NRLF GIFT OF Scollav Lvon LIBRARY G OUR ? .: JV 0f NATIVE ? F -f AND THEIR ALLIES WITH Synoptical Descriptions of tbe American Pteridopbyta North of Mexico LUCIEN MARCUS UNDERWOOD l\ FIFTH EDITION, REVISED NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1896 u. BIOLOGY UBRARY 6 COPYRIGHT, 1888, BY HENRY HOLT & CO, V DRDMMOND & NEU. Electrotypers, New York. PREFACE. THE first edition of this manual was published in 1881 and the second in 1882 ; the continued call for copies of the work is the only apology for a new edition. During the past six years the interest in ferns has largely increased, and has resulted not only in a wider and more thorough study of known forms, but in the less explored portion of our territory new species are con- tinually being brought to light. Of the true ferns (forming the order Filices) 140 species were described in the first edition and 145 in the second; in the present edition 156 species are re- corded, while three species recognized in former editions have been reduced to varieties. The Fern Allies are here augmented by the addition of a genus new to this country (Salmnta), and five species, two of which are here described for the first time ; a reduction of three species has resulted from a more extended study of large suites of specimens, so that 68 species are here recorded. While the general plan as developed in the former editions has not been greatly modified, the details of the entire work have been thoroughly revised in order that it may be in harmony with the present aspect of structural and systematic study which every year is adding to the sum of our knowledge. The work is intended as an introduction to the study of ferns and a manual for the easy determination of our species ; as such it has aimed to be suggestive in methods of study ; to this end the student is referred to the necessary literature, classified ac- cording to subjects, at the close of each chapter. It is hoped that the introduction of eight pages of references to the intro- ductory literature of plants lower than the pteridophytes may prove valuable to students who, like the writer, have been obliged to grope in the dark with no kindly suggestion as to what works were valuable for beginners. (v) vi PREFACE. Acknowledgments are here rendered to those who have aided in the preparation of this edition. Especially we would men- tion Dr. Sereno Watson, of the Botanic Gardens at Cambridge for access to numerous specimens ; Professor Daniel C. Eaton, of Yale, for elucidating the synonymy of Asptdium pattdum ; and most of all, Mr. George E. Davenport for very many kindly suggestions, specimens, and courtesies extending through a series of years. SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, Feb. 18, 1888. PREFACE TO FIFTH EDITION. IN the fourth edition (1893) numerous changes were made: (i) by rewriting several of the chapters, (2) by the addition of four species new to our flora, and (3) by the modification of the nomenclature to conform with the " Rochester rules." The further amendment of these rules at Madison, Wisconsin, in August, 1893, renders necessary two or three additional changes. It is also a pleasure to record two additional species which have been found in the country since the fourth edition was published, viz., Dryopteris simulata from New England, and Equisetum Mexicanum from Southern California, the former described by Mr. George E. Davenport, and the latter discov- ered by Prof. A. J. McClatchie of Pasadena, California. The total number described is, therefore, 230 ; of these 1 59 are ferns and the remaining 71 are fern allies. In other respects the present edition is essentially the same as the fourth. AUBURN, ALABAMA, Nov. 15, 1895. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION, , . . ix ABBREVIATIONS, xii CHAPTER I. Haunts and Habits of Ferns, I II. The Organs of the Growing Fern, 8 III. Fructification in Ferns, 10 IV. Germination of Fern Spores, 19 V. Fern Structure 24 VI. The Fern Allies, 28 VII. Classification and Nomenclature, 41 VIII. The Fern's Place in Nature, 48 IX. Distribution in Time and Space, 62 X. Methods of Study, 70 OUR NATIVE PTERIDOPHYTA. ORDER I. FILICES: 75 II. MARSILEACE/E, 125 III. SALVINIACE/E 127 IV. OPHIOGLOSSACE/E, 128 V. EQUISETACE^: 132 VI. LYCOPODIACE/E, '. . . 135 VII. SELAGINELLACE^E 140 VIII. ISOETACE^: 142 INDEX AND GLOSSARY, 149 INTRODUCTION. IN the entire vegetable world there are probably no forms of growth that attract more general notice than the Ferns. Deli- cate in foliage, they are sought for cultivation in conservatories and Wardian cases, and when dried and pressed add to the culture of many a domestic circle by serving as household deco- rations. They furnish to botanists a broad and inviting field for investigation, and he who examines their more minute struc- ture with the microscope will find deeper and still more myste- rious relations than those revealed to the unaided eye. Ferns thus appeal to the scientific element of man's nature as well as to the aesthetic, and while they highly gratify the taste, they furnish food for the intellect in a like degree. The Fern allies have also played their appointed part in the domestic and decorative economy of this and other generations. The scouring-rushes served our ancestors for keeping white their floors and wooden-ware in the days when carpets were a luxury. The trailing stems of various species of Lycopodium have long been valued for holiday decorations ; while their burning spores have flashed in triumphal processions, and have added their glow to the fervor of political campaigns. In olden time the obscure fructification of the common brake led to many superstitious ideas among the common people, and the older poets have woven these popular notions into our litera- ture. Butler tells in Hudibras of bugbears so often created by mankind : " That spring like fern, that infant weed, Equivocally without seed, And have no possible foundation But merely in th' imagination." X IN TROD UCTION. Shakespeare only reflects a prevalent belief of his time when he says : " We have the receipt of fern seed ; we walk invisible." Others allude to the falling of the seed on the anniver- sary night of the birth of John the Baptist. The old simplers with their lively imagination were impressed by the fancied resemblances of some parts of fern growth to various organs of the human body, and introduced them into their system of specifics. Traces of their influence still remain in the names of some of our common ferns, as spleenwort and maidenhair. To form a correct understanding of ferns we must study the ferns themselves as well as the text-book, as it is only by direct contact with nature that we gain definite and satisfactory informa- tion. The text-book is useful only in giving directions how to investigate. To understand thoroughly an animal we must study its habits in its native haunts. To know its structure and posi- tion in the animal kingdom we must carefully dissect a large number of specimens, and study the development of the individ- ual from its beginning. In like manner, to understand fully a fern we must search where nature has planted it, watch it as it un- coils from the bud, matures, produces its fruit, and finally returns to the earth ; examine it with needles and lenses, and discover its minute structure and its life-history. These pages, which aim to give an outline of the forms of fern growth, the methods of fruiting, the germination or growth from the spore, and finally the more minute structure of the entire plant, can only be thoroughly understood by taking the ferns in hand and studying them in connection with the text. For the first three chapters and the determination of species a strong pocket lens and a few needles mounted in handles for dissection will furnish the necessary outfit. Chapters IV. and V. will require a com- pound microscope with its appliances for successful investiga- tion. Those unused to such an instrument will need special directions in regard to the care of a microscope and the methods of using it. Such directions will be found in the laboratory guides recommended in Chapter X. The following will also be useful and suggestive : INTRODUCTION. Xi STOKES (A. C). Microscopy for Beginners. I2mo. New York, 1887. (Harper & Brothers.) BAUSCH (Edward). Manipulation of the Microscope. I2mo. Rochester, N. Y., 1885. (Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.) A collection of the native ferns of the country is interesting and attractive. Good specimens should include roots so as to show as much as possible of the method of growth. They should be mounted on standard herbarium paper sixteen and one half by eleven and one half inches. Let no one imagine that the study of ferns will be an easy one. Patient application and careful observation are essential to success, yet he who becomes once interested in the work will find a subject that deepens in interest with every step, and even becomes enchanting as he seeks to determine the mysteri- ous processes of fern development and the marvels of fern structure. ABBREVIATIONS. ADANS M. Adanson. AIT W. Aiton. ANGS J. Angstroem. BEAUV P. de Beauvais BERNH .. J. J. Bernhardi. BIGEL J. Bigelow. BRACK W. D. Brackenridge. A. BR , . . A. Braun. R. BR R. Brown. BONG Bongard. BRONG A. Brongniart. CAV A. J. Cavanilles. CHAPM A. W. Chapman. DAV G. E. Davenport. DC A. P. DeCandolle. DESK R. L. Desfontaines. DESV N. A. Desvaux. EHRH F. Ehrhart. ENDL S. L. Endlicher ENGELM G. Engelmann. H.&A Hooker and Arnott. H.&G Hooker and Greville. HBK..Humboldt, Bonpland and Kunth. HITCH E. Hitchcock. HOFFM G. F. Hoffman. HOOK W. J. Hooker. HUDS W. Hudson. HUMB Baron von Humboldt Juss A. L. Jussieu KAULF ... G. F. Kaulfuss. KOCH W. D. Koch. KUHL Kuhlewein. L C. von Linne [Linnaeus]. LAM J. B. de Lamarck. L'HER C. L. L'Heritier. LIEBM F. Liebmann. LINDL J. Lindley. LINN. F C. Linnaeus (son). MART. & GALE... Martens and Galeotti. METT G. Mettenius. MICHX A. Michaux. MUHL G. H. E. Muhlenberg. NECK N. J. Necker. NUTT T. Nuttall. PLUM C. Plumier. REICHENB H. G. L. Reichenbach. RICH C. L. M. Richard. SCHLEICH Schleicher. SCHREB J. C. D. Schreber. SM J. E. Smith. J. SM J. Smith. SPRENG K. Sprengel. Swz O. Swartz. THUNB C. P. Thunberg. TOKR J. Torrey. TUCKERM E. Tuckerman. UNDE L. M. Underwood. VAILI S. Vaillant. VENT E. P. Ventenat. WALL N. Wallich. WALLR F. W. Wallroth. WALT T. Walter. WILLD K. L. Willdenow. Gr Greek. Lat Latin. cm centimetre. mm millimetre. var variety. feet. ' inches. "... .. lines. (xii) OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. CHAPTER I. HAUNTS AND HABITS OF FERNS. Our outward life requires them not, Then wherefore had they birth ? To minister delight to man, To beautify the earth. MARY HOWITT. 1. General Characters. Our native ferns comprise plants varying in height from less than an inch to six or seven feet, or even more. Some are stout and fleshy, others are delicate and even filmy, but most are herbaceous, resembling ordinary flowering plants in the texture of their foliage. While most would be recognized as ferns by even a novice, a few differ so widely from the ordinary typical forms that to an unskilled ob- server they would scarcely be considered as bearing any resem- blance to ferns whatever. The fronds of one of our Florida species resemble narrow blades of grass, and the fertile spikes of another from New Jersey might be mistaken for a diminutive species of sedge. A third from Alabama would, perhaps, be called a moss by the inexperienced, while the " Hartford fern," found from New England to Kentucky, has a climbing stem and broad palmate leaves. When we add to these peculiar forms of our own country those of foreign lands, and include the immense tree ferns of tropical regions, we find our early conception of a fern inade- quate to cover this diversity of forms. Without attempting an accurate definition of a fern, let it be regarded for present pur- i OUR THEIR ALLIES. poses as" \a" &bwgr!e&r plant,*- prbditemg spores instead of seeds, possessing more or less woody tissue, and having its leaves coiled in the bud from apex to base. After the necessary study of the structure of some of our common ferns, we will be able to comprehend the more technical definition found later in the work. 2. Mode of Growth. Ferns vary greatly in their method of growth, yet each species has a plan which, within certain limits, is fixed and definite. Some, like the common brake, have their fronds rising from more or less distant portions of the creeping rootstock. Others, like Asplenium trichomanes, are tufted, many fronds rising irregularly in a cluster ; while still others, like the ostrich-fern (Onoclea) and many of the shield- ferns (Dryopteris), grow in crowns or circles, the later fronds continually rising within the older ones. In the grape-ferns (Botrychiuni) the rootstocks usually produce a single frond each season, the bud for the succeeding year growing within the base of the common stalk. 3. In many there is a tendency to dimorphism, the fertile or fruit-bearing fronds differing to a greater or less extent from the sterile ones. In a few species, like the sensitive-fern and the ostrich-fern (Onoclea), this is carried so far that the sterile and fertile fronds bear no resemblance to each other, and in one instance have been mistaken for different species, and so de- scribed. Osmunda cmnamomea,. Woodwardia areolata, Pel- Icea Stelleri, Cryptogramma, and Lomarza otter further exam pies of this principle of growth. 4. Variation. The same species will often present wide differences in the size of the fronds. This depends to some ex- tent on the character of the soil and the ordinary climatic con- ditions. For example, the lady-fern (Asplentum filtx-fcemina), which in ordinary locations grows from two to four feet high, in mountainous regions is sometimes reduced to from three to six inches, when it forms the var. exile. In like manner the marginal shield-fern (Dryopterts marginalts), usually two or three feet high, is reduced to five inches when growing on rocky cliffs, and yet regularly produces fruit.* * Cf. Bulletin Torrey Botanical Club, vi. 266 (Oct. 1878). HA UNTS AND HABITS OF FERNS. 3 5. In some cases there is a tendency to variation in size that cannot be referred to soil or climatic influences. The com- mon grape-fern (Botrychtum Vtrginianuni) will be found in some localities to vary from six inches to two feet in height, all well fruited and matured, and with the extreme sizes growing within a pace of each other in the same soil and with the same environment. The other species of the same genus present similar variations, and judging from size and external appear- ance alone, a regular gradation of forms might be arranged from the most diminutive undivided forms of B. simplex to the larg- est of B. Virginianum. 6. Another tendency to variation is noticed in the forking of fronds either at the summit or at the ends of the branches. The hart's-tongue (Scofapendrium) is frequently forked at the summit, the walking-leaf (Camptosorus) less commonly, while the same tendency is noticed in various compound forms, as Asplenium angustifoltum, Cheilanthes lanosa, Gymnogramme Ehrenbergiana, Dicksonia, Pellcea atropurpurea, and others. Some of the species of Botrychium show the same tendency, especially in their fertile segments. It is probable that all our species will be found to fork under certain conditions. More definite information is desirable with regard to many species that show this tendency, as it doubtless involves the question of ancestry of existing ferns. 7. In those species whose sterile and fertile fronds are un- like, forms often appear that are intermediate between the ster- ile and fertile fronds, and sometimes even form a graded series from one to the other. This is especially true of the sensitive- fern (Onocled) and the cinnamon-fern (Osmunda cinnamomea), and has frequently been the source of so-called "varieties." Whether this variation arises from some peculiarity of environ- ment, or from some inherent tendency to reversion toward an older form, will require more extended observation to deter- mine. One of the varieties of Botrychinm ternatum seems to have been founded on a condition which is intermediate in structure between the sterile and fertile segments. 8. In a few forms there is an apparent mimicry, one species imitating another in foliage or method of fruiting. In the cin- namon-fern just aDuded to, which has a cinnamon-colored 4 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. sterile frond totally unlike the fertile, sterile fronds will some- times be found which are fertile at the apex the normal method of fruiting in the royal flowering-fern (Osmunda regalis) ; and in turn the royal flowering-fern is sometimes fertile in the middle, in imitation of Osmunda Claytoniana. 9. Time of Fruiting. The time of maturing fruit is dif- ferent among different species, and also varies with geographi- cal location and proximity to tropical climates. In the Northern States some species produce their fruit as early as May (Osmunda cinnamomea), and others as late as September (Lygodtuni), but the greater number are best studied in July and August. In the Northeastern States, where the two species of Cystopterts abound on limestone rocks, C. fragilis matures its spores and withers in June or July, while C. bulbifera reaches its maturity only in August or September. In semi-tropical climates, like Southern California and the Gulf States, the time of fruiting is often earlier, sometimes occurring in February or March. Some fronds are killed by the early frosts, while others, like the Christ- mas-fern, are evergreen, and may be gathered in midwinter. 10. Local Distribution. Ferns are largely dependent for successful growth on the amount of warmth, moisture, and shade to which they are subjected, and we would naturally ex- pect to find them reaching a maximum in size and abundance in warm swamps or shady marshes. While this is in general true, we nevertheless find many species thriving only in rocky places, thrusting their roots into the crevices of the rocks with little earth for their nourishment, and many times exposed to the scorching rays of the sun. Of necessity, such species are of comparatively small size, and likely to be protected in some way against the heat of the sun, and provided with means to retain their moisture in times of drought. Others still are found in wet, rocky ravines, often where moistened by the spray of cascades or waterfalls, and consequently have no such pro- vision against the heat of an extended summer. Certain others thrive in open fields that are comparatively dry and unshaded. One species of Southern Florida is aquatic, having the sterile fronds floating in shallow water. A few species are epiphytic, or grow on other plants, some being found on tree-trunks to the height of 150 or 200 feet ! HAUNTS AND HABITS OF FERNS. 5 So, while moisture, warmth, and shade in abundance are the climatic conditions essential to promote luxuriant fern growth, it can and does continue when any or all these conditions are reduced to a minimum. 1 1 . Ferns may then be sought in any of the following situa- tions, and it will be seen that each situation has its charac- teristic species : A. Wet swamps or marshes with or without abundant shade. B. Rich woods, more or less moist. C. Uncultivated open places and dry hillsides. D. Moist, rocky ravines or rocky places not subject to sum- mer drought. E. Exposed rocky cliffs. F. Standing water. G. Growing on other plants. (Epiphytic.) 1 2. In the first location mentioned above, we may find the chain-ferns ( Woodivardia), many of the spleenworts (Aspleniuni), a few of the shield-ferns (Dryopferis),\.\\zftowzr'mg-ierns(psmun- da), as well as the genera Acrostichum, Onoclea, etc. These in- clude some of our largest and coarsest ferns. A few more deli- cate in structure are also found here, notably the dainty Phegop- teris dryopteris. \ 3. In the second we find a few spleenworts, most of the shield-ferns, the beech-ferns (Phegopterts), most of the grape- ferns (Botrychiuni), the maidenhair {Adiantum), the Dtcksonta, and some others. In this situation we find the finest develop- ment of foliage and the greatest artistic finish among all the ferns. 1 4. In uncultivated places and on rocky hillsides we often find the common bracken or brake (Pterts aquilind), and the lady-fern (Asplenium filix-fcemtnd), though these are by no means confined to these locations, the latter growing quite fre- quently in moist woods, and even in cold, wet swamps. Many other ferns are found occasionally in openings of the forest or recent clearings, where they maintain a sickly existence, some- times for a series of years. In such locations ferns often be- come contracted and abnormal in growth, and take on a faded yellow hue from their exposure to the open sunshine. 1 5. In moist ravines and on rocky banks the bladder-ferns (Cystopterts) may be found, with the peculiar walking-leaf O OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES (Camptosorus), the rare hart's-tongue (Scolopendrtum)* and many of the smaller spleenworts. The long, pendent fronds of Cystopteris bulbifera add greatly to the beauty of our natural ravines, and often serve to conceal the uncouth rocks, or at least draw the attention to that which is more deli- cate and artistic. On dripping rocks, or where the sides of ravines are kept continually moist by the spray of waterfalls, such delicate pellucid ferns as the filmy-fern (Trichomanes) and Pellcea Stelleri may be sought. There seems to be a direct connection between the environment and the texture of the fern. The last two mentioned grow in very damp situations, and are pellucid and almost membranous. Cystopteris in some- what drier situations is thinly herbaceous, while Asplenium trichomanes and Camptosorus, requiring less moisture, are more firm, and form the transition to the next group. 1 6. On dry cliffs we may look for the various species of Woodsia, the cloak-ferns (Nothclcend), the lip-ferns (Cheilanthes), and the cliff-brakes (Pellcza). Many of these are firm and even leathery in texture, and others are thickly covered on one or both sides with tangled hair or scales, fitting them to survive long periods of drought. 1 7. Only one of our native species is strictly aquatic, the anomalous Ceratopteris thalictroidcs found in Southern Florida, though Acrostichum aureum is often found with its rhizoma rising from the water of salt marshes. Osmunda regalis is oc- casionally found in standing water several inches deep, though this is not usual. 1 8. Among the epiphytic ferns are several species of Poly- podium, P. polypodioides, P. Scoulert, and P. aureum, the last always being associated with the cabbage-palmetto (Sabal palmetto). Vittaria, Tcenitis, and Nephrolepis are also of this class, and are frequently pendent from the same plant, though occasionally found on other tree-trunks. Ophioglossum pal- matum, another peculiar tropical fern-ally, belongs to the same * This rare fern seems to show a decided preference for limestone rocks, and thus far has been found only above the geological formation known as the Corniferous limestone. I believe a thorough search for this fern along the outcrops of the formation in Central New York and elsewhere would show a wider distribution than is at present attributed to this species. HAUNTS AND HABITS OF FERNS. J list. Even in the streets of Southern cities, Polypodium poly- podioides is often seen growing with various mosses well up on the trunks of shade-trees. It is only in tropical regions, however, that epiphytes are seen in profusion. 1 9. These principles of climatic distribution are necessarily modified by the geographic range of species, which must be considered in this connection. For example, Dryopteris spinu- losa or its varieties form the leading foliage ferns of Northern New England and New York, while Dicksonia, less common in those localities, largely replaces them from Connecticut south- ward. This subject will be more fully discussed in a later chapter. LITERATURE. Most of the American literature bearing on this subject is in the form of short notes which have appeared from time to time in our two botanical monthlies;* a classified summary appears below : HABITS. Botanical Gazette, I, 2 ; II, 100 ; in, 82 ; IV, 140, 177, 232 ; v, 27, 30, 43, 48; vi, 161, 295 ; vii, 86. DIMORPHISM. Torrey Bulletin, vm, 101, 109 ; IX, 6 ; xin, 62. FORKING FRONDS. Botanical Gazette, \, 50; n, 80; 111,39; vi, 220; vm, 242. Torrey Bulletin, vn, 26, 85; IX, 116, 129; x, 4. RELATIVE ABUNDANCE : DAVENPORT (George E.). A Bit of Fern History. In Botanical Gazette, VII, 60-64 (May, 1882). CULTIVATION : JACKSON (Robert T.). Cultivation of Native Ferns. In Garden and Forest, I, 317, 318; 330, 331; 340-342; 352-354 (Aug.-Sept. 1888). ROBINSON (John). Ferns in their Homes and Ours. I2mo, illustrated. Salem, 1878. A valuable outline of fern cultiva- tion, indispensable to those desiring to undertake the cultivation of ferns either in conservatories or Wardian cases. SMITH (John). Ferns, British and Foreign, 8vo. Lon- don, 1879. * The Botanical Gazette (Bloomington, Ind.) and the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club (Columbia College, New York). Students of ferns should have these journals on file to enable them to appreciate the botanical activity of the country. O OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. CHAPTER II. THE ORGANS OF THE GROWING FERN. Pour bien savoir une chose, il faut en savoir les details. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. 20. EVERY one familiar with the forest and its products must have seen the young ferns unrolling from the bud in spring and early summer. It will be noticed that the fronds are coiled from the apex to the base, and form crosiers, so called from their resemblance to the head of a bishop's staff. This method of vernation is called ctrcinate, and is rarely found except among ferns. In the grape-ferns and adder-tongues the vernation is straight or merely inclined, thus approximating that of ordinary flowering plants. 2 1 . Rootstock. Ferns usually spring from an under- ground stem called the rootstock. This may be simple or branched, smooth or scaly, horizontal, oblique, or even vertical. In some ferns it is fine and hairlike, while in others it is very large and stout. In some cases the rootstock creeps at the sur- face of the ground and even rises above it, as in the variety of Dryopteris contermina which grows in Florida. In the tree ferns of warmer climates it often forms a trunk fifty feet high, bearing the fronds at the summit, when it takes the name of caudex. 22. Frond. The aerial portion consists essentially of a leaf-stalk and blade; the former is technically called the stipf, and the latter the frond. Though these are usually distinct from each other in appearance, the stipe is sometimes wanting, and in others no distinction can be made between them. Both stipe and frond, or either one, may be glabrous (smooth), pubes- cent (softly hairy), hairy, woolly, or scaly ; when the scales are small and somewhat appressed, the surface is said to be squa- mous. The careful discrimination of these hairy or scaly appendages becomes a matter of importance in distinguishing many of the species of Gheilanthes. Jn a few of our native ferns THE ORGANS OF THE GROWING FERN. 9 the under surface is covered with a white or yellow powder bearing some resemblance to flour or corn starch. For this reason a surface of this character is ca\\cA farznac&ms. Such is the California gold-fern or " golden back" (Gymnogramme trian- gularis\ and several of the cloak-ferns (Notholcend), and such are the various gold and silver ferns of conservatories, including some of the richest and most beautiful in the world. 23. The frond may be simple, when it consists of a single undivided leaf, as in Scolopendrium or Camptosorns ; or compound, when it is divided into segments. The exquisite delicacy and the extent to which this dividing is carried in some ferns deter- mines largely their aesthetic value. The continuation of the stipe through a simple frond is called \\utmutuein; through a compound frond is called the rachis, and is further distinguished as primary when the frond is much compounded. A frond is entire when the margin forms an unbroken line; when so cut as to form lobes extending half way or more to the midvein it is called pinnatifid ; when these incisions extend fully to the midvein the frond is said to be simply pinnate, and the divisions are called pinna. When the pinnae are cut into lobes the frond is bipinnatifid and the lobes are called segments, and when these extend to the secondary midveins it is bipinnate and the divisions are called pinnules. The secondary midvein then becomes a secondary rachis. In like manner we may have ferns that are tripinnatifid &n& tripin- nate, quadripinnatifid and quadripinnate. The last lobes are designated ultimate segments, and the last complete divisions ultimate pinnules. All these various forms from entire to quad- ripinnate are abundantly represented among our native ferns. 24. In some pinnate fronds, as in the oak-fern {Phcgopteris dryopteris), the lower pair of pinnae is greatly enlarged and more compound than those above, so that the stipe appears to form three branches bearing similar and nearly equal portions. Fronds of this character are usually triangular or pentagonal in outline, and this method of branching is called ternate. It wil' be readily seen that this is merely a modified form of the ordi- nary pinnate frond. Throughout the domain of nature there is infinite variety of form and structure, and at the same time unity in plan and conformity to a few generalized types. 10 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. 25. Venation. The method of veining admits of great variation, often serving to distinguish species, and more especi- ally the sections of the various genera. In some ferns, like most shield-ferns (Dryopteris), the veins are free that is, arising from either side of the midvein they do not unite with any other vein. In some of these the vein is simple (not branched), in others variously forked. In many the veins repeatedly anastomose or unite together, forming a series of network or areolce. This may be somewhat irregular, as in Onoclea ; or forming a single row of areolae next to the midvein and thence free to the margin, as in Woodwardia Virgmica ; or forming many uniform areolae by the parallel transverse veinlets connecting the distinct and parallel primary veins, as in Polypodium phyllitidis. In case the venation does not appear when examined by reflected light, it may be brought out clearly by holding the frond between the observer and the light, and then using a lens if necessary. A few fleshy species require dissection to show the veins. CHAPTER III. FRUCTIFICATION IN FERNS. " But on St. John's mysterious night, Sacred to many a wizard spell, The hour when first to human sight Confest, the mystic fern -seed fell." 26. Spores and Sporangia. In the flowering plants (SPERMAPHYTES) there is a manifest sexual reproduction, the ovules in the female organs (pistils) being fertilized by the pollen produced by the stamens, thus giving rise to the embryo ric. i. Enlarged section through a J sorus of Polyfodium falcatum Kellogg, of the new plant. The Ferns, showing the stalked sporangia. , , on the contrary, produce no flowers. Instead of seeds developed from fertilized ovules, minute spores are produced asexual ly, from which new ferns are developed by a peculiar process of germination very unlike that FRUCTIFICATION IN FERNS. I* of flowering plants. These spores are collected in little sacs known as sporangia or spore cases. The sporangia in the true ferns (POLYPODIACE^E) are collected in little clusters on the back of the frond, or are variously arranged in lines along the veins or around the margins (Fig. i). These clusters of spo- rangia are called sort, and may be naked, as in Polypodium, or provided with a special covering known as the indusium, as in Dryopteris (Fig. 8). The various forms of the sori and indusia serve as the basis for classifica- tion into genera and tribes, while each sub-order has its peculiar form of sporangia. 