An Illustrated Directory of the Specifications of All Domestic and Foreign Motor-Cars and Motor Business Wagons Gasoline, Steam and Electric Sold in This Country 1907 Published by MoToR The National Monthly Magazine of Motoring 1789 Broadway New York City INDEX numbers from 156 (o 200 inclusive, indi-catc business Acme 68, 78 Adatns-Farwell 67 Aerocar 36, 56 A Ibany 4 American 67 erican Mercedes 106 An .erican Mors 61, 9:, 100, 103 An icrican Simplex 205 . nerican Trucks 174, 175, 176, 177, 180 A: olio 51 Apperson 84, 89, 109 Argus 149, 151, 179 Aster 135, 138 Atlas 19, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172 Auburn 22 Aurora .' n A ustin 86, 96 Auto Buggy 4 Autocar 18, 39, 63, 72 Autocar Equipment Co. ..98, 172, 173, 177, 189 Auto Cycle 5 Bibcock Electric 117, 118, 120, 125, 129 B.iiley 37 B.iiley Electric 122 B; ker, 115, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 126, 127, 128 Bay State Forty 76 Beebe 201, 202, 203 Belden 88 Berkshire 69 Btrliet 100, 104, 105, 107, 108 Bianchi 136 Biddle-Murray 176 B. L. M 69, 88, 108 Boss Steamer 113 Brasier 136, 141, 147, 150, 155 Brunn 194 Brush 201 Buffum 54 Buggyabout 8, 12, 157 Buick 17, 21, 37, 41 Cadillac 13, 15, 16, 18, 3&, 51, 75, 157 Cameron 12, 18, 32 Cantono Fore Carriage 1 19, 127 Cartercar lt>, 24, 25, 159 Case 38 C. G. V 135, 138, 143, 150, 154 Chadwick 96 Chalfant 21 Champion 184, 192 Chase 1 74 Chatham 204 Chicago Trucks 181, 182 Clark Steamer 113 Clement-Bayard 136, 149, 153 Cleveland .". 69, 78, 89 Climax 157 Columbia (Electric), 114, 117, 125, 129, 130, 131, 185, 186, 191, 192, 1*5 Columbia (Gasoline), 28, 64, 84, 86, 09, 208 Columbus 1 18, 121, 124, 126 Commerce 173 Commercial 189, 190 Compound 24, 27, 28, 39, 42, 76 Conover 62 Continental 44, 54 Coppock 207 Corbin 42, Si, 73 Cornish-Friedberg 40 Cosmopolitan 4 Coulthard Steam Trucks 199, 200 Couple-Gear Truck 198 Covert 159 Craig-Toledo 78 Crawford 48, 61 Croesus 39, 82 Darracq 134, 137, 139, 145, 147, 149 Deere 46, 166 De La Buire 143 Delahaye 141, 144, 152 Delaunay-Belleville 137, 140, 146 De Luxe 89 Detroit 26 Diamond T 74 Dolson 47, 66 Dorris J 48 Dragon I. 35 Duer i 202 wagons. Duryea 20, 26, 47 Eagle 30 Elmore 29, 30, 50 Elwell-Parker 190 English Daimler 140, 144, 148 Eureka 34 Farmers' Auto 8 Federal 6, 9 FIAT 134, 139, 144, 153 Ford 8, 59, 208 Four Wheel Drive Truck 178 Franklin 31, 33, 59, 81, 97, 164 Prayer-Miller 46, 61. 80, 169 French Mors 132, 133, 134, 138, 145, 151 Frontenac 70 Gaeth 74, 164 Gale 10, 23 Gallia Electric 131 Gearless 65, 67, 76 General Vehicle Co 195, 196, 197, 198 Glide 45, 75, 76, 96 Gobron-Brillie 145, 154 Great Arrow (Pierce) 78, 93, 104 Great Smith 52, 206 Grout 43, 49 Halladay 64 Harrison 91 Hawley 5, n Hay-Berg 52, 66 Haynes 43, 49, 73, 87 Heine-Velox 205 Hercules, . . . : 124, 125, 183, 184, 185, 186. 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193 Hewitt 16, 55, 80, 162, 175 Hill 33, 65 Holsman 10, u, 12, 13 Hotchkiss 139, 141, 151 Iroquois 44, 60 Isotta Fraschini 136, 142, 152 Itala 139, 143, 154 Jackson 20, 27, 45 Jenkins Special 57 Jewel 7, 9 Johnson 1 1 1, 200 Juvenile Electric 1 14 Kato Four Wheel Drive 203 Kisselkar 33 Klink 40, 53 Knox 25, 50, 51, 82, 91, 94, 163, 174 Lambert 18, 31, 35, 48, 63 Lane Steamer i j i, 112 Lansden 127, 130, 131, 187, 188, 190, 194 Leader 15, 17 Leon Bollee 207, 208 Locomobile 56, 58, 77, 87, 101, 109 Logan 26, 157, 158, 166, 167 Lorraine de Dietrich 153 Lozier 95, 102, 105 Luverne 15, 22 Manhattan 170, 173, 176, 177, 178, 179 Marion 36 Marmon 46, 71, 87, 96 Martini 142, 150 Marvel 13 Maryland 53 Mason 22, 23 Matheson 86, 98, 105 Maxwell 13, 14, 23, 25, 61, 160 Mercedes Simplex 140, 148, 153, 155 Merciless 90 Meteor 55, 65 Michigan 22 Mieusset 144 Military 107 Miller 175, 178 Mitchell 16, 31, 35, 159, 165 Model 75, 203 Moline 19, 30, 36, 45 Monarch 9, 12, 14, 156 Moon 74 Moore 104, 105, 107 Mora 30, 34, 40, 43 Morse 39 Napier 132, 147 National 63, 70, 91, 97, 204, 205, 206 New Worth 171 Northern 10, 28, 31, 58, 72, 164 1 > Okey 202 Oldsmobile 10, 56, 77 Overland 202 Packard ! 83, 85, 99, 100 Panhard 134, 140, 152, 154, 180, 181 Peerless 82, 83, 92, 103 Pennsylvania 59 Pierce-Racine 55 Pilain 142, 147, 151 Pittsburgh Steam Truck 199 Plymouth 180, 200 Pope-Hartford 27, 57 Pope-Toledo 58, 72, 84, 85, 93, 103 Pope-Tribune 28 Pope-Waverley, 114, 115, 116, 119, 122, 123, 183, 184, 185, 194, 195 Postal 6 Premier - 41, 68 Pullman 23, 205 Pungs-Finch 37, 47, S3 Queen 40, 42, 43 R. & L 121, 123, 124, 125, 128 Rainier 85 Rambler 14, 19, 24, 35, 48 Rapid 161, 162, 163, 165, 175 Reliable Dayton 7, 201 Reliance 167, 168, 170, 172, 173 Renault 132, 133, '35, 138, 148 Reo 9, ii, 20, 53, 162 Richmond 208 Riviera 33 Rochet-Schneider 137, 142, 150 Rolls-Royce 143 Ross Steamer m, 112 Rossel 141 Rossler 206 Royal Tourist 79, 93 S. & M. Simplex 90, 100, 103 St. Louis 42, 49, 63 Sayers & Scovill 169 Schacht 66, 201 Senator 204 Servitor 16 Shawmut 206 Shoemaker 204 Siebert 174 Silent Knight ; 73 Simplicity 62, 88 Soules 163, 164 Sovereign 207 Stanley (Gasoline) 7 Stanley (Steam) no Staver 207 Stearns 86 Stevens-Duryea 44, 49, 68, f2, 102 Stoddard-Dayton 29, 47, 52, 69 Stoewer 133 Studebaker 64, 75, 82, 94, 115, 116, 119, 120, 123, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 193 Sturtevant 74, 95 Synnestvedt 198 Thomas 160 Thomas Flyer 81, 87, 94, 97 Thomas Forty 57 Thompson 199 Torbensen 159, 163 Touraine 203 Tourist 21, 54, 55, 88 Traveler 41 Trebert 38 Triumph 58, 71 Twyford 17, 25, 59, 160 Upton 64 Walter 94, 99 Waltham-Orient 5. 6, 7, 21, 29, 37, 156 Wayne 45, 46, 70 Welch 79, 83, 84, 95, 98, 102 Westinghouse 145 White_ ; ill, 112, 113 Williams Electric 121 Winton 50, 71 Wolfe 32 Woods 89, 98, 122, 126, 129, 130 York Pullman 32, 65 Zust 148, 152 170565 GASOLINE CARS COSTING LESS THAN $1,000 "Auto-Buggy," Model 3, 4 H.P. "Success " Automobile Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. PRICE: $250 BODY: Piano box SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 62 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 4 o xl in. TIRES, REAR: 44x1 in. STEERING: Sprocket and chain BRAKES: On transmission SPRINGS: Platform type " FRAME: Wood and angle steel BORE: 3>A in. STROKE: 3 in. CYLINDERS: i vertical at side of body VALVE ARRANGEMENT: At side of cylinder MOTOR SUSPENSION: From an- gle bars projecting at side of body COOLING: Air and fan IGNITION Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Spray, mixing LUBRICATION: Splash and grease MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Band CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Foot pedals DRIVE: Side chain Albany Run-a-bout, Model 2, 4-6 H. P. Albany Automobile Co., Albany, Ind. PRICE: $300; with top ' BODY: Piano box SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 500 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 62 inches TREAD: ^2 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x154 in., solid TIRES, REAR: 32x154 in., solid STEERING: Hand lever or tiller BRAKES: Foot brake on transmis- sion SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Angle steel BORE: t,V, in. STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: i. vertical, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: 3 port, side valves MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water; pump IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry battery CARBURETER: Universal; auto- matic mixture regulation LUBRICATION: Sight feed pres- MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle TRANSMISSION: Friction CHANGE SPEEDS: Slide of fric- tion disk SPEEDS: 2 to 10 miles and reverse CHANGE SPEED CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Center chain on differen- tial sprocket Albany Run-a-bout, Model 3, 8-10 H. P. Albany Automobile Co., Albany, Ind. PRICE: $350 BODY: Piano box SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 550 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 62 inches TREAD: 52 inches TIRES, FRONT: soxi'4 in., solid TIRES, REAR: 32x1^ in., solid STEERING: Hand lever or tiller BRAKES: Foot brake on transmis- sion SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 4 in. STROKE: 454 in. CYLINDERS: 2, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: 3 port MOTOR SUSPENSION: Side members of frame COOLING: Water; pump IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry battery CARBUREiER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Sight feed pres- MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Friction type SPEEDS: 2 to 20 miles and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Center chain Cosmopolitan, Model B, 5 H.P. D.W. Haydock Automobile Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A. PRICE: $350 BODY: Piano, 60 inches long 28 inches wide SEATS: 2 to -i persons WEIGHT: 500 pounds WHTEL BASE: 60 inches TRACK: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: Steel or solid rubber TIRES, REAR: Steel or solid rub- STEERING: Wheel, inclined opst BRAKE: On center of transmission disc SPRINGS: Concord, longitudinal 60 inches long BORE: 4 X in. STROKE: 4 in. CVLINDERS: i vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inltt and exhaust in head MOTOR SUSPENSION: From front members of frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry battery CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Splash MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Friction discs SPEEDS: Any number forward up to 25 miles an hour; one reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Double side chains on rear wheels The " Autocycle " Runabout, 6 H.P. Vandegrift Automobile Co., Philadelphia, Pa. PRICE: $400 BODY: Single seat, undivided SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT : 400 pounds T.'RES, FRONT AND HEAR: z l /y inches TIRES, SIDE: 24x2 inches STEERING: Wheel SPRINGS: Double % elliptic, rear FRAME: Steel channels P.ORE: 3 'A in. STROKE: 3 in. CYLINDERS: Two MOTOR SUSPENSION: Under body COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Sight feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE SPEED: Friction type SPEEDS: Up to 45 m.p.h. DRIVE: Belt Waltham-Orient,- Model B.R., 4 H.P. Waltham Mfg. Co., Waltham, Mass. PRICE: $400 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 80 inches TREAD: 42 inches TIRES, FRONT: 26x2^ in. TIRES, REAR: 26x2}^ in. STEERING: Tiller BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Elliptical front and rear FRAME: Wood BORE: 3% in.; STROKE: 4 54 in. CYLINDERS: One in back VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Auto- matic inlet; mechanical exhaust MOTOR SUSPENSION: Rear on side members of frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry battery CARBURETER: Orient ' LUBRICATION: Oil pump MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle and spark CLUTCH: Friction CHANGE GEAR: Friction SPEEDS: 5 forward, 2 reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Friction drive .VOTE: Furnished with 2 cylinder motor for $50 extra Waltham-Orient, Model B R. ( 4 H.P. Waltham Mfg. Co., Waltham, Mass. PRICE: $425 ISODV: Runabout with top SKATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 625 pounds WHEEL BASE: 80 inches TKEAD: 42 inches TIRES, FRONT: 26x2!^ inches TIRES, REAR: 26x2^2 inches STEERING: Tiller BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Full elliptic front and rear FRAME: Wood BORE: 3% in. STROKE: 4'^ in. CYLINDERS: One in rear MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry batteiies CARBURETER: Orient LUBRICATION: Oil pump MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Friction CHANGE GEAR: Friction SPEEDS: 5 forward, 2 reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Friction NOTE: Furnished with 2 cylinder motor for $50 extra. Maker's illustration not ready will be fublished later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. Hawley, 16 H.P. The Hawley Automobile Co., Ltd., Constantine, Mich. PRICE: $450 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 1,050 pounds WHEEL BASE: 84 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 28x3 inches TIRES. REAR: 28x3 inches STEERING: Wheel SPRINGS: Half elliptical FRAME: Angle iron BORE: 4 M in. STROKE: 4 CYLINDERS: Two, vertical MOTOR: Two cycle COOLING: Water, tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLIES: Batteries TRANSMISSION: Friction disc DRIVE: Single chain Postal, Model 2, 12 1-2H.P. Postal Auto & Engine Co., Bedford, Ind. TRICE: $450 BODY: Piano box 28x70 inches SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 900 pounds WHEEL BASE: 70 'inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: i% inch solid rub- ber TIRES, REAR: iji inch solid rub- STEERING: Lexer BRAKES: One to transmission emergency to countershaft SPRINGS: Side springs FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 4 }4 in. STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 2 opposed VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: Bolted to angle frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Vibrator, 2 sets batteries, 12 dry cells CARBURETER: Kingston LUBRICATION: Automatic system MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Steel cable Waltham-Orient, Model E R., 4 H.P. Waltham Mfg. Co., Waltham, Mass. PRICE: $475 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 650 pounds WHEEL BASE: 73 inches TREAD: 42 inches TIRES, FRONT: 26x2^ in. TIRES, REAR: 26x254 in. STEERING: Wheel BRAKES: 2 on rear hubs SPRINGS: Elliptical front and rear FRAME: Wood BORE: 3'/ 4 in.; STROKE: 4)4 in. CYLINDERS: One in back VALVE ARRANGEMENT : Auto- matic inlet; mechanical exhaust MOTOR SUSPENSION: Rear on side members of frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry battery CARBURETER: Orient LUBRICATION: Oil pump MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttk and spark CLUTCH: Friction SPEEDS: $ forward and 2 reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Friction drive NOTE: Furnished with 2 cylinder motor for $50 extra. Federal, Model B, 12 H.P. Federal Automobile Co., Chicago, III. PRICE: $475 BODY: Piano box runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 650 pounds TIRES, FRONT: 36x1^ inches TJRLS. REAR: 36x1^ inches CTEKRING: Wheel SPRINGS: Full elliptics CYLINDERS: Double opposed, 2 cycle MOTOR SUSPENSION: In rear, horizontal under body COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries MOTOR CONTROL: From steering wheel CLUTCH: Disc SPEEDS: Up to 50 m.p.h. CHANGE - GEAR CONTROL: Wheel on steering column DRIVE: Shaft The Postal, Model 1, 12 1-2 H.P. Postal Auto & Engine Co., Bedford, Ind. PRICE: $475 BODY: Piano box SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 900 pounds WHEEL BASE: 70 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: i'A in. solid rub- ber TIRES, REAR: ift in. solid rubber STEERING: Lever BRAKES: On transmission and emergency on countcrshaTt SPRINGS: Side springs FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 4% in. STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 2, opposed VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: Bolted to angle frame COOLING: Air by fan in flywheel and flanges on cylinders IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Vibrator and 2 sets batteries, 12 dry cells CARBURETER: Kingston LUBRICATION: Automatic system MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Steel cable Waltham-Orient, Model ET, 4 HP. Waltham Mfg. Co.. Waltham, Mass. PRICE: $525 BODY: Enclosed tonneau SEATS: 4 persons WEIGHT: 750 pounds WHEEL BASE: 77 inches TREAD: 42 inches '1IRES, FRONT: 26x214 in. TIRES, REAR: 26x2^ in. STEERING: Wheel BRAKES: Double, acting on rear hubs SPRINGS: Elliptical FRAME: Wood BORE: 3 V. in. STROKE: 4 multiple force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Two side levers DRIVE: Single chain Chalfant, Model C, 22-24 HP. Chalfent Motor Car Co., Lenover, Pa. PRICE: $1,250 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WHEEL BASE: 90 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3 '/, inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3^ inches STEERING: Thread and nut type BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; full elliptic, rear FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 5^ in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Double oonosed VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Me- chanical, on top MOTOR SUSPENSION: Crosswise from frame COOLING: Water; vertical tube spiral wound radiator IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Automatic sight feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Chain 21 Luverne, Model I , Touring Car, 20 H.P. Luverne Aulomobile Co., Luverne, Minn. PRICE: $1,250 BODY: Side entrance, tilting, re- movable tonncau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 1,850 pounds WH'EEL BASE: 94 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 32x3^ inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On differential and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 5 in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Two. opposed, under body VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In head, mechanically operated MOTOR SUSPENSION: Channel iron supports, straight bars under motor COOLING: Water through gear pump, and coil radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Schebler automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle on steering gear CLUTCH: Tapered metal CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 speeds forward and re- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Foot pedals and hand lever DRIVE: Single chain Mason Tourirg Car, 22-24 H.P. Mason Motor Car Co., Des Moines, Iowa PRICE: $1,250 BODY: Side entrance, detachable tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 1,750 pounds WHEEL BASE: 90 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3^ inches STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: Double construction, bands on differential SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; full elliptic, rear FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Double opposed VALVE ARRANGEMENTS: In MOTOR SUSPENSION: Under body from cross members COOLING: Water; spiral wound tube radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed, auto- matic MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone type CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever for forward speeds, pedal for reverse DRIVE: Single chain Auburn, Model D, 24 H.P. Auburn Automobile Co., Auburn, Ind. PRICE: $1,250 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 1,750 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3^ inches TIRES. REAR: 32x3)4 inches STEERING: Irreversible type BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical front; full elliptical rear FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: s'A in.; STROKE: 5 In. CYLINDERS: 2 horizontal under VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Float-feed type LUBRICATION: Mechanical force- feed oiler, gear driven MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever and foot pedal DRIVE: Chain Michigan, Model E, 16 H.P. Michigan Automobile Co. Ltd., Kalamazoo, Mich. PRICE: $1,250 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 1,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 86 inches TREAD: 55 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3^2 inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3^2 inches STEERING: Ball and sector BRAKES: On differential drum and expanding rear hub brakes SPRINGS: Fulf elliptical FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 4 W in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 2 horizontal, op- posed, amidships VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Both in heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: From cross members of frame COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Jumn spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Kingston LUBRICATION: Force feed oiler. driven from cam shaft MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Planetary, with friction CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Chain 22 Pullman Tourer, 24 HP. Pullman Automobile Co., Peru, Indiana PRICE: $1,250 BODY: Side entrance detachable tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 1,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3^ in. TIRES, REAR: 32x3^ in. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On differential and trans- mission SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 7 in. CYLINDERS: Double opposed MOTOR SUSPENSION: From frame COOLING: Water; cellular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR .CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft Mason Runabout, 22-24 H.P. Mason Motor Car Co., Des Moines, Iowa PRICE: $1.285 BODY: Detachable tonneau with beetle back for runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 1.700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 90 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3^ inches TIRES. REAR: 30x3^ inches STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: Double constricting, bands on differential SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, tront; full elliptic, rear FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Double onpoWd VALVE ARRANGEMENTS: In heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: From cross members under body COOLING: Water; spiral wound tube radiator IGNITION: .Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Automatic force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Conical type CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever and foot pedal DRIVE: Single chain Gale, Model K-7, 24-26 H.P. Western Tool Works, Galesburg, PRICE: $1,300 BODY: Side entrance, tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 95 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x314 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x3}^ inches STEERING: Non-reversible worm Rear BRAKES: 2 external on rear hubs; emergency on transmission SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, fronts; full elliptic, rear FRAME: Pressed steel RORE: sy 2 in. STROKE: s'/i '" CYLINDERS: Double opposed VALVES: Mechanically operated MOTOR SUSPENSION: Hori- zontal from frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries CARBURETER: Schebler LUBRICATION: Automatic MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, metal to metal CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Single chain Maxwell Doctor's Car, Model DR, 20 H.P. Maxwdl-Briscoe Motor Co., Tarrytown, N. Y PRICE: $1,350 BODY: Single SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 1,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 85 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x31/4 inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3 J4 inches STEERING: Pinion and segment BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Double opposed VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water; thermo-syphon, honeycomb radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGEGEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRLVE: Shaft Rambler, Model 22, 20-22 H.P. Thos. B. Jeffery & Co., Kenosha, Wisconsin. PRICE: $1,350 BODY: Side entrance, detachable tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: s6n. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, cast sep- arate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In cyl- inder heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Splash; mechar' cal oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark CLUTCH: Leather-faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and revere CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: ;-,. lective system DRIVE: Shaft Aerocar, Model D, 20 H.P. Aerocar Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,000 HODY: Side entrance tonneau SI" ATS: 4 persons WFTGHT: 2.000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x354 inches TIRES, REAR: 32X3Hinche STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: Rear hubs and transmit- ion SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 in.; STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In cyl- inder heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry batteriei CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Splash; mechani cal oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: So throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Slidi(/ SPEEDS: 3 forward CHANGE-GEAR C01> lective system DRIVE: Shaft Pungs-Finch, Model F, 24-30 H.P. Pungs-Finch Auto and Gas Engine Co., Detroit PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 1,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 32x3^ inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On propeller shaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 in.; STROKE: 4!^ in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical; cast sep- VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- MO'TOR " SUSPENSION : From sub-frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry batteries CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Hill oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS : i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec live system DRIVE: Shaft Waltham-Orient, Model DL M 20 H.P. Waltham Mfg. Co., Waltham, Mass. PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: s persons WEIGHT: 1,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 96 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3 y, in. TIRES, REAR: 32x3^ in. STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 in.; STROKE: 4^ in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, tandem VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Me- chanically operated on same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spsrk CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry battery CARBURETER: Automatic air sup- ply LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: i forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft drive Buick, Model K, 25-30 H. P. Buick Motor Co, Flint, Mich. TRICE: $2,000 BODY: Turtle back runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 2.000 pounds WHEEL BASE: io6J4 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Solid, pinion and sector BRAKES: Internal expanding hub; external on drive shaft SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4V t in. STROKE: 4<4 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Side ports for exhaust and inlet MOTOR SUSPENSION: s-point COOLING: Water IGNITION: jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Improved Marr LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed; gear driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward; i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft NOTE Model S same as above ex- cepting sliding change speed gears Bailey, Model B, 22-24 H.P. Bailey Aulomobile Co., Springfield, Mass. PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Runabout SEATS: Optional as to rumble on rear carrying one. $50 extra WEIGHT: 1,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIKES, FRONT: 32x3!^ inches TIRES, REAR: 32x3^ inches STEERING: Wheel operating worm gear irreversible BRAKES: Internal expanding and external band, both on rear wheels SPRINGS: Patent full elliptic on rear and half elliptic on front FRAME: Pressed steel frame BORE: 4l/, in.; STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 4 revolving; 2 cycle v-ALVE ARRANGEMENT: i pop- net in head, automatic MOTOR SUSPENSION: Two pressed steel girders COOLING: Air draught caused by cylinders revolving IGNITION: Jump spark, storage or magneto CURRENT SUPPLY: Optional LUBRICATION: Kinsey force feed MOTOR -CONTROL: Throttle on carbureter advance of spark CLUTCH: Multi-disc CHANGE-GEAR: Sliding gear on rear axle; selective type SPEEDS: 3 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Hand lever DRIVE: Bevel gear Cadillac, Model G, Runabout, 20 HP. Cadillac Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 persons WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3*$ inches TIRES, R' AR: 32x354 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front, full elliptic rear FRAME: Pressed steel, channel BORE: 4 inches STROKE: M inches CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In combustion chambers MOTOR SUSPENSION: To cross members COOLING: Water IGNITION: jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- LU'BRI CATION: Automatic splash MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and automatic throttle governor CLUTCH: Friction, metal, oil cush- CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: a forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective DRIVE: Shaft, bevel gear Cadillac, Model G, 20 HP. Cadillac Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: s persons WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 32x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 32x3}* inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front, full elliptic rear FRAME: Pressed steel, channel BORE: 4 inches STROKE: M inches CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In combustion chambers MOTOR SUSPENSION: To cross members COOLING: Water IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- LUBRICATION: Automatic splash MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and automatic throttle governor CLUTCH: Friction, metal, oil cush- CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective DRIVE: Shaft, bevel gear Case, Model A, 20-24 HP. Lethbridge Motor Car Co., Lethbridge, Alberta, Can. PRICE: $2,000 BOD: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 60 inches TIRES: 3}4 incn. Fawkes airless STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On rear wheel drums; emergency by reversing trans- mission SPRINGS: 40 inches front; 50 inches rear, semi-elliptic FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 4 in.; STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical under VALVTE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust set In head MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark, single coil and distributor CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Universal LUBRICAiION: Exhaust pressure feed oiler MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Worth system of disc and traction roller SPEEDS: Any desired forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Wheel on steering column DRIVE: Side chains Trebert, Model 5, 25-30 HP. Trebert Gas Engine Co., Rochester, N. Y. PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 34x4 in. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: External on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; platform, rear FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 4 J4 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub-frame COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cell! CARBURETER: Automatic, with auxiliary air vent LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Expansion type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Direct Compound, Model K Light Touring Car, 20 H.P. E. H. V. Co., Middletown, Conn. PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 1.750 pounds WHEEL BASE: 96^ inches TREAD: 56^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 30x314 inches STEERING: Lock wheel type BRAKES: On driving shaft and in- ternal on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: M inches STROKE: 4 inches CYLINDERS: 2, high pressure and low pressure VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water; horizontal tube radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CA^URETER: Schebler LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Double chain or shaft Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. Croesus, Jr., 18-20 H.P. W. L. Bell, Kansas City, Mo. PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 1,100 pounds WHEEL BASE: 88 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3!^ inches TIRES, REAR: 30x354 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRING: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and storage battery CARBURETER: Automatic mixture regulator LUBRICATION: Belt driven force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Self-contained beveled SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Beveled gear Autocar Limousine, Type XV, 12-14 H.P. The Autocar Co., Ardtnore, Pa. PRICE: $2,000 (Complete) BODY: Limousine SEATS: 4 persons WEIGHT: 1,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 8ij4 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3 inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3 inches STEERING: Bevel Rear and sector BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; full elliptic, rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 in. STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 2 opposed in front MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water; fin tube radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark ana throttle CLUTCH': Floating disc type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft and bevel gear Morse, Model A, 18 H.P. Easton Machine Co., South Easton, Mass. PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 1,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 90 inches TREAD: sz inches TIRES, F'KONT: 30x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3^ inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Manganese bronze BORE: 4 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 2 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Ver- tical, inlet and exhaust in heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub frame COOLING: Water, vertical tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: With automatic mixture regulator LUBRICATION: Pressure feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Internal toggle joints CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Direct 39 Klink, 30 HP. Klink Motor Car Mfg. Co., Dansville, N. Y. PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS : 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 32x354 inches. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: 2 sets on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front and FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4'A in.; STROKE: 4% in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub frame COOLING: Water; flat tube ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic mixture regulation LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH': Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type, ball bearing SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft drive Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. Cornish Friedberg, Model C. F., 30 HP. Perfection Auto Co., South Bend, Ind. PRICE: $2,000 1SODY: Side entrance touring SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 1,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES: FRONT: 32x31/3 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x3^2 inches STEERING: Worm and spiral BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 !4 in. STROKE: 4^ in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Intake and exhaust on same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Water; tubular radia- IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cells CARBURETER: Schebler LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: High and reverse on side lever; low on foot pedal DRIVE: Shaft Queen, Model J, Touring Runabout, 28-30 HP. De Luxe Motor Car Co.. Deiroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,100 BODY: Runabout with folding rumble seat SEATS: 3 persons WEIGHT: 1,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 Inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: Hub, internal and ex- ternal SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 414 in. STROKE: 4^ in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- tor IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Single friction disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 7 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Bevel gear Mora Tourer, Model B, 24 HP. Mora Motor Car Co., Rochester, N. Y. PRICE: -$2,200 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 1,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 103 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: Internal and external on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front; platform type, rear FRAME: Composite wood and steel BORE: 4 in.; STROKE: s'/i in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cells CARBURETER: Mora special LUBRICATION: Splash MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Shaft 40 Buick, Model D, 25-30 HP. Buick Motor Co, Flint, Mich. PRICE: $2,200 BODY: Side door tonneau SEATS: i persons WEIGHT: 2,300 pounds WHEEL BASE: 102)4 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Solid, pinion and sector BRAKES: Internal expanding hub; external on drive shaft SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4^ in. STROKE: 4J4 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Both, side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: 5-point COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Improved Marr LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed: gear driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gear SPEEDS: 3 forward: i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft NOTE: Model "H" same as above except for planetary transmission Traveler, Model A, 24 HP. Bellefontaine Auto Co., Bellefontaine, Ohio PRICE: $2,200 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 1,075 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 54 y, inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 32x4 in. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: 4, on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 ! A in. STROKE: 4 V* in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: All valves situated in heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: From frame members COOLING: Air or water, with cellu- lar radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Holley, with auto- matic control LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone clutch CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft "Premier 24," Premier Motor Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $2,250 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,330 pounds WHEEL BASE: log'/, inches TKEAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: On driving shaft drum and rear hubs SPRINGS: Full elliptic; special shock absorbing heads FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 4'A in.; STROKE: 4^ in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In side ports, on opposite sides of cylinders. MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cells CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; selective system DRIVE: Shaft "Premier 24" Runabout, Premier Motor Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $2,230 BODY: 2 passenger front seat and rumble seat rear SEATS: 3 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WI1F.KL BASE: 108^ in. TREAD: 56 inches TIUF.S. FRONT: 32x354 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x3}* in. STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: On driving shaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Special full elliptic, with shock absorbing heads 41 FRAME: Pressed channel steel T.ORE: 4ii in.; STROKE: 454 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In sides ports on opposite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cells CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective system DKIVE: Shaft Compound, Model 1 , 20 HP. E. H. V. Company, Middletown, Conn. PRICE: $2,250 BODY: Special Victoria SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: WHEEL I_ TREAD: 56 1,750 pounds WHEEL BASE: o6y, inche: 56 'A inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x354. in. TIRES, REAR: 30x3^ in. STEERING: Lock wheel type BRAKEb: On driving shaft and in- ternal on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: M in. STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 2 high pressure, i low pressure VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water; horizontal tube radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Schebler LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding SPEEDS: 3 forward and i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Double chain or shaft "The St. Louis," Type XVII. 30-35 HP. St. Louis Motor Car Co., Peoria, 111. PRICE: $2,250 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Rack and pinion BRAKES: Internal rear hub and external transmission SPRINGS: Semi - elliptical front and rear FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 4!^ in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water, horizontal tube radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells CARBURETER: With automatic mixture regulator LUBRICATION: Mechanical force- feed oiler, gear driven MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Single disk with fiber CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: bide lever, selective system DRIVE: Bevel gear Queen, Model "K," 28-30 HP. De Luxe Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,250 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 4% in. STROKE: 4^ in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- tor IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Float feed auto- matic regulation LUBRICATION: Mechanical force- feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle and CLUTCH: Single friction disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: Three forward and re- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; selective system DRIVE: Shaft Corbin, Model I, Runabout,24 HP. Corbin Motor Vehicle Corp'n.,New Britain.Conn. PRICE: $2,250 BODY: Two passenger runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: too inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x3 X inches TIRES, REAR: 34X3*2 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Two internal, expand- ing on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 tf in.; STROKE: 4% in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Both in heads, mechanically operated, and interchangeable MOTOR SUSPENSION: Steel pan COOLING: Air Corbin patent IGNITION: jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CA^URETER: Gravity feed LUBRICATION: Direct sight feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather-faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type, an- nular ball bearings SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective system DRIVE: Shaft Mora, Model C Racy Type, 24 HP. Mora Motor Car Co., Rochester, N. Y. PRICE: $2,300 BODY: Runabout with rumble seat SEATS: 3 persons WEIGHT: 1,700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 103 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worn and nut BRAKES: Internal and external on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; platform, rear FRAME: Composite wood and steel BORE: 4 inches S'iKOKE: 5#i inches CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cells CARBURETER: Mors special LUBRICATION: Splash MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Shaft Queen, Model 28, 28-30 HP. De Luxe Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,350 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 4J4 in. STROKE: ^ in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- tor IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Float feed auto- matic regulation LUBRICATION: Mechanical force- feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle and spark CLUTCH: Single friction disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; selective system DRIVE: Shaft Grout, 30-35 H.P. PRICE: $2,400 BODY: Torpedo SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 2.400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal on rear hubs; external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical Grout Bros. Auto Co., Orange, Mass. FRAME: Armored BORE: 4'/4 in. STROKE: 5 '" CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust on side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic mix- ture regulation LUBRICATION: Mechanical forced feed and snlash MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Side chains Haynes, Model S, Runabout, 30 HP. Haynes Auto Co., Kokomo, Ind. PRICE: $2,400 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 2,150 pounds WHEEL BASE: 102 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On rear wheels, double brakes SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; full elliptic, rear FRAME: Pressed channel steel re- inforced with wood BORE: 4^ inches STROKE: 5 inches CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main fiame COOLING: Water; cellular radiator IGNITION: jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: With automatic mixture regulation LUBRICATION: Force feed oiler, gear driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLU'ICH: External steel band on bronze drum CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEHDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft Stevens- Duryea Runabout, Model R, 20 HP. Stevens-Duryea Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass. PRICE: $2,400 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 1,700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 90 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 30x35? inches STEERING: Bevel gear BRAKES: On transmission shaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: jM in. STROKE: 4*6 in. CYLINDERS: 4, cast separately VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side of motor MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water; cellular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sidf lever; progressive system DRIVE: Bevel gear " Iroquois," Model C, 25-30 H.P. Iroquois Motor Car Co., Seneca Falls, N. Y. PRICE: $2,400 BODY: Side entrance, detachable- tonneau SEATS: 5 passengers WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On shaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Elliptical front; rear, platform FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 454 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- teries CARBURETER: With - automatic mixture regulation LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Special expansion CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft Maker's illustration net ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. Continental, Model A, 30 H.P. University Automobile Co., New Haven, Conn. PRICE: $2,400 BODY: Runabout touring SEATS: 3 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches. TIRES. REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: Double on rear wheels SPRINGS: 48x1^, rear; 44xiJ4, front FRAME: Nickel steel BORE: 4% in.; STROKE: 4% in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: One MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark; double CURRENT SUPPLY: Apple sys- tem storage battery and generator CARBURETER: Buffalo LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle; accelerator CLUTCH: Expanding rings CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type, ball bearing SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft GASOLINE CARS SELLING AT $2,500. Wayne, Model N, 35 HP. Wayne Automobile Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE, $2,500 BODY: Metal, side entrance ton- neau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x3}^ inches TIRES, REAR: ' 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: Exterior and interior on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 in.; STROKE: sX in CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: All on one side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Direct from main frame COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: tery Storage bat- CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION : Splash and forced feed, automatic MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Internal cylindrical drum CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft Moline, Model "A," 35 HP. Moline Automobile Co., East Moline, 111. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: Five passengers WEIGHT: 2.650 pounds WHEEL BASE: no inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: Two sets on hubs of rear wheels SPRINGS: Full elliptical, rear; semi-elliptical cross spring, front FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 4'A in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets and exhausts both on left side and interchangeable MOTOR SUSPENSION: Direct from the side frames COOLING: Water, vertical tube ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark system CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Float feed with automatic mixture regulation LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed; ratchet driven MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather faced cone CHANGE-GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: Three forward and one reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, progressive system DRIVE: Shaft Jackson, Model G, 40-45 HP. Jackson Auto Co., Jackson, Mich. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: in inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: Double on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 5 in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Schebler LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle ' CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft Glide, Model G, 40 HP. The Bartholomew Co., Peoria, 111. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 4x34 incheg TTRES. REAR: 4x34 inches STEERING: Worm and lector BRAKES: Special construction SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front and rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 y, in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: jump Bpark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Choice LUBRICATiON: Mechanical force MOTOR- -CONTROL: Throttle and spark CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverie CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sldt lever, (elective system DRIVE: Shaft 45 Deere, Model B, 25-30 HP. Deere Clark Motor Car Co., Moline, 111. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,300 pounds WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x3!^ inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: Double on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic in front, full elliptic, rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point on sub frame COOLING: Water, cellular radia- tor IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION; Mechanical force feed MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE -GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft Prayer-Miller Runabout, 24 HP. The Oscar Lear Automobile Co., Columbus, O. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal and external on SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic and spiral FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 V, in. STROKE: 5 H in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Hori- MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Air-cooling Frayer-Mil- ler system IGNITION: Jump soark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH': Internal expanding CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gear SPEEDS: 4 forward and i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever selective ttype DRIVE: Shaft Wayne, Model K, 35 HP. Wayne Automobile Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Touring SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 102 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: External and internal on rear hubs FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4^ in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: All on same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; cellular radiator IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed, auto- matic MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft Marmon, Model C-7, 25 HP. Nordyke & Marmon Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Cast aluminum, side en- trance SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,250 pounds WHEEL BASE: 96 inches TREAD: $6'A inches TIRES. FRONT: 32 x 4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32 x 4 inches STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: Internal expanding on rear hubs; band nn transmission SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel reinforced with wood BORE: 4 j4 in.; STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 4 in pairs, go- angle, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In head MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub frame, 3 point COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cell! CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION; Force feed; au- tomatic MOTOR-CONTROL; Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Conical bronze CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: Two forward and re- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever and foot pedal DRIVE: Shaft Duryea, 25 - 30 HP. Duryea Power Co., Reading, Pa. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Double victoria SEATS: 4 adults, i children WEIGHT: 1,650 pounds WHEEL BASE: 102 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30 x 3 inches TIRES, REAR: 36 x 4 inches STEERING: Vertical central lever BRAKES: On sprocket and hub SPRINGS: Quarter elliptic, front; semi-elliptic, rear FRAME: Armored wood BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 3 inclined under seat VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Rotary in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: From body sills COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and battery CARBURETER: Duryea LUBRICATION: Splash MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle CLUTCH: Low band; high double CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Ver- tical motion of control handle DRIVE: Single chain Stoddard-Dayton, Model F, 30-35 H.P. Dayton Motor Car Co., Dayton, O. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 105 inches TREAD: 56^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 34 x 4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34 x 4 inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: Expanding; transmis- sion and wheel hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4j in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppos- ite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- COOLING: Water; tubular radia- IGNmON: Jumo spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Positive mechani- cal force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type; roller bearings SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Single lever selective. DRIVE: Shaft Dolson Model H, 35 H.P. Dolson Automobile Co., Charlotte, Mich. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: MO inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal and external on rear bub SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front; full elliptic rear FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: M STROKE: s'A CYLINDERS: Four, vertical in VALVE" ARRANGEMENT: inlet and exhaust in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Water, vertical tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic mixture LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler, gear driven MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type, ball bearing SPEEDS: Three forward and re- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever selective system DRIVE: Shaft Pungs-Finch, Model H, 35-40 H.P. Pungs-Finch Auto and Gas Engine Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: no inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On propeller shaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 & in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry ana storage batteries CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Hill oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverr* CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sel: tive system DRIVE: Shaft 47 Dorris, Model B, 30 HP. Dorris Motor Car Co., St Louis, Mo. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,300 pounds WHEEL BASE: 102 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Rack and pinion BRAKES: Three SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic in front; platform in rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4% in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- member of frame COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Tump soark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- teries CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical gear driven oiler MOTOR-CONTROL; Spark ami throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side levers; progressive system DRIVE: Shaft Rambler, Model 25, 35-40 HP. Thos. B. Jeffery & Co., Kenosha, Wisconsin PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,900 pounds WHEEL BASE: 112 inches TREAD: 5654 inches TIRES. FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: One on differential, em- ergency on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; full elliptic, rear op FRAME: Pressed steel throughout BORE: 5 in.; STROKE: s>4 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical ' VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In t of cylinder heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 -point, from side and cross members COOLING: Water; flat tube radia- tor, centrifugal pump IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Float feed, auto- matic air control LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler, sight feeds on dash MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, progressive type DRIVE: Side chains Lambert, Model G, 35-40 HP. Buckeye M'f g. Co., Anderson, Ind. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 peisons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: On cross shaft and ex- panding in rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; full elliptic, rear FRAME: Angle steel laminated with wood BORE: 4!4 in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, indi- vidual VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water; cellular radi- ator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Friction CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Side chains Crawford, Model E, 35 HP. Crawford Automobile Co., Hagerstown, Md. FRICE: $2,500 BODY: side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 32x4 in. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Rear wheels SPRINGS: Rear, 50 in. long; front, 42 in. loot FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 454 in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Me- chanical, interchangeable MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se lective system DRIVE: Double chain St. Louis, Type XVIII, 30-35 H.P. St. Louis Motor Car Co., Peoria, 111. PRICE: $2,500 liODY: Side entrance touring SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TIRES: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Rack and pinion BRAKES: On rear hubs, on trans- mission SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel channel sec- BORE: 4'/ 4 in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertcial in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- tor IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Battery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force-feed MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Single disc with fiber in- CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward ana reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, progressive system DRIVE: Bevel gear Grout, 30-35 H.P. Grout Bros. Auto Co., Orange, Mass. $2,500 Side entrance tonneau PRICE: BODY : SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal on rear hubs; external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Armored BORE: M in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust on side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water; cellular radiator IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic (float) mixture regulation. LUBRICATION: Mechanical forced feed and splash MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE-GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, progressive system DRIVE: Side chains Stevens-Duryea, Model "R," 20 H.P. Stevens-Duryea Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau, run- about or Limousine SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 1,850 pounds WHEEL BASE: 90 inches TREAD :_s6 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3}$ inches STEERING: Bevel gear BRAKES: One on transmission and one on rear hub SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical all around FRAME: Pressed steel channel BORE: 3 in.; STROKE: 4^ in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front, cast separately VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Side ports; both on same side MOTOR SUSPENSION; 3 point support from main frame COOLING: Water, cellular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward anf reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, progressive system DRIVE: Bevel gear Haynes, Model S, 30 H.P. Haynes Auto Co., Kokomo, Ind. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,250 pounds WHEEL BASE: 102 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal and external on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; full elliptic, rear. BORE: 4tf inches STROKE: 5 inches FRAME: Pressed steel reinforced with wood CYLINDERS: 4 vertical under hood VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Side members of frame COOLING: Water, cellular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CAlfSuRETER: With automatic mixture regulation LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler, gear driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Internal steel band on brass drum CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type, roller bearing SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective system DRIVE: Shaft Winton.Type XIV, Runabout, 30 HP. The Winton Motor Carriage Co., Cleveland.O. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Runabout with rear seat and trunk space SEATS: 2 or 4 persons WHEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: s6'/, inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: Four on rear hubs SPRINGS: Winton Twin FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 454 inches STROKE: 5 inches CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet in heads, exhausts in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: Drop frame members COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITIION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells CARBURETER: Compensating LUBRICATION: "Shooting" valve- less mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Winton air governor CHANGE GEAR: Individual clutch type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side levers DRIVE: Shaft Winton, Type XIV, 30 H.P. The Winton Motor Carriage Co., Cleveland, O. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 personi WHEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: $6y, inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: 4; on rear hubs SPRINGS: Winton Twin FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 4% in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet in head, exhaust in side MOTOR SUSPENSION : Drop frame members COOLING: Water; centrifugal pump; tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatically compensating LUBRICATION: "Shooting" valve- less mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Winter air governor CLUTCH: Individual clutch CHANGE GEAR: Individual clutch SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side levers DRIVE: Shaft > Elmore, Model 18, 35 H. P. Elmore Mfg. Company, Clyde, Ohio PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 109 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front; plat- form rear FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 4% in.; STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water; cellular radi- IG a NrriON: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Elmore automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle on top steering wheel CLUTCH: Expanding ring CHANGE GEAR: Sliding tyne SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective system DRIVE: Shaft Knox, Model H, Stanhope. 25-30 H.P. Knox Automobile Co., Springfield, Mass. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: With Stanhope top SEATS: 3 persons WEIGHT: 2,250 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 102 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32 x 4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32 x 4 inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: Internal and external on rear drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4X in. STROKE: 4*} in. CYLINDERS: 4, cast singly VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In cylinder heads IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry bat- teries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone: metal to metal CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft Knox, Model H, 25-30 HP. ICnox Automobile Co., Springfield, Mass. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,250 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 102 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32 x 4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32 x 4 inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: Internal and external on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4j in. STROKE: 4 M in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, single VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Both in cylinder heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3-point COOLING: Air (grooved pins) IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Reversed cone type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft Cadillac, Model H., 30 H.P. Cadillac Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons \V EIGHT: 3,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 102 inches TREAD: 56!^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Special worm and nut BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front; three-ouarter elliptic rear FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 4H inches STROKE: 5 inches CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, single VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: By side tubes, secured to cross frame COOLING: Water, honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION : Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CAItBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Forced feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle, governor CLUTCH: Leather faced disc CHANuii GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sin- gle side lever, selective DRIVE: Shaft Corbin, Model H, 24 H.P. Corbin Motor Vehicle Corp'n., New Britain, Conn. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS : 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x3 }4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x3!^ inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Two internal expanding on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 454 in.; STROKE: 4 J4 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Both in heads, mechanically operated, and interchangeable MOTOR SUSPENSION: Steel pan COOLING: Air Corbin patent IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Gravity feed LUBRICATION: Direct sight feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather-faced cone CHANGE-GEAR: Sliding type; an- nular ball bearings SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective system DRIVE: Shaft Apollo, Model B, 35 H.P. Chicago Recording Scale Co., Waukegan, 111. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: King of Belgium; side en- trance SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: no inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x3 '/ inches TIRES. REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm arid nut BRAKES: Inside and outside; rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical front and rear FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: M in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in front, individual VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets and exhaust on same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub-members of frame COOLING: Water, cellular radiatoi IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY : Dynamo and storage battery CARBURETER: With automatic mixture regulation LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler, gear driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Expanding in oil CHANGE-GEAR: Sliding type, an- nular ball bearings SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; selective system DRIVE: Shaft Great Smith, Model Q, 24 HP. Smith Auto Co., Topeka, Kansas PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,458 pounds WHEEL BASE: 107 inches TREAD: ?6 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Wor sector m and internal BRAKES: Cone brake on each hub and band brake on transmission SPRINGS: Full elliptic front and rear FRAME: Ash with steel truss HORE: 4!4 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Me- chanical valves inlet on one side, exhaust on the other, two cam* MOTOR SUSPENSION: Rear sup- port on each sill of chassis, front unon cross beam, 3-point suspen- sion COOLING: Water, vertical tube radiator with fins running from front to back IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells, and provision for magneto CARBURETER: Float feed, auto- matic LUBRICATION: Wholly automatic, mechanical MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc, steel and bronze CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gear, roll- er bearings SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Auto- matic, shifting lever opens clutch changes gear, and closes clutch again without pedal DRIVE: Direct bevel gear through tubular steel pinion shaft Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. Hay-Berg, Model 1 , Speedster, 20 HP. Hay-Berg Motor Car Co., Milwaukee, Wis. PRICE $2,500 BODY: Aluminum body, rumble seat SEATS: 3 persons WEIGHT: 1,700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4 Inches TIRES. REAR: 36x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Foot and hand lever; double brake drums on rear hubs SPRINGS : Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 4 in. STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets and exhaust in heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point from main frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Universal LUBRICATION: Mechanical forced feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gear SPEEDS: 3 forward ana reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; selective system DRIVE: Shaft Hay-Berg Model 2, Light Touring Car, 20-24 H.P. Hay-Berg Motor Car Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this spate. PRICE $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Foot and hand lever; double brake drums on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 4 in. STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 4 cylinders, vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets and exhaust in heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point from main frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Universal LUBRICATION: Mechanical forced feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Taper CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gear SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL': Side lever; selective system DRIVE: Shaft Stoddard Dayton Runabout, Model K, 30-35 H.P. Dayton Motor Car Co., Dayton, O. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Runabout with rumble seat SEATS: 3 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL B^vSE: 105 inches TREAD: 56'^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x3!^ inches TIRES, REAR: 34x3^ inche STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On tranimission and rear hub* SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4ft inches STROKE: 5 inches CYLINDERS: 4. cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteriei CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sin- gle side lever, lelective DRIVE: Shaft Reo Limousine, Model M, 16-20 HP. Reo Motor Car Co., Lansing, Mich. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Limousine SEATS: 4 persons WEIGHT: 1,050 pounds WHEEL BASE: 94 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 30x3}^ inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3!^ inches STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: Three, double action SPRINGS: Front, half elliptic; rear, full elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 434 in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 2, horizontal, op- MOTOR SUSPENSION: Indepen- dent frame COOLING: Water, tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry battery CARBURETER: Two float feed LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward, i reverse DRIVE: Double side chain Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a sine suitable for insertion in this space. Klink, 40 HP. PRICE: $2.500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Two sets, internal and external on rear hubs Klink Motor Car Mfg. Co., Dansville, N. Y. SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical front and rear FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 4.&in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENTS: In side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water flat tube radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type ball bearing SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever: selective type DRIVE: Bevel gear Pungs-Finch, Model H Runabout, 35-40 H.P. Pungs Finch Auto & Gas Engine Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Runabout, rumble seat SEATS: 3 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: no inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 32x4 in. STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On driving shaft and rear bubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4*4 in. 6TROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry and storage batteries CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Hill oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Shaft Maryland, 26-28 H.P. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 1,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x314 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x354 inches STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; full elliptic, rear The Sinclair-Scott Co., Baltimore, Md. FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 inches STROKE: 4 inches CYLINDERS: 4, cast separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In spherical cylinder heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub-frame COOLING: Water, cellular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- teries CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, cork inserts CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Bevel gear Tourist Runabout, Model N-7, 35-40 H.P. Auto Vehicle Co., Los Angeles, Cal. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 34x4 in. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: a,y, in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In same side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: Side members of frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry batteries CARBURETER: Schebler LUBRICATION: Geared oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Two side levers DRIVE: Shaft, bevel gear "Continental," Model B, 35-40 H.P. University Automobile Co., New Haven, Conn. Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a sise suitable for insertion in this space. PRICE: '.<;oo BODY: Straight line, side entrance SEATS: 5 or 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: no inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4^ inches STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: Double on rear wheels SPRINGS: Rear, 52x7^ in.; front, 44XiJ in. FRAME: Nickel U. S. army steel BORE: *% inches STROKE: 5 inches CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark, 2 sets of CURRENT SUPPLY: Apple sys- tem, storage battery and genera- tor CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Forced mechani- cal and splash MOTOR - CpNTROL: Spark and throttle with foot accelerator CLUTCH: Cone, leather, with cork CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type, ball bearing SPEEDS: 4 and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive or progressive at option of customer DRIVE: Shaft Buffum 8 Cylinder Runabout, 40 H.P. H. H. Buffum Co , Abington, Mass. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Runabout with rumble seat SEATS: 3 persons WEIGHT: 1,750 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3^ inches TIKEa, REAR: 32x3^ inches STEERING: Internal worm and gear 3RAK BRAKES: On rear hub drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 in.; STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 8, set at 45 deg. VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dynamo and battery MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle LUBRICATION: Gravity feed CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft GASOLINE CARS COSTING FROM $2,600 TO $2,999. Pierce-Racine, Model D, 40 HP. Pierce Engine Co., Racine, Wis. PRICE: $2,600 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT, 34x454 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4)4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal and external rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: iV, in.; STROKE: $'/* in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet right side, exhaust left MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical; force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Within flywheel, cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gear, ball bearings SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: bide levers DRIVE: Shaft Hewitt Town Car, 10 H.P. Hewitt Motor Co., New York PRICE: $2,600 BODY: Limousine town car SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHTr 1.800 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 84 inches TREAD: $4 1 A inches TIRES, FRONT: 760 x 90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 765 x 105 mm. STEERING: Rack and pinion BRAKES: On rear hubs and trans- SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: i, horizontal under body COOLING: Water; square tube radiator IGNITION: Jump spark and make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse DRIVE: Single chain "Tourist," Model " N-7," 35-40 H.P. Auto VehicIe'Co., Los Angeles, Cal. PRICE: $2,600 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 passengers WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 34x4 in. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: Internal and External, operating on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: *'/, in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust both in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Honeycomb radiator and fan IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT ^SUPPLY: Storage and dry batteries CARBURETER: Schebler LUBRICATION: Hill percision geared oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, leather faced, large diameter CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Two side levers DRIVE: Shaft, bevel gear Meteor Runabout, 24-28 H.P. Meteor Automobile Works, Bettendorf, Iowa. PRICE: $2,600 BODY: Runabout with rumble seat SEATS : 3 persons WHEEL BASE: no inches TREAD: 56 inches STEERING: Worm and sector type BRAKES: Double on rear wheels SPRINGS: Front, 40 in. long; rear, 52 in. long FRAME: Steel BORE: 4 in. STROKE: 4^ in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical MOTOR SUSPENSION: Direct from frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEARS: Alwavs in mesh SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft 55 Locomobile, Model E, Runabout, 20 H.P. Locomobile Co. of America, Bridgeport, Conn. PRICE: $2,700 BODY: Fish-tail runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: About 1,800 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 96 inches TREAD: 50 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32 x 4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32 x 4 inches STEERING: Adjustable worm gears BRAKES: Metal to metal; double- acting SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 3j* in. STROKE: 4 H in. CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- tor IGNITION: Make-and-break CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR CONTROL: Governor CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro gressive system DRIVE: Double side chains NOTE. Only a limited number of this model to be built in 1907. Equipment slightly different than shown. Aerocar, Model "F," Touring Car, 40 H.P. The Aerocar Company, Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,750 BODY: Wood, side entrance SKATS: 5 persons \VKIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 115 inches I'KEAD: 56 V, inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and nut liRAKES: Two SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE : j in. STROKE : 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Very accessible COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells CARBURETER: Float-feed LUBRICATION: Splash system with mechanical oiler MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle on wheel CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: j forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Lever DRIVE: Shaft Oldsmobile, Model "H" Flying Roadster, 35-40 H.P. Olds Motor Works, Lansing, Mich. PRICE: $2,750 BODY: Wood, runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 2,300 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 55 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34 x 3)4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34 x 4 inches STEERING: Worm and nut FRAME: Pressed steel BRAKES: Transmission and rear hub BORE: M in. STROKE: 4 tf in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical MOTOR SUSPENSION: Crank case supported on sub-frame. COOLING: Water: cellular radia- IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Special automatic LUBRICATION: Splash MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 2 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Bevel gear Oldsmobile PalaceTouring Car.Model "A,"35-40 H.P. Olds Motor Works, Lansing, Mich. PRICE: $2,750 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 1 persons WHEEL-BASE: io6H inches TREAD: ss inches TIRES, FRONT: 34 x 3!4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34 x 4 inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: Transmission and rear hubs FRAME: Pressed steel in. On BORE: iY, in. STROKE: 4 CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Crank case supported on sub-frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- tor IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Special automatic LUBRICATION: Splash MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Bevel gear Pope-Hartford, Model L, 25-30 HP. Pope MTg. Co., Hartford, Conn PRICE: $2,750 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,350 pounds WHEEL BASE: 102 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 32x4 in. STEERING: Worm and sector type BRAKES: On transmission and rear wheel drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Armored wood, channel steel sub-frame BORE: 4'A in.; STROKE: 5 tf in. CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In heads, operated T>y single am MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water; planetlc radia- IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry and stor- age batteries or magneto CARBURETER: Special automatic LUBRICATION: Belt driven oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR. CONTROL: Side lever; progressive system DRIVE: Shaft Thomas Forty, Model "C-l," 40 H. P. E.R.Thomas Detroit Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,750 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 passengers; chauffeur's seat extra WEIGHT: 2,350 pounds WHEEL BASE: 112 inches TREAD: 55 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x3 # in. TIRES. REAR: 34x4 in. STEERING: Screw and nut type BRAKES: 3, foot and hand lever SPRINGS: 36x2 front, 52X2ji rear FRAME: Channel steel BORE: t,y t in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Four, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Sam- MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water; vertical flat tube raJiator; centrifugal pump IGNITION: Jump snark. 4 coils CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells; magneto extra CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Gear pump and self-contained system MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle at top of wheel; auxiliary foot throttle CLUTCH: Leather cone 16 in. in diam. ; springs under leather CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL; Sin- gle lever, selective system DRIVE: Cardan shaft, 2 universals ind beveled gear Thomas Forty, Mcdel " C-2," 40 H.P. E. R. Thomas Detroit Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,750 BODY: ' . ood, side entrance SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2.450 pounds WHEEL BASE: 112 inches TREAD: ss inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 34x4 in. STEERING: Screw and nut type BRAKES: 3, foot and hand lever SPRINGS: 36x2 front, 52x2}^ rear FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 4 Ji in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Four, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water; vertical flat tube radiator, centrifugal pump IGNITION: Jump snark, four coils CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells; magneto extra CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Gear pump and self-contained system MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle at top of wheel; auxil- iary foot throttle CLUTCH: Leather cone CHANGE-GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sin- ele lever; selective sys?em DRIVE: Cardan shaft "Jenkins Special," 40-45 H.P. J. W. Jenkins, Rochester, N. Y. PRICE: $2,750 BODY: Double side entrance SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,350 pounds WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Double nut and screw BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Cold pressed steel BORE: 4 13-16 in. STROKE: sY* in. CYLINDERS: 4 cast separately VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub-frame COOLING: Water; square tube radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic float feed LUBRICATION: Gravity system MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Reversed cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sin- gle side lever DRIVE: Bevel gear Triumph, Model "A," 30 H.P. Triumph Motor Car Co., Chicago, III. PRICE: $2,800 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 3 persons WEIGHT: 2,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 36x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side; mechanical MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water, tubular radia- IGNITION: Tumn spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Low-tension magneto CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Gear-driven oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: lective system DRIVE: Shaft NOTE Motor self starting Se- Northern, Model 3, Limousine, 20 H.P. Northern Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,800 BODY: Limousine; side entrance SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,300 pounds WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Bevel gear BRAKES: Hubs and transmission SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Angle steel BORE: $'/, in.; STROKE: S 'A in. CYLINDERS: 2, horizontal in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point; front to side members of frame; rear to center COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry batter- CARBURETER: Northern automa- LUBRICATION: Northern force feed ; automatic MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Expanding ring CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Lever under steering wheel DRIVE: Shaft Pope Toledo Runabout, Model X, 20-24 H.P. Pope Motor Car Co., Toledo, Ohio PRICE: $2,800 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 3 persons WHEEL BASE: 96 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3^ in. TIRES, REAR: 32x3^ in. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On driving shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Channel steel BORE: sJ4 in. STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Cylin- der heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water; planetic type ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Double chain "Locomobile,"Model "E,"20 H.P. The LocomobileCo.of America, Bridgeport, Conn. PRICE: $2,800 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 96 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inche. STEERING: Adjustable worm gean BRAKES: 3 metal to metal '" : SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 3 M in.; STROKE: 4% in. CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; cellular radi- IGNITION: Make-and-break CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Locomobile auto- LUBRI CATION: Mechanical MOTOR-CONTROL: Governor CLUTCH: Special cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SI'KKHS: 3 forward, one reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Double side chains Pennsylvania, 35 H.P. Pennsylvania Auto Motor Co , Phil., Pa. PRICE: $2,800 BODY: Mercedes SEATS : 5 persons HEIGHT': 2,550 pounds WHEEL BASE: :n inches TREAD: 56 inches TIKES, FRONT: 34x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 34x4 in. STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: Double on rear wheels SPRINGS: Front, 40 in. long; Rear, platform type FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4J4 in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, cast sep- VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Direct from sub-frame COOLING: Water; cellular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Schebler LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTKOL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft Ford, Model K, 40 H.P. Ford Motor Company, Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,800 BODY: Tonneau, side entrance SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34 x 4 inches TIRES. REAR: 34 x 4 inches STEERING: Ford reduction gears; irreversible BRAKES: Band on transmission; internal expanding in rear hubs SPRINGS: Full elliptic rear; semi- elliptic in front FRAME: Pressed steel; channel section CYLINDERS: 6 vertical, single VALVE ARRANGEMENT: All on left side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb rad- iator IGNITION: Jump spark; two sep- arate systems CURRENT SUPPLY: High tension magneto and auxiliary storage battery. CARBURETER: With automatic mixture regulator LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: a forward and one re- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever for forward speeds, foot for reverse DRIVE: Direct through bevel gears by Ford patented three-point sys- tem Franklin, Model D, 20 H.P. H. H. Franklin Mfg. Co., Syracuse, N. Y. PRICE: $2800 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: pounds WHEEL BASE: 105 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x3 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x3% inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Wood BORE: 4 in.; STROKE: 4 in CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets in heads, exhausts in side ports and auxiliary exhaust valve at base of cylinders MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries CARBURETER: Float feed auto- matic type LUBRICATION: Mechanical force- feed oiler, gear-driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle, spark and governor. CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Bevel gear Twyford, Model A, 35 H.P. Twyford Motorcar Co., Brookville, Pa. PRICE $2,800 BODY: Side -entrance SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 109 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: Hand and foot SPRINGS: Full elliptic, rear; semi- elliptic, front rom FRAME: Steel BORE: 4^ in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS 4 in front, 2 cycle MOTOR SUSPENSION: Frc main frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Oil cups MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark CLUTCH: Double disc SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft " Iroquois," 'Model D, 35-40 HP. Iroquois Motor Car Co., Seneca Falls, N. Y. PRICE: $2.800 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 passengers WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x454 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On shaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Elliptical front; rear, platform FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: With automatic mixture regulation LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Special expansion CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and revers? CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft fV, GASOLINE CARS COSTING FROM $3,000 TO $3,499 Maxwell, Model M, 36-40 HP. Maxwell Briscoe Motor Co., Tarrytown, N. Y. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 5 in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 cast individually VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water, thermo-sypiion system, honeycomb radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry and storage battery CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system: side lever DRIVE: Shaft Prayer-Miller Model B, 24 H.P. The Oscar Lear Automobile Co., Columbus, O. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,150 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 inches TTRF.S, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32 x 4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal and external on drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4V, in. STROKE: sH in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Hori- MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Air-cooling Frayer-Mil- ler system IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Internal expanding CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever selective DRIVE: Shaft American Mors, Type A, 14-18 H.P. St. Louis Car Co., St. Louis, Mo. PRICE: $3,000, complete with top BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 103 inches TREAD: 5:4 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES. REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On differential shaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 3*A in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Four vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets and exhaust in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Hand thiot- tie and foot pedal CLUTCH: Leather faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: Four forward and re- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; progressive system DRIVE: Double side chains Crawford, Model F, 50 H.P. Crawford Automobile Co., Hagerstown, Md- PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau MEATS: 7 persons WHEEL BASE: 118 inches TREAD: <6 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 34X4*4 in- STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On rear wheeli SPRINGS: sa in. long, rear; 44 la- long, front FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: s in.; STROKE: $'/, in. CiUNDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Me- chanical, interchangeable MOTOR SUSPENSION: Direct from frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jumn spark CURRENT iUFPLY: Batteriei CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: From steer- ing wheel CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Double chain 61 Conover Runabout, 35-40 HP. Conover Motor Car Co., Paterson, N. J. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 2,300 pounds WHEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES. REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Double screw BRAKES: On rear hubs and trans- mission SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: M in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4, cast separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: All oi> one side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water; flat tube radia- tor IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dynamo, dry and storage rjattery CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Bevel gears Conover, 35-40 H.P. Conover Motor Car Co., Paterson, N. J. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Convertible tonneau and runabout with deck SEATS :_s persons WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds HEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Double screw BRAKES: On rear hubs, and trans- mission SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel channel BORE: 4-4 in. STROKE: $ in. CYLINDERS: 4, cast separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: All on one side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub-frame COOLING: Water; fiat tube radia- IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Apple dyna- mo and storage and dry cells CARBURETER: Schebler LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type, an- nular ball bearing SPKEDS: 3 forward, one reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system, special slot DRIVE: Bevel gears Simplicity, Model B, 40 H.P. Evansville Automobile Co., Evansville, Ind. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Victoria SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 105 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 454 in. STROKE: stf in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets in heads; exhausts in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water; cellular radia- tor IGNITION: Tumn spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: With automatic mixture, regulation by governor LUBRICATION: Gear driven me- chanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Friction type CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Side chains Simplicity, Model C, 40 H.P. Evansville Automobile Co., Evansville, Ind. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2.500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 105 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES. REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 4'A in.; STROKE: 5 & in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets in heads: exhausts in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water, cellular radiator IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: With automatic mixture regulation by governor LUBRICATION: Gear driven me- chanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Friction CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Side chain Lambert, Model F, 35-40 HP. Buckeye MTg. Co., Anderson, Ind. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: On cross shaft and in- ternal expanding on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; full elliptic, rear FRAME: Angle iron laminated with wood BORE: 454 in.; STROKE: c in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, individual VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water; cellular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bt- CARlBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Friction CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Side chains National, Model F, 40 H.P. National Motor Vehicle Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Cast aluminum, side en- trance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,650 pounds WHEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES. FRONT: 34 x 4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34 x 4 inches STEERING: Internal worm BRAKES: Double system of hub brakes; internal expanding SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 454 in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Valves in side port MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water; cylindrical ver- tical tubes IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Battery and dynamo CARBURETER: Schebler LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR CONTROL: Spark, throt- tle and automatic governor CLUTCH: Self contained; leather faced. CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type; an- nular ball bearings SPEEDS: i forward and reverse DRIVE: Shaft "The St. Louis," Type XIX, 45-50 H.P. St. Louis Motor Car Co., Peoria, 111. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 112 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4^ inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4)4 inches STEERING: Rack and pinion BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hub SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical front and full elliptical rear FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 454 in. STROKE: s'A in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front, cast in pairs, placed Ji-inch off VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust in side ports oppo- site sides. MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic mix- ture regulation LUBRICATION: Mechanical force- feed oiler, gear driven MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Single disc, fiber inserts CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; selective system DRIVE: Bevel gear Autocar, Type XIV, 30 H.P. The Autocar Co., Ardmore, Pa. PRICE: $3, BODY: Side ,000 entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,590 pounds WHEEL BASE: in inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Bevel gear and sector BRAKES: Two external contract- ing; two internal expanding; all on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical front and rear CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front FRAME: Hot rolled annealed pressed steel of channel section; reinforced by cross members BORE: 4!4 inches. STROKE: VALVE 10 ARRANGEMENT: Inlet directly over exhaust MOTOR SUSPENSION: Three- point suspension COOLING: Water; fin tube radia- tor IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: With automatic mixture regulation LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Metal-to-metal, fly wheel floating disc clutch CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type, roller bearings SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL! Side lever DRIVE: Shaft, bevel gear Studebaker, Model L, 28-32 H.P. Studebaker Automobile Co., South Bend, Indiana PRICE: $3,000 BODY: bide entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES. REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Wheel and irreversible BRAKES: Operating on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-ellVic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4tf inches STROKE: 4ji inches CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Intake and exhaust left side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water, tubular radiator IGNITION: Jumn spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Friction cone type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type, ball bearings SPEEDS: i forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective system DRIVE: Shaft and bevel gear Columbia, Model XLVIII (48), 24-28 H.P. Electric Vehicle Co., Hartford, Conn. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS:_5 persons WEIGHT: 2,350 pounSs WHEEL BASE: 109 in. TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3^ in - TIRES, REAR: 32x4 in. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Rear hubs KRAME: Pressed steel SPPINGS: Semi-elliptic, front nd tear BORE: 4 in.; STROKE: 4 Ji in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Side admission directly over exhaust MOTOR SUSPENION: 3 -point COOLING: Water; cellular radia- IGNITION: Make-and-break CURRENT SUPPLY: Low tension magneto CARBURETER: Combination, au- tomatic LUBRICATION: Splash MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gear SPEEDS: 3 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sidt lever, selective DRIVEN Bevel gear Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. Halladay, 35-40 H. P. Streator Motor Car Co., Streator, 111. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Side entrance, tonneau SEATS: 5 or 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm BRAKES: Double rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: M in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Double stor- age batteries CARBURETER: Schebler LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE-GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever and foot pedal DRIVE: Direct bevel gear Upton^jTouring Car. Lebanon Motor Works, Lebanon, Pa. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WHEEL BASE: 109 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4)4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4^ inches BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4_H in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pairs MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed 6A. MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle on wheel and foot ac- celerator CLUTCH: Metallic disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever Meteor Touring Car, 24-28 H.P. Meteor Automobile Works, Bettendorf, Iowa 3: 5 persons :L BASE: no inches PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: WHEEL TREAD: 56 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Double on rear hub drums SPRINGS: Front, 40 in. long; rear, 52 in. long FRAME: Steel BORE: 4 in. STROKE: 4*6 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical MOTOR SUSPENSION: Direct from frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Always in mesh SPEEDS : 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft York Pullman, Model F, 40 H.P. York Motor Car Co., York, Penna. PRICE: $3.000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 regular; 7 to order WEIGHT: 2,650 pounds' WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x41/2 inches STEERING: Nut and screw type URAKES: Internal and external on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front, plat- form, 3 point suspension rear FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 4^ in. STROKE: 554 in. CYLINDERS: 4 individual vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENTS: Side ports, one on each side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side member of frame COOLING: Water; flat tube cellu- lar type radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cells CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Force feed direct to each cylinder and bearing MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle on top of wheel CLUTCH: Improved cone type CHANGE GEAR: Selective type; imported ball bearings SPEEDS: 3 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft T^ Gearless, 50 H.P. Gearless Transmission Co., Rochester, N. Y. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 124 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x4 inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On transmission and two on each rear hub SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4_# in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front; two cycle MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Air jackets. Blower; copper fins cast on cylinders IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Expanding ring CHANGE GEAR: Gearless 1907 model, direct drive SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Foot pedal for forward speeds; side lever for reverse DRIVE: Shaft Hill Touring Car, 35 H.P. Hill Motor Car Co., Haverhill, Mass. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: s persons WEIGHT: 2,200 pounds TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES. REAR: 32x4 inches BRAKES: On rear wheel drums SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 J4 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical cast sep- arately VALVES: Mechanically operated MOTOR SUSPENSION: Direct from frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Float feed auto- LUBRICATION: Automatic MOTOR-CONTROL: Hand or foot CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Bevel gear Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. Hay-Berg, Model 3, Touring Car, 35-40 HP. Hay-Berg Motor Car Co., Milwaukee, Wis PRICE: $3,200 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES. REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Foot and hand lever; double brake drums on rear hubs Si-RINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed channel steel CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets and exhaust in heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point from main frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Universal LUBRICATION: Mechanical forced feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward ana reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; selective system DRIVE: Shaft Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. Schacht, Model B, 40 H.P. Schacht Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio PRICE: $3,200 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: no inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34M in. TIRES, REAR: 34x4 in. STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: Three SPRINGS: Eliiptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVES: Mechanically operated COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Schebler LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Expansion type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Bevel gear Dolson "Cannon Ball," 60 H.P. Dolson Automobile Co., Charlotte, Mich. PRICE: $3,250 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 2,850 pounds WHEEL BASE: 123. inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4^ inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4^ inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; full elliptic, rear FRAME: Pressed steel. BORE: 5 in. : STROKE: $'/, in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water; vertical tube radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic mix- ture LUBRICATION: Mechanical force' feed MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type, an- nular ball bearings SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft Dolson Model F, 55 H.P. Dolson Automobile Co., Charlotte, Mich. PRICE: $3,250 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 3.000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 123 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4^ inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4!^ inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front and full elliptic rear FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 554 in. CYLINDERS: Four vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Water: vertical tube ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic mix- ture LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed, gear driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type, ball bearing SPEEDS: Three forward and re- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever selective system DRIVE: Shaft 66 American Roadster, 40 H.P. American Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, Ind. I'RICE: $.1,250 BODY: Runabout SEATS: Two persons WEIGHT: 2,400 Ibs. WHEEL BASE: 106 indies TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x3!^ inches TIRES, REAR: 36x4 inches STEERING: Thread and nut BRAKES: Foot, back of transmis- sion. Hand, in rear hubs SPRINGS: Half elliptical FRAME: Steel, cold pressed, chan- nel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 cast in pairs, ver- VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In ports on right side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water, centrifugal pump IGNITION: Two systems, jump CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat tery and magneto CARBURETER: Float feed, auto- matic, balanced throttle LUBRICATION: Mechanical, posi- tive feed, belt driven MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type, ball bearing SPEEDS: Three forward and re- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Lever at side, progressive system DRIVE: Shaft American Tourist, 40 H.P. American Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $3,250 BODY: Side entrance, King of the Belgians SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,600 Ibs. WHEEL BASE: 116 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4 inches TIRES. REAR: 36x4 inches STEERING: Thread and nut BRAKES: Foot, back of transmis- sion. Hand, in rear hubs SPRINGS: Half elliptic front. Platform, rear FRAME: Steel, cold pressed. BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 cast in pairs, ver- tical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In ports on right side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Mam COOLING: Water. centrifugal pump IGNITION: Two systems, jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and magneto CARBURETER: Float feed, auto- matic, balanced throttle LUBRICATION: Mechanical, posi- tive feed, belt driven MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE-GEAR Sliding type, ball bearing SPEEDS: Three forward and re- CHANG&GEAR CONTROL: Lever at side, progressive system DRIVE: Shaft Adams-Farwell, Model 7-A, 40-45 H.P. The Adams Company, Dubuque, Iowa. PRICE: $3,250 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x454 inches TIRES. REAR: 36x414 inches. STEERING: Wheel-irreversible BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 5 in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 5, horizontal revolv- VA"LVE ARRANGEMENT: in cyl- inder heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Air-revolving cylinders IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Special, automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler, gear driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Variable com- pression f'l.UTCH: Internal expanding CHANGE GEAR: Double clutch, sliding gear, annular bearings SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Small levers near wheel, selective sys- DRIVE: Single chain Gearless, 60 H.P. Gearless Transmission Co., Rochester, N. Y. PRICE: $3.250 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 124 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 36x4 inches TTRES REAR: 36x4 inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: c, in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front. 2 MfirOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: DonWe iump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and battery CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Expanding ring CHANGE GEAR: Gearless direct drive SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE GEAR CONTROL: Siat lever and foot pedal DRIVE: Shaft 6 7 Stevens- Duryea, Model R, Limousine, 20 H. P. Stevens-Duryea Co., Chicopee Falls PRICE: $3,300 BODY: Limousine SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: oo inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Bevel gear BRAKES: On driving shaft, and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: sK in. STROKE: 4<6 in. CYLINDERS: 4, cast separately VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side of motor MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3-Point COOLING: Water; cellular radiator IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Bevel gear Acme' Runabout, Model 16, 50 H.P. Acme Motor Car Co., Reading, Pa. PRICE: $3,250 BODY: Runabout with folding rumble seat SLATS: 3 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 112 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x454 inches S'i BERING: Quadruple screw and nut BRAKES: On rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, singly MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water; tubular radia- tor IGNITION: Double jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Eiseman magneto CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical gear driven oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone; leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system, direct on 3d speed DRIVE: Side chains 'Premier 24" Landaulet. Premier Motor MTg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $3,250 BODY: Landaulet SEATS: 5 person? WEIGHT: 2,7^0 pounds WHEEL BASE: io8j4 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES. REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: On transmission and rear bubs SPRINGS: Full elliptic with shock absorbing heads FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4% in. STROKE: 4% in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inside ports on opposite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry and storage cells CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Automatic MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft "Premier 24" Limousine. Premier Motor MTg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $3,250 BODY: Limousine SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,'soo pounds WHEEL BASE: 108^ inches TREAD: -;6 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 Inches TIRES. REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: On driving shaft drum and rear hubs SPRINGS: Full elliptic with special shock absorbing heads FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4'A in. STROKE: 4 J4 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inside ports on opposite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Side members of frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb radiator IGNTTT(W: Tump snark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry and storage cells CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Automatic with sight feeds MOTOR-CONTROL: Spafk and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGEGEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft GASOLINE CARS COSTING FROM $3,500 TO $3,999 B. L. M. Model "Pirate," 24 HP. B. L. M. Motor Car & Equip. Co, Brooklyn., N.Y. PRICE: $3,500 (complete) BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2, individual WEIGHT: 1,350 pounds (complete) WHEEL BASE: 98 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32 x 3 tf inches TIRES, REAR: 32 x 3% inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Band on transmission. Int. expanding on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi elliptical front and rear FRAME: Channel section TiORE: 100 mm. STROKE: 130 mm. CYLINDERS: Four, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet on one side; exhaust on other MOTOR SUSPENSION: Four arms from main frame COOLING: Water; Livingstone radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Eiseman high-tension magneto CARBURETER: Xenia automatic, with Mercury dash pot LUBRICATION: Gear pump MOTOR-CONTROL: Foot throttle and hand throttle on wheel CLUTCH: Cone with cork inserts CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: Three forward and re- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive DRIVE: Shaft Cleveland Speed Car, 30-35 H.P. Cleveland Motor Car Co., Cleveland, O. PRICE: $3,750 BODY: Special roadster SEATS: 3 persons WEIGHT: 2,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel channel BORE: 4 J A in.; STROKE: s'A in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Channel sub-frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- tor IGNITION: Low tension make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Rotary balanced valve; automatic mixture regula- tor LUBRICATION: Force - feed me- chanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Hand spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cork inserted leather- faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; progressive type DRIVE: Shaft NOTE. The price of this car has been raised to $3,750 since going to press. Berkshire, Model D, 35-40 H.P. Berkshire Automobile Co., Pittsfield, Mass. PRICE: $3.500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5-7 persons WEIGHT: 3,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 118 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 36x4 K inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 4 11-16 in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On opposite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and batteries CARBURETER: Automatic mix- ture regulation LUBRICATION: Under pressure MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Side chains Stoddard-Dayton, Model F, 30-35 H.P. Dayton Motor Car Co., Dayton Ohio. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Regular enclosed Limou- sine type SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 105 inches TREAD: 56% inches TIRES. FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: Expanding, transmission and rear wheel hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4# in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4. vertical, cast in vJ?LVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Positive mechan- ical pressure feed MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: sin- gle lever, selective DRIVE: Shaft 60 Wayne.fModel R, 50 H.P. Wayne Automobile Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 117 inches TKEAIJ: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x454 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4!^ inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 554 in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; cellular radiator IGNITION: jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGEGEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft Frontenac Runabout, Model D, 40-45 H.P. Abendroth and Root M'f'g. Co., Newburgh.N.Y. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 3 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 123 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x3^ in. TIRES, REAR: 36x4^ in. STEERING: Bevel gear and shaft connecting to worm and nut BRAKES: External and internal on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 434 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On one MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water; fin tube radia- tor IGNITION: Jump spark (double) CURRENT SUPr~ battery CARBURETER: feed 'PLY: Magneto and Automatic float LUBRICATION: Splash MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Shaft Frontenac, Model C, 40 H.P. Abendroth & Root Mfg. Co., Newburgh, N.Y. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 123 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4)4 inches STEERING: Bevel gear connecting to worm and nut BRAKES: Internal and external on rear wheels BORE: 4& in. STROKE: 5 in. SPRINGb: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water, fin tube radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Splash MOTOR -CO.NTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Shaft National, Model H, 50 H.P. National Motor Vehicle Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Cast aluminum; side en- trance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,650 pounds WHEEL BASE: 112 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34 x M inches TIRES, REAR: 34 x 4^ inches STEERING: Double screw and nut BRAKES: Double system: Hub brakes; internal expanding SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: M in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water; vertical tube IGNITION: Jump spark (double) CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and battery CARBURETER: Schebler LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed, gear driven MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle with automatic governor CLUTCH: Self contained; leather faced CHANGE GEAR: 3 forward and CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever selective system DRIVE: Shaft 70 Triumph, Model B, 45 HP. Triumph Motor Car Co., Chicago, 111. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: bide entrance tonneau a EATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,300 pounds WHEEL BASE: 113^ inchei TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, F'RONT: 36x3^ in. TIRES, REAR: 36x4 in. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Cold pressed channel teel BORE: 5 in.; STROKE: 554 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side JnOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of sub-frame COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and storage battery CARBURETER: Whirling spray, float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler, gear driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark nd throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GtAR: Sliding type; an- nular ball bearings SPiiEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; selective system DRIVE: Shaft NOTE: Motor, self starting Marmon, Model F, 35 H.P. Nordyke & Marmon Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Cast aluminum, side en- trance SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: 56^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 34 x 4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34 x 4^ inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: Two internal expanding in each rear wheel SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 5 in.; STROKE: 4 K in. CYLINDERS: 4 in pairs, 90* VAI.VE ARRANGEMENT: In head MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame. 3 point COOLING: Air IGNTITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed, auto- matic MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle foot accelerator CLUTCH: Disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type an- nular ball bearings SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever selective system DRIVE: Shaft Winton Runabout, Model M, 40 H.P. The Winton Motor Carriage Co., Cleveland, O. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Runabout with rear seat for passengers or baggage SEATS: 2 or 4 persons WHEEL BASE: 112 inches TREAD: $6'/ 2 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 V, inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4^ inches STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: Four on rear hubs SPRINGS: Winton twin FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 5 inches STROKE: 5 inches CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From drop frame members COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic com- pensating LUBRICATION: "Shooting" valve- less mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type; an- nular ball bearings SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; selective system DRIVE: Shaft Winton, Model M, 40 H.P. The Winton Motor Carriage Co., Cleveland, O. PRICE: $3.500 HODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WHEEL BASE: 112 inches TREAD: <6'A inches TIRES. FRONT: 34x4'^ inches TIRES. REAR: 34x4^ inches STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: 4: on rear hubs SPRINGS: Winton Twin FRAME: Pressed channel steel liORE: 5 in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: All on cne side MOTOR SUSPENSION; drop frame members COOLING: Water; centrifugal pump: tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage snd dry cells CARBURETER: Automatically compensating LUBRICATION: "Shooting" valve- less mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc (ball bear- ings) :HANGI CHANGE GEAR: Sliding, on annu lar ball bearings. SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side levers, selective system DRIVE: Shaft Autocar, Type XII Limousine, 24 H.P. The Autocar Company, Ardmore, Pa. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Includes touring body and also Limousine body SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,975 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAJJ: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4^ inches STEERING: Wheel; bevel gear and sector BRAKES: External and internal on drums on rear hub SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical front and rear FRAME: Wood; pressed steel channel reinforced BORE: 4 in. STROKE: 4 H in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical under VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust; both mechanically operated MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: With automatic mixture regulation IGNITION: Jump spark LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH : Autocar, patented, metal- to-metal type; fly wheel floating disc clutch CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type, roller bearings SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft; bevel gear Pope-Toledo, Model XIII, 35-40 H.P. Pope Motor Car Co., Toledo, Ohio PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 or 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,410 pounds WHEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 34x4 in. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 4& in.; STROKE: s% in. CYLINDERS: 4 individual VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In cyl- inder heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Water; planetic radia- IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: External cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Double chain Stevens-Duryea, Model U,"Little6," 30-35 H.P. Stevens-Duryea Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,300 pounds WHEEL BASE: 114 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: External and internal on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical all around FRAME: Pressed steel channel BORE: 3fi in.; STROKE: *y t in. CYLINDERS: 6 vertical in front, cast separately VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Side ports: both on same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point support from main frame COOLING: Water, cellular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells CARBURETER: Aut LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, progressive system DRIVE: Bevel gear Northern, Model L, Touring Car, 50 H.P. Northern Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 3,300 pounds WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 34x4'^ inches TIRES, REAR: 34x414 inches STEERING: Adjustable worm and sector BRAKES: Air and foot on hubs SPRINGS: Front, semi-elliptical; rear, 3 point platform FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 5 in.; STROKE: s'A in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in fronl VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust direct in head MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water; flat tube radia- tor CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat CA e RBURETER: Northern auto- matic IGNITION: Jump spark LUBRICATION: Float feed; auto- MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Northern AIR CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type on rear axle SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Lever under steering wheel DRIVE: Shaft Corbin, Model H, Limousine, 24 H. P. Corbin Motor Vehicle Corp., New Britain, Conn. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Limousine SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 Ibs. WHEEL-BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32 x 3 W inches TIRES, REAR: 32 x 4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: 4. on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 }4 in. STROKE: 4 tf in- CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, under hood VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Both MOTOR SUSPENSION: Steel pan COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Gravity feed LUBRICATION: Direct sight feed MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft Haynes, Model T, 50 H P. Haynes Auto Co., Kokomo, Ind. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,950 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: -;6 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x454 in. TIRES, REAR: 34x4*4 in. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal and external on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel reinforced by wood BORE: s% in.; STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALyE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sid-- MOTOR SUSPENSION: Side mem- bers of frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia tor IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and storage battery CARBURETER: With mixture regulator automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed; oiler gear driven MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: External steel band on bronze drum CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEED:. . 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se lective system DRIVE: Shaft Haynes, Model V, Runabout, 50 H.P. Haynes Auto Co., Kokomo, Ind. PRICE: $3,50 BODY: Runabout 1,500 SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 2.250 pounds WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 in. TIKES, REAR: 32x4 in. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal and external on rear wheel drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front, full elliptic rear FRAME: Pressed channel steel, re- inforced with wood BORE: sU in-; STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Side mem- bers of frame COOLING: Water; cellular radiator IGNITION: jump spark CURREj T oUPPLY: Magmto and storage battery CARBURETER: With automatic mixture regulator LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: External steel band on bronze drum CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective systt m DRIVE: Shaft Silent Knight, 30-40 H.P. Knight & Kilbourne, Chicago, 111. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 112 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 34x4^ inches TIRES, REAR: 34x454 inches BRAKES: Internal expanding in rear wheel drums and on trans- mission shaft SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: M in. STROKE: sX in. CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs MOTOR SUSPENSION: From cross bars connecting to frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery LUBRICATION: Special spray noz- MOTOR P CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: -i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft Diamond T, Model B, 40 HP. Diamond T Motor Car Co., Chicago, 111. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 124 inches TREAD: 56^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4^ inches TIRES, REAR: 36x4)4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4*4 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Intake and exhaust on same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Seamless, square tube, cellular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and storage battery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanial force feed oiler, belt driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, leather faced with springs CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type an- nular ball bearings SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever: progressive system DRIVE: Shaft Sturtevant Flying Roadster, 30-40 HP. Sturtevant Mill Co., Boston, Mass. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Runabout; seats 2 and fold- ing back seat WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 9 &H inches TREAD: s inches TIRES, FkONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Automatic on transmis- sion and rear internal hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 434 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust in heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water, tubular and cell radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells CARBURETER: Double, automatic float feed LUBRICATION: Automatic force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Automatic spark and throttle CLUTCH: Automatic and manua! multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Automatic and manual SPEEDS: All speeds CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Foot, button or throttle lever on steer- ing post DRIVE: Cardan shaft and gears Gaeth/Type XII, 35 HP. Gaeth Auto Works, Cleveland, Ohio PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Tulip SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 1:2 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 H inches STEERING: Rack, nut and pinion BRAKES: External and internal on rear hubs; separate drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 444 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Me- chanical on opposite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: On main frame COOLING: Thermo syphon; honey- comb radiator IGNITION: Low tension CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed, ratchet driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: External contracting CHANGE GEAR: Sliding train SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft and bevel gear Moon, Model C, 30-35 HP. Moon Motor Car Co., St. Louis, Mo. 5.1,500 5ide entrance tonneau PRICE: BODY: i SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: About 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: no inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES. REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING : Worm and gear BRAKES: On rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4^ inches STROKE: 5 inches CYLINDERS: 4. vertical in front COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Shaft Glide, Model H, 50-60 HP. Bartholomew Co., Peoria, 111. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Double side entrance SEATS: 7 persons WHEEL BASE: 132 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, KxUNT: 36x4)4 in. TIRES, REAR: 36x454 in STEERING: Worm and segment SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic CYLINDERS: 6 COOLING: Water IGNITION: Tump spark CARBU KtTER: Choice LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward ana reverse CHANGE GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Shaft Cadillac, Model H, 30 H. P. Cadillac Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $3,600 BODY: Limousine SEATS : 7 persons WHEEL BASE: 102 inches TREAD: 4 in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: ^ vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Hori- zontal in heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Prayer - Miller system, air-cooling IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and storage battery CARBURETER: Automatic mix- ture regulation LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed with sight feeds MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH : Internal expanding CHANGE-GEAR: Slidinir type, an- nular ball bearings SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever selective system DRIVE: Shaft Prayer- Miller Taxameter Cab, 24 H.P. The Oscar Lear Automobile Co , Columbus, O- PRICE: $4,000 BODY: Taxameter Cab SEATS: z persons WEIGHT: 2,900 pounds WHEEL BASE: 96 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 1-16 inches STROKE: 5-4 inches CYLINDERS: 4, cast singly VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Hori- MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Forced air IGNITION: .Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Internal expanding CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Shaft Prayer-Miller, 24 H.P. Limousine. The Oscar Lear Automobile Co., Columbus, O. PRICE: $4,000 BODY: Limousine SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal and external on rear wheel drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 1-16 in. STROKE: 5% CYLINDERS: 4 vertical single VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Hori- zontal MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Forced air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: storage bat- tery and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Internal expanding CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: S^de lever ; selective SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse DRIVE: Shaft Hewitt Touring Car, 50-60 H.P. Hewitt Motor Co, New York PRICE: $_4,ooo (chassis) BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2.600 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 112 inches TREAD: S4 1 / inches TIRES, FftONT: 870 x 90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 875 x 105 mm. STEERING: Rack and gear BRAKES: On rear wheels and driv- ing shaft SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 in. STROKE: 4% in. CYLINDERS: 8, at right angles, MOT(?>R e SUSPENSION: Under hood COOLING: Water; honeycomb radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Automatic CLUTCH: Cone LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Sliding or plan- etary type SPEEDS: 3 or 2 forward and re- verse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever or pedals DRIVE: Bevel gear 80 Thomas " Flyer," Model 36, 60,H.P. E. R. Thomas Motor Co., Buffalo, New York PRICE: $4,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 3,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: iiSY, inches TREAD: 56^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 36x5 in. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Contracting on counter- shaft drums and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE; s'/, in.; STROKE: S X in- CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Direct from main frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- tor and shaft driven fan IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and dry batteries through Atwater- Kent spark generators CARBURETER: Automatic, varia- ble, water jacketed LUBRICATION: Mechanical gear driven oiler, augmented by splash system MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and tnrottle CLUTCH: Triple disc, metal to metal CHANGE GEAR: Sliding; all Hess. Bright bearings except main shaft, which is roller SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever with anti-stripping device; selective DRIVE: Side chains Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. Thomas " Flyer," Model 35, 60 H.P. E. R. Thomas Motor Co., Buffalo, New York PRICE: $4,000 BODY: Runabout, with rumble seat SEATS: 3 persons WEIGHT: 3,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: u&y, inches TREAD: 56^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 36x5 in. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Contracting on counter- shaft drums and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: s'/, in.; STROKE: 5^ in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Direct from main frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- tor and shaft driven fan IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and dry batteries through Atwater- Kent spark generator LUBRICATION: Mechanical gear driven oiler, augmented by splash system CARBURETER: Automatic, Taria- ble, water jacketed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Triple disc, metal to CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever with anti-stripping device; selective DRIVE: Side chains Franklin, Model H, 30 H.P. H. H. Franklin Mfg. Co., Syracuse, N. Y. PRICE: $4,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 127 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 36x4 inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Wood (armored) BORE: 4 in.; STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 6 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets in heads, exhaust in side ports and auxiliary exhaust valve at base of cylinders MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batterie. CARBURETER: Float feed auto- matic type LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler, gear driven MOTOR-CONTROL : Throttle, spark and governor CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type brfc,L>b: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; self-finding DRIVE: Bevel gear Franklin, Model D, Landaulette, 20 H.P. H. H. Franklin Mfg. Co., Syracuse, N. Y. PRICE: $4,000 BODY: Side entrance, enclosed folding top SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: 105 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x3 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Full elliptic Si FRAME: Wood (armored) BORE: 4 in.; STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets in heads; exhausts in side ports, and auxiliary exhaust valve at base of cylinders MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Make-and-break CARBURETER: Float - feed auto- matic type CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries LUBRICATION: Mechanical force- feed oiler, gear-driven MOTOR - CONTROL: Throttle, spark and governor CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, self-finding DRIVE: Bevel gear Knox, Model G, 35-40 HP. Knox Automobile Co., Springfield, Mass. PRICE: $4,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 112 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34 x 4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34 x 4'/i inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On differential and rear wheels SPRINGS: Serai-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4ji in. STROKE: $'/' " CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In cyl- inder heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: Bolted to main frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and dry battery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone; metal to metal CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward ana reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se lective system DRIVE: Double side chain Maker's illustration not ready -will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. Croesus, 35-40 H.P. W. L. Bell, Kansas City, Mo. PRICE: $4,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,560 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34*4^ inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4)4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Transmission and rear hubs SPRING: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 15-16 in. STROKE: 5 H CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets in heads, exhausts in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and storage battery CARBURETER: Automatic mixture regulator LUBRICATION: Belt driven force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle SPEEDS: 1 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Beveled gear ' ' Studebaker, Model H, 30-35 H.P. Studebaker Automobile Co., South Bend, Indiana PRICE: $4,000 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: <;4 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Wheel and irreversible BRAKES: Operating on rear hubs and transmission shaft SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: i*A inches STROKE: inches CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Intake right hand side. Exhaust left side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water, cellular radiator IGNITION: Make-and-break CURRENT SUPPLY: Low tension magneto CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Friction cone type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type, plain bearings SPEEDS: 3 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective system DRIVE: shaft with bevel gear Peerless Roadster, Model 16, 30 H.P. Peerless Motor Car Co., Cleveland, Ohio PRICE: $4,000 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 109 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES. REAR: 34x4^2 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4^ inches STROKE: s y, inches CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs MOTOR SUSPENSION: Side mem- bers of frame COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY : Storaze bat- tery CARBURETER: Float feed with governor LUBRICATION: Force feed oiler, gear driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark, throttle and accelerator pedal CLUTCH: Internal expanding CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Shaft and bevel gears 82 Peerless, Model 16, 30 H.P. Peerless Motor Car Co., Cleveland, Ohio PRICE: $4,000 BODY: Touring SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds (light) WHEEL BASE: 109 inches TREAD: s6 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4!^ inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Four, acting on drums on rear wheels; 2 external, 2 in- ternal FRAMt: Pressed steel SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic in front, platform springs rear BORE: 4 H in.; STROKE: S '/, in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water, tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CLUTCH: Internal expanding CARBURETER: Float feed with governor LUBRICATION: Force feed, gear driven, with sight feed on dash MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark, throt- tle and accelerator pedal CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective system DRIVE: Shaft bevel gear Welch, Model G, 50 H.P. Welch Motor Car Co., Pontiac, Mich. i-RICE: $4,200 PODY: Straight lined, side entrance SEATS: 7 persons WHEEL BASE: 129 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x454 inches TIKES, REAR: 36x4^ inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical in front and full elliptical in rear FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 4ji in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Me- chanical, both in head MOTOR SUSPENSION: On side members of frame COOLING: Water, honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-COXTROL: Hand throttle. hand spark and foot throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Welch pattern, individual clutches SPEEDS: 3 forward, 2 reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; selective system DRIVE: Shaft " Packard 30," Runabout. Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $4,200 BODY: Semi-racing type SEATS: Two people and one on rumble seat WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 5654 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34-in.x3^-in. TIRES, REAR: 34-in.x4-in. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Quadruple; on rear SPRINGS: Semi - elliptical front and rear FRAME: Pressed steel channel section BORE: s_ in. STROKE: sJ4 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust on opposite sides of motor MOTOR SUSPENSION: Crank case extension to side frame members COOLING: Water; tubular radia- tor and fan IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Eisemann magneto and storage batteries CARBURETER: "Packard" LUBRICATION: Splash MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Expanding band CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side levers DRIVE: Shaft "Packard 30," Touring Model. Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $4,200 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 people WEIGHT: 2.850 pounds WHEEL BASE: 121^ inches TREAD: s.6'/, inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES. REAR: 34x4}^ inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Quadruple, on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical, front and rear FRAME: Pressed steel channel section BORE: s in.; STROKE: 5 H in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust on opposite sides of MOTOR SUSPENSION: Crank case extension to side frame mem- bers COOLING: Water, tubular radiator and fan IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Eisemann magneto and storage batteries CARBURETER: "Packard" LUBRICATION: Splash MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Expanding band CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side levers DRIVE: Shaft Apperson, Model K, 40-45 H.P. Apperson Bros. Auto Co., Kokomo, Ind. PRICE: $4,200 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 114 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x454 inches STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: Compression band SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 5 inches STROKE: 5 inches CYLINDER: 4, cast separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and battery IGNITION: Tump sparR CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Compression band CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 ahead and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective systf m DRIVE: Double chain Columbia Limousine, Mark XLVIII (48). 24-28 H.P. Elettric Vehicle Co., Hartford, Conn. PRICE: $4,200 BODY: Limousine SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 113 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Contracting and expand- ing on rear hubs SPRINGS: Half-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 inches STROKE: 4 }4 inches CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side COOLING: Water; cellular radiator IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Low tension magneto CARBURETER: Float feed, mul- tiple jet type MOTOR-CONTROL: Hand levers on steering wheel CLUTCH: Leather faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: * forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: ,- laft and bevel gears Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. Welch, Model D, 50 H.P. Welch Motor Car Co., Pontiac, Mich. PRICE: Open, $4,250; closed, $5,000 BODY: Open or closed limousine SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,650 pounds, chassis WHEEL BASE: 118 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 4^x36 inches TIRES, REAR: 4^x36 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; full elliptic, rear. FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4^ inches STROKE: 5 inches CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Both in cylinder heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: Side members of frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump snark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Hand and foot throttle, hand spark CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Individual clutch type SPEEr SEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Shaft "Pope-Toledo," Type XV, 50 H.P. Pope Motor Car Co., Toledo, Ohio PRICE: $4,250 BODY: Double side entrance ton- neau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,850 pounds WHEEL BASE: 115 inches TREAD: sfi inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x3^ inches TIRES. REAR: 36x4 }4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: All double acting, foot brakes on drive shaft and two ex- panding emergency brakes on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Cold pressed alloyed steel BORE: 4 7/|! in.; STROKE: s'4 in. CYLINDERS: 4 copper jacketed, cast in pairs, integral h"nds VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Stag- gered in head; operated by one set of 4 pushrods MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub COOLING: "Pope-Toledo" Planetic IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and battery CARBURETER: Float feed com- pensating LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type D. W. F. bearings SPEEDS: 4 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective type DRIVE: Double side chain 8 4 "Pope-Toledo," Type XV. Runabout, 50 HP. Pope Motor Car Co., Toledo.Ohio. PRICE: $4,250 BODY: Runabout SEATS: 3 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: no inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 36x414 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: All double acting, foot brakes on drive shaft, and two ex- panding emergency brakes on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Cold pressed alloyed steel BORE: t,]A in.; STROKE: 514 in. CYLINDERS: 4, copper jacketed, cast in pairs, integral beads, ver- tical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Stag- gered in head, operated by one set of four pushrods MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub frame COOLING: Water, planetic radiator IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and battery CARBURETER: Float feed compen- sating LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR CONTHROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type D. W. F. bearings SPEEDS: 4 forward; i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective type DRIVE: Double side chain Rainier Model C, 30-35 H.P. The Rainier Co., New York PRICE: $4,250 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 passengers WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 34x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Irreversible screw and nut type BRAKES: Double expansion SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical front; platform rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4*4 in.; STROKE: s% in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Mech- anical inlets COOLING: Water; honeycomb rad- IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone with leather face and cork inserts CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft "Packard 30," 30 H.P. Tourer Packard Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $4,350 BODY: Standard touring, with Cape cart top SEATS: 5 persons '.V EIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: i2ij$ inches TREAD: 56 y, inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34X454 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Quadruple on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical, front and rear FRAME: Pressed steel channel section BORE: _ in.; STROKE: EATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds iVHEEL BASE: 114 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x454 inches -STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Four acting on drums on rear wheels; 2 external. 2 inter- nal SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic in front, platform springs rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: s!4 in.; STROKE: 5^ in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water, tubular radia- tor IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Float feed with governor LUBRICATION: Force feed, gear driven, with sight feed on dash MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark, throt- tle and accelerator pedal CLUTCH : Internal expanding CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective system DRIVE: Shaft, bevel gear Peerless, Model 15, 45 H.P. Peerless Motor Car Co., Cleveland, Ohio PRICE: $5,000 BODY: Touring SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 3,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: 119 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES. REAR: 34x4)4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: 4, acting on drums on rear wheels; 2 external, 2 inter- nal SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic in front, platform springs rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE' sYt in.; STROKE: 5 # in. CYLINDERS : 4 vertical MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water, tubular radiator IGNITION: Jumn snark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CA e R^URETER: Float feed with governor LUBRICATION: Force feed, gear driven, with sight feed on dash MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark throt- tle and accelerator pedal CLUTCH: Internal expanding CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective system DRIVE: Shaft bevel gear Pope-Toledo, Model XII 35-40 H.P. Pope Motor Car Co., Toledo, Ohio PRICE: $5,000 BODY: Limousine SEATS: 5 or 7 persons WHEEL BASE: 104 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 in. TIRES. REAR: 34x4!^ in. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On driving shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 454 in.; STROKE: 554 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, individual VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In cyl- inder heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Water; planetic radia- IGN1TION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: External cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Chain Royal Tourist, Limousine, 45 H.P. Royal Motor Car Co., Cleveland, Ohio PRICE: $5,000 BODY: Limousine SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 114 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4^ inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 y, inches STEERING: Wheel, improved BRAKES: On rear wheels and driv- ing shaft SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 5],$ ins. STROKE: $'/, ins. CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides of motor MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub-frame COOLING: Water; cellular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CARBURETER: Automatic CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS : 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: New type DRIVE: Bevel gear Great Arrow, 45 H.P. Model Geo. N. Pierce Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRICE: $5,000, without top BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 3.800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 124 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36 x 4 inches TIRES, REAR: 36 x 5 inches. STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: Double on rear wheel drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: sYi in. CYLINDERS: 4 single VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water, cellular radiator IGNITION: Double jump spark system CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and storage battery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Automatic MOTOR CONTROL: Hand throttle CLUTCH: Cone clutch CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Bevel gear Great Arrow Limousine, 30 H.P. Model Geo. N. Pierce Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PKiCE: $5,000 BODY: Limousine SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 3.20 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 112 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34 x 4 inches TIRES. REAR: 34 x 4% inches STEERING: Screw and nut BRAKES: Double on rear wheel drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4% in. STROKE: 4^ in. CYLINDERS: 4, cast singly VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides of motor MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Automatic MOTOR CONTROL: Hand throttle CLUTCH: Cone, leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward any> inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x354 inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3}* inches STEERING: Side lever BRAKES: On jack shaft, and rear SPRINGS: Half platform, front; full elliptic, rear FRAME: Pressed steel MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery, 24 cells LUBRICATION: Grease all roller and Hess Bright bearings MOTOR-CONTROL: Radial type with reverse and speed changes combined SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse DRIVE: Double chain Babcock, Model No. 1 . PRICE: $1,650 BODY: Stanhope SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 1,900 pounds WHEEL BASE: 66 inches TREAD: 53 inches Babcock Electric Carriage Co., Buffalo, N. Y. TIRES, FRONT: 32x1 % ins., TIRES, REAR: 36x2 ins., soli STEERING: Wheel BRAKES: Electric and band SPRINGS: Full elliptic T7T> A TITC" . 1\f j , solid lid SPRINGS: run FRAME: Wood MOTOR: 3 H.P. normal BATTERY: 40 cells CAPACITY: 50 miles CONTROLLER: 3 forward and 2 reverse speeds DRIVE: Gear direct 118 Studebaker, Model 13a. Studebaker Automobile Co., South Bend, Ind. PRICE: $1,650, with top BODY: Stanhope SEATS : 2 persons WEIGHT: 2,350 pounds WHEEL BASE: 73 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3 y, inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3-4 inches STEERING: By side lever BRAKES: One operating on motor drum; one operating on rear axle SPRINGS: Front, semi-elliptic; rear, full elliptic FRAME: Tubular MOTOR RATING: 50 volts, 30 am- peres BATTERY: 36 cell, 9 plate SPEEDS: 3 to 18 miles per hour BATTERY ARRANGEMENT: As- sembled in three trays MOTOR SUSPENSION: Hun from frame MOTOR-CONTROL: By controller located left side of seat DRIVE: Through medium of chain and sprockets Pope-Waverley, Model 60B, Surrey. Pope Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $1,700, with top BODY: Straight sill, panel seat SEATS: 4 persons WHEEL BASE: 90 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3^ in. TIRES, REAR: 30x4 in. STEERING: Side lever BRAKES: Two foot and one elec- SPRINGS: Full elliptic MOTORS: Two, special CURRENT SUPPLY: 42 cells of P. V. exide GEARING: Herringbone type SPEED: 5 to 15 m. p. h. DRIVE: Direct Pope-Waverley, Model 26C, Chelsea. Pope Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $1,700 BODY: With removable coupe top SEATS: 2 persons WHEEL BASE: 80 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3 in. TIRES, REAR: 30x4 in. STEERING: Center lever BRAKES: Two foot and one elec- SPRINGS: Full elliptic MOTOR: One special CURRENT SUPPLY: 30 cells of ii P. V. exide GEARING: Herringbone type SPEED: tto 15 m. p. h. DRIVE: Direct Cantono Fore Carriage. Cantono Electric Fore Carriage Co., New York PRICE: $1,750 NOTE: The Cantono Electric Fore Carnage is sold individually at the above price, which includes the attaching of same to any horse-drawn vehicle, converting it to an electric carriage. Complete vehicles are also marketed by this concern. (See page 80.) STEERING: Electrical and mechani- cal combination type BRAKES: Electric, on wheels MOTORS: Two; one on each wheel HORSE-POWER: 2% each MOTOR SUSPENSION: On axle BATTERY: 44 cells. Exide SPEEDS: 4 forward, 2 reverse DRIVE: Direct, on wheels Studebaker, Model 16a. Studebaker Automobile Co., South Bend, Ind. PRICE: $1,750, with top BODY: Victoria SEATS: a persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 68 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x354 inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3 # inches STEERING: By side lever BRAKES: One operating oh motor drum; one operating on rear axle SPRINGS: Front, semi-elliptic; rear, full elliptic MOTOR RATING: 50 volts, 30 am- BA i TTERY: 28 cells, g plate BATTERY ARRANGEMENT: As- sembled in three trays MOTOR SUSPENSION: Hung from body MOTOR-CONTROL: By controller located left side of seat SPEEDS: 3 to 14 miles per hour DRIVE: Through medium of chain and sprockets Babcock, Model 1, Stanhope Special. Babcock Electric Carriage Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRICE: $1,800 BODY: Stanhope SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 1,900 pounds WHEEL BASE: 66 inches TREAD: 53 inches MOTOR: 3 H.P., normal TIRES, FRONT: Solid, 32x1 & in. TIRES, REAR: Solid, 36x2 in. STEERING: Wheel BRAKES: Band brakes and electric BATTERY: 40 cells SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Wood SPEEDS: 6 forward; 1 reverse DRIVE: Gear, direct Baker Runabout, Model L. Baker Motor Vehicle Co., Cleveland, Ohio PRICE: $1,800 BODY: Wood, runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 1,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 70 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3-4 inches STEERING: Side lever BRAKES: Two foot brakes, exter- nal and internal on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic in front; full elliptic in rear FRAME: Armored wood MOTOR: 2 H.P., 300% overload BATTERY: 24 cells, 9 m. v. CAPACITY: 80 miles SPEEDS: 6 forward and 3 reverse DRIVE: Single chain Baker Queen Victoria, Model L. Baker Motor Vehicle Co., Cleveland, Ohio PRICE: $t,8oo BODY: Wood, runabout SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 1,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 70 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3!^ inches STEERING: Side lever BRAKES: Two foot brakes, exter- nal and internal on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic in front; full elliptic in rear FRAME: Armored wood MOTOR: 2 H.P., 300% overload BATTERY: 24 cells, 9 m. v. CAPACITY: 80 miles SPEEDS: 6 forward and 3 reverse DRIVE: Single chain 120 Williams New Electric. Williams Electric Vehicle Co., Cleveland, Ohio I'RICE: $1,800 BODY: Victoria phaeton SKATS: 2 persons WKIGHT: 1,700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 71 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x3 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x3 inches STEERING: Side lever BRAKES: Motor and rear hubs SPRINGS: Elliptic ! ; RAME: Cold pressed steel CURRENT SUPPLY: 2 4 -cell stor- age battery CONTROLLER: Automatic SPEED: 16 m.p.h. SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse SPEED CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Side chains R & L Stanhope. Rauch and Lang Carriage Co., Cleveland, Ohio PRICE: $1,850 BODY: Stanhope SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 1.600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 73 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32 in., pneumatic TIRES, REAR: 32 in., pneumatic STEERING: Side lever BRAKES: On rear wheels and emergency SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front; full elliptic rear FRAME: Steel HORSE-POWER: i^ MOTOR: Hertner MOTOR SUSPENSION: Under body SPEED: 1-22 m. p. h. DISTANCE: 75 to 80 miles MOTOR-CONTROL: Lever at left of seat DRIVE: Double chain from counter- shaft Columbus Electric, Coupe, Model 1002, ] 1 A H.P. Columbus Buggy Co., Columbus.O. PRICE: $1,900 BODY: Coupe SEATS: x persons WEIGHT: 1,650 pounds WHEEL BASE: 69 inches TREAD: sqVS inches TIRES, FRONT: 3ox 3 >4 inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3*4 inches STEERING: Side lever BRAKES: One on jack shaft, one on each rear wheel SPRINGS: Front, half platform; rear, full elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery LUBRICATION: Grease all roller and Hess Bright bearings MOTOR-CONTROL: Radial type with reverse and speed changes combined SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse DRIVE: Double chain Baker Suburban. Baker Motor Vehicle Co., Cleveland, O. PRICE: $z,ooo SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 1,850 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 82 inches TREAD: t,6 inches TIRES. FRONT: 34 x 354 inches TIRES, REAR: 34 x 4 inches STEERING: Side lever BRAKES: On rear wheel drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel MOTOR SUSPENSION: In front MOTOR: 214 H.P. BATTERY: 28 cells, n m. v. MOTOR CONTROL: Lever at left side SPEEDS: 14, 18 and *a m. p. h. DRIVE: Bevel gear 121 Woods Electric. Woods Motor Vehicle Co., Chicago, 111. PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Victoria, leather top SEATS: 3 to 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 80 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x2^ in. (solid) TIRES, REAR: 34x254 in. (solid) STEERING: Side lever BRAKES: Internal expanding SPRINGS: Special platform FRAME: Armored wood CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery MOTOR-CONTROL: 4 forward and TRANSMISSION: Annular ball bearings SPEED: 18 miles per hour SPEED CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Side chain Baker Inside Driven Coupe Model L. Baker Motor Vehicle Co., Cleveland, Ohio PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Wood SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 1,650 pounds WHEEL BASE: 70 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x354 inches TIRES, REAR: 30x314 inches STEERING: Side lever BRAKES: Two foot brakes, exter- nal and internal on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic in front; full elliptic in rear FRAME: Armored wood MOTOR: 2 H.P., 300% overload BATTERY: 24 cells, 9 m.v. CAPACITY: So miles SPEEDS: 6 forward and 3 reverse DRIVE: Single chain Pope-Waverley, Stanhope, Model 53A. Pope Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $2,000 BODY: With removable top SEATS: 2 persons WHEEL BASE: 76 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3-4 in. TIRES, REAR: 32x4 in. STEERING: Wheel, worm and gear BRAKES: Two foot and one elec- tric SPRINGS: Long semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel MOTOR: One, special CURRENT SUPPLY: 30 cells, M. V. exide GEARING: Herringbone type SPEED: c to 18 miles per hour DRIVE: Direct Electric Phaeton, Model S. R. Bailey & Co., Amesbury, Mass. Maker's illustration not ready mill be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space . PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Queen phaeton SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 1,500 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 72 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34 x 3 inches TIRES, REAR: 34 x 3 inches STEERING: Wheel BRAKES: Band to motor and rear wheels SPRINGS: Half-elliptic FRAME: Pat. angle and tee steel CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery SPEEDS: 4, ahead and back, up to 1 8 m. p. h. DRIVE: Double chain 122 Studebaker, Model 15a. Studebaker Automobile Co., South Bend, Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $2,200 BODY: Closed SEATS: 2 persons WEIGHT: 2,100 pounds WHEEL BASE: 68 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3 inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3 inches STEERING: By side lever BRAKES: One operating on motor drum; one operating on rear axle SPRINGS: Front, semi-elliptic; rear, full elliptic MOTOR RATING: 50 volts. 30 amperes BATTERY: 28 cell, 9 plate BATTERY ARRANGEMENT: As- sembled in three trays MOTOR SUSPENSION: Hung from body. MOTOR-CONTROL: By controller located left side of seat SPEEDS: 3 to 13 miles per hour DRIVE: Through medium of chain and sprockets Pope-Waverley, Model 53B. Pope Motor Car Co. Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $2.250 BODY: Stanhope with coupe SEATS: 2 persons WHEEL BASE: 76 Inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 3214 inches STEERING: Wheel, worm and BRAKES: Two foot and one elec trie SPRINGS: Long semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel MOTOR: One special CURRENT SUPPLY: 30 cells; M. V. exide GEARING: HerrinRbone type SPEED: s to 1 8 m. p. h. DRIVE: Direct Pope-Waverley, Model 30, Station Wagon. Pope Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ['RICE: $2,250 BODY: Swelled panels SEATS: 4 persons WHEEL BASE: ^^y l inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 30x4 in. STEERING: Side lever BRAKES: Two foot, one electric SPRINGS: Full elliptic MOTOR SUSPENSION: Rear axle CURRENT SUPPLY: 41 cells of n P. V. exide GEARING: Herringbone type SPEED: t. to 15 m. p. h. DRIVE: Direct Baker Roadster, Model M. Baker Motor Vehicle Co., Cleveland, Ohio S PRICK: $2,250 BODY: Wood runabout with rumble __ seat SEATS : $ persons WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 95 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 34*3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Wheel BRAKES: 2 internal on rear wheel, i internal on transmission shaft SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front and rear FRAME: Armored wood MOTOR: 3 inches TIRES, REAR: 46 x i}4 inches STEERING: Electrical and me- chanical type BRAKES: Two on front wheels; one on rear wheels FRAME: Usual horse-drawn car- HC)R15E-P I OWER: 254 each; 5 (2 motors) coupled MOTOR SUSPENSION: On front axle SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical CURRENT SUPPLY: 44 cells, Exide MOTOR CONTROL: Side lever, at left hand side SPEEDS: 4 forward, 2 reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Con- trol lever DRIVE: Direct, on front wheels 127 Baker*Brougham ( Interior Driven). Baker Motor Vehicle Co., Cleveland, Ohio I'KICE: $3,500 BODY: Brougham SEATS: 4 persons WEIGHT: 3,200 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 86^ inche. TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36 x 3 M inches TIRES, REAR: 36 x 4^ inches BRAKES: On rear wheel drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic MOTOR SUSPENSION: In front, under bonnet FRAME: Pressed steel CURRENT SUPPLY: 2 4 -cell bat MO'PoR CONTROL: Side lever SPEEDS: 14 and 17 m. p. h. DRIVE: Bevel gear R & L Depot Wagon. Rauch and Lang Carriage Co., Cleveland, Ohio PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Depot wagon SEATS: 6 passengers WEIGHT: 3,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 97 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32 in., pneumatic TIRES. REAR: 12 in., pneumatic STEERING: Wheel BRAKES: Rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front; full elliptic rear FRAME: Pressed steel HORSE-POWER: 2 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear hub SPRINGS: Semi-elliptica.1 FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 3% in.; STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 4. vertical in front VALVE .ARRANGEMENT: Inlet automatic: exhaust on side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Motor feet to sub-frame COOLING: Water; cellular cooler IGNITION: Jump spark; Napier single coil synchronized ignition CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Float feed, auto- matic regulator LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed; gear pump MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone; metal to metal CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type; di- rect on high SPEEDS: 3 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Slid- ing lever DRIVE: Shaft 132 Renault, Model 2, 10-14 HP. The Renault Freres Selling Branch, New York PRICE: $2,700 (chassis) BODY: to order WEIGHT: 1,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 50 inches TIRES, FRONT: 800x85 mm. 1IRES, REAR: 810x90 mm. STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 100 mm. STROKE: 120 mm. CYLINDERS: 2, vertical, in a pair VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same MOTOR SUSPENSION: Direct from frame COOLING: Water; thermo-siphon IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Automatic MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle CLUTCH: Cone type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and revert* CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Shaft Renault, Model 3, 10-14 HP. The Renault Freres Selling Branch, New York PRICE: $3,200 (chassis) BODY: To order WEIGHT: 1,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 50 inches TIRES, FRONT: 800x85 mm. TIRES, REAR: 810x90 mm. STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: On rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 75 mm. STROKE: 120 mm. CYLINDERS: 4, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; thermo-siphon IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Shaft Stoewer, 18 HP. Argus Import Motor Co., New York PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Landaulet SEATS: 4, in rear WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 115 inches TREAD: 58 inches TIRES, FRONT: 810x100 m.m. TIRES, REAR: 810x100 m.m. STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: Expanding type SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 104 m.m. STROKE: no m.m. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Bosch mag- neto LUBRICATION: Pressure feed MOTORCONTROL: Throttle and spark, foot accelerator CLUTCH: Leather cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft French Mors, Model 2, 15 HP. Cryder & Co., New York PRICE: $3,550 (chassis) BODY: Town or touring SEATS: 4 or 5 persons WEIGHT: 1,650 pounds WHEEL BASE: 128 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 810x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 810x90 mm. STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: On differential and rear wbeeli SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed nickel steel CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING Water; flanged radiator IGNITION: jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Special LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle by pedal and lever CLUTCH: Special metallic CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Shaft 133 Panhard & Levassor, Model K. G., 15 HP. Panhard & Levassor, New York PRICE: $3,600 (chassis) BODY: Landaulette-limousine bEATS: s persons WHEEL BASE: 109 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4^4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Differential and rear hubs SPRINGS: Front, semi-elliptical; rear platform FRAME: Armored wood BORE: 90 mm.; STROKE: 130 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENTS: Inlets in heads; exhausts in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and storage battery CARBURETER: Krebs LUBRICATION: Mechanical force- feed oiler; gear driven MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Conical CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Speed lever and brake lever DRIVE: Side chains Fiat, 15 HP. Chassis The Hoi-Tan Co., New York PRICE: $3,750 BODY: Optional WEIGHT: 1808 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 121 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 810x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 820x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On .transmission and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BROE: 3$i in.; STROKE: 4 13 /ie in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On opposite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Bolted to frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR- CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward "and i reverse CHANGE -GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft French Mors, Model 3, 17 HP. Cryder & Co., New York PRICE: $4,000 (chassis) BODY: Touring or closed SEATS: 5 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 1,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 112 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES FRONT: 880x120 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING Irreversible BRAKES: On transmission shaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed nickel steel CYLINDERS: 4 vertical MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; flanged radiator IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Mors mag- neto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle pedal and lever on wheel CLUTCH: Metallic CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Chain Darracq, 1 5-20 HP. Darracq Motor Car Co., New York PRICE: $4,250 BODY: With runabout body WHEEL BASE: 112 inches TREAD: 52 inches TIRES, FRONT: 810x90 mm. TIRES, KEAR: 820x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On shaft and rear hub drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 90 mm. STROKE: 120 mm. CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Double system CURRENT SUPPLY: High ten- sion, accumulator; low tension, magneto CARBURETER: Float feed type LUBRICATION: Forced feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle lever CLUTCH: Leather faced type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: ^ forward, r reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Han- dle on quadrant under steering wheel DRIVE: Shaft Renault, Model 4, 14- 20 HP. Renault Freres Selling Branch, New York PRICE: $4,500 (chassis) BODY: to order SEATS: c to 7 persons WEIGHT: 1,900 pounds WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 55 inches TIRES, FRONT: 875x105 mm. TIKES, REAR: 875x105 mm. STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: Transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: go mm. STROKE: 120 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water, thermo-siphon IGNITION: jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle CLUTCH: Cone type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse (for town); 4 forward and re- verse (touring type) CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Shaft - iV ' V ' ? C. G. V., 14-18H.P. Charron, Girardot & Voigt, 1849 B'way, N. Y. PRICE: $4,500 (chassis) BODY: Coupe or town car SEATS: 4 persons TIRES, FRONT: 920x120 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On transmission and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Wood and steel CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, indi- VA'LVE ARRANGEMENT: on same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- tor IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR- CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft Aster, 22 H.P. Aster & Co., New York PRICE: $4,500 chassis BODY: Optional SEATS: 4 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds, chassis WHEEL BASE: 117 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 910x00 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 3 y 4 in.; STROKE: 5^ in. CYLINDERS: 4, cast singly VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub frame COOLING: Water- tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark and make- and-break CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and batteries CARBURETER: Float feed type LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Shaft 135 IMPORTED GASOLINE PLEASURE CARS COSTING FROM $5,000 TO $6,499. Clement-Bayard, 24 H.P. Sidney B. Bowman Auto Co., New York PRICE: $5,000 BODY: New "convex" touring type SEATS: 5 regularly WHEEL BASE: 115 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 870x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 875x105 mm. STEERING: Nut and screw type BRAKES: Internal expanding SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical, front; platform type, rear FRAME: Pressed steel CYLINDERS: 4, cast separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Supple- mentary frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- IGNITION: Double jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and battery CARBURETER: Clement compen- sating air control LUBRICATION: Pressure feed MOTOR-CONTROL: By throttle CLUTCH': Clement disc type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and i reverse CHANGE -GEAR CONTROL: By side lever DRIVE: Shaft Bianchi, 20-30 H.P. Percy Owen, Inc., New York PRICE: $s,ooo (chassis) BODY: To order SEATS: 2 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 1,800 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: s< inches TIRES, FRONT: 875x105 mm. TIRES, REAR: 875x105 mm. STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: On transmission, counter- shaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic 1'itAME: Pressed steel BORE: no mm. STROKE: 130 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE -GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Side chains Isotta Fraschini, 22 H.P. Smith & Mabley, Inc., New York PRICE: $5,000 BODY: Optional SEATS: 2 to 5 persons WEIGHT: 1.760 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 118 inches TREAD: 55 inches TIRES, FRONT: 870x90 mm. TIRES. REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: On differential and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 105 mm.; STROKE: 130 CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Tump spark CARBURETER: Automatic CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto LUBRICATION: Pressure feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Foot acceler- ator, spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Side chains Maker's illustration not ready u-ill be published later and of a sise suitable for insertion in tins space. Brasier, 15-20 H. P. E. B. Gallaher, New York PRICE: $3,300 (chassis) BODY: To order SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT': 1,750 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 52'^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 815x105 mm. TIRES, REAR: 815x105 mm. liRAKES: On driving shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; ft elliptic, rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 75 mm. STROKE: 120 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On right side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Tubular sub-frame COOLING: Water; tubular fin ra- IGNITION: Make and break, low tension CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Brasier, automatic diaphragm LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle only on steerinft wheel, foot accelerator CLUTCH: Cone, leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Shaft ItCl Delaunay-Belleville, 20 H.P. Palais de L' Automobile, 1 778 Broadway, New York PRICE: (Chassis), $5,100. BODY: Side entrance, body as de- sired SEATS: 6 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 116 inches TREAD: 54 inches in front, 55 inches rear TIRES. FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES. REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: With double-threaded screw BRAKES: Expansion brakes SPRINGS: 37 inches in front nd 35 inches, rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 3 tf in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets in heads, exhausts in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: On frame COOLING: Water; gear - driven centrifugal pump and fan IGNITION: Make-and-break CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: With automatic mixture regulation LUBRICATION: Under pressure by means of oscillating pump MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark nd throttle CLUTCH: Friction cone type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and a reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sid lever DRIVE: Side chain Delaunay-Belleville, 20-H.P. Palais de 'L Automobile, 1 778 Broadway, New York %^' PRICE: (chassis), $5,100 BODY: To order SEATS: 6 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 119 inches TREAD: 54 in. front, 55 in. rear TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: With double-threaded BRAKES: Expansion brakes SPRINGS: 37 inches front and 35 inches rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 3& in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets in heads, exhausts in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: On frame COOLING: Gear driven centrifugal pump and fan IGNITION: Make-and-break CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: With automatic mixture regulation LUBRICATION : Under pressure by means of oscillating pump MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark mod throttle CLUTCH: Friction cone type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and a reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sid* levrr DRIVE: Cardan shaft Rochet-Schneider, 16-20 H.P. Auto Import Co., New York PRICE: $5,200 (chassis) BODY: Optional SEATS: 2 to 7 persons WHEEL-BASE: 114 inches TREAD: 57 inches TIRES, FRONT: 810 x 90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 810 x 90 mm. STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: 3; band, enclosed SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; platform, rear , FRAME: Steel BORE: 100 mm. STROKE: 120 CYLINDERS: 4. in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT S'UPPLY: High-tension magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Geared pump MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and gas on wheel and foot accelera- tor CLUTCH: Leather cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 and reverse CHANGE - GEAR CONTROL: Lever; selective system DRIVE: Shaft Darracq, 20-32 H.P. Darracq Motor Car Co., New York PRICE: $5,250 BODY: With runabout body WEIGHT: 2,950 pounds WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 53 inches TIRES, FRONT: 880x120 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On driving shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: H2 mm. STROKE: 120 mm. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water; gilled tube ra- diator IGNITION: Double system CURRENT SUPPLY: Accumulator and magneto CARBURETER: Float feed, spray nozzle LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather friction type CHANGE GEAR: SlidinK type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Han- dle under steering wheel DRIVE: Shaft 137 Aster, 30-35 H.P. Aster & Co., New York PRICE: $5,500 (chassis) BODY: Optional SEATS: 4 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,250 pounds (chassis) WHEEL-BASE: 117 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 910x90 mm TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On transmission and rear huhs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 454 in.; STROKE: $'/* in. CYLINDERS: 4, cast singly VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark and make- and-break CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and batteries CARBURETER: Float feed type LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR- CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, .leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Shaft Renault, Model 5, 20-30 H.P. Renault Freres Selling Branch, New York PRICE: $5,500 (chassis) BODY: Optional SEATS: 5 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,375 pounds WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 875x105 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: Transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 100 mm.; STROKE: 140 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; thermo siphon system IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Shaft French Mors, Model 4, 28-36 H.P. Cryder & Co., New York. PRICE: $5,500 (chassis) BODY: To order SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 1,920 pounds WHEEL BASE: 114 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 880x120 mm. TIRES. REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING Irreversible BRAKES: On differential shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: 3 spring suspension FRAME: Pressed steel CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; flanged radiator IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Mors mag- neto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle pedal and lever CLUTCH: Metallic CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Chains - C. G. V., 20-25 H.P. Charron, Girardot & Voigt, New York PRICE: $5,500 (complete) BODY: Landaulette or coupe SEATS: 4 persons TIRES, FRONT: 920x120 mm. TIRES. REAR: 920x120 mm STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On transmission and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Wood and steel CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, indi- VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Under body COOLING: Water; cellular radia- IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Chain 133 Fiat, 20 H.P. Chassis. The Hoi-Tan Co., New York PRICE: $5,500 (chassis) BODY: Optional SEATS: 2 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 Ibs. (chassis! WHEEL-BASE: in, 123 and 131 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 910 x 90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920 x 120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On differential and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic KRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 120 mm. STROKE: 135 mm. CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On opposite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Bolted to frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb radi IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Low tension magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Double side chain Darracq, 20-32 H.P. Darracq Motor Car Co., New York PRICE: $5,750 with runabout body BODY: To order SEATS: 5 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,950 Ibs. WHEEL-BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 53 inches TIRES, FRONT: 880 x 120 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880 x 120 mm. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On transmission shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 112 mm! STROKE: 120 mm. CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- COOLLNG: Water; gilled tube radiator IGNITION: High and low tension CARBURETER: Float feed CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and accumulator LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR CONTROL: Throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE- GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft Hotchkiss, Model J. J., 20-30 H.P. Archer & Co., New York PRICE: $5,750, with Standard runabout body BODY: Optional SEATS: 2 to 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,340 pounds WHEEL BASE: 118 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 875x105 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed nickel steel BORE: 115 mm.; STROKE: 120 mm. CYLINDERS: 4. in oairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Me- chanical COOLING: Water; gear driven P'jmp; special honeycomb radia- IGNITION: .lump spark CARBURETER: Hotchkiss CURRENT SUPPLY: Eisemann magneto LUBRICATION: Gear driven pump MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle CLUTCH: Cone, with universal CHANGE CFAR: Slid'ng type SPEEDS: 4 and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective type DRIVE: Direct. Itala, 22 H.P. Chassis. Itala Import Co., New York PRICE: $6,000 (chassis) WEIGHT: 2,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: 116 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 870x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: M in. : STROKE: sJ4 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical (pairs) VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main COOLING: Water; cellular radia- tor IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Dredger oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft 139 Delaunay-Belleville 28-32 H.P. Palais de L' Automobile, 1 778 Broadway, New York FRICE: $6,000 (touring) DEMI-LIMOUSINE: $6,500 com- plete with top BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 3,700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 34x5 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x5 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Three. Band on differ- ential; expanding and contracting on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi - elliptical front; platform rear FRAME: Pressed channel steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: Four vertical in VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet* and exhausts in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLINO: Water IGNITION: Two systems; make and break. Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto, make and break. Batteries, jump spark CARBURETER: Special automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Hand throt- tle and foot pedal CLUTCH': Leather faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: Four forward and re- verse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Double side chains Panhard & Levassor, Model K. L., 24 H.P. Panhard & Levassor, New York PRICE: $6,000 (chassis) BODY: Grand Limousine SEATS: 7 persons WHEEL BASE: 124 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4^ inches TIRES, REAR: 36x4^ inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Differential and emer- gency SPRINGS: Front, semi-olliptical; rear, platform FRAME: Armored wood BORE: no mm.; STROKE: 140 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets in heads; exhausts in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- IGNrnON: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and storage battery CARBURETER: Krebs LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler, gear driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Steel CHANGE GEAR: Sliding, annular ball bearings SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE - GEAR CONTROL: Speed lever and brake lever DRIVE: Side chains Mercedes Simplex, 20-24 H.P. Mercedes Import Co., New York PRICE: $6,200 BODY: Built for coupes WEIGHT: 2. coo pounds WHEEL BASE: 115 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 910x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Scmi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On opposite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From hangers from main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms Bosch magneto LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle and governor CLUTCH: Coil spring CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Side chains English Daimler, Type B, 30 H. P. English Daimler Co., New York PRICE: $6,300 (chassis) BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 5 persons WEIGHT: 2,240 pounds WHEEL BASE: 114 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 920x120 mm. TIRES, Rh.AR: 020x120 mm. STEERING: Wheel BRAKES: 4 external SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Steel BORE: 130 mm. STROKE: 150 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Me- chanical ; opposite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water; gilled tube ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Daimler LUBRICATION: Gravity feed CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding SPEEDS: 4 CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se lective DRIVE: Double chain I4O IMPORTED GASOLINE PLEASURE CARS COSTING FROM $6,500 TO $7,999. Delahaye, Model 22, 18-24 H.P. DeBarre's Automobile Co., N. Y. PRICE: $6,500 (chassis) BODY To order WEIGHT: 1,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 116 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 910x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector .'BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 98 mm. STROKE: 120 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- MOTOR "SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- IGNITION: Double system CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms Bosch magneto and storage battery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Detachable special CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward ana reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Chain Rossel, 28-35 H.P. Rossel Co. of America, New York PRICE: $6,750 (chassis) BODY: Made to order SEATS: 2 to 8 persons WEIGHT: 1,870 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 112 inches TREAD: 53 inches TIRES, FRONT: 870x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Rack and worm BRAKES: On countershaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed chrome nickel steel BORE: 120 mm.; STROKE: 120 CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb radiator IGNITION: Make and break, or Caron system CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle CLUTCH: Multiple metallic dic, or leather, faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverie CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Side chains Hotchkiss, Model J, 35 HP. Archer & Co., New York PRICE: $6,750, with Standard runabout body BODY: To order SEATS: 2 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,340 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 118 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 875x105 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed nickel steel BORE: 125 mm.; STROKE: 125 CYLINDERS: 4, in pair VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Me- chanical MOTOR SUSPENSION : Direct from frame COOLING: Water, gear driven pump; radiator, special honey- comb IGNITION: Jump spark CARBURETER: Hotchkiss CURRENT SUPPLY: Eisemann magneto LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle CLUTCH : Cone, with universal CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective type DRIVE: Direct Maker's illustration not ready tc't// be />// sited later and of n size suitable for insertion in this space. Brasier, 1 6, 26, 32, H.P. E. B. Gallaher, New York PRICE: $4,900 (chassis) BODY: To order SEATS: 5 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,100 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 118 inches TREAD: 55 inches TIRES, FRONT: 875x105 mm. TIRES. REAR: 875x105 mm. BRAKES: On jack shaft, and on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front; y* elliptic rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: oo mm. STROKE: 120 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On right side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Tubular sub- frame COOLING: Water; tubular fin rad- IGNITION: Make and break; low tension CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Brasier automatic diaphragm LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle on wheel, and foot accelerator CLUTCH: Cone; leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GKAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Double side chain Pilain, 18-25 HP. DeBarre's Automobile Co., N. Y. PRICE: $7,000 (chassis) BODY: To order WEIGHT: 1,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 116 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 910x90 mm. TIRES, REAR 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: too mm. STROKE: 130 mm. CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Me- chanical, opposite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Special LUBRICATION: Special MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle CLUTCH: Metal to metal segment CHANGE GEAR: Double cogs, giving direct on 3rd-4th speeds SPEEDS: <4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Slid- ing side lever DRIVE: Spur gear Martini, 28-32 HP. Palmer & Christie, New York PRICE: $7,000 BODY: To order SEATS: Five or seven WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 116 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 875x105 mm. TIRES, REAR: 875x105 mm. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: One on differential; two emergency SPRINGS: 5 elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel EORE: 105 mm. STROKE: 130 mm. CYLINDERS: 4, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: 2 steel yokes COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Sight feed to motor MOTOR- CONTROL: Spark nd throttle CLUTCH: Leather CHANGE GEAR: Sliding SPEEDS: 47- forward and reverse CHANGE -GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Chain Isotta Fraschini, 35 HP. Smith & Mabley, Inc., New York PRICE: $7,000 BODY: Optional SEATS: 5-7 persons WEIGHT: 1,870 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 55 inches TIRES, FRONT: 910x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and Rear BRAKES: 3, on transmission and counter-shaft and rear wheels, water cooled SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 130 mm.; STROKE: 150 mm. CYLINDERS: 4. arranged in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Pressure feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Foot accelei ator and spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Lev er; selective system DRIVE: D*nble chain Rochet-Schneider, 30-35 HP. Auto Import Co., New York PRICE: $7,000 (runabout) BODY: Optional SEATS: 2 to 7 persons WHEEL BASE: 118 inches TREAD: 57 inches TIRES, FRONT: 920x120 mm. TIRES. REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: 4; band, enclosed SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; plat- form, rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 120 mm. STROKE: 160 mm. CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Geared pump MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Internal expanding CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward ana reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Double chain 142 De La Buire, 35-50 HP. E. Lillie, New York PRICE: $7,000 (chassis) BODY: To order SEATS: 2 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 55 inches TIRES, FRONT: 920x120 mm. TIRES, REAR: 935x135 mm. STEERING: Rack and worm BRAKES: On countershaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 130 mm. STROKE: 140 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; "Apprin" radia- tor IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Gravity feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle CLUTCH: Expanding segment CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Side chains Itala, 35 H.P. Chassis Itala Import Co., New York PRICE: $7,000 (chassis) WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 124 inches TREAD: 55 inches TIRES, FRONT: 870x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Two on transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 5^ in.; STROKE: sj< in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On opposite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- tor IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Dredger oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Foot and hand throttle and spark CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft Rolls Royce, 30-40 H.P. Cadillac Co. of New York PRICE: $7,000 (chassis) BODY: To order WEIGHT: 1,900 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: no inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 870x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 895x155 mm. STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On transmission and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Six, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet in tops, exhaust in side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; fin radiator .. I IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Double bat- teries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gears SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse direct on third CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Shaft C. G. V., 30-35 H.P. Charron, Girardot & Voigt, New York PRICE: $7,100 (chassis) BODY: Optional SEATS: j to 7 persons TIRES, FRONT: 920x120 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi elliptic FRAME: Wood and steel CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, indi- vidual VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- tor IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and battery CARBURETER: Automatic (dou- ble carbureter) LUBRICATION: Forcd feed MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro gressive system 5RIVE: Chain English Daimler, Type C, 35 H.P. English Daimler Co., New York PRICE: $7,300 BODY: To order SEATS: Up to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,350 pounds WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 inches TIRES. REAR: 36x5 inches BRAKES: 4 external SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 140 mm. STROKE: 150 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water; gill tube radia- tor IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Daimler LUBRICATION: Gravity feed CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Double chain Mieusset, 28-35 H.P. J. P. Bruyere, New York PRICE: $7,500 (complete) BODY: Double side entrance SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 112 inches TREAD: ss l /> inches TIRES, FRONT: 870x90 mm. TIRES REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On differential and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic in pairs : On o FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 120 mm. STROKE: 130 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; tube radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-COXTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverie CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- live system DRIVE: Side chains Fiat, 35 H.P. The Hoi-Tan Co., New York PRICE: $7,500 (chassis) BODY: Optional SEATS: 2 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds (chassis) WHEEL-BASE: 114, 122 and 136 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 910 x 90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920 x 120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Water cooled on rear wheels and countershaft SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 125 mm. STROKE: 150 CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On opposite side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Bolted to frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb radiator IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Low tension magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Double side chain Delahaye, Model 2 1,25-35 H.P. De Barre's Automobile Co., N. Y. PRICE: $7,500 (chassis) BODY: To order WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 118 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 910x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 125 mm.; STROKE: 130 mm. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Double system CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto and storage battery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Special detachable leather CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Chain 144 Gobron-Brillie, 35 H.P. Hartford Suspension Co., New York PRICE: $7,500 (chassis) BODY: Optional SEATS: 5 to 7 persons WEIGHT: z.soo pounds WHEEL BASE: 125 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 920x120 ram. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Countershaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 100 mm. STROKE: 175 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, cast in ARRANGEMENT: Inlets and exhausts on same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water; fin tube ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Battery and magneto CARBURETER: Special automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical forced feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Double conical; one me- tallic, one leather CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, progressive system DRIVE: Side chains Westinghouse, 40 H.P. Societe Anonyme Westinghouse, N. Y. City PRICE: $7,500 (chassis) BODY: To order SEATS: 5 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,800 Ibs. WHEEL BASE: 122 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT, 915 x 105 mm. TIRES, REAR: 935 x 135 mm. STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On countershaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 120 mm.; STROKE: 140 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Side members of main frame COOLING: Water, honeycomb rad- IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Side chains French Mors, Model 5, 45-60 H.P. Cryder & Co., N. Y. PRICE: $7,600 (chassis) BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,100 pounds WHEEL BASE: 122 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES FRONT: 880x120 mm. TIRES. REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING Irreversible BRAKES: On differential and com- pound on rear wheels SPRINGS: 3 spring suspension FRAME: Pressed nickel steel CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Make and break and jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle pedal and lever CLUTCH: Metallic CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverie CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Chain Darracq, 40-60 H.P. Darracq Motor Car Co., New York PRICE: $7,750 with runabout body BODY: Optional SEATS: 5 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 3,400 Ibs. WHEEL-BASE: 125 inches TREAD: 53 inches TIRES, FRONT: 935 x 135 mm. TIRES, REAR: 935 x 135 mm. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 130 mm. STROKE: 130 mm. CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub-frame COOLING: Water; gilled tube radiator CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and accumulator IGNITION: Double system CARBURETER: Float feed type LUBRICATION: Automatic force feed MOTOR CONTROL: Throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sid lever DRIVE: Shaft 145 Delaunay-Belleville, 4C H.P. Palais De L' Automobile, 1 778 Broadway, New York PRICE: (chassis). $7,800 BODY: Side entrance, body as de- sired SKATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 122 inches TREAD: 55 inches in front, 59 inches rear TIRES, FRONT: 36x6 inches TIRES. REAR: 36x6 inches STEERING: With double-threaded screw P.RAKES: Expansion SPRINGS: 41 inches in front, 48 inches, rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: S 'A in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets in heads, exhausts in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: On frame COOLING: Gear-driven centrifugal pump and fan IGNITION: Make-and-break CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: With automatic mixture regulation LUBRICATION: Under pressure by means of oscillating pump MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Friction cone type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and a reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Side chain Panhard & Levassor, Model K. L , 35 H.P. Panhard & Levassor, New York PRICE: $7,800 (chassis) BODY: Grande limousine SEATS: 7 persons WHEEL BASE: 128 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 36x4^ inches TIRES, REAR: 36x4}^ inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Differential and emer SPRINGS: Front, semi-elliptical, rear platform FRAME: Armored wood BORE: 130 mm.; STROKE: 150 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets in heads; exhausts in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and storage battery CARBURETER: Krebs LUBRICATION: Mechanical fore;- feed oiler, gear driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Steel CHANGE GEAR: Sliding, annular ball bearings SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Speed lever and brake lever DRIVE: Side chains 146 IMPORTED GASOLINE PLEASURE CARS COSTING FROM $8,000 TO $8,999. Darracg, 6 Cylinder, 40 HP. Darracq Motor Car Co., New York PRICE: $8,000 BODY: With standard runabout body WHEEL BASE: 132 inches TREAD: 53 inches TIRES FRONT: 880x120 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: External contracting on cardan shaft, internal on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: loo mm. STROKE: 120 mm. CYLINDERS: 6, vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- COOLING: Water; gilled tube ra- diator IGNITION: Double system CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and accumulator CARBURETER: Float feed, spray nozzle LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle levers on rack or steering column CLUTCH: Leather faced friction CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Shaft Pilain, 28-35 H.P. DeBarres Automobile Co., N. Y. PRICE: (chassis) $8,000 BOIJY: To order WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 880x120 mm. TIRES. REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector (ball bearing) BRAKES: Transmission and rear hub SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel with arched enforcement BORE:i24mm. STROKE: 140 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Me- chanical operated, interchange- able MOTOR SUSPENSION: Side members COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Low tension make and CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Special patent LUBRICATION: Special patent MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle and air control CLUTCH: Metal to metal seement CHANGE GEAR: New principle of double cogs, allowing direct drive on 3rd and 4th speed SPEEDS: 4 forward and i re- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Slid- ing levers DRIVE: Spur gear Napier, 60 H.P. Napier Motor Co. of America, Jamaica Plain, Mass. PRICK: $8,000 (complete) BODY: Side entrance tonneau, with cape cart top SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,300 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 126 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4^ inches TIRES, REAR: 36x5^ inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical front and platform rear FRAME: Pressed nickel steel BORE: 5 in.; STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 6, vertical (cast in VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlets and exhaust on one side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sides to frame members COOLING: Water; cellular radia- IGNITION: Jump spark; Napier single coil synchronized ignition CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery or magneto CARBURETER: Float feed with automatic regulator LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed; gear pump MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone; metal to metal CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type; an- nular ball bearing SPEEDS: 3 forward and t reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; selective type DRIVE: Shaft Brasier, 25-36-42 H.P. E. B. Gallaher, New York PRICE: $5.875 (chassis) BODY: Side entrance double phaeton SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2.300 pounds WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 880x120 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On hubs and transmit lion SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front; y t elliptic rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 112 mm.; STROKE: 130 mm. CYLINDERS: 4. in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same M S OTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- COOLING: Water; tubular fin ra- diator IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosc* magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle onljj automatic spark advance CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pr gressive system DRIVE: Chain 147 Renault, Model 6, 35-45 HP. Renault Freres Selling Branch, New York PRICE: $8,250 (chassis) BODY: Optional SEATS: 5 to o persons WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 128 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 915x105 mm. TIRES. REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 130 mm.; STROKE: 140 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; thermo siphon system IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Shaft English Daimler, Type D, 45 HP. English Daimler Co., New York PRICE: $8,300 (chassis) BODY: To order SEATS: 5 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,460 pounds WHEEL BASE: 132 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 inches TIRES. REAR: 36x5 inches BRAKES: 4 external SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 150 mm. STROKE: 150 mm. CYLINDERS: 4, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water; gilled tube radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Daimler LUBRICATION: Gravity feed CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE-GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Double chain Mercedes Simplex, 35 HP. Mercedes Import Co., New York PRICE: $8,400 (chassis) BODY: Optional SEATS: 2 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 126 inches TREAD: sfi inches TIRES, FRONT: 910x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On opposite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: On hang- ers from main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto LUBRICATION: Force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle and governor CLUTCH: Coil spring CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Side chains Zust, 40-50 HP. PRICE: $8,500 (chassis) BODY: To order SEATS: 5 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 1,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 118 inches TREAD: 58 inches TIRES, FKONT: 870x110 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880x110 mm. STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: Rear hubs and counter- shaft P. De la Chesnaye, New York 148 SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Cold pressed steel RORE: 5 W in. STROKE: s'A m. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; cellular radiator IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Float feed type LUBRICATION: Forced feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive type DRIVE: Double chain Clement-Bayard, 45 H.P. Sidney B. Bowman Auto Co., New York PRICE: $8,500 BODY: New convex touring SEATS: 7 persons WHEEL BASE: 125 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 915x105 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Nut and screw type BRAKES: Internal expanding SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic platform FRAME: Pressed steel channel sec- tion CYLINDERS: 4, cast separately VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: By sup- plementary frame COOLING: Water by honeycomb radiator and pump IGNITION: Double system; make and CURRENT SUPPLY batteries jump break spark if de- Magneto and CARBURETER: Clement tvpe with compensating air opening LUBRICATION: Pressure feed MOTOR-CONTROL: By throttle CLUTCH: Disc type ' CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gear; D. W. F. bearings SPEEDS: 4 forward and i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective system DRIVE: By chains Argus, 45-50 H.P. Argus Import Motor Co., New York PRICE: $8,750 . BODY: To order SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,200 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 122 inches TREAD: 58 inches TIRES, FRONT: 910x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On transmission SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed channel steel 140 mm.; STROKE: 150 Side BORE: mm CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water, cellular radia- tor IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and storage battery CARBURETER: Automatic regula- tor LUBRICATION: Pressure feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Side chain Darracq, 6 Cylinder, 50 H.P. Darracq Motor Car Co., New York PRICE: $8,7 BODY: With runabout body WHEEL BASE: 132 inches TREAD: 53 inches TIRES, FRONT: 880x120 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: External contracting on cardan shaft, internal on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 112 mm. STROKE: 120 mm. CYLINDERS: 6, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- COOLING: Water; gilled tube ra- diator IGNITION: Double system CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and accumulator CARBURETER: Float feed, spray nozzle LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle levers on rack under CLUTCH: Leather faced friction CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Shaft IMPORTED GASOLINE CARS COSTING $9,000 AND OVER. Martini, 50-55 H.P. Palmer & Christie, N. Y. PRICE: $9,000 (complete) BODY: To order SEATS: Seven persons WEIGHT: 3,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 915x105 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: 2 on differential; two on rear wheels SPRINGS: Five elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 130 mm. STROKE: 150 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Two steel yokes COOLING: Water IGNITION: Make and break sys- CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Sight feed oiler to motor MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE -GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Chain Rochet-Schneider, 40-45 H.P. Auto Import Co , New York PRICE: $9,000 (chassis) BODY: Optional SEATS: 2 to 7 persons WEIGHT: Depends on body WHEEL BASE: 122 inches TREAD: 57 inches TIRES, FRONT: 920x120 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: 4: band, enclosed SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical in front; platform in rear FRAME: Steel BORE: 140 mm. STROKE: 180 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Gear pump MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle and accelerator CLUTCH: Internal metal expand- CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 ahead and reverse CHANGE GEAR CONTROL: Lev- er; selective system DRIVE: Double chain Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a sine suitable for insertion in this space. Brasier, 30-40-50 H.P. E. B. Gallaher, 228 West 58th St., New York PRICE: $6,400 (chassis) BODY: To order SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,310 pounds WHEEL BASE: 118 inches (long) 114 inches (short) TREAD: 55 inches TIRES, FRONT: 880x120 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Ball bearing BRAKES: On transmission shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi - elliptic front; three-fourth elliptic, rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 112 mm. STROKE: no mm. CYLINDERS: 4, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Both on right side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Tubular sub-frame COOLING: Gear pump, tubular fin radiator with fan and fan in fly- wheel IGNITION: Make and break, low tension CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Automatic dia- phram LUBRICATION: Gear pump MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle only on steering wheel foot accelerator CLUTCH: Cone, leather face CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Chain, double-side drive C. G. V., 50 H.P. Charron, Girardot & Voigt, N. Y. PRICE: $9,100 (chassis) BODY: Optional TIRES, FRONT: 920x120 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On transmission ana rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Composite steel and wood CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and storage battery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Chain Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. French Mors, Model 6,50-75 HP. Cryder & Co., N. Y. PRICE: $9,100 (chassis) BODY: Side entrance tonncau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 136^ inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 820x120 mm. TIRES, REAR: 820x135 mm. STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: On differential and rear wheels SPRINGS: 3 spring suspension FRAME: Pressed steel CYLINDERS: 6 vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Make and break and jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and batteries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle lever and pedal CLUTCH: Metallic CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverie DRIVE: Chain Hotchkiss, Model L. L., 50 HP. Archer & Co., 1 597 Broadway, N. Y. City PRICE: $9,250 (with runabout body) BODY: To order SEATS: 2 to 7 persona WEIGHT: 2,640 pounds WHEEL BASE: 132 inche TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 875x107 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Wheel-worm BRAKES: On transmission and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed nickel steel BORE: 125 mm.; STROKE: 125 mm. CYLINDERS: 6, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Me- chanical MOTOR SUSPENSION: Direct from frame. COOLING: Water gear driven pump; special honeycomb radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Eisemann magneto CARBURETER: Hotchkiss LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle CLUTCH: Cone, with universal joint CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward ana reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective type DRIVE: Shaft Argus, 6 Cyl, 45 HP. Argus Import Motor Co., New York PRICE: $9,<;oo (chassis) BODY: Optional WEIGHT: 2400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 136 inches TREAD: jj8 inches TIRES, FRONT: 910x90 m.m. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 m.m. STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: Expanding and two foot brakes SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Krupp pressed steel BORE: 140 m.m. STROKE: 150 m.m. CYLINDERS: 6, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Direct from frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Double system CURRENT SUPPLY: Battery and magneto CARBURETER: Argus special LUBRICATION: Pressure feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle and snark, foot accelerator CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Chain Pilain, 50-60 HP. DeBarres Automobile Co., N. Y. PRICE: $9,500 (chassis) BODY: To order WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 910x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 140 mm. STROKE: 145 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pain VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Special LUBRICATION: Special MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle CLUTCH: Metal to metal segment CHANGE GEAR: Double cogs, di- rect on 3rd and 4th speeds SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Slid- ing side lever DRIVE: Spur gear Delahaye, Model 27, 50-60 HP. DeBarres Automobile Co., N. Y. PRICE: $9,500 (chassis) BODY: Limousine saloon SEATS: 9 persons WEIGHT: 3,000 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 146 inches TREAD: 60 inches TIRES, FRONT: 920x120 mm. TIRES, REAR: 935x135 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed iteel BORE: 130 mm. STROKK: 150 CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, indi- VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Patent high tensio igniter CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Detachable leather CHANGE-GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Ba- lancing side lever DRIVE: Chain Panhard & Levassor, Model K. I., 50 HP. Panhard & Levassor, New York PRICE: $9,600 (chassis) BODY: Double phaeton SEATS: 7 persons WHEEL BASE: 125 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4)4 inches TIRES, REAR: 36.8x4 J4 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Differential and emer- SPRINGS: Front, semi-- elliptical; rear, platform FRAME: Armored wood BORE: 145 mm.; STROKE: 160 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENTS: Inlets in heads; exhausts in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and storage battery CARBURETER: Krebs LUBRICATION: Mechanical force- feed oiler, gear driven MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Steel CHANGE GEAR: Sliding, annular ball bearings SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Speed lever and brake lever DRIVE: Side chains Zust, 80 HP. P. De la Chesnaye, New York PRICE: $10,000 (chassis) BODY: 'lp order SEATS: 2 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: Short, 118 in.; long, 126 in. TREAD: 56 in. TIRES, FRONT: 870x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 875x105 mm. STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On differential and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 150 mm.; STROKE: 150 CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same side MORTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Zust float feed LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANG^-GEAK CONTROL: Se- lective type DRIVE: Double chain Isotta Fraschini, 50-65 HP. Smith & Mabley, Inc., New York PRICE: $10,000 BODY: Optional SEATS: 5 to 7 persons WEIGHT: 1,080 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BAES: 132 inchs TREAD: S5 inches TIRES, FRONT: 910x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: 3 foot on differential and on speed shaft water cooled emergency on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 145 mm.; STROKE: 160 mm. CYLINDERS: 4, arranged in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- side sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Pressure feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Foot acceler- ator and spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward, I reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Lev er: selective system DRIVE: Double chain Mercedes Simplex, 45 HP. Mercedes Import Co., New York PRICE: $10,150 (chassis) BODY: Side entrance SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: (Chassis) 2,250 Ibs. WHEEL-BASE: 126 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 910x100 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x125 mm. STEERING: Worm with wheel BRAKES: On transmission (2) and hubs SPRINGS: Front 36, rear 47 inches FRAME: Pressed steel channel BORE: 120 mm. STROKE: 150 mm. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo MOTOR SUSPENSION: On hang- ers from main frames COOLING: Water, cellular radia- tor IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms-Besch magneto CARBURETER: Special LUBRICATION: By exhaust pres- sure MOTOR CONTROL: Throttle and governor CLUTCH: Coil spring CHANGE-GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective type DRIVE: Side chains ype ide FIAT, 6 Cyl., 50 HP. The Hoi Tan Co., New York PRICE: $10,500 (chassis) BODY: Optional SEATS: 2 to 9 persons WEIGHT: 2,618 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 13954 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 910x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 935x135 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Water cooled on rear wheels and countershaft SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: j in.; STROKE: 6 1-32 in. CYLINDERS: 6, vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Bolted to frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Low tension magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE -GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Double chain NOTE Motor self-starting Clement-Bayard, 60 HP. Sidney B. Bowman Auto Co., New York PRICE: $10,500 BODY: New convex touring type SEATS: 7 persons WHEEL BASE: 130 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 915x105 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Nut and screw BRAKES: Internal expanding SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, platform FRAME: Pressed steel channel sec- tion CYLINDERS: 4 cylinders cast sepa- VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides of motor MOTOR SUSPENSION: By sup- plementary frame COOLING: Water by honeycomb radiator IGNITION: Double jump spark; make and break, if desired CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and batteries CARBURETER: Clement type with compensating air opening LUBRICATION: Pressure feed MOTOR CONTROL: By throttle CLUTCH: Clement disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type, D. W. F. bearings SPEEDS: 4 forward and i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective DRIVE: Chains Lorraine de Dietrich, 40-50 HP. De Dietrich Import Co., New York PRICE: $10,500 BODY: Side entrance tonneau SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,900 pounds WHEEL BASE: 128 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 870x100 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x125 mm. STEERING: Nut and sector BRAKES: Internal expanding SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed nickel steel CYLINDERS: 4 vertical BORE: 130 mm.; STROKE: 160 mm. VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Water; tubular radia- IGNITION: Make-and-break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms- Bosch magneto CARBURETER: With automatic mixture regulator LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Metal, internal expand- ing CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective DRIVE: Side chains Gobron Brillie, 60 HP. Hartford Suspension Co., New York PRICE: $10,500 (chassis) BODY: Optional WEIGHT: 2,750 pounds WHEEL BASE: 125 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 920x120 mm. TIRES, RE/\.<: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Double on countershaft and rear wheels SPRING: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 125 mm. STROKE: 180 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Same MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries or magneto CARBURETER: Automatic float feed LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Double; one metallic, one leather CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Side chains Itala, 60 H.P. Itala Import Co., New York. PRICE: $i:,ooo (chassis) WEIGHT: 2,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 126 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 870x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 880x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 6'A in.; STROKE: stt in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Op- Sisite sides TOR SUSPENSION: Main COOLING: Water; cellular radia- IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Simms Bosch magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Dredger oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward ana reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Shaft Panhard-Levassor 50 H.P. Panhard & Levassor, New York PRICE: $11,000 (chassis) BODY: To order WHEEL BASE: 144 inches TREAD: 58 J4 inches TIRES, FRONT: 920x120 mm. TIRES. REAR: 935x135 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On r> ar wheels and dif- ferential SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Armored wood BORE: 5 in.: STROKE: sJf in. CYLINDERS: 6 vertical, cast sing- ly VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- MOTOR "SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed CARBURETER: Automatic MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark nd throttle CLUTCH: Disc CHANGE utAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: .. forward and rev< rse CHANGEGEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Chain C. G. V., 75 H.P. Charron, Girardoi & Voigt, N. Y. PRICE: $11,100 (chassis) BODY: To order TIRES, FRONT: 920x120 mm. TIRES. REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On transmission and rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Wood and steel 1.54 CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On opposite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; cellular radiatoi IGNITION: jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Chain Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. Brasier, 50-60-70 HP. E. B. Gallaher, New York PRICE: $9,150 (chassis) BODY: Limousine SEATS: 7 persons WEIGHT: 2,510 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 920x120 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x120 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On hubs and transmis- sion SPRING6: Semi-elliptic, front; Yt elliptic, rear FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 112 mm.; STROKE: 130 mm. CYLINDERS: 6 vertical, in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Bosch mag- neto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle; au- tomatic spark advance CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE G'-.AR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system 3RIVE: Chain Mercedes Simplex, 70 H.P., 6 Cyl. Mercedes Import Co., New York PRICE: $14,500 BODY: Optional WEIGHT: 3,300 pounds WHEEL BASE: 135 inches TREAD: r6 inches TIRES, FRONT: 910x90 mm. TIRES, REAR: 920x125 mm. STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel CYLINDERS: 6 vertical COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Special LUBRICATION: Force feed oiler MOTOR- CONTROL: Throttle and governor CLUTCH: Coil spring CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective system DRIVE: Side chains GASOLINE MOTOR BUSINESS WAGONS COSTING $1,500 OR LESS. Waltham-Orient, Model DC, 4 HP. Waltham Mfg. Co., Waltham, Mass. PRICE: $450 BODY: Delivery car SEATS: 2 persons CAPACITY: 600 pounds WEIGHT: 670 pounds WHEEL BASE: 89 inches TREAD: 42 inches TIRES, FRONT: 26x254 inches TIRES, REAR: 26x254 inchei STEERING: Side lever BRAKES: Two on rear hubs SPRINGS: Elliptic front and rear FRAME: Woo BORE: 35* inches. STROKE: 4 '4 inches CYLINDERS: One in rear VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Auto- matic inlet; mechanical exhaust MOTOR SUSPENSION: Rear on side members of frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spar* CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry battery CARBURETER: Orient LUBRICATION: Oil pump MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle and spark CLUTCH: Friction SPEEDS: 5 forward; 2 reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Friction drive NOTE: 2 cylinder motor with cylin- ders at 45 angle, $50 extra Waltham-Orient, Model DC, 4 HP. Waltham Mfg. Co., Waltham, Mass. detachable delivery PRICE: BODY: ' CAPACITY: 600 pounds WEIGHT: 700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 89 inches TREAD: 42 inches TIRES, FRONT: 26x254 in. 1IRES REAR: 26x254 in. STEERING: Side lever BRAKES: Two, on rear hubs SPRINGS: Elliptic, front and rear FRAME: Wood BORE: 3ft in. STROKE: t,y t in. CYLINDERS: One, in rear VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Auto- matic inlet, mechanical exhaust MOTOR SUSPENSION: Rear, on side members of frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry battery CARBURETER: Orient LUBRICATION: Oil pump MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Friction SPEEDS: 5 forward, 2 reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Friction NOTE: 2 cylinder motor with cylin- ders at 45 angle, $50 extra Waltham-Orient, Model DC, 4 HP. Waltham Mfg. Co., Waltham, Mass. PRICE: $475 BODY: Delivery, with wagon top CAPACITY: 600 pounds WEIGHT: 700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 89 inches TREAD: 42 inches TIRES, FRONT: 26x254 in. TIRES, REAR: 26x254 in. STEERING: Side lever BRAKES: Two, on rear hubs SPRINGS: Elliptic, front and rear FRAME: Wood BORE: 354 in. STROKE: 4 !4 in. CYLINDERS: One. in rear MOTOR SUSPENSION: Rear, on side members of frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry bat- teries CARBURETER: Orient LUBRICATION: Oil pump MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Friction SPEEDS: 5 forward, 2 reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Friction NOTE: 2 cylinder motor with cylin- ders at 45 angle, $50 extra Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitible for insertion in this space. Monarch, Model D, 12- 14 HP. Monarch Motor Car Co., Chicago, 111. PRICE: $750 BODY: Light delivery wagon SEATS: 2 persons CAPACITY: 1,000 pounds WEIGHT: 1,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 78 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 28x254 in. cush- ion TIRES, REAR: 28x2^4 in. cushion STEERING: Wheel worm BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Full elliptic in front; semi-elliptic in rear FRAME: Reinforced wood BORE: 454 in. STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 2 horizontal VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Me- chanical MOTOR SUSPENSION: Frame COOLING: Air pressure from en- cased fly wheel IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Monarch LUBRICATION: Grease cups MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lerer DRIVE: Shaft " Buggyabout," Model C, 14 H.P. Hatfield Motor Vehicle Co., Cortland, N. Y. PRICE: $750 BODY: Convertible from delivery wagon to pleasure car SEATS: 4 persons (pleasure car) CAPACITY: 1,200 pounds WEIGHT: 900 pounds WHEEL BASE: 101 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 38x1 J4 inches TIRES, REAR: 42x1 H inches STEERING: Chain and sprocket (patented) BRAKES: On differential and emergencies SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Wood sill, reinforced by angle iron BORE: M in. STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: Double opposed VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Auto- matic intake; mechanical exhaust MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sills COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Schebler LUBRICATION: Gravity feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: None CHANGE GEAR: None SPEEDS: ^ to 25 m.p.h. CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: None DRIVE: Friction (patented) Climax Commercial Car, 8 H.P. Hinde & Dauch, Sandusky, Ohio PRICE: $900 (complete) BODY: Convertible light delivery CAPACITY: 1,000 pounds TIRES, FRONT: in. solid TIRES, REAR: 3 in solid STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On transmission shaft SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel CYLINDERS: Single MOTOR SUSPENSION: Horizon- tal under body COOLING: Water IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries CARBURETER: Kingston LUBRICATION: Automatic MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Chain Cadillac, Model M, Delivery, 10 H.P. Cadillac Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $950 BODY: Delivery CAPACITY: 600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 76 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3 J4 inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3)4 inches STEERING: Rack and pinion BRAKES: On differential SPRINGS': Semi-elliptical FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: f inches STROKE: 5 inches CYLINDERS: One under body VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In combustion chambers MOTOR SUSPENSION: On cross members COOLING: Water IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Special Cadillac type LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTC.f: Friction disc CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Single chain Logan, Model N, 10 H.P. Logan Construction Co., Chillicothe, O. PRICE: $1,000 BODY: To order CAPACITY: 1,300 pounds WEIGHT: 1,190 pounds WHEEL BASE: 86 inches TREAD:_s6!/S inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3 in. solid TIRES, REAR: 30x3 in. solid STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: 2 contracting bands SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 4V le in. STROKE: 4Vi in. CYLINDERS: 2 opposed in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Verti- cal mechanical MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Air; internal and ex- ternal IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Float-feed type LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Contracting band ing b CHANGE GEAR: Slidin SPE verse SPEEDS: Two : sliding gear forward and re- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Cen- ter lever DRIVE: Chain from counter-shaft Logan, Model N, Depot Wagon, 10 H.P. Logan Construction Co., Chillicothe, O. TRICE: $1,000 BODY: Carry-all SKATS: 6 persons WEIGHT: 1,100 pounds WHEEL BASE: 86 inches TREAD: s6Y, inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3 in. solid TIRES, REAR: 30x3 in. solid STEERING: Worm 'and gear BRAKES: 2 contracting bands SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 4 Viin. STROKE: 4 l /i. in. CYLINDERS: Two, opposed in VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Verti- cal, mechanically operated MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING; Air; internal and ex- ternal IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Float-feed type LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and th'ottle CLUTCH: Contracting band CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gear SPEEDS: Two forward and re- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Cen- ter lever DRIVE: Chain from counter-shaft Logan, Model N, 10 H.P. Logan Construction Co., Chillicothe, O. PRICE: $1,000 BODY: Express wagon CAPACITY: 1,200 pounds WEIGHT: 1,390 pounds WHEEL BASE: 86 inches TREAD: 56^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3 in. solid TIRES, REAR: 30x1 in. solid STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: 2 contracting bands SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 4 Viein. STROKE: 4 Vi in. CYLINDERS: Two, opposed in VA'LVE ARRANGEMENT: Verti- cal, mechanical MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Air; internal and ex- ternal IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Float-feed type LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Contracting band CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gear SPEEDS: Two forward and re- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Cen- ter lever DRIVE: Chain from counter-shaft Logan, Model N, 10 H.P. Logan Construction Co., Chillicothe, O. PRICE: $1,000 BODY: Solid panel CAPACITY: 1,200 pounds WEIGHT: 1.390 pounds WHEEL BASE: 86 inches TREAD: 56^ inches TIRES. FRONT: 30x3 in. solid TIRES, REAR: 3ox, in. solid STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: 2 contracting bands SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 4 Viin. STROKE: 4 Vi. in. CYLINDERS: Two, opposed in VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Verti- cal, mechanical MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Air; internal and ex- ternal IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Float- feed type LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Contracting band CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gear SPEEDS: Two forward and re- CHA r NGE-GEAR CONTROL: Cen- ter lever DRIVE: Chain from counter-shaft Logan, Model N, 10 H.P. Logan Construction Co., Chillicothe, O. PRICE: $i,oop BODY: Combination package, pas- senger and depot wagon CAPACITY: r,2oo pounds WEIGHT: 1.390 pounds WHEEL BASE: 86 inches TREAD: (6H inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3 in. solid TIRES. REAR: 30x3 in. solid STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: 2 contracting bands SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 4 >/iin. STROKE: 4 Vie in. CYLINDERS: Two, opposed in VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Verti- cal, mechanical MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Air; internal and ex- ternal IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Float- feed type LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Contracting band CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gear SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Cen- ter lever DRIVE: Chain from counter-shaft Covert Commercial Car, 12 H.P. Covert Motor Vehicle Co., Lockport, N. Y. PRICE: $1,000 BODY: Express (screen sides) CAPACITY: 1,000 pounds WEIGHT: 1,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 84 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x2 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x2 inches SPRINGS: Full elliptic CYLINDERS: Double opposed MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame, under seat COOLING: Water; cellular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft and bevel gears Mitchell Delivery 12 H.P. Mitchell Motor Car Co. Racine, Wis. PRICE: $1,400 BODY: Light truck CAPACITY: 1,500 pounds WEIGHT: 1,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3 in. (solid) TIRES, REAR: 32x3 in. (solid) STEERING: Irreversible worm BRAKES: Internal on rear wheels; band on cardan shaft SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 in.; STROKE: 4% in. CYLINDERS: 2 vertical, separate, in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub frame COOLING: Water, cellular radia- 1GNITION: Jumn spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry batter- ies CARBURETER: Float feed com- pensating LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE-GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR: Control; pro- gressive system DRIVE: Shaft with ipiral ind worm gear Torbensen, Model T, 18 H.P. Torbensen Motor Car Co., Bloomfield, N. J. PRICE: $1,400 (chassis) BODY: To suit CAPACITY: i ton, delivery wagon WHEEL BASE: 86 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x3^ inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Transmission and rear SPRINGS: Platform in front; full elliptic in rear FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 5 V '": STROKE: 4 # in. CYLINDERS: Double opposed VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Mech- MOTOR SUSPENSION: Front, on separate frame and cross spring COOLING: Air or water-cooled ai preferred IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Internal expanding CHANGE GEAR: Planetary on Hess-Bright ball bearings SPEEDS: 2 ahead and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Bevel and spur gear Cartercar, Model C, 20 H.P. Motorcar Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $1,400 BODY: Delivery wagon CAPACITY: 1,000 pounds WEIGHT: 1,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 96 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3!^ in. TIRES, REAR: 30x354 in. STEERING: Segment and pinion BRAKES: On rear hubs and trans mission SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: S in.; STROKE: 4 tf in. CYLINDERS: Double opposed VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Me- chanical from one cam shaft MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cell CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Friction Iran* mission CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sin- gle side lever DRIVE: Chain Maxwell Model O, 20 HP. Maxwell Briscoe Motor Co., Tarrytown, N. Y. PRICE: $1,400 BODY: Delivery wagon SEATS: 2 persons CAPACITY: 1,000 pounds WEIGHT: 1,700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 85 inches TREAD :_s6 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3 y, inches STEERING: Pinion and segment BRAKES: Internal and external on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Double opposed VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water; thermo siphon system IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Force feed .MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Pro- gressive system DRIVE: Shaft Twyford Closed Delivery, 15 HP. Twyford Motorcar Co., Brookville, Pa. PRICE: $1,500 BODY: Closed delivery SEATS : 2 persons CAPACITY: 1,500 pounds WEIGHT: 1,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 86 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x2 in. (solid) TIRES, REAR: 32x2 in. (solid) STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: Hand and foot SPRINoo: Full elliptic, rear; serni- elliptic, front FRAME: Steel BORE: 4Y, in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Two, 2 cycle MOTOR SUSPENSION: On frame in front COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Oil cups MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark CLUTCH: Disc SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft Twyford Open Delivery, 1 5 HP. Twyford Motorcar Co., Brookville, Pa. PRICE: $1,500 BODY: Open delivery SEATS: 2 persons CAPACITY: 1,500 pounds WEIGHT: 1,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 86 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x2 in. (solid) TIRES, REAR: 32x2 in. (solid) STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: Hand and foot SPRINGS: Full elliptic, rear; semi- elliptic, front FRAME: Steel BORE: 4% in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Two, 2 cycle MOTOR SUSPENSION: On frame in front COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Oil cups MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark CLUTCH. Disc SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft Thomas 3-Ton Wagon, 20 HP. The Thomas Wagon Co., Vernon, N. Y. PRICE: $1,500 BODY: Built to order CAPACITY: 3 tons WEIGHT: About 3,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 42x4 in. iron TIRES, REAR: 42x6 in. iron (rib- bed) STEERING: Wheel and cable BRAKES: Bands on rear wheels SPRINGS: 4 full elliptic FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 6 in. STROKE: 7 in. CYLINDERS: 2 opposed in center of vehicle VALVE ARRANGEMENT: All me- chanically operated MOTOR SUSPENSION: On main springs COOLING: Water, tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry battery CARBURETER: Automatic float feed LUBRICATION: Compression oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Internal expansion CHANGE GEAR: High speed, di- rect: others by friction CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Chain 160 GASOLINE MOTOR BUSINESS WAGONS COSTING FROM $1,550 TO $2,499. Rapid Express, D-21, 24-25 HP. Rapid Motor Vehicle Co., Pontiac, Mich. PRICE: $1,550 BODY : Express without top CAPACITY: One ton WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 86 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x3 inches STEERING: Gear arid sector BRAKES: On rear hubs SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Angle iron BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Double opposed MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water, tubular raa.ator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR.CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Friction CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever and foot pedal DRIVE: Double chain Rapid Delivery, Model 1 1 , 24-25 HP. Rapid Motor Vehicle Co., Pontiac, Mich. PRICE: $1,600 BODY: Closed delivery CAPACITY: One ton WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 86 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3 inches TIRES. REAR: 32x3 inches STEERING: Gear and sector BRAKES: On hubs of rear wheels iPKINGS: Full platform front; full elliptic, rear FRAME: Angle iron BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Double opposed MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water; tubular radia- IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SU1 tery PPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Friction CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever and foot pedals DRIVE: Double side chains Rapid Express Wagon, D-21 , 24-25 HP. Rapid Motor Vehicle Co., Pontiac, Mich. PRICE: $1,600 BODY: Express CAPACITY: i ton WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BrtSE: 86 inches TREAU: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x354 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x354 inches STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: On hubs of rear wheels SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Angle iron CYLINDERS: Double opposed BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Mech anical on top MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3-point COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical gear driven oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Friction CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sidt lever DRIVE: Double chain Rapid Truck, D-62, 24-25 HP. Rapid Motor Vehicle Co., Pontiac, Mich. PRICE: $1,600 BODY: Stake platform CAPACITY: i ton WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 86 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x354 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x354 inches STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: On hubs of rear wheels SPRINGS: Full platform FRAME: Angle iron CYLINDERS: Double opposed BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. VALVES: Mechanical MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 - P oint COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical gear- driven oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Friction CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Side chain 161 Hewitt Light Delivery Car, 10 H.P. Hewitt Motor Co., New York. PRICE: $1,600 BODY: Closed delivery SEATS: 2 persons CAPACITY: 1,000 pounds WEIGHT: 1,600 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 84 inches TREAD: S4J4 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30 x 2/2 (solid) TIRES, REAR: 30 x 3 in. (solid) STEERING: Rack and pinion BRAKES: On rear hubs and trans- mission SPRINGS: Long semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 V. in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: One MOTOR SUSPENSION: Horizon- tal under body COOLING: Water; square tube radiator IGNITION: Jump spark and make and break CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Automatic MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: In terlocking pedals DRIVE: Single chain Rapid 1-Ton Truck, Model D-72, 24 H.P. Rapid Motor Vehicle Co., Pontiac, Mich. PRICE: $1,650 BODY: Stake and sill platform CAPACITY: One ton WEIGHT: 2,650 pounds WHEEL BASE: 86 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x3 inches STEERING: Gear and sector BRAKES: On rear wheel hubs SPRINGS: Full platform, front; full elliptic, rear FRAME: Angle stet! BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Double opposed MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water, tubular radiator IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Friction CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Lever and foot pedal DRIVE: Double side chain Reo 10-Passenger Bus, 16-20 H.P. Reo Motor Car Co., Lansing, Mich. PRICE: $1,700 BODY: Wagonette SEATS: 10 passengers WEIGHT: 1,900 pounds WHEEL BASE: 90 inches TREAD: 55 inches TIRES, FRONT: 10x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 30x4 inches STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On rear hubs and trans- mission SPRINGS: Front, semi; rear, full elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4 y 4 in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: Double horizontal opposed MOTOR SUSPENSION: Direct from frame COOLING: Water; tubular radia- tor IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLi': Dry cells CARBURETER: 2 float feed spe- MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Planetarv type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse DRIVE: Single chain Reo Business Wagon, 16-20 H.P. Reo Motor Car Co., Lansing, Mich. PRICE: $1,700 BODY: To order WEIGHT: 1,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: go inches TREAD: 55 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 30x4 inches STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On transmission and hubs SPRINGS: Front, semi-elliptic; rear, full elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4% in.; STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 2 horizontal opposed MOTOR SUSPENSION: Direct from frame COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: 3 sets dry cells CARBURETER: 2 special float feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple metallic disc CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward, i reverse DRIVE: Single chain 162 Soules Open Delivery Wagon, Model B, 22 HP. Soules Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $1,750 BODY: Open delivery CAPACITY: 1,500 pounds WEIGHT: 2.100 pounds WHEEL BASE: 96 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 34x4 in. STEERING: Wheel BRAKES: Double, on rear hubs SPRINGS: *j elliptic FRAME: Angle steel BORE: sX in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Double opposed MOTOR SUSPENSION: Horizon- tal under body COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed oiler MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Shaft and bevel gear Torbensen, Model T-I, 18-20 HP. Torbensen Motor Car Co., Bloomfield, N. J. PRICE: $1,800 (complete) BODY: Platform type CAPACITY: at tons WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 34X354 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x3 VS inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On transmission and rear SPRINGS: Platform, front; elliptic, rear FRAME: Angle steel BORE: s5i in.; STROKE: 4)6 in. CYLINDERS: Double opposed VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Both mechanically operated MOTOR SUSPENSION: Front, on separate frame and cross spring COOLING: Either air-cooled or water-cooled IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force-feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Internal expanding CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Bevel and spur gear The "Rapid," Model No. D-132, 24 HP. Rapid Motor Vehicle Co., Pontiac, Mich. PRICE: $1,800 BODY: Side entrance sight-seeing bus SEATS: 12 passengers WEIGHT: 3,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 90 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 3x32 inches TIRES, REAR: 3x32 inches STEERING: Gear and sector BRAKES: Internal on rear wheels SPRINGS: Full platform; front and rear FRAME: Heavy angle iron BORE: 5 in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 2 opposed VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Mech- anically operated MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 -point COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical gear- driven oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Friction CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever and foot pedals DRIVE: Double side chain Knox Delivery Wagon, Model 8, 10 HP. Knox Automobile Co., Springfield, Mass. PRICE: $1.800 BODY: Delivery wagon CAPACITY: 1.500 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 78 inches TREAD: <;6 inches TIRES FRONT: 32 x sV, in. TIRES. REAR: 32 x 354. in. BRAKES: On transmission and differ en tal STEERING: Worm and nut SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: ? in. STROKE: 8 in. CYLINDERS: One MOTOR SUSPENSION: Horizon- tal under body COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells. CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse DRIVE: Single chain Northern, Light Delivery Wagon, 20 HP. Northern Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $1,800 BODY: Optional as required CAPACITY: 1,000 pounds WEIGHT: 1,900 pounds WHEEL BASE: 106 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32-inch hard rub- ber TIRES, REAR: 32-inch hard rub- STEERING: Bevel gear BRAKES: Hubs and transmission SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Angle steel BORE: sY> in-; STROKE: s!4 in. CYLINDERS: 2, horizontal VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point; front to side members of frame ; rear to center COOLING: Water; tubular radia- IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Northern auto- LUBRICATION: Force feed; auto MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH': Expanding ring CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Lever under steering wheel DRIVE: Shaft Franklin, Model J, 12H.P. H. H. Franklin Mfg. Co., Syracuse, N. Y. PRICE: $1,800 BODY: Platform bodies to order CAPACITY: i ton WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 76 inches TREAD: *.* inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x3 % inches STEERIXG: Worm and nut BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Wood (armored) BORE: 354 in.; STROKE: 3-4 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet in heads, exhaust in side ports, and auxiliary exhaust valve at base of cylinders MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side members of frame COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries CARBURETER: Float feed auto- matic type LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed oiler, gear driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle, spark and governor CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gear SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; self-finding DRIVE: Worm gear Soules Commercial Wagon, Model A, 22 H.P. Soules Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $1,800 BODY: Closed top, screen sides CAPACITY: 1,500 pounds WEIGHT: 2.200 pounds WHEEL BASE: 96 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 34x4 in. STEERING: Wheel BRAKES: Double, on rear hubs SPRINGS: Yt elliptic FRAME: Angle steel BORE: 5^ in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Two opposed MOTOR SUSPENSION: Horizon- tal under body COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic LUKRICATION: Force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side hand lever DRIVE: Shaft and bevel gear Gaeth Delivery, Type K. PRICE: $1,850 BODY: As shown or built to order SEATS: 2 persons CAPACITY: 1.500 Ibs. paying load WEIGHT: 2,000 pounds WirEEL BASE: 103 inches TKEAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 14x4 in Swine- hart TIRES, REAR: 38x4 in. Swinthart Gaeth Auto Works, Cleveland, Ohio STEERING: Worm and segment BRAKES: On rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Angle steel COOLING: Thermo syphon, honey- comb radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARUBRETER: Automatic 164 LUBRICATION: Force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Contracting bands CHANGE GEAR: Planetary typ : ' SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Hand lever and foot pedal DRIVE: Side chains Mitchell Delivery Truck, 20 H. P. Mitchell Molor m Car Co., Racine, Wis. PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Open type CAPACITY: i ton, capable of carrying a 50% overload WEIGHT: 2,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TKEAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 30x3 inch, solid TIRES. REAR: 30x3^ inch, solid STEERING: Gear, irreversible BRAKES: Hand; internal expand- ing on rear wheels; foot, exter- nal contracting on rear wheels SPRINGS: Half elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel HORE: 3J4 in.; STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Ex- haust in center of head; inlet at side; both operated by one cam-shaft MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- COOLING: Water; cellular type of radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Float feed, com- pensating LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle; both foot and hand con- trol CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, progressive system DRIVE: Spiral gear, shaft drive Rapid Wagonette, Model 1 52, 24-25 HP. Rapid Motor Vehicle Co., Pontiac, Mich. PRICE $2,000 BODY: Wagonette SEATS: 16 passengers WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 90 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3 inches TIKES, REAR: 32x3 inches STEERING: Gear and sector BRAKES: Internal on rear wheels SPRINGS: Full . platform FRAME: Heavy angle iron BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Double opposed MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3 point COOLING: Water; tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical gear driven oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH : Friction CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever and foot pedals DRIVE: Double side chain The "Rapid," Model No. D 1 25, 24 H. P. Rapid Motor Vehicle Co., Pontiac, Mich. PRICE: $2,400 BODY: Side entrance SEATS: 20 passengers WEIGHT: 3,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: in inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 3^x32 inches TIRES, REAR: 3^x34 inches STEERING: Gear and sector BRAKES: Internal on rear wheels, SPRINGS: Full platform; front and rear FRAME: BORE: 5 Heavy angle iron CYLINDERS'! igle OKK STROKE: >pposed EME 5 m. VALVE ARRANG anically operated MOTOR SUSPENSION: COOLING: Water ENT: Mech- 3-point IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical gear driven oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Friction CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever and foot pedals DRIVE: Double side chain GASOLINE MOTOR BUSINESS WAGONS COSTING FROM $2,500 TO $3,999. Deere, Model I, 22 H.P. Deere Clark Motor Car Co., Moline, 111. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Stake platform CAPACITY: 2 to 3 tons WEIGHT: 3,500 pounds TREAD: 62 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4 in. (solid) TIRES, REAR: 36x4 in. (solid) STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: On rear wheels and countershaft SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Rolled steel BORE: 5 H in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 2 horizontal opposed VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main COOLING: Water; tubular radia- IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Expanding type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverie CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Side chains Logan Omnibus & Truck, Model M, 30 H.P. Logan Construction Co., Chillicothe, O. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Platform or optional CAPACITY: 6,000 pounds WEIGHT: 3,100 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: t6y, inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x454 in. solid TIRES. REAR: 32x414 in. solid STEERING: Worm gear BRAKES: 4 contracting band; lever and air SPRINGS: Full elliptic front; plat- form in rear FRAME: Angle steel BORE: t,V> in.; STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 2 opposed VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Auto- matic inlet; mechanical exhaust MOTOR SUSPENSION: Cross- frame to side rails COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- teries and dry cells CARBURETER: Float-feed type LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler; chain-driven MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Contracting band CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective type DRIVE: Side chains Logan 2 1-2 Ton Truck Model 14, 30 H.P. Logan Construction Co., Chillicothe, O. PRICE: $2,500 BODY: Platform, box body with top CAPACITY: 5,000 pounds WEIGHT: 3.000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4^ inches TIRES, REAR: 32x414 inches STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: On jack shaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Full elliptic front; plat- form, rear FRAME: Heavy angle steel BORE: s r essed steel BORE: s'A in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 2. two cycle MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Water, gear pump to tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage or dry cells CARBURETER: Special LUBRICATION : Mechanical in- dividual pump for oil feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle levers on steering column C! I ITCH: Aluminum cone, leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gears SPEEDS: * forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Lever at right of driver DRIVE: From bevel gear in trans- mission housing to jack shaft, and double chains to rear wheels Reliance, Model F-E, 28-30 H.P. Reliance Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,950 BODY: Stake and side boards CAPACITY: Three tons WEIGHT: 4,300 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 in., Fire- stone solid TIRES, REAR: 32x4 in., Firestone solid STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Four on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front, plat- form rear FRAME: Cold pressed steel BORE: s'/s in. STROKE: 5 in. ( VLINDERS: 2, two cycle MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Water gear pump to tubular radiator IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage or drv cells CARBURETER: Special LUBRICATION: Mechanical; indi- vidual pump for oil feed MOTOR -CONTROL: Spark and throttle; levers on steering column CLUTCH: Aluminum cone, leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gears SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Lever at right of driver DRIVE: From bevel gear in trans- mission housing to jack shaft, and double chains to rear wheels Reliance, Model F-G, 28-30 H.P. Reliance Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $2,950 liODY: Panelled express CAPACITY: Two tons WEIGHT: 4,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 in.; Fire- stone solid TIRES, REAR: 32x4 in.; Firestone solid STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Four on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front; form rear plat- FRAME: Cold pressed steel P.ORE: sU in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 2. two cycle MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Water, gear pump to tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage or dry cells CARBURETER: Special LUBRICATION: Mechanical in- dividual pump for oil feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle levers on steering column CLUTCH: Aluminum cone, leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gears SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Lever at right of driver DRIVE: From bevel gear in trans- mission housing to jack shaft, and double chains to rear wheels 168 Sayers and Scovill I 1-2 Ton Truck, 25 HP. Sayers and Scovill, Cincinnati, Ohio PRICE: $3,000 BODY: As required CAPACITY: 3,000 pounds WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds (chassis) WHEEL BASE: 96 inches TREAD: 60 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3^ in - TIRES, REAR: 34x354 in. STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: Contracting on shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Platform type CYLINDERS: 4 vertical MOTOR SUSPENSION: Under seat COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage and dry cells CARBURETER: Float feed type LUBRICATION: Mechanical MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Internal expansion CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Un- der hand wheel DRIVE: Double side chain Atlas Passenger Car, Type D, 30 HP. Knox Motor Truck Co., Springfield, Mass. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Anjr style to specifications CAPACITY: 18 passengers WEIGHT, 4,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 132 inches TREAD: 58 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inch, solid TIRES, REAR: 36x4^2 inch, solid STEERING: Heavy irreversible wheel type BRAKES: Two double-acting band SPRINGS: Half elliptical FRAME: Heavy section channel steel BORE: 6 in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: Two vertical in front; double acting MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry battery or storage CARBURETER: Special design LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle and spark CLUTCH: Multiple disc, metal to metal CHANGE GEAR: Sliding spur gears SPEEDS: Three forward, one re- verse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever; selective system DRIVtf: Shaft Atlas, Type A, 24 HP. Knox Motor Truck Co., Springfield, Mass. PRICE: $3.000 BODY: Express, stake or platform CAPACITY: Two tons WEIGHT: 5,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 96 inches TREAD-- <8 inches TIRES. FRONT: 36x4 in. solid rubber TIRES, REAR: 36x5 in. solid rub- ber STEERING: Heavy irreversible wheel type BRAKES: Two, inside and outside drum SPRINGS: Full elliptical front; half elliptical rear FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 6 in.; STROKE: 7 in. CYLINDERS: Two. horizontal VALVE ARRANGEMENT; Inlet and exhaust on side port MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry battery or storage cells CARBURETER: Special Knox LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle lever on top steering wheel CLUTCH: Leather faced cone type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding spur gears SPEEDS: 3 forward one reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective system DRIVE: Direct spur gear Prayer-Miller, Type A, 24 HP. Oscar Lear Automobile Co., Columbus, O. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Stake platform CAPACITY: 3 tons WEIGHT: 3,450 pounds WHEEL BASE: 112 inches TREAD: 66 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x3 V, inches TIRES, REAR: 34x5 inches STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Two sets, internal and external Cylin- SPRINGS: Semi-platform type FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 4 Vi6- STROKE: s'A in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: der heads MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Forced air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and dry cells CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Internal expanding type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE -GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Double chain 169 Atlas, Model A, 24 HP Knox Motor Truck Co., Springfield, Mass. PRICE: $3.000 BODY: Full panel with top WEIGHT: 5.000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 96 inches TREAD: ^8 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4 inches TIRES. REAR: 36x5 inches STEERING: Heavy irreversible wheel type BRAKES: On rear wheels SPRINGS: Full elliptics front, half elliptics, rear FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 6 in. STROKE: 7 in. CYLINDERS: 2 horizontal VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry or stor- age cells CARBURETER: Special LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle lever CLUTCH: Leather faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding spur gear type SPEEDS: .1 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Direct spur gear Reliance, Model F-B, 28-30 H.P. Reliance Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Stake, top and curtains CAPACITY: Three tons WEIGHT: 4,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 in., Fire- stone solid TIRES, REAR: 32x4 in., Firestone solid STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Four on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front, plat- form rear FRAME: Cold pressed steel BORE: JV6 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 2. two cycle MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Water gear pump to tubular radiator IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage or dry cells CARBURETER: Special LUBRICATION: Mechanical; indi- vidual pump for oil feed MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle; levers on steering column CLUTCH: Aluminum cone, leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gears SPEEDS : 3 forward and reverse CHANGE GEAR CONTROL: Lever at right of driver DRIVE: From bevel gear in trans- mission housing to jack shaft, and double chains to rear wheels Reliance, Model F-C, 28-30 H.P. Reliance Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $3,000 BuDY: Top wire screens and cur- tains CAPACITY: Two tons WEIGHT: 4,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 in., Fire- stone solid TIRES, REAR: 42x4 in., Firestone solid STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Four on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front, plat- form rear FRAME: Cold pressed steel BORE: sV in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 2. two cycle MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Water gear pump to tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage or dry cells CARBURETER: Special LUBRICATION: Mechanical; indi- vidual pump for oil feed MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle; levers on steering column CLUTCH: Aluminum cone, leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gears SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE GEAR CONTROL: Lever at right of driver DRIVE: From bevel gear in trans- mission housing to jack shaft, and double chains to rear wheels Manhattan, 1 1-2-Ton Delivery Wagon. Mack Bros. Motor Car Co., Allentown, Pa. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: To order CAPACITY: 3,000 pounds WEIGHT: About 3,500 pounds WHEEi. BASE: 120 inches TREAD: $6'A inches TIKES, FRONT: 36x3 M inches TIRES. REAR: 36x4 'inches STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: On countershaft and rear SPRINGS: Half elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4^in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in nairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb rad- iator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and battery CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, with cork inserts CHANGE GKAR: Individual clutch type SPEEDS: ^ forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Double chain 170 Worth Sight-Seeing Car, Model F. Worth Motor Car Mfg. Co., Evansville, Ind. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Cross seats, with top WEIGHT: 3,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 132 inches SEATS: 16 passengers TIRES, FRONT: Pneumatic, 36x414 inches TIRES, REAR: Pneumatic, 36x4^ inches STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel HORSE-POWER: 60 BORE: 5 inches STROKE: 6 inches CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front MOTOR SUSPENSION: Under hood from main frame COOLING: Water; cellular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- teries CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR - CONTROL: Governor, spark and throttle DRIVE: Double chain Atlas, Type B, 24 H.P. Knox Motor Truck Co., Springfield, Mass. PRICE: $3,200 BODY: Express stake or platform CAPACITY: Three tons WEIGHT: 6,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 114 inches TREAD: 58 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 in. solid rubber TIRES, REAR: 36x6 in. solid rub- ber STEERING: Heavy irreversible wheel type BRAKES: Two inside and outside rear drum SPRINGS: Full elliptical front; half elliptical rear FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 6 in.; STROKE: 7 in. CYLINDERS: Two; horizontal VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust in side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry battery or storage cells CARBURETER: Special design LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle lev- er on top steering wheel CLUTCH: Leather-faced cone type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding spur gears SPEEDS: 3 forward, one reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Direct spur gear Atlas Truck, Model B, 24 H.P. Knox Motor Truck Co., Springfield, Mass. PRICE: $3,200 BODY: Fixed stake CAPACITY: 3 tons WEIGHT: 6,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 114 inches TREAD: 58 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 inches TIRES. REAR: 36x6 inches STEERING: Heavy irreversible wheel type BRAKES: Internal and external on rear wheels SPRINGS: Front, full elliptics; rear, half elliptic FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 6 in. STROKE: 7 in. CYLINDERS: Two, horizontal VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry and storage cells CARBURETER: Special design LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Conical type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Direct spur gear Atlas Truck, Model B, 24 H.P. Knox Motor Truck Co., Springfield, Mass- PRICE: $3,200 BODY: Full panel top CAPACITY: 3 tons WEIGHT: 6,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 114 inches TREAD: 58 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 inches TIRES. REAR: 36x6 inches STEERING: Heavy irreversible wheel type BRAKES: Internal and external on rear wheels SPRINGS: Full elliptic front; half elliptic, rear FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 6 in. STROKE: 7 in- CYLINDERS: Two, horizontal VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In side M^TOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry or storage battery CAKbURETER: Special design LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL": Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Conical type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Direct spur gear T9T Atlas Truck, Model B, 24 H.P. Knox Motor Truck Co., Springfield, Mass. PRICE: $3,200 BODY: Removable stake body CAPACITY: 3 tons WEIGHT: 6,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 114 inches TREAD: 58 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 inches TIRES. REAR: 36x6 inches STEERING: Heavy irreversible wheel type BRAKES: Internal and external on rear wheels SPRINGS: Front, full elliptics; rear, half elliptic FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 6 in. STROKE: 7 in. CYLINDERS: Two, horizontal VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry or storage battery CARBURETER: Special design LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Conical t CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type ype ihdmg . . SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Direct spur gear Atlas Express, Model B, 24 H.P. Knox Motor Truck Co., Springfield, Mass. PRICE: $3,200 BODY: Express CAPACITY: 3 tons WEIGHT: 6,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 114 inches TREAD: 58 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x6 inches STEERING: He wheel type leavy irreversible BRAKES: Internal and external on rear wheels SPRINGS: Front, full elliptic; rear, half elliptic FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 6 in. STROKE: 7 in. CYLINDERS: Two, horizontal VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In side ports MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry and storage cells CARBURETER: Special design LUBRICATION: Mechanical oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Conical type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: T forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Direct spur gear 3-Ton Truck. Autocar Equipment Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRICE: $3,250 BODY: Platform stake or rack sides CAPACITY: 3 tons WEIGHT: 4,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 95 inches TREAD: 62 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 36x4 inches STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: On jack shaft and rear drums SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Oak armored with steel p!ates BORE: 4 11-16 in. STROKE: 5 # in. CYLINDERS:: 4 vertical, separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On op- nosite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water, cellular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries CARBURETER: Float feed auto- matic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Conical type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type bi'EEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sid<- lever DRIVE: Double chain Reliance, Model F-H, 28-30 H.P. Reliance Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $3,360, with slat seats, street car type; $3,420 upholstered seats and back SEATS: 22 people WEIGHT: 4,950 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x4 in., Fire- stone solid TIRES, REAR: 32x4 in., Firestone STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Four on rear DUDS SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front, plat- form rear FRAME: Cold pressed steel BORE: sH in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 2 two cycle MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Water gear pump to tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark "LRRENT SUF dry cells CLRRENT SUPPLY: Storage or CAR'BURETER: Special LUBRICATION: Mechanical; indi- vidual pump for oil feed MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle; levers on steering column CLUTCH: Aluminum cone, leather faced CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gears SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Lever at right of driver DRIVE: From bevel gear in trans- mission housing to jack shaft, and double chains to rear wheels Reliance, Model F-K, 28-30 H.P. Reliance Motor Car Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $3,450 BODY: Omnibus SFATS: 18 people WEIGHT: 5,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: 32x4 in.; Fire- stone solid TIRES, REAR: 32x4 in.; Firestone solid STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Four on rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front; plat- form rear FRAME: Cold pressed steel BORE: s;A in.; STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 2. two cycle MOTOR SUSPENSION: On sub- frame COOLING: Water, gear pump to tubular radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage or dry cells CARBURETER: Special LUBRICATION: Mechanical in- dividual pump for oil feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle levers on steering column CIUTCH: Aluminum cone, leather CHANGE GEAR: Sliding gears SPEEDS: ^ forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Lever at right of driver DRIVE: From bevel gear in trans- mission housing to jack shaft, and double chains to rear wheels 20-Passenger Car. Autocar Equipment Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Passenger brake SEATS: 20 persons TREAD: 62 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x354 in. TIRES, REAR: 36x4 in. STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: On jack shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Wood, armored with steel BORE: 4 11-16 in. STROKE: t,Y, in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Oppo- site sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub- frame COOLING: Water; cellular radia- IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries CARBURETER: Float feed auto- LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Leather faced cone CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse DRIVE: Double chain " Commerce " Model 1 7, 30 H.P. American Machine Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Stake truck, separate driv- ers' cab SEATS: 2 persons CAPACITY: 2!^ tons WEIGHT: (chassis), 3,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 1 09 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x5 inches STEERING: Worm, nut and crank BRAKES: Countershaft, two; rear hub, two SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front; plat- form rear FRAME: Rolled channel steel BORE: 4& in. STROKE: 4J4 in. CYLINDERS: 4 inoairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Side pocket all on one side MOTOR SUSPENSION: On rolled channel steel cross bars COOLING: Thermo syphon; water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells and storage CARBURETER: Standard LUBRICATION: Force feed oiler, shaft driven MOTOR- CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Disc cork insert CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 speed forward, i re- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever, selective system DRIVE: Side chains Manhattan, 2-Ton Truck, 50 H.P. Mack Bros. Motor Car Co., Allentown, Pa. PRICE: $3,500 (chassis) BODY: To order CAPACITY: 4,000 pounds WEIGHT: About 4.500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 121 inches TREAD: 66 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4'^ inches TIRES, REAR: 36x4^ inches STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: On countershaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Double sweep FRAME: Channel steel PORE: jU in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On one MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb type radiator IGNITION: Jumn spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic float feed LUBRICATION: Force Teed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, cnrk inserts CHANGE GEAR: Individual clutch SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec.- tive system DRIVE: Double side chain 173 Siebert Sight-Seeing Car.Model A, 24 H.P. The Shop of Siebert, Toledo, Ohio PRICE: $3,500 BODY: 4 cross seats, rear entrance tonneau SEATS: 20 persons WEIGHT: 4,700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 126 inches TREAD: 64 inches TIRLs, FRONT: 34x4 in., solid rubber TIRES, REAR: 34x4 in., solid rubber STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: On jack shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Platform front and rear FRAME: I-beam and wood BORE: $y, in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 2 horizontal under body VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Auto- matic inlet mechanical exhaust, both on one side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-chan- nel frame under car COOLING: Water, flat tube radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- teries CARBURETER: Float feed, auto- matic LUBRICATION: Compression force feed sight oilers MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Planetary trans- mission SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sidf DRIVE: Single chain to jack ihft, side chain to wheels Chase 2-Ton Truck, Model 1, 30-40 H.P. Chase Motor Truck Co., Syracuse, N.Y. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Express, stake cart or bus CAPACITY: 4,000 pounds WEIGHT: 3,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 108 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES. FRONT: .16x4 in. solid TIRES, REAR: 36x3 in. twin solid STEERING: Nut and screw BRAKES: Transmission and rear wheel hub SPRINGS: Front full elliptic, rear semi-elliptic FRAME: Wood BORE: 4^ in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: 2 cy- cle; no valves in cylinders MOTOR SUSPENSION: From side of frame COOLING: Forced air IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Automatic MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, cork inserts CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward speeds and re- CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Side chains sax Knox, Model 102, 16-20 H.P. Knox Automobile Co., Springfield, Mass PRICE: $.T.70o CAPACITY: 6,000 pounds WHEEL-BASE: in inches TREAD: 62 inches TTRES. FRONT: 36 * 4 inches TIRF.S. REAR: 36 x 6 inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel BORE:_s in. STROKE: 7 in. CYLINDERS: 2, opposed VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On top MOTOR SUSPENSION: Hori- zontal, under body COOLING: Air IGNITION: Jumo spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR CONTROL: Spark amd throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse DRIVE: Double side chain. American 3-Ton Truck, 40 H.P. American Motor Truck Co., Lockport, N. Y. PRICE: $3,850 (chassis) BODY: Platform CAPACITY: Three tons WEIGHT: 6.000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 118 inches TREAD: 64 inches or 56 J4 inches TIRES. FRONT: 36x5 inches TIRES. REAR: 36x5 inches STEERING: Worm and nut BRAKES: On jack shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Front; semi-elliptical; rear, semi-elliptical, platform type. FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, individual MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame, under seat COOLING: Water; spiral tube ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic float feed type MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark, throt- tle and governor CLUTCH: Metallic disc CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever and foot pedal DRIVE: Side chain* 174 GASOLINE MOTOR BUSINESS WAGONS COSTING $4,000 AND OVER. American 3-Ton Truck, 40 HP. American Motor Truck Co., Lockport, N. Y. PRICE: $4,000 BODY: Stake platform CAPACITY: 6,000 pounds WEIGHT: 6,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 1.8 inches TREAD: 64 or s&'/ 2 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 inches TIRES, REAR: 36xs inches STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: On jack shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Front, semi - elliptic; rear, semi-elliptic, platform type FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, cast sepa- MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame under seat COOLING: Water; spiral tube rad- IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- teries CARBURETER: Automatic float feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark, throt- tle, and governor CLUTCH: Metallic multiple disc CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sidt lever and foot pedal DRIVE: Side chains The "Rapid," Model No. D- 1 45, 24 HP. Rapid Motor Vehicle Co., Pontiac, Mich. PRICE: $4.000 BODY: Side entranc SEATS: 25 passengers CAPACITY: 2 ton WEIGHT: 4,600 pounds WHEEL BASE: in inches TREAD: 60 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x4 inches STEERING: Gear and sector BRAKES: Internal on rear wheels SPRINGS: Full platform; fror.t and rear FRAME: Heavy angle iron BORE: s ir STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS 2 opposed VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Mech- anically operated MOTOR SUSPENSION: 3-point COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical gear- driven oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Friction CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward, i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever and foot pedals DRIVE: Double side chain Hewitt 5-Ton Truck, 30 HP. Hewitt Motor Co., New York PRICE: $4,000 BODY: Platform CAPACITY: 5 tons WEIGHT: 7,000 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 168 inche* TREAD: 68 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36 * 5 in. (solid) TIRES, REAR: 36 x 4 in. (twin, solid) STEERING: Rack and pinion BRAKES: On rear wheels and driv- ing shaft SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Pressed steel BORE: 4ji in. STROKE: stf in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE. ARRANGEMENT: On op- posite sides MOTOR SUSPENSION: Under hood, between seats COOLING: Water; square tube radiator IGNITION: Make-and-break CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery and magneto CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Automatic force feed MOTOR CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone CHANGE GEAR: Planetary SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Fool pedals DRIVE: Double side chains Miller 3-Ton Truck, Model B, 40 HP. Miller Motor Car Co., Bridgeport, Conn. ^ ^**\ f OF THE NV (UNIVERSITY] PRICE: $4,000 BODY: To order WEIGHT: 3,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 130 inches TREAD: 60 inches TIRES, FRONT: 34x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 34x5 inches STEERING: Gemmer double screw BRAKES: On rear wheel* and countershaft FRAME: Channel steel; angle steel, sub-frame CYLINDERS: 4, cast in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On one side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub-frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb radi- ator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Automatic MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Continental ring clutch CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 1 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Double side chains 175 Manhattan, 3-Ton Truck, 50 H.P. Mack Bros. Motor Car Co., Allentown, Pa. PRICE: $4.000 (chassis) BODY: To order CAPACITY: 6,000 pounds WEIGHT: 6,500 pounds (with body) WHEEL BAbE: n to 13 feet TREAD: 66 inches TIKES, FKOiVi : 36x5 in. TIRES, REAR: 36x5 inches STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: On countershaft and rear SPRINGS: Double sweep FRAME: Channel steel BORE: S 'A in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On one side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb tad- IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and dry cells CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, cork inserts CHANGE GEAR: Individual clutch type SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selet tive system DRIVE: Double chain Biddle-Murray,*3-TonTruck, 50 H. P. Biddle-Murray M'f'g Co., Oak Park, 111. PRICE: $4,000 BODY: Stake platform or to order CAPACITY: 3 tons TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x6 inches STEERING: Non-reversible BRAKES: On propeller shaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Channel steel CYLINDERS: 4 vertical MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub-frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Mechanical forj:e feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Multiple disc type CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Sin- gle side lever; selective system DRIVE: Double side chain Manhattan, 4-Ton Truck, 50 H.P. Mack Bros. Motor Car Co., Allentown, Pa. PRICE: $4.250 (chassis) BODY: To order CAPACITY: 8,000 pounds WEIGHT: About 7',5oo pounds with body) WHEEL BASE: n to 13 feet TREAD: 66 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x5^ inches TIRES, REAR: 36x6 inches STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: On countershaft and rear drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Channel steel BORE: sY, in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On one MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub-frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb type radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and dry cells CARBURETER: Float iVed LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, cork inserts CHANGE GEAR: Individual clutch type SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Double chain American 5-Ton Brewery Truck, 40 H.P. American Motor Truck Co., Lockport, N. Y. PRICE: $4,500 BODY: Brewery type CAPACITY: 5 tons WEIGHT: 8,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 118 inches TREAD: 64 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x7 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x7 inches STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: On jack shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Front, semi-elliptical; rear, semi-elliptical, platform type FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, cast sepa- MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame, under seat COOLING: Water; spiral tube ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- CARBURETER: Automatic float feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark, throttle and governor CLUTCH: Multiple disc friction CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever and foot pedal DRIVE: Side chains 176 5-Ton Truck, 45-50 H.P. Autocar Equipment Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRICE: $4,500 BODY: Stake platform CAPACITY: 5 tons WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 70 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 in. TIRES, ivtAR: 36x7 in. STKEKlNG: Worm and gear BRAKES: On transmission shaft and rear drums SPRINGS: Half elliptic FRAME: Oak armored with steel olates BURE: s'n. STROKE; 6 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On one MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub- frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb type radiator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and dry cells CARBURETER: Automatic float feed LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cone, cork inserts CHANGE GEAR: Individual clutch SPEEDS: i forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Double side chain Manhattan, 1 7-Passenger Bus, 50 H.P. Mack Bros. Motor Car Co., Allentown, Pa. PRICE: $5,500 BODY: With cross seats and ton- neau SEATS: 17-20 passengers WEIGHT: About 6,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 153 inches TREAD: 66 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x454 inches STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: On rear hubs and coun- tershaft SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Channel steel BORE: S 'A in.; STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 4, vertical in front VALVE ARRANGEMENT: On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Direct from sub-frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and battery CARBURETER: Float-feed type LUBRICATION: Force-feed MOTOR - CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Conical type, cork inserts CHANGE GEAR: Individual clutch type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Se- lective system DRIVE: Double chain Manhattan, 20-Passenger Car, 50 H.P. Mack Bros. Motor Car Co., Allentown, Pa. PRICE: $5,500 BODY: Cross leather seats SEATS: 20 persons WEIGHT: About 6.000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 153 inches TREAD: 66 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x454 inches STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: On countershaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Channel steel BORE: 554 in. STROKE: 6 in. DERS: 4 vertical in pairs CYLINDE VALVE ARRANGEMENT': On same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: From angle steel sub-frame COOLING: Water; honeycomb rad- iator [(JNITfON: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto and dry cells CARBURETER: feed Automatic float LUBRICATION: Force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Conical type, cork in- serts CHANGE GEAR: Individual clutch type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Selec- tive system DRIVE: Double side chain Argus Truck, 28-32 H.P. Argus Import Motor Co., New York PRICE: $5,500 (chassis) BODY: Optional CAPACITY: 4>/, tons WHEEL BASE: 161 inches TREAD: 68 inches TIRES, FRONT: Solid rubber TIRES, REAR: Solid rubber, dou- ble STEERING: Worm and sector BRAKES: Expanding type SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical FRAME: Krup pressed steel BORE: 120 mm. STROKE: 130 mm. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in pairs VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Both MOTOR SUSPENSION: Main frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Bosch Mag- neto and battery LUBRICATION: Pressure feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Throttle and spark and foot accelerator CLUTCH: Cone leather CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 front and i reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Chain drive I 79 PRICES ON FOLLOWING MODELS QUOTED BY MAKERS UPON APPLICATION. American 24-Passenger Omnibus, 40 H.P. American Motor Truck Co., Lockport, N.Y. Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. BODY: Bus type; seats running from front to rear SEATS: 24 passengers WEIOHT: About 8,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 156 inches TREAD: 62 inches TIRKS, FRONT: 36x5 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x5 inches STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: On jack shaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Semi - elliptic, front; platform type, rear FRAME: Steel channel BORE: 5 in.; STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 4 cast separately MOTOR SUSPENSION: From main frame COOLING: Water; spiral tube ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- teries CARBURETER: Automatic float feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark, throt- tle and governor CLUTCH: Multiple metallic disc clutch CHANGE GEAR: Planetary toe SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse DRIVE: Side chain Plymouth Truck. Commercial Motor Truck Co., Plymouth, Ohio BODY: Stake or side board CAPACITY: 3 to 5 tons WEIGHT: 4,000-4,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 144 inches TREAD: s6J4 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32 inch single TIRES, REAR: 36 inch dual BRAKES: Internal expansion, hub drums FRAME: Channel steel braced BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical MOTOR SUSPENSION: In front COOLING: Water; honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Automatic oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Duplex friction SPEED: o to 8 and 10 to 12 m.p.h. CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRiVE: Chains to spur gear reduc- tion Plymouth Sight-Seeing Vehicle. Commercial Motor Truck Co., Plymouth, Ohio BODY: Cross seats, five or six SEATS: 20 or 24 passengers WEIGHT: 3,500 pounds WHEEL BASt: 144 inches TREAD: 56}^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 32 inch single TIRES. REAR: 36 inch double BRAKES: Internal expansion on rear hub drums FRAME: Channel steel braced BORE: 5 in. STROKE: 5 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical MOTOR SUSPENSION: In front COOLING: Water, honeycomb ra- diator IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Automatic oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Duplex friction SPEED: o to 12 and 15 to 20 m.p.h. CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Chains to spur gear reduc- tion Panhard Delivery Wagon. Panhard & Levassor, New York T.ODY: Delivery van CAPACITY: According to H.P. WEIGHT: According to H.P. WHEEL BASE: From 60 to 75 in. TIRES, FRONT: Solid rubber or pneumatic TIRES, REAR: Solid rubber or pneumatic STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: Three SPRINGS: Reinforced FRAME: Wood HORSE-POWER: 10, 15 18, 24, 35 CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Mech- anical MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Krebs MOTOR-CONTROL: On the steer- ing wheel CLUTCH: Leather and disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Chain Panhard Truck. Panhard & Levassor, New York BODY: Platform or van SEATS: 2 in front CAPACITY: According to H.P. WEIGHT: According to H'.P. WHEEL BASE: 115 inches TIRES, FRONT: Solid rubber or pneumatic TIRES, REAR: Solid rubber or pneumatic STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: Three SPRINGS: Reinforced FRAME: Wood HORSE-POWER: 10, 15, 18, 24, 35 CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Mech- MOTOR SUSPENSION: Sub-frame under body COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto CARBURETER: Krebs MOTOR-CONTROL: On the steer- ing wheel CLUTCH: Leather and disc CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 4 and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Eide lever DRIVE: Side chains Chicago 5-Ton Truck. Chicago Commercial Auto Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. BODY: Platform with cab in front CAPACITY: 10,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 126 inches TREAD: 64 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36 in. solid rub- ber TIRES, REAR: 36 in. solid rubber BRAKES: On transmission shaft and rear driving wheels SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Steel BORE: 6 in. STROKE: 6 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In cyl- inder heads, operated from one MOTOR SUSPENSION: In front under cab COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Magneto or batteries CARBURETER: Float feed type LUBRICATION: Mechanically- driven force feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cast steel bands with graphite inserts CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Side chains Chicago Combination Pass. & Bagg. Car. Chicago Commercial Auto Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. BODY: Passenger and baggage car SEATS: 16 persons WHEEL BASE: 126 inches TREAD: 64 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36 inches, solid rubber TIRES, REAR: 36 inches, solid rubber BRAKES: On transmission shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Steel BORE: 6 inches STROKE: 6 inches CYLINDERS: 4 vertical, separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In cyl- inder heads, on same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Under COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries or magneto CARBURETER: Float feed LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cast steel band with graphite inserts CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Side chains Chicago Coal or Gravel Truck. Chicago Commercial Auto Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. BODY: Tilting CAPACITY: 5 tons WHEEL BASE: 126 inches TREAD: 64 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36 inches, solid rubber TIRES, REAR: 36 inches, solid rubber BRAKES: On transmission shaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Steel BORE: 6 inches STROKE: 6 inches CYLINDERS: 4, cast separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: in cyl- inder heads on same side MOTOR SUSPENSION: Under COOLING: Water IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries or magneto CARBURETER: Float feed type LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cast steel bands with graphite inserts CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side DRIVE: Side chains 181 Chicago Truck with Winch. Chicago Commercial Auto Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. BODY: Platform truck with winch CAPACITY: 5 tons WHEEL BASE: 126 inches TREAD: 64 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36 inches, solid rubber TIRES, REAR: 36 inches, solid rubber STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: On transmission and rear hubs SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Steel BORE: 6 inches STROKE: 6 inches CYLINDERS: 4, cast separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In cyl- inder heads, operated from one MOTOR SUSPENSION: Under driver's seat COOLING: Water IGNITION: Tump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries or magneto CARBURETER: Float feed type LUBRICATION: Forced feed oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH : Cast steel bands with graphite inserts CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: ^ forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Double side chain Chicago 6-Ton Coal Truck. Chicago Commercial Auto Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. BODY: End delivery CAPACITY: 12,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 126 inches TREAD: 64 inches TIRES, FRONT, 36 inches, solid rubber TIRES, REAR: 36 inches, solid rubber STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: On transmission shaft and rear hubs SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Steel BORE: 6 inches STROKE: 6 inches CYLINDERS: 4, cast separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In cyl- inder heads, operated from one MOTOR SUSPENSION: Under driver's cab COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Batteries or magneto CARBURETER: Float feed tyne LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cast steel bands with graphite inserts CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Side chains Chicago 6-Ton Coal Truck. Chicago Commercial Auto Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. BODY: Side delivery CAPACITY: 12,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 126 inches TREAD: 64 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36 inches, solid rubber TIRES, REAR: 36 inches, solid rubber STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: On transmission shaft and rear wheels SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Steel BORE: 6 inches STROKE: 6 inches CYLINDERS: 4, cast separate VALVE ARRANGEMENT: In cyl- inder heads, operated from one MOTOR SUSPENSION: Under cab COOLING: Water IGNITION: Jump Spark CURRENT S'UPPLY: Batteries or magneto CARBURETER: Float feed type LUBRICATION: Mechanical force feed MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CLUTCH: Cast steel bands with graphite inserts CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 3 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Side chains ELECTRIC MOTOR BUSINESS WAGONS COSTING LESS THAN $3,000. Pope-Waverley, Model 64. Pope Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $1,500 BODY: Open delivery wagon SEATS: 2 persons WHEEL BASE: 85 inche TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3 in. TIRES, REAR: 30x3 in. STEERING: Wheel, tilting BRAKES: Foot and electric MOTOR SUSPENSION: One, sus- pended from body in front of rear axle SPRINGS: Full elliptic CURRENT SUPPLY: 40 cellt oi t P. V. exide GEARING: Double reduction gear* DRIVE: Double side chain Pope-Waverley, Model 63. Pope Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $1,500 BODY: Closed delivery wagon SEATS: 2 persons WHEEL BASE: 85 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3 in. TIRES, REAR: 30x3 in. STEERING: Wheel, tilting BRAKES: Foot and electric SPRINGS: Full elliptic MOTORS: One MOTOR SUSPENSION: From body, in front of rear axle CURRENT SUPPLY: 40 cells of P. V. exide GEARING: Double reduction DRIVE: Double side chain Pope-Waverley Delivery Wagon, Model 63. Pope Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $1,700 BODY: Closed delivery wagon C'APACITY: 800 pounds WHEEL BASE: 85 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES, FRONT: 30x3 inches TIRES, REAR: 30x3 inches Hercules, Model 144. PRICE: $1,700 BODY: Heavy platform truck CAPACITY: 6,000 pounds WEIGHT: 3,525 pounds WHEEL BASE: 73^ inches TREAD: 3?H inches STEERING: Wheel, tilting BRAKES: Foot and electric SPRINGS: Full elliptic front and MOTORS: One MOTOR SUSPENSION: From body in front of rear axle CURRENT SUPPLY: 4 o cells of 9 P.V. GEARING: Double reduction DRIVE: Double side chain James Macnaughtan Co., Buffalo, N. Y. TIRES, FRONT: 20X4xH in. steel TIRES. REAR: 2ox 4 xJi in. steel STEERING: Irreversible worm type BRAKES: Electric on motors SPRINGS: No springs MOTORS: Single equipment MOTOR SUSPENSION: From body MOTOR CONTROL: Westinghmist CHANGE SPEEDS: 3 speeds for- ward and reverse DRIVE: Double chain " Hercules," Model 120. James Macnaughtan Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRICE: $1,730 BODY: Delivery wagon (closed) CAPACITY: 1,000 pounds WEIGHT: 2,300 pounds TIRES, FRONT: 34x254 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x2^ inches STEERING Side bar BRAKES: Band brakes on rear axle SPRINGS: Front, elliptic; rear, platform MOTORS: Double equipment MOTOR SUSPENSION: From body MOTOR-CONTROL: Westinghouse SPEEDS: 4 speeds ahead and re- verse DRIVE: Double chain Champion, Model L. McCrea Motor Truck Co., Amer. Trust Bldg., Cleveland, O. Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. PRICE: $1,850 BODY: Any style delivery CAPACITY: 1,000 pounds WEIGHT: 2,350 pounds WHEEL BASE: 84 inches TREAD: Standard TIRES, FRONT: 36 inches TIRES, REAR: 42 inches STEERING: Lever BRAKES: Internal MOTOR: Single CURRENT SUPPLY: 22 cell bat tery Pope-Waverley, Model 43. Pope Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $1,850 BODY: Closed delivery wagon SEATS: 2 persons CAPACITY: 1,200 Ibs. WHEEL BASE: 91 inches TREAD: 60 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3 in. TIRES, REAR: 36x3 in. STEERING: Wheel with sector and pinion BRAKES: On hubs and counter- shaft SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic front, full elliptic rear MOTOR: Single CURRENT SUPPLY: 42 cells of ii P. V. exide DRIVE: Double side chain Studebaker, Model 20 11 a. Studebaker Automobile Co., South Bend, Ind. PRICE: $1,850 BODY: Panel side delivery CAPACITY: 500 pounds WEIGHT: 2,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 84 inches TREAD: 54 inches TIRES. FRONT: 30x2*4 inches TIRES, REAR: joxaJS inches STEERING: By tide lever BRAKES: One operating on rear wheels SPRINGS: Front, semi-elliptic; rear, full elliptic FRAME: Angle steel MOTOR RATING: 50 volts, 30 am- peres MOTOR SUSPENSION: Hung from frame BATTERY: 30 cells, o plate BATTERY ARRANGEMENT: As sembled in 5 trays hung under frame MOTOR-CONTROL: By controller located left side of seat SPEEDS: 4 to 12 miles per hour DRIVE: By cross shaft, chains and sprockets Pope-Waverley Delivery, Model 44. Pope Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, Ind. PRICE: $1,850 BODY: Open delivery wagon CAPACITY: 1.200 pounds WHEEL BASE: 91 inches TREAD: 60 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x3 inches STEERING: Wheel, with sector and pinion BRAKES: Two; hub and counter- shaft SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; full elliptic, rear MOTOR: Single, double reduction CURRENT SUPPLY: 42 cell bat- tery of 1 1 P.V. DRIVE: Double side chain Hercules, Model 101. James Macnaughtan Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Closed delivery wagon CAPACITY: 1,000 pounds WEIGHT: 2,700 pounds TIRES, FRONT: 34x2 inches TIRES, REAR: 3 6x2inches STEERING: Horizontal side lever BRAKES: Internal expanding hub SPRINGS: Front, half platform; rear, full elliptical MOTORS: Single equipment MOTOR SUSPENSION: From body MOTOR-CONTROL: Westinghouse CHANGE SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse DRIVE: Double chain Hercules, Model 102. James Macnaughtan Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRICE: $2,000 BODY: Delivery wagon (closed) CAPACITY: 800 pounds WEIGHT: 2,576 pounds TIRES, FRONT: 34x2 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x2 inches STEERING: Horizontal side lever BRAKES: Internal expanding hub SPRINGS: Front, half platform; rear, full elliptical MOTORS: Single equipment MOTOR SUSPENSION: From body MOTOR-CONTROL: Westinghouse SPEED: 12 m.p.h. CHANGE SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse DISTANCE: 40 miles DRIVE: Double chain Columbia Delivery Wagon, MarkTLH. Electric Vehicle Co., Hartford, Conn. PRICE: $2.200 chassis; $2,500 with standard body BODY: Panel delivery wagon CAPACITY: 2000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 02 inches TREAD: Standard TIRES, FRONT: 36x3^ inches TIRES. REAR: 36x3!^ inches STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: Duplex SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Iron I beam MOTORS: Two. connected to driv- ing wheels by double reduction gears BATTERY: Exide, 42 cells, 13 M.V. CONTROLLER: Horizontal RADIUS: 35 miles per charge with full load SPEED: IT miles per hour DRIVE: Side chains Columbia Express Wagon, Mark LII. Electric Vehicle Co., Hartford, Conn. PRICE: $2,200 (chassis), $2,500 with standard body BODY: Express wagon CAPACITY: 2000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 92 inches TREAD: Standard TIRES, FRONT: 36x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 36x3}^ inches STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: Duplex SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Iron I-beam MOTORS: Two, connected to driv- ing wheels by double reduction gears BATTERY: Exide, 42 cells, 13 M.V. RADIUS: 35 miles per charge with full load CONTROLLER: Horizontal SPEED: ii miles per hour DRIVE: Side chains Columbia Delivery Wagon, Mark LII. Electric Vehicle Co., Hartford, Conn. PRICE: $2,200 (chassis), $2,500 with Standard body BODY: Express wagon with flexible leather top CAPACITY: 2000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 92 inches TREAD: Standard TIRES, FRONT: 36x314 inches TIKES, REAR: 36x3}^ inches STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: Duplex SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Iron I-beam MOTORS: Two, connected to driv- ing wheels by double reduction gears BATTERY: Exide, 42 cells, 13 M.V. RADIUS: 35 miles per charge with full load CONTROLLER: Horizontal SPEED: ii miles per hour DRIVE: Side chains "Hercules," Model 139. James Macnaughtan Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRICE: $2,250 BODY: Express wagon CAPACITY: 2,000 pounds WEIGHT: 3,200 pounds TIRES, FRONT: 34x3^ inches iIRES, REAR: 36x4 inches. STEERING: Horizontal side lever BRAKES: Internal expanding hub SPRINGS: Front, half-platform; rear, full elliptic MOTORS: Single equipment MOTOR SUSPENSION: From body DISTANCE: 50 miles MOTOR-CONTROL: Westinghouse SPEED: 9 m.p.h. CHANGE SPEEDS: 4 speeds ahead and reverse 9 DRIVE: Double chain . Studebaker, Model 2007a. Studebaker Automobile Co., South Bend, Ind PRICE: $2,300 BODY: Panel side delivery CAPACITY: 1,000 pounds WEIGHT: 3,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 92 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x3 inches; solid TIRES. REAR: 36x3 inches; solid SPRINGS: Front, semi -elliptic; rear, semi-elliptic BRAKES: One set operating on motor; one set operating on rear wheels STEERING: By wheel FRAME: Angle steel MOTOR RATING: Two motors rated 80 volts, 14 amperes each BATTERY . ARRANGEMENT : As- sembled in 4 trays hung under frame BATTERY: 40 cells, 9 plate MOTOR SUSPENSION: Hung from frame MOTOR-CONTROL: By controller located left side of seat SPEEDS: 3 to 12 miles per hour DRIVE: Through medium of chain! and sprockets 186 Lansden, Model 76E. The Lansden Co., Newark, N. J. PRICE: $2,350 BODY: As desired CAPACITY: 1,000 pounds WEIGHT: 2,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 80 inches 1READ: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 2^, solid rubber TIRES. REAR: 2^, solid rubber STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: Internal, expanding in rear hubs SPRINGS: i#M6 in. semi-elliptic FRAME: Wood (reinforced) MOTOR SUSPENSION: Single motor on frame SPEEDS: 3 forward, 2 reverse DRIVE: Chain Hercules, Model 106. James Macnaughlan Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRICE: $2,350 BODY: Open delivery CAPACITY: 1,500 pounds WEIGHT: 3,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 77 inches TREAD: 65 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x3 inches TIRES, REAR: 39x3 "4 incues STEERING: Irreversible type BRAKES: Internal expanding hub SPRINGS: Front, semi-elliptic; rear, half platform MOTORS: Double equipment MOTOR SUSPENSION: From body MOTOR-CONTROL: Westinghouse CHANGE SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse DRIVE: Double chain Lansden Electric, Type 79E. The Lansden Co., Newark, N. J. PRICE: $2,->eo BODY: Closed Panel CAPACITY: 750 pounds WEIGHT: 2,450 pounds WHEEL BASE: 80 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x2!^ inches TIRES, REAR: 32x2}^ inches STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: Internal on rear hub drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Armored wood MOTOR SUSPENSION: from frame CONTROL: Hand lever on ing column MILEAGE: 40 per charge SPEED: 12 m. p. h. DRIVE: Side chains SingJe Studebaker, Model 2008a. Studebaker Automobile Co., South Bend, Ind. PRICE: $2,400 BODY: Express CAPACITY: 2,500 pounds WEIGHT: 5,300 pounds WHEEL BASE: in inches TREAD: 58 J4 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4 inches; solid TIRES, REAR: 36x4 inches; solid STEERING: By wheel BRAKES: One set operating on motor; one set operating on rear SPRINGS: Front, semi-elliptic; rear, semi-elliptic FRAME: Angle steel MOTOR RATING: Two motors rated 80 volts, 20 amperes each BATTERY: 40 cells, 13 plate BATTERY ARRANGEMENT: As- sembled in 4 trays hung under frame MOTOR SUSPENSION: Hum from frame MOTOR CONTROL: Bv controller located left side of seat SPEEDS; 4 to 10 miles per hour DRIVE: Through medium of chains and sprockets rQl Lansden Electric Wagon, Type 36D. The Lansden Co., Newark, N. J. PRICE: $2,450 BODY: Closed panel, overhung CAPACITY: 2,000 pounds WEIGHT: 3,300 pounds WHEEL BASE: 88 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x3 inches, solid rubber TIRES, REAR: 32x3 inches, solid rubber STEERING: Vertical columns BRAKES: On rear hub drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliMical FRAME: Armored wood MOTOR SUSPENSION: Single motor from frame CONTROL: Lever on steering col- umn MILEAGE: 25 per charge SPEED: 10 m. p. h. DRIVE: Side chains Lansden, Model 42E, The Lansden Co., Newark, N. J. PRICE: $2,450 BODY: As required CAPACITY: 2,000 pounds WEIGHT: 3,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 88 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 3x32 in., solid rubber TIRES, REAR: 3x32 in., solid rub- STEEKiNG: Irreversible BRAKES : Internal expanding on rear hubs SPRINGS: Front, 2x36 in., semi- elliptic; rear, 2x40 in., semi-ellip- tic FRAME: Armored wood MOTOR SUSPENSION: Single motor on frame SPEEDS: 3 forward, 2 back DRIVE: Chains Studebaker, Model 2004a. Studebaker Automobile Co., South Bend, Ind. PRICE: $2,800 BODY: Ambulance CAPACITY: 1,000 pounds WEIGHT: 3,700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 92 inches TREAD: 56 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x3 inches; solid TIRES, REAR: 36x3 inches; solid STEERING: Side lever BRAKES: One set operating on motor; one set operating on rear wheels SPRINGS: Front, semi-elliptic; rear, platform FRAME: Angle steel MOTOR RATING: Two motors rated 80 volts, 14 amperes each BATTERY: 48 cells, 9 plate BATTERY ARRANGEMENT: As- sembled in 4 trays hung under frame MOTOR SUSPENSION: Hun? from frame MOTOR-CONTROL: By controller located left side of seat SPEEDS: 4 to 15 miles per hour DRIVE: Through medium of chains and sprockets ELECTRIC MOTOR BUSINESS WAGONS COSTING $3,000 OR OVER Studebaker, Model 2008e. Studebaker Automobile Co., South Bend, Ind. PRICE: $3,000 ISODY: Omnibus SEATS: 14 persons CAPACITY: 2,500 pounds WEIGHT: 5,540 pounds WHEEL BASE: in inches TREAD: 58 inches 'IIRES, FRONT: 36x4 inches; solid TIRES. REAR: 36x4 inches: solid STEERING: By wheel BRAKES: One set operating on motor; one set operating on rear wheels SPRINGS: Front, semi-elliptic; rear, semi-elliptic FRAME: Angle steel MOTOR RATING: Two motors rated 80 volts, 20 amperes each MOTOR SUSPENSION: Hung from frame BATTERY: 40 cells, 13 plate BATTERY ARRANGEMENT: A> sembled in 4 trays hung undei frame MOTOR-CONTROL: By controlle. located left side of seat SPEEDS: 3 to 10 miles per hour DRIVE: Through medium of chainn r-nd sprockets Hercules, Model 103. James Macnaughtan Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRICE: $3,000 BODY: Delivery wagon with top CAPACITY: 3,000 pounds WEIGHT: 5,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: in inches TREAD: 65^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x4 inches STEERING: Irreversible worm type BRAKES: Internal expanding hub SPRINGS: Half platform front and rear MOTORS: Double equipment MOTOR SUSPENSION: From body SPEED: 10 m.p.h. DISTANCE: 45 miles MOTOR-CONTROL: Westinghous? CHANGE SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse DRIVE: Double chain Commercial Electric Truck, 1 H.P. Commercial Truck Co. of America.Philadelphia, Pa PRICE: $3,000 to $5,000, according to body and capacity ISODY: To order CAPACITY: 10,200 pounds WHEEL BASE: 144 inches WEIGHT: 10,000 pounds TREAD: 78 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x6 in., wooden TIRES, REAR: 36x6 in., wooden STEERING: Vertical steering col- umns and hand wheel BRAKES: Foot and electric SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Channel steel MOTOR SUSPENSION: On axles CURRENT SUPPLY: 4 2-cell stor- age battery MOTORS: Connected with and pan of each wheel MOTOR-CONTROL: Series-paral- lel grouping of motors SPEEDS: Up to 7^ m.p.h. DRIVE: Direct on 4 wheels 24-Passenger Electric Observation Car. Autocar Equipment Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRICE: $3,150 BODY: Terraced cross seats SEATS: 24 passengers TREAD: 62 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x3^ in. TIRES, REAR: 36x4 in. STEERING: Pinion and quadrant BRAKES: Double acting on rear hub, SPRINGS: natfortn, front and rear FRAME: Oak, armored with steel BATTERY: 42 cells, 15 W. B. stor DRIVE: Double chain 180 Hercules, Model 121. James Macnaughtan Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRICE: $3,200 BODY: Delivery truck CAPACITY: 4,000 pounds WEIGHT: 6,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 103 inches TREAD: 72 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 38x4 inches STEERING: Pinion and sector type BRAKES: Internal expanding hub SPRINGS: Half platform front and rear MOTORS: Double equipment MOTOR SUSPENSION: From body MOTOR-CONTROL: Westinghouse SPEED: SYi m.p.h. CHANGE SPEEDS: 4 forward and DISTANCE: 38 miles DRIVE: Double chain NOTE: With slight changes in price and specifications these trucks range in capacity up to 10,000 nounds; bodies to order Lansden, Model 46G. The Lansden Co., Newark, N. J. PRICE: $3,250 BODY: AS required CAPACITY: 4,000 pounds WEIGHT: 4,800 pounds WHEEL BASE: m inches TREAD: 66 inches TIRES, FRONT: 4x36 in., solid rubber. TIRES, REAR: 4x36 in., solid rub- ber STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: Internal expanding SPRINGS: Front, 2^x44 in., semi- elliptic; rear, 2^x44 in., semi- elliptic FRAME: Wood, armored MOTOR SUSPENSION: motor on frame SPEEDS: 3 forward, 2 back DRIVE: Chains Single Elwell-Parker 2-Ton Electric Wagon. Elwell-Parker Electric Co., Cleveland, Ohio* PRICE: $3,300 BODY: As required CAPACITY: 2 tons WEIGHT: 4,700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 96 to 112 inches TREAD: 60 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x454 inches STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: On rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Pressed steel MOTOR SUSPENSION: Swivel on frame SPEED: 12 m.p.h. MILEAGE: 35 to 50 SPEEDS: 3 forward, 2 reverse DRIVE: hain Commercial Sight-Seeing Bus, 10 H.P. Commercial Truck Co. of America, Phila., Pa. PRICE: $3,500 to $6,000 BODY: Sight-seeing passenger SEATS: 30 persons WHEEL BASE: 144 inches WEIGHT: 10,800 pounds TREAD: 78 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x6 in., solid rubber TIRES, REAR: 36x7 in., solid rubber STEERING: All four wheels BRAKES: Foot and electric SPRINGS: Platform FRAME: Channel iron MOTOR SUSPENSION: On axles MOTORS: 4, connected with and part of each wheel CURRENT SUPPLY: 4 2-cell stor- age battery MOTOR-CONTROL: Series-paral- lel grouping of motors SPEEDS: Up to 14 m. p. h. DRIVE: Direct on all 4 wheels 190 Studebaker, Model 2010a. Studebaker Automobile Co., South Bend, Ind. $3,500 Stake side PRICE: BODY: CAPACITY: 7,000 pounds WEIGHT: 8,400 pounds WHEEL BASE: 127 inches TREAD: 72 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 inches; solid TIRES, REAR: 36x6 inches: solid SPRINGS: Front, semi-elliptic; rear, semi-elliptic STEERING: By wheel BRAKES: One set operating on mo- tor; one set operating on rear wheels FRAME: Angle steel MOTOR RATING: Two motors, rated 80 volts, 35 amperes each BATTERY: 40 cell, 17 plate MOTOR SUSPENSION: from frame Hung BATTERY ARRANGEMENT: As- sembled in 4 trays hung under MOTOR-CONTROL: By controller located left side of seat SPEEDS: 2 to 7 miles per hour DRIVE: Through medium of chaini and sprockets " Hercules," Model 124. James Macnaughtan Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRICE: $3,500 BODY: Open delivery wagon with top CAPACITY: 6,000 pounds WEIGHT: 5,67^ pounds TIRES. FRONT: 36x3^ inches TIRES, REAR: 42x354 inches STEERING: Irreversible worm type BRAKES: Internal expanding hub SPRINGS: Platform, front and rear MOTORS: Double equipment MOTOR SUSPENSION: From body MOTOR-CONTROL: Westinghouse SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse DRIVE: Double chain Columbia Truck, Mark LIV. Electric Vehicle Co., Hartford, Conn. PRICE: $3,700 (chassis) BODY: Special, with electric wind- lass CAPACITY: 6.000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 113 inches TREAD: Standard TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 in. solid TIRES, REAR: 36x5 in. solid STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: Duplex SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: I-beam iron MOTORS: Two, connected to driv- ing wheels by double reduction gears BATTERY: Exide, 44 cells, 17 M. V. RADIUS: 30 miles per charge CONTROLLER: Horizontal SPEED: 8 miles per hour DRIVE: Side chains Columbia Truck, Mark LIV. Electric Vehicle Co., Hartford, Conn. PRICE: $3.700 (chassis) BODY: Closed CAPACITY: 6.000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 113 inches TREAD: Standard TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 in. solid TIRES, REAR: 36x5 in. solid STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: Duplex SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: I-beam iron MOTORS: Two, connected to rear driving wheels by double reduc- tions gears BATTERY: Exide, 44 cells, 17 M. V. RADIUS: 30 miles per charge CONTROLLER: Horizontal SPEED: S miles per hour DRIVE: Side chains IQI Hercules, Model 1 13. James Macnaughtan Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 1'IUCE: $3,750 BODY: Platform truck CAPACITY: 7,000 pounds WEIGHT: 7,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 118 inches TREAD: 70 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36xs inches TIRES, REAR: 38x5 'inches STEERING: Pinion and sector type BRAKES: Internal expanding hub SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic MOTORS: Double equipment MOTOR SUSPENSION: From body SPEED: 8 m.p.b. MOTOR-CONTROL: Westinghouse DISTANCE: 30 miles CHANGE SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse DRIVE: Double chain Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a sise suitable for insertion in this space. Champion, 6-Ton Truck. McCrea MotorTruck Co., Amer.Trust Bldg., Cleveland, O. I'tflCE: $4,000 BODY: Any type CAPACITY: 6 to 10 tons WEIGHT: 8,750 pounds WHEEL BASE: Optional TREAD: Optional TIRES, FRONT: 42 inches, wood or steel TIRES, REAR: 52 inches, wood or steel MOTORS: 2 CURRENT SUPPLY: 44 cell bat DRYvE: Chain Columbia Sight-Seeing Car, Mark LIII. Electric Vehicle Co., Hartford, Conn. PRICE: $4,200 (chassis) BODY: Sight-seeing side entrance bus SEATS: 48 passengers WHEEL BASE: 123 inches TREAD: Standard TIRES, FRONT: 36x6 in. solid TIRES, REAR: 36x7 in. solid STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: Duplex SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Iron I-beams MOTORS: Two, connecting to driv- ing wheels by double reduction BATTERY: Exide, 44 cells, 19 M.V. SPEED: gYi miles per hour DRIVE: Side chains Columbia Brewery Truck, Mark LIII. Electric Vehicle Co., Hartford, Conn. PRICE: $4,200 (chassis) BODY: Brewery wagon, carrying 50 half barrels CAPACITY: 10,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 123 inches TREAD: Standard TIRES, FRONT: 36x6 in. solid TIRES, REAR: 36x7 in. solid STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: Duplex SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Iron I-beams 192 MOTORS: Two, connected to rear driving wheels by double reduc- tion gears BATTERY: Exide, 44 cells, 19 M.V. SPEED: 6 miles per hour DRIVE: Side chains Columbia Truck, Mark LIII. Electric Vehicle Co., Hartford, Conn. PRICE: $4,200 (chassis) BODY: Platform fie CAPACITY: 10.000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 123 inches TREAD: Standard TIRES, FRONT: 36x6 in. solid TIRES, REAR: 36x7 in. solid STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: Duplex SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Iron I-beams MOTORS: Two, connected to rear driving wheels by double reduc- tions gears BATTERY: Exide, 44 cells, 19 M.V. SPEED: 6 miles per hour DRIVE: Double chain Studebaker, Model 2003a. Studebaker Automobile Co., South Bend, Ind. PRICE: $4,250 BODY: Stake CAPACITY: 10,000 pounds WEIGHT: 9,700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 126 inches TREAD: 73 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x7 inches; solid TIRES, REAR: 36x7 inches; solid SPRINGS: FRONT, semi-elliptic; rear, semi-elliptic BRAKES: One set operating on motor; one set operating on rear wheels STEERING: By wheel FRAME: Angle steel MOTOR RATING: Two motors rated 80 volts, 35 amperes each BATTERY ARRANGEMENT: As- sembled in 4 trays hung under frame BATTERY: 40 cell, 10 plate MOTOR SUSPENSION: Hung from frame MOTOR-CONTROL: By controller located left side of seat SPEEDS: 2 to 6 miles per hour DRIVE: Through medium of chains and sprockets Hercules, Model 115. PRICE: $4,400 BODY: Brewery truck CAPACITY: 10,000 pounds WEIGHT: 8,700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 100 inches TREAD: 77^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x7 inches James Macnaughtan Co., Buffalo, N. Y. TIRES. REAR: 36x twin 4 in. STEERING: Pinion and sector type RRAKES: Internal expanding hub SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic MOTORS: Double equipment MOTOR SUSPENSION: From body DISTANCE: 35 miles MOTOR-CONTROL: Westinghouse SPEED: 6 miles per hour SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse DRIVE: Double chain bl Hercules, Model 1 28. PRICE: $4.400 BODY: Stake platform with top CAPACITY: 10,000 pounds WEIGHT: 8,700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 117 inches TREAD: 81 inches TIRES. FR'ONT: 36x7 inches James Macnaughtan Co., Buffalo, N. Y. TIRES, REAR: 36x7 inches STEERING: Pinion and sector type BRAKES: Internal expanding hub SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic MOTORS: Double equipment MOTOR SUSPENSION: From body MOTOR-CONTROL: Westinghouse CHANGE SPEEDS: 4 forward and reverse DRIVE: Double chain Brunn Electric Omnibus. Brunn's Carriage MTg Co., Buffalo, N. Y. PRICE: $5,000 BODY: Side door omnibus SEATS: ir passengers WHEEL BASE: 96 inches TREAD: 62 inches TIRES FRONT: 36x3!^ inches TIRES, REAR: 42x4 inches STEERING: Worm and gear BRAKES: Foot and electric SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Angle iron MOTORS: 2 Westinghouse BATTERIES: 42 cells of National 15 W. B. CONTROLLER: Westinghouse SPEEDS: 4 ahead and reverse RATE OF SPEED: 3 to 15 miles per hour DRIVE: Double chain PRICES WILL BE QUOTED ON THE FOLLOWING MODELS BY MAKERS, UPON APPLICATION Lansden, Model 66G. The Lansden Co., Newark, N. J. BODY: As required CAPACITY: 6,000 pounds WEIGHT: 5,700 pounds WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 66 inches '1IRES, FRONT: 5x36 in., solid TIRES, REAR: 5x36 in., solid STEERING: Irreversible BRAKES: Internal expanding on rear hubs SPRINGS: 2^x44 in semi-elliptic; 25^x44 in., semi-elliptic FRAME: Wood, armored MOTOR SUSPENSION: motor on frame SPEEDS: 3 forward, 2 back DRIVE: Chains Single Pope-Waverley 1-Ton Truck. Pope Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, Ind. BODY: Stake platform CAPACITY: One ton WHEEL BASE: 92 inches TREAD: 68 inches TIRES. FRONT: 36x3 in. TIRES, REAR: 36x3 in. STEERING: Wheel, with sector and pinion BRAKES: Expansion type hub SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, platform type MOTOR SUSPENSION: Hung from chassis in front of rear axle CURRENT SUPPLY: 42 cells of n M. V. exide GEARING: Double reduction DRIVE: Double side chain Pope-Waverley 3-Ton Truck. Pope Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, Ind. BODY: Stake platform CAPACITY: t tons WHEEL BASE: 118 inches TREAD: 7.1 inches TTRES. FRONT: 36x5 in. TIRES, REAR: 36x5 in. STEERING: Sector and pinion BRAKES: Expansion type on rear hub drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic MOTOR SUSPENSION : Hung from chassis in front of rear axle CURRENT SUPPLY: 42 cells of 15 M. V. exide GEARING: Double reduction DRIVE: Double side chain Pope-Waverley 5-Ton Truck. Pope Motor Car Co., Indianapolis, Ind. BODY: Stake platform CAPACITY: s tons WHEEL BASE: 121 inches TREAD: 76 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x6 in. TIRES, REAR: 36x6 fa. STEERING: Sector and pinion BRAKES: Expansion type on rear hub drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic MOTOR SUSPENSION: Hung from chassis in front of rear axle CURRENT SUPPLY: 42 cells of 19 M. V. exide GEARING: Double reduction DRIVE: Double side chain Sight-Seeing Coach. General Vehicle Co., Long Island City, N. Y. BODY: Six terraced seats CARRYING CAPACITY: sengers FRAME: Channel steel 24 pas- BRAKES: Foot; expanding type TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x6 inches SPEEDS: 4 forward; 2 reverse WHEEL BASE: 114 inches TREAD: 64 incnes DRIVE: Chain or gear Five-Ton Brewery Truck. General Vehicle Co., Long Island City, N. Y. BODY: Platform and tail board CAPACITY: 5 tons (50 half bar- rels) FRAME: Channel steel BRAKES: Foot; expanding type TIRES, FRONT: 36x7 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x7 inches SPEEDS: 4 forward; 2 reverse WHEEL BASE: 115 inches TREAD: 6qY, inches DRIVE: Gear Freight Truck. General Vehicle Co., Long Island City, N. Y. BODY: Freight truck CAPACITY: 3 tons FRAME: Channel steel SPRINGS: Platform type STEERING: Vertical column WHEEL BASE: 147 inches TREAD: 71^ inches BRAKES: Foot; expandin g type TIRES, FRONT: -56x6 inches TIRES, REAR: 34 in. twin. SPEEDS: 4 forward. 2 reverse DRIVE: Side chains CITY ORES SEDEEEF. Panel Truck. General Vehicle Co., Long Island City, N. Y. BODY: Panel truck CAPACITY: 5 tons WHEEL BASE: 134 inches TREAD: 71% inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x7 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x4 inches twin STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: Foot expanding FRAME: Channel steel SPRINGS: Platform type MOTORS: Two, suspended under body in rear DRIVE: Side chains Delivery Truck. General Vehicle Co., Long Island City, N. Y. BODY: Stake sides with top CAPACITY: Two tons WHEEL BASE: 112^ inches TREAD: 56 y 2 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x<; inches TIRES. REAR: 36x5 inches STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: Foot expanding FRAME: Channel steel SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical MOTOR: Single, under body DRIVE: Chain Ambulance & Patrol. General Vehicle Co., Long Island City, N. Y. BODY: Combination ambulance and patrol SEATS: 8 person WHEEL BASE: 10754 inches TREAD: 64^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x354 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x4 inches STEERING: Vertical column BRAKES: Foot, expanding FRAME: Channel steel SPRINGS: Full elliptic MOTOR: Single DRIVE: Chain Express Wagon. General Vehicle Co., Long Island City, N. Y. BODY: Express with top CAPACITY: 2,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 97 inches TREAD: 57 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32x4 inches TIRES, REAR: 32x4 inches STEERING: Vertical column FRAME: Channel steel SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic MOTOR: Single DRIVE: Chain 5-Ton Cable Truck. General Vehicle Co., Long Island City, N. Y. BODY: Stake platform CAPACITY: 10,000 pounds WHEEL BASK: 131^ inches TREAD: 71^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x7 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x4 inches, twin STEERING: Vertical column MOTORS: Two under body; one to operate windlass SPRINGS: Platform type FRAME: Channel steel DRIVE: Double chain Ti Lumber Truck. General Vehicle Co., Long Island City, N. Y. BODY: Stake platform CAPACITY: 5 tons WHEEL BASE: i 3 o'/ 4 inches TREAD: 71 % inches TIRES. FRONT: 36x7 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x3^ inches, twin STEERING: Vertical column SPRINGS: Platform type MOTORS: Double under body DRIVE: Chains Ice Truck. General Vehicle Co., Long Island City, N. Y. BODY: Closed ice wagon CAPACITY: 5 tons WHEEL BASE: 134 inches TREAD: ji% inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x7 inches TIRES. REAR: ^6x4 inches, twin STEERING: Vertical column SPRINGS: Platform type MOTORS: Two suspended in rear under body DRIVE: Side chains Baggage Truck. General Vehicle Co., Long Island City, N. Y. BODY: Screen sides with top CAPACITY: M tons WHEEL BASE: n 7 '/2 inches TREAD: 56^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 inches TIRES. REAR: 36x5 inches STEERING: Vertical column SPRINGS: Full elliptic MOTORb: Two suspended body DRIVE: Side chains under 107 Omnibus. General Vehicle Co., Long Island City, N. Y. BODY: Omnibus SEATS: 16 passengers WHEEL BASE: 112 inches TREAD: 56 M inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x5 inches TIRES, REAR: 36x5 'inches SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: MOTOR bo %;: body DRIVE: Channel steel Single, suspended under Chain Synnestvedt 2-Ton Truck. Synnestvedt Machine Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. BODY: Stake or van CAPACITY: 2 tons WHEEL BASE: 87 inches TREAD: 52 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x4 in. TIRES, REAR: 36x5 in. BRAKES: On rear wheel and driv- ing shaft SPRINGS: Platform FRAME: Channel steel MOTOR: Synnestvedt electric MOTOR SUSPENSION: In rear under body SPEEDS: 4 forward, 2 reverse DRIVE: Chain Synnestvedt 5-Ton Truck. Synnestvedt Machine Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. BODY: Stake, fixed or removable CAPACITY: 5 tons WHEEL BASE: 120 inches TREAD: 64 inches TIRES, FRONT: 36x7 inches TIRES. REAR: 36x4 in. dual BRAKES: On rear wheel and driv- ing shaft FRAME: Channel steel MOTOR: Synnestvedt electric SPEEDS: 4 forward, 3 reverse DRIVE: Chain Couple-Gear Truck. Couple-Gear Freight Wheel Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. PRICE: $4,500 BODY: To suit purchaser CAPACITY: 5 tons WEIGHT: 10,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 102)4 inches TREAD: 72 inches TIRES, FRONT: 7 in. or 4 in. dual TIRES, REAR: 7 in, or 4 in. dual STEERING: All 4 wheels BRAKES: All 4 wheels, 2 indepen- dent groups SPRINGS: Elliptical FRAME: I-beams with oak joists HORSE-POWER: 3 H.P., normal in each wheel, total 12 H.P. CURRENT SUPPLY: 44 cells, 19 plate M. V. Exide or equivalent DRIVE: Couple gear; from both sides of each wheel 198 STEAM BUSINESS WAGONS. Thompson, Model A, Delivery, 10-12 HP. Thompson Auto Co., Providence, R. I. Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. PRICE: $1,800 BODY: Wood and iron SEATS: 2 persons CAPACITY: 1,200 to 1,500 pounds WEIGHT: 2,600 pounds VVHKEL BASE: 102 inches TREAD: 62 inches TIRES, FRONT: Solid, 30x2}^ in. TIRES, REAR: Solid, 32x2j4in. STEERING: Worm gears BRAKES: Rear wheels SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Wood and iron BORE: 4% in. STROKE: *M in CYLINDERS: Two VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Sliding MOTOR SUSPENSION: Hung to boiler BOILER: Tonkin "dry plate" LUBRICATION: Sight force feed SPEEDS: 10 to 20 miles DRIVE: Chain Thompson, Model B, Steam Wagonette. Thompson Auto Co., Providence, R. I. PRICE: $2,250 BODY: Iron and wood SEATS: 10-12 persons WEKiHT: 3,000 pounds WHEEL BASE: 102 inches TREAD: 62 inches TIRES, FRONT: Solid, 30x2!^ in. TIRES, REAR: Solid, 32x2^in. STEERING: Triple thread screws BRAKES: Rear wheels, double act- SPRINGS: Full elliptic FRAME: Iron and wood HORSE-POWER: 10 to 12 BORE: 4'/, in. STROKE: 4^ in. CYLINDERS: Two VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Sliding H'ung to type MOTOR SUSPENSION: engine BOILER: Tonkin "dry plate" LUBRICATION: Force sight feed SPEEDS: 10 to 20 miles DRIVE: Chain Coulthard Steam Truck, 30 H. P. American Coulthard Co., Chicago, 111. PRICE: $4,500 BODY: Platform CAPACITY: 12,000 pounds WHEEL-BASE: 130 inches TREAD: 66 inches TIRES, FRONT: 33x7 in., (wood) TIRES, REAR: 36x9 in., (wood) STEERING: Worm and wheel BRAKES: Double-acting screw brake on rear wheels SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Channel steel MOTOR : Compound reversing CYLINDERS: 2 high, 2 low pres- sure MOTOR SUSPENSION: To main frame by patented method BOILER: Vertical, fire-tube type FUEL: Coke or coal SPEEDS: 3-6 m. p. h., forward and reverse DRIVE: Double chain Maker's illustration not ready will be published later and of a size suitable for insertion in this space. Steam 8-Ton Truck, 35 HP. Pittsburgh Machine Tool Co., Allegheny, Pa. PRICE: $4,500 BODY: To suit CAPACITY: 8 tons WEIGHT: 4 tons WHEEL BASE: To suit TREAD: Standard TIRES, FRONT: Wood, 6 in. TIRES, REAR: Wood, 6 in. STEERING: Wheel BRAKES: Air and hand FRAME: Steel CYLINDERS: 3 and 4 VALVE ARRANGEMENT: pet type POP- BURNER : Kerosene FUEL REGULATION: Automatic BOILER: Fire tube CHANGE GEAR: Spur type CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side DRIVE: Chain and gear 199 Johnson Power Wagon. Johnson Service Co., Milwaukee, Wis. PRICE: According to load capacity BODY: To order CAPACITY: From i to 5 tons WEIGHT: From i to 5 tons WHEEL BASE: Varies TREAD: Varies TIRES, FRONT: Solid rubber TIRES, REAR: Solid rubber STEERING: Wheel and knuckle BRAKES: Wheel band and reverse SPRINGS: Half elliptic FRAME: Armored wood BORE: $y t in. STROKE: 4 in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical VALVE ARRANGEMENT: I n cvlinder head CONDENSER: 150 sq. ft area BURNER: Kerosene FUEL REGULATION: By ther- mostat BOILER: Water tube coil LUBRICATION: Splash CHANGE GEAR: Sliding type SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Lever DRIVE: Shaft Coulthard Coal Truck. American Coulthard Co., Chicago, 111. BODY: For coal, power tipping CAPACITY: 6 tons FRAME: Channel steel TIRES: Wood blocks GENERATOR: Fire tube CYLINDERS: 2 compound, hori- zontal TRANSMISSION: Sliding gear SPEEDS: Two WHEEL BASE: 130 inches TREAD: 66 inches DRWE: Chain Plymouth Bus, 30-40 H.P. Commercial Motor Truck Co., Plymouth, O. (TOO LATE FOR PROPER CLASSIFICATION.) BODY: Rear entrance bus SEATS: 20-24 passengers WEIGHT: 4,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 144 inches TREAD: 56}^ inches TIRES, FRONT: 32 in., single TIRES. REAR: 36 in., dual BRAKES: Internal expanding on rear wheel drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Braced channel steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: c, in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front COOLING: Water; honeycomb rad- IGNITION: Jump spark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- C.VRBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Automatic oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Duplex friction SPEEDS: o to 10 or is m. p. h. CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Chains to spur gear re- duction Plymouth Side Board Truck, 30-40 H.P. Commercial Motor Truck Co., Plymouth, O. (TOO LATE FOR PROPER CLASSIFICATION.) BODY: Side board truck CAPACITY: 2 to 3 tons WEIGHT: 4,500 pounds WHEEL BASE: 144 inches TREAD: 5614 inches TIRES, FRONT: 32 in., single TIRES, REAR: 36 in., dual BRAKES: Internal expanding in rear hub drums SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic FRAME: Braced channel steel BORE: 5 in. STROKE: s. in. CYLINDERS: 4 vertical in front COOLING: Water; honeycomb rad- IGNITION: Jump soark CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage bat- tery CARBURETER: Automatic LUBRICATION: Automatic oiler MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle CHANGE GEAR: Duplex friction SPEEDS: o to 8 or iq m. p. h. CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever DRIVE: Chains to spur gear re- duction 2OO TOO LATE FOR PROPER CLASSIFICATION. Brush Runabout, 6 H.P. Brush Runabout Co., Detroit, Mich. Pi """"% * -***N. u\ * ^ BVNk *;r** J jiW* ,p5o ' ii r I' X ^fc * ^EPtStpiOMU.^ * ^^^x> *ji. ^^. U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES