THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT Mrs. Frank S. Peabody for Dr. Frank E. Peabody Memorial s 12 BROADWAY. CINCINNATI, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR V BULLETIN UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY No. 179 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFKIOK 1902 UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CHARLES D. WALCOTT, DIRECTOR BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUE FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA OLIVER PERRY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT P R I N T I N (4 OFFICE 1902 J? Pa CONTENTS. Page. Letter of transmittal 7 Preface 9 Bibliography 13 Addendum 251 Tabular key to catalogue 252 Catalogue 262 Addenda et corrigenda 795 Index . . 797 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, New York, May 6, 1901. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith a Bibliography and Catalogue of the Fossil Vertebrata of North America. I take pleasure in acknowledging the interest which you have shown at all times in the preparation of this work. I am, with great respect, your obedient servant, O. P. HAT. Hon. C. D. WALCOTT, Directed of the U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. PREFACE. The purpose of this bibliograpt^ and catalogue is to present a list of all the species of fossil vertebrates which have been described, up to the end of the year 1900, from all that part of the continent of North America lying north of Mexico, and to furnish a guide to the literature relating to all these extinct forms of organized beings. The number of species is so great and the literature describing them is so vast and so widely scattered that even the experts in the science of vertebrate paleontology have great difficulty in making and keeping themselves fulry informed as to what has already been done and what is being done. It is hoped that this work will relieve students of much tedious and often unavailing search. This bulletin may be said to consist of three parts: First, a bibliog- raphy which contains the titles of all the books, memoirs, and papers, extended or brief, w r hich the author has been able to consult and which have appeared to him to have a useful bearing on the subject; second, a systematically arranged list of all the species of fossil vertebrates which have been described from the region above indicated; third, an index, alphabetical ly arranged, of all the systematic names occurring in the volume. In the bibliography there are given about 4,600 titles. Accompany- ing each is a statement of the number of pages occupied by the work and the number of plates or figures. If the memoir or paper is found in some serial publication, the name of this is given together with the volume and pages. All of the titles have been obtained through actual examination of the scientific journals. In the case of many of these the search has been made page by page, since the indexes are so often deficient that they can not be wholly relied on. The end in view throughout has been to find all that the paleontologist will need in his work and to give correct citations. The titles of works and papers are given under the names of the authors, and these authors' names are presented in alphabetical order. Each author's papers are arranged in the sequence of the } T ears of pub- lication. Each title is preceded by the author's name, the year of publication, and a letter of the alphabet, A, B, C, etc., according to the number of papers published during that year, as "Leidy, J., 1868 A," "1868 B" to "1868 J." If an author has issued more than 26 PREFACE. in an}' year, the additional papers are indicated by the letters A A. IW, etc. Thus we have "Cope, E. D., 1884 JJ." It must be understood that it is not here implied that the papers of any author in any year have been issued in the order in which they follow each other iri this bibliography. In the case of an author who, like Pro- fessor Cope, was publishing numerous memoirs, papers, and notes in many journals and Government publications, it is manifestly almost impossible to ascertain the exact order of issue. If any student should be under the necessity of determining such order, he will have to address himself to the task. How successful the writer has been in collecting a complete list of species only practical use of the book will prove. What has been spoken of above as a list of the known species is, however, far more, for under each species each genus and each group of higher rank represented by any North American fossil species there has been included references to the literature appertaining to it that is, to put it in another way, each paper and memoir and book cited in the bibliographical portion has been examined, and the proper citations of it have been recorded under the species, genera, etc. , of the catalogue of species. An estimate has shown that there are over 40,000 citations recorded. Nevertheless, it is not improbable that some important things have escaped attention. In the catalogue the writer has not usually cited directly the place of publication of authors' papers, but has referred to them as notated in the bibliography. If, to give an illustration, the student rinds under Ceratops the citation, "Marsh, O. C., 1888 C, p. 477," he must turn to the list of Professor Marsh's papers for the year 1888 and run down the list to the letter C. He will find there the complete title of that paper, place of publication, etc. This method of citation has been adopted for the following reasons: (1) To economize labor in the preparation of this book. The writer does not feel that it could ever have been completed had he been compelled to cite the journal and volume according to the usual method for all of the approx- imately 40,000 references herein contained. (2) To bring the size of this bulletin within limits convenient for use. To refer to papers in the usual way, even with intelligible abbreviations, would have increased the size of this volume probably 50 per cent or more. (3) Because the writer believes that, on the whole, the method here employed will save the time of the student. If the place of publica- tion alone is given, no clue whatever is afforded to the nature of the paper. It may or may not contain something of value to him. In this bulletin he has the complete title. If he is studying the dentition of a fossil vertebrate, and the paper which he rinds cited deals with the vertebrae, or the carpus, or the habits of the animal in question, he needs to go no further. The time saved in making one trip to a PREFACE. 1 1 library will compensate for any trouble undergone in turning from the catalogue to the bibliography. This method of reference, with some modifications, is in frequent use by scientific writers, though it has probably not been employed before on so large a scale. Some further explanation may be made regarding the systematic portion of this work. Under each genus and species there will be found, first of all, a reference to the original description. This is followed by the other citations, arranged according to authors in alphabetic order, years of publication, and symbols. If the author cited has employed a generic or specific name different from the one adopted, this is thrown in parenthetically after the citation. The writer has arranged the classes, orders, families, and genera of our fossil vertebrates according to what has seemed to him to be their natural relationships. This has appeared to him to be preferable to arranging them all alphabetically, although he does not overlook the advantages of the latter method. On the other hand, the species of each genus is here disposed in alphabetical order for the reason that it will save much time in finding them, while attempts at giving them a natural arrangement are often futile. As regards nomenclature the writer has followed the rules of the American Ornithological Union, because he believes that they meet the requirements of systematic work more completely and consistently than those adopted by any other body of zoologists. The coming years will surely witness a great increase in our knowl- edge of the beings which in past ages have peopled our continent. As a result of discoveries and investigations many new forms will be described, while again perhaps many genera and species which are now accepted will be reduced to synonomy. This will, before many years, make obsolete many of the names here adopted, but it is the purpose of this work to facilitate just such discoveries and investigations and changes. The writer takes pleasure in expressing his obligations to many friends for assistance and encouragement in prosecuting his work on this volume. Encouragement has been afforded by all, or nearly all, of the vertebrate paleontologists of the United States, and as many as have been applied to have given the information desired. Financial assistance has been given by the Smithsonian Institution, and for this acknowledgments are due, especially to its officers, Secretary S. P. Langley and Assistant Secretary Richard Rathbun; and to Hon. C. D. Walcott, director of the United States Geological Survey. Acknowl- edgments are due to Dr. Theodore Gill for advice with regard to matters pertaining to nomenclature, to scientific literature, and to classi- fication. It must not, however, be inferred that he is responsible for any innovations that have been made. Dr. Leonhard Stejneger, cura- tor of the department of reptiles, United States National Museum, has 12 PREFACE. aii<\vrr'ones of the megatherium. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 3d meeting, Cambridge, 1833, pp. 437-440. Adams, A. Leith. 1874 A Concluding report on the Maltese fossil elephants. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 43d meeting, Bradford, 1873, pp. 186-187. 1875 A On a fossil saurian vertebra (Arcto- *'iti rus osborni), from the arctic regions. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. (2), ii, pp. 177-179, with 4 text figs. 1877 A A fossil saurian from the arctic re- gions. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xiii, p. 316. Describes Arctosaurus osborni Adams. 1877 B Monograph of the British fossil ele- phants. Part I. Dentition and oste- ology of Elephas antiquus. Palseontographical Society, xxxi, pp. 1-68; pis. i-v. 1879 A Monograph of the British fossil ele- phants. Part II. Dentition and oste- ology of Elephas primigenius (Blumen- bach). Palaeontographical Society, xxxiii, pp. 69- 146; pis. vi-xv. 1881 A Monograph of the British fossil ele- phants. Part III. Osteology of E. primigenius and dentition and osteol- ogy of E. meridionalis. Palseontographical Society, xxxv, pp. 147- 265; pis. xvi-xxviii. Adams, C. B. 1846 A Notice of a small Ornithichnite. Amer. Jonr. Sci. (2), ii, pp. 215-216, with 2 figs. Adams, George I. 1895 A Two new species of Dinictis from the White River beds. Amer. Naturalist, xxix, pp. 573-578; pi. xxvi and 1 text fig. Descriptions of Dvnictis fortis and D. bombi- frons. 1896 A The extinct Felidse of North America. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4) , i, pp. 419-444, with pis. x-xii. 1896 B On the species of Hoplophoneus. Amer. Naturalist, xxx, pp. 46-51; pis. i, ii. Describes new species H. insolens and H. robmtns. 1897 A On the extinct Felidx. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4) , iv, pp. 145-149, with 8 figs. Abstract in Princeton Univ. Bull., ix, pp. 16-17, 1897. Adloff, Paul. 1898 A Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Nagetiergebisses. Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturwiss., xxxii, pp. 347-410, with pis. xii-xvi and 4 figs, in the text. Agassiz, Louis. 1835 A On the fossil fishes of Scotland. ^ Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 4th meeting, Edinburgh, 1834, pp. 646-647. Description of new genus Megallchthys, type M. Mbberti. 1841 A [Note on fossil jaw, on which is based the genus Phocodon, type P. sdllss Ag. ] Valentin's Repertorium f. Anat. Physiol., vl, p. 236. 13 14 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Agassiz, Louis Continued. 1843 A Report on the fossil fishes of the J >e \< mian system or Old Red sandstone. Report Brit.Assoc. Adv. Sci., 12th meeting, Manchester, 1842, pp. 80-88. 1843 B Recherches sur les poissons fossiles. Tome i: pp. i-xxxii; 1-188; atlas of 11 pis. (A-K.) Tome ii: pp. i-xii; pt. 1, 1-310; pt. 2, 1-144; atlas of 146 pis. Tomeiii: pp.i-viii; 1-390; 1-32; atlas of 83 pis. Tomeiv: pp.i-xvi; 1-292; 1-22; atlasof 61 pis. Tome v: pp. i-xii; 1-160; 1-144; atlasof 95 pis. This work was issued in livraisons at various times from 1833 to 1844. The dates of publica- tion of the livraisons and of the plates are given in Woodward and Sherborn's Catalogue of British Fossil Vertebrates, pp. xxv-xxix. Under the genera and species of the present work the actual date of publication, if not 1843, is generally given in parentheses after ' ' 1843 B." 1844 A Synoptical table of British fossil fishes, arranged in the order of the geological formations. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 13th meeting, Cork, 1843, pp. 194-207. 1844 B Monographic des poissons fossiles du vieux fires rouge ou systeme Devonien (Old Red sandstone) des Isles Britan- niques et de Russie. Pp. i-xxxvi; 1-171, with pis. A-I; i-xxxiii, Neuchatel (Suisse). 1845 A Report on the fossil fishes of the London clay. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 14th meeting, York, 1844, pp. 279-310. 1846 A On the ichthyological fossil fauna of the Old Red sandstone. Edinb. New Philos. Jour., xli, pp. 17-19. From Monographic des poissons foss. du vieux gres rouge. 1848 A [Letter to Dr. Gibbes regarding Do ru don.] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., iv, p. 4. 1849 A [Remarks on crocodiles of the Green sand of New Jersey and on Alldnto- chelys.] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., iv, p. 169. Contains no descriptions. Agassiz, Louis Continued. 1850 A On the fossil remains of an elephant found in Vermont. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., '2<1 meeting, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 100-101. Said by Professor Agassiz to be found for the first time in this country. 1850 B Remarks on finding femur of Atlanto- Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Boston, iii, p. 351. No adequate description and no specific 1851 A [Announcement of the finding of the head of a walrus on New Jersey shore. ] Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 4th meeting, New Haven, 1850, p. 252. 1851 B Report on the vertebrate fossils ex- hibited to the Association (abstract). Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 5th meeting, Washington, D. C., 1851, pp. 178-180. 1853 A Notice of Joseph Leidy's "Memoir of the extinct species of American ox. ' ' Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xvi, p. 281. 1856 A Notice of the fossil fishes found in California by W. P. Blake. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xxi, pp. 272-275. Describes 11 new species of Elasmobranchs. The same species were described and figured in Pacific Survey Report, v, pp. 313-316, pi. i. 1857 A Notice of the fossil fishes. Pacific Survey Report, v, pp. 313-316, with pi. 1. Contains descriptions and figures of 11 new species of Elasmobranchs. 1857 B Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America. Vol. i, pt. ii, North American Testudinata. Pp. 235-452d, with pis. i-xxvii. The plates are found in vol. ii. This vol- ume is devoted mostly to the embryology of the Testudinata. 1862 A Highly interesting discovery of new sauroid remains. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xxxiii, p. 138. Refers to the discovery of Eosaurus by O. C. Marsh; no name yet proposed. UY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. Agassiz, Louis Continued. 1862 B Mastodon tooth in Amador County, Cal. Amer. Jour. Sci. '(2), xxxiv, p. 135. Editorial note supposed to have been writ- ten by Agassiz. 1862 C Remarks on the megatheroids. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Boston, ix, pp. 101-102. 1863 A Note on the megatherium. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xxxvi, p. 300. 1863 B [Remarks on Megatherium.] Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc! Boston, ix, p. 193. Ahlborn, Fr. 1896 A Zur Mechanik des Vogelfluges. Abhandl. Naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, xiv, pp. 7-134, with 54 figs, in the text. Albrecht, Paul. 1879 A Ueber den Stammbaum der Raub- thiere. Schriften d. phys.-okon. Gesellsch. Konigs- berg, xx, Bericht, pp. 22-23. Presents an arrangement of the families of the Carnivora. 1886 A Uber die cetoide Natur der Promam- maKtk Anatomischer Auzeiger, i, pp. 338-350. Allen, Harrison Continued. 15 1886 A On the tarsus of bate. Amer. Naturalist, vol. xx, pp. 175-176, with 6 illus. 1886 B On the types of tooth structure in Mammalia. Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 295-297. 1888 A The occipito-temporal region in the crania of Carnivora. Science, xi, p. 71. Alessandri, G. De. 1896 A Avanzi di Ojcyrhina fiastalis del mio- cene di Alba. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat., Milano, xxxvi, pp. 263-269, with pi. i. Alezais, Henri. 1898 A Etude anatomique du cobaye ( Cavia cobaya). Jour. 1'Auat., Physiol. norm, et patholog., xxxiv, pp. 735-756, with 5 text figs. 1899 A Etude anatomique du cobaye (Cavia cobaya). Jour. 1'Anat. Physiol., norm, et patholog., xxxv, pp. 333-381. Allen, Harrison. 1880 A On some homologies in bunodont dentition. Proc Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., pp. 226-228. 1882 A On a revision of the ethmoid bone in the Mammalia, with special reference to the description of this bone and of the sense of smelling in the Cheiroptera. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., x, pp. 135-164, with pis. i-vii. Remarks on the pronghorn (Antilo- capra americana). Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxvi, pp. 366-367. 1891 A Prof. Joseph Leidy : His labors in the field of vertebrate anatomy. Science, xviii, pp. 274-276. 1893 A A monograpn of the bats of North America. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 43, pp. 198, 38 pis. Washington, D. C., 1893. Allen, Joel Asaph. 1876 A Description of some remains of an extinct species of wolf, and an extinct species of deer from the lead region of the Upper Mississippi. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xi, pp. 47-51. 1876 B The American bisons, living and extinct. Mem. Kentucky Geol. Surv., i pt. ii, pp. i-ix; 1-246, with pis. i-xii. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., iv, No. 10, pp. i-ix; 1-246, with pis. i-xii and map. 1876 C Geographical variation among North American mammals, especially with respect to size. Bull. U. S. Qeol. and Geog. Surv. Terr., ii, pp. 309-344. 1877 A Monographs of North American Rodentw. Report U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr., F. V. Hayden, U. S. geologist in charge, vol. xi. No. ii, Leparidse, pp. 265-378; No. iii, Hygtri- cidse, pp. 379-398; No. iv, Lagomyidx, pp. 399-414; No. v, Castoroididse, pp. 415-420; No. vi, Castori- dx, pp. 427-454; No. xi, Sciuridx, pp. 631-940. 16 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Allen, Joel Asaph Continued. 1877 B Synoptical list of the extinct Rodentia of North America. Report U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr., F. V. Hayden, U. S. geologist in charge, vol. xi, pp. 943-949. This list forms ft portion of the volume containing J. A.Allen's and E. Coues's mon- ographs of N. A. Rodentia.. In this list most of the species are mentioned without comment. 1878 A Description of a fossil passerine bird from the insect-bearing shales of Colo- rado. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr., 1878 iv, pp. 443-445, with pi. i. See also Nature, vol. xviii, pp. 204-205; Amer. Jour. Sci., 1878, xv, p. 381. Describes PaUeospiza betta. 1879 A On the species of the genus Bassaris. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr., v, pp. 331-340. Presents the synonomy and the literature bearing on this genus and its species. 1880 A History of North American Pinni- peds; a monograph of the walruses, sea lions, sea bears, and seals of North America. Pp. i-v; 1-785, with 60 figs, in the text. Washington, 1880. 1881 A Preliminary list of works and papers relating to the mammalian orders Cete and Sirenia. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr., vi, 1885 A On an extinct type of dog from Ely Cave, Le^ County, Virginia. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., x, No. 2, pp. l-8,with pis. i-iii. Describes Pachycyon robustus, Allen. This IP;I|T is followed (pp. 8-13) by one by N. S. Shaler on the age of the cave. 1887 A Note on Squalodont remains from Charleston, S. C. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., ii, pp. 35-39, with pis. v, vi. Describes Sqitaladon tiedemani, sp. iiov. 1893 A Descriptions of four new species of Thomomya, with remarks on other spe- cies of the genus. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., v. pp. 47-68, with pi. i. Allen, Joel Asaph Continued. 1900 A The North American jumping mice. Amer. Naturalist, xxxiv, pp. 199-202. Allen, John H. 1846 A Some facts respecting the geology of Tampa Bay. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), i, pp. 38-42. Allis, Edward P. 1889 A The anatomy and development of the lateral line system in Amia calva. Jour. Morphology, ii, pp. 463-540, with pis. xxx-xlii. 1899 A On certain homologies of the squa- mosal, intercalar, exoccipital, and ex- trascapular bones of Amia calva. Anatom. Anzeiger, xvi, pp. 49-72. Appended is a list of 36 papers bearing on the subject. 1899 B A reply to certain of Cole's criticisms of my work on Amia calva. Anatom. Anzeiger, xv, pp. 364-379. 1900 A The premaxillary and maxillary bones and the maxillary and mandib- ular breathing valves of Polypterus bi- chir. Anatom. Anzeiger, xviii, pp. 257-289, with 3 figs, in the text. Alston, Edward R. 1876 A On the classification of the order Glires. Proc. Zool. Soc.,Lond., 1876, pp. 61-98, with pi. iv and 5 figs, in the text. Alth, Alois v. 1874 A Ueber die paleeozoischen Gebilde Podoliens und deren Versteinerungen. Abhandl. k. k. geolog. Reichsanstalt, Wieu, vii, pp. 1-77, pis. i-iv. Cephalaspis, Pteraspis, Cyathaspis, and Coc- costeus. 1886 A Ueber die Zusammengehorigkeit der den Fischgattungen Pteraspis, Cya- thaspis, und Scaphaspis zugeschriebenen Schilder. Beitrage zur Palaont. Osterreich-Ungarns und des Orients, v. Heft, iii, pp. 61-73, with pi. xxiv. Ameghino, Florentine. 1883 A Sobre la necesidad de borrar el ge- nero SchiMopleurum y sobre la clasifica- cion y sinonimia de los Glyptodontes en general. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ciencias, C6rdoba, Argen- tina, v, pp. 1-34. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 17 Ameghino, Florentine Cont'd. 1886 A Contribuciones al conocimiento de los mamiferos fosiles de los terrenes terciarios antiguos del Parand. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ciencias, C6rdoba, Argen- tina, ix, pp. 1-228. 1889 A Contribucion al conocimiento de los mamfferos fosiles de la Republica Argentina, obra escrita bajo los aus- picios de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de la Republica Argentina para presentarla a" la Exposicion Uni- versal de Paris de 1889. Buenos Aires, 1889. Folio, pp. i-xxxiii; 1- 1027, with atlas of pis. i-xcviii. 1891 A Observaciones criticas sobre los caballos f6siles de la Republica Argen- tina. Revista Argentina de Historia Natural, i, pp. 4-17; 65-88. 1891 B Los Plagiaulacideos argentinos y sus relaciones zoologicas, geologicas y geo- grdficas. Revista Argentina de Historia Natural, i, pp. 38-14. 1891 C Adicion & la memoria del Dr. H. von Ihering sobre la distribucion geogrdfica de los Creodontes. Revista Argentina de Historia Natural, i, pp. 214-219. 1891 D Determinacion de algunos jalones para la restauracion de las antiguas co- nexiones del continente Sud-americano. Revista Argentina de Historia Natural, i, 1892 A R4pliques aux critiques du Dr. Bur- meister sur quelques genres de mam- miferes fossiles de la Republique Argentine. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ciencias, Cbrdoba, xii, pp. 437-469; also as separate with pp. 3-35. 1894 A Enumeration synoptique des especes mammiferes fossiles des formations Eocenes de Patagonie. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ciencias, C6rdoba, xiii, pp. 259-452, with 66 figs, in the text. Bull. 179 2 Ameg-hino, Florentine Cont'd. 1896 A Sur Involution des dents des mammi- feres. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ciencias, C6rdoba, Argen- tina, xiv, pp. 381-517. 1897 A Mammiferes cretaces de 1' Argentine. Deuxieme contribution a la connais- sance de la faune mammalogique des couches a Pyrotherium. Bol. Institut Geogr. Argentine, xviii, pp. 1-117, with 86 figs, in the text. Many new genera and species described. Contains brief references to papers by Prof. O. C. Marsh and Dr. J. L. Wortman on the Tsenio- dontia. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Neues Jahrb. Min., 1900, ii, pp. 296-306. 1898 A An existing ground-sloth in Patago- nia. Natural Science, xiii, pp. 324-326. A translation of the original paper, which was published in La Plata, Argentina, 1898. 1898 B Sur 1'evolution des dents des mammi- feres. Bull. Soc. Geol. France (3), xxvi, pp. 497- 499 1899 A On the primitive type of the plexo- dont molars of mammals. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1899, pp. 555-571, with 16 figs, in the text. See also Gervais and Ameg-hino. American Geologist. 1888 A [Editorial notice of a paper by Dr. Traquair on fossil fishes printed in Geological Magazine for May, 1888.] Amer. Geologist, ii, p. 133. , 1891 A New discoveries by Dr. Clarke in the fish beds of the Devonian. Amer. Geologist, vii, pp. 143-144. From reports of meeting of Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1891 B The oldest fish remains known. Amer. Geologist, vii, pp. 329-330. Editorial comment on discoveries in Colo- rado by C. D. Walcott. 1891 C Discovery of mastodon remains in the Shenandoah Valley. Amer. Geologist, vii, p. 335. Editorial note regarding finding of bones of the mastodon in Rockingham County, Va. 18 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. American Geologist Con t'd. 1891 D [Editorial comment on Dr. G. Baur's "Remarks on the reptiles generally called DinoKdwria," published in Amer. Naturalist, xxv, pp. 434-454.] Amer. Geologist, viii, pp. 55-56. 1891 E Supposed Trenton fossil fish. Amer. Geologist, viii, pp. 178-180. Editorial comment on C. D. Walcott's Lower Silurian fishes. 1891 F Man and the mammoth. Amer. Geologist, viii, pp. 180-183. Editorial comment on paper by M. Max. Lohest presented before the International Geo- logical Congress at Belgium. 1891 G "Personal and scientific news." Amer. Geologist, viii, pp. 191,193. Notes on the finding of various vertebrates in Florida by Dr. J. Kost, and of Megalonyx in Tennessee by Professor Safford. 1892 A Prehistoric horses. Amer. Geologist, ix, pp. 67-68. Editorial comment on Professor Cope's paper in Amer. Naturalist for October, 1891. American Journal of Science. 1828 A Teeth of the mastodon. Amer. Jour. Sci. (1), xiv, pp. 187-188. A notice, taken from the New York Times, regarding the finding of teeth of mastodon at Sharon, Conn. 1835 A Vertebral bone of a mastodon. Amer. Jour. Sci., xxvii, pp. 165-166. Found in Connecticut. 1845 A Large skeleton of the Zeuglodon of Alabama. Amer. Jour. Sci., xlix, p. 218. Extract from Mobile Daily Advertiser of May 23, 1845. Refers to skeleton found by Dr. Koch. 1845 B Fossil footmarks found in strata of the Carboniferous series in Westmore- land County, Pa. Amer. Jour. Sci., xlviii, pp. 217-218. 1845 C Remarks [on paper by A. T. King]. Amer. Jour. Sci., xlviii, p. 343, See King, A. T. 1845 A. 1846 A The mastodon of Newburgh, N. Y., discovered in August, 1845. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), i, pp. 268-270. American Journal of Science Con- tinued. 1846 B Mastodon giganteus. Arner. Jour. Sci. (2), ii, pp. 131-133, with 1 fig. in text. An unsigned editorial. 1847 A Harlanus, a new genus of fossil pachy- derms. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), iii, p. 125. Editorial note on paper by R. Owen, in Proc. Acad. Phila., iii, pp. 93-96. 1846. (Owen, R. 1846 A.) 1847 B Ornithichnites. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), iii, p. 276. 1852 A The Mastodon giganteus of North America, by John C. Warren, M. D. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xiv, p. 454. An editorial notice of Dr. Warren's book. 1852 B On a fossil saurian of the New Red sandstone formation of Pennsylvania, with some account of that formation, etc., by Isaac Lea. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xiv, p. 451. Editorial notice of Lea's paper in Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. (2), ii, pt. 3. 1853 A Notice of the "Mastodon giganteus " of Dr. J. C. Warren. Amer. Jour. Sci., xv, pp. 367-373. An editorial notice of Dr. Warren's work on the mastodon. 1853 B Fossil elephant. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xv, p. 146. Editorial note on occurrence of fossil ele- phant at Zanesville, Ohio. 1871 A Notice of Cope's "Synopsis of the extinct Satrachia and Reptilia of North America." Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), i, pp. 220-221. 1872 A On two new Ornithosaurians from Kansas, by Edward D. Cope. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), iii, pp. 374-375. Editorial notice of Cope's paper with above title, in Amer. Phil. Soc., xii, p. 420. 1873 A [Editorial remarks on Professor Cope's "Note on the Cretaceous of Wyoming," said to be published in Proc. Phil. Soc. Phila.] Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), v, p. 231. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 19 American Journal of Science Con- tinued. 1875 A A new mastodon. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), ix, p. 222. Editorial notice of announcement by Pro- fessor Cope. 1876 A Fifth annual report of the Geological Survey of Indiana, made during the year 1873. Amer. Jour. Sci. (5), xii, p. 307. Editorial notice. 1882 A Mastodons in New Jersey. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xxiv, pp. 294-295. Editorial notice of paper by Professor Lock- wood. American Naturalist. 1869 A The egg of the great auk. Amer. Naturalist, iii, p. 550. A note without signature. 1871 A Fossil whale in the Drift. Amer. Naturalist, v. p. 125. Extract from Nature. 1871 B Fossil walrus. Amer. Naturalist, v, p. 316. Notice of exhibition of skull of walrus by Professor Newberry. Ami, Henry M. 1891 A On some extinct Vertebrata from the Miocene rocks of the north-west terri- tories of Canada recently described by by Professor Cope. Science, xviii, p. 53. See also Ottawa Naturalist, v, pp. 74-77, for abstract. 1898 A The mastodon in western Ohio. Science (n. s.), vii, p. 80. Ammoii, Ludwig v. 1885 A Ueber Homceosaurus maximiliani. Abhandl. math.-phys. Classe k. bayerischen Akad. Wissensch., xv, pp. 499-628, with pis. i, ii. 1896 A Ueber neue Stiicke von Ischyodus. Berichte naturw. Vereins Regensburg, ! 1894-95, Heft v, pp. 252-263, with pis. v, vi. Anderson, John. 1860 A ; On Dura Den sandstone. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 29th meeting, i Aberdeen, 1859, p. 97. 1861 A j Report on the excavations in Dura Den. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 30th meeting, 1860, pp. 32-34. Treats of Hotoptychints, etc. Andrese, A. 1893 A Acrosaurus frischmanni H. v. Meyer. Ein dem Wasserleben angepasster Rhynchocephale von Solenhofen. Bericht Senckenb. uaturforsch. Gesellsch., 1893, pp. 21-34, with pis. i, ii. 1893 B Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Ga- noiden (I^pidoateus und Amia) des Mainzer Beckens. Verhandl. naturhist.-medicin. Vereins Hei- delberg, (n. s.), v,pp. 7-15, with 2 text figs. Contains remarks on North American genera Lepidosteus, Ctastes, Amia, PappicMhys. Andrews, Charles W. 1895 A Note on a specimen of Keralerpeton galvani Huxley, from Staffordshire. Geol. Mag. London (4), ii, pp. 81-84, with 1 text fig. 1895 B Note on a skeleton of a young plesio- saur from the Oxford clay of Peter- borough. Geol. Mag. London (4), ii, pp. 241-243, with pi. ix and 1 text flg. 1895 C On the development of the shoulder- girdle of a plesiosaur ( Cryptoclidus oxo- niensis, Phillips sp.), from the Oxford clay. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), xv, pp. 333- 346, with 4 woodcuts in the text. 1895 D On the structure of the skull in PeUmeustes philarchus, a pliosaur from the Oxford clay. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), xvi, pp. 242- 256, with pi. xiii and 3 figs, in the text. 1895 E The pectoral and pelvic girdles of Mu- rsenosaurus plicatus. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, (ft), xvi, pp. 429- 434, with 3 figs, in the text. 1896 A On the structure of the plesiosaurian skull. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Hi, pp. 246-252, with pi. ix and 2 figs, in the text. 1897 A Note on the cast of the brain cavity of Iguanodm. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), xix, pp. 585-591, with pi. xvi and 1 text fig. Andrews, Edmund. 1875 A Dr. Koch and the Missouri mastodon. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), x, pp. 32-34. FOSSIL VEBTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. 20 Annan, Rotert. Account of a large animal found near Hudson River. Memoirs Amer. Ac-ad. Arts and Sci. (1), H, pp. 160-164. Describes what appears to have been the skeleton of a mastodon. Anonymous. Teeth of the elephant and mastodon. Amer. Jour. Sci., xxv, pp. 257-258. Found in Ohio. 1837 A Fossil remainsof the elephant, Elephas jirlinigenius. Amer. Jour. Sci., xxxii, pp. 377-379. Atthey, Thomas. I 868 A Notes on various species of Ctenodus, obtained from the shales of the North- umberland coal field. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), vol. 1, pp. 77-87. Also in Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumberland and Durham, iii, 1868, pp. 54-66, pis. i-iii. Here the paper is credited to Hancock and Atthey. On the occurrence of palatal teeth belonging to the genus Climaxodus M'Coy in the Low Main shale of New- sham. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), ii, pp. 321-323. Also in Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumberland and Durham, iii, 1868, pp. 306-309. 1875 A On the articular bone and supposed vomerine teeth of Ctenodus obliquus, and on Pcdaconiscus hancocki, n. sp., from the Low Main, Newsham, Northum- berland. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), vol. xv, pp. 309-312, pi. xix. 1876 A On Anthracosaurus rvixselli ( Huxley). Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), xviii, pp. 146- 167, with pis. viii-xi. 1877 A Notes on a paper by R. H. Traquair, M. D., F. G. S., F. R. S., on the structure of the lower jaw in Rhizodopsis and Rhizodus. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), vol. xx, pp. 129-130. See reply to this on p. 244, same volume. See also Hancock and Atthey. Atwater, Caleb. 1820 A On some ancient human bones, etc., with a notice of the bones of the mas- todon or mammoth, and of various sheila found in Ohio and the West. Amer. Jour. Sci. (1), ii, pp. 242-246, with pi. ii. Auld, Robert C. 1892 A As to the "extinction " of the Ameri- horse. Science, xx, p. 135. Ayres, Howard. 1893 A On the genera of tVie Dipnoi dipneu- mones. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 919-932. Baer, K. E. von. 1840 A Untersuchungen iiber die ehemalige Verbreitung und gilnzliche Vertilgung der von Steller beobachteten nordischen Seekuh (Rytina, 111.). Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci., St.-Petersbourg (6), Sci. Nat., iii., pp. 53-80. 1866 A Neue Auffindung eines vollstilndigen Mammuths mit der Haut und den Weichtheilen, im Eisboden Sibiriens, in der Nahe der Bucht des Tas. Melanges biolog. Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb., v, pp. 644-740, with 1 pi. 1867 A Fortsetzung der Berichte iiber die Expedition zur Aufsuchung des ange- kiindigten Mammuths. Melanges biolog. Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb., v, pp. 42-72, with pi. Baikie, Balfour. 1857 A On the skull of a manatus from Western Africa. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1857, pp. 29-33, pi. Ii. Baird, Spencer F. 1850 A On the bone caves of Pennsylvania. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 2d meeting, Cambridge, 1849, pp. 352-355. 1857 A Mammals of North America; the descriptions of species based chiefly on the collection in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution, with 87 pis. of original figs., all illustrating the genera and species and including details of ex- ternal appearance and osteology. Philadelphia, 1859, 4to: pp. i-xxxiv; 1-764, with pis. i-lxxxvii, and a number of text figs. Balfour, F. M. 1881 A On the development of the skeleton of the paired fins of Elasmobranchii, considered in relation to its bearings on the nature of the limbs of the Vertebrata. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1881, pp. 662-671, with pis. Ivii and Iviii and 2 woodcuts in the text. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 21 Balfour, F. M. Continued. 1882 A On the structure and development of Lepidosteus. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Londou, elxxiii, pp. 359-442, pis. 21-29. Barbour, Edwin H. 1890 A Remains of the primitive elephant found in Grinnell, Iowa. Science, xvi, p. 263. 1890 B Notes on the palseontological labora- tory of the United States Geological Survey under Professor Marsh. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, pp. 388-400, with 8 woodcuts in the text. Barkas, T. P. 1868 A On Climaxodus, or Poedlodus; a pala- tal tooth from the Low Main coal-shale, Northumberland. Geol. Magazine (1), v, pp. 496-197. 1868 B On the genus Diplodus. Geol. Magazine (1), v, pp. 580-581, 1873 A Illustrated guide to the fish, amphib- ian, reptilian, and supposed mamma- lian remains of the Northumberland Carboniferous strata. London, 1873, 8vo., pp. i-viii, 9-117, with a folio atlas of 10 pis. containing 248 figs. 1881 A Ctenoptychius, or Kammplatten. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), viii, pp. 350- 354. Barkas, W. J. 1874 A On the microscopical structure of fossil teeth from the Northumberland Coal Measures. Monthly Review of Dental Surgery, ii, pp. 297-300, 344-349, 386-393, 438-145, 482-488, 533- 539, with figs, i-xxxii. 1877 A On the genus Ctenodus. Jour, and Proc. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales, x, pp. 99-123, with pis. i-v. Part I. On the genus Ctenodus, a fish found in the true Coal Measures of Great Britain [pp. 99-109] . Part II. On the microscopic structure of the mandibular and palatal teeth of Ctenodus [pp. 110-115]. Part III. On the vomerine teeth of Ctenodus [pp. 115-120]. Part IV. On the dentary, articular, and pterygopalatine bones of Ctenodus [pp. 120-123] . 1878 A On the genus Ctenodus. Jour, and Proc. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales, xi, pp. 51-64. Part V. On the sphenoid cranial bones, oper- culum, and supposed ear bones of Ctenodus [pp. 51-57]. Part VI. On the scapula?, cora- coid, ribs, and scales of Ctenodus [pp. 58-64] . Barkas, W. J. Continued. 1878 B Ctenacanthus, a spine of Hybodus. Jour, and Proc. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales, xi, pp. 145-165. 1878 C On a dental peculiarity of the Lepi- dosteidse. Jour, and Proc. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales, x, pp. 203-207. Barnston, George. -1863 A Remarks on the genus Lulra, and on the species inhabiting America. Canadian Nat. and Geol. (1), viii, pp. 147- 158, with 6 figs, in the text. Barrett, L. 1859 A On the atlas and axis of the Plesio- saurus. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 28th meeting, Leeds, 1858, pp. 78-80. Bartlett, John. 1846 A Letter regarding the finding of zeu- glodon bones at Natchez, Miss. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Boston, ii, p. 96. Barton, Benjamin Smith. 1805 A Letter to M. Lac6pede, of Paris, on the natural history of America. Tilloch's Philos. Mag., xii, pp. 97-103; 204- 211. Bassani, Francesco. 1899 A La ittiofauna del calcare eocenico di Gassino in Pfemonte. Atti Accad. Sci. Fis. e Mat. Napoli (2), ix, No. 13, pp. 1-41, with pis. i-iii. Bate, C. Spence. 1867 A On the dentition of the common mole (Talpa europsea). Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (3), xix, pp. 377- 381, with pi. xi. Baudelot, E. 1873 A Recherches sur la structure et le de"- veloppement des ecailles des poissons Arch, de Zoologie Experimentale et Gene- rale, ii, pp. 429-480. 1873 B Observations sur la structure et le developpement des nageoires des pois- Arch. de Zoologie Experimentale et Gene- rale, ii, pp. xviii-xxiv of " Notes et Revue." Treats of the structure and development of the fin rays. Bauer, Franz. 1898 A Die Ichthyosaurier dea oberen weis- sen Jura. Palseontographica, xliv, pp. 283-328, with pis. xxv-xxvii. Although describing only European species this paper contains much of general interest to students of this group. FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BUI.7..179. Bauer, Fran/- Continued. Ostoologische Notizen iiber Ichthyo- saurier. Anat. Anzeiger, xviii, PP- 574-588, with 18 figs, in the text. Treats of the shoulder girdle, the pelvic gir- dle, and auditory bones. Baur, George. 1883 A Der Tarsus der Vogel und Dinosau- ne Morpholog. Jahrbuch, viii, pp. 417-156, with pis. xix and xx. Author's copies of this paper were issued in 1882 as an " Inaugural-Pissertation zur Er- langung der Doctorwiirde der philosopischen Facultiit der Universitat Miinchen," pp. 1-44, ]>ls. xix and xx. 1884 A Note on the pelvis in birds and dino- saurs. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 1273-1275. 1884 B Dinosaurier und Vogel. Eine Erwie- derung an Herrn Prof. W. Dames in Berlin. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, x, pp. 446-454. 1884 C Ueber das Centrale carpi der Sauge- thiere. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, x, pp. 455-457. 1884 D Zur Morphologic des Tarsus der Siiu- gethiere. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, x, pp. 458-461. 1884 E Bemerkungen iiber das Becken der Vogel und Dinosaurier. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, x, pp. 613-616. 1884 F Der Carpus der Paarhufer. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, ix, pp. 597-603. 1885 A A second phalanx in the third digit of a carinate bird's wing. Science, v, p. 355. 1885 B A complete fibula in an adult living carinate bird. Science, v, p. 375. 1885 C Zur Vogel-Dinosaurier-Frage. Zoolog. Anzeiger, viii, pp. 441-443. 1885 D Note on the sternal apparatus in Iguanodon. Zoolog. Anzeiger, viii, pp. 661-662. Baur, George Continued. 1885 E Zur Morphologic des Carpus and Tar- sus der Reptilien. Zoolog. Anzeiger, viii, pp. 631-638. 1885 F Ueber das Archipterygium und die Entwicklung des Cheiropterygium aus dem Ichthyopterygium. Zoolog. Anzeiger, viii, pp. 663-666. 1885 G On the morphology of the tarsus in the mammals. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 86-88. 1885 H On the centrale carpi of the mam- mals. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 195-196. 18851 The trapezium of the Camelidse. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 196-197. See also Morphologisches Jahrbuch, xi, pp. 117-118. 1885 J On the morphology of the carpus and tarsus of vertebrates. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 718-720. Contains a "morphological table" and a list of papers on the carpus and tarsus. 1885 K Bemerkungen iiber den ' 'Astragalus' ' und das "Intermedium tarsi" der Siiugethiere. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, xi, pp. 468-483, with pi. xxvii. Cites the literature of the subject and gives the results of the author's own observations on the different groups of mammals. 1886 A Ueber das Quadratum der Saugetiere. Biolog. Centralb., vi, pp. 648-658. Also in Sitzungsber. Gesellsch. Morphol. und Physiol. Miinchen, 1886, pp. 45-57. 1886 B Ueber die Morphogonie der Wirbel- saule der Amnioten. Biolog. Centralb., vi, pp. 332-342; 353-363. 1886 C Der alteste Tarsus (Arcliegosaurus) . Zoolog. Anzeiger, ix, pp. 104-106. Compare Baur, G., 1886 I. 1886 D W. K. Parker's Bemerkungen iiber Archscopteryx, 1864, und eine Zusam- menstellung der hauptsiichlichen Lit- teratur iiber diesen Vogel. Zoolog. Anzeiger, ix, pp. 106-109. LAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 23 Baur, George Continued. 1886 E Die zwei Centralia iin Carpus von Sphenodon (Hatter ia) und die Wirbel von Splienodon und Gecko vertidllatus Laur. (G. vents Gray). Zoolog. Anzeiger, ix, pp. 188-190. 1886 F Bemerkungen iiber Saurojrteryffiaund Ichthyopterygia. Zoolog. Anzeiger, ix, pp. 245-252; 3'23. 1886 G Osteologische Notizen iiber Reptilien . Zoolog. Anzeiger, ix, pp. 685-690; 733-743. 1886 H Ueber die Homologien einiger Scha- delknochen der Stegocephalen und Reptilien. Anatom. Anzeiger, i, pp. 348-350. See correction in Anat. Anzeiger, vol. ii, p. 657. 1886 I The oldest tarsus (Archegosaurua) . Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 173-174. Compare Baur, G., 1886 C. 1886 J The proatlas, atlas, and axis of the Crocodilia. Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 288-293, with 5 illus. 1886 K The intercentruin in tiphenodon (Hat- teria). Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 465-166. 1886 L The ribs of Sphenodon (Hatteria). Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 979-981. 1886 M Ueber die Kanille ini Hnmerus der Amnioten. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, xii, pp. 299-303. 1887 A Ueber die Abstammung der amnioten Wirbeltiere. Biolog. Centralb., vii, pp. 481-193. Also In Sitzungsbcricht der Gcsellschaft fiir Morphologic und Physiologic, Miinchen, 1887, pp. 44-61. 1887 B Osteologische Notizen iiber Reptilien. Fortsetzung ii. Zoolog. Anzeiger, x, pp. 96-102. 1887 C On the phylogenetic arrangement of the tianropnidu . Jour. Morphology, i, pp. 93-104. Baur, George Continued. 1887 D On the morphology and origin of the Icldhyopterygia. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, pp. 837-840. Noticed in Geol. Magazine, 1888, v, p. 325. 1887 E On the morphogeny of the carapace of the Testudinata. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, p. 89. 1887 F Ueber die Ursprung der Extremita- ten der Ichthyopterygiti.. Bericht uber die xx Versammlung d8 oberrhein. geolog. Vereins, pp. 1-4, with 1 plate. Pagination taken fromau author's separate; the original " Bericht" not seen. 1888 A Unusual dermal ossifications. . Science, xi, p. 144. Discusses the origin of carapace and plastron of Testudinata. 1888 B Osteologische Notizen iiber Reptilien. Fortsetzungen iii, iv, und v. Zoolog. Anzeiger, xi, pp. 417-424; 592-597; 736-740. 1888 C Beitrage zur Morphogenie des Car- pus und Tarsus der Vertebraten. I. Theil. Batrachia. Jena; Verlag von Gustav Fischer, 1888. 8vo, pp. 1-88, with pis. i-iii. Appended is a list of books, memoirs, etc., 80 in number, which treat of the subject dis- cussed by the author. 1889 A Die systematische Stellung von Der- mochelys Blainv. Biolog. Centralb., ix, pp. 149-153; 180-191; 618-619. 1889 B Osteologische Notizen uber Reptilien. Fortsetzung vi. Zoolog. Anzeiger, xii, pp. 40-47. 1889 C Revision ineiner Mittheilungen im Zoologischer Anzeiger, mitNachtriigen. Zoolog. Anzeiger, xii, pp. 238-243. 1889 D Neue Beitrage zur Morphologic des Carpus der Saugetiere. Anatom. Anzeiger, iv, pp. 49-51, with 3 figs, in the text. 1889 E On the morphology of the ribs and the fate of the actinosts of the median fins in fishes. Jour. Morphology, iii, pp. 463-466. FOS3IL VERTEBKATA OF NORTH AMEKICA. [miLt.179. Baur, George Continued. 1889 F On the morphology of the vertebrate skull. I. The otic elements. II. The temporal arches. Jour. Morphology, Hi, pp. 467-474. 1889 G Mr. E. T. Newton on Pterosauria, Geol. Magazine (3), vi, pp. 171-174. A review of Newton's paper in Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., vol. 179, p. 303 (1888), on Scaphogna- M.--. 1889 H The systematic position of Meiolania, Owen. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), iii, pp. 54-62. 18891 On " AulacocMys," Lydekker, and the systematic position of Anosteira, Leidy, and Pseudotrionyx, Dollo. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), iii, pp. 273-276. 1889 J On Meiolania and some points in the osteology of the Testudinala; a reply to Mr. G. A. Boulenger. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), iv, pp. 37-45, with pi. vi, and 4 figs, in the text. 1889 K Bemerkungen iiber den Carpus der Proboscidier und der Ungulateri im Allgemeinen. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, xv, pp. 478-482, with 1 fig. in the text. 1890 A On the characters and systematic position of the large sea lizards, Mosa- sauridsK. Science, xvi, p. 262. 1890 B The problems of comparative oste- ology. Science, xvi, pp. 281-282. 1890 C A review of the charges against the palseontological department of the U. S. Geological Survey and of the defense made by Prof. O. C. Marsh. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, pp. 288-304. 1890 D On the classification of the Testudi- nata. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, pp. 530-536. 1890 E Professor Marsh on Hallopus and other dinosaurs. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, pp. 569-571. Followed by short note by Prof. E. D. Cope. Baur, George Continued. 1890 F The genera of the Cheloniidse. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, pp. 486-487. 1891 A The horned saurians of the Laramie formation. Science, xvii, pp. 216-217. 1891 B Notes on some little-known Ameri- can fossil tortoises. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1891, pp. 411-430. 1891 C The pelvis of the Testudinata, with notes on the evolution of the pelvis in general. Jour. Morphology, iv, pp. 345-369, with 13 figs, in the text. 1891 D Remarks on reptiles generally called Dinosauria. Amer. Naturalist, xxv, pp. 434-454. Contains a list of 32 papers cited. A review of this paper by Dames is found in Neues Jahrb. Min., etc., 1893, i, Ref., pp. 545-547. 1892 A Bemerkungen iiber verschiedene Arten von Schildkroten. Zoolog. Anzeiger, xv, pp. 155-159. 1892 B On the morphology of the skull in the Mosasauridse. Jour. Morphology, vii, pp. 1-22, with pis. i and ii. 1892 C On the taxonomy of the genus Emys. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxx, pp. 40-44; 245. In the "addition" to his note, on page 245, Dr. Baur made some modifications of his views as expressed on pp. 40-44. 1893 A Notes on the classification and tax- onomy of the Testudinata. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxxi, pp. 210-225. 1893 B Notes on the classification of the Oryptodira. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 672-675. 1893 C The discovery of Miocene Amphis- bsenians. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 998-999. Describes new genus and species Hyporhina antiqtta; new family Hyporhinidse. 1894 A Bemerkungen iiber die Osteologie der Schlafengegend der hoheren Wirbel- tiere. Anatom. Anzeiger, x, pp. 315-330. Includes a list of the titles of 24 papers on the subject discussed. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 25 Baur, George Continued. 1895 A Cope on the temporal part of the skull, and on the systematic position of the Mosasauridx. A reply. Amer. Naturalist, xxix, pp. 998-1002. 1895 B The fins of Ichthyosaurus. Jour. Geology, iii, pp. 238-240. A review of Prof. Rich. Owen's paper in the Trans. Geol. Soc.,ser. 2, vol. v, pp. 511-514. 1895 C Die Palatingegend der Tchthyosauria. Anatom. Anzeiger, x, pp. 456-459, with 1 fig. 1895 D Ueber die Morphologic des Unter- kiefers der Reptilien. Anatom. Anzeiger, xi, pp. 410-415, with 4 figs. Nachtrag, p. 569. Announces the finding of a hitherto unrec- ognized bone in the lower jaw of reptiles, the presjileniale. 1895 E Das Gebiss von Sphenodon ( Hatteria) und einige Bemerkungen iiber Prof. Rud. Burckhardt's Arbeit iiber das Gebiss der Sauropsidx. Anatom. Anzeiger, xi, pp. 436-439. 1896 A The paroccipital of the Squamaia and the affinities of the Mosasauridse once more. A rejoinder to Prof. E. D. Cope. Amer. Naturalist, xxx, pp. 143-147, with pi. iv. See also pp. 327-329; 411-412. 1896 B Bemerkungen uber die Phylogenie der Schildkroten. Anatom. Anzeiger, xii, pp. 561-570. 1896 C The Stegocephali: A phylogenetic study. Anatom. Anzeiger, xi, pp. 657-673, with 8 figs. Contains description of the osteology of this group and the titles of 34 papers and books relating to the subject. 1897 A ArcJicgosaur us. Amer. Noturalist, xxxi, pp. 975-980. A review of Otto Jaekel's paper on " Die Or- ganization von Archegosmirus" and a discus- sion of the composition of tho vertebral column. 1897 B Ueber die systematische Stellung der Microsaurier. Anatom. Anzeiger, xiv, pp. 148-151. Baur, G., and Case, E. C. 1897 A On the morphology of the skull of the Pelycosauria and the origin of the mammals. Anatom. Anzeiger, xiii, pp. 109-120, with 3 figs. Abstract in Science (2), v, pp. 592-590. 1899 A The history of the Pelycosauria, with a description of the genus Dimetrodon. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. (2), xx, pp. 1-58, with pis. i-iii, with 7 figs, in the text. Appended is a list of titles of works on the subject, 70 in number. Bayer, Franz. 1885 A Ueber die Extremitiiten einer jungen Hatteria. Sitzungsber, k. Akad, Wissensch., Wien.xc, i Abth., pp. 237-245, with 1 pi. Bayle, Emile de. 1855 A Notice sur le systeme dentaire de V Anthracotherium magnum. Bull. Soc. Geol. France (2), xii, pp. 936-947, with pi. xxii. Beard, J. The interrelationships of the Ichthy- Anatom. Anzeiger, v, pp. 146-159, 179-188. Beddard, Frank E. 1888 A Note on the systematic position of Monitor. Anatom. Anzeiger iii, pp. 204-206. 1897 A Note upon intercentra in the verte- bral column of birds. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1897, pp. 465-472, with 4 figs, in the text. Belcher, Edward. 1856 A Notice of the discovery of Ichthyo- saurus and other fossils in the late Arc- tic exploring expedition, 1852-1854. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 25th meeting, Glasgow, 1855, p. 79. Found, latitude 77 16' N., longitude, 96 W. Bell, Robert. 1898 A On the occurrence of mammoth and mastodon remains around Hudson Bay. Bull. Geol. Soc. America, ix, pp. 369-390, with 1 fig. in the text. See also Science vii (n.s.), p. 80. Bemmelen, J. F. van. 1896 A Bemerkungen zur Phylogenie der Schildkroten. Compte-rendu des stances du troisieme Con- gres Internal, de Zoologie, Leyden, 1895, pp. 322-335. 26 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Bemmelen, J. F. van Cont'd. 1896 B Bemerkungen iiber den Schadelbau von Dermochely* coriacea. Festschrift zum VOsten Geburtstage von Carl Gegenbaur, ii, pp. 279-285, with pi. i. 1899 A On reptilian affinities in the temporal region of the monotreme skull. Proc. Fourth Internat. Congress of Zoology, Cambridge, England, pp. 162-164. Bensley, B. A. 1900 A On the inflection of the angle of the jaw in the Marsupialia. Science (2), xii, pp. 558-559. Bensted, W. H. 1861 A Remains of American "Missourium" associated with flint implements. The Geologist, iv, pp. 217-221. See also p. 262. Letter containing extract from Albert Koch's "Description of the Missourium, or Missouri Leviathan, together with its supposed habits and Indian tradition." London, E. Fisher, 1841. Beraneck, Ed. 1887 A Ueber dasParietalauge der Reptilien. Jenaische Zeitschrift, xxi (xiv), pp. 374- 410, with pp. 374-410. Berthold, Arnold A. 1850 A Ueber das Backenzahnsystem des Narwals. Archiv. f. Anat., Physiol. u. wissensch. Med., Jahrg. 1850, pp. 386-392, pi. x, figs. 7, 8. Bettany, G. T. 1873 A Oreodon remains in the Wood wardian Museum, Cambridge. Nature, viii, pp. 309-311. See also Nature, viii, p. 385. 1876 A On the genus Merycochcerus (family Oreodontids:), with descriptions of two new species. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxii, pp. 259-273, with pis. xvii, xviii. . Beyer, Samuel Walker. 1899 A Geology of Story County. Iowa Geol. Survey, ix, pp. 157-239. Refers to the finding of a tooth of Elephas primigenius at Polk City. Beyrich, E. 1848 A Ueber Xenacanthus decheni und Hola- canthus gracilis, zwei Fische aus der Formation des Rothliegenden in Nord Deutschland. Bericht Verhandl. k. preuss. Aka. 27S. Noticed in The Geolog. Magazine, vol. vi, (1869), p. 476, and vol. vii (1870), p. 427. 1869 E Synopsis of the extinct Mammalia of the cave formations in the United States, with observations on some Myri- opoda found in and near the same, and on some extinct mammals of the caves of Anguilla, W. I., and of other locali- ties. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xi, pp. 171-192, with pis. iii-v. Noticed in Jour, de Zoologie, i, pp. 168-169. 1869 F Second addition to the history of the fishes of the Cretaceous of the United States. Proc. Amer. Philos, Soc., xi, pp. 240-244. 1869 G Third contribution to the fauna of the Miocene period of the United Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1869, pp. 6-12. 1869 H [Remarks on Holops brevispinus, Orni- thotarsus immanis, and Macrosaurus pro- riger.] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1869, p. 123. 18691 [Remarks on Eschrichtius polyporus, Hypsibema crassicauda, Hadrosaurus tripos, and Polydectes biturgidus.] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1869, p. 192. 1869 J Remarks on fossils from limestone caves in Virginia. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1869, p. 3. 1869 K The fossil reptiles of New Jersey. Amer. Naturalist, iii, pp. 84-91, pi. ii; con- tinued from Amer. Naturalist, i, p. 30. 1869 L Description of some extinct fishes previously unknown. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xii, pp. 310-317. ntinued. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 41 Cope, E. D. Conl Synopsis of the extinct Batrachia, Reptilia, and Aves of North America. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., xiv, pp. i-viii, 1-252, with pis. i-xiv, and 55 woodcuts in the text. A synopsis appeared in Jour, de Zoologie, i, pp. 182-187, 381-387, 508-510, with pis. xi. Of this memoir only pp. 1-104 were issued in the year 1869; pp. 105-234 appeared in April, 1870, while the remainder was issued in December, 1870. The imprint of the volume is December, 1871. 1869 N Synopsis of the extinct Mammalia of New Jersey. Appendix C of Geology of New Jersey, George H. Cook, State geologist, Newark, 1868, pp. 739- 742. See remark under Cope, 1869, B. 1869 O On two new genera of extinct Cetacea. Canadian Naturalist, iv, pp. 320-321. Only Anoplonasm forcipata is described in this extract from a Boston newspaper. 1870 A On the Megadactylus polyzelus of Hitchcock. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xlix, pp. 390-392. Extract from Cope's "Extinct Reptilia and Aves." Reprinted in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), vol. v, pp. 454-455. 1870 B On Elasmosaurus platyurus. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), 1, pp. 140-141. 1870 C Additional note on Elasmosaurus. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), i, pp. 268-269. 1870 D On some Reptilia of the Cretaceous formation of the United States. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xi, pp. 271-274. 1870 E Verbal communication [at meeting of the Amer. Philos. Soc., Feb. 18, 1870.] Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xi, p. 274. 1870 F Fourth contribution to the history of the fauna of the Miocene and Eocene periods of the United States. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xi, pp. 285-294. 1870 G On Adocus, a genus of Cretaceous Emydidse. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xi, pp. 295-298. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1870 H Observations on the fishes of the Tertiary shales of Green River, Wyo- ming Territory. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xi, pp. 380-384. 18701 Observations on the Reptilia of the Triassic formations of the Atlantic regions of the United States. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xi, pp. 444-^46. Reprinted in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1870, vi, pp. 498-500. 1870 J [Statements communicated regarding Liodcm perlatus. ] Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xi, pp. 497-498. 1870 K [Remarks on Adocus syntheticus and Lselaps aquilunguis.~\ Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xi, p. 515. 1870 L On the Saurodontidse. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xi, pp. 529-538. Abstract of in Amer. Naturalist, iv, p. 695. 1870 M On the fishes of a fresh- water Tertiary in Idaho, discovered by Capt. Clarence King. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc,, xi, pp. 538-547. 1870 N On the Adoddse. " ,' Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xi, pp. 547-653. 1870 O On some species of Pythonomorpha from the Cretaceous beds of Kansas and New Mexico. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xi, pp. 574-584. 1870 P Note on Saurocephalus, Harlan. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xi, p. 608. Abstract in Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), i, p. 386, 1871. 1870 Q [Observations on fossil reptiles from Kansas. ] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1870, p. 132. 1870 R Discovery of a huge whale in North Carolina. Ame.-. Naturalist, iv, p. 128. 1870 S Reptilia of the Triassic formations of the United States. Amer. Naturalist, iv, pp. 562-563. 42 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1870 T Review of G. A. Maack's "Die bis jetzt bekannten Schildkroten u. d. bei Kelheim u. Hannover neu aufgefunde- nen iiltesten Arten derselben." Amer. Jour. Science (2) 1. pp. 13&-139. This paper contains a list of species of Ameri- can turtles known at that date. 1871 A [Remarks on new fossil reptiles from western Kansas.] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1871, pp. 297- 298. Names are given of certain fossils, but no adequate descriptions. 1871 B On the homologies of some of the cranial bones of the Reptilia, and on the systematic arrangement of the class. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, 19th meet- ing, Troy, 1870, pp. 194-247, with 24 figs, in text. Notice of in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), vol. vii, pp. 67-68. 1871 C On the extinct tortoises of the Creta- ceous of New Jersey. Amer. Naturalist, v, pp. 562-564. 1871 D On the fossil reptiles and fishes of the Cretaceous rocks of Kansas. U. S. Geol. Surv. of Wyoming and portions of contiguous Territories, 2d [4th] annual report, F. V. Hayden, U. S. Geologist, Wash- ington, 1871, pp. 385-124. 1871 E On the fishes of the Tertiary shales of Green River, Wyoming Territory. U. S. Geol. Surv. of Wyoming and portions of contiguous Territories for 1870, 2d [4th] annual report, F. V. Hayden, U. S. Geologist, pp. 425-431. 1871 F The Port Kennedy bone cavern. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xi, p. 15. 1871 G Supplement to the "Synopsis of the extinct Batrachia and Reptilia of North America." Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 41-52. 1871 H On the occurrence of fossil Cobitidse in Idaho. Proc. Amer. Philoe. Soc., xii, p. 55. Discusses position of the genus Diastichus, which was afterwards put among the Cyprinidse. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1871 I Preliminary report on the Vertebraia discovered in the Port Kennedy bone cave. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 73-102, with 20 figs, in the text. 1871J Note of some Cretaceous Vertebraia in the State Agricultural College of Kan- sas, U. S. A. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 168-170. 1871 K [Letter to Professor Lesley giving an account of a journey in the valley of the Smoky Hill River, in Kansas.] Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 174-176. 1871 L Observations on the extinct Batra- chian fauna of the Carboniferous of Lin- ton, Ohio. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, p. 177. 1871 M Observations on the distribution of certain extinct Vertebraia in North Carolina. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 210-216. 1871 N Catalogue of the Pythonomorpha found in the Cretaceous strata of Kansas. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 264-287. 1871 O [Observations on Sauropleura re.rn.ex and CEstocephalus amphiuminus. ] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1871, p. 53. 1871 P Cave mammals in Pennsylvania. Amer. Naturalist, v, p. 58. Refers to the finding of bones in Port Ken- nedy cave. 1872 A Bathmodon, a new genus of fossil mammals. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), iii, p. 224. Relative to paper read before Amer. Philos. Soc. (Cope, E. D., 1872 J.), correcting date. 1872 B Synopsis of the species of Chelydrinse. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1872, pp. 22-29. 1872 C Observations on the systematic rela- tions of the fishes. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, 20th meet- ing, Indianapolis, 1871, pp. 317-343. See also Amer. Naturalist, v. pp. 579-593; Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), ix, pp. 155-168; Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., xiv, pp. 445-461. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 43 Cope, E. D. Continued. 1872 D On the extinct tortoises of the Creta- ceous of New Jersey. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, 20th meet- ing, Indianapolis, 1871, pp. 344-345. Abstract of Cope, 1871 D. 1872 E Third account of new Vertebrata from the Bridger Eocene of Wyoming Terri- tory. Proc. Amer. Philoa. Soc., xii, pp. 469-472 (1873). Issued Aug. 7, 1872, as Pal. Bull. No. 3; re- printed in Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., Jan., 1873. 1872 F On the geology and palaeontology of the Cretaceous strata of Kansas. U. S. Geol. Surv. of Montana and portions of adjacent Territories; 5th annual report, F. V. Hayden, U. S. Geologist, Washington, D. C., 1872, pp. 318-349. 1872 G On the vertebrate fossils of the Wa- satch strata. U. S. Geol. Surv. of Montana and portions of adjacent Territories; 5th annual report, F. V. Hayden, U. S. Geologist, Washington, 1872; pp. 350-353. 1872 H On a new Testudinate from the chalk of Kansas. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 308-310. Describes Cynocercus incisivus. 1872 I On the families of fishes of the Cre- taceous formation in Kansas. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 327-357. 1872 J On Bathmodon, an extinct genus of ungulates. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., vii, pp. 417^120. 1872 K On two new Ornithosaurians from Kansas. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 420-422. Ornithochirus umbrosus and 0. harpyia are described. 1872 L A description of the genus Protostega, a form of extinct Testudinata. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 422-433. 1872 M Description of some new Vertebrata from the Bridger group of the Eocene. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 4M65. Issued as Pal. Bull. No. 1, July 29, 1872; re- printed in Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., January. 1873. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1872 N Second account of new Vertebrata from the Bridger Eocene. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 466-468. This forms Pal. Bull. No. 2, and was issued Aug. 3, 1872; reprinted in Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., 1873, January (See Cope, 1873 V). 1872 O On a new genus of Pleurodira from the Eocene of Wyoming. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 472^77. Besides the new genus of Pleurodiran turtle Notamorpha,vrith 3 species, Cope here describes the perissodactyle Notharctus vasacciensis. 1872 P On the Tertiary coal and fossils of Osino, Nevada. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 478-481. 1872 Q On the existence of Itinosauria in the transition beds of Wyoming. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 481-483 (1873). This forms Pal. Bull. No. 4, published Aug. 12, 1872; reprinted in Amer. Philos. Soc. Proc., Jan., 1873. 1872 R Notices of new Vertebrata from the upper waters of Bitter Creek, Wyoming Territory. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 483-486 (1873). This forms Pal. Bull. No. 6, published Aug. 20, 1872; reprinted Jan., 1873, in Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. (See Cope, 1873 V.) 1872 S Second notice of extinct vertebrates from Bitter Creek, Wyoming. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 487-488 (1873). Published in part Aug. 22, 1872, as Pal. Bull. No. 7; reprinted in Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., Jan., 1873. (See Cope, 1873 V.) The description of Anaptomorphus aemulus forms Pal. Bull. No. 8, Oct., \S]1,flde Cope, 1873 V. 1872 T On the dentition of Metalophodon. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 542-545. 1872 U On a new vertebrate genus from the northern part of the Tertiary basin of Green River. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, p. 554. Issued also as Pal. Bull. No. 8, Oct. 12, 1872. Describes Anaptomorphus xmulus. 1872V Descriptions of new extinct reptiles from the upper Green River Eocene basin, AVyoming. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, pp. 554-555 (1873). ' This constitutes Pal. Bull. No. 9, published Oct., 1872; reprinted Jan.,1873, flde Cope, 1873 V. 44 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1872 W Telegram describing extinct probos- cidians from Wyoming. Palseontological Bull. No. 6. With conjectural corrections of specific names. Published Aug. 1, 1872, fide Cope, 1873 V Reprinted, with corrections, in Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xii, p. 580. (Cope, E. D., 1872 II.) 1872 X [Description of Holops pneumaticus. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1872, pp. 11-12. 1872 Y List of the Reptilia of the Eocene formation of New Jersey. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1872, pp. 14-18. 1872 Z On an extinct whale from California. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1872, pp. 29-30. Describes Eschrichtius davidsonii. 1872 AA [Description of Bathmodon radians. ] 'Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1872, p. 38. Reprinted in Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), iv, pp. 238-239; Amer. Naturalist, vi, p. 438. 1872 BB [Description of Plesiosaurus gulo and of the turtle afterwards named Toxo- chelys latiremis.] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1872, pp. 127-129. 1872 CC [Remarks on discoveries recently made by Prof. 0. C. Marsh.] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1872, pp. 140-141. 1872 DD Remarks on Mastodon from New Mexico. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1872, p. 142. 1872 EE Remarks on geology of Wyoming, and on saurodont fishes from Kansas. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1872, pp. 279-281. 1872 FF The geological age of the coal of Wyoming. Amer. Naturalist, vi, pp. 669-671. 1872 GG Food of Plesiosaurus. Amer. Naturalist, vi, p. 439. 1872 HH The Eocene genus Synoplotherium. Amer. Naturalist, vi, p. 695. 1872 II Notice of new proboscidians from the Eocene of southern Wyoming. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc.. xii, p. 580 (1873). Followed by a note of the secretary, correct- ing errors in the original, which was issued as Pal. Bull. No. 5. (Cope, E. D., 1872 W.) Cope, E. D. Continued 1872 JJ Carboniferous reptiles of Ohio. Amer. Naturalist, vi, p. 46. 1872 KK The proboscidians of the American Eocene. Amer. Naturalist, vi, pp. 773-774. The group of which Eobasileus cornutus is type. 1872 LL The armed Metalophodon. Amer. Naturalist, vi, pp. 774-775. Describes M. armatus. 1872 MM The fish-beds of Osino, Nevada. Amer. Naturalist, vi, pp. 775-776. Refers to Amyzon mentale and Trichaphanes hians. 1873 A Note on the Cretaceous of Wyoming. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), v, pp. 230-231. Slip from the "Proc. Phil. Soc., Philadel- phia," published on Feb. 7. Followed by re- marks by "Eds." The original not found in the Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., Phila. 1873 B On the new perissodactyles from the Bridger Eocene. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xiii, pp. 35-36. Also issued as Pal. Bull. No. 11. 1873 C On some new extinct Mammalia from the Tertiary of the Plains. Palseont. Bulletin No. 14, pp. 1-2. Describes JEiurodon mustelinus and Acerothe- rium megalodus. 1873 D Fourth notice of extinct Vertebrata from the Bridger and the Green River Tertiaries. Paleeont. Bulletin No. 17, pp. 1-4. "Oct. 25, 1873." (Cope.) 1873 E On the extinct Vertebrata of the Eocene of Wyoming, observed by the expedition of 1872, with notes on the geology. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr, for 1872, 6th annual report, F. V. Hayden, U. S. Geologist, Washing- ton, D. C., 1873, pp. 545-649, pis. i-vi. 1873 F On the short-footed Ungulata of the Eocene of Wyoming. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xiii, pp. 38-74. For extract see Jour, de Zoologie, ii, 1873, pp. 168-184, pi. vii, followed by remarks by Paul Gervais. 1873 G On the flat-clawed Carnivora of the Eocene of Wyoming. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xiii, pp. 198-209. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 45 Cope, E. D. Continued. 1873 H On the osteology of the extinct tapi- roid Hyrachyus. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., xiii, pp. 212-224. 18731 [Remarks on additional specimens of Toxochelys latiremis.~\ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1873, p. 10. 1873 J Observations on the structure and systematic position of the genus Basi- Itus Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1873, pp. 10-12. 1873 K [Remarks on Eobasilidse and Bath- modontid&.~] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1873, p. 102. 1873 L [Remarks on a fossil skull of Sus scropha.'] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1873, p. 207. 1873 M Some extinct turtles from the Eocene strata of Wyoming. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1873, pp. 277-279. Descriptions of Trlonyx heteroglyptus and Plagtomenus thomasii. 1873 N On two new species of Saurodantidx. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1873, pp. 337-339. Describes Portheus lestrio and P. gladius and the new genus Daptinus. 1873 O On some new Bairachia and fishes from the Coal-measures of Linton, Ohio. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1873, pp. 340-343. 1873 P On the types of molar teeth. Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. Phila., 1873, p. 371. 1873 Q [Remarks on fishes from the Coal- measures of Linton, Ohio.] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1873, pp. 417-419. 1873 R [On Menotherium lemurinum, Hypiso- dus minimus, Hypertragulus calcaratus, H. tricostatus, Protohippus, and Pro- camelus occidentalis."] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1873, pp. 419-420. 1873 S Second notice of extinct Vertebrata from the Tertiary of the Plains. Palaont. Bull. No. 15, pp. 1-6. "Issued Aug. 20, 1873." (Cope.) Cope, E. D. Continued. 1873 T Third notice of extinct Vertebrata from the Tertiary of the Plains. Palaeont. Bull. No. 16, pp. 1-8. "Published Aug. 20, 1873." (Cope.) 1873 U On some Eocene mammals obtained by Hay den's Geological Survey of 1872. Palaeont. Bull. No. 12, pp. 1-6. Issued privately March 8, 1873. Not re- printed. 1873V Palseontological Bulletin. Prelimi- nary. Pp. 1-2. Gives titles and dates of publica- tion of Palseontological Bulletins Nos. 1-13. 1873 W The gigantic mammals of the genus Eobasileus. Amer. Naturalist, vii, pp. 157-160. 1873 X On some of Professor Marsh's criti- cisms. Amer. Naturalist, vii, pp. 290-299. Forms, with slight changes, Palaeont. Bull. No. 13. 1873 Y Proboscidians of the American Eocene. Correction. Amer. Naturalist, vii, p. 49. Makes a correction regarding the teeth of Ecfoasileus cornutus. 1873 Z The Eobasileus again. Amer. Naturalist, vii, p. 181. 1873 AA On Professor Marsh's criticisms. Amer. Naturalist, vii. Appendix to July number, p. 1. This communication contains only eight lines. 1873 BB On the tusk of Loxolophodon cornutus. Amer. Naturalist, vii, p. 315. 1873 CO Synopsis of new Vertebrata from the Tertiary of Colorado, obtained during the summer of 1873. - Pp. 1-19. Washington, Government Print- ing Office, Oct., 1873. On the title page tnis paper is said to be extracted from the 7th Annual Report of the U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr., but it does not appear in that volume. 46 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, K. D. Continued. 1873 DD Some remarkable and gigantic ani- mals. The Independent, New York, Oct. 30, 1873. Contains reports of the meeting of the Amer. Assoc. Adv. 8ci. at Portland, Me. Miobasiteus, Symborodon, and Eobasileus are referred to. Symborodon acer, S. bucco, S. aUirostris, S. helo- ceros are more or less fully described. 1874 A On some extinct types of horned perissodactyles. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, 22d meet- ing, Portland, 1873, pp. 108-109. Reprinted in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), xiii, pp. 405-406. Describes Symborodon torvus, ifiobasileus ophryas, Symborodon acer, and S. heloceras. 1874 B Report on the vertebrate palaeontol- ogy of Colorado. Annual Report Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terri- tories for 1873, F. V. Hayden, U. S. Geologist, Washington, D. C., 1874, pp. 427-533, pis. i-viii. Chapter I. Introduction, pp. 429-430. II. the Cretaceous period, pp. 431-456. III. The Eocene period, pp. 456-461. IV. The Miocene period, pp. 461-518. V. The Loup Fork epoch, pp, 518-532. An abstract of this paper appeared in Jour, de Zoologie, iv, 1875, pp. 354-359, with a list of the species described. 1874 C Review of the Vertebrata of the Cre- taceous period found west of the Missis- sippi River. Sec. I. On the mutual relations of the Cretaceous and Terti- ary formations of the West. Sec. II. List of species of Vertebrata from the Cretaceous formations of the West. Bull. U. 8. Geol. and Geog. Surv. of the Terrs,, i, No. 2, 1874, pp. 3-48. 1874 D Supplementary notices of fishes from the fresh-water Tertiaries of the Rocky Mountains. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. of the Terrs., i, No. 2, 1874, pp. 49-51. 1874 E Abstract of remarks at the meeting of the Amer. Philos. Soc., Jan. 16, 1874. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xiv, p. 110. On Poebrotherium, etc. 1874 F [Observations on age of lignite and and other formations of the West.] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1874, pp. 12-13. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1874 G Remarks on Symborodon, Titanothe- rium, and EobasUeus. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1874, pp. 89-90. 1874 H Synopsis of result of work in connec- tion with Hayden' s U. S. Geological Survey during 1873. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1874, pp. 116-117. 18741 Notes on the Santa F6 marls and some of the contained vertebrate fos- sils. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1874, pp. 147-152. Also in Palaeont. Bull. No. 18. 1874 J On a new mastodon and rodent. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1874, pp. 221-223. 1874 K On the characters of Symborodon. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1874, pp. 224-225. 1874 L Supplement to the extinct Batrachia and ReptUia of North America. I. Catalogue of the air-breathing Verte- brata from the Coal-measures of Lin- ton, Ohio. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., xv, pp. 261-278. Also issued separately with pp. 1-18. 1874 M On the homologies and origin of the types of molar teeth of Mammalia educa- bilia. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. (2), viii, pp. 71-89, with 29 figs, in the text. 1874 N The succession of life in North America. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), xiii, pp. 326-331. Reprinted from The Penn Monthly, v, 1874, pp. 138-145. 1874 O Report upon vertebrate fossils dis- covered in New Mexico, with descrip- tions of new species. Extract from Appendix FF of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, 1874. Wash- ington, Gov. Print. Office, Nov. 28, 1874, pp. 1-18. In order to make the pagination of the sepa- rata correspond to that of the Engineer's Re- port add 588. This paper also forms "Appendix FF 3 " (pp 115-130) of "Appendix FF" of the Annual Re port of the Chief of Engineers for 1874. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 47 Cope, E. D. Continued. 1874 P Report on the stratigraphy and Plio- cene vertebrate palaeontology of north- ern Colorado. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Survey Terr., i, Bull. No. 1, ser. 1, pp. 9-28. Includes also "Supplement. Additions to the synopsis of new Vertebrate from the Terri- tory of Colorado, 1873," pp. 22-28. 1874 Q [Remarks on Professor Marsh's Brontotherium ingens. ] Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xiv, p. 2. B. ingens is regarded as a synonym of Sym- borodon triyonoceras. 1874 R On Dr. Leidy's "Correction." Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., pp. 224-225. 1874 S [Description of a species of Ctenodus.'} Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1874, pp. 91-92. This species of Ctenodus is without name, but it was afterwards called C. ohioensis. 1874 T [Remarks on skulls of Eobasileus ga- leatus and of a fossil walrus.] Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xiv, pp. 17-18. The skull of Eobasileus was from Wyoming; that of the fossil walrus from Accomac Har- bor, Va. 1875 A Note on the genus Calamadon. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), ix, p. 228. 1875 B The geology of New Mexico. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), x, pp. 152-153. 1875 C Systematic catalogue of Vertebrata of the Eocene of New Mexico, collected hi 1874. Report to the Engineer Department , U. S. Army, in charge of Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler. Washington, April 17, 1875, pp. 5-37. 1875 D Synopsis of the extinct Batrachia from the Coal-measures. Report of the Geol. Survey of Ohio, Palaeon- tology, ii, 1875, pp. 350-411; pis. xxvi-xlv. 1875 E The Vertebrata of the Cretaceous formations of the West. Report U. S. Geol. Surv. of the Territories, ii, pp. 1-303; pis. i-lv, and 10 wood cuts, Wash- ington, D. C., 1875. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1875 F Report on the geology of that part of northwestern New Mexico examined during the field season of 1874, by E. D. Cope, palaeontologist and geologist. Appendix LL of Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers in annual report upon the geo- graphical explorations and surveys west of the 100th meridian, etc., by Geo. M. Wheeler, 1st Lieut., Engineers. Washington, D. C., 1875. Pp. 61-116; pis. (illustrating paleontology) ii, v, vi. The pagination here given is that of the separata. To make this correspond with that of the complete report 920 must be added. Same as Cope, 1875 U, with different pagina- tion. 1875 G On the fishes of the Tertiary shales of the South Park. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Territories, 2d series, No. 1, 1875, pp. 3-5. 1875 H Synopsis of the Vertebrata of the Miocene of Cumberland County, New Jersey. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xiv, pp. 361-364. 18751 On the transition beds of the Sas- katchawan district. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1875, pp. 9-10. 1875 J The extinct Batrachia of Ohio. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1875, p. 16. 1875 K On Green-sand Vertebrata. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1875, p. 19. 1875 L On the homologies of the sectorial tooth of Carnivora. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1875, pp. 20-23. 1875 M The feet of Bathmodon. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1875, p. 73. 1875 N On fossil lemurs and dogs. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1875, pp. 255- 256. 1875 O On the antelope deer of the Santa Fe marls. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1875, p. 257. 1875 P On some new fossil Uhgulata. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1875, pp. 258- 261. From Palseontological Bulletin No. 19, 48 KOSSIL VKRTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BUI,],. 179. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1875 Q The phylogeny of the camels. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1876, pp. 261- 1875 R The geology of New Mexico. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1875, pp. 263-267. 1875 S On an extinct vulturine bird. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1875, p. 271. Refers Cathartes umbrosus to Vultur. 1875 T On fossil remains of reptilia and fishes from Illinois. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1875, pp. 404-411. Reprinted in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), xvii, 178-184. - According to Prof. Cope (Cope, 1888 BB, p. 286) this paper was not issued until 1876. 1875 U Report on the geology of that part of northwestern New Mexico examined during the field season of 1874, by E. D. Cope, palaeontologist and geologist. From annual report upon the geographical explorations and surveys west of the 100th me- ridian, in California, etc., by Geo. M. Wheeler; being Appendix LL of the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, pp. 981-1017; pis. ii, v, and vi. Pp. 61-97 of separate report LL. Same as Cope, 1875 F, with different pagination. 1875V Synopsis of the Vertebrata whose re- mains have been preserved in the for- mations of North Carolina. Report Geol. Surv. of North Carolina, i, by W. C. Kerr, Appendix B, pp. 29-52, with pis. v- viii. 1875 W Report on the vertebrate fossils from the Fort Union group of Milk River. British North Amer. Boundary Commis- sion's Report on the geology and resources of the region in the vicinity of the forty-ninth parallel, from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains, with lists of plants and ani- mals collected and notes on the fossils; by George Mercer Dawson, geologist and botanist to the commission. Montreal, 1875. Pp. 333- 337. 1875 X Check-list of North American Batra- chui and Reptilia, with a systematic list of the higher groups and an essay on geographical distribution; based on the specimens in the U. S. National Museum. Bull. No. 1, U. S. Nat. Mas., pp. 1-95. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1876 A On the supposed Carnivora of the Eocene of the Rocky Mountains. Paleeont. Bull. No. 20, pp. Inl. It is stated in this bulletin that it was pub- lished Dec. 22, 1875. 1876 B On a gigantic bird from the Eocene of New Mexico. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1876, pp. 10-11. Reprinted in Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xii, pp. 306- 307, and in Jour, de Zoologie., v, 1876, pp. 264- 267. Describes Diatryma gigantea. 1876 C On the Tseniodonta, a new group of Eocene Mammalia. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1876, p. 39. 1876 D On the geologic age of the vertebrate fauna of the Eocene of New Mexico. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1876, pp. 63-66. Forms Palseontological Bulletin No. 21. A translation of this paper appeared in Jour, de Zoologie, v, 1876, pp. 307-311. 1876 E On some supposed lemurine forms of the Eocene period. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1876, pp. 88-89. 1876 F On a new genus of fossil fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1876, p. 113. 1876 G On a new genus of Camelidse. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1876, pp. 144-147. Describes Protolabis. 1876 H Descriptions of some vertebrate re- mains from the Fort Union beds of Montana. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1876, pp. 248-261. Issued also as Pal. Bull. No. 22, pp. 1-14. 18761 Onsome extinct reptiles and Batrachia from the Judith River and Fox Hills beds of Montana. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1876, pp. 340-359. Issued also as Pal. Bull. No. 23, pp. 1-20. 1877 A A continuation of researches among the Batrachia of the Coal-measures of Ohio. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvi, pp. 673-578. Issued as part of Pal. Bull. No. 24. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 49 Cope, E. D. Continued. 1877 B On a dinosaurian from the Trias of Utah. Proc. Amer. Phllos. Soc., xvi, pp. 679-584. Issued as part of Pal. Bull. No. 24. Describes Dystrophieus visemalse. 1877 C On a new proboscidian. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvi, pp. 584-585. Also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 24. Describes Cxnobasileus tremontigerus. This genus and species were withdrawn in Cope, E. D., 1889 J., p. 207. 1877 D On some new or little known reptiles and fishes of the Cretaceous No. 3 of Kansas. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvii, pp. 176-181. Issued also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 26. 1877 E Descriptions of extinct Vertebrata from the Permian and Triassic forma- tions of the United States. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvii, pp. 182-193. Not published until March 1, 1878. Issued as part of Pal. Bull. No. 26. This was " printed Nov. 20, 1877." 1877 F ! On reptilian remains from the Dakota [ beds of Colorado. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvii, pp. 193-196. 1877 G Report on the geology of the region of the Judith River, Montana, and on vertebrate fossils obtained on or near the Missouri River. Bull.U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv., iii, article xix, pp. 565-597; pis. 30-34. 1877 H On a carnivorous dinosaurian from the Dakota beds of Colorado. Bull. U. 8. Geol. and Geog. Surv., iii, article xxxiii, pp. 805-806. Describes Lsclaps trihedrodon. 18771 A contribution to the knowledge of the ichthyological fauna of the Green River shales. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv., iii, article xxxiv, pp. 807-819. 1877 J On the genus Erisichthe. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv., iii, article xxxv, pp. 821-823. Bull. 179 - i Cope, E. D. Continued. 1877 K Report upon the extinct Vertebrata obtained in New Mexico by parties of the expedition of 1874. Chapter xi. Fossils of the Mesozoic periods and Geology of Mesozoic and Tertiary beds, xii. Fossils of the Eocene period, xiii. Fossils of the Loup Fork Epoch. Geographical surveys west of the one hun- dredth meridian, First Lieut. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, in charge. Vol. iv, Palaeontology, Washington, 1877. Pp. 1-370, pis. xxii-lxxxiii. 1877 L On the brain of Coryphodon. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvi, pp. 616-620; pis. i-ii. 1877 M On the brain of Procamelusoccidentalis. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvii, pp. 49-52; pi. i. 1877 N On the Vertebrata of the bone bed in eastern Illinois. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvii, pp. 52-63. 1877 O Synopsis of the cold-blooded Verte- brata procured by Prof. James Orton during his exploration of Peru in 1876- 77. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvii, pp. 33-49. Contains on p. 41 definitions of the sub- classes of fishes, including the new class Hyo- pamata. 1877 P On a new species of Adocidas from the Tertiary of Georgia. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvii, pp. 82-84. Issued as part of Palseontological Bulletin No. 25. Describes Amiphiemys otysternum. 1877 Q On a gigantic saurian from the Da- kota epoch of Colorado. Pal. Bull. No. 25, pp. 5-10. Describes Camarasaurus supremus. 1877 E On Amphicalias, a genus of saurians from the Dakota epoch of Colorado. Pal. Bull. No. 27, pp. 2-3, with date Dec. 10, 1877. 1877 S The lowest mammalian brain. Amer. Naturalist, xi, pp. 312-313. Describes brain of Coryphodon. 50 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1877 T The discovery of Lselaps in Montana. Amer. Naturalist, xi, p. 311. . 1877 U The sea serpents of the Cretaceous period. Amer. Naturalist, xi, p. 311. Brief reference to the discovery of Elasmo- gaurus orientalis. 1877 V The dentition of the herbivorous Dinosauria. Amer. Naturalist, xi, pp. 311, 312. 1877 W The largest known saurian. Amer. Naturalist, xi, p. 629. Brief description of " Camxosaurus" supre- mus. 1877 X Remains of a huge saurian in Penn- sylvania. Amer. Naturalist, xi, p. 629. Refers to Palxoctonus appalachianus, de- scribed in Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1877, xvii, p. 182 (Cope, 1877 E). 1877 Y New vertebrate fossils. Amer. Naturalist, xi, p. 629. 1877 Z New fossil fishes from Wyoming. Amer. Naturalist, xi, p. 570. A list, without descriptions, of fossil fishes found in Wyoming. 1878 A On the classification of the extinct fishes of the lower types. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 26th meeting, Nashville, 1877, pp. 292-300. 1878 B Descriptions of extinct Satrachia and Reptilia from the Permian formation of Texas. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvii, pp. 505-630. Also part of Pal. Bull. No. 29. 1878 C Descriptions of new Vertebrata from the upper Tertiary formations of the the West. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvii, pp. 219-231. Issued also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 28. 1878 D On some saurians found in the Triassic of Pennsylvania, by C. M. Wheatley. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvii, pp. 231-232. Issued also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 28. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1878 E The saurians of the Dakota epoch. Amer. Naturalist, xii, pp. 56-57. Refers to discovery of Camarasaurus and Amphiccelias. 1878 F Descriptions of fishes from the Cre- taceous and Tertiary deposits west of the Mississippi River. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. of the Territories, 1878, vol. iv, pp. 67-77. 1878 G Professor Owen on the Pythono- morpha. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Territories, 1878, iv, pp. 299-311. 1878 H Descriptions of new extinct Vertebrata from the upper Tertiary and Dakota formations. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Territories, 1878, iv, pp. 379-396. 18781 On the Vertebrata of the Dakota epoch of Colorado. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvii, pp. 233-247. Issued as Pal. Bull. No. 28. 1878 J Clepsydrops in Texas. Amer. Naturalist, xii, p. 57. A brief note. 1878 K The affinities of the Dinosauria. Amer. Naturalist, xii, pp. 57-58. A brief note on the views of Professor Owen on the Dinosauria. 1878 L New artiodactyles of the upper Ter- tiary. Amer. Naturalist, xii, p. 58. 1878 M On the saurians recently discovered in the Dakota beds of Colorado. Amer. Naturalist, xii, pp. 71-85, with 17 wood- cuts in the text. 1878 N A new Mastodon. Amer. Naturalist, xii, p. 128. Brief notice of M. campester. 1878 O The snout fishes of the Kansas chalk. Amer. Naturalist, xii, pp. 128-129. 1878 P A new genus of Oreodontidse. Amer. Naturalist, xii, p. 129. Brief notice of Tickokptus. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 51 Cope, E. D. Continued. 1878 Q [Note on fossils obtained by Mr. Russell S. Hill, including bones of Protostega gigas.~\ Amer. Naturalist, xii, p. 137. 1878 R A new genus of Dinosaur ia from Colo- rado. Amer. Naturalist, xii, pp. 188-189. Brief notice of discovery of Hypsirophus. 1878 S [Review of Prof. L. Lesquereux's Contributions to the fossil flora of the Western Territories. Part II. The Tertiary flora.] Amer. Naturalist, xii, pp. 243-246. 1878 T The structure of Coryphodon. Amer. Naturalist, xii, pp. 324-326. Reply to Prof. O. C. Marsh, in Nature, vol. xvii, p. 340. 1878 U A new fauna. Amer. Naturalist, xii, pp. 327-328. Notes discovery of Diadectes, Parioj-ii*. Tri- incrorltachis, etc. 1878V A new opisthocoelous dinosaur. Amer. Naturalist, xii, p. 406. Reprinted in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 5, vol. ii, p. 194. Notice of discovery of Epanterias. 1878 W Professor Marsh on Permian reptiles. Amer. Naturalist, xii, pp. 406-408. Refers to paper by Professor Marsh in Amer. Jour. Science, May, 1878. 1878 X The species of Rhinoceros of the Loup Fork epoch. Amer. Naturalist, xii, pp. 488-489. 1878 Y A new species of Amphiccelias. Amer. Naturalist, xii, pp. 563-564, with 1 woodcut. Describes A. fragillimus. A new DiAidcctes. Amer. Naturalist, xii, p. 566. Describes D. molaris. 1878 Z 1878 AA The vertebrae of Rachitomus. Amer. Naturalist, xii, p. 633. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1878 BB A fossil walrus discovered at Port- land, Me. Amer. Naturalist, xii, p. 633. 1878 CO The Theromorphous Reptilia. Amer. Naturalist, xii, pp. 829-830. 1878 DD The homology of the chevron bones. Amer. Naturalist, xii, p. 319. 1878 EE Palaeontology of Georgia. Amer. Naturalist, xii, p. 128. Announces the discovery of fossil reptiles in Cretaceous and Tertiary deposits in Georgia. 1878 FF Triassic saurians from Pennsylvania. Amer. Naturalist, xii, p. 58. 1878 GG A new deer from Indiana. - Amer. Naturalist, iv, p. 189. Describes Cariaeus dolichopsia. 1878 HH Mount Lebanon fishes in Dakota. Amer. Naturalist, xii, p. 57. 1879 A The relations of the horizons of ex- tinct Vertebrata of Europe and America. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr., 1880, v, pp. 33-54. 1879 B Observations on the fauna; of the Miocene Tertiaries of Oregon. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr., 1880, v, pp. 55-69. 1879 C On the extinct species of Rhmoceridse of North America and their allies. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr., 1879-80, v, pp. 227-237. An adaptation of this paper was published in Amer. Naturalist, xiii, 1879, pp. 771a-771j, with 8 woodcuts. 1879 D On some characters of the Miocene fauna of Oregon. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xviii, pp. 63-78. Also in Pal. Bull. No. 30, pp. 1-16; said to have been issued Dec. 3, 1878. 1879 E Second contribution to a knowledge of the Miocene fauna of Oregon. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xviii, pp. 370-376. Not issued until January, 1880. The same was issued as Pal. Bull. No. 31, pp. 1-7, Dec., 1879. A notice of this paper with list of species described occurs in Amer. Naturalist, xiv, p. 60. 52 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Cope, K. D. Continued. 1879 F On the genera of Felidx and Canidss. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1879, pp. 168- Reprinted in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), vol. v, pp. 36-45, 92-107. Contains list of genera and species of Fdidx, the genera of Canidse, and descriptions of new species. 1879 G The origin of the specialized teeth of the Carnivora. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, pp. 171-173. 1879 H Extinct Mammalia of Oregon. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, p. 131. 1879 I The necks of the Sauropterygia. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, p. 132. 1879 J The scales of Liodon. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, p. 132. A brief note calling attention to observa- tion of Professor Snow and to his paper in Review of Science and Industry. 1879 K M'erycopater and Hoplophoneus. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, p. 197. 1879 L A new genus of Perissodactyla. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, p. 270. Establishes the genus Anchisodon. 1879 M I A new genus of Ichthyopterygia. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, p. 271. Notice of O. C. Marsh's genus, Sauranodon. 1879 N | The Amyzon Tertiary beds. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, p. 332. 1879 O ! A sting ray from the Green River | shales of Wyoming. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, p. 333. The genus Xiphotrygon established. 1879 P American Aceratheria. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, p. 333. 1879 Q The lower jaw of Loxolophodon. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, p. 334. 1879 R New Jurassic IHnosauria. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, pp. 402-404, with 3 wood cuts. Descriptions of Camarasaurus Itptodirus and Hypsirophus seeleyamis. 1879 S 1879 T Cope, E. I). Continued. A new Anchitherium. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, pp. 462-463. Description of A. prxstans. A decade of dogs. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, p. 630. A brief note giving a list of ten species of dogs furnished by the Truckee beds in Oregon. 1879 U The cave bear of California. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, p. 791. Reprinted in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), vol. v, pp. 260-261; Amer. Jour. Sci., 1880, xix, p. 155. Describes Arctotherium simum. 1879V On the extinct American rhinoce- roses and their allies. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, pp. 771a-771j, with 8 figs, in the text. 1879 W Palaeontologieal report of the Prince- ton scientific expedition of 1877. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, p. 33. A brief notice of the results of the expedi- tion referred to in the title. 1879 X Scientific news. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, pp. 798a-798b. Contains brief notice of excursions to Colo- rado and descriptions of Archxlurus debilis and Hoplophoneus platycopis. 1880 A Second contribution to the history of the Vertebrala of the Permian forma- tion of Texas. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xix, pp. 38-58. Issued also as Pal. Bull. No. 32, pp. 1-22. 1880 B On the foramina perforating the posterior part of the squamosal bone of the Mammalia. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xviii, pp. 452-461. 1880 C On the genera of the Creodonta. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xix, pp. 76-82. Synopsis in Kosmos, x, pp. 299-300. 1880 D On the extinct cats of America. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, pp. 833-858, with 15 wood cuts in the text. 1880 E Hill's Kansas explorations. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, p. 141. Note on fossils collected by Russell S. Hill. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. Cope, E. D. Continued. Notes on sabre-tooths. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, p. 143. New genus Pogonodon established. 53 1880 T 1880 G A new Hippidium. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, p. 223. H. spectans, from Oregon, described. The skull of Empedodes. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, p. 304. A new genus of Tapiroids. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, pp. 382-383. The genus Triplopus characterized. 1880 H 1880 I 1880 F I Cope, E. D. Continued. The Manti beds of Utah. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, p. 303. 1881 A On some new Batrachia and Replilia from the Permian beds of Texas. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr., vi, article ii, pp. 79-82. 1881 B On a wading bird from the Amyzon shales. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr., vi, article iii, pp. 83-85. Describes Charadrius sheppardianus. 1881 C The structure of the Permian Gano- \ O the Nimravidx and Canidse of the cephala. Miocene period. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, pp. 383-384. Bul1 - u - s - Geo1 - and Ge K- Surv - Terr -> vi . 1880 K I artiCle IUt PP ' 16& ~ 181 - A new genus of Rhinocerontidae. 1881 D Amer. Naturalist, xiv, p. 540. On the Vertebrata of the Wind River The genus Pe.raceras established. Eocene beds of Wyoming. 1880 L : Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr., vi, Extinct Batrachia. article viii, pp. 183-202.. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, pp. 609-610. Brief notice in Amer. Naturalist, vol. xv, p. 74 (Cope, 1881 CC). 1880 J 1880 M The genealogy of the American rhi- | " noceroses. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, pp. 610-611. The new genus Csmopus proposed. 1880 N The bad lands of the Wind River and their fauna. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, pp. 745-748. Two new genera and nine new species pro- posed. 18800 The northern Wasatch fauna. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, p. 908. 1880 P Traquair on Platysomidse.. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, pp. 439-440. Review of Traquair, 1879 A. 1880 Q The Geological Record. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, p. 512. A notice of the Geological Record for 1877, with citations of some errors. 1880 R Marsh on Jurassic Dinosauria. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, p. 302. 1880 S Remarks on fossil vertebrates from California. Elotherium, Mastodon ob- scurus. Amer. Naturalist, xiv, p. 62. 1881 E Review of the Rodentiaoi the Miocene period of North America. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr., vi, article xv, pp. 361-386. 1881 F On the Canidse of the Loup Fork epoch. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr., vi, article xvi, pp. 387-390. 1881 G The systematic arrangement of the order Perissodactyla. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xix, pp. 377-101. 1881 H On some Mammalia of the lowest Eocene beds of New Mexico. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xix, pp. 484-495. Issued also as Pal. Bull. No. 33. 18811 On the origin of the foot structures of the Ungulates. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 269-273, with 5 figs, in the text. 1881 J On the effect of impacts and strains on the feet of Mammalia. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 542-548, with 11 figs, in the text. 54 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. fBULL. 179 ' Cope, E. D. Continued. Catalogue of Vertebrata of the Per- mian formation of the United States. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 162-164. 1881 L Extinct palaeozoic fishes from Can- ada. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 252-253. Notice of a paper read by J. F. Whiteaves. 1881 M A new fossil bird. Amer. Naturalist, xv, p. 253. Notice of Dr. J. A. Allen's description of Palseosplsa betta. 1881 N Mammalia of the Lower Eocene beds. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 337-338. Description of Peryptichus carinidens and Deltatheriumfundaminis, new genera and new species. 1881 O The classification of the Perissodac- tyla. Amer. Naturalist, xv, p. 340. 1881 P Miocene dogs. Amer. Naturalist, xv, p. 497. Contains correction of dental formula of Hyxnocyon and proposal of new genus Ohgo- bunis. 1881 Q The Rodentia of the American Mio- cene. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 586-687. A catalogue of the known species, together with place of original description and the horizon of occurrence. 1881 R A new Clidastes from New Jersey. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 587-588. Description of C. conodon. 1881 S The temporary dentition of a new Creodont. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 667-669. Description of Triisodon quivirensis and Deltatherium absarokse. 1881 T A Laramie saurian in the Eocene. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 669-670. A new species, Champsosaurus australis, found in probably the Puerco. 1881 U Mammalia of the lowest Eocene. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 829-831. Descriptions of Conoryctes comma, gen. et spec, nov., Catathlteus rliabdodon, gen. et spec. nov., and Miocbenus turgidus, gen. et spec. nov. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1881 V Eocene PlaginulandiK. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 921-922. Description of Ptilodus medisevtts, gen. et spec. nov. 1881 W Belodon in New Mexico. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 922-923. Descriptions of K. buceros and If. scolopax. 1881 X A new type of Perissodactyla. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 1017-1018. Refers Plimncotlu* to the Perissodactyla. 1881 Y New genus of Perissodactyla diplar- thra. Amer. Naturalist, xv, p. 1018. Refers Ifyracotherium tapir inum to a new genns, ftystemodon. 1881 Z Notes on Creodonla. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 1018-1020. Describes Lipodectes penetrans and L. pelvi- dens, new species, and establishes the genus Dissacus. 1881 AA The Permian formation of New Mex- ico. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 1020-1021. New species described, Eryops reticulatux and Zatrachys apicalis. 1881 BB Geological news. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 254, 340, 413, 1023. 1881 CO The Vertebrata of the Eocene of the Wind River basin. Amer. Naturalist, xv, pp. 74-75. Consists of a notice of the paper Cope 1881 D, and contains description of Bathyopsis fissi- dens Cope. 1882 A The classification of the ungulate Mammalia. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xx, pp. 438-147, with 10 figs, in the text. Issued also as part of Pal. Bui. No. 36. 1882 B Third contribution to the history of the Vertebrata of the Permian forma- tion of Texas. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xx, pp. 447-461. Issued also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 35. 1882 C Synopsis of the Vertebrata of the Puerco Eocene epoch. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xx, pp. 461-471. Also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 35. IAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 55 Cope, E. D. Continued. 1882 D On the systematic relations of the Carnivora Fissipedia. Proc. Amer. Phllos. Soc., xx, pp. 471-475. Issued also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 35. Re- printed in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), xii, pp. 112-116. 1882 E Contributions to the history of the | Veriebrata of the Lower Eocene of Wyo- j ming and New Mexico, made during 1881. I. The fauna of the Wasatch j beds of the basin of the Big Horn i River. II. The fauna of the Catathlseus j beds, or Lowest Eocene, New Mexico. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xx, pp. 139-197. ! Issued also as Pal. Bull. No. 34. For notices of this paper. see Amer. Jour, j Sci.. vol. xxiii, p. 325. 1882 F | On the Condylarthra. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1882, pp. 95-97- Reprinted in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist (5), x, pp. 76-79. 1882 G Contemporaneity of man and Plio- cene mammals. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1882, pp. 291- 292. 1882 H On Uintatherium, Bathmodon, and Trii&odon. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1882, pp. 294- 300. 18821 The Tertiary formations of the cen- tral region of the United States. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 177-195, with 5 wood cuts in the text. 1882 J The reptiles of the American Eocene. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 979-993, with 13 wood cuts in the text. 1882 K The oldest artiodactyle. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, p. 71. Reprinted in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), ix, p. 204. Description of Mioclsenus brachystomus. 1882 L I The characters of the Tseniodonta. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, p. 72. Reprinted in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), ix, pp. 205-206. 1882 M New forms of Coryphodontidx. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, p. 73. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1882 N An anthropomorphous lemur. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 73-74. Describes Anaptamarphits hamuncvlus. 1882 O Recent extinction of the mastodon. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 74-75. Refers to Prof. John Collett's "Geological Report of Indiana for 1880." 1882 P A new genus of Tlttodonta. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 156-157. Describes Psittacotherium muttifroffum. 1882 Q Marsh on the classification of the Dinosauria. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 253-255. 1882 R New characters of the Perissodactyla Condylarthra. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, p. 334. 1882 S Mesonyx and Oxysena. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, p. 334. 1882 T The rhachitomous Stegocephaln. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 334-335. 1882 U A second genus of Eocene Plagiaula- cidx. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 416-417. Description of Catopgalis foltotug. 1882V Two new genera of the Puerco Eocene. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 417-418. Descriptions of Hapioconuelineatus and Pan- tolambda batttmodan, new genera and new species. 1882 W The ancestry and habits of Thyla- coleo. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 520-522. Correction of the table of genera of Plagi- aulacidx. 1882 X Notes on Eocene Mammalia. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, p. 522. Lipodectes penetrans is a synonym of Delta- thariumfundaminis. D. absarokx is referred to Didelphodus. Oligotomus osbornianus is re- ferred to Ectocion. 1882 Y On the Taxeopoda, a new order of Mammalia, Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 522-523. 56 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, K. D. Continued. A new genus of Tseniodorda. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 604-606. Description of TsenMabis sulcatus. 1882 A A New marsupials from the Puerco Eocene. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 684-686. Polymastodon taoensis, gen. et spec, nov.; PtUodus travesaartianw, spec, nov.; Haploconus entoconus, spec, nov.; and H. gillianus spec, nov. 1882 BB Mammalia in the Laramie formation. . Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 830-831. Description of Meniscoessus conguigtus, gen. et spec. nov. . 1882 CC A new form of Tseniodonta. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 831-832. Describes Hemiganus vultuosus, gen. et spec, nov. 1882 DD The Periptychidse. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 832-833. Periptychidse, fam. nov. established; Hemi- tldseus kowalevskianus, gen. et spec, nov., and Aninonchus coniferus described. 1882 EE Some new forms from the Puerco Eocene. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 833-834. Mioclsenus optethacus, M. baldwini, Protogonia plicifera, and Dissacus carnifex described. 1882 FF The recent discoveries of fossil foot- prints in Carson, Nev. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 921-923. Notice of a paper by Prof. Jos. Le Conte. 1882 GG Two new genera of Mammalia from the Wasatclj Eocene. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, p. 1029. Genera Diacodexis and Heptodon estab- lished. 1882 HH Permian Vertebrata. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, p. 925. A short note. 1882 II Geological news. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 925-926. Mention of Orthocynodon of Scott and Osborn. 1882 JJ Scientific news. Amer. Naturalist, xvi, pp. 533-534. 1883 A On a new extinct genus and species of Percidx from Dakota Territory. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xxv, pp. 414-416. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1883 B The evidence for evolution in the history of the extinct Mammalia. Science, ii, pp. 272-279. Address at the Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, at Minneapolis, Minn. Reprinted in Nature, vol. xxix, pp. 227-230,248-250. 1883 C The structure of the skull in Diclo- nius mirabilis, a Laramie dinosaurian. Science (1), ii, p. 338. Abstract of paper read before Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1883 D The classification of the Ungulata. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, 31st meet- ing, Montreal, 1882, pp. 477-179. Abstract of paper read. 1883 E The fauna of the Puerco Eocene. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, 31st meet- ing, Montreal, 1882, pp. 479-480. Abstract of paper read before A. A. A. S. 1883 F On a new basin of White River age in Dakota. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxi, pp. 216-217. 1883 G On the brains of the Eocene Mamma- lia, Phenacodus and Periptychus. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xx, pp. 563-565, with pi. i and ii. Issued also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 36. 1883 H Fourth contribution to the history of the Permian formation in Texas. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xx, pp. 628-636. Issued also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 36. 18831 On the mutual relations of the buno- therian Mammalia. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1883, pp. 77-83. Reprinted in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), xii, pp. 20-26. 1883 J On the characters of the skull in the Hadrosauridse. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1883, pp. 97-107, with pis. iv-vii. 1883 K On some Vertebrata from the Permian of Illinois. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1883, pp. 108-110. Diplodus replaced by Didymodus; Ihoraco- dusemydinusgen. etspec. nov., Ctenodushetero- lophus sp. nov., Ctenodus vabagensis sp. nov., described. JAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 57 Cope, E. D. Continued. 1883 L On the fishes of the recent and Plio- cene lakes of the western part of the drreat Basin, and of the Idaho Pliocene lake. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1883, pp. 134- lt>6, with a map of the region. 1883 M First addition to the fauna of the Puerco Eocene. Proc. Ainer. Philos. Soc., xx, pp. 545-563. Issued also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 36. Contains descriptions of 2 new genera and 8 species; also "Note on the Mammalia of the Puerco and the origin of the quadritubercular molar." 1883 N On a new extinct genus of Sirenia from South Carolina. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1883, pp. 52-54. Describes Dioplotherium manigaulti. 1883 O The tritubercular type of superior molar tooth. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1883 P Permian fishes and reptiles. Proc. Acad. Nat. Soi. Phila., 1883, p. 69. 1883 Q On some fossils of the Puerco forma- tion. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1883, pp. 168- 170. 1883 R On extinct Rhinoceri from the South- west. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1883, p. 301. 1883 S The extinct Rodentia of North Amer- ica. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, pp. 43-57, 165-174, 370-381, with 30 wood cuts in the text. 1883 T On the extinct dogs of North Amer- ica. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, pp. 235-249, with 14 wood cuts in the text. 1883 U On Uintatherium and Balhmodon. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, p. 68. 1883V The Nevada biped tracks. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, pp. 69-71, with 3 figs. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1883 W New Mammalia from the Puerco Eocene. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, p. 191. Notice and abstract of paper read before Amer. Philos. Soc. (Cope, 1883 M.) 1883 X A new fossil Sirenian. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, p. 309. Abstract of Cope, E. D., 1883 N. 1883 Y Lydekker on Indian Mammalia. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, pp. 405-406. Discusses the standing of certain genera of Rhinocerotidfe. 1883 Z The ancestor of Coryphodon. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, pp. 406-407. 1883 AA Note on the trituberculate type of molar and the origin of the quadritu- berculate. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, pp. 407-408. 1883 BB The genus Phenacodus. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, p. 535, pi. xii. 1883 CC The structure and appearance of the Laramie dinosaurian. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, pp. 774-777, pis. xvi- xix. Description of Diclonim mirdtrilis. 1883 DD The ' ' third trochanter ' ' of the dino- Amer. Naturalist, xvii, p. 869. Notice of observations made by M. Dollo. 1883 EE Some new Mammalia of the Puerco formation. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, p. 968. Abstract of paper, Cope, E. D., 1883 Q. 1883 FF The progress of the Ungulata in Ter- tiary time. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, pp. 1055-1057. Abstract of paper read before the A. A. A. S. in Minneapolis, 1883. 1883 GG A new Chondrostean from the Eo- cene. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, pp. 1152,1153. Describes Crassopholis magnicaudatiis gen. et spec. nov. 58 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1883 HH The Carson footprints. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, p. 1153. 1883 II Geological notes. Tertiary. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, pp. 970-971. 1884 A A Carboniferous genus of sharks still living. Science, iii, p. 275. Refers to S. Garman's Chlamydoselachus. 1884 B Pleuracanthus- and Didymodus. Science, iii, pp. 645-646. Reply to Dr. Theo. Gill (Gill, 1884 A.). 1884 C [On the phylogeny of American artio- dactyle mammals.] Science, iv, p. 339. Abstract of paper read before Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1884. 1884 D [On saurians of the Permian epoch.] Science, iv, p. 340. Abstract of paper read before Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1884. 1884 E On the trituberculate type of molar tooth in the Mammalia. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, 32d meet- ing, Minneapolis, 1883, pp. 313-316. Abstract of paper read. 1884 F On the structure of the skull in Di- clonius mirabilis, a Laramie dinosaurian. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 32d meeting, Minneapolis, 1883, pp. 315-316; abstract. 1884 G The extinct Mammalia of the Valley of Mexico. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxii, pp. 1-21. Also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 39. 1884 H On the structure of the feet in the extinct Artiodactyla of North America. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxii, pp. 21-27. Also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 39. 18841 Fifth contribution to the knowledge of the fauna of the Permian Formation of Texas and the Indian Territory. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxii, pp. 28-47, pi. i. Also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 39. Besides descriptions of new species, this paper discusses: The posterior foot in Pely- cosauria; the structure of the columella auris in Clepsydrops leptocephalus; the structure of the quadrate bone in the genus Clepsydrops; the articulation of the ribs in Embolophorus; the origin of the Mammalia; the tarsus; phy- logeny of the Vertebrata. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1884 J On the distribution of the Loup Fork formation in New Mexico. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxi, pp. 308-309. Issued also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 37. 1884 K Second addition to the knowledge of the Puerco epoch. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxi, pp. 309-324. Issued also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 37. 1884 L On the trituberculate type of molar tooth in the Mammalia. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxi, pp. 324-326. Issued also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 37. This paper is practically the same as Cope, 1884 M Synopsis of the species of Oreodon- tidse. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxi, pp. 503-572. Issued also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 38. 1884 N On the structure of the skull in the elasmobranch genus Didymodus. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxi, pp. 572-590, with 1 pi. Issued also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 38. 1884 O The Vertebrata of the Tertiary forma- tions of the West. Book I. Report U. S. Geolog. Survey of the Terri- tories, F. V. Hayden, U. S. geologist in charge, 1884, Washington, iii, pp. i-xxxv, 1-1009; pis. i-lxxva. This work was not actually issued until the year 1885. Reviewed in Geol. Magazine, (3) iii, pp. 410-419, 465-^77, 512-521. 1884 P The BatracMa of the Permian period of North America. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 26-39, with pis. ii-v and 7 woodcuts. 1884 Q The Loup Fork beds on the Gila River. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 58-59. Mentions finding of Aphelopsfossiger. 1884 R On new leinuroids from Puerco for- mation. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 59-62. r 1884 S The Creodonta. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 256-267, 344-353, 478-485, with 30 woodcuts in the text. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 59 Cope, E. D. Continued. 1884 T The history of the Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 280-282. Synopsis of portion of a paper read before Amer. Philos. Society. 1884 U The skull of a still living shark of the Coal-measures. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 412-413. Refers Chlamydosclachus anguineus to Duly- modus. 1884 V The mastodons of North America. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 524-526. Descriptions of 9 species. 1884 W Marsh on Diplodocus. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, p. 526. 1884 X The pelvisternum of Edentates. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 639-640. Notice of paper by P. Albrecht. 1884 Y The Tertiary Marsupialia. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 686-697, with 9 illus. 1884 Z Lydekker on extinct Mammalia of India. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 617-618. 1884 AA The Condylarthra. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 790-805, 892-906; pis. xxviii-xxx and 28 woodcuts in the text. 1884 BB The Choristodera. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 815-817. Remarks on paper by Dr. Lemoine on Simae- dotaurua. The genus Pleuracanihus. 1884 CC Amer. Naturalist, xviii, p. 818; pi. xxiii. Plate containing figures of Didymodus com- pressus and D. platypterus. 1884 DD Observations on the phylogeny of the Artiodactyla derived from American fossils. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 1034-1036. The AmUypoda. 1884 EE Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 1110-1121, 1192- 1202, with 23 woodcuts in the text. Concluded in vol. xix, pp. 40-65. 1884 FF The origin of the Mammalia. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 1136-1137. Synopsis of paper read before the Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1884. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1884 GG The structure of the columella auris in Clepsydrops leptocephalus. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 1253-1256, pi. 38. 1884 HH Note on the phylogeny of the Verte- ttrata. Amer. Naturalist, xviii, pp. 1255-1267. 1884 II The evidence for evolution in the history of the extinct Mammalia. Nature, xxix, pp. 227-230, 248-250. Abstract of lecture given before Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1884. 1884 JJ Genus Equus. Fourteenth Report State Geologist Indiana, pt. ii, pp. 40-41, being an appendix to article by Cope and Wortman. 1885 A The relations between the thero- morphous reptiles and the monotreme Mammalia. Proc.. Amer. Asso. Adv. Sci., 33d meeting, Phila., 1884, pp. 471-482, with 1 pi. 1885 B On the structure of the feet in the extinct Artiodactyla of North America. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 33d meeting, Phila., 1884, pp. 482-490. 1885 C The occurrence of man in the upper Miocene of Nebraska. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 33d meeting, Phila., 1884, p. 693; abstract. 1885 D Second continuation of researches among the Batrachia of the Coal-meas- ures of Ohio. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxii, pp. 405-408. Also forming a portion of Pal. Bull. No. 40. 1885 E On the contents of a bone cave in the island of Anguilla (West Indies). Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, xxv, article iii, pp. 1-30, pis. i-iv. 1885 F The AmUypoda. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 40-55, figs. 24-35. Treats of the Dinocerata, and is continued from p. 1202, vol. xviii. 1885 G On the evolution of the Vertebrata, progressive and retrogressive. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 140-148, 234-247, 341-353. See also Cope, E. D., 1885 AA. 60 FOSSIL VEBTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1885 H The White River beds of Swift Cur- rent River, Northwest Territory. Amer. Naturalist, xix, j>. 163. 1885 I The jxwition of Pterichthys in the system. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 289-291, with 2 figs. 1885 J The oldest Tertiary Mammalia. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 385-387. 1885 K The Lemuroidea and the Insectivora of the Eocene period of North America. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 457-471, with 18 woodcuts in the text. 1885 L The mammalian genus Hemiganus. Amer. Naturalist, xix, p. 492. 1885 M Mammals from the Lower Eocene of New Mexico. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 493-494. 1885 N The genera of the Dinocerata. Amer. Naturalist, xix, p. 694. 1885 O Marsh on the Dinocerata. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 703-705. 1885 P Garman on Didymodus. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 878-879. 1885 Q The relations of the Puerco and Lar- amie deposits. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 985-986. 1885 R The ankle and skin of the dinosaur, Didonius mirabilis. Amer. Naturalist, xix, p. 1208; pi. xxxvii, figs. 1-3. 18858 Pliocene horses of southwestern Texas. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 1208-1209; pi. xxxvii, figs. 4-6. 1885 T Mr. Lydekker on Esthonyx. Geol. Magazine (3), ii, pp. 526-527. 1885 U Palseontological nomenclature. Geol. Magazine (3), ii, pp. 672-675. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1885 V The structure of the columella auris in the Pelycosauria. Memoirs Nat. Acad. Sci., iii, pp. 93-95, with 5 figs, in the text. 1885 W The Batrachia of the Permian beds of Bohemia and the Labyrinthodont from the Bijori group (India). Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 592-594. A brief review of works by Fritseh and Ly- dekker. 1885 X Polemics in palaeontology. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 1207-1208. 1885 Y Eocene paddle-fish and Gonorhynchi- che. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 1090-1091. 1885 Z A contribution to the vertebrate pa- laeontology of Brazil. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxiii, pp. 1-21, with pl.i. Also as part of Pal. Bull. No. 40, pp. 1-21, with pi. i. 1885 AA The genealogy of the Vertebrata as learned from palaeontology. Trans. Vassar Brothers' Institute, iii, pp. 60-80. The substance of this lecture was published in the Amer. Naturalist, xix. See Cope, E. D., 1885 G. 1886 A On the structure of the brain and auditory apparatus of a theromorphous reptile of the Permian epoch. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, 34th meet- ing, Ann Arbor, 1885, pp. 336-341. 1886 B On two new species of three-toed horses from the upper Miocene, with notes on the fauna of the Ticholeptus beds. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxiii, pp. 357-361. 1886 C The phylogeny of the Camelidae. Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 611-624, with 12 wood cuts in the text. 1886 D An interesting connecting genus of Chordota. Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 1027-1031. Description of Mycterops ordinatus. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 61 Cope, E. D. Continued. 1886 E The sternum of the Dinosauria. Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 153-154, with 2 figs, in the text. 1886 F Corrections of notes on Dinocerata. Amer. Naturalist, xx, p. 155. 1886 G An extinct dog. Amer. Naturalist, xx, p. 274. Notice of Pachyeyon robustus described by Dr. J. A. Allen. 1886 H | The vertebrate fauna of the Ticholep- tus beds. Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 367-369. 1886 I The Plagiaulacidse of the Puerco epoch. Amer. Naturalist, xx, p. 451. Describes Neoplaffiaulax molestus. 1886 J I The long-spined Theromorpha of the Permian epoch. Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 544-545. 1886 K ! Schlosser on the phylogeny of the ungulate Mammalia. Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 719-721. Review of paper by Max Schlosser in Mor- j phologisches Jahrbuch for 1886. For reply to Professor Cope see Morpholog. Jahrbuch, xii, pp. 575-580. 1886 L j Schlosser on Creodoma and Phenaco- dus. Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 965-967. Review of paper by Max Schlosser in Mor- opholog. Jahrbuch, 1886, p. 287. 1886 M Dollo on extinct tortoises. Amer. Naturalist; xx, p. 967. Review of paper by M. Dollo in Bull. Mus. Roy. Belgique, 1886, p. 75. 1886 N A giant armadillo from the Miocene of Kansas. Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 1044-1046. Describes Caryoderma moiianum. 1886 O The batrachian intercentrum. Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 76-77. 1886 P The intercentrum in Sphenodon. Amer. Naturalist, xx, p. 175. 1886 Q Note on Phenacodus. Geol. Magazine (3), iii, pp. 238-239. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1886 R Note on Erisichthe. Geol. Magazine (3) iii, p. 239. 1886 S Edestus and Pelecopterus. Geol. Magazine (3) iii, pp. 141-142. Refers to statements in Woodward H . , 1886 A regarding Pelecopterus, with a reply by Mr. W. Davles, F. G. S. 1886 T On two new forms of Polyodont and Gonorhynchid fishes from the Eocene of the Rocky Mountains. Memoirs Nat. Acad. Sciences, iii, pp. 161-169, with plate containing 6 figures. Describes Oross&phoiis magnicaudatus, Noto- gnneus osculus and Priscacara hypsacanthus. See notice of this paper in Geol. Magazine, vol. v, 1888, p. 229, by A. S. Woodward. 1886 U The Vertebrata of the Swift Current Creek region of the Cypress Hills. Annual Report of the Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey of Canada, i, 1885, appendix to article C, pp. 79-85. 1886 V An analytical table of the genera of snakes. Proc. Amer. Philos. Society, xxiii, pp. 479- 499. 1886 W Report on the coal deposits near Zacualtipan, in the State of Hidalgo, Mexico. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxiii, pp. 146-151, with 2 text figures. In this paper are described Hippothcrium peninsulatum, sp. nov., and Protohippus castiUi, sp. nov., from Loup Fork shales, near Vera Cruz. 1887 A A contribution to the history of the Vertebrata of the Trias of North Amer- ica. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxiv, pp. 209-228, pis. i, ii. 1887 B The classification and phylogeny of the Artiodactyla. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxiv, pp. 377-400. 1887 C The dinosaurian genus Ccelurus. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, pp. 367-369. 1887 D The Mesozoic and Csenozoic realms- of the interior of North America. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, pp. 615-462. 62 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. Continued. American Triassic Rhynchocephiti'i. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, p. 468. Description of Typotfiorax coccinarum. 1887 F I Some new Txniodontn of the Puerco. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, p. 469. Description of Psittacotherium mcgalodug. 1887 G The sea-sauriaiis of the Fox Hills Cretaceous. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, pp. 663-666. Description of Piptomerus megaloporus, P. microporus, P. hexagonus, and Orophosaurus pauciporus. 1887 H The marsupial genus Chirox. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, pp. 566-567, with 1 woodcut in the text. 18871 Pavlow on the ancestry of Ungulates. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, pp. 656-658. 1887 J [Note on Selodon buceros.'] Amer. Naturalist, xxi, pp. 659-660. 1887 K Scott and Osborn on White River Mammalia. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, pp. 924-926. Review of above author's paper, "Prelimi- nary account of fossil mammals from the White River formation," etc., in Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. xiii. 1887 L Marsh on new fossil Mammalia. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, pp. 926-927. Review of Marsh, 1887 B. 1887 M Scott on Creodonta. Amer. Naturalist, vol. xxi, p. 927. Review of Scott in Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., vol. ix, pp. 155-185. 1887 N The Perissodactyla. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, pp. 985-1007; 1060- 1076, with 44 figs, in the text. 1887 O Zittel's Manual of Paleontology. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, pp. 1014-1019. A review of the above work of Professor Zittel, and containing a classification of the Teleostomous fishes. 1887 P A saber-toothed tiger from the Loup Fork beds. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, pp. 1019-1020. Description of Macfuerodm catocopis. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1887 Q Thomas on mammalian dentition. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, pp. 1101-1103. Review of Thomas, O., in Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., vol. clxxviii B., pp. 443-486. 1887 R Lydekker, Boulenger, and Dollo on fossil tortoises. Geol. Magazine (3), iv, pp. 572-673. 1887 S The origin of the fittest. Essays on evolution. 8 vo., pp. i-xx; 1-467, with 81 figs, in the text. New York, 1887. This work is composed of 21 essays, all of which had been previously published else- where. 1888 A Mesozoic Realm. Amer. Geologist, ii, pp. 261-268. A portion of the reports of the American committee of the International Congress of Geologists. 1888 B Report of the subcommittee on the Cenozoic (Interior). Cenozoic Realm. Amer. Geologist, ii, pp. 285-299. A portion of the reports of the American committee of the International Congress of Geologists. 1888 C Vertebrate fauna of the Puerco series. Science, xi, p. 198. Abstract of paper read before the Nat. Acad. of Sci., 1888. 1888 D The mechanical origin of the sectorial teeth of the Carnivora. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 36th meeting. New York, 1887, pp. 254-257. 1888 E On the Dicotylinx of the John Day Miocene of North America. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxv, pp. 62-79. 1888 F On the mechanical origin of the den- tition of the Amblypoda. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxv, pp. 80-88, with 6 woodcuts in the text. 1888 G On the trituberctilar molar in human dentition. Jour. Morphology, ii, pp. 7-26, pis. ii, iii. 1888 H On the relation of the hyoid and otic elements of the skeleton in the Batrachia. Jour. Morphology, ii, pp. 297-310, with pis. xxii-xxiv. LY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 63 Cope, E. D. Continued. 1888 I The mechanical causes of the origin of the dentition of the Rodentia. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 3-11, with 7 wood- cuts in the text. 1888 J ! Note on the Marsupialia muUituber- \ cidata. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 12-13, with 2 figs. . in the text. 1888 K : The vertebrate fauna of the Puerco epoch. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 161-163. 1888 L j Lydekker's Catalogue of Fossil Mam- \ malia in the British Museum, Part V. : Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 164-165. Review of Lydekker R. 1887 A. 1888 M | The Mitltituberculata Monotremes. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, p. 259. Refers to the discovery of teeth in the young of Orntthorhynchm, and the conclusion is reached that the Multituberculata are Mono- tremes. 1888 N Glyptodon from Texas. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 345-346. Describes G. petali/erus. 1888 O The ossicula auditus of the Batrachia. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 464-467, pi. vi. 1888 P Notes on Ccelosteus jerox Newb. and Titanichthys clarkii Newb. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 637-638. 1888 Q j Topinard on the latest steps in the j genealogy of man. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 660-663. 1888 R Osborn on the Mesozoic Mammalia. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 723-724, pi. xiv. : Review of Osborn, H. F., 1888 G. 1888 S Lydekker on the Ichthyosauria and Plesiosauria. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 724-726. Review of Lydekker, R., 1888 D. 1888 T Riitimeyer on the classification of Mammalia, and on American types re- cently found in Switzerland. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 831-835. Review of Rutemeyer, L. 1888 A. Cope, E. I). Continued. 1888 U The pineal eye in extinct verte- brates. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 914-917 pig xv- xviii. 1888V Handbuch der Palaeontologie of Zit-, tel. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 1018-1019. Review of Zittel, K. A. 1890 A. ' 1888 W Schlosser on Carnivora. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 1019-1020. Review of Schlosser, M. 1887 B. 1888 X The Artiodactyla. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 1079-1095, pis. xxvii, xxviii, and 6 woodcuts in text. 1888 Y Goniophofis in the Jurassic of Colo- rado. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 1106-1107. Describes G. lucasii Cope, transferred from Amphicotylus. 1888 Z A horned dinosaurian reptile. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 1108-1109. Refers to Marsh, O. C. 1888 C. 1888 AA On the intercentrum of the terres- trial Vertebrata. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvi, pp. 243-253, with pi. i, and 6 figs, in the text. 1888 BB Systematic catalogue of the species of Vertebrata found in the beds of the Permian epoch in North America, with notes and descriptions. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvi, pp. 285-297, with pis. ii and iii, and 1 fig. in the text. Describes as new Ectocynodon incisivus. 1888 CO Synopsis of the vertebrate fauna of the Puerco series. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvi, pp. 298-361, with pis. iv and v, and 11 figs, in the text. Contains a list of 106 species belonging to the Puerco, of which 18 are described as before unknown. 1888 DD On the shoulder girdle and extremi- ties of Eryops. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvi, pp. 362-367, nth plate of 4 figs. 64 FOSSIL VEETEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1888 EE Schlosser on the Csenozoic marsupials and Unguiculata. Amer. Naturalist, xxii, pp. 163-164. A review of Schlosser's paper on "Affen, Lemuriden," etc. 1889 A The age of the Denver formation. Science, xiii, p. 290. Discusses "Bison alticornis" Marsh. A review of the North American species of Hippotherium. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxvi, pp. 429-458, with 3 pis. 1889 C The mechanical causes of the devel- opment of the hard parts of the Mam- malia. Jour. Morphology, iii, pp. 137-277, with pis. ix-xiv, and 93 cuts in the text. 1889 D The Batrachia of North America. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 34, Washington D. C., 1889, pp. 1-525; pis. i-lxxxvi. A work on the living Batrachia of N. America. 1889 E Catalogue of fossil Reptilia and Batra- chia of the British Museum, pt. i, by Dr. Lydekker. Amer. Naturalist, xxlii, p. 43. A review. 1889 F The vertebrate fauna of the Equus beds. Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, pp. 160-165, Febru- ary, not of March. List of species found in the different locali- ties and descriptions of Alces brevitrabalis, A. semipalmatus, and Cariacus ensifer. 1889 G The Artiodactyla. Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, pp. 111-136; pis. iii- vii; woodcuts in the text, 7-21. Conclusion of Cope, E. D. 1888 X. The pagi- nation is that for March, not that for February. 1889 H Brongniart and Doederlein on Xena- canthini. Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, pp. 149-150. 18891 The Vertebrata of the Swift Current River. II. Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, pp. 151-155. Genus Haplacodon established for Menodus angustigenis. Anchitherium westoni, Hypertraga- lus transversus, Leptomeryx esulcatus, L. mam- mifer, and L, semicinctus described. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1889 J The Probosddia. Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, pp. 191-211; 9 wood- cuts; pis. ix-xvi. Largely reproduced in Geological Magazine of London (3), vol. vi, 1889, pp. 438-448. 1889 K An intermediate Pliocene fauna. Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, pp. 253-254. A short list of fossil vertebrates found in a lake deposit in Oregon, and a description of Hippotherium relictum. 1889 L Marsh on Cretaceous mammals. Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, pp. 490-491. Review of Marsh, O. C. 1889 D and Marsh, O. C. 1889 F. 1889 M On a species of Plioplarchus from Oregon. Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, pp. 625-626. Description of P. septemspinosus. 1889 N On a new genus of Triassic Dinosau- ria. Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, p. 626. Genus Cadophysis established for Coelurus limgicottis, C. bauri, and C. vnllistoni. 1889 O Vertebrata of Swift Current River. No. III. Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, pp. 628-629. 1889 P The Edentata of North America. Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, pp. 657-664, with pis. xxxi, xxxii and 2 woodcuts in the text. 1889 Q The horned Dinosauria of the Lara- mie. Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, pp. 715-717, pis. xxxiii, xxxiv. Descriptions of Monodonius rccurvicomis, M. sphenocerus, and M. fissus. 1889 R Synopsis of the families of Vertebrata. Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, pp. 849-877. 1889 S The Silver Lake of Oregon and its region. Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, pp. 970-982. Contains a list of the fossil vertebrates of the region. 1889 T Notes on the Dinosauria of the Lara- mie. Amer. Naturalist, xxiii, pp. 904-906. Describes Pteropelyx graUipes, gen. et spec, nov., and Diclonius pentagonus. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 65 Cope, E. D. Continued. 1889 U Mr. Lydekker on Phenacodus and the . I thecfc. Nature, xl, p. 298. 1890 A A. Smith Woodward on Ccdorhynchus Agassiz. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, pp. 165-166. 1890 B The homologies of the fins of fishes. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, pp. 401-423, pis. xiv- xviii, and 9 woodcuts in the text. 1890 C Scott and Osborn on the fauna of the Browns Park Eocene. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, pp. 470-472. Review of Scott and Osborn 1890 A. 1890 D [Note on teeth mentioned by Profes- sor Marsh. ] Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, p. 571. 1890 E The Cetacea. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, pp. 599-616, pis. xx- xxiii, and 8 wood cuts in the text. Besides the general account of the order there is a list of North American fossil Cetacea. 1890 F The extinct Sirenia. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, pp. 697-702, with pis. xxv, xxvi, and 3 wood cuts in the text. 1890 G Note on Castoroides georgiensis Moore. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, p. 772. Refers the tooth to Hippopotamus amphibiux. 1890 H Newberry's paleozoic fishes of North America. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, pp. 844-847. Review of Newberry, J. C. 1889 A. 18901 On two new species of Mustelidie from the Loup Fork Miocene of Nebraska. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, pp. 950-952. Describes Stenogale robusta and Brachypsalis pachycephalus. 1890 J On a new dog from the Loup Fork Miocene. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, pp. 1067-1068. Describes JElmodon compressus. 1891 A On Vertebrata from the Tertiary and Cretaceous rocks of the Northwest Ter- ritory. I. The species from the Oligo- Bull. 179 5 Cope, E. D. Continued, cene or Lower Miocene beds of the Cypress Hills. Geol. Surv. Canada. Contributions to Cana- dian Palaeontology, iii, pp. i; 1-25, with pis. i-xiv. 1891 B On the characters of some paleozoic fishes. I. On a new Elasmobranch from the Permian; Styptobasis knightiana gen. et spec. nov. , fig 1. II. On new ichthy- odorulites; Hybodus regular^, sp. nov., fig. 2; Ctenacanihus amblyxiphias, sp. nov., fig. 3. III. On the cranial struc- ture of Macropetalichthys. IV. On the pectoral limb of the genus Holonema, Newb. V. On the paired fins of Mega- lichthys nitidus, Cope. VI. On the non- actinopterygian Teleostomi. VII. On new species of Platysomidse, Platysomus pcdmaris and P. lacovianus. Proc. U. S. Nat. Museum, xiv, pp. 447-463, pis. xxviii-xxxiii. 1891 C On the structure of certain paleozoic fishes. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, 39th meet- ing, Indianapolis, 1890, p. 336. Abstract of paper describing Macropetalich- thys, Megalichthys nitidus, a species of Platyso- mus, and a species of Dendrodus. 1891 D On two new Perissodactyls from the White River Neocene. Amer. Naturalist, xxv, pp. 47-49, Describes Menodus peltoceras and Csenopus simplicidens. 1891 E On the non-actinopterygian Teleo- stomi. Amer. Naturalist, xxv, pp. 479-481. 1891 F Catalogue of fossil Reptilia and Ba- trachia (Amphibia) in the British Mu- seum. Parts II, III, and IV. Amer. Naturalist, xxv, pp. 644-646. A review of the above works of Dr. R. Lydekker. 189! i G A. S. Woodward's Fossil fishes. Amer. Naturalist, xxv, pp. 646-647. An editorial notice of A. D. Woodward's Catalogue of fossil fishes in the British Mu- 66 FOSSIL VEBTEBBATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1891 H On some new fishes from South Dakota. Amer. Naturalist, xxv, pp. 654-668. Describes three new genera (Gephyura, Pro- balostomus and Oligoplarchm, and five new species. 18911 Boulenger on Rhynchocephalia, Tes- tudinata, and OrocodUia. Amer. Naturalist, xxv, pp. 813-814. 1891J On the skull of the Equus excelsus, Leidy, from the Equus beds of Texas. Amer. Naturalist, xxv, pp. 912-913. 1891 K The California cave bear. Amer. Naturalist, xxv, pp. 997-999, with pi. xxi. Flower and Lydekker's mammals. Amer. Naturalist, xxv, pp. 1116-1118. A review of the above authors' w< nmal ithors" work on 1891 M Discovery of fish remains in Ordovic- iaii rocks. Amer. Naturalist, xxv, p. 137. A brief editorial note regarding C. D. Wal- cott's discovery of fish remains in Colorado. 1891 N Syllabus of lectures on geology and palaeontology. Pp. 1-90, with 60 figs, in the text. Philadel- phia, 1891. 1892 A In the Texas Panhandle. Amer. Geologist, x, pp. 131-132. 1892 B On a new horizon of fossil fishes. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 40th meeting, Washington, 1891, p. 285. Abstract of paper regarding fishes described from South Dakota in Amer. Naturalist, 1891, p. 654. 1892 C On the cranial characters of Equus excelsus. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 40th meeting, Washington, 1891, p. 285. Abstract. 1892 D On a new form of Margupialia from the Laramie formation. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 41st meeting, Rochester, 1892, p. 177. Describes genus Thl&odon. Cope, E. D. Continued. E 1892 Report on the palaeontology of the Vertebrata [of Texas]. Geol. Surv. of Texas, 3d annual report, for 1891. Austin, 1892; pp. 251-259. 1892 F The osteology of the Lacertilia. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxx, pp. 185-221, with pis. ii-vi. 1892 G A contribution to a knowledge of the fauna of the Blanco beds of Texas. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1892, pp. 226-229. 1892 H On the permanent and temporary dentitions of certain three-toed horses. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1892, pp. 325-326. 18921 A hyaena and other Carnivora from Texas. . Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1892, pp. 326-327. 1892 J A contribution to the vertebrate pa- laeontology of Texas. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxx, pp. 123-131. 1892 K On the skull of the dinosaurian Lx- laps incrassatus Cope. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxx, pp. 240-245. 1892 L On some new and little known Palae- ozoic vertebrates. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxx, pp. 221-229, with pis. vii and viii. 1892 M On some points in the kinetogenesis of limbs. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., xxx, pp. 282-285. 1892 N On the phylogeny of the Vertebrata. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxx, pp. 278-279, with 2 figs, in the text. 1892 O Remarks on the communication "Ein fossiler Giftzahn," by Dr. F. Kinkelin. Zoolog. Anzeiger, xv, p. 224. Refers to discoveries of the poison-fangs of serpents earlier than Kinkelin's. 1892 P The age of the staked plains of Texas. Amer. Nat., xxvi, pp. 49-50. Refers to occurrence of Equux simplicidens, Mcustodon, and Testudo turgida. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 67 Cope, E. P. Continued. 1892 Q Fu.-sil \;-,-l.l,rntn. Amer. Nat., xxvi, pp. 89-91. Abstract of paper read before the American Society of Naturalists at Philadelphia, Dec., 1891. 1892 R The homologies of the cranial arches of the Reptilia. Amer. Nat., xxvi, pp. 407-408, with pis. xv- xvii. Abstract of paper read before U. S. Nat. I Acad. Sciences, Apr. 19, 1892. Full paper in | Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., 1892, pp. 11-16. 1892 S Professor Marsh on extinct horses and other mammals. Amer. Naturalist, xxvi, pp. 410-412. Review of Marsh, O. C. 1892 C, and Marsh, O. C. 1892 D. 1892 T ; Fourth note on the Dinomtiria of the Laramie. Amer. Naturalist, xxvi, pp. 756-758. 1892 U , On a new genus of Mammalia from the Laramie formation. Aini-r. Naturalist, xxvi. pp. 758-762; pi. xxii. Describes Thlxodon padanicus, belonging to now family Thlxodontidse. 1892 V Crook on Saurodontidse from Kansas. Amer. Naturalist, xxvi, pp. 941-942. Notice of Crook, A. R. 1892 A. 1892 W On the permanent and temporary dentitions of certain three-toed horses. Amer. Naturalist, xxvi, pp. 942-944, pis. xxv, xxvi. 1892 X American Devonian fishes found in Belgium. Amer. Naturalist, xxvi, p. 1025. Notice of paper by M. Lohest in Ann. Soc. Geol. de Belgique, xvi, p. Ivii. 1892 Y A Hyena and other Carnivora from Texas. Amer. Naturalist, xxvi, pp. 1028-1029. Describes Borophaffus diversidens, Canimar- tes cumminsii, and Felis hillianus. 1892 Z On the homologies of the posterior cranial arches in the Reptilia. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvii, pp. 11-26; with pis. i-v. Cope, E. P. Continued. 1892 AA Vertebrate fauna of the Alachua clays, Florida. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., No. 84, Correlation papers, Neocene, p. 130. 1892 BB The fauna of the Blanco epoch. Amer. Naturalist, xxvi, pp. 1058-1059. 1893 A A preliminary report on the verte- brate paleontology of the Llano Esta- cado. From 4th Annual Report of the Geological Survey of Texas, pp. 1-136; pis. i-xxiii. Notice of, in Amer. Naturalist, vol. xxvii, pp. 811-812. 1893 B A new extinct species of Cfyprinidx. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1893, pp. 19-20. Describes Aphdichthys lindahli from Illinois. 1893 C Description of the lower jaw of Tetra- l>elodon shepardii. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1893, pp. 202-204. 1893 D Fossil fishes from British Columbia. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1893, pp. 401-402. 1893 E On the genus Tomiopsis. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. xxxi, pp. 317-318. 1893 F Kansas pterodactyls. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, p. 37. A notice of a paper on the subject by Pro- fessor Williston, in Kansas Univ. Quarterly, July, 1892. 1893 G A remarkable artiodactyle from the White River epoch. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 147-148, pi. i, ii. Notice of paper Osborn and Wortman 1892 B. 1893 H Earle on the species of Coryphodon- lidse. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 250-252. Review of Earle, Charles, 1892 A. 18931 The vertebrate fauna of the Ordovi- cian of Colorado. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 268-269. Notice of discoveries of fish remains by C. D. Walcott. The genealogy of man. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 321-335, pi. ix, and 9 figs, in the text. 68 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. Continued. 1893 K A new Pleistocene saber-t , ,\ \ i . Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 896-897. Describes Dinobastis serus. 1893 L On Symmorium and the position of the cladodont sharks. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 999-1001. 1893 M Forsyth Major, and Rose on the theory of dental evolution. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 1014-1016. Fritsch's Fauna of the Gaskohle of Bohemia. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 1079-1081, with pis. xix, xx, and 1 fig. in the text. One plate and the text figure illustrate Xe- nacanthus decheni. 1893 O | Cladodont sharks of the Cleveland j shale. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, p. 1083. An editorial notice of Professor Claypole's paper in Amer. Geologist for May, 1893. 1893 P Geology and paleontology, Cenozoic. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, p. 473, with pi. xii. Announces exhibition of mandible of Tetra- belodon shepardii and proposal of Mastodon oli- gobunig. 1893 Q The vertebrate paleontology of the Llano Estacado. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 811, 812. A notice of the author's report (Cope, E. D. 1893 A), on the palaeontology of Texas. 1893 R Cary on evolution of foot structure. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 248-250. 1894 A Observations on the geology of adja- cent parts of Oklahoma and northwest Texas. Proc. At-ad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1894, pp. 63-68. 1894 B On the structure of the skull in the plesiosaurian Reptilia and on two new species from the upper Cretaceous. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxxiii, pp. 109-113, with pi. x and 1 fig. in the text. Describes Embaphias circutosus gen. et sp. nov. and Elasmosaurus intermedius. 1894 C Seeley on the fossil reptiles: II. Pa- reiasaurus; VI. The Anomodontia and Cope, E. D. Continued. their allies; VII. Further observations on J'ftreiasaurus. Amer. Naturalist, xxviii, pp. 788-790. A review of Seeley's papers on the above sub- jects in Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1888, 1889. 1894 D Scott on the Mammalia of the Deep River Beds. Amer. Naturalist, xxviii, pp. 790-791. A review of Scott's memoir in Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., xviii, pp. 55-184. 1894 E Marsh on Tertiary Artiodactj/ln. Amer. Naturalist, xxviii, pp. 867-869. A review of Marsh, O. C. 1894 K. 1894 F New and little known Paleozoic and Mesozoic fishes. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2), ix, pp. 427- 448; pis. xviii-xx, with 5 figs, in the text. 1894 G On Cyphornis, an extinct genus of birds. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2), ix, pp. 449- 452; pi. xx, 11-16. Describes Cyphornis magnus, gen. et sp. nov., from Vancouvers Island. 1894 H Extinct Bovidte, Canidse, and Felidx from the Pleistocene of the Plains. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., (2), ix, pp. 453- 459; pis. xxi-xxii. 18941 Schlosser on American Eocene Ver- tebrata in Europe. Amer. Naturalist, xxviii, pp. 594-595. A review of Schlosser 1894 A. 1895 A Fourth contribution to the marine fauna of the Miocene period of the United States. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxxiv, pp. 135-155, with pi. vi. Note on, in Amer. Naturalist, vol. xxix, p. 572. 1895 B Dean on coprolites. Amer. Naturalist, xxix, p. 159. Remarks on Bashford Dean's paper in Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xiii, 1894. 1895 C Baur on the temporal part of the skull, and on the morphology of the skull in the Mosamuridse. Amer. Naturalist, xxix, pp.558-859; pi. xxxi. Review of Baur's papers in Anatomischer Anzeiger, x, p. 316, and Amer. Jour. Morphol- ogy, 1894, p. 1. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 69 Cope, E. D. Continued, 1895 D A batrachian armadillo. Amer. Naturalist, xxix, p. 998. Description of Dissorophua multicinctus. 1895 E Reply to Dr. Baur's critique on my paper on the paroccipital bone of the scaled reptile's and the systematic po- sition of the Pythonomorpha. Amer. Naturalist, xxix, pp. 1003-1005. . 1895 F The fossil vertebrates from the fis- sure at Port Kennedy, Pa. , Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1896, pp. 446-451. 1895 G The antiquity of man in North America. Amer. Naturalist, xxix, pp. 593-599. Discusses the occurrence of various mam- mals in caves and other Pleistocene deposits. 1895 H Taylor on box tortoises. Amer. Naturalist, xxix, pp. 756-767. Subdivides the genus Terrapene into various [ genera, among which is Toxaspis. 1896 A ! Criticism of Dr. Baur's rejoinder on I the homologies of the paroccipital bone, | etc, Amer. Naturalist, xxx, pp. 147-149, with 2 figs, in the text. 1896 B Boulenger on the difference between iMcertilia and Ophidia; and on the Apoda. Amer. Naturalist, xxx, pp. 149-152. 1896 C The Paleozoic reptilian order Cotylo- sauria. Amer. Naturalist, xxx, pp. 301-304, with pi. vii a. Describes Pariotichus aguti. 1896 D The ancestry of the Testudinata. Amer. Naturalist, xxx, pp. 398-400. Describes new family Otoccelidas, new genera Otoccelus&nd. Conodectes, and newspecies O. testudineus and C. favosus. 1896 E Permian laud Vertebrata with cara- paces. Amer. Naturalist, xxx, pp. 936-937, with pis. xxi, xxii. Descriptions and figures of Otocodus testu- dineus and Dissorhophus articulates. 1896 F New and little known Mammalia from the Port Kennedy bone deposit. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1896, pp. 378-394. Cope, E. D. Continued. 189f> G The reptilian order Cot;ilte on a fossil fish and marine worm found in the Pleistocene nodules of Greens Creek, on the Ottawa. The Canadian Record of Science, iv, pp. 86-88. Records the finding of Coitus uncinattis (Ar- tedieUus); also Mattotus vUlows, Cyclopterus lumpus, and Gastcrosteus acuieatus. 1891 A Note on Hylonamus lyetti, with pho- tographic reproduction of skeleton. Geol. Magazine (3), viii, pp. 258-259, with pi. viii. 1891 B On new specimens of Dendrerpeton acadianum, with remarks on other Car- boniferous amphibians. Geol. Magazine (3), viii, pp. 145-156, with 4 figs. 1892 A On the mode of occurrence of re- mains of land animals in erect trees at the South Joggins, Nova Scotia. Trans. Royal Soc., Canada, for 1891, ix, sec. iv, pp. 127-128. 1894 A Some salient points in the science of the earth. Pp. 499; illus. 46; New York: Harper & Brothers, publishers, 1894. Chapter x; The oldest air-breathers. Dawson, J.William Continued. 1894 B Preliminary note on recent discov- eries of batrachian and other air- breathers in the Coal formation of Nova Scotia. The Canadian Record of Science, vi, pp. 1-7, with 1 fig. in the text. 1895 A Synopsis of the air-breathing animals of the Palteozoic in Canada up to 1894. Trans. Roy. Soc. of Canada for 1894, xii, sec. iv, pp. 71-78. 1895 B Note on a specimen of Beluga catodon, from the Leda clay, Montreal. The Canadian Record of Science, vi, pp. a51-354. See also Lyell and Dawson. Day, E. C. H. 1864 A On Acrodus anningise; with remarks upon the affinities of the genera Acrodus and Hybodus. Geol. Magazine (1), i, pp. 57-65, with pis. iii and iv. "D. L. H." 1838 A Fossil Fishes. Amer. Jour. Sci., xxxiv, pp. 198-200. Dean, Bashford. 1891 A Pineal foramen of placoderm and catfish. Nineteenth report Commissioners of Fish- eries of the State of New York, pp. 307-363, with pis. i-xiv. The plates and the explanations thereof are included in the pagination. 1893 A Report of proceedings of New York Acad. of Sciences, Dec. 12, 1892. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, p. 183. Refers to finding of Proioceras celer. 1893 B On Trachosteus and Mylostoma; notes on their structural characters. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., xii, pp. 70-71. 1893 C Note on the mode of origin of the paired fins. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., xii, pp. 121-125. 1893 D On the fin-structures of Diplurus. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., xiii, p. 22. A very brief abstract. 1894 A Contributions to the morphology of Cladoselaclie (Cladodus). Jour. Morphology, ix, pp. 87-114, pi. vii. 78 FOSSIL VEBTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Dean, Bash ford Continued. 1894 B A new Cladodont from the Ohio Waverly, Cladoselache newberryi, n. sp. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., xiii, pp. 115-119, with pi. i. Describes C. newberryi. 1895 A Fishes, living and fossils; an outline of their forms and probable relation- ships. Pp. i-xiv; 1-300, with frontispiece and 344 figs, in the text; Macmillan & Co., New York and London. Review of by A. S. Woodward, Geol. Mag- azine, 1896, p. 135; and in Nat. Sci., viii, 267. 1896 A On the vertebral column, fins, and ventral armoring of Dinichthys. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., vol. xv, pp. 157-163, pis. vii, viii. 1896 B The fin-fold origin of the paired limbs, in the light of the ptychopterygia of Palseozoic sharks. Anatom. Anzeiger, xi, pp. 673-679, with 8 figs. 1896 C Sharks as ancestral fishes. Nat. Science, viii, pp. 245-253, with 5 figs, in the text. Describes and figures Cladoselache. 1897 A Note on the ventral armoring of Dinichthys. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., xvi, pp. 57-61, with pis. ii, iii. 1897 B On a new species of Edestm, E. lecontei, from Nevada. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., xvi, pp. 61-69, with jils. iv, v. Discusses also its relationships to the other species. 1899 A Devonian fishes for the American Museum. Science (2), x, p. 978. Refers to a purchase of a collection of Placo- derms from the Devonian of Ohio. Dearie, James. 1844 A On the fossil footmarks of Turners Falls, Mass. Amer. Jour. Sci., xlvi, pp. 73-77, with 2 pis. Abstract of, in Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., i, p. 141. 1844 B On the discovery of fossil footmarks. Amer. Jour. Sci., xlvii, pp. 381-390. A protest against Prof . E. Hitchcock's claims regarding the fossil footmarks of the Connecti- cut Valley. See Hitchcock, E., 1844 B. Deane, James Continued. 1844 C Answer to the "Eejoinder" of Pro- fessor Hitchcock. Amer. Jour. Sci., xlvii, pp. 399-401. Reply to Hitchcock, E., 1844 B. 1845 A Description of fossil footprints in the New Eed sandstone of the Connecticut Valley. Amer. Jour. Sci., xl viii, pp. 158-167, with 1 pi. 1845 B Illustrations of fossil footmarks. Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., v, pp. 277-284, with 3 figs, in the text. No species named. 1845 C Notice of a new species of batrachian footmarks. Amer. Jour. Sci., xlix, pp. 79-81, with figs, in the text. No systematic name given the tracks. 1845 D Fossil footmarks and raindrops. Amer. Jour. Sci., xlix, pp. 213-214, with 1 page of figs. . No systematic names are applied to the footmarks. 1847 A Notice of new fossil footprints. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), iii, pp. 74-79, with 4 figs, in the text. 1847 B Fossil footprints. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), iv, pp. 448-449. 1848 A Fossil footprints of a new species of quadruped. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), v, pp. 40-41, with 1 fig. in the text. In this paper no systematic name is given to the footprints. 1850 A Fossil footprints of Connecticut River. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. (2), ii, pp. 71-74, pis. viii, ix. 1856 A On the sandstone fossils of Connecti- cut River. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. (2), iii, pp. 173- 178. 1861 A Ichnographs from the sandstone of Connecticut River. A memoir upon the fossil footprints and other impressions of the Connecticut River sandstone. 4tO. Boston, 1861, pp, 1-61, with pis. i-xlvi. This work was compiled mostly from Dr. Deane's incomplete papers by T. T. Bouve. Accompanying it is an introduction (pp. 2-4), a biographical notice (pp. 5-12), and a list of HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. Deane, James Continued. Dr. Deane's published papers (pp. 13-14). The book consists mostly of explanations of the plates, and the species have been determined by Mr. Bouve from Hitchcock's works. Deecke, W. 1895 A Notiz iiber ein Nothosauriden-Frag- ment. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., xlvii, pp. 303-306, with 1 fig. in the text. Deichmuller, J. V. See Geinitz and Deichmuller. De Kay, James E. 1824 A Account of the discovery of a skele- ton of the Mastodon giganteum. Annals Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., i, pp. 143-147. A report made by Messrs. De Kay, Van Rens- selaer, and Cooper. Records finding of skele- ton in Monmouth County, N. J. 1828 A Notes on a fossil skull in the cabinet of the Lyceum, of the genus Bos, from the banks of the Mississippi, with ob- servations on the American species of the genus. Annals Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., ii, pp. 280-291. See also Edinburgh New Philos. Jour., 1828, v, pp. 326-327. 1830 A On the remains of extinct reptiles of the genera Mosasaurus and Geosaurus found in the Secondary formation of New Jersey, and on the occurrence of the substance recently named coprolite by Dr. Buckland, in the same locality. Annals Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., iii, pp. 134-141, pi. iii. 1833 A Observations on a fossil jaw of a species of gavial from west Jersey. Annals Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., iii, pp. 156-165, pi. iii, figs. 7-11. 1842 A Zoology of New York, or the New York fauna. Part III. Reptiles and Amphibia. Pp. i-vii; 1-98, with pis. i-xxiii. 1842 B Fossil fishes. Zoology of New York. Part IV, Fishes, pp. 385-387. Gives a list of fossil fishes found in the United States and known to De Kay. Localities and references to literature given. 1842 C Mammalia. Zoology of New York. Part I. Mammalia, pp. i-xv; 1-142, with pis. i-xxxiii. Describes and refers to a number of fossil mammals. Of these a few are figured. Delbos, Joseph. 1858 A Recherohes sur les ossemente des Carnassiers des cavernes de Sentheim (Haut-Rhin) prec&Iees d' observations sur Post&>logie de Tours bmn des Pyrenees. Annals de.s Sciences Naturelles, Zool. (4), ix, pp. 155-223. 1860 A Recherches sur les ossements des Carnassiers des cavernes de Sentheim (Haut-Rhin): Etudes sur les ours fos- siles. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zool. (4), xiii, pp. 47-108. 1860 B Recherches sur les ossements des Carnassiers des cavernes de Sentheim (Haut-Rhin): Etudes sur les ours fos- siles. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zool., (4), xiv, pp. 5-112. Delfortrie, E. 1874 A tin Zeuglodon dans les faluns du sud- ouest de la France. Jour, de Zoologie, iii, pp. 25-30, with 2 figs, in the text. Dennis, J. B. P. 1861 A On the mode of flight of the ptero- dactyles of the Coproldi bed near Cam- bridge. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 30th meeting, Oxford, 1860, p. 76. Deperet, Charles. 1887 A Recherches sur la succession des faunes de vertebres miocenes de les vallee du Rhone. Pt. I (pp. 45-118), Stratigraphie paleontologique. Pt. ii (pp. 119-307), Description des verte- bres miocenes du bassin du Rhone. Archives Mus. d'Hist. Nat. de Lyon, iv, pp. 45-313, with pis. ix-xxv. 1892 A La faune de mammiferes miocenes de la Grive-Saint-Alban (Isere) . Archives Mus. d'Hist. Nat. de Lyon, pp. 1-95, pis. i-iv. Deslongchamps-Eudes, J. A. 1838 A Memoire sur le Poeldlopleuron buck- landi, grand saurien fossile, intermdi- aire entre les crocodiles et les lizards. Mem. Soc. Linn. Normandie, vi, pp. 37-146, with pis. i-viii. 1864 A M6moires sur les teleosauriens de 1'epoque jurassique du Department du 80 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Deslongchamps-Eudes, J. A. Cont'd. Calvados. Premiere me'moire conte- nant 1'expos^ des caracteres generaux des te"16osauriens compares a ceux des crocodiliens et la description particu- liere des especes du lias superieur. Mem. Soc. Linn. Normandie, Caen, xiii, No. 3, pp. 1-138, with 9 pis. Deslongchamps-Eudes, E. 1870 A Note sur les reptiles fossiles apparte- nant A, la famille des t&eosauriens, dont le debris ont e"te" recueillis dans les assises jurassiques de Normandie. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, xxvii, pp. 299-351, pis. ii-viii. Desor, E. 1849 A Kemarks on finding of mastodon at Galena, Mo. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, p. 207. 1852 A Post-pliocene of the Southern States and its relation to the Laurentian of the North and the deposits of the val- ley of the Mississippi. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xiv, pp. 49-59. Destinez, P. 1898 A Sur deux Diplodus et un Chomatodus de PAmpe'lite a unifere de Chokier, et deux Cladodus de Vis4. Ann. Soc. Geol. Belgique, xxiv, pp. 219-223. Dickeson, M. W. 1845 A On the geology of the Natchez bluffs. Proc. 6th meeting Assoc. Amer. Geologists and Naturalists, 1845, pp. 77-79. In this is described "a curious nondescript quadruped." 1846 A Remarks on Megalonyx jeffersonL Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., iii, p. 106. Didelot, Le"on. 1875 A Note sur un Pycnodus nouveau du Ne"ocomien moyen (P. heterodon). Bull. Soc. Geol. France (3), iii, pp. 237-256, pi. vi. Diffenberger, F. R. 1873 A Elephas americana in Mexico. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), vi, p. 62. Dixon, Frederick. 1850 A The geology and fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous formations of Sussex. Pp. i-xvi; 1-422, with pis. i-xl. 1878 A The geology of Sussex, or the geology and fossils of the Tertiary and Creta- ceous formations of Sussex; new edi- Dixon, Frederick Continued, tion, revised and augmented, by T. Rupert Jones, Brighton, 1878. Pp. i-xxiv; 1-469, with pis. i-xxvii. Dobson, G. E. 1885 A An attempt to exhibit diagrammati- cally the several stages of evolution of the Mammalia. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 54th meeting, Montreal, 1884, pp. 768-769, with 1 pi. 1878 A Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the collection of the British Museum. London, 1878. 8 vo; pp. i-xlii; 1-567, with pis. i-xxix. 1883 A A monograph of the Iiisectivora, sys- tematic and anatomical. Part I, in- cluding the families Erinaceidse, Cen- tetidte, and Solenodontidx. Part II, Potamogalidfc, Chrysochloridas, and Tal- pidse [in part]. Part iii, including pis. xxiii-xxviii. Pp. 1-172, with pis. i-xxviii. 4to. London. Part i was issued in 1882; pt. ii, in 1883; pt. iii, in 1890. The text was not completed. DBderlein, Ludwig. 1878 A Ueber das Skelet des Tapirus pin- chacus. Arehiv Naturgesch. xliv, i, pp'. 37-90. 1889 A Das Skelet von Pleur acanthus. Zoolog. Anzeiger, xii, pp. 123-127, with 1 text fig. See also Steinmann and DOderlein. Dohrn, Anton. 1886 A Entstehung und Differenzirung des Zungenbein-und Kiefer-Apparates der Selachier. Mittheil. Zoolog. Station Neapel, vi, pp. 1-48; 80-92, with pis. i-viii. Dollo, Louis. 1882 A Note sur Posteologie des Mosasauridse. Bull, de Musee Roy. d' Hist. nat. de Belgique, i, pp. 55-74, with pis. iv-vi. 1882 B Premiere note sur les Dinosauriens de Bernissart. Bull, de Musee Roy. d'Hist. nat. de Belgique, i, pp. 161-178, with pi. ix. 1882 C Deuxieme note sur les Dinosauriens de Bernissart. Bull, de Musee Roy. d'Hist. nat. de Belgique, i, pp. 205-211, with pi. xii. The paper treats especially of the sternum of Iguanadon and related genera. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 81 Dollo, Louis Continued. 1883 A Note sur la presence chez les oiseaux du ''troisieme trochanter" des Dino- sauriens et sur la function de celui-ci. Bull, de Musee Roy. d'Hist. nat. de Belgique, ii, pp. 13-19, with pi. i. 1883 B Troisieme note sur les dinosauriens de Bernissart. Bull, de Musee Roy. d'Hist. nat. de Belgique, ii, pp. 85-126, with pis. iii-v. Treats of lyuanodw and its relationships to other JHnosauria and to Aves. Plate v is a restoration of Iguanodon bcrnissartensis. 1883 C Note sur les restes de dinosauriens rencontres dans le Cr6tace sup6rieur de la Belgique. Bull, de Musee Roy. d'Hist. nat. de Bel- gique, ii, pp. 205-221, with 20 figs, in the text. 1883 D Quatrieme note sur les dinosauriens de Bernissart. Bull, de Mus6e Roy. d'Hist. nat. de Belgique, ii, pp. 223-252, with pis. ix, x. This paper is devoted to the anatomy of Iguanodon bernissartensis. 1883 E Premiere note sur les crocodiliens de Bernissart. Bull, de MusSe Roy. d'Hist. nat. de Belgique, ii, pp. 306-340, with pi. xii. Treats of relationships of the genera of crocodiles. 1883 F Note sur la presence du Gastornis edwardsii, Lemoine, dans Passise infe- rieure de Petage landenien, it Mesvin, Pres Mons. Bull, de Mus6e Roy. d'Hist. nat. de Belgique, ii, pp. 297-305, with pi. ix and 1 text fig. 1884 A Premiere note sur les cheloniens de Bernissart. Bull, de Musee Roy. d'Hist. nat. de Belgique, Hi, pp. 63-84, with pis. i, ii. Contains a discussion of the classification of the Testudinata. 1884 B Cinquieme note sur les dinosauriens de Bernissart. Bull. de Muse'e Roy. d'Hist. nat. de Belgique, iii, pp. 129-151, with pis. vi, vii. Treats especially of the structure and re- lationship of Igvanodon. Bull. 179 6 Dollo, Louis Continued. 1884 C Premiere note sur le SinKiedosaurien d'Erquelinnes. Bull, de Musee Roy. d'Hist. nat. de Belgique, iii, pp. 151-186, with pis. viii.ix. Discusses the structure of Sinuedosaurus and its relation to Champsosaurus and Sphcnodon. 1885 A Sur Pidentite des genres Champsosau- rus et Simcedosaurus. Bull. Soc. g6ol. de France (3) , xiv, pp. 95-%. 1885 B Notes d'osteologie erpetologique. I. Sur une nouvelle dent de Craspedon, dinosaurien du Cretace superieur de la Belgique [pp. 309-318, 6 figs, in text]. II. Sur la presence d'un canal basiocci- pital median et de deux canaux hypo- basilaires chez un genre mosasauriens [pp. 319-331, 8 figs.]. III. Sur la pre- sence d'une interclavicle chez ungenre de mosasauriens et sur la division de ce sous-ordre en families [pp. 332-335, 2 figs.]. IV. Sur les piphyses du cal- caneurn des lacertiliens [pp. 336-338, 4 figs.]. Annales Soc. Sci. de Bruxelles, ix, pp. 309- 338, with 20 figs, in text. 1886 A Premiere note sur les cheloniens du Bruxellien (Eocene moyen) de la Bel- gique. Bull. Musee Roy. d'Hist. nat. Belgique, iv, pp. 75-100, with pis. i,ii. Contains a synopsis of the classification of Testudinata and observations on their oste- ology. 1885 C Premiere note sur le Hainosaure, mosasaurien nouveau de la craie brune phosphate^ de Mesvin-Ciply, Pres MonsT Bull, de Musee Roy. d'Hist. nat. de Belgique, iv, pp. 25-35. Contains notes on various American genera of Mosasauridse. 1887 A Psephophorus. Annales Soc. Scientiflque de Bruxelles, xi, pp. 139-176. 1888 A On the humerus of Eudastes. Geol. Magazine (3), v, pp. 261-267, with 3 figs. 82 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Dollo, Louis Continued. Iguanodontids: et Camptonotidse. Comptes rend. Acad. Paris, cvi, pp. 775-777. Notice of this paper in Geol. Mag., 1888, v, p. 520. 18880 Premiere note sur les cheloniens oligocenes et neogenes de la Belgique. Bull, de Musee Roy. d'Hist. nat. de Bel- gique, v, pp. 59-98, with pi. iv and a text fig. of a young Dermoclielys coriacea. This important paper contains a discussion of the higher groups of Testudinata, and espe- cially a consideration of the value of the group Athecx. 1888 D Sur le crane des mosasauriens. Bull. Sci. de la France et de la Belgique (3), i (xix), pp. 1-11, with pi. i and 9 figs, in the text. 1888 E Sur la signification du "trochanter pendant" des dinosauriens. Bull. Sci. de la France et de la Belgique (3), i (xix), pp. 215-224. 1890 A Premiere note sur lee mosasauriens de Maestricht. Mem. Soc. Beige de Geologic, de Palseont., et d'Hydrologie (Bruxelles), iv, pp. 151-169, with pi. viii. Contains abundant citations of the litera- ture of the Mosasauridse. 1891 A Nouvelle note sur le Champsosaure, rhynchocephalien adapt6 a la vie fluvi- atile. Mem. Soc. Beige de Geologic, de Paleout., et d'Hydrologie (Bruxelles), v, pp. 147-199, with pis. vi-viii. 1892 A Sur 1'originede lanageoire caudaledes Ichthyosaurus. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol., Paleont., Hydrol., vi, Pr. verb., pp. 167-174, with 8 text figs. 1892 B Premiere note sur les Teleosteens du Cr^tace superieur de la Belgique. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol., Paleont., Hydrol., vi, pp. 180-189, with 4 text figs. 1892 C Sur un nouveau type de dinosaurien. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol., Paleont., Hydrol., vi, Pr. verb., pp. 10-12. The principal groups of dinosaurs are charac- terized. The new type alluded to appears to be Triceratopa Marsh. Dollo, Louis Continued. 1893 A Suppression du genre Leiodon. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol., Paleont., Hydrol., vii. 1'r. verb., p. 79. Regards Leiodon as a sy nonym of Mosasaurus. 1893 B Champsosaurus et Pareiasaurus. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol., Paleont., Hydrol., vii, p. 79. 1893 C Nouvelle note sur 1'osteologie des mosasauriens. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol., Paleont., Hydrol., vi, pp. 219-259, with pis. iii, iv. 1896 A Sur la phylogenie des Dipneustes. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol., Paleont., Hydrol., ix, pp. 79-128, with pis. v-ix. Concluded with a list of 123 papers and me- moirs bearing on the subject. An abstract ap- pears in Amer. Naturalist, xxx, p. 479. Domeier, Wilhelm. 1803 A Nachricht von einem in Nord America gefundenen vollstandigen Gerippe eines Vierf iisslers, bisherhaufig Mammoth oder Mammut genannt. Neue Schriften Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde zu Berlin, iv, pp. 79-110. Douglass, Earl. 1900 A The Neocene lake beds of western Montana and descriptions of some new vertebrates from the Loup Fork. A thesis for the degree of M. S. in the University of Montana, June, 1899. Published by the University. Pp. 3-27, with pis. i-iv. Copies of this paper were first distributed about July 1, 1900. 1900 B New species of Merycochoerus in Mon- tana, Part i. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4), x, pp. 428-438, with 3 figs, in the text. Describes M. laticeps. Part ii appeared in same journal January, 1901. Donald, J. T. 1881 A Notes on elephant remains from Washington Territory. The Canadian Naturalist (2), ix, pp. 53-56. Dug-fes, Alfredo. 1887 A Platygonus alemanii, nobis, fosil cua- ternario. La Naturaleza (2), i, pp. 16-18, pis. i, ii. Duxneril, Aug. 1865 A Histoire naturelle des poissons ou ichthyologie generale. Tome premier, HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 83 Dumeril, Aug. Continued. Elasmobranches, Plagiostomes et Hol- ocephales ou Chimeres. Pp. 1-720, with atlas of pis., Paris, 1865. Dupont, Edward. 1867 A Human remains in Belgium. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xliii, pp. 121-123; 260- 264. Contains mention of Elephas primigenius. Duralde, Martin. 1804 A Abstract of a communication from Mr. Martin Duralde relative to fossil bones, etc., of the country of Apelousas, west of the Mississippi, to Mr. William Dunbar, of the Natchez, and by him transmitted to the society. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., vi, pp. 55-58. No species definitely mentioned except bone of man, and of " elephants." Duvernoy, G. L. 1851 A Caracteres ost^ologiques des genres nouveaux ou des especes nouvelles de cetaces vivants ou fossiles. Annales Sci. Nat. (3), xv, pp. 5-71; 381, with pis. i, ii. 1855 A Nouvelles etudes sur les rhinoceros fossiles. Arch. Mus. d'Hist. nat., Paris, viii, pp. 1-144, with pis. i-viii. Earle, Charles. 1891 A On a new species of Palseosyops Palseosyops megarhinus. Amer. Naturalist, xxv, pp. 45-47, with 1 fig. in text. 1891 B Palxosi/ops and allied genera. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1891, pp. 106-117, with 8 figs, in the text. 1892 A He vision of the species of Corypho- don. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.,iv, pp. 149-166. 1892 B The variability of specific characters as exhibited by the extinct genus Cory- phodon. Science, xx, pp. 7-9, with 2 figs, in the text. 1892 C A memoir upon the genus Palseosyops Leidy, and its allies. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, pp. 267-388, pis. x-xiv. Reviewed by R. Lydekker, Natural Science, ii, pp. 148-149. Earle, Charles Continued. 1893 A Some points in the comparative an- atomy of the tapir. Science, xxi, p. 118. Discusses also the names of the tapir. 1893 B On the systematic position of the genus Protogonodon. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 377-379. 1893 C~ The evolution of the American tapir. The Geol. Magazine (3), x, pp. 391-396. 1893 D The structure and affinities of the Puerco ungulates. Science, xxii, pp. 49-51. 1895 A On a supposed case of parallelism in the genus Palssosyops. Amer. Naturalist, xxix, pp. 622-626, pi. xxvii. 1896 A Notes on the fossil Mammalia of Europe. I. Comparison of the Ameri- can and European forms of Hyracothe- rium. Amer. Naturalist, xxx, pp. 131-135. Tapirs, past and present. Science (2), iv, pp. 934-935. 1896 B 1898 A Relationship of the Chnacidse to the Primates. Amer. Naturalist, xxxii, pp. 261-262. See also Osborn and Earle; Wort- man and Earle. Eastman, Charles R. 1895 A Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattung Oxyrhina, mit besonderer Beriicksicht- igung von Oxyrhina mantelli Agassiz. Palaeontographica, xli, pp. 149-191, with pis. xvi-xviii. 1896 A Observations on the dorsal shields in the Dinichthyids. Amer. Geologist, xviii, pp. 222-223. Abstract of paper read before the Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1896. 1896 B Preliminary note on the relations of certain body plates in the Dinichthyids. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4) , ii, pp. 46-50. 1896 C Review of Bashford Dean's "On the vertebral column, fins, and central armoring of Dinichthys." Amer. Geologist, xviii, pp. 316-317. 84 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Eastman, Charles R. Continued. 1896 D Remarks on Petalodus alleghaniensis, Leidy. Jour. Geology, iv, pp. 174-176. 1897 A Tamiobatis vetustus; a new form of fossil skate. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4), iii, pp. 85-90, with pi. i and 1 fig. in the text. 1897 B j On Otenacanthus spines from the Keo- j kuk limestone of Iowa. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4), iii, pp. 10-13, with 2 figs, j in the text. Describes C. xiphiag St. J. and W., and C. acutus sp. nov. 1897 C On the characters of Macropetalichthys. Amer. Naturalist, xxxi, pp. 493-499, with pi. xii, and 1 fig. in the text. 1897 D On the relations of certain plates in the Dinichthyids. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, xxxi, pp. 19-43, with pis. i-v. 1898 A On the occurrence of fossil fishes in the Devonian of Iowa. Iowa Geol. Surv., vii, pp. 108-116, with pi. iv and 1 fig. in the text. The new genus Synthetodus is established and the new species Ptyctodus molaris described. A notice of this paper, by C. R. Keyes, is found in Amer. Geologist, xxii, pp. 237-239. Dentition of Devonian Ptyctodontidse. Amer. Naturalist, xxxii, pp. 473-488; 545- 560, with 50 text figs. 1898 C Some new points in Dinichthyid oste- ology. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., xlvii, Boston, pp. 371-372. See also Science (2), viii, pp. 400-401. 1898 D Some new points in Dinichthyid osteology. Amer. Naturalist, xxxii, pp. 747-768, with 6 text figs. For abstract, see Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., xlvii, Boston, pp. 371-372. 1899 A Some new American fossil fishes. Science (2), ix, pp. 642-643. 1899 B [Notes on fossil fishes found in the Devonian at Milwaukee, Wis.] Jour, of Geology, vii, pp. 278, 283. These notes are contained in a paper by Teller and Monroe. Eastman, Charles R. Continued. 1899C Description of new species of Diplodus teeth from the Devonian of northeast- ern Illinois. Jour. Geol., vii, pp. 489-493, with pi. vii. Describes as new Diplodus prisons and D. stri- aiug; also'figures Ptuebodus politus Newb. 1899 D Report on the department of verte- brate paleeontology. Annual Report of the assistant in charge of the Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard College to the president and fellows of Harvard College for 1898-99, pp. 15, 16. Records the fact that the type of TUanichthys agassizi is in Harvard College, and that there is also there a nearly complete skeleton of Dinichthys pustulosus. 1899 E Jurassic fishes from Black Hills of South Dakota. Bull. Geol. Soc. America, x, pp. 397 408, with pis. xlv-xlviii and 2 text figs. 1899 F Upper Devonian fish fauna of Dela- ware County, N. Y. 17th Annual Report of the State Geologist [of New York] for the year 1897, pp. 317-327, with 6 text figs. 1900 A Fossil Lepidosteids from the Green River shales of Wyoming. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll., xxxvi, pp. 67-75, with pis. i-ii. 1900 B Dentition of some Devonian fishes. Jour. Geology, viii, pp. 32-41, with 7 figs, in the text. 1900 C Devonische Fischreste aus der Eifel. Amer. Geologist, xxv, pp. 391-392. A notice of Huene's paper in Neues Jahrbuch Min. 1900, i, Abh., p. 64. 1900 D Einige neue Notizen iiber devonische Fischreste aus der Eifel. Centralbl. Min., Geolog. und Palseont., 1900, No. 6, pp. 177-178. 1900 E New fossil bird and fish from the Middle Eocene of Wyoming. Geol. Magazine (4), vii, pp. 54-58, with pi. iv. Describes new genus and species of bird, Gattinuloideswyomingensis, and fis\\,Lepidosteus atrox Cope. IAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 85 Edwards, Alphonse Milne. 1863 A Memoire sur la distribution ge'olo- gique des oiseaux fossiles et description de quelques especes nouvelles. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zool. (4), xx, pp. 133-176, pi. iv. 1864 A Recherches anatomiques, zoologiques, et paleontologiques sur la famille des chevrotains. Annales des Sciences Natnrelles, Zool. (5), ii, pp. 49-167, pis. ii-xii. 1865 A Rapport sur les notes de MM. Nicolas et Chretien relatives a des ossemens fossiles provenant de la Vall6e de Zacu- alco. Arch. Commission Sci. du Mexique, i, pp. 401^07, with 1 pi. 1868 A Recherches anatomiques et pal&mto- logiques pour servir a 1'histoire des ois- eaux fossiles de la France. Vol. i, pp. 1-475, with pis. i-xcvi. 1871 A Recherches anatomiques et paleonto- logiques pour servir a 1'histoire des ois- eaux fossiles de la France. Vol. ii, pp. 1-632, with pis. xcvii-cc. Edwards, Arthur M. 1895 A Ornithichnites and jaw bone from the Newark sandstone of New Jersey. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), 1, p. 346. Edwards, Timothy. 1793 A A description of a horn or bone lately found in the river Chemung, or Tyoga, a western branch of the Susque- hanna, about twelve miles from Tyoga Point. Mem. Amer. Acad., ii, p. 164. Describes what was apparently the tusk of the mammoth. Egerton, P. G. 1837 A On certain peculiarities in the cervical vertebne of the Ichthyosaurus, hitherto unnoticed. Trans. Geol. Soc. London (2), v, pp. 187-193, with pi. xiv. For a preliminary statement see Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond., ii, 1837, p. 192. 1845 A Description of the mouth of a Hybo- dus found by Mr. Boscawen Ibbeteon on . the Isle of Wight. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., i, pp. 197-199, with pi. iv. Egerton, P. G. Continued. 1847 A On the nomenclature of the fossil Chimseroid fishes. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., iii, pp. 350-353, with pi. xiii and 1 fig. in the text. 1847 B Fossil fish [of coal-field of eastern Virginia]. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., iii, pp. 275-280. 1848 A Palichthyologic notes. Supplemental to the works of Professor Agassiz. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., iv, pp. 302-314, with pi. x and 2 figs, in the text. This paper is devoted to the consideration of the structure of Plerickthys and the descrip- tion of new species. 1848 B Observations on Mr. McCoy's paper on "Some fossil fish of the Carbonif- erous period." Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (2), ii, pp. 189-190. 1849 A Palichthyologic notes. No. 2. On the affinities of the genus Platysomus. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., v, pp. 329-332. 1849 B Palichthyologic notes. No. 3. On the Ganoidei heterocerci. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., vi, pp. 1-10, with pi. ii. 1852 A Lepidotus pectinatus. Mem. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom, decade 6, no. iii, pp. 1-2, with pi. iii. 1852 B Ptycholepis minor Egerton. Mem. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom, decade 6, no. vii, pp. 1-3, pi. vii. 1853 A Notes on the fossil fish from Albert mine. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., ix, p. 115. A brief identification of the fishes collected at Albert mine, New Brunswick, by Charles Lyell. 1853 B Palichthyologic notes. No. 4. On the affinities of the genera Tetragono- lepis and Dapedius. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., ix, pp. 274-279, with pi. xi. ' 1857 A Palichthyologic notes. No. 9. On some fish remains from the neighbor- hood of Ludlow. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., London, xiii, pp. 282-289, with pis. ix. x. FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Eg-erton, P. G. Continued. 1857 B On the unity of the genera Pleuracan- thus, Diplodus, and Xenacanthus, and on the specific distinction of the Permian fossil Xenacanthus decJieni (Beyrich.) Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (2), xx, pp. 423- 424. 1859 A Palichthyologic notes. No. 12. Re- marks on the nomenclature of the Devonian fishes. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xvl, pp. 119-136. 1859 B On Chondrosteus, an extinct genus of the Sturionidse. Philosoph. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., cxlviii, pp. 871-875; pis. 67-70. 1861 A Remarks on the ichthyolites of Far- nell road. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 30th meeting, Oxford, 1860, pp. 77-78. Description of Acantlwdes mitchelli. 1861 B British fossils. Mem. Geol. Sur. United Kingdom, decade 10, pp. 51-75; pis. iv-x. Descriptions and figs, of Tristichopterus, Acanthodes, Climatius, and Diplacanthus. 1862 A On a new species of Pterichthys (P. macrocephalus, Egerton), from the yel- low sandstone of Farlow Co., Salop. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xviii, pp. 103-106, with pi. iii, figs. 7-9. 1866 A On a new species of Acanthodes from the Coal series of Longton. Quart. Joi*. Geol. Soc., xxii, pp. 468-470, with pi. xxiii. On two new species of Gyrodus. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxv, pp. 379-386, with 5 text figs. 1871 A On a new Chimaeroid fish from the Lias of Lyme Regis (Ischyodus orthorhi- nus$) Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxvii, pp. 275-279, with pi. xiii. Eichwald, Eduard. 1840 A Die Thier- und Pflanzenreste des alten rothen Sandsteins und Bergkalks im Novgorodschen Gouvernement. Bull. Sci. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersbourg, vii, pp. 78-91. Eichwald, Eduard Continued. 1846 A Nachtrag zu der Beschreibung der Fische des devonischen Systems aus der Gegend von Pawlowsk. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, xix, pt. ii.pp. 277-318. 1857 A Beitrag zur geographischen Verbrei- tung der fossilen Thiere Russlands. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, xxx, pt. ii, pp. 305-354. Pp. 338-364 are devoted to the fossil verte- brates. Of most interest are some remarks on Asterolepis and Bothriolepig. 1860 A Lethsea Rossica ou Paleontologie de la Russie. Vol. i, pp. 1493-1633, with pis. Iv-lix. Only the pages of this volume are quoted here which contain matter bearing on the vertebrates. 1866 A Die Rhytina borealis und der Homo- crinus dipentas in der Lethsea Rossica. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, xxxix, pp. 138- 162, with pi. viil. The plate illustrates the structure of Homo- crinus. 1868 A Lethsea Rossica ou Paleontologie de la Russie. Vol. ii, pp. 1195-1285, with pis. xxviii-xl, of vol. ii of atlas. Only those pages of this volume are quoted which contain descriptions of vertebrates. 1871 A Analecten aus der Palseontologie und Zoologie Russlands. Moscow, 1871, 4to, pp. i-iv; 1-23, with pis. i-iii. Contains description and figures of Palxo- teuthis marginalis Eichw., pp. 1-15, pi. i. Eigenmann, C. H. 1890 A Description of a fossil species of Se- bastodes. Zoe, i, p. 17, with 1 fig. Describes preopercle of Sebastodes (?) rosse from Tertiary beds at Port Halford, Cal. Emerton, J. H. 1887 A The restoration of the skeleton of Dinoceras mirabile. Proc. Boston, Soc. Nat. Hist, xxiii, pp. 342- 343. Emery, Carl, Die fossilen Reste von ArcJiegosaurus und Eryops . und ihre Bedeutung f iir die Morphologic des Gliedmassen- skelets. Anatom. Anzeiger, xiv, pp. 202-208, with 7 figs, in the text. IAY.J BIBLIOGRAPHY. 87 Emery, Carl Continued. 1897 B Ueber die Beziehungen des Crossop- terygiums zu anderen Formen der Gliedmassen der Wirbeltiere. Anatom. Anzeiger, xiii, pp. 137-149, with 6 figs, in the text. 1897 C Beitriige zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und Morphologic des Hand-und Fuss- skelets der Marsupialier. Semon's Zoolog. Forschungsreisen in Aus- tralien, etc., ii, pp. 371^00, with pis. xxxiii- xxxvi, with 13 text figs. On p. 400 is found a record of the literature examined. Emmons, Ebenezer. 1845 A On the supposed Zeuglodon cetoides of Professor Owen. Amer. Quart. Jour. Agricult. and Sci., ii, pp. 69-63, with 1 page of figs. 1845 B The Zeuglodon cetoides (Owen). Amer. Quart. Jour. Agricult. and Sci., ii, p. 366. 1846 A Description of some of the bones of the Zeuglodon cetoides of Professor Owen. Amer. Quart. Jour. Agricult. and Sci., iii, pp. 223-231, with pis. i, ii. 1851 A Description of some of the bones of the Zeuglodon cetoidesoi Professor Owen. Pp. 1-6. Year and place of publication un- known. Copy deposited in Smithsonian Insti- tution November 13, 1861. 1856 A Geological report on the midland counties of North Carolina. Illustrated with engravings. Pp. i-xx; 1-352; pis. 1-8. New York, Geo. P. Putnam & Co. Raleigh, Henry D. Turner, 1856. Chap, xl, pp. 293-323, and p. 347 are devoted to the "animal remains of the Coal Measures of the Deep and Dan rivers," and to a "notice of the vertebral remains of the Bristol con- glomerate." 1857 A American geology, containing a state- ment of the principles of the science, with full illustrations of the character- istic American fossils, w r ith an atlas and a geological map of the United States. Part vi, pp. i-x; 1-152, with pis. i-x, and 114 figs, in the text. 1858 A Fossils of the sandstones and slates of North Carolina. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., llth meeting, Montreal, 1857, pp. 76-80. Emmons, Ebenezer Cont'd. 1858 B Report of the North Carolina Geolog- ical Survey. Agriculture of the eastern counties, together with descriptions of the fossils of the marl beds. Illustrated by engravings. Raleigh, 1858. Pp. i-xv; 1-314. Chapters xv-xvii are devoted to descriptions of the fossil vertebrates, and there are furnished 83 woodcuts in the text. 1860 A Manual of geology. Second edition. Pp. i-viii; 1-297, with 218 figs. New York, 1860. Etheridge, Robert, and Willett, Henry. 1889 A On the dentition of Lepidotus maxi- mus, etc. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xlv, pp. 356-358, with pi. xiv. Evermann, B. W. 1893 A A skeleton of Steller's sea-cow. Science, xxi, p. 59. See also Jordan and Evermann. Ewart, J. C. 1894 A The development of the skeleton of the limbs of the horse, with observa- tions on polydactyly. Jour. Anat. Physiol., xxviii, pp. 236-256, with 3 pages of figs; 342-369, with pi. xii. 1894 B The second and fourth digits in the horse; their development and subse- quent degeneration. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, xx, pp. 185-191. The author claims to have found these ele- ments in the foetus of the horse. Eyerman, John. 1886 A Footprints on the Triassic sandstone (Jura-Trias) of New Jersey. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xxxi, p. 72. 1889 A Notes on geology and mineralogy. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1889, pp. 32-35. Describes footprints from Jura-Trias of New Jersey. 1890 A Bibliography of North American ver- tebrate palaeontology for the year 1889. Amer. Geologist, v, pp. 250-253. 1891 A Bibliography of North American ver- tebrate palaeontology for the year 1890. Amer. Geologist, vii, pp. 231-238. 1891 B A catalogue of the palteontological publications of Joseph Leidy, M. D., LL. D. Amer. Geologist, viii, pp. 333-342. 88- FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Eyerman, John Continued. 1892 A Bibliography of North American ver- tebrate palaeontology for the year 1891. Amer. Geologist, ix, pp. 249-256. 1893 A Bibliography of North American ver- tebrate palaeontology for the year 1892. Amer. Geologist, xi, pp. 388-393. 1894 A Preliminary notice of a new species of Temnocyon, and a new genus from the John Day Miocene of Oregon. Amer. Geologist, xiv, pp. 320, 321. Descriptions of T. ferox and new genus Hypotemnodon, type Temnocyon coryphfeus Cope. 1896 A The genus Temnocyon and a new spe- cies thereof, and the new genus Hypo- temnodon, from the John Day Miocene of Oregon. Amer. Geologist, xvii, pp. 267-287. Falconer, Hugh. . 1857 A Description of two species of the fos- sil mammalian genus Plagiaulrtx from Purbeck. Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., xiii, pp. 261-282, with 17 figs, in the text. 1857 B On the species of mastodon and ele- phant occurring in the fossil state in Great Britain. Parti. Mastodon. Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., xii, pp. 307-360, with pis. xi-xii. Contains diagnoses of the genera Mastodon and Elephax, the "former being divided into the subgenera Trilophodon and Tetralophodon, the latter genus into Stegodon, Loxodon, and Euelephas. 1862 A On the disputed affinity of the mam- malian genus Plagiaulax. Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc., xviii, pp. 348-369, with 20 figs, in the text. 1865 A On the species of mastodon and ele- phant occurring in the fossil state in Great Britain. Part II. Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxi, pp. 253-332. 1868 A Palseontological memoirs and notes. Vol. i, Fauna antiqua sivalensis, pp. 1-590, with pis. i-xxxiv and 16 text figs.; vol. ii, Mas- todon, Elephant, Rhinoceros, etc., pp. 1-675, with pis. i-xxxviii and text figs. 1-9. London, 1868. Compiled by Charles Murchison, with a biographical sketch of Hugh Falconer. Falconer, Hugh, and Cautley, Proby T. 1846 A Fauna antiqua sivalensis, being the fossil zoology of the Sewalik Hills in the north of India. 1. Packydermata, Elephant and mastodon. Pp. 1-64, with pis. i-lvi and description of plates forming pp. 1-77. Farr, Marcus S. 1896 A Notes on the osteology of the White River horses. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxxv, pp. 147-175, with 6 figs, in the text. Abstract in Princeton Univ. Bull., ix, pp. 17- 18, 1897; reviewed by Schlosser in Neues Jahrbuch Mineral., 1899, ii, pp. 316-319. Farrington, Oliver C. 1899 A A fossil egg from Dakota. Pubs. Field Columb. Mus., Geology, i, pp. 193-200, with pis. xx-xxi. Faujas-Saint-Fond, Earth. 1802 A Sur deux especes de breufs on trouve les cranes fossiles en Allemagne, en France, en Angleterre, dans le nord de 1'Amerique et dans d'autrescontrees. Ann. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris, 1802, ii, pp. 188-200, with pis. xliii, xliv. Contains description and plate of fossil bison (B. latifrons). Featherstonhaugh, G. W. 1831 A Rhinoceroides alleghaniensis. Monthly Amer. Jour. Geology and Nat. Sci., i, pp. 10-12, with pi. i. Felix, Johannes. 1890 A Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattung Protosphyrsena Leidy. Zeitrschr. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., xlii, pp. 278-302, with pis. xii-xiv. Felix, Johannes and Lenk, H. 1891 A Uebersicht iiber die geologischen Verhaltnisse des mexicanischen Staate Puebla. Palseontographica, xxxvii, pp. 117-139, with pi. xxx. Field, Roswell. 1860 A Ornithichnites, or tracks resembling those of birds. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xxix, pp. 361-363. 1860 B Ornithichnites. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 13th meeting, Springfield, Mass., 1859, pp. 337-340. The tracks regarded as belonging to Reptilia. 1860 C Communication on the footmarks of the Connecticut River sandstones. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vii, p. 316. HAT.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 89 Filhol, Henri. 1872 A Recherches sur lea mammiferes fos- siles des depots de phosphate de Chaux dans les departments du Lot, du Tarn et de Tarn-et-Garone. Annales sci. geol. Hi, art. 7, pp. 1-31, with pis. 13-1 9. 1874 A Nouvellea observations sur les mam- miferes des gisements de phosphates de Chaux (Lemuri ens et Pachylemuriens). Annales sci. gol. , v, art. 4, pp. 1-36, with pis. vii and viii. Devoted especially to descriptions of genera Necrolemur and Palseolemur. PI. viii contains 4 figures of Adapis. 1876 A Recherches sur les phosphorites du Quercy . Etude des f ossiles qu' on y ren- contre et specialement des mammiferes. Annales sci. geol., vii, art. 7, pp. 1-220, with pis. x-xxxvi. 1877 A Recherches sur les phosphorites du Quercy. Etude des fossiles qu'on y ren- contre et specialement des mammiferes. Annales sc<. geol., viii, art.l, pp. 1-340, with pis. i-xxviii. 1881 A Etude des mammiferes fossiles de Saint-Gerand-le-Puy ( Allier) . Seconde partie (1). Annales sci. geol., xi, pp. 1-86, with pis. i-xx. 1882 A Etude des mammiferes fossiles de Ronzon ( Haute-Loire) . Annales sci. geol., xii, art. 3, pp. 1-271, with pis. vi-xxxi. 1882 B Observations relatives aux caracteres osteologiques de certaines especes d' Eu- dyptes et de Spheniscus. Bull. Soc. Philomatique de Paris (7), vii, pp. 1883 A Notes sur quelques mammiferes fos- siles de 1'epoque miocefte. Archives du Museum d'Historie Nature! le Cont'd. 1854 A Ueber den Ban und die Eintheilung der Pycnodonten, nebst kurzer Be- schreibung einiger neuen Arten der- selben. Sitzungsber. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien., math.-phys. Cl., xii, pp. 433-463. 1856 A Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische Oesterreichs. Denkschr. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien, math.- naturw. Cl., xi, pp. 187-274, with pis. i-xv. Also issued separately with pp. 1-88. Helm, F. 1891 A On the affinities of Hesperornis. Nature, xliil, p. 368. Hemstedt, R. 1870 A Ueber einigen Besonderheiten der Schadelknochen von Lepus und viber das knocherne Gehororgan desselben Genus. Archiv f. Anat., Physiol. u. wissensch. Med., Jahrg. 1870, pp. 437-453, pi. xi. . Hensel, Reinhold. 1859 A Ueber einen fossilen Muntjac aus Schlesien. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. xi, pp. 251-279, with pis. x-xii. 1860 A Ueber Hipparion mediterraneum. Abhandl. k.-p. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin, 1860. pp. 27-121, with pis. i-iv. 1875 A Zur Kenntniss der Zahnformel f iir die Gattung Sus. Nova Acta k. Leop.-Carol. Akad., xxxvii, No. 5, pp. 1-40, with pi. xxvi. Hertwig, O. 1874 A tiber Bau und Entwicklung der Pla- coidschuppen und der Zahne der Sela- chier. Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturwiss. viii, pp. 331- 404, with pis. xii-xiii. 1876 A Uber das Hautskelet der Fische. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, ii, pp. 328-395, with pis. xxiii-xxviii. Describes the dermal skeleton of the Silu- roids and of Acipenseridse. 1879 A Ueber das Hautskelet der Fische. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, v, pp. 1-21, with pis. ' i-iii. Describes dermal skeleton of Lepteaxteidic and Polypteridx. Hertwig, O. Continued. 1881 A Ueber das Hautskelet der Fische. III. Das Hautskelet der Pediculati, der Dis- coboli, der Gattung Diana, der Centri- sddse, einiger Gattungen aus der Farni- lie der Triglidse und der Plectognathen. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, vii, pp. 1-42, with pis. i-iv. Hibbert, Samuel. 1836 A On the fresh-water limestone of Bur- diehouse, in the neighborhood of Edin- burgh, belonging to the Carboniferous group of rocks, with supplementary notes on other fresh-water limestones. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, xiii, pp. 169-282, with pis. v-xii. Hicks, L. E. 1873 A Discovery of mastodon remains in Ohio. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), v., p. 79. Higgins, E. T. 1867 A On the otolites of fish, and their value as a test in verifying recent and fossil species. Jour. Linn. Soc. Lond., ix, pp., 157-166. Higley, W. K. 1886 A A paper on Elephas primigenius. Bull. Chicago Acad. Sci., i, No. x, pp. 123- 127, with 1 pi. Hilgard, Eugene W. 1860 A Report on the geology and agriculture of Mississippi. Pp. i-xiii, 1-391. Printed by order of the legislature. Con- tains remarks on a few fossil vertebrates, and on page 389 a list of fossil teeth of fishes, by Dr. Win. Spillman. 1867 A On the Tertiary formations of Missis- sippi and Alabama. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xliii, pp. 29-41. Contains mention of Zeuglodon. Hilgendorf, F. 1866 A Ueber das Gebiss der hasenartigen Nager. Monatsber. k.-p. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin, 1865 (1866), p. 673. Hill, F. C. 1881 A The fossil Dinocerata in the E. M. Museum at Princeton, N. J. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 29th meeting, Boston, 1880, pp. 524-527, with 1 woodcut. An abstract of paper read. 1886 A On the mounting of fossils. Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 353-359, with 8 woodcuts. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 113 Hills, R. C. 1880 A Note on the occurrence of fossils in the Triassic and Jurassic beds near San Miguel, in Colorado. Amer. Jour. Sci., (3), xix, p. 490. Hitchcock, Charles H. 1855 A Impressions (chiefly tracks) on al- luvial clay in Hadley, Mass. Amer. Jour. Sci., (2), xix, pp. 391-396. 1865 A Editorial notes. In Edward Hitchcock's Supplement to the Ichnologyjof New England. (Hitchcock, E., 1868 A). 1866 A Description of a new reptilian bird from the Trias of Massachusetts. Annals Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, viii, pp. 301-302. Description of tracks of Tarsodactylus ex- pansus. 1868 A New American fishes from the Devo- nian. Geol. Magazine (1), v, pp. 184-185, with 2 figs, in text. Reports discovery of Dinichthys kerzeri by Dr. Newberry. 1868 B New Carboniferous reptiles and fishes from Ohio, Kentucky, and Illinois. Geol. Magazine (1), v, pp. 186-187. Reports Prof. Newberry's descriptions of fishes as presented before A. A. A. S., 1867. 1869 A Note on the supposed fossil foot marks in Kansas. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xlvii, pp. 132-133. 1871 A [Account and complete list of the Ichnozoa of the Connecticut Valley.] Walling and Gray's Official Typographical Atlas of Massachusetts, pp. xx-xxi. This account is part of a description of the geology of Massachusetts, and consists princi- pally of a list of the fossil footmarks. This list is almost identical with the same author's list of 1889 (1889 B), with the exception of species published after 1871. I cite this paper, there- fore, only in the cases of species, two or three in number, more particularly mentioned. Few new facts are presented. 1873 A Footprints in the rocks. Pop. Sci. Monthly, iii, pp. 428-441, with 7 text-figs. Bull. 179 8 Hitchcock, Charles H. Cont'd. 1889 A [Remarks on A. Wanner 's paper on The discovery of fossil tracks in the Triassic of York County, Pa.] Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 37th meeting, Cleveland, 1888, p. 186. 1889 B Recent progress in ichnology. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. History, xxiv, pp. 117-127. Contains a list of the American Triassic species of Ichnozoa and descriptions of new forms. This list is identical with one pub- lished by the same author in 1871 (Hitchcock, C. H, 1871 A), with the exception of a few species published after the issue of the latter paper. Hitchcock, Edward. 1836 A Ornithichnology . Description of the footmarks of birds (Ornithichnites) on New Red sandstone in Massachusetts. Amer. Jour. Sci., xxix, pp. 307-340, with a folded plate of 24 figs. 1837 A Ornithichnites in Connecticut. Amer. Jour. Sci., xxxi, pp. 174-175. 1837 B Fossil footsteps in sandstone and graywacke. Amer. Jour. Sci., (1), xxxii, pp. 174-176. 1841 A Final report on the geology of Mas- sachusetts. Vol. ii, pp. 301-831, with pis. xv-li. North- ampton, 1841. Pp. 458-525 are devoted to the descriptions of fossil fishes and footprints, and these are illus- trated on pis. xxix-li. 1843 A Description of five new species of fossil footmarks, from the Red Sand- stone of the valley of Connecticut River. Reports of the 1st, 2d, and 3d meetings of the Assoc. of Amer. Geol. and Naturalists, pp. 254- 264, with pi. xi. 1844 A Report on ichnolithology, or fossil footmarks, with a description of several new species, and the coprolites of birds, from the valley of the Connecticut River, and of a supposed footmark from the valley of the Hudson River. Amer. Jour. Sci., xlvii, pp. 292-322, with pis. iii-iv. Abstract in Neues Jahrb. Min., 1845, pp. 753-757. 114 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Hitchcock, Edward Continued. 1844 B Rejoinder to the preceding article of Dr. Deane. Amer. Jour. Sci., xlvii, pp. 390-399. A reply to Deane, J., 1844 B. See Deane, J., 1844 C. 1845 A Extract of a letter from Prof. E. Hitchcock, embracing miscellaneous remarks upon fossil footmarks, the Lin- colnite, etc., and a letter from Prof. Kichard Owen, on the great birds' nests of New Holland. Amer. Jour. Sci., xlviii, pp. 61-65. 1845 B An attempt to name, classify, and describe the animals that made the fossil footmarks of New England. Proc. 6th annual meeting Assoc. Amer. Geol- ogists and Naturalists, New Haven, Conn., April, 1845, pp. 23-25. In this paper the footmarks formerly de- scribed under the general terms Ornithoidich- nites and Sauroidichnites are assigned generic names. 1847 A Description of two new species of fossil footmarks found in Massachusetts and Connecticut, or of the animals that made them. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), iv, pp. 46-57, with 3 text figs. 1848 A An attempt to discriminate and de- scribe the animals that made the fossil footmarks of the United States, and especially of New England. Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci. (2), iii, pp. 129-256, pis. 1-24. 1855 A Shark remains from the Coal forma- tion of Illinois, and bones and tracks from the Connecticut River sandstone. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xx, pp. 416-417. 1856 A On a new fossil fish and new fossil footmarks. I. History of the discovery and general character of the jaw oi a new family of fossil fishes. II. Descrip- tion of a new and remarkable species of fossil footmarks from the sandstone of Turner's Falls, in the Connecticut Valley. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xxi, pp. 96-100, with 1 fig. in the text. Hitchcock, Edward Continued. 1856 B Account of the discovery of the fossil jaw of an extinct family of sharks from the Coal formation. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 9th meeting, 1855, Washington, D. C., pp. 229-230. A description and figure, without genus and species, of Edestus minor Newb., found in Parke County, Ind. 1858 A Ichnology of New England. A re- port on the sandstone of the Connect- icut Valley, especially its fossil foot- marks. Boston, 1858. 4to, 220 pp. ; with 60 quarto pis. 1861 A Remarks upon certain points in ich- nology. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 14th meeting, Newport, 1860, pp. 144-156, with 4 figs, in the text. 1863 A New facts and conclusions respecting the fossil footmarks of the Connecticut Valley. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xxxvi, pp. 46-57. 1863 B Supplement to the ichnology of New England. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., vi, pp. 85-92. In this paper a number of species formerly described is rejected or recorded as doubtful; two species are mentioned as new but not de- scribed; notes are given on other species, and there is a general discussion of fossil tracks. 1865 A Supplement to the ichnology of New England. A report to the government of Massachusetts in 1863. Boston, 1865. 4to; pp. i-x, 1-96, pis. i-xx. Edited by his son, C. H. Hitchcock. Ap- pendix A (pp. 39, 40) is entitled "Bones of Megadactyluspolyzclus;" Appendix B (pp. 40-93) consists of a descriptive catalogue of the Hitch- cock ichnological cabinet at Amherst College. 1872 A Discovery of a tooth of a mastodon in Massachusetts. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), iii, p. 146. 1885 A [Letter to editor of Science announc- ing discovery of a mastodon's skeleton near Geneva, N. Y.] Science, vi, p. 450. Hitchcock, Fanny R. M. 1887 A On the homologies of Edestus. Amer. Naturalist, xxi, pp. 847-848. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 115 Hitchcock, Fanny R. M. C't'd. 1888 A On the homologies of Edestus. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. ScL, 36th meeting, New York, 1887, pp. 260-261. Abstract of paper presented. 1888 B Further notes on the osteology of the shad (Alosa sapidissima) . Annals N. Y. Acad. Sci., iv, pp. 225-228, with text fig. Hodson, William B. 1846 A Memoir on the Megatherium and other extinct gigantic quadrupeds of the coast of Georgia, with observations on ite geologic features. Pp. 1-17, with 1 pi. and 2 maps. New York, 1846. Besides the matter contributed by Hodson this memoir contains a "Memorandum" by Dr. Jos. Habersham (pp. 25-30) and "Observa- tions" by J. Hamilton Couper (pp. 31-47). Hoernes, R. 1875 A Vorlage von Wirbelthierresten aus den Kohlenablagerungen von Trifail in Steiermark. Verhandl. k. k. geol. Reichsanstalt, 1875- 1876, pp. 310-313. 1876 A Anthrocotherium magnum Cuv aus den Kohlenablagerungen von Trifail. Jahrbuch k. k. geol. Reichsanstalt, xxvi, pp. 209-242, with pi. xv. Contains numerous references to the litera- ture of this subject up to that time. 1877 A Zur Kenntniss der Anthracotherium dalmatinum Meyer. Verhandl. k. k.geol. Reichsanstalt, 1875-1876, No. 15, pp. 363-366. 1892 A Zur Kenntniss der Milchbezahnung der Gattung Entelodon Aym. Sitzungsber Akad. Wissensch. Wien, ci, pp. 17-24, with 1 pi. Hoffmann, C. K. 1874 A Amphibien. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier- reichs, vi, pp. 1-88, pis. i-xiv. This portion of Dr. Hoffmann's work is de- voted to the osteology of the Batrachia. In it is found a list of 78 works on this subject. 1876 A Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Beckens der Amphibien und Reptilien. Niederlandisches Archiv Zoologie, iii, pp. 143-194, pis. x, xi, and 15 woodcuts in the text. Hoffmann, C. K. Continued. 1878 A Beitrage zur Anatomic der Wirbel- thiere. Niederlandisches Archiv Zoologie, iv, pp. 112-248, pis. ix-xiii. Discusses the structure of the carpus and tarsus of reptiles and amphibians, the integu- ment and dermal skeleton of Testwlinala,, morphology of ribs, etc. 1879 A Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anato- mic der Wirbelthiere. X; Uber das Vorkommen von Halsrippen bei den Schildkroten; XI, Uber das Verhalt- niss des Atlas und des Epistropheus bei den Schildkroten; XII, Zur Mor- phologic des Schultergiirtels und des Brustbeins bei Reptilien, Vogeln, Sauge- thieren und dem Menschen. Niederlandisches Archiv Zoologie, v, pp. 19-114, with pis. il-ix. , - 1890 A Schildkroten. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier- reichs, vi, Abtheil. iii, pp. 1-442, with pis. i-xlviii. Pp. 1-73 are devoted to the osteology of the Testudinata. On pp. 1-3 is found a list of the literature of the subject. 1890 B Eidechsen und Wassereidechsen (Saurii und Hydrosauria) . Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen, vi, Abth. iii, pp. 443-1399, with pis. xlix-cvii. Pp. 443-610 and pis. xlix-lxxi are devoted to the osteology of this group. Pp. 1299-1329 are devoted to the palaeontology of the Reptilia. 1890 C Schlangen und Entwicklungsge- schichte der Reptilien. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier- reichs, vi, pt. 3, pp. 1401-2089, with pis. cviii- clxx. The description of the skeleton occupies pp. 1420-1448 and pis. cx-cxvi. Holder, Joseph B. 1883 A The Atlantic right whales: A contri- bution embracing an examination of (1) The exterior characters and oste- ology of a cisarctic right whale male; (2) The exterior characters of a cisarc- tic right whale female; (3) The oste- ology of a cisarctic right whale sex not known. To which is added a concise resume of historical mention relating to the present and allied species. Bulletin Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., i, pp. 99-138, with pis. x-xiii. 116 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Holland, W. J. 1900 A The vertebral formula in Diplodocus Marsh. Science (2), xi, pp. 816-818. Hollard, Henri. 1853 A Monographic de la famille des Balis- tides. Ann. Sui. Naturelles (3), Zool., xx, pp. 71- 114, with pis. i-iii. 1854 A Monographic des Balistides. Part 2. Ann. Sci. Naturelles, (4), Zool., i, pp. 39-72; This monograph is continued in vol. ii, pp. 321-366, 1854, and in vol. iv, pp. 5-27, 1855. 1857 A Etude sur les Gymnodontes, et en particulier sur leur osteologie et sur les indications qu'elle peut fournier pour leur classification. Annales des Sci. Naturelles (4), Zool., vlii, pp. 275-328. . 1860 A M6moire sur le squelette des poissons plectognathes etudie au point de vue des caracteres qu'il peut fournir pour pour la classification. Annales Sci. Naturelles (4), Zool., xiii, pp. 5-46, pis. ii.iii. Hollick, Arthur. 1894 A [Remarks on Spiraxis Newb.] Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., xiii, pp. 118-119. Holmes, F. S. 1849 A Notes on the geology of Charleston, S. C. Amer. Jour. Sci., vii, pp. 187-201. 1850 A [Remarks on paper by R. W. Gibbes concerning fossil Equus from Eocene of South Carolina. ] Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 3d meeting, Charleston, S. C., 1850, pp. 68-69. Remarks on Gibbes. R. W. 1850 C. 1850 B Observations on the geology of Ash- ley River, South Carolina. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 3d meeting, Charleston, S. C., 1850, pp. 201-204. 1858 A Remains of domestic animals among post-Pliocene fossils in South Carolina. 16 pp., 8vo, Charleston, 1858. This paper contains extract from a paper by Dr. Leidy and a letter by Professor Agassiz. In this letter Agassiz expresses the belief that "horses, sheep, bulls, and hogs not distin- Holmes, F. S. Continued. guishable at present from the domesticated species " .existed in America before the advent of white men. 1858 B Remains of domestic animals among post- Pliocene fossils in South Carolina. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xxv, pp. 442-443. 1859 A [Remarks of Prof. F. S. Holmes on fossils from post-Pliocene of South Car- olina, including a letter from Prof. L. Agassiz.] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1859, pp. 177-186. Holmes, N. 1857 A [Remarks on contemporaneity of man and the mastodon.] Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i, p. ]17. Home, Everard. 1819 A An account of the fossil skeleton of the Proteosaurus. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., cix, pi. 209- 211. This paper was preceded by others of the same author in the volumes for 1814, 1816, but in these papers no name was applied to the remains. 1819 B Reasons for giving the name Proteo- saurus to the fossil skeleton which has been described. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., cix, pp. 212- 216, with pi. xv. Honeyman, D. 1874 A Skeleton of a whale in the Quater- nary of New Brunswick. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), vii, p. 597. Supposed to be Beluga vermontana. 1874 B On the Quartenary containing the New Brunswick fossil cetacean. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), viii, p. 219. Hopkins, William. 1855 A Brief outline or general description of a remarkable fossil, not known to be described, and by some supposed to be an ichthyodorulite. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 8th meeting, Washington, D. C., 1854, pp. 287-290, with 2 woodcuts. Horner, W. K 1840 A Note of the remains of the mastodon, and some other extinct animals col- lected together in St. Louis, Mo. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., i, pp. 279-282. This note refers to the collection of Doctor Koch at St. Louis. HAY.J BIBLIOGRAPHY. 117 Homer, W. E. Continued. 1841 A Note on the remains of the mastodon, and some other extinct animals col- lected together in St. Louis, Mo. Amer. Jour. Sci., xl, pp. 5G-59. (Extract from Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc.) An investigation of Koch's collection. 1841 B Remarks on the dental system of the mastodon, with an account of some lower jaws in Mr. Koch's collection, St. Louis, Mo., where there is a solitary tusk on the right side. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., i, pp. 307-308. This is an abstract of "Horner.W.E., 1842 A." 1841 C On the dental system of the mastodon. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., ii, pp. 6-7. A note of correction of the preceding paper. 1842 A Remarks on the dental system of the mastodon, with an account of some lower jaws in Mr. Koch's collection, St. Louis, Mo. , where there is a solitary tusk on the right side.- Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., viii, pp. 53-69. Homer, W. E., and Hays, Isaac. 1842 A Description of an entire head, and various other bones of the mastodon. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., viii, pp. 37-48, pis. i-iv. Hovey, Edmund O. 1874 A The largest fossil elephant tooth yet described. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 22d meeting, Portland, 1873, p. 112. Abstract of paper presented. 1900 A The geological and pateontologieal collections in the American Museum of Natural History. Science (2), xii, pp. 757-760. Howes, G. B. 1887 A On the skeleton and affinities of the paired fins of Ceratodus, with observa- tions upon those of Elasmobranchii. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1887, pp. 3-26, with pis. i-iii. 1887 B Morphology of the mammalian cora- coid. Jour. Anat. Physiol., xxi, pp. 190-198, with pi. viii. Howes, G. B. Continued. 1890 A Observations on the pectoral fin skeleton of the living batoid fishes, and of the extinct genus Squaloraja, with "especial reference to the affinities of the same. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1890, pp. 675-688, with 10 figs, in the text. 1893 A On the mammalian pelvis, with especial reference to the young of Ornithorhynchus anatinus. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xxvii, pp. 543-556, with pi. xxviii. 1896 A On the mammalian hyoid, with especial reference to that of Lepus, Hy- rax, and Cholcepus. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xxx, pp. 513-526, with pi. viii. See also Hancock and Howes. Howes, G. B., and Davies, A. M. 1888 A Observations upon the morphology and genesis of supernumerary phalan- ges, with especial reference to those of the amphibia. Proc. Zool. Soc,, Lond., 1888, pp. 495-511, with pis. xxiv, xxv. Howes, G. B. , and Harrison, J. 1893 A On the skeleton and teeth of the Australian dugong. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 62d meeting, Edinburgh, 1892, p. 790. Howes, G. B., and Bidewood, W. 1888 A On the carpus and tarsus of the Anura. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1888, pp. 411-182, with pis. vii-ix. Howes, G. B., and Swinnerton, H. H. 1900 A On the development of the skeleton of the Tuatera, Sphenodon (Hatteria) punc- tatus. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1900, pp. 516-617. An abstract of a paper read before the society. Howorth, H. H. 1870 A The extinction of the mammoth. Report of the Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 39th meeting, Exeter, 1869, pp. 90-91. Abstract of paper presented. 1881 A Climate of Siberia in the era of the mammoth. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xxi, p. 148. Extracts form Howorth's paper in the Goe- logical Magazine for December, 1880. 118 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Howorth, H. H. Continued. 1881 B The sudden extinction of the mam- moth. Geol. Magazine (2), viii, pp. 309-315. 1892 A Did the mammoth live before, dur- ing, or after the deposition of the gla- cial drift. Geol. Magazine (3), ix, pp. 250-258; 396-405. See Jukes-Brown, vol. ix, p. 477. 1893 A The true horizon of the mammoth. Geol. Magazine (3), x, pp. 20-27; 161-163; 353-355. 1894 A The mammoth age was contemporary with the age of great glaciers. Geol. Magazine (4), i, pp. 161-167. Hoy, P. K. 1871 A Dr. Koch's Missourium. Amer. Naturalist, v, pp. 147-148. Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1877 A Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Kopf- skelets der Holocephalen. Niederlandisches Archiv fur Zoologie, iii, pp. 255-276, with pi. xvii. See also Morphologisches Jahrbuch, iii. 1878 A Pisces: Fische. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen, vi, Abth. i, pp. 1-86, with pis. i-xii. Of this work, pp. 1-48, pis. i-vii, appeared in 1876; pp. 49-80, pis. viii-x, in 1878; pp. 81-86, in 1885. Pp. 21-86 are devoted to a consideration of the anatomy of the elastnobranchs. 1896 A Die Keimblase von Tarsius, ein Hilfs- mittel zur schilrferen Definition gew- isser Saugethierordnungen. Festschrift zum 70ston Geburtstage von Carl Gegenbaur, ii, pp. 149-178, with pi. i, and 15 figs, in the text. Compares Tarsius with Anaptomorphus. Huene, Friedrich v. 1900 A Devonische Fischreste aus der Eifel. Neues Jahrb. Min., Geol. und Pal., 1900, i, Abhandl., pp. 64-66, with 2 text figs. Records finding of Dinichthys and Rkyn- chodus. Hulke, J. W. 1879 A Note (3d) on (Eucamerotus Hulke) Ornithopsis H. G. Seeley^Bothriospon- dylus Ovfen=Chondrosteo$aurus magnus Owen. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxv, pp. 752-762, with 4 text figs. Hulke, J.W. Continued. 1879 B Note on Poik-ilopleuron bucklandi of Eudes Deslongchamps (pere) identify- ing it with Megalosauras bucklandi. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., xxxv, pp. 233-238, with pi. xii. 1880 A Supplementary note on the vertebrae of Ornithopsis, SeeleyEucamerotus, Hulke. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxvi, pp. 31-34, with pis. iii, iv. 1882 A Note on the os pubis and ischium of Ornithopsis eucamerolus. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxviii, pp. 372-376, with pi. xiv. 1883 A The anniversary address of the Presi- dent. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc.,xxxix, Proceedings, pp. 38-65, with 18 figs, in the text. Discusses the structure of various extinct reptiles, Enaliosauria and Dinosaurs, espe- cially the structure of shoulder girdle and limbs. 1883 B An attempt at a complete osteology of Hypsilophodon foxii. Philosoph. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, clxxiii, pp. 1035-1062, pis. Ixxi-lxxxii. 1884 A The anniversary address of the Presi- dent [of the Geol. Soc. Lond.]. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., vol. xl, Proceedings, pp. 37-57, with 8 text flgs. Discusses structure of certain Dinosauria, especially Iguanodon. 1885 A Note on the sternal apparatus in Iguanodon. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xli, pp. 473-475, with pi. xiv. 1888 A Contribution to the skeletal anatomy of the Mesosuchia, based on fossil re- mains from the clays near Peterborough in the collection of A. Leeds, esq. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1888, pp. 417-442, with pis. xviii, xix. 1892 A On the shoulder girdle in Ichthyo- sauriu and tiauropterygia. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Iii, pp. 233-255, with 9 figs, in the text. Humbert, Alois. See Pictet and Hum- bert. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 119 Humphry, G. M. 1866 A On the homologies of the lower jaw, and the bones connecting it with the skull in birds, reptiles, and fishes. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 36th meeting, Birmingham, 1865, pp. 87-S9. 1870 A On the homological relations to one another of the mesial and lateral fins of osseous fishes. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., v, pp. 58-66, pi. ii. Humphreys, John. 1889 A The suppression and specialization of teeth. Proc. Birmingham Philos. Soc., vi, pp. 137- 161. See also Windle and Humphreys. Hunt, J. G. 1874 A [Report on food of the mastodon.] Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xvii, pp. 91-92. Hunter, William. 1769 A Observations on the bones, commonly supposed to be elephant's bones, which have been found near the river Ohio, in America. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1768, Iviii, pp. 34-45, with pi. iv. Hurst, C. Herbert. 1893 A The digits in a bird's wing: a study of the origin and multiplication of er- rors. Natural Science, iii, pp. 275-281, with photo- graphic reproduction of wing of Archxopteryx. 1895 A The structure and habits of Archseop- teryx. Natural Science, vi, pp. 112-122; 180-186; 244- 248, with 2 pis. and 2 figs, in the text. Hutchinson, H. N. 1893 A Extinct monsters. A popular account of some of the larger forms of ancient animal life, with illustrations by J. Smit and others. Pp. i-xxii, 1-270, with pis. i-xxvi and 58 text figs. Reviewed in Natural Science, ii, pp. 135-143. Huxley, Thomas H. 1858 A On Cephalaspis and Pteraspis. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., xiv, pp. 267- 280, with pis. xiv, xv, showing the microscop- ical structure of the skeleton. 1858 B On a new species of Plesiosanrus from Street, near Glastonbury, with remarks on the structure of the atlas and axis Huxley, Thomas H. Cont'd. vertebrae and of the cranium in that genus. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., xiv, pp. 281- 294. 1858 C Observations on the development of some parts of the skeleton of fishes. 1. On the development of the tail in Teleostean fishes. 2. On the development of the palato- pterygoid arc and hyomandibular sus- pensoriuin in fishes. Quart. Jour. Micros. Sci., vii, pp. 33-46. 1859 A Observations on the genus Pteraspis. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 28th meeting, Leeds, 1858, pp. 82-83. 1859 B On the dermal armour of Jacare and Caiman, with notes on the specific and generic characters of recent Crocodilia. Jour. Linn. Soc. Lond., iv, pp. 1-28. 1859 C On a new species of Dicynodon (D. murrayi) from near Colesberg, South Africa, and on the structure of the skull in the Dicynodonts. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., xv, pp. 649- 658, with pis. xxii, xxiii. 1861 A On Pteraspis dunensis (Archseoteuthis dunensis, Roemer). Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., xvii, pp. 163- 166, with 2 figs, in the text. 1861 B Preliminary essay upon the system- atic arrangement of the fishes of the Devonian epoch. Mem. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom, decade 10, pp. 1-40; pis. 1-3. 1861 C Phaneropleuron andersoni. Mem. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom, decade 10, pp. 47-49; pi. iii. 1863 A Description of Anthracosaurus russelli, a new labyrinthodont from the Lanark- shire coal field. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., xix, pp. 56-68. 1864 A On the cetacean fossils termed ' 'Ziph- ius," by Cuvier, with a notice of a new species ( Belemnoziphius compressus) from the Red Crag. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., xx, pp. 388- 396, with pi. xix. 120 FOSSIL VERTEBBATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Huxley, Thomas H. Cont'd. 1865 A On the osteology of Glyptodon. Philosoph. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., civ, pp. 31-70; pis. 4-9. 1866 A Illustrations of the structure of the Crossopterygian ganoids. Mem. Geol. Surv. United Kingd., decade 12, pp. 3-45, with pis. ii-x. 1867 A On the classification of birds. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1867, pp. 415-472, with 36 figs, in the text. 1867 B Description of vertebrate remains from the Jarrow colliery, part i. Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., xxiv, pp. 353-369, with pis. xix-xxiii. 1868 A On the animals which are most nearly intermediate between birds and reptiles. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., xvi, pp. 243-248. Also in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), i, 1868, pp. 220-224; Geol. Mag. (1), v, PP- 357-365. 1869 A Triassic Dinosauria. Nature, i, pp. 23-24. Discusses, among other genera, Bathygnathus and Belodon. On the representatives of the malleus and the incus of the Mammalia in the other Vertebrata. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1869, pp. 391-107, with 8 figs, in the text. 1869 C On Hyperodapedon. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Lond., xxv, pp. 138- 152; 157-158, with 5 figs, in the text. 1869 D On the upper jaw of Megalosaurus. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., xxv, pp. 311- 314, with pi. xii. 1870 A On the progress of palaeontology. Anniversary address delivered before the Geological Society. Nature, i, pp. 437-443. 1870 B The anniversary address of the presi- dent [of the Geol. Soc. Lond.]. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Lond., xxvi; Proceed- ings, pp. xxix-lxiv. 1870 C Further evidences of the affinity be- tween the Dinosaurian reptiles and birds. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., xxvi, pp. 12-31. Huxley, Thomas H. Cont'd. 1870 D The classification and affinities of the Dinosauria. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., xxvi, pp. 32-51, with pi. iii. 1872 A A manual of the anatomy of verte- brated animals. Pp. 1-431, woodcuts 110. New York, D. Ap- pleton & Co., 1872. 1874 A On the structure of the skull and of the heart of Menobranchus lateralis. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1874, pp. 186-204, With pis. xxix-xxxii. 1875 A Note on the development of the col- umella auris in the Amphibia. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 44th meeting, Belfast, 1874, pp. 141-142. Abstract in Nature, vol. xi, 1874, p. 68. 1875 B On Slagonolepis robertsoni, and on the evolution of the Crocodilia. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., xxxi, pp. 423- 438, with pi. xix. 1875 C Amphibia. Encyclop. Brit., ed. 9, i, pp. 750-771, with 26 figs, in the text. 1876 A On Ceratodus forsteri, with observa- tions on the classification of fishes. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1876, pp. 24-69, with 11 woodcuts in the text. 1876 B On the evidence as to the origin of existing vertebrate animals. ' Nature, xiii, pp. 388-389, 410-412, 429-430, 467-169, 514-516; xiv, pp. 33-34. Abstracts of 6 lectures delivered at the Royal School of Mines. 1876 C The direct evidence of evolution ; ( ii ) , the negative and favorable evidence. Popular Sci. Monthly, Ivi, pp. 207-223, 285- 298, with illus. 1880 A On the cranial and dental characters of the Canidte. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1880, pp. 238-288 , with 16 woodcuts in the text. 1880 B On the application of the laws of evolution to the arrangement of the Vertebrata, and more particularly of the Mammalia. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1880, pp. 649-661. HAY.J BIBLIOGRAPHY. 121 Huxley, Thomas H. Cont'd. 1883 A On the oviducts of Osmerus, with re- marks on the relations of the teleostean with the ganoid fishes. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, pp. 131-139, with 2 woodcuts. 1887 A Further observations on Hyperodape- don gordoni. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xliii, pp. 675-694, with pis. xxvi, xxvii. Hyrtl, Joseph. 1853 A Ueber normale Quertheilung der Saurierwirbel. Sitzungsber. Akad Wissensch. Wien, math.- nat. 01., x, pp. 185-192. 1854 A Beitrag zur Anatomie von Heterotis ehrenbergii G. V. Denkschr. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien, math.-nat. Cl., viii, pp. 73-88, with pis. i-iii. The writer makes comparisons of Heterotis Ihering, H. von. 1891 A Sobre la distribution geogrdfica de los Oeodontes. Revista Argentina de Historia Natural, i, pp. 209-213. 1891 B Ueber die zoologisch-systematische Bedeutung der Gehororgane der Tele- ostier. Zeitschr. Wissensch. Zool., Hi, pp. 477-514, with pi. xxxi. See also Sitzungsbericht Gesellsch. naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1891, pp. 23-26. Iwanzon, Nikolai. 1887 A Der Scaphirhynchus. Vergleichend- anatomische Beschreibung. Bull. Soc. Imp. des Naturalistes de Moscou (n. s.), i, pp. 1-41, with pis. i,ii. Jaccard, Auguste. See Pictet and Jac- card. Jackson, C. T. 1851 A Description of five new species of fossil fishes. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, pp. 138-142. Describes Palxoniscus att>erti, P. brvwnii, and P. cairnsii; the others unnamed. 1851 B Descriptions of the fossil fishes of the Albert coal mine. Pp. 22-25 of "Report on the Albert coal minV etc., Boston, 1851. Plates not issued with the text and missing in the copy examined. Jackson, J. B. S. 1845 A On the fossil bones of Mastodon gi- ganteus from marl pit in New Jersey. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., ii, pp. 60-62. Jaeger, Georg Friedr. 1828 A Ueber die f ossile Reptilien welche in Wurttembergaufgefunden worden sind. Pp. i-vi, 1-48, with pis. i-vi. Stuttgart. 1828. 1844 A Ueber die Stellung und Deutung der Ziihne des Wallrosses. Muller's Archiv f. Anat, Physiol., etc., 1844, pp. 70-75. 1851 A Berichtigung einer Angabe Cuviers iiber einen Narwhalschiidel des Stutt- gartes Naturalienkabinets, an welchen beide Stosszahne aus den Zahnhohlen hervorragen sollen. Jahreshefte Vereins vaterl. Naturkunde Wurttembergs, vii, pp. 24-32, with 2 figs, on pi. i. 1857 A Bemerkungen iiber die Verander- ungen der Zahne von Saugethieren im Lauf ihrer Entwicklung, namentlich (A) bei dem Narwhal (Monodon mono- ceros) und (B) dem Cachalot (Physeter macrocephalus) . Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou, xxx, pt. ii, pp. 571-580, with 1 text fig. Jaekel, O. 1884 A Die Selachier aus dem oberen Mus- chelkalk Lothringens. Abhandl. geol. Specialkarte von Elsass-Loth- ringen, iii, pp. 275-332, with pis. vii-x. 1890 A Ueber die systematische Stellung und iiber fossile Reste der Gattung Pristro- phorus. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., xlii, pp. 86-120, with pis. ii-v, and 7 figs, in the text. See also Jaekel, O., in Archiv. fur Naturge- schichte, Ivii, Bd. 1, pp. 15-48. 1890 B Ueber Phaneropleuron und Hemi- ctenodus, n. g. Sitz.-Ber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1890, pp. 1-8, with 2 figs, in the text. 1890 C Ueber die Kiemenstellung und die Systematik der Selachier. Sitz.-Ber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1890, pp. 47-57, with 3 figs, in the text. 1890 D Bemerkungen iiber Flossenstacheln oder Ichthyodoruliten im Allgemeinen. Sitz.-Ber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1890, pp. 119-131, with 3 figs, in the text. 122 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Jaekel, O. Continued. 1891 A Ueber Coccostem. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., xlii, pp. 773-774. 1891 B Ueber Menaspis armata Ewald. Sitz.-Ber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1891, pp. 115-131. Discusses, among other matters, the system- atic position of the Elasmobranchs. 1891 C Referate uber die in den letzten Jahren erschienenen Arbeiten xiber Pleuracanthiden. Neues Jahrbuch Mineralogie, etc., 1891, ii, pt. iii, pp. 161-170. Herein are included reviews of a number of writers on the genera Pleuracanthus, Xenacan- thus, and Orthacanthus. These are Chas. Brong- niart, L. Doederlein, E. Koken, and Anton Fritsch. 1891 D Ueber mikroskopische Untersuch- ungen im Gebiet der Palseontologie. Neues Jahrbuch Mineralogie, etc., 1891, i, Abhandl., pp. 178-198. 1892 A Ueber Cladodus und seine Bedeutung fiir die Phylogenie der Extremittiten. Sitz.-Ber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1892, pp. 80-92. 1893 A Ueber die Ruderorgane der Placo- dermen. Sitz.-Ber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1893, pp. 178-181. 1893 B [Review of Dr. J. S. Newberry's "The Palaeozoic fishes of North America."] Neues Jahrbuch Mineral., etc., 1893, i, pp. 174-177. 1894 A Die eocanen Selachier vom Monte Bolca. Ein Beitrag zur Morphogenie der Wirbelthiere. Berlin, 184, with 8 pis. and 39 text figs., pp. 1-176, 4 to. 1894 B Ueber sogenannten Faltenzahne und complicirtere Zahnbildungen iiber- haupt. Sitz.-Ber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1894, pp. 146-153. 1895 A Organisation der Pleuracanthiden. Sitz.-Ber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde, Berlin, 1895, pp. 69-85, with 2 figs, in the text. Jaekel, O. Continued. 1895 B Ueber eine neue Gebissform fossiler Selachier. Sitz.-Ber. Gesellsh. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1895, pp. 200-202. Refers to the dentition of Janassa and Peta- lodus. 1896 A Ueber die Korperform und Hautbe- deckung von Stegocephalen. Sitz.-Ber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1896, pp. 1-8. 1896 B Die Stammform der Wirbelthiere. Sitz.-Ber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 18%, pp. 107-129. 1898 A Ueber die verschiedenen Rochen- typen. Sitz.-Ber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1898, pp. 44-63. 1898 B Ueber Hybodus. Sitz.-Ber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde, 1898, pp. 135-146, with 3 figs, in the text. 1898 C Verzeichniss der Selachier des Main- zer Oligociins. Sitz.-Ber. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, 1898, pp. 161-169. -I QQO A Ueber die Organisation der Petalo- donten. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch. li, pp. 258-298, with pis. xiv, xv, and 7 text figs. 1899 B Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Kiefers und Schultergiirtels von Acan- thodes. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., li, Pro- tokolle, pp. 56-60, with 2 text figs. For more extended paper see Verhandl. deutsch. zool. (iesellsch., 1899, pp. 249-258, with 2 text figs. 1900 A Ueber die Reste von Edestiden und die neue Gattung Hdicoprion. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1900, ii, 144-148. A review of Karpinsky, A. 1899 A. James, Joseph F. 1891 A The Biological Society of Washington. Amer. Naturalist, xxv, pp. 298-299. Contains report of remarks by Profs. H. F. Osborne and O. C. Marsh on Cretaceous mam- mals. HAY.] BIBLIOGEAPHY. 123 Jefferson, Thomas. 1799 A A memoir on the discovery of certain bones of a quadruped of the clawed kind in the western parts of Virginia. Trans. Amer. Philos. Society, iv, pp. 246-260. The first account of the bones of Mcgalonyx. This work is said by C. G. Giebel to have been issued in 1797. Jeffries, J. A. 1881 A On the fingers of birds. Bull. Nuttall Ornithological Club, vi, pp. 6-11. 1882 A On the claws and spurs on birds' wings. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xxi, pp. 301-306. 1883 A Sternal processes in Gallinse. Science, ii, p. 622. 1883 B Osteology of the cormorant. Science, ii, p. 739. 1884 A Osteology of the cormorant. Science, iii, p. 59. Johnston, Christopher. 1859 A Note on Odontology. Amer. Jour. Dental Science, ix, pp. 337-343. Gives the name Astrodon to certain teeth found by him at Bladensburg, Maryland. No description is furnished. Jordan, D. S. 1891 A Relations of temperature to vertebrae among fishes. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xiv, pp. 107-120. Jordan D. S., and Evermann, B. W. 1896 A The fishes of North and Middle America. A descriptive catalogue of the species of fish-like vertebrates found in the waters of North America, north of the Isthmus of Panama. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1896, pt. i, pp. i-lx, 1-1240. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 47. 1898 A The fishes of North America. A de- scriptive catalogue of the species of fish- like vertebrates found in the w r aters of North America, north of the Isthmus of Panama. Part ii, pp. i-xxx, 1241-2183; part iii, pp. i-xxiv, 2184-3136. 1900 A The fishes of North and Middle America, etc. Part iv, pp. i-ci, 3137-3313, with pis. i-cccxcii. Jourdan, 1861 A Description de restes fossiles de deux grands mammiferes constituant le genre Rhizoprion (ordredesc6tac6s, groupedes Delphinoi'des) et le genre Dinocyon (or- dre des carnassiers) , familledes canides. Ann. Sci. Naturelles (4), xvi, pp. 367-374, pl.x. Karpinsky, A. 1899 A Ueber die Reste von Edestiden und die neue Gattung Helicoprion. Verhandl. k. russ. mineralog. Gesellsch., St. Petersburg (2), xxxvi, No. 2. In Russian; quoted from Jaekel, 1900 A. Kaup, J. 1832 A Ueber zwey Fragmente eines Unter- kiefers von Mastodon angustidens Cuv. , nach welchen diese Art in die Gattung Tetracaulodon gehort. Oken's Isis, xxv, cols. 627-630. 1832 B Ueber Rhinoceros incisivus Cuv. , und eine neue Art, Rhinoceros schleiermacheri. Oken's Isis, 1832, cols. 898-904. Establishes genus Aceratherium. 1833 A [Letter addressed to von Leonhard.] Neues Jahrbuch Mineral, etc., 1833, p. 327. Establishes the genus Hippotherium, with Equus gracilis as type. 1835 A Die zwei urweltlichen pferdeartigen Thiere welche im tertiiiren Sande bei Eppelsheim gefunden werden, bilden eine eigene Unter-Abtheilung der Gat- tung Pferd, welche in der Zahl der Fingergliede den Uebergang zur Gat- tung Palseotherium macht und zwischen diese und Pferd zu stellen ist. Nova Acta Caes. Leop.-Carol. Akad. Natur- forsch., xvii, pp. 173-182, with pi. xii B. 1843 A Bemerkungen iiber die drei Arten Mastodon und die drei Arten Tetracau- lodon des Hon. Isaak Hays. Archiv. Naturgesch., ix, i, pp. 168-175. See Hays, I., Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1843, vol. ii, pp. 264-266. Kehner, F. A. 1876 A Zur Phylogenie des Beckens. Verhandl. des naturhist.-medicin. Vereins zu Heidelberg, v, pp. 346-359; pis. vii, viii. Kehrer, Gustav. 1886 A Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Carpus und Tarsus der Arnphibien, Reptilien und Siiuger. Berichte naturforsch. Gesellsch. zu Freiberg, Berichte i, pp. 73-88, with pi. iv. 124 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Kersten, Hermann. 1821 A Capitis Trichechi rosmari descriptio osteologica. Dissertatio inauguralis. Berolini, 8 vo., pp. 5-24, with pis. i-iii. Keyes, Charles R. 1888 A On the fauna of the lower Coal meas- ures of central Iowa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1888, pp. 222-246, with pi. xii. Notes occurrence of Petrodus occidentalis and an unidentified species of Diplodus. 1891 A Fossil faunas in central Iowa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1891, pp. 242-266. Notes occurrence of Thrinacodus duplicatus ? and DeUodus intermediw. 1894 A Palaeontology of Missouri (part ii). Missouri Geol. Survey, v, pp. 1-266, with pis. xxxiii-lvi. The vertebrates are catalogued in chapter xv, pp. 229-239. The synonomy is given, but no descriptions or figures, and no species are mentioned, except the fishes. A list of the fossil vertebrates of Missouri was published in 1890 byG. Hambach (which see), and that con- tained, with rare omissions, the species which are found in this list of Keyes; also some which are not included in Keyes's list. Kindle, Edward M. 1898 A A catalogue of the fossils of Indiana, accompanied by a bibliography of the literature relating to them. 22d Ann. Report Depart. Geol. and Natural Resources [of Indiana] for 1897, pp. 407-514. The list of fossil vertebrates is found on pp. King, Alfred T. 1844 A Description of fossil footmarks sup- posed to be referable to the classes birds, Reptilia, and Mammalia found in the Carboniferous series in Westmore- land County, Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ii, pp. 175-180, and 7 woodcuts. 1845 A Description of fossil footmarks found in the Carboniferous series in West- moreland County, Pa. Amer. Jour. Sci., xlviii, pp. 343-352, with 12 figs. 1845 B Description of fossil footprints. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ii, pp. 299-300. No names are given to the footprints. 1845 C Footprints. Amer. Jour. Sci., xlix, pp. 216-217, with figs. Figures the footprints described in King, A. T. 1845 A. King, Alfred T. Continued. 1846 A Footprints in the coal rocks of West- moreland County, Pa. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), i, p. 268, with 2 text figs. No names are given to these tracks. Lyell regards them as artificial. (Lyell, C. 1846 A. p. 25.) King, Clarence. 1878 A Systematic geology. U. S. Geol. Explor. 40th parallel, Clarence King, geologist in charge, i. In this volume are found several lists of the fossil vertebrates which characterize the Ter- tiary formations. No descriptions of the re- mains are given. The lists are found on the following pages: Jurassic, p. 346; Wasatch, p. 376-377; Bridger, p. 403-^05; Uinta, p. 407; White R., p. 411; John Day, p. 424; Loup Fork, p. 430; Equus beds, p. 443. These lists were no doubt furnished by Prof. O. C. Marsh. King, William. 1850 A A monograph of the Permian fossils of England. London, 1850. Printed for the Palseontographical Society. Pp. i-xxxviii; 1-258, with pis. i-xxviii. Kingsley, J. S., and Buddick, W. H. 1900 A The ossicula auditus and mammalian ancestry. Amer. Naturalist, xxxiii, pp. 219-230, with 3 text figs. Kiprijanoff, Valerian. 1852 A Fisch-Ueberreste im Kurskschen eisenhaltigen Sandsteine. I, II. Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes de Moscou, xxv, pt. 2, pp. 221-226; 483-495, with pis. xii, xiii. 1853 A Fisch-Ueberreste im Kurskchen eisenhaltigen Sandsteine. Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes de Moscou, xxvi, pt. 2, pp. 286-294, with pi. ii. 1854 A Fisch-Ueberreste im Kurskschen eisenhaltigen Sandsteine. V. Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes de Moscou, xxvii, pt. 2, pp. 273-397, with pis. ii, iii. 1881 A Studien uber die fossilen Reptilien Russlands. Th. I. Gattung Ichthyosau- rus Konig, aus dem Severischen Sand- stein oder Osteolith der Kreidegruppe. M6m. Acad. Sci. St. Petersbourg (7),xxviii, No. 8, pp. 1-103, with pis. i-xviii. A considerable portion of this paper and a number of the plates are devoted to the micro- scopic structure of the bones of Ichthyosaurus. 1882 A Studien uber die fossilen Reptilien Russlands. Theil II, Gattung Plesio- HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 125 Kiprijanoff, Valerian Continued. mnn v/.sConybeare, ausdem Severischen Sandstein oder Osteolith der Kreide- gruppe. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersbourg (7), xxx, No. 6, pp. 1-55, with pis. i-xix. Pp. 34-47, with pis. xv-xix, are devoted to the microscopical structure of the bones of species of Plesiosaurus. Kittary, Modeste. 1860 A Recherches anatomiques sur les pois- sons du genre Acipenser. Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou, xxiii, pt. 2, pp. 389-445, with pis. vi, vii. Kittl, Ernst. 1887 A Beit-rage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Saugethiere von Maragha in Persien. I. Garni voren. Annalen des k. k. naturhistorischen Hof- museums, Wien, ii, pp. 317-338, with pis. xiv- xviii. Klaatsch, H. 1890 A Zur Morphologic der Fischschuppen und zur Geschichte der Hartsubstanz- gewebe. I. Die Schuppen der Sela- chier. II. Die Rhombenschuppen der Ganoiden. III. Die Schuppen der Te- liostier. IV. Die Cycloidschuppen der Dipnoer und fossiler Ganoiden. Die Phylogenese der "Cycloidschuppen." V. Die Schuppen von Ichthyophis. VI. Die Ableitung der Schuppen. VII. Die Geschichte der Hartsubstanz- gewebe. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, xvi, pp. 97-203; 209- 258, with pis. vi-viii. Appended are references to the works of 48 authors who have treated the subject. 1893 A Ueber die Wirbelsaule der Dipnoer. Verhandl. anatom. Gesellschaft, 7teu Ver- samml., 1893, pp. 130-132. Discusses the structure of the vertebral col- umn of Ceratadus and Protoptcrus, followed by remarks by Hatschek. 1894 A Ueber die Herkunft der Scleroblas- ten. Jahrbuch, xxi, pp. 153-240, with pis. v-ix and 6 figs, in text. A contribution to knowledge of the genesis of bone. 1896 A Die Brustflosse der Crossopterygier. Ein Beitrag znr Anwendung der Ar- Klaatsch, -A. Continued. chipterygium-Theorie auf die Glied- massen der Landwirbelthiere. Festschrift zum 70sten Geburtstage von Carl Gegenbaur, i, pp. 261-391, with pis. i-iv, and 42 text figs. Appended is a list of 75 papers pertaining to the subject discussed. Klein, E. F. 1863 A Beitrage zur Osteologie der Crocodil- schadel. Jahreshefte Vereins vaterl. Naturkunde in Wurttemberg, xix, pp. 70-100. 1879 A Beitrage zur Osteologie dea Schadels der Knochenfische. Jahreshefte Vereins vaterl. Naturkunde in Wurttemberg, xxxv, pp. 66-126, with pi. i. 1881 A Beitrage zur Osteologie der Fische. Jahreshefte Vereins vaterl. Naturkunde in Wurttemberg, xxxvii, pp. 325-360, with pi. ii. 1885 A Beitrage zur Bildung des Schadels der Knochenfische, ii. Jahreshefte Vereins vaterl. Naturkunde in Wurttemberg, xli, pp. 107-261, with pis. ii, iii. 1886 A Beitrage zur Bildung des Schadels der Knochenfische, iii. Jahreshefte Vereins vaterl. Naturkunde in Wurttemberg, xlii, pp. 205-300, with pis. vii, viii. Klever, Ernst. 1889 A Zur Kenntniss der Morphogenese des Equidengebisses. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, xv, pp. 308-330, with pis. xi-xiii. Appended is a list of the works of 42 authors who have treated the subject of the dentition of the Equidse. Klippart, John H. 1875 A Discovery of Dicotyles (Platygonus) compressus, Le Conte. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 23d meeting, Hartford, 1874, pp. 1-6. Also in Cincinnati Quarterly Journal of Science, 1875, vol. ii, pp. 1-6. 1875 B Mastodon remains in Ohio. Cincinnati Quart. Jour. Sci., ii, pp. 151-155. Klunzinger, C. B. 1871 A Synopsis der Fische des Rot hen Meeres. II Theil. Verhandl. zool.-botau. Gesellsch. in Wien, xxi, pp. 441-688. 126 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Kneeland, S. 1850 A The Manatus not a cetacean but a pachyderm. Proe. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 3d meeting, Charleston, 1860, pp. 42-47. Kner, Rudolph. 1847 A Ueber die beiden Arten Cephalaspis llm/dii und leivissii, Agassiz. Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. i, pp. 159-168, with pi. v. 1860 A Zur Charakteristik und Systematik der Labroiden. Sitz.-Ber. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien, math.- nat. Cl., xl. pp. 41-67, with pis. i-ii. 1863 A Ueber enige fossile Fische aus den Kreide- und Tertiar-schichten von Co- men und Podsused. Sitz.-Ber. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien, math.- nat. CL, xlviii, pp. 126-148, with pis. i-iii. 1866 A Betrachtungen iiber die Ganoiden, als naturliche Ordnung. Sitz.-Ber. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien, liv, Abth. i, pp. 519-636. 1866 B Die fossile Fische der Asphaltechiefer von Seefeld in Tirol. Sitz.-Ber. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien, math.- naturw. CL, liv, Abth. i, pp. 303-334, with pis. i-vi. For "Nachtrag" i, see the Sitzungsber, Ivi, Abth.i, pp. 898-909; "Nachtrag" ii, pp. 909-913, with pis. i-iii. 1866 C Die Fische der bituminosen Schiefer von Raibl in Karnthen. Sitz.-Ber. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien, liii, pp. 1-46, with pis. i-vi. 1867 A Ueber Orthacanthus decheni Goldf. oder Xenacanthus decheni Beyr. Sitz.-Ber. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien, math.- naturw., CL, lv, pp. 640-584, with pis. i-x. 1868 A Ueber Conchopoma gadiforme nov. gen. et spec, und Acanthodes aus dem Rothliegenden (der untern Dyas) von Lebach bei Saarbriicken in Rhein- preussen. Sitz.-Ber. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien, math.- naturw., CL, Ivii, pt. i, pp. 278-304, with pis. i-viii. Knight, 1835 A [On fossil jaw of buffalo.] Amer. Jour. Sci., xxvii, p. 166. Opinion expressed on a jaw found at Cha- tauqua Lakej N. Y. Knight, W. C. 1895 A A new Jurassic plesiosaur from Wyo- ming. Science (2), ii, p. 449. Describes Cimoliosaurm rex Knight. 1898 A Some new Jurassic vertebrates from Wyoming. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4), v, 186, with 2 figs, in the text. Describes Ceratodus robustus and C. ameri- canus. 1898 B Some new Jurassic vertebrates from Wyoming. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4), v, pp. 378-380, with plate of 3 figs. Describes and figures Mef/alncusaurus rex, & new genus based on C ' imoliosaurus rex Knight. 1899 A The Nebraska Permian. Jour. Geology, vii, pp. 357-374. 1900 A Some new Jurassic vertebrates. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4), x, pp. 115-119, with 1 page of figs. Kober, J. 1882 A Studien iiber Talpa europsea. Verhandl. naturf. Gesellsch. in Basel, vii Theil, pp. 62-119, with pis. i, ii. 1884 A Studien iiber Talpa europsea. Verhandl. naturf. Gesellsch. in Basel, vii Theil, pp. 465-485, with pi. vii. Koch, Albert. 1839 A The mammoth (mastodon? Eds.). Amer. Jour. Sci., xxxvi, pp. 198-200. This article is for the most part an extract from the Phila. Presbyterian, but Leidy (1869 A, p. 393) attributes the authorship to Dr. Koch. 1839 B Remains of the mastodon in Mis- souri. Amer. Jour. Sci., xxxvii, pp. 191-192. 1840 A A short description of fossil remains found in the State of Missouri by the author. Written and published by Albert Koch, proprietor of the St. Louis Museum, St. Louis, Churchill F NORTH AMERICA. Marsh, O. C. Continued. 1892 I Restoration of Mastodon nmericanus, ( 'uvier. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xliv, p. 350. with pi. v-iii. [BULL. 179. 1894 B A new Cretaceous bird, allied to Hesperornig. Amer. Jour. Set (3), xlv, pp. 81-82, with 3 figs, in the text. The skull and brain of daosaurus. Amer. Jonr. Sci. (3), xlv, pp. 83-86, with pis. iv, v. 1893C Restoration of Coryphodon. Amer. Jour. ScL (3), xlvi, pp. 321-326, with pis. T, vi. 1893 D Description of Miocene Mammalia. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xlvi, pp. 407-412, with pis. vii-x. 1893 E Restoration of Mastodon americanus, Cuvier. GeoL Magazine (3), x, p. 164, pi. viiL Same as Marsh, O. C., 1892 I. 1893 F Restorations of Anchisaurus, Cerato- saurus, and daozaunis. Geol. Magazine (3), x, pp. 150-157, pis. vi and vii, and 1 fig. in the text. 1893 G Restoration of Anchisaurus. Amer. Jour. ScL (3), xlv, pp. 169-170, with 1893 H Restoration of Coryphodon. Geol. Magazine (3), x, pp. 482-487, pi. xviii, and 6 figs, in the text Some recent restorations of dino- saurs. Nature, xlviii, pp. 437-138. A correction of some errors in R. Lydekker's paper in Nature, xlviii, p. 302. 1893 J Discussion sur la correlation des roches clastiques. Compte rend. Cong. Geol. Internal., Wash- ington, 1891, pp. 156-159. 1894 A Restoration of Campiosaurus. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xlvii, pp. 245-246, with pi. vi. Marsh, O. C. Continued. Restoration of Elotherium. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xlvii, pp. 407-408, with pi. ix. 1894 C A new Miocene mammal. Amer. Jour. ScL (3), xlvii, p. 409, with 3 figs, in the text. Describes Heptacodon curtut. 1^*4 I> Footprints of vertebrates in the Coal- measures of Kansas. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xlviii, pp. 81-84, with 1894 E The typical Ornithopoda of the Amer- ican Jurassic. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xlviii, pp. 85-90, with pis. iv-viL 1894 F Eastern division of the Miohippus beds, with notes on some of the char- acteristic fossils. Amer. Jonr. Sci. (3), xlviii, pp. 91-94, with 2 figs, in the text. 1894 G Restoration of Oamptosaurus. Geol. Magazine (3), i, pp: 193-195, with pLvi. Same as Marsh, O. C., 1894 A. 1894 H Restoration of Elotherium. Geol. Magazine (4), i, pp. 294-295, with pl.x. Same as Marsh, O. C., 1894 B. 18941 Footprints of vertebrates in the Coal- measures of Kansas. Geol. Magazine (3), i, pp. 337-339, with Descriptions and figures of several species. The same, in part, as Marsh, O. C., 1894 D. 1894 J A gigantic bird from the. Eocene of New Jersey. Amer. Jonr. Sci. (3), xlviii, p. 344, with 5 figs, in the text. Describes new genus and species, Barornu regen*. 1894 K Miocene artiodactyles from the east- ern Miohippus beds. Amer. Jonr. ScL (3), xlviii, pp. 175-178, with 7 figs, in the text. 1894 L Description of Tertiary artiodac- tyles. " Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xlviii, pp. 259-274. with 34 figs, in the text. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 163 Marsh, O. C. Continued. 1894 M A new Miocene tapir. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xlviii, p. 348. Describes Tanyops undans from South Da- kota. 1895 A The Reptilia of the Baptanodon beds. Amer. Jour. Sci. ($), 1, pp. 405-406, with 3 figs, in the text. Figures and describes hind paddle of Bap- tanodon discus and vertebra of B. natans and of Pantosaurus (Parasaurus) striaius. 1895 B Restoration of some European dino- saurs, with suggestions as to their place among the Reptilia. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3),-l, pp. 407^12, with pis. v-viii, and 1 fig. in the text. Also in Report Brit. Assoc.Adv. Sci., Ipswich, 1895, pp. 685-688; and Geol. Magazine (4), iii, pp. l-, figs. 1, 2 and pis. i-iv. 1895 C On the affinities and classification of the dinosaurian reptiles. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), 1, pp. 483-498, with pi. x. Abstract of paper read before International Congress of Zoologists, Leyden, 1885. See also Marsh, O. C., 1896 D, Marsh, O. C., 1896 A, and Marsh, O. C., 18% D. 1895 D Fossil vertebrates,. Johnson's Universal Cyclopaedia, viii, pp. 491-498, with double plate containing 16 figs., and 48 figs, in the text. 1896 A Restoration of some European dino- saurs, with suggestions as to their place among the Reptilia. Geol. Magazine (4), iii, pp. 1-9, pis. i-iv. See also Marsh, O. C., 1895 C. 1896 B A new Belodont reptile (Stegomus) from the Connecticut River sandstone. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4), ii, pp. 59-62, with 3 figs. in the text. Describes Stegomus arcuatus. 1896 C The dinosaurs of North America. Sixteenth Annual Report U. S. Geol. Surv., 1894-95, part i, pp. 133-244, with pis. ii-lxxxv, and text figs. 1-66. 1896 D On the affinities and classification of dinosaurian reptiles. Compte rendu des stances du troisieme Con- gres International de Zoologie, Leyden, 1895, pp. 196-211, with 1 pi. and 11 figs, in the text. See also Marsh, O. C., 1895 A and 1895 C. Marsh, O. C. Continued. 1896 E The geology of Block Island. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4), ii. pp. 295-T98. 1896 F The Jurassic formation on the At- lantic coast. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4), ii, pp. 433-447, with 2 figs, in text showing relationships of the strata. See also Science (2) iv, pp. 805-816, figs. 1-2. 1896 G Amphibian footprints from the De- vonian. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4), ii, pp. 374-575, with 1 fig. of footprint of Thinopus antiquug. 1897 A Affinities of Hesperornis. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4), iii, pp. 347-348. 1897 B The Stylinodontia, a suborder of Eocene Edentates. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4), iii, pp. 137-146, with 9 figs, in the text. 1897 C Vertebrate fossils of the Denver Basin. Monographs U. S. Geol. Surv., xxvii, pp. 473-527, with pis. xxi-xxxi and text figs. 23-102. 1897 D Principal characters of the Protocer- eting, Aberdeen, 1895, pp. 153-166. 1860 B Monograph of the fossil Reptilia of the Cretaceous and Purbeck strata, including supplement No. Ill, Creta- ceous Pterosauria and Sauropterygia. Supplement No. II, Iguanodon and Pur- beck Lacertilia. Palseontographical Society, xii, pp. 1-39, pis. i-viii. 190 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Owen, Richard Continued. I860 C On the vertebral characters of the order Pterosauria, as exemplified in the genera Pterodactyls (Cuvier) and Di- morphodon (Owen). Philosi. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., cxlix, pp. 161-169, with 10 pis. 1860 D On the Megatherium (M. americanum Cuv. & Blum. ). Part. V. Bones of the posterior extremities. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., vol. cxlix, pp. 809-S29, pis. xxxvii-xli. 1860 E Palaeontology; or, a systematic sum- mary of extinct animals, and their geological remains. Pp. i-xv, 1-120, with 141 figs., Edinburgh, 1860. A second edition was published in 1861. 1860 F On some reptilian fossils from South Africa. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xvi, pp. 49-63, with pis. i-iii. 1862 A Description of specimens of fossil Reptilia discovered in the Coal-measures of the South Joggins, Nova Scotia, by Dr. J. W. Dawson. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xviii, pp. 238-244, with pis. ix-x. 1863 A ( I ) On the Dicynodont Reptilia, with a description of some fossil remains brought by H. R. H. Prince Alfred from South Africa, November, 1860. (II) On the pelvis of Dicynodon. (Ill) Not ice of a skull and parts of the skele- ton of Rh>/nchosaurus articeps. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clii, pp. 455- 467, with pis. xix-xxv. 1864 A On the skeleton of the gare-fowl (Alca impennis), and the probability of its being an extinct species. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xxxviii, p. 431. Taken from Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., July 1864 B Monograph of the fossil Reptilia of the Cretaceous formations; including supplement No. II. Cretaceous Saurop- terygia. Supplement No. Ill, Iguano- don. Palseontographical Society, xvi, pp. 1-21, pis. i-x. Owen, Richard Continued. 1864 C On the Archseopteryx of Von Meyer, with a description of a long-tailed spe- cies from the lithographic stone of Solenhofen. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., cliii, pp. 33-47, pis. i-iv. 1865 A Monograph of the fossil Reptilia of the Liassic formations. Part I. Sauro- pterygia. Palseontographical Society, xvii, pp.1-40, pis. i-xvi. 1865 B Observations on Recherches sur les Squalodons, par P. J. Van Beneden. Geol. Magazine (1), ii, pp. 405-411. A review of the above work of Van Beneden, which appeared in Memoirs Royal Acad. of Belgium, 1865. 1866 A On the anatomy of vertebrates. I. Fishes and reptiles. Pp. i-xlii, 1-650, woodcuts 452. London, 1866, 8vo. 1866 B On the anatomy of vertebrates. II. Birds and mammals. London, 1866, pp. i-viii, 1-592, with 406 figs. in the text and 3 tables. 8vo. 1866 C Description of the skeleton of the great auk, orgarfowl (Alca impennis'L.) . Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., v, pp. 317-335, with pis. li and Hi. 1866 D Description of part of the lower jaw and teeth of a small Oolitic mammal (Stylodon pusillus Ow. ). Geol. Magazine (1), iii, pp. 199-201, with pi. x, figs. 1, 2. 1867 A On the mandible and mandibular teeth of Cochliodonte. Geol. Magazine (1), iv, pp. 59-63, with pi*. iii and iv. 1867 B On the dental characters of genera and species, chiefly of fishes from the Lower Main seam and shales of coal, Northumberland. Trans. Odontolog. Soc. Great Britain, v, pp. 323-376 with pis. i-xv. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 191 Owen, Richard Continued. 1868 A | On the anatomy of vertebrates. III. Mammals. Pp. i-x, 1-915, text figs. 1-614, London, 1868. Vol. iii treats of the anatomy of the soft portions of the animal body and of the dentary and tegumentary systems. Chapter xi treats of the general conclusions reached. 1869 A On fossil teeth of equines from Cen- tral and South America. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., xvii, pp. 267-268. Equus conversidens described. E. tau, E. curvidens, and E. arcidens mentioned. 1870 A Monograph of the fossil Reptilia of the Liassic formations. Part II. Ptero- saur ia. Palseontographical Society, xxiii, pp. 41-81, pis. xvii-xx. 1870 B On fossil remains of equines from Central and South America referable to Equus conversidens, Ow., Equus tau, Ow. , and Equus arcidens, Ow. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clix, 559-573, pis. Ixi-lxii. 1870 C On remains of a large extinct lama (Palauchenia magna Ow. ), from Quater- nary deposits in the valley of Mexico. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clx, pp. 65-77, pis. iv-vii. 1871 A Monograph of the fossil Mammalia of the Mesozoic formations. Palseontographical Society, xxiv, pp. 1-115, pis. i-iv. 1872 A Monograph of the fossil Reptilia of Wealden formation. Supplement No. IV. Dinosauria (Iguanodon). Palseontographical Society, xxv, pp. 1-15, pis. i-iii. 1873 A Description of the skull of a dentig- erous bird (Odontopteryx toliapicus, Ow.) from the London clay of Sheppey. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxix, pp. 511-522, with pis. xvi-xvii. 1874 A Monograph on the fossil Reptilia of the Wealden and Purbeck formations. Supplement No. V. Iguanadon. Palseontographical Society, xxvii, pp. 1-18, pis. i, ii. Owen, Richard Continued. 1874 B Monograph on the fossil Reptilia of the Mesozoic formations. Part I. Ptero- sauria (Pterodactylus) . Palseontographical Society, xxvii, pp. 1 -14, pis. i, ii. 1875 A On fossil evidences of a sirenian mammal (Eotherium xgypticum, Owen) from the Nummilitic Eocene of the Mokattam Cliffs, near Cairo. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxi, pp. 100-105, with pi. iii. 1875 B On Prorastomus sirenoides (Ow.). Part II. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxi, pp. 559-567, with pis. xxviii, xxix. Reviewed in Geol. Magazine, (2) ii, pp. 422-423. 1875 C Monograph of the fossil Reptilia of the Mesozoic formations. Part II. (Genera Bothriospondylus, Cetiosaurus, Omosaurus. ) Palseontographical Society, xxix, pp. 15-93, pis. iii-xxii. 1876 A On the existence or not of horns in the Dinocerata. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xi, pp. 401-403. 1876 B Evidences of Theriodonts in Permian deposits elsewhere than in South Af- rica. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxii, pp. 352-363, with 9 text figs. Discusses Bathygnathus borealis. 1876 C Monograph on the fossil Reptilia of the Wealden and Purbeck formations. Supplement No. VII. Crocodilia (Poiki- lopleuron), Dinosauria (Chondrosteo- saurus). Palaeontographical Society, xxx, pp. 1-7, pis. i-vi. 1877 A On the rank and affinities in the rep- tilian class of the Mosasauridsc, Gervais. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxiii, pp. 682-715, with 24 figs, in the text. 1878 A On the influence of the advent of a higher form of life in modifying the structure of an older and lower form. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxiv, pp. 421-430. 192 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Owen, Richard Continued. 1878 B On the affinities of the Mosasauridse, Gervais, as exemplified in the bony structure of the fore fin. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxiv, pp. 748-753, with 4 woodcuts in text. 1878 C Monograph on the fossil Reptilia of the Wealden and Purbeck formations. Supplement No. VII. Crocodilia ( Goni- opholis, Petrosuchus, and Suchosaurus). Palseontographical Society, xxxii, pp. 1-15, pis. i-vi. 1878 D On the occurrence in North America of rare extinct vertebrates found frag- mentarily in England. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), ii, pp. 201-223, with pis. x, xi. 1879 A Monograph of the fossil Reptilia of the Wealden and Purbeck formations. Supplement, No. IX. Crocodilia (Goni- opholis, Brachydectes, Nannosuchus, The- rwwchus, and Nuthetes) . Palaeontographical Society, xxxiii, pp. 1-19, pis. i-iv. 1879 B On the occurrence in North America of rare extinct vertebrates found frag- mentarily in England. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), iv, pp. 53-61, with pi. viii. A continuation of paper designated Owen R., 1878 D. 1880 A On the occurrence in North America of rare extinct vertebrates found frag- mentarily in England. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), v, pp. 177-181, with pi. viii. Conclusion of papers designated as Owen, R., 1878 D and Owen R., 1879 B. 1881 A A monograph of the fossil Reptilia of the Liassic formations. Part III. Ich- thyopterygia. Palseontographical Society, xxxv, pp. 83-134, pis. xxi-xxxiii. 1881 B On the order Theriodontia, with a description of a new genus and species (JElurosaurus felinus Ow.). Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxvii, pp. 261-265, with pi. ix. Owen, Eichard Continued. 1881 C Description of parts of the skeleton of an Anomodont reptile (Platypodo- saurus robustus Owen). Part II. The pelvis. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxvii, pp. 266-271, with pi. x. Contains remarks by Seely and Twelve- trees. 1883 A On generic characters in the order Sauropterygia. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxix, pp. 133-138, with 3 woodcuts in the text. 1883 B On the skull of Megalosaurus. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxix, pp. 334-347, with pi. xi and 1 cut in the text. 1884 A On the skull and dentition of a Trias- sic mammal ( Tritylodon longsevus) from South Africa. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xl, pp. 146-152, with 1886 A American evidences of Eocene mam- mals of the ' ' plastic-clay ' ' period. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. ScL, 65th meeting, Aberdeen, 1885, p. 1033. Abstract. 1886 B On a new perissodactyle ungulate from Wyoming. Geol. Magazine (3), iii, p. 140. A reference to Woodward, H., 1886 B, con- cerning Phenacodus. 1889 A Monograph on the British fossil Cetacea of the Red Crag. Palseontographical Society, pp. 1-40, with pis. i-v and 14 text figs. This paper deals especially with the genus Ziphius, but a number of other genera are dis- cussed, among them Belemnoziphius. Packard, A. S. 1867 A Observations on the glacial phe- nomena of Labrador and Maine, with a view of the recent invertebrate fauna of Labrador. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., i, pp. 210-303, with pis. vii, viii. 1868 A The hairy mammoth. Amer. Naturalist, ii, pp. 23-35, with 4 wood- cuts in the text. 1886 A Geological extinction and some of its apparent causes. Amer. Naturalist, xx, pp. 29-40. HAY.} BIBLIOGEAPHY. 