27. In the POLYPODIACE^E the sporangia are more or less completely surrounded with a jointed vertical ring or annulus, and at maturity burst open transversely by the straightening of the annulus and discharge their copious spores (Fig. 2). The clusters of sporangia are said to be marginal, intramarginal, or dorsal, according as they have their position at the margin or more or less remote from it. Thev may be Fic.a. Sporan- gium of Polypo- roundish, oblong, or linear in shape, or arranged dium vnigare, L. t in variously forking lines, or may even be spread spores^'Suich'en- in a stratum over the entire under surface of the lar & ed - frond. They are called indusiate or non-indusiate according as they are covered or naked ; and the indusia may be inferior (at- tached below the sorus), as in Woodsia (Fig. 9), or superior, as \n Dryopteris ($\v. 8), or of various intermediate methods of at- tachment. 28. In the other sub- orders of FiLlCES the spo- rangia are variously ar- ranged. In the HYMENO- PHYLLACE^E or filmy ferns the flattened sporangia are sessile along a filiform recep- T ,. FlG ' 3 1 , FlG- 4 * Fig. 3. Enlarged sessile sporangium tacle, and are Surrounded Of Trichomanes radicans Swz. with a complete transverse 3Ifti*ESX3tf %&&. annulus. At maturity they Much enlarged. open vertically (Fig. 3). In the SCHIZ^EACE^E the sporangia 12 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. are ovate, surrounded at the apex by a complete annulus, and open by a longitudinal slit (Fig. 4). In the OSMUNDACE^E or flowering ferns the sporangia are larger, globose, and naked, with the mere trace of a transverse annulus, and open longitudinally. The various methods of fructification can be best understood by describing the peculiarities of the various genera in regular succession and noting the variations occurring in the sections or sub-genera. By this means we will arrive at a better under- standing of the principles of fern classification as discussed in a future chapter. As the subject of venation is closely connected with that of fructification, it will be treated in the same connec- tion. 29. Acrostichum. In this genus the sporangia are spread in a stratum over the under surface of the upper pinnae in our solitary species, but in some exotics they cover portions of the upper surface as well. There is no indusium. 30. Polypodium (Fig. i). This genus contains the larg- est number of existing ferns, and though all the species agree in the roundish naked sori, the venation is widely different in the various sections, which are chiefly formed on the character of the veins. Four of the five sections are represented in our nine species. In EUPOLYPODIUM the veins are free, yet are occasionally known to unite,* thus indicating a tendency to vary toward the next section. The sori are generally found at the end of a free veinlet. In GONIOPHLEBIUM the veins unite near the margin, form- ing large areolae, each containing a single free veinlet which bears the sorus at its end. A tendency to variation is seen in P. polypodioides, whose veins are free, as well as in /*. Caltfor- nicum in which they are often partly free. In PHLEBODIUM the veins form ample areolae in a row next the midvein, and frequently in one or more secondary rows, each bearing a single sorus at the junction of two or more vein- lets. A large number, however, bear the sori at the end of a single veinlet. From the fertile areolse to the margin the veins anastomose more copiously. * Catalogue of the Davenport Herbarium, p. 8. FRUCTIFICATION IN FERNS. 13 In CAMPYLONEURON the areolae, each usually bearing two sori, are found between the parallel primary veins which extend from the midrib to the margin. 31. Gymnogramme In this genus the sori follow the course of the veins, and consequently vary with the venation, being simple, forked, pinnated, or anastomose with each other. The sori are non-indusiate. 32. Notholsena. In the cloak-ferns the sori are marginal, and provided with no indusia. This genus is linked very closely to Gymnogramme on one hand and to some species of Chei- lanthes on the other. From the latter it is separable only by the absence of the marginal indusium; the two are likely to be con- founded by beginners. 33. Tsenitis has simple fronds, and the fructification in a continuous sub-marginal line near the apex of the frond. 34. Vittaria. This peculiar genus occupies a somewhat in- termediate position between the indusiate and non-indusiate genera, and while usually associated with the latter has consid- erable claim to be ranked with the former. The fronds are nar- row and grass like, bearing the sporangia in an intramarginal groove, often more or less covered by the inrolled edge of the frond. The venation is very obscure. 35. Adiantum (Fig. 5). The maidenhairs have a peculiarly smooth foliage, and usually possess no midvein. The veins are usually flabellate, and after forking one or more times bear the sori at their extremities. The margin of the frond is reflexed, thus forming an indusium which bears the sporangia on its under surface. F 'G. s--A segment of Aatantum, snowing the 36. Pteris (rig. 6). In this genus, sori covered by indusia which includes the common brake, the n -ro otherwise free veins are united by a fili- Le Maout and Decaisne - form receptacle which bears the sporangia. This continuous marginal line of fructification is covered by a membranous in- dusium formed of the margin of the frond. 37. Cheilanthes. The lip-ferns found within our limits are unequally divided among four sections, all agreeing in bear- 14 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. ing the sori at or near the ends of the veins, covered by an in- dicium formed of the margin of the frond. In ADIANTOPSIS the indusia are distinct, and confined to a single veinlet. One of our species varies from the typical species of this section, and has even been assigned to a separate genus. In EuCHEiLANTHEStheindu- longifolia L. En- sia are more or less confluent but larged segment of pinna, showing the . .. ,. vein-like receptacle under the mtrgi- not Continuous, usually extending nai indusium. over the ap i ces o f several veinlets. In PHYSAPTERIS the ultimate segments are bead- like, and the indusium is continuous all round the margin. ALEURITOPTERIS has the fronds farinose below, and in- cludes a single species somewhat doubtfully assigned to cur limits. 38. Cryptogramma has dimorphous fronds, the margins of the fertile being closely rolled toward the midvein, thus cov- ering the confluent sori. At maturity these open flat in order to discharge the spores. 39. Pellaea has representatives of three sections within our limits, all agreeing in possessing intramarginal sori, which finally became confluent and form a marginal line covered by an indusium formed of the margin of the frond. CHEILOPLECTON includes herbaceous species with visible veins and broad indusia. ALLOSORUS includes coriaceous species having wide indusia, while PLATYLOMA includes species similar in texture, but with extremely narrow indusia and broad segments. 40. Ceratopteris is an anomalous genus from southern Florida, having a few sori arranged on two or three veins par- allel to the midvein, and covered by the broadly reflexed margin of the frond. 41. Lomaria (Fig. 7) stands intermediate between those genera, in which there is an indusium formed of the revolute margin of the frond and those in which the indusium is remote from the margin. Our single species has dimorphous fronds, free veins, and the fructification in a broad band next the mid- FRUCTIFICATION IN FERNS. 1 5 vein, covered by a continuous and distinctly intramarginal indu- sium. This genus closely resembles the next in general habit, and is sometimes united with it. 42. Blechnum. In this genus the sori are linear and near the midvein, and are covered by a membranous indusium which is fixed at its outer margin, burst- ing at its inner margin when the spo- rangia are mature. A single representa- FIG. 7. Lomarza spicant tlVC IS found Within OUr limits. Desv. Enlarged section of ,, . the contracted fertile pinna, 43. Woodwardia. 1 hree Species showing intramarginal indu- of chain-ferns occur within our limits, sium * and each represents a distinct section based on the methods of venation. All have oblong or linear sori more or less sunken in the frond, covered by special lid-like indusia burst- ing at their inner margins, and arranged in chainlike rows near the midvein, thus giving the popular name to the genus. EUWOODWARDIA has uniform fronds and veins forming at least one series of areolae between the sori and the margin. ANCHISTEA has also uniform fronds, but with free veins from the sori to the margin while LORINSERIA has dimor- phous fronds, and the veins everywhere uniting to form areolae, as in the sensitive- fern (Onoclea sensibilis). 44. Asplenium. The numerous species of spleenvvorts are closely related to each other in their methods of fructifica- tion, but differ widely in the form, texture, and cutting of their fronds. The sori are placed on the upper side of an oblique vein (sometimes crossing it in ATHYRIUM), and covered by an indusium of the same shape attached by its edge to the fruiting vein and opening toward the midvein. In some species part of the indusia are double. The veins are free in all our species. In EUASPLENIUM the sori are straight or slightly curved ; in ATHYRIUM they are often curved, even horseshoe shaped ; and frequently cross to the outer side of the fruiting vein. 45. Scolopendrium bears the linear sori in pairs, one from the upper side of a veinlet and its mate from the lower side of the next. The indusia are attached by their edges to the veins, and folding toward each other appear like a double l6 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. indusium covering a single sorus. The veins extend nearly at right angles to the midvein, are free, and usually forked. 46. Camptosorus. The walking-leaf has oblong or linear indusiate sori, which are irregularly scattered and borne partly on veins parallel to the midvein, and partly on those that are oblique. Those near the midvein are single, those toward the margin are often approximate in pairs and often form crooked lines. The veins are everywhere copiously reticulated. 47. Phegopteris. In this genus the sori are round and naked as in Polypodium, with which this genus is sometimes united. The sporangia spring from the back of the veins in- stead of the apex, as in the latter genus, and the veins are free except in the GONIOPTERIS, in which they are more or less united. 48. Dryopteris is largely represented in our limits by two well-marked sections, which are sometimes regarded as distinct genera, and two others with characters scarcely less distinct, containing each a single species In all the sori are roundish, and borne on the back of the veins or rarely at their apex. In NEPHRODIUM the indusium is cordato-reni- form or orbicular with a narrow sinus. This at first covers the sorus and is attached by its mar. gin, but later bursts away at the margin but re- mains attached at the sinus. In some species in this section the indusium becomes shrivelled p. TT . before the fruit matures, and in this condition r IG. 5. Under , sideof a fertile seg- might be mistaken for a non-indusiate species mem of Dryopteris /p.- a^ filix - mas, with I* ' )- fndisium!' Magn" In PLYSTICHUM the indusium is -orbicular fied. (After Sachs.) and peltate, being fixed by the centre ; the veins are free, as in NEPHRODIUM. In CYRTOMIUM the indusium is the same as in POLYS- TICHUM, but the veins tend to unite near the margin, while in ASPIDIUM the veins anastomose copiously. 49. Nephrolepis has roundish sori borne at the apex of the upper branch of a free vein, near the margin of the frond. The indusia are usually reniform, fixed by the sinus or base, and open toward the margins of the pinnae. 50. Cystopteris. The bladder-ferns take their popular FR UCTIFICA TION IN FERNS. 1 7 name from the delicate, hood-like indusium which is attached by its broad base on the inner side of the roundish sorus and partly under it. Later this is thrown back and withers away. The veins are free, and the fronds have the aspect of species of Dryopteris, but are usually more delicate in texture. 5 1 . Onoclea. This genus contains two quite dissimilar species, which until recently have been separated into two genera by American botanists. Both have dimorphous fronds, the margin of the contracted fertile frond being strongly revo- lute, and concealing the fruit. O. struthiopteris has necklace- shaped pinnae, crowded confluent sori, and free and simple veins. O. sensibilis has panicled berry-shaped pinnules and co- piously anastomosing veins. 52. Woodsia (Fig. 9) lias round- ish sori borne on the back of the veins, with the indusia attached be- neath the sporangia and flat and open, or early bursting at the top into ir- regular laciniae or lobes. In Eu- WOODSIA the indusia are flat and open FIG ^Woodsia obtusa from an early stage, with their cleft ^uie^hSg venaS and' and ciliate margins concealed under inferior indusia. the sori. In HYPOPELTIS the indusium is more conspicuous and encloses the sporangium at first, but soon bursts at the top, forming several jagged lobes. 53. Dicksonia. In this genus the small globular sorus is borne in an elevated, globular receptacle, and enclosed in an in- ferior, membranous, cup-shaped indusium. The veins are al- ways free. 54-. Trichomanes (Fig. 10) has sessile sporangia borne on a filiform receptacle at the summit of a vein. The indusia are tubular or funnel- shaped, with an expanded and often somewhat two-lipped mouth. 55. Lygodium. In our species of climbing-fern the fructification is FlG - . Trichomanes radi- cans Swz. Enlarged section, borne on contracted, forked pinnules showing method of fructifica- occupying the upper portion of the frond. The ovoid sporangia are solitary or occasionally in 2 1 8 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. pairs, and are borne in the axils of the large, imbricated, scale- like indusia which are fixed by their bases to short, oblique veinlets. 56. Anemia. In this genus the two lowest branches of the frond bear panicles of fruit at the end of very long stalks. The ovate sporangia are sessile in two rows along the branchlets of the panicle, without^, special covering of any kind. In the section represented by our species the veins are free. 57. Schizaea. In this genus the large ovoid sporangia are sessile in double rows along the single vein of the narrow fertile divisions. In our species the pairs of fertile pinnae form a dis- tichous spike (Fig. u). 58. Osmunda has the large globose spo- rangia, short-stalked, and borne on the con- tracted fertile portions of the frond. In the cin- namon-fern (O. cinnamomea) the fertile fronds are entirely distinct from the sterile, yet mani- festing a tendency to variation in the uar. fron- dosa. In the interrupted flowering-fern (p. Claytontana) the fructification is confined to a few of the middle pinnae of the frond. In the royal flowering- fern (O. regalis) the fructifica- tion is borne at the apex of the fronds. 59. Spores. The spores of ferns constitute the fruit proper. A spore consists of two* dis- tinct closed sacs and the cell contents, all of which differ from each other not only in struc- ture, but also in chemical composition. The FIG ii Sckizcea ou ^ er ^ a y er (exospore) consists chiefly of cellu- fiusiiia Pursh. lose ; the inner layer (endospore) contains some Entire plant, nat- ural size. albuminous matter in addition, while the cell contents consist chiefly of a thin, colorless, jelly-like substance known as protoplasm, with grains of chlorophyll (the green * Campbell has recently demonstrated the existence of a third (middle) layer, which is not readily apparent until after germination. Cf. Memoirs Boston Soc. Nat. History, iv, 17 et seq. (April, 1887). GERMINATION OF FERN SPORES. 1 9 coloring matter of plants), starch, and oil. The exospore may be smooth or roughened by points, granules, warts, or prickles. The shape varies with different species, yet all are rounded, and most are oblong or at least longer than broad. All are micro- scopic, and many are of such a shape that they do not appear uniform owing to the various directions from which we view them. 6O. The number of spores produced by a single fern is in- credible. Lindley calculated that a single frond of Scolopen- drtum produced about 80 sori, with an average of 4500 sporan- gia in each sorus, and each sporangium containing 50 spores, making a total of 18,000,000 spores. The copious green spores of Osmunda ctnnamomea, or the pale-yellow, powdery spores of a well-developed specimen of Botrychium Virginianum, must far exceed this computation. By drying either of these species under pressure between sheets of paper great quantities of the spores may be obtained for examination. Specimens for this purpose should be selected just before the sporangia reach their maturity. CHAPTER IV. GERMINATION OF FERN SPORES. Alle Glieder bilden sich aus nach ew'gen Gesetzen, Und die seltenste Form bewahrt im Geheimniss das Urbild. -GOETHE. 61 . THE germination of the fern spores usually takes place a considerable time after they are discharged from the sporangia, but in Osmunda, which develops its fruit early in the season, they commence their growth only a few days after dissemination. 62. Thalloid Phase. In germination the exospore splits along the side, and the protruding endospore, sometimes with its divisions already formed by septa or partitions, forms, not a fern, but a thalloid structure resembling one of the lower 20 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. liverworts called the prothallium. Different ferns vary in the method of forming this prothallium, some producing it im- mediately at the spore and others after the formation of a thread- like growth known as the pro- embryo. The prothallium is en- tirely composed of cellular tissue, and in the true ferns (POLYPO- DIACE^E) is broadly cordate or reni- form in shape, and bears large numbers of root-hairs from the under part of its posterior portion (Figs. 12, 13). The prothallium varies in size from less than one tenth of an inch up to one third of an inch stages of growth. (After Moore.) j n ks wides t part. On the under surface of the prothallium two sorts of organs are produced analogous to the stamens and pistils of the SPERMAPHYTES, respectively known as antheridta and archegonia. The position of these organs on the prothallium varies in different sub-orders. In some species, notably the ostrich-fern, the two kinds of sex- ual organs are produced on separate prothallia, so that the plant becomes dioecious instead of monoecious. Analogous cases are familiar to all among flowering plants like the willows, poplars, and box elders (dioecious), and begonias and melons (monoe- cious). 63. Antheridia. These are small masses of tissue developed in the same manner as the root-hairs, consisting of a single layer of cells forming the wall, and containing a number of spirally coiled threads, usually with a number of cilia on their anterior coils. At maturity the antheridium swells by the ab- sorption of water and finally bursts its wall, discharging these coiled filaments, which possess the power of locomotion, and for this reason are called antherozoids. These antherozoids often drag with them a little vesicle which seems to play no part in the process of reproduction (Fig. 14). 64. Archegonia. The archegonium (sometimes called pistillidium) is also a rounded mass of tissue usually less prom- GERMINATION OF FERN SPORES. 21 inent than the antheridia, consisting of an external layer of cells and a large central cell, which soon divides into two. The lower portion, at first the larger, develops into a roundish cell, which is analogous to the ovule of flowering plants, and is called the oosphere. The upper portion of the central cell develops between those composing the neck of the archegonium into a canal filled with a sort of mucilage; this finally swells up, forces the cells of the neck apart, and is expelled to aid in attracting FIG. 14. Antheridium of Adiantum FIG. 15. Young archegonium of Pteris capillus-veneris L., showing the es- serrulata. Linn, f., showing oosphere, caping antherozoids. (After Sachs.) neck, and canal-cell. (After Sachs.) and retaining the antherozoids at the neck of the archegonium. The oosphere is thus left exposed (Fig. 1 5). 65. Fertilization. The antherozoids, analogous to the oollen of flowers, when discharged from the antheridium swim in the moisture always present on the under surface of the prothallium, swarm in large numbers around the neck of the archegonium, and are retained by the mucilage. Some finally force their way into the canal of the neck, a few reaching the oosphere and disappearing within its substance. There is thus a true sexual generation among ferns, and the formerly appro- priate term Cryptogamta (hidden marriage) loses its application under the untiring scrutiny of the microscopist. After fertili- zation the neck of the archegonium closes, and the fertilized 22 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. oosphere, now called the oospore, increases in size, and finally develops into a true fern. 66. Pteridoid Phase. After the oo- sphere has been fertilized it commences its growth by the ordinary processes of cell multiplication, and for a time remains with- in the walls of the archegonium, which continue to grow, until finally the interior growth breaks through the walls, differen- tiated into its first root and leaf. The young fern draws its nourishment from the pro- thallium for a time, but soon develops root-hairs, which, extending into the soil, maintain thereby an existence independent of the prothallium. The latter growth hav- FIG. 16 Adiantum ing accomplished its work, withers away F| - > 6 - The first arts of the root ' stem seen from below; pp. anc i frond are very small and comparatively prothallium: b. first leaf; h, root-hairs of prothai- simple in structure, but those formed later se U cond W Vo^ts. firs Ufter are successively larger, and not only bear Sachs.) a closer resemblance to the mature form of the species, but also develop increased complexity of struc- ture. " The fern continues to gain strength, not by subsequent increase of size of the embryonic structures, but by each succes- sive part attaining a more considerable size and development than the preceding ones, until at length a kind of stationary condition is arrived at, in which the newly formed organs are nearly similar to the preceding ones." 67. The complete life-history of a fern illustrates a principle common among the lower forms of'animal life known as "alter- nation of generations." Instead of the direct production of a mature sexual plant, as among the higher forms of vegetation, there is the production of a sexual growth resembling a lower form of vegetation, which in turn is followed by the growth of a mature plant producing its fruit without the assistance of sex- ual organs. 68. Recapitulation. To review the life-history of a fern we find the following processes ; GERMINATION OF FERN SPORES. 2$ A. Production of the spores asexually by the mature plant. (FRUCTIFICATION.) B. Growth of the prothallium from the spore with or with- out the development of a pro-embryo. (THALLOID PHASE.)* C. Production of sexual organs, archegonia (female) and antheridia (male), on the under surface of the prothallium, or on separate prothallia. D. Fecundation of the oosphere developed in the arche- gonium by the antherozoids developed in the antheridium. ( FERTI LIZ ATION.) E. Growth of the mature fern in successive stages from the oospore. (PTERIDOID PHASE.)* LITERATURE. BESSEY (Charles E.). Botany, pp. 361-388. New York, 1881. (Henry Holt & Co.) GOEBEL (K.). Outlines of Classification and Special Mor- phology of Plants, pp 189-298. (English Translation.) Ox- ford, 1887. (Macmillan & Co.) CAMPBELL (Douglas H.). Fern Notes. In Tor rey Bulletin, x, 118, 119. (Nov. 1883.) The Development of the Prothallia in Ferns. In Botan- ical Gazette, x, 355-360, with Plate IX. (Oct. 1885.) The Structure and Development of the Mosses and Ferns. 8vo. London and New Y"rk, 1895. (Macmillan & Co.) This also contains an extensive Bibliography of the entire subject. * The terms " Thalloid Phase" and " Pteridoid Phase" in place of the older terms " sexual generation" and "asexual generation" were first sug- gested in the first edition of this work (1881). The older terms, although in common use .by botanical writers, are decidedly unfortunate and misleading. A generation is properly the production of offspring resembling the parent, or the offspring thus produced, which the prothallium is not and the mature fern is not. The generation proper must then be considered as including the entire life-history of a fern, of which the prothallium and mature fern are suc- cessive phases. The terms "sexual " and "asexual" as used in this connec- tion are likewise misleading, as they might apply as well to the origin as to the producing power of the so-called " generation." The prothallium is asex- ual in origin, but develops sexual organs ; the mature fern, on the other hand, produces no sexual organs, but is itself the product of bisexuality. The same criticism applies with equal force to the expression " alternation of genera- tions," used alike by botanists and zoologists. 24 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. CAMPBELL (Douglas H.). On the Development of the Anthcridium in Ferns. In Torrey Bulletin, xm, 49-52, with Plate LIV. (Apr. 1886.) The Development of the Ostrich fern. /;/ Memoirs Boston Society of Natural History, iv, 17-52, with Plates iv- vn. (Apr. 1887.) On the Prothallium and Embryo of Osmunda Clay- toniana L. and O. cinnamomea L. In Annals of Botany, vi, 49-94, pi. lll-vi (1892). CHAPTER V. FERN STRUCTURE. Be it ours to meditate, And to the beautiful order of thy works Learn to conform the order of our lives. BRYANT. 69. Tissues. The life-history of every plant commences in a single cell, and all the complications of vegetable growth depend on two simple processes, viz., the enlargement of indi- vidual cells to their full size, and their multiplication by divi- sion. The lowest forms of vegetable life consist of a single cell, either globular or elongate. Those of a somewhat higher grade consist of a single row of cells, or at most a single layer; while still higher forms of growth consist of m:-isses of cells variously grouped together and specialized by differentiation from the typical form and character. 70. Cells become specialized or set apart to fulfil a certain function in the economy of plant growth in many ways. Some are lengthened for giving strength to stems or leaves; some have their walls thickened to give rigidity or hardness where protection is needed from injury to more delicate structures within ; and some are variously adapted for containing and dis- tributing the secretions or other fluids connected with the cir- culatory system of plant life. Seven distinct varieties of tissues are recognized by structural botanists, yet some of these are connected with each other by various gradations. FERN STRUCTURE. 2$ 71. Tissue Systems. The earliest tendency to differen- tiation of cells is seen in the arrangement of the outer row of cells to form a boundary wall. In higher forms of growth the interior cells tend to form one or more series of string-like rows surrounded by the normal cellular tissue. We thus reach the basis of the classification of vegetable tissues into three groups : (a) Epidermal Syste.n. (b) Ftbro vascular System. (c) Fun- damental System (Fig. 17). The first and third are common to both ferns and mosses. The second is first seen in the ferns and their allies, where it is a character so constant that it serves as the basis for separating the so-called " vascular" cryptogams from other flowerless plants. These three forms of tissue may be seen by examining a thin cross-section of the stipe of a living fern with the microscope. Longitudinal sections will show still further the character of the tissues composing the fibro-vascular bundle. 72. Roots. Roots are constantly produced as the root- stock advances, and consist for the most part of little fibrils which are naked for a short distance from the apex in order that they may freely absorb moisture from the earth. The epi- dermis is also thin, and usually consists of a single layer of small cells. It differs from that of the rest of the plant in having no stomata (77). As the apex continues to grow, the epidermis of the part behind becomes harder, and frequently develops hairs, or more frequently irregular scales. 73. Stipe. The stipe is made up of the three forms of tissue (Fig. 17), and usually con- tains several bundles of vascular tissue. In the dried stipe these can be easily seen, by scraping off the external covering of the stem. These bundles of fibres give sta- bility to the fern, and are con- tinued through the rachises and veins, thus forming the frame- FIG. 17. Cross-section of stipe of Work for the Softer portions of Cystopteris fra^ilis Bernh., showing , , , ~, . two bundles of fibro-vascular tissue. the frond. Tne stipes are some- times smooth and polished, sometimes hairy or beset with stalked glands, and sometimes densely clothed, especially near the base, with chaffy scales. 26 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. 74. Frond. In the H YMENOPHYLLACE^E the frond con- sists of a single layer of cells. This condition is also found in the leaves developed along the axis of growth among the mosses to which this sub-order is related in some of its forms. In all other rerns there are several layers of cells variously compacted together, and forming all the varieties of texture membranous, herbaceous, coriaceous and fleshy. The epi- dermis is usually easily separable from the underlying tissue, when its peculiar markings can be studied. 75. From the epidermis a great variety of appendages are developed which are all modifications of hairs, and are all in- cluded under the term trichomes, however different in appear- ance or distinct in function. These are not confined to the frond, but develop here their greatest variation. They are fre- quently found on the roots, the rootstock, and the stipe, under the form of root-hairs or scales of various forms. Scales are especially abundant in certain forms of Dryopteris, as well as in Scolopendrium, Cheilanthes, and other genera. 76. Trichomes. On the fronds the trichomes may be de- veloped as simple unarticulated or articulated hairs, consisting of one or two cell3 at most. They may appear as stalked glands like those that arise from the stipe of Cheilanthes Coopera or the margin of t e indusium of Dryopteris spinulosa, var, intermedia ; or they may be developed into scales of in- tricate cellular structure like those on the under surface of cer- tain forms of Cheilanthes, particularly C. Fendleri and C. Cleve- landii. Among the FILICES the sporangia are specialized, tri- chomes developed in clusters (sort) along the veins, or spread over the entire surface of the frond, or even arranged in spikes or panicles. The epidermis also develops an excrescence known as the indusium, which consists of a single layer of cells, and is variously arranged as indicated in Chapter III. In some cases a false indusium is provided, which is not a growth from the epidermis, and may consist of several layers of cells. 