rectorship of St. Paul's, and was consecrated Missionary Bishop of Missouri and Indiana in September, 1835, and till February of the fol- lowing year Christ Church was supplied by the Rev. B. G. Noble, of Bridgeport. On Feb. 6th, 1836, the Rev. Edward Ingersoll was called to be the first rector of the parish. In 1836 Mr. Ingersoll reported fifty-eight families and forty-eight communicants and in 1839, sixty- three families and fifty-seven communicants. The Rev. Milliard Bryant succeeded in 1840. In 1841, the Rev. J. H. Leacock officiated till the advent of the third rec- tor in 1842, the Rev. E. C. Bull. In 1847, Mr. Bull re- ported sixty families and ninety communicants. Then there followed in the order named to the present incum- bent, the Revs. W. H. Frisbee, John Purves, J. R. Wil- liams, Thomas Hyde and H. N. Wayne. In 1852, Mr. Frisbee reported 139 communicants and in 1860, Mr. Purves 168. At about this time came the dark and sad days of turmoil, distress and separation in the life of this vener- able parish, when in discord bitter, which the older people could not forget, and which it were better the younger generation should not know, Trinity parish came into existence. We may well weep and bow our heads in conscious shame when dissension brings the breach of friendship and ill will. But, thank God ! oppos- ing factions no longer exist and the two parishes, as brethren of one household, now dwell together in unity. I would there were the time to speak at length of the noble character and faithful rectorship of J. R. Wil- liams. The present solidity of this parish is due to his truly Christian work and influence from the time of the division through twenty-six years of earnest and never- ceasing endeavor. The foundation he laid could not be wrecked, even by the violent and overwhelming tide of trouble that made havoc in the immediately following rectorship. His is the rest that "remaineth to the people of God" and ours the heritage of a saintly character and noble influence. In 1884 the present new church was built and in 1894 the new Rectory. All this was possible through the generosity and love for the church and parish of the long-time senior and junior wardens, Edward and An- drew Nash. Since 1884 the memories and associations have clustered about this building as once about the old church on the hill. As we recall these years, not yet a quarter of a century, how much of sadness as well as of joy comes to mind with the vividness of recent events. In these few years our present surroundings have be- come dear and blessed to us in the strength and help we have found at this altar and in the round of services for the sorrows and struggles of life. Here we behold the generous giving and earnest labor that gives, according to our opportunity, the best that life has, the life lived with Christ in God, to all that need in this great and beautiful, but unhappy world. Here is exemplified in the grandest sense the truth that my neighbor is he whom I can help, be he at my side or at the farthest con- fines of the earth. And as the years multiply, the old church on the hill will become a -fading memory and at this altar will be read with heart-felt meaning and the eye of faith, the hope of all generations, "Make them to be numbered with Thy saints." I have been forced to omit, much that I should have liked to have rehearsed to you. Because of the occasion I have dwelt more at length on the earlier history which concerns the people who were more of Norwalk than we 88 of to-day. Let us remember that we owe a debt of gra- titude to this ancient town for that priceless, divine pos- session, our church life, and let us give, therefore, due recognition to this honorable lineage and pray earnestly for our brethren of Norwalk, and for our church-mother, noble old St. Paul's. May God bless this ancient town with prosperity, true religion and peace. EV. Kenneth Mackenzie, Jr., Rector, preached a memorial sermon in honor of the day, in the course of which he referred to the history of the parish recently published. To preserve the historic features, the following extract from the pamphlet is given as printed: April Qth, 1860, the declaration for the formation of a new parish in the town of West- port, Conn., was signed. April 1 4th, 1860, the first meeting was held. April 16, 1860, Bishop Brownell and Assistant Bishop Williams gave their canonical consent to the for- mation of the new parish ; and on April 2Oth the Stand- ing Committee of the Diocese signified their approval of the same. April 24th, 1860, the Rev. John Purves, A. M., was called to the rectorship, and on April 26th he accepted the same. April 29th, 1860, the first religious service was held. May yth, 1860, the committee for the purchase of site reported, through its chairman, Mr. Richard H. Winslow, that the house and lot of Captain Edgar Wake- man had been secured. In a historical sermon the Rev. A. N. Lewis says of this location: "An ancient house stood at that time just west of the large elm-tree on the church-grounds, which, before and during the Revolutionary War, had been an inn. It was on the high road from Boston to New York, and more than once, it is said, had the honor of sheltering the illustrious Washington. "On one occasion he had put up at the old inn for dinner. Being very hungry he could not wait, and was engaged in toasting a piece of ham before the open fire. To a boy who had strolled in to see "the General," he said: "This is the way the poor soldiers have to live!" "Washington also met General the Marquis de La Fayette, and General the Count de Rochambeau at the inn, where they passed the night." June i5th, 1860, the parish was admitted into union with the Diocesan Convention. September iQth, 1860, the corner stone of the church edifice was laid. Before the walls were up Mr. Winslow, to whose energy and enthusiasm the young parish owed its im- pulse, passed away, February I4th, 1861. "His death, however, did not interrupt his work, which, in accord- ance with his wishes and instructions, was carried to completion by his widow, Mrs. Mary Fitch Winslow." To this generous friend the parish has ever been, and is, unspeakably indebted for continued benefactions. The church was first opened for divine service Feb- ruary 22d, 1862, and on Friday, June 3Oth, 1863, it was consecrated to the worship of God, according to the order of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. By the Pastor, Rev. Jabez Backus. (A Discourse Delivered Sept. 8, 1901.) CONGREGATIONALISM in Connec- ticut is co-existent and co-extensive with the planting of the different col- onies and the founding of the different towns. It was the policy of the early settlers in New England that each town should have an orthodox min- ister settled for life and a church or- ganized under leave of the general court of the State. The late Prof. Johnson says in his excellent study of the commonwealth, "Democracy of Connecticut": "It would hardly be too strong to say that the establishment of the town and the church was coincident. The universal agreement in religion made town government and church government but the two sides of the same medal, and the same person took part in both." It was not that church and state were one, it was rather that the people were one and of one church. It was not until 1717 that the ecclesiastical society, as distinct 'from the town, was organized and its rights and powers defined by the gen- eral court. In 1679 tne people who had come from the original Plymouth and Massachusetts Colonies and set- tled in Wethersfield, Windsor and Hartford, adopted a constitution which declares their object in these notable viords: "To maintain and preserve the liberty and purity of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ which we now profess, as also the discipline of the churches, which according to the truth of the said gospel is now prac- tised amongst us.'' Under this plan the settling of Con- necticut went forward. Every town had its church. Fairfield county in 1666, the date of its organization, embraced but five towns. These were Fairfield, Strat- ford, Norwalk, Stamford and Greenwich. Each of these early towns have their ancient churches, many of which have, or are about celebrating, their 25oth anniversary. The only reason that Westport did not have a Congrega- tional church a quarter of a millenium ago is, that there was no Westport.. In the early times we belonged to the towns and parishes of Fairfield and Norwalk. Our fathers and mothers trudged a-foot or rode on horseback nearly five miles to attend church. Fairfield town and parish originally embraced what are now the different parishes of Greenfield Hill, called the Fairfield North Parish, Southport, Greens Farms and Fairfield North West Parish or Norfield, now called Weston. It was but natural that the people settled in the Greens Farms district and in Compo, Saugatuck and Crosshighway should in time find it burdensome to journey the long distance that was necessary to attend upon divine wor- ship in the mother church at Fairfield. The record tells us that in 1715 Captain Thomas Nash, who had come from New Haven and settled in Greens Farms some years ago, got tired of taking this journey each week, and that he. with six others, organized the church in Greens Farms. This church thirty-six years ago cele- brated its i5Oth anniversary. It has an exceedingly rich and interesting history. It is not my purpose to speak at length of the parish bordering upon the west. The church and town of Norwalk are to-day entering upon -their celebration of their 25oth anniversary. All those years "The Prime Ancient Society" was minister- ing to the spiritual wants of the early settlers in that locality as far east as the Saugatuck river. There the Rev. Thomas Hanford, the first pastor, was growing old. But the people respected this ancient servant of God, and the town in 1686 passed the following vote: "We do desire Mr. Hanford to proceed in the work of the gospel ministry, and therein to continue in the said work, until the Lord by his providence shall dispose of him otherwise ; promising to endeavor to our ability for to give due encouragement.'' Meantime, William Lees did engage to beat the drum and sweep the church decently once a week, and for said services he was to re- ceive for the year the sum of one pound and ten shill- ings. Stern tithemen were appointed to keep the youth in order in the meeting house on the Lord's Day and to the best of their wisdom to keep them from uncivil be- havior in time of public worship. From what has been said, it will be seen that Congregationalism is not young in what are now the limits of our town. Churches were early established on each side of the Saugatuck River. The town of Westport was incorporated in 1835. formed from the towns of Fairfield, Norwalk and Wes- ton. May next our town will be sixty-six years old. 87 Long previous to this date, while as yet there was no town of Westport, there was a village of considerable size, bearing the significant and euphonious name of Saugatuck (mouth of the river). Everyone who has given the matter the least particle of thought, deplores the change of name which took place when the town was incorporated. The new town should have borne the name of the old village. Hall in his history of Norwalk speaks feelingly upon this subject: "Were I a resident of that town I would never cease to petition the Legisla- ture until the change of name to the original Saugatuck was granted." The church whose beginning we now note has been more loyal to tradition and the early name than has the town. Upon the first page of a book en- titled "Records of the Congregational Church of Christ in the Village of Saugatuck" we find the following re- corded: At different periods for several successive years prior to 1832 the subject of organizing a church and ec- clesiastical society in this village became one of conver- sation and inquiry among the inhabitants of this village, then constituting a part of the ecclesiastical society of Greens Farms. After long consultation, it was finally decided to take measures and make preparations for the building of a meeting house. We find that as early as 1830 there was formed the Saugatuck Meeting House Association. This association appointed a committee consisting of the Hon. Samuel B. Sherwood, Ebenezer Jesup, Dan Taylor, Thomas F. Rowland, Samuel Avery, and Sullivan Moulton, who should have in charge the important matter of building a meeting house in Sauga- tuck. Of course the first thing was to secure a suitable site. True to patriarchal instincts, was not the ancient temple set upon a hill? And in conformity with time- honored custom, had not the fathers for generations cho- sen the till tops as most fitting abodes for Zion? They chose the lofty and commanding heights on which the church now stands. This plot of ground consisting in part of what was known as the "Academy lot," Ebenezer Jesup had purchased from Stephen B. Hanford in 1803. In 1830 Mr. Jesup, together with Sherwood and Avery, other members of the building committee, received the title of a tract of land consisting of one acre and twenty- nine rods adjoining said academy lot on three sides thereof, and held said land in trust for the Congregational Society until 1857, when a quit claim deed "was given the society by said Avery and by the executor of said Jesup, and by the heirs of said Sherwood. The story of the old academy for many years at the rear of the church building, with its upper rooms, is almost as historic as that other upper room at Jerusalem long years ago. It has a peculiar interest to many still living. It was de- voted to both secular and sacred uses. There for forty years Miss Leavenworth, of precious memory, taught the youth of the village not only in things that pertain to this life, but also of the things pertaining to Godliness. Many of the earlier meetings of the ecclesiastical society were held in that room and frequently it was the place appointed for prayer and conference. After the site had been procured, the next thing in order was to raise funds for the erection of the meeting house. It is interesting to run over the names of some of the first givers to this worthy enterprise: Avery, Allen, Banks, Baker, Brad- ley, Burr, Bennett, Chapman, Coley, Downs, Grey, Gor- ham, Hanford, Jesup, Jackson, Keeler, Morehouse, Moulton, Meeker, Nash, Platt. Rowland, Raymond, Sherwood, Richards, Richmond, Swift, Scriber, Staples, Taylor, Thorpe, Townsend, Turney, Wood, Wright, Wheeler, Wakeman, Winton. A noble list of names and not so ancient but the memory of them is still fresh In the minds of some still living. Uriah Ambler was contractor for the building. The specifications were most carefully and minutely drawn by Samuel B. Sherwood, a lawyer of repute. No details seem to be over-looked. We see evidences throughout the contract of the clear, shrewd, business mind of Squire Sherwood, and also the great care and pains-taking that everything entering into the structure should be of the best 'material and finished after the most approved style. In the elder days of art Builders wrought with greatest care Each minute and unseen part, For the gods see everywhere. I have been much impressed with the earnest and devout spirit which actuated those who first conceived the idea, and undertook the work of establishing a church in this place. The building committee in sub- mitting their final report employed the following words "Your committee beg leave to report that in their judg ment the house on any calculation is worth its cost. eo when considered in its relation to the moral influence it may effect on society and its connection with the char- acter and prosperity of this village, its value cannot be estimated. We all know that individually we can do but little, but by union of heart and action we can, with the blessing of God, procure for ourselves and families those blessings which result from moral and religious institu- tions and which tend to sweeten all our intercourse, enrich the enjoyments of society and scatter in all our ways the charm of domestic life. "The meeting house was completed and dedicated, and the church organized June 5, 1832. The original members numbered thirty- six and were all dismissed by letter from the church in Greens Farms. The following is the list of members: Eliphalet Swift, William Richards, William Bradley and Sarah his wife, Benjamin Bradley, Walter Thorpe and Betsy his wife, Samuel Wood, Alithea Wood, Caroline Wood, Jesse B. Scribner and Sally his wife, George W. Comstock, Charles Jesup and Abby his wife, David Richmond and Lydia his wife, Eliza Richmond, Mary Riley, Eliza Winton, Frances Nash, Alithea Andrews, Mary Andrews, Abby J. Swift, Charlotte Jesup, Deborah, wife of Samuel B. Sherwood; Janice M. Brush, Maria, wife of John Q. Wilson ; Elizabeth Bennett, Samuel Jackson and Esther his wife; Molly Bennett and Sally Platt. The above named persons, having been dismissed for the purpose from the church in Greens Farms, gave their formal assent to articles of faith and a covenant of their adoption, and were formally constituted and organized by council as the Congregational Church of Christ in Saugatuck. We can easily see how it would not be altogether agreeable to the mother church to lose at once, this goodly number of communicants and pew- holders. It is not so strange, when we think of the frailty of human nature, that Rev. Mr. Davis, the next Sunday after the exodus, chose a text which possibly embodied somewhat of resentment. The text was ist John 2:19: "They went out from us because they were not of us ; for if they had been of us they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us." Among the ministers of the council called to assist in the forma- tion of the new church was Rev. Samuel Merwin of Wil- ton, Joel Mann of Greenwich and Edwin Hall of Nor- walk. The records state that Rev. Mr. Benedict of Nor- walk and Rev. Mr. Davis of Greens Farms were invited 90 by the letters missive, but did not attend the meeting. The former from ill health, the latter from other reasons. In November of the same year Nathaniel L. Hill and Maria his wife brought letters of dismission from the mother church. He, with William Richards, were ap- pointed the first deasons of the church, Nov. 27, 1832. To their number were added Jesse B. Scribner, Oliver Burr and Charles Jesup, who constituted the first pru- dential committee. Rev. C. A. Boardman was the first pastor of the church. He had supplied the pulpit for two months or more, and had rendered valuable assist- ance in drafting a constitution and perfecting the organi- zation of the church, before receiving and accepting the call to settle as paster. He was installed by a council February 5, 1833. Judging from the records and the references which one still hears, the newly formed church was very fortunate in the selection of its pastor. Mr. Boardman was a man of rich spiritual endowments as well as of good mental gifts. In 1836, after three short years he resigned his pastorate to accept an appointment as secretary and general agent of the Presbyterian Edu- cational Society. It was with real reluctance that the church acceded to his request for dismission. We see and feel how precious were the ties which bound the pastor and people together, in the tender words which the parting called forth. The church put upon record the following vote: "Resolved, That it is with feeling of deep regret that we part with our beloved pastor. We are constrained to do so solely by a sense of duty as members of the Church of Christ universal." Mr. Board- man's parting words were: "I am leaving a flock whose uniform kindness and liberality have made a deep im- pression on my heart." From the first the society seemed to have heartily concurred with the church, in the call of the minister and in laboring for the prosperity of the^ newly espoused cause. At the regular meeting of the Ecclesiastical So- ciety, Lewis Raymond was chosen moderator, Levi T. Downes secretary, and Samuel Jackson treasurer. Among the other 'items of business at that first meeting of the Society it was voted: "That the place for setting up the notice's for future meetings of the Society, be on the oak near the Northwest corner of the meeting house." The old oak tree still stands and does duty as in years long past. The first parish committee consisted of the well-known and highly respected gentlemen: Ebenezer Jesup, Samuel B. Sherwood, Dan Taylor, Samuel Avery, and Sullivan Moulton. Proper regard for the music of the sanctuary must have early engaged the attention of the Society's committee. The first musi- cal instrument was introduced in 1836, when the Society voted to pay L. T. Downs and Andrew Comstock $25 for the bass viol which they had purchased for the Society. The story is that there was more or less con- sternation among the older inhabitants at introducing such profane instruments into the house of God. At one of the early parish meetings it was voted to sell the slips at auction to the highest bidder. This custom was con- tinued for many years. We must see that buying bass viols and paying the minister's salary ($700) required funds, and the sale of the slips seemed to have been a matter of prime importance. Casting our eyes over the records, we find the following: "Voted, That the col- lector call on those owing for pew rents for the payment of their respective debts. Voted, To sell the seats for cash. Voted, That the slips in the meeting house shall hereafter be rented for cash to be paid down before the meeting dissolve." Let us not say that the former days were so much better than these, at least in the matter of paying pew rents. "Voted, That Thomas Rowland act as auctioneer." In fact, we may judge of the elo- quence and persuasive powers of the men living in those days by the frequency with which they were called to per- form the important function of auctioneering off the slips. Alva Gray, Henry Platt, William H. Jesup, Oliver Burr, William Comstock, Hezekiah Nichols, Thomas F. Rowland, Ebenezer Disbrow, E. H. Taylor, John N. Betts and others served their term in this important capacity. The ministry of Rev. Henry Benedict during twelve years, from 1840 to 1852, was a fruitful one. Previous to his coming the church had given calls to Rev. Joseph Foote, Mr. Weed and Richard W. Dickinson, each of whom had supplied the pulpit for a longer or shorter period. Mr. Benedict was a man of noble parts, a good preacher and beloved pastor. It was unfortunate that during his long term of service he was never settled as pastor and that the records for the time are so meagre. During the third year of his ministry there was a gracious revival and a large ingathering, twenty-nine uniting with the church. Some now living look back upon that date as the vear of their conversion and con- fession of their faith in Christ. Rev. Joseph D. Strong was ordained and installed pastor April 12, 1853. He resigned to accept a call extended by a church in the Sandwich Islands. The dismissing council put upon rec- ord this resolution: "In parting with Brother Strong, we can most cordially recommend him to his church over which he has been called to settle, as an able and faithful minister of the gospel. We likewise and most heartily sympathize with the church in this place in the loss of their beloved pastor. There is evidence of commendable promptness and unanimity on the part of the church and society in extending a call to the Rev. Timothy Atkinson, who was settled as the fourth pastor of the church in 1856. His ministry of eight years was in many ways distinguished. He was a man of rare scholarship and of marked piety. Coincident with his coming there was awakened new spiritual life in the church and a revival followed. He was indefatigable in labors. Under his inspiration the meeting house was enlarged. We find the following minute, under date of April 7th, 1857: "Voted, That Jonas H. Phelps, John N. Betts, Elnathan Wheeler, Gershom B. Bradley and Morris Ketchum be appointed a committee to enlarge this house by carrying the pulpit back as by plan represented." Under Mr. Atkinson's ministry, the Sunday School took on new form and manifested new life. It was re-organized in 1860, at which time John N. Betts was chosen superin- tendent, Elnathan Wheeler secretary and treasurer, George C. Lees assistant superintendent, F. W. Jesup and Edward Richards librarians, Messrs. Winton, Coley, Burr, Miss Emma Jesup and Mary F. Atkinson were appointed a library committee. It may be stated in this connection that Air. Betts during his term of service as superintendent for twenty-five years, was absent but seven Sundays during that time, and then not because of illness or disinclination, but to attend and assist at funerals of kindred or friends. This is almost an unparalelled record of fidelity and immunity from phy- sical ills. The closing years of Mr. Atkinson's service here were during the disturbed and distressing times of the rebellion. He took strong anti-slavery grounds. In this his church very generally stood by him. He preached patriotic sermons. One was printed and had wide circulation in pamphlet form. He helped the young men, a goodly number of whom went forth to the war from this church. His wife's failing health compelled him, in 1864, to resign his charge and seek, for her sake, a more favorable climate. Sound in theology, spiritually minded, strong intellectually, of fine literary tastes, he commanded the respect of all who knew him. Rev. A. J. Hettrick, the fifth pastor, was installed on September I4th, 1865. He came a young man, fresh from his theological studies, and full of zeal for the work. The installation sermon was preached by Rev. Roswell D. Hitchcock, D. D., afterward president of Union Theo- logical Seminary. Mr. Hettrick had been trained in a Presbyterian Seminary and licensed to preach by the Presbytery of New York. But he was settled by a Con- gregational Council and as a pastor of a Congregational church. I find about this time inserted in the records, whether facetiously or with serious intent I know not; certain action was taken by the Saugatuck Presbyterian Church. With its variety of names, it is the only time that the church is called Presbyterian. This church has been always Congregational in its policy, declaring both its autonomy and its fellowship with the churches of like faith and order. Mr. Hetlrick came not only as a young man full of enthusiasm for the work, but at a most op- portune time. The war was over. The men that had survived had come home. The times were good. The Union had been preserved. Right had triumphed. Peo- ple were thankful. Churches were prosperous. I am struck with the list of young men and women, as well as those of middle age, who were ready and waiting for some one to gather them into the church. Many who are to-day the staunch supporters of the church came into it during the ministry of Mr. Hettrick. At this time the church building was enlarged, a room had been fitted up in the basement for the uses of the Sunday School. These quarters had never been satisfactory. They were contracted, dark and damp. In November, 1865, the fol- lowing was voted by the society: (i) That we gratefully accept the sum of money which has been raised by the ladies and friends of the Sunday School (a thousand dol- lars, with the promise of an- additional sum), and (2) Voted, That H. R. Treadwell, M. L. Mason, John N. Betts, H. M. Coley, A. J. Hettrick, A. L. Winton and E. W. Taylor be, and are hereby appointed, a committee to erect a new room according to the plan proposed. That plan resulted in the commodious Sunday School and lecture room adjoining the rear of the church. It has proven in every respect satisfactory and useful. In M his letter of resignation in 1883, Mr. Hettrick says: "I thank you, beloved friends, for all the varied kindness I have received at your hands." The dismissing council put upon the record the following minute: "In dismiss- ing Brother Hettrick we would cordially commend him to the churches as an able and faithful minister, whose pastorate of nearly seven years has been abundantly blessed." The church records during the five years' ministry of the Rev. Dr. Sanderson are very scanty. His labors began in 1873. Possibly the church assumed too great a burden in guaranteeing a salary of $2,000 when it had paid in the past not more than $1,200. It was said of OUT early ancestors: They reverence their priest, but disagreeing In price or creed, dismiss him without fear. There is something of the ancestral spirit still alive in the churches of our order. Dr. Sanderson has for some years past been the able and successful editor of the Pulpit Treasury and Evangelical Monthly of Religious Thought. For the two years following Dr. Sanderson's dismissal the pulpit was supplied a portion of the time by Rev. Mr. Hammond. June 4th, 1879, the church extended a call to the Rev. B. F. Bradford of Darien. This call was declined. During this year important changes and improvements were made in the interior of the church building. The pulpit platform was built forward and the organ moved from its lofty perch in the rear gallery to the recess back of the pulpit. Rev. Wil- liam Hart was acting pastor during the years 1880 to 1881. January ist, 1883, there began a pastorate which is fondly cherished in the memory of all, and which was most productive of blessed results. Rev. John E. Tuttle was ordained and installed pastor of the Church May 22, 1883. He came to the church a young man with a mind richly furnished and with a heart aglow with Christian zeal. From the beginning of his labors here, he revealed himself to the church and community as a man thoroughly consecrated to his work. Earnest prayers and 'efforts prepared the way for a remarkable revival in 1887, when at a single communion service in May forty communicants were received into the church en confes'sion of their faith. This is the largest number ever united with the church at one time. How many remember that day, and I trust will remember it with joy as long as they live ! At the end of five years Mr. Tuttle resigned his pastorate in the midst of his popularity and usefulness to accept an urgent call to a larger field in Jamaica Plain, Mass.. Mr. Tuttle was the first pastor to occupy the Ebenezer Jesup homestead as a parsonage. Mr. Morris K. Jesup, a native of this village and whose honored ancestors were largely instrumental in forming the church, purchased and deeded this valuable property to the Society in 1884. His thoughtful and generous gift has been appreciated by the parish and certainly most of all by those who have been privileged to occupy the pleasant and commodious building. It would be unbecoming for the writer of this sketch to make minute references to the successes or failures in the present pastorate. It began more than twelve years ago, and has exceeded in length any that have pre- ceded it. It began under favorable auspices, which seemed to have been continuous. There have been seasons of gracious, spiritual quickening, al- though no marked revival, in which great num- bers have been brought into the church. No year has passed without accessions to our member- ship, and during the twelve years one hundred and fif- teen in all have joined the church by letter and confes- sion. Meantime the same fact must be noted that death and other causes have removed about an equal number. Ours is now the problem of the country church in a com- munity where the character of the population has greatly changed during the last decade. The old New England and Protestant element is being supplanted by foreigners of different faith or no faith. Our work has not been confined to this community alone, and on an average the church has given over $400 each year for the sup- port of missions in our own and foreign lands. In the care and provision for our church home there has been a commendable interest and pride. Three years ago the interior of the building was thoroughly renovated and redecorated at a cost of nearly $2,000. This year it has been newly painted, greatly improving its outward appearance. In 1894 a new organ was purchased at a cost of $1,800. Electric lighting was introduced about the time that it was brought to the town. These addi- tional expenses from time to time have been cheerfully and courageously met and we are free from the burden of debt. It is worthy of note that two of the original members left in their wills bequests in aid of the church. These were Thomas F. Rowland and Charlotte Jesup. Mr. Richard Stephenson also, though never a member of the church, was interested in her welfare, as evidenced by a parting gift to help forward the work. One of our members still living, Miss Eliza Gorham, has generously given $1,000 as a fund to aid in defraying its annual expenses. I mention the above gracious deeds as not only worthy of note, but of imitation, by such as would thus seek to perpetuate their good works through all the coming years. I think more of the noble self-sacrificing men and women who wrought in laying the foundation and carrying forward the work of this church since be- coming more familiar with their history. I think more of the possibilities and responsibilities which rest upon us who are living in these days of light and wondrous privilege to make history during the days of our steward- ship that shall be worthy of record and reciting in the years to come. Our church stands with her white steeple pointing heavenward as an inspiration and a warning. She would warn us against sin and worldli- ness. She would inspire us to nobler living and to emu- late that which was truest and best in our Christian ancestors, and to cherish more dearly our Christian heritage. SECOND DAY, SEPTEMBER TENTH HIS morning was set apart for the exercises in the various public schools of the town and was gener- ally observed. The afternoon at the armory was also devoted to a gather- ing of the school children for a general reception and historical addresses. The evening was set apart for historical tableaux. The morning hours in the schools were made inter- esting by a series of addresses on historical subjects. We are obliged to be content with a summary: FRANKLIN SCHOOL. The exercises in this school were attended by the high school pupils as well as those of the school itself. The two speakers were School Committeeman A. Blan- chard and Rev. Charles M. Selleck. The songs by the pupils were Adams's "Holy City," Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever," and "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean." Mr. Blanchard first spoke of the two schools in the district, the Old Well, which was located near the pre- sent Congregational Church, and the Flax Hill school on the site of the watering trough at the juncture of West and Lowe streets. Mr. Blanchard said that in 1853 tne two districts presented a petition to the school society of the town, asking that they be made one district. This was done, and the district was accordingly called the Union School District. The officers elected were Mat- thew Wilcox, clerk ; Burr Nash, Willis Craw and Eben Hill, committee; William H. Benedict, treasurer, and Daniel Benedict, collector. At the start the Old Well school was sold for $350 and an acre of land bought for $1,075. Th e district was incorporated by the Legislature in 1855. The children at this time all had to pay tuition to the district. In cases where it was impossible the town paid it. The rates varied in the different grades and at different times. It was from $ .90 in the primary to $5 in the high school every twelve months. This custom was later abolished by the Legislature. Matthew Wilcox was finally succeeded as clerk by William Henry Benedict, who also served long and faithfully. In 1860 the principal got $800 and the four assistants together $1,400. In 1864 $1,150 was collected from the pupils. On June 23, 1870, after much discus- sion, it was voted to build the Concord street school. The building cost $9,895.86. There were 758 pupils in the district at this time. Two years later the matter of enlarging the Franklin street school was agitated. At this time it might be mentioned that one janitor got $210 and the other $150 per year. At a meeting held May 12, 1873, on motion of John D. Bouton, it was voted to sell the old Union school house at public auction and to build a new one at a cost not to exceed $35,000. This was rescinded at the next meeting and the old school was entirely remodeled at a cost of $17,715. In 1873 the district was enlarged by the taking in of Graniteville. Next came the enlargement of the Concord street building, which cost $12,000 and then the enlargement and improvement of the Union school, which cost $35,000. At present there are thirty-five teachers employed in the district and an enumeration of 1,666 pupils. The yearly expense of the district is $20,000. Rev. Mr. Selleck was then introduced. All were eager to hear what he would have to say, and when he arose to deliver his address a pin could have been heard to fall anywhere in the room. He said that he felt proud to be able to be before them to-day, and first he wished to say that he listened with deep interest to the discourse concerning the stations of this school district. "Norwalk is passing through great days," said he. "This is a great celebration, and I do not believe that our people really appreciate it. We are now celebrating our ances- tors, so to speak. That might sound like Chinese, but I consider that it is a very important lesson. I find that a person who is not proud of his ancestry has no ancestry to be proud of. Norwalk has a proud ancestry." Here the speaker drifted to the first school in the town, and the foundress of the first school, who came to East Norwalk and drilled the children in what they then called the keeping room, or what we would call now the parlor. That is how the first school was started, the same as the first town clerk's office, in the parlor of Thomas Fitch's house. He told about this foundress lying in the East Norwalk cemetery, and how her teach- ings have come down to this day, and what effect her early training had upon the children of to-day, even. Mr. Selleck then told of the first teaching he did in Nor- walk. After teaching a little while he went to Troy, and there opened a private school. He told about one day a knock was heard on his school door and when he opened it, there stood a very distinguished looking lady. It proved to be Madame Ella Willard, who glanced around the room and then stated that there was one thing lacking, and that was "Temple of Time." Here Mr. Sel- leck described minutely what that temple of time was, and wished that the schools of to-day could have them. There was a picture of a large temple, and in it were the names of all the distinguished men from Adam down to the present. He said that it was an education in itself to look at the temple and study what was in it. OVER RIVER SCHOOL. The pupils of the Over River School assembled at 9 o'clock in the High school room. The exercises opened with singingof "Hail Columbia" by a chorus of voices. Hon. E. J. Hill addressed the school in his most inspiring manner, and held his young audience spell- bound. He impressed upon the minds of the children the great advantages they had inherited by being born in New England, the best part of our noble land. He illustrated his lessons by telling and showing what he had seen and heard in the foreign lands from which he has just returned with heartfelt thankfulness that he was an American citizen. Such a lesson so delivered will do more to inspire a feeling of citizenship in young minds than many a lesson taken from books. In closing Mr. Hill urged the children not to forget in the midst of their rejoicing, to offer up a sincere prayer that our noble President may, by the grace of God, be spared to his people. The school then sang "The Star-Spangled Banner," after which Lieutenant-Governor Keeler ad- dressed them, telling the advantages the pupils have to- day in contrast to those of even fifty years ago. He also gave a brief forecast of the possibilities of the future. The lesson he drew was that of the boy who would suc- ceed in any sphere of life must work faithfully and dili- gently. Rev. Alexander Hamilton, who was also pre- sent and spoke to the pupils in a few words told of the heroism of their forefathers in the Revolutionary War. 100 His personal reminiscences were very interesting, and from them the pupils were led to feel that an honest, true and faithful life would win the favor of God and their fel- low-men. The principal, Mr. Wigham, then gave a brief outline of the history of the Over River School district, with which he has been so closely associated for so many years. The exercises closed by the pupils singing "America." MIDDLE FIVE MILE RIVER SCHOOL. This little school is one of the oldest in the town. It occupies a modern building on the continuation of West street, near the intersection of the road from New Canaan to Rowayton Landing. There are nearly sixty pupils regularly attending the school. Miss Carrie St. John is the principal and Miss Bishop assistant. The building was tastefully decorated and after the singing of patriotic songs an address was delivered by Mr. Samuel Richards Weed, who began by recalling the appearance of the school in its old building in 1847, at which time he was one of its pupils. He briefly recounted the early history of the settlement of Norwalk and called attention to the fact that the old histories and geogra- phies used to lay great stress upon the fact that when William Penn, the Quaker, settled in Philadelphia he made a treaty with the Indians and paid them for the land. This was in 1674, while the site of Norwalk was purchased by Roger Ludlow from the Indians in 1640, a few years before William Penn was born, and a little later Captain Partrick bought from the Indians the land on the west of the river, including the very land upon which this school-house now stands. He commended their honorable example to the children. The exercise's concluded with patriotic songs. EAST NORWALK SCHOOL. The following address on "Earliest Norwalk" was given by Miss Angeline Scott, this morning, at the anni- versary exercises of the East Norwalk school, in the East Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church: Connecticut was a beautiful wilderness 260 years ago when the first white settlements were planted, Wind- sor, Hartford. Wethersfield, fifteen years before the founding of Norwalk. The forest stretched eastward, 101 westward, southward, over all the hills and valleys, with bears and deer and birds within its shadows. The unpol- luted waters of the rivers and the Sound were full of fish and shellfish covered the seashore. Dusky human fig- ures clad in doe skin and decked with beads and feathers flitted in noiseless mocassins through the forests or floated down the streams in birch-bark canoes. Hunger was the Indian's only spur to activity, his mind was alert to the possibility of lurking foes and his powers of observation were trained to serve him as hunter or warrior. Bountiful as the land was, not more than 2,000 Indians dwelt in all Connecticut at the time of which we speak, and only about 300 Indians lived in the Norwalk purchased by Ludlow and Partrick. These were scattered remnants of tribes, as the relics of the Old Field near the almshouse testify, being of diverse kinds, and the modes of burial in the graves dis- covered are different. Evidently hungry Indians had come to Norwalk as wanderers from their original country. There was a village of a clan of Mohegans at Belden's or Wilson's Point, however, one of the inde- pendent villages which Bancroft tells us were scattered between the Hudson and Connecticut rivers. It was then called Naramake, after a great chieftain, and Nor- walk is a name derived from the same root-word, instead of being a punning contraction of Northwalk, which is a general impression. The late William S. Bouton, a local antiquarian, distinctly traced the site of this village twenty years ago, near the present residence of Mr. Bur- chard. Nearbv was a feasting ground marked by a deposit two feet deep of shells and animals' bones whore the Indians used to have what we call Rhode Island clambakes. Naramake was the home of Mahackemo and the others who signed the deeds which Roger Lud- low and Daniel Partrick secured from the Indians. On the hill over which the Tramway now runs, near Witch Lane, were defensive settlements from which a watch might be kept of the islands and the Sound. Be- low the hill runs the brook Pampaskeshanke, named in two of the Indian deeds as a boundary ; we call it Roton Brook. It rises far back on the hills and flows in a gen- eral southerly direction, emptying into Wilson's Cove ; this brook is the western boundary of the City of South Nonvalk where it crosses the highway near the residence of Dr. Burke. Roger Ludlow's tract of land purchased in 1640 lay between the Norwalk and Saugatuck rivers 102 a day's walk up into the country from the sea, for which he paid 50 pounds judiciously invested in the following highly desirable articles: (^Deforest 177) Eight fathoms of wampum, 6 coats, 10 hatchets, 10 hoes, 10 knives, 10 scissors, 10 jewsharps, 10 fathoms of tobacco, 3 kettles of six hands about, and 10 looking glasses. A few months later Captain Daniel Partrick pur- chased a tract of land west of the Norwalk river from the same sachem, Mahackemo,, its western boundary being the brook Pampaskeshanke. In 1650, a company of planters headed by Nathaniel Eli and Richard Olsmtead entered into a conditional agreement with Roger Lud- low as to the transfer of his Norwalk land to them. The final assignment to the settlers of Norwalk was made by Ludlow four years later. In July, 1650, the same company added the Partrick tract to the Ludlow pur- chase and further enlarged the bounds of the new set- tlement by the addition of the Indian lands known as Runckinheage or Rooaton, west of the Pampaskeshanke, and known to us to-day as Rowayton. This deed also included the Norwalk Islands; it dated 1651. Since the Ludlow agreement required the settle- ment of the land before the next Spring after the sign- ing of the papers, it is altogether probable that some of the men came to Norwalk immediately and began a clearing in the forest for the little colony of not less than thirty families, who came very early in the Spring of 1651. The emigrants from Hartford entered Norwalk by way of what is now France street and encamped at the Rocks one night, arriving next day at their destina- tion, the place marked by the Founders' Stone in East avenue. It is hard to believe that wheeled vehicles were not used in Connecticut until the middle of the i8th cen- tury, so that all the goods our forefathers brought to *he first Norwalk must have come on the backs of their horses and oxen. The black house which sheltered the company till their log and shingle houses were built, stood in the rear of Mr. H. M. Prowitt's residence. Nearby, in 1659, the first meeting house was built by Walter Haite and Ralph Keeler, and covered with "2,000 good and sufficient shingles furnished by Matthew Marvin. The meeting house was used for town meetings as well as religious services ; and. in front of it, was a common, which was used on training days for a parade ground. Across the common opposite the church was the home of the Rev. 108 Thomas Hanford, who came to Norwalk in 1652 and was assigned a home lot the following year. The men who founded Norwalk were not ignorant men nor ad- venturers in the sense of being of a roving disposition. Their bold journeyings into untried regions were not to ascape from the restraints of law, but to make homes for themselves under laws which were framed by themselves. Some of them were experienced in frontier life, having been in America twenty or thirty years. Self-reliant, hardy, not without money, they were of the strength of England. Many unmarked graves of Connecticut pio- neers might rightfully be decorated with coats of arms; for the men who wrought with axe and plow were of gentle families as well as from the yeomanry. The men of means who left old England for the hard conditions of the pioneer's life were of the religious class who be- lieved the pomp and glory of the world a hindrance in preparing for the next ; and, while deference frorr the lower to the gentler born survived in social usages, all other class distinctions dropped out of sight. The task our forefathers had set themselves was too engrossing to allow them to spend time and money upon perpetuat- ing the traditions of their lineage. It remains for the descendants of this generation to connect the families of America with the English stock; and, in most cases of those who claim their ancestry among the planters of the New England colonies, it is possible to trace the family historv in English records. The lack of monu- ments to mark the graves of even the eminent men of those times is explained by the scarcity of suitable stone and the lack of the stone cutter's skill. The Connecticut colonists were more democratic in their ideas of town government than the Massachusetts colonists. The Rev. Thomas Hooker, a man of whom it was said "he could put a king in his pocket," was the leader of this senti- ment and his ringing words in a sermon preached at Hartford in 1638 "to persuade us as God has given us liberty to take it" give the key to the spirit of the men who planted the "three vines set in the wilderness," Windsor, Hartford. Wethersfield, honored on the seal of the State. Our Norwalk forefathers were men of this stamp and the town records show the importance attached to the vote each man was entitled to in the town meeting ; so anxious were they that every voice should be heard, a fine was imposed for absence from it. There 104 were officials in those days who fill no place in modern town government. Thomas Lupton was chosen in July, 1668, "to look after the young people in the meeting house on the Lord's day and to doe his best endeavor to help them from playing and unsivill behavior in time of public wor- ship." Thomas Barnum undertook the same task in 1 68 1, ''to keep good decorum amongst the youth in times of exercise on the Sabbath and other publique meetings ; and the Towne doe impower him if he see any disorderly, for to keep a small stick to correct such with, only he is desired to do it with clemency." In 1665, Walter Haite was appointed to beat the drum for meetings at ios., for the year, and Thomas Benedict to have the meeting house swept for 205. A later drummer, Robert Stewart, son of one of the richest men, was "rewarded for his ser- vice with the drumb." In 1703, a bell superseded the drum in calling people to the meeting house, and in 1713 Zerubbabell Hoyt was engaged to ring the bell at 9 o'clock every night. No public business was transacted in town meeting after that hour. The first mill was not the old tide mill. Jonathan Marsh established the first grist mill at the foot of Mill Hill in 1657. The oldest road in town is the "Stamford path," which stretched from that place to Fairfield over Flax Hill and through Van Zandt avenue. This existed as a "trail" when the settlers first came to Norwalk, since Stamford and Fairfield are older settlements. The next oldest is East avenue, from Rev. Dr. A. F. Beard's home down to the old Benedict tide mill. The most convenient crossing place when the colonists took their cows to pas- ture on the west side of the river was at the ford above the falls where the iron bridge nowspans the river in Cross avenue. This naturally made the beginning of a road in that direction. Goodman Marsh was instructed by the town meet- ing to be ready to grind the townsmen's corn on the 2nd, 4th and 6th days of the week. In 1664 Henry Whitney was permitted to erect "a good and sufficient ground corne mill at the Point of Rocks on the Norwalk river below the falls." His home lot was laid out "on the mill plain on the right hand of the patch leading down to the old mill. The Point of Rocks, Mr. Selleck tells us, is now a part of the foundation of the Norwalk bridge and the mill and Whitney's house were the first build- 106 ings in the future city of Nonvalk. In 1680 the growing community required a bridge and the town committee chose the place "below the falls" by the mill for its site. Christopher Comstock kept the first ordinary for enter- taining strangers; in 1671, he lived at the corner of East avenue and the Old Fairfield road opposite the meeting house and very near our Founders' stone. Richard Holmes set up the first saw mill on Five-Mile-River with the liberty of a mile of timber on this side of that river. With the buildings of the bridge a movement towards uptown began ; then came the question of a new meeting house. The young people who looked towards the fu- ture thought a change of site was desirable and the old people who looked towards the past, remembering their struggles in a wild land when they came to Norwalk thirty years before, prized the associations of the original site. So a commitete of "three honest indifferent judi- cious men" was chosen to decide the question and the record reads "the town engages to sit down satisfied with their determination." The new meeting house was built on the site of the present residence of Dr. Beard in East avenue. The Rev. Thomas Hanford was growing old, but the town meeting affectionately requested him "to proceed in the work of the ministry and to continue in the sayd work till the Lord shall dispose of him other- wise," pledging him their faithful support. He died seven years later, after a pastorate of over forty years. In 1690 the atrocities of the Indians at Schenectady and Salmon Falls during the French and Indian war alarmed all the colonies. Nonvalk took precautionary measures against attack by fortifying the meeting house and setting a watch. In front of this second meeting house another com- mon or green became the heart of the community and Matthew Sention kept a tavern or ordinary nearby. An entertaining old journal kept by a young woman who made the difficult journey from Boston to New York and back again in 1704 comments on her stop in Norwalk as follows: "About nine at night we came to Norwalk, having crept over a timber of a broken bridge about thirty feet long and perhaps fifty to ye water. I was ex- ceedingly tired out and cold when we came to our Inn and could get nothing there but poor entertainment and the impertinent babble of one of the worst of men, among many others, of which our Host made one, who, had he been one degree imprudenter, would have outdone his 108 Grandfather, and this I think is the most perplexed night I have yet had. From hence, Saturday, Dec. 23, a very cold and windy day, after an intolerable night's lodgings, we hasted forward, only observing in our way the town to be situated on a navigable river, with indifferent build- ings and people more refined (Pg. 2720 174.30) than in some of the country towns wee had passed tho' vicious enough, the Church and tavern being next neighbors." The second minister, Stephen Buckingham, was set- tled in 1695 and, after the custom of the times, a home- stead was given him, together with a piece of salt marsh for "crick thatch." His lot now lies under the roadbed of the New York and New Haven railroad. In 1717 the third meeting house was built and another lengthy deliberation as to its site ended in the choice of the place now occupied by Mrs. W. G. Thomas's residence, in East avenue. When it was completed in 1721 it was voted to use it only for religious meetings; it had a steeple and a bell and broad stone steps. This was the meeting house during revolutionary days and was the one burned during Tryon's invasion. The burial ground on Mill Hill called Whitnev's Hill in the records, after the miller, was opened for the use of members of the First Society (Congregational) in 1767. The grant to St. Paul's parish was made thirty years before but addi- tional land was granted it in 1760. Just here we remark how strange it is that no mention is made in any records of the earliest burial ground in Norwalk. Probably the down-town cemetery is the oldest, but no very ancient stones are there to show where the "forefathers of the hamlet sleep." The early graves were probably never marked save by stones at head and foot which their con- temporaries knew, but with no inscription to tell later generations where the Marvins and Hanfords, Benedicts and Betts, Fitchs and Olmsteads, Sensions and Hoyts, Gregories and Seymours, Lockwoods, Comstocks, Whit- neys and Raymonds of the first two generations sleep. In 1708 land was appropriated on the west side of the river for a burial place which is doubtless Pine Island; and many venerable stones stand there whose inscriptions are still legible. It seems as if the Down Town cemetery had not been reverently treated ; for stones with quaint epitaphs which were seen there ten years or so ago have disappeared. Surely if this is the spot where Norwalk's forefath- 107 ers are buried its dust is sacred and the place should be suitably enclosed and every stone that is left be preserv- ed. If we were to go on with our reminiscences, bring- ing us to Revolutionary days, a fund of tradition would enliven the narrative ; stories of General Washington and Postmaster-General Franklin passing through or stop- ping over night ; stories of dwellers in the old houses now gone, yet well remembered, by the older people who have heard from grandsires' lips anecdotes of the century and a quarter since the Revolution. I 106 HISTORY OF THE EAST NORWALK SCHOOL By Augustus C. Golding. HE first mention of a school in the town proceedings is dated May 29, 1678. The town voted and agreed to hire a school master to teach all of the children in the town to read, and write, and the Townsmen (selectmen) were instructed to hire Mr. Cornish on as reasonable terms as they can. Feb. 20, 1679, James Olmsted was appointed school master to set copies for the children. Nov. 17, 1679, it was voted to build a school house 20 ft. long 18 ft. wide, posts 7ft., and to be not less than 6 ft. from floor to ceil- ing ; it was to stand between Samuel Keeler's corner and the water flood, which has been located near the barn of W. S. Hanford, directly in front of the upper school house. Aug. 20, 1686, voted 30 pounds (about $150) for a school master; also voted to have a house fitted for a school. Feb. 21, 1692, Mr. Thomas Hanford, Jr., was chosen school master, to be paid I pound 10 shillings, (about $7-5) P er month. He was born in the town July 18, 1668, and lived where the Rev. Mr. Selleck lives, on the town street, now called East avenue. He died in I743> and is buried in the nearby cemetery. Dec. 12, 1705, voted that the lots in rear of Mr. Buckingham's, called pasture lots, shall be sequestered for school use 4 acres !to be and remain for the use of the schoolmaster. Rev. Mr. Buckingham's lot is now cross- ed by the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., the east bound sta- tion being on it. The pasture lots extended east and north to the Saugatuck river. Feb. 3, 1703-4, voted that there should be a school- master in the town if he could be found on reasonable terms. Jan. 30, 1720-21, voted to have two schools attended, and kept for the year ensuing, one at ye south end of ye town, and the other at ye north end of ye town, at ye two respective school houses now in being, in ye winter 100 time ; and ye summer school at ye south end, and at ye school house on the west side of ye river ; and ye coun- try money shall be divided according to lyst by the mili- tary lyne. From the above it would appear that the school at the south end of the town was the largest school being open the whole of the year. We will now come down to more modern times. The school house in use previous to 1826 stood on the street within the present fence at the northeast corner of the homestead of Rev. A. T. Beard, D.D., a new school house was erected in that year being the building now standing on the northwest corner of the homestead of Mr. O. W. Raymond. When in use as a school house ir stood in the street between two trees, one of which is now standing ; when this building was completed the old building was sold, and the owner of the adjoining land moved his fence out to include the school site and after- ward moved his barn partly on the street, and then built his fence outside of that making the street the narrow alley it now is. Down to the building of the school house which succeeded this last building all of the school houses had been fitted in the old way ; a row of planking around the building or on two or three sides next the walls, furnished the desks, in front of this another plank at the proper height, furnished the seat. There was no back to lean against, except that when the scholars turn- ed out (so called) they could lean against the desk. Some time before this school house was abandoned chairs with a back were substituted for the plank. These could be turned in any direction, (in my school days plank desks like these were well filled with holes and other knife marks,) the small scholars sat on benches in the middle of the room. Some benches had backs, and some had none, and the small children were kept in school the same number of hours as the older ones. In 1868, the district acquired a portion of the site on which the upper school building stands and the front part of the building was erected, there was one large room on the second floor (since divided) and two rooms on the first floor. It was then supposed that the district was provided with school rooms enough for many years. When the building was finished the system of seating and desks now in use were introduced, to the great comfort of the pupils; but it is to be hoped that before many years the present old fashioned seats, and desks will give no way to the single desk, and seat for each pupil, that can be adjusted to suit the scholar, be he or she, tall or short. I will also say for your information so that you may avoid such a mistake when you grow up, that the dis- trict borrowed $8,000 (eight thousand dollars) to pay the balance due on the building when completed, and that on this money they paid more than $8,000 interest, making the cost to the district for that 4 room wooden building more than that of the new 8 room brick school house with 4 rooms finished. When the town was divided into districts this was called the Down Town District, till about 18 years ago, when the name was changed to East Norwalk. The school continued to grow, and all of the rooms were filled. There was talk of finishing a room in the attic; but the better plan of building in the rear was adopted, and the two rooms in the rear of the center of the old building were put up with a recitation room at one end of the hall on the second story. With this addi- tion there was room enough till 1890 when the two rooms on the southeast corner were erected ; at the same time the recitation room was enlarged by extending it into the new part. These additions were paid for when built. About 1895 the building again became crowded and more room was needed. A meeting was called and an effort made to build another addition. It resulted only in buying about 80 ft. additional land on the rear of the lot, and much improving' the present site. In 1896 the district voted to buy five lots on Greg- ory Boulevard and Second avenue, making 150 ft. on the first street and 250 ft. on the avenue. In the mean- time rooms were hired in Randall's block, and two teach- ers were installed there with small children. In 1897 the district voted to erect the present eight room brick building on the new site. Work was commenced the same year, and the outside completed. The next spring four rooms, the halls, and basement being completed. It was occupied at the commencement of the spring term ; and the high school removed there from the upper build- ing. The number of pupils still increases, and probably by next year additional rooms will have to be finished in the new building. This district is second in the town in the number of scholars attending school, and it may be safely said, bet- ter provided with room than any other large district. The East Norwalk schools stand well in the estimation of those qualified to judge. As the name of the first teacher has been given it will not be amiss to say that the present principal is Mr. Edward H. Gumbart, and that he is assisted by thirteen lady teachers. It will be seen by the preceding history of the first school that the town had been settled twenty-eight years before there was mention of a school or teacher. A generation had grown up in this time, and probably some of them had children old enough to attend school. We will not suppose that they had grown up in ignor- ance, for many of them were afterward prominent in the town and "state. Probably the long silence about the school may be explained by the fact that the Rev. Thomas Hanford had been a school teacher up to the time that he came to Norwalk, the first record of which is Roxbury, Mass., in the year 1651. October 2Qth the secretary of New Haven colony was desired to speak to Mr. Goodyear to see some means to bring the school- master hither. November I4th he was in New Haven and an agreement was made with him as to his pay and diet and chamber which, being arranged, he taught till June, 1652, when one of the planters from Norwalk went to New Haven and saw the Governor and Mr. Han- ford with a view to his coming to Norwalk to work in the ministry. It is probable that he taught the children in his own or some other house till his age incapacitated him for such hard work- CENTRE SCHOOL, NORWALK HE celebration exercises in this school were very interesting and the occasion was diversified by a loan exhibition of historical relics, gathered from some of the older persons and which was a very pleasant and instructive feature. The addresses were listened to with close attention. The program of the morning was as follows: Song, The Breaking Waves; scripture reading, twenty-third and one hundredth Psalms ; Episcopal pray- er for the president of the United States; salute to the flag ; song, The Star Spangled Banner ; address, Rev. C. M. Selleck; sketch, The Old Wooden Building Remin- iscenses, Emma Quintard; sketch, The Brick Building and later Additions, Chester Heath ; address, Congress- man E. J. Hill; song, America; salute to the flag. in THE PUBLIC ASSEMBLY HE gathering of the school children in the State Armory was a memorable event. The great building was crowd- ed and the decorations in blue, white and yellow with national flags, were highly praised. Possibly, the Armory decorations were never so complete and perfect as on this occasion and well served for the further events connected with the cele- bration. The decorations were under the charge of the ladies and were well planned by Mr. Charles Miller. The school children took up the line of march toward the Armory at 1:30 p. m., and the streets as they ap- proached presented a brilliant appearance. A body of well trained ushers, under the direction of Captain How- ard J. Bloomer were very efficient in seating the assem- bly. Abiathar Blanchard, secretary of the board of school visitors, was chairman of the exercises in the ar- mory. The first number was the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner" by the scholars. The great drill hall rang with the refrain, "O'er the land of the free and home of the brave." Secretary Blanchard then made a few introductory remarks, closing by introducing Miss Mary Merriman Abbott, president of the Connecticut State Federation of Women's clubs, who made an address on "Yesterday, To-day and To-morrow." Mr. Blanchard spoke as fol- lows: "Ladies and gentlemen, fellow citizens of Norwalk and visiting friends, teachers and pupils of the schools of the town: As presiding officer during these exercises, allow me to extend to you greetings on this auspicious occasion. "It is well within the bounds of truth to say that the exercises of the present week have a quite remarkable significance. We are commemorating the 25Oth anni- versary of the founding of this town. Two hundred and fifty years, a quarter of a millennium, this is a long period in human history, even in the history of the nations and towns of the old world. In this newly discovered Ameri- ca such a period carries us back almost to the beginnings in of Colonial history, to within a generation of the land- ing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. Certainly there are comparatively few American towns which can boast an antiquity equal to our own. "We do not, however, pride ourselves chiefly or even greatly, on our longevity. The question that history asks inexorably of nations, of towns and of men is not How long have you lived? but What have you done? That question will be answered for Norwalk in many ways in the course of the present celebration. In con- nection with the exercises this afternoon I wish to call attention to the action of a town meeting held May 29, 1678, when it was "voted and agreed" to hire a school- master to teach all the children in the town to read and write. Such is the record and it was fitting that in these anniversary observances the schools of the town that has continued faithful to this tradition should have a foremost place and that for them one day of the week should have been set apart. "It may be remembered that the Hon. Joseph H. Choate, our minister at the Court of St. James, on a cer- tain occasion when the virtues of the Pilgrim Fathers were highly lauded, took it upon himself to say a word for the Pilgrim Mothers, telling us that they not only en- dured all that the Pilgrim Fathers endured, but had to endure the Pilgrim Fathers besides. In this sub- ject of the witty advocate, which has come laughing down the years, there is a truth that gives it its point and force. In all our educational history we notice in the actual work of the school room the predominant in- fluence of woman. Of the 86 teachers at present em- ployed in the public schools of Norwalk, 77, or more than 90 per cent, are women. I suppose that the same proportion would hold good in other places. We are honored to-day by the presence of a lady who holds a position as teacher in a sister city of the state famed for its excellent schools. This lady has also won dictinc- tion as a writer and lecturer on educational topics. It gives me great pleasure to present to you Miss Mary Merriman Abbott, who will address you on the subject of 'Yesterday, To-day and To-morrow.' " Miss Abbott pleased everybody by her witty, de- lightful manner. Her subject dealt chiefly with the schools of Connecticut. She told of the honorable rec- ord of our schools in the past. After touching on the 116 schools of to-day she stated her hopes for the future of Connecticut's educational system. The scholars sang, "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean." Next on the program was an address by Rev. Rom- illy P. Humphries, rector of Trinity Episcopal church, South Norwalk, who spoke on "Citizenship." He was introduced in the following words by Chairman Blanch- ard: "Ladies and gentlemen: On two occasions during the school year just closed, when classes were graduated from our high school department, many of us listened with pleasure and profit to addresses by one of our fellow townsmen. When it came to a choice of speakers for this afternoon, the name of this gentleman at once occur- red to the committee having this matter in charge. It is a great pleasure to introduce the Rev. Romilly F. Hum- phries, who will address us on the subject of 'Citizen- ship.' " "Fa^r America" and "Hail Columbia" were then sung. "The Men Who Made Connecticut" was the sub- ject of an address by Walter Seth Logan, Esq., president of the Sons of the American Revolution. Mr. Logan, who is a large, stately looking man, made a hit with his audience from the. start. He opened his address in a voice that could easily be heard in all parts of the hall, and the little ones forgot their discomfort to applaud his witty points. His subject was "The Men Who Made Connecti- cut," but this was thrown to the winds, as he started in to relate some funny stories that promptly convulsed his hearers. He didn't know whether it was a good thing for New York when he removed to that state, but he knew it was good for Connecticut when he left. He ob- jected to the heat; he had 250 pounds heated, while most of his hearers had less than 100 pounds. "I haven't much to say, and I can't say it very well," was the prom- inent lawyer's plea, and it tickled the youngsters nearly to death. "If I'm not talking loud enough, just let me know," bellowed the speaker. "When I was a baby I could yell louder than any other baby in Litchfield coun- ty." He believed in the rights of children and one of these rights was that they should not be cooped up in a building on a hot September afternoon. This was a government by representation; let your teachers repre- 110 sent you, and you go out and play in the grass. The children promptly climbed in their seats and yelled for Mr. Logan. Mr. Logan referred to the signs Concord and Frank- lin, which referred to the schools, and said the names were of Revolutionary significance. He spoke of Frank! in's victory over nature and said that the victories of science were greater than those of war. "The men who made Connecticut are living to-day," declared the speaker. "Those who will make Connec- ticut are before me to-day." "I am proud of my descent from the old makers of Connecticut. One of my forefathers was Rev. Thomas Hooker, who carried the Bible in one hand and a gun in the other. He fought the devil on Sunday and wild Indians the other six days. Connecticut was settled by the purest of the Saxon blood, a race that is noted for its determination and self reliance." 11T THE EVENING OF SEPTEMBER TENTH F all great crowds that ever assembled in or around the Norwalk armory that which gathered this evening, to attend the "Evening With Aboriginal Nor- waake," the opening festivity of the quartermillennial celebration of The Norwalks, was the greatest. With public celebrations, as with county fairs, the crowd makes the success. The entire western section of the state seemed to have turned itself inside out to make this night's affair a success. Hundreds and hun- dreds of people clamored at the doors of the great hall an hour before it was opened. As many more congrega- ted around the scene of the opening ceremonies of the evening, which were held in the Marvin lot near the ar- mory, the ushers found it 'almost impossible to control the crowd, and the armory, the largest available building, was filled long before the Indians arrived. The jam at the door was terrific. Women and chil- dren were all but trampled under foot, and after a min- ute or two of the struggle left the building only to 'be ce- placed by as many more anxious ones. Tickets for re- served seats found no respect in the crowd and the par- ticipants who arrived late were scarcely able to get through with the aid of the policemen. Some gave it up and went home. During the ceremonies in the open air trees in the neighborhood were lined with youngsters who tore off limbs in their anxiety to see the doings of the Red Men. The line-up on the top of the bill boards in the lot was so close that when one lad lost his balance in the middle of the ceremony and fell to the ground, fifteen feet below, he took four or five of his companions with him. The opening ceremony was the burning of Ischoda or peace fire, famous in the nation's history and originally presided over by the 'chieftain Uncas on the banks of the Hudson. This fire was ahvavs built before a celebration. The braves would smoke the pipe of peace around it and then march around it three times, bearing the miniature wigwam of beads, all of which was an invocation to the spirits. The evening's functions were a repretition of these ceremonies by the Improved Red Men of to-day, the 118 whole being given under the direction of Rev. Charles M. Selleck. It was a portrayal of the lesser Ischoda, or camp-fire of the Connecticut Mohawks. This was a cus- tom of the Mohawks, from whom the Connecticut tribes came, and not of the Pequots. It was always built on a meadow. The Norwalk Red Men were the first to arrive. The campfire had already been started by a delegation under the direction of George W. Raymond. There were about thirty in the Norwalk delegation. The South Norwalk delegation did not arrive until some time later. They were in full regalia and each tribe had its tom-toms and their tom-tom beaters. The Red Men were paint- ed, and the costumes of the principal characters were especially fine. Rev. Mr. Selleck opened the ceremonies with a prayer. Then the braves formed in line, the stalwart King Catona in the lead, with his white buckskin suit and feathers showing off to fine advantage. The real ceremony centered around the beaded wigwam that was carried before 'the procession, usually by two young pages, but in this instance by two braves, Fred Benger and William Thompson. The wigwam was quite a novel creation. The wooden frame came from the grave of the great Ponus in New Canaan ; the beads were a gift, and the whole was the handiwork of Mrs. James Lawrence Stevens. The wigwam was car- ried on a large silver salver, and at the side of it were bracelets also of beads. - After the procession had gone around the fire three times, it left the circle and commenced a parade up and down the avenue, after which it made its way into the armory, the braves bearing redfire in the meanwhile. The braves who bore the wigwam waited in front of the stage until the others had taken their seats on the stage, and then 'they placed the wigwam at the feet of the king. no THE HISTORICAL TABLEAUX HE event inside of the Armory was the presentation of seven historical tab- leaux connected with the early history of Norvvalk and its founders. John H. Ferris presided in the absence of F. St. John Lockwood, who was ill and he announced that Rev. Mr. Selleck would interpret the tab- leaux. The Indian cast for the tableaux was : Catonah, Julius A. Hubbell. His son, Frederick B. Malkin. Aratomah, John D. Milne. Ponus, James H. Flynn. Three princes, Asa Decker, Frank Wehrle, Samuel N orris. Powahay, Joseph W. Howe. Mahackemo, George Fisher. Marakame, W. A. Thompson. Pemenante, Thomas Robbins. Mamackimo, George Quick. Cockenoe, Fred Benger. Tomekergo, George H. Hirst. Proserwamemos, Hugh Durkin. Tokameke, Aaron Decker. Winnipauk, G. C. Meehan. Braves, W. J. Wilcox, Edward Quick, George A. Shriver, William Rowe, Frank L. Judd, Ross Malkin, E. Wilson, John Elliott, R. J. Bland. Adam, a slave, G. C. Meehan. Catonah's queen, Mrs. E. H. Hotchkiss. Her attendant, Mrs. David Hunt. The first on the program was the singing of "Ameri- ca" by the Glee Club, led by Fred Force, and the au- dience. Scene i. Catonah, Sachem; Catonah's Queen, on the left; Wachamane, Catonah's son and successor, on the left of Queen; Aratomah on the right of Catonah. The last public act of Catonah's life was to deed to the Norwalk settlers the high lands, known to-day as Ridge- field. His traditional tomb and that of his Queen are preserved on the Judge John Jay estate in Westchester, N. Y. Ponus's title was Sachem of Rippowams. His ISO wigwam was on Ponus street, New Canaan. A path led from this home of the sachem to Norwalk. It is sup- posed that Ponus died soon after the English settled Nor- walk. The Red Men quartette, headed by George Hirst, rendered a selection. Scene II. Mahackemo was the Chief Sachem of Norwalk. He is supposed to have been a hunter. Nara- make and Pemanante were lesser sachems of what is now called Wilson's Point, where was something of an In- dian settlement. Winnipauk's home was in the oblong at the limits of the "twelve miles north" Norwalk boun- dary. Scene III. Roger Ludlow was the purchaser and evident founder of Norwalk. He was a brother-in-law of Governor John Endicott. He left the country in 1654, but his daughter Sarah (Mrs. Nathaniel Brewster) found- ed a family in this land and some of her descendants ar residents, to-day, of Norwalk. He had two sons, Thomas and Jonathan, the second of whom is known to have sur- vived his father. Mrs. Ludlow died in Dublin, Ireland, June 3, 1664. This tableaux was a representation of a fact in Eng- lish history. Prince Edward, afterwards King Edward VI., was visiting the Ludlows at their castle. While there a courier arrives announcing the death of the prince's father, Henry VIII. It is this scene that the tableaux depicts. The 'characters were represented as follows : Roger Ludlow, -John P. Treadwell ; Lady Lud- low, Mrs. E. J. Hill : Thomas and Jonathan Ludlow, sons of Roger Manice Lockwood, Jr., and Russell Frost, Jr. ; Miss Sarah Ludlow, Mrs. Thomas I. Raymond; Prince Edward, Kenneth Vernam ; courier, Major Fred A. Hill. Scene IV. Mr. Ludlow, now of Fairfield, made a purchase on February 26, 1640, of the portion of Nor- walk embraced between the Norwalk and Saugatuck rivers, and extending some twelve miles north of the sea. Mahackemo was the prominent aboriginal party in this transaction. The treaty spot is supposed to have been in Saugatuck and deserves marking. The Glee Club rendered the selection "A Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea." Scene V. This painting spoke for itself. It repre- sents the first minister of Norwalk, Rev. Thomas Han- ford, attired as mentioned by Mather, in his robe of office and surrounded by his parishioners, some of whom are depicted as engaged in the domestic occupation of those early times. Thomas Fitch, Matthew Marvin, Matthias St. John, Richard Sevmour, Richard Webb, Ralph Kee- ler are among the old families, some member of which is represented in the painting, Richard Seymour was not Nonvalk long lived. One son left behind in Nor- walk was the father of all the Norwalk Seymours, while from the sons who accompanied their mother 'distin- guished men have descended. Those who took the parts in this scene were: Rev. Thomas Hanford, Winfield S. Hanford ; Thomas Fitch, Colonel Samuel Daskam ; Ralph Keeler, Lieutenant-Gov- ernor Keeler, Richard Seymour; Robert Seymour Van Buren; Mrs. Eliphalet Lockwood, Mrs. G. B. St. John; Puritan maiden, Miss Angeline Scott; Elizabeth Fitch, Miss Eunice Stevens; Mrs. St. John, Mrs. Ira Cole; the first Eversly, Charles Eversly Curtis; member of Betts family, Miss Sarah Henderson ; of the Noble family, Mrs. Edwards Wilkinson and Miss Nash; Mrs. Richard Sey- mour, Mrs. Robert Van Buren; Ludlow goddess, Miss Alyse Gregory. A fitting feature of this tableaux was that the old characters were relineated by their descendants. Scene VI. John Elliot, the great Indian apostle, was taught the Indian tongue by a Long Island red man, Cockenoe, who lived in Norwalk for a time and has dis- tinct Norwalk record. Scene VII. There can be little doubt, says the his- torian of Norwalk, that the future will accord to Roger, son of Thomas (Knight) and Jane Ludlow, of England, the honor of being not alone the purchaser but the found- er of this ancient town. His name is lastingly Nor- walk associated and his honored memory is the town of Norwalk's honored legacy. This was one of the most effective tableaux ever shown in Norwalk, and elicited thunders of applause. The young ladies who took part were: Misses Ethel Wilcox, Mary Nash, Elsie Hill, Gladys Morehouse, Ethel Ferris, Hattie Ferris. Charlotte Ferris, Elsie Cum- mings, Marion Cummings, Emily Nash, Margaret O'Brien, Anna Curtis, Blossom Smith, Edwina Knapp, Abbie Marvin, Mary Marvin, Alice O'Brien, Alice Ter- rell, Florence Baldwin, Alice Darrow, Mary Seymour, Gertrude Hotchkiss, Elizabeth Austin, Mary Betts, Hazel Lockwood, Eunice Stevens, Ruth Golding. The committee in charge of the dramatic work was 133 Charles Miller, Mrs. Charles H Naylor and Mrs. James Stevens. They were ably assisted by Miss Emily Lynes. They were a grand and unqualified success, and will go on record as one of the most noteworthy features of the celebration. 123 THIRD DAY, SEPTEMBER ELEVENTH HE events appointed for this day were as follows : 1. Historic ride by trolley. 2. Afternoon assembly for His- torical addresses. 3. Home gathering and public speeches. The first event was given in honor of the invited guests of the town and was under direction of the Norwalk Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, of which Mrs. Samuel Richards Weed is Re- gent. The Historian, Rev. C. M. Selleck, accompanied the party. The trolley cars were gaily decorated and started from the Armory soon after 9 a. m. The points visited were as follows: 1 Benedict House Here Gen. Garth, of Tryon's in- vading army, in 1779, left his wounded men until his return to his boats at Old Well. 2 Garth's Magazine Here he left his ammunition, while on his destroying march, for a short time so claimed. 3 Ponus's Path Led to the Sachem Ponus Home, in West New Canaan. 4 Pynchon Descendant's House Where Margaret Pvnchon Keeler lived, who was a descendant of one of the Connecticut River Tods, so called. 5 La Fayette's Inn Gen. La Fayette here stopped and was received by Norwalk people, in 1824. 5 Madam Knight's Bridge This distinguished trav- eler tells of this bridge at "Whitney's Mill," which she crossed early in the i8th century. 7 The "Old Spring" House Where resided Capt. Ja- bez Gregory, one of the pioneer settlers. 8 Home of the Parents of Gen. W. T. Sherman, from whence they started to find their home in Norwalk, Ohio. 9 Site Where Jesse Lee Preached His First Sermon in Norwalk He was the founder of Methodism in Connecticut. ic The Old Whitney House Well known in early Norwalk. ii The Residence of Relatives of Sir Garnett Wolesly, recent commander-in-chief of the army of 'Great Britain. 124 12 Site of Old Town House Before Revolutionary War ; do not know date of its building. 13 Whitney's Hill Named after Henry Whitney, the ancient Norwalk miller. 14 Whitney's Plain The Norwalk Green called after the old miller. 15 Chancellor Kent's Schoolboy Home The great jurist here lived for a little time with his grandfather and attended school. \6 President Timothy D wight's Ancestors' Home President Dwight here visited, and he received, by inheritance, Norwalk land. 17 Grumman's Hill On East Avenue, where General Tryon sat when Norwalk was burned, 1779. 1 8 Cannon Home Here "Commodore" John Cannon lived. 19 Site of Third Meeting House Old glass has here been found, the remains of window glazing. Tryon burnt the church. 20 Parsonage Belonging to First Congregational Church. The earliest. 21 Colonel Thomas Fitch's Home Cottage Bought by Governor Thomas Fitch while his son, Colonel Thomas, was absent to the Northern wars. 22 "Yankee Doodle" House The grounds not house of Colonel Thomas Fitch, in derision of whose scantily and varied kind of uniform the verses of "Yankee Doodle" were composed by the British. 23 Gov. Thomas Fitch's' Home Lived and died here. He was one of the first Governors of Connecticut. 24 Site of Second Meeting On "Meeting House Hill," now site of residence of Rev. Dr. Augustus F. Beard, on East Avenue. 25 Hon. Samuel Fitch's Home Cottage The timbers of the old house are still in existence, it is believed, and retained. 26 Site of First Meeting House One window sup- posed to have been inclosed by a palisade for the protection against the Indians. 27 Rev. Thomas Hanford's Home Where first minis- ter lived the old well is still standing. 28 Old Cemetery Where the town settlers were buried now in charge of the Norwalks' Historical and Memorial Library Association, by authority of the Legislature. 196 29 Site of Old Blacksmith Shop Remnants of iron have been found here. 30 Site of First School House Here the children of perhaps the second generation of settlers were taught. 31 Fort Point An Indian fortification against the Dutch and Indians. A ferry at this point connected the two sides of Norwalk river, near the Railroad bridge. 32 The Roger Ludlow Monument Marks the vicinity of the spot where the purchase of the site was ar- ranged by Roger Ludlow in 1640. 33 Landing of Tryon on the shore Now marked by a stone with proper inscription. The British landed here in July 1779. 34 Opening shot at Garth's Men Fired by a Raymond, it is supposed, from this spot, which it is believed embittered the British against the Americans. 35 General Sherman's Ancestors' Home The Hoyt house, where Mary Hoyt, mother of General Wil- liam T. and Hon. John Sherman was born and lived until her marriage. The ride was devised by Mrs. Weed, Regent of the Norwalk Chapter, in response to a call from the Execu- tive 'Committee of the celebration, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all the participants. It is proper to add that if the limit had been extended and carriages had been substituted for trolley cars, the number of historic spots, including several which have been marked by the Nor- walk Chapter, D. A. R., could easily have been doubled. AFTERNOON EXERCISES, SEPT. nth. In the Armory on the afternoon there was a large audience. Hon. E. J. Hill presided. MUSIC, Band NATIONAL HYMN, .... To Thee, O Country PRAYER, Rev. Charles A. Downs. MUSIC, Band HISTORICAL ADDRESS, "The Building of Norwalk." Rev. Augustus Field Beard, D.D. MUSIC, . . ... Star Spangled Baner POEM, "A Sweet and Hallowed Time." Rev. John Gaylord Davenport, D.D. 190 ADDRESS, Hon. Orville H. Pratt, United States Senator, Connecticut. ANTHEM, Composed by Mr. Alexander S. Gibson. BENEDICTION. HISTORICAL ADDRESS. (By Augustus Field Beard, D. D.) THE BUILDING OF NORWALK. The founders of Norwalk were not an aesthetic people, but they must have recognized and rejoiced in the natural beauty of their location. There was enough to excite the admiration of the pioneers in the landscapes which greeted them the outlook on the beautiful inland sea, with the islands like pearls on its bosom, the in- dented shores beckoning the crested waves and setting the bounds to their welcome. But the delightful land- scapes of 'to-day were to them not altogether gladsome. Wild nature at once made a sharp challenge upon their courage and patience. Great tracts of unbroken wooded country confronted them. In the openings of the forest, weeds and thorns, decaying and decayed wood from fallen trees the debris of centuries swamps from un- drained land, like one 'vast sponge, hoarding the rains of summer and treasuring the snows of winter, asked for something other than pleasant emotions from these rugged men and 'brave women, heroic together in their faith and enterprise. Here, where since creation no man ever built a home unless the wigwam of the rest- less Indian might be called a home came thirty families to put smiles and laughter in our landscapes as they reclaimed the wilderness. Let us look at these, our ancestors. To ^lo so we must remember that their settlement here was not impro- vised when they came from Hartford and Windsor. The events 'which both formed their characters and shaped their history, had their roots extending quite as widely into times before their day as the branches have stretched out since they came. Great 'influences had been work- ing in patient continuity through centuries, never halting in God's purpose and never abrupt in their movements, by which their minds were met, directed and prepared 1ST for the events which asked for their choices and their decisions. Like other settlements of this period, the story of Norwalk has a great background of history. To interrogate it no further back than when our ancestors were children, we find a wonderful age of men- tal activity in England, which had its far beginnings in the renaissance the revival of learning in Europe. With this quickening of intellectual life came a new intel- ligence, with a remarkable succession of inventions and discoveries, and, better yet, with new conceptions of life and of the religious freedom and responsibility of man, which began to change the whole order of society and to widen the whole domain of thought and inquiry. Eng- land especially felt this new mental energy. But with this quickening of popular thought came conflict be- tween the old tyrannies over the minds of men and the new forces of intelligence: a growing demand for per- sonal, religious and political liberty, and a determined and cruel resistance to 'this demand, which in the time of our ancestors made the pages of England a crimson history. The chariot wheels of God do not turn back- ward, and when people had come to realize that the divine right of many not only is better but also has bet- ter foundations than the divine right of any one, though he may be seated on a throne, no penalties could con- vince them to the contrary, and exile in a wilderness in- habited only by savage men and savage beasts seemed happiness in comparison with the surrender of their con- victions. It was this spirit which peopled the rocky coasts of Plymouth in 1620, and later in 1630 sent the succeeding colonies to Salem, Charlestown, Boston, Watertown, Mystic, Dorchester and Lynn, in the Mas- sachusetts Bay Company, with its seventeen ships, and John Winthrop, Governor, and Roger Ludlow, one of the Magistrates. The leaders of this Company were remarkable men. Roger Ludlow, now forty years of age, was one of these leaders. The followers were not quite ordinary men. They were men of strong character, picked men, though most of them had ordinary attainments. They had taken on the healthy discontent at home. They had been in- oculated with the ideas of religious freedom and politi- cal liberty. They saw 'no future for themselves or their descendants at home. They came here for a future. Their thoughts went beyond the present. Nor is it necessary to believe that in their heavenly considerations m they were altogether oblivious of earthly advantages. Not a few of those who hungered and thirsted after righteousness had the land hunger also, and were willing to work for both together in the wilderness. They could only look at the land in England ; they could get it here. This is not to say that no mere adventurers worked them- selves in. The river which starts from the pure streams of the everlasting hills, on its onward sweep to the sea, always bears upon it not only the rich freights of com- merce, but also the logs and rubbish which have fallen in. This colonization, however, was comparatively free from restless and unstable elements. This Bay Colony settled mainly in Dorchester, and here Roger Ludlow lived four years. He was honored in Dorchester, but not enough for his ambitions. Dis- appointed, he turned his thoughts to the formation of a Colony on the Connecticut River, and finally gained per-., mission for this. Many followed him in this new emi- gration, and after a fourteen days' journey for they did not take the express trains, which now make it in four hours they came to their destinations. The party divided, some choosing Hartford, some Wethersfield, and others going with Ludlow to Windsor. Here he was again recognized by the Connecticut colony for his masterly ability, and became Deputy Governor; but feeling that he was not recognized enough, after four years at Windsor, as at Dorchester, he sought new con- ditions. The General Court at Hartford granted him a commission to begin a plantation at Pequannocke, now Bridgeport. Instead of doing this he settled at what is now Fairfield, giving its name. For exceeding his com- mission he was reprimanded by the General Court, but his purchase was confirmed, and, though irregular, was sagacious. On February 26, 1640, he was residing in Fairfield, for it was then apparently on his own personal respon- sibility, also that he purchased from the Indians of Nor- walk the territory which now constitutes the eastern part of it, viz.: "the grounds between the Twoe Rivers, the one called Norwalke, the other Soakatuck to the middle of saved Rivers a day's walke into the country." As the name of Roger Ludlow is inseparably con- nected with the beginnings of Nonvalk, it may be well to follow his history. He was either Assistant or Deputy Governor of Connecticut every year for nineteen years. In 1639 it was he who drew the Constitution of Connec- m ticut under which our fathers lived, which continued in force, with scarcely any alterations, for one hundred and eighty years, and which historians unite to say is "the first written Constitution known to history which created a Government," and which made Connecticut absolutely a State. "It embodied all the essential fea- tures of subsequent States, and gave to Connecticut a pre-eminent place in Constitutional history." This Con- stitution received its chief inspiration from the greatest mind in Connecticut at this time, the Rev. Thomas Hooker, of Hartford ; but it called for the first legal mind in New England to give this Constitution form and ex- pression, and justly ranks him as the greatest lawyer in the Colonies and among the leading statesmen of his age. On the 2Oth of April following Ludlow's purchase Capt. Daniel Patrick secured a deed from the Indians "from the middle of the river to a western bound called Noewanton," including two islands, and "as farr up in the country as an Indian can goe in a day, from sun risinge to sun settinge." This Patrick, a soldier by pro- fession and a soldier of fortune by nature and character was one of the drifts into the Bay Colony and had drifted here. He came to a violent death, the record reading: "He was killed by a Dutchman, who shot him dead with a pistol." Ludlow held his purchase for ten years, when he sold it to the founders of Norwalk for the sum of 15, which included interest, with the principal for his ori- ginal outlay. History does not tell us who may have projected the settlement of Norwalk. We only know that Ludlow, having reserved a lot for his sons, young lads at this date, to the value of 200, made over the deed to the territory here, stipulating that the plantation should be begun within a given time, to be taken up by no less than thirty families, and that, once here, they should invite an orthodox and approved minister "with all convenient speed." Moreover, that "they will not receive in any that they be obnoxious to the publique good of the Commonwealth of Connecticut." These con- ditions were inserted in Ludlow's deed in accordance with a Connecticut law at that time, which was that be- fore a company should be allowed to enter upon the work of a new settlement, the General Court required that they should prove themselves capable of colonizing a town and of maintaining a minister. Nathaniel Ely and Richard Olmstead, in behalf of 180 themselves and others, at a session of the General Court of Connecticut, obtained "approbation of the Court for the planting of Norwalk," having made the previous arrangement with Roger Ludlow for his interests on the east side of the river. Ludlow continued to live in Fairfield until 1654, when for raising a little home-made army on his own account, to make war on the Dutch a rash act but in- spired by patriotism he again incurred the displeasure of the General Court at Hartford and again received a reprimand. This, and the fact that he had just been fined at New Haven for telling a woman she lied which was probably correct and for suggesting that she was a witch and she was queer made him particularly sore. Feeling that he was unjustly humiliated and had lost his prestige, he determined to return to England, which he did. Roger Ludlow possessed many elements of great- ness. He was a man of political sagacity and prophetic vision, and was a sound exponent of political and re- ligious liberty. The fact that he was mentally arbitrary, and indisposed to allow authority to stand in the way of his personal wishes, stood in his way, and in the way of his highest ambitions. When he left the colony under a sense of injury and disappointment, he also left it under lasting obligations for the twenty-four years of his event- ful and fruitful life in it, which merit and will have the acknowledgments of candid history. I would be glad if I could, to claim so famous a man as Roger Ludlow as the founder of Norwalk. All that history says is, that Ludlow purchased of the Indians the eastern part 'of Norwalk and resold it to the planters. Whatever this transaction makes him in relation to Nor- walk, that he was. There is nothing easier to believe than that we would like to believe. He certainly is en- titled to be called the Founder of Fairfield. For one I am not gifted with sufficient creative, or at least, interpre- tative imagination to enable me to call him the founder of Norwalk. These planters also obtained a confirmation to themselves of Capt. Patrick's purchase, and on the February following, secured a deed from Ruckineage and other Indians for an additional tract west of Pat- rick's purchase at Routon. The spring of 1651 found the planters on their way here, with their slim household effects and their cattle. m The women rode on horses, the men tramped, and all encamped where night overtook them, until they reached this promised land. Tradition which >is doubt- less well founded has it, that they were welcomed by some who had spent the previous winter here, anticipat- ing the necessities of the company. They were as to age mostly in middle life. They were families. Of those fearless women who bore their husbands' names history is silent. It were fairer history had it told us something of the fairer part of that company who bore their full share in the sacrifices of those early days, and without whom the settlement here would have been impossible. These Nor walk planters did not have among them eminent men. They were simply honest, earnest Eng- lishmen and women, who in their early years had shown character and resolution enough to break with hostile conditions, and to leave a land that was unkind. Hoi- lister the historian of Connecticut finds, however, that "more than four-fifths of the early landed proprietors of Hartford, Wethersfield and Windsor" whence came our ancestors "belonged to families which had arms granted to them in Great Britain." Whatever their ancestry, they were here battling with nature, making for them- selves not the records of family pedigree, but the patents of extraordinary history. Their home discontent was quickened, no doubt, by the instinct of colonization, which is natural to many, and which enables us to under- stand in part, why it was, that after previous settlements had become comfortable, so many were moved to leave them and to penetrate anew into the deeper wilderness west. It was the stirring of that same instinct which has ever since been whispering of boundless possibilities fur- ther on, in the magic words "go west," and which begin- ning with the Pilgrims, has belted the continent with their descendants and their ideas. Our ancestors read in their Bibles their one book, which they literally ac- cepted "The earth is the Lord's." They had the assur- ance that they were the Lord's people. They read, "The meek shall inherit the earth," and they appropriated both the text and the territory. The names of Norwalk's founders are in the ancient records. Among them are some very familiar now: Fitch, Marvin, Gregory, Hoyt, Bouton, Ely, Holmes. Keeler, Morgan, Olmstead, Richards, St. John, Seymour, and, a little later, Benedict, Betts, Belden, Church, Com- i* stock, Ketcham, Lockwood, Nash, Raymond, Stewart and Taylor. Once here and organized, the "Towne Street" was staked out, that part of East avenue which extends from the ancient burial ground to the top of Earl Hill. Home lots were assigned, other land being held in common. The limitation of about four acres was for the sake of compactness and common safety. It is pleasant for us to be able accurately to locate these early homes. The building of their shelters was the first necessity. This meant the beginning of the end of the forests. The trees swayed and fell, but with their departed pride came their usefulness. Log upon log the little cabin struc- tures arose. The floors, when not of the solid earth, were of split logs as smooth as their axes could hew them. The seed for the next season must be got into the ground as soon as the patches could be made ready. These were busy days. Meanwhile the vvomen were not meeting in their respective clubs. They were "stepping lively" at home. These men did not convert trees into habitations living on faith only. The inner man could have faith, but it took the outer man to swing an axe and to dig the soil that never had been disturbed since it was created; and the outer man called for his break- fast, dinner and supper. Besides, everyone knows that eating is one of the English traits. It was already a characteristic before 1651. Their meals were not served in course, but they were served of course, and if not elaborate, yet were substantial that iron might be in the blood of these hungry English pioneers. The next door neighbor of this new settlement was Stamford, ten years old. New Haven, also, where Davenport had led his followers thirteen years before this settlement, was ac- cessible. There could, therefore, be some trading from the first. We read, for example, in our town records, that a corn mill, which had been erected almost immediately, did not prove satisfactory, and that in 1654 it was voted to discontinue it. There had been a grist mill in Stam- ford for nearly ten years. The planters were thus tided over the bars until three years later a second corn mill was erected, which answered until a third one was pro- vided. After the dwellings and the absolute and immediate provisions for life were assured, they turned their first attention to the erection of a "meeting house." 188 theory was that the people themselves were the church, and the meeting house was for the people. Without stretching their logic much, 'they came to think when they met in it, to transact town business, that this was church work. Accordingly, on the 22d 'of May, 1655, after four years of meetings with Rev. Thomas Hanford, preaching where he might, they voted "to send after the nayles for the meeting house with all speed." Their idea of speed, or at least their realization of it, may be noted from the fact that three years and eight months subsequent, the meeting house was yet only an idea. One cannot drive ''nayles" into an idea nor into a vote. The meeting house, however, became a reality, "thirty foot in length and eighteen foot in width." As the years rolled on the wilderness was incessantly invaded by these determined workers. Lots as they were reclaimed were planted and fenced, orchards were begun, gardens were cultivated. The rude log cabins with their oil-papered windows gave way to framed houses with massive timbers, with two rooms on the lower floor and the great stone chimney in the centre, and little diamond- shaped glass windows. Those within the house were patient workers also. We read of no servants in the kit- chens. The "lady of the house" was cook, laundress, soap maker, candle maker, tailoress, dressmaker, shirt maker, stocking knitter and general repairer, and there were growing children in the family. The Indian bread and corn 'bread, the samp and hominy, the succotash the art of which they had learned from the Indians the bean soup or porridge, the hasty corn puddings for the table, repeated their invitations three times a day for seven days in the week. For meats there was wild game galore. Wild turkeys, partridges, quails, wild geese and pigeons in their season t and wild ducks, with bear meat and venison which were abundant helped to spare the lives of their sheep, swine and poultry. Wild straw- berries and blackberries, whortleberries and wild grapes were plentiful. The fish of the streams and the fish of the salt water, bluefish and especially bass were easily obtained, and the shellfish, to which we are accustomed, were found in rich abundance. Then there was the wool to be carded and spun, the flax to be rotted, hackled and dressed for their own weaving. As the cloth gave out, many a lad and man wore his daily garments, in the style of short clothes, made of the skins of animals ; made at home and often "fearfully and wonderfully made." 184 Preparing tea and coffee, however, did not add to the household burdens. There were neither of these in Norwalk for a hundred years to come, and among their vegetables, probably the potato, a rare vegetable as yet, had no place. Their pewter plates and dishes must be made to shine like silver, but they were spared the neces- sity of care for^ their forks, since they never saw one. Nor was much time used in millinery. Hoods and sun- bonnets went with them to the meeting house and home- spun was correct fashion. Calico was as costly as silk. I have not mentioned their special environments. Wolves were not dangerous, but they were troublesome. Bears would have been unwelcome neighbors but for the fact that they could be made serviceable. The In- dians were relatively few, numbering about six thousand in the entire State, or twelve hundred warriors. Those in Norwalk were ready for friendly alliance with the set- tlers. Some entered the service of these English far- mers, learning meanwhile the English tongue. One Norwalk Indian did this to good purpose, namely, Cockanoe, who taught his Indian language to the great Indian apostle Eliot. I quote Eliot's own testimony: "I found a pregnant-witted young man who had been a servant in an English house, who pretty well under- stood our language, and well understood his own, and hath a clear pronunciation. Him I made my interpre- ter. By his help I translated the Commandments and many texts of Scripture." Peaceable as the Norwalk Indians were, they were -nevertheless Indians, and the weapons of our ancestors were ever ready in the field and in the house of worship. So far as the records show, the subject of education did not greatly add to the burdens of the people. One generation probably had to content itself with such in- struction as could be 'acquired at home. There may pos- sibly have been public instruction previous to the time of the first record of it, but twenty-seven years had passed before the vote is recorded, that Mr. Cornish was engaged "to teach all the children to lerne to read and write." It does not appear that the gentle art of spelling had then been discovered. The spelling of their records was according to the moods of the one who made words his agents, but would not submit to their being his mas- ter. Almost 'any combination would do, with a supreme indifference as to how the words came out, and if they were never twice alike, as they seldom were, it only added 185 to the interest in the way of a pleasurable variety. In 1686 Mr. Cornish was again "hiered for that cervice." There was a school law made by the General Court in 1644, for all' the settlements in the colony, "That every township, after the Lord hath increased them to the num- ber of fifty households, shall forthwith appoint one to teach all such children, as shall resort to him, to read and write, and when any town shall increase to the num- ber of one hundred families, they shall set up a grammar school." You may imagine the school house of those days, twenty feet square with a fireplace the pupils seated on benches made of slabs, suppoited by straddling wooden legs set into augur holes. Few of the children had books. Blackboards they never saw. The ink usu- ally was made of soot and vinegar, and the ink bottle of leather. The main text book was the Bible, but they had lessons in ancient and general history so far as to learn, that "In Adam's fall We sin-ned all." There were in the settlement at this time one hundred and thirteen children. In 1681 the second meeting house, "forty foot square and sixteene foot between joynts," the great geographical monument of the town as our Town House now is was erected, and Thomas Barnum was "appoynted for to over see and keep good Decorum amongst the youth in times of exercise on the Sabbath and other Publique meetings, and the Towne doe impower him if he see any disorderly for to keep a small stick to correct with, oneley he is Desired to do it with Clemency." At the end of the first thirty years the one street, then but little more than a cart path, had not extended from the ceme- tery beyond the top of Earl Hill, and the Indian's trails were the white man's highways. We may remember also that during all this period there was not what we call a store of 'any kind in the settlement. It was the age of barter. We read neither of a physician, lawyer or dentist. At this period there were twenty-five settled towns in Connecticut, with twenty-one churches. In 1694 forty-three years after the settlement the names of fourteen of the founders still appear on the re- cords. The Rev. Thomas Hanford had finished his min- istry of forty-one years and had died in 1693. Mrs. Han- 186 ford lived until 1730, and died at the age of one hundred years. When fifty years had ended, the little compact settlement had gradually expanded up the river towards the bridge and the mill over the river at the "Old Well" and towards New Canaan and Saugatuck. The paths were being worked into roads rough and rocky. The children and grandchildren of the founders were now the social forces. With the year 1700 we may say that the pioneer stage had ended. I have spent time upon it, because the original stamp is not obliterated and the type is per- sistent. I meet men now in Norwalk whom I think the fathers would immediately recognize as the seventh or eighth editions of the original, the same text in modern binding. As the outward circumstances of the people gradu- ally improved, society took on another cast. The out- side world was coming nearer. Boston, with now a population of 17,000 and New York a large village, were accessible. In 1721 the first newspaper was published in New York. Travel between Boston and New York now and then enlivened the isolated life of the town. Norwalk was getting out of the woods. In 1723 the third meeting house was erected on the same street still further north. Soon the town granted to the inhabi- tants of Saugatuck permission to have their own min- ister, and a little later the same liberty to New Canaan, and 1734 to the "Professors of the Church of England," freeing them from all obligation to the "Ancient Prime Society." The houses at this time were "indifferent" gener- ally a story and a half in front and sloping to the rear to within six or eight feet of the ground. But if there were as yet no colonial mansions in Norwalk, there were grow- ing up some notable children. Thomas Fitch, grandson of the first Thomas original settler had entered the young Yale College, not yet out of its own teens, and was graduated in 1721. He studied theology, was licensed to preach, and did preach in his home church several times. For some reason he directed his atten- tion to law and civil government and became eminent as chief justice of the colony, Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony, and afterwards Governor for a period of twelve years, from 1754 to 1766. When the odiouj stamp act was 'being considered by the British Parlia- ment, and the news reached Hartford, the General As- 187 sembly ordered a document to be prepared, protesting against the measure. This was drawn up by Governor Fitch in a paper of great clearness, insisting upon the light of the colonies to tax themselves, and "shows," says Hollister, "an intimate acquaintance with the prin- ciples of the British Constitution and the rights of the v subject under it that is unsurpassed by any paper origin- ating in any other colony during that exciting period." If Governor Fitch did not live to share in the Declaration of Independence he was yet one of the fathers of it. There was also his greatly distinguished son, who figured in the French and Indian wars, from 1754 to 1763 in which Norwalk's patriotic grandsons of the first settlers had a full share of service, at Cape Breton, Louis- burg, Montmorenci and Crown Point. While Governor Fitch was honoring his native town as the head of the Connecticut colony, his son, Col. Thomas Fitch, was leading his soldiers in the battle of Crown Point. Sel- leck's history is my authority for saying that while he was thus engaged, an English official, in derision of the appearance of his Continental command near East Al- bany, wrote the jargon which has become national "Yankee Doodle came to town Riding on a pony," and it is the historian's personal conviction that the horse thus made immortal also came from'Norwalk. The boyhood neighbor of Col. Fitch, and who mar- ried his sister, was another descendant of ' Capt. John Thacher, who commanded with great valor the galley "Lady Washington" in the battle of Lake Champlain, and who being wounded and captured by the British, had his sword returned to him in recognition of his bravery. Thus the development of the colonies and of the town was going on, and with it the unconscious, but steady, evolution of the Englishman into the 'Yankee, with their fundamental differentiations. The climate, the abrogation of the caste feeling which lives upon rank and titles, continued to evolve a distinctive spirit and traits. Environment was changing the characteristics or heredity. The English face and features were passing and the special qualities of the American appeared. The contentions, which had been somewhat sharp, between the motherland and the colonies had already slackened 188 the loyalty of many, so that they were not unready in spirit and temper for the Declaration of Independence in 1776, when the evolution of the Englishman into the Yankee was completed. This colonial period of transition has much of interest in it, as the comforts and luxuries of the old world came to the new. The 'church was still the germ of the town and in the meeting house the people were still divided in their worship as they were in the days of their fathers. The old men in one place, the old dames in another, the young men and maidens prudently removed far apart, nourished their faith and their principles. They took their time for it. There, in the presence of Almighty God, it was not for man to be in haste. Not for short prayers nor short sermons did they congre- gate. They settled themselves down for a regular religious siege, which would not be raised for three or five hours. Sermons and prayers in our day are not of this longtitude, but the sermons now are much wider in latitude. They are shorter and sometimes thinner. These people did not come to the church for mental di- version, nor for oratory. They were there for instruc- tion, for an educative, thorough-going discussion of great themes. They had no use for sermonets. With- out newspapers, lectures or modern entertainments, the sermon had no competitor, and because of the emphasis put upon it, it must not be weak nor little. It must not deal with little themes. It must be large and strong. The meeting-house in Norwalk never lacked hearers who demanded this, and its ministers were men of such brain power and moral earnestness that the history of these days in the town is honorable. Nevertheless, with all their virtues, I cannot say that these early ministers were more loyal to duty or to the spirit of true religion than are their successors of to-day, in the more complex and perhaps less appreciated Christian service of our time. Their meeting-house never knew the heat of any fire except that which was in the minister's theology. That was sufficient even when the mercury hovered about zero. When the era of the beautiful colonial architecture came in, it did not put itself greatly in evidence in Nor- walk. Nevertheless the furnishings of the homes when wealth had come were made richer. Brassware supple- mented the English pewter. Mahogany was the new 139 furniture, sideboards with curving fronts, swell-front bureaus, long, oval mirrors, bedsteads with arched canopy frames, while the tankards were put aside for fluted decanters and wineglasses. A new social eti- quette and stately manners were affected. The table was graced with silver spoons, and forks had been introduced. Tea costing several dollars a pound and coffee and choco- late appealed to new tastes on special occasions. Tin- ware was displacing the earthenware crockery and cook- ing grew to be a fine art. Even now in its decadence, there are echoes of it that could well-nigh convert one to the theory that the days of 'glory were in the past. Those mercies have gone from the sight and tas'te of men now living. When our grandmothers went to hea- ven they took the secret with them. We find that the sfhools at this time had increased their studies. Arithmetic, through decimal fractions to the climax of the "rule of three," was added, and con- siderably later, grammar as a study, and algebra, and the elements of geometry. Geography was not taught until nearly the end of the century. Those who were preparing for a liberal education sought the tuition of the minister. In the way of trade and commerce the custom of barter had yielded to the more complex organization of society. There was a freer circulation of money and there were stores and shops in Norwalk. Two-wheeled carriages, called chaises, were in town in 1750. New York held a direct trade with Europe, and vessels from our harbor knew the way to New York. Among those whose ambitions tended to social distinctions fashion was not a little bit of a god even then. Ruffles and em- broideries, silk gloves, white silk stockings, poplin and gauze fans and ribbons, with gold and silver ornaments were all here. This also was the era of wonderful stitching, from the samplers up to the marvelous illus- trations of what could be done with a needle. Mean- while as in the later days of the pioneer period the shoemaker went from house to house, the tailor like- wise, to cut, fit and make the clothing the cooper to make and hoop barrels for the cider and the soap, and barrels for beef and barrels for pork. Even in this colonial stage individualism had enough to satisfy itself. Each home had its ceaseless industries. The 'pork and hams and sides of bacon and tongues must be preserved for winter use. The sheep were sheared at 'home ; the 140 wool carded and woven at home. The flax was made ready for spinning at home. The skilful woman could spin two threads with one hand while the foot kept the treadle of the flax wheel moving and a baby slept in her lap, and could look as pretty as a picture while doing it. Matters were after this manner when the warnings of war were heard in Norwalk. It was Thaddeus Betts a descendant of the pioneer who made application to the General Assembly in behalf of the town for six can- non. He procured them "with a hundred round shot to suit them and grape shot in proportion.'' As the war came near to 'our coasts, the exposed location gave the people especial reason for alarm. What they feared came. British soldiers under General Tryon, and hired 'Hessians under General Garth, on July 7th" burned to the ground the neighboring town of Fair- field. Norwalk next was the expectation, and such small household goods as could be concealed were hid- den away. Governor Trumbull ordered the continental troops at New London to "hasten to Norwalk with all possible dispatch," but before the orders were received Norwalk was in ashes. These house-burners landed oq both sides of the river at "Fitch's Point" and at "Old Well" on Saturday afternoon 'of July loth, and with the light of the Lord's day, July nth, they were seen concentrating at "Grummon's Hill.'' There Tryon sat overlooking the town, safe with his 2,500 soldiers against a few continental companies, while he wrote his orders. At six o'clock in the morning the torches were lighted and eighty dwelling-houses (some accounts say 132), the two churches, 87 barns, 22 storehouses, 17 shops, 4 mills and 5 vessels were consumed, together with the crops of hay and wheat which had been gathered. The general, who never distinguished himself by any nobler or more dangerous service than this, then left what had been the town and left his record. The next winter, uncommonly severe, came to these largely houseless people without adequate provisions and in great privations. Poverty was the common lot. The ordinary necessities of life were only to be secured by almost prohibitory prices. Salt was $27.00 a bushel, molasses $20.00 a gallon. It was lived through, however, and there are those in this presence who have heard the story of it directly from those who could say, "all of which I saw and a part of which I experienced." Two years later, in October, 141 1781, down in Virginia, the end came. With the surren- der the British drums beat the air 'The world's turned topsy-turvy," and Lord Cornwallis thought it had. In- deed it had. While the great body of the people had been willing to bring about this issue, the element loyal to the British government was much more troublesome than current history shows. To some, the allegiance to England was a matter of Church, to others of conservatism, and to others of a cowardly confidence that Great Britain would win, and that they would be present when the band-wagon would come to town. These were those who secretly aided the British and betrayed their own neighbors. Norwalk had all kinds. After independence was secured, those who did not remove, inherited the "Fourth of July" with as good grace as necessity re- quired. Now, after a century and a quarter, the records of this part of our history may well be forgotten. With the triumph of the war, Norwalk shared in the new impulse which came to the State and to the country. The war had been a great educator. Com- merce took on new enterprises. Private ventures were bolder and more successful. The battles for freedom had shown to the people the inconsistency of slavery, and all slaves born after 1784 were declared free. At this time there were forty-one slaves in Norwalk. With the year 1800, not all the losses had been re- covered, but the town was flourishing in a quiet way with a population of 5,105 people, including Wilton and New Canaan yet in the bounds of Norwalk. We come now to the Nineteenth Century stage. There are persons now living in Norwalk whose years have compassed nearly all of the last century. We have heard them tell of the wonderful changes in their day. This past is so near to us that we may not dwell upon it. In 1812 came the set-back of the embargo and of the blockade of our own harbor, but with the ending of the war in 1815, the British ships left the Sound and the people were free again to work out the blessings of peace. In 1824 the first steamboat the General Lafayette was making its trips from New York to Old Well, when one could go to New York in one day and posi- tively return the next day. The railroad, whose whistle echoed the tune "The world's turned topsy-turvy," be- 149 gan the change of the center of gravity in Norwalk to the west end in 1848. We parted with New Canaan in 1801. It was named after the Canaan which in Bible times flowed with milk and honey, and doubtless because it was sup- posed that from its hilltops the people would be nearer the New Jerusalem than they could be at tide-water. Wilton became a separate town in 1802, and Westport in 1835. The year 1860 brought the event of that century in our nation's history. Those who had been mourning the decay of patriotism and were piping their pessimistic strains because in the material changes and great growths of luxury the children of to-day had become degenerate sons of those noble sires who had left us their precious legacy of freedom, were amazed to discover how their eyes had been holden that they should have seen 'only the surfaces of life. The elders here well remember what answer was made when the Government called. The record of Nor- walk in that life and death struggle, which did not pause nor hesitate until the national unity was forever secured, and slavery abolished forever, was worthy of the men and women of 1651 and 1776. We are now standing before the questions of the twentieth century. In all this past local history the time could be spanned by three successive lives of eighty-three years each. This brings the fathers near to us, but how far away they are in the changes which the years have wrought. It has come to pass that we can no longer isolate ourselves. One's home may be in Norwalk, but he belongs to the world and the world belongs to him. We are not only heirs to the people of 1651 but we have the inheritances of all nations. When the century began which has just closed its gates upon us, John Adams was President of the United States with 5,000,000 of people, with the Mississippi River our western boundary, with a budget of receipts and expenses one-tenth that of the present" city of New York. George the Third was king of Great Britain, and Napoleon Bonaparte the first Consul of the French Republic. The people of the fore- most nations of the earth were reading by candle light the very beginnings of the sciences of the chemical and physical properties of matter. Most of the work of the world was done by the muscles of men and horses, in- stead of by mechanical power. People traveled at the 148 rate of six miles an hour, where now we fret at forty miles an hour. Then an interview from Norwalk with a man at Boston would take three weeks, now we dis- patch it over the telephone in five minutes. The nine- teenth century has given us the railroad, the steamship, the telegraph, the photograph, photo-engraving, the sew- ing machine, the reaper, the mower, the tremendous power of machinery that works like intelligence, the de- velopment of manufactures, the electric light, the trolley car and the horseless carriage. It has given us the science of chemistry, the wonderful advance in scientific medicine, the miracles of surgery, the new domain of physics, the theories of light and heat and energy, the revelations of the spectrum analysis the X-rays the achievements of astronomy and the hypothesis of evolu- tion. It has given us archaeological unfoldings of people who lived and celebrated their anniversaries six thousand years ago ; the geographical, ethnological, bio- logical sciences with their new worlds for the coming generations to develop and to conquer. It has planted civilization in Japan and the seeds of it in China. It has builded universities for women that they may be scholars. It has brought us a new literature, a new library development with public libraries in every town not already in its grave clothes. It has been a strenuous century, a fruitful century in which every town and per- son has shared. We look out upon the century before us when the wide world is brought to our vision every morning, when people cross the oceans at the speed of 500 miles a day, as if they were ferries, when we flash our thoughts dry shod over the bed of the sea on the nerve of a wire, from continent to continent; when one converses with an- other a thousand miles away as if they were face to face. In 1651 the age was narrow and the people were narrow, but they were broader than their times. They turned their faces forward, leading their age. This gave them a work and they did their work. Ever to be remembered are the eminent Norwalk- born sons who in this work have brought conspicuous honor to their native town. Thomas Fitch, governor, and Thomas Fitch, Jr., patriot soldier; Captain John Thacher, Rev. Abraham Jarvis, the second bishop of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut; Prof. Moses Stuart, forerunner in Oriental literature in this country; Dr. Jonathan Knight, the eloquent professor in Yale ; Rear- 144 Admiral Francis Gregory, of the United States Navy; Nathaniel Bouton, father of the National American Home Missionary Society; Hon. Charles H. Sherman, Judge of the Supreme Court of Ohio, and the Norwalk- born parents of Hon. John Sherman and General Wil- liam Tecumseh Sherman, men of world fame. Others who have gone out from us have also been founders of towns, so that Norwalk is also in Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Florida and California. As we rejoice to-day in our beautiful town of twenty thousand people a suburb of the metropolis of this con- tinent within the distance of an hour heirs of a thou- sand privileges of which with all their hopes the fathers never dreamed, it is not for us to forget how they blazed the way for our smoother paths. They did not recoil from grappling fearlessly with the duties and the evils of their time. We, their children, can best honor them by being as true to our times as they were to theirs. The day has not yet come for us in the outlook from our higher civilization to cease to honor the fathers and their principles, while we, for our part, are seeking to work out our own problems of destiny in honest duty, that our day may be as wholesome and true as it is free and great. On Tuesday afternoon, September the Tenth, the schools of the town assembled in the Armory. Abiathar Blanchard, Secretary of the Board of School Visitors, presided. The order of exercises was as follows: MUSIC, Star Spangled Banner. ADDRESS, "Yesterday, To-day and To-morrow." Miss Mary Merriman Abbott, President of the State Federation of Women's Clubs. MUSIC, Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean. ADDRESS, "Citizenship." Rev. Romilly F. Humphries. MUSIC, Fair America, Hail Columbia. ADDRESS, "The Men Who Made Connecticut." Walter Seth Logan, Esq., President of the Sons of the American Revolution. i MUSIC, America. 145 POEM BY DR. JOHN GAYLORD DAVENPORT, Of Waterbury, Conn. "A SWEET AND HALLOWED TIME." We've come to a sweet and hallowed time When the past broods o'er the town, And wakes again the scenes and men Of conflict and renown. A dreamy light is on the bay And its rippling waters tell Of clumsy craft and homespun sail Which once they knew so well! The hills stand silent as if in thought, In their ancient robe of green, And lift their heads as if to speak Of the things that they have seen. There are murmured tales, if we understood, In the sobbing of the rills, And every vale and elope and wood With retrospection thrills! "Colonial homes" exult to-day In their heritage of years, And boast superior style, while each At modern structures sneers! And up in their attics, as I suspect, While there's no one there to see. All "Grandma's treasures" are prone to share In a burst of old-time glee! The great wheel says to the linen -wheel, "Let's honor these passing days," And they whirl in a jig while the snapping reel Keeps time to their merry maze! And the warming pan with its cymbal lid, Applauds as they chasse, And the footstove rattles its ashes cold In a musical sort of way! And the bellows flutter the blackened herbs That hang from the garret wall, And the boneset leaves and the motherwort Into the cradle fall! And the ancient churn that has rested long Its dasher lifts once more, While the straight-backed chairs, join arms and skip O'er the blackened oaken floor! And the shell that used to sweep the fields With its clear- toned call to dine, Says to the brass-nailed, oxhide trunk, "Your style's as loud as mine!" And the pewter platters clap their hands, And the old blue pitcher dreams Of the time gone by when its nose was whole And it caught the cider streams! And grandfather's clock that stands apart, With its hands before its face, With a desperate effort strikes the hour With much of its former grace! O these are days, we may well believe, Of honest/ and hearty mirth, With all that in far-off, golden years Can boast exalted birth! And so throughout the ancient bounds, From Wilton's sunny hills, To the harbor where the restless tide Its chalice drains and nils; From Five Mile River and Darien To Saugatuck's verdant shore, From the heights that fair New Canaan homes With beauty mantle o'er, To Weston's sturdy, rock-bound ridge, One prevalent taste we see, The favorite study of every man Is Ancient History! One title, "Looking Backward," seems All wisdom to enshrine. While not a song so moves the heart As simple "Auld Lang Syne!" The twentieth century fades from view, The seventeenth is ours, The withered stock bursts into leaf And yields us sweetest flowers! O not in vain the D. A. R., (With never a final N.) And not in vain the S. A. R., Those brave, heroic men, "Founders and Patriots," "Foreign Wars," "Colonial Wars," and "Dames," And all the rest that trace their line 147 Through great historic names, Have waited for the charming time That bids the past arise, And all its characters and scenes Salute our wondering eyes! Perchance indeed it was their spell That waked the long ago, That we the fullness of its grace And worthiness might know; Perchance it was their trumpet call That bade the dead revive And walk and worship in our view, And toil and love and strive! With eager hearts we greet the past And yield it reverence due, And bid it make our lives sublime, Unselfish, broad and true! We've garlands for the pioneers Who wrestled here with fate, And in the midst of perils laid The bases of the State! We've garlands for the patriot band Who the invader met, And who through fire and blood their face Toward independence set! We've garlands for the mothers brave Who shared the cruel strain, And deemed it highest joy their sons For worthiest life to train! fathers, mothers, royal race, Across the gulf of years We bless you for your noble work Unstayed by paiu or fears! Live, live before us while these days Are gliding sweetly by, Reveal the grandeur of the soul Whose influence cannot die! One sunny day, with hook and line, I sought the wave-washed strand, Where as a boy I eager bore The bivalves to the land! 1 sat me down upon a point That jutted to the sea, And waited for the fish so kind As to be game for me! 148 The skies were bright, the waters clear, Their ripples soothed my soul, I looked across the shining waves And marked their rhythmic roll! I thought upon these festal days, Then not so far away, And wondered, could the dead return, What they would think and say! When of a sudden I perceived That I was not alone, For, near at hand, there silent sat A man to me unknown. His dress in part seemed like the garb Of those who ride the wheel, And yet a strangeness marked his style Whose force I could but feel! His shortened coat of silken gray Was slashed on either side, While o'er the sleeves, like roof of porch, Hung a projection wide! His collar was as white and broad As that of modern dude, And yet so laid about his neck As nowise to intrude. A cord and tassel held it fast And neatly fell below; His shoes with buckles firmly bound Did each a jewel show. His hat ascended toward, a peak, His face seemed sad and grim; I marveled at his looks the more, The more I gazed at him. At length I said, in courteous tone, "I harvest from the sea; I seek a little of its wealth"; He said, "So mote it be! "From this same point," said he, "I've flshed, And gathered many a score; But," with a sigh he added soon, "I'll do it nevermore!" "Why not?" I asked, "bring on your line, The sea is all alive; These swarms that throng the shining depths We surely ought to hive! Calf Pasture is a goodly place For this delightful sport; 149 Come, bring your tackle, and you'll bear A cargo into port!" "Two hundred years ago, and more," Said he, "with ample luck My hook into the briny deep With diligence I struck! Good Izaak Walton, then alive, Taught me the noble art, And sentiments of love and truth He also did impart. I wonder if his book is read In this degenerate age, The marks of genius it reveals On every gleaming page." I started as he spoke of years And centuries long past, Forgetful of the tugging line That held a flounder fast. "You fished," said I, "two hundred years, And more than that ago? Well, who you are, what doing here, I'd surely like to know!" A dreamy look had filled his eyes, He seemed afar to gaze, The while 1 waited tremulous, With wonder and amaze! "Yon thriving town," he slowly said, "Whose distant towers you see, Proud of its beauty and its wealth, Owes much to mine and me! We came when here the wilderness Stood thick and dark around, And savage beasts and savage men Held the uncultured ground. The river and its feeding brooks Ran murmuring to the sea, And waves here sang, but not a soul Echoed their melody! We felled the trees, we broke the soil, Our humble cabins reared, And thrusting back the crowding wood We farm and garden cleared. It was an age of toil severe; At times our -courage failed; Yet we pressed on, for well we knew 'Twas death to him who quailed! 160 And so at length tbe little town Here by the pulsing bay, Rose into comeliness and strength, A settlement to stay! It spread beyond, upon the hills, Unfolded east and west, And vale and slope and pasture land And forest all possessed! We early built the house of God And made it strong and fair, And consecrated it to Him With earnest psalm and prayer. And Parson Hanford wove his spell And chained our hearts with ease, The while he showed a sovereign God And talked of the decrees! We never felt the summer's heat, Nor feared the winter's cold, The air of heaven the sacred place Seemed ever to enfold. And in our little homes we knew The sweetest joys of love; For blessings on the hearthstone fell Directly from above!" The speaker paused; his bosom heaved By deep emotion stirred, And then while throbbed the restless sea, This moving tale I heard: "Across the road from father's house The Matthew Marvins dwelt, And Sarah was the girl for whom A deep regard I felt! And as the years rolled on and we Together talked and played, And often through the open fields And by the water strayed, That 'deep regard' of mine increased, Until I came to feel That if I had her faithful love 'Twculd all my sorrows heal! I thought that with her company, My life ; though filled with care, Would blossom out in loveliness And fruit immortal bear. For Sarah was as sweet a girl 151 As ever breathed the air, As graceful as a forest rose, And just as bright and fair! Her cheeks were pink as dawning day; Her hair was finest gold; Her eyes were blue as ocean waves; Her charm could ne'er be told! One springtime, 'twas in '79, If I remember right, And just a day like this, when earth And sky were wondrous bright; I in the furrow left the plough, I had no heart for work, Though none had ever dared to call Young Thomas Betts a 'shirk!' Across the path I went in haste, And Sarah asked, if she That afternoon would take a walk Away down by the sea. I told her that the samphire then Had reached a goody size And that with quantities thereof Her mother we'd surprise! She was agreed and so we came, And reached this very spot, And of the sea-washed succulent Gathered a generous lot. And then we sat upon the point Where we are met to-day, And heard the waters lap, and saw Them sparkle far away. And, after hitching all about, And struggling with a cough, And sitting close to her and then Removing further off, At length I said, 'You, Sarah, know,' And then my courage fell, 'You, Sarah, know how pleasant 'tis To see the waters swell! No, no, it isn't that I'd say. But that you know full well How pleasant 'tis down by the sea A little time to dwell! For shame!' I cried, 'You, Sarah, know, What I can never tell! 158 But though I have a stumbling tongue, My heart it loves you well! And I have long desired to learn If you will be my wife, And bring a heavenly charm and joy Into my lonely life!' She sat in all her radiant youth Where you are sitting now, With dreamy eyes and glowing cheek And calm and thoughtful brow. And she replied, 'You're dear to me, And that you well must know, For the sweet secret of my heart I'm sure I could but show. But is it best that with our love Life's fleeting years we fill? Has it for us been thus decreed? Is it the Father's will? We must, in fear, our souls prepare For pleasures that endure, And make our calling, 'mid earth's scenes, And our election sure. I've asked that God would guide aright In these affairs of mine, And yet, if He have heard my prayer, He gives no certain sign. that while here in joy we meet Beside the laughing sea, Some token might be given us If you are meant for me! . Look, Thomas, see yon rock that lifts Its head above the wave, 1 wonder if its rugged height The rising tide will lave! Let's pray that if it be His will That you be wholly mine, That rock, ere night, shall hide itself Beneath the crystal brine!' And so we asked that He whose hand Directs the shifting tide, Might thus declare, if 'twas His will That she should be my bride. And then we watched! O slowly rose The waters of the bay! Never so slowly as upon That far-off, fateful day! 168 We sat in silence, knowing well How much the signal meant, And all my soul in pleading prayer To heaven for mercy went! Slowly, so slowly, rose the tide; Yet steadily it came, While over it the western skies Burst into gorgeous flame! At last, the waters swept the rock! They settled o'er its head! They hid it 'neath their blessed waves! 'It is His will,' she said. And while the wavelets leaped and laughed And splendor filled the skies, A look of heavenly rapture stole Into her soulful eyes. 'Let's praise our gracious God,' I said; Our voices blent in one As grateful psalm we sang, and gazed Upon the setting sun. 