lltili I jr dept. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class I i ! wSS^Sss ..-> ':.'". :i . '.'''." -.''.. J V | T ^' '.,' '-.." --'. -I- .'-,.':.:. m - : K^ WORKS OF PROF. HEINRICH RIES PUBLISHED BY JOHN WILEY & SONS Clays: Their Occurrence, Properties and Uses With Especial Reference to Those of the United States. Second Edition, Revised. 8vo, xix + 554 pages, 112 figures, 44 plates. Cloth, $5.00 net. By RIES AND LEIGHTON History of the Clay-working: Industry in the United States By Prof. Heinrich Ries and Henry Leigh ton, Assistant Economic Geologist, New York Geo- logical Survey. 8vo, viii + 270 pages, illustrated. Cloth, $2.50 net. HISTORY OF THE CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY IN THE UNITED STATES BY HEINRICH RIES, PH.D. PROFESSOR OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGY IN CORNELL UNIVERSITY, AUTHOR OF " ECONOMIC GEOLOGY OF THE UNITED STATES," AND "CLAYS: THEIK OCCURRENCE, PROPERTIES AND USES*' AND HENRY LEIGHTON, A.B. ASSISTANT ECONOMIC GEOLOGIST, NEW YORK GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FIRST EDITION FIRST THOUSAND NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL. LIMITED 1909 TP71* COPYRIGHT, 1909, BY HEINRICH RIES AND HENRY LEIGHTON Stanbope ipress F. H. GILSON COMPANY BOSTON, U.S.A. PREFACE. THE materials for this work were collected for the Department of Economics and Sociology of the Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington for use in a projected series of "Contributions to the Economic History of the United States.' 7 This advance publica- tion is by the permission of the late Carroll D. Wright (who was the Director of the Department) with the understanding that any of the data herein contained may be used in that series. Mr. Edward W. Parker, of the United States Geological Survey, a collaborator of Dr. Wright, has had the more immediate super- vision of the present work and has approved the manuscript for this volume. In the preparation of this work the authors have consulted all available magazines, private publications and government and state reports. Those which have served as sources of information are listed at the end of the work, but they do not represent more than one quarter of all the works consulted. When reference is made to these in the text, a number is given in parenthesis, corre- sponding to that of the reference in the list, and this number is followed by the volume or page number, the former being given in Roman numerals and the latter in Arabic figures. The data obtained from these publications have been supple- mented by inquiries addressed to the different State geologists, and a very large number of producers, as well as private individuals who it was thought might be able to supply any of the desired facts. The replies to many of these communications developed such a startling lack of knowledge of the subject in nearly all quarters that the authors venture to hope that the gathering together of what scattered information there is may prove of value. In some cases it was hardly possible to get any data on important States especially in the case of Illinois and Kentucky, for there appears to be very little literature on the subject according to our own searches and the statement of State officials; moreover most iii 199978 IV PREFACE. of the manufacturers to whom requests for information were sent did not even reply to the inquiries. And this failure on the part of many producers to respond to inquiries, is responsible for the occasional omission of references to works of which one might reasonably expect a mention. In the arrangement of the subject matter the main treatment of the subject is by products, but as this leaves gaps here and there, it has been followed by a discussion by States. It has of course been impossible to refer to every deposit or factory in the country, only the more important ones being mentioned, and this chiefly for pointing out the development of the industry at different points. For this purpose it has also been necessary to mention some of the smaller plants as well. Develop- ments in manufacturing methods are sometimes referred to, but it should be understood that the discussion of technologic details is not one of the main objects of the work. Since the primary object of the work is a discussion of the history of the industry, details relating to the mode of occurrence and distribution of the clays are omitted; moreover, such details have already been published elsewhere in Geological Survey and private publications. The statistics in nearly all cases are taken from the United States Geological Survey reports on Mineral Resources, and the earlier ones are to be regarded as only approximate. Those for the years 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880 and 1890 are from the reports of the Census Bureau. The authors take this opportunity of thanking most heartily all those who have aided them in the collection of this material, but special thanks are due to Messrs. E. C. Stover, Trenton, N. J. ; F. W. Walker, Beaver Falls, Pa.; R. R. Hice, Beaver, Pa.; J. H. Burgess, Hockessin, Del; E. Mayer, Beaver Falls, Pa.; B. W. Robinson, Akron, Ohio; L. Parker, St. Louis, Mo.; H. N. Harker, East Liverpool, Ohio; J. N. McClave, Toronto, Ohio; Wm. Walker, Pittsburg, Pa.; W. D. Richardson and Prof. Edward Orton, Jr., Columbus, Ohio, and Messrs. C. B. Stowe, Cleveland, Ohio, and Jefferson Middleton, United States Geological Survey. CORNELL UNIVERSITY, HEINRICH RIES. Ithaca, N.Y. HENRY LEIGHTON. CONTENTS. PREFACE iii CONTENTS v LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ix PART I. RESUME OF THE CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY BY PRODUCTS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION i COMMON-BRICK . 9 PRESSED BRICK AND ORNAMENTAL BRICK 16 ENAMELED BRICK 19 ARCHITECTURAL TERRA COTTA 20 HOLLOW WARE FOR STRUCTURAL WORK 25 ROOFING TILE 28 FLOOR AND WALL TILE 29 CHAPTER II. SEWER PIPE 31 CONDUITS 35 PAVING BRICK 36 FIRE BRICK 38 POTTERY 45 CLAY-MINING INDUSTRIES 56 PART II. HISTORY OF THE CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY BY STATES. CHAPTER III. Alabama to Iowa. ALABAMA 64 ARIZONA 66 ARKANSAS 67 CALIFORNIA 69 COLORADO 73 VI CONTENTS. PAGE CONNECTICUT 74 DELAWARE 7 6 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 77 FLORIDA 7 8 GEORGIA 79 ILLINOIS 81 BRICK 81 TERRA COTTA 82 PAVING BRICK 82 FIRE BRICK 83 POTTERY 84 MISCELLANEOUS 86 INDIANA 88 IOWA 94 CHAPTER IV. Kansas to New Hampshire. KANSAS 96 KENTUCKY 98 LOUISIANA 102 MAINE 103 MARYLAND 105 MASSACHUSETTS 108 MICHIGAN 112 MINNESOTA 115 MISSISSIPPI 1 18 MISSOURI 120 MONTANA 128 NEBRASKA 129 NEVADA 130 NEW HAMPSHIRE 131 CHAPTER V. New Jersey to Ohio. NEW JERSEY 133 BRICK 133 ARCHITECTURAL TERRA COTTA 136 FIRE PROOFING 136 FLOOR AND WALL TILE 137 ROOFING TILE 138 CONDUITS 138 FIRE BRICK 138 CONTENTS. VU PAGE NEW JERSEY (continued) POTTERY 139 CLAY-MINING INDUSTRY 144 NEW MEXICO 147 NEW YORK 148 BRICKS 148 ARCHITECTURAL TERRA COTTA : . . 152 ROOFING TILE 153 SEWER PIPE 153 FIRE BRICK 153 POTTERY 153 ELECTRICAL PORCELAIN 158 NORTH CAROLINA 160 NORTH DAKOTA ". 161 OHIO 163 BRICK 163 TERRA COTTA 166 HOLLOW BRICK, FIRE PROOFING, CONDUITS 166 TILES 167 SEWER PIPE 169 PAVING BRICK 172 FIRE BRICK 1 74 ' POTTERY 1 79 EAST LIVERPOOL 184 ZANESVILLE 188 CHAPTER VI. Oregon to Wyoming. OREGON 195 PENNSYLVANIA 195 EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA 196 BRICK AND TILE 196 ARCHITECTURAL TERRA COTTA . 200 POTTERY 201 WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 205 BRICK, TILE AND TERRA COTTA 205 REFRACTORY WARES 207 CLINTON COUNTY 212 POTTERY , 214 RHODE ISLAND. .-. 217 SOUTH CAROLINA 217 SOUTH DAKOTA 219 viii CONTENTS. PAGE TENNESSEE 219 TEXAS . 222 UTAH , 225 VERMONT 226 VIRGINIA 228 WASHINGTON 232 WEST VIRGINIA 234 WISCONSIN 239 WYOMING - 240 BIBLIOGRAPHY 24 1 INDEX.., ,';........ 2 47 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Plates. PLATE I. Brick yards at Sayreville, N. J 13 PLATE II. Original plant of Perth Amboy Terra Cotta Co., Perth Amboy, N. J 21 PLATE III. Modern plant of Perth Amboy Terra Cotta Company, Perth Amboy, N. J 23 PLATE IV. Present plant, Knowles, Taylor and Knowles, East Liver- pool, 51 PLATE V. Interior of large sanitary-ware plant, Trenton, N. J 134 PLATE VI. Original plant of S. A. Weller Potter}-, near Zanes- ville, 189 PLATE VII. Present plant, Homer Laughlin Co., East Liverpool, O.. 191 PLATE VIII. American Encaustic Tiling Company, Zanesville, 194 Figures. FIG. i. Small common-brick yard, typical of many of the earlier works, and also of smaller plants at the present day n FIG. 2. Original plant, Knowles, Taylor and Knowles, East Liverpool. 49 FIG. 3. Original Bennett pottery, East Liverpool, Ohio 185 ix History of the Clay-Working Industry in the United States. PART I. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. IT is probable that clay working represents one of the oldest established industries in the United States, for the early colonists who were used to houses of brick or stone in the countries whence they came, took steps to construct equally durable ones in the new land to which they had migrated. It is not surprising, therefore, to find many references in the early histories to the establishment of brick yards and potteries, accompanied sometimes by interesting data and quaint anecdotes relating to their operation. Unfortu- nately such detailed chronicling of events has not been carried on up to the present time, and the collection of facts bearing on the development of the clay-working industry in the United States has been beset with difficulties. The making of clay products on this continent did not, however, begin with the white settlers, for the Indians had long before that been active in the production of pottery, and the molding of these wares, often of unique design and characteristic decorations, has persisted up to the present time. Clay, unlike gold and silver, is not a substance commanding a high market value either in its raw or refined state, and has not, therefore, been eagerly sought for in all parts of the country to such an extent that it became an important factor in civiliza- tion like the nobler metals. For this reason partly, the discovery of new deposits and their development has not always been 2 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. widely advertised or intelligently described in the magazines and newspapers. Then too, the methods of mining and treatment have been simple as compared with those of the metals, so that they have attracted but little attention in the technical literature in this country. Added to this is the fact that journals devoted to the clay indus- try are of comparatively recent establishment and the only Ceramic Society of the Unitecl States in which matters of technical interest are discussed, is but n years old. The State Geological Surveys, though in many cases organized at an early date, gave but pass- ing mention to their plastic resources, and the first report, the classic work of Dr. Cook of New Jersey, did not appear until 1878. This was followed after an interval by the appearance of clay reports in many other States, New York, Ohio, and Missouri being among the earliest, followed later by a number of others. But nearly every one of these reports was devoted primarily and mainly to a consideration of the properties and occurrence of the raw materials, and the status of the industry at the time it was prepared. Few of them made any reference to the past history of the ceramic art in their respective States. It will, therefore, be easily seen that all of these factors combined have made the recorded history of the clay-working industry in the United States a somewhat imperfect one. Nor is this all. The earlier writers, and indeed, unfortunately, some of the later ones, have been careless in their choice of descriptive terms, so that difficulty is sometimes encountered in telling the exact nature of the products referred to. In following out the history of the industry in each State, a chronological arrangement has been maintained as far as possible, although in some cases this has been temporarily departed from in order to trace out the development in some particular district. Moreover in States like Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, etc., where the industry is varied, a subdivision by products has seemed advisable. THE CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY BY PRODUCTS. 3 RESUME OF THE HISTORY OF THE CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY BY PRODUCTS. As explained in the Introduction the history of the clay-working industry has been discussed first by products, in order to review the development in each branch. This is then followed by a discussion of the development in each State. This necessitates more or less repetition, but it permits the presentation of a more connected chain of events for each district, as well as the incorpo- ration of details of local interest. In tracing out the development of the ceramic industry it will be seen that it began at a very early date in the eastern part of the country and that it gradually spread westward until it covered the entire United States, becoming most highly developed in those regions where there was usually a supply of the proper raw mate- rials, large population, large and thriving towns and cities, and numerous industries. The dependence of man upon burned clay is certainly empha- sized by a parallel study of the history of the clay-working industry and the development of the country, and while the recital of the more important details of clay-working history may serve to impress us with the extent and variety of its development, nevertheless it does not bring out clearly and for- cibly its value. In order therefore to be able to regard the subject from the latter viewpoint we must make use of statistics, though they are at times incomplete. This incompleteness, however, shows that the figures are not overstated, though they may at times appear large. They may, therefore, be regarded as conservative estimates. From the smallest beginning the clay-working industry has gradually crept up to the foremost ranks of the mineral industry, being at present only exceeded in the value of its production by iron, coal and copper. This slow but steady growth, with but few relapses, can be well seen by reference to the Census Bureau figures which are compiled every ten years. To these are also added the figures compiled by the United States Geological Survey for 1907. 4 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. The table (from Ref. 172) given below is a comparative summary of the statistics for the clay industry in its entirety as returned at the censuses of 1850 to 1905, with percentages of increase. Several points in the table (see p. 5) are worthy of mention. The decrease since 1900 in the number of establishments was caused by the consolidation of a number of plants under a single management. " Notwithstanding this decrease in the number of establishments, the capital increased $82,844,654 or 56 per cent between 1900 and 1905. Of this increase, $44,974,133 or 54.3 per cent was in the pottery, terra-cotta and fire-clay products branch of the industry, and $37,870,521 or 45.7 per cent in the brick and tile branch. The increase in the former over 1900 was 68.2 per cent, and in the latter 46.1 per cent." "The concentration of the industry is further indicated by the increase of 37.5 per cent in the average number of employees per establishment between 1900 and 1905, and by the fact that the total value of products from the 5,507 establishments in 1905 exceeds that from the 6,423 establishments reported in 1900 by $39,818,992 or 41.7 per cent. This increase during five years is largely in ex- cess of that shown for any ten -year period since 1850, with the single exception of that of $48,016,865 between 1880 and 1890. The steady increase in the price of lumber, the growing demand of builders and investors for building material that affords the greatest protection against fires, and the increasing appreciation of the products of American potteries, are conditions favorable to a rapid growth of the manufacture of clay products." Large as are the figures for 1905 given in the census table below those for the two following years are even larger, amount- ing to $161,032,722 in 1906 and $158,942,369 in 1907, according to the statistics compiled by the United States Geological Survey. Although 1907 shows a slight decrease from 1906, in part attribu- table to financial conditions, it was, nevertheless, considerably greater than 1905, which was a year of unusual prosperity. Looking over the production of the individual products during the past ten years, we find that in practically every case there has been a steady increase. THE CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY BY PRODUCTS. o c o 1 *^ o o M ^ vo r~ ?" S 1 -r c 5 % " ? 5- o o C * ~- - * Ui r^ 00 - O oo *r A to s G J rf s t^ to O' o oo 00 & 10 ^ 5 oo" ti tC * 1 a : 1 ^ S d> \ . ? oi c ; | d u oo *? O 3 - c : o 00 u^ <2 : * <^ o_ ^^ : "- S 1 00 S J^ 3 4 *2 ^ 1 s : * s 1 2,240 $9,707,952 - 3 1 ^f $5,224,850 $2,030,547 $13,987,828 o 00* N "^ ^^ s s n- IO o " 5 J * ft . y I | 1 i 3 a | o a ^ "3 8 1 1 avcra >j ^ : S | g I tn i 1? 2 e -Q | 3 i "1 Z Number of Salaries Wage carnc 1 1 a e n 3 ^ ^33 Value of pn s z 6 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. All of these figures then show a wonderful increase in the pro- duction of burned-clay wares in the United States, although unfor- tunately those collected for the Census Bureau prior to 1890 were not as detailed as those gathered after that date, and, moreover, since 1890 was a year of great prosperity, and the year 1899' one of incomplete recovery from the depression of 1893, there will be in some cases a decrease from 1890 to 1899 in the Census reports! Still, in most instances, there is a strong advance. This is especially emphasized by such products as architectural terra cotta, hollow brick, conduits, and paving brick, as well as some lines of pottery whose use expanded at a phenomenal rate in this decade. Considering the causes leading to the development of the clay- working industry in any State, we find that in the case of every grade of clay product, except those made from the finer grades of clay, the presence of raw materials is the controlling factor, and in the case of the lower grades a market near at hand. Common bricks and tiles are not only made close to the clay deposit, but will not, as a rule, bear the Cost of long shipment. Fire brick, sewer pipe, pressed brick, and stoneware can often be shipped long distances, partly because they command a higher price, and partly because the necessary raw materials are not to be found everywhere. White ware and wall tile, being made from a mixture of raw materials derived usually from widely separated sources, require the factory to be located where in- and out-shipping facilities are good, and fuel and labor easily obtained. It must be admitted, however, that in the cases of many isolated plants, it is sometimes difficult without more detailed knowledge, to explain satisfactorily the reason for their location. A strong factor in the development of the technology of the clay- working industry in any country, must be the presence of skilled ceramic technologists in responsible positions. Their duty, it is, to detect errors and remedy them, to improve the methods in use, and by their knowledge also to better the quality of the wares. In pottery works they may even, and often do, have more or less 1 It should be remembered that the figures given in the 1900 census are those for the year 1899. THE CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY BY PRODUCTS. ^ opportunity to express their artistic ability in the designing of new forms. Men of this character are rarely self-trained, but are the product of ceramic schools, and the establishment of such institutions can- not fail to have a beneficial effect on the industry. Schools of this character are common in Germany and have abundantly proved their value, but there are few of them in the United States. The first of these schools of ceramics was that of the Ohio State University, started in 1894, well equipped with clay-working machinery and other appliances for the study and testing of clays. This school, which is under the direction of Prof. Edward Orton, Jr., gives considerable attention to the engineering side of ceramics, and has been highly successful. A second one to be established was the New York State College of Ceramics, founded by the State Legislature in 1901, and located at Alfred University. Prof. Charles F. Binns is director. This school not only contains appliances and apparatus for testing clays, but also a well equipped department of Ceramic Arts. The New Jersey School of Clay-working and Ceramics, the third to be organized, is located at the State College, New Bruns- wick, N. J. It was started in 1902 and is under the directorship of Dr. C. W. Parmelee. Like the other schools it is well equipped with testing machinery and apparatus for the practical and scien- tific study of clays. A fourth school was organized at the University of Illinois in 1905, under the direction of Prof. C. W. Rolfe, and in 1907 the Iowa State Legislature made provision for a similar school to be located at Iowa State College, Ames, la., under the director- ship of Prof. I. A. Williams. Instruction in Ceramics had however been given there since 1900. During the past year the United States Geological Survey has equipped and located a laboratory at Pittsburg for testing clay products, and the study of problems which affect the interests of the clay worker. There is probably no kind of clay product which is not made in the United States at the present day, but the production of some of these, such as high-grade porcelain and art pottery, is very small, CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. 1 - 1 II ftj H v 1 O 73 C- j g g c s a d 5 U ^ id M 1 | IM _oj o * S? 3 -o c a C5 ^ fi NJ I o ri ft. j fc* 5 2 d 1 ^ i 2 ci C 1 o ^ H- s ^4 2 d "3 A ci C I ^ n' o 3 t 1 o * 9 ^ c s j A' 3 1 5 d d p c -' CJ i i 3 o 3 1 6 rf p 4 d S c T3 C RJ p a i j! 1 ^ d d ^ a o fc s & c ri ^ & 1 o i J" d 3' c rt 1 .59 TJ i 1 c2 J7 g S' c i i a 2 g c 1 tfl CO c cC 8? s a 2 o eft HH 8 T3 i 1 ^ d g d 3 1 J d U s i 1 c = >H 3 3 d | i4 O 3 c S 1 - T3 d i | u .a o s c^ ^ * 3 S * s & i . . 6 6 55 3 s e 2 I a 1 s 1 2 COMMON BRICK. 9 large quantities of these being still imported. That these importa- tions will slowly decrease would cause no surprise, but the falling off will be exceedingly slow, for the production of such ware in the United States is surrounded by many difficulties, such as cost of labor, lack of workmen trained for making this kind of product, and prejudice against American wares of this grade on the part of the purchasing public. While the United States produces practi- cally every type of clay product known, and in the total value of these leads the world, still it is doubtful if any one of the kinds made has originated in this country. Looking over the statistics of the past fourteen years we find that there has been comparatively little change in the rank of the leading States. Ohio has held the first position throughout this period, while Pennsylvania has been second except in 1894. The position of the twelve leading States during the period above mentioned is shown on the accompanying table, the heavy lines representing a certain value of output, being drawn under those States which had a value of production equal to or greater than that indicated by the respective lines. COMMON BRICK. It can, perhaps, be truthfully said that brickmaking represents the earliest form of clay working in this country, some of the Indian tribes of the southwest having constructed their dwellings of adobe brick before the white men reached these shores, but of their work we have practically few chronological data. That the early colonists lost no time in making use of the brick clays is shown by the numerous records, which mention the erec- tion of brick kilns at many points, so that early in the iyth century the common-brick clays were being utilized. In Virginia they were made as early as 1611, in Massachusetts by 1629, and about the same date in New York. All brick used prior to that date in the last-named State were probably imported. The earliest records found for Maine were 1635; for North Carolina 1663; Rhode Island, 1681; and Pennslyvania, 1683. There are no early records for Connecticut, but brick yards no doubt were 10 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. established at about the same time brickmaking began in New York and Massachusetts. The industry had begun in western Pennsylvania in 1750, and by 1776 the brick clays around Trenton, N. J., were sought after. Brickmaking was known to be under way in New Hampshire shortly after that date. By 1792, the industry had taken a foothold in the Hudson River valley, destined to become the greatest brickmaking district in the United States. Other early records show that the brickmolders were at work in South Carolina by 1797. Curiously enough, the colonies were also doing some export business at this early date. Bishop (Ref. i, I, 221), states that bricks were included among the exports from the Port of Piscataqua, Me., in the years 1789-90. New Hampshire in 1789 exported 129,000 bricks to the West Indies, and the whole country is said to have exported 787,764 bricks in 1790, as well as 157 crates of yellow Queensware and 55 dozen of stoneware. In 1791 the brick exports amounted to 743,000 and were chiefly from Massachusetts and New Hampshire (Ref. i, I, p. 231.) There has been some dispute among historians as to whether there was any importation of bricks from England. Some claim that there was, while others assert the contrary, explaining that the references to " English brick," meant that the brick were of the same size as those made in England. In the Mississippi Valley States, the industry developed at a later date. Common brick are said to have been made in Chicago by 1812; in Cincinnati, Ohio, by 1829; and at Indianapolis, Ind. by 1822. At New Cumberland, W. Va., bricks were molded in In the Lake Superior States the records do not appear to go very far back, the earliest dates noted being about 1810 for Michigan, 1842 for Wisconsin, and 1844 for Minnesota. Small plants no doubt existed prior to those dates. While the industry began at an early date in eastern New York, it does not seem to have become firmly established in the western part much before 1837. The great brick clay deposits at Sayreville, N. J., are known to have been opened up in 1851. COMMON BRICK. ii In the western States the industry, as might have been expected, seems to have been developed at a much later date. The brick clays were worked around Dubuque, la., by 1837, and at Iowa City by 1840. By 1870 yards were scattered all over Illinois. This was also probably true of Ohio, Indiana and Missouri. Texas in 1870 had 24 yards, which number had increased to 113 by 1880. The clays of Nebraska are also known to have been utilized for brickmaking in 1870, there being 17 yards in the State at that date. FIG. i. Small common brick yard, typical of many of the earlier works, and also of small plants of the present time. It is not known just when the industry began in Colorado, although it was no doubt earlier than in North Dakota, where bricks were made in the seventies, or in Nevada which had one yard by the same date. California supported one plant at Sutterville in 1847, 12 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. but the industry expanded rapidly after that, as by 1852 there were many plants running. For many years the raw materials used for common brick manu- facture were the soft plastic surface clays. Indeed these were the only materials that could be used with the methods then known and until better and stronger machinery was introduced. With the development of improved manufacturing methods, brick- makers turned their attention to the shale deposits. It is probable that they were drawn to these by observing the mellowed and plastic products of weathering which the hard rock-like shale yielded. Evidence as to the first location where these shales were used is conflicting, but it is known that in New York State they were employed by L. G. Eisenhardt of Horseheads in 1880, while in Indiana they were not employed or their value even recognized until the early nineties. Now they are used at numerous localities in many different States. The early plants established in this country were small affairs, requiring little capital, and using the crudest forms of machinery, the bricks being molded by hand. As the industry developed the plants became of more permanent character and of greater capacity. There always were, and always will be small plants, using primitive methods, scattered all over the country, and run largely to supply a small local demand, while around the great markets many large concerns develop. A significant industrial development has been the consolidation of the individual plants in some of the more important localities, one result of which has been to keep the price of bricks up to a reasonable figure. Among these consolidations may be mentioned the formation of the Baltimore Brick Company of Baltimore, Md., in 1899, and of the New England Brick Company of Boston, Mass., and the Illinois Brick Company of Chicago in 1900. Several attempts have been made to consolidate the Hudson River yards but they have not been successful. The first bricks were made by hand, and burned in crude kilns. Later, horse-power machines were introduced for pugging and molding the clays. The drying of the brick had to be carried on in the open air, so that in those parts of the country having freezing COMMON BRICK. 14 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. weather in winter the yards could only be run in summer. As time went on the processes of manufacture were greatly improved by the introduction of steam-power machinery, driers using arti- ficial heat, and kilns with permanent walls and roof, all contrib- uting to a better regulation of the burning and a reduction of loss. Methods of molding also changed. The old, soft-mud method was made to share honors with the dry-press process, and still later with the stiff-mud method. It should be added, however, that the dry-press process did not come into extensive use until after the stiff-mud machines were invented. All three of these are in use at the present day, some predominating in one region and others in another. Their selection is not always governed by the character of the clay. The writers have endeavored to ascertain when the different methods of manufacture were introduced, but encountered some difficulty in doing so. According to information received from different sources the first steam-power soft-mud machine appears to have been the invention of a Mr. Adams of Philadelphia, and was used at that place previous to 1840. Another early form was introduced by Henry Martin and used around Perth Amboy, N. ], Patents for brick machines are known to have been granted as early as 1800, but they may have been hand-power ones. The stiff-mud process was in use prior to 1860, but it is not known who made the first machine, although one with an automatic cutter was put into operation by the Chambers Brothers Com- pany, at Pea Shore near Camden, N. J., about 1862. The greatest diversity of opinions exists with regard to the dry- press machine. We are informed by Mr. J. J. Koch of St. Louis, Mo., that a dry-clay press was built in Washington, D. C., in 1838, and that E. Rogers constructed an hydraulic press in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1856, which with added improvements is still in operation at Memphis, Tenn. Another writer states (private communication) that dry-pressed bricks were being made at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1829. Still a third machine, claimed by some to be the first, was unsuccessfully tried at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1865, but developed with improvements in Chicago at a later date. COMMON BRICK. 15 Similar doubt exists as to the introduction of artificial drying, and while it is known that Mr. Cyrus Chambers, Jr., had a tunne! for drying stiff-mud bricks in the early sixties, the locality of opera- tion is not known, and we have no definite information that it was the first artificial dryer introduced. The introduction of these several types of machines for molding could not help having an important influence on the development of the industry, for while all decreased the cost of manufacture the stiff-mud process gave a greatly increased capacity, but the dry-press permitted the manufacture of a better looking and smoother product, not obtainable by the other methods of molding, until repressing was introduced. Common brick are now made all over the United States by methods ranging from the crudest to the most highly developed ones, but there are several districts contiguous to great markets which are worthy of special mention. According to the census of 1900, the leading common brick region of the United States is that of the Hudson Valley of New York including the Hackensack district of New Jersey. This region, which still leads, supplies the great markets of New York and adjoining cities. Cook County, Illinois, supplying Chicago and neighboring markets, was second, while Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, was third. In addition to these there are other important though smaller districts around Washington, D. C.; Baltimore, Md.; St. Louis, Mo.; Kansas City, Mo.; Richmond, Va. ; Detroit, Mich. ; Milwaukee, Wis. ; Cleveland, Ohio, etc. The value of common brick produced annually in the census years 1870, 1880, 1890, and annually since 1894 is given below. i6 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. VALUE OF COMMON BRICK PRODUCED IN THE UNITED STATES FROM 1870 TO 1907. Year. Value. Quantity (thousands) . Average price per thousand. 1870 $10,2^3, 734 1880 22 8^3 s8? 1890 s*~ooo w 4.8 810,271 1894 1891;. . 35,062,53s 1 31,569,126 6,152,420 6,017,965 $5-70 5.25 1896. . 29,664,043 5,703,279 5.20 ^97 1898 . . 26,430,207 30,980,704 5> 2 9*,53 2 5,867,415 4.99 5.28 1899 1900 1901 190? 39,887,522 38,621,514 45>53,7 6 48,885,869 o> / >t j 7>695>35 7,140,622 8,038,579 8,475,067 5-l8 5-4i 5.66 c . 77 IQ3 IOO4- 5>53 2 >75 qi, 768,5^8 8,463,683 8,665,171 5-97 5.97 IQCX 61*304,383 9,817,355 6.25 1906 i97 61,300,696 58,785,461 10,027,039 9,795,698 6. ii 6.00 Includes front brick. PRESSED BRICK AND ORNAMENTAL BRICK. With improvements in the methods of manufacture it was pos- sible, not only to produce bricks with a smooth surface and sharp edges suitable for the fronts of buildings, but by the dry-press pro- cess ornamental bricks could also be easily made. It is somewhat difficult to trace the development of the pressed- brick industry proper, for the reason that many of the records found no doubt refer to the manufacture of a few pressed brick by some yard making chiefly common brick. The earliest record of pressed brick indicates that dry-press machines were in use at Cincinnati in 1829. Seventeen years later pressed brick were being made in Baltimore, Md. In 1850 dry- press machines were in operation in Mississippi, and in 1856 in Florida. These, however, were only sporadic attempts, and did not represent the development of a permanent industry. The red pressed-brick industry began around Trenton in 1865, and a hydraulic press was in operation at Louisville, Ky., in 1875. It is probable that pressed brick were also being made around PRESSED BRICK AND ORNAMENTAL BRICK. 17 Philadelphia by this date. By 1882 some were made at Golden, Colo., and Minneapolis, Minn. Some of the States which are now prominent in the manufacture of pressed brick were slow in developing the industry. Thus in Ohio the business was not highly developed up to 1884, at which time the Zanesville district was the most important. Indeed it may be said that in general the pressed-brick industry received its greatest impetus in the late eighties or early nineties, during which time the districts of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana and Missouri developed, these States being the most important producers. During the early history of the pressed-brick industry red- burning clays were almost exclusively used, but these have been superseded to a large extent by fire clays, which alone yield a brick showing some shade of buff, or by the admixture of artificial colorants, give a speckled or gray product. The wide use of fire clays for pressed brick manufacture has naturally tended to restrict the industry somewhat to those districts where such clays occur, for the factory is usually located near to the clay deposit. The product, however, is often shipped to a considerable distance. A type of pressed brick extensively used for a period of years, although less so now, were the Roman brick which were about 12 inches long and i J inches thick. By many these are also called Pompeiian brick, but R. R. Hice 1 contends that the former term refers particularly to the size, while the latter correctly belongs to the flashed bricks of medium dark shade with a brownish body covered with iron spots. The manufacture of these seems to have been begun at two different localities within a year of each other. Mr. Wm. Walker informs the authors that in the spring of 1886 a Boston architect sent to Harbison and Walker part of a brick of the Roman size from Pompeii with a request that they manu- facture them, which they did. At that time these were in the nature of a by-product, and made from clays that could not be employed for fire brick. In later years, however, more care was given to the selection of the raw materials, as the color of the product was 1 Private communication. i8 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. often an important item. About the year 1886 or 1887 the Perth Amboy Terra Cotta Company of New Jersey also commenced the manufacture of Roman brick, the first ones being used in the Tiffany residence at 72nd Street and Madison Avenue, New York City. The Norman brick, 12 inches long and 2| inches thick were first made in the east a few years later and in the Pittsburg district about 1897. The great centers of pressed brick production are east of the Mississippi, but this type of product is also made in the Western States particularly in Colorado, California and Washington. With one exception the pressed-brick industry is not marked by any consolidation of works comparable with those of the common- brick industry. This exception is the Hydraulic-press Brick Com- pany, whose main works are in St. Louis, but which also owns and operates plants at Collinsville, 111., Kansas City, Mo.; Omaha, Neb.; Memomonie, Wis.; Porter, Ind.; Dewitt Park, Ohio; Find- lay, Ohio; Brazil, Ind.; Roseville, Ohio; Winslow Junction, N. J.; and near Alexandria, Va. The statistics of production as compiled by the United States Geological Survey are given below. VALUE OF FRONT BRICK PRODUCED IN THE UNITED STATES FROM 1890 TO 1907. Year. Value. Quantity (thousands) . Average price per thousand. 1890 % 07-2 002 1895 1806 4,399.367 7,700,041 339,204 270,77? $12.97 12. 54 * V" 1807 7,8<;<;,o7.7 310,018 12.40 1898 7, ^72,785 295,833 12.08 1899 IQOO. . 4,7 6 7,343 3,864,670 438,817 344,516 10.86 ii .09 IQOI 4,700,777 41^,747 ii .34 IOO2 s,7i8,oo8 4^8, 7OI ii . 60 I93 I GO4 5,402,861 tCX6o,I7I 433, l6 474, 7CI 12.48 12.80 IQOC 7,108,092 <4I,?OO 13. 12 1606 . 7,SoC,727 617,469 12. 79 IQO7 7,720,760 58?,947 12.51 ENAMELED BRICK. VALUE OF ORNAMENTAL BRICK PRODUCED IN THE UNITED STATES FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Value. Year. Value. 1894 81,128,608 1901 . . $372,131 i8o<; 6s2,?IQ 1902 . . 335,200 1896 . 763,140 1903. . 328,387 1897. . 685,048 1904. . 300,233 1898 3^8 372 IQOC 2O3 QO7 ^V" 1800 476,101 1006 207 no 1900 289,698 1907 361,243 ENAMELED BRICK. The manufacture of enameled brick is a recent introduction. Formerly those used in this country were imported, mainly from England, but at the present time their manufacture is successfully carried on at several points from domestic fire clays. The first factory to be established was probably at Momence, 111. (1893), followed by that at Mount Savage, Md., and Saylorsburg, Pa., in 1896. About the same time their production was also begun by Sayre & Fisher of Sayreville, N. J. Although of promising growth the enameled brick industry has suffered somewhat by competition with wall tile. According to the census of 1900, there were produced in the United States in 1899, 5,785,000 enameled brick, having a total value of $329,969. The census bulletin (Ref. 172, p. 67) of 1905 states that the value of enameled brick in that year showed an increase of 35.2 per cent over 1900. New Jersey was the leading State, followed by Illinois and Pennsylvania. Kentucky, Missouri, Iowa, Ohio, and Michigan are included in the list of producers, but the authors know of no steady output from those States. The statistics of production have been given separately by the United States Geological Survey only since 1898, and these are given below. VALUE OF ENAMELED BRICK PRODUCED IN THE UNITED STATES FROM 1898 TO 1904. Year. Value. Year. Value. 1898 $279,993 IQO3 Sqoo 680 1899 329,960 1904. . C4.C 3Q7 IQOO 32 3 630 IQOC 636 27O IQOI 463,700 1006 773 IOJ. 1902 471,163 IOO7 / /O> 1U 4 Ol8 172 20 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. ARCHITECTURAL TERRA COTTA. Useful terra cotta, such as garden vases, statuary, etc., was made as early as 1765 by A. Hews & Co. in Massachusetts from local clays, but the making of true architectural terra cotta not only began at a late date, as compared with many other clay products, but its introduction was accompanied by difficulties. The first serious attempt at using it was made by James Renwick, the well known New York architect. The following letter, written by Mr. Renwick in 1886, is of interest. "In 1853 I conceived the idea of introducing terra cotta as a building material and substitute for cut-stone work in New York. I went to Mr. Young, who had a factory for making glazed and other earthen sewer pipe in 4oth Street, told him what I proposed doing, and asked him if he would manufacture it from my designs and under my supervision. I supposed it would be a source of large profits to him, as it would be more durable and ornamental and less expensive than the free-stones which were then in use. I made a contract with him for the belt courses and the cornice of the Tontine Building, and for the ornamental work of the St. Denis Hotel, and of three houses in gth Street, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues. All these buildings are now standing, and the terra cotta is as good as when first put up. We tried to introduce it into general use, but were violently opposed by the stone cutters and builders who said it would not stand, and persuaded owners not to use it. The only other building it was used in, as far as I know, was the Lafarge Hotel Court. This building was de- stroyed by the fire which originated in Tripler Hall, which was in the rear part of the hotel. Mr. Young, finding it impossible to introduce it and having lost money in the attempt, gave up the manufacture and returned to making pipe. The fact is we were ahead of the times, and could find no one who understood or would venture to use it. The buildings above mentioned in which it was used belonged either to my family, or friends who had confi- dence in my judgment. About eight or ten years after this Mr. Greenough, the sculptor, came from Rome to New York for the express purpose of introducing the use of terra cotta. I happened to dine with him, and he broached the subject. The next morn- ARCHITECTURAL TERRA COTTA. 21 22 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. ing I took him to see the work on the St. Denis Hotel and related my experience, and he gave up the idea, being afraid of meeting the same difficulties I had experienced." The late Richard Upjohn also did much towards encouraging the use of terra cotta in New York. About the year 1853 Mr. Upjohn prepared the designs for the Trinity Building on Broad- way, just north of Trinity Church. He determined to use brick and terra cotta, and the work was made and burned at a drain- pipe factory on zyth Street near the North River. The terra- cotta work used in this building is still perfect, although it has been found necessary to recut the damaged and disintegrated faces of the brown-stone work in the building. After the unsuccessful efforts noted above no further attempts were made to introduce the use of terra cotta in New York until 1877. In that year a residence was built on the north side of 36th Street, just west of Park Avenue, from designs of George B. Post, architect, in which terra cotta was quite extensively used, both for decorative and constructive purposes. The next important New York building in which terra cotta was used was the Morse Building, corner of Beekham and Nassau Streets, erected in 1878. A large increase in the number of brick buildings erected followed the great fires of Chicago and Boston. By these fires it was conclusively demonstrated that fireproof buildings could not be made of unprotected stone or iron, and that only brick and terra-cotta walls were practically fireproof. This increased use of brick work, and of terra cotta as constructive and decorative material in connection with brick work, revived the demand for the manufacture of this material in or near New York. At this time there was at Perth Amboy a yellow and Rockingham-ware and fire-brick factory known as the A. Hall & Sons' Fire-Brick Works. The proprietors of these works decided in 1877 to change the yellow and Rockingham-ware works into a plant for the manu- facture of architectural terra cotta, continuing the manufacture of buff and fire bricks. The necessary changes were made and the manufacture of terra cotta was commenced. In 1879, the business was incorporated under the name of the Perth Amboy Terra Cotta Company. Two years later, Mr. Alfred Hall retired 24 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. from the company and started in Perth Amboy a new fire brick and architectural terra-cotta works under the name of the A. Hall Terra Cotta Company. After being in business for five years, the latter company went into liquidation in April, 1887, shortly after the death of the president, Mr. Alfred Hall. After architects and others had begun to realize the usefulness and durability of this new form of burned clay, and its possibilities, the growing demand was naturally followed by the establishment of works in different parts of the country. A second factory was established at Perth Amboy in 1888 followed by several others. Atlanta, Ga., saw the starting of a works in 1870, and San Francisco, Cal., in 1876. None was established in Missouri until the Winkle Terra Cotta Company began operations in 1883, and this was followed by the beginning of other works at Long Island City,' .1885, and at Philadelphia in 1886. This latter was the firm of Stephens & Leach, changed in 1887 to Stephens, Leach & Conk- ling, and in 1890 to Stephens, Armstrong & Conklin. This was absorbed by the New York Architectural Terra Cotta Company of Long Island City in 1893. The Northwestern Terra Cotta Com- pany of Chicago began operations in 1876, the Indianapolis Terra Cotta Company of Indianapolis, Ind., in 1884. Another terra-cotta works' (Corning Terra Cotta Company) was started at Corning, N. Y~<, in 1896, at Crum Lyne, Pa. (O. W. Ketchan), in 1906, and at Bradford, Pa. (Northeastern Terra Cotta Company), in the same year. 1 . There are also scattered factories along the Pacific coast which have begun operations mostly in the last ten years. The clays used by these works are referred to under their respective States. The methods of manufacture now used are similar to those in vogue years ago, although larger and more powerful machinery is now employed for mixing. Most of the earlier terra cotta did not have its surface covered with a coloring and protective slip, nor is all of it so treated now, although the practise became wide spread about 1884 (private correspondence). Important developments in the terra-cotta industry in the last few years have been the introduction of matte glazes, and poly- chrome decorations. This last type of product is also put out by art potteries, such as the Grueby and Rookwood, as well as by the regular terra-cotta factories such as the Northwestern and Atlantic. HOLLOW WARE FOR STRUCTURAL WORK. 2 S Other innovations are the production of full-glazed terra cotta, in- troduced commercially about 1897, and the decoration of the sur- face with markings and colorings to match the building stone that is to be used in conjunction with it. Foreign manufacturers had been producing the full glaze and polychrome ware for some years prior to its introduction into the United States, and its development in this country, although tardy, is most gratifying. The tendency towards consolidation is shown in this branch of the industry as in others. One such combination has already been referred to, and more recently there has been a union of three New Jersey and one Staten Island works, the new corporation being the Atlantic Terra Cotta Company. At the present time New Jersey is the leading producer of architectural terra cotta, followed by New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois and Missouri. The production of terra cotta in the United States by years since 1894 is given below. VALUE OF ARCHITECTURAL TERRA COTTA PRODUCED IN THE UNITED STATES FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Value. Year. Value. 1894 Si ,476,18? IQOI $3,367,082 180=; 2,^12,103 IQO2 . 3,^26,006 1896 2,3^0,083 IQO3. . 4,672,028 1807 I S4I,422 IQOJ. 4IO7 4.73 1898 2, 04 3,32 ? IQOC 5OO3 1^8 1800 2,O27,S32 y 2 1006 5,7 30,460 IQOO. . 2. 372,:; 68 IQ07. . 6.026,077 HOLLOW WARE FOR STRUCTURAL WORK. Under this heading are included fireproofing, terra-cotta lumber, hollow blocks, and hollow bricks, but it is probable also that the terms have been sometimes loosely used in the literature and in a broad sense. Since the methods of manufacture of the three are essentially similar, and the raw materials required of much the same character, they are sometimes made at the same factory. At some works the production of one type may predominate, the others being made simply as a side line for the purpose of filling occa- sional orders. 26 CLAY- WORKING INDUSTRY. The earliest record of hollow ware is in the New Jersey report for 1878, in which Dr. Cook speaks of the introduction of this new type of ware whose use would be watched with interest. Mr. J. A. Rossi, however, informs us that the manufacture of hollow ware had already begun in New Jersey in I875. 1 The production of the fireproofing was bound to increase as it formed an important part of the modern fireproof building, and the many disastrous conflagrations in recent years have served to emphasize its value. There has also been a great call for hollow blocks in the Central States, where they appear to have been in great favor as structural material in place of brick. Although New Jersey appears to have been the first producer of fireproofing, the credit for the discovery of terra-cotta lumber is given by some to a man named Oilman, of Eldora, Iowa. 2 He was a clay manufacturer who in 1883 made the experiment of mixing prairie soil with clay and found that it burned to a light porous block. This was used for absorbing alcohol, which he sub- sequently fired and placed under a receptacle for heating coffee. The attention of a New York architect being accidentally drawn to this porous block, he exclaimed: "This is what I have always been looking for, for fireproofing purposes." Mr. Oilman sought to carry out the idea and hit upon the use of sawdust as a desirable substitute for prairie soil. Whether or not Mr. Oilman was the actual discoverer of the method of making this porous fireproofing, it is true that ever since the introduction of fireproofing in the New Jersey works there has been a steady and increasingly large demand for these hollow blocks, whether filled with sawdust or not, and now New Jersey stands as the leading producer. Ohio was not far behind New Jersey, and in 1884 fireproofing was much used, being made at Toronto and Columbus. Hollow blocks at that time, however, were only being turned out at one locality, in Summit County. Terra-cotta lumber was made in Illinois as early as 1884. 1 Hall (Ref. 172, p. 67) notes that on Dec. 9, 1856, a patent was issued to M. and J. H. Buck and F. A. Cushman of Lebanon, N.H., for a machine for pressing hollow building brick as building tile. 2 A. W. Beidler, private correspondence. HOLLOW WARE FOR STRUCTURAL WORK. 27 In 1885 fireproofing manufacture began in Indiana, and has continued up to the present time, while a large local industry was started on the surface clays at Hobart, Ind., in 1887, and has there undergone great expansion. During the go's factories for making fireproofing or hollow blocks sprang up at a number of points and became active and successful producers, those located near the great markets being often run to the limit of their capacity. It is to be noted that the most important producing districts are not far from the large markets, as the cheapness of the ware does not permit long hauls. Clays of suitable character for hollow blocks, etc., are not hard to find, and almost every State contributes to the total production, and supplies a local demand. An important step, in 1899, was the incorporation of the National Fireproofing Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., which took over a num- ber of works located in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Massachu- setts, and Maryland, most of which have continued in operation. At the present day New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Pennsylvania are the more important producers of fireproofing, while Ohio, New Jersey, Indiana, and Iowa are the leading pro- ducers of hollow blocks and hollow building tile. The following table shows the production of fireproofing and hollow blocks in the United States since 1894. VALUE OF FIREPROOFING PRODUCED IN UNITED STATES FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Value. Year. Value. 1804 $ ^14,637 1901 . . $1,860,269 T go - 74.1,626 IOO2 l 3 171; CQ-J l896 ,7o6,s;o4 IQO"? . 2, 7o8, 14"Z 1807 ,979, 2 ?9 I9O4. . 2,CO2,6O3 1898 ooo 64.2 IQOs 3OOJ. s26 1800 66? 066 IQo6 3 6?2, 181 1900 820 2IJ. IOO7 3, 162, 4^3 1 Includes hollow brick up to and including 1902. Since 1902 the value of hollow block production has been given separately by the United States Geological Survey and these fig- ures are as follows. 28 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. VALUE OF HOLLOW BLOCK PRODUCED IN THE UNITED STATES FROM 1903 TO 1907. Year. Value. Year. Value. I DO"? . $1,153,200 1006. $ 934,357 IQOA. . 1,126,498 1907 . . . 1,088,165 190? . . 1,094,267 ROOFING TILE. This product is not nearly so extensively used in the United States as it is in foreign countries. It is known that Hiister, a German tile maker, was manufacturing flat shingle roofing tile in Mont- gomery County, Pa., in 1735, and similar ones were made at Beth- lehem, Pa., by the Moravians in 1740, but although such tiles were made in large quantities in Eastern Pennsylvania during the last century the United States industry did not assume a permanent character until 1875, when Merrill and Ewart established a factory at Akron, Ohio. 1 This in 1902 was changed to the Akron Roofing- Tile Company. The raw materials used are the Sharon shales which serve as the bases of so many clay-working industries in this district. The next works followed in 1876, when Bennett erected a tile works at Baltimore, Md. He did not continue making this line of wares. The work was subsequently taken up intermittently by another factory, the Baltimore Terra Cotta Company. Some years later, in 1891, the Devonian shales were tried with success at Alfred Center, N. Y., for making an interlocking vitrified tile, and the industry there has continued to the present day. In the following year, 1892, roofing-tile manufacture was taken up at Montezuma, Ind., and about this time also at Chicago Heights, 111., the latter by the Ludowici Company, using local calcareous clays. Up to 1892 most of the tile made were of the Spanish pattern and the only important factory was that at Akron, Ohio. This works also made some flat shingle tile, and some interlocking tile of French type. 2 In 1893 tne Carboniferous clays were being worked for roofing 1 See further under Ohio. 2 Private communication. FLOOR AND WALL TILE. 29 tile in Ohio at Akron, Bellaire and New Philadelphia. The last two are no longer in operation, but others have begun at Lima and New Lexington. A factory was also running in the middle nineties at Ottawa, 111., but has gone over to paving-brick manufacture. An unsuccessful attempt was likewise made about 1896 to utilize the Carboniferous shales near St. Louis. No further developments occurred until 1899, when at Huntington, W. Va., the brick works was remodeled for making roofing tile, from the Conemaugh shale. Another eastern works was started in 1900 at Ludowici, Ga., where a red-burning surface clay is being employed, and a plant at Parkesburg, W. Va., in 1903. Some roofing tile are also made by the California factories. The only consolidation of interests recorded is the merger of the Ludowici Roofing-Tile Company and Celadon Roofing-Tile Company in 1905. As can be seen from the above account, the factories are scattered mainly over the eastern half of the United States, their location being governed partly by the distribution or occurrence of the raw materials and partly with reference to markets and shipping facilities. ' It is impossible to make any statement regarding the value of the domestic product, as the statistics are not given separately in the United States Geological Survey reports. FLOOR AND WALL TILE. The first floor and wall tiles made in the United States, were, no doubt, those made in the factory of A. Miller of Philadelphia, in 1845, an d a few ornamental tiles for flooring were made at Ben- nington, Vt. in 1853 (Ref. 8, p. 344). The latter were molded by the plastic process. As early as 1872 Hyzer and Llewellen of Philadelphia had been experimenting with encaustic tile made from natural and artificially colored clays made by the dry-press process, after finding the plastic method unsatisfactory. The first glazed wall-tile operations seem to have been the works of the Low Art Tile Company of Chelsea, Mass., which ran for a number of years. In 1875 the American Encaustic Tile Company was organized at Zanesville, Ohio, with a view to making 30 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. floor tiles from the Ohio clays, but met at first with poor success. In 1880 this company added glazed tile to its products, which involved the bringing in of clays from other States. Since that time the industry has developed at a number of points, the location of the plants being decided by various commercial considerations other than the location of the clay, for in no case has the raw clay for wall tile been obtained near the works, nor for floor tile from one locality, the deposits of Ohio, Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and England having been drawn upon. Flint and spar also have to be used. The development of the industry can be best indicated by a chronological table as follows: 1875. Zanesville, Ohio, American Encaustic Tile Company. Floor and glazed tile. 1876. Pittsburg, Pa., Pittsburg Encaustic Tile Company, merged into Star Encaustic Tile Company in 1882. Plain and encaustic floor tile. 1876. Indianapolis, Ind. United States Encaustic Tile Works. Floor, wall and fire-place tile. 1882. Trenton, N. J. Harris Manufacturing Company, changed later to Trent Tile Company. Floor and wall tile. 1884. West Philadelphia. Park Porcelain works. Glazed relief tiles. No longer in operation. 