77. Stomata. If the epidermis covering the under surface of a fern be examined under a high magnifying power, peculiar structures will be seen in the form of semi-elliptical or crescent- shaped cells connected at their apices and separated between. These are the guard-cells of stomata which control the open- FERN STRUCTURE. 2? ings to the air-chambers of the plant. The two elliptical cells form the mouth of the passage and expand when moist, allow- ing the atmospheric gases and watery vapor to escape or enter but close the entrance by contraction in time of drought. The stomata are not confined to the fronds, but are found to a greater or less extent on all aerial portions of ferns and higher plants, as well as on subterranean stems. 78. Asexual Reproduction. Besides the ordinary meth- ods of sexual reproduction discussed in Chapter IV., most ferns are propagated by growth of the rootstock under ground, giving rise to a succession of fronds each season. In addition to this, which is common to all perennial plants, there are some meth- ods of reproduction that deserve attention. The first is by 79. Buds and Bulblets. In a few species of conservatory ferns adventitious buds are produced on the surfaces of the fronds. These soon develop into young ferns, and it is not un- common to see a large number in vari- ous stages of growth rising from a sin- gle frond. This peculiarity is common among several species of Asplenium, especially A. furcatum Thunb., and will be sometimes found to occur among some of our native species. Bulblets are found in the axils of the upper pinnae of Cystopteris bulbifera, which often fall to the ground and develop into new plants after a manner analogous to the devel- opment of the axillary buds of the tiger- lily. SO. Another method is seen in the walking-leaf (Camptosorus rhisophyllus), in which the long, attenuated, simple fronds bend over and take root in the adjoining soil in a manner quite analo- ?\G \% Camptosorus rhi- zophyllus Link., reduced, <;ous to the propagation of strawberries showing peculiar method of by runners (Fig. 18). The same method propd ^ atlon - of rooting at the apex has also been noticed in Asplenium pinnatifidum, A. platy neuron, and P/ifgopteris reptans. 28 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. LITERATURE.* BESSEY. Botany. (See p. 23.) GOEBEL. Outlines of Classification. (See p. 23.) DE BARY (A.). Comparative Anatomy of Phanerogams and Ferns. 8vo. Oxford, 1884. (Macmillan & Co.) CAMPBELL (Douglas H.). A Third Coat in the Spores of the Genus Onoclea. In Torrey Bulletin, XI I, 8, 9 (Jan. 1885). SCHRENK (Joseph). The Dehiscence of Fern Sporangia. In Torrey Bulletin, XIII, 68, 69 (1886). LYON (Florence May). Dehiscence of the Sporangium of Adiantum pedatum. In Torrey Bulletin, XIV, 180-183 (Sept. 1887). ATKINSON (George F.). The Study of the Biology of Ferns by the Collodion Method. 8vo. New York, 1894. (Macmillan &Co.) CHAPTER VI. THE FERN ALLIES. Beneath my feet The ground-pine curled its pretty wreath. EMERSON. A. THE GRAPE-FERNS AND ADDER-TONGUES. 81 . General Characters. These peculiar plants, former- ly united with the order FILICES, are now regarded as consti- tuting a distinct botanical order. They include mostly small, fleshy, terrestrial plants, and, like ferns, may usually be found in swamps or rich, moist woods. As already noticed (5), there is a marked tendency to variation in the same species, and numerous varieties have been established from the various forms. 82. The sterile and fertile portions of the plant are borne on a common stalk, and either portion may be sessile, long * See other references at close of Chapter X. THE FERN ALLIES or short stalked, in the various species. In Ophioglossum the sterile portion is simple, and in all our species except the anoma- lous O. palmatum appears like a sin- gle leaf borne on the common stalk. In Botrychium (Fig. 19) the sterile segment (except in some forms of B. simplex) is somewhat pinnately or ternately divided, and in the larger forms of B. Virginianum is broad- ly ternate, with the divisions even tri quadripinnatifid. The veins are free in the latter genus, but anas- tomose in the former. This charac- ter, however, is frequently obscured by the fleshy texture of the plant. 83. Vernation. As has been before stated, ferns are rolled in the bud from the apex downward (cir- cinate), distinguishing them from the higher forms of vegetation. Among the OPHIOGLOSSACE^E, how- ever, the vernation is either straight, inclined at the apex of one or both segments, or else the fertile seg- ments are folded on the main stalk, making the vernation wholly in- clined. Until recently there has been much difficulty in distinguishing the smaller species of Botrychium, and some forms seem to connect the smaller ones with the reduced forms of B. ternatum and B. Virgini- an um, Mr. Davenport has investigated the bud characters of these intimately related species, and has made their identification a matter of comparatively easy investigation. The buds may be found enclosed in the base of the common stalk (except in B. Virginianum, where they are placed in an upright cavity at one FIG. 19. Plant of Botrychium lunaria, natural size. 30 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. side), and may be examined with a strong lens. The three di- visions are summed up as follows : "I. Vernation wholly straight. B. simplex Hitch. (Fig. 31). II. Vernation partly inclined in one or both portions. B. lunar ta Swz. (Fig. 32), B. boreale Milde, B. matricartcpfoliitin A. Br. (Fig. 33), and B. ternatum Swz. (Fig. 34). III. Vernation wholly inclined, in the fertile frond recurved. B. lanceolatum Angs. (Fig. 35), and B. Virginianum Swz." The special characters of each species will be found under the descriptions of the Botrychia later in this work. The cuts will be valuable for reference, and will enable even beginners to identify the species of this complicated genus with compara- tively little difficulty. 84. Fructification. In this order of plants the fructification consists of sporangia, which, unlike those of the true ferns, are not reticulated, possess no trace of a ring, open by a transverse slit, and are variously spiked and panicled (Fig. 20). In the adder-tongues (Ophioglossu)ii) the sporangia are large, and cohere in two ranks along the margins of a single spike, opening transversely to discharge their copious sulphur-yellow spores. In the grape -ferns (Botrychiuni) the sporangia are FIG. 20. Enlarged globular and arranged in double rows along r/ gia tefS2Sm the narrow segments, more or less in panicles. Swz. j n both genera the sporangia are not developed from the epidermal cells, but arise from a transformation of the interior tissue of the leaf. This, with other characters as clear- ly defined, serves to separate these anomalous plants from the order FILICES. 85. Germination. Among the OPHIOGLOSSACE^E. so far as known, the prothallia are destitute of chlorophyll, develop under ground, and are monoecious. In Botrychium lunaria the prothallium is an ovoid mass of cellular tissue, light brown without and yellowish white within. It produces a number of antheridia and archegonia on the upper surface as well as the lower, differing in a few minor points from the true ferns in the method of their development. THE FERN ALLIES. 3 1 LITERATURE. HOOKER (W. J.) and BAKER (J. G.). Synopsis Filicum, pp. 444-448. MILDE (J.)- Botrychiorum Monographia. In Verhandl. der k.k. zool. bot. Gesellschaft,w\\\, 507-516 (1868); XIX, 55-19, Tafel vii, vin (1869); xx, 999-1002 (1870). DAVENPORT (George E.). Notes on Botrychium simplex. 4to, paper, with plates (1877). Vernation in Botrychia. In Torrey Bulletin, VI, 193- 199, plate (1878); vii, 115,116 (1880); vin, loo, 101 (1881). Cf. also XII, 22, 23. CAMPBELL (Douglas H.). The Development of the Root in Botrychium ternatum. In Botanical Gazette, XI, 49~53> w i tn plate (March, 1886). A Method of Spore Germination. In Botanical Ga- zette, x, 428 (1885). GILBERT (Benjamin D.). Notes on Botrychia. In Torrey Bulletin, xi, 75, 76 Quly, 1884). Cf. XII, 22, 23. PRANTL (K.). Beitrage zur Systematik der Ophioglosseen. Injahrb. des Kon. Bot. Garten {Berlin), III, 297-350 (1884). B. THE HORSE-TAILS. 86. General Characters. The horse-tails or scouring- rushes belonging to the genus Equisetum are perennial, rush- like plants, that may be found in damp, gravelly, or loamy soil, some species even growing in shallow water. Our native species vary in height from a few inches up to eleven feet, as seen in some of the larger forms of E. robustum. In some species only the root is perennial, the stems which are sent up for producing fruit dying down to the ground every year. In others the stems are evergreen, continuing through the winter. Some species, like the common horse-tail (E. arvense), are dimorph- ous, the fertile stems being simple and destitute of green color- ing matter (chlorophyll), while the sterile stems are green and copiously branched, The fertile stems of some other spe- cies, as E. silvaticum, which are simple at first, after maturing their fruit produce branches and resemble the ordinary sterile stems (Figs. 21, 22). 32 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. 87. The furrowed stems are hollow, except in E. scirpoides, and in addition to the large central cavity there is a series of smaller air-cavities opposite the furrows known as the vallecular canals, the furrows themselves being called valleculcz and the ridges carince. Opposite the carinae there are still smaller cavi- ties known as carinal canals. The carinae vary in number from FIGS. 21, 22. Equisetunt silvaticum L., showing sterile and fertile stems. (From Thome.) five to fifty in different species. The stems are also jointed, and at each node some species produce a whorl of branches which may be simple or compound. Some species, however, like the common scouring-rush (E. hiemale), produce simple stems. 88. The leaves are produced also at the nodes, and by the union of their margins form a short sheath which ends in a row THE FERN ALLIES. 33 of teeth. These teeth may be deciduous or persistent, and their number, varying from three upwards, indicates the number of leaves forming the united whorl. 89. Stomata (77) are distributed along the valleculae either irregularly or disposed in ranges on either side of the valleculae. The epidermis frequently contains much silica, and the rough- ened tubercles of some species give the surface a harsh feeling. 90. Fructification. The fructification in Equtsetum is arranged in cone-like spikes borne at the apex of the fertile stems. These spikes are composed of successive closely-placed whorls of shield-shaped, stalked scales or modified leaves, each of which bears from five to ten one-celled sporangia on its under side. The sporangia open along the inner side to discharge their numerous spores, whose outer coat is spirally split into two bands, forming the so-called elaters. The elaters when dry are spread out at right angles to each other in the form of a cross, and probably assist in scattering the spores ; when moist they rapidly absorb water, and become closely coiled around the spore.* 91. Germination. The spores of Equisetum retaining their powers of germination only a few days, soon develop branched and irregularly lobed prothallia, which are provided with chlorophyll. These are usually dioecious, the male being smaller, and producing antheridia at the end or margin of the larger lobes. The antherozotds are large, and provided with a peculiar appendage known as the "float." The female prothal 1'um may reach one half inch in length, and develops archegonia on the anterior margin of the fleshy lobes. The process of fertilization is similar to that of ferns. * An interesting illustration of this can be seen by placing a mass of fresh spores on a slide uncovered, and examining it with a low power. By breath- ing on the slide the elaters coil closely about the spore ; as soon as the moist- ure evaporates they uncoil, and in their activity jostle each other in great 34 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. LITERATURE. BAKER (J. G.). Fern Allies, pp. 1-6 (1887). BRAUN (Alexander). A Monography of the North American Species of the Genus Equisetum. With additions by George Engelmann, M.D. In Sillimarfs Journal, XLVI, 81-91 (1843). Describes the then known North American species of Eqiiisetutn. CAMPBELL (Douglas H.). The Development of the Male Prothallium of the Field Horse-tail. In American Naturalist, xvi, i-io (Jan. 1883). MILDE (J.). Monographia Equisetorum. 4to, pp. 607, with 35 plates. Dresden (1865). NEWCOMBE (F. C.). Spore dissemination in Equisetum. In Botanical Gazette, xiu, 173-178 (1888). C. THE CLUB-MOSSES. 92. General Characters. The club-mosses are chiefly small perennial plants usually growing in dry or moist woods, or even on exposed rocks with little soil for nourish- ment. Most of the species are somewhat moss-like in habit, as might be suspected from the popular names given to these plants, the genus Lycopodium taking the name of club-moss and Selaginella that of rock- moss. Various species of Lycopodium are also known as ground-pine, ground-fir, ground-cedar, running-pine, etc., from more or less marked resemblances (Fig. 23). In the curious Sela- ginella lepidophylla from r 10.23 Portion of Lycopodium clavatum L. . . , , j^ natural size. (After Prami.) Arizona the branches of the closely coiled central stem roll up when dry into a nest-like ball, and when moistened expand so as to appear flat or saucer- THE FERN ALLIES. 35 shaped. As the plant retains this power indefinitely, it has sometimes been called " the Resurrection-plant." 93. The stems are usually creeping, yet in some species show a tendency to become erect, and most species send up erect branches which bear the fruit. Most species bear roots at irregular intervals along the under side of the creeping stems, but our solitary species of Psilotum is rootless, bearing only underground shoots which perform the functions of roots. The leaves are small and unbranched, in some instances resembling appressed scales, in others resembling the acicular leaves of Conifers, and are arranged in four, eight, or many ranks. In some species the leaves are of one kind, while in others two or even more forms may occur on the same plant. In Psilotum the leaves are all rudimentary. 94. Fructification. The fructification of the club-mosses is chiefly borne on upright branches in solitary or clustered (2-5) spikes, which are formed of numerous scales or scale- like leaves, eacli bearing a single large sporangium in its axil. The sporangia open transversely, and are one-celled, except in Psilotum, where they are three-celled. In a few species of Lycopodium the sporangia are borne near the summit of the fertile stems in the axils of ordinary leaves. The usual shape of the fruit-bearing scales is represented in Figs. 24-26. 95. The spores of Lycopodhun and Psilotum are of one kind (Fig. 24), but in Selaginella two kinds of spo- rangia are developed the microspo- rangia, producing numerous micro- spores (Fig. 25) not unlike the spores of Lycopodium; and the macrospo- rangia, producing usually four macro- Spores (Fig. 26), SO Called from their bearing a sporangium in iisaxil. . & FIGS. 25. 20. Scales from fer- larger Size. This Character of Sela- tile spike of Selmfinrlla rupes- 77 L- L_ i -11 tris Spring, disclosing two sorts gtnella, which it shares with the quill- of spores. (After Sprague.) worts and pepperworts soon to be described, serves as the basis for the division of the fern allies into two groups : the 36 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. isosporous, producing spores of one kind ; and the heterosporous, producing spores of more than one kinds* 96. Germination. The germination of Lycopodium is only partially known, as the prothallia have been seen in only three species, and in these they have not been carried through all the stages of development. That of L. annotmum is a yel- lowish-white mass of tissue with a few small root-hairs.t The antheridia and archegonia are developed from the upper side of the prothallium. In L. cernuum, TreubJ found the pro- thallia much smaller (one twelfth of an inch long), vertical in growth, yellowish below and bright green above. The anthe- ridia and archegonia are found round the summit of the cylin- dric prothallium. 97. The germination of Selaginella is better known. The contents of the ripened microspores are transformed into a mass of tissue consisting of a few cells, one of which remains sterile and is considered a rudimentary prothallium, while the others give rise to antherozoids, and are consequently considered as a rudimentary antheridium. The macrospores, on the other hand, produce a many-celled prothallium, which develop a few root hairs and numerous archegonia, which after fertilization give rise to a new plant. Two plants are sometimes produced on the same prothallium. 98. The microspores are thus seen to be male and the macrospores female, showing a clearer differentiation of sex in the products of the mature plant than appears in any other group of the fern allies already studied. This may be consid- ered a foreshadowing of the completely differentiated sexual organs which occur in the flowering plants. In the method of formation of the embryo the Selaginella also differs from all other plants of this group, and approaches the flowering plants. * This division, though used by some of the best botanists, is at best an artificial classification, as it separates genera otherwise closely allied to each other. t Cf. J. Fankhauser, Botanische Zeitung, 1873, pp. 1-6; Bruchmann, Botanisches Centralblatt, xxi (1885). \ Cf. Treub, Ann. d. Jard. Bot. d. Buitenzorg, IV (1884), THE FERN ALLIES. 37 LITERATURE. BAKER (John G.). Fern Allies, pp. 7-123. London, 1887. (George Bell & Sons.) SPRING (A.). Monographic de la Famille des Lycopodia- cees. In Me" moires de I' Academic Roy ale de BeJgique, XV, i-no (1842); xxiv, 1-358(1849). D. THE QUILLWORTS. 99. General Characters. The quillworts, so named from the appearance of the leaves, are principally incon- spicuous aquatic plants of a grass-like or rush-like aspect (Fig. 27). Some species are always submerged often in several feet of water ; others grow in marshy soil or in the shallow margins of ponds or streams, where they become ap- parently terrestrial in time of low water; while others still are found between high and low water marks, where they will be covered by water at high tide. The leaves are awl-shaped or linear, and are attached to a short fleshy trunk. They vary in number from ten to one hun- dred in each plant, and in length from two to twenty inches in various species. On account of their resemblance to the im- mature forms of rushes and other aquatic vegetation of a higher order, they have been very sparingly collected. Many questions of distribution, habits, and life-history may be studied by even amateur botanists in various sections of the country. FIG. 27. Isoetes lactistris L., natural size. (Redrawn from Sprague.) OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. larged. (After Sprague.) In this way valuable additions to science may be contributed by those whose labor misdirected might be wasted. 1 0O. Fructification. The sporangia of the quillworts, like those of the club-mosses, are sessile iti the base of the leaves. The leaf base, sometimes called the sheath, is some- what triangular from the broad insertion, convex behind and concave in front, where there is a large depression known as \hzfovea, which contains the sporangium. The margin of the fovea rises in the form of a delicate membrane called the velum, which in many species lies above the sporangium and en- closes it. The sporangia of the outer en- leaves contain large spherical ma- crospores ; those of the inner con- tain numerous oblong, triangular microspores. The size and marking of the spores form important characters in distin- guishing species. 1 O 1 . Germination. The microspore after remaining dor- mant through the winter forms a few-celled structure which produces the antherozoids, which are long and slender, and provided with a tuft of cilia at eacli end. The macrospore produces a prothallium much as in Selaginella (97) ; from this the germ of the mature plant arises after fertilization by the antherozoids. LITERATURE. BAKER (J. G.). Fern Allies, pp. 123-134 (1887). BRAUN (Alexander). On the North American Species of Isoetes and Marsilea. Communicated by Dr. G. Engelmann. In Stllitnan's Journal, Second Series, in. 52-56 (1847). CAMPBELL (D. H.). Contributions to the life-history of Isoetes. In Annals of Botany, V, 231-258, pi. xv-xvn (1891). ENGELMANN (George). Isoetes of Northern United States. In Grays Manual, Fifth Edition (1868). - The Species of Isoetes of the Indian Territory. In Bo- tanical Gazette, III, I, 2 (Jan. 1878). - The genus Isoetes in North America. In Trans. St. THE FERN ALLIES. 39 Louts Acad. Set., IV, 358-390 (1882). A valuable monograph of this most difficult genus of the fern allies. UNDERWOOD (L. M.). The distribution of Isoetes. In Botanical Gazette, XI II, 89-94 (1888). See also notes in Botanical Gazette, vi, 228. E. THE WATER FERNS. 102. General Characters. This group includes plants of very diverse characters. Some, like Marsilea, root in mud and produce quadrifoliate leaves. Others, like Ptlularia, re- semble the sterile forms of Eleocharis, or other sedges. Others, like Azolla or Salvinia, float on the surface of water, sending numerous roots into the water. Marsilea and Pilularia have a circinate vernation like the ferns. 103. Fructification. The fruit of Marsilea consists of a hollow-stalked receptacle known as the sporocarp, which is oblong or rarely globose, and bears the spo- rangia in sori on the inner walls of its two valves. The spores are of two kinds, as in all rhizocarps. The numerous microspores are con- tained in microsporangia, while the macrospores are solitary in the few macrosporangia. 1 04. The sporocarp of Pilu- Iraia is globose, containing from two to four cells, which produce microsporangia in the upper portion and macrosporangia below ; the microspores are numerous, while a single macrospore is found in each sporangium. 1 O5. In Azolla the sporocarps are of two kinds, borne in the axils of the leaves ; the larger are glo- bose, and contain numerous microspores, which are aggregated in masses; the smaller are ovoid, and contain a single macro- spore, FIG. 30. Salvinia natans Hoffm.. natural size. (Re- drawn from Thome.) 40 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. \ O6. Salvmia (Fig. 30), recently discovered in Missouri, has the sporocarps borne in clusters on short branches of the floating stem, one or two of each cluster bearing ten or more macrosporangia, each of which contains a single macrospore, the remainder bearing numerous globose microsporangia with numerous microspores. 1O7. Germination. In Marsilea the antherozoids are produced in a rudimentary prothallium which develops from the microspore and are corkscrew-shaped, consisting of several coils. The prothallium, developed from the apex of the ma- crospore is a hemispherical mass of tissue, and contains a sin- gle archegonium. Much is yet to be learned of the habits and life-history of our native species. LITERATURE. ANDREWS (W. M.). Apical growth in roots of Marsilia quadrifolia and Equisetum arvense. In Botanical Gazette, XV, 174-177 (1890). BAKER (J. G.). Fern Allies, pp. 134-149 (1887). BRAUN (Alexander). On the North American species of Isoetes and Marsilia. In Silltman's Journal, Second Series, in, 52-56 (1847). Ueber Marsilia und Pilnlaria. In Monatsb. der Konigl. Akad. der Wissenschaft, 1863, 413-436; 1870, 653-753; 1872, 635-679. CAMPBELL (D. H.). The systematic position of the Rhizo- carpese. In Torrey Bulletin, XV, 258-262 (1888). The development of Pilularia globulifera L. In An- nals of Botany, in. 233-264, pi. xin-xv (1888). On the Prothallium and Embryo of Marsilia vestita. In Proc. Cat. Acad. Science, III, 183-205, pi. Ill, IV (1892). Some notes on Azolla. In Zoe t in, 34-343 (1893). - The development of the Sporocarp of Pilularia Ameri- cana A. Br. In Torrey Bulletin, XX, 141-148, pi. CXLVI (1893). ENGELMANN (George). New Species of Marsilia. In Silli- mans Journal, Second Series, VI (1848). STRASBURGER(L.). Ueber Azolla. 8vo, 7 plates. Jena (1873). UNDERWOOD (L. M.) and COOK (O. F.). Notes on the American Species of Marsilia* In Torrey Bulletin, XIV, 89-94 (May, 1887). CLASSIFICATION AND NOMENCLATURE. CHAPTER VII. CLASSIFICATION AND NOMENCLATURE. The education of a naturalist now consists chiefly in learning how to compare. AGASSIZ. 1 O8. Nomenclature. Before the time of Linnaeus, the method of naming plants and animals was a subject of much embarrassment to science, and gave rise to endless confusion. This great author, justly called the " Father of Botany," intro- duced a new system of nomenclature that gave an impetus to the study of nature. His system has since been in constant use, and has made possible the greater accuracy and definiteness in the descriptions of subsequent naturalists. He also introduced a system of classification which, though artificial and since abandoned, paved the way to the more natural system since adopted. He arranged the various plants and animals known to him in a few groups according to some particular plan of structure, divided these into still smaller groups, and so on to the lowest divisions, genera and species. To these divisions special names were assigned, thus giving to each organism a double name, the first generic, which may be likened to our fam- ily name, the other specific, corresponding to our baptismal name. Thus the " golden-back" of California bears the name Gymnogramme triangularis given it by Kaulfuss. The first it bears in common with other species from this and other coun- tries which possess a like fructification. The latter is peculiar to this species, which has a somewhat triangular frond. 1 O9. Generic Names. These may be derived from some characteristic of growth or structure (Cryptogramme. Cheilan- thes, Schizcea}, in honor of some botanist or distinguished patron of science (Dicksonia, Woodsia), or occasionally from some mythological or symbolical character (Osmunda). 1 1 O. Specific Names. These are usually adjective ele- ments either Latin or Latinized, and must agree in gender with 42 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. the generic name, according to the rules of Latin syntax. Errors in agreement have frequently been made by botanists who were not versed in the classics, and it is unfortunate that errors of this character as well as gross errors in the orthography of gen- eric names have found their way into accepted text-books of botany.* Specific names frequently indicate something regard- ing habit or mode of growth (bulbifera,gracilis, atropurpurea), or may indicate the locality in which the organism was first dis- covered (Califqrnica, Ilvensis). A few take their name from their discovery in which case the name is Latinized and takes a genitive endmg (Bootttt, Lemmoni}, or else an adjective form (Goldieanum, Clintonianuvi) . 111. The advantage of this binary nomenclature is at once evident when we consider the immense number of ferns alone, to say nothing of the remainder of the vegetable world and the hosts of the animal creation. By this means organisms of complex structure can be definitely characterized with com- paratively few words, and the scientific name once established, is recognized among scientists of all nations and languages. 1 1 2. Among some there is a tendency to regard scientific names with disfavor, on the ground that they are long and dif- ficult. But what shall we say of Geranium, or Gladiolus, or Fuchsia, or Phlox Drummondii, or a hundred others familiar to every lover of flowers ? Are these less difficult than Adiantum, Notholcena, Woodsia, or Pellcea Breweri"? A little reflection will convince a person of sense that such a criticism is unjust. 1 1 3. A worse tendency is perhaps that which prompts the introduction of " popular names" for ferns : occasionally a name of this kind is highly appropriate, and deserves wide-spread adoption, as in the case of "Christmas-fern" for Dryopteris acrostichoides, suggested by Mr. Robinson; the greater part, however, have no merit, and when such monstrosities appear as " Leather-leaf Polypody" for Polypodtum Scouleri, " Mr. Goldie's Shield-fern" for Dryopteris Goldieana, nomenclature is made cumbrous instead of simple. 1 l 4. There are liabilities to error and confusion even in the Linnaean system of nomenclature, as various authors have * Cistopteris for Cystopteris is an example. CLASSIFICATION AND NOMENCLATURE. 43 often assigned the same name to several species. For example, the name Cheilanthes vestita was given by Bracken ridge to C. gracillima. Hooker assigned the same name (in part) to C. gracilis, while Swartz assigned the same to the fern described in this volume under the name of C. lanosa. It becomes neces- sary, therefore, in referring to a species to indicate the author of the specific name thus Cheilanthes vestita Swz. 1 1 5. Synonymy. It may also be remarked in this con- nection that different authors have described the same fern under widely different generic and specific names, owing (i) to the different conceptions that have prevailed at different times as to what constituted generic characters, and (2) to ignorance of what others had already written on species, redescribed as new. For example, the delicate Woodsia Ilvensis of Robert Brown was described as Acrostichum Ilvense by Linnaeus, Polypodium II- vense by Swartz, Nephrodium rufidulum by Michaux, Aspidium ritfidulum by Willdenow, and Woodsia rufidula by Beck. Many other species have been as variously classified. The oppor- tunities for errors of this character are much less now than for- merly, yet redescription is not unknown in our day. 1 1 6. Species. Goethe tells us that nature knows only in- dividuals, and that species exist only in the school-books. From this extreme there has been every grade of opinion respecting species to the one which regards species as invariable, actual existences, types originally ordained and summoned to existence by the Creator. Linnaeus, for example, defined species in these words : " Species tot sunt diverse?, quot diversas formas ab initio creavit infinitum ens." * Various definitions have been given to species, but none accord with the actual practice of systematists, who seem inclined to make a species what they choose ; and indeed the existence of various connecting forms between many species distinct under normal conditions makes the prac- tical definition of the term almost an impossibility. We may, however, for practical purposes, regard as a species an assem- blage of individuals not differing essentially from each other, and capable of producing like individuals by the ordinary pro- cesses of reproduction. A recent writer defines species as " the * There are as many different species as the Infinite Being created in the beginning. 