'The sea is His; He made its waves; He lifts them at His will; And sea and land and storm and sun His purposes fulfill!' At length we took the samphire home, Our errand a success; But no one knew what joy had come Our inmost souls to bless! In violet tints the twilight glowed, The west was shining still, And from the forest swept the note If happy whippoorwill! 'Tis heaven begun!' my Sarah cried; 'My soul exultant sings; Yon sunset clouds seem seraphs bright Afloat on snowy wings!'" Just at this point my flounder leaped Upon a neighboring stone; My friend's attention I invoked, And found myself alone! Soothed by the waters and the sun I may have slept and dreamed, Although my ancient visitor Most realistic seemed! And I reflected that the men 164 And women we recall. The pioneers, the patriots, Were human one and all! The heart's deep passions all they knew, Its joys and hopes and fears, Its gleams of sunshine and the clouds That yielded bitter tears! And as I mused they nearer seemed. And o'er the waste of time I reached my hand in tenderness To all those souls sublime! Their lot was hard, their life was stem, Sore griefs they must have known, And yet their inmost soul was keyed In. rhythm with our own. O fathers, mothers, brothers, friends, Amid the hurrying years, We stand with you, one flesh, one soul, One life of smiles and tears! The centuries may roll away As stars their courses run, Earth's rock-ribbed coasts may change, and yet Humanity is one! And still, how very much he lacked, The Norwalk pioneer Who set the pillars of the State On firm foundations here. If we but place ourselves, in thought Where he so nobly stood, We feel how barren was his life In its pursuit of good. To us who dwell amid the blaze Of time's exalted noon, It seems that he. the pioneer, Was born by far too soon! The banner dyed in Orient flame, Whose stars spell out great Freedom's name, Whose stripes are bright with patriot's fame; This had not lifted into view Its heaven-born red and white and blue, While he earth's light and shadow knew. The great Republic whose domain Eastern and western oceans drain A giant lake and gulf retain; 166 Whose might a continent has spanned And overleaped its native land Far tropic islands to command; Of this, when wildest fancy gleamed, And all the future brightness beamed, He never for a moment dreamed! Of Washington, the nation's boast, Of martyred Lincoln, loved the most, Of Grant, who led the dauntless host; Of Clay and Webster and their peers Who graced our great historic years And waked the nation's joys or fears, Of our McKinley, wise and grand Worthy with noblest chiefs to stand, The pride and glory of the land; He never heard; no prophet came To tell the pioneer their name And paint for him their deathless fame! The columns marching to the fray On Bunker Hill's heroic day, Or when old Norwalk burned away; The forces that on Erie fell While white-capped billows sobbed their knell And winds alone their grave could tell; The millions that at Lincoln's call Bade blighting slavery's strongholds fall And liberty conferred on all; The hosts that stormed up San Juan hill The nation's edict to fulfill And break the heartless tyrant's will; Of these no glimpse the pioneer Was privileged to gain; no cheer Of victory's rapture smote his ear! These men of war, these heroes brave, Who freely all they cherished gave Humanity's best hope to save; 166 Whose blood has stained our banner red, Whose valor crowning every head Has deathless glory o'er it shed; These whom we honor came in view A century after he withdrew To join the standard in the blue! Red-handed Anarchy, whose blow, Lays loved and honored ruler low, And fills the land with bitterest woe, That horror such as this could be, The settler did not live to see, Nor dreamed of such iniquity! Much that has now familiar grown To him, alas! was all unknown, The fruit of seeds as yet unsown! With Ptolemy he viewed the world As central, while around it whirled The orbs Omnipotence had hurled! He thought the heavens in shining maze, The earth with all its wondrous ways, Were builded in six summer days! The theory that all had sprung From germs original outflung The awful gulfs of space among; That these while cycles slowly rolled Strange forms of beauty did unfold Till nature's thrilling tale was told; This truth as yet was all untaught, Nor yet by sage nor prophet thought, Nor into human fancy wrought! The lightning blazed along the skies, But was not brought in mild disguise To cheer the early settler's eyes! No telegraphic message came On pinions of electric flame Bringing its tale of grief or fame! 157 The pioneer had never known The "central" girl's incisive tone, Nor chatted with the telephone! A football head ot hair to him Suggested neither freak nor whim, He never caught the vision grim! A game of Harvard vs. Yale, If crimson or if blue prevail, Was all to him an unknown tale! The Indian warwhoop through the dell Had features that he knew full well, But not a modern college yell! The charms of golf he never knew, Nor clamored for the "green" or "blue," When croquet contest was in view! As "club-man" he was never known; For all the club that time had shown Was made of hickory tipped with stone! No "woman suffrage" man was he, For woman had not thought to flee From man's dire inhumanity! Not yet was she the woman "new," Emancipated, brought to view, Eager for all that's wise and true! Not yet had she curtailed her frock, Nor bound her neck in stiffest stock, Nor given a tea at five o'clock! He only knew her as "at home,' 1 The charm that drew, where'er he'd roam, From forest glen or ocean foam! He never knew of Cresceus fleet, Nor heard of Maud S.'s magic feet, Nor yacht that could Sir Lipton beat! He never wrestled with a tire, Nor took a "header" in the mire, NOT for a "chainless" did inquire. 158 He bravely trudged through "Pudding Lane; And sought "Old Well" mid sun or rain Nor ever waited for a train! An automobile would have seemed The dragon of which Bunyan dreamed, As through the rude highways it steamed! An X-ray shining through the heart, Revealing every hidden part, He would have cursed as "Satan's art." He ate and drank and breathed at will, But not a microbe found to chill His courage or his pulses still! Mosquitoes sang the same sweet lay That one may hear them sing to-day, But had no fever to convey! And so they raised their ancient tune, And sipped the blood of March or June, Nor asked if one were an "immune!" No daily paper brought its word Of great debate in London heard Some hours before the thing occurred! With hatchet keen he felled the oaks, But Washington's historic strokes And Carrie Nation's temperance hoax, To him were glories yet unborn, Nor wakened envy, praise or scorn For hero crowned nor dame forlorn! It was his rule to summer here, Rather than seek for Newport's cheer Or bathe at Narragansett Pier. He never heard the rhythmic fire Of odes and idyls that inspire From Tennyson's immortal lyre! He never trod the heathered height With Burns, and caught his fancies bright, Nor shared the "Cotter's Saturday Night" 169 And Walter Scott ne'er charmed him so With "Kenilworth" or "Ivanhoe," That he forgot to plough and sow! Mark Twain ne'er moved him to a laugh, Nor Dudley Warner bade him quaff His humor-pathos, half and half! And David Harum, wise and good, Ne'er bade him sell as best he could A horse that "without hitching" stood! He never kenned the brilliant sparks Of "Mr. Dooley's" sage remarks, Nor viewed Sir Richard Carvel's "larks." America's great authors all Appeared upon this radiant ball Too late to answer to his call. He never knew the struggle great As Presidential candidate Ascends to his Imperial state! He never visited by stealth, Nor shook the hand nor drank the health Of Governor of the Commonwealth. In fact, as we his life recall, So destitute as to appall, We wonder that he lived at all! And yet, the vital things he saw, The majesty of moral law, Ordained of God without a flaw; The law of man, that subtle force That binds the cultured and the coarse, As sacred as its heavenly source; These he essential did esteem, And sought to realize his dream Of law enthroned and made supreme! The depths of human love he knew, The passion pure and sweet and true That yields Its object homage due. 100 As lover he was all aiiame, As husband faithful to his dame, As father, worthy of the name! And in his soul a faith sublime Reached far beyond the bounds of time And dared the throne eternal climb! "The man with the hoe," but not a "clod, His face he lifted from the sod, A lover and a child of God! He worshiped as he trod the strand Or turned the furrows of his land Or sowed the seed with liberal hand! The daisies still with dewdrops wet, The lilies 'mid the grasses set, The roses in the wildwood met; The iris by the river's brink, The flute-notes of the bobolink, The shaded brooklet's pensive clink; The daybreak rose, the sunset gold, The spheres along the midnight rolled, Of an Almighty Sovereign told! Of Him he ever stood -in awe; His radiant righteousness he saw And feared the thunders of His law! And far above the earthly sod, Yet brightening all the paths he trod, Behold! the kingdom of his God! Upon these shores he saw it rise Decked with the glory of the skies, And voiced with notes of Paradise! Perhaps it was presumptuous sin To think that he might enter in To that which the elect should win! And yet he prayed and struggled on, The flesh denied, and hoped anon That he celestial robes might don! 161 Meanwhile the humble pioneer The firm foundations settled here On which we've rested many a year! Ever to his convictions true, He builded better than he knew The while the busy decades flew. And then he passed, his labor done, And at the setting of the sun Found God's eternal day begum! Two centuries and more have cast Their shadow on the dial, Since here the settler lived his life Of hardship and of trial. Still rise the hills that he beheld, The river seeks the sea; The tides still kiss the verdant isles, The skies bend lovingly! And yet, how greatly changed is all! What eager life is here! What beauty crowns the sunny heights And fills the vales with cheer! Another world has dawned and left Its impress on the scene; A fascinating picture now Is imaged on the screen! The heritage of all the years On us confers its charm, While sovereignty august avails To shield from every harm ! We glory in our high estate, We boast our wealth and power; We magnify this wondrous age That heaps us with its dower! We wonder what the future holds As yet to us unknown; What growth in knowledge and in might Shall here at length be shown; We scan the horizons o'er and o'er Their promises to learn, Some glimpses of what lies beneath Most eager to discern! Shall ancient Norwalk here enthroned 168 Beside the sunlit sea Grow great and strong and rich and wise In true prosperity? Shall all the lands the founders trod Abundant harvests yield, The grasses and the wheat and corn Awave in every field? Shall every brooklet turn the wheel That labor's an them sings, And all the people find the toil, That peace and plenty brings? Shall pleasant homes on every hand Be filled with joy and light, And all their inmates seek to know And love and do the right? Shall church-bells call to praise and prayer And school-rooms ope the door, And youth be trained for noblest life Now and forever more? And from these scenes shall men be called To serve in highest place, To aid the State, to bless the land, To elevate the race? Shall it be thus, our hearts inquire, And lift the earnest plea, That all that choicest is and best, May come, fair town, to thee! Peace be upon thy beauteous heights, And peace like sunshine trail O'er every slope and pasture land, Through every flower-gemmed vale! The peace that every good enfolds, Unfathomed, sweet, divine, This peace, O dear ancestral town, Forevermore be thine! Before the close of the meeting the Hon. Orville H. Platt, United States Senator from Connecticut, was lis- tened to with the closest interest and attention. He said he was proud to speak before an audience of Nor- walk people, and though not a Norwalk boy himself, having been born in Redding, Conn., he felt that he was a Connecticut man, and that any Connecticut man ought to have, as he had, an interest and a personal one, in such an anniversary as Norwalk is now celebrating. He said, 163 also, that there were two forces which our ancestors built upon. These were church and state, and that both were founded on a rock is proven by the fact that, to-day, though the church and state are separate, both are work- ing harmoniously. Mr. Platt referred to our wounded president and said that all the country was united in sym- pathy for his condition. Out of this misfortune the wrath of man would raise up a law which should deal with an- archists as they deserve to be dealt with. 184 N the evening at the Home Gathering at the Armory, last night, Hon. John H. Light presided. Seated on the platform were the speakers of the even- ing, Rev. Paul Moore Stray er, Rev. George Drew Egbert, Rev. Charles M. Belden of Wilton ; Right Rev. Bishop Tierney, Hon. Howard H. Knapp, Rev. William J. Slocum, and others. After Chairman Light's introductory remarks, he read the following let- ters of regret: Memphis, Tenn., September 4th, 1901. Goold S. Hoyt, Secretary, etc., Norwalk, Conn. Dear Sir: I have your invitation to be present at the celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniver- sary of the founding of Norwalk, and regret more than I can express my inability to be present on that occa- sion. Through all the vicissitudes of my more than seventy years, through all its sorrows and its joys, its clouds and sunshine, aye, even through the din and smoke of carnage of many a battle field, the memories of my boyhood days in old Norwalk with the voices and the faces of that long ago come to me now as clear and bright as the drops of dew on the meadow grass in that glad spring-time of my life. I remember the old house where I was born, with its dormer windows and white front porch, where now stands the Congregational Church. Opposite was the old meeting house on the Green, where old Bailey rang the bell, the rope coming down into the entry by the great stove, the Bailey that used to make big eyes at the youngsters and frighten us almost to death. Dr. Hall was the pastor, and such was my fear of his awful presence, in those days, that I would jump over the fence whenever I saw him coming along, but I got over that when he taught me Sallust, and took us in his boat down the harbor to dig clams and catch fish. And the old school house in the center of the Green, the district school below, and Aunt Susan Belt's school upstairs, where I learned my a, b, c's in the stars until 9 o'clock came, the time for bed. And then Saturday 166 afternoon, the heaven of the school boy in those days, the Jackson dinners in the woods in summer, the swim- ming in the creek and eating green apples on the shore, the coasting in winter on Jarvis's, Barnum's, Barkmill's, Schoolhotise and Mill River. And training day, with Captain Clark's artillery company on the Green, with the old six-pounder, the march, with Beers playing the snare drum, who used to fall out of the line of march and rest by the roadside, overcome by the spirit of '76, of which he imbibed too freely at Captain Pennoyer's old stand by the bridge. And then there was the singing school, with Doctor Hastings and the Sunday school, the Fourth of July, with the band and the solitary lemon in the lemonade. How I would like to tell of the donation parties at Dr. Hall's, the fun of it, the doughnuts and the cakes, the biscuits, the girls, the plays, and the solemn roundup with a sermon at the close, which sent us all home to dream of the Judgment Day. And that assembly on the village green, for the first emigration to the West, to found Norwalk, Ohio. I can see those white-covered wagons, as they disappeared down Barkmill Hill ; can hear the Doxology, the part- ings, as if forever. I must not forget the choir in the old meeting house, with the angelic face of Aunt Juliette, nor W. K. Lewis, with that big bass viol. Can you see them now, and Ed Bissell leading? Then came the South Norwalk Academy, with Storr's Hall and Professor Coffin, with Helen Sammis, E. M. Seymour, Mary Lib. Stuart, Belle Beard, among the girls, always not excepting Mary Jane. How many of them are living now? I hope one of the youngsters is here to-day who will remember when asked his name always responded "George Buckingham St. John Full of Mischief." And there was Dr. Hill with his violin, teaching the boys and girls to sing ; John Burrall, who always had some confidence to impart in a whisper, which you could hear half a mile, and Ed Stuart^ with his red hair, who tried to manage the boys in the boys in the academy, with the usual result. And then came Pudding School Lane, when my career in Norwalk ended. But I could talk to you for hours on the charac- ters and experiences of those days, as garrulous as the old veteran by the fireside, who "shouldered his crutch, and showed how fields were won." 166 Dear is the memory of early days That steals the trembling tear of speechless praise." Gone, all gone, the friends of my youth. Their names carved on the stones, but the sweet, the manly face, the tender voices are with me yet. In the coming years I hope the people of Norwalk will have a "Home Coming Week," such as are in vogue in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, so that I can meet you all once more. In the language of Tiny Tim, "God bless us, every one." With kindest remembrances to all who have not for- gotten me, and with high esteem for yourself, I am faith- fully yours, W. T. CLARK. In Camp, September 6th, 1901. Vassar College, Pough- keepsie, N. Y., President's Office. My Dear Dr. Beard : I am very sorry that my en- gagements make it inconvenient for me to be at the Nor- walk celebration. I am interested in every detail of it. South Norwalk was my first home after leaving my father's house My first church was there. Three of my children were born there, and for nine years I was entirely identified with the interests of the town. One can never lose the influences of those early years and their associations, and they come back to one with an interest seldom gained by later days. I will not burden yqu with the memories that throng in my mind as I write, of leading citizens of a score of years ago, of schools, of churches, of private and social and public interests but I beg that you will express to our fellow-citizens my regret that I cannot be with them, and my hopes for the substantial and increasing pros- perity of our old town. Believe me, faithfully yours, JAMES M. TAYLOR. 167 UP TOWN AND DOWN TOWN HE Rev. Paul Moore Strayer, of the South N o r w a 1 k Congregational Church, was next introduced. He spoke as follows : The subject is my own choosing. The committee has not led me as a sacrifice to a threadbare topic. But a note that has doubtless been often sounded before needs sounding again. In the town of Norwalk we have two small cities with separate municip- al governments. I do not propose in ten minutes to ad- vocate the combination of the two into one first class city, though this does not appear so impracticable as is imagined. Their geographical separation is now of the past. Electricity has removed this issue. Geographi- cally the cities are one. Yet I speak not for union but unity, which means harmony, concord, sympathy. The new comer is made to understand at once that there is a wide gulf between Norwalk and South Nor- walk ; that the two little cities are far apart in interests, and that they cannot live together in unity because each would have to sacrifice so much that is individual and characteristic. "Uptown" and "downtown" are such dis- tinct communities, are so unlike, have so little in com- mon, that they never could agree and should not be ex- pected to agree. On my arrival I heard about uptown and downtown until my wits were turned upside down. At first I was surprised that I could go from South Nor- walk to Norwalk by trolley, and return the same day the two places appeared to my imagination so remote. Later I was told by several persons how honored I ought to feel because they had come from uptown to hear me preach. Some would explain to me what Norwalk had been, and others what South Norwalk had done. Up- towners would modestly hint at the superior social ad- vantages in which they live, and downtowners would proudly tell how the daughter has outgrown the moth- er. All this was amusing until I learned that in town meetings Norwalk would regularly vote against South Nor walk, and when one section wanted a public im- provement the other would mass its voters against it. The foolish distinctions were not worth a second thought, but organized antagonism was more serious. 168 Then I looked for the widely divergent interests of the two little cities which gave rise to these conditions, but looked in vain. A rifleman on the Norwalk Hotel could break the clock-dial of Hotel Clifford. A good walker could walk from one postoffice to the other in twenty minutes. A stranger cannot tell when he passes from South Norwalk into Norwalk and, after eight months' residence I do not know the boundary lines be- tween Norwalk and East Norwalk. The people in the two cities look alike, dress alike, speak the same lan- guage, eat the same kind of food, have the same customs. The crowds from the factories divide and as many go north as go south. There are Norwalk clerks in South Norwalk stores and South Norwalk salesmen in the stores of Norwalk. The churches of one city have many members in the other. The physicians draw their clien- tage from both cities alike. The dead are buried in the same cemeteries. Instead of diversity of interests I found similarity and interdependence. Indeed what caused the disagreement between the two cities is not that they have so little in common, but so much in common selfishness. There is no reason for the lack of unity and sympathy between them, except the littleness of human nature. The only things that divide them are petty jealousy and narrow sectionalism, at spirit which cannot be justified by present conditions. If they were western cities whose very existence depended upon the coming of a new railroad, we could understand it, but as things are it is unwarranted. If it were a spirit of rivalry and competition it would not be so bad, for good- natured competition is healthful. But it is a spirit of jealousy and envv which would disappear if the two cities were ten times as large. Only littleness is envious. Only the weak are jealous. Situated so close together, with such similarity of interests and common needs, such iealousy and suspicion are puerile. This "ancient plantation," as our historian calls it, has not fully outgrown its childishness. The cities of Norwalk and South Norwalk have been like "children that sit in the market-place, and call one to another; who say, 'We piped unto you, and ye did not dance ; we wailed, and ye did not weep.' " If one wanted to play wedding the other would rather play funeral. One asks for a bridge; the other says "No bridge if I can help it. One says "Give me water;" the other agrees and the changes its mind. One wants a highway widened ; the 109 other objects. One says, "Come over into my yard and play;" the other flings back, "I don't want to play in your yard." And so they have been pulling and pouting at one another like naughty little girls who try who can make the ugliest faces. But 25o-years-old childishness is unbearable, and this anniversary will mark the beginning of new things. Now at last Norwalk has piped and all her daughters have danced. Now at last the whole town has clasped hands in one splendid exhibition of town patriotism. The heartiness with which all sections have entered into this celebration and the enthusiasm with which it has been carried forward is an indication that we have misjudged our own feelings toward one another, and a pledge that we shall forever put away childish things. We shall not "play funeral" but will make this a real funeral with sec- tional jealousy as the corpse. Last evening at sunset all the church bells of the town announced the burial and every citizen of Norwalk rejoiced. This anniversary has developed a spirit of co-operation that has surprised many and that needed only some such event to pall it out. The women's clubs to which no little praise is due, have done much to bring about unity in the town and we are confident that this celebration has completed the work. The petty jealousies which have divided the town, the sectional feeling which has shown itself in town meet- ings, must and I believe will, be laid aside. From this time forward let us have harmony, fraternity and recip- rocity in our town." Especially must the two cities of Norwalk and South Norwalk work side by side for their mutual advantage. Otherwise they will both be left behind in the race by other cities in the state with not nearly the natural facili- ties we possess. The same co-operation that has made this celebration a success will make the town succeed. If Norwalk get a new library, South Norwalk will rejoice. If South Norwalk gets a new hotel, Norwalk should re- joice. If a new factory comes to any part of the town, it should be a cause of rejoicing to the whole town, for its pay-roll will include citizens of all The Norwalks, of Rowayton and Winnipauk. Whatever draws people to one section of the town will bring them to every section, for with the bicycle and the trolley it is the question of rent and personal preference rather than distance which decides where people shall make their homes. And if public money is to be expended, bare honesty requires 170 that each section have its rightful share. "Live and let live" is a good maxim to run a town by. What I plead for is not an organic union between the two cities, which would require an act of legislature, but unity which requires only manliness and good will.' From this time forward, the man who appeals to section- al jealousy in the town meetings, is digging up a corpse and should be cried down by all honest and fair-minded men. If South Norwalk is the daughter of Norwalk, the daughter must be loyal to her mother and the mother must act toward her daughter as a mother should. Rev. George Drew Egbert, of the First Congrega- tional Church, said he was embarrassed for two reasons. P'irst, he was a pilgrim and a stranger in the land he came from New Jersey ; second, his wife, seeing the beau- tiful badges of the D A. R., wanted to be a D. A. R. her- self, looked up her pedigree and found all her ancestors Tories. The New England parson then and now. Ministers are not called on to-day for fighting, as they were in olden times, but called for bravery. The New England parson of to-day stands for lawfulness. The ancient parsons had dignity, but it is easy to be dignified. Imagine in one of those stocks Jonathan Ed- wards laying down his pen to take part in a Yale-Har- vard football game. Referring to his Catholic brethren, ''every Protestant rejoices in the memory of the splendid philanthropy of Father Slocum, whose memory is still green in the hearts of Norwalk people." Mr. Light introduced, in" appropriate words, the Rev. Charles M. Belden, of Wilton. Mr. Belden is descended from one of the old Belden families, who settled Norwalk. He gave a pleasing description of Wilton, whose In- dian name means Pleasant Valley. Wilton is the eldest daughter of Norwalk, having been separated from the latter in 1725. Among the signers were the names Abbott, Keeler, St. John, Betts, Trowbridge, Olmstead, Gregory, Keel- er, etc. Wilton is connected with Norwalk by com- munity of interests. During the sufferings of Norwalk Wilton was a sufferer, and it also was loyal to the cause o the Revolutionists. Wilton is a town which has kept up a high standard of culture and literary attainment. Moses Stewart, of Wilton, was one of the finest Hebrew scholai in the county, and the speaker mentioned others who had 171 distinguished themselves in letters and in the professions. In closing, Mr. Belden prophesied a time when Wilton and Nor walk should be consolidated. Mr. Light introduced the Right Rev. Michael Tier- ney, bishop of Hartford. Bishop Tierney expressed his thanks to the commit- tee for the honor (lone him in putting him on the pro- gramme after so long non-residence in Norwalk. He considered Norwalk his home. In his day it consisted of two little villages, one called the ''Bridge" the other "Old Well." Now there were two cities. The bishop expressed himself in favor of consolida- tion. He thought it would decrease expenses, and be better for the whole town. He then spoke on the growth of the Catholic Church in Norwalk. The year 1828 witnessed the arrival of the first Irish Catholic family in Norwalk. In 1838 a priest, Rev. Fath- er McDermott, of New Haven, came here to officiate. In 1848, the people of Norwalk sent a committee to Bishop Tyler asking for a resident pastor. In 1851 the church was dedicated. After several priests came one whom you well know, the Rev. W J. Slocum, and now Father Furlong, who has purchased the building directly in front of St. Mary's Church as a place for the young men of his parish to be amused and instructed, and has also improved the school property. After a selection by Mertz's Band, Mr. Light intro- duced Hon. Edward H. Knapp, of Bridgeport, whom he eulogized as a lawyer of renown. Mr. Knapp kept his audience laughing. He said that Bridgeport had no age to speak of, being only 100 years old. "It is a pleasure sometimes," he said, "to come to a place where the people can say, see, we are 250 years old, and here we are just as we always were." Norwalk people appre- ciated this hit at themselves, and applauded and laughed accordingly. Mr. Knapp paid a high tribute to the Rev. Homer N. Dunning, of South Norwalk, to the Rev. James M. Taylor, formerly of Norwalk, now of Vassar college. I should speak about the life service of this gentle- man whom you all think so much of and wHom they thought the same of when I was a boy, the Rev. Mr. Selleck. He mentioned also Prof. Johnson, of Norwalk ac- quaintance, who wrote'the history of Connecticut, and of others and pleaded for the education of the masses as a 172 means of preventing crime. The large allegiance is called patriotism; there is another patriotism, that of town pride and doing away with town prejudice. Rev. W. J. Slocum, of Waterbury, was the last speaker of the evening, and he was given an enthusiastic reception by his former parishioners and friends. He said: "I have not the good fortune to claim Norwalk as my birthplace. Most of you came to Norwalk by acci- dent ; I came by choice. I made it my home, and have always felt that it was home. It is six years since I left the town. For a man to come back after six years and be greeted with such a manifestation of feeling as was ex- pressed here to-night, he would be more or less of a man not to be impressed by it. Were I asked to select a typi- cal community, I should choose Norwalk. Your history goes back to the very early history of Connecticut. As you look back you have everything to be proud of. The early settlers of Norwalk did not fill Mark Twain's de- scription of the colonists: 'They first fell on their knees, and then they fell on the Aborigines.' They dealt fairly. In the Revolutionary war they were in every field from Lexington to Yorktown. During that time Norwalk took it into its head that it was going to have the county seat. Bridgeport shook in its boots. Not a man, wo- man or child could sleep at night. I think that Norwalk came near getting it. Bridgeport had to send to New Haven, and get some of those cute fellows to help them out. "It is said if they did not play a game of bluff, they played a pretty good game of euchre. I would pay this tribute to Norwalk people, I always found them just as Catholic as need be. They were always ready to meet me half way. When I was finishing St. Mary's Church $1,000 was contributed by non-Catholics." The meeting closed with the singing of America by the large audience. 178 FOURTH DAY, SEPTEMBER TWELFTH day was a public holiday in all the Norwalks. It was set apart for a military and civic parade and it is agreed that the success of it far sur- passed anything of the kind previous- ly known in the town. The impossi- bility of an adequate description of the various divisions of the parade will be recognized. Suffice it but to say that in all respects the parade was a worthy termination of the anniversary celebration and an important day for Nor- walk. Several thousand strangers came into the city from every quarter and there was a great outpouring of the people of the towns such as never before been wit- nessed. The order ot parade arranged by trie Grand Marshal, Gen. Russell Frost, was as follows: Line of March Head of the line at the armory. Up West avenue to Wall street, to Main street, to West Main street, to Catharine street, to Main street, to North avenue, to High street, to Wall, to East Wall, to Park street, around the Park to East avenue, to Van Zandt avenue, to Fort Point street, to Washington street, to South Main street, to Concord street, to Chestnut street, to Monroe street, to Railroad place, to North Main street, to West avenue, to armory. General Russell Frost, Grand Marshall, and staff as Aides. THE PARADE. Captain A. A. Betts, Marshal of the Military Division and Aides. Fourth Regiment, Col. C. W. Hendrie and Staff, Resselles Marine Band, of New York. Fourth Section Brigade Signal Corps. Fourth Section Machine Gun Battery. Third Division Naval Battalion. Lieut. Governor E. O. Keeler, and Governor's Staff. State Officials. Norwalk Town Officials. City of Norwalk Officials. City of South Norwalk Officials. Regent and Officers of the Norwalk Chapter, D. A. R. Historical Society and Celebration Representatives. m SECOND DIVISION. Assistant Chief F. W. Smith, Marshal of Fireman's Division and Aides. Norvvalk Fire Department. Mertz's Band of Port Chester. Norwalk Fire Police. Phoenix Engine Company. Hope Hose Company. Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company. Steamer. Hose Wagon No. i. Hose Wagon No. 2. Hook and Ladder Truck. American Band, of New Haven. Bridgeport Fire Department. Stamford Fire Department. Drum Corps. Chief Bowman, of Stamford, and assistants. Oriental Drum Corps. Members of Stamford Department. Steamer. Torrington Band. Mutual Company of Torrington. Old Time Drum Corps. Old Forgotten Engine Company, of Bethel. Hand Engine. Westport Fire Police. Knowlton Fife and Drum Corps. Eagle Hook and Ladder Company, of Darien. Waterbury American Band. Thomaston Hook and Ladder Company, and Hose Carriage. Drum Corps. Storm Engine Company, of Derby, and Apparatus. Drum Corps. Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company, of Westport. Hand Engine. Drum Corps. Vigilant Engine Co., Westport. Drum Corps. Saugatuck Hose Company. St. Aloysus Drum Corps. Compo Engine Company. Danbury Band. Chief Seeley and Danbury Department. 176 New Canaan Department. Drum Corps. Volunteer Hook and Ladder Company, Darien, and Truck. Fourteenth Regiment Band, of New York. Volunteer Hook and Ladder and Hose Company, of Greenwich. Carriages with invited guests. SOUTH NORWALK FIRE DEPARTMENT. Colt's Band, of Hartford. Marshal, I. M. Hoyt. South Norwalk Fire Police. New London Fire Police. Chief Baker, of South Norwalk, and assistants. Putnam Hose Wagon. Old Well Hook and Ladder Company. Truck. Band. Eagle Hose Company and Hook and Ladder Company, of New London. Drum Corps. Ridgefield Fire Department. Band. Crescent Hose Company, of Thomaston. Drum Corps. Hotchkiss Hose Company, of Derby. Wheeler & Wilson Band. Citizen Engine Company, of Seymour. Band. Fire Patrol, of Port Chester. Mellor Hose Company, of Port Chester. Protection Engine Company, of Port Chester. Carriages with invited guests. EAST NORWALK FIRE DEPARTMENT. East Norwalk Fire Police. Port Chester Cornet Band. Chief Wheeler and assistants. Mayflower Hook and Ladder Co., with truck bearing a miniature copy of the yacht "Mayflower." Chief Lounsbury, of Danbury. Drum Corps. Hose Companies 7, 8 and 9, of Danbury and apparatus. Drum Corps. in Southport Department. Truck. Engine. Hose Wagon. Drum Corps. Fairfield Hook and Ladder Company. Truck. Drum Corps. R. M. Bassett Hook and Ladder Company, of Derby. Drum Corps. Eureka Hook and Ladder Company, of Bethel. Mayflower Drum Corps. Alert Hose Company, of Bethel. THIRD DIVISION. Band. George VV. Raymond, Marshal, and Aides. Thirty Indians on Horseback. Float. Uncas Tribe, of South Norwalk. Cockenoe Tribe, of Norwalk. Konckapatonah Tribe, of Bridgeport. Paugnssett Tribe, of Danbury. Hamonassett Tribe, of New Haven. Ansantawae Tribe, of New Haven. Toantic Tribe, of Waterbury. Powahay Tribe, of Stamford. Ponus Tribe-, of New Canaan. Tunxis Tribe, of Waterbury. Monnawauk Tribe, of Seymour. Delegates from Port Chester and Thompsonville. FOURTH DIVISION CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS. Captain James L. Russell, Marshal, and Aides. Old Guard Band, of New Haven. American Mechanics. John H. Plander and Aides. Banner and Flag. Four men in Continental Court Dress, and twelve men abreast in military Uniform, from Danbury. Forty Continentals. Allegorical Float. Large American Flag. Lincoln Council, of South Norwalk, and visitors. 177 Members of State Council. Rome Italian Band. South Nonvalk Italian Society. George Dewey Society, Bridgeport. Hungarian Brass Band, of New York. South Norvvalk Hunyadi Sick Benefit Society, President Stephen Balazs, Marshal. First Hungarian Sick Benefit Society, of South Nor- walk, President Joseph Schon, Marshal. St. Joseph's Church Society, Julius Elias, Marshal. Bridgeport Rakocy Local Sick Benefit Society, John Louchak, Marshal. These sections were followed by twelve floats, some of which were exceedingly tasteful and beautiful. A full description is impossible. They appeared in the follow- ing order: Norwalk Lodge of Elks. Yacht Columbia. Norwalk Iron Works. Willis H. Selleck. Comstock Brothers. Hoyt & Sons, New Canaan. ' Hubbell & Keeler. Boston Store. J. T. Sheehan. Krieger & Co. I. G. Hamilton. There were festivities and family gatherings and re- unions of old and new residents of the town and as the last rays of light fell upon the day there was a devout sense of thankfulness that the four days' celebration had ended so auspiciously. 178 PART SECOND NORWALK'S PATRIOTIC RECORD SOLDIERS IN THE INDIAN WAR. T a Tovvne meetinge, January the I2th, 1676, the Towne in consideration of the good service that the souldiers sent out of the towne ingaged and per- formed by them in the Indian wars, out of respect and thankfulness to the sayed souldiers, doe with one consent and freely, give and grant unto so many souldiers as were in the service at the direful swamp fight, twelve acors of land; and eight acors of land to so many souldiers as were in the next considera- ble service; and foure acors to those souldiers as were in the next considerable service; the sayed souldiers having libertie to take of the sayed granted lands within the bounds of the towne, provided that it be not upon those lands that are prohibited, and also such lands as are pitched upon before the date hereof by the proprie- tors or proprietor ; provided also the sayed grant is only to such souldiers as shall within one yeere, and possess and improve the sayed lands. NAMES OF SOLDIERS. John Roach, Daniel Benedict, Thomas Gregory, Thomas Hyatt, . Joseph Platt, Jonathan Abbott, James Betts, Samuel Keeler, John Crampton, James Jupp, John Belding, . Jonathan Stevenson, 12 acres 12 acres 8 acres 7 acres 10 acres 10 acres 5 acres 12 acres 8 acres 8 acres 12 acres THE ROLL OF HONOR. Graves of Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Norwalk, Wilton and Westport, Identified by the Norwalk Chapter, D. A. R. UNION CEMETERY NORWALK. Hezekiah B'etts, 17601837, private, Sergeant, pp. 165, 486, 633, 650. Dr. Jonathan Knight, 1758-1829, surgeons mate, pp. 182, 635. Silas Betts, private, p. 457. TOWN HOUSE CEMETERY NORWALK. Isaac Betts, 1760-1827, private, p. 486. John Betts, 1809, private, p. 554. Jesse Bedient, 1746-1824, private, p. 458. Jabez Gregory, 1741-1824, captain, p. 457. Stephen Hoyt, 1762-1827, private. Jarvis Kellogg, 1731-1815, private, p. 486. Hezekiah Lockwood, 1745-1816, private, pp. 455, 484. 557. Nathan St. John, 1720-1795, private, p. 486. Enoch Scribner, 1756-1816, sergeant and ensign, pp. 456, 49 1 ' 557- Stephen St. John, 1732-1801, private, p. 457. James Selleck, 1732-1809, private, pp. 167, 486. EAST NORWALK CEMETERY NORWALK. Hezekiah Hanford, 1722-1812, private (coast guard), p. 557- John Eversley, 1/36-1798, private, pp. 486, 557. Stephen St. John, 1730-1785, colonel, p. 435. Daniel Eversley, 1740-1825, corporal, pp. 457, 486, 557. Stephen Lockwood, 1754-1830, private, pp. 162, 457, 486, 538, 582. Samuel Marvin, Jr., 1740-1820, private, pp. 457, 486. William St. John, 1763-1805, private, p. 557. James Fitch, third, 1758-1828, private, pp. 486, 457. Daniel Hanford, 1746-1797, private, pp. 486, 557. James Smith, 1756-1813, private, pp. 486, 557. Josiah Raymond, 1736-1824, private, pp. 456, 586. David Comstock, 1720-1782, private, pp. 455, 484. 180 ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD NORWALK. Richard Camp, 1741-1813, sergeant, p. 486. Asa Hoyt. 1745-1806, lieutenant, p. 455, 484. Aaron Keeler, 1759-1837, ensign, p. 231. John Lock-wood, 1734-1816, paymaster, p. 245. John Street, 1760-1833, private, p. 484. Hezekiah Whitlock, 1768-1836, private, pp. 522, 394. Hezekiah Whitney, 1790, private, p. 572. ROWAYTON NORWALK. Moses Webb, 1756-1850, private, pp. 637, 662. John Richards, 1720-1790, householder keeping watch, p. 490. Stephen Raymond, 1757-1827, private, p. 484. Jesse Reed, 1822, householder keeping watch, p. 490. Eli. Reed ; 1743-1811, lieutenant and captain, pp. 424, 435, 487, 488, 619. Gershom Raymond, 1725-1806, committee of safety, county congress, and household keeping watch. Paul Raymond, 1750-1828, clerk and sergeant, pp. 456, 487,488. Rev. Moses Mather, D.D., 1718-1806, patriot pastor, Middlesex church, taken prisoner by the British, 1781, New York prison ship six months. John Mather, 1747-1791, private, p. 619. PINE ISLAND CEMETERY NORWALK. Nathan Hoyt, private, p. 455. William Bouton, sergeant, pp. 455, 484. Nathaniel Raymond, 1788-1824, private, pp. 484, 505, 651, 682.' Stephen Hyatt, 1762-1842, private, pp. 557, 650. 602. William Seymour, 1762-1821, lieutenant, pp. 499> 57&, 647, 660. James Seymour, 1752-1834, quartermaster, pp. 382, 455, 651.' John Seymour, 1734-1786, private, pp. 485. Nathaniel Benedict, 1764-1832, private, pp. 455, 484, 650. Samuel Keeler, captain, 416. Stephen Wood, private, pp. 486. Daniel Hoyt, 1710-1786, private, pp. 422, 457 6 5o 662 - Daniel Lockwood, private, pp. 456, 459, 487. Uriah Raymond, 1743-1821, ensign, pp. 424. 455. 44, 626. ' 181 John Seymour, 1734-1766, private, pp. 485. William Hoyt, private, pp. 490, 650. Evert Qiiintard, 1762-1833, private, p. 651. James Quintard, private, p. 636. John Hoyt, Jr., private, p. 484. Nathaniel Raymond, Jr., private, pp. 455, 484. Marvin David, 1759-1842, private, p. 584. WESTPORT. Nathan Adams, 1721-1782, private, p. 628. Peter Adams, 1742-1806, private, pp. 456, 491, 523. Aaron Adams, 1759-1836, private, pp. 54, 106. Samuel Elmer, 1752-1777, lieutenant. Josiah Gregorv, 1761-1847, private, p. 456. Stephen Hanford, 1747-1838, private, pp. 491, 523. Phineas Hanford, 1713-1787, corporal, pp. 456, 491. David Judah, private, p. 486. Ozias Marvin, captain, pp. 454, 456. Josiah Taylor, 1702-1781, private, pp. 238, 348, 394. Peter Tuttle, 1755-1802, private, p. 67. Gamaliel Taylor, 1736-1815, lieutenant, pp. 424, 456, 491, 523- Jonathan Taylor, 1759-1834, private, pp. 48, 92. Samuel Wood, 1758-1843, private. Prisoners from vicinity of Norwalk in prison ships and sugar house at New York during the Revolution. Rev. Moses Mather, D.D., taken from church on July 22, 1781. John Clock, detained six months in New York. Thaddeus Bell, Middlesex, now Darien. James Bell. Joseph Mather. WILTON. Joseph Burchard, 1751 1842, private, p. 522. Moses Betts. 1751-1821, private, p. 458. Isaiah Betts, unknown sergeant, ensign, corporal, pp. 158, 336, 641, 650. Azor Belden, 1740-1828, sergeant and captain, p. 458. Samuel Comstock, member of Cincinnati, 1739-1824, captain and major, pp. 230, 344, 354, 360. David Dunning, 1758-1833, private, p. 650. 189 Moses Gregory, 1763-1837, private, p. 650. Abraham Gregory, 1752-1790, sergeant and captain, pp 443, 486i 557, 629. Nathan Gilbert, 1746-1837, sergeant and captain, pp. 458, 493.- 5 1 5, 522, 626,650. Deodate Gaylord, 1760-1840, private, pp. 522, 650, 622. John Grumman, 1746-1822, private, p. 458. Zadock Hubbell, 1757-1813, private, pp. 458-477. Ezekiel Hawley, 1748-1776, sergeant, p. 478. Daniel Hurlbut, 1741-1827, corporal and lieutenant, pp. 458, 522. Alvan Hyatt, 1751-1835, corporal, pp. 67, 650. Nathan Hubbell, 1730-1801. corporal, pp. 234, 348. Justus Keeler, 1749-1821, private, pp. 458, 522. Thaddeus Keeler, 1737-1812, corporal, pp. 458, 522. Hezekiah Lyon, dates unknown, private, pp. 572, 616. Elias Morehouse, sergeant, p. 458. Matthew Marvin, 1705-1761, corporal and sergeant, pp. 231. 349. 354, 363- Summers Middlebrook, 1749-1835, private, pp. 458, 522. Thaddeus Mead, 1762-1843, private, pp. 582, 650, 662. Samuel Olmstead, 1747-1829, ensign, p. 458. Nathan Olmstead, dates unknown, private, pp. 67, 458, 522. Asahe! Raymond, 1730-1782. private, p. 522. Zadock Raymond, 1764-1841, private, pp. 657, 662. Isaac Stewart, 1749-1820, private, p. 458. Samuel St. John, dates unknown, private, p. 67. Phineas St. John, 1760-18^33, private, pp. 458, 522. Thaddeus Sterling, 1750-1837, quartermaster, pp. 443, - David Whitlock, 1743-1810, private, 458. Daniel Westcott, 1719-1806, private, pp. 68, 417, 651, 622. Davis Westcott, 1719-1806, private, p. 164. Rev. Levi Dikeman, 1750-1835, private, p. 650. Benajah Strong Comstcck, 1755-1814, private, pp. 45 8 > 522. Samuel Fitch, 1730, 1811, sergeant, pp. 55, n, H2, 238. Daniel Gregory, 1743-1821, private, pp. 165, 650. Levi Taylor, 1765-1853, lieutenant, pp. 57, 345. 6 5!- Marker granted by Conn. S. A. R. Graves of Revolutionary soldiers in Norwalk, Wil- ton and Westport. Identified by the Norwalk Chapter, D. A. R. 188 NORWALK MEN IN THE WAR OF 1812. MILITIA. Andrew Akin. John Akin. Samuel Akin. Daniel T. Bartram. Plum Bearsley. Holly Bell. Ammon Benedict. Asa Benedict. Lewis Bennett. David Betts. Philo Betts. Andrew Bigsby. John Bigsbee. Isaac Bishop, Corp. Samuel Bissa. Joseph Boughton, Capt. Isaac Bouton. Thomas Brady, Muse. Charles Brown. Lemuel Camp. John Cannon. Roswell Ceed, Corp. Isaac Church. James Clock, Lieut. David Comstock. Alanson Cowley. Bud Finch. Cyrus Fitch, Corp. Stephen Fitch. Horace Gills, Muse. Isaac Gred. John Gregory. John Griffith. Thomas Hanford. Seeley Hason. Ira Hoyt. Ralph Hoyt, Ensign. Samuel Hoyt. Stephen Hoyt. Walter B. Hoyt. Ebenezer Hyatt. Charles Jarvis, Corp. Daniel Nash. John W. Nash. Nathan Nash. Conrad Newkirk, Sergt. David B. Nichols. Lewis Perry. Charles Raymond. George A. Raymond. Jabez Raymond. Uriah Raymond, Jr. Thomas Raymond. Waters Raymond. Isaac Rockwell. David Scofield. Richard Scott, Sergt. Nearza Scribner. Lyman Seeley. Frederick Selleck. Wray Sellick, Corp. James Seymour, Sergt. Uriah Seymour, Corp. Samuel B. Skidmore, Corp. Chapman Smith. Charles Smith, Muse. Ebenezer Smith. Frederick Smith. Henry Smith. James .Smith. Joel Smith. John L. Smith, Corp. Joseph St. John. Stephen St. John. Henry Street. William L. Street. John Strut, Sergt. Samuel Strut. Adam Swan, 2nd Lieut. Uriah Tailor. Isaac Warren. LeAvis Waterbury. Charles Weed. David Weed. 184 Uriah Johnson. Raymond Mathews. William Johnson. George Weed. Oliver Jones. Henry Weed. Joseph Keeler, Sergt. Jarvis Weed. Ezaih Kellogg. James B. Weed. Tames S. Kellogg. John L. Weed. Matthew Kellogg, Sergt. Scudder Weed. John Knapp, Corp. Sellich Weed, Sergt. Benjamin Little. William Weeks. Jacob Little. Lewis Whitney, Sergt. David Lock-wood, Corp. Matthew Wilcox. Nehemiah Lockwood, Lieut. William Willcox, Sergt. Col. John Wireman. Ira Marvin, Sergt. Joseph Wood. ENLISTED MEN. Henry Allen. Abel Hubbell, Sergt. Ethus Barthis. Isaac E. Johnson. Moses Beers. Joseph Knapp, Corp. Seth Bouton. Charles Lawrence. Lewis Brown. Daniel Nutting, Corp. Samuel Buttery. Adam Parker. George El wood. Zery Stevens. Shubael Elwood, Sergt. John Webb. Philo Hoyt. Names of U. S. Volunteers who served in the Civil War, 1861-1865, and are buried in cemeteries as fol- lows : PINE ISLAND. John B. Bouton, Norwalk. Wm. S. Pouton, Norwalk. Albert Vantasel, Norwalk. Theo. B. Benedict, Norwalk. Geo. Joyce, Norwalk. Ruben Rogers, Norwalk. Oscar Tuttle, Norwalk. Geo. H. Meeker, Norwalk. Geo. W. Smith, Norwalk. John W. Whiteman, Norwalk. Sam. F. Smith, Norwalk. James E. Parks, Norwalk. N. S. Tuttle, Norwalk. 185 Francis Thomas, New York. Wm. Miller, Pennsylvania. Wm. Hoyt, Norwalk. Geo. McCallins, Norwalk. J. L. Byington, Norwalk. Albert Warren, New -York. Chas. Jennings, Norwalk. Geo. E. Merrills, Norwalk. Steven Byxbee, Norwalk. Harry Goldspink, Norwalk. N. Crosman, Norwalk. Wm. Nash, Norwalk. John F. Byxbee, Norwalk. Geo. Wood, Norwalk. Wm. Mayhew, Norwalk. Henry C. Holmes, Norwalk. Henry Masson, Massachusetts. Wm.'P. Smith, Norwalk. Thos. Willson, New York. Wm. Davis, New York. Henry C. Taylor, Norwalk. Orlander Vanordu, Washington. H. Batchman, Unknown. Wm. Bauten, Norwalk. H. Benedict, Norwalk. Mrs. Douglas Fowler, wife of Douglas Fowler. Also nine others unknown. ROWAYTON CEMETERY FIVE MILE RIVER. Geo. Dingey, Norwalk. G. Johnson. Not known. Chas. Ives, New York. Chas. Cloch, Darien. Wm. Hamon, Darien. Wm. Wood, Naugatuck. Henry Johnson, Norwalk. Henry Hallett, Norwalk. Gilbert Vincent, Darien. James E. Talmadge. Norwalk. Wm. Coperwaith, New York. John Mannus, New York. David Scofield, Norwalk. Henry Baker, Norwalk. Wm. H. Brady, Unknown. Edward Mills, Unknown. 186 Lyman Finch, Norwalk. S. H. Meeker, Darien. Geo. A. Hoyt, Norwalk. Wm. H. Ferris, Norwalk. Steven Ferris, Norwalk. Wm. McGovern, Unknown. James Gregory, Unknown. Fred. Morton, Massachusetts. James Whitney, Darien. John H. Tooker, Darien. Elias Johnson, Unknown. Ira Bishop, Unknown. Edward Schnell, Pennsylvania. Martin Ingersol, Norwalk. Chas. H. Smith, Unknown. others unknown without identification. EAST NORWALK. N. Gaming, 3rd New York. Chas. St. Johns, Norwalk Sol. Wm. Bates, New York Sol. Wm. Wheeler, Norwalk. Geo. Redman, New York. Washington Youngs, New York. Wm. Goodwin, New York. J. E. Lacy, Norwalk. Henry Raymond, Norwalk. Thos. Fitch, Norwalk. Francis Jones, Norwalk. J. A. Ames, Norwalk. Chas. Paddock, New York. Wm R. Knapp, Norwalk. Geo. Knapp, Norwalk. Morris Jennings, Norwalk. Wm. Tubbs, Norwalk. H. H. Grey, Norwalk. Albert Whitney, New York. Jacob Witztine, New York. Chas. Knapp, Norwalk. Clark Osborn, Norwalk. Eph. Smith, New York. , Seven others unknown, but are identified as soldie graves. SOLDIERS' GRAVES. The following lists comprise names of U. S. Volun- teer soldiers interred in the several cemeteries in Nor- walk: RIVERSIDE CEMETERY. Anthony R. Canfield, 2d Lieut., Co. F, 8th C. V. James Westerneld, Co. K, 48 N. Y. Vols. John R. Brown, Co. F, i;th C. V. George W. Weed, Co. H, i;th C. V. Joseph Packard, Capt., 39th N. J. Vols. Theodore Brush, Co. F, i;th C. V. Albert R. Bishop, Co. H, 7th N Y. H. A. Thomas F. Nichols, Co. D, 5ist N. Y. Vols. Cornelius L. Henry, U. S. Navy. Julius A. Elendorf, Co. I, ist N. J. Vols. Tohn Weston, Co. B, 2Qth C. V. Thomas B. Weed, ist Lieut., Co. A, i;th C. V. John Ainley, U. S. Navy. Frederick Laramie, Co. B, 5th N. Y. H. A. Charles Smith, ist Lieut., Co. G, i7th C. V. General Nelson Taylor, U. S. Army. Enos Kellogg, Capt., Co. H, i7th C. V. Wm. R. Knapp, Co. C, 5th C. V. David M. Lane, U. S. Navy. Dr. Samuel Orton, U. S. Army. P. L. Cunningham, Lieut. Col., 8th C. V. Richmond Nisbet, Co. K, I3th C. V. Alanson S. Merwin, Co. G, 23d C. V. Nathan B. Clark, 8th N. J. Vols. Cyrus C. Barber, Co. K, 25th C. V. Edgar Buttery, Co. A, I7th C. V. Andrew Rusco, Co. G, loth C. V. George Taylor, Co. C, 2d C. V. Christian Lack, Co. E, ist N. Y. Cav. Charles Lawrence, Co. C, nth C. V. William Waiter Farwell, Co. F, 6th C. V. William W. Westlake, Co. A, i/th C. V. Tohn Dechel, Co. B, ngth N. Y. Vols. William A. Titus, Co. A, i;th C. V. Thomas O'Neal, Co. G, 15* N. Y. H. A. Austin Pope, Co. B, 7th N J. Vols. Augustus B. Brown, Co. D, ist Conn. Cav. Emanuel Vanclief, U. S. Navy. Henry M. Hobert, Co. B, 25th C. V. 188 Elijah Ballard, Co. G, 6th N. Y. H. A. Isaac Smith, Co. F, i7th C. V. Alonzo P. Abbott, Co. E, i2th C. V. John W. Williams, U. S. Navy. Andrew J. Gilbert, U. S. Navy. George R. Kellogg, Co. G, 28th C. V. Robert Bones, Co. C, i;th C. V. One Unknown. ST. PAUL'S CEMETERY. Frank B. Smith, ist Lieut., Co. C, 2d 111. Art. George F. Daskam, 2d Conn. Light Battery. Albert H. Wilcoxson, Lieut. Col., I7th C. V. Edward G. Bishop, Asst. Paymaster, U. S. Navy. Oliver S. Bishop, Hospital Steward, 27th C. V. David St. John, War 1812. Capt. Edward Taylor, War 1812. Capt. Henry Wilson, U. S. Navy. Dr. John W. McLessa, Co. H, 37th N. Y. Vols., and Surgeon in U. S. Army. ST. MARY'S CEMETERY. James Ellis, Co. A, I5th N. Y. Eng. Joseph Strapp, Co. G, 2d N. Y. H. A. John Harkins, Co. H, 8th C. V. Joseph McCormick, Co. H, ist Conn. Cavalry. Thomas Gilhooly, Co. G, 2 8th C. V. Peter Boyle, Co'. H, 8th and Co. H, I4th C. V. Patrick Ford, Co. A., I7th C. V. James O'Connor, Co. A., 3d C. V. Martin B. Leonard, Co. D, 8th N. Y. Vols. Joseph Kearney, U. S. Navy. Michael McGowan, U. S. Navy. Wm. Cockefur, Co. H, 9th N. Y. John Brown, Co. H, I3th C. V. James Hopkins, Co. E, i7oth N. Y. Vols. James McCoy, Co. I, 35th N. J. Vols. James O'Brien, Co. G, 28th C. V. John Cahill, Co. F, 17th C. V. John Hennessey, Co. G, U. S. Inf. John Hayes, 38th N. Y. Vols. John Dugan, Co. F, I7th C. V. Martin Burns, 69th N. Y. Vols. Warren Sheldon, Co. K, ist Conn. Cavalry. m John Cahill, Co. M, 2d N. Y. Cavalry. Henry Grady, Co. F, 8th C. V. Richard Colburt, N. Y. Reg. Michael O'Brien, Co G, 28th C. V. Henry Layton, U. S. Navy. Michael Shields, Co. F, 69th N. Y. Vols. John Welch, Co. E, i2th C. V. Thomas Farrell, Co. F, I7th C. V. Armstead M. Pomeroy, U. S. Navy. James O'Brien, N. J. Reg. John McCormick, Co. G, 28th C. V. Albert Ayers, Record unknown. Patrick Dunbary, Co. K, 25th C. V. John Tracy, Co. F, i;th C. V. Thomas Tierney, Co. G, 28th C. V. David O'Connor, Co. A, 3d and Co. G, 8th C. V. Patrick Fitzpatrick, Co. E, I2th C. V. John Boyce, Co. G and L, 2d Conn. H. A. Elbert A very, Co. B, I7th C. V. Michael Fitzgerald, Co. C, 2d N. H. Vols. Michael Carew, New Jersey Vols. UNION CEMETERY. Gould J. Jennings, Capt. Co. G, s8th N. Y. Vols. James Hearn, Co. I, i7th C. V. Albert Deforest, Co. A, I4th C. V. Henry Allen, Lieut. Col., I7th C. V. Ebenezer F. Stevens, U. S. N. James L. Allen, Sergt , Co. D, 7th C. V. Joseph Comstock, Co. G, 23d C. V. Jesse Sherwood, Co. C, 28th C. V. Theodore L. Beckwith, Capt. Co. G, 28th C. V. George Marvin, Co. G, 28th C. V. Edwin Hawley, Co. I, loth C. V. Robert Flynn', Co. A, i^ih C. V. Ebenezer J. Pattenden, Co. H, I7th C. V. Win. Henry Merrill, Co. G, 5th C. V. George W. Burtis, Co. G, loth C. V. James Banks, Co. B, i6sth N. Y. Vols. Allen P Hubbell, Co. C, 27th C. V. Moses Ansbury Hill, Major U. S. Army. Henry Foster, Co. L, 1st Conn. Cav. Eli R. L. Kent, Co. A, 4 th N. Y. H. A. Charles Cargill, Co. F, i7th C. V. Wm. Hoey, 36* N. Y. Vols. 190 Wm. L. Bodwell, Co. G, 27th C. V. Charles L. Smith, Co. F, i;th C V Arthur W. Dudley, Co. B, 171*1 C. V. Albert H. Lock-wood, Co. E, 23d C V Samuel Clark, U. S. N. Edwin R. Lineburg, 5th C. V. Edwin Lineburg, Co. H, 8th C V John T. Brown, Co. C, 2;th C. V. Gersham Lockwood, War 1812. Francis L. Mead, roth N. Y. Vols. Thomas Brady, War 1812; for Oliver, 5th C. V. Edward Grindrod, Co. A, i7th C. V. Francis A. Volk, Co. C, 2ist Pa. Vols. Horace A. Cockefur, Co. I, 28th C. V. Ferdinand Griffith, U. S. N. Robert N. Perry, Co. F, i;th C. V. John Cockefur, Co. H, 8th C. V. Henry M. Prowett, Co. E, I2th C. V. James L. Ambler, Co. C, 27th C. V. James H. Mitchell, Co. G, 28th C. V. Edwin Carpenter, Co. K, I7th C. V. Nathaniel W. Brotherton, Co. G, Hth U. S. I. Philo Johnson, Co. D, ijrth N. Y. Vols. Hiram W. Gorham, Co. G, i7th C. V. Frederic P. Godfrey, Co. H, ist C. V., and Co. M, ist Conn. H. A. Charles Murray, Co. F, i7th C. V. Charles E. Doty, Lieut. Co. F, iTth C. V. ; first Union soldier buried in Norwalk. Owen Murphy, Co. E, 5th C. V. Justice Disbrow, Co. I, 41 st Ohio Vols. Orion S. Ferry, Major General U. S. Vols. Henry H. Williams, Co. A, 17th C. V. George Lowe, Co. B, 2d Conn. H. A. Gilbert Bogart, Lieut. Co. E, i2th C. V. D. C. Palmer, Co. A, 6th C. V. John E. Hoyt, Co. A, 28th C. V. Alfred Swords, Co. A, I7th C. V. George Kellogg, Co. C, 27th C. V. Jacob Schwartz, Co. I, Qth N. Y. Vols. Wm. O. Godfrey, Co. F, I7th C. V. Charles E. Hyatt, Co. A, 22d N. Y. S. M. John Jarvis, ist Sergt. Co. A, 17th C. V. Henry M. Seers, Co. A, 14* C. V. Charles E. Blackman, U. S. A. Samuel Wyman, Co. A, iTth C. V. iw Alfred Hall, Co. E, 5th N. Y. H. A. Wallace B. Parks, Co. F ist N. Y. Mounted Rifles. Alexander Lounsbury, Co. A, i/th C. V. Henry A. Whetmore, Capt. 2d N. Y. Cav. Joshua Lounsbury, Co. F, I7th C. V. Wm. H. Fox, Co. A, i;th C. V. Sylvester Keeler, Co. F, i/th C. V. Nathan Nash, Co. G, 28th C. V. Robert L. Ells, ist Lieut. Co. A, i;th C. V. Wm. H. Hamilton, Co. G, 28th C. V. Hiram I, Finch, Co. F, 6th N. Y. Vols. Edwin G. Hoyt, U. S. N. Edward Shepard, 7th Ind., Battery N. Y. Theodore Coleman, Co. G, i96th Pa. Vols. Daniel Hoyt Blake, Chaplain Christian, Conn. Roswell Taylore, Co. B, I3th C. V. Edward F. Lyon, 2d Conn. H. A. Charles H. Sargent, Co. A, I3th N. Y. Gustave Richter, Record Unknown. Frank M. Platt, Co. G, loth C. V. George W. Fink. Co. H, 5th U. S. Art. Capt. Samuel Keeler, Conn. Mil. John Cotter, U. S. N. Edward Hawley Fitch, Co. G, 5th N. Y. Cav. Wm. De F. Prentiss, Capt. 3 ist N. Y. Vols. George H. Stevens, Co. H, i7th C. V. James Barbour, H. S., 2 ist Conn. Vols. C. Fred Betts, Capt. Co. F, I7th C. V. Lewis Benedict. Co. H, I7th C. V. Wm. S. Bouton, Sergt. Co. G, 28th C. V. Isaac Camp, Co. F, i7th C. V. Monson Hoyt, ist Sergt. Co. E, 5th C. V. Tames L. Dyes, Co. A, 17th C. V. James Charlton, U. S. N. Edward Nelson, Co. E, 5th C. V. Robert S. Hubble, Record Unknown. James W. Crozier, I2th U S. I. Andrew Smith, J7th Vermont Inf. Augustus Burton, Co. B, 29th C. V. Cornelius Nash, Co. B. 2Qth C. V. Peter Cronk, Co. H, i28th N. Y. Vols. Edward Moffit, Co. D, 7th C. V. Charles Annin, New York Vols. NORWALK MEN IN THE WAR WITH SPAIN, 1898. Lieut. Col. Frederick A. Hill, Judge Advocate. Capl. Reuben M. Rose, Co. L, 3rd Conn. Vol. Inf. First Lieut. William W. Bloom, Co. L, 3rd Conn. Vol. Inf. Second Lieut. William I. Comstock, Co. L, 3rd Conn. Vol. Inf. Second Lieut. Howard J. Bloomer, Co. F, 3rd Conn. Vol. Inf. CO. L, 3 rd CONN. VOL. INF. ist Sergt. John H. Smith. " Wm. Rauch. Albert H. Buttery. Q. M. Sergt. George C. Meekan. Sergt. Cyrus J. Crabbe. " Henry H. Payne. " John H. Chase. Corp. Milo C. Brown. Arthur E. Godfrey. Coles M. Flewellin. " Ira C. Lock wood. " Frank H. Webber. " Frank Neuge.bauer. " Edward Brotherton. " Albert R. Scofield. " William G. Abendroth. John H. Beagan. " Einil Durbeck. " William H. Guthrie. Henry W. Hopson. Peter F. O'Brien. " James A. Riley. " Albert Tetzner. " William J. Troy. Musician Harvey S. Richmond. " Frank Eigner. Private Edward Burkedal. " Fred Brown. Ulysses G. Buttery. ' Matthew Britt. " David Brennan. Private George C. Castle. John J. Cahill. James Crawford. Robert Cullen. Ernest B. Cornell. Charles A. Davis. WHliam Donnelly. Michael J. Dougherty. Royal A. Ellis. John E. Fell. George F. Flinn. John Gorman. Frederick W. Godfrey. George W. Hopkins. Beekman F. Hall. Joseph F. Henry. Wm. H. Hadley. John Kincella. Joe Keller. John J. Keogh. Philip J. Landrigan. Arthur G. Lovejoy. Thomas J. Me Garry. Wallace W. Morris. Arthur S. Norman. John W. Oakes. Charles H. Osborn. Charles E. Parker. Warden B. Phillips. John Peterson. Frank P. Rooney. Joseph Sargent. Joseph F. Sturm. Valentine Sturm. George L. Sullivan. Wm. Sheehan. Peter Storey. John P. Weyerhauser. Hospital Steward Hubert F. Pierce (N. C. S.). Corp. George Brotherton, Co. H, 3rd Conn. Vol. Inf. Sergt. Howard N. Godfrey, Battery B, ist Conn. Heavy Artillery. Private Willis L. Cavenagh, Battery B, ist Conn. Heavy Artillery. m Private Richard Fitzgerald, Battery B, ist Conn. Heavy Artillery. Private Charles F. Guarnieri, Battery B, ist Conn. Heavy Artillery. Private Anthony B. Ghiotto, Battery B, ist Conn. Heavy Artillery. Private William Gilmore, Battery B, ist Conn. Heavy Artillery. Private Charles Leppert, Battery B, 1st Conn. Heavy Artillery. Private Anthony Stenger, Battery B, 1st Conn. Heavy Artillery. First Sergt. Wm. T. Ainley, U. S. A., Signal Corps. Sergt. Major John D. Milne, ist Conn. Vol. Inf. Private Geo. W. Hyatt, Co. M, 41 st U. S. Vol. Inf. 196 INDIAN TROUBLES SOON AFTER GRANTING OF THE CHARTER CREATING THE TOWN OF NORWALK, SEPTEMBER ELEVENTH SIXTEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY-ONE E FIND our Military History begins in 1660, and Sergeant Richard Olm- stead is the first name of which we have any record as a soldier. He, with Thomas Fitch, was appointed by the Colony to look after the Indians, who began to be very trouble- some. These two men had under their command eighteen horsemen, four of them from Norwalk, so we here begin our Military History on a small scale, but these eighteen horsemen had a very quieting effect on the Indians, and they did not cause our people much trouble until 1675, when again they began to make trouble, and Norwalk was called upon to furnish its quota, which it did. These men served under Capt. Seeley, of Stratford, and they took part in a severe swamp fight Dec. I9th, 1675, in which fight brave Capt. Seeley was killed. The soldiers who were from Norwalk were: John Roach, Daniel Benedict, Samuel Keeler and Jonathan Stevenson. Following this fight the Indians kept our people constantly on the alert and had several severe fights. The number of soldiers from Norwalk was increased by the enlistment of Thomas Gregory, Thomas Hyatt, Joseph Platt, Jonathan Abbott, John Crampton, James Tupp and John Belding. These men all did heroic service and the town at that time showed that their services were appreciated by calling a town meeting held in 1676. It was voted, in considera- tion of the good service rendered the town by the above- named soldiers, to give them each twelve acres of land. After this the early settlers got along very well until 1744 to 1763, when again Norwalk was called upon to furnish its quota of soldiers to fight the Indians and French in the year 1757. There were 350 men of the regular army stationed in Norwalk. They erected win- ter quarters and remained here all winter,' and the town 199 provided for them, at no small cost, for the town at that time was small. But the people knew they had to make sacrifices, so did all they could cheerfully." A little later we iind soldiers from Norwalk in an expedition to Cape Breton, who were present at the capture of Louisburg. Again they fought at Montmorency, Quebec, at Crown Point and Ticonderoga. The Wa'r of the Revolution was now upon our people and from 1775 to 1783 Nor- walk was well represented, for the Colonial Army in the spring of 1775, the Fifth Regiment, was mainly recruited from Fairfield County, and Norwalk sent a company. The officers of this company were Capt. Matthew Mead, First Lieut. Levi Taylor, Second Lieut. Wm. Seymour. There, were a large number of the citizens of Nor- walk, but we are unable from the records to obtain the names of all those who enlisted from Norwalk. This company saw very severe service during its seven months' campaign. Again in 1777 we were called upon to furnish another regiment from Fairfield county. This regiment was called the Fifth Regiment, Conn. Line, and in it Norwalk was again represented by nearly a whole company, who were to serve three years or dur- ing the war. This regiment saw severe service, was en- gaged at the battle of Germantown, October, 1777; win- tered with Washington at Valley Forge, winter of 1777 and 1778; was at battle of Monmouth, June 1778; win- tered at Redding, Conn., winter of 1778 and 1779, in what is now Putnam Park. Our men in this regiment were kept constantly on 'the move from this time until the expiration of their term of service. We find it im- possible to obtain from the records the names and the number of men from Norwalk who participated in the War of the Revolution. But enough is found to war- rant us in saying that whatever of patriotism we may have in our blood to-day we came honestly by it from the example of the heroes of the Revolution. Tn the War of 1812 we were again called upon to furnish our quota for this short war. We find that the militia only were called upon, and they did not suffer any loss. "We find that we have a record of 108 of our citizens who at that time were members of the militia. They were in the service but few days, but were ready when called upon for any service required of them. We next come to 1845-1848, the Mexican War. 11 which we were not called upon to furnish any men, but there were quite a number of enlisted men from Nor- M walk in the regular army, as this state had no organiza- tion in which they could enlist. We have no record of any losses from Norwalk in this war. CIVIL WAR, 1861-1865. Fort Sumpter was fired upon by the Confederate forces in Charleston Harbor, and so had the blood of the nation been fired by their so doing. It was on Monday, April 15th, 1861, that the President issued his first call for troops. It was for 75,000 men to serve for the period of ninety days. The news in some way reached here Sunday night that the President had called for troops and early Monday morning the excitement began. We had among us at that time, as now, men who loved their country and though too aged or infirm or through their business associations could not take their rifle in hand, but could help in many ways, especially with their money. The first of our leading citizens that we remem- ber that entered into the spirit of the day was Mr. Eben Hill. Upon his hearing that the President had called for troops, on Monday morning early, he had his horse hitched to his carriage and taking his son, Eben, Jr., (now the successful manager of the Norwalk Iron Works) who was then quite a lad, started down the street and went to the old pottery, then situated south of the railroad, where now stands a portion of the Norwalk Iron Works, to see General Guyer who, at that time, was the Commander of the Connecticut militia, to see what could be done to immediately begin the raising of a company of volunteers. The General was waiting for orders from the Governor, but Mr. Hill wanted to be ready as soon as call should come. He found a drum- mer and fifer and had them parade the streets of South Norwalk. He also saw some of the clergymen and one of them made the first war speech in Norwalk. I think it was the Rev. T. I. Wooley, at that time pastor of the First M. E. Church. South Norwalk men began to en- list at once and a full company was recruited under Capt. Douglas Fowler, and was attached to the Third Connecticut Regiment. Mr. Hill was a friend of the soldiers all through the war and did not forget them even when the war was over. We had among us at that time a number of our leading citizens who pledged them- selves to care for the families of the men who enlisted in the first companies that went from Norwalk. The ex- 106 citement was running very high while the quoto to serve three months was being filled and, in fact, did not abate much during the four years of the war. In Au- gust, 1862, again men were needed badly by the govern- ment and to encourage enlistments another of Nor- walk's citizens came to the front and to fill the ranks ot Company F, I7th Conn. Regt., which was named after him, he offered every man $25. This was Legrand Lockwood, another noble man who never forgot the men who went at their country's bidding. Even to the time of his death he remembered them, and would do all he could to help any worthy soldier. When the war broke upon us we were not prepared for it in many ways. The state did not have arms to arm its troops and did not have clothing and equipments for the men who were flocking to Hartford and New Haven, and to procure these needed supplies required a large amount of money, which the treasury of the state did not possess at that time, and among the banks of the state which were first to offer a loan to the state was the old Fairfield County Bank, which oFered to the Governor $30,000 to arm and equip the ist, 2nd and 3rd Regiments, then being form- ed, these being the Regiments called for three months' service and then flocking to New Haven and Hartford. There were a great many people at that time who thought the war would not last over three months, and in fact some of the men who had enlisted and had not been assigned to any Regiment thought there would be no use for them and many went back to their homes. But that was not to be. as was shown during the four awful years that followed. Space and time will not al- low us to give the names of all those who went at their country's call and, Oh, how many have not come back to those whom they loved. We still see the evidence of that awful war about us. We have many of the wid- ows yet in their mourning for the one who never re- turned, and we still see the aged men with an empty sleeve or upon crutches, but as the years pass by all of these grow less, and in a few years the soldiers of the war of 1 86 1 to 1865 will have passed over to the great armv who hold the advance, and are now at peace. fore we begin to enumerate those who gave their s vices to their country we want to say that when the war was ended and the men came home, those factories places of employment from which so many of us went, were open to us, especially the Norwalk Lock Co., fr 199 which factory a large number enlisted, and as soon as the war was ended and the men came home they found places for all of their old help, and so, in every place in Norwalk from which men enlisted. Among those from Norwalk who were first to offer their services to the Government were Hon. Orris S. Ferry, at that time our member of Congress and Hon. A. H. Byington, (who was always a good friend to the soldiers, especially the boys from Norwalk.) These two of Norwalk's citizens were in Washington, D. C., when the war broke upon us and both of whom enlisted in the Cassius M. Clay Guard, in Washington, D. C., which organization patroled the streets of Washington until relieved by the troops from the North. The ist Conn. Regiment was the first to receive any men from Norwalk. We find that the first to enlist to the credit of old Norwalk were Theodore Benedict, Thomas D. Brown, Geo. D. Keeler, Thomas Hooton, Morris Kransynky, Wm. C. Murphy, James Reed and Howard Wheeler. These eight men were Norwalk's representatives in the ist Conn. Vols. in the 2nd Conn. Inf. There was but one man from our town that we find anv record of, Samuel C. Barnum. Then comes the 3rd Conn. Inf., on April 24th, 1861, Co. G, of this Regi- ment was enlisted and excepting one man, were all from Norwalk. The officers of this company were Capt. Douglas Fowler, ist Lieut. Gilbert Bogart, 2nd Lieut. Stephen D. Byxbee, ist Sergt. James L. Russell. In this company were seventy-eight enlisted men from our town. To David O'Connor of this company is the honor due of being the first soldier from the town of Norwalk who was confined in Libby Prison, he being captured at the Bottle of Bull Run, July 2ist, 1861, being confined iii prison ten months. The Battle of Bull Run having been fought and lost to the Federals, the President on May 3rd, 1861, called for 42,000 men to serve three years, or during the war. Our state was called upon to furnish but one Regiment, and in that Regiment were twenty-five men from our town. Among these was Moses A. Hill, (brother of our present Congressman) who afterward was promoted to a captaincy and served with credit on the staff of Gen. Burnside. On May 4th, 1861, the President called again for 75,000 men to serve three years or during the war. The 5th or Colt's Regiment, being the first Regiment to organize under this call. In this Regiment were from 900 Norwalk, Col. Orris S. Ferry, Chaplain Geo. W. Lash- er, Capt. Alfred A.Chinnery, Lieut. Chas. A. Reynolds, Lieut. Stiles G. Hyatt, now of New York, Lieut. Geo. F. Selleck, now of Bethany, Conn. In this Regiment were fifty-four enlisted men from Norwalk. Nathaniel S. Wheeler of Co. E, of this Regiment, was the first enlisted man from the town of Norwalk, who died in the service, he having died August 28th, 1861, at Sandy Hook, near Harper's Ferry, Va. At Battle of Cedar Mountain. Va., on August 9th, 1862, the first blood of Norwalk was poured out. In this battle, Color Sergt. Elijah B. Jones, Corp. Oliver S. Brady, Private Owen Murphy, all of Norwalk, were killed. Sergt. Wm. A. Ambler, wounded. We believe these to be the first of Norwalk's citizens to fall in the Civil War. The Regi- ment to follow the 5th was the 6th Regiment, Infantry, in which were fifty-two men credited to Norwalk. Most of these joined the Regiment in 1863, as recruits. Then followed the 7th Regiment, in which we sent twenty- four enlisted men and Lieut. Thomas Hooton, who was killed on James Island, June i6th, 1862. Among those who were killed or died of wounds in this Regiment, were [ames L. Allen, Oscar Smith, Theodore B. Bene- dict and John T. Byxbee. In the fall of 1861, October I7th, the 8th Regiment, Conn. Infantry, left the state and had among its officers and men, Lieut. Col. P. L. Cunningham, Chaplain J. J. Wooley, who was at that time pastor of the First M. E. Church, South Norwalk', Capt. Douglas Fowler, Capt. James L. Russell, Lieut. M. L. Pelham, Lieut. Thos. S. Weed, Lieut. Justus T. Crosby, Lieut. Anthony R. Can- field. In this Regiment we had from Norwalk forty- eight enlisted men. M. S. Lyon died March 4, 1864; John Cockfer died August u, 1863; Stephen H. Ferris died February 18, 1862; Chas. E. 