1885. Trenton, N. J. Providential Tile Works. Wall tile. 1886. Beaver Falls, Pa. Beaver Falls Art Tile Company., Ltd. Wall and mantle tile. 1887. Covington, Ky. Cambridge Art Tile Works. Wall tile. 1888. Menlo Park, N. J. Menlo Park Ceramic Company. Glazed tile. 1890. Morrisville, Pa. Robertson Art Tile Company. Glazed tile. 1890. Anderson, Ind. Columbia Encaustic Tile Company. Floor and glazed tile. 1890. Perth Amboy, N. J. C. Pardee works. Glazed tile. 1891. Hamilton, O. Ohio Tile Company. Wall tile. 1892. Bendersville, Pa. Penn Tile Works. Encaustic tiles. 1895. Zanesville, O. Mosaic Tiling Company. Floor tile. Wall tile since 1900. CHAPTER II. SEWER PIPE. THE sewer-pipe industry as compared with pottery and bricks is of recent introduction, ranking rather closely with architectural terra cotta in age, and it is said that those used in the early part of the nineteenth century were imported from Europe. 1 The earliest record found was in 1844 when it is said that several plants were running or about to start in West Virginia. The first to manufacture sewer pipe in Ohio was the late D. E. Hill of Akron, Ohio, whose firm of Hill, Foster & Co. in 1849 engaged in the manufacture of hexagonal water pipe. These were made in a mold, the opening being bored out by a machine made especially for that purpose. Mr. McClave writes that " Mr. Hill in his travels became ac- quainted with the use and the need of sewer pipe and its great possibilities, so he started out to find a cheap material from which to make it. Late in the summer of 1850 while walking across the field to the north of what is now East Exchange Street, Akron, Ohio, he observed the clay-like appearance of the soil, and took a lump of this clay to his factory. Tests showed it to be what he wanted, the farm was purchased, and the first Akron shale pipe was made in the spring of 1851." In 1853 George Carlyle and John McFadden, two Scotch potters who were making chimney tops at Anderson, W. Va., crossed the Ohio River to Newburgh (now Toronto, Ohio) and fitted up a small factory for making sewer pipe from the fire clay which had been used by the Freemans, Porters and others since 1830 for fire brick. Their pipe were made on a potters wheel. About the same time a party in New York had imported a sewer-pipe machine from England, but was not able to make it work. Mr. Hill hearing of the machine made a trip to New York, and by bribing the watch- 1 For many of the data relating to the history of sewer pipe we are indebted to Mr. J. M. McClave of Toronto, O. 32 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. man succeeded in getting into the factory to examine the press. With the knowledge thus gained and the assistance of C. J. Merrill he produced the first successful machine for the manufacture of pipe. This press made only a ring or band pipe, the sockets or bowls being made by hand and stuck on. Two or three years after the Ohio River factory was started, James Edwards of Charlestown, Mass., was making sewer pipe on the potters wheel, and a little later on, in 1859, sewer pipe were said to have been manufactured at Michigan Bar in California, but the industry was probably only of a temporary character. In the early '6o's the Salamander works and Bowman and Sackett of New Jersey began making some pipe, and about the same time H. M. Thompson & Co., and the Evens & Howard Fire Brick Company of St. Louis started in the business. The Indiana clays do not appear to have been used much until 1862 when the under clays of the top coal at Cannelton were mined for pipe making. The original factory remained for 30 years, the only sewer-pipe works in the State, and even after this the expansion of the pipe industry was not as great as other branches, because by 1904 there were only five factories in the State. Pipe manufacture was started in the vicinity of Baltimore by Lincoln & Rittenhouse in 1865, by Henry Gibson in 1866, and by the Baltimore Retort and Fire Brick Company in 1868. Only the first of these continued the manufacture of pipe to recent years. Jackson, Mich., began about the same time, or in 1867. The Freeman Fire Clay Company began to make pipe at Free- man, Ohio, in 1869, and the following year D. E. Hill and O. Barber invented the first steam press for making sewer pipe. One can easily understand that this must have greatly cheapened the cost of making pipe and given a great impulse to the industry, for it resulted in the springing up of factories all over the country. About this time factories were started at Freemans, Elliottsville, Columbus and Wellsville, Ohio, but all are now abandoned for reasons to be mentioned later. The Portland Stoneware Company of Portland, Me., also began making pipe about this time, but has discontinued. George Goodrich fitted up a factory in 1874, but this is no longer running. SEWER PIPE. 33 Blackmer and Post of St. Louis, also started in the early yo's with a small plant, but subsequently built a much larger one. In 1875, Gladding, McBean & Co., of San Francisco, with works at Lincoln, introduced the sewer-pipe manufacture in the far west, and have continued their production up to the present time. The St. Louis factories get a large share of the Southern trade. A factory at Rochester, N. Y., was started in 1897, followed later by one at Black Rock, near Buffalo and Angola south of the same city, while other factories were running at Akron and Toronto, Ohio. By 1884 there were three important sewer-pipe producing districts as well as scattered plants in Ohio. At that time and up to the pres- ent Ohio has led in the manufacture of sewer pipe, being followed by the States of Missouri, New Jersey, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Indiana. There are several States not previously mentioned in which the sewer-pipe industry has been developed. These include a plant started at Macomb, 111., in 1884, at Beatrice, Nebr., in 1888, Stevens Pottery, Ga., several localities in Pennsylvania, Pittsburg, Kans., in 1901, and Saspamco, Tex., about the same year. Import- ant additions were also made to the Missouri industry around St. Louis and Kansas City in the late 8o's. The incorporation in 1900 of the American Sewer Pipe Company was an important event. This corporation took over some twenty or thirty factories in Ohio, New York, and Pennsylvania, closing down some and strengthening others. The list of the plants, together with their date of establishment, is given below. Name of Company. Location. Approxi- mate date of estab- lishment. 1 Pittsburg Clav Manufacturing Company. . New Brighton, Pa . . . 1887 Knowles, Taylor and Anderson Company. . N. U. Walker Clay Manufacturing Com- panv East Liverpool, Ohio. . . . Walkers, Ohio . . 1886 1856 John Lvth and Sons W r ellsville, Ohio i86s Empire Fire Clav Company Empire Ohio 1885 Freeman Fire Clay Company Freemans, Ohio 1865 P Connor Toronto, Ohio . 1880 Calumet Fire Clav Company Freemans, Ohio. 1865 Ohio Vallev Fire Clav Company Elliottsville, Ohio 1888 1 The dates of establishment supplied by the American Sewer Pipe Company do not in every case agree with those given by Mr. McClave. 34 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. Name of Company. Location. Approxi- mate date of estab- lishment * Great Western Fire Clay Company Toronto, Ohio 1880 John Francy's Sons Company do I87? Toronto Fire Clay Company ... .do. AU /o 1870 Kennedy, Kling and Company do. 1887 Diamond Fire Clay Company Uhrichsville Fire Clay Company . Uhrichsville, Ohio do 1888 1887 T J M[azurie do 1890 Myers-Hartford Clay Company . M^alvern, Ohio 1800 McElfresh Clay Manufacturing Company. Penrith, W. Va 187? McMahon, Porter and Company New Cumberland, W Va 187=5 Pennsylvania Sewer Pipe Company Huntingdon, Pa 1888 National Sewer Pipe Company Barberton, Ohio 1887 Hill Sewer Pipe Company Akron, Ohio 18^ Akron Sewer Pipe Company do i8 Camp & Thompson Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 1887 Sharon Clay Manufacturing Company Sharon, Pa 1888 Columbus Sewer Pipe Company Columbus, Ohio 1874 Goucher, McAdoo and Company Brazil, Ind 1892 Grand Ledge Sewer Pipe Company Grand Ledge M^ich jgoc Jackson Fire Clay, Sewer Pipe and Tile Company Jackson, Miich 1867 Bennett Sewer Pipe Company . . . .do. 1883 United States Clay Manufacturing Com- pany. . Lisbon, Ohio 1884 1 The dates of establishment supplied by the American Sewer Pipe Company do not in every case agree with those given by Mr. McClave. The earlier established sewer-pipe plants in the United States used mostly impure fire clays but at the present time great quantities of shale are employed. The growth of the industry responding to the increased demand for such products has been encouraged through the invention of the steam-pipe press accompanied by improvements in the other stages of the process of manufacture which have enabled the producer to meet this demand. Some of the present sewer-pipe factories con- tain all the latest improvements that the mechanical engineer can devise. A good idea of the advances made in the making of pipe may be gained from the statement that fifty years ago the largest pipe made was 15 inches with a shell one and one-eighth inches thick; to-day we have 30- and 36-inch pipe with a shell from two to three inches thick. The production of sewer pipe in the United States since 1890 is given in the accompanying table. CONDUITS. 35 VALUE OF SEWER PIPE PRODUCED IN THE UNITED STATES FROM 1890 TO 1907. Year. Value . Year. Value. 1890 $- 107 212 IQOI S6 736 060 1804 5080, Q2T. IQO2 7 174 802 180:; 4,482,577 IQO3 . 8 C2? 360 1806 4,c88,>o^ I QO4 9,187 423 1807 4,060,^34 IOO> . IO,OO7,o8Q 1898 . 3,7Qi,Os7 1006. . 11,114,967 1800 4- 60 3 34 IQO7 II 482 84? IQOO ?, 842,^62 CONDUITS. These form a line of clay products the use of which has greatly increased in the last few years. They may be defined as hollow blocks of varying length, having sometimes several cross parti- tions and rounded edges, and are used as pipes for electrical cables and wires below ground. On this account they have to be hard-burned with a dense body and are salt glazed. Their use came about through a desire on the part of telephone and telegraph companies to find some form of duct more durable than the iron and wooden ones formerly in use. The first underground conduits are said to have been manu- factured by the late H. B. Camp at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, in the year I888. 1 Mr. Camp at first experimented with a form of multiple conduit, which was in reality a square 8-inch hollow tile with a partition through the center. Not finding it practical he abandoned it at the time and started manufacturing the single conduits, which to this day are known as the "Camp-Duct." The manufacture of conduits was begun at Aultman, Ohio, by Mr. Camp, about 1893 2 or ^94^ an d this is one of the two most important localities of production at the present day, the other being Brazil, Ind., where they have been regularly made by the McRoy Clay Works, since 1896. Those made at the latter factory were the first multiple-clay conduits to be used commer- cially for underground work. The first six- and four-duct con- 1 C. C. Baird, McRoy Clay Works, private correspondence. 2 J. A. Rossi, Perth Amboy, N. J., private correspondence. 36 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. duits were made 6 feet long, and the two- and three-duct, 3 feet long. They contained dowel pin holes and were scarified and beveled on the ends as now. This plant had previously been manufacturing salt-glazed hollow building blocks and drain tile. The same clay and same machines were used in making the con- duits, although many new appliances were necessary to handle them successfully. Large quantities of conduits are now pro- duced in the Perth Amboy district of New Jersey, the industry there dating back to about 1898. In addition they are also made at scattered works where fireproofing and sewer pipe are manu- factured. It is not possible to give any statistics of production, as the United States Geological Survey does not give them separately. PAVING BRICK. The beginning of the paving-brick industry is usually given as 1872, when some of the streets in Charleston, W. Va., were paved with brick. These were simply hard-burned building brick, and not regular pavers, but they nevertheless gave great satisfaction, and were moreover shipped to Ohio for a considerable period. They are not now made, the production having steadily declined after the making of the real pavers began. In Missouri the industry is said to have begun about 1873, and was the result of attempts to find some use for the more impure layers which were found in the fire-clay mines. These early attempts were not wholly successful. Bloomington, 111., put down a brick pavement in 1875 which was made of a poor glacial clay, but lasted well for twenty years. Five years later, in 1880, brick pavements were tried in St. Louis without success, and while another trial, made in 1881, was better, it was found that the manufacturer was unable to supply a uniform and reliable product. Two years after this, in 1883, an impure fire-clay paver was tried with excellent results at Wheeling, W. Va., and about this same time a pavement of vitrified brick made of glacial clay (Ref. 142, p. 9) was laid at Decatur, 111. In 1884 Galesburg, 111., which at the present time is, and for PAVING BRICK. 37 some years has been, an important producer of vitrified shale brick, laid a pavement of these which showed a high durability. It was about this time that the industry seemed to show abun- dant signs of life, for in 1885 brick pavements were laid in Colum- bus, Zanesville and Steubenville, Ohio (Ref. 142, p. 9), Peoria, 111., and Chicago, 111. At Canton, Ohio, paving-brick making was started in 1887, and since then the Ohio paving-brick industry has grown steadily. In the same year (1887) the coal-measures shales were first used in Kansas. They are now employed at several points in that State. Many of the earlier plants of the Central States used impure fire clays, the use of shales for paving-brick manufacture having really developed slowly. Moreover the great growth of this industry has been in the Central and West Central States, few paving-brick plants being located in the east except in Pennsyl- vania. The reason for this is the lack of suitable raw materials. A second may be the smaller demand in the Eastern than in the Central States. Of the scattered Eastern plants, one of the first to be started was at Cumberland, Md., in 1888, the Devon- ian shales being used. This plant is still in operation. In the early 'go's several plants were built in New York State, all using the Devonian shale, except one at Syracuse, which employed alluvial clays. About the same time (1889) the indus- try started at Fort Smith, Ark., and is still in operation there. A marked expansion in this branch of clay working occurred in the closing decade of the century, for it was about this time that clay workers in Indiana were beginning to appreciate the value of the coal measure clays and of the Knobstone shales. Paving- brick making by 1890 had also taken a firm hold in Missouri, and the first paving-brick works in Indiana was started at Brazil in 1891, with others following in 1892 and 1893. At this date there were in Ohio not less than 37 firms in operation, the materials used being mainly fire clays, and to a smaller extent shales and alluvial clays. E. Orton, Jr., in the Ohio Geological Survey Report of that year stated that the great shale deposits were just beginning to be understood, and "might possibly be of value for pavers." 38 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. The paving-brick industry of southeastern Pennsylvania began about 1892 with the use of Triassic shales at Montello. Owing, however, to better and more extensive deposits of shale in the western half of the State, more plants have become established there than in the east. In Michigan the use of Carboniferous shale for paving purposes began in 1895 with further developments about 1905 at Saginaw. At the present time (1907) the seven leading States named in the order of their rank are Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Kansas, West Virginia, Missouri and Indiana, the first three producing over $1,000,000 worth each, and the others, except Missouri, over $500,000 worth each. The production of paving brick since 1890 is given below. VALUE OF VITRIFIED PAVING BRICK PRODUCED IN THE UNITED STATES FROM 1890 TO 1907. Year. Value. Quantity (thousands). Average price per thousand. 1800 $ 982,000 iw y w 1804 3,711,173 40,021 $8.12 A yt iSoq 3,130,472 381,^01 8.20 1896 1807. . 2,794,585 3x82,037 320,407 435,851 8.72 8.22 1898 4,01 6,822 474,410 8 47 1800 4,7^0,424 ^80,71:1 8.18 IQOO 4,764,124 1:46,070 8.71 IQOI . 5,484,134 60^,077 O.O6 1902 IQO3. . 5,744,530 6,453,849 617,192 654,499 9-3i 9.86 1904 7, 557, 425 735,489 10.28 IQO^ 6,703,710 66^,870 10. 07 y 2 IQOO 7,80,768 7^1,074 10. A< IOO7. . 0,6^4,282 876,245 ii .02 FIRE BRICK. The growth of the fire-brick industry depends largely on other lines of manufacturing in which the conversion of the raw material into the finished product has to be accomplished by great heat, this being done in furnaces or other receptacles which have to be lined with some refractory material. Large quantities of fire brick are therefore required in smelting operations, and these constitute FIRE BRICK. 39 the principal consumers. The clay industry, with its brick and pottery kilns, requires a large number, as also the portland-cement industry, the coking industry and many others. Some of these, like iron smelting, were in operation before fire brick were available, and sandstone blocks were used as furnace linings. New Jersey seems to hold the honor of being the first producer of fire brick in the United States, for they are said to have been made there in 1812, although just where the plant was located is not known. It is definitely known, however, that in 1825 the Sala- mander Works of Woodbridge, N. J. (no longer standing), was in operation. This was followed by the erection of a factory by John Watson in 1833, which remained in operation for a number of years. It is also stated that fire brick were made in Florida and shipped to New Orleans in 1827, and that stove linings were made in Con- necticut about 1835. According to Mr. McClave refractory brick were being produced in Toronto, Ohio, in 1830, but the industry was probably only temporary, for later the Ohio furnacemen appear to have been ship- ping in most of their refractory wares from New Jersey and Maryland, until in 1869 they were supplanted by those made at Sciotoville. A permanent development did occur in Clinton County, Pa., for a fire-brick works began at Queens Run in 1836, according to Professor Rogers. This subsequently became the firm of Fredericks Monroe & Co. It was in 1837 that the famous Mt. Savage, Md., fire clay was discovered, and two years later the Union Mining Company began operations which have continued up to the present. In some publications this is incorrectly stated to be the oldest fire-brick works in the United States. About this time the Lower Kittan- ning plastic clay and the Clarion County flint clay of Pennsylvania were being worked by S. Barnes & Co. of Rochester, Pa., who appear to have started one of the earliest fire-brick works in that State. They were followed in 1842 by James Glover, who discovered the Bolivar fire clay at the place of that name and ran a small fire-brick factory. He took his bricks to Pittsburg by boat and after some difficulty succeeded in disposing of them. So well 40 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. were they liked that the bricks soon won a reputation, and Bolivar to this day is one of the important fire-brick producing localities. The industry continued to develop rapidly and we find factories starting operations in different States, especially if there was a chance of marketing the product, which in those days commanded a much higher price than now. In the year 1845 another yard was established in the Wood- bridge district of New Jersey, viz. that of Berry & Son, with others following it later, among these being Sayre & Fisher, Sayreville, 1868; H. Maurer & Son, Maurer, 1856; M. D. Valentine & Bro., Woodbridge, 1865; and others. Kier Brothers of Salina, Penn- sylvania, began in 1845. The fire-brick industry was, however, slow in moving westward in its development, for in 1846 it began in St. Louis with a small factory located on Gravois road. This is no longer in operation, the oldest of the present plants being that of Evens & Howard and the Laclede Fire Brick Company which were established in 1855. St. Louis with its great deposits of Carboniferous fire clays and markets in the Central and Southern States was destined to become an important center of fire-brick making and other fac- tories were opened later, among these being the Christy Fire Clay Company in 1857, the Parker Russell Company in 1866. The Christy and Laclede companies have since been consolidated. Another refractory asset which has helped to make St. Louis famous was its deposits of clay for glass-pot and zinc-retort manu- facture. In New York the making of gas retorts commenced in 1854, and spread to other States, but the production of these is not as great as formerly. Fire brick were being made at Steubenville, Ohio, by 1857 to 1858, and the industry was started in Illinois not later than this. In 1859 Soisson & Co. of Connellsville, Pa., established their works at that locality, and three years later, in 1862, fire-brick manu- facture began at Bath, S. C., but has never become of importance. At Pittsburg the Star Fire-Brick Works commenced operations in 1865, and three years later the industry was started at Canal Dover, Ohio. FIRE BRICK. 41 The fire clays of the far west developed at a comparatively early date, those around Golden, Colo., being discovered in 1866, but those which have made the district rank foremost among the western producers were not opened up until later. The fire bricks which were made and are still being produced at Denver, those whose manufacture began later at Pueblo, and still later at Canon City, are now much used throughout the Western States and have earned a good reputation, although they have to compete some- what, of course, with those produced in the Mississippi Valley district. The fire clays of Lewis County, Kentucky, were mined as early as 1871 for making fire brick in Cincinnati, and in the same decade we note the building of works at East Portsmouth, Ohio, in 1870, at Woodland, Pa., in 1871, and Retort and Manorville, Pa., in 1872. West Virginia was a late comer in the line of fire-brick producers, the Kittanning clays of Hammond, Marion County, being one of the earliest deposits worked in the State. This was in 1876. Subsequent to that period, however, the industry progressed 'favorably. By the year 1880 the fire-clay manufacturing industry had assumed wide and strong importance in many States, notably Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Indiana and Missouri. Several important additions occurred in the eighties as at Canal Dover, Ohio (1880); South Webster, Ohio (1883); Queens Run, Pa. (1883); Portsmouth, Ohio (1888); Wallaceton, Pa. (1888); Strasburg, Ohio (1889); there were still, however, several impor- tant but not necessarily large districts to be heard from. In 1882 the Tertiary clay around Holly Springs, Miss., was attracting atten- tion and two years later, 1884, the Kentucky fire clays were worked at Amanda Furnace, and Bellport Furnace, followed by the Ash- land Fire Brick Company, at Ashland, in 1886. The Texas Tertiary clays were being used around Athens in 1890, and those at Socorro, New Mexico, in 1894. The former are still worked, but not the latter. In 1895 the Olive Hill Fire Brick Company of Olive Hill, Ky., began using the Carboniferous flint clays, but it is not known how long previous to this these had been developed. 42 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. Developments continued in Pennsylvania and Ohio, and new works were still springing up. They included those at Phillips- burg, Pa. (1893); Clearfield, Pa. (1894); Beech Creek, Pa. (1900); and still later at Figart, Pa. (1901); and Strasburg, Ohio (1904). The Dakota clays of Colorado, previously mentioned as occurring at Golden, were further developed at Canon City in 1900, and since then at other localities. Later developments took place also in Utah, Montana and South Dakota, but no definite data are available regarding them. After reviewing what has just preceded, one cannot help but be impressed by the great and steady development of the fire-brick industry in the Carboniferous areas of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and to a lesser extent Kentucky, Maryland and West Virginia. The product not only finds a ready market in the districts of produc- tion, but is shipped to many States in which high grade refractories are manufactured sparingly or not at all. There are a number of small works making fire brick and stove linings, which are located at points some distance removed from the fire-clay districts, and ship in their raw clay. Not a few are located in New England. It is needless to say the growth of the fire-brick industry has been attended by improvements in the methods of manufacture, not so much perhaps in the machinery used, although the production of machine-molded brick has increased because of lower selling cost, as in the compounding of proper mixtures, which will best individu- ally withstand the conditions of use to which they are subjected. With the same object in view the manufacturers have also developed a great variety of shapes for special purposes. Some firms have likewise succeeded in making a product of astonishingly high refractoriness, while others have in recent years introduced the manufacture of bauxite bricks. Mention should be made of the incorporation in 1902 of the Harbison-Walker Refractories Company with headquarters at Pittsburg, Pa. This corporation, which controls a large number of works in Pennsylvania as well as some in Ohio and Kentucky, produces a large percentage of all the fire brick produced in the eastern United States. All of the works make a fire-clay brick FIRE BRICK. 43 with the exception of the Chester, Pa., plant which makes nothing but magnesia and chrome brick, from imported materials. The Mount Union, East Chicago, and the Layton, Pa., plants, pro- duce silica brick, while some silica brick are also made at the Hays Station, Pa., plant. Refractories for Glass Melting* Glass-pot manufacture represents a special branch of the fire- brick business in which great skill is called for, and scrupulous care exercised in the selection of the raw materials. It is probable that the manufacture of glass pots in this country was begun with the installation of the first glass factory, but in those days, and, in fact, until 1860, it was the custom for glass manufacturers to make their own glass-melting pots, the clays being imported from England and known as Stourbridge clays. The making of tank blocks began actively about 1883. These are large blocks used for lining the large iron tanks in which glass is melted. These special shaped blocks, weighing sometimes ten hundred pounds, have to fit together accurately, and their manufacture calls for the finest grades of glass-pot clay, and plenty of time for making. Most firms make both the tanks and pots. The Stourbridge clay continued to be used to some extent in this country until the early sixties. The German clay has also been used for a number of years, but it is not known just when its importation began. About the year 1858 or 1859, Missouri plastic clays were introduced. These clays are found in the neighborhood of St. Louis in what is known as the Cheltenham district, and were called "Cheltenham clays" in those days. This clay was intro- duced by a man named Christy, who induced James B. Lyon of the O'Hara Glass Company of Pittsburg, Pa., to try it for the manufacture of glass pots. It proved to be an excellent clay for that purpose and has largely supplanted the foreign clays. The manufacture of glass-house pots, as a business for the pur- pose of supplying the wants of the glass manufacturers in that line, was first started by Thomas Coffin in Pittsburg in 1860, and 1 The authors are indebted to Mr. H. L. Dixon of Pittsburg, Pa., for much valuable information. 44 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. until 1879 this remained the only pot-making plant. In that year the Pittsburg Clay-Pot Company was organized and is still in operation. Shortly after the Pittsburg Clay-Pot Company started, came others, and among these may be mentioned the Phoenix Clay-Pot Company, New Kensington, Pa. (organized in 1880), making pots since 1880 and tank blocks since 1902. Ohio Valley Clay Com- pany, Steubenville, Ohio, producing pots since 1882 and tank blocks since 1896. Gill Clay-Pot Company, established by J. S. Gill, at Bellaire, Ohio, in 1882, but now the Gill Clay-Pot Company, of Muncie, Indiana, and manufacturing tank blocks since 1896. Dixon-Woods Company, producing tank blocks in 1887. The Findlay Clay-Pot Company, Findlay, Ohio, organized for glass-pot manufacture in 1888, but producing tank blocks also since 1895. As the business in melting furnaces progressed in the United States it was found that both the Stourbridge and German clays lacked the refractory qualities to stand the temperatures employed, but that while the Missouri clay supplied this defect, it was not able to resist the corrosive action of the molten glass as well as the German clay. The Stourbridge clay is no longer used. Clay from Mineral City, Ohio, is employed by some, as well as Penn- sylvania clays, but not in those parts that come in contact with the molten glass. The manufacturers have therefore had to use different mixtures for different parts, according as they had to resist corrosion, heat, changes of " temperature, etc. As an example, one firm uses for its pots a mixture consisting of : Missouri Raw Washed Clay 2469 Ibs. Missouri Burned Washed Clay 2250 Ibs. German Washed Clay 1481 Ibs. Old pot fragments 3800 Ibs. The proportions used by the different manufacturers however vary, some using more Missouri and others less. No separate statistics can be given, as they are not published, but the total value of the product forms a small percentage of the total for refractory wares-. POTTERY. 45 The production of fire brick and refractory wares in the United States since 1894 is given below. VALUE OF FIRE BRICK PRODUCED IN THE UNITED STATES FROM 1870 TO 1907. Year. Value. Year. Value. 1870 $ 403,400 IQOO. . $ q,83O,?l7 1890 c 6?2 s64 IQOI 870 421 1804. 4762,820 IQO2 I I,07O,? 1 1 ^yr i8os 527Q.OO4 IQO3 14,062, 360* 1806 4,044,723 IOO4 II,l67,072 x v 1807 4,OO4,7O4 100^ . I2,73S,4O4 1898 6,003,071 V J IQO6 14,206,868 1800 . 8,641,882 IQO7. . 14,946,045 1 Includes stove lining. POTTERY. It is somewhat difficult to follow the development of the pottery industry without going into a number of details, but in tracing out its growth, several interesting features present themselves. 1 The first is that pottery was made by the early colonists in this country almost as soon as common brick. A second is that few of the early establishments mark even the site of existing potteries, the important potting centers having been established at a much later date. Thirdly, the industry does not show a gradual progression from the lowest to the highest kinds of ware, many grades of pottery ranging from common flowerpots up to white earthen-ware having been produced at the same period. The earliest reference found is of a pottery on Long Island in 1601, and another in Massachusetts in 1641. The latter was prob- ably the first in the New England States and is no longer in opera- tion. Virginia may have had potteries as early as this, for it is known that small earthen-ware factories were in operation in the seventeenth century. New Jersey followed in 1685 with the production of white ware at Burlington, and Pennsylvania in 1690, at which date its first 1 The artistic side of the development of pottery in the United States has been most admirably treated by E. A. Barber of the Pennsylvania Museum in his work on the History of Pottery and Porcelain in the United States. 46 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. established factory was making tobacco pipes. Maryland came next in 1764 with a pottery in Baltimore, and five years later a second works began making china in Philadelphia, Pa. As early as 1776 there are said to have been scattered stoneware works in South Carolina, and a pottery had begun operations at Norwalk, Conn., in 1780. The establishment of a terra-cotta- ware pottery in West Virginia in 1785 is said to have been the first one west of the Allegheny Mountains, and this one was in opera- tion until 1890. Among the early established works, still running, or at least in operation until recently, was an earthernware factory which began at Hartford, Conn., in 1790, and the next few years witnessed the establishment of many others in that State. In 1793 a pottery was started in Vermont, and by 1800 stoneware was being made there. There is doubt as to the source of the raw materials used by these early potters, but in the majority of cases it was probably purely local. Curiously enough, California was one of the early producers of pottery, earthen-ware being made in San Francisco from 1791 to 1800. In the latter year (1800) stoneware was being made by Van Wickle in Old Bridge, N. J., and other factories were running at South Amboy and Sayreville so that we can perhaps regard this as the beginning of the development of the stoneware industry of this State, which, however, has never become large, being unable to complete successfully with the great factories making this ware in Ohio. This same year (1800) also witnessed the commence- ment of a sturdy stoneware industry at Troy and Albany, N. Y., which continued for a number of years. In 1805 Fulper of Flem- ington, N. J., began the manufacture of stoneware, and this estab- lishment still exists. Whether Ohio should be included among the list of pottery pro- ducers prior to this is not known, but in 1812 an earthenware fac- tory was in operation in Steubenville, and by 1837 the industry had attained such importance that the ware was being sent to other States. Another works of interest was one in Jaffray, N. H., established in 1817, which brought its clay from Moncton, Vt. This repre- UNIVERSITY 1 POTTERY. ' I 47 sents one of the earliest records of the shipment of clay from one State to another. In 1827 we find the first record of a stoneware factory in Gallo- way County, Missouri, which was still running in 1891. Pottery was being made in the same year (1827) at Pittsburg, Pa. Two years later (in 1829) the industry began at Louisville, Ky., and while potteries have been in operation there more or less contin- uously up to the present time, they have undergone frequent changes in ownership and management. Up to 1830 the development of the pottery industry had been sporadic, and not of permanent character. In that year an appeal for aid was made to the Government, in the form of greater pro- tection, but the bill passed by Congress in 1833, lowered the tariff instead of raising it. While this was discouraging to the white- ware manufacturers, at the same time it did not seriously affect the industry as a whole. The year 1834 marked the beginning of the Beaver Valley, Pa., industry, with the establishment of Jackson's pottery at New Brighton, which, however, only ran for three years. The same year also saw the foundation of the pottery industry of Indiana, the first works being established at Troy, but it soon ended in failure, because of a misguided attempt to make whiteware. Illi- nois was producing stoneware by 1836, but it may have been man- ufactured there even earlier. Three years after this, or in 1837, Bennett established a yellow and Rockingham works at East Liverpool, Ohio. This was the beginning of the pottery manufacturing industry at that place, and by the next year the stoneware industry of the Zanesville district had started. It was at least as early as 1837 that the Albany slip clay came into use for glazing stoneware, and has ever since then been employed in all parts of the United States. Other slip clays have been tried, but none have found the same favor as this one. It was also in this year (1838) that pottery works were established at Sargeants Bluff, la., which are said to have been the first in the State. If this is true the industry must have expanded rapidly, as by 1841 there were potteries in operation at many points in the State. 48 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. In 1840 the mining of pottery clay from the Coal-measure beds of Indiana began, and has continued actively up to the present time to supply numerous stoneware works. The exact date of the establishment of potting in Cincinnati, Ohio, is not known, but by the early forties both stoneware and Rockingham ware were being turned out there. Dallas County, Ark., had a pottery as early as 1843, but the business has not developed to any great extent and there are few plants in the State at the present time. The Portland Stoneware Company, at Portland, Me., was inaugurated in 1846, and the same year saw the establishment of Bennett's yellow and Rockingham ware factory in Baltimore, Md. He later added white ware. The Greenpoint, L. I., porcelain works began in 1848, and about three years after that came the start of the Trenton, N. J., industry. Although beginning some years later than East Liverpool, Ohio, the Trenton industry has expanded at a more rapid rate and now outranks that of East Liverpool. While there may have been potteries in operation in Mississippi prior to 1848, the first definite record appears in that year, when it is said stoneware factories were running at several localities and some of these still exist. In 1856 Whitmore, Robinson & Co., began the manufacture of Rockingham and yellow queensware at Akron, Ohio. This plant, considerably enlarged, is still in operation. Three years later, in 1859, a plant for the manufacture of stone- ware was running at Michigan Bar, Cal., and the first white ware was made at Peoria, 111., evidently of clay shipped in from other States. By 1860, the first year in which a census was taken, the industry seems to have been pretty well established, for there were potteries established in different States as follows : Alabama, 1 1 ; California, 4; Connecticut, 5; Delaware, 4; Georgia, 2; Illinois, 34; Iowa, 15; Kansas, i; Kentucky, 6; Maine, 16; Maryland, 17; Massachusetts, 13; Michigan, 7; Minnesota, i; Mississippi, 2; Missouri, 17; New Hampshire, 3; New Jersey, 24; New York, 45; North Carolina, 4; Ohio, 130; Pennsylvania, 108; South Carolina, 6; Tennessee, 5; Texas, 6; Vermont, 6; Virginia, 15; Wisconsin, 13; District Colum- bia, 2; Nebraska, i; Utah, 2. POTTERY. 49 In 1862 the making of yellow and Rockingham ware was begun again at New Brighton, Pa., and has continued up to the present, while additional stoneware factories were starting up in Indiana. Fig. 2. Original plant of Knowles, Taylor and Knowles, East Liverpool, O. The Onondaga Pottery of Syracuse, one of the important vitreous china factories of the United States began in 1871, and is still running. Although white ware was made by William Bloor at East Liver- pool, Ohio, prior to 1861, the permanent establishment of the whiteware industry at that place dates back only to 1873, an d was begun by the Knowles, Taylor & Knowles Company, a firm which had begun operations in 1854. Minnesota has never been an important pottery-producing State and it was not until 1877 that the stoneware industry, supported by the Cretaceous clays at Redwing, was started. Two years after this, in 1879, the Wheeling Pottery Company of Wheeling, W. Va., started. This company made the first white ware produced in that State, but did not use any local clays. 50 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. In 1880, Remey & Son of Philadelphia began the manufacture of chemical stoneware made from New Jersey clays, and were followed later by the Graham Works of Brooklyn, N. Y. The following year the white ware industry at Beaver Falls, Pa., was begun by Mayer Bros. In the same year, the manufacture of C. C. ware was tried in Missouri from local kaolins, but was a fail- ure, and has never again been attempted in that State. This year also saw the establishment of the majolica industry at Balti- more, but it gave way later to white earthenware. By 1 884 Hamilton and Columbiana Counties, Ohio, had developed into important centers of yellow and Rockingham ware, there being nine factories at East Liverpool and ten in Cincinnati. There were also several important stoneware districts whose wares had a wide sale. Kentucky was at this time also developing a number of stoneware factories but none were of any size. The year 1888 was important as marking the establishment of the first art pottery in Ohio, now most widely known in this coun- try, the Rookwood Pottery, of Cincinnati. Other Ohio potteries have since then turned their attention to art wares, notably the Weller Pottery of Zanesville, and the Roseville Pottery of Roseville. It is not known when potteries were first worked in Kansas, but as late as 1893 there were only a few in operation. By 1893 the Ohio pottery industry occupied the same limits as in 1884, but the output has greatly increased. Akron was the leading stoneware district, and an important feature was the growth of the cooking utensil industry. Since then the industry has grown, especially around East Liverpool, Zanesville and Akron. There has been a remarkable development of American pottery in its more artistic forms since 1893, at which time, as pointed out by several writers, the fictile art of this country had literally a new birth. The Rookwood factory, mentioned under Ohio, and started before 1893, is to be regarded, perhaps, as the pioneer, and cer- tainly as the most important of American art potteries. But there are many others, all worthy of mention, and while few of them are large, they are without exception receiving deserved recognition, on account of the originality, beauty, and often high artistic merit of their wares. POTTERY. 5 1 52 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. In addition to the Rook wood, we may mention among the older ones The American Terra Cotta Company of Chicago, well known for its Teco ware, the Grueby Faience Company of Bos- ton, and the Hartford Faience Company of Hartford, Conn. The Chelsea Keramic Art Company of Dedham, Mass., might also be ranked here, as well as the Weller Pottery of Zanesville, Ohio, and the Roseville Pottery Company of the same State. The Robineau Pottery of Syracuse, N. Y., deserves special mention since it is the first works in this country to produce decorative hard porcelain (Binns). Equally meritorious, and of distinctly American type, is the New- comb Art Pottery of New Orleans. Nor should the list be closed without mention of the Van Briggle Pottery of Colorado Springs, Colo., the Marblehead, Mass., ware, and the product of the works of Charles Volckmar, Metuchen, N. J. All of these serve to show that the production of pottery in the United States is not confined to the more common types of ware such as white granite and semi-porcelain, dinner and toilet sets, as some people imagine. It should also indicate that it is not necessary to depend upon imported materials, when decorative ware of burned clay is desired. Only slight reference to Trenton has been made in this re'sume' since the establishment of the industry in 1852. It was, never- theless, growing at a steady and rapid rate as the chronologic data given under New Jersey will show. Indeed many details are given there which need not be repeated here. Suffice it to call attention once more to the fact that this is the largest potting center in the United States, if not in the world, the products including C. C. ware, white granite ware, sanitary ware, belleek, and electrical porcelain. The manufacture of electrical porcelain is a comparatively young branch of the pottery industry, which began first with the production of various pieces for low-voltage work, but subse- quently developed switch blocks, insulators, etc., for the high- tension currents. The clays used are largely of the higher grades. Works are in operation in Ohio, New York, Indiana, New Jersey, etc. The first factory appears to have been that of POTTERY. 53 R. Thomas & Sons of East Liverpool, established in 1884. Others were as follows: 1890. Pass & Seymour, Syracuse, N. Y. 1890. Union Porcelain Works, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1891. Imperial Porcelain Works, Trenton, N. J. 1891. G. F. Brunt Porcelain Company, East Liverpool, Ohio. 1895. Lock Insulator Company, Victor, N. Y. 1896. Akron Smoking Pipe Company, Mogadore, Ohio. 1899. Star Porcelain Company, Trenton, N. J. 1902. Anderson Porcelain Company, East Liverpool, Ohio. 1902. Hartford Faience Company, Hartford, Conn. 1902. New Lexington High Voltage Porcelain Company, New Lexington, Ohio. 1903. Electrical Porcelain Company, Trenton, N. J. 1904. Adamant Porcelain Company, Ltd., Broadway, Va. 1905. Adamant Porcelain Company, Ltd., Harrisonburg, Va. 1906. United States Electric Porcelain Company, Findlay, Ohio. General Electric Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Colonial Sign and Insulator Company, Akron, Ohio. In spite of the tremendous growth of the pottery industry in the United States there is very little high-grade porcelain made, most of that bought being of foreign make. Much semi-porcelain is produced, but this is mostly of some- what heavy character to meet the demands of hotel and restau- rant trade, which consumes most of the output, and it is to be regretted that in order to get light weight ware for daily private use one is practically forced to purchase foreign goods. Whether the hard porcelain of Europe will become naturalized here remains to be seen. The permanent introduction of bone- china is another possibility, and some writers (Binns) have pointed out that since it is the lightest and whitest of all our wares, its development should be strenuously pushed by American man- ufacturers. While the pottery industry has assumed large proportions, the development of certain lines has been due no doubt to a high pro- tective tariff, its influence being described by Mr. John Moses as follows: 1 "It was not, indeed, until the first real protection by the tariff ever accorded the potteries was enacted, as a war measure, that the American maker found himself able to enter the field against the English potter, especially in the two staple lines of white granite and C. C. ware. The premium on gold, 1 One hundred years of American commerce. 54 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. doubling, as it did, the increased duty, gave the potters the long- needed opportunity, and new establishments sprang up in Tren- ton during the decade succeeding the war." It must also be conceded, although it may not be universally admitted, that we always have been, and are still, dependent to a large extent upon foreign countries for some of our raw materials. This is particularly true of residual kaolin, the deposits of which thus far developed in this country have not been sufficient to supply the demand. The period during which the pottery industry has grown in this country has witnessed important changes in the methods of manufacture, which not only produce a better ware from the same clay, but also greatly increase the capacity of the plant. In the early days of potting the clay was simply thrown into a tank, manipulated with a spade, removed in large lumps, and cut through and through with a wire, rewelding the mass after each cutting. Now the clay or mixture of clays is carefully washed, mixed wet, and screened, before use. The early potters knew no other tool than the potters wheel on which they formed their ware, and this machine is still seen in many small potteries, but in the larger works it has been largely forced out by the jolly or jig, by pressing in plaster molds, or by casting, all these methods producing a piece of ware much more rapidly and sometimes of greater structural perfection. The production of pottery in the United States, for the census years 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, and annually since 1896 is given below : VALUE OF POTTERY PRODUCED IN UNITED STATES FROM 1850 TO 1907. Year. Value. Year. Value. iSso $ 1,466,063 1900. . $19,798,570 1860 2,706,681 IQOI 22,463,860 1870 6.O4C, c 76 IQO2. 24,127,4'?'? 1880 7,042,720 IQO3. . 25,436,oc2 1806 7, 4^1;, 627 I9O4. . 2, IC8,27O *rV 1807 10,309,209 I9O^ . . 27,918,894 1808 14,589,224 1906 31,440,884 1800 I 7 2 ^O 2 ^O IQO7. 30,14.'? 474 POTTERY. 55 The value of imports into the United States since 1867 is given below. VALUE OF EARTHENWARE, CHINA, BRICK, AND AND ENTERED FOR CONSUMPTION IN THE 1867 TO 1907.' TILE IMPORTED UNITED STATES, Year ending. Total. Brown earthen and common stone ware. China and porcelain, not decorated. China and porcelain, decorated. Other earthen, stone, or crockery ware, glazed, etc. Brick, fire brick, and tile. June 30: 1867.. $5,187,859 $48,618 $418,493 $439,824 $4,280,924 1868.. . 4,005,681 47,208 300,960 403,555 3,244,958 1860 A ,450, 54Q 34,260 400,894 CCC, 42C 3,468,070 iuwy . . . l870.. . l87l. 4,460,228 4,632,355 47*457 06,605 420,442 391,374 530,805 571,032 3>46l,524 3,5.73,254 l872.. 5, 308,893 127,346 470,749 814,134 3,896,664 l877 5751 044. 1 1 5,253 470,617 867,206 4,280 868 j-u/^. . . l87A 4831,724 70,^44 307,730 676,656 3,686,704 A "/'+ ' ' l8 75 ... 1876... l877. 4,44I,2l6 4,112,956 3,772,059 68,501 3 6 ,744 3O,4O3 436,883 409,539 326,956 654,965 718,156 668,514 3,280,867 2,948,517 2,746,186 l878 4 006 725 l8,7l4 380,1 33 657,485 3 O3I 3O3 i75 1 14 6l 3 3o8,4io 1 2Q4 381' 1,840,377 2 ?76,032 1902 80 1 i8s V^>O' Ji 238 182 2 061 072 IQO3 114 7?O 42O 8o4 2 ?Q4 O42 IQO4 83 OO4 204 272 2 32O 162 I OCX i ^29 468 2IQ 767 184 IO2 2 768 006 IOO6 i 878 01 1 I ?O 774 273 6O2 324C 2^6 IOO7 2 0^4 698 1 36 ^76 380 sSo 1 34.4.8, ^48 1 Includes brick clay. 2 Included under Miscellaneous. CLAY MINING INDUSTRIES. i OOO N ON O O M 00 O-*O MOO N t>. t^. IOCO O O N N O O tooo or^-N M to^toc OOOOOO f~O PC toco cc i > O to O O N toO to O to to PC to to r-O O to O OO ON H N PC PC PC Tf ^-O O O t~ i^-O r>.cc OO^^ONTJ-C- 1 > 4 >, m C O -3-GO O N O N PCO t^- to -t -t O ~t r^-O t^ O -t PC O t^- +3 *-" OCN PC 'to N O N PC O M^CC to t^- -- w t^O O O' f^ O 1 Mf^,^ rrjiotCrCN OtOPCN O PCX PC ? t^X N cT to tCo" M oo x to -i- o x PC ox * *t o x o ; ; ; II! t ^ oc *^ ^ iri3C ^ M ^^ c>o o t^-x 2 2 I >, B i *-* t^. O N O x'o M N^ N PC M O o' O N t>- j :::::: >, c "c 3 C O PC t^ O O "^ O O ^1" PCX PC OO O *-* t^X N to O PC M _3 i c : u 3 NPCOOXwXtoOwTj-MMtof^OON PCX O O PC N OO to PC ^ to r^-O O MX PCO N r^ot^o *oX O c. t X N -^ O Mt~N.Oi^- t^O PC PC O t^ i-* OO X^ O O ^ OX ^:M M M M N N PCPCTflOlOrt IOO O O X X X O N to M M* M C t 1 . c cd O O O N toO M ION M rC.Ot^O~t^PCO JJ M M N M M N PC ^f TfO t^.i>.t^.X O. M M Tf IOO X N PC oS & toO r>X O O M N PC rf toO t^X O O M N PC 't toO t^ xxxxx ooooooooooo o o o o o o o xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx oooooooo PART II. HISTORY OF THE CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY BY STATES. CHAPTER III. ALABAMA. As early as 1780 to 1813 Isabella Narbome was engaged in the manufacture of brick and tile at the "Bluffs" in Mobile (Ref. 143, p. 322). During the same period pottery was made near Rock Creek, Mobile. There were probably other brick yards in oper- ation at this time, for in 1810 Forbes & Co. were conducting a law- suit in Mobile over certain brick lands and certain brick-yard buildings (Ref. 143, p. 301). One of the pioneers in the pottery industry of the State was Daniel Cribbs of Tuscaloosa County, who began utilizing the clays of the Tuscaloosa formation for pottery manufacture in 1829 (Ref. 144, p. 92). At the same time or perhaps earlier, W. D. Preston was running a pottery in Autauga County (Ref. 144), and later, in 1856, C. K. Oliver also started a pottery in Tuscaloosa County. The Cribbs family had potteries in other counties as well, for Peter Cribbs, a brother of Daniel Cribbs, and later his widow, operated a pottery near Bedford, Lamar County, from 1865 to 1886. Whether all of the above were making earthenware or stoneware is not known. The mining of the residual clays found in the Fort Payne cherts and the Knox dolomite began some time previous to 1897 and occurred chiefly in DeKalb and Tuscaloosa counties. These clays, which were said to make good porcelain, were mined by the Franklin County pottery and the Montague clay works in DeKalb County, and shipped to Trenton, N. J., where they brought $10 64 ALABAMA. 65 per ton, while the halloysite mined at the same locality sold for $20 per ton. Some of this white clay was also shipped to Chatta- nooga for fire brick. The shipments to Trenton were, however, discontinued some time ago. Previous to 1887 but little fire clay had been shipped from the Alabama deposits as the materials could find no market (Ref. 145, p. 85), but for some years prior to 1900 the fire clays at Bibb- ville had been used in a small way for making fire brick. The works have been discontinued and the clay has been shipped to Bessemer for fire-brick manufacture at that point, as have been also the clays from Woodstock and Vance's Station. Still, so far as we know, the fire brick manufactured within the State have never supplied the entire demand of the furnaces at Birmingham and many have to be brought in from other States. There are no records of the under clays of the Coal Measures having been utilized at an early date, but they have been used since 1900 for pottery manufacture at Jugtown near Sterrit, St. Clair County; at Fort Payne and Rodentown in DeKalb County; Vance's Station, Tuscaloosa County; Summit, Blount County, and Arab in Marshall County (Ref. 144, p. 80). Creta- taceous clay had been used for pottery at Edgewood in addition to localities mentioned earlier. However the pottery industry has never assumed large proportions although there are many good deposits of pottery clay in both the Cretaceous and Carboniferous formations. The Coal-measure shales in addition to being used for pottery have also been employed for at least ten years for making vitrified brick at Coaldale (Ref. 144, p. 80), and for several years they have been worked for the same purpose at Birmingham. The most important developments then have been in the Cretaceous and Carboniferous areas, and it is in these that any important developments in the future will have to occur, as the southern half of the State with its younger formations contains clays of less importance so far as is known. Attempts have been made to develop the kaolins of Randolph County but they have thus far been unsuccessful. The statistics of production in Alabama since 1894 are given 66 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. below, and indicate that common brick has been the most important clay product manufactured within the State. The pro- duction of fire brick has never been sufficiently large to supply the smelting industry around Birmingham. There has been a variable output of sewer pipe, hollow brick, fire proofing, drain tile, etc., but the number of firms producing any one of these during a given year is usually too small to permit their being listed separately. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF ALABAMA FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year Common brick. Vitrified paving brick. Front brick. Fire brick. Miscel- laneous. Pottery. b Grand total. 1804 $20^,1; 3 1 $1,500 $663 ?4, 143 1903 I9O4. . i9755 68,885 1898 8 1 ?OQ IQOC 2 00,436 1800 IOI ,0^4 1006 03,604 1900 112, 737 1007. 101,462 ARKANSAS. Clay working has never been an important industry in the State and very few data have been published relating to it, so that any statements must be regarded as of fragmentary character. It is known however that a pottery industry was established in Dallas County by Bird Brothers in 1843 (Ref. 96, p. 317). Another brother started a pottery near the Grant line. These potteries went through many changes in ownership and continued in opera- tion until 1881 (Ref. 96, p. 317). The census for 1860 gives Arkansas credit for but six brick yards and no potteries (Ref. 25), so that it is evidently incomplete. In 1889 paving-brick manufacture began at Fort Smith using a shale located for such work by Prof. J. C. Branner, while in 1891 a brick yard was in operation at Rogers and was employing a decomposed chert (Ref. 96, p. 63). The United States Geological Survey has recently issued a report on the clays of Arkansas (Ref. 153) prepared originally for the Arkansas Geological Survey by Prof. J. C. Branner. This report sets forth in clear detail the fictile resources of the State, but naturally gives little attention to the historic side. The opera- 68 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. tion of a number of plants making a variety of products (mainly common and pressed brick, earthenware, stoneware and fire brick) is referred to in some detail, without in most cases giving the date of establishment. The following data have however been gleaned from the bulletin. A small pottery was operated at Spring Hill, Hempstead County, before the Civil War; another one has been started there since 1906 using the Tertiary clays. Two other potteries were in existence at this early date, one of them located southeast of Eldorado, Union County, and the other four miles below Wilmington Landing in the same county. Both ceased operations before the War. In 1884 a small plant was started at Magnolia, Columbia County, employing surface clays. Five years later, as already noted, the manufacture of paving brick began at Fort Smith. A common-brick yard was established at Marianna, Lee County, in 1890, and another at Pine Bluff, Jefferson County, in 1892, followed by a second one at the same place in 1898. The Arkansas Brick and Manufacturing Company began at Little Rock, in 1897, making stiff-mud and dry-pressed brick from common surface clay. Four years later, or in 1901, the Car- boniferous shales were worked for common brick at Mansfield, Sebastian County. The same year witnessed the establishment of the Leali Pressed and Fire-Brick Company at Kingsland for the manufacture of building and fire brick from the clays and shales at that point. This firm has moved its plant to Little Rock. In 1902 the Texarkana Brick Company, making dry-pressed brick from shale, was started at Texarkana, and there is also a pottery in operation at this point. One of the largest common-brick plants in the State, that at Hope, Hempstead County, was not started until 1904, while two years later a pottery was founded on the Tertiary clays at Spring Hill, as already mentioned. Although these data are fragmentary, and therefore by no means represent the complete development of the industry, still Arkansas has never ranked as an important clay-producing State. This is owing partly to lack of raw materials, but more especially CALIFORNIA. 