44 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. present aspect of a line of organic development, destined to become something else in the future, as it was something else in the past," a definition in accord with the now universally accepted biological doctrine respecting the origin of species. Species among ferns are founded chiefly on differences in the cutting of the fronds and their method of venation. 1 1 7. Varieties. Many forms differing only slightly from the ordinary specific types, and yet capable of transmitting their variations from generation to generation, are regarded as vari- eties. It was the opinion of a prominent botanist, that all so-called varieties among the lower plants " were purely the result of the accident of environment, and never of cross-fertili- zation." Since a species which varies in some minor particular is likely to revert to the ordinary form as soon as the normal conditions of soil, moisture, or environment are restored, there is no scientific foundation for the multiplication of varieties to serve as rubbish in works on systematic botany. There is a tendency on the part of a few authors to multiply varieties in- definitely, and of a single species as many as sixty-five varieties have been described. The mania for naming new varieties is quite universal, but is usually transient, and seldom affects one a second time ; with some, however, it becomes chronic, when more vigorous treatment is necessary. In the systematic por- tion of this volume varieties that are deemed worthy to stand as such are printed in the same bold-face type as the species. Others less marked are noted in italics under the descriptions of species. A true variety is doubtless the early stage of a species in process of separation from its parent form. 1 1 8. Genera. The genera of ferns are founded mostly on the arrangement of the sporangia on the veins, as well as the character, shape, and position of the indusia. The generic limits, however, are largely matters of opinion, and vary among different authorities. 1 1 9. Tribes. Genera are collected into tribes, according as they agree in the position and arrangement of the sporangia in clusters or sori, or resemble each other in mode or habit of growth. 1 2O. Sub-Orders. Tribes are grouped into sub-orders according as they agree in the characters of the sporangium, its CLASSIFICATION AND NOMENCLATURE. 45 shape, method of discharging its spores, and the existence, char- acter, or absence of a ring. The true ferns contain with us three well-marked sub-orders; the Gleicheniacece are mainly tropical ferns. 121. Orders. Ferns were formerly classed in a single order, but in accordance with later researches they are sepa- rated into three distinct orders, FiLiCES, MARATTIACE/E, and OPHIOGLOSSACE^E, which are distinguished by the method in which the sporangia are developed, by the character of their spore development, and by other minor characteristics. Two of the orders are well represented in our flora; the MARAT- TlACEvE are mostly confined to tropical regions. The horse- tails (Equisetuni) form a distinct order, the EQUISETACE^E. The club-mosses of the genera Lycopodium and Psilotum, with two genera not found in America, form the order LYCOPODIACE^E. Selaginella and Isoetes each form an order which takes its name from the single genus. Marsilia and Pilularta form the MAR- SI LIACE/E, while Azolla and Salvim'a form the order SALVINI- ACE.E. 1 22. Principle of Classification. The true idea of clas- sification is the grouping together of objects according to essen- tial and fundamental resemblances. Every system is more or less artificial, yet there is a continual approach toward the true natural system, which is the ultimatum of scientific classifica- tion. The study of life-histories will continually clear up points of relationship before unknown, and it will be long before the classification will become fixed and constant. Every new study contributes to this end. LITERATURE. The references to original writings would include all the botanists who have named or classified ferns since the time of Linnaeus (1707-1778). Among the more prominent of these we may mention Swartz (1760-1818), Willdenow (1765-1812), Presl (1791-1849), Mettenius (1823-1866), Hooker (1785-1865), Fee (1789-1874), Milde (1824-1871), Al. Braun (1805-1875), and J. G. Baker ( - ). The following work gives a good review of the various systems : SMITH (John). Historia Filicum. London, 1875. (Mac- millan & Co.) 46 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. The American literature bearing on the subject is as follows : BECK (Lewis C.)- Synoptical tables of the Ferns and Mosses of the United States. In Sillimari s Journal, IV (1829). DAVENPORT (George E.). Aspidium spinulosum (Swz.) and its varieties. In American Naturalist, XI I, 707-717 (1878). New species of Ferns. In Bulletin of the Torrey Bot. Club, VI, 190, 191 (1877) ; vn, 50, 51 (1880); VIII, 61, 62 (1881); x, 61, 62 (1883). Fern notes. In Bulletin of the Torrey Bot. Club, vn, 85, 86 (1880) ; vni, 88, 89 (1881); ix, 20-23. 68 6 9 99-101 (1882) ; X, 4-7 (1883); xii, 21-24 (1885); xm, 81, 82, 129-135 (1886); XV, 225-229 (1888). EATON (Daniel C.). Ferns of the Mexican Boundary. In Mexican Boundary Survey (1857). - Ferns of the Southern States. In Chapman : Flora of the Southern States (1860). Ferns of the Northern United States. In Gray : Man- ual of Botany, 6th edition ( 1 890). Notes on some of the plants in the herbaria of Linne and Michaux. In Canadian Naturalist (1870). - New and little known Ferns of the United States. In Bulletin of the Torrey Bot. Club, iv, n, 12, 18, 19 (1873) ; vi, 33 (1875), 71,72 (1876), 263-265 (1878), 306, 307,360,361 (1879); VII, 62-64 (1880) ; VIII, 4, 5, 99, 100 (1881) ; ix, 49, 50 (1882) ; X, 26-29, IOI I02 ('883). Ferns of North America. Illustrated with colored plates by J. H. Emerton and C. E. Faxon. Ferns of the Southwest. In Wheeler: Report of the U. S. Geog; and Geol. Surveys west of the IQO//I meridian, VI (1877). - Vascular Acrogens of California. In Watson : Botany of Calif or nia, II (1880). GRAY (Asa). On the discovery of two species of Tricho- manes in the State of Alabama. In Sillimans Journal, 2d sen, XV (1853). KUNZE (G.). Notes on some Ferns of the United States. In Silliman s Joitrnal, 2d ser., vi. 80-89 (1848). LAWSON (George). The Fern Flora of Canada. (1889.) CLASSIFICATION AND NOMENCLATURE. 47 WILLIAMSON (John). Ferns of Kentucky. 12010. (1878.) Fern Etchings. I2mo. (1879.) The literature relating to exotic species is very extensive Some of the more important works are the following: : BAKER (J. G.). A summary of the new Ferns which have been discovered or described since 1874. (1892.) FEE (F. L. A.). Memoires sur la Famille des Fougeres. 4to. (1844-1873.) 289 plates. HOOKER (W. J.). Genera Filicum. 410. (1842.) 120 col- ored plates. Species Filicum. 5 vols. 8vo. (1846-1864). 304 col- ored plates. HOOKER (W. J.) and BAKER (J. G.). Synopsis Filicum. 2d ed., 8vo. (1874.) Contains descriptions of all the ferns of the world recognized at Kew to the date of publication. HOOKER (\V. J.) and GREVILLE (R. K.). Icones Filicum. 2 vols. folio. (1831.) 240 colored plates. 48 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. CHAPTER VIII. THE FERN'S PLACE IN NATURE. 1 23. THE popular conception as to what constitutes a plant needs to be considerably enlarged and otherwise modified, for as soon as we commence to look about us after our eyes have been really opened, we find a vast array of forms varying in size and complexity of structure from the simple cells of the yeast- plant that we use in bread-making to the highly organized tree of the forest, and including such diverse forms of growth as the green scums that accumulate on ponds in summer, the gray lichens covering rocks and trees, the puff-balls and mushrooms that seemingly develop in a single night, the mosses, ferns and flowers in all their variety and beauty. Where in all this array of plants do our ferns stand, and what relations do they sustain to other plants ? In answering this question we will have to give some account cf the various groups of plants, pointing out their structural peculiarities and noting here and there in their appropriate place in the system such forms as are likely to be popularly recognized. 1 24. Aside from the plants producing flowers, the ferns and the mosses,* all of which are widely known and generally * It should be noted that even this name is often misapplied. The lichens, which are in no way related to the true mosses, are sometimes popularly called "gray mosses." In " Evangeline" where Longfellow speaks of the trees " bearded with moss " he evidently alludes to the lichen, Usnea barbata ; the " hanging moss" of the Pacific coast is also a lichen, Ramaiina reticulata, which has a much more appropriate name in "lace-lichen." The "hang- ing moss " of the Gulf States, on the contrary, is a flowering plant whose near- est allies are in the pineapple family. Another flowering plant, Euphorbia cyparissias, is often called " graveyard moss " in the Northern States. This loose and confusing use of language is to be deplored, and those who know better should assist in relegating these incorrect usages to a merited oblivion. THE FERN'S PLACE IN NATURE. 49 recognized, we find two types of plants of lower grade which stand out prominently to even the unpracticed eye. Of these the first are mostly green,* and though variously known and named may be called collectively alga. Like the higher plants, these low forms maintain an independent existence, drawing their nourishment directly from the air and water. Of the second group we may find examples in the mildew that spreads its white cobwebby film over the leaves of the lilac, the willow and other plants ; or in the rust, red or black, that injures our fields of standing grain ; or in the black smut that often re- places the ears of corn and greatly disfigures the plant. Other examples may be seen in the shelving masses that protrude from old stumps or logs, or in the bright scarlet cups that ap- pear on the ground in rich woods in earliest spring. Whatever the color of these forms of plant growth, they may be charac- terized as not green. They represent a group of plants that require nourishment from some source besides air and water; some are parasitic drawing nourishment from living plants or animals, while others are saprophytic living on decaying or- ganic matter. Though widely differing in character, we may call them all fungi. In addition to these forms are the lichens which are intimately related to some of the groups of fungi and cannot be considered as forming a definite group by them- selves. 1 25. Looking over this array of forms we find that with all their diversity they may be arranged somewhat naturally in four groups as follows, commencing with the highest : I. SPERMAPHYTES. (Seed-bearing plants.) II. PTERIDOPHYTES. (Ferns and their allies.) III. BRYOPHYTES. (Mosses and Liverworts.) IV. THALLOPHYTES. (Algae, Lichens and Fungi.) It will be observed that the last three are all spore producers instead of seed producers like the flowering plants of the first * Observant visitors at the seaside are familiar with the brown, purple and bright red "sea-weeds" that belong here but have their fundamental green color masked by other coloring matters. These are sometimes called "sea mosses," which is another unfortunate and confusing use of a term which ought to be confined to its particular group. 50 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. group; that the second like the first contains plants with a highly organized structure; that the third is like the first two in including plants with a distinct leafy axis, but differs in pos- sessing a less complicated structure ; while the last differs from all the others in having no distinction of stem and leaves. To bring out these and other characters more fully, and at the same time to indicate some hints of the leading subdivisions of these great groups of plants, will necessitate a more technical and tabular arrangement. 1 26. The Thallophytes include the lower forms of vege- tation whose plant-body varies from a unicellular condition, through filamentous forms to a more or less highly differ- entiated thallus. While some forms, especially among the higher algae, assume the habit of a leafy-stemmed plant, none attain to a true differentiation into stem and leaves. The thallophytes are most simply divided on a purely physiological basis into two main groups * : 1. AlgcE which develop chlorophyll. 2. Fungi which are parasitic or saprophy tic colorless plants. 127. The ALG^E comprise the following groups : 1. CYANOPHYCE^:. (Blue-green algae, nostocs, etc.) 2. DIATOMACE/E. (Diatoms, secreting a siliceous covering.) 3. CHLOROPHYCE/E.I (Green algae.) Consisting of four well-marked groups : (a) Protococcoidece. (Green slimes, volvox, water-net.) (b) Conjugate. (Desmids, Spirogyra, etc.) (c) Siphonece. (Bladder-plants, green felts, etc.) (d) Confervoidece. (Sea-lettuce, water flannel, etc.) * The sexual system of classification frequently adopted in this country can- not be maintained among the fungi, and even among the algae is at points very unsatisfactory. Moreover it groups together forms that have no near relation to each other and cannot be regarded as a natural system. It is further to be doubted if the group commonly known as Protophytes can be maintained on any rational grounds. t The Chlorophyceae include by far the greater part of the fresh-water algae, though quite a number of the group are marine. The brown and red algae of the two following groups make up the most conspicuous marine forms, THE FERN'S PLACE IN NATURE. 5 I 4. PH/EOPHYCE^. (Rock-weeds, devil's-aprons, Sargas sum, and other marine forms ; brown algae.) 5. RHODOPHYCE^E. (Red and purple algae; mostly marine.) 6. CHARACE^E. (Stoneworts of fresh waters.) 1 28. The FUNGI may be divided into four main groups : 1. MYXOMYCETES. (Slime-moulds.)* 2. SCHIZOMYCETES. (Bacteria.) 3. PHYCOMYCETES. (The lower or algal Fungi.) 4. EUMYCETES. (The higher or spore-fruit Fungi.) 1 29. The PHYCOMYCETES are represented by the following groups : 1. Chytridiacece. (Of simple structure, parasitic on algae, etc.) 2. Mucorince. (Black moulds.) 3. Entomophthorince. (Fly-fungus, and others parasitic on insects.) 4. Saprolegntacece. (Water-moulds, some forms parasitic on fish.) 5. Peronosporacece. (Downy mildews, white rust, potato- rot, etc.) 1 3O. The EUMYCETES include two types, the first known as Bastdiomycetes bearing the spores on enlarged cells known as basidia, and the second known as Ascomycetes, from the fact that the spores are borne in sacs (known as asci). Of the fol- lowing groups the first five are Basidiomycetes and the last six are Ascomycetes : 1. Ustilaginece. (Smuts of grain, corn, etc.) 2. Uredinea. (Rusts, cluster-cups, cedar-apples.) 3. TremellinecE.\ (Gelatinous fungi.) 4. Hyuienomycetes. (Mushrooms, toadstools, bracket- fungi, etc.) * The Myxomycetes in their vegetative stages are unlike all other plants, consisting of naked masses of protoplasm and are capable of an apparent creeping motion. In their fruiting condition they show a superficial resem- blance to some of the Gastromycetes with which they were formerly associated. Their true position in the world of life is not yet settled, some removing them entirely from the vegetable kingdom. t This is really a composite group consisting of at least three orders. In this limited outline only the more common and conspicuous groups are noted. 52 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. 5. Gastromycetes. (Puff-balls, earth-stars, bird's-nest fungi, stink-horns.) 6. Saccharomycetes. (Yeast-plant.) 7. Gymnoascece. (Leaf-curl of peach, plum-pockets, etc.) 8. Tuber acece. (Truffles.) 9. Pyrenomycetes. (Black fungi, ergot, powdery mildews.) 10. Lichenes* (Lichens.) 11. Discomycetes. (Morels, cup-fungi, etc.) 131. Besides the above there are a large number of fungi that are mould-like or are parasitic on leaves, forming "leaf- spots." These are called Fungi iwperfecti, because of the fact that some of them are known to be the early stages of certain ascomycetous fungi. The mould-like forms are known as Hypkimycetes. 132. The BRYOPHYTES include forms whose plant-body varies from a thallus to a distinct leafy axis, containing only a rudimentary fibro-vascular system, if any; their life-history involves two alternating phases : (i) A highly organized sexual phase producing antherids and archegones ; and (2) A sporo- gonial phase living parasitically on the first and producing spores asexually. This division contains three well-marked classes : 1. HepaticcB. (Liverworts.) 2. Sphagnacece. (Peat-mosses.) 3. Musci. (True mosses.) 133. The PTERIDOPHYTES have a well-developed fibro- vascular system of highly-developed tissues distributed through a leafy axis. Their life-history also involves two phases : (i) A thalloid phase (prothallus) producing antherids and arche- gones,! and (2) A highly-developed asexual phase producing spores by cell-division. (The subdivisions of this group are more fully arranged in another portion of this work : see pp. 75-148.) * The lichens may be placed here provisionally. Their relations to the other groups of fungi have not yet been fully determined. f From this character the Bryophytes and Pteridophytes are sometimes called Archegoniata, to which group some also add the Gymnosperms, THE FERN'S PLACE IN NATURE. 53 1 34. The SPERMAPHYTES include the highest of the plant- world. In this group the plant-body, except in rare cases (Lemna, Podostemon, etc.) is a well-developed leafy axis contain- ing highly differentiated tissues of every kind; the sexual re- production consists of the union of pollen-grains (male ele- ment) with the embryo-sac (female element), resulting in the formation of an embryo which, with its coverings, constitutes the seed.* This group contains two well-marked classes t'. i GymnospermcB. (Cone-bearing trees, Cycads, etc.) 2. Angiospermce. (All other seed-bearing plants.) 135. It will thus be seen that the Ferns and their allies occupy a high place in the plant-world, standing just below the seed-bearing plants. This position they maintain not only from their complexity of structure but from their evident graded relation to some of the lower forms of spermaphytes, especially to some that are now extinct. 1 36. To make the relations of the various groups of pteri- dophytes to each other and to the lower forms of plant-life more apparent than can be done in a lineal classification, we present the following outline of a possible genealogical tree : * It will be readily seen that this process is only a slight modification of what appears in the development of the higher forms of Pteridophytes like Selaginella. The prothallium, which in ferns is a marked feature, becomes reduced in Selaginella, and disappears except in rudiment in the Sperma- phytes. t The above is in accordance with the older botanical systems. The com- parative and morphological study of the higher plants is leading us on to a more natural system of classification than that which is given in the ordinary Manuals of Botany. The day of artificial groups like the " Apetalous division of Exogens" is long since passed. This is not the place to discuss these changes, but this note is given merely to call attention to the progress in a field where many have been led to believe there was no further progress possible. Among the many transitional systems the following ought to be accessible in almost any good library: Engler-Prantl : Naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien, n, pp. 1-5, and Macmillan : The Metaspermae of the Minnesota Valley, pp. 18-29. 54 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. GYMNO8PERM/C SELAGINELLACE/e I80ETACE/C POUYPODIACE/E 8PHAGNACE/E PHYCOMYCETES RROTOCOCCOIDE* PROVISIONAL PEDIGREE OF THP READING GROUPS OF PLANTS. THE FERN'S PLACE IN NATURE. 55 LITERATURE. BOWER (F. O.). The comparative study of the Meristem of Ferns as a phylogenetic study. In Annals of Botany, Hi, 305- 322, pi. xx-xxiv (1889). Is the Eusporangiate or the Leptosporangiate the more primitive type in the Ferns ? In Annals of Botany, V, 109-134, pi. vii (1891). CAMPBELL (Douglas H.). On the affinities of the Filicineae. In Botanical Gazette, XV, 1-7 (1890). A study of the apical growth of the prothallium of Ferns with reference to their relationships. In Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, xvni, 73-80 (1891). On the relationships of the Archegoniata. In Botanical Gazette, XVI, 323-333 (1891). 1 37. Since many students have no accessible list of the leading literature of the lower plants, and available manuals for their study for the most part have not been written, it may not be considered amiss to indicate some of the leading systematic literature relating to their study. It is not to the credit of American botany that we are obliged to this day to refer to European manuals as the best media for information concern- ing the lower plants of this country. It is to be hoped that a stimulus will be given to the study of the lower plants in all parts of the country. The literature will be arranged in con- formity with the classification above given. 1 . ALOE. FARLOW (W. G.). Marine Algae of New England. Report of U. S. Fish Comm. (1879). KlRCHNER (Oskar). Algen, in Cohn : Kryptogamenflora von Schlesien. WILLE (N.). Algen, in Engler-Prantl : Die naturlichen Pflanzcnfamilien. Contains valuable synopses of genera. WOLLE (F.). Fresh-water Algae of the United States. 2 vols. (1887.) HARVEY (W. H.). Nereis Boreali-Americana. 3 parts, 410. 56 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. (1851, 1853, 1857.) This and the next are expensive works with colored plates relating chiefly to marine forms. HARVEY (W. H.). Phycologia Britannica. 4 vols. (1871). DE TONI (J. B.). Sylloge Algarum omnium hucusque cog- nitarum. (1889.) This work covers the algae of the world, giving compiled descriptions in Latin. Volume I (Chlorophy- ceae, pp. 12, cxxxix, 1315) only has appeared. Diatomaceae. SMITH (H. L.). Conspectus of the Families and Genera of the Diatomaceae. The Lens, i, 1-19, 72-93 (1872). WOLLE (F.). The Diatomaceae of the United States. (1891.) VAN HEURCK (H.). Synopsis des Diatomees de Belgique. (1880.) Desmidiaceae. WOLLE (F.). Desmids of the United States. (1884; 2d edition 1892.) STOKES (A. C). Key to the Desmidiese. Amer. Monthly Micros. Journal, VII, 109-114, 125-131, 144-148, 163-169 (1886). An analytic key to the above work. Characese. ALLEN (T. F.). Characeae of America, Part I (1888); Part II (1893). HALSTED (B. D.). Classification and Description of the American Species of Characeae. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., XX, 169-190 (1879). 2. FUNGI. For the structure and biology of this group the following are useful : DE BARY (A.). Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, Mycetozoa, and Bacteria. (English translation.) (1887.) ZOPF (W.). Die Pilze. (1890.) Especially full on the physi- ology of the Fungi. THE FERN'S PLACE IN NATURE. $7 BREFELD (O.). Untersuchungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete der Mykologie. Hefte vii, vin. IX, X (1888-1891). The most elaborate morphological work on the subject. For the systematic study of the Fungi no single work is avail- able for American students. The scattered literature is very abundant, and the more available portions are classified below. Among the European manuals the following is the most ex- tensive and useful : WINTER (G.) etal. Die Pilze, in Rabenhorst : Kryptogamen- flora von Deidschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz. Three volumes are completed and the fourth is nearly so. Myxomycetes. McBRiDE (T. H.). The Myxomycetes of eastern Iowa. Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. State Univ., n, 99-162 (1892). COOKE (M. C). Myxomycetes of Great Britain. (1877.) The Myxomycetes of the United States. Annals N. Y. Lyceum Nat. Hist., XI, 378-409 (1877). An incomplete but serviceable list. BERLESE (A. N.). Myxomyceteae, in Saccardo : Sylloge Fungorum, vii, 323-450; X, 83-99. MASSEE (Geo.). A Monograph of the Myxogastres. (1892.) To be used with caution ; cf. criticisms in Bulletin Torrey Bot. Club, xx, 73-82 (1893). Schizomycetes. GROVE (W. B.). A Synopsis of the Bacteria and Yeast Fungi. I2mo. (1884.) SACCARDO (P. A.). Sylloge Fungorum, vni, 923-1087. THAXTER (Roland). On the Myxobacteriaceae, a new order of Schizomycetes. Bot. Gazette, xvil, 389-406 (1892) ; xvill, 29, 30 (1893). Phycomycetes. FISCHER (A.). Phycomycetes, in Winter: Die Pilzt Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz (1892). FARLOW (W. G.). Enumeration of the Peronosporeae oi the United States. Bot. Gazette, vin, 305-315, 327-337 (1883) ; Additions, IX, 37-40 (1884). 58 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. FARLOW (W. G.). The Synchitria of the United States. Bot. Gazette, X, 235-245 (1885). THAXTER (Roland). The Entomophthoreae of the United States. Metn. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, 133-201, pi. 14-21 (1888). BERLESE (A. N.) et DE TONI (J. B.). Phycomyceteae, in Saccardo: Sylloge Fungorum, vn, 181-322; ix, 335-363. Ustilagineae. DE TONI (J. B.). Ustilagineae, in Saccardo: Sylloge Fun- gorum, VII, 449-527; IX, 282-291. SETCHELL (W. A.). An Examination of the Species of the Genus Doassansia. Annals of Botany, vi, 1-48 (1892). Uredinege. BURRILL (T. J.). Parasitic Fungi of Illinois, Part I. Bull. Illinois State Lab. Nat. Hist., II, 141-255 (1885). PLOWRIGHT (C. B.). A Monograph of the British Uredi- neae and Ustilagineae. (1889). DfiTONi (J. B.). Uredineae, in Saccardo: Sylloge Fungorum, VII, 528-822; IX, 291-334. Tremellineae. SACCARDO (P. A.). Sylloge Fungorum, vi, 760-815; IX, 257, 261. Hymenomycetes. FRIES (Elias). Hymenomycetes Europaei (1874). SACCARDO (P. A.). Sylloge Fungorum, v ; vi ; ix, i 261. PECK (Charles H.). Boleti of the United States. Bull. N. Y. State Mus., n, 73-166 (1889). MASSEE (George). A Monograph of the Thelephoreae. Jour. Linn. Soc., XXV, 107-155 (1889); xxvil, 95-205 (1890). The following of more limited range are useful : PECK (Charles H.). Reports of State Botanist. Report of Regents of the State Museum of Natural History (New York), XXII-XLIV. Contain many synopses especially of the Agaricini. MORGAN (A. P.). The Mycologic Flora of the Miami Val- THE FERN'S PLACE IN NATURE. $9 ley. Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., vi, 54-81,97-117, 173- 199; vii, 5-10; vm, 91-111, 168-174; IX, 1-8; X, 7-18, 188-202; xi, 86-95 (1883-1887). The following more expensive illustrated works treat of the Agaricini : FRIES (Elias). Icones Selectae Hymenomycetum. Parts 1 and II. Folio. (1867-1884.) Contains two hundred colored plates. COOKE (M. C). Illustrations of British Fungi. 8 vols. 8vo. (1881-1887.) Illustrates over 1200 species, many of which are common to Europe and America. Gastromycetes. MORGAN (A. P.). North America Fungi Gastromycetes. Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., XI, 141-149 ; xn, 8-22, 163- 172; xni, 5-21 ; XIV, 141-148 (1889-92). MASSEE (George). British Gastromycetes. Annals of Botany, IV, 1-94 (1889). FISCHER (E.) et DE TONI (J. B.). Gasteromyceteae, in Saccardo : Sylloge Fungorum, vii, 1-180, 469-492; IX, 262-281. PECK (Charles H.). United States species of Lycoperdon. Trans. Albany Inst., IX, 285-318 (1-35) (1879). MORGAN (A. P.). The North American Geasters. Amer. Nat., xvni, 963-970 (1884). Reprinted without the illustrations in Jour. Mycol., I, 11-13 ( l88 5) TRELEASE (William). The Morels and Puff-balls of Madi- son. Trans. Wis. Acad. Science, vii, 105-120 (1889). Gymnoasceae. ROBINSON (B. L.). Notes on the Genus Taphrina. Annals of Botany, I, 163-176 (1887). SACCARDO (P. A.). Sylloge Fungorum, vm, 811-825. Tuberaceae. TULASNE (L. R. et C.). Fungi Hypogaei (1862). SACCARDO (P. A.). Sylloge Fungorum, vm, 863-907 ; X, 80-83. 60 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. Pyrenomycetes. EURRILL (T. J.) and EARLE (F. S.). Parasitic Fungi of Illinois. Part II. Bull. Illinois State Lab. Nat. Hist., II, 387- 432 (1887). BESSEY (C. E.). The Erysiphei. -]th Bien. Report Iowa Agric. Coll. (1877). ELLIS (J. B.) and EVERHART (B. M.). The North American Pyrenomycetes (1892). SACCARDO (P. A.). Sylloge Fungorum, I ; II ; Additamenta; ix, 364-1129. TULASNE (L. R. et C.). Selecta Fungorum Carpologia. 3 vols. 4to. (1861, 1863, 1865.) Lichenes. WlLLEY (H.). An Introduction to the Study of the Lichens. (1887.) TUCKERMAN (E.). Genera Lichenum. (1872.) A Synopsis of the North American Lichens. Parts I and II. (1882, 1890.) Discomycetes. COOKE (M. C..). Mycographia, seu Icones Fungorum. Vol. I, Discomycetes. 4to. (1879.) PHILLIPS (William). A manual of the British Discomy- cetes. (1887.) REHM (H.). Discomycetes, in Winter : Die Pihe Deutsch- lands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz. III. Abtheilung. SACCARDO (P. A.). Sylloge Fungorum, vni, 1-842 ; x, 1-79, Fungi Imperfect!. ELLIS (J. B.) and EVERHART (B. M.). Enumeration of the North American Cercosporeae. Jour. MycoL, I, 17-24, 33-40, 49-56, 61-67 (1885). Additions, ibid., II, I, 2 ; in, 13-21 ; iv, 2-7. North American species of Ramularia. Jour. Mycol. I, 73-83 (1885). Additions, ibid., iv, i, 2. The North American species of Gloeosporium. Jour. MycoL, I, 109-119 (1885). Additions, ibid., in, 21. North American species of Cylindrosporium. Jour MycoL, I, 126-128 (1885). Additions, ibid., in, 21, 22. THE FERN'S PLACE IN NATURE. 6 1 MARTIN (George). The Phyllostictas of North America. Jour. My col. , II, 13-20, 25-27 (1886). Enumeration and Description of the Septorias of North America. Jour. Mycol., Ill, 37-41. 49~53> 61-69, 73-82, 85-94 (1887). SACCARDO (P. A.). Sylloge Fungorum, in; iv ; Addi- tamenta ; X, 100-739. Hepaticse. UNDERWOOD (L. M.). Hepaticae, in Gray : Manual of Botany, 6//i edition. Descriptive Catalogue of the North American Hepaticae, north of Mexico. Bull. Illinois State Lab. Nat. Hist., n, 1-133 (1884). Sphagnaceae. WARNSTORF (O. Contributions to the knowledge of the North American Sphagna. Bot. Gazette, XV, 127-140, 189-198, 217-227, 242-255 (1890). BRAITHWAITE (R.). The Sphagnaceae or Peat Mosses of Europe and North America. (1880.) Musci. BARNES (Charles R.). Artificial Keys to the Genera and Species of Mosses. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Science, VI II, 11-81, 163-166 (1890). LESQUEREUX (Leo) and JAMES (T. P.). Manual of the Mosses of North America. (1884.) For any really satisfactory work in this group of plants the following more expensive publications are essential : SULLIVANT (W. S.). Icones Muscorum and Supplement. 2 vols. (1864, 1874). BRAITHWAITE (R.)- British Moss Flora. In course of publication in parts. BRUCH (Ph ), SCHIMPER (W. P.), et GUMBEL (Th.). Bry- ologia Europaea. 6 vols. 4to. (1835-1855.) Suppl. (1864-66.) 138. The literature of the Pteridophytes has been given elsewhere in this volume, and that of the Spermaphytes is better known and need not be mentioned here. 62 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES, CHAPTER IX. DISTRIBUTION IN TIME AND SPACE. 139. Geographic Distribution. Ferns are found in all parts of the world. The number of described species is not certainly known, and the uncertainty is largely increased for the reason that our best systematists do not agree as to what constitutes a species. Baker, whose authority is generally recognized in England and America, places the estimate at about 3000 species. Added to these are 565 fern allies as recog- nized by the same author. From what has been said respecting the climatic conditions of fern growth we would naturally expect to find them most abundant in countries where warmth and moisture predomi- nate. These conditions seem most completely met on tropical islands or in tropical continental areas with insular climates. The little island of Mauritius, having an area of 676 square miles, or less than one third the area of Delaware, has 235 na- tive species, while Java, little larger than New York, has 460. Brazil furnishes 387, and the Isthmus of Panama 117. Com- paring these with colder climates, we find 67 in all Europe, and only 26 grow within the borders of the arctic zone. " Our Native Ferns," as described later in this volume, in- cluding those species that are classed in the order FILICES, number 158 species. Adding to these the 11 species of the order OPHIOGLOSSACE^E, which have frequently been enumer- ated with the ferns, we have a total of 169 species. The remain- ing fern allies number 59, making a grand total of 228. 