'Merrill died September 13, 1863; Peter Moneban died February 24, 1866; Peter Pound died January 7, 1862; Henry C. Taylor died April 29, 1862; Thomas E. Richmond killed June 3, 1864. In the gth Regiment which followed immediately af- ter the 8th, there were but two men from Norwalk. In the icth Regiment we sent fourteen men. In the nth Regiment we were represented by four of our citizens. The 1 2th Regiment, Company E, had thirty-nine of its members from Norwalk. The officers of this Company were Capt. Stephen D. Byxbee, 1st Lieut. Gilbert Bo- 901 gart, 2nd Lieut. Joseph P. Grossman. Among those who died or were killed, from Norwalk, were Stanton Babcock, killed June 23, 1863 ; Sergt. Henry M. Prowitt, Corp. Samuel Clark, Sergt. George Maculess, killed June 10, 1863; Wm. B. Kurd, James L. Brundage, Hen- ry Vanderbilt, John Youngs. The 1 3th Regiment did not leave the state until the spring of 1862, and had to the credit of Norwalk fourteen of its members. The 14th Regiment was the first Regi- ment under the call of the President on July 1st, 1862. In this Regiment we find we had twenty-four men, who helped to make a record second to none for the soldiers of Norwalk. In the i5th we had three men; the i6th had none from Norwalk. The I7th Infantry was a Fair- field County Regiment and in it was two whole com- panies and in several of the companies were men who were counted upon as being the quoto of Norwalk. Co. A had for its officers, Capt. Douglas Fowler, 1st Lieut. John McQuhae, 2nd Lieut. John W. Craw, 2nd Lieut. C. Fred Betts. Company F had for its officers Capt. Enoch Wood, Capt. Henry Allen, Capt. C Fred Betts, ist Lieut. Wm. S. Knapp. 2nd. Lieuts. Wm. A. Kellogg, Chas. E. Doty, Geo. W. Shaw. Norwalk had to its credit in this Regi- ment 198 enlisted men. Among them who gave their lives for their country in this Regiment were Lieut. Col. Douglas Fowler, Lieut. Col. Albert H. Wilcoxson, Sergt. Edwin R. Smith, Corpls. Thomas D. Brown, James Watervvorth, Wm. W. Westlake; Privates Henry H. Aiken, Geo. B. Hendrick, John W. Jackson. Calvin Nobles. Geo. (). Tuttle, Henry Burns, Joseph H. Arm- strong, Lewis Arnold, Nelson Beach, John W. Metcalf and William Smedley. In the i8th and 2Oth Regiments we find none to the ciedit of our own town. In the 2ist we were represent- ed bv Dr. Tames E. Barbour. In the 22nd Regiment Norwalk was not represented. This was the last of the White Regiments for three years' service. November i7th, 1862, the 23rd Regiment, the first of the six Regi- ments for nine months' service, left New Haven for New Orleans. Norwalk had but two men in this Regiment. In the 24th, 25th and 26th we had none. In the 27th we had fourteen .men. Among their dead we find from Norwalk, Wm. L. Bodwell, killed at Gettysburgh ; Wil- bur Nash, killed at Fredricksburgh. The 28th Regiment was the last of the Regiments for nine months' service. This Regiment left New Haven November igth, 1862. In this Regiment we were well represented, Co. G being nearly all men from Norwalk. The officers were Capt. Theodore L. Beckwith, ist Lieut. Wm. Mitchell, 2nd Lieut. Henry Ayres and sixty-nine enlisted men. Among those who gave their lives were George Beers, Benjamin F. Hanford, Thomas F. Dowd and John Roach. The 29th Conn, was the first Regiment of colored troops raised in this state and Norwalk was represented in this Regiment by twenty-seven enlisted men. In the 3oth Conn., Colored Regiment, which was the last Regi- ment sent by the state, Norwalk had none to its credit. The ist, 2nd and 3rd Conn. Batteries of Artillery, Nor- walk sent sixteen men. The 2nd Heavy Artillery being a Litchfield County Regiment, we had but twenty-two men to represent our town. Norwalk had its citizens not only in Regiments from our own state but we find them in the regular army, but get the credit for only four; also in the navy, we had several of our citizens, but can find the record of but two, Edward G. Bishop and Joseph Skidmore. Among the officers appointed by the President we find the name of Major Genl. Wm. T. Clarke, who was a citizen of Norwalk and served with distinction on the staff of Major Gen. McPherson, who was killed in front of Atlanta, July 22nd, 1864. While we are trying to give a record of the number of men furnished by the town of Norwalk, we find it im- possible to get a complete record of those who enlisted in other states, who were citizens of Norwalk. Those whom we find accredited to our town are: Geo. H. Waterbury, 2nd N. Y. Cav. Wm. H. Bates, 5th N. Y. Inf. Geo. I. Buxton. Qth N. Y. Inf. Wm. Cockefer, 9th N. Y. Inf. Justice Disbrow, 41 st Ohio. Lewis W. Doty, 8th N. Y. Edward H. Fitch, 5th N. Y. Cav. Edward Holley, loth N. J. James B. Hoyt, Capt. 9th N. Y. Chas. G. Hyatt, 48th N. Y. Gould J. Jennings, Capt. 59th N. Y. Philo Johnson, ~i7th N. Y. John F. Lovejoy, 8ist N. Y. John M. McLean, 3/th N. Y. Wm. E. Montgomery, nth N. Y. Cav. 203 Samuel B. Sherwood, i6th N. Y. Arty. Frank B. Smith, 2nd 111. Arty. Wm. R. Green, 35th N. J. John O'Conner, 35th N. J. Stephen Maning, I7th N. Y. We find by the records that the town of Norwalk furnished nearly Soo men during the war, and if we could but get at the records of other states there is no doubt of our finding that fully 1,000 men of our town were furnished to put down the most wicked of rebellions, and how many of our Norwalk boys gave their lives to down that rebellion we can never tell. We find that the losses for the State of Connecticut were: Killed in battle, .... Missing, probably killed, Died from accidents, Fatally wounded, .... Died in prison, .... Died of disease, .... Wounded, ..... Accidentally wounded, . Captured, ..... Discharged for disability, Unaccounted for at muster out Total loss of Connecticut, . 20,164 In trying to get together the facts concerning Nor- walk, in the wars of the past we are sorry that there is not a more complete record of the men who stood in the breach and gave their lives to their country, as in the Revolution, we only wish we could have been able to as- certain just who these patriots were, but we should be pleased to know that nearly all of whom we have no record as being from our town, are duly credited to the little State of Connecticut, of which we are all proud. With the end of the Civil War in the summer of 1865, most of the boys of 1861, who were alive, came home, putting aside the implements of war and taking up the pursuits of peace. And we want to say in closing that as a rule the country has kept its pledges to its sol- diers, especially the aged, infirm and crippled. At the grand review of the Army of Sherman and Grant, which was held at Washington, in May, 1865 m there was suspended across Pennsylvania avenue, a very large banner upon which were these words: The only debt this country can never pay is the debt of gratitude it owes its Soldiers and Sailors, and this debt the coun- try has been paying in many ways during the past thirty- six years. We recall the fact that among the soldiers of the Civil War who reached the highest round of the lad- der of fame were Gen. Grant, Gen. Garfield, Gen. Hayes and the late honored president, Wm. McKinley who, when he enlisted, was a young man of about eighteen and was a lieutenant in the Regiment of which President Hayes was the colonel. So we might go on and fill a book with the names of soldiers whom the country has honored, and prove that as a rule this Republic has been grateful to its defenders. Individuals sometimes forget the men who left all and went to fight the battles of the nation, but the nation does not forget them, even in their old age. In closing this article on Norwalk after 250 years, we earnestly hope that the one who writes 250 years hence will not have to record the facts as we have tried to do, but we hope that there will be a better way of set- tling all our differences than with powder and ball. C. F. HALLOCK. 306 SOUTH NORWALK LADIES' PATRIOTIC SOCIETY, 1861-1865 By Harriet Aymar. N July following the fall of Fort Suni- ter, when war had actually begun be- tween the North and South, and troops were mustering in cities and villages throughout our northern land, a few ladies met at the home of Mrs. Burr Knapp on Washington Street, South Norwalk, and resolved them- selves into an association called the "South Norwalk Ladies' Patriotic Society,' whose object was to aid and comfort our soldiers in camp and hospital, or if found wounded on the battlefield. Mrs. David R. Austin, wife of the Congregational pastor, drafted the constitu- tion and was chosen the first president of the society. The other officers, representing the various churches in South Norwalk were: 1st Vice President, Mrs. John Scott ; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Halsey ; Secretary, Mrs. Burr Knapp: Assistant Secretary, Miss E. G. Platt; Treasurer, Miss Mary Hill, and a board of twelve man- agers In the following year Miss Harriet Aymar suc- ceeded Mrs. Austin as President, owing to the latter's ill health. Mrs. Dennis Platt was Vice President; Miss Hill, Treasurer and Miss Platt Secretary. During the last two years of the war Miss Aymar as President and Miss Platt as Secretary and Treasurer conducted the so- ciety's affairs. The membership fee was twenty-five cents and the society soon became a numerous band. Contributions were received from others outside the society, not only of cash, but of fruits and jellies, wine, books, linen and other supplies. With the funds raised material was pur- chased for garments, patterns of which were furnished by the Sanitary Commission, and also hospital comforts needed for the soldiers. The early meetings of the Patriotic Society were held in private houses, but, after a time Ely's Hall on North Main Street, became the headquarters of the So- ciety, it being a central point and affording betteraccom- modations for the increased number of workers. Ely's 206 block was new then and Mr. Nathan Ely, not only gave the use of the hall for meetings of the Society, but also foi its entertainments to raise money. Soon after or- ganization the question of raising funds became a serious one and it was decided to give a concert, and it is amus- ing to recall the discussion which arose over the charge for tickets. The president thought twenty-five cents a fair price, but was opposed by nearly all the members, who said that to charge more than fifteen cents would mean failure. Finally the president asked to be given the decision in the matter, promising if the concert failed to yield to the fifteen cent rate for ever after. The con- cert was a great success. It was given before a crowded house, and went off beautifully, while the profits amount- ed to $90. Professor Merriam, who led the singing, had been promised one-fourth of the receipts, and when he received the money he remarked, "Why, Miss Aymar, I never had so much pay in my life." "Oh!" was the reply, "Your forte is music, not finance !" The concert was given on August 8, 1862, by the united chorus of the South Norwalk churches, assisted by other amateur singers, who gave their services. The programme was as follows: PART I. 1. Overture to Martha. Slotare. Piano duet. Miss White and Slocum. 2. Let Kvery Heart Rejoice and Sing. Choir. Accomp't, Mr. Disbrow. 3. La Manola. Huison. Miss Sears, Accomp't, Miss Seymour. 4. On to the Field of Glory. Duet. Messrs. Merriam and Fowler. 5. The Lazy Man. Song. Mr. Nichols. 6 I've a Home in the Woods. Messrs. Merriam, Fowler, Selleck and Craw. 7. Eckert's Swiss Song. Miss Sears. Accomp't, Miss Seymour. 8. Come, Let Us Sing a Merry Round. Choir. 9. Marseilles Hymn. Solo. Mr. Merriam and Choir. Accomp't, Mr. Disbrow. 807 PART II. 1. Lucia di Lammermoor, Orsler. Piano Duet. Misses Slocum and White. 2. Hark! Apollo Strike the Lyre. Choir. 3. Consider the Lilies. Miss Sears. Accomp't, Miss Hill. 4. Rolling Home. Quartette. Messrs. Merriam, Fowler, Selleck and Craw. 5. Vive 1'America. Mr. F. Lockwood. Accomp't, Miss Slocum. 6. Robert toi qui j'aime. Meyerbeer. Miss Sears. Accomp't, Miss Hill. 7. The American Flag. Solo. Mr. Merriam. Choir. Accomp't, Mr. Disbrow. 8. A Man's a Man for All That. Song. Mr. Nichols. 9. The Union Forever. Mr. Merriam. 10. Grand Finale. The Star Spangled Banner. Choir and Audience. Accomp't, Mr. Disbrow. What a contrast with similar benefit entertainments to-day, in the theatres, halls and club rooms, were the simple entertainments of charades, tableaux, suppers and concerts in that primitive place, which were the germs of the artistic and elegant entertainments of to-day. For a time the local Patriotic Society acted inde- pendently, sending supplies direct to special regiments. We copy from a report of the Secretary, January, 1864: "We have sent under the auspices of trie Sanitary Com- mission, supplies to the nine Connecticut Regiments on the coast of Virginia and North Carolina, also to the I7th Conn." Ultimately the society joined the "Wo- man's Central Association of Relief" and became allied with the United States Sanitary Commission. A diplo- ma was awarded to our Patriotic Society at the close of the war from the "Woman's Central Relief Association," signed by the officers of that influential organization, ad- dressed to Miss Harriet Aymar, president. This diplo- ma is now in the possession of the Norwalk Historical and Memorial Library Association, together with other relics of the Patriotic Society. In closing this brief sketch of the Ladies' Patriotic aoe Society we add a short extract from the last report of the faithful and able secretary, Miss Platt, for the year 1864: "The society has never been more prosperous than during the past year; and we trust a spirit of patriotism is now aroused which will lead to renewed energy and effort in the 'great good work/ until the peace so long desired shall bless our land, and our efforts in behalf of the soldiers shall no longer be needed." Accompanying the report is the following account from January 29, 1864, to January 25, 1865: Cash receipts from donations, weekly collec- tions and entertainments, . . . $675.90 EXPENDITURES. Donations to the Christian Commission, . $275.36 Paid to Sanitary Commission for flannel, . . 215.53 Current expenses of the society, which include donations to various special objects, . . 160.41 Cash on hand, ... . . . 42.60 Total, . . ... . . $693.90 Add to this the sum of . . i . . 215.53 Which sum was allowed on the goods purchas- ed of the Sanitary Commission and the total amount is ..... $909.43 The number of articles made from 1861 to January, 1865, was 1,732. Boxes of supplies sent to the soldiers were valued at $341, and money was collected amounting to $1,350.37. The children of South Norwalk are credited with contributing- $20 in money to the Patriotic Society and piecing two quilts for hospital use. The children were also very useful in preparing for entertainments. George Beard, aged twelve, was al- ways ready to assist in putting the hall in order, giving his services, as he said, ''For good company." The Pa- triotic Society had assistance from many sources, the cause being for the country in its struggle for entire free- dom. No denominational' lines were recognized but all did their part with "Liberty" as the watchword. So we did our mite in the holy war. To-day we are a united and prosperous nation and so we may remain if not overwhelmed by too much 209 wealth and too much pride of success and luxury of liv- ing. The rise and fall of other nations should be to us an example and warning. It may add to the interest of this sketch to mention the names of some of the active members of the South Norwalk Ladies' Patriotic So- ciety: Mrs. D. R. Austin, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Halsey, Mrs. B. Knapp, Miss Mary Hill, Miss Platt, Mrs Beers, Mrs. A. Lyon, Miss C. Hill, Mrs. A. J. Crofut, Mrs. H. L. Norton, Miss K Beers, Mrs. Jas. Mallory, Mrs. W. S. Hanford, Mrs. Edwin Hoyt, Mrs. Wood, Miss Isabella Beard, Mrs. Scoville, Miss Aymar, Mrs. Dennis Platt, Mrs. I. Beers, Mrs. Nash, Miss E. Cape, Mrs. Baxter, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Elisha Comstock, Mrs. Dicker- man, Mrs. Nathan Ely, Miss Louisa Prouty, Mrs. John Bouton, Mrs. C. M. Lawrence, Mrs. Sarah Palmer, Miss Elizabeth Scoville, Miss Mary Hutchins, Mrs. New- combe, Miss A. Delia Dibble, Mrs. Wm. Beard, Mrs. Wm. Cape, the Misses Quintard, Mrs. Davis Hatch, Mrs. Southmayd, Miss Annie Seymour, Mrs. Burchard, Airs. E. L. Bailey, Mrs. John H. Keyser, Mrs. James H. Knapp, Mrs. A. Thompson, Mrs. Minerva E. Raymond, Mrs. S. H. Orton, Miss Georgiana Bodwell, Mrs. Eben Hill, Miss Cornelia Benedict, Miss Gertrude Benedict, Miss Malvina Swords, Miss Mary E. Byxbee, Miss Mary A. Ferris, Mrs. Mary Palmer", Mrs. Burr Nash and others. NORWALK CHAPTER, DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION HIS organization was formed at the residence of Mrs. E. J. Hill, Decem- ber 1 6, 1896, in pursuance of a com- mission from the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revo- lution. Mrs. Hill was elected Regent, and during her term of office an in- teresting and extensive celebration of the 244th anniversary of the founding of Nonvalk was held under the joint auspices of the Norwalk Chapter and the Sons of the American Revolution. The pro- gramme included a two days' festival at the Armory, a gathering of 4,000 school children, a loan exhibition of Colonial and Revolutionary relics and a Colonial ball. The exhibition resulted in a fund of one hundred and fifty dollars, which was voted by the General Committee to the Norwalk Chapter to aid in the erection of histori- cal memorials. Three rich memorials were placed in position by the Chapter in 1895, viz.: 1. The Founders' Stone, on East avenue. 2. The France street tablet. 3. The Flax Hill memorial with the old British cannon ball imbedded in its surface. In November, 1895, Mrs. Hill was succeeded as Regent by Mrs. Thomas K. Noble, who held the dffice until November, 1897. During her term it was ordered by the Chapter that an annual prize of five dollars in gold be offered for the best essay upon a selected topic connected with the history of the American Revolution, written by a pupil of the Norwalk public schools. Early in 1896 a complimentary address was given to the local branch of the S. A. R., and Major General Darius N. Couch was the guest of honor. The work of identifying rhe graves of Revolutionary soldiers in the vicinity of Norwalk was begun and these graves have been visited regularly since 1896 and appropriately decorated upon Memorial Day. The membership of the Chapter in- creased during Mrs. Noble's term from forty-seven to one hundred and fifteen. The third Regent was Mrs. Samuel Richards Weed, who was electd in November, 1897. The record of the patriotic work of the Chapter dur- ing the regency of Mrs. Weed is that of great activity and success. It comprises many addresses by distin- guished guests at Chapter meetings, drives to historical localities under the direction of Rev. C. M. Selleck, Nor- walk's historian, receptions at the Regent's summer home at "Midbrook,"' the completion of the list of iden- tified graves of Revolutionary Soldiers (begun in 1896), and the official marking of these graves with the assist- ance of the Connecticut S. A. R. The Norwaik Chapter responded to the call of the National Society of D. A. R. in the Spanish- American war, and nobly did their share in the work which the Connecticut D. A. R. accomplished. One hundred and twenty-six dollars were raised and seventy boxes of re- lief supplies and reading matter were sent to the soldiers at the front. In 1899 another wayside memorial was placed on Fitch's Point, the landing place of the British invaders in 1779. In September, 1899, the season was inaugurated with a "Nathan Hale" programme, at which time Mrs. Weed proposed the erection of a memorial to that hero in Norwaik, from whence he left the Connecticut shore for Long Island on his fatal errand. A design for a drinking fountain, to cost nine hundred dollars, was donated by McKim, Mead & White, of New York, and the Regent soon secured the necessary subscriptions for its completion, amounting in all to $1,106.09. The let- tering of one of the two inscriptions on the memorial was contributed by the children in the schools of Nor- waik. The fountain was dedicated on April 19, 1901, at the close of the State Conference of the D. A. R., which was held in NorwalR on that date. The speakers on the occasion were Rev. Edward Everett Hale, D. D., of Boston; Rev. S. Parkes Codman, D. D., of Brooklyn, and the Rev. C. M. Selleck. A series of historical papers on the old homes of Wilton, Westport, Darien and Norwaik were prepared at Mrs. Weed's request, illustrated with a collection of photographs, and published in a pamphlet to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Norwaik. Mrs. Weed's term of office expired in May, 1901, at which time the membership of the Chapter had increased to one hundred and fifty-nine. After an ineffectual bal- lot in May, the Chapter adjourned without an election. Zl* In June, 1901, Mrs. Weed was re-elected Regent against her own wishes. Although no Chapter meetings were held during the summer, the Regent was busy with plans for assisting in the celebration of Norwalk's 25oth anniversary in Sep- tember. A plate, designed by Mrs. Weed, with appro- priate Norwalk pictures, executed in blue and white por- celain, was produced at her own expense, as a souvenir of the anniversary. These plates were placed on sale, and it was announced that the final profits would be used for future memorial work. The committee in charge of the Norwalk celebration requested the Norwalk Chap- ter to conduct the guests of the town to places of historic interest on the morning of September nth, 1901. The Regent proposed a trolley ride for the purpose, which was successfully carried out. Four cars, decorated with the national colors, took a large party of invited guests to places indicated on the proposed programme. Rev. C. M. Selleck accompanied the party and acted as guide, relating interesting facts concerning the points visited. At the suggestion of the Regent, the Norwalk Chapter joined with the other women's clubs to open the Central Club house during the anniversary days, as a "House of Rest" and refreshment for out-of-town visitors. The Daughters of the American Revolution is thoroughly democratic in its membership, since any woman is eligible who is descended from a recognized patriot, a soldier, sailor, or a civil officer in the United Colonies or States, who assisted in establishing the cause of Independence during the War of the Revolu- tion. The real object of the society is to foster patriotism by encouraging the study of United States history and the Constitution and to preserve memorials of local history and historical relics of every town in the land, thereby stimulating public pride and leading to public improvement in every community. 318 AN HISTORICAL SKETCH OF EDUCATION IN NORWALK DURING THE NINETEENTH CENTURY (By A. Blanchard.) OR WALK has a New England inheri- tance in matters of education. The vote at the town meeting, held May 29, 1678, to hire a school master on "as reasonable terms as possible to teach all the childring in the towne to lerne to rede and write" was but fol- lowing the precedent of other Con- necticut towns, for this general instruction was in strict conformity to the laws of the colony. In 1686 the town voted to hire a school master for a quarter of a year at the rate of thirty pounds a year to be paid by the inhabitants of the town according to their lists of estate. The select- men had the hiring of the teacher, and were also instructed to "hire a house for that use and fit it with conveniences for schooling." In 1699 we come to some primitive ideas in school architecture, when the town votes to build a schoolhouse. The requirements are that the edifice shall be "in length twenty foot; the breadth then of eighteen foot and at least six foot be- tween joynts." In the following year, January, 1700, there is a record that deserves to be transcribed in full: "The town by a major vote determines to have two schools attended and kept for the year ensuing, one at ye south end of ye town and ye other at ye north end ; and ye two respective school houses now in being, in ye winter time. And ye summer school at ye south end and at ye school house on west side of the river. And ye county money shall be divided according to lyst of ye military lyne." In 1719 it was voted that the winter school should be kept half of the time at the old school- house and the other half at the new schoolhouse at the north end of the town. Such are the meager references to the public schools as gleaned from Hall's Ancient Historical Records of Norwalk. They form a fitting introduction to the sub- ject of this paper. The detailed history of the different 214 schools will naturally find a place in the papers devoted to the several districts and need not be repeated here ex- cept where necessary to a clear understanding of the his- tory of the town as a whole. The beginning of the century finds the public schools of Connecticut under the management of school societies. In 1795, 1798 and 1799 laws were passed by which parishes and societies under this new name were invested with the entire con- trol of the schools to the exclusion of the towns which, as such, had nothing to do with school affairs. Our concern, then, is not with the town, but with the First School Society of Norwalk. A brief and incomplete record of this society is contained in the School Society's Committee's Book, which is preserved in the office of the town clerk. The record begins Jan. I, 1799, and the first financial entry in the book is a charge of $1.25 for the book itself Entries are made in this book down to 1847, covering a period of forty-eight years, and these records are authority for some of the statements in the present paper. Stephen Lockwood, Taylor Sherman and Ebenezer Phillips were the first committee of the new society. Within its jurisdiction were the Poplar Plains, Saugatuck and Down Town school districts. In 1810 the number had increased to five by the addition of the North East and Old Well districts to those already named. During the next thirty years, there was great deterioration in the public schools of Connecticut. In the last decade of this period their condition had become deplorable. A report on the Norwalk schools, published in the Connecticut Common School Journal for January and February, 1839, presents anything but a flattering picture of the educational advantages offered to the children of the town by the public schools sixty years ago. The schools figuring in this report were those in the Old Well, Flax Hill, South Center, North Center, Down Town, Pudding Lane, North West, Over River and North F.ast districts. The best that can be said about this exposure is that the conditions here were similar to those which obtained in the state at large and that other towns were as remiss as Norwalk. The re- port takes up the districts one by one and goes into the details of enumeration, school attendance, location and condition of school buildings, school grounds, studies pursued and the text books in use. Schoolhouses were usually built close upon the public highways in uni- formly unattractive places. A plot of ground unfit for 215 anything else was good enough for a school. Of the people of one district the report says: "Those who pos- sess or control suitable lands for locating a schoolhouse will neither sell them nor suffer a building to stand on the highway opposite." The schoolhouses, with few exceptions, were poor specimens of architecture and construction. Referring to one building with two rooms, the language of the report is: "A school is kept overhead, and the low ness and indistinctness of the voices which was witnessed, is believed to be owing in part certainly, to the usage of keeping the voices of the pupils suppressed in order that the schools may not hin- der each other.'" School rooms were poorly furnished. There was multiplicity instead of uniformity in text books. Twenty-one different reading books were in use in the schools of the town. An equal diversity of books was found in other branches of study. A point not noticed by the report, but a very noticeable one, is the entire neglect of the higher studies. In the gloom and discouragement of this picture of the public schools two generations ago appears one ray of light. The writer takes occasion to say a good word for the teachers, pro- nouncing them "unusually well qualified, but hindered in their work through the carelessness, or wilfulness of parents and masters." It is not surprising that the pub- lic schools were in ill repute and poorly attended. In 1838, out of 9/1 1 children of school age, only 319 were in common schools, "leaving," as the report says, "622 or nearly two-thirds of the whole, without benefit from the public money." The total expenses of the schools amounted to about $3,500, or eleven dollars for each registered pupil. Considering the value of money in those days, the poor schools cost enough to have been much better than they were. The taxpayer of that time was not especially interested, for little of his money went to p?.v the expenses of the public schools. The period we have been considering was low water mark for the public schools of Connecticut. This con- dition was no sudden lapse, but in its origin dates back to the beginning of the century, and even earlier. The legislation, already referred to, which transferred the control of the schools from the town to school societies, proved injurious rather than helpful to the cause of popu- lar education. There was a decline of interest in the public schools, for which the large school fund of the state was doubtless in great measure responsible. The 216 tendency was to lessen school expenses and bring them within the public funds and, as far as possible, escape taxation. "With only 319 children in the public schools of the 941 enumerated in Norwalk, what educational advantages were offered to the 622 who were "without benefit from the public money"? In the absence of strin- gent truant laws, many children must have grown up with very meager schooling. Parents who were anxious that their children should have an education and who realized the serious deficiencies of the common schools, had a resource, if their means permitted, in patronizing private schools. These institutions now sprang up and flourished, as never before or since. The records of such schools, from the nature of things, are rarely preserved, so that data concerning them are very difficult to obtain. Elementary schools were established, flourished and passed away, leaving no visible traces that they had ever existed. The records of schools for more advanced scholars are also lacking, but we find occasional allusions to them in books and the public prints, increasing in frequency as we come down towards the middle of the century, when these slight sources of information are supplemented by the recollection of persons still living. Timothy D wight, then ex-President of Yale, in his travels in New England and New York, published in 1822, referring to Norwalk, says that an academy was established there some years ago, but was afterwards given up. An academy, which stood on "The Green" m Norwalk, and belonged to the First Congregational church, flourished for a time, having for its principal Prof. Hav/ley Olmslead and Edwin Hall, afterwards pastor of the church. An Episcopal academy was con- ducted after the date of Dr. D wight's book and was dis- continued about 1829. Such are the meager details of these earlier schools, as the writer has had an oppor- tunity to gather them. A school about which more data are obtainable is the South Norwalk Academy, later known as the Nor- walk Academy, the change in name showing an evident desire to have it recognized as a town institution. An advertisement dated Nov. 5, 1844, states that arrange- ments had been made '.'to convey students in a covered carriage from Norwalk borough to the academy for two cents 63 ch time, amounting to one shilling a week. This academy was a private enterprise undertaken by citizens of the town, who elected trustees from among their own m number. In a newspaper announcement in February, 1844, appear the names of Algernon E. Beard, Charles Mallory and Thomas C. Hanford as the governing board at that time. The building erected was a one-story structure with a cupola, after the common academy architecture of the period, and stood on West avenue, nearly opposite the site of the Methodist Episcopal church in South Nor walk. At first designed for boys, girls were afterwards admitted to the school. One of the earlier principals was Mr. Storrs Hall, brother of Dr. Edward Hall, who made a compilation of the early records of Nonvalk. In 1844 James H. Coffin came from a tutorship in Williams College to become the head of the new academy. Under his management and that of his brother and successor, Robert Coffin, the academy gained great repute and drew students from the sur- rounding towns. The service of Prof. James H. Coffin is a very notable part of the educational history of the town. He was called from his duties here to a profes- sorship in Lafayette College, where he gained a national and European reputation by his teaching ability and his works on meteorology and mathematics. His series of text books in mathematics were used for a long time in the leading colleges. The academy continued its hon- orable and useful career until the early fifties, when im- orovements in the public school system rendered its existence no longer necessary. Hart's report in the Connecticut Common School Journal on the schools of Norwalk was part of a move- ment to improve the common schools of the state. The need of reform was very graphically shown and the work of bettering educational conditions was carried on with unfailing intelligence and persistence. In the educa- tional history of the period looms up the great figure of Henry Barnard, who ranks with Horace Mann as one of the two foremost of American educators. In 1837 the state created a Board of Commissioners of Common Schools Mr. Barnard was chosen secretary of this board, which in effect made him state superintendent of common schools. Thorough state and local supervision took the place of the chaos that had preceded. The im- press of Mr. Barnard's work is to be seen in the public school system of to-day. From 1838, the date of Mr. Hart's report, to 1853, we find an increase in the school population of Norwalk. The enumeration by districts as it appears in the state report of 1853, is as follows: 218 Flax Hill .... 71 Old Well . . . . .253 North West . . . . . 40 Down Town . . . . . 117 North Center . . . . . 125 Union . . . . . . . 563 North East . . . . 47 Total . . . . . i, 216 Closely following the date of this report are to be noted two events which mark a distinct improvement in the public schools of the town since the time when Mr. Barnard's agent held them up to such severe cen- sure. One is a piece of special legislation enacted in 1854 authorizing the Union School District of Norwalk to lix a rate of tuition for the study of the French, Latin and Greek languages. The Union District was at that lime very much the largest school district in town, con- taining nearlv half the school population. The other event was the consolidation, in 1854, of the Old Well and Flax Hill districts into the South Norwalk Union School District. In the new school which was the re- sult of this union the study of the higher branches was at once taken up. Under these circumstances the Nor- walk Academy, which had done effective service in the cause of the higher education, was discontinued, and its work was carried on in the schools of the two larger dis- tricts. Two years later, in 1856, an important general state law was enacted which abolished all school societies and gave back to the towns their control over the schools. In this way jurisdiction over the several districts of the First School Society passed to the town of Norwalk. In addition to these districts, the town assumed control of the South, Middle and North Five Mile River districts, which had formed part of the Darien School Society. Nine districts were thus placed under the control of the town in 1856. Their names and the enumeration in each district are given in the state report of that year as follows: Union ...... 625 South Union . 433 Down 1'own . I2 5 North Center ..... 77 North East ..... 45 North West ..... 41 North Five Mile River . . 58 Middle Five Mile River , . . 63 South Five Mile River 66 Total . . . . i,533 In 1860 the Broad River district was formed, com- prising territory formerly a part of the Union district. The Center district was formed in the following year. In each of the districts just named a new schoolhouse was built. These eleven districts, as far as their boun- daries are concerned, were very much as we know them at the present time. A twelfth district, whose existence even is known to very few, claims a passing reference. In 1850, by special act of legislature, Norwalk, or Shef- field Island was constituted a separate school district "with all the privileges and immunities belonging to the other school districts of this state," and apparently is still a legal part of the district system of the town. As the legislative acts at the close of the eighteenth centurv in taking away the powers of the towns over schools had had a depressing effect, so the restoration of those powers after the lapse of a little more than fifty years wrought a change for the better. The town as an educational unit has shown its superiority over the parish or school society. The schools have become more a matter of public concern and local pride. In the last forty years they have grown with the growth of the town. New schoolhouses have been built and old ones enlarged and remodelled. In all these changes and additions there has been a notable advance in school architecture, in school furnishings and school surroundings. The comfort, health and general well-being of the pupils have received more and more consideration in the location, planning, construction and equipment of school buildings. The details of this progress will be found in the sketches of the different districts, but a reference, at least, to the general fact seemed called for in this place. An institution which has been a very important edu- cational factor in the town for the past twenty years is St. Mary's Parochial School, which was established in 1880. The present principal is Rev. W. Kiernan, and his predecessors were Revs. J. Russell, H. Treanor, T. Crowley, T. O'Brien, J. Duggan, J. Sullivan, M. Barry and J. Loftus. Ten teachers are employed and five hun- m dred pupils are connected with the school. The courses of study range from the kindergarten to the high school course. Drawing and vocal music are taught and a commercial course is given in the last year. "This school has sent forth into the world hundreds of young men and women who are devoted children of the Church and loyal citizens of the State." No sketch of the educational history of the town should omit to mention the private schools of the latter part of the century. We have already seen how im- portant they were at an earlier period. With the great improvement in the public schools, private elementary instruction is no longer given to any extent. There has always remained, however, a number of excellent private schools engaged for the most part in the work of higher education. Among these the first place must be given to the Selleck School for Boys, established in 1855 by Rev. C. M. Selleck, the historian of Norwalk. The school began with about twenty scholars in a small building erected for the purpose. This was soon out- grown, and successive additions were made to the original building as the school increased in numbers. The school was almost exclusively a boarding institution and for several years averaged nearly one hundred boarding pupils. Its patronage came from all sections of the country and even from abroad. For many years the work was carried on by the principal and six assist- ants, and the courses covered the usual studies pursued in such institutions. Boys were fitted for Yale, Har- vard and Princeton and also for West Point and the United States Naval Academy. A commercial depart- ment was a prominent feature in the courses of study. The school enjoyed a wide reputation and was success- fully conducted by Mr. Selleck until 1889, a period of thirty-four years. A very appreciative and complimen- tary notice of this school by Dr. Edward I. Sears ap- peared in the National Quarterly Review for March. 1875. Dr. Sears' closing words are: "We cannot, there- fore, conclude these hurried observations more appro- priately than by applying to Mr. Selleck's school the line of Plantus: 'Sat habet favitorum semper, qui recte facit.' " After Mr. Selleck severed his connection with the school it was conducted on somewhat different lines by Col. Roberts and known as the Norwalk Military Insti- tute. As the Norwalk University School it is now under the management of Mr. William G. Chase, a thoroughly modern boarding and day school for boys, with two col- lege preparatory and two finishing courses. Mr. Chase took charge of the school in 1897. Three assistants are associated with him in the work of instruction and thirty- two pupils are in attendance. Although not a military school, the boys are fully uniformed and equipped and thoroughly drilled in military exercises. Mention should also be made of the school for boys conducted by Dr. Jabez C. Fitch in the building now occupied by Mrs. Mead's seminary for girls and young ladies. This school flourished for a number of years and had a high reputation. Prof. Alexander Johnston was for several years, and until 1883, principal of the Norwalk Latin School in the building now used as the Grace Church rectory. Prof. Johnston was at that time well known as the author of a history of American Politics and as one of the principal contributors to Labor's Cyclopaedia of Politi- cal Science, Political Economy and United States His- tory. Prof. Johnston was called from this school to a professorship in Princeton University, where he gained a national and European reputation by his scholarly and brilliant historical writing. Mr. James Benedict conducted a boys' school for several years during the sixties on Bay View avenue, South Norwalk, occupying the place now owned by Mrs. Mary J. Couch. Besides the present dwelling house a building on the same premises was used for school purposes, serving as a class room. Mr. John Osborn, formerly principal of the Church Hall School, New Canaan, had a fine boarding school on Strawberry Hill, and deserves high mention. His pupils were mostly from New York city. Miss Louise A. Smith also maintained for several years a young ladies' seminary of repute and merit. Miss Helen M. B. Stevens established the Home Lawn School for Young Ladies in 1872 in the house now occupied by W F. Bishop, 15 Belden avenue. The school was conducted in this and other locations until it was discontinued in 1885. Miss Stevens had the as- sistance of from three to five teachers and instruction was given to an average of about thirty pupils. Diplomas were awarded on the completion of a four years' course, sss which included languages and the higher studies. Work of a more elementary character was also carried on. Mrs. White conducted a school for young ladies on West avenue, on the place now occupied by the residence of Dr. W. J. Tracey. This school flourished in the years following the war, arid enjoyed a very high reputation. The Misses Brockway's Select School for Young Ladies and Children was established in 1869 and con- tinued until the close of the school year in June, 1882 Miss Mary Adelaide Brockway was principal and six or seven teachers were usually employed. There was an average attendance of about thirty pupils. A four years' course, embracing algebra, geometry, languages, com- position and literature, fitted graduates to enter college. Special attention was given to history and several branches of natural science ; also, to drawing, elocution and music and other studies usually pursued in such a school. The subject of the private schools of the past, even those which have been maintained during the last fifty years, has been an extremely difficult one to treat with any degree of satisfaction. Information has not been easy to obtain and verify. Much time and effort have been spent in gathering what is here presented, and the period for the preparation of this paper has been neces- sarily limited. The writer can only hope that there have not been many serious omissions and that the narration will be found correct as far as it goes. An account of the private schools of Norwalk will fittingly close with a reference to those in existence at the present time. It is to be truthfully said that they main- tain their earlier reputation for fidelity to sound edu- cational principles and for able and successful manage- ment. Miss Baird's Home School for Girls, located at the cornei of West Avenue and Orchard Street, was estab- lished in 1871 and has continued under the management of its present principal, Miss Cornelia F. Baird, from the beginning This school has been a growing institution and now numbers between fifty and sixty pupils and eleven teachers in the several departments. Studies are pursued in primary, intermediate and post graduate courses. ''Graduates are prepared for college or society, possessing disciplined minds and bodies, carefully form- ed manners and self control." There are regular and special courses in art and in music, both vocal and in- strum ental, including piano, violin, harp, mandolin, etc. Another meritorious institution is Mrs. Melville E. Mead's School for Girls and Young Ladies. This school was founded in Darien in 1883 and moved to Nonvallc in 1889. It has a faculty of eleven teachers and has gain- ed a high and wide reputation for scholarly work. The aim of the school is summed up in the sentence "to foster the growth of an earnest, helpful and unselfish woman- hood." There is a primary department and more ad- vanced courses preparing for the colleges ; also, a gen- eral course for students who do not intend to enter col- lege. Special courses in music and art are offered to those who wish to pursue the study of those branches. Prof. Carl A. Harstrom, A. 'M., Ph. D., writes to the author of this paper that he "is not conducting a school and therefore it can not have a name." With four assistants he does private tutoring for Yale, Har- vard an.-i Princeton, the number of pupils ranging during the year from six or eight up to twenty. Prof. Harstrom has charge of this larger number during the summer time when boys are preparing for the fall college examin- ations. The Norwalk University school under the manage- ment of Mr. William G. Chase, has already been referred to as a continuation of the institution founded by the Rev. C. M. Selleck. The great expansion of commercial opportunities and of the commercial spirit in recent years and the numerous consequent changes and improvements in business methods have brought about a corresponding demand for persons specially trained to meet the exac- tions forced upon the business world by the new condi- tions. The number of commercial schools has greatly multiplied unti! one or more of these institutions is now to be found in every considerable city or town. Their existence and generally flourishing condition are evi- dence that they supply a real need. Brown's Business College in South Norwalk was opened for instruction in September, 1897. The number of pupils in the school year has grown from 97 to 159. Mr. I. S. Brown was the first principal. Associated with him from the beginning was Mr. G. E. Sartain, who in November, 1900, purchased the interest of Mr. Brown and has since had the management of the school. It is now organized with five departments, English, commercial, shorthand, telegraphy and typewriting. Day and evening sessions 224 are held and 134 young men and women have been grad- uated from the different courses. It has convenient rooms in the United Bank Building and in equipment and grade of its instruction ranks with the best schools of its class. No sketch of the educational interests of the town, however brief, can omit a reference to the public librar- ies. There are two of these institutions, one in each of the cities of Norwalk and South Norwalk. These libraries are not maintained and managed by the town, but by the two cities, and in each instance for the benefit of its own citizens. A detailed history of the Norwalk and the South Norwalk public libraries, as well as other information, will appear in papers prepared by the librar- ians. To complete this paper it remains to take a passing glance at the condition of Norwalk's public schools at the end of two hundred and fifty years. We have seen that improvements have been contemporaneous and to a certain degree commensurate with attention to the higher education. There is, unfortunately, no central town high school, but by a sort of natural evolution, a high school department has grown up in each of the schools of the four larger districts, South Norwalk, Over River, Center and East Norwalk, with well arrang- ed courses of study. Students have been graduated, who have taken the normal school course as a further prepar- ation for teaching, in this way justifying the expenditure of the public money on 'high school instruction in con- sideration of its direct benefit to the schools as a whole. Othei graduates have gone into various walks of life with the advantage of high school training. Still others have been fitted to pursue courses of study in colleges and technical schools. While recognizing the excellent results of the work of these four high school departments, it should be said that there yet remains in the direction of progress the logical step of consolidating these four departments into one central high school. Ihe contrast between the public schools of to-day and those of the first part of the nineteenth century, is a wide one. During the earlier period these schools were supported chiefly from the income of public funds and tuition rates. Public taxation was avoided. The pur- chase of school books was felt as a burden and children used the books that could be most easily procured, no matter what the consequences to system and uniformity M in the work of the school. We have already seen that the schools were very poorly attended, nearly two-thirds of the children of Norwalk being without benefit from the public monev. The benefit of special training for teachers did not begin to be felt until after the establish- ment of the normal school at New Britain in 1850. Grad- ed courses of instruction in the schools of the town were the development of a still later period when they "Were a necessary growth in the larger schools. At the present time the public schools are really free. Tuition rates were abolished by legislation in 1868. In the very closing year of the century, October, 1900, the town voted to furnish text books and supplies free for the use of all scholars. Following this vote a revised list of text books was authorized by the board of school visitors at a meeting in December of the same year. The schools are now maintained for the larger part by public taxation and not by the income of public funds. During the school vear ending July 14, 1901, $10,569.37 was re- ceived from the state and local funds for the support of schools but the sum of $54,215.84 came from town and district taxation. Children are not suffered to grow up without school advantages. In October, 1900, there were 4,483 children of school age, of whom 636 were re- ported not in school. Of this number not in school 448 were under seven years of age and 159 were over four- teen. There were 3,876 children between the ages of seven and fourteen and of this number only 29 were out of school and these for sufficient reasons. Of the chil- dren of school age reported in school, 3.319 were in the public schools, 485 in St. Mary's Parochial School, and 46 in private schools. An evening school for persons over fourteen years of age has been maintained at each end of the town since its establishment in 1893. Last year the registration in this school amounted to 144 and the school was continued for 75 sessions. The work is chieflv elementary and to a large extent among foreign- ers anxious to learn the English language. There have, however, been at times large classes in bookkeeping and commercial branches and in mechanical drawing. A graded course of study extending to the high school, and applicable to all the schools in town, was adopted by the town school board April 17, 1900, and uniform courses of study for the high school department are in prepara- tion. The closing year of the century has thus witness- ed important and marked changes and improvements in 828 the educational system of the town. It is a great satis- faction to end this paper with a chronicle of achievement so full of promise for the future. LIST OF OFFICERS OF THE SOUTH NOR- WALK UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT, 1854-1901. DISTRICT COMMITTEES: Bur Nash, 18^4-1855, 1857-1859. William T. Craw, 18^4-1855, 1856-1858. Ebenezer Hill, 1854-1857,' 1860-1869. William O. Beard, 1855-1856. Hezekiah Raymond, 185^-1856, 1859-1862. John H. Smith, 1856-1857. A. Dickerman, 1857-1860. Moses B. Pardee, 1858-1861, 1864-1865, 1871-1873, 1874-1875. Davis Hatch, 1861-1864. Dudley P. Ely, 1862-1864, 1871-1872. Tames" H. Knapp, 1866-1870. W. S. Hanford, 1865-1866. H. H. Elwell, 1864-1870, 1875-1877. Lewis F. Beers, 1869-1870. E. A. W'oodward, 1870-1871. J. J. Millard, i87o-'i87i, 1874-1875. S. C. Palmer, 1870-1872. R. H. Rowan, 1872-1873. Edwin Adams, 1872-1875, 1878-1880. A. J. Crofut, 1873-1874, 1875-1877. Talmadge Baker, 1873-1874. A. ). Thompson, 1874-1875. Charles F. Hallock, 1875-1878. William T. Comstock, 1877-1878. Thomas I. Raymond, 1877-1879, 1880-1885. Jacob M. Layton, 1878-1881. George W Day, 1880-1884, Tohn A. Slater,' 1881-1885. George W. Carroll, 1885-1886. f. A. Farrington, 1885-1886. Robert Pearson, 1885-1886. Walter C. Quintard, 1886-1887. Franklin A. Smith, 1886-1887. 227 Richard H. Golden, 1888-1891. Abiathar Blanchard, 1886. Still in office. Matthew Corbett, 1887. Still in office. John H. Light, 1887-1888 1891. Still in office. DISTRICT CLERKS. Matthew Wilcox, 1854-1860. William H. Benedict, 1860-1882. John W. Scott, 1882-1885. David R. Selleck, 1885-1886. Nelson Dickerman, 1886. Still in office. DISTRICT TREASURERS. William H. Benedict, 1854-1858. Frank H. Nash, 1858-1861. Chester F. Tolles, 1862-1873. James A. Brown, 1873-1881. George C. Stillson, 1881-1882. Jacob M. Layton, 1882. Still in office. DISTRICT COLLECTORS. Daniel F. Benedict, 1854-1859. Matthew Wilcox, 1859-1862. Frederick S. Lyon, 1862-1863, 1864-1871. J^orenzo Dibble, 1863-1864. Nelson J. Craw, 1871-1873. William S Bouton, 1873-1880. Franklin A. Tolles. 1880 Still in office. DISTRICT AUDITORS. Thomas I. Raymond, 1876-1878. Lorenzo Dibble, 1878-1885. A. J. Crofut, i88<:-i886. Franklin A. Smith, 1886-1887. John W. Dake, 1887. Still in office. BUILDING COMMITTEES. Original building at Franklin St., 1854. Burr Nash. William T. Craw. Ebenezer Hill. Original building at Concord St., 1870. E. A. Woodward. William T. Craw. Charles R. Townsend. Andrew J Crofut. John H. Smith. Addition at Franklin St., 1873. Edwin Adams. S. C. Palmer. C. W. Knudsen. Addition at Concord St., 1886. Edwin Adams. Thomas I. Raymond. John A. Slater. Walter C. Quintard. Abiathar Blanchard. Franklin A. Smith. Addition at Franklin St., 1897. Abiathar Blanchard. John H. Light. Matthew Corbett. - THE SOUTH NORWALK UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT HE genesis of the South Norwalk Union School District is to be found in the consolidation of the Old Well and Flax Hill districts in 1854. These two districts had been in existence since early in the century, as is shown by the record book of the First School Society of Norwalk. The districts themselves have left no records as far as the writer of ihis paper has been able to ascertain. Fortunately the records of the consolidated district are full and complete from the beginning. In answer to a petition from Mat- thew Wilcox and others presented to the First School Society in December, 1853, a meeting of the society was held in the following January and a vote was passed that the Old Well and Max Hill districts be consolidated into one under the name of the South Norwalk Union School District. This action was confirmed by the legislature in the May session of 1855. Before the end of the month a school meeting of the new district was held and the following officers chosen : Matthew Wilcox, clerk ; Burr Nash William T. Craw and Ebenezer Hill, committee ; William H. Benedict, treasurer, and Daniel F. Benedict, collector. The school houses in the two districts were a one room building on Flax Hill, near the junction of West and Lowe Streets, and a two room building near the site of the newly erected soldiers' monument. At the time of the consolidation there were 324 children of school age within the district boundaries. Immediate steps were taken to erect a new school house. One acre of land was purchased of Mr. Algernon E. Beard for $1075, and a five room building was constructed in the course of the following summer. These rooms still re- main a part of the present Franklin building consisting of the two rear basement rooms, the two rooms on the floor above and a large room on the third floor. In front of these rooms were hall and stair ways and a suitable entrance to such a structure. The new school- house was of wood, but the district had voted that ''the building be filled in with brick, as a contractor found to his cost when a change was made in the location of the 880 windows forty-three years later. Mr. E. J. Peck was the first principal. Instruction in the higher branches was undertaken from the first and the opening of the new school was in many ways a notable event. Mr. Peck held the position for four or five years and was succeeded by Mr. Bradley for a short term. The next choice of principal was made in school meeting, April 13, 1860, when Mr. William T. Comfort was elected to that position by ballot, with the provision that the sal- ary should not exceed $800. This choice does not seem to have been a fortunate one, for early in September of the same year the district records show that a committee was appointed to investigate his conduct in relation to the school. In March, 1861, he was relieved from his duties and Mr. F. S. Lyon was appointed in his place, a position which he held until 1873. Mr. Lyon was a strong disciplinarian and a thorough teacher. Still liv- ing here in honored retirement, he is well remembered and highly esteemed by many who profited by his in- struction a generation ago. Up to 1868, when they were abolished by law, the schools were supported in part by tuition rates. A schedule adopted January 24, 1859, reads as follows: First Primary, . . . .. .90 for 12 weeks Second Primary, . . . i.oo Intermediate, . . . . 1.25 Grammar, . . . . . 1.5 SENIOR DEPARTMENT. High School 4-00 " Out of district scholars, . . 5.00 " The schedules were changed from time to time as occasion required. In 1856 the number of scholars enumerated in the district was 433. In 1870 the number had grown to 758 and it became necessary to provide more school rooms. This was done by the erection in Concord street of a three-room building, comprising the two cloak rooms of the present building and a larger room on the floor above. The building was completed in season for the opening of the school in the fall of 1871 and cost a little less than $10,000. Still there was not school room enough, and in 1873 an addition was made to the Frank- 281 lin Street schoolhouse, changing it from a five to a nine, and, later, to a tenroom building with a large assembly hall still in use. The reported cost of the building was $17,715. With the opening of the building began the incumbency of Mr. Samuel T. Button, who continued in charge of the schools of the district until he resigned in the spring of 1877 to accept the principalship of the Eaton School in New Haven. Mr. Button's service in the South Norwalk schools was a notable one. He has since gained additional distinction in other and wider fields and is now recognized as one of the foremost edu- cators in the country. Mr. Button was succeeded by his brother, Mr. Silas B. Button, who conducted the school successfully until shortly before his lamented death in March, 1879, having been compelled on account of poor health to ask for leave of absence the January previous. Mr. Frederick Seymour, a student in Yale, acted as principal for the remainder of the school year. Mr. Henry M. Walradt was next appointed to the place, which he filled acceptably until he resigned in the spring of 1884 to take charge of another school. Mr. Herbert S. Brown, then a recent graduate of Yale, and now pas- tor of the Congregational Church in Barien, served with ability as principal until the end of the school year. Mr. Edward S. Hall became principal of the South Norwalk schools in September, 1884, a position which he held for four years and for which he had many qualifi- cations. Buring his incumbency the schoolhouse at Con- cord street was enlarged from three to eight rooms and otherwise greatly improved at a cost of about $12,000. This work was completed in the fall of 1886. Subse- quently other improvements were made which placed the building and premises in a proper sanitary condition. At the time this building was completed the enumeration of the children of the district had risen to 1,086. In 1888 Mr. William C. Foote assumed the duties of principal, which he has discharged with signal success down to the present time, a period of thirteen years. Buring *his time the school population of the district has continued to grow. Within a few years after the completion of the building at Concord street school, ac- commodations again became insufficient. The erection of another building was for a long time delayed through the failure of the voters of the district to agree upon a location. Meanwhile one room after another was hired until during the school year of 1896-1897 three rooms in the Knudsen building, two rooms in Mr. Solman's hat factory and Arion Hall, six rooms in all, were used for school purposes. It was finally voted to build a brick addition at Franklin street and to remodel the whole building. The sum of $37,000 was appropriated for that purpose. Mr. Warren R. Briggs, an architect of high reputation, furnished the plans, and the result is a building greatly in advance of anything before un- dertaken in the town, and in line with the best work any- where. The district now possesses a magnificent school- house, intelligently planned and thoroughly equipped for school work and embodying the latest ideas for the health and comfort of its occupants. It has set a standard which public sentiment will hardly suffer school officials to fall below in any future enterprises of the kind. In less than fifty years the school population of the district has grown from 324 to upwards of 1,700. In the place of three teachers there are now thirty-five. The two school buildings, with their twenty-six class rooms are full to overflowing. Already accommodations have had to be sought outside and the Knudsen building is occupied by a large kindergarten and one of the higher grades. It will soon be necessary to repeat the experi- ence of former years and plan for a new schoolhouse. A. BLANCHARD. November 8, 1901. THE S UNION PRINGWOOD SUN D A Y-SC H OO L HE Springwood Union Sunday school was started in June, 1869, for the ac- commodation of the children in that vicinity. Mr. A. B. Snowden con- verted a barn opposite his own resi- dence into a school room and his daughter, Miss Susan Snowden, in- vited Mr. Charles M. Lawrence to take charge of the school ; this he consented to do for six months and he has remained its superin- tendent for thirty-two years. The school was non- denominational and it began with a membership of forty-eight but in a few years the attendance was doubled. The hour of meeting was 3 o'clock on Sun- day, with prayer meeting on Sunday and Wednesday evenings for the adult population of Springwood. Neighborhood prayer meetings were also held at various times at private houses in "the Hollow," now called Lex- ington avenue, and on Woodward avenue. A great deal of charitable visiting and relief work accompanied these services by the officers of Springwood Chapel ; the su- perintendent, especially, devoted himself to this mission work. In 1876 and 18/7 series of revival meetings were held, and many persons were converted who joined the various churches in South Norwalk. In 1882 twenty-four persons were converted during six weeks' nightly services led by Mr. Lawrence. In 1883 the lease of the Snowden property having expired it was decided to build a new chapel. It was completed in i88c; at a cost of $2,001.67 f r the lot and building, which were situated a short distance below the old chapel on Ely avenue. In 1801, the evening prayer meetings were discon- tinued after twenty years' observance of the custom, owing to a diminished attendance. This was due to the change in the character of the population of Springwood, most of the English-speaking residents having removed and a large foreign-born element taking their^place who were chiefly Hungarians and Italians, most of whom were Roman Catholics. The Sunday school still pros- 234 pers and does good work among the children of Spring- wood. The present officers of the school are: Charles M. Lawrence, superintendent ; Edward S. Merriam, secre- tary, and a corps of eleven teachers. NORTH WEST SCHOOL HE early history of the North West School 'district is difficult to trace, as there is so little available record. Just when the district was established is not known, but it is certain that a school building was erected previous to the vear 1800, probably about 1790, on the lot now belonging to Mr. Butterworth. The exact site of this first schoolhouse was, as near- ly as can be ascertained, on the elevation of land just north of the large gate leading to the Buttenvorth barn. The building was a one-story structure, made of wood, and fronting on the main street. The heating of the building was accomplished by a fire of wood on a stone hearth. The furniture was of the rustic sort. There was a row of rough board desks around three sides of the room and the seats or benches were made of a half log with the flat surface up, and the rounding surface, into which legs were driven for sup- port, down. This building was used for school purposes up to the year 1836; it was then made over into a dwell- ing. The writer has no knowledge of its after history nor of the teachers who taught within its walls. The second schoolhouse, which was occupied in the year 1836, was also a one-story building, built of brick, and about 20x35 feet in size. It was erected on a tri- angular plot formed by the three roads just south of the Norwalk Mills and north of the Orcutt store, and about fifteen feet east of the Danbury and Norwalk railroad track. There was a belfry on this building, but no bell. There were eight windows in the building. A cloak room and a wood bin, leading from the cloak room, oc- cupied onv end of the building. The interior was very prettv with its arched ceiling and white walls. There was a row of desks around three sides of the room, and the pupils, when at their desks, sat with backs to the teacher, whose desk was in the front end of the room. The seats were benches about eight or ten feet in length without backs. Tn the center of the room were rows of recitation benches ; also two or three benches for pupils too small to sit at the desks. When a class was called pupils would turn on their benches, throw their feet over 236 and face the teacher and then take places in class. This building would seat, about fifty pupils conveniently, but often as many as sixty or seventy were enrolled. In the year 1850 a district meeting was called to take into consideration the damage incurred by the pass- ing of the Danbury and Norwalk railroad through the school property. A committee was appointed in 1857 to employ counsel and wait on the president of the rail- road in regard to the collection of damages for the dis- trict. Whether any damages were allowed, the records do not say. This building continued to be used, how- ever, for several years with the railroad track just in the rear. The enumeration of the district in 1851 was twenty- six. This same year a meeting was called to consider the advisability of consolidating the North West, South Center, Over River and Pudding Lane districts into one, 10 be known as the Union School district. A resolution favoring this was passed and E. C. Bissell was appointed a committee to present the resolution to the School So- ciety's committee. Information as to the outcome of this proposed con- solidation is not given in the records. Amone the teachers who taught in this second school building were Charles Gregory, Giles Gregory, John Taylor, Samuel Willard, Roswell Taylor, Hiram Fuller, Hiram Edwards, George A. Davenport, who was later Judge of Probate for years; Mr. Morgan, Miss Keeler, Miss Nash, George Fillow, General Charles Olm- stead, for years postmaster of Norwalk and later secre- tary of the 'Board of School Visitors ; Ruth Stebbins, Sar- ah F. Aiken, who resides at present near the site of the brick school : Homer Pinkney and J. J. Fairty. The salary of the teachers employed in this building ranged from fourteen dollars per month in 1852 to forty- four dollars in 1867. Some of the teachers were required to "board round." In the year 1866 the enumeration of the district was one hundred and fifty-five. In 1867 it had increased to one hundred and ninety-two. This large enumeration, together with the dangerous location of the school, seems to have moved the district to secure a site for the erec- tion of a new building. As earlv as 1863 a committee was appointed to select a site for a new schoolhouse and one just north of S87 ihe present school building, where the bill-board now stands, was chosen. In March, 1863, the district reconsidered the action taken by tnis committee and appointed a second com- mittee, consisting of Morgan Smith, C. M. Gregory and C. C. Berts, to purchase another site. They purchased the spot on which the present school building now stands for the sum of six hundred dollars. The records do not say why this site was chosen, possibly because, like Mount Zion, it was "beau- tiful for situation." The present very substantial building of granite was erected in 1867-8 at a cost of about eight thousand dol- lars. School was opened in this building in the fall of 1 368. The brick schoolhouse was sold at public auction for one hundred dollars. William McAllister was the purchaser. WEST NORWALK SCHOOL DISTRICT O records can be found of the organi- zation of the West Norwalk school. The existing records begin in 1841. At that time the district was known as the North Five Mile River School District. The original schoolhouse had be- come so dilapidated and beyond repair that at a special meeting held September 25, 1841, it was voted to build a new school house, the dimensions to be 18 feet by 22 feet and with in-foot posts. It was to be completed on or before the first of May, and the funds were to be raised by a tax on the list" of 1840. The building was finished in October, 1841, and cost $266.61. This was the second schoolhouse built in the district. In 1858 the building was enlarged by an addition of eight feet and received two coats of paint on its exterior surface. On September 23 of the same year it was voted to gravel around the door and place a door- stone. This building was in use until 1872, when it became too small to accommodate the number of pupils in at- tendance, and a new one was again necessary. At a meeting held January 15, 1872, it was voted to build a new schoolhouse, the expense of which, includ- ing lot, not to exceed $2,500. Upon the completion of this building the old schoolhouse and lot were sold at auction to the highest bidder and realized the sum of $245. This was the third schoolhouse erected and the one now occupied. In 1877 tne name of the district was changed to the West Norwalk School District. HE first teacher mentioned in the rec- ords is Miss Frances A. Selleck, who in 1843 taught the "summer school" of five and one-half months, at nine dollars per month. Miss Selleck was followed by Andrew Hathaway, who taught the winter school. In 1844 it was voted that Miss Emily Street teach the summer school at nine dollars per month and "she board herself." 