69 to remoteness from important markets. Most of the plants established therefore are for the purpose of supplying local demand. The production in Arkansas since 1894 is given below, the miscellaneous column including mainly vitrified brick, fire brick and drain tile. The pottery product is common earthenware and stoneware. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF ARKANSAS FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Front brick. Miscellaneous. Pottery. Total. 1804 $162,041 V S=;o,Os> $212,096 *- w y*T' . . . 1895.. .. 185,009 $5,840 V 0^, w j j 16,710 $38,400 243,959 1896.. .. 161,872 25,260 6,700 22,500 216,332 i8 97 .. .. 133,555 8,656 25,228 16,660 184,099 1898.. .. 206,804 7,298 I3> J 64 17,100 245,766 i8 99 .. .. 279,997 8,690 30,3 8 4 20,071 339,142 1900. . . . 274,390 67,170 I3,I7 2 26,280 381,012 1901 . . . . 368,359 11,570 15,829 11,405 407,263 1902. . . . 456,170 29,760 24,798 9,450 520,178 1903.. .. 553,716 11,020 I3,6lO I I, 600 589,946 1904.. .. 661,657 (a) 13,675 21,250 696,582 1905.. .. 606,671 2,650 14,55 20,088 643,959 1906. . . . 489,633 6,046 17,015 19,500 532,194 1907.. .. 468,706 11,940 38,690 16,950 536,286 (a) Included under miscellaneous. CALIFORNIA. Prior to 1784 the early settlers had used adobe brick for walls, but in that year roofing tile were made at Santa Barbara, the first ones being manufactured by Mexicans (Ref. 104, p. 643). Coarse earthenware was made in San Francisco (Ibid, p. 618) from 1791 to 1800. A man named Zins operating a brick yard at Sutterville, made 40,000 brick in 1847, an d 100,000 in the follow- ing year (Ref. 105, p. 97). The industry evidently expanded rapidly, for by the year 1852 there were many "long established" yards supplying San Francisco with brick (Ref. 106, p. 416). That pottery also was being manufactured in these early California days is seen by statements in various Sacramento, San Francisco, and Alta newspapers telling of potteries in those towns in 1854- 70 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. 1856 (Ref. 105, p. 99). In 1859 J- w - Orr started the Michigan Bar Pottery at Michigan Bar, making stoneware and sewer pipe (Ref. 107, p. 210), and in 1862 moved three miles out on the lone Road where he continued his pottery until 1896. This probably represents the early exploitation of the lone (Tertiary) clays, which are now much used. Terra Cotta was first manufactured in San Francisco in 1874 (Ref. 105, p. 99) and porcelain making was commenced in Los Angeles one year later, or in 1875 (Ref. 105, p. 99), but nothing is stated regarding the source of the raw materials; indeed one may question whether the product was really porcelain, as no china clays from whch it could have been made have been reported from this State. None is made there now. Gladding, McBean & Co., in San Francisco, were making sewer pipe in 1875, mining some of their clay in Lincoln, and the works now located there has expanded so as to include pressed brick, terra cotta and roofing tile. In 1876 the California Pottery & Terra Cotta Company was established in Oakland, obtaining its clay from Carbondale (Ref. 107, p. 202), whose deposits of Tertiary clay have become one of the main sources of supply in the State, and the following year a pottery was in operation at May Post Office, near Carbondale itself (Ref. 107, p. 208), using, probably, the same clays. The Sacramento Transportation Company, at present own- ing the only brick yard in the county, has made common brick since 1884 (Ref. 107, p. 253). Los Angeles has for some years been an important brick man- ufacturing center, the product being made in large part from Tertiary clays. Other grades of ware have, however, also been developed. Thus, the Simons Brick Company, started in 1887, began the manufacture of pressed brick in 1903, of fireproofing building blocks and roofing tile in 1906, and of bituminized pav- ing blocks in 1908. The Los Angeles Pressed-Brick Company of the same city started pressed -brick operations in 1887, added architectural terra cotta and hollow-tile fireproofing in 1888, fire-clay goods in 1898, roofing tile, mantel and hearth tile in 1904 and enameled brick and terra cotta in 1907. This firm, which appears to have CALIFORNIA. 71 been the pioneer in these lines around Los Angeles, obtains its clays from Riverside, Orange, and Los Angeles counties. Another plant of varied products is the Steiger Terra Cotta and Pottery Works, at San Francisco, which, starting in 1895, has produced stoneware, hollow goods, and brick and terra cotta, the raw materials being mined in Amador County. This great diversity in the character of the wares produced by one works is common to many of the plants along the Pacific Coast. The first firm to make salt-glazed sewer pipe south of San Francisco was the Pacific Coast Clay Manufacturing Company, established at South Riverside in 1887 (Ref. 4, xxm, p. 367), and the following year the California Sewer Pipe Company began operations in Los Angeles (Ref. 4, xxm, p. 487). The Clarke Potteries were established in Alameda in 1899 (Ref. 4, xxm, p. 496). Since 1891 clay for the Los Angeles pottery has been mined four miles north-west of Rosamond (Ref. 107, p. 212). But there are many common-brick yards around Los Angeles, which use the Tertiary clays and clay shales, some of which are also adopted for flowerpot manufacture. All of the early firms mentioned above have not continued to the present time, but those referred to represent in general the development of the industry, which is quite successful at the present day. Lincoln continues to be an important center, but Los Angeles is no less important, and a number of works are in operation around San Francisco Bay. The statistics of production in California since 1894 are given below, and indicate clearly the steady increase. The miscellaneous column includes, ornamental brick, stove linings, vitrified paving brick, earthenware and stoneware. 72 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF CALIFORNIA FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Front brick. Drain tile. Sewer pipe. Architectural terra cotta. 1894 $627,235 $15,850 $102,950 $23,085 1895 922,712 " $71,286 " 8,980 261,536 48,300 1896 39^5 6 7 34,424 4,528 208,000 2,000 1897 5 9 5 955 31,95 5,3oo 90,430 (a) 1898 598,823 42,700 6,660 3 5,833 19,300 1899 800,210 59,9i 8 9,298 479,537 76,000 1900 698,583 32,584 8,141 357,867 74,800 1901 943,250 86,425 5i5 6 2 85,599 141,380 1902 1,291,941 119,302 10,459 381,076 I 73, I 94 1903 1,600,882 229,537 17,994 411,380 180,488 1904 1,843,936 291,813 29,440 568,626 221,000 1905 1,961,909 302,872 27,852 663,044 215,160 1906 1,962,866 501,746 30,545 827,477 254,932 1907 2,483,062 283,375 53,997 1,086,916 528,623 Year. Fireproof- ing. Fire brick. Miscellan- eous. Total pottery. Grand total. 1804 $2,575 $69,800 $841,401; ***V*t i iSos 10,836 97,co5 N*"-' i t A JHVO 1,421,154 jxD 1896 $2,700 , o 11,875 y / ,o .j 8,091 $17,022 680,207 1897 (a) 7,720 13,847 44,208 . 703,410 1898 (a) 19,505 n,635 36,347 1,263,734 1899 7,100 28,798 93,794 32,863 i,587,5i8 1900 15,500 48,461 115,675 24,387 1,375,99 s 1901 12,825 87,665 128,221 2 7,534 1,769,155 1902 18,645 96,491 110,381 51,607 2,253,096 1903 61,649 200,332 90,803 49,478 2,831,543 1904 5 I J I2 5 285,718 261,358 71,718 3,624,734 1905 45,55 T 290,878 262,668 95, 2I 3 3,865,147 1906 98,968 347,806 241,293 98,587 4,364,230 1907 U9,959 374,378 682,389 97,838 5,740,537 (a) Included under Miscellaneous. COLORADO. 73 COLORADO. The extensive use of wood as a building material in the West, has .somewhat retarded the development of burned-clay products. Golden, Clear Creek County, has always been the most important clay-working district, and the Dakota fire clays were mined here as early as 1864 or 1865, but their full development came later. A year or so later, in 1866, Henry Bell in prospecting for coal found a bed of fire clay and used it in making fire brick. Whether this was Dakota is uncertain, because the Laramie coals have associated fire clays, but these are inferior to the Dakota clays and are not much used. Since 1866, as stated, Golden has been the center of Colorado's clay-mining industry. All of the clays mined have not been used on the spot, for as the industry developed at other points along the eastern foothills, Golden clays were shipped to them. Knowledge of the fact that the Dakota forma- tion with its enclosed fire clays was abundantly developed along the eastern border of the Rocky Mountains, led to development of these materials at other points. They had been exploited at Platte Canon, Colorado City, and Morrison as early as 1896, and probably even before that. Those near Parkdale were worked at least as early as 1896 by the Standard Fire Brick Company of Pueblo, and four years later, or in 1900, fire-brick manufacture based on Dakota clays was begun at Canon City, while about 1905 their develop- ment began at Graneros south of Pueblo. The clay from this last-named locality is shipped to Pueblo. In 1882 the Golden Pressed Brick Company l was making fire brick and pressed brick, and in 1887 Golden clay was being mined and shipped to Denver and Pueblo potteries and brick yards. By 1893 brick yards were in operation in Denver, Golden, and Boulder; fire brick were made in Golden, Pueblo and Denver and three potteries were in operation in Denver (Ref. 4, xix, p. 264). The Durango Pressed Brick Company began operations in 1898 using a Boyd dry press and making red-building brick from Cretaceous shales and a small amount of semi-refractory brick for boiler settings. In 1902 two plants were in operation, but at present there is but this one (Ref. 114, p. 297). 1 Some roofing tile were made here in 1893, but the production has not continued. 74 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. The Geijsbeek Pottery Company began making dinner ware at Golden in 1899 (Ref. 6, p. 241), but has discontinued. In other parts of the State but little has been done except to utilize surface clays for the manufacture of common brick, as there is but slight local demand, and good markets are too far off. The value of the several classes of clay products in Colorado since 1894 are given in the following table. The importance of the fire-brick industry is there brought out, as is also the fluctuation in annual production. Common brick are naturally the most important item. The miscellaneous column contains a variable production of paving brick, ornamental brick, drain tile, sewer pipe, fireproofing, hollow brick and terra cotta. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF COLORADO FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Front brick. Fire brick. Miscel- laneous. Pottery. Total. 1804 $228,344 $113,303 $i 36,340 $4.78 O77 i895 1896 252,018 I'?'?, 627 $113,105 80,700 42,264 46,323 i45,99 6 48,030 553,383 328,680 1897 134,920 101,494 38,46? 114,47? $i7,?oo 406,863 1898 1899 IQOO. . 196,499 422,524 471, 23? 101,608 136,613 143,470 48,145 162,633 2O7,47? 420,515 333,568 363, 1 30 16,050 I ? 200 766,767 ,071,388 200 519 1901 1902. . 760,867 986,882 196,147 374,332 292,269 600,49? 248,080 26,700 21,285 ,594,867 200,083 IQO3 8o3,?66 281 Q2Q 631 O74 2O4 872 56869 068 310 I94 IQO? 544,661 638,376 214,498 2?3,277 110,053 274.,OO? 295,209 41 8 488 24,870 48 QQ? ,189,291 633 231 1906 1907 787,084 803,701 256,770 254,522 278,407 430,897 297,824 508,211 47,083 44,144 ,831,088 ,041,475 CONNECTICUT. The first mention we have of the use of clays in Connecticut is that in 1780 stoneware was made in Norwalk (Ref. 8). About 1790 a man of the name of Souter built a pottery at Hartford and made earthenware (Ref. 8, pp. 435-7). This factory passed through various hands and is now the property of Seymour and Bosworth (Ref. 8, pp. 435-7). Bean pots and children's banks made of clay, were made at Bean Hill near Norwich and dated 1794-1812 (Ref 4, xxxiv, pp. 352-3), but were probably not CONNECTICUT. 75 the only product then made. From 1796 to 1800 mere mention is made of Norwich, Stonington, and Norwalk, the Stonington factory making a gray, soft-paste ware with salt glaze and the Norwalk firm making red ware with lead glaze, (Ref. 12, pp. 400-401). The Stonington pottery is mentioned again by Barber as the property of Adam States in 1800 (Ref. 8, p. 435). "Porce- lain clay" was discovered near New Milford in 1807 by a gold- smith who used it for making crucibles (Ref. 24, p. 73), and in the Connecticut Geological Survey report for 1837 it was stated that Mr. L. Hine had utilized this deposit at New Milford for eight years, employed six hands, and with Anna Hine, who began in 1835, they turned out annually $6000 worth of furnace linings and fire- brick (Ref. 24, pp. 73-74.) The fire brick were sold at two- thirds the price of Stourbridge (English) brick and were considered nearly equal in quality (Ref. 24, pp. 73-74). A clay in South Kent derived from graphic granite was tried at the Jersey City potteries previous to 1837 and found to be of good quality, but transportation charges prohibited its shipment with any profit (Ref. 24, p. 74). Door knobs were being manufactured in South Norwalk in 1853 by a Mr. Wheeler who previously had made pottery buttons of wet-pressed clay, obtained probably from New Jersey. In 1860 two concerns in Connecticut were making fire brick, and there were also seven common brick yards in operation as well as five potteries (Ref. 25). Since that time the main developments have been in the line of common brick, the Pleistocene clays having been worked at scat- tered points. At the present day the Connecticut River valley is the most important district. Several fire-brick and stove-lining factories also continue in operation, but bring their clays by boat from New Jersey. Another important but not extensive industry is the manufacture of architectural faience at Hartford which was begun by the Hartford Faience Company in 1894. This same firm also produces art pottery with a stoneware body, and added electrical porcelain to its product in 1902. It depends on other States for its raw materials. The only deposit of high-grade clay which the State contains is the kaolin, worked at West Cornwall, since about 1895. This 7 6 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. material, which in its washed form is used mainly by paper manu- facturers, is said to have been utilized from time to time during the preceding fifty years to supply fire mortar for the small blast fur- naces which were in operation in the western part of the State. The statistics of production for Connecticut cannot be given separately, as the United States Geological Survey combines them with those of Rhode Island. Connecticut is never likely to become an important clay-working State, largely because the raw materials are lacking. The miscellaneous column of the following table includes small quantities of paving, front and ornamental brick, drain tile, fireproofing, and hollow brick produced from time to time. It also includes a steady but not large production of stove linings. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS, OF CONNECTICUT AND RHODE ISLAND FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Miscellaneous. Pottery. Total. 1894... . $789,650 $221,950 $1,011,600 i8oc 670,462 4^8,463 ,128,925 A VO . 1896. . . 1,141,738 TO J'r^O 258,160 $48,700 ,448,598 1897. . . 1,017,250 247,920 71,500 ,336,670 1898. . . 670,880 204,700 72,600 958,180 1899. . . 75 I , 2 5 I 241,201 8i,75 ,074,202 1900. . . 862,334 176,388 3 6 , 2 5 ,099,972 1901. . . 822,079 217,630 43,7 ,130,909 1902. . . 896,171 204,6lO 66,547 ,217,678 1903. . . 890,989 2O2,63O 77,25 ,206,069 1904. . . 1,039,204 106,830 69'575 ,215,609 1905. . . 1,329,220 174,258 105,100 ,608,578 1906. . . i,53,9 2 9 109,832 133,444 ,747,205 1907. . . 1,240,575 120,903 123,116 ,484,592 DELAWARE. The use of clay in Delaware is first noted in 1769, when one Bonnin, of Philadelphia, used White Clay Creek clay from near Wilmington at his pottery (Ref. 8, p. 99). About 1800 white clay from below New Castle was being mined and used for glass pots, fire brick, etc. (Ref. 49, p. 35). Bricks were being made in New Castle, Kent, and Sussex Counties in 1841 (Ref. 50, p. 177). More important, however, was the discovery in 1854 of kaolin, by A. Marshall on his farm in Hockessin. He used it for making fire DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 77 brick and common brick until 1859 when he began manufacturing yellow and Rockingham ware. He introduced the washing of kaolin in 1861 and found a market for the washed clay in Trenton at $42* a ton, for use in paper manufacture. In 1866 he sold out to Trux and Parker who built a large washery and continued until the deposit was exhausted in 1875. The adjoining farm was exploited by Mr. Graham in 1863, and in 1874 sold to Golding & Sons, of Trenton, N. J., who worked it for a period. A near by farm was worked from 1861-1881 and then sold to a Mr. Burgess (private communication). The only other reference found in regard to the brick industry of Delaware is the fact that in 1860 (Ref. 25) there were in opera- tion in the State four brick yards, one drain tile plant, one fire brick firm and four potteries. The State has never become prominent in the clay-working industry, and probably never will. Statistics of production are given below. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF DELAWARE FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Miscellaneous. Total. 1894 180?. . $43>528 48,OI< $2,500 10,700 $46,028 <;8,6is: 1896 C7,472 ?,c7o 61,003 1807 64. Ill 4. 34.7 68 4c8 1898 . 8i,4 9.I2O QO, ^ ?s i899 1900 IQOI 138, 3 X 9 144,860 126,092 30, 1 66 11,414 ^ 072 168,485 156,274 I 2 I I 64 1902 1903 IOO4. . 115,684 188,058 1^2,470 29,250 24,850 6,5 GO 144,934 203,908 1^8,070 IQOC 2IO 182 1 6 882 227 064. 1006 222,628 15,1 40 227 768 1907 I75>410 15.03 190,440 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Though of small size, and not possessed of abundant or rich clay resources, the District of Columbia nevertheless maintains a somewhat active clay-working industry, which has been running for a considerable period. Unfortunately we have no data bear- 1 The present price of about $7 per ton for domestic kaolin affords an interesting comparison with these figures. 7 8 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. ing on its development in the past, and can simply give the statis- tics of production since 1894. The miscellaneous column includes a scattered production of vitrified paving brick, front brick, orna- mental brick, drain tile, fireproofing, and earthenware. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Sewer pipe. Miscellaneous. Total. 1894 t3*75 6 5 $61,100 $12,007 $390,672 i895 277.75 64,631 3 .923 373.3 4 1896. .. . 220,762 39,558 93.245 353.565 1897.... 209,110 66,360 i35" 288,981 1898. .. . 257.932 34,000 28,388 320,320 1899. . . . 358,232 69,495 53.4i8 481,145 1900. . . . 168,127 69,374 5 J .43 2 288,933 1901. . . . 179,184 95,000 49,824 324,008 1902. . . . 185,480 37,820 44.3 2 7 267,627 1903. .. . 236,833 54,5' 39.178 33Q.5 11 1904 194,695 44,000 67.765 306,460 1905 220,680 37.657 58,684 317,021 1906. . . . 242,085 30,004 63.05 335.139 1907. .. . 219,110 (a) 102,974 322,084 (a) Under miscellaneous. FLORIDA. Josiah Wedgewood was experimenting with Florida clay from Pensacola in his pottery in England in 1766 (Ref. 57, i, p. 471). In 1827 brick were being made in West Florida and especially were fire brick in demand for shipment to New Orleans (Ref. 69, p. 69), while in 1837 brick were still being shipped from Pensacola to New Orleans, most of them being fire brick (Ref. 68, p. 114). From 1856 to 1860 Mr. Crary made both mud and dry-pressed brick in Escambia Bay near Pensacola, these being the brick used in the construction of Fort Jefferson (Ref. 67, pp. 13-14). Some years later, in 1875, Mr. C. S. Edgar having heard rumors of kaolin deposits in Florida went there from the North, but was unable to find any. However, in 1890, in mining phosphates in Florida the kaolin was found and sent to the Trenton, N. J., potters who referred it to Mr. Edgar. He returned to Florida and began mining the white clay in 1892 under the name of the Edgar Plastic Kaolin Company, and since that time has shipped great quantities of the clay to white-ware factories throughout the GEORGIA. 79 United States. (Private communications.) Another firm, the International Kaolin Company, began mining clay in 1900, at Oakahumpka. In 1907 four plants were engaged in the mining of ball clay. Two of these, operated by the Edgar Plastic Kaolin Company, are located at Edgar, Putnam County. The other two are the Richmond Kaolin Company of Richmond and the Florida Clay Company of Yalaha, both in Lake County (Ref. 146, p. 33). These Florida white clays are classed by some potters as ball clays. They are of sedimentary character, and of intermediate plasticity between the residual kaolins of North Carolina and the white sedimentary kaolins of Georgia. In 1895 there were a number of small yards scattered over the State, and engaged in the manufacture of common brick. The largest of these was at Jacksonville (Ref. 125, p. 871), but even in 1907 Florida ranked but thirty-seventh in the list of clay-working States, her production being only. 23 per cent of the country's output. The only important clay resource of Florida is the white clay, which is shipped to white-ware and wall-tile potteries all over the United States. Good brick clays are not abundant, and even if they were the local demand is limited, so there is little prospect of the development of an important clay working in the State. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF FLORIDA FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Miscellaneous. Grand total. 1894 189?. . $82,387 108,77=: $1,200 s,24O $83,587 I I4.OI C 1896 1807 89,219 8? 77C 32,9 2 5 i IOO 122,144 80 4.3C 1898 112 ^87 18,400 I 3O 087 i899 1900 IOOI 132,123 i3 6 >779 j8c 7CQ 5,685 3,825 4OI ^ 138,808 140,604 IQO 674 1902 I 7O 8s2 4?QO I7< 44 IQO3. . 218,086 3.2OQ 2I 20? 1904 IQOC 248,579 ?->(S Q2Q 4,285 2 80O 252,864 32O 738 1906 . 28s 224. 4*12O ->So 644 1907 343' 74 10,871 354,575 GEORGIA. The Georgia clays were known in England as early as 1766, and used by Wedgewood in his pottery (Ref. 57, I, p. 471), but aside from this few early records have been found. 8o CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. The Stevens Pottery was established in Baldwin County about 1860 and about the same time one was in operation in Milled ge- ville. In 1870 one of the first terra-cotta works in the South was established in Atlanta (Ref. 66, p. 382), and in 1883 the Chatta- hoochee Brick Company of Atlanta was organized (Ref. 66, p. 382). Brick yards were, however, in operation there before that date. The residual clays derived from the Paleozoic shales and lime- stones, have been used since 1892, for brick manufacture at Car- tersville (Ref. 123, p. 283), but most of the bricks of northwestern Georgia were at that time made from alluvial clays, as at Carters- ville, Rome, etc. (Ref. 123, p. 287). Among the most important clay resources at the present day are the Cretaceous clays of central Georgia (Ref. 124, p. 303), which have been mined at a number of points for some years. The product is a white refractory clay which is shipped to fire-brick and terra-cotta manufacturers, to Ohio and New Jersey potteries, and to northern paper mills, about 25,000 tons being mined and shipped annually. 1 In the following table the miscellaneous column includes pav- ing brick, ornamental brick, drain tile, sewer pipe, architectural terra cotta, roofing tile, fire brick, hollow brick and stove linings. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF GEORGIA FROM 1894 TO 1897. Year. Common brick. Front brick. Fire brick. Miscel- laneous. Pottery. Grand total. 1804 . SqS^ocH $17,6^0 $96,544 $600,887 1895 1896 1807 655>275 6i5>77i crno , ic8 $46,265 21,678 ^,381 29,950 25,297 I2.QO4 129,865 2 35,907 3OO 87O 6,000 7,160 14 2OO 867,355 905,8i3 062 ?I3 *rV ' 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 IQO3 530,346 968,310 982,083 ,182,553 ,H4,5 2 7 ,30^,806 26,250 78,175 49,800 55,7 46,560 2^,748 25,650 24,400 35>5 02 35, (a) 7-7,600 252,662 170,842 I04,8OI 254,600 330,743 303,636 22,350 22,268 21,033 17,230 16,839 22 14.2 857,258 I, 2 63,995 I,I93,2l8 1,545,083 1,508,669 I 731 O2'> I QO4 ,374,^18 42,064 28,100 4^4, 3Q7 22,O^7 I Q2O Q36 I95 1906 I97 ,444,479 ,783,988 ,807,148 28,676 20,747 16,450 73,05 S 1 ^ 10 82,391 SS^S* 524,322 550,363 22,390 20,257 33,885 2,119,746 2,400,624 2,490>237 1 These are discussed in great detail from an economic but not historic stand- point in Bulletin 18, issued by the Georgia Geological Survey. ILLINOIS. 81 ILLINOIS. Although Illinois is one of the leading States in the manu- facture of clay products, but few facts relating to the history of these appear to have been published. Moreover the gathering of data through various channels has met with little success, many of the inquiries sent to manufacturers having remained unanswered. Brick. According to the statement of one correspondent, brick were made in Cook County as early as 1812, but another authority (Ref. 4, xvn, p. 130) sets 1833 as the initial date, and Mr. D. V. Purington informs us that at that time a brick yard was in operation on the North branch of the Chicago River, on the site of the present Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Sta- tion. From this small beginning the local industry has expanded, as records published from time to time show. So by the year 1851 there were a number of yards at which brick were made, all of hand-molded character, while the burning was done in clamps (Ref. 4, xvn, p. 130). Indeed up to 1880 nearly all of the brick .made in Chicago were molded either by hand or in horsepower soft-mud machines. About this date, however, the use of stiff* mud machines and artificial dryers was introduced, and this change can be truthfully said to have revolutionized the industry of that district. In 1900 the Illinois Brick Company was organ- ized and took in thirty-six different firms in the Chicago district. \Yhile Chicago has for many years been the main brick-manu- facturing center of Illinois, the industry has also developed at other points, perhaps in some cases as early as it did at Chicago, but definite data are lacking on this point. By 1870 brick clays were being worked all over the State, and the Illinois Geological Survey (Ref. 91) records the manufacture of common brick at Dundee, Quincy, Woodstock, and Morris, the surface clays being presumably the raw materials used. The industry had also started at Gilbert and McHenry. 1 About the same time a man named Gregg started a yard at Gregg's Station near Hinsdale, for the purpose of making dry-pressed brick, but 1 W. D. Gates, private correspondence. 82 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. as the product was crumbly the venture failed. 1 The making of dry-pressed brick was also attempted near Rockford in 1873, and some writers have referred to this as one of the earlier experiments with this process. The press has been described as a "powerful compressing machine called the 'Little Giant' and operated by steam, pressing dry dust into bricks" (Ref. 92, p. 91). Another attempt at dry-pressed brick manufacture is said to have been made in 1880 by the Anderson Pressed-Brick Company, which had an extensive plant on the North Branch of the Chicago River, producing brick of many colors. This attempt also appears to have been a failure. Four years later, or in 1884, the production of pressed brick was begun at Momemce, but the plant was altered into an enameled brick works in 1893. Still later in 1887 the La Salle Pressed-Brick Company of La Salle started the production of dry-pressed brick from Carboniferous shales, employing the same clays formerly used by the Anderson Pressed-Brick Company mentioned above. 2 Dry-pressed brick from under-coal clay are also made at Collins- ville. Since that time the pressed-brick business has developed at several points within the State. Important centers of brick production at the present day outside of Chicago are Danville, Springfield, Peoria, Bloomington, etc. Terra Cotta. A terra-cotta company known as the Chicago Terra-Cotta Company was established as early as 1868 although one reference (Ref. 8, p. 386) gives it as 1857. It is no longer in operation and we are in doubt as to the exact character of its wares. The Northwestern Terra-Cotta Company of Chicago, now one of the foremost establishments in the United States, was started early in the seventies by an architect named Loring, but changed to the present firm name in 1876. The main sources of the raw materials are the Carboniferous formations of Indiana and Illinois. The American Terra-Cotta Company of Terra Cotta, referred to especially under pottery, is likewise a producer of architectural terra cotta. Paving Brick. According to Prof. I. O. Baker, the first brick 1 W. D. Gates, private correspondence. 2 Private correspondence. ILLINOIS. 83 used for paving in Illinois were made by a Mr. Hoefer of Bloom- ington about 1875. These were also shipped to some of the smaller cities in the middle eighties. In 1885 the first brick pavement was laid in Chicago and the brick for it were made in Ottawa, 111. (Ref. xxxi, p. 436), from Carboniferous clays. Between 1885 and 1890, pavers were also made at Decatur by a Mr. Shey, and about the same time, at Lincoln, Carboniferous clays being used. Two years later, or in 1892, paving brick were also made at Danville, and since 1893 tnev have been manufactured at Alton. The great paving-brick manufacturing center however is at Galesburg. Here a small brick and tile plant, the Galesburg Brick and Tile Company, was started in 1892, and followed soon after by the Galesburg Brick and Terra-Cotta Company. For several years the brick business was moderate, the brick attracting attention by reason of their strength and toughness. In 1890 the Purington Paving-Brick Company began operations and has continued up to the present time. Its product is made from the Carboniferous shales occurring at that locality, and it represents probably the largest paving-brick plant in the United States. According to Mr. D. V. Purington the use of shale for paving brick was first developed at Galesburg by a man named Joseph Stafford. At Streator, 111., the use of shale for paving brick was begun in 1898, by the Streator Paving-Brick Company, and in the south- western part of the State in the region around Glen Carbon the Carboniferous shales have been utilized for the same purpose, since about the same date. Fire Brick. Fire clays are abundant in the coal measures of Illinois, and fire brick have been manufactured at a number of points for some years. Just how early the refractory ware industry began cannot be stated with exactness, but Mr. Lines informs us that it probably had its birth at Utica, about 1859, and this locality has remained an important center of production up to the present day. Fire brick were made at Ottawa a few years later than at Utica and the industry is still important there also. The fire-brick industry is mentioned at Salina as early as 1875 (Ref. 93). 84 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. Other important centers of production at the present day are Carbon Cliff, Rock Island County, and Golden Eagle, Calhoun County. At the last-named locality fire brick have been made for about eight years (since 1901). About 20 per cent of the clay for fire brick is obtained from drift mines. Pottery. While the manufacture of brick has been noted as having been carried on in the first half of the nineteenth century, no records have been found of pottery manufacture in that period, although small plants must have existed. It is definitely known that stoneware 1 was being made at Ripley in the year 1836, but we are not able to state that this was the first pottery made in Illinois. This locality was at one time an important potting center, but has since declined to a great degree, although some potting is still done there. A white-ware pottery is reported to have been erected by Fenton & Clark at Peoria, in 1859, but after three unsuccessful years they ceased operations, and the factory was taken over by others for stoneware manufacture. No further mention of the pottery indus- try was noted until 1873, when the Peoria pottery was established for making stoneware, but this was changed to white ware in 1889. These two works are interesting since they indicate the probable shipment of white clays into the State at an early date, unless they possibly used some of the white Cretaceous-Tertiary clays found in the southern part of Illinois. The earliest mention of the pottery industry in the Illinois Geo- logical Survey Reports appears to be in the one for 1866 (Ref. 89, pp. 323 and 425) which refers to the potteries at Upper Alton and Mound City. Two years later important potteries were stated to be in operation at Anna and Fieldon (Ref. 90), but there were also numerous small ones running at other localities. In the same year the fire clays from LaSalle County were utilized at the Lowell pot- tery (Ref. 90, p. 284). By 1870 the pottery industry was known to be in active operation at a large number of points, but few have received specific mention, only Ripley and Jugtown being listed in the Fourth Report of the Illinois Geological Survey (Ref. 91). Three years later or in 1873 1 Private communication, E. F. Lines. ILLINOIS. 85 the industry is also mentioned at a point four miles south of Eliza- beth town (Ref. 92, p. 40). Stoneware was produced at Saline in 1875 (Ref. 93). It was about this time that potting was begun in McDonough County and following it in Green County. 1 Between 1883 and 1888 the Pauline Pottery was in operation in Chicago (Ref. 8, p. 332) making decorated art wares with earthen- ware body and lead glaze, but this factory was later moved to Wisconsin. Previous to 1883 the Carboniferous clays near Macomb were used for stoneware by the Eagle Pottery Company and the Macomb Pottery Company, but the former has been discontinued while the latter was taken over in 1906 by the Western Stoneware Company, which also assumed control of two plants at Monmouth and one at Whitehall. The Cretaceous-Tertiary clays of southern Illinois have attracted attention from time to time, but they have never reached an im- portant stage of development. Small potteries have used those near Round Knob for some years, and, since 1886 at least, clays from this point have been shipped to Paducah, Ky., for pottery manufacture. 2 A most important development in the pottery industry of Illi- nois was the establishment in 1886 of the American Terra Cotta and Ceramic Company, for the manufacture of art wares, of which the Teco Pottery has won a wide and enviable reputation. This industry is based in part on the local calcareous clays, others being obtained from Brazil, Ind. At the present day, the stoneware industry of Illinois is of some importance, and practically all the clay which is used for that pur- pose is taken from the vicinity of Colchester in McDonough County and from \Vhitehall and Drake in Green County. It is confined to a single horizon, immediately beneath a limestone that lies a short distance below what is at present termed Coal No. 2. (Upper Pottsville.) Mr. E. F. Lines of the Illinois Geological Survey, who has supplied the above information, estimates that approximately seventy per cent of the clay being manufactured into 1 Private communication, E. F. Lines. - Private correspondence. 86 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. stoneware in Illinois is taken from drift mines, and that in practi- cally every case the clay is mined independently of the associated coal, the latter where associated with the stoneware clay being of secondary importance. Miscellaneous. The clay used in the manufacture of sewer pipe and fireproofing is in the majority of cases the same as that used in the manufacture of stoneware. Sewer pipe, however, are also made from the Pennsylvanian and Mississippian shales. Sewer pipe, drain tile and flue linings were made from the Car- boniferous clays around Macomb as early as 1884, the clays pre- vious to that date having been used only for stoneware. A second sewer-pipe plant sprang into existence at this locality in 1899, but has since been absorbed by the Macomb Sewer-Pipe Com- pany, and is now turning out clay conduits in addition to sewer pipe. Important sewer-pipe plants are also located at (i) Columbia, (2) Monmouth, (3) Griffin, (4) East Alton, (5) Streator and (6) Whitehall. Nos. i, 3 and 5 use shale, while Nos. 3, 4 and 6 use fire clay. The Columbia plant has been running since 1907, and the East Alton plant but a few years. The foundation of a works in 1884 by the Illinois Terra-Cotta Lumber Company, represents perhaps the first attempt to manu- facture terra-cotta lumber in Illinois, the clay used at present being dredged from the bottom of Lake Calumet. Since its establishment the industry has expanded and has been started at a number of points. Among the later developments in this line is that of the Monmouth Brick and Tile Company which took over a com- mon brick .plant and is making hollow bricks and blocks from Carboniferous clays. Another important development in the vicinity of Chicago was the establishment about 1892 of a roofing-tile plant. This works used the local clay of that vicinity for the manufacture of inter- locking tile according to the Ludovici patterns. They were of non-vitrified character, and are still being produced. 1 1 Some were made by the American Ceramic Works at Eola about 1893, anc ^ at Ottawa for several years prior to 1902. ILLINOIS. Illinois in 1907 ranked fourth among the producing States, and contributed 8.32 per cent of the country's total. The production since 1894 is given in the following table. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF ILLINOIS FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Vitrified paving brick. Front brick. Ornamen- tal brick. Drain tile. Sewer pipe. 1804 $4,495,613 $843,217 $72,020 $I,4l8 C72 $308 06? yt 1895 3,786,747 ^^T^O' / 643,997 S330,3l8 v / jy^^ 19,500 Sf.1. ,f A 1J / * 1,028,581 ^o ? V o 389,680 1896 2,831,752 486,519 196,658 52,624 517,684 l8 7,35 l8 97 2,376,498 719,371 218,788 61,067 531,993 165,071 1898 3,123,202 639,153 246,416 30,453 797,579 200,312 l8 99 3,231,332 700,524 252,244 27,868 1,026,192 229,040 1900 3>98i,577 720,089 240,989 !5,7o5 734,249 271,035 1901 5,188,654 899,454 204,980 13,1^5 694,588 348,716 1902 5,131,621 839,784 240,466 11,893 693,783 360,149 1903 5,388,589 1,015,710 274,723 12,927 892,807 532,858 1904 5,167,165 I,234,7 3 251,762 n,733 1,002,463 55 ,344 IQ5 6,259,232 973,247 348,354 i3,5 6 7 1,051,852 580,538 1906 5,719,906 1,306,476 341,298 11*635 1,052,588 587,805 1907 6,499,777 1,405,821 266,270 (a) 1,031,192 662,487 Year. Fire- proofing. Fire brick. Miscellan- eous. Earthen- ware. Stone- ware. Other pottery. Grand total. 1894 $81,288 $116,904 $1,1^6,883 $8,474 360 180* 7i,68? 117,040 f 2 076,706 $2CC C4O qpW}C^y *4.,^v_/v-* 7,619,884 vo 1896 / ?o 213,315 125,408 y / w , / y w 830,455 $2,050 v J J' JT- W 399,432 $20,000 5,938,247 1897 177,782 106,377 522,727 498,900 120,000 5,498,574 1898 202,374 109,465 673,884 5,725 43I,8l2 200,000 6,866,715 1899 198,360 132,759 677,949 52,600 572,327 138,630 7 259,825 1900 76,347 175,259 716,836 57,068 578,405 72,800 7,708,859 1901 263,276 212,510 1,069,882 6,600 585,649 83,900 9,642,490 1902 358,015 199,048 1,280,217 19,400 582,708 92,306 9,881,840 1903 308,561 233,106 1,513,678 27,685 662,363 208,685 11,190,797 1904 324,264 217,008 1,188,309 24,250 777,696 27,750 10,777,447 1905 3 2 3,55o 176,692 1,691,747 25,35 864,507 2 53, I 5 12,361,786 1906 409,171 236,032 1,986,367 37,543 897,650 47,7io 12,634,181 1907 404,265 241,008 '.705,503 37,045 898,267 68,854 13,220,489 (a) Included under miscellaneous. 88 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. INDIANA. The first brick yard in Indianapolis furnished the brick for the first brick house in 1822 (Ref. 84, p. 21). The first pottery noted was established at Troy, Perry County, in 1834, by a man named Clews from Liverpool, Eng. Clews, after a visit to this locality, conceived the idea that he could make a fortune manufacturing white ware there. He accordingly brought over 600 people from England, but after several attempts found that his schemes were impracticable and turned his attention to making fire brick, com- mon brick and yellow ware (Ref. 85, p. 123). In 1839 the company induced I. Vodrey to assume the management and it continued in operation until 1846 (Ref. 8, p. 161). The next year (1840) the mining of pottery clay began at Bloomingdale (Ref. 85, p. 47) and has continued to the present time. This was followed in 1841 by the establishment of a pottery by H. R. Atcheson, at Annapolis, Parke County, Indiana, which W. S. Blatchley mentions as the oldest one in the State (Ref. 133). The plant, which is still running, obtained its clay from Coke-Oven Hollow, a locality long known for its variety of clays, which occur in the Coal Measures. Another pottery established in 1842 at Loogootee, ran until 1892 (Ref. 85, p. 101), and in 1846, one was started at Clay City (Ref. 85, p. 81). B. Griffith, the present owner, is using an under clay of the Coal Measures which can be easily secured. The record up to this point is manifestly incomplete, and with one exception makes reference only to potteries, while it is prob- able that brick yards must have been in operation in different parts of the State using the Pleistocene surface clays. That this supposition is probably correct is shown by the fact that the census of 1860 (Ref. 25) reports for Indiana, 56 brick yards, and 32 potteries, with the specific mention that thriving potteries were found in Clay, Martin and Perry counties. No reference is made to the character of the raw materials used, but it is not unlikely that some of them at least made their product from the under clays of the Coal Measures. The industry established at Troy evidently prospered, for, in INDIANA. 89 1863, a second pottery was established there and continued in operation until 1892 (Ref. 85, p. 123). The clays of this local- ity also seemed to have been adapted to the manufacture of yellow or Rockingham ware, which was formerly made here in large quantities, but is no longer produced anywhere in Indiana (Ref. 133). The utilization of the Indiana clays for sewer pipe does not appear to have been undertaken until 1862, when the under clays of the top coal near Cannelton were used. This factory for 30 years remained the only sewer-pipe works in the State (Ref. 85, p. 124), and even after this the expansion of the sewer- pipe industry was not as great as that of other branches of the clay- work ing operations, because in 1904 there were only five sewer-pipe factories in the State. There was continued growth in the pottery industry however, for the establishment of a new pottery is recorded near Bloom- ingdale in 1866 (Ref. 85, p. 49), and in 1869 the Carboniferous clays were already being extensively used around Brazil (Ref. 86, p. 80) for stoneware. In addition, however, they were found adapted to making fire brick and terra cotta. The pottery clays at Shoals (Ref. 87) were developed, and in 1872 fire brick were being made at Montezuma (Ref. 85, p. 67). This plant which used the under clay of coal 10, is said by Blatchley (Ref. 133), to be the oldest fire-brick factory in the State. The peculiar type of clay known as Indianaite was known at this time, and previous to 1874 the deposits of it at Huron were called "Taller beds." In 1874 they were exposed in digging out under a blast furnace, and the material sold to the Cincinnati porcelain manufacturers. Later it was used by the Pennsylvania Salt Company for making "alum cake," and also in paper manu- facture, while in 1882 the deposits of this clay in Owen and Law- rence counties were worked to supply the United States Encaustic Tile Works with clay (Ref. 88, p. 24). The use of this material was finally abandoned and the deposits have not been worked since 1891 (Ref. 85, p. 104). It was about 1872 that the first use of clay for hollow brick was recorded (Ref. 133), the manufacture being established by the Weaver Clay and Coal Company of Brazil. 9 o CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. The United States Encaustic Tile Works were established in Indianapolis in 1876 although not under that name until 1886 (Ref. 41, p. 231). In 1882 A. M. Beck built a pottery in Evansville and made majolica, being succeeded in 1884 by Bennighof, Uhl and Company, and then in 1891 by the Crown Pottery Company (Ref. 6, p. 40). In 1884 the Indianapolis Terra-Cotta Company was established at Brightwood (Ref. 8, p. 397) the clay used being mainly the under clay of coal IV from Brazil, Clay County. The North Vernon Tile Company began at North Vernon (Ref. 8, xxm, p. 375) in 1886. The early nineties witnessed the recognition and development of the Coal Measure and Sub-Carboniferous (Knobstone) shales, whose value had hitherto been unknown and neglected. On this point we may do well to quote from the 1904 report (Ref. 133) of W. S. Blatchley, who writes as follows: "A dozen years ago 1 the term 'shale' was unknown among the natural resources of the State. These materials, which covered great areas in the coal-bearing counties, were looked upon as a nuisance which had to be removed or tunneled through before the underlying veins of coal could be reached. " These Carboniferous shales have since 1892 been developed into the most important clay resource of the State, being now used for the manufacture of sewer pipe, hollow block, conduits, paving brick, pressed, front and ordinary brick, drain tile, etc. Some of these deposits have been developed with the coal-seams, the two being raised through one shaft. Indeed, in many cases it might be economically impracticable to work the clay alone. " Of more recent development than the Carboniferous are the Knobstone shales, of Lower Carboniferous age, and lying to the east of the Carboniferous ones. These are now worked in a belt extend- ing from Jasper County to the Ohio River, and their employment for common, pressed and paving brick is steadily increasing." Mr. Blatchley in referring to these undeveloped shales says that as late as 1890-96, twenty-seven towns and cities expended $884,667 for paving brick and blocks, most of these being brought from Ohio and West Virginia. 1 This would be about 1891 or 1892. INDIANA. 91 As evidence of the above-mentioned expansion, it may be well to give a brief list, chronologically arranged, of the more important works, founded on these Carboniferous shales between 1890 and 1904 (Ref. 133). 1890. Evansville, Vanderburgh County. The Evansville Pressed Brick Company established here. The clays first used came from Spencer County, and later the shales near Evansville were found adapted to its uses. 1891. Brazil, Clay County. The plant of the Indiana Paving Brick and Block Company is the oldest paving-brick works in the State. The material used is Carboniferous shale. 1892. Veedersburg, Fountain County. Manufacture of vitrified blocks from Carboniferous shale. 1893. Clinton, Vermilion County. Manufacture of vitrified bricks from Carboniferous shale. 1893. Brazil, Clay County. Carboniferous shales and clays for sewer-pipe manufacture, by Chicago Sewer Pipe Company. 1893. Terra Haute, Vigo County. Carboniferous shales selected by Terra Haute Brick and Pipe Company, for making paving brick, hollow brick, and vitrified ware. 1894. Mecca, Park County. Carboniferous shales used by W. C. Dee Clay Manufacturing Company for sewer-pipe manufacture. This, together with a second factory erected in 1894, constitutes the largest clay- working plant of Indiana, and (in 1904 at least) the biggest sewer-pipe factory west of Akron, Ohio. 1895. Brazil, Clay County. Carboniferous shale used by Excelsior Clay Works for hollow blocks. 1895. East Montezuma, Parke County. Carboniferous shale used for common brick by one of the largest brick works in the State. 1895. Brazil, Clay County. McRoy Clay Works began manufacture of vitri- fied conduits, and now one of the largest producers in United States. 1901. Terra Haute, Vigo County. Hollow block manufacture from Carbon- iferous clay shale begun by Vigo Clay Company. 1901. Crawfordsville, Montgomery County. Utilization of Knobstone shales by Paston Paving Brick Company. 1902. Brazil, Clay County. Hollow block manufacture from Carboniferous clay-shale begun by Ayer-McCarel Clay Company. 1902. Montezuma, Parke County. Fire brick manufacture from Carbon- iferous under clay by Standard Fire Brick Company. 1903. New Albany, Floyd County. Use of Knobstone shales for dry pressed brick by Goetz Paving Brick Company. 1904. Evansville, Vanderburg County. Manufacture of dry-pressed brick from Carboniferous shale. 92 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. The use of surface clays for common brick has been referred to in passing, but it was stated that little mention is made of them in published accounts of the clay-working industry. The most important development of these Pleistocene clays has been in Northwestern Indiana. It is not known just when the development of these clays began, but the surface clays have been worked around Hebron, Porter County, since before 1874 (Ref. 133, P- 457)- Around Hobart, Lake County, common brick had been made for a number of years, but in 1887 W. B. Owen began the manu- facture of terra-cotta lumber and fireproofing from the Pleistocene clays, and this has developed into one of the most important industries of the State, the Hobart Terra-Cotta Lumber Company. Located within easy reach of Chicago, the products of this district find a ready market there. Since 1890 hydraulic pressed brick have also been made from these Pleistocene clays at Porter, Porter County. The Columbia Encaustic Tile Company began operations at Anderson in 1891 using gas for fuel (Ref. 41, p. 233), and a year later roofing tile were being made at Montezuma (Ref. 4, xvn, p. 241). Although most of the clay-working plants of Indiana are sup- ported by local clays, some raw materials, such as ball clays and kaolins, are shipped into the State for use in the white-ware potteries at Evansville, the electrical-ware factory at Pern, and the sanitary- ware works at Kokomo and Evansville. Indiana is one of the leading states in the clay-working industry. It ranked seventh in 1907 and supplied 4.32 per cent of the coun- try's output. The importance of the industry is well shown in the following table. Mention should also be made of the fact that raw clay is pro- duced and shipped from a number of points in the State, some of it being ground before shipment. INDIANA. 93 & . | ] ' CM O t^ Tj- CM 1 xo xo ro CO ON CO CO T)- t^-O IO IO Ol M .2 .0 ' ' t* <$> O &G . . . . . O M XO ON M *o 10 t^ Tt M^ M VO" 0? M XOOC O" CO r? 04 OOO 00~ M co co IOO OO ON O ON xo u- : : : : : :** ! f. 04 co ^ ro rf xo xo xoO t^O 8X0 1OCM rJ-rt-M MQO M J>^CO^j- , E? O O O CO CM t^QO OO IO O OO w io Tl-ro t^ t^. M ro co t^O O M O M 1 O~ Cf O M rf 04 O 1-1 04 -^^ O CO CO *? xoO co CM t^O i-t ON ^t M ON CM O MI-I M co 04 CO CO CO "i 6= OO Tf t^O 00 M O co co\O ^1 CM oo r^M S COOO O cs rO^O O^^O l>* *>*. 'a O O ON O O IO ONO CO CM O O **** ^* -2 s CO ? 5* g*'*^-ss* j ^ O4 XO coO X s ** xo M O ON COOO CO ^ sis :8 M M roxoiOO O ONIOI>- N 00 coO O i>. ro ro xo O - 5 8 :d ^ * ^^ * ^ ^^ ^ 1 ^|ON^O. MOO^MXO la % IO M O\ * o o o co CNO oo o M o 00 CS 00 1000 * 10 ON 04 rfr !>. xo 04 M Tt" O ^O OO ^t" xo O c/J c 'I* Sg.$*M xo- ro CO O * M M XO Tf TtOO 04 XOOO COOO 1> -^-00 M rj-oO co co 04 M OO CM OO XO CNOO XO OO M M XO O4 O- Q cU CO co 01 04 04, COCOCO^XOIOXOO X^ 3 H * == .| \O Tf 10 1000 W 10 N t^ O COOO O coiOCOcor^-ior^OOO O\ 1OO C\ i ^- coxo CM CO .M ON04 CO CO O O CO Hi COOO t^ 04 CN P 1 43 1 f^'w M M M XOOO CO O ONCOO4 ON^O co XO O ONOO O IOO TJ- CM M O M O4 M M M XO 1OOO M O 1 "O sf co O O co O w vO wior^OO CNCXJ 1 O O 04 M 10 xoO O O O xoO O OO ^J- co ^-OlOt^O404O4MO41Ot~~ 1 "o a ll T^- r}" loO Tj~oO -< O t 1 W fO ^J" -vO O 10 r^ - Tj- XOO M COO ^O h-l a 1 ^ c 1^^. O t"^ -t^^O t*** CO CO IO O ^" W O *O N-( t*^ TJ- rj- Q\ Qs t^ COOO ON M .t*** t>*. tH O co cs ^o loO oc w co M t%- O CN ^~ ^, xo ro O xoO ON O O M IO O O 04 10 ON "3-00 CO CNOO S -o .S 1 s CJOQ O MlOW Q\W M ONf^cot^-O r^* TJ- ci o co r-*- co^O t^-^^o ^O ^O t^ io ____ __ _ _ _ M 4* m& ~ Jj S ^? 3 ^H HlHHlliifi! Tf XOO .?*?*? 1>-OO ON O M O4 CO Tf IOO t^ ONONONOOOOOOOO CHAPTER IV. IOWA. THE Iowa brick clays were worked by LeRoy Jackson in Dubuque in the summer of 1837, he having constructed the first brick house in Dubuque in the fall of that year. Mr. Sylvanus Johnson established a brick yard in Iowa City, in 1840, and fur- nished the brick for the State Capitol there. This building is now in use by the State University. Brick were no doubt made in the river cities by that date also. (Private correspond- ence.) The Sargeants Bluff Pottery at Sargeants Bluff started in 1838 (Ref. 97, v, p. 225). The Iowa Geological Survey report for 1903 states that potteries have been in operation there from time to time, some of them evidently using the Cretaceous clays, but there were none running in that year. Three years after the Sargeants Bluff Pottery was started, or in 1841, another pottery was in operation at Vernon (Ref. 97, iv, p. 246), and soon after that we read of a number of potteries beginning operations, but nothing is known regarding the character of the clays that they were using. In 1858 there were two in operation at Danville (Ref. 98, p. 207), one at Red Oak in 1864 (Ref. 97, iv, p. 441), and one in West Boone in 1865 (Ref. 97, v, p. 225). The firm of C. Holman & Bros. Brick & Tile Works was established at Sargeants Bluff in 1867, and molded bricks by hand and horse- power until 1879. In that year a "Soft-mud" machine was introduced, and since 1886 stiff-mud machines have been used (Ref. 4, xxvi, p. 117). In the Iowa Geological Survey for 1870 (Ref. 97, n), potteries were mentioned in operation at Woodbury, Eldora, Fairport and Boonsboro, as well as in the places already mentioned. At the same time cream-colored brick were made at Clermont (Ref. 97, ii, p. 326). Brick yards were started in Wilton, Keosauqua, Cantril and Douds between the years 1890 and 1894 (Ref. 97, iv, pp. 246-7), 94 IOWA. 95 while in 1892 paving brick were being made at Sargeants Bluff by Holman and by a North Riverside firm which was also making vitri- fied sewer pipe (Ref. 97, I, pp. 152-5), all from Cretaceous shales. By 1902 the clay-working industry had expanded to consider- able size, Iowa ranking eighth in the list of producing States. The product included common, pressed and paving brick, fire brick, drain tile, sewer pipe, red earthenware and stoneware. Burned clay for railroad ballast has been used by some of the Iowa railroads for a number of years, the practice having been followed at least as early as 1892. The foregoing data are somewhat fragmentary, and evidently do not chronicle all the important events which led up to the present development of the Iowa industry, for at this time a wide range of materials is used obtained from many differ- ent geologic formations ranging from the Ordovician to the Pleistocene. As can be seen from the statistics given below, a variety of clay products is now made in the state, with one important exception, viz., white ware. The miscellaneous column includes ornamental brick, sewer pipe, fireproofing, fire brick and terra cotta, while the pottery production consists mainly of red earthenware and stoneware. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF IOWA FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Vitrified paving brick. Front brick. Drain tile. 1804 $1,317,47'? $376,0?! $r r 7 -5T2 i8os I,OOC,O74 243,028 $87,130 2OO sl^ 1896. . 1,003,624 II2,98c 47,386 648 006 1897. . 81:0,834 426,056 ^7,2"?O 372 O7O 1898 ,l64,247 289.963 ^4,7^2 343,26^ I Son , 328, CKO 225,044 1 60 800 3sO s68 IQOO ,386,641 151,286 70,6^2 377 ^86 IQOI. . ,611,040 241,108 88,164 ^34 Q3^ I9O2. . ^7">iQsQ 232,0^6 80,711 672 212 IQO3- ,3*^, 129 232,510 13^,840 1,028,383 I OO4 44O 7?8 IOQ ^28 01 260 IQOS 366 6S3 I 34,8O2 60 660 I 509 226 y J 1906 , . ,118,709 185,990 101,795 I,72I,6l4 I9O7. . ,08(1,383 223, IQ3 06,316 2, Oil 703 96 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF IOWA Continued. Year. Hollow brick. Miscellaneous. Pottery. Grand total. 1804 $27,77O $2,37o,<;o6 i8oc 128,045 $25,600 1,870,292 1806 . 88,722 43>O3^ 1,694,402 1807 . . 76,041 3Q,Ol6 1,821,247 1898 264,170 34,425 2,183,022 1800 1 30,176 30,080 2,233,808 IQOO 2CQ,i:i7 36,480 2,2QI,2c;i IOOI . 236,0^8 23,2QO 2,737.82? IQO2 . . 237,011 4^,787 2,843,336 I QO3 . . $131,191 1^4, ">79 CC.762 3,O93,4O3 IQO4 161 658 2O? 372 68 134 3 460 8? 3 IOO^ 1 37 ^4 112, 8?Q 70,3^0 3,302,122 iQo6 162,664. I2O,2 CJ^ 58,000 3,46o,O27 IOO7 . . 176, 8s4 "' JJ 146,364 18,882 3,728,78? KANSAS. The earliest record of a clay-working plant in Kansas is the establishment in 1887 of the first " glazed" (probably vitrified) paving-brick plant in the State. 1 This was started at Atchison by T. Beattie. The brick were made of the Coal Measures shale, and have been used on pavements in various cities in Kansas and surrounding States (Ref. 109, p. 55). It is highly probable that both brick and pottery were made before this, but we have no record of them. The clay industry by 1893 had grown to be of great importance in the State, and plants were making paving brick in Leavenworth, Atchison, Topeka, Osage City, Pittsburg and Kansas City (formerly Wyandot). In the same year (1893) com- mon brick were being manufactured practically all over the State, particularly in the eastern part, although this product antedated the paving brick. Pressed brick were being made in 1893 at Fort Scott, Leavenworth, Junction City, Wichita, and Kansas City (Ref. 109, p. 55). Clays for pottery manufacture are not widely distributed, as far as known, and the competition of estab- lished potteries in other States has hindered the development of the industry in Kansas. In 1893 the most important potteries were at Fort Scott and Geneseo, both making brown ware (Ref. 1 The first street-paving brick used in the United States were made at Charleston, W. Va., in 1872. KANSAS. 