1 4O. Divisions of our Flora. It has been found con- venient to divide the surface of the earth into faunas and floras, limited by the natural distribution of the various species of animals and plants. These limits are by no means sharply defined, for wherever the limit is made some species will pass DISTRIBUTION IN TIME AND SPACE. 63 beyond it ; yet the majority found on one side are different from the majority of those on the other. North America (ex- cluding Mexico) forms the Nearctic realm or fauna (Regnum Nearcticum\ and the same boundaries may be used in the limi- tation of our fern flora, although some species from tropical regions invade our borders in Florida, Texas, and Arizona. Leaving out of question the species that are widely distributed over the greater part of our country, many of which are cos- mopolitan species, we may divide the Nearctic realm into five provinces, each of which possesses many species peculiar to itself. 141. The provinces* are as follows : I. BOREAL : inhabiting (with a few exceptions) the northern portion of the United States, extending through Canada and British America, some species even reaching Labrador, Green- land, and Alaska, and nearly all represented also in the north- ern portions of the Old World. II. MEDIAL: extending throughout the mountain and hilly region of the States east of the Mississippi, westward to the mountains, and northward into Canada, and in a few instances also inhabiting the Old World. III. OCCIDENTAL : extending along the western border of the continent from British Columbia to California, in a few cases appearing also in the Rocky Mountain region. IV. SONORAN : inhabiting the central mountain regions of Western Texas, Arizona, and Colorado, many of the species ex- tending thence into Mexico, and some even to South America. V. AUSTRAL : inhabiting the border of the Gulf of Mexico, many of the species extending into the West Indies and Tropi- cal America. 1 42. The following lists will indicate the relations of our native species, though several species exceed the bounds here indicated, and occur within the borders of other provinces. * This division is a slight modification of one proposed by John H. Red- jield in 1875. Cf. Bulletin Torrey Botanical C/ud t vi, 1-7. 64 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND TUElR ALLIES. BOREAL. (Those marked * are known only from Alaska.) Cheilanthes argentea.* Local. Cryptogramma acrostichoides. Pellaea Stelleri. Asplenium viride. Dryopteris lonchitis. aculeata, var. Braunii. oreopteris. fragrans. filix-mas. spinulosa. Boottii. Cystopteris montana. Woodsia alpina. glabella. Botrychium lunaria. Rare and local. boreale.* Local. Equisetum pratense. palustre. litorale. Rare. variegatum. Lycopodium annotinum. alpinum. sabinaefolium. Selaginella selaginoides. MEDIAL. Adiantum pedatum. Cheilanthes lanosa. Pellaea atropurpurea. Woodwardia Virginica. areolata. Asplenium pinnatifidum. ebenoides. platyneuron. angustifolium. ruta-muraria. montanum. fontanum. Bradleyi. thelypteroides. Scolopendrium scolopendrium. Rare. Camptosorus rhizophyllus. Phegopteris phegopteris. hexagon optera. dryopteris. Dryopteris acrostichoides. Noveboracensis. thelypteris. cristata. var. Clintoniana. Goldieana. marginalis. Dryopteris spinulosa, var. interme- dia. var. dilatata. Cystopteris bulbifera. Onoclea sensibilis. struthiopteris. Woodsia Ilvensis. obtusa. Dicksonia punctilobula. Lygodium palmatum. Rare. Schizaea pusilla. Local. Osmunda regalis. Clay ton iana. cinnamomea. Marsilea quadrifolia. Local. Salvinia natans. Local. Botrychium simplex. matricariaefolium. lanceolatum. Equisetum silvaticum. fluviatile. scirpoides. Lycopodium selago. lucidulum. inundatum. DISTRIBUTION IN TIME AND SPACE. Lycopodium obscurum. clavatum. complanatura. Selaginella apus. Isoetes lacustris. Tuckermani. Local, echinospora, var. Braunii. var. robusta. Local, var. Boottii. Isoetes echinospora, var. muricata. Local. saccharata. Local, riparia. Engelmanni. var. gracilis. var. valida. melanopoda. Butleri. Rare. OCCIDENTAL. (Species marked * are confined to California ; those marked t are found only in j)*frtt jt\i<- ' r~c-l^*s. Oregon.) Phegopteris alpestris. Dryopteris munita. mohrioides.* aculeata.* var. Californica*.* var. angularis.* Nevadensis.* rigida, var. arguta. Woodsia scopulina. Oregana. Azolla filiculoides. Marsilea vestita. Pilularia Americana. Equisetum telmateia. robustum. Selaginella Oregana. Douglasii. Isoetes pygmaea.* Bolanderi. Howellii.t nuda.t Nuttallii. Suksdorfii. maritima. Polypodium falcatum. Californicum.* Scouleri. Gymnogramme triangularis. Notholaena Newberryi. cretacea.*_ tenera. Adiantum emarginatum. Pteris aquilina, var. lanuginosa, Cheilanthes Californica.* viscida.* Cooperae.* gracillima. Parishii.* fibrillosa.* Clevelandii.* Pellaea Breweri. andromedasfolia.* brachyptera. ornithopus.* densa. Bridges!!.* Lomaria spicant. Woodwardia radicans. SONORAN. (Species marked * are found in our region only in Arizona ; those marked t are Texan ) Polypodium thysanolepis.* Gymnogramme Ehrenbergiana. Notholaena sinuata. ferruginea. Parryi. Notholaena Aschenborniana.* Candida. Hooker i. Schaffneri.f 66 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. Notholaena Grayi. Lemmoni.* nivea. Fendleri. Adiantum tricholepis.f Cheilanthes Pringlei.* Wrightii. leucopoda.f lendigera.* gracilis. tomentosa. Fendleri. myriophylla. Lindheimeri. Pellaea aspera. pulchella. Pellaea ternifolia.f Wrightjana. flexuosa. intermedia. Asplenium monanthemum.* septentrionale. Glenniei.* Dryopteris juglandifolia. Mexicana. Woodsia Mexicana. Anemia Mexicana. t Marsilea macropoda. uncinata. vestita, var. tenuifolia.f Selaginella lepidophylla. Pringlei. AUSTRAL. (Species marked * are found in our region only in Florida.) Acrostichum aureum.* Polypodium plumula.* pectinatum.* polypodioides. aureum.* phyllitidis.* Swartzii.* Taenitis lanceolata.* Vittaria lineata.* Adiantum capillus-veneris. tenerum.* Pteris longifolia.* serrulata. aquilina, var. caudata. Cheilanthes microphylla. Alabamensis. Ceratopteris thalictroides.* Blechnum serrulatum.* Asplenium serratum.* parvulum. dentatum. firmum. cicutarium.* rhizophyllum,var. myriophyllum* var. Biscaynianum* Phegopteris tetragona.* Rare. Phegopteris reptans.* Rare. Dryopteris trifoliata. Rare. contermina, var. strigosa.* patens. unita, var. glabra.* Floridana.* Nephrolepis exaltata.* acuta.* Rare. Trichomanes Petersii. Local. radicans. Anemia adiantifolia.* Ophioglossum crotalophoroides. nudicaule. palmatum.* Equisetum laevigatum. Lycopodium inundatum, var. pinra turn.* alopecuroides. cernuum. Rare. Carolinianum. Psilotum nudum. Rare. Selaginella Ludoviciana. Rare. rupestris, var. tortipila. Rare. Isoetes melanospora. Local. flaccida.* var. Chapmani.* DISTRIBUTION IN TIME AND SPACE. 67 COSMOPOLITAN SPECIES. Polypodium vulgare. Pteris aquilina. Asplenium trichomanes. filix-foemina. Cystopteris fragilis. Ophioglorsum vulgatum. Botrychium Virginianum. ternatum. Equiseturn arvense. hiemale. Selaginella rupestris. Azolla Caroliniana. 143. Local Lists. The number of species found in a sin- gle locality is usually limited, yet in certain favored locations there is a marked diversity. As an instance, in one of the habitats of the rare hart's-tongue * the writer has collected twenty-seven species illustrating fourteen genera within the radius of a thousand feet. Such localities, however, are com- paratively rare, and must include wide diversity of soil and shade within very narrow limits. Onondaga County, New York, possesses perhaps as many ferns as any county in the entire country, including 41 species. 32 are catalogued from Essex County, Massachusetts. Several State lists more or less complete have been compiled, and are noticed in the literature below. Carefully prepared lists from all the States and Territories would be a valuable addition to our knowledge of geographic distribution. 144. Geologic Distribution. It is well known that the plants and animals now existing on the earth are not the same in kind as those of former ages. Geologists have carefully studied the stony heart of nature, and have drawn therefrom the story of the development of land and sea, and the succes- sive populations that from time to time have held possession of our globe. Plants furnishing the natural food for animals must have preceded animal life, yet in the earliest geologic ages the remains of animals are far more numerous. The abundance of the deposits of graphite and iron-ore in the earli- est or Archaean rocks indicates the existence of extensive plant growth, but the remains are so transformed as to mak-2 it im- possible to determine the character of this primeval vegetation. 1 45. In the succeeding Silurian age the fossil remains in- dicate the existence of algae or sea-weeds in abundance, and a * " Green Pond," one mile east of Jamesville, Onondaga County, New York. 5 68 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. single small species of ground pine attests the existence of some of the higher Cryptogamia ; no ferns, however, have been found in America older than the Devonian. Over fifty species of Devonian ferns have been described from the American rocks chiefly, by Principal J. W. Dawson of Montreal. 1 46. It is in the coal measures, however, that ferns and other Cryptogamia are found in the greatest abundance and profusion. Their delicate foliage is impressed on the various rock strata above the beds of coal, and so perfectly are they preserved that not only the methods of fructification but even the microscopic spores have been detected ! In the coal meas- ures of the United States and Canada (counting from the base of the Catskill), 381 species of ferns have been described, chiefly by Prof. Leo Lesquereux. The most abundant Ameri- can genera are Neuropteris 45 species, Pecopteris 50 species, Sphenopteris 31 species, Pseudopecopteris 25 species, and Rha- cophyllum 24 species. The frontispiece gives an ideal representation of the vegeta- tion of the Carboniferous age. The luxuriant tree-ferns, the Lepidodendrids, ancient representatives of the diminutive club- mosses or ground-pines, the Catamites, allies of the modern scouring-rushes, and other forms no less wonderful, are seen in their profusion. 147. In the later geologic ages, Mesozoic and Tertiary, ferns are found preserved in the rocks, with the leaves of many trees and shrubs of existing genera. The indications are that Terns formed a far smaller part of the vegetation of these later ages than in the preceding Carboniferous, and even approxi- mated to that of the present. Six Cretaceous and twenty-four Tertiary species have been catalogued,* including species in the existing genera Lygodium, P fen's, Woodwardia,Dryopterts, Gymnogramme, etc., as well as some related to genera abundant in earlier formations. No living species is found fossil, unless Dr. Newberry's variety of Onoclea sensibilis becomes estab- lished.! In the course of geologic history, however, we can * Tenth report, Hayden Geological Survey of the Territories. Washing- ton, 1878. t Prof. Lesquereux writes me: "Though analogous by the nervation, I doubt the identity on account of the coriaceous character of that fossil fern, DISTRIBUTION IN TIME AND SPACE. 69 trace a gradual approximation to the modern types from the generalized forms of Devonian and Carboniferous times. 148. Fern Allies. Ophioglossum dates back to the Ter- tiary period with one species. The order EQUISETACE^E have existed since the coal period and the genus Equisetum since the Triassic. The order CALAMARIACE^E, which combined charac- ters of modern Equiseta and Conifers, came into existence in the Devonian, but became extinct before the close of the Permian. Illustrations of Calamites can be seen at the left-hand corner of the frontispiece, also under the tree-fern in the centre. The club- mosses proper have been in existence since the Devonian, and the genus Lycopodtum since the Carboniferous. Selaginella has never been found fossil, but its near relatives belonging to the extinct orders LEPIDODENDRACE^E and SIGILLARIACE^E were very abundant in the Palaeozoic era, particularly during the Carboniferous, where they formed the largest part of the forest vegetation, reaching in some instances a height of sev- enty to one hundred feet. The former possessed characters connecting modern club-mosses with Conifers, while the latter seem to connect the club-mosses with the Cycads. Restora- tions of Lepidodendron may be seen on the left-hand side of the frontispiece, and of Sigillaria on the right. Isoetes dates back to the Miocene (Tertiary) and Marsilia and Pilularia to the same period. LITERATURE. Besides the works referred to below, many State floras will give additional information respecting lucal distribution. Among the more important of these are those of New Jersey (Britton), Ohio (Beardslee), North Carolina (Curtiss), Wiscon- sin (Lapham), Vermont (Perkins}, New Hampshire (Flint), Pacific Coast (Lemmori), Illinois (Patterson), New York (Torrey), Michigan (Wheeler and Smith), Indiana (Coulter and Barnes), Iowa (Arthur), Minnesota (Uphani), Missouri (Tracy). BURGESS (T. W. J.). Recent Additions to Canadian Filici- neae. In Transactions Royal Society of Canada (1886). which I have not seen in any variety of O. sensibilis now living." Principal Dawson, however, writes: " The Onoclea sensibilis of the Laramie is truly that species, and I have found with it in our Manitoba formations another modern fern, Davallia tenuifolia." 70 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. DAVENPORT (George E.). Catalogue of the " Davenport Herbarium" of North American Ferns. Salem (1879). Sup- plement (1883). Some Comparative Tables showing the Distribution of Ferns in the United States of North America. In Proceedings American Philosophical Society, 1883, 605-612. MACOUN (John) and BURGESS (T. W. J.). Canadian Filici- neae. In Transactions Royal Society of Canada (1884). REDFIELD (John H.). Geographical Distribution of the Ferns of North America. In Torrey Bulletin, vi, 1-7 (1875). Minor notes on distribution will also be found in the follow- ing journals : Botanical Gazette, I, n, 22, 27; II, 55, 62; HI, 82; IV, 128, I39 i/7 232; v, 15, 39; VI, 195, 220, 248; vii, 76,96, 160; x, 370; XII, 63, 67. 181 ; XII, 117. Torrey Bulletin, II, 24, 28 ; III, 2, 33 ; IV, 2, 17, 42 ; V, 38, 39 ; vi, 8, 175, 177, 199, 206, 221, 234, 291, 345, 347 ; vn, 16, 80, 89, 94, 06, 118; vin, 47, 93, 105, 127, 144; IX, 55, 71, 128; x, 32,40; xi, 7, 67 ; XIV, 97, 149. Other notes still will be found in Mr. Davenport's series of " Fern Notes" and Prof. Eaton's series of " New and Rare Ferns of the United States," together with much of the remaining descriptive literature noted in Chapter VIII. on the Ferns and their allies. The literature on fossil ferns is very extensive. A valuable work on the coal flora will be found in the Reports P and PP of the Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. CHAPTER X. METHODS OF STUDY. The great benefit which a scientific education bestows, whether as training or as knowledge, is dependent upon the extent to which the student . . . learns the habit of appealing directly to Nature. HUXLEY. 149. Determination of Species. The first thing to learn about a plant or animal is not its name, but its structural characteristics, knowing which the name can be readily deter- METHODS OF STUDY. /I mined. Having provided ourselves with a strong lens, two or more needles mounted in wooden handles for dissecting pur- poses, and a few well-fruited ferns taken with the roots, we are prepared to commence our study. In investigating any plant we should be systematic and accurate in our observations, and no subject will develop order and accuracy of description or enlarge our powers of observation as will the subject of botany rigidly pursued. In order to fix the characters of the fern in question, it is well to note them down in some systematic order, and the preparation of blanks like the following is suggested for the purpose : Synoptical characters of ROOT. ROOTSTOCK. STIPE. FROND. VEINS. SORI. SPORANGIA. SPORES. The characters thus commence with the lowest parts and continually advance upwards to completion. 1 5O. Taking now a common fern, we will notice its charac- teristics. Suppose it to be the one commonly called " Maiden- hair" in the Northern States. We take the parts in order and give them a searching examination : the character of the root; the direction of growth, position and appearance of the root- stock ; the appearance, color, and method of growth of the 72 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIE*. stipe ; the method of cutting of the frond and the character ot its surface; the method of veining; the position of the fruit clusters on the frond and veins, and the peculiar form of the indusium, if present. The sporangia and spores are best studied with a microscope, yet the shape of the sporangia and the character of the ring can be determined with a strong lens. 151. The characters of the Maidenhair can be summed up as follows : Synoptical characters of ADIANTUM PEDATUM L. ROOT. Many delicate fibres, somewhat matted. ROOTSTOCK. Scaly, somewhat creeping. STIPE. Separate, slender, polished, black, forked at base of frond, forming two recurved rachises. FROND. Roundish in outline, formed of several pinnae, which branch from the recurved rachises; pinnules unequal sided, oblong or deltoid ; upper margins irregularly lobed ; sur- faces smooth. VEINS. Free, several times forked. SORI. Borne at the end of the veins on the under side of the re- flexed margins of the lobes, which form somewhat kidney- shaped membranous indusia. SPORANGIA. Globose, with a nearly complete vertical ring. SPORES. Minute, of one kind. 1 52. We are now prepared to determine the specific name, and for this purpose will turn to the "ARTIFICIAL SYNOPSIS OF ORDERS" (p. 75), where we read the statements under A, with the first of which our plant agrees ; then to B as directed, where we find it agrees with the third statement ; then to C, where we determine the Order to which our plant belongs. After having determined the plant to be a member of the order FILICES, we proceed to the "ARTIFICIAL SYNOPSIS OF GENERA" (p. 8o\ Reading the two statements under A we find our plant agrees with the first, bearing the sporangia at the margin of a leafy frond, so we proceed to B as indicated at the right-hand mar- METHODS OF STUDY. 73 gin. There being an indusium present, we are directed to C, where we find four statements. Our fern agrees with the second, as the indusium is formed of a reflexed portion of the frond. Passing to D we find it agreeing with the first state- ment. Passing to E, the statement, " Sporangia at the ends of the veins, borne on a reflexed portion of the margin of the frond," answers our purpose, and the marginal reference indi- cates the gSnus Adiantum. Under this genus (p. 89) we find two statements designated by .,., and ** ; the latter referring to the " dichotomously forked " fronds, answers our purpose, and we find our fern to be number 5, Adiantum pcdatum L., the scientific name of the Maidenhair, which we can now place in our description. Were we in Florida or any of the Southern States, instead of A.pedatum we would probably have found the Venus' Hair (A. capillus-veneris}, or in California the Cali- fornian Maidenhair (A. emarginatunt), either of which would agree with the common Eastern species in all respects save the method of branching of the frond and the shape of the pinnules. In like manner we can trace any of our native species to their scientific names, by carefully noting their structure and methods of fruiting. 1 53. In a few ferns it will be necessary to exercise great care in the examination of the indusia. In the genera Cystop- teris, Dicksonia, and Woodsia, and in a few species of Dryopteris, the indusia wither away after fruiting, so that one is likely to classify them under the non-indusiate genera if he carelessly examines them in this condition. In such cases a large number of sori should be carefully examined, and the least trace of an in- dusium should be noted. Five sixths of our genera, including four-fifths of our species, are indusiate. 154. Fern Allies. In determining the species of the fern allies the method of procedure is quite similar to that indicated above for the Maidenhair, in each case referring the plant to its proper order. The specimens must be in fruit, and in the case of Eqiiisetum must include both sterile and fertile shoots. As the species of Isoetes differ mainly in the size, character, and markings of the spores, they will require a microscope with micrometers for successful determination, though some can be identified with a lens if the life habits are also known. 74 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. 1 55. Histology. We have now gained a slight knowledge of the more apparent characters of the fern as viewed from without, and have been formally introduced to the species in hand by name. With some the study might seem to be at an end, but in fact it has only fairly begun. The minute structure, the development and the life-history of our fern, is yet unknown, leaving the most important features yet to be ascertained. Classification as it now exists is only a temporary arrangement, for the true relations of our species can never be fully deter- mined until their minute anatomy and life-histories have been thoroughly studied and compared. The minute anatomy has been carefully studied in only a few of our native ferns, and fewer still have been watched through the phases of their life-history. Less still is known of the species of fern allies. There is no fear of exhausting the subject, and even amateur botanists with the most limited facilities can do something in original inves- tigation. 1 56. Guides to Study. It is impossible within the limits of a manual of this character to do more than suggest guides for study, yet no guide can be followed blindly to the exclusion of native common-sense. For the study of anatomy the works already mentioned under Chapter V. will serve for reference, while the following laboratory guides, each containing an out- line for the study of a single fern, will be found valuable: ARTHUR (J. C.), BARNES (C. R.) and COULTER (J. M.). Hand- book of Plant Dissection. New York (1886). (Henry Holt & Co.). For Adiantum pedatuin. BOWER (F. O.) and VINES (S. H.). A Course of Practical In- struction in Botany, Part I. London (1885). (Macmillan & Co.) For Aspidium fill x -mas and fern allies. SEDGWICK (W. T.) and WILSON (E. B.). General Biology. Part I. New York (1886). (Henry Holt & Co.). For Pteris aquilina. \ 57. For the study of life-histories the recent paper by Dr. Campbell on Onoclea struthiopterts can well serve as a model. (Cf. Literature under Chapter VI.) The study of fern structure and fern development will grow in interest at every step, and will result in contributions of value to the knowledge of our native ferns and their allies. OUR NATIVE PTERIDOPHYTES. PTERIDOPHYTA Cohn. Vascular acrogens containing woody tissue in the stems. Antheridia or archegonia or both formed on a prothallus which is developed from the spore on germination, and upon which the asexual plant is produced. Includes eight living and three extinct orders, all represented in North America. ARTIFICIAL SYNOPSIS OF ORDERS. . j Isosporous, i.e., spores of one kind B t Heterosporous, i.e., spores of two kinds, D f Plant rush-like, . . . Order V. EQUISETACE^, p. 132 B -j Plant moss-like, . . Order VI. LYCOPODIACELE, p. 135 [Plant fern-like, C Vernation erect or inclined ; sporangia not reticulate, in spikes or panicles, opening by a transverse slit. Order IV. OPHIOGLOSSACE^E, p. 128 Vernation circinate ; sporangia reticulate, provided with a ring, usually borne on the back or margin of a frond sometimes in spikes or panicles, Order I. FlLICES, p. 75 f Terrestrial, moss-like plants, j Order VII. SELAGINELLACE^E, p. 140 I Aquatic, rooting in mud -;... [Aquatic, floating, . .Order III. SALVINIACE^E, p. 127 f Leaves awl-shaped, tubular, containing the sporangia in their axils, . . . Order VIII. ISOETACE^E, p. 142 E \ Leaves quadrifoliate or filiform ; sporangia enclosed in sporocarps borne on separate peduncles, . . . Order II. MARSILIACE^E, p. 125 ORDER I. FlLICES Juss. Plant body consisting of fronds usually raised on stipes ris- ing from a prostrate, ascending, or erect rootstock, circinate in vernation. Sporangia modified trichomes of the leaves, reticu- 76 OUR NATIVE PTERIDOPHYTA. late, one-celled, encircled by a more or less complete, jointed elastic ring, collected in clusters of various forms on the under surface of the frond, with or without an indusium or covering ; or panicled, or spiked and naked ; or borne on receptacles of various kinds. Spores of various forms, minute. Prothallium above ground, green, monoecious or dioecious. Contains six well-marked sub-orders, four of which are represented with us. Genera, seventy,* of which we have representatives of thirty. SUB-ORDER I.-POLYPODIACE>E Presl. Sporangia pedicelled, surrounded more or less completely by a jointed, vertical, and elastic ring, bursting transversely. Sori dorsal or marginal, borne on a leafy frond, with or without indusia. TRIBE I. ACROSTICHES. Sporangia spread in a stra- tum over the under surface, or rarely over both surfaces of the frond. Indusia wanting. I. Acrostichum L. Sori covering the entire surface of the upper pinnae. TRIBE II. POLYPODIES. Sori dorsal, borne at or near the ends of the veinlets, without indusia. II. Polypodium L. Possessing characters of the tribe. TRIBE III. GRAMMITIDES. Sori dorsal, variously arising from the veins, usually linear. Indusia wanting. III. Gymnogramme Desv. Sori oblong or linear, follow- ing the course of the veinlets. IV. Notholaena R. Br. Sori on the veins or near their extremities, roundish or oblong, soon confluent into a narrow marginal band. V. Tsenitis Swz. Sori linear, central, or submarginal. TRIBE IV. VITTARIES. Sporangia borne in a continu- ous marginal or intra- marginal furrow. VI. Vittaria Sm. Fronds simple, linear, grass-like. TRIBE V. PTERIDES. Sori marginal or intra-marginal, provided with an indusium formed of the reflexed margin of the frond, and opening inwardly. * This number is based on Hooker's classification. Other authors, narrow- ing the limits of generic characters, recognize a greater number. Smith, for example, publishes 220 and Presl 230, yet the tendency among most botanists is to restrict the number. FILICES. 77 * Sporangia borne on a reflex ed portion of the margin of the frond. VII. Adiantum L. Sori usually numerous and distinct. Midrib of the pinnules near the lower margin or wanting. ** Sporangia borne on a continuous vein-like receptacle which connects the apices of the veins. VIII. Pteris L. Sori continuous. Indusium delicate, whitish. Midribs of pinnules central. *** Sporangia at or near the ends of unconnected veins, borne on the under surface of the frond. IX. Cheilanthes S\vz. Sori minute, at the ends of the veins. Indusium continuous or interrupted. X. Cryptogram ma R. Br. Sporangia on the back or near the ends of the veins forming oblong or roundish sori, which are at length confluent and cover the back of the pin- nules. Sterile and fertile fronds unlike, smooth. XI. Pellsea Link. Sori on the upper part of the veins, distinct, or mostly forming a marginal band of sporangia. Sterile and fertile fronds usually similar, smooth. TRIBE VI. CERATOPTERIDE^). Sori on two or three longitudinal veins which are nearly parallel with the edge of the frond. Habits aquatic. XII. Ceratopteris Brong. The only genus ; having the characters of the tribe. TRIBE VII. BLECHNE;E. Sori dorsal, linear or oblong, borne on transverse veins, parallel to the midrib. Indusium fixed at its outer margin, opening at the inner. * Veins free. XIII. Lomaria Willd. Sori in a continuous band next the midrib. Indusium elongate, formed of the recurved and altered margin of the pinnae, or else sub-marginal. Fronds of two sorts, elongate, pinnate. XIV. Blechnum L. Sori linear, elongate, continuous near the midrib. Indusium continuous. Fronds pinnate. ** Veins more or less reticulate. XV. Woodwardia Sm. Sori linear or oblong, forming chain-like rows. Indusia separate. TRIBE VIII. ASPLENI E/E. Sori dorsal, linear or oblong, 78 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES oblique to the midrib, or rarely sub-parallel with it. Indusium fixed by one margin to the veinlet, opening at the other, some- times double. * Veins free. XVI. Asplenium L. Sori on the upper side of a fertile veinlet, rarely on both sides. XVII. Scolopendrium Sm. Sori linear, confluent in pairs, which appear like a single sorus with the double indusium opening in the middle. ** Veins reticulate. XVIII. Camptosorus Link. Sori oblong or linear, borne partly on veins parallel to the midrib, partly on veins oblique to the midrib. TRIBE IX. ASPIDIE*-E. Sori dorsal, round or roundish, on the back or rarely on the apex of a vein. Indusium usually membranous, rarely wanting. * Without indusia. XIX. Phegopteris Fee. Sori round, rather small, borne on the back of the free veins. ** With indusia. Mndusia superior. XX. Dryopteris Adans. Indusium orbicular and fixed by the centre, or reniform and fixed by the sinus, opening all round the margin. Sori mostly on the back of the veins. XXI. Nephrolepis Schott. Indusium reniform, fixed at the sinus or at the arcuate base, opening toward the margin of the frond. Sori at the end of free veins. ft Indusia fixed by a broad base partly under the sorus. XXII. Cystopteris Bernh. Indusium convex, usually reflexed as the sporangia ripen. Texture delicate. ttt Indusia obscure. Fertile frond much contracted, "very un- like the sterile. XXIII. Onoclea L. Sori dorsal on the veins of the con- tracted pinnae, concealed by their revolute margins. tttt Indusia inferior* FILICES. 79 XXIV. Woodsia R. Br. Indusium roundish or stellate, delicate, cleft into irregular lobes. TRIBE X. DICKSONIEJE. Sori roundish or transversely elongate, borne at the ends of the veins or on marginal cross- veinlets, with an indusium attached at the base or base and sides and opening toward the margin of the segment. XXV. Dicksonia L'Her. Sori marginal, small, the indu- sium cup-shaped, somewhat two-valved, the under portion con- fluent with a lobule of the frond. SUB-ORDER II.-HYMENOPHYLLACEJE Endl. Sporangia borne on an elongate, often filiform, receptacle, surrounded by a complete transverse ring, opening vertically. Sori terminal or marginal from the apex of a vein. Indusium inferior, usually of the same texture as the frond. Fronds deli- cately membranous and pellucid. XXVI. Trichomanes Sm. Indusia tubular, cup-shaped, or funnel-shaped, sometimes two-lipped. SUB-ORDER III.