839 In 1845 Miss Julia Weed was selected to teach at nine dollars per month for the "summer school." It was voted to employ a "female teacher" for the "winter school," and Miss Margaret Gilbert was engaged at twelve dollars per month. In 1846 Miss Julia Weed engaged at ten and one- half dollars per month. The name of the teacher for 1847 is not recorded. In 1848 Miss Julia Weed began the year at eleven dollars per month, and Deborah Anne Selleck completed it by teaching the winter school at fourteen dollars per month. In 1849 Miss Sarah C. Waterbury was chosen for six months at eleven dollars per month. Miss Ros- borough was employed for the winter school at "her lowest price." In 1850 Miss Julia Weed and Miss Rosborough divided the year at eleven and sixteen dollars per month respectively. In March, 1851, the teacher chosen for the summer school was Miss Bunnell; for the winter school Miss Sophia C. Blackwell, whose salary was "not to exceed sixteen dollars per month." In 1852 the records name only the teacher for the winter school, Miss Nancy Gregory, at fourteen dollars per month. In 185^ the teachers were Miss Emily Street and Miss F. A. Selleck, at sixteen dollars per month each. In 1854 records do not name teachers. In 1855 Miss F. A. Selleck taught the summer school of "five or five and one-half months, as agreeable to her wishes," at seventeen dollars per month. She continued to teach until 1857, when Miss Cornelia Bene- dict taught the summer school. Miss Selleck returned for the winter school of that year and taught till 1859. In 1858 her salary was twenty dollars per month, sub- ject to reduction provided the schoolhouse is enlarged. In 1859 Miss Sarah Keeler taught at twenty-two dollars per month. In 1860 the summer school was taught by Miss Lydia A. Clock at eighteen dollars per month. For the winter school brawn as well as brain was needed, and was engaged in the person of Mr. E. B. Smith, at twenty-six dollars per month. In 1861 the summer school was taught by Miss Phoebe Ann Hoagland, at twenty dollars per month, and MO Mr. Smith again taught the winter school at twenty-eight dollars per month. In 1862 Miss Elizabeth Carter was employed for the summer school. Mr. Young taught the winter school at twenty-four dollars per month. At a special meeting on December 22nd, it was voted ''that Mr. Young be requested to withdraw from this meeting," also voted that Mr. Young is hereby cen- sured for violent language to his patrons and his exces- sive punishment in school, also that the clerk be re- quested to inform Mr. Young of the resolutions passed at this meet.'ng." In 1863 Mrs. Isaac Selleck taught the summer school at eighteen dollars per month, and Mr. E. B. Smith completed the year. At a special meeting it was voted that "the teacher be requested not to use the Ruler as an Instrument of Punishment," which request was probably the result of the ''excessive punishment in chool" of Mr. Smith's predecessor. In 1864 Miss Sarah J. Hovt taught at eighteen dol- lars per month, and Mr. Darrow was employed for the winter school. In 1865 Miss Sarah M. Vail, at eighteen dollars, and Mr. Hoyt, of Stamford, officiated. In 1866 Miss Clara A. Street taught the summer school at fifteen dollars and the winter school was once more put in charge of a "female teacher," Miss Lydie E. Hall, at twenty-four dollars. In 1867 Miss Clara A. Street taught at eighteen dol- lars per month. In 1868 the teachers engaged were Miss L. E. Hall, at twenty dollars, and Miss Antoinette Smith, at thirty dollars. In 1869 Miss Smith continued to teach. In 1870 the district began to engage its teachers for the full school vear of ten months. Miss Hitchcock was selected at a salary "not to exceed thirty-five dollars per month." In 1872 Mr. Eben Hill, of Redding, was engaged. Mr. Hill taught until the spring of '73, when forced to resign by ill-health, and Mr. Walter Coley succeeded him. In 1874 Miss F. A. Selleck taught. For the vears of 1875-76, Miss Elizabeth Water- bury; 1876-77, Miss Elizabeth Waterbury; 1877-78. Miss Emilie Black and Miss McDonald; 1878-79, Miss Ml Waterburv 1879-80, Miss Waterbury; 1880-81, Miss Nettie Hanford ; 1881-82, Mr. Wilbur E. Winton ; 1882- 83, Mr. E. M. Crofut; 1883-84, Mr. E. M. Crofut; 1884-85, Miss Kate Bradley ; 1885-86, Miss Kate Brad- ley; at fifty dollars per month. For tlie years 1886-87, Miss Kate Raymond; 1887- 88, Mis? Harriet Munger, Miss Ella Guyer, Miss M. Grossman, Mis.s Julia E. Bigelow; 1888-89, Miss Julia E. Bigelow; at forty -rive dollars per month. For the years 1889-1901, Mr. F. D. Stevens, first at forty-five dollars per month, until now at sixty dollars per month. 842 SOUTH FIVE MILE RIVER SCHOOL DISTRICT HIS district was organized in 1820, and a small schoolhouse, twelve by fifteen feet in dimensions, with desks around the building in part and slab seats for the accommodation of twelve scholars. The teacher received sixteen dollars per month and "boarded 'round." The first schoolhouse stood on the hill just east of what was known as the Andrew Bell homestead. The second schoolhouse was built in 1848 on the river bank opposite the Raymond Cemetery, and was con- siderably larger and more comfortable in its appoint- ments. The present school building was erected in 1890, at a cost (including grounds) of ten thousand dollars. Some of the early teachers were Mary Bell, Walter Bates, who is still living, Samuel Richards, John Ferris, Rufus Smith, Frederick Finch, Harriet Pennoyer. Emily Street. John W. McClellan is the principal of the school at present, with three teachers of the primary, inter- mediate and grammar grades. R O U R CIVIC PROGRESS COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION (By S. R. Weed.) HE early history of the commerce of Norwalk shows the same spirit of enterprise and daring which character- ized other sections of New England. With the whole shore of the Sound dotted with harbors and towns spring- ing up all the way from Newport to New York, it would have been strange if some of the fruits of this enterprise had not fallen to Norwalk. There came a race of hardy navigators who built and sailed vessels to the West Indies and built up a profitable coasting trade which has continued until this day. The records are meagre, but the principal facts show a steady progress forward. The leading particu- lars here given are taken from Selleck's Norwalk. The author says: "Capt. Richard Raymond, of Saybrook, heads the roll of Norwalk navigators. He ran a coasting vessel (transiently) in and out of Norwalk harbor in the seven- teenth century, his "pier" being in all probability near Fort Point. Old wharf remains have there been dis- covered. Capt. Josiah Thatcher, of Yarmouth, Mass., succeeded Capt. Raymond. Both these captains were evidently experienced sailors. Thatcher appeared in Norwalk early in the eighteenth century. His hill home (rear of present street railway depot, Wall and Knight streets) commanded on that day the Norwalk river, or, more properly, creek, and he was a prominent progenitor. Capt. James Hurlbut, a ship-builder of Saugatuck, is anciently mentioned, and in 1750 the name of Commo- dore John Cannon appeared. The keels of Cannon's vessels ploughed to West India waters. Nathan Mai- lory was a Norwalk captain in 1757 and remained in ser- vice until 1800. Capt. David Whitney was a Norwalk mariner in about 1775, who did good service in the Revolutionary war. About 1770 the Polly made regular trips from Nor- walk to and from the Southern Islands. Capt. Squire piloted his bark hither from Barbadoes. On one trip in the spring of 1773 thirteen horses and eleven oxen were transported from Norwalk to the West Indies. The horses realizing for their owners about one hundred and fifty dollars each and the oxen one hundred and fifty dol- lars per pair. Gov. Roberts, of Antigua, laid in, in 1773, Norwalk pork, hams and beans, and John Fane, of the same place, Norwalk com and oats, and "Widow Hews" had 10,000 shingles. All these articles, with staves, flour, butter and earthern-ware, were exported to the West Indies and sugar, molasses and liquor from thence im- ported. A little before the battle of Lexington was fought the Polly, on one of its trips, brought as part of its cargo, nearly 2,000 gallons of molasses and nearly 4,000 pounds of sugar. Later than 1770, Esaias Bouton owned a vessel that plied between Norwalk and Boston, and Isaac Wicks, of this town, was commissioned to cruise in the Sound. A ferry to Long Island was anon estab- lished by the Raymonds, and afterwards run by Ebenezer Phillips, at the close of the eighteenth century. Capt. Joseph Warren and his son, Capt. Samuel B. Warren, and later still Capt. Isaac Scudder and Capt. Daniel James, followed the marine profession. The Warrens alluded to employed at least two sailing vessels in the Norwalk and New York transportation service, viz., the Griffin and the Republican, which made regular trips their city berth being adjacent to Catherine and James vslips. Some few years later 1812-1815 the Long Island Sound commerce was almost annihilated by the British Commodore Hardy and the "Liverpool Packet." Sad work was made with Connecticut sloops and schooners. The North Shore sailors, however, notably Capt. Daniel Merritt (ancestor of the 1896 Merritts) sometimes eluded the enemy and made their way through the East River to the city front. From 1815 to the be- ginning of local steam navigation in 1824 there were several Norwalk coasting proprietors. Uriah Selleck was one of these. Eben'D. Hoyt was a shipmaster at that time. In the summer of 1814 he built, on Uriah Sel- leck's dock, the sloop Teaser. Afterwards the firm name was E. D. Hoyt & Son, the line consisting of the Amon, Capt. Jedediah Brown; the Mechanic, Capt. Samuel Daskam and Allen Brothwell ; the Citizen, Capt. Samuel Pennoyer and Sherman T. Morehouse, and the 945 Sabina, Capt. Fraser Hoyt. These vessels made two weekly trips to New York. Noah Selleck, having bought out the Hoyts, sailed from the Hoyt dock clear to the bridge. His line in- cluded the sloops Mary Ann Selleck, Domestic and Sur- plus, as an extra. At the same time Willis J. Merritt built and ran the sloop Mary Willis upon the New York and Norwalk route. Noah Selleck associated his brother Isaac, and the two were later succeeded by the iatter's son, Capt. Isaac Selleck, Jr. Chas. T. Leonard then became temporary proprietor, and finally Capt. Isaac Demmon controlled the line. This was the end of the Norwalk packet history which end was tragic. The last vessel of the regular line, the Domestic, was burned to the water's edge off Shippan Point, and her commander, Capt. Demmon, died on West avenue, Nor- walk. Mr. Selleck's history (from which the foregoing is quoted), adds that the passage by sail to the metropolis was sometimes accomplished in twenty-four hours, al- though there are Norwalk residents still living who have "run" the trip in twelve hours. The following is a copy of an advertisement in The Norwalk Gazette of Nov. 4, 1818: NORWALK PACKET. The New Superior Fast Sailing Sloop Packet. Master, Samuel Daskam, is intended solely for the accommodation of Passengers, having three elegant and Spacious Cabins, with 42 Berths. The Proprietors assure their friends and the public that no exertions will be spared for the accommodation of Passengers. The Bar will be well furnished with the best of Liquors, Wine, Porter, etc. The Sloop leaves Norwalk Wednesdays and Satur- days, and New York on Mondays and Thursdays. Capt William H. Ferris was one of the early navi- gators of Norwalk. He was one of the owners of the sloop Orange, in 1833, and after various experiences of the sweet and bitter sort he sold out and bought an in- terest in one of Hoyt & Co.'s vessels plying as a market boat between New York and Stamford. In one year he made forty-four round trips between these ports, which 248 was accounted as rare good luck. In 1845 ne built the schooner Josephine, and sailed her between Albany and Baltimore for twelve years. He had a narrow escape from death in 1838. He was in a vessel off the Battery in New York harbor. In throwing over an anchor the stock caught in a heavy lion skin which Capt. Ferris wore. The anchor was so heavy it dragged him over- board. He had a knife and tried to cut himself loose, but failed, and then, at the bottom of the harbor, he actually unbuttoned and removed his coat. He soon reached the surface, after having been given up as lost by his crew. He lived to a green old age and died in Norwalk only a few years ago. Again we quote from Selleck's "Norwalk," as fol- lows: "The sail to the metropolis was an event in those days. At first the greater part of the hull was berthed off, as the passenger lists ran at times to fifty, but as the Selleck and Merritt era neared more space was needed for freight. Market Day was a busy one at the bridge and there was a stir when the wagoners arrived. James Wilkes drove from New Fairfield, Nathan Benedict from Ridgebury, John Knowles from New Milford, Benedict Dunning from Brookfield, Hull from Danbury, Myron Dykman from Redding, Samuel Seymour from North Wilton, Russell Mead from Ridgefield, and Nathaniel Close from North Salem. The cabin, divided into two parts by sliding doors, was appropriated to the captain and passengers. There were no 'state rooms,' but curtain berths on the Orion 'five lengths' lined on both sides of both cabins. In a Hudson river cabin Alexander Ham- ilton, in 1787, penned the opening chapters of the 'Fed- eralist' (undoubtedly the most profound treatise on government ever written). No Norwalk sloop cabin, it is said, was ever thus distinguished. Nevertheless, it may be well believed that the time therein spent by our merchants and professional men of that era was not en- tirely misimproved and our business men of more recent years, such as George Bishop, Charles Isaacs and Thomas Warner, patronized the route, the latter of whom when intending to make the trip was wont after bank- hours to go to the dock and interrogate the captain as to 'the prospect.' If the reply came 'fair weather and fine wind,' the cashier was sure to be aboard at the hour of sailing and almost as certain to find himself at James Slip in the morning. Upon the down passage the boat 947 was considered well under way when Sheffield Island was cleared, between which and Sand's Point lay the long Sound stretch, the route leading from thence through the lower sound, East River, the 'Gate' and East and West channels (Blackwell's Island), and around the Hook to the finish. Capt. Jacob Nash, born in Ridge- field in 1772, but a resident later of Norwalk, was a mas- ter mariner, and so was his son, Capt. Daniel K; Nash. The latter and his neighbor, Capt. William H. Ferris, are well remembered. "Sloop and schooner passenger traffic gradually fell off when steam superseded the wind as a motive power. John Fitch's great grandfather resided for a short time (1652) in Norwalk, but the great inventor himself iaunched the original steam propelled vessel in the world on Collect Pond, Smith's Valley, now Center street, New York, some thirty-six years after Fulton's Cler- mont. Henry Betts, of Norwalk, assisted by two or three citizens of means, constructed a small engine, and planting it in a modest craft prepared for 'the trial.' The start upon the maiden trip was made and 'Oyster Shell Point' was reached when the vessel was blown up, thus putting a period to Norwalk river steam navigation until the appearance in the harbor in the spring of 1824 of the pioneer steamboat General Lafayette, which plied be- tween Norwalk and New York until succeeded later in the season by the John Marshall, Capt. Pennoyer and iater Capt. John Brooks, an enterprise for which Henry Belden first president of the Fairfield County Bank stood lesponsiblc, and the Marshall made three trips each way every week, and lay in Norwalk at Uriah Selleck's dock (near Chas. T. Leonard's present coal yard), and what- ever'shore office'the boat had, being in the same Selleck's country store on the dock. In the spring of 1829 the Baltimore was put upon the route by Cornelius Vander- bilt as an opposition boat. This gave place in 1830 and 1831 to the Citizen, which succeeded in running off the John Marshall. Vanderbilt at that time was called the proprietor of Long Island Sound. The Flushing Pecks now appeared upon the scene, who, being associated with Charles Hoyt, and having bought the Citizen from Van- derbilt, ran the same while the Fairfield was building by Lawrence & Sneeden near 8th Street, New York. When the Fairfield was completed and had proven a success, the Nimrod was started and went into service in 1836. Previous to the latter's arrival the Westchester 248 ran for a brief period in opposition. (This boat was put upon the route during the cholera season, as so many flew the city at that time the fare between New York and Norwalk was raised to seventy-five cents. The Van- derbilt owner of the Westchester lowered the fare to twelve and a half cents, which created fierce opposition and aroused an intense interest. The first boats came to the bridge, and their arrival was the signal for a dis- charge of canncn from Town House Hill and the gather- ing of multitudes at that point and at Bessey's Hill. The Westchester was withdrawn from the Norwalk route to be placed on the Hudson river as one of the maiden boats of the now famous "People's Line." This line, it is pos- sible, was actually born in Norwalk. Alanson P. and Edward St. John, Philip Cannon and Gordon Coles were largely the inaugurators of the new enterprise.) The Nimrod being ready, the two distinguished Sound com- manders, John Brooks and Curtis Peck, confronted each other. The Pecks disposed of the Citizen to the Hoyts, to the Norwalk bridge, as a packet commanded by Cap- tain Munson Hoyt Not long after the boat was sold for excursions and then for towing purposes and finally came to an end by a boiler explosion. The Fairfield and Nimrod did a prosperous business and stages from as far north as Danbury and east as Bridgeport connected with both boats. "At this juncture of Norwalk's steamboat suc- cess the Napoleon was put upon the route and the climax of enthusiasm was reached. This boat was denominated 'Peck's Get-up,' and the even- ing of its arrival at O!d Well was a memora- Me one. At the close of the trip the captain ap- peared and made a five minutes' speech, ending with: 'Be true to the Napoleon and she will be true to you.' The multitude was then invited aboard and taken up to the bridge. The people still clung to the boat and were carried back to the Old Well (where the vessel was to remain over night) and walked home again. A good business season followed. Eventually Captains Peck and Brooks came to an agreement that the boats, one week the Fairfield and the next the Nimrod should run through to Bridgeport. This arrangement continued until the building of the Housatonic railroad, when Capt. Brooks gave up the Norwalk route altogether, leaving everything in Capt. Peck's hands. The Croton was now put on the line, then the Cricket, the Cataline, 249 the Curtis, the Peck and the Hero. The St. Nicholas, a tentative, boat, from time to time ran in opposition, but the Pecks were masters of the situation. They so con- tinued until the opening of the New Haven and New York railroad. Lawrence M. Stevens, in 1849, P ut tne Norwalk in service, and in 1852 Stephen Olmstead, Stiles Curtis and Edward C. Bissell adventured the Pacific, Capt. Joe Byxbee (largely a freighter), which boat's pas- sage through the draw on May 6, 1853, was followed by the terrible railway calamity of that date. The John Hart, Confidence, George Law, Americus, Netty White, John Romer, Arrowsmith, Pegasus, Cape Charles, and Adelphi (City of Albany) are names of Norwalk steam craft of modern times." Among the craft named by the Norwalk historian was the Confidence and one boat not named, the Wilson G. Hunt. Upon both of these steamers the present writer well remembers having made trips from New York when a small boy. What makes this recollection interesting is that a few years later these identical boats survived the perils of 16,000 miles of navigation upon the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and reached the port of San Francisco. California. A little later, in 1855 and 1856, the Confidence and Wilson G. Hunt became alternating daily boats of the California Navigation line between Sacramento City and San Francisco, and it was the wri- ter's privilege to make many trips in these two boats be- tween the two ports. Their hulks decayed at last on the banks of the Sacramento river. This writer has also a keen recollection of some of the other boats named by the historian. Their trips from New York to Old Well in- cluded stops at Portchester, Rocky Neck (Greenwich) and Stamford. Once upon the old Croton the writer remembers his first encounter with a hurricane. His father and mother were quite alarmed, and as the waves covered the lower deck and threatened to fill the furnace rooms, there was evidently cause for anxiety. The Croton put into Cow Bay for Ihe night, and the next morning resumed her trip to Norwalk. The experience has never been forgotten. Thousands of old residents remember these journeys on the Sound in the steamboats of the early days. The Cataline was another of the famous boats. She was sold in 1861 to the United States government as a transport and when the price paid was made public there was a scandal, and charges of fraud and corruption. The Cataline hardly fulfilled 160 the expectations of the government, but the contractors who bought and sold her were satisfied. The Cataline used to land at the foot of Catherine street, New York, and one day the strain on one of the landing hawsers was so great that it suddenly broke and threw a dozen per- sons to the ground. One of the boys who thus narrowly escaped was the writer of these lines. The statistics of Non-walk's commerce ar,e not suf- ficiently comprehensive to give us much idea of its extent or importance according to modern standards, but we may infer that the principal exports were agricultural products. The "Market Day" previously alluded to, was an institution similar to that which is witnessed in hundreds of places to-day. Railroads have changed these conditions largely, but there are even in New Eng- land ''market days" still when buyers and sellers meet. The methods are different, however. Now the produce of farms is not so generally sold for export, but there are yet days when "butter" is brought to the centers upon particular days. In the old days the farmers and their wives sent their products by wagons to the landings all over Connecticut and many an old resident to-day can recollect of the back-breaking torture of carrying for long distances baskets of eggs or jars of butter to reach the sloops bound for New York. The introduction of manufactured goods made some changes in the cargoes as years progressed, but in those days as now the return cargoes consisted largely of coal, lumber and building hardware. It is only a few years since any systematic attempt has been made to supply statistics of the com- merce of Norwalk by water. The United States govern- ment has instructed the Engineer Corps at New London to obtain statistics of all the harbors on the Sound as( a means of judging their commercial importance. The railroads have interfered so largely in the freight move- ments that it is impossible to judge of the aggregate trade statistics of any of these ports by the water route figures. With these qualifications it will be seen that Norwalk is bv no means of small importance in the ex- tent of its shipments by water. In order to show by comparison the movements of Norwalk commerce, the figures are appended for five years, ending June 30, 1882 and from 1890 and 1891 ; also 1895 and 1896; also 1899 and 1900- COMMERCIAL STATISTICS. For the Year Ending June soth, ARTICLES 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 Received: Coal, tons 76,000 76,000 78,000 81,999 90,200 Iron, tons 3) 5 3.45 3,600 4,150 4,400 Lumber, feet 12,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 30,000,000 31,559.956 Gen. Mdse., tons 38,760 36.860 39.100 48,085 53,565 Shipped: Lumber, feet 100,000 125,000 140,000 440,000 540,000 Gen. Mdse., tons 2,965 2.565 3,095 38,984 48,775 Vessels arriving and departing: Steamers 510 520 54o 1,119 1.459 Sailing Vessels 3' 320 34o 482 539 Barges 360 365 375 434 500 Vessels owned in or hailing from Norwalk and South Norwalk, Conn., 70; tonnage, 3,008. 1890 1891 1895 1896 Tons Value Tons Value Tons Value Tons Value Coal Lumber Gen. Mdse. Building Materials Oysters and Shell Fish Totals 85,000 17,500 (14,000,000 feet) 210,000 $ 340,000 350,000 12,600,000 100,000 18,500 (16,000,000 feet) 250,000 $ 400,000 390,000 i5ooo 1 ooo 102,750 $ 385.3" 73-790 $ 310,585 47,775 41,070 9,500 4,082,875 303,400 200,000 43,500 24,755 4,000 4,614,250 109,514 150,000 3.500 13,290,000 368,500 15,790,000 201,095 4,971.587 146,045 5,184,349 1890 1891 1895 1896 Vessels Arriving and Departing No. of Round Trips No. of Round Trips No. of Round Trips No. of Round Trips Steamers Sailing Vessels Barges 650 500 370 1.051 475 600 358 200 303 605 131 257 1,520 2,126 861 993 Oyster Steamers and Small Sail Boats are not included. Report for Year 1901 Freight Gross Tons Value Hard Coal 12,320 $61,200 Soft Coal 9,620 28,860 Blue Stone 300 4i5 Beach Sand 5 100 Building Materials 360 216 Crushed Stone 760 * 1,000 Brick 400 F i,3 3,7io $97,176 Vessels Tonnage Draft Trips 67 Barges 22 Sail 100 to goo tons 30 to 250 tons 5 to 1 1 feet 5 to 12 feet 67 22 253 BANKING IN NORWALK (By Eben Hill.) ANKING, according to the general acceptation of the term, had its incep- tion in Norwalk with the establish- ment of the Fairfield County Bank in 1824. Prior to that changes of money were effected at the stores of dealers in dealers of general merchandise, and loans were obtained from the more provident or more fortunate individuals in the commun- ity. The store of the early days was a department store more universal in its ambition than the great department stores of the present. All things vendable were expected to be here on sale,, and the transition from transactions purely mercantile to operations of a banking character easily followed in natural course. Thus we find about 1800 that the firm of Eliphalet Lockwood & Son was to a great extent the bank for Norwalk and vicinity. This firm had its store near the east end of the bridge in old Norwalk. It was largely engaged in the West India business sending out in its own vessels live stock, horses, manufactured lumber, etc., and importing sugar, molasses and all West Indian products. Agents were located throughout the county and nearby towns in New York State and a large business transacted. The farmers and business men were quite generally accommodated with loans of money notes being taken usually without security, the amounts being ordinarily from fifty to two hundred dollars. William and Buckingham Lockwood succeeded this firm and continued the business until 1828. The necessity for a regularly organized bank had ere this become evident, and in 1824 the Fairfield County Bank was organized under the state law. A branch bank was at the same time opened in Danbury. This branch bank became the Danbury Bank in 1844. The first president, Henry Belden, served twelve years and was followed successively by Clark Belden, eleven years ; A. E. Beard, five years ; Chas. Isaacs, six- teen years; F. St. John Lockwood, twenty-one years; 864 James W. Hyatt, three years, and O. E. Keeler, the pre- sent (1901) incumbent, eight years. The cashiers have been: John J. Barnard, E. M. Morgan, H. T. Morgan, T. Warner, Jr., J. Morehead, Geo. E. Millei, C. H. Street, L. S. Cole, L. C. Betts and L. C. Green. Among the directors are found the names of many of Norwalk's most respected citizens and successful busi- ness men. From its employees several of the important industries of Norwalk have drawn their managing men. In the list of its presidents are a Bank Commissioner of the State of Connecticut, a Treasurer of the United States and a Lieutenant Governor of the State. "Old Reliable'' is its sobriquet. In 1865 its banking system was changed to that of the National Banks, and under that system the business is carried on at present. Like any institution with an experience of three- quarters of a century, the bank has faced panics and losses, but always with a showing of financial strength which confirmed its credit and sound resources. The present capital is $200,000. Officers and Directors: E. O. Keeler, President; D. H. Miller, Vice-President ; L. C. Green, Cashier; Directors, E. O. Keeler, D. H. Miller, F. St. John Lock- wood, Ira Cole, M. H. Glover, A. J. Meeker, C. F. Tris- tram, L. C. Green. Next in order of succession to the responsibilities of caring for the financial interests -of the town is the Bank of Norwalk. In the '505 Norwalk had outgrown one bank. Manufacturing interests had developed and demands of a bank-character existed which at times seemed too radical for the managers of the only financial institution in town. As a result the Bank of Norwalk was established in 1857. Ebenezer Hill, A. E. Beard, Isaac S. Beers, Jonathan Camp, John A. Weed, Chas. B. White, Stiles Curtis, F. Belden and Samuel Lynes were the active promoters. Hill, White, Curtis, Belden, Camp, Weed and Lynes con- stituted the first board of directors, being elected June 10, 1857. Ebenezer Hill, the first president, served eighteen years until his death, June 10, 1875. Stiles Curtis fol- lowed as president seven years, and in 1882 was suc- ceeded by Ebenezer Hill, the son of the first president, who at this writing (1901) holds the position. m John A. Weed acted as cashier pro tem for two months, followed by Chas. G. Rockwood for seven months, who in turn was succeeded by R. B. Crawford. Mr. Crawford served for twenty-five years and was suc- ceeded in 1883 by the present cashier, Henry P. Price. The brown stone building now occupied by the bank was completed in 1858. Until the new building was ready the bank occupied a little wooden store on the north side of Wall street east of the present structure of the Norwalk Savings Society. Unpainted pine desks and counters attested the economy and thrift of the managers. A small safe held the assets, and two grain sacks protected the books. These were left convenient for quick removal in case of fire. Our honored townsman, Mr. Frank A. Ferris, is the only person now living who was connected with the new bank. The minutes recite that on motion it was voted to take Mr. Ferris as clerk on trial, and if he be found satis- factory he was to be engaged permanently. The young clerk evidently gave satisfaction, for he was subsequently duly voted the princely salary of $50 per annum. The cashier was rolling in wealth on $1,500 per year, and the president was serving on a nominal salary. At this time the compensation of the president of the older Fairfield County Bank was one cent for each signature on the bank's bills. Chas. L. Rockwell, of late years a financial leader in Meriden, Conn., and E. J. Hill, now vice-president of the bank and Connecticut's able and honored U. S. Con- gressman, began their business careers as boys in the Bank of Norwalk. Three months after the opening of the bank the financial cyclone of 1857 broke over the country. In September every bank in New York city suspended pay- ment. The hcrror of the situation can only be realized by recalling the system of banking then generally pre- vailing. Banks were organized under State laws. They issued bills generally to ninety per cent, of their capital. These bills were secured by nothing but the assets of the bank, and their remaining in circulation depended en- tirely on the confidence of the people in the bank's ability to redeem the bill in gold or silver on presentation. Banks kept on hand coin to the amount of twenty-five per cent, of their outstanding bills in order to be prepared tor the ordinary demands of redemption, and in many cases they also arranged to have some banks in New 266 York or Boston redeem their bills when presented there. When bills were thus made redeemable in New York, the bank could safely reduce its own reserve, and the' law allowed it to be only ten per cent. Thompson's Bank Note Reporter was on the desk of every cashier in the land. Bills of every bank were described in it; the credit of every bank given ; and all information given to guard the public against bills of weak or failing banks. So long as the people believed they could get gold for a bill, it would pass freely from hand to hand ; but with the least breath of suspicion against a bank, its bills would be rapidlv presented for redemption, often beyond the present ability of the bank to pay. The result was sus- pension, often failure for the bank, and embarrassment for every holder of that bank's bills. Constant care was necessary to guard against "bad" money. As a result bank bills would circulate readily only where they were well known. A small or obscure bank could get little benefit from its circulation, for its bills would remain near home and be constantly present- ed for redemption. A high credit and their being known over a wide area were the factors necessary for the suc- cessful floating of circulation. The Bank of Norwalk had its bills redeemed in New York and Boston and they passed at par everywhere. The methods of issue is interestingly told by Mr. F. A. Fer- ris. "In those days the circulation was generally a very important function and 'arrangements were made with special customers to get out the bank notes along lines where they would be likely to stay out for some time. I well lemember occasions when notes were discounted for stock men who went through New York and Ohio to purchase horses, cattle, etc. In order to be sure that the representations of these customers were carried out, such bank notes furnished were often stamped with some single letter from a movable type, and in this way we couid tell whether payments had been widespread and well scattered as promised, for if the notes came back for redemption in a bunch at about the same time, it would show they had been used in other ways. Some- times a little round hole made by a shoemaker's punch was used to mark such bills and this device being placed in different portions of the bills for different occasions could be quite extensively used without interfering with the strength of the paper. Doubtless many people won- dered for what purpose bank bills were thus mutilated. Manufacturing concerns in New York and elsewhere had arrangements with the bank to have its notes sent to them for their weekly or semi-monthly payrolls. I re- call also that we had a deal with Mr. E. S. Keeler, then ticket agent of the N. Y. & N. H. R. R., at 27th St. and 4th Ave.. by which he paid out as change, only the notes cf the Bank of Norwalk, sending us in exchange, by ex- press at stated intervals, larger notes of other banks which he had received from travelers. This was not only of value to the bank, but it also was a protection to the ticket office, inasmuch as counterfeit and broken bank bills were frequently returned to the agent with the state- ment that the traveler had received them in exchange at his office. If only one sort of bank notes was given out, this was a bar to such dishonest claims, and for a time our bank controlled this method of circulation." How different is this matter now, when a National Bank bill, secured by government bonds, is received without question or a thought regarding the particular bank that issued it! The storm of 1857 was safely weathered, but follow- ing close came years of political unrest which culminated in the civil war of 1861. Fort Sumter fell Saturday April I3th. Sunday night Norwalk first heard Lincoln's call for 75,000 men. Early Monday morning Ebenezer Hill, after an unsatisfactory interview with the Brigadier General of Connecticut's militia, hired a drum, a fife and a hall and started the enrollment of a company which went to the front. Capt. James Russell states that "Uncle Eben" came to Bridgeport and gave each man. a $10 bill, the only money they got before leaving the state. The Bank of Norwalk directors believed, as was of- ten argued by its president, that if the government was not good, nothing was good, and from the first it threw all its influence and its resources on the side of the Union. April iQth the minutes record an offer of fifty thous- and dollars to the Governor of Connecticut. March 4th was the first purchase of U. S. 7.30 treas- ury notes, and at short intervals thereafter as money was available, purchases of bonds were made. It took cour- age and patriotism in those days to buy even govern- ment bonds. It is here worthy of note that on April i ith, the gov- 268 ernment had offered five million notes on the market and only one million was subscribed. Early in 1865 the bank became a National Bank un- der the new law. Soon after the outbreak of the war silver and gold money disappeared from circulation. Specie payments were suspended by the United States, December 28, 1861. The famous United States greenback appeared early in 1862 and served well the purpose of money as far as de- nominations of one dollar or more were concerned, but for small change resort was had to postage stamps. A gummed postage stamp soon had a style of its own after passing from hand to hand as a substitute for money. The idea of value, however, resided in it, and "it went." The government soon printed postage stamps of the reg- ulation form, but upon paper of about the size of a visit- ing card having an ornamental border, and these were the renowned "shin plasters." Many issues of various designs were put in circulation before the nickel five cent piece and silver coins appeared again. The war brought out many patriotic societies, but none more important than the Association for the Care of Soldiers' Families. Prominent in the Norwalk Associa- tion were the Directors of the Bank of Norwalk. Its President was the Treasurer and the bank became head- quarters for the society. Many hours were devoted to the distribution of financial help, giving counsel on family and business matters, and alas often comfort to the widow and the fatherless. Chas. L. Rockwell, the Teller of the bank, was an energetic, able and patriotic assistant in every good work of a local or national char- acter. On the night of September 30, 1869, the vault of the bank was blown up by nitroglycerine, and money and se- curities amounting to $170,000 were taken. After years of pursuit one only of the thieves' associates was landed in prison and a portion of the booty recovered, but the principal rascals were never caught. The first note discounted by the Bank of Norwalk was for a manufacturing company, and its interest in our local factories has been constant and liberal. The direc- tors have been largely associated with enterprises em- ploying many skilled men, and the principal payrolls of the town are drawn from accounts on deposit here. The capital, surplus and profits are $340,000, thus making it the largest National bank in the Norwalks. 259 It is a depositary for the United States and also the State of Connecticut. The present officers and directors are: E. Hill, President; K. J. Hill, Vice President; H. P. Price, Cash- ier; J. P. Treadwell, Assistant Cashier. Directors, E. J. Hill, T. A. Osborn, E. K. Lockwood, D. W. Fitch, W. F. Bishop, J. C. Handle, O. E. Wilson and J. P. Tread- well. The First National Bank of South Norwalk was also the first bank in town to organize under the war measure establishing national banks. It was organized in 1864 with $200,000 capital, which was subsequently reduced to $100,000. A. E. Beard acted as President during its organiza- tion. He was followed by L. H. Moore for one year. Dudley P. Ely was next chosen President in 1865 and, with the exception of one year, acted for thirty years until his death in 1895. E. K. Lockwood served as Pres- 'dent one year, and Russell Frost, succeeding Mr. Ely, was President six years and until the winding up of the bank in 1901. Jonah J. Millard was the first cashier, acting twenty- five years until his death in 1889. Chas. E. Ferris was next cashier until 1901. Mr. Ferris had been in the em- ploy of the bank as clerk, bookkeeper, teller and cashier since 1865. A large amount of the stock was owned by its ven- erable President, Mr. Ely, and in a great measure he dominated the affairs and was responsible for the policy of the bank. Success crowned his thirty years of effort. Associated with the bank as director at various times were W. S. Hanford, C. F. Tolles, W. H. Ferris, F. Di- mon, L. Dibble, Tallmadge Baker, P. L. Cunningham, S. G. Ferris, A. J. Crofut, E. Scofield, G. C. Lockwood, R. B. Keeler, John Dingee, E. Sherwood, Samuel Clark, John H. Knapp, E. A. Woodward, A. Solmans, D. F. Benedict, A. E. Austin, A. Dibble, T. G. Jennings, S. L. Grumman and R. H. Golden. On June 22nd, 1876, was organized Norwalk's fourth bank, the Central National. Thomas H. Morrison, Ambrose S. Hurlbutt and John P. Beatty were the committee actively engaged to obtaining subscriptions to the capital stock, and with H. F. Guthrie, G. M. Holmes, P. L. Cunningham, Wm. R. Smith, Chas. Smith and Sherman Morehouse constituted the first Board of Directors. Mr. Hurlbutt was, on June seo 27th, chosen President and served until 1888. when he resigned and was succeeded by Geo. M. Holmes, who still is in office. Thos. H. Morrison was the first Vice- President, acting in that capacity until his death which occurred at Nassau, N. P., February, 1884. Mr. Harri- son was the prime mover in organizing the institution and always took a great interest in the bank he founded. Mr. Holmes succeeded as Vice-President and subse- quently was chosen President, as above stated. Mr. E. L. Boyer is the present Vice President, being: elected in 1888. ' The cashier, Mr. W. A. Curtis, has served in that capacity since the bank's organization. His earlier banking experience was with the Fairfield County National Bank, and subsequently in Chicago. The bank was authorized by the Comptroller of the Currency to commence business Aug. 29, 1876, and formally opened its doors Sept. nth. The present banking rooms, No. 26 Wall St., Gazette building, have been occupied from the start. The first dividend was paid January, 1878, and pay- ments have continued semi-annually since, amounting in the aggregate to $174,000 on the capital of $100,000. The present officers are G. M. Holmes, President ; E. L. Boyer, Vice President; W. A. Curtis, Cashier, Cashier. Associated with the above as Directors are H. E. Dann, H. M. Kent, J. T. Prowitt and S. H. Holmes. The organization of the City National Bank of South Norwalk was the outgrowth of a general desire on the part of the business community for the establishment of ?. people's bank, and the first steps were taken at an in- formal meeting of citizens held on January 3rd, 1882, at the office of Nelson Taylor on Washington "Street, at which meeting Edwin Adams presided. It was decided to start such a bank, and the full amount of the proposed capital stock of $100,000 was quickly raised by seventy- two subscribers. The bank was authorized to commence business March 4th, 1882. It opened its doors April 12, 1882, at No. 68 Washington Street, near the corner of South Main Street, and continued to occupy that location until April 5th, 1898, when it moved into its present new and com- modious quarters, fitted with the latest improved vaults, at 99 Washington Street, in the United Bank building, erected jointly with the South Norwalk Savings Bank. The original officers of the bank were Robert H. Rowan, President ; John H. Knapp, Vice President, and Jacob M. Layton, Cashier. Mr. Rowan served as Presi- dent (with the exception of about a year, during which time Tallmadge Baker acted as President), from the or- ganization of the bank until his sudden death on Septem- ber 2Oth, 1900. Mr. Knapp has been Vice President of the bank since its organization and still continues in the office. Mr. Layton is still Cashier of the bank, having also been continuously in office since the starting of the bank. John H. Ferris was elected to succeed Mr. Rowan as Presi- dent of the bank and is still in office. The original directors were Robert H. Rowan, John H. Knapp, Tallmadge Baker, Josiah R. Marvin, Edwin Adams, Andrew J. Crofut, John H. Ferris, Christian Swartz and Edwin H. Mathewson. Of these five still remain in office, viz.: John H. Knapp, John H. Ferris, Josiah R. Marvin, Christian Swartz and E. H. Mathew- son, and with Henrv Seymour, Samuel Grumman, J. Wallace Marvin and John H. Light constitute the pres- ent Board of Directors. The bank has always been conservatively managed and singularly successful, and has paid regular dividends semi-annually ever since its first year of existence of not less than 6 per cent, per annum and has accumulated a surplus of $ioo,ocv), equalling the capital of the bank, and has besides $25,000 of other undivided profits. Its aim has been to be a solid and successful bank, and its success is a matter of just pride to those who have man- aged its affairs and a satisfaction to the public and its patrons. The youngest child in Norwalk's family of banks is the South Norwalk Trust Company. Organized April 4th, under ?. special charter of Connecticut, it began busi- ness April isth, 1901. The capital is $50,000. This bank receives deposits subject to check as the ordinary banks of deposit and discount ; it also has la Savings Bank department, and further acts as Trustee, Administrator or Executor of estates. This last men- tioned duty is undertaken by no other institution in town and in that respect, if in no other, the new company finds a welcome in the business community. The President is R. H. Golden ; Vice President, E. O. Keeler; the Secretary and Treasurer, Charles E. Hoyt. The Directors are F. A. Ferris, Asa B. Wood- ward, Nelson Taylor, W. H. Perry, E. O. Keeler, T. I. Raymond, Theodore S. Lowndes, F. A. Smith and R. H. Golden. In this board is represented the older banks, the legal profession, and the business and property in- terests of the town. In its special field this institution should meet with abundant success. The Savings Banks of Norwalk, as will be seen by noticing the names of the incorporators and managers, were started by men already interested in the banks of deposit and discount. They have been of great help to the town, and the thanks of the community are due to the Directors who have given without compensation so much of their time and care to the interests of the thrifty and saving people of Norwalk and vicinity. Being managed on lines differing from the National Bank, the Savings Banks as a rule gave their attention to other classes of investments, although at times when the manufacturing and other interests have required it, the Savings Banks have liberally discounted paper, not in competition, but rather to the assistance of the National Banks. The history of a savings bank, as a rule, does not make an exciting narrative, particularly when it is care- fully managed and its depositors successful and thrifty. Norwalk's savings banks have enjoyed every advantage contributing to a peaceful financial life. Once only the Norwalk Savings Society by having a "run," precipitat- ed by the thoughtless attempt at wit on the part of a local newspaper. In the rear of the Street Railway barn was a high mound which had furnished the building sand of Norwalk for several years and was believed to contain a further abundant supply. Without previous indication the sand was exhausted and cobbles only were found. The local paper, departing from its usual course of re- cording the sickness of Mrs. Smith's child or the paint- ing of Brown's rear fence, essayed a "scoop" on the sand- bank incident and announced that the managers of the oldest bank in town were astounded to discover that their reserved deposits, which they believed to be good were on examination found to be worthless. The explanation that the statement referred to a sandbank was never read bv many bank depositors, but grabbing their books, they demanded payment from the old Norwalk Savings Society. To the credit of the paper it must be said that every effort was made by it to overcome the ill effects of its silly joke. Unauthorized statements and injudicious news items have in other cases and in other papers done harm to the business interests of Norwalk, even where every wish of the publishers was for the growth of the industry referred to. The Nonvalk Savings Society was chartered by the State of Connecticut in 1849. The corporators were Clark Bissell, Gould D. Jennings, Edw. C. Bissell, William K. James, Thomas B. Butler, Charles Mallory, Chas. C. Betts, William S. Lockwood, jtLli B. Bennett, Stephen Olmstead, Algernon E. Beard, James Reed, Wm. H. Benedict, Stephen Smith, Stiles Curtis, Asa E. Smith, Josiah M. Carter, George St. John, Jonathan Camp, Jr., William C. Street, Thomas C. Hanford, Charles Thomas, Joseph W. Hubbell, John A. Weed. Charles Isaacs, Of these Chas. C. Betts is now the only survivor. Clark Bissell, was President until 1857, followed by W. S. Lockwood until 1871, Wm. C. Street until 1878, L. P. Weed until 1880, Wm. B. E. Lockwood until 1889, and George M. Holmes, the present incumbent. T. Warner, Jr., 1849-1856, Joseph W. Hubbell 1856- 1870, and George E. Miller have held the offices of Sec- retary and Treasurer. The piesent banking rooms in the United Bank Building were opened in 1868. Thirty dollars was the first deposit, followed in successive years by the mighty accumulation of $2,664,000. The Fairfield County Savings Bank was chartered in 1874, the incorporators of Norwalk being: Wm. K. James, Elbert Curtis, Asa E. Smith, Wm. A. Lockwood, Eli B Bennett, Chas. H. Street, Joseph W Hubbell, Martin S. Craw, Samuel Lynes, Edward Merrill, Winfield S. Moody, Joseph O. Randle, Thomas Merrill, Henry F. Guthrie, Thos. H. Morison, Augustus C. Golding, Alfred H. Camp, Chas. Olmstead, Evert Quintard, Samuel Beatty, Bradley O. Banks, Thomas I. Stout, Edward W. Stewart, of Norwalk ; m Edward H. Nash, of Westport; George A. Daven- port and Samuel Morehouse, of Wilton; and Noah W. Hoyt, of New Canaan. The first officers were William K. James, President, Samuel Lynes, Vice-President and Charles H. Sweet, Secretary and Treasurer. The Bank began business on the first day of Oc- tober, 1874. in the rooms with the Fairfield County Na- tional Bar.k. The rapidly increasing business of the bank made it necessary in 1890 to find a home by itself, and consequently an arrangement was entered into with The National Bank of Norwalk to enlarge their building and lease the westerly half of it. Since this change the assets as well as the surplus of the bank have more than doubled. Fiftv-three semi-annual dividends have been paid, the first amounting to $580.11 and the last $15,299.- 44. Six per cent, was paid until Oct. 1877, when the rate was reduced to five, which was paid for two years. Tn Oct. 1870, a four per cent, rate was made which, save for two exceptions (1880 and 1884 4^ per cent, each,) was paid until April i, 1899; since then 3^ per cent, has been paid. Wm. K. James continued to serve as President until his death in September, 1877, and was succeeded by Dr. Samuel Lynes who was followed by Winfield S. Moody, and at his death by Judge Asa B. Woodword, the present incumbent. Dr. James G. Gregory is Vice-President. Mr. Street served as Secretary and Treasurer for six years and was succeeded by Lester S. Cole who held office un- til 1888. James H. Bailey was his successor and in 1896 died while in the service. Victor S. Selleck was chosen to succeed him and is still in office. The bank from a small beginning has grown until now its assets are nearly $1,000,000.00. The South Norwalk Savings bank was originally in- corporated June 23, 1860, under the name of "The Me- chanics Savings Society," with the following named gen- tlemen as incorporators: Eben Hill, Nathan C. Ely, Daniel K. Nash, Chas. Brown, L. H. Moore, C. N. Case, John A. Weed, Alfred Tryon, Chas. B. White, Chester F. Tolles, John J Cape, Frank H. Nash, 965 Moses B. Pardee, Burr Knapp, Thomas L. Peck, George Seymour, David R. Austin, H. H. Elwell, Fred'k Bclden, Wm. H. Benedict, Gould Benedict, Thos. R. Griffiths, Davis Hatch, Lorenzo Dibble, John Hutchins. On June I7th, 1869, the name, by act of the Legis- lature, was changed to "The South Norwalk Savings Bank." The first officers, Daniel K. Nash, President, A. E. Beard, Vice President ; Chester F. Tolles, Secretary and Treasurer, and Managers, Eben Hill, John A. Weed, Thos. L. Peck, Chas. B. White, F. H. Nash, Frederick Belden, L. Dibble, L. H. Moore, M. B. Pardee, Thos. B. Griffiths, Geo. Seymour, H. H. Elwell, Alfred Knapp, Wm. H. Benedict and H. M. Prowitt, were elected July 18, 1860. All of the above, both corporators and officers, are now dead, Chester F. Tolles being the last one to go. The first deposit was made about October i. 1860. From the time of opening the bank for business un- til about October I, 1868, deposits were taken at the office of Chester F. Tolles and also at what was then the Bank of Norwalk, now the National Bank of Norwalk. The first interest to depositors was paid January i, 1861, at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, and interest has been paid regularly each six months. The interest paid July i. 1901, made the total amount of interest paid since or- ganization $5x6,253.18. From about October i, 1868, to about May i, 1875, business was done in the drug store of Thos. L. Peck, No. 14 North Main street, and about May i, 1871, mov- ed to the Fairfield Fire Insurance Company's building on South Main street. On the morning of May 17, 1875, the Fairfield Fire Insurance building was destroyed by fire and many papers and records of the bank were lost. The bank opened for business the next day in the Music Hall block, remaining there until the new building of the Fairfield Fire Insurance Company was completed, when it was moved back into its old quarters. In March, 1877, the bank was moved from the In- surance Company's building to No. 38 Washington street, where it continued until April i2th, 1882, when it moved into No. 68 Washington street with the City Na- tional Bank. On November 26, 1895, in connection with the City National Bank, the property No. Q7 and 99 Washington street, was bought and the building known as the United Bank building was erected; on April 4, 1898, moved into its pleasant quarters in the new building, which are fitted up with modern steel burglar and fire-proof vaults and all the conveniences of a modern bank. The officers from the date of organization until the present time, and their term of office are as follows: Daniel K. Nash, President, 1860-1865. A. E. Beard, Vice President, 1860-1864. C. F. Tolles, Secretary and Treasurer, 1860-1865. Vice President, 1865-1866, and Secretary and Treasurer, 1866-1868. L. H. Moore, Vice President, 1864-1865. Wm. H. Benedict, President, 1865-1877. S. E. Foote, Secretary and Treasurer, 1865-1866. Dudley P. Ely, Vice President, 1866-1877. Presi- dent, 1877-1886. W. S. Hanford, Secretary and Treasurer, 1868-1877. Alden Solmans, Vice President, 1877-1886, and President from 1886 to the present time. John H. Ferris, Vice President, 1886. John H. Knapp, Secretary and Treasurer, 1877- 1898. Geo. F. Bearse, Secretary and Treasurer, since April 5, 1898. The present officers are Alden Solmans, President ; John H. Ferris, Vice President; George F. Bearse, Sec- retary and Treasurer. The managers are Alden Solmans, John H. Knapp, Henry I. Smith, John H. Ferris, Edward Beard, John H. Light, Josiah R. Marvin, Geo. F. Bearse and Henry bey- mour. The total deposits at the present time are $1,064,- 056.78 and surplus $60,000.00. 267 ST. PAUL'S CHURCH HIS is the second oldest ecclesiastical organization in Norwalk. As early as 1729 there appears to have been de- sultory Episcopal services holden in Norwalk. Rev. Henry Caner of Fair- field, was probably the first clergyman known to have here officiated. His incumbency dates from 1737, at which period the worship of the Episcopal church seems to have been celebrated in a small and temporary frame structure which stood on the extreme northeasterly por- tion of the present St. Paul's grounds on Newtown ave- nue. This structure seems to have served the parish purpose until 1/42, when the building, afterward de- stroyed by Tryon, was erected. Rev. Henry Caner was succeeded by his brother Richard, who remained for sev- eral years at the head of the parish. In 1758 St. Paul's called Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Leaning to the rectorship. Pre- vious to this date there had been, since the days of the two Caners, transient supervision of the cure, but now was commenced a twenty years regular and uninterrupt- ed pastoral charge which terminated with the burning of the town, by the British, in 1779. Dr. Leaning, a learn- ed man, was succeeded by the Rev. Ebenezer Dibblee, D.D., of Stamford. Dr. Dibblee was rector of St. John's church in Stamford and he kept Norwalk, in a measure, under his ward. In 1784 Dr. John Bowden, a scholarly divine, held the position of rector for several years. A new church edifice rose over the ashes of the temple burned in 1779, which building stood until 1840, when it was supplanted by the well preserved Gothic edifice of 1901. After Dr. Bowden came Rev. Mr. Toole of more eastern New England then Rev. George Ogilvie, who was followed by Dr. William Smith, an earnest and an intellectual man who remained toward four years in Norwalk. In 1800 the beloved Henry Whitlock was called to the pastorate and some sixteen or so years later Rev. Reuben Sherwood, D.D., of Fairfield. Dr. Sherwood's care of the parish was preceded by the temporary shep- herding of different pastors. He was an active nian and maintained, in connection with his ministerial work, a 868 line school which drew quite a patronage from out of town. In 1830, Rev. Henry S. Atwater had charge for a brief season, of St. Paul's, and then came the saintly Dr. Jackson Kemper, afterward the Bishop of what was term- ed the "North West." James C. Richmond held the parish for a few months, when Rev. William Cooper Mead, D.D., assumed in 1836, a nearly forty-four years' charge. Drs. Kemper and Mead did efficient duty at St. Paul's and left an impression that deserved to re- main. Evangelical, conservative, safe, sound, their work and their influence told. After Dr. Mead came Revs. C. M. Selleck, Howard S. Clopp, S. T. Graham, S. H. Pond and I. Morris Coer. OTHER CHURCHES. Swedish Bethlehem Congregational Church, East Norwalk. Organized 1890 by Rev. J. A. Biddle. Pas- tor, Rev. Olof Dahlgren. President, John Lindholm. Secretary, Miss Anna Carlson. Treasurer, Erik A. An- derson. German Evangelical Lutheran Church.- Organized 1892 by Rev. Otto Apitz. Services held in the old Con- gregational chapel on North Main street. Pastor, Rev. Theodor Bauck. Trustees, A. Malmo, F. Syring, G. Geist, H. Zeorges, F. Spitze, K. Gehrmann, W Gehr- mann, Gustav E. Friedrich. Rowayton Baptist Church. Organized in 1861. Present membership, 85., Pastor, Rev. Frank Brown. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rowayton. Organ- ized 1868. Pastor, Rev. H. E. Wing. Membership, 107. West Norwalk Methodist Mission. Organized 1894. President, Thomas J. Mead. Secretary, John H. Selleck. Treasurer, Henry T. Burtis. African Methodist Episcopal Church. Organized April, 1886. Pastor, Rev. Cain P. Cole. Building on Knight street, Norwalk. Calvary Baptist Church (Colored). Organized Nov. 30, 1891. Butler street, Norwalk. Pastor, Rev. D. C. Thomas. Membership, 30. Christian Union Association, West Norwalk. Or- ganized March, 1866. President, F. A. Keyser. Treas- urer, Edwin Johnson. Secretary, F. D. Stevens. Super- intendent of Sunday School, Mrs. F. Griffin. Christian Union Church Society, Cranbury. ganized 1880. President, W. F. Pillow, Treasurer, D. A. Fillow. Clerk, W. T. Gregory. 269 Brookside Chapel Association, Rowayton. Presi- dent, Samuel R. Weed. Treasurer, Miss Mary J. Ray- mond. Clerk, W. H. Tristram. Broad River Branch, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints. Organized August, 1896. President, Elder A. E. Stone. Priest, William Hobson. Teacher, Homer Buttery. Deacon, Julius Cable. Clerk, Judson Cable. Treasurer, Mrs. Rufus Buttery. Beth Israel Society. Services are held in Ray- mond's Hall, 139 Washington street. Secretary, D. Gott- lieb. Treasurer, T. Slowsynsky. Advent Christian Church. On the evening of April 2 ist, 1877, F. S. Ainsworth, John Bedient, Eliza Bedient, Orson Stannard, Elizabeth Stannard, William H. Wil- cox, Fannie Wilcox, Alfred Hall, Everett E. Wheeler, Samuel Smith, Alfred Z. Broadhurst, Mrs. Antoinette Byxbee, Miss Nettie Byxbee, William Knapp and Elder G. L. White of Bristol. Ct., who had embraced the doc- trine of the soon personal coming of Christ to this earth again, met in the kitchen of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stannard, corner of Elizabeth and Day streets, South Norwalk, to consider the matter of organizing a church for the propagation of this and kindred doctrines. Previ- ous to this time, meetings had been held at irregular in- tervals, in various places, the services being conducted by itinerent preachers. Elder White was chosen chair- man and F. S. Ainsworth clerk. On motion, it was regularly voted that the meeting proceed to organize, which was accordingly done. A confession and covenant was presented by F. S. Ains- worth and duly adopted ; also a form of church govern- ment. Orson Stannard was elected deacon, F. S. Ains- worth secretary and Everett E. Wheeler treasurer. The old "Military Hall," in the Ely block, was engaged for meeting purposes. From time to time the place for holding meetings was changed until in the early part of the year 1887. The matter of buying a lot and building a chapel was discussed and subscriptions solicited for this purpose. Beside the members of the church many friends in and out of town were among the subscribers. It being ap- parent that in order to hold property, a society must be formed, the Advent Christian Society, composed of mem- bers of the church, was organized Oct. 30, 1887, and a lot on the corner of Van Zandt avenue and Harvey street, East Norwalk, was purchased from Mrs. Richard Parme- m lee, and the present chapel was erected and dedicated in August, 1888. In November of the same year, Rev. H. H. Tucker accepted a call and became its first settled pastor, con- tinuing until August, 1892. Under his labors the church prospered and accessions were numerous. In August, 1892, his relation to the church as pastor was dissolved. In December of the same year the Rev. G.L.Teeple accepted a call and became its second pastor, remaining until September, 1895. About this time the Advent Christian Conference of Connecticut ordained Francis S. Ainsvvorth, of East Norwalk, (one of the founders of the church and one who had continued his association with it from its birth), to the ministry ; and a call was extended to him to become its pastor. Mr. Ainswoith accepted the call and served the church very acceptably for about four years. Desiring to be relieved, as he was engaged in other business, and making known his desire to the church, the present pastor, Rev. James W. Davis, was called and is now in the third year of service. The church is in a good healthy condition with a membership of 95, new members being added from time to time. The present officers are: F. S. Ainsworth, First Dea- con. W. C. Byxbee, Second Deacon. Mrs. Richard Bland, First Deaconess. Mrs. James Evenden, Jr., Sec- ond Deaconess. Stephen W. Velsor, Secretary. James Evenden, Jr., Treasurer. South Norwalk Baptist Church. The church was organized on May 5th, 1859, at the residence of John L. Burbank, on South Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Burbank were deeply interested in their church, and their home was bequeathed by them for a Baptist parsonage, nearly forty years after the church was organized within its walls. At that meeting were David L. Burbank, Charles T. Raymond, Jane Burbank, Harriet T. Raymond, John L. Burbank, Andrew Morgan, Hannah M. Burbank, Mrs. Andrew Morgan, Maria Roberts, Manning Decker, Anna N. Root, Selleck Roberts, Mrs. Taimer Morgan, Anna E. Latin, Andrew J. Crofut, Francis Gregory, Jenette Crofut, Catherine Law, L. D. Gowen and Jos- ephine Erickson. This handful of people were the charter members of the church. The Rev. L. D. Gowen was chosen pastor at this meeting and the first services were held in Smith's Hall, which is now Tilly's carriage fac- tory, on May 22, 1859. At that time Sunday School was held at 9 a. m. and prayer meeting at 10. Preaching services were then held at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and at 7:30 in the evening. Charles T. Ray- mond was the first deacon of the church. A council of churches was held in Smith's hall, on May 31, 1859, to consider the matter of recognizing the church as a sep- arate body of Christ. The council met again on June 29th of the same year and made the church a separate and recognized organization. The first communion was held on the 3d of July fol- lowing. The first members taken into the new church by baptism were Miss Sarah A. Morgan and Clara Thompson, who were received November 14, 1859. The Rev. S. D. Gowen resigned February 27, 1861, and was succeeded by the Rev. William F. Fagan, who was pastor until ill health caused him to resign. A temporary place of worship called the Baptist Tabernacle was completed shortly before Mr. Pagan's advent as pastor of the church. That building is now occupied by William Pod- more, on North Main street, on the site of the present church edifice, on West avenue. Following Mr. Fagan came Rev. William M. Ross, who was ordained by the church council, January 21, 1863. He resigned in May, 1865, and was succeeded by Rev. Charles G. Swan, who was ordained October loth of that year. Mr. Swan resigned in October, 1867, and was followed by Rev. John Davies. Andrew J. Thomp- son was elected a deacon of the church on July 9, 1868, and is still in the office, which makes him the oldest offi- cer in the church. Rev. Mr. Davies resigned February n, 1872. leaving the church with a membership of 204 persons. Rev. Mr. Patterson was pulpit supply for six months, but declined a permanent call. Rev. James M. Taylor served as pastor from February, 1873, to December, 1881. During his pastorate the matter of a new building was agitated. Rev. J. Wolfenden was pastor of the church from April, 1882, to January, 1884, when Rev. A. S. Gumbart became pas- tor and served until 1885, when he resigned shortly after the new church was built. Rev. H. A. Delano ministered to the church from December, 1885, to June 30, 1889, and he also resigned. Rev. Archibald Wheaton had charge from December of the latter year to November ist, 1892, when he tendered his resignation. Rev. R. O. Sherwood entered on his duties as minister in July, 1893, an ^ continued in the capacity until November, 1898. Rev. W. H. Hubbard succeeded Mr. Sherwood and is still pastor, having ac- complished much in the upbuilding and strengthening of the church since he came to South Norwalk. The present membership of the church is 320 and the organization is free from debt. Hungarian Reformed Church. The Hungarian Re- formed Church was organized in April, 1893, with be- tween seventy and eighty members, who met in the Methodist Church until, in 1896, Rev. Gabriel Dokus was appointed pastor by the Board of Foreign Missions. Under his direction a church building was erected with a school room in which the children of the parish are gathered for instruction, not only on Sundays, but on week days as well during the summer. A parsonage was erected recently at a cost of $1,400. There are now about 130 members of the church. Services are held three Sundays in a month, the pastor being called elsewhere for mission work on the remaining Sunday. The hours of service are at 11:30 and 4:30 on Sunday and 7:30 on Thursday evening of each week. The church officers are: Pastor, Rev. Gabriel Dokus; treasurer, Joseph Soltess; secretary, Julius Gonce. Hungarian Congregational Church. In 1889 a little Hungarian girl was killed by a train at Springwood. The grief of her mother brought to Mr. H. O. Bailey a desire for some means of consoling her in her own language; and with it a realization that the Hungarian population of the town had no religious services, while many of these people could not understand English. Mr. Bailey asked Miss Platt, president of the Ladies' Missionary Society of the South Norwalk Congregational Church, what could be done for these people; and, at her request, Miss Lucy Green wrote to Dr. H. A. Schauffler, of Cleveland, Ohio, Superintendent of Missions among the foreign population in this country, asking if a Bible reader who spoke Hungarian could be sent to Norwalk. Miss Platt also asked the Secretary of the Congregational Missionary Society of Connecticut if he had a missionary to send to these Hungarians, and received the answer that there was not one Hungarian missionary in Connec- ticut though there were 10,000 people of that nationality, and he knew of but one in the United States. Dr. Schauffler's answer was the same, but he sug- gested that a young Slav had been converted in Brad- dock, Pennsylvania, by the Pittsburg missionary referred to as the solitary Hungarian missionary, and suggested 873 that thi* man, John Petro, who spoke Hungarian, might be useful in Norwalk. Through the efforts of the Ladies' Missionary Society, Mr, H.O. Bailey and Dr. M. Clifford Pardee, $80 was raised. The Hungarian people became interested, too, in the movement, and they raised $173, to add to the fund, which was placed in the hands of Mr. Bailey as president of the committee who had the matter in charge. In 1892, Rev. Gerald H. Beard became pastor of the South Norwalk Congregational Church and he v/armly took up the project of the Hungarian Mission, with the result that Mr. Petro was engaged as Bible reader to the Hungarians in January, 1893. Unfortunately, Mr. Petro was a Slav and his knowl- edge of the Hungarian language was limited. He, therefore, failed to please many of his hearers, and a portion of the original congregation withdrew and formed a mission of the American Reformed Church. Mr. Petro worked faithfully under great difficulties for a year and a half, securing twelve converts. He also conducted Bible readings in Bridgeport among the Hun- garians ; and among the converts there was Bela Basso, the present pastor of the Congregational Hungarian Mission, who succeeded Mr. Petro as Bible reader in 1894. In March, 1898, a church organization was ef- fected with 34 members ; and in the following September Mr. Basso was sent to Oberlin to study for the ministry. On his return in the spring of 1901 he was ordained as pastor of the little church. During his absence the con- gregation was kept together by Mr. Emery Kardos as Bible reader. A Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor and a Sunday School have been organized, the latter having grown from a membership of 21 to 52 within four months. The church has a membership of 34 at the present time and is partly supported by the South Norwalk Congregational Church and the Connec- ticut Home Missionary Society. HISTORY FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. The First Baptist Church of Norwalk, Conn., was organized August 3ist, 1837. Delegates representing the Weston, Danbury, Stamford, Stratfield and Redding Baptist Churches assembled in the First Congregational Church of Norwalk and effected the organization. Many of th'.