97 109, p. 57). By the year 1898 Kansas City industries were very prosperous especially in the line of paving brick, the plants at Pittsburg, Coffeyville and Columbus doing a large business, and also manufacturing some drain tile (Ref. no, p. 61). In 1899 new plants were erected at Cherryvale, Tola and Lawrence (Ref. in). One item of interest in 1900 was the burning of clay for railroad ballast, and along the Union Pacific Railroad this became an important material. In 1901 a sewer-pipe plant was established at Pittsburg, and brick plants started at Chanute and Neodesha (Ref. 112, pp. 60 and 61), and the production of roofing tile from Carboniferous shales was started at Coffeyville, in 1903. The manufacture of terra cotta from Missouri and Kansas clays was begun in Kansas City as late as 1906 by the Western Terra Cotta Company, thus adding another kind of clay product to those already made here, and which include common and pressed brick, paving brick, sewer pipe and hollow tile. The value of the dif- ferent classes of products since 1894 is given below. It is not possible to give the production of each kind of product separately, partly because the output has not been continuous, and partly to prevent disclosing individual statistics. The miscellaneous column, therefore, includes sewer pipe since 1900; fire brick since 1894; fireproofing, hollow brick and roofing tile in occasional years, and stoneware in nearly all years. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF KANSAS FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Vitrified paving brick. Front brick. Drain tile. Miscellan- eous. Total. 1894 180; . $141,042 121,892 $57>3io 62,190 $2-771; $8,048 4,090 $12,175 32,700 $218,575 246,647 1896 1807 110,254 103,081 125,293 127,600 9,440 14,887 4,400 c ,4^0 10,700 ^,^00 260,087 2e6 si8 1898 1899 1900 221,481 408,196 482, Q<2 200,022 278,164 417,024 13,209 106,353 5:7,764 4,172 6,55 6,0 so 6,091 40,504 51,160 444,975 839,767 i 016 7^0 IQOI CCC.Q28 312,994 50,^40 7,??O 58,428 981 020 IOO2 606,726 28C,I^6 229,990 6,625 93,091 1,221,588 1003. . 706,010 430,744 118,561 24,265 207,424 1,487,004 1904 IQOC 890,474 Ql7,o8d 621,424 c8o,695 129,576 l8o,2OI 10,883 11,212 191,273 215,168 1,843,630 1,006,360 1906 1907 I^T^.SS 2 1,189,263 658,392 727,979 187,577 236,876 19,694 15,320 190,156 200,620 2,432,3/1 2,370,058 98 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. KENTUCKY. Very little has been written concerning Kentucky's clay-working industries, even the State histories giving little attention to the sub- ject. The first establishment noted is that of the Lewis Pottery Company, which was started in Louisville in 1829. It, however, only continued until 1836 l when Mr. Clews induced the owners to move to Troy, Ind. (Ref. 8, p. 157). Again in 1840, another pottery was established, by a Mr. Hancock, in Louisville (Ref. 8, p. 156). In the Survey Report for 1856 a Calloway County clay is said to have been used by Captain Bonner in the county for mak- ing stoneware (Ref. 61, p. 124). This material was possibly one of the Tertiary clays of the Jackson Purchase area, some of which have since become important for use in pottery and tile manufac- ture. Of the fire clays in the eastern part of the State, those in Lewis County are said to have been worked as early as 1871, for fire-brick manufacture in Cincinnati. One of Kentucky's oldest important yards is the Hydraulic-Press Brick Company's plant at Louisville. This was established in 1875 (Ref. 4, xvm, p. 541), and in the same year a third pottery was established in Louisville. It is not known just when the development of the Carboniferous clays began, although attention must have been attracted to them for making fire brick to be used in the early iron furnaces of that dis- trict. In 1884, however, mention is made of a fire clay at Amanda, used at Bellefont Furnace (Ref. 62, p. 141), while in 1886 the Ash- land Fire Brick Company was in operation at Ashland using local clay. (Private communication.) Pottery works were started at Paducah in 1886, but the clays employed came from Grand Chain, 111.; Boaz, Ky.; and Round Knob, 111., and for the past several years the entire supply of raw material has been shipped from the last-named point. In 1887 the Cambridge Tile Manufacturing Company began the manufacture of wall tile in Covington, the only plant of the kind in the State (Ref. 41, p. 232). The clays in the last six or seven years have been obtained in part from Ken- tucky, although some were shipped in from Whitlock, Tenn., South Carolina, and Florida. By the year 1888, potteries making brown 1 From another source mentioned under Indiana the date is given as 1834. KENTUCKY. 99 jars and jugs were in operation at Pottertown, Bell City, Lynn- ville, Paducah, Columbus, and Hickman, but they were small plants, built to supply a local trade (Ref. 63, p. 96), all located in the Jackson Purchase region, and probably established on Ter- tiary and Cretaceous clays. The most important fire clay area which has been opened up in Kentucky is the flint clay district of northeastern Kentucky extend- ing through Greenup, Carter, Rowan, and Elliott counties. The clay which occurs in the Pottsville formation is regarded as the equivalent of the famous Sciotoville clay of Ohio. Olive Hill is the most important locality in this region which deserves more than passing mention. It was some time prior to 1883 that a large tract of land in this district was purchased by the Tygart Valley Iron Company * who proposed to erect furnaces and make pig iron from the local depos- its of ore. This project was abandoned and the land divided into three parts, each of the three members of the iron company taking one portion. That portion taken by Sebastian Eifort is now owned and operated by the Olive Hill Fire Brick Company, the pioneer manufacturers in this district. The fire clay was discovered by Mr. Eifort, who in 1883 began shipping it to Portsmouth and Iron ton, Ohio; Ashland, Ky.; and Pittsburg, Pa., where it was used for making fire brick. Mr. Eifort finally sold the land to the Olive Hill Fire-Brick Company which in 1895 erected its plant at Olive Hill. The company was originally formed by Messrs A. E. and O. Hitchins, G. H. Parks, and J. J. Hoblitzell, and it is at present controlled by descendants of these first owners. The clay is of high refrac- toriness and some of the flinty phase shows an extraordinarily high alumina content. In 1897 the company made its first blast-furnace lining for the Illinois Steel Company at Joliet, which lining was in use for a period of more than six years. The factory has a daily capacity of 60,000 brick, and has in use all over the United States between 45 and 50 blast-furnace linings. Some few years after the Olive Hill Fire-Brick Company started, 1 The data on this district have been kindly supplied by E. S. Hitchins of the Olive Hill Fire Brick Company. 100 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. a Mr. K. B. Grahn, who was one of the former owners of the Tygart Valley Iron Company, organized the Louisville Fire-Brick Com- pany with its plant located at Louisville, Ky. The clay for this plant is mined a few miles east of Olive Hill. The next operation to be started in Carter County was that of the Ironton Fire-Brick Company, which erected a factory at Enterprise, Ky., about eight miles west of Olive Hill. This com- pany has since been absorbed by the Ashland Fire-Brick Company. In 1901 the Harbison Walker Refractories Company erected a large plant at Olive Hill on property adjoining that of the Olive Hill Fire-Brick Company. This plant, with a daily capacity of 40,000 brick, has been in operation since the time it started. At about the same time, or possibly a little earlier, the plant of the Kentucky Fire-Brick 'Company was built at Soldier about nine miles west of Olive Hill, and this also is still running, with a capacity of about 15,000 brick per day. Common-brick yards are scattered all over the State, but most of these are founded on the alluvial surface clays. The more extensive formations, such as the Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian and Lower Carboniferous shales have been little devel- oped, although they, contain clays of promise (Ref. 121, p. 122). In central Kentucky, the Irvine formation (Tertiary) has, however, been utilized for some years (exact number not definitely known) for making pottery (Ref. 122). In 1902 the Newport Pressed Brick and Stone Company began the use of shale at its works and made fire brick (private corre- spondence). At the present time potteries are in operation in western Ken- tucky, at Paducah, Potterstown, Rock, Tompkinsville and Wick- liffe (136), a continuation of the industry established for many years in the Jackson Purchase region. The statistics of production since 1894 are given below, and from these it will be seen that common brick and fire brick are important products. The refractory industry is so well developed because of the presence of high grade fire clays. Under mis- cellaneous, the most important wares included are vitrified paving brick, sewer pipe, wall tile, and roofing tile (Cloverport, Ky.). LOUISIANA. 101 VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF KENTUCKY FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Front brick. Drain tile. Fire brick. Miscellan- eous. 1804. $418,886 $31,400 $87,800 $221,:; 80 'ry* 180; 4??, 927 $14,240 17,332 126, 539 19^,040 1896 31 7 74-0 ir ,cco 24.7CO 168,210 208,800 1807 3?,3I3 I9,39O 28,065 1^7,400 120,671 A v / 1808 422,458 27,004 19,533 2O2,O77 227,632 j.^ 1800 1^46, ^3:; 2O,275 36,132 334,630 3l6,2Cl 1900. 608,334 21,098 26,727 393,220 300.498 IQOI 62I.7<6 l6,s3s 29,498 377,741 320 3l6 IOO2 6^0,612 47,O27 26,O39 605,448 307,874 IQO3 689,403 ^3,769 2O,62I 873,294 414,045 I9O4. 796,074 20,571 26,564 680,084 So6,37l JQQC 862,330 128,777 28,865 73Q O^O 4QO 236 1006 881,870 IOO,77I 27,3sQ /OV'^JV 808, S 2 7 CO? 678 1007. . O32..1.6Q 86.=: 68 32.723 04.0.4 Is 452.:; 68 Year. Total brick and tile. Red earthen- ware. Stone- ware. Total pottery. Grand total. 1804. $759,675 809,078 735>59 680,938 898,704 1,253,823 1,349,827 1,374,846 1,736,000 2,051,132 1,929,664 2,249,267 2,425,214 2,444,743 $759,675 839,198 829,684 806,368 1,000,940 1,358,428 1,481,324 1,514,543 1,873,043 2,190,959 2,087,277 2,406,350 2,592,423 2,611,364 i895 1896 $30,120 86,750 $9575 125,43 89,686 104,605 i3i,497 135,697 i37, 43 139,827 157,613 157,083 167,209 166,621 $9,000 1807 119, I3,i 6 5 10,290 21,202 19,929 16,221 19,207 20,171 22,674 26,637 27,546 93 76,521 94,315 110,295 115,768 120,822 120,620 137,442 134,409 140,572 139,075 1898 1800 . IQOO. . I9OI . . IQO2 IQO3 I OO4 IQO^ . . 1906 IQO7 LOUISIANA. The only items obtainable regarding this State were that at St. Tammany there are evidences of ante-bellum brick yards (Ref. 99, p. 209) and that in 1895 brick yards were in operation in the Florida parishes of eastern Louisiana. As pointed out elsewhere, brick were made in large numbers outside the State, notably in Florida and Mississippi, and shipped into New Orleans about 1850-1860, and it is probable that before the war very little clay industry was carried on. Even now little is manufactured besides common brick and some earthenware. 102 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. No account of the history of clay working in Louisiana would be complete, however, without some mention of the Newcomb Pottery at New Orleans, an institution which was started as an experiment in the practical field of applied art in 1895. As Prof. Woodward, the director, states, "industrial conditions in the far South did not give much encouragement for the study of art as a profession, owing to the lack of manufacturers who might call for trained designers, etc. To give an object lesson in the value of art training, we introduced pottery manufacture " . . . " and we now have a business of some magnitude." The school is equipped with machinery, work rooms, and studios. The ware, which is a warm gray in color, is made from clay obtained from Biloxi, Miss., and luka, Miss., together with some kaolin from Georgia. So successful has this school been, that the ware is known throughout the country. The statistics of production since 1894 are given below. The production consists mainly of common brick, while under " mis- cellaneous " there is included a scattering of front brick, vitrified paving brick, ornamental brick, drain tile, architectural terra cotta, stove lining, fire brick, tile other than drain, stoneware and red earthenware. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF LOUISIANA FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Miscellaneous . Total. 1804 . $442,862 $74,400 $sl7,262 180=;. . 378,4l8 37,300 415,718 1896 370,487 -21,02? 402,412 1807 322,328 48,582 370,910 1898 4^7,Ol8 60,041 517,059 1800 . c;ic,C77 39,Ii;2 554,729 1900 IQOI 463,613 s 60, 37? 44,081 ^,328 57> 6 94 61^,703 1902 I93 IOO4 . 597> 8 33 689,187 914, 585 44,591 124,200 96,893 642,424 813,387 1,011,478 iQoe. 738,220 82,889 821,109 1006 811,185 89x12 900,697 i97 839> 2 3 6 8 9>334 928,570 MAINE. 103 MAINE. Maine was never an important clay-working State and even up to the present time the chief clay products manufactured are common brick, these being molded mainly from the marine clays along the coast and the banks of the principal rivers. Owing to this fact there are few published data relating to the history of its clay- working industry. The earliest information we have of the industry in the State is for the year 1675 or previous to this date, when brick were made on the Sabestacook River (Ref. i, p. 221). The earlier settlers noticed the clay banks bordering the rivers and probably soon after locating began utilizing the material. In 1760 land was granted in Portland to Augustine John for a brick yard (Ref. 2, i, p. 244), and in 1789 and 1790 brick were imported from Piscataqua, but whether made in Maine or New Hampshire could not be ascertained (Ref. i, p. 222). In 1796 common brick were made by a Mr. Gillet in Hallowell (Ref. 2, iv, p. 355), and several yards were already in operation (Ref. 3, p. 57) in Castine by 1814. The first mention of a yard in Brewer is that of a Mr. Holyoke, begun in 1830 (Ref. 4, 31, 1899, P- I ^) J but in 1838 there were in the. same place 8 yards making 3,000,000 brick per year of which 100,000 were made by machines (Ref. 5, n, p. 26). In 1832 Mr. Bates made brick at Leeds Junction (Ref. 4, 26, p. 106), and in 1838 brick making was going on in Bangor and Prospect (Ref. 5, n, 26, 36). Farnham and Hopkins established a yard in New Castle in 1845 (Ref. 4, 26, p. 106), and in 1846, the Portland Stoneware Com- pany, now one of the largest clay-working establishments in Maine, was started (Ref. 6, 464). This is the first stoneware plant noted in the clay-working industry of Maine, but most, if not all, of its clay is obtained from New Jersey and from Long Island, N. Y. In the United States Census for 1860 there are reported in brick yards in Maine and 16 potteries. In 1873 additional yards were established in New Castle (Ref. 4, 26, p. 106) and in Wales. In the latter place machines built of wood were used until 1877 when 104 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. iron machines were installed and the yard now has a number of good machines (Ref. 4, 26, pp. 106-7). I n z ^75 Mr. J- P- Norton erected a brick yard in Waterville and in 1883 built one in York (Ref. 4, 19, 1893, 49 1 )- Sewer pipe were first manufactured in Maine by the Portland Stoneware Company in 1872 (?) but not from Maine clays. The production of these has been discontinued. Since then there appear to have been few developments, except the starting of some new yards, while many of the old ones have ceased operations. From the statistics presented in the following table it appears that clay working in Maine is on the decline, the value of the products in 1907 being only about two-thirds of that of 1896. There has been a small but continuous production of fire brick, but these are not made from Maine clays, and there has been a scattering production of ornamental brick, drain tile, fire- proofing, hollow brick, and red earthenware. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF MAINE FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Miscellaneous. Total. 1804. . $401,982 $429,800 $831,782 1801; 4O 3 21 7 333,887 737,104 Igf:::::::;:::: 1807 . 375>353 27"?, Q2O 619,378 526,810 994,731 8oo,730 1898 300 488 2QO ^4.1 600 029 1899 1900 1901 . . 399,110 353.731 407,3^4 263,575 37I, 20 3 327,324 662,685 724,934 734,678 1 002 377, OSQ 27Q, S8Q 656,648 IQO3 407,214 260,068 677,182 IOO4 . 326,240 232,121 "^8,361 I95 IOo6 . 341,466 383,011 277,828 207,3">9 619,294 680,370 I97 394,003 264,900 658,913 MARYLAND. 105 MARYLAND. In a work entitled " A Relation of Maryland," published in 1635, we find the following quaint statement: " There is found good loame whereof we have made as good brick as any in England . . . also good clay for pots and tyles." (Ref. 47, p. 47.) Brick making was undoubtedly an important industry throughout this period, and much corroborative evidence has been found in the early records regarding this subject. In the Maryland archives for 1637-8 it is reported that a brick maker sat in the Assembly, and a letter from S. Cornwalleys (Calvert Papers I, p. 174) to Lord Baltimore in 1638 states that he is building a house with cellar and chimney of brick (Ref. 47, p. 48). In the Provincial court records 1649-1657, we read of a brick- maker's agreement to make " 36,000 Good Sound well Burned Bricks in consideration of 300 acres of land on the Patuxent River." (Ref. 47, p. 48.) Dr. Wm. B. Clark, State Geologist (Ref. 47, p. 48), says that the popular belief that large numbers of common brick were imported from England in the early days seems unfounded-, that a careful search of ancient records and bills of lading has failed to disclose a single authentic case of importation, and that the use of the word " English " brick referred probably to the prevailing shape of the brick rather than to the locality from which it came (Ref. 47, p. 48). There seems however to be a difference of opinion on this point, as indicated by the following : Bishop relates (Ref. i, I, p. 229) that " Charles Carrol, an original proprietor of lands now covered by the city, in 1754 erected, ' at the Mount/ buildings of bricks imported for the purpose. Two years before it had but four brick houses, and only twenty-five in all, the others very primitive in style. A pottery was erected in the town ten years after, by John Brown, from New Jersey, who had learned the business at Wilmington, Del. The town, at that date, contained about fifty houses. Thirty-two years after, it contained one thousand nine hundred, and was the fourth in the Union, having more than half the number of New York. This unparalleled increase in building, the ele- gance of the buildings at the capital, Annapolis, and of Fredericktown, which was chiefly built of brick and stone, must have made brick making a consider- able manufacture." lo6 CLAY- WORKING INDUSTRY. In 1829 it is said that good enough fire brick were made to stop importation (Ref. i, n, p. 340), assuming that importations were going on at that period. Baltimore no doubt had its quota of brick yards, supported by the abundant deposits of brick loams existing there, and which at the present day, and indeed for a great many years, have formed the basis of an important industry. The Mt. Savage fire clay, holding such a good reputation at the present time, was discovered in 1837 and used in lining blast fur- naces in operation at Mt. Savage by the Maryland and New York Coal and Iron Company. Many of the brick were also shipped to Ohio in the fifties and sixties. In 1841 the Union Mining Company was organized and has been in continuous operation since then as one of the largest fire-brick concerns in the country (Ref. 48, p. 479), being followed at a later date by the Savage Mountain Fire-Brick Works at Frostburg. One of the early dry-press brick machines was in operation in Baltimore in 1846. It had a plunger exerting 200 tons pressure and turned out 30,000 brick in 12 hours (Ref. 45, n, p. 28). In the same year Mr. E. Bennett left his pottery in Pittsburg, Pa., and settled in Baltimore, erecting there what is said to have been the first pottery south of the Mason- Dixon line (Ref. 6, p. 43). Sewer pipe were being made near Baltimore in 1865 by Linton and Rittenhouse, from local clays, and in 1868 the Baltimore Retort and Fire Clay Company began the manufacture of sewer pipe at their works (McClave), also using the local Mesozoic clays in part. Only the former continued the production of these to recent date, and it is surprising to have seen such a small industry exist in a region unsuited to it. In 1876 Mr. Bennett was making roofing tile at his Baltimore works (private communication). The large pottery of D. F. Haynes & Son was established in Baltimore in 1881 first making majolica ware, then Avalon, in 1885 Parian, and later white ware (Ref. 6, p. 280), but the materials used came almost entirely from other States. Although small brick yards, scattered over the State and work- ing surface clays, have been in operation for a considerable, but MARYLAND. 107 unknown period, the establishment of some of the larger ones is very recent, considering the early date of settlement of the State. Thus the Queen City Brick and Tile Company of Cumberland, using Devonian shales, did not begin operations until 1888, but this is not surprising as the use of shale was not feasible until sufficiently strong machinery for handling it had been made. In 1896 one of the few enamelled brick plants in the country was established at Mt. Savage by A. Ramsay (Ref. 48, p. 481), the product being made from the Carboniferous fire clays. One item of interest was the consolidation in 1899 of fourteen common- brick yards around Baltimore under the name of the Baltimore Brick Company, which still continues. A terra-cotta works, making also some roofing tile, was estab- lished at Baltimore before 1900, and at present terra-cotta clay is shipped from Maryland to Pennsylvania. Since 1900 there have been practically no new developments in the State. The detailed figures of production since 1894 are given below. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF MARYLAND FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Front brick. Drain tile. Stove lining. Fire brick. Miscel- laneous. 1 Total. 1894 $974,669 $3,050 $164,848 $1,142,567 $1,344,865 i8os 743,023 $3s,22Q 3,O7Q 232,270 1,013,601 .066.08-7 * VD 1896 / TO, O 987,706 v oo, v 97,426 o, / v i,945 o , / 150,655 1,237,723 ,45 ,055 1807 702,957 92,344 2^,524 141,650 962,475 ,30^,282 * y / 1898 / ^"~ ,VO / 716,674 87,304 jyj T 1,649 77,672 883,299 ,O J, ,542,853 i8 99 682,247 I57,9i 8 3, 6 73 $32,457 325,812 1,202,107 ,679,641 1900 724,013 60,729 2,363 36,049 321,666 ,144,820 ,711,856 1901 676,708 76,792 2,402 40,237 342,055 ,138,194 ,605,655 1902 879,995 45,375 2,105 21,540 277,290 ,226,305 ,905,3 6 2 1903 976,969 40,479 i,355 272,295 ,291,098 ,908,821 1904 1,048,850 37,537 2,848 235>I36 ,324,371 ,872,059 1905 1,423,663 24,118 4,703 32,890 224,667 ,710,041 2,249,367 1906 1,267,771 31,968 3,3i5 32,200 266,980 ,602,234 2,136,539 1907 1,026,922 19^54 3, r 9 31,048 242,312 >333,326 1,886,362 1 Includes vitrified brick, ornamental brick, and tile (not drain) for all years, as well as a scattered production of sewer pipe, architectural terra cotta, red earth- enware, yellow ware, C. C. ware, white granite ware, china, and sanitary ware. Io8 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. MASSACHUSETTS. Previous to the year 1629 all of the brick used in Massachu- setts and throughout New England were imported, but in 1629 importations ceased (Ref. 4, xxxm, p. 266) and the first brick kiln in New England was started at Salem (Ref. i, p. 217). The records show a grant of marsh land near Boston, in 1636, to a Mr. Mount for brickmaking, and the first brick house in Boston was erected in 1638 (Ref. 4, xxxm, p. 266). That the industry con- tinued is shown by the fact that in 1643 tne watch house at Plymouth was built of brick (Ref. 4, xxxm, p. 266). Land in Maiden was sold in 1651 to a brickmaker named Johnson (Ref. 16, p. 433) whose operations were evidently extensive, because in 1669 laws were passed to keep the clay pits from encroaching on the highways (Ref. 16, p. 433). In 1656 there was a yard at North Hampton (Ref. 17, p. 37), and in 1660 brick were made in Cambridge (Ref. 4, xxvi, p. 106),, Boston, about 1657, is described as having "large and spacious houses, some fairly set forth with brick, tile, slate and stone . . ." In 1667 the Massachusetts court appointed a committee to frame a law to regulate the size and manufacture of bricks (Ref. i, i, p. 220). Haverhill's brick industry began in 1700 when Hannah Dun- ston's husband was guarded by soldiers as he carried clay from the pit to the yard (Ref. 18). Probably the first pottery established in New England was one at Salem which began operations in 1641 (Ref. 15, p. 133), and another pottery was established in 1760 at German town, now a suburb of Quincy (Ref. 8, p. 90), through the exertions of J. C. Palmer and R. Cranch, two progressive land owners, who were instrumental in establishing manufacturing enterprises of various kinds at that point. Previous to 1765 A. Hews started the manufacture of terra- cotta utensils in Weston, bringing the clay first from Watertown and later from Cambridge (Ref. 8, p. 88), but in 1870 the plant MASSACHUSETTS. 109 was moved to North Cambridge, where it has continued to the present day, and is now operated under the name of A. H. Hews & Co. (Ref. 8, p. 89). The Boston Evening Post of 1769 had an advertisement of a Boston pottery (Ref. 8, p. 101), which indicated the establishment of a china works there, but it is doubt- ful if true porcelain was to be manufactured. Brick were being made at Andover in 1793 by Mr. Mann (Ref. 19, p. 31), and by 1811 there were three yards in Beverly (Ref. 20, p. 202). Berk- shire County in 1829 had a large output of brick (Ref. 21, p. 197), and potteries had been in operation in Lee and Williamson for many years (Ref. 21, p. 587). One of the largest brickyards in the region was established in 1832 at Cambridge, and another began in 1845 (R el - 4> xxvi, p. 106). The present brickyard at West Barnstable, the only yard on Cape Cod, was established about 1845 (Ref. 136, p. 441). With the growth of the towns the brick industry naturally assumed prominence, so that in 1846 one yard in Boston was making 100,000 brick a day with 20 machines (Ref. 22, n, p. 359), and in 1847 a Charlestown yard was turning out 15 to 20 million brick a year (Ref. 22, in, p. 145). Frederick Hancock in the year 1858 started a pottery in Worcester (Ref. 8, p. 157), which he operated until 1877, when he sold his interest and returned to Bennington, where he had previously been in the same business. The New England Pottery was established in Boston by F. Meagher in 1854 and made yellow and Rockingham ware, draw- ing its supply of clay from various parts of New England (Ref. 8, p. 245), but the product was later changed to white ware, necessitating the importation of clays from other states or countries. In 1860 the Census figures show 70 brickyards and 13 potteries in Massachusetts. About this time several more yards were started around Cambridge, the Bay State Company in 1863, and in 1869 the New England Brick Company (Ref. 4, pp. 106-107). The latter after a few changes in 1884 set up the first dryer in Cambridge (Ref. 4, pp. 106-107). no CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. In the year 1866 A. W. Robertson ran a small plant in Chelsea, Mass., for the manufacture of brown earthenware such as was common in Great Britain, and also lava ware like the German goods. This was followed by the production of flower pots, niters, etc. Mr. Robertson took his brother into partnership in 1868, and his father in 1872, at which time the works was enlarged and named the Chelsea Keramic Art Works. A red bisque ware, in imitation of antique Grecian terra cotta and Pom- peiian bronzes, was made quite extensively. In 1877 the Chelsea faience was developed. After considerable labor they were suc- cessful not only in producing the Chinese ox-blood color but also good imitations of Japanese and Chinese crackle ware, which has not been duplicated on a commercial scale by any others in this country. Owing to lack of funds the plant was closed in 1888, but it was reopened in 1891 under the name of the Chelsea (U. S.) Pottery Company, and the works moved to Dedham. The products of this works rank high among Ameri- can Art Pottery (Refs. 8, pp. 260-261, Ref. 154, October, 1908, and Ref. 156, April, 1902). Sewer pipe were made by Goodrich of Boston in 1877 (Ref. 7), and the Low Art Tile Works were established in Chelsea in 1879 (Ref. 6, p. 356), thus adding new products to the list of those already made in the State. The Low Company continued in busi- ness for a number of years. Porous terra cotta was manufactured in Boston by the New England Terra Cotta Company in 1885, but in 1893 the firm name was changed to the Boston Fireproofing Company (Ref. 4, xix, p. 265). Pressed and ornamental brick manufacture was begun at Boston in 1888 by the Philadelphia and Boston Face Brick Company, using red burning clays from Maine and Massachusetts, but bring- ing buff and cream burning clays from New Jersey. In 1897 the Grueby Faience Company was organized in Boston (Ref. 6, p. 263), but is dependent upon clays obtained outside of New England. This is one of the well-known art potteries, and has devoted considerable attention to the development of matte MASSACHUSETTS. in C h | S c 3 Tf Tf PO t o vo CN vO O O M t^ ** 1000 t^ fO O o t> M o coo oo 10 10 m w fOO t^ "- 1 GO O O O * t^OC 1 O- . M Ti- ro PI O PO N P> O . O *-i "5 O IOQO O O w 00 t^-Ooo ror~*r^o M rl- rr> * P<5 0) O 10 CO POOC f^JOC 10 t^. 3 SS PI C\ N rj-co M vo O OC 00 1^ M CS rt CN POOC N O 00 O t* O PlPlPlNPlNrOPIPlPlPO | >> :S Q\Mt^PI POt^^VOM ^PO cs rJ-\O t t^ O vo (T) OO r^ 00 Tf- hH VO PO M Tj- POOO M O J2 11 ' t-. :4 N OVOMVO voS PO OOC OO ^- 10 O\O POt^-'O POOO 00 HH ( Jo J- w vO vooO M p. O ^O O O PO Ti- PO O ON C ^00 t*- M Cs t^ Tf M P CX) POOO 1 f. N 'C; oo ^00 M tJ-rfvoPl Tt-Tj-OOO f^ PO O O HH Tj- O 1>.O t>- O TJ- r^ t^ 1-1 voioO w O> If ] Tj- O PO^PI PTsw PDVOMVO vO O vo PI PJ IH POCX) t^O 3 S S li TT fO * H t>- M f^.OO O M O M i>- tovo ^ PI w OOC O I^ vo vovO rf TJ- vo vo Tf vo O ~ rt CJ ^ i/; o iS 00 O f*5 CN C> w ^XO^ fN. M TfPI VOt^-WOC VOTtM O O ^O ^POvot^Pi TJ-POVO ro PO ^" * %l " PO PC PO ^" PI PI PI ^* o c ,Q to O O s 1-1 10 00 ^ O VOOPIOVOPJVO -OOvo vCOCOOTl-Tt-Pi -00 * M \OMt^.Tt-C>POPI .MCVW r^ t^ w OCX; fO ^voPlC>t^- T fd~ OOf^ 1 ^? OCt^PiOvovoO 'Ovot-^. MM PI .1 : : : ' t>- T}- O PI . M VO PI rf Tl- l>. vo vo M rt- vo O vo t M OO O g PO ^ vo PO POO O 2 C/2 : : : M M M M ' M M PI '.'.*& '. 10 t^. t^ \O r^ ro O O 10 POO t^.O PO M POO t^ ^OO OC OOoO O^-O MOOO M vOoO t^vo'^-'O M pi r^oO Cv Si! = 00 fO M O ^-O r^. r^-O roO C~O PI ^vort VOVOVOPIVO PI POM\O M Cv TtOPiwOvoMOPl'^'PI | rt lO-O OO OO 00 t^OO CN O M PI PO Tt- voO t^. ocoooo 00000000 su oi6 6,739 634,589 1,548,647 1902 1,103,515 75,85 2,219 720,147 1,901,731 1903 982,728 78,93 10,087 455,253 1,527,008 1904 970,247 113,260 11,100 225,400 1,319,907 1905 977,837 85,300 15,770 420,479 1,499,386 1906 986,982 98,170 4i,779 476,348 1,603,279 1907 1,045,874 (a) 49,622 594,437 1,689,933 (a) Included under miscellaneous. MISSISSIPPI. The first we know of clay-working in Mississippi is the state- ment by a Mr. Crary (Ref. 67) that in 1850 he was manufactur- ing dry-pressed brick at Biloxi Bay and supplying them for a large custom-house building at New Orleans. Potteries were in oper- ation at Natchez, Marshall, and Brandon in 1854 (Ref. 100, p. 226), and at Hartford and in Tippah County in 1857 (Ref. 100, 1 F. F. Grout, private correspondence. MISSISSIPPI. 119 p. 244). No further developments are noted until 1880 when the Tanner Brick-Manufacturing Company was established at Vicks- burg. The molding was done by hand, and this method was still employed in 1902 (Ref. 102, p. 240). In 1881 the Taylor yard was established at Jackson (Ref. 102, p. 191), and in 1882 fire brick were made at Holly Springs and used in the Pottery kilns (Ref. 102, p. 209). This industry was based on the white Tertiary clays, which at the present time represent the most important clay resource of the State. Their exploitation has been considerably developed, and they are now worked at a num- ber of other points, for the manufacture of stoneware and fire brick. In 1893 a brickyard was begun at Durant (Ref. 102, p. 196), and one in Armory in 1894 (Ref. 102, p. 213). A number of yards have been established since 1900, but at the present time brick, tile, and stoneware are the only products made in the State. The pottery of George Ohr at Biloxi pro- duces a ware which has won not a little reputation because of its unique character. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF MISSISSIPPI FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Miscellaneous. Total. 1894 1895 1896 i897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 IQO3 $134,930 1 74,800 208,109 236,650 277.953 510,600 55 2 > 61 443.939 496,735 6c8 401 $7.77 i995o 16,700 38,95 43.830 3 6 .i4i 21,307 12,534 19,469 l8 SAT $142,700 194,75 224,809 275.600 3 2 l.783 546,741 573.368 456,473 516,209 677 O32 I94 1905 IQO6. . 710,878 782.549 801,420 ' 64,616 36,348 4O,66O 775.494 818,897 851,080 IQO7 783 780 62 74O 8d6 ?2Q 120 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. MISSOURI. The fire clays of St. Louis County, the potter's clay of Henry County, and the kaolins of the southeastern part of the State, make Missouri of especial interest in the clay- working industry, although, as compared with the eastern clay-working centers, its develop- ment has been recent, in fact the greater part of it since 1850. Little is known regarding any operations in the State prior to that time. A stoneware pottery was in operation in C aid well, Callaway County, in 1827, and was still running in 1891 (Ref. 134, p. 356). In 1840 the Boonville pottery at Boonville, Cooper County, was established (Ref. 134, p. 356), and the Scientific American for 1847-8 (Ref. 45, in, p. 145) states that a Mr. Wai- ford in Washington was making granite ware and china. The source of the material or further history regarding this venture are not known. It seems probable, however, that this is the same occurrence as Barber mentions (Ref. 8, p. 453), namely, that kaolin was discovered in 1848, thirteen miles from Iron Mountain, in the present Washington County, and that Mr. E. H. Shepard built there a pottery in 1851 and made cream- colored ware till 1861 when the war broke out and the plant was abandoned. This is the earliest record of the kaolin industry in the State. It is said that the fire-brick industry in St. Louis began about j846 when a small plant was erected on the Gravois road near Meramec Street, but no data regarding this plant are obtainable (Ref. 134, p. 288). The oldest of the present plants in St. Louis is the Evens and Howard, which was established by Richard Howe in 1855. In the same year, 1855, a Mr. Hamilton started making fire brick. He was succeeded by James Green who organized and became president of the Laclede Fire Brick Com- pany (Ref. 134, p. 289). These factories, as well as all other fire-brick concerns in operation in and around St. Louis, depend for their material on a fire clay of the Lower Coal measures known as the Cheltenham seam. The Christy Fire Clay Mine of St. Louis, which is such an im- portant producer of glass-pot clay at the present time, was opened MISSOURI. 121 in 1857. The deposit is said to have been discovered by an English laborer who, while boring a well near the lot now numbered 4373 Morganford Road, penetrated some clay which to him appeared to resemble the famous Stourbridge fire clay of England. It was brought to the attention of Mr. W. T. Christy, Sr., who had it tested in a glass-pot works of Philadelphia. The tests proved sat- isfactory, and he began shipping crude pot clay. 1 With this estab- lishment of the fire-clay industry, there came simultaneously the mining of the first kaolin in Bellinger County in 1857, by Mr. Dallas who was running a pottery, later known as the Brockman works, at Cincinnati, Ohio. He mined this clay and shipped it to his pottery for five years (Ref. 134, p. 173). Another pit five miles east of Beesvillewas shipping kaolin to St. Louis potteries in 1862. In 1863 the firm of Mathieson & Hegeler, who operate a large zinc smelter at La Salle, 111., began mining the Cheltenham clay of St. Louis for making zinc retorts, and even to this day the clay is much used for that purpose. Probably the first roofing tile made in the State were produced by the Mitchell Clay Company of St. Louis in 1866. After five years' effort the management found the enterprise was ahead of the times, stopped the manufacture of roof- ing tile and began making fire brick instead. The Parker-Russell Mining and Manufacturing Company, at present one of the impor- tant manufacturers of refractory ware in St. Louis, began mining clay in 1866. As early as 1820 James Russell was mining coal on the property, and for many years his mine was one of the large coal mines of the district. Experiments were made on the clay in 1866, and in 1869 a plant was erected. In 1887 the mining of coal was discontinued entirely (private communication) (Ref. 134, pp. 254 and 292). In the seventies development was being carried on along all lines. A number of new pits were opened up in the southeastern kaolin district. At Lutesville in Bollinger County several shafts were sunk into the kaolin beds in 1872 to test them, but were not reopened till 1886. The citizens of Glen Allen, Bollinger County, also began active prospecting in 1872, opening up fifty pits and shipping clay to Cincinnati, East Liverpool, and Eastern markets. 1 L. Parker, private correspondence. 122 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. Proper care was, however, not exercised in the sorting of the kaolins, and the industry suffered accordingly. This was felt as early as 1874, and although in 1884, five hundred tons a year were sent out, the production has steadily diminished (Ref. 134, p. 174). The kaolin pits near Jackson, Cape Girardeau County, were the next to be opened, being first worked in 1874, both at Jackson and at the English clay pits, two miles from Jackson. The latter pits were at that time leased by the Cincinnati Pottery Company (Ref. 134, p. 169). The Brown pit north of Jackson was opened in 1877, but is now exhausted (Ref. 134, p. 170). The mining of flint clays in the State, so far as we know, began in 1871 at High Hill, Montgomery County, when the Big Miller pit was opened (Ref. 134, p. 218). In 1872, the Rolla, Phelps County, flint clay deposits were discovered while prospecting for iron, but these were not opened till 1883 when the Kelly pit was started (Ref. 134, p. 233). Extensive shipments have been made of flint clay from Crawford County since 1879, and in 1898 it was one of the largest producers in the State (Ref. 134, p. 227). The first pit was at Leasburg, leased by George McClintick, and some of the clay was shipped as far east as Pittsburg, Pa. (Ref. 134, p. 229). But one new clay mine was opened during the seventies in St. Louis, that of George Jamieson in 1878, known as the Coffin Mine (Ref. 134, p. 261). During this period the foundation for the paving-brick industry in the country was established. In the early seventies George Sattler was investigating various clay deposits in north St. Louis, and in 1873, while operating a coal seam near Chain of Rocks, found a good clay which he shipped to the St. Louis Zinc Works for testing. It proved unsatisfactory. Soon after a well dug near by disclosed a good fire clay with some beds of glass-pot clay. The less pure clay was a great hindrance in working the pot clay, and Mr. Sattler decided to utilize the impure clay in paving-brick manufacture, being inspired by the success of brick pavements in Holland (Ref. 134, p. 469). Owing to his inexperience and the quality of the clay, the brick made at first were of little value, but by 1878 he made some of which the tests were encouraging, and they were laid on the Eads bridge in 1880, with funds raised by MISSOURI. 123 citizens. Their softness, the poor foundation, and the heavy traf- fic to which they were subjected, caused this pavement to be short lived. Two other varieties of brick were tried the same year (1880) and met with little success. They were a Ladede Company brick, a salt-glazed mixture of shale and fire clay, and a common brick boiled in tar. In 1881 some of Mr. Sattler's brick were used throughout St. Louis with good success, and he established a regu- lar plant. Working with such a refractory clay was unsatisfactory, and the percentage of good brick was low. He died in 1890, and no paving brick have been made from that clay since (Ref. 134, P- 47)- A number of common local stoneware plants were established during the seventies, some of which were Huggins and Company, Lakenan, Shelby County, 1870; Glassir and Son, Washington, Franklin County, 1872; Mrs. Robins & Son, Calhoun, Henry County, 1873; R. Winfell, Perry, Rails County, 1876; the Wash- ington Clay Company, Washington, Franklin County, 1877; and H. A. Smith, Gainesville, Ozark County, 1879 (Ref. 134, p. 356). It is not known how many of these are still in operation. .Between 1880 and 1890 the kaolin industry was probably at its height. In 1881 a young potter named James Post successfully made Rockingham ware of Cape Girardeau clays in that town. The following year he induced local capital to form a company, and C. C. ware was made for several years, using local materials. After several failures the kilns were finally torn down and the plant converted into a grinding mill. This experiment so dis- gusted capitalists in Missouri that it has been a great setback to pottery manufacture ever since (Ref. 134, pp. 167-168). In Morgan County twelve miles south of Versailles there is in the old Buffalo lead mines a pocket of kaolin which was worked from 1880 up to at least 1897 by George Clark, and the product shipped to the St. Louis Stamping Works for enameled-ware manu- facture (Ref. 134, p. 186). Various other pits were in operation in Cape Girardeau and Bellinger counties in the eighties, some of which are still shipping clay, but many have become exhausted or have failed because of careless sorting of the material. The first mention we find of ball clays or plastic china clays in 124 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. Missouri is in 1880 when the Mandel ball-clay pit was opened at Regina, Jefferson County. It is the largest and most important deposit of ball clay in the State, and met with a ready market at East Liverpool and other centers (Ref. 134, p. 189). These clays are now controlled by the Mandel-Sant Company. The development of numerous deposits of flint clays also took place in the eighties. Of these the deposits at Truesdale in Warren County have been the most irnportant. The Big Kelly pit, as it was called, was discovered in 1886, leased in 1888, and has been in operation ever since, most of the clay being shipped to St. Louis (Ref. 134, p. 212). The Mexico Fire Brick Company of Mexico, Mo., began working the Truesdale flint clays in 1880 when they shipped 1500 tons to their Mexico plant for fire-brick manufacture (Ref. 134, p. 214). Numerous other pits were opened in Warren, Phelps, Crawford, Franklin counties and other portions of central Missouri, and the product was shipped to Chicago, 111., St. Louis, Mo., and to the fire-brick works in Fulton and Mexico, Mo. The progress of the fire-clay industry during this period was marked by the opening up of Tole and Thorp's mine in St. Louis in 1880, Jameson's mine at Bartholds, and other smaller ones throughout the district (Ref. 134). In 1881 the Missouri Fire- Brick Company began the manufacture of terra-cotta lumber, but went back to fire-brick manufacture very soon after (Ref. 139, p. 289). Coffin & Co., owners of a large glass-pot works in Pittsburg, established a plant in St. Louis in 1884, and made fire brick and glass pots (Ref. 134, p. 289). In 1896 this plant was owned by the Mississippi Glass Company. The clay used for the glass pots is obtained at the company's mine at Gratiot Station, St. Louis, and mixed with German pot clay. The Fulton Fire- Brick and Mining Company was established in 1885 in Fulton, and uses mainly local clay (Ref. 134, p. 295). The present Salamander Fire Brick Company, Vandalia, Audrain County, was established as the Audrain Manufacturing and Coal Mining Company in 1883. It uses local clay (Ref. 134, p. 295), and in 1889 the Mexico Fire-Brick Company was put in operation at Mexico (Ref. 134, p. 295). MISSOURI. 125 But few data are obtainable concerning the stoneware industry of Missouri. In the eighties this branch of the clay-working industry was augmented by the opening up of a number of coal- measure clay banks, especially in Henry County at Clinton and Calhoun which are the only extensive centers of stoneware industry in the State. The clay from the Jegglin Clay Pit near Calhoun was first used in 1884 by the Boonville and Calhoun potteries, while other banks were opened in 1889-1890. In 1887 a clay bank of Coal-Measure clay was opened up at Knobnoster in Johnson County and since then has supplied clay to the Kansas City Sewer Pipe Company, Kansas City (Ref. 134, p. 333). Potteries were established at numerous points in the State, and by 1891 there were nine in operation in Henry County alone, with forty-two in the State in the year 1892 (Ref. 134, p. 356). One of the first successful terra-cotta manufacturers was the Winkle Terra Cotta Company established in St. Louis in 1883. This company employed shales, fire clays, and loess from Chelten- ham, and a bluff clay from Glencoe (Ref. 134, p. 435). A second firm, the Kansas City Terra Cotta Lumber Company, was estab- lished at Kansas City, Missouri, in 1886, and for a while made terra-cotta lumber, but in 1896 were making simply brick (Ref. 134, p. 436). The development of the sewer-pipe industry forms a most inter- esting chapter, of which many details have been supplied by Mr. L. R. Blackmer. According to Mr. Blackmer there were in 1867 three firms engaged in the making of sewer pipe, viz. : the St. Louis Stoneware Company, at 7th and Russell Avenue; H. M. Thompson & Co., at 1 8th St. and Missouri Pacific Railway; and the Evens and Howard Firebrick Company, at Cheltenham. The first mentioned employed Cheltenham clay for their pipe, but the product was so rough that a large amount supplied to the city of Chicago in 1868 failed to pass inspection, and it was neces- sary to change the clay. This was subsequently brought from Alton, 111., and mixed with loam from the bottoms of the Des Perces River below Carondelet. This likewise gave dissatisfaction, so clay was then tried from Washington, Mo. This last, mixed with a newly discovered local fire clay and loam, gave good results. 126 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. Mr. Blackmer left the St. Louis Stoneware Company in 1877, and two years later joined with Mr. Post to build a small factory at Ewing Avenue, in the Mill Creek Valley, and another on Papon Street. The entire plants were later concentrated at Reber Place station on the Oak Hill railroad in 1887. The factory was rebuilt in 1893. The product is now made of Coal Measures and surface clays (Ref. 134, p. 441). Two other firms, the Kansas City Sewer-pipe works and the Dickey Sewer-pipe works of Deep water were also established about the same time (Ref. 134, pp. 442-443). The latter firm has also made conduits since 1902. Then, of course, other plants, such as the Evens and Howard and the Laclede Works, made a quantity of sewer pipe as a side line. The former began in 1858 or 1859. Before 1890 or 1891 brick as a paving material had taken a firm hold on the people, and Kansas City, St. Joseph, Spring- field, Sedalia, and Hannibal as well as St. Louis had brick pave- ments. Plants for paving-brick manufacture were in operation at Montserrat, Johnson County, Billings, Christian County, St. Joseph, Kansas City, Tarkio, Atchison County, Moberly, Knobnoster, Deep water, and other localities (Ref. 134, p. 477). The use of burnt-clay ballast for railroad construction was introduced into this country in 1884 by William Davey, and was soon after taken up in Missouri, and by 1892 many extensive pits were opened in the counties bordering the Missouri and Missis- sippi rivers (Ref. 134, p. 545). Mineral Resources of the United States for 1907 shows that Missouri then ranked sixth in the production of all clay ware, with a production valued at $6,898,871, ranking even higher in the production of sewer pipe and fire brick. MISSOURI. 127 The production since 1894 is given below. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF MISSOURI FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Vitrified paving brick. Front brick. Orna- mental brick. Drain tile. Sewer pipe. Fire brick. 1894 l8QS 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 $1,541,553 1,251,200 1,317.916 99935 2 1,046,669 1,345,792 io57,497 L595.03I 1,832,118 i.7 2 5. 2 53 1,690,460 2,028,957 1,810,304 1,844,255 $190,220 54,640 61,500 182,625 264,092 188,787 252,783 225,247 194,250 307,237 480,671 470,935 539,700 462,341 $47,933 1,500 136,964 86,723 65,581 49,219 42,096 62,108 49,411 39,756 32,967 44,632 30,689 33,638 $172,200 15,820 23,383 25,800 85,748 53,575 57,9oo 45, JI 4 35,887 45,363 80,479 59,858 64,063 72,316 $150,000 212,000 171,652 458,368 403,075 436,624 624,932 788,513 903,279 1,050,794 1,176,679 1,101,938 1,208,236 1,332,080 $202,722 484,415 328,148 157.502 268,173 375,023 510,166 620,116 739,385 925,915 925,520 1,117,209 1,324,895 1,634,209 $ 2 /5,725 293,193 224,016 258,786 281,797 228,070 298,158 358,089 333,965 322,445 362,996 394,563 387,455 Year. Miscella- neous. 1 Total brick & tile. Red earthen- ware. Stone- ware. Other pottery. Total pottery. Grand total. .1894 i895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 $310,950 207,753 296,55 6 349,683 604,824 857,002 89L549 775,619 990,482 1,181,923 791,465 973,5l 8 1,254,325 1,054,390 $2,615,578 2,790,818 2,629,312 2,484,069 2,996,948 3,587,819 3,665,093 4,409,906 5,112,901 5,610,206 5,410,686 6,160,043 6,626,775 6,820,684 $2,615,578 2,799,218 2,810,245 2,536,528 3,112,716 3,666,616 3,736,567 4,474,553 5,166,414 5,661,607 5,481,504 6,203,411 6,696,275 6,898,871 $8,400 $8,400 50,933 52,459 58,258 78,797 71,474 62,627 49,420 50,6oi 70,818 43,368 69,500 78,187 50,933 5 2 , 3,880 6,379 10,865 13,800 6,401 6,697 7,749 4,054 4,429 3.289 459 49.378 63,790 58,509 48,827 39.419 43,304 6i,578 39,314 65,071 69,323 $5,000 8,628 2,IOO 3,600 600 1,491 . . .% 5,575 1 Includes architectural terra cotta, hollow brick, fireproonng, tile (not drain), and stove linings. The quantity and value of raw clays mined and sold during 1907 was as follows: Quantity, short tons. Value. Kaolin 3O7 $2,194 Fire clav 167,043 428,749 2,?IO I 673 Miscellaneous 425 *>Wd 10,625 128 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. MONTANA. The Census for 1870 (Ref. 115) shows but two brickyards in operation in Montana producing 225,000 brick, and in- 1880 there were five producing 3,650,000 common and 200,000 pressed brick. Mineral Resources of the United States for 1883 speaks of the industry around Helena, where fire brick and crucibles were being manufactured from a local clay for use in smelters at Helena and Butte. While fire clays are known to exist in Montana they have never been developed to any extent, the large smelters obtaining most of their brick from other States. Small yards for supplying local demand for common brick are scattered over the State, their raw material consisting mainly of surface clays. In recent years the Cretaceous clays have been worked at Belt and Armington in Cascade County, for fire-brick manufacture. Much of this clay is used by the Anaconda Copper Mining Company at Butte. J. P. Rowe (Ref. 171, p. 53) states that the clay- working indus- try is still in its infancy, and some of the best clay beds are yet totally undeveloped. He describes a number of plants, but gives few historic data. According to him the works of the Western Clay Manufacturing Company, at Helena, were started in the early seventies, and are still in operation, although in greatly improved form. Silver Bow County has one of the best plants in the State, that of the Butte Sewer Pipe and Tile Company, located at Butte. When this company was organized, in 1889, only common brick were made, but about 1903 a fire-brick department was added and has since done a large business, the product being shipped as far west as Seattle and northward into Canada. The Amalgamated Copper Company has for several years operated a common and fire brick plant at Anaconda, but draws its clays from near Armington. The following table gives the statistics of production since 1894. The "Miscellaneous" column consists mainly of sewer pipe, front and ornamental brick. NEBRASKA. 129 VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF MONTANA FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Fire brick. Miscella- neous. Total. 1894 1895 $80,629 112,083 $545,70 69,03^ $17,700 23,O7? $644,029 204,193 1806 204,366 54,s;2O 17,425 276,311 1807 122,494 79,486 29,669 i 231,649 1808 . 178,728 65,164 29,734 273,626 1800 188,330 (a) I2?,OsI 313,390 1900 I no I 219,465 3s7,2IO 117,566 152, 6?O 13,458 29,361 350,489 539,221 IQO2 . 130,339 113,112 35,276 278,727 1903 1904 197,604 145,642 101,700 102,611 3> OI 3 ^1,178 3 2 9,3i7 279,431 IQOs IC7.C7C 115,431 40,000 313,006 y 2 1906 IQO7. . 203,365 188,819 45, 34 35,553 48,900 48,500 297,299 272,872 (a) Included under "Miscellaneous." NEBRASKA. The brick and tile industry was well established in Nebraska in 1870, and the clays were no doubt worked before that time. In that year (1870) there were 17 yards producing over 6,000,000 brick (Ref. 115). It was a growing industry, and by 1880 there were 87 yards producing common, pressed, and fire brick (Ref. 116). The principal brickmaking centers in 1887 were Lincoln and Omaha, five new yards having been established in Omaha in that one year (Ref. 117). In 1888 more yards were established in Omaha, and brick were being made at Elkhorn and Grand Island (Ref. 118). In the same year the sewer-pipe works at Beatrice were in operation, and brick were being manufactured there for paving the Beatrice streets (Ref. 4, xxi, p. 156). Vitrified -brick production had begun in 1889. Most of the important plants are based on the Cretaceous clays. The industry has increased slowly but steadily, but it has not assumed large proportions, since by 1907 Nebraska had only attained twenty-seventh rank among the clay-producing States. The western part of Nebraska is sparsely settled, and most of the development, for some time at least, will be in the eastern part of the State, where the Dakota clays will serve as the basis of 130 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. a flourishing clay industry, and indeed they have already been the means of forming a strong nucleus. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF NEBRASKA FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Vitrified paving brick. Front brick. Miscellaneous. Total. l8o A. $?2 800 $ec,c7C $519,784 jgoc 17^,480 7,800 $29,659 5,602 214,541 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 . . 124,746 288,980 446,126 781,246 553,905 668,863 800 26,169 26,315 15,090 28,055 28,150 9>5 12 31,706 29,921 23, 6 53 95,528 85,260 9,315 4,53 11,203 21,836 6,470 24,200 !44,373 35 I ,3 8 5 513,565 841,825 683,958 806,473 1902 I GO"? 638,901 7IO,7QQ 25,150 7?, 700 87,415 111,403 6,202 10,526 757,668 868,028 I QO4 004,7^0 455,063 106,572 11,022 1,067,387 1905 1906 1907 874,695 SSS,? 02 789,170 (a) (a) 24,600 (a) . (a) 100,654 132,048 155,006 39,008 1,006,743 990,708 953,432 (a) Included under "Miscellaneous." NEVADA. In 1870, Nevada, according to the Census, had but one yard producing 350,000 common brick (Ref. 115), and ten years later but two yards are recorded producing both common and fire brick (Ref. 115). Since then small yards have started up here and there to supply a local demand, but the industry is nowhere largely developed. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF IDAHO AND NEVADA. Year. Value. Year. Value. I804 1 $30,268 IQOI . . $85,953 iScK 1 18,790 I9O2. . 138,648 1896* 1 6 ooo IQO7 264,012 iSo? 1 I 5 QI4. IQO4 100,417 iSgS 1 27 76< JQOC 27O,78o 1800 tJ2 4.7O 1906 282,889 1900 58 962 IOO7 727,078 Idaho alone. From 1900 on, Idaho and Nevada combined. NEW HAMPSHIRE. 131 NEW HAMPSHIRE. The earliest record in regard to brickmaking in New Hamp- shire is the statement (Ref. i, I, p. 231) that brick to the value of $129,000 were exported to the West Indies from the State in 1789. Pottery was being manufactured as early as 1817 in Jaffrey, the clay being obtained at Moncton, Vt. (Ref. 8, p. 438). We first hear of brick manufacture in Keene in 1840, when a Mr. Edwards began making "water-struck" brick (Ref. 4, xxvi, p. 106). In 1841 a potter's clay in Alstead was utilized for brick manufacture (Ref. 9, p. 65), and brick clay was said to be abundant in Bath, brick being manufactured at many yards. According to the United States Census for 1860, New Hampshire had at that time fifty-six brickyards and three potteries. Another yard was started in Keene in 1865 by a Mr. Ball, and in 1872 he began making "sand-struck" brick (Ref. 4, xxvi, p. 106). The first pottery in Keene was established in 1871 by Taft & Co., who began then the manufac- ture of red ware, later making stoneware and majolica (Ref. 8, p. 271), and at the present time are turning out semi-vitreous art . pottery, most of it with a matte glaze. The ware is made largely from clays obtained outside of New Hampshire. In 1878 a firm in Hooksett turned out five million brick a year, and employed sixty hands, while throughout the State forty-one towns are men- tioned as contributing to the brick industry (Ref. 10, p. 86). At present the New England Brick Company obtains raw materials from Exeter, East Kingston, Epping, Rochester, Gonic, Barrington, and Hooksett, and states that these have been worked for fifteen to twenty years. It will be seen from the above record, even though it is some- what imperfect, that New Hampshire is not an important producer of clay products, this fact being emphasized by the following statistics. 132 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF NEW HAMPSHIRE FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Miscellaneous. Total. 1804. $4.82, 33O $2l,l7'; 1 $ro3,Co^ i8oc ^ 4 " '>5v? 460,^67 52,000 C2I.C67 1806 t; ^0,789 30,380 <;8i,i6o 1897 1898 -. . . 417,272 T.6<,tiII 47,900 46,478 465,172 401,980 1800 roC.QCl 46,801 ~^2 7C2 IOOO 423, 713 61,300 48^,01 3 IQOI . . 741,^89 24,771; 76^,064 IQO2 . 861,97^ 2(C,I4Q 887,124 I9O3 . 546,172 22,449 568,621 I9OA. . 446,603 33,?82 479, 98? IQO^ C2Q.734 25,OOO C CA 774. IQO6 7 16,0 Si IO,OOO 726 o^ i I OO7. . tJOOXOO IO,OOO CIO.