-SCHIZJEACEJE Presl. Sporangia ovate, sessile, arranged in spikes or panicles, hav- ing a complete, transverse, articulated ring at the apex, and opening by a longitudinal slit. * Stems scandent. XXVII. Lygodium Swz. Sporangia borne in a double row on narrow fertile segments, each on a separate veinlet and pro- vided with a special indusium. ** Stems not scandent. XXVIII. Anemia S\vz. Sporangia naked, attached by their bases to the narrow divisions of the panicled fertile seg- ments of the frond. XXIX. Schizaea Sm. Sporangia naked, fixed in a double row to the midrib of the narrow fertile segments. Sterile fronds simple or dichotomously forked. SUB-ORDER IV.-OSMUNDACEJE R. Br. Sporangia naked, globose, mostly pedicelled, with no ring or 8O OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. mere traces of one around the apex, opening into two halves by a longitudinal slit. XXX. Osmunda L. Fertile pinnae or fronds much con- tracted, bearing the large and abundant sporangia on the mar- gins of the narrow segments. ARTIFICIAL SYNOPSIS OF GENERA. Sporangia collected in sori and borne on the back or margin of a j leafy frond B 1 Sporangia in spikes or panicles not on the leafy portion of the [ frond U ( Sori covered with indusia O ( Sori naked P {Fertile frond closely rolled together, entirely unlike the sterile, its segments berry-like or necklace-like . .XXIII. ONOCLEA, p. 119 Sori marginal, covered with a reflexed portion of the frond . D I Sori marginal or terminal, borne on an elongate receptacle, XXVI. TRICHOMANES, p. 122 I Sori dorsal or marginal, provided with special indusia ... H {Terrestrial, growing mostly in rocky places E Aquatic, sterile fronds floating on the water, XII. CERATOPTERIS, p. 101 f Sporangia at the ends of the veins, borne on a reflexed portion of the margin of the frond VII. ADIANTUM, p. 89 E I Sporangia borne on a continuous, marginal, vein-like receptacle con- necting the apices of the veins VIII. PTERIS, p. 90 Sporangia at or near the ends of unconnected veins, borne on the I under surface of the frond J? i Fronds conspicuously dimorphous ; stipes light-colored, X. CRYPTOGRAMMA, p. 97 ' Fronds nearly uniform ; stipes usually dark G f Sori on the upper part of the veins, mostly forming a continuous mar- ginal band ; indusium membranous, continuous round the segment, Q. XI. PELL^EA, p. 97 1 Sori minute, at the ends of the veins ; indusium interrupted, or if con- tinuous, the ultimate segments usually small and bead-like ; fronds <- mostly chaffy, woolly, or farinose, . . IX. CHEILANTHES, p. 91 ( Sori roundish ; indusia not more than twice as long as broad . I I Sori linear or oblong ; indusia more than twice as long as broad L ; Indusium superior, attached by the centre or sinus J Indusium convex, fixed by a broad base partly under the sorus, XXII. CYSTOPTERIS, p. 118 I Indusium inferior K FILICES. 8 1 Sori mostly on the back of the veins ; indusium orbicular or reniform, opening all round the margin . . . XX. DRYOFTERIS, p. no J \ Sori at the end of a free vein ; indusium reniform, opening toward the margin of the frond ; fronds simply pinnate, the pinnae articu- lated to the rachis XXI. NEPHROLEPIS, p. 117 Indusium roundish or stellate, delicate . . XXIV. WOODSIA, p. 119 Indusium cup-shaped, somewhat two-valved, XXV. DICKSOXIA, p. 121 Sori all parallel to the midribs or rachises M i Sori all oblique to the midribs O Sori partly oblique and partly parallel to the midrib ; frond simple, I tapering to a point XVIII. CAMPTOSORUS, p. 108 j Veins free N ( Veins reticulate XV. WOODWARDIA, p. 102 Indusium near the margin ; fertile frond much contracted, XIII. LOMARIA, p. 101 ' Indusium remote from the margin ; fronds nearly uniform, XIV. BLECHNUM, p. 102 Sori on the upper side of a veinlet, rarely on both sides, XVI. ASPLENIUM, p. 103 Sori confluent in pairs, with an apparently double indusium open- ing in the middle XVII. SCOLOPENDRIUM, p. 107 f Sori spread in a stratum on the under surface of the frond, I. ACROSTICHUM, p. 82 I Sori roundish, or not more than twice as long as broad ... Q [ Sori usually linear, always more than twice as long as broad . R {Stipes articulated to the rootstock ; fronds (in our species) entire or simply pinnate II. POLYPODIUM, p. 82 Stipes not articulated to the rootstock; fronds (in our species) bi tripinnatifid or ternate XIX. PHEGOPTERIS, p. 108 i Fronds simple & Fronds pinnate to quadripinnate T Fronds very narrow, grass-like ; veins indistinct, free, S -{ VI. VlTTARIA, p. 89 Fronds broader ; veins anastomosing .... V. T^ENITIS, p. 88 f Sori marginal, more or less confluent in a marginal band, IV. NOTHOL-iENA, p. 85 Sori following the veinlets, simple, forked, pinnate, or variously anastomosing III. GYMNOGRAMME, p. 84 \ Sporangia ovate, with transverse ring at apex V ' Sporangia globose without a ring .... XXX. OsMUXDA, p. 124 r ( Stems scandent, pinnas palmate . . . XXVII. LYGODIUM, p. 122 ' Stems not scandent "W w \ Sporangia in close distichous spikes . . XXIX. SCHIZJEA, p. 123 < Sporangia in copiously branching panicles, XXVIII. ANEMIA, p. 123 6 82 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. I. ACROSTICHUM L. Sporangia spread over the whole surface of the frond or upper pinnae, or occasionally over both surfaces. Venation and cut- ting various (in our species simply pinnate). Name from Gr. axpoS, the summit, and crrz^oS, a row. A tropical genus con- taining over 170 species. CHRYSODIUM. 1. A. aureum L. Stipes i 2 long, tufted, strong, erect, glossy; fronds 2 6 long, i 2 broad, upper pinnae fertile, slightly smaller than the barren ones ; texture coriaceous ; areolae small, copious, without free veinlets. Florida. X* II. POLYPODIUM L. Sori round, naked, dorsal, in one or more rows each side of midrib, or irregularly scattered. Stipes articulated to root- stock. Name from Gr. itoXvS, many, and TtovS, 7ro5oS, foot, allud- ing to the branching rootstock. The largest, most cosmopolitan genus of ferns, containing 350 or more species. I. EUPOLYPODIUM. Veins free ; fronds (in our species) pinnate. * Sori large. 1. P. vulgare L. Stipes 2' 4' long, firm, erect; fronds 4' 10' long, i' 3' broad, cut nearly or quite to the rachis into entire or slightly toothed, usually blunt pinnae; veins once or twice forked. Larger fronds with their pinnae sharply serrated and long-pointed form the var. occidental Hook. New England westward to Oregon and southward to Alabama. 2. P. falcatum Kellogg. Stipes 5' 8' long, stramineous ; fronds 12' 15' long, 4' 8' broad; pinnae numerous, tapering to a slender point, sharply serrate; sori nearest the midrib; veins with 2 4 veinlets. (P.glycyrrhiza D. C. Eaton.) California to British Columbia. ** Sort smaller, often minute. 3. P. plumula H. B. K. Stipes i' 4' long, black, slender; fronds narrowly lanceolate, 9' 18' long, i' 2' broad; pinnae nu- merous, narrow, entire, blunt, lower gradually reduced ; surfaces naked except the black wiry rachis; veinlets forked, obscure. Florida. FILICES. 83 4. P. pectinatum L. Stipes rigid 2' 6' long; fronds el- liptical-lanceolate, i c 2^ long, 2' 6' broad, cut to the rachis into horizontal, entire or toothed pinnae, the lower ones much reduced ; rachis naked or finely villose ; veinlets pellucid, once or twice forked ; sori in long rows, of medium size. Florida. 2. GONIOPHLEBIUM Blume. Veins forming ample regular areola (almost imperceptible in No. 5), each with a single distinct free included veinlet, bearing a sorus at its terminus. - * Under surface squamous. 5. P. polypodioides (L.) Hitch. Rootstock creeping, cov- ered with small brown scales; stipes i' 4' long, erect, densely scaly; fronds 2' 6' long, i' 1' broad, cut to the rachis into entire pinnae; texture coriaceous; sori small; veins indistinct. (P. incanum Swz.) Virginia to Illinois, and southward. 6. P. thysanolepis A. Br. Rootstock slender, firm, densely covered with minute lanceolate scales ; stipes 3' 12' long, erect, scaly ; fronds ovate, 3' 9' long, 2' 3' broad ; pinnae distant, as- cending, blunt, dilated at base (except the lowest), thick, sub- coriaceous, covered below with cil'iate scales with brown centre and broad scarious border ; areolae and sori in a single series. Huachuca Mountains, Arizona (Lemmoti], Mexico. ** Under surface mostly smooth, c, J s 7. P. Californicum Kaulf. Rootstock creeping, chaffy; stipes 2' 6' long, stramineous when dry, naked ; fronds ovate to oblong-lanceolate, 4' 9' long, i' 5' broad, cut nearly or quite to midrib into finely-toothed pinnae; texture papyraceo-herba- ceous; sori large; veinlets 4 6 to each vein. (Including/*, in- termedium H. & A.) California. 8. P. Scouleri H. & G. Rootstock stout, creeping, scaly ; stipes 2 4' long, erect, naked ; fronds thick, 3' 12' long, 2' 6' broad, cut down to rachis into from 5 29 close, blunt pinnae; texture coriaceous, fleshy when recent; sori very large ; veinlets regularly anastomosing forming a single series of large areolae. (P. carnosum Kellogg, P. pachyphyllum D. C. Eaton.) Cali- fornia and northward. 3. PHLEBODIUM R. Br. Veins forming ample areolce, each with two or more distinct, free, included veinlets bearing sori on their united points. 84 OU'R NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. 9. P. aureum L. Rootstock stout, densely seal}'; stipes i 2 long, castaneous, naked ; fronds 3 5 long, 9' 18' broad, cut nearly to the rachis into broad entire or slightly undulate pinnae ; areolae copious. Florida. 4. CAMPYLONEURON Presl. Primary veins distinct from midrib to the edge, connected by parallel transverse veinlets ; areolcE similar, containing two or more sori. 10. P. phyllitidis L. Rootstock stout, scaly; stipes short or none; fronds simple, i 3 long, i' 4' broad, the poini acute, lower part gradually narrowed ; texture rigid, coriaceous ; areolse in rows of 6 12 from midrib to edge. Florida. 5. PHYMATODES Presl. Areolcefine, copious, irregular, the free veinlets spreading in various directions ; sori various in posi- tion. 11. P. Swartzii Baker. Rootstock wide creeping, slender, covered with linear ferruginous scales ; stipes ' i' long, slender, naked; frond simple, 2' 4' long, V |' broad, narrowed gradu- ally toward both ends, the edge entire, undulate, or slightly lobed ; sori uniserial on free veinlets. (P. serpens Swz.) Key Largo, Florida (Curtiss). III. GYMNOGRAMME Desv. Sori oblong or linear, following the course of the veinlets and like them, simple, forked, pinnate, or variously anastomosing, without indusia. Name from Gr. yvfj.vo$, naked, and ypd/ujua, line. Includes about 100 species, mostly tropical. i. EUGYMNOGRAMME. Veins free, under surface not fari- nose. 1. G. Ehrenbergiana Klotzsch. Rootstock creeping ; stipes grayish, puberulent, 3' 6' long; fronds 5-angled, i' 3' each way, hispid above, tomentose beneath, pinnate ; lower pinnae much the largest, unequally triangular, pinnate; upper pinnae lobed or crenate. (G.pedata of check-lists not of Kaulf., G. podo- phylla Hook, in part, G. hispida Mett. and former edition.) Texas to Arizona. 2. CEROPTERIS Link. Fronds farinose below. 2. G. triangularis Kaulf. (GOLD-FERN, GOLDEN-BACK.) Stipes densely tufted, slender, blackish-brown, polished, 6' 12' long; fronds 2' 5' each way, deltoid, pinnate; lower pinnae FILICES. 85 much the largest, triangular, bipinnatifid ; upper pinnae more or less pinnately lobed ; lower surface coated with yellow or white powder, finally more or less obscured by the fruit. Arizona, California, and northward. IV. NOTHOL^ENA R. Br. CLOAK-FERN. Sori marginal, at first roundish or oblong, soon confluent into a narrow band, without indusium, but sometimes covered at first by the inflexed edge of the frond. Veins free. Name from Lat. nofhus, spurious, and lana, a cloak, alluding to the rudimentary indusia. Includes 37 species. i. EuNOTHOlwENA. Fronds not farinose beneath, scaly, hairy, or tomentose. * Fronds simply pinnate. 1. N. sinuata (Swz.) Kaulf. Rootstock short, very chaffy; stipes 2' 4' long, erect; fronds 6' 2 long, i' 2' broad; pinnae numerous, short-stalked, roundish or ovate, entire to pinnately lobed, lower surface densely scaly. Texas to Arizona. 2. N. ferruginea (Desv.) Hook. Rootstock creeping, with dark rigid scales ; stipes tufted, 2' 4' long, wiry, blackish, woolly at first; fronds 8 12' long, ' i' broad, narrowly lanceolate; pinnae numerous, ovate, pinnatifid, hairy above, densely tomen- tose beneath, the wool at first whitish, but becoming ferruginous. (N. rufa Presl.) Texas to Arizona. ** Fronds bi quadripinnate. t Fronds silky-hairy above. 3. N. Parry i D. C. Eaton. Rootstock short, scaly; stipes 2' 4' long, dark brown, pubescent with whitish jointed hairs; fronds 2' 4' long, oblong-lanceolate, tripinnate, lower pinnae distinct ; segments crowded, roundish-obovate, one line broad, densely covered above with entangled white hairs, beneath with a heavier pale-brown tomentum. Utah, California, Arizona. 4. N. Newberryi D.C.Eaton. (COTTON-FERN.) Rootstock with very narrow dark bristly scales ; stipes tufted, 3' 5' long, blackish-brown, woolly when young, with pale-ferruginous to- mentum ; fronds 3' 5' long, lanceolate-oblong, covered most densely beneath with fine whitish hairs, tri quadripinnate; ultimate segments roundish-obovate, " |-" broad. California. tf Fronds slightly hispid above. 86 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. 5. N. Aschenborniana Klotzsch. Rootstock short, creeping; stipes tufted, 2'- 3' long, wiry, ebeneous, densely scaly ; fronds 4' 10' long, 2' 3' broad, oblong-lanceolate, tri- pinnatifid ; pinnae lanceolate, cut into linear-oblong, crenate or pinnatifid pinnules; upper surface pale-green, the lower densely matted with linear, ciliate, bright ferruginous scales, beneath which it is subfarinose ; sori black. Huachuca Mts., Arizona (Lemmon), Texas (Drummond), Mexico. 2. CINCINALIS Desv. Fronds farinose, with white or yel- low powder (in one species naked). * Fronds farinose below. t Fronds deltoid or pentagonal, barely bipinnate. 6. N. Candida (M. et G.) Hook. Rootstock creeping, with rigid, nearly black scales; stipes tufted 3' 6' long, wiry, black and shining; fronds rather shorter than stipe, deltoid-ovate, pinnate; lowest pinnae with the lowest inferior pinnules elon- gate and again pinnatifid, the three or four succeeding pairs lan- ceolate, pinnatifid into oblong segments, the uppermost pinnae like the segments of the lower ; upper surface green ; lower sur- face whitish farinose ; margin slightly re volute. (N. sulphurea J. Sm., N.pulveracea Kunze.) Southwestern Texas (Reverchon); New Mexico ( Wrigkf). 7. N. cretacea Liebm. Rootstock short, oblique, the scales rigid, lanceolate, with a narrow membranous margin ; stipes 2' 7' long, brownish, wiry, scaly when young; fronds i' 2' long, broadly deltoid-ovate to pentagonal, tri quadripinnati- fid at base, gradually simpler above ; ultimate segments oblong or triangular-oblong, numerous, crowded ; upper surface more or less covered with deciduous glands; lower surface copiously farinose with yellow or whitish powder except on the promi- nent dark-brown rachises; margins more or less recurved, not covering the sporangia; spores globose, black. (N. California D. C. Eaton.) San Diego County, California (Cleveland, Parish); Arizona (Parry, Lemmori). 8. N. Hooker! D. C. Eaton. Rootstock short, densely covered with rigid lanceolate dark-brown scales; stipes tufted, 4' 8' long, reddish-brown, wiry, shining ; fronds 2' 3' each way, nearly pentagonal, composed of three divisions ; the mid- FILICES. 87 die one slightly stalked, pinnaiifid into a few toothed segments, the second pair larger than the first ; side divisions bearing a single large pinnatifid basal segment on the lower side, and above it smaller ones like those of the upper side ; lower surface covered with pale, yellow powder. Texas to Arizona. ft Fronds lanceolate or linear -oblong, bipinnate or tripinnattjid. 9. N. Grayi Dav. Stipes tufted, I ' 4' long, chestnut-brown, with nearly black, rigid scales below, paler deciduous scales above ; fronds 2' 6' long, ' 1' wide, the upper surface spar- ingly, the lower thickly, covered with white powder; pinnae short-stalked, unequally triangular-ovate, deeply pinnatifid or divided into one or two pairs of oblong pinnatifid, obtuse pin- nules, the remaining portion obliquely pinnatifid with alternate segments; sori brown. Southeastern Arizona to Texas. 10. N. Schaffneri (Fourn.) Unde. Rootstock short, stout, with black pectinate scales; stipes i' 2' long, brownish-black, with narrow, rigid scales; fronds lanceolate, 5' 8' long, bi tripinnatifid, the pinnules numerous, narrow, with narrow dark scales underneath ; sori continuous, brown or black. (A r .A\'al- leyi Seaton, Aleuritopteris Schaffneri Fourn.) Western Texas (Nealley). n. N. Lemmoni D. C. Eaton. Rootstock short, scaly, with narrow, rigid, dark-brown chaff; stalks reddish-brown, 4' 6' long, chaffy only at base with wider scarious-margined scales; fronds 6' 9' long, i' 1' wide, with numerous deltoid or ovate pinnae, the lowest a little shorter than the middle ones; upper surface smooth, the lower with white or yellowish powder; sori in a narrow submarginal line. Arizona. ttt Fronds deltoid-ovate, tri qtiadripinnate at base. 12. N. nivea Desv. Rootstock short, chaffy, with narrow scales; stipes tufted, 4' 6' long, wiry, black and polished; 88 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. fronds 3' 6' long, 1^2' broad, ovate, lanceolate, triangular- ovate or deltoid, tripinnate ; primary pinnae mostly opposite, the rachises nearly straight ; pinnules long-stalked ; segments roundish, nearly as broad as long, terminal ones larger, entire or 3-lobed ; upper surfaces green, smooth, lower densely coated with pure white powder; sori brown, often descending the free veins half-way to the midvein. Arizona, New Mexico. Var. dealbata (Pursh) Dav. Segments more numerous, longer than broad, terminal ones rarely lobed. (N. dealbata Kunze and former editions. Cheilanthes dealbata Pursh.) Up- per Missouri to New Mexico and Arizona. 13. N. Fendleri Kunze. Stipes densely tufted, dark- brown, 3' 5' long ; rachis and all its branches zigzag and flexuous; fronds broadly deltoid-ovate, 3' 5' each way, quad- ripinnate below, gradually simpler above ; pinnae alternate ; ultimate pinnules oval or elliptical, simple or 3-lobed. Colo- rado, New Mexico, Arizona. ** Fronds naked below. 14. N. tenera Gillies. Stipes tufted, brownish, smooth and shining ; fronds 3' 4' long, ovate-pyramidal, bi tripinnate ; pinnae mostly opposite, distant, the lower ones somewhat tri- angular; ultimate pinnules ovate, often sub-cordate, obtuse, smooth, and naked on both surfaces ; possibly only a form of N. ntvea. Southern Utah, California. V. TJENITIS Swz. Sori linear, but the line sometimes interrupted, central or sub-marginal. Veins reticulate. Name from Lat. tcem'a, a band. Includes five species, all tropical. I. T. lanceolata (L.)R. Br. Rootstock creeping; stipes i' 2' long; fronds simple, 6' 13' long, ' f broad, tapering both ways, the edge entire or sometimes crisped, midrib prominent ; veins immersed, the exterior free and clubbed at t icir apices ; sori ante-marginal, in a continuous line near the apex. (Lingua cervtna Plum., P fen's lanceolata L , Pteropsts lanceolata Desv., Neurodium lanceolatum Fee.) Old Rhodes Key, Florida (Cur- tiss}. FILICES. 89 VI. VITTARIA Sm. GRASS FERN. Sori linear, continuous, in two-lipped marginal grooves or in slightly intramarginal lines, with the unaltered edge of the frond produced beyond and often rolled over them, but without spe- cial indusia. Fronds narrow, grass-like. Veins free. Name from Lat. vitta, a fillet or head-band. A tropical genus con- taining 13 species. TVENIOPSIS J. Sm. 1. V. lineata(L.) Sm. Fronds 6' i8'long, i" 5"broad, nar- rowed gradually downward to a stout compressed stem, the edge often reflexed ; sori in a broad intramarginal line in a slight furrow, the edge of the frond at first wrapped over it. (V. an- gusttfrons Michx.) Florida. VII. ADIANTUM L. MAIDENHAIR. Sori marginal, short, covered by a reflexed portion of ;he more or less altered margin of the frond, which bears the spo- rangia on its under side from the approximated tips of free, forking veins. Name from Gr. a, without, and Siaivoo, to wet, alluding to the smooth foliage. Includes over 80 species, mostly from Tropical America. EUADIANTUM. * Fronds at least bipinnate, pinnules flabellate or cuneate. t Fronds smooth. >- ~ i. A. capillus-veneris L. (VENUS' HAIR.) Stipes nearly black, polished, very slender; fronds ovate-lanceolate, delicate, bipinnate, the upper half or third simply pinnate ; pinnules and upper pinnae wedge-obovate or rhomboid, rather long-stalked, the upper margin rounded and more or less incised, crenate, or acutely dentato-serrate, except where the margin is recurved to form the lunulate separated indusia. Virginia, Kentucky, and Florida to Utah and California. 2. A. tenerum Swz. Stipes i high, erect, glossy; fronds i 3 long, 9' 1 8' broad, deltoid, tri quadripinnate ; pinnules articulated to their petioles, falling off at maturity, cuneate, the upper edge rounded or somewhat angular, broadly, often rather deeply lobed ; sori numerous, roundish, or transversely oblong. Florida. QO OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. 3. A. emarginatum Hook. Stipes rather stout, nearly black, polished ; fronds ovate or deltoid-pyramidal, bi tripin- nate ; pinnules and upper pinnae ample, smooth, or nearly so, rounded or even reniform, upper margin rounded, slightly in- cised ; sori 2 5, transversely linear-oblong, subcontinuous. (A. tenerum Torr.) California and northward. ft Fronds pilose, with whitish hairs. 4. A. tricholepis Fee. Stipes smooth, polished, deep black ; fronds oval ; pinnules roundish, moderately long-stalked ; sori few (3 7), of unequal size ; indusia very velvety. (A. dilatatum Nutt.) Western Texas. ** Fronds dichotomously forked, with numerous pinna spring- ing from the upper side of the two branches. 5. A. pedatum L. Stipes 9' 15' long, dark chestnut- brown, glabrous ; fronds nearly circular in outline ; central pin- nae 6' 9' long, i' 2' broad; pinnules triangular-oblong, short- stalked; sori roundish or transversely oblong. North Carolina to California and northward. Var. rangiferinum Burgess. Pinnules longer-stalked and deeply cleft into narrow-toothed lobes on the upper side. Mount Findlayson, British Columbia. VIII. PTERIS L. BRAKE. Sori marginal, linear, continuous, occupying a slender fili- form receptacle which connects the tips of the free veins. In- dusium membranous, formed of the reflexed margin of the frond. Name from Gr. itrepiS, a fern, from Jtrepov, a wing, al- luding to the prevalence of pinnate fronds. A cosmopolitan genus containing 103 species. i. EUPTERIS. Veins free, stipes tufted, indusium single. * Lower pinna linear, undivided. i. P. longifolia L. Stipes 6' 12' long, clothed more or less below with pale-brown scales; fronds i 2 long, 4' 9' broad, oblong-lanceolate ; pinnae sessile, 2" 5" broad, linear, entire ; veins close and fine, usually once branched ; indusium yellowish brcwn. Florida. FILICES. 91 ** Lower ptnnce forked or slightly pinnate below. 2. P. Cretica L. Stipes 6' 12' long, erect, stramineous or pale-brown; fronds 6' 12' long, 4' 8' broad, lateral pinnae usually in 2 6 opposite sessile pairs, the sterile ones considera- bly the broadest and spinulose-serrate, the lower pairs often cleft nearly to the base, into two or three linear pinnules ; veins fine, parallel, simple or once forked ; indusium pale. Florida. 3. P. serrulata Linn. f. Stipes 6' 9' long, naked, pale or brownish ; fronds 9' 18' long, 6' 9' broad, ovate, bipinna- tifid, the main rachis margined with a wing which is i" 2" broad at the top and grows narrower downwards ; pinnae in six or more distinct opposite pairs, upper ones simple, the lower ones with several long linear pinnules on each side, the edge of the barren ones spinulose-serrate ; veins simple or once forked. Alabama (Mo/ir), Macon, Georgia (Farnell}. 2. P/ESIA St. Hilaire. Veins free, roof stock creeping, stipes sub-distant, indusium more or less double. 4. P. aquilina L. Rootstock stout, wide-creeping, subter- ranean ; stipes i 2 high, erect, stramineous or brownish; fronds 2 4 long, i 3 wide, ternate, the three branches each bipinnate ; upper pinnules undivided, the lower more or less pinnatifid. North America everywhere. Var. caudata (L.) Hook. Pinnules sometimes linear and entire, or with less crowded segments than the type and the terminal lobe linear and entire. (P. caudata L.) New Jersey to Florida and Texas. Var. lanuginosa (Bory) Hook. Fronds silky-pubescent, tomentose, especially on the under surface ; otherwise as in the typical form. (P. lanuginosa Bory.) Utah, California and northward. IX. CHEILANTHES Swz. LlP-FERN. Sori terminal or nearly so on the veins, at first small and roundish, afterwards more or less confluent. Indusium formed of the reflexed margin of the frond, roundish and distinct, or more or less confluent. Veins free. Name from Gr. ^ei/lo?, a lip, and avQoS, flower, alluding to the lip-like indusia. A genus of 65 species of tropical and temperate zones. 92 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. i. ADIANTOPSIS Fee. Indusia distinct, roundish, confined to the apex of a single veinlet. ^ i. C. Californica (Nutt.) Mett. Rootstock short, creeping, chaffy; stipes densely tufted, dark-brown, glossy, 4' 8' long; fronds 4' or less each way, broadly deltoid-ovate, smooth on both surfaces, quadripinnatifid ; lower pinnae largest, triangular; upper ones gradually smaller and simpler; ultimate segments lanceolate, acute, incised or serrate ; indusia membranous. (Aspidotis Californica Nutt., Hypolepis Californica Hook.) Ca- lifornia. 2. C. Pringlei Dav. Rootstock slender, creeping, clothed with linear- lanceolate scales; stipes i|' 4V long, reddish or chestnut brown, scaly at base and sparingly above ; fronds i' 2^' long, nearly as broad, triangular or ovate-deltoid, bi tripin- nately divided into 5 7 pairs of pinnae, opposite and spreading in the smaller sterile fronds, alternate and erecto-patent in the larger fertile fronds, naked, dark-green; pinnse f 1' long, the lower unequally deltoid or ovate, bipinnate, the uppermost ob- long, pinnate or deeply pinnatifid; pinnules ovate or oblong, pinnately divided or cleft into obliq ic segments, which are again deeply cleft into cuneate, strap-shaped divisions, those of the largest segments again deeply cut into narrow, obtuse, cuneate lobes, the recurved tips in fertile fronds forming distinct her- baceous involucres with entire or slightly crenulate margins ; sori one to each ultimate lobe on the apex of a free veinlet. South-eastern Arizona (Pringle). 2. EUCHEILANTHES. Indusia more or less confluent, usu- ally extending over the apices of several veinlets, but not continu- ous all round the segments ; segments mostly flat, not bead-like. * Segments of the frond smooth. t Pinncsfew, not more than 5 6 pairs. */> * 3. C. Wrightii Hook. Stipes castaneous, slightly chaffy at base, i' 2' long; fronds 2' 3' long, ovate-oblong, tripinnat- ifid, segments more or less incised ; indusium sub-continuous or interrupted, similar to frond in texture. Western Texas to Arizona. ft Pinna; numerous. 7- 4- C. microphylla Swz. Rootstock short, creeping; F1LICES. 93 stipes dark-brown, glossy, rusty pubescent on the upper side, 4' 6' long ; fronds 4' 10' long, ovate-lanceolate, bi tripinnate ; pinnae lanceolate, the lowest ones usually largest and more del- toid ; pinnules oblong or deltoid-ovate, deeply incised or pin- nate; indusium similar in texture to frond, interrupted or sub- continuous. Florida, New Mexico. 5. C. Alabamensis (Buckl.) Kunze. Rootstock creeping, with slender brown scales ; stipes black with scanty ferruginous wool ; fronds 2' 10' long, narrowly lanceolate, bipinnate ; pinnae close, ovate-lanceolate, the lowest ones not enlarged, usually smaller than those above ; pinnules mostly acute, often auricu- late on the upper side at the base ; indusia pale, membra- nous, interrupted only by the incising of the pinnules. (Pe/l&a Alabamensis Baker, P fen's Alabamensis Buckley.) Virginia, Alabama, Tennessee to Texas and Arizona (Lemmori). ** Segments of the frond glandular viscid. 6. C. viscida.Dav. Stipes 3' 5' long, wiry, blackish, chaffy at the base with narrow ferruginous scales ; fronds 3' 5' long, f i' broad, narrowly oblong, pinnate, with 46 distant pairs of nearly sessile, deltoid, bipinnatifid pinnae; segments toothed, minutely glandular and everywhere viscid; teeth of segment recurved, forming indusia. California. *** Fronds somewhat hairy and glandular, not tomentose. \ Fronds deltoid-(n>ate; stipes stramineous. 7. C. leucopoda Link. Stipes 3' 10' long, stout, chaffy at base; fronds 2' 7' long, deltoid-ovate, quadripinnate at base, gradually simpler above, everywhere glandtilar-puberulent ; lowest pair of pinnae unequally deltoid-ovate, upper ones ob- long; pinnules short-stalked; ultimate pinnules divided into minute rounded lobules, strongly revolute when fertile. Texas. ft Fronds ovate-lanceolate ; stipes brownish. 8. C. lanosa (Michx.) Watt. Stipes tufted, 24' long, chestnut brown; fronds 4' 9' long, i' 2' broad, tripinnatifid ; pinnae somewhat distant, lanceolate-deltoid ; segments more or less thickly covered with acute hairs; sori copious; indusia formed of the ends of roundish or oblong lobes. (Nephrodium lanosum Michx. C. vest it a Swz.) New York to Kansas and Georgia. J*j 9. C. Cooperae D. C. Eaton. Stipes densely tufted, fragile, 94 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. hairy with straightish nearly white articulated hairs, which are usually tipped with a glandular and viscid enlargement; fronds 3' g' long, bipinnate, the pinnae rather distant, oblong-ovate ; pinnules roundish-ovate, crenate and incised, the ends of the 'obules forming herbaceous indusia. California. 3. PHYSAPTE'RIS Presl. Ultimate segments minute, bead- like ; indusium usually continuous all round the margin ; fronds (in our species) bi quadripinnate, the lower surf ace scaly or tomen- tose or both. * Fronds hairy or tomentose beneath, not scaly. t Upper surface naked or nearly so. 10. C. gracillima D. C. Eaton. (LACE-FERN.) Stipes densely tufted, 2' 6' long, dark-brown ; fronds f 4' long, nar- rowly ovate-lanceolate, bipinnate; pinnae numerous, crowded, pinnately divided into about nine oblong-oval pinnules, at first slightly webby above, soon smooth, heavily covered beneath with pale-ferruginous matted wool ; indusia yellowish-brown, formed of the continuously curved margin. (C. vestita Brack.) California, Oregon, British Columbia, Idaho. n. C. lendigera (Cav.) Swz. Rootstock creeping, covered with narrow scales ; stipes rather distant, 4' 8 long, at first loosely tomentose, at length nearly smooth ; fronds 4' 8' long, ovate-oblong, tri quadripinnate ; ultimate pinnules small, cuneate-obovate, pouch-like from the recurved margins, green above, hairy below. Huachuca Mts., Arizona {Lemmori). \\ Upper surface decidedly pubescent. \ Stipes tomentose or smooth. 12. C. gracilis (Fee) Mett. Stipes densely tufted, slender, at first clothed with woolly hairs, at length nearly smooth ; fronds 2' 4' long, ovate-lanceolate, tripinnate or tripinnatifid, rarely bipinnate; pinnae deltoid below, oblong-ovate above, the lowest distant; ultimate pinnules minute, the terminal one slightly largest, crowded ; upper surface scantily tomentose, the lower densely matted with whitish-brown, woolly hairs; indu- sia narrow, formed of the unchanged margin. (C.lanosa Eaton, C. vestita Hook. p. p., C. lanuginosa Nntt, Myriopteris gracilis Fee.) Illinois to Texas, Arizona, and British America. 13. C. tomentosa Link. Stipes tufted, 4' 6' long, rather FILICES. 