> charter members belonged to the Wilton Church, which church disbanded at this time. Rev. William H. 274 Card was called to preside as pastor but at this state Kev. Wm. Bowen supplied the pulpit. Andrew Turney and Noah Weed were elected dea- cons : Alonzo C. Arnold was elected church clerk. The charter members were: Noah Weed, William VVakeman, Andrew Turney, Josiah Raymond, Alonzo C Arnold, Abbey Fitch, Betsey Gaylof, Elizabeth Mills Sarah Stevens, Catherine Fitch, Charity Smallhorn, Mary Knapp, Emily Knapp, Hannah Knapp, Julia Burchard. For a time the people worshipped in the Academy building, which stood about fifty feet north of the present Band Stand, in the centre of the Green. This building was moved to the west end of Lewis street and is now occupied as a dwelling house. Soon the church moved to the elegant and spacious building on Mill Hill known as the Town House. Owing to the deep-seated prejudice against all Bap- tists, a prejudice which at that time was quite general throughout New England, the church experienced no little difficulty in securing a lot upon which to build a church edifice. It was only by strategy, and through a third party, who transferred it to the church, that a plot of ground was finally secured, where the present build- ing now stands. This building was erected in 1839 and dedicated in March, 1840. Immediately following the dedication, a revival began, which resulted in numerous accessions to the membership. In 1870 the building was renovated and refurnished throughout, at a cost of $1,400.00. At the time this church was organized there were no public conveyances. The members residing in Winnipauk chartered a carry-all, as a private conveyance, which carried a full load to and from church services. Mr. Charles T. Raymond's family were regular in at- tendance though they were obliged to walk from Flax Hill. Mr. Moultons, of Saugatuck (now Westport), also walked to church. Susan Motilton married McMaster, the founder of McMaster's University, of Toronto, and of the Motilton Female Seminary. Another daughter married the Rev. James Scott, of Stratfield Baptist Church. Cottage prayer meetings were held in houses all over the town, South Norwalk members walking to the services, up a shore-path, by way of Pine Island and Water street. David Burbank's family came all the way from Belden's Point to the meetings. Deacon Weed, of New Canaan, was a regular at- 275 tcndant at all services, rarely missing the monthly cov- enant meeting, held on Saturday afternoons. A pecu- liarity of the deacon's was that he wore his hair combed forward over the top of his head, braided and tied with a shoe-string. The church seemed to have reached the zenith of prosperity under the pastorate of Rev. L. D. Gowan, from 1856 to 1859. The pastor's salary at this period was $500.00 and the sexton's $25.00, and it was a difficult task to raise, what seemed at that time, to be a great amount of money. About this time H. M. Prowitt, the choir master, introduced into the service a "melodien," which created a good deal of gossip, many members disapproving of such worldliness. Heretofore a tuning fork and bass viol had been the only instruments. The chorus choir was com- posed of volunteers, who furnished their own music and books. The Sunday School flourished for more than a quarter of a century under the efficient superintendency of James L. Ambler. Miss M. A. Hyatt conducted the primary department for about thirty years. Rev. J. Ellis, of New York city, joined the church in 1842, and during J. L. Woolsey's pastorate frequently assisted in the services. On one occasion he thus com- mented on Rev. Lindsey Woolsey's sermon: "You have all heard the sermon, if sermon it may be called. For my part, I call it 'a reasonable service,' a sort of Linsey Woolsey address." The following named pastors have from 1838 to 1902 served this church: Rev. William H. Card, 1838 to '39. Rev. J. L. Woolsey, 1840 to '47. Rev. J. Chaflin, 1847 to '50. Rev. W. Broughton, 1850 to '51. Rev. J. L. Woolsey, 1851 to '53. Rev. W. C. Wyatt, 1853 to '56. Rev. L. D. Gowa,n 1856 to '59. Rev. G. W. Lasher, 1859 to '61. Rev. O. W. Gates, 1861 to '73. Rev. E. D. Bentley, 1873 to '82. Rev. W. E. Wright, January to October, 1882. Rev. R. McGonegal, 1882 to '86. Rev. C. E. Torrey, 1886 to '90. Rev. F. E. Robbins, 1891 to '98. Rev. Dr. W. Talmage Van Doren, 1899 to the pres- 876 ent time. During this period, although the mother church has given of her membership to form four Baptist churches, she has grown from 15 to 280 members. The pastorates of Woolsey, Gates, Bentley, Torrey and Rob- bins were especially marked by the addition to the church of many converts. At this date (December, 1901), the church is growing in membership and in influence. New furnaces have been put in the building, and the ses- sion and class rooms have been redecorated and re- furnished. The yearly expense of conducting the church ($2,500), is promptly provided for, and the ser- vices are largely attended and of deep religious interest. The Pastor's Bible Class numbers 85 adult members. The "Circle of Light," a band of consecrated Christians, led by the pastor, numbers 173 members. With Sunday School and all other church adjuncts in a flourishing condition, and with frequent additions to the member- ship by baptism, the church has every reason to thank God for all the wav that He has led His people. OYSTER INDUSTRY MONO the many industries of the busy thriving town of Norwalk that have made marvellous strides in growth and development in the last half century, there is not one that so excites our admiration and astonishment as the wonderful growth of the oyster indus- try. And this interest that is rapidly extending over all the waters of the State promises to put Connecticut at the fore-front of the oyster producing states of the Union in the near future ; and the oyster planters of Norwalk can with pardonable pride point to the fact that the system that has produced such astound- ing results originated in Norwalk. Long years ago, be- fore the white man came to these shores, while the race was still young, the red man gathered in his summer vil- lages along the shores of Norwalk. The smoke of his wigwam might have been seen on the banks of the Rowalton River at Wilson's Cove, Village Creek and Gregory's Point; and the shell mounds at these places disclosed the fact that oysters and clams entered largely in the menu of those days. When two hundred and fifty years ago the white man appeared, he was not slow to learn from his savage brother the value of the oysters and clams that grew near the shores of our town ; and not only on the shores of the main land, but out among the romantic and picturesque islands that like jeweled settings clot the water front of Norwalk The waters teemed with its wealth of shell- fish ; and it was here that the early settlers found a very large part of their food supply. As the years passed on and the population increased the natural beds failed to respond to the increased de- mand, so that less than fifty years ago oystermen began to experiment in raising large oysters from the seed taken from the natural beds; and planted it on private grounds, the Legislature of the State meeting the changed conditions with wise laws ; so that all the inside lands that could be lawfully taken up were speedily brought under cultivation ; and the business prospered to that degree that the Norwalk oysters were famed for their superior qualities far and wide. But the enterpris- ing and far seeing oyster-planters of Norwalk could not 278 be confined to the narrow limits of the inside oyster lands, so they began to look about for new fields to con- quer. In 1870 a few planters went out on Long Island Sound off Norwalk and took up land and began plant- ing. These were the pioneers in artificial propagation of oyster spawn. They planted the stool the oysters ad- hered, they caught a good set and the venture looked promising for a while, but the starfish came on in great numbers and destroyed all the beds, but they persevered, overcoming every obstacle, surmounting every difficulty, they finally climbed to success ; and the results that Nor- walk with her fine fleet of oyster steamers, her wharves and oyster shipping houses with thousands of acres of land under water in cultivation, give but faint conception of what has been achieved in the last fifty years. It was a citizen of Norwalk that fitted out the first steamboat, the forerunenr of the magnificent fleet of more than one hundred boats that are owned in the State to-day. Some of the very first oysters, if not the first, were shipped to England, laying the foundation for the splendid export trade of to-day, were raised in Norwalk. The Norwalk oyster has shown great power of adaptation; it has been transported across the Rocky Mountains and planted in the quiet Pacific, and never seemed to feel the change; it has been carried over to England, planted in the muddy Thames and in the bays of the English Coast, and was just as happy as when in its own native waters. Norwalk may well be proud of the men who by en- terprise and push have given the town the prominence and leadership in the development of this great industry. CHAS. W. BELL. 279 THE I N LEGAL OLD PROFESSION N O R W A L K OR WALK in the past has been the home of many distinguished jurists. Many more, natives or descended from ancestors residing in the ancient town of Norwalk, have achieved professional eminence in other parts of the State and nation, who cannot be sketched or even named here. Among Norwalk lawvers, not now living, were the following: THOMAS FITCH, a native of Norwalk, grandson of one of the original settlers of the same name, was graduated at Yale College in 1721. He was educated for the ministry, but turned his attention to the law and was said by the first President Dwight to be "probably the most learned lawyer who had ever been an inhabi- tant of the Colony." He was chosen one of the "Assis- tants" of the Colony yearly from 1734 to 1846; was Deputy Governor from 1750 to 1754, and Governor from 1754 to 1766; and for four years was chief Judge of the Superior Courts. In 1742 he was appointed, with Roger Wolcott and Jonathan Trumbull, both afterwards Gov- ernors of the Colony, and John Bulkley, afterwards a Judge of the Superior Court, to revise the Statutes, and had "the principal efficiency" in making the revision of 1750. He was the author of a protest, written at the re- quest of the General Court in 1764 and presented to the British governmetn, against the power of parliament to tax the people of the Colonies without their consent by representation therein, stating with great clearness and force the grounds on which the independence of the Col- onies was afterwards achieved ; and of other noted State papers. His home was on East avenue, the present (1901) residence of Miss Sarah Fitch. He died July 18, 1774. His son, Col. Thomas Fitch, was distinguished as a soldier and in the Civil service of the Colonv. TAYLOR SHERMAN, son of Judge Daniel Sher- m.m, was born in Woodbury, Conn., in 1758. He mar- ried in 1787 Elizabeth Stoddard of Woodbury. He was admitted to the bar and removed to Norwalk, where he 180 spent the remainder of his life in the practice of the law He was a member of the General Assembly of the State m 1794, 1795 and 1796, and was Judge of Probate for the District of Norwalk from the creation of the District in 1802 until his death. He was Collector of Internal Rev- enue for the Second District of Connecticut, under ap- pointment from President Madison. He was appointed Agent to survey the land in the Western Reserve, con- sisting of a half million acres, granted by the State of Connecticut to the sufferers by the British devastations in the Revolutionary war, and acquired a considerable tract of this land, in Sherman township, Huron County, Ohio. He was a public spirited citizen, taking an active interest in the affairs of the town and community. His home was at the southwest corner of Main and Cross streets in the present city of Norwalk, in the house now standing He died May I5th, 1815. CHARLES ROBERT SHERMAN, a son of Tay- lor and Elizabeth (Stoddard) Sherman, was born in Nor- walk, September 26th, 1788. He studied law in the of- fices of his father and of Judge Asa Chapman, and was admitted to the bar in 1810. On May 8th of the same year he married Mary Hoyt of Norwalk. In 1811 he re- moved, with his wife and an infant son (Charles Taylor Sherman, afterwards Judge of the U. S. District Court) to Lancaster, Ohio, where he settled in the practice of his profession. In the war of- 1812 he was Major of an Ohio regiment. At the age of 35 he was appointed Judge of the Supreme Court of Ohio, which office he held until his death, which occurred June 24, 1829. Among a large family of other children, born after his removal to Ohio, were Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman of the U. S. Army and Hon. John Sherman, for many years represen- tative and senator in Congress, Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of State. CLARK BJSSELL was born at Lebanon, Conn , September 7, 1782; graduated at Yale College in 1806; studied law and settled in Norwalk. He married Sally Sherwood, daughter of Hon. Samuel Burr Sherwood of Fairfield. He was several years Judge of Probate for the District of Norwalk, succeeding Judge Taylor Sher- man ; member of the Connecticut House of Representa- tives in 1829, 1841 and 1850, of the State Senate from the old 1 2th District in 1842 and 1843; Governor of the 881 State in 1847, an< ^ 1848; and chairman of the Board of Presidential Electors in Connecticut in 1848. He was a Judge of the Superior Court and of the Supreme Court of Errors from 1829 to 1839, when he resigned. In 1847 ne was given the degree of Doctor of Laws by Yale Col- lege, and was in the same year made Kent professor of law in that institution, which position he held until 1855. For several years he was President of the Fairfield County Bank, succeeding Henry Belden. He died Sep- tember 1 5th, 1875. He built and occupied the house at the corner of East Wall and Park Streets, and his office was a small building at the Southwest corner of the homestead. He was a lawyer of great ability, a wise and safe counsellor, and had a large practice. Of his child- ren, Rev. Samuel Burr Sherwood Bissell, Edward C. Bis- sell, Mrs. Charles C. Belts and Mrs. Orris S. Ferry survived him ; George A. Bissell, also a lawyer, died shortly before him, and Arthur H. died in childhood. THADDEUS BETTS, a native of Norwalk, son of William Maltby and Lucretia (Gregory) Betts, was born February 4, 1789; graduated at Yale College in 1807; admitted to the bar and always resided in Norwalk, on the easterly side of "The Green." He married Antoinette Cannon of Norwalk. He was a member of the Connecti- cut House of Representatives in 1815 and 1830; of the State Senate in 1828 and 183 r ; and Lieutenant Governor of the State in 1832 and 1834. He was elected to the United States Senate for the term beginning March 4th, 1839, an d died in Washington April 8th, 1840. He was a man of great talent, ranking among the most powerful advocates of the Connecticut bar, and his early death cut short what promised to be a conspicuous and influential career in the public service. He was the father of Fred- erick T. and Charles C. Betts, both now living, and John Maltby Betts, who died unmarried in 1868. THOMAS BELDEN BUTLER, son of Frederick and Mary (Belden) Butler, was born at Wethersfield, August 22d, 1806. He was educated as a physician, graduating at the Medical Department of Yale College in 1828. He settled and practiced medicine for several years at Norwalk. He soon determined to adopt the legal profession, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1837. He was a member of the Connecticut House of Representatives in 1832, 1833, 1837, 1843 an ^ 1846; of the State Senate in 1838, 1839, 1848, 1852 and 1853, and Representative in Congress from 1849 to ^S 1 - He was Judge of Probate from 1848 to 1849, and States Attorney for several years. In 1855 he was appointed a Judge of the Superior Court; in 1861 a Judge of the Supreme Court of Errors, and in 1870 Chief Justice of that Court, which office he resigned a few days before his death. He married Mary Phillips Crosby of Norwalk, but had no children. His home was on West Avenue, the house now occupied by the Central Club. He died June 8th, Judge Butler was fond of scientific studies, especially of meterology, on which he published two books, entitled "Philosophy of the Weather," and 'The Atmospheric System as God Made It." He had much mechanical skill, and made several ingenious inventions ; one a com- plicated machine for crossing the wool in felt cloth, was successfully employed in the manufacture of felt goods. He was an enthusiastic farmer. He nad an acute and discriminating mind, was ambitious of distinction as a Judge and his judicial opinions were carefully and thoroughly prepared. He was especially distinguished among legal writers for his concise and exact definition of legal terms. THOMAS ROBINSON, a member of the Fairfield County Bar, was graduated at Yale College in 1828 ; set- tled in the practice of law,at Fairfield, and married Eliza P. Dimon of that place, a sister of the late Frederick Dimon of Norwalk. He removed to Norwalk in 1847, built and occupied the house on West Avenue, now the homestead of Oliver E. Wilson, and resided there until his death, which occurred in 1853. He was a lawyer of ability and prominence ; was for seven years clerk of the Superior Court ; was representative from Fairfield in the Connecticut legislature in 1843. and 1846, and from Nor- walk in 1852. He left no children. JOSIAH MASON CARTER was born in New Canaan, June I 3 th, 1813; graduated with distinguished honor at Yale College in 1836, and was admitted to tl bar in 1839. He began the practice of law in New York, but removed to Norwalk in 1847 and formed a partner- ship with Thomas B. Butler, which continued until Mr Butler was appointed Judge of the Superior Court m 18^5 He was a representative from ISiorwalk i General Assembly in 1857, 1861 and 1862, and in the last year was Speaker of the House. He was the nominee of his party for Lieutenant Governor in 1856, but the ticket was not successful. He was State's Attorney for the County of Fairfield from 1862 until his death, which occurred March 21, 1868. He married Julia Ayres of New Canaan, and built and occupied until his decease the house now the home- stead of Levi C. Hanford. One of his daughters, now deceased, was the mother of Hubert E. Bishop of Nor- walk, and another married Prof. Alexander Johnston, the eminent political writer and historian. Mr. Carter was a thorough, exact and painstaking lawyer, and had an extensive practice. TIMOTHY TAYLOR MERWIN, son of Rev. Samuel Merwin, was graduated at Yale College in 1827, admitted to the bar and practiced for some years in Nor- walk. He represented the town in the General Assembly in 1838 and was Clerk of the Superior Court from 1839 to 1842. He removed to Brooklyn, N. Y., and retired from practice. He died in 1885. He married Hannah B. White, daughter of Col. E. Moss White of Danbury. GEORGE A. DAVENPORT was bom in Wilton, January 2ist, 1808. He studied law at Yale College, was admitted to the bar and practiced in Norwalk. He was for a short time a partner of Judge Butler. He seldom appeared in the Courts, and in his later life never. He was an office lawyer, devoting his time chiefly to con- veyancing, drafting of wills, contracts and the giving of legal advice, and had no superior in the conscientious accuracy of all his work. He was thoroughly grounded in elementary and probate law, and will be longest remembered as Judge of Probate for the District of Nor- walk, which office he filled with conspicuous ability for thirty years. He jnarried Mary Sturges, daughter of Erastus Sturges, Esq., of Wilton. He died January I3th, 1894, leaving six children, of whom three are able and prominent lawyers, viz., Benjamin Davenport of Minne- apolis, Minnesota; Daniel Davenport of Bridgeport, and Timothy Davenport of New York City. ISAAC MOREHOUSE STURGES, son of Erastus Sturges, Esq., a prominent citizen of Wilton, was born in that town, within the limits of ancient Norwalk, July 284 6 1807, and died October 30, 1877. He was admitted to the bar in 1837, practiced in Newtown until 1848, and af- terwards until his death in Bridgeport, but during the last years of his life resided in Wilton. He represented Wil- ton in the General Assembly in 1837 and 1876, and New- town in 1844. He was Judge of Probate in Newtown in 1844, and Judge of the City Court of Bridgeport in 1860 and 1 86 1. He was unmarried. He was a man of untir- ing industry, extensive legal learning, and devotion to the interests of his numerous clients. ORRIS SANFORD FERRY, son of Starr Ferry, was born in Bethel, August isth, 1823; graduated at Yale College in 1844; studied law in the offices of Hon. Thomas B. Osborne at Fairfield and Hon. Thomas B. Butler at Norwalk ; was admitted to the bar in 1846 and began practice in Norwalk, where he always afterwards resided. In 1849-50 he was Judge of Probate for the District of Norwalk ; in 1855 and 1856 he represented the 1 2th District in the State Senate, and was chairman of the Judiciary Committee ; and from 1856 to 1859 ne was State's Attorney for the County of Fairfield. From 1859 to 1861 he represented the 4th District in Congress. On the breaking out of the Civil War he was appointed Colonel of the 5th Regiment, Connecticut Volunteers; in the following year was made brigadier general, served in that capacity through the war, and was brevetted major general for meritorious services. He returned to the practice of law in 1865, was elected United States Senator in 1866 and re-elected in 1872. He died while Senator, November 21, 1875. Soon after his admission to the bar he married Charlotte C. Bissell, daughter of Col. Clark Bissell, who with one daughter, Mary Bissell Ferry, survives. His home in his later years was on East Avenue, in the house built by himself. He was a man of vigorous intellect, an able lawyer, and an orator of great power, at the bar, in the Senate, and before popular assemblies. He had, in a remarkable degree, the "clear- ness, force and earnestness," which according to Webster are the qualities that produce conviction; and with his manifest sincerity and high personal character, exercised a wide influence among his acquaintance in the commun- ity where he lived, and in the national councils. NELSON TAYLOR was born in South Norwalk, June 8th, 1821, and died there January i6th, 1894. 886 When a young lad, he removed with his parents to New York City. In the Mexican War he was a captain of Volunteers, and was sent with his command to California. He remained there several years after the close of the war, engaged in business and accumulated a handsome for- tune. He then returned East, studied law and was admitted to the New York bar. In the war of 1861 he again volunteered, was Colonel of a New York Regi- ment, and in 1862 was promoted to brigadier general. After the war he served one term as representative in Congress from New York City. In 1867 he returned to South Norwalk and engaged in the practice of law, having for several years as a partner his son Nelson Tay- lor, Jr. Gen. Taylor was a public-spirited citizen, served as a selectman of the town of Norwalk and held other important local offices. JOSEPH FORWARD FOOTE was born in South- wick, Mass., in 1828; graduated with high honors at Yale College in 1850 ; studied law at Norwich with Hon. Lafayette S. Foster and at Norwalk with Hon. Orris S. Ferry; was admitted to the bar in 1853, an( ^ practiced law in Norwalk until his death, which occurred Decem- ber 5th, 1883. He was Executive Secretary under Gov. Minor in 1855 and 1856. He practiced but little in the courts. He was for many years the justice of the peace before whom most of the justice cases, civil and criminal, were tried, for several years one of the selectmen of Nor- walk, and held numerous other positions of trust. He married Jennie Middlebrook, daughter of George B. Middlebrook, Esq., but left no children. JOSEPH WARREN WILSON was born in 1827 at Natick, Massachusetts ; graduated at Yale College in 1854; taught for a time at the Collegiate and Commer- cial Institute in New Haven; studied law in the office of Josiah M. Carter, Esq., in Norwalk, and was admitted to the bar in 1857. He went to Minneapolis, Minnesota, with a view of settling there, but soon returned to Nor- walk and became a partner of Mr. Carter. He was for many years an active and leading member of the Board of School Visitors, and held various other local offices. He married Miss Julia Phelps of New Haven and left two surviving sons, one of whom is Robert G. Wilson. He died February 26, 1887. In addition to the above, Roger Minot Sherman, afterwards of Fairfield ; David C. Sanford, afterwards of New Milford, and Sidney Burr Beardsley, afterwards of Bridgeport, all of whom were eminent at the bar and sub- sequently judges of the Supreme Court of Errors, prac- ticed for a time in Norwalk ; Israel M. Bullock, who rep- resented Norwalk in the General Assembly in 1869, and in the same year removed to Bridgeport, where he had a successful career, ended too soon by death ; Lewis F. Beers, who was representative in the General Assembly in 1871, and died eafly in 1872; George R. Cowles, who was a member of the bar, but devoted his life to business pursuits, represented the town four successive years in the legislature, and died, much respected, in 1897. From Wilton may be named Charles Jones and Samuel Jones, brothers, prominent members of the New York bar, and doubtless others of equal rank. SOME OLD HOUSES IN NORWALK By Angeline Scott. i LTHOUGH NorwaJk is two hundred and fifty years old, we may look in vain for picturesque relics of its first hun- dred years in the shape of quaint buildings such as exist in some Massa- chusetts towns of similar age. Every- thing of that period is gone. General Tryon did much, in his historic raid, towards obliterating earliest Norwalk, and our spirit of modern progress has carried on the work until there is almost nothing left of ante-Revolutionary Norwalk. There is no evidence to show that any of the one hundred and thirty-five houses burned by Tryon in 1779 had any architectural pretensions. Even the inhabitants of substantial fortunes for the times, and aristocratic con- nections, contented themselves with homes of the comfortable farmhouse type, with plain gabled roofs, shingled sides and a low, sloping lean-to at the rear or side of the main building. The doorways, often supplied with the Dutch doors opening in half, opened directly on a broad, rough-hewn stone step, as a rule, while a few houses had small porches supported by simple pillars, with narrow seats on either side. The well is often the last vestige of an old homestead. You will notice every- where in the country that buildings and gardens and fences and dooryard trees disappear from a homestead before the well of the "Old Oaken Bucket" gives way, In East Norwalk, in the lot next the railroad track, is one of the old wells ; that of the Rev. Thomas Hanford, first minister of the old First Church, and for forty years a leader in town affairs. Here, in Revolutionary days, lived Hezekiah Hanford, the soldier father of Grace Han- ford who married Capt. Hezekiah Betts. The quaint little gray house on the corner of Fitch street, whose yard is gay with phlox and tiger-lilies in midsummer, was built by Josiah Hanford Fitch. He subsequently removed to the Prowitt house across the way, which was built for Mr. Fitch early in the century. The site is that of the original Marvin home-lot "the one nearest the meeting house." Founder's Stone, Kast Avenue. Lieut. Samuel Marvin House. Fitch Street. Fountain Smith's Farm, East Norwalk. Fitch's Point. Gov. Thomas Fitch House, Kast Avenue. Home of " Yankee Doodle." iff A ' Town House. (iriiminan's Hill. Pausing by the founders' stone, we can see two interesting houses on Fitch street. On our right is a house built by James Fitch, 3d, just after the Revolution. He was a grand nephew of Gov. Thomas Fitch, a soldier of the Revolution and a man of means and influence. Quite a notable old house commands the head of the street where the old Fairfield Path joins Fitch Point Path. It was built by Lieut. Samuel Marvin, on the home-lot of one of the first settlers, Thomas Barnum. The schoolhouse under the elms is, perhaps, not vener- able in age, but it is a relic of the days of the district school and the three Rs in Norwalk, and as such is cer- tainly picturesque. Of course we shall find no Revolu- tionary houses on East avenue, although the lots are all historic sites, because this was the highway down which Tryon's troops marched to Fitch's Point in 1779, and not a house escaped the torch of destruction on their way. After the war the Government made restitution to the sufferers from the fire in grants of land in the Connecticut Western Reserve in Ohio, known in Connecticut history as the "Sufferers' Lands," a half million acres being dis- posed of in this way. An inventory of Fountain Smith's losses by Tryon's raid serves to show the contents of a house of that period. Probably it is a typical list except- ing the material for making barrels, Fountain Smith being a cooper. FOUNTAIN SMITH'S LOSS BY BURNING OF NOR- WALK, JULY YE IT, 1776. s. d. One house 28 by 26 one story and a half well finished below 05 o o One shop 20 feat by 18 wide finished 4 10 o Two loads of good English hay two tun 4 IO One chest of curld Maple Draws - o o Two square Table one Walnut and one White Wove i o o Eight Black Chears part Worn o 16 o One Brass Cittle of 30 We I 10 One Large Pott Iron about 4 Gallons 012 o One Large Iron Cittle about 2 Gallons o 6 o One pair of Styllards o 3 o One Frying Pan 6 One Small Looking Glass o 10 Two good new corn baskets 4 Two good Dutch Whealls at 15 per peas I IO o One Reall 4 o One Large Reall 060 Two beadsteads and 2 cords at 10 I2 Two puter plates and 2 porringers One dozen of Spoons : Two Wooden Beds I2 289 Two good pillows filled with Feathers o 8 o One Iron Ladel o 3 o One Brass Skimmer o 4 o Six Butter Tubs at 3 pr. peas o 18 o One Hundred weight of fish 019 o Three Pork Barrels at 012 o One Barrell of Tobacco about 60 We i 10 o Two good Sedar Tubs o 10 o Twenty-two flax Seead Casks at 1-6-2 5 12 6 Six Hundred White oak Staves and heading I 10 o Eight Sets of Barrells Trushoos i 4 o One Thousand Black Oak Sheaves i o o Three Sinter Stocks o 9 o Four Hundred Black oak Staves for fox o 9 o Seed Casks at 5 pr i o o Two Shaving horses o 6 o One Hundred hoop poales o 4 o One Sedar Tub half Barrell o 4 o One Churn at 4 pr o 4 o One half dozen round bottles o 2 o Three athorn pals i Gallon Each o 3 o Six wooden boles 2 quarts each o 6 o One Bread Tray o 3 o One Larg Salt Moter o 6 o One Weaned Calf i o o Fifteen Geas at 1-6 pr. p i i o Two Iron Candlesticks o 3 o One half Barrel of Soape o 10 o Fifteen pounds of Soap Greass o 3 o Six pounds of Tallow at 6 o 3 o One hundred of Chestnut rayls i 10 o Thirty weight of Good Flower o 5 6 Three Large Bee hives at 1-6 o 3 6 One half hogshead Tub o 3 6 One half barrel Cask of Vinnegar Barrell and all .... o 18 o One Box Iron o 3 o Two wooden bottles of 3 o 6 o Two outside jackets half worne Both Wooling 015 o Six pair of Good pillow bears at 3 pr. pair o i 6 One large earthern platter o i 6 One Large Earthen Pan o i 9 One Cradle White Wood o 16 o One pair of hand Bellows o 3 o Three Cross stocks for hogsheads And 2 Barrell Cows Stocks at 1-6 076 The Fountain Smith farm is on Raymond street just off from East avenue, near the old schoolhouse. Early in the morning of July u, 1779, Mr. Smith was strolling about his door-yard without his coat, enjoying the summer air and peaceful landscape. Suddenly he was seized from behind and he found himself a prisoner in British hands. Being very deaf he had not heard the approach of the soldiers up the street, and was taken completely unawares. Subsequently Fountain Smith 890 was sent to a wretched prison in New York, where many patriots suffered ; and he died soon after of hardship, at the age of fifty-four. Up the same street, further on, is the home of Josiah Raymond, who married Molly Mer- wine, of Greenfield Hill, in 1765. There are interesting associations connected with both the Beard and Earle places, on what was known as Meeting House Hill early in the eighteenth century, but since nothing here looks as it did then we will pass by these traditions and come to the Fitch lands. First is the homestead of Thomas Fitch, Governor of the Colony of Connecticut, 1754-1766, whose virtues are set forth in a long eulogistic epitaph on the brown table stone which marks his tomb in the old East Norwalk burial ground. Many of our townspeople trace their ancestry to Gov. Fitch, and feel a venerating interest in this home- stead. The old house, one room of which had served as Norwalk's first town clerk's office, was burned ; but the kitchen wing of the building was saved, and this remnant which was subsequently moved onto the foundation of the main house, together with a new addition, constitutes the present dwelling. If we search a little we will find the old well with green moss-grown stones and its waters clear and sparkling as ever. A great elm, one of the finest specimens of its race until the beetles killed it, a few years ago, was a joy to every passer-by. It was planted one hundred and fifty years ago by Gov. Fitch himself. Two brothers of Thomas Fitch had homes near by. That of Samuel Fitch, a deputy to the Colonial Assembly, has long since disappeared; but a portion of James Fitch's home survives in the present residence of Oscar Raymond, which was built by Jonathan Fitch early in the nineteenth century. At a street on our left which runs to Oyster Shell Point, we find a house which once belonged to "Yankee Doodle" himself, otherwise known as Col. Thomas Fitch. About 1755 Col. Fitch com- manded American troops who joined a detachment of British regulars in an expedition to Ticonderoga and Louisburg. As they marched into Greenbush, where the army was quartered, Col. Fitch at the head of his raw- looking regiment, a witty Englishman exclaimed, "So that's your Yankee Doodle!" and thus the nick-name was fastened upon Col. Fitch. The popular song was written at about this time by "Dr. Schackburgh who was attached to the British staff. Written in derision of the 991 Americans, it nevertheless was adopted by them with much enjoyment, and was a favorite song during the Revolutionary War some twenty years later. The G. W. Hunter house on the high bank, a little further up the avenue, was the Congregational parsonage ninety years ago ; and here occurred a historical calamity, the destruc- tion of the oldest records of the First church, containing the births, and marriages of its early members. The precious volumes, stored in a wicker basket in the attic, were reduced to rags by rats. Rev. Roswell Swan, pas- tor 1807-1819, died in this house and was buried in the Town House Cemetery. The meeting house, which was burned in the Revolution with its steeple, bell and broad stone steps, stood on the site of Mrs. W. G. Thomas's residence. Rev. Mr. Swan's church, which succeeded that one, stood on the lower end of the Green until the present edifice was built in 1849. A relic of the old church, the lantern which lighted the vestibule, is owned by Mr. C. A. Quintard. In this building "Parson Hall" preached a little later, under a sounding board hung over the high pulpit which was just large enough for the preacher; if a visiting clergyman assisted at service he had to sit outside. To a broad flat stone under a great elm tree, came the carriages of the parishioners from a distance ; among them Joseph Marvin's from Westport and Miss Phoebe Comstock's from Comstock Hill, accompanied by her white-haired slave Onesimus, the last slave held in Con- necticut, because he had refused his freedom. For fifty years he never missed a Sunday in his place. Miss Comstock, or "Aunt Phoebe" as everyone called her, might have adopted a certain text in Galatians for her own, "Rejoice, for the desolate hath more child- ren than she which hath a husband"; because, in the course of her life, she adopted no less than thirteen boys and twenty-six girls, orphans, keeping them until the boys were old enough to be apprenticed and the girls to marry or become housekeepers for other people. Some of Aunt Phoebe's boys became well-known in the world as men. Her home in northern Norwalk was famous as a ministers' tavern for visiting clergy, nor did she fail to cheer the lot of her pastor by sending him presents of poultry and other farm delicacies ; while the poor of the parish were not neglected. In 1878, nearly fifty years after Miss Comstock's death, there was an auction of her household effects, the account of which M makes a collector envious. Old dishes were sold, and furniture, among which was the Tryon chair (now owned by the Rev. C. M. Selleck), spinning wheels, and all the paraphernalia of colonial housekeeping, hand-woven coverlets and linen, besides attic treasures innumerable. The Noah Wood house on East avenue was the parsonage in Dr. Hall's day, and he wrote his three books, "The History of Norwalk," 'The Puritans and Their Principles," and "Infant Baptism" in its front upper room. A town house, used as a guard house during the Revolution, stood on the site of our present old town house, which was burned in 1779 and replaced by an uncouth-looking structure which came to a violent end one night some forty years later, at the hands of a mob of young blades who called themselves "Ensign Andrews." On its ruins our own "Old Town House" was built, which is not so very old after all, since it was built in 1835. It is one of the oldest brick structures in town, however; the old bank on Wall street (Dr. Walter Hitchcock's office) be- ing the first, two houses in Rowaytori next and the Town House fourth in age; all of them the work of Lewis Raymond, mason and builder. The Town House used to be the only public hall in Norwalk and it served for other gatherings than elections and town meetings. It was used by the Baptists during the late thirties before they had a meeting house of their own. School exhibi- tions, lyceum lectures, and the Washingtonian temper- ance meetings of sixty years ago, when total abstinence was a new idea, were held in the Town House. On one occasion the volunteer fire company of popular young men filed up to the desk in a body to sign the pledge. The glib Mormon apostles preached their doctrines from the Town House platform, winning a few converts, in the days of Joseph Smith. Col. F. St. John Lockwood's beautiful lawn is the site of a notable colonial home, that of Commodore John Cannon, whose ships plied between Norwalk and the West Indies just before the Revolution. Few people to- day are aware of the important carrying-trade which existed at that time, when hams, horses, staves, hoops, flour, butter and earthenware were exported, and sugar, molasses and liquors imported. The Cannon house was spacious, with a great chimney in which a whole ox might be roasted, besides affording room for game and poultry on spits, and kettles hung from swinging cranes, tended by the negro slaves. The house, surrounded by a fine orchard, its bountiful table furnished with plate and old Canton china, was the sort of home about which a novelist would delight in weaving tales. It was burned by Tryon in 1779 and the valuables which could be hastily gathered were hidden in the chimney or secreted in the well. Three of John Cannon's sons built Norwalk homes, the eldest, named after his father, built the house now occupied by C. O. C. Betts on the Green. It was first built in 1773 and destroyed by the fire six years later, but it was rebuilt almost immediately. Though somewhat changed in its outward appearance since then, the hall and front portion of the house are almost the same as they were originally. In the drawing-room the quaint painting of the New York Battery over the high colonial mantel imparts a distinctive touch of a by-gone day. The house on Mill Hill, known until recently as the home of Miss Julia Lockwood, was built by Samuel Cannon just after the Revolution. Col. Buckingham Lockwood purchased it for the family homestead about seventy years ago. Mr. Selleck's history contains a pic- ture of the house as it looked originally with a gabled roof. A realistic incident of Norwalk's day of terror, in connection v/ith the corner house, known as the Bis- sell house, is related in Hall's history. It was then the home of Thomas Belden, and his housekeeper in a fever of anxiety about the property in her care, ran hastily across the Green to consult with Mrs. William St. John, whose home stood where Morgan avenue joins East' avenue, when the alarm guns were fired. It was Satur- day night, July n, 1779, and Mrs. St. John was prepar- ing her bread for baking in the brick oven, when Mr. Belden's housekeeper came running in: "Are you going to stay?" she asked Mrs. St. John. "Nc," was the answer, "I am going out of the way." "Well," responded the other woman, "I shall stay, I will go to Gov. Tryon and plead for the house. When he was Governor he stayed with us over night with his attendants and horses. I will tell him we are friends of the Government." Mrs. St. John responded with a spirit of true New England thrift, "If you are going to stay, take my dough"; and Mr. Belden's housekeeper went back across the Green with the burning oven wood and loaves of bread ready for baking, while Mrs. St. John made preparations to go to the woods with her family. Gen. Tryon, sitting in his 294 tent next morning on Grumman's Hill, which was "all red with the British," that day, listened to the house- keeper's plea and sent a file of soldiers to protect the Bel- den house and, though the flames had started, they put out the fire. In 1816 the house was bought by Clark Bissell, Esq., an eminent Connecticut lawyer, who was Governor of the State in 1846-49, and it remained in his family until the death of the Rev. S. B. S. Bissell, a few years ago. The present Congregational parsonage looks very modern, and yet a portion of it is very old. In ante- Revolutionary days it was an inn kept by John Betts. Here Franklin stopped on one occasion, and here lodged the elegant Madam Van Home and Her two beautiful daughters in the summer of 1779. When the British soldiers set fire to St. Paul's Church, which was directly opposite the inn on the Green, Madam Van Home hur- riedly ordered her coach and she and her daughters went to Fairfield, from whence they embarked for their home in Flatbush, where they were protected by the British officers, notwithstanding their own allegiance to the American cause. Leaving the vicinity of the Green we will now go to Cannon street; here we find a house near the sawmill which is a perfect picture of an old Norwalk home, in the Josiah St. John house, built about 1770. Mrs. St. John was a New Canaan girl, and at her hospitable fireside many of her friends from New Canaan and Fairfield drank tea in the days when the tax made patriots use small teacups. Good Mr. Moses St. John, her father- in-law, used to remonstrate with Mrs. Josiah about it, even it is said, trying to prevent the making of tea by emptying the boiling water from the kettle in his zeal, but that did not diminish her hospitality. The Camp place at East Rocks was built by James Cannon, the third son of Commodore Cannon. We glance at the Rocks as we go, remembering their part in Norwalk's history, silent witnesses still in existence of the battle in 1779 when Capt. Betts with fifty Continental regulars and a few militia resisted a superior force of the enemy for several hours. Tradition says that the wounded were carried to the Whitney house on upper Main street which stood on the present site of Avison's market, and was torn down in 1864. On France street is the old Betts homestead, the birthplace of Hezekiah Betts from whence he went out to fight in the Revolutionary War in 1780. The original 895 house was very old even then, having been built in 1660, by Thomas Betts, ist. That structure was burned, but the present one is built around the old chimney. In Winnipauk, on the east side of Main street, not far from the Fair Grounds, is the Jonathan Betts house which was built just after the Revolution by Elijah Gregory who served a few months in the army. The old tamily burial plot once occupied the southwest corner of Main street and the New Canaan road, though its gravestones have long since disappeared. At the corner of Main street and Union avenue is a house which dates from 1760, when it was built by Uriah Selleck, grandfather of Mrs. W. K. James, at about the time of his marriage to Hannah Smith, of Stamford. The house is now the home of Mrs. Kate P. Hunter. Its once sloping roof has been cut off at the rear and an extension added, and its shingled sides covered, with clapboards ; but otherwise this Revolutionary home is little changed. We notice another Revolutionary home on the cor- ner of Main and West Main streets, in the Benedict house now owned by Mr. Charles Seymour, though we must use a discerning eye to discover its age under its modern- ized exterior. There is an interesting tale concerning the Hezekiah Rogers house on the corner of Cross street. In 1789, Jesse Lee, the early apostle of Methodism in New Eng- land, came to Norwalk one June day to preach his first sermon in Connecticut. He had some reason to expect that the Rogers house would be opened for the meeting, and word had been sent around among those interested to assemble there. At four o'clock Mr. Lee arrived on horseback, only to find that Mr. Rogers was away from home, and in his absence his wife hesitated to open the house to a public gathering. An old lady living in the next house was asked if she would allow the meeting in her orchard, but she objected that the people would trample down the grass. At last, Jesse Lee assembled his audience under an apple tree by the roadside and preached his sermon from the text "Ye must be born again." Such was the beginning of Methodism in Nor- walk. The next house is distinguished as the home of Charles Robert Sherman, father of the Hon. John Sher- man and Gen. W. T. Sherman, prior to the removal of the family to Lancaster, O., in 1810, where the two famous sons were born some years later. The Shermans 206 Thomas Belts House, France Street. Josiah St. John House, Cannon Street Isaacs House. Flax Hill Memorial. were popular among their townsmen, and when they set forth in a prairie schooner on their journey to Ohio, so far away in those days, a throng of people assembled to bid them farewell. Samuel Jarvis Camp had a singing class in the early eighteen hundreds at his home on the corner of North avenue and Camp street, which was a popular social affair. Among his pupils were Charles R. Sherman and Senator Thaddeus Betts. The Charles St. John house with its admirable architectural style of the period of 1820, was built by Ebenezer Dimon Hoyt. When first built it commanded a pretty river view before the erection of the Main street business blocks. The Jacob Jennings house, like the Fitch place on East avenue, is marked by the trunk of a great elm tree. In their day these trees were associated in the names given them for their beauty, the Fitch tree being called the "King Elm" and the Jennings tree the "Queen Elm" of Norwalk. We are interested in the place as the homestead of the ancestors of all the Jennings families in town. Jacob Jennings came to Norwalk from Fairfield in 1762, and built the house for his bride, Grace Parke, of Boston. The roads were narrower then, and there was an ample lawn about the house with a garden and orchard in the rear. The interior of the house was well finished in hard wood and the tiles of the fireplace were of the Yonkers manor-house pattern. One of the most interesting Revolutionary houses in Norwalk is the Hoyt house on the opposite side of the street. This part of Main street was called Mill Plain in the days when Gould Hoyt bought this lot for his house in 1764. His wife was a Fairfield lady and it was through her acquaintance with Gen. Tryon in days of peace that her house was saved from destruction in the war time. Gen. Tryon frequently visited friends of Mrs. Hoyt in Fair- field, at whose home they had often met, therefore her personal plea probably saved her home from destruction. The exterior of the house is almost the same as it was originally and its interior is noteworthy for the ar- rangement of its rooms, and for the Dutch tiles in the parlor fireplace with quaint Scriptural designs. It is said that the first ice cream made in Norwalk was served at the Hoyt table, consisting of pure cream simply flavored and frozen. On North avenue and Knight street, the Eliphalet Lockwood house and the homestead of Mr. George B. St. John claim our attention. The latter was van built in 1809 and the former, which was the home of Eli- phalet Lockwood, a Revolutionary officer and influential public man, was built somewhat earlier. The long rear additions to both these houses are the old servant quar- ters, dairy and work rooms, relics of slavery in Connecti- cut. Knight street was named after Dr. Jonathan Knight, a surgeon in the Revolutionary army who came to Norwalk in 1781, and built his house on the new and hitherto nameless street. High street was Mullen Hill in those days, and the William St. John house, still stand- ing, though removed from its first site, was a noticeable home, which is shown to good advantage in the painting owned by Mr. J. P. Treadwell, which gives a view of Nor- walk from the river. Painted white with a trim piazza and colonial railing, the old house stood on a well-kept terraced lawn with box bordered walks, a picture worthy of a New England tale. Arnold's Inn once stood where the Street Railway station is to-day, with a green bank rising behind it. It was considered "a very sightly place" there at the head of navigation, as it were, and the river view from the gallery of the second story was much admired. In summer a band played and the square before the inn became thronged when the New York packets were at the wharf. Gen. Try on, when he was Governor of Connecticut, used to stop here sometimes ; and, on one occasion, he bought a collection of natural history specimens of Mr. Arnold which he sent to Lon- don. Sixty years ago the Connecticut Hotel, which is now the Boston Store, divided the entertainment of the public with the Norwalk Hotel, which is somewhat older, having completed its one hundredth year last April. Marquis De Lafayette stopped at the Norwalk Hotel in 1824, while on his famous tour of New England, and he received a throng of Norwalk's best people in its parlors. The town went wild with enthusiasm and erected a tri- umphal arch on the bridge bearing in letters spelled in lights, "Welcome Lafayette." The Benjamin Isaacs house used to stand where the Masonic building and Mrs. E. P. Weed's residence are at the present time. It was probably the oldest house in town at the time it was removed, having been built in 1753, and there are several interesting stories connected with it. The Isaacs family owned a number of slaves, whose bunks in the cellar were objects of curiosity to recent generations. It was due to the efforts of the slaves that the Isaacs house was saved from burning during Tryon's visit. 208 In April, 1781, Col. Stephen St. John of the Ninth Regiment of Connecticut Militia was taken prisoner by a party of Associated Loyalists while visiting his sick wife in the Isaacs house. He had run a great risk in coming to Norwalk at that time, but his anxiety for his wife's health had brought him to her side. Some Tory learned of his coming and a company of soldiers under Major Hubbell, surrounded the Isaacs house, and arrested Col. St. John. They marched him to Fitch's Point, prodding him with their bayonets at times to hasten his steps, so that when he reached the vessel in which they embarked his shoes were filled with blood. The Anson Quintard house on Water street, which also survived the burning of Norwalk still bears tokens of former gentility in its present guise as a tenement house, in a well-designed doorway with wrought iron window frames. Another Revolutionary house which is still standing should be noticed, on the corner of Cross and River streets, near the livery stables. It was built by Matthew Reed of the Rowayton family which will be mentioned later. Matthew Reed was a famous maker of clocks, one of which, bearing his name, is owned to-day in Stamford. The house owned by Mrs. James which stands on West avenue near the corner of Berkeley street, was the home of John Belden in Revolutionary times. The saving of the house from burning in 1779 is accounted for, according to Moses Webb (a veteran) by the fact that Garth deposited some ammunition in the building on that eventful day in July. The Beldens were hospitable people, entertaining many visitors from the surrounding towns in a generous fashion. Isaac Belden's house, now owned by the Catholic Club, was built just after the Revolution on the site of his father's homestead. A part of the Belden lands were at "the Neck," known later as Belden's or Wilson's Point. The rectory of Grace church is also a Belden house of an early date. The Reuben Mott house on Belden avenue stood, until 1861, on the property of the Hon. A. H. Byington, who lived in the old house until his own residence was built. The Mott house only escaped burning in 1779 by accident ; for, after the soldiers raided the milk room at the back of the house, they started a fire on a broad wooden shelf and left it to accomplish its work of destruc- tion. It happened, however, that the fire burned the shelf just enough to cause it to fall to the earth floor in 299 two pieces and the lack of draft, together with the cool, damp earth, checked the flames, which harmlessly smouldered out. An eight-pound cannon ball supposed to have been fired from a field-piece on Grumman's Hill on the day of Norwalk's invasion, was dug up on the Mott property some years ago. Stephen, a son of Reuben Mott, born in 1771, kept a tavern on the site of the Carnegie Library early in the nineteenth century, at which the stage coach stopped regularly. The Thomas Benedict house on West avenue made way some years ago for the residence of the Hon. E. J. Hill, at the corner of Maple street. Many living persons recollect the old shingled house with a projecting roof, surrounded by an orchard. It was built in 1725 by Thomas Benedict, fourth of that name in Norwalk, and was occupied in 1779 by the family of his son, Deacon Thomas Benedict. On the day of terror, Mrs. Benedict and her four grown children had retreated to the woods at Belden Hill. One of the boys, aged fourteen at the time, remembered the occurrences vividly all his life ; and, in 1847, he related the story to the Rev. Edwin Hall for his history of Norwalk. "Uncle Tommy Benedict," as he was called, said that he and his father were work- ing on the Benedict farm at East Norwalk, on July n, 1779, and they were the first to see Tryon's fleet entering the harbor and to give warning of his coming. A patriot guard watched all night and Deacon Benedict set out wine and cider in his porch for their refreshment. Next clay these supplies rejoiced the hearts of Gen. Garth's soldiers, some of whom partook too freely ; and, as the deacon who witnessed the scene used to say, when telling the story, "a drunken person was as harmless as a corpse." The delay of Gen. Garth's men at the Benedict house, enabled the Americans to join forces at the Rocks before the two wings of the British troops could meet, which held the day a little longer for the defenders of the town. Mr. Benedict remained in his house with his ser- vants after his family's departure, being prevented by a sudden illness from following them. Gen. Garth decided to leave his wounded men at the Benedict house, which resulted in saving it from destruction. Mr. Robert Van Buren has made many changes in the old Phillipse house, yet it still retains the stamp of the eighteenth century. It was built by Ebenezer Phillipse 300 in 1795, on land purchased from the Benedict family. One of his daughters, Miss Sall_v Phillipse (afterwards the wife of William P. Stuart), assisted Miss Susan Belts in starting the first Sunday-school in Norwalk, which used to meet inMissBetts' private school rooms. Elmen- worth covers such a large tract of land on the east side of the avenue we are interested to know what used to occupy it. James Benedict, whose house dated from the last quarter of the seventeen hundreds, planted the elms which stand by the park gates, to shelter his good old-fashioned home. West avenue was not level then, as it appears now; the banks before the houses just here show how much the original grade has been changed. James Seymour's row of great maple trees in front of his homestead used to afford a welcome shade to men and beasts after they had climbed this hill. Another old Seymour home stood next below on the present Elmenworth Park, which was an inn at the time of the Revolution. Every one will recall the old Sammis house by the brook, which was torn down when Gen. Frost's house was built a few years since. It was so picturesque it is a pity there is so little to be said about it. John Seymour had the cottage hastily built for his family after the fire in 1779, to serve until his house was rebuilt. The latter is now a part of the remodeled house owned by Mr. J. F. Mcahon. Capt. Seth Seymour's home came next on the east side of the avenue on the site of the home of Gould Seymour, his great grandson, who proudly shows the captain's military saddlebags among other relics of colonial days. Capt. Seth Seymour had an honorable military record, and he died a prisoner of war in the wretched Sugar House prison in New York. Capt. Seymour's son Seth, a boy of sixteen in 1779, was the first to alarm the inhabitants on the west side of the river of the coming of the British vessels on July nth. He saw them from Hayes's Hill near Keyser's Island, where he was working in the hay field and he hurried to Old Well to give the alarm. The contrast between old and new Norwalk is em- phasized in the quaint home of Jedediah Brown, standing next the new First Methodist Church, farther down on West avenue. The Wentworth Tavern once stood on the James H. Knapp property, next to the Baptist Church. It is inevitable in a paper of this kind that Washington should be mentioned as spending a night in at least one 301 house ; and it now becomes necessary to state that Wash- ington once slept at the Wentworth Tavern. An old house was removed from Ann street last year, to make room for an addition to the Roth and Goldschmidt fac- tory, which was built in 1788 by Eliakim Smith, whose earlier home on the same site was burned in 1/79. Elia- kim Smith's Bible was recently found in the possession of the New York Bible Society, bearing the imprint of 1634. Its inscription is quaint and interesting. "This Book was 100 years old that year the subscriber was born ; Eliakim Smith, Jr., born Dec. 25, 1734, of Norwalk in Connecticut, New England; who died Feb. IT, 1819." On its fly leaves are notes of events which seemed worthy of record to its owner, among these, "Norwalk burnt July n, 1779, and ye winter following most severe in ye fore part and ye following summer very dry:' Marshall street was, in early days, an important thor- oughfare to the dock where packets from New York and steamboats some forty years later, made landing. At the dock called Liberty Point a ferry conveyed passengers across to Oyster Shell Point, long years before there was a bridge below Norwalk. Peter Quintard had an inn at Liberty Point before the Revolution, and his son James rebuilt it after the fire. James Quintard's swining sign bore these lines: "Since man to man is so unjust You cannot tell what man to trust. I've trusted many to my sorrow So pay to-day and trust to-morrow." Old Well was scarcely a village in those days, but rather a group of farms, and the well which gave the place its name was on Water street, near the corner of Haviland street, on the property of Eliakim Raymond, a patriarch of several Norwalk lines. His house stood at the corner of Washington and Water streets before the Revolution, and was burned with the rest of the town. Subsequently the site was sold to the Rev. Absalom Day, founder of the First Methodist Church, who built a substantial house of the Georgian style of architecture, in which, it is said, one of the doors of the old Eliakim Raymond house was adapted for further service. Twenty- five years ago the Absalom Day house made way for a business block. There is an old watercolor drawing in existence which shows the house as it looked seventy-five 308 years ago. Nathaniel Raymond, son of Eliakim, served as a soldier in the Revolutionary War; and, after his return, he built the house still standing on lower Wash- ington street, near the office of Raymond Brothers, where he spent the remainder of his life; a saintly soul, always present at the prayer meetings of the old First Church. One of Eliakim Raymond's daughters married Isaac Hoyt and they lived on West street, at the foot of Edward Beard's hill, in a comfortable two-storied dwelling. The old house now owned by Mr. Becker at the foot of Washington street is an Old Well landmark built by George Day. Before the drawbridge was built the tide came almost to the door on the north side, and shad were caught from an old pier at this point. The Peck warehouse, now used by J. H. Ferris for grain stor- age, was a country store doing a thriving trade in the 'thirties. Among the great elms which died from the ravages of the elm beetle a few years ago, were two noble specimens of their race on Flax Hill. They died and were removed at about the time Mr. Thomas I. Raymond built his present residence on the property which they adorned. These trees were the landmarks of the Daniel K. Nash homestead, the site of which was the scene of exciting incidents on the day of Norwalk's British inva- sion. Gen. Garth, in command of the portion of the troops which approached Norwalk on the west side of the river, believed the resisting patriots were intrenched on Flax Hill. He therefore distributed his troops so as to cut off the Americans from escaping towards Norwalk, and with the other portion charged up the hill. There was a sharp skirmish near Trinity Church ; but the Eng- lish gained the top of the first hill, losing three men on the present Raymond property. Gen. Garth covered his purpose by a military manoeuvre and paused to bury the dead, whose remains were disinterred some fifty years afterward when the D. K. Nash house was built. The quaint cottage on West street owned by Mr. Samuel Ferris was a Revolutionary home which has suffered little change. Thomas Hoyt lived here at the time of Tryon's raid and his family shared in the general alarm. The founder of the Reed family in America is buried on the estate of Mr. Samuel Richards Weed at Rowayton, and the place has been marked with a granite tablet, bearing John Reed's name and the dates 1660-1704. was one of Cromwell's men who fled to America after the Restoration. The first Reed house, which was torn 303 down early in the nineteenth century, was a roomy, substantial structure, the loft of which was devoted to religious meeting's; the first to be held in that part of Norwalk. Many of the Reed descendants lie in the old Middle Five Mile River Cemetery. There is a group of houses in the vicinity built by later generations of Reeds, including the William R. Lockwood house, though the family has no representa- tives living there to-day. Near Keeler's ice pond are the ruins of an old chimney, the last vestige of a picturesque Warren house which was covered with broad hewn shingles and served as the subject of many a sketch and amateur photograph until its ruin was complete. As we go from Brookside to lower Five Mile River, we pass the home of Moses Webb, a veteran of the Revolution. In Rowayton, near the mouth of Five Mile River, are some Raymond houses that date back more than a hundred years. In the time of the Revolution, Ger- shom Raymond, in whose blood was mingled that of six of the founders of Norwalk, a member of the County Congress and Committtee of Safety, owned nearly the whole of lower Five Mile River, and also lands at the Oblong above New Canaan where the same stream rises. In early times Gershom Raymond kept six men on his Oblong fields to drive away the deer which were apt to trample down the growing grain. His house at Roway- ton was on Main street near the hotel building of to-day, but it disappeared long ago. Three houses built by Gershom Raymond's sons, Paul, Edward and Gershom, are the oldest dwellings in Rowayton at the present time, Paul Raymond's house dating from 1774. The Raymond Cemetery in Rowayton was founded in 1782 by these three brothers, the oldest of whom fought in the Revolutionary War. In "Picturesque America," edited by Bryant, and published about twenty-five years ago, are some drawings of Norwalk scenes by William Hamil- ton Gibson. Among these is a sketch of an old chimney on Wilson's Cove, which served for years as a range to mariners and fishermen. It is now quite disappeared ; but the house was of so much interest historically, and its structure so typical of early Norwalk houses, we must notice the description of it, which is given by W. S. Bouton, a South Norwalk antiquarian. "It was a two- story frame structure with a long roof sloping to the rear, the main timbers were of oak, fourteen inches square and 304 Paul Tavlor House, West Xorwalk. Isaac Selleck House, West Norwalk. ry Iloii^e. \Vinnipa\ik The Sherman House, Main Street, Norwalk. Jacob Jennings House, Main Street, Xorwalk. Gould Hoyt House, Main Street, Norwalk. (lid Chimnev of the Rsaias Bouton House. covered with chestnut shingles, with the butts fourteen inches to the weather. The chimney was situated in the center of the building, constructed of rough stone with cross-sticks of oak. Its inside was plastered with lime made of clam and oyster shells found in the Indian graves at Naramoke, now Wilson's Point. The windows were few and small. The main fireplace faced one of the front windows from which its owner could see Long Island Sound and the waters intervening, and watch the movements of all vessels which passed that way." Here lived Esaias Bouton, a descendant of an old Norwalk line and an interested Tory during the Revolution. He was very useful in securing produce and cattle for the British army on Long Island, and his own hearthfire served as the signal to the British vessels whether the coast guard was on duty or not. In 1798 an order signed by Tryon was found in the walls of the Bouton house, which read: "Deliver the beef, grain and vegetables, previously or- dered, to my commissary. Send them to the usual place of shipment." In West Norwalk are some picturesque old houses. The Street house is the oldest of these; and since it was considered an old house in 1750 it must be the oldest in town at the present time. It is well finished in- side with ornamental mouldings and paneled walls. Jesse Reed, from Rowayton, built his house in 1763, for which he cleared the land himself. It has been well kept and is occupied to-day by some of his descendants. Another old house is that of Isaac- Selleck, which still remains in his family. The Charles Selleck house, now occupied by Mr. Frederick Keyser, is known to be one hundred and twenty-five years old. The Nash and Taylor houses be- long to the same period as the Street house, first men- tioned. The Nash house, which is remarkably well pre- served, has a most interesting interior. Tradition credits Nathan Nash with helping the British with their foraging expeditions. The Taylor house, near by, is rapidly falling to de- cay. Its owner, Paul Taylor, was as staunch as Nathan Nash in his allegiance to King George, but took no part in the foraging raids on his neighbors' farms. He was a man of decided opinions and his Tory sentiments made him very unpopular with his American fellow townsmen. He was equally intolerant in religion, being a strong churchman of St. Paul's parish ; and when his daughter married a follower of Jesse Lee he never forgave her; 306 but, in grief and anger, bade her visit his house no more. One of his sons, too, caused parental wrath by joining the patriot cause and serving as a coast guard in Middle- sex. In the outlying regions of Silver Mine and Broad River are other picturesque old houses which survive the generations which built them, and whose histories would doubtless yield quaint and interesting reminiscences if they were brought to light. ANGELINE SCOTT. BOROUGH OF NORWALK. The Borough of Norwalk was chartered on the first Wednesday of May, 1836, and the first borough officers were elected July n, 1836, as follows: . Warden Joseph W. Hubbell. Burgesses William S. Street, Matthias Hubbell, Stephen T. Brewer, Stiles Curtis, Levi Clark, Timothy T. Merwin. Treasurer Charles Thomas. Bailiff James Stevens. Haywards Levi Clark, Jason Merrill, William Cleveland, Richard Camp, Daniel Nash, Robert Cam- eron, John Wasson, Lewis Whitney, James S. Kellogg. Pound Keepers Eli Sanford, Nathan Jarvis, Mat- thias Hubbell, Buckingham Lockwood. Inspector of Coal Wood and Hay James Stevens. Inspector of Grain Edwin Lockwood. Inspector of Butter James Porter. The first meeting of the Burgesses was held at the Town House, July 18, 1836. At a special meeting of the Freemen of the Borough held July 30, 1836, the following gentlemen were elected to the offices immediately preceding their names: Fire Inspectors Charles Isaacs, Henry Selleck, Gould D. Jennings. Street Inspectors William I. Street, John Burrall, George St. John. Assessors Moses Gregory, William St. John, Ste- phen T. Brewer. 306 BOROUGH WATER SUPPLY. Early in the spring of 1870 the question of a water supply for the Borough of Norwalk was agitated with the result that a charter for that purpose was procured and approved July 15, 1870. This charter contained a proviso that the charter should not be binding upon the Borough until accepted by a vote of the citizens at a meeting duly called for that purpose. At a special meeting of the electors held August 24, 1870, the charter for the introduction was accepted by a vote of three hundred and thirty-four yeas to sixty- five nays. On the second day of September, 1870, at a special election held for that purpose, Thomas H. Morison, Samuel Lynes, M. D., and William K. James were elected Water Commissioners, and Charles H. Street was elected Treasurer of the Water Fund. The source of the water supply is the Silver Mine stream. The City, formerly the Borough, of Norwalk owns the Scott reservoir at Lewisboro, New York, with a capacity of 54,973,000 gallons; the Grupe reservoir at New Canaan, Connecticut, with a capacity of 61,740,500 gallons; and a distributing reservoir at Spring Hill in the City of Norwalk, with a capacity of 4,500,000 gallons. The following is a complete list of the Wardens of the Borough of Norwalk from its incorporation to the incorporation of the City of Norwalk: Joseph W. Hubbell, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1840, 1841, 1855; Clark Bissell, 1839; William I. Street, 1842, 1843, 1844; Stiles Curtis, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1840, 1850, 1851; Charles E. Disbrow, 1852; Dr. Samuel Lynes, 1853, 1854, 1859, 1871 ; Dimon Fanton, 1856, 1857, 1858; William C. Street, 1860; George R. Cholwell, 1861, 1862; Asa Smith, 1863, 1864, 1870, 1873; Edwin Lockwood, 1865, 1866, 1869; Edward P. Weed, 1867, 1874*; Harvey Fitch, 1868; Asa B. Woodward, 1872; Samuel Daskam, i874, 1875, 1876; James W. Hyatt, 1877, 1880, 1881, 1885, 1886, 1887**; Thomas H. Morrison, 1878, 1879; William H. Smith, 1882, 1883, 1884; George S. Gregory, i887 ; James G. Gregory, M. D., 1888; Clar- ence B. Coolidge, 1889; John H. Lee, 1890; Edwin O. Keeler, 1891 ; John D. Kimmey, 1892 ; Edgar N. Sloan, 1893. *Resigned. Elected to fill the vacancy caused by Edward P. Weed's resignation. **Resigned. Elected to fill vacancy caused by James W. Hyatt's resignation. 307 CITY OF NORWALK. The City of Norwalk was incorporated by an act of the Legislature approved June 30, 1893, with a proviso in said act that it should "not take take effect unless approved by a majority of votes cast at a special borough meeting called for the purpose of approving or disap- proving this charter." In accordance with the above proviso a special Bor- ough meeting of the Borough of Norwalk was held July 22, 1893, at which meeting there were cast five hundred and sixty-six ballots, of which there were five hundred and fifty-two approving the charter of the City of Norwalk and fourteen disapproving the charter. On the second day of October, 1893, the first elec- tion for City officers was held at the Hope Hose rooms on Water street in said City and resulted in the selection of the following officers as the first City officials : Mayor Edwin O. Keeler. Councilmen John A. Osborn, Elbert S. Adams, Arthur C. Wheeler, Eugene L. Boyer, Alfred A. Chinery, Jr., J. Arthur Pinneo. City Treasurer and Treasurer of the W r ater Fund Henry P. Price. Collector Addison A. Betts. Auditor Victor S. Selleck. Board of Registration Alfred E. Austin, Bernard C. Feeney. Inspectors of Elections Edward M. Lockwood, Bernard Tully. City Sheriff Robert N. Morehouse. Board of Water Commissioners Clarence B. Cool- idge, Frederick Mead, John P. Treadwell. At the first meeting of the Council held' on the first Monday of January, 1894, the following elections and appointments were made: President of Council John A. Osborn. City Clerk and Corporation Counsel Edward M. Lockwood. Health Officer Jarvis Kellogg. Fire Inspector Frederick E. Lockwood. Commissioner of Streets and Sidewalks Elbert S. Adams. Board of Relief William F. Acton, Aurelius J. Meeker, Burr Smith. Chief Engineer Fire Department J. Thornton Prowitt ; First Assistant Engineer, F. W. Smith ; Second Assistant Engineer, Thomas S. Osborne. James T. Hubbell was elected Mayor for the year 1895, Arthur C. Wheeler for the years 1896 and 1897, and the present efficient and deservedly popular Mayor, Charles L. Glover, is now serving the City as its Chief Magistrate for the fourth consecutive year. The follow- ing is a complete list of the present City officials: Mayor Charles L. Glover. Councilmen Frederick Buckley, Stephen H. Holmes, George S. Grumman, Aurelius J. Meeker, Aaron H. Hoyt, Alfred Avison. City Treasurer and Treasurer of the Water Fund Henry P. Price. Tax Collector Frederick Buckley. Auditor Charles E. Curtis. City Sheriff Robert N. Morehouse. Members of Board of Registration Alfred E. Aus- tin, Nicholas Martin. Inspectors of Election John H. Hoyt, John T. Hayes. Water Commissioners Thomas S. Stout, Levi C. Hanford, Goold S. Hoyt. City Clerk and Corporation Counsel J. Belden Hurlbutt. President of the Council Frederick Buckley. Fire Inspector George H. Allen. Superintendent of Streets, Sidewalks and Sewers Martin Kellogg. City Engineer Charles N. Wood. Superintendent of Fire Alarm John H. Hoyt. Assessors William H. Byington, Goold S. Hoyt, Samuel L. Weed. Board of Relief George W. Fitch, William A. Am- bler, James Sutherland. Board of Health James G. Gregory, M. D., Walter Hitchcock, M. D., William J. Tracey, M. D., Frank I. Jones, Charles N. Arnold. Health Officer William J. Tracey, M. D. Sanitary Inspector Thomas Hunt. Fire Department Chief Engineer, J. Thornton Prowitt ; First Assistant Engineer, F. W. Smith ; Second Assistant Engineer, Thomas S. Murray : Secretary, John Greenwood. Phoenix Fire Engine Company, No. i (Organized December 16, 1858.) Captain, A. A. Chinery, Jr. ; First 309 Lieutenant, Smith Northrop ; Second Lieutenant, George Lockwood; Treasurer, Charles A. Burr; Secretary, Sam- uel Foster; Engineer, George S. Aiken; Assistant En- gineer, William S. Bartram. Hope Hose Company, No. 2 (Organized in spring of 1859 under name of Phoenix Hose Company, but changed its name to Hope Hose in 1877. Re-organized April 18, 1894.) Captain, James B. Costdlo; First Lieutenant, James H. Magner; Second Lieutenant, James Duffy ; Treasurer, Patrick Slattery ; Secretary, Ed- ward Duffy. Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company (Organized January 26, 1861.) Captain, Harry C. Mitchell; First Lieutenant, Peter Stalter ; Second Lieutenant, James Foster, Treasurer, Edwin L. Hoyt; Secretary, John H. M. Lowth. Norwalk Fire Police (Organized April 29, 1874.) President, William A. Ambler; Captain, Aurelius J. Meeker; First Sergeant, J. W. Britto; Second Sergeant, Henry Cornell ; Treasurer, Alfred Avison ; Secretary, Andrew V. Heath. Police Department Chief, Thomas Bradley ; Pa- trolmen, Robert N. Morehouse, William S. Bartram, John H. Kenny, Thomas Hunt; Specials, John Valient, Gilbert Horton, Thomas Leatherland. The various committees of the Council are as fol- lows: Finance Holmes, Meeker, Buckley. Lights Grumman, Hoyt, Avison. Fire Buckley, Avison, Grumman. Highways Hoyt, Buckley, Holmes. Police Meeker, Holmes, Hoyt. Sewers Avison, Grumman, Meeker. The following is a complete list of the Councilmen of the City of Norwalk since its incorporation: John A. Osborn, Walter R. Bates, Elbert S. Adams, *George B. Gregory, Arthur C. Wheeler, *John Cotter, Eugene L. Boyer, Aurelius J. Meeker, Alfred A. Chinnery, Frederick Buckley, J. Arthur Pinneo, * William N. Simons, William H. Smith, Alfred Avison, *Arthur B. Hill, Aaron H. Hoyt, Charles F. Tristram, Oliver E. Wilson, Harvey M. Kent, Goold S. Hoyt, 310 Charles A. Burr, Stephen H. Holmes, *Philo W. Bates, George S. Grumman. 'Deceased FINANCES. With a splendid sewer system, good highways, and a large quantity of excellent water, the City of Norwalk may well feel proud of its present financial condition. Its bonded indebtedness, including a water debt of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, is Five Hun- dred Thousand Dollars. Its floating debt, according to the Treasurer's last annual report, is $13,000.00. Four years ago its floating debt was $33,351.08, showing a reduction in that period to date of over Twenty Thousand Dollars. Its present sinking fund is $38,580.50, of which $2,000.00 was added in September, 1901. The last completed grand list was $5,104,857, which was an increase of over $30,000.00 over the previous year. LEO DAVIS. 311 SOUTH NORWALK PUBLIC LIBRARY AND FREE READING ROOM OFFICERS. President Abiathar Blanchard. Vice-President John H. Light. Secretary John J. Cavanagh. Treasurer William C. Foote. Directors Dr. G. W. Benedict, R. H. Golden, G. S. North, Col. Leslie Smith, Isaac S. Jennings. Librarian Angeline Scott. Assistant Librarian Lillie Gettler. Library Hours 9:30 a. m. to I p. m. ; 2:15 to 5:45 p. m. ; 7 to 9 p. m. Sunday afternoons, 2:30 to 5:30. HE seed contains the tree; and, in giv- ing the history of the South Norwalk Library and Free Reading Room, we find all that it is today was contained in the idea of its founders nearly twen- ty-five years ago. At a meeting of thirty business men, held in the Coun- cil Chamber on July 6, 1877, called at the instance of a few public-spirited citizens, General Nelson Taylor presented the idea of founding a free read- ing room. He said: "A public reading room, out of which a public library might very naturally grow, would add greatly to the attractions of our city and offer an additional inducement to persons seeking a place of resi- dence to settle among us; as do good schools, churches and other institutions for the advancement of education, and social and moral culture." The sense of the meet- ing was that a free reading room would be useful and practicable and a committee was appointed to devise a plan and means for executing it, consisting of E. Hill, R. H. Golden, C. W. Doty, G. S. Kendall and Nelson Dickerman. Their report, made on Nov. 17, 1877, recommended : First The formation of a corporation ; Second The raising of a fund for a lot and the erection of a building; Third The establishment of an income for the maintenance of the institution. The idea of per- manence suggested by a building, the committee thought, 312 would insure more liberal contributions from the public than an organization which occupied rented quarters. These sound and practical suggestions were accepted; and, on January i, 1878, the South Norwalk Library and Free Reading Room Corporation came into legal exist- ence with General Nelson Taylor as president, E. Hill vice-president, and C. W. Knudsen treasurer. Life membership in the corporation was secured by paying an annual fee of $4. The first librarian of the corporation was the Rev. James M. Taylor, who was one of the active promoters of the library and reading room pro- ject. His report in April, 1879, tells how the first books were obtained. A committee consisting of the librarian, John W. Scott and Nelson Dickerman was appointed in February, 1878, to solicit gifts of books from the people of South Norwalk. A circular was distributed which stated that a committee would call at every house on a given day to collect the books. Over 500 volumes were secured in this way. The Woman's Christian Tem- perance Union had a small free reading room in the Lane building on South Main street, and the corporation made an arrangement with the Union to have the books placed temporarily on their shelves with the use of them free to all visitors to the room. Members of the corporation were privileged to borrow the books for home reading. The annual fee was reduced to $2 at this time. In March, 1879, the treasurer reported $1,178 in hand, $225 of which was the gift of the /'Home Sociable Club," which gave a dramatic entertainment for the benefit of the library. Shortly afterward a lot was purchased on Wash- ington street for $1,200. A committee was appointed on June, 14, 1880, to devise a plan for a building, to esti- mate its cost and the probable income to be derived from tenants. Meantime efforts were made to raise a building fund. A fair, organized on a large scale, was held for one week during May, 1881 ; and, though the weather was "incomparably bad," the profits amounted to $1,702.83. At last, in March, 1885, it was voted to build according to plans submitted by Gen. Taylor in behalf of a committee consisting of himself, T. I. Ray- mond and C. Swartz. At this time the W. C. T. U. reading room was closed and the books were stored for six months in the basement of the Baptist church. The library building contract was awarded to J. R. Raymond, and $5,000 was borrowed by mortgaging the corpora- tion's property. The report of A. J. Crofut, treasurer, 313 showed $2,384.75 on hand. After the building was completed at a cost of $7,643.15, General Taylor sub- mitted the report of the building committee in which he said: "The plan submitted falls very far short of the modern idea of a library building, but the limited means of the association were such as to render the idea of erecting such a building as is now thought best adapted for library purposes, as to light, air, space, etc., quite out of the question, our committee therefore endeavored to keep within the means of the corporation, and run no risk of going beyond a point which they could not clearly see their way, without prejudice to a substantial and lasting foundation for the institution to rest upon." The building was, therefore, a plain three-storied busi- ness block with a store on the first floor, to which was annexed a one-story addition which was fitted up for the Library and Reading Room. A tenant was found who took the store at $200 a year, with the agreement to fur- nish light and heat and to take care of the room and books, which solved the question of attendance. The remainder of the building was rented to other tenants, resulting in an income of $648 annually. The sagacious planning which brought the corporation's affairs to this point without a single large gift as a nucleus is beyond all praise. Here was an institution started without a dollar of capital or a single book, grown, after nine years, into a corporation owning property worth about $9,000, with its liabilities well in hand and its running expenses provided for. The building was formally opened on Sept. 30, 1885, with addresses by Nelson Taylor. Jr., president of the corporation, and others, and music by amateur performers. The librarian, George S. North, was the chairman of a committee to furnish the room at a cost not exceeding $200, and to subscribe for peri- odicals not to exceed $100, together with C. W. Knud- sen and R. H. Golden. The annual membership fee was reduced to one dollar. The books belonging to the corporation were removed to the room and $200 expended for new books chosen by a committee con- sisting of Nelson Taylor, Jr., G. S. North, A. Blanchard, Miss M. A. Dibble, Miss M. H. Nash and Miss Julia M. Byxbee. Members of the corporation were invited to name the books they desired to have in the library and most of the books asked for were purchased, be- sides those selected by the committee. The Mutual Improvement Society, of which Miss M. A. Dibble was 814 president, presented $200 worth of books at this time, which were purchased with the proceeds of lecture courses given under the management of that society. Mrs. C. W. Knudsen gave one hundred and fifty vol- umes, Gen. Taylor a number of valuable reference books and the Misses Dawson over a hundred novels. When the five hundred old books and nearly six hundred new ones were brought together in the new reading room the task of arranging and cataloguing them confronted the librarian and book committee. They were assisted in their labors by others, who gathered for several hours every day for weeks to write cards and make lists and number the books, in order to make the catalogue for one thousand and sixty books, which was published in 1886 in an author and title arrangement. Mrs. A. Blanchard, P. N. Smith, F. A. Smith, Miss M. Taylor, Miss Florence Thompson, R. H. Golden, T. I. Ray- mond and J. I. Dibble were among these workers. In a few sentences is here summed up months of unre- corded work for the committee who had the organiza- tion of the library in charge. In January, 1887, The Old Well Gander Club gave a ball for the benefit of the library which resulted in a gift of $550, which was devoted to the purchase of books, adding nearly five hundred volumes to the library, and a supplement to the catalogue was printed containing the Gander Club books. Since that time no catalogue ha? been printed excepting an author list 'of the entire collection, in the form of a supplement to the "Evening Sentinel," which was generously printed by the publisher, James Golden, in 1898. A card catalogue is now being made. In April, 1887, the annual membership fee was reduced to $i. The increasing use of the library by the people of South Norwalk was noted in the reports of each month by the librarian ; and, in 1890, Mr. North asked the corporation if the time had not come to make it a free library. With characteristic prudence, a commit- tee was appointed to confer with the City Council and consider if it would be wise to offer the property of the corporation to the city, consisting of T. I. Ray- mond, Gen. Nelson Taylor and A. Blanchard. North and other members of the corporation addressed the CQtmcil at various meetings, presenting the practical side of the matter, convincing the council men that was an advantageous offer to the city of the means for establishing a free library. After these prelimi- 315 naries the corporation passed a resolution framed by General Taylor on August 19, 1890, as follows: Whereas, The additional accommodations furnish- ed by the Library and Free Reading Room Corpora- tion, which the increased and increasing number of vis- itors seemed to demand, has so largely added to the cost of its support and maintenance as to cause it to become a burden to the few having it in charge, and Whereas, The Library and Reading Room was originally intended for the public and is now being used entirely by it, it is the opinion of the Board of Trustees that the City Government should assume its care and maintenance, as the Statute of the State provides that it may through its Mayor and City Council. Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That a deed be drawn, conveying the property of the Library Corporation to the City, conditioned that the City shall maintain and keep a Free Library and Reading Room for the accommo- dation of its citizens in consideration of said convey- ance, and failing to do so, to return to the Library Corporation the property so conveyed in as good con- dition as now, or its equivalent in money, the property being appraised at the sum of $12,000, less the mortgage encumbrance, $5,000. The gift was accepted by a city meeting on De- cember 9th, 1890, and the property was duly trans- ferred to the City of South Norwalk. A tax of one- quarter of a mill annually, amounting to about $1,300, to $1,800 \vas laid for its support, which is its only in- come at the present time, aside from about $40 a year from non-resident subscribers, and less than a hundred from fines on books detained over the allowed time. In 1900 a bequest was made to the library of the interest on $1,000 by Robert H. Rowan, a life member of the old corporation. In reviewing the history of the library this is the only large gift of money disclosed, though the frequent contributions of lesser sums in times of need from C. W. Knudsen are not forgotten, nor the gifts of valuable books from several sources overlooked. The gift of one hundred juvenile books as a memorial to Edwin H. Mathewson, Jr., by his sister, Jennette Mathewson, in September, 1901, was the first memorial gift to the library, affording an example which may result in similar gifts from others. The personal labors of the presidents of the corporation, Gen. Taylor, Jr., 816 and A. Blanchard, and of E. Hill, C. W. Knudsen, George S. North, T. I. Raymond, C. Swartz, Edwin Wilcox, R. H. Golden, H. I. Smith, John H. Light and others whose names appear frequently on the records of the corporation as officers and members of com- mittees, in the days when its income was uncertain and all labor for it that of disinterested public spirit, can never be too highly valued. When the library was re- organized as a city department, the first Board of Di- rectors was appointed by Mayor Edwin Wilcox, who had been himself an active member of the corporation, serving for a number of years as its secretary. The board consisted of Col. Leslie Smith, A. Blanchard, W. B. Reed, T. I. Raymond, C. F. Hallock, R. H. Golden, Charles Adams, G. S. North, J. J. Cavanagh. C. F. Hallock was elected its first president and Miss Ange- line Scott was appointed librarian, dating from January 3, 1891. The immediate result of the change of organ- ization was an increase of book-borrowers, the members being quadrupled in the first month. The statistics for the last year of the corporation with paid memberships at $i a year, were 4,988 books loaned and 20,885 visitors. In June, 1892, the number of books in the library was 2,123, while in June, 1901, 4,546 books were reported. In January, 1895, Mr. Hallock resigned from the Board of Directors to take a seat in the Common Council and he was succeeded by A. Blanchard as president. From the beginning the reading room has been made a leading feature of the institution ; and, when the corpora- tion opened its reading room in 1885, three daily, twen- ty-one weekly and twelve monthly periodicals were pro- vided at a cost of $80.90, a large appropriation for the income at that time. At present the reading room is supplied with eight daily, twenty-five weekly, one semi- weekly, one fortnightly, and thirty-one monthly period- icals, at a cost of $170. Another feature emphasized has been reference books, as far as the means of the library permitted. The Encyclopaedia Britannica, Chambers' and Johnson's Encyclopaedias, Larned's History for Ready Reference, the Standard and Century Dictionaries, the Appleton Annual Cyclopaedia, Brad- ley's and Rand and McNally's Atlases, together with useful handbooks, compendiums and almanacs are made accessible on shelves near the reading tables. One of the first gifts to the library after it was made free was the Century Dictionary, purchased with the proceeds of 317 a New Year's tea in 1891, given in the library rooms by the wives of the directors and other interested ladies. The Jeypore Portfolios of Architectural Details, con- taining several hundred carefully reproduced drawings especially valuable to art students and designers, came to the library as a gift from H. R. H. the Maharajah of Jeypore, India. The periodicals are filed for reference, some of them being bound for circulation in volumes. When occa- sion has offered an opportunity for an exhibition of pictures without expense to the library the walls of the reading room have been brightened by artists' draw- ings for illustration, etchings and lithographs, art photographs, travellers' photographs from foreign coun- tries, Japanese prints and amateur photographs. Dur- ing Norwalk's celebration of its 25Oth anniversary the library had a collection of Norwalk pictures and books on exhibition. One local industry was honored by an exhibition in 1896, consisting of the oyster and its enemies in all stages of growth, loaned to the library by the Connecticut Shell Fish Commission. Lecture courses and literary societies have been promoted by the officers of the library. The Chautau- qua Union had a useful existence for five years after its organization by the librarian, with Rev. D. M. Sew- ard, D. D., as its inspiring president. The South Norwalk Improvement Society received its first impetus at the library. The aims of the South Norwalk Public Library are therefore broad, and its spirit has always been that of a desire to be a source of help and inspiration to all the people in the community. It stands to-day facing larger public demands than ever before from a constituency educated to look to the library for the books it wishes to read, and its needs are multiplied even more than its circulation of books since the early days. The closing paragraph of President Blanchard's report to the City Council fitly expresses the library's present outlook. "The great need of the library at the present time is more money for the purchase of books. A small increase in the fund available for this purpose would make it possible to purchase books urgently called for by the reading public, and greatly enhance the useful- ness of the library. Under these conditions the gen- erous interest of some friends of the library has been much appreciated. The benefactor who will build a 318 lasting monument for himself by an adequate endow- ment of the public library has not yet appeared and that golden opportunity is still open. Meanwhile citi- zens and tax-payers should remember that such bene- factors are most likely to help those who help them- selves and to bestow their gifts on communities likely to appreciate and make good use of them, and that, in any event, the public library is an institution which, like the public school, is worthy of their support." TOWN OF NORWALK VITAL STATISTICS Year Births Marriages Deaths Population 1840 13. 3 1 69 3,863 1850 1 06 37 6? 1851 147 51 89 4,651 1852 179 66 87 1854 192 64 109 1855 224 63 127 1856 217 74 i to 1857 221 61 129 1858 1 88 52 73 1859 1860 264 298 12 66 118 175 7,652 1861 271 58 146 tffa 278 77 183 1863 207 64 M9 1864 220 66 150 1865 229 78 153 1866 2 7 8 85 155 1867 310 93 '97 1868 310 97 219 1869 34' 107 207 1870 357 107 213 1871 329 "5 3E 12,1 IO 1872 334 IOI 263 1873 360 81 222 1874 3 2 5 - 97 221 1875 33 92 238 1876 323 73 251 1877 271 73 251 1878 200 64 217 1879 1880 273 241 u 230 226 13,956 1881 282 107 247 1882 3<>3 III 248 1883 282 89 225 1884 304 107 233 1885 1886 323 338 1X0 124 316 238 1887 343 143 287 1888 374 M9 290 1889 18 1 129 266 1890 1891 j 423 439 146 147 3'7 308 17,747 1892 '893 1894 1895 43 1 461 438 406 155 153 95 326 364 362 1896 1897 433 446 M3 126 3^6 1898 389 117 243 1899 1900 349 365 125 no 290 19,932 ANGELINE SCOTT, Librarian. 319 PART FIVE BENEVOLENT ORDERS MASONIC By Augustus C. Golding. T. John's Lodge, No. 6, F. & A. M, Norwalk, was instituted by virtue of a charter granted by R. W. George Harrison, Esq., Provincial Grand Master of the Most Ancient and Hon- orable Society of Free and Accepted Masons in the Province of New York in America. The charter is dated May 23, 1765. It names Bro. Benjamin Isaacs, Mas- ter; Stephen St. John, Senior Warden; and Jehial Ketcham, Junior Warden of said Lodge; to be held in Norwalk only, and that until such time as a Grand Master shall be appointed for the Colony of Connecticut. This charter is still in the possession ot the Lodge. The oldest record of a meeting is dated Sept. 8, 1779, and was held at the house of Brother John Betts, (now the Congregational parsonage, Norwalk). There were present at this meeting Ebenezer Whitney, Mas- ter, P. T. ; Stephen Thatcher, Senior Warden, P. T. ; Mathew Reed, Junior Warden, P. T. ; Samuel Burrall, Secretary ; Timothy Whitney Tyler, Zabulon Williams, John Ritch, Daniel Jackson, Eleazor Scott and Dunlap Coggeshal. The records previous to the above are supposed to have been lost by the burning of the Town about two months before this meeting. The first election of officers on the records is dated February 17, 1780, when Stephen St. John was elected Master. The fee for initiation was fixed at two hundred Continental dollars, anl ten dollars for the Tyler. June i, 1780, voted: This Lodge, taking into con- sideration the captivity of Brother Ebenezer Whitney, have thereupon voted out of the funds of this Lodge four hundred dollars for his release, in case it is needed. Previous to the formation of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, the several Lodges in Fairfield County held quarterly conventions. The Lodge was represented at a meeting held in New Haven, I4th of January, 1784, when the first Grand 380 Master was elected ; but was not when the Grand Lodge was formed in 1789, but soon after arfiiliated with it and received a new charter, and at the renumbering of the Lodges in 1796, according to seniority, was numbered 6. It has continued in active existence to the present time, its doors not having been closed during the Anti- Masonic excitement, 1828-1835. In May, 1865, the Lodge celebrated its centennial. There was a large gathering of distinguished Masons and brethren from other lodges. The consent of St. John's Lodge, No. 6, has been given to form the following lodges: Jerusalem, No. 49, of Ridgefield, in 1808 ; Temple, No. 65, of Westport, in 1824 ; Harmony, No. 67, of New Canaan, in 1825 ; and Old Well, No. 108, in South Norwalk, in 1868 ; the last having concurrent jurisdiction with St. John's, No. 6. The following is a list of brethren who have held the office of Worshipful Master in St. John's Lodge, No. 6, from its organization in 1765 until the present time: Benjamin Isaacs, u years; Stephen St. John, 6; Ebenezer Whitney, 3 ; David Lambert, 3 ; Matthew Reed, 5 ; Samuel Burrall, i ; Jonathan Knight, 10, Isaac S. Isaacs, I ; Phineas Miller, 2 ; Taylor Sherman, i ; Josiah Thatcher, 2 ; William M. Betts, i ; Moses Greg- ory, i; Daniel Church, i; William J. Street, 4; Joseph Keeler, 5 ; William G. Betts, i ; Stephen Smith, 2 ; Henry Selleck, 2; Philo Price, 4; Asa E. Smith, 4; James Stevens, n ; Henry W. Smith, 5 ; George F. Daskam, i ; John A. McLean, i ; Dimon Fanton, i ; Eli K. Street, i ; William D. Camp, i ; Samuel Lynes, M. D., 2; William W. Storey, i ; Thomas B. Butler, i ; Asa Smith, i ; F. St. John Lockwood, i ; Edward P. Weed, i ; Albert H. Wil- coxson, i ; Alfred H. Camp, 6; John H. Aiken, i ; Levi Warner, Jr., i ; Clauge Gnthrie, i ; James W. Storey, 3 ; Theodore Wilcox, i ; Isaac Church, Jr., i ; David Pol- lard, i ; Augustus C. Golding, 3 ; Jesse Pollard, i ; Mark Harris, i ; G. Ward Selleck, i ; Daniel C. Nash, i ; John Cotter, 2; John H. Lee, 3: Charles W. Many, 2; Brain- erd W. Maples, I ; Frederick Mead, 2 ; Arthur C. Wheeler, 2 ; John H. Wade, i ; Edgar N. Sloan, 2 ; Har- vey M. Kent, i ; Samuel H. Huntington, i ; George E. Curtis. Of the above George F. Daskam and Asa Smith have been Grand Master of Masons for the State of Con- necticut. an Old Well Lodge, No. 108, F. & A. M., was organ- ized under a dispensation granted by M. W. William Storer, Grand Master of Masons, July 27, 1868, and re- ceived a charter from the Grand Lodge May 12, 1869. The charter members were: Theodore Wilcox, W. M.; Samuel Comstock, S. W. ; Frederick A. Kayser, J. W. ; Chester F. Tolles, Treasurer; William S. Knapp, Sec- retary; George W. Knight, S. D., and William B. Reed, J. D. The place of meeting is in Washington street, South Norwalk. Old Well Lodge has been prosperous from the be- ginning and now numbers 193 members. The following is a list of brethren who have held the office of Worshipful Master in Old Well Lodge, No. 108, from its organization in 1868 until the present time: Theodore Wilcox, Samuel Comstock, George W. Knight, Robert M. Wilcox, William H. Raymond, Thaddeus Guyer, George W. Smith, John W. Bogardus, James M. Warden, R. Eugene Kinney, William P. Beers, J. Albert McGinnis, John J. Nash, Charles J. Palmer, Edward K. Diver, Jay Simons, Leo Davis and Chester F. Clark. ROYAL ARCH MASONRY. Washington Chapter, No. 24, R. A. M., was char- tered by the M. E. Grand Chapter of Connecticut, on the loth day of May, 1827, to be holden in the Town of Norwalk, and named Companions Henry Selleck to be first High Priest; Phineas Miller, first King, and Ste- phen Smith to be first Scribe, most of the members of this new Chapter had been members of Rittenhouse Chapter, No. n, which had held its convocation in Nor- walk and Stamford, and which from that time held its meetings in Stamford. Shortly after starting out in life Washington Chapter met the wave of anti-masonry which for many years retarded its progress but it sur- vived all persecutions, and to-day continues its work commenced more than seventy years ago. How strong the anti-masonic storm was may be judged from the fact that no new Chapter was chartered after Washing- ton, No. 24, until May, 1851, a period of twenty-four years. Washington Chapter has always held its meetings in the hall of St. Johns Lodge, No. 6. The following is a list of Companions who have held the office of M. E. High Priest in Washington Chapter, No. 24, from its organization in 1827 until the present time: Henry Selleck, Phineas Miller, William J. Street, Elijah Gregory, James Stevens, Edwin Hoyt, John A. McLean, George F. Daskam, Samuel Lynes, M. D., William W. Storey, Asa Smith, Albert H' Wilcoxson, Edward P. Weed, Stephen Merrill, Augustus C. Gold- ing, Robert M. Wilcox, George W. Smith, William A. Sammis, William Randel Smith, Joseph T. Rice, George Ward Selleck, Wallace Dann, James M. Warden, Theo- dore E. Smith, Elmer J. Fairchild, David Pollard, Far- ron S. Betts, Samuel H. Huntington, George E. Curtis, Arthur C. Wheeler. Companion Asa Smith has held the office of M. E. Grand High Priest for the State of Connecticut. Butler Chapter, No. 38, R. A. M., was organized under a dispensation granted in December, 1873, and Chartered May 12, 1874. Charter members, Robert M. Wilcox, M. E. H. P. ; George W. Smith, E. K. ; Wil- liam B. Reed, E. S.; W. H. Raymond, C. of H.; Joseph R. Raymond, P. S. ; Riston A. Brewer, R. A. C. ; Henry D. Fox, M. 3 V.; Theodore Wilcox, M. 2 V.; Charles B. Dake, M. ist V.; William Goodwin, Tyler; John E. Smith, Treas.; John W. Craw, Secretary. Butler Chapter holds its Convocations in the hall of Old Well Lodge, No. 108. It has prospered since its institution, and now has 106 members. The following is a list of Companions who have held the office of High Priest in Butler Chapter, No. 38, from its organization in 1873 until the present time: Robert W. Wilcox, 1873-4-5-6-7-8-9; George W. Smith, 1880; Thadderts Guyer. 1881-2-3-4-5-8-9; John W. Bo- gardus, 1886-7; William H. Raymond, 1890; William P. Beers, 1891-2-3-4; Peter Decker, 1895-6-7-8; J. Al- bert McGinnis, 1899; Charles J. Palmer, 1900-01. KNIGHTS TEMPLARS. Clinton Commandery, No. 3, Knights-Templars, was instituted by virtue of a Dispensation issued by De- Witt Clinton, Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templars, in the United States of America, and dated Feb. Qth, 1827, and it was located in the town of Washington, Litchfield County, the first Eminent Commander being Daniel B. Brinsmade. The Commandery was started with eleven Charter members, and created seventeen Knights in about one year. It was one of the three Commanderies which formed the Grand Commandery of Connecticut in 1827, its Eminent Commander being the third officer of that body. The wave of Anti-Masonry soon checked its pro- gress, and in 1847 it was removed to Norvvalk, the two Knights living here, Henry W. Smith and Edwin Hoyt, with John W. Leeds of Stamford affiliated with it, and four Knights being created by the Grand Officers, one of them, James Stevens, was elected Eminent Com- mander, and from that time it has prospered. Its juris- diction then extended over the counties of Fairfield and Litchfield. In 1855 permission was given to form Ham- ilton Commandery, No. 5, of Bridgeport, and the jurisdiction was divided between them. In 1870 per- mission was given to form Crusader Commandery, No. 10, of Danbury, and all of the territory north of, and including the town of Ridgefield, was given to Crusader, No. 10. Clinton Commandery has always held its stated conclaves since it was located in Norwalk in the hall of St. Johns Lodge, and on the first Friday of the month. The following is a list of Sir Knights who have held the office of Eminent Commander of Clinton Command- ery from its organization in 1827 until the present time: Daniel B. Brinsmade, James Stevens, George F. Das- kam, William W. Storey, Asa Smith, David M. Lane, Augustus C. Golding, James W. Storey, David Pollard, Edwin Hoyt, George Ward Selleck, Dwight Waugh, Levi C. Hanford, Wallace Dann, Christian Swartz, George W. Raymond, Henry M. Cooley, Frank Street, J. Belden Hurlbutt, Charles E. Dow, Elmer J. Fairchild, Charles N. Wood, Peter Decker, Arthur C. Wheeler, Farron S. Betts, Ferdinand B. Smith. The following have held the office of Grand Master or Grand Com- mander of Knights Templars in the State of Connecti- cut: John A. McLean, George F. Daskam, William W. Storey, Augustus C. Golding, Christian Swartz. 394 All organizations of every kind were invited by circular and also in the local papers to furnish statistics for this de- partment, and if any society is omitted it is because its sec- retary did not respond. Ed. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC UCKINGHAM POST, No. 12, Dep't. of Connecticut; Date of organization, Feb. 25, 1880. Number of members, 85. Objects of the organization We, the soldiers and sailors, and hon- orably discharged soldiers and sailors of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps of the United States, who have con- sented to this Union, having aided in maintaining the honor, integrity and supremacy of the National Govern- ment during the late Rebellion, do unite to establish a permanent association for the objects hereinafter set forth: The objects to be accomplished by this organization are as follows: 1. To preserve and strengthen those kind and fraternal feelings which bind together the soldiers, sai- lors and marines who united to suppress the late Rebel- lion, and to perpetuate the memory and history of the dead. 2. To assist such former comrades in arms as need help and protection, and to extend needful aid to the widows and orphans of those who have fallen. 3. To maintain true allegiance to the United States of America, based upon a paramount respect for, and fidelity to, its Constitution and Laws; to discoun- tenance whatever tends to weaken loyalty, incites to insurrection, treason or rebellion, or in any manner impairs the efficiency and permanency of our free insti- tutions; and to encourage the spread of universal liberty, equal rights and justice to all men. Officers Commander, Fletcher Pierce ; Senior Vice-Commander, John F. Lovejoy ; Junior Vice-Com- mander, Jarvis Kellogg; Adjutant, Wm. A. Kellogg; Quartermaster, James H. Hoyt; Surgeon, Horace G. Burr; Chaplain, Wm. A. Ambler; Officer of the Day, Nicholas Kline; Officer of the Guard, Alfred A. Chin- erv ; Quartermaster Sergeant, Henry M. Stanton. 336 BUCKINGHAM WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS, No. 30, DEP'T. OF CONN., AUXILIARY TO THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Objects of the Organization. Section i. To spe- cially aid and assist the Grand Army of the Republic and to perpetuate the memory of their heroic dead. Sec. 2. To assist such Union veterans as need our help and protection, and to extend needful aid to their widows and orphans. To find them homes and employ- ment, and assure them of sympathy and friends. To cherish and emulate the deeds of our army nurses, and of all loyal women who rendered loving service to our country in her hour of peril. Sec. 3. To maintain true allegiance to the United States of America; to inculcate lessons of patriotism and love of country among our children and in the communities in which we live; and encourage the spread of universal liberty and equal rights to all. Date of organization Dec. 19, 1887. Number of Members 64. President, Mrs. Mary E. Fairchild; Senior Vice- President, Mrs. Clarissa B. Bates; Junior Vice-Presi- dent, Mrs. Delia A. Wilcoxson; Secretary, Mrs. Emily Alice Pelton ; Treasurer, Mrs. Sarah E. Reynolds ; Chaplain, Mrs. Sophronia P. Perry; Conductor, Mrs. Ella Faulds ; Assistant Conductor, Mrs. Kate Shre- wood ; Guard, Mrs. Ann M. Canfield ; Assistant Guard, Mrs. Eliza J. Kellogg; First Color Bearer, Mrs. Rose Hoskins ; Second Color Bearer, Mrs. Emma J. Robin- son ; Third Color Bearer, Mrs. Ada Byington ; Fourth Color Bearer, Mrs. Mary F. Decker. DOUGLAS FOWLER POST, GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Objects. A social organization of veterans of the Civil War. Date of Organization. Oct. 13, 1879. Members. 300 on its roll ; present number, 70. Present Officers. Commander, Caleb Wood; Sen- ior Vice-Commander, Frederick A. Arnold; Junior Vice-Commander, Hiram F. Brundage ; Chaplain, Ste- phen R. Wilcox; Surgeon, Gould Saunders ; Officer of the Day, Frederick Keating ; Officer of the Guard, John Grant ;" Adjutant, D. P. Morrell ; Sergeant-Major, J. H. Stevens; Quartermaster-Sergeant, R. J. Jamerson. 387 DOUGLAS FOWLER WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS, No. 15. Objects of the Organization. To assist the Grand Army of the Republic. Date of Organization. July 25th, 1885. Number of Members. 22. Present Officers. President, Rachel A. Keeler ; Senior Vice-President, Lizzie Delehenty : Junior Vice- President, Minnie S. Wood; Secretary, Jennette E. Webb ; Treasurer, Fannie J. Joyce ; Chaplain, Eliza- beth A. Mitchel; Conductor, Annie M. Brotherton ; First Color Bearer, Annie E. Buttery ; Second Color Bearer, Mary E. Hendrick; Third Color Bearer, Angie A. Brown; Fourth Color Bearer, Lizzie A. Brotherton. THE O. S. FERRY COMMAND, UNION VET- ERANS UNION, No. 7, DEP'T. OF CONN. Objects of the Organization. Social body of the veterans of the Civil War and beneficial, to look after the sick and bury the dead. Date of Organization. January, 1884. Number of Members. Twenty-eight members in good standing. Present Officers. Colonel, C. H. Jimmerson; Lieut.-Col., Frank Seymour; Major, James La'Hom- medieu; Surgeon, J. B. Wheeler; Adjutant, G. S. North; Quartermaster, Norman HatcrTmin. THE NORWALK CHAPTER, DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Objects of the Organization. "The object of this Chapter shall be to honor the heroic men and women of the Revolution, especially to ascertain and preserve the names of such heroic men and women as lived in Norwalk, and to use all available means to cultivate a spirit of patriotism in the rising generation and to carry out in general the purposes of the National Society." By-Laws of the Chapter. 838 Date of Organization. December 16, 1892. Number of Members. Number enrolled, 160; pre- sent membership, 128. Present Officers. Regent, Mrs. Samuel Richards Weed; Vice-Regent, Mrs. George H. Noxon; Regis- trar, Mrs. Robert Van Buren; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Lester Hyatt; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Kate Palmer Hunter; Treasurer, Mrs. Edwards G. Wilkinson; Historian, Miss Arigeline Scott; Curator, Miss Sarah F. Lewis: Advisory Committee Mrs. James L. Stevens, Mrs. Jabez Backus, Mrs. Charles Dennis, Mrs. Charles W. Shelton, Mrs. Charles H. Nay- lor; Honorary Vice-Regents, Mrs. E. J. Hill and Mrs. Thomas K. Noble. THE CONNECTICUT CHAPTER OF THE DAUGHTERS OF FOUNDERS AND PATRIOTS OF AMERICA. Objects of the Organization. Section i. To associate congenial women whose ancestors struggled together for life, liberty, home and happiness in this land when it was a new and unknown country, and whose lines of descent come through patriots who sus- tained the Colonies in the struggle for independence in the Revolutionary War. Sec. 2. To teach reverent regard for the names and history, character, deeds and heroism of the founders of this country and their patriotic descendants and to inculcate patriotism in the present and succeed- ing generations. Sec. 3. To discover and preserve family records and history otherwise unwritten and unknown, of the first Colonists, their ancestors and descendants. Sec. 4. To commemorate events of the history of the Colonies and of the Republic, and in times of war to obtain and forward supplies for field hospitals. Sec. 5. To meet together for debate on current events, criticism of books, historical purposes, and for social enjoyment. Date of Organization. National Society, June 7, 1898; Connecticut Chapter, June 4, 1901. Number of Members. Nineteen. Present Officers. President, Mrs. T. K. Noble; 329 Vice-President, Mrs. C. W. Shelton ; Recording Secre- tary, Mrs. J. B. Gerard ; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Frederick Belden ; Treasurer, Miss Cornelia Pomeroy ; Registrar, Mrs. Robert Van Buren ; Historian, Mrs. H. N. Perry; Chaplain, Mrs. Jabez Backus; Color Bearer, Mrs. Chas. W. Rockwell. THE NORWALK HISTORICAL AND MEMOR- IAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Objects of the Organization. For the promotion and encouragement of historical, antiquarian and genea- logical investigation relating to said town. Date of Organization. October 5, if Number of Members. One hundred. Present Officers. President, F. St. John Lock- wood; Vice-President, J. H. Ferris; Secretary, Samuel R. Weed; Treasurer, John P. Treadwell; Curator, Rev. C. M. Selleck; Executive Committee, F. St. John Lockwood, Samuel R. Weed, Rev. C. M. Selleck, Frank A. Ferris, John P. Treadwell, Robert Van Buren, Nellie S. (Mrs. S. R.) Weed. THE CENTRAL CLUB OF NORWALK. Objects of the Organization. The object of this club is to promote the welfare of the women of Norwalk, and to provide a central meeting place for the Woman's Clubs of the town of Norwalk. Date of organization. February 25th, 1896. Number of Members. One hundred and ten. Present Officers. President, Mrs. Charles Dennis ; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. H. H. Barroll, Mrs. James Glynn Gregory, Mrs. Frederick Belden, Mrs. W. D. Vernam ; Secretary, Mrs. George Washington Cram ; Treasurer, Mrs. F. S. Lyon, Jr. WOMAN'S CLUB OF NORWALK. Objects of the Organization. To form an organ- ized center for the intelluctual culture of its members. 380 Date of Organization. January, 1885. Number of Members. Two honorary members, twenty-five active members. Present Officers. President, Mrs. I. S. Jennings; Vice-President, Mrs. C. W. Shelton; Secretary, Mrs A. B. Hill ; Treasurer, Mrs. L. O. Coolidge. FRIDAY AFTERNOON CLUB. Objects of the Organization. An organized center for the literary culture of its members. Date of Organization. October, 1890. Number of Members. Sixty. Present Officers. President, Mrs. C. A. Tucker; Vice-President, Miss Helen Ferris; Secretary, Miss Sadie Dibble ; Treasurer, Mrs. H. N. Dunning. THE NORWALK CLUB. Objects of the Organization. (Copied from Sec- tion 2 of the Act of Incorporation.) The purposes and objects shall be to establish and maintain in Norwalk a club-house, buildings and grounds, for the maintenance of a library, art gallery, reading-room and gymnasium, for the mutual pleasure, profit and usefulness of its members, and by means of social and business meetings and by discussion, lectures' and other lawful expedients, to develop a healthy public sentiment respecting the social, intellectual, sanitary and commercial needs and interests of Norwalk. Date of Organization. March I, 1887. Number of Members. One hundred and forty. Present Officers. President, Henry W. Gregory; Vice-President, Charles F. Tristram; Secretary, Sey- mour Curtis; Treasurer and Collector, Charles E. Curtis; Directors James G. Gregory, George M. Holmes, Joseph C. Randle, Henry P. Price, William C. Baur, Harvey M. Kent, Robert S. Van Buren, Wil- liam M. Betts; Council Horace E. Dann, George B. Buxton, John .P. Treadwell, Edward Meeker, George L. Woodward, Louis W. Leonard, Allen G. Betts, Frank A. Van Buren, Winfield H. Baldwin, D. Warren Fitch, Fred'k A. Lockwood, Fred'k A. Ellis; Auditors- Samuel Lynes, Chester S. Selleck. 331 THE SOUTH NORWALK CLUB. Objects of the Organization. To maintain a Club- House with reading rooms, billiard room and gymna- sium. Date of Organization. March 3Oth, 1898. Number of Members. One hundred. Present Officers. President, John H. Ferris; Vice- President, James Golden; Secretary and Treasurer, Fred'k H. Quintard. THE CATHOLIC CLUB. Objects of the Organization. Social intercourse amongst its members; to provide them with the con- venience of a club-house, and to afford them an oppor- tunity for moral, intellectual and physical improvement. Date of Organization. Januaray, 1897. Number of Members. One hundred. Present Officers. Moderator, Rev. J. J. Furlong ; President, Dr. W. J. Tracey ; Vice-President, Dr. T. J. Clune; Treasurer, Wm. J. Howard; Secretary, E. J. Finnegan. THE NORWALK YACHT CLUB. Objects of the Organization. To encourage and promote the sport of yachting. Date of Organization. 1894. Number of Members. One hundred and fifteen, Oct. i, 1901. Present Officers. Commodore, Clarence F. Os- born ; Vice-Commodore, A. E. Chasmar ; Rear Com- modore, Hubert E. Bishop; Treasurer, Howard H. Mossman ; Secretary, Geo. E. Curtis ; Governing Com- mittee The above five officers, ex-officio, and Messrs. Samuel Lynes, Albert Mossman, Wm. H. Palmer and Edw. E. Gorham. THE NORWALK GOLF CLUB. (Corporation.) Object of Organization. Its object shall be to pro- mote the game of golf and other outdoor sports, and to provide for its members the means for enjoyment of the same, exercising all the rights under, arid subject at all times to, the Statute Laws of the State of Connecticut relative to such corporations. Date of Organization. Articles of Association signed, and Club incorporated October i6th, 1899. Number of Members. One hundred and eighty- seven. Present Officers (September, 1901). President, Robert Van Buren ; Vice-President, Edward M. Lock- wood ; Secretary, Frederick A. Hill : Treasurer, Albert Mossman; Captain, Chester Selleck; Directors The above-named officers and Philip N. Knapp, Reed G. Haviland, Charles Edwards Miller, Lewis C. Green, Victor S. Selleck. PINE LEDGE OUTING CLUB. Objects of the Organization. Recreation, sociabil- ity and mutual enjoyment. Date of Organization. July 27th, 1894. Number of Members. Sixty-four. Present Officers. President, Robert Van Buren; Vice-President, E. L. Boyer ; Secretary and Treasurer, H. P. Price. KNOB OUTING CLUB. Objects of the Organization. To form an organi- zation of ladies and gentlemen for the purpose of amusement and recreation. Date of Organization. October xoth, 1891. Number of Members. Two hundred. Present Officers. President, Richard H. Golden; Vice-President, Edwin H. Mathewson ; Secretary and Treasurer, F. H. Quintard. ARION SINGING SOCIETY. Objects of the Organization. To cultivate the German language and song. Date of Organization. November 3, 1885. m Number of Members. Sixty-eight. Present Officers. President, Charles Schaub ; Vice-President, Herman Malmo ; Recording Secretary, Henry Kriete; Financial Secretary, Gustave Koncour; Treasurer, Henry Froeb ; Trustees Jacob Schaub, Paul Berg, August Roettcher. THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE NORWALKS. Objects of the Organization. "The object shall be the spiritual, intellectual, social and physical welfare of young men." Date of Organization. October, 1900. Incorpor- ated May 17, 1901. Number of Members. Seniors, 153; Juniors, 100. Present Officers. President, H. J. Hipson; Vice- President, S. C. Palmer; Recording Secretary, W. J. Leland; Treasurer, C. E. Hoyt; General Secretary, James H. Norris. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY OF THE Y. M. C. A. Objects of the Organization. To assist the Asso- ciation in its work among young men. Date of Organization. November, 1888. Number of Members. Forty-eight. Present Officers. President, Mrs. E. L. Ely ; Vice- President, Mrs. E. McGonegal ; Treasurer, Miss Belle Doane; Secretary, Mrs. H. C. Sherer. THE WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION OF CONN., AUXILIARY TO THE STATE AND NATIONAL UNION. Objects of the Organization. The object of the Union is to purify and uplift, to plan and carry for- ward measures which shall result, with the blessing of God, in the suppression of vice and intemperance and the salvation of our fellow creatures. Our badge is the bow of white ribbon, emblematic of purity, worn by each member. 334 Date of Organization. 1877. Number of Members. 18. Present Officers. President, Mrs. Wm. Lawrence ; Secretary, Mrs. Ruth T. Makin ; Treasurer, Mrs. C. A. Remson. FRIENDLY GREETING DIVISION, No. 53, SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Objects of the Organization. Temperance. Date of Organization. Dec. 2, 1874. Number of Members. Sixty-seven. Present Officers. Worthy Patriarch, Fred M. Hawley ; Worthy Associate, Mrs. Fred W. Buttery ; Recording Scribe, Miss Lulu F. Prescott; Assistant Recording Scribe, Miss Grace Dickens; Financial Scribe. Seymour Crofoot; Treasurer, Mrs. M. E. Buttery; Chaplain, Miss Minnie Buttery; Conductor, Miss Annie Aiken; Assistant Conductor, Miss Delia Dickens ; Inside Sentinel, Eddie Guthrie ; Outside Sen- tinel, Sidney Guthrie; Past Worthy Patriarch, Z. T. Osborn. CONCORD DIVISION, SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Objects of the Organization. The suppression of drunkenness and its attendant miseries, and the educa- tion of the young in the same direction. Number of Members. Seventy-two. Present Officers W. P., Oscar S. Canfield; W. A., L. E. Brundage; R. S., Mrs. W. A. Pryer; A. R. S., Mrs. Oscar Canfield; F. S., W. A. Kel- logg; Treasurer, Lewis Hubbell; Chaplain, Mrs. Charles; Con., Miss Hoggson; A. C., Miss Pitzer; I. S., Harry Smith; O. S., N. E. Peck; P. W. P., Miss Lillian Deverell ; Supr. L. C., Mrs. Fred M. Wheeler. RISING STAR DIVISION, No. 40, SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Objects of the Organization. Temperance reform. Date of Organization. Nov. i6th, 1885. Number of Members. Fifty-three. Present Officers. W. P., Wm. Sniffin; R. S., Pearl A. Stevens; D. G. W. P., C. H. Guider. 836 WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 151, I. O. G. T. Objects of the Organization. Social combination against intemperance. Date of Organization. Jan. 2, 1872. Number of Members. Twenty. Present Officers. C. T., D. A. Pillow ; V. T., Mrs. E. S. Taylor; P. C. T., E. S. Taylor; Chaplain, Mrs. Caroline Wyman; Treasurer, W. F. Pillow; Financial Secretary, Julia Crawford; Secretary, Lena B. Pillow; Assistant Secretary, E. J. Taylor ; Marshal, George Mills; D. M., John Loft; Guard, Albert Hendricks; L. D., E. J. Taylor. ST. JOHN'S LODGE, No. 6, F. & A. M. Objects of the Organization. Promotion of char- ity and good will among men. Date of Organization. May 23rd, 1765. Number of Members. One hundred and eighty- three. Present Officers. W. M., George E. Curtis; S. W., Farron S. Betts ; J. W., Chas. F. Tristram ; Sec., Flet- cher Van Hoosar; Treasurer, Samuel Lynes. BUTLER CHAPTER, No. 38, R. A. M. Objects of Organization. Masonic. Date of Organization. December, 18/3. Number of Members. One hundred and six. Present Officers. M. E. H. P., Chas. J. Palmer; E. H., Chester F. Clark; E. S., Andrew Walker; Treasurer, Henry A. Wood; Secretary, Robert M. Wil- cox; O. O. H.,"Wm. H. Raymond; P. S., J. A. Mc- Ginnis ; R. A. C., Wm. P. Beers ; M. 3 V., Peter Decker ; M. 2 V., Chas. A. Damon; M. i V., Hickson W. Cole; Organist, Daniel C. Nash ; Chaplain, Geo. W. Smith ; Tyler, Andrew J. Crossman. OLD WELL LODGE, No. 108, F. & A. M Objects of Organization. Masonic. Date of Organization. September, 1868. 336 Number of Members. One hundred and ninety- four. Present Officers. W. M., Chester F. Clark; S. W., Peter Decker; J. W., Hickson W. Cole; Treasurer, James A. Brown; Secretary, Robert M. Wilcox; S. D., Robert A. Kline; J. D., Stephen S. Naphey; S. S., Frank Gamwin; J. S., Henry A. Lewis; Marshal, Wm. P. Beers; Chaplain, Wm. H. Raymond; Organist, Daniel C. Nash; Tyler, Andrew J. Crossman. WASHINGTON CHAPTER, No. 24, ROYAL ARCH MASONS. Objects of Organization. Masonic. Date of Organization. 1827. Number of Members. About one hundred and thirty. Present Officers. E. C., Arthur C. Wheeler, H. P.; C., Leo Davis, K.; C., E. P. Weed, S.; C., Samuel Lynes, Treasurer; C., G. W. Raymond, Secretary; E. C., S. H. Huntington, C. of H.; E. C., J. W. Storey, P. S. ; C., J. C. Forbush, R. A. C., ; C., Allen G. Betts, T.; Master of the Veils, John Valiant, Peter Stalter, Wallace Dann; Trustees, J. W. Storey, David Pollard, Wallace Dann. CLINTON COMMANDERY, No. 3, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS. Date of Organization. Feb. 9, 1827. Present Number of Members. Eighty-six. Present Officers. F. B. Smith, Eminent Com- mander; Dr. S. H. Huntington, Generalissimo; Charles Finch, Captain General; Charles Fable, Junior War- den; George W. Raymond, Treasurer; Farron b. Betts, Recorder; George E. Curtis, Prelate; W. Michaels, Standard Bearer; Peter Stalter, Sword Bearer; A. C. Wheeler, Warder; Claude Guthne, First Guard; C. N. Wood, Second Guard; S. B. Lockwood, Third Guard; A. A. Betts, Sentinel. OUR BROTHERS LODGE, I. O. O. F. Objects of the Organization. To relieve the dis- tressed, to bury the dead and educate the orphan. Date of Organization. October 19, 1842. Number of Members. Four hundred and thirty- eight. Present Officers. Royal A. Ellis, N. G. ; Samuel O. Kemp, V. G. ; B. S. Keith, Secretary ; A. A. Betts, Treasurer; St. John Merrill, Financial Secretary. KABAOSA ENCAMPMENT, No. 9, I. O. O. F. Objects of the Organization. A higher branch of Odd Fellowship for the farther promotion of good and welfare amongst Odd Fellows. Date of Organization. September I7th, 1845. Number of Members. One hundred and sixty- eight. Present Officers. Royal Ellis, C. P. Joseph G. Hyatt, H. P.; Wilbur F. Hubbell, S. W.; St. John Mer- rill, Scribe; Bradley S. Keith, Treasurer; Samuel O. Kemp, J. W. BUTLER LODGE, No. 97, I. O. O. F. Date of Organization. September 25, 1875. Number of Members. Three hundred and ninety- three. Present Officers. N. G., Hubert S. Mitchell ; V. S., John Keogh ; Secretary, Frank E. Carr. COLFAX ENCAMPMENT, No. 31, I. O. O. F. Objects of the Organization. To benefit one an- other socially and financially. Date of Organization. June 27th, 1892. Number of Members. About sixty. Present Officers. Chief Patriarch, Wm. Q. Mer- riam ; Senior Warden, D. Burr Beach ; Junior Warden, James H. Wilmot; Scribe, John H. Batterson ; Sen- tinel, John Sniffen ; Treasurer, Frank Carr ; High Priest, Samuel Silliman. EUREKA REBEKAH LODGE. Objects of the Organization. For Mutual Aid. Date of Organization. December Qth, 1895. Number of Members. Two hundred and fifty. Present Officers. Past Grand, Belle Hodshon; Noble Grand, Adelia Martineau; Vice Grand, Gussie Barthol ; Financial Secretary, Addie Hyatt ; Recording Secretary, Elizabeth Henderson; Treasurer, Hattie Batterson. SOUTH NORWALK IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. Objects of the Organization. Improvement of Norwalk. "The object of this Association shall be to awaken and encourage in the community a sentiment and spirit which will act for the common interest; to create or stimulate in the individual a desire for the elevation and improvement of the community, thereby securing better hygienic conditions in our homes and surroundings; an improvement of our streets, sidewalks and public grounds ; the planting and cultivating of trees and the protection of natural scenery, and the building up and beautifying the whole town of Norwalk, and so enhanc- ing the beauty and value of its property and rendering it a still more inviting place for residence." Date of Organization. January 13, 1896. Number of Members. One hundred and twenty- five. Present Officers. President, John H. Light ; Sec- retary, Thomas I. Raymond; Treasurer, Leslie Smith. THE NORWALK BUILDING LOAN AND INVESTMENT CORPORATION. Objects of the Organization. Saving Money and getting a home. Date of Organization. August 2Oth, 1889. Number of Members. Two hundred and fifty. Present Officers. President, Nelson Taylor; Sec- retary, R. H. Golden ; Treasurer, Geo. C. Stillson. 339 SOUTH NORWALK BOARD OF TRADE. Objects of Organization. To induce manufacturers to locate in South Norwalk and develop the city; to promote trade, manufactures and commercial enter- prises. Date of Organization. April 10, 1897. Number of Members. Seventy-five. Present Officers. President, Nelson Taylor; Sec- retary, R. H. Golden. NORWALK BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION. Objects of the Organization. Best interests of merchants and the community. Date of Organization. December 29, 1898. Number of Members. Fifty. Present Officers. President, E. S. Adams; Vice- President, A. C. Wheeler; Secretary, C. E. Curtis; Treasurer, M. H. Glover. NORWALK HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION. Objects of the Organization. Maintenance of a hospital. Date of Organization. Dec. 2, 1892. Number of Members. One hundred and twenty- two. Present Officers. President, Hon. John H. Ferris; Vice- President, Robert Van Buren ; Secretary, Stephen W. Velsor; Treasurer, Charles B. Stevens; Executive Committee Dr. J. G. Gregory, Thomas I. Raymond, William F. Bishop. RIVERSIDE CEMETERY ASSOCIATION. Objects of the Organization. To create a park cemetery. Date of Organization. May I9th, 1886. Number of Members. Joint Stock Association. Present Officers. President, Vice-President, Sec- retary, Treasurer and Superintendent. 840 UNCAS TRIBE, No. 26, IMP. O. RED MEN. Objects of the Organization. To aid distressed brothers in sickness and death and their widows and orphans. Date of Organization. May 18, 1893. Number of Members. Twp hundred and five. Present Officers. W. A. Thompson, S.; J. W. Gorham, S. S.; R. J. Smith, J. S., A. B. Freeman, C. of R. HAY LOFT OF UNCAS, 26 1-2. Objects of the Organization. Assisting in sickness and death. Date of Organization. August 6, 1896. Number of Members. One hundred and nineteen. Present Officers. Chief Haymaker, C. E. Warren, Jr. ; Collector of Straws, A. B. Freeman. COCKENOE TRIBE, No. 32, I. O. R. M. Objects of the Organization. Relieve the sick and bury the dead. Date of Organization. January, 1897. Number of Members. One hundred and forty. Present Officers. Sachem, Fred Benger; Senior Sagamore, W. J. Comstock; Junior Sagamore, W. Meehan ; Prophet, Geo. Murray ; C. of R., Addison A. Betts ; K. of W., A. Carmi Belts ; C. of W., E. Brown. COCKENOE HAYMAKERS ASSOCIATION. No. 32 1-2. Objects of Organization. Fun and goodfellow- ship and to aid each other in distress. Date of Organization. November i6th, 1899. Number of Members. Forty-two. Present Officers. Chief Haymaker, Geo. Murray; Ass't Chief Haymaker, Royal A. Ellis; Overseer, Aaron Decker ; ' Past Chief Haymaker, Arthur S. Mackin ; Collector of Straws, Fred'k B. Mackin ; Keep- er of Bundles. H. I. Smith. 841 SCHILLER STAMM, No. 266, INDEPENDENT ORDER OF RED MEN. Objects of the Organization. Sick benefit society. Date of Organization. April xoth, 1893. Number of Members. Fifty-three. Present Officers. Priester, Henrv Kriete ; Ober Chief, Francis Kocour; By Chief, Jacob Wolf; Unter Chief, Charles Raymond; Schriftfiihrer, Gustav Lange ; Schatzvernahrer, Frank Wollyoung ; District Deputy, Paul T. Berg. PONASSUS COUNCIL, No. 1268, ROYAL ARCANUM. Objects of the Organization. Fraternal union, moral and material aid to members, assistance of widows and orphans of deceased members. Date of Organization. August 2nd, 1893. Number of Members. Forty-five. Present Officers. Regent, J. E. Russell ; Vice- Regent, A. Carmi Betts ; Orator, Albert A. Betts ; Past Regent, Lewis C. Green ; Secretary, S. C. Cummings ; Collector, O. B. Jackson; Treasurer, Wm. A. Curtis; Chaplain, E. J. Jackson; Guide, J. C. Forbush; War- den, James H. Flynn; Sentry, J. H. Corbit; Trustees O. K. Schofield, H. P. Price, C. W. Many. SHERMAN COUNCIL, No. 1342, ROYAL ARCANUM. Objects of the Organization. j. Fraternal union. 2. Moral and material aid to members and their dependents. 3. Education of its members ; assistance of widows and orphans of deceased members. 4. Relief of sick and distressed members. 5. Payment of death benefit. Date of Organization. February 19, 1891. Number of Members. Council, 105 members. Gen eral membership, 250,000. 343 THE IMMEDIATE RELIEF ASSOCIATION OF SHERMAN COUNCIL, No. 1342 AND PONAS- SUS COUNCIL, No. 1268, R. A. Objects of the Organization. To establish a fund for the immediate relief, in the event of death, of either a member or his beneficiary. Date of Organization. December 10, 1895. Number of Members. Ninety-nine. Present Officers. President, W. P. Randle; Vice- President, A. Carmi P.etts ; Secretary, S. C. Cummings ; Treasurer. Geo. F. Bearse. UNITED ORDER OF THE GOLDEN CROSS. Objects of the Organization. Fraternity and in- surance. Date of Organization. February 27th, 1891. Number of Members. Fifty. Present Officers. Commander, James Walsh: Vice-Commander, Annie M. Decker ; Prelate, Sarah J. Benedict ; Treasurer, James Lycett ; Financial Keeper of Records, Howard W. Doty ; Keeper of Records, Geo. C. Comstock; Herald, Geneva M. Decker; Warder of Inner Gate, Louisa Romer; Warder of Outer Gate, Fred'k E. Brotherton; Past Commander, Louisa A. Evans. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Objects of the Organization. Beneficial. Date of Organization. November I5th, 1883. Number of Members. One hundred. Present Officers. C. C., A. C. Wood ; V. C., Wm. O'Hara; P. V., Wm. F. Korn; M. of W., L. L. Shaw; K. of R. and S., R. J. Smith ; M. of Ex., J. W. Gorham ; M. of F., R. W. Sweeney. SECURITY COUNCIL, No. 22, NATIONAL PRO- VIDENT UNION. Objects of the Organization. Benefits. Date of Organization. June 5th, 1885. 843 Number of Members. Twenty-five. Present Officers. President, Wm. A. Kellogg; Vice-President, G. A. Franke; Secretary and Collec- tor, F. M. Wheeler; Treasurer, S. S. Naphey. BENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS. Objects of Organization. To promote sociability and dispense charity. Date of Organization. June 12, 1901. Number of Members. Sixty. Present Officers. Exalted Ruler, F. W. Cameron ; Esteemed Leading Knight, John Hadden; Esteemed Loyal Knight, John Kiersch; Esteemed Lecturing Knight, William C. Jesse ; Inner Guard, P. M. Hutchin- son ; Tyler, William Banker ; Secretary, Ariel Cameron ; Treasurer, C. S. Randall. COURT NARRUP, No. 58, FORESTERS OF AMERICA. Objects of Organization. Liberty, unity, benevo- lence, concord. Date of Organization. April 30, 1891. Number of Members. One hundred and twenty- five. Present Officers. C. R., Jas. S. Dyer; S. C. R., Geo. W. Ingham ; Treasurer, S. M. Smith ; Financial Secretary, Jos. Gilmore ; Recording Secretary, Edward J. Hayes. FORESTERS OF AMERICA, STAR OF COLUM- BIA, COMPANIONS OF THE FOREST. Objects of the Organization. Beneficial and social. Date of Organization. June 29, 1894. Number of Members. Sixty-eight. Present Officers. Mrs. Frank Lyle, C. C. ; Miss Lizzie Mulcahey, Sub C. C. ; Mrs. Geo. Steegmuller, 344 Rec. Sec'y.; Mrs. Katharine Howard, Financial Sec'y; Miss Katharine Duffy, Treasurer; Miss Anna Moore, Right Guide; Miss Katharine McGinn, Left Guide; Mrs. John Jondreau, Inside Guardian ; Miss May Bren- nan, Outside Guardian. COURT MAHACKEMO, No. 33, FORESTERS OF AMERICA. Objects of the Organization. Benevolence and sick benefit. Date of Organization. January I2th, 1888. Number of Members. One hundred and eleven. Present Officers. C. R , Ernest Hopkins ; S. C. R., Frank Baker; Financial Secretary, John C. Silcox: Re- cording Secretary, George Eason; Treasurer, John Pendar ; S. W., John Skidd ; J. W., Frederick Ander- son; S. B., William Purdy; J. B., Charles Colwell. LADY JENNINGS, No. 7, ORDER OF SHEP- HERDS OF BETHLEHEM. Objects of the Organization. Social and beneficial. Date of Organization. April 3rd, 1900. Number of Members, Seventy-seven. Present Officers. Commander, Mrs. Victoria Ho- man; Vice-Commander, Wm. L. Merriam; Past Com- mander, Mrs. Margaret Brush; Aide to Commander, Mrs. Clara Solker; Scribe, Miss Emma F. Buxton; Accountant, Miss Etta Solker; Treasurer, Mrs. Chas Solker; Marshal, Miss Belle Roe; Chaplain, Mrs. Mary Robinson ; Guards, Miss Viola Bates, Miss Flor- ence Clark; P. Commanders, Fannie J. Joyce, Mary Merritt, Kate Balser. AMERICAN LEGION OF HONOR. Objects of the Organization. Fraternal insurance. Date of Organization. October, 1882. Number of Members. One hundred and thirty. Present Officers. Commander, J. C. Crowe ; Sec- retary and Treasurer, W. P. Smallhorn. M BISHOP McMAHON COUNCIL, No. 499, CATH- OLIC BENEVOLENT LEGION. Objects of the Organization. Social and moral improvement, and the creation of a fund foi the benefi- ciaries of deceased members, and the relief of infirm and aged members. Date of Organization. February 24, 1895. Number of Members. Twenty-six. Present Officers. President, O. A. Reilly; Vice- President, P. Briody : Secretary, P. H. Buckley ; Col- lector, P. J. Kearney; Treasurer, John Henry; Orator, John Callaghan ; Chancellor, T. J. Byrnes ; Marshal, P. Buckley; Guard, T. E. Montgomery; Medical Exam- iner, W. J. Tracey. CATHOLIC UNION COUNCIL, No. 46, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. Objects of the Organization. Chanty, unity, fra- ternity and brotherly love. Date of Organization. July J5th, 1888. Number of Members. One hundred. Present Officers. Grand Knight, Michael J. Rior- dan; Deputy Grand Knight, Thomas H. Burns; Treas- urer, Edw. J. Finnegan ; Financial Secretary, Bernard C. Feeney; Recording Secretary, Hugh Donnelly; War- den, William H. McMahon; Chancellor, Michael J. Dor- igan; Lecturer, David Flaherty; Advocate, Edward Barrett ; Chaplain, Rev. M. Kiernan ; Physician, Dr. W. J. Tracy; Outside Guard, Matthew Burnes; Inside Guard, James H. Magner. PALESTINE CASTLE, NO. 2, ANCIENT ORDER KNIGHTS OF THE MYSTIC CHAIN. Objects of the Organization. Relief in sickness; mutual assistance in business ; relief of widows and or- phans of deceased members. Date of Organization. August 12, 1887. Number of Members. Last report, 90. 846 Present Officers. P. C., F. Coutou; Com., W. Platt; V. Com., Charles Utzinger; Marshal, Charles Johnson ; R. S., Byron C. Mead ; F. S., Edward Beacom ; Treas., William Taylor; Organist, Edward Johnson; I. S., Godfrey Utzinger; O. S., Harry Paxton; Chaplain, F. Scofield, Jr.; Trustees, Ira D. Stevens, Joseph Bart- lem, Jacob Utzinger ; Director, F. Scofield, Jr. PIONEER CASTLE, NO. i, ANCIENT ORDER KNIGHTS OF MYSTIC CHAIN. Objects of the Organization. i. Relief of breth- ren in sickness, accident or distress. 2. Mutual assis- tance in business and in procuring employment. 3. The assistance and care of widows and or- phans of deceased members. 4. To create greater love for country, homes and firesides. 5. To teach obe- dience and fidelity to the laws of our country and laws of our own creating. 6. To bind together by the links of friendship, cemented by brotherly love, the members of the Order in one common brotherhood. Instituted Sept. 6th, 1895, by D. D. S. C., Geo. W. Coffin, assisted by S. I. G., Solomon Seam. Number of Members. Forty-one. Officers, P. Commander, Geo. H. Whitlock; Com- mander, Jas. McQuillan ; Vice Commander, Fred Hyatt ; Marshal, Geo. Spicer; Chaplain, Charles Murray; Rec. Scribe, Nathan E. Peck; Financial Scribe, Wilbur Hy- att; Treasurer, Richard Nesbitt; Inside Guard, Geo. Hewett; Outside Guard, Jos. Whitley; Trustees, John Kirsch, Wilbur Hyatt, Benj. Becktle. Meets every Wednesday evening in Sons of Temperance Hall, Ga- zette Building. SOUTH NORWALK CONCLAVE, NO. 418, IM- PROVED ORDER HEPTASOPHS. Objects of the Organization. Fraternal insurance. Date of Organization. May 14, 1896. Number of Members. Forty-five. Present Officers. Past Archon, John E. Paul ; Ar- chon, Thomas B. Griffin; Provost, William Miller; Pre- 847 late, Frederick T. Butler ; Secretary, Frank W. Sturde- vant ; Financier, Wilfred Bodwell ; Treasurer, Frank N. Ferris; Inspector, Arthur C. Wood; Warden, James W. O'Brien; Sentinel, Charles B. Gray. IMPROVED ORDER HEPTASOPHS, NORWALK CONCLAVE, NO. 427. Objects. To unite fraternally all white men of sound bodily health, of good moral character, socially acceptable, engaged in an honorable profession or busi- ness occupation not hazardous, and between 21 years and 55 years of age. Date of Organization. June, 1896. Number of Members. Twenty-nine. Present Officers. Archon, T. Marshall Andrews; Past Archon, Arthur C. Wheeler; Provost, James Ly- cett; Secretary, Howard Doty; Treasurer, St. John Merrill ; Financier, Herbert W. Kemp ; Prelate, W. F. Lockwood ; Inspector, Mortimer Betts ; Warder and Sentinel, William Buxton; Trustees, Moses Glover, James Lycett, Frederick Lockwood. PATRIOTIC ORDER, SONS OF AMERICA, NO. ii. Objects of the Order. To inculcate pure American principles. To teach loyalty to American institutions. To cultivate fraternal affection. To oppose foreign in- fluence in state or national affairs. To oppose all ap- propriations of public moneys for sectarian purposes. To preserv. the constitution of the United States. To defend and maintain the American system of public schools. Date of Organization. Sept. nth, 1899. Number of Members. One hundred and seventy- eight. Present Officers. President, W. H. Sniffen; Vice President, Harry M. Hubbell; Master of Forms, F. P. Self; Past President, S. G. Silliman; Recording Secre- tary, J. H. Batterson; Financial Secretary, D. B. Beach; Treasurer, H. A. Wood; Inspector, J. B. Davenport; Guard, William Underdown. Meets every Thursday in Mystic Chain Hall. 848 PATRIOTIC ORDER OF AMERICANS. Objects. Patriotism, mutual benefit, protection, fraternity. Date of Organization. October 24, 1901. Number of Members. Twenty-seven. Officers. Past President, Mrs. Thomas Cole; Asst. Past President, Mrs. Cora Shipman; President, Mrs. Catherine Smith ; Asst. President, George M. Phillips ; Vice President, Mrs. Albert Dunn; Asst. Vice Presi- dent, Frank P. Self; Conductor, Miss Anna Curtis; Asst. Conductor, Mrs. George M. Phillips; Recording Secretary, Miss Ruth Rolliston ; Asst. Recording Secre- tary, Mrs. Frank Day; Financial Secretary, Mrs. John Cashaw, Sr. ; Treasurer, Mrs. Charles Day; Guard, Mrs. Frank P. Self; Sentinel, Miss Sadie Cashaw; Orator, Mrs. Stephen Naphey : Chaplain, Mrs. Sprague ; Pianist, Miss Minnie Raymond; Trustees, H. S. Mitchell, Mrs. H. S. Mitchell, Mrs. F. P. Self. NEW ENGLAND ORDER PROTECTION, P. C. LOUNSBURY LODGE, NO. 126. Da'e of Organization. October 17, 1889. Objects of the Organization. Fraternal insurance. Number of Members. Sixty-five. Present Officers. Warden, Gustav Pitzer; Vice Warden, John B. Cloff; Treasurer, Henry A. Wood; Secretary, Charles H. Ferris. ORDER OF HERMAN, HUMBOLDT LODGE, NO. 6, O. D. H. S. (German.) Objects. Beneficiary. Date of Organization. 1889. Number of Members. Forty-four. Present Officers. President, John Neugebauer; Recording Secretary, Adolf Danke ; Financial Secretary, Gustave Moeller; Treasurer, Carl Schaub. 