^QO 1 Mostly front brick and fire brick. CHAPTER V. NEW JERSEY. Brick. Brick clays were no doubt worked at a very early period, but little mention was found of them. According to Mr. George E. Fell (Ref. 129, p. 243), Trenton was but a small village at the time of the Revolution, and the few brick buildings then erected were Constructed chiefly of brick brought from England. About the time of the Revolution, however, a few bricks were made on the north bank of Assanpink Creek, between Broad and Montgomery streets, although it is very doubtful whether these were the first bricks made in the State. Between 1780 and 1800, brick were also made between White Horse Tavern and Hamilton Square, and still a little later at Maiden Head, now Lawrenceville. They were still being made in 1814 (Ref. 37, p. 244). About '1826 a man named Embly came to Trenton from Con- necticut and began making brick in the square bounded by Prince- ton and Brunswick avenues and Sandford and Bond streets. Later, in 1831, Joseph Himcr and Peter Grim of Philadelphia established a yard on the Hedden Farm now (1904) owned by the S. K. Wilson estate, about half-way between the two city reser- voirs, the brick used in the original part of the present State Prison being made by them. This yard was abandoned by Grim in 1839, and another started on the present site of the Fell and Roberts yard, while a yard was established in 1845 by James Taylor on the site abandoned by Grim. Between this year and 1856 a number of yards were started around Trenton and served as the nucleus of a thriving brick industry, which has continued up to the present. All of these yards used the surface loams which form an exten- sive sheet immediately underlying the surface in the region about Trenton. The pressed-brick business of Trenton commenced about 1865, and increased steadily up to 1894, since which time it has declined. 133 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. NEW JERSEY. 135 The explanation of this decline is to be found chiefly in the fact that the demand for red pressed brick has greatly decreased in late years, owing to the introduction of buff, mottled, speckled, and other types of fancy front brick. Since the clay found at Trenton burns red, it cannot be utilized for these newer styles. Outside of Trenton it is known that brick were first made in Middlesex County in 1851 at Roundabout (now Sayreville) by James Wood, and in the fall of that year Peter Fisher and James Sayre purchased a small property of twenty- three acres and com- menced the manufacture of common brick, but gradually branched out into the manufacture of other grades. In 1887 this copart- nership merged into a corporation known as the Sayre & Fisher Company, which is now by far the largest individual brickmaking concern in the State. The inexhaustible supplies of brick clays (of Cretaceous age) in this region early led to the establishment of other yards, so that now there are at least ten large brickyards at South River and Sayreville. Common brick made from red-burn- ing clays were the first product, but with the growing demand for pressed brick, especially the buff ones, the fire clays were drawn upon for this purpose, and enameled brick were also manufactured. Raw materials have not been the only factor responsible for the successful development of the brickmaking industry around Sayreville and South River, for proximity to water routes, and large cities have also contributed to the success. In the Hackensack region, brick have also been made for many years, but although the New York market is only seven miles distant in a straight line, yet the water route via Newark Bay is thirty-one miles long. As the Hackensack River is obstructed by numerous low drawbridges, shipping is done almost entirely by barges, and as the cost of towage is high, the otherwise cheap facilities for shipping are minimized and the nearness to the New York market is more apparent than real. Some of the smaller yards scattered over the State, and using local clays, have been in operation for a long time as indicated by the list below. Thus: Lambertville, 1816; Flemington, 1840; Yorktown, 1866; Millville, 1869; Rosenhayn, 1887; Petersburg 136 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. and Marshallville, 1857 (no longer running). The hydraulic- press brick works at Winslow Junction were started in 1890. Terra Cotta. The terra-cotta industry was, so far as known, first established at Perth Amboy in 1849 (Ref. 129, p. 274),* the first works being known as the Hall Terra-Cotta Works, which in 1879 changed to the Perth Amboy Terra-Cotta Company. It is also said that in 1855 a Mr. Davies made terra cotta in Tren- ton (Ref. 36, p. 246), but the works are no longer in operation. In 1888 the New Jersey Terra Cotta Works was established at Perth Amboy. The present Standard Terra-Cotta Works was organized in 1890, under the name of the Architectural Terra- Cotta Works. Other plants are located at Rocky Hill, South Amboy, and Moorestown. In 1907, the Standard, Perth Amboy, Excelsior (Rocky Hill, N. J.) and Atlantic Terra-Cotta Company (Tottenville, Staten Island, N. Y.) were consolidated under the name of the Atlantic Terra-Cotta Company. All of these industries are based on the Cretaceous clays, mostly of semi-refractory character, and improvements in the character of the wares or new designs are due, not to the discovery of new deposits of clay, but improvements in the technology of the manufacture. Fireproqfing. One of the most interesting statements to be found in the New Jersey Clay Report of 1878, and one which serves well by comparison to show the great strides that have been made in the clay industry of New Jersey, is the following: "They (the hollow brick) have not been much used in this country. Henry Maurer of Perth Amboy has begun their manu- facture, and there is now an opportunity to make a trial of this promising improvement in building materials. ' ' According to Mr. Pfeiffer, of Henry Maurer & Son (private communication), they were first made in 1875. In 1902 there were nine factories in New Jersey whose product consisted largely or entirely of fireproofing and hollow bricks, with an output in that year valued at $965,047. By 1907 this had increased to 1 Mr. G. P. Putnam, of the Atlantic Terra-Cotta Company, gives the date as 1846, and the firm name as A. Hall & Sons. NEW JERSEY. 137 $4,250,638. The oldest of these was that of Henry Maurer & Son. Four of the others were operated by the National Fire- proofing Company, which has its headquarters at Pittsburg, Pa., and whose original plant (now inactive) in New Jersey was the factory at Port Murray, Warren County, which used Hudson shale. In 1900 this company acquired the Perth Amboy Works, known as the Old Pardee W T orks; in January, 1901, the fire- proofing factory at Lorillard was taken over, and in July, 1901, the Raritan Hollow and Porous Brick Company at Keasbey. Other factories are at Sewaren, Spa Springs (begun in 1869 and passed through many hands) Piscataway and South River. As late as 1902 a plant was established at Woodbridge. The rapid growth of this industry in New Jersey is due to several causes. It is based on an almost inexhaustible supply of clay, which in former years had little or no value, and even at this day would probably not be put to any use other than that for which it is now dug. Furthermore, these clay deposits are in general close to tide water, so that the product can be shipped either by boat or rail to the large eastern markets. Floor and Wall Tile. The manufacture of floor and wall tile seems to have begun in New Jersey about 1882 when the Harris Manufacturing Company was established in Trenton. It was soon after changed to the Trent Tile Company, and is still in operation (Ref. 8, p. 362). In 1885 the Providential Tile Works was established in the same city (Ref. 8, p. 367), and this was followed four years later by the establishment of the Old Bridge Enameled Brick and Tile Company at Old Bridge (Ref. 41, p. 23) and the Elterich Art Tile Works at Maywood. This latter in 1892 became the Maywood Art Tile Company (Ref. 41, p. 231). Another works, the Pardee Tile Works, has also been in operation for some years at Perth Amboy. Except in the case of some of the buff and red floor tile, all the raw materials used are obtained from other States, so that the tile industry cannot be regarded as founded on the New Jersey clays. The clays mostly used come from Florida, North Carolina, and England, while the product itself is shipped not only to various States but also to foreign countries. 138 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. Roofing Tile. Some roofing tile have been made by Henry Maurer & Son, at Maurer, but the production has not been important or regularly kept up. 1 Conduits. Conduits form a line of clay products the use of which has greatly increased in the last few years because of the increased use of electrical power transmission and the necessity of placing many of the cables underground. The occurrence of suitable clays in New Jersey and the proximity of the deposits to the large eastern cities to which shipments could be conveniently made by water, have served to encourage the industry. According to Mr. J. C. Rossi, the manufacture of conduits was begun about 1898. The clays used were in general a mixture of red-burning plastic clay and a low-grade fire clay, all obtained from the Cretaceous beds of Middlesex County. In 1904 there were three plants located at Perth Amboy, South River and Clayville, running exclusively on this product. Con- duits are also occasionally made at the fireproofing factories. New Jersey was not the first State to produce this line of wares, the oldest works being in Ohio. Fire Brick. The manufacture of fire brick represents one of the oldest branches of the clay-working industry in New Jersey, and is of more importance than is commonly imagined. The New Jersey clays were first used for fire brick after the War of 1812 (Ref. 4, xxvi, p. 363), and one of the earliest records, according to Dr. Cook (Ref. 36, p. i), shows that clay was taken from Wood- bridge to Boston in 1816, and used for manufacturing fire brick. The quantity or price was not given, but four years later there is a record of a Boston party who received 50 tons of New Jersey clay, paying 25 cents per ton for it (Ref. 36, p. i). The value of the clays of the Woodbridge district does not seem to have been widely recognized for some years, however, although in 1855 the statistics given in the New Jersey Geological Survey Report on Clays, in 1878, show that clay for making 50,000,000 bricks was then being taken annually from the pits at Wood- bridge, Perth Amboy and South Amboy. Perhaps the oldest factory in the State was that known as the 1 Pan tiles associated with common brick have been found on site of a house built by the Dutch in 1668. NEW JERSEY. 139 Salamander Works (no longer in existence), where brick were made as early as 1825, and in 1833 tnev were being manufactured at Perth Amboy by John Watson (Ref. 36, p. i). Trenton was added to the list in 1845, tne var d being owned by Davies until 1867; at first horse power was used and 600 to 800 bricks made daily, but later steam power was installed and the output increased to 2500 per day (Ref. 37, p. 246). The works of W. H. Berry at Woodbridge began operations in 1845, and have continued up to the present day, changing the name to J. E. Berry in 1896. This was followed by the establishment of works of Henry Maurer & Son at Maurer in 1856, of M. D. Valentine & Bro. at Wood- bridge, in 1865, and Sayre & Fisher at Sayreville in 1868. Others were later started at Woodbridge, Trenton, South River, Keasbey, Ostrander, Spa Springs and Jersey City. All obtained their supply of clays from the Cretaceous beds of Middlesex County. Pottery. The State of New Jersey can probably lay claim to having one of the oldest potteries in the country, for E. A. Barber, in his work on the Pottery and Porcelain of the United States, , notes that the remains of an old kiln fire hole were found a mile or two below South Amboy, and that it is probably a relic of the earlier pottery ware made on this continent, "and most probably built by the Dutch. . . :" As early as 1685, pottery, now such an important product of the New Jersey clay-working industry, was manufactured by Dr. Daniel Coxe, a former Governor of West New Jersey. He was probably the first to make white ware in the Colonies, erecting a pottery at Burlington, and it is presumed that he used South Amboy clay (Ref. 8, p. 54). Barber gives the following "quaint and interesting reference to it as copied from an inventory of property offered for sale in 1688." "I have erected a pottery at Burlington for white and chiney ware a greate quantity to ye value of 1200 li have already been made and vended in ye Country, neighbour Colonies and ye Islands of Barbadoes and Jamaica, where they are in great request. I have two houses and kills with all necessary imple- ments, diverse workmen, and other servants. Have expended thereon about 2ooo." 140 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. Later, about 1800, a stoneware potter, by the name of Van Wickle, established a pottery at Old Bridge, now Herbertsville (Ref. 36, p. i), using some of the Cretaceous clay from Morgan's bank at South Amboy. In the same year stoneware was made from local clays at Perth Amboy (Ref. 6, p. 115), and a man named Price was making stoneware from South Amboy clay at Rounde- bout (now Sayreville) in 1802 (Ref. 36, p. i). Three years later (1805) an earthenware pottery was established at Flemington by Mr. Fulper (Ref. 4, xxxi, p. 365), and this is still in operation making stoneware. Another stoneware pottery was started at Elizabeth (Ref. 8, p. 117) in 1816, but changed later to a yellow and Rockingham ware works. Still later it passed into the hands of L. B. Beer- bauer & Co., and was used for making ironstone china, which necessitated the importation of clays from other States. In 1825 the Jersey Porcelain and Earthenware Company was incorporated in the town of Jersey, Bergen County, and in 1829 became the American Pottery Company (Ref. 12, p. 404). A few years later, or in 1833, David Henderson organized the American Pottery Manufacturing Company, and this factory, during the next seven years, produced ware with a buff or cream colored body, which was much used. It is interesting to note that these works were the first in America to use the English method of transfer printing in decoration. About 1843 the name of the factory was changed to the Jersey City Pottery Company, and it is stated by Barber (Ref. 8, p. 117) that many of "the best potters of the old school in the United States learned their trade at this factory." The pottery sub- sequently passed into other hands, and in 1892 the old buildings, which had stood for 65 years, and from which many fine pieces of work had been turned out, were finally demolished. Looking back over the period described above, it will be seen that all of the wares made could have been wrought from New Jersey clays, except the white wares, which required kaolin. But whether this was obtained from Pennsylvania or England the records do, not inform us. Trenton, now the most important potting center, was the site of NEW JERSEY. 141 a pottery at an early date. An old history of Trenton, 1 now in the hands of the State Gazette of that city, states that the first pottery in Trenton was built by John McCulley, in 1779, on North Warren Street, about where St. Mary's Cathedral now stands. It remained there until 1816, when it was removed a little further west to Bank Street, continuing there until Mr. McCulley's retirement in 1852. He died in 1858. The product consisted of red flowerpots and pie dishes. From 1850 to 1860 Trenton began to assume its importance as a pottery center of the United States. Beginning with a few small potteries, which made the lower grades of pottery, and were able to use New Jersey clays exclusively, it has rapidly developed into one of the two great pottery centers of the country, manufacturing the higher grades of ware, whose composition calls for the almost exclusive use of plastic and other raw materials, obtainable only outside of the State or country. The Trenton industry appears to have had its birth probably about 1852, at which time Hattersly's Pottery was in operation, with one small kiln six feet in diameter. The developments since that time can, perhaps, be best listed chronologically as follows (Ref. 129, p. 305): 1852. Taylor and Speeler began manufacture of yellow and Rockingham ware, adding white granite in 1856 (Ref. 36, p. 254). 1853. R. Millington and J. Astbury organized first sanitary-ware pottery in America. 1853. Wm. Young's Sons began manufacture of C. C. ware, the first in Trenton (Ref. 8, p. 454). This was a leased pottery located on the present site of the City Pottery Works. The firm was succeeded by the Willetts Manufacturing Company. 1857. Wm. Young leased Hattersly Pottery for a term of five years, but later built his own pottery. 1859. Rhodes and Yates. First pottery to make white granite and C. C. w r are exclusively. 1859. The Trenton China Company began operations (Ref. 8, p. 238), and F. Frey of Switzerland introduced the art of decorating china with gold and colors (Ref. 36, p. 256). 1859. Glasgow Pottery established by John Moses in 1859. This was run by Mr. Moses and his sons until a few years ago when it was bought out by Thos. Maddock and Sons Company. Most of the old plant has ' been torn down, giving way to the new buildings of the latter concern. 1 E. C. Stover, private correspondence. 142 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. 1862. Greenwood Pottery Company organized, started by W. Tarns and W. Barnard, and operated in turn under name of Stephens, Tarns & Co. and Breasley & Co., the present name being adopted in 1868. 1863. Etruria Pottery built by Bloor, Ott and Booth; succeeded by Bloor, Ott and Brewer in 1864. Shortly after changed to Ott and Brown. Later it became the Cook Pottery. 1865. Union Electrical Porcelain Company. 1868. Coxon and Thompson started a pottery, which has since become Empire Plant of Trenton Potteries Company. 1869. James Moses bought the Mercer Pottery from Mr. Thompson. 1869-1889. Union Pottery Company. 1869. James Mayer founded the Arsenal Pottery. 1870. Maddock began manufacture of sanitary or plumbers' ware (Ref. 8, p. 228). 1873. East Trenton Pottery Company. 1879. International Pottery Company began operations on site of Speeler's old pottery. 1879. New Jersey Pottery organized, but reorganized in 1883 under name of Union Pottery Company. 1879. Burroughs and Mountford Pottery established in what was formerly the Eagle Pottery. 1879. The Willets Manufacturing Company bought the Wm. Young's Sons' Pottery. 1880. Prospect Hill Pottery started by Dale & Davis. 1881. Trenton China Company established. 1881. Enterprise Pottery Company established. 1881. Crescent Pottery established. 1882. Thos. Maddock and Sons took the old Millington and Astbury Pottery. 1884. Delaware Pottery started. 1889. Ceramic Art Company organized. 1890. Greenwood China Company started. 1891. Imperial Porcelain Company organized. 1892. Keystone Pottery Company began operations. 1892. Trenton Potteries Company began operations and purchased the Crescent, Delaware, Empire and Equitable potteries. Also built the Ideal. 1893. Maddock Pottery Company organized and purchased plant formerly owned by the Trenton China Company. 1893. Economy Pottery Company. 1894. Bellmark Pottery Company. 1894. American Porcelain Works. 1894. Hart Brewer Pottery Company, started originally as Isaac Davis Pottery, and passed in turn into the hands of Fell and Throp and then of the present owners. 1894. Trenton Fire Clay and Porcelain Company. Succeeded Trenton Terra Cotta Company. 1895. Economy Pottery Company. NEW JERSEY. 143 1895. John Maddock and Sons. 1896. Monument Pottery Company. 1896. Artistic Porcelain Company. 1897. Cook Pottery Company. 1897. Sanitary Earthenware Specialty Company. 1899. Star Porcelain Company. 1000. Diamond Porcelain Company. 1901. Elite Pottery Company. 1901. Acme Sanitary Pottery Company. 1002. Fidelity Pottery Company, successors to the Egyptian Pottery. 1902. Hudson Porcelain Company. 1903. Duncan MacKenzie Sons' Company, successors to Union Electric Porce- lain Company. 1903. Morris and Wilmore Company. 1003. Electrical Porcelain and Manufacturing Company. 1904. C. B. Walton Company. 1005. National Porcelain Company. 1005. Resolute Porcelain Company. 1905. Sun Porcelain Company. 1908. Standard China Works. A more striking evidence of their growth is shown by the fact that: In 1852 there was one pottery with one kiln; in 1874 there were 12 potteries with a large "ironstone" china production (Ref. 40, pp. 42-3); in 1879 there were 19 potteries with 57 kilns, producing about $2,000,000 worth of wares annually; in 1883 the number of potteries had increased to 23 with no kilns, and in 1903 there were 41 potteries with 258 kilns. Up to 1863 the products included white, sanitary, yellow, and Rockingham ware; in 1903 they included china, C. C. ware, white granite ware, sanitary ware, belleek, and electrical porcelain. The technical advances that have taken place in the pottery industry at Trenton have been well summarized by E. C. Stover (Ref. 137, ii, p. 147), who states that one of the early improve- ments was the production of a ware that would not craze, following which came the introduction of belleek. Later a superior quality of hotel china was introduced, which has secured a wide and enviable reputation. The production of a good quality of sani- tary ware was another important development, and the manufacture has grown, so that at the present day Trenton is, without question, 144 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. at, the head of this branch of the pottery industry in the United States. The Trenton potter has not stopped, however, at a satisfactory body, but makes successfully the most complicated forms of sanitary appliances, much of this ware being exported. Electrical porcelain was first made in 1891. Still another important advance has been made in the manufac- ture of fire-clay bath tubs and sinks which are made in one firing. The first solid porcelain lavatory made in one piece was pro- duced by the Trenton Potteries Company in 1896, while the first solid porcelain bath tub was made by O. O. Bowman & Son in June, 1894. In these lines of work Trenton also leads, having the largest single pottery in the world devoted exclusively to the manufacture of these articles. The product comes into success- ful competition with the foreign wares. Trenton has assumed its importance as a pottery center, not because of the wealth of raw materials in the immediate neigh- borhood, but rather because of its central location as regards transportation facilities, for probably the only New Jersey mate- rials used by the majority of the Trenton potters are sagger and wad clays. It owes its initial growth, however, to the establish- ment of a few small potteries, which served as a nucleus and used local clays. As these grew, they branched out into other and better grades, and hence had to look elsewhere for raw materials. Outside of Trenton the manufacture of pottery has been devel- oped at a number of scattered localities, most of these making either earthenware or stoneware. For the former the local clays are commonly employed, while for the latter the Cretaceous stone- ware clays of the Middlesex district form the main source of supply. Clay-Mining Industry. Although an enormous quantity of clay is dug annually to supply factories located within the State, an additional large tonnage is mined each year to supply factories located in other States, many of the largest firms in New York, Pennsylvania and adjoining States drawing on the New Jersey pits for their supply of raw materials. New Jersey is the largest producer of clay in the country, and the clays shipped away are used in the making of stoneware, sewer pipe, terra cotta, pressed brick, fire brick, stove linings, saggers, NEW JERSEY. '45 abrasive wheels, tiles, crucibles, zinc retorts, hollow ware, elec- trical porcelain, etc. The clay-mining industry is by no means a recent development, having already assumed considerable proportions in 1878, when Dr. Cook wrote his classic work on the New Jersey clays. References to the mining of clay are found at a still earlier date, however. Clay called "fuller's earth" was used by the soldiers in 1776 for cleaning their belts (Ref. 36), and in 1816 fire clay was shipped from Woodbridge to Boston (Ref. 36, p. i). A few years later, viz., 1835, the New Jersey clays were being shipped to Philadelphia for satining wall paper (Ref. 36, p. i), and in 1854 their use for alum manufacture is noted. The statistics printed annually by the United States Geological Survey do not give the quantity of clay shipped from New Jersey to other States, but in 1902 the New Jersey Geological Sur- vey Report (Ref. 129, p. 34) states that the quantity amounted to 152,013 long tons. This represented about thirty per cent of the clay mined in New Jersey which was sold raw. The States taking these shipments included Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire, West Virginia, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin. Some was even shipped to Canada. The quantity of clay mined and sold raw in 1907 is given by the United States Geological Survey as follows: Kind. Quantity, short tons. Value. Ball clay 3,666 $16,918 Fire clay 318,603 48=;, 613 Stoneware clay . 21,108 44,704 Brick clay 18,876 j6, ci7 Miscellaneous .... 7q,88<; 103,406 Total . . . 440,138 $67<,248 The value of clay products manufactured in New Jersey since 1894 is given below. 146 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. eou til M brick O M - .a o C a - Architect terra cot ommon brick. ro N ON NO O 10 t^ O O *O N t^-00 00 NO es COCO ro r^ to ro r^ ON O ^OO 00 (S M to co ^j-oo oOTt-Ot/->M>.cOTl- i-t co o N ^00 t- to O ONGO i O \ (>. NO iSOM f W COCOO tONO OCO CN CO NO to J>- M NO to CN W t-~ ON t^NO 00 O ON (N r o c> M ONCO O fOO N ^ Tt Tt rt O Tt ro CO CN t-. M O O GO NO ro ON CN NO CN O to O COOQ NO r- O O M O O COGO ONVO O M CO CON t^-NO IONO N 8 GO ON M OJ GO W ^ O O M w CN IONO M M t~-. t^ COOO CO t^-GO ro M to rf ON l^ONWNO ONnGO O fOON^l^-t^ COMCO O w ONfOO LONO rl-00 NO r^ONN MOONO M Oio^ t^oo r>- t O O GO 00 ^t t^NO co CONO ION NO co CO M W ONNO M ONO O O M >-> M r-. o 00 to ON ON toNO O CM O O O ON toOO M O V ** O O rt ON n NO O ON w coco TtO to 1000 O NO II s rica lain 03 to M o OO ro CN CO COOQ CO ON I s - to NO CO Tt CN CN ON O to O O CO O NO cs co CN O M CO ONNO co Tt OO NO ^^M TtNOtot^-tOCNitoco tocN ON O t^* ^ tONO O ON CN t^- CO NO NO CN to ON to CS IO ON M Tt tO 00 00 M CO ON^ CN ON vO NO 00 CO t^- to O ON O O ra MM T? to to ONNO toco NO n t^ T}- CN to to M CN CO CO COCO ON CO ON t^ CN ON 00 - M r^-O ON ON M q_00 M ON CONO 00 ON T? rf to to - to tO CN OO ""* s ro ^?OO"NO" M" to rfoo" CN M CN Tt co r~-.oO GO ON GO to to rt to CN O CO Tj- ON to t^- ON ON tO -t Tj- TfO (N 10, CO to Tt TfGO O P- 22 4) Howell and Tenney relate that in 1656-1657 Johan de Hulter came over from Amsterdam and made brick in Albany, being one of the first to ply his trade in this part of the New World. In 1657 his wife sold the kiln to A. J. Ilpendam (Ref. 170, pp. 582-584). Other plants are referred to in the years of 1656, 1662 (Ref. 29, p. 582), and in the period from 1708 to 1746 (Ref. 29, p. 582, and Ref. i, vol. I, p. 225). In 1708 John Bryant began making brick in Albany County, and sold them by the pound (Ref. 170, pp. 582- 584). This business grew until he employed 100 men and had the largest plant in the State. It was sold in 1743 to Angus McDuffie (Ref. 170, pp. 582-584). The Albany industry was still prospering in 1799 (Ref. 29, p. 587). It was in this year that John Stanwix began molding brick, and the yard has been continued by his heirs for many years (Ref. 170, pp. 582-584). Since then, while the industry has continued, it has never expanded to great proportions, there being even now only five or six yards located at Albany. The brickmaking industry spread north and west from Albany, operations beginning at a number of localities. It is definitely known that yards were in operation in Cohoes in 1832 (Ref. 35, p. 61). By 1837 yards were described as being in operation near Huntington, Long Island (Ref. 148, p. 91), Jamaica, Long Island (Ref. 148, p. 136), Stuyvesant, Stockport, Hudson, New Lebanon, Staatsburg, and Poughkeepsie (Ref. 148); Lyons, Lockville, Wai- worth Corners, Rochester, North Penfield, Fairport, Mendon, Pittsford, and Albion (Ref. 148). By 1842 the industry around Buffalo, now of such importance, had also become well established (Ref. 4, xxvi, p. 199), although it is not known in just what year it began. By 1845 there were yards also in operation at Watertown, Half Moon, Horseheads, and Glens Falls. All of these were producing hand-molded bricks made from surface clays. The Hudson Valley industry had in the meantime expanded so that by 1843 brickyards had become established at practically all of the localities where they are now in operation (Ref. 149), and 152 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. even at this early date improvements had been made in the methods of grinding and molding by machinery. That the brickmaking industry was growing rapidly is shown by the fact that the 1860 Census gives 205 yards for this State. Prior to 1880 all of the brick made in the State were from the soft surface clays of Pleistocene Age, but in 1888 .the Horseheads Brick Company at Horseheads and the Elmira Shale Brick Com- pany at Elmira began the use of shale for brick manufacture, 1 using the Devonian shales so widely distributed in the southern part of the State. The use of these deposits has never expanded much, however. Since that time they have been developed at Hornell for common and paving brick, at Jewettville for dry-pressed brick, and at Cairo for paving brick (made at Catskill). The Salina shales near Syracuse have also been worked for brick. The Devonian shales have been utilized for other types of ware, as will be mentioned later. At the present day the Hudson Valley and Buffalo are the two prominent brickmaking districts, but others have been in opera- tion for a number of years, as around Rochester, Syracuse, Rome, Utica, etc. Pressed brick and paving brick, although manufactured to some extent for at least twenty years, have never attained much prominence in New York. A word more should be said about the pressed-brick industry, which, as stated above, has never reached great prominence in New York State. For many years a number of the common brick works have repressed a few brick on hand-power represses, but factories devoted exclusively to the manufacture of pressed brick have been few. This has been due largely to the lack of raw materials, and not absence of markets. Some years ago a factory was in operation on Staten Island, and a dry-press brick works was running at Canandaigua, but is now idle. As a result of these conditions, the Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New Jersey factories find the markets of New York State wide open to them. Architectural Terra Cotta. The manufacture of this ware was established by the New York Architectural Terra Cotta Company a.t Long Island City in 1885. This was accomplished only after 1 Private communication from R. G. Eisenhardt. NEW YORK. 153 several unsuccessful attempts to gain a foothold, as architects showed considerable prejudice to the use of these products (Ref. 8, p. 388), but the industry is now on a firm basis. In the early years of its history, the works tried some clay from Long Island and Staten Island, but at the present time relies almost exclusively on New Jersey for its raw material. Terra cotta has been manu- factured also at Tottenville, Staten Island, Corning, N.Y. (since 1896), and Glens Falls, N.Y. (as early as 1893), Dut the works, with the exception of the last, are dependent upon New Jersey and Pennsylvania for their clays. Roofing Tile have been made only at Alfred Center and Alfred Station, from the Devonian shales, since 1891. l Sewer Pipe. The manufacture of these has never reached large proportions. They were made in Rochester as early as 1879, and have also been produced at Buffalo and Angola. The first two works used New Jersey clays in part, and the third, which has been discontinued, employed Devonian shale. Fire Brick. Although New York possesses few fire clays, it is probable that the State was not far behind New Jersey in the manu- facture of fire brick, since the clays could be so easily obtained from the neighboring State. The industry probably began on Staten Island partly because Cretaceous fire clays occur there in limited quantities. It is known definitely that gas-retorts, probably the first in America, were made in Brooklyn in 1854, and that in 1828 fire brick were manufactured in Utica (Ref. 34, p. 277) and in 1829 in Albany (Ref. i, n, p. 240). Other works have since been started at several localities in the State, notably at Troy, but, as can be readily understood, the fire- brick industry can never become of great importance, since all the raw materials must be transported a greater or less distance to the factory. Pottery. Stone states (Ref. 26, p. 59) that a pottery was estab- lished on Long Island in 1661, and engaged in making a ware thought by historians to be equal to Delft. Since the true Delft has a white-ware body, the Long Island material must have been made either from some local pocket of white-burning clay or from New Jersey materials, which seems to the authors doubtful. 1 Two factories have been started at Maiden in the last four years. 154 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. Nothing more is heard of the pottery industry until 1735 when a pottery was established by John Remmey, a German, in New York City. This was located on " Potters Hill," near the old City Hall (Ref. 150, also Ref. 6, p. 63). The firm was later known as Remmey & Crolius and the Crolius Pottery. From other sources we are informed that in 1742 the J. Crolius pottery stood at the end of " i8th " Street, in the middle of the street where the Hall of Records now stands, and the directory of 1791 mentions two potteries, known respectively as Crolius' Son, and Remmey 's, the location of both being given as Potters Hill. On a map published in 1813, showing New York City in 1742-4, there are several potteries shown at the intersection of what are now Reade and Cross streets. After the Revolution, Reade Street was extended east to Broadway and Potters Hill was leveled; Crolius moved to Bayard Street and continued in operation there until 1848 (Ref. 6, p. 131). The development of the pottery industry around New York City was rapidly followed by that at other points. Indeed, it was to be expected that when communities developed, small potteries might spring into being to supply a local demand, and so as early as 1809 stoneware was being made by Paul Cushman of Albany. His wares bore the interesting inscription "Paul Cushman Sto(n)eware Factory, 1809, one half mile west of the Albany Gaol." Two years before this, or in 1807, an important development began at Athens, in the starting of a pottery by Nathan Clark. Mr. Clark was born at Cornwall in 1787, and learned the busi- ness of potting at some factory, not positively known, but thought possibly to be that of Crolius in New York City. The business which he founded at Athens, soon after the birth of that town, was highly successful, and was continued by his successors up to 1890 (Ref. 150). Clark's early productions were made of local clays, but these proving unsatisfactory, the raw materials were obtained from New Jersey. The product was largely salt-glazed earthenware, but some of the earlier productions were also slip glazed. About 1840 the firm was changed to Clark & Fox, Clark retiring a little later, but subsequently buying the works back from Fox. Mr. NEW YORK. 155 Clark's energies were not confined to Athens, for he established branch potteries in the western part of the State, one of these being at Mount Morris and another at Lyons. Moreover, several of his apprentices left his employ and set up independent works at points farther west in the State (Ref. 150). There seems to have been considerable activity in the pottery industry in the early half of the nineteenth century. Thus a man named Seymour operated a stoneware plant in Troy from 1809 to 1865, and in Albany from 1800 to 1810. Paul Cushman, as already mentioned, was producing salt-glazed stoneware. Fen- ton's pottery was established at Ellicott, and a kiln of ware valued at $200 to $500 was burned every two weeks. In 1826 Whitte- more came into partnership with him (Ref. 33, pp. 119-120). The first porcelain made in this State is said to have been that made by Dr. H. Mead of New York City in 1816 (Ref. 8, p. 115). One of the early potteries in the interior of the State was the Central New York Pottery, established at Utica in 1819, and making earthenware (Ref. 8, p. 114). A few years later, in 1831, the present Shepley & Smith pottery at West Troy was estab- lished by Perry (Ref. 8, p. 178), and in the following ten or twelve years a number of stoneware potteries were running in Albany. No mention is made of the character or source of their raw materials, and it is not unlikely that some of their clays were brought in from New Jersey. Potteries continued to be estab- lished in this region, another one starting at West Troy in 1850. There were a number of stoneware works in operation in other parts of the State between 1830 and 1850, the localities including Rochester, Penn Yan, Lyons, etc., but the sources of their raw materials are not in all cases known. The factory at Penn Yan drew its supply from New Jersey, and that at Lyons, run by J. Fisher & Co., but later changed to the Lyons Stoneware Com- pany, drew a part of its clay at least from the Perth Amboy dis- trict (Ref. 150). Additional stoneware and red earthenware potteries recorded as running about 1850 were at Albany, West Troy, Sherburne, Poughkeepsie, Brooklyn, Greenpoint, Volney, Stillwater, Hunt- ington, Greenport, Ellenville, and Dundee. One of these, the 156 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. Porter and Frazer Pottery of West Troy, is that established by Perry in 1831 (Ref. 150).' No doubt some of these obtained their clays from New Jersey, and in the case of some located at Canterbury, Ellenville, and Poughkeepsie, this information is so given (Ref. 149, p. 145), but it is possible that the Long Island pits supplied some of the material, for the existence of stoneware clays in that region had been pointed out as early as 1837 (Ref. 147). In fact, the clays at Mosquito Cove, Long Island, had been worked for tobacco pipes in 1801 (Ref. 1.50, p. 260, and Ref. 151, p. 200). Of some importance to the pottery industry was the develop- ment of the natural glaze clay found at Albany, and known as the Albany slip. It is not known just what date its use was dis- covered or begun, but in the State Geological Report for 1843 (Ref. 149, p. 141) it is stated that the Albany clay had long been used in the glazing of stoneware and shipped all over the country. Mr. M. V. B. Wagoner, of the Empire Clay Mining Company of Albany, the firm now supplying this clay, informs us that it was mined in 1846 by a man named Orcutt, who owned a pottery in Albany. The Greenpoint Pottery, of such historic interest to porcelain collectors, was established by Cartlidge and Ridgeway in 1848, and made porcelain hardware, buttons, etc. (Ref. 4, xxiv, p. 24), and in 1850 in their factory there was done some beautiful transfer work equal to the Trenton or East Liverpool work of to-day (Ref. 4, xxm, p. 123). Soon after this pottery was established a number of others were running in New York City. The Bochs in 1850 began making porcelain hardware in the city (Ref. 8, p. 162), while Morrison and Carr in '1853 m ade china, majolica, bone china and parian ware (Ref. 8, p. 179). In the case of all of these nothing is said regarding the source of the raw materials, although they certainly did not come from New York State. They may have been obtained from New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In 1860 Thomas C. Smith bought a pottery from a company of Germans, who had been making the English bone china for three years. When Mr. Smith purchased this factory he had no 1 Comparison of this statement with one by Barber given above shows that two different potteries appear to have been started by Perry. NEW YORK. 157 intention of continuing the business, but during a journey abroad shortly afterwards he became interested in the large factories he visited, and on his return decided to utilize the knowledge he had acquired in endeavoring to manufacture true porcelain in America. The result was that in 1864 the bone china was abandoned and the true hard porcelain substituted, and then the name Union Porcelain Works was adopted. Mr. Smith was the first to establish the industry in this coun- try upon a successful basis, and succeeded in turning out and placing upon the market a true porcelain of recognized commer- cial value. The product of the Union Porcelain Works is table- ware, electrical insulators, hardware trimmings, and some objects of art. The tableware and hardware trimmings were manufac- tured at the beginning, but the insulators not until about 1890. Since that time the pottery industry has developed at several other points, the year 1861 seeing the establishment of another pottery at Albany (Ref. 29, p. 587), and 1871 the beginning of an important white-granite industry at Syracuse, viz., the Onondaga Pottery. This works has continued to the present day, having added bone china to its wares (Ref. 6, p. 422), but does not use any New York clays. Other white-ware potteries have been established in New York City, Buffalo, and Syracuse, but they bear no relation to the devel- opment of the New York clays. Of equal importance is the establishment of a pottery at Syra- cuse by Mrs. A. A. Robineau, at which true hard porcelain of highly artistic character is being produced. There are probably few educated persons in this country who are not familiar with the Rogers groups of statuary, which have done so much to encourage a taste for sculpture in American house- holds, and the story of whose development by the late John Rogers is of considerable interest. 1 Mr. Rogers became interested in making clay statuettes when a boy of about sixteen years, through seeing a friend in Boston, Mass., modeling clay figures. He at once procured some clay for himself from a Charlestown, Mass., pottery, whittled some modeling sticks and made his first figure. 1 The authors are indebted to Mrs. John Rogers and Dr. George F. Kunz for this information. 158 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. He would have been glad to have made this his business at once, but his family were unwilling, as they had no faith in his being able to earn a living from such work, and moreover it was necessary that he should support himself at once. So at their urgent desire he went West and worked at various occupations for many years, but not finding any of these congenial, he returned to the East in the spring of 1860, after having lived in the West for some years, and came to New York. In his trunk he carried " The Slave Auction," and with this subject he started his regular business of making his " Rogers Groups of Statuary." The factory was located in Center Street, New York City, and the clay obtained from several sources, mainly from New Jersey. Mr. Rogers con- tinued in business until 1895, when his health failed, but during the thirty-five years of his business he modeled a number of sub- jects which are widely known. His best-known groups included : " Coming of the Parson," "The Returned Volunteer," "Taking the Oath," "The Wounded Scout," "Weighing the Baby, "etc. Healso modeled an equestrian statue of Gen. J. F. Reynolds for the city of Philadelphia, which now stands at the entrance to the City Hall. Electrical Porcelain. New York is one of the few States in which electrical porcelain is manufactured. This appears to have been started in 1890 by the firm of Pass & Seymour at Syracuse. At that time the business was confined principally to the manufacture of parts for insulation purposes, as sockets, etc., to which the manu- facture of insulating tubes was added a little later. This same firm also produced porcelain high-tension insulators in 1903. Electrical porcelain insulators have also been made at Victor since at least 1900, and for several years the General Electric Company of Schenectady has produced the same line of wares. They have also been manufactured by the Union Porcelain Works of Brooklyn. With few exceptions the clays used have all been obtained outside of New York State. New York is among the leading States in the clay-working industry, ranking fifth in 1907. Its high standing is due largely to the enormous output of the Hudson Valley brick region. The variety of clay products manufactured in the State of New York is shown in the statistics presented in the following table. NEW YORK. ll rt-ioO O O 1OOO O Tj-t^xo OO O O O O M rj- HI OOC O l-l Tj- M W l> rf O PO OO 1OOO O 10 Tf TJ- ro r~~ '2 wOo Tj-r^^oooPOwOr^t^Tj- O ^ W to to rt" O t^* t-^ w O POO OO =1 rj- PO O O PO HI to O to O rf --i c o SB o O PO to t^ w PO O O O ^1" O O WlOOt~-*^-tolO-3-POO . . N t^ vo w TJ-OC OO w O oc i ^ w iOTfw^OPOCfo_OPOPOO 8 | c g 1 ,0 O OO IO IOOC O PO O O 1O * to . i_ t, vo PO ^t t^ O t^O to O w O !i w PO PO O to O *-* OC w ^t w t^* O O w O t^ PO "* w OC tooc r^ PO H- O t^ O ** Tf w O w w coO M ^O w PO s M 3 c " o"oc PO o rf o T? c?oc PO t^ M oc ' O OO O w ^- to ^ ^tO PO to O TflOW WOOtOrfT?TfoCOCOCOC O^-Q POt^WOniOCPOWtoOPO H< oc HI ^t O ^ ^t w ^t O w OC O OO B H * to tos^ toO t>O r^- t^* t^* o w w o s .1 O O toO OO ^4- HI "^-lOOOC OOO .3 -| .2 *,g**85R=J = **&S:3 c ; | PO W to O O ^J" *t ^t" W W 00 ^1" O tO 2 ** PO^O w O^^-iOf^WW POOO O HI tOWMMM rf^-lO ^^ I-H s c O O O x^ w HI t^ to M to to w O ^ 4 oo t^ to O ^ ^ PO ^to to T}- PO PO HI r^ 00 rf w M PO TJ- o rtoo t^oo w *o .B S'g "t O Tf tOOC t-O rt w O OC O O to O\ PO M O PO W W O O PO t^> W W O OC W 10 OO t^O POW OM r^H,QC O O ** POOO WO OO WOO W tOPO 6 ^ Ht ^ fe 3 OC CC OC OC OC OO O O O O O O O O; ^H xxx xxx &a&8>o.o-8.8- "" 160 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. NORTH CAROLINA. The early clay industry of North Carolina as of the other southern States was carried on in small, scattered yards. From 1663 to 1729 good brick are said to have been made in the State (Ref. 54), and in 1744 Ed. Heylyri took out patents to manufacture pottery from an "earth" furnished by the Cherokee Indians, a decom- posed granitic rock, which he shipped to the Bow potteries in Eng- land (Ref. 8, pp. 59-60). Fort Caswell on the coast was built of local brick in 1820 (Ref. 4, xxiv, p. 499). In the North Carolina Geo- logical Survey Report for 1856 (Ref. 55) occurrences are noted of porcelain clay in Lincoln County, fire clay in Gaston County, and clay for pipe bowls in Forsyth County, and in the Report for 1875 (Ref. 56) are mentioned fire clay and kaolin from Greensboro. It is. not known that any of these deposits were worked, however. The history of the development of the kaolin deposits is not with- out interest. Previous to 1888 miners getting out mica in the State frequently came across masses of kaolin and called it " bull tallow." In that year, however, a Mr. Button of Boston in search- ing for gold discovered the kaolin deposit and realized its value. He sold it to the Harris Kaolin Company, which has since mined it and shipped it in large quantities, their principal mines * being in Webster, Jackson County. The kaolin mining is the most impor- tant of North Carolina's clay-working industries. Small potteries have been running in the region around Lincoln- ton and other points for a number of years, but they are of minor importance and often temporary character. Brickyards were in operation at many points in the State by 1896, and a sewer-pipe works was running at Pomona. The value of North Carolina's output of clay products since 1894 has been as follows: 1 Private communication. NORTH DAKOTA. 161 VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF NO. CAROLINA FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Front brick. Miscella- neous. 1 Red earthen- ware. Stoneware. Other pottery. Total. 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 IO07 $226,882 311,088 370,129 303,305 347,468 682,282 737,577 682,469 692,813 728,802 760,161 878,539 1,041,078 T, iso,68 c "$5",6o 5 " 5,060 8,588 4,200 14,412 4,025 8,070 8,375 8,223 6,300 12,725 4,410 7,02? $59,798 90,690 48,310 43,431 59,968 51,845 155,938 60,787 79,821 111,239 H7,5 3 H5,578 125,080 146,000 $286,680 400,983 438,454 369,194 429,782 774,202 8i5,975 771,338 795,521 862,496 897,964 1,020,161 1,182,338 i. iis, 822 ' $V,88o' ' $3,600 13,075 10, it3 (a) i,937 2,015 658 612 638 387 7i3 2,382 [70 12,815 25,403 16,498 17,470 13,854 13,620 13,362 12,932 n,057 7,840 $3,700 4,020 260 527 1 Includes mainly vitrified paving brick, and also a scattered production of drain tile, sewer pipe, fireproofing, and fire brick, (a) Included under miscellan- eous. NORTH DAKOTA. The history of the clay-working industry of North Dakota as far as is known is given in the fourth report of the North Dakota Geological Survey (Ref. 113, p. 298). "The clay industry of the State is confined almost entirely to the production of bricks. Com- mon brick were probably first manufactuied at Fargo, some time in the seventies. The industry spread through the Red River Valley, so that in 1885 plants were in operation at Fargo, Grand Forks, and Minto. Grand Forks took the lead in production, two plants being started in the early eighties, one by Wm. Bridge and another by W. P. Alsip. The industry developed rapidly there, and at present four plants are in operation at Grand Forks. Brick have also been made at several other places in the valley, namely, at Walhalla and Grafton, and at present are manufactured at Dray- ton, Hillsboro, Fargo, and Abercrombie. Brick plants were early started at Mandan and Jamestown on the Northern Pacific, and at Minot and Williston on the Great Northern railroad. All these plants and several others manufactured common brick by the soft- mud process, using surface clays and burning the brick in scove kilns." Cretaceous clays were probably first used at Dickinson, where 162 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. as early as 1892 common brick was manufactured from the Laramie clays. Brick were also .made later at New Salem from these clays. With the building of the Soo railroad the coal mines in Ward County were developed and brick plants were established at Ken- mare, Donnybrook, Burlington and Velva, all using the Laramie clay. Those at Kenmare and Burlington are still in operation. A stiff-mud machine was installed at Kenmare in 1903, and com- mon brick have been made since then on a large scale, being burnt in updraft and round downdraft kilns. Pressed brick were first manufactured at Dickinson on the site of the present plant in 1893 by the Dakota Land and Improve- ment Company. The plant was in operation almost two years. The high-grade, light-burning clays were used with a dry press, but the brick were probably burned in scove kilns. Brick were also made at this time by the stiff-mud process from the same clays several miles north of Dickinson. The pressed -brick plant was idle from 1897 to 1898, when Professor Brannon of the State Uni- versity bought up the plant and first manufactured front brick on a permanent basis. The Dickinson Pressed- and Fire-Brick Com- pany was organized later and developed the same property more fully. Since then pressed-brick plants have been established at Hebron, Mayo, Kenmare, and Wilton. Repressed front brick are also made at Richardton. The Hebron plant used the Ter- tiary light-burning clays and manufactures fire brick as well as front brick. It is interesting to note that the brown lignite coal of North Dakota makes a very satisfactory fuel for burning brick, as it burns with little smoke and furnishes a uniform and sufficiently high heat. The principal demand for this fuel, except for domestic use, is from the brickyards of the State. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS IN NO. DAKOTA FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Value. Year. Value. 1804 $2,4.OO IQOI. . . . $76,708 i8cK 48,000 IQO2. . 123,214 1806 a dry-clay machine was made in Phila- delphia (Ref. 126, p. 362). In Reading the industry of common- brick making was well established by 1840, at which time there were nine kilns producing annually 2,777,000 brick (Ref. 43, p. 119), and another yard was started in 1845 by W. H. Parker, using a EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 199 residual clay derived from limestone and making a red brick (Ref. 131, p. 34). Fire brick are said to have been made in Read- ing in this same year (Ref. 43, pp. 119-121). By 1846, 17 kilns were in operation, turning out over nine million brick annually (Ref. 43, pp. 119-121). After the establishment of Mr. Parker's yard in 1845 eight others were organized previous to 1898, and were for the greater part using the residual clay in making red brick (Ref. 131, p. 34). The condition of the brick industry in Philadelphia in 1857, according to a brickmaker's statement (Ref. 130, p. 54), may be summarized as follows: "In the city there were about fifty yards, twenty-five in the south end and twenty-five in the north, including Germantown and across the Schuylkill, but there were few if any bricks made by machinery at that date." " In Washington, where great quantities of brick are made by brick machine, they do bet- ter, but bricks thus made are never equal in quality to hand-made brick, which bring in the market $1.00 more per thousand. The red-pressed bricks of Philadelphia had a high reputation, and were exported to Cuba and shipped to New York City (Ref. 130, pp. 54 and 55). Indeed, for many years large quantities of them were used in the eastern and central United States. They were made by hand from local loams and repressed." We first hear of brick being made in Lancaster in 1862 by James Pranglen, and by 1898 four yards were in operation, using a red-burning residual clay (Ref. 131, p. 33). This common red- brick industry was soon established throughout the Great Valley region. A yard was also started in Columbia in 1869, and by 1898 yards were in operation in Bethlehem, Allentown, Lebanon, York, and other towns throughout the Great Valley, using for the most part the residual clays derived from Cambro-Ordovician limestone (Ref. 131, p. 34). Previous to 1872 Hyzer and Lewellan in Philadelphia were mak- ing encaustic floor tile, using the wet-clay process. Very soon they changed to the dry "dust" process (Ref. 8, p. 344), and before 1876 they had taken up the manufacture of fire brick (Ref. 8, p. 345), but the source of their raw materials is not known. The paving-brick industry of southeastern Pennsylvania seems OF THE UNIVERSITY 200 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. to have begun about 1892 when the Montello Clay and Brick Com- pany at Montello began the manufacture of red, vitrified brick from Triassic shales. The same materials were used in 1894 by the McAvoy Vitrified Brick Company, Perkiomen Junction (Pawl- ing P. O.). They employed a stiff-mud machine (Ref. 130, p. 59). Since then paving-brick manufacture is said to have been taken up at Reading, Allentown, Hamburg, and Oaks Station. The Reading and Allentown yards use Cambro-Ordovician shales, the Hamburg firm uses the Hudson River shales, and the Perkiomen Brick Company at Oaks Station the Triassic shale (Ref. 131). Since 1892 the manufacture of ornamental dry-pressed brick has been taken up at Pine Grove Furnace by the Fuller Brick and Slate Company, and the Mt. Holly Brick and Clay Company at Mt. Holly, the latter firm using the white residual clays from Upper Mill and Henry Clay mines, South Mountain (Ref. 131). The Penn tile works at Bendersville station also began using the South Mountain clays in part for the manufacture of encaustic floor tiles in 1893. The manufacture of enameled brick from a mixture of Clinton (?) clays, and Clearfield County Coal Measure fire clays, was begun at Saylorsburg, Pa., by the Blue Ridge Enameled Brick Company about 1894, and is still running. The manufacture of pressed brick around Philadelphia has also grown. For many years the red-pressed brick, made from surface Pleistocene loams, were used in large quantities in the eastern cities, but with the falling off in favor of red-pressed brick, and the coming into fashion of buff, speckled, and other brick made from fire clays, some of the Philadelphia yards began the pro- duction of these, and have continued making them up to the present day. Their raw materials had to be brought either from the Cretaceous clay belt of New Jersey or the Coal Measure fire-clay districts of western Pennsylvania. Architectural Terra Cotta. In 1886 Stephens and Leach began the manufacture of terra cotta in West Philadelphia (Ref. 8, pp. 397, p. 197). This works was subsequently run by Armstrong and Conklin, and is still in operation, although it has been absorbed by the New York Architectural Terra Cotta Company of Long Island City, N.Y. EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 2OI A new factory, that of W. O. Ketcham, was started as late as 1906, drawing its raw materials from northeastern Maryland. Pottery. Before the close of the seventeenth century potting had begun in Philadelphia, the first in the State, when in 1690 the City had one potter (Ref. 8, p. 54), and tobacco pipes were being manu- factured (Ref. 8, p. 338). The source of the raw materials is not known. In the early part of the eighteenth century the tobacco-pipe manu- facture was still going on, and between 1712 and 1719 pipes were made and sold in the city for four shillings a gross (Ref. 4, xxi, P- 55 1 )- The china works of Philadelphia, of such historic interest to all china collectors, was established in 1769 (Ref. 12, p. 402). A newspaper of that year (1769) tells of its erection, and later in the same year gives an advertisement for shank bones to be delivered at Southwark, Philadelphia, the advertisement bearing the firm name Bonnin and Morris (Ref. 12, p. 402). As the kaolins and white clays of Pennsylvania had not yet been developed, this pottery and others later on drew their supply of clay for white-ware manu- facture from New Jersey or Delaware. Bonnin obtained most of his from White Clay Creek, Del. (Ref. 8, p. 99). The English and Dutch china manufacturers became greatly alarmed at this industry on our continent, and started a brisk competition, shipping over quantities of chinaware (Ref. 8, p. 99), with the result that Bonnin and Morris were soon forced to close down (Ref. 8, p. 90), after vain attempts to obtain assistance in 1771, by petitioning the Assembly for funds and by carrying on a lottery. Bonnin after the failure returned to England. His ware was probably blue decorated and soft bone-china (Ref. 8, pp. 91-98). Before the close of the century, in 1792, two potteries were in operation in the city, one by Miller and one by Curtis, both probably making common earthenware (Ref. 8, pp. 104 and 107), and using supposedly local clays. The town of Lancaster had three potteries (Ref. i, I, p. 238) as early as 1 740, and somewhere in the State, probably in this south- eastern region, the Dutch were making the ware known as " Tulip 202 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. Ware " (Ref. 6, p. us). 