95 stout, covered with pale-brown tomentum ; fronds 8' 15' long, oblong-lanceolate, everywhere but especially beneath tomentose with slender, brownish-white, obscurely articulated hairs, tri- pinnate ; pinnae and pinnules ovate-oblong ; ultimate pinnules y |" long, the terminal ones twice as large; indusium pale, membranous, continuous. (C. Bradburii Hook.) Virginia to Missouri, Texas, and Arizona. \\ Stipe and rachises covered with very narrow scales. Var. Eatoni Dav. Differs from the type mainly in having the rachises scaly ; characters scarcely sufficient to keep it dis- tinct. (C. Eatoni Baker and former editions.) Arizona. 14. C. f ibrillosa Da*', Plant 3' 6' high ; rootstock forming dense, entangled clumps of short rhizomes, clothed with dark linear-lanceolate scales, passing gradually into lighter-brown scales, mixed with coarse fibres and tomentum at the base of the stipes ; stipes 2' 3' long, chestnut-brown, terete, at first tomentose with fibrous scales and wool, becoming smooth with age; fronds 2' 3' long, f iV wide, tripinnate, loosely covered with deciduous tomentum, that along the rachises beneath per- sistent, tawny, mixed with coarse fibres. (C. lamiginosa, var. fibrillosa Dav.) San Jacinto Mountains, California {Parish}. 15. C. Parishii Dav. Rootstock creeping, short, clothed with deep-brown linear-lanceolate scales, with darker nearly black mid-nerves ; stipes 2' 3' long, approximate, light to dark- brown, clothed at base with scales similar to those on the root- stock, passing gradually into broader pale brown or nearly white nerveless scales, with more or less deciduous, slender, pale scales and chaff above; fronds 3' 4' long, i' 1' broad, oblong- lanceolate, tri quadripinnate, with both surfaces scantily clothed with a coarse tomentum ; pinnae alternate, oblong-ovate, obtuse, the lowermost somewhat distant; segments roundish, the terminal ones largest and three-lobed ; indusia very narrow, only partially enclosing the sori. San Diego Co., California (Parish). ** Fronds covered beneath with imbricated scales, not tomentose. 16. C. Fendleri Hook. Stipes 2' 5' long, chaffy with minute slender scales ; fronds 3' 4' long, ovate-lanceolate, tripinnate; scales of primary rachis like those of stipe, those of 96 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. secondary and ultimate rachises larger, broadly-ovate, entire or nearly so, usually edged with white, imbricate and overlapping the (J" -" broad) sub-globose ultimate segments; these are naked above, and commonly bear at their centre a single broad scale; indusium formed of the much incurved margin. Texas and Colorado to California. 17. C. Clevelandii D. C. Eaton. Stipes scattered, 2' 6' long, dark-brown, scaly when young, but at length nearly smooth ; fronds 4' 6' long, ovate-lanceolate, tripinnate, smooth above, deep fulvous-brown below from the dense covering of closely imbricate, ciliate scales growing on the ultimate segments as well as on the rachises; segments nearly round, ^" J" broad, the terminal ones larger, margin narrowly incurved. Califor- nia. *** Under surface both tomentose and scaly. 18. C. myriophylla Desv. Rootstock very short, scaly; stipes tufted, 2' 6' high, castaneous, covered with pale-brown scales and woolly hairs intermixed ; fronds 3' 8' long, oblong- lanceolate, tri quadripinnatifid, smooth or pilose above, be- neath matted-tomentose and densely clothed with pale-brown, narrowly ovate-lanceolate, ciliate scales, those of the ultimate segments with long, tortuous cilia; pinnae deltoid-ovate, nar- rower upwards; ultimate segments minute, |" broad, crowded, innumerable, the margin unchanged, much incurved. Very variable. (C. elegans Desv., C. villosa Dav.) Texas to Arizona. 19. C. Lindheimeri Hook. Rootstock long, slender, chaf- fy ; stipes scattered, 4' 7' high, blackish-brown, at first cov- ered with scales and woolly hairs; fronds 3' 8' long, ovate- lanceoUite, tri quadripinnate ; ultimate segments " long, crowded ; upper surface white tomentose, lower surface very chaffy, those of the midribs ciliate at base, those of the segments more and more ciliate, passing into entangled tomentum. West- ern Texas to Arizona. 4. ALEURITOPTERIS Fee. Indusia more or less confluent ; fronds farinose below. 20. C. argentea (Gmel.) Kunze. Stipes tufted, 3' 6' long,, castaneous; fronds 3' 4' long, 2' broad, deltoid, bi tripinnati- fid ; lower pinnae much the largest, cut nearly to the rachis; rachis polished like the stipe ; upper surface naked, lower thick- FILICES. 97 ly covered with white powder; son numerous, very small. Alaska. X. CRYPTOGRAM MA R. Br. ROCK BRAKE. Sporangia on the back or near the ends of the free veins, forming oblong or roundish sori, which are at length confluent, and cover the back of the pinnules. Indusium continuous, formed of the membranous, somewhat altered margin of the pinnule, at first reflexed along the two sides and meeting at the midrib, at length opening out flat. Name from Gr. Kpvitro*, concealed, and ypdf.if.ia, line, alluding to the concealed fructifi- cation. A boreal genus of two species. i. C. acrostichoides R. Br. Stipes densely tufted, stra- mineous; fronds dimorphous, sterile ones on shorter stalks, tri quadripinnatifid, with toothed or incised segments; fertile ones long-stalked, less compound, with narrowly elliptical or oblong-linear pod-like segments. (C. crispa, forma Americana Hook., Allosorus acrostichoides Spreng.) Lake Superior, Colo- rado to California and northward. XI. PELL>EA Link. CLIFF-BRAKE. Sori intramarginal, terminal on the veins, at first dot-like or decurrent on the veins, at length confluent laterally, forming a marginal line. Indusium commonly broad and membranous, formed of the reflexed margin of the fertile segment. Name from Gr. are/l/los, dusky, alluding to the dark-colored stipes. In- cludes 55 species. i. CHEILOPLECTON Fee, Baker. Texture herbaceous or sub- coriaceous, veins clearly ^>isible, indusium broad, in most of the species rolled over the sorus till maturity. 1. P. Breweri D. C. Eaton. Stipes densely tufted, cov- ered with narrow, crisped, fulvous chaff; fronds 2' 6' long, simply pinnate, the pinnae short-stalked, 6 8 pairs, membra- nous, mostly 2-parted, the upper segment larger; segments ob- tuse, in the fertile frond narrower; indusium continuous, pale; veins repeatedly forked. Colorado to California and southward. 2. P. Stelleri (Gm.) Beddome. Stipes scattered, 2' 3' long, stramineous or pale-brown; fronds 2' 4' long, i' 2' broad, ovate, bi tripinnatifid ; pinnae lanceolate-deltoid, cut to the 98 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. rachis into a few broad, blunt, slightly-lobed pinnules; texture thinly herbaceous, flaccid ; indusium broad, continuous, mem- branous ; veins of the fertile fronds mostly only once forked. {Allosorus crispus, var. Stelleri Milde, A. gracilis Presl, Pier is gracilis Michx., P. Stelleri Gmelin.) Labrador to Pennsylvania, Illinois, Colorado, and northward. 2. ALLOSORUS Baker. Texture coriaceous, the veins not Perceptible ; indusium broad, conspicuous. * Pinnules or segments obtuse or barely acute. t Fronds pinnate or bipinnate. 3. P. atropurpurea (L.) Link. Stipes tufted, 2' 6' long, dark-purple; fronds 4' 12' long, 2' 6' broad, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, simply pinnate or bipinnate below; pinnules and upper pinnse i' 2' long, J' broad or less, nearly sessile, smooth; indusium formed of the slightly altered incurved edge of the pinnules. {Allosorus atropurpureus Kunze, Pteris atro- purpurea L., Platyloma atropurpurea J. Sm.) Arizona, New Mexico, Texas to Vermont and northward. 4. P. aspera (Hook.) Baker. Stipes slender, 2' 3' long, with scurfy pubescence , fronds 4' 6' long, oblong-lanceolate, bipinnate ; pinnae and pinnules deltoid-lanceolate or oblong, pinnules next to main rachis often lobed ; all of them rough on. both surfaces with short harsh hairs. (Cheilanthes aspera Hook.) Western Texas and New Mexico. ft Fronds bi quadripinnate, ultimate segments oval or cordate. 5. P. andromedaefolia (Kaulf.) Fee. Stipes scattered, pale- brown, 2' 12' long; fronds 6' 12' long, 3' 6' broad, ovate, bi quadripinnate, usually tripinnate ; pinnae rather distant, spreading ; ultimate pinnules 2" 5" long, oval, slightly cordate, coriaceous, the margin of the fertile ones sometimes revolute to the midrib; veins numerous, parallel. {Allosorus andromedce- folius Kaulf., Pteris andromed&folia Kaulf.) California. 6. P. pulchella (M. et G.) Fee. Stipes tufted, 3' 8' long, chaffy at base, nearly black; fronds 3' 9' long, i' 5' broad, triangular-ovate, quadripinnate below, gradually simpler above ; lower pinnae deltoid, narrowly triangular above; ultimate pin- nules numerous, i" 3" long, oval or often cordate-ovate, stalked, coriaceous, smooth, the edges often much reflexed. FILICES. 99 (Allosorus pulchellus Mart, and Gale.) Western Texas and New Mexico. ttt Fronds tri quadripinnatifid ; segments linear-oblong / secondary rachises margined. 7. P. marginata (Hook.) Baker. Stipes, 3' 9' long, casta- neous, shining, slightly fibrillose at the base ; fronds 4' 6' long, nearly as broad, deltoid; the lower pinnae much the largest; indusium broad, continuous, the margins slightly erose ; texture chartaceous. (Cheilanthesmarginata Hook.) Huachuca Mts., Arizona (Lemmon'). ** Pinnules mucronulate or decidedly acute. t Fronds narrowly linear in outline, usually bipinnate. 8. P. ternifolia (Cav.) Link. Stipes tufted, nearly black, 2' 6' long, fronds 4' 10' long, narrowly linear; pinnae usually 9 15 pairs, all but the uppermost trifoliate; segments com- monly linear, slightly mucronate, coriaceous, sessile or the middle one indistinctly stalked, the edges much inflexed in fer- tile fronds ; indusium broad. (Ptert's ternifolia Cav.) Western Texas. 9. P. brachyptera (Moore) Baker. Stipes 2' 8' long, pur- plish-brown ; fronds 3' 8' long, narrow in outline from the as- cending secondary rachises, bipinnate; pinnules crowded, 2"- 5 long, oblong-linear, simple or trifoliate, acute or mucronulate ; margins inflexed to the midrib in fertile fronds. (P. ornithopus, var. brachyptera D. C. Eaton, Platyloma be Hum et P. brachypte- rum Moore.) California. ft Fronds broader, lanceolate to ovate, bi tripinnate. 10. P. ornithopus Hook. Stipes tufted, 3' 8' long, rather stout, dark-brown; fronds very rigid, 3' 12' long, 2' 3' broad, broadly deltoid-lanceolate, bi tripinnate ; primary pin- nae spreading or obliquely ascending, linear, bearing 416 pairs of trifoliate (varying from simple to 5 7 foliate) mucronulate pinnules, I-J-" 2" long ; margins inflexed to midrib in fertile fronds. (Allosorus mucronatus D. C. Eaton.) California. 11. P. Wrightiana Hook. Rootstock short, thick, densely chaffy; stipes crowded, purplish-brown, 4' 6' long; fronds j 10' long, i' 3' broad, lanceolate to deltoid, trifoliate at apex, IOO OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. bipinnate below; pinnae short with I 2 pairs of long narrow pinnules besides the terminal one; mucro short, with margin broad and cartilaginous ; margins of fertile fronds inflexed to the midrib. Very variable; forms with fronds decreasing to simp'y pinnate at the apex, and longer but less broadly winged mucro form var. longimucronata Dav. (P. longimucronata Hook.); forms with pinnules densely crowded are var. compacts* Dav. Colorado and Texas to California. "i . 12. P. densa (Brack.) Hook. Rootstock slender, chaffy with blackish scales; stipes densely tufted, wiry, very slender, castaneous, 3' 9' long; fronds ovate or triangular- oblong, i' 3' long, densely tripinnate; segments 3" 6" long, linear, nearly sessile, sharp pointed or mucronate, in the fertile fronds entire, with the margin narrowly recurved ; in the rare sterile fronds sharply serrate, especially toward the apices. (Onych- ium densum Brack.) Utah (Jones), and Wyoming to California, Oregon, and northward ; Mt. Albert, Gaspe, Quebec (Allen). 3. PLATYLOMA J. Sm., Baker. Texture coriaceous, the veins usually hidden, the ultimate segments broad and flat, the indusium so narrow as to be soon hidden by the fruit. ^13. P. Bridgesii Hook. Stipes 2' 6' long, tufted, castane- ous ; fronds 4' 6' long, i' or more broad, simply pinnate ; pinnse 5 1 8 pairs, mainly opposite, nearly sessile, glaucous green, coriaceous, rounded or cordate at the base; indusium narrow, formed of the whitish margin of the pinna, soon flattened out exposing the broad sorus. California. 14. P. flexuosa (Kaulf.) Link. Rootstock creeping, slender ; stipes reddish, passing into a more or less flexuous or zigzag rachis ; fronds 6' 30' long, ovate-oblong, bi tripinnate ; second- ary and tertiary rachises usually deflected and zigzag/ rusty puberulent or nearly smooth ; pinnae mostly alternate ; ultimate pinnules 5" 10" long, roundish-ovate, or sub-cordate, smooth; margins at first reflexed, soon flattened out. (Allosorus flexu- osus Kaulf.) Western Texas to California. o O 15. p. intermedia Mett. Rootstock long, wide creeping, slender, chaffy ; stipes scattered, 4' 6' long, pinkish-stramine- ous, smooth ; fronds 5' 10' long, 3' 8' wide, ovate-bipinnate ; pinnae nearly opposite, remote ; pinnules 2 6 pairs, petiolate, sub-coriaceous, oval or cordate-ovate ; veins obscure ; ra- FILICES. '-' : ' J r Jj ' Jj ' ' 101 chises often pubescent. Huachuck'Mbantarns, Soutfr Arizona: (Lemmori, Texas (Nealley). XII. CERATOPTERIS Brong. FLOATING-FERN. Sori placed on two or three veins which run down the frond longitudinally, nearly parallel with both the edge and midrib. Sporangia scattered on the receptacles, sessile, sub-globose, with a complete, partial, or obsolete ring. Indusia formed of the reflexed margins of the frond, those of opposite sides meet- ing at the midrib. Name from Gr. nepers, horn, and TtrepiS, a fern. Contains a single tropical species. I. C. thalictroides (L.) Brong. Stipes tufted, inflated, filled with large air cells; fronds succulent in texture, the sterile ones floating in quiet water, simple or slightly divided when young, bi tripinnate when mature; fertile ones bi tripinnate; ultimate segments pod like. Southern Florida. XIII. LOMARIA Willd. Sori in a continuous band next the midrib of the contracted pinnae of the fertile frond, covered till mature by an elongate indusium, either formed of the recurved and altered margin of the pinna or sub-marginal and parallel to the margin. Veins of sterile frond oblique to the midrib, simple or forked and free. Fronds mostly elongate, of two kinds, the sterile foliaceous, the fertile commonly much contracted. Name from Gr. A.O//O-, a fringe. Principally south temperate, containing 45 species. EULOMARIA. i. L. spicant (L.) Desv. (DEER-FERN.) Rootstock short very chaffy ; fronds tufted, erect, sterile ones nearly sessile, narrowly linear-lanceolate, 8' 24' long, i' 3' wide, tapering to both ends, cut to the rachis into oblong or oblong-linear closely set segments, the lower ones gradually diminishing to minute auricles; fertile fronds sometimes three feet high, long-stalked, pinnate ; pinnae somewhat fewer and more distant, longer and much narrower than in the sterile frond ; indusia distinctly in- tramarginal. (Osmunda sptcant L., Blechnurn (boreale Swz.) . California, Oregon, and northward. iO2 ' bra frA T'I^E FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. XIV. BLECHNUM L. Sori linear, continuous or nearly so, parallel with the midrib and usually contiguous to it. Indusium membranous, distinct from the edge of the frond. Veins usually free. Name from Gr. fikexvor, an old name for some kind of fern. A tropical and south temperate genus, containing 19 species. EUBLECHNUM. i. B. serrulatum Richard. Stipes 6' 12' long, stout, erect, nearly naked; fronds oblong-lanceolate, i 1 long, 3' 6' broad, with 12 24 pairs of distinct linear-oblong pinnae, the margins finely incised ; texture coriaceous ; veins very fine and close; fertile pinnae narrower. {Blechnum angustifolium Willd.) Florida. XV. WOODWARDIA Sm. CHAIN-FERN. Sori oblong or linear, sunk in cavities in the frond, arranged in a chain-like row parallel to the midribs of the pinnae and pinnules and near them. Indusium sub-coriaceous, fixed by its outer margin to the fruitful veinletand covering the cavity like a lid. Veins more or less reticulate. Named for Thomas J. Woodward, an English botanist. Contains six species, mostly north temperate. i. EUWOODWARDIA. Fronds uniform, the veins forming at least one series of areola between the sort and margins. 1. W. radicans (L.) Sm. Caudex stout, erect, rising a little above the ground; stipes stout, 8' 12' long; fronds 3 5 long, sub-coriaceous, pinnate; the pinnae 8' 15' long, 2' 4' broad, oblique to the rachis, pinnatifid nearly to the midrib; segments spinulose-serrate ; veinlets forming a single row of oblong sorus-bearing areolae next the midvein, besides a few oblique empty areolae outside the fruiting ones, thence free to the margin. California, Arizona. 2. ANCHISTEA Presl. Fronds uniform* the veins free be- tween the sori and the margins. 2. W. Virginica (L.) Sm. Stipes stout, 12' iS' long ; fronds oblong-lanceolate, 12' 18' long, 6' 9 broad; pinnae linear- lanceolate, 4' 6' long, f i' broad, cut nearly to the rachis into linear-oblong lobes. ( W. Banisteriana Michx., Blechnum F1LICES. 103 CaroItnianumViiAt., B. Virginicum L., Doodia Virginica Presl.) Canada and Florida westward to Michigan and Arkansas. 3. LORINSERIA Presl. Fronds dimorphous, veins every- where forming areolte. 3. W. areolata (L.) Moore. Sterile frond with slender stipes, 9' 12' long, 6' 8' broad, dtltoid-ovate, with numerous oblong-lanceolate sinuate pinnae ; rachis broadly winged ; fertile frond with an elongate, castaneous stem ; pinnae 3' 4' long, nar- rowly linear. ( W. onocleoides Willd., IV. angustifolia Sm. , Acro- stichum areolatum L.) Maine to Florida, Michigan, Arkansas. XVI. ASPLENIUM L. SPLEENWORT. Sori oblong or linear, oblique, separate ; indusium straight or rarely curved, opening toward the midrib when single, some- times double. Veins free in all our species. Name from Gr. a, without, and ovr/l?/*' , spleen. A cosmopolitan genus contain- ing nearly 350 species. I. EUASPLENIUM. Veins free, simple or branched ; indu- sium straight or slightly curved, attached to the upper side of a vein. * Fronds simple. 1. A. serratum L. Fronds growing in a crown from a short, stout, erect rootstock, i 2^ long, 2' 4' broad, simple, spatulate or linear-oblanceolate, the margin crenulate or irreg- ularly but finely serrate, sub-coriaceous; midrib prominent, keeled and often blackish purple beneath ; veins closely placed, free, once forked ; sori elongate, following the veins of the upper half of the frond from near the midrib half-way to the margin ; indusia single, the free edge entire.' Florida. ** Fronds pinnatifid or pinnate below, tapering to a point. 2. A. pinnatifidum Nutt. Stipes tufted, 2' 4' long ; fronds 3' 6' long, i' i^' broad, lanceolate, pinnatifid, or pin- nate below, tapering to a slender prolongation above; lobes roundish-ovate, or the lowest pair acuminate ; sori numerous. Pennsylvania to Illinois, Kentucky, and Alabama. 07 3. A. ebenoides R. R. Scott. Fronds 4' 9' long, broadly lanceolate, pinnatifid, pinnate below ; apex prolonged and slender; divisions lanceolate from a broad, the lower ones IO4 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. shorter; stipes black and polished, as is the lower part of the midrib, especially beneath. Schuylkill River, above Manayunk, Pennsylvania (Scott) ; Havana, Alabama (Miss Tutwiler) ; Canaan, Connecticut (Adam} ; near Poughkeepsie, New York (Lowri), Jackson County, Illinois (Patterson). *** fronds once pinnate. f Pinna: f f ' long, mostly blunt. | Rachis chestnut-brown or blackish. 4. A. platyneuron (L.) Oakes. Stipes 3' 6' long, chest- nut brown, nearly naked ; fronds 8' 16' long, linear-lanceolate ; pinnae 2040, lanceolate, subfalcate, or the lower oblong, \' i long, the dilated base auricled on the upper or both sides ; sori often 10 12 on each side. (A. ebeneum Ait., Poly podium platyneuron L.) Florida and Kentucky northward to Canada. 5. A. parvulum Mart. & Gale. Fronds tufted, erect, rigid, 4' 10' long, narrowly linear-lanceolate ; stipe and rachis black and shining; pinnae numerous, oblong, obtuse, entire or crenulate, auricled on the upper side, nearly sessile ; middle pinnae longest, the lower gradually shorter and deflexed ; sori short, abundant. (A. ebeneum var. minus, Hook., A. resiliens Kunze.) Virginia, South Carolina, and Florida to Arkansas and New Mexico. 6. A. trichomanes L. Stipes densely tufted, purple- brown, shining ; fronds 3' 8' long, ' or more broad, linear ; pinnae 15 30 pairs, nearly opposite, roundish-oblong or oval, the two sides unequal, obliquely wedge-truncate at the base, at- tached by a narrow point, the edge slightly crenate, the mid- vein forking and evanescent; sori 3 6 on each side of the mid- rib. (A. melanocaulon Willd.) Eastern United States to the Pacific coast. Var. incisum Moore. Fronds larger, often f-' or more broad, pinnae more or less deeply incised. California, Vermont. 7. A. monanthemum L. Stipes densely tufted, 3' 6' long, chestnut-brown ; fronds 6' 12' long, narrow, with 2040 pinnae on each side ; pinnae crenate above, abruptly narrowed at base, often auricled, the lower much reduced; texture sub- coriaceous ; veins flabellate; sori i 2, linear-oblong, parallel ?/. i4/^^^*^t Z<> Bt/w. 7Z, O. / FILICES. 105 with lower edge of pinnae. Huachuca Mountains, Arizona (Lemiiio)i). \\ Rachis green. 3b - 8. A. viride Huds. Stipes densely tufted, 2' 4' long, naked, the lower part chestnut-brown ; fronds 2' 6' long, f broad, with 1220 pinnae on each side, which are ovate or rhomboidal in outline, the upper edge narrowed suddenly at the base, the lower obliquely truncate, the outer part deeply crenate ; rachis naked ; sori copious. Vermont,. Canada, and New Brunswick. 9. A. dentatum L. Stipes tufted, 2' 6' long, naked, ebeneous below; fertile fronds 2' 3' long, i' broad, with 68 pairs of stalked, oblong-rhomboidal pinnae, the lower side trun- cate with a curve, the outer edge irregularly crenate ; sterile fronds smaller on shorter stipes ; rachis naked ; sori copious in parallel rows. Florida, South Carolina. ft Pinna only 2 5, linear -cuneate. 10. A. septentrionale (L.) Hoffm. Stipes dense, tufted, 3' 6' long, slender, naked, ebeneous toward the base; fronds irregularly forking, consisting of two to five narrowly linear rather rigid segments, which are entire or more frequently cleft at the end into a few long narrow teeth ; sori elongate, placed near the margin, usually facing each other in pairs, commonly only two or three to each segment. Ben Moore, New Mexico (Bigelffw) ; Middle Mountains, Colorado, Arizona. ftt Pinna numerous, linear or linear-oblong, acute or acuminate. n. A. angustifolium Michx. Stipes i or more long, brownish, slightly scaly below ; fronds i^ 2 long, 4' 6' broad, lanceolate-oblong, flaccid ; pinnae 2030 pairs, linear, lanceolate, acuminate, entire or crenulate, those of the fertile frond narrower; texture thinly herbaceous; sori linear, 20 40 each side of the midvein. New England to Kentucky and Wis- consin. O- 12. A. firmum Kunze. Stipes 4' 8' long, erect, grayish, naked; fronds 6 12' long, 3' 4' broad ; pinnae 12 20 pairs, oblong-lanceolate, the point bluntish, the margin inciso-cre- nate, the upper one narrowed suddenly at the base, the lower T06 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES one obliquely truncate ; sori short, falling short of both mid- vein and margin. Florida, Arizona. **** Fronds bi tripinnatifid. \ Texture somewhat coriaceous. 13. A. ruta-muraria L. Stipes tufted, 24 long, naked ; fronds ovate-deltoid, i' 2' long, bi tripinnate below, simply pinnate above ; the divisions rhombic-wedge shaped, toothed or incised at the apex; veins flabellate ; sori few, elongate, soon confluent. Vermont to Michigan and Kentucky. 14. A. montanum Willd. Stipes tufted, 2' 3' long, naked; fronds 2' 5' long, ovate-lanceolate, pinnate; pinnae 3 7 parted below, incised or toothed above ; veins obscure ; sori short, the basal ones sometimes double. Lantern Hill, Connecticut, and Ulster County, New York, to Georgia, Ken- tucky, and Arkansas ; Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio (Kirby). 15. A. Glenniei Baker. Stipes densely tufted, |' i' long, castaneous ; fronds 3' 4' long, bipinnate; pinnae 20 25 pairs, lanceolate, the lower gradually reduced ; pinnules 5 6 pairs, toothed or externally sub-entire. Huachuca Mountains, Arizona (Lemmon). 16. A. fontanum (L.) Bernh. Stipes i' 3' long, slightly scaly at base ; fronds 3' 6' long, V i' wide, tapering both ways from above the middle; pinnae 10 15 pairs, their segments deeply dentate with spinulose teeth ; sori one or two to each segment. Lycoming County, Pa. (McMinn), Springfield, Ohio Spence). ft Textiire thinly herbaceous or membranous. 17. A. Bradley! D. C. Eaton. Stipes tufted, 2' 3' long, ebeneous, as is also the lower half of rachis ; fronds 3' 7' long, pinnatifid; pinnae 8 12 pairs, the lowest not reduced, the largest pinnatifid with oblong lobes toothed at the tip; sari short. Ulster County, N. Y., Lancaster, Pa., Kentucky, Ten- nessee, and Arkansas. 18. A. rhizophyllum Kunzc, var. myriophyllum Mett. Stipes tufted, 2' 6' long; fronds 3' 10' long, lanceolate, bi tripinnate ; segments entire or 2 3-lobed, bearing a single vein and sorus. Forms with fronds narrowly linear, f i' wide, and FILICES. widely ascending, 7 8-lobed pinnae, are var. Biscaynianum D. C. Eaton. Florida. 19. A. cicutarium Swz. Stipes tufted, 4' 8' long, green- ish, naked; fronds 6' 15' long, 4' 6' broad, with 1015 hori- zontal pinnae on each side, the lower ones 2' 3' long, i' broad, cut down to the rachis into linear or oblong segments, which are once or twice cleft at the apex; rachis compressed and often winged ; sori principally in two rows. Florida. 2. ATHYRIUM Roth. Veins free ; sort more or less curved, sometimes horseshoe-shaped, often crossing to the outer or lower side of the fruiting veinlet. ^ ^^LaA<>7rei'8pa, a centipede, alluding to the posi- tion of the sori. Includes five species. IO8 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. i. S. scolopendrium (L.) Karst. Stipes 2' 6' long, fibril- lose below ; fronds oblong-lanceolate from an auricled heart- shaped base, entire or undulate, fi 8' long, i' 2' wide, bright green. (S. mdgare Smith, Asplenium scolopendrium L.) Chit- tenango Falls and Jamesville, New York; Woodstock, New Brunswick (Suttori), Owen Sound, Canada (Mrs. Roy) .Tennessee. XVIII. CAMPTOSORUS Link. WALKING LEAF. Sori oblong or linear, irregularly scattered on either side of the reticulate veins of the simple frond, those next the midrib single, the outer ones inclined to approximate in pairs, or to become confluent at their ends, thus forming cropked lines. Name from Gr. KajAitroS, curved, and CTOJ/JO?, a heap. Includes only two species. i. C. rhizophyllus (L.) Link. Fronds evergreen, tufted, spreading or procumbent, 4' 9' long, lanceolate from an auricled, heart-shaped or often hastate base, tapering above into a slender prolongation which often roots at the apex. Var. intermedius Arthur is an interesting form, differing mainly fsom the typical forms in having the base acute, without proper auricles and with a single fibro- vascular bundle in the stipe. (Antigramma rhizophylla J. Sm., Scolopendrium rhizophyllum Hook., Asple- nium rhizophyllum L.) New England to Wisconsin and south- ward ; the variety in Iowa. XIX. PHEGOPTERIS Fee. BEECH-FERN. Sori small, round, naked, borne on the back of the veins below the apex. Stipe continuous with the rootstock. Veins free or reticulate. Name from Gr. 4>riyo$, a beech-tree, and icrepis, a fern. Includes 95 species. i. EUPHEGOPTERIS. Veins free. * Fronds triangular, bipinnatifid; pinna sessile, adnate to a winged rachis. I. P. phegopteris (L.) Unde. Stipes 6' 9' long; fronds longer than broad, 4' 9' long, 4' 6' broad, hairy on the veins especially beneath ; pinnae linear-lanceolate, the lowest pair de- flexed and standing forward ; segments oblong, obtuse, entire, the basal ones decurrent and adnate to the main rachis ; sori near margin. (P. polypodioides Fee, Polypodium phegopteris L., P. connectile Michx.) New England to Virginia and westward. FILICES. 2. P. hexagonoptera (Michx.) Fee. Stipes stramineous, naked; fronds as broad as long or nearly so, 7' 12' long, slightly pubescent, and often finely glandular beneath ; upper pinnae oblong, obtuse, toothed or entire, the very large, lowest pinnae elongate and pinnately lobed ; sori near the margin or some between the sinus and the midrib. (Polypodium hexagon- optcrum Michx.) Canada to Illinois, Kentucky, and Florida. ** Fronds oblong-lanceolate, tripinnatifid ; rachis wingless* 3. P. alpestris (Hoppe) Mett. Rootstock short, erect or oblique ; stipes 4' 10' long, with a few brown spreading scales near the base ; fronds i 2 long, pinnae deltoid-lanceolate, the lower ones distant and decreasing moderately ; pinnules oblong- lanceolate, incised and toothed ; sori small, rounded, sub- marginal. {Polypodium alpestre Hoppe, Aspidiicm atyestre Swz.) California and northward ; Idaho (Sandberg}. *** Pronds ternate, the three divisions petioled ; rachis wingless. //A^. 4. P. dryopteris (L.) Fee. (OAK-FERN.) Rootstock slender, creeping; fronds broadly triangular, 4' 8' wide; the three primary divisions i 2-pinnate ; segments oblong, obtuse, entire or toothed ; sori near the margin. {Polypodium dryopteris L., Nephrodium dryopteris Michx.) Northeastern United States to Virginia, and westward to Oregon and Alaska. //J"% Var. Robertiantaaa (Hoffm.) Dav. Stipes 6' 10' long, stramineous, glandular; fronds 6' 8' long, 5' 7' wide, deltoid- ovate in outline, bipinnate, lowest pair of pinnae far the largest, pinnatifid or again pinnate ; upper pinnae smaller, pinnatifid, lobed, or entire ; sori copious, forming submarginal rows around the segments. (P. calcarea Fee.) Minnesota (Cathcart\ Deco- rah, Iowa (Hohvay), Northeast Territory (Macoun\ Idaho. 2. GONIOPTERIS Presl. Veins pinnate, the lower veinlets of contiguous groups uniting. 5. P. tetragona (Swz.) Fee. Rootstock creeping ; stipes 6' 18' long, naked or slightly villose ; fronds i 2 long, 6' 12' broad ; pinnae numerous, spreading 3' 6' long, the lowest narrowed at the base and sometimes stalked, deeply pinnatifid ; texture thinly herbaceous; rachis and under surface finely pubescent ; sori in rows near the midrib. Marion County, Florida (Reynolds). ^ HO OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. 6. P. reptans $Swz.) Eaton. Rootstock short, creeping; stipes 3' 10' long, clustered, gray-stamineous, slender, naked ; fronds 4' 12' long, membranous, softly hairy with branched or stellate hairs, oblong-lanceolate, pinnate with nearly or quite sessile, oblong, crenately pinnatifid pinnae, the apex pinnatifid, often elongate and rooting; veins pinnate, simple, the basal veinlets often anastomosing; sori on the middle of the veinlets, rather small, sometimes with a minute rudimentary indusium. (Polypodium reptans Swz., Aspidium reptans Mett.) On cal- careous rocks, on left bank of Withlacoochee River, 15 miles N.E. from Brooksville, Florida (J. Donnell Smith). XX. DRYOPTERIS Adans. SHIELD-FERN. Sori round, borne on the back or rarely at the apex of the veins. Indusium flat or flattish, orbicular and peltate at the centre, or cordato-reniform and fixed either centrally or at the sinus. Stipe continuous with the rootstock. Name from Gr. Spv r trian gu'ar, twice pinnatifid, the divi- sions lanceolate, entire or toothed, al' set at an ob i ique angle . fertile segment short-stalked. Slightly overtopping the sterile, bi tripinnate. Bud smooth; FIG. 34. Vernation (After Davenport.) 132 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES, the fertile segment recurved its whole length, the shorter sterile segment reclined upon it. (Fig. 35.) New England to Lake Superior and Colorado to Alaska. 2. OSMUNDOPTERIS Milde. Bud pilose, enclosed in a smooth upright cavity at one side of the lower part of the stalk. 7. B. Virginianum (L.) Swz. (RATTLE- SNAKE-FERN.) Plant from a few inches to t\vo feet high ; sterile segment sessile above the mid- dle of the stalk, broadly triangular, thinly herba- ceous, ternate; the short-stalked primary divL sions once to twice pinnate, then once or twice pinnatifid ; lobes oblong, cut-toothed toward the apex; fertile segment long-stalked, bi tri- pinnate. Bud pilose, enclosed in a smooth FIG. 35. Vernation upright cavity at one side of the lower part of Angl\AftT/Daven- the stalk ' fertile segment recurved its whole P rt -) length, the longer sterile segment reclined upon it. Reduced forms are B. gracile Pursh. (Botrypus Virginicus Michx., Osmunda Vt'rgt'm'ana'L.} New Brunswick to Florida, and westward to Arizona and the Pacific Coast. ORDER V. EQUISETACE^E DC. Plant-body rush-like, often branched, with jointed, usually hollow stems rising from subterranean rootstocks, the sterile leaves reduced to sheaths at the joints, the fertile forming a short spike terminating the stem. Prothallium above ground, green, variously lobed, usually dioecious. Represented at pres- ent by only one genus. I. EQUISETUM L. HORSE-TAIL. SCOURING-RUSH. Perennial plants with extensively creeping rootstocks. Stems simple or branched, furrowed lengthwise, hollow, and pro- vided with an outer circle of smaller cavities opposite the fur- rows as well as a second and smaller series opposite the ridges. Sporangia adhering to the under side of the shield-shaped scales of the spike, one-celled, opening down the inner side. Spores furnished with two slender filaments attached by the EQUISETACE^E. 133 middle. Name from Lat. equus, horse, and seta, a bristle. Contains about 25 species, widely distributed. i. EUEQUISETUM. Stems annual, stomata scattered. * Sterns of two kinds, the pale or brownish fertile stems appearing earlier than the herbaceous sterile ones ; fruiting in spring. t Fjrtile stems simple, soon withering. 1. E. arvense L. (HORSETAIL.) Sterile stems green, rather slender, i 2 high, 6 19 furrowed ; branches numerous, long, mostly simple, 4-angled, minutely roughened, lowest joint commonly longer than the sheath of the stem ; fertile stems 4' 10' high, light brown, the loose scarious sheath mostly dis- tant, whitish, ending in about 12 brown acuminate teeth ; spike rarely over i' long. (E. boreale Bong.) Virginia to California and northward to Greenland. 2. E. telmateia Ehrh. Sterile stems ivory white or greenish, stout, 2 6 high, 20 40 furrowed ; branches very numerous, erect-spreading, simple, 4 5 angled, the ridges rough and sul- cate, the lowest joint shorter than the sheath of the stem ; fer- tile stems 10' 15' high, white, many-furrowed, the loose brown- ish sheaths elongate, deeply 20 30 toothed. (E. fluviatile Sm., E. eburneum Schreb., E. maximum Auct. not of Lam.) California, Oregon, and northward. tt Fertile stems when older producing herbaceous branches, only the naked apex withering. 3. E. pratense Ehrh. Sterile and finally the fertile stems producing straight, simple branches ; sheaths of the stem with about 1 1 short, ovate-lanceolate teeth, those of the branches 3- toothed. (E. umbrosum Willd., E. triquetrum Bory.,^. Drum mondii Hook.) Michigan, Wisconsin, and northward. /"?_ 4. E. silvaticum-L. Sterile and fertile stems usually 12- furrowed, producing compound branches, the branchlets curved downward ; sheaths loose, those of the stem with 8 I4bluntish teeth, those of the branches with 45, and of the branchlets with 3 divergent teeth. Virginia to Michigan, and northward to Labrador. ** Stems of one kind, herbaceous ; branches simple or none ; fruiting in summer. \ Sheaths somewhat loose. 134 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. 5- E. palustre L. Stems slender, 10' 18' high, very deep- ly 5 9 grooved, the grooves separated by narrow, wing like ridges, rough ish ; sheaths with about 8 lance-awl-shaped, whit- ish margined teeth; branches few in a whorl, with mostly 5 toothed sheaths. (E. pratense Reichenb.) Western New York and Wisconsin to British Columbia and northward. 6. E. litorale Kuhl. Stems slightly roughened, 6 19 grooved, the carinse convex ; sheaths sensibly dilated above, the uppermost bell-shaped; leaves convex, angled beneath, sepa- rate at the commisural groove; teeth herbaceous, membranous at the margin, narrow, lanceolate ; branches of two kinds, the 4-angled hollow, the 3-angled solid, first joint a little longer or shorter than the sheath of the stem ; spores abortive, elaters usually wanting. Bay of Quinte, Canada (Macoun}\ Vermont (Prmgle}', Oswego River, New York ( Wibbe). ft Sheaths appressed. 7. E. fluviatile L. Stems 2 3 high, slightly many-fur- rowed, smooth, usually producing upright branches after fruc- tification ; sheaths appressed, with about 18 dark-brown, short, acute, rigid teeth ; air-cavities wanting under the grooves, small under the ridges. Includes E. limosum L. (E. uliginosum Muhl, E. heleocharis Ehrh.) Virginia to Washington Terri- tory and northward. 2. HlPPOCH^TE. Stems perennial, evergreen; spikes tipped with a rigid point ; stomata in regular rows ; frtiiting in summer. * Stems tall and stout, itsually many-grooved. t Branches numerous, regularly whorled. ^j t 8. E. ramosissimum Desf. Stem grooved, more or less roughened, 6 26 furrowed ; ridges marked with bands; sheaths dilated, teeth not grooved, leaving a triangular, rarely truncate margin ; leaves 3 4 carinate ; branches usually copious and whorled, 4 9 angled ; series of stomata in i 4 lines. British Columbia (Lyall). / tf 3 9. E. Mexicanum Milde. Stems rough, slender, inclined or somewhat erect ; 20 24 furrowed, the ridges very narrow; sheaths long, cylindric, truncate; teeth grooved; leaves flat; branches more or less irregularly whorled, 6 9 angled ; stomata 1 L YCOPODIA CE&. 1 3 if in a single series. Southern California in open canons (J/iX.oS, naked, alluding to the abortive leaves. Contains four species, mostly tropical. ^ i. P. nudum (L.) Griseb. Stems erect, 8' 10' high, trique- trous at base, many times forked at apex; ultimate divisions tri- quetrous-winged ; leaves remote, awl-shaped, less than i" long; sporangia in spikes. (P. Floridanum Michx., P. triquetrum Swz., BernJiardia dichotoma Willd., B. pedunculata Desv., Ly- copodiuni nudum L.) South Florida; Bluffton, South Carolina (Mellichamp). OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. ORDER VII. SELAGINELLACE.E. Plant-body leafy, terrestrial, moss-like, with branching stems and minute scale-like leaves. Sporangia one-celled, solitary, axillary, some containing microspores, and others macrospores. Contains a single genus largely tropical. I. SELAGINELLA Beauv. Fructification arranged in spikes. Sporangia minute, sub- globose, opening transversely; some containing usually 4 glo- bose macrospores, and others smaller, rilled with numerous microspores. Leaves 4 many ranked. Name a diminutive of Selago, an ancient name of some species of Lycopodium, which this genus resembles. Contains about 335 species widely dis- tributed ; seven are found within our limits. i. EUSELAGINELLA. Stem leaves of one kind, many- ranked ; bracts uniform. * Stems prostrate or spreading, somewhat rigid. i. S. rupestris (L.) Spring. Stems densely tufted, pros- trate or ascending, much-branched, 2' 12' long; leaves ap- pressed imbricate, linear or linear-lanceolate, convex and sulcate dorsally, rigid, bristle-tipped, ciliate; spikes strongly quadran- gular, 6" 12" long; sporangia of both sorts in the same axils; macrosporangia abundant ; bracts ovate-lanceolate. (Lycopo- dium rupestre L., L. bryopteris Wall.) New England to Flor- ida, Texas, California, and northward. Var. tortipila (A. Br.) Unde. Leaves sub-entire, gibbous near the apex ; terminal bracts tipped with a long, twisted, white awn ; macrospores loosely reticulate. Caesar's Head, South Carol ina(/.Z?.5;/M); Negro Mountain, North Carol ina(rvy). 2. S. selaginoides(L.)Link. Sterile stems prostrate-creep- ing, small and slender; fertile stems thicker, ascending, simple, !' 3' h gh; leaves lanceolate, acute, spreading, sparsely spinu- lose-ciliate ; bracts lax, ascending, lanceolate or ovate-lanceo- late, strongly ciliate. (S. spinosa Beauv., Lycopodium selagi- noides L., L. ciliatum Lam.) New Hampshire to Colorado and northward to Greenland. ** Stems pendent, flaccid. 3- S. Oregana D. C. Eaton. Stems i 6 long, pinnately SELAGINELLACE&. 14 1 much branched; leaves loosely imbricate, scarcely i" long, linear-lanceolate, convex and grooved on the back, acute, sparsely spinulose-denticulate, not bristle-tipped ; spikes quad- rangular, very slender ; macrosporangia scarce. Port Orford, Oregon (Kautz)', Tilamook Valley, Oregon (Howell); probably in Northern California. 2. STACHYGYNANDRUM Baker. Stem leaves of two kinds, spreading in two planes, those of the upper plane smaller and more ascending ; bracts uniform. * Main stems decumbent ; root fibres extending to upper nodes. t Stems persistent ; leaves rigid, firm in texture. 4. S. Douglasii (H. & G.) Spring. Stems 3' 12' long; branches 2' 6' long, bi tripinnately divided ; leaves of lower plane i" long, obliquely oval, obtuse, faintly nerved; leaves of upper plane half as long, oval, incurved, ending in a short point, both sparingly ciliate at base; spikes 6" 12" long, quad- rangular, terminal ; bracts deltoid-cuspidate, strongly imbri- cate. (Lycopodium Douglasii H. & G., L. ovalifolium H. & G.) Northern California to British Columbia. ft Stems mostly annual, fugacious ; leaves mostly membranous, flaccid. J2y7 5. S. apus (L.) Spring. Stems i' 4' long, slender, angled on the face, prostrate, creeping, much-branched, flaccid ; leaves of the lower plane spreading above, the lower reflexed, ovate, acute, serrulate, not distinctly ciliate ; leaves of the upper plane ovate, shortly cuspidate; spikes 3" 6" long; bracts ovate, acute, membranous, strongly serrulate, acutely keeled in the upper half. Canada and New England to Rocky Mountains, and southward to Florida and Texas. r - 6. S. Ludoviciana A. Br. Stems slender, copiously pin- nate, flat both sides, 4' 6' long, lower branches slightly com- pound ; leaves of lower plane rather distant except at tips of branches, spreading, ovate-oblong, sub-acute, firmer in texture than in preceding, serrulate, not distinctly ciliate ; leaves of upper plane half as long, obliquely oblong, cuspidate; spikes 3'' 6" long ; bracts ovate-lanceoiate, strongly keeled. (S. apus, var. denticulata Spring, where it may belong, the differ- ences possibly due to climatic conditions.) Covington, Louisi- 142 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. ana (Drummond}\ Aspalaga, Florida (Curtiss, No. 3799 in part). ** Stems densely tufted, rolling into a nest-like ball when dry ; roots confined to base of stems. ~- 7. S. lepidophylla Spring. Stems 2' 4' long, densely Uifted, pinnately branched to the base, the pinnae ascending, sub-flabel lately compound; leaves of the lower plane closely imbricate, ascending, obliquely ovate, obtuse, thick, rigid, mi- nutely ciliate, green above, paler below, becoming reddish-brown in age ; leaves of upper plane nearly as long, obliquely ovate, obtuse; spikes 3" 6" long, quadrangular; bracts deltoid, acutely keeled. Texas to Arizona. v 8. S. Pringlei Baker. Outer stems 3' 4' long, the inner gradually shorter, flabellately branched, light green above, pale below ; branchlets close, i" 2" wide ; leaves of the lower plane crowded, oblong, about i' long, including the conspicuous horny white awn ; leaves of upper plane slightly smaller, somewhat oblique; spikes short with uniform bracts. Chenate Moun- tains, Texas (Nealley). S. pilifera A. Br. is reported by Mr. Baker from Texas, but it has not been found there recently. ORDER VIII. ISOETACE^E. Plant-body consisting of a bilobed or trilobed trunk emitting dense tufts of roots, and sending up a compact rosette of rush- like leaves, submerged, amphibious or sometimes growing in moist soil. Sporangia sessile in the axils of the leaves, some containing macrospores and others microspores. Contains a single genus widely distributed. I. ISOETES L. QUILLWORT. Stem or trunk a more or less depressed, fleshy corm, rooting just above its bilobed or trilobed base, covered above with the dilated and imbricated bases of the awl-shaped or linear leaves. Sporangia large, orbicular or ovoid, plano-convex, very thin, sessile in the axils of the leaves and united at the back with their excavated bases ; those of the outer leaves filled with spherical macrospores ; those of the inner leaves filled with minute and powdery, grayish, obliquely oblong and triangular 1 SORT ACE A. 143 r.iicrospores. Name from Gr. zero?, equal, and erof, year. Con- tains about 50 species, of which sixteen are found within our -limits. NOTE. The measurements of the spores are given in millimetres; mm. = -03937 inch. I. Submerged, rarely above water in driest seasons ; leaves quadrangular without peripheral bast- bundles ; velum incom- plete. * Stomata absent. &e * i. I. lacustris L. Leaves 10 25, stout, rather rigid, ob- tusely quadrangular, acute but scarcely tapering, dark or olive- green, 2' 6' long; sporangia orbicular broadly-elliptic, with a narrow velum ; ligula triangular, short or somewhat elongate ; macrospores 0.50 0.80 mm. in diameter, marked all over with distinct or somewhat confluent crests; microspores smooth, 0.035 0.046 mm. long. Var. pauper cula Engelm. has fewer, thinner and shorter leaves and smaller spores, the microspores somewhat granulate, 0.026 0.036 mm. long. (/. macrospora Durieu.) Catskill Mountains, New York (Schweinitz), Echo Lake, New Hampshire (Tuckerman). Fresh Pond, near Cam- bridge, Massachusetts (IV. Boott}, Uxbridge, Massachusetts (Robbins), Brattleborough, Vermont (Frost), Lake Superior (Porter}. The variety from Grand Lake, Middle Park, Colo- rado (Engelmami) and Castle Lake near Mt. Shasta, California (Pr ingle). 3 / 2. I. pygmaea Engelm. Leaves 5 10, stout, rigid, bright- green, V i' long, abruptly tapering to a fine point, with very short often almost square epidermal cells; sporangia orbicular with a narrow velum; macrospores 0.36 0.50 mm. thick, marked with minute, rather regular, distinct or'rarely confluent warts; microspores brown, almost smooth, 0.024 0.029 mm. long. Mono Pass, California (Bolander). 3- I- Tuckermani A. Br. Leaves 10 30, very slender, tapering, olive-green. 23' long, the outer recurved ; sporangia mostly oblong, white or rarely brown spotted, the upper third covered by the velum; macrospores 0.44 0.56 mm. thick, the upper segments marked with prominent, somewhat parallel and branching ridges, the lower half reticulate ; microspores smooth 144 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. or nearly so, 0.026 0.032 mm. long. Mystic River, Mystic, Spy, and Horn Ponds, near Boston, Massachusetts. ** Stomata present. Z J,J 4. I. echinospora Durieu, var. Braunii (Dur.) Engelm. Leaves 13 15, erect or spreading, tapering, green or reddish- green, 3' 6' long, generally with few stomata toward the tip only; sporangia orbicular broadly-elliptic, spotted, \ to f covered by the broad velum; macrospores 0.40 0.50 mm. thick, covered with broad, retuse spinules, sometimes somewhat con- fluent and then dentate and incised at the tip; microspores 0.0260.030 mm. long, smooth. (I. Braunii Durieu.) Nova Scotia, New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ontario, Michigan (Gtllmari), Head of Bear River, Utah ( Wat- son), Greenland (Vahl~). */* ^ Var. robusta Engelm. Stouter; leaves 25 70,5' 8' long, with abundant stomata all over their surface ; velum covering one half of the large, spotted sporangia ; macrospores 0.36 o. 55 mm. thick. Lake Champlain, north end of Isle La Motte (Prin- 2. ^ vT~ _ Var. Boottii (A. Br.) Engelm. Leaves 12 20, erect, bright- green, 4' 5' long, with few stomata mostly near the tip; spo- rangia nearly orbicular, pale-spotted, f or more covered by the broad velum ; macrospores 0.39 0.50 mm. thick, with longer, more slender and ddlicate, generally simple spinules; micro- spores 0.026 0.030 mm. long. (/. Boot fit A. Br.) Round Pond, Woburn, and in brook in Tofit Swamp, Lexington, Massachusetts (Boott). Var. muricata (Dur.) Engelm. Leaves 15 20, flaccid, green, 6' 12' long, with very few stomata; sporangia broadly oval, pale-spotted, about half covered by the velum ; macro- spores 0.40 0.58 mm. thick, with shorter and more confluent, sometimes almost crest-like spinules; microspores 0.028 0.032 mm. long, slightly rough on the edges. (/. murtcata Durieu.) Woburn Creek and Abajona river near Boston, Massachusetts (Boott). ~7 5. I. Bolanderi Engelm. Leaves 5 25, erect, soft, bright- / green, tapering to a fine point, 2' 4!' long, with thin walls and generally few stomata; sporangia broadly oblong, mostly un- spotted, with a narrow velum ; ligula triangular ; macrospores ISOETACE&. J 45 0.30 o 45 mm. thick, marked with minute low tubercles, rarely confluent into wrinkles ; microspores deep-brown, 0.026-^0.031 mm. long, spinulose, rarely smooth. (/. Californica Engelm.) Western Colorado (Brandegee), Utah, California, to Washing- ton. 2. Amphibious, partially emerged ; stomata always present. * Peripheral bast-bundles absent. \ Velum partial. 6. I. saccharata Engelm. Trunk usually flat, depressed ; leaves 10 20, awl-shaped, spreading, olive-green, 2' 3' long ; sporangia oblong, spotted, with a narrow velum ; ligula trian- gular ; macrospores 0.40 0.47 mm. thick, covered with very minute, distinct warts, which are sometimes a little confluent; microspores papillose, 0.024 0028 mm. long. Banks of Wicomico river, below Salisbury, and of Nanticoke river, East- ern Maryland (Canby). 7. I. riparia Engelm. Leaves 15 30, slender, rather rigid, deep-green, 4' 8' long, with numerous stomata ; sporangia mostly oblong, distinctly brown-spotted, \ or covered by the velum; macrospores 0.45- -0.65 mm. thick, marked with isolated or anastomosing, jagged crests; microspores more or less tuber- culate, 0.028 0.032 mm. long. Banks of Delaware River from Burlington to Wilmington, Delaware ; Oxbridge, Massachusetts (Robbins)\ Brattleborough, Vermont (Frost) ; Maine (Chickering) ; Crow River, Hastings County, Ontario (Macouri). tt Velum complete. 8. I. melanospora Engelm. Trunk flat, only slightly bilobed ; leaves 5 10, distichous, slender, tapering, light-green, 2' 1\' long; sporangia orbicular or almost obcordate, i" i" long, entirely covered by the velum ; ligula short triangular, obtuse ; macrospores 0.35 0.45 mm. long, roughened with distinct or rarely somewhat confluent warts, dark-colored ; microspores smooth ish or slightly papillose, 0.028 0.031 mm. long. In shallow excavations in granite rock, Stone Mountain, Georgia (Canby). ** Peripheral bast-bundles present. t Velum partial or entirely wanting. / - 9- I. Engelmanni A. Br. Leaves 25100, light-green, IP 146 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. 9' 20' or more long, with abundant stomata ; sporangia ob- long linear-oblong, unspotted, with a narrow velum ; ligula elongate from a triangular base ; macrospores 0.40 0.52 mm. thick, delicately honeycomb-reticulated; microspores usually smooth, 0.024 0.028 mm. long. Var. Georgiana Engelm. has fewer leaves and larger (0.48 0.56 mm. thick) macrospores. New England and New York, Missouri and Illinois ; the vari- ety in Horseleg Creek, Floyd County, Georgia (Canby}. Var. gracilis Engelm. Leaves 8 12, often submerged, 9' 12' long, the bast bundles often quite small or only two present. New England ; Passaic River, New Jersey (Ennis). Var. valida Engelm. Leaves 50 200, keeled on the upper side, 1 8' 25' long; sporangia often linear-oblong 4" 9" long, \ to f covered by the broad velum ; macrospores 0.32 0.48 mm. thick ; microspores spinulose, 0.024 o'.o27 mm. long. Warrior's Mark and Smithville, Pennsylvania (Porter} ; Wilmington, Delaware (Canby). 10. I. Howellii Engelm. Leaves 1025, bright green, 5' 8' long, with thick dissepiments; sporangia oval, iV' 2^" long, unspotted, \ to ^ covered by the velum ; ligula awl-shaped, as long as the sporangium ; macrospores 0.43 0.48 mm. thick, rough with prominent, rounded, single or sometimes confluent tubercles, Dalles of the Columbia, Oregon (Howell). ^ 11. I. nuda Engelm. Leaves 10 15, bright-green, 6' 9' long; sporangia oval, light-brown, attached to the base of the leaves by the median line only, the velum entirely wanting; ligula somewhat triangular; macrospores 0.366 0.4 mm. thick, slightly tuberculate, the tubercles somewhat confluent. Hood River, Oregon (Howell). tt Velum complete. 12. I. flaccida Shuttleworth. Leaves 1035, light-green, 15' 2 long, submerged, floating on the surface or wholly emerged ; sporangia oval, 2" 3" long, entirely covered by the velum; macrospores 0.30 0.42 mm. thick, covered with many or rarely few, large flattish tubercles, distinct or confluent into labyrinthiform wrinkles. Var. rigtda Engelm. is smaller, with more slender, erect, dark-green leaves, 5' 6' long. Lake Im- monia, near Tallahassee, Florida (Rugel}\ also near Manatee, Florida (Garber). The variety at Lake Flirt, Florida (Garber). ISOETACE&. 147 Var. Chapmani Engelm. Leaves about 30, floating, 18' long; sporangia orbicular; macrospores 0.44 0.55 mm. thick, almost smooth on the upper side; microspores slightly papil- lose, 0.027 0.030 mm. long. Near Mariana, Florida (Chap- man) . 3. Terrestrial ; leaves nearly triangular, with abundant stomata and peripheral bast-bundles, thick dissepiments and small air-cavities. * Trunk bilobed. t Velum partial or almost wanting. 13. I. melanopoda J. Gay. Polygamous; trunk sub-glo- bose, deeply bilobed; leaves 15 60, slender, stiff, erect, bright- green, usually black at base, 5 10' or more long; sporangia mostly oblong, 2" 5" long, spotted, with a narrow velum; ligula triangular awl-shaped ; macrospores 0.25 0.40 mm. thick, with depressed tubercles often confluent into worm-like wrinkles, or almost smooth ; microspores spinulose, 0.023 0.028 mm. long. Var. pallida Engelm. is larger, with pale leaf-bases and broader velum. Ringwood and Athens, Illinois (Hall} ; Clinton, Iowa (Vasey) ; Limestone Gap, Indian Territory {But- ler}. The variety at Houston, Texas (Hall). 14. i. maritima Unde. Monoecious; trunk small, only slightly bilobed; leaves 8 15, rigid, green, i' 2' long, " f" wide; sporangia oval, 2" long, ij" wide, brownish white, one third to one half covered by the velum ; ligula small; macro- spores 0.42 0.48 mm. thick, densely spinulose, the spines blunt, rarely confluent; microspores smooth, white, 0.32 0.35 mm. thick. In salt marsh, Alberni, Vancouver Island (Macouri). 15. I. Butleri Engelm. Dioecious; trunk sub-globose; leaves 812, rigid, bright-green, 3' 7' long; sporangia usually oblong, spotted, with a very narrow velum or none ; ligula awl- shaped from a triangular base; macrospores 0.50 0.63 mm. thick, marked with knobs or warts, distinct or sometimes con- fluent; microspores papillose, dark-brown, 0.028 0.038 mm. long. Var. immaculata Engelm. is larger, with unspotted sporangia, and spinulose microspores, the macrospores 0.40 o 56 mm. In saline flats, near Limestone Gap, Indian Territory 148 OUR NATIVE FERNS AND THEIR ALLIES. (Butler}, near St. Louis, Missouri (Eggerf). The variety in cedar barrens, near Nashville, Tennessee (Gattinger). ft Velum complete. 16. I. Nuttallii A. Br. Trunk almost globose, slightly grooved ; leaves 20 60, slender, bright-green, 3' 9' long, with only three peripheral bast-bundles ; sporangia oblong or oval, entirely covered by the velum ; macrospores variable, o. 25 o. 50 mm. thick, densely covered with minute but rounded warts, or rarely al.most smooth; microspores papillose, brown, 0.025 0.028 mm. long. (/. opaca Nutt.) Oregon, Washington ; West- ern Idaho (Geyer), Vancouver Island (Macouri). ** Trunk trtlobed ; velum complete. f tf~6 _ 17. I. Suksdorfil Baker. Leaves 12 20, firm, bright- green, very slender, arcuate, deeply channelled along the face, 2' 3' long, less than " wide; sporangia orbicular, 2" long and broad ; ligula deltoid ; macrospores grayish-white, faintly granu- lated. W. Klickitat County, Washington (Suksdorf, No. 836), California (Brandegee). GLOSSARY AND INDEX. Acrogenous (Gr. dicpov, the high- est part, and yeWar, to produce), per- taining to plants whose growth takes place at the summit. Includes Ferns, Mosses, etc. Acrostichese, 76. Ac rostichum, 89 ; also 5 , 6, 12, 76. Aculeate (Lat. aculeus, diminutive of acus, a needle), armed with prickles. Adder-tongue. Vide Ophio- glossum. Adiantum, 89 ; also 5, 13, 42, 73, 77. Adnate (Lat. ad. to, nasci, to be born), growing fast to some other por- tion of the plant. Algae, 49. -Literature of, 55. Allosorus. Vide Crypto- gramme. Analogy (Gr. aW, according to; ^o'-yos, ratio, proportion), similarity in function; distinguished from homolo- y, indicating similarity in structure. Anastomose (Gr. dvwronovv, to open into), forming a net- work ; said of veins which unite with each other. Anemia, 123 ; also 18, 79. Annul us (Lat. a ring), the ring partly or completely surrounding the sporangium. Antheridium (plu. antheridia) , an animal, and ei'Sos, form), the male element of crypto- gams. 20. Archegonium (plu. archegonia) (Gr. O'PXJJ, beginning, and yovn, off- spring), the part containing the fe- male element. 20. Arcuate (Lat. arcus^a. bow), curved like a bow. Areola (plu. areolte). (Lat. diminu- tive of area t an open place), a space enclosed by anastomosing veinlets. Asexual Reproduction in Ferns. 27. Aspidieae, 78. Aspidium. Vide Dryopteris, 16, 78. Asplenieae, 78. Asplenium, 103; also 2,3, 5,6,15 27, 78. Auriculate (Lat. auricula, a little ear), furnished with ear-like append- ages. Azolla, 127; also 39. Beech-fern. Vide Phegop- teris. Bi (Lat. bis, twice), (as a prefix) two, twice or doubly. Bladder-fern. Vide Cystop- teris. Blechneae, 77. Blechnum, 102 ; also 15, 77. Botrychium, 129; also 2, 3, 5, 19, 29, 30. Brake or Bracken. Vide Pteris. Bryophytes (Gr. ppvov, moss, and vrdv, plant), 52. Buds, borne on ferns, 27. BulbletS borne on ferns, 27. Calamariaceae, 67. CamptOSOrus, 108 ; also 3, 6, 9, 16, 27, 7 8. Carboniferous Age, Pterido- phytes of, 68. 150 GLOSSARY AND INDEX. Carinate (Lat. carina, a keel), keeled. Carpophy ta (Gr. xapiro's, fruit, and /uToV, plant). Castaneous (Lat. castanea, a chestnut), chestnut-colored. Caudate (Lat. cauda, a tail), fur- nished with a slender appendage re- sembling a tail. Caudex (Lat. a stem), the upright rootstock forming the trunk of a tree- fern, 8. Cellulose (Lat. cellula, a little cell), the substance composing the wall of cells, containing the elements car- bon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Ceraceous (Lat. cera, wax), hav- ing the nature of wax. Ceratopterideae, 77. Ceratopteris, 101 ; also 6, 14, 77. Characeae, 51. Literature of, 56. Chartaceous (Lat. charta, a leaf of paper), having the texture of paper or parchment. Cheilanthes, 9* ; also 3 , 6, 8, 13, 26, 43, 77- Chlorophyll (Gr. x* w P'i green, and ff>v\\ov, leaf), the green grains forming the coloring matter of plants. Christmas-fern. Vide Dry- opteris. Ciliate (Lat. cilium, an eyelash), having on the margin a fringe of hairs resembling the fringing eye- lashes. Cinnamon-fern. Vide Os- munda. Giro in ate (Lat. circinus, a pair of compasses), rolled inward from the apex, 8. Classification of the Vegetable Kingdom, 48. Principle of, 45. Cliff-brake. Vide Pellaea. Climbing-fern. Vide Lygo- dium. Cloak-fern. Vide Notho- lasna. Club-moss. Vide Lycopo- dium. Confluent (Lat. con, together, and Jluere, to flow), blended together. Connate (Lat. con, together, and nasci, to be born), united together from the first. Cordate (Lat. cor, the heart), heart- shaped. Coriaceous (Lat. corium, a hide), leathery. Cotton-fern. Vide Notho- laena. Crenate (Lat. crena, a notch), hav- ing the margin scalloped with rounded teeth. Crenulate (Lat. crenula, a little notch), scalloped with small rounded teeth. Cryptogamia (Gr. Kpvirro's, hid- den, ya'/xos, marriage), flowerless plants ; an obsolete term. Cryptogramma, 97; also 2, 14, 77. Cultivation, Literature of, 7. Cuneate (Lat. cuneus, a wedge), wedge-shaped. Cystopteris, 118; also 4,5, 6, 16, 27, 78. Decurrent (Lat. de, down, and currere, to run), prolonged on the rachis. Deer-fern. Vide Lomaria. Deltoid (Gr. Se'Ara, the letter D, and ct'Jof, form), triangular, like the Greek delta. Dentate (Lat. dens, a tooth), toothed. Denticulate (Lat. denticulus, di- minutive of dens t tooth), finely toothed. Desmidiacese, 50. Literature of, 56. Determination of Species, 68. Devonian Age, Pteridophytes of, 66. Diatomaceae, 50. Literature of, 56. Dichotomous (Gr. ^i\a.. asunder, and reVreiv. to cut), two-forked. Dicksonia, 121 ; also 3 , 5 , 7. 17. 79. Dicksonieae, 79 Pimorphism, 3. Literature, of 7. GLOSSARY AND INDEX. Dimorphous (Gr. fit's, twice, and ju.wp0j, shape, form), of two forms; said of ferns whose fertile fronds are unlike the sterile. Dioecious (Gr. fit's, twice, and Tos, first, sim- plest, and VTOV, a plant), 50. Psilotum, 139; also 35. Pterideae, 76. Pteridoid (Gr. irre'pis, fern, and elfios, form), fern-like in appearance. Pteridoid Phase, 22. Pteridophytes (Gr. TTT>IS, fern, and ^vTOf, a plant), 52, 75. Pteris, 9; also 5, 13, 68, 77. Pyrenomycetes, 52. Literature of, 60. Q Quadri- (Lat. quattuor, four), (as at prefix) four, fourfold. Rachis (Gr. 'pagi* the spine), the continuation of the stipe through a compound frond. Raphe (Gr. 'p a< Mt a seam or suture), the ridge which connects the sporo- carp with its stem in Marsilia. Rattlesnake-fern. Vide Bo- trychium. Receptacle (Lat. recipere, to re- ceive), the part to which the sporan- gia are attached, especially in the HYMENOPHYLLACE^:. Reniform (Lat. renes, the kidneys), kidney-shaped. Resurrection - plant. Vide Selaginella. Re volute (Lat. revolvere, to roll back), rolled backward; said of the margin of fronds. Rhizocarps. Vide Marsilia. Rhomboidal (Gr.'pdM/Bos, a rhomb, and eZSos, form), approaching a rhomb in shape. Rock-brake. Vide Crypto- gramme. Rock-moss. Vide Selagi- nella. Roots, 25. Rootstock, an underground stem 8. Salvinia, 127; also 39, 40. Salviniaceae, 127; also 39. Litera- ture of, 40. Scandent (Lat. s.andere, to climb), climbing. Schizaea, 123; also n, 18, 79. Schizaeaceae, n, 79. Schizomycetes, 51. Literature of. 57- Scolopendrium, 107; also 3, 6, 15, 19, 26, 78. Scouring- rush. Vide Equi- setum. Segment, one of the divisions of a pinnatifid frond. Selaginella, 140; also 34, 35, 36, 69. Selaginellaceae, 140; also 34. Literature of, 37 Sensitive-fern. Vide Ono- clea. Serrate (Lat. serra, a saw), having the margin cut into teeth pointing forward. Sessile (Lat. sedere, to sit), without a stalk or petiole. Setiform (Lat. seta, a bristle, and forma, form), bristle-like. Shield-fern. V. Dryopteris. Sigillariaceae, 6 7 . Sinuate (Lat. sinus, a bending), having the margin alternately bend- ing inward and outward. Sinus (Lat. a bending), a recess or bay; the re-entering space between two lobes. GLOSSARY AND INDEX. 155 SorUS (plu. sari) (Gr. awpos, a heap or cluster), the clusters of fruit in the POLYPODIACE>E. Spatulate (Lat. spatula, a little spoon), shaped like a spatula. Species, 43. How to determine, 68. Specific Names, 41. Spermaphytes (Gr. cnr^a, a seed, and $\nov, a plant), 10, 20, 50. Literature of, 59. Spinulose (Lat. spina, a thorn), thorny. Spleenwort. Vide Aspleni- um. Sporangium (plu. sporangia) (Gr. o-Tiopo?, a seed, and ayyo?, a vessel), the case or capsule enclosing the spores. 10. Spore (Gr. CO.'S ED UCA TIONA L WORKS ENGLISH *Ten Brink's History of English Literature. Vol. I. To Wyciif. Translated by H. M. KENNEDY. Large 12mo. 409 pp. Vol. II. 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