193 Palmer, T. S. 1895 A The earliest name for Steller's sea cow and dugong. Science (2), ii, pp. 449-450. The earliest generic name of the sea cow is Ilii'Jrodamalis Retzius; the earliest specific name is gigas Zimm. 1897 A On the genera of rodents: An at- tempt to bring up to date the current arrangement of the order. By Oldfleld Thomas, F. Z. S., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 1896, pp. 1012-1028. Science (2), vi, pp. 103-107. A review of the paper whose title is quoted above. , 1899 A [Review of Dr. E. L. Trouessart's Catalogus Marnmalium,] Science (2), x, pp. 491-495. Contains corrections of various generic names of mammals. Pander, Christ. H. 1856 A Monographic der fossilen Fische des silurischen Systems der russisch-bal- tischen Gouvernements. Pp. i-x, 1-91, with 9 pis. St. Petersburg, 1856. 1857 A Ueber die Placodermen des devo- nischen Systems. Pp. 1-106, with pis. 1-8, and B. St. Peters- burg, 1857. 4. 1858 A Die Ctenodipterinen des devonischen Systems. Pp. i-viii, 1-65, with pis. i-ix. 4. 1860 A Ueber die Saurodipterinen, Dendro- dipterinen, Glyptolepiden, und Cheiro- lepiden des devonischen Systems. Pp. i-ix, 1-90, with 17 pis. St. Petersburg, 1860. Pander, C. H., and d' Alton, Ed. 1818 A Riesenfaulthier (Megatherium). Isis von Oken, 1818, cols. 1083-1086. A letter addressed to Isis from Madrid. Panton, J. Hoyes. 1891 A The mastodon and mammoth in On- tario, Canada. Geol. Magazine (3), viii, pp. 504-505. 1892 A The mastodon and mammoth in On- tario, Canada. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 61st meeting, Cardiff, 1891, pp. 654-655. Bull. 179 13 Paquier, V. 1894 A Etude sur quelques cetaces du Mio- cene. Mem. Soc. Geol. France. Paleontologie, iv, mem. No. 12, pp. 1-20, with pis. xvii-xviii. Parker, H. W. 1884 A [Abstract of an account of the find- ing of a mammoth in Grinnel, Iowa, by H. W. Parker; taken from Daily Iowa Capital.'] Science, iv, p. 46. 1885 A Footprints in the rocks of Colorado. Science, v, pp. 312-313, with 2 woodcuts. Parker, T. Jeffrey. 1887 A Notes on Carcharodon rondeletti. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1887, pp. 27-40, with pis. iv-viii. 1890 A On the presence of a sternum in Notidanus indicus. Nature, xliii, p. 142, with 1 fig. 1895 A On the cranial osteology, classifica- tion, and phylogeny of the Dinorni- thidse. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., xiii, pp. 373-431, with pis. Ivi-lxii. Parker, W. K. 1864 A On the sternal apparatus of birds and other Vertebrata. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, pp. 339-341. 1866 A On the structure and development of the skull in the ostrich tribe. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clvi, pp. 113- 183, with pis. vii-xv. 1866 B On the osteology of gallinaceous birds and tinamous. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., v, pp. 149-241, with pis. xxxiv-xlii. A monograph on the structure and development of the shoulder girdle and sternum in the Vertebrata. Published by the Ray Society, pp. i-xii, 1-237, with pis. i-xxx. 1870 A On the structure and development of the skull of the common fowl. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clix, pp. 755- 807; pis. Ixxx-lxxxvii. 194 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. rnuLL.179. Parker, W. K. Continued. 1871 A On the structure and development of the skull of the common frog (Rana temporaria) . Philos. Trans. Roy. Sue. Lond., clxi, pp. 137- 211, pis. iii-x. 1872 A On the structure and development of the crow's skull. Monthly Micros. Jour. Lond., viii, pp. 217-226, . with pis. xxxiv-xxxvi. 1873 A On the development of the skull in the tit and sparrow-hawk. Monthly Micros. Jour. Lond., ix, pp. 6-11; 45-50, with pis. ii, v, vi. 1874 A On the structure and development of the skull in the salmon (Salmo solar L.) Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clxiii, pp. 95- 145; pis. i-viii. 1874 B On the structure and development of the skull in the pig (Sus scrofa). Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc., clxiv, pp. 289-336, pis. xxviii-xxxvii. An analysis of this memoir by E. Alix is found in Jour, de Zoologie, iv, 1875, pp. 62-69. 1875 A Birds. Encyclop. Brit.,ed. 9,iii, pp. 699-728, wood- cuts 1-37. The remainder of the article on birds is from the pen of Alfred Newton. Parker deals with the osteology in particular. 1875 B On segithognathus birds. ( Part I. ) Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., ix, pp. 289-352, with pis. liv-lxii. 1876 A On the structure and development of the bird's skull. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. (2), i, pp. 99-154, with pis. xx-xxvii. 1877 A On the structure and development of the skull in the Batrachia. Part. II. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clxvi, pp. 601-669, pis. liv-lxii. 1878 A On the structure and development of the skull in the sharks and skates. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., x, pp. 189-234, with pis. xxxiv-xlii. 1878 B On the skull of the aegithognathous birds. Trans: Zool. Soc. Lond., x, pp. 251-314, with pis. xlvi-liv. Parker, W. K. Continued. 1879 A On the structure and development of the skull in the common snake (Tropi- dowotus natrix). Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clxix, pp. 385-417, pis. xxvii-xxxiii. 1879 B On the evolution of the Vertebrata. Nature, xx, pp. 30-32, 61-64, 81-83, with 4 figs, in the text. 1880 A On the structure and development of the skull in the Laeertilia. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clxx, pp. 595- 640, pis. xxxvii-xlv. See also Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 214. 1881 A On the structure and development of the skull in the Batrachia. Part III. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clxxii, pp. 1-266, pis. i-iv. 1882 A On the development of the skull in Lepidosteus osseus. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clxxiii, pp. 443-491, pis. xxx-xxxviii. 1882 B On the structure and development of the skull in sturgeons (Acipemer ruthe- nus and A. sturio. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clxxiii, pp. 139-185, pis. xii-xviii. 1882 C On the structure and development of the skull in the urodeles. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., xi, pp. 171-214, with pis. xxxvi-xli. 1882 D On the morphology of the skull in the Amphibia. Urodela. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. (2) , ii, pp. 165-212, with pis. xiv-xxi. On the structure and development of the skull in the Crocodilia. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., xi, pp. 263-310, with pis. Ixii-lxxi. 1884 A On the presence of claws in the wings of birds. The Ibis (5), vi, pp. 124-128, with 4 figs, in in the text. 1885 A On mammalian descent: The Hun- terian lectures for 1884. Pp. i-xii, 1-229, with addenda and illus. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 195 Parker, W. K. Continued. 1885 B On the structure and development of the skull in the Mammalia. Part III. Insectivora. Nature, xxxi, pp. 377-379. 1886 A On the structure and development of the skull in the Mammalia. Part II. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc., Lond., clxxvi, pp. 1-21-278, pi's, xvi-xxxix. 1887 A On the morphology of birds. Nature, xxxv, pp. 331-332. 1889 A On the structure and development of the wing of the common fowl. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clxxix, pp. 385-398, pis. Ixii-lxv. 1889 B On the "manus" of Phcenicopterus. The Ibis (6), i, pp. 183-185, \vith2 figs, in the text. 1891 A On the morphology of a reptilian bird, Opisthocomus cristatus. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., xiii, pp. 43-85, with pis. vii-x. 1891 B On the morphology of the Gallinacese. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., (2), v, pp. 213-244, with pis. xxii-xxv. Parsons, F. G. 1899 A The joints of mammals compared with those of man. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xxxiv, pp. 41-68, with 14 text figs. 1900 A The joints of mammals compared with those of man. Part II. Joints of the hind limbs. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xxxiv, pp. 301-323, with 10 figs, in the text. Patten, William. 1890 A On the origin of vertebrates from arachnids. Quart. Jour. Micros. Sci., xxxi, pp. 317-378, with pis. xxiii, xxiv, and 18 text figs. Paulli, Simon. 1899 A Ueber die Pneumaticitat des Scha- dels bei den Saugethieren. I. Ueber den Bau des Siebbeins. Ueber die Morphologic des Siebbeins und die der Pneumaticitut bei den Monotremen und don Marsupialiern. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, xxviii, pp. 147-178, with pi. vii and 16 figs, in the text. Paulli, Simon Continued. 1900 A Ueber die Pneumaticitiit des Scha- dels bei den Saugethieren. Eine Mor- phologischeStudie. II. Ueber die Mor- phologie des Siebbeins und die der Pneumaticitiit bei den Ungulaten und Probosciden. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, xxviii, pp. 179-251, with pis. viii-xiv, and 44 figs, in the text. 1900 B Ueber die Pneumaticitiit des Scha- dels bei den Saugethieren. Eine Mor- phologische Studie. III. Ueber die Morphologic des Siebbeins und die der Pneumaticitiit bei den Insectivoren, Hyracoideen, Chiropteren, Carnivo- ren, Pinnepedien, Edentaten, Roden- tiern, Prosimiern, und Primaten, nebst einer zusamenfassenden Uebersicht iiber die Morphologic des Siebbeins und die der Pneumaticitat des Schadels bei den Saugethieren. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, xxviii, pp. 483-564, with pis. xxvii-xxix and 36 figs, in the text. Pavlow, A. 1885 A Notes sur 1'histoire geologique des oiseaux. Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou, Ix, pp. 100-123. Pavlow, Marie. 1887 A Etudes sur 1'histoire paleontologique des ongules en Amerique et en Europe. I. Groupe primitif de 1'eocene infe- rieur. Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou (2), i, pp. 343-373, with pi. vii. 1888 A Etudes sur 1'histoire paleontologique des ongule"s. II. Le developpement des Equidse. III. Rhinoceridie et Ta- piridse. Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou (2), ii, pp. 135^-182, with 2 pis. For Professor Cope's review of this paper see Amer. Naturalist, xxii.p. 448; for that of M. Schlosser, Archiv f. Anthrop., xix, p. 159. 1890 A Etudes sur 1'histoire paleontologique des ongule's. IV. Hipparion de la Russie. V. Chevaux pleistocenes de la Russie. Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou (2), iii, pp. 653-716, with pis. vii-ix. 1892 A Etudes sur 1'histoire paleontologique des ongules. VI. Les Rhinoceridse de 196 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Pavlow, Marie Continued. la Russie et le developpement des RM- iKK'eridie en general. Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou (2). vi. ]>p- 137-221, with pis. iii-v. Appended is a list of 105 papers consulted by the authoress. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. Anthrop,, xxiii, pp. 138-139. 1892 B Qu'est-ce que c'est que VHipparion? Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou (2), v, pp. 410-414. 1893 A Note sur un nouveau crane d'Amy- nodon. Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou (2), vii, pp. 37-42, with pi. iii. 1894 A Les mastodontes de la Russie et leurs rapports avec les mastodontes des au- tres pays. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersbourg (8), i, No. 3, pp. 1-43, with pis. i-iii. 1900 A Etudes sur 1'histoire pateontologique des ongule's. VII. Artiodactyles anci- ens. Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou, for 1899, pp. 268-328, with pis. v, vi. Citations made from reprint with pp. 1-62. Peale, Rembrandt. 1802 A A short account of the mammoth. Tilloch's Philos. Magazine, London, xiv, pp. 162-169. 1802 B On the differences which exist be- tween the heads of the mammoth and elephant. Tilloch's Philos. Magazine, London, xiv, pp. 228-229, with pi. v. 1803 A Account of some remains of a spe'cies of gigantic oxen found in America and other parts of the world. Philos. Magazine, xv, pp. 325-327, with pi. vi. Account of bones found at Bigbone-lick in Kentucky. The plate figures a portion of the skull and horn core of Bison laiifrons. 1803 B An historical disquisition on the mammoth, or great American incog- nitum, an extinct, immense, carnivo- rous animal whose remains have been found in North America. 8vo, pp. i-vi, 1-91, with 1 pi. London, 1 Pearce, J. Chaning. 1846 A Notice of what appears to be the em- bryo of an Ichthyosaurus in the pelvic cavity of Icthyosaurus (communis?). Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (1), xvii, pp. 44-46. Pedroni, P. M. 1844 A Memoire sur les poissons fossiles du departement de la Gironde. Actes Soc. Linn, de Bordeaux, xiii, pp. 277- 298, with pis. i, ii. Most of the drawings illustrating this paper are rude. Perkins, H. C. 1842 A Notice of fossil bones from Oregon, in a letter to Dr. C. T. Jackson. Amer. Jour. Sci., xlii, pp. 136-140, with 4 figs. This paper does not identify with certainty the bones described. May be Megatherium. Mylodon, or Megalonyx, or even something else. J. A. Allen refers them with doubt to Bison antiquus (Allen, J. A., 1876 B, p. 21.) Leidy (1869 A, p. 397) refers some of them to the mammoth. 1844 A Note to the editors respecting fossil bones from Oregon. Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., iv, pp. 134-136. Gives description of a fossil humerus, which is named Orycterotherium oregoncnsis. Perrin, A. 1895 A Recherches sur les affinites zoologi ques de 1' Hcttterin punctata. Ann. Sci. Naturelles (7), Zool., xx, pp. 33-102. The author deals principally with the mus- cular system, but devotes a few pages (39-46) to the skeleton. 1896 A Constitution du carpe des anoures. Bull. Scient. France et Belgique, xxvii, pp. 419-431, pi. xvi. Peters, Karl. 1869 A Zur Kenntniss der Wirbelthiere aus den Miociinschichten von Eibiswald in Steiermark. I. Die Schildkrotenreste. Denkschr. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien, math.- natuvwiss. Cl., xxix, pp. 111-124, pis. i-iii. 1869 B Zur Kenntniss der Wirbelthiere aus den Miociinschichten von Eibiswald in Steiermark. II. Amphicyon, Viverra, Hyotherium. Denkschr. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien, math.- naturwiss. Cl., xxix, pp. 189-214, with pis. i-iii. 1870 A Zur Kentniss der Wirbelthiere aus den Miocanschichten von Eibiswald in HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 197 Peters, Karl Continued. Steiermark. III. Rhinoceros, Anchithe- rium. Denkschr. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien, math.-naturw. Cl. xxx, pp. 29-49, with pis. i-iii. 1895 A Ueber die Bedeutung des Atlas der Amphibien. Anatom. Anzeiger, x, pp. 565-574. Contains titles of 2(i papers on the subject. Peters, Wilhehn. 1839 A Zur Osteologie der IlydromeditMi ;<>.'- imiliani. Archiv Anat. and Physiol., Jahrg. 1839, pp. 280-295, with pi. xiv, figs. 1-4. 1839 B Ueber die Bildung des Schildkroten- Archiv. Anat. and Physiol. u. Wissensch. Med., 1839, pp. 290-295, with pi. xiv, figs. 5-7. 1852 A Ueber die Gebissformel der Spitz- rnause. Archiv f. Naturgesch., xviii, i, pp. 220-277. 1864 A Ueber das Milchgebiss des Walrosses, Odobnenus rosmanis. Monatsber. k. p. Akad. Wissenscli. Berlin, 1864, pp. 685-4)87, with 1 pi. Philippi, E. 1897 A Ueber Ischyodus mevicus nov. sp. Ein Beitragzur Kenntniss der fossilen Holo- cephalen. Palseontographiea, xliv, pp. 1-10, with pis. i, ii. Contains description and figures of Ischyodus sucvicus. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A Traite de paleontologie, on histoire naturelle des anirnaux fossiles conside- res dans leurs rapports zoologiques et geologiques. Second edition, i, pp. i-xiv; 1-584, with atlas of 110 pis. 4. The first edition of the work was published in the year 1844. 1854 A Traite" de paleontologie, etc. Second edition, ii, pp. 1-297. Only the pages of this volume which treat of Vertebrata are in- cluded here. These are devoted to the fishes. Pictet, F. J., and Campiche, G. 1858 A Description des fossiles du terrain cr6tac6 des environs de Sante-Croix. Materiaux pour la paleontologie suisse, ser. ii, art. 2, pp. 1-380, with pis. i-xliii. Of this work pp. 29-99, inclusive, with pis. i- xii. are devoted to the vertebrates. Pictet, F. J., G-audin, C., and Harpe, Ph. de la. 1857 A Mmoire sur les animaux vertebres trouves dans le terrain siderolitique du Canton de Vaud et appartenant a la faune eocene. Geneve, 1855-1857, pp. 1-120, with pis. i- xiv+1. Pictet, F. J., and Humbert, Alois. 1856 A Monographie den rhrlonitMis de la rnolasse suisse. Materiaux pour la paleontologie, ser. i, art. 3, pp. 1-71, with pis. i-xxii. On pp. 64-66 is found a list of the tortoises of the Swiss rnolasse. 1866 A Nouvelles recherches sur les poissons fossiles du Mont Liban. Geneve, 1866, pp. i-vii; 1-115, with pis. i-xix. i Pictet, F. J., and Jaccard, Auguste. 1860 A Description de quelques debris de rep- tiles et de poissons fossiles trouves dans 1'etage jurassique superieur (virgalien) du Jura neuchatelois. Materiaux pour la paleontologie sviisse, .ser. iii, art. i, pp. 1-88, with pis. i-xix. Plieninger, Th. 1852 A Belodon plieningeri, H. v. Meyer. Ein Saurier der Keuperformation. Jahreshefte Ver. f. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttem- berg, viii, pp. 389-524, with pis. viii-xiii. Plieninger, Felix. 1895 A Campylognathw zitteli. Ein neuer Flugsaurier aus dem Lias Schwabens. Palaeontographica, xli, pp. 193-222, with pis. xix and 8 figs, in the text. This paper con tains a very full bibliography of the pterodactyls. Plummer, John T. 1843 A Suburban geology, or rocks, soil, and water about Richmond, Wayne County, Ind. Amer. Jour. Sci. (1), xliv, pp. 281-313, with 14 figs, in the text. Refers (p. 301) to the finding of a large tusk at Brookville, Ind., and of a mastodon's tooth near Jacksonburg, Ind. See, also, Amer. Jour. Sci., xl, 1841, p. 149. Pohlig, Hans. 1887 A Ueber amerikanische Elephanten- molaren. Verhandl. Naturf. Ver. preuss. Rheinlande, xliv, Sitzungsber., pp. 117-118. Recognizes two N. A. species, E.yrimigemus and E. trogontlierii. The latter, the author says, may be identical with /;. columbi. 198 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BOLL. 179. Pohlig, Hans Continued. Die Spit/*- cine* sehr jugendliehen permanenten Stosszahnes von Elephas priminenius. Verhandl. Naturf. Ver. preuss. Rheinlande, xliv, Sitzungsber., p. 254. 1889 A Dentition und Kranologie des Ele- phas antiquus Falc, mit Beitragen iiber Elephaxprimigenius'Blnm. und Elephas meridional Nesti. Nova Acta Akad. Cses. Leop.-Car., liii, pp. 1-259, with pis. i-x and 110 figs, in the text. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. Anthrop., xix, pp., 127-129. 1892 A Die Cerviden des thiiringischen Di- luvial-Travertines, mit Beitragen iiber andere diluviale und iiber recente Hirschformen. Palseontographica, xxxix, pp. 215-264, with pis. xxiv-xxvii. 1892 B Dentition und Kranologie des Elephas antiquus Falc, mit Beitragen iiber Ele- phas primigenius Blum, und Elephas meridionalis Nesti. Zweiter Abschnitt. Nova Acta Acad. Cses. Leop.-Car., Ivii, pp. 267-466, with pis. A-E and text figs. 108-152. Review by M.Schlosser in Archiv f. Anthrop., xxii, pp. 96-97. 1893 A Le premier crane complet du Rhi- noceros (Cienopus) occidentalis, Leidy. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol., Paleont., Hydrol., vii, Mem., pp. 41-44, with pi. iii. Pollard, E. C. 1893 A The succession of teeth in mammals. Natural Science, ii, pp. 360-363. Pollard, H. B. 1892 A On the anatomy and phylogenetic position of Polypterus. Zool. Jahrbucher, v, pp. 387H128, with pis. xxvii-xxx and 10 figs, in the text. 1894 A The cirrhostomial origin of the head in vertebrates. Anatom. Anzeiger, ix, pp. 349-359, with 4 figs. in the text. Discusses the derivation of the Siluroids from Amphioxus, Myxine, etc. 1894 B The suspension of the jaws in fish. Anatom. Anzeiger, x, pp. 17-25, with 5 figs. Pollard, II. B. Continued. 1895 A The oral cirri of Siluroids and the origin of the head in vertebrates. Zool. Jahrbucher; Abth. f. Anat., viii, pp. 379-424, pis. xxiv, xxv. Pomel, A. 1847 A Note critique sur les caracteres et les 1 unites du genre Palseotherium. Arch. Sci. Phys. et Nat., Geneva, v, pp. 200- 207. 1847 B Sur un nouveau genre de pachy- dermes fossiles (Elotherium) voisin des Hippopotames. Arch. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Geneva, v, pp. 307- 308. 1847 C Note sur des animaux fossiles de"cou- verts dans le departmente del'Allier. Bull. Soc. Geol. France (2), iv, pp. 378-385, with pi. iv. 1848 A Observations paleontologiques sur les hippopotames et les cochons. Arch. Sci. Phys. et Nat., Geneva, viii, pp. 155-162. Treats of the species of Hippopotamus and of Sus then known. 1848 B Note sur le genre Hyopotamus Owen et sur les Anchitheriums en general. Arch. Sci. Phys. et Nat., Geneva, viii, pp. 321-326. 1848 C Etudes sur les carnassiers insectivores. I. Insectivores fossiles. II. Classifica- tion des insectivores. Arch. Sci. Phys. et Nat., Geneve, ix, pp. 159- 165; 244-251. 1848 D Description de la tete du Castoroides ohioensis Foster. Arch. Sci. Phys. et Nat., Geneva, ix.pp. 165- 167. A review of Wyman, J., 1846 B. 1853 A Catalogue methodique et descriptif des vertebres fossiles decouverts dans le bassin hydrographique superieur de la Loire, et surtout dans la vallee de son affluent principal, 1'Allier. 8 vo. Paris, 1853, pp. 1-193. Portis, Alessandro. 1878 A Ueber fossile Schildkroten aus dem Kimmeridge von Hannover. Palaeontographica, xxv, pp. 125-140, with pis. xv-xviii. IAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 199 Portis, Alessandro Continued. 1882 A Les cheloniens de la Mollasse Vau- doise conserves dans le Musee Geolo- gique de Lausanne. Abhandl. schweizer. paliiontolog. Gesellsch., ix, pp. 1-78, pis. i-xxix. Contains 59 titles of papers consulted. Fouchet, Georges. 1866 A Contribution a 1'anatomie des Eden- tes. Jour. 1'Anat. et Physiol., iii, pp. 113-129, 337- 353, with pis. iii, iv, ix, x. See vol. iv, pp. 35-37, for a letter from Rich- ard Owen to Pouchet on the above memoir. Pouchet, G., and Beauregard, H. 1889 A Recherches sur le cachalot. Nouv. Arc-h. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat., Paris (3), i, pp. 1-96, with pis. i-viii. This portion of the authors' researches is devoted to the osteology of Physetfr mncroceph- alus. Powrie, James. 1861 A Cephalaspides of Forfarshire. The Geologist, iv, pp. 137-180, with wood- cut. 1864 A The Scottish Pterctpis. The Geologist, vii, pp. 170-172. 1864 B On the fossiliferous rocks of Forfar- shire and their contents. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xx, pp. 413-429, with pi. xx. Contains remarks on Acanthodidx and Ce- phalaspidee. New genus Euthacanthtts ( = Cli- matiiis) is established. 1867 A On the genus Cheirolepis, from the Old Red sandstone. Geol. Magazine (1), iv, pp. 147-152, with 2 figs, in the text. Powrie, James, and Lankester, E. Ray. 1868 A A monograph of the fishes of the Old Red sandstone of Britain. Part I. The Cephalaspidie, by E. R. Lankester. Palseontographical Society, xxi, pp. 1-33, pi. i-v, text figs. 1-12. 1870 A A monograph of the fishes of the Old Red sandstone of Britain. Part I (con- cluded). The Cephalaspidie. Palaeontographical Society, xxiii, pp. 1-62, pis. vi-xiv, text figs. 12-33. Preble, Edward A. 1899 A Revision of the jumping mice of the genus Zapus. N. A. Fauna, No. 15 (U. S. Dept. Agricult.), pp. 1-42, with pi. i. Preyer, William. 1862 A Ueber Plautus impennis Brunn. Jour, fur Ornithologie, x, pp. 110-124, 337-356. Priem, F. 1896 A Sur des dents de poissons du Cretac6 supe>ieur de France. Bull. Soc. Geol. France (3), xxiv, pp. 288-295, with pi. ix. 1897 A Sur des dents d'Elasmob ranches de divers gisements senoniens (Villedieu, Meudon, Folx-les-caves). Bull. Soo. Gol. France (3), xxv, pp. 40-50, with pi. i. Sur des pycnodontes et des squales du Cretace superieur du bassin de Paris (Turonien, Senonien, Montien inferi- eur). Bull. Soc. Geol. France (3), xxvi, pp. 229- 243, with pi. ii. Describes new species Cododusattenuatus, and gives figs, of Cm-cut, pristodantus and Scapanor- hynchusl (Odontaspis) sulndai'us. Prime, A. J. 1845 A Great American mastodon. Amer. Quart. Jour. Agricult. and Sci., ii, pp. 203-212, with pi. iv. Probst, J. 1858 A Ueber das Gebiss des Notidanus primigenius Ag. Jahreshefte Ver. f. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttem- berg, xiv, pp. 124-127, with 10 figs, in the text. 1859 A Ueber die Streifung der fossilen Sq ualiden zahne. Jahreshefte Ver. f. vaterl. Naturk. Wurttem- berg, xv, pp. 100-102. 1878 A Bertrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische aus der Molasse von Baltringen. Jahreshefte Ver. f. vaterl. Naturk. Wurttem- berg, xxxiv, pp. 112-154, with pi. i. 1879 A Bertrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische aus der Molasse von Baltringen. Jahreshefte Ver. f. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttem- berg, xxxv, pp. 127-191, with pis. ii, iii. This paper is devoted to descriptions of the teeth of sharks. 1885 A Ueber fossile Reste von Squalodon. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der fossilen Reste der Meeressaugetiere aus der Molasse von Baltringen. Jahreshefte Ver. vaterl. f. Naturk. Wiirttem- berg, xli, pp. 49-67, with pi. i. 200 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Probst, J. Continued. 1886 A Ueber die fossilen Reste von Zahn- walen (Cetodonten) aus der Molasse von Baltringen. .Tnhreshefte Ver. vaterl. f. Naturk. Wiirttem- berg, xlii, pp. 102-145, with pi. Hi. Prout, H. A. 1846 A Gigantic Palxotherium. Amer. Jour. Soi. (2), ii, pp. 288-289, with 1 fig. in the text. 1847 A Description of a fossil maxillary bone of a Palieotheriunt from near White River. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), iii, pp. 248-250, with 2 flgs. in the text. 1860 A [Remarks of Dr. Prout on a fossil tgoth found at King's salt works, near Abingdon, Va.] Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i, pp. 699-700. On this tooth the genus Leidyotherium was proposed without any specific name. It ap- pears to be quite probable that there was an error regarding the locality. Putnam, F. W. 1884 A Man and the mastodon. Science, iv, p. 112. Refers to Plummer, J. T., 1843 A. 1885 A Man and the mastodon. Science, vi, pp. 375-376. ' Pycraft, W. P. 1894 A The wing of Archseopteryx. Part I. Natural Science, v, pp. 350-360, with pis. i-iii. 1896 A The wing of Archseopteryx. Natural Science, viii, pp. 261-266, with 3 figs. in the text. 1898 A Contributions to the osteology of birds. Part I. Steganopodes. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1898, pp. 82-101, with pis. vii, viii, and 8 figs, in the text. 1899 A Contributions to the osteology of birds. Part III. Tubinares. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1899, pp. 381-411, with pis. xxii, xxiii, and 2 text figs. Quart. Jour. Geol. Sci. 1845 A Notice of a mastodon recently dis- covered in North America. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., i, pp. 566-567. An extract "from an American paper," re- ferring to the Newburgh, N. Y., mastodon. Quenstedt, Fr. Aug. 1847 A Ueber Lepidotus im Lias E. Wurttem- bergs. Pp. 1-24, with pis. i, ii. Tubingen, 1847. Description of Lepifiotus elvensig, Blv. 1850 A Ueber Hippotherium der Bohnenerze. Jahreshefte Ver. f. vaterl. Naturk. Wurttem- berg, vi, pp. 164-185, with pi. i. This volume, it is stated on the title-page, wns not issued until 1&54. 1850 B Die Mastodonsaurier im griinen Keu- persandsteine Wurttemberg's sind Ba- trachier. Pp. 1-34, with pis. i-iv, Tubingen, 1850. 1852 A Handbuch der Petrefactenkunde. Pp. 1-792, with 62 pis. Tubingen, 1852. Pp. 1-258, with pis. 1-19, are devoted to the Vertebrata. A second edition of this work was published in 1866. A third edition of 1,239 pages and 100 pis. appeared in 1885. 1858 A Ueber Pterodactylus liasicus. JahreshefteVer. f. vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttem- berg, xiv, pp. 299-310, with pi. ii, fig. 1. 1885 A Handbuch der Petrefactenkunde. Dritte umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. Tubingen, 1885, pp. i-viii, 1-1239, with an atlas of 100 pis. and explanations and 443 figs. in the text. Of this work pp. 19-392 are devoted to the Vertebrata. 1889 A Psammochelys keuperina. Jahreshefte Ver. f. vaterl. Naturk. Wurttem- berg, xlv, pp. 120-130, with pis. i, ii. Rapp, Wilhelm. 1852 A Anatomische Untersuchungen iiber die Edentaten. Mit 10 Steindruckta- feln. 2te Auflage. Pp. 1-108. Tubingen, 1852. Treats of the anatomy, including the osteol- ogy, of the living Edentata. Rathke, Heinrich. 1853 A Ueber den Bau und die Entwicklung des Brustbeins der Saurier. Pp. 1-26, Konigsberg, 1853. A translation of this work will be found in Parker, W. K., 1868 A. Redfield, John Howard. 1837 A Fossil fishes of Connecticut and Mas- sachusetts, with a notice of an unde- scribed genus. Annals Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., iv, pp. 35-40. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 201 Redfield, W. C. 1838 A Newly discovered ichnolites. Amer. Jour. Sci., xxxiii, pp. 201-202. 1838 B Fowil fishes in Virginia. Amer. Jour. Soi., xxxiv, p. 201. 1839 A Fossil fishes of the Red sandstone. Amer. Jour. Sci., xxxvi, pp. 186-187. Mentions only Catopterus gracilis and Palae- niiixcus, species not determined. 1841 A Short notices of American fossil fishes. Amer. Jour. Sci. (1), xli, pp. 24-28. 1843 A Notice of newly discovered fish beds and a fossil footmark in the Red sand- stone formation of New Jersey. Amer. Jour. Sci. (1), xliv, pp. 134-136, with 1 fig. in text. 1850 A On some fossil remains from Broome County, N. Y. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 2d meeting, Cambridge, Mass., pp. 255-256. \'ulj>cii obtained from clay beneath drift. 1853 A On the geological age and affinities of the fossil fishes which belong to the sandstone formation of Connecticut, New Jersey, and the coal field near Richmond, in Virginia. Annals of Science (Cleveland, Ohio), i, pp. 270-271. Abstract of communication made to the Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1856 A On the relations of the fossil fishes of the sandstone of the Connecticut and other Atlantic States to the Liassic and Oolitic periods. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xxii, pp. 357-363. 1857 A On the relations of the fossil fishes of the sandstone of Connecticut and other Atlantic States to the Liassic and Jurassic periods. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 10th meeting, Albany, 1856, pp. 180-188. Reh, L. 1894 A Die Gliedmassen der Robben. Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturwiss., xxviii (xxi), pp. 1-44, with pi. i. Appended is a list of papers, 36 in number, which bear on the subject discussed. Reh, L. Continued. 1895 A Die Schuppen der Siiugetiere. Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturwiss., xxix (xxii), pp. 157-220, with pi. i. ' Appended is a list of papers bearing on the subject, 90 in number. Reichenow, Anton. 1871 A Die Fussbildungen der Vogel. Jour, fur Ornithologie, xix, pp. 401-458, with pi. vi. Reichert, C. B. 1865 A Ueber ein Sch;ldel-f ragmen t des Glyptodon. Archiv Anat. Physiol. u. wissensch. Med., 1865, p. 336. Reinhardt, J. 1866 A Ueber den Hautpanzer der mega- theroiden Thiere. Archiv Anat. Physiol. u. wissensch. Med., 1866, pp. 414-415. 1874 A Sur les anomalies des vertebres sacrees chez les crocodiliens. Jour, de Zoologie, iii, pp. 308-312. 1875 A De i Brasiliens Knoglehuler fundne Glyplodont-Levninger og en ny, til de gravigrade Edentater horende Slsegt. Vidensk. Meddel. naturh. Forening Kjo- benhavn, 1875, pp. 165-236, with pi. iv. 1879 A Beskrivelse af Hovedskallen af et Ksempedovendyr, Grypotherium dar- winii, fra La Plata-Landenes plejsto- cene Dannelser. Danske Vidensk. Selskab. Skr. (5), xii, pp. 353-374, with pis. i, ii, and resucme in French, pp. 375-379. 1880 A De i brasilianske Knoglehuler fundne Navlesvin-Arter. Vidensk. Meddel. naturh. Forening, Kjo- benhavn, 1880, pp. 3-33, with pi. vii. Describes as new Dicotyles stenocephalus and compares it with North American species. Reis, Otto M. 1888 A Die Ccelacanthinen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der im Weissen Jura Bayerns vorkornmenden Gattungen. Palaontographica, xxxv, pp. 1-96, with pis. i-v. 1892 A Ueber die Zurechnung der Acantho- dier zu den Selachiern. Sitzungsber. Gesellsch. naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1892, pp. 153-156. Followed by remarks in reply by Dr. Otto Jaekel. 202 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Otto M. Continued. 1Sir> A On tin- structure of the frontal spine u.i.l tin- n. sir. -labial cartilages >f S,/ti- 385-391, pi. xii. 1895 B Illustrationen zur Kenntniss des Skelets von Acanthodes bronni Agassiz. Abhandl. senckenb. naturforsch. Gesellsch., xix, pp. 49-64, with pis. i-vi. 1895 C I'aheontologische Beitriige zur Stam- mesgeHchicht*' der Teleostier. Nf lies Jahrb. Mineral., 1895, i, Abhandl., pp. l(i-_M82. 1896 A Ueber Acanthodes bronni Agassiz. Schwalbe's Morpholog. Arbeiten, vi, pp. 143-220, pis. vi, vii, and 2 figs, in the text. For review of this paper see A. Tornquist, in Zoolog. Centralbl., i, pp. 649-656. 1897 A Das Skelet der Pletiracanthiden und ihre systematischen Beziehungen. Abhandl. senckenb. naturforsch. Gesellseh., xx, pp. 57-155, with pi. i. Reviewed by Tornquist, Zoolog. Centralbl., v, 1898, pp. 472-474. Reissner, E. 1859 A Ueber die Schuppen von Polyptems und Lepidosteus. Archiv. Anat. Physiol. u. wissensch. Med., 1859, pp. 259-268, with pi. v, A. Renevier, E. 1879 A Les Anlhracotherium de Rochette. Bull. Soc. Vaudoise, Sci. Nat. (2), xvi, pp. 140-148, with pis. iv-viii. Reuse, August Em. 1846 A Die Versteinerungen der bohmischen Kreideformation. Abth. I. Pp. i-iv, 1-68, with i-xiii, Stuttgart. 4to. Of this "Abtheilung" only pp. 1-13 are de- voted to the Vertebrata, and these are all fishes. Rhoads, Samuel N. 1894 A A contribution to the life history of the Allegheny cave rat, Neotoma mag- ister. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila.,1894, pp. 213-221. 1895 A Distribution of the American bison in Pennsylvania, with remarks on a new fossil species. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila , 1895, pp. 244-248. Describes new species, B. appalachicolus. Rhoads, Samuel X. Oont'd. 1897 A Notes on ' living and extinct species of North American Bov'ulw. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1897, pp. 483- 502, with pis. xii. 1898 A Notes on the fossil walrus of North America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1898, pp.196-201. Rice, Franklin P. 1885 A An account of the discovery of a mastodon's remains in Northborough, Worcester County, Mass. Worcester, Mass., 1885. Pp. 3-8, with 1 pi. Richardson, John. 1854 A The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Herald. Vertebrates, including fossil mammals. Pp. 172; pis. i-xxxiii. London, 1854. 1854 B Extract from the " Zoology of the Herald" on the mastodon found in the Swan River region. . - Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., v, pp. 82-84. 1855 A Note on the Mastodon (?) and the Elephas primigenius. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xix, pp. 131-132. Ridewood, W. G. 1895 A The teeth of the horse. Natural Science, vi, pp. 249-258, with figs. Describes and illustrates the dentition of the horse from six months before birth to old age. Riese, Heinrich. 1892 A Beitrag zur Anatomie des Tylotriton rerrucosus. Zoo\. Jahrbiicher Abth. Anat. und On tog., pp. 99-154, with pi. 9-11. Riggs, Elmer S. 1896 A Hoplophoneus occidentalis. Kansas Univ. Quarterly, v, pp. 37-52, with pl.i. 1896 B A new species of Dinictis from the White River Miocene of Wyoming. Kansas Univ. Quarterly, iv, pp. 237-241, with 1 fig. in the text. Describes D.paucidens, sp. nov. 1898 A On the skull of Amphictis. Amer. Jour. Sci. (4), v, pp. 257-259, with 2 figs, in the text. 1899 A The MylagauUdx: an extinct family of sciuromorph rodents. Pubs. Field Columb. Mus., Geol., i, pp. 182- 17, with text figs. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 203 Rig-gs, Elmer S. Continued. H00 A Fossil hunting in Wyoming. Science (2), xi. pp. 233-234. Mentions Prof. V.\. Lucas's identification of Labrnxattriix with Antrodemus. Riley, Henry, and Stutchbury, Samuel. 1838 A A description of various fossil re- mains of three distinct saurian animals recently discovered in the Magnesian Conglomerate near Bristol. Trans. Geol. Soc. Lond. (2), v, pp. 349-357, with pis. xxix, xxx. A brief abstract is given in Neties Jahrb. Mineral., 1841, pp. 607-609. Ringueberg, Eug. N. S. '. 1884 A A new Dinichthys from the Portage Group of western New York. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3) , xxvii, pp. 476-478, with 2 figs, in the text. Describes D. minor, not D. minor of New- berry; later called /). ringuebergiby Newberry. Roberts, G. E. 1864 A On some remains of Botliriolepis. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 33d meeting, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1863, p. 87. Rochebrune, A. J. 1880 A Revision des ophidiens fossiles du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle Nouv. Arch, du Mus. d'Hist. Na. Paris (2), iii, pp. 271-296. 1881 A Memoire sur les vertebres des ophi- diens. Jour. 1'Anat. et Physiol., xvii, pp. 185-229, with pis. xiv, xv, and 18 figs, in the text. Roemer, Ferdinand. 1849 A Texas: Mit besonderer Riicksicht auf deutsche Auswanderung und die physischen Verhaltnisse des Landes. Mit einem naturwissenschaftlichen An- hange und einer topographisch-geog- nostischen Karte von Texas. Pp. i-xv, 1-464, Bonn, 1849. On pp. 419-420 are found descriptions of iMtnna tezana.and the genus Ancistrodan Debey. Otodus appendiculatus, Oxyrhina mantelli and Cm-ax heterodon are mentioned. 1852 A Die Kreidebildungen von Texas und ihre organischen Einschlusse. Mit einem die Beschreibung von Yerstein- erungen aus paliiozoischen und tertiaren Schichten enthaltenden Anhange und mit 11 von C. Hohe nach der Natur auf Stein gezeichneten Tafeln. Pp. i-vii, 1-100, Bonn, 1852. Roemer, Ferdinand ContM. 185f> A Palneoleuthis, eine Gattung nackter Cephalopoden in devonischen Schich- ten der Eifel. Palseontographica, iv, pp. 72-74, with pi. xiii. Describes Paheoteuthis dunensis. 1857 A Ueber Fisch-und Pflanzen-fuhrende Mergelschiefer des Rothliegenden bei Klein-Weundorf unweit Lowenberg, und im Besonderen uber Acuiitlifxli'x gradlis, den am haufigsten in denselben vorkommenden Fisch. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., ix, pp. 51-84, with pi. iii. 1865 A Ueber das Vorkommen von RMzodus hibberti Owen (Megallchthys hibberti Agassiz et Hibbert) in den Schiefer- thonen des Steinkohlengebirges von Volpersdorf in der Grafschaft Glatz. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., xvii, pp. 272-276, with pi. vi. The species here called Rhizodus hibberti is renamed Rhizodrtpsis robusta by A. S. Wood- ward. 1890 A - Zur Frage nach dem Ursprunge der Schuppen der Saugetiere. Anatom. Anzeiger, viii, pp. 526-532. 1892 A Ueber den Bau und die Entwicklung des Panzers der Giirteltiere. Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturwiss., xxvii (xx), pp. 513-556, with pis. xxiv and xxv. Rse, C. 1892 A Zur Phylogenie des Saugetiergebisses. Biolog. Centralbl., xii, pp. 624-638. Abstract by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. An- throp., xxiii, p. 153. 1892 B Ueber Zahnbau und Zahnwechsel der Dipnoer. Anatom. Anzeiger, vii, pp. 821-839, with 10 figs, in the text. 1892 C Ueber die Zahnentwicklung der Kro- kodile. Verhandl. Anat. Gesellsch., 6th meeting, Vienna, 1892, pp. 225-226. 1892 D Beitrage zur Zahnentwicklung der Jxientaten. Anatom. Anzeiger, vii, pp. 495-512, with 14 text figs. 204 FOS8IL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [HI .179. ROse, C. Continued. 1892 E Ueber die Zahneiitwicklung der I'.ciiteltiere. Anatom. Anzeiger, vii, pp. 639-650; 693-707, with 23 text figs. 1893 A Ueberden Zahnbau und Zahnwechsel Schwalbe's Morpholog. Arbeiten, iii, pp. 173-194, pi. x and 2 text figs. Abstract of, by M. Schlosser, in Archiv f. Anthrop., xxiv, pp. 137-138. Contains citations of the literature of the subject. _ 1893 B Ueber die Zahnentwicklung der Croc- odilia. Schwalbe's Morpholog. Arbeiten, iii, pp. 195-228, with 45 figs, in the text. 1893 C Ueber die Deutung des Milchgebisses der Saugethiere. Verhandl. deutsch. odontolog. Gesellsch., iv, pp. 808-310, with 1 text fig. Preceded by a paper on same subject by Dr. M. Schlosser. _ 1894 A Ueber die Zahnentwicklung von Chlamydoselachus tmguine&t Garman. Schwalbe's Morpholog. Arbeiten, iv, pp. 193-206. with 12 figs, in the text. 1894 B Ueber die Zahnentwicklung der Fische. Anatom. Anzeiger, ix, pp. 653-662, with 8 figs, in the text. 1895 A Das Zahnsystem der Wirbelthiere. Merkel and Bonnet's Anat. Hefte, Ergeb- nisse, iv, 1894, pp. 542-591. List of 248 titles of papers bearing on the subject. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. An- throp., xxv, pp. 193-195. 1897 A Ueber die verschiedenen Abander- ungen der Hartgewebe bei niederen Wirbeltieren. Anatom. Anzeiger, xiv, pp. 33-69, with 28 figs, in the text. ROse, C., and Bartels, O. 1896 A Ueber die Zahnentwicklung des Rindes. Schwalbe's Morpholog. Arbeiten, vi, pp. 49-118, with 39 figs, in the text. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. An- throp., xxv, pp. 234-235. r, Otto. 1887 A Ueber die Hirsche. Correspondenzblatt Vereins Regensb., 1887, Sept., p. 43, with 2 pis. 1889 A Ueber die Umbildungen des Siiuge- thierskeletes und die Entwicklungs- geschichte der Pferde. Abhandl. Vereins Regensb., 1889, p. 35. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. An- throp., xx, pp. 152-154. 1896 A Verzeichniss der bisher bekannten fossilen Saugethiere. Neu zusammen- gestellt von Dr. Otto Roger, kgl. Re- gierungs-und Kreis-Medizinrath in Augsburg. Bericht naturwiss. Vereins f. Schwaben und Neuburg (a. V.), xxxii,pp. 1-272. This is a systematic list of described fossil vertebrates, with references to places of pub- lication of descriptions. Rogers, Henry D. 1842 A Report on the Ornithichnites, or foot- marks of extinct birds in the New Red sandstone of Massachusetts and Con- necticut, observed and described by Prof. Hitchcock, of Amherst. Signed by H. D. Rogers, Lardner Vanuxum, Richard C. Taylor, Ebenezer Emmons, T. A. Conrad. Ann. Nat. Hist., viii, pp. 235-238. 1845 A Remarks upon the bones of Zeuglo- don. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., ii, p. 79. 1851 A On the position and characters of the reptilian footprints in the Carbonif- erous red-shale formation of eastern Pennsylvania. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 4th meeting, New Haven, 1850, pp. 250-251. 1854 A Communication on the epoch of the mammoth. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., v, pp. 22-23. 1855 A Remarks on fossil footprints found in Carboniferous sandstones of Penn- sylvania. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., v, pp. 182-186. 1865 A On a peculiar fossil found in the Mesozoic sandstone of the Connecticut HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 205 Rogers, Henry D. Continued, valley, discovered by Prof. W. B. Rogers. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 34th meeting, Bath, 1864, p. 66. Zoological position of fossil iiot determined. Bohon, J. Victor. 1889 A Ueber fossile Fische. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci., St. Petersbourg (7), xxxvi, No. 73, pp. 1-17; pis. i, ii. Contains remarks on the structure, of the teeth of Acanthodea and Palxoniscus, with illus- trations. 1889 B Die Dendrodonten des devonischen Systems in Russland. Paleeontolo- gische und vergleichend-anatomische Studie. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci., St. Petersbourg (7), xxxvi, No. 14, pp. 1-52, with pis. i, ii and Itext fig. giving a restoration of Dendrodus. 1891 A Ueber Pterichthys. Verhandl. russ.-kais. mineralog. Gesellsch. St. Petersburg (2), xxviii, pp. 292-315, with pi. vii. 1892 A Ueber devonische Fische vom oberen Jenissei nebst Bemerkungen uber die Wirbelsiiule devonischer Ganoiden. Melanges geol. et paleont. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersbourg, vol. i, pp. 17-34, with 1 pi. This paper was published earlier in Bull. Acad. St. Petersbourg (2), i, 1890, pp. 393-410. 1892 B Holoptychius-Schvippen in Russland. Melanges g<5ol. et palfont. Acad. Imp. Sci. I St. Petersbourg, i, pp. 35-56, with 1 pi. 18920 Die obersilurische Fische von Oesel. I Theil, Thyestidse und Tremalaspidse. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersbourg (7), xxxviii, No. 13, pp. 1-88, with pis. i-ii. 1893 A Die obersilurischen Fische von Oesel. II Theil, Selachii, Dipnoi, Ganoidei, l*iera$pidse und Cephalaspidse. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersbourg (7), xli, No. 5, pp. 1-124, with pis. i-iii and 29 text figs. 1894 A Metamerie am Primordial-cranium palyeozoischer Fische. Zoolog. Anzeiger, xvii, pp. 51-62. A brief communication regarding the metamery of the primordial skull of Thytxtes and Tremataspis. Bohon, J. Victor Continued. 1894 B Zur Kenntnis der Tremataspiden (Nachtrag zu den Untersuchungen uber "Die obersilurischen Fische von Oesel"). Melanges geol. et paleont. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersbourg, vol. i, pp. 177-201, with 2 pis. 1895 A Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gattung Ptyctodus. Verhandl. russ.-kais. mineralog. Gesellsch. St. Petersburg (2), xxxiii, pp. 1-16, with pi. i. 1895 B Die Segmentirung am Primordial- cranium der obersilurischen Thyesti- den. Verhandl. russ.-kais. mineralog. Gessellsch. St. Petersburg (2), xxxiii, pp. 17-64, with pi. ii. 1896 A Weitere Mittheilungen uber die Gattung Thyestes. Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersbourg, iv, pp. 223-235, with 1 pi. 1896 B Beitrage zur Classification der palseo- zoischen Fische. Sitzungsber. k. bohm. Gesellsch. Wissensch., math.-naturw. Cl., 1896, ii, art. xxxvii, pp. 1-33, with 8 text figs. Bau der obersilurischen Dipnoer- Zahne. Sitzungsber. k. bohm. Gessellsch. Wissensch., math.-naturw. Cl., 1898, art. xi, pp. 1-17, with plate of 11 figs. Bomanovski, G. 1853 A Ueber eine neue Gattung versteiner- ter Fisch-Zahne. Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou, xxvi, pt. i, pp. 405-409, with pi. viii. Describes genus Dicrenodus, type D. okensis. 1857 A Ueber die Verschiedenheit der beiden Arten: Chilodus tuberosus Gieb. und Dicrenodus okensis Rom. Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou, xxx, pt. i, pp. 290-295, with 4 text figs. 1864 A Description de quelques restes de poissons fossiles trouves dans le calcaire carbonifere du gouvernement de Toula. Bull. Soc. Imp. Natur. Moscou, xxxvii, pt. 2, pp. 157-170, with pis. iii, iv. 206 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Rosenberg, Kinil. 1891 A Ueber einige Entwicklungsstadien des Handskelets der Emys Maria marsili. Morpholog. Jahrbueh, xviii, pp. 1-34, with pi. i. In the footnotes are found numerous refer- ences to the literature bearing on the subject. Rouault, Marie. 1858 A Note sur les vertebrt-s fossiles des terrains sedimentaires de 1'ouest de la France. Comptes rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, xlvii, pp. 99-103. The genus Nummopalatusis here established, p. 101. Ruddick, W. H. See Kingsley and Ruddick. Rutimeyer, L. 1857 A Ueber schweizerische Anthracothe- rien. Verhandl. naturf. Gesellsch. Basel, i, pp. 385- 403. 1857 B Ueber lebende und fossile Schweine. Verhandl. naturf. Gesellsch. Basel, i, pp. 517- 554. 1857 C Ueber Anthracotherium magnum und hippoideum. Neue Denkschr. schweizer. Gesellsch. Natur- wiss., xv, art. viii, pp. 1-32, with pis. i.ii. 1862 A Beitriige zur Kenntniss der fossilen Pferde und zur vergleichenden Odon- tographie der Hufthiere iiberhaupt. Verhandl. naturf. Gesellsch. Basel, iii, pp. 558-6%, with pis. i-iv. 1862 B Die Fauna der Pfahlbauten der Schweiz. Neue Denkschr. schweizer. Gesellsch. Natur- wiss., ix, pp. 1-248, with pis. i-vi. 1865 A Beitrage zu einer palseontologischen Geschichte der Wiederkauer, zuniichst an Linnets Genus Bos. Verhandl. naturf. Gesellsch. Basel, iv, pp. 299-354. 1867 A Die fossilen Schildkroten von Solo- thurn. See Lang, Fr., and Rutimeyer, L., 1867 A. 1867 B Versuch einer natiirlicher Geschichte des Rindes, in seinen Beziehungen zu Rutimeyer, L. Continued, den Wiederkauern im Allgemeinen. Erste Abth. Neue Denkschr. schweizer. Gesellsch. Natur- wiss., xxii, pp. 1-102, with pis. i,ii. 1868 A Versuch einer natiirlicher Geschichte des Rindes, in seinen Beziehungen zu den Wiederkauern im Allgemeinen. Zweite Abth. Neue Denkschr. schweizer. Gesellsch. Natur- wiss., xxiii, pp. 1-175, with pis. i-iv, and 25 figs. in the text. 1873 A Die fossilen Schildkroten von Solo- thurn und der iibrigen Juraformation. Mit BeitrJigen zur Kenntniss von Bau und Geschichte der Schildkroten im Allgemeinen. Neue Denkschr. schweizer. Gesellsch. Natur- wiss., xxv, art. 2, pp. 1-185, with pis. i-xvii. 1874 A Ueber den Bau von Schale und Schiidel bei lebenden und fossilen Schildkroten, als Beitrag zu einer palseontologischen Geschichte dieser Thiergruppe. Verhandl. naturf. Gesellsch. Basel., vi, pp. 1-137. 1875 A Weitere Beitrage zur Beurtheilung der Pferde der Quatermir-Epoche. Abhandl. schweizer. palaontolog.Gesellsch., ii, pp. 1-34, with 3 pis. Contains discussion of the teeth of living species of horses. 1877 A Die Rinder der Tertiar-Epoche, nebst Vorstudien zu einer natiirlichen Ge- schichte der Antilopen. Erster Theil. Mit drei Doppeltafeln. Abhandl. schweizer. paliiontolog. Gesellsch., iv, pp. 1-72. 1878 A Die Rinder der Tertiar-Epoche, nebst Vorstudien zu einer natiirlichen Ge- schichte der Antilopen. Zweiter Thiel. Mitvier Doppeltafeln nebst Holzschnit- ten. Abhandl. schweizer. paliiontolog. Gesellsch.. v, pp. 1-208. 1881 A Beitrage zu einer natiirlichen Ge- schichte der Hirsche. I Theil. Abhandl. schweizer. paliiontolog. Gesellsch., vii, pp. 1-8; viii, pp. 9-95, with 4 pis. Introduction, with pis. i and ii in vol. vii, 1880. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 207 Rutimeyer, L. Continued. 1882 A Studien zu der Geschichte der Hirsch- f ami lie. I. Schiidelbau. Verhaudl. iiaturf. Gesellsch. Basel, vii, pp. 3-61. 1883 A Beitrage zu einer iiatiirlichen Ge- whichte der Hirsche. Abhandl. schweizer. paliiontolog. Gesellsch., x, pp. 1-120, with pis. v-x. 1884 A Studien zu der Geschichte der Hirschfamilie. II. Gebiss. Verhandl. naturf. Gesellsch. Basel, vii, pp. 1888 A Ueber einzige Beziehungen zwi- schen den Saug chierstammen alter und neuerWelt. Erster Nachtrag zu der eocanen Faun.-, von Egerkingen. Abhandl. schweizer, palaontolog. Gesellsch., xv, pp. 1-63, pi. 1. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. An- throp., xix, pp. 141-145. 1890 A Uebersicht der eocanen Fauna von Egerkingen nebst einer Erwiederung an Prof. E. D. Cope. Zweiter Nach- trag zu der eocanen Fauna von Eger- kingen (1862). Abhandl. schweizer. palaontolog. Gesellsch., xvii, pp. 1-24. See also Verhandl. naturf. Gesellsch. Basel, 1891, ix, pp. 331-362. For review by M. Schlos- ser, see Archiv f. Anthrop., xx, pp. 113-114. Contains a discussion of foot structure. 1891 A Die eocane Saugethier-Welt von Egerkingen. Gesammtdarstellung und dritter Nachtrag zu den "Eocanen Saugethieren aus dem Gebiet des schweizerischen Jura (1862)." Abhandl. schweizer. palaontolog. Gesellsch., xviii, pp. 1-153, with pis. i-viii. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. An- throp., xxiii, pp. 139-141. 1892 A Die eocanen Siiugethiere von Eger- kingen. Verhandl. naturf. Gesellsch. Basel, x, pp. 101-129, with figs. A-I in the text. Discusses the teeth of Mammalia and the re- lationships of the mammals of Egerkingen to those of the American Eocene. See also Lang- and Rutuneyer. Ryder, John A. 1877 A On the evolution and homologies of the incisors of the horse. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1877, pp. 152-154. 1877 B On the laws of digital reduction. Amer. Naturalist, xi, pp. 603-607. 1878 A On the mechanical genesis of tooth- forms. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1878, pp. 45-SO, with 11 figs, in the text. Reviewed in Amer. Naturalist, xiii, pp. 446- 449. 1879 A Further notes on the mechanical genesis of tooth-forms. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1879, pp. 47-51. 1879 B On the origin of bilateral symmetry and the numerous segments of the soft rays of fishes. Amer. Naturalist, xiii, pp. 41-43. 1885 A On the morphology and evolution of the tails of osseous fishes. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 33d meeting, Phila., 1884, pp. 532-533. Abstract of paper read. 1885 B The development of the rays of osse- ous fishes. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 200-204, with 5 figs. 1885 C On the translation forwards of the rudiments of the pelvic fins of physo- clist fishes. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 315-317. 1885 D On the probable origin, homologies, and development of the flukes of ceta- ceans and sirenians. Amer. Naturalist, xix, pp. 515-519. 1886 A On the origin of heterocercy and the evolution of the fins and fin rays of fishes. Report U. S. Fish Com. for 1884, pp. 981-1107, pis. i-xi. .1890 A The continuity of the primary matrix of the scales and the actinotrichia of Teleosts. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, pp. 489-491. 208 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Ryder, John A. Continual. 1892 A On the nieehanical sjenesiH of the scales of fishes. Pro,-. Acii<1. Nat, Sci. 1'liiln., 1*1)2, pp. 2IU-^i, with 3 figs, in the text. See notice of, in Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, I'. 391. Ur|.nnted in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), xi. pp. 243-248. Safely, Robert. 1866 A Discovery of mastodon remains at Cohoes, N. Y. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xlii, p. 426. Safford, J. M. 1853 A. Tooth of Getcdodus ohioensis. Amer. Jour. Scl. (2), xvi, p. 142, with 2 figs. in the text. " Getalodus" is an evident misprint for Peta- lodus. 1892 A The pelvis of a Megalonyx and other bones from Big Bone Cave, Tennessee. Bull. Geol. Soc. America, iii, pp. 121-123. 1892 B Exhibition of certain bones of the Megalonyx not before known. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 40th meeting, Washington, 1891, p. 289. Abstract of Safford, 1892 A. Sagemehl, M. 1883 A Beitrilge zur vergleichenden Ana- toinie der Fische. I. Das Cranium von Amin calva L. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, ix, pp. 177-228, with pl.x. 1884 A Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anato- mic der Fische. III. Das Cranium der Chariciniden nebst allgemeinen Bemer- knngen iiber die mit einem Weber'- schen Apparat versehenen Physosto- menfamilien. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, x, pp. 1-119, with pis. i and ii and 1 woodcut. 1891 A Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anato- mic der Fische. Morpholog. Jahrbuch, xvii, pp. 489-595, with pis. xxviii-xxix. Contains numerous citations of the litera- ture of the subject. St. Hilaire, Geoffroy, 1809 A Sur les tortues molles, nouveau genre sous le noin de Trionyx, et sur la forma- tion des carapaces. Ann. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris, xiv, pp. 1-20, with pis. i-v. St. John, Orestes II. 1870 A Descriptions of fossil fishes from the upper Coal-measures of Nebraska. I'roc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xi, pp. 431-137. 1872 A Descriptions of fossil fishes from the upl>er Coal-measures of Nebraska. Final report U. S. Geol. Surv. of Nebraska and portions of the adjacent Territories, pp. 239-245; pis. iii, iv and vi. St. John, O. H., and "Worthen, A. H. 1875 A Descriptions of fossil fishes. Geol. Surv. Illinois, A. H. Worthen, director, vi, pp. 245-488, with pis. i-xxii. Contains descriptions and figures of fossil fishes of the Carboniferous and Subcarbonif- erous, especially of Illinois. 1883 A Descriptions of fossil fishes. A par- tial revision of the Cochliodonts and Psammodonts, including notices of miscellaneous materials acquired from the Carboniferous formations of the United States. Geol. Surv. Illinois, A. H. Worthen, director, vii, 1883, pp. 55-264, pis. i-xxvi. St. John, Samuel. 1851 A On a specimen of the fossil ox ( Bos bombifrons) found in Trumbull County, Ohio. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., v, p. 235. Title only. Specimen referred by Leidy (Leidy, 1869 A, p. 374) to B. cavifrons. Salensky, W. 1899 A Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Ichthyopterygiums. Proc. 4th Internal. Congress of Zoology, Cam- bridge, Eng., 1898, pp. 177-183. Salter, J. W. 1867 A On the tracks of Pteraspis (?) in the Upper Ludlow sandstone. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc.. xxiii, pp. 333-339, with figs, in the text. Sanson, A. 1878 A Determination specifique des osse- mens fossiles ou anciens de bovides. Comptes rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ixxxvii, pp 756-759. Saporta, Gaston de. 1877 A Letters to Dr. F. V. Hayden. Amer. Naturalist, xi, pp. 187-188. Expresses gratification at the progress of palaeontology in North America. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 209 auvage, H. K. 1870 A Recherches sur les poissons fossiles des terrains cretaces de la Sarthe. Ann. Sci. Geol., Paris, ii, art. 7, pp. 1-44, with pis. xvi, xvii (figs. 1-89). 1873 A De la classification des poissons que composent le famille des Triglides (Joues-cuirasse'es de Cuvier et Valen- ciennes). Comptes rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ixxvii, pp. 723-726. 1874 A Revision des especes du groupe des epinoches. Xouv. Arch, du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris, x, pp. 5-38, with pi. i. 1874 B Memoire sur les dinosauriens et les crocodiliens des terrains jurassiques de Boulogne-sur-mer. Mem. Soc. Geol. France (2), x, pp. 1-57, with pi. v-x. 1875 A Note sur les poissons fossiles. Bull. Soc. Geol. France (3), iii, pp. 631-642; pis. xxii, xxiii. 1875 B Note sur le genre Nummopalatus et sur les especes de ce genre trouves dans les terraines tertiaires de la France. Bull. Soc. Geol. France (3), iii, pp. 613-642, with pis. xxii, xxiii. 1876 A Notes sur les reptiles fossiles. Bull. Soc. Geol. France (3), iv, pp. 435-442, pis. xi-xii. Treats of Polycotylm, Iguanodcm, etc. 1878 A Prodrome des Plesiosauriens et Elas- mosauriens des formations jurassiques superieures de Boulogne-sur-mer. Ann. Sci. Naturelles (6), Zool., viii, art. 13, pp. 1-38, pis. xxvi, xxvii. 1878 B Description de poissons nouveaux ou imparfaitement connus de la collection du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle Fa- mille des Scorpenid D Fourth annual report E. M. Mus. Geol. and Arch., Princeton Coll., pp. 4-6, with pi. 1886 A On some new forms of the Dinocerata. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xxxi, pp. 303-307, with '< 4 figs, in the text. 1886 B Some points in the evolution of the horses. Science, vii, p. 13, with 2 woodcuts. 1887 A | On American elephant myths. Scribner's Magazine, i, pp. 469-478, with 10 ! text figs. 1888 A i Origin of American Carnivora. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 36th meeting, New York, 1887, pp. 258-259. Abstract of paper read. 1888 B On some new and little-known creo- donts. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. (2), ix, pp. 155- 185, pis. v-vii. Extra copies printed in advance for the au- thor Oct. 10, 1887. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. Anthrop., xviii, pp. 139-140. 1889 A | A comparison of the American and j European Tertiary Mammalia. Princeton Coll. Bull., i, pp. 20-21. 1889 B ' Notes on the osteology and syste- matic position of Dinictisfelina, Leidy. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1889, pp. 211-244, with 7 figs, in the text. Abstract in Princeton Coll. Bull., i, p. 118, 1889. 1889 C The Oreodontidx. Princeton Coll. Bull., i, pp. 75-77. 1890 A j The Mammalia of the Uinta forma- tion. Part I. The geological and fau- J nal relations of the Uinta formation. ! Part II. The Creodonta, Rodentia, and j Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvi, pp. 461-504, with pis. vii, x, and xi. This forms a portion of a joint paper by Professors Scott and Osborn. See Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, and Scott and Osborn, 1890 A. Notice of, occurs in Princeton Coll. Bull., ii, p. 46. Scott, W. B. Continued. 1890 B Beitn'ige zur Kenntniss der Oreodon- tnhi . Morpholog. Jahrbuch, xvi, pp. 319-395, with pis. xii-xvi and 10 figs, in the text. For review of this paper, by R. Lydekker, see the Geol. Magazine (3), vii, p. 568; by M. Schlosser, Archiv f. Anthrop., xxi, pp. 137-139. 1890 C The dogs of the American Miocene. Princeton Coll. Bull., ii, pp. 37-39. 1891 A On the osteology of Poebrotherium; a contribution to the phylogeny of the Tylopoda. Jour. Morphology, v. pp. 1-78, pis. i-iii. An abstract is given by M. Schlosser in Ar- chiv f. Anthrop., xxii, 1894, pp. 118-120. 1891 B On the osteology of Mesohippus and Leptomeryx, with observations on the modes and factors of evolution in the Mammalia. Jour. Morphology, v, pp. 301-406, with pis. xxii, xxiii. Review in Amer. Geologist, ix, pp. 402-4O4; also by Schlosser in Archiv f. Anthrop., xxii, 1894, pp. 120-122. 1891 C On the mode of evolution in the Mammalia. Princeton Coll. Bull., iii, pp. 62-8. 1891 D The Princeton scientific expedition of 1891. Princeton Coll. Bull., iii, pp. 88-91. 1892 A The evolution of the premolar teeth in the mammals. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1892, pp. 405-444, with 8 figs, in the text. See for abstract, Princeton Coll. Bull., iv, pp. 74-76; for review by M. Schlosser, Archiv f. Anthrop., xxiii, p. 155. 1892 B A revision of the North American Creodonta, with notes on some genera which have been referred to that group. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1892, pp. 291-323. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. An- throp., xxiii, pp. 141-142. 1892 C On some of the factors in the evolu- tion of the Mammalia. Princeton Coll. Bull., iv, pp. 11-17. 214 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Scott, W. B. Continued. 1892 D The genera of American Creodontn. Princeton Coll. Bull., iv, pp. 76-81. 1893 A On a new musteline from the John Day Miocene. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 658-369. Description of Parictis primxvus. 1893 B The mammals of the Deep River beds. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 659-662. List of species and description of new species. 1893 C The Princeton scientific expedition of 1893. Princeton Coll. Bull., v, pp. 80-84. 1894 A A new insectivore from the White River beds. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1894, pp. 446^48. 1894 B Notes on the osteology of Agriochcerus Leidy (Artionyx O. and W.). Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxxiii, pp. 243-251, with 3 text figs. Notice of this paper in Amer. Naturalist,' xxviii, p. 952, and xxix, p. 368; also in Archiv f . Anthrop. , xxiv, p. 170. Abstract in Princeton Coll. Bull., vi, pp. 98-100, 1894. 1894 C The manus of a Hyopotamus. Amer. Naturalist, xxviii, pp. 164-165. 1894 D Notes on the osteology of Ancodus (Hyopotamus) . Qeol. Magazine (4), i, pp. 492-193. 1894 E The structure and relationships of Ancodus. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, pp. 461-497, pis. xxiii, xxiv, with text fig. showing restora- tion of the skeleton. Appendix, p. 536, describing the new species A. rontratm. Review by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. An- throp., xxv, pp. 219-221. 1894 F The osteology of Hysenodon. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., ix, pp. 499-535, with 10 figs, in the text. Review by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. An- throp., xxv, pp. 218-219. 1895 A The osteology and relations of Pro- toceras. Jour.Morphology.xi, pp.303-374, pls.'xx-xxii. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. Anthrop., xxv, pp. 217-218. Scott, W. B. Continued. 1895 B A restoration of Hysenodon. Geol. Magazine (4), ii, pp. 441-443, pi. xii A. 1895 C The Mammalia of the Deep River beds. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., xviii, pp. 55-185, with pis. i-vi. Abstract in Princeton Coll. Bull., vi, pp. 76- 78, 1894. Noticed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. Anthrop., xxiv, pp. 168-170. This memoir, or reprints of it, appears to have been issued some time in the year 1894. The imprint " 1895" is on the cover of the part containing it. 1895 D A new Geomyid from the Upper Eocene. Amer. Naturalist, xxix, pp. 923-924. Abstract of paper in the Proc. Nat. Sci., Phila. Acad., 1895, describing Protoptychus hatcheri; reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. Anthrop., xxv, p. 182. 1895 E Protoptychus hatcheri, a new rodent from the Uinta Eocene. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1895, pp. 269-286, with 6 figs, in the text. 1895 F On the Creodonta. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1895, Ixv., pp. 719-720. 1896 A On the osteology of Elotherium, Pomel. Compte-rendu des seances du troisieme Con- gress Internat. de Zoologie, Leyden, 1895, pp. 317-319. 1896 B Die Osteologie von Hyracodon, Leidy. Festschrift zum 70sten Geburtstage von Carl Gegenbaur, ii, pp. 353-384, with pis. i-iii. 1897 A Preliminary notes on the White River Canidie. Princeton Univ. Bull., ix, pp. 1-3. 1897 B The osteology of Hyracodon. Princeton Univ. Bull., ix, pp. 11-13. 1898 A The osteology of Elotherium. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., xix, pp. 273-324, with pis. xvii, xviii. 1898 B Notes on the Canidie of the White River Oligocene. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., xix, pp. 327-415, with pis. xix, xx. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 215 Scott, W. B. Continued. 1898 C Preliminary note on the selenodont artiodactyls of the Uinta formation. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxxvii, pp. 73-81. , 1898 D Memoir of Edward D. Cope. Pull. Geol. Soc. America, ix, pp. 401-408. 1899 A The selenodont artiodactyls of the Uinta Eocene. Trans. Wagner Free Inst. Sci., Phila., vi, pp. ix-xiii; 1-121, with pis. i-iv. Note on, by H. F. Osbora in Science (2), xi, 1900 p. 115. Scott, W. B., and Osborn, H. F. 1882 A Orthocynodon, an animal related to the rhinoceros, from the Bridger Eo- cene. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xxiv, pp. 223-225. Reprinted in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), If, 1882, pp. 332-334. 1883 A On the skull of the Eocene rhinoce- ros, Orthocynod&n, and the relation of this genus to other members of the group. Contrib. E. M. Mus. Geoi. and Arch.; Prince- ton Coll., Bull. No. 3, pp. 1-22, with pi. v, and 1 fig. in the text. 1884 A On the origin and development of the rhinoceros group. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 53d meeting, Southport, 1883, p. 528. A brief abstract. 1887 A Preliminary report on the vertebrate fossils of the Uinta formation, collected by the Princeton expedition of 1886. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., xxiv, pp. 255-264. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. Anthrop., xix, p. 97. 1887 B Preliminary' account of the fossil mammals from the White River forma- tion, contained in the Museum of Com- parative Zoology. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., xiii, pp. 151-171, with pis, i-ii, and 9 figs, in the text. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. Anthrop., xix, pp. 91-98. 1890 A The Mammalia of the Uinta forma- tion. Part I. The geological and fau- nal relations of the Uinta formation. Part II. The Creodonla, by W. B. Scott. Partlll. ThePerissodactyla by H. F. Oa- Scott, W. B., and Osborn, H. F. Cont'd. born. Part IV. The evolution of the un- gulate foot, by H. F. Osborn. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., xvi, pp. 461-572; pis. vii-xi; text figs. 1-13. Referred to under designations Scott, W. B., 1890 A and Osborn, H. F., 1890 D. Author's reprints of this paper were issued Aug. 20, 1889. The imprint of Part III of the Transactions gives the date as 1890. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. An- throp., xx, pp. 128-134. 1890 B Preliminary account of the fossil mammals from the White River and Loup Fork formations contained in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Part II. Carnivora and Artiodactyla, by W. B. Scott. Perissodactyla, by Henry F. Osborn. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., xx, pp. 65-100, with pis. i-iii and 18 figs, in the text. Abstract in Zoolog. Record for 1890, Mamm., p. 15. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. Anthrop., xx, pp. 114-116. See also Osborn, Scott, and Speir. Seebohm, Henry. 1889 A An attempt to diagnose the suborders of the ancient ardeino-anserine assem- blage of birds by the aid of osteological characters alone. The Ibis (6), i, pp. 92-104. Seeley, Harry G. 1865 A On the pterodactyle as evidence of a new subclass of Vertebrata (Saurornia). Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 34th meeting, Bath, 1864, p. 69. 1866 A An epitome of the evidence that pterodactyles are not reptiles, but a new subclass of vertebrate animals allied to birds (Saurvrnia). Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (3), xvii, pp. 321- 331. 1870 A Remarks on Professor Owen's mono- graph on Dimorphodon. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), vi, pp. 129-152, with several text figs. 1870 B The Ornithosauria, an elementary study of the bones of pterodactyles, made from fossil remains found in the Cambridge upper Greensand, and arranged in the Woodwardian Museum of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1870, 8 vo., pp. i-xiii; 1-135, with pis. i-xii. The appendix, pp. 129-132, is devoted to the bibliography of the subject 216 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Seeley, Harry G. Continued. 1871 A Note on Professor Cope's interpreta- tion of the ichthyosaurian head. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), vii, pp. 266- 268: 389. This note refers to paper by E. D. Cope, in Amer. Naturalist, October, 1870. 1871 B Note on some chelonian remains from the London Clay. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), vii, pp. 227- 233, with 1 fig. in the text. Describes the new genus Glossochelys. 1871 C Additional evidence of the structure of the head in ornithosaurs from the Cambridge upper Greensand; being a supplement to "The Ornithosauria." Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), vii, pp. 20-36, wUfr pis. ii, iii. 1874 A Note on the generic modifications of the plesiosaiirian pectoral arch. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxx, pp. 436-449, with 13 text figs. 1876 A On the organization of the Ornitho- sauria. Jour. Linn. Soc. Lond., xiii, pp. 84-107, with pi. xi. Review of this paper by "W. D." in Geol. Magazine (2), iv, 1877, p. 124. 1876 B On the British fossil Cretaceous birds. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxii, pp. 496-512, with pis. xxvi-xxvii. 1879 A On the Dinosauria. Proc. Geologists' Assoc., vi, pp. 176-185. 1880 A Report on the mode of reproduction of certain species of Ichthyosaurus from the Lias of England and Wurtemburg. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 60th meeting, Swansea, 1880, pp. 68-76, with pi. i. 1880 B Note on Psephophorus polygonus, Meyer, a new type of chelonian reptile allied to the leathery turtle. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxvi, pp. 406-413, with pi. xv. 1887 A On Aristosuchus pusillus (Owen), be- ing further notes on the fossils de- scribed by Sir R. Owen as Poikilopleu- ron pusillus. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xliii, pp. 221-228, with pi. xii. Seeley, Harry G. Continued. 1887 B Mr. Dollo's notes on the dinosaurian fauna of Bernissart. Geol. Magazine (3), iv, pp. 80-87, 124-130. 1887 C On the mode of development 01' the young in Plesiosaurus. Geol. Magazine (3), iv, pp. 562-563. 1888 A On the mode of development of the young in Plesiosaurus. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 57th meeting, Manchester, 1887, pp. 697-698. 1888 B The classification of the Dinosauria. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 57th meeting, Manchester, 1887, pp. 698-699. 1888 C On Thecospondylus daviesi (Seeley), with some remarks on the classification of the Dinosauria. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xliv, pp. 79-87, with 5 text fig. 1888 D Researches on the structure, organi- zation, and classification of the fossil Reptilia. II. On Pareiasaurus bombi- dens (Owen), and the significance of its affinities to amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clxxix, pp. 59-155, with pis. xii-xxi and 14 figs, in the text. 1888 E Researches on the structure, organi- zation, and classification of the fossil Reptilia. III. On parts of the skeleton of a mammal from the Triassic rocks of Klipfontein, Fraserberg, South Africa, (Theriodesmus phylarchus Seeley), il- lustrating the reptilian inheritance in the mammalian hand. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc., clxxix, pp. 141-155, with pi. xxvi and 15 figs, in the text. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. Anthrop,, xix, pp. 145-146. 1888 F Researches on the structure, organi- zation, and classification of the fossil Reptilia. V. On associated bones of a small Anomodont reptile, Keirognathus cordylus (Seeley), showing the relative dimensions of the anterioi parts of the skeleton and structure of the fore limb and shoulder girdle. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clxxix, B, p. 487-501, with pis. Ixxv-lxxvi, IAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. Seeley, Harry G. Continued. 1888 G On the classification of the fossil ani- mals commonly named Dinosauria. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., xliii, pp. 165-171, with 4 figs. 1888 H On the nature and limits of reptilian character in mammalian teeth. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., xliv, pp. 129-141, with 8 text figs. Reviewed by M. Sehlosser in Archiv f. Anthrop., xix, p. 160. 1889 A Researches on the structure, organi- zation, and classification of the fossil Reptilia. VI. On the Anomodont Rep- tilia and their allies. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc., Lond., clxxx, pp. 215-296, with pis. 9-25. 1891 A The ornithosaurian pelvis. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), vii, pp. 237- 255, with 16 figs, in the text. 1891 B On the shoulder girdle in Cretaceous Ormthosauna. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), vii, pp. 438- 445, with 2 figs, in the text. 1892 A Researches on the structure, organi- zation, and classification of the fossil Reptilia. VII. Further observations on Pardasaurus. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc., clxxxiii, pp. 311- 370, with pis. xvii-xxiii and 17 figs, in the text 1892 B The nature of the shoulder girdle and clavicular arch in Sauropterygia. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., li,' pp. 119-151, with 15 fig. in the text. 1893 A On a reptilian tooth with two roots. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), xii, pp. 227-230, with 1 text fig. Refers to Marsh's account of the teeth of Tricera'aps and describes and figures the two- rooted tooth of Nuthetes. 1894 A On Euskelesaurus Irrmonii (Huxley). Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), xiv, pp. 317- 340, with 7 figs, in the text. 1895 A Researches on the structure, organi- zation, and classification of the fossil Reptilia. Part IX, section 1. On the Therosuchia. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clxxxv, pt. B, pp. 987-1018, with pi. ixxxviii. Seeley, Harry (i. Continued. 1895 B Researches on the structure, organi- zation, and classification of the fossil Reptilia. Part IX, section 5. On the skeleton in new Cynodontia, from the Karroo rocks. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., clxxxvi, pp. 59-148, with 33 figs, in text. 1895 C On Thecodontosaurus&nd Palxosaurus. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (6), xv, pp. 144- 163, with 10 figs, in the text. 1896 A On a pyritous concretion from the Lias of Whitby, which appears to show the external form of the body of em- bryos of a species of Plesiosaurus. Annual Report Yorkshire Philos. Soc. for 1895. 1898 A Origin of Mammalia. Science (2), viii, pp. 357-358. Abstract of remarks made at International Congress of Zoologists at Cambridge, England, 4th meeting; proceedings, pp. 68-71. 1900 A On an Anomodont reptile, Aristodes- mus rutimeyeri (Wiedersheim), from the Bunter sandstone, near Basel. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Ivi, pp. 620-645, with 8 figs, in the text. Segond, L. A. 1864 A Comparaison morphologique des ver- tebres du bassin et du sternum chez les oiseaux. Jour, de 1'Anat., Physiol., etc.,i, pp. 602-623. 1865 A Comparaison morphologique des ver- tebres du bassin et du sternum chez les Jonr. de 1'Anat., Physiol., etc.,ii, pp. 36-56. 1873 A Reptiles et batraciens classes d'apres leurs affinites par rapport ii cinq types dont les caracteres sont empruntes aux parties les moins modifiables du squelette. 1'Anat., Physiol., etc., ix, pp. 1-29. 1873 B Des affinites squeletiques des pois- sons. Jour, de 1'Anat., Physiol., etc., ix, pp. 511- 534; 607-627. Selenka, Emil. 1869 A Aves. Anatomischer Bau. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier. Reichs, vi, pp. 1-90, pis. This article deals with the osteology of birds. 218 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Selwyn, Alfred R. C. 1872 A On the discovery of reptilian foot- prints in Nova Scotia. Geol. Magazine (1), ix, pp. 250-251. Semon, Richard. 1899 A Ueber die Entwickelung der Zahn- gebilde der Dipnoer. Sitzungsber. Gesellsch. Morphol. u. Physiol. Miinchen, xv, pp. 75-86, with 4 text figs. Serres, M. 1865 A Deuxieme note sur le squelette du Glyptodon diivipes. Comptes rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ixi, pp. 457-166. 1865 B. Note sur le Glyptodon ornaius. De sa carapace et de ses rapports normaux avec le squelette; caracteres diff6- rentiels des os du bassin avec ceux du Glyptodon clavipes. Comptes rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ixi, pp. 537-544; 665-670. Translation in Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (3), xvi, pp. 432-143. Shaler, N. S. 1871 A The time of the mammoths. Amer. Naturalist, iv, pp. 148-166. 1871 B Note on the occurrence of the re- mains of Tarandus rangifer, Gray, at Big Bone Lick, Kentucky. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xiii, p. 167. 1876 A On the age of the bison in the Ohio Valley. Mem. Kentucky Geol. Surv., i, pp. 232-236, with 1 diagrammatic section. This paper forms Appendix H to J. A. Al- len's memoir, The American Bisons, and was reprinted in Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool.,iv, pp. Shepard, Charles Upham. 1867 A On the supposed tadpole nests, or imprints made by Batrachoides nidifi- cans (Hitchcock), in the 'red shale of the New Red sandstone of South Had- ley, Mass. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xliii, pp. 99-104. Sherborn, C. D. See Woodward, A. S., and Sher- born, C. D. Shufeldt, R. W. 1881 A On the ossicle of the antibrachium as found in some North American Fal- conidse. Bull. Nuttall Ornithological Club, vi. pp. 197-203. Shufeldt, R. W. Continued. 1881 B Osteology of the North American Tetraonidse. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv., F. V. Hay- den, vi, pp. 309-350, with pis. vii-xiv. Also, with little change in Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. for 1878 (1883), pp. 653-700, with pis. v-xiii, and 16 figs, in the text. 1881 C Osteology of Lanius ludovicianus excu- biterides. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv., F. V. Hay- den, vi, pp. 351-359, with pi. xiv. Also, in Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. for 1878 (1883), pp. 719-725, with pl.xiv. 1881 D Osteology of Speotyto cunicularia, var. hypogsea. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv., F. V. Hay- den, vi, pp. 87-117, with pis. i-iii. Also, with little change, in Annual Report U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. for 1878 (1883), pt. i, pp. 593-620, with pis. i-iii. 1881 E Osteology of Erernophila alpestris. Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv., F. V. Hay- den, vi, pp. 119-147, with pi. iii-iv. Also in Annual Report U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. for 1878 (1883), pp. 627-650, with pi. iv. 1883 A Observations upon the osteology of Podasocys montanus. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xviii, pp. 86-102, with pi. v. 1883 B Remarks on the osteology of Phala- crocorax bicristatus. Science, ii, pp. 640-642, with 3 figs. For discussion of this paper see Jeffries, J. A., Science, ii, p. 739, and iii, p. 59. 1883 C Osteology of the Caihartidse. Twelfth Annual Report U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv., F. V. Hayden, 1878 (1883), Pt. i, pp. 728- 786, with pis. xv-xxiv, and many figs, in the text. 1884 A Osteology of Numenius longirostris, with notes upon the skeleton of other American Limicolx. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xix, pp. 51-82, with pis. iv and v. 1885 A Contribution to the comparative oste- ology of the Trochilidse, Caprimulgidse, and Cypselidse. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1885, pp. 886-915, with pis. Iviii-lxi and 6 woodcuts in the text. IAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 219 Shufeldt, R. W. Continued. 1885 B The osteology of Amia ccdva, includ- ing certain special references to the skeleton of Teleosteans. Report U. S. Commissioner of Fish and Fish- eries, 1883, pp. 747-878, pis. i-xiv. Part I consists of a translation of Sagemehl's paper on Amia. Part II describes osteology of Amia, and portions of that of Micropterus and Attnila. 1886 A Additional notes upon the anatomy of the Trochilidse, Caprirnulffidse, and Cypselidse. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1886, pp. 501-503, with 6 ngs. in the text. 1886 B Contributions to the anatomy of Geo- coccyx californianus. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1886, pp. 466-491, with pis. xlii-xlv. 1886 C Osteology of Conurus carolinensis. Jour. Anat. and Physio!., xx, pp. 407-425, with pis. x and xi. 1888 A Contributions to the comparative os- teology of arctic and subarctic water birds. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xxiii, pp. 1-39, pis. i-v. 1888 B Osteology of Porzana Carolina (the Carolina rail). Jour. Compar. Med. and Surg., ix, pp. 231-248, with 7 figs, in the text. 1888 C Observations upon the morphology of Gallus bankiva of India. Jour. Compar. Med. and Surg., ix, pp. 343-376, with 30 figs, in the text. 1888 D On the skeleton in the genus SturneUa, with osteological notes upon other North American Icteridse and the Cor- vidse. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xxii, pp. 309-350, with pis. xiv, xv. 1888 E Observations upon the osteology of the order Tubinares and Steganopodes. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xi, pp. 253-315, with 43 figs, in the text. Observations upon the osteology of the North American Anseres. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xi, pp. 215-251, with 30 figs, in the text. Shufeldt, R. W. Continued. 1889 B On the comparative osteology of arc- tic and subarctic water birds. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xxiii, pp. 165-186, pis. vii-xi; 400-427, text figs. 17; 537-558, text figs. 1-8. This paper is a continuation of Shufeldt, 1889 C Contributions to the comparative os- teology of arctic and subarctic water birds. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xxiv, pp. 89-117, pis. vi-viii, and 13 figs, in the text. A continuation of Shufeldt, 1889 B. Treats of Fraterculinte, Fratercola, Lunda, Uria, and the Alddje. 1890 A Contributions to the comparative os- teology of arctic and subarctic water birds. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xxiv, pp. 169-187, pis. xi, xii, and 2 text figs. ; 543-566, with 17 text figs. 1890 B Contributions to the comparative os- teology of arctic and subarctic water birds. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xxv, pp. 60-77. A continuation of Shufeldt, 1890 A. 1890 C On the affinities of Hesperornis. Nature, xliii, p. 176. 1891 A On a collection of fossil birds from the Equus beds of Oregon. Amer. Naturalist, xxv, pp. 359-362. A general account of Silver Lake, Oregon, and of fossil remains there found. 1891 B Fossil birds from the Equus beds of Oregon. Amer. Naturalist, xxv, pp. 818-821. See also The Auk, 1891, viii, pp. 365-368. A list of 51 species, with remarks on some of the most interesting. 1891 C Contributions to the comparative os- teology of arctic and subarctic water birds. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xxv, pp. 509-525, pis. xi and xii, with 4 figs, in the text. Continuation and conclusion of Shufeldt, .. 1892 A A study of the fossil avifauna of the Silver Lake region, Oregon. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 40th meeting. Washington, 1891, p. 286. Abstract. 220 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Shufeldt, R. W. Continued. 1892 B Creccoides oslornii. In Cope's report on palaeontology of Texas, M Annual Report Geol. Surv. Texas, for 1891. Austin, 1892, pp. 253-255. 1892 C Concerning the taxonomy of the North American Pygopodes, based upon their osteology. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xxvi, pp. 199-203. 1892 D A study of the avifauna of the Equus leds of the Oregon Desert. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., ix, pp. 389-425, pis. xv-xvii. 1893 A Comparative osteological notes on the extinct bird Ichthyornis. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xxvii, pp. 336-342. 1894 A Osteology of certain cranes, rails, and their allies, with remarks upon their affinities. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., xxix, pp. 21-34, with 3 figs. 1894 B On cases of complete fibula? in exist- ing birds. The Ibis (6), vi, pp. 361-366, with 2 figs, in the text. 1894 C Notes on the Steganopodes and on ' fossil birds' eggs. The Auk, xi, pp. 337-339. 1894 D On the affinities of the Steganopodes. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1894, pp. 160-162. 1897 A On fossil bird bones obtained by ex- peditions of the University of Pennsyl- vania from the bone caves of Tennessee. Amer. Naturalist, xxxi, pp. 645-660. All are of existing species and yet living in that region. 1897 B On the feathers of " Hesperomis." Nature, Ivi, p. 30. Observations on the classification of birds. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), iv, pp. 101-111, with 2 flgs. in the text. 1900 A The osteology of Vulpes macrotis. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. (2), xi, pp. 395-418, with pis. xxii, xxiii. Shurtleff, N. B. 1846 A Remarks on the skeleton of Mnsto- ,lini y/V/anteus found in Newburg, Orange County, N. Y. Proc. Boston S), xiii, pp. 325-337, with pis. xlvi-xlviii. Describes and figures species of Is-pi'intus, and treats of their osteology. 1898 B Outlines of vertebrate palaeontology for students of zoology. By Arthur Smith Woodward, assistant keeper of the department of geology 'in the Brit- ish Museum, Cambridge. University Press, 1898, pp. i-xxiv; 1-470, with 228 figs, in the text. .Reviewed by H. F. Osborn in Natural Sci- ence, xiv, 1899, pp. 156-159. 1899 A Notes on teeth of sharks and skates from the English Eocene formations. Proc. Geologists' Assoc., xvi, pp. 1-14, with pl.i. On the fossil fishes of the Upper Lias of Whitby. Part IV. Proc. Yorkshire Geol. and Polytech. Soc. (2), xiii, pp. 455-472, with pis. Ixviii, Ixix, and 13 text figs. Describes and figures Belonorhyncku* uciittis, B. brevirostris, and G-yrosteus mirdbilis. 1900 A On some fish remains from the Par- ana formation, Argentine Republic. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), vi, pp. 1-7, with pi. i. 1900 B On a new ostracoderm ( Euphanerops longsevus) from the Upper Devonian of Scaumenac Bay, Province of Quebec, Canada. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), v, pp. 416-418, with pi. x, figs. 1-16. 1900 C On a new species of Deltodus from the Lower Carboniferous (Yoredale rocks) of Yorkshire. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), v, pp. 419-420, with pi. x, figs. 2-26. 1900 D Doctor Traquair on Silurian fishes. Geol. Magazine (4), vii, pp. 66-72, with 4 figs. in the text. A review of Traquair's Reporton fossil fishes, etc., in Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, xxxix, pp. 827-864, pis. i-v, and 18 text-figs. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 247 Woodward, A. S. and Sherborn, C. D. 1890 A A catalogue of British fossil Vertebrata. Pp. i-xxxv, 1-3%. 8vo, London. Table of contents: Introduction, p. v. Dates of publication of Agassiz's "Poisson fossiles," p. xxv. Dates of publication of Owen's "Odon- tography," p. xxx. Table of the stratigraph- ical distribution of British fossil Vertebrata, p. xxx. Catalogue of British fossil Vertebrata, pp. 1-311. Addenda and Corrigenda, p. 395. Woodward, Henry. 1869 A Man and the mammoth; being an account of the animals associated with early man in prehistoric times. Geol. Magazine (1), vi, pp. 58-72. 1871 A Seeley on the Ornithosauria. Nature, iv, p. 100. A review of H. G. Seeley's two works, here designated as Seeley, H. G., 1869 A, and Seeley, H. G., 1870 A. 1874 A New facts bearing on the inquiry concerning forms intermediate between birds and reptiles. Report Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 43d meeting, Bradford, 1873, pp. 93-94. 1874 B New facts bearing on the inquiry concerning forms intermediate between birds and reptiles. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxx, pp. 8-15. 1884 A Ueber Archseopteryx von W. Dames. Geol. Magazine (3), i, pp. 418-424, with pi. xiv. A review of W. Dames's work in Palaeont. Abhandl., ii, 1884, pp. 117-196. 1885 A On an almost perfect skeleton of Rhytina gigas (Rhytina stelleri, Steller's sea-cow), obtained by Mr. Robert Damon, F. G. S., from the Pleistocene peat-bogs of Bering Island. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xli, pp. 457^72, with 5 figs, in the text. Contains a list of works on Sirenia. 1885 B Iguanodon mantelli Meyer. Geol. Magazine (3), ii, pp. 10-15, with pi. i. 1885 C On "wingless birds," fossil and re- cent; and a few words on birds as a class. Geol. Magazine (3), ii, pp. 308-318. Woodward, Henry Continued. 1885 D On the fossil Sirenia in the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S. W. Geol. Magazine (3), ii, pp. 412-425, with 2 figs, in the text. 1886 A On a remarkable ichthyodorulite from the Carboniferous series, Gas- coyne, Western Australia. Geol. Magazine (3), iii, pp. 1-7, pi. i, and 5 figs, in the text. Describes Edestus davisii. 1886 B Prof. E. D. Cope on a new type of perissodactyl ungulate from the Wa- satch Eocene of Wyoming Territory, United States of North America. Geol. Magazine (3), iii, pp. 49-52, with pi. ii. Extracts from Professor Cope's descriptions of Phenacodus. 1886 C On "flightless birds," commonly called "wingless birds," fossil and re- cent; and a few words on birds as a class. Proc. Geologists' Assoc., ix, pp. 352-376, with pis. i and ii, and 20 figs, in the text. 1894 A Remarks on paper read by Dr. G. M. Dawson on elephant remains in Alaska. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1, p. 9. 1895 A Note on the reconstruction of Iguano- don in the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road. Geol. Magazine (4) ii, pp. 289-292, pi. x, and 2 figs, in the text. Woodward, M. F. 1892 A On the milk dentition of Procavia (Hyrax) capemis and of the rabbit (Le- pus cuniculus), with remarks on the relation of the milk and permanent den- tition of the Mammalia. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1892, pp. 38-49 with pi. ii. 1893 A Contributions to the study of mam- malian dentition. Part I. On the de- velopment of the teeth of the Macropo- didee. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1893, pp. 450-473, with pis. xxxv-xxxvii. Appended is a list of references to papers by other authors. Review by M. Sohlosser in Archiv f. An- throp., xxiv, p. 145. 248 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Woodward, M. F. Continued. 1894 A On the milk dentition of the lloden- tia, with* a description of a vestigial milk incisor in the mouse (Mus muscu- lw}. Anatom. Anzeiger, ix, pp. 619-631, with 3 flgs. in the text. 1896 A Contributions to the study of mam- malian dentition. Partll. Ontheteeth of certain Insectivora. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 18%, pp. 557-594, with pis. xxiii-xxvi. Appended is a list of references to 32 papers bearing on the subject. An abstract in Archiv f. Anthrop., xxv, pp. 242-243. 1896 B On the teeth of the Marsupialia, with especial reference to the pre-milk den- tition. Anatom. Anzeiger, xiii, pp. 281-291. Review by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. An- throp., xxv, pp. 243-244. Woodworth, J. B. 1895 A Three-toed dinosaur tracks in the Newark group at Avondale, N. J. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), 1, pp. 481-482. 1900 A Vertebrate footprints on Carbonifer- ous shales of Plainville, Mass. Bull. Geol. Soc. America, xi, pp. 449-454, with pi. xl and 2 text-figs. . Records finding of batrachian footprints. 1900 B Glacial origin of older Pleistocene in Gay Head cliffs, with note on fossil horse of that section. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., xi, pp. 455-460, with pis. xli, xlii. Records finding of an astragalus of Equus in reputed Miocene beds. Woolworth, Samuel. 1847 A Description of a tooth of the Elephas americamts. Amer. Jour. Agricult. and Sci., vi, pp. 31-37, with 2 figs, in the text. Worthen, A. H. 1857 A On the occurrence of fish remains in the Carboniferous limestone of Illinois. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 10th meeting, Albany, 1856, pp. 189-191. 1871 A Vertical range of the mammoth and mastodon. Amer. Naturalist, v, pp. 606-607. See also St. John and Worthen; Newberry and Worthen. Wortman, J. L. 1882 A Remarks on Ursus amplidens. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1882, pp. 28&- 288. 1882 B On the origin and development of the existing horses. Kansas City Review of Science and Indus- try, v, pp. 719-726, with figs. 1-6; vi, pp. 67-75, figs. 7-22. 1883 A L'origine du cheval. Revue Scientifique (3), v, pp. 705-714, with text-figs. 125-144. 1883 B Remarks on Galera macrodon. Amer. Naturalist, xvii, p. 1001. Remarks made before Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., April 26, 18P3. These remarks do not appear in the " Proceedings" for that month. 1885 A Cope's Tertiary Vertebrata. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), xxx, pp. 295-299. 1886 A The comparative anatomy of the teeth of the Vertebrata. 8vo, pp. 351-504, with pis. i-vi and text figs. 189-268. Reprinted from " The American System of Dentistry. 1 ' Contains many figures of North American fossil vertebrates. 1890 A Human and animal remains. Amer. Naturalist, xxiv, pp. 592-594. Contains directions for collecting and pre- serving fossil remains. 1893 A On the divisions of the White River, or Lower Miocene, of Dakota. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., v, pp. 95-105. Contains a list of the genera characteristic of each of the different beds. 1893 B A new theory of the mechanical evolution of the metapodial keels of Diplarthra. Amer. Naturalist, xxvii, pp. 421-434, with 5 iigs. in the text. 1894 A Osteology of Patriofelis, a Middle Eocene creodont. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vi, pp. 129-164, with pi. i and 5 figs, in the text. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f . An- throp., xxv, pp. 184-185. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 249 Wortman, J. L. Continued. 1894 B 'On the affinities of Leptarctus primus of Leidy. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vi, pp. 229-231. 1895 A On the osteology of Agriochcerus. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vii, pp. 145-178, with pi. i and 24 figs, in the text. Reviewed by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. An- throp., xxv, p. 185. 1896 A Species of Jfyracotherium and allied perissodactyls from the Wasatch and Wind River beds of North America. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., viii, pp. 81-110, with pi. ii and 18 figs, in the text. Remarks on, by M. Schlosser in Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1899, ii, pp. 139-142 and in Archiv f. Anthrop., xxv, pp. 221-222. 1896 B Psittacotherium, a member of a new and primitive suborder of the Edentata. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., viii, pp. 259-262. The suborder Qanodonta established. 1897 A [Abstract of remarks on Ganodonta, made before New York Academy of Sciences, Dec. 7, 1896.] Science (2), v, p. 71. 1897 B The Ganodonta and their relation- ship to the Edentata. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., ix, pp. 59-110, with 3G figs, in the text. Abstracts of this and Wortman, J. L., 1896 B, by M. Schlosser in Archiv f. Anthrop., xxvi, pp. 179-181. 1898 A The extinct Camelidse of North Amer- ica, and some associated forms. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., x, pp. 93-142, with pi. xi and 23 text figs. 1899 A Restoration of Oxysena lupina Cope, with descriptions of certain new species of Eocene creodonte. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., xii, pp. 139-148, with pi. vii and 3 figs, in the text. See also Cope and Wortman; Os- born and "Wortman. Wortman, J. L., and Earle, Charles. 1893 A Ancestors of the tapir from the Lower Miocene of Dakota. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., v, pp. 159-180, with 7 text figs. Notice in Amer. Naturalist, xxviii, p. 466. Wortman, J. L., and Matthew, W. D. 1899 A The ancestry of certain members of the Canidte, the Viverridse and Procy- onidae. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., xii, pp. 109-139, with pi. vi and 10 text figs. Wright, Albert A. 1893 A On the ventral armor of Dinichthys. Report Geol. Surv. Ohio, vii, pp. 620-fi26 with pi. xliv and 2 text figs. 1894 A The ventral armor of Dinichthys. Amer. Geologist, xiv, pp. 313-320, with ol. ixand 2 text figs. Wright, R. R. 1884 A The relationship between the air bladder and auditory organ in Amiurus. Zoolog. Anzeiger, vii, pp. 248-252. Wylie, T. A. 1859 A Teeth and bones of Elephas primige- nius, lately found near the western fork of White River, in Monroe County, Ind. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xxviii, pp. 283-284. Wyman, Jeffries. 1845 A Communication on skeleton of Hy- drarchos sillimani. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., ii, pp. 65-68. Refers the skeleton shown by Dr. Koch to Dontdon and probably to Zeuglodon. 1846 A [Remarks on Castoroides ohioensis found in Wayne County, N. Y.] Proo. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., ii, pp. 138-139. 1846 B An anatomical description of the cranium [of Castoroides ohioensis]. Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., v, pp. 391-101, with pis. xxxvii-xxxix. This constitutes a portion of a joint paper by the above author and Dr. James Hall. See Hall, James, 1846 B. 1850 A Notice of fossil bones from the neigh- borhood of Memphis, Tenn. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), x, pp. 56-64, with 5 figs, in the text. 1850 B Notice of remains of vertebrated ani- mals found at Richmond, Va. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), x, pp. 228-235, with 1 page of figs. 1850 C Remarks on teeth of fossil fishes from Richmond, Va. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, pp. 246-247. Teeth belonging to genus Phyttodm. 250 FOSSIL VEBTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [urn.. 179. Wyman, Jeffries Continued. 1850 D j Remarks on finding of bones of Me- galonyx, Castor, and Castoroides at Memphis, Tenn. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., iii, pp. 280- 281. 1850 E Remarks on zeuglodon bones shown by Dr. Durkee. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat, Hist., iii, pp. 328- 329. 1853 A Description of the interior of the cranium and of the form of the brain of Mastodon giganteus. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xv, pp. 48-55, with 3 outline figs. 1853 B [Remarks on mastodon tooth found about 40 miles west of Chicago, and on teeth of mammoth.] Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., iv, pp. 376-378. 1853 C Notes on the reptilian remains. Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc., ix, pp. 64-66, with I pis. ii, iii. Discusses the structure and relationships of I the bones of Dendrerpeton acadianum. 1855 A I Notice of fossil bones from the red | sandstone of the Connecticut Valley. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xx, pp. 394-397. ,No systematic names employed. 1855 B Fossil footprints. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., v. p. 258. Also in Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xxi, 1856, p. 446. 1855 C Description of a portion of the lower jaw of Mastodon andium of Cuvier; also of a tooth and fragment of the femur of a mastodon, brought from Chile by Lieut. J. M. Gilliss, U. S. N. Exec. Doc. No. 121, 33d Cong., 1st sess.: The U. S. Naval Astron. Exped. to the Southern Hemisphere during the years 1849-1852, Lieut. J. M. Gilliss, supt., vol. ii, pp. 275-281, with pis. xli, xiii. 1856 A Account of some fossil bones collected in Texas. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vi, pp. 51-55. Describes some bones of Elephas, Mastodon, and Megatherium. 1857 A j Notes on the teeth of an elephant discovered near Zanesville, Ohio. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 10th meeting, Albany, 1856, pp. 169-172. Wyman, Jeffries Continued. 1857 B On a batrachiaii reptile from the Coal formation. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 10th meeting, Albany, 1856, pp. 172-173. For more complete descriptions and names of the species, see Wyman, J. 1858 A. 1858 A On some remains of batrachian rep- tiles discovered in the Coal formation of Ohio, by Dr. J. S. Newberry and C. M. Wheatley. Amer. Jour. Sci. (2), xxv, pp. 158-163, with 2 figs, in the text. Abstract in Zeitschr. gesammt. Natnrwiss., xiii, pp. 71-72, 1859. 1860 A Exhibition of skull of capybara found fossil on the southwestern fron- tier of the United States. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vii, p. 350. 1862 A Observations upon the remains of extinct and existing species of Mam- malia found in the crevices of the lead- bearing rocks and in the superficial accumulations within the lead region of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois. J. D. Whitney's Report Geol. Sun'. Upper Miss. Lead Region, pp. 421-123. 1867 A Remarks on finding of bones of great auk on Goose Island, Casco Bay. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., xi, pp. 301-303. 1872 A The osteology and myology of Didel- phys virginiana, with an appendix on the brain. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., ii, pp. 41-154, with 36 figs, in the text. Yates, L. G. 1874 A Fossil elephant and mastodon in Cal- ifornia. Amer. Jour. Sci. (3), viii, p. 143. _ 1874 B Letter relating to mammalian fossils in California. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1874, pp. 18-21. Young, John. 1866 A On the affinities of PlcUysomm and allied genera. Quart. Jour. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxii, pp. 3( with pis. xx, xxi, and 4 figs, in the text. Restriction and definition of Plntymmt Ag. HAY.] BIBLIOGRAPHY. 251 Young, John Continued. 1866 B ! Zittel, Dr. Karl A. Continued. 1893 A Notice of new genera of Carbonifer- erous Glyptodipterines. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxii, pp. 596-608; with 8 figs, in the text. Defines Rhizodus Owen. The geological development, descent, and distribution of the Mammalia. Geol. Magazine (3), x, pp. 401-412, 465-468, 501-514. Zigmo, A de. 1887 A Quelques observations sur les sir4- niens fossiles. Bull. Soc. Geol. France (3), xv, pp. 728-732, pi. xxvii. Zilliken, J. E. 1879 A Die Entstehung des Kamelhockers. Kosmos, vi, pp. 143-145. Zittel, Karl A. 1882 A Ueber Flugsaurier aus dem litho- graphischen Schiefer Bayerna. Palaeontographica, xxix, 47-81, with pis. x- xiii (i-iv). 1886 A Ueber Ceratodus. Sitzungsber. k. p. Akad. Wissensch. Mun- chen., 1886, pp. 253-261, with plate. 1890 A Handbuch der Palseontologie. I. Abth. Palseozologie. Ill Band. Verte- brata (Pisces, Amphibia, ReptUia, Aves). Pp. i-xii; 1-900, with 719 illus. Munich and Leipsic, 1887-1890. Pp. i-xii; 1-256 were issued in 1887; pp. 257- 436 in 1888; pp. 437-632 in 1889; pp. 633-900 in 1893 B Handbuch der Palseontologie. I. Abth. Paleeozologie. IV Band. Ver- tebata (Mammalia). Pp. i-xl, 1-799, with 590 figs, in the text. Munich and Leipsic, 1891-1893. Fossil fishes in the British Museum. Natural Science, viii, pp. 408-413. A review of the first three volumes of A. S. Woodward's " Catalogue of the fossil fishes in the British Museum." Zograf, N. 1896 A Note sur Podontographie des Ganoi'- dei Chondrostei. Ann. Sci. Naturelles (8) Zool., i, pp. 197- 219, with pis. iv, v. Zwick, Wilhelm. 1897 A Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Baues und der Entwicklung der Amphibien- gliedmassen, besonders von Carpus und Tarsus. Zeitschr. Wissensch. Zool., Ixiii, pp. 62-114, with pis. iv, v. A list of the principal memoirs and papers dealing with the subject is appended. ADDENDUM. Ballou, William H. 1898 A The serpent-like sea saurians. Pop. Sci. Month., liii, pp. 209-225, with 2 pis. and 6 text figs. Baur, G. 1892 D Der Carpus der Schildkroten. Aiiatom. Anzeiger, vii, pp. 206-211, with figs. 1-4. Cope, E. D. 1877 AA Verbal communication on a new local- ity of the Green River shales contain- ing fishes, insects, and plants in a good state of preservation. Palseont. Bull. No. 25, p. 1. This appears to have been a communication made to the American Philosophical Society, but it does not appear in the proceedings. It contains a list of the fishes obtained, some general remarks on their relationships, but no descriptions. "Published August 3, 1877." Lucas, F. A. 1890 B Description of some bones of Pallas cormorant ( Phalacrocorax perspicittatus ) . Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xii, pp. 88-94, with pis. ii-iv. 1890 C The expedition to Funk Island, with observations upon the history and anat- omy of the great auk. Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1887-1888, pp. 493-529, with pis. Ixxi-lxxiii. Rohon, J. V. 1899 A Die Devonischen Fische von Timan in Russland. Sitzungsber. k. bohm. Gesellsch. Wissensch., math.-naturw. CL, 1899, art. viii, pp. 1-77, with 45 text figs. 1899 B UeberParietalorganeund Paraphysen. Sitzungsber. k. bohm. Gesellsch. Wissensch., math.-naturw. CL, 1899, art. xxxiii, pp. 1-15, with 6 text figs. 252 FOSSIL VERTEBKATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. o o _ < a E-4 O 3 1 g ' ! 5 jj | III ' 2 : I iiji .x ft f o V A i ! s s & I -a i 6 >> a < HAY.] KEY TO CATALOGUE. 253 o 5 tH If.liijiJjSjj : lltHlllllUll til ijl liiiij si IllllllltflSiI 11 a ! 254 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. IT;) I AT.] KE Y TO CATALOGUE. S S S S S 5 5= - o^c^.oor-o^c :::::: : : i| i i i i i i il 8 : 5 |l ' ' ' : : : ^ s S ? S < OB 02 oo o t Balistida; ... OstrnHidsp. 4 1 5 JiwE-i5Qa3 ^3 C "S S s HAY.] KEY TO CATALOGUE. 257 iiif it if miti it lift i II t If Jj 82 iyy&I* sill Ottilia IJftR 3 II Bull. 179 17 258 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BILL. 179. KEY TO CATALOGUE. 259 s 'S -o a o - S - * H Q CQ PU s s- : a 8 : a : : 8 : 2 ; is jl 260 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 1790 22.S | . 1 1 S!!I i s : 2 a o 2 111! a w !'. a CD 2 P 11 It III I 1 o a a & & 8 2 a. M a 2 : .2 : I! 8 S HAY.] KEY TO CATALOGUE. iM.i 261 M ; j J-g 5 lUf ssSJJti i H 5 3 > o < fi Til a- gg>5||R|^-S| |||||||1||||| CATAJLOOTJE. Class ELASMOBRANCHII Bonaparte. Bonaparte, C. L. 1832-1841, Icon. Fauna Ital., iii, Introd. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, i, p. 170; iii, p. 73. ("Placoides." ) 1844 A. ("Placoides.") 1845 A. ("Placoides.") Balfour, F. M. 1881 A. ,Beard, J. 1890 A. Braus, H. 1898 A. Bridge, W. J. 1879 A. iBruhl, B. C. 1847 A. 1896 A, p. 533. jCalori, L. 1894 A. Cope, E. D. 1872 C. (Selachii.) 1877 O, p. 41. 1878 A. 1884 N, p. 579. 1885 G. 1887 S, pp. 319, 320, 324. 1889 R, pp. 53, 854. 1891 N, pp. 10, 15. 1898 B, pp. 17, 21. Dean, B. 1895 A. Dohrn, A. 1886 A. Dumeril, A. 1865 A. Eastman, C. R. 1898 A, p. 108. Fritsch, A. 1889 B, p. 95. (Selachii.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 5. Gadow and Abbott 1895 A. Gannan, S. 1884 C. Gegenbaur, C. 1865 B, pp. 77, 132. 1872 A. 1876 A. 1898 A. Gill, T. 1861 A, p. 22. 1862 A. 1884 B. 1884 C. Goeppert, E. 1895 A. Goette, A. 1878 A. Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 348. (Chondropterygii.) 1872 A, p. 554. (Chondropterygii.) 1880 A, p. 313. (Chondropterygii.) 1881 A, p. 685. (Chondropterygii.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 238. (Selachii.) Hannover, A. 1868 A. Hasse, C. 1876 A. 1877 A. 1878 A. 1879 A. 1879 B. 1882 A. 1893 A. Haswell, W. A. 1884 A. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Hertwig, 0. 1874 A. 262 Howes, G. B. 1890 A. Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1878 A. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 111. 1876 A. Jaekel, 0. 1890 A. 1890 C. 1891 D. (Selachii.) 1894 A. Klaatsch, H. 1890 A, p. 103. 1896 A. Kostlin, O. 1844 A. Markert, F. 1896 A, p. 664. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Mayer, P. 1886 A. Metschnikoff, O. 1879 A, p. 424. Mivart, St. G. 1879 A. Mollier.S. 1892 A. 1893 A. M tiller, J. 1846 C, p. 203. (Elasmobranchii, seu Sel- achii.) Miiller and Heiile 1841 A. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A. 1875 A. Newberry and Worthen 1886 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 923. Osborn, H. F. 1899 I, p. 158. Owen, R. 1847 B. 1860 E, p. 99. 1866 A. (Plagiostomi.) Parker, W. K. 1878 A. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 225. (" Placoides.") Pollard, H. B. 1894 B. Reis, O. M. 1896 A, p. 202. Rose, C. 1892 A. 1897 A, p. 62. Ryder, J. A. 1885 B. St. John and Worthen 1875 A. Stannius, H. 1854 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 529. Thacher, J. K. 1877 A, p. 284. 1877 B. Van Beneden, P. J. 1861 B Wiedersheim, R. 1889 A, p. 428. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A. 1886 E. 1891 A, p. 1891 C. 1898 B, p. 17. Worthen, A. H. 1857 A. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 370. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 60. (Selachii.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. Subclass PLAGIOSTOMATA Miiller. 263 Mutter, J. 1835 A. Gill, T. 1861 A., p. 23. (Plagiostomi.) Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 353. 1871 A, p. 428. 1880 A, p. 313. Howes, G. B. 1887 A. (Plagiostomi.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 120. (Plagiostomi.) Muller, J. 1846 C, p. 203. (Plagiostomi.) Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 23. (Plagiostomi.) Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Plagiostomi.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 64. (Plagiostomi.) Superorder TCIITHTOTOMI Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 U. Brongniart, C. 1888 A. (Pterygacanthidae, subclass. ) 1888 B, p. 180. ( Pterygacanthidae. ) 1888 C, p. 36. ( Pterygacanthidas. ) Cope, E. D. 1884 B. 1884 N, p. 581. 1884 N, p. 589. (Xenacanthini.) 1884 HH. 1885 G. 1887 S, p. 325. 1889 R, p. 854. 1891 N, p. 15. 1892 N, p. 280. 1893 L. 1893 N, p. 1080. 1894 F, p. 430. 1898 B, pp. 22, 23. Davis, J. W. 1892 A, p. 704. Fritsch, A. 1889 B, p. 96. (Xenacanthides.) 1891 B. (Ichthyotomi. ) 1895 A, p. 33. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 5. ( Proselachii.) Garman, S. 1884 C. 1885 B, p. 29. Gill, T. 1884 A. (Xenacanthini. ) 1884 B. (Xenacanthini.) 1884 C. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 240. (Proselachii.) Kehner, F. A. 1876 A, p. 348. ( ' ' Proselachier. ' ' ) Koken, E. 1889 A, p. 87. Nicholson and Lydekker, R. 1889 A, p. 926. Steinmann and Doderlein, 1890 A, p. 541. ( Prose- lachii.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 1. 1898 B, pp. 17, 32. Order PLEURACANTHIDES Haeckel. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 230. PLEURACANTHID^:. Brongniart, C. 1888 B. Brown, C. 1900 A, p. 174. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 854. 1894 F, p. 436. 1898 B, p. 23. Davis, J. W. 1880 A. 1892 A. Fritsch, A. 1889 B, p. 96. (Xenacanthidse.) 1891 B. (Xenacanthidse.) 1895 A, p. 33. (Xenacanthidse. ) Geinitz, H. B. 1860 A, p. 468. (Xenacanthi.) 1861 A , p. 22. ( Xenacanth i . ) Gegenbaur, C. 1895 B (Xenacanthini.) Hasse, C. 1878 A, p. 169. Jaekel, 0. 1890 D, p. 124. (Xenacanthini.) 1894 A, p. 64. (Xenacanthini. ) 1895 A. (Pleuracanthidse.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 926. Reis, O. M. 1897 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 541. Traquair, R. H. 1900 B, p. 516. Woodward, A. S. 1885 B, p. 155. ', P- I- (Xenacanthidse.) 1898 B, p. 33. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. ; PLEURACANTHUS Agassiz. Type P. lievissimus Agassiz. Agassis, L. 1843 B (1837), iii, p. 66. 1844 A. Barkas, T. P. 1873 A, p. 17. Beyrich, E. 1848 A. (Xenacanthns, type X. de- cheni.) Brongniart, C. 1888 A. Brown, C. 1900 A, p. 172. Case, E. C. 1898 B, p. 403. Cope, E. D. 1884 B. 1884 N, p. 589. Cope, 1889 H. 1890 B, pi. xiv. 1893 N, pi. xxix. Davis, J. W. 1880 A. (Pleuracanthus, Xenacan- thus.) 1880 B. (Pleuracanthus, Xenacanthus.) 1885 A. 1892 A, p. 705. Dean, B. 1894 A. (Xenacanthus.) 1895 A, p. 83, figs. 90-906. 18% C, p. 246. Doderlein, L. 1889 A. 264 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Egerton, P. G. 1857 B. (Pleuracanthus, Xenacan- thus.) Emery, C. 1897 B. Fritsch, A. 1888 A, fig. (Xenacanthus.) 1889 A. (Xenacanthus.) 1889 B, p. 99. 1890 A, fig. (Pleuracanthus, Xenacanthus.) 1891 A. 1891 B. (Xenacanthus.) 1896 A (1890), p. 3 (Pleuracanthus); p. 21 (Xenacanthus). Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Geinitz, B. 1860 A, p. 468. 1861 A, p. 22. Gill, T. 1884 A. (Xenacanthus.) 1884 C. (Xenacanthus.) Haeckel,E.1895A, p.241. Hasse, C. 1879 A, p. 65. Jaekel, 0. 1890 D, p. 125. (Xenacanthus.) 1891 C, p. 168. (Xenacanthus.) 1894 A, p. 103. (Orthacanthus.) 1895 A. (Pleuracanthus, Xenacanthus.) 1899 A, p. 295. Kner, R. 1867 A. (Pleuracanthus, Xenacanthus.) 1868 A, p. 279. (Xenacanthus.) Koken, E. 1889 A. Liitken, C., 1868 A. (Xenacanthus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 607. Mollier, S. 1893 A, p. 114. Nicholson and Lydekker, 1889 A, p. 926. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 103. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 273 (Xenacanthus); p. 294 (Pleuracanthus). Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 289. Reis, O. M. 18% A. 1897 A. Roemer, F. 1857 A, p. 60. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 641. Ward, J. 1890 A, p. 134. Woodward, A. S. 1888 C. 1889 D, pp. xix, 2. 1889 F, p. 300. 1891 B, p. 377, figs. 1, 2. 1892 E, figs. 2, 3, 7. ., p. 138. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 89. Pleuracanthus arcuatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 100. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 506, figure (Orthacanthus); p. 700 (Pleuracanthus). 1895 A, pi. dlxxi. (Orthacanthus.) Newberry,!. 8. 1873 A, p. 332, pi. xl, fig. 4. (Ortha- canthus.) Nicholson and Lydekker, 1889 A, p. 939. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 8. Coal-measures; Ohio. Pleuracanthus biserialis Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 100. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 9. Coal-measures; Ohio. Pleuracanthus dilatatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 100. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 9. Coal-measures; Ohio. Pleuracanthus quadriseriatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1877 E, p. 192. (Orthacanthus.) Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 700, pi. i, figs. 3o, 36. [P. (Or- thacanthus).] Cope, E. D. 1881 K, p. 163. (Orthacanthus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 9. Permian; Illinois. ORTHACANTHUS Agassiz. Type O, cyllndricus Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, pi. xlv, figs. 7-9. Beyrich, E. 1848 A, p. 28. Brongniart, C. 1888 B, p. 180. (Syn. of Pleuracan- thus.) Cope, E. D. 1893 N, p. 1080. Davis, J. W. 1880 A, p. 349. 1880 B, p. 321. 1892 A, p. 705. (Syn. of Pleuracanthus.) Fritsch, A. 1889 B, p. 99. 1891 A. 1895 A (1890), p. 33. Goldfuss, A. 1849 A. Jaekel, 0. 1891 C, p. 167. 1894 A, p. 103. 1895 A, p. 83. Kner, R. 1867 A. Koken, E. 1889 A. Ltttken, C. 1868 A. Miller, 8. A. 1889 A, p. 604. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p! 214. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 926. (Syn. of Pleuracanthus. ) Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 295. Reis, O. M. 1897 A. Ward, J. 1890 A, p. 137. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 2. (Syn. of Pleuracan- thus.) 1891 B, p. 377. 1896 A, p. 135. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 90. Orthacanthus gracilis Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 56, pi. lix, fig. 7. Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 701, pi. i, fig. 4. [Pleura- canthus (Orthacanthus).] Cope, E. D. 1881 K, p. 163. 1888 BB, p. 285. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 506, fig. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 604, fig. 1154. 1895 A, pi. D Ixxi. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 9 (Orthacanthus?). Permian; Illinois. CATALOGUE. 265 Compsacanthus Newb. Type C. Items Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 100. Davis, J. W. 1880 A, p. 355. 1883 A, p. 354. 1892 A, p. 705. (Syn. of Pleuracanthus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 592. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 331. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 9. (Syn. of Pleura- canthus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 117. Compsacanthus leevis Newb. dewberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 100. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 692, fig. 1114. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 332, pi. xl, figs. 5, 5a. 1889 A, p. 204. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 9. (Pleuracanthus.) Coal-measures; Ohio. DIAC-KANODUS Garman. Type Didymodus? compressus Cope,= Diplodus compressus of Newberry. D. texensis Cope; not Gannon, S. 1885 B, p. 30. Cope, E. D. 1883 K, p. 108 (Didymodus in part, to replace Diplodus, preoccupied by Rafinesque). 1884 A. (Didymodus.) 1884 B. (Didymodus.) 1884 N. (Didymodus.) 1884 U. (Didymodus.) 1884 CC. (Didymodus.) 1885 P. (Didymodus.) 1894 F, p. 436. (Didymodus). Davis, J. W. 1885 A. (Didymodus.) 1892 A, p. 709. (Syn. of Pleuracanthus.) Fritsch, A. 1895 A (1890), p. 46. (Orthacanthus.) Garman, S. 1884 B. (Diplodus.) 1885 A. (Diplodus.) Gill, T. 1884 A. (Didymodus.) Goldfuss, A. 1847 A, p. 23, pi. v, figs. 9-11. (Ortha- canthus.) Jaekel, 0. 1894 A, p. 103. (Didymodus.) Koken, E. 1889 A, pp. 87 (Pleuracanthus); p. 91 (Triacranodus). Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 15 (Diacranodus). 1890 A, p. 394. (Didymodus.) 1898 B, p. 32. (Didymodus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 90. (Didymodus.) Diacranodus platypternus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1884 N, p. 587, figs. 8, 9. (Didymodus. ) 1884 CC, p. 818, pi. xxiii. (Didymodus.) 1888 BB, p. 285. (Didymodus.) Garman, S. 1885 B, p. 30. (Diacranodus.) Permian; Texas. Diacranodus texensis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1883 K, p. 108. (Didymodus? com- pressus Newb.) Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 701, pi. i, figs. 5a-5d. [Pleu- racanthus (Didymodus).] Cope, E. D. 1884 N, pp. 573, 575. (Diplodus com- pressus Cope, not of Newberry.) 1884 CC, p. 818, pi. xxiii. (Didymodus com- pressus.) 1885 D, p. 406. (Pleuracanthus compressus. ) 1888 BB, p. 285. (Didymodus.) Garman, S. 1885 B, p. 30. (Diacranodus com- pressus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 15. (Didymodus.) Permian; Texas, Illinois. DITTODUS Owen. Type, none assigned; D.divergensOweri= Diplodus yibbosus Agassiz may be taken. I Gill, T. 1884 A. Hasse, C. 1879 A, p. 67. Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 791. (Dittodus.) Jaekel, 0. 1885 A, p. 78. Kner, R. 1867 A. Koken, E. 1889 A. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 596. 1892 A, p. 714. (Dissodus, type D. gibbostts.) Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, pp. 285, 333, 334. 1875 A, p. 44. Owen, R. 1867 B,p. 325 (Dittodus); p. 359 (Agano- dus); p. 346 (Ochlodus); p. 363 (Pternodus). Pictet, F. J. 1864 A, p. 259. Stock, T. 1882 B. Thompson, J. 1871 A. (Dittodus.) Ward, J. 1890 A, p. 138. Woodward, A. S. 1885 B, p. 155. 1889 D, pp. 2, 12. (Pleuracanthus, Diplodus. ) 1869 F, p. 299. 1898 B, p. 33. (Diplodus.) Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 66. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 90. Owen, E. 1867 B, p. 325, pi. i. Unless otherwise indicated, the following writers designate this genus by the name Diplodus. This name is, however, preoccupied. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 204. (Diplodus, type D. gibbosus. Name preoccupied by Rafinesque, 1810.) 1844 A. Barkas, T. P. 1868 B. 1874 A, pp. 344, 346. Cope, E. D. 1883 K, p. 108. (Didymodus in part.) 1884 A. 1884 B. 1884 N. Davis, J. W. 1880 A, p. 349. 1880 B, p. 321. 1885 A. (Syn. of Pleuracanthus.) 1892 A, p. 705. (Syn. of Pleuracanthus.) Destinez, P. 1898 A, p. 219. Eastman, C. R. 1899 C, p. 483. Egerton, P. G. 1857 B. Garman, S. 1884 B. 266 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL,179. Dittodus acinaces (Dawson). Dawson, J. W., 1860 B, suppl. p. 46, fig. 43. (Di- plodus.) 1863 D, p. 11. (Diplodus.) 1868 A, p. 211, fig. 68. (Diplodus.) 1878 A, p. 211, fig. 58. (Diplodus. ) 1894 A, p. 269. (Diplodus.) Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 714. (Diffflodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 13. (Diplodus.) Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. Dittodus compressus (Newb.). Newberry, J. S., 1856 A, p. 99. (Diplodus.) Cope, E. D. 1877 N, p. 53. (Diplodus.) 1881 K, p. 163. (Diplodus.) Hay, O. P. 1900 A, p. 16. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 714. (Dissodus.) Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, pp. 334, 335. (Diplodus. ) 1875 A, p. 44, pi. Iviii, fig. 2. (Diplodus.) 1889 A, p. 214. (Diplodus.) Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 60, pi. iv, fig. 2. (Diplodus.) St. John, 0. 1872 A, p. 240, pi. iv, figs. 19a, 1%. (Diplodus.) St. John and Worthen 1870 A, p. 432. ( Diplodus. ) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 12. (Diplodus.) Coal-measures; Indiana, Ohio. Dittodus gibbosus (Binney). Binney, E. W., 1841, Trans. Manchester Geol. Soc., i, p. 169, pi. v, figs. 17-18. (Diplodus.) Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 204, pi. 226, fig. 1. (Di- plodus gibbosus; not figs. 2-5, fide Woodward ); p. 205, pi. 226, figs. 6-8. (Diplodus minutus. ) Cope, E. D. 1884 N, p. 573. (Diplodus.)! Davis, J. W. 1892 A, p. 725. (Pleuracanthus lae- vlssimus.) Hancock and Atthey 1868 A, p. 370. (Diplodus.) Miller, 8. A. 1892 A, p. 714. (Dissodus.) Owen, R. 1867 B, p. 325, pi. i. (Dittodus paral- lelus.)2 Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 10. (Diplodus.) Coal-measures; England: Permian f Texas. Dittodus gracilis (Newb.). Newberry, J. S., 1856 B, p. 99. (Diplodus.) Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 714. (Dissodus.) Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, pp. 334, 336. (Diplodus.) 1875 A, p. 44, pi. Iviii, figs. 3, 3a. (Diplodus.) 1889 A, p. 214. (Diplodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 13. (Diplodus.) Coal-measures; Ohio. Dittodus latus (Newb.). Newberry, J. S., 1856 B, p. 99. (Diplodus.) Destinez, P. 1898 A, p. 220. Hay, O. P. 1900 A, p. 96. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 714. (Dissodus.) New-berry, J. S. 1873 A, pp. 334, 336. (Diplodus.) 1875 A, p. 44, pi. Iviii, figs. 1-16. (Diplodus.) Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 59, pi. iv, figs. l-le. (Diplodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 12. (Diplodus.) Coal-measures; Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Bel- gium. Dittodus lucasi Hay. Hay, 0. P., 1900 A, p. 97, fig. 1. Coal-measures; Illinois. Dittodus penetrans (Dawson). Dawson, J. W., 1860 B, suppl., p. 50, fig. 42. (Di- plodus.) 1868 A, p. 211, fig. 57. (Diplodus.) 1878 A, p. 211, fig. 57. (Diplodus. ) Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 714. (Dissodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 14. (Diplodus.) Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. Dittodus priscus (Eastman). Eastman, C. R., 1899 C, p. 490, pi. vii, figs. 1, 2. (Diplodus.) Weller, S. 1899 A . ( Diplodus. ) Devonian; Illinois. Dittodus striatus (Eastman). Eastman, C. Jt., 1899 C, p. 490, pi. vii, figs. 3, 4. (Diplodus.) Weller, S. 1899 A. (Diplodus.) Devonian; Illinois. PROTODUS A. S. Woodward. Type P. jexi A. S. Woodward. Woodward, A. S., 1892 A, p. 1. Eastman, C. R. 1899 C, p. 489. Miller, 8. A. 1892 A, p. 717. Traquair, R. H. 1893 A, p. 145. 1893 D, p. 111. Protodus jexi (A. S. Woodward) . Woodward, A. S., 1892 A, p. 2, pi. 1, fig. 1. Traquair, R. H. 1893 A, p. 145. Lower Devonian; New Brunswick. THRINACODUS St. J. and Worth. Type T. nanus St. J. and Worthen. St. John and Worthen, 1875 A, p. 289. Cope, E. D. 1884 B. (Thrinacodus. ) 1884 N. (Pleuracanthus.) Davis, J. W. 1892 A, p. 705. (Syn. of Pleuracan- thus.) Gill, T. 1884 A. Koken, E. 1889 A, p. 87. (Pleuracanthus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 613. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 90. (Syn. of Diplodus.) Probably not distinct from Dittoilu.-: 1 Cope's Texan specimens may belong to some other species. 2 See, however, Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 354. HAY. j CATALOGUE. 267 Thrinacodus bicornis Newb. Newberry, J. S., 1879 A, p. 344. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 14. (Diplodus.) Subcarbonilerous (St. Louis); Indiana. Thrinacodus duplicatus (Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Worthen, 1866 A, p. 61, pi. iv, figs. 3,3o. (Diplodus.) Destinez, P. 1898 A, p. 220. (Diplodus.) Keyes, C. R. 1891 A, p. 264. (Thrinacodus dupli- catus?) Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1186, figures. 1895 A, pi. dlxxii. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 289. (Thrina- codus. ) Woodward A. S. 1889 D, p. 14. (Diplodus.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois, Bel- gium. Thrinacodus incurvus (Newb. and Worth.) . dewberry and Worthen, 1866 A, p. 62, pi. iv, figs. 4, 4a. (Diplodus.) Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1186. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 289. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 14. (Diplodus.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Thrinacodus nanus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen, 1875 A, p. 289, pi. v, figs. 1, 2. Woodward A. S. 1889 D, p. 14. (Diplodus.) Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. DOLIODUS Traquair. Type Diplodus problematicus A. S. Woodward. Traquair, R. H., 1893 A, p. 145. Eastman, C. R. 1899 C, p. 489. Traquair, R. H. 1893 D, p. 112. Doliodus problematicus (A. S. Wood- ward). Woodward, A. S. 1892 A, p. 2, pi. i, fig. 2. (Di- plodus. ) Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 714. (Dissodus.) Traquair, R. H. 1893 A, p. 145. 1893 D, p. 112. Lower Devonian; New Brunswick. CLADODONTID.E. Brown, C. 1900 A, p. 174. Claypole, 1893 B. 1895 C. 1895 D. Cope, E. D. 1893 L. 1894 F, p. 427. 1898 B, p. 23. Garman, S. 1885 A ("Cladodonts"). 1885 B. ("Cladodonts.") Gill, T. 1884 B, p. 346. (Hybodontidse, in part.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 927. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 16. CLADODUS Agassiz. Type C. mirabilis Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 196. 1844 A. Barkas, W. J. 1873 A, p. 19. 1874 A, pp. 386, 392, 438. Brown, C. 1900 A, p. 172. Claypole, E. W. 1893 B. 1895 C. 489. Cope, E. D. 1893 L. 1893 O. 1894 F. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 372. 1885 A. Dean, B. 1894 A. Eastman, C. R. 1899 C, p. 1900 B, p. 35. Emery, C. 1897 B, p. 147. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 5. Garman, S. 1886 B. Hasse, C. 1879 A, p. 69. Jaekel, 0. 1892 A. 1899 A, p. 295. Koken, E. 1889 A, p. 92. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 26. Kukenthal, W. 1892 A. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 130. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 619. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 590. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 20. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 927. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 258. Reis, 0. 18% A, p. 212. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 432. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 546. Thompson, J. 1870 A. 1871 A. Traquair, R. H. 1888 A, p. 81. 1900 B, p. 517. Trautschold, H. 1874 B, p. 286. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 267. 1889 D, p. 16. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 34. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 67. Cladodus acuminatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 99. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 590, fig. 1110. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 45, pi. Iviii, fig. 4. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 23. Coal-measures; Ohio. 268 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BUM,. 179. Cladodus alternatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 265, pi. ii, figs. 14-18. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 29. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 22, 23. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook, Burlington); Iowa. Cladodus angulatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 24, pi. i, figs. 7-8a. Woodward, A.S. 1889 D, p. 21. (Syn. of C. robus- tus.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Cladodus bellifer St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 270, pi. iv, fig. 10. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 27, pi. iii, flg. 4. Sauvage, H. E. 1888 A, p. 47. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 23. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Cladodus carinatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1876 A, p. 279, pi. iv, flgs. 6,7. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 23. Coal-measures; Illinois, Iowa. Cladodus claypolei Hay. Hay, 0. P. 1899 E, p. 783. Claypole, 1894 A, p. 137, pi. v. (C. magnificus, not of Tuomey, 1858.) Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. Cladodus concinnus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 48, pi. Iviii, flg. 8. 1889 A, p. 170, pi. xxi. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 23. Devonian (Cleveland shale) ; Ohio. Cladodus coniger Hay. Hay, 0. P. 1899 E, p. 783. Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 714. (C. carinatus.) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 103. (C. carinatus, not of St. John and Worthen.) Devonian (Chemung); Pennsylvania. Cladodus costatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 27, pi. i, flgs. 13, 13a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 23. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Cladodus deflexus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 355, pi. iii, figs. 3, 3d. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 23. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Illinois. Cladodus eccentricus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 272, pi. iv, flg. 4. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 229. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 23. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri. Cladodus elegans Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 354, pi. iv, fig. 9. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 229. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 23. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri. Cladodus euglypheus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 274, pi. iv, figs. 1-3. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 229. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 24. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri, Iowa. Cladodus exiguus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 261, pi. iii, flgs. 13-15. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 24. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Cladodus exilis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 258, pi. i figs. 1-6. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 24. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook) ; Iowa. Cladodus ferox Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 26, pi. i, fig. 11. Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 80. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 24. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri. Cladodus fulleri St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 276, pi. iv, flg. 9 Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 24. Coal-measures; Illinois, Iowa. Cladodus girtyi Hay. Hay, O. P. 1900 A, p. 98, fig. 2. Coal-measures; Colorado. Cladodus gomphoides St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 269, pi. iv, figs. 12-16. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 24. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Cladodus gracilis Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 30, pi. i, flg. 17. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Trautschold, H. 1874 B, p. 287. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 24. Coal-measures; Indiana. Cladodus grandis Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 29, pi. i, flgs. 15, 16a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 21. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Cladodus hertzeri Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 46, pi. Iviii, fig. 5. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 24. Subcarboniferous (below Berea Qrit); Ohio. HAY.J CATALOGUE. 269 Cladodus intercostatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 267, pi. iv, fig. 11. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 24. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa, Illi- nois. Cladodus ischypus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 354, pi. iv, figs. 6, 6a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 24. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri. Cladodus keokuk St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 268. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 24. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa, Illinois. Cladodus lamnoides Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 30, pi. i, fig. 16. Trautschold, H. 1874 B, p. 286, text figure and pi. xxviii, fig. 3; pi. xxix, fig. 2. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 22,24. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Also reported from Russia. Cladodus magnificus Tuomey. Tourney, M. 1858 A, p. 39, figs. C, Cb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 216. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 24, pi. i, figs. 6,60. Subcarboniferous; Alabama, Illinois, Iowa. Cladodus micropus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 21, pi. i, figs,. 2, 26. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 21. (Syn. of C. robus- tus.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Cladodus monroei Eastman. Eastman, C. S. 1900 B, p. 36, fig. 2. Devonian (Hamilton); Ohio. Cladodus mortifer Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 22, pi. i, fig. 5. Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 285, pi. xxii, figs 2, 2a. St. John, 0. 1870 A, p. 431. 1872 A, p. 239, pi. iii, figs. 6a-6; pi. vi, figs. 13ar-13d. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 24. (Syn. of C. occi- dentalis.) Coal-measures; Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ne- braska, Kansas. Cladodus newmani Tuomey. Tourney, M. 1858 A, p. 39, fig. B. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 216. Subcarboniferous; Alabama. Cladodus occidentalis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1859 C, p. 3. 1873 B, pp. 311, 352, pi. xvii, figs. 4-6. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 24. Coal-measures; Kansas. Cladodus pandatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 278, pi. iv, fig. 8. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 25. Coal-measures; Illinois. Cladodus parvulus Newb. dewberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 48, pi. Iviii, figs. 9, 9a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 25. Devonian; Ohio. Cladodus pattersoni Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 47, pi. Iviii, figs. 6, 6a. ., p. 171. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 25. Subcarboniferous ( Waverly ) ; Ohio, Kentucky. Cladodus politus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 27, pi. i, fig. 12. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 25. Subcarboniferous (Chester) ; Illinois. mntius St. J. and Cladodus Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 270, pi. iv, fig. 17. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 25. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Cladodus raricostatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 271, pi. iv, fig. 18. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 25. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa. Cladodus rivi-petrosi Claypole. Claypole, E. W. 1893 B, p. 328, pi. viii. 1893 D, p. 445, fig. 1. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. Cladodus robustus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 20, pi. i, figs.l, la. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 21, 25. (C. robustus, micropus, angulatus, turritus). Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Cladodus romingeri Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 49. 1889 A, p. 177, pi. xxvii, fig. 10. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 25. Subcarboniferous (Waverly); Michigan. Cladodus spinosus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 22, pi. i, figs. 3,3a. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 644, fig. 1021. Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 80. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 22. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri. Cladodus splendens Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 284, pi. xxii, fig. 1. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Cladodus springer! St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 259, pi. ii, figs.1-13 Destinez, P. 1898 A, p. 222. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 28, pi. iii, figs. 5, 6. Sauvage, H. E. 1888 A, p. 47. 270 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 22. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Also reported from Belgium. Cladodus stenopus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 23, pi. i, figs. 4, 4a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 25. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. Cladodus striatus Agassiz. Agassis, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 197 pi. xxii b, figs. 14-17. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 375, pi. xlix, figs. 12, 13 (C. striatus); p. 374, pi. xlix, figs. 10, 11 (C. elonga- tus); p. 379, pi. xlix, fig. 19 (C. curtus); p. 380, pi. xlix, fig. 20 (C. hornei). Eastman, C. R. 1900 B, p. 36. Traquair, R. H. 1888 A . p. 81. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 19. Subcarboniferous; England, Ireland: Devon- ian (Corniferous); Ohio (if correctly identified). Cladodus subulatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 47, pi. Iviii, fig. 7. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 25. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. Cladodus succinctus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 265, pi. iii, figs 8-12. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 29. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 22, 25. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Cladodus terrelli Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 170, pi. xxvii, figs. 5-7. Dean, B. 1894 A, p. 107. (C. terrelli?). Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. Cladodus tumidus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 172, pi. xxvii, figs. 8-9. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. Cladodus turritus Newb. and Worth. Newbernj and Worthen 1866 A, p. 28, pi. i, fig. 14. Woodward, A .8. 1889 D,p. 21. (Syu. of C.robustus) . Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Cladodus vanhornei St. J. and Worth. St. John awl Worthen 1875 A, p. 273, pi. iv, fig. 5. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 25. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. Cladodus wachsmuthi St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, j>. 263, pi. iii, figs. 1-7. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 376. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 29. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 22, 26. (C. vachs- muthi.) Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Cladodus zygopus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 25, pi . i, figs. 9, 9a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 26. Subcarbonife/ous (Chester); Illinois. PHCEBODUS St. J. and Worth. Type P. sophise St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 251. Eastman, C. R. 1899 C, p. 489. Garman, S. 1885 B, p. 31 (Pternodus, type P. springeri; not of Owen, 1867). Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 588 (Bathychilodus); p. 606 (Phcebodus). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 252. (Bathy- cheilodus, type B. macisaacsii St. J. and Worth.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 27. Phcebodus macisaacsii (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 252, pi. i, figs. 12- 13d. ( Bathycheilodus. ) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 588, fig. 1103. (Bathychi- lodus). Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 27. Middle Devonian; Iowa. Phcebodus politus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 173, pi. xxvii, figs. 27-28a. Eastman, C. R. 1899 C, p. 491, pi. vii, fig. 5. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio, Illinois. Phcebodus sophiee St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 251, pi. i, figs. 14- Ud. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 635, figures. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 606, fig. 1158. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 174. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 27. Middle Devonian, Iowa. Phcebodus springer! (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 255, pi. i, figs. 7- Id. ( Pristicladodus. ) Garman, S. 1885 B, p. 31. (Pternodus.) Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 745, figures. (Pristaclad- odus springeri, P. armatus. ) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 608, fig. 1162. (Pristiclado- dus.) St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 256, pi. i, figs. X- llc. (Pristicladodus springeri, P. armatus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 27. (Phcebodus.) Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. LAMBDODUS St. J. and Worth. Type L. costatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 280. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 600. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 928. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 27. Lambdodus calceolus St. J. and Worthr St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 281, pi. v., fig. 5. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 230. CATALOGUE. 271 St. John and Worthen 1875 A. p. 282, pi. i, figs. (v-6c (var. robustus). Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 27 (L. calceolus and L. robustus). Subcarboniferous (Burlington) ; Iowa, Illinois: (Keokuk); Illinois, Missouri, Iowa. Lambdodus costatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 280, pi. v, fig. 3. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 229. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 600, fig. 1140. Subcarboniferous (Burlington, Keokuk); Iowa, Illinois, Missouri. Lambdodus hamulus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 283, pi. v, figs. 26a- 26c. (L. hamatus, on explanation of plate.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 27. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Lambdodus reflexus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 284, pi. v, figs. 25, 25a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 27. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Lambdodus transversus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 282, pi. v, figs. 4a, 46. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 27. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. CARCHAROPSIS Agassiz. Type G. prototypm A^gassiz= Pristicladodus dentatus McCoy. Agassis, L. 1843 B, ili, p. 313. (Definition in foot- note.) Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 381; p. 384. (Pristicladodus. ) Eichwald, E. 1860 A, p. 1604. (Dicrenodus.) Giinther, A. 1880 A, p. 319. Hasse, C. 1878 A, p. 168. (Pristicladodus.) McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 642. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 589 (Carcharopsis); p. 608. (Pristicladodus). 1892 A, p. 714. (Dicrenodus. ) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 944 (Carchar- opsis); 928 (Dicrenodus). Pirtet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 239. Romanovsky, G. 1853 A, p. 408, pi. viii. (Dicren- odus, type D. okensis.) St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 253 (Pristiclado- dus); p. 254 (Carcharopsis). Woodward, A. S. 1886 A, p. 268. 1889 D, p. 28. (Dicrenodus.) Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 63. (Dicren- odus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 81 (Carcharopsis); p. 66 (Pristicladodus). Carcharopsis wortheni Newb. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 69, pi. iv, figs. 14 14o. Dana, J. D. 18% A., p. 644, fig. 1020. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 383. (Pristicladodus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 589, fig. 1106. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 255. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 29. (Dicrenodus.) Subcarboniferous; Alabama. HYBOCLADODUS St. J. and Worth. Type H. plicatilis St. J. and AVorth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 284. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 600. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 928. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 29. Hybocladodus compressus ( Newb. and Worth). Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 78, pi. v, fig. 1. (Helodus.)i St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 287, pi. v. fig. 8. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 29. Subcarboniferous (Burlington) ; Iowa. Hybocladodus intermedius St. J. and Worth. .St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 287, pi. v, fig. 11. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 29. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa, Illinois. Hybocladodus nitidus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 288, pi. v, fig. 7. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 29. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Hybocladodus plicatilis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 286, pi. v, fig. 9 Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 600. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 30. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Hybocladodus tenuicostatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 286, pi. v, fig. 10. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 30. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois, Iowa. SYMMORIUM Cope. Type S. reniforme Cope. Cope, E. D. 1893 L. 1894 F, p. 427. Symmorium reniforme Cope. Cope, E. D. Brown, C. 1900 A, p. 171, fig. 6c. Cope, E. D. 1894 F, p. 427, pi. xviii, figs. 1-5. Coal-measures; Illinois. 1 Not H. compreesus Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 360. 272 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. MONOCLADODUS Claypole. Type M. clarki Clay pole. [BULL. 179. Claypole, E. W. 1893 B, p. 329. 1893 G, p. 619. Cope, E. D. 1893 O. (Syn. of Styptobasis.) 1894 F, p. 434. Monocladodus clarki Claypole. Claypote, E. W. 1893 B, p. 329, pi. vlii. ), p. 447, fig. 2. Claypole, E. W. 1893 G, p. 619, pi. xl, fig. 2. Cope, E. D. 1893 O. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. Monocladodus pinnatus Claypole. Claypole, E. W. 1893 B, p. 330. Cope, E. D. 1893 O. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. STYPTOBASIS Cope. Type S. knightiana Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 B, p. 447. 1893 O. Styptobasis aculeata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1894 F, p. 434, pi. xx, figs. 1-6. Coal-measures; Illinois. Styptobasis knightiana Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 B, p. 447, pi. xxviii, fig. 1. Knight, W. C. 1899 A, p. 374. Woodward, A. S. 1892 B, p. 233. Permian; Nebraska. Order PLEUROPTERYGIA Dean. Dean, B. 1894 A, p. 110. | Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 29. (Pleuropterygii.) CLADOSELACHID./E. Dean, B. 1894 A, p. 111. 1896 A. 18% C. CLADOSKLACHK Dean. Type Cladodus fyleri (Newb.). Dean, B. 1893 C, p. 124. Brown, C. 1900 A, p. 172. Case, E. C. 1898 B, p. 402. Cope, E. D. 1894 F, p. 429. Dean, B. 1894 A. 1896 A. 18% B. 18% C. Jaekel, O. 1892 A. (Syn. of Cladodus.) Reis, O. M. 18% A. Traquair, B. H. 1900 B, p. 616. Woodward, A. S. 1892 E. (Cladodus.) 1896 B, p. 40. 1898 B, p. 30. Cladoselache clarki (Claypole.) Claypole, E. W. 1893 B, p. 327, pi. vii. (Cladodus.) Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 619, fig. 976. (Cladodus.) Claypole, E. W. 1895 A, pis. i, ii. (Cladodus.) Dean, B. 18% B, p. 677, fig. 7. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. Cladoselache fyleri (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, pis. xlvi, xlix, figs. 2, 3; no description. (Cladodus.) Claypole, E. W. 1893 B, p. 325. (Cladodus.) 1893 G, p. 616. (Cladodus.) 1895 H, p. 191. (Cladodus.) Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 619, fig. 977. Dean, B 1894 A. 1894 B, p. 115, pi. ii, figs. 1, 2. 1895 A, p. 79, fig. 86. 18% B. Jaekel, O. 1892 A, p. 91. (Cladodus.) Mollier, S. 1893 A, p. 118. (Cladodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 B, p. 40. 1898 B, p. 31, fig. 24. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. Cladoselache kepleri (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1888 D, p. 178. (Cladodus. ) Claypole, E. W. 1893 B, p. 327, pi. vii. (Cladodus.) 1893 G, p. 616. 'Cladodus.) Dean, B. 1894 A, p. 103. 18% B, p. 676, fig. 5. Jaekel, O. 1892 A, p. 82. (Cladodus.) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, pis. xliv, xlv. (Cladodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 457. (Cladodus.) Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. Cladoselache newberryi Dean. Dean, B. 1894 B, pi. i, figs. 3-8. Cope, E. D. 1895 B. (Cladodus.) Dean, B. 18% B, p. 677, fig. 6. Woodward, A. S. 1895 B, p. 41, fig. 2. Subcarboniferous (Waverly); Ohio. Cladoselache sinuatus (Claypole). Claypole, E. W. 1893 B, p. 327, pi. vii. (Cladodus.) 1893 G, p. 618, pi. xliii, fig. 6 (Cladodus? sinuatus); explan. pi. xliii (Cladodus ro- tundiceps). Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 619, fig. 976. (Cladodus.) Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. CATALOGUE. 273 Order ACANTHOD1I Owen. Otirn, A'. 1860 K, p. 130. Cope, E. D. 1891 N, pp. 15, 18. 1893 L. 1898 B, p. 22. Fritsch, A. 1895 A (1893), p. 49. thodides.") 'Tribus Acan- Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 6. (Acanthodi.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, pp. 236, 246. (Acanthodini.) Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 37. (Acanthodidse.) Jaekel, O. 1896 B, p. 126. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, pp. xi, 1. 1898 B, p. 35. ACANTHOESSID^E. ' Agassiz, L. 1844 B, p. 32. ("Acanthodiens.") 1846 A, p. 45. ("Acanthodiens.") " Cope, E. D. 1893 L. Davis. J. W. 1894 A, p. 249. Dean, B. 1895 A. Egerton, P. G. 1866 A. Fritsch, A. 1895 A (1893), p. 49. Giinther, A. 1881 A, p. 686. (Acanthodini.) Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 37. 1872 A, p. 129. Jaekel, O. 1892 A. Klaatsch, H. 1890 A, p. 149. Liitken, C. 1873 A, p. 41. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 258. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 966. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 188. ("Acanthodiens.") Powrie, J. 1864 B, p. 417. Reis, O. M. 1892 A. 1896 A. 1897 A, p. 87. Rohon, V. 1893 A, p. 20. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 564. Traquair, R. H. 1881 A, p. 18. 1891 A, p. 124. 1894 A. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 2. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 165. ACANTHOESSUS 2 Agassiz. Type A. browni Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1832, Leonhard and Brown's Zeitschr. f. Mineral., p. 149. By the following authors this genus is re- ferred to by the name Acanthodes: Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1834), ii, pt. i, pp. 3, 19- (Acanthoessus changed to Acanthodes.) 1844 A. 1844 B, p. 32. Beyrich, E. 1848 A, p. 24. (Holacanthodes.) Davis, J. W. 1894 A, p. 249. Dean, B. 1895 A. Egerton, P. G. 1861 B. Fritsch, A. 1895 A (1893), p. 58. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 6. Jaekel, O. 1899 B, p. 56, figs. 1, 2. Kner, R. 1868 A, p. 290. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 586. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 966. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 189. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 191. 1885 A, p. 302. Reis, O. M. 18% A. Roemer, F. 1857 A, p. 65. Rohon, V. 1889 A. 1893 A, pp. 20, 55. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 564. Traquair, R. H. 1888 B, p. 511. (Mesacanthus.) 1893 B, p. 177. 1894 A. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 1. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 166. Acanthoessus affinis (Whiteaves). Whiteaves, J. F. 1887 A, p. 107. (Acanthodes mitchelli?, with A. afflnis as alternative.) Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 620, fig. 978. (Acanthodes. ) Traquair, R. H. 1890 A, p. 16. (Mesacanthus af- finis.) Whiteaves, J. F. 1883 A, p. 354. (Acanthodes mitchelli?.) 1883 B, p. 160. (Acanthodes mitchelli?.) 1889 A, p. 91, pi. v, figs. l-l/. (Acanthodes affinis. ) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 14. (Acanthodes af- finis.) Upper Devonian; Quebec, Canada. Acanthoessus concinnus (Whiteaves). Whiteaves, J. F. 1887 A, p. 107, pi. x, figs. 1, la. (Acanthodes.) Traquair, R. H. 1890 A, p. 15. (Acanthodes.) Whiteaves, J. F. 1889 A, pi. v, fig. 2. (Acan- thodes). Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 10. (Acanthodes.) Upper Devonian; Quebec, Canada. Acanthoessus? pristis (Clarke). Clarke, J. M. 1885 A, p. 42. (Acanthodes?.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 15. (Acanthodes?) Devonian (Genesee); New York. Acanthoessus semistriatus (A. S. Woodward). Woodward, A. S. 1892 A, p. 3, pi. 1, fig. 3. (Acan- thodes.) Lower Devonian; New Brunswick. 1 By most authors this family is called Acanthodidas. The change is necessitated by adopting the earlier generic name Acanthoessus for Acanthodes. 2 The law of priority, which lies at the base of all codes of nomenclature, requires the restoration of the name first given by Agassiz to this genus. Bull. 179 18 274 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Agassi/. Type C. murchisoni Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1835), ii, pt. i, p. 125. 1844 B, p. 39. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 6. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 582. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 189. Reis, O. M. 18% A. Traquair, R. H. 1893 A. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 16. Woodward and Sherborn, 1890 A, p. '29. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 167. costellatus Traquair. Traquair, R. H. 1884 B, p. 3, pi. ii. (C ceiiacanthus.) Garman, 8. 1884 C, p. 484. (Ctenacanthus.) Traquair, R. H. 1888 A, p. 81. (Ctenacanthus costellatus?) 1893 A, p. 146. 1893 D, p. 112. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 242. (Sphenacaiithus.) Subcarboniferous; Scotland: Devonian; Prov- ince of Quebec, Canada (if correctly identified). DIPLACANTHID^E. Cope,E.D.1891N,p.l9. Traquair, R. H. 1894 A. Woodward, A. S. 1H91 A, p. 22. DIPLACANTHUS Agassiz. Type D. crassisimus Duff. Agassiz, L. 1844 B. pp. 34, 40. Dean, B, 1894 A, p. 110. Egerton,P.G.1861B. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 6. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 584. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 191. Reis, O.M. 1896 A, p. 167. Traquair, R. H. 1888 B, p. 512. (Rhadinacanthus, type R. longispinis.} 1891 A, p. 125. 1894 A. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 23. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 65. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 167. Diplacanthus crassisimus Duff. Duff, P. 1842, Geol. Moray, p. 71, pi. x, fig. 2. (Diplocanthus.) Agassiz, L. 1844 B, pp. 34,41, pi. xiv, figs. 1-5 (D. striatus); pp. 34,42, pi. xiii, figs. 3,4 (D. stria- tulus); pp. 34,43, pi. xiii, figs, 1, 2; pi. xiv, figs. 6, 7 (D. crassispinus). McCoy, F. 1848 C, p. 301. (D. gibbus.) 1855 A, p. 584, pi. ii B, fig. 4. (D. gibbus.) Traquair, R. H. 1888 B, p. 512. (D. striatus.) Whiteaves,J. F. 1881 A, p. 495. (D. striatus ?.) 1883 A, p. 354. (D. ? ) 1883 B, p. 160. (D."sp.undt.") 1883 D, p. 29. ("Diplacanthus.") Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 24. Devonian; Scotland, Canada?. CLIMATIUS Agassiz. Type C. reticulalus Agassis Agassiz, L. 1844 B, p. 119. Egerton, P. G. 1861 B, p. 28. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 968. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 293. Powrie, J. 1864 B, p. 420 (Climatius) ; p. 425, pi. xx (Euthacanthus, type E. macnicott). Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 28. Woodward and Sherborn, 1890 A, p. 36. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 168. Climatius? latispinosus (Whiteaves). Whiteaves, J. F. 1881 E, p. 99. (Ctenacanthus.) Traquair, R. H. 1890 A, p. 21. (Climatius.) Whiteaves, J. F. 1883 A, p. 355. (Ctenacanthus.) 1883 B, p. 1 64. ( Ctenacanthus. ) 1889 A, p. 95, pi. x, figs. 3-3fi. (Cteuacan- thus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 G, p. 183. (Climatius.) 1891 A, p. 33. (Climatius?.) 1892 A, p. 3. (Climatius.) Lower Devonian; New Brunswick. Sup&rorder EUSELACHII, l nom. nov. Order SELACHA Bonaparte. Bonaparte, C. L., 1832-1841, Iconograph. Fauna Ital., iii, Introd. The form Selachii of this word is employed by the following writers unless otherwise indi- cated. The content of the term also varies greatly with the different authors. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1838), iii, p. 73. ("Placoides.") Beard, J. 1890 A. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 326. 1877 O, p. 41. 1878 A, p. 292. 1884 HH. 1885 G. 1889 R, p. 854. 1891 N, p. 15. t, p. 24. >This superordinal name is employed to include all Elasmobranchii except the Ichthyotomi. The living sharks and rays may be regarded as constituting the types of the group. It is quite probable that a more complete knowledge of the Paleozoic families will cause them to be removed from association with the yet living families. HAY.) CATALOGUE. 275 Dohrn, A.: Emery, ('. 1897 B. Gadow, H., 1898 A, p. 5. Garman, S. 1884 C. Gegenbaur, C. 1895 B. Gill, T. 1884 B. 1884 C. Goeppert, E. 1895 A. Giiiithcr, A. 1881 A, p. 685. Haeckel, E., 1895 A, p. 242. (Plagiostomi.) Hasse, C. 1893 A. Haswell, W. A. 1884 A, p. 112. (Selachoidei.) Howes, G. B. 1890 A. Jaekel, 0. 1890 A. 1890 C. 1894 A. Jordan and Evermaun 1896 A, p. 16. Kehuer, F. A. 1876 A. Klaatsch, H. 1894 A. Kostlin, O. 1844 A, p. 437. (" Haifische.") Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 369. Mayer, P. 1886 A. Mollier, S. 1893 A, p. 6. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A. Owen, R. 1866 A, p. 13. Parker, W. K. 1878 A. St. John and Worthen 1875 A. Sagemehl, M. 1883 A, p. 224. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 543. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 240. (Selachia.) Stephan, P. 1900 A. (" Selaciens.") Wiedersheim, R. 1889 A, p. 428. Woodward, A. S. 1886 A. 1889 D, p. 30. 1892 G. 1895 B. 1898 B, p. 39. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 60. Suborder SQUALL ' Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 309. (" Squales ou Pleuro- tremes.") Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Gibbes, R. W. 1845 A. 1847 A. 1848 B. Gill, T. 1861 A, p. 23. 1862 A. Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 353. (Selachoidei.) 1880 A, p. 314. (Selachoidei.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 242. (Squalacei.) Muller, J. 1846 C, p. 203. (Squalidse.) Muller and Henle 1841 A. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 26. ( " Squaloids." ) 1847 B, p. 255. 1860 E, p. 106. (Squalidse.) Plctet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 234. (" Squalidiens.") Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Squalidse.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 545. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. xxxix, 157. (Aster- ospondyli.) Superfamib, PETALODONTOIDEA, PETALODONTID^E. Newberry and Worthen, 1866 A, p. 31. Cope, E. D. 1891 A, p. 16. 1898 B, p. 24. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, pp. 331, 483. Jaekel, O. 1895 B. 1898 A, p. 49 (with subfamilies Janassinas, Polyrhizodontinse, and Pristodontinae.) 1899 A, p. 258. 1900 A, p. 147. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 29. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 185. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 46. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 927. Traquair, R. H. 1888 A, p. 85. Woodward, A. S. 1885 B, pp. 156, 226. ', p. 35. t, p. 50. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 96. JANASSA Minister. Type Trilobites bituminosus Schlotheim. Miinster, 6. 1839, Beitrage Petrefakt., pt. i, p. 67. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 375. Atthey, T. 1868 B. Barkas, T. P. 1868 A. (Climaxodus.) Cope, E. D. 1877 N, p. 52. (Strigilina, with S. lin- giiirformis Cope = J. strigHina Cope as type.) Davis, J. W. 1882 B, p. 60. Hancock and Atthey 1869 A. Hancock and Howes 1870 A. Jaekel, O. 1894 A, p. 65. 1895 B, p. 201. 1898 A, p. 48. 1899 A, p. 258, pis. xiv, xv, and text figs. McCoy, F. 1848 A, p. 128 (Climaxodus, with C. imbricatus as type. ) 1855 A, p. 620. Miller, S.A. 1889 A, p. 591 (CHmaxodus); p. 600. (Janassa). Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 929. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 270 (Climaxodus); p. 282 (Janassa). Woodward, A. S. 1885 B, p. 227. >, p. 34. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 98. 1 Additional literature bearing on this group may be looked for under the heads " Elasmobranchii ' and "Selachii." 276 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Janassa brevis (Newb.). Newberry. J. S. 1856 B, p. 100. (Climaxodus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 591. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 39. (Janassa.) Coal-measures; Ohio. Janassa gurleiana (Dope. Cope. E. D. 1877 E, p. 191. (Strigilina.) Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 700, pi. i, figs. 2o-2c. ( J. gur- leyana.) Cope, E. D. 1881 K, p. 163. 1888 BB, p. 285. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 39. Permian; Illinois. Janassa ordiana Cope. Cope, E. V. 1881 K, p. 163. 1888 BB, p. 285. Woodward, A. S. 1889 1), p. 39. Permian; Texas. Janassa strigilina Cope. Cope, E. D. 1H81 K, p. 163. Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 699, pi. i, figs, lo-le. Cope, E. D. 1877 E, p. 191. (Strig. lingua'formi*. ) 1877 N, p. 52. (Strigilina linguseformis Cope, not of Atthey.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 600. (J. linguiformis.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 38. Permian; Illinois. PELTODUS Newb. and Worth. Type P. linguiformis Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worlhen 1870 A, p. 362. Jaekel, O. 1899 A, p. 278. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 605. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 409. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 34, 39. (Syn. of Janassa. ) Peltodus ? plicomphalus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen, 1875 A, p. 411, pi. xiii, fig. 9. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 614, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 39. (Janassa.) Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Peltodus pulvinulus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 362. Subcarboniferous; Illinois. Peltodus quadratus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 410,pl. xiii, figs. 6, 7. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 232. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 614, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 39. (Janassa.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri. Peltodus transversus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 412, pi. xiii, fig. 8. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 614, figure. Woodward, A. S. 1899 D, p. 39. (Janussn.) Coal-measures; Illinois. Peltodus ung-uiformis % N e \v b . a n d Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 363, pi. ii, fig. 7. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 39. (Janassa.) Coal-measures; Illinois. TANAODUS St. J. and Worth. Type, none named. St. John and Worlhen 1875 A, p. 367. Jaekel, 0. 1899 A, p. 278. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 52. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 612. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 34, 39. (Syn. of Tanaodus angular is (Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 55, pi. iii, figs. 16, 16a. (Chomatodus angularis in text; C. angu- luius on plate. ) St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 368. (T. angu- latus.) Woodward, A. S, 1889 D, p. 18. '(Petalodus.) Coal-measures; Illinois. Tanaodus bellicinctus St.J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 376, pi. xi, figs. 14-16, 25. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1156, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 39. (Janassa.) Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Tanaodus depressus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 378, pi. xi, figs. 11-13. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1156, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 39. (Janassa.) Subcarboniferous (Chester) ; Illinois. gracillimus (Newb. and Tanaodus Worth.). Newberry and Wortlicii 1*66 A, j. 51, pi. iii, figs. 12, 12a. (Chomatodus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 613, fig. 1176. St. John and Worthen, 1775 A, p. 368. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 48. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Tanaodus grossiplicatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 375, pi. xi, fig. 26. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1156, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 39. (Janassa.) Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. CATALOGUE. 277 Tanaodus muitiplicatus (Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Worthen ISfif. A, p. 57, pi. iii, figs. 18, 18a. (Chomatodus.) Koninck. L. G. de 1878 A, p. 53, pi. vi, figs. 10, 11. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1157, figures. St. John and Worthen, 1875 A, p. 368. Salivate, H. K. 1888 A, p. 47. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 49. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Also in Subenrboniferous of Belgium. Tanaodus obscurus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1857 II, p. 89, pi. v, figs. 22, 23. (Choma- todus.) St. John and Worthen, 1875 A, p. 368. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 228. (Chomatodus.) Coal-measures; Illinois. Tanaodus polymorphus St. J. and Worth. St. Johnand Worthen 1875 A, p. 380, pi. xi, figs. 17- 19,24. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1157, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 39. (Janassa.) Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Tanaodus prsenuntius St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 371, pi. xi, figs. 6-10. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 231. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1158, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 39. (Janassa.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis) ; Illinois, Iowa, Missouri. Tanaodus pumilis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 369, pi. xi, figs. 1-5. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1158, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 39. (Janassa.) Subcarboniferons (St. Louis); Illinois, Iowa. Tanaodus sculptus St. J. and Worth. fit. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 373, pi. xi, figs. 20-23. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 231. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1158, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 39. (Janassa.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Iowa, Missouri. Tanaodus sublunatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthtn 1875 A, p. 368, pi. xi, fig. 27. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1159, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 39. (Janassa.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. CYMATODUS Newb. and Worth. Type C. oblongus, Newb. and Worth. ffewberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 363. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 694. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 39, 458. Cymatodusoblong^isNewb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 364, pi. iv, figs. 7, la. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 39, 458. Coal-measures; Illinois. Cope, E. D. 1883 K, p. 108. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 613. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 39. (=Janassa?.) Probably a synonym of Janassa. THORACODUS Cope. Type T. emydinus Cope. Thoracodus emydinus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 K, p. 108. Case, E.G. 1900 A, p. 702. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 613. (T. eurydinus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 39. Permian; Illinois. FISSODUS St. J. and Worth. Type F. biftdus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 413. Jaekel, O. 1895 B, p. 201. (Syn. of Petalodus. ) 1899 A, p. 289. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 597. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 929. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 40. Fissodus bifidus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 414, pi. xiii, figs. 1,2. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 598, fig. 1131. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 40. Subcarboniferous (Chester) ; Illinois. Fissodus tricuspidatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 415, pi. xiii, fig. 3. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 40. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. CHOLODUS St. J. and Worth. Type C. infequalis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 415. Miller, S. A. 1899 A, p. 590. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 40. Cholodus insequalis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Wmihen 1875 A, p. 416, pi. xiii, figs. 4,5. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 590, fig. 1108. Coal-measures; Illinois, Iowa. 278 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. PKTALOKHYNCIUS Newb. and Worth. Type Petal odus jmUacinua McCoy. Newberry and Worthen 18(56 A, p. 82. Davis, J. W. 1882 A. 1882 B, p. 60. 1883 A, pp. 485, 516. Jaekel, O. 1895 B. (Syn. of Petalodus.) 1899 A, p. 286. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 606. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 929. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 40. Zittel, K. A. 1690 A, p. 97. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 232. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 626, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 42. Subcarboniforous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- i souri, Iowa. Petalorhynchus spatulatus St. J. and Worth. St. John anil, Worthen 1875 A, p. 408, pi. xii, figs. Petalorhynchus distortus St. J. and Jsiey, j. p. 1889 A, p. 626, figures. Worth. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 42. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 406, pi. xii, figs. 7,8. Keyes, C. R. 1884 A, p. 232. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 626, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 42. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Iowa, Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Iowa? Petalorhynchus striatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 40, pi. ii, figs. Missouri. 8-86. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 626, figures. Petalorhynchus pseudosagittatus St. j i 895 A> pl . dlxxi . J. and Worth. I Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 42. St. John and Worth 1875 A, p. 406, pl. xii, figs. Snbcarboniferous (Burlington) ; Illinois. PETALODUS Owen. Type P. hastingsise Agassiz. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 61, pi. xxii. Barkas, W. J. 1874 A, p. 536. Davis, J.'W. 1882 A. 1882 B, p. 58. 1883 A, p. 484. Hancock and Atthey, 1869 A. Hancock and Howes, 1870 A, pp. 54, 61. Jaokel, O. 1895 B. 1899 A, p. 286. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 49. Leidy, J. 1855 D (Sicarius, type S. extinctus). 1856 S, p. 161. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 635. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 605. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, pp. 31, 46. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 930. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 270. Trautschold, H. 1874 B, p. 293. Woodward, A. S. 1885 B, pp. 156, 226. 1889 D, p. 42. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 97. Petalodus curtus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 355, pi. iii, fig. 2. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 625, figures. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 394, pi. xii, figs. 12-12c (with ?). Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 47. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois, Iowa. Petalodus hybridus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 394, pi. xii, fig. 10. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 47. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. Petalodus knappi Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1879 A, p. 345. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 47. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Indiana. Petalodus linguifer Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 37, pl. ii, figs. 4-5c. Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 81. Leidy J. 1876 C. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 47. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois, Missouri (fide Hambach). Petalodus ohioensis Safford. :, J. M. 1853 A, figs. 1, 2. (Getalodus, err. Eastman, C. R. 18% D, p. 174. (P. ulleghanieiisis.) Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 81. (P. destructor.) Hay, O. P. 1895 C. (P. ohioensis, P. securis.) Leidy, J. 1855 D. (Sicarius extinctus.) 1856 S. p. 161, pi. xvi, figs. 4-6. (P. alleg.) 1859 C. (P. alleg.) 1873 B, pp. 312, 353, pi. xvii, fig 3. (P. alleg.) Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 624, figures. (P. alleg.) 1895 A, pi. dlxxi. (P. alleg., P. destruc- tor.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 605, fig. 1157. (P. alleg.) Newberry, J. S. 1876 A, p. 52, pi. Iviii, figs. 13, 13a, (P. alleg., P. destructor.) Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 35, pi. ii, figs. 1-3. (P. destructor.) St. John, O. 1870 A, p. 433. (P. destructor.) 1872 A, p. 240, pi. iii, fig. 5. HAY-] CATALOGUE. 279 Petalodus proximus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, ]>. 396. (P. alleg.) Woodward, \. S. 1889 D, p. 46. Coal-measures; Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, & John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 395, pi. xii, fig. 11. Nebraska, Arkansas, Missouri. ! Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 48. Coal-measures; Illinois. ANTLIODUS Newb. and Worth. Type, A. mucronatus Newb. and Worth. A ( u-b>rry and Wortlien I860 A, p. 33. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 485. Koninck, L. G. do 1878 A, p. 51. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 587. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 185. St. John and Worthen, 1875 A, p. 368. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 42, 48. (Syn. of Peta- lodus.) Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 145. (Syn. of Petalodus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 97. Antliodus arcuatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p.208, pi. xix, figs. 3, 4. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Indiana. Antliodus cucullus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 41, pi. iii, figs. 1-16. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 48. (Petalodus). Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Antliodus gracilis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 393, pi. xi, fig. 29. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 48. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Illinois. Antliodus minutus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 43, pi. iii, figs. 3-36. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 52, pi. vi, fig. 9. Newberry, J. S. 1879 A, p. 341. Sauvage, H." E. 1888 A, p. 47. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 48. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous; Europe: (Keokuk); Illi- nois: (St. Louis); Indiana. Antliodus mucronatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 38, pi. ii, figs. 6-66. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 48. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. Antliodus parvulus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 38, pi. ii, figs. 7-7a. Woodward, A Subcarboniferoi Illinois. p. 48. (Petalodus.) (Burlington, Keokuk); Antliodus perovalis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 393, pi. xi, fig. 28. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 48. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Illinois. Antliodus politus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 42, pi. iii, figs. 2, 2a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 48. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Antliodus robustus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 39, pi. ii, figs 9-9c. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 48. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Antliodus sarcululus Newb.and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p, 356, pi. iii,figs. 8-86. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 468. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Antliodus similis Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 41, pi. ii, figs. 10, 10a. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Newberry, J. S. 1879 A, p. 346. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 48. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk) ; Illinois, Indiana. Antliodus simplex Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A. p. 44, pi. iii, figs. 4,4a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D. p. 48. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Antliodus sulcatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 45, pi. iii, figs. 5,5a. Woodward, A S. 1889 D, p. 48. (Petalodus.) Subcarbouiferous (Keokuk); Illinois. CHOMATODUS Agassiz. Type C. linearis Agassiz. Ayayxiz, L. 1843 B (1838), iii, p. 108. 1844 A. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 507. Destinez, P. 1898 A, p. 220. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 46. Leidy, J. 1857 H, p. 89. (Palseobatis, type P. in- sipnisLeidy.) McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 617. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 590 (Chomatodus); p. 604 (Palseobatis). Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 186. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 34. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 61. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 266. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 367. 280 FOSSIL VERTEBBATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 48 (Syii.of Petalodus); p. 228 (Chomatodus). Woodward and Sherbom 1890 A, p. 32. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 97. Chomatodus affinis Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 54, pi. iii, figs. 15, Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 48. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Chomatodus angustus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1879 A, p. 342. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 228. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Indiana. Chomatodus arcuatus St. John. St. John, 0.1870 A, p. 435. Destinez, P. 1898 A, p. 221. St. John, O. 1872 p. 243, pi. vi, figs. 14a, U6. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, pi. x, figs. 23a, 236. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 228. Coal-measures; Iowa, Nebraska, Belgium. Chomatodus chesterensis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 363, pi. x, figs. 15- 17d. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 228. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Chomatodus comptus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 356, pi. x, figs. 19-22. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 228. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Chomatodus costatus Newb. and Worth . Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 85, pi. v, figs. 17, 17a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 459. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk): Illinois. Chomatodus cultellns Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 52, pi. iii, figs. 13, 13a. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 359. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 48. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Chomatodus elegans Newb. and Worth. .; Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 86, pi. v, figs. 18-186. Woodward, A. S. 1899 D, p. 228. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa. Chomatodus inconstans St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 360, pi. x, figs. 5-14. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 228. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Iowa. Chomatodus incrassatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 359, pi. x, fig. 18. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 231. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 590, fig. 1109. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 458. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Iowa, Missouri. Chomatodus insignia (Leidy). I^eidy, J. 1867 H, p. 89, pi. v, figs. 24-26. (Palseo- batis.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 604. (Palseobatis.) St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 359, pi. x A, figs. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 48. (Petalodus.) Subearboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri, Illi- nois. Woodward regards the identification of Leidy's species with that of St. John and Worthen as doubtful. Chomatodus loriformis Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 58, pi. iii, figs. 19, 19a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 49. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Chomatodus molaris Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 56, pi. iii, figs. 17, 17a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 49. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Chomatodus newberryi nom. nov. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. (C. obliquus. ) Newberry, J. S. 1879 A, p. 342. (C. obliquus, notof McCoy, 1848.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 228. (C. obliquus.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Indiana. Chomatodus parallelus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 358, pi. x A. figs. 3, 4. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 231. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 49. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Illinois, Mis- souri. Chomatodus pusillus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 53, pi. iii, figs. 14-146. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p .484. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 49. (Petalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois, Indi- ana. Chomatodus selliformis Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1879 A, p. 341. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 228. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Indi- ana. Chomatodus varsouviensis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 363, pi. x, figs. 1-46. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 228. Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Illinois, Mis- souri. HAY.J CATALOGUE. 281 LISGODUS St. J. and Worth. Type L. curtus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthrn 1875 A. p. 363. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 601. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 49. Lisgodus affinis Newb. Newberry. J. S. 1879 A, p. 343. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 49. Subcarboniferons (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri, Indiana. Lisgodus curtus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 364, pi. xA, figs. 20-22. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 231. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 601, fig. 1143. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 49. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa, Illi- nois, Missouri. Lisgodus selluliformis St. J.and Worth. St. John and Worthen, 1875 A, p. 366, pi. xA, fig. 16. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 231. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D,p. 49. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri. Lisgodus serratus St. J. and Worth. St. John awl Worthen 1875 A, p. 365, pi. xA, figs. 17-19. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 49. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa, Illi- nois. CALOPODUS St. J. and Worth. Type C. apicails St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worttien 1876 A, p. 403. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 589. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 49. Calopodus apicalis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 403, pi. xii, figs. 1C, 17. CTENOPETALUS Davis. Type Petcdodm serratus Owen. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 589, fig. 1105. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 49. Coal-measures, Iowa. ixin*, J. W. 1881 A, p. 426. (Ex. Agass. MSS.) 1882 B, p. 59. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 626. (Ctenoptychius.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 594. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 186. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, 'p. 264. (Ctenoptychius.) Ward, J. 1890 A, p. 141. (Ctenoptychius.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 49. (Syn. of Cte- noptychius. ) Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 54. (Syn. of Ctenoptychius. ) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 99. Ctenopetalus bellulus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 398, pi. xii, fig. 9. [C. (Petalodus.)] Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 53. (Ctenoptychius.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Iowa, Illinois. Ctenopetalus limatulus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 399, pi. xii, fig. 18. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 53. (Ctenoptychius.) Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Ctenopetalus medius St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 400, pi. xA, fig. 26. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 53. (Ctenoptychius.) Subcarboniferous (Chester) ; Illinois. Ctenopetalus occidentalis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 401, pi. xii, fig. 14. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 594, fig. 1120. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 53. (Ctenoptychius.) Coal-measures; Iowa. Ctenopetalus vinosus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 396, pi. xii, fig. 13. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 54. (Ctenoptychius.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa. CTENOPTYCHIUS Agassiz. Type C. apicalis Agassiz. Agaxgiz, L. 1843 B (1838), iii, p. 99. 1844 A. Barkas, W. J. 1873 A, p. 18. 1874 A, pp. 439, 482, 533. Davis, J. W. 1881 A, p. 425. Jaekel, O. 1895 B, p. 201. 1899 A, p. 286. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 594 (Ctenoptychius); p. 605 (Peripristis). Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 62. 1889 A, p. 186. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, pp. 33, 73. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 930. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 61. Pictet, F. J. 1864 A, p. 264. St. John, O. 1870 A, p. 434. (Peripristis, type P. semicircularis. ) 1872 A, p. 241. (Peripristis.) 282 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BITU..179. Stock, T. 1882 A. 1885 B, p. -J-J7. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 49. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 54. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 99. Ctenoptychius acuminatus (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Wortten 1875 A, p. 402, pi. xA, figs. 6-Gd. ( Pristodus?) Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 745, figures. (Pristodus?) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 53. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Ctenoptychius cristatus Pawson. Dawson, J. W. 1868 A, p. 209, fig. 52. 1878 A, p. 209, fig. 52. Lesley, J. P. 1895 A, pi. dlxx. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 594, fig. 1121. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 56. Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. Ctenoptychius pertenuis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthni 1X75 A, p. 382, pi. xA, fig. 27. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 53. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Ctenoptychius semicircularis Newb. and Worth. Neii'berry n/l Wortlu n IKfiti A, p. 72, pi. iv, figs. 18-186. Kindle, K. M. is'.ts A, ).. 1M ( Clcnoptychius); p. 4H5 (Peripristis). Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 60f>, fig. 1156. (Peripristis.) Newberry, J. S. ls7.'i A, p. r>2, pi. Ivili, fig. 14. St. John, O. 1870 A, p. 434. (Peripristis.) 1872 A, p. 242, pi. iii, figs. 3, 4; pi. iv, figs. 20-206. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 53. Coal-measures; Ohio, Indiana, Nebraska. Ctenoptychius stevensoni St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 383, pi. xii, fig. 15. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 54. Coal-measures; West Virginia. HARPACODUS St. J. and Worth. Type H. ocridentalis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 354. (Ex. Agass. MSS.) Davis, J. W. 1881 A, p. 426. 1883 A, p. 514. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 598. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 186. Woodward. A. S. 1889 D, p. 49. (Syn. of Ctenopty- chius.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 99. Harpacodus compactus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 355, pi. xA, figs. l-lb. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 53. (Ctenoptychius). Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Harpacodus occidentalis St. J. and Worth. fit. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 355, pi. xA, figs. 2-2rf. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 230. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 599, fig. 1135. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 53. (Ctenoptychius.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri. POLYRHIZODUS McCoy. Type P. magnus McCoy. McCoy, F. 1848 A, p. 125. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, pp. 485-499. Jaekel, O. 1895 B. 1899 A, p. 278. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 041. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 594 (Dactylodus); p. 607 (Polyrhizodus). Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 294. (Dactylodus.) Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 33 (Dactylo- du.s, type D. princeps); p. 34 (Polyrhizodus). Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 930. ( Polyrhi- zodus, Dactylodus.) Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 271. Trautschold, H. 1874 B, p. 294 (Dactylodus); p. 2% (Polyrhizodus). Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 56. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 97. Polyrhizodus amplus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 387, pi. xiii, fig. 13. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 232. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 732, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 59. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri. Polyrhizodus carbonarius St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 389, pi. xA, figs. 24, 25; pi. xiii, fig. 1. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 732, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 59. Coal-measures; Illinois. Polyrhizodus concavus (St. J. and Worth.). St. John awl Worthen 1875 A, p. 390, pi. xiii, figs. 17, 18. (Dactylodus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 594, fig. 1123. (Dactylo- dus.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1885. A, p. 294, pi. xxiii, fig. 31. (Dactylodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 59. Subearboniferons (St. Louis); Illinois. IAY.] CATALOGUE. 283 Polyrhizodus dentatus Newb. and | Worth. Newberry tuid Worthen 1866 A, p. 50, pi. iii, figs, j 10, 10a. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 733, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 59. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Polyrhizodus digitatus (Leidy). lA-idy, J. 1857 H, p. 90, pi. v, figs. 27-29. (Cteno- i ptychius.) Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 47. (Dactylo- dus.) 1866 A, p. 47, pi. iii, figs. 7, "a. (Dactylodus lobatus. ) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 59. (P. lobatus.) Subearboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- j souri. Polyrhizodus excavatus (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1866 A, p. 392; pi. xiii, fig. 16. (Daetylodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 59. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Polyrhizodus inflexus (Newb. and Worth.). dewberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 48, pi. iii, figs. 8, 8a. (Dactylodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 59. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Polyrhizodus latus Newberry. N> u-hi ,,;/, J. S. 1897 A, p. 296, pi. xxiii, figs. 7, la. (Dactylodus.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. Polyrhizodus littoni Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 357, pi. Iv, figs. 10, lOo. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 232. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 733, figures. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 607, fig. 1160. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 209, pi. xix, figs. 5,6. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 59. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri, In- diana. Polyrhizodus minimus (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 391, pi. xiii, fig. 19. (Dactylodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 60. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. Polyrhizodus modestus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 50, pi. Iviii, figs. 10, 10a. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 733, figures. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 607, fig. 1161. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 60. Subcarboniferous; Ohio. Polyrhizodus nanus Rt. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 386, pi. xiii, fig. 15. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 733, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 60. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa. Polyrhizodus piasaensis St. J. ana Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 386, pi. xiii, fig. 12. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 734, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 60. Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Illinois. Polyrhizodus ponticulus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 51, pi. iii, figs. 11, lla. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 734, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 60. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Polyrhizodus porosus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 49, pi. iii, figs. 9, 9a. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 734, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 60. Subcarboniferous(Burlington) ; Illinois, Iowa. Polyrhizodus princeps (Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 45, pi. iii, figs. 8-86. (Dactylodus.) Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 80. Jaekel, O. 1899 A, p. 285. (Dactylodus.) Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 295, pi. xxiii, figs. 5, 60, 6. (Dactylodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 60. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri. Polyrhizodus rectus (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 296, pi. xxiii, figs. 8, 9. (Dactylodus.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. Polyrhizodus truncatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 357, pi. iii, figs. 16, 16a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 60. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Illinois. Polyrhizodus williamsi St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 384, pi. xA, fig. 23; pi. xiii, fig. 11. Keyes,C. R. 1894 A, p. 232. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 734, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 A, p. 60. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Missouri, lo 284 FOSSIL VERTEBEATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. PSAMMODONTID.E. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, pp. 29, 30. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, pp. 431, 459. Jaekel, O. 1895 B. 1898 A, p. 49 (with subfams. Psammondon- tinse, Helodontinse, and Psephodontinae. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 934. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 197. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 91. 1898 B, p. 60. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 95. PSAMMODUS Agassiz. Type P. rugosws Agassi?,. Agavfis, L. 1843 B (1838), iii, p. 103. 1844 A. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 459. Giinther, A. 1872 A, p. 519. Koninck, L. G. de 1844 A, p. 616. 1878 A, p. 41. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 643. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 608. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 107. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 935. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 69, pis. xvii, xx, xxi. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 266. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 293. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 197. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 549. Trautschold, H. 1874 B, p. 288. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 99. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 95. Psammodus angularis Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 107, pi. xi, figs. 2-26. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 784, figures (P. angularis); p. 787, figures (P. porosus?). Miller. S. A. 1889 A, p. 609, fig. 1164. (P. porosus. ) Newberry and Worthen, 1866 A, p. 107, pi. xi, figs. 1-16. ( " P. porosus Ag.? " ) . St. John and Worthen, 1883 A, p. 222. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 107. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Psammodus antiquus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1857 C, p. 124. 1873 A, p. 265. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 459. Devonian (Corniferous); Ohio. Psammodus ceelatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 217, pi. xviii, flg.l. Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 81. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 784, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 107. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Iowa, Missouri (fide Hambach). Psammodus crassidens St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen, 1883 A, p. 218, pi. xvlil, figs. 2-6; text figs. a-c. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 784, figures (P. crassidens) p. 788, figures (P. rugosus). 1895 A, pi. ecxxxi. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 608, fig. 1163. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 108, pi. xi, figs. 3, 3a. (P. rugosus, not of Agassiz.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 107. Subcarbonferous (St. Louis) : Illinois, Iowa. Psammodus glyptus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. -209, pi. xiv, figs. 6,6. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 786, figures. 1895 A, pi. ecxxxi. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 210, pi. xix, figs. 7,8. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 107. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Illinois. Psammodus grandis St. J. and Worth. ,S<. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 211, pi. xv, figs. 1-3. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 786, figures. 1895 A, pi. ecxxxi. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 107. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa. Psammodus lovianus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 207, pi. xiv, figs. 7-9. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 786, figures. 1895 A, pi. ecxxxi. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 108. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Illinois, Iowa. Psammodus plenus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 213, pi. xvi, figs. 1-4; pi. xvii, figs. 1^. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 235. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 786, figures. 1895 A, pi. ccxxxii. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 108. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri, Illi- nois, Michigan. Psammodus reticulatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 109, pi. xi, figs. 5, 5a. Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 81. Koninck, L. G. de!878 A, p. 42. (P. porosus?). Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 788, figure. 1895 A, pi. ecxxxi. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 224, pi. xix, figs. 3,5. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 108. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois, Mis- souri (fide Hambach). HAY.] CATALOGUE. 285 Psammodus springer! St. J. and Worth. St. Jofni and Worthen 1883 A, p. 202, pi. xx, figs. 4-11, and 7 text figures. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 789, figures. 1896 A, pi. ccxxxii. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 609, figs. 1165, 1166. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 108. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa, Illi- nois. Psammodus tumidus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 205, pi. xiv, figs. 1-4. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 790, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 108. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Illinois, Iowa. Psammodus turgidus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 206, pi. xv, fig. 4; text-fig, a. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 790, figures. 1895 A, pi. ccxxxi. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 609, fig. 1168. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 108. Subcarboniferous (division beds of Burling- ton and Keokuk); Iowa. Psammodus sp? Dawson, J W. 1868 A, p. 210, fig. 54. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 790, figure. Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. MAZODUS Newb. Type M. kepleri Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 178. Claypole, E. W. 18% D, p. 146. 1896 E, p. 152. Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 716. Mazodus kepleri Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 180, pi. xxi, figs. 1-3. Claypole, E. W. 18% D, p. 146, figs. 1, 2. Subcarboniferous (Waverly); Ohio. ARCH^OBATIS Newb. Type A. gigas Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1878 A, p. 190. 1879 A, p. 346. 1885 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1885 A. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 108. 1890 A, p, 391. Zittel, K. A. Archseobatis gigas Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1878 A, p. 190. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Newberry, J. S. 1879 A, p. 347. 1884 A. 1885 A. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 108. 1890 A, p. 391. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis) ; Indiana. COPODUS Davis. Type C. carnutus Davis. DanV, J. W. 1883 A, p. 464. 1883 A, p. 469. (Labodus.) Eastman, C. R. 1898 A, p. 112. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 592. 1892 A, p. 716. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 198. (Labodus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 935. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 227; 6 text-figs. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 271. 1889 D, p. 91. W'oodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 43. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. %. Copodus marginatus (Newb.). Xewberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 198, pi. xix, fig. 9. (La- bodus.) Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. (Labodus.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis) ; Indiana. Copodus pusillus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 231, pi. xx, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 99. Subcarboniferous (Cnester); Illinois. Copodus vanhornii St. J. and Worth. ist. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 229, pi. xx, figs. 2, 3. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 235. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 99. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri, Illi- nois. Superfamily HETERODONTOIDEA, 1 nam. nov. Gill,, T., 1882, in Jordan and Gilbert' sSynop. Fishes N. A., p. %7. (Proarthri.) 1884 B, p. 346. (Proarthri.) 1884 C. (Proarthri.) 1893 A, p. 129. (Prosarthri.) Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 19. (Proarthri.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. ix. ( " Proarthri.") !This name is proposed in order to conform to the rule adopted by many zoologists, according to which the name of the superfamily is derived from that of a typical family. 286 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BUIJ,. 179. COCHLIODONTID.E. Owen, R. 1867 A. Brown, C. 1900 A, pp. 173, 174. Cope, E. D. 1891 N, p. 17. 1898 B, p. 26. Davis J. W. 1882 B. 1883 A, pp. 331, 410. 1890 B. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 29. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 939. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 201. Traquair, R. H. 1888 A, p. 84. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 269. 1889 D, p. 169. 1892 G. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 68. HELODUS Agassiz. Type H. simplex Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1838), iii, p. 104. 1844 A. Amer. Geologist 1888 A. Davis, J. W. 1890 B. Jaekel 0. 1898 A, p. 50. Koninck, L. G. de 1844 A, p. 614. 1878 A, p. 38. McCoy, F. 1885, A, p. 630. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 599. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 74. 1870 A, p. 365. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 939. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 266. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 294. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 295. Traquair, R. H. 1888 A, p. 84. Trautschold, H. 1874 B, p. 288. Ward, J. 1890 A, p. 143. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 269. 1889 D, pp. 171, 226. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 92. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 75. Helodus angulatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Wortlien 1866 A, p. 83, pi. v, flgs. 9-15. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 362. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 221. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Illinois. Helodus biformis Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 77, pi. iv, fig. 22. St. John and Worthen 1875- A, p. 419. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 226. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook): Iowa. Helodus carbonarius Newb. and Worth. Newberry aud Worthen 1866 A, p. 75, pi. iv, figs. 20, 20a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 226. Coal-measures: Illinois. Helodus coniculus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 75, pi. iv, flgs. 19, 19a. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Newberry, J. S. 1879 A, p. 344. Wordward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 226. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois: (St. Louis); Indiana: (Burlington); Iowa. Helodus consolidatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 87, pi. vi, flgs. Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 81. Woodward A. S. 1889 D, p. 226. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois, Mis- souri. Helodus crenulatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Wortlien 1866 A, p. 82, pi. v, flgs. 7, 7o. Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 81. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 226. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois, Mis- souri (fide Hambach). Helodus dens-humani Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 76, pi. iv, flgs. 21-216. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 226. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Helodus denticulatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and WorthenlS66 A, p. 81, pi. v, flgs. 6-66. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 317. (Helodus?) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 226. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Helodus elytra Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 78, pi. iv, fig. 23. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 299. (Choma- todus.) 1883 A, p. 95. (Helodus.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Helodus gibberulus Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1838), iii, p. 106, pi. xii, flgs. 1, 2. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 405, pi. li, fig. 19. (Lopho- dus.) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A. p. 102. Trautschold, H. 1874 A, p. 269, pi. xxvi, fig. 9. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 219. Carboniferous; Europe: Subcarboniferous (Waverly): Pennsylvania: ("Mountain lime- stone"); Illinois, Indiana. Helodus gibbus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1857 H, p. 88, pi. v, fig. 18. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 226. Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Illinois. Helodus laevis Newb. Newberry, J. K. 1879 A, p. 343. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 226. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Indiana. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 287 Helodus limax Newb. and Worth. Newberry aad Worthen 1866 A, p. 80, pi. v, figs. 5-56. Woodward, A. S. 1889 1), p. 226. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Helodus politus Newb. and Worth. Xewberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 79, pi. v, fig. 2. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 227. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Helodus rugosus Newb. and Worth. Sewberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 359, pi. ii, figs. 10, 10a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 227. Coal-measures; Illinois. Helodus sulcatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 83, pi. v, figs. 16, 16a. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 221. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Helodus undulatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 82, pi. v, figs. 8-86. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 227. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Helodus wortheni Hay. Hay, 0. P. 1899 E, p". 784. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 360, pi. iii, figs. 15, 15a. (Helodus compressus; not H. com- pressus Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 78, pi. v, fig. l=Hybocladodus compressus.) Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Illinois. VENUSTODUS St. J. and Worth. Type Chomatodus venustus Leidy. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 344. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 613. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 218-225. 1889 F, p. 298. Venustodus argutus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 352, pi. ix, figs. 5, 6. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1250, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 228. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Venustodus robustus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A. p. 345, pi. ix, figs. 15-18. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1261, figures. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 614, fig. 1177. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 228. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Venustodus tenuicristatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 348, pi. ix, figs. 19-24. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 230. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A. p. 1251, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 229. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk): Illinois, Iowa, Missouri. Venustodus variabilisSt. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 346y pi. ix, figs. 7-14. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1252, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 229. Subcarboniferous( Burlington); Illinois.Iowa. Venustodus venustus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1857 H, p. 89, pi. v, figs, 19-21. (Choma- todus.) Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 81. (V.leidyi.) Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1250, figures. (V. leidyi.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, pp. 590, 613, 614. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 34. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, pp. 345, 350, pi. ix, figs. 1-4. (V. leidyi.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 228. (V. leidyi.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri. XENODUS S. A. Miller. Type Goniodus hertzeri Newb. Xenodus hertzeri (Newb.). Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 718. Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 784. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 67. (Goniodus, not of Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 69, pl.xxvii, figs. 11-15. (Goniodus.) Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 718. Devonian (Huron Shale); Ohio. PERIPLECTRODUS St. J. and Worth. Type P. warreni St. J. and AVorth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 324. Miller, S. A. 1889, p. 605. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 228. Periplectrodus compressus St. J. and AVorth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 326, pi. viii, figs. 26-26c. Lesley, J. p. 1889 A, p. 622, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 229. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. Periplectrodus expansus St. J. and Worth, I St. John and Worthen 1876 A, p. 327, pi. viii, figs. ' 27-27C. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 623, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 229. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Periplectrodus warreni St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 325, pi. viii, figs. 25-25c. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 624, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 229. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. 288 FOSSIL VERTEBKATA OF NORTH AMERICA. PSEPHODUS Morris and Roberts. Type CocMiodus magnus Portloek. Morris and Roberts, 1862, Quart. Jour. Geol. 8oc., xviii, p. 101. Amer. Geologist 1888 A. Davis, J. W. 1882 B, p. 54 1883 A, p. 438. Jaekel, O. 1896 A, p. 50. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 59. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 610 (Psephodus); p. 612 (Tseniodus, in part.) Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 92. ( Aspidodus, type A. convolutus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 939. St. John and Worthen, 1883 A, pp. 59, 63; p. 73 (Taeniodus). Traquair, R. H. 1885 A. L, p. 84. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 270. 1889 D, p. 176. 1892 G, p. 674. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 72. Psephodus crenulatus (Newb. and Worth.). dewberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 93, pi. viii, figs. 3-11. (Aspidodus.) Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 80. (Aspidodus.) Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. (Aspidotus.) Newberry, J. S. 1879 A, p. 341. (Aspidodus.) Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 94, pi. viii, figs. ' 12, 22o. (Aspid. convolutus.) St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 419. 1883 A, pp. 63, 67, 69. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 184. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois, Ken- ' tucky, Missouri, Indiana. Psephodus latus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 72, pi. ii, figs. 1-3. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A. p. 232. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 791, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 184. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri. Psephodus lunulatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 74, pi. ii, fig. 4. (P. cunulatus, errore). Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 791, figures. Woodward, A. 8. 1889 D, p. 185. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Psephodus obliquus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 66, pi. i, figs. 1-5 Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 791, figures. 1895 A, pi. ccxxxii. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 184. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Psephodus placenta (Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 80, pi. v, figs. 4, 4o. (Helodus.) Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 792, figures. 1895 A, pi. ccxxxii. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 69, pi. ii, figs. 5-8. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 184. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Psephodus politus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 301, pi. xxiv, figs. 13-23. [P. (Helodus); not H. politus of Newb. and Worth.] Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Illinois. Psephodus regularis (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 77, pi. xiii, fig. 11. (Tseniodus.) Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. (Tseniodus.) Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1173, figs. (Teniodus.) 1895 A, pi. ccxxxiv. (Teniodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 185. Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Indiana. Psephodus? reticulatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 417, pi. vi, figs. 19-24. Leslie, J. P. 1889 A, p. 793, figures. 1895 A, pi. ccxxxii. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 185. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Psephodus ? symmetricus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 71, pi. i, figs. 6-7d. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 793, figures. 1895 A, pi. ccxxxii. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 185. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. SANDALODUS Newb. and Worth. Type, none specified. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 102. Davis, J.W. 1883 A, p. 436. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 62. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 612. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. ill. (Trigono- dus, type T. vtajor.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 939. St. John and V/orthen 1883 A, p. 184. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 185. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 72. Sandalodus angustus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 103, pi. x, fig. 3. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 920, figure. 1895 A, pi. ccxxxii. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 187. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 289 Sandalodus crassus (Newb. and Worth.). X> irlii rnj and Worthen 1866 A, p. 91, pi. viii, figs. 2, 2a. (Cochliodus? crassus, not Sanda- lodus crassus Newb. and Worth. 1870=; S. spat- ulatus Newb. and Worth.) Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 234. (S. Isevissimus, S. crassus. Lesley. .1. P. 1889 A, p. 789, figure. (Psammodus semicylindricus.) 1890 A, p. 921, figure. (S. grandis, S. leevissi- mus.) 1895 A, pi. ccxxxii (S. grandis); pi. ccxxxiii (S. Isevissimus). Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 298 (S. grandis.) Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 105, pi. x, fig. 9 (Sandalodus grandis); p. 109, pi. xi, figs. 4, 4a (Psammodus? semicylindricus); p. 110, pi. xi, figs. 6, 6a (P? rhomboideus), St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 186, pi. xii, figs. 8, 9. (S. Isevissimus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 188. (S. laevissimus.) Subcarboniferous; Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Indiana. ? Sandalodus ellipticus Newb. y>. trhi ITJ/, /. S. 1897 A, p. 299, pi. xxiv, fig. 2. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Sandalodus ? minor (Newb. and j Worth.). Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 112, pi. xi, figs. 7, 7o. (Trigonodus.) Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1219, figures. (Trigonodus.) Newberry, J. S. 1879 A, p. 341. (Trigonodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 185. (Psephodus ?.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois, (St. Louis,) Indiana. parvulus Newb. and Sandalodus Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 102, pi. x, fig. 1. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 233. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 921, figures. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 107, pi. iv, figs. 4-8. (Stenopterodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 190, 217. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri. Sandalodus rhomboideus (Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 100, pi. ix, fig. 8. (Deltodus.) Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 234. (S. spatulatus.) Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 789, figure. (Psammodus.) 1890 A, p. 922, figures. (S. spatulatus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 612, fig. 1175. (S. spatulatus. ) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 204, pi. xxi, figs. 6-S. (S. crassus.) Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 103, pi. x,fig.2. (S. spatulatus.) 1870 A, p. 369, pi. iv, figs. 3, 3o. (S. crassus. ) St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 188, pi. xii, fig. 7. (S. spatulatus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 190. (S. spatulatus.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis), Illinois, Mis- souri. Sandalodus sp? St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 187, pi. xii, figs. 5, 6. Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Illinois. ORTHOPLEURODUS St. J. and Worth. Type Sandalodus carbonarius Newb. and Worth. = 0. angularis (Newb. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1883 A, pp. 59, 191. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 604. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 188. (Syn. of Sanda- lodus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 72. Orthopleurodus angularis ( Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 97, pi. ix, fig. 1. (Deltodus.) Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 234. (O. carbonarius.) Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. (O. carbonarius.) Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 568, figures. (O. carbon- arius.) Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 920, figures. (Sandalodus carbonarius.) 1895 A, pi. dlxxi. (O. carbonarius.) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 200, pi. xix, fig. 17. (O. carbonarius.) Newberry and Worthen 1886 A, p. 104, pi. x, figs. 4,5. (Sandalodus carbonarius.) St. John, O. 1870 A, p. 436 (Xystrodus? occiden- talis); p. 437 (Deltodus? angularis). Bull. 179 19 St. John, O. 1872 A, p. 244, pi. iv, figs. 18a-18d (Xystrodus occidentalis.) St. John and Worthen 1883 A, pp. 177, 192, pi. xiii, figs. 6, 8. (O. carbonarius.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 188. (O. carbonarius. ) Coal-measures; Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Mis- souri, Kansas, and Nebraska. Orthopleurodus convexus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 193, pi. xii, figs. 4,6. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 569, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 190. (Sandalodus.) Coal-measures; West Virginia. Orthopleurodus novo-mexicanus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 195, pi. xiii, figs. 1-3. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 569. figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 190 (Sandalodus). Subcarboniferous; New Mexico. 290 FOSSIL VEBTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. PLATYODUS Newb. Type P. lineatus Newb Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 58. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 606. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 191. Platyodus lineatus Newb, Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 58, pi. lix, figures 1, 2. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 691, figure. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 607, figure 1159. Subcarbonirerous (Waverly); Kentucky. VATICINODUS St. J. and Worth. Type V. vetustus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, pp. 59,80. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 613. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 186,190. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 69. Vaticinodus? carbonarius St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 88, pi. iv, fig. 20. Lesley, J. P. 1890, A, p. 1247, figure. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 190. Lower Coal-measures; Illinois. Vaticinodus discrepans St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 83, pi. iii, figs. 2, 3. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1247, figure. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 190. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. VaticinodusP lepis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 88, pi. iv, fig. 21. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1249, figure. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 191. Upper Coal-measures; Illinois. Vaticinodus P similis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p 86, pi. i v, figs. 17-19. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1249, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 191. Subcarboniferous (Chester) ; Illinois. Vaticinodus ? simplex St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 84, pi. iv, figs. 22-26. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 233. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1250, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 191. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri, Iowa. Vaticinodus vetustus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen, 1883 A, p. 82, pi. iii, fig. 1. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1250. Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 300. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 186, 190. (Sandalo- dus.) Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. PLATYXYSTRODUS Hay. Type Cochiliodw striatm McCoy. Hay, 0. P. 1899 E, p. 785. Davis, J. W. 1886 A, p. 153. (Xystrodus; not of Plieninger, 1860.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 614. (Xystrodus.) Morris and Roberts, 1862, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xviii, p. 101. (Xystrodus, type Cochiliodus stri- o<8 McCoy.) St. John and Worthen 1883 A, pp. 59, 175. (Xystrodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 192. (Xystrodus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 72. (Xystrodus.) Platyxystrodus beUulus (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 183, pi. viii, fig. 3. (Xystrodus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 785. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1264, figs. (Xystrodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 195. (Xystrodus.) Lower Coal-measures; Illinois. Platyxystrodus imitatus (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 180, pi. viii, fig. 2. (Xystrodus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 785. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 233. (Xystrodus.) Lesley, J. P. ; 1890 A, p. 1264, figure. ( Xystrodus. ) Woodward, A.S. 1889 D, p. 195. (Xystrodus.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Iowa, Missouri. Platyxystrodus inconditus (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 179, pi. viii, fig. 1. (Xystrodus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 A, p. 785. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1264, figure. (Xystrodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 195. (Xystrodus. ) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois, Iowa. Platyxystrodus simplex (St. J. and Worth) . St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 178, pi. viii, figs. 4, 5. (Xystrodus.) Davis, J. W. 1886 A, p. 153. (Xystrodus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 785. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1265, figure. (Xystrodus.) vVoodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 195. (Xystrodus.) Subcarboniferous (Burlington) ; Illinois.Iowa. Platyxystrodus verus (St. J. and Worth). St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 181, pi. viii, figs. 6, 7. (Xystrodus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 785. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1265, figure. (Xystrodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 194. (Xystrodus.) Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 291 IcANODfs S. A. Miller. Type Tomodus convexus St. J. and Worth. Icanodus limitaris (St. J. and Worth). Miller, S. A. 1892 A, i>. 716. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 446. (Tomodus, preoccu- 1 pied by Trautschold, 1879.) 1886 A, p. 153. (Tomodus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 785. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 613. (Tomodus.) St. John and Worthen 1883 A, pp. 59, 171. (To- modus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 191. (Tomodus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 72. (Tomodus.) St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 173, pi. xiii, fig. 12. (Tomodus; called on explanation of plate "Teniodus regularis.") Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 785. Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 716. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 192.- (Tomodus.-) Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. St. J. and Worth. Type, none specified; S. planus St. J. and Worth, may be taken. Stenopterodus planus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, pp. 59, 101. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 612. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 217. Stenopterodus elongatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 106, pi. iv, figs. 1-3. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D. p. 217. Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Illinois. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 102, pi. iv, figs. 9-14. ;rous (Burlington ) ; Illinois,Iowa. Stenopterodus spindet. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 105, pi. iv, figs. 15, 16. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. DELTODOPSIS St. J. and Worth. Type D. angustus (Newb. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 158. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 595. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 186. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 217. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 72. Deltodopsis affinis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 160, pi. xi, fig. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 217. Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Illinois. Deltodopsis angustus (Newb. and Worth.). dewberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 368, pi. iii, fig. 7. (Deltodus.) St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 163, pi. xi, figs. 7-10. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 200, 218. (Deltodus.) Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Deltodopsis? bialveatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 169, pi. xi, figs. 15-18. (Including varieties keokuk and con- 1VXUS.) Woodward, A. S. 1889, D, p. 217. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa: (St. Louis); Illinois. Deltodopsis convolutus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A. p. 165, pi. xi, figs. 11,12 Woodward, A. S. 1889 D. p. 217. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa, Illi- nois. and Deltodopsis P exornatus St. J. Worth. I St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 168, pi. xi, fig. 14. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 218. Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Illinois. Deltodopsis? inflexus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 167, pi. xi, fig. 13. Woodward. A. S 1889 D, p. 218. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Deltodopsis sancti-ludovici St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 161, pi. xi, figs. 2-6. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 235. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 218. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Iowa, Missouri. DELTODUS Morris and Roberts. Type Pcecilodus sublsevis (McCoy). Morris and Roberts, 1862, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xviii, p. 100. (Ex Agassiz MSS.) Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 427. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 63. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 595 (Deltodus); p. 612 (Tseniodus). Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 186. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 95. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, pp. 60, 141 (Delto- dus); pp. 59, 75 (Taeniodus\ Traquair, R. H. 1888 A, p. 84. Trautschold, H. 1879 B, p. 54. 292 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 270. 1889 A, p. 195. 1892 G, fig. 6. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 60. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 73. Deltodus alatus Newb. and Worth. Nwberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 368, pi. ii, fig. 6. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 199. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Deltodus cinctulus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 146, pi. ix, figs. 6,7. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 235. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 200. Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Illinois, Mis- souri, Indiana. Deltodus cinctus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1879 A, p. 344. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 200. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Iowa. Deltodus cingulatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 99, pi. ix, fig. 6. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 200. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Deltodus complanatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 98, pi. ix, fig. 4. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 64. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 920, figure (Sandalodus) ; p. 1218, figures (Trigonodus major) . 1895 A, pi. ccxxxiii. (Sandalodus.) Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 298, pi. xxiv, figs. 1-7. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 112, pi. xi, 8-9o. (Trigonodus major.) St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 184, pi. xii, figs. 1-4. (Sandalodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 189. (Sandalodus.) Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Deltodus fasciatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 366, pi. iii, fig. 17. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1172, figures. (Teniodus faciatus.) 1895 A, pi. ccxxxiv. (Teniodus faciatus.) St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 76, pi. xiii, fig 9. (Tjeniodus fasciatus?) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 200. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Deltodus grandis Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1879 A, p. 344. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484 (D. grandis?). Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 297. Newberry & Worthen 1866 A, p. 101, pi. ix, figs. 9, 9a. Woodward, A. S., 1889 D, p. 188. (Syn. of Sanda- lodus Isevissimus. ) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois, Indi- Deltodus inornatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 298, pi. xxiii, figs. 10, 11. Subcarboniferous ( Kinderhook) ; Iowa. Deltodus intermedius St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 153, pi. ix, figs. 14, 15. Keyes, C. H. 1891 A, p. 265. (D. intermedius?) Woodward, A. S. 1889 U, p. 200. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Iowa: Coal-measures; Iowa. Deltodus latior St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 145, pi. ix, figs. 11, 12. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 200. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois, Iowa. Deltodus littoni Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 367, pi. iv, figs. 8,8a. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 235. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 149. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 200. Subcarboniferous; Missouri. Deltodus mercurii Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1876 A, p. 137, pi. iii, figs. 1, la. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, pi. x, figs. 2-2d. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 200. Coal-measures; New Mexico. Deltodus obliquus (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 78, pi. xiii, fig. 10. (Tseniodus.) Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1173, figures. (Teniodus.) 1895 A, pi. ccxxxiv. (Teniodus.) Woodward A. S. 1889 D, p. 201. Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Indiana. Deltodus occidentalis (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1857 N, p.88, pi. v, figs. 3-16. (Cochliodus. ) Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 97, pi. ix, figs. 2-3a. (D. stellatus.) St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 150, pi. ix, figs. 9, 10. (D. occidentalis?) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 199. Subcarboniferous; Illinois. Deltodus parvus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 151, pi. ix, figs. 1^5. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 235. Woodward A. S. 1889 D, p. 201. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Iowa, Missouri. Deltodus planidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1894 F, p. 435, pi. xx, fig. 6. Carboniferous?; Texas. Deltodus powellii St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 155, pi. x, fig. l-l/ Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 201. Carboniferous; Utah. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 293 Deltodus propinquus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen. 1883 A, p. 156, pi. x, figs. 3, 4. Woodward A. S. 1889 D, p. 201. 1900 C, p. 420. Coal-measures; Illinois. Deltodus spatulatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 100, pi. ix, fig. 7. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Newberry, J. S. 1879 A, p. 346. 1897 A, p. 299, pi. xxiv, figs. 8-11. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 166. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 199. Subcarboniferous; Illinois, Indiana. Deltodus trilobus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 148, pi. ix, fig. 8. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 201. Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Illinois. Deltodus undulatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 98, pi. ix, fig. 5. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 201. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa. CHITINODUS St. J. and Worth. Type C. springeri St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, pp. 60, 109. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 590. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 217. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 70. Chitinodus antiquus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 116, pi. vi, fig. 2. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 217. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Chitinodus latus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1857 H, p. 88, pi. v, fig. 17. (Cochliodus.) Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 644, fig. 1018. (Cochliodus nobilis.) Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 301, pi. xxiv, fig. 24. (Helodus coxanus.) Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 88, pi. vi, figs. 3-6 [Helodus (Cochliodus) nobilis]; p. 89, pi. vii, figs. 1-4; pi. viii, fig. 1 (Cochliodus nobilis). 1870 A, p. 365 (Cochliodus nobilis). St. John and Worthen 1883 A, pp. 112, 124. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 208. (Cochliodus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 70. (Chitinodus nobilis.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk): Illinois, Iowa. Chitinodus liratus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 119, pi. vi, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 217. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. Chitinodus rugosus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 94, pi. viii, fig. 13. (Pcecilodus.) 1866 A, p. 95, pi. viii, fig. 14. (Pcecilodus ornatus.) St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 112. (P. rugosus and P. ornatus to C. rugosus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 201 (P. ornatus to Deltodus ornatus); p. 205 (P. rugosus); p. 217. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Chitinodus springeri St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 112, pi. vi, figs. 3-15. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 217. Subcarboniferous (Burlington ) ; Illinois, Iowa. Chitinodus tribulis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 117, pi. vii, figs. 18-21. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 217. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois, Iowa. PCECILODUS McCoy. Type P. jonesii McCoy. McCoy, F. 1848 A, p. 129. Barkas, T. P. 1873 A, p. 19. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, pp. 413, 441. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 638. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 607. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 270. Traquair, R. H. 1888 A, p. 84. Trautschold, H. 1874 B, p. 290. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 201. 1892 G, p. 674. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 70. Pcecilodus carbonarius St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 139, pi. viii, figs. 20-21. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 727, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 204. Upper Coal-measures; Illinois, Kansas. Pcecilodus cestriensis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 135, pi. viii, figs. 15-17. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 727, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 205. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Pcecilodus convolutus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 366, pi. ii, fig. 9. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 205. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Pcecilodus sancti-ludovici St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 132, pi. viii, figs. 8-12. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 235. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 728, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 205. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri, Iowa. Pcecilodus springeri St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 138, pi. viii, fig. 19. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 728, figures. 294 FOSSIL VERTEBBATA OB' NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 205,215. (Deltopty- chius.) Subcarboniferous; New Mexico. Pcecilodus varsoviensis St. J. and Worth. St. John awl Worthen 1883 A, p. 131, pi. viii, figs. 13, 14. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 728, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 205. Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Illinois. Pcecilodus wortheni St. John. St. John, in St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 136, pi. viii, fig. ). Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 728, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 205, 215. (Deltopty- chius.) Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. COCHLIODUS Agassiz. Type C. contorhis Agassi* Agassi:, L. 1843 B (1838), iii, p. 113. 1844 A. Amer. Geologist 1888 A, p. 133. Davis, J. W. 1882 B, p. 54. 1883 A, p. 420. Jaekel, 0. 1891 B, p. 128. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 56. McCoy, F. 1853 B. 1855 A, p. 621. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 591. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 186. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, pp. 74, 89. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 940. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 62, pi. xxii, fig. 1. 1860 E, p. 109. 1867 A. Pictet, F. J 1854 A, p. 267. St. John aud Worthen 1883 V, p. 58. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 550. Traquair, R. H. 1888 A, p. 84. Trautschold H. 1874 B, p. 291. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 269. 1889 D, p. 205. 1892 G, fig. 3. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 69, 71. Cochliodus costatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 364, pi. iii, figs. 10-12, 12a. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, pp. 167, 171. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 208. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Cochliodus leidyi St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 127, pi. vii, figs. 11-16. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 208. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Cochliodus obliquus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 126, pi. vii, fig. 17. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 233. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 212. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri. Cochliodus vanhornii St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 121, pi. vii, figs. 1-10. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 233. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 208. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Iowa, Missouri. DELTOPTYCHIUS Davis. Type Cochliodus acutus McCoy. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 432. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 595. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, pp. 59, 89. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 212. 1892 G, p. 674. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 61. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 70. Deltoptychius expansus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 98, pi. v, figs. 9, 13. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 233. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 212, 215. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri, Iowa. Deltoptychius nitidus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1857 A, p. 87, pi. v. fig. 2 (Cochliodus). St. John and Worthen 1883 D, p. 99, pi. v, fig. 16. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 215. Subcarboiiiferous (Chester) ; Illinois. Deltoptychius primus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 93, pi. v, figs. 6-8. Woodward A. S. 1889 D, pp. 212,215. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Deltoptychius varsoviensis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 96, pi. v, figs. 14, 15. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 212,215. Subcarboniferous (Warsaw); Illinois. Deltoptychius wachsmuthi St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 93, pi. v, figs. l-o. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 233. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 193, figure. 1895 A, pi. ccxxix. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 595, fig. 1124. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 209, 212, 215. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois, Iowa, Missouri. CATALOGUE. 295 ORODONTIDJE. Davis, J. W 1883 A, pp. 331, 386. Koninek. L. G. de 1878 A, p. 29. Traquair, R. H. 1888 A, p. 84. Ward, J. 1890 A, p. 34. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 269. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 74. (Cestracionidse, in part.) ORODVS Agassiz. Type O. einctus Agassiz. Aoatsis, L. 1843 B (1838), iii, p. 96. 1844 A. Davis, J. W. 1882 B, p. 49. 1883 A, p. 390. Eastman. C. R. 1900 C, p. 392. Hasse, C. 1878 A, p. 145. Jaekel, O. 1890 A, p. 93. 1899 A. Koninck, L. G. de. 1844 A, p. 612. 1878 A, p. 29. Miller. 5. A. 1889 A, p. 608. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 62. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 940. Owen. R. I860 E. p. 108. Pk-U-t. F. J. 1S54 A. p. 263. Quenstt-dt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 294. Trautschold. H. 1874 B, p. 292. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A. p. 269. 1889 D, p. 230. Woodward and Sherbom 1890 A, pp. 49, 132. Zittel. K. A. 1890 A. p. 75. Orodus alleni St. J. and Worth. S. John and Worthen 1875 A, pp. 310, 318, pi. vii, fig. 19. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 236. Lower Coal-measures; Iowa. Orodus carinatus St, J. and Worth. St. Jokn and Worthen 1875 A, p. 307, pi. v, figs. 24a-24d. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 236. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa. Orodus colletti Newb. A'ewberry. J. S. 1879 A, p. 343. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 236. Snbcarboniferous (St. Louis); Indiana. Orodus deedaleus St. J. and Worth. Sf. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 301, pi. vl, figs. - - Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 237. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Orodus decussatus St. J. and Worth. ST. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 300, pi. vi, figs. 10-15. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 237. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Orodus eleffantulus Newb. and Worth. Katberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 64, pi. iv, figs. 6,6a. Kindle, E. M. 1896 A, p. 484. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 505, figure. Xewberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 51, pi. Iviii, figs.12.12a. 1879 A, p. 346. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 235. Subcarboniferous; Iowa, Indiana, Ohio. Orodus fasti^iatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 306, pi. vi, figs. 1-3. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 237. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Orodus gibbosus (Newb. and Worth.). Ifewberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 79, pi. v, figs. 3-3a. (Helodus.) Miller, S. A. 1899 A, p. 599, fig. 1137. (Helodus.) St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 305. (Orodus. ) Wood ward A. S. 1889 D, p. 238. (O.variocostatns?) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Iowa. Orodus major St. J. and Worth. ST. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 302, pi. vii, fig. 10. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 30. (Syn. of O. ramo- 808.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 237. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Orodus mammillaris Newb. and Worth. Sewberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 66, pi. iv, figs. lO.lOa. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 644, fig. 1022. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 235. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Orodus minutus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 68, pi. iv, fig. 12. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 237. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Orodus neglectus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 308, pi. vi, fig. 26. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 237. Snbcarboniferous (St Louis); Illinois, Iowa. Orodus omatus Newb. and Worth. dewberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 65, pi. iv, figs. 7-8o. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Newberry. J. S. 1879 A, p. 346. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 233. Subcarboniferous ( Keokuk ) ; Illinois, Indiana. Orodus P parallellus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 295, pi. v, fig. 23. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 237. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook): Iowa. Orodus parvulus St. J. and Worth. S<. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 309, pi. vi, fig. 6. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 237. Subcarboniferous (St, Louis); Illinois. 296 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Orodus plicatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 63, pi. iv, fig. 5. Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 81. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 237. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis): Missouri. Orodus ramosus Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1838), iii, p. 97, pi. xi, figs. 5-8. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 390, pi. 1, figs. 1-7 (O. ramo- sus); p. 399, pi. li, fig. 15 (O. subteres). Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. (O. multicarinatus.) Koninck, L. G. de 1844 A, p. 613, pi. Iv, fig. 2. 1878 A, p. 30, pi. iv, fig. 1. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, pp. 185, 205, pi. xxvii, fig. 29. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 62, pi. iv, figs. 13-13a. (O. multicarinatus.) Romanovsky, G. 1864 A, p. 157, fig. 2. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 231 (O. ramosus); p. 237 (O. ? multicarinatus). Subcarboniferous; Europe, Indiana, Michi- gan. Orodus tuberculatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 66, pi. iv, figs. 9,9o. Woodward, A. S. 1888 D, p. 234. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Illinois, Iowa. Orodus turgidus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 310, pi. vi, figs. 4, 5. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 238. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Orodus variabilis Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 50, pi. Iviii, figs. 11-11 A. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 506, figure. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 279. (No description; syn. ? of Ctenacanthus furcicarinatus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 238. Subcarboniferous (Waverly); Ohio, Ken- tucky. Orodus variocostatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 304, pi. viii, figs. 1-9. Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 81. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 238. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Illinois, Iowa, Missouri (fide Hambach). Orodus whitei St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 297, pi. vi, fig. 25. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 238. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. LEIODUS St. J. and Worth. Type L. cakaratus, St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 835. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 600. (Liodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 240. Leiodus calcaratus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 336, pi. vii, figs. 11-18. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 600, fig. 1141. (Liodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D. p. 240. Subcarboniferous (Burlington ) ; Illinois.Iowa. Leiodus grossipunctatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 337. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 240. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois, Iowa. CAMPODUS Koninck. Type C. agassizianus Koninck. Koninck, L. G. de 1844 A, p. 617. Amer. Geologist 1888 A, p. 133. ( Lophodus. ) Davis, J. W. 1882 B, p. 50. (Agassizodus.) Jaekel, 0. 1894 A, p. 137. Lohest, M. 1884 A, pp. 295, 305. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 587. (Agassizodus.) Mudge, B. F. 1875 A. (Agassizodus.) Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 360. Lophodus, type L. variabilis; not Lophodus of Roman- ovsky.) Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 267. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, pp. 297, 311, 316. (Agassizodus, to replace Lophodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 238. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 75. Campodus basalis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1894 F, p. 432, pi. xviii, figs. 6, 7. (Oro- dus, with Agassizodus as a section.) Coal-measures; Illinois. Campodus corrug-atus (Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 358, pi. iii, figs. 18,18a. (Orodus.) St. John and Worthen 1875 A, pp. 316, 323, pi. viii, fig. 24. (Agassizodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 239. (Campodus.) Coal-measures; Illinois, Kansas. , Campodus scitulus(St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 322, pi. vi, figs. 16-18e. (Agassizodus.) Cope, E. D. 1894 F, p. 433. (Orodus, section Agas- sizodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 239. (Campodus.) Coal-measures; Illinois, Iowa. Campodus variabilis (Newb. and Worth.) . Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 361, pi. iv, figs. 4-46; 5, 5a; 11-116. (Lophodus.) Lohest, M. 1884 A, p. 305. (Campodus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 587, fig. 1101. (Agassiz- odus. ) St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 318, pi. viii, figs. 1-22. (Agassizodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 239. (Campodus.) Subcarboniferous; Belgium: Coal-measures; West Virginia, Iowa, Kansas. HAY.J CATALOGUE. 297 Campodus virg-inianus (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 321, pi. viii, flgs. Cope, E. D. 1894 F, p. 433. (Orodus, section Agassizodus.) Lohest, M. 1884 A, p. 306. (Campodus agassizi- anus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 238. (C. agassizianus.) Coal-measures; West Virginia. MESODMODUS St. J. and Worth. Type M. exsculptus St. J. and Worth. Miller, 8. A. 1889 A, p. 602, fig. 1148. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 240. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 290. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 602. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 239. Mesodmodus explanatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthtn 1875 A, p. 293, pi. v, figs. 15-17. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 239. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Mesodmodus exsculptus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 291, pi. v, flgs. 18-22. Mesodmodus ornatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 294, pi. v, flgs. 12-14. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 240. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Illinois, Iowa. DESMIODUS St. J. and Worth. Type D. tumidus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 337. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 595. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 186. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 240. Desmiodus costelliferus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 341, pi. xA, flgs. 10, 11. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 230. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 595, fig. 1125. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 240. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri. Desmiodus ? flabellum St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 343, pi. xA, fig. 15. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 230. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 240. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Missouri. | Desmiodus ? ligoniformis St. J. and Worth. i St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 342, pi. xA, figs. j 12-14. | Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 230. | Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 240. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Missouri, Iowa. | Desmiodus minusculus (Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 67, pi. iv, fig. 11. (Orodus.) St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 339,340. (Des- miodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 237. (Orodus.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk) ; Illinois. Desmiodus tumidus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, pp. 299, 339, pi. xA, figs. 7-9. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 230. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 240. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri. PETRODUS McCoy, F. Type P. patelliformis McCoy. McCoy, F. 1848 A, p. 132. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 400. Jaekel, 0. 1899 A, p. 278. (Syn.? of Polyrnizodus.) Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 36. Lohest, M. 1884 A. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 637. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 606. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 71. 1870 A, p. 346. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 263. Trau tschold, H. 1874 B, p. 298. (Ostinaspis.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 245. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 76. It is probable that the bodies included in this genus are not teeth but dermal tubercles. Petrodus acutus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 72, pi. iv, fig. 17. Trautechold, H. 1874 B, p. 209, pi. xxviii, fig. 12. (Ostinaspis.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 247. Coal-measures; Illinois. 298 FOSSIL VFRTKBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Petrodus occidentalis Newb. and Worth. and Worthen 1866 A, p. 70, pi. iv, figs. 15-16a. Jaekel, 0. 1899 A, p. 283. Keyes, 0. R. 1888 A, p. 243. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 628, figures. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 346. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 246. Coal-measures; Illinois, Indiana. Petrodus ? pustulosus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 369, pi. ii, figs. 5, 5a; pi. iii, fig. 6. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 178. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 247. SubrarboniferouN (Burlington); Iowa. STEMMATIAS Hay. Type Stemmrttodns cheirifortnix St. J. and Worth. Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 784. Davis, J. W. 1892 A, pp. 721, 726. (Syii. of Plonra- canthus.) Jaekel, O. 1899 A, p. 278. (Stemmatodus, syn. of Polyrhizodus.) Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1048. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 328. (Stemmato- dus; preoccupied by Heckel. ) Ward, J. 1890 A, p. 153. (Stemmatodus.) Wellburn, E. D. 1899, Proc. Yorksh. Geol. Polytech. Soe., xiii, p. 425. (Stemmatodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 245, 247. '(Stemmato- dus.) Stemmatias bicristatus (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 331, pi. viii, figs. 32, 33, 35. (Stemmatodus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 784. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1048, figures. (Stemmato- dus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 247. (Stemmatodus.) Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Stemmatias bifurcatus (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 330, pi. viii, figs. 31a-31c. (Stemmatodus. ) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 784. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1048, figures. (Stemmato- dus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 247. (Stemmatodus.) Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Stemmatias cheiriformis (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 330, pi. viii, figs. 29, 30. (Stemmatodus. ) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 784. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1048, figures. (Stemmato- dus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 247. (Stemmatodus.) Subcarbouiferous (Burlington); Iowa. Stemmatias compactus (St. J. and Worth.). Fit. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 334, pi. viii, figs. 38rt-38c. (Stemmatodus.) Hay O. P. 1899 E, p. 784. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1049, figure. (Stemmato- dus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 247. (Stemmatodus.) Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Stemmatias keokuk (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 334. (Stemmato- dus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 784. Woodward, A, S. 1889 D, p. 247. (Stemmatodus). Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa, Illinois. Stemmatias simplex (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 332, pi. viii, figs. 34, 36, 37. (Stemmatodus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 784. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1049, figures. (Stemmato- dus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889, D, p. 247. (Stemmato- dus.) Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Stemmatias symmetricus (St. J. and Worth.). ,S(!. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 333, pi. viii, fig. 28; ( Stemmatodus. ) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 784. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1049, figures. (Stemmato- dus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 247. (Stemmatodus.) Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. HETERODONT ED^E. GUI, T. 1862 A. (Heterodontoidae.) Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1838), iii, pp. 83, 159. ("Ces- traciontes.") Brown, C. 1900 A, p. 173. (Cestraciontidee, Hybo- dontidse.) Davis, J. W. 1882 B. ( Hybodontidae. ) 1883 A, pp. 331, 332. (Hybodontidse.) Fraas, E. 18% A, pp. 17, 18. (Hybodontidse, Aero- don tidas, Cestraciontidse.) Fritsch A. 1889 B, p. 97. (Hybodontidae.) Gannan, S. 1885 B, p. 31. (Hybodontidse.) Gegenbaur, C. 1872 A. (Cestraciodontidse.) Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 23. (Heterodontidae.) 1884 B, p. 346. (Hybodontidse, Heterodon- tidae.) Gurrther, A. 1880 A, p. 328. (Hybodontidae, Ces- traciontidae.) 1881 A, p. 685. (Hybodontidse, Cestracion- tidee.) Hasse, C. 1878 A. (Hybodontidae, Cestraciontidse.) 1879 A, p. 50 ("Acrodontiden"); p. 68 (Hy- bodontidse). 1882 A, p. 183. (Cestra/jiontidse.) Haswell, W. A. 1884 A. (Cestraciontidse.) IAY.] CATALOGUE. 299 Howes, G. B. 1887 A. (Cestracion.) Huxley, T. H. 1876 A. (Cestracion tidse.) Jaekel, 0. 1890 D, p. 121, fig. 2. (Cestracion.) 1894 A, p. 137. (Heterodontus.) Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 29. ( Cestracion tidae.) Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. (Cestraciontidse.) Mayer, P. 1882 A, p. 277. (Cestraciontidse.) Mivart, St. G. 1879 A, p. 449, pi. Ixxvi. (Cestracion. ) Miiller and Henle 1841 A, p. 76. (Cestraciontes.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 940. (Hybo- dontidse, Cestracion tidae.) Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 106. (Cestraciontidse.) Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 254 (" Hybodontes " ) ; p. 260 ("Cestraciontes"). Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 272 ("Hybodonten"); p. 278 (" Cestracionten "). Reis, O. M. 1897 A, p. 69. (" Hybodonten " ). Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Cestraciones.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, pp. 545, 546. (Hy- bodontidse, Cestraciontidse.) Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 244 (" Cestracion ts"). Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 267. (Hybodon tidse.) 1885 B, p. 106. (Cestraciontidse.) 1889 D, p. 229. (Cestraciontidse.) " 1898 B, pp. 42, 44. (Cestraciontidse.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 66 (Hybodontidse); p. 74 (Cestraciontidse). HYBODUS Agassiz. Type //. plicatilis Agassiz. Agassis, L. 1843 B (1837), pp. 41, 178. 1843 B, p. 201. (Sphenonchus, in part.) 1844 A. Barkas, W. J. 1874 A, p. 386. , 1877 B, p. 145. Brown, C. 1900 A, p. 149, pis. xv, xvi. Day, E. C. H. 1864 A. Egerton, P. G. 1845 A, pi. iv. Fraas, E. 1896 A. Gannan, S. 1885 B, p. 31. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 311. Jaekel, O. 1884 A, p. 294. 1898 B, p. 135 (Hybodus); p. 138 (Orthybo- dus); p. 143 (Parahybodus). Mackie, S. J. 1863 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 940. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 56, pi. xi. 1860 E, p. 105. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 256. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 174. 1885 A, p. 273. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 546. Williamson, W. C. 1849 A, p. 465, pi. 43, fig. 33. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 268. 1886 A. 1888 I, p. 281. Woodward, A. S. 1888 J, p. 58. ), p. 250. 1898 B, p. 44. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 99. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 67. Hybodus clarkensis Cragin. Cragin, F. W. 1894 A, p. 72, pi. ii, figs. 11-14. Cretaceous (Neocomian); Kansas. Hybodus copei Hay. Hay, 0. P. 1899 E, p. 784. Cope, E. D. 1891 B, p. 448, pi. xxviii, fig. 2. regularis; preoccupied by Reuss, 1846.) Triassic?: Texas. Hybodus polyprion Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 185, pi. xxiii, figs. 1-15. Marsh, O. C. 1889 A, p. 230. Woodward, A. S. 1886 C, p. 257, pi. vi, figs. 1, 2. (H Stonesfield Slate, England: Jurassic; Black Hills, Wyoming. ACRODUS Agassiz. Type A. gaillardoti Agassiz. Agassis, L., 1837, in H. B. Geinitz, Beitrage Kennt. Thuring. Muschelkgeb. , p. 21 . ( Fide A. S. Wood- ward.) 1843 B (1838), iii, p. 139 (Acrodus); p. 201 (Sphenonchus, in part). 844 A. Day, E. C. H. 1864 A. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 325. Basse, C. 1882 A, p. 191, pis. xxiv, xxv. Jaekel, O. 1884 A, p. 311. 1890 A, p. 93. 1891 D, p. 191 1894 A, p. 132. 1899 A, p. 2%. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 942. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 54, pis. xiv-xvi. 1860 E, p. 109. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 261. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 178. 1885 A, p. 278. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 546. Traquair, R. H. 1888 A, p. 84. Woodward, A. S. 1885 B, p. 107. i, p. 279. Woodward and Sherborn, 1890 A, p. 5. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 76. Acrodus emmonsi Leidy. Leidy, J. 1872 M, p. 163. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 244, fig. 97. ("Acrodus.") Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 301, 352. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 298. Miocene?; North Carolina?. Acrodus humilis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1872 M, p. 163. 1873 B, pp. 300, 352, pi. xxxvii, fig. 5. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 298. Cretaceous; New Jersey. 300 FOSSIL VERTEBBATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Superfamily HEXANCHOIDEA, 1 nom. nov. Gill, T. 1882, Jordan & Gilbert's Synop. Fishes N. A., p. 967. (Opisthrarthri. ) 1884 B, p. 346. (Opisarthri.) 1893 A, p. 129. (Opistharthri.) Hasse, C. 1878 A. (Palaeonotidani.) 1879 A, p. 36. (Diplospondyli.) Haswell, W. A. 1884 A, p. 112. (Palaeoselachii.) Jordan & Evermann 1896 A, p. 17. (Diplospon- dyli.) Koken, E. 1889 A, p. 90. (Opisarthri.) Osborn, H. F. 1899 I, p. 158. (Notidani.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. ix. (" Opisthrarthri.") HEXANCHID.E. GUI, T., 1886, Report Smithsonian Inst. for 1884, p. 618. The following authors, unless otherwise in- dicated, refer to this group under the name Notidanidx: Brown, C. 1900 A, pp. 169, 174. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 430. (Notadani.) Fritsch, A. 1895 A, p. 46. Gadow, H. 1889 A. (Heptanchus.) Gegenbaur, C. 1865 B. 1872 A. 1872 B. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 129. (Hexanchidse.) Gunther, A. 1870 A, pp. 355, 397. 1880 A, p. 324. 1881 A, p. 685. Hasse, C. 1879 A, p. 35. 1882 A, p. 37. Haswell, W. A. 1884 A, p. 112. Jaekel, O. 1894 A. Kolliker, A. 1863 A, p. 1. (Hexanchus.) Miiller and Henle 1841 A, p. 80. Noetling, F. 1885 A, p. 16. Reis, O. M. 1897 A, pp. 69, 86. Sagemehl, M. 1883 A, p. 227. Semon, R. 1899 A, p. 76. Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Notidani.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 547. White, P. J. 1895 A. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 157. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 65. HEPTRANCHIAS Rafinesque. Type Squalus cinereus Gmelin. Raflnesque, C. S. 1810, Caratteri di alcuni nuovi generi, p. 13. Unless indicated otherwise, the following authors refer to this genus and Hexanchus under the name Nolidanus. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, pp. 216,308. Brown, C. 1900 A. Cuvier, G. 1817, Regne Anim, Ed. 1, p. 128. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 432. (Heptanchus.) Gegenbaur, C. 1872 A, pi. i, figs 1,2; pi. iii, figs. 6,7; pi. iv, figs. 1,2; pi. vii, figs. 1,2; pi. x; pi. xv, figs. 1, 2; pi. xvi, fig. 3; pi. xviii; pi. xx, figs. 2, 3, 5, 6, 8; pi. xxi, fig. 5. (Heptanchus and Hexanchus. ) 1872 B. (Hexanchus, Heptanchus.) Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 195. Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 397. 1880 A, p. 325. Hasse, C. 1882 A, p. 39, pi. vi (Hexanchus); p. 44. pi. vi.vii (Heptanchus). Haswell, W. A. 1884 A, pp. 73, 88. (Heptanchus.) Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1878 A. Huxley, T. H. 1876 A. Kolliker, A. 1860 B. (Heptanchus.) Lawley, R. 1875 A. Mayer, P. 1886 A, p. 263. (Heptanchus.) Mivart, St. G. 1879 A, p. 443, pi. Ixxv, fig. 2. Miiller and Henle, 1841, p. 80 (Hexanchus); p. 81 (Heptanchus). Parker, T. J. 1890 A. Pedroni, P. M. 1844 A, p. 281. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 243. Probst, J. 1879 A, p. 156. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 262. Rafinesque, C. S., 1810, Caratteri di alcuni nuovi generi, p. 14. (Hexanchus.) Reis, O. M. 1897 A, p. 69. Stannius, H. 1854 A. Woodward, A. S. 1886 C. 1889 D, p. 157. 1892 G, figs. 9-12. 1899 A, p. 6. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 66. Heptranchias ? plectrodon (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 141. (Notidanus.) Tertiary; Maryland. Heptranchias ? primig'enius( Agassiz) . Agassis, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 218, pi. xxvii, figs. 6-8, 13-17; doubtfully figs. 4, 5. (Notidanus.) The following authors refer this species to the genus Notidanus. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, p. 220, pi. xxvii, figs. 9-12. (N. recurvus.) Bassani, F. 1899 A, p. 25, pi. ii, figs. 13-15. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 141. 1875 H, p. 362. 1875 V, p. 29. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 901, fig. 1515. Davis, J. W. 1888 A, p. 33, pi. vi, fig. 6. Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 195, pi. xxv, fig. 95. Lawley, R. 1875 A, p. 20, pi. i, figs. 1-5. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 254. Noetling, F. 1885 A, p. 17, pi. i, figs. 4,5. Pedroni, P. M. 1844 A, p. 281, pi. i, figs. 10,11. iThis name is proposed simply for the purpose of conforming to the rule, adopted by many zoolo-, gists, of deriving the superfamily name from the name of a typical family by changing the termina- tion id:i into oidea. HAY. I CATALOGUE. 301 Probst, J. 1868 A, p. 124, figs. 1-10. 1879 A, p. 158, pi. iii, figs. 1-6 (N. primige- nius); p. 162, pi. iii, figs. 12-17 (N. recur- vus); p. 166, pi. iii, figs. 6-11 (N. d'an- conae). Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 167, pi. xiii, fig. 3. 1885 A, p. 263, pi. xx, fig. 6. Woodward, A. S. 1886 C, pp. 216,253, pi. vi, figs. 19-22. 1889 D, p. 163. Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 234. Zittel K. A. 1890 A, p. 66, fig. 60. Eocene and Miocene; Europe: Eocene; Vir- ginia: Miocene; New Jersey, Maryland, North Carolina. XIPHODOLAMIA Leidy. Type X. ensis Leidy. Xiphodolamia ensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 252. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 168. (Syn. ? of Noti danus. ) 1899 A, p. 6. (Syn. ? of Notidanus.) Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 252, pi. xxxiv, figs. 25-30. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 168. (Notidanus?) 1899 A, p. 6. "Marls" (Cretaceous?); New Jersey. Superfamily GALEOIDEA, 1 nom. nov. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 129. (Asterospondyli, in part.) Hasse, C. 1879 A, p. 48. (Asterospondyli.) 1882 A, pp. 186-284. (Asterospondyli.) Haswell, W. A. 1884 A, p. 113. (Neoselachii, in part.) Jaekei, 0. 1890 A, p. 110. (Asterospondyli.) 1894 A, p. 53. (Actinospondyli, in part.) Jordan and Evennann, 18% A, p. 21. (Galei. ) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 157. (Asterospon- dyli, in part.) LAMNID^E. Davis, J. W. 1890 A, p. 365. Dum6ril, A, 1865 A, p. 403. (Lamnse.) Gill, T. 1862 A, p. 397. (Lamnoidse.) Giinther, A. 1870 A, pp. 354, 389. 1880 A, p. 319. 1881 A, p. 685. Hasse, C. 1882 A, p. 214. (" Familie Lamna.") Haswell, W. A. 1884 A, p. 114. Jaekei, 0. 1894 A, p. 157. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 47. Kiprijanoff, V. 1854 A, p. 373. Kolliker, A. 1863 A. (Lamnoidei.) Mayer, P. 1880 A, p. 277. Muller and Henle 1838 A, p. 36. ( Lamnoidea. ) 1841 A, p. 66. (Lamna;.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 944. Probst, J. 1879 A, p. 127. Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Lamnoidei.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 547. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A. p. 228. 1889 D, p. 349. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 81. CARCHARIIN.E. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 416. (Odontaspides.) Gill, T. 1862 A, p. 398. (Odontaspidoidae.) 1893 A, p. 130. (Carchariidse.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 46. (Car- chariidse.) Muller and Henle 1841 A, p. 73. (Odontaspides. CARCHARIAS Raf. Type C. taurus Raf. Raflnesque, C. S., 1810, Caratteri di alcuni nuovi generi, p. 10. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1838), iii, pp. 87, 287, 306. (Odontaspis.) Davis, J. W. 1890 A, p. 368. (Odontaspis.) Dumeril, A. 1866 A, p. 417. (Odontaspis.) Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 354. (Odontaspis.) 1880 'A, p. 321. (Odontaspis.) Hasse, C. 1882 A, pp. 160, 230. (Odontaspis.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 46. (Carcharias. ) Kolliker, A. 1863 A, p. 14, figs. 6, 7. (Odontaspis.) Muller and Henle 1837 A, p. 114. (Odontaspis.) 1837 B, p. 397. 1841 A, p. 73. (Odontaspis.) Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 251. (Odontaspis.) Probst, J. 1859 A. (Odontaspis.) Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 228. (Odontaspis.) 1889 D, p. 360. (Odontaspis.) p. 7. (Odontaspis.) Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 129. (Odon taspis.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 81. (Odontaspis.) Carcharias contortidens (Agassiz). Agassis, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 294, pi. xxxvii, , figs. 17-23. [Lamna (Odontaspis).] Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 239. [Lamna ( Odontaspis ) . ] Gemmellaro, G. G. 1857 A, p. 320, pi. i, fig. 13; pi. vi a, figs. 18-20. [Lamna (Odontaspis).] Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 197, pi. xxvi, fig. 119. [Lamna (Odontaspis).] Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 363. (Odontaspis.) Jaekei, O. 1898 C, p. 163. (Odontaspis.) Probst, J. 1859 A, p. 101 . [Lamna (Odontaspis)] . 1879 A, p. 144, pi. ii, figs. 33-39. [Lamna (Odontaspis).] Sismonda, E. 1849 A, p. 48, pi. ii, figs. 25-28. [Lamna (Odontaspis).] 1 See note under ttexanchoidea, p. 300. 302 FOSSIL VERTEBEATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Tuomey, M. 1858 A, p. 268. (Lamna.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 366. (Odontaspis.) Eocene and Miocene; Europe: Eocene; South Carolina and Alabama: Miocene?; North Caro- lina. Carcharias duplex (Agassiz) Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 297, pi. xxxvii a, fig. 1 . [Lamna (Odontaspis).] Tuomey M. 1858 A, p. 268. ( Lamna. ) Woodward, A. S. 1889 I, p. 375. (Odontaspis.) Said by Tuomey to occur in Tertiary of Ala- bama. The identification is doubtful. Carcharias verticalis (Agassi/). Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 294, pi. xxxvii a, figs. 31,32. (Odontaspis.) Dames, W. 1883 B, p. 145, pi. iii, figs. 8-10. (Odon- taspis.) Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 198, pi. xxvi, figs. 124- 127. [Lamna (Odontaspis).] Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 363. (Odontaspis.) Tuomey, M. 1858 A, p. 268. (Lamna.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 375. (Odontaspis.) Eocene: Europe, Egypt, South Carolina, Ala- bama. Gill, T. 1862 A, p. 398. | Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 47. SPHENODUS Agassiz. Type Sphenodus longiden* Agassiz. Agassis, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 288. Davis, J. W. 1890 A, p. 349. Quenstedt, F. A. 1&52 A, p. 172. 1885 A, p. 270. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 349. (Orthacodus, for Sphenodus Agassiz, regarded as preoccupied by Sphenodon Gray, 1831. ) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 81. Sphenodus rectidens Enunons. Emmvns, E. 1858 B, p. 235, figs. 61, 62. Cretaceous; North Carolina. LAMNA Cuvier. Type fiquahw carnubicus Gmelin. Cuvier G. 1817, Regne Anim., ed. 1, v, ii, p. 126. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, pp. 287, 306. Davis, J. W. 1888 A, p. 15. 1890 A, p. 371. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 404. Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 1%. Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 389. Hasse,' C. 1882 A, p. 215, pi. xxviii. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 49. Klunzinger, C. B. 1871 A, p. 669. Kolliker, A. 1863 A, p. 8, fig. 3. Muller and Henle 1837 A, p. 114. 1837 B, p. 397. 1841 A, p. 67. Nicholson and Lydckker 1889 A, p. 944. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 249. Probst J. 1859 A. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 170. 1885 A, p. 268. Sismonda, E. 1849 A, p. 45. Stephan, P. 1900. A, p. 327. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 79. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 228. 1889 D, p. 392. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 8'2. t clavata Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1856 A, p. 275. 1857 A, p. 316, pi. i, figs. 19-21. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 407. Miocene; California. Lamna crassidens Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 292, pi. xxxv, figs. 8-21. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 240. Gemmellaro, G. G. 1857 A, p. 318, pi. vi a, figs. 15, 16. Gibbes, R. W. 1846 A, p. 42. 1849 A, p. 197, pi. xxvi, figs. 116-118. Probst, J. 1879 A, p. 373, pi. ii, figs. 64-68. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 373. (Odontaspis?) Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 233. Eocene, Europe, North Carolina (Emmons), South Carolina: Miocene?; Virginia (Wyman). Lamiia cuspidata Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 290, pi. xxxviia, figs. 43-50. 1843 B, iii, p. 291, pi. xxxviia, figs. 61-53 (L. denticulata); p. 293, pi. xxxviia, figs. 27-30 [L. (Odontaspis) hopei]; p. 295, pi. xxxviia, figs. 24-26 [L. (Odontaspis) dubia]. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 142. (L. cuspidata, L. den- ticulata?, L. hopei.) 1875 E, p. 297. 1875 H, p. 362. (L. cuspidata, L. denticu- lata.) 1875 V, p. 29. Geinitz, H. B. 1883 A, p. 5, pi. i, figs. 1-3. Gibbes, R. W. 1846 A, p. 42. 1849 A, p. 197, pi. xxv, figs. 103-106. 1850 F. (L. cuspidata and L. denticulata.) Jaekel, O. 1898 C, p. 162. Leidy, J. 1872 F. 1873 B, p. 304, pi. xviii, figs. 44, 45. (L. cus- pidata?). Lyell, C. 1845 A, p. 416. 1859 A, p. 101. [Lamna (Odontaspis).] XcH-tling, F. 1885 A, p. 71, pi. v, figs. 1-3: (Odon- taspis hopei.) HAY.J CATALOGUE. 303 Probst, J. 1879 A, p. 149, pi. ii, figs. 59-3. [Lamna (Odontaspis).] Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 171, pi. xiii, fig. 17 (Lamna cuspidata); fig. 15 (L. denticulata). 1885 A, p. 268, pi. xx, fig. 27. Sauvage, H. E. 1882, p. 48, pi. i, figs. 15, 16. Sismonda E. 1849 A, p. 47, pi. ii, figs. 29-32 (Lamna cuspidata); p. 48, pi. ii, figs. 17-22 (Lamna dubia). Tuomey, M. 1858 A, p. 268. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 368. (Odontaspis.) Eocene; Europe, Georgia, Alabama, Virginia, Kansas, South Carolina: Miocene; Maryland, North Carolina (Cope). Lamna elegans Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 289, pi. xxxv, figs. 1-5 (not|figs.6,7); pi. xxxviia, fig. 59 (not fig. 58). Bassani, F. 1899 A, p. 13, pi. i, figs. 1-17. (Odontas- pis). Clark, W. B. 1895 A, p. 4. - 1897 A, p. 61. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 142. 1875 H, p. 362. 1875 V, p. 29. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 901, fig. 1514. Davis, J. W. 1888 A, p. 15, pi. iii, fig. 1. (L. huttoni. ) Dixon, F. 1850 A, p. 203, pi. x, figs. 28-31. 1878 A, p. 249, pi. x, figs. 29-31. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 239, figs. 70-71o. Geinitz, H. B. 1883 A, p. 5, pi. i, figs. 4-6. Gibbes, R. W. 1846 A, p. 42. 1849 A, p. 1%, pi. xxv, figs. 96-102. Leidy, J. 1872 F. 1873 B, p. 305. 1877 A, p. 254. Noetling, F. 1885 A, p. 61, pi. iv, figs. 1-9. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 32, pi. v, figs. 3, 4; pis. vi, vii. Sismonda, E. 1849 A, p. 46, pi. ii, figs. 33-35. Tuomey, M. 1858 A, p. 261. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 228. 1889 D, p. 361. (Odontaspis.) 1899 A, p. 8, pi. i, figs. 15-18. (Odontaspis.) Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 233. Eocene and Miocene; Europe, New Zealand, Australia, and United States: Eocene; South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, and Vir- ginia: Miocene; Maryland. Lamna gracilis Agassiz. Agassis, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 295, pi. xxxvii a, figs. 2-4. [Lamna (Odontaspis).] Eichwald, E. 1868 A, p. 1222, pi. xxxviii, fig. 10. Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 198, pi. xxvi, figs. 128-130. [Lamna (Odontaspis).] Giebel, C. G. 1847 A, p. 362. Pictet and Campiche 1858 A, p. 88, pi. xi, figs. 9-18. (Odontaspis.) Sauvage, H. E. 1879 A, p. 59, pi. iii, figs. 1-12. (Odontaspis.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 359. (Scapanorhyn- chus?). Cretaceous; Europe: Eocene, South Carolina. Lamna macrorhiza Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 297, pi. xlii, figs. 9, 10. Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 38. . 1900 B, p. 249. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 399. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas: Cretaceous of Europe. Lamna manitobensis Whiteaves. Wkiteaves, J. F. 1889 B, p. 192, pi. xxvi. figs. 6a, 6c. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Manitoba. Lamna mudgei Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 297, pi. xlii, figs. 11, 12. Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 38. 1900 B, p. 248. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 408. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas: ("Green- sand"); New Jersey. Lamna ornata Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1856 A, p. 275. 1857 A, p. 316, pi. i, fig. 28. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 408. Miocene; California. Lamna P quinquelateralis Cragin. Oraffin, F. W. 1894 A, p. 72, pi. ii, figs. 9, 10. Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 39.' 1900 B, p. 250. Cretaceous (Comanche); Kansas. Lamna rhaphiodon Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 296, pi. xxxvii a, figs. 12- 16, not fig. 11. [Lamna (Odontaspis).] Tuomey, M. 1858 A, p. 268. Reported from the Tertiary of Alabama by Tuomey, but the identification is doubtful. For synonymy and literature see Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 353. See also under Lamna texana. Lamna subulata Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 2%, pi. xxxvii a, figs. 5-7. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 142. Geinitz, H. B. 1875 A, p. 209, pi. xxxviii, figs. 29-36. Hebert, E. 1855 C, p. 355, pi. xxvii, fig. 10. Professor Cope has reported this species with doubt from the Miocene of Charles County, Md. For synonymy and literature of the species see Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 356, under name of Scapanorhynchus ? subulatus. Lamna texana Koemer. Roemer, F. 1849 A, p. 419. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 296. 1875 F, p. 63. 1875 K, p. 38. Credner, H. 1870 A, p. 242. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 843, fig. 1402. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 305, pi. xviii, figs. 46-49. (L. elegans?.) Newberry, J. S. 1876 A, p. 141. Roemer, F. 1852 A, p. 29, pi. i, figs. 7a, 76. Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 40, pi. viii, fig. 4; pi. xiv, fig. 5. (Scapanorhynchus rhaphiodon.) 304 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Williston, S.W. 1900 B, p. 251, pi. xxvi, fig. 4; pi. xxxii, flg.5. (Scapanorhynchus raphiodon. ) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 363. Cretaceous; Texas, Kansas, Alabama, Missis- sippi, New Jersey, Kansas. Lamna sp. indet. Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 38, pi. xii, figs. 5, 6. 1900 B, p. 249, pi. xxx, figs. 5, 6. Cretaceous (Kiowa shales); Kansas. LEPTOSTYRAX Willist. Type L. bicuspidatus Willist. Wittiston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 42. Leptostyrax bicuspidatus Willist. Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 42. 1900 B, p. 253, pi. xxiv, figs. 15, 15-27. 1843 B, iii, p. 269, pi. xxxvii, figs. 19-23. (O. lanceolatus.) Bassani, F., 1899 A, p. 18, pi. i, figs.32-35. (Lamna. ) Clark, W. B. 1895 A, p. 4. (Lamna? obliqua.) 1897 A, p. 61. (Lamna? obliqua. ) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 142. < Dames, W. 1883 B,p. 145, pi. iii, fig. 6. Davis, J. W. 1890 A, p. 407, pi. xli, fig. 13. Dixon, F. 1850 A, p. 204, pi. x, figs. 32-35; pi. xv fig. 11. 1878 A, p. 249, pi. x, figs. 32-35; pi. xv, fig. 11. Gibbes, R. W. 1846 A, p. 42. 1849 A, p. 199, pi. xxvi, figs. 131-137. 1850 F. | Geinitz, H. B. 1883 A, p. 6, pi. i, figs. 12-18. Morton, S. G. 1834 A, pi. xi, fig. i (Lamna obliqua); fig. 5 (Lamna lanceolata, fide Agassiz). 1835 A, p. 277. (Lamna lanceolata.) 1842 A, p. 220. ( Lamna lanceolata. ) I Noetling, F. 1885 A, p. 84, pi. vi, figs, 4-. (Car- ! charodon.) j Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 229. (Otodus.) 1889 D, p. 404. (Lamna?" obliqua.) 1899 A, p. 10. Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 234. (O. obliquus and O. lanceolatus.) Upper Cretaceous and Eocene; Europe and Egypt: Eocene; Virginia, New Jersey: Miocene; Virginia, North Carolina (fide Cope). Otodus trigonatus Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 274, pi. xxxvi, figs. 35-37. ?Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 200, pi. xxvi, figs. 145, 146. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 401. (Lamna.) 1899 A, p. 10, pi. i, figs. 23, 24. Upper Eocene; Bavaria, South Carolina (?). ISURUS Rafinesque. Type /. oxyrhynchus Raf . = (Xn/r/nm spattanzanii Bonap. Rafinesque, C. K. 1810, Caratteri di alcuni nuovi generi.p.ll. Unless otherwise stated, this genus is referred to by the following writers under the name Oxyrhina. This name is antedated by that of Rafinesque, Isurns. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1838), iii, pp. 86, 276, 307 (Oxyrhina, type O. spaUansanii). 1844 A. Davis. J. W. 1890 A, pp. 367, 371. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 407. Eastman, C. R. 1895 A. Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 201. Basse, C. 1882 A, p. 230, pi. xxxi. Jordan and Evermann, 18% A, p. 47. (Isurus.) Kolliker, A. 1863 A, p. 11, figs. 4, 5. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 303. Miiller and Henle, 1837 A, p. 114. 1837 B, p. 397. 1841 A, p. 681. Nicholson and Lydekker, 1889 A, p. 944. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 247. Pictet and Campiche, 1858 A, p. 83. Probst, J. 1879 A, p. 128. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 172. 1885 A, p. 270. Steinmann and Doderlein, 1890 A, p. 547. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 229. 1889 D, p. 376. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 81. Isurus crassus (Agassiz). Agassis, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 283, pi. xxxvii, fig. 16 (not pi. xxxiv, fig. 14). (Oxyrhina.) Bull. 179 20 Eastman, C. R. 1895 A, p. 182. (Oxyrhina.) Gemmellaro, G. G. 1857 A, p. 317, pi. i, fig. 11. (Oxyrhina.) Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 202, pi. xxvii, figs. 159, 160. (Oxyrhina.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 389. (Oxyrhina.) 1894 B. (Oxyrhina.) Eocene; South Carolina, Alabama. Isurus desorii (Agassiz). Agassis, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 282, pi. xxxvii, figs. 8-13. (Oxyrhina.) 1843 B, iii, p. 282, pi. xxxvii, figs. 3-5. (Oxy- rhina leptodon.) Bassani, F. 1899 A, p. 13, pi. ii, figs, 24-38. (Oxy- rhina.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 142. (Oxyrhina.) 1875 V, p. 29. (Oxyrhina. ) Eastman, C. R. 1895 A, p. 180. (Oxyrhina.) Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 236, fig. 67. (Oxyrhina.) Gemmellaro, G. G. 1857 A, p. 314, pi. vi a, figs. 9-11 (O.leptodon); pi. via, figs. 12, 13 (O. desorii); p. 319, pi. vi a, fig. 17 (Lamna lyellii). Gibbes, R. W. 1847 A, p. 267. (Oxyrhina). 1849 A, p. 203, pi. xxvii, figs. 169-171 (O. desorii); p. 203, pi. xxvii, figs. 172, 173 (O. wilsonii). 1850 F. (Oxyrhina.) Noetling, F. 1885 A, p. 50, pi. iii. (O. xiphodon.) Probst, J. 1879 A, p. 131, pi. ii, figs. 7-13 (O. desorii) ; p. 141, pi. ii, figs. 69, 75 (Alopecias gigas). Sismonda, E. 1849 A, p. 40, pi, ii, figs. 7-16. (Oxy- rhina.) 306 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. WoKl\vard, A. S. 1889 D, p. 382. (Oxyrhina.) Tertiary; Europe and United States: Eocene; Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina: Miocene; Maryland (fide Cope) . For additional references to descriptions of foreign specimens see Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 382, 383. Isurus hast alls (Agassiz). Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 277, pi. xxxiv, excl. figs. 1, 2, 14. (Oxyrhina.) 1843 B, iii, p. 278, pi. xxxiii, figs. 11-17 (O. xiphodon); p. 279, pi. xxxvii, figs. 17, 18 (O. trigonodon); p. 279, pi. xxxvii, figs. 14, 15 (O. plicatilis) ; p. 281, pi. xxxiii, fig. 10 (O. retroflexa) ; p. 281, pi. xxxvii, figs. 1, 2 (O. quadrans). Alessandri, G. de 1896 A, p. 263, pi. i. (Oxyrhina.) Clarke, W. B. 1895 A, p. 4. (Oxyrhina.) 1897 A, p. 61. (Oxyrhina.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 142. (O. hastalis, O. xipho- don.) 1875 H, p. 362. (O. xiphodon.) Eastman, C. R. 1895 A, p. 178. (Oxyrhina.) Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 236, figs. 64-66. (O. xipho- don, O. hastilis.) Gemmellaro, G. G. 1857 A, p. 312, pi. vi, fig. 5 (O. hastalis); p. 313, a, figs. 6-8 (O. xipho- don). Gibbes, H. \V. 1846 A, p. 43 (O. xiphodon, O. has- talis); p. 42 (O. retroflexa). 1849 A, pp. 197, 201, pi. xxvi, figs. 148-152 (O. hastalis); p. 201, pi. xxvii, figs. 153, 154 (O. xiphodon) ; p. 202, pi. xxxvii, figs. 155- 157 (O. plicatilis). 1850 F, p. 70. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 357. (Oxyrhina.) Hitchcock, E., 1835, Geol. Mass., pi. xiii, fig. 37. (No name or description.) Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 254. (O. xiphodon.) Lyell, Chas. 1843 C, p. 32. (Oxyrhina.) 1845 A, p. 415. (Lamna xiphodon.) Probst, J. 1879 A, p. 129, pi. ii, figs. 1-6 (O. has- talis); p. 132, pi. ii, figs. 14-19 (O. xiphodon). Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 270, fig. 84. (Oxy- rhina.) Sauvagf, H. K. 1875 A, p. 633. (O. xiphodon.) Sismonda, E. 1849 A, p. 40, pi. i, figs. 41-47 (O. has- j talis); p. 42, pi. i, figs. 48-50 (O. plicatilis); figs. 51, 52 (O. xiphodon); p. 43, pi. ii, figs. 1-6 (O. iso- celica). Tuomey, M. 1868 A, p. 268. (O. hastata, O. xipho- | don.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 385. (Oxyrhina.) 1900 A, p. 4, pi. i, figs. 6-8. (Oxyrhina.) Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 234. (O. hastalis, O. xipho- don. ) Tertiary; Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and United States: Eocene; Alabama, South ' Carolina: Miocene; Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, North Carolina: Pliocene?; Argentine Republic. For additional references to foreign specimens : see Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 385, 386, and East- ' man, C. R. 1895 A, p. 178. Isurus mantellii (Agassiz). Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 280, pi. xxxiii, figs. 1-5, 7-9. (Oxyrhina.) 1843 B, iii, p. 292, pi. xxxvii a, fig. 54. (Lam- na acuminata. ) Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 296. (Oxyrhina extenta.) Credner, H. 1870 A, p. 242. (Oxyrhina.) Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 843, fig. 1405. (Oxyrhina.) Davis, J. W. 1890 A, p. 391, pi. xxxix, figs. 1-7. (Oxyrhina.) Dixon, F. 1850 A, pi. xxx, fig. 24 (O. mantelli); pi. xxx, fig. 19 (Lamna acuminata). Eastman, C. R. 1895 A, pis. xvi-xviii. (Oxyrhina.) Fritsch, A. 1878 A, p. 7, fig. 12. (Oxyrhina.) Geinitz, H. B. 1875 A, p. 207, pi. xxxviii, figs. 1-21. Gibbes, R. W. 1842 A, p. 43. (Oxyrhina.) 1849 A, p. 197, pi. xxv, figs. 113-115 (Lam- na acuminata); p. 202, pi. xxvii, fig. 158 (Oxyrhina). Giebel, C. G. 1*48 A, p. 357. (Oxyrhina.) Hilgard, E. W. 1860 A, p. 389. (Oxyrhina.) Leidy, J. 1872 M, p. 162. (Oxyrhina extenta.) 1873 B, pp. 302, 351, pi. xviii, figs. 21-25. (Oxyrhina extenta.) Morton, S. G. 1834 A, pi. xi, fig. 4. (Lamna man- telli, fide Agassiz. ) 1835 A, p. 277. (L. mantelli, L. acuminatii.) 1842 A, p. 219. (Lamna mantelli and L. acuminata.) Newberry, J. S. 1876 A, p. 141. (Oxyrhina.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 172, pi. xiii, fig. 14. (Oxyrhina.) 1885 A, p. 270, pi. xx, fig. 37. (Oxyrhina.) Reuss, A. E. 1846 A, p. 5, pi. iii. figs. 1-6. (Oxy- rhina.) Roemer, F. 1849 H, p. 419. (Oxyrhina.) 1852 A, p. 29, pi. 1, figs. 6 a, b. (Oxyrhina.) Sauvage, H. E. 1870 A, p. 21, figs. 39-41 (Oxy- rhina); p. 24, figs. 54-56 (Otodus oxyrhinoides). Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 36, pi. xiii, figs. 41-46; pi. xiv, figs. 2-2m. (Oxyrhina.) 1900 B, p. 246, pi. xxxi, figs. 41-AG; pi. xxxii, figs. 2-2m. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 229, fig. 136. (Oxy- rhina.) 1889 D, p. 376. (Oxyrhina.) Cretaceous; Europe, Alabama, New Jersey, Virginia, Mississippi, Kansas, Texas. Isurus minutus (Agassiz). Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 285, pi. xxxvi, figs. 39-47. (Oxyrhina.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 142. (Oxyrhina.) 1875 H, p. 362. (Oxyrhina.) 1875V, p. 29. (Oxyrhina.) Eastman, C. R. 1895 A, p. 182. (Oxyrhina.) Gemmellaro, G. G. 1857 A, p. 316, pi. via fig. 14. (Oxyrhina.) Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 202, pi. xxvii, figs. 161-163; not fig. 164. (Oxyrhina.) Sismonda, E. 1849 A, p. 44, pi. ii, figs. 36-39. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 391. (Oxyrhina). Eocene; South Carolina, Maryland, New Jer- sey, North Carolina: Miocene; North Carolina (fide Cope). It is not improbable that the identification of the American specimens assigned to this species is wrong. See Carcharhinus gibbesii. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 307 Isurus planus ( Agassiz) . Agassi/, L. 1856 A, p. 274. (Oxyrhina.) IS.-V7 A, p. 315, pi. i, figs. 29, 30. (Oxyrhina.) Eastman, C. R. 1895 A, p. 183. (Oxyrhina.) Woodward. A. S. 1889 D, p. 391. (Oxyrhina.) Miocene; California. Isurus sillimanii (Gibbes). t;ihl'K. R. W. 1847 A. p. 268. (Oxyrhina.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 142. (Oxyrhina.) 1875V. p. 29. (Oxyrhina.) Eastman, C. R. 1895 A, p. 181. (Oxyrhina.) Gibbes, R. W.. 1849 A, p. 202, pi. xxvii, figs. 165-168. (Oxyrhina.) 1850 F. (Oxyrhina.) ! Woodward, A. S. 1899 D, p. 391. (Oxyrhina.) Eocene; South Carolina: Miocene; Mary- land, North Carolina (jfrfeCope). Isurus tumulus (Agassiz). A^asslz, L. 1856 A, p. 275. (Oxyrhina.) 1857 A, p. 316, pi. i, figs. 26, 27, 36, 37. 42^J4. (Oxyrhina.) Eastman, C. R. 1895 A, p. 183. (Oxyrhina.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 391. (Oxyrhina.) Miocene; California. Isurus sp. indet. Cope E. D. 1875 E, p. 296. 1875 F, p. 96. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 130. CARCHARODONTIN.E. | Jordan and Evermahn, 1896 A, p. 47. CAKCHARODON A. Smith. Type nriax Linn. *>Hh. A. in Miiller and Henle 1838 A, p. 37. Agassiz L., 1843 B. iii, pp. 245,307. 1844 A. Davis, J. W. 1.S88 A, p. 8. Diimeril, A. 1865 A, p. 410. Uilibos, R. W. 1848 B, p. 142. 1849 A, p. 191. Giinther, A. 1S70 A, p. 391. 1880 A, p. 320. Hasse, C. 1882 A, p. 224. Haswell. W. A. 1884 A, p. 83. Miiller & Henlc 1841 A, p. 70. Kulliker, A. 1863 A, p. 15, figs. 8,9. Nicholson & Lydckker 1889 A, p. 945. Parker, T. J. 1887 A. I'edroni, P. M. 1844 A, p. 285. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 237. Probst, A. 1879 A, p. 137. Sismonda, E. 1849 A, p. 33. Steinmann & Doderlein 1890 A, p. 548. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A. p. 229. 1889 D, p. 410. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. W. Carcharodon auriculatus (Blainville). nininri!/t: H. M. D., 1818, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., xxvii, p. 384. (Squalus.) Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 254, pi. xxviii, figs. 17-19 (C. auriculatus); p. 255, pi. xxviii, figs. 20-25 (C. angustidens); pi. xxx, fig. 3 (C. lanceolatus, C. angustidens in text) ; p. 256, pi. xxxa, figs. 8, 9 (C. turgidus); p. 257, pi. xxx, fig. 1 (C. lanceola- tus): p. 257, pi. xxx. . r vi<;. (Car- .chariidse.) Woodward, A. S. 1884 A,p.227 (Carchariida-); 1S89 D, p. 435 (Carchariidee). Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. &5. (Carchariidffi.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 311 GALEORHININ^E. Gill, T. 1862 A, pp. Gunther, A, 1870 A, , 401. (Carehariina, in part.) Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 27. GALEOCERDO Miiller and Henle. Type G. tigrinus M. and H. Midler and Henle 1838 A, p. 36. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii. pp. 230, 304. Davis, J. W. 1888 A, p. 7. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 393. Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 191. Gill, T. 1862 A, p. 400. Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 377. 1880 A, p. 317. Hasse, C. 1882 A, p. 259, pis. xxxvi, xxxvii. Jaekel, O. 1894 A, p. 164. Jordan and Evennann 18% A, p. 32. Klunzinger, C. B. 1871 A, p. 663. Miiller and Henle 1837 A, p. 114. 1841 A, p. 59. Pedroni, P. M. 1844 A, p. 282. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 241. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 548. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 227. 1889 D, p. 443. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 85. Galeocerdo aduncus Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 231, pi, xxvi, figs. 24-28. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 141. 1875 H, p. 362. 1875 V, p. 29. 1877 K, p. 38. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 237. Gibbes, K. W. 1849 A, p. 191, pi. xxv, figs. 54-58. 1850 F. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 369. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 254. Pedroni, P. M. 1844 A, p. 283, pi. i, figs. 12, 13. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, pp. 241, 242. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 168, pi. xiii, fig. 2 (Galcus). 1885 A, p. 264, pi. xx, fig. 8 (Galeus). Tuomey, M. 1858 A, p. 268 (Galeus). Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 444. 1900 A, p. 5, pi. i, figs. 10, 10a. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 85, fig. 90. Tertiary; Europe: Eocene; North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama: Miocene; Maryland. Galeocerdo contortus Gibbes. Gibbes, Jt. W. 1849 A, p. 193, pi. xxv, fig. 71-74. Clark, W.B. 1895 A, p. 4. 1897 A, p. 62. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 141. 1875V, p. 29. Emmons, E. 1858 B, additions and corrections to p.241,figs.82a,83a. Gibbes. R. W. 1850 F Jaekel, 0. 1898 C, p. 165 (var.hassise). Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 254. Pictet, F.J. 1854 A, p. 242. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 443. Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 234. Eocene; North Carolina, South Carolina, Ala- bama: Miocene; Virginia and Maryland. Va- riety hassix in Germany. Galeocerdo crassidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 356. 1875 E, pp. 243, 395. Williston, S.W.1900A,p.41. (Syn.?of Corax fal- catus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 447. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Galeocerdo hartwellii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 355. 1875 E, pp. 244, 295. (G.hartvelii.) - Osborn, Scott and Speir, 1878 A, p. 105. Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 41. (Syn. ?of Corax fal- catus.) 1900 B, p. 252, pi. xxxi, fig. 23. (Corax hart- velli; syn. of C. falcatus. ) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 447. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas, Colorado. Galeocerdo leevissimus Cope. dupe, E. D. 1867 C, p. 141. Miocene; Maryland. Galeocerdo latidens Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 231, pi. xxvi, figs. 22, 23; (? figs. 20, 21.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 141. 1875 V. p. 29. Dames, W., 1883 B, p. 142. Dixon, F. 1850 A, p. 202, pi. xi, figs 22, 23. 1878 A, p. 248, pi. xi, figs. 22, 23. ? Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 239, fig. 68. Gibbes, R. W. 1846 A, p. 42. 1849 A, p. 192, pi. xxv, figs. 59-62. 1850 F. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 369. Hilgard, E. W. 1860 A, p. 142. Tuomey, M. 1858 A, p. 268. (Galeus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 444 Tertiary; Europe and North Africa: Eocene; North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi: Miocene; Maryland. Galeocerdo minor Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 232, pi. xxvi, figs. 15-19 (? figs. 20, 21); pi. xxvia, figs. 64-66. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 369. Molin, R. 1860, Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, xl, p. 583. (Protogaleus.) Winckler, 1874 B, p. 2%, pi. vii, fig. 1. (G. recti- conus. ) Woodward, A. S 1889 D, p. 446. (Galeocerdo? minor. ) Tertiary; Europe: Eocene; Alabama. (Wood- ward.) 312 FOSSIL VERTEBKATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Galeocerdo productus Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1856 A, p. 273. 1867 A, p. 314, pi. i, figs. 1-6. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 448. Miocene; California. Galeocerdo subcrenatus Emmons. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 238. A doubtful species, without indicated forma- tion; North Carolina. Galeocerdo sp. indet. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 456. Eocene; South Carolina. GALEORHINUS Blainville. Type Squalus galeus Linn. BlainviUe, H. M. D. 1816, Bull. Sci. Philom., p. 121. CuvierG.18J7Regne Anim.,ed. i, p. 117. (Galeus, with Squalus galeus as type.) Gegenbaur, C. 1872 A, pi. ii, fig. 2; pi. v, fig. 2; pi. viii, fig. 3; pi. xii, fig. 2; pi. xvii, fig. 2; pi. xix. fig. 4. (Galeus.) Gill, T. 1862 A, p. 402. 1864, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 148. (Eugaleus, type Squaleus galeus.) Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 379. (Galeus.) 1880 A, p. 318. (Galeus.) Hasse, C. 1882 A, p. 263, pi. xxxviii. (Galeus.) Jaekel, O. 1894 A, p. 166. (Galeus.) Jordan and Evermann, 18% A, p. 31. (Galeo- rhinus.) Miiller and Henle, 1841 A, p. 57. (Galeus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 452. (Galeus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 85. (Galeus.) Galeorhinus sp. indet. Woodward A. S. 1889 D, p. 456. (Galeus.) Eocene; Alabama. C ARCH A RHININ M. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 340. (Carcharias.) Jordan and Evermann, 1896 A, p. 28. Gunther, A. 1870 A. p. 353. (Carchariina, in part.) CARCHARHINUS Blainville. Type C. commersoni= C. lamia (Raf.). JilainviUe, H. M. D. 1816, Jour, de Physique, p. 284. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, pp. 240, 302, 366. (Car- charias.) Cuvier.'G. 1817 Regne Anim., ed. i, p. 125. (Car- charias, type C. lamia.) Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 343. (Carcharias.) Gill, T. 1862 A, p. 401. (Eulamia, type C. lamia.) Giinther, A. 1880 A, p. 318. (Carcharias. ) Hasse, C. 1882 A, p. 268, pi. xxxix. (Carcharias.) Jaekel, O. 1894 A, p. 167. (Carcharias.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 33. (Carcha- rhinus.) Klunzinger, C. B. 1871 A, p. 655. (Carcharias.) Miiller and Henle 1837 A, p. 114. (Carcharias.) 1841 A, p. 27. (Carcharias.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 169. (Carcharias.) 1885 A , pp. 265, 272. ( Carcharias. ) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 548. (Car- charias.) Woodward, A, S. 1889 D, p. 435. (Carcharias.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, (1887) p. 86. (Carcharias.) Subgenus APRIONODON Gill. Gill, T. 1862 A, p. 411 . (For Aprion of Miiller and Henle, preoccupied). Dumeril, A, 1865 A, p. 348. Giinther A. 1870 A, p. 361. (Aprion.) Jaekel, 0. 18*4 A, p. 162. (Aprion.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 42. Miiller and Henle 1841 A, p. 31. (Aprion.) Probst, J. 1878 A, p. 121. (Aprion. ) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 437. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 86. Subgenus PRIONACE Cantor. Cantor, T, E. 1850 Malayan Fishes, p. 399. (For Prionodon of Miiller and Henle, preoccupied.) Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 243. (Glyphis.) Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 351. (Prionodon.) Gegenbaur, C. 1872 A, pi. ii, fig. 4; pi. v, fig. 3; pi. viii, fig. 4; pi. xviii, fig. 5. (Prionodon.) Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 194. (Glyphis.) Gunther, A, 1870 A, p. 363. (Prionodon.) Hasse, C. 1882 A, p. 271, pi. xxxix. (Prionodon.) Jaekel, 0. 1894 A, p. 162. (Prionodon.) Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 33. Miiller and Henle 1841 A, p. 35. (Prionodon.) Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 236. (Glyphis.) Probst, J. 1878 A, p. 124. (Prionodon.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 439. (Prionodon.) j Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 86. (Prionodon.) Carcharhinus (Prionace) antiquus (Agassiz). I Agassiz, L. 1856 A, p. 273. [Carcharias (Priono- don).] 1857 A, p. 314, pi. i, figs. 15, 16. [Carcharias (Prionodon).] Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 441. [Carcharias (Prionodon).] Miocene: California Carcharhinus (Prionace) egertoni (Agassiz). Agasniz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 228, pi. xxxvi, figs. 6, 7. (Corax egertoni.) HAY. CATALOGUE. 313 Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 141. (Galeocerdo.) 1875 F, p. 63. (Galeocerdo.) 1875 H, p. 362. (Galeocerdo. ) 1875 V, p. 29. (Galeocerdo. ) Emmons, E. 1858 B, additions and corrections to p. 242, fig. 90. (Galeocerdo. ) Gibhes, R. W. 1847 A, p. 268. (Glyphis subulata.) 1849 A, p. 192, pi. xxv, figs. 66-69 (Galeoeerdo egertoni); p. 194, pi. xxv, figs. 86, 87 (Gly- phis subulata). 1850 F. (Glyphis subulata.) Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 371. (Carcharia-s.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 439. [Carcharias (Prionodon).] Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 234. (Galeocerdo egertoni, Glyphis subulata.) Eocene; South Carolina: Miocene; Maryland, North Carolina. Carcharhinus ( Aprionodon ) gibbesii (Woodward). Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 437. [Carcharias (Aprionodon).] ?Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 142. (Oxyrhina minuta.) Eastman, C. R. 1895 A, p. 182. (Carcharias.) Gibbes, R. W. 1846 A, p. 42. (Galeocerdo minor, : not of Agassiz.) 1849 A, p. 192, pi. xxv, figs. 63-65 (G. mi- nor);? p. 202, pi. xxvii, fig. 164 (Oxyrhina minuta). 1850 F. (G. minor.) j Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 254. (Prionodon an tiquus.) Eocene; South Carolina, Alabama: Miocene; Maryland.? Carcharhinus (Prionace) tenuis ( Agas- siz). ! Agassis, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 242, pi. xxxa, fig. 15. (Carcharias.) | ?Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 191. (Carcharias.) ?1850 G, p. 300, pi. xlii, fig. 8. (Carcharias.) | Woodward, A. S. 1889 D p. 442. [Carcharias (Prionodon).] Senonian; Switzerland: Eocene?; South Caro- lina. Carcharhinus sp. indet. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, pp. 455, 456. Eocene; Alabama. MICRODUS Emmons. Type M. Items Emmons. Microdus laevis Emmons. Emmons, E. 1857 A, p. 48. It is doubtful what disposition is to be made of the tooth described by Emmons under the name Microditx /.'IT/*. Emmons, E. 1857 A, p. 48 with figui Triassic; North Carolina. HEMIPRISTIS Agassiz. Type H. serra Agassi z. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, pp. 237, 303. Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 193. Jaekel, O. 1894 A, p. 168. Kiprijanoff, V. 1854 A, p. 373. Klunzinger, C. B. 1871 A, p. 664. (Dirrhizodon, type J). elongatm.) Pedroni, P. M. 1844 A, p. 284. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 242. Probst, J. 1878 A, p. 141. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 168. 1885 A, p. 265. Sismonda, E. 1849 A, p. 32. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 448. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 85. Hemipristis heteropleurus Agassiz. AgMiz, L. 1856 A, p. 274. 1857 A, p. 315, pi. i, fig. 14. Miocene; California. Hemipristis serra Agassiz. Agasxiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 237, pi. xxvii, figs. 18-30. 1843 B, iii, p. 238, pi. xxvii, figs. 31-33. (H. paucidens.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 142. 1875 H, p. 362. 1875 V, p. 29. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 235, fig. 63. (H. crenula- tns. ) Gemmellaro, G. G. 1857 A, p. 296, pi. i, fig. 6a. Gibbes, R. W. 1846 A, p. 42. (H. serra, H. pauci- dens, Lamna hopei.) 1849 A, p. 193, pi. xxv, figs. 75-85 (H. serra); p. 198, pi. xxvi, figs. 120-123 (Lamna hopei.) 1850 F. (H. serra, Lamna hopei.) Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 368. (H. serra, H. pau- cidens. ) Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 254. Pedroni, P. M. 1844 A, p. 284, pi. i, fig. 20 (H. ser- ra); figs. 21,22 (H. paucidens). Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 243. Probst, J. 1878 A, p. 143, pi. i, figs. 49-57. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 265, fig. 81. Sauvage, H. E. 1875 A, p. 634, pi. xxii, fig. 2. (Odontaspis sacheri.) Sismonda, E. 1849 A, p. 33, pi. i, figs. 17, 18. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 228, fig. 133. 1889 D, p. 449. 1900 A, p. 5, pi. i, figs. 11, lla. Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 234. Zittel, K. A. 1890 (1887) A, p. 85, fig. 89. For additional bibliography see Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 449. Tertiary; Europe: Eocene; North Carolina, South Carolina: Miocene; Virginia: Plio- cene?; Argentine Republic. Hempristis sp. indet. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 456. Eocene; South Carolina. 314 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. SPHYRNIN.E. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 380. (Cestraciontes.) Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 353. (Zygsenina.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 43. (Sphyrnidae.) SPHYRNA Rafinesque. Type Squalm zygtena Linn. Raflnesque, C. S., 1810, Caratteri di alcuni gencri. etc., p. 12. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, pp. 234, 303, 366, pi. N, figs. 8-10. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 381. (Cestracion.) Gegenbaur, C. 1872 A. (Zygsena.) Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 194. Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 380. (Zygaena.) 1880 A, p. 318. (Zygsena.) Hasse, C. 1882 A, p. 273. (Zygaena.) Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1878 A. (Zygsena.) Jaekel, O. 1894 A, p. 165. (Zygsena.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 43. Klunzinger, C. B. 1871 A, p. 665. (Zygsena.) Mivart, St. G. 1879 A. (Zygaena.) Miiller and Henle 1841 A, p. 51. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 453. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 86. Sphyrna gibbesii, nom. nov. Emmons, E. 1858 B, additions and corrections to p. 241, fig. 84a. (S. denticulata.) Gibbes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 195, pi. xxv, fig. 94. (S. denticulata, not of Agassiz. ) 1850 F. (S. denticulata.) Eocene; South Carolina, North Carolina. Sphyrna lata Agassiz. 400Mb; L. 18-13 B, iii, p. 23!), pi. xxvi, figs. 58, 59. ?Giobes, R. W. 1849 A, p. 195, pi. xxv, figs. 91-t'3. 1850 F. Woodward, A. S. 1X89 D, p. 454. ?Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 234. Tertiary: Virginia: Eocene: South Carolina. The identification of the American specimens with Agassiz's species is doubtful. Sphyrna magna Cope. | Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 142. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 455. Miocene; Virginia. Sphyrna prisca Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 234, pi. xxvio, figs. 35-50. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 142. 1875 H, p. 362. (Zygsena.) 1875V, p. 29. (Zygsena.) Gemmellaro, G. G. 1857 A, p. 295, pi. i, fig. 5; pi. vi, fig. 3. Gibbes, R. W. 1889 A, p. 194, pi. xxv, figs. 88-90. Pedroni, P. M. 1844 A, p. 284, pi. i, figs. 15, 16. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 453. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 86, fig. 93. (8. serrata. ) Miocene; Europe, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina. Superfamily SQUALOIDEA. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 129. (Tectospondyli, lapm calami.) . Basse, C. 1879 A, p. 41. (Cyclospondyli.) 1882 A, pp. 55-94, pis. viii-x. Jaekel, O. 1894 A, p. 51. (Cyclospondyli.) Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 53. (Cyclo- spondyli.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. xxvii. (Cycl dyli.) SOMNIOSID.E. GUI, T. 1895 A, p. 192. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 450. (Scymni.) Gill, T. 1862 A, p. 405. (Scymnoidae, Echino- rhinoidae.) 1893 A, p. 129. (Dalatiidse and Echino- rhinidae.) Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 417. (Spinacidse, in part.) Hasse, C. 1879 A, p. 43. (Scymnidae.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 56 (Dalatlidse); p. 57 (Echinorhinidae). Miiller and Henle 1841 A, p. 91. (Scymni.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 30. (Spinacidae, in part.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 87. (Spinacidfe, in part.) SCYMNORHINUS Bonaparte. Type Scymnus llchia Cuvier. Bonaparte, C. S. 1846, Cat. Met. Pesci Europei, p. 16. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, pp. 305, 367. (Scymnus.) Cuvier, G. 1817, Regne Anim., ii, p. 130. (Scym- nus, preoccupied.) Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 450. Gegenbaur, C. 1872 A, pi. i, fig. 3; pi. iv, fig. 3; pi. vii, fig. 3; pi. xi, fig. 1; pi. xvii, fig. 4; pi. xix, fig. 2. (Scymnus.) Gill, T. 1895 A. Hasse, C. 1878 A, p. 168. (Scymnus.) 1882 A, p. 65, pi. ix. (Scymnus.) Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1878 A. (Scymnus.) Kolliker, A. 1863 A, p. 26. (Scymnus.) Miiller and Henle 1837 A, p. 116. (Scymnus.) i, p. 399. (Scymnus.) ., p. 89. (Scymnus.) 1841 A, p. 91. (Scymnus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 33. (Scymnus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 88. (Scymnus.) Scymnorhinus occidentalis (Agassiz). Afjasste, L. 1856 A, p. 272. (Scymnus.) 1857 A, p. 314, pi. i, figs. 9-13. (Scymnus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 458. (Scymnus.) Miocene; California. HAY.] CATALOGUE. Blainville. Type Squalus spinoms Gmelin. KlahiriUe, H. M. D., 1816, Bull. Soc. Philom., p. 121. j Muller and Henle 1841 A, p. % Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1838), iii, p. 94. (Goniodus.) Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 458. Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 428. Hasse, C. 1882 A, p. 73, pi. ix. Jordan and Evermaun 18% A, p. 57. Muller and Henle 1838 A, p. 89. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 34. Echinorhinus blakei Agassiz. Agassiz. L. 1856 A, p. 272. 1857 A, p. 313, pi. i, figs. 7, 8, 17. Miocene of California. 315 Suborder RA.LE. Briihl, B. C. 1847 A. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 468. ("Raies ou Hypo- tremes.") Gegenbaur, C. 1872 A. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 130. (Hypotremi.) Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 434. (Batoidei.) 1880 A, p. 335. (Batoidei.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 236. (Rajacei.) Hasse, C. 1879 A, p. 44. (Teetospondyli.) 1882 A, p. 163. (Tectospondyli.) Haswell, W. A. 1884 A, p. 115. (Batoidei.) Jaekel, 0. 1890 C. 1890 D, p. 110. (Tectospondyli.) 1892 A. Jaekel, 0. 1894 A, p. 40. (Batoidei.) 1898 A, p. 44. ("Rochen.") Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 59. (Batoidei.) Kehner, F. A. 1876 A. (Raii.) Kostlin, O. 1844 A, p. 425. (" Rochen.") Muller, J 1846 C, p. 203. (Rajidae.) Muller and Henle 1841 A, p. 103. Parker, W. K. 1878 A. (Raii.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 549. (Batoi- dei.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 30. (Tectospondyli, in part.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 93. (Batoidei.) Superfamily PACHYURA Gill. II, T. 1872 C, p. 23. 1882, in Jordan and Gilbert's Synop. N. A. 1893 A, p. 130. (Sarcura.) Jaekel, O. 1894 A, p. 69. (Rhinoraji.) 1898 A, p. 45. (Rhinoraji.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 59. (Sarcura.) TAMIOBATID^E, nom. nov. TAMIOBATIS Eastman. Type T. vdustus Eastman. Eastman, C. R. 1897 A, p. 85. Miller, S. A. 1897 A, p. 793. Relationships to the Rhinobatidre doubtful. Tamiobatis vetustus Eastman. Eaxtman, C. R. 1897 A, p. 85, pi. i. Devonian?; Kentucky. RAJJD.E. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 73. (" Raies.") Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 525. (Rajae.) Gunther, A. 1870 A, pp. 435, 455. 1880 A, p. 340. 1881 A, p. 686. Hasse, C. 1878 A, p. 170. 1879 A, p. 48. (Rajae.) 1882 A, p. 163. (Rajse.) Haswell, W. A. 1884 A, p. 117. Howes, G. B. 1890 A. Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1878 A. Kolliker, A. 1860 B, p. 212. Jaekel, O. 1890 A, p. 94. Jaekel, O. 1891 D, p. 191. 1894 A, p. 81. 1898 A, p. 52. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 66. Muller and Henle 1841 A. p. 132. (Rajse.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 933. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 43. Stannius, H. 1854 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 550. Stephan, P. 1900 A. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 84. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 103. RAJA Linn. Type R. biitis Linn. Linnaeus, C., 1858. Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 231. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 526. Gegenbaur, C. 1872 A, pi. iii, fig. 2; pi. vi, fig. 4; pi. xiii, fig. 1; pi. xiv, figs. 4, 6; pi. xv, fig. 1. Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 455. 1880 A, p. 340. Hasse, C. 1878 A. 1882 A, p. 163, pi. xxii. 316 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OP NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1878 A. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 66. Muller and Henle 1837 A, p. 111. 1841 A, p. 132, plates. Stephan, P. 1900 A. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 85. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 104. Raja dux Cope. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 141. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 459. Miocene; Maryland. GRYPHODOBATIS Leidy. Type G. uncus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 249. A genus whose position is doubtful. Gryphodobatis uncus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 249, pi. xxxiv, figs. 8 Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 156. Phosphate beds; South Carolina. ONCOBATIS Leidy. Type 0. pentagonus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 K, p. 70. Nicholson and Lydekker, 1889 A, p. 934. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 90. Oncobatis pentagonus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 K, p. 70. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 471. (Pristides.) Gegenbaur, C. 1872 A. Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 436. 1880 A, p. 336. 1881 A, p. 686. Basse, C. 1882 A, p. 121. Haswell, W. A. 1884 A, p. 116. Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1878 A. Jaekel, O. 1894 A, p. 75. Cope, E. D. 1883 L, p. 153. (Raja.) Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 370. 1873 B, pp. 264, 353, pi. xvii, figs. 18, 19. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 90. Pliocene; Idaho. PRISTID.E. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 60. Muller and Benle 1841 A, p. 105. (Pristides.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 930. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 274. (Pristides.) Woodward, A. S. 1885 B, p. 227. 1889 B, p. 451. i, p. 73. >, p. 52. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 94. PRISTIS LATHAM. Type Squalwt pristis Linn. = Pristis antiquorum. Latham, John 1794, Trans. Linn. Soc., ii, p. 276. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 382. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 471. Gegenbaur, C. 1872 A, pi. iii, fig. 4; pi. xiii, figs. 4-6; pi. xiv, fig. 2. Gunther, A. 1880 A, p. 347. Basse, C. 1882 A, p. 121, pi. xvi. Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1878 A, pi. ii, figs. 2-5, 8. Jaekel, 0. 1890 D. 1894 A. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 60. Muller and Henle 1837 A, p. 116. 1837 B, p. 399. 1841 A, p. 105. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 190. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 40, pis. viii, ix. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 275. Stannius, B. 1854 A. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 246. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 73. 1899 A, p. 3. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 94. Pristis agassizi Gibbes. Gibbes, R. W. 1847 B, p. 11, pi. i, figs. 6, 7, Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 75. Eocene; South Carolina. Pristis amblodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 L, p. 312. 1875 B, p. 362. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 468. Eocene; New Jersey. Pristis attenuatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 F, p. 244. 1875 V, p. 29. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 459. Tertiary; North Carolina. Pristis brachyodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 A, p. 312. 1875 V, p. 29. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 459. Cretaceous (Greenland); Virginia: Miocene: North Carolina. Pristis curvidens Leidy. Leidy, J. 1855 D. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 76. Cretaceous (Grecnsand) ; New Jersey. Pristis ensidens Leidy. Leidy, J. 1855 D. 1877 A, p. 252, pi. xxxiv, figs. 31, 32. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 75. Phosphate beds; South Carolina. HAY.] CATALOGUE. Superfamily MASTICURA Gill. 317 Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 22. 1882, in Jordan and Gilbert's Synop. Fishes N. A., p. 36. 1893 A, p. 130. Jaekel, 0. 1894 A, pp. 64, 115. (Centrobati.) 1898 A, p. 46. (Centrobati.) 1899 A, p. 298. (Centrobatidae.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, pp. 59, 79. PTYCHODONTULE. Jaekel, O. 1898 A, p. 51. (Ptychodontinae.) | HEMIPTYCHODUS Jaekel. Type. Ptychodus mortoni Mantell. Jaekel, O. 1894 A, p. 137. Hemiptychodus mortoni (Mantell). Mantell, O. A., in Morton, S. G. 1842 A, p. 215, pi. xi, figs. 7, 7a. ( Ptychodus. ) Agassiz L. 1843 B, iii, p. 158, pi. xxv, figs. 1-3. (Ptychodus.) Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 48. (Ptychodus.) 1875 E, p. 294. (Ptychodus.) Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 843, fig. 1406. (Ptychodus. ) De Kay, J. E. 1842 B, p. 386. (Ptychodus.) Dixon, F. 1878 A, p. 392, pi. xxxi, figs. 6, 7. ( Ptych- odus.) Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 334. (Ptychodus.) Hilgard, E. W. 1860 A, p. 389. (Ptychodus.) Jaekel, O. 1894 A, p. 137. (Hemiptychodus.) Leidy, J. 1868 H, p. 205. ( Ptychodus. ) 1870 H, p. 12. ( Ptychodus. ) 1873 B,pp. 295,352, pl.xviii, figs.1-14. (Ptych- odus.) Morton, S. G. 1834 A, pi. xviii, figs. 1, 2. (No name or description). Tuomey, M. 1858 A, p. 268. (Ptychodus.) Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 30, pi. vii; pi. viii, fig. 1; pi. ix. (Ptychodus.) 1900 B, p. 238, pis. xxv, xxvi, fig. 1; pi. xxviii. (Ptychodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1887 B, p. 130. (Ptychodus.) 1889 D, p. 149. (Ptychodus.) Cretaceous; Alabama, Mississippi, Kansas. PTYCHODUS Agassiz. Type P. rnammillaris Agassiz. AgafSK, L. 1843 B (1835), Feuill., p. 54. 1843 B (1839), iii, pp. 56, 150. 1844 A. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 47. (Sporetodus, type S. jane- vaii.) Davis, J. W. 1890 A, p. 375. Dixon, F. 1850 A, p. 361. 1858 A, p. 390. Hasse, C. 1884, Palseontographica, xxxi, p. 9, pi. ii, figs. 16, 17. (Selache davisi.) Jaekel, 0. 1890 A, p. 94. 1891 D, p. 191. 1894 A, p. 132. Geinitz, H. B. 1839 A, pp. 12, 38, 63. Leidy J. 1868 H. 1870 H. Mackie, S. J. 1863 B. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 57, pis. xvii-xix. 1860 E, p. 110. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 264. Priem, F. 18% A. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 180. 1885 A, p. 281. Sauvage, H. E. 1870 A, p. 15. Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 29. Woodward, A. S. 1885 B, p. 107. 1887 B. 1888 I, p. 294, fig. 1. 1889 D, p. 122. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 78, figs. 77, 78. Ptychodus anonymus Willist. WiUiston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 32, pi. xi, figs. 5-8, 16-18, 20-22, 24. 1900 B, p.241, pi. xxix, figs. 5-8, 16-18. 20-22, 24. Cretaceous (Niobrara, Benton?); Kansas. Ptychodus decurrens Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1839), Feuill., p. 54. 1843 B (1839), iii, p. 154, pi. xxv b, figs. 1, 2, 4, 6-8 (not figs. 3, 5). Dixon, F. 1850 A, p. 362, pi. xxx, figs. 7, 8; pi. xxxi, fig. 1; pi. xxxii, fig. 5 (P. decurrens); p. 363, pi. xxxi, fig. 9 (P. depressus). 1858 A, p. 390, pi. xxx, figs. 7, 8; pi. xxxi, fig. 1; pi. xxxii, fig. 5. Fritsch, A. 1878 A, p. 14, fig. 34. Kiprijanoff, V. 1852 A, p. 490, pi. xiii, figs. 4, 5. Owen, R. 1845 B, ii, p. 57, pis. xviii, xix. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 181, pi. xiii, fig. 59. 1885 A, p. 281, text fig. 86; pi. xxi, figs. 63, 64. Reuss, A. E. 1846 A, p. 1, pi. ii, figs. 9, 10. Sauvage, H. E. 1870 A, p. 18. 1879 A, p. 53, pi. iii, figs. 25, 26. Woodward, A. S. 1887 B, pi. x, figs. 1-10, 13. 1889 D, p. 138. 1898 B, p. 53, fig. 42. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 79, figs. 78 a, 6. Cretaceous; England, France, Germany; also from Kearns Canon, Arizona (specimen in U. S. National Museum). Ptychodus janevaii Cope. Cape, E. D. 1874 C, p. 47. (Sporetodus.) 1875 E, pp. 244, 294. (P. janewayii.) Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 33, pi. xii, figs, 9, 10, 11. (P. janewayii.) 1900 B, p. 242, pi. xxx, figs. 9, 10, 11. (P. janewayii.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 151. Cretaceous (Niobrara) ; Kansas. 318 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Ptychodus mammillaris Agassiz. Agassk, L. 1843 B (183ft), Fcuill'., p. 51. 1843 B (1839), iii, p. 151, pi. xxv 6, figs. 11-20 (P. mammillaris); p. 154, pi. xxv 6, figs. 3, 5 (P. decurrens); p. 155, pi. xxv 6, figs. 9, 10 (P. altior). Cope, E. D, 1875 E, p. 294. Davis, J. W. 1890 A, p. 378, pi. xxxviii. De Kay, J. E. 1842 B, p. 386. Dixon, F. 1850 A, p. 361, pi. xxx, fig. 6; pi. xxxi, fig. 4. 1878 A, p. 390, pi. xxx, fig. 6; pi. xxxi, fig. 4. Fritsch, A. 1878 A, p. 14, text fig. 33. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 333. Kiprijanoff , V. 1852 A, p. 487, pi. xii, fig. 3; pi. xiii, fig. 3. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 265, pi. xxviii, fig. 27. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 181. 1885 A, p. 282, pi. xxi, figs. 61, 62. (P de- currens. ) Reuss, A. E. 1846 A, p. 2, pi. ii, figs. 11-13. Sauvage, H. E. 1870 A, p. 16, figs. 86-89. Woodward, A. S. 1885 B, p. 109, fig. 81. 1889 D, p. 133. Cretaceous; Europe, Delaware. For additional citations of literature bearing on European specimens, see Woodward, A. S., 1889 D, p. 133. Ptychodus martini Willist. WiUiston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 32, pi. x. 1900 B, p. 240, pi. xxviii. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Ptychodus occidentalis Leidy. Leidy J. 1868 H, p. 207. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 48. 1875 E, p. 294. Leidy, J. 1873 E, pp. 298, 352, pis. xvii, figs. 7, 8; pi. xviii, figs. 15-18. Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 33, pi. xi, fig. 4; pi. xii, fig. 13. 1900 B, p. 242, pi. xxix, fig. 4; pi. xxx, fig. 13. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 151. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Ptychodus papillosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 294. 1875 F, p. 63. Cretaceous; Colorado. Ptychodus parvulus Whiteaves. Whiteaves, J. F. 1889 B, p. 191, pi. xxvi, figs. 5 a, b, c. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Manitoba. Ptychodus polygyrus Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1835), Feuill., p. 55. Agassiz, L., in Buckland, W. 1837 A, pi. xxxvii/. (No description). Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1839) B, iii, p. 156, pi. xxv, figs. 4-11; pi. 'xxv b, figs. 21-23. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 48. 1875 E, p. 294. Dixon, F. 1850 A, p. 363, pi. xxx, fig. 9; pi. xxxi, fig. 10 (P. polygyrus); p. xii, pi. xxx, figs. 1, 2 (P. latissimus). 1878 A, p. 391, pi. xxx, figs. 1, 2 (P. latissi- mus); p. 392, pi. xxx, fig. 9; pi. xxi, fig. 10 (P. polygyrus). Fritsch, A. 1878 A, p. 14, fig. 35. (P. polygirus.) Gibbes, R. W. 1850 A. 1850 G, pi. 42, figs. 5, 6. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 333. Kiprijanoff, V. 1852 A, p. 494, pi. xiii, fig. 6. Leidy, J. 1868 H, p. 208. 1873 B, p. 352. Mackie, 8. J. 1863 B, pi. ix. Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 31, pi. xi, fig. 9; pi. x, fig. 14. 1900 B, p. 240, pi. xxix, fig. 9; pi. xxx, fig. 14. Woodward, A. 8. 1885 B, p. 109, fig. 82. 1889 D, p. 143. 1898 B, p. 52, fig. 41. Cretaceous; Alabama, Kansas. Ptychodus whipplei Marcou. Marcou, J. 1858 A, p. 33, pi. i, figs. 4, 4. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 48. (P. whippleyi.) 1875 E, p. 294. (P. whippleyi.) 1875 F, p. 63. (P. whippleyi.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 300, 352, pi. xviii, figs. 19, 20. (P. whippleyi.) Newberry, J. S. 1876 A, p. 137, pi. iii, figs. 2-2/. (P. whippleyi.) Osborn, Scott and Speir 1878 A, p. 106. (P. whippleyi.) Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 33, pi. xi, figs. 10-15. 1900 B, p. 243, pi. xxix, figs. 10-15. (P. whippleyi.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 152. ( P. whippleyi. ) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico. Ptychodus sp. indet. Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 34, pi. xi, figs. 2, 3, pi. xiii, fig. 53. 1900 B, p. 243, pi. xxix, figs. 2,13; pi. xxxi, fig. 53. Cretaceous (Benton) ; Kansas DASYATID^E. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 79. Unless otherwise stated, the authors below cited refer to this family under the name Trygonidff: Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 578. (Trygones.) Gegenbaur, C. 1865 B. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 130. (Dasybatidae.) Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 471. 1880 A, p. 342. 1881 A, p. 686. Hasse, C. 1878 A, p. 169. 1879 A, p. 47. 1882 A, p. 136. Haswell, W. A. 1884 A, p. 117. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 319 Howes, (i. B. 1*90 A. Jaekel, O. 1890 C, p. 56. 1891 D, p. 191. ("Torpedinideii.") 1894 A, p. 139. (Trygoninse.) V., p. 51. (Trygoninae.) Miiller and Henle 1841 A, p. 156. (Trygones. ) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 152. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 105. DASYATIS Rafinesque. Type J). -I). Linn. Rafinesque, C. S., 1810, Caratteri di alcuni nuovi generi, p. 16. Unless otherwise stated, the following au- thors refer to this genus under the name Trygon: Cope, E. D. 1879 O. (Xiphotrygon, type X. acu- tidens.) 1884 O, p. 49. ( Xiphotrygon. ) Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 582. Gegenbaur, C. 1872 A, pi. iii; pi. vi, fig. 6; pi. xi, fig. 4; pi. xiii, fig. 2; pi. xiv, fig. 3. Giinther, A. 1880 A, p. 343. Hasse, C. 1878 A, p. 170. 1882 A, p. 142, pi. xix. Haswell, W. A. 1S84 A, p. 100. Howes, G. B. 1890 A. Hnbrecht, A. A. W. 1878 A. Jaekel, O. 1890 A, p. 94. 1894 A, p. 144. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 82. (Dasyatis.) Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 261. (Heliobatis, type H. radian*.) Miiller and Henle 1837 A, p. 117. 1838 A, p. 90. 1841 A, p. 158. Newberry, J. S. 1888 B, p. 121. (Heliobatis.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 937. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 153. (Xiphotrygon.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 105. (Trygon, Xiphotry- gon.) Dasyatis carolinensis (Emmons). Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 243, figs. 91, 92, 94, 95. (Trygon.) 1860 A, p. 215, fig. 1835. (Trygon.) Tertiary; North Carolina. Dasyatis hastata? (De Kay). De Kay, J. E. 1842 B, p. 373, pi. Ixv, fig. 214. (Trygon.) Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 84. Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 119, pi. xxvii, figs. 1, 2. Post-pliocene; South Carolina. Dasyatis radians (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 256. (Heliobatis.) Cope, E. D. 1879 O. (Xiphotrygon acutidens.) 1884 O, p. 50, pi. i, figs. 1-5. (X. acutidens.) Jaekel, O. 1894 A, p. 134. [Trygon (Taeniura.)] King, C. 1878 A, p. 394. (Heliobatis.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 155. (X. acutidens.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 105. (X. acutidens.) Eocene (Green R.); Wyoming. Dasyatis sp. indet. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 353, pi. xxxii, figs. 54, 56. (Trygon.) Miocene; Virginia. MYLIOBATID.E. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 631. (Myliobatides.) Gegenbaur, C. 1865 B. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 130. (Aetobatidae.) 1894 A. (Aetobatidae.) Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 488. (Myliobatina.) 1880 A, p. 344. 1881 A, p. 686. Hasse, C. 1878 A, p. 170. 1879 A, p. 47. 1882 A, p. 149. Haswell, W. A. 1884 A, p. 117. Jaekel, O. 1891 D, p. 191. 1894 A, p. 150. (Myliobatinse.) 1898 A, p. 51. ( Myliobatinse. i Jordan and Evennann, 18% A, p. 87. Miiller and Henle 1841 A, p. 176. (Myliobatides.) Nicholson and Lydekker, 1889 A, p. 935. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 279. (Myliobatides.) Semon, R. 1899 A, p. 76. Stannius H. 1854 A. (Myliobatides.) Steinmann and Doderlein, 1890 A, p. 549. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 109. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 99. MYLIOBATIS Duni. Type Raja aquila Linn. Dumeril, C. 1817, in Cuvier's Regne Anim., ii,p. 137. By many of the following authors this name is spelled Myliobates. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 317. Dumeril, A, 1865 A, p. 633. Gibbes, R. W. 1850 G. Gill, T. 1894 A, p. 113. Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 488. 1880 A, p. 344. Hasse, C. 1882 A, p. 148, pis. xx, xxi. Howes, G. B. 1890 A. Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1878 A. Jaekel, n. 1890 A, p. 94. 1894 A, p. 129. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 89. 320 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Miiller and Henle, 1837 A, p. 117. 1837 B, p. 401. 1841 A, p. 176. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 936. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 46, pis. xxv-xxvii. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 182. 1885 A, p. 287. Rose, C. 1897 A, p. 39, figs. 9-15. Sismonda, E. 1849 A, p. 50. Steinmann and Doderlein, 1890 A, p. 549. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 247. Treuenfels, P. 1896 A, p. 1, pis. i, ii. Woodward, A. S. 1888 F. 1889 D, p. 109. 1899 A, p. 3. Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 234. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 100. Myliobatis bisulcus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1870 E, p. 229. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 239. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 121. Eocene; New Jersey. Myliobatis copeanus Clark. Clark, W. B. 1895 A, p. 4. 1897 A, p. 61, pi. vii, figs. 3a, 36. Eocene; Maryland, Virginia. Myliobatis fastigiatus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 239, pi. xxxi, fig. 11. 1876 E, p. 86. (No description). Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 121. Eocene; New Jersey. Myliobatis gigas Cope. Cope, E. D. itffl C, p. 140. Leidy. J. 1877 A, p. 241, pi. xxxiii, fig. 4. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 122. Miocene; Maryland. Myliobatis glottoides Cope. Cape, E. D. 1870 F, p. 293. Eocene; New Jersey. Myliobatis holmesii Gibbes. Gibbes, R. W. 1850 G, p. 299, pi. xlii, figs. 1-3. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 140. Gibbes, R. W. 1850 B. (No description. ) Leidy, J. 1876 E, p. 86. (M. magister; PO descrip- tion). 1877 A, p. 233, pi. xxxiii, fig. 7 (M. magister); p. 234 (M. holmesii). Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 129.. Phosphate beds; South Carolina. Myliobatis jugosus Leidy. Lcidij, J. 1877 A, p. 240, pi. xxxi, figs. 4, 5. 1876 E, p. 86. (No description.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 122. Eocene; New Jersey. Myliobatis leidyi Hay. Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 785. Leidy, J. 1855 C, p. 395. (M. serratus, not of H. v. Meyer, 1843.) 1877 A, p. 239, pi. xxxii, fig. 5. ( M. serratus.) Woodward, A. S. 1888 F, p. 38. (M. serratus.) 1889 D, p. 123. (M. serratus.) Eocene; New Jersey. Myliobatis mordax Leidy. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 234, pi. xxxiv, fig. 3. 1876 E, p. 86. (No description.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 123. Phosphate beds: South Carolina. Myliobatis pachyodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 140. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 242, pi. xxxii, fig. 6. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 123. Miocene; Maryland. Myliobatis rectidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 F, p. 294. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Myliobatis rugosus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1855 C, p. 395. 1855 C, p. 396. (M. obesus.) 1877 A, p. 236, pi. xxxi, figs. 6-10; pi. xxxiv, fig. 44. (M. obesus.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 123. Eocene; New Jersey. Myliobatis transversalis Gibbes. Gibbes, K. W. 1850 G, pi. xlii, fig. 4. 1850 B. (No description.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 124. Eocene; South Carolina. Myliobatis vicomicanus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 140. 1870 F, p. 294. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 242, pi. xxxiii, fig. 5. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 122. (Syn. of M. gigas. ) Miocene; Maryland. Myliobatis sp. indet. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 354, pi. xxxii, figs. 52, 53. Miocene; Virginia. MESOBATIS Leidy. Type A'etobatis eximius Leidy. Leidy J. 1877 A, p. 244. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 131. Mesobatis eximius Leidy. Leidy, J. 1855 C, p. 3%. (Actobatis.) 1877 A, p. 244, pi. xxxi, fig. 12. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 131. Phosphate bee's; South Carolina. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 321 AKTOBATUS Biainville. Types A. mlgaris, A. narinari, etc. Blainvillc, If. M. I)., 1816, Jour, de Physique, Ixxxiii, p. 261. Most of the authors here cited spell this name Aetobatis. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 325. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 640. Gill, T. 1894 A, p. 114. Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 492. 1880 A, p. 345. Basse, C. 1882 A, p. 155, pi xxi. Jaekel, O. 1894 A, p. 130. 1899 A, p. 266. Jordan and Evermaim 18% A, p. 88. Miiller and Henle 1837 A, p. 118. 1837 B, p. 401. 1841 A, p. 179. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 281. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 182. 1885 A, p. 287. Woodward, A. 8. 1889 D, p. 127. 1899 A, p. 5. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 101. Aetobatus arcuatus Agassiz. Agassis, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 327. (Aetobatis.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 139. (Aetobatis.) 1875 V, p. 29. (Aetobatis.) Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 246, pi. xxxi, fig. 14. (JEto- batis.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, 130. (Aetobatis.) Miocene; Europe, Maryland, North Carolina. The identification of the American specimens is doubtful. Aetobatus perspicuus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1855 C, p. 396. (Aetobatis). 1877 A, p. 244, pi. 31, fig. 13. (JEtobatis). Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 131. (Aetobatis). Eocene ?; New Jersey. Aetobatus profundus Cope. Cope, K D. 1867 C, p. 139. (Aetobatis). Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 246, pi. xxxi, fig. 19. (,Eto- batis.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 131. (Aetobatis.) Miocene; Maryland. PLINTHICUS Cope. Type P. stenodon Cope. Co])e, E. D. 1869 L, p. 316. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 459. (Syn.? of Aeto- batus. ) Plinthigus stenodon Cope. Cope, E. />.1869 L, p. 316. 1876 H, p. 362. RHINOPTERA Kuhl. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 459. Miocene; New Jersey. Type R. marginata Cuvier. Kuhi, 1828, in Cuvier's Regne Anim., ed. 2, p. 401. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, p. 79 (Zygobatis); p. 328 (Zygobates). Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 644. Giinther, A. 1880 A, p. 346. Hasse, C. 1882 A, p. 158, pi. xxi. Jaekel, O. 1894 A, p. 129. Miiller and Henle 1837 B, p. 401. 1841 A, p. 181. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 288. (Zygobatis, Rhi- noptera.) Woodward, A. S. 1885 B, p. 270. (Zygobatis.) 1889 D, p. 125. (Rhinoptera.) 1899 A, p. 5. (Rhinoptera or Zygobatis. ) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 101. (Zygobatis.) Bhinoptera dubia Leidy. Leidy, J. 1855 C, p. 396. (Zygobatis.) 1877 A, p. 247, pi. xxxi, figs. 21-37. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 127. Phosphate beds; South Carolina. Bhinoptera, sp. indet. Agassiz, L. 1856 A, p. 275. (Zygobates.) 1857 A, p. 316, pi. i, figs. 31-35. (Zygobates. ) Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 370. (Zygobates.) Miocene; California. MANTID^E. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 91. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 649. (Cephalopterse.) Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 130. (Mobulidae.) Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 435. (Ceratopterina.) Jaekel, 0. 1894 A, pp. 115-150. (Ceratopterina.) 1898 A, p. 51. (Ceratopterinse.) Miiller and Henle 1838 A, p. 91. (Cephalopterse. ) 1841 A, p. 184. (Cephalopterae.) MANTA Bancroft. Type M. birostris Walb. Bancroft, E. N. 1829, Zool. Jour., iv, p. 444. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 659. (Ceratoptera.) Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 497. (Ceratoptera.) 1880 A, p. 347. (Ceratoptera.) Hasse, C. 1882 A, p. 159, pi. xxi. (Ceratoptera.) 1885 A, p. 20. (Ceratoptera.) Bull. 179 21 Jaekel, O. 1894 A. (Ceratoptera.) Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 92. (Manta.) Miiller and Henle 1837 A, p. 118. (Ceratoptera.) 1837 B, p. 401. (Ceratoptera.) 1838 A, p. 91. (Ceratoptera.) 1841 A, p. 184. (Ceratoptera.) 322 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179 Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 102. (Ceratoptera.) Manta unios (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1876 E, p. 86. (Ceratoptera.) 1877 A, p. 248, pi. xxxiv, figs. 1, 2. (Cera- toptera.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 131. (Ceratoptera.) Phosphate beds; South Carolina. Subclass HOLOCEPHALA Bonaparte. 1 Bonaparte, C. L. 1832-41, Icon. Fauna Ital., (Pesci), Intr6d. (Holocephala.) Bridge, T. W. 1896 A, p. 534. Cope, E. D. 1872 C. 1877 O, p. 41. 1878 A, p. 292. 1884 N, p. 579. 1884 HH. 1885 G. 1887 S, p. 324. 1889 R, p. 854. 1891 N, p. 10. 1898 B, pp. 17, 28. Dumeril, A. 1865 A, p. 663. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 6. Gadow and Abbott 1895 A. Gegenbaur, C. 1865 B, pp. 88, 145. 1898 A. Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 348. 1880 A, p. 348. 1881 A, p. 686. | Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 243. Basse, C. 1878 A. 1882 A, p. 25. Hubrecht. A. A. W. 1877 A. 1878 A. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 120. 1876 A. Miiller, J. 1835 A. 1846 C, p. 203. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 949. (Chimer- oidei.) Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 116. 1866 A. Reis, O. M. 1896 A, p. 204. 1897 A, p. 65. Stannius, H. 1854 A. Steinniann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 550. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. vi. 1891 A, pp. xvi, 36. 1898 B, p. 154. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 106. Superfamily CHIMJEROIDEA* Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 854. 1891 N, p. 14. 1898 B, p. 28. Daviess, W. 1872 A. Dean, B. 1895 A, p. 99. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 37. Cope, E. D. 1891 N, p. 14. 1898 B, p. 28. Eastman, C. R. 1898 B. Newton, E. T. 1878 C. Woodward, A. S. 1888 I, p. 299. 1891 A, p. 36. 1898 B, p. 54. PTYCTODONTID^. PTYCTODUS Pander. Type P. oblirjuus Pander. I'in/'ln-, C. H. 1858 A, p. 48. Cope, E. D. 1871 D, p. 423. 1872 F, p. 339. Eastman, C. R. 1898 B, pp. 473,548. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 610. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 106. ( Rinodus, type Jt. calccolus. ) 1870 A, p. 374. Rohon, J. V. 1895 A. Steinmann and Doderlein, 1890 A, p. 50. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 38. 1898 B, p. 55. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 108. Ptyctodus calceolus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen, 1866 A, p. 106, pi. x, figs. 10-JOc. (Rinodus.) Eastman, C. R. 1898 A, p. 115, fig. 10, A. 1898 B, p. 476, figs. 1-17. 1899 B, p. 282. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 841, figures. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 611, fig. 1170. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 59, pi. lix, figs. 13, 13a. (Ptyctodus.) 1889 A, p. 62. (Rhym-hodtis.) Newberry and Worthen, 1870 A, p. 374. Weller, S. 1899 A. Whiteaves, J. F. 1892 A, p. 353. 1898 B, p. 410. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 39. Devonian (Hamilton); Illinois, Iowa, Mis- souri, Manitoba. 1 This name is by most authors spelled Holocepfutii. 2 The name of this superfamily is commonly spelled Chimceroidei. AY -] CATALOGUE. 323 Ptyctodus compressus Eastman. Ptyctodus ferox Eastman. Eastman, C. R. 1898 B, p. 479, figs. 18-27. Devonian (Hamilton); Wisconsin. yctoaus lerox Eastman. . 1875 E, pp. 285, 291. (Ischyodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 85. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Edaphodon gaskillii (Cope) . O>pe, E. I). 1875 E, pp. 285, 290. (Ischyodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 85. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Edaphodon incrassatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1875 E, pp. 285, 289. (Ischyodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 85. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Edaphodon laqueatus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 309, 351, pis. xix, figs. 21, 22; pi. xxxvii, figs. 13, 14. (Eumylodus.) j Cope, E. D, 1875 E, p. 282. (Eumylodus.) | Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 86. Cretaceous; Mississippi. Edaphodon laterigerus (Cope). ! Cope, E. D. 1869 F, p. 243. (Ischyodus.) 1875 E, pp. 284, 288. (Ischyodus.) ] Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 85. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Edaphodon latidens (Cope). Cojte, E. D. 1875 E, p. 283. (Diphrissa.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 86. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Edaphodon longirostris (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1875 E, pp. 284, 287. (Ischyodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 85. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Edaphodon miersii (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1870 E, p. 230. (Dipristis.) Cope, E. D. 1875 E, pp. 285, 292. (Ischyodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 85. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Edaphodon mirificus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 K, p. 221. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, pp. 285, 291. (Ischyodus.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 306, 350, pi. xxxvii, figs. 6-12. Newton, E. T. 1878 C, p. 24. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 85. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Edaphodon monolophus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1869 L, p. 314. (Ischyodus.) 1875 E, pp. 285, 289. (Ischyodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 85. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Edaphodon smockii (Cope). Cope, E.J). 1869 L, p. 316. (Ischyodus.) 1875 E, pp. 284, 288. (Ischyodus. ) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 85. Cretaceous; New Jersey. IAY.1 CATALOGUE. 325 Edaphodon solidulus (Cope). C<>1\ K. D. 1869 F, p. 244. (Ischyodus.) 1875 E, p. 283. (Diphrissa.) 1875 K. (Diphrissa.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 86. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Edaphodon stenobryus (Cope). Cop* E. D. 1875 E, p. 285. (Ischyodus.) MYLOGNATHTTS Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 Q, p. 312. 1860 A, p. 153. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 951. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 86. (Syn. of Eda- phodon.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 85. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Edaphodon tripartitus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1875 E, pp. 284, 286. ( Ischyodus. ) 1869 L, p. 314. (I. mirificus, errore.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 85. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Type M. priscus Leidy. Mylogrnathus priscus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 Q, p. 312. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 293. Leidy, J. 1860 A, p. 153, pi. xi, figs. 24-30. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 86. (Edaphodon?.) Eocene (Fort Union); Nebraska. BRYACTINUS Cope. Type B. amorphus Cope. Cope, E. n. 1875 E, p. 282. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 951. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 86. (Syn.? of Eda- phodon. ) Bryactinus amorphus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 282, pi. xlv, fig. 12. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 86. (Edaphodon?.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. ISOT^NIA Cope. Type /. neoctesariensis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 293. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 951. Woodward, A. 8. 1891 A, p. 86. (Syn. ? of Eda- phodon.) Isotsenia neocaesariensis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 293. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 86. (Edaphodon?.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. LEPTOMYLUS Cope. Type L. densus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 L, p. 313. 1875 E, p. 281. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 951. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 87. Leptomylus cookii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 H, p. 384. 1875 E, p. 382. Woodward, A. S.-1891 A, p. 87. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Leptomylus densus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 L, p. 313. 1875 E, p. 281. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 86. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Leptomylus forfex Cope. Cope, 'E. D. 1875 E, p. 281. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 87. Cretaceous; New Jersey. SPHAGEPOSA Cope. Type ,S". aciculata Cope. O>pe, E. I). 1869 F, p. 241. 187. r E, p. 293. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 84. Sphag-epcea aciculata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 F, p. 241. 1875 E, p. 293. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 84. Cretaceous; New Jersey. DICTYORHABDUS Walcott. Type D. priscus Walcott. E. (Palsechimsera prisca; Walcott, C. D. 1892 A, p. 165. Amer. Geologist, 1891 E. ( Palsechimaera; no definition.) The position of the genus is doubtful. Dictyorhabdus priscus Walcott. Walcott, C. D. 1892 A, p. 165, pi. iii, figs. 1-6. Amer. Geologist li no description.) Cope, E. D. 1893 I. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 509, fig. 697. Silurian (Ordovician); Colorado. 326 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. MYLEDAPHUS Cope. Type M. bipartitus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 260. Myledaphus bipartitus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 260. 1877 G, p. 574. Cretaceous (Fort Union); Montana. The relationships of this fossil are doubtful. HEDRONCHUS Cope. Type H. xternbergi Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 259. Hedronchus sternbergi Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 259. 1877 G, p. 574. 1880 Q. Cretaceous (Ft. Union); Montana. The relationships of this fossil are extremely problematical. ICHTHYODORULITES. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii, pp. 1, 67, 69, 212. 1844 B, p. 111. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Jaekel, O. 1890 D. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 65. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, pp. 113-127. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 229. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, pp. 420-48S 1883 A, pp. 233-260. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, pp. 92-159. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 115-122. ONCHUS Agassiz. Type 0. murchisoni Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1837), iii, p. 6. 1843 A.' 1844 A. 1844 B, p. 117. Eichwald E. 1860 A, p. 1594. Basse, C. 1878 A, p. 144. 1879 A, p. 59. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 577. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 940. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 100. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 283. Reis, O. M. 1896 A. Rohon, V. 1893 A, p. 38, with figures. 1899 A, p. 9. Traquair, R. H. 1899 A, p. 843. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 94. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 64, 67, 166. Onchus clintoni Claypole. Claypole, E. W. 1885 D, p. 61, fig. 0. 1884 A, p. 1225. (No description). 1895 G. Lesley, J. P. 1892 A, p. 774. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 96. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 317. U). clintonensis.) Silurian (Clinton); Pennsylvania. Onchus pennsylvanicus C 'lay pole. Claypole, E. W. 1885 D, p. 61, fig. 5. 1885 A, p. 426. 1885 C. Lesley, J. P. 1892 A, p. 774. Upper Silurian; Pennsylvania. Onchus rectus Eastman. Eastman, C. R. 1899 F, p. 323, fig. 4. Devonian (Catskill); New York. CTENACANTHUS Agassi/. Type C. major Agassiz. Agassis, L. 1843 B (1837), iii, p. 10. 1843 A. 1844 A. 1844 B, p. 119. American Geologist 1888 A. Barkas, W. J. 1874 A, p. 386. 1878 B, p. 145, Claypole, E. W. 1885 B. 1895 C. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 332. Garman, S. 1884 C. Gill, T. 1884 C. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 624. Koninck L. G. de 1878 A, p. 65. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 593. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, pp. 279, 325. 1873 C, p. 27. 1889 A, p. 197. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, pp. 116, 118. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 940, 968. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 290. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 432. Thompson J. 1870 A. 1871 A. Traquair, R. H. 1884 B. 1888 A, p. 81. Woodward, A. S. 1884 A, p. 267. 1891 A, p. 97. CATALOGUE. 327 \Yood\\ jul and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 49. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 67, 116. Ctenacanthus acutus Eastman. Eastman, C. K. 1897 B, p. 12, fig. 2. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa. Ctenacanthus amblyxiphias Cope. Cope. E. D. 1891 B, p. 449, pi. xxviii, fig. 3. Permian; Texas. Ctenacanthus angulatus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 118, pi. xii, figs. 4, 4o. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 102. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Ctenacanthus angustus Newb. .\> it-lit /;//, J. fl. 1889 A, p. 181. Claypole, E. W. 18% E, p. 151, figs. 1,2. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 102. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. Ctenacanthus burlingtonensis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 426, pi. xv, figs. 6, 7. W(xhvard, A. S. 1891 A, p. 102. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa, Illi- nois. Ctenacanthus butters! St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 241, pi. xx vi, fig. 2. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 102. Coal-measures; Illinois. Ctenacanthus cannaliratus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 239, pi. xxi, fit,'. ;;. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 102. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Ctenacanthus chemungensis Claypole. Claypole, E. W. 1885 B, p. 490. (Inadequate de- scription. ) Devonian (Chemung); Pennsylvania. Ctenacanthus clarkii Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 168, pi. xxvi, figs. 2. 3. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 102. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. Ctenacanthus compressus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1878 A, p. 191. 1889 A, p. 168, pi. xxiii, fig. 4. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 103. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. Ctenacanthus coxianus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 233, pi. xxi, fig. 1. Eastman, C. R. 1897 B, p. 13. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 103. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa. Ctenacanthus cylindricus Newb. N&eberrv, ./. N.1889 A, p. 202, pi. xxxvi, fig. i. Eastman, C. R. 1897 B, p. 13. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 103. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Kentucky. Ctenacanthus deflexus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 234 pi. xxii, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, -p. 103. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. Ctenacanthus depressus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 290, pi. xxii, fig. 6. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook) : Iowa. Ctenacanthus elegans Tuomey. Tuomey, M. 1858 A, p. 38, .text-fig. A. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 103. Subcarboniferous; Alabama. Ctenacanthus excavatus St. J and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 428, pi. xv, figs. 4, 5. Eastman, C. R. 1897 B, p. 13. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 236. Woodward, A.S. 1891 A, p. 103. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Missouri, Iowa. Ctenacanthus? fallax Woodward. j Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 105. (Ex Leidy MS. "Indeterminate.") Leidy J. 1857 G, pi. v. fig. 30. (No name or descrip- tion). Subcarboniferous; . Ctenacanthus formosus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 328, pi. 36, figs. 2-26. 1875 A, p. 53, pi. lix, figs. 1-lf. Woodward, A. 8.1891 A, p. 103. - *, . Subcarboniferous(Waverly);OhiO(rKentucky. Ctenacanthus furcicarinatus Newb; Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 54, pi. lix. figs, 2-2c. Koninck, L. G. de 1878, A, p. 68. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 279. (No description; teeth =? Orodus variabilis.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 103. Subcarboniferous (Wavcrly); Kentucky. ' Ctenacanthus gemmatus St. J. and Worth. J St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 429, pi. xv, figs, 9, 10. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 103. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. Ctenacanthus gradocostatus St. J. and Worth. 'St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 425, pi. xv, figs. 2, 3. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 103. Subcarboniferous( Burlington); Illinois, Iowa. Ctenacanthus gurleyi Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 290. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Indiana. 328 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Ctenacanthus harrisoni St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 236, pi. xxiii, flg.l. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 103. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. Ctenacanthus keokuk St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 427, pi. xv, fig. 8. Eastman, C. R. 1897 B, p. 13. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 236. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 103. Subearboniferous (Keokuk); Missouri, Illi- nois, Iowa. Ctenacanthus littoni Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 201, pi. xxv, fig. 3. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 103. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri. Ctenacanthus marshii Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 326, pi. xxvi, figs. 3, 3?). Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 104. Coal-measures; Ohio. Ctenacanthus mayi Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 372, pi. ii, figs. 2, 2o; also p. 346. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 104. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Ctenacanthus pellensis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 237, pi. xxi, fig. 2. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 104. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Iowa. Ctenacanthus pugiunculus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 430, pi. xxi, fig. 9. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 236. Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 288, pi. xxii, fig. 4. (Oracanthus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 104. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri, Illi- nois. Ctenacanthus randalli Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 105. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 104. Devonian (Chemung); Pennsylvania. Ctenacanthus sculptus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 421, pi. xiv, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. W>1 A, p. 104. SubearbonifiTous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Ctenacanthus similis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 431, pi. xv, figs. 11-lld. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 104. Subearboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Ctenacanthus speciosus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 424, pi. xiv, figs. 3, 4. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 340. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 104. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Ctenacanthus spectabilis St. J. and Worth. fit. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 420, pi. xv, figs. 1-le. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 104. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Ctenacanthus triangularis Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 329, pi. 36, figs. 1-lft. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 593, fig. 1118. Trautschold, H. 1879 B, p. 61, pi. vii, fig. 15. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 104. Subcarboniferous (Waverly); Ohio; also in Russia. Ctenacanthus varians St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 422, pi. xiv, fig. 12. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 104. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Ctenacanthus vetustus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 326, pi. xxxv, figs. 3-M. Claypole, E. W. 1885 B, p. 489. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 101. Devonian (Huron shale); Ohio. Ctenacanthus wrighti Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1884 B, p. 206, pi. xvi, figs. 12-14. 1889 A, p. 66, pi. xxvi, fig. 4. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 104. Devonian (Hamilton); New York. Ctenacanthus xiphias (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 244, pi. xxvi, fig. 1. (Acondylacanthus.) Eastman, C. R. 1897 B, p. 10, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 110. (Aeondylacan- thus.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa. ANACLITACANTHUS St. J. and Worth. Type A. semicostatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 442. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 587. Anaclitacanthus semicostatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 443, pi. xvi, fig. 14. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 105. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. HAY.J CATALOGUE. 329 KUNBMACANTIIUH St. J. and Worth. Type E. costatus (Newb. and Worth.). ,sy. Jn/tii and Worthen 1883 A, p. 246. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 597. Eunemacanthus costatus (Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and irortAen 1866 A, p. 120, pi. xii, fig. 5. (Ctenacanthus? costatus.) Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 80. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 246, pi. xxiii, fig. 2. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 105. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri (fide Hambach). HOMACANTHUS Agassiz. Type H. arcuatus Agassiz. Agatstfiz, L. 1844 B, p. 113. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 113. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 968. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 101. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 288. Woodward, A. S.1891 A, p. 105. Homacanthus gracilis Whiteaves. Whitrareit, J. W. 18S9 A, p. 96, pi. x, fig. 4. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 632. Traquair, R. H. 1890 A, p. 21. (Climatius.) Whiteaves, J. F. 1881 E, p. 106. (H. sp. undet.) 1883 A, p. 355. (H. sp.?.) 1883 B, p. 164. (H. sp. undet.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 106. Lower Devonian; New Brunswick. AMACANTRITS St. J. and Worth. Type A. gibbosus (Newb. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 464. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 587. Amacanthus gibbosus (Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Wortltrn 1866 A, p. 113, pi. xii, fig. 1. (Homacanthus.) Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 237. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 587. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 464, pi. xxii, fig. 6. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 106. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri, Illi- nois. MARRACANTHUS St. J. and Worth. Type M. rectus (Newb. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 465. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 237. Milli-r, S. A. 1889 A, p. 601. Marracanthus rectus (Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 115, pi. xii, fig. 6. (Homacanthus?) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 602, fig. 1147. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 466, pi. .xxii, figs. 7-9. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 106. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri, Illi- nois. HOPLONCHUS J. W. Davis. Type H. elegam J. W. Davis. Hoplonchus parvulus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 55, pi. lix, fig. 3. Darix, J. W. KS76, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxi p. 336. 1879, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xxxv, p. 181. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 169. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 107. (Ctenacanthus.) 1889 A, p. 169, pi. xxv, fig. 5. Woodward, A. S, 1891 A, p. 107. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. AcoNi>YLACANTHU8 St. J. and Worth. Type A. gracilis St. J. and Worth. St. John mid Worthen 1875 A, p. 432. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 346. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 586. Woodward, A. S. 1886 E, p. 4. 1891 A, ]). 107. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 4. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 117. Acondylacanthus eequicostatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Wort hen 1875 A, p. 434, pi. xvi, figs 12, 13. Woodward, A . S. 1891 A, p. 109. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa. Acondylacanthus gracilis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 433, pi. xvi, figs. 8-11. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 586, fig. 1099. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 109. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Acondylacanthus gracillimus (Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 126, pi. xiii, fig. 3. (Ctenacanthus.) Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 236. (Ctenacanthus.) 330 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. 3ULL. 179. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 206, pi. xxv, fig. (i. ( A. occidentalis. ) Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p 116, pi. xii, lig. 2. ( Leptacanthus ? occidentalis. ) St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 435. (A. occi- dentalis.) 1883 A, p. 238, pi. xxiv, fig. 1. (Ctenaean- thus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 109. (A. occidentalis. ) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri, Illi- nois, Michigan. Acondylacanthus? mudgianus St. .1. and Worth. St. John and Worthen, 1883 A, p. 244, pi. xxiv. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 110. Coal-measures; Kansas. Acondylacanthus nuperus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 242, pi. xxvi, fig. 3. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 110. Coal-mi-HSiires; Illinois. Acondylacanthus rectus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Win-then 1883 A, p. 241, pi. xxvi, fig. 2 Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 109. Coal-measures; Illinois. ASTEROPTYCHIUS McCoy. Type A. ornatus McCoy. McCoy, F. 1848 A, p. 118. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, iii. p. 170. (Name only). 1844 A. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 615. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 588. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 186. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 110. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 117. Asteroptychius bellulus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 439, pi. xvi, fig. 7. Woodward, A. S. 189! A, p. 111. Coal-measures: Illinois, Iowa. Asteroptychius elegans Xewb. Neivberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 176, pi. xxv, fig. 4. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 111. Subcarboniferous (Waverly); Michigan. Asteroptychius gracilis Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 293. Subcarboniferons (St. Louis); Illinois. Asteroptychius keokuk St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 436, pi. xvi, fig. 2. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 111. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Asteroptychius sancti-ludovici St. J. and Worth. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 23C. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 111. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri. Asteroptychius tenellus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 248, pi. xxi, fig. 4. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 111. Coal-measures: Kansas. Asteroptychius ? tenuis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 438, pi. xvi, figs. 5, 6. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 111. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Asteroptychius triangularis Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 370, pi. ii, fig. 4. I Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 111. Subcarboniferous (Burlington i : Iowa. Asteroptychius vetustus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 435, pi. xvi, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 111. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 437, pi. xvi, figs. 3,4. COSMACANTHUS Agassiz. Type C. malcolmsoni Agassiz. Agassis, L. 1844 B, p. 120. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 598. (Gisacanthus.) Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 287. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 440. (Geisacan- thus, type G. stettatus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 111. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 47. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 117. Cosmacanthus bullatus (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 441, pi. xvii, figs. 3, 4. (Geisacanthus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 112. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Cosmacanthus stellatus (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 440, pi. xxi, fig. 10. (Geisacanthus.) Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 236. (Geisacanthus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 113. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 331 BYTHIACANTHUS St. J. and Worth. Type B. mnhaniei St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 444. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 589. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 186. Bythiacanthus ? siderius (Leidy). /.. /-///, J. 1870 H, p. 13. (Asteracanthus.) 1873 B, pp. 313, 353, pi. xxxii, fig. 59. (Astera- canthus.) St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 445. Woodward, A. S. 1889 D, p. 320. 1891 A, p. 113. Subcarboniferous; Tennessee. Bythiacanthus vanhornei St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 445, pi. xvii, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 113. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. GLYMMATACANTHUS St. J. and Worth. Type G. irishii St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen. 1875 A, p. 446. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 598. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 186. Glymmatacanthus irishii St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 447, pi. xvii, fig. 2. Miller, S. A. 1880 A, p. 598, fig. 1133. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 113. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Glymmatacanthus petrodoides St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 250, pi. xxv. fig. 2. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 113. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Glymmatacanthus rudis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 249, pi. xxv, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 113. Subcarboniferows (Keokuk); Iowa. APATEACANTHI T S Woodward. Type A. vetustiw (Clarke). Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 118. Apateacanthus vetustus (Clarke, J. M.). Clarke, J. J/. 1885 A, p. 42, pi. i, fig. 7. (Pristacan- thus.) Lesley.J. P., 1889 A, p. 744, figure. (Pristacanthus.) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 61. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 119. Devonian (Genesee); New York. CCELORHYNCHUS Agassiz. Type C. rectus Agassiz. Ayastis, L. 1843 B, v. p. 92. 1844 A. Cope, E. D. 1890 A. (iibhes, R. W. 1850 A. Leidy, J. 1856 A, p. 422. (Cylindracanthus.) 1856 E, p. 12. (Cylindracanthus; type C. or- natus.) Marsh, O. C. 1870 E. p. 228. Reis, O. M. 1895 C. p. 182. Williamson, W. C. 1849 A, p. 471, pi. xliii, figs. 35-37. Woodward, A. S. 1888 G. 1891 A, p. 120. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 122,258. This genus probably belongs to the Sclero- dermi. Ccelorhynchus acus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 F, p. 294. Eocene; New Jersey. Coelorhynchus ornatus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 E, p. 12. (Cylindracanthus.) 1856 A, p. 422. (Cylindracanthus.) 1856 O, p. 302. (Ccelorhynchus. ) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 122. Eocene; Alabama. MACH^ERACANTHUS Newb. Type M. peracuins Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1857 C, p. 125. Fritseh, A. 1895 A (1893), p. 72. Hopkins, W., 1855 A. (No name.) Jaekel, O. 1893 B, p. 175. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 601. Newberry, J. S. 1857 A, p. 148. 1862 A, p. 76, fig. 2. 1873 A, pp. 261, 302. 1873 C, p. 27. 1875 A, p. 57. 1889 A, p. 37. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 947. Reis, O. M. 18% A. Roualt, M. 1858 A, p. 102. (Machserius, preoccu- pied.) Traquair, R. H. 1893 B, p. 177. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 123. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 116. Macheeracanthus major Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1857 C, p. 125. Lesley, J. P 1892 A, pi. cl. 332 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Newberry, J. S. 1873, A, pp. 262, 301, pi. xxv. (i.u 1889 A, p. 39, pi. xxix, fig. 4. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 124. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 116, fig. 124. Devonian (Corniferous); Ohio. Machaeracanthus peracutus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1857 C, p. 125. Hopkins, W. 1854 A. (No name). . Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 601, fig. 1145. Newberry, J. S. 1862 A, fig. 2. 1873 A, p. 305, pi. xxix, fig. 6. 1889 A, p. 40, pi. xxix, fig. 6. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 124. Devonian (Corniferous); Ohio. Machaeracanthus sulcatus Nawb. Newberry, J. S. 1857 C, p. 126. Hall, J. 1843 A, p. 174, fig. 09. ( " Ichthyodoru- lite.") Jaekel, 0. 1893 B, p. 175. Lankester, E. R. 1870 A, fig. 3. Lennox, T. H 1886 A, p. 120. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 298, figure. (" Ichthyodoru- lite.") Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, pp. 264, 305. 1889 A, p. 40, pi. xxix, fig. 4. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 124. Devonian (Corniferous); Ohio. GAMPHACANTHUS S. A. Miller. Type //. politic Newb. Miller, ,S. A. 1892 A, p. 715. Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 791. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 65. (Heteracanthus, type //. jaolitus; preoccupied.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 125. (Heteracanthus. ) Gramphacanthus politus (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 66, pi. xxi, figs. 4, 5. (Heteracanthus.) Eastman, C. R. 1898 B, p. 552. (Heteracanthus.) 1899 B, p. 282. (Heteracanthus.) Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 715. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 125. (Heteracanthus.) Devonian (Hamilton); Wisconsin. Gamphacanthus uddeni (Lindahl). Lindahl, J. 1897 A, p. 95, pi. vi. (Heteracanthus.) Eastman, C. R. 1898 B, p. 557. (Heteracanthus.) 1899 B, pp. 278, 282. (Heteracanthus.) Devonian (Hamilton); Iowa, Wisconsin, Illi- nois. ACANTHASPIS Newb. Type A. nrmatiiK Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 36. Jaekel, O. 1893 B, p. 175. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 586. Newberry, J. S. 1870 B, p. 153. 1889 A, p. 35. Traquair, R. II. 1893 A, p. 149. 1893 D, p. 117. 1894 B, p. 370. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 128. 1892 C, p. 482. 1892 F, fig. 8. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 16. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 157. Acanthaspis armata Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 37, pi. TV, figs. 1-f.. Claypole, E. W. 1896 B, p. 354. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 586, fig. 1097. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 36, pi. xxxi; figs. 1-4. Traquair, R. H. 1894 B, p. 370. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 129. Devonian (Corniferous); Ohio. ECZEMATOLEPIS S. A. Miller. Type Acanthohpix pustuloitus (Newb.). Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 715. Hay, O. IM899 E, p. 791. Jaekel, O, 1893 B, p. 175. (Acantholepis.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 586. (Acantholepis.) Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 38. (Acantholepis, type A. pustulnsua; preoccupied.) 1889 A, p. 33. (Acantholepis.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 128. (Acantholepis. ) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 157. (Acantholepis.) Eczematolepis fragilis (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1857 C, p. 126. (Oracanthus fragilis, O. granulatus, O. abbreviatus. ) Eastman, C. R. 1899 B, p. 283. (Acantholepis.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 586, fig. 1098. (Acantho- lepis.) 1892 A, p. 715. (Eczematolfpis. i Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 38, pi. Ivi, Cms. !-<;. (Acantholepis pustulosus.) 1875 A, p. 39. (Oraoanthus fragilis, granu- latus, abbreviatus.) 1889 A, p. 34, pi. xxxi, figs. 5-5&. (Acan- tholepis pustulosus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 129. (Acantholepis pustulosus.) Devonian (Corniferons); Ohio, New York. PHLYCTJENACANTHUS Eastman. Type P. telleri Eastman. Eastman, C. R. 1898 B, p. 552. Phlyctsenacanthus telleri Eastman. Eastman, C. R. 1898 B, p. 551, fig. 49. i, p. 283. Devonian (Hamilton); Wisconsin, Iowa. HAY.J CATALOGUE. 333 STETHACANTHUS Newb. Type & altatiensis (St. J. and Worth.). Stethacanthus compressus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 292, pi. xxiii, figs. 3, -1. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa. Stethacanthus productus Newb. dewberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 291, pi. xxiii, figs. 1, 2. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 198. Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 717. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 129. Stethacanthus altonensis (St. J. and Worth). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 45-1, pi. xix, figs. 1-3. (Physonemus.) Lesley, J. P, 1889 A, p. 641, figures. (Physonemus.) 1890 A, p. 1062. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 198, pi. xxiv, figs. 1-3. 1890 A, p. 133. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 129. Subcarbouiferous (St. Louis); Illinois. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Iowa Stethacanthus tumidus Newb. , figs. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, pp. 198, 200, pi. 1,2. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1063. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 129. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio, Pennsyl- PHYSONEMUS McCoy. Type P. arcuaius McCoy. McCwj, F. 1848 A, p. 117. . Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 368. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 638. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 606. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 195. 1890 A, p. 133. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 291. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 448. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 130. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 118. Physonemus carinatus St. J. and Worth. St. John awl Worthen, 1875 A, p. 452, pi. xviii, figs. 4, 5. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 131. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Physonemus chesterensis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 455, pi. xix, fig. 4. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 642, figure. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 131. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Physonemus depressus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 452, pi. xviii, fig. 3. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 642, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 131. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Physonemus falcatus St. J. and Worth. &. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 252, pi. xxiv, fig. 6. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 237. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 643, figure. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 131. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri. Physonemus gigas Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 373, pi. ii, fig. 1. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 308. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 643, figures. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 195. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 449. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 132. Subcarboniferous (Burlington); Illinois. Physonemus parvulus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 453, pi. xviii, figs. 11, 12. Keyes, C. R. 1891 A, p. 237. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 643, figures. Woodward, A- S. 1891 A, p. 132. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Missouri, Illi- nois. Physonemus proclivus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 451, pi. xviii, figs. 1,2. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 644, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 132. Subcarboniferous (Kinderhook); Iowa. Physonemus stellatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 200, pi. xxi, fig. 12. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 132. Subcarboniferoufe (St. Louis); Indiana. XYSTRACANTHUS Leidy. Type X. arcuatus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1859 C, p. 3. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 75. (Drepaiiacanthus. ) Jaekel, 0. 1899 A, p. 285. Lohest, M. 1884 A, p. 319. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 596 (Drepanacanthus); p. 614 (Xystracanthus). Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 195. (Drepanacanthus. ) Newberry and Worthen 1866 A. p. 120. (Drepana- canthus; type D. aneeps, Newb. and Worth.) St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 457. Trautschold, H. 1874 B, p. 297. (Drepanacanthus.) Xystracanthus acinaciformis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 459, pi. xx, fig. 2. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1262, figure. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 131. (Physonemus.) Coal-measures; Illinois. 334 FOSSIL VERTEBEATA OF NOETH AMEEICA. Xystracanthus anceps (Newb. and Worth.)- Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 122, pi. xii, fig. 8. ( Drepanaeanthus. ) Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1262, figure. St. John and Wortheii 1875 A, p. 468. ( Xystraean- thus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 131. (Physonemus.) Coal-measures; Illinois. Xystracanthus arcuatus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1859 C, p. 3. 1873 B, pp. 312, 353, pi. xvii, fig. 25. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 457. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 131. (Physonemus.) Coal Measures; Kansas. Xystracanthus gemmatus ( Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Worthenl866 A, p. 123, pi. xiii, fig. 1. ( Drepanaeanthus. ) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 132. (Physonemus.) Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa. Xystracanthus mirabilis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 458, pi. xx, fig. 1. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1264, figure. 1895 A, pi. dlxxii. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 132. ( Physonemus. ) Coal-measures; Illinois. Xystracanthus reversus (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 456, pi. xix, figs. 5, 6. (Drepanaeanthus.) Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 237. (Drepanaeanthus.) St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 253, pi. xxiv, fig. 5. ( Drepanaeanthus. ) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 132. (Physonemus.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois, Mis- souri. BATACANTHUS St. John and Worthen. Type B. baculiformix St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 468. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 588. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 132. Batacanthus baculiformis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 469, pi. xxi, figs. 4-8. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 238. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 133. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa, Missouri, Illinois. Batacanthus ? necis St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 253, pi. xxv, fig. 4. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 133. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa. Batacanthus stellatus (Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 125, pi. xii, fig. 7. ( Drepanaeanthus ?) Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 80. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 470, pi. xxi, figs. 1-3. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 133. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois, Mis- souri (fide Hambach). ORAOANTHUS Agassiz. Type 0. milleri Agassiz. Agassis, L. 1843 B (1837), iii, p. 13. 1844 A. American Geologist 1888 A. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 525 (Oracanthus) ; p. 533 (Phoderacanthus). Leidy, J. 1856 S, p. 161. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 634. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 603 (Oracanthus); p. 607 ( Pnigeacanthus) . Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 34. 1890 A. 1897 A, p. 285. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 122. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 947. Pictet, P. J. 1854 A, p. 284. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 480. ( Pnigeacan- thus; type Oracanthus pnigeus.) Traquair, R. H. 1888 A, p. 85. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 135. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 162. Oracanthus lineatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 290. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Indiana. Oracanthus multiseriatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1857 C, p. 126. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 603. Subcarboniferous; Ohio. Oracanthus ? obliquus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 477, pi. xxii, fig. 16. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 501, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 139. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Illinois. Oracanthus pnigeus Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen IMS A, p. 117, pi. xii, fig. 3. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 724, fig. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 607. (Pnigeacanthus.) Newberry, J. S. 1897 A, p. 286. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 480. (Pnigeacan- thus deltoides.) 1883 A, p. 260. (Pnigeacanthus pnigeus). Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 138. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 335 Oracanthus rectus St. .1. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 257, pi xxv, fig. 3. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 501, figs. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 139. Subcarboniferous (Chester); Illinois. Oracanthus trigonalis (St. J. and Worth.). St. John and Wort/ten 1883 A, p. 259, pi. xxiv, fig. 4. (Pnigeacanthus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 139. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis'); Illinois. Oracanthus vetustus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1855 I). Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 238. Leidy, J. 1856 S, p. 161, pi. 16, figs. 1-3. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 501, figs. 1895 A, pi. ccxxix. Newberry, J. S. 1890 A. 1897 A, p. 285, pi. xxii, fig. 3. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 476, pi. xxii, fig. 15. (O. consimilis.) 1875 A, p. 479. 1883 A, p. 255, pi. xxiv, fig. 2. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 139. Carboniferous; Missouri Territory: Subcar- boniferous (St. Louis) ; Illinois, Missouri. GYRACANTHUS Agassiz. Type G. formosus Agassiz. Ai/asxiz, L. 1843 B (1837), iii, p. 17. 1844 A. Barkas, T. P. 1873 A, p. 15. Basse, C. 1879 A, p. 60. Jaekel, O. 1890 D, p. 123. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 629. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 598. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, pp. 281, 330. 1876 A, p. 57. 1889 A, p. 186. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 284. Reis, O. M. 1896 A. Thompson, J. 1868 A, p. 130. Fraquair, R. H. 1884 C. Ward, J. 1890 A, p. 150. Woodward, A. S. 1885 B, p. 272. 1891 A, p. 139. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 88. Gyracanthus alleni Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 331, pi. xxxvii, figs. 3-3r. Claypole, E. W. 1885 B, p. 490. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 598, fig. 1134. Traquair, R. H. 1884 C, p. 41. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 144. Subcarboniferous (Waverly); Ohio. Gyracanthus compressus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 330, pi. xxxvii, figs. 1-26. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 144. Subcarboniferous (Waverly); Ohio, Indiana. Gyracanthus ? cordatus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1883 A, p. 251, pi. xxvi, fig. 4. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 145. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Iowa. Gyracanthus duplicatus Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1868 A, p. 210, fig. 55. 1878 A, p. 210, fig. 55. Lesley, J. P. 1895 A, pi. dlxx. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 124. Traquair, R. H. 1884 C, p. 41. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 144. Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. Gyracanthus incurvus Traquair. Traquair, R. H. 1890 A, p. 21. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 144. 1892 A, p. 2, pi. 1, figs. 4, 5. Devonian; Province of Quebec. Gyracanthus inornatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 177, pi. xxiii, fig. 5. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 145. Subcarboniferous (Waverly); Ohio. Gyracanthus magnificus Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1868 A, p. 210, fig. 55a. 1878 A, p. 210, fig. 55a. Lesley, J. P. 1895 A, pi. dlxx. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 57. 1889 A, p. 124. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 145. Subcarboniferous; Cape Breton. Gyracanthus sherwoodi Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 119, pi. xviii, fig. 4. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 145. Devonian; Pennsylvania. ERISMACANTHUS McCoy. Type E. jonesii McCoy. McCoy, F. 1848 A, p. 118. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 364. (Cladacanthus.) McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 628. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 597. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 292. Woodward, A. S. 1886 E, p. 4. 1889 E, p. 130. 1891 A, p. 146. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 118. Erismacanthus maccoyanus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 461, pi. xxii, figs. 1-5. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 237. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 147. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri, Illi- nois. 336 FOSSIL VEETEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. (jrAMPSACANTHUH St. J. and Worth. Type (V. typus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 470. Davis, J. W. 1883 A, p. 363. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 598. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 148. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 118. Gampsacanthus ? latus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 474, pi. xxii, fig. 14. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 238. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 148. Subcarboniferous (Keokuk); Missouri. Gampsacanthus squamosus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 473, pi. xxii, fig. 13. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 238. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 148. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri. typus St. J. and Gampsacanthus Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 472, pi. xxii, fig. 12. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 238. Lesley, J. P. 1895 A, pi. cexxix. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 598, fig. 1132. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 148. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 118, fig. 129. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri, Illi- nois. LECRACANTHUS St. J. and Worth. Type L. unguiculus St. J. and Worth. Keyes, C. R. 1894 A, p. 23X. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 148. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Missouri, Illi- nois. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 475. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 600. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 148. Leer acanthus unguiculus St. J. and Worth. St. John and Worthen 1875 A, p. 476, pi. xxii, figs. 10,11. LISTRACANTHUS Newb. and Worth. Type L. hystrix Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p.' 371. Koninck, L. G. de!878 A, p. 75. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 601. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 336. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 148. Listracanthus hildrethi Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 56, pi. lix, fig. 6. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 149. Coal-measures; Ohio. Listracanthus hystrix Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 372, pi. ii, figs. 3, 3a Cope, E. D. 1894 F, p. 433. Hambach, G. 1890 A, p. 81. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 75, pi. v, fig. 11. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 601, fig. 1144. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 337. 1875 A, p. 56, pi. lix, fig. 5. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 148. Coal-measures; Illinois, Ohio, Missouri (fide Hambach). Also reported from Belgium. CYRTACANTHUS Newb. Type C. dentatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 306. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 594. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 150. Cyrtacanthus dentatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 307, pi. xxix, fig. 5. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 594, fig. 1122. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 28. (Cladacanthus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 150. Devonian (Corniferous); Ohio. HARP ACANTHUS Traquair. Type Tristychius Jimbriatus Stock. Harpacanthus fimbriatus (Stock). Traquair, R. H. 1886 A, p. 493. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 203. Stock, T. 1882 A. (" Kammplatten." ) 1882 B. (Tristychius.) 1883 A. (Tristychius.) Traquair, R. H. 1888 A, p. 83. (Tristychi Woodward, A. R. 1884 A, p. 268. 1891 A, p. 150. Stock, T. 1883 A, p. 177. (Tristychius.) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 203, pi. xxi, fig. 11. Traquair, R. H. 1886 A, p. 493, figs. 1, 2. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 150, fig. 11. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. Also in Scotland. CATALOGUE. 337 EDESTUS Leidy. Type E. vorax Leidy. Leidy, J. 1855 D. Agassiz, L., in Hitchcock, E. 1856 B. Cope, E. D. 1870 L, p. 535. 1872 F, p. 339. 1875 E, p. 244C. Dean, B. 1896 D, p. 61. Eastman, C. R. 1898 B, p. 554. Hitchcock, E. 1856 B". Hitchcock, Fanny R. 1887 A. Jaekel, O. 1899 A, p. 297 (Edestus); p. 298 (family Edestidse). 1900 A, p. 144. Leidy, J. 1856 O, p. 301. 1856 S, p. 157. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, Errata, p. xxi. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 597. Newberry, J. S. 1868 A, p. 145 1873 A, p. 286. *., p. 217. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 84. 1870 A, p. 350. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 947. Trautschold, H. 1888 A, p. 750. 1890 A. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 151. Woodward, H. 1886 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 119. Edestus giganteus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1888 B, p. 121, pi. vi, fig. 1. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 681, fig. 1106. 1888 A. Dean, B. 1897 B, p. 64, pi. v, fig. 3. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 225, pi. xli, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. 1888 A. 1891 A, p. 153. Coal-measures; Illinois. Edestus heinrichsii Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worttten 1870 A, p. 350, pi. i, fig. 1. Dean, B. 1897 B, p. 64, pi. v, fig. 2. Eastman, C. R. 1898 B, p. 554. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Newberry, J. S. 1879 A, p. 347. 1888 B, pi. v, figs. 2, 2a, 26. 1889 A, p. 215. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 152. Woodward, H. 1886 A, p. 3. Coal-measures; Illinois, Indiana. Edestus lecontei Dean. Dean, B. 1897 B, p. 62, pi. iv; pi. v, fig. 6. Jaekel, 0. 1900 A, p. 147. Carboniferous?; Nevada. Edestus minor Newb. Newberry, J. S., in Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 84, pi. iv, fig. 24. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 681, fig. 1107. Dean, B, 1897 B, p. 64, pi. v, fig. 4. Hitchcock, E. 1856 B, text figure. (No name.) Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 484. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 214, figure. (E. vorax.) Newberry, J. S. 1879 A, p. 348. 1888 B, pi. v, fig. 1. 1889 A, p. 216. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 350, pl.i, fig. 2. (E. vorax, by error.) Trautschold, H. 1888 A, p. 753. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 153, fig. 12. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 119. (E. vorax.) Coal-measures; Indiana. Edestus vorax Leidy. Leidy, J. 1855 D. Dean, B. 1897 B, p. 63. Leidy, J. 1856 O, p. 301. 1856 S, p. 159, pi. xv. 1870 H, p. 13. Lesley, J. P. 1895 A, pi. ccxxix. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 597, fig. 1129. Newberry, J. S. 1868 A, p. 145. 1879 A, p. 347. i. iv, fig. 2. ., p. 218. Woodward, A. 8. 1891 A, p. 154. Woodward, H. 1886 A, p. 3. Coal-measures; Arkansas. EUCTENIUS Traquair. Type E. unilateralis (Barkas). Ward, J. 1890 A, p. 152. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 155. Traquair, R. H., 1881, Geol. Magazine (2), vili, pp. 36, 334. Barkas, T. P. 1881 A. (Ctenoptychius.) Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1880), i, pi. xx. (" Kammplat- -Euctemus sp. mdet. ten." ) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 228.' Stock, T. 1881 A. (" Kammplatten.") Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 156. 1882 A. | Coal-measures; Ohio. OESTOPHORUS S. A. Miller. ' Type Sphenophorus lilleyi Newb. Miner, s. A. 1892 A, p. 716. Oestophorus lilleyi (Newb. ). Bull. 179 22 Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p.791. 338 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 977. (Sphenophorus.) Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 71(1. Woodward, A. 8. 1891 A, p. 157. (Spheuophorus.) Devonian (Chemung); Pennsylvania. Oestophorus 11. sp. Eastman. Eastman, C. R. 1899 B, p. 287. (Sphenophorus n. sp.; no description.) Devonian; Iowa. CALLOGNATHUS Newb. Type C. regularis Newb. Neioberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 69. Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 714. Callognathus regularis Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 70, pi. xxvii, fig. 18. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 157. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. Callog-nathus serratus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 70, pi. xxvii. figs. 16. 17. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 157. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. PROSPIRAXIS Williams. Type Spiraxis major Newb. Williams, H. S. 1887 A, p. 86. Cope, E. D. 1895 B, p. 159. (Spiraxis.) Hollick, A. 1894 A, p. 118. ( Spiraxis. ) Newberry, J. S. 1885 C, p. 219. (Spiraxis, not of Adams, 1850.) Stainier, X. 1894 A. (Spiraxis.) Prospiraxis major (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1885 C, p. 219, pi. xviii, fig. 1. (Spiraxis.) Cope, E. D. 1895 B, p. 159. (Spiraxis.) Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 994, figures. (Spiraxis.) Williams, H. S. 1887 A, p. 86. (Spiraxis ? .) Devonian (Chemung); Ohio, New York? Prospiraxis randallii (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1885 C, p. 220, pi. xviii, figs 2, 3. (Spiraxis.) Cope, E. D. 1895 B, p. 159. (Spiraxis.) Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 995. (Spiraxis.) Williams, H. S. 1887 A, p. 86. (Spiraxis? .) Devonian (Chemung); Pennsylvania New York. ? Class PISCES Linnseus. Linnfeus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 239. Agassiz, L. 1843 B. 1844 A. 1845 A. Baudelot, E. 1873 A. J873 B. Bridge, W. J. 1879 A. 18% A. Cope, E. D. 1872 C. 1877 O. 1878 A. issr, <;. 1890 B. 1891 N. Dean, B. 1895 A. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 7. (Teleostomi.) Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Gill, T. 1861 A. (Telostei, Ganoidei.) 1872 C. 1873 B. 1873 D. 1893 A. (Teleostomes.) . 18% C. p. 912. Grassi, B. 1883 A. Gunther, A. 1880 A. 1881 A. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 244 (Ganoides); p. 247 (Os- teodermi) ; p. 252 (Teleostei) ; p. 257 (Dipneusta). Harrison, R. G. 1894 A. (Teleostei.) Hertwig, 0. 1876 A. 1881 A. Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1878 A. Humphrey, J. 1866 A. Huxley, T. 1870 A, p. 440. 1876 A. Jordan, D. S. 1891 A. Jordan and Evermann, 18% A. 1898 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A. Owen, R. 1847 B. 1866 A. Parker, W. K. 1874 A. 1882 A. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 37. (" Teleostiens.") Pollard, H. B. 1894 B. ("Fishes.") Rose, C. 1894 B. (" Fishes.") Ryder, J. 1879 B. 1885 A. 1892 A. Stannius, H. 1854 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 551. ( Euk-h- thyes.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A. 1895 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A. The term Pisces is employed here in much the same sense in which it was used originally by Linnaeus; that is, to designate the fish-like animals, exclusive of the sharks and rays and the lampreys. There are furthermore included certain fossil groups and the Dipnoi, not known to Linnaeus. The authors cited above use the term in various senses, and some employ other terms to designate this group. HAY.] CATALOGUE. Subclass ASPIDOGANOIDEI Gill. 339 Gill, T., 1876, Johnson's Univ. Cyclop., iv, p. 185. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 852. (Ostracodermi, pre- occupied.) 1891 G. (Ostracophori.) 1891 N, p. 8. (Ostracophori.) 1898 B, p. 15. (Ostracophori.) Dean, B. 1895 A. (Ostracodermi.) Gadrnv, H. 1898 A, p. 4. (Hypostomata.) Gill, T. 1896 C, p. 912.. (Aspidoganoidei.) Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Jaekel, O. 18% B, p. 127. (Ostracodermi.) Patten, W. 1890 A. (Ostracodermi.) Rohon, J. V. 1892 C, p. 86. (Protocephali.) 1894 A, p. 52. (Protocephali.) 1895 B, p. 16. (Protocephali.) 18% A. (Genus Thyestes.) 18% B, p. 16. (Protocephali.) Traquair, R. H. 1900 A, p. 158. (Ostracodermi.) 1900 B, p. 467. (Ostracodermi.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, pp. xvi, 159. (Ostraco- dermi.) 1892 F, p. 599. 1898 B, p. 3. (Ostracodermi.) 1900 D. ( Ostracodermi. ) Order HETEROSTRACI Lankester. Powrie and Lankester 1868 A, pp. 5, 14. Cope, E. D. 1891 N, p. 9. 1898 B, p. 15. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 4. Eohon, J. V. 1895 B, p. 16. (Aspidorhini.) 18% A. ( Genus Thyestes. ) 18% B. (Aspidorhini.) Traquair, R. H. 1899 A, p. 853. 1900 B, p. 467. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, pp. xix, 159. 1900 D. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 144. PTERASPID.E. Ckiypole, E. W. 1885 D, p. 56. 1885 C, p. 734. 1892 D, p. 542. Cope, E. D. 1887 O, p. 1015. Dean, B. 1895 A, figures. Jaekel, O. 18% B, p. 128. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 960. Patton, W. 1890 A. Reis, O. M. 18% A, pp. 212, 213. Rohon, J. V. 1892 C. 1894 A. Rohon, J. V. 18% B. 1897 A. Schmidt, F. 1873 C. (" Pteraspiden.") Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 553. Traquair, R. H. 1899 A, p. 849. Woodward, A. 1891 A, p. 159. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 144. PTERASPIS Kner. Type Cephcdaspis lloydii Agassiz,=P. rostrata Agassiz. Kner, R, 1847 A, p. 165. Agnssiz, L. 1843 B, ii, p. 135. part.) Alth, A. 1874 A, p. 41. (Cephalaspis, in Claypole, E. W. 1884 A. (Pteraspis, Scaphaspis.) 1885 A. Collinge, W. E. 1893 A, p. 2. Eichwald, E. 1871 A, p. 1, pi. i. (Palaeoteuthis, t ype P. marffinalis. ) Huxley, T. H. 1858 A. 1859 A. 1861 A. 1861 B, p. 38. 1872 A, p. 128. Jaekel, O. 1892 A, p. 90. Kunth, A. 1872 A. Lankester, E. R. 1862 A. 1864 A. 1864 B. 1865 A. (Pteraspis, Scaphaspia.) 1873 A. 1873 B. (Scaphaspis, Pteraspis.) J874 A, Mitchell, H. 1862 A. 1864 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 960. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 122. Powrie, J. 1864 A. Powrie and Lankester 1868 A. (Pteraspis and Scaphaspis.) Roemer, F. 1856 A. (Palseoteuthis.) Rohon, J. V. 1892 C. Ryder, J. A. 1890 A, p. 491. Salter, J. W. 1867 A. Schmidt, F. 1866 A, p. 217. 1873 A. 1873 B. 1873 C. Traquair, R. H. 1899 A, p. 850. 1900 B, p. 466. Woodward, A. S. 1887 A. 1891 A, p. 160. 1892 F, figs. 1, 9. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 147. No American species of this genus are known. 340 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. CYATHASPIS Lankester. Type C. banbti Huxley and Salter. Lankester, R. 1865 A, p. 100. Alth, A. 1874 A, p. 45. Claypole, E. W. 1892 D. Geinitz, H. B. 1884 A, p. 854. Jaekel, O. 1892 A, p. 90. Kunth, A. 1872 A. Lankester, E. R. 1873 B. Lindstrom, G. 1895 A. Matthew, G. F. 1887 B, p. 73. (Diplaspis.) 1888 A, p. 49. (Diplaspis.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 696. (Diplaspis.) Powrie and Lankester 1868 A, p. 26. Rohon, J. V. 18% B, p. 18. Schmidt, F. 1873 A. 1873 C. Traquair, R. H. 1900 B, p. 467. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 170. 1892 F, fig. 2. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 148. Cyathaspis acadica (Matthew). Matthew, G. F. 1886 A. (Pteraspis ?) American Geologist 1891 B, p. 329. (Diplaspis?.) Matthew, G. F. 1887 A. 1887 B, p. 69. (Diplaspis.) 1888 A, p. 49, pi. iv, figs. 1-4. (Diplaspis. ) 1891 A. (Diplaspis.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 596. (Diplaspis.) Rohon, J. V. 1896 B, p. 19. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 173. Upper Silurian; New Brunswick. PAL^ASPIS Claypole. Type P. americana Claypole. Claypole, E. W. 1884 A, p. 1224. 1885 A, p. 426. 1885 C. 1885 D, pp. 50, 62. Collinge, W. E. 1893 A, p. 3. Lankester, E. R. 1873 A, p. 242. (Holaspis, pre- occupied.) 1873 C. Lesley, J. P. 1892 A, p. 775. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 604. Traquair, R. H. 1900 B, p. 467. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 169. 1898 B, p. 435. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 148. (Holaspis.) Palseaspis americana Claypole. Claypole, E. W. 1884 A, p. 1224. 1684 A, p. 1224. ( P. bitruncata. ) 1885 A, p. 426. (P. bitruncata.) Claypole, E. W. 1884 A, p. 1224. 1885 D, p. 62, fig. 7 (P. americana); fig. 8 (P. bitruncata). i, p. 561, flg. 8. Dean, B. 1895 A, p. 71. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 575, figures. (P. americana, P. bitruncata. ) Matthew, G. F. 1888 A, p. 54. Rohon, J. V. 1896 B, p. 21. Traquair, R. H. 1899 A, p. 853. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 170. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 317. Devonian (Onondaga); Pennsylvania. Palseaspis elliptica Claypole. Claypole, E. W. 1885 A, p. 426. Upper Silurian; Pennsylvania. Order OSTEOSTRACI Lankester. Powrie and Lankestcr, 1868 A, p. 14. Cope, E. D. 1891 N, p. 9. 1898 B, p. 15. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 4. Powrie and Lankester, 1870 A, p. 33. Rohon, J. V. 1892 C, p. 86. 1895 B, p. 16. (Aspidocephali.) 1894 A, p. 61. (Aspidocephali.) (Tremataspidae. ) Rohon, J. V. 1892 C, p. 86. 1896 A. (Genus Thyestes.) 18% B, p. 2h (Aspidocephali.) Schmidt, F. 1894 A. (Genus Thyes-tes.) Traquair, R. H. 1899 A, p. 857. 1900 B, p. 467. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, pp. xix, 176. ;, p. 8. CEPHALASPID.E. Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 38. Agassiz, L. 1843 A, p. 86. . ("Cephalaspides.") 1844 B, p. 4. ( " Cephalaspides. ' ' ) 1846 A, p. 37. (" Cephalaspides.") Cope, E. D. 1886 D. 1887 O, p. 1015. Dean, B. 1895 A. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 236. (Cephalaspid^s.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 128. Jaekel, 0. 1892 A, p. 90. 18% B, p. 128. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 256. Nicholson and Lydekker, 1889 A, pp. 959, 961, Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 218. ( " Cephalaspides. Pollard, H. B. 1895 A, p. 419. Powrie and Lankester, 1868 A. 1870 A. Rohon, J. V. 1892 C. 1896 B, p. 23. Schmidt, F. 1866 A. 1873 C. Steinmann and Doderlein, 1890 A, p. 553. Woodward, A. S. 1890 B, p. 316. 1891 A, p. 176. 1898 B, p. 8. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 148. CATALOGUE. 341 CEPHALASPIS Agassiz. Type C. lyelli Agassiz. Ayassiz, L. 1843 B (1835), ii, p. 153. 1843 A. 1844 A. 1844 B. (Pterichthys.) Alth, A. 1874 A. 1886 A. Claypole, E. W. 1885 C. 1885 D. 1892 D, p. 556. Cope, E. D. 1886 D. 1888 U. Huxley, T. H. 1858 A. 1859 A. 1861 B, p. 38. 1872 A, p. 128. Jaekel, O. 1892 A, p. 90. Kunth, A. 1872 A. Miller, H. 1859 A, p. 50, pis. x, xiil. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 589. Newberry, J. S. 1856 A. Nicholson and Lydekker, 1889 A, p. 961. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 122. Pander, C. H. 1856 A. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 219. Powrie, J. 1861 A. Powrie and Lankester, 1868 A. 1870 A. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 353. Rohon, J. V. 1892 C. 18% B, p. 23. Schmidt, F. 1866 A. Traquair, R. H. 1857 A. 1899 A, p. 857. 1900 B, p. 467. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 177. 1892 A, figs. 5, 10. 1898 B, p. 9. 1900 D. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 149. Cephalaspis campbelltonensis Whit- eaves. Whiteaves, J. F. 1881 E, p . 98 Claypole, E. W. 1884 A, p. 128. Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 714. Rohon, J. V. 1896 B, p. 25. Traquair, R. H. 1890 A, p. 21. (C. campbelltonen- sis; C. whiteavesi.) ., p. 146. i, p. 113. Whiteaves, J. F. 1883 A, p. 355. !, p. 164. ., p. 92, pi. x, fig. 2. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 190, pi. ix, fig. 5. 1892 A, p. 4, pi. i, fig. 6. Lower Devonian; New Brunswick. Cephalaspis dawsoni Lankester. Lankester, E. R. 1870 A, p. 397, figs. 1, 2. Claypole, E. W. 1884 A, p. 1223. Rohon, J. V. 1896 B, p. 25. Whiteaves, J. F. 1881 E, p. 99. 1883 B, p. 164. 1899 A, p. 410. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 192, fig. 26. Lower Devonian; Gaspe, Canada. Cephalaspis jexi Traquair. Traquair, R. H. 1893 A, p. 147. Rohon, J. V. 1896 B, p. 25. Traquair, R. H. 1893 D, p. 114. Upper Devonian; Scaumenac Bay, Canada. Cephalaspis laticeps Traquair. Traquair, R. H. 1890 A, p. 16. Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 714. Rohon, J. V. 18% B, p. 25. Whiteaves, J. F. 1899 A, p. 412. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 192. Upper Devonian; Scaumenac Bay, Canada. EUPHANEROPID^E Woodward, A. .S'. 1900 B, p. 418. EUPHANEROPS Woodward. Type E. longsevus Woodward. Woodward, A. S. 1900 B, p. 416. Euphanerops longsevus Woodward. Woodward, A. S. 1900 B, p. 416, pi. x, figs. 1-16. Devonian; Quebec. Subclass AZYGOSTEI, nom. nov. Gill, T., 1876, Johnson's Cyclopedia, iv, p. 185. (Dipnoi.) 342 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Supervrder PL A CODER MI Me Coy. McCoy, F. 1848 A, p. 6 Cope,E.D.1886D,p.l( dermi.) 1887 O, p. 1019. 1889 R, p. 856. Dames, W. 1885 A. Dean, B. 1891 A. Egerton, P. G. 1848 B, Qunther, A., 1880 A, p. 361. 1881 A, p. 686. Hay, O. P. 1899 P, p. 682. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, pp. 236, 248. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 129. Jaekel, O. 1896 B, p. 128. (Placoganoidei, Placo- 1895 A. Ltitken, C. 1873 A, p. 41. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. McCoy, F. 1848 B. 1855 A, p. 598. (Placodermata.) Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 257. 1875 A, p. 3. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, 962. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 118. Pander, C. H. 1857 A. Rohon, J. V. 1892 A, p. 32. 1899 A, p. 16. 1899 B, p. 10. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 551. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 151. Order ANTIARCHA Cope. Cope, E. D. 1886, 1 p. 291. 1886 D, p. 1031. 1887 S, p. 323. 1891 N, p. 9. B, p. 15. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 4. Traquair, R. H. 1900 A, p. 159. ASTEROLEPHLE. Cope, E.D. 18851. (Pterichthyidse.) 1886 D. ( Pterichthyidae, Bothriolepididae. ) 1887 O, p. 1015. (Pterichthyidse, Bothriole- pididse.) 1887 S, p. 323. (Pterichthyidae. ) 1889 R, p. 853. ( Pterichthyidse. ) Giirich, G. 1891 A, p. 910. (Pterichthyidae.) Haeckel; E. 1895 A, pp. 248, 658. ( Asterolepides) Jaekel, 0. 1893 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 962. (Astero- lepididae.) Rohon, J. V. 1899 A, p. 20. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 552. (Asterolepididse.) Traquair, R. H. 1888 C, pis. xvii, xviii. 1894 C, pp. 64, 70. 1900 B, p. 467. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, pp. xviii, 203. 1898 B, p. 12. ASTEROLEPIS Eichwald. Type A. ornata Eichwald. Eichwald, E. 1840 A, p. 79. Agassiz, L. 1844 B, p. 89 (Asterolepis, in part); p. Ill (Odontacanthus). Beyrich, E. 1877 A. Egerton, P. H. 1859 A, p. 121. Eichwald, E. 1846 A, pt. ii, p. 283. 1857 A, p. 345. 1860 A, p. 1504, pi. Ivi, fig. 1 (Asterolepis); p. 1521 (Coccosteus). Jaekel, O. 1896 B, p. 128. Miller, J. 1872 A. Newberry, J. S. 1856 A. 1873 A, p. 323. Pander, C. H. 1857 A. Rohon, J. V. 1891 A. 1899 A, pp. 20,70. Traquair, R. H. 1888 B, p. 508. 1888 C, p. 492. 1894 C, p. 71. Whiteaves J. F. 1880 A, p. 132. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 203. 1898 B, p. 16. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 165. There are no known American species of this genus. ASTRASPIS Walcott. Type A. desiderata Walcott. Walcott, C. D. 1892 A, p. 166. Astraspis desiderata Walcott. Walcott, C. D. 1892 A, p. 166, pi. iii, figs. 6-14; pi. iv, figs. 1-4. American Geologist 1891 E. (Asterolepis? desid- erata.) Cope, E. D. 1893 I, p. 268. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 509, fig. 695. Silurian (Ordovician); Colorado. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 343 PTERICHTHYODES Bleeker. Type Pterichthys mitteri Agassiz. Bleeker, P., 1859, Tentamen, p. 11. The following authors, unless otherwise noted, employ the name Pterichthys for this genus. It is, however, preoccupied by Swain- son, 1839. Agassiz, L. 1843 A, p. 81. 1844 A. 1844 B, pp. 6, 151. 1846 A, p. 43. Beyrich, E. 1877 A. Collinge, W. E. 1893 A, p. 3. Cope, E. D. 1885 I. 1886 D. 1887 S, p. 323. 1888 U, p. 914. Dean, B. 1895 A, figures. Egerton, P. H. 1848 A. 1859 A, pp. 121, 127. Eichwald, E. 1846 A, p. 283. Gaudry, A. 1883 A, p. 228. Giinther, A. 1880 A, p. 351, figs. 135, 136. 1862 A. Gurich, G. 1891 A, p. 910. Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 791. (Pterichthyodes.) Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 29. 1872 A, p. 129. Jaekel, 0. 1893 A. 18% B, p. 128. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 598. Miller, H. 1859 A, p. 42, pis. i, ii. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 610. 1892 A, p. 716. (Millerichthys.) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 110. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 962. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 119. Patton, W. H. 1890 A, p. 359. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 221. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 354. Rohon, J. V. 1891 A. 1899 B, p. 10. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 552. Traquair, R. H. 1888 B, p. 508. 1888 C, p. 485. 1891 A, p. 125. 1894 C, pp. 63, 90. Trautschold, H. 1880 B. Whiteaves, J. F. 1880 A. 1883 B, p. 159. Woodward, A. S. 1890 B. 1891 A, p. 208. 1892 B, p. 234. 1892 F, fig. 7. 18% A, p. 139. 1898 B, p. 12. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 153. No American species of this genus nre known. BOTHHIOLEPIS Eichwald. Type B. ornata Eichwald. ttichwald, E. 1840 A, p. 79. Agassiz, L. 1844 B, p. 20 (Pamphractus); pp. 97, 151 (Bothriolepis); p. 134 (Placothorax). Claypole, E. W. 1890 A, p. 257. Collinge, W. E. 1893 A, p. 3. Cope, E. D. 1886 D, p. 1031. 1887 O, p. 1015. 1889 R, p. 853. Eichwald, E. 1846 A, p. 283. 1857 A, p. 346. 1860 A, p. 1511. Gurich, G. 1891 A, p. 909. Lahusen, 1. 1880 A. Leidy, J. 1856 E, p. 11. (Stenacanthus.) 1856 S, p. 164. (Stenacanthus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 588. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 108. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 962. Patton, W. H. 1890 A, p. 359. Roberts, G. E. 1864 A. Rohon, J. V. 1899 A, p. 27. 1899 B, p. 10. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 552. Traquair, R. H. 1888 B, p. 609. 1888 C, p. 495. 1894 C, p. 63. Trautschold, H. 1880 B. Whiteaves, J. F. 1880 A, p. 132. J, p. 23. J, p. 159. 1899 A, p. 411. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 223. 1892 B, p. 234. 1892 C, p. 484. 1898 B, p. 14. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 18. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 157. Bothriolepis canadensis Whiteaves. Whiteaves, J. F. 1880 A, p. 132. (Pterichthys.) Cope, E. D. 1881 L. (Pterichthys.) 1885 I, fig. 1. 1887 S, p. 323, fig. 62. 1888 U, p. 914, pi. xv, figs. 1, 2. 1891 N, p. 9, fig. 2. 1892 X. 1898 B, p. 16, fig. 2. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 617, fig. %0. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 588, fig. 1104. Traquair, R. H. 1888 B, p. 509. 1888 C, p. 4%, pi. xviii, fig. 6. Whiteaves, J. F. 1881 B, p. 26. [Pterichthys (Bothriolepis).] 1881 C, p. 28. (Pterichthys.) 1883 A, p. 353. (Pterichthys.) 1883 B, p. 158. (Pterichthys.) 1887 A, p. 101, pis. vi-ix. (Pterichthys.) 1889 A, p. 91. 1899 A, p. 411. Williams, H. S. 1893 A, p. 286, figure. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 228. 1892 C, p. 484. Devonian; Province of Quebec, Canada. Bothriolepis minor Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 112, pi. xx, figs. 6-8. Cope, E. D. 1892 L, p. 224. Eastman, C. R. 1899 F, p. 324, fig. 5. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 232. Devonian (Chemung); Pennsylvania. 344 FOSSIL VEETEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Bothriolepis uitida (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1856 E, p. 11. (Stenacanthus.) Cope, E. D. 1892 L, p. 221. (B. leidyi.) Eastman, C. R. 1899 F, p. 324. (B. leidyi.) Leidy, Jos. 1856 A, p. 421. (Stenacanthus.) 1856 S, p. 163, pi. xvii, fig. 4 (Holoptychius americanus, in part); p. 164, pi. xvi, figs. 7-8 (Stenacanthus). Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, pp. 109, 111, pi. xviii, fig. 2; pi. xx, figs. 1-5. (B. leidyi.) Whitfield and Hovey 1900 A, p. 348. ( B. leidyi, ) Woodward 1891 A, p. 232. (B. leidyi.) Devonian (Catskill); Pennsylvania, New York. Order ARTHRODIRA Cope. Cape, E. D. 1891 B, p. 454. 1891 N, p. 14. 1898 B, p. 29. Dean, B. 1895 A, p. 129. Dollo, L. 1896 A. Eastman, C. R. 1899 A, p. 643. ( "Arthrodires." ) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 11. Traquair, R. H. 1891 A, p. 126. 1900 B, pp. 470, 522. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 276. ;, p. 64. COCCOSTEID^. Dean, B. 1897 A, p. 61. Eastman, C. R. 1896 A. 1898 D, p. 748. 1899 A, p. 643. eteinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 552. Giirich, G. 1891 A, p. 910. Jaekel, 0. 1896 B, p. 127. ("Coccosteiden.") Koenen, A. 1895 A, p. 3. Rohon, J. V. 1899 A, p. 31. Traquair, R. H. 1890 B, p. 55. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 277. 1898 B, p. 66. COCCOSTEINjE, nom. nov. COCCOSTEUS Agassiz. Type C. decipiens Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1844 B, p. 22. 1843 A. (Definition insufficient; no species) . Alth, A. 1874 A, p. 38. Claypole, E. W. 1893 A. 1893 G, p. 615. Collinge, W. E. 1893 A, p. 4. Cope, E. D. 1886 D, p. 1030. Dames^W. 1885 A. Davis, J. W. 1880 A, p. 356. Dean, B. 1895 A, p. 130. Eastman, C. R. 1898 D, p. 748. Egerton, P. H. 1859 A, p. 127. Gaudry, A. 1883 A, p. 232. Giinther, A. 1880 A, p. 354, fig. 137. Gurich, G. 1891 A. Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 29. 1872 A, p. 129. Jaekel, 0. 1891 A. 1899 A, p. 276. Koenen, A. 1883 A, p. 9. 1890 A. 1895 A, p. 3. Lahusen, 1. 1880 A. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 601. Miller, H. 1859 A, p. 18, pis. iii, ix. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 591. Newberry, J. S. 1856 A. 1875 A, pp. 1-27, 32. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 964. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 123. 1866 A, p. 196, fig. 127. Pander, C. H. 1857 A. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 220. Pollard, H. B. 1895 A, p. 419. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 355. Rohon, J. V. 1892 A, p. 18. 1899 A, p. 31. Ryder, J. A. 1890 A, p. 491. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 552. Traquair, R. H. 1888 B, p. 511. 1891 A, p. 126. ., p. 149. 1900 A, p. 159. Trautschold, H. 1880 C, p. 145. 1389 A. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 278. 1898 B, p. 60. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 37. Wright, A. A. 1893 A, p. 621. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 158. Coccosteus canadensis Woodward. Woodward, A. S. 1892 C, p. 483, pi. xiii, fig. 2. Traquair, R. H. 1893 C, p. 265. Devonian; Canada. Coccosteus cuyahogse Claypole. Claypole, E. W. 1893 A. 1893 G, p. 615, pi. xli, fig. 2. Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. Coccosteus macromus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1892 L, p. 225. Devonian (Chemung); Pennsylvania. Coccosteus occidentalis Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 32, pi. liv, figs. 2, 2o. Claypole, E. W. 1893 A, p. 168. 1893 G, p. 616. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 52, pi. xxv, figs. 2, 2a. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 293. Zittel, K. 1890 A, p. 160. Devonian (Corniferous); Ohio. HAY.J CATALOGUE. 345 LIOGNATHUS Newb. Type L. spatulatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 306. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 600. 1892 A, p. 716. (Lispognathus, type Liogna- . Cope,.E. D. 1888 BB, p. 285. (Ctenodus.) Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 176. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 261. Permian; Illinois. Sagenodus gurleyanus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1877 N, p. 54. (Ctenodus.) Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 704, pi. i, figs. 8a-8c. Cope, E. D. 1881 K, p. 162. (Ctenodus.) 1888 B B, p. 285. (Ctenodus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 785. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 593. (Ctenodus gurlei- anus.) Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 176. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 261. Permian; Illinois. Sagenodus heterolophus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1883 K, p. 109. (Ctenodus.) Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 706. Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 176. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 261. Permian; Illinois. Sagenodus jugosus Hay. Hay, O. P. 1900 A, p. 107. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 60. (Ctenodus reticu- latus; not of Newberry and Worthen, 1870.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 261. (Sagenodus reticulatus. ) Coal-measures; Ohio. Sagenodus lacovianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1897 C, p. 79, pi. i, fig. 5. 1897 C, p. 79, pi. i, fig. 4. (S. conchiolepis.) Hay, O. P. 1900 A, p. 108. Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 177. (S. lacovianus, S. conchiopsis. ) Coal-measures; Illinois. Sagenodus occidentalis (Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 19, fig. 2. (Rhizodus.) Cope, E. D. 1897 C, p. 75 (S. occidentalis); p. 81, pi. i, fig. 7 (S. brownise). Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 787. (Megalichthys.) 1900 A, p. 101. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 611, fig. 1173. (Rhizodus.) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 192. (Rhizodus.) Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, pi. iv, fig. 1. (Rhizodus.) Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 177. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 348. (Strepsodus?). Coal-measures; Illinois. Sagenodus ohionensis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1875 D, p. 410, pi. xlv, fig. 2. (Cteno- dus.) 1873 O, p. 341. (Leptophractus obsoletus, part.) 1874 S, p. 91. (Ctenodus, without specific name. ) Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 60. (Ctenodus.) 1889 A, p. 226; woodcut, fig. 3. (Ctenodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 262. Coal-measures; Ohio. Sagenodus paucicristatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1877 N, p. 53. (Ceratodus.) Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 707, pi. i, figs, lla, lift. Cope, E. D. 1877 E, p. 192. (Ptyonodus.) 1881 K, p. 162. (Ptyonodus.) 1888 BB, p. 285. ( Ptyonodus. ) Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 176. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 261. Permian; Illinois. Sagenodus periprion (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 527. (Ctenodus.) 1881 K, p. 162. (Ctenodus.) 1888 B B, p. 285. (Ctenodus.) Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 176. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 261. Permian; Texas. Sagenodus porrectus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 527. (Ctenodus.) 1881 K, p. 162. (Ctenodus.) 1888 B B, p. 285. (Ctenodus.) Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 176. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 261. Permian; Texas. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 355 Sagenodus pusillus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1877 E, p. 191. (Ctenodus.) Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 705, pi. i, figs. 9a, 96. Cope, E. D. 1881 K, p. 162. (Ctenodus.) 1888 BB, p. 285. (Ctenodus.) Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 176. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 261. Permian; Illinois. Sagenodus quadratus (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 343, pi. xxxix, fig. 8. (Rhizodus.) Cope, E. D. 1897 C, pp. 76, 77. Eastman, C. R. 1900 B, p. 37. (Dipterus.) Hay, O. P. 1900 A, p. 103. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 877, figure. (Rhizodus.) 1896 A, pi. dlxxi. (Rhizodus.) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 192. (Rhizodus.) Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 176. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 262. (Sagenodus?.) Coal-measures; Ohio, Illinois. Sagenodus quincunciatus Cope. Cape, E. D. 1897 C, p. 80, pi. i, fig. 6. Hay, O. P. 1900 A, p. 109. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 349, pi. iii, figs. 13, 14. (Rhizodus reticulatus, part.) Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 177. Coal-measures; Illinois. Sagenodus reticulatus (Newb. and Worth.). Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 349, pi. Iii, fig. 9, not figs. 13, 14. ( Rhizodus. ) Cope, E. D. 1897 C, p. 78, pi. i, figs. 2,3 (Sagenodus reticulatus); p. 81, pi. i, fig. 8 (S. magister). Hay, O. P. 1900 A, p. 106! Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 177. (S. reticulatus, S. magister.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 262. (Sagenodus?.) Coal-measures; Illinois. Sagenodus serratus (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 59, pi. Ivffl, figs. 15,16. (Ctenodus.) Miller, S. A. 1899 A, p. 593. fig. 1119. (Ctenodus.) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 226, pi. xxvii, fig. 31. (Ctenodus.) Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 176. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 261. (Sagenodus.) Coal-measures; Ohio. Sagenodus textilis Hay. Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 786. Cope, E. D. 1897 C, p. 82, pi. i, fig. 9. (S - . gurleia- nus; preoccupied by Cope, 1877.) Hay, O. P. 1900 A, p. 110. Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 177. (S. gurleianus.) Coal-measures; Illinois. Sagenodus vabasensis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1883 K, p. 110. (Ctenodus.) Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 704, pi. i, fig. 7. Cope, E.D. 1888 BB, pp. 285,288. (Ctenodus.) Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 176. - Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 261. Permian; Illinois. Sagenodus vinslovii (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1875 T, p. 410. (Ceratodus. ) Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 703, pi. i, figs. 6a,6&. Cope, E. D. 1877 E, pi 192. (Ptyonodus.) 1877 N, p. 53. (Ceratodus.) 1881 K, p. 162. (Ptyonodus.) 1888 BB, p. 285. (Ptyonodus.) Williston, S. W. 1899 D, p. 176. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 262. Permian; Illinois. GNATHORHIZA Cope. Type G. serrata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 H, p. 629. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 598. The systematic position of this genus is very problematical. Gnathorhiza serrata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 H, p. 629. 1888 BB, p. 286. Permian; Texas. CERATODONTID.E. GUI, T. 1872 C, p. 22. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 854. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 130. Giinther, A. 1872 A, p. 554. (Sirenidse, in part.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 555. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 294. (Ceratodontia.) Van Wijhe, J. W- 1882 A. (Ceratodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 264. (Lepidosireni- dae, part.) CERATODUS Agassiz. Type C. latissimus Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1838), iii, p. 129. 1844 A. Balfour, F. M. 1881 A. Bark as, W. J. 1877 A. 1878 A. Beyrich, E. 1850 A, p. 153. Bridge, T. W. 1898 A, p. 350. Bridge, W. J, 1879 A. Brown, C. 1900 A, p. 172, Cope, E. D. 1893 N, p. 1081. Davidoff, M. 1883 A. Dollo, L, 1896 A. Gadow, H. 1889 A, p. 458. Gadow and Abbott 1895 A. Gegenbaur, C. 1872 B. 1876 A. 1895 A, figs. 2, 3. 1898 A, figures. 356 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 323. 1871 A. 1871 B. 1872 A. 1880 A, p. 357. Haeckel, E. 1865 A, p. 264. Haswell, W. A. 1883 A. Howes, G. B. 1887 A. Huxley, T. H. 1876 A. 1876 B, xiii, pp. 389, 411. 1880 B, p. 660. Klaatsch, H. 1890 A, p. 209. 1896 A, p. 316. Krefft, G. 1870 A. Miall, L. C. 1878 A, p. 18. 1878 B. Mivart, St. G. 1879 A. Mollier, S. 1893 A, p. 86 et seq. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, pp. 9-27. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 953. Oldham, T. 1859 A. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 267. Pollard, H. B. 1894 B. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 186. 1885 A, 'p. 295. Reis, O. M. 1897 A, p. 132. Rose, C. 1892 B. Salensky W. 1899 A, p. 181. Semon, R, 1899 A, p. 78. Stephan, P. 1900 A, p. 307. Teller, F. 1891 A. Thacher, J. K. 1877 A. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 264. Traquair, R. H. 1900 B, p. 521. Van Wijhe, J. W. 1882 A. Woodward, A. S. 1888 E. 1891 A, p. 264. 1898 B, p. 64. SYNTHETODUS Eastman. Eastman, C. R. 1898 A, p. 111. Zittel, K. A. 1886 A, p. 253 1890 A, p. 132. Ceratodus americanus Knight. Knight, W. C. 1898 A, p. 186, fig. 2. Jurassic; Wyoming. Ceratodus eruciferus l Cope. Cope, E. I). 1876 H, p. 259. 1877 G, p. 574. (Arotus?) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 2'75. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Ceratodus favosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 I, p. 28. 1888 BB, p. 286. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 274. Permian; Texas. Ceratodus giintheri Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1878 A, with figure. King, C. 1878 A, p. 346. Marsh, O. C. 1878 G, p. 224. 1897 C, p. 507, fig. 67. Jurassic; Colorado. Ceratodus hieroglyphus ' Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 260. 1877 G, p. 554. (Arotus.) 1885 D, p. 408. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 275. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Ceratodus robustus Knight. Knight, W. C. 1898 A, p. 186, fig. 1. Jurassic; Wyoming. Type**?, trisulcatus Eastman. Synthetodus trisulcatus Eastman. Eastman, C. B. 1898 A, p. 112, pi. iv, figs. 1-10. Upper Devonian; Iowa. Subclass TELEOSTOMI Owen. Owen, R. -1866 A, p. 7. References are here given also to the litera- ture of the groups known as Oanoidei and Teleostei. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, ii, p. 1. (Ganoidei.) Balfour, F. M. 1882 A, p. 431. (Ganoidei.) Baudelot, E. 1873 A. 1873 B. Baur, G. 1889 E. (Teleostei.) Beard, J. 1890 A. (Teleostei, Ganoidei.) Chamberlin, T. C. 1900 A, p. 411. ( "Teleostomes." ) Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 318 (Ganoidei.); p. 3% (Ac- tinopteri). 1877 N, p. 66. (Hyopomata.) 1877 O, p. 41. (Hyopomata.) 1878 A, p. 292. (Hyopomata.) 1884 I, p. 46. (Hyopomata.) 1884 N, p. 579. (Hyopomata.) Cope, E. D. 1884 HH. (Hyopor 1885 G. (Hyopomata.) 1887 O, p. 1015. 1889 R, pp. 854, 855. 1891 E. 1891 N, p. 10. 189S B, pp. 18, 30. Dean, B, 1895 A, p. 139. Gadow.H.1898A,p.7. Gadow and Abbott 1895 A. Gegenbaur, C. 1895 A. (Ganoidei, Teleostei.) Gill, T. 1872 C. p. 1. 1873 B. 1873 D. 1893 A, p. 130. ("Teleostomes.") 18% C, p. 912. 1 See the genus of Ichthyodorulites Euctenius. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 357 Goeppert, E. 1895 A, p. 158. (Teleostei.) Gunther, A. 1871 A, p. 428. (Ganoidei, Teleostei. ) 1872 A, p. 554. (Ganoidei.) 1880 A, p. 373. (Teleostei.) 1881 A, p. 688. (Ganoidei, Teleostei.) Haeckol, E. 1895 A, p. 244 (Ganoides); p. 252 (Tele- ostei). Hiillmann, E. 1837 A, p. 52. Hay, O. P. 1895 A. 1898 C, p. 342. Hollard, H. 1860 A. Huxley, T. H. 1858 C. (Teleostei, Ganoidei.) 1861 B, p. 29. (Teleostei.) 1872 A, p. 121 (Ganoidei); p. 130 (Teleostei). 1883 A. (Teleostei.) Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 97. Klaatsch, H. 1890 A, p. 155. 1894 A. Klein, E. P. 1879 A. 1881 A. 1885 A. Klein, E. F. Kner, R. Kolliker, A. 1859 A. (Teleostei, Ganoidei.) Kostlin, O. 1844 A. Liitken, O. 1868 B. (Ganoidei, Teleostei.) 1873 A. (Ganoidei.) i Miall, L. C. 1878 A. (Ganoidei.) Muller, J. 1846 C. Parker, W. K. 1874 A. Reis, O. M. 1895 C, p. 162. Rose, C. 1892 A. (Teleostei.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 556. Stephan, P. 1900 A. ("Teleosteens," oides.") Traquair, R. H. 1877 B. (Ganoidei.) Ussow, S. A. 1898 A. Vaillaint, L. 1883 A. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, pp. xxi, 316. 1898 B, p. 69. Zittel, K. A. 1890 B, p. 133 (Ganoidei); p. 262 (Teleostei). "Gs Superwder CROSSOPTERYGIA. Baur, G. 1896 C, p. 659. Bridge, W. J. 1879 A. Bridge, T. W. 1889 A, p. 118. (Polypterus.) 1896 A, p. 541. (Polypterus.) 1898 A, p. 371. Brown, C. 1900 A, p. 172. Chamberlin, T. C. 1900 A, p. 411. ( " Crossoptery- gians.") Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 326. 1877 N, p. 56. 1877 O, p. 41. 1878 A, p. 293. 1885 G, p. 237. 1887 O, p: 1017. (Crossopterygiaand Rhipid- opterygia.) 1887 S, p. 325. 1889 R, p. 885. (Crossopterygiaand Rhipid- opterygia.) 1890 B. 1891 B, p. 459 (Rhipidopterygia); p. 400 (Crossopterygia. ) 1891 E, p. 480. 1891 N, p. 19. (Crossopterygia, Rhipidoptery- gia.) 1898 B, p. 30. (Crossopterygia, Rhipidoptery gia.) Davidoff, M. 1880 B. (Polypterus.) Dean, B. 1895 A, p. 148. Dollo, L. 18% A, p. 105. Emery, C. 1879 B. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 7. (Crossopterygii.) Gegenbaur, C. 1890 B, p. 104, pi. viii, fig. 6. (Polyp- terus.) 1895 A. Gegenbaur, C. 1895 B. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 22. 1893 A, p. 130. Goeppert, E. 1895 A, p. 148. Gunther, A. 1872 A, p. 555. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 249. (Crossopterygii.) Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Howes, G. B. 1887 A, p. 19. Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 24. (Crossopterygids suborder. ) 1866 A. 1872 A, p. 127. (Crossopterygidae.) 1876 A. Jaekel, O. 1890 B, p. 8. Klaatsch, H. 1890 A, p. 218. Lutken, C. 1873 A, p. 45. (Crossopteri.) Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 255. Orr, H. 1885 A. Osborn, H. F. 1899 I, p. 158. Pollard, H. B. 1892 A. (Polypterus.) Reis, O. M. 1897 A, p. 130. Ryder, J. 1886 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 560. Traquair, R. H. 1870 A. (Polypterus.) 1875 C, p. 394. 1890 B, p. 517. (Crossopterygii.) Van Wijhe, J. W. 1882 A, p. 251. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 316. 1893 C. 1898 B, p. 69. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 168. 18% A, p. 408. Supervrder RHIPIDISTIA Cope. Cope, E. D. 1887 O, p. 1017. 1887 O, p. 1018. (Taxistia.) 1889 R, p. 855 (Rhipidistia); p. 856 (Tax- istia). 1891 B, p. 460 (Rhipidistia); p. 462 (Tax- istia). Cope, E. D. 1891 E. (Rhipidistia, Taxistia.) 1891 N, p. 19. (Rhipidistia, Taxistia.) 1898 B, pp. 30,31. (Rhipidistia, Taxistia.) Traquair, R. H. 1891 A, p. 127. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 318. >. 71. 858 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. HOLOPTYCHIID^E. Collinge, W. E. 1893 A, p. 6. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 856. Giintlier, A. 1880 A, p. 365. Liitken, C. 1873 A, p. 34. (Cyclodipterini) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 968. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 132. Rohon, J. V. 1899 A, p. 41. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 560. Traquair, R. H. 1889 C. 1900 B, p. 518. Woodward, A. 8. 1891 A, p. 321. 1893 E, p. 450. 1898 B, p. 72. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 176. (Cyclodipterini.) HOLOFTYCHIUS Agassiz. Type H. nobilissimus Agassiz. Agassis L., 1839, in Murchison's Silur. Syst., p. 599. (Holoptychus, misprint.) 1844 A. 1844 B. Anderson, J. 1860 A. 1861 A. Collinge, W. E. 1893 A, p. 6. Egerton, P. H. 1859 A, p. 126. Emery, C. 1897 B, p. 147. Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 5, fig. 5. Jaekel, O. 1894 B, p. 148. Klaatsch, H. 1890 A, p. 221. Leidy, J. 1856 S, p. 162. Lohest, M. 1888 A, p. 121. McCoy, F. 1853 A. 1855 A, p. 693. Miller, H. 1859 A, pi. xiv. Miller, 8. A. 1889 A, p. 599. Newberry, J. S. 1856 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 968. Pictet, F. J. 1864 A, p. 146. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 229. 1885 A, p. 360. Rohon, J. V. 1892 B. 1899 A, p. 41. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 561. Traquair, R. H. 1888 B, p. 512. 1900 B, p. 519. Williamson, W. C. 1849 A, p. 467, pi. xlii, figs. 21-24. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 322. Young, J. 1866 B, p. 601. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 178. Holoptychius americanus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 S, p. 163, pi. xvi, figs. 9, 10; pi. xvii, figs. 1-3 !! rr;/, J. S. 1888 C. ( Rhizodus. ) Dana, J. D. 1888 A. (Rhizodus.) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 191, pi. xliii, fig. 1. (Rhizodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 346. (Rhizodus.) Subcarboniferous (St. Louis); Illinois. Megalichthys angustus Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 99. (Rhizodus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 787. Hitchcock, C. H. 1868 B. (Rhizodus. ) Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 875, figure. (Rhizodus.) Newberry, J. S. 1868 A, p. 145. (Rhizodus.) 1873 A, p. 342, pi. xxxix, fig. 6. (Rhizodus.) 1889 A, p. 192. (Rhizodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 348. (Rhizodus.) Coal-measures; Ohio. Megalichthys incurvus (Newb. ). Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 99. ( Rhizodus. ) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 787. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 348. (Rhizodus.) Coal-measures; Ohio. Megalichthys lancifer (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 99. (Rhizodus.) Dawson, J. W. 1863 D, p. 11. (Rhizodus.) 1868 A, p. 210, fig. 56a. (R. lancifer?.) 1878 A, p. 210, fig. 56a. (Rhizodus. , 1894 A, p. 269. (Rhizodus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 787. Lesley, J. P. 1889,A, p. 876, figure. (Rhizodus.) Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 342, pi. xxxix, fig. 9. (Rhizodus.) 1889 A, p. 192. (Rhizodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 348. (Rhizodus.) Coal-measures; Ohio. RABDIOLEPIS Emmons. Type R. spedosa Emmons. Emmons, E. 1857 A, p. 45. 1860 A, p. 183. Babdiolepis speciosa Emmons. Emmons, E. 1857 A, p. 45, fig. 17. Cope, E. D. 1875 V, p. 30. (Rhabdolepis.) Emmons, E. 1860 A, p. 183, fig. 161. WheaUey, C. M. 1861 A, p. 44. (Radiolepis). Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 354. Triassic (Chatham); North Carolina, Penn- sylvania?. STREPSODUS Young. Type Holoptychius sauroides Binney. Young, J. 1866 B, p. 602. Barkas, T. P. 1873 A, p. 32, figs. 113-119 (Strepso- dus); pp. 75, 94, figs. 194,223,224 (Labyrintho- dontosaurus). Hancock and Atthey 1868 A, p. 353. 1870 A. Ward, J. 1890 A, p. 160. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 348. "Young J. 1856 B, p. 601, fig. 7. (Dendroptychius.) Strepsodus arenosus Hay. Hay, 0. P. 1900 A, p. 113, fig. 3. Subcarboniferous; Pennsylvania. Strepsodus dawsoni Hay. Hay, 0. P. 1900 A, p. 114. Dawson, J. W. 1868 A, p. 210, fig. 56ft. (Rhizodus lancifer, part.) 1878 A, p. 210, fig. 566. (R. lancifer, part.) Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. Strepsodus hardingi (Dawson). Dawson, J. W. 1868 A, p. 255, fig. lla-d. (Rhizo- dus.) Dana, J. D. 1888 A. (Rhizodus.) Dawson, J. W. 1878 A, p. 255, fig. Tia-d. (Rhizo- dus.) Hay, O. P. 1900 A, p. 111. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 876, figure. (Rhizodus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 353. Subcarboniferous; Nova Scotia. RHIZODOPSIS Young. Type Holoptychius granulaius Salter, Young, J. 1866 B, p. 5%. Barkas, T. P. 1873 A, p. 23, figs. 59-69 (Rhizo- dopsis); p. 38, figs 143, 144 (Orthognathus, type O. reticulosus) . Hancock and Atthey 1868 A, p. 349. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 970. Owen R. 1867 B, p. 325 (Dittodus, part); p. 35i (Ganalodus part); p. 366 (Characodus) ; p. 370 (Gastrodus). Roemer, F. 1865 A. (Rhizodus, part.) CATALOGUE. 361 Truquair, R. H. 1881 B, p. 169. Wind, J. 1S90 A, p. 161, pi. viii, figs. 5-7. \Villiamson, W. C. 1849 A, p. 457, pi. xlii, 21-23. (Holoptychius, part.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 354. Young, J. 1866 B, p. 596, fig. 8. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 181. Rhizodopsis ? mazonius Hay. Hay, O. P. 1900 A, p. 110. Coal-measures, Illinois. CCELOSTEUS Newb. Type C. ferox Newb. .\V irhi rri/, J. S. 1887 B. Cope, E. D. 1890 H. Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 714. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 188. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 346. Ccelosteus ferox Newb. Kewbeiry, J. S.1887B. Cope, E. D. 1888 P. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 190, pi. xxxv, figs. 1-1. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 34G. Subcarboniferous (St. Louis) : Illinois. SAURIPTERIS Hall. Type S. taylori Hall. Halt, J. 1843 A, p. 282. 1840, Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv., N. Y.,4th dist., p. 453. (Sauritolepis, nom. nud.) 1843 A, p. 282, footnote. (Sauritolepis.) Newben-y, J. S. 1873 A, pp. 271, 272. (Holopty- chius" and Bothriolepis?.) Woo-hvurd, A. S. 1890 A, p. 393. 1891 A, p. 364. (Sauripterus.) Sauripteris taylori Hall. Hall, J. 1843 A, p. 282, text figs. 130 ', 131. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, pp. 271, 272. (Holopty- chius ? and Bothriolepis ?.) 1889 A. p. 113. (Sauripterus.) Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 94 (Bothriolepis); p. 286, figure (Holoptychius); Errata, p. xi (Saurip- teris). Whiteaves, J. F. 1880 A, p. 133. Whitfield and Hovey, 1900 A, p. 348. Williams, H. S. 1887 A, p. 101. (Sauropterus.) Woodward, A. S. 1890 A, p. 393. 1891 A, p. 365. Devonian (Catskill); Pennsylvania. EUSTHEXOPTERON Whiteaves. Type E. foordii Whiteaves. Whiteares, J. F. 1881 A, p. 495. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 597. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 970. Traquair, R. H. 1900 B, p. 517. Whiteaves, J. F. 1883 A, p. 354. 1883 B, p. 161. 1881 C, p. 30. 1899 A, p. 411. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 361. 1898 B, p. 76. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 180. Eusthenopteron foordii Whiteaves. Whiteaves, J. F. 1881 A, p. 495. Bridge, T. W. 18% A, p. 588. Cope, E. D. 1892 N, p. 280, fig. 1. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 618, fig. 971. Dean, B. 1895 A, p. 152, fig. 154. Jaekel, 0. 1892 A, p. 91. 18% A, p. 8. Traquair, R. H. 1890 A, p. 17. 1893 C, p. 266. 1893 D, p. 124. Whiteaves, J. F. 1883. A, p. 354. 1883 B, p. 161. 1881 C, p. 31, text fig. 1889 A, p. 78, pi. v, fig. 5; pis. vi, vii; p. 91, pi. x, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 362. 1898 B, p. 77, fig. 58. Upper Devonian; Province of Quebec, Canada. OSTEOLEPID^E. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1835), ii, p. 117. (Osteolepis.) I Pander, C. H. 1860 A. (" Saurodipterinen.") 1844 B, p. 50. (Osteolepis.) Collinge. W. E. 1893 A, p. 5. Cope. E. D. 1889 R, p. 856. Huxley. T. II. 1861 B. (Saurodipterini.) Klaatsch, H. 18% A, p. 318. (" Rhombodipte- rinen.") Liitken, C. 1873 A, p. 33. (Rhombodipterini.) McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 585. (Saurodipteridse. ) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 971. (Rhom- bodipterini.) Rohon, J. V. 1892 A, p. 29. 1899 B, p. 13. (' Osteolepiden.") Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 562. (Rhom- bodipteridse.) Traquair, R. H. 1891 A, p. 127. 1900 B, p. 517. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 367. 1898 B, p. 77. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 183. (Rhombodipterini.) 362 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. PAEABATRACHUS Owen. Type P. colei Owen. Owen, R. 1853 D, p. 67. Unless otherwise indicated the following authorities use for this genus the name Mega- lichthys. Nevertheless, the name Megalichthys was originally based on materials belonging to a different genus and species. See p. 359. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, ii, pt. ii, pp. 89, 154. (Not Mega- lichthysof 1836.) Barkas, T. P. 1873 A, p. 35. Cope, E. D. 1880 A, p. 52. (Ectosteorhachls.) 1883 H, p. 628. (Ectosteorhachis.) 1891 B, p. 457. Gaudry, A. 1883 A, p. 234. Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 788. (Parabatrachus.) Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 12. 1863 A, p. 67. (Parabatrachus.) Klaatech, H. 1890 A, p. 220. McCoy, F. 1848 A, p. 3. (Centrodus, type C. stria- tutus, preoccupied.) Miall, L. C. 1884 A. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 596. (Ectosteorachis.) Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, pp. 256,343. 1889 A, p. 215. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 970, 972. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 179. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 227. Roemer, F. 1865 A. Traquair, R. H. 1881 B, p. 178. 1884 A. Wellburn, E. D. 1900 A, p. 52. Williamson, W. C. 1849 A, p. 456, pi. xlii, figs. 16-19. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 378. 1892 B, p. 233. Young, J. 1866 B. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A. p. 184. Parab'atrachus ciceronius (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1883 H, p. 628. (Ectosteorhachis.) 1883 P. (Ectosteorhachis.) 1888 BB, p. 286. (Ectosteorhachis.) 1891 B, p. 457. (Megalichthys.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 788. Wellburn, E. D. 1900 A, p. 60. (Megalichthys.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 388. (Megalichthys.) Permian; Texas. Parabatrachus macropomus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1892 L, p. 226, pi. viii. (Megalich- thys.) Cope, E. D. 1894 F, pi. xix, fig. 1. (Megalichthys.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 788. Carboniferous; Kansas. Parabatrachus maxillaris (Agassiz). This species is known in all scientific works as Megalichthys hibberti. The earliest specific name available is, however, maxiUaris. Most of the authors here cited use the name M. hibberti. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, ii, pt. ii, pp. 89-%, pis; Ixiii, Ixiii a, Ixiv (M. hibberti); p. 96 (M. maxillaris). Cope, E. D. 1880 A, p. 58. Fleming, J., 1835, Edinb. New Phil. Jour., xix, p. 314, pi. iv, figs. 1-3. ( Ichthyolithus clackmann- ensis. 1 Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 788. (P. maxillaris.) Miall, L. C. 1884 A, p. 347, figs. 1-4, 6. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 343, pi. xl, fig. 3. ("Megalichthys.") 1889 A, p. 215. Traquair, R. H. 1884 A. Ward, J. 1890 A, p. 162, pi. Wellburn, E. D. 1900 A, p. 52, pis. xiv-xvli, xix. Whiteaves, J. F. 1881 D, p. 36. (Psammodus bre- tonensis.) Williamson, W. C. 1849 A, p. 450, pi. xli, fig. 15; pi. xlii, figs. 16-19. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, pp. 378, 388. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 117. Young, J. 1866 B. Coal-measures; Great Britain, Cape Breton Island. Scales and bones not distinguishable as different have been found in Ohio and in Nova Scotia. Parabatrachus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1880 A, p. 62. (Ectosteorhachis.) 1888 B B, p. 286. (E. nitidus.) 1891 B, p. 457, pi. xxxii, figs. 8, 9. (Mega- lichthys.) 1891 C. (Megalichthys.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 788. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 388. (Megalichthys.) Permian; Texas. GLYPTOPOMUS Agassiz. Type G. minor Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1844 B, p. 57. Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 4. 1866 A, p. 3. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 193. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 389. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 391. Glyptopomus sayrei Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1878 A, p. 189. 1889 A, p. 116, pi. xviil, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 390. Devonian (Catskill); Pennsylvania. ONYCHODONTID.E. | Rohon, J. V. 1899 A, p. 60. 1 Ichthyolithus was not regarded as a generic name. HAY.] CATALOGUE. OXYCHODUS Newb. Type O. sigmoides Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1857 C, p. 124. Claypole, E. W. 18% B, p. 364. Eastman, C. R. 1900 B, p. 36. 1900 C, p. 392. Jaekel, 0. 1893 B, p. 175. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 602. Newberry, J. S. 1857 A, p. 148. 1862 A, p. 77, fig. 3. 1870 B, p. 152. 1873 A, pp. 256, 264, 265, 273 1888 B, p. 118. 1889 A, p. 53. Newton, E. T. 1892 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, Rohon, J. V., 1899 A, p. 60. Woodward, A. 1890 A, p. 391. 1891 A, p. 392. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 179. Onychodus ortoni Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 71, pi. xix, figs. 1, la. 1888 B, p. 118. (Insufficient description.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 393. Devonian (Huron shale); Ohio. Onychodus sigmoides Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1857 C, p. 124. (0. sigmoides, O. hopkinsi.) Eastman, C. R. 1899 B. pp. 278, 287. 1899 F, p. 321, figs. 2, 3. Hitchcock, Fanny R, 1888 A. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 497, figures. 1892 A, pi. cl. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 603, figs. 1150, 1151. Newberry, J. S. 1862 A, p. 77, fig. 3. (O. hopkinsi.) 1873 A, pp. 265, 299, pi. xxvi, figs. 1-5; pi. xxvii, figs. 1, 2 (O. sigmoides) ; pp. 270, 302 (O. hopkinsi). 1888 B, p. 118. (O. sigmoides, O. hopkinsi.) 1889 A, p. 56, pi. xxxvi, figs. 1-4; pi. xxxvii, figs. 1-10 (O. sigmoides); p. 99 (O. hop- kinsi). Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 329 (O. sigmoides); p. 393 (O. hopkinsi). Devonian (Corniferous); Ohio, New York: (Chemung); New York. O. sigmoides and O. hopkinsi are united on the authority of Dr. C. R. Eastman. Onychodus sp. indet. Whiteaves, J. F. 1892 A, p. 356. (No description.) Devonian; Manitoba. Order ACTINISTIA Cope. Cope, E. D. 1887 O, p. 1017. 1889 R, p. 855. 1891 B, p. 460. 1891 E. Cope, E. D. 1891 N, p. 19. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 394. 1898 B, p. 78. CCELACANTHID^E. Agassiz, L.1843 B, 18 ii, pt. ii, p. 168. ("Celacan- thes.") 1844 B, p. 59. ("Celacanthes.") 1846 A, p. 45. (" Celacanthes.") Cope, E. D. 1877 N, p. 56. 1878 A, p. 293. 1889 R, p. 855. Dollo, L. 18% A. Gegenbaur, C. 1895 B. Gunther, A. 1872 A, p. 559. 1880 A, p. 365. 1881 A, p. 687. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 136. (Ccelacanthini.) Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 15. (Ccelacanthini.) 1866 A. (Ccelacanthini.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 128. (Coelacanthini.) King, W. 1850 A, p. 235. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 589. (Ccelacanthi.) Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 255. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 972. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 131. (Ccelacanthi.) Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 141. ("Celacanthes.") Reis, O. M. 1888 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 562. Vetter, B. 1881 A, p. 9. (Ccelacanthini.) Willemoes-Suhm, R. 1869 A. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 394. 1892 E. 1898 B, p. 78. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 171. (Ccelacanthini.) CCELACANTHUS Agassiz. Type C. granulatus Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, Feuill (1836), p. 83; ii (1843), pt. ii, p. 170. 1843 B, ii, pt. ii, p. 178. (Hoplopygus.) 1844 A. Cope, E. D. 1873 O, p. 341. (Conchiopsis, with C. filiferus as type = Coelacanthus elegans.) Heckel, J. J. 1850 A, p. 362. Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 16. 1866 A, p. 8. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 592. Newberry, J. S. 1868 A, p. 144. 1873 A, pp. 285, 337. 1873 B. (On Conchiopsis.) 1874 E, p. 76. (On Conchiopsis.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 973. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 141. Reis, O. M. 1888 A, p. 71. (Rhabdoderma.) Vetter, B. 1881 A, p. 9. 364 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Ward. , I. 1890 A, p. 168. Winckk-r, T. C. 1871 A. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 399. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 39. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 171. Ccelacanthus elegans Newb. \,'irl rnj, J. S. 186C B, p. 98. Cope, E. D. 1873 O, p. 342. (Conchiopsis filiferus, C. anguliferus.) 1873 Q, p. 418. Dean, B. 1895 A, p. 153, fig. 155. Hancock and Atthey 1872, p. 256, pi. xvii, fig. 4. (C. lepturus.) Hay, O. 1'. 1900 A, p. 116. Huxley, T. H. 1866 A, pp. 14, 20, pi. v, figs. 1, 2, 4 (C.elegans); p. 16, pi. ii, figs. 1-4; pi. iii, figs. 1-3; pi. iv, figs. 1-6 (C. lepturus). Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 592, fig. 1112. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 339, pi. xl, figs. 1-1(7. 1873 B. 1873 D, p. 30. 1874 E, p. 76. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 213. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 403. Coal-measures; Ohio. Ccelacanthus ornatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 98. Huxley, T. H. 1866 A, p. 14. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 340. 1889 A, p. 227. Reis, O. M. 1888 A, p. 5. (Rhabdoderma.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 406. Coal-measures; Ohio. Ccelacanthus robustus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 98. Hay, O. P. 1900 A, p. 115. Huxley, T. H. 1866 A, p. 14. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 341, pi. xl, figs. 2, 2a. 1889 A, p. 228. Reis, O. M. 1888 A, pp. 5,71. (Rhabdoderma.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 406. Coal-measures; Ohio, Illinois. PEPLORHINA Cope. Type P. anthracina Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 O, p. 343. 1873 Q, p. 418. 1875 D, p. 409. Newberry, J. S. 1874 E, p. 76. Nicholson and L/dekker 1889 A, p. 969. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 408. Peplorhina anthracina Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 O, p. 343. 1873 Q, p. 418. 1876 D, p. 410, pi. xxxv, fig. 6; pi. xli, figs. 4-6. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 622, figures. Newberry, J. S. 1873 B. 1874 E, p. 76. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 408. Coal-measures; Ohio. Peplorhina arctata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 N, p. 54. Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 707. Cope, E. D. 1882 B, p. 461. ( " Theromorphous saurian.") Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 408. Permian; Illinois. Peplorhina exanthematica Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 O, p. 342. (Conchiopsis.) 1873 Q, p. 418. Newberry, J. S. 1873 B. (Syn. of P. anthracina.) 1S74 E, p. 76. (Syn. of P. anthracina.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 408. Coal-measures; Ohio. DIPLURUS Newb. Type D, longicaudatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1878 B. Dean, B. 1893 D. 1895 A, p. 153. Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 70. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 973. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 409. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 174. Diplurus longicaudatus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1878 B. Bridge, T. W. 18% A, p. 588. Dean, B. 1893 B. 1895 A, p. 154, fig. 156. Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 74, pi. xx, figs. 1-5. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 409. Triassic; New Jersey, Connecticut. Superordcr ACTING PTERT Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 325. 1877 N, p. 56. 1877 O, p. 41. 1878 A, p. 293. 1887 O, p. 1017. (Actlnopterygia.) 1889 R, p. 855. (Actinopterygia.) 1891 B, p. 459. (Actinopterygia.) 1891 N, pp. 19, 21. (Actinopterygia.) Cope, E. D. 1898 B, pp. 30, 33. (Actinopterygia.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 7. (Actinopterygia.) Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Reis, O. M. 1897 A, p. 130. ("Actinopteryj;iiT.") Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 423. 1895 A. (Actinopterygia.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 365 Order CHONDROSTEI Muller. Uiilli r. .T. 1846 C. Agassi/. L. 1843 B (1833), ii, pt. i, pp. 1, 2, 3, 10. ("Lepidoides," in part; "Sauroides," in part.) Beard, J. 1890 A, p. 182. Bridge, \V. J. 1879 A. Cope, E. D. 1880 P. (Lysopteri.) 1872 C, p. 327. 1877 N, p. 57. 1877 O, p. 41. 1878 A, p. 293. 1887 O, p. 1017. (Podopterygia, in part.) 1889 R, pp. 866, 856 (Podopterygia, in part); p. 857 (Lysopteri). 1891 B, p. 459 (Podopterygia, in part); p. 460 (Lysopteri). 1891 E. (Podopterygia, in part; Lysopteri.) 1891 N, pp. 19, 20. (Podopterygia.) 1898 B, pp. 30, 32. (Podopterygia.) Egerton, P. G. 1859 B. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 8. Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 22. (Chondroganoidei.) 1893 A, p. 130. Goette, A. 1878 A, p. 442. Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 332. 1880 A, p. 360. 1881 A, p. 687. Haeckel, E. 1855 A, p. 249. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 128. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 102. Klaatsch, H. 1890 A, p. 146. Ryder, J. A. 1886 A. Stannius, H. 1854 A. Thacher, J. K. 1877 A. 1877 B. Traquair, R. H. 1879 A, p. 380. (Acipenseroidei.) 1877 B. 1887 A. Woodward, A. S. 1889 H, p. 43. 1891 A, pp. v, 423. 1895 A, p. v. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 163 (Chondrostei); p. 186 (Heterocerci). Zograf, N. 18% A. Bridge, \V. J. 1879 A, p. 723. Cope. E. D. 1889 R, p. 858. 1891 E. Fritsch. A. 1895 A, pp. 83, 122. Gunther, A. 1880 A, p. 369. 1881 A, p. 687. Kosmak, G. W. 1895 A, p. 20. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 976. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 136. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 565. Traquair, R. H. 1877 B. 1891 A, p. 128. Vogt, C. 1852, Zool. Briefe., ii. (Pals-eoniscida.) Woodward, A. S. 1889 H, p. 43. 1891 A, p. 425. 1893 E, p. 450. 1895 A, p. vi. 1898 B, p. 82. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 188. GONATODUS Traquair. Type G. punctatus (Agassiz). Trw^air, R. H. 1877 A, p. 555. 1890 F, p. 399. (Gonatodus, Drydenius?) Ward, J. 1890 A, p. 178. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 434. Gonatodus brainerdi (Thomas). Tlinuia*, IF. //. B. 1853, Cleveland Times, Sept. 14, as Palseoniscum brainerdi (^rieJ.S.Newberry). Brainerd, 1852 A, p. 18, figs. 1-3. ("Palaeo- niscus.") Hitchcock, C. H. 1868 B, p. 187. (Paleeoniwms; no description.) Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 684, figure. (Palseoniscus.) Newberry, J. S. 1862 A, p. 78. (Palseoniscus.) 1868 A, p. 145. (Palaeoniscus.) 1873 A, pp. 281, 346. (Palseoniscus.) 1889 A, p. 125, pi. xxxiv, figs. 1, 2. (Gona- todus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 436. Devonian (Bereagrit); Ohio. AMBLYPTERUS Agassiz. Type A. latus Agassiz. Ar/fiKtiz, L. 1843 B (1833), ii, pp. 3, 28. 1844 A. Eichwald, E. 1860 A, p. 1587. Fritsch, A. 1S95 A, p. 94. Martin, K. 1873 A, p. 720. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 687. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 181. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 225. 1885 A, p. 345. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 566. Traquair, R. H. 1867 A. 1877 A. Traquair, R. H. 1877 B. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 437. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 189, 192. Amblypterus Carolines nom. nov. Cope, E. D. 1875 V, p. 30. (A. ornatus.) Emmons, E. 1857 A, p. 44, fig. 16. (A. ornatus, not of Giebel.) 1860 A, p. 183, fig. 1611-s. ( A . ornatus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 448. (A. ornatus.) Triassic; North Carolina. 366 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. HAPLOLEPIS S. A. Miller. Type E. corrugata (Newb.). Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 716. Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 791. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 597 (Eurylepis); p. 602 (Mecolepis). Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 96. (Mecolepis, pre- occupied.) 1857 B, p. 150. (Eurylepis, preoccupied.) 1857 B. (Eurylepis.) 1868 A, p. 144. (Eurylepis.) 1873 A, p. 347. (Eurylepis.) 1889 A, p. 212. (Eurylepis.) Traquair, R. H. 1894 B, p. 373. (Eurylepis.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 448. (Eurylepis.) Zittel, K. A. 1891 A, p. 192. (Eurylepis.) Haplolepis corrugata (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 96. (Mecolepis.) Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 715. Newberry, J. S. 1857 B. (Eurylepis.) 1873 A, pp. 138,350, pi. xxxviii, figs. 4,4a. (Eurylepis.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 450. (Eurylepis.) Coal-measures; Ohio. Haplolepis granulata (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 97. (Mecolepis granula- tus, M. insculptus.) Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 715. Newberry, J. S. 1857 B, p. 150. (Eurylepis granu- latus, E. insculptus.) 1873 A, p. 352, pi. xxxix, figs. 2-2o, (Eury- lepis insculpta.); figs. 5-5a (Eurylepis granulata). Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 449. Coal-measures; Ohio. Haplolepis minima (Newb.). Newbefry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 353, pi. xxxix, fig. 3. (Eurylepis.) Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 715. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 450. (Eurylepis.) Coal-measures; Ohio. Haplolepis ornatissima (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 97. (Mecolepis.) Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 715. Newberry, J. S. 1857 B, p. 150. (Eurylepis.) 1873 A, p. 352, pi. xxxix, figs. 4,4a. (Eury- lepis.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 450. (Eurylepis.) Coal-measures; Ohio. Haplolepis ovoidea (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 97. (Mecolepis.) Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 715. Newberry, J. S. 1857 B, p. 150. (Eurylepis.) 1873 A, p. 351, pi. xxxix, fig. 1. (Eurylepis.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 450. (Eurylepis.) Coal-measures; Ohio. Haplolepis serrata (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 97. (Mecolepis.) Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 715. Newberry, J. S. 1857 B, p. 150. (Eurylepis.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 450. (Eurylepis.) Coal-measures; Ohio. Haplolepis striolata (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 355. (Eurylepis). Miller, S. A. 1892 A, p. 715. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 450. (Eurylepis.) Coal-measures; Ohio. Haplolepis tuber culat a (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 96. (Mecolepis.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 597, fig. 1130. (Eurylepis.) 1892 A, p. 715. Newberry, J. S. 1857 B, p. 150. (Eurylepis.) 1873 A, p. 350, pi. xxxviii, figs. 2-3o. (Eury- lepis.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 449. (Eurylepis.) Coal-measures; Ohio. CHEIROLEPIS Agassiz. Type C. traillii Agassiz. Agassis, L. 1843 B (1835), pt. ii, p. 128. 1844 B, p. 44. Eichwald, E. 1860 A, p. 1573. Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 39. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 580. (Chirolepis.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 589. (Chirolepis.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 977. Pander, C. H. 1860 A, p. 69. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 190. Powrie, J. 1867 A. Reis, O. M. 18% A, p. 187. Traquair 1875 A. 1888 B, p. 516. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 451. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 31. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 188. Cheirolepis canadensis Whiteaves. Whiteaves, J. F. 1881 C, p. 33. Cope, E. D. 1881 L, p. 253. (C. cummingae?) Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 618, fig. 974. Traquair, R. H. 1890 A, p. 20. Whiteaves, J. F. 1881 A, p. 4%. 1883 A, p. 355. 1883 D, p. 33. 1889 A, p. 90. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 457. Upper Devonian; Province of Quebec, HAY.] CATALOGUE. 367 RHADINICHTHYS Traquair. Type R. ornatissimus Agassiz. Traquair, R. H. 1877 A, p. 558. Collinge, W. E. 1893 A, p. 7. Traquair, R. H. 1881 A, p. 25. Ward, J. 1890 A, p. 175. Wellburn, E. D. 1900 B, p. 260. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 461. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 193. Bhadinichthys alberti (Jackson). Jackson, C. T. 1851 B, p. 22, pi. i, fig. 1. niscus.) Dawson, J. W. 1868 A, p. 231, fig. 62. (Palseoniscus alberti?) 1877 A, p. 338. 1878 A, supplement, p. 100. (Palaeoniscus.) Egerton, P. G. 1853 A. (Palaeoniscus.) Jackson, C. T. 1851 A, p. 138. (Palaeoniscus.) Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 584, figure. (Palaeoniseus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 611, fig. 1172. Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 187. (Palaeoniscus.) Traquair, R. H. 1877 A, p. 559. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 465. Subcarboniferous; New Brunswick. Bhadinichthys cairnsii (Jackson). Jackson, C. T. 1851 B, p. 23, pi. i, fig. 3. (Palaeo- niscus.) Dawson, J. W. 1877 A, p. 339. 1878 A, supplement, p. 100. ( Palseoniscus. ) Egerton, P. G. 1853 A. (Palaeoniscus.) Jackson, C. T. 1851 A, p. 139. (Palaeoniscus.) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 187. (Palaeoniscus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 465. Subcarboniferous; New Brunswick. Bhadinichthys gracilis (Newb. and Worth). Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 347, pi. iii, fig. 4. (Palaeoniscus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 469. Coal-measures; Illinois. Bhadinichthys leidyianus (Lea). Lea, 1. 1853 B, p. 206, pi. xx, figs. 4, 6. (Palseonis- cus.) Amer. Jour, Science 1852 B. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 469. Coal-measures; Pennsylvania. Bhadinichthys? lineatus (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 97. (Mecolepis.) 1857 B. (Eurylepis.) 1873 A, p. 353, pi. xxxix, figs. 7, 7a. (Eury- lepis.) 1889 A, p. 228. (Rhadinichthys?.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 450. (Eurylepis?.) Coal-measures; Ohio. Bhadinichthys modulus (Dawson). Dawson, J. W. 1877 A, p. 337, fig. 1. [Palaeoniscus (Rhadinichthys).] 1878 A, supplement, p. 99, fig. 18. [P. (Rhadi- nichthys).] Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 187. (Palaeoniscus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 466. Subcarboniferous; New Brunswick. PYGOPTERUS Agassiz. Type P. humboldti Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1833), ii, pt. i, p. 10; ii, pt. pp. 74, 152 (1844). 1844 A. Barkas, W. J. 1878 C, pp. 205, 207. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 608. Martin, K. 1873 A, p. 722. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 611. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 179. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 226. 1885 A, p. 347. Traquair, R. H. 1867 A. 1875 B. 1877 A. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 470. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 194. Pygopterus humboldti ' Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, ii, pt. i (1833), p. 10 (P. hum- boldti); pt. ii (1844), p. 74, pis. liv, Iv (P. hum- boldti); p. 76, pis. liii, liiia (P. mandibularis) . Lea, 1. 1856 C, p. 78. (P. mandibularis.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 611, fig. 1171. (P. man- dibularis.) Wheatley, C. M. 1861 A, p. 44. ( P. mandibularis. ) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 470. Permian; Europe: Triassic; Pennsylvania?. PAL^EONISCUM Blainv. Type P. freiesleb&ii Blainv. BlainvUle, H. M. D., 1818, Nouv. Diet, d' Hist. Nat., vol. xxvii, p. 320. The following authorities, unless otherwise indicated, call this genus Palseoniscus. The original form .was Palseoniscum. Agassiz, L. 1843 (1833) B, ii, pt. i, pp. 4, 41. 1844 A. 1851 B. Barkas, W. J. 1878 C, p. 207. Egerton, P. G. 1849 B, p. 4. Eichwald, E. 1860 A, p. 1581. Hancock and Atthey 1868 A, p. 358, pi. xv, figs. 3-5; pi. xvi, figs. 1, 2. Koninck, L. G. de 1844 A, p. 608. (Palaeoniscum.) Kosmak, G. W. 1895 A, p. 20. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 605. Martin, K. 1873 A, p. 700, pi. xxii. Miller, S. A. 1889 A. p. 604. 1 This species, under the name P. mandibularis, was reported with doubt by Lea from the Triassic of Pennsylvania. The scales there found probably belong to some other species. FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 344. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 977. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 69. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 184. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 223. 1885 A, p. 343. Rcdfleld, W. C. 1841 A, p. 25. 1856 A, p. 36. Rohon, J. V. 1889 A, p. 10. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 566. Traquair, R. H. 1877 A Williamson, W. C. 1849 A, p. 445, pi. xl, fig. 7; pi. xli, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 476. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 190. Palseoniscum antiquum Williams. Williams, H. U. 1886 A, p. 84, fig. 2. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 485. Devonian (Portage); New York. Palaeoniscum devonicum Clarke. Clarke, J. M. 1885 A, pp. 20, 41, pi. i, figs. 2-6. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 585, figures. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 485. Devonian (Genesee) ; New York. Palseoniscum reticulatum Williams. Williams, H. U. 1886 A, p. 86, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 485. Devonian (Portage); New York. Palseoniscum scutigerum Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1868 A, p. 145. (No description.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1868 B, p. 186. (No description.) Coal-measures; Ohio. TEGEOLEPIS S. A. Miller. Type Actinophorus clarkii Newb. MUler, S. A. 1892 A, p. 717. Claypole, E. W. 1895 F. (Actinophorus. ) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 791. Newberry, J. S. 1888 D, p. 179. (Actinophorus, type A. clarkii; preoccupied.) 1889 A, p. 174. (Actinophorus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 486. (Actinophorus.) Tegeolepis clarkii (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1888 D, p. 179. (Actinophorus.) Claypole, E. W. 1895 F. (Actinophorus.) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 175, pi. xlix, fig. 1. (Ac- tinophorus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 487. (Actinophorus.) Devonian (Cleveland shale); Ohio. ELONICHTHYS Giebel. Type E. germari Giebel. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 249. Traquair, R. H. 1877 A, p. 553. (Cosmoptychius.) 1877 B, p. 42 (Cosmoptychius); p. 47 (Elon- ichthys). Ward, J. 1890 A, p. 171. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 487. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 48 (Cosmo- ptychius); p. 73 (Elonichthys). Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 190. Elonichthys browni (Jackson). Jackson, C. T. 1851 B, p. 22, pi. i, fig. 2. (Palseo- niscus. ) Dawson, J. W. 1877 A," p. 339. [Palaeoniscus (Elon- ichthys) brownii.] 1878 A, supplement p. 101. [Palaeoniscus (Elonichthys) brownii.] Jackson, C. T. 1851 A. p. 139. (Palseoniscus.) Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 187. Traquair, R. H. 1877 A, p. 553. (Elonichthys.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 501.. Subcarboniferous; New Brunswick. Elonichthys elegans ( Emmons) . Emmons, E. 1860 A, p. 191, fig. 167 1 - 2 . (Rabdio- lepis.) Leidy, J. 1876 B. (Rhabdolepis elegans?) 1876 D. (Rabdiolepis elegans?) Mesozoic; N. Carolina, Pennsylvania. Elonichthys hypsilepis Hay. Hay, 0. P. 1900 A, p. 117 (E. peltigerus?) ; p. 120 (E. hypsilepis); pi. vii (E. peltigerus hypsilepis). Coal-measures; Illinois. Elonichthys macropterus (Agassiz). Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1833), ii, pt. i, pp. 4, 31; pi. i, figs. 4-7; pi. iii, figs. 1-4. (Amblypterus.) Goldfuss, A. 1847 A, p. 20, pi. v, figs. 1-8. (Am- blypterus.) Hay, O. P. 1900 A, p. 120. (Syn.? of E. hypsilepis. ) ? Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 348. (Ambly- pterus.) Traquair, R. H. 1877 A, p. 552. 1877 B, pi. ii, fig. 6. (Rhabdolepis.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 491. Coal-measures; Europe, Illinois? Elonichthys peltigerus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 98. Hay, O. P. 1900 A, p. 117. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 585, figure. (Palaeoniscus.) 1895 A, pi. dlxx. (Palseoniscus. ) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 605, fig. 1155. (Palaeoniscus.) Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 345, pi. xxxviii, figs. 1-lb. Newberry and Worthen 1866 A, p. 17, fig. 1. (Pa- lseoniscus. ) Traquair, R. H. 1877 A, p. 553. 1877 B, p. 47. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 489. Coal-measures; Ohio, Illinois, Indiana. IAT.] CATALOGUE. ACROLEPIS Agassiz. Type A. sedgwicki Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, ii, pt. i, p. 11 (1833); ii, pt. ii; . p. 79(1844). 1844 A. Barkas, W. J. 1878 C, p. 207. Eichwald, E. 1860 A, p. 1577. Fritsch, A. 1895 A, p. 115. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 609. Martin, K. 1873 A, p. 717. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 587. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 180. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 226. 1885 A, p. 346. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 501. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 191. Acrolepis ? hortonensis Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1868 A, p. 254, fig. 77 e,f. 1877 A, p. 339. ( Palseoniscus jaeksoni.) 1878 A, p. 255, fig. 77 e,f. (A. ? hortonensis); supplement, p. 101 (Palseoniscus jack- son!). Newberry, J. S. 1889 A, p. 187. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 508. Subcarboniferous; New Brunswick. PLATYSOMID^E. Young, J. 1866 A, p. 316. Bridge, W. J. 1879 A, p. 723. Cope, E. D. 1880 P. 1891 E. Giinther, A. 1880 A, p. 370. 1881 A, p. 687. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 979. Steinmann and Doderlein 1390 A, p 567. Traquair, R. H. 1879 A. 1891 A, p. 129. 1896 A, p. 125. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 527. (Platysomatidse.) 1898 B, p. 87. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 197. CHIRODUS McCoy. Type C. pes-ranse McCoy. McCoy, F. 1848 A, p. 130. Davis, J. W., 1884, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., xl, p. 620. (Hemicladodus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 589. . Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 268. Rohon, J. V. 1898 A. Traquair, R. H. 1878 A, p. 15. (Cheirodus.) Ward, J. 1890 A, p. 183. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 535. (Cheirodus.) Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 30. (Cheiro- dus.) Young, J. 1866 A, p. 306. (Amphicentrum.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 199. (Cheirodus.) Chirodus acutus Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1856 B, p. 99. (Cheirodus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 589. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 540. (Cheirodus.) Coal-measures; Ohio. PLATYSOMUS Agassiz. Type P. gibbosus Agassiz. Agassis, L. 1843 B (1835), ii, pt. i, pp. 6, 161. 1844 A. Collinge, W. E. 1893 A, p. 9. Egerton, P. G. 1849 A. Heckel, J. J. 1850 A, p. 365. King, W. 1850 A, p. 228. Koninck, L. G. de 1878 A, p. 24. McCoy, F. 1855 A, p. 614. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 607. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 258. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 980. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 227. 1885 A, p. 347. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 208. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 567. Traquair, R. H. 1879 A. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 541. Young, J. 1866 A, p. 302. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 200. Platysomus circularis Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, p. 347, pi. *v, fig. 2. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 550. Coal-measures; Illinois. Platysomus lacovianus Cope. Ccpe, E. D. 1891 B, p. 462, pi. xxxi, fig. 11. Coal-measures; Illinois. Platysomus orbicularis Newb. and Worth. Newberry and Worthen 1870 A, pi. iii, fig. 1. (No description. ) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 550. Coal-measures; Illinois. Platysomus palmaris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 B, p. 460, pi. xxxiii, fig. 10. Permian; Indian Territory. TURSEODUS Leidy. Type T. acutus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1857 F, p. 167. Turseodus acutus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1857 F, p. 167. Bull. 179 24 Wheatley, C. M. 1861 A, p. 44. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 527. Triassic?; Pennsylvania. 370 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. DICTYOPYGID^:. Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 789. Woodward, A. S. 1890 C, p. 1. (Catopteridse.) 1890 D, p. 15. (Catopteridse.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, pp. vii, 1. (Catopteridse.) 1898 B, p. 87. (Catopteridse.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 202. (Stylodontidse, in part.) REDFIELDIUS Hay. Type Catopterus gracilis Redfield. Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 789. The following authors refer to this genus as Catopterus. This name is, however, preoccu- pied through Agassiz's use of it for what is now called Dipterm. Egerton, P. G. 1849 B, p. 8. 1853 B, p. 277. Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 50. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 983. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 187. Redfleld, J. H. 1837 A, p. 39. (Catopterus, type C. gracilis; not Catopterus of Agassiz, 1833.) Redfleld, W. C. 1841 A, p. 26. 1856 A. 1857 A. Traquair, R. H. 1877 A, p. 562. Woodward, A. S. 1890 D, p. 15. 1895 A, pp. vii, 1. 1898 B, p. 88. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 203. Bedfieldius anguilliformis (W. C. Red- field). Redfleld, W. C. 1841 A, p. 27. (Catopterus.) De Kay, J. E. 1842 B, p. 386. (Catopterus.) Egerton, P. G. 1849 B, p. 10. (Catopterus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 789. (Redfleldius.) Newberry, J. H. 1888 A, p. 59, pi. xviii, fig. 5. (Catopterus). Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 3. (Catopterus.) Tjiassic; Connecticut, New Jersey. Bedfieldius gracilis ( J. H. Redfield) . Redfleld, J. H. 1837 A, p. 39, pi. 1. (Catopterus.) The following authors, unless otherwise noted, put this species in Catopterus Redfield. "D. L. H." 1838 A, p. 199. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 751, fig. 1170. Davis, C. H. S. 1887 A. De Kay, J. E. 1842 B, p. 386. Egertou, P. G. 1849 B, p. 10. Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 789. (Redfieldius.) Hills, R. C. 1880 A. Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, pp. 440, 460. Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 55, pi. xvi, figs. 1-3. Redfield, W. C. 1838 B. ichusetts, New 1841 A, p. 27. 1857 A. Wheatley, C. M. 1861 A, p. 44. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 2. Triassic; Connecticut, M Jersey. Redfieldius minor (Newb. ). Neivberry J. S. 1888 A, p. 57, pi. xvii, figs. 1-4. (Catopterus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 789. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 3. (Catopterus.) Triassic; Connecticut. Bedfieldius ornatus (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 58, pi. xviii, figs. 3-36. (Catopterus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 789. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 3. (Catopterus.) Triassic; Connecticut. Bedfieldius parvulus(W. C. Redfield.). Redfleld, W. C. 1841 A, p. 28. (Catopterus.) De Kay, J. E. 1842 B, p. 386. (Catopterus.) Egerton, P. G. 1849 B, p. 10. (Catopterus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 789. Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 60, pi. xvi, figs. 4,5. (Catopterus.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 2. (Catopterus.) Triassic; Connecticut. Bedfieldius redfieldi (Egerton.). Egerton, P. G., in Lyell, C. 1847 B, p. 278. (Cato- pterus. ) 1849 B, p. 8. (Catopterus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 789. Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 53, pi. xv, figs. 1-3. (Catopterus.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 3. (Catopterus.) Triassic; Connecticut, New Jersey. DICTYOPYGE Egerton. Type D. macrura Redfield. Egerton, P. 6., in Lyell, C. 1847 B, p. 276. 1849 B, p. 8. 1853 B, p. 277. Emmons, E. 1856 A, p. 52. Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 61. Redfield, W. C. 1856 A, p. 361. Struver, J. 1864 A, p. 322. Traquair, R. H. 1877 A, p. 563. Woodward, A. S. 1890 D, p. 16. 1895 A, p. 4. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 88. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 203. Dictyopyge macrura (W.C.Redfield.). Redfleld, W. C. 1841 A, p. 27. (Catopterus.) De Kay, J. E. 1842 B, p. 386. (Catopterus.) Egerton, P. G., in Lyell, C. 1847 B, p. 275, pi. viii; pi. ix, fig. 1. Emmons, E. 1857 A, p. 52, pi. ix, figs. 1,2. (Cato- pterus.) CATALOGUE. 371 Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 64, pi. xviii, figs. 1, 2. Redfield, W. C. 1841 A, p. 27. (Catopterus.) 1856 A, p. 361. (Catopterus.) 1857 A, p. 185. (Catopterus.) Woodward, A. S. 1890 D, p. 16. 1895 A, p. 4, fig. 1. Triassic; Virginia. ACIPENSERID^E. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1844), ii, pt. ii, p. 277. ("Acci- penserides.") Bridge, W. J. 1879 A. 18% A, p. 534. Briihl, B. C. 1847 A. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 320. Davis, J. W. 1877 B. Egerton, P. G. 1859 B. Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Goldi, E. A. 1883 A. 1884 A. Goette, A. 1878 A, p. 442. Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 332. 1880 A, p. 360. 1881 A, p. 687. Hertwig, O. 1876 A, p. 373. Iwaiizow, N. 1887 A. (Scaphorhynchus.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 102. Klaatsch, H. 1890 A, p. 146. Kolliker, A. 1859 A. (Acipenserini.) Kostlin, O. 1844 A, p. 402. ("Stor.") Kosmak, G.. W. 1895 A, p. 11. Miiller, J. 1835 A. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 256. Parker, W. K. 1882 B. Pollard, H. B. 1892 A. Stannius, H. 1854 A. Thacher, J. K. 1877 A. 1877 B. Woodward, A. S. 1889 H. 1895 A, p. 42. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 163. ACIPENSER Linn. Type A. sturio Linn. Linnxus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 237. Allis, E. P. 1900 A, p. 274. Bridge, W. J. 1879 A. Briihl, B. C. 1847 A. Dean, B. 1895 A. Gadow and Abbott 1895 A. Gegenbaur, C. 1865 B, p. 95, pi. vi, fig. 1; pi. viii, figs. 2, 3. 1895 A, fig. 1. 1898 A. Goette, A. 1878 A, p. 442. Gunther, A. 1880 A, p. 361. Hay, O. P. 1895 A. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 121. Iwanzow, N. 1887 A. (On Scaphorhynchus.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 103. Kittary, M. 1850 A, p. 389, pis. vi, vii. Kolliker, A. 1860 B. Kostlin, O. 1844 A. Kosmak, G. W. 1895 A, p. 1, pis. xlvi-xlviii. Maggi, L. 1898 E, fig. 21. Metschnikofl, 0. 1879 A, pi. xxiv, figs. 1-7. Owen, R. 1866 A. Parker, W. K. 1868 A. 1882 B. Salensky, W. 1899 A, p. 178. Stannius, H. 1854 A. Stephan, P. 1900 A. Thacher, J. K. 1877 B, pi. i, figs. 1, 2. Van Wijhe, J. W. 1882 A, p. 220. Williamson, W. C. 1849 A, p. 448, pi. Ixli, fig. 11. .Woodward. A. S. 1889 H. 1895 A, p. 43. Zograf, N. 1896 A. Acipenser ornatus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 C. 1873 A, p. 312. 1873 B, p. 350, pi. xxxii, fig. 58. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 45. Miocene; Virginia. POLYODONTID.E. Bridge, W. J. 1879 A. 18% A, p. 536. Browne, M. 1886 A. (Chondrosteus.) Briihl, B. C. 1847 A. (" Spatularien.") Collinge, W. E. 1895 A. Gegenbaur, C. 1865 B, p. 99, pi. viii, fig. 4. (Poly- odon.) Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 346. 1880 A, p. 362. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 122. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 101. Mivart, St. G. 1879 A, p. 471. Miiller, J. 1835 A. (Spatularia.) Parker, W. K. 1871 A, p. 195. Thacher, J. K. 1877 B. Traquair, R. H. 1877 B. 1887 A. (Chondrosteus.) Van Wijhe, J. W. 1882 A, p. 240 Woodward, A. S. 1889 H. 1895 A, pp. vii, 46. 1899 B, p. 461. (Gyrosteus) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 164. 372 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [HULL. 179. CROSSOPHOLIS Cope. Type C. magnicaudatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 G G. (Crassopholis, errofe.) 1885 Y, p. 1090. 1886 T, p. 161. 1887 8, p. 325. Woodward, A. S. 1889 H, p. 29. 1895 A, p. 46. 1898 B, p. 94. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 165. Crossopholis magnicaudatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 GG. 1885 Y, p. 1090. 1886 T, p. 161, pi. i, figs. 1-3. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 47. Eocene; Wyoming. Order PYCNODONTI. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, ii, pt. ii. p. 181. (" Pycnodon- tes.") Cornuel , J . 1877 A , p. 609. ( " Pycnodon tes. " ) Davis, J. W. 1887 C, p. 495. (Pycnodontoidea.) Didelot, L. 1875 A. (" Pycnodontes.") Egerton, P. G. 1849 A. 1869 A, p. 381. Fricke, K. 1875 A. Gunther, A. 1880 A, p. 366. (Pycnodontoidei.) Heckel, J. J. 1850 A. (" Pycnodonten.") 1854 A. ("Pycnodonten.") 1856 A. ("Pycnodonten.") Huxley, T. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 411. (Pycnodonta.) Liitken, C. 1868 B.. (Lepidopleuridse.) 1873 A, pp. 30, 45. (Pycnodontes.) Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 70. (" Pycnodon ts.") 1860 E, p. 160. (Pycnodontes.) Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 194. ( Pycnodontes. ) Pictetaiid Jaccardl860A,p.42. (Pycnodontes.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 209. ( " Pleurolepi- den.") 1885 A, p. 325. (" Pleurolepiden.") Wagner, A. 1861 B, p. 49. (Pycnodontes.) Young, 1866 A, p. 315. (Lepidopleuridse, part.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 237. ( Pycnodon tidae.) PYCNODONTID^E. Cope, E. D. 1877 N, p. 61. 1878 A, pp. 297, 298. 1885 Z, p. 7. Davis, J. W. 1887 C, p. 495. Gunther, A. 1880 A, p. 366. 1881 A, p. 687. Hancock and Howes 1872 A. (" Pycnodonts.") Hay, O. P. 1898 A, p. 358. 1898 C, p. 347. Heckel, J. J. 1856 A. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 129. King, W. 1850 A, p. 227. Klaatsch, H. 1890 A, p. 149. Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p 258. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 983. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 70. ("Pycnodonts.") 1860 E, p. 140. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 194. (Pycnodontes.) Steinmann and Doderleiii 1890 A, p. 543. Traquair, R. H. 1879 A, p. 380. ( Pycnodon tidae.) 18% A, p. 125. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, pp. xi, 189. 1896 C, p. 1. 1898 B, p. 101. Young, J. 1866 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 236. 18% A, p. 411. TYPODUS Quenstedt. Type T. annulatus Quenstedt. Quenstedt, F. A., 1858, Der Jura, p. 781. Egerton, P. G. 1869 A, p. 582. (Mesodon.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 789. Heckel, J. J. 1850 A, p. 365. (Mesodon. ) 1856 A, 202. (Mesodon.) Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 203. (Mesodon.) Pictet and Jaccard 1860 A, p. 45. (Mesodon.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 330. (Mesodon.) Wagner, A. 1851 A, p. 56. (Mesodon; type Gyr- odus macropterus Agassiz.) 1861 B, p. 69. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 199. (Mesodon.) 18% C, p. 13. (Mesodon.) 1898 B, p. 104. (Mesodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 247. '(Mesodon. ) The name Mesodon was employed by Rafin- esque for a mollusk in' 1819. According to Mr. A. S. Woodward, Typodus is probably a synonym of Mesodon, and is here accepted pro- visionally as the name of this genus. Typodus abrasus (Cragin). Crayin, F. W. 1894 A, p. 72, pi. ii, figs. 18, 19. (Mes- odon. ) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 789. Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 29. (Mesodon.) 1900 B, p. 256. (Mesodon abrasus; Lepido- tus?sp.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 532. (Mesodon.) Cretaceous (Neocomian); Kansas. Typodus diastematicus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1894 F, p. 443, fig. 5. (Mesodon.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 789. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 213. (Mesodon.) Cretaceous; Texas. CATALOGUE. 373 Typodus durable! (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1892 J, p. 128. (Microdon.) 1892 E, p. 256. (Microdon.) 1894 F, p. 444, pi. xx, fig. 7. (Mesodon.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 789. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 213. (Mesodon.) Cretaceous; Texas. CCELODUS Heckel. Type C. saturnus Heckel. Heckd, J. J. 1856 A, p. 202. Cope, E. D. 1894 F, p. 447. Davis, J. W. 1890 A, p. 415. 1'riem, F. 1898 A, p. 230. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 330. Votter, B. 1881 A, p. 34. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 249. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 41. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 248. Coelodus brownii Cope. Cope, E.D. 1894 F,p. 447, pi. xx, fig. 10. 1894 A, p. 66. Williston, S. W. 1900 A, p. 28, pi. vi, fig. 12. 1900 B, p. 254, pi. xxiv, fig. 12. Woodward, A. S.1895 A, p. 257. Cretaceous (Comanche); Oklahoma. Coelodus stantoni Willist, Williston, .S W. 1900 A, p. 28, pi. vi, fig. 11; pi. viii, fig. 6. 1900 B, p. 265, pi. xxiv, fig. 11; pi. xxvi, fig. 6. Cretaceous (Kiowa shales); Kansas. PYCNODUS Agassiz. Type Zeus platessus Blainv. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1833), i, pi. G, fig. 1. (Name and figure only. ) 1843 B, ii, pt. 1 (1833), p. 16; pt. ii (1844), p. 183 (Pycnodus); p. 201 (Periodus). 1844 A. Bronn, H. G. 1837 A, p. 494, pi. xxv, fig. 3. Cope, E. D. 1878 A, p. 297. Cornuel, J. 1877 A, p. 620. Didelot, L. 1875 A. Egerton, P. G. 1849 A. Heckel, J. J. 1850 A, p. 365. 1856 A, p. 204. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 292. King, W. 1850 A, p. 228. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 984. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 70, pi. xxxiv. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 197. Pictet and Campiche 1858 A, p. 55. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 212. 1885 A, p. 329. Vetter, B. 1881 A, p. 25. Wagner, A. 1851 A, pp. 35,57. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 275. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 250. Pycnodus carolinensis Emmons. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 244, fig. 96. Cope, E. D. 1875 V, p. 30. Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 294, 350. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 279. Miocene; North Carolina. Pycnodus phaseolus Hay. Hay, O. P, 1899 E, p. 788. Cope E. D. 1875 E, p. 280. (P. faba.) Leidy, J. 1872 M, p. 163. (P. faba; preoccupied by Meyer, 1847.) 1873 B, pp. 292, 349, pi. xix, figs. 15, 16. (P. ,faba.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 265. (P. faba.) Cretaceous; Mississippi, New Jersey. Pycnodus robustus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1857 F, p. 168. 1873 B, pp. 293, 350, pi. xxxvii, figs. 18, 19. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 266. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Pycnodus sp. indet. Emmons E. 1857 A, p. 50, fig. 25. Triassic (Chatham); North Carolina. HADRODUS Leidy. Type H. priscus Leidy. Leidy, 3. 1857 F, p. 167. 1873 B, p. 294. This genus was suspected by Leidy to be reptilian, allied to Placodus. Hadrodus priscus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1857 F, p. 167. 1873 B, pp. 294, 350, pi. xix, figs. 17-20. Cretaceous; Mississippi. URANOPLOSUS Sauvage. Type U. cotteaui Sauvage. Sauvage, H. E. 1879 A, p. 47, pi. i, fig. 1. Cope, E. D. 1894 F, p. 445. Uranoplosus arctatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1894 F, p. 445, pi. xx, fig. 8. 1894 A, p. 65. (No description.) Cretaceous (Comanche); Oklahoma. Uranoplosus flectidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1894 F, p. 446, pi. xx, fig. 9. 1894 A, p. 65. (No description.) Cretaceous (Comanche); Oklahoma. 374 FOSSIL VEETEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Order HOLOSTEI Muller. MiiUer, J. 1846 C, pp. 147, 203. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 8. Giebel, C. G. 1847 A, p. 141. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 21. (Hyoganoidei.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 107. Suborder GINGLYMODI Cope. Cope E. D. 1872 C, p. 328. Barkas, W. J . 1878 C, p. 203. ( Lepidosteidse. ) Cope, E. D., 1872 C, p. 330. 1878 A, p. 295. 1884 O, p. 52. 1887 O, p. 1018. 1889 R, p. 857. Gill, T. 1872C, p.21. (Rhomboganoidei.) Giinther, A. 1881 A, p. 687. (Lepidosteoidei.) Hay, O. P. 1898 C, p. 341. (No name.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 236. (Lepidostones.) Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 28. (Lepidosteidse, suborder.) Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 108. (Rhombo- ganoidea.) Liitken, C. 1873 A, pp. 23, 45. (Lepidosteini.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 980. (Lepid- osteoidea.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A , p. 569. (Eugan- oidei.) Traquair, R. H. 1896 A, p. 126. (Aetheospondyli.) Woodward, A. S. 1893 A, p. 413. ( Lepidosteoidei. ) 1895 A, pp. xxii, 415. (Aetheospondyli, in part.) 1898 B, p. ii. (Aetheospondyli, in part.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 201 (Lepidosteidse); p. 899 (Lepidostei). LEPIDOTID^E. Owen, E. 1860 E, p. 143. Cope, E. D. 1877 N, p. 60. 1878 A, p. 298. 1889 R, p. 858. (Sphserodontidae, Lepidotidse.) Giinther, A. 1880 A, p. 368. (Sphserodontidee.) Hay, O. P. 1898 A, p. 358. (Semionotidae.) 1898 C, p. 347. (Semionotidse.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 986. Wagner A. 1863 A, p. 613 (Stylodontes) ; p. 617 (Sphserodontes). Williamson, W. C. 1849 A, p. 441. (Lepidotus.) Woodward, A. S. 1890 D, p. 30. (Semionotidse.) 1895 A, pp. ix, 49. (Semionotidse. ) 1895 E, p, 8. (Semionotidse.) 1898 B, p. 95. (Semionotidse.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 202 (Stylodontidse); p. 207 (Sphserodontidee). LEPIDOTUS Agassiz. Type Cyprinus elvensis Blainville. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1837), ii, pp. 8, 233. 1844 A. Barkas, W. J. 1878 C, p. 205. Branco, W. 1887 A. Bronn, H. G. 1837 A, 485. Collinge, W. E. 1893 A, p. 9. Cornuel, J. 1877 A, p. 620. Egerton, P. G. 1852 A. 1869 A, p. 385. Etheridge, R. 1889 A. Fricke, K. 1875 A, p. 377. Hay, O. P. 1898 C, p. 347. Heckel, J. J. 1850 A, p. 362. Kner, R. 1866 B, p. 313. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 986. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 69, pis. 30, 31. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 160. Pictet and Jaccard I860 A, p. 26. Quenstedt, F. A. 1847 A, pis. i, ii. 1852 A, p. 195. 1885 A, p. 307. Wagner A. 1863 A, p. 618. Williamson, W. C. 1849 A, p. 441, pi. xl, figs. 3, 4. Woodward, A. S. 1893 A. 1893-D, pis. xlix, 1. 1895 A, p. 77. 1898 A, p. 325. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 208. Lepidotus sp. indet. Williston, S, W. 1900 A, p. 29. Cretaceous (Kiowa shales): Kansas. ACENTROPHORUS Traquair. Type A. varians (Kirkby). Traquair, R. H. 1877 A, p. 565. Fritsch, A. 1895 A, p. 81. Liitken, C. 1873 A, p. 26, footnote. Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 67. Traquair, R. H. 1900 B, p. 523. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 51. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 203. Acentrophorus chicopensis Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 69, pi. xix, figs. 3, 4. 1887 A, p. 127. (No description ) . Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 54. Triassic; New Jersey, Connecticut. CATALOGUE. 375 SEMIONOTUS Agassiz. Type 8. bergeri Agassiz. i:, L., 1832, Neues Jahrb. Mineral., p. 144. 1843 B (1837), ii, pt. 1, pp. 8, 222. Barkas, W. J. 1878 C, p. 206. Bronn, H. G. 1837 A, p. 485, pi. xxiv, fig. 4. Egerton, P. G., in Lyell, C. 1847 B. (Ischypterus; type Palxoniscus fuUus.) 1849 B, p. 8. (Ischypterus.) Fraas, 0. 1861 A. Kner, R. 1866 B, p. 318. Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 24. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 982. . Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 69. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 163. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 205. 1885 A, p. 320. Redfleld, W. C. 1853 A, p. 271. (Ischypterus.) 1856 A, p. 362. (Ischypterus, in part.) 1857 A. (Ischypterus, in part.) Striiver, J. 1864 A. Traquair, R. H. 1877 A. (Ischypterus.) Williamson, W. C. 1849 A, p. 444. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 65. 1898 B, p. 95. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 203 (Ischypterus); p. 204 (Semionotus). Semionotus agassizii (W.C. Redfield). Redfleld, W. C. 1841 A, p. 26. (Paleeoniscus.) De Kay, J. E. 1842 B, p. 386. Egerton, P. G. 1849 B, p. 10. (Ischypterus.) Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 245. (Paleeoniscus.) Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 30, pi. iii, fig. 1. (Ischypterus.) Redfield, W. C. 1843 A, p. 135. Traquair, R. p. 1877 A, p. 559. (Ischypterus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 486. 1895 A, p. 62. Triassic; New Jersey. Semionotus alatus (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 37, pi. viii, figs. 1, 2. (Ischypterus.) 1887 A. (Ischypterus; no description.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 63. Triassic; New Jersey. Semionotus braunii (Newb.). Newbcrry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 43, pi. xii, fig. 3; pi. xlii, figs. 1, 2. (Ischypterus.) Gratacap, L. P. 1886 A, p. 243, figure. (Palseoniscus latus, error e.) Newberry, J. S. 1887 A. (Ischypterus braunii; no description.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 63. Triassic; New Jersey. Semionotus elegans (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 37, pi. vii, fig. 2; pi. x, fig. 1; pi. xiv, figs. 1,2. (Ischypterus.) 1887 A. (Ischypterus, no description.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 63. Triassic; New Jersey. Semionotus fultus (J. H. Redfield.) Redfield, J. H. 1837 A, p. 37. Agassiz, L, 1843 B, ii, pp. 43, 102, pi. viii, figs. 4, 5. De Kay, J. E. 1842 B, p. 385. Egerton, P. G., in Lyell, C. 1847 B, p. 277. 1849 B, p. 10. (Ischypterus.) Fraas, E. 1861 A. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 343. (Palseoniscus.) Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 459. (Palseoniscus.) Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 35, pi. vi, fig. 2; pi. vii, fig. 1. (Ischypterus.) 1888 A, p. 41, pi. xii, fig. 1. (I. macropterus. ) Redfield, W. C. 1841 A, p. 25. (Paleeoniscus ma- cropterus. ) 1843 A, p. 135. (Paleeoniscus. ) 1857 A, p. 184. (Paleeoniscus.) Traquair, R. H. 1877 A, p. 559. (Ischypterus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 486. 1895 A, p. 58. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 203. (I. macropterus, I. fultus.) Triassic; Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey. Semionotus gigas (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 49, pi. xiv, fig. 3. (Ischypterus.) 1887A. (Ischypterus; no description.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 63. Triassic; New Jersey. Semionotus lenticularis (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 39, pi. x, figs. 2, 3. (Ischypterus.) 1887 A. (Ischypterus; no description.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 63. Triassic; New Jersey. Semionotus lineatus (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 40, pi. xi, figs. 1, 2. (Ischypterus.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 63. Triassic; New Jersey. Semionotus marshii (W. C. Redfield). Redfield, W. C., in Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 28, pi. ii, fig. 1. (Ischypterus.) 1856 A, p. 363. (No description. ) 1857 A, p. 188. (No description.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 63. Triassic; Massachusetts. Semionotus micropterus (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 2, pi. xii, fig. 2. (Ischy- pterus.) 1887 A. (Ischypterus; no description.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 63. Triassic; Connecticut. Semionotus minutus (Newb.). Newberry, J S. 1888 A, p. 48,-pl. xiii, figs. 5, 60. (Ischypterus.) 1887 A. (Ischypterus; no description.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 63. Triassic; Connecticut. 376 FOSSIL VERTEBKATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Semionotus modestus (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 38, pi. ix, figs. 1, 3. (Ischypterus.) 1887 A. (Ischypterus; no description.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 63. Triassic; New Jersey. Semionotus ovatus (W. C. Redfield) . Redfleld, W. C. 1841 A, p. 26. De Kay, J. E. 1842 B, p. 386. Egerton, P. G., in Lyell, C. 1847 B, p. 277, pi. ix, fig. 2. ( " Tetragonolepis." ) Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 27, pi. i, fig. 1. (Ischy- pterus. ) Traquair, R. H. 1877 A, p. 559. (Ischypterus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 486. 1895 A, p. 63. Triassic; Massachusetts, New Jersey. Semionotus parvus (W. C. Redfield). Redfield, W. C., in Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 45, pi. xiii, fig. 4. (Ischypterus.) Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, pi. xix. (No name.) Newberry, J. S. 1887 A. (Ischypterus; no descrip- tion.) Woodward, A S 1895 A, p. 63. Triassic; Massachusetts. Semionotus robustus (Newb.). Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 36, pi. vi, fig. 1. ( Ischyp- terus.) 1887 A. (Ischypterus; no description.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 63. New Jersey. Semionotus tenuiceps (Agaesiz). Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1835), ii, pt. i, pp. 159, 303, pi. xivc, figs. 4, 5. (Eurynotus.) "D. L. H." 1838 A, p. 199. (Palseoniscuslatus.) Deecke, W., Palseontographica, xxxv, p. 14. ( Allo- lepidotus americanus.) Egerton, P. G. 1849 B, p. 10. (Ischypterus.) Emmons, E. 1857 A, p. 143, figs. 1, 2 (Ischypterus macropterus); p. 144, pi. ixa, fig. 3; text fig. 112 (Eurinotus tenuieeps, var. ceratocephalus). 1860 A, p. 188, fig. 164. (Eurinotus cerato- cephalus.) Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 236. Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 459, pi. xxix, figs. 1 and 2. (Eurynotus.) Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 32, pi. v, figs. 1-3; pi. vii, fig. 3; p. 46, pi. xiii, fig. 3. (S. latus.) Redfield, J. H. 1837 A, p. 39 (Eurynotus tenuiceps) ; p. 38, pi. ii ( Palseoniscus latus). Redfield, W. C. 1841 A, p. 26. (Palseoniscus latus.) 1843 A, p. 135. (P. latus.) 1856 A, p. 362. (P. latus.) Traquair, R. H. 1877 A, p. 559. (Ischypterus.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 631 (S. tenuiceps); p. 486 (Palseoniscus latus). 1895 A, p. 59. Triassic; Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey. LEPISOSTEID^E. Beard, J. 1890, A, p. 183. Briihl, B. C. 1847 A. (Lepidosteus.) Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 330. 1878 A, p. 295. 1884 O, p. 52. 1887 O, p. 1018. 1889 R, p. 857. Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 328. 1880 A, p. 367. 1881 A, p. 687. Hay, O. P. 1895 A. Hertwig, O. 1879 A. Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 28. (Lepidosteini.) Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 108. Klaatsch, H. 1890 A, p. 125. Kolliker, A. 1859 A. (Lepidosteini.) Lutken, C. 1868 B, p. 430. Miiller, J. 1846 A, p. 208. (Lepisosteini. ) 1846 B, p. 85. ( Lepidosteini. ) Newberry, J. S. 1873 A, p. 255. Nicholson and Lydekkerl889 A, p. 988. Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Lepidosteini.) Ussow, S. 1900 A. ("Lepidostien.") Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, pp. xviii, 140. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 222. (Ginglymodi. ) LEPISOSTEUS Lac^pede. Type L. gaviali$=L. osseus. Lacepede, 1803, Hist. Nat. Poissons, vol. v, p. 331. Most authors employ the orthography Lep- idosteus. The original is given above. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, ii, pt. ii, p. 4. (Lepidosteus.) Allis, E. P. 1900 A, p. 273. Andrese, A. 1893 B. (Lepidosteus, Clastes.) Balfour, F. M. 1882 A. Baur, G. 1889 E. 1889 F, p. 469. Beard, J. 1890 A, p. 182. Bridge, T. W. 1896 A, p. 540. Briihl, B. C. 1847 A. Cope, E. D. 1869 F, p. 242. (Pneumatosteus, type P. nahunticus.) 1872 C, p. 319. 1873 E, p. 633. (Clastes, type C. anax.) 1875 C, p. 37. (Clastes.) Cope, E. D. 1875 V, p. 30. (Pneumatosteus.) 1881 D, p. 184. (Clastes.) 1884 O, p. 52 (Pneumatosteus); p. 53 (Clas- tes). Davidoff, M. 1880 A. Eastman, C. R. 1900 A, p. 68. Gadow and Abbott 1895 A. Gegenbaur, C. 1865 B, p. 104, pi. vi, fig. 5; pi. viii, fig. 5. 1895 A, p. 6. Goette, A. 1878 A, p. 453. Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 328. 1880 A, p. 367. Hay, O. P. 1895 A. 1898 C, p. 345. CATALOGUE. 377 Hertwig, O. 1879 A, pis. i, ii. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 124. Klaatsch.H. 1890 A, p. 125. Kosmak, G. W. 1895 A, p. 8. Mackintosh, H. W. 1878 A, pi. ii, fig. 6. Marsh, O. C. 1898 E, p. 567. Miiller, J. 1846 A. 1846 B. 1846 C. Nickerson, W. S. 1893 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 988. (Pneu- matosteus.) Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 74, -pi. xxxv. Parker, W. K. 1882 A. Reissner, E. 1859 A, p. 254, pi. v. R5se, C. 1894 B. Stannius, H. 1846 A. 1854 A. Stephan, P. 1900 A. Thacher, J. K. 1877 B, pi. ii, fig. 3. Traquair, R. H. 1896 A, p. 126. 1900 B, p. 523. Van Wijhe, J. W. 1882 A, p. 265. White C. A. 1883 A. (Clastes.) Williamson, W. C. 1849 A, p. 439, pi. xl, figs. 1, 2. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 440 (Lepidosteus); p. 445 (Clastes). Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 222. (Lepidosteus, Clastes.) Zograf, N. 1896 A. Lepisosteus aganus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 38, pi. xxiii, figs. 10-29 (Clastes.) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Lepisosteus atrox Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 D, p. 97. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 633 (Clastes anax); p. 634 (C. atrox). 1884;O,p. 53, pl.ii, figs. 50-52 (Clastes anax); p. 54, pi. ii, figs. 1, 2 (C. atrox). Eastman, C. R. 1900 A, p. 69, pi. i, fig. 2; pi. ii. (Lepidosteus.) 1900 E, p. 57. (Lepidosteus.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 189, 349, pi. xxxii, figs. 14, 15. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 444 (C. atrox); p. 445 (C. anax). Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Lepisosteus cuneatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. E5, pi. i, fig. 6. (Clastes.) 1880 T, p. 303. (Clastes.) Eastman, C. R. 1900 A, p. 68. (Lepidosteus.) 1900 E, p. 57. (Lepidosteus.) Eocene (Manti beds); Utah. Lepisosteus cycliferus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 634. (Clastes.) 1877 K, p. 40. (Clastes.) 1884 O, p. 54, pi. ii, figs. 25-45. (Clastes.) Eastman, C. R. 1900 A, p. 68. (Lepidosteus.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 445. (Clastes.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Lepisosteus g-laber Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1871 G, p. 105. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 634. (Clastes.) 1884 O, p. 53. Ktistmiin, C. R. 1900 A, p. 67. King, C. 1878 A, p. 376 (Clastes?); p. 405. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 444. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Lepisosteus integer (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 41, pi. xxiv, figs. 1-16. (Clastes.) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Lepisosteus nahunticus (Cope) . Cape, E. D. 1869 F, p. 242. (Pneumatosteus.} 1875 V, p. 31. ( Pneumatosteus. ) Eastman, C. R. 1900 A, p. 68. (Lepidosteus.) Miocene; North Carolina. Lepisosteus notabilis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 D, p. 98. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 40. (Clastes.) Eastman, C. R. 1900 A, p. 68. (Lepidosteus.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 192, 349, pi. xxxi, figs. 12, 13. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 444. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Lepisosteus occidentalis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 F, p. 73. (Lepidotus.) Cope, E. D. 1877 G, p. 574. (Lepidosteus.) 1884 O, p. 52. (Clastes.) Leidy, J. 1856 C, p. 120. (Lepidotus haydeni; L. occidentalis.) 1866 F, p. 73. (Lepidotus haydeni.) 1860 A, p. 149, pi. xi.figs. 20-23. (Lepidotus.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 125 (Lepidotus hay- deni); p. 126 (L. occidentalis). Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Lepisosteus osseus (Linn.). Linmeus, C., 1768, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 313. (Esox.) Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1836), ii, pt. ii, p. i, pis. B', B". Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 110. Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 118, pi. xxv, fig. 1. (L. bison?). Stephan, P. 1900 A, p. 355, fig. 3. Williamson, W. C. 1849 A, p. 439, pi. xl, figs. 1, 2. Recent; Vermont to Texas: Post-pliocene: South Carolina. Lepisosteus simplex Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 D, p. 98. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 40. (Clastes.) Eastman, C. R. 1900 A, p. 74, pi. i, fig, 1. Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 191, 349, pi. xxxii, figs. 18,26, 31-43. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 444. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Lepisosteus whitneyi Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 G, p. 105. Eastman, C. R. 1900 A, p. 67. King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 445. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. 378 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Suborder HALEOOMORPHI Cope. 1 Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 330. 1877 N, p. 58. 1878 A, p. 295. 1887 O, p. 1018. 1889 R, p. 857. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 21. (Cycloganoidei.) Giinther, A. 1880 A, p. 370. 1881 A, p. 688. (Amioidei.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 236. (Amiacei.) Hay, O. P. 1898 C, p. 341. (No name.) Heckel, J. J. 1850 A. Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 24. (Amiadae, as sub- order.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 676. (Ami- oidei.) Traquair, K. H. 1896 A, p. 125. (Protospondyli, in part.) Wagner, A. 1861 B, p. 43. (No name.) Woodward, A. S. 1893 A, p. 413. ("Amioidei.") 1895 A, p. xxii; p. 48. (Protospondyli, in part.) 1898 B, p. 94. (Protospondyli, i part.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp,222, 899. 1896 A, p. 410. (Protospondyli.) ISOPHOLID^E. Hay, 0. P. 1899 E, p. 790. The generic name Eugnathus, being preoccu- pied, must be succeeded by Isopholis Zittel. The family name also must be changed accord- ingly. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1844), ii, p. 97. (Eugnathus.) Hay, O. P. 1898 C, p. 346. (Eugnathidse.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 986. (Eu- gnathidse.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 204. (Eugnathus.) 1885 A, p. 319. (Eugnathus.) Wagner, A. 1863 A, p. 670. (Eugnathus.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, pp. xiv, 285. (Eu- gnathidse.) 1898 B, p. 106. (Eugnathidse.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 212. (Saurodontidse, in part.) PTYCHOLEPIS Agassiz. Type P. bollensis Agassiz. Agassiz L., 1832, Neues Jahrb. Mineral., p. 132. (fide A. S. Woodward.) 1843 B (1844), ii, pt. ii, p. 107. Bronn, H. G. 1837 A, p. 488. Egerton, P. G. 1852 B. Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 65. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 203. 1885 A, p. 318. Steinmann, and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 572. Williamson, W. C. 1849 A, p. 444. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 316. 1895 D. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 213. Ptycholepis marshii Newb. Newberry, J. S. 1878 B. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 830, figure. Newberry, J. S. 1888 A, p. 66, pi. xix, figs. l-2a. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 324. Triassic; Connecticut. MACROSEMIID^E. Cope, E. I). 1889 R, p. 858. Agassiz. L., 1834, Neues Jahrb. Mineral., p. 387. (Macrosemius.) Bronn, H. G. 1837 A, p. 492. (Macrosemius.) Hay, 0. P. 1898 C, p. 347. Wagner, A. 1851 A, p. 73. (Macrosemius.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 163. MACREPISTIUS Cope. Type M. arenatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1894 F, p. 441. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 173. Macrepistius arenatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1894 F, p. 441, pi. xix, fig. 2. Cope, E. D. 1894 A, p. 65. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 173. Cretaceous (Trinity) ; Texas. PACHYCORMID.E. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 374. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 244 A. (Order Actinochiri; family Pelecopteridee. ) 1877 J, p. 822. ( Erisichtheidse. ) 1878 A, p. 299. (Actinochiri; Pelecopter- idse.) 1892V. (Protosphyrsenidse.) Crook, A. R. 1892 A, p. 109. (Protosphyreenidse.) Dollo, L. 1892 B, p. 182. (Protosphyrsenidse.) Felix, J. 1890 A, p. 302. (Pelecopteridse.) Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 221. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. tosphyrsenidse. ) Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 362. Woodward, A. S. 1897 A, p. 168. 1898 B, p. 109. (Pro- 1 This subordinal name is here employed in a wider sense than was given to it by Cop. CATALOGUE. 379 PROTOSPHYRVENA Leidy. Type P.ferox Leuly. Leidy, J. 1856 O, p. 302. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, Feuill (1835), p. 55; iii (1839), p. 150, pi. xo, figs. 1-4 ( Ptychodus, in part); v, pt. 1 (1844), p. 102 (Saurocephalus). Cope, E. D. 1871 D, p. 415. 1872 F, p. 340. 1872 E E, p. 281. (Erisichthe, type E. nitida. ) 1874 C, p. 41. (Erisichthe.) 1875 E, pp. 189, 217, 275 (Erisichthe); p. 244 C (Pelecopterus). 1877 J, p. 821 . ( Erisichthe. ) 1878 A, pp. 298, 299. (Erisichthe and Pele- copterus. ) 1878 O. (Erisichthe.) 1886 S. (Protosphyrsena and Pelecopterus. ) 1888V. 1892V. 1892 W. Da vies, W. 1878 A. 1886 A. Felix, J. 1890 A. Hay, O. P. 1898 D, p. 26. Hitchcock, Fanny R. 1888 A. (Pelecopterus.) Leidy, J. 1857 I. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 215. Newton, E. T. 1878 A. 1878, in Dixon 1878 A, p. 401. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 996. Stewart, A. 1898 A, p. 22. 1900 A, p. 362. Woodward, A. S. 1888 I, p. 320. 1894 A. 1895 A, p. 399. 1898 B, p. 111. Woodward, H. 1886 A, p. 4. (Pelecopterus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 78 (Pelecopterus, syn. of Ptychodus); p. 261 (Pelecopterus); p. 263 (Pro- tosphyrsena). 1896 A, p. 412. Protosphyrsena angulata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, pp. 333, 337. (Portheus.) 1872 F, p. 342. (Portheus.) 1872 EE, p. 281. (Erisichthe.) 1875 E, p. 275. ( Erisichthe. ) 1875 V, p. 32. Felix, J. 1890 A, p. 293. (Portheus.) Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 222. Newton, E. T. 1878 A, p. 794. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 413. Cretaceous; North Carolina. Protosphyrsena bentoniana Stewart. Stewart, A. 1898 A, p. 27, pi. i, figs. 2-36. (P. ben- tonia, errore typog. ) 1900 A, p. 365. (P. bentoniana.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Protosphyrsena chirurgus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1876 E, pp. 244 E, 273, pi. xlviii, fig. 1: pi. liv, fig. 9. (Pelecopterus.) . Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Protosphyreena dimidiata(Cope). Cope, E. D. 1878 A, p. 300. (Erisichthe.) Cope, E. D. 1877 J, p. 822. (E. nitida, in part.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Protosphyrsena gigas Stewart. Stewart, A. 1899 C, p. 110. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 221. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 367. Cretaceous (Pierre); Kansas. Protosphyreena g-ladius (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 N, p. 337. (Portheus. ) 1874 C, p. 40. (Portheus.) 1875 E, pp. 244 E, 273, pi. xliv, fig. 12; pi. Iii, fig. 3. (Pelecopterus.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Protosphyrsena nitida (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1872 EE, p. 280. (Erisichthe.) 1874 C, p. 42. (Erisichthe.) 1875 E, pp. 217, 275, pi. xlviii, figs. 3-8. (Erisichthe.) 1877 J, p. 821. (Erisichthe nitida, in part; see P. dimidiate.) Felix, J. 1890 A, pis. xii-xiv. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 227, pi. xix, figs. 6, 7; p. 223, text fig. 4,c. Newton, E. T. 1878 A, p. 794. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 409. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Protosphyreena obliquidens Loomis. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 225, pi. xx, figs. 1-4. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Protosphyreena penetrans (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1877 J, p. 822. (Erisichthe.) Crook, A. R. 1892 A, p. 109. Felix, J. 1890 A, p. 297, pi. xiv, fig. 1. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 224, pi. xix, figs. 1-5; p. 223, text fig. 4, b. Newton, E. T. 1878 A, p. 795. Stewart, A. 1898 D, p. 192. 1900 A, p. 369, pi. Ixiii; text fig. 4. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 409. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Protosphyrsena perniciosa (Cope) . Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 41. (Ichthyodectes.) 1875 E, pp. 244 D, 273, pi. xliv, fig. 13; pi. xlviii, fig. 2; pi. Iii, fig. 2. (Pelecopterus.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 414. Cretaceous (Niobrara) ; Kansas. Protosphyrsena recurvirostris Stew- art. Stewart, A. 1898 D, p. 191, text fig. 1. 1900 A, p. 366, text fig. 2. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Protosphyrsena tenuis Loomis. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 226, pi. xx, figs. 5-7; p. 223, text fig. 4, a. Cretaceous (Niobrara) ; Kansas. Protosphyrsena ziphioides (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1877 J, p. 823. (Erisichthe.) 380 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL 179. Felix, J. 1890 A, p. 297. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 222. (Erisichthe xiphiodes.) Newton, E. T. 1878 A, p. 795. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 413. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Protosphyrsena occidentalis Stew. Stewart, A 1898 A, p. 28, pi. i, figs, la, 16. 1900 A, p. 368, pi. Ivii, figs, la, 16. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. AMIID.E. Baur, G. 1889 F, p. 470. Beard, J. 1890 A, p. 184. Bridge, T. W. 1877 A. 18% A, p. 537. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 330. 1877 N, p. 58. 1878 A, p. 295. 1887 O, p. 1018. 1889 R, p. 867. Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 324. 1830 A, p. 372. 1881 A, p. 688. Kner, R. 1863 A, p. 126. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 371. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 234. Hay, O. P. 1898 C, p. 347. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 127. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 112. Klaatsch, H. 1890 A, p. 178. Kcilliker, A. 1*59 A, p. 7. Liitken, C. 1873 A, p. 39. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 988. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 134. (Amiades.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 577. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, pp. xvi, 360. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 233. (Halecomorphi.) AMIOPSIS Kner. Type A. prisca Kner. Amiopsis ? dartoni Eastman. Eastman, C. Jt. 1899 E, p. 406, pi. xlviii, figs. 1, 'i. Jurassic; South Dakota. AMIA Linn. Type A. calva Linn. Linnxus C., 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. xii, p. 500. Allis, E. P. 1889 A. 1899 A. 1900 A. Andrese, A. 1893 B. Baur, G. 1889 F, p. 469. 1896 C, p. 662. Beard, J. 1890 A, p. 182. Bridge T. W. 1877 A. 18% A, p. 537. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 319. 1879 N. 1884 O, pp. 742, 745. 1897 A, p. 321. Davidoff, M. 1880 A. 1880 B. Dean, B. 1895 A. Franque, H. 1847 A. Gadow and Abbott 1895 A. Gegenbaur, C. 1865 B, p. 102, pi. vi, fig. 4; pi. viii, fig. 7. 1895 A, p. 6. Goette, A. 1878 A, p. 453. Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 324. Hay, O. P. 1895 A. 1898 C, p. 343. Hulke, J. W. 1888 A, p. 424. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 124. 1876 A, p. 57. 1883 A. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 112. Klaatsch, H. 1890 A, p. 178. 18% A, p. 323. Kner, R. 1863 A, p. 126. Kolliker, A. 1859 A. 1860 A. 1863 A, p. 38, figs. 17-19. Leidy, J. 1873B, p. 185. (Protamia and Hypamia). j Leidy, J. 1873 D, p. 98. (Protamia and Hypamia) . Liitken, C. 1873 A, p. 39. Mackintosh, H. W. 1878 A, pis. i, ii. i Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Miiller, J. 1846 A, p. 201. 1846 B, p. 78. 1846 C. Newton, E. T. 1899 A, p. 1. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 987. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 75. Parker, W. K. 1882 A, p. 488. Ryder, J. A. 1886 A, p. 1001. Sagemehl, M. 1883 A. 1884 A. Shufeldt, R. 1885 B. Stannius, H. 1846 A. 1854 A. Stephan, P. 1900 A. Thacher, J. K. 1877 B, pi. ii, fig. 6. Traquair, R. H. 18% A, p. 125. 1900 B, p. 524. Van Wijhe, J. W. 1882 A, p. 279. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 367. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 235. Amia depressa Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 G, p. 105. King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 102. (Iden- tification doubtful.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 372. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Amia dictyocephala Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 G, p. 3. 1884 O, p. 745, pi. lix, fig. 1. CATALOGUE. 381 Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 372. Eocene (Amyzon shales); Colorado. Amid rcticulaia," referred to by Cope in works above cited, appears to be a rejected name for A. dictyocepkala. Amia eleg-ans Leidy. Lfi'tti. J. 1873 D, p. 98. [Amia (Hypamia).] King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. (Hypamia.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 189, 349, pi. xxxii, figs. 19-22. [Amia (Hypamia).] Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 373. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Amia gracilis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 D, p. 98. [Amia (Protamia).] 1873 B, pp. 188, 348, pi. xxxii, figs. 23, 24. [Amia (Protamia).] Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 373. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Amia macrospondyla Cope. Cope, K. D. 1891 A, p. 2, pi. i, fig. 2. Woodward, A. S! 1895 A, p. 372. Miocene; N. W. Territory, Canada. Amia media Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 D, p. 98. (Protamia.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 188, 348, pi. xxxii, figs. 7-11. [Amia (Protamia.)] Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 373. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Amia newberriana Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1871 G, p. 105. King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 372. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. Amia scutata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 G, p. 3. 1884 O, p. 745, pi. Ix, fig. 1. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 102. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 372. Eocene (Amyzon shales); Colorado. Amia uintaensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 D, p. 98. [Amia (Protamia).] King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 185, 348, pl.'xxxii, figs. 1-6. (Protamia.) Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 101. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 373. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Amia whiteavesiana Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 A, p. 2, pl.i, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 372. Lower Miocene; N. W. Territory, Canada. PAPPICHTHYS Cope. Type P. plicatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 634. Andrese, A. 1893 B. Cope, E. D. 1881 D, p. 184. 1882 E, p. 190. 1884 O, p. 56. Hay, O. P. 1895 A, p. 12. Xewton, E. T. 1899 A, p. 2. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 991. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 373. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 236. Pappichthys corsoni Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 636. 1873 E, p. 636. ( P. symphysis. ) 1884 O, p. 60, pi. iv, figs. 21-36. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 104. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 373. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. Pappichthys laevis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 636. Cope, E.D.1884 O, p. 58, pi. iii, figs. 2-11. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 104. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 373. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Pappichthys plicatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 634. 1884 O, p. 59, pi. iii, figs. 12-19; pi. iv, figs. 1-5. King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. - Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 104. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 373. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Pappichthys sclerops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 635. 1884 O, p. 57, pi. iii, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, p. 373. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Order NEMATOGNATHI Gill. GUI, T. 1861 A, pp. 11,56. Allis. E. P. 1900 A, p. 271. Bridge and Haddon 1892 A. Bruhl, B. C. 1847 A. ( " Siluxoiden." ) Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 330. 1878 A, p. 295. 1884 O, p. 61. 1886 D, p. 1031. 1889 R, p. 857. Dean, B, 1891 A, p. 315. ("Siluroids.") Gill, T. 1872 C, pp. xxxviii, 18. 1893 A, p. 132. 1896 C, p. 912. ( " Siluroids.' ' ) Goldi, E. A. 1883 A. 1884 A. Hertwig, 0. 1876 A. (Siluroidei.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 114. McMurrich, J. P. 1884 B. 382 FOSSIL VEETEBEATA OF NOETH AMEEICA. Miiller, J. 1846 B, p. 82. (";siluroiden.") Parker, W. K . 1868 A, p. 22. ( " Siluroids. ' ' ) Pollard, H. B. 1894 A. 1895 A. Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Siluroidei.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 119. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 260. SILURID.E. Bridge, W. J. 1879 A. 1896 A, p. 550. Bridge and Haddon 1889 A. 1892 A. Briihl, B. C. 1847 A. ("Siluroiden.") Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 331. Dareste, C. 1872 A, p. 945. ("Siluroides."). Davis, J. W. 1880 A, p. 355. Gegenbaur, C. 1869 B. 1898 A. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 132. Goldi, E. A. 1883 A. 1884 A. Gunther, A. 1864 A, p. 1. 1880 A, p. 559. 1881 A, p. 692. Hertwig, 0. 1876 A. Huxley, T. H. 1861 B, p. 33. Ihering, H. 1891 B, p. 498. Jordan, D. S. 18'Jl A. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 115. Klaatsch, H. 1890 A, p. 184. Klein, E. F. 1881 A. Klein, E. F. 1886 A. Koken, E. 1891 B, p. 26. Kolliker; A. 1859 A. (Siluroidei.) McMurrich, J. P. 1884 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1001. Newton, E. 1889 A. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 86. ("Siluroids.") 1886 A, p. 10 et seq. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 119. ("Siluriens.") Pollard, H. B. 1894 A. Ryder, J. A. 1886 A, p. 1003. (Ameiurus.) Sagemehl, M. 1884 A, p. 1. Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Siluroidei.) Stephan, P. 1900 A. (" Silurides.") Vaillant, L. 1883 A. Woodward, A. S. 1889 C. 1891 D. Wright, R. R. 1884 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 260. RHINEASTES Cope. Type R. peltatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 R, p. 486. 1873 E, p. 637 (Phareoion, in part); p. 638 (Rhineastes, with subgenera Rhineastes and Astephus). 1884 O, p. 62. (With subgenera Rhineastes and Astephus.) . 1891 A, p. 2. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1002. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 100. (Sp. indet. described.) Bhineastes arcuatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, pp. 638, 641. 1884 O, pp. 63, 66, pi. V, fig. 12. Leidy, J. 1873 D, p. 99. (Pimelodus antiquus; no description.) 1873 B, pp. 193, 348, pi. xxxii, figs. 44-46. (Pimelodus antiquus.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Bhineastes calvus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, pp. 638, 640. 1884 O, pp. 63, 65, pi. v, figs. 3, 4. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Bhineastes pectinatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 D, p. 49. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 459. 1875 G, p. 3. 1884 O, p. 747, pi. v, fig. 13. Tertiary (Eocene?); Colorado. Bhineastes peltatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 R, p. 486. 1873 E, p. 639. 1884 O, p. 63, pi. v, figs. 1, 2. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Bhineastes radulus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, pp. 638, 639. 1884 0, p. 67, pi. v, figs. 14-17. King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. Bhineastes rhaeas Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 A, p. 3, pi. i, fig. 3. Oligocene or Lower Miocene; North w Territory, Canada. Bhineastes smithii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 R, p. 486. 1873 E, p. 639. 1884 O, pp. 63, 64, pi. v, figs. 5-11. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. AMEIURUS Ratinesque. Type A. cupreus Raf.=A natalis Le Sueur. Rafinesque, C. S., 1820, Ichthyol. Ohioensis, p. 65. Allis, E. P. 1900 A, p. 271. Gunther, A. 1864 A, p. 98. (Amiurus.) 1880 A, p. 567. (Amiurus.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 135. McMurrich, J. P. 1884 A. 1884 B. Ryder, J. A. 1886 A, p. 1003. Wright, R. R. 1884 A. CATALOGUE. 383 Ameiurus cancellatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 A, p. 3, pi. i, figs. 4, 5. Oligocene; Northwest Territory, Canadt Ameiurus maconnellii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 A, p. 4, pi. i, figs. 6. 7. Oligocene; Northwest Territory, Canada. Order ISOSPONDYLI Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 332. 1877 N, p. 60. 1878 A, pp. 295, 298. 1884 O, p. 67. 1887 O, p. 1018. 1889 R, p. 857. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 15. Eastman, C. R. 1899 E, p. 399. Traquair, R. H. 1900 B, p. 524. Woodward, A. S. 1890 D, p. 43. 1895 A, p. 446. Jordan, D. S. 1891 A, p. 112. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 407. Traquair, R. H. 18% A, p. 126. 1900 B, p. 524. Woodward, A. S. 1895 A, pp. xix, 446. 1898 B, p. 113. PHOLIDOPHORIDJE. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 114. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 212. (Saurodontidse, in part). PHOLIDOPHORUS Agassiz. Type P. bechti Agassiz. Agassiz, L.,1832, Neues Jahrb. Mineral., p. 145. 1843 B (1844), ii, pt. 1, p. 271. Eastman, C. R. 1899 E, p. 399. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 203. Kner, R. 1866 B, p. 324. 1866 C, p. 32. Lutken, C. 1873 A, p. 324. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 207. 1885 A, p. 319. Tetter, B. 1881 A, p. 58. Wagner, A. 1863 A, p. 27. Woodward, A. S. 1890 D, p. 43. 1895 A, p. 447. . 1895 D. 1898 B, p. 114. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 146. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 213. Pholidophorus americanus Eastman. Eastman, C. R. 1899 A, p. 642. 1899 E, p. 398, pis. xlv-xlvii. Jurassic; South Dakota. CHIROCENTRID^E. Giinther, A. 1868 A, p. 475. Cope, E. D. 1870 L. (Saurodontidse.) 1871 D , p. 414. ( Saurodontidae. ) 1872 F, p. 337. (Saurodontidae.) 1872 I, p. 327. ( Saurodontidae. ) 1875 E, p. 183. (Saurodontidae. ) 1877 G, p. 588. (Saurodontidee.) 1888 V, p. 1019. (Sauroeephalidae. ) 1892V. (Saurocephalidae.) Crook, A. R. 1892 A, pp. Ill, 121. (Ichthyodectidse.) Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1846, Hist. Nat. Pois- sons, xix, p. 150. ("Chirocentres.") Giinther, A. 1880 A, p. 663. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 236. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 998. (Sauro- cephalidae.) Reis, O. M. 1895 C, p. 182. (Ichthyodectidae.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 580. (Saurc- cephalidae.) Stewart, A. 1898 A, p. 21. (Saurodontidae.) 1898 C, p. 179. (Saurodontidse.) 1899 C, p. 107. (Saurodontidae.) 1900 A, p. 262 (Ichthyodectidse); p. 310 (Saurodontidae). Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 118. (Saurodontidae or Ichthyodectidae.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A (1888), p. 262. (Sauroceph- alidae.) Crook, A. R. 1892 A, pp. dectidse, part.) ICHTHYODECTIN.E. 111,121. (Ichthyo- Stewart, A. 1899 C, p. 107. (Ichthyodectidae.) 1900 A, p. 262. (Ichthyodectidae.) PORTHEUS Cope. Type P. molossus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 K, p. 176. 1872 F, pp. 339, 341. 1872 I, pp. 330, 331. 1873 N, p. 338. 1874 C, p. 39. 1875 E, pp. 184, 189, 204, 273, pi. Iv, fig. 1892 V. Crook, A. R. 1892 A, pp. 114, 122. Giinther, A. 1880 A, p. 500. Hay, O. P. 1898 B, p. 646. (Xiphactinus.) 1898 D, p. 25, figs. 1-16. (Xiphactinus.) ?Leidy, J. 1870 H, p. 12. (Xiphactinus; type X. audax.) Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 246. 384 FOSSIL VERTEBEATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Newton, E. T. 1877 A. 1878 B. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 998. Stewart, A. 1898 B, p. 115. (Xiphactinus.) 1898 C, pp. 180, 184. (Xiphactinus.) 1899 A, p. 19. (Xiphactinus.) 1899 C, p. 107. (Xiphactinus.) 1900 A, p. 265. (Xiphactinus.) Woodward, A. S. 1888 I, p. 310. 1898 B, p. 118. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 262. Portheus ? audax (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1870 H, p. 12. (Xiphactinus.) Cope, E. D. 1870 L, p. 633. (Saurocephalus. ) 1871 D, pp. 415, 418. (Saurocephalus. ) 1872 F, pp. 341, 348. (? Xiphactinus. ) 1875 E, p. 276. (Xiphactinus.) 1898 A (1870), p. 29. (X. audax = Sauro- cephalus thaumas.) Hay, O. P. 1898 D, p. 27. (Xiphactinus.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 290, 348, pi. xvii, figs. 9,10. (Xiphactinus.) Stewart, A. 1898 B, p. 115, figures. 1900 A, p. 267, pis. xxxiii-xlvii (in part?). Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Probably identical with one of the ether species of Portheus, but it may also belong to some other genus. Portheus brachygnathus (Stewart). Stewart, A. 1898 B. (Xiphactinus.) 1899 C, p. 107. (Xiphactinus.) 1900 A, p. 293, pi. xlvi, figs. 3,4. (Xiphac- tinus.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Portheus lestrio Cope. . Cope, E. D. 1873 N, p. 338. 1875 E, pp. 201, 274, pis. xlii, figs. 1-3; xlvii, fig.l. Crook, A. R. 1892 A, p. 123. Hay, O. P. 1898 D, pp. 27, 52. (Xiphactinus.) Stewart, A. 1898 B, p. 118, footnote. (Xiphacti- nus.) Newton, E. T. 1877 A, p. 509. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Portheus lowii Stewart. ., p. 24, pi. ii, fig. 2. Hay, O. P. 1898 I), p. 27. (Xiphactinus.) Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 293, pi. xlviii, fig. 2. (Xiph actinus. ) Cretaceous (Ben ton); Kansas. Portheus molossus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 K, p. 175. 1872 F, pp. 324, 338, 342. 1872 I, pp. 328, 333. 1874 C, p. 39. 1875 E, pp. 50, 183, 273, pis. xxxix, xl, figs. 1-9; xli; xliv, figs 5, 10, 11; xlv, figs. 9-11; Crook, A. R. 1892 A, pp. 114, 122, pi. xviii. Hay, O. P. 1898 D, pp. 35, 52, figs. 3, 6, 8. (Xiphac- tinus.) Newton, E. T. 1877 A, p. 509. Stewart, A. 1898 B, p. 116, figs. (Syn. of Xiphac- tinus audax. ) 1900 A, p. 267, part? of pis. xxxiii-xlvii. (Xiphactinus audax.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 263, fig. 268. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Portheus mudgei Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 40. 1875 E, pp. 203, 274. Crook, A. R: 1892 A, p. 123, pi. xxxix. Hay, O. P. 1898 D, pp. 27, 52. (Xiphactinus.) Newton, E. T. 1877 A, p. 509. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Portheus thaumas Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 L, p. 533. (Saurocephalus.) 1871 D, pp. 418, 422. (Saurocephalus.) 1872 F, p. 342. 1872 I, pp. 333, 335. 1874 C, p. 40. 1875 E, pp. 196, 273, pi. xliii, figs. 1-4; xliv, figs. 1-1. Crook, A. R. 1892 A, p. 123. Hay, O. P. 1898 D, p. 27, figs. 2, 7, 10-12, 15, 16. Newton, E. T. 1877 A, p. 509. (Xiphactinus.) Osborn, Scott and Speir 1878 A, p. 99. (Identifi- cation doubtful.) Stewart, A. 1898 B, p. 116, figs. (Syn. of Xiphac- tinus audax.) 1900 A, p. 267, part? of pis. xxxiii-xlvii. (Xiphactinus audax.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas, Colorado?. ICHTHYODECTES Cope. Type /. ctenodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 L, p. 536. 1871 D, p. 421. 1872, F, pp. 340, 343. 1872, I, pp. 330, 338. 1875 E, pp. 189, 205, 276. 1892V. Crook, A. R. 1892 A, p. 111. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 236. Newton, E. T. 1877 A, p. 520. 1878 B. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 998. Stewart, A. 1898 C, p. 180. 1899 A, p. 20. 1900 A, p. 205. Woodward, A. S. 1888 1, p. 311. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 118. Zittel, K. A, Io90 A, p. 263. Ichthyodectes acanthicus Cope Cope, E. D. 1877 D, p. 177. Hay, O. P. 1898 E, p. 227. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 301. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Ichthyodectes anaides Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 339. 1872 T, p. 343. 1874 C, p. 40. 1875 E, pp. 206, 274, pi. xliv, figs. 14, 15; pi. xlv, figs. 1-8. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 385 Crook, A. R. 1892 A, pp. Ill, 123, pi. xv. Ha)-, O. P. 1898 E, p. 226, fig 2. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 244. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 2%, pi. xlix, figs. 1-3. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Ichthyodectes cruentus Hay. Hay, 0. P. 1898 E, p. 225, figs. 1, 3, 4. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 300, pi. 1, figs. 8-106. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Ichthyodectes ctenodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 L, p. 636. 1871 D, p. 421. 1872 F, p. 343. 1872 I, pp. 339, 340, 345. 1874 C, p. 40. 1875 E, pp. 207, 241, 274, pi. xlvi, figs. 1-4. Crook, A. R. 1892 A, p. 123. Hay, O. P. 1898 E, p. 226. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 244, pi. xxiii, figs. 7, 8. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 303, pi. xlix, figs. 5-7; pi. li, figs. 12, 13. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Ichthyodectes goodeanus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 D, p. 176. Hay, O. P. 1898 A, p. 227. Cretaceous (Niobrara): Kansas. Ichthyodectes hamatus Cope. Cape, E. D. 1872 I, pp. 339, 340. 1872 F, p. 343. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 40. 1875 E, pp. 209, 274, pi. xlvi, fig. 5. Crook, A. R. 1892 A, p. 123. Hay, O. P. 1898 E, pp. 225,226. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 243, pi. xxiii, figs. 9o, 96. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 298, pi. xlviii, fig. 2; pi. 1, figs. 1-7. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Ichthyodectes multidentatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, pp. 339, 342. 1872 F, p. 343. 1874 C, p. 41. 1875 E, pp. 212, 275, pi. 1, figs. 6, 7 Crook, A. R. 1892 A, p. 123. Hay, O. P. 1898 E, p. 227. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 243. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Ichthyodectes parvus Stewart. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 302, pi. li, figs. 1-11 (I. acanthicus, not of Cope); p. 302 (I. parvus). Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Ichthyodectes prognathus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 L, p. 532. (Saurocephalus.) 1871 D, p. 417. (Saurocephalus.) 1872 F, pp. 340, 343. 1872 I, p. 340. 1874 C, p. 41. 1875 E, pp. 210, 274, pi. xlvi, figs. 6-10. Crook, A. R. 1892 A, p. 123. Hay, O. P. 1898 E, p. 226. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Stewart, A. 1899 C,p. 107. SAUROCEPHALIN.E. lurodontidse.) | Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 310. (Saurodontidse. ) SAUROCEPHALUS Harlan. Type S. lanciformis Harlan, not of Agassiz. Harlan, R. 1824 A. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1844), v, p. 101. (In part.) Cope, E. D. 1870 L, pp. 529, 530. 1870 P. 1871 A. 1871 D, p. 415. 1872 F, pp. 340, 343. 1872 1, pp. 330, 342. 1873 N, p. 339. (Daptinus, with S.phleboto- mug as type. ) 1875 E, pp. 189, 215, 275. (Saurodon.) 1888V. (Saurodon.) 1892V. (Saurodon.) Crook, A. R. 1892 A, p. 120. Davies, W. 1878 A. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 88. Harlan, R. 1834 B, p. 85. (Saurodon.) 1835 B, p. 286. 1835 B, p. 288. (Saurodon.) 1835 H. Hay, O. P. 1899 B, p. 302. Hays, 1. 1830 A. (Saurodon.withS.feanwsas type.) Kramberger, D, 1881 A. Leidy, J. 1856 O, p. 302. Bull. 179 25 Leidy, J. 1857 I, p. 96. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 247 (Saurodon); p. 249 (Saurocephalus). Newton, E. T. 1878 A. 1878 B. (Daptinus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 998 (Sanro- cephalus); p. 999 (Saurodon). Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 130. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 93 (Saurocephalus); p. 94 (Saurodon). Stewart, A. 1898, A, p. 22. (Saurodon, Daptinus, Saurocephalus. ) 1898 C. (Saurodon, Saurocephalus.) 1900 A, p. 311 (Saurodon); p. 323 (Sauro- cephalus). Woodward, A. S. 1888 I, p. 312. (Daptinus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 264. Saurocephalus arapahovius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 343. 1872 F, pp. 344,348. 1874 C, p. 41. 1875 E, pp. 216, 275; pi. xlix, fig. 5. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 251. (S. arapalovius, syn. of S. lanciformis.) 386 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Newton, E. T. 1878 A. Stewart, A. 1898 C, p. 186. 1900 A, p. 323. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Saurocephalus broadheadi (Stewart.) Stewart, A. 1898 A, p. 24, pi. ii, figs, lo^lc. (Dapti- nus.) Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 252, pi. xxiv, fig. 6; pi. xxv, fig.l. Stewart, A. 1898 C, p. 186. (Saurodon.) 1900 A, p. 313, pi. xlviii, figs, la-lc. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Saurocephalus dentatus Stewart. Stewart, A. 1898 A, p. 25, pi. i, figs. 3a, 3ft. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 251. (Syn. of S. lanci- formis. ) Stewart, A, 1898 C, p. 186. 1900 A, p. 323, pi. Iviii, figs. 3, 4. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Saurocephalus ferox (Stewart). Stewart, A. 1898 C, p. 183, pi. xv; pi. xvi, figs. 1-3. (Saurodon.) 1900 A, p. 319, pis. Ivi, Ivii. (Saurodon.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Saurocephalus lanciformis Harlan. Harlem, JR. 1824 A, pi. xii. (Not of Agassiz, L. 1844 A.) Cope, E. D. 1870 L, p. 530. 1871 D, p. 415. 1875 E, pp. 216, 275. Davies, W. 1878 A, p. 260. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 89. Harlah, R. 1834 B, p. 83. 1835 B, pp. 286, 289. 1835 H. Hay, O. P. 1899 B, p. 299, figs. 1-4. Hays, 1. 1830 A, p. 477, pi. xvi, fig. 11. Hilgard, E. W. 1860 A, pp. 142, 389. Leidy, J. 1856 O, p. 302. 1857 I, pi. vi, figs. 8-11. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 251, pi. xxv, figs. 2-5. Morton, S. G. 1835 A, p. 277. Newton, E. T. 1878 A. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 130, pi. Iv. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 93. Stewart, A. 1898 C, p. 186. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Nebraska, Kansas. Saurocephalus leanus (Hays). Hays, I. 1830 A, p. 477, pi. xvi, figs. 1-10. (Sau- rodon.) Agassiz, L. 1844 A, p. 205. (Cimolichthys levisien- sis, in part.) Cope, E. D. 1870 L, p. 531. (Saurodon.) 1871 D, p. 421. (Saurodon.) 1875 E, p. 275. (Saurodon.) Davies, W. 1878 A, p. 260. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 89. (Saurodon.) Harlan, R. 1834 B, p. 83. 1835 B, p. 287 (S. leanus); p. 288 ("S. lease"). Leidy, J. 1856 O, p. 302. 1857 I, pi. vi, figs. 12-15. Morton, S. G. 1835 A, p. 277. Newton, E. T. 1878 A. Woodward, A. S. 1888 B. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 264. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Saurocephalus pamphagus Hay. Hay, O. P. 1899 B, p. 303, fig. 5. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Saurocephalus phlebotomus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 L, p. 530. 1871 D, p. 416. 1872 I, p. 343. (Saurodon.) 1873 N, p. 339. (Daptinus.) 1874 C, p. 41. (Daptinus.) 1875 E, pp. 213,275, pi. xlvii, figs. 3,4,6; pi. xlix, figs. 1-1. (Daptinus.) 1877 G, p. 588. (Saurodon.) 1892 V. Crook, A. R. 1892 A, pp. 120, 123. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 248, pi. xxiv, figs. 1-5. (Saurodon,) Newton, E. T. 1878 B. Stewart, A. 1898 C, p. 186. (Saurodon.) 1900 A, p. 312, pi. Ivii, figs. 4, 5. (Saurodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 264. (Daptinus.) Cretaceous (Niobrara) ; Kansas. Saurocephalus pygmaeus (Loomis). Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 248, pi. xxiii, fig. 10. (Saurodon.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Saurocephalus xiphirostris (Stewart). Stewart, A. 1898 C, p. 179, pi. xiv. (Saurodon.) 1900 A, p. 314, pi. Iv. (Saurodon). Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. GILLICUS Hay. Type Ichthyodectes arcuatus Cope. Hay, 0. P. 1898 E, p. 230. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 237. (Syn. of Ichthyo- dectes.) Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 304. Gillicus arcuatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1875 E, pp. 193, 2C1, 274, pi. xlvii, figs. 7-9. (Portheus; the figures probably not belong- ing to this species.) 1877 D, p. 177. (Ichthyodectes.) 1892 V, p. 942. Crook, A. R. 1892 A, p. 112, pi. xvi (I.polymicro- dus); p. 123 (Portheus). Hay, O. P. 1898 D, pp. 30, 42. (I. arcuatus, I. polymicrodus.) 1898 E, pp. 228, 230. (G. arcuatus, G. poly- microdus. ) Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 242, pi. xxiii, figs. 1-6, text fig. 7. (Ichthyodectes occidentalis.) Newton, E. T. 1877 A, p. 509. Stewart, A., p. 307, pis. lii-liv. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. IAY.] CATALOGUE. 387 STRATODONTID^E. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 348. 1872 F, p. 345. 1872 I, p. 343. ( Pachyrhizodontidae, part. ) 1875 E, p. 218. Crook, A. J. 1892 A, p. 109. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 998. (Pachy- rhizodontidse, part.) Reis, O. M. 1895 C, p. 170. Stewart, A 1900 A, p. 326. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 268. STRATODUS Cope. Type S. apicalis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p, 348. 1872 F, pp. 345, 346. 1875 E, pp. 219, 226. Reis, O. M. 1895 C, p. 170. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 327. Woodward, A. S. 1888 I, p. 314. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, Stratodus apicalis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 349. Cope, E. D. 1872 F, pp. 346, 348. 1874 C, p. 47. 1875 E, pp. 227, 279, pi. xlix, figs. 6-8. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 328, pi. Ix; pi. Ixi, fig. 1. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Stratodus oxypogon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 D, p. 180. Cretaceous (Niobrara) ; Kansas. EMPO Cope. Type E. nepaholica Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 347. 1872 F, p. 345. 1872 I, p. 348. (Cimolichthys.) 1874 C, p. 45. 1875 E, pp. 219, 228, 279. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 267. (Syn. of Cimolich- thys.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 999. Stewart, A, 1900 A, p. 330. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 268. Empo contracta Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 46. 1875 E, pp. 232, 279, pi. liii, figs. 14-17. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 273, pi. xxvii, figs. 8, 9. (Cimolichthys.) Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 339. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Empo lisbonensis Stewart. Stewart, A. 1899 C, p. 111. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 222. (Syn. of E. merrillii. ) Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 337, pi. Ixi, figs. 10a, 106. Cretaceous (Pierre); Kansas. Empo merrillii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 46. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, pp. 232, 279, pi. liii, figs. 10-13. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 271, pi. xxvii, fig. 7. (Cimolichthys.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Empo nepaholica Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 347. 1872 F, p. 345. 1872 I, p. 351. (Cimolichthys sulcata.) 1874 C, p. 46. (E. sulcata, E. nepseolica.) 1875 E, pp. 230, 279, pis. xlix, fig. 9; pi. 1, fig. 8; lii, fig. 1; liii, figs. 3-5. (E. nepseolica.) Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 271, pi. xxvii, figs. 1-3. (Cimolichthys nepseolica. ) Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 332. (E. nepaeolica.) 'Cretaceous (Niobrara) ; Kansas. Empo semiaiiceps Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 351. (Cimolichthys.) 1872 F, p. 326. (Cimolichthys.) 1874 C, p. 46. 1875 E, pp. 233, 279, pi. liii, figs. 1, 2, 6-9. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 273, pi. xxvii, figs. 4-6. (Cimolichthys.) Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 338, pi. Ixi, figs. 6-9. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. PACHYRHIZODONTID.E. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 343. 1872 F, p. 344. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 258. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 998. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 349. (Salmonidse, part.) (Salmonidse, part.) PACHYEHIZODUS Agassiz. Type A . basalis Agassiz. Agassis, L., 1850, Dixon's Geol. Sussex, p. 374. Cope, E. D. 1872 F, p. 344. 1872 I, p. 344. - 1875 E, pp. 219, 220, 276. 1887 D, p. 177. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 258. Nicholson and Lydekkcr Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 94. Reis, O. M. 1895 C, p, 170. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 349. Woodward, A. S. 18881, p. 313. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 268. Pachyrhizodus caninus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 344. 1872 F, p. 348. 388 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D.1874C, p. 42. 1875 E, pp. 221, 276, pi. 1, figs. 1-4. Crook, A. J. 1892 A, p. 109. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 262, pi. xxvii, figs. 10-12. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 355, pi. Ixx, figs. 3-6. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Pachyrhizodus curvatus Loomis. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 264 (P. recurvatus); p. 265, pi. xxv, figs. 6-8 (P. curvatus). Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Pachyrhizodus kingii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 346. 1872 F, p. 348. 1874 C, p. 42. 1875 E, pp. 223, 276, pi. xlvi, fig. 11. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 263. (Syn. of P. latimen- tum.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Pachyrhizodus latimentum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 346. 1872 F, p. 348. 1874 C, p. 42. 1875 E, pp. 223, 276, pi. 1, fig. 5; pi. li, figs. 1-7. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 263, pi. xxvi, figs. 7, 8. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 357, pi. Ixviii; pi. Ixx, figs. 9,10. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Pachyrhizodus leptognathus Stewart. Stewart, A. 1898 D, p. 193, pi. xvii, fig. 1. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 264, pi. xxvi, figs. 10-16. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 351, pi. Ixix, fig. 1. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Pachyrhizodus leptopsis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 42. 1875 E, pp. 225, 276, pi. li, figs. 8-8c. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 264. (P. lepitopsis.) Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 364, pi. Ixx, fig. 1. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Pachyrhizodus minimus Stewart. Stewart, A. 1899 B, p. 37, figure. 1900 A, p. 361, text fig. 1. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Pachyrhizodus velox Stewart. Stewart, A. 1898 D, p. 193, pi. xvii, fig. 2. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 265. (P. ferox.) Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 353, pi. xlix, fig. 9. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. CONOSAUEUS Gibbes. Type C. bowmani Gibbes. Gibbes, It. W. 1851 A, p. 9. Cope, E. D. 1872 F, p. 345. 1875 E, p. 276. Leidy, J. 1868 G, p. 202. (Conosaurops, to replace Conosaurus. ) Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 261. Zittel, K. A. 1S90 A, p. 268. (Syn. of Pachyrhiz- odus.) Conosaurus bowmani Gibbes. Gibbes, R. W. 1851 A, p. 10, pi. iii, figs. 1-6. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 276. Gibbes, R. W. 1850 A. (Name only.) Leidy, J. 1868 G, p. 202. (Conosaurops.) Cretaceous (Greensand); New Jersey. ORICARDINUS Cope. Type 0. tortus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 D, p. 177. Oricardinus sheareri Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 347. (Pachyrhizodus.) 1872 F, p. 348. (Pachyrhizodus.) 1874 C, p. 43. ( Pachyrhizodus. ) 1875 E, pp. 226, 276. ( Pachyrhizodus. ) 1877 D, p. 177. (Oricardinus.) Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 264. (Pachyrhizodus sheari.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Oricardinus tortus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 D, p. 177. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. ENCHODONTID^E. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 267. (Enchodidae.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 997. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 373. ENCHODUS Agassiz. Types E. faujasi and E. halocyon. Agasste, L. 1843 B (1844), v, p. 64. 1844 A. Cope, E. D. 1872 F, p. 347. 1872 I, p. 354. 1875 E, pp. 219, 238, 301 (Enchodus); pp. 219, 235, 277 (Phasganodus). Dames, W. 1887 B, p. 71. Davis, J. W. 1887 C, p. 521. Dollo, L. 1892 B, p. 183. Gunther, A. 1880 A, p. 433. Heckel, J. J. 1843 A, p. 240. (Isodus.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 289. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 273. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 998. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 81. Woodward, A. S. 1888 I, p. 315. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 269. Enchodus amicrodus Stewart. Stewart, A. 1898 D, p. 193, text-fig. 3. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 280. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 379, text fig. p. 37 Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. HAY.J CATALOGUE. Enchodus anceps Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 362. (Cimolichthys. ) 1874 C, p. 44. (Enchodus?) 1875 E, pp. 236, 277 (Phasganodus); p. 301 (Enchodus). Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 277. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Enchodus calliodon. Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 354. 1872 F, pp. 347,348. 1874 C, p. 44. 1875 E, pp. 240, 278, 301. Loomis, P. B. 1900 A, p. 277. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Enchodus carinatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1869 F, p. 241. (Sphyraena. ) 1871 D, p. 424. (Sphyrsena.) 1872 F, p. 347. (Cimolichthys.) 1875 E, pp. 80, 235, 277. (Phasganodus.) Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 277. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Enchodus dolichus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, pp. 239, 278, 300, pi. liv, figs. 8,80. 1885 Z, p. 3. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 279, pi. xxvii, figs. 16, 17. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 377, pl.lxx, fig. 12. Cretaceous (Niobrara) ; Kansas. Enchodus ferox Leidy. Lcidtj, J. 1855 C, p. 397. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 277. Emmons, E. 1860 A, p. 214, fig. 182*. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 277. Morton, S. G. 1834 A, p. 32, pi. xii, fig. 1. (" Sphy- raena.") Cretaceous; New Jersey. Enchodus gentry! (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1875 H, p. 362. (Phasganodus.) Miocene; New Jersey. Enchodus gladiolus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 353. (Cimolichthys.) 1874 C, p. 43. (Phasganodus?.) 1875 E, pp. 235, 277 (Phasganodus); 301, pi. xlii, fig. 7 (Enchodus). Cretaceous (Niobrara) ; Kansas. Enchodus oxytomus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 278. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 277. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Enchodus parvus Stewart. Stewart, A. 1898 D, p. 192, text fig. 2. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 280. (Syn. of E. shu- mardii.) Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 378, text fig. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Enchodus petrosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 44. 1875 E, pp. 239, 278, pi. liv, figs. 4-6. Loomis; F. B. 1900 A, p. 278, pi. xxvii, figs. 13-15. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 376, pi. Ixx, fig. 11. Cretaceous (Niobrara) Kansas. Enchodus pressidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 F, p. 241. 1875 E, p. 277. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 277. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Enchodus semistriatus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1870 E, p. 230. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 277. (Phasganodus.) Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 277. Cretaceous; New Jersey.) Enchodus shumardii Leidy. Leidy, J. H. 1856 M, p. 257. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 44. 1875 E, p. 279. Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 289, 347, pi. xvii, fig. 20. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 280, pi. xxvii, figs. 18, 19. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 375. Whiteaves, J. F. 1889 B, p. 194, pi. xxvi, figs. 7 a, 6, c. Cretaceous; Dakota, Manitoba. Enchodus tetrsecus Cope. 1 Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 278. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 277 (E, tetracus). Stewart A. 1900 A, p. 375. (E. tetracus.) Cretaceous; Delaware, New Jersey. Enchodus sp. indet. Cope, E. D. 1871 D, p. 424. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. TETHEODUS Cope. Type T. pephredo Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 43. 1875 E, pp. 219, 237, 277. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 273. (Syn. of Enchodus. ) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 270. Tetheodus pephredo Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 43. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, pp. 237, 277, pi. liv, figs. 1-3. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 278. (T. pephero; syn. of Enchodus petrosus.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. iz (1843 B (1844), v, p. 65, pi. xxv e, figs. 1, 2; pi. xxxiii, figs. 2-4) reports E. halocyon from Cre- taceous of Maryland. Its original locality is Europe. The determination was probably erroneous. 390 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. CIMOLICHTHYS Leidy. Type C. lewesiensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 O, p. 302. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, v, pt. i, p. 102. (Saurocephalus, Saurodon, not of Harlan and Hays.) Cope, E. D. 1870 L, p. 530. 1871 D, p. 415. 1872 F, p. 346. 1875 E, pp. 219, 235, 277, 300. (Phasganodus, in part.) Dames, W. 1887 A. ( Phasganodus = Saurodon Agassiz. ) Dixon, F. 1878 A, p. 411. Leidy, J. 1857 F, p. 167. (Phasganodus, type P. dims.) 1873 B, p. 347. (Phasganodus.) Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 267. Woodward, A. S. 1888 I, p. 316. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 269 (Cimolichthys); p. 270 (Phasganodus). Cimolichthys dims (Leidy.) Leidy, J. 1857 F, p. 167. (Phasganodus.) Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 43. (Phasganodus.) 1875 E, p. 277. ( Phasganodus. ) Dames, W. 1887 A, p. 74. (Saurodon.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 289, 347, pi. xvii, figs. 23, 24. (Phasganodus.) Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 376, pi. Ixx, fig. 14. (En- chodus. ) Cretaceous (Fox Hills) ; North Dakota. ALBULID.E. Gunther, A. 1868 A, pp. 468, 469. (Albulina.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 410. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 252. SYNTEGMODUS Loomis. Type S. altus Loomis. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 252. Syntegmodus altus Loomis. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 253, pi. xxii, fig. 9. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. APSOPELIX Cope. Type A. sauriformis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 D, p. 423. 1875 E, p. 241. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 312. A genus of uncertain position. Apsopelix sauriformis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 D, p. 424. 1874 C, p. 47. 1875 E, pp. 242, 279, pi. xlii, fig. 6. Cretaceous (Beriton); Kansas. CYCLOTOMODON Cope. Type C. vagrans Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 F, p. 113. Systematic position doubtful. Cyclotomodon vagrans Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 F, p. 113. Phosphate deposit; South Carolina. CLUPEID.E. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1844), v, p. 96. (" Halecoides," in part. ) 1845 A, p. 292. Bridge, T. W. 1896 A, p. 657. Briihl, B. C. 1847 A. (" Clupeen.") Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 333. 1884 O, p. 67. Dareste, C. 1872 A, p. 1087. Grassi, B. 1883 A. Gunther, A. 1868 A, p. 381. 1880 A, p. 655. 1881 A, p. 693. Hitchcock, Fanny R. 1888 B. Jordan, D. S. 1891 A. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 417. Klein, E. F. 1879 A, p. 106. Klein, E. F. 1886 A. Kolliker, A. 1859 A. (Clupeinse.) Marck, W. 1863 A, p. 41. (Clupeoidei.) Miiller, J. 1846 C, p. 790. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 994. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 135. 1866 A, p. 10, et seq. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 56. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 367. (Clupacei.) Stannius, H. 1846 A. ("Clupeiden.") 1854 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 579. Stephan, P. 1900 A. ("Clupeides.") Vaillant, L. 1883 A. Vrolik, A. J. 1873 A, p. 267. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 271. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 391 DIPLOMYSTUS Cope. Type D. dentatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 808. A few references are here included to the literature of the genus Clupea, which is closely related to Diplomystus and to which most of the species of the latter were originally assigned. Agassiz L. 1843 B (1844), v, p. 115. (Clupea.) Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 73. 1885 Z, p. 4. Gunther, A. 1868 A, p. 412. (Clupea.) Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 421. (Clupea.) Miiller, J. 1843 A, p. 216. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 9%. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 113. (Clupea.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 367. (Clupea.) Reis, O. M. 1895 C, p. 167. (Clupea.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 C, p. 1. Zittel.K. A. 1890 A, p. 276. (Clupea, Diplomystus. ) Diplomystus altus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 1%, 347, pi. xvii, fig. 2. (Clupea.) Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 811. 1877 Z, p. 570. 1877 AA. 1884 O, p. 79. King, C. 1878 A, p. 394. (Clupea.) Eocene (Green River) ; Wyoming. Diplomystus analis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 809. 1877 Z, p. 570. 1877 AA. 1884 O, p. 75, pi. vii, fig. 4; pi. viii, fig. 3; pi. x, fig. 2. Eocene (Green River) ; Wyoming. Diplomystus dentatus Cope. '. Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 808. 1877 Z, p. 570*. 1877 AA. 1884 O, p. 74, pi. x, fig. 1. Eocene (Green River) ; Wyoming. 'Diplomystus humilis (Leidy). 1 Leidy, J. 1856 M, p. 256. (Clupea.) jCope, E. D. 1870 H, p. 382. (Clupea pusilla, C. humilis.) 1871 E, p. 429. (Clupea pusilla, C. humilis. ) 1877 I, p. 811. 1877 Z, p. 570. 1877 AA. 1884 O, p. 77, pi. ix, fig. 8; pi. x, fig. 4. King. C. 1878 A, p. 394. (Clupea humilis, C. pusilla.) Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 369. (Clupea humilis, C. pusilla.) 1872 B, pp. 353, 372. (Clupea.) 1873 B, pp. 195, 347, pi. xvii, fig. 1. (Clupea.) Eocene (Green River); Wyoming, Diplomystus pectorosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 810. 1877 Z, p. 570. 1877 AA. 1884 O, p. 76, pi. x, fig. 3. Eocene (Green River); Wyoming. Diplomystus theta Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 D, p. 51. (Clupea.) 1874 B, p. 461. (Clupea.) 1877 Z, p. 570. 1884 O, p. 77. Eocene (Green River); W'yoming. SPANIODON Pictet. Type S. blcmdellii Pictet. Pictet, F. J., 1850, Poiss. foss. du Liban, p. 34. Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 69. 1878 H H, p. 57. Davis, J. W. 1887 C, p. 687. Pictut, F. J. 1854 A, p. 116. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 274. Spaniodon simus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 69. Cretaceous (Niobrara); S. Dakota. SARDINIUS Marck. Type Osmerus cordieri Agassiz. Sardinius lineatus Cope. Marck, W., 1858, Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Gesellsch., x, p. 245. Cope, E. D. 1878 A, p. 70. Davis, J. W. 1887 C, p. 567. Marck, W. 1863 A, p. 43. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 275. Sardinius? blackburnii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 H, p. 654. Oligocene?; S. Dakota. Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 71. Cretaceous (Niobrara); S. Dakota. Sardinius nasutulus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 70. Cretaceous (Niobrara); S. Dakota. Sardinius percrassus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 72. Cretaceous (Niobrara); S. Dakota. FOSSIL VEETEBEATA OF NOETH AMEEICA. [BULL. 179. SALMONID^E. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1844), v, p. 96. (Halecoides, in part.) 1845 A, p. 306. Bridge, T. W. 18% A, p. 650. Bruch, 1862, Osteol. Rheinlachs. Briihl, B. C. 1847 A. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 333. Dareste, C. 1872 A, p. 1176. Gill, T. 1894 C, p. 117. Grass!, B. 1883 A. Giinther, A. 1866 A, p. 1. 1880 A, p. 630. 1881 A, p. 693. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 460 (Salmonidse); p. 519 (Argentiiiidse). Klein, E. F. 1879 A, p. 107. Kcilliker, A. 1859 A. (Salmones. ) Muller, J. 1843 A, p. 214. (Salmones.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 994. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 141. ("Salmonoids.") 1866 A. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 55. 1874 A. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 365. (Salmonei.) Reis, O. M.1895C, p. 170. Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Salmones.) Stephan, P. 1900 A. (Salmones.) Ussow. S. 1900 A. ("Salmoniden.") Vaillant, L. 1883 A. Vrolik, A. J. 1873 A, p. 248. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 279. RHABDOFARIO Cope. Type R. lacustris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 M, p. 545. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 280. Rhabdofario lacustris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 M, p. 546. Pleistocene; Idaho. LEPTICHTHYS Stewart. Type L. agilis Stewart. Stewart, A. 1899 E, p. 78. 1900 A, p. 372. Leptichthys agilis Stewart. Stewart, A. 1899 E, p. 78. 1900 A, p. 372, pi. Ixxii, fig. 1. Cretaceous; Kansas. MALLOTUS Cuvier. Type M. villosus (Muller). Cuvier, O., 1829, Regne Anim., ed. ii, vol. ii, p. 305. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1844), v., p. 98. Giinther, A. 1866 A, p. 170. 1860 A, p. 647. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 520. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 280. Mallotus villosus (Muller). Miitter, 1877, Prod. Zool. Dan., p. 245. (Clupea.) Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1844), v., p. 98, pi. Ix. Dawson, J. W. 1877 B, p. 341. 1890 A, p. 86. Giinther, A. 1866 A, p. 170. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 521. Logan, W. E. 1863 A, p. 916, fig. 494. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 366. Woodward, A. S. 1889 E, p. 230. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 280, fig. 290. Living in northern seas: Pleistocene; Canada GONORHYNCHID.E. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 333. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 16. Gunther, A. 1868 A, p. 373. 1880 A, p. 652. Giinther, A. 1881 B, p. 693. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 999. Woodward, A. S. 18% B. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 285. (Ganorhynchidse.) NOTOGONEUS Cope. Type N. osculus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1885 Y, p. 1091. 1886 T, p. 163. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 999. Woodward, A. S. 18% B, p. 500. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 286. Notogoneus osculus Cope, Cope, E. D. 1885 Y, p. 1091. 1886 T, p. 163, pi. i. figs. 4, 5, Whitfield, R. P. 1890 A, p. 117. Woodward, A. S. 18% B, p. 500, pi. xviii, figs. 1, 2. Eocene (Green River); Montana. CATALOGUE. 393 OSTEOGLOSSID^. Bridge, T. W. 1895 A, p. 302. (Osteoglossum.) Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 333. 1884 O, pp. 67, 68. Gegenbaur, C. 1898, p. 356. (Osteoglossum.) Giinther, A. 1868 A, vii, p. 377. Hyrtl. J. 1854 A, p. 73. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 229. (Plethodidse, part.) Muller, J. 1843 A, p. 217. (Osteoglossum.) Muller, J. 1846 A. (Osteoglossum.) 1846 C. (Osteoglossum.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 999. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 137, pi. xlviii. (Osteoglos- sum.) Reis, O. M. 1895 C, p. 169. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 281. PHAREODI'S Leidy. Type P. acutus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 D, p. 99. Cope, E. D. 1871 E, p. 430. (Osteoglossum.) 1873 E, p. 637. (Phareodon, in part.) 1877 1, p. 807. (Dapedoglossus, type D. testis. ) 1878 Z, p. 570. (Dapedoglossus.) 1884 O, p. 68. (Dapedoglossus.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 193. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 999. (Dapedo- glossus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 281. (Dapedoglossus.) Phareodus acutus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 D, p. 99. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 637 (Phareodon acutus); p. 638 (P. sericeus). 1884 O, pp. 69, 72, pi. v, figs. 18-20. (Dape- King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 193, 349, pi. xxxii, figs. 47-51. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Phareodus sequipinnis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 77. (Dapedoglossus.) 1884 O, p. 73, pi. vii, fig. 2. ' (Dapedoglossus. ) Eocene (Green River); Wyoming. Phareodus encaustus (Cope). Cope. E. D. 1871 E, p. 430. (Osteoglossum.) 1877 I, p. 808. (Dapedoglossus.) 1877 A A (Dapedoglossus). 1878 Z, p. 570. (Dapedoglossus.) 1884 O, p. 70; pi. vi, fig. 1. ( Dapedoglossus. ) Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 372. (Osteoglossum.) Eocene (Green River) ; Wyoming. Phareodus testis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 807. 1877 A A. (Dapedoglossus.) 1878 Z, p. 570. 1884 O, p. 71, pi. vii, fig. 1; pi. viii, figs. 1, 2. Eocene (Green River); Wyoming. ANOGMIUS Cope. Type A. contractus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 J, p. 170. 1872 I, p. 354. 1875 E, pp. 220 A, 240. 1877 D, p. 178. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 229 (Thryptodus, type T. zittel i); p. 235 ( Pseudothryptodus, type P. inter- medius); p. 254 ("Agnomius," a syn. of Osme- roides). Sauvage, H. E. 1879 A, p. 52. (Syn. ? of Ischy- rhiza.) Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 340. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 268. (Syn. of Pachyrhiz- odus. ) Without doubt, close comparison will much reduce the number of species of this genus. Anogmius aratus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 G, p. 585. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 340. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Anogmius contractus Cope. Cape, E. D. 1871 J, p. 170. 1872 I, p. 354. 1875 E. p. 240 (Anogmius) ; 220 A (Pachyrhiz- odus). Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Anogmius evolutus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 D, p. 179. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 257, pi. xxvi, figs. 5, 6. (Osmeroides.) Stewart, A. 1898 D, p. 1%. ( Beryx multidentatus. ) 1900 A, p. 347, pi. Ixv, figs. 8, 9, 10; pi. Ixvii. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Anogmius favirostris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 D, p. 178. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 256. (Osmeroides.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Anogmius intermedius (Loomis). Loomi*, F. B. 1900 A, p. 236, pi. xxii, figs. 3-8. (Pseudothryptodus.) Cretaceous (Niborara); Kansas. Anogmius pplymicrodus Stewart. Stewart, A. 1898 D, p. 195. (Beryx?.) Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 256, pi. xxvi, figs. 1-4. (Osmeroides.) Stewart, A. 1899" A, p. 20. 1899 D, p. 117, pi. xxxi. 1900 A, p. 342, pi. Ixiv; pi. Ixv, figs. 1-7; pi. Ixvi; pl.lxvii, fig. "phar." Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Anogmius rotundus (Loomis). Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 235, pi. xxii, figs. 1, 2. (Thryptodus.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas.. Anogmius zitteli (Loomis). Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, p. 234, pi. xxi, figs. 1-10. (Thryptodus.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. 394 FOSSIL VERTEBEATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 17y. INCERT.E SEDIS. PROBALLOSTOMUS Cope Type P. longulus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 H, p. 655. Proballostomus longulus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 H, p. 655. Cope, E. D. 1892 B, p. 285. Oligocene?; S. Dakota. Order PLECTOSPONDYLL Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 332. 1878 A, p. 295. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 131. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 160. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 119. CYPRINID.E. Bloch, L. 1900 A. ("Cobitiden," "Cypriniden.") Bridge, T. \V. 1896 A, p. 547. Briihl, B. C. 1847 A. ("Cyprinen.") Cope, E. D. 1871 H. OCobitidse.) 1871 I, p. 99. OCobitidse.) 1872 C, p. 332. (Catostomidse, Cyprinidse, Cobitidse.) 1883 L, p. 161. OCobitidse.) Dareste, C. 1872 A, p. 934. (" Cyprinoides.") Gill, T. 1872 C, pp. 17, 18. (Catostomidse, Cy- prinidse, Cobitidse.) 1893 A, pp. 131, 132. (Catostomidse, Cyprin- idse, Cobitidae.) Grassi, B. 1883 A. Giinther, A. 1868 A, p. 3. 1880 A, p. 687. 1881 A, p. 692. Ihering, H. 1891 B. Jordan, D. S. 1891 A. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 161 (Catosto- midae); p. 199 (Cyprinidse). Klein, E. F. 1879 A, p. 110. KQlliker, A. 1859 A. (Cyprinoidei.) Koken, E. 1891 B, p. 26. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 369. Muller, A. 1853 A. Muller, J. 1846 C, p. 183. (Cyprinoidei. ) Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 144. (" Cyprinoids.") 1866 A. Parker, W. K. 1868 A. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 102. (Cyprinoides.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 361. Sagemehl, M. 1884 A, p. 1. 1891 A. (Cyprinidse, Cobitidse.) Segond, L. A. 1873 B, p. 529. ( ' ' Cyprinoide Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Cyprinoidei.) Stephan, P. 1900 A. Vaillant, L. 1883 A. Vrolik, A. J.1873A, p. 265. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 282. (Cyprinoidse.) CATOSTOMIN.E. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 332. .(Catostomidse.) Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 17. (Catostomidse.) 1893 A, p. 131. (Catostomidse.) Gunther, A. 1868 A, p. 12. Giinther, A. 1880 A, p. 588. (Catostomina). Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 161. (Cato- stomidse.) Sagemehl, M. 1891 A. PROTOCATOSTOMUS Whitfield. Type P. constablei Whitfield. WIMjidd, K. P. 1890 A, p. 120. Protocatostomus constable! Whitfield. Whitfield, R. P. 1890 A, p. 120, pi. iv. Eocene; Wyoming. See Notogoneus osculus, p. 392. CATOSTOMUS Le Sueur. Type C. catostomus Le Sueur. Le Sueur, 1817, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., i, p. 89. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 173. Sagemehl, M. 1891 A. Catostomus batrachops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 L, p. 161. 1889 F. Pleistocene (Equusbeds); Oregon. Catostomus cristatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 L, p. 160. Pleistocene (Equusbeds); Idaho. Catostomus labiatus Ayres. Ayres, W. 0. 1855, Proc. Calif or. Acad. Sci., i, p. 32. Cope, E. D. 1883 L, p. 160. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 177. Recent and Pleistocene; Klamath Lake, Ore- gon. Catostomus shoshonensis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 L, p. 159. Pleistocene (Equus beds) ; Idaho. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 395 AMYZOX Cope. Type A. mentale Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 P, p. 480. 1873 E, p. 642. 1884 O, pp. 742, 748. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 99. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 284. Amyzon brevipinne Cope. Cope, E. D. 1893 D. Tertiary (Amyzon shales); British Columbia. Amyzon commune Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 D, p. 50. 1874 B, p. 460. 1875 G, p. 3. 1884 O, p. 749, pi. v, fig. 21. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 99. Tertiary (Amyzon shales); Colorado. Amyzon fusiforme Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 G, p. 5. 1884 O, p. 751. Tertiary (Amyzon shales); Colorado. Amyzon mentale Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 P, p. 431. 1872 MM, p. 775. 1873 E, p. 643. 1884 O, p. 749, pi. lix, fig. 2; Ix, fig. 2. Tertiary (Amyzon shales); Colorado. Amyzon pandatum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 G, p. 4. 1884 O, p. 750. Tertiary (Amyzon shales); Colorado CYPRIOTE. This subfamily is equivalent to the Cyprinidse as recognized by many of the authors referred to under that family. Briihl, B. C. 1847 A. ("Cyprinen.") Giinther, A. 1880 A, p. 589. (Cyprininae.) Cope, E. D. 1870 M, p. 539. 1871 H, p. 55. 1883 L, pp. 154, 158. Zittel, K. A. DIASTICHUS Cope. Type D. macrodon Cope. Diastichus parvidens Cope. Diastichus macrodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 M, p. 539. 1883 L, p. 158. Late Tertiary; Idaho. Cope, E. D. 1870 M, p. 540. 1883 L, p. 158. Late Tertiary; Idaho. Diastichus strang-ulatus Cope. Cope. E. D. 1883 L, p. 158. Late Tertiary; Idaho. APHELICHTHYS Cope. Type A. lindahlii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1893 B, p. 19. Aphelichthys lindahlii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1893 B, p. 19. Pliocene or Pleistocene; S. Illinois. KUTILUS Raf . Type Oyprinus rutilus Raf. Rafinesqw, C. S., 1820, Ichthyol. Ohioensis, pp. 48, 50. Cope, E. D. 1870 M, p. 543. (Anchybopsis, type A.latus.) 1878 C, p. 229. (Anchybopsis.) 1883 L, p. 142. (Myloleucus.) Giinther, A. 1868 A, p. 267. (Leuciscus, in part.) Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 243. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 284. (Anchybopsis.) Butilus altarcus (Cope) . Cope, E. D. 1878 C, p. 229. (Anchybopsis.) 1883 L, p. 146. (Leucus.) 1889 F. (Leucus.) 1889 S, p. 980. (Leucus.) Pleistocene (Equus); Oregon. Rutilus condonianus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1883 L, p. 156. (Leucus.) Pleistocene (Equus); Oregon. Butilus gibbarcus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1878 C, p. 230. (Alburnops.) 1878 C, p. 229. (Alburnops breviarcus.) 1883 L, p. 143. (Myloleucus.) 1889 F, p. 161. (Myloleucus.) 1889 S, p. 980. (Myloleucus.) Pleistocene (Equus); Oregon. Butilus latus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1870 M, p. 543. (Anchybopsis.) 1883 L, pp. 144, 146, 156. (Leucus.) Pleistocene (Equus); Idaho. 396 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. NOTROPIS Raf. Type N. atherinoides Raf. Raflnesque, C. S., 1818, Amer. Month. Mag., ii, p. 204. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 254. Notropis angustarcus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1878 C, p. 230. (Alburnops.) Cope, E. D. 1883 L, p. 142. (Cliola (Cliola.) (Cliola.) Pleistocene (Equus); Oregon. LEUCISCUS Cuvier. Type, none designated. Olivier, O., 1817, Regne Anim., ed. i, p. 194. Cope, E. D. 1870 M, p. 540 (Oligobelus, type 0. arciferus); p. 541 (Semotilus). 1883 L, p. 156. (Squalius.) Gunther, A. 1868 A, p. 207. 1880 A, p. 598. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 228. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 282 (Leuciscus); p. 284 (Oligobelus). Leuciscus arciferus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1870 M, p, 541. (Oligobelus.) 1883 L, p. 158. (Squalius.) Pleistocene; Idaho. Leuciscus bairdii (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1870 M, p. 542. (Semotilus. ) 1883 L, p. 158. (Squalius.) Pleistocene; Idaho. Leuciscus laminatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1870 M, p. 541. (Oligobelus.) 1883 L, p. 157. (Squalius.) Pleistocene; Idaho. Leuciscus posticus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1870 M, p. 541. (Semotilus.) 1883 L, p. 157. (Squalius.) Pleistocene; Idaho. Leuciscus reddingi (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1883 L, p. 157. (Squalius.) Pleistocene; Idaho. Leuciscus turneri Lucas. Lucas, F. A. 1900 F, p. 333, pi. viii. Miocene; Nevada. MYLOCYPRINUS Leidy. Type M. robustus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 K, p. 70. Cope, E. D. 1870 M, pp. 539,543. 1883 L, p. 154. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 369. Peters, 1880, Monatsber. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin, p. 925, figure. (Mylopharyngodon, type Leu- ciscus sethiops.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 284. Mylocyprinus inflexus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 L, p. 154. Pleistocene; Idaho. Mylocyprinus robustus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 K, p. 70. Cope, E. D. 1870 M, p. 544 (M. kingii, M. robustus); p. 545 (M. longidens). 1883 L, p. 155. (M. robustus, with M. kingii and longidens as subspecies.) Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 369. 1873 B, pp. 262, 348, pi. xvii, figs. 11-17. Pleistocene; Idaho. Order PHTHINOBRANOHII nom nov. Interclavicles developed. Elements of the branchial arches more or less reduced. Post- temporal simple. Basis cranii simple. Head more or less produced. Ventral fins abdomi- nal, subabdominal, or wanting. Most families with more or less well-developed dermal arma- ture. In this order it is intended to unite the Hemi- branchii and the Lophobranchii. Suborder HEMIBRANCHII Cope. Cope, E. D., 1871, Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., xiv, p. 456. 1872 C, p. 338. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 13. DERCETID^E. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 137. Jordan and Evermann 1896, A p. 741. Ussow, S. 1900 A, p. 227. (Gasterosteiformes. ) Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 67. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, ii, pt. ii, p. 258. (Genus Der- cetis.) Giinther, A. 1880 A, p. 666. (Hoplopleurida?.) Lutken, C. 1873 A, p. 17. (Dercctiformes.) Marck, W. 1863 A, p. 58. (Dercetiformes. ) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 397 Nicholson and Lydckker 1889 A, p. 997. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 213 (Hoplopleurides); p. 216, pi. xxxii, figs. 13-16 (Dercetes). Pictet and Humbert 1866 A, p. 90. (Hoplopleu- rides.) Reis, O. M. 1895 C, pp. 169, 180, 182. (Hoplopleu- ridffi.) Williston, S. W. 1899 B, p. 115. 1900, in Stewart A. 1900 A, p. 380. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 264. (Hoplopleuridse.) ICHTIIYOTRINGA Cope. Type I. tenuiroslris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 69. 1878 HH, p. 57. Williston, S. W. 1899 B, p. 115. 1900, in Stewart A. 1900 A, p. 382. Ichthyotringa tenuirostris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 69. Cretaceous (Niobrara) ; South Dakota. LEPTECODON Williston. Type L. rectus Willist. Williston, S. W. 1899 B, p. 113. Leptecodon rectus Willist. Williston, S. W. 1899 B, p. 113, pi. xxvi. Williston, S. W. 1900, in Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 380, pi. Ixxiii. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. TRIJENASPIS Cope. Type T. virgulatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 67. 1878 HH, p. 57. Williston, S. W. 1899 B, p. 115. 1900, in Stewart, A, 1900 A, p. 382. Trisenaspis virgulatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 67. Cretaceous (Niobrara); S. Dakota. LEPTOTRACHELUS Marck. Type L. armatus Marck. March, W. 1863 A, p. 59. Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 68. 1878 HH, p. 57. Davis, J. W. 1887 C, p. 619. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 997. (Syn. of Dercetes. ) Pictet and Humbert 1866 A, p. 93. Reis, O. M. 1895 C, p. 169. Zittel K. A. 1890 A, p. 268. Leptotrachelus longipinnis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 68. Williston, S. W. 1899 B, p. 115. 19UO, in Stewart, A, 1900 A, p. 382. Cretaceous (Niobrara); S. Dakota. GASTEKOSTEID.E. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 338. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 137. Giinther, A. 1859 A, p. 1. 1880 A, p. 504. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 742. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 39. Sauvage, H. E. 1874 A. (" Epinoches.") GASTEROSTEUS Linn. Type G. aculeatus Linn. Linnxus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 489. Giinther, A. 1859 A, p. 2. 1880 A, p. 505. Huxley, T. H. 1858 C, p. 39. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p; 746. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 91. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 39. Sauvage, H. E. 1874 A, p. 5. Gasterosteus bispinosus Walbaum. Walbaum, 1792, Artedi Pise., p. 450. Dawson, J. W. 1877 B, p. 341. (G. aculeatus?) 1890 A, p. 86. (G. aculeatus?) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 748. Living; Labrador to New Jersey: Pleisto- cene; Canada. It seems most probable that the stickleback found fossil in Canada by Dr. Dawson is the O. bispinosus, common on our Eastern coast. Order MESICHTHYES nom. nov. Actmopteri with anterior vertebrae unmodi- fied and not connected with auditory appara- tus. Branchial arches well developed. Pre- coracoid arch and interclavicles absent. Ven- tral fins abdominal. This order is intended to include the Haplomi, the Synentognathi, and the Percesoces. 398 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NOETH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Suborder HAPLOMI Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, pp. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 14. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 133. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 622. LUCIID^E. Unless otherwise indicated, the family name Esocidx is used by the following writers. Bridge, T. W. 1896 A, p. 545. Briihl B. C. 1847 A. (Esox.) Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 333. 1875 E, p. 280. (Ischyrhizidae.) Dareste, C. 1872 A, p. 1086. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 15. Grassi, B. 1883 H. Giinther, A. 1866 A, p. 226. 1880 A, p. 623. 1881 A, p. 693. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 624. (Luciidse.) Klein, E. F. 1879, p. 108. (Esox.) Kolliker, A. 1859 A. (Esoces.) Muller, A. 1853 A. Miiller, J. 1843 A, p. 215. (Esoces.) 1846 C, p. 188. (Esoces.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1000. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 131. (" Lucioids.") 1866 A, p. 10 et seq. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 54. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 108. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 365. (Esocini.) Reis, O. M. 1895 C, p. 170. Rose, C. 1897 A, with figures. Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Esoces.) Stephan, P. 1900 A. (Esox.) Vaillant, L. 1883 A. Vrolik, A. J. 1873 A, pp. 235, 261. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 120. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 270. ISCHYRHIZA Leidy. Type /. mira Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 K, p. 221. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 355. 1875 E, p. 280. Leidy, J. 1857 A, p. 272. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 270. This genus is assigned only provisionally to the Lucydse. Ischyrhiza antiqua Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 L, p. 256. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 280. 1875V, p. .32. 1887 G, p. 566. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 225, figs. 47, 48. Leidy, J. 1857 A, p. 272. Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 120. (Syn. of I. mira.) Cretaceous; North Carolina: (Fox Hills); New Mexico. Ischyrhiza mira Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 K, p. 221. Cope, E. D. 1872 I, p. 355. 1875 E, p. 280. Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 120, pl.xxv, figs. 3-9. (I. an- tiqua a synonym.) Cretaceous; New Jersey: Miocene ?; South Carolina. Ischyrhiza ? radiata Clark. Clark, W. B. 1895 A, p. 4. 1897 A, p. 60, pi. vii, figs. Eocene; Virginia. PCECILIIDJE. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 338. (Cyprinodontidse. ) Gill, T. 1894 B, p. 115. (Pceciliidse.) 1896 B, p. 221. (Pceciliidse.) Giinther, A. 1866 A, p. 299. (Cyprinodontidse.) 1880 A, p. 613. (Cyprinodontidse.) 1881 A, p. 693. (Cyprinodontidse.) Ihering, H. 1891 B, p. 477. (Cyprinodontidse.) Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 630. Kolliker A. 1859 A. (Cyprinodentes. ) Muller, J. 1846 C, pp. 183, 202. (Cyprinodontes.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1000. (Cypri- nodontidse.) Reis, O. M. 1895 C, p, 170. (" Cyprinodonten." ) Stannius H. 1854 A. (Cyprinodontes.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 281. (Cyprinodontidse.) GEPHYURA Cope. Type G. concentrica Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 H, p. 654. The position of the genus is in doubt. Gephyura concentrica Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 H, p. 654. 1892 B, p. 285. Oligocene ?; South Dakota. Suborder PERCESOCES Cope. Cope, E. D., 1871, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., xiv, p. 456. 1872 C, pp. 335, 337. Gill, T. 1872 C,' p. 13. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 133. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 787. Starks, E. C. 1899 A, p. 1. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 399 MUGILID.E. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1844), v, p. 119. ("Mugil- oides.") Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 338. Dareste, C. 1872 A, p. 1175. (" Muglloides.") Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 13. Gunther, A. 1861 A, p. 409. 1880 A, p. 501. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 808. KiMliker, A. 1859 A. (Mugiloidei.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1005. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 120. ("Mugiloids.") 1866 A, p. 11 at ?eq. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 50. Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Mugiloidei.) Starks, E. C. 1899 A, p. 1. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 312. It is not certain that any of the genera here assigned to this family really belong to it. CLADOCYCLUS Agassiz. Type C. lewesiensis Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1844), v, p. 103. Geinitz, H. B, 1868 A, p. 42., 1875 A. p. 224. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 288. Loomis, F. B, 1900 A, p. 237. (Syn. of lehthyo- dectes.) Nicholson nnd Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1006. Pictet.F. J. 1854 A, p. 94. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 34. Cladocyclus occidentals Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 M, p. 256. 1857 C, p. 90. 1873 B, pp. 288, 347, pi. xvii, figs. 21, 22; pi. xxx, fig. 5. Loomis, F. B. 1900 A, pp. 237, 242. (Syn. of Ichthyo- dectes arcuatus. ) Whiteaves, J. F. 1889 B, p. 195, pi. xxvi, figs. 8, 9. Cretaceous; South Dakota, Manitoba. PELECORAPIS Cope. Type P. varius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 39. 1875 E, pp. 182, 273. 1877 G, p. 587. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 312. Pelecorapis berycinus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 G, p. 587. Cretaceous (Pierre); Montana. Pelecorapis varius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 39. 1875 E, pp! 182, 273. 1877 G, p. 587. Cretaceous (Benton); Kansas. SYLL^MUS Cope. Type S. latifrons Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, pp. 180, 273. 1877 K, p. 26. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1005. of Calamopleurus.) Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 383. Woodward, A. S. 1888 I, p. 325. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 312. (Scyllaemus.) (Syn.? Syllaemus latifrons Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, pp. 181, 273. 1877 K, p. 27. Stewart, A. 1900 A, p. 384, pi. Ixxii. Cretaceous; New Mexico?: Cretaceous (Ben- ton); Kansas. Agassiz, L., 1843 B, v. p. 93. ("Sphyraenoides.") 1845 A, p. 291. (Sphyrsenoidae.) Bridge, T. W. 1896 A, p. 569. Cope, E. D. 1870 L, p. 529. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 12. Gunther, A. 1860 A, p. 334. 1880 A, p. 499. Gunther, A. 1881 A, p. 690. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 822. Klein, E. F. 1879 A, p. 91. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1006. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 375. (Sphyraenoidei.) Starks, E. C. 1899 A, p. 1. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 312. DICTYODUS Owen. Without designated type. Owen, R., 1839, Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. for 1838, p. 142. Agassiz, L. 1843 B (1844) , v, pp. 8, 98. (Sphyraeno- dus.) Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 92. (Sphyrsenodus.) Owen, R. 1845 B, pp. 6, 12, pi. liv (Dictyodus); p. 128 (Sphyrsenodus). Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 93. (Sphyraenodus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 312. Dictyodus silovianus (Cope). ' Cope, E. D. 1875 H, p. 362. (Sphyrsenodus). Miocene; New Jersey. Dictyodus speciosus (Leidy.) Leidy, J. 1856 K, p. 221. (Sphyraena.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 142. (Sphyraena.) 1875 H, p. 362. (Sphyraenodus.) Miocene; New Jersey. 400 FOSSIL VEETEBEATA OF NOETH AMEEICA. [BULL. 179. NA Bloch and Schn. Type Esox sphyrasna Linn. Block and Schneider, 1801, Syst. Ichth., p. 109. Agassiz L. 1843 B (1844), v, pp. 8, 93. 1845 A, p. 291. Gunther, A. 1860 A, p. 334. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 822. Owen, R. 1845 B, pp. 4, 6, 126, pi. liii. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 92. Starks, E. C. 1899 A, p. 8. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 312. Sphyrsena major Leidy. Leidy, J. 1855 C, p. 397. 1877 A, p. 254, pi. xxxiv, figs. 37-41. Sands of Ashley River; South Carolina. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 341. 1884 O, p. 79. Order PERCOMORPHI. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 860. Suborder SQUAMIPINNES. Gunther, A. 1860 A. p. 1. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A. p. 781, 1898 A. p. 1665. Kolliker, A. 1859 A. (Sqamipennes.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A. p 299. (Squamipennes.) CH.ETODONTIDJ3. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 8. (Chsetodontidee, Ephip- piidse.) Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 342. Gunther, A. 1860 A, p. 1. (Squamipinnes, in part. ) 1880 A, p. 397. (Squamipinnes, in part.) Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 1666 (Ephippi- dse); p. 1669 (Chsetodontidae). Kolliker, A. 1859 A. (Squamipennes.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1013. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 50. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 299. (Squamipennes.) CH^ETODIPTERUS Lac6pede. Type C. faber (Brouss. ) . Lacepede, 1802, Hist. Nat. Poiss., iv, p. 503. Gunther, A. 1860 A, p. 60. (Ephippus.) 1880 A, p. 402, fig. 171. (Ephippus.) Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 1667. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1013. (Ephip- pus.) Owen, R. 1866 A, pp. 108, 111. (Ephippus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 299. (Ephippus.) Cheetodipterus faber (Brouss.). Broussonet, 1782, Ichth. Decas, 1, v, pi. 4, fide Jor- dan and Evermann. (Chsetodon.) Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 1668. Leidy, J. 1889 E, p. 31. (Ephippus gigas.) Recent; Cape Cod to Rio Janeiro: Pleisto- cene; Florida. Suborder PHARYNGOGNATHI. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 343. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 6. 1893 A, p. 135. (Pomacentroidea, Labroi- dea). Ihering, H. 1891 B, p. 508. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 1571. Kner, R. 1860 A, p. 41. Kolliker, A. 1859 A. Muller, j; 1846 C, pp. 131, 155, 199. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 49. Reis, O. M. 1895 C, p. 163. Stannius, H. 1854 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 B, p. 287. LABRIDJS. Agassiz L. 1845 A, p. 291. (Labroidae.) Briihl, B. C. 1847 A. Cocchi, 1. 1864 A. ( Pharyngodopilidae. ) Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 343. Dareste, C. 1872 A, p. 1174. ( ' ' Labroides." ) Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 7. 1893 A, p. 135. Gunther, A. 1862 A, p. 65. 1880 A, p. 525. Jordan, D. S. 1891 A. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 1571. Kner, R. 1860 A , p. 41. ( " Labroiden. ' ' ) Kolliker, A. 1859 A. (Labroidei.) Muller, J. 1846 C, p. 168. (Labroidei.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1004. (La- bridse, Pharyngodopilidse.) Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 108. (" Labroids.") 1866 A, p. 11 efseq. (Cyclo-labridse. ) Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 50. Reis, O. M. 1895 C. Sauvage, H. E. 1875 B, p. 615. (Pharyngodopili- dse, Phyllodidue.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 288. In this family are included provisionally the genera Nummopalatus and PhyUodus. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 401 PROTAUTOGA Leidy. Type P. conidenx Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873C, p. 15. (As subgennsof Tautog 1873 B, p. 347. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1004. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 289. Protautog-a conidens Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 C, p. 15. [Tautoga (Protautoga.)] 1873 A, p. 312. [Tautoga (Protautoga.)] 1873 B, p. 346, pi. xxxii, figs. 56, 57. [Tautoga (Protautoga.)] Miocene; Virginia. NUMMOPALATUS Roualt. Roualt, M. 1858 A, p. 101. Cocchi, I. 1864 A, p. 59. (Pharyngodopilus.) Cornuel, J. 1877 A, p. 620. Giinther, A. 1880 A, p. 526. Leidy, J. 1855 C, p. 396. (Odax.) Reis, O. M. 1895 C, p. 174. Sauvage, H. E. 1875 B, p. 613. Type N, edwardsius Roualt. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 289. Nummopalatus carolinensis (Leidy.) dy, J. 1855 C, p. 396. (Odax. ) 1877 A, p. 256, pi. xxxiv. flgs. 19,24. ryngodopilus. ) Phosphate beds; South Carolina. (Pha- PHYLLODUS Agassi/. Type not designated. Agassis, L. 1843 B, ii, pt. ii, p. 238. 1844 A. Cocchi, I. 1864 A, p. 59. Cornuel, J. 1877 A, p. 619. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 174. Gunthcr, A. 1880 A, p. 526. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1004, fig. 941. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 138, pi. xliv, fig. 2; pi. xlvii, figs. 1, 2. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 208. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 381. Sauvage, H. E. 1875 B, p. 615. Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 234. 1850 C. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 289. Phyllodus curvidens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1870 E, p. 229. Cope, E. D. 1875 H, p. 362. Miocene; New Jersey. Phyllodus eleg-ans Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1870 E, p. 228. Eocene; New Jersey. Phyllodus Mpparionyx Eastman. Eastman, C. R. 1900,Geol. Sun'. Maryland, iv, p. 103. Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 234, figs. 9a, 96. ("Phyl- lodus.") Eocene; South Carolina. POMACENTRID^E. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 7. Giinther, A, 1862 A, p. 1. 1880 A, p. 524. Jordan and Evermaim 1898 A, p. 1543. Kner, R. 1860 A, p. 42. (" Pomacentrinen.") Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1004. Owen, R. 1866 A, p. 11. (Ctenolabridse.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 287. PKISCACARA Cope. Type J'. serrata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 816. 1884 O, p. 92. Nicholson and Lydekker 1888 A, p, 1004. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 288. Priscacara clivosa Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 76. 1877 AA. 1884 O, p. 96, pi. xiii, fig. 3. Eocene (Green River); Wyoming. Priscacara cypha Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 817. 1878 Z, p. 570. 1884 O, p. 94, pi. xiii, fig. 2. Eocene (Green River); Wyoming. Priscacara hypsacantha Cope. Cope, E. D. 1886 T, p. 164, pi. i, fig. vi. Eocene (Green River) ; Wyoming. Bull. 179 26 Priscacara Hops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 818. 1877 AA. 1878 Z, p. 570. 1884 O, p. 97, pi. xiv, figs. 2, 3. Eocene (Green R^ver); Wyoming. Priscacara oxyprion (/ope. Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 74. 1884 O, p. 94, pi. xiv, fig. ;,. Eocene (Green River); Wyoming. Priscacara pealei Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 75. 1884 O", p. 96, pi. viii, fig. 4; pi. xiv, fig. 4. Eocene (Green River); Wyoming. Priscacara serrata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 816. 402 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. 1877 AA. 1878 Z, p. 570. 1884 O, p. 93, pi. xiii, flg. 1. 1886 T, p. 165. Eocene (Green River) ; Wyoming. Priscacara testudinaria Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 98, pi. i, fig. 7. 1880 T, p. 303. (No description.) Eocene (Manti); Utah. Superfamily BERYCOIDEA Gill. Gitt, T. 1872 C, p. 10. | Gill, T.1893 A, p. 133. BERYCID^. Bridge, T. W. 18% A, p. 560. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 342. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 10. Giinther, A. 1859 A, pp. 8, 12. 1880 A, p. 420. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 837. Klein, E. F. 1879 A, p. 80. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1010. Reis, O. M. 1895 C, p. 175. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 291. BERYX Cuvier. Type B. decadactylus C. and V. Cuvier, G., 1829, Regne Anim., ed. ii, p. 151. Agassiz, L. 1844 A. Bridge, T. W. 18% A, p. 563. Dixon, F. 1878 A, p. 398. Eichwald, E. 1868 A, p. 1196. Gunther, A. 1859 A, p. 12. 1880 A, p. 422. Huxley, T. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 388. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 49. Pictet and Humbert 1866 A, pp. 13, 27. Williamson, W. C. 1849 A, p. 444. Zittel, K. A. 1896 A, p. 291. Beryx insculptus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 F, p. 240. 1872 I, p. 357. 1875 E, p. 272, pi. lii, fig. 4. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Superfamily SCOMBROIDEA GUI. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 8. 1893 A, p. 133. Kolliker, A. 1859 A. (Scomberoidei.) Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 50. (" Scombroirts.") Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Scomberoidei, as family.) XIPHIID^E. Agassiz, L. 1845 A, p. 289. (Xiphioidse.) Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 342. (Xiphiadidse.) Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 8, 1883 A, p. 485. (Xiphiidse, Histiophoridse.) Gunther, A. 1860 A, p. 511. Gunther, A. 1880 A. p. 431. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 893. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1010. Reis, O. M. 1895 C. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 300. ISTIOPHORIN-ffi. Gill, T. 1883 A, p. 486. (Histiophoridse.) 1893 A, p. 133. (Histiophoridse.) Goode, G. B. 1882 A, p. 417. (Tetrapturinse.) Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. phoridse.) (Istio- ISTIOPHORUS Lac6p6de. Type L glar=J. g/adius. Lacepede, 1802, Hist. Nat. Pdtssons, iii, p. 374. Goodc, G. B. 1882 A, p. 423. (Histiophorus.) Gunther, A. 1860 A, p. 512. (Histiophorus.) 1880 A, p. 431. (Histiophorus.) Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 890. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1010. (Histio- phorus.) Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 121. (Histiophorus.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 371. (Histiophorus.) latiophorus antiquus (Leidy) . Leidy, J. 1855 C, p. 397. (Xiphias.) Cope, E. D. 1869 L, p. 310. (Histiophorus.) Eocene; New Jersey. Istiophorus homulorhamphus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 L, p. 310. (Histiophorus.) Tertiary greensand; New Jersey. Istiophorus parvulus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1870 E, p. 227. (Histiophorus.) Eocene; New Jersey. Istiophorus robustus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 119, pi. xxvii, figs. 3-5. (Xiphias.) Cope, E. D. 1869 L, p. 310. (Histiophorus.) Post-pliocene; South Carolina. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 403 EMBALORHYNCHUS Marsh. Type E. kinnei Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1870 E, p. 228. Embalorhynchus kinnei Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1870 E, p. 228. Eocene; New Jersey. TRICHIURID.E. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 342. Dames, W. 1887 B, p. 71. Giinther, A. 1860 A, p. 342. Gunther, A. 1880 A, p. 433. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A., p. 302. TRICHIURUS Linn. Type T. lepturus Linn. Linnaeus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 246. Gunther, A. 1860 A, p. 346. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 888. Owen, R. 1845 B, pp. 2, 125, pi. i, fig. 8. Trichiurus lepturus Linn. Linnseus C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 246. Jordan and Evennann 1896 A, p. 889. Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 12!, pi. xxv, fig. 2. (T. lep- turus fossilis.) Recent; West Indies to Virginia: Post-plio- cene; South Carolina. CARANGID^S. GUI, T. 1872 C, p. 8. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 342. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 133. Gunther, A. 1860 A, p. 417. 1880 A, p. 440. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 895. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1008. Pictet and Humbert 1866 A, p. 46. ("Carang- ides.") Reis, O. M. 1895 C, p. 177. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 304. PLATA x Cuvier. Type not specified. Hist. Nat. Poie Cuvier and Valenciennes, vii, p. 213. Agassiz, L. 1844 A, p. 207. Davis, J. W. 1887 C, p. 523. Giebel, C. G. 1848 A, p. 55. 1860 A, p. 489. Gunther, A. 1880 A, p. 448. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1009. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 2, pi. i, fig. 2. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 67. Pictet and Humbert 1866 A, p. 46. ' Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 386. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 304. Platax sp. indet. Gibbes, R. W. 1850 A, p. 77. 1850 G, p. 300, pi. xlii, figs. 11-13. Pliocene; South Carolina. Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 134. Superfamily PERCOIDEA GUI. APHREDODERID.E. Cope, E. D. 1870 H, p. 380. (Asineopidse.) 1877AA. (Asineopidse.) 1884 O, p. 79 (Aphododeridse); p. 85 (Asine- opidae). Gunther, A. 1859 A, p. 271. Gunther, A. 1880 A, p. 396. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 785. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1014. (Aphre- dodiridse, Asineopidec.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 2%. (Percidte, inpart.) AMPHIPLAGA Cope. Type A. brachyptera Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 812. 1884 O, p. 83. Amphiplaga brachyptera Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 812. ('ope, E. D. 1877 Z, p. 570. 1877 AA. 1884 O, p. 84. Eocene (Green River) ; Wyoming. 404 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. ASINEOPS Cope. Type A . squamifrons Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 H, p. 380. 1871 E, p. 425. 1884 O, p. 84. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 369. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1014. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 299. Asineops pauciradiatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 813. 1877 AA. 1878 Z, p. 570. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 87, pi. xiv, fig. 1. Eocene (Green River); Wyoming. Asineops squamifrons Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 H, p. 381. 1871 E, p. 426. (A. squamifrons, A. viriden- sis.) 1884 O, p. 85, pi. ix, fig. 5; pi. xi. King, C. 1878 A, p. 394. (A. squamifrons, A. viri- densis. ) Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 369. Eocene (Green River) ; Wyoming. TRICHOPHANES Cope. Type T. hians Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 P, p. 479. 1873 E, p. 641. 1879 N. 1884 O, pp. 79, 742, 752. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 97. Trichophanes copei. Osb., So. and Sp. Osborn, Scott, and Speir, 1878 A, p. 98. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 752. Oligocene; Colorado. Trichophanes foliarum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 F, p. 73. 1884 O, p. 753, pi. lix, fig. 4. Oligocene; Colorado. Trichophanes hians Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 P, p. 481. 1872 MM, p. 775. 1873 E, p. 642. 1884 O, p. 753, pi. lix, fig. 3. Oligocene; Nevada. ERISMATOPTERUS Cope. Type E. rickseckeri Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 E, p. 427. 1884 O, p. 80. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 296. Erismatopterus endlichii Cope. Cope, E.D.1877I, p. 811. 1877 Z, p. 570. 1877 AA. 1884 O, p. 82, pi. xii, fig. 5. Eocene (Green River); Wyoming. Erismatopterus levatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 H, p. 382. (Cyprinodoii.) 1871 E, p. 428. 1884 O, p. 80, pi. ix, figs. G, 7. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 369. (Cyprinodon.) Eocene (Green River); Wyoming. Erismatopterus rickseckeri Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 E, p. 427. 1884 O, p. 81, pi. vi, fig. 2. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 372. Eocene (Green River); Wyoming. PERCID.E. Agassiz, L. 1845 A, p. 286. ( Percoidae. ) Bridge, T. W. 1896 A, p. 564. Briihl, B. C. 1847 A. (" Percoiden.") Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 342. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 11. Giinther, A. 1859 A, p. 51. 1880 A, p. 375. 1881 A, p. 688. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 1015. Kolliker. A. 1859 A. (Percoidei, part.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 10i?. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 88. (" Percoids.") 1866 A, p.llelseq. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 52. Reis, O. M. 1895 C. Segond, L. A. 1873 B, p. 528. ( " Percoides. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 293. MIOPLOSUS Cope. Type M. nbbrematus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 813. 1884 O, p. 88. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1013. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 294. Mioplosus abbreviatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 813. 1877 Z, p. 570. 1877 AA. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 88. Eocene (Green River); Wyoming. Mioplosus beani Cope. Cope, L. D. 1877 I, p. 816. 1877 Z, p. 570. 1877 AA. 1884 O, p. 91, pi. xii, fig. 3. Eocene (Green River); Wyoming. CATALOGUE. 405 Mioplosus labracoides Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 I, p. 814. 1877 Z, p. 570. 1877 AA. 1884 O, p. 89, pi. xii, fig. 1. Eocene (Green River); Wyoming Mioplosus longus Cope. Cope, -E.D.1877I, p. 815. 1877 Z, p. 570. 1877 AA. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 90, pi. xii, fig. 2. Eocene (Green River); Wyoming. Mioplosus inultidentatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 H, p. 657. 1892 B, p. 285. Tertiary (Oligocene?); South Dakota. Mioplosus sauvageanus Cope. Cope, .D.1884G, p. 92. Eocene (Green River); Wyoming. PLIOPLARCHUS Cope. Type P. whitei Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 A, p. 414. 1884 O, p. 727. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1014. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 296. Plioplarchus septemspinosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1889 M, p. 6%. Tertiary, below John Day beds; Oregon Plioplarchus sexspinosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 A, p. 416. Cope, E.D. 1884 O, p. 729. Upper Cretaceous or Lower Tertiary; South Dakota. Plioplarchus whitei Cope. Cbpe,.D.1883A, p. 414. 1884 O, p. 728, pi. xxiv G, fig. 1. Upper Cretaceous or Lower Tertiary; South Dakota. OLIGOPLARCHUS Cope. Type 0. squamipinnis Cope. Cope, E.D.1891H, p. 656. Oligoplarchus squamipinnis Cope. Cope, E.D.IWIH, p. 656. SPARIDjE. Cope, E.D. 1892 B, p. 285. Oligocene?; South Dakof- Agassiz, L. 1845 A. p. 287. (Sparoidee.) Briihl, B. C. 1847 A. ("Sparoiden.") Cope, E. D.1872C, p. 342. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 1343. Kolliker, A. 1859 A. (Sparoidei.) Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 91. ("Sparoids.") Segond, L. A. 1873 B, p. 534. ("Sparoides.") Stannius, H. 1864 A. (Sparoidei.) CROMMYODUS Cope. Type Phacodus irregularis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 F, p. 243. (Substitute for Phaco- dus Cope, notofDixon.) Crommyodus irregularis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 L, p. 311. (Phacodus.) Cope, E.D. 1869 F, p. 243. 1875 H, p. 362. Miocene; New Jersey. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 10. SuperfamUy SCIjENOIDEA Gill. I SCI^ENID^E. Briihl, B. C. 1847 A. ("Sciaenoiden.") Gunther, A. 1860 A, p. 265. 1880 A, p. 426. Jordan and Everniann 1898 A, p. 1392. Kolliker, A. 1859 A. (Scisenoidei.) Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 100. ("Sciaenoids.") 1866 A, p. 11 et seq. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 50. Segond, L. A. 1873 B, pp. 531, 534. ( " Scienoides." ) Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Sciaenoidei.) POGONIAS Lacepede. Type P. fasdatus=Ldbrus cromis Linn. Lactpede, 1802, Hist. Nat. Poissons, iii, p. Gunther, A. 1860 A, p. 269. 1880 A, p. 426. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 1482. Pogonias cromis (Linn.). Linnseus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed: x, p.479. (Labrus. ) Gunther, A. 1880 A, p. 27, fig. 187. 406 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. fBULL. 179. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 1482. Leidy, J. H. 1855 C, p. 397. (P. chromis.) Recent; Long Island Sound to N. Mexico Sands of Ashley River; South Carolina. Pogonias multidentatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 L, p. 310. Miocene; Virginia. Pogonias sp. indet. Wyman, J. 1850 C, p. 234. Eocene?; South Carolina. Suborder PAREIOPLITE^S Richardson. Richardson, J.,1836, Fauna bor.-amer., iii, p. 36. Gill, T. 1889 A, p. 589. (Acanthopterygii buccis loricatis.) Giinther, A. 1860, A, pp. 90, 211. (Cataphracti.) Jordan & Evermann, 1898 A, p. 1756. (Loricati of Jenyns, 1835, not Loricata of Merrem, 1820,) Qill, T. 1889 A, p. 589. SuperfamUy SCORP^ENOIDEA Gill. | Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 135. GUI, T. 1860 A, p. 95. (Scorpsenina.) 1872 C, p. 6. Gunther, A. 1880 A, p. 412. Sauvage, H. E. 1873 A, p. 726. (Scorpseni.) Sauvage, H. E. 1878 B, p. 111. Segond, L. 1873 B, p. 532. ("Scorpenes.") Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 300. SEBASTODES Gill. Type 8. paucispinis (Ayres). Gill, T., 1861, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 165. Cramer, F. 1895 A, p. 573. Gill, T., 1864, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 145. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 1765. Sauvage, H. E. 1878 B, p. 112. SebastodesP rosoe Eigenmann. Eigertmann, C. H. 1890 A, p. 17, fig. 1. Tertiary; California. Gill, T. 1872, C. p. 6. 1889 A, p. 589. SuperfamUy COTTOIDEA Gill 1 Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 136. COTTID^E. Bridge, T. W. 1896 A, p. 571. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 337. Dareste, C. 1872 A, p. 1255. ("Poissons cuirassees.") Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 6. 1891 A, p. 362. Gunther, A. 1860 A, p. 162. (Cottina.) 1880 A, p. 476. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 1879. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1006. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 90. ("Cottoids," in part.) Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 43. Sauvage, H. E. 1878 B, p. 111. (Scorpsenidae, in part; Cottini.) Segond, L. A. 1873 B, p. 533. ("Cottes.") Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 310. COTTUS Linn. Type C. gobio Linn. Linnxus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 264. Gunther, A. 1860 A, p. 154. 1880 A, p. 476. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 1941. Sauvage, H. E. 1878 B, p. 135. Cottus cryptotremus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 L, pp, 162, 163. Pleistocene (Equus); Idaho. Cottus divaricatus Cope. Co])e E. D. 1883 L, p. 162. Pleistocene (Equus); Oregon Cottus hypoceras Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 L, pp. 162, 164. Pleistocene (Equus) ; Oregon Cottus pontifex Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 L, pp. 162, 163. Pleistocene (Equus); Oregon. HAY.] CATALOGUE. ARTEDIELLUS Jordan. Type Cottus undnatus Reinh. 407 Jordan, D. S., 1885, Cat. Fishes N. A., p. 110. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 1905. Artediellus atlanticus Jord. and Ev. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 1906. Drtwson, J. W. 1877 B, p. 341. (Cottus sp.) I Dawson, J.W. 1890 A, p. 86. (Cottus uncinatus.) This species is regarded by Jordan and Ever- I mann as being closely related to the European A. uncinatus, but probably distinct. Recent; Labrador to Cape Cod: Pleistocene; 1 Canada. Superfamily CYCLOPTEROIDEA Gill. dill, T. 1889 A, p. 589. Gannan, S. 1892 A. (Discoboli.) 1891 A, p. 361. 1893 A, p. 135. Giinther, A. 1861 A, p. 154. (Discoboli.) 1880 A, p. 483. (Discoboli.) Hertwig, O. 1881 A. (Discoboli.) Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Discoboli.) CYCLOPTERID.E. Jordan and Evermann 1896 A, p. 2094. Gannan, S. 1892 A, p. 19. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 5. 1891 A, p. 366. CYCLOPTERUS Linn. Type C. lumpus Linn. Linnssus, C., 1788, Syst. Nat., ed. xi, i, p. 260. Garman, S. 1892 A, p. 20. Gill, T. 1891 A, p. 368. Gunther, A, 1861 A, p. 154. 1880 A, p. 484. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 2096. Cyclopterus lumpus Linn. Linmeus, C., 1788, Syst. Nat., ed. xi, Dawson, J. W. 1877 B, p. 341. 1890 A, p. 86. ; Garman, S. 1892 A. p. 21, pi. viii, figs. 1-3, 15-17; | pi. ix, fig. 2; pi. x, fig. B; pi. xi, fig. 10; pis. xii, xiii. Gill, T. 1891 A, p. 368, pis. xxvii, xxx. Gunther, A. 1861 A, p. 155. 1880 A, p. 484, figs. 218, 219. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 2096. Logan, W. E. 1863 A, p. 917. Recent; eastern and western shores of north- ern Atlantic: Pleistocene; Ontario, Canada. Order PLECTOGNATHI. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 340. Dareste, C. 1849 A. ("Plectognathes.") 1872 A, p. 1019. ("Plectognathes.") Gill, T. 1872 C, pp. xl, 1. 1884 D, p. 411. 1893 A, p. 137. Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 207. 1880 A, p. 683. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 236. Hertwig, O. 1881 A. Hollard, H. 1860 A. Klein, E. F. 1881 A. 1886 A. Muller, J. 1846 C, p. 202. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1014. Owen, R. 1866 A, p. 11 et geq. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 33. Reis, O. M. -1895 C, p. 163. Stannius, H. 1854 A. Stephan, P. 1900 A. ("Plectognathes.") Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 256. Suborder SCLERODERMI. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, ii, pp. 248,265. ("Sclero- I Hollard, H. 1860 A, p. 31. ("Sclerodermes.") dermes.") Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 1. 1884 D, p. 414. 1893 A, p. 137. Giinther, A. 1870 A, p. 207. 1880 A, p. 684. Jordan and Evermann 18% A, p. 781. 1898 A, p. 1697. Muller, J. 1846 C, p. 122. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 82. ("Scleroderms.") 1866 A, p. 11. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 258. BALISTIDJS. Bruhl, B. C. 1847 A. (Balistes.) Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 20. Dareste, C. 1872 A, p. 1174. (" Balistes." Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 1. 1884 D, p. 416. 1893 A, p. 137. Hollard, H. 1853 A, p. 71. ("Balistides.") Hollard, H. 1854 A, p. 39. ("Balistides.") 1860 A, p. 23. ("Balistides.") Kolliker, A. 1859 A. (Balistini.) Owen, R. 1846 B, p. 82. (Genus Balistes.) Parker, W. K. 1868 A, pp. 33, 51. Stannius, H. 1854 A. (Balistini.) Stephan, P. 1900 A. (Balistides.) 408 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. GRYPODON Hay. Type Ancistrodon texanus Dames. Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 790. The following authors employ the name At cistrodon. It is practically preoccupied. Dames, W. 1883 A, p. 664. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1016. Roemer, F. 1849 A, p. 419. 1852 A. p. 30. Schluter, C. 1881 A, p. 61. Woodward and Sherborn 1890 A, p. 10. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 259. Grypodon texanus (Dames). Dames, W. 1883 A, p. 664. (Ancistrodon.) Hay, O. P. 1899 E, p. 790. (Grypodon.) Roemer, F. 1849 A, p. 419. (No specific name.) 1852 A, p. 30, pi. i, fig. 10. (No specific name.) Woodward, A. S. 1888 I, p. 330. (Ancistrodon.) Cretaceous; Texas. Suborder GYMNODONTES. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, ii, p. 268. (" Gymnodontes.") Dareste, C. 1849 A. Gill, T. 1872 C, p. 1. 1884 D, p. 418. 1893 A, p. 138. Gunther, A. 1870 A, pp. 207,269. Hollard, H. 1857 A. Kolliker, A. 1859 A. Muller, J. 1846 C, p. 203. Stannius, H. 1854 A. Gill, T. 1884 D, p. 423. Superfamily DIODONTOIDEA Gill. | Gill, T. 1893 A, p. 138. DIODONTID.E. Cope, E. D. 1872 C, p. 340. Gill, T. 1884 D, p. 423. Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 269. (Tetrodontina. ) 1880 A, p. 686. (Gymnodontes.) Hollard, H. 1857 A. (" Diodoniens.") Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 1742. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1015. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 77. DIODON Linn. Type D. hystrix^Lmn. Linnxus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 335. Agassiz, L. 1843 B, ii, p. 273. Bridge, T. W. 1896 A, p. 582. Dareste, C. 1849 A. Gunther, A. 1870 A, p. 306. 1880 A, p. 689. Jordan and Evermann 1898 A, p. 1744. Owen, R. 1845 B, pp. 14, 77, pi. xxxviii, figs. 1, 2; pi. xxxix, fig. 2. 1866 A, p. 39. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 52. Pictet, F. J. 1854 A, p. 123. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 257. Diodon vetus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1855 C, p. 397. Cope, E. D. 1871 M, p. 210. (D. antiquus.) 1875 V, p. 31, pi. viii, fig. 6. (D. antiquus.) Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 255, pi. xxxiv, figs. 15, 16. Phosphate beds; South Carolina: Miocene; North Carolina. Dr. E. Koken, in Zeitschrift deutchen geolog. Gesellsch., vol. xl, pp. 274-305, pis. xvii-xix, has described, from the Tertiary deposits of Alabama and Mississippi, the following list of otolites of fishes, designating the families, in some cases the genera, to which these otolites probably belonged. The word Otolithus being evidently not regarded as a generic name, the specific names have no standing in the system of nomenclature. On the subject of the otolites of fishes see also Higgins, E. T. 1867 A., and Koken, E. 1891 A. Otolithus (Carangidarum) americantis Kok., p. 277, pi. xix, figs. 1-3. Otolithus (Apogonidarum) hospes Kok., p. 278, pi. xviii, fig. 15. Otoltthus (Pagelli) elegantulus Kok., p. 279, pi. xvii, figs. 5,6. OtolUhus (Sparidarum) insuetus Kok., p. 280, pi. xvii, fig. 9. Otolithus (Sciaenidarum) radians Kok., p. 280, pi. xix, figs. 7,8. OtolUhus (Sciaenidarum) gemma Kok., p. 281, pi. xix, figs. 9-13. Otolithus (Sciaenidarum) eporrectus Kok., p, 282, pi. xviii, figs. 16,17. OtolUhus (Sciaenidarum) daybornensis Kok., p. 283, pi. xix, figs. 1-4. Otolithus (Sciaenidarum) intermedius Kok., p. 283, pi. xix, figs. 2, 3. Otolithus (Sciaenidarum) similis Kok., p. 284, pi. xix, figs. 10,11,14. Otolithus (Sciaenidarum) decipiensKok., p. 285, pi. xix, figs. 5,6. Otolithus ( Trachini) Isevigatus Kok., p. 286, pi. xviii, figs. 13, 14. Otolithus (Cottidarum) sulcatus Kok., p. 287, pi. xviii, fig. 12. Otolithus (Triglae) cor Kok., p. 287, pi. xviii, fig. 10. HAY.J CATALOGUE. 409 Otolithus (Cepolse) comes Kok., p. 288, pi. xvii, fig. 12. Otolithus (Mugilidarum) debilis Kok., p. 288, pi. xvii, fig. 8. Otolithus (Gadidarum) meyeri Kok., p. 289, pi. xviii, figs. 8,9. Otolithus (Gadidarum) elevatun Kok., p. 290, pi. xviii, figs. 4,5. Otolithus (Gadidarum) mucnmatus Kok., p. 290, pi. xvii, figs. 10,11. Otolithus (Platessse) sector Kok., p. 292, pi. xvii, figs. 14-16. Otolithus (Solx) glaber Kok., p. 293, pi. xviii, fig. 3. Otolithus (Congeris) brerior Kok., p. 293, pi. xviii, fig. 7. OtolUhus (inc. sedis) aff. umbonata Kok., p. 294. Class BATRACHIA Macartnev Macartney, J., 1802, Lectures on Comp. Anat., i. tab. 3. This class of animals is designated by some of the following authors Batrachia; by others, Amphibia. Baur, G. 1886 B, p. 360. 1888 C, p. 2. 18% C, p. 664. Beard, J. 1890 A. Born, G. 1876 A 1880 A. Boulenger, G. A. 1892 A. 1892 B. Calori, L. 1894 A. Cope, E. D. 1868 J. 1869 M, p. 3. 1875 D. 1879 A,' p. 33. 1884 I, p. 44. 1884 O, p. 100. 1884 P. 1884 HH. 1888 AA, p. 244. 1889 D. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 224. (Smilerpetum.) Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 174. Miller, 8. A. 1889 A, p. 622, fig. 1186. (Hylo- nomus.) Owen, R. 1862 A, p. 239, pi. ix, fig. 6. Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. HYLERPETON Owen. Type H. dawsonii Owen. Owen, K. 1862 A, p. 241. Dawson, J. W. 1876 A, p. 443. 1878 A, suppl., p. 58. 1882 A, p. 634. 1895 A, p. 74. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 59. Huxley, T. H. 1863 A, p. 67. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 224. (Hylerpetum.) Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 174. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 622. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 376. Hylerpeton dawsonii Owen. OUT,,, R. 1862 A, p. 241, pi. ix. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 13. Dawson, J. W. 1863 A, p. 431. 1863 B, p. 473. 1863 C, p. 439. 1863 D, pp. 272, 282, pi. vi, figs. 32-46. 1868 A, p. 380, fig. 147. 1876 A, pp. 442, 443. 1878 A, p. 380, figs. 147o-d; suppl., p. 58. Dawson, J. W. 1882 A, p. 639, pi. xli, figs. 62-85. 1894 B, p. 6. 1895 A, p. 74. Gadow, H. 18% A, p. 28. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 289, figure. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 225. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 194. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 622, fig. 1185. Coal-measures ; Nova Scotia. Hylerpeton intermedium Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1895 A, p. 75. Coal-measures ; Nova Scotia. Hylerpeton longidentatum Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1876 A, p. 444. 1878 A, suppl., p". 58. 1882 A, p. 640, pi. xlii, figs. 86-109. 1894 B, p. 6. 1895 A, p. 74. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 225. Coal-measures ; Nova Scotia. FRITSCHIA Dawson. Type Hylerpeton curtidentatum Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1882 A. p. 634. 1895 A, p. 75. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 225. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 381. Fritschia curtidentata Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1876 A, p. 444. (Hylerpeton.) Dawson, J. W. 1878 A, suppl., p. 59. (Hylerpeton.) 1882 A, p. 641, pi. xliii, figs. 110-128. 1895 A, p. 75. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 226. Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. BRACHYDECTES Cope. Type B. newberryi Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 J, p. 214. 1869 M, p. 14. 1874 L, p. 268. 1875 D, pp. 357,388. Dawson, J. W. 1891 B, p. 153. Fritsch A. 1883 A (1879), p. 61 Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 184. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 619. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 377. Brachydectes newberryi Cope. dope, E. D. 1868 J, p. 214. 1869 M, p. 14. 1874 L, p. 269. 1875 D, p. 388, pi. xxvii, fig. 1. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 184. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 619, fig 1180. Coal-measures; Ohio. 414 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. PTYONIID,E. Cope, E. D. 1875 D, p. 357. 1875 X, p. 11. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1880), p. 127. (Nectridea.) Lydekker, E. 1890 A, p. 196. (Urocordylidee.) Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 168. (Nectridea.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1025. (Uro- cordylidse.) Wiedersheim, R. 1878 A, p. 42. KERATERPETON Huxley. Type K. galvani Huxley. Huxley, T. H. 1867 B, p. 354. Andrews, C. W. 1895 A. Cope, E. D. 1875 D, p. 371. (Ceraterpeton.) Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 57: p. 136 (1881). Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 197. (Ceraterpetum.) Maggi, L. 1898 A, fig. 10. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 170. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 619. (Ceraterpeton.) Osborn, H. F. 1898 K, p. 165. (Ceraterpeton.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 132. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 379. Keraterpeton divaricatum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1885 D, p. 406. (Ceraterpeton.) Coal-measures; Ohio. Keraterpeton punctolineatum Cope. Cape, E. D. 1875 J. (Ceraterpeton punctolinea- tum.) 1876 D, p. 372 (C. lineopunctatum) ; pi. xli, fig. 4 (C. punctolineatum). Coal-measures; Ohio. Keraterpeton tenuicorne Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 D, p. 372 (Ceraterpeton lennicorne, err. typ.); pi. xlii, fig. 4 (C. recticorne, err. typ.). 1885 D, p. 407. (Ceraterpeton tenuicorne.) 1897 C, p. 85, pi. iii, fig. 2. (Ceraterpeton.) Osborn, H. F. 1898 K, p. 165. (C. lennicorne.) Coal-measures; Ohio, Pennsylvania. OESTOCEPHALUS Cope. Type 0. amphiuminus Cope=0. remex Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868- J, p. 218. 1869 M, p. 16. 1871 L v 1872 JJ. 1874 L, p. 266. 1875 D, p. 380. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 57. (Syn.? of Urocor- dylus.) Huxley, T. H. 1867 B, p. 359, pi. xx, figs. 1, 2. (Urocordylus.) Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 169. (Syn. of Urocordylus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 623. Newberry, J. S. 1868 A, p. 144. (Urocordylus. ) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1025. (Uro- cordylus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 381. This genus is probably identical with Uro- cordylus Huxley. Oestocephalus rectidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 L, p. 268. Cope, E. D. 1875 D, p. 386, pi. xxvli, figs. 3, 4. Miall, L. C. 1876 A, p. 170. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 623, fig. 1189; Coal-measures; Ohio. Oestocephalus remex Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 J, p. 217. (Sauropleura. ) 1868 J, p. 219. (O. amphiuminus.) 1869 M, pp. ii, 17, fig. 2. 1871 G, p. 41. (O. remex and O. amphi- uminus.) 1871 O. 1874 L, p. 268. 1875 D, pp. 366, 381, pi. xxvii, fig. 5?; pi. xxxi, fig. 1; pi. xxxii, fig. 1; pi. xxxiii, fig. 2; pi. xxxiv, fig. 4?. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1881), p. 128, fig. 72. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 170. Coal-measures; Ohio. PTYONIUS Cope. Type not designated. Cope, E. D. 1874 L, p. 264. 1875 D, p. 373. Fritsch, A. 1883 A. (1879); p. 57. (Syn.? of Urocordy- lus.) Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 169. (Syn. of Urocordylus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 625. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 381. This genus is probably identical with Uro- cordylus Huxley. Ptyonius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 24. (Colosteus.) 1871 L, p. 177. (Oestocephalus.) 1874 L, p. 265. 1875 D, p. 375, pi. xxvii, fig. 6; pi. xxvii, figs. 2a,3. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 841, figure. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 170. Coal-measures; Ohio. Ptyonius nummifer Cope. Cope, E. D, 1875 D, p. 374, pi. xli, figs. 2,3. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 842, figures. Coal-measures; Ohio. Ptyonius pectinatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 J, p. 216. (Sauropleura.) 1869 M, p. 20. (Oestocephalus.) 1874 L, p. 266. 1875 D, p. 377, pi. xxvii, fig. 7; pi. xxviii, figs. 2,4,6; pi. xxix, fig. 2; pi. xxx, fig. 2; pi. xxxv, figs. 1-3; pi. xli, fig. 1. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 415 Fritsch, A. 1895 B, p. 3. (P. pectinatus?) Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 843, figures. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 170. Coal-measures; Ohio; Bohem'a?. Ptyonius serrula Cope. dope, E. D. 1874 L, p. 266. 1871 L, p. 177. (Oestocephalus serrula; no description.) 1875 D, p. 379, pi. xxviii, fig. 5?; pi. xxx, fig.l. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 844, figure. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 170. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 625, fig. 1192. Coal-measures; Ohio. Ptyonius vinchellianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 L, p. 265. 1871 L. (Oestocephalus winchellianus; no description.) 1875 D, p. 376, pi. xxviii, fig. 1. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1881), p. 128, fig. 71. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 844, figure. (P. uinchell- Minis. ) Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 170. Coal-measures; Ohio. CTENERPETON Cope. Cope, E. D. 1897 C, p. 83. Type C. alveolatum Cope. Ctenerpeton alveolatum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1897 C, p. 83, pi. iii, fig. 1. Coal-measures; Pennsylvania. TUDITANID^E. Cope, E. D. 1875 D, p. 357. 1875 X, p. 11 (Tuditanidse); p. 12 (Cocytin- idse). Fritsch, A. 1883 A, p. 173. (Microbrachidse.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1027. brachidse.) Wiedersheim, R. 1878 A, p. 42. (Micro- TUDITANUS Cope. Genus baaed on T. punctulatus and T. brevirostris. Cope, E. D. 1874 L, p. 271. 1871 L. (No definition; no described spe- cies.) 1872 JJ. (No definition; no described spe- cies.) 1875 D, p. 391. 18% C. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 65. 1883 A, p. 173. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 191. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 626. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1027. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 378. Tuditanus brevirostris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 L, p. 272. 1875 D, p. 393, pi. xxvi, figs. 3, 4. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1236, figure. Coal-measures; Ohio. Tuditanus huxleyi Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 L, p. 274. 1875 D, p. 397, pi. xxxiv, fig. 2. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1237, figure. Coal-measures; Ohio. Tuditanus longipes Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 L, p. 210. (Sauropleura. ) 1875 D, p. 398, pi. xxvi, fig. 2. (Not pi. xxxiv, fig. l.jWeCope.) 1896 C. 1897 C, p. 88. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1257, figures. Coal-measures; Ohio. Tuditanus mordax Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 L, p. 274. Cope, E. D. 1875 D, p. 395. Miller, S. A. 1889 A.'p. 627. punctolineatum. ) Coal-measures; Ohio. (Syn. of Keraterpeton Tuditanus obtusus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 J, p. 213. (Dendrerpeton.) 1869 M, pp. 8, 12, fig. 1. (Dendrerpeton.) 1874 L, p. 274. 1875 D, p. 3%. 1885 D, p. 407. Coal-measures; Ohio. Tuditanus punctulatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 L, p. 271. 1875 D, p. 392, pi. xxxiv, fig. 1. (T. on expl. of plate by error.) 1896 C. 1897 C, p. 88. (Isodectes.) 1898 B, p. 61. (Isodectes.) Fritsch, A. 1883 A, p. 173, fig. 110. Coal-measures; Ohio. Tuditanus radiatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 L, p. 273. 1875 D, p. 394, pi. xxvii, fig. 1; pi. xxxiv, fig. 3; text, fig. 10. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1238, figure. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 626, fig. 1194. Coal-measures; Ohio. Tuditanus tabulatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 A, p. 577. Coal-measures; Ohio. J On plate and explanation this species is called C. foveoMvm, 416 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. COCYTINUS Cope. Type C. gyrinoides Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 L. 1872 JJ. 1874 L, p. 276. 1875 D, p. 360. 1875 X, p. 12. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 61; p. 173 (1883). Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 185. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 619. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1027. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 378. The family position of this genus is doubt- ful. Cocytinus gyrinoides Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 L. 1874 L, p. 278. 1875 D, p. 364, pi. xxxix, fig. 4. Fritsch, A. 1883 A, p. 173, fig. 111. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 620, fig. 1182. Coal-measures; Ohio. DIPLOCAULID.E. Cope, E. D. 1881 K, p. 163. Cope, E. D. 1882 B, p. 462. DIPLOCAULUS Cope. Type D. salamandroides Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 E, p. 187. 1881 K, p. 163. 1882 B, p. 451. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 621. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 382. Diplocaulus limbatus Cope. Cope, E. J). 1896 G, p. 456. Permian; Texas. Diplocaulus magnicornis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 B, p. 453. C. 1900 A. p. 710. Cope, E. D. 1882 HH. 1888 SB, p. 286. 1896 G, p. 455, pi. ix. Permian; Texas. Diplocaulus salamandroides Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 E. p. 187. Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 710, pi. i, figs. 16a-176. Cope, E. D. 1881 K, p. 163. 1888 BB, p. 286. Permian; Illinois. LEPOSPONDYLOUS GENERA OP UNCERTAIN POSITION. AMBLYODON Dawson. Type A. problematicum Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1882 A, p. 635. Amblyodon problematicus Dawson. Da-wiitm, J. W. 1882 A, p. 644, pi. xl, figs. 57-61. Dawson, J. W. 1895 A, p. 75. Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. HYPHASMA Cope. Type H. Isevis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 J. 1875 D, p. 387. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1881), p. 127. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 622. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 382. Hyphasma leevis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 J. 1875 D, p. 387, pi. xxxvii, fig. 4. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 622, fig. 1187. Coal-measures; Ohio. EURYTHORAX Cope. Type E. mblsevis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 L. 1874 L, p. 275. 1875 D, pp. 357, 401. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 62. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 186. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 622. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 378. Eurythorax sublsevis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 L. 1872 JJ. 1874 L, p. 275. 1875 D, p. 402, pi. xlii, fig. Coal-measures; Ohio. THYRSIDIUM Cope. Type T. fasciculare Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 D, p. 365. Miller, S. A. 1899 A, p. 626. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 382. Thyrsidium fasciculare Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 D, p. 365, pi. xlii, fig. 3. Coal-measures; Ohio. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 417 PLEUKOPTYX Cope. Type P. clavalus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 J. 1875 D, pp. 357, 370. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 624. Pleuroptyx clavatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 J. 1875 D, p. 370, pi. xlii, fig. 1; pi. xllv, fig. 2. Coal-measures; Ohio. CERCARIOMORPHUS Cope. Type C. parvisquamis Cope. , /;. I). 1885 D, p. 405. Subordinal position doubtful. Cercariomorphus parvisquamis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1885 D, p. 405. Coal-measures; Ohio. Suborder APCECOSPONDYLI nom. nov. Baur, G. 1886 K. (Embolomeri.) 1888 C, p. 3. (Ganocephala, Rhachitomi, Embolomeri.) Case, E. C. 1878 B, p. 510 (Rhachitomi); p. 511 (Embolomeri). Cope, E. D. 1868 J, pp. 210, 221. (Labyrintho- dontia and Ganocephala.) 1875 D, p. 356. ( Labyrinthodontia and Gano- 1880 A, p. 49. ( Labyrinthodontia and Gano- cephala.) 1880 J. (Ganocephala.) 1880 L, p. 610. (Embolomeri, Ganocephala.) 1882 T. (Rhachitomi.) 1884 P, pp. 26, 36. (Embolomeri, Steg* cephali.) 1885 G, p. 243. (Embolomeri.) 1885 W. (Embolomeri.) 1887 S, p. 331. (Rhachitomi, Embolomeri.) 1888 H. (Ganocephala.) 1888 V. (Ganocephala, Embolomeri, Rha- chitomi.) 1888 AA. (Embolomeri, Rhachitomi.) 1889 D, p. 13. (Ganocephala, Embolomeri, Rhachitomi.) 1889 R, p. 861. (Ganocephala, Embolomeri, Rhachitomi.) 1891 F, p: 645. (Embolomeri, Rhachitomi, Ganocephali.) 1891 N, p. 28. (Ganocephali, Rhachitomi, Embolomeri.) 1898 B, p. 43. (Ganocephala, Rhachitomi, Embolomeri.) Credner, H. 1882 A. (Stegocephali.) 1883 A. (Stegocephali.) Credner, H. 1885 A. (Stegocephali.) Credner, H. 1886 A. (Stegocephali.) 1888 A. (Stegocephali.) 1889 A. (Stegocephali.) 1890 A. (Stegocephali.) Dawson, J. W. 1894 A, p. 265. (Labyrinthodontia. ) Fraas, E. 1889 A, p. 8. (Temnospondyli, Stereo- spondyli.) Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 33. (Labyrintho- dontia.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 12. (Temnospondyli.) Hoffman, C. K. 1874 A, p. 47. (Labyrinthodontiu. ) Huxley, T. H. 1863 A. (Labyrinthodontia.) 1870 A. (Labyrinthodontia.) 1872 A, p. 150. (Labyrinthodontia.) 1876 B, xiii, p. 412. (Labyrinthodontia.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 139. (Labyrinthodomia vera.) Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. (Labyrinthodontia.) Meyer, H. 1857 A, p. 208. ( " Labyrinthodonten." ) Miall, L. C. 1875 C. (Labyrinthodontes.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 102. Owen, R. 1846 B, pp. 182, 195. (" Labyrintho- donts.") 1860 A. pp. 155, 158, 168. (Ganocephala, Labyrinthodontia. ) 1860 E, p. 182. (Ganocephala.) 1866 A, p. 14. (Labyrinthodontia and (Jano- cephala.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 611. ( Em- bolomeri.) Wiedersheim, R. 1878 A. (Ganocephala, Laby- ' rinthodontia.) Wood\,ard, A. S. 1898 B, p. 132. (Labyrintho- dontia.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 384 (Temnospondyli); p. 397 (Stereospondyli). DENDRERPETONTID.E. fHttCk, .1. 1889 B (1885), p. 5. <'n|'. K. I). 1875 X, p. 10. (Baphetidee.) 1 luwson, J.W.1895A,p. 75. (Dendrerpetonidse.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 170. (Dendrerpetidsi-. ) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1032. (Dun- drerpetidse.) DENDRERPETON Owen. Type D. acadianum Owen. Owen, R. 1853 C, p. 66. Cope, E. D. 1868 J, p. 212. 1869 M, p. 12. 1880 A, p. 50. Bull. 179 Credner, H. 1888 A, p. 550. Dawson, J. W. 1860 A, p. 273. 1863 A, pp. 431, 444. -27 418 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Dawson, J. W. 1863 D, pp. 81, 282. 1868 A, p. 362. 1878 A, p. 362; suppl. p. 60. 1882 A, p. 636. 1891 B, p. 154. 1895 A, p. 76. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 58. 1889 B, p. 6. Huxley, T. H. 1863 A, p. 67. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 170. (Dendrerpetum.) Maggi, L. 1898 A, fig. 19. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 550. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 620. . Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 103. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 3%. Dendrerpeton acadianum Owen. Owen, R. 1853 C. Cope, E. D. 1868 J, p. 214. 1869 M, pp. 9, 13. Dawson, J. W. 1860 A, p. 273, figs. 10-13. 1862 A. 1863 A, p. 431. 1863 B, p. 470. 1863 C. 1863 D, pp. 81, 159, 282, pis. iii, vi. 1868 A, p. 362, fig. 142. 1876 A, pp. 440, 443, 445. 1878 A, p. 362, figs. 142-i; suppl. p. 60. 1882 A, p. 642, pi. xl, figs. 46-51; pi. xliv, figs. 129,130,132-137. 1891 B, p. 145, figs. 1-3. 1894 A, p. 272, figure. Dawson, J.W.1894 B, p. 6. 1895 A, p. 76. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 59. 1889 B (1885), p. 5, fig. 123. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 193, figures. 1895 A, pi. dlxxii. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 223. Lyell, C. 1853 A, p. 35. Lyell and Dawson 1853 A, pis. ii, iii. Marsh, O. C. 1862 B, p. 1. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 172. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 620, fig. 1183. Wyman, J. 1853 C. Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. Dendrerpeton oweni Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1863 D, pp. 161, 282, pi. iv. 1863 A, p. 431. 1863 B, p. 470. 1863 C, p. 438. 1868 A, p. 368, fig. 143. 1876 A, pp. 443, 444. 1878 A, p. 368, figs. 143a-#; suppl. p. 60. 1882 A, p. 643, pi. xliv, figs. 131, 138, 139. 1891 B, p. 149. 1895 A, p. 76. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 59. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 195, figures. 1895 A, pi. dlxxii. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 223. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 172. Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. BAPHETES Owen. Type B. planiceps Owen. Oioen, R. 1854 A, p. 207. Daweon, J. W. 1863 D, pp. 8, 282. 1868 A, p. 359. 1878 A, p. 328. 1894 A, p. 266. 1895 A, p. 76. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 61. 1889 B (1885>, p. 5. Huxley, T. H. 1863 A, p. 67. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 183. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 618. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1033. Owen, R. 1855 A. 1860 E, p. 184. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 398. The family position of this genus is doubtful. Baphetes minor Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1870 A. 1894 A, p. 268. Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. Baphetes planiceps Owe Owen, R. 1854 A, pi. ix. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 25. Dawson, J. W. 1855 A. 1863 A, p. 430. 1863 C. 1863 D, pp. 9, 282, pi. ii. 1868 A, p. 359, fig. 141. 1878 A, pp. 328, 359, figs. 137, 141. 1894 A, p. 266. 1895 A, p. 76. Fritsch, A. 1889 B (1885), p. 5, fig. 124. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 80, figures. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 619, fi-. 1179. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1033, fig. 962. Owen R. 1855 A. Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. PLATYSTEGOS Dawson. Type P. loricatum Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1895 A, p. 76. Platystegos loricatum Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1895 A, p. 76. Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. IAY.] CATALOGUE. 419 SAUROPLEURID.E m Cope, E. D. 1875 D, p. 357. (Colosteidse.) 1875 X, p. 10. (Colosteidse.) Wiedersheim R. 1878 A, p. 42. (Colosteidae.) The name Sauropleuridse is demanded be- cause the genus Colosteus, from which Colox- teidx is derived, is regarded as a synonym of Sauropleura. SAUROPLEURA Cope. Type S. digitata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 J, p. 215. 1869 M, p. 22. (Colosteus, type, C. foveaius.) 1874 L, p. 269. 1875 D, pp. 373, 402. 1875 D, p. 405. (Colosteus.) 1897 C, p 88. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 61 (Colosteus); pp. 65, 127 (Sauropleura). Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 185 (Colosteus); p. 190 (Sauropleura). Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 620 (Colosteus); p. 625 (Sauropleura). Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 379 (Colosteus); p. 382 (Sauropleura). Sauropleura digitata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 J, p. 216. 1869 M, pp. 16, 242. 1874 L, p. 270. 1875 D, p. 403, pi. xxxivi, fig. 1 1897 C, p. 88. Dawson, J. W. 1891 B, p. 153. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1881), p. 128, fig. 70. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 926, figure. Coal-measures; Ohio. Sauropleura foveata (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 24. (Colosteus.) 1876 D, p. 406, pi. xxxvi, fig. 1. Coal-measures; Ohio. Sauropleura latithorax Cope. Cope, E. D. 1897 C, p. 86, pi. iii, fig. 4. Coal-measures; Ohio. Sauropleura newberryi Cope. Cope. E. D. 1875 D, p. 404, pi. xxxvii, figs, 2, 3; pi. xli, fig. 5. Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 928, figure. Coal-measures; Ohio. Sauropleura pauciradiata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 L, p. 275. (Colosteus.) 1875 D, p. 408, pi. xl, figs. 1, ?. (Colosteus.) 1897 C, p. 86. Coal-measures; Ohio. Sauropleura scutellata (Newb.). Newberry J. S. 1856 B, p. 98. (Pygopterus.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 23. (Colosteus crassiscute- tus.) 1871 G, p. 41. (Colosteus.) 1873 Q, p. 418. (Colosteus.) 1874 L, p. 275. (Colosteus.) 1875 D, p. 407, pi. xxix, fig. 3; pi. xxxiii, fig. - 1; pi. xxxvi, fig. 2. (Colosteus.) 1877 A, p. 578. (Colosteus.) 1897 C, p. 88. (Sauropleura.) Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 474. ("Doubtful fossil.") Coal-measures; Ohio. LEPTOPHRACTUS Cope. Type L. obsoletus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 O, p. 340. 1875 D, p. 399. 1882 B, p. 461. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879) , p. 62. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 187. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 623. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 378. Leptophractus lineolatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 A, p. 576. Coal-measures; Ohio. Leptophractus obsoletus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 O, p. 341. 1875 D, p. 400, pi. xxxviii; pi. xxxix, figs. 1,2,3?. Woodward, A. S. 1891 A, p. 262. (Sagenodus ohio- ensis, in part.) Coal-measures; Ohio. ARCHEGOSAURID^E. References are here given also to the liter- ature of the genus Arclvegosaurue. Baur, G. 1886 C. (Archegosauras. ) 1888 C. (Archegosaurus.) 18% C, p. 662. (Archegosaurus.) 1897 A. (Archegosaurus.) Cope, E. D. 1882 T. (Trimerorhachidse.) 1884 P, p. 28. (Trimerorhachidse.) 1889 R, p.;861. (Trimerorhachidas, Archego- sauridae. ) Cope, E. D.1891 N, p. 29. (Trimerorhachidse, Ar- chegosauridse. ) 1898 B, p. 45. (Ganocephali.) Credner, H. 1882 A, p. 231. (Archegosaurus.) 1885 A, p. 718. (Archegosaurus.) Emery, C. 1897 A. (Archegosaurus.) Fraas, E. 1889 A. (Archegosaurus.) Fritsch, A. 1889 B (1885), p. 13. ( Archegosauridae.) Gadow, H. 1896 A, p. 21. (Archegosaurus.) Gaudry, A. 1883 A, p. 261. (ArchegosaurusJ 420 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Goldfuss, A. 1847 A, p. 3, pis. i-iii. (Archego- saurus.) Huxley, T. H. 1863 A, p. 67. (Archegosauria.) Jaekel, O. 1896 A, p. 3. (Archegosaurus.) 1896 B, p. 118. (Archegosaurus.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 177. (Archegosauridse.) Maggi, L. 1898 A, figs. 4-6. (Archegosaurus.) Meyer, H. 1851 B, (Archegosaurus.) 1857 A. (Archegosaurus.) 1858 A. ( Archegosaurus. ) Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 166. (Archegosauria.) Miall, L. C. 1875 C. (Archegosaurus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1029. (Arche- gosauridse.) Owen, R. 1860 A, p. 156. (Archegosaurus.) Pictet, F. .1. 1853 A, p. 551. (Archegosaurus.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 153. (Archegosaurus.) 1885 A, p. 245. (Archegosaurus.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 133. (Archegosaurus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 384. (Archegosaurus.) It is possible that the name Trimerorhachidee has priority over Archegosauridse. TRIMERORHACHIS Cope. Type T. indgnis Cope. Cope, E.D. 1878 B, p. 524. Baur, G. 1888 C, p. 6. Cope, E. 3. 1878 U. 1878 DD. 1880 A, p. 54. ?, p. 32. I, p. 298. 1888 U, p. 915. 1888 AA, p. 243. Gadow, H. 18% A, p. 21. Hiilke, 3. W. 1888 A, p. 423. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 189. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 626. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1030. Zittel, K.A. 1890 A, p. 389. Trimerorhachis bilobatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 H, p. 629. 1884 P, p. 32. Permian; Texas. Trimerorhachis conangoilus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1896 I, p. 137. Permian; Texas. Trimerorhachis insignia Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 524. 1880 A, p. 54. 1881 K, p. 163. 1883 H, p. 630. 1884 P, p. 32, figs. 3, 4. 1888 O, p. 466, pi. vi, fig. 1. 1888 A A, p. 43, fig. 1. 1888 BB, p. 286. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 190, fig. 46. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 389, figs. 379 a-d. Permian; Texas. Trimerorhachis mesops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1896 G, p. 454. Permian; Texas. DISSORHOPHUS Cope. Type D. multicinctus Cope. Cope, E. D, 1895 D. Baur, G. 18% B, p. 569. Dissorhophus articulatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% E, pi. xxi. Permian; Texas. Dissorhophus multicinctus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1895 D. Permian; Texas. CRICOTID^E. Cope, E. D. 1884 P, p. 38. 18J1 N, p. 30. J, p. 46. Fritsch, A. 1889 B (1885) , p. 11. (Diplovertebridje.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 175. (Diplospondylidse.) Cope, E. D. 1875 T, p. 405. Baur, G. 1888 C, p. 14. 18% C, p. 662. Cope, E. D. 1878 DD. 1880 J. 1880 L, p. 610. 1884 I, p. 29. 1884 P, p. 38. 1885 W. 1886 O. CRICOTUS Cope. Type C. heterodittis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1888 AA. 1888 U, p. 915. 1888 DD, p. 363. Gadow, H. 18% A, p. 23. Hay, O. P. 1895 A, p. 45. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 175. Maggi, L. 1898 A, fig. 20. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 620. Williston, S. W. 1897 B, figs. 1-4. 1898 J, p. 120. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 136. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 394. HAY.] Cricotus crassidiscus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 I, p. 28. 1878 B, p. 522. (C. heteroclitus, in part.) 1884 P, p. 39, text fig. 7, pi. v. (See C. hete- roclitus.) 1888 AA, p. 246, fig. 3. 1888 BB, p. 286. Williston, S.W. 1897 B, p. 54. 1898 J, p. 121. Zitti'l. K. A. 1890 A, p. 351, fig. 331; p. 395, fig. 384. (C. heteroclitus; not of Cope.) Permian; Texas. Cricotus gibsoni Cope. Cope, E. J). 1877 E, p. 185. Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 709, figs. 15a-15c. Cope, E. D. 1881 K, p. 163. 1884 P, p. 39. 1888 BB, p. 286. Permian; Illinois. Cricotus heteroclitus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 T, p. 405. CATALOGUE. 421 Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 708, pi. i, figs. 12a-12d; 13, 14. Cope, E. D. 1877 E, p. 186. (C. discophorus.) 1877 N, p. 63. 1878 B, p. 623. (C. discophorus.) 1881 K, p. 163. 1884 I, p. 29. 1884 P, p. 39, fig. 7 and pi. v. (See C. cras- sidiscus.) 1888 AA, p. 253, pi. i, figs. 7, 8. 1888 BB, p. 286. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 176, fig. 42. Permian; Illinois. Cricotus hypantricus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 I, pp. 29, 30. 1888 AA, p. 253, pi. i, figs. 2-6. Permian; Texas. Cricotus sp. indet. Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 709, pi. v, figs. 13a-16. ' Permian; Illinois. ANTHRACOSAURID.E. Cope, E. D. 1875 X, p. 10. Atthey, T. 1876 A, p. 146, pis. viii-xi. (Anthraco- saurus. ) Hancock and Atthey 1869 A, p. 313. (Anthraco- saiirus.) Huxley, T. H. 1863 A. (Anthracosaurus.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 157. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 159. (Anthracosaurus.) Nicholson ant. Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1033. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 398. (Gastrolepidoti.) EOSAURUS Marsh. Type E. acadianus Marsh. Mirth, O. C. 1862 B. Agassiz, L. 1862 A. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 30. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 61. Huxley, T. H. 1863 A, p. 62. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 166. Marsh, O. C. 1863 A. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 186. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 621. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1037. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 400. The position of Eosaurus in this family is not at all established. Eosaurus acadianus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1862 B, pis. i, ii. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 30. Dawson, J. W. 1863 A, p. 431. 1863 C, p. 440. 1S63D, pp. 275, 283. 1868 A, p. 382, fig. 148. 1878 A, p. 382, fig. 148. Huxley, T. H. 1863 A, p. 62. Lesley, J. P. 1895 A, pi. dlxxii. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 166. Marsh, O. C. 1862 A. (No description.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 621, fig. 1184. Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. ERYOPID^E. Cope, E. D. 1882 T. 1882 B, pp. 460, 461. 1884 P, p. 28. 1891 N, p. 29. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 191. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1029. ERYOPS Cope. Type E. megacephalus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 E, p. 188. Baur G. 1888 C, p. 13. Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 3, footnote. Broili, F. 1899 A, p. 84. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. r !5 (Epicordylus, type E. erythroliticus); p. 520 (Eryops); p. 521 (Pari- oxys, type P. ferricohis) : p. 526 (Rhachitomus, type R. valetis). 422 FOSSIL VEKTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. 1878 U. (Rhachitomus, Parioxys, Epi- cordylus.) 1878 A A. (Rhachitomus.) 1878 DD. (Epicordylus.) 1 879 A , p. 34. ( Rhachitomus. ) 1880 A, pp. 49-51. (Eryops, Rhachitomus.) 1880 J. 1882 T. 1884 P, p. 33. 1886 O. 1886 P. 1888 AA. 1894 C, p. 789. 18% G, p. 439. Emery C. 1897 A. Gadow H. 18% A, p. 21. Lydekker R. 1890 A, p. 191. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 622. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 1022, 1032. Seeley, H. G. 1892 A. Stickler, L. 1899 A, p. 85. Williston, S. W.1899 E, p. 185. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 392. Eryops erythroliticus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 515. (Epicordylus.) 1878 U. (Epicordylus.) 1888 AA, p. 253, pi. i, fig. 2. 1888 BB, p. 286. Permian; Texas. Eryops ferricolus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 521. (Parioxys.) 1878 U. (Parioxys.) 1881 K, p. 163. (Parioxys.) 1884 P, p. 35. 1888 BB, p. 286. Permian; Texas. Eryops megacephalus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 E, p. 188. Baur, G. 1897 A, p. 978. Broili, F. 1899 A, p. 61, pis. viii-x. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 520 (E. megacephalus)- p. 526 (Rhachitomus valens). 1878 U. (Rhachitomus valens.) 1880 A, p. 51, pis. i-iv. 1881 K, p. 163. 1884 P, p. 29, figs, 5, 6 and pi. iii. 1888 AA, figs. 2, 6. 1888 BB, p. 286. 1888 DD, with plate. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 686, fig. 1123. Emery, C. 1897 A, p. 102, figs. 1, 3. Hulke, J. W. 1888 A, p. 423. (Rhachitomus valeus.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 191, fig. 47. Seeley, H. G. 1892 A, pp. 349, 360. Stickler, L. 1899 A, p. 86, pis. xi, xii. Williston, S. W. 1899 C, p. 221. 1899 E, p. 185, pis. xxvii, xxix, xxx. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 393, figs. 382, 383. Permian; Texas, Indian Territory. Eryops? platypus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 A, p. 574. (Ichthycanthus.) Baur, G. 1888 C, p. 16. (Ichthycanthus.) Cope, E. D. 1885 Z, p. 9. (Ichthycanthus.) 1888 BB, p. 289, fig. 1. (Eryops.) Coal-measures; Ohio. Eryops reticulatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 AA, p. 1020. 1884 P, p. 34. 1888 BB, p. 286. Permian; New Mexico. ICHTHYCANTHUS Cope. Type /. ohiensis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 A, p. 573. Baur, G. 1888 C. p. 16. Cope, E. D. 1885 Z, p. 9. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 622. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1032. Ichthycanthus ohiensis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 A, p. 573. 1885 Z, p. 9. Coal-measures; Ohio. ZATRACHYS Cope. Type Z. serratus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 523. Broili, F. 1899 A, p. 84. (Zatrachis.) Cope, E. D. 1882 B, p. 461. 1882 T. 1884 P, p. 36. 1895 D. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 627. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 390. Zatrachys apicalis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 AA, p. 1020. 18% E, p. 937. Permian; New Mexico. Zatrachys conchigerus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% G, p. 453. Permian; Texas. Zatrachys microphthalmus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% G, p. 452. Permian; Texas. Zatrachys serratus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 523. 1881 K, p. 163. ', p. 36. >, p. 466, pi. vi, fig. 2. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 423 ANISODEXIS Cope. Type A. imbricarius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 B, p. 459. Broili, F. 1899 A, p. 84. Cope, E. D. 1884 P, p. 36. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 618. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 393. Anisodexis enchodus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1885 B, p. 406. ACHELOMA Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 B, p. 455. Broili, F. 1899 A, p. 84. Cope, E. D. 1884 P, p. 35. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 617. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 393. Cope, E. D. 1897 C, p. 88. Coal-measures; Ohio. Anisodexis imbricarius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 B, p. 459. 1884 P, p. 36. 1888 BB, p. 286. Permian; Texas. Type A. cumminsi Cope. Acheloma cumminsi Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 B, p. 456. 1884 P, p. 35. Permian; Texas. MASTODONSAURID^E. Huxley, T. H. 1863 A, p. 65. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 141. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 149. (Mastodonsauria.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1850 B. ("Mastodonsaurier.") 1885 A, p. 240. (Mastodonsauri.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 401. (Labyrinthodonta.) MASTODONSAURUS Jaeger. Type Salamandroides giganteus Jaeger. Jaeger, G. F. 1828 A, p. 35. Cope, E. D. 1898 B, p. 57, pi. i, fig. 1. Fraas, E. 1889 A, p. 32. Huxley, T. H. 1863 A, p. 65. Jaekel, O. 1896 A, p. 5. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 142. Maggi, L. 1898 A, figs. 11, 23. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 151. Owen, R. 1841 D, p. 5. 1842 B. (Labyrinthodon.) 1842 C. (Labyrinthodon.) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 547. Quenstedt, F. A. 1860 B. 1852 A, p. 148. 1885 A, p. 240. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 137. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 404. Mastodonsaurus sp. indet. Williston, S. W. 1897 G, pi. xxi. Carboniferous; Kansas. EUPELOR Cope. Type Mastodonsaurus durus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 J, p. 221. 1893 A, p. 12. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 62. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 186. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 408. Eupelor durus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1866 D, p. 250. (Mastodonsaurus.) PARIOSTEGUS Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 J, p. 211. 1869 M, p. 10. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 64. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 189. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 189. Cope, E. D. 1868 J, p. 221. 1869 M, p. 25. 1887 A, p. 209. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 62. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 186. Triassic; Pennsylvania. Type P. myops Cope. Pariostegus myops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 J, p. 212. 1869 M, p. 11. 1875 V, p. 32. Triassic; North Carolina. DICTYOCEPHALUS Leidy. Type D. elegans Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 L, p. 256. 1857 A, p. 272. Miall, L. C. 1875 A, p. 185. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 408. Dictyocephalus elegans Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 L, p. 256. Cope, E. D. 1868 J, p. 221. 1869 M, p. 25. Cope, E. D. 1875 V, p. 32. Emmons E, 1856 A, p. 347. (No name.) 1857 A, p. 59, figs. 31, 32. 1858 A, p. 78. 1860 A, p. 184, fig. 162. Fritsch, A. 1883 A (1879), p. 61. Leidy, J. 1857 A, p. 272. Triassic (Chatham); North Carolina. 424 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Order URODELA. Baur, G. 1888 C, pp. 36-62. Boulenger, G. A, 1882 A. Cope, E. D. 1866 F, p. 97. 1869 M, p. 5. 1871 B. 1875 D, p. 362. 1888 H, p. 299. p. 29. 1891 N, pp. 28, 31. 1898 B, p. 48. Emery, C. 1897 B. Gadow, H. 1889 A, p. 459. 1896 A, p. 2. 1898 A, p. 13. Gcgenbaur, C. 1864 A. 1865 B, p. 66. Goeppert, E. 1895 B. 1896 A, p. 398. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 279. Hasse, C. 1893 A. Hay, O. P. 1895 A, p. 46. 1896 B, p. 959. 1899 F, p. 682. Hoffmann, C. K. 1874 A. 1878 A. Howes, G. B. 1888 A. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A. 1874 A. 1875 A. 1875 C. Kehner, F. A. 1876 A. Mivart, St. G. 1870 A. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 58. 1879 B, pp. 31,61. 1881 A, p. 262. 1882 C. 1882 D. Peters, K. 1895 A. Pollard, H. B. 1892 A, p. 420. RieseH.1892 A. Stannius, H, 1856 A. Walter, F. 1887 A. Wiedersheim, R. 1876 A. 1877 A. 1889 A, p. 432. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 412. Zwick, W. 1897 A. GENERA INCERTLE SEDIS. SCAPHERPETON Cope. Type S. tectum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 I, p. 353. 1882 J, p. 979. 1884 O, p. 100. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 420. Scaph'erpeton excisum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 I, p. 357. 1877 G, p. 574. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Scapherpeton favosum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 I, p. 357. Cope, E. D. 1877 G, p. 574. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Scapherpeton laticolle Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 I, p. 356. 1877 G, p. 573. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Scapherpeton tectum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 I, p. 355. 1877 G, p. 573. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Cope, E. D. 1876 I, p. 358. 1882 J, p. 979. 1884 O, p. 100. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 420. HEMITRYPUS Cope. Type H. jordanianus Cope. Hemitrypus jordanianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 I, p. 358. 1877 G, p. 574. 1882 J, p. 979. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Order SALIENTIA Laurenti. Laurenii, J. N., 1768, Synop. Rept., p. 24. This group is usually denominated Anura, and this term is employed by the following writers unless otherwise indicated. Salientia has priority and is unobjectionable. Born, G. 1880 A, p. 51. Boulenger, G. A. 1882 B. (Batrachia salientia.) Cope, E. D. 1866 F. 1868 J, p. 209. 1869 M, p. 6. 1875 D, pp. 352, 354. 1888 H, p. 301. (Salientia.) 1889 D, p. 232. (Salientia.) (Salientia.) CATALOGUE. 425 Gadow, H. 1889 A, p. 461. 1896 A, p. 15. 1898 A. p. 14. Gaupp, E, 1895 A. Gegenbaur, C. 1864 A. 1865 B, p. 52. Goeppert, E. 1896 A, p. 427. Haeckel, E. 1895 A. p. 261. (Batrachia.) Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Hoffmann, C. K. 1874 A. (Ecaudata.) Howes, G. B. 1888 B. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A. 1875 C. Leydig, F. 1876 A. Meyer, H. 1845 A, p. 18. Miiller, J. 1831 A, p. 209. (Batrachia.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1042. (Ecau- data.) Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 66. (Amphibia anoura.) 1871 A. 1877 A. (Batrachia.) 1879 B, p. 31. Perrin, A. 18% A. Peters, K. 1895 A. Stannius, H. 1856 A. (Batrachia.) Wiedersheim, R. 1889 A, p. 435. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 421. Zwick, W. 1897 A. RANID.E. Boulenger, G. A. 1882 B, p. Cope, E. D. 1871 B. 1889 D, p. 390. Hoffmann, C. K. 1874 A. Meyer, H. 1860 B. Parker, W. K. 1871 A. 1881 A. Stannius, H. 1856 A. (Ranina.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 428. RANA Linn. Type R. temporaria Linn. Linnaeus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 210. Boulenger, G. A. 1882 B, 6. Cope, E. D. 1889 D, p. 393. Hoffmann, C. K. 1874 A. Parker, W. K. 1881 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 428. Rana sp. indet. Wheatley, C. 1871 B. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. EOBATRACHUS Marsh. Type E. agilis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 328. (No definition.) Eobatrachus agilis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 328. (No description.) 1897 C, p. 508. (No description. ) Jurassic; Wyoming. Class REPTILIA. Baur, G. 1885 E. 1892 D. p. 211. 1895 A. 1895 D. 1895 E. 1896 A. Bemmelen, J. F. 1899 A, p. 162. Boulenger, G. A. 1885 A. (Lacertilia.) 1887 A. (Lacertilia.) (Testudinata, Crocodilia.) (Ophidia.) 1894 A. (Ophidia.) 18% C. (Ophidia.) Burckhardt, R. 1895 A. Calori L. 1894 A. Case, E. C. 1898 A. Cope, E. D. 1864 A. 1869 M, pp. 3, 26. 1871 B. 1885 G. 1887 S, p. 33S 1888 AA. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 863. 1891 N, p. 35. 1892 N. 1892 R. 1898 B, p. 52. 1900 A, p. 159. Credner, H. 1888 A. Cuvier, G. 1&54 A, ix, pp. 1-24. Furbringer, M. 1885 B. Gadow, H. 18% A, p. 23. 1898 A. p. 17. Gaupp, E. 1891 A. 1895 B. 1900 A. Gegenbaur, C. 1864 A. t, p. 24. Giinther, A. : Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 291. Hallmann, E. 1837 A, pp. 16, 29. Hoffmann, C. K. 1876 A. 1878 A. Humphrey, G. M. 1866 A. 426 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 415. 1868 A. 1870 A. 1872 A, p. 167. 1876 B, xiii pp. 429, 514. Kehner, F. A. 1876 A. Kehrer, G. 1886 A, p. 73. Kingsley and Ruddick 1900 A, p. 219. Kostlin, O. 1844 A. Leidy, J. 1865 A. Levy, H. 1898 A. Lydekker, R. 1888 B. 1890 A. Manner, H. 1899 A, p. 43. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Meyer, H. 1845 A. 1856 A. 1856 B. Mivart, St. G. 1886 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1899 A, p. 1047. Osborn, H. F. 1899 I, p. 156. 1900 J, p. 943. Owen, R. 1840 A. 1842 A. 1845 B, p. 179. 1847 B, p. 283. 1860 A. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 90. 1880 A. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 422 Rose, C. 1895 A. Seeley, H. G. 1888 H. 1898 A, p. 357. Segond, L. A. 1873 A, pp. 1,24. Sixta, V. 1890 A. Stannius, H. 1856 A. (Amphibia monopnoa.) Walter, F. 1887 A. Wiedersheim, R. 1889 A, p. 437. Woodward, H. 1874 A. 1874 B. 1898 B, p. 140. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 437, 801. Order COTYLOSAURIA Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 H. Baur, G. 1885 J. Theromorpha. ) 1887 A. Theromorpha.) 1887 C, p. 102. Theromorpha. ) 1891 C, p. 354. Theromora.) 18% B, p. 569. Baur and Case 1897 A. Pareiasauria. ) Burckhardt, R. 1895 A. Theromorpha.) Case, E. C. 1898 A, pp. 70, 73. Pareiasauria.) 1898 B, p. 517. 1899 A, p. 244. Cope, E. D. 1878 CC. Theromorpha. ) 1880 A . Theromorpha. ) 1882 B, p. 448. 1885 A. Theromorpha.) 1885 G, p. 246. ( < Theromorpha. ) 1887 S, p. 333. Theromorpha.) 1889 R, p. 866. Theromora.) 1891 F, p. 645. 1891 N, p. 38. 1891 Z, p. 13. 1894 C. 1896 C. 1896 D. 1896 G. Cope, E. D. 1896 I. 1898 B, pp. 54, 60. 1900 A, p. 159. (Cotylosauria, Theromora.) Furbringer, M. 1900 A, pp. 338, 534, 552, 639, 674. (Theromorpha. ) Giinther, A. 1886 A, p. 442. Anomodontia.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 306. Theromora.) Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Kiikenthal, W. 1892 A. Theromorpha. ) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 112. Anomodontia, Pariasauria.) Osborn , H . F. 1898 B. Theromora. ) 1899 B, p. 95. Seeley, H. G. 1889 A, p. 288. Pareiasauria.) 1892 A. Pareiasauria.) 1895 A, p. 998. (Pareiasauria.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 622. ( < Theromorpha. ) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 145. (Pariasauria, part.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 553 Theromorpha); p. 570 (Pareiasauria). The Pareiasauria are a related but probably distinct group. DIADECTID^E. Cope, E. D. 1880 A. p. 45. Baur and Case 1899 A. Cope, E. D. 1880 H. 1882 B, p. 448. 1883 K, p. 108. Cope, E. D. 18% G, pp. 439, 441. 18% I, p. 130. 1898 B, p. 60. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 100. Marsh, O. C. 1878 C, p. 410. (Nothodontidse. 1 ) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1061. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 581. i This family is assigned to the Diadectidx on the authority of Drs. Baur and Case, as above cited. CATALOGUE. 427 DIADECTES Cope. Type D. sideropelicus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B. p. 505. 1878 U. 1880 A, p. 45. 1880 H. 1888 U, p. 916, pi. xvi. 18% G, p. 441. 1896 I, pp. 131, 133. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 620. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 582. Diadectes biculminatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% I, p. 132, text fig. 3. 1878 B, p. 505. ( " No. 2 " of D. sideropelicus. ) Permian; Texas. Diadectes latibuccatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 505. 1880 H. 1881 K, p. 163. (Empedocles.) 1883 H, p. 634. (Empedias.) 1888 BB, p. 288. (Empedias. ) 18% G, p. 442. (Empedias.) Cope, E. D. 18% I, p. 131. Permian; Texas. Diadectes phaseolinus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 A, p. 46. 1881 K, p. 163. 1883 H, p. 634. (Empedias.) 1886 A. f, p. 916, pi. xvi, fig. 3. (Empedias.) 18% G, p. 442. (Empedias.) 18% I, p. 132, text fig. 2. Permian; Texas. Diadectes sideropelicus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 605. 1878 U. 1881 K, p. 164. 18% I, p. 133. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 104. Permian; Texas. EMPEDIAS Cope. Type E. alatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 H, p. 634. (To replace Empedo- cles, preoccupied.) Baur. G. 1897 B, p 150. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, pp. 516, 529. (Empedocles.) 1878 U. 1880 A, p. 46. (Empedocles.) 1880 H. (Empedocles.) 18% G, p. 441. 18% I, p. 131. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 101. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 621. Seeley, H. G. 1888 H, p. 137. 1889 A, p. 284. 1895 A, p. 1009. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 623. (Empe- docles.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 681. Empedias alatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 517. (Empedocles.) 1878 U. (Empedocles.) 1881 K, p. 164. (Empedocles.) 1891 N, p. 38, fig. 17. 18% G, p. 442. 18% I, p. 131. Kiikenthal, W. 1892 A. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 102, figs. 20-22. Seeley, H. G. 1888 H, p. 138, fig. 5. Wortman, J. L. 18% A, p. 383. Permian; Texas. Zitte1 ' K " . A " 189 A ' P " M1 ' flg " 524 ' This species is not included by Professor Cope in either the list contained in Cope 18% G, or in that of Cope 18% I. BOLBODON Cope. Type B. tenuitectus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% I, p. 134. Bolbodon tenuitectus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% I, p. 134, text fig. 1. Permian; Texas. Empedias fissus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 H, p. 634. 1888 BB, p. 288. 18% G, p. 442. 18% I, p. 132, text fig. 4. Permian; Texas. Empedias molaris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 Z. (Diadectes.) 1880 A, p. 47. (Empedocles.) 1880 H. (Empedocles.) 1881 K, p. 164. (Empedocles.) 1883 H, p. 634. (Empedias.) CHILONYX Cope. Type Bolosaurm rapidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 H, p. 631. Baur, G. 1897 B, p. 150. Cope, E. D. 1883 P. Cope, E. D. 1892 Z, p. 13. 18% G, p. 441. 18% I, p. 131. 428 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. 1898 B, p. 57, pi. i, fig. 2. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, pp. 67, 95, 111. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 619. Seeley, H. G. 1895 A, p. 1009. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 582. Chilonyx rapidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 507. (Bolosaurus.) Cope,E.D. 1883 H, p. 6311 1883 P. 1892 Z, p. 25, pi. i, fig. 2. 1894 B, pi. x, fig. 2. 1896 G, p. 442, pi. viii, fig. 6. 1896 I, p. 131. Permian; Texas. NOTHODON Marsh. Type N. lentw Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1878 C, p. 410. Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 4. Credner, H. 1888' A, p. 555. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 574. Nothodon lentus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1878 C, p. 410. Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 4. Permian; New Mexico. PARIOTICHID^E. Cope, E. D. 1883 H, p. 631. Case, E. C. 1899 A, p. 238. Cope, E. D. 1888 BB, p. 287. 1896 G, pp. 439, 442. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 112. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1056. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 580. PARIOTICHUS Cope. Type P. brachyops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, pp. 508, 529, Baur, G. 1897 B, p. 150. Case, E. C. 1899 A, p. 231. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, pp. 508, 529. (Ectocynodon, type E. ordinatus Cope.) 1879 A, p. 34. 1882 B, p. 450. (Ectocynodon.) 1883 H, p. 631. (Pariotichus, Ectocynodon.) 1892 Z, p. 14. 18% C. 1896 G, p. 443. 1898 B, p. 57, fig. 3. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 621 (Ectocynodon); p. 624 (Pariotichus). Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1056. (Parioti- chus, Ectocynodon.) Seeley, H. G. 1895 A, p. 998. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 581. (Pariotichus, Ecto- cynodon.) Pariotichus aduncus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1896 I, p. 135. Permian; Texas. Pariotichus ag-uti Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 B, p. 451. (Ectocynodon.) 