1 The Vickers were making earthenware in Chester County from 1753 to 1765 (Ref. 8, p. 103), and in 1762 slip-decorated ware was made in Montgomery and Bucks counties, while the Wrightstown (Bucks County) pottery was established by a Mr. Smith in 1763 (Ref. 8, pp. 68-69). I* 1 no case i s tne character of the raw materials mentioned, but it is doubtful if they were brought any distance. Before the close of the century, in 1792, earthenware was also made at Bucksville, Bucks County (Ref. 8, p. 71). The healthy condition of the industry is well indicated by the statistics of 1811, which show that there were 30 kilns and 16 pot- teries in the city of Philadelphia alone (Ref. 42, in, p. 2232), and it was said " earthenware equal to Staffordshire could be made if workmen could be found " (Ref. 44, p. 75). This was rather a bold assertion, but chinaware was made at that time by D. Freytag, and it was said to be finer than any then being produced in the United States (Ref. 8, p. 115). The J. C. Remmey and Son Pottery, now one of the two large controlling companies in Philadelphia, was established in New York in 1684 and in Philadelphia in 1810. They have probably always manufactured stoneware, and in 1898 (Ref. 130, p. 49) their chief product was chemical stoneware, the raw materials coming from New Jersey and Maryland. The history of the Tucker china in the city began in 1812. At that time Ben Tucker had a china shop in the city and sold imported chinaware. His son, W. E. Tucker, became interested in decorat- ing the ware, and had an experimental kiln behind the shop. He began soon to experiment with native clays and bone, and suc- ceeded in making porcelain. In 1825 he purchased an old water works plant and converted it into a pottery. The following year, 1826, he bought a feldspar quarry in New Castle County, Del., and began making porcelain. Just as the former attempt at china- making in the United States had been a cause of alarm to the English manufacturers, so did this one, and in an endeavor to 1 Dr. J. M. Clarke, in a paper on " The Swiss Influence on the Early Pennsyl- vania, Slip-Decorated Majolica " (Albany, 1908), has pointed out that the Germans and German -speak ing Swiss were known under the general name of " Dutch," but that the designs and slip glazes on these wares were of Swiss origin. EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 203 overthrow the enterprise certain English workmen employed by Tucker were bribed to partially cut off the handles of the ware before burning it, and to commit other underhand acts against their employer. These troubles were almost discouraging to Mr. Tucker, and in 1830 he attempted to obtain $20,000 as a grant from Andrew Jackson, the President of the United States, but failed. The kaolin for his works he purchased of Israel Hoppe, New Garden township, Chester County, Pa., and his feldspar from Delaware. In 1832 he began the manufacture of fire brick, using the South Amboy clay. Mr. Tucker ran this pottery until 1828 (Ref. 8, pp. 127-139). During the same period, 1812-1840, many brickyards and potteries were springing up in Philadelphia. A pottery making red and black ware was operated by a Mr. Haig in 1812 (Ref. 8, p. 116). In 1837 the American China Manufactory was being operated in the city by a Mr. Hemphill, John Pennington of West Grove furnishing him with clay (Ref. 8, p. 140). During the first half of the nineteenth century, 1800-1850, in the southeastern district outside of Philadelphia several interest- ing facts are to be noted. In 1820 kaolin was discovered by Israel Hoppe while digging a post hole on his farm at New Garden, Chester County. He shipped a quantity of it to the Tucker pottery in Philadelphia, and also used it for fire-brick manufacture. 1 This represents the beginning of the Pennsyl- vania kaolin industry. A pottery was in operation as early as 1820 in Bird-in-Hand, Lancaster County, making probably earth- enware (Ref. 8, p. 340). There appears to be little mention of new developments for the next 25 years, but it is certain that the use of the pottery clays continued to grow, and that many of the potteries established by 1825 kept running for a number of years. In the year 1856 the making of tobacco pipes in Manheim, Lancaster County, is re- ferred to, while two years later, or in 1858, white ones were made in Philadelphia (Ref. 8, p. 340). No doubt there was a brisk demand for this kind of ware in the populous Dutch districts. The Phoenixville Pottery, Kaolin and Fire Brick Company, which began operations in 1867, was succeeded a few years later 1 Private communication. 204 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. by Schrieber and Co., who made terra-cotta heads, etc. Later on, under different owners, the works produced white ware (1877), majolica (1879), and hard porcelain (1882) (Ref. 8, pp. 267-269)^ but whether they ran entirely on Pennsylvania clays is not known. The present Philadelphia City Pottery was established in 1868, and also the Port Richmond Pottery (Ref. 8, p. 251), while in the same year (1868) terra cotta was being made in Reading by Fox, Hagg, & Co. (Ref. 43, p. 119). This no doubt refers to terra- cotta vases and not architectural terra cotta. In the latter half of the nineteenth century southeastern Penn- sylvania, so well supplied with common-brick plants, began to develop its better classes of clay, such as the white clays of the Great Valley and South Mountain areas and the kaolins of Dela- ware and Chester counties. Mr. Israel Hoppe, already men- tioned, shipped in 1852 some of his kaolin of New Garden to the Trenton potteries, being obliged to cart it 12 miles to Newport, Del., for shipment. He sold this property in 1856 to H. Spencer, who erected a large washery and sold his clay to paper manufacturers or to Trenton and East Liverpool potters. An interesting type of residual white clay deposit is that found in the Great Valley and South Mountain district. This clay is the decomposition product of hydro-mica slates intercalated in Cambro-Ordovician limestones and in Cambrian slates. At present the largest markets for the clay are for the paper trade and for potteries. As far as we know, these clays were first used at Mertztown, where they were mined and shipped as early as 1874 by the Star Clay Company. Associated with the white clay at a number of localities is a limonite ore which has been mined from time to time. Since 1874, fifteen or twenty companies have been engaged in mining this clay, the chief centers of develop- ment being Mt. Holly Springs in Cumberland County, Mertz- town in Berks County, Ore Hill in Huntingdon County, Hunter's Run, and Glen Loch in Chester County (Ref. 131, p. 16). Among those now operating are the Philadelphia Clay Company, Mt. Holly Springs Brick and Clay Company, Harrisburg Clay Com- pany, etc. The clays are used in white-brick manufacture, wall WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 205 paper, asbestos goods, floor tile, white cement, and antiphlogis- tine. For some of these purposes the clay has to be washed before shipment. In 1883 the kaolins of Delaware County were being mined in Oley township and sold to the paper mills at Pleasantville for $7 to $15 per ton. In fact, kaolin was being extensively mined throughout the county (Ref. 46, D3, p. 367). WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Brick y Tile, and Terra Cotta. The earliest mention we find of the clay-working industry in western Pennsylvania is the state- ment (Ref. 4, xxxiv, p. 266) that the first brick house west of the Alleghenies was erected in Kaskaskia in 1750. There seems to be some dispute, however, as to whether the brick used were im- ported from Holland, as many of the early brick were, but there is no good reason to doubt that the early Dutch settlers made brick in Pennsylvania soon after their arrival, and the brick for this first house are supposed by some to have been made at Fort Duquesne, now Pittsburg. This is very possible, because brick 'were being made at that locality in 1760 (Ref. 4, xxxiv, p. 266). The history of the industry presents a blank for about eighty years, and the next record we have is that in 1840, John Glass located a brick works on Block House Run, near New Brighton. This is now operated by the A. F. Smith Company. The oldest brickyard still in operation in Pittsburg is that of R. Knowlson & Son, which was established in 1845. Common red-building brick continues to be the chief clay product made in Pittsburg, and since the establishment of Knowlson's yard at least 25 other ones have begun operations, using in most cases clays and shales of the Lower Barren coal measures (Ref. 132, p. 168), while throughout Allegheny County similar conditions prevail. A marked change has also taken place in methods of manufacture, the hand-mold and horsepower pug-mill having been replaced almost entirely by machinery (Ref. 132, p. 134). Between 1850 and 1890 there was a steady growth in the brick industry of Western Pennsylvania, but there are few recorded details. 206 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. In 1892 the Fallston Fire Clay Company erected a plant on Brady's Run for the manufacture of face brick, using the Lower Kittanning, Lower Freeport and Clarion clays, as well as shales of the Allegheny series. Pressed brick were also produced at Kittanning, Vanport, Lay ton, and Bolivar in 1898 (Ref. 132, p. 1 1 8), the manufacture of these having continued up to the present. In 1900 the old plant of the Keystone Pottery Company at Rochester, organized in 1890, was transformed into a brick plant by the Miller Brick Company. Two years later, or in 1902, the Beaver Clay Manufacturing Company erected a plant at New Galilee, using the Lower Kittanning clay for face-brick manu- facture, while several years previous to this two plants were erected at Darlington, and are still in operation, but these make both paving and face brick. In the northern part of the State we find that the Devonian shales have been used since 1891 at Bradford, McKean County, for the manufacture of red dry -pressed brick. They were developed by P. B. Broughton & Co. This appears to have been the first utilization of shales in this part of the State. A terra-cotta plant, started by the Northeastern Terra Cotta Company at the same place in 1906, is utilizing the Carboniferous (?) clays from Free- man in McKean County. One other important phase of the industry around Pittsburg is -that of encaustic tile. In 1867 one Keys, who was managing a brickyard in Pittsburg, conceived the idea of making tile, and in 1871 succeeded in his experiments. In 1876 the business was organized as the Pittsburg Encaustic Tile Company, and in 1882 became the Star Encaustic Tile Company, which now manu- factures a full line of unglazed tile. The company uses Cone- maugh shale from near the works, Kittanning clays from New Brighton, and some Florida ball clay (Ref. 132, p. 29). The tile works of the Beaver Art Tile Company was established at Beaver Falls in 1887, to manufacture glazed tile, 85 per cent of the clay then used coming from the local Kittanning deposits, with some kaolin from outside the State (Ref. 132, p. 47). This plant was erected by Isaac A. Harvey in 1868, who made "Liver- pool ware," and was later operated by Elijah Webster, who came WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 207 from East Liverpool to Beaver Falls and made door knobs. It was still later used by J. Graff, who made yellow ware, after which it remained idle until taken up by the present company. The earlier occupants are said to have used a portion of sagger clay from the Bolivar horizon in Brady's Run. In 1898 sewer pipe and flue linings were also being made at New Brighton, and in 1889 the Pittsburg Terra-Cotta Lumber Company was incorporated for making fireproofing and terra- cotta lumber from the local shales occurring near the works (Ref. 132, p. 137). This firm name was changed in 1899 to that of the National Fireproofing Company, which owns clay lands and plants also in Ohio, New Jersey, Maryland, and Massachusetts. Paving brick and fire brick are but little manufactured in the county in which Pittsburg lies. There were in 1898 but four paving-brick concerns there, Kountz Brothers Company of Harmarville, established in 1892, using the shale, and the Blatch- ford-Meeds Brick Company at Barking, whose date of beginning is unknown. About 1890 Park Brothers began the manufacture of paving brick in Crow's Run, near Monaca, using Lower Kittanning clay, and in the same year the Brady's Run Fire Clay Company erected a plant on Brady's Run for the same purpose. This works, now known as the Pennsylvania Clay Company, utilizes both Lower Kittanning and Freeport clays. Refractory Wares. In 1839 l the firm of S. Barnes & Co. of Rochester was established for the manufacture of fire brick, and now makes high-grade furnace brick, using Lower Kittanning plastic clay with Clarion County flint clay (Ref. 132, p. 65). This is perhaps the third or fourth oldest fire-brick factory in the United States. In the next year (1840) John Glass was engaged in mining fire clay and mortar clay around New Brighton. The fire-clay industry around Bolivar is a most important one. It seems to have had its birth in 1842, and is therefore one of the oldest centers of fire-clay working in the United States. The pioneer in the industry was James Glover, who came from Mt. Savage, Md., in that year, discovered the Bolivar fire clay, and 1 An early development is mentioned under Clinton County. 208 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. was engaged in the fire-clay business for twenty years. The first brick at Bolivar were made by himself and his family in a small factory operated by water power along Two-mile Creek. He transported the brick to Pittsburg by boat, and went out personally soliciting orders for the product. After much difficulty he suc- ceeded in disposing of his first boat load. The bricks were found very satisfactory, and the people soon began to inquire for the Boli- var Scotchman and his brick (Ref. 132, p. 81). Glover continued in business until 1862, when he sold out and moved to Louisiana. Three years after the establishment of the plant at Bolivar (1845), Kier Brothers began the manufacture of fire brick at Salina, using the Bolivar clay (Ref. 132, p. 73). The fire-brick works of the Star Fire-Brick Company was established in 1865 and is still in operation, using clay probably from Clarion, Clearfield, and Cam- bria counties (Ref. 132, p. 70). Several fire-brick works are also located in Pittsburg, and glass pots are made there, but the clays are shipped in mostly from central Pennsylvania. During the latter half of the nineteenth century while the pottery industry around New Brighton, and the common brick industry in Allegheny County, were taking such rapid strides, the rest of west- ern Pennsylvania was making great advancement, especially in the fire-clay industry. Many of the Beaver Valley potteries and others manufactured fire brick as a side issue, but a number of firms made it their chief business, using the Kittanning fire clay. One of the oldest of the fire-brick works was that of Pendleton & Brother established in 1856 at Rochester and on the Ohio across from Beaver. Both of these are out of business. Another early works was that of Jos. Soisson & Co., in Connellsville. From 1859 to 1862 Mr. Soisson operated a plant at Portage No. 8 on the old Pennsylvania canal. In 1862 the canal passed into the hands of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the works were discontinued. The company now operates three fire-brick works, near Connells- ville; the oldest, the Volcano, having been established in 1864 (Ref. 132, p. 91). In 1867 the first fire-brick company was established at Black Lick, and since then several companies have been in operation, but now there is only one (Ref. 132, p. 74). The fol- lowing year, 1868, the Vanport Brick Company began manufac- turing fire brick in Vanport; and at White Church (Wymp's P. O.), WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 209 Fayette County, D. H. Emme commenced mining fire clay, at first hauling it to the Monongahela River and shipping by boat. The clay was used for making glass pots around Pittsburg (Ref. 132, p. 97). The Sharon fire-clay bed at Benezette opened in 1854 was worked by Reed & Harrison, 1873-1876, and the product was shipped to Pittsburg, where it sold for $3.50 a ton (Ref. 46, RR, p. 260), and the McClure Coke Company at Darent Station began operat- ing at Lemont Furnace, making fire brick for coke ovens (Ref. 132, p. 97). In 1876 the Brookville fire clay was worked for fire brick at Sandy Ridge, Blue Ball, Woodland, Hope Station, Benezette, Parkville, Queens Run, Farrandsville, Johnston, and Black Lick (Ref. 46, HH, p. 146). The Kittanning clays in 1878 were mined around New Brighton, in Ohio township, at Freedom, Marion, Pulaski, and Rochester (Ref. 46, Q). The fire-brick works of Welch, Gloninger & Co. were estab- lished in 1882 (Ref. 132) at Vanport, using the Kittanning fire clay. In the same year we note the mining of Savage Mountain fire clay along the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in Somerset County. The run of the clay made good second-grade product, but one-half of it was used by the Savage Fire-Brick Company at Hyndman and Keystone Junction (Ref. 46, T 2 , p. 336) for a good grade of fire brick. At Layton in 1898 three fire-brick concerns were in operation, one, the Layton Fire Clay Company, having been established previous to 1890. Clay for glass pots was being shipped from here to Pitts- burg, this having begun in 1887 by Mrs. Wurm (Ref. 132, p. 90). It was about this time also, that James H. Welsh located a fire- brick plant at Monaca, which is still being operated. Three years later, or in 1900, the plant of W. H. Wynn & Co. was organized at West Decatur, the clays coming from what is known as the Morgan Run Clay Belt, of Clearfield County. They occur in the Brookville formation. The largest fire-brick manufacturing company in Pennsylvania as well as in the United States is the Harbison- Walker Refrac- tories Company, organized in 1902, and successors to the firm of Harbison & Walker. The details of the history of this group of factories are given below. 1 In 1865 J. K. Lemon organized the Star Fire-Brick Company. 1 Supplied by Mr. Wm. Walker. 210 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. This plant was located at Pittsburg, Pa., and the clay used was shipped from Bolivar, Pa. This clay at the present time is con- sidered as only second quality, and is quite inferior to the best flint clays now used in the manufacture of high-grade brick. The first brick were sold for mill use, and the price obtained in September, 1865, was $40 per thousand. In 1870 Mr. S. P. Harbison, who had been made general man- ager of the business, started a systematic investigation of fire clays and their adaptability for making brick suitable for differ- ent refractory purposes. The result of his investigations showed that the Bolivar clay was not sufficiently refractory for a high- grade brick, and the source of his supplies of clay was changed from Bolivar to Elk, Clearfield, and Cambria counties. After considerable search and many tests he came to the conclusion that the highest grade existed in more uniform quantities and quality in Clearfield and Cambria than in Elk County. It was necessary for Mr. Harbison to locate a plastic clay to be used in connection with the flint clays, and the best that could be found was located at Kittanning, Armstrong County, Pa. There was also a highly refractory grade of soft clay found in certain deposits in connection with the hard clay from Clearfield and Cambria counties. Mr. S. P. Harbison, then in need of capital to extend his busi- ness, induced Mr. Hay Walker to join him in 1875, and Mr. Walker's son, Hepburn Walker, became active in the manage- ment of the business on the formation of the new partnership. The first silica brick were made at the Star Works, then known as Harbison & Walker, in 1887, and competed successfully with the Dinas or Welsh brick, which up to that time had been almost exclusively used in the United States. The only silica brick made in the United States prior to that date were those manufactured by Isaac Reese & Sons Company at Manorville, Pennsylvania. In 1884 Harbison & Walker bought the Woodland Fire Brick Company, Ltd., with two works at Woodland, Clearfield County, and with this purchase secured a considerable area of flint clay. Prior to this time the works had been in operation about thirteen years. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 211 By 1886 the capacity of the Star Works at Pittsburg had increased from 8000 to 80,000 brick per day; this, with the Wood- land capacity added, giving the company a capacity of about 115,000 daily. In 1893 Harbison & Walker bought the Cambria Fire Brick Company's works and clay properties located at Figart, Cam- bria County, and this was followed in 1897 by the erection of the Widemire works at Stronach Station, Pa., with a daily capacity of about 35,000 brick, and also considerable clay land. Two years later, or in 1899, the company started a plant at Clearfield with a capacity of 75,000 brick daily, and another works at Hays Station with a combined fire-clay and silica-brick capacity of 160,000. Following this, in the year 1901, the com- pany purchased the plant of the W. H. Haws Fire Brick Company, near Huntingdon, Pa., for the purpose of increasing its silica- brick output. In the same year a new plant was erected at Figart for the purpose of making special shapes. In 1902 T. L. Chadbourne, a lawyer and promoter, con- ceived the idea of forming a combination of fire-brick manu- facturers, with the result that the Harbison-Walker Refractories Company was incorporated. This included not only the works already mentioned, but also the following: Isaac Reese & Sons Company, in business for upwards of 30 years, with works at Retort, Center County, and Manorville and Cowanshannoc, Armstrong County. Phillipsburg Fire-Brick Works, operated by Messrs. Wigton, and started about 1893. Wallaceton Fire-Brick Company, Wallaceton, Clearfield County, operated by Alex. Paterson, and established about 1888. Clinton County Fire-Brick Company, with works at Millhall, Center County, and Monument, Center County. These are referred to under the Clinton County field. American Fire-Brick Company of Mill Hall, Pa. A new works. Fredericks-Monro Company, Farrandsville. Referred to under the Clinton County field. Clearfield Fire-Brick Company, owned by the Bigler family for about 25 years. Fayette Manufacturing Company, organized in 1893 with 212 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. works at Layton, Fayette County, and Chester. Manufacturers of magnesia brick. Basic Brick Company of Johnstown. Organized in 1894 and manufacturing silica brick. Between 1903 and 1907 the works at Johnstown, Manorville, and Cowanshannoc were dismantled, and additions made to plants located at better points to take care of the capacity of the plants which had been dismantled. In 1906 a plant was erected at Templeton, Armstrong County, for the manufacture of gray, buff, and Pompeian face brick. Clinton County* This clay field has generally been called the Lock Haven field, as the original manufactures and developments were made around and near the town of Lock Haven in Clinton County. This section was among the first to make a good grade of fire brick west of New Jersey. Professor Rogers (Ref. 152, p. 155) makes the following statements regarding it: " Under a vein of clay 6 feet thick on Minnersville Hill at Farrandsville is found a vein of fire clay, which is found to be of superior quality for the manufacture of fire brick. This clay is from 6 to 7 feet thick ; is destitute of grit and furnishes an admirable fire brick. They are manufactured at Farrandsville bn an extensive scale, about 6000 to 9000 brick being made every week, and commanding about $45.00 per hundred. These are principally used on the spot for furnace and other work. The furnace now in operation is built of stone and lined with these brick. It is 54 feet high; the diameter of the boshes was originally 17 feet, but was lately reduced to 13 feet. The above furnace was the first hot-blast furnace in America, and was built by Benjamin Perry." In 1836 Hollenbach, McDonnel, Whitefield and Herron began operations for the manufacture of fire brick at Queens Run, a few miles west of Lock Haven, and continued in the business for several years, when the plant was sold to Mackey, Graffus and Scott of Lock Haven. It was run for several years under this firm name, when it again changed to Mackey, Fredericks and Company, and after that to John Williams and Company, finally becoming Fredericks, Monroe and Company. In 1862 this last firm moved 1 The notes on this district have been supplied to us by Mr. C. B. Stowe of the Stowe-Fuller Company of Cleveland, Ohio. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 213 the plant to Farrandsville, and engaged in the making of fire brick on the former site of the original plant, continuing until 1903, when the property was sold to the Harbison-Walker Refractories Company, as mentioned on another page. The Queens Run Fire-Brick Company was organized in 1883 by Bickford, Merrill and Morrison, the plant being located at Lock Haven, and the clay brought by boat from Queens Run. The ownership of this plant has changed several times, until it is now a modern works of about 50,000 daily capacity. The best clays in the Clinton County district are said to occur in the tops of the series of hills or mountains to the west and south- west of Lock Haven, the clay running in a bed from five to seven feet thick and underlying the coal. The best developed area extends from Queens Run to Farrandsville, and thence southwest to Monument. The clay in this territory is controlled by the Har- bison-Walker Refractories Company, Queens Run Fire-Brick Company, Lock Haven Fire-Brick Company, and Pennsylvania Fire-Brick Company. The clays are both flint and plastic in their character. Fredericks, Monroe and Company at Farrandsville and the Queens Run Fire- Brick Company at Lock Haven were the first plants in this district of any capacity, and the reputation which the bricks from these works won, has been a factor in the establishment of other works in this district since 1873. These include the Clinton County Fire-Brick Company at Millhall, which was afterwards sold to the Harbison- Walker combination, and the American Fire-Brick Company of Lock Haven, likewise disposed of later to the same corporation. The Pennsylvania Fire-Brick Company at Beech Creek was built in 1900 by people formerly connected with the Queens Run Fire- Brick Company, who use clay from the same district. In 1903 the Lock Haven Fire-Brick Company was bought by the Stowe- Fuller Company and Mr. Chas. Kreamer, who owned a large tract of clay on the Scootac, within a short distance of Queens Run and Farrandsville, and in the center of the best clay district of that section. This plant is of modern construction, and the clay is brought by rail from the mines on the Scootac. Clay from this neighborhood is also shipped to Williamsport for the Burns Fire- Brick Company located there. 214 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. The fire brick from this district are said to have been put into the first blast furnace in Pennsylvania. The capacity of the several plants in the Lock Haven district is about 300,000 fire brick per day. Some of the clay, especially that around Farrands- ville, burns to a beautiful speckled brick for building purposes. A silica-brick plant was started at Alexandria, Huntingdon County, by the Federal Refractories Company in 1904. Pottery. As early as 1827 a pottery was in operation in Pittsburg a city later to become such an important market for clay wares (Ref. 6, p. 115). E. Bennett and Brother, who are also referred to under Ohio, operated a pottery in Pittsburg in 1844, but the source of their clays is unknown (Ref. 6, p. 43). At New Brighton the pottery industry is now of some importance. There were by 1898 three large stoneware factories in operation there, and one other at Fallston near by, a large white-ware factory at Beaver Falls, a flowerpot factory, and factories making hollow ware. It is said (Ref. 132, p. 37) that the first clay mined in Beaver Valley was used by Mackensie and Brothers in a pottery at Vanport, which industry was continued until ten years ago by the Mackensies and Fowlers. Mr. A. F. Smith of New Brighton, his son and his father, had been closely connected with the clay industry in the Block House region for many years. They were early settlers, and realizing the possibilities of the great beds of the Productive coal measures, with its potter's clay, bought up much land, and for many years have been mining and shipping clay to many points in the United States and Canada. This was some time previous to 1862, as in that year Mr. Smith induced Thomas Elverson to begin making Rockingham and yellow ware in a small pottery on the hill above the present New Brighton works. This pottery, owned by Mr. Smith, was idle a number of years, but in 1897 had resumed operations (Ref. 132, p. 38). The concern started by Mr. Elverson was the leader of the line of large works since established in the valley. After a number of changes in the firm, it was in 1890 merged into the Pittsburg Clay Manufacturing Company. The company uses native Kittanning clays and Albany slip (Ref. 132, p. 39). In 1878 Sherwood Brothers established a pottery in New Brighton, using Kittanning clay, taken from their own property (Ref. 132, p. 39). Since then the American Porcelain Company WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 215 has been organized (1895), making porcelain-lined bathtubs, refrig- erators, etc.; the Pittsburgh Clay Company has started a sewer- pipe plant, using Kittanning clay; and the Oak Hill, Enterprise and Beaver Valley potteries have been established, all in the early nineties (Ref. 132). The Mayer Pottery Company was established in 1881 in Beaver Falls. Previously the works had been owned by the Harmony Society, a quaint German religious society. The Mayers manu- facture white and decorated ware, using kaolins from Delaware and Chester counties in the State, and from Florida and North Carolina, with imported ball clay. The whole plant is operated by water power (Ref. 132, p. 46, and Ref. 6, p. 379). From 1890 to 1895 the Keystone Pottery Company operated a pottery at Rochester. It was destroyed by fire in 1895. The ware, like much of the western Pennsylvania pottery, found a ready market in the New England States; Portland, Me., being an important point to which much was shipped. Some of the early potteries established in western Pennsylvania since 1850 were the New Geneva Pottery (1854), using a surface clay, and a pottery at Greensboro, Greene County, started in 1857. This latter pottery under various managements continued until 1897, using a surface clay (Ref. 132, p. 25). Potteries have been established more recently at Port Marion and at Kittanning. The Wick China Company, started at the latter place in 1890, uses mostly imported clays, but formerly employed Brandywine Sum- mit kaolin in its ware, and uses Kittanning fire clay for making saggers (Ref. 132, p. 128). In 1889 Scott Bros, erected a plant on Block House Run which has since been merged into the American Porcelain Company. Three years later the Rochester and Beaver Valley Pottery Companies were organized, and are still in operation. From what has been said, it is easily seen what an important position western Pennsylvania occupies, for its extensive deposits of Carboniferous clays have been the main cause of the great development of the ceramic industry there. Fuel is also near at hand, and the metallurgical industries of this region consume a large percentage of the fire-brick product. The statistics of production since 1894 are given below. 2l6 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. c M 00 O PC -PC T)-00 10 Tt- O 10 10 f^ M 00 PC M O PCO 04 *c3 00 M O to PC tOOO Ol to ^t- PC PC MM il ' o" o"o o ' o" PC o : : : o ooo M ;do o - S O M 00 OOO ^'t^tO404OtO MO4 O O 04 t^ t^ rt PCOC to O O s g 00 !> PC ^t-TtPCMMPCrCMTf ^M w GJ ^J-00 O oo t^ M PC PCOO oo oo M J^ e? 1 d 8Ot^OO OOtOMoOt^MPCO 04O04O t^CNPCOOPCMO -oo o 1^ O rp PC to t^OO O O M" o" MMMMMMM W O) l t^ to 04 O O xf^ w CO 04 t^ to O 0*0 O O 04 M PC OOO PC O M M 00 O b 1 ' O M PC O OPCt^PCOl 100) 04 M t^OO H I PC Th t^OO O 04 lOOC 'Tf OC OO O ^ M Tf- 10 OO PC to rh r* rh 3 o 8 M O 10O OOO)t^-OT)- MO t^ O M PCO OO OO PC PC rj- PC 0" -f M" M~ o H ffi - VI >> : 8 8^** ^" Tj" O t^- PC O4 to OC t^* t^O4PCt^-MO4'LOt^. O4OO il OoO M Ot^-Ot^-oi OOO 04 O t~- O O OOO M M uo to PC O PCO OO 01 O to "^"OO t^" 04 OO CO OO O t*** ^1" M III i ft : : o O4 O OO O O to t^ M oo" P^ 0400 Mt^pcooor^oo PC OO4^-04PCMM OO4 tOO TTO4OO OlOMOO M OO M IO H a 4^ M M M MMMM04MM S 5 ' 1 t^*. O O M TJ- o to to O O M o O ^" O O O O M OO 04 l!i OOOOOOOOOOMM 10 M O O 01 O O M M OOO O PC O PC M '^1 1*8 M W O ; ! o i O PC to O PC O M o wo ^?^^?g -* S-3 o M pco4 i>. r^ o O T)-PC oo to r-. 1-. 5 ^ H H ^o 2 M!?M M M3>8>3S.'S>8 ) . 1 '. '. . Q tO O4 PCO O M 04 O M XO "^1" O M OO 1 ? . PC to t > * O ^t" Tj*O to O M TtO toOO OOO4 toO O4O^tOOlOTj-OPC MPC *S D OO M" P ** M PC O TJ- M O X !> O M X PCOO o CO O to ^O4 M 04 PCPCPCPCPC PCPC ?1* M O4 IO O PC O OO O4 04 t^O O t* O4 O lOX O O) 04 * OO PC OOO t> ,c : J O) rh t-~ M o) PC PC M toO PCO O tooo PC r^ rf 04 oo x>- o OOiOOtoiOMt^ OO 1 2 t^ rt PCO t^-lOiOt^O) PCO4 PCrt-M ^ jl . ! *% 04 M 00 O PCX PC O UO r|- PCOOO M 04 PCPC^ OO : : i . CO CO to i> O toco PC O O PC OO O M O O O to O toco t^ O O to l^i OO M O) O IOCO IOOO04MO) ^tPC o -^ O t^ PCO r^oo 04 o . * 04 O toco t~^ M t^ o M t^* r^* a ' OO O4 PC M OO TfO O O4 PC M O M O t^ r^ to O ^}*O toO OO O 04 o o oo o o tooo o o oo t^- to 31 00 O to O4 O '^ - ^ to rt MOOOOl>-PCMOO PCM t^-OO PCO lOiOt^-O4 t^~ OOO M O O O O O O "^t" t^* PC O S fa . M H M M M ^ *^*oo oo t^OO O4 04 PC lOO to l>- OX l| 10 PCOO M OOO t^-00 00 t^ PCOO rj- M PC O M rj- PC t^O O CO 04 O PC PC t^- P . 10 rj- M PC 04 O OOO404PCO4O04M lOO t^ PC O to M O 1>-X rt 1 O PC O oo o 04 o to "t 04 or; 04 x |i M to O4 O PC O4 M O O toO O O O4 04 O O PCM OOO t^MCOO 10OPC 1 -si ^ t^. PC to t^ to O O M to PCO O t^ O) O O rf tOO) PC -rf M rt^l-TfX PCX PC to O O !> t^~X O t^ X !> g "to O O rj- 10 O O 04 r>^O rf ^ O Ol IOO4 M M PCVOO PC^MOO PCt^- 1 to t^. TJ- M M O M PC PCO IO IO O "t 04 PC PC OX M t^ r- o rf- O OPCPCOOCSO-^-I-OO P PC O OO CO ^ r^ ^" t^. ^J~ T^ O cs O P^ t^. r- M t^. 04 PCOO -o f^ t^ PC PCOO to ^- cc ^ PC PC ^3" ^* toO^O^ loO^O o" 1 00 PC O to 00 to 04 o H? oT oT t^O M IS* M O t^* l> M Tt" t^ O ^ 04 x OX PC r-~ i^~ to o f^-X O-tot^O tOTft^ X O M 04 ^" ^" Tt" O O IO IO O O I -t toO *>.00 O O M 04 PC rf toO r^ o. o o o o o o o o o o o o o cooooooooooo oooO'OOoo 8 Tj- 10 O OOO oo oo oo t^-X O. O M 04 PC'ttoOt^ ooo. oooooo oo xxxoooooo oo SOUTH CAROLINA. 217 RHODE ISLAND. The Rhode Island clay industry is but little mentioned in the literature. In 1681 a permit was granted in Newport for brick manufacture (Ref. 23, p. 30), and brick were made in Providence in 1698. Brickmaking, however, has never been an important industry in Rhode Island, for as late as 1860 there were listed by the census but six brickyards and no potteries. Even at the present time the production is small and confined mainly to the vicinity of Providence. The statistics of production are included under Connecticut. SOUTH CAROLINA. Interest in the clays of South Carolina began when Josiah Wedg- wood, the English potter, was searching for clays. In his "Life" (Ref. 57, i, p. 367) the fact is noted that in 1765 pottery was being made in South Carolina. In 1768 Wedgwood sent over an agent to get some kaolin which they obtained from Ayoree in the Cherokee district 300 miles from Charleston, and later in that year the first cargo was shipped to England (Ref. 57, n, pp. 5-6). Previous to 1776 there was a pottery in operation at Hershaw by Bartlam (Ref. 58, p. 590), and in 1797 brick were made at Fayetteville selling for $5 to $6 per thousand (Ref. i, p. 230). In 1802 a yard for common-brick making was in operation 12 miles from Charleston, and oxen were used in the clay-washing operations, but before the War of 1861 broke out the plant was using a Hall brick machine. In 1877 the yard was converted into a drain-tile plant (Ref. 4, 18, p. 341). The courthouse erected in 1821 in Bennetville was of local brick, and in 1826 Galesborough and Yorkville had similar structures (Ref. 58), while at Edgefield in the same year there was a pottery manufacturing stoneware jugs and pitchers (Ref. 58, p. 526). The State Geological Survey for 1844 (Ref. 59) reports fire clay at Cherokee Ford, and porcelain earth at Pendleton and Pickens. Brick for furnace linings was manufactured from a fire clay in York in 1848 (Ref. 60, p. 289). 2l8 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. The plastic kaolin of South Carolina seems to have been first recognized as of value in 1856 when Mr. Farar of Bennington, Vt., established the Southern Porcelain Manufacturing Company at Kaolin, S.C. During the war porcelain and pottery insulators for use on the Confederate telegraph lines were made, and also much earthenware pipe. Under several firms this pottery con- tinued in operation until 1877 (Ref. 8, pp. 186-191). It is highly probable that it used the white Tertiary clays. Previous to this establishment the natives around Aiken had used the kaolin for whitewash on their fences (Ref. 8, p. 186). Curiously- wrought grotesque water jugs, supposed by many to have been made in Africa, were, according to Barber (Ref. 4, xxxiv, p. 352), made by slaves in the woods near Aiken in 1862. In 1862 Col. Davies was manufacturing fire brick and pottery near Bath, the bricks being used in the furnaces casting ordnance and in the powder mills of the Confederates. There was only one other pottery in the South during the war, and that was at Milledge- ville, Ga. (Ref. 8, pp. 249-251). There remains a period of nearly fifty years, for which no records have been found, but it is known that common brickyards have been in operation, and the white Tertiary clays have been mined for some time, but for use mainly in other States. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF SOUTH CAROLINA FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Fire brick. Miscellaneous. 1 Pottery. Total. 1804. $229,877 $3,300 $10,120 $236,697 jSnc 240,785 19,750 16,383 276,918 j896 3Oi;, I^O 48,025 $1,100 354,275 1807 2^8,807 I2,7 10 3 665,998 546,028 560,409 612,968 665,688 671,452 748,648 760,461 11,220 14,321 I4,9 2 5 29,800 27,240 36,960 30,720 30,5 6 4 4i,3 l8 31,475 13,384 2,418 6,497 8,160 13,810 18,825 26,000 7, 2 5 11,531 17,633 11,847 16,805 9,827 25,269 14,35 605,329 7 II >33 6 575,218 613,511 657,195 732,033 749,835 830,481 843,379 1 The figures given under " Miscellaneous " are mainly front brick, ornamental brick, and drain tile. SOUTH DAKOTA. 219 SOUTH DAKOTA. Lack of local demand has no doubt been the cause of a slow development of the clay-working industry in this State. Common brick clays have been worked here and there for a number of years, but definite mention is made only of the brick works at Aberdeen in 1888 (Ref. 118), and of a red pressed-brick works at Rapid City (Ref. 119, p. 170). The latter locality is in the Black Hills region, where, as at other points around the border of the hills, the Dakota refractory clays outcrop. Rapid City is, however, the only point where they have been persistently worked, the material being suit- able for both pressed and fire brick. The demand for the product is small, however. The statistics of production since 1894 are given below. The product consists mainly of common brick, with a few front and fire brick. TOTAL VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF SOUTH DAKOTA FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Value. Year. Value. 1804 $27,002 IQOI $so,36(; iSoq. . 10,740 IQO2. . 63, 42s 1896 S3, 004 I QO3. . 68,825 1897 21,800 1904 63,203 1898 30,770 IQO? eg 271 1800. 46,500 y J IQOO. . . 967 1902 606,883 35,686 10,323 39,3i8 170,217 50,698 913,125 1903 789,111 35,965 13,509 50,585 183,172 114,174 1,186,516 1904 946,131 80,906 12,35 53,i85 191,629 I5i,5 8 4 1,435,785 I95 1,028,653 103,650 23,116 35,3 138,890 163,670 1,493,279 1906 1,038,266 124,031 i9,7i9 45,379 178,063 214,768 1,620,226 1907 1,036,112 169,616 28,000 40,959 171,960 167,215 1,613,862 1 Includes vitrified brick, ornamental brick, sewer pipe, fireproofing, and hollow brick. 2 Mostly stoneware. QUANTITY AND VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCED IN TENNESSEE FROM 1903 TO 1907. Stoneware Ball clay. Fire clay. clay. Miscellaneous. Total. Year. Short Value. Short Value. Short Value. Short Value . Short' Value. tons. tons. tons. tons. tons. Dols. Dols. Dols. Dols. Dols. 1903 (b) (b) 2,625 3,566 6,913 7,863 1,890 2,363 11,428 I3,79 2 1904 (a) (a) 23,012 26,074 10,100 10,050 1, 800 2,250 47,262 72,599 1905 18,170 38,775 42,662 46,612 4,932 4,362 1,167 1,452 67,53 J 94,201 1906 25,811 64,522 20,656 23,904 3,188 3,216 9,283 12,755 58,938 104,397 1907 2 5,653 70,088 4,754 5,541 i i, 608 I3,49 I5>747 21,211 58,645 111,287 (a) Statistics not given separately. (b) Not given alone for this year, ciently detailed to publish. Statistics published prior to 1903, not suffi- 222 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. TEXAS. Texas, in 1860, had 8 brickyards and 6 potteries. In 1870 returns were obtained by the Census (Ref. 115) from 24 brick- yards producing annually 16,720,000 common brick, while in 1880 there were 113 brickyards producing common, fire, and pressed brick. Brick were being made in 1887 at the following localities: Dallas, Galveston, Paris, San Antonio, and Texarkana (Ref. 117). Cream-colored brick were also made from the river terrace clays at Austin in 1887, and the industry is still successfully carried on. In 1888 new yards were established at Dallas, and yards were reported in Laredo and Waco (Ref. 118). With the possible exception of the Dallas yards, all of the others were running on the surface clays of Pleistocene age, so that the more extensive and better grades of materials occurring in the Tertiary formations were not opened up until later. That they were developed as early as 1890 is shown by the fact that two firms were in operation in Athens, making pottery and fire brick, which could only have been made from Tertiary clays found there. Since that time there has been a slow development of these Tertiary clays at several points, among them Henderson, Rusk County, Denton, Lloyd County, 1 Adkins, Bexar County, Sulphur Springs, Hopkins County, Elemdorf, Bexar County, etc. By 1901 these clays had been developed at Saspamco, east of San Antonio, for sewer pipe and fireproofing, while clays of similar age, which had been worked for stoneware for several years, were utilized for sewer pipe near Texarkana. The Cretaceous clay shales of the Eagle Ford formation, so extensively developed in east central Texas, have for some five or six years at least been the basis of an active brickmaking industry near Dallas, and were also developed at a later date near Lamar, Paris, etc. With the opening up of the coal mines near Thurber, Erath County, there came the development of the Carboniferous shales adapted to red-pressed and paving-brick manufacture, but, although 1 These are Cretaceous. TEXAS. 223 these are widely distributed in the Carboniferous area of northern Texas, they have been worked at few other points. In western Texas there have been but few developments, with the exception of small yards started here and there to supply a local demand. An instance of this is the brick works established near Terlingua, to supply bricks for the mercury-roasting furnaces at that locality. Notwithstanding the fact that scattered through east central Texas there are numerous beds of buff-burning clays, suitable for pressed brick and fire brick, the development of these has been remarkably small, and most of the ware of these two grades comes from other States, St. Louis supplying a large percentage of pressed brick for the larger Texan cities. In 1892 the Texas Geological Survey called attention to some curious deposits of kaolin in Edwards County, and recently attempts have been made to market the material, but as it lies about 40 miles from the railroad there is some doubt regarding the success of the venture. In 1907 Texas ranked twelfth, and supplied 1.61 per cent of the total United States production. The statistics of production since 1894 are given below. The " Miscellaneous " column includes an irregular production of vitrified and ornamental brick, drain tile, sewer pipe and fireproofing. 224 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF TEXAS FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Front brick. Fire brick. Miscellaneous. 1804. $8oi;,3Co $87,360 $82,134 i8oc 80^,772 $103, 2 P- 344)- A firm was operating a stoneware and Rockingham ware pottery in Burlington in 1854 (Ref. 8, p. 458). By the year 1861 the clay industry was quite well developed. Fire brick were being made at Bennington, Brandon, and Moncton, enameled ware and iron- stone china at Bennington, and paper clay was being prepared and sold by the Brandon Iron and Car Wheel Company, Brandon (Ref. 14, 803). By this time (1861), as Hitchcock says, it is "use- less to enumerate towns where brick are made, they are so numerous " (Ref. 14, p. 804). The United States Census for 1860, however, reports but three brickyards, one fire-brick concern, one paper-clay factory, and six potteries. In spite of Vermont's activity in the pottery line during earlier years, it does not at the present time produce much else than brick. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF VERMONT FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Miscellaneous. 1 Total. 1804. $ Q2.ZZ2 S"?,SOO $98,052 1895 1896. . 97,212 78,920 35,332 4,354 132,544 83,274 i897 1808 53,485 ^6,08 3Q6 53,485 56,974 * y 1800 O2,3Q J > P- 3 1 )- By J 682 many of the small plantations throughout the colonies had their own brickyards manufacturing brick for their own use. 1 Although no doubt many small yards were in operation during the eighteenth cen- tury, no mention can be found of any clay-working activity. It is probable, however, that after the establishment of small local yards for brickmaking and for coarse earthenware, no progress was made until after the war of 1861. From 1850 to 1853 a 1 The starting of a brickyard to make brick for some one building a factory or other like structure, is still a common custom in many of the Southern States. VIRGINIA. 231 pottery was operated above Wilson's Landing on the James River. It was moved in 1853 to Philadelphia (Ref. 8, p. 177). Then again in 1860 the census shows that there were 55 brick- yards and 15 potteries, but all were, no doubt, of minor impor- tance, and their exact location is not given. In 1875 a stoneware pottery was established in Wise County and ran until 1881 (Ref. 8, p. 177). Smoking-pipes have been made by the Akron Smoking Pipe Company at Pamplin City since about 1888. Local clays of residual character are used. The Adamant Porcelain Company has been engaged in manufacture of electrical porcelain at Broad- way since 1903, and at Harrisonburg since 1904. The factories were older plants that had been remodeled. No Virginia clays are used. Richmond and Alexandria counties are the two important brick- making centers at the present day, some of the yards having been in operation for thirty-five or forty years, but the product consists mainly of common brick. Pressed brick have been made for ten or fifteen years at Powhatan near Richmond, but the clay is brought from North Carolina. There has been a scattered development of brickyards in the residual clay belt of the Piedmont region, and the Carboniferous clays of southwestern Virginia have been ex- ploited to a limited extent. Strong hopes were entertained that the kaolin deposits of Oak Level, Henry County, which were first operated in 1900, would develop into an important resource, but after running for a few years they are now idle. The output of clay products in Virginia since 1894 is given below. 2 3 2 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF VIRGINIA FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Front brick. Orna- mental brick. Drain tile. Miscel- laneous. 1 Pottery. Grand total. 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1QO2 $779,285 560,316 604,161 574,269 586,170 765,598 934,l85 1,139,894 1, 18?, 262 (a) $204,078 195,046 153,422 225,652 242,137 275,847 267,028 344,1 3Q $7 6 ,474 39,919 24,283 29,000 21,591 16,117 17,921 20,429 $10,705 4,980 2,918 1, 800 7,830 5,160 3,285 3,978 4 24O $71,129 74,243 42,678 128,692 34,6i4 64,052 71,147 3,971 40 101 $10,440 7,2OO 14,026 9,720 2,910 4,047 2 QQI $937,593 883,536 879,526 894,383 889,883 ,093,784 ,305,195 ,439,347 ?77 833 1903 1904 !95 1906 1907 1,245,861 1,292,558 1,572,442 1,536,312 1,285,374 303,431 344,891 352,297 392,130 290,411 27,330 28,576 20,363 "8,903" 4,75 5,673 4,5 4,805 6,250 69,288 37,030 44,976 32,831 20,397 22,686 27,664 (a) (a) (a) ,673,346 ,736,392 ,994,578 ,966,078 ,6n,335 (a) Included under " Miscellaneous." 1 Mostly vitrified brick, sewer pipe, fire brick, and electrical porcelain. WASHINGTON. In 1870 there were five establishments in what was then Wash- ington Territory, turning out 845,000 brick (Ref. 115), and in 1880 but two are reported, turning out 600,000. In 1888, however, a large quantity of brick was made in North Yakima, Seattle, and Tacoma, four new plants having been established in Seattle in that year and two in Tacoma (Ref. 118). Seattle is the main producing district even at the present day, the building brick, fire brick, and sewer pipe industry there being based in part on Tertiary shales worked at Kummer and Taylor. Red earthenware was produced as early as 1900, but the type of clay and the source of same are not given. Glacial and residual clays have been used for several years at scattered localities. In 1907 the State produced common, front, and vitrified brick, sewer pipe, drain tile, red earthenware and stoneware. WASHINGTON. 233 VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF WASHINGTON FROM 1894 TO 1907. . Year. Common brick. Vitrified brick. Front brick. Sewer pipe. 1804 $1^3,2^0 $17,600 $209,000 1895 1896 1897 84,3 5 55,758 86,607 32,965 31,500 20,250 $19,100 8,390 10,063 85,700 47,000 46,500 1898 148,881 14,777 13,200 43,300 1899 1900 1901 405,678 404,687 477,960 14,260 18,950 139,162 3!,79o 31,840 147,881 76,694 119,809 118,584 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906. '..... 1907 577,407 557,147 665,878 566,385 708,968 846,971 74,3 2 9 67,314 149,559 143,702 156,476 (a) 5i,77i 65,755 81,142 86,388 122,770 127,245 118,462 I7i,i33 215,282 242,245 313,880 482,870 Year. Fire brick. Miscellaneous. 1 Pottery. Grand total. 1804 $24,400 $111,310 $?it;,!;6o 180? 12 ?OO 7Q 87? 26^ 44? 1896 8 300 $1,180 161 528 1807 21 800 0,400 100,720 1898 23,2sO 7,^80 2^0,088 1899 7900 1901 . . 21,173 22,988 24,542 28,332 17,755 19,169 13,350 9,430 17,500 591,277 625,459 944, 798 1902 .... IQO3 l8,662 I3.O32 51,246 36,884 13,354 16,100 905,231 928,261; 1904 1905 1906 IQO7 22,445 24,699 46,525 43,040 44,613 70,513 109,705 390,213 22,000 41,100 41,560 30,695; 1,200,919 1,175,032 1,499,884 1,921,034 (a) Included under " Miscellaneous." 1 Includes scattered production of ornamental brick, drain tile, architectural terra cotta, fireproofing, hollow brick and tile. 234 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. WEST VIRGINIA. It must be remembered that early "Virginia" was much more extensive than its present area, and some of the early history given under Virginia would as properly belong to West Virginia and other nearby States. West Virginia separated from the mother State in 1863. Probably the first pottery to be established west of the Allegheny Mountains was started at Morgan town some time before 1785 by "Master Foulk." Some years later this became the property of John Thompson, who was an apprentice of Foulk's. The ware made was a porous terra cotta with a yellow lead glaze, but in the early forties Albany slip was used. At the death of G. Thomp- son (son of John Thompson) in 1890, the plant was closed (Ref. 53> P- J 57)- New Cumberland, now the largest brick-manufacturing center in the State, was established in 1839, but nine years before that, or in 1830, the Kittanning fire clays were mined at the mouth of Holbert's Run and shipped to brickyards in Pittsburg, Pa. (Ref. 53, p. 209). Two years later the first brick plant was erected, and in the following twelve years five yards were established in the town, and the production in 1837 was 200,000 brick (Ref. 53, p. 209). In 1834 a brickyard was put in operation one mile and a half below New Cumberland by Thomas Freeman. It is now the Claymont plant of the Porter Company and uses Kittanning clays. Three years later Porter and Beall built a plant below New Cum- berland and shipped brick by water to Wheeling and other points on the Ohio. The plant belongs now to the Standish Brick Com- pany (Ref. 53, p. 211). The industry was still further advanced in 1844 by the establishment of the Aetna Brick Plant of the Mack Company and the starting of what is at present the Sligo Sewer-Pipe Company as a brick plant. When the latter plant began the manufacture of sewer pipe is not stated. Both use Kit- tanning clays (Ref. 53, p. 211). Near Holbert's Run in New Cum- berland can also be seen the ruins of the former kilns of the Kerr and Mahan yard built by James Freeman in 1845 (Ref. 53, p. 211). The American Sewer-Pipe Company is now in possession of a plant WEST VIRGINIA. 235 below New Cumberland near the site of the old Black-Horse Tav- ern and known as the Black-Horse Works. This was started in 1844 by J. and W. Porter (Ref. 53, p. 212). The Clifton sewer-pipe plant was established in 1844 by McCoy and Shawl, the Crescent brick plant in 1856 (Ref. 53, p. 21), and the Union brick plant in 1868, all using Kittanning clays. One of the earliest potteries, which is still in operation, is the Donahue pottery near Parkersburg. It was built in 1866, and has been under the present ownership since 1874. The ware made is stoneware, and the material used is surface clay (Ref. 53, p. 158). Two years later, in 1868, at Parkersburg, the Copen brick works was established, using the alluvial river clay and making common red brick. In the Charleston region there have been a number of brick plants in operation at various times, many of which have been unsuccessful on account of poor business management rather than on account of poor quality clays, as there is a large area of the Conemaugh clays of fine quality. It is said (Ref. 53, p. 225) that the first street paved with brick in the United States was one block of Summers Street in Charleston which was paved in 1872 and is still in use. These brick, which were made in Charleston, were not regular paving brick, but simply hard-burned building brick (Ref. 134, p. 451). For a number of years after that Charleston brick were shipped into Ohio, and the first paved streets in Colum- bus, Ohio, in the early eighties, were laid with them (Ref. 53, p. 225). With the development of the regular paving-brick indus- try its importance in Charleston diminished, and now no paving brick are made there (Ref. 53, p. 225). Probably the earliest use of gas as a fuel in kiln-burning began about this time when in 1876 it was first used at the Clifton plant, New Cumberland, the first gas well in the section having been struck in 1862 (Ref. 53, p. 209). In 1876 the Holt brickyard was established at Philippi, Barbour County, and uses the river alluvial clay (Ref. 53, p. 272). This is one of the oldest brick plants using river clay that is still in existence. The development of the high-grade pottery industry around Wheeling makes an interesting item in the ceramic history of West 236 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. Virginia. There the first white ware made in the State was pro- duced by the Wheeling Pottery Company in 1879, whose factory has been in operation to the beginning of the year 1908. In 1888 the La Belle Pottery started, but was absorbed in 1889 by the Wheeling Pottery Company. Both plants had been turning out general ware products, but are soon to be closed indefinitely. 1 A year later (1900) the newly organized Riverside Pottery Company purchased the then idle plant of the Ohio Valley China Company, for the purpose of manufacturing sanitary ware. This plant was built about 1890 by the West Virginia China Company, for making vitrified hotel wares, but failed after five years, the plant being then taken over by the Ohio Valley China Company, for making true porcelain. Unfortunately, after five years it also discontinued. About 1898 the Vance Faience Company (later the Avon Faience Company) organized and purchased the then idle plant of the Tiltonville Sanitary Company for making high-grade faience ware. This was continued until 1903 when there occurred a consolida- tion of the original Wheeling Pottery Company, the La Belle Department, the Riverside Pottery Company, and the Avon Faience Company, all under the name of the Wheeling Potteries Company. In 1906 the Avon Department began the manufac- ture of fire-clay bathtubs and lavatories, a growing and important industry in this country. The fire-clay goods are made from local clays, but the white ware is chiefly from English clays, with some American kaolins. A fourth pottery for white- ware manufacture in Wheeling was the Warwick Pottery Company established in 1887 and using clays shipped from outside sources (Ref. 53, p. 165). In the year 1880 the West Virginia Pottery Company built a pottery at Bridgeport, Harrison County, and it is still in existence, being one of two common-ware potteries in the State. The clay used is located near the works and is a surface material (Ref. 53, p. 161). Before the end of this decade, in 1888, the Neale-Morrow Brick Company was established at Charleston, using an alluvial sandy clay (Ref. 53, p. 262). 1 Private communication. WEST VIRGINIA. 