840 DAUGHTERS OF HERMAN, LOUISA LODGE, NO. 6, H. O. D. S. Objects of Organization. Sociability, insurance an.'i charity. Date 01 Organization. October 27, 1889. Number of Members. Twenty-six. Present Officers. President, Mrs. Theresa Weh- rile; Vice President, Bertha NeMgebauer; Recording Secretary, Elsie Durbeck; Financial Secretary, Bar- bara Danke; Treasurer, Louise Malmo. ITALIAN MUTUAL BENEVOLENT INDEPEN- DENT SOCIETY. Objects of the Organization. Welfare of its mem- bers and parliamentary practice. Date of Organization. Founded Oct. 14, 1895 ; in- corporated May 30, 1896. Number of Members. About 40. Officers. J. Fanzilli, President; J. Disesa, Vice President ; J. Porcelli, Recording Secretary : V. Cinquie, Treasurer; L. Venegia, S. Cocchia, S. Romano, Trus- tees; S. Pisacreto, G. Berardino, Flag Bearers; M. Da- mato. Sergeant of Arms ; Frabut Coca, Emidio Coppa, Gaetano Dicesase, Jury. WELCOME STRANGER LODGE, No. 364, ORDER SONS OF ST. GEORGE. Objects of the Organization. Beneficial. Date of Organization. November 12, 1891. Number of Members. One hundred. Present Officers. W. President, George Holt; Vice-President, John Ashworth; Secretary, George E. Goodwin. m GERMAN SICK BENEFIT SOCIETY FREUND- SHAFTZ BUND. Objects of the Organization. To take care of its sick members. Date of Organization. April 10, 1870. Number of Members. Forty-four. Present Officers. President, Paul T. Berg; Vice- President, William C. Jesse; Recording Secretary, Gus- tav Thieme ; Finance Secretary, Henry C. Froeb ; Treas- urer, Adam Schmidt. DIVISION No. i, ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS. Objects of the Organization. To promote friend- ship, unity and Christian charity among its members, by raising or supporting a fund of money for maintain- ing the aged, sick, blind and infirm members, for the legitimate expenses of the order, and for no other pur- pose whatsoever. Date of Organization. May 26, 1890. Number of Members. Forty-five. Officers. President, Dr. Thomas F. Chine; Vice- President, Richard O'Gorman ; Rec. Secretary, John H. Moore; Fin. Secretary, Daniel Hogan; Treasurer, Pat- rick F. Slattery. LADIES' AUXILIARY TO THE ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS. Objects of the Organization. To promote friend- ship, unity and Christian charity among its members by raising or supporting a fund of money for maintaining the aged, sick, blind and infirm members. Organized Feb. 13, 1896. Number of Members. Thirty. Officers. Nellie Deloughery, President; Annie Connolly, Vice-President ; Annie McAuliffe, Rec. Sec.; Hannah Burke, Fin. Sec. ; Nora Driscoll, Treasurer. 851 ROBERT EMMET CLUB, CLAN-NA-GAEL. Objects of the Organization. The independence of Ireland. Date of Organization. February, 1892. Number of Members. Thirty. President, James M. Creagh ; Vice-President, Hugh McCarthy ; Rec. Secretary, John F. Moore ; Fin. Secre- tary, Daniel Hogan ; Treasurer, Patrick F. Slattery. SOUTH NORWALK LODGE, No. 185, ORDER BRITH ABRAHAM. Objects of the Organization. Sick and death benefit. Pate of Organization. May 12, 1895. Number of Members. Seventy-eight. Present Officers. M. Baratz, President ; Philip Ny- good, Secretary. ST. JOSEPH ROMAN AND GREEK CATHOLIC SICK BENEVOLENT AND CHURCH SOCIETY. Objects. Paying sick benefits, and in cases of death causing to perform the burial ceremonies accord- ing to Roman and Greek Catholic rites, and working in the interest of said churches. Date of Organization. April 24, 1898. Number of Members. One hundred and thirty. Present Officers. President (Emery Monsport since October, 1901), Julius Elias, the organizer of the society, and president from its organization to October, 1901 ; Vice-President, Miss Elizabeth Ken ; Clerk, Paul Lengyel (since October, 1901, Emery Monsport up to Octor, 1901) ; Secretary, Steven Pramer ; Treasurer, Jos- eph Kerekes. THE FIRST HUNGARIAN HUNYADI SICK AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. Objects of the Organization. Giving financial aid in case of sickness. Date of Organization. July 25, 1891. Number of Members. Fifty-four. Present Officers. President, Steven Balazs; Vice- President, John Kvancz ; Clerk, Joseph Hadhazi ; Secre- tary, Daniel Gal; Treasurer, John Pasko; Controller, Steven Kecskis. FIRST HUNGARIAN SICK BENEFIT SOCIETY. Object. Paying sick benefits. Date of organization. August 9, 1891. Number of Members. Seventy-one. Present Officers. President, Joseph Schon; Vice- President, Emery Transport; Clerk, Steven Pramer; Secretary, John Ungvari ; Treasurer, John Fedor ; Con- troller, Steven Simonszky. (Being a branch of the Bridgeport Rakoczy Sick Benev olent Society). Objects. Aiding sick members financially, and life insurance. Date of Organization. July 24, 1901. Number of Members. Forty-one. Present Officers. President, John Loncsak ; Vice- President, Michael Draskoczy; Clerk and Secretary, Joseph Makkay ; Treasurer, John Rochrick. NORWALK MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Objects of Organization. To devise and carry into effect measures for our mutual improvement; to pro- mote a good understanding and harmonious intercourse with each other; and to secure a uniformity in profes- sional fees. Date of Organization. December 14, 1868. Number of Members. Eleven. Present Officers. President, L. M. Allen, M. D.; Vice- President, A. N. Clark, M. D.; Secretary, H. C. Sherer, M. D. LINCOLN COUNCIL, No. 4, ORDER OF UNITED AMERICAN MECHANICS. Objects of the Organization. The objects are to promote the interests, elevate the character and secure the happiness of the members. To assist each other in every way possible. To encourage each other in busi- ness. To establish a sick and funeral fund. To assist the widows and orphans of deceased members. To aid members, who have become incapable of following their usual vocations in obtaining situations suitable to their afflictions. To defend ourselves from the injurious com- petition of foreign emigrants and our Government from their corrupting influence ; and to adopt such measures as may best accomplish these desirable ends. Date of Organization. February 6, 1803. Number of Members. Ninety-eight. Present Officers. Counselor, John H. Plander; Vice-Counselor, James E. Stevens ; Jr. Ex-Counselor, John S. Seymour; Sr. Ex-Counselor, Fred W. Weed; Chaplain, Rev. G. Haulenbeck; Rec. Secretary, C. H. Adams ; Asst. Secretary. J. I,. Brundage : Financial Sec- retary, Frederick Scofield ; Treasurer, Henry A. Wood ; Inductor, William D. Platt; Examiner, Edw. Norton; Inside Protector, C. H. Ferris; Outside Protector, C. S. Dauchy; Trustees, James E. Stevens, Edw. L. Gray, George Cummings ; Organist, William Q. Merriam. THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATION- ARY ENGINEERS, No. 13, OF SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. The organization is based upon the following ob- jects: The better education of its members in the art M and science of steam engineering. To protect the in- terests of competent engineers in their vocation. To enroll all competent engineers in this organization. Im- parting information beneficial to the trade. Assisting members out of employment to obtain the same. To procure by legal enactment greater safety in the opera- tion of steam plants. Date of Organization. July 12, 1893. Number of Members. Nine active, four honorary. Present Officers. President, T. R. Fancher; Vice- President, N. I. Meserve ; Treasurer and Financial Sec- retary, H. S. Pickering; Deputy President, Recording and Corresponding Secretary, L. J. Jones; Conductor and Doorkeeper, Frank Caftery ; Trustees, Patrick Hen- nessy, G. H. Howard, William Johnson; Education Committee, N. I. Meserve, L. J. Jones; Examining Committee, H. Pickering, L. J. Jones, G. H. Howard. NORWALK HAT TRIMMERS' ASSOCIATION. Objects of the Organization. Mutual benefit and protection. Date of Organization. 1858. Number of Members. Two hundred and twenty. Present Officers. President, D. Fenton Pomeroy; Vice-President, David Bernard; Secretary, John W. Sculley; Treasurer, Stephen H. Carlin. HAT TRIMMERS' UNION OF SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. Objects of the Organization. To protect the rights of each member and secure justice. Date of Organization. April, 1885. Number of Members. Four hundred. Present Officers. Mrs. F. Joyce, President; Mrs. Wilkinson, Vice-President; Miss E. Buxton, Secretary; Jennie Bedient, Treasurer. UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS, LOCAL No. 746. Objects of the Organization. To promote the wel- fare of the members in the trade; sick benefits. Date of Organization. Feb. 4, 1891. Number of Members. Fifty-two. Present Officers. W. J. Sheehan, President; A. H. Buttery, Vice President; S. O. Kemp, Secretary; W. A. Kellogg, Fin. Sec. ; E. K. St. John, Treas. NORWALK LODGE, No. 2881, G. U. O. of O. F. Objects of the Organization. Take care of the sick and bury the dead. Date of Organization. July 5th, 1887. Number of Members. Twelve. Present Officers. N. M. Jackson, P. S. ; J. D. Taylor, W. T. NORWALK'S INDUSTRIES By Edmund E. Crowe. HE opportunities for industrial growth possessed by Norwalk are not the good fortune of many New England towns. Located on the line of the greatest railroad in the world, with excellent harbor, close proximity to Greater New York, first-class electric railway system, water works, electric plants, handsome church edifices and hospital, well con- ducted public schools, up-to-date hotels, seaside resorts, nothing is lacking to attract industries to our town. What has been our progress along industrial lines during the past two hundred and fifty years? The pop- ular opinion is that Norwalk has not lived up to her possibilities and, therefore, has little reason for boast- ing. This may in a large measure be true, but to the close observer it is evident that Norwalk, after all, is not unimportant in the world of business. Her repu- tation for air compressors, hats, shoes, corsets, locks, hardware, woolen goods and other manufactured products is as favorable in all parts of the world as to our own people. In the work of compiling the statistics for the Twelfth Census of the United States, just completed, the Director of the Census, in order to show the extent of the concentration of the manufactures of Connecti- cut, selected 61 cities and towns and appointed special agents to collect the statistics. In the Census Bulletin issued Nov. 9th, 1901, Norwalk's record was given in the table of urban manufactures, as follows: Number of establishments, 247; capital, $4,129,841 ; proprietors and firm members,, 265. Wage Earners. Average number, 3,172; total wages, $1,586,509. . Miscellaneous expenses, $296,075 ; cost of material used, $2,261,195. Products. Value, $5,097.720; rank, 16; per of total, 1.4. Population. Total, 19,932; rank, 8; per < total, 2.2. . , The following information is invaluable in cpnsid ering our industrial .standing at this time, furnishing a 857 it does accurate statistics gathered by the special census agents for the census year 1900: Capital. Land, $367,084; buildings, $592,205; machinery, tools and implements, $1,009,719; cash and sundries, $2,160,833; total, $4,129,841. Salaried officials, clerks, Etc. Number, 124; sala- ries, $150,776. Average number of wage earners and total wages. Average number, 3,172; wages, $1,586,509. Men, 16 years and over, average number, 2,350; wages, $1,321,- 645 ; women, 16 years and over, 791 ; wages, $259,085 ; children, under 16 years, 31 ; wages, $5,779. Miscellaneous expenses. Rent of works, $45,532 ; taxes, $9,840; rent of offices, interest, etc., $168,795; contract work, $71,908; total, $296,075. Cost of materials used. Principal materials, in- cluding mill supplies and freight, $2,202,470; fuel and rent of power and heat, $58,725; total, $2,261,195. Value of products, including custom work and re- pairing, $5,097,720. It is intended by the writer to record in a general way what Norwalk has to-day as a result of her indus- trial existence. With changing years industries have come and gone. It will be of interest, however, to go back a few years and see what our people did in early days and observe how few of the goods manufactured here then are made at this time. Below we quote a few statistics of Norwalk com- piled in 1845: Comb factory, i ; value of manufactures, $600 : capital, $300; employees, 3. Cotton mill, I ; spindles, 328 : cotton consumed, 41,000 tbs. ; yarn manufactured, 35,200 tbs.; value, $5,280. Cotton batting manufactured, 11,315 ft>s. ; value, $668.90; capital, $3,000; male employees, 9; fe- male employees, 7. Screw factory, i ; screws manufactured, 10,000 gross; value, $5,000; capital, $3,000; employees, 7. Shovel, Spade, Fork and Hoe factory, i ; value of manufactures, $225; capital, $100; employees, 2. Metal Button factory, i ; buttons manufactured, 5,000 gross; value, $4,000; capital, $500; employees, 5. Flouring mill, i ; flour manufactured, 2,300 lt>s. ; value, $13,260; capital, $8,000; employees, 3. Tanneries, 2; hides tanned, 9,900; leather manu- factured, value $7,000; capital, $7,000; employees, 7. 858 Boots made, 3,189 pairs; shoes, 90,491 pairs; value, $77,189; male employees, 274; female employees, 202. Snuff, Tobacco and Segars manufactured, value, $11,900; employees, n. Lumber prepared for market, 43,350 feet; value, $2,875 ; employees, 9. Fire Wood prepared for market, 200 cords ; value, $660; employees, 3. Watch, Jewelry, Etc. Factory, i ; value of manu- facturers, $1,000; capital, $500; employees, 2. Saddle, Trunk and Harness factory, i ; value of manufactures, $2,000; capital, $1,000; employees, 2. Hat and Cap factories, 1 1 ; hats and caps manu- factured, 36,000; value, $71,840; capital, $27,500; em- ployees, 83. Coach, Wagon and Sleigh factories, 4; value of manufactures, $19,845; capital, $800; employees, 23. Tallow Candle factory, i ; candles manufactured, 25,000 fbs.; value, $2,500; capital, $800; employees, 2. Chair and Cabinet factories, 3; value of manufac- tures, $4,200; capital, $ 2,200; employees, 7. Tin factories, 2; value of manufactures, $12,500; capital, $13,000; employees, 6. Felt Cloth factory, i ; cloth manufactured, 75,000 yds.; value, $67,500; male employees, 15; female em- ployees, 6; capital, $20,000; wool consumed, 80,000 ft>s. Stone and Earthenware factories, 3 : value of man- ufactures, $26,000; capital, $26,000; male employees, 35. Confectionery factories, 2; value of manufactures, $6,400; capital, $I,OOO-; employees, 4. Marble Monument factory, i ; value of manufac- tures, $3,000; capital, $i,ooo ; employees, 3. All other articles manufactured, value, $102,900; capital, $48,000; employees, 63. Sheep, all sorts, 437; value $4375 w o1 produced, 1,388 Ibs.; value, $416.40. Horses, 228; value, $10,563; neat cattle, 1,050; value, $14,122; swine, 1,023; value, $7,499- Sperm Oil consumed, 125 galls. ; value, $125. Anthracite Coal consumed, 100 tons ; value, $500. Indian Corn, 9,632 bu., value, $5,779.20; wheat, 813 bu., value, $813; rye, 3,894 bu., value, $2,920.50; oats, 13,125 bu., value, $5,250; potatoes, 10,784 fcu.. value, $5,392; other esculents, 5,212 bu., value, $I,5Q3.DC Hay, 1,777 tons, value, $22,292; fruit, 14,772 bu., value, $2,528. M Butter 64,^74 bu., value, $10,395; cheese, 1,175 tbs., value, $70.50; honey, 485 tbs., value, $48.50. Poultry, value, $3.098; eggs, $7,600; charcoal man- ufactured, 1,300 bu., value, $130. In 1819 John C. Pease and John M. Niles arranged and had published a Gazetteer of the states of Rhode Island and Connecticut, which contained the following reference to Norwalk: "This town possesses considerable advantages for navigation, and the interests thereof are continually increasing. There are 16 vessels of every description belonging to the town, of which there are six regular packets that constantly ply between this place and New York. One of them is employed exclusively in the conveyance of passengers. The remaining ten vessels consists of sloops and schooners, and are employed in the coasting trade to New York and elsewhere. In addition to the pursuits of agriculture, naviga- tion and commerce, some attention has been bestowed on manufactures. There are I woolen factory, 2 cotton factories, one upon an extensive scale, i slitting and rolling mill, 5 grain mills, two of which are merchants' or flouring mills, 3 fulling mills and cloth dressing es- tablishments, 4 carding machines and 2 tanneries. "There are, in the village, nearly 100 houses, a number of trading houses, dry goods and grocery stores, i bookstore, several private offices, a post office, a newspaper and printing establishment, 2 churches, and several mechanics' shops. There are in Norwalk 13 primary schools and i academy,, 16 mercantile stores, 7 public inns, 3 physicians, 3 clergymen and 2 attorneys." It will readily be seen that the contrast of former times to the present era of large manufacturing estab- lishments is very great. Still, there is evidence that even in our earlier days the spirit of progress possessed the people to a marked degree. The fear entertained by some that the monster, monopoly, is a nineteenth century production, may be dispelled by a careful con- sideration of the request made by one Samuel Delu- cena, who evidently was a moving spirit in bur town, nearly one hundred and fifty years ago. The promoters of huge combinations of capital which some predict will be ruinous to our nation, have a great deal to learn from our ancient friend. The following petition appears in a volume on Connecticut Industries covering the pe- riod 1764-1789 on file at the State Capitol Library in Hartford: "To the Honored General Assembly of his Majes- ty's English Colony of Conn, in N. E. in America to be holden in Hartford on the Second Thursday of In- stant May. The Memorial of Samuel De Lucena, now Resident in Norwalk, in the Co. of F'd, humbly shew- eth that your Memorialise was Born and Brought up a Merchant in the City of N. Y. in Amer., but finding of late years that it is hard making returns to Europe from whence he had his English Goods, and thereupon your Honors memorialise hath now Learned the Skill of making Pot Ash and for that Purpose hath by the Approbation and Consent of the Good People of Nor- walk Actually Disbursed and Layd out near two Hun- dred Pounds Lawful Money in Building and preparing to carry on that Business in making Pot Ash, which Buildings are erected at the South End of the Town ot Norwalk which affair if Carried with Success your Honours Memorialist hopes may prove of Good Ad- vantage both to himself and the Government in Gen- eral in Case he can have the Approbation and Assis- tance of the Hon'd Assembly in the case whereupon your Honours Memorialist humbly praise that this As- sembly will pass an Act forbidding any other person or Persons setting up any work or Carrying on the Busi- ness of making Potash in the Colony of Connecticut within the district of twenty miles of the place where his work is now erected- or in some other way pass some other Act that may be for his Incouragement as this Assembly in their great wisdom shall think proper for his Benefit that he may proceed without Interruption for some certain term of years as he is the first under- taken to carry on that Business in this County and your Memorialist as in duty bound shall ever Pray. "Dated at Norwalk, the 6th day of May, Anno Domi, 1765. SAMUEL DELUCENA " We have striven to procure a list of those engaged in industrial pursuits in Norwalk, together with such other information as will serve a historical purpose. AIR AND GAS COMPRESSORS. The Norwalk Iron Works Company, manufacturers of Air and Gas Compressors, is the largest manufac- turing enterprise of the Norwalks. The foundries and machine shops are situated on the Norwalk River with ample wharf facilities and front on Water street a dis- tance of 800 feet. The most important buildings are of recent con- struction, being made with especial reference to the business and are equipped with electric cranes, modern machine tools, and every up-to-date shop appliance. Three hundred and seventy-five men find employ- ment here and from the U. S. Census reports it is found that the pay roll is over one-seventh the entire wages paid in the town. For many years Sundays and legal holidays have been the only days of cessation from work. The products of this factory are compressors for air and gases. The machines are from the designs and patents of Ebenezer Hill, the present manager of the company. Prominent in the mechanical affairs of the com- pany have been John A. Slater, superintendent, and Henry H. Jennings, draughtsman, both deceased, and Henry P. Morgan, now chief draughtsman. Stephen St. John for over 35 years and Oliver E. Weed for 31 years in the employ of the compny and its predecessor as foremen are well known to all veteran mechanics of the town. The officers of the company (1902) are: E. Beard, president; E. Hill, general manager and treasurer; E. Hill, Jr., superintendent; H. H. Mossman, foundry agent. The directors are E. Beard, John H. Ferris, W. F. Bishop, E. Hill and E. Hill, Jr. For many years previous to their deaths, Geo. G. Bishop and Henry I. Hoyt were directors in the com- pany. The Nonvalk Iron Works Co. is the successor of the Nonvalk Iron Works Corporation, organized Oct. 5th, 1866. This corporation was organized for the pur- pose of acquiring and bringing to Norwalk the shafting and machine business of Bullard & Parsons of Hart- ford, but before that was consummated the business of George Dwight, Jr., of Springfield, Mass., was bought and the company engaged in the manufacture of steam pumps. Prominent in the early affairs of this company were Henry I. Hoyt, Geo. G. Bishop, Ebenezer Hill, (de- ceased 1875, father of the manager of the present com- pany), H. H. Elwell. Dudley >. Ely, A. E. Beard, George Dwight, Jr., and O. T. Earle. D. P. Ely was first president and was succeeded by Ebenezer Hill and Henry I. Hoyt. The secretary was George Dwight Jr., followed from 1868 to 1871 by E. J. Hill (our pres- ent Congressman). O. T. Earle was superintendent, followed by J. B. Waring and Fred. C. Rowland. At times a large business was transacted in steam pumps and engines, many being sent all over the coun- try, particularly to the South. In 1874 the property and affairs were sold to the present ov/ners and soon there- after a radical change was made in the line of manu- facture. The first compound air compressor patent was taken out by Mr. E. Hill in 1876. This has been fol- lowed by many others referring to improvements in principles and in details. STRAW HATS. In 1873 J nn P- Beatty and Dexter Dennis formed a partnership for the purpose of pressing and trimming foreign straw hats ; also palm leaf hats, which at that time were braided in large quantities in New England. The business was carried on in a building occupying the present site of the Martin Bates factory on Spring street, South Norwalk. This partnership continued until 1879, when the business was taken by Mr. Dennis and carried on for two years in the Norwalk Iron Works building. On Mr. Dennis' death in 1881, a partner- ship was formed by Lloyd E. Dennis and Abiathar Blanchard under the firm name of Dennis & Blanchard, which has continued to' the present time. In 1885 the firm began the manufacture of hats from imported Chinese straw braids in addition to their foreign hat business. The braid hat work has increased until the principal attention is now given to that department. In 1893 the business was moved from the Norwalk Iron Works to the present location in the buildings at 132 Water street. A bleachery was erected in 1898 for the purpose of bleaching straw braid. The whole estab- lishment now gives employment to seventy-five hands during the busy season, work usually beginning in August and lasting until the first of June. Arthur C. Wheeler, manufacturer of straw hats, 13 Butler street, Norwalk. This establishment for many years has carried on a prosperous business. The goods manufactured include all varieties of men's and women's straw hats. The workmanship has been of such a char- acter that Mr. Wheeler's name in connection with the straw hat business is favorably known throughout the 863 country. The factory was established in 1857 by John P. Beatty & Bro. In September, 1888, Mr. Wheeler took possession where he now does a thriving busi- ness. The factories cover one and one-half acres of ground. During the busy season in the neighborhood of two hundred operatives are employed. CORSETS. The R. & G. Corsets are so universally known that it is a matter of pride for a Norwalker to refer to the fact that this well known commodity is manufactured in our midst. The manufacture of corsets in South Norwalk was commenced in 1880 by Roth & Gold- schmidt in the factory on Water street erected for the purpose, now occupied by Austin & Craw. The firm soon found the factory too small for the rapidly in- creasing business and in order to meet the demands of the trade, they had erected on Ann street the present commodious and model five story factory which they now occupy. The building is equipped with every modern factory convenience. The employees are treated liberally as to wages and are the recipients of the blessings derived from a well selected library, ample protection from fire and many other comforts. The R. & G. Corset Co. was incorporated January i, 1897, with a capital stock of $200,000. Th e officers are : Emile H. Roth, president; William A. Marble, vice president; Julius Goldschmidt, secretary and treasurer. The New York offices are at 395-399 Broadway and 21-23 Mercer street. Charles T. Dimond is the super- intendent of the South Norwalk factorv. One thous- and employees are given steady work during the year and as a result the firm produces 650 dozen corsets daily. The quality of goods manufactured is first class and as a consequence the firm's business is increasing yearly. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. The Old Well Cigar Co., 83 Washington street, S. N. Established 1868; incorporated 1880; capital, $10,- ooo. Officers: Matthew Corbett, president; Christian Swartz, secretary and treasurer. Employees, 40; daily output, 10,000 cigars. Fernandez-Ernst Co., 83 Washington street, S. N. Manufacturer of all Havana cigars. Established July, 364 1900; capital, $11,000. Officers: Modesto Fernandez, president; George C. Ernst, secretary; Charles C. Swartz, treasurer. Employees, 40; daily output, 6,000 cigars. The Hoyt & Olmstead Co., 12 South Main street, S. N. Established 1877; incorporated 1885; capital, $ic,ooo. Officers: George M. Olmstead, president; T. G. Hoyt, secretary and treasurer. Employees, 30 ; daily output, 5,000 cigars. John Oldenschlager, 104 Washington street, S. N. Established 1883. Manufacturer of Cigars and To- bacco. Employees, 9; daily output, 1,200 cigars. John T. Sheehan, 36 Main street, N. Established June i, 1895. Employees, 5; daily output, 1,000 cigars. John Fitzmaurice, Main street, N. Established Sept. 13, 1900. Employees, 5 ; daily output, 1,000 cigars. Other makers of cigars: John Schaefrer, Newtown avenue, N. ; S. K. Stanley, 142 Main street, N. ; John Mohring, 166 Washington street, S. N.; Frederick T. Schlitt, Stuart avenue, S. N. LOCKS AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE. The Norwalk Lock Co., S. N., for many years has been one of our most important manufacturing estab- lishments. It was incorporated in 1856- During the busy season the works have employed on an average of 400 to 500 hands. The capital of the company was originally $50,000 which later was increased to $230.000. Following are the officers: E. Beard, president and treasurer; D. E. Disbrow, secretary. Directors, John H. Ferris, E. Hill, Augustus F. Beard, A. N. Wildman, W. F. Bishop, Robert H. Swayze, E. Beard. The specialties of the company include every variety of locks and builders' hardware, with several hundred patented and leading designs. The company are general de- signers, founders and workers of artistic house trim- mings in brass, bronze and iron. Their New York office is at 32 Warren street, where they carry a heavy stock of goods. The Lock wood Manufacturing Company, manu- facturers of Builders' Hardware, was incorporated May 1 9th, 1888, under the Connecticut laws, with a paid-in capital of $200,000; the officers being Henry S. Lock wood, president and treasurer; Washington Youngs, secretary. The works cover a large area extending through almost from Day to Water street, South Nor- ses walk, and consists of a series of buildings ranging m height from one to four stories. In the various depart- ments of the works from two hundred and fifty to three hundred operatives are employed. Mr. Lockwood per- sonally supervises the factory, his extended experience insuring a successful business. WORKERS IN METALS. : U/Q: The J. W. Craw Laundry Machinery Co., 40 Water street, S. N., manufacturers of Laundry Machinery and Hospital Specialties. Incorporated 1899. Capital, $7,000. Employees, 12. John W. Craw, president; Frank C. Craw, secretary and treasurer. William G. Le Count, 246-278 East avenue, E. N., manufacturer of Machinists' Tools. Established by Charles W. Le Count in 1863. Succeeded by William G. Le Count in 1895. Julius W. Miller, 136 Water street, S. N., manu- facturer of all kinds of Hatters' Tools and Machinery. Established 1893 by Julius W. Miller. Employs 7 men. Output about $500 monthly. Norwalk Pattern Works and Manufacturing Co., Keyser avenue, E. N. Established in 1896 by Aisthorpe & Hatchman, manufacturers of Stoves, Ranges, Wood and Iron Patterns and general jobbing castings. The firm employs thirty hands. The business is increasing to such an extent that the capacity of the plant is short- ly to be doubled. The firm at present turns out mer- chandise to the amount of $3,000 monthly. Automatic Tool Co., R. R. avenue, E. N. Estab- lished by C. H. Jimmerson and E. B. Robertson in 1900. Manufacturers of Sash Locks, Curtain Fixtures, Belt Hooks, Small Tools and Milk Bottle Stoppers. Ten men are employed and goods amounting to $1,000 monthly are manufactured. The firm has a capacity for turning out 1,000,000 Milk Stoppers daily. The Duncan Iron Railing Works, 10 Steamboat Place, S. N. Established by Duncan & Waterbury in 1865. Succeeded by William H. Hoyt in 1883, who continued the business under the same firm name. Manufacturer of Iron Fences and Railings. Em- ployees, 4. William A. Wheeler, 133 Water street, S. N. Es- tablished by William A. Wheeler in 1885. The original plant burned in 1888, but was rebuilt the same year. Manufacturer of Hatters' Tools and Caps for water Me and gas pipes. A brass and iron foundry is run in con- nection with the factory. Employees, 8. Norwalk Brass Co., Mechanics street, N. Estab- lished December, 1900, by C. F. Mills, A. D. Crossley and H. E. Dann. The company was reorganized in 1901 with a capital stock of $50,000. Manufacturers of Brass, Bronze and Aluminum goods, Launch Engines, Etc. Officers: Wallace Dann, president; Reed Hav- iland, secretary; Oscar H. Banks, treasurer; H. E. Dann, general manager. The company employs 50 men and from the rapid growth of the concern the industry will undoubtedly soon be one of the most important in Norwalk. Meeker 's Union Foundry, Smith street, N. Estab- lished in 1887 by A. J. Meeker, S. B. Meeker and E. S. Meeker. The firm manufactures a large line of Stoves and Furnaces and does a general jobbing business. Thirty men are employed. Ephraim Merritt, 52 Water street, N. Established in 1859. Iron Fences, boat repairing and jobbing. Arnold & Co., Hoyt street, N. Manufacturers of Door Hangers and Hardware Specialties, Stoves and Ranges. Established in 1870 by Arnold & Son. Suc- ceeded in 1883 by Arnold, Doane & Co. Later suc- ceeded by F. E. Smith and A. J. Doane under the pres- ent firm name. Mr. Doane assumed the business at the death of Mr. Smith, and at the death of Mr. Doane in 1901 the control of the business reverted to the estate. The concern does a prosperous business and gives em- ployment to 60 men. CONFECTIONERY. F R. Starr, 62-64 Wall street, N. Established at <* Wall street in 1884 Moved to 39 Main street in 1886 and to the present quarters in 1891. Manufacturer of Ice Cream and Confectionery. F A Lane, 51 Washington street, S. N. Estab- lished 'in May, 1889. Mr. Lane does an extensive cater ing business and manufactures Ice Cream and < ne Ha'rrie A. Smith, 39 Main street, N. Established in 1897, succeeding John Colby. Manufacturer ( Cream nd Confectionery. _ C B. De Klynn & Son, 27 Mam street, N. Manu- facturer of Ice Cream and Confectionery, does an extensive bakery business. 867 K. Kasteantoes, 24 South Main street, S. N. Es- tablished in 1898. Manufacturer of Ice Cream and Con- fectionery. Employees, 3. Norwalk Confectionery Co., 21 Main street, N. Established in 1895 by John Boggraino. Manufactures Ice Cream and Confectionery. Employees, 4. SHIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS. Hutchinson, Pierce & Co., whose large factory is situated on Merwin street, N., is one of the most sub- stantial establishments in Norwalk. Established in 1840, the concern with the many changes occurring in the meantime, has gained a reputation enjoyed by few manufacturers of shirts and shirt waists in the country. The present company was incorporated in 1895. The officers are: H. B. Pierce, president and treasurer, and Ira Cole, vice president. The firm employs about 250 hands and turns out a large product. The Star shirts, shirt-waists, and underwear of this house are familiar to the trade of the country for their uniform and superior workmanship. The factory comprises three large con- necting buildings, two of four stories, one three story high, giving a combined floor space of over 50,000 square feet. FURS. The firm of Martin Bates, Jr., & Co., is one of the pioneer establishments in the line of furs, its origin dating back three generations when Martin Bates, father of the senior member of the present firm, estab- lished it at the beginning of the century just passed. This firm has recently moved into their new office and store in New York City, 23-29 Washington Place. The industry of cutting furs for hatters' use is of great im- portance to the hat manufacturing interest, and no firm in the business has the confidence of hat manufacturers more fully than that of Martin Bates, Jr., & Co. Their factory is located at 79-91 Spring street, South Nor- walk, and is under the management of Franklin A. Smith, who has had charge of it since it commenced business here in 1879. About ten years ago Mr. Smith purchased the Blanchard mill property and water rights at Silver Mine, some four miles north of Norwalk. The factory was remodelled and equipped with new machin- ery and has since been kept in operation in the manu- 368 facturing of cheaper grades of hatters' fur for the firm. The goods manufactured by this firm are sought after by the leading hat manufacturers of the country and command the highest price on account of their uniform excellence. There are employed one hundred hands and are singularly noted for working full time at all seasons of the year. During the twenty-two years of their business here not a single Saturday's pay day has ever been missed ; they never run on short time, always having work ahead on order and contract. At the pres- ent time the demand for their goods far exceeds the capacity of their present facilities for manufacturing. Joseph J. Asch, manufacturer of Hatters' Furs, oc- cupies a commodious factory on Monroe street. The firm was established in 1876 and has grown to be one of the important industries in South Norwalk. A fire destroyed the originl factory in 1884, the building now occupied by Mr. Asch on the old site being rebuilt. In connection with the extensive fur business the firm car- ries on hat forming to a considerable extent. The im- portation of all kinds of furs used in the manufacture of hats is an important factor in the business of the firm. Mr. Asch gives employment to about two hun- dred operatives. R. G. Millard, West Norwalk. Established in 1875. Manufacturer of Hatters' Furs. Employs 16 hands. OVERCOATINGS. Norwalk Mills Co., located on the line of the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. at Winnipauk, N., is one of the oldest and most substantial manufactories of the town. The company was originally established in 1863 and reorganized in October, 1877. The capital stock is $100,000. The officers are as follows: J. A. Osborne, president; E. J. Hill, vice president; F. A. Hill, secre- tary and treasurer; T. J. West, general manager, company manufactures Overcoatings exclusively quality of the goods is of such a high order that product of the extensive plant is favorably known throughout the country. The area of the plant 480x200 feet. Two hundred employees are given steady employment. As a result of their labor the annual out- put of the factory is 300,000 yards. 369 BOXES. Charles S. Trowbridge, 129 Washington street, S. N., manufacturer of all kinds of Paper Boxes and Wooden Cases. Established by Robert H. Rowan in 1860. Succeeded by Charles S. Trowbridge in 1881. Mr. Trowbridge employs over one hundred box makers. It is the largest box manufacturing establishment in Norwalk, having an extensive business throughout New England and New York State. Charles S. St. John, maker of Cigar Boxes and dealer in Ribbons, 27 Marshall street, S. N. Estab- lished by Giles Haulenbeck in 1873. Succeeded by Charles S. St. John in 1888. Employees, 5 ; daily output, 400 cigar boxes. The first and only cigar box factory in Norwalk. Norwalk Box Co., 42 North Main street, S. N., manufcturers of Paper Boxes and Wooden Cases. In- corporated July 13, 1899. Henry F. Clark, president; F. A. Hine, secretary and treasurer; F. A. Burr, man- ager. William H. Knapp, 134 Water street, S. N., maker of all kinds of Wooden Boxes. Established in 1882 by Edward F. Knapp. Succeeded in 1897 by William H. Knapp. Employs 10 men. Capacity, 250 boxes per day. POTTERY. One of the oldest manufactories in Norwalk is the Norwalk Pottery Co., located at 6 Smith street, foot of Mill Hill. It was established in 1833 by Asa E. Smith, succeeded in turn by Asa Smith, Hobert Smith and James Lycett. The firm as now conducted was es- tablished in 1898 by Thomas L. Peck. All kinds of Pottery is manufactured. FELTS. Lounsbury, Bissell & Co., Winnipauk, N. Estab- lished in 1840 by J. D. Lounsbury, who was succeeded by E. C. Bissell. The company was incorporated in 1869 with a capital stock of $200,000. The following are the present officers: C. C. Betts, president; E. L. Boyer, secretary and treasurer. E. L. Boyer, J. C. Ran- dall, G. S. Holmes, J. A. Osborn, C. C. B'etts, directors. The main mill is a large stone structure, 68x113 feet in 870 dimensions and three stories in height. The company's plant also includes many other buildings. All told the plant covers an area of about 50,000 square feet, fitted with every modern appliance and machinery. In times past the company manufactured all kinds of feltings and felt linings, but at present the capacity of the plant is taxed in the manufacture of gun wads. The com- pany gives employment to 60 operatives. ' SODA WATER. H. J. & G. S. Grumman, 41 Main street, N. Es- tablished in 1870 by Sylvester Grumman at 55 Main street. Succeeded by the present firm in 1882. Manu- facturers of all kinds of carbonated beverages. The firm's specialty is "The Olden Time Root Beer." This has been on the market over fifty years, the receipt for making the same having been handed down from their grandfather. The output of root beer is 15,000 gallons annually. The daily output of other beverages is 150 cases. Employees, 10. Walter T. Gray, manufacturer of Soda and Mineral Waters. Established by Walter T. Gray in 1874. Suc- ceeded by Mrs. W. T. Gray, after husband's decease, in 1895. Output TOO cases per day. Employees, 4. Baker & Curtis, 19 Wood street. Established by Samuel S. Baker and John W. Curtis in 1902. Manu- facturer of Soda Water and all carbonated beverages. Employ 2 men. Capacity, 50 cases daily. SHOES. One of the oldest industrial establishments in Fair- field county is the firm of Lounsbury, Mathewson & Co., manufacturers of Fine Shoes, at 5 Haviland street, S. N. Some of the original partners have withdrawn from the business, but a progressive policy has always characterized the firm, resulting in a prosperous busi- ness. The present partners in the firm are Ex-Gov- ernor George E. Lounsbury, Col. Edwin H. Mathew- son, Herbert A. Mathewson, Lewis R. Hurlbutt and George L. Rockwell. The company occupies a large brick building, thirty-eight feet front and two hundred and twenty-five feet deep, and four floors, supplied with the latest and best improved machinery for the making of shoes, and employs three hundred hands. The product of the factory is ladies' fine shoes. No shoe manufactory enjoys a higher reputation for excellence of goods put upon the market. H. S. Brown, 172 Washington street, S. N. Es- tablished in 1896. Manufacturer of Children's Shoes. Employees, 8. Output, 175 pairs weekly. MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS. Austin & Craw, 71 Water street, S. N., manufac- turers of Toys, Games and Novelties. Established in 1892. Employees, 15. Charles S. Ireland, 12 Elm Grove street, S. N., manufacturer and repairer of Awnings. United States Alcohol Refining Co., Day street, S. N. Incorporated in 1901 ; capital stock, $20,000. Offi- cers: R. J. McFarland, president; William B. Hubbell, treasurer; O. P. Kauffmann, secretary and chemist. Refiners of wood alcohols. Employs 2 men. Output, 20 barrels daily. Tilly Carriage Works, 61 North Main street, S. N. Established 1874 by Henry Tilly. Manufacturer of Wagons, Carriages and Signs. Employs 9 men. Luther M. Wright, 3 Madison street, S. N. Estab- lished in 1886. Manufacturer of Wagons, Carriages and Automobiles. Mr. Wright has a commodious car- riage repository and does an extensive blacksmith busi- ness. He employs 20 men. Norwalk Launch Co., Pine Island. Established 1899 by G. F. Betts, C. R. Taylor and C, L. Barker. Succeeded in 1902 by C. L. Barker, who conducts the business at the present time. The capacity of the plant is taxed to the utmost in the manufacture of Launches and Gas Engines. Ten men are employed. Andrew W. Fowler, Sail Maker, 149 Washington street, S. N. The business was originally established in 1868 by Benjamin Robinson, who carried on the business of sail making for thirty-three years. He was succeeded by Andrew W. Fowler. He manufactures Sails and Awnings. Mr. Fowler is 88 years of age and has been employed in the sail making business for 73 years, having in his possession the documents showing when, at the age of 15 years, he was "bound out." Challenge Mfg. Co., 29 Haviland street, S. N. Es- tablished in 1899 by William H. Meeker. Manufacturer of Water Heaters and Gas Stoves. Employees, 15. Yearly output, 900 Heaters and 1,500 Stoves. Loxa Pharmaceutical Co. Established in 1889 by G. C. Stillson. Succeeded in 1902 by Stillson-Powell Corporation. Manufacturers of Stillson's specific for chills and fever, "Loxa Tonic." Raymond Remedy Co., Elm Grove, S. N. Estab- lished in 1882 by A. A. Raymond. Manufacturers of Medicated Soaps. Dr. Dicks Medicine Co., 64 South Main street, S. N. Established June, 1901, by Miss Gertrude Bohan- nan. Manufacturers of Proprietary Medicine for rheu- matism and malaria. James L. Hoyt, 3 Cove street, E. N. Manufac- turer of the celebrated Le Count Cribbage Boards. Succeeded William G. Le Count in 1897. F. Boylston, Rowayton. Established in 1872 by Francis Boylston. Mr. Boylston has the distinction of building the first baby carriage, on springs, offered for sale in the United States. He is a large manufacturer of Invalid Chairs. Employees, 4. Hanlon Bros., 3-5 Wall street, N. Established in 1880 by John J. and W. P. Hanlon. Manufacturers of Hanlon's Baking Powder and Shirt Waist Starch. Em- ployees, 6. Annual output, $60,000. Norwalk Hygeia Ice Mfg. & Refrigerating Co., 138 Water street, S. N. Established in 1902 by Dufenbach & Johnson. Manufacturers of Ice. An important branch of the business is Cold Storage. Area of build- ing, 96x45. Capacity, 17 tons in 24 hours. Employees, 9. Colonial Mfg. Co., 3 Wall street, N. Established in 1892 by H. E. Dann. Succeeded by present corporation in 190*1. Capital, $60,000. H. E. Dann, president; W. A. Curtis, treasurer; F. E. Wilcox, secretary; F. S. Ambler, vice president and manager. Manufacturers of all kinds of horse remedies. G. N. McKibbin Mfg. Co., 52 Water street, S. N. Incorporated March, 1901. Manufacturers of a general line of machinery. G. N. McKibbin, president ; W. R. Thompson, secretary and treasurer. Employees, 7. John G. Pugsley, manufacturer of the Universal and Excelsior Ankle Supporters and Straight Walking Soles. Established by Pugsley & Smith in 1886. Suc- ceeded in 1888 by Pugsley & Golden. Succeeded by Pugsley & Smith in 1889. Mr. Pugsley has carried on the business since 1890. Capacity, 100 pairs daily. Em- ployees, 6. Edwin L. Monroe, 19 Mechanic street, N. ,stab- lished in 1897. Manufacturer of all kinds of Baskets. The Norwalk Extract Co., 1-5 Wall street, N. Es- 378 tablished in 1889 by F. S. Ambler & Co. Manufactur- ers of Flavoring Extracts and Grocer and Druggist Supplies. Employees, 5. E. H. Hotchkiss Co., 6-8 Hoyt street, N. Incor- porated in 1893. E. H. Hotchkiss, president; W. A. Curtis, secretary and treasurer. Manufacturers of Automatic Paper Fastening Machines and Automatic Tackers. The company does an extensive exporting business, sending goods to almost every country on the globe. The paper fastening machine is the only auto- matic machine of the kind in the market. Employees, 30. Curtis & Comstock, 32 Knight street, N. Estab- lished Jan. i, 1900, by Seymour Curtis and Willard S. Comstock. Manufacturers of Overalls and Mechanics' Clothing. Employees, 25. Pierson Mfg. Co., corner of Wall and High streets, N. Established May, 1901. Manufacturers of Overalls and Mechanics' Clothing. Employees, 20. Jerome Paper Co., Water street, N. New York offices, 570 Seventh avenue. Established in 1890. Man- ufacturers of all kinds of Roll and Bunch Toilet Papers. Employees, 20. The Norwalk Poultry Yards, located on Water street, N. Established in December, 1900, by F. E. Vail and George A. Comstock. The yards have an area of five acres with 450 feet of buildings. The firm raises exhibition poultry, broilers and eggs for marketing. HATTING. Hat Forming Co., Railroad avenue, S. N. Incor- porated in 1874. Original capital stock, $10,000; in- creased to $35,000. Officers: Alden Solmans, presi- dent; W. H. Benedict, treasurer; S. C. Palmer, secre- tary. Directors: W. H. Benedict, James H. Knapp, Edwin Adams, Alden Solmans, S. C. Palmer. The company manufactures hat bodies and is one of South Norwalk's most important industries, giving employ- ment to a large number of men during the busy season. The leading and most flourishing concern engaged in the production of hats, and which has been for many years past, is the Crofut & Knapp Company, with an enormous factory of all the modern improvements and appliances of every kind located on the corner of Day and Tolles street. This firm is a corporation organ- ized under the laws of the state of Connecticut, and has as its officers James H. Knapp, president; Philip 374 N. Knapp, vice president ; and William W. Lester, sec- retary and treasurer. The superintendent of this vast concern is John J. Cavanaugh. All of these gentlemen are extensive stockholders in the company. Besides having this factory, the company has a suite of offices at No. 840 Broadway, and the sales from this office and the office located at No. 44 Bedford street, Boston, Mass., are enormous. The capital stock of the corpor- ation is $100,000, divided into 1,000 shares of $100.00 each, of which the sum of $25,000 is paid in capital in cash. The factory was organized as a copartnership about the year 1860, with its building located on the corner of North Main and Union streets. The partners were A. J. Crofut and James H. Knapp. Business was carried on in this establishment until the year 1893, when it was decided to increase the manufacturing business. For that reason another tract of land was bought and a large factory was erected on the corner of Day and Tolles streets, and the firm continued to do business in both places, until they decided to form a joint stock corporation, and forthwith were organized under the laws of Connecticut, with a capital stock of $100,000, and a paid up capital of $25,000 cash money. The stock was divided into 1,000 shares of $100 each and was readily taken up. The new corporation began to boom things, and in a year and a half it was found that the two factories could not accommodate the necessary ap- pliances for the carrying on of the rapidly increasing business. A meeting was called and it was decided to procure more property adjoining the Day and Tolles streets property, which was accordingly done, and a building of the most improved and spacious kind was erected, into which the firm moved in 1896, and where it is at present installed and engaged in the manufac- ture of the finest and most extensive grade of hats chat is manufactured in the New England States to-day. The annual output of the factory is up ward of 20,000 dozens of hats, and three-quarters of this production is of the fine grade. The credit of the large increase is due entirely to the present officers, who have held the same office for some time, and whose energy and ap- plication of modern business methods have made the company what it is to-day. They are engaged in t making of every kind and form of hat, and also make i specialty of the coach and police hat of fine grade, have supplied for a long time the New \ork po 375 force, the police of Boston, Lynn, and other large cities with helmets, and have received the highest of *atisfac~- tion, and are spoken of by many as being a fine type of workmanship. When the firm first started business there were just fifty men employed, and that number has gradually in- creased, until to-day the firm employs anywhere from 350 to 400 men. Hatting in South Nor walk was brought to birth, a person might say, by the C. & K. Co., and was fostered as a child by them, until to-day it stands as one of the best and most improved hat manu- factories of the western part of Connecticut. The Volk Hat Company, corner of Raymond and Day streets, S. N., is a representative concern whose goods are widely known throughout the country. The business was established in 1875 by Francis A. Volk and Joseph A. Volk under the firm name of Francis A. Volk & Bro. In 1880, owing to the death of Francis A. Volk, the firm was reorganized, Joseph A. Volk as- sociating himself with Henry I. Smith and Christian Swartz, the firm being known as the Volk Hat Com- pany. The company was incorporated at this time, having as officers Christian Swartz, president; Joseph A. Volk, secretary and treasurer and general manager ; Henry I. Smith, superintendent. The present officers are as follows: Christian Swartz, president; Joseph A. Volk, secretary and treasurer; James H. Flynn, super- intendent. The excellent quality of hats manufactured has given the firm a very high reputation with the trade, owing largely to Mr. Volk's close attention to the business. Otto Barthol, manufacturer of Hats in the rough. Established Nov. 5, 1880, under the firm name of Hub- bell & Barthol. Partnership dissolved Nov. 5, 1890, the business being continued by Mr. Barthol until May, 1901, at which time the corporation Otto Barthol Co. was organized with a capital of $50,000. Otto Barthol, president; William Moran, vice president; Edward W. Beard, treasurer. The corporation's factory is one of the most complete in the country. It has a daily capac- ity of loo dozens. Employees, 80. Universal Hat Company, corner of Clay street and Railroad avenue. S. N. Established originally in 1875 by William A. Brown. Succeeded in 1888 by Univer- sal Hat Co. Manufacturers of stiff and soft hats. Em- ployees, 6. Weekly output, 24 dozen. Norwalk Hat Company, 50 Water street, S. N. Originally established in 1887 as the South Norwalk Hat Co. Succeeded by the Norwalk Hat Co. in 1898. The members of the company are John J. Murphv j.ncl E. H. Bush. They manufacture a fine grade 'of Stiff Hats, giving employment to 25 hands. William B. Hubbell, 22 Woodward avenue, S. N. Established November, 1891. Manufacturer of hats in the rough. Mr. Hubbell's factory is finely equipped and the 50 men employed receive liberal wages. The daily output is 75 dozen hats. Hoyt, Wolthausen & Co., Day street, S. N. Es- tablished in 1895 by H. W. Hoyt and F. Wolthausen. Partnership dissolved May I, 1902. Wolthausen Hat Co. formed. Incorporated May i, 1902. Capital stock, $25,000. L. R. Bouton, president; F. Wolthausen, secretary and treasurer. Manufacturers of hats in the rough. Employees, 75. Capacity, 100 dozen daily. Espenscheid Hat Co. Incorporated April 3, 1902, by Charles C. Settle and Edwin C. Godfrey. Manu- facturers of Trimmed Hats, soft, stiff and flexible. Charles C. Settle, president; Edwin C. Godfrey, secre- tary and treasurer. Capacity, 40 dozen daily. Em- ployees, 40. A. A. Hodshon & Co., 53 Railroad Place, S. N. Established June I, 1898, by A. A. Hodshon, Frederick Pitzer and Frederick Earth ol. Manufacturers of hats in the rough only. Daily output, 24 dozen. Employees, 18. J. C. Wilson & Co., manufacturers of fine fur hats, occupy a commodious factory on the corner of Cross and South Main streets, S. N. The first factory on this site was erected in 1885 by the Co-operative Hat Co., as the outcome of the great strike. The building burned and in its place was erected the present build- ing. J. C. Wilson took possession in 1886 and has since conducted his large business there, giving employ- ment to 150 hands. A fine grade of hats is manufac- tured and the business is rapidly increasing. WOOLEN GOODS. The Norwalk & Fairfield Worsted Co. is one of the substantial manufacturing concerns of the town and does a large business in the manufacture of woolen goods. In November, 1901, the present company vas established and it was incorporated in March, 1902, with a capital stock of $50,000. The officers are E. M. 77 Andrews, president; E. H. Smith, treasurer; W. R. Adams, secretary. The large plant on Belden avenue and Cross street might be referred to as one of the town's landmarks owing to the many years it has been used for the manufacture of felt and woolen goods. The company gives employment to 125 men. WORKERS IN WOOD. H. W. Mathers, 131 Water street, S. N. Estab- lished in 1895. Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds and Trimmings. Mr. Mathers also does a general carpen- ter business, giving employment to 12 men. The out- put of his factory is about $1,000 monthly. Riverside Mills, Riverside avenue, E. N. Estab- lished in 1889 by M D. Randall. Succeeded by Nor- walk Building Co. in 1898. Succeeded by Leslie Gam- ble in 1900. Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds, Doors, Window Frames, Mouldings and Trimmings, and all kinds of turned work. Employees, 17. Weekly output about $2,000 completed work. Carman & Seymour, Riverside avenue, E. N. Es- tablished in 1899 by S. T. Carman and F. S. Seymour. Manufacturers of Mouldings and Wood Trimmings. Employees, 3. Hatch, Bailey & Co., corner of Water and Marshall streets. The business was originally carried on by Burr Knapp and Henry R. Fitch. They dissolved partnership in 1878 and the business was continued by Burr Knapp. He was succeeded by the present firm in 1881. The firm is composed of James S. Bailey, Edward F. Bailey and Stephen S. Hatch. Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Blinds, Window Frames, Mouldings and all kinds of turned work. Employees, 15. A. R. Malkin & Co., 3-7 Mechanic street, N. Es- tablished in 1885 at 74 Franklin avenue. Have occu- pied the present commodious quarters since 1890. Manufacturers of Mantels, Office Fixtures and all kinds of wooden trimmings. Employees, 50. J. S. Morgan, 12 Steamboat Place, S. N. Estab- lished in 1890. Builder of Stairs. East Norwalk Lumber Co. Incorporated in 1896. Capital stock, $12,000. M. D. Randall, president and treasurer; Horace Hubbell, vice president; James Hall, secretary. Succeeded by Hubbell, Hall & Randall Co. in 1902. Capital stock, $49,000. Rl OYSTERS. An article appears elsewhere on the oyster industry which is one of the most important of Norwalk's en- terprises. Our oysters are known around the world for their superior quality. Among the prominent planters and shippers are William H. Hoyt & Son, the H. Row- land Co., the Northport Oyster Co., Richard J. Cutbill, Jarnes W. Hoyt, Martineau & Lawson, Addison H. Merrill, George H. Shaffer, Sharrott & Son, Ernest W. Tallmadge, George N. Warren, Charles W. Rein- son, Theodore S. Lowndes, Elbert F. Lockwood, George W. Kinsley, S. J. & C. S. Byxbee, Isaac Ste- vens, Charles W. Bell, Edward Smith, John De Waters, George Stevens, John L'Hommedieu, John Planter, Jr., Albert Crockett, Hiram Taylor, Andrew Mills, Daniel Wicks, Hickson Cole. 873 PRESIDENTIAL VOTE OF THE TOWN OF NORWALK FOR SIXTY YEARS The following figures represent the number of votes received for the electoral ticket pledged to support the candidates for President below mentioned. The figures of the highest electoral vote have been furnished by the Secretary of State of Connecticut. 1840. William Henry Harrison Whig 426 Martin Van Buren Democrat 1 19 1844. Henry Clay Whig 471 James K. Polk Democrat 256 1848. Zachary Taylor Whig 482 Lewis Cass Democrat 182 1852. Winfield Scott Whig 489 Franklin Pierce Democrat 342 1856. John C. Fremont Republican 570 James Buchanan Democrat 375 Millard Fillmore Native American . 101 1860. Abraham Lincoln Republican 746 Stephen A. Douglas Democrat 244 John Cabell Breckenridge Democrat 144 John Bell Native American . 89 1864. Abraham Lincoln Republican 818 George B. McClellan Democrat 610 1868. U. S. Grant i Republican 1117 Horatio Seymour Democrat 751 1872. U. S. Grant Republican 1122 Horace Greeley Democrat 972 1876. R. B. Hayes Republican 1358 Samuel J. Tilden Democrat 1245 1880. James A. Garfield Republican 1586 Winfield Scott Hancock Democrat 1271 1884. James G. Blaine Republican 1351 Grover Cleveland Democrat 1560 1888. Benjamin Harrison Republican 1591 Grover Cleveland Democrat 1940 1892. Benjamin Harrison Republican 1974 Grover Cleveland Democrat 2101 1896. William McKinley Republican 2299 William J. Bryan Democrat 1 129 1890. William McKinley Republican 2525 William J. Bryan Democrat 1551 880 CITY OF SOUTH NORWALK Joseph R. Taylor. POUTH NORWALK, formerly called "Old Well," was organized a city August 1 8, 1870, under a charter granted by the Legislature of Connecticut, July 5th of the same year. This charter was revised by the Legislature April 19, 1882, and the city continued its existence under this revised charter until May 27, 1897, when the Legislature approved a revised and amended charter, under which the city has since continued and worked. The city is beautifully located on the shore of Long Island Sound, and has direct communication with New York City by rail and water. These means of communication with the commercial metropolis of the country have been of great advantage in the encouragement and development of the manufacturing interests of the city. The result has naturally been that the city has become the manufacturing part of the town of Norwalk, and within its borders are located manufactories that supply their trade world- wide. The population ,of the city at the time of its organization was about 2,200. Its population in 1900 was 6,591 ; a steady and healthful growth, proportion- ately far greater during the later years of the city's life than the earlier. The city has 17 miles of streets. Many of the streets are macadamized and others are paved with brick and Belgian block. The executive functions of the city are vested in a Mayor, and its Legislative in a Council of six mem- bers, all elected annually. The expenditures made by the Council are appropriated by city meeting, and no special expenditure exceeding one thousand dollars can be made by the Council until approved at a city meeting. In recent . years the labors of the Council have been considerably lightened by the establishment of commissions in several of the departments, all but one of which (the Board of Water Commissioners) have 881 been established by, and work under the direction of, the Council. The city has for years owned its water system, and has been constantly and wisely adding thereto. This system is managed and conducted by a board of three commissioners, one of which is elected annually for the term of three years. The Fire Department of the city is voluntary, and consists of one hook and ladder company and one hose company, comprising together upwards of 150 active members. The service has been of the best, as the comparative freedom from fire loss throughout the city will attest. The high order of excellence of fire service has ever been maintained with very small expense to the city. The executives of the city, since its organization, have been as follow : Dudley P. Ely, 1870, 1871 and 1872; Walter C. Quintard, 1873, 1874 and 1875; Dudley P. Ely, 1876 and 1877; Winfield S. Hanford, 1878; Walter C. Quintard, 1879; Christian Swartz, 1880; Edwin Adams, 1881; Christian Swartz, 1882; Peter L. Cunningham, 1883; Richard H. Golden, 1884; Nelson Taylor, Jr., 1885; John L. Richards, 1886; William B. Hubbell, 1887 and 1888; Frank Comstock, 1889; Edwin Wilcox, 1890; William B. Reed, 1891 and 1892; George Lock- wood, 1893; Mortimer M. Lee, 1894, 1895 an( ^ 1896; Charles G. Bohannan, 1897 and 1898; J. Milton Coburn, 1899; Charles G. Bohannan, 1900; Mortimer M. Lee, 1901 and 1902. The clerk of the city is ex-officio clerk of the Council. A remarkable fact in connection with this office is that every incumbent since the city's incorpor- ation is now living. The clerks of the city, since its organization, have been as follow: Walter T. Buckingham, 1870, 1871; Edwin Wilcox, 1872, 1873; John W. Craw, 1874, 1875; John W. Craw and Edwin Wilcox, 1876; Edwin Wilcox, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886 and 1887; Robert M. Wilcox, 1888; Edmund E. Crowe, 1889, 1890; Robert M. Wilcox, 1891, 1892 and 1893; Edmund E. Crowe and Joseph R. Taylor, 1894; Joseph R. Taylor, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901 and 1902. Doubtless the institution of which the citizens are most proud is the municipal electric light plant, owned and operated by the city. It was the first plant of its kind to be constructed within the state of Connecticut, and one of the early ones in the United States. The city's original plant for street lighting, now a part of the enlarged electrical system for both^public and commercial service, was authorized to be establish- ed after several meetings had been held in 1891-92 to consider the subject of a municipal plant, with the result that a favorable vote of the citizens was cast and $22,500 appropriated for the construction of such a plant. The plant was constructed under the direction of a committee composed of Joseph A. Volk, appoint- ed by city meeting, Gen'l Nelson Taylor and Edwin Adams, appointed by the Common Council. Albert E. Winchester was selected as consulting engineer to design and supervise the work. A part of the " Old Nursery" property located on the south side of State Street, adjoining the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., was purchased as a site for the station building Ground was broken in the spring of 1892 and on the evening N - of October i3th, of the same year, the new lighting system was regularly started. The original installation consisted of the middle section of the present building, (which is now nearly double its original size) an iron smoke stack, one horizontal tubular boiler, an engine, feed water heater, pump, injector, all necessary piping, two 60 light arc dynamos, switch-board, all necessary electrical ap- pliances, tools, office fixtures, and a pole line system, supplying 86 arc lamps, all of which are in regular service at the present, except the iron smoke stack, which was replaced by the large brick chimney, made necessary by the addition of the commercial system. After the public lighting system had been in operation for several years, a petition headed by Isaac S. Jennings, one of the original promoters of the plant, was submitted to the Common Council, re- questing the appointment of a committee to investi- gate and report on the advisability of enlarging the plant for the purpose of supplying commercial electric lighting. In compliance with the petition the Com- mon Council appointed the following committee: Councilmen Stephen S. Hatch, Frank N. Ferris, Oliver E. Weed, City Attorney John H. Light and Electrical Commissioners Joseph A. Volk, Col. Leslie Smith and Albert E. Winchester. Nearly two years were devo- ted to a most careful investigation of the subject, 383 covering municipal and other electric light plants in all parts of the United States and a favorable report was submitted to the Common Council that was unan- imously adopted. It was also commented upon by leading electrical journals as being a reliable and un- biased authority of the times upon the subject of mu- nicipal ownership of electric light plants. The matter was then brought before a city meeting held October 26, 1897, and a favorable vote was cast authorizing the construction of a commercial addition to the existing system under the direction of the Board of Electrical Commissioners, Joseph A. Volk, Col. Leslie Smith and Albert E. Winchester, and appropriating the sum of $20,000 called for in the report to cover the cost of construction. Work was immediately started. Mr. Winchester being again selected by his brother com- missioners to design and supervise the construction of the new system, and commercial lighting was supplied for the first time on the evening of August i, 1898. The system was run under test until the i3th of the following October, when it took its place as part of the city's enlarged electrical service, at which time the combined plant was placed upon a practical commer- cial basis. A fixed rate being established for street arc lamps as well as for all other out-put, thus ena- bling the plant, under favorable circumstances, to pay its expenses from its own legitimate income similar to a private corporation. This being, as far as known, the first municipal electric light plant to operate upon a practical business standard, under which municipal ownership must be successful. The commercial branch had not been in operation a year before the demand for electric lighting became so great that the plant was taxed to its full capacity. It became at once apparent that the commercial branch would have to be speedily enlarged and Commissioner Winchester was once more selected by the other mem- bers of the Board, Commissioners Volk and Smith, to design an enlargement of the commercial branch, doubling its capacity and obtain estimates on the cost of same. In the early part of May, 1900, a report was submitted to the Common Council recommending the enlargement at a cost of $17,500. The Common Council gave unanimous approval and called a citizens' meeting on the evening of May 15, 1900, to take final action. The city meeting unanimously appropriated $17,500 and authorized the Electrical Commissioners 884 to proceed with the contemplated enlargement, which was started without further delay. The enlargement was built, placed in operation and is now heavily taxed to meet the demand for lighting and power that con- tinues unabated. The day power system for motor service which had for several years been operated for the city by the former Norwalk Tramway Co. was bought outright on June 29, 1901, by the Electrical Commissioners from the Connecticut Railway & Lighting Co. It was immediately connected with the station by an independent feeder and the distributing mains were replaced with larger ones extending over a much greater area. By the end of the year 1901 so great had become the demands upon the plant, that early in 1902 the Board of Electrical Commissioners submitted to the Council a request for a special city meeting, to consid- er appropriating an additional $15,000.00 to enlarge the plant and to purchase equipment therefor. At a special city meeting, held October 28, 1902, the citi- zens voted an appropriation of $15,000. to enlarge the plant, and also voted to establish the meter system to measure electricity furnished for commercial light- ing, appropriating $5,000. for this latter purpose. The Commissioners are taking the necessary steps to carry out the purposes of these two appropriations. The station is a substantial brick structure practi- cally fire-proof, with slate roof on which are two cu- polas. The building proper is one and a half stories high, of rectangular form, 48 feet wide by 109 feet long with a coal house extension on the east of 100 tons storage capacity, opening into the fire room. On the west side are located a battery room containing the city's fire alarm batteries, a repair room, a test room and a stock room. The interior of the main building is divided by a fire wall into an engine room and boiler room. The boiler room contains a battery of four 125 horse-power horizontal tubular boilers, a feed water heater, an in- jector, a fire hose, coal weighing scales, an iron smoke flue from the boilers to the 500 horse-power brick chimney. Above the roof is a large steam whistle for fire and other calls. The chimney is a massive struc- ture, 91 feet high, built up from a natural bed rock foundation, and is provided with an iron ladder, sec- tional cast iron cap and copper lightning rod. In the base of the chimney is a fire-proof safe deposit vault 385 for city records. The engine room which is connected with the boiler room by a large sliding door, contains a 100 horse-power " Ideal " high speed engine belted direct to two 60 light "Western Electric" arc dynamos, four 100 horse-power "Watertown" high speed en- gines each connected direct to a 60 K. W. compound 220 volt multipolar dynamo, two of the dynamos are of the Siemens & Halske and two of the Eddy types, a large fully equipped marbleized slate switch-board on which are mounted all controlling devices for both the high tension arc, and the low tension commercial lighting and power circuits. The remaining equip- ment is composed of a fire alarm switch-board with a gong, a telephone, damper regulator, an additional 200 horse-power feed water heater, two steam feed water pumps, etc. The steam piping is covered with "Nonpareil" cork covering neatly painted. At the front end of this room is a gallery, under which are the main entrance, general office, private office and dressing room; the offices communicate with each other and the engine room and are provided with a long distance telephone, desks, chairs, safe, etc., the dressing room contains individual clothes lockers, sink and toilet. Convenient to the main entrance is located a fire alarm box. Both engine and boiler rooms have large double outside doors through which the largest machinery may be handled. The boiler room floor is composed of bricks laid on edge in cement, except in front of the boilers where blue stone flagging is laid. The other rooms have concrete floors. All doors opening through brick partitions are fire-proof. Fifteen electrical circuits radiate from the station throughout the city, two are high tension mains supplying all arc lamps in the streets ; four are low tension feeders, one for the day light and power system and one double and two single for commercial lighting connected to centers of distribution of the "crib" system of commercial mains, three are pressure wires, from outside feeder ends, one is a service from the mains to light the station and the remaining four are circuits of the fire alarm system connected with all fire alarm boxes, bells, etc. , of the fire department. The executive staff consists of a non-partisan board of three Electrical Commissioners appointed by the Common Council, each for the term of three years, one commissioner being appointed annually. As com- 386 111 A 000106467 4 missioners, the members of the board draw no salaries, but they have the power to make appointments from their own members, to any position on the salaried list of the operating staff. Their titles are President, Secretary and Treasurer and General Superintendent. It is their duty to have charge of the operation and maintenance of the city's electric light, fire alarm sys- tem and other electrical details of the city. The operating staff is composed of the above General Superintendent, two Engineers, two Linemen one Trimmer and two Firemen, who are appointed by the Commissioners on the qualifications of merit only. 387