1888 BB, p. 287. (Ectocynodon.) 18% C, pi. vii, a. Cope, E. D. 18% G, pp. 444, 445, pi. vii. Permian; Texas. Pariotichus brachyops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 508. 1881 K, p. 163. 1888 BB, p. 287. 18% G, p. 445. Permian; Texas. Pariotichus incisivus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1888 BB, p. 290. (Ectocynodon.) Case, E. C. 1899 A, p. 231, figs. 1-7. 1900 A, p. 720. Cope, E. D. 18% G, p. 445. Permian; Texas. Pariotichus isolomus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% G, pp. 445, 446. Permian; Texas. Pariotichus ordinatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 508. (Ectocynodon.) 1881. K, p. 163. (Ectocynodon. ) 1888 BB, p. 287. (Ectocynodon.) 18% G, pp. 446, 447. Permian; Texas. ISODECTES Cope. Type Pariotichus megalops Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% G, p. 442. To this genus Cope has also referred Tudi- tanus punctulatus, which, however, has here been retained under Tuditanus. Isodectes megalops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 H, p. 630. (Pariotichus.) Cope, E. D. 1888 BB, p. 287. (Pariotichus.) 1892 Z, p. 25, pi. i, fig. 3. (Pariotichus.) 1894 B, pi. x, fig. 3. (Pariotichus.) 18% G, p. 442. Permian; Texas. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 429 CAPTORHINUS Cope. Type C. angusticeps Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% G, p. 443. Captorhinus angusticeps Cope. Cope, E. D. 1896 G, p. 443. Permian; Texas. PANTYLUS Cope. Type P. cordatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 A, p. 79. Baur, G. 1897 B, p. 150. Cope, E. D. 1882 HH. 1883 H, p. 631. 1892 Z, p. 14. 18% G, pp. 442, 449. 1898 B, p. 57, fig. 4. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 624. Seeley, H. G. 1895 A, p. 998. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 581. Pantylus coicodus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% G, p. 450. Permian; Texas. Pantylus cordatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 A, p. 79. 1881 K, p. 163. 1892 Z, p. 25, pi. i, fig. 4. 1894 B, pi. x, fig. 4. ~18% G, p. 449. Permian; Texas. HYPOPNOUS Cope. Type H. squaliceps Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% G, p. 450. Hypopnous squaliceps Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% G, p. 451, pi. viii, figs. 3-5. Permian; Texas. HELODECTES Cope. Type H. paridens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 A, pp. 45, 48. 18% G, p. 442. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 622. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 582. Helodectes isaaci Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 A, p. 49. 1881 K, p. 164. Cope, E. D. 1888 BB, p. 288. Permian; Texas. Helodectes paridens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 A, p. 48. 1881 K, p. 164. 1888 BB, p. 288. Permian; Texas. PAREIASAURID.E. Cope, E. D. 18% G, pp. 437, 439. 18% I, p. 137. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 308. (Pareosaurida.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 112. Seeley, H. G. 1888 D. (Pareiasaurus.) 1889 A. ( Pareiasaurus. ) 1892 A. (Pareiasaurus.) LABIDOSAURUS Cope. Type Pariotichus hamatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1896 I, p. 136. Baur G. 1897 B, p. 150. Labidosaurus hamatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% G, p. 448, pi. viii, figs. 1, 2. (Pario- tichus.) 18% I, p. 136. Permian; Texas. Order CHELYDOSAURIA Cope. Cope, E. D. 1898 B, pp. 54, 61. Cope, E. D. 18% D. Baur, G. 18% B, p. 569. i Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. OTOCCELID^E. I Cope, E. D. 18% I, p. 123. 430 FOSSIL VERTEBKATA OF NORTH AMERICA. OTOCKELUS Cope. Type O. testudineus Cope. [BULL. 179. <'<>]>(;, E. D. : Baur, G. 18% B, p. 569. 1897 B, p. 150. Cope, E. D. 18% I, p. 123. 1897 A, p. 315. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 149. Otoccelus mimeticus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% I, p. 128, pi. ix, fig. 1. Cope, E. D. 18% E, pi. xxii, fig. 11. (No descrip- tion; called on plate O. testudineus.) Permian; Texas. Otoccelus testudineus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% D. 18% E, pi. xxi, fig. 2. 18% I, p. 124, pis. vii, viii; pi. ix, fig. 2. Permian; Texas. CONODECTES Cope. Type C. favosm Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% D. Baur, G. 18% B, p. 569. Cope, E. D. 18% I, pp. 124, 129. Conodectes favosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% D. 18% I, p. 129. Permian; Texas. Order ANOMODONTIA Owen. Owen, R. 1860 A, p. 255. Cope, E. D. 1878 CC, p. 829. 1880 A, p. 38. 1889 R, p. 865. Furbringer, M. 1900 A. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 18. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 314. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 10. Osborn, H. F. 1898 O, p. 358. 1900 J, p. 945. Owen, R. 1881 C, p. 266. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 218. Seeley, H. G. 1888 D, p. 101. 1888 F. L, p. 3o7. 1900 A, p. 620. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 144, in part; p. 157 (Dicynodontia.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 556. DICYNODONTID^E. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 865. Huxley, T. H. 1869 C. (" Dicynodonts.") Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 16. Osborn, H. F. 1898 B. (Dicynodontia.) DICYNODON Owen. Type D. lacerticeps Owen. Owen, R., 1845, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., i, p. 318. Hulke, J. W. 1892 A, p. 244, figs. 6, 7. Huxley, T. H. 1859 C. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 16. Osborn, H. F. 1898 R, p. 316. Owen, R. 1845 D. 1856 D. 1856 E. 1860 F. 1863 A. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 218. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 564. Dicynodon rosmarus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 232. 1870 I, p. 445. An unsatisfactorily described species; its ge- neric identity doubtful. Triassic; Pennsylvania. Order PELYCOSAURIA Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 52 Baur, G. 1885 E, p. 637. 1886 M, p. 302. 1887 C, p. 102. (As part of Theromorpha.) 1897 A, p. 977. Baur and Case 1897 A. 1899 A. Case, E. C. 1898 A, pp. 70, 73. Cope, E. D. 1878 CC. (As part of Theromorpha.) (As part of Theromorpha.) Cope, E. D. 1882 B, p. 448. 1884 I, pp. 38, 43. 1885 A. 1885 G. (Theromorpha, part.) 1885V. 1886 O. 1888 U, p. 915. 1888 A A, p. 244. 1889 R, p. 866. (As part of Theromora.) 1891 F, p. 645. (Theriodontia.) 1891 N, p. 38. (Theriodontia.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 431 Cope. E. D. 1894 C. 1897 A, p. 316. 1898 B, pp. 55, 67. Furbringer, M. 1888 A. 1900 A. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 18. (Theriodontia.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 308. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 68. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 66. (Theriodontia.) Marsh, O. C. 1898 B, p. 407. (Theriodontia.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1057. (Ther- iodontia.) Osborn, H. F. 1898 A, p. 147. (Theriodontia.) 1898 B, p. 177. 1898 R, p. 315. (Theriodontia.) 1899 B, p. 95. (Theriodontia.) Owen, R. 1876 B. (Theriodontia. ) 1881 B. (Theriodontia.) 1881 C. (Theriodontia.) Seeley, H. G. 1889 A, p. 282. 1895 A, p. 1007. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 622. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 186. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 554, 572. CLEPSYDROPID^E. Cope, E. D. 1884 I, p. 38. Baur and Case, 1899 A. Cope, E. D. 1882 B, p. 450. (Edaphosauridse.) 1883 H, p. 631. (Edaphosauridse.) 1885 A, p. 477. 1888 BB, p. 287. 1898 B, p. 67. Furbringer, M. 1900 A. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 104. Marsh, O. C. 1878 C, p. 410. (Sphenacodontidae.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1059. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 574. (Cynodontia.) The family Sphenacodontidae proposed by Professor Marsh, is assigned to the Clepsydrop- idse on the authority of Drs. Baur and Case, as cited above. CLEPSYDROPS Cope. Type C. collettii Cope. dope, E. D. 1875 T, p. 407. Baur and Case 1897 A. 1899 A. Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 711. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, pp. 510, 529. 1878 J. 1878 U. 1878 DD. 1879 A, p. 34. 1881 K, p. 163. 1885 A. 1886 O. 1888 O. 1888 AA. 1892 Z, p. 11 (Diopeus, type C. leptocepholus); p. 14 (Clepsydrops). Kingsley and Ruddick 1900 A, p. 229. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 105. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 619. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1059. Seeley, H. G. 1889 A, pp. 284, 288. 1895 A, p. 998. 1895 B, pp. Ill, 119. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 574. Clepsydrops collettii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 T, p. 407. Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 1. Case, E. C. 1900 A, pp. 711, 720, pi. ii, figs. lo-36; pi. iv, figs. 7a-7d. Cope, E. D. 1877 F, p. 196. 1877 N, p. 61. 1881 K, p. 163. 1884 I, p. 38. 1888 BB, p. 287. Williston, S. W. 1898 J, p. 121. Permian; Illinois, Kansas?. Clepsydrops leptoceplialus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 I, p. 30, pi. 1, figs. 1-5. Baur and Case 1897 A, p. 116. 1899 A, p. 13. Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 720. Cope, E. D. 1884 EE, pi. xxxviii, figs. 1,2. 1884 GG, p. 1253. 1885 A, figs. 1, 2. 1885V. 1888 BB, p. 287. 1892 Z, p. 11, pi. ii, figs. 6,8. (Diopeus.) 1897 A, p. 318. (Diopeus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 574. Permian; Texas. Clepsydrops limbatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 F, p. 196. Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 3. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 515. (Embolophorus?) 1880 Q. Permian; Texas. Clepsydrops macrospondylus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 I, p. 35. Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 14. Cope, E. D. 1888 BB, p. 287. Permian; Texas. Clepsydrops natalis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, pp. 509,529. Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 717. Cope, E. D. 1881 K, p. 163. 1884 I, pp. 38, 42. 1884 EE, pi. xxxviii, fig. 6. 1884 HH, p. 1255. 1885 A, fig. 6. 1892 Z. Seeley, H. G. 1889 A, p. 290. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 574. Permian; Texas. 432 FOSSIL VEKTEBEATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Clepsydrops pedunculatus Cope. Cope, E. n. 1877 N, p. 62. Baur and~Case 1899 A, p. 2. Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 713, pi. ii, figs. 4dr-5d. Cope, E. D. 1881 K, p. 163. Permian; Illinois Clepsydrops vinslovii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 N, p. 61. Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 2. Case, E. C. 1900 A, p. 714, pi. ii, figs. 7o-7d. Cope, E. D. 1881 K, p. 163. 1888 BB, p. 287. Permian; Illinois. DIMETRODON Cope. Type D. incisivus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, pp. 512,529. Ameghino, F. 1896 A, p. 487. Baur and Case 1897 A. 1899 A. Case, E. C. 1897 A. Cope, E. D. 1880 A, p. 42, pi. vi. 1881 K, p. 163. 1886 J. 1888 AA, p. 244. . 1888 BB, p. 292. 1888 DD, p. 363. 1889 C, p. 226. 1897 A, p.- 315. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 620. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1059, Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 222, fig. 8. Seeley, H. G. 1889 A, p. 283. 1895 A, p. 1007. 1895 B, p. 110. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 624. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 383. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 576. Dimetrodon gigas Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 U. (Clepsydrops.) Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 12. Cope.E. D. 1878 B, p. 515. 1881 K, p. 163. Cope, E. D. 1888 BB, p. 287. Permian; Texas. Dimetrodon incisivus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 U. (Clepsydrops.) Baur and Case 1897 A, figures. 1899 A, p. 12, pis. i-iii. Case, E. C. 1897 A, figs. 1-4. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 512. 1881 A, p. 81. 1881 K, p. 163. 1886 J. 1888 BB, pp. 287,292. Seeley, H. G. 1889 A, p. 283. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 576, fig. 519. Permian; Texas. Dimetrodon rectiformis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 514. 1881 K, p. 163. 1888 BB, p. 287. Permian; Texas. Dimetrodon semiradicatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 A, p. 80. 1881 K, p. 163. (D. biradicatus.) 1888 BB, p. 287. Permian; Texas. NAOSAURUS Cope. Type N. claviger Cope. Cope, E. D. 1886 J. Baur and Case 1899 A. Cope, E. D. 1892 Z, p. 14. 1897 A, p. 316. Fritsch, A. 1895 B, p. 2. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 106. Seeley, H. G. 1889 A, p. 283. 1895 A, p. 998. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 576. Naosaurus claviger Cope. Cope, E. D. 1886 J. 1888 BB, pp. 287, 293, pi. ii, figs. 1, 2; pi. iii, figs. 1-3. 1892 Z, pi. ii, fig. 7. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 107. Osborn, H. F. 1898 N, pp. 842, 844, fig. 4. 1898 Q, p. 7, pi. i, fig. 3. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 576, fig. 520. Permian; Texas. Naosaurus cruciger Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 CC. (Dimetrodon. ) Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 11. Cope, E. D. 1880 A, p. 44. (Dimetrodon.) 1881 A, p. 82. (Dimetrodon.) 1881 K, p. 163. (Dimetrodon.) 1886 J. 1888 BB, pp. 287, 294, pi. iii, fig. 3. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 107. Permian; Texas. Naosaurus microdus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 I, p. 37. (Edaphosnurus.) i, pp. 287, 294, pi. ii, Permian; Texas. CATALOGUE. 433 EDAPHOSAURUS Cope. Type E. pogonias Cope. e, E. D. 1882 B, p. 448. 1884 I, p. 37. 1892 Z, p. 15. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 621. Seeley, H. G. 1889 A, p. 284. 1895 A, p. 998. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 577. Edaphosaurus pogonias Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 B, p. 449. 1892 Z, pi. ii, fig. 5. Permian; Texas. EMBOLOPHORUS Cope. Type E. fritittus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, pp. 518,529. 1884 I, p. 43. 1885 A, p. 474, figs. 4, 5. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 108. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 621. Seeley, H. G. 1889 A, p. 284. 1895 B, p. 111. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 577. Embolophorus dollovianus Cope. Cope, E.D. 1888 BB, p. 287. Cope, E. D. 1884 I, p. 43, pi. 1, figs. 4, 5. ("I bolophorus.") Lydekker, 1890 A, p. 109. (E. dolloverianus.) Permian; Texas. Embolophorus fritillus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 518. 1881 K, p. 164. 1884 BB. Hulke, J. W. 1888 A, p. 423. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 109. Permian; Texas. ARCH^OBELUS Cope. Type A. vellicatus Cope. Cope , E. D. 1877 E, p. 192. rn. K. It. 1S77 E, p. 187. Case. K. ('. 1900 A, p. 714. Cope, E. D. 1888 BB, p. 287. (Lysorhophus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 623. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 576. Lysorophus tricarinatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 E, p. 187. THEROPLEURA Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 519. Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 11. Cope, E. D. 1880 A, p. 40. 1888 BB, p. 287. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 626. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1060. Seeley, H. G. 1889 A, p. 283. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 576. Theropleura obtusidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 A, p. 41. Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 11. Cope, E. D. 1881 K, p. 164. 1888 BB, p. 287. Permian; Texas. Theropleura retroversa Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 519. Bull. 179 28 Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 2. Case, E. C. 1900 A, pp. 714, 717, pi. ii, figs, 12a-13c. Cope, E. D. 1881 K, p. 164. 1888 BB, p. 287. (Lysorhophus.) Permian; Illinois. Type T. retroversa Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 K, p. 163. Permian; Texas. Theropleura triangulata Cope. >. 1878 B, p. 520. 1881 K, p. 164. 1888 BB, p. 287. Permian; Texas. Theropleura uniformis Cope. Cape, E. D. 1878 B, p. 519. Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 11. Cope, E. D. 1880 A, p. 40. 1881 K, p. 163. 1888 BB, p. 287. Permian; Texas. 434 FOS8IL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. OPHIACODON Marsh. Type 0. mirus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1878 C, p. 411. Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 5. Credner, H. 1888 A, p. 555. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 624. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 574. Ophiacodon grandis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1878 C, p. 411. Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 5. (Eryops?) Permian; New Mexico. Ophiacodon mirus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1878 C, p. 411. Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 5. Permian; New Mexico. SPHENACODON Marsh. Type S. ferox Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1878 C, p. 410. Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 4. Credner, H. 1888 A, p. 555. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 574. Sphenacodon ferox Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1878 C, p. 410. Baur and Case 1899 A, p. 4. Permian; New Mexico. BOLOSAUKID^:. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 529. 1881 K, p. 164. Cope, E. D. 1888 BB, p. 288. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 95. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. BOLOSAURUS Cope. Type B. striatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, pp. 506, 529. 1878 U. 1888 BB, p. 288. 1890, in Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 95. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 619. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1060. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 582. Bolosaurus striatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 506. 1878 U. 1881 K, p. 164. 1888 BB, p. 288. Permian; Texas. METAMOSAURUS Cope. Type M. fossatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 516. ,1888 BB, p. 288. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 623. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 582. The position of this genus is uncertain. Metamosaurus fossatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 B, p. 516. 1881 K, p. 164. 1888 BB, p. 288. Permian; Texas. Order TESTUDINES Shaw. Shaw, G. 1802, Gen. Zool., iii, p. 5. Unless otherwise indicated, the following authors refer to this order under the name Testudinata. Agassiz, L. 1857 B. Baur, G. 1885 E, p. 632. (Chelonia.) 1886 G, pp. 687, 740. 1887 A, p. 484. 1887 B. 1887 C, p. 97. 1887 F. 1888 A. 1889 C. 1889 F, p. 472. 1890 D. 1891 B, p. 417. aur, G. 1891 C. 1892 A. 1892 D, p. 206. 1894 A. 1895 A. 1895 D. 1896 A. Bemmelen, J. F. 1896 A. Bienz, A. 1895 A. Born, G. 1880 A, p. 68. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A. (Chelonia.) Calori, L. 1894 A. Case, E. C. 1897 B. (Testudines.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 27. 1871 B. 1873 E, p. 648. 1875 X, p. 16. 1882 E, p. 143. HAY.] Cope, E. I). 1882 J, p. 1884 O, p. 111. 1885 G, p. 246. 1887 S, p, 334. 1889 R, p. 863. 1891 N, p. 39. 1892 R. 1892 Z, p. 20. CATALOGUE. 435 1896 A. 18961. 1898 B, pp. 55, 92. 1900 A, p. 160. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, ix, pp. 347-4%, pis. ccxxxix- ccxliii. Dollo, L. 1884 A. 1886 A. (Rhynchochelones, or Euchelonia.) 1893 C, p. 253. (" Cheloniens.") Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, pp. 311, 527, 540, 556, 593, 630 (Chelonia.) Gadow, H. 1889 A, p. 462. 1896 A, p. 41. 1898 A, p. 20. (Chelonia.) 1899 A, p. 35. Gaupp, E. 1894 A. 1895 B, p. 58. Gegenbaur, C. 1864 A. 1865 B, p. 35. (Chelonia.) (Chelonia.) Goette, A. 1899 A, p. 407. Gray, J. E. 1869 B. 1873 B. Gunther, A. 1877 A. 1886 A, p. 445. 1888 A, p. 456. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 316. Hallmann, E.' 1837 A, p. 22. Hay, O. P. 1898 F, p. 929. (Testudines.) 1899 F, p. 682. (Testudines.) Haycraft, J. B. 1891 A. (Chelonia.) Hoffmann, C. K. 1876 A. 1878 A. 1879 A. 1890 A. Hulke, J. W. 1892 A, p. 248. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 170. (Chelonia.) Kehner, F. A. 1876 A. Kehrer, G. 1886 A, p. 83. Kostlin, O. 1844 A. Lang and Rutimeyer 1867 A. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 365. Lortet, L. 1892 A. Lydekker, R. 1889 D. (Chelonia.) (Chelonia.) (Chelonia.) Maack, G. A. 1869 A. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. (Chelonia.) Mehnert, E. 1890 A. Meyer, H. 1860 D, p. 140. Mivart, St. G. 1886 A. (Chelonia.) Monks, S. P. 1878 A. Miiller, J. 1831 A, p. 199. (Testudines. ) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1082. (Chelo- nia.) Owen,' R. 1842 A, p. 160. (Chelonia.) 1849 B. (Chelonia.) 1849 C. (Chelonia.) 1860 A, pp. 161-166. (Chelonia.) 1866 A. (Chelonia.) Parker, W. K. 1864 A. 1868 A, p. 133. (Chelonia.) 1879 B, p. 63. Peters, W. 1839 B. ( " Schildkroteu.") Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 435. ("Cheloniens.") Portia, A. 1882 A. (Chelonia.) Rosenberg, E. 1891 A. Rutimeyer, L. 1873 A. 1874 A. Seeley, H. G. 1880 A. (Chelonia. ) 1900 A, p. 641. ("Cheloniens.") Segond, L. A. 1873 A, p. 2, el seq. (Vernacular name.) Siebenrock, F. 1897 A. Stannius, H. 1856 A. (Chelonia.) Steinmaiin and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 630. Strauch A. 1890 A, p. 9. (Chelonia.) Tomes, C. 1898 A, p. 267. (Chelonia.) Wiedersheim, R. 1889 A, p. 438. Wieland, G. R. 1900 B, p. 413. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 170. (Chelonia.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 449, 500. Suborder ATHEC.E Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 B, p. 235. Baur, G. 1886 G, p. 687. 1888 A. 1SS9 A. 1890 A. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, pp. 4, 7. Case, E. C. 1897 B, p. 21. Cope, E. D. 1875 X, p. 16. 1891 1. 1891 N, p. 39. 1898 B, p. 62. Dames, W. 1894 A. Dollo, L. 1886 A, p. 79. Dollo, L. 1887 A. 1888 C. Gadow, H. 1890 A, p. 21. Goette, A. 1899 A, p. 422. (Atheca.) Gunther, A. 1888 A, p. 456. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, pp. 319, 325. (Athecouia.) Hay, O. P. 1898 F. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 223. (Athecata.) Seeley, H. G. 1880 B-, p. 412. (Dermochclyidse.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 633. Strauch, A. 1890 A, p. 38. (Atheca.) Woodward, A. S. 1887 C, p. 7. 436 FOSSIL VEETEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [ BULL. 179. DERMOCHEL YULE. ' Fitzinger, 1843, Syst. Kept. (Dermatochelyidse.) Agassiz, L. 1857 B, p. 320. (Sphargididce. ) Baur, G. 1886 G, p. 687. 1889 B, p. 42. 1889 H, p. 55. (Dermochelys.) 1889 J, p. 39. 1890 D, p. 534. 1893 B, p. 673. Bemmelen, J. F. 18% A, p. 323. 1896 B, p. 279. Boulenger, G. A. 1888 A, p. 363. 1889 A, pp. 4, 7. (Sphargididse. ) Case, E. C. 1897 B. Dames, W. 1894 A. (Sphargididse.) Dollo, L. 1887 A. (Sphargis.) 1888 C. (Sphargididse.) Furbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 632. (Sphargidse.) Gervais, P. 1872 A. (Sphargididse.) Goette, A. 1899 A, p. 422. ( " Dermochelyden ." ) Gray, J. E., 1825, Ann. Philos., x. (Sphargidae.) 1869 B, p. 224. (Sphargididse.) Giinther, A. 1888 A, p. 456. (Sphargididae.) Hay, O. P. 1898 F, p. 931. Hoffmann , C . K. 1890 A , with plates. . ( Spharg is. ) Kiikenthal, W. 1890 B, p. 240. 1890 C, p. 162. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 223. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1090. Seeley, H. G. 1880 B. Siebenrock, F. 1897 A. (Sphargididae.) Strauch, A. 1890 A, p. 38. (Sphargida.) Vaillant, L. 1894 A. (Sphargididae.) Wieland, G. R. 1900 A, p. 237. 1900 B, p. 413. Winckler, T. C. 1869 A, p. 60. (Sphargis.) Woodward, A. S. 1887 C. (Sphargis.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 517. Suborder THECOPHORA 2 Dollo. Dollo, L. 1886 A, pp. 79,91. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, pp. 4, 11. Case, E. C. 1897 B. Dollo, L. 1887 A. Fraas, E. 1899 A, p. 401. ( Proganochelys. ) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 20. Goette, A. 1899 A, p. 426. Giinther, A. 1888 A, p. 457. (Testudinata.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 319. Hay, O. P. 1898 F, p. 940. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 3. (Testudinata.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1091. (Testu- dinata.) Seeley, H. G. 1880 B, p. 412. (Aspidochelyidse.) Vaillant, L. 1894 A. Craspedota.) Superfamily PLEURODIRA Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 156. Baur, G, 1887 B, p. 101. 1890 D, p. 535. 1891 B, p. 420 (Pleurodira); p. 422 (Amphi- chelydia). 1891 C, p. 351. 18% B, p. 566. (Amphichelydia. ) Boulenger, G. A. 1888 A. 1889 A, pp. 5, 187. Cope, E. D. 1871 B, p. 236. 1872 D. 1891 N, p. 39. 1898 B, p. 63. Dollo, L. 1886 A. Dnmeril and Bibron, 1835, Erp. Gen., ii, p. 175. (" Pleuroderes.") Fraas, E. 1889 A. p. 401. (Proganochelys.) Furbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 632. Gadow, K. 1898 A, p. 21. Goette, A. 1899 A, p. 430. Giinther, A. 1888 A, p. 458. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 329. (Pleurodera.) Hay, O. P. 1898 F, p. 947. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 158 (Pleurodira); p. 204 (Amphichelydia) . Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1091 (Amphi- chelydia) ; p. 1094 (Pleurodira). Peters, W. 1839 A. (Hydromedusa maximiliani.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1889 A. (On Psammochelys.) Siebenrock, F. 1898 A, p. 425. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 638. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 449, 542. 1 References are given to the literature of this family on account of the bearing it has on opinions regarding the evolution and .classification of Testudines. 2 This group as here understood is equivalent to that so called by Dollo, minus the Trionychia. CATALOGUE. 437 PLEUROSTERNID^E. Cope, E. D. 1875 X, p. 17. Baur, G. 1888 B, p. 420. 1891B,[p.424;(Pleurosternidse); p. 428 (Baen- idse)'. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, pp. 143, 145. (Baenidse.) 1884 O, p. Ill (Pleurosternidse); pp. Ill, 112 (Baenidse). 1898 B, p. 63. (Baenidae; Pleurosternidse. ) Dollo, L. 1886 A, p. 78. (Pleurosternidce; Baeni- dse.) Grabbe, A. 1884 A. (Pleurosternon.) Giinther, A. 1888 A, p. 457. (Baenidae.) Lydekker, R. 1889 E. (Pleurosternum.) 1889 G, p. 205. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1092. Owen, R. 1853 B, p. 21. (Pleurosternon.) Riitimeyer, L. 1873 A, p. 143. (Plenrosternon.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 639. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 172. (Pleuroster- nnm.) COMPSEMYS Leidy. Type C. victus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 Q, p. 312. Baur, G. 1890 D, p. 634. 1891 B, p. 411. 1896 B, p. 565. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 124. 1875 E, p. 91. 1875 I. 1875 W, p. 336. 1877 F, p. 196. 1882 E, p. 145. 1884 O, p. 113. Leidy, 3. 1860 A, p. 152. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 137. Marsh, O. C. 1890 E, p. 177. (Glyptops, type 6. ornatus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1105. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 534. Compsexnys lineolatus Cope. Cope., E. D. 1874 C, p. 30. (Adocus?.) 1874 B, p. 454. (Adocus?.) 1875 E, pp. 92, 263, pi. vi, figs. 11, 12. (Adocus.) 1877 G, p. 573. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana, Colorado, Saskatchewan?. Compsemys obscurus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1856 Q, p. 312. (Emys.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 124. 1874 C, p. 30. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 261. 1877 G, p. 573. (Emys.) Leidy, J. 1860 A, p. 153, pi. xi, fig. 4. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Compsemys plicatulus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 F, p. 1%. Baur, G. 1890 D, p. 534. 1896 B, p. 565. Marsll, O. C. 1890 E, p. 176, pi. vii. (Glyptops ornatus. ) 1897 C, p. 507, figs. 63, 64. (Glyptops ornatus.) Jurassic; Colorado, Wyoming.. Compsemys victus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 Q, p. 312. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 124. 1874 B, p. 454. 1874 C, p. 30. 1875 E, p. 261, pi. vi, figs. 15, 16. 18751. (C. victus?.) 1877 G, p. 573. Leidy, J. 1860 A, p. 152, pi. xi, figs. 5-7. Marsh, O. C. 1897 C, p. 527. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana, Colorado, Saskatchewan?. Compsemys sp. indet. Cope, E. D. 1888, CC, p. 301. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 367. Baur, G. 1888 B, p. 422. 1889 H, p. 58. 1891 B, p. 425. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 621. 1882 E, p. 145. 1882 J, p. 990. 1884 O, pp. 112, 144. BAENA Leidy. Type B. arenosa Leidy. Baena arenosa Leidy. Giinther, A. 1888 A, p. 456. Leidy, J. 1872 L, p. 162. (Chisternon, type .Baena undata. ) 1873 B, p. 160 (Baena); p. 169 (Chisternon). 1873 S, p. 123. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1093, Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 637. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 536. Leidy, J. 1870 S, p. 123. Baur, G. 1891 B, p. 427. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 623. 1875 C, p. 36. 1875 F, p. 96. 1877 K, p. 52, pi. xxiv, fig. 32. 1882 J, p. 990, fig. 8. 1884 O, p. 148, pi. xvii, figs. 1, 2. Dollo, L. 1888 A, pi. ii, fig. 11. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 367. (B. arenosa, B. affinis.) 1871 K, p. 229. 1872 B, p. 368. 1873 B, pp. 161, 341, pi. xiii, figs. 1-5. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming: (Wasatch); New Mexico. 438 FOSSIL VEETEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Baena hebraica Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 M, p. 463. 1873 E, p. 621. 1884 O, p. 146, pi. xix, figs. 1, 2. Eocene (Brldger); Wyoming. Baena ? ponderosa Cope. Cape, E. D. 1873 E, p. 624. 1884 O, p. 150, pi. xvii, figs. 3-8. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Baena undata Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 K, p. 228. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 622. 1884 O, p. 147, pi. xix, figs. 3-5. Leidy, .1. 1871 B, p. 373. 1872 B, p. 369. 1872 L, p. 162. (Chisternon.) 1873 B, pp. 169, 341, pi. xiv, figs. 1, 2. (Chi- sternon.) Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 96. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 258. 1882 E, p. 145. 1884 O, p. 112. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1093. POLYTHORAX Cope. Type P. missuriensis Cope. Polythorax missuriensis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 2.58. 1877 G, p. 573. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. PELOMEDUSID.E. Cope, E. D. 1868 B, p. 282. Baur, G. 1888 B, p. 420. (Pelomedusidse, Podo- cnemidse.) 1891 B, p. 424. (Bothremydidse.) Boulenger.G. A. 1889 A, p. 191. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 170. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p, Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, BOTHREMYS Leidy. Type B. cookii Leidy. Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 110, 120. Baur, G. 1889 J, p. 38. 1891 B, p. 423. Cope, E. D. 1867 A, p. 40. 1869 M, pp. 148, 157. Gunther, A. 1888 A, p. 457. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 174. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1099. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 5-17. Bothremys cookii Leidy. L, i'l;i, J. 1865 A, pp. 110, 120, pi. xviii, figs. 4-8. Cope, E. D. 1869 B, p. 735. 1869 K, p. 89. 1869 M, p. 157. 1875 E, p. 263. Leidy, J. 1865 D, p. 73. Maack, G. A. 1869 A, p. 280. Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 4) ; New Jersey. TAPHROSPHYS Cope. Type T. molops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869, K, p. 90. Baur, G. 1888 B, p. 421. 1891 B, p. 424. Cope, E. D. 1869 K, p. 90. ( Prochonias, type Plat- ernys sulcatus Leidy). 1869 M, p. 157. 1873 E, p. 649. Giinther, A. 1888 A, p. 457. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 174. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1099. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 547. (Syn. of Bothremys). Taphrosphys leslianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 159, 166 (Taphrosphys); p. 165, line 14 (Prochonias). 1875 E, p. 264. Cretaceous (Green-sand); New Jersey. Taphrosphys longinuchus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 159,162. 1875 E, p. 263. Cretaceous (Green-sand); New Jersey. Taphrosphys molops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 158, 159, figs. 43, 44. 1869 B, p. 735. 1869 K, p. 89. 1869 M, pp. 158,160 (Prochonias enodis); p. 162 (T. molops, var. enodis). 1870 D, p. 274. 1875 E, p. 263. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 547. (Bothremys.) Cretaceous (Green-sand); New Jersey. Taphrosphys nodosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 159, 167, pi. i, fig. 16. 1875 E, p. 264. Cretaceous (Green-sand); New Jersey. Taphrosphys strenuus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 K, pp. 89,90. (Prochonias.) 1869 B, p. 735. (T. princeps.) 1869 K, p. 89. (Prochonias princeps.) 1869 M, pp. 160,167 (Prochonias princeps); pp. 159,166 B (Taphrosphys); p. lt>7 (Pro- chonias). HAY.] CATALOGUE. 439 Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 264. 1875 V, p. 34. 1878 EE. Cretaceous (Green-sand); New Jersey, Georgia, North Carolina. Cope's species T. princcps is last mentioned, and then only incidentally, in 1869 M, pp. 160,167. It appears to have been regarded by Cope as a synonym of T. strenuus. In the Cope collection of reptiles the present writer has found the femur described on p. 166-B of Cope 1869M, and it has written on it, probably by Cope himself, the name " Prochonias princeps." ! Taphrosphys sulcatus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1856 P, p. 303. (Platemys.) Cope, E. D, p. 735. 1869 K, pp. 89, 90. (Prochonias.) 1869 M, pp. 159,164, text figs. 45,45 bis (Ta- phrosphys); p. 165 (Prochonias). 1875 E, p. 264. Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 109, 120, pi. xix, fig. 4. (Plat- emys.) Maack, G. A. 1869 A, p. 281. (Platemys.) Cretaceous (Green-sand); New Jersey. PLESIOCHELYIDJE. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 183. | PLESIOCHELYS Riitimeyer. Type P. solodurensis Riitimeyer. Ri'dimcyer L. 1873 A. p. 48. Lydekker, R. 1889 D, p. 239. 1889 G, p. 196. Maack, G. A. 1869 A, p. 320. not of Leidy.) Portis, A. 1878 A, p. 131. Cope , E. D. 1869 M, p. 123. Baur, G. 1889 H. (Stylemys in part; Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 544. Plesiochelys belviderensis Cragin. Cragin, F. W. 1894 A, p. 71, pi. ii, figs. 1-8. Cretaceous (Comanche series) ; Kansas. Superfamily CRYPTODIRA Cope. 1890 D, p. 635. 1891 B, p. 419. 1893 B. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, pp. 4,11. Cope, E. D. 1871 B, p. 235. 1884 O, p. 111. 1891 N, p. 39. 1898 B, p. 62. Dollo, L. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 649. Baur, G. 1888 A. 1889 A, pp. 184, 191. 1890 D, p. 534. Case, E. C. 1897 B. Cope, E. D. 1875 X, p. 16. DumSril and Bibron, 1835, Erp. G6n., ii, p, 172. ("Cryptoderes.") Furbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 632. Gadow, H. 1898, p. 20. Goette, A. 1899 A, p. 430. Giinther, A. 1888 A, p. 457. -Hay, O. P. 1898 F, p. 947. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 25. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1101. Willistdn, S. W., in Williston and Case 1898 A, p. 367. Zittel, K. A. 1890, pp. 449. PROTOSTEGID^E. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 228. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1089. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 634. Wieland, G. R. 1898 A, p. 19. 1900 A, p. 250. PROTOSTEGA Cope. Type P. gigas Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 K, p. 175. Baur, G. 1886 G, p. 687. Capellini, G. 1884 A. Case, E. C. 1897 B. Cope, E. D. 1872 F, p. 3& 1872 L. 1873 E, p. 648. 1875 E, pp. 99. 256. 1884 O, p. 114. Dollo, L. 1888 C, p. 72. Goette, A. 1899 A, p. 426. Hay, O. P. 1895 B. 1898 F, p. 929. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, pp. vii, 229. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E, p. 345. (Atlantochelys.) 1877 F. (Atlantochelys.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1089. Wieland, G. R. 1900 A, pp. 237, 250. 1900 B, p. 416. Woodward, A. S. 1887 C, p. 9. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 519. 440 FOSSIL VEETEBEATA OF NOETH AMEEICA. [BULL. 179. Protostega gig&s Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 K, p. 175. Capellini, G. 1884 A. Case, E. C. 1897 B, pis. iv-vi. Cope, E. D. 1872 P, pp. 323, 335. 1872 L, p. 433. 1875 E, pp. 48, 102, 256, pi. ix, figs. 1-7; pis. x-xiii. 1878 Q. Dana, J. D. 1876, Man. Geol., ed. ii, p. 466. (Atlanto- chelys.) Hay, O. P. 1895 B, pis. iv, v. Sternberg, C. 1899 A, p. 126, figures. Wieland, G. A. 18% A. 1898 A. 1900 A, p. 238. 1900 B, p. 416, figs. 8, 19. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. ARCHELON Wieland. Type A. iwhyros Wieland. Wieland, G. R. 18% A, p. 399. Hay, O. P. 1898 F, p. 929. (Protostega. ) Wieland, G. R. 1898 A, p. 15. (Protostega.) Archelon ischyros Wieland. Wieland, O. R. 18% A, p. 399, pi. vi, text figs. 2-1 Case, E. C. 1897 B, p. 52. (Protostega.) Wieland, G. R. 1898 A, p. 15, pi. ii, text figs. 1, (Protostega.) Wieland, G. R. 1900 A, p. 237, pi. ii, text figs. 1-3; 6. 1900 B, p. 420, figs. 17, 18. Williston, S. W. 1897 H, p. 246. (Protostega,) Cretaceous (Pierre); South Dakota. Archelon marshii Wieland. . Wieland, O. R. 1900 A, p. 248. Cretaceous (Pierre); South D kota. NEPTUNOCHELYS Wieland. Type Protostega tuberosa Cope. Wieland, G. R. 1900 B, p. 418. Neptunochelys tuberosa (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1872 L, p. 433. Baur, G. 1889 A, p. 189. Cope, E. D. 1869 A, p. 265. ticus, in part. ) 1869 M, pp. 199, 200. ticus, in part.) (Platecarpus, errore.) (Platecarpus tympani- (Platecarpns tympani- Cope, E. D. 1872 P, p. 334. (Protostega.) 1875 E, p. 257. (Protostega.) Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 118, pi. viii, figs. 1, 2. (?Hol- codus acutidens, in part.) 1873 B, p. 342. ( Allan tochelys.) Wieland, G. R. 1900 B, p. 418, figs, 9,10. (Neptu- iiochelys. ) Cretaceous; Mississippi. ATLANTOCHELYS Agassiz. Type A. mortoni Agassiz. Agassis, L., in Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 43. 1849 A, p. 169. (No definition.) 1850 B. (No definition.) Baur, G. 1889 A, p. 189. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 185. Dollo, L. 1888 C, p. 67. Hay, O. P. 1898 F, p. 930. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 342. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 229. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E, p. 345. 1877 F. Atlantochelys mortoni Agassiz. Agassiz, L.,in Leidy, J. 1866 A, p.43, pl.viii, figs.3-5. Agassiz, L. 1849 A, p. 169. (No description.) 1860 B. (No description. ) Baur, G . 1889 A , p. 189. ( " Protostega neptunia. ' ' ) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 185. 1872 F, p. 334. (Protostega neptunia.) 1872 L, p. 433. (Protostega neptunia.) 1873 E. (Protostega neptunia.) Hay, O. P. 1898 P, p. 930. Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 117. (Mosasaurus mitchelli, in part.) 1873 B, p. 342. Wieland, G. R. 1900 B, p. 419, figs. 14-16. Cretaceous; New Jersey. THALASSEMYDID^E. Baur, G. 1889 A, p. 191. (Thalassemydidse, Ly- tolomidse.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 235. (Propleuridse.) 1870 T, p. 137. (Propleuridse.) 1871 C, p. 563. (Propleuridse.) 1872 B, p. 22. (Propleuridse.) 1872 D. (Propleuridse.) 1879 A, p. 36. (Propleuridse.) 1882 E, pp. 143, 144. (Propleuridse.) 1882 J, p. 989. (Propleuridse.) 1884 O, pp. Ill, 112. (Propleuridae.) Cope, E. D. 1887 R. (Propleuridse.) Dollo, L. 1884 A, p. 71. (Thalassemydidse.) , p. 89. (Cheloniidse, in part. ) (Propleuridse.) Lortet, L. 1892 A, p. 24. (Thalassemydidse.) Lydekker, R. 1889 A, p. 36. (Propleuridse.) 1889 G, p. 25. (Cheloniidse, in part.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1112. (Che- loniidse.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 525 (Chelonemydidae); p. 627 (Thalassemydidse). HAY.] CATALOGUE. 441 OSTEOPYGIS Cope. Type 0. emarginatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 E, p. 147. Baur, G. 1889 A, p. 186. 1889 B, p. 42. Case, E. C. 1897 B, pp. 33, 43, 50. Cope, E. D. 18(>9 K. p. 88. (Osteopygis; Propleura, type Chelotic sopita Leidy.) 1869 M, pp. 132, 235 (Osteopygis); pp. 138, 235 (Propleura); pp. 143, 235 (Catapleura, type C. repanda). 1875 E, p. 257. 1882 E, p. 144. (Osteopygis, Propleura, Cata- pleura.) 1884 O, p_ 112. (Osteopygis, Propleura, Cata- pleura.) Lydekker R. 1889 A, p. 61. 1889 D, p. 233. (Lytoloma.) 1889 G, p. 52. (Syn.? of Lytoloma.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, P- 1113. (Lyto- loma.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 526. Osteopygis chelydrinus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 K, p. 89. 1868 E, p. 147. (No description.) 1869 B, p. 735. (No description.) 1869 M, pp. 135, 138, pi. vii, fig. 8. 1875 E, p. 259. (Catapleura.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. Osteopygis emarginatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 K, p. 89. 1869 B, p. 735. 1868 E, p. 147. (No description.) 1869 M, pp. 135, 136, 235, pi. vii, fig. 3. 1875 E, p. 2E9. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Osteopygis erosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 258. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Osteopygis platylomus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 B, p. 735. 1869 M, pp. 135, 137, and ii, figs. 38, 39. 1875 E, p. 258. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Osteopygis ponderosus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1871 G, p. 46. (Catapleura.) 1875 E, p. 259. (Catapleura.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. Osteopygis repandus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 143, pi. vii, fig. 2. (Cata- pleura.) 1868 E. (Osteopygis; no description.) 1869 B, p. 734. < Propleura; no description.) 1875 E, p. 259. (Catapleura.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. Osteopygis sopitus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 104, 119. (Chelone; not p. 105, pi. xix, fig. 5 = Lytoloma angusta Cope.) Cope, E. D. 1868 E, p. 147. (Osteopygis.) 1869 B, p. 735. (Propleura. ) 1869 K, p. 88. (Propleura.) 1869 M, pp. 140, 235, pi. vii, figs. 4-7. (Pro- pleura. ) 1875 E, p. 258. Maack, G. A. 1869 A, pp. 238, 283. (Chelone.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. PERITRESIUS Cope. Type Chelone ornata Leidy. Cope, E. D. 18C9 K, p. 88. 1869 M, p. 150. 1882 E, p. 144. 1884 O, p. 112. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 526. The systematic position of this genus doubtful. Peritresius ornatus (Leidy.) Leidy, J. 185G P, p. 303. (Chelone. ) Cope, E. D. 1869 B, p. 735. 1869 K, p. 88. 1869 M, p. 150. 1875 E, p. 260. 1878 EE. Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 106, 119, pi. xviii, fig. 10. (Chelone.) Maack, G. A. 1869 A, p. 283. (Chelone.) Cretaceous ; New Jersey, Georgia. LYTOLOMA Cope. Type L. angusta Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 K, p. 88. Baur, G. 1889 B, p. 43. 1889 J, p. 39. (Euclastes.) Case, E. C. 1897 B, pp. 44, 50. Cope, E. D. 1867 A, p. 39. (Euclastes, type E. platyops. ) 1869 M, pp. 131, 144,235 (Lytoloma) ; pp. 131, 148 (Euclastes). 1882 E, p. 144. 1884 O, p. 112. - 1887 R. Dames, W. 1894 A, p. 203. Dollo, L. 1888 A. Lydekker, R. 1889 A, p. 61. 1889 G, p. 51. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1113. Seeley, H. G. 1871 B. (Glossochelys, type harvicensis.) Wieland, G. R. 1900 B, p. 416, fig. 6. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 626. (Euclastes.) 442 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179 Lytoloma angusta Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 K, p. 89. 1869 M, p. 145, pi. xi, fig. 1. 1875 E, p. 257. Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 105, pi. xix, fig. 5. (Chel^ne sopita, in part.) Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 5) ; New Jersey. Lytoloma jeanesii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 145. 1869 B, p. 735. (Propleura; no description. ) 1875 E, p. 257. Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 5); New Jersey: SYLLOMUS Cope. Type AS', crispatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% J, p. 139. Syllomus crispatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1896 J, p. 139. Neocene; Virginia. Lytoloma platyops (Cope.) Cope, E. D. 1867 A, p. 41. (Euclastes.) 1869 B, p. 735. (Euclastes.) 1869 K, p. 89. (Eucla-stes.) 1869 M, p. 149, pi. vii, fig. 9. (Euclastes.) 1875 E, p. 259. (Euclastes.) Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 5); New Jersey. Lytoloma sp. indet. Clark, W. B. 1895 A, p. 4. (Euclastes.) 1897 A, p. o9. (Euclastes.) Eocene; Maryland. TOXOCHELYID.E. Baur, G. 1895 D, p. 569. (Toxochelydae.) 18% B, p. 564. Hay, O. P. 1896 A, p. 106. TOXOCHELYS Cope. Type T. latiremis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 I, p. 10. Baur, G. 1889 H, p. 58. 1895 D, p. 569. Case, E. C. 1897 B, p. 28. 1893, in Williston and Case 1898 A, p. 370. Cope, E. D. 1872 BB. (No name.) 1875 E, pp. 98,300. 1877 D, p. 176. Hay, O. P. 1896 A. 1898 F, p. 935. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 129. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1104. Wieland, G. R. 1900 B, p. 418. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 526,534. Toxochelys brachyrhinus Case. Case, E. C., in Williston and Case 1898 A, p. 378, pi. Ixxxiv. Cretaceous; Kansas. Toxochelys latiremis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 I, p. 10. CYNOCEKCUS Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 H. 1872 F, p. 335. 1875 E, p. 96. Hay, O. P. 1896 A. Williston, S. W. , in Williston and Case 1898 A, p. 368. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 526. This genus is not improbably identical with Toxochelys. If so, Cynocercus supersedes Toxo- chelys. Case, E. C., in Williston and Case 1898 A, p. 371, pi. Ixxix; pi. Ixxx, figs. 1,2; pi. Ixxxi, figs. 1-8, 10-13; pi. Ixxxii, figs. 1-3, 6; pi. Ixxxiii, figs. 2-4. Cope, E. D. 1872 BB, p. 129. (Description; no name.) 1875 E, pp. 98, 260, pi. viii, fig. 12. 1877 D, p. 176. Hay, O. P. 18% A, pis. xiv, xv. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 279, pi. xxxvi, figs. 17-21. (.'Cynocercus incisus.) Wagner, G. 1898 A, p. 201, text figs. 1, 2. Wieland, G. R. 1900 B, p. 418. Cretaceous (Niobraraand Pierre); Kansas. Toxochelys serrifer Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 299. Case, E. C., in Williston and Case 1898 A, p. 379, pi. Ixxx, figs. 3-9; pi. Ixxxii, figs. 4, 5; pi. Ixxxiii, fig. 1- Hay, O. P. 1898 F, p. 935, figs. 1-3. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Type C. incisus Cope. Cynocercus incisus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 H. 1872 F, p. 335. 1872 BB, p. 129. 1874 C, p. 28. 1875 E, pp. 96, 260, pi. viii, figs. 3-5. Williston, S. W., in Williston and Case 1898 A, p. 368, fig. 6. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. WiUiston, S. W. 1894 D. DESMATOCH ELYID^. Williston, S. W., in Williston and Case 1898 A, HAY.] CATALOGUE. 448 DESMATOCHELYS Willist. Type D. lowii Willist. Willistan, S. W. 1894 D. 1898, in Williston and Case 1898 A, p. 351. Desmatochelys lowii Willist. WiUMon, .y. Adocus beatus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 107, 119, pi. xviii, flgs. 1-3. (Emys.) Baur, G. 1891 B, p. 428. Cope, E. D. 1868 K, p. 235. 1869 B, p. 734. 1869 M, pp. 129, 233. 1870 G, p. 2%. Cope, E. D. 1870 N, p. 547. 1871 G, p. 43. 1875 E, p. 262. Marsh, O. C. 1890 E, p. 178, pi. vii, fig. 3. (A. punc- tatus.) Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 5) ; New Jersey. Adocus pectoralis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 K, p. 236. (Pleirosternum.) 1869 B, p. 734. (Pleurosternum.) 1869 M, p. 130 (Pleurosternum); p. 233 and ii, pi. vii, fig. 1 (Adocus). 1870 G, p. 296. 1871 G, p. 43. 1875 E, p. 262. Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 5); New Jersey. Adocus pravus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1856 P, p. 303. (Emys.) Cope, E. D. 1868 K, p. 235. 1869 B, p. 734. 1869 M, pp. 129, 233, 234. 1870 G, p. 297. 1871 G, p. 44. 1875 E, p. 262. Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 108, 120, pi. xix, fig. 1. (Emys.) Maack, G. A. 1869 A, p. 278. (Emys parva.) Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 5); New Jersey. Adocus syntheticus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 N, p. 548. 1870 K. 1871 G, p. 44. 1875 E, p. 262. Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 5); New Jersey. AGOMPHUS Cope. Type Emys turgidus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 G, p. 46. Baur, G. 1888 B, p. 595. 1891 B, p. 429. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 625. 1877 P. (Amphiemys, type A. oxyxtrrnum). 1882 E, p. 145. (Agomphus, Amphiemys.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 445 Cope, E. D. 1881 0, p. 113. (Agomphus, Amphi- emys.) 1891 F, p. 645. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 129. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1106. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 536. (Agomphus, Amphi- emys.) Agomphus firmus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1856 P, p. 303. (Emys.) Cope, E. D. 1868 K, p. 235. (Adocus.) 1869 B, p. 734. (Adocus.) 1869 M, pp. 125, 126. (Emys.) 1870 G, p. 295. (Adocus.) 1871 G, p. 46. 1875 E, p. 262. Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 106, 119, pi. xix, fig. 2. (Emys.) Maack, G. A. 1869 A, p. 277. (Emys.) Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 5); New Jersey. Agomphus oxysternum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 P. (Amphiemys.) Baur, G. 1888 B, p. 595. 1891 B, p. 429. Cope, E. D. 1878 EE. (Amphiemys.) Tertiary?; Georgia. Agomphus petrosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 K, p. 236. (Adocus.) 1869 B, p. 734. (Adocus.) 1869 M, pp. 125, 126. (Emys.) 1870 G, p. 295. (Adocus.) 1871 G, p. 46. 1873 E, p. 625. 1875 E, p. 262. Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 5); New Jersey. Agomphus turgidus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 125, 127. (Emys.) 1871 G, p. 46. 1875 E, p. 262. Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 5); New Jersey. BASILEMYS gen. nov. Type Compsemys variolosus Cope. Basilemys imbricarius (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 257. (Compsemys.) 1877 G, p. 573. (Compsemys.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Basilemys variolosus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 257. (Compsemys.) Cope, E. D. 1875 E, pp. 91, 261. (C. ogmius.) 18751. (C. ogmius.) 1875 W, p. .336. (C. ogmius.) 1877 G, p. 573. (C. variolosus.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Saskatchewan, Mon- ZYGORAMMA Cope. Type Z. striatula Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 N, p. 550. 1871 G, i>. U. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 536. Zygoramma microglypha Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 G, p. 44. 1875 E, p. 263. Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 5) ; New Jersey. Zygoramma striatula Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 N, p. 550. 1871 G, p. 44. 1875 , p. 263. Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 5); New Jersey. BAPTEMYS Leidy. Type B. u-yomingensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 E, p. 5. Baur, G. 1891 B, p. 429. Cope, E. D. 1809 M (1870), pp. 233 aiid ii. 1871 Q, p. 563. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 367. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, pp. 129, 143. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1106. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 536. Baptemys costilatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 36. (Dennatemys?.) 1875 F, p. 96. (Dermatemys.) 1875 U, p. 1016. (Dermatemys.) 1877 K, p. 52, pi. xxiv, figs. 17-31. (Dermat- emys. ) 1884 O, p. 142. (Dermatemys. ) King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. (Dermatemys.) Eocene (Wasatch); N. Mexico. Baptemys wyomingensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 E, p. 5. Baur, G. 1891 B, p. 429. Cope, E. D. 1869 M (1870), p. 233 (Adocus vyoming- ensis); p. ii (Baptemys). 1870 G, p. 297. (Adocus vyomingensis.) 1873 E, p. 624. (Dermatemys.) 1882 J, p. 991, fig. 9. (Dermatemys.) 1884 O, p. 142. (Dermatemys vyomingensis. ) King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 367. 1872 B, p. 367. 1873 B, pp. 157, 340, pi. xii, pi. xv, fig. 6. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Baptemys sp. indet. Cope, E. D. 1881 D, p. 184. (Dermatemys.) Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming. 446 FOSSIL VERTEBBATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. 1870 N, p. 551. 1882 E, p. 145. (Homorhophus.) 1884 O, p. 113. ( Homorhophus. ) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1106. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 536. HOMOROPHUS Cope. Type H. insuelus Cope. Homorophus insuetus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 N, p. 55 :>. 1871 G, p. 44. 1875 E, p. 263. Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 5); New Jersey. CHELYDRID^E. Swainson, 1839, Nat. Hist, and Classif. Fishes', etc. p. 116. (Chelidridae.) Agassiz, L. 1857 B, pp. 341, 409. (Chelydroidse.) Baur, G. 1889 A, p. 186. 1891 B, p. 428. 1891 C, p. 346. Bienz, A. 1895 A. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p. 19. Cope, E. D. 1871 C, p. 130. (Chelydrinae.) 1872 B. (Chelydrinse.) 1872 D. 1882 E, p. 143. 1884 O, pp. 111,112. Dollo, L. 1888 A. Gunther, A. 1888 A, p. 457. Hay, O. P. 1896 A. Lydekker, R. 1889 G,p. 133. Maack, G. A. 1869 A, p. 230. Meyer, H. 1852 B. 1856 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1104. Rutimeyer, L. 1874 A, p. 16. Siebenrock, F. 1897 A. * Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 635. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 532. CHELYDRA Schweigger. Type Testudo serpentina Linn. Schweigger, 1814, Prod., p. 23. Agassiz, L. 1857 B, p. 416. Baur, G. 1886 G, p. 740. 1891 H, p. 58. 1892 D, p. 207. Bienz, A. 1895 A. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p. 20. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 131. 1872 D. 1884 O, p. 112. 1888 CC, p. 305. Dollo, L. 1888 A. Gray, J. E. 1869 B, p. 180. Hay, O. P. 1896 A. 1898 F, p. 937. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 A. Lang and Riitimeyer, 1867 A. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 134. Meyer, H. 1845 A, p. 12. 1852 B. 1856 A. 1865 C. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1104. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 453. Rutimeyer, L. 1874 A, p. 17. Siebenrock, F. 1898 A, p. 425. Strauch, A. 1890 A, p. 22. Wieland, G. R. 1900 B, p. 416,- fig. 5. Winckler, T. C. 1869 A, p. 81. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 535. Chelydra crassa Cope. Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 306. 1882 C, p. 461. (Dermatemys sp.; no descrip- tion.) 1888 C. (No description.) Eocene (Puerco) ; New Mexico. Chelydra serpentina (Linn.). Linnxus, C., 1858, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 199. Agassiz, L. 1857, p. 417, pi. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p. 20, figs. 3, 4. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 124. Recent: Pleistocene; Maryland. ACHERONTEMYS Hay. Type A. tieckmani Hay. Hay, O. P. 1899 D, p. 23. Acherontemys heckmani Hay. Hay, O. P. 1899 D, p. 23, pi. vi. Miocene (Roslyn sandstone); Washington. ANOSTEIRnm Baur, G, 1889 H. (Staurotypidse or Cinosternidse, in part.) 1889 1, p. 276. ( Pseudotrionychidae. ) Gunther, A. 1888 A, p. 457. (Pseudotrionychids in part.) Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 143. (Anosteirinse.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 447 ANOSTEIRA Leidy. Type .1. ornata Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 E, p. 102. Baur, G. 1889 H, p. 68. 1889 I, p. 273. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, pp. 620, 649. (Anostira.) 1873 M, p. 278. (Anostira.) 1882 E, p. 145. (Anostira.) 1882 J, p. 990. (Anostira. ) 1884 O, pp. 112, 127. ( Anostira. ) Dollo, L. 1886 A, p. 95. (Anostira.) Gunther, A. 1888 A, p. 457. (Anostira.) Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 270. 1873 B, p. 174. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 143. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1105. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 534. Anosteira ornata Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 E, p. 102. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 621. 1882 J, p. 989, fig. 7. 1884 O, p. 128. Dollo, L. 1886 A, pi. ii, figs. 7, 8. King. C. 1878 A, p. 404. Leidy, J. 187i B, p. 370. 1873 B, pp. 174, 341, pi. xvi, figs. 1-6. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Anosteira radulina Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 V, p. 555. Baur, G. 1889 1, p. 273. (A. radulata.) Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 620. 1884 O, p. 128, pi. xviii, figs. 18, 19. __ Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. EMYDID.E. Gray, J. E. 1825, Ann. Philos. (2), x. Agassiz, L. 1857 B, pp. 351, 430. (Emydoidae. ) Baur, G. 1891 A, p. 348. 1892 A, p.159. 1893 B, p. 675. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p. 48. Testudimdae. ) Cope. E. D. 1872 D. 1882 E, pp. 143, 145. (Emydidse, Cistudin- idse.) 1884 O, pp. Ill, 113. (Emydidse, Cistudin- idae.) 1899 A, p. 196. '(Terrapenidse.) Dollo, L. 1886 A. (Emydidse, Cistudinidae.) j Gray, J. E. 1869 B, p. 175. (>Cistudinidse.) [ Gunther, A 1888 A, p. 457. Testudinidse.) | Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 71. Testudinidse. ) Mehnert, E. 1890 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1107. Tes- tudinidse.) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 446. (Emydides.) Rosenberg, E. 1891 A. Rutimeyer, L. 1874 A, pp. 18, 53, 82. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 637. Vaillant, L. 1891 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 637. EMYS Dumeril. Type Testudo orbicularis Linn. Dumi'ril, 1806, Zool. Anal., p. 76. Agassiz, L. 1857 B, p. 441. Baur, G. 1892 A, p. 158. 1892 C, p. 44 (Terrapene); p. 245 (Emydes). 1892 D, p. 208. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p. 111. Cope, E. D. 1872 M, p. 463. (Palseotheca, type P. polycypha.) 1872 O, p. 474. (Notomorpha, type JV. graris.) 1873 E, p. 625. 1877 K, p. 53. 1882 J, p. 992. 1884 O, pp. 113, 129 (Emys); p. 142 (Noto- morpha). Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 A. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 366. Lydekker. R. 1889 G, p. 102. Mehnert, E. 1890 A. Owen. R. 1842 A, p. 160. 1849 B. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 447. Pictet and Humbert 1856 A. Pictet and Jaccard 1860 A, p. 15. Rosenberg, E. 1891 A. Strauch, A. 1890 A, p. 14. Vaillant, L. 1891 A. Winckler, T. C. 1869 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 538. It is not probable that any of the species here included under Emys really belongs to the genus as it is restricted by modern writers. The species are more closely related to Chrys- emys and Clemmys. Emys cibollensis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 57, .pi. xxvii, fig. 4; pi. xxviii, figs. 3-6. 1875 C, p. 36. (E. stevensoniana.) 1875 F, p. 96. (E. stevensonianus. ) 1884 O, p. 131. (Syn.? of E. euthneta.) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Emys euglypha Leidy. Leidy, J. 1889 B, p. 97. 1889 E, p. 27, pi. iv, fig. 1. 1892 A. Pliocene (Peace Creek beds); Florida. Emys euthneta Cope. Cope,E. D. 1873 E, p. 628. 1884 O, pp. 129, 133, pi. xviii, figs. 34-42. King, C. 1878 A, p. 376. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. 448 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMEEICA. [BULL. 179. Emys haydeni Leidy. Leidy, /. 1870 S, p. 123. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, pp. 130, 137. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 366. 1872 B, p. 367. (E. wyomingensis, in part.) 1873 B, pp. 145, 340, pi. ix, fig. 6. (E. wyom- ingensis, in part. ) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Emys latilabiata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 E, p. 471. 1873 E, pp. 625, 626. 1884 O, pp. 130, 138. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Emys lativertebralis Cope. Cape, E. D. 1877 K, p. 53, pi. xxvii, figs. 1-3; pi. xxviii, figs. 1, 2. 1875 C, p. 36. (E. latilabiatus. ) 1875 F, p. 96. (E. latilabiatus.) 1882 J, p. 991, fig. 10. 1884 O, p. 129. Eocene (Wasatch) ; New Mexico. Emys megaulax Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 628. 1873 E, p. 629. (E. pachylomus.) 1884 O, p. 132, pi. xviii, figs. 26-33. King, C. 1878 A, p. 376. (E. megaulax, E. pachy- lomus.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Emys petrolei Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 A, p. 176. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 128. Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 260, 3-10, pi. ix, fig. 7. Quaternary; Texas. Emys polycypha Cope. Cope,'E. D. 1872 M, p. 463. (Palseotheca.) 1873 E, pp. 625, 630. 1884 O, pp. 129, 131, pi. xviii, figs. 20-22. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. Emys septaria Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 625. Cope, E. D. 1882 J, p. 992. 1884 O, pp. 130, 139, pi. xvii, figs. 9-13. Leidy, J. 1870 E, p. 50. (E. stevensonianus, in part.) 1871 B, p. 372. (E. stevensonianus, in part.) 1871 C, p. 366. (E. stevensonianus, in part.) 1873 B, pp. 140, 340, pi. ix, figs. 2, 3. (E. vy- omingensis, in part.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Emys shaughnessiana Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, pp. 130, 135, pi. xxiii, figs. 3-8. 1882 J, p. 992. (Not adequately defined. ) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Emys terrestris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 M, p. 463. (Palseotheca.) 1873 E, p. 629. 1884 O, pp. 129, 130, 131, pi. xviii, figs. 23-25. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Emys testudinea Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 O, p. 475. (Notomorpha.) 1873 E, p. 627. 1877 K, p. 58. 1884 O, pp. 129, 134, pi. xxiii, figs. 12, 13. Eocene (Green River) ; Wyoming. Emys wyomingensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1869 B, p. 66. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, pp. 625, 626. 1877 K, p. 53. (E. vyomingensis.) 1884 O, p. 135, pi. xxiii, figs. 9-11. (E. vyo- mingensis.) Leidy J. 1870 E, p. 5. (E. stevensonianus, in part.) 1870 S, p. 123. (E. jeanesi.) 1871 B, p. 372. (E. jeanesianus; E. steven- sonianus, in part.) 1871 C, p. 366. (E. stevensoni, in part; E. jeanesi.) 1872 B, p. 367. 1873 B, pp. 140, 340, in part; pi. ix, figs. 4, 5; pi. x, figs. 1, 2. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 95. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. NOTOMORPHA Cope. Type N. gravis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 O, p. 474. 1884 O, p. 142. Gunther, A. 1888 A, p. 457. Notomorpha gravis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 O, p. 476. Cope, E. D. 1872 O, p. 477. (N. garmanii.) 1873 E, pp. 625, 626. (Emys.) 1884 O, p. 143, pi. xxiii, figs. 14-16. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. EUPACHEMYS Leidy. Type E. obtusa Leidy Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 232. Eupachemys obtusa Leidy. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 232, pi. xxxiv, figs. 4, 6. HYBEMYS Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 E, p. 103. 1873 B, p. 174. Hybemys arenarius Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 E, p. 103. Leidy, J. 1889 E, p. 29. (" E. rugosus".) This species may be identical with Testudo crassiscutata. Phosphate beds; South Carolina. Type H. arenarius Leidy. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 369. 1873 B, pp. 174, 340, pi. xv, fig. 9. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 449 TRACHEMYS Agassiz. Type T. :iz, L. 1857 B, p. 434. Baur, G. 1892 D, p. 208. Cope, E. D. 1878 C, p. 228. (Pseudemys.) 1878 H, p. 396. (Pseudemys.) Trachemys bisornata (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1878 C, p. 228. ( Pseudemys. ) Pliocene; Texas. = Testudo scripta Schoepff . Trachemys hilli (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 395. (Pseudemys.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Kansas. CLBMMYS Ritgen. Type Testudo. punctata Schoepff = T. guttata Schneider. Ritgen, F. A., 1828, Nova Acta Acad. Leop.-Car., xiv, i, p. 272. Agassiz, L. 1857 B, p. 442 (Nanemys); p. 443 (Cale- mys, Glyptemys); p. 444 (Actemys). Baur, G. 1892 C, p. 44. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p. 100. Goette, A. 1899 A. For additional synonymy and literature of this genus see Boulenger, as cited. Clemmys insculpta Le C. Le Conte, J., 1830, Ann. Lye. New York, iii, p. 112. (Testudo.) Cope, E. D. 1899 A, p. 194. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p. 107. Recent; Eastern U. S.: Pleistocene (Port Kennedy) ; Pennsylvania. Clemmys percrassa Cope. Cope, E. D. 1899 A, p. 194, pi. xviii, figs. 1-40. Pleistocene (Port Kennedy); Pennsylvania. TERRAPENE l Merrem. Type Testudo Carolina Linn. Sferrcm, B. 1820, Tent. Syst. Amphib., p. 27. Agassiz, L. 1857 B, p. 444. (Cistudo.) Baur, G. 1892 A, p. 158. (Cistudo.) 1892 C, p. 44 (Cistudo); p. 245 (Terrapeiie). Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p. 114. (Cistudo.) Cope, E. D. 1895 H, p. 757. (Terrapene; Toxaspis, type T. major.) 1899 A, p. 196. (Toxaspis.) Fleming, 1822, Phil. Zool., ii, p. 270. (Cistuda.) Pictet and Humbert 1856 A, p. 35. (Cistudo.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 537. (Cistudo.) Terrapene anguillulata (Cope). Cope, E. J). 1899 A, p. 1%, pi. xix, fig. 1. (Tox- aspis. ) Pleistocene (Port Kennedy); Pennsylvania. Terrapene eurypygia (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 124. (Cistudo.) Pleistocene; Maryland. Terrapene marnochii (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1878 C, p. 229. (Cistudo.) 1885 S. (Cistudo.) 1889 F. (Cistudo.) Pleistocene (Equusbeds); Texas. TESTUDINID.E. Gray, J. E., 1825, Ann. Phil. (2], x. Agassiz, L. 1857 B, pp. 356, 446. (Testudinina.) Baur, G. 1889 H. 1892 A, p. 159. 1893 B, p. 677. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p. Burckhardt, K. 1895 A. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 143. 1884 O, pp. 111,113. Dollo, L. 1887 A. (In part.) Dumeril and Bibron, 1834, Erp. Gen., i, p. 352; ii, pp. 1-170. (Chersites.) Gray, J. E. 1869 B, p. 166. 1873 C, p. 722. (Testudinata.) Gunther, A. 1888 A, p. 457. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 71. (In part.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1107. (In part.) Siebenrock, F. 1897 A. Stannius, H. 1856 A. (Testudinea.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 638. Wieland, G. R. 1900 B, p. 413. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 539. (Chersidae.) iTerrapene clausa has been reported by Dr. Leidy (1889 H, p. 6) from a cave in Pennsylvania. The species accompanying the. remains, with few exceptions, yet live in the vicinity. Bull. 179 29 450 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. HADRIANUS Cope. Type //. octonarius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 N, p. 468. Baur, G. 1896 B, p. 568. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 630. 1877 K, p. 58. 1882 E, p. 146. 1882 J, p. 992. 1884 O, pp. 113, 140. Hay, O. P. 1899 D, p. 22. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 137. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 72. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 540. (Syn. of Testudo.) Hadrianus allabiatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 E, p. 471. 1873 E, p. 630. 1884 O, p. 140, pi. xv, figs. 13-15. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 94. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Hadrianus corsoni (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1871 H. (Testudo.) Cope, E. D. 1872 M, p. 463. (Testudo hadrianus.) 1872 N, p. 468. (Hadrianus quadratus. ) 1873 E, p. 631. 1875 C, p. 36. 1875 F, p. 96. 1877 K, p. 58, pi. xxiv, fig. 36. Cope, E. D. 1882 J, p. 992. 1884 O, p. 141. Leidy, J. 1871 B, p. 372. (Emys carteri.) 1871 K, p. 228. (E. carteri.) 1872 B, p. 366 'Testudo) ; p. 367 (E. carteri). 18721, p. 268. (Testudo.) 1873 B, pp. 132, 339, pi. xi, figs. 1, 2; pi. xv, fig. 7; pi. xxix, figs. 2-4; pi. xxx, figs. 1-1. (Testudo; on pi. xv, Emys carter!.) Maack, GT. A. 1869 A, p. 278. 'Emys carteri.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming: (Wasatch); New Mexico. Hadrianus octonarius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 N, p. 468. 1873 15, p. 630 1882 J, p. 992, figs. 11-13. 1884 O, p. 140, pi. xx. Hay, O. P. 1899 I), p. 23. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 95. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. Hadrianus schucherti Hay. Hay, 0. P. 1899 D, p. 22, pis. iv, v. Schuchert, C. 1900 A, p. 328. Eocene (Jackson); Alabama. STYLEMYS Leidy. Type nebrascensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1851 B, p. 172. Agassiz, L. 1857 B, p. 448. (No name.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 123. 1875 F, p. 74. 1882 E, p. 145. 1884 O, pp. 113, 769. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 366. 1873 B, p. 223. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 93. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1109. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 540. (Syn. of Testudo.) Stylemys nebrascensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1851 B, p. 172. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 124, pi. vii, figs. 10-12. (S. culbertsonii, S. nebrascensis.) 1874 B, p. 511. 1884 O, p. 769. 1891 A, p. 5. Haberlandt, G. 1876 A. (Testudo culbertsoni.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. (Testudo. 1 Leidy. J. 1851 C, p. 173. (Emys hemispherica, Testudo lata.) 1851 G, p. 327. (E. oweni.) 1852 D, p. 34. (E. culbertsonii.) 1852 E, p. 59. (T. hemispherica, T. nebrasc- ensis, T. oweni, T. culbertsonii.) 1852 J, p. 567, pi. xii A, figs. 1,2 (T. nebrasc- ensis); p. 568, pi. xii A, figs. 3, 4 (T. oweni); p. 569, pi. xii (T. culbertsonii); p. 570, pi. xii B, figs. 1,2 (T. hemispherica); p. 572 (T. lata). Leidy, J. 1852 L, p. 65. (T. lata, E. hemispherica, E. nebrascensis.) 1854 A, pp. 103, 115, pi. xxi (T. nebrascen- sis); pp. 105, 115, pi. xx; pi. xxiv, fig. 3 (T. hemispherica); pp. 106, 115, pi. xxi, pi. xxiv, fig. 4 (T. oweni); pp. 108,115, pi. xxii, pi. xxiv, fig. 2 (T. culbertsonii); pp. 110, 115, pi. xxiii, pi. xxiv, fig. 1 (T. lata). 1869 A, p. 26. (Testudo, or Stylemys.) 1871 C, p. 366. 1873 B, pp. 224, 339, pi. xix, figs. 7, 9, 10. (Testudo. ) Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 94. Maack, G. A. 1869 A, 245 (T. nebrascensis, hemi- spherica, oweni); p. 246 (T. lata, culbertsonii). Marsh, O. C. 1870 D. (Testudo.) Winckler, T. C. 1869 A, p. 145, pis, xxxi-xxxiii. (T. nebrascensis, culbertsoni, lata, oweni.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 540, fig. 501. (Testudo.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Colo- rado. Stylemys niobrarensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 29. [Testudo (Stylemys.)] Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 124. 1874 B, p. 531. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. (Testudo.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 26. (Testudo, or Stylemys.) 1871 C, p. 366. 1873 B, pp. 225,340, pi. iii, figs. 4-6; pi. xix, figs. 6-8. (Testudo.) CATALOGUE. 451 . 1874 B, p. 511. 1H78 If, p. 393. (Testudo, Xerobates ) 1882 E, p. 146. 1884 O, pp. 113, 762. (Testudo, Xerobates.) 1S86 X. (Caryoderma, type C. snovianum.) 1889 P, p. 662. (Caryoderma.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 204. (Caryo- derma.) Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 320. Gray, J. E. 1869 B, p. 167. 1873 C, p. 723. (Xerobates.) Giinther, A. 1877 A. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 A. Leidy, J. 1852 J, p. 566. 1854 A, pp. 101; 115. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 71. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 443. Pictet and Humbert 1856 A, p. 17. Siebenrock, F, 1897 A. Strauch, A. 1S90 A, p. 11. Wieland, G. R. 1900 B, p. 415, figs. 1-4. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 540. (Testudo.) 1893 B, p. 147. (Caryoderma.) Testudo amphithorax Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 S. p. 6. 1873 C C, p. 19. 1874 B, p. 511. 1884 O, pp. 762, 767, pi. Ixi, fig. 4. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Testudo brontops Marsh. Mm-xh, O. C. 1890 E, p. 179, pi. viii. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 901, rig. 1516. Marsh, O. C. 1897 C, pp. 523, 527, figs. 95, 96. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Colo- rado. Testudo crassiscutata Leidy. Leidy, J. 1889 E, p. 31, pi. vi, figs. 4-7. 1892 A. Pliocene; Florida. This species may be identical with Eupach- emys obtusa. Testudo cultrata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 S, p. 6. 1873 C C, p. 19. 1874 B, p. 511. 1884 O, pp. 762, 763, pi. Ixiii, figs. 1-3. 1892 E, p. 256. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Testudo cyclopygia (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 394. (Xerobates.) Hay, O. P. 1899 G, p. 349. Miocene (Loup Fork); Kansas. Testudo gilbertii Hay. Hay, O. P. 1899 G, p. 349. Gilbert, J. Z. 1898 A, p. 143, figs. 1-4. ( Xerobates undata. ) Miocene (Loup Fork); Kansas. Testudo hexagonata Cope. Coin; E. D. 1893 A, p. 77, pi. xxii, fig. 2. Pleistocene (Equusbeds); Texas. Testudo klettiana Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 F, p. 75. 1877 K, p. 285, pi. Ixvii, fig. 3. Miocene (Loup Fork); New Mexico. Testudo laticaudata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 75, pi. xxii, fig. 1. Pleistocene (Equusbeds); Texas. Testudo laticunea Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 S, p. 6. 1873 CC, p. 19. 1874 B, p. 511. 1884 O, pp. 762, 765, pi. Ixi, fig. 1. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Testudo ligonia Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 S, p. 6. 1873 CC, p. 19. 1874 B, p. 511. 1884 O, pp. 762, 766, pi, Ixi, figs. 2, 3. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Testudo orthopygia (Cope) . Cope, -K. D. 1878 H, p. 393. (Xerobates.) Hay. O. P. 1899 G, p. 349. Miocene (Loup Fork); Kansas. Tostudo pertenuis Cope. Cpe, E. D. 1892 G, p. 226. 1893 A, pp. 47, 49, fig. 1. Pliocene (Blanco); Texas. Testudo quadrata. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, pp. 762, 764, pi. Ixi, fig. 5. Oligocene (White River) ; Colorado. Testudo snoviana (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1886 N. (Caryoderma. ) 1889 P, p. 662, pi. xxxii. (Caryoderma. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1136. (Caryoderma.) Williston, S. W. 1898 G, p. 132. ( Testudo undata ?) Miocene (Loup Fork; Kansas. 452 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Testudo turgida Cope. Cope, E. D. 1892 J, p. 127. 1892 E, p. 255. 1892 P. 1893 A, p. 47. Pliocene (Blanco); Texas. Testudo undata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 F, p. 74. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 283, pi. Ixvii, figs. 1,2. Hay, O. P. 1899 G, p. 349. Miocene (Loup Fork); New Mexico. Testudo sp. indet. Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 122, pi. xxviii, figs. 1-4. Pleistocene; South Carolina. Suborder TRIONYCHIA. Unless otherwise indicated, the following authors refer to this group under the name Trionychoidea. Baur, G. 1888 B, p. 736. 1889 C, p. 240. (Chilotse.) 1890 D, p. 536. (Trionychia, Chilotae.) 1891 B, pp. 418, 420. (Trionychia.) Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, pp. 5, 237. Cope, E. D. 1891 N, p. 39. Dumeril and Bibron, 1834, Erp. Gen., i, p. 353; ii, p. 461. (Potamites.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 91. (Trionychoidea.) Gray, J. E. 1872 A. Gunther, A. 1888 A, p. 457. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 326. (Diacostalia.) Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 3. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1116. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 455. (Trionychides. ) Rutimeyer, L. 1874 A, pp. 13, 51. Seeley, H. G. 1880 B, p. 412. (Peltochelyidse.) Siebenrock, F. 1897 A. (Trionychoidse.) Stannius, H. 1856 A. (Trionychoidea.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 634. Vaillant, L. 1894 A. (Mecraspedota.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 513. (Triouychia.) PLASTOMENID^E nom. nov. Trionychia without fontanelles in the plastron behind the anterior border of the hyoplastron. PLASTOMENUS Cope. Type P. thomasii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 M. 1873 E, p. 617. 1875 C, p. 35. 1875 E, p. 92. 1875 I. 1875 W, p. 336. 1877 K, p. 47. 1882 E, p. 144. 1884 O, pp. 112, 122. Dollo, L. 1886 A, p. 94. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 7. (Syn. of Trionyx.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1118. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 517. Plastomenus communis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 35. 1875 F, p. 96. 1877 K, pp. 48, 50, pi. xxV, figs. 1-6. (Except " var. ii," p. 50, which belongs to P. mo- lopinus. ) 1882 C, p. 461. 1884 O, pp. 123, 126. 1888 C C, p. 301. (P. communis?) King C. 1878 A, p. 377. Eocene (Puerco? and Wasatch); New Mexico. Plastomenus corrugatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 35. 1875 F, pi 96. 1875 W, p. 337. 1877 K, p. 48, pi. xxv, flgs. 20-26. 1884 O, p. 123. King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Plastomenus costatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, pp. 94, 261, pi. viii, fig. 8. 1875 I. 1875 W, p. 337. Cretaceous (Laramie); Saskatchewan. Plastomenus fractus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 35. 1875 F, p. 96. 1877 K, p. 49. pi. xxv, figs. 12-19. 1884 O, p. 123. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Plastomenus insignis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 454. 1874 C, p. 29. 1875 E, pp. 95, 261, pi. vi, fig. 10. Cretaceous (Laramie); Colorado. Plastomenus lachrymalis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 15. 1875 C, p. 35. 1875 F, p. 96. 1877 K, pp. 48, 51, pi. xxv, fig. 7. 1884 O, p. 123. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Plastomenus molopinus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 M, p. 461. (Anostira.) 1873 E, p. 620. 1873 M, p. 279. 1877 K, p. 50, pi. xxv, figs. 5, 6. (Var. ii of P. communis.) 1884 O, pp. 123, 125, pi. xviii, figs. 9-14. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 453 ?Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 180, pi. xvi, fig. 12. i Trionyx." ) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming: (Wasatch); New Mexico. Plastomenus oedemius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 M, p. 461. (Anostira.) 1873 E, p. 619. 1873 M. 1877 K, p. 48. 1884 O, pp. 123, 126, pi. xviii, figs. 15-17. Eooeuo (Bridger); Wyoming. Plastomenus punctulatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 453. 1874 C, p. 29. 1875 E, pp. 94, 261, pi. vi, fig. 9. 1877 G, p. 573. Cretaceous (Laramie); Colorado, South Da- kota, Montana. Plastomenus serialis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, pp. 48, 51, pi. xxv, figs. 8-10. 1875 C, p. 35. (P. ? thomasii.) Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 123. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Plastomenus thomasii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 M, p. 462. (Trionyx.) 1873 E, p. 618 (P. thomasii); p. 619 (P. multi- foveatus). 1873 M, p. 278 (P. thomasii); p. 279 (P. multi- foveatus). 1875 C, p. 35. (P. catenatus.) 1875 F, p. 96. (P. catena'tus, P. thomasii.) 1877 K, pp. 49, 51 (P. thomasii); p. 49, pi. xxv, fig. 11 (P. multifoveatus). 1884 O, pp. 123, 125 (P. thomasii); pp. 123, 124, pi. xviii, figs. 2-8 (P. multifoveatus). Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming: (Wasatch): New Mexico. Plastomenus trionychoides Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 M, p. 461. (Anostira.) 1873 E, p. 619. 1873 M, p. 279. 1884 O, p.'123, pi. xviii, fig. 1. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. TRIONYCHID^E. Agassis, L. 1857 B, pp. 329, 394. Baur, G. 1887 B, p. 96. 1888 B, p. 736. 1889 C. 1889 I, p. 273. 1891 C, p. 351. 1893 A, p. 213. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p. 241. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 150. 1882 E, p. 143. 1882 J, p. 989. 1884 O, pp. Ill, 112. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 865. Dollo, L, 1884 A. Gray, J. E. 1873 C, p. 38. Giinther, A. 1888 A, p. 457. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 A. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 4. Negri, A. 1892 A. Siebenrock, F. 1897 A. 1898 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 634. Straueh, A. 1890 A, p. 33. (Trionyohida.) TRIONYX Geoffroy. Type Testudo jmnctala Lac^pede. fit. Ililaire, 6. 1809 A, p. 1. Baur, G. 1893 A, p. 214. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p. 242. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 151. 1873 E, p. 649. 1875 C, p. 34. 1877 K, p. 43. 1884 O, pp. 112, 117. Fiirbringer, M, 1900 A. p. 320. Gray, J. E. 1869 B, p. 212. 1873 A. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 A. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 367. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 7. Maack, G. A. 1869 A. Owen, R. 1842 A, p. 168. 1849 B. 1849 C. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 456. Pictet and Humbert 1856 A. Seeley, H. G. 1880 B, p. 410. Siebenrock, F. 1897 A. Wagler, J., 1830, Nat. Syst. Amphib., p. 134. Winckler, T. C. 1869 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A. p. 515. It is highly probable that none of the species here recorded under Trionyx really belongs under the genus as understood in recent works on living turtles, especially as the genus was restricted by Wagler in 1830. See Dr. Baur as above cited. Trionyx buiei Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 151, 153. 1875 V. p. 34. Miocene; North Carolina. Trionyx cariosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 35. 1875 F, p. 95. 1877 K, p. 44, pi. xxvi, figs. 5-10. 1884 O, p. 118. Eocene (Wasatch) ; New Mexico. Trionyx cellulosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 142. Miocene; Maryland. 454 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Trionyx coalescens (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1875 E, pp. 93, 261, pi. viii, figs. 6, 7. (Plastomenus.) 1875 I. ( Plastoinenus. ) Lambe, L. M. 1899 A, pp. 68, 70. (Plastomenus.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Saskatchewan. Trionyx concentricus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 M, p. 461. 1873 E, p. 617. 1884 O, pp. 118, 120, pi. xvi, figs. 3-6. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. Trionyx foveatus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 F, p. 73. Baur, G. 1891 B, p. 418. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 152. 1874 C, p. 29. 1875 E, p. 260. 1877 G, p. 573. Leidy, J. 1856 C, p. 120. 1856 Q, p. 312. I860 A, p. 148, pi. xi, figs. 1-3. Marsh, O. C. 1897 C, p. 527. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana, Colorado. Trionyx guttatus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1869 B, p. 66. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 151, 152. 1873 E, p. 617. 1875 C, p. 35. (T. uintaensis.) 1875 F, p. 95. (T. uintaensis.) 1877 K, p. 46. 1884 O, p. 119. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Leidy, J. 1871 C. p. 367. 1872 B, p. 370. 1873 B, pp. 176, 342, pi. ix, fig. 1. Eocene (Bridger): Wyoming: (Wasatch); New Mexico. Trionyx halophilus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 G, p. 12. 1869 B, p. 735. 1869 M, p. 151, pi. vii, fig. 15. 1875 E, p. 261. Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 4); Delaware, New Jersey, Virginia. Trionyx heteroglyptus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 M. 1873 E, p. 616. 1884 O, pp. 118, 120, pi. xvi, fig. 2. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Trionyx leptomitus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 35. 1875 F, p. 95. 1877 K, p. 44, pi. xxv, figs. 27-31; pi. xxvi, figs. 1-4. 1884 O, p. 118. King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Trionyx leucopotamicus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 A, p. 5, pi. i, figs. 8,9. Ami.H. M. 1891 A. Oligocene (White River); N. W.Terr, of Brit- ish America, North Dakota. Trionyx lima Cope. < 'i>j , J-:. J>. 1869 G, p. 12. 1869 K, p. 90. 1869 M,pp. 151, 153, pi. vii, fig. 14. 1875 H, p. 363. Miocene; New Jersey. Trionyx mammilaris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 G, p. 573. (No description.) Cretaceous'(Laramie); Montana. Trionyx pennatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 G, p. 12. I, p. 735. [, p. 152, pi. vii, fig. 13. Eocene (Green-sand); New Jersey. Trionyx priscus Leidy. teidy, J. 1851 H, p. 329. Cope, E. D. 1869 B, p. 735. 1869 G, p. 12. 1869 M, pp. 151, 153. 1875 E, p. 260. Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 113, 120, pi. xviii, fig. 9. Maack, G. A. 1869 A, p. 281. Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 4); New Jersey. Trionyx punctiger Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 A, p. 5. 1883 F, p. 217 ("Trionyx sp. 2"). Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Trionyx radulus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 35. 1875F,p. 95. 1877 K, p. 45, pi. xxvi, figs. 11-16. 1884 O, pp. 118, 119. King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico: (Bridger); Wyoming. Trionyx scutumantiquum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 617. 1882 J, p. 988, fig. 6. 1884 O, pp. 118, 121, pi. xvi, figs. 1, la. King, C. 1878 A, p. 376. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Trionyx uintaensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1872 I, p. 267. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 118. 1891 A, p. 5. Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 178, 342, pi. xxix, fig. 1. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Trionyx vagans Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 453. 1874 C, p. 29. 1875 E, pp. 96, 260, pi. vi, figs. 13, 14. 1875 I, p. 1. 1877 G, p. 573. Leidy, J. 1856 Q, p. 312. (T. foveatus.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Colorado, Montana, Saskatchewan. HAY.] Trionyx ventricosus Cope. Cape, E. D. 1877 K, j>. \n. 1884 O, p. 118. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Trionyx virginianus Clark. Clark, W. B. 1895 A, p. 4. 1897 A, p. 59, pi. viii, figs, la, 16. Eocene; Virginia. CATALOGUE. 455 Trionyx sp. indet. Unnamed specimens of Trionyx have been reported as follows: Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 180, 342, pi. xvi, figs. 11, 12; Eocene, Wyoming. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 233, pi. xxxiv, fig. 3: Phos- phate beds, South Carolina. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 143; Miocene, Maryland. Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 301; Puerco beds, New Mexico. AXESTEMYS Hay. Type Axeslus byssinus Cope. Hay, 0. P. 1899 G, p. 348. The following authors call this genus Axes- tus; but this name is preoccupied in ento- mology. Cope, E. D. 1872 M, p. 462. 1873 E, p. 615. 1882 E, p. 144. 1884 O, pp. 112, 116. Lydekker, R. 1889 G, p. 7. Nicholson and Lyddeker 1889 A, p. 1118. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 517. Axestemys byssinus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1872 M, p. 462. (Axestus bysimus; misprint.) 1873 E, p. 616. (Axestus.) 1884 O, p. 116, pi. xv, figs. 1-12. (Axestus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 G, p. 348. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Order PLESTOSAURIA. Andrews, C. W. 1895 C. 1895 D. (Sauropterygia.) 1896 A. Baur, G. 1886 F. (Sauropterygia.) 1887 A, p. 485. (Sauropterygia.) 1887 C. ( Sauropterygia. ) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 31. (Sauropterygia.) 1871 B, p. 235. (Sauropterygia.) 1872 F, p. 327. (Sauropterygia.) 1875 E, p. 69. (Sauropterygia.) 1879 1. (Sauropterygia.) 1885 G, p. 246. (Sauropterygia.) 1887 G, p. 564. (Polycotylinse.) 1887 S, p. 334. (Sauropterygia.) 1891 N, p. 39. 1892 R. (Sauropterygia.) 1892 Z, p. 21. (Sauropterygia.) 1898 B, pp. 55, 66. 1900 A, p. 159. Dames, W. 1895 A. Deecke, W. 1895 A. (Nothosaurus.) Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, pp. 321, 527, 635. (Sauro- pterygia.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 23. (Plesiosauri.) Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Geissler, G. 1895 A. (Nothosaurus.) Giinther, A. 1886 A, p. 444. (Sauropterygia.) Gurich, G. 1891 B. (Nothosaurus.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 335. (Sauropterygia.) Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Hulke, J. W. 1892 A. (Sauropterygia.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 180. Koken, E. 1893 A. Kukenthal, W. 1890 C, p. 176. Lydekker, R. 1889 F, p. 118. (Sauropterygia.) Meyer, H. 1855 A. (Nothosaurus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1067. (Sauro- pterygia.) Owen, R. 1840 E. 1847 E. 1860 A, p. 159. (Sauropterygia.) 1860 E, p. 211. (Sauropterygia.) 1866 A, p. 16. (Sauropterygia.) 1883 A. (Sauropterygia.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 130. (Plesiosauri.) 1885 A, p. 208. (Plesiosauri.) Seeley, H. G..1874 A. 1892 B, p. 121. (Sauropterygia.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 625. (Sanro- pterygia.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 159. (Sauropterygia.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 473. (Sauropterygia.) PLESIOSAURID^. Furbringer, M. 1900 A. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 B. Hulke, J. W. 1892 A. Huxley, T. H. 1858 B. Lydekker, R. 1889 F, p. 120. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1074. Owen R, 1866 A. Sauvage, H. E. 1878 A. Seeley, H. G. 1892 B. Steinmann and Doderlein Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 486. 456 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. PLESIOSAURTJS Conybeare. Type P. dolichodeirus Conybeare. Conybeare, W. I)., 1821, Trans. Geol. Soc., v, pt. 2, p. 560. Andrews, C. W. 1895 B. 1895 C. Barrett, L. 1859 A. Buckland, W. 1837 A, i, p.' 157; ii, pis. xvi-xix. Conybeare, W. D. 1824 A, p. 119. Cope, E. D. 1870 D, p. 274. (Taphrosaurus, type P. lockwoodii.) 1875 E, pp. 88, 256. 1879 A, p. 34. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, x, pp. 445-470, pis. cclix, cclx. Dames, W. 1895 A. Furbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 326. Hulke, J. W. 1883 A. 1892 A. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 182. Kiprijanoff, W. 1882 A. Lydekker, R. 1889 F, pp. viii, 251. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Newberry, J. S. 1875 A, p. 18. Owen, R. 1840 A, p. 49. 1840 E. 1845 B, p. 275, pis. Ixxiii, Ixxiv. 1851 B, p. 68. 1860 A, p. 160. 1860 E, p. 233. 1864 B, p. 1. 1865 A, p. 1. 1883 A. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 534. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 130. 1885 A, p. 208. Sauvage, H. E. 1878 A. Seeley, H. G. 1874 A. .18870. Sollas, W. J. 1882 A. Steinmann and Dodcrlein 1890 A, p. 629. Williston S. W. 1893 A. 1894 A. Winckler, T. C. 1873 A. Woodward, A. S. 1888 I, p. 277. 1898 B, p. 165. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 486. Plesiosaurus brevifemur Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 256. 1869 M, p. 41, figs. 13-15; p. 43, in part. (Cimoliasaurus magnus.) Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 5); New Jersey. Plesiosaurus gouldii Willist. Williston, S. W. 1897 C. Cretaceous (Comanche); Kansas. Plesiosaurus gulo Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 BB. 1872 GG. 1874 C, p. 28. 1875 E, pp. 52, 88, 256. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Plesiosaurus lockwoodii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 40. 1870 D, p. 274. (Taphrosaurus.) 1875 E, p. 256. (Plesiosaurus.) Cretaceous (Clay No. 1); New Jersey. Plesiosaurus mudgei Cragin. Croffln, F. W. 1894 A, p. 69, pi. i, figs. 1-3, 4?. Cretaceous (Neocomian) ; Kansas. Plesiosaurus shirleyensis Knight. Knight, W. C. 1900 A, p. 115, figs. A and C. Jurassic (Shirley); Wyoming. PANTOSAURUS Marsh. Type Parnmurm striatm Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1893 J, p. 159. (To replace Parasaurus Marsh, preoccupied.) 1891 F, p. 338. (Parasaurus; no definition.) 1895 A, p. 406. Pantosaurus striatus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1893 J, p. 159. Mur.-'h. O. C.. F, p. 338. (Parasaurus; no description.) 1895 A, p. 406, fig. 3. 1897 C, p. 485, fig. 32. Jurassic; Wyoming. PIRATOSAURUS Leidy. Type P. plicatm Leidy. Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 29. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 498. A genus of uncertain affinities. Piratosaurus plicatus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 29, 116, pi. xix, fig. 8. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 56. 1875 E, p. 254. Leidy, J. 1865 D, p. 68. Cretaceous; Minnesota. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 457 NOTHOSAUROPS. Leidy. Type N. occiduus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 U. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 28. (Syn. of Plesiosaurus. ) 1875 E, p. 256. (Syn. of Plesiosaurus.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 287. (Nothosauras.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 600. (Syn.? of Champso- saurus. ) A genus of uncertain position. Nothosaurops occiduus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 U. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 28. (Plesiosaurus.) 1875 E, p. 256. ( Plesiosaurus. ) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 287, 345, pi. xv, figs. 11-13. (Nothosaurus.) Cretaceous (Laramie) ; S. Dakota. MEGALNEUSAURUS Knight. Type Cimoliosaurus rex Knight. Knight, W. C. 1898 B, p. 378. Meg-alneusaurus rex Knight. Knight, W. C. 1895 A. (Cimoliosaurus.) 1898 B, p. 379, figs. 1-3. Jurassic; Wyoming. ELASMOSAURID^E Cope, .E.ZX1869M, p. 47. 1875 E, pp. 69, 78. Furbringer, M. 1900 A, pp, 322, 527. Seeley, H. G. 1892 B, pp. 134, 151. POLYCOTYLUS Cope. Type P. latipinnis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 D. 1869 M, p. 34. 1871 D, p. 386. 1872 F, p. 335. 1875 E, p. 70. 1887 G, p. 564. Lydekktr, R. 1889 C, p. 52. (Syn. of Cimolia- saurus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1077. (Syn. of Cimoliasaurus. ) Sauvage, H. E. 1876 A. 1878 A, p. 35. Seeley, H. G. 1892 B, p. 135. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 491. (Syn. of Cimolia- saurus. ) Polycotylus latipinnis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 D. 1869 M, p. 36, pi. i, figs. 1-12. 1871 D, p. 388. 1872 F, pp. 320,335. 1874 C, p. 27. 1875 E, pp. 45,72,255, pi. vii, figs. 7,7a Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 279. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas, Nebraska PiPTOMERtis Cope. Type P. megaloporus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1887 G, p. 564. Lydekker, R. 1889 C, p. 182. Seeley, H. G. 1892 B, pp. 136,138. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 495. Piptomerus hexagonus Cope. o. URONAUTES Cope. Type U. cetiformis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1887 G, p. 565. Cretaceous (Fox Hills); N. Mexico. Piptomerus megaloporus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1887 G, p. 564. Cretaceous (Fox Hills); N. Mexico. Piptomerus microporus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1887 G, p. 665. Cretaceous (Fox Hills); N. Mexico. Cope, E D. 1876 I, p. 345. Lydekker, R. 1889 F, p. 182. Seeley, H. G. 1892 B, p. 136. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 498. TTronautes cetiformis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 I, p. 346. Cretaceous (Fox Hills) ; Montana. Uronautes sp. indet Cope, E. D. 1887 G, p. 566. Cretaceous (Fox Hills); New Mexico. 458 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. TRINACKOMERUM Cragin. Type T. bentonianum Cragin. Seeley, H. G. 1892 B, pp. 136, 151. Cragin, F. W. 1888 A. Cope, E. D. 1894 B, p. 111. Cragin, F. W. 1891 A. Lydekker, R. 1889 F, p. 180. (Syn. of Cimolia- saurus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1079. (Trina- cromerum. ) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 495. Trinacromerum bentonianum Cragin. ! Cragin, F. W. 1888 A. 1891 A. Cretaceous (Ben ton); Kansas. ELASMOSAURUS Cope. Type E. platyurm Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 A. 1868 H. 1869 A, p. 266. 1869 K, p. 86. 1869 M, pp. 40, 44, 47, and ii. 1870 C. 1871 D, p. 391. 1872 F, p. 336. 1875 E, pp. 75, 78, 255. 1877 G, p. 577. 1879 I. 1888 S, p. 725. Hulke, J. W. 1883 A. 1892 A. Leidy, J. 1851 G, p. 326. (Discosaurus, type D. vetustus Leidy.) 1870 A. (Discosaurus=Elasmosaurus.) 1870 0. 1870 H, p. 18. 1870 I, p. 18. Lydekker, R. 1888 E. 1889 C, p. 53. (Syn. of Cimoliasaurus. ) 1889 F, p. 180. (Syn. of Cimoliasaurus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1077. (Syn. of Cimoliasaurus.) Sauvage, H. E. 1878 A. Seeley, H. G. 1892 B, p. 134. Zittel, -K. A. 1890 A, p. 491. (Syn. of Cimoliasaur- us.) Elasmosaurus intermedius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1894 B, p. 112. Cretaceous (Pierre); S.Dakota. Elasmosaurus orientalis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 M. 1869 A, p. 266. 3, p. 733. Cope, E. D. 1869 K, p. 87. 1869 M, pp. 42, 55, pi. ii, fig. 10. 1870 C. 1875 E, p. 255. 1877 G, pp.567, 578. 1877 U. Leidy, J. 1870 I, p. 22. (Discosaurus. ) Cretaceous; New Jersey, Upper Missouri re- gion. Elasmosaurus platyurus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 A. .1-9, ., p. 266. 1869 K, p. 87. 1869 M, p. 47, text figs. 7-12; pi. ii, pl.iii. 1870 B. 1871 C, p. 47. 1871 D, p. 393. 1,872 F, pp. 320, 336. 1875 E, pp. 44, 79, 256. 1877 G, p. 578. 1888 S. Leidy, J. 1870 A. 1870 G, p. 10. 18701, pp. 18,22. Lydekker, R. 1889 F, p. 181. (Cimoliasaurus.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Elasmosaurus serpentinus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 G, p. 578. 1877 U. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Nebraska. Elasmosaurus sp. indet. Cope, E. D. 1894 B, p. 113. Cretaceous (Niobrara): Dakota CIMOLIASAURUS Leidy. Type C. magnus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1851 G, p. 325. Cope, E. D. 1868 H. 1869 A, p. 266. 1869 K, p. 86. 1869 M, p. 40. 1870 B. 1870 C. 1871 D, p. 393. 1875 E, pp. 75, 78, 255. 1888 S, p. 725. Furbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 335. Koken, E. 1896 A, p. 9. Leidy, J. 1851 G, p. 32C. (Discosaurus, type D. vetustus.) 1854 B. (Brimosaurus, type B. grandis.) Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 22, 25, 76, 103, 116. (Cimolia- saurus, Discosaurus.) 1870 A. (Discosaurus.) 1870 B. (Discosaurus, Cimoliasaunis. 1870 G. (Brimosaurus.) 1870 H, p. 21. 18701. (Discosaurus.) Lydekker, R. 1888 E. 1889 C, p. 53. 1889 F, pp. viii, 180. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1077. Seeley, H. G. 1892 B, p. 135. Williston, S. W. 1890 A. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 169. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 491. CATALOGUE. 459 Cimoliasaurus grandis (Leidy). h-iilii, J. 1*."vl B, 1>1. ii, figs. 1-3. (Briinosnnrus. i Cope, K. I), isii'.l A. ]>. 2(56. 18(59 M, pp. 43, 54. 1870 C. 1871 D, p. 400. 1875 E, p. 255. Leidy, J. 1870 G, p. 10. (Brimosaurus.) 1870 I, p. 22. (Discqsaurus.) Cretaceous; Arkansas. Cimoliasaurus laraxniensis Knight. Knigltt, W. C. 1900 A, p, 117, figs. B and D. Jurassic (Shirley); Wyoming. Cimoliasaurus magnus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1851 G, p. 325. Cope, E. D. 1869 A, p. 266. .1869 B, p. 733. 1869 K, p. 87. 1869 M, pp. 42, 43 (part), fig. 16; not figs. 13-15. 1870 B. 1870 C. 1875 E, p. 255. Leidy J. 1854 B, pi. ii, figs. 4-6. 1865 A, pp. 25, 116, pi. v, figs. 33-19; pi. vi, figs. 1-18. 1870 G, p. 10. 1870 I, p. 22. (Discosaums.) Lydekker, R, 1889 F, p. 211. Cretaceous (Green-sand No. 5); New Jersey. Cimoliasaurus plani or (Leidy). I.i iily, J. 1870 I, pp. 20, 22. (Discosaums,) Cope, K. D. 1875 E, p. 255. Leidy J. 1865 A, p. 23, par. >, pi. v, figs. 10-12. (Discosaums vetustus.) 1865 D, p. 68. (Discosaurus vetustus, part.) Cretaceous; Mississippi. Cimoliasaurus snowii Williston. WUliston, S.-W. 1890 A, p. 262. Cope, E. D. 1894 B, p. 109, figure. Williston, S. W. 1890 D, figs. 1,2. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Cimoliasaurus vetustus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1851 G, p. 326. (Discosaurus.) Cope, E. D. 1869 A, p. 266. (C. magnus, fide Leidy.) 1869 M, p. 42. 1870 B, p. 141. (Discosaurus.) 1875 E, p. 255. Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 22, 116, pi. iv, figs. 13-18, pi. v, figs. 1-9. (Discosaurus.) 1865 D, p. 68, in part. (Discosaurus.) 1870 I, p. 21. (Discosaurus.) Lydekker, R. 1889 F, p. 211. (Syn. of C. magnus.) Cretaceous; Alabama, New Jersey. The vertebrae figured on pi. v, figs. 4, 5, 6, of Leidy 1865 A, must be regarded as the type of this species. Cimoliasaurus sp. indet. Williston, S. W. 1894 B, p. 2, pi. i, figs. 1, 2. Cretaceous; Kansas. OROPHOSAURUS Cope. Type 0. pauciporus Cope. Cope, E. I). 1887 G, p. 564. 1894 B, p. 311. Lydekki-r R, 1889 F, p. 182. Seeley, H. G. 1892 B, p. 136. Orophosaurus pauciporus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1887 G, p. 565. Cretaceous (Fox Hills); New Mexico. Zittel, K. saurus.) 491. (Syn. of Cimolia- EMBAPHIAS Cope. Type E. circulosus Cope. Copr, E. />. 1894 B, p. 111. Embaphias circulosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1894 B, p. 111. Cretaceous (Pierre); South Dakota. OLIGOSIMUS Leidy. Type (). grandxvus Leidy. Oligosimus grandeevus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1872 E, p. 39. 1873 B, p. 286. Lydekker. R. 1889 C, p. 180. (Syn. ? of Cimolia- saurus. ) Seeley, H. G. 1892 B, p. 135. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 495. (Oligosomus.) */, J. 1872 E, p. 39. 1873 B, pp. 286, 345, pi. xvi, figs. 18, 19. Cretaceous?; Wyoming. Order RHYNCHOCP:PHALIA Giinther. Giinther, A. 1867 A, p. 626. Ammon, L. 1885 A. (Homreosaurus.) Andrese, A. 1893 A. Baur, G. 1885 E, p. 635. Baur, G. 1886 G, pp. 685, 733. 1886 M, p. 304. 1887 A, p. 486. 1887 C. ). 45. 460 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Baur, G. 1894 A, p. 321. 1895 E. 1900 A, p. 160. Baur and Case 1897 A. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p 1. Burckhardt, R. 1895 A. Case, E. C. 1898 A, p. 71. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 33. 1871 B. 1878 G, p. 306. . 1880 A, p. 38. 1885 G, p. 246. 1887 E. 1887 S, p. 334. 1889 R, p. 863. 1891 N, p. 45. 1898 B, pp. 56, 73. ,Credner, H. 1888 A. Furbringer, M. 1888 A. Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, pp. 276, 531, 589. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. IS. (Rhynchocephali.) Gaupp, E. 1894 A. Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Haeckcl, E. 1895 A, p. 305. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 B." Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 194. Lortet, L. 1892 A, p. 29. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 291. Meyer, H. 1856 B. (Protorosaurus.) 1860 D, p. 106. (Homceosaurus.) Mivart, St. G. 1886 A, p. 448. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1131. Osborn, H. F. 1900 A, p. 1. Perrin, A. 1895 A. Siebenrock, F. 1894 B. (Hatteria.) Steinmann and Doderlem 1890 A, p. 619. Wagner, A. 1853 A, p. 254. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 183. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 451, 583. SPHENODON Gray. Type Hatteria punctata Gray. Gray, J. E., 1831, Zool. Miscell., p. 13. On account of the importance of the genus Sphenodon in ascertaining the relationship of the reptiles, the following references are given to the literature of this animal: Ammon, L. 1885 A. (Hatteria.) Andreas, A. 1893 A. (Hatteria.) Baur, G. 1886 A. 1886 K. 1886 L. 1891 C, p. 345. 1892 D, p. 207. Bayer, F. 1885 A. Boulenger, G. A. .1889 A, p. 2. Burc.khardt, R. 1900 A. Credner, H. 1888 A. Dollo, L. 1891 A. Furbringer, M. 1900 A. Gadow, H. 1896 A, p. 37. Giinther, A. 1867 A. (Hatteria.) Hay, O. P. 1898 F, p. 945. Howes and Swinnerton 1900 A, p. 516. Huxley, T. H. 1869 C. 1887 A. Kehrer, G. 1886 A, p. 83. Osawa, G. 1898 A. (Hatteria.) Osborn, H. F. 1900 A, p. 1. Siebenrock, F, 1894 B. Tomes, C. 1898 A, p. 273. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 583. CHAMPSOSAURIDvE. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 106. Boulenger, G. A. 1891 B, p. 169. Burckhardt, R. 1900 A, p. 534. Cope, E. D. 1876 I, p. 350. (Choristodera.) 1882 J, p. 981. (Choristodera.) 1884 BB. . isfi'j M, p. 169. The position of this genu system is problematical. RHABDOPELIX Cope. Type A*, longispinis Cope. Bhabdopelix longispinis Cope. the zoological Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 170, 245, fig. 46. 1866 G. (Pterodactylus; no description.) 1870 I, p. 445. Triassic; Pennsylvania. ISCHYROTHERIUM Leidy. Type /. antiquum Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 I, p. 89. Cope, E. I). 1869 M, p. 38. (Ischyrosaurus.) 1874 R. (Ischyrosaurus.) 1875 E, p. 2;!>6. (Ischyrosaurus.) 1884 O, p. 106. (Ischyrosaurus.) Leidy, J. 1874 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 498. (Ischyrosaurus.) The position of this genus is uncertain. Ischyrotherium antiquum Leidy. I^eidy, J. 1856 I, p. 89. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p 39. (Ischyrosaurus. ) 1874 C, p. 28. (Ischyrosaurus.) 1875 E, p. 256. (Ischyrosaurus.) Leidy, J. 1860 A, p. 150, pi. x, figs. 8-17. 1869 A, p. 414. Lepsius, G. R. 1881 A, p. 185. (Syn. of Prorasto- mus sirenoides.) Order ICHTHYOSAURIA Blainville. Agassiz, L. 1843 A, p. 84. (Icththyosauria.) Bauer, F. 1898 A, p. 283. Baur, G. 1886 F. (Ichthyopterygia.) 1887 A. (Ichthyopterygia.) 1887 C, p. 95. (Ichthyopterygia.) 1887 D. (Ichthyopterygia.) 1887 F. (Ichthyopterygia.) 1890 B. (Ichthyosauria.) 1891 C, p. 354. (Ichthyosauria.) 1895 C. (Ichthyosauria.) 1895 E. (Ichthyosauria.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 26, 27. (Ichthyopterygia.) 1871 B. (Ichthyopterygia.) 1887 S, p. 333. (Ichthyopterygia.) 18888. (Ichthyosauria.) I, p. 863. (Ichthyopterygia.) (Ichthyopterygia. ) 1895 C. (Ichthyosauria.) 1898 B, pp. 55, 64. (Ichthyopterygia.) 1900 A, p. 159. (Ichthyopterygia.) Dames, W. 1893 A. (Ichthyopterygia.) 1895 B, p. 1045. ("Ichthyosaurier.") Fraas, E. 1891 A. Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A. (Ichthyopterygia.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 24. Gaudry, A. 1890 A, p. 179. Gegenbaur, C. 1864 A, p. 31. (Eualiosauria.) 1865 B, p. 51. (Eualiosauria.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 337. (Ichthyopterygia.) Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. (Ichthyosauria.) Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 B. (Ichthyosauria.) Hulke, J. W. 1883 A. (Ichthyosauria.) 1892 A. (Ichthyosauria.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 208. (Ichthyosauria.) Jaeger, G. F. 1828 A. (Ichthyosauria.) Conybearc, Trans. Geol. Soc., London (1), v, pt. 2, p. 563. (Ichthyosaurus.) Kukenthal, W. 1890 C, p. 176. (Ichthyosauria.) 1891 C. (Ichthyosauria. ) 1893 A, p. 54. (Ichthyosauria.) Lydekker, R. 1888 D. (Ichthyopterygia.) 1889 F, p. 1. (Ichthyopterygia.) 1892 B. (Ichthyosauria.) Marsh, O. C. 1879 A, p. 85. (Sauranodonta.) 1880 E, p. 491. (Baptanodonta.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. -1120 (Ich- thyopterygia); p. 1124 (Ichthyosauria). Owen, R. 1838 B, p. 660. (Ichthyosauri.) 1860 A, p. 159. (Ichthyopterygia.) 1860 E, p. 198. (Ichthyopterygia.) 1866 A. (Ichthyopterygia.) 462 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Owen, R. 1881 A. (Ichthyopterygia.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 120. (Ichthyosauri.) 1885 A, p. 194. (Ichthyosauri.) Rohon, J. V. 1899 B, p. 13. (" Ichthyosaurier.") Secley, H. G. 1891 A. (Ichthyosauria.) Seeley, H. G. 1892 B, p. 119. (Ichthyosauria.) 1900 A, p. 645. (Ichthyosauria.) Steinmann and DSderlein 1890 A, p. 640. (Ich- thyopterygia.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 176. (Ichthyopterygia. ) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 451. (Ichthyosauria.) PROTEOSAURID.E nom. nov. This family has hitherto borne the name Ich- \ Dames, W. 1895 B, p. 1045. thyosauridie. The revival of the generic name ! Fraas, E. 1891 A. Proteosaurus for the genus hitherto called Ich- 1892 B. thyosaurus, requires a corresponding change in \ Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 627. the family name. The following writers em- i Gunther, A. C. 1886 A, p. 442. ploy 'the name Ichthyosauridse. Kiprijanoff, W. 1881 A. Bauer, F. 1898 A, p. 283. j Lydekker, R. 1889 F, p. 6. 1900 A, p. 574. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1124. Baur, G. 1887 D. I Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 642. PROTEOSAURUS Home. Type Ichthyosaurus platyodon Conybeare. Home, E. 1819 A. Unless otherwise indicated, this genus is re- ferred to by the following writers under the name Ichthyosaurus. Proteosaurus, however, clearly has priority. On this point see R. Ly- dekker in his "Catalogue Fossil Reptilia," pt. ii, p. vii. Although no species of this genus has as yet been, with certainty, discovered in America, a knowledge of its structure is essen- tial in understanding the genus Baptanodon; hence citations of the literature are given. Bauer, F. 1898 A, p. 283. 1900 A, p. 574. Baur, G. 1886 H. 1887 A, p. 491. 1889 F, p. 467. ' 1895 B. Buckland, W. 1837 A, i, p. 133; ii, pis. vii-xix. Coles, H. 1853 A. 1824 A, p. 103. Cope, E. D. 1871 B. 1892 Z, p. 17. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, x, pp. 390-444, pis. cclvi-cclx. Dames, W. 1893 A. Dollo, L. 1892 A. Egerton, P. G. 1837 A. Fraas, E. 1888 A. 1892 A. 1892 B. 1894 A. Gaudry, A. 1890 C, p. 179. Home, E. 1819 B. (Proteosaurus.) Hulke, J. W. 1883 A. 1892 A. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 208. Jaeger, G. F. 1828 A. Kiprijanoff, W. 1881 A. Konig, 1821, in Conybeare, W. D., 1821, Trans. Geol. Soc. Lond. (1), v. p. 563. (Ichthyosaurus, type I. communis Conybeare; not Ichthyosaura La- treille, 1802, Hist Nat. Rept., iv, p. 310, type Proteus tritonius Laur.) Koken, E. 1883 A, p. 737. Kiikenthal, W. 1890 C. 1891 C, p. 392. Lydekker, R. 1888 D. 1889 F, pp. vii, 12. 1889 1. ( 1892 B. Maggi, L. 1898 B, figs. 1-5. 1898 C, figs. A, D. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Merian, P. 1875 A. Moore, C. 1857 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1124. Osborn, H. F. 1900 B, p. 116. Owen, R. 1838 B, p. 660. 1840 A, p. 86. 1840 B. 1841 A. 1842 A, p. 193. 1845 B, p. 275, pis. Ixxiii, IxxiiiA. 1851 B, p. 68. I860 E, p. 200. 1866 A. 1881 A, p. 83. Pearce, J. C. 1846 A. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 531. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 120. 1885 A, p. 195. Sauvage, H. E. 1887 A. Schulze, E. 1894 A, p. 1133. Seeley, H. G. 1871 A. 1880 A. 1892 B, p. 119. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 642. Thompson, D. A. W. 1886 A. Trautschold, H. 1879 A. Woodward, A. S. 1886 B. 1888 I, p. 278. 1898 B, p. 179, with figures. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 454. Proteosaurus sp. indet. Belcher, E. 1856 A. (Ichthyosaurus sp. indet.) Marsh, O. C. 1896 F, p. 444. (Ichthyosaurus.) Jurassic; Exmouth Island (lat. 77 16' N., long. 96 W.). CATALOGUE. 463 BAPTANODONTID^E. Marfh, O. C. 1880 E, p. 491. Baur, (.f. 1887 D. 1887 F. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 340. (Baptanodontia. ) Marsh, O. C. 1879 A, p. 86. ( Sauranodon tidse.) BAPTANODON Marsh. Type B. natans Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1880 E, p. 491. (To replace Saurano- don, preoccupied.) Bauer, F. 1898 A, p. 324. Baur, G. 1886 F, p. 245. 1887 D. 1887 F. Cope, E. D. 1879 M. (Sauranodon.) Hulke, J. W. 1883 A. (Sauranodon.) Lydekker, R. 1888 D. (Syn. of Ophthalmosaurus. ) 1888 E. 1889 F, p. 6. Marsh, O. C. 1879 A. (Sauranodon, type if. na- Sauranodon. ) F, p. 337. 1897 C, p. 485. Morse, E. S. 1880 A, p. 7. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1126. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 642. Wilder, B. G. 1880 A, p. 322. (Sauranodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 473. Baptanodon discus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1880 B, p. 171, figure. (Sauranodon.) 1880 E, p. 491. 1884 F, p. 183, fig. 148. 1895 A, p. 405, fig. 1. 1897 C, p. 485, fig. 30. Wilder, B. G. 1880 A, p. 322. (Sauranodon.) Jurassic; Wyoming. Baptanodon natans Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1879 A, p. 86. (Sauranodon.) Cope, E. D. 1879 M, p. 271. (Sauranodon.) Lydekker, R. 1889 F, p. 7, fig. 5. Marsh, O. C. 1880 B, p. 169. (Sauranodon.) 1880 E, p. 491. 1895 A, p. 406, fig. 2. 1897 C, p. 486, fig. 31. Jurassic; Wyoming. CHONESPONDYLUS Leidy. Type C. grandis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 C, p. 178. A genus of uncertain position. Chonespondylus grandis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 C, p. 176. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 29. (Ichthyosaurus.) Triassic; Nevada. CYMBOSPONDYLUS Leidy. Type C. jriscosus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 C, p. 178. A genus of very uncertain position. Cymbospondylus petrinus Leidy. L< i/. J. 1868 C, p. 178. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 30. Triassic: Nevada. Cymbospondylus piscosus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 C, p. 178. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 30. Triassic; Nevada. SHASTASAURUS Merriam. Type S. pacificus Merriam. Mrrrinm. J. C. 1895 A, p. 55. Boulfiiger, G. A., 1896, Zool. Record; Rept., p. 29. (Srhastasaurus.) Dames, W. 1895 B, p. 1048. The position of this genus is in doubt. Shastasaurus pacificus Merriam. Merriam, J. C. 1895 A, p. 55, figs. 1, 2. Dames, W. 1895 B, p. 1048. Triassic; California. Order SQUAMATA Oppel. Oppel, M., 1811, Ordnungen der Reptilien, p. 14. Baur, G. 1887 A, p. 482. (Streptostylica.) 1889 F, p. 473. 1892 B, p. 20. 1894 A, p. 327. 1895 A. 1896 A. Boulenger, G. A. 1891 A, p. 117. *., p. 1. Calori, L. 1894 A. Cope, E. D. 1864 A, p. 224. 1889 R, p. 864. 1891 N, p. 45. 1892 R. 1895 C. 1895 E. 1898 B, pp. 56, 74. 1900 A, pp. 160, 175. 464 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, x. Furbringer, M. 1900 A. Gray, J. E. 1837 A. Giinther, A. C. 1867 A, p. 626. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 340. (Lepidosauria.) Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, pp. viii, 248. Mullet, J. 1831 A, p. 199. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1137. Stannius, H. 1856 A. (Streptostylica.) Steinmann and Doderelin 1890 A, p. 644. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 190. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 450, 602. (Lepidosauria.) Suborder PYTHONOMORPHA Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 A, p. 253. Ballou, W. H. 1898 A, p. 212. Baur, G. 1887 C, p. 99. Bemmelen, J. F. 1896 A, p. 333. Boulenger, G. A. 1891 A, p. 117. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 27, 29, 175. 1870 E. 1870 O. 1871 B. 1871 C, p. 400. 1872 F, pp. 321, 327, 328. 1872 CC. 1874 C, p. 30. 1875 E, pp. 113, 264, pi. xxxvi. 1878 G. 1879 A, p. 36. 1885 G, p. 246. 1887 S, p. 334. 1891 N, pp. 45, 50. 1892 Z, p. 19. 1895 C, p. 858. 1895 E, p. 1004. - Cope, E. D. 1896 A. 1898 B, p. 75. Dana, J. B. 1896 A, p. 870. Furbringer, M. 1900 A, pp. 271, 615, 622. (Mosa- sauria.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 24. Gandry, A. 1892 A. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 349. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 B, p. 1320. ( Mosasauria. ) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 197. (Mosasauria.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 261. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E'. (Mosasauria.) Merriam, J. C. 1894 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1143. Osborn, H. F. 1899 I, p. 159. 1900 A, p. 1. (" Mosasaurs.") Owen, R. 1878 B, p. 755. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 645. Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 170. (Mosasauria.) Williston and Case 1892 A. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 191, with figures. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 611. MOSASAURID^E. Baur, G. 1890 A. Cope, E.D. 1869 A, p. 258. 1869 M, pp. 182, 183. 1878 G. 1895 C. Dollo, L, 1882 A. 1885 B. 1885 C. 1890 A. Furbringer, M. 1900 A. Gaudry, A. 1890 C, p. 202. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 261. Marsh, O. C. 1872 F. 1880 A. Merriam, J. C. 1894 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1143. Owen, R. 1877 A. 1878 B. 1879 B. 1880 A, p. 177. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 189. (Mosasauri.) Thevenin, A. 1896 A. Williston, S. W. 1891 A. 1897 F. Williston and Case 1892 A, p. 16. MOSASAURIN.E. Williston, S. W. 1897 F, pp. 177, 181. Cope, E. D. 1869 A, p. 258. (Clidastidae.) I, p. 182. (Clidastidse.) Marsh, O. C. 1876 G, p. 59. (Edestosauridse.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, pp. 91, 195. MOSASAURUS Conybeare. Type M. belgicus Holl. Conybeare, 1822, in Parkinson's Introduct. Study Foss. Organ. Remains, p. 198. Ballou, W. H. 1898 A, p. 212. Baur, G. 1892 B. Buckland, W. 1837 A, ii. p. 167, pi. xx. Charlesworth, E. 1846 A. Cope, E. D. 1869 A, p. 260. C, p. 85. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 185, 186, fig. 47. 1874 C, p. 31. 1875 E, p. 128. 1878 G. Cuvier, G. 1808 A, p. 145. ("Animal de Maes- tricht.") 1834 A, x, pp. 119-175, pis. cclvi-cclviii De Kay, J. E. 1830 A. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 465 Dollo, L. 1882 A, p. 56. 1890 A. 1893 A. (Leiodon, a synonym.) 1893 B. (Syn. of Plioplatecarpus.) Gaudry, A. 1890 A; p. 202. 1892 A, p. 10. Gibbes, R. W. 1850 A. 1851 A. (Mosasaurus, Holcodus; Amphoros- teus, type A. brumbyi.) Goldfuss, A. 1845 A. Harlan, R. 1834 B, p. 81. 1835 J. 1839 A. (Batrachiosaurus.) 1839 B, p. 90. (Batrachlotherium.) Holmes, F. S. 1849 A, p. 197. Leidy, J. 1857 E. 1859 D. 1865 A, p. 30 (Mosasaurus) ; p. 118 (Baseodon, type B. reversMS=M. dekayi). 1873 B, p. 270. Lippincott, J. S. 1881 A. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 261. Merriam, J. C. 1894 A. Meyer, H. 1860 C. 1860 D, p. 98. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1144. Owen, R. 1842 A, p. 144. 1845 B, p. 258. 1851 B, p. 29. 1877 A. Pictet, F. J.1853 A, p. 504 (Mosasaurus); p. 506 (Batrachiosaurus, Batrachiotherium) . Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 116. 1885 A, p. 189. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 646. Thevenin, A. 18% A. Williston, S. W. 1897 F. 1898 E, p. 195. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 194, with figure-. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 519. Mosasaurus brumbyi (Gibbes.) Gibbes, R. W. 1851 A, p. 10, pi. iii, figs. 10-16. (Amphorosteus.) Cope, E. D. 1869 A, p. 264. 1869 M, pp. 198, and ii. 1870 O, p. 576. 1871 D, p. 411. 1875 E, p. 270. Gibbes, R. W. 1850. (Name only.) Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 37, 118. (Amphorosteus. ) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 267. (Liodon.) Cretaceous (Rotten limestone); Alabama. Mosasaurus carolinensis Gibbes. Gibbes, R. W. 1851 A, p. 8, pi. ii, figs. 1-3. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 193. (Syn. ? of M. dekayi.) 1875 E, p. 269. (Syn. ? of M. dekayi. ) Gibbes, R. W. 1850 A. (No description. ) Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 32, 117. (Syn. of M. mitchellii.) Cretaceous; South Carolina. Mosasaurus copeanus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1869 B, p. 393. Bull. 179 30 Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 198. 1875 E, p. 270. Marsh, O. C. 1872 F, p. 455. Cretaceous (Green-sand No. -1); New Jersey. Mosasaurus couperi Gibbes. Gibbes, R. W. 1851 A, p. 7, pi. ii, figs. 4, 5. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 193. (Syn. ? of M. dekayi.) 1875 E, p. 269. (Syn. ? of M. dekayi.) Gibbes, R. W. 1850 A. (No description.) Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 32, 117. (Syn. of M. mitch- illii.) Cretaceous; Georgia. Mosasaurus crassidens Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1870 F. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 198. 1875 E, p. 270. 1875 V, p. 41. Cretaceous; North Carolina. Mosasaurus dekayi Bronn. Bronn, H. G. 1838 A, p. 760. Cope, E. D. 1867 E. p. 27. (M. mitchilli.) 1869 A, p. 262. (M. mitchilli.) 1869 B, p. 733 ( M. mitchilli) ; p. 734 (Baseodon reversus). 1869 K, p. 86. (M. mitchilli.) 1869 M, pp. 193, 235, (?) pi. xi, fig. 8; text figs. 48, 49. 1875 E, p. 269, pi. xxxvii, fig. 16. 1895 C, p. 859, pi. xxxi, figs. 2, 2a. De Kay, J. E. 1830 A, p. 135. (Mosasaurus sp.) 1842 A, p. 28, pi. xxii, figs. 57, 58. (M. major.) Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 217, figs. 36A, 37. (M. max- imiliani.) Gibbes, R. W, 1850 A. 1851 A, p. 8, pi. i, figs. 2, 6. Harlan, R. 1835 J. (" Saurian reptile." ) Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 116, plates referred to, in part (M. mitchilli); p. 118, pi. x, figs. 14, 15 (Baseodon reversus.) 1865 D p. 70, in part. Mitchill, S. L. 1818 A, pp. 384, 385, 431, pi. viii, flg. 4. ("Saurian.") Morton, S. G. 1844 B, p. 132. (M. occidentalis; no description.) Owen, R. 1849 A, p. 382, pi. x, fig. 5. (M. maxi- miliani.) Cretaceous; New Jersey, South Carolina?. Mosasaurus depressus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 A, p. 262. 1869 B, p. 734. 1869 C. 1869 M, pp. 189, 196, pi. xi, fig. 6, text fig. 48. 1875 E, p. 269, pi. xxxvii, fig. 12. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Mosasaurus fulciatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 194. 1870 E. 1875 E, p. 269, pi. xxxvii, fig. 13. Cretaceous; New Jersey. 466 FOSSIL VEETEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Mosasaurus horridus Williston. Williston, S. W. 1898 E, pp. 103, 110, 115, 145, 147, 150, 152, 164, pis. xix-xxi; pi. xxxii. Ballou, W. H. 1898 A, p. 217. Williston, S. W. 1897 D, p. 95. (No description.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Mosasaurus maximus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 A, p. 262. 1869 M, pp. 188, 189, pi. xi, fig. 7; text figs. 48, 49. 1870 R, p. 86. 1875 E, p. 269, pi. xxxvii, fig. 15. Marsh, O. C. 1869 B, p. 393. Whitfield, R. P. 1900 A, p. 25, pis. iv, v. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Mosasaurus miersii Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1869 B, p. 395. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 199. 1875 E, p. 270. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Mosasaurus minor Gibbes. Gibbes, R. W. 1851 A, p. 7, pi. i, figs. 3-6. Cope, E. D. 1869 A, p. 261. 1869 M, pp. 186, 189, 198. 1875 E, p. 270. (Syn.? of M. acutidens= Holcodus acutidens.) Gibbes, R. W. 1850 A. (No description. ) Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 118. (Holcodus acutidens.) Cretaceous; Alabama. Mosasaurus missouriensis (Harlan). Harlan, R. 1834 D, p. 405, pi. xx. (Ichthyosaurus. ) Baur, G. 1892 B, p. 9. (M. maximiliani.) Cope, E. D. 1869 A, p. 263. 1869 K, p. 86. 1869 M, pp. 189, 195. 1871 D, p. 401. 1875 E, pp. 219, 269. Gibbes, R. W. 1850 A. (M. maximiliani.) 1851 A, p. 6, pi. i, fig. 7. (M. maximiliani.) Goldfuss, A. 1845 A, pis. vi-ix. (M. maximiliani.) 1848, Versamml. deutsch. Naturf., Mainz, p. 141. (M. neovidii.) Harlan, R. 1834 A. (Ichthyosaurus missouriensis; no description. ) 1834 B, p. 80. (Ichthyosaurus.) 1834 D, p. 405, pi. xxx, figs. 3-8. (Ichthyo- saurus. ) 1834 E. (Ichthyosaurus.) 1835 B, p. 284. (Ichthyosaurus.) 1835 E. (Ichthyosaurus.) 1839 A. (" Batrachiosaurus.") 1839 B. ("Batrachotherium.") 1839 C. (Batrachiosaurus.) 1842 B, p. 142. (Batrachiotherium.) Hoffman, C. K. 1890 B, p. 1320. (M. maximiliani.) Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 117, pi. vii, figs. 15-18; pi. viii, figs. 6, 8; pi. x, figs. 18, 19; pi. xvii, figs. 12, 13. (Determinations doubtful.) Meyer, H. 1845 B, p. 313. (M. maximiliani, M. missouriensis. ) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 505. (M. maximiliani.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 118. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 621. (M. maximiliani.) Cretaceous; Nebraska. Mosasaurus oarthrus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 189, 1%. 1870 E. 1875 E, p. 269, pi. xxxvii, fig. 17. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Mosasaurus princeps Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1869 B, p. 392. Baur, G. 1892 B, p. 4. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 188, 192. 1875 E, p. 269. (Syn. M. dekayi.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. Mosasaurus sp. indet. Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 45,118, pi. viii, figs. 9,10. 1873 B, pp. 279, 343, pi. xxxvi, fig. 15. Harlan, R. 1835 B, p. 285. CLIDASTES Cope. Type C. iguanavus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 H, p. 181. (Clidastes; Nectopor- theus, type N. validus Cope.) 1868 K, p. 233. 1869 M, p. 211, figs. 50-52. 1871 D, p. 412. 1871 N, p. 266. 1872 F, pp. 322, 330. 1874 C, p. 31. 1875 E, pp. 128, 130, pi. Iv. 1878 G. Dollo, L. 1885 C, p. 29 (Edestosaurus); p. 30 (Cli- dastes). Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 272. Marsh, O. C. 1871 B, p. 447. (Edestosaurus, type E. dispar Marsh. ) 1 872 C, p. 291 . ( Edestosaurus. ) 1872 F, p. 463. (Edestosaurus.) 1872 T, p. 496. (Edestosaurus, Clidastes.) Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 31. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1143. Owen, R. 1877 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 646. Williston, S. W. 1891 A. 1897 E. 1897 F. 1897 J, p. 107. 1898 A, figure. 1898 E, p. 195. Williston and Case 1892 A, p. 17. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 195. (Edestosaurus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 623 (Clidastes); p. 624 (Edestosaurus). Clidastes cinerearum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 O, p. 583. 1871 D, p. 413. 1871 N, p. 266. 1872 F, pp. 322, 330. 1875 E, pp. 48, 137, 266, pi. xxi, figs. 14-17. 187" G p. 583. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 467 Marsh, O. C. 1871 B, p. 449. Williston, S. W. 1891 A. (Syn.? of C. velox.) 1898 E, p. 198. Williston and Case 1892 A, p. 17. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Clidastes conodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 R. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Clidastes dispar (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1871 B, p. 447. (Edestosaurus.) Cope, E. D. 1871 N, p. 269. (Edestoiaurus.) 1872 F, p. 330. (Edestosaurui.) 1872 CC, p. 141. (Edestosaurus.) 1874 C, p. 33. 1875 E, p. 266. 1877 G, p. 583. Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 272. Marsh, O. C. 1872 F, p. 463, pi. xi. (Edestosaurus. ) 1880 A, p. 86, pi. i. (Edestosaurus.) Owen, E. 1880 A, pi. viii, fig. 1. (Edestosaurus.) Williston, S. W. 1891 A. 1898 E, pp. 198, 201. (C. velox in part; C. tortorinpart.) Williston and Case 1892 A, pp. 17, 30. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 193, fig. 117. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 617, fig. 549. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Clidastes iguanavus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 H. 1868 K, p. 233. 1869 A, p. 258. 1869 B, p. 734. 1869 K, p. 86. 1869 M, p. 220, pi. v, fig. 3. 1872 F, p. 330. 1875 E, pp. 138, 266. Marsh, O. C. 1871 B, p. 449. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Clidastes intermedius Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 E, p. 4. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 221. 1871 D, p. 412. 1875 E, pp. 136, 267. Marsh, O. C. 1871 B, p. 451. Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 281, 344, pi. xxxiv, figs. 1-5. Cretaceous; Alabama. Clidastes liodontus Merriam. Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 35. Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 204. Cretaceous; Kansas. Clidastes propython Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 D. 1869 A, p. 258. 1869 M, p. 221, pi. xii, figs. 1-21. 1871 B, figs. 15, 19. 1875 E, p. 265, pi. xxxvii, fig. 1. 1878 G, p. 303. Dana, J. D. 1876 A, p. 65. Marsh, O. C. 1871 B, p. 451. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 623, figs. 545, 547, 548, 553. Cretaceous; Alabama. Clidastes pumilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 G, p. 104. Cope, E. D. 1871 N, p. 266. 1872 F, pp. 323, 330. 1874 C, p. 34. 1875 E, pp. 48, 266. Marsh, O. C. 1871 B, p. 452. Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 35. Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 198. (Syn. of C. velox.) Williston and Case 1892 A, p. 17. (Syn. of C. velox.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. It seems not improbable that this species will yet prove to be the young of C. velox. Clidastes rex (Marsh) . Marsh, 0. C. 1872 F, p. 460, pi. xii. (Edestosaurus.) Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 33. 1875 E, p. 266. Marsh, O. C. 1897 C, p. 527. (Edestosaurus.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 201. (Syn. of C. tortor.) Williston and Case 1892 A, pp. 17, 30. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Clidastes stenops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 N, p. 268. (Edestosaurus.) 1872 F, p. 330. (Edestosaurus.) 1874 C, p. 33. 1875 E, pp. 133,266, pis. xiv, fig. 2; pi. xVli, figs. 7,8; pi. xviii, figs. 1-5; pi. xxxvi, fig. 4; pi. xxxvii, figs. 1-3; pi. xxxviii, fig. 3. 1878 G, p. 299. Marsh, O. C. 1872 F, p. 464. (Edestosaurus.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 197. Williston and Case 1892 A, pp. 17,30. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 613, fig. 541. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Clidastes tortor Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 N, pp. 265, 266. (Edestosaurus.) 1872 F, pp. 322, 330. ( Edestosaurus. ) 1872 CC, p. 141. (Edestosaurus.) 1874 C, p. 33. 1875 E, pp. 48, 131, 265, pi. xiv, fig. 1; pi. xvi, figs. 1,6; pi. xvii, fig. 1; pi. xix, figs. 1-6; pi. xxxvi, fig. 3; pi. xxxvii, fig. 2; pi. xxxviii, fig. 2. 1877 G, p. 583. Marsh, O. C. 1872 F, p. 464. (Edestosaurus.) Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 34. (C. medius.) Williston, S. W. 1897 D, p. 97. 1898 E, p. 201, pi. xxiii; pi. xxvii, fig. 2; pi. xxviii, fig. 6; pi. xxix, fig. 2; pi. xxxvii; pi. xxxviii; pi. xxxix; pi. xlii, figs. 5,6; pi. xlvii; pi. liv, figs. 4,5; pl.lx, fig. 5; pi. Ixiv, fig. 1. Williston and Case 1892 A, p. 17. Cretaceous (Niobrara) ; Kansas. Clidastes ? validus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 H, p. 181. (Nectoportheus.) 1869 A, p. 260. (Macrosaurus.) 1869 B, p. 734. (Macrosaurus. ) 1869 K, p. 86. (Macrosaurus.) 1869 M, p. 208. (Liodon validus, in part); pi. v, fig. 5, (Macrosaurus validus); p. v, expl. of pi. v (Clidastes antivalidus, based on type vertebra of Nectoportheus validus). 1871 D, p. 414. (C. antivalidus.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. 468 FOSSIL VERTEBKATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Clidastes velox (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1871 B, p. 460. (Edestosaurus.) Ballou, W. H. 1898 A, p. 215, fig. 221. Cope, E. D. 1871 N, p. 269. (Edestosaurus.) 1872 F, p. 330. (Edestosaurus. ) 1874 C, p. 33. (C. affinis, C. velox.) 1875 E, p. 266. (C. velox, C. affinis. ) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 283, 344, pi. xxxiv, figs. 6-11. (C. affinis.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 F, p. 464. (Edestosaurus.) Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 34, pi. i, fig. 4; pi. iii, figs. 6, 7, 9, 10. Williston, S. W. 1891 A. 1893 C, pi. iii. 1897 J, p. 110. 1898 E, pis. x-xii; pi. xxiv, figs. 6, 7; pi. xxvii, figs. 3, 4; pi. xxviii, figs. 1-1; pi. xxxi, fig. 6; pi. xxxiii; pi. xxxiv; pi. xl, figs. 6, 7; pi. Ixii, fig. 3; pi. Ixxii, fig. 1. (Includes, besides C. velox (Marsh) also C. pumilis Marsh, C. affinis Leidy, and C. dispar (Marsh). Williston and Case 1892 A, p. 17, pis. ii, iii. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Clidastes westii Williston and Case. WUlistm, S. W. 1892 A, p. 29, pis. iv-vi. 1898 E, p. 205, pi. xxiii; pi. xxvii, fig. 1; pL xxxv; pi. xxxvi; pi. xxxix; pi. liii. Cretaceous (Pierre); Kansas. Clidastes wymani Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1871 G, p. 104. Cope, E. D. 1871 N, p. 266. 1872 F, p. 330. 1874 C, p. 33. (C. vymanii.) 1875 E, p. 266. (C. vymanii.) Marsh, O. C. 1871 B, p. 451. 1872 F, p. 464. (Edestosaurus.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 203. Williston and Case 1892 A, pp. 17, 30. Cretaceous (Niobrara) ; Kansas. BAPTOSAURUS Marsh. Type Halisaurus plaiyspondylus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1870 F. (To replace Halisaurus, pre- occupied by Halosaurus Giinther. ) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 185, 208. 1874 C, p. 81. 1875 E, pp. 128, 272. Dollo, L. 1885 C, p. 28. Marsh, O. C. 1869 B, p. 395. (Halisaurus, type H. platyspondylus) Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 36. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1142. Williston, S. W. 1897 F. 1897 H, p. 244. 1897 J, p. 107. '1898E, p. 207. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 624. The systematic position of this genus is doubtful. Baptosaurus fraternus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1869 B, p. 397. (Halisaurus.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M (1870), p. 210. 1875 E, p. 272. Marsh, O. C. 1870 F. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Baptosaurus onchognathus Merriam. Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 37, pi. iv, fig. 9. Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 208, pi. xxv, fig. 6; pi. xli, fig. 3. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Baptosaurus platyspondylus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1869 B, p. 395. (Halisaurus.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M (1870), p. 209. 1875 E, p. 272. Marsh, O. C. 1869 B, p. 395. (Halisaurus.) 1870 F. Cretaceous; New Jersey. This species is said to have been described at the Salem meeting of the Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1869, under the name Macrospondyliis platyspondylus, but the name does not occur in the "Proceedings." PLATECARPINyE. Wmiston, S. W. 1897 F, pp. 177, 181. | Williston, S. W. 1898 E, pp. 91, 177. SIRONECTES Cope. Type S. anguliferus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, pp. 31, 34. 1875 E, pp. 128, 139, 267. Dollo, L. 1885 C, p. 30. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1144. Williston, S. W. 1897 H, p. 245. 1897 J, p. 107. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 624. Sironectes ang-uliferus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, pp. 31, 34. 1875 E, pp. 139, 267, pi. xxiii, figs. 16-18; pi. xxiv, figs. 1-15. Williston, S. W. 1898 E, pp. 188, 194. ( ?Platecar- pusplanifrons.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. CATALOGUE. 469 HOLCODUS Gibbes. Type //. (icutidens Gibbes. Gibbes, R. W. 1851 A, p. 9. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 185, 199. 1871 N, p. 269, 1872 F, p. 331. 1872 CC, p. 141. Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 118. (In part). Marsh, O. C. 1872 C, p. 291. 1872 F, p. 455, (Syn.? of Mosiisanrus.) Williston, S. W. 1897 F, p. 184. ( =? Platecarpus.) 1898 E, p. 178. ( =? Platecarpus. ) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 620. (Syn. of Mosasaurus.) Holcodus acutidens Gibbes. Gibbes, R. W. 1851 A, p. 9, pi. iii, figs. 6-9; not fig. 13. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 200, 210. 1872 CC, p. 141. 1875 E, p. 270. (Mosasaurus.) Gibbes, R. \V. 1850 A. (H. columbiensis; nod scription.) Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 118 (in part), pi. x, fig. 17. Marsh, O. C. 1869 B, p. 394. Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 178. (Platecarpus ?) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 623. Cretaceous; Mississippi. PLATECARPUS Cope. Type P. tympanilicus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 A, p. 264. Most of the authorities named below include in this genus also the species placed in this work in the genns Lcstoeaurus Marsh. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 185, 199. 1872 CC, p. 141. 1874 C, pp. 31, 34. 1875 E, pp. 128, 141, 266. 1878 G. (In part). Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 118. (Holcodus, in part.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 269. Merriam, J. C. 1894 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1144. Owen, R. 1877 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 646. Thevenin, A. 1896 B. Williston, S. W. 1891 A. 1897 E. 1898 E. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 194. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 622. Platecarpus tympaniticus Cope. Cape, E. D. 1869 A, p. 265. 1869 M, p. 200. 1874 C, p. 35. 1875 E, p. 267, pi. xxxvii, fig. 11. Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 118 (in part), pi. vii, figs. 4-7; pi. xi, fig. 14. (?Holcodus acutideus.) Williston, S. W. 1897 F, p. 178. 1898 E, p. 179. Cretaceous; Mississippi. LKSTOSAURUS Marsh. Type L. simus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 F, p. 454. Baur, G. 1892 B. (Platecarpus.) Cope, E. D. 1872 CC, p. 141. (Lestosaums.) 1874 C, pp. 31 , 34. ( Platecarpns. ) 1875 E, pp. 128, 141, 266 (Platecarpus). 1878 G. (Platecarpus.) Dollo, L. 1885 C, p. 28 (Lestosaurus); p. 29 (Plate- carpus). Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 269. (Platecarpns.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 T, p. 497. 1880 A, p. 84. Merriam, J. C. 1894 A. (Platecarpus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1144. (Plate- carpus. Osborn, H. F. 1899 D. (Platecarpus.) Owen, R. 1877 A. (Platecarpus.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 646. (Plate- carpus. ) Williston, S. W. 1891 A. (Platecarpus.) 1897 F. (Platecarpus.) 1897 J, p. 108. ( Platecarpns. ) 1898 E. (Platecarpus.) 1898 H, p. 235. (Platecarpus.) 1859 A, p. 40. (Platecarpus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 622 (Platecarpns). Lestosaurus clidastoides (Merriam). Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 30. (Platecarpus.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 190. (Platecarpus.) Cretaceous; Kansas. Lestosaurus coryphaeus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1871 N, p. 269. (Holcodus.) Ballon, W. H. 1898 A, pp. 216, 223, figure. (Plate- carpns.) Banr, G. 1892 B, pis. i, ii. (Platecarpus.) Cope, E. D. 1872 F, pp. 322, 331. (Holcodus.) 1874 C, p. 35. (Platecarpus.) 1875 E, pp. 47, 142, pi. xv, fig. 1; pi. xvi, fig. 3; pi. xvii, fig. 6: pi. xx, figs. 4-7; pi. xxi, figs. 1, 2; pi. xxxvi, fig. 6; pi. xxxvii, fig. 9. (Platecarpus.) Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 272. (Platecarpus.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 276, 344, pi. xxxiv, figs. 12- 