237 The only other place outside of New Cumberland using the Kittanning clays is the Hammond Fire-Brick Company at Ham- mond in Marion County. It also holds the distinction of being one of the earliest fire-brick works in the State. It has been in operation for twenty or thirty years, and under the present owner- ship since 1899 (Ref. 53, p. 220). Two firms using Conemaugh shale were established in 1899, the Morgantown Brick Company at Morgantown, and the first roofing-tile plant in the State, the Ohio Clay Shingle Company, at Huntington. On the site of the roofing-tile plant a brickyard, the Huntington Paving and Pressed-Brick Company, had been in operation since 1891, using alluvial clays. From 1890 to the present time the most notable development in the industry has been the utilization of other clay and shale beds not previously worked. Instances of this are the use of the residual clay overlying Silurian limestone for the making cf red brick at Charlestown, in Jefferson County, and at Shepherdstown and Martinsburg in Berkeley County (Ref. 53), while the Hamilton shale has been used by a brickyard established at Elkins in Randolph County (Ref. 53, p. 203). Several new fire-brick works have also been established. The Piedmont Brick and Coal Company, recently started, uses Mt. Savage fire clay and makes fire brick, paving brick, and common brick (Ref. 53, p. 206). The Conemaugh series of shales and clays is utilized in the Thornton Brick Plant at Thornton, Taylor County, which was established 1904 (Ref. 53, p. 223), and was used in 1902-1904 by the Kanawha and New River Brick Com- pany at Charleston, Kanawha County (Ref. 53). During the same period, 1890-1905, the Monongahela series of shales came into use in Mason, Harrison, and Marshall counties for brick manufacture, and the Dunkard was utilized by the United States Roofing-Tile Company established in Parkersburg in 1903 (Ref. 53, p. 256), while the river clays were utilized more and more throughout the State, local yards springing up in all counties. The white-ware industry, which is practically coextensive with the great East Liverpool center, was also greatly extended by the establishment of Taylor, Smith & Taylor's Pottery at Chester 238 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. in 1890 and that of the E. M. Knowles China Company in the same place in 1900 (Ref. 53, p. 165), and the starting of smaller china manufactories at Newell, Hancock County, Clarksburg, Harrison County, Huntington, Cabell County, Cameron, Marshall County, and Mannington, Marion County. An interesting and important development in the clay-working industries in this State was the establishment of the large pottery of the Homer Laughlin China Company at Newell. This plant began operation in 1907. It has thirty ware kilns and twenty-four muffle kilns, and is probably the largest new plant ever built in this country. In 1907 West Virginia ranked tenth in the production of all clay products and third in the manufacture of pottery, this being mostly due to the manufacture of sanitary ware. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF WEST VIRGINIA FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick . Vitrified paving brick. Fire brick . Miscel- laneous. 1 Pottery 2 Grand total. 1894.... $227,032 $63,964 $500 $379,5 10 $673,006 1895.... 208,337 449,388 4,000 664,725 $3,000 892,777 1896. . . . 164,831 177,856 1,500 144,850 410,407 899,444 l8 97 .... 164,177 289,886 28,696 112,975 5 I 9,5 20 I,H5,254 1898. .. . 157,425 290,266 5^55 127,511 518,218 1,098,575 1899.... 269,656 415,089 54,400 127,084 585,31 1,451,539 1900. . . 708,861 474,880 149,257 44,926 638,841 2,016,765 1901. . . . 348,452 555,389 102,300 81,967 858,642 1,946,480 1902. . . . 527,661 578,777 23,633 222,009 ,166,464 2,518,544 1903 576,404 576,258 70,802 86,596 ,248,500 2,558,560 1904 469,501 470,339 11,814 57,690 ,065,205 2,074,549 1905. .. . 476,630 263,449 26,868 56,043 ,195,805 2,018,795 1906. . . . 469,527 578,164 59,757 87,309 ,588,555 2,783,312 1907 384,007 952,060 34,43 s 110,750 2,159,132 3,640,387 1 Includes front and ornamental brick, drain tile, and especially sewer pipe. 2 Mainly white-granite ware and semi-porcelain as well as sanitary ware. WISCONSIN. WISCONSIN. 2 39 The brick industry began in Milwaukee probably about 1842, since the first brick house, the Hull house, was erected in the city in that year and was built of local brick (Ref. 4, xxvm, p. 183). In 1843 tnree nrms are reported as beginning to make brick there, J. Messinger starting a yard on Chestnut Street (Ref. 81, p. 164), a man named Sivyer making fire brick (Ref. 8 1, p. 164), and another of the name of Burnham establishing a horsepower and hand- molding yard (Ref. 4, xxvm, p. 183). If it is true that fire brick were made there, they must have been made from clays mined in other States, as no fire-clay deposits exist in that area. In the six- ties new yards were opened in many places, including Kewaskum, Fort Atkinson, Depere and Greenbay (Ref. 82). Soon after, yards were started in Kenosha (1872), Menomonie (1875), an d Hika (1876) (Ref. 82). By the year 1877 the famous cream-colored brick of Milwaukee and vicinity were being made extensively in Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Manitowoc, Kewaunee, Appleton, Neenah, Menasha, Clifton, Watertown and Waterloo, while tiles and pottery were manufactured at Whitewater (Ref. 83). In 1888 the Pauline pottery of Chicago moved to Edgerton (Ref. 8, p. 332) and began the production of art pottery largely from local clays, con- tinuing this up to at least the year 1905. At the present time, common brickyards are established at many points in the State (Ref. 128), making their product from lake, glacial, and residual clays. Pressed brick are also produced at several points, notably at Milwaukee and Menomonie. Common earthenware and drain tile are also produced from, in general, the same type of raw materials. The State is, and always has been, dependent on other States for its fire brick, sewer pipe, paving brick, and many pressed brick. Indeed, large quantities of common brick have to be shipped into the State from Chicago, and come into successful competition with those made at Milwau- kee and other points. It was hoped at one time that the State would become an important producer of white paper clays, and a deposit was actively worked for a time near Hersey, St. Croix County, but the plant has been abandoned for several years. 240 CLAY-WORKING INDUSTRY. Slip clays have also been shipped in small quantities from the Platteville district of southwestern Wisconsin. The value of clay products made in Wisconsin from 1894 to 1907 is given below. Common brick is the chief item of the table. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF WISCONSIN FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Common brick. Front brick. Drain tile. Miscel- laneous. 1 Pottery. 2 Grand total. 1894... . $1,099,102 $85,150 $71,124 $1,255,376 l8 9S .... 782,552 $I23,5S 32,3U 5,825 944,196 1896. . . . 662,617 48,671 27,797 37,4io $12,500 788,995 1807 64.O ?Q2 48,670 27,7^0 7,270 724,282 j. uy i . . . . 1898. V *T W , o y 64 c 200 T-^, w / w 6i,co6 / , / o 10,4^7 / , / 151,044 877,306 l8 99 .... W 4O, -^v^y 1,073,101 \j , ^y \j 60,213 V,TO / 23,334 641,919 13,145 ,811,712 I9OO. . . . 963,461 84,601 14,995 9,122 14,000 ,086,179 1901. . . . I,I5I838 54,379 22,727 8JIO 9,900 ,247,554 I9O2. . . . 9 I9,883 7>33 17,763 7,924 10,785 ,026,658 1903. .. . i,i93,36o 62,857 34,55 6 4,237 12,386 ,307,396 1904 1,230,620 86,688 54,831 107,530 H,3 2 5 ,390,994 1905.... 1,260,066 49, 2 75 57,576 2,748 12,45 ,382,115 1906. . . . 1,109,386 52,038 5 J ,!43 2,605 12,170 ,227,342 1907 1,019,522 43,387 49,832 6,246 8,832 ,127,819 1 Includes a scattering of vitrified brick, ornamental brick, sewer pipe and hollow brick. 2 Mainly earthenware. WYOMING. The development of brick clays is recorded in 1880 (Ref. 116), but no doubt small yards were in operation even before that. The clay-working industry has not expanded to any great degree, more because of the small local demand due to the absence of large towns or cities than the lack of raw materials. A peculiar type of clay, known as bentonite and used in soap and paper manufacture, has attracted some attention. It is mined in small quantities. VALUE OF CLAY PRODUCTS OF WYOMING FROM 1894 TO 1907. Year. Value. Year. Value. 1804... $6,850 1901 $28,9^0 l8cK 8 <2Z IQO2 22 150 1896 0,6^0 IQO3 22,663 1807 } ,ceo IQO4 ^,84? 1898 3,821; IOOS . . 34, E^ 6 1800. 8,450 IOO6. . 74,321 IOOO... 2, ISO IQ07. . 88,340 BIBLIOGRAPHY. References mentioned by Numbers in Parentheses in Text. 1. BISHOP, J. L. History of American Manufactures. 1861. 2. Maine Historical Society Proceedings. 3. WHEELER, G. A. " Castine." 1890. 4. The Clay Worker, Indianapolis, Ind. 5. JACKSON, C. T. Geology of Maine. 1838. 6. JERVIS, W. P. Encyclopedia of Ceramics. 1902. 7. Paper by J. N. McClave. Unpublished manuscript. 8. BARBER, E. A. Pottery and Porcelain of the United States. 2d ed. 1901. 9. JACKSON, C. T. Geology of New Hampshire, First Report. 1841. 10. HITCHCOCK, C. H. Geology of New Hampshire, Pt. V. 1878. 11. ADAMS, C. B. Geology of Vermont, ist Report. 1845. 12. PRIME, W. C. Pottery and Porcelain of all Times. 1878. 13. ADAMS, C. B. Geology of Vermont, 2d Report. 1846. 14. HITCHCOCK, C. H. Geology of Vermont, II, Part IX. 1861. 15. HOWE, D. M. The Puritan Republic. 1899. 16. COREY, D. P. History of Maiden. 1898. 17. TRUMBULL, J. R. History of North Hampton. 1898. 18. Haverhill-(Mass.) Board of Trade. 1900. 19. BARRY, J. S. History of Andover. 1853. 20. STONE, E. M. History of Beverly. 1843. 21. FIELD, REV. D. D. History of Berkshire County. 1829. 22. Scientific American, New York. 23. State of Rhode Island and Province Plantations, III. 1902. 24. SHEPARD, C. U. Connecticut Geological Survey. 1837. 25. United States Census. 1860. 26. STONE, W. L. History of New York City. 1872. 27. LOSSING, B. J. The Empire State. 1888. 28. PIERSON, J. Records of Albany Co., N.Y. 1869. 29. HOWELL and TENNEY. History of Albany Co. 1886. 30. GREEN, F. B. History of Rockland Co., N.Y. 1886. 31. LESLIE, E. L. History of Skaneateles. 1902. 32. RUTTENBER, E. M. Orange County (N.Y.) History. 1875. 33. HAZELTINE, G. W. History of Ellicott, N.Y. 1877. 34. BAGGS, DR. Memorial History of Utica, N.Y. 241 242 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 35. MASTEN, A. H. History of Cohoes, N.Y. 1877. 36. New Jersey Geological Survey, Report on Clays. 1878. 37. RAUM, J. O. History of Trenton, N.J. 1871. 38. Harper's Book of Facts. 1895. 39. New Jersey Geological Survey. 1855. 40. New Jersey Geological Survey. 1874. 41. FURNIVAL, W. J. Leadless Decorative Tiles, etc. 1904. 42. SCHARF and WESTCOTT. History of Philadelphia, Pa. I. 1884. 43. MONTGOMERY, M. History of Reading, Pa. 1898. 44. MEASE, J. Picture of Philadelphia, Pa. 1811. 45. Scientific American. 46. Second Pennsylvania Geological Survey. 47. Maryland Geological Survey. I. 1897. 48. Maryland Geological Survey. IV. 1902. 49. VINCENT, F. History of Delaware. 1870. 50. BOOTH, J. C. Memoir of the Delaware Geological Survey. 1841. 51. BRUCE, P. A. Economic History of Virginia. 1896. 52. HARIOL, T. A Brief Report on the New Found Land of Virginia. 1585. 53. West Virginia Geological Survey. III. 1905. 54. HAWKES, DR. History of North Carolina. II. 1858. 55. Geological Survey of North Carolina. 1856. 56. Geological Survey of North Carolina. 1875. 57. Life of Wedgwood. 1865. 58. MILLS, R. Statistics of South Carolina. 1826. 59. Geological and Agricultural Survey of South Carolina. 1844. 60. TUOMEY, M. Geology of South Carolina. 1848. 61. Kentucky Geological Survey. 1856. 62. Kentucky Geological Survey, Eastern Coal Field, C. 1884. 63. Kentucky Geological Survey, Geological Features of Jackson Purchase Region. 1888. 64. KILLEBREWS, J. L. Resources of Tennessee. 1874. 65. SAFFORD, J. M. Geology of Tennessee. 1869. 66. MARTIN, T. H. Atlanta and its Builders. 1902. 67. CRARY, SR., J. W. " Brickmaking." 1890. 68. WILLIAMS, J. L. " Florida." 1837. 69. WILLIAMS, J. L. View of West Florida. 1827. 70. Ohio Archaeological and Historical Publications. VI. 71. FIELD. History of Berkshire Co., Ohio. 1829. 72. ATWATER, C. History of Ohio. 1838. 73. Ohio Geological Survey. 1838. 74. CIST, B. C. Cincinnati in 1841. 75. CIST, B. C. Cincinnati in 1859. 76. Ohio Geological Survey. 1869. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 243 77. Ohio Geological Survey. 1870. 78. Ohio Geological Survey. 1873. 79. WING, T. E. History of Monroe County, Mich. 1890. 80. Michigan Geological Survey. III. 1876. 81. BUCK, J. S. History of Milwaukee. II. 1890. 82. Wisconsin Geological Survey, Bull. VII. Pt. I. 83. Wisconsin Geological Survey. II. 1877. 84. HOLLOWAY, W. R. History of Indianapolis. 1870. 85. Indiana Geological Survey, 20th Annual Report. 1895. 86. Indiana Geological Survey, ist Annual Report. 1869. 87. Indiana Geological Survey, 2d Annual Report. 1870. 88. Indiana Geological Survey, i2th Annual Report. 1882. 89. Illinois Geological Survey. I. 1866. 90. Illinois Geological Survey. III. 1868. 91. Illinois Geological Survey. IV. 1870. 92. Illinois Geological Survey. V. 1873. 93. Illinois Geological Survey. VI. 1875. 94. Minnesota Geological Survey 1872-82. Pt. I. 1884. 95. Minnesota Geological Survey 1872-82. Pt. II. 1888. 96. Arkansas Geological Survey. 1891. 97. Iowa Geological Survey. 1892-5. 98. Iowa Geological Survey. 1858. ' 99. Report of Florida Parishes. 1896. 100. Mississippi Geological Survey. I. 1854. 101. Mississippi Geological Survey. 1857. 102. Mississippi Geological Survey, Bull. 2. 1902. 103. Missouri Geological Survey. 1874. 104. BANCROFT, H. H. History of California. I. 1884. 105. BANCROFT, H. H. History of California. VII. 1890. 106. SOULE, GIBBONS and NESBIT. Annals of California. 1855. 107. California State Mining Bureau, Bull. 38. 108. BANCROFT, H. H. History of Utah. 1890. 109. Mineral Resources of Kansas. 1893. no. Mineral Resources of Kansas. 1898. in. Mineral Resources of Kansas. 1899. 112. Mineral Resources of Kansas. 1900-1. 113. Mineral Resources of Kansas. 1906. 114. United States Geological Survey, Bull. 315. 1907. 115. United States Census. 1870. 116. United States Census. 1880. 117. Mineral Resources United States Geological Survey. 1887. 118. Mineral Resources United States Geological Survey. 1888. 119. Dakota School of Mines. 1888. 244 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 120. BANCROFT, H. H. History of Utah. 1890. 121. GARDNER, J. H. Bull. 6, Kentucky Geological Survey. 122. FOERSTE, A. Bull. 6, Kentucky Geological Survey. 123. SPENCER, J. W. Paleozoic Group of N. W. Georgia. 1893. 124. VEATCH, O. Kaolins and Fire Clays of Central Georgia, United States Geological Survey, Bull. 315, 303. 125. RIES, H. The Clays of Florida, United States Geological Survey, iyth Annual Report, Pt. Ill, p. 871. 1898. 126. Transactions of the Civil Engineering Society, Vol. 25. 127. Michigan Geological Survey, Vol. 8, Pt. I. 128. Wisconsin Geological Survey, Bull. 15. 129. New Jersey Geological Survey, Final Report, Vol. VI. 130. Appendix to the Annual Report Pennsylvania State College, 1898-99. Pt. II. 131. Appendix to the Annual Report Pennsylvania State College, 1899- 1900. Pt. III. 132. Appendix to the Annual Report Pennsylvania State College, 1898-99. Pt. I. 133. Indiana Geological Survey, 29th Annual Report. 1904. 134. WHEELER, H. A. Missouri Geological Survey, XI. 1896. 135. ORTON, E., and ORTON, Jr., E. Ohio Geological Survey, Vol. VII, Pt. I. 1893. 136. CRIDER, A. F. Bull. 285, United States Geological Survey. 1906. 137. Transactions American Ceramic Society. 138. GEER, W. Terra Cotta in Architecture. 1894. 139. RIES, H. Clay, Its Occurrence, Properties, and Uses, New York. 1906. 140. ORTON, Jr., E. Ohio Geological Survey, Economic Geology, V. 1884. 141. DAVIS, C. T. Bricks, Tiles and Terra Cotta, Philadelphia. 1889. 142. WHEELER, H. A. Vitrified Paving Brick, Indianapolis. 143. HAMILTON, P. J. Colonial Mobile. 1897. 144. Alabama Geological Survey, Bull. 6. 1900. 145. Alabama Geological Survey, Report on Valley Region, II. 1897. 146. SELLARDS, E. H. Florida Geological Survey, First Annual Report. 1908. 147. BECK, L. C. New York Geological Survey, Report for 1837. 148. New York Geological Survey, Report for 1838. 149. Natural History of New York, Part IV., ist Dist. 1843. 150. Report of Director of New York State Museum for 1905, p. 30. 151. MITCHELL. Medical Repository, IV. 152. ROGERS, H. D. Fourth Annual Report, Geological Survey, Penn- sylvania. 1840. 153. BRANNER, J. C. The Clays of Arkansas, United States Geological Survey, Bull. 351. 1908. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 245 154. Glass and Pottery World. New York. 155. TYLER, L. G. The Cradle of the Republic. 156. Brush and Pencil. Chicago. 157. WILLIAMS, H. Z., and BROTHER. History of Washington County, Ohio. 1881. 158. WILLIAMS BROTHERS. History of Ross and Highland Counties, Ohio. 1880. 159. MACK, H. History of Columbiana County, Ohio. Philadelphia. 1879. 160. HOWE, H. Historical Collections of Ohio, 3 vols. 1891. 161. ATWATER, C. History of the State of Ohio, ist ed., Cincinnati. 1838. 162. TAYLOR, J. W. History of Ohio. 1854. 163. CARPENTER, W. H. History of Ohio. 1854. 164. CUTLER, M. Ohio in 1788. 165. WHITTELSEY, C. Early Cleveland (1808 to 1886). 166. HILL, N. N. History of Coshocton County, Ohio. 1881. 167. LEE, A. E. History of City of Columbus, Ohio. 2 vols. 1892. 1 68. History of Lower Scioto Valley. 1884. 169. ROBERTSON, C. History of Morgan County, Ohio. 1886. 170. HOWELL and TENNEY. History of Albany County, N.Y., Pt. I. 1886. 171. ROWE, J. P. Some Economic Geology of Montana, University of Mon- tana, Bull. No. 50. 1008. 172. Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of Census, Bulletin 62. 1907. INDEX. A. Hall and Sons, 136. Aberdeen, S. Dak., 219. Abercrombie, N. Dak., 161. Abrasive wheels, clays for, 145. Acme Sanitary Pottery Company, 143. Adamant Porcelain Company, 53, 231. Adkins, Tex., 222. Adobe brick, California, 69. Adobe clay, 147; Arizona, 66. Aetna, W. Va., 234. Agner and Gaston Pottery, 187. Aiken, S. C., 218. Akron, O., 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 48, 50, 53, 91, 163, 165, 166, 168, 170, 171, 180, 182, 183. Akron Roofing Tile Company, 28, 169. Akron Sewer Pipe Company, 34. Akron shale. See Sharon shale. Akron Smoking Pipe Company, 53, 192, 231. Akron Vitrified Brick Company, 165. Alabama: history of, 64; referred to, 48; statistics of production, 66. Alameda, Cal., 71. Albany, N. Y., 46, 58, 116, 149, 150, 151, !53 154, 155, 157- Albany County, N. Y., 151. Albany slip, 47. 156, 234. Albion, N. Y., 151. Alexandria, Minn., 117; Pa., 214; Va., 18. Alexandria County, Va., 231. Alfred Center, N. Y., 28, 153. Alfred Station, N. Y., 153. Alfred University, school of ceramics, 7. Allegheny County, Pa., 208. Allegheny measures, 166. Allegheny Mountains, first pottery west of, 234. Allegheny series shales, 206. Allen town, Pa., 198, 199, 200. Alstead, N. H., 131. Alta, Cal., 69. Alton, 111., 83, 125. Alum clay, 59, 145. Amador County, Cal., 71. Amalgamated Copper Company, 128. Amanda Furnace, Ky., 41. Amanda, Ky., 98. American Ceramic Works, 86. American China Manufactory, 203. American Encaustic Tile Company, 29, 30. American Fire Brick Company, 211. American Kaolin Company, 58. American Porcelain Company, 214, 215. American Porcelain Works, 142. American Pottery Company, 140. American Pottery Manufacturing Com- pany, 140. American Sewer Pipe Company, 33, 170, 171, 172, 234. American Terra Cotta Company, 52, 82, 85- Anaconda Copper Mining Company, 128. Anaconda, Mont., 128. Anderson, Ind., 92; Pa., 30; W. Va., 31, 169. Anderson Porcelain Company, 53, 187, 192. Anderson Pressed Brick Company, 82. Andover, Mass., 109. Angola, N: Y., 33, 153. Anna, 111., 84. Annapolis, Md., 88, 105. Antiphlogistine, clay for, 205. Appleton, Wis., 239. Arab, Ala., 65. Architectural faience, 24; Connecticut, 75; Massachusetts, 112; Ohio, 181. Architectural Terra Cotta. See Terra Cotta. Arizona: history of, 66; referred to, 147; statistics of production, 67. Arkansas Brick and Manufacturing Com- pany, 68. Arkansas: history of, 67; referred to, 37, 48; statistics of production, 69. Armington, Mont., 128. Armory, Miss., 119. Armstrong and Conklin, 200. Armstrong County, Pa., 210, 211, 212. Arsenal Pottery, 142. Art pottery, 7, 50, 75, 85, 102, no, 112; Ohio, 183, 190, 192. Artistic Porcelain Company, 143. Ashland, Ky., 41, 98, 99. Ashland Fire Brick Company, 41, 98, 100. Ashtabula County, Ohio, 173. 247 248 INDEX. Assanpink, N. J., 133. Astbury, J., 141. Atcheson, H. R., 88. Atchison, Kans., 96. Atchison County, Mo., 126. Athens, N. Y., 154, 155; O., 174; Tex., 41, 222. Atlanta, Ga., 24, 80. Atlantic Terra Cotta Company, 25, 136. Audrain County, Mo., 124. Audrain Manufacturing and Coal Mining Company, 124. Aultman, O., 167. Aurelian ware, 190. Autauga County, Ala., 64. Avalon ware, 106. Avon Faience Company, 236. Ayer-McCarel Clay Company 91. Aztec, N. M., 147. B. Baird, C. C., 35. Baker, I. O., 82. Baldwin County, Ga., 80. Baldwin, Minn., 116. Ball clay, 168; English, 59, 60, 61, 220; first domestic supply, 59; Florida, 60, 79, 206; Kentucky, 60; mentioned, 57; Missouri, 61, 123, 124; New Jer- sey, 60; production of, 62; Tennessee, 60, 220, 221. Baltimore Brick Company, 12, 107. Baltimore, Md., 15, 16, 28, 32, 46, 48, 50, 105, 106, 107. Baltimore Retort and Fire Brick Company, 32, 106. Baltimore Terra Cotta Company, 28. Bangor, Me., 103. Barber, E. A., 75, 120, 139, 140, 156, 218. Barber, O., 32. Barberton, O., 34, 371. Barbour County, W. Va., 235. Barking, Pa., 207. Barnard, W., 142. Barnes, S., and Company, 39, 207. Barrington, N. H., 131. Bartholds, Mo., 124. Basic Brick Company, 212. Bath, N. H., 131; S. C., 40, 218. Bath-tubs, 144, 215, 236. Bay City, Mich., 114. Bay State Company, 109. Beatrice, Neb., 33, 129. Beattie, T., 96. Beaver Clay Manufacturing Company, 206. Beaver Falls Art Tile Company, 30, 206. Beaver Falls, Minn., 117; Pa., 30, 50, 206, 207, 214, 215. Beaver Valley, Pa., 47. Beaver Valley Pottery Company, 215. Beck, A. M , 90. Becker County, Minn., 117. Bedford, Ala., 64. Bedford, O., 166. Bedford shale, 166. Beech Creek, Pa., 42, 213. Beerbauer, L. B., and Company, 140. Beesville, Mo., 121. Beidler, A. W., 26. Bell City, Ky., 99. Bell Pottery Company, 192. Bellfont Furnace, Ky., 98. Bellaire, O., 29, 44, 169. Belleek ware, mentioned, 52; New Jersey, i43- Bellmark Pottery Company, 142. Belmont, Mass., 112. Belt, Mont., 128. Bendersville, Pa., 30, 200. Benezette, Pa., 209. Bennett, Edwin, 47, 106, 184, 214. Bennett Sewer Pipe Company, 34. Bennett's Pottery, Baltimore, 48. Bennettville, S. C., 217. Bennighof, Uhl and Company, 90. Bennington, Vt., 29, 59, 109, 218, 226, 227. Bentonite, 240. Bergen County, N. J., 140. Berkeley County, W. Va., 237. Berks County, Pa., 204. Berkshire County, Mass., 109. Bermuda, bricks exported to, 228. Bernard Tile Company, 169. Berry and Son, 40. Berry, J. E., 139. Berry, W. H., 139. Bessemer, Ala., 65. Bessemer Limestone Company, 173. Bethlehem, Pa., 28, 199. Beverly, Mass., 109. Bexar County, Tex., 222. Bibbville, Ala., 65. Bibliography, 241. Bickford, Merrill and Morrison, 213. Big Kelly Pit, 124. Billings, Mo., 126. Biloxi, Miss., 102, 118, 119,, Binns, C. F., 7. Bird Brothers, 67. Bird-in-Hand, Pa., 203. Birmingham, Ala., 65. Birmingham, Pa., 184. Bisque ware, red, no. Black Lick, Pa., 208, 209. Black Rock, N. Y., 33. Blackmer and Post, 33; early factories of, 126. OP THE UNIVERSITY OF INDEX. 249 Blackmer, L. R., 125, 126. Blatchford-Meeds Brick Company, 207. Blatchley, W. S., 88, 89, 90. Block House Run., Pa., 215. Bloomingdale, Ind., 88, 89. Bloomington, 111., 36, 82; brick pavement in, 83. Bloor, Ott and Booth, 142. Bloor, Ott and Brewer, 142. Bloor, Wm., 49; first maker of white ware, 1 86. Blount County, Ala., 65. BlQuntville, Tenn., 219. Blue Ball, Pa., 209. Blue Earth County, 116. Blue Ridge Enameled Brick Company, 200. Boaz, Ky., 98. Bochs Pottery, 156. Bolivar fire clay, 39, 208; discovery of, 207. Bolivar, Pa., 206, 207, 208, 210. Bellinger County, Mo., 59, 121, 123. Bone china, 53, 201; New York, 156, 157. Bonnin and Morris, 201. Bonnin China Works, 57. Bonnin Potter}*, 76. Boonsboro, la., 94. Boonville Pottery, 120. Bponville potteries, 125. Boston Fireproofing Company, no. Boston, Mass., 22, 52, 57, 108, 109, no, 138, 145, 157. Boston Pottery, 109. Boulder, Colo., 73. Bow potteries, England, North Carolina clay shipped to, 160. Bowman and Sackett, 32. Bowman and Son, O. O., 144. Bradford, Pa., 24, 206. Brady's Run, Pa., 206, 207. Brady's Run Fire Clay Company, 207. Brainerd, Minn., 117. Brandon, Miss., 118. Brandon, Vt., 226, 227. Brandon Iron and Car Wheel Company, 227. Brandywine Summit Kaolin Company, 58. Branner, J. C., 67. Brazil, Ind., 18, 34, 35, 37, 85, 89, 90, 91. Breasley and Company, 142. Brewer, Me., 103. Brick, common: Arizona, 66; Arkansas, 68; California, 69, 71; Colorado, 73, 74; Connecticut, 75; Delaware, 76, 77; Florida, 78, 79; Georgia, 80; Illinois, 81; Indiana, 88, 90, 92; Iowa, 94, 95; Kansas, 96, 97; Ken- tucky, 100, 101; Louisiana, 102; Maine, 103; Maryland, 105, 106, 107; Massachusetts, 108, 109; Michigan, 112, 115; Minnesota, 115, 117; Missis- sippi, 119; Montana, 128; Nebraska, 129; Nevada, 130; New Jersey, 133, J 355 -New Mexico, 147; New York, 148, 149; North Carolina, 160; North Dakota, 161, 162; Ohio, 163; Oregon, 195; Pennsylvania, 196, 205; Rhode Island, 217; South Carolina, 217; South Dakota, 219; Tennessee, 220; Texas, 222; Utah, 225; Vermont, 227; Virginia, 228, 231; Washington, 232; West Virginia, 234, 235, 237; Wisconsin, 239; Wyoming, 240. Brick, dry pressed. See Dry-pressed brick. early use of in Virginia, 229. enameled. See Enameled Brick. English. See English brick. exportation of, 56, 199, 228. fire. See Firebrick, 74. front, Connecticut, 76; District of Co- lumbia, 78; Minnesota, 118; Oregon, I 95- importations of, 55, 108, 148, 229; from England, 133; from Holland, 205. importations int-j Maryland, 105. Michigan, contract for, 113. ornamental, California, 71; Colorado, 74; Connecticut, 76; District of Colum- bia, 78; Georgia, 80; Maine, 104; Massachusetts, no. paving, California, 71. See Paving brick, 74. pressed, 144; Arkansas, 68; California, 70; history of, 16; Indiana, 90; Kan- sas, 96, 97; Massachusetts, no; Minnesota, 117; Montana, 128; Ne- braska, 129; New Jersey, 133, 135; New York, 152; North Dakota, 162; Ohio, 165, 166; Pennsylvania, 199, 200, 204, 206, 214; Texas, 222, 223; Utah, 225; Virginia, 231. silica. See Silica brick. Brick districts of the United States, im- portant ones, 15. Brick machines. 12; early ones in Phil- adelphia, 198. Brick makers, importation of, 228. Brick molding contest, 164, 198. Brickton, Minn., 118. Bricks, size of, regulated by law, 108. Bridgeport, W. Va., 236. Bridgewater, Mass., 112. Brightwood, 111., 90. Broadway, Va., 53, 231. Brockman Pottery, 121. Brookfield, Mass., 112. Brooklyn, N. Y., 50, 53, 153, 155, 158. Brookville clay, 166, 182, 209. INDEX. Broughton, P. B., and Company, 206. Bromley, W., 180. Brown's clay pit, 122. Brunt and Thompson, 186. Brunt, G. F., Porcelain Company, 186, 192. Brunt, Henry, and Sons, 186. Brunt, Jr., Wm., and Company, 186. Brunt, Wm., Pottery, 186. Brunt Porcelain Company, G. F., 53. Brunt, Sr., Wm., 186. Bryant, John, 151. Buckeye Sewer Pipe Company, 172. Bucks County, Pa., 202. Bucksville, Pa., 202. Buffalo, N. Y., 33, 151, 152, 153, 157. Buffalo Lead Mine, 123. Burgess, J. W., kaolin deposit, 77. Burlington, N. J., 47, 139; N. D., 162; Vt., 226. Burnham Brick Works, 239. Burns Fire Brick Company, 213. Burroughs and Mountford, 142. Burton, C. M., 112. Bush and Son, 220. Butte, Mont, 128. Butte Sewer Pipe and Tile Company, 128. Buttons, porcelain, 156. Buttons, pottery, Connecticut, 75. C. Cabell County, W. Va., 238. Cable, A., 220. Cadiz, O., 164. Cairo, N. Y., 152. Caldwell, Mo., 120. Caledonia, Minn., 117. Calhoun, Mo., 123, 125. Calhoun County, 111., 84. California: history of, 69; referred to, n, 1 8, 24, 32, 33, 48, 58; statistics of pro- duction, 72. California Pottery and Terra Cotta Com- pany, 70. California Sewer Pipe Company, 71. Galloway County, Mo., 47, 98, 120. Calumet Fire Clay Company, 33. Cambria County, Pa., 208, 210, 211. Cambria Fire Brick Company, 211. Cambridge, Mass., 108, 109, 112. Cambridge Art Tile Works, 30. Cambridge Tile Manufacturing Com- pany, 98. Cambro-Ordovician shales, 200. Camden, N. J., 14. Cameron, W. Va., 238. Camp, H. B., 35, 168. Camp and Thompson, 34. Canada, exportation of fire brick to, 128. Canal Dover, O., 40, 41, 170, 178, 179. Canandaigua, N. Y., 152. Canfield's Corners, O., 180. Cannelton, Ind., 32, 89. Canon City, Colo., 41, 42. Canterbury, N. Y., 156. Canton, O., 173. Canton and Malvern Fire Brick Paving Company, 171. Canton shale, 172. Cantril, la., 94. Cape Cod, Mass., 109. Cape Girardeau County, Mo., 59, 122, 123. Carbon Cliff, 111., 84. Carbondale, Cal., 70. Carboniferous, 42. clays, 28, 29, 40, 41, 82, 83, 85, 86, 89, 97, 98, 107, 114, 163, 169, 171, 179, 182, 186, 192, 206, 215, 222, 231; Alabama, 65. shales, 38, 82, 91, 173; first use in Indiana, 90. Carlyle, George, 31. Carlyle Paving Brick Company, 173. Carondelet, Mo., 125. Carroll County, O., 167, 173, 177; Tenn., 220. Carrolton, O., 173. Carrolton Pottery Company, 183. Carter County, Ky., 99, 100. Cartersville, Ga., 80. Cartlidge and Ridgeway, 156. Cartwright Brothers, 186. Carver County, Minn., 116. Cascade County, Mont., 128. Castine, Me., 103. Catskill, N. Y., 152. Celadon Roofing Tile Company, 29, 169. Cement, white, clay, Pennsylvania, 205. Center County, Pa., 211. Central New York Pottery, 155. Ceramic Art Company, 142. Chambers Brothers Company. 14. Chambers, Jr., Cyrus, 15. Chanute, Kans., 97. Charleston, S. C., 217, 230; W. Va., 36, 235, 236, 237. Charlestown, Mass., 32, 109. Chaska, Minn., 116. Chattahoochee Brick Company, 80. Chattanooga, Tenn., 65. Chelsea, Mass., 29, no. Chelsea Keramic Art Company, 52, no. Chelsea (U. S.) Pottery Company, no. Cheltenham, Mo., 125. Cherokee Ford, S. C., 217. Cherryvale, Kans., 97. Chester, Pa., 43, 212; Vt., 227; W. Va.,237- Chester County, Minn., 117; Pa., 57, 202, 203, 204. INDEX. Chicago, 111., 10, 14, 22, 24, 37, 52, 86, 124, 125, 239; brick pavements in, 83; first yards at, 81. Chicago Heights, 111., 28. Chicago River, 111., 82. Chicago Sewer Pipe Company, 91. Chicago Terra Cotta Company, 82. Chillicothe, O., 165. China, 120; importation of, 55; New York, 156; Ohio, 183; Pennsylvania, 201. China clay, 168; Delaware, 58; Georgia, 60; mentioned, 61; Missouri, 59; Pennsylvania, 58; South Carolina, 59. See Kaolin. Chittenden, Vt., 226. Christian County, Mo., 126. Christy, Sr., W. T., 121. Christy Fire Clay Company, 40. Christy Fire Clay Mine, 120. Cincinnati, O., 10, 14, 16, 41, 48, 50, 59, 89, 98, 121, 163, 164, 176, 180, 181, 182, 183. Cincinnati Pottery Company, 122. Cincinnati Roofing Tile Company, 169. City Hall Park, N. Y., brick yard on site of, 149. City Pottery Works, 141. Clarion Clay, 206. Clarion County, Pa., 39, 207, 208. Clark, Geo., 123. Clark, Nathan, 154. Clafk, W. B., 105. Clark and Fox, 154. Clarke, J. M., 202. Clarke Pottery, 71. Clarkeville, N. M., 147. Clarksburg, W. Va., 238. Clay, importation of, 63; porcelain, Con- necticut, 75; production of, 62. Clay ballast, 95, 97, 126. Clay City, Ind., 88. Clay County, Ind., 88, 91; Minn., 117. Clay mining industry: history of, 56; Indiana, 92; Missouri, 127; New Jersey, 144, 145; Tennessee, 221. Clayville, N. J., 138. Clay working industry, history by states, 64. Clear Creek, O., 164. Clear Creek County, Colo., 73. Clearfield, Pa., 42, 211. Clearfield County, Pa., 200, 208, 209, 210. Clearfield Fire Brick Company, 211. Clermont, la., 94. Cleveland, O., 14, 15, 165, 166, 169, 178. Cleveland Fire Brick Company, 176. Clifton, Wis., 239. Clinton, Ind., 91; Mo., 125. Clinton clays, 200. Clinton County, Pa., 39, 212, 213. Clinton County Fire Brick Company, 211, 213. Coal dust, first use of, in bricks, 150. Coal measures, 65, 181; clays of, 48, 88, 120, 125, 168, 200; shales of, 37, 65, 96. Coaldale, Ala., 65. Coeymans, N. Y., 150. Coffeyville, Kans., 97. Coffin, Thos., 43. Coffin and Company, 124. Coffin Mine, 122. Cohoes, N. Y., 150. Coke Oven Hollow, Ind., 88. Colchester, 111., 85. Coldwater, Mich., 114. Collinsville, 111., 18. Collinwood, O., 173. Colonial Sign and Insulator Company, 53, 183, 192. Colorado: history of, 73; referred to, n, 18, 41, 42, 52; statistics of production, 74- Colorado City, Colo., 73. Colorado Springs, Colo., 52. Columbia, III., 86; Pa., 199. Columbia County, Ark., 68; O., 167. Columbia Encaustic Tile Company, 30, 92. Columbia Fire Brick Company, 178. Columbiana County, O., 50, 175, 177, 182, 188. Columbus, Kans., 97; Ky., 99; O., 26, 32, 34, 37, 165, 166, 169, 170, 171. Columbus Brick and Terra Cotta Com- pany, 165, 176. Columbus Sewer Pipe Company, 34. Common brick, mentioned, 6; Michigan, 114; New Hampshire, 131. Common brick industry, history of, 9. Conduit industry, history of, 35. Conduits, Indiana, 90, 91; New Jersey, 138; Ohio, 166, 167. Conemaugh clays, 235, 237. Conemaugh shale, 206. Conneaut, O., 173. Connecticut: history of, 74; referred to, 9, 39, 48, 52, 60, 133; statistics of production, 76. Connecticut Geological Survey, 75. Connecticut River Valley, clay district of, 75- Connellsville, Pa., 40, 208. Connor, P., 33. Conrade, John, 168. Cook, G. H., 138, 145. Cook County, 111., 81. Cook County district, 111., 15. Cook Pottery, 142. Cook Pottery Company, 143. 252 INDEX. Cooking utensils, 184, 190, 192. Cooper County, Mo., 120. Copen Brick Works, 235. Corning, N. Y., 24, 153. Corning Terra Cotta Company, 24. Cornwall, N. Y., 154. Cornwalleys, S., 105. Coshocton, O., 183. Covington, Ky., 30, 98. Cowanshannoc, Pa., 212. Coxe, Daniel, 139. Coxon and Thompson, 142. Crackle ware, made in Massachusetts, no. Cranch, R., 108. Crary, Sr., J., 78, 118, 164. Crawford County, Mo., 122, 124. Crawfordsville, 111., 91. C. C. ware, 50, 52, 53, 60, 120, 123, 140; Maryland, 107; New Jersey, 141, 143; Ohio, 183, 185, 186, 187. Crescent Pottery, 142. Cretaceous clays, 49, 60, 80, 84, 85,, 94, 95, 99, 128, 129, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 144, 147, 153, 161, 200, 220, 222; Alabama, 65; Colorado, 73. Cribbs, Daniel, 64; Peter, 64. Crolius, J., 154. Crolius Pottery, 154. Crooksville, O., 183, 184. Crown Fire Clay Company, 170. Crown Fire Brick Company, 178. Crown Pottery Company, 90. Croxall and Bros., Thos., 186. Croxall and Cartwright, 184. Croxall Pottery, 186. Crucibles, clay for, Montana, 128. Crum Lyne, Pa., 24. Cuba, bricks exported to, 199. Cumberland, Md., 37, 107. Cumberland County, Pa., 204. Curtis' Pottery, Philadelphia, 201. Cushman, Paul, 154, 155. Cuyahoga County, O., 173. Cuyahoga Falls, O., 34, 35, 168, 182. D. Dakota clays, 42, 73, 129. Dakota County, Minn., 117. Dakota Land and Improvement Com- pany, 162. Dale, Sir Thomas, 228. Dale and Davis, 142. Dallas, Tex., 222. Dallas County, Ark., 48, 67. Dana, Capt. Wm., 163. Danville, 111., 82, 83; Iowa, 94. Darent Station, Pa., 209. Darlington, Pa., 206. Davey, Wm., introduced clay ballast, 126. Davies Fire Brick Works, 139. Dayton, Minn., 115. Decator, 111., 36, 83. Deckman, C. J., 172. Dedham, Mass., 52. Dee, W. C., Clay Manufacturing Com- pany, 91. Deepwater, Mo., 126. De Graff, Minn., 117. de Hulter, Johan, 151. De Kalb County, Ala., 64. Delaware: history of, 76; referred to, 48, 57, 58, 60, 6 1, 105, 201; statistics of production, 77. Delaware, O., 167. Delaware County, O., 167. Delaware Pottery, The, 142. Delft ware, 153. Denton, Tex., 222. Denver, Colo., 41, 73. Depere, Wis., 239. Detroit, Mich., 15, 112, 113, 114, 117. Devonian clays, 100. Devonian shales, 28, 37, 107, 152, 153, 163, 166, 173, 206. Dewitt Park, O., 18. Diamond Fire Clay Company, 34, 172. Diamond Porcelain Company, 143. Dickey Sewer Pipe Works, 126. Dickinson, N. Dak., 161, 162. Dickinson Pressed and Fire Brick Com- pany, 162. Dinas brick, 210. District of Columbia: history of, 77; re- ferred to, 48; statistics of production, 78. Dixon-Woods Company, 44. Dodge City, Minn., 115. Donahue Pottery, 235. Donnybrook, N. Dak., 162. Door knobs, 182, 186, 187, 207; Con- necticut, 75. Douds, la., 94. Dover, O., 176. Dover Fire Brick Company, 178. Drain tile: Colorado, 74; Connecticut, 76; Delaware, 77; District of Columbia, 78; Georgia, 80; Illinois, 86; Iowa, 95; Kansas, 97; Louisiana, 102; Maine, 104; mentioned, 66; Michigan, 115; Minnesota, 115, 117, 118; Ne- braska, 129; Oregon, 195; South Carolina, 217; Washington, 232; Wisconsin, 239. Drake, 111., 85. Drayton, N. Dak., 161. Dresden Pottery, 187. Dry-press machine, 198. Dry-press process, 14, 15, 16. INDEX. 2 53 Dry-pressed brick, 78, 81, 82, 91, 106, 118, 147, 152, 162, 164, 165, 200. Drying, artificial, introduction of, 15. Dubuque, la., n, 94. Duncan MacKenzie's Sons Company, 143. Dundee, 111., 81; N. Y., 155. Dunkard clays, 237. Dunston, Hannah, 108. Durango, Colo., 73. Durango Pressed- Brick Company, 73. Durant, Miss., 119. Dutch brick, 230. Dutton, referred to, 160. E. Eads Bridge, St. Louis, paving brick on, 122. Eagle Ford formation, 222. Eagle Pottery, 142. Eagle Pottery Company, 85. Eagle Spring, O., 179. Earthenware: Arkansas, 68; California, 46, 69, 71; Connecticut, 46, 74; Dis- trict of Columbia, 78; importation of, 55; Iowa, 95; Louisiana, 101, 102; Maine, 104; Massachusetts, no; mentioned, 45; Michigan, 114, 115; Minnesota, 118; New Jersey, 140; New -York, 154, 155; Ohio, 46, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 190, 192; Penn- sylvania, 201, 202, 214; Tennessee, 219; Vermont, 226; Virginia, 230; Washington, 232; Wisconsin, 239. East Akron, O., 169. East Alton, 111., 86. East Chicago, 111., 43. East Dorset, Vt, 226. East End China Company, 187. East Kingston, N. H., 131. East Liverpool, O., 33, 47, 48, 49, 50, 58, 59, 96, 121, 124, 156, 163, 171, 179, 180, 182, 188, 192, 204, 207, 237; pottery industry at, 184. East Montezuma, Ind., 91. East Palestine, O., 167, 183, 188. East Portsmouth, O., 41, 179. East Trenton Pottery Company, 142. Economy Pottery Company, 142. Edgar, C. S., 60, 78. Edgar, Fla., 79. Edgar Plastic Kaolin Company, 78, 79. Edgefield, S. C., 217. Edgerton, Wis., 239. Edgewood, Ala., 65. Edwards, J., 32. Edwards County, Tex., 223. Egge and Monnemacher, 198. Eifort, Sebastian, 99. Eisenhardt, L. G., 12. Eisenhardt, R. G., 152. Eldora, la., 26, 94, 117. Eldorado, Ark., 68. Electrical porcelain: clays for, 145; In- diana, 92; New Jersey, 143, 144; New York, 157, 158; Ohio, 186, 187, 192; South Carolina, 218; Virginia, 231. See Porcelain. Electrical Porcelain and Manufacturing Company, 143. Electrical Porcelain Company, 53. Elite Pottery Company, 143. Elizabeth, N. J., 140. Elk County, Pa., 210. Elkhorn, Neb., 129. Elkins, W. Va., 237. Ellenville, N. Y., 155, 156. Ellicott, N. Y., 155. Elliott County, Ky., 99. Elliottsville, O., 32, 33, 169, 171. Elmendorf, Tex., 222. Elmira Shale Brick Company, 152. Elterich Art Tile Works, 137. Elverson, Thos., Pottery, 214. Embly, 133. Emme, D. H., fire clay mines of, 208. Empire, O., 33, 171, 175. Empire Clay Mining Company, 156. Empire Fire Clay Company, 33. Empire Pottery, 142. Enameled brick: history of, 19; California, 70; Maryland, 107; New Jersey, 135; Pennsylvania, 200; statistics of pro- duction, 19. Enameled ware, use of Missouri clays in, 123. Encaustic tile, 29. See also Floor tile. England, no, 140; bricks imported from, 10; Florida clay sent to, 78; Georgia clay used in, 79; potters sent from, 88; referred to, 30, 105, 137, 187. English clay, 236. English brick, 10, 105, 133, 228, 230. Enterprise, Ky., 100; Pa., 215. Enterprise Pottery Company, 142. Eocean ware, 190. Eola, 111., 86. Epping, N. H., 131. Equitable Pottery, 142. Erath County, Tex., 222. Escambia Bay, Fla., 78. Etruria Pottery, 142. Evansville, Ind., 90, 91, 92, 165. Evansville Pressed Brick Company, 91. Evens and Howard, 40, 120, 126. Evens and Howard Fire Brick Company, 32, 125- Ewart, J. C., 168. Excelsior Clay Works, 91. Excelsior Terra Cotta Company, 136. 254 INDEX. Exeter, N. H., 131. Exportation of bricks, 10. See Bricks, common. Exports, clay products, 131. F. Faience, architectural, 112; Connecticut, 75; Chelsea, no. See Architectural faience. Fairfield, O., 164. Fairport, la., 94; N. Y., 151. Fallston, Pa., 214. Fallston Fire Clay Company, 206. Fargo, N. Dak., 161. Farmington, Minn., 117; N. M., 147. Farney, Murray and Company, 174. Farnham and Hopkins, 103. Farrandsville, Pa., 209, 211, 212, 213, 214. Farrar, Caleb, 226. Fayette County, Pa., 208, 212. Fayette Manufacturing Company, 211. Fayettville, S. C., 217. Federal Clay Product Company, 178. Federal Refractories Company, 214. Feldspar, early source of, 202; mentioned, 58. Fell, G. E., 133. Fell and Roberts, 133. Fell and Throp, 142. Fenton and Clark, 84. Fergus Falls, Minn., 117. Ferriferous limestone clay, 182. Fidelity Pottery Company, 143. Fieldon, 111., 84. Figart, Pa., 42, 211. Filters, no. Findlay, O., 18, 44, 53, 192. Findlay Clay-Pot Company, 44. Findlay Hydraulic Pressed Brick Company, 165. Fire brick, 22, 144; Alabama, 65; Arkan- sas, 68; Colorado, 73, 74; Connecticut, 75; Delaware, 76, 77; first production of, 40; Florida, 78; Georgia, 80; Illinois, 83, 86; importation of, 55, 1 06; improvements in manufacture of, 42; Indiana, 88, 89; Iowa, 95; Kentucky, 100; Louisiana, 102; Maryland, 106, 107; mentioned, 6, 57, 65, 66, 80, 89; Michigan, 115; Minnesota, 117; Mississippi, 119; Missouri, 120, 121, 124; Montana, 128; Nebraska, 129; New Jersey, 138; New Jersey, first factory in, 139; New York, 153; North Dakota, 162; Ohio, 170, 174; Ohio, superseded sandstone, 174; Oregon, 195; Penn- sylvania, 199, 203, 207; South Carolina, 218; South Dakota, 219; Tennessee, 220; Texas, 222, 223; Utah, 225; Vermont, 227; Washington, 232; West Virginia, 237; Wisconsin, 239. Fire brick industry, history of, 38. Fire brick industry, Ohio, depression in nineties, 176; extent in 1893, 177; important districts, 179. Fire clays, 41; Alabama, 65; Colorado, 73; for paving bricks, 36; Illinois, drift mines in, 84; Kentucky, 98, 99; Maryland, 106; Missouri, 120, 121, 122, 125; Montana, 128; New Jersey, 135; New Mexico, 147; New York, 153; North Carolina, 160; production of , 62 ; South Carolina, 217; Tennessee, 219, 220, 221; use in sewer pipe, 3; Utah, 225. Fire mortar, 76. Fire Proof Brick Company, 220. Fireproofing, California, 70; Colorado, 74; Connecticut, 76; District of Col- umbia, 78; history of, 25; Illinois, 86; Indiana; 27, 92; introduction in New Jersey, 26; Kansas, 97; Maine, 104; mentioned, 66; Michigan, 115; New Jersey, 136; Ohio, 166, 167; Penn- sylvania, 207; statistics of production, 27; Texas, 222. Fish Lake, Minn., 117. Fisher, Peter, 135. Fisher and Company, J., 155. Fisher and McClain, 179. Fisher Veneer Tiling Company, 168. Fishkill, N. Y., 150. Flemington, N. J., 46, 135, 140. Flint clay, 39; Missouri, 122, 124; Ohio, I 75> I 775 Pennsylvania, 207, 210, 213. Flint clay district, Kentucky, 99. Floor tile, development of, 29; New Jersey, 137; New Jersey, source of materials, 137; Ohio, 167, 190; Pennsylvania, 198, 199, 200, 206; Vermont, 29, 227. Flora Vista, N. M., 147. Florida: history of, 78; referred to, 16, 30, 39 57> 60, 98, 101, 137, 187, 206, 215; statistics of production, 79. Florida Clay Company, 79. Flower pots, no, 116. Floyd County, Ind., 91. Flue linings, 111., 86; Pennsylvania, 207. Flushing, Mich., 114. Forbes and Company, 64. Forsyth County, N. C., 160. Fort Atkinson, Wis., 239. Fort Caswell, N. C., 160. Fort Dodge, la., 117. Fort Jefferson, Fla., 78. Fort Orange, N. Y., 148. Fort Payne, Ala., 65. INDEX. 2 55 Fort Payne chert, residual clay from, 64. Fort Scott, Kans., 96. Fort Smith, Ark., 37, 67, 68. Fountain County, Ind., 91. Fox and Hagg, 204. Franklin County, Mo., 123, 124; O., 166. Fredericks, Monroe and Company, 39, 211, 212, 213. Fredericktown, Md., 105. Freedom, Pa., 209. Freemans, Pa., 206. Freeman, Thos., brick yard of, 234. Freeman Fire Clay Company, 32, 33. Freemans, O., 32, 169, 171. Freeport clays, 173, 207. French China Company, 187, 188. Freytag, D., 202. Frostburg, Md., 106. Fruitland, N. M., 147. Fuller Brick and Slate Company, 200. Fuller's earth, 145. Fulper's pottery, 140. Fulton, Mo., 124. Fulton Fire Brick and Mining Company, 124. Fultonham, O., 174. G. Gainesville, Mo., 123. Galesburg, 111., 36, 83. Galesburg Brick and Terra Cotta Com- pany, 83. Galesburg Brick and Tile Company, 83. Galesborough, S. C., 217. Gallup, N. M., 147. Galveston, Tex., 222. Gas retorts, 40; N. Y., 153. Gaston County, N. C., 160. Gates, W. D., 81, 82. Geijsbeek Pottery Company, 74. General Electric Company, 53, 158. Geneseo, Kans., 96. Georgia: history of, 79; referred to, 24, 30, 33. 4 8 , 57. 6 . l8 7 I 9 2 2l8 5 statistics of production, So. Germantown, Mass., 108; O., 168; Pa., 196. Gilbert, 111., 81. Gibson, Henry, 32. Gill, J. S., 44- Gill Clay-Pot Company, 44. Gilman, first producer of fireproofing, 26. Gilmore, Tenn., 220. Glacial clays, 114; for paving brick, 36. Gladding, McBean and Company, 33, 70. Glasgow Pottery, 141. Glass, John, brickworks, 205; fire clay mines, 207. Glass pot clay, 76; English, 43; German, 43, 124, 176; Germany, 44; Missouri, 43, 44, 120, 122, 124, 176; Ohio, 177; Pennsylvania, 209. Glass pot manufacture, history of, 43, 1 24. Glass pots, 124; mentioned, 57; Ohio, 176. Glassir and Son, 123. Glen Allen, Mo., 121. Glen Carbon, 111., 83. Glen Loch, Pa., 204. Glencoe, Mo., 125. Glens Falls, N. Y., 151, 153. Glenwood, Mass., 112; Minn., 117. Gloucester, O., 172. Glover, James, 39; fire clay mines of, 207. Goetz Paving- Brick Company, 91. Golden, Colo., 17, 41, 42, 73, 74. Golden Eagle, 111., 84. Golden Pressed-Brick Company, 73. Golding and Sons, 77. Golding and Sons Company, 58. Gonic, N. H., 131. Goodrich, G., 32. Goodwin Pottery, 185. Gossett, A., 179. Goucher, McAdoo and Company, 34. Graff, J., factory of, 207. Grafton, N. Dak., 161. Graham, H., 58. Graham Kaolin Company, 58. Graham Pottery Works, 50. Grahn, K. B., 99. Grand Chain, 111.. 98. Grand Forks, N. Dak., 161. Grand Island, Neb., 129. Grand Junction, Tenn., 220. Grand Ledge, Mich., 34. Graneros, Colo., 73. Granite, graphic, clay from, 75. Grant County, Minn., 117. Grassy Point, N. Y., 150. Gratiot Station, Mo., 124. Graves County, Tenn., 220. Great Valley region, Pa., brick industry, 199; white clays from, 204. Great Western Fire Clay Company, 34. Green, James, 120. Green County, 111., 85. Greenbay, Wis., 239. Greenpoint, L. I., 48, 155. Green point Pottery, 156. Greenport, N. Y., 155. Greensboro, Pa., 215. Greentown, O., 167. Greenup County, Ky., 99. Greenwood China Company, 142. Greenwood Pottery Company, 142. Gregg's Station, 111., 81. Greusel, John, 114. Griffith, B., 88. 25 6 INDEX. Griffin, 111., 86. Grim, Peter, 133. Grout, F. F., 1 1 8. Grueby Faience Company, 52, no. Grueby Pottery Company, 24. Guilford County, Minn., 117. H. Hackensack district, N. J. t 15, 135. Half Moon, N. Y., 151. Hall, Alfred, 22. Hall, R.H., 113. Hall, A., and Sons, 22. Hall, A., Terra Cotta Company, 24. Hall brick machine, 113 150, 217. Hall China Company, 187. Hall press, 114. Hall Terra Cotta Works, 136. Hallem, David, 116. Hallowell, Me., 103. Halloysite, mentioned, 65. Hamburg, Pa., 200. Hamilton, O., 30, 168. Hamilton County, O., 50, 182. Hamilton shale, 237. Hamilton Tile and Pottery Company, 168. Hammond, W. Va., 41, 237. Hammond Fire-Brick Company, 237. Hancock, F., 109. Hancock, John, 184. Hancock County, W. Va., 238. Hancock's Pottery, 98, 184. Hanging Rock district, O., 175. Hannibal, Mo., 126. Harbison, S. P., 210. Harbison and Walker, 17, 209. Harbison-Walker Refractories Company, 42, 100, 178; history of, 209; incor- poration of, 211. Harker, Benjamin, 184. Harker, George, 186. Harker Pottery Company, 187. Harmarville, Pa., 207. Harriff, H., 178. Harris Kaolin Company, 160. Harris Manufacturing Company, 30, 137. Harrisburg Clay Company, 204. Harrison County, W. Va., 236, 237, 238. Harrisonburg, Va., 53, 231. Hart Brewer Pottery Company, 142. Hartford, Conn., 46, 52, 53, 74; Miss., 118. Hartford Faience Company, 52, 53, 75. Harvey, Isaac A., 206. Hattersly's Pottery, 141. Haverhill, Mass., 108. Haverstraw, N. Y., 149, 150. Haws, W. H., Fire Brick Company, 211. Haydenville, O., 167. Haynes, D. F., and Son, 106. Hays Station, Pa., 43, 211. Hebron, Ind., 92; N. Dak., 162. Helena, Mont., 128. Hempstead County, Ark., 68. Henderson, David, 140. Henderson, Minn., 117; Tex., 222. Hennepin County, Minn., 117. Henrico, Va., 228. Henry County, Mo., 120, 123, 125; Tenn., 220; Va., 231. Herbertsville, N. J., 140. Hersey, Wis., 239. Hershaw, S. C., 217. Hews, A., 108. Hews, A., and Company, 20, 109. Heylyn, E., 160. Hice, R. R., 17. Hickman, Ky., 99; Tenn., 220. High Hill, Mo., 122. Highland County, O., 164, 179. Hika, Wis., 239. Hill, D. E., 31, 32. Hill, Foster and Company, 31, 180. Hill Sewer Pipe Company, 34. Hillsborough, O., 179. Himer, Joseph, 133. Hine, Anna, 75. Hine, L., 75. Hinsdale, 111., 81. Hitchins, A. E., 99. Hitchins, E. S., 99. Hitchins, O., 99. Hobart, Ind., 27, 92. Hoblitzell, J. J., 99. Hockessin, Del., 58, 76. Hocking County, O., 166, 167, 177, 182. Hocking Valley, O., 166. Holbert's Run, W. Va., 234. Holden, E. E., 178. Holden, M., 175. Hollow brick, Colorado, 74; Connecticut, 76; Georgia, 80; Illinois, 86; In- diana, 89; Maine, 104; mentioned, 66; Michigan, 115; Minnesota, 118; New Jersey, 136; Ohio, 166, 167; Utah, 225. Hollow block, 26; Indiana, 90, Ohio, 167; statistics of production, 27. Hollow Rock, Tenn., 220. Hollow ware, California, 70, 71; history of, 25. Holly Springs, Miss., 41, 119. Holman, C., and Bros., 94. Holmes County, O., 175. Holt Brick Works, 235. Homer Laughlin Company, 187. Hookset, N. H., 131. Hope, Ark., 68. Hope Station, Pa., 209. Hopkins, Minn., 116. INDEX. 2 57 Hopkins County, Tex., 222. Hoppe, I., 57, 204; kaolin mines of, 203. Hornell, N. Y., 152. Horseheads, N. Y., 12, 151, 152. Horseheads Brick Company, 152. Howe, R., 120. Hudson, N. Y., 150, 151. Hudson River shales, 137, 200. Hudson River Valley, N. Y., 10, 149, 150, 151, 152- Hudson Porcelain Company, 143. Hudson Valley district, 15. Huggins and Company, 123. Hughes, J. B., tile patents of, 168. Hunter's Run, Pa., 204. Huntingdon, Pa., 34, 211. Huntingdon County, Pa., 214. Huntington, N. Y., 151, 155; W. Va., 237, 238. Huntington Paving and Pressed Brick Company, 237. Huron, Ind., 89. Hiister, early tile made by, 28. Huster's Tile Works, 197. Hydraulic brick-press, 14. Hydraulic pressed brick, 92. Hydraulic Pressed- Brick Company, 18, 98, 136. Hyndman, Pa., 209. Hyzer and Llewellen, 29, 199. I. Idaho, statistics of production, 130. Ideal Pottery, 142. Iliff, R., 179. Illinois: common brick, 81; fire brick, 83; history of, 81; paving brick, 82; pottery, 84; referred to, 10, 14, 17, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 36, 37, 38, 40, 48, 52, 98, 99, 121, 124, 125, 170; statistics, 87; terra cotta, 82. Illinois Brick Company, 12, 81. Illinois Geological Survey, 81, 84. Illinois Steel Company, 99. Illinois Terra Cotta Lumber Company, 86. Ilpendam, A. J., 151. Imperial Porcelain Company, 142. Imperial Porcelain Works, 53. Importations of brick. See Brick. Independence, O., 165, 166. Indiana: history of, 88; referred to, 10, n, 17, 24, 27, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 41, 44, 47, 48, 49, 52, 59, 82, 85, 165, 170; statistics of production, 93. Indiana Paving-Brick and Block Com- pany, 91. Indianaite, 59, 89; uses of, 89. Indianapolis, Ind., 10, 24, 30, 88, 90. Indianapolis Terra-Cotta Company, 24, 90. International Kaolin Company, 79. International Pottery Company, 142. lola, Kans., 97. lone clays, 70. Ionia, Mich., 114. Iowa: history of, 94; referred to, n, 26, 2 y , 47, 48, 117; statistics of pro- duction, 95. Iowa City, la., n, 94. Iowa Geological Survey, 94. Iowa State College, school of ceramics, 7. Iron Mountain, Mo., 120. Ironstone china, 140; Vt., 227. Iron ton Fire- Brick Company, 100. Irvine formation, clays of, 100. Isaac Davis Pottery, 142. luka, Miss., 102. J. Jackson, Le Roy, 94. Jackson, Mich., 32, 34, 114; Minn., 117; Miss., 119; Mo., 122; Tenn., 220. Jackson County, Mo., 59; N. C., 160; O., 176, 177. Jackson Fire Clay, Sewer Pipe and Tile Company, 34. Jackson Purchase area, Ky., 98, 99. Jacksonville, Fla., 79. Jaffrey, N. H., 46, 131- Jamaica, N. Y., 151. Jamestown, N. Dak., 161; Va., 228, 229. Jamieson, George, 122. Jap-Birdinal ware, 190. Jarden Brick Company, 198. Jasper County, Ind., 90. Jefferson County, Ark., 68; Mo., 59, 124; O., 166, 170, 177; W. Va., 237. Jegglin clay pit, 125. Jerome, Ariz., 147. Jersey City, N. J., 139. Jersey City Pottery Company, 140. Jersey Porcelain and Earthenware Com- pany, 140. Jewett, N. M., 147. Jewettville, N. Y., 152. John, Augustine, 103. John Francy's Sons Company, 34. John Lyth and Sons, 33. Johnson, Sylvanus, 94. Johnson County, Mo., 125, 126. Johnston, Pa., 209, 212. Joliet, 111., 99. Jonesville, Minn., 117. Jugtown, Ala., 65. Junction City, Kans., 96. INDEX. K. Kanawha and New River Brick Company, 237- Kanawha County, W. Va., 237. Kansas: history of, 96; referred to, 33, 37, 38, 48, 50; statistics of production, 97- Kansas City, Kans., 96, 97; Mo., 15, 1 8, 33, 125, 126. Kansas City Sewer Pipe Company, 125, 126. Kansas City Terra Cotta Lumber Com- pany, 125. Kaolin, 54, 57. 5 8 X 4, 206, 236; Ala- bama, 65; Connecticut, 60, 75; Dela- ware, 76, 215; first washing of, 77; Florida, 78; Georgia, 79; importa- tion of, 63; Missouri, 120, 121, 122, 123; North Carolina, 59, 79, 160; Pennsylvania, 200, 201, 203, 205, 215; production of, 62; South Carolina, 217, 218; Texas, 223; Vermont, 226; Virginia, 231; washing of, 58. Kaskasia, Pa., 205. Kasson, Minn., 115. Kearns, Anthony, 184. Keasbey, N. J., 137, 139. Keene, N. H., 131. Kelly flint clay pit, 122. Kemp, Thos., 174, 178. Kendalls Pottery, 180. Kenmare, N. Dak., 162. Kennedy, Kling and Company, 34. Kenosha, Wis., 239. Kent County, Del., 76. Kentucky: history of, 98; referred to, 30, 41, 42, 47, 48, 50, 57, 60, 85, 176, 177, 187, 220; statistics of production, 101. Kentucky Fire- Brick Company, 100. Keosauqua, la., 94. Kerr and Mahan, 234. Ketcham, W. O., 24; terra-cotta works of, 201. Kewaunee, Wis., 239. Kewaskum, Wis., 239. Keystone Junction, Pa., 209. Keystone Pottery Company, 142, 206, 215. Kier Brothers, 40, 208. Kingsiand, Ark., 68. Kingston, Minn., 117. Kitchen utensils, 182. Kittanning, Pa., 206, 210, 215. Kittanning clay, 41, 173, 177, 182, 183, 209, 214, 234, 235, 237. Knobnoster, Mo., 125, 126. Knobstone shales, 39, 90. Knowles, I. W., 184. Knowles, E. M., China Company, 238. Knowles, Taylor and Anderson Com- pany, 33. Knowles, Taylor and Knowles Company, 49, 186. Knowlson, R., and Son, 205. Knox dolomite, residual clay from, 64. Knoxville, Tenn., 220. Koch, J. J., 14- Kokomo, Ind., 92. Kountz Brothers Company, 207. Kummer, Wash., 232. Kunz, G. F., 157. L. La Belle Pottery, 236. Lacey, I., 58. Laclede Fire-Brick Company, 40, 120, 126. Laclede Fire-Clay Company, 123. Lake Calumet, clay in, 86. Lake County, Fla., 79; Ind., 92. Lakeman, Mo., 123. Lamar, Tex., 222. Lamar County, Ala., 64. Lambertville, N. J., 135. Lancaster, Pa., 201. Lancaster County, Pa., 203. Langenbeck, K., 184, 188. Laramie clays, 162. Laramie coal, clay with, 73. Laredo, Tex., 222. LaSalle, 111., 82, 121. LaSalle County, 111., 84. La Salle Pressed-Brick Company, 82. La Sueur, Minn., 116. Las Vegas, N. M., 147. Laughlin, Homer, 188. Laughlin, Homer, China Company, 238. Laughlin Brothers Pottery, 187. Lava ware, no. Lawrence, Kans., 97. Lawrence County, Ind., 59, 89; O., 182. Lawrenceville, N. J., 133. Layton, Pa., 43, 206, 209, 212. Layton Fire-Clay Company, 209. Leali Pressed and Fire-Brick Company, 68. Leasburg, Mo., 122. Leavenworth, Kans., 96. Lebanon, Pa., 199. Lee, Mass., 109. Lee, O., 179. Lee County, Ark., 68. Leeds Junction, Me., 103. Letonia, O., 176. Lewis County, Ky., 41, 98. Lewis Pottery Company, 98. Lima, O., 169. Lincoln, Cal., 33, 70, 71; 111., 83; Neb., 129. Lincoln County, N. C., 160. Lincolnton, N. C., 160. Lines, E. F., 83, 84, 85. INDEX. 2 59 Linton and Rittenhouse, 32, 106. Lisbon, O., 34, 171. Litchfield, Minn., 117. Little Rock, Ark., 68. Liverpool ware, 206. Lloyd County, Tex., 222. Lock Haven, Pa., 212, 213, 214. Lock Haven Fire Brick Company, 213. Locke Insulator Company, 53. Lockville, N. Y., 151. Logan, O., 174, 176, 177. Long Island, N. Y., 45, 151, 153, 156. Long Island City, N. Y., 24, 152. Lonhuda ware, 190. Loogootee, Ind., 88. Los Angeles, Cal., 70, 71. Los Angeles Pressed- Brick Company, 70. Louisiana: history of, 101; referred to, 52, 1 1 8; statistics of production, 102. Louisville, Ky., 16, 47, 98, 100. Louisville Fire- Brick Company, 100. Louwelsa ware, 190. Low Art Tile Company, 29, no. Lowell Pottery, 84. Lower Barren Measures, 173; clays, 182, 205. Lower Carboniferous. See Subcarbon- iferous. Lower Coal Measures, 166. Lower Freeport days, 165, 177, 206. Lower Kittanning clays, 171, 172, 173, X 75 I 77 *82, 206, 207; fire, 39. Lower Mercer clay, 166, 173, 176, 182. Ludowici, Ga., 29. Ludowici-Celadon Company, 169. Ludowici Company, 28. Ludowici Roofing Tile Company, 29, 169. Ludowici tile, 86, Lutesville, Mo., 121. Lyman and Fenton, 226. Lynnville, Ky., 99. Lyons, N. Y., 151, 155. Lyons Stoneware Company, 155. M. McAvoy Vitrified-Brick Company, 200. McClave, J. M., 31, 39, 106, 169, 174, 1 80. McClintock, Geo., 122. McClure Coke Company, 209. McCoy and Shawl, 235. McCoy Pottery Company, 184. McCulley, John, 141. McDonough County, 111., 85. McDume, Angus, 151. McElfresh Clay Manufacturing Com- pany, 34. McFadden, J., 31. McHenry, 111., 81. McKean County, Pa., 206. McKenzie, Tenn., 220. Mackensie and Brothers Potter} 7 , 214. Mackey, Fredericks and Company, 212. Mackey, Graff us and Scott, 212. McLeod County, Minn., 117. McMahon, Porter and Company, 34. Macomb, 111., 33, 85, 86. Macomb Pottery Company, 85. Macomb Sewer Pipe Company, 86. McRoy Clay Works, 35, 91. Maddock, John, and Sons, 143. Maddock Pottery Company, 142. Maddock, Thos., and Sons Company, 141, 142. Madison County, Tenn., 220. Magnesia brick, 212. Magnolia, Ark., 68; O., 167. Maine: history of, 103; referred to, 9, 32, 48, no, 112; statistics of production, 104. Majolica, 106, 131, 192; Indiana, 90; mentioned, 50; New York, 156; Penn- sylvania, 204. Maiden, Mass., 108; New York, 153. Malvern, O., 34, 171, 172. Malvern Clay Company, 172. Mandan, N. Dak., 161. Mandel, I., 59. Mandel-Sant Company, 120. Mandel clay pits, 124. Manheim, Pa., 203. Manitowoc, Wis., 239. Mankato, Minn., 117. Manley and Cartwright Company, 186. Mannington, W. Va., 238. Manorville, Pa., 41, 210, 211, 212. Mansfield, Ark., 68. Marblehead, Mass., 52. Marblehead Pottery, 112, Marbles, playing, 183. Marianna, Ark., 68. Marietta, O., 163. Marion, Pa., 209. Marion County, W. Va., 41, 237, 238. Marshall, A., 58, 76. Marshall, Miss., 118. Marshall County, Ala., 65; W. Va., 237, 238- Marshallville, N. J., 136. Martin, H., 14. Martin County, Ind., 59, 88. Martinsburg, W. Va., 237. Maryland: history of, 105; referred to, 28, 32, 37, 39, 42, 48, 57, 174, 202, 207; terra-cotta clay from, 201. Man-land and New York Coal and Iron Company, 106. Mason County, W. Va., 237. 260 INDEX. Massachusetts: history of, 108; referred to, 9, 10, 22, 32, 45. 48, 52, 57, 138, 207; statistics of production, in. Massillon, O., 174. Masters, Thomas, 197. Mathieson and Hegeler, 121. Matte glaze ware, 131, 181. Maurer, Henry, 136. Maurer, N. J., 40, 139. Maurer and Son, 40, 136, 137, 138, 139. May, Judge J., 112. Mayer Bros., 50. Mayer Pottery Company, 215. Mayfield, Ky., 60. Mayo, N. Dak., 162. Maywood, N. J. 137. Ma^urie, J. J., 34. Mead, Dr. H., 155. Meagher, F., 109. Mear, Frederick, 184. Mecca, Ind., 91. Medina shales, 166. Memphis, Tenn., 14. Menasha, Wis., 239. Mendon, N. Y., 151. Menlo Park, N. j., 30. Menlo Park Ceramic Company, 30. Menomonie, Wis., 18, 239. Mercer Pottery, 142. Merrill, C. J., 32. Merrill and Ewart, 28, 169. Mertztown, Pa., 204. Mesozoic clays, 106. Messinger, J., brickyard, 239. Metropolitan Paving-Brick Company, 172. Metuchen, N. J., 52. Mexico, Mo., 124. Mexico Fire-Brick Company, 124. Miami County, O., 166. Michigan: history of, 112; referred to, 10, 32, 34, 38; statistics of production, "5- Michigan Bar, Cal., 32, 48, 70. Middle Kittanning clay, 177. Middle Kittanning shale, 165. Middleboro, Mass., 112. Middlebury, O., 180; Vt., 226. Middleport, O., 173. Middlesex County, N. J., 135, 139. Midvale, O., 170. Milledgeville, Ga., 80, 218. Miller, A., tile works of, 29. Miller, David, 178. Miller Brick Company, 206. Miller kaolin pit, 122. Miller's Pottery, Philadelphia, 201. Millhall, Pa., 211, 213. Millington, R., 141. Millville, N. J., 135. Milton, O., 1 80. Milwaukee, Wis., 15, 239. Mineral City, O., 44. Mineral Point, O., 175, 176, 177, 178. Minneapolis, Minn., 17, 116, 117. Minnesota: history of, 115; referred to, 10, 48, 49; statistics of production, 118. Minnesota Geological Survey, 116. Minor Fire-Brick Company, 175. Minot, N. Dak., 161. Mississippi: history of, 118; referred to, 16, 1 8, 41, 48, 101 ; statistics of production, 119. Mississippi Glass Company, 124. Mississippian clays, 86. Missouri: clay mining industry, 127; his- tory of, 120; referred to, n, 17, 24, 25, 32, 33. 3 6 > 37. 3 8 > 4, 4i, 43. 48, 50, 57, 59, 61, 97, 170; statistics of pro- duction, 127. Missouri Fire-Brick Company, 124. Mitchell Clay Company, 121. Moberly, Mo., 126. Mobile, Ala., 64. Mogadore, O., 53, 181, 182, 183, 192. Momence, 111., 19, 82. Monaca, Pa., 207, 209. Moncton, Vt., 46, 131, 226, 227. Monmouth, III, 85, 86. Monmouth Brick and Tile Company, 86. Monongahela series, clays of, 237. Monroe County, Mich., 113. Montana: history of, 128; referred to, 42; statistics of production, 1 29. Montello, Pa., 38, 199. Montello Clay and Brick Company, 199. Montevideo, Minn., 117. Montezuma, Ind., 28, 89, 92. Montgomery County, Ind., 91; Mo., 122; Pa., 28, 197, 202. Monserrat, Mo., 126. Monument, Pa., 211. Monument Pottery Company, 143. Moorestown, N. J., 136. Moravians, roofing tile made by, 197. Morgan County, Mo., 123. Morgantown, W. Va., 234, 237. Morgantown Brick Company, 237. Morris, 111., 81. Morris and Wilmore Company, 143. Morrison, Colo., 73. Morrison and Carr, 156. Morrisville, Pa., 30. Mosaic tile, 168. Mosaic Tiling Company, 30, 167. Moses, James, 142. Moses, John, 53, 141. Mound City, 111., 84. Mt. Holly, Pa., 200. Mt. Holly Brick and Clay Company, 200. Mt. Holly Springs, Pa., 59, 204. INDEX. 261 Mt. Holly Springs Brick and Clay Com- pany, 204. Mt. Morris, N. Y., 155. Mt. Savage, Md., 19, 39, 106, 107, 207. Mt. Savage brick, 175; early use in Ohio, 174. Mt. Savage clay, 237. Mt. Union, Pa., 43. Moxahala, O., 177. Muncie, Ind., 44. Munn, David, 150. Muskingum County, O., 166, 181. Myers-Hartford Clay Company, 34. Narbonne, Isabella, 64. Nashville, Tenn., 165, 220. Nashville Art-Pottery Company, 220. Natchez, Miss., 118. National China Company, 187. National Fire- Brick Company, 174, 178. National Fireproofing Company, 27, 137, 167, 207. National Porcelain Company, 143. National Roofing Tile Company, 169. National Sewer-Pipe Company, 34. Neale-Morrow Brick Company, 236. Nebraska: history of, 129; referred to, n, 48; statistics of production, 130. Neenah, Wis., 239. Nelson ville, O., 172. Nelsonville Brick Company, 172. Neodesha, Kans., 97. Nevada: history of, 130; statistics of pro- duction, 130. New Albany, Ind., 91. New Brighton, Pa., 33, 49, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 214. New Castle, Del., 57, 76; Me., 103. New Castle County, Del., 58, 202. New Cumberland, W. Va., 10, 34", 234, 235, 237- New England Brick Company, 12, 109, 112, I3 1 - New Engand Pottery, 109. New England Terra Cotta Company, no. New Galilee, Pa., 206. New Garden, Pa., 57. New Geneva Pottery, 215. New Hampshire: common brick, 131, history of , 1 3 1 ;.pottery , 131; referred to ; 10, 46, 48, 57, 103, 112, 163; statistics of production, 132. New Jersey: history of, 133; referred to, 10, 14, 25, 26, 32, 33, 35, 39, 40, 41, 45, 46, 48, 5, 5 2 . 54, 57, 58, 60, 75, 77, 80, 103, 105, no, 152, 153, 154, J 55> J 56, 158, 167, 170, 175, 182, 186, 200, 202, 203, 204, 207, 212; statistics of production, 146. New Jersey clay mining industry, 144. New Jersey clays, uses of, 144. New Jersey Geological Survey, 138. New Jersey Pottery, 142. New Jersey Terra-Cotta Works, 136. New Kensington, Pa., 44. New Lebanon, N. Y., 151. New Lexington, O., 53, 169, 192. New Lexington High Voltage Porcelain Company, 53, 192. New London, Minn., 117. New Mexico: history of, 147; clays for con- verter linings, 147; referred to, 41; statistics of production, 148. New Milford, Conn., 75. New Orleans, La., 39, 52, 78, 101, 102, 118. New Philadelphia, O., 29, 169, 180. New Salem, N. Dak., 162. New Ulm, Minn., 117. New York, N. Y., 105, 148, 149, 151, 155, 156, 157, 158; early brick buildings in, 148. New York: history of, 148; referred to, 9, 10, 12, 25, 28, 31, 33, 37, 40, 41, 45, 48, 49, 50, 52, 57, 58, 103, 112, 116, 136, 144, 220; statistics of pro- duction, 159. New York Architectural Terra-Cotta Company, 24, 152, 200. Newberry, J. S., 175. Newburg, N. Y., 150; O., 31, 169. Newburgh Brick and Clay Company, 173. Newcomb Art Pottery, 52. Newcomb Pottery, 102. Newell, W. Va., 238. Newell Pottery, 187. Newport, Del., 57; O., 180; R. I., 217. Newport Pressed-Brick and Stone Com- pany, 100. Nichols, Mrs., M. L., 181. Norman brick, 18. North and Fen ton, 226. North Baltimore, -O., 165. North Baltimore Pressed-Brick Company, 165- North Cambridge, Mass., 109. North Carolina: history of, 160; referred to, 9, 30, 48, 57, 59, 6 , 137, l8 7, 215, 231; statistics of production, 161. North Dakota: history of, 161; referred to, n ; statistics of production, 162. North Hampton, Mass., 108. North Penfield, N. Y., 151. North Riverside, la., 95. North Springfield, O., 181. North Yernon, 111., 90. North Vernon Tile Company, 90. 262 INDEX. North Yakima, Wash., 232. Northeastern Terra-Cotta Company, 24, 206. Northwestern Terra-Cotta Company, 24, 82. Norton, J. P., 104. Norton and Fenton, 226. Norton Brothers, 226. Norwalk, Conn., 46, 74, 75. Norwich, Conn., 74, 75. O. Oak Hill, O., 176, 177; Pa., 215. Oak Level, Va., 231. Oakahumpka, Fla., 79. Oakland, Cal., 70. Oakland Pressed-Brick Company, 165. Ogden, Joseph, 184. O'Hara Glass Company, 43. Ohio: history of, 163; referred to, 10, n, 14, 17, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. 3 6 > 37. 3 8 39. 4, 41, 42, 43. 4-6, 48, 49, 50, 52, 58, 61, 80, 89, 90, 91, 99, 106, 121, 124, 138, 152, 156, 204, 207, 220, 235; statistics of production, 193- Ohio China Company, 188. Ohio Clay-Shingle Company, 237. Ohio Geological Survey, 164, 169, 180, 181, 188. Ohio Pottery Company, 192. Ohio shale, 166. Ohio State University, school of ceramics, 7. Ohio stoneware, markets of, 183. Ohio Tile Company, 30, 168. Ohio Valley China Company, 266. Ohio Valley district, refractories from, 176. Ohio Valley Fire-Clay Company, 33. Ohio Valley Clay Company, 44. Ohr, George, 119. Old Bridge, N. J., 46, 137, 140. Old Bridge Enameled-Brick and Tile Company, 137. Olive Hill, Ky., 41, 99, 100. Olive Hill Fire- Brick Company, 41, 99. Oliver, C. K., 64. Omaha, Neb., 18, 129. Onondaga Pottery, 49, 157. Orange County, Cal., 71. Orcutt's Pottery, 156. Ordovician shales, 100. Ore Hill, Pa., 204. Oregon, history of, 195. Orr, J. W., 70. Orton, Jr., E., 7, 37, 165, 167, 169, 171, 173, 176, 182. Orton, Sr., E., 177, 183. Osage City, Kans., 96. Oshawa, Minn., 116. Osnaburg, O., 167. Ostrander, N. J., 139. Ott and Brown, 142. Ottawa, 111., 29, 83, 86. Otter Tail County, Minn., 117. Owatonna, Minn., 117. Owen, W. B., 92. Owen County, Ind., 59, 89. Owens, J. B., Pottery, 190. Ox-blood color, Chinese, no. Ozark County, Mo., 123. Ozaukee, Wis., 239. P. Pace Bros, and Sons Pottery Company, 184. Pacific Coast Clay-Manufacturing Com- pany, 71. Paducah, Ky., 85, 98, 99, 100. Paleozoic shales, 80. Palmer, J. C., 108; W. W., 228; W., 114. Pamplin City, Va., 231. Panel, O., 178. Paper clays: Georgia, 80; mentioned, 57, 59; Pennsylvania, 204; production of, 62; Vermont, 227; Wisconsin, 239; Wyoming, 240. Pardee, C., Works, 30. Pardee Tile Works, 137. Parian ware, 106; first in United States, 226; Vermont, 226. Paris, Tenn., 220; Tex., 222. Park Brothers, 207. Park County, Ind., 88, 91. Park Porcelain Works, 30. Parkdale, Colo., 73. Parker, L., 121. Parker, W. H., Brick Works, 198. Parker Russel Company, 40. Parker-Russel Mining and Manufactur- ing Company, 121. Parkersburg, W. Va., 29, 235, 237. Parks, G. H., 99. Parkville, Pa., 209. Parmelee, C. W., 7. Pass and Seymour, 53, 158. Paston Paving-Brick Company, 91. Pauline Pottery, 85, 239. Paving brick: Alabama, 65; Arkansas, 67; Connecticut, 76; District of Columbia, 78; first street laid, 235; Georgia, 80; Illinois, 82; Indiana, 90; Iowa, 95; Kansas, 96, 97; Kentucky, 100; Louisiana, 102; Maryland, 107; Michigan, 114; Missouri, 122; Ne- braska, 129; New York, 152; Ohio, 172; Pennsylvania, 199, 200, 206, 207; Tennessee, 221; Texas, 222; Wash- ington, 232; West Virginia, 237. INDEX. 263 Paving-brick industry, history of, 36; Missouri, 126. Pea Shore, N. J., 14. Peebles Paving-Brick Company, 173. Pern, Ind., 92. Pendelton, S. C., 217. Pendelton and Brother, 208. Penn, Wm., 196. Penn Tile Works, 30, 200. Penn Yan, N. Y., 155. Pennington, John, clay deposits of, 203. Pennsylvania: history of, 195; referred to, 9, 10, 17, 18, 25, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 57, 59, 60, 61, 99, 106, 107, 121, 122, 124, 133, 140, 144, 149, 152, 153, 156, 170, 177, 184, 187, 192, 231, 234; statistics of production, 216. Pennsylvania Clay Company, 207. Pennsylvania Fire-Brick Company, 213. Pennsylvania Salt Company, 89. Pennsylvania Sewer-Pipe Company, 34. Pennsylvanian clays, 86. Penrith, W. Va., 34. Pensacola, Fla., 78. Peoria, 111., 37, 48, 82, 84. Peoria Pottery, 84. Perkiomen Junction, Pa., 200. Perry, Mo., 123. Perry County, Ind., 88; O., 177, 181, 182. Perry's Pottery, 155. Perth Amboy, N. J., 14, 22, 24, 30, 36, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 155- Perth Amboy brick, 175. Perth Amboy Terra-Cotta Company, 18, 22, 136. Peryear, Tenn., 220. Peters and Reed Pottery Company, 192. Petersburg, N. J., 135. Phelps County, Mo., 122, 124. Philadelphia, Pa., 17, 24, 29, 46, 50, 57, 76, 121, 133, 1451 149. I 9> J 9 8 > J 99 2OO, 2OI, 2O2, 2O3, 231. Philadelphia, old brick buildings in, 196, 197. Philadelphia and Boston Face-Brick Com- pany, no. Philadelphia china, foreign competition with, 20 1. Philadelphia City Pottery, 204. Philadelphia Clay Company, 204. Philadelphia County district, Pa., 15. Philippi, W. Va., 235. Phillipsburg, Pa., 42. Phillipsburg Fire-Brick Works, 211. Phoenix Clay-Pot Company, 44. Phcenixville Pottery, Kaolin and Fire Brick Company, 203. Pickens, S. C., 217. Piedmont Brick and Coal Company, 237. Pine Bluff, Ark., 68. Pine Grove Furnace, Pa., 200. Pinson, Tenn., 220. Pioneer Pottery Company, 184. Pipes, clay, 201, 203; Virginia, 231; smok- ing, 192; Vermont, 226. Piscataqua, Me., 10, 103. Piscataway, N. J., 137. Pittsburg, Kans., 33, 96, 97; Pa., 18, 27, 30, 39, 40, 42, 43, 47, 99, 106, 122, 124, 137, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 214, 234. Pittsburg Clay Company, 215. Pittsburg Clay-Manufacturing Company, 33, 214- Pittsburg Clay-Pot Company, 44. Pittsburg Encaustic-Tile Company, 30, 206. Pittsburg Terra-Cotta Lumber Company, 207. Pittsford, N. Y., 151. Platte Canon, Colo., 73. Platteville, W T is., 240. Pleistocene clays, 75, 88, 92, 114, 133, 152, 200, 222. Plymouth, Mass., 108. Pohl, Joseph, 116. Pomona, N. C., 160. Pompeiian brick, 17. Pope-Gosser China Company, 183. Porcelain, 109; California, 70; electrical, mentioned, 52; hard, Pennsylvania, 204; hard, mentioned, 53; hard, New York, 157; mentioned, 7, 89; Penn- sylvania, 202; Vermont, 226. Porcelain hardware, 156. Porcelain clay, 117. Port Marion, Pa., 215. Port Murray, N. J., 137. Port Richmond Pottery, 204. Portage County, O., 183. Porter, Ind., 18, 92. Porter, J. and W., 235. Porter and Beall, 234. Porter and Frazer Pottery, N. Y., 156. Porter Brick Company, 234. Porter County, Ind., 92. Porter's Station, Tenn., 219. Portland, Me., 32, 48, 103. Portland Stoneware Company, 32, 48, 103. Portsmouth, O., 41, 99, 173, 176, 179. Portsmouth and Kentucky Fire-Brick Company, 179. Post, James, 123. Potteries, early New Jersey ones, 139. Potters Hill, N. Y. City, 154. Potterstown, Ky., 99, 100. Pottery. See Art pottery, Belleek, C. C. ware, Earthenware, Faience, Ironstone china, Majolica, Parian, Porcelain, 264 INDEX. Rockingham ware, Stoneware, White earthenware, White granite ware, Yellow ware. Alabama, 64, 65; Arkansas, 67, 68; California, 46, 69, 70; Colorado, 73; Connecticut, 46; Delaware, 76, 77; early exportations, 139; exportations of, 56; first west of Allegheny Mts., 46, 234; Georgia, 80; glazed, Connec- ticut, 75; Illinois, 82, 84; Indiana, 88, 89, 90; Iowa, 94, Kansas, 96; Ken- tucky, 98, 99, 100; manufacture, im- provements in, 54; Maryland, 46, 106; Massachusetts, 108, 109, no; Mich- igan, 114; Minnesota, 116, 117; Mississippi, 118, 119; Missouri, 121; Missouri, failure of high grade wares, 123; New Jersey, 139; New York, 153; North Carolina, 160; Ohio, 179; Oregon, 195; Pennsylvania, 47, 201, 214; South Carolina, 217, 218; Tennes- see, 219, 220; Texas, 222; Utah, 225; Vermont, 46, 226; Virginia, 230, 231; West Virginia, 46, 235; Wisconsin, 239. Pottery clay: Missouri, 120; Pennsylvania, 197. Pottery decoration, transfer system, first use of, 140. Pottery industry: history of, 45; early, around New York City, 154. Pottsville formation, flint clays in, 99. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 151, 155, 156. Powhatan, Virginia, 231. Pranglen, James, Brick Works, 199. Pressed brick, mentioned, 6, 57. Pressed-brick clay, mentioned, 59. Pressed-brick industry, decline of, in Tren- ton, 135. Preston, W. D., 64. Princeton, Minn., 117. Prospect, Me., 103. Prospect Hill Pottery, 142. Providence, R. I., 217. Providential Tile Works, 30, 137. Pryorsburg, Tenn., 220. Pueblo, Colo., 41, 73. Pulaski, Pa., 209. Purington, D. V., 81, 83. Purington Paving- Brick Company, 83. Putnam, G. P., 136. Putnam County, Fla., 79. Putnam Hill clay, 166, 167, 173, 192. Q. Quakertown clay, 183. Quakertown coal under clay, 182. Queen City Brick and Tile Company, 107. Queens Run, Pa., 39, 41, 209; first fire brick works at, 212. Queens Run Fire- Brick Company, 213. Queensware, 10, 179. Quincy, 111., 81; Mass., 108. R. Raisin River, Mich., 113. Rails County, Mo., 123. Ramsay, A., 107. Randolph County, Ala., 65; W. Va., 237. Ransbottom Stoneware Company, 184. Rapid City, S. Dak., 219. Raritan Hollow and Porous Brick Com- pany, 137. Reading, Pa., 198, 199, 200, 204. Red Oak, la., 94. Red Wing, Minn., 49, 116, 117, 118. Red Wing Stoneware Company, 116. Reed and Harrison, 209. Reese and Sons, 174, 210, 211. Regina, Mo., 59, 124. Remmey, John, 154. Remmey and Crolius, 154. Remmey and Son, 50. Remmey, J. C., and Son Pottery, 202. Renwick, James, 20. Rapp Roofing Tile Company, 169. Residual clay, 200, 204, 231, 232, 237, 239; for brick, 199; Georgia, 80. Resolute Porcelain Company, 143. Retort, Pa., 41, 211. Rhode Island: history of, 217; referred to, 9, 76. Rhodes and Yates, 141. Richardton, N. Dak., 162. Richmond, Fla., 79; Va., 15, 231. Richmond County, Va., 231. Richmond Kaolin Company, 79. Ripley, 111., 84. Riverside County, Cal., 71. Riverside Pottery Company, 236. Robertson, A. W., no. Robertson Art-Tile Company, 30. Robineau, Mrs. A. A., 157. Robineau Pottery, 52. Robins and Henderson, 220. Robins and Sons, 123. Robinson, B. W., 170. Robinson, John, 168. Robinson Bros, and Company, 170. Robinson Clay-Products Company, 165, 171, 178, 181. Rochester, N. H., 131; N. Y., 33, 151, 152, 153, 155; Pa., 39, 206, 207, 208, 209, 215. Rochester Pottery Company, 215. Rock, Ky., 100. Rock House, O., 182. Rock Island County, 111., 84. Rockford, 111., 82. INDEX. 265 Rockingham ware: Delaware, 77; Indiana, 89; Massachusetts, 109; mentioned, 48, 49, 50; Missouri, 123; New Jersey, 140, 141, 143; Ohio, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185; Pennsylvania, 214; Vermont, 226, 227. Rockland County, N. Y., 149, 150. Rocky-Cliff Coal Mining Company, 147. Rocky Hill, N. J., 136. Rodentown, Ala., 65. Rogers, E., 14. Rogers, John, 157. Rogers, Mrs. J., 157. Rogers statuary, 157. Rolfe, C. W., 7. Rolla, Mo., 122. Roman brick, 17. Rome, Ga., 80; N. Y., 152. Rondont, N. Y., 150. Rood County, Minn., 117. Roofing tile: California, 29, 70; Colorado, 73; development of, 28; early ones, 138; first ones made in Ohio, 168; Georgia, 29, So; Illinois, 29, 86; Indiana, 92; interlocking, 28; Kansas, 97; Kentucky, 100; Maryland, 107; Michigan, 114; Missouri, 121; New Jersey, 138; New York, 153; Ohio, 29, 167, 192; Pennsylvania, 197; shingle, 28; Spanish, 28; West Virginia, 2 9> 2 37- Rookwood Pottery, 50, 181. Rookwood Pottery Company, 24. Rosenhayn, N. J., 135. Roseville, O., 18, 50, 182, 183, 184, 188. Roseville Pottery, 50, 190. Roseville Pottery Company, 52. Ross County, L., 164. Rossi, J. A., 26, 35, 138, 167. Round Knob, 111., 85, 98. Roundabout, N. J., 135, 140. Rowan County, O., 99. Royal Fire-Clay Company, 170. Royal Sewer-Pipe and Fire- Brick Com- pany, 170. Rozane ware, 190. Rusk County, Tex., 222. Russell, James, 121. Rutgers College, school of ceramics, 7. Rutland, Vt., 226. S. Sabestacook River, Me., 103. Sacramento, CaL, 69. Sacramento Transportation Company, 70. Sagger clays, 182; mentioned, 57; New Jersey, 144. Saggers, 144- Saginaw, Mich., 38, 114. St. Clair County, Ala., 65. St. Cloud, Minn., 116. St. Croix County, Wis., 239. St. Joseph, Mo., 126. St. Louis, Mo., 15, 18, 32, 33, 36, 40, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 223. St. Louis Stamping Works, 123. St. Louis Stoneware Company, 125, 126. St. Paul, Minn., 116, 117. St. Tammany, La., 101. Salamander Fire-Brick Company, 124. Salamander Works, 32, 139. Salem, Mass., 108; O., 164, 179, 188. Salem China Company, 188. Salina, 111., 83; Pa., 40, 208. Salina shales, 152. Salt, James, 184. Salt Lake Pressed- Brick Company, 225. San Antonio, Tex., 222. San Francisco, CaL, 24, 33, 46, 69, 70. San Juan district, N. M., 147. Sandy Ridge, Pa., 209. Sanitary Earthenware Specialty Com- pany, 143. Sanitary ware: first made in the United States, 141; Indiana, 92; Maryland, 107; mentioned, 52; New Jersey, 141, 142, 143; West Virginia, 236. Santa Barbara, CaL, 69. Santa Fe, N. M., 147. Sargeants Bluff, la., 47, 94, 95. Sargeants Bluff Pottery, 94. Saspamco, Tex., 33, 222. Sattler, Geo., 122. Savage Fire-Brick Company, 209. Savage Mountain fire clay, Pa., 209. Savage Mountain Fire-Brick Works, 106. Saylorsburg, Pa., 19, 200. Sayre, James, 135. Sayre and Fisher, 40, 135, 139. Sayreville, N. J., 10, 19, 40, 46, 135, 139, 140. Schenectady, N. Y., 53, 158. Schrieber and Company, 204. Scioto Star Works, 179. Sciotoville, O., 39, 173, 174, 175, 179. Sciotoville clay, 99, 176. Sciotoville Fire-Brick Company, 174. Scootac River, Pa., 213. Scott Bros., 215. Seattle, Wash., 128, 232. Sebastian County, Ark., 68. Sebring, O., 188. Sebring Pottery Company, 187, 188, Sedalia, Mo., 126. Semi-porcelain, 53; Ohio, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188. Sevres China Company, 187, 188. Sewaren, N. J., 137. 2 66 INDEX. Sewer pipe, 144; California, 70, 71; Geor- gia, 80; Illinois, 86; Indiana, 89, 90; Iowa, 95; Kansas, 97; Kentucky, 100; Maine, 104; Maryland, 106, 107; Massachusetts, no; mentioned, 6, 36, 66; Michigan, 114, 115; Minnesota, 118; Missouri, 125; Missouri, failure of first ones in, 125; Nebraska, 129; New York, 153; North Carolina, 160; Ohio, 169; Pennsylvania, 207, 215; Tennessee, 221; Texas, 222; Utah, 225; Washington, 232; West Virginia, 234- Sewer-pipe industry, history of, 31. Sewer-pipe machine, early use of, 31. Sewer-pipe press, when first introduced, 169. Seymour and Bosworth, 74. Seymour's Pottery, 155. Shakopee, Minn., 116. Shale, first use of, n; in New York, 152. Sharon, Pa., 34. Sharon Clay-Manufacturing Company, 34. Sharon fire clay, 209. Sharon shale, 28, 168, 170, 171, i8a. Shawnee, O., 166. Shelby, Minn., 116. Shelby County, Mo., 123. Shepard, E. H., 120. Shepherdstown, W. Va., 237. Shepley and Smith, 155. Sherburne, N. Y., 155. Shiprock, N. M., 147. Shoals, Ind., 89. Sicardo, 190. Silica brick, 43, 214; Pennsylvania, 210, 211. Silurian clays, 100. Silver Bow County, Mont., 128. Simons Brick Company, 70. Simpson, P. L., 165. Sing Sing, N. Y., 149. Sinks, 144. Sligo Sewer-Pipe Company, 234. Slip clay, mentioned, 58; production of, 62; New York, 47, 156, 234; Wis- consin, 240. Slip-decorated ware, 202. Slip-glaze, 154. Smith, A. F., clay mines, 214. Smith, A. F., Company, 205. Smith, H. A., 123. Smith, Thomas C., 156. Smith and Phillips Porcelain Company, 1 88. Smith and Phillips China Company, 187. Socorro, N. M., 41, 147. Socorro Fire-Clay Company, 147. Soft-mud process, 14, 94; mentioned, 161. Soisson and Company, 40, 208. Soldier, Ky., 100. Somerset County, Pa., 209. Souter Pottery, 74. South Amboy, N. J., 46, 136, 138, 140, 203. South Carolina: history of, 217; referred to, 10, 40, 48, 57, 59, 98, 230; statis- tics of production, 218. South Dakota: history of, 219; referred to, 42; statistics of production, 219. South Kent, Conn., 75. South Knox Brick Company, 220. South Mountain, Pa., 59; white clays, 204. South River, N. J., 135, 137, 138, 139. South Riverside, Cal., 71. South Wallingford, Vt., 226. South Webster, O., 41, 179. South Zanesville Sewer-Pipe and Brick Company, 172. Southern Brick and Tile Company, 220. Southern Porcelain Manufacturing Com- pany, 218. Spa Springs, N. J., 137, 139. Spencer, H., 58; kaolin mines of, 204. Spencer County, Ind., 91. Spieler, Henry, 186. Spring Hill, Ark., 68. Springfield, 111., 82; Mo., 126; O., 176, 180, 183. Staatsburg, N. Y., 151. Stafford, Joseph, 83. Standard China Works, 143. Standard Fire- Brick Company, 73; In- diana, 91. Standard Terra-Cotta Works, 136. Standard Brick Company, 234. Stanwix, J., 151., Star Clay Company, 204. Star Encaustic-Tile Company, 30, 206. Star Fire-Brick Works, 40, 208, 209. Star Porcelain Company, 53, 143. Stark County, O., 166, 167, 175, 177, 183. Staten Island, N. Y., 152, 153. States, Adam, 75. Statistics, United States, 5. Statistics of imports, 55, 56. Statistics of production, 119; Alabama, 66; Arizona, 67; Arkansas, 69; California, 72; clay, 62, 221; Colorado, 74; common brick, 16; Connecticut, 76; Delaware, 77; District of Columbia, 78; enameled brick, 19; fire brick, 45; fireproofing, 27; Florida, 79; front brick, 18; Georgia, 80; hollow blocks, 28; Idaho, 130; Illinois, 87; Indiana, 93; Iowa, 95; Kansas, 97; Kentucky, 101; Louisiana, 102; Maine, 104; Massachusetts, in; Michigan, 115; Minnesota, 118; Missouri, 127; Montana, 129; Ne- INDEX. 267 braska, 130; Nevada, 130; New Hampshire, 132; New Jersey, 145, 146; New Mexico, 148; New York, 159; North Carolina, 161; North Dakota, 162; Ohio, 193; ornamental brick, 19; paving brick, 38; Penn- sylvania, 216; pottery, 54; sewer- pipe, 35; South Carolina, 218; South Dakota, 219; Tennessee, 221; terra cotta, 25; Texas, 224; Utah, 225; Vermont, 227; Virginia, 232; Wash- ington, 233; West Virginia, 238; Wisconsin, 240; Wyoming, 240. Stearns County, Minn., 116. Steiger Terra-Cotta and Pottery Works, 71. Stephens and Leach, 24, 200. Stephens, Armstrong and Conklin, 24. Stephens, Leach and Conklin, 24. Stephens, Tarns and Company, 142. Steubenville, O., 37, 40, 44, 46, 174, 179, 181. Steubenville Pottery, 181. Stevens County, Minn., 117. Stevens Pottery, Ga., 33, 80. Stewart County, Tenn., 220. Stiff-mud brick, 162. Stiff-mud process, 15, 94, 200; introduction of, 14. Still River, Mass., 112. Stillwater, N. Y., 155. ^Stockport, N. Y., 151. Stoneware, 131, 144; Arkansas, 68; Cali- fornia, 70, 71; chemical, 50, 202; Connecticut, 74, 75; Illinois, 84, 85. 86; importation of, 55; Indiana, 89; Iowa, 95; Kansas, 97; Louisiana, 102; Maine, 103; mentioned, 6, 48, 49, 50, 57; Mississippi, 119; Missouri, 47, 120, 123, 125; New Jersey, 46, 140; New York, 46, 154, 155; Ohio, 180, 181, 182, 183, 190; Pennsylvania, 202, 214; South Carolina, 46, 217; Tennes- see, 220; Texas, 222; Washington, 232; Vermont, 46, 226, 227; Virginia, 231. Stoneware clay, mentioned, 57; New York, 156; Ohio, 176, 182; production of, 62; Tennessee, 221. Stonington, Conn., 75. Storer, Mrs. Bellamy, 181. Stour bridge clay, 43, 44, 75, 121. Stove linings, 144; California, 71; Georgia, 80; Connecticut, 75, Louisiana, 102; Maryland, 107; mentioned, 57; Ver- mont, 227. Stover, E. C., 141, 143. Stowe, C. B., 212. Stowe-Fuller Company, 213. Strasburg, O., 41, 42, 174, i?7 J 78. Streator, 111., 83, 86. Streator Paving-Brick Company, 83. Stronach Station, Pa., 211. Stuyvesant, Governor, 148. Stuyvesant, N. Y., 151. Sub-Carboniferous, 176. Sub-Carboniferous clays, 59, 100, 166, 177, 220. Sub-Carboniferous shale, 173; first use in Indiana, 90. Sulphur Springs, Tex., 222. Summit, Ala., 65. Summit County, O., 26, 167, 175, 182, 183. Sun Porcelain Company, 143. Sunrise, Minn., 115. Sussex County, 111., 76. Sutterville, Cal., n, 69. Sword brick machine, 220. Sword brick press, 114. Syracuse, N. Y., 49, 52, 53, 152, 157, 158. Tacoma, Wash., 232. Taft and Company, 131. Taller beds, 89. Tallmadge, O., 182. Tarns, W., 142. Tank blocks, manufacture of, 43. Tanner Brick-Manufacturing Company, 119. Tarkio, Mo., 126. Tarrytown, N. Y., 149. Taunton, Mass., 112. Taylor, James, 133, 186. Taylor, J. N., 186. Taylor, Wash., 232. Taylor and Speeler, 141. Taylor County, W. Va., 237. Taylor, Smith and Taylor, 237. Teco ware, 52, 85. Templeton, Pa., 212. Tennessee: history of, 219; referred to, 14, 30, 48, 57, 60, 61, 165, 187, 192; statistics of production, 221. Tennessee Geological Survey, 219. Terlingua, Tex., 223. Terracotta: see architectural faience; 144; California, 70, 71; Colorado, 74; first use in New York City, 20; Georgia, 80; glazed, 24; Illinois, 82; improvements in manufacture of, 24; Iowa, 95; Kansas, 97; Louisiana, 102; Maryland, 107; mentioned, 80, 89; Minnesota, 1 1 8; Missouri, 125; New Jersey, 136; New York, 152; Ohio, 166; Pacific coast, 24; Pennsylvania, 200, 204, 206; polychrome, 25; porous, Massachu- setts, no; statistics of production, 25; Washington, 233. Terra-cotta heads, 204. 268 INDEX. Terra-cotta industry, development of, 20. Terra-cotta lumber, 26, 124; Indiana, 92; Missouri, 125; Pennsylvania, 207. Terra-cotta utensils, 108. Terra-cotta work, early, in New York City, 22. Terre Haute, Ind., 91. Terre Haute Brick and Pipe Company, 91. Tertiary clays, 41, 68, 70, 71, 84, 85, 98, 99, 100, 119, 162, 218, 219, 220, 222, 232. Texarkana, Ark., 68; Tex., 222. Texarkana Brick Company, 68. Texas: history of, 222; referred to, 33, 41, 48, 58; statistics of production, 224; western, 223. Texas Geological Survey, 223. Thomas, R., and Sons Company, 53, 187, 192. Thompson, H. M., and Company, 32, 125. Thompson, C. C., Pottery, 187. Thompson, G., 234. Thompson, John, pottery of, 234. Thornton, W. Va., 237. Thornton Brick Company, 237. Thurber, Tex., 222. Tiie: glazed, California, 70; importation of, 55- Tile clay, mentioned, 59. Tiltonville Sanitary Company, 236. Tionesta clay, 177. Tippah County, Miss., 118. Tompkinsville, Ky., 100. Toone, Tenn., 220. Topeka,Kans.,96. Toronto, O., 26, 31, 33, 34, 39, 166, 169, 171. Toronto Fire-Clay Company, 34. Tottenville,-N. Y., 153. Transfer printing, 156. Trent Tile Company, 30, 137. Trenton, N. J., 10, 30, 48, 52, 53, 54, 57, 5 8 6 5> 77, 7 8 J 33 J 3 6 > *37> J5 6 . l86 204; chronology of potting at, 141; first pottery at, 141; importance as a potting center, 140; pressed-brick industry, 16. Trenton China Company, 141, 142. Trenton Fire-Clay and Porcelain Com- pany, 142. Trenton Potteries Company, 142, 144. Trenton pottery industry, growth of, 143. Trenton Terra-Cotta Company, 142. Triassic shales, 38, 200. Trimble, O., 174. Troy, Ind., 88, 98; N. Y., 46, 153, 155. Truesdale, Mo., 124. Trux and Parker, 58, 77. Tucker's china works, 202. Tulip ware, 201. Turner, Robert, 196. Turner's Falls, Mass., 112. Tuscaloosa County, Ala., 64, 65. Tuscaloosa formation, 64. Tuscarawas, O., 177. Tuscarawas County, O., 166, 175. Tygart Valley Iron Company, 99. Tyler, L. G., 228. U. Uhrichville, O., 34, 171. Uhrichville Fire-Clay Company, 34. Uhrichville Sewer-Pipe Company, 172. Union City, Mich., 114. Union County, Ark., 68. Union Electrical-Porcelain Company, 142, 143- Union Furnace, O., 165, 176, 177. Union Mining Company, 39, 106. Union Porcelain Works, 53, 157, 158. Union Pottery Company, 142. Union township, O., 164. United States Clay-Manufacturing Com- pany, 34. United States Electrical-Porcelain Com- pany, 53, 192. United States Encaustic-Tile Works, 30, 89, 90. United States Geological Survey, testing laboratory, 7. United States Pottery, 227. United States Roofing-Tile Company, 237. United States Stoneware Company, 181. United Verde-Copper Company, 147. University of Illinois, school of ceramics, 7. Upjohn, Richard, 22. Upper Alton, 111., 84. Upper Mercer clay, 166. Upper Mill, Pa., 200. Utah: history of, 225; referred to, 42, 48; statistics of production, 225. Utah County, Utah, 225. Utah Fire-Clay Company, 225. Utica, 111., 183; N. Y., 152, 153, 155. V. Valentine, M. D., and Brother, 40, 139. Van Briggle Pottery, 52. Vance Faience Company, 266. Vance's Station, 65. Vandalia, Mo., 124. Vanderburg County, Ind., 91. Vanport, Pa., 206, 209, 214. Vanport Brick Company, 208. Van T wilier, Wouter, 148. Van Wickle's Pottery, 46, 140. Veedersburg, Ind., 91. Vellum ware, 181. Velva, N. D., 162. INDEX. 269 Vermilion County, Ind., gi. Vermont: history of, 226; referred to, 29, 46, 48, 57, 59, 218; statistics of pro- duction, 227. Vernon, la., 94. Verplanck's Point, N. Y., 149. Versailles, Mo., 123. Ver Valen brick machine, 150. Vicksburg, Miss., 119. Victor, N. Y., 53, 158, 220. Vigo County, Ind., 91. Virginia: history of, 228; referred to, 9, 45; statistics of production, 232. Vodrey, I., 88. Vodrey and Brother, 186. Vodrey Brothers, 1 86. Vodrey Pottery Company, 186. Volcano Fire-Brick Works, 208. Volckman Potter} 7 , 52. Volney, N. Y., 155. W. Wabasha County, Minn., 117. Waco, Tex., 222. Wad clays, N. J., 144. Wagoner, V. B., 156. Waldema County, Minn., 117. \Vales, Me., 103. Walhalla, N. Dak., 161. Walker, N. U., Clay Manufacturing Com- pany, 33. Walker, Wm., 209. Walkers, O., 33, 171. Wallpaper clay, 145. Wall tile: development of, 29; Kentucky, 98; Massachusetts, no; mentioned, 6; New Jersey, 137; Ohio, 167; Pennsylvania, 198, 206. Wallaceton, Pa., 41, 211. Wallaceton Fire-Brick Company, 211. Walton Company, C. B., 143. Walworth Corners, N. Y., 151. Ward County, N. D., 162. Warren County, Mo., 124; N. J., 137. Warwick Pottery Company, 236. Washington, D. C., 14, 15, 199; history of, 232; referred to, 18, 128; statistics of production, 233. Washington Clay Company, 123. Washington County-, Mo., 59, 120, 125; O., 164- Wassail Brick Company, 172. Waterloo, Wis., 239. W T atertown, Mass., 108; N. Y., 151; Wis., 23?- Waterville, Me., 104. Watkins, Porter and Company, 174. Watson, J., 39, 139. Waverly, O., 165. Waynesburg, O., 167. Weaver Clay and Coal Company, 89. Webster, Elijah, factory of, 206. Webster, N. C., 160; O., 175. W T edgewood, Josiah, 57, 78, 79, 217. Welch, Gloninger and Company, 209 Weller Pottery, 50, 52. Weller, S. A., Pottery Company, 190. Wells, Joseph, 180. Wellsville, O., 32, 33, 166, 169, 180, 183. W'ellsville China Company, 184. Wentz-Wagner Company, 170, 178. West Barnstable, Mass., 109. West Boone, la., 94. West Cornwall, Conn., 75. West Decator, Pa., 209. West End Pottery Company, 187. West Grove, Pa., 203. West, Hard wick and Company, 186. West Indies, exports to, 10, 131. West Philadelphia, Pa., 30. West Troy, N. Y., 155, 156. West Virginia: history of, 234; referred to, 3 J t 34, 3 6 > 3 8 , 4i, 42, 49 9, 169, 187; statistics of production, 238. West Virginia China Company, 236. West Virginia Pottery Company, 236. Western Stoneware Company, 85. Western Terra-Cotta Company, 97. W T eston, Mass., 108. Wheatley Pottery, 181. Wheeling, W. Va., 36, 49, 235. Wheeling Potteries Company. 236. Wheeling Pottery Company, 49, 236. White Church, Pa., 208. White Clay Creek, Del., 57, 76, 201. White granite ware, 120; mentioned, 52, 53; New Jersey, 141, 143; New York, 157; Ohio, 183, 184, 187, 188. White ware, 182; Colorado, 74; failure of, in Indiana, 47; Illinois, 84; Indiana, 92; introduction at East Liverpool, 187; Maryland, 106; Massachusetts, 109; mentioned, 6, 48, 49, 50, 78, 88; New Jersey, 140, 143; New York, 157; Ohio, 187; Pennsylvania, 201; 204, 214, 215; Vermont, 226; West Virginia, 236, 237. Whitehall, 111., 85, 80. Whitewater, Wis., 239. Whitlock, Tenn., 98, 220. Whitmore, Robinson and Company, 48, 1 80. Whittemore and Fenton, 155. W T ichita, Kans., 96. Wick China Company, 215. Wickliffe, Ky., 100; O., 173. Widemire Fire-Brick Works, 211. Wilkesbarre, Pa., 198. 270 INDEX. Willetts Manufacturing Company, 141, 142. Williams, Capt., 172. Williams, I. A., 7. Williams, John, and Company, 212. Williamsburg, Va., 230. Williamson, Mass., 109; O., 179. Williamsport, Pa., 213. Williston, N. Dak., 161. Willow, O., 173. Willow Station, O., 166. Wilmington, Del., 76, 105. Wilmington Landing, Ark., 68. Wilson's Landing, Va., 231. Wilton, la., 94; N. Dak., 162. Winfell, R., 123. Winkle Terra-Cotta Company, 24, 125. Winslow Junction, N. J., 18, 136. Wisconsin: history of, 239; referred to, 10, 48, 1 1 8; statistics of production, 240. Wise County, Va., 231. Wood, James, 135, 149. Woodbridge, N. J., 39, 40, 57, 137, 138, i39 J 45- Woodbury, la., 94. Woodland, Pa., 41, 209, 210. Woodland Fire- Brick Company, 210. Woodstock, Ala., 65; 111., 81. Woodward, Prof., 102. Woodward, Blakely and Company, 186. Worcester, Mass., 109. Wright County, Minn., 115. Wrightstown, Pa., 202. Wrightstown (Pa.) Pottery, 202. Wyandot, Kans., 96. Wymp's P. O., Pa., 208. Wynn, W. H., and Company, 209. Wyoming: history of, 240; statistics of production, 240. Y. Yalaha, Fla., 79. Yellow medicine, Minn., 116. Yellow ware: Delaware, 77; Indiana, 88, 89; Maryland, 107; Massachusetts, 109; mentioned, 48, 49, 50; New Jer- sey, 141, 143; Ohio, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185, 1 86, 187; Pennsylvania, 207, 214; Vermont, 226. York, Me., 104; Pa., 199; S. C., 217. Yorktown, N. J., 135. Yorkville, S. C., 217. Young's Sons, Wm., 141. Youngstown, O., 173. Z. Zanesville, O., 17, 29, 30, 37, 47, 50, 52, 163, 165, 166, 167, 172, 179, 180, 183, 188. Zanesville Art-Pottery Company, 192. Zanesville district, O., 190. Zanesville Stoneware Company, 190. Zinc-retort clay, 121, 145. Zoar, O., 1 80. Zoarites, manufacture of roofing tile by, 168. Zumbota, Minn., 118. SHORT- TITLE CATALOGUE OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF JOHN WILEY & SONS NEW YORK LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED ARRANGED UNDER SUBJECTS Descriptive circulars sent on application. Books marked with an asterisk (*) are sold at net prices only. All books are bound in cloth unless otherwise stated. AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE FORESTRY. Armsby's Principles of Animal Nutrition 8vo, $4 00 Budd and Hansen's American Horticultural Manual: Part I. Propagation, Culture, and Improvement 12mo. 1 50 Part II. Systematic Pomology 12mo, 1 50 Elliott's Engineering for Land Drainage . 12mo, 1 50 Practical Farm Drainage. 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(McMillan. ) Svo, 2 50 Soper's Air and Ventilation of Subways 12mo, 2 50 * Tracy's Exercises in Surveying 12mo, mor. 1 00 Tracy's Plane Surveying. 16mo, mor. 3 00 * Trautwine's Civil Engineer's Pocket-book i . . 16mo, mor. 5 00 Venable's Garbage Crematories in America Svo, 2 00 Methods and Devices for Bacterial Treatment of Sewage Svo, 3 00 6 Wait's Engineering and Architectural Jurisprudence 8vo, $6 00 Sheep! 6 50 Law of Contracts 8vo. 3 00 Law of Operations Preliminary to Construction in Engineering and Architecture gvo, 5 00 Sheep, 5 50 Warren's Stereotomy Problems in Stone-cutting 8vo. 2 50 * Waterbury's Vest-Pocket Hand-book of Mathematics for Engineers. 2|X5f inches, mor. 1 00 Webb's Problem's in the Use and Adjustment of Engineering Instruments. 16mo, mor. 1 25 Wilson's Topographic Surveying 8vo, 3 50 BRIDGES AND ROOFS. Boiler's Practical Treatise on the Construction of Iron Highway Bridges.. 8vo, 2 00 * Thames River Bridge - Oblong paper, 5 00 Burr and Falk's Design and Construction of Metallic Bridges 8vo, 5 00 Influence Lines for Bridge and Roof Computations 8vo, 3 00 Du Bois's Mechanics of Engineering. Vol. II Small 4to, 10 00 Foster's Treatise on Wooden Trestle Bridges 4to, 5 00 Fowler's Ordinary Foundations 8vo, 3 50 Greene's Arches in Wood, Iron, and Stone 8voi 2 50 Bridge Trusses 8vo, 2 50 Roof Trusses Svo, 1 25 Grimm's Secondary Stresses in Bridge Trusses Svo, 2 50 Heller's Stresses in Structures and the Accompanying Deformations.. . .8vo, 3 00 Howe's Design of Simple Roof- trusses in Wood and Steel Svo. 2 00 Symmetrical Masonry Arches 8vo, 2 50 Treatise on Arches Svo, 4 00 Johnson, Bryan and Turneaure's Theory and Practice in the Designing of Modern Framed Structures Small 4to, 10 00 Merriman and Jacoby's Text book on Roofs and Bridges: Part I. Stresses in Simple Trusses 8vo, 2 50 Part II. Graphic Statics 8vo, 2 50 Part III. Bridge Design 8vo, 2 50 Part IV. Higher Structures 8vo, 2 50 Morison's Memphis Bridge , Oblong 4to, 10 00 Sondericker's Graphic Statics, with Applications to Trusses, Beams, and Arches 8vo, 2 00 Waddell's De Pontibus, Pocket-book for Bridge Engineers 16mo, mor. 2 00 * Specifications for Steel Bridges 12mo, 50 Waddell and Harringtoon's Bridge Engineering. (In Preparation.) Wright's Designing of Draw-spans. Two parts in one volume 8vo, 3 50 HYDRAULICS. Barnes's Ice Formation 8vo, 3 00 Bazin's Experiments upon the Contraction of the Liquid Vein Issuing from an Orifice. (Trautwine.) Svo, 2 00 Bovey's Treatise on Hydraulics Svo, 5 00 Church's Diagrams of Mean Velocity of Water in Open Channels. Oblong 4 to, paper, 1 50 Hydraulic Motors Svo, 2 00 Coffin's Graphical Solution of Hydraulic Problems 16mo, mor. 2 50 Flather's Dynamometers, and the Measurement of Power 12mo, 3 00 Folwell's Water-supply Engineering .8vo, 4 00 Frizell's Water-power 8voi 5 00 Fuertes's Water and Public Health 12mo, 1 50 Water-filtration Works 12mo, 2 50 Ganguillet and Kutter's General Formula for the Uniform Flow of Water in Rivers and Other Channels. (Hering and Trautwine.) Svo, 4 00 7 Hazen's Clean Water and How to Get It Large 12mo, $1 50 Filtration of Public Water-supplies 8vo, 3 00 Hazelhurst's Towers and Tanks for Water-works 8vo, 2 50 Herschel's 115 Experiments on the Carrying Capacity of Large, Riveted, Metal Conduits 8vo, 2 00 Hoyt and Grover's River Discharge 8vo, 2 00 Hubbard and Kiersted's Water-works Management and Maintenance. 8vo, 4 00 * Lyndon's Development and Electrical Distribution of Water Power. 8vo, 3 00 Mason's Water-supply. 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Rapid Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Special Steels, Steel-making Alloys and Graphite Large 12mo, 3 00 Johnson's (J. B.) Materials of Construction Large 8vo, 6 00 Keep's Cast Iron 8vo, 2 50 Lanza's Applied Mechanics 8vo, 7 50 Maire's Modern Pigments and their Vehicles 12mo, 2 00 Martens's Handbook on Testing Materials. (Henning.) 2 vols 8vo, 7 50 Maurer's Technical Mechanics 8vo, 4 00 Merrill's Stones for Building and Decoration Svo, 5 00 Merriman's Mechanics of Materials 8vo, 5 00 * Strength of Materials 12mo, 1 00 Metcalf's Steel. A Manual for Steel-users 12mo, 2 00 Morrison's Highway Engineering 8vo, 2 50 Patton's Practical Treatise on Foundations Svo, 5 00 Rice's Concrete Block Manufacture 8vo, 2 00 8 Richardson's Modern Asphalt Pavements 8vo, $3 00 Richey's Building Foreman's Pocket Book and Ready Reference. 16mo,mor. 5 00 * Cement Workers' and Plasterers' Edition (Building Mechanics' Ready Reference Series) 16mo, mor. 1 50 Handbook for Superintendents of Construction 16mo, mor. 4 00 * Stone and Brick Masons' Edition (Building Mechanics' Ready Reference Series) 16mo, mor. 1 50 * Ries's Clays : Their Occurrence, Properties, and Uses 8vo, 5 00 * Ries and Leigh ton's History of the Clay- working Industry of the United States. 8vo. 2 5O Sabin's Industrial and Artistic Technology of Paint and Varnish 8vo, 3 00 Smith's Strength of Material 12mo, Snow's Principal Species of Wood 8vo, 3 50 Spalding's Hydraulic Cement 12mo, 2 00 Text-book on Roads and Pavements 12mo, 2 00 Taylor and Thompson's Treatise on Concrete, Plain and Reinforced 8vo, 5 00 Thurston's Materials of Engineering. In Three Parts 8vo, 8 00 Part I. Non-metallic Materials of Engineering and Metallurgy.. . .8vo, 2 00 Part II. Iron and Steel 8vo, 3 50 Part III. A Treatise on Brasses, Bronzes, and Other Alloys and their Constituents 8vo, 2 50 Tillson's Street Pavements and Paving Materials 8vo, 1 00 Turneaure and Maurer's Principles of Reinforced Concrete Construction. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged 8vo, 3 50 Waterbury's Cement Laboratory Manual 12mo, 1 00 Wood's (De V.) Treatise on the Resistance of Materials, and an Appendix on the Preservation of Timber 8vo, 2 00 Wood's (M. P.) Rustless Coatings: Corrosion and Electrolysis of Iron and Steel 8vo, 4 00 RAILWAY ENGINEERING. Andrews's Handbook for Street Railway Engineers 3X5 inches, mor. 1 25 Berg's Buildings and Structures of American Railroads 4to, 5 00 Brooks's Handbook of Street Railroad Location 16mo, mor. 1 50 Butts's Civil Engineer's Field-book 16mo, mor. 2 50 Crandall's Railway and Other Earthwork Tables 8vo, 1 50 Transition Curve 16mo, mor. 1 50 * Crockett's Methods for Earthwork Computations 8vo, 7 50 Dredge's History of the Pennsylvania Railroad. (1879) Papei 3 00 Fisher's Table of Cubic Yaids Cardboard, 25 Godwin's Railroad Engineers' Field-book and Explorers' Guide. . 16mo, mor. 2 50 Hudson's Tables for Calculating the Cubic Contents of Excavations and Em- bankments 8vo, 1 00 Ives and Hilts's Problems in Surveying, Railroad Surveying and Geodesy 16mo, mor. 1 50 Molitor and Beard's Manual for Resident Engineers 16mo, 1 00 Nagle's Field Manual for Railroad Engineers 16mo, mor. 3 00 * Orrock's Railroad Structures and Estimates 8vo, 3 00 Philbrick's Field Manual for Engineers 16mo, mor. 3 00 Raymond's Railroad Engineering. 3 volumes. Vol. I. Railroad Field Geometry. (In Preparation.) Vol. II. Elements of Railroad Engineering 8vo, 3 50 Vol. III. Railroad Engineer's Field Book. (In Preparation.) Searles's Field Engineering 16mo, mor. 3 00 Railroad Spiral 16mo, mor. 1 50 Taylor's Prismoidal Formulae and Earthwork 8vo, 1 50 * Trautwine's Field Practice of Laying Out Circular Curves for Railroads. 12mo, mor. 2 50 * Method of Calculating the Cubic Contents of Excavations and Em- bankments by the Aid of Diagrams 8vo, 2 00 Webb's Economics of Railroad Construction Large 12mo, 2 50 Railroad Construction 16mo, mor. 5 00 Wellington's Economic Theory of the Location of Railways Large 12mo, 5 00 Wilson's Elements of Railroad-Track and Construction 12mo, 2 00 9 DRAWING. Barr's Kinematics of Machinery 8vo, $2 50 * Bartlett's Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 3 00 * " Abridged Ed 8vo, 150 Coolidge's Manual of Drawing Svo. paper, 1 00 Coolidge and Freeman's Elements of General Drafting for Mechanical Engi- neers Oblong 4to, 2 50 Durley 's Kinematics of Machines 8vo, 4 00 Emch's Introduction to Projective Geometry and its Application 8vo, 2 50 French and Ives' Stereotomy 8vo, 2 50 Hill's Text-book on Shades and Shadows, and Perspective 8vo, 2 00 Jamison's Advanced Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 2 00 Elements of Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 2 50 Jones's Machine Design: Part I. Kinematics of Machinery 8vo, 1 50 Part II. Form, Strength, and Proportions of Parts 8vo, 3 00 Kimball and Barr's Machine Design. (In Press.) MacCord's Elements of Descritpive Geometry 8vo, 3 00 Kinematics; or, Practical Mechanism Svo, 5 00 Mechanical Drawing 4to, 4 00 Velocity Diagrams Svo, 1 50 McLeod's Descriptive Geometry Large 12mo, 1 50 * Mahan's Descriptive Geometry and Stone-cutting Svo, 1 50 Industrial Drawing. (Thompson.) Svo, 3 50 Moyer's Descriptive Geometry . Svo, 2 00 Reed's Topographical Drawing and Sketching 4to, 5 00 Reid's Course in Mechanical Drawing Svo, 2 00 Text-book of Mechanical Drawing and Elementary Machine Design.. Svo, 3 00 Robinson's Principles of Mechanism Svo, 3 00 Schwamb and Merrill's Elements of Mechanism Svo, 3 00 Smith (A. W.) and Marx's Machine Design Svo, 3 00 Smith's (R. S.) Manual of Topographical Drawing. (McMillan) Svo, 2 50 * Titsworth's Elements of Mechanical Drawing Oblong Svo, 1 25 Warren's Drafting Instruments and Operations 12mo, 1 25 Elements of Descriptive Geometry, Shadows, and Perspective Svo, 3 50 Elements of Machine Construction and Drawing Svo, 7 50 Elements of Plane and Solid Free-hand Geometrical Drawing. . . . 12mo, 1 00 General Problems of Shades and Shadows Svo, 3 00 Manual of Elementary Problems in the Linear Perspective of Forms and Shadow 12mo, 1 00 Manual of Elementary Projection Drawing 12mo, 1 50 Plane Problems in Elementary Geometry 12mo, 1 25 Problems, Theorems, and Examples in Descriptive Geometry Svo, 2 50 Weisbach's Kinematics and Power of Transmission. (Hermann and Klein.) 3vo, 5 00 Wilson's (H. M.) Topographic Surveying Svo, 3 50 * Wilson's (V. T.) Descriptive Geometry Svo, 1 50 Free-hand Lettering Svo, 1 00 Free-hand Perspective Svo, 2 50 Woolf's Elementary Course in Descriptive Geometry Large Svo, 3 00 ELECTRICITY AND PHYSICS. * Abegg's Theory of Electrolytic Dissociation, (von Ende.) 12mo, 1 25 Andrews's Hand-book for Street Railway Engineering.. . . .3X5 inches, mor. 1 25 Anthony and Brackett's Text-book of Physics. (Magie.) ... .Large 12mo, 3 00 Anthony and Ball's Lecture-notes on the Theory of Electrical Measure- ments 12mo, 1 00 Benjamin's History of Electricity Svo, 3 00 Voltaic Cell Svo, 3 00 10 Betts's Lead Refining and Electrolysis 8vo, $4 00 Classen's Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Electrolysis. (Boltwood.).8vo, 3 00 * Collins's Manual of Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony 12mo, 1 50 Crehore and Squier's Polarizing Photo-chronograph 8vo, 3 00 * Danneel's Electrochemistry. (Merriam.) 12mo, 1 25 Dawson's " Engineering" and Electric Traction Pocket-book. . . . 16mo, mor. 5 00 Dolezalek's Theory of the Lead Accumulator (Storage Battery), (von Ende.) 12mo, 2 50 Duhem's Thermodynamics and Chemistry. (Burgess.) 8vo, 4 00 Flather's Dynamometers, and the Measurement of Power 12mo, 3 00 Getman's Introduction to Physical Science 12mo, Gilbert's De Magnete. (Mottelay) 8vo, 2 50 * Hanchett's Alternating Currents 12mo 1 00 Hering's Ready Reference Tables (Conversion Factors) 16mo. mor. 2 50 * Hobart and Ellis's High-speed Dynamo Electric Machinery 3vo, 6 00 Holman's Precision of Measurements 8vo, 2 00 Telescopic Mirror-scale Method, Adjustments, and Tests. . . . Large 8vo, 75 * Karapetoff's Experimental Electrical Engineering 8vo, 6 00 Kinzbrunner's Testing of Continuous-current Machines 8vo, 2 00 Landauer's Spectrum Analysis. (Tingle.) 8vo, 3 00 Le Chatelier's High-temperature Measurements. 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Vol. 1 8vo, 2 50 Schapper's Laboratory Guide for Students in Physical Chemistry 12mo, 1 00 * Tillman's Elementary Lessons in Heat 8vo, 1 50 Tory and Pitcher's Manual of Laboratory Physics Large 12mo, 2 00 Ulke's Modern Electrolytic Copper Refining 8vo, 3 00 LAW. * Brennan's Hand-book of Useful Legal Information for Business Men. 16mo, mor. 5 00 * Davis's Elements of Law 8vo, 2 50 * Treatise on the Military Law of United States 8vo, 7 00 * Dudley's Military Law and the Procedure of Courts-martial. . Large 12mo, 2 50 Manual for Courts-martial 16mo, mor. 1 50 Wait's Engineering and Architectural Jurisprudence 8vo, 6 00 Sheep, 6 50 Law of Contracts 8vo. 3 00 Law of Operations Preliminary to Construction in Engineering and Architecture 8vo, 5 00 Sheep, 5 50 MATHEMATICS. Baker's Elliptic Functions 8vo, 1 50 Briggs's Elements of Plane Analytic Geometry. (Bocher) 12mo, 1 00 * Buchanan's Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 8vo, 1 00 11 Byerley 's Harmonic Functions 8vo, $1 00 Chandler's Elements of the Infinitesimal Calculus 12mo, 2 00 * Coffin's Vector Analysis 12mo, 2 50 Compton's Manual of Logarithmic Computations 12mo, 1 50 * Dickson's College Algebra Large 12mo, 1 50 * Introduction to the Theory of Algebraic Equations Large 12mo, 1 25 Emch's Introduction to Projective Geometry and its Application 8vo, 2 50 Fiske's Functions of a Complex Variable .8vo, 1 00 Halated's Elementary Synthetic Geometry 8vo, 1 50 Elements of Geometry 8vo, 1 75 * Rational Geometry 12mo. 1 50 Synthetic Projective Geometry 8vo, 1 00 Hyde's Grassmann's Space Analysis 8vo, 1 00 * Johnson's (J. B.) Three-place Logarithmic Tables : Vest-pocket size, paper, 15 * 100 copies, 5 00 * Mounted on heavy cardboard, 8 X 10 inches, 25 *10 copies, 2 00 Johnson's (W. W.) Abridged Editions of Differential and Integral Calculus. Large 12mo, 1 vol. 2 50 Curve Tracing in Cartesian Co-ordinates 12mo, 1 00 Differential Equations 8vo, 1 00 Elementary Treatise on Differential Calculus Large 12mo, 1 50 Elementary Treatise on the Integral Calculus Large 12mo, 1 50 * Theoretical Mechanics 12mo, 3 00 Theory of Errors and the Method of Least Squares 12mo, 1 50 Treatise on Differential Calculus Large 12mo, 3 00 Treatise on the Integral Calculus Large 12mo, 3 00 Treatise on Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations. . .Large 12mo, 3 50 Karapetoff's Engineering Applications of Higher Mathematics. (In Preparation.) Laplace's Philosophical Essay on Probabilities. (Truscott and Emory.) . 12mo, 2 00 * Ludlow and Bass's Elements of Trigonometry and Logarithmic and Other Tables. 8vo, 3 00 * Trigonometry and Tables published separately Each, 2 00 * Ludlow's Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables 8vo, 1 00 Macfarlane's Vector Analysis and Quaternions 8vo, 1 00 McMahon's Hyperbolic Functions 8vo, 1 00 Manning's Irrational Numbers and their Representation by Sequences and Series 12mo, 1 25 Mathematical Monographs. Edited by Mansfield Merriman and Robert S. Woodward Octavo, each 1 00 No. 1. History of Modern Mathematics, by David Eugene Smith. No. 2. Synthetic Projective Geometry, by George Bruce Halsted. No. 3. Determinants, by Laenas Gifford Weld. No. 4. Hyper- bolic Functions, by James McMahon. No. 5. Harmonic Func- tions, by William E. Byerly. No. 6. Grassmann's Space Analysis, by Edward W. Hyde. No. 7. Probability and Theory of Errors, by Robert S. Woodward. No. 8. Vector Analysis and Quaternions, by Alexander Macfarlane. No. 9. Differential Equations, by William Woolsey Johnson. No. 10. The Solution of Equations, by Mansfield Merriman. No. 11. Functions of a Complex Variable, by Thomas S. Fiske. Maurer's Technical Mechanics 8vo, 4 00 Merriman's Method of Least Squares 8vo, 2 00 Solution of Equations 8vo, 1 00 Rice and Johnson's Differential and Integral Calculus. 2 vols. in one. Large 12mo, 1 50 Elementary Treatise on the Differential Calculus Large 12mo, 3 00 Smith's History of Modern Mathematics 8vo, 1 00 * Veblen and Lennes's Introduction to the Real Infinitesimal Analysis of One Variable 8vo. 2 00 * Waterbury's Vest Pocket Hand-book of Mathematics for Engineers. 2|-X5 inches, mor. 1 00 Weld's Determinants 8vo, 1 00 Wood's Elements of Co-ordinate Geometry 8vo, 2 00 Woodward's Probability and Theory of Errors 8vo, 1 00 12 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. MATERIALS OF ENGINEERING, STEAM-ENGINES AND BOILERS. Bacon's Forge Practice . . . . 12mo, $1 " 50 Baldwin's Steam Heating for Buildings 12mo, 2 50 Barr's Kinematics of Machinery 8vo, 2 50 * Bartlett's Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 3 00 Abridged Ed 8vo, 1 50 * Burr's Ancient and Modern Engineering and the Isthmian Canal 8vo, 3 50 Carpenter's Experimental Engineering 8vo, 6 00 Heating and Ventilating Buildings 8vo, 4 00 Clerk's Gas and Oil Engine. (New edition in press.) Compton's First Lessons in Metal Working 12mo, 1 50 Compton and De Groodt's Speed Lathe 12mo, 1 50 Coolidge's Manual of Drawing 8vo, paper, 1 00 Coolidge and Freeman's Elements of Geenral Drafting for Mechanical En- gineers Oblong 4to, 2 50 Cromwell's Treatise on Belts and Pulleys 12mo, 1 50 Treatise on Toothed Gearing 12mo, 1 50 Dingey's Machinery Pattern Making 12mo, 2 00 Durley's Kinematics of Machines 8vo, 4 00 Flanders's Gear-cutting Machinery Large 12mo, 3 00 Flather's Dynamometers and the Measurement of Power 12mo, 3 00 Rope Driving 12mo, 2 00 Gill's Gas and Fuel Analysis for Engineers 12mo, 1 25 Goss's Locomotive Sparks 8vo, 2 00 Greene's Pumping Machinery. (In Preparation.) Hering's Ready Reference Tables (Conversion Factors) 16mo, mor. 2 50 * Hobart and Ellis's High Speed Dynamo Electric Machinery 8vo, 6 00 Hutton's Gas Engine 8vo, 5 00 Jamison's Advanced Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 2 00 Elements of Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 2 50 Jones's Gas Engine 8vo, 4 00 Machine Design; Part I. Kinematics of Machinery 8vo, 1 50 Part II. Form, Strength, and Proportions of Parts 8vo, 3 00 Kent's Mechanical Engineer's Pocket-Book 16mo, mor. 5 00 Kerr's Power and Power Transmission 8vo, 2 00 Kimball and Barr's Machine Design. (In Press.) Levin's Gas Engine. (In Press.) 8vo, Leonard's Machine Shop Tools and Methods 8vo, 4 00 * Lorenz's Modern Refrigerating Machinery. (Pope, Haven, and Dean). .8vo, 4 00 MacCord's Kinematics; or, Practical Mechanism 8vo, 5 00 Mechanical Drawing 4to, 4 00 Velocity Diagrams 8vo, 1 50 MacFarland's Standard Reduction Factors for Gases 8vo, 1 50 Mahan's Industrial Drawing. (Thompson.) 8vo, 3 50 Mehrtens's Gas Engine Theory and Design Large 12mo, 2 50 Oberg's Handbook of Small Tools Large 12mo. 3 00 * Parshall and Hobart's Electric Machine Design. Small 4to, half leather, 12 50 Peele's Compressed Air Plant for Mines 8vo, 3 00 Poole's Calorific Power of Fuels 8vo, 3 00 * Porter's Engineering Reminiscences, 1855 to 1882 8vo, 3 00 Reid's Course in Mechanical Drawing 8vo, 2 00 Text-book of Mechanical Drawing and Elementary Machine Design. 8vo, 3 00 Richards's Compressed Air 12mo, 1 50 Robinson's Principles of Mechanism 8vo, 3 00 Schwamb and Merrill's Elements of Mechanism 8vo, 3 00 Smith (A. W.) and Marx's Machine Design 8vo. 3 00 Smith's (O.) Press-working of Metals 8vo, 3 00 Sorel's Carbureting and Combustion in Alcohol Engines. (Woodward and Preston.) Large 12mo, 3 00 Stone's Practical Testing of Gas and Gas Meters 8vo, 3 50 13 Thurston's Animal as a Machine and Prime Motor, and the Laws of Energetics. 12mo, $1 00 Treatise on Friction and Lost Work in Machinery and Mill Work. . .8vo, 3 00 * Tillson's Complete Automobile Instructor 16mo, 1 50 * Titsworth's Elements of Mechanical Drawing Oblong 8vo, 1 25 Warren's Elements of Machine Construction and Drawing 8vo, 7 50 * Waterbury's Vest Pocket Hand-book of Mathematics for Engineers. 21X5| inches, mor. 1 00 Weisbach's Kinematics and the Power of Transmission. (Herrmann Klein.) 8vo, 5 00 Machinery of Transmission and Governors. 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A Manual for Steel-users 12mo, 2 00 Sabin's Industrial and Artistic Technology of Paint and Varnish 8vo, 3 00 Smith's ((A. W.) Materials of Machines 12mo, 1 00 Smith's (H. E.) Strength of Material 12mo_, Thurston's Materials of Engineering. 3 vols., 8vo, 8 00 Part I. Non-metallic. Materials of Engineering,. 8vo, 2 00 Part II. Iron and Steel 8vo, 3 50 Part III. A Treatise on Brasses, Bronzes, and Other Alloys and their Constituents 8vo, 2 50 Wood's (De V.) Elements of Analytical Mechanics 8vo, 3 00 Treatise on the Resistance of Materials and an Appendix on the Preservation of Timber 8vo, 2 00 Wood's (M. P.) Rustless Coatings: Corrosion and Electrolysis of Iron and Steel 8vo, 4 00 STEAM-ENGINES AND BOILERS. Berry's Temperature-entropy Diagram 12mo, 2 00 Carnot's Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat. (Thurston.) 12mo, 1 50 Chase's Art of Pattern Making 12mo, 2 50 Creigh ton's Steam-engine and other Heat Motors 8vo, 5 00 Dawson's ''Engineering ' and Electric Traction Pocket-book. .. . 16mo, mor. 5 00 Ford's Boiler Making for Boiler Makers 18mo, 1 00 * Gebhardt's Steam Power Plant Engineering .8vo, 6 00 Goss's Locomotive Performance 8vo, 5 00 Hemenway's Indicator Practice and Steam-engine Economy 12mo, 2 00 Button's Heat and Heat-engines 8vo, 5 00 Mechanical Engineering of Power Plants 8vo, 5 00 Kent's Steam boiler Economy 8vo, 4 00 14 Kneass's Practice and Theory of the Injector 8vo, $1 50 MacCord's Slide-valves 8vo, 2 00 Meyer's Modern Locomotive Construction 4to, 10 00 Meyer's Steam Turbine 8vo, 4 00 Peabody's Manual of the Steam-engine Indicator 12mo, 1 50 Tables of the Properties of Steam and Other Vapors and Temperature- Entropy Table 8vo, 1 00 Thermodynamics of the Steam-engine and Other Heat-engines. . . .8vo. 5 00 Valve-gears for Steam-engines 8vo, 2 50 Peabody and Miller's Steam-boilers 8vo, 4 00 Pupin's Thermodynamics of Reversible Cycles in Gases and Saturated Vapors. (Osterberg.) 12mo. 1 25 Reagan's Locomotives: Simple, Compound, and Electric. New Edition. Large 12mo, 3 50 Sinclair's Locomotive Engine Running and Management 12mo, 2 00 Smart's Handbook of Engineering Laboratory Practice 12mo, 2 50 Snow's Steam-boiler Practice 8vo, 3 00 Spangler's Notes on Thermodynamics 12mo, 1 00 Valve-gears 8vo, 2 50 Spangler, Greene, and Marshall's Elements of Steam-engineering 8vo, 3 00 Thomas's Steam-turbines 8vo, 4 00 Thurston's Handbook of Engine and Boiler Trials, and the Use of the Indi- cator and the Prony Brake 8vo, 5 00 Handy Tables 8vo, 1 50 Manual of Steam-boilers, their Designs, Construction, and Operation 8vo, 5 00 Manual of the Steam-engine 2vols., 8vo, 10 00 Part I. History, Structure, and Theory 8vo, 6 00 Part II. Design, Construction, and Operation 8vo, 6 00 Steam-boiler Explosions in Theory and in Practice 12mo, 1 50 Wehrenfennig's Analysis and Softening of Boiler Feed-water. (Patterson). 8vo, 4 00 Weisbach's Heat, Steam, and Steam-engines. (Du Bois.) 8vo, 5 00 Whitham's Steam-engine Design 8vo, 5 00 Wood's Thermodynamics, Heat Motors, and Refrigerating Machines. . .8vo, 4 00 MECHANICS PURE AND APPLIED. Church's Mechanics of Engineering 8vo, 6 00 Notes and Examples in Mechanics 8vo, 2 00 Dana's Text-book of Elementary Mechanics for Colleges and Schools .12mo, 1 50 Du Bois's Elementary Principles of Mechanics: Vol. I. Kinematics 8vo, 350 Vol. II. Statics 8vo. 4 00 Mechanics of Engineering. Vol. I Small 4to, 7 50 Vol. II Smalt 4to, 10 00 * Greene's Structural Mechanics 8vo, 2 50 James's Kinematics of a Point and the Rational Mechanics of a Particle. Large 12mo, 2 00 * Johnson's (W. W.) 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(Considered principally from a Sanitary Standpoint). 8vo. 4 00 * Merriman's Elements of Sanitary Enigneering 8vo, 2 00 Ogden's Sewer Construction 8vo, 3 00 Sewer Design 12mo, 2 00 Parsons's Disposal of Municipal Refuse 8vo, 2 00 Prescott and Winslow's Elements of Water Bacteriology, with Special Refer- ence to Sanitary Water Analysis 12mo, 50 * Price's Handbook on Sanitation 12mo, 50 Richards's Cost of Cleanness 12mo, 00 Cost of Food. 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Emmons's Geological Guide-book of the Rocky Mountain Excursion of the International Congress of Geologists Large 8vo. 1 50 Ferrel's Popular Treatise on the Winds 8vo, 4 00 Fitzgerald's Boston Machinist. .* 18mo, 1 00 Gannett's Statistical Abstract of the World 24mo. 75 Haines's American Railway Management 12mo, 2 50 Hanausek's The Microscopy of Technical Products. (Winton) 8vo, 5 00 18 Jacobs's Betterment Briefs. A Collection of Published Papers on Or- ganized Industrial Efficiency 8vo, $3 50 Metcalfe's Cost of Manufactures, and the Administration of Workshops.. 8vo, 5 00 Putnam's Nautical Charts 8vo, 2 OO Ricketts's History of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1824-1894. Large 12mo, 3 OO Rotherham's Emphasised New Testament Large 8vo, 2 00 Rust's Ex-Meridian Altitude, Azimuth and Star-finding Tables 8vo, 5 00 Standage's Decoration of Wood, Glass, Metal, etc 12mo, 2 00 Thome's Structural and Physiological Botany. (Bennett) 16mo, 2 25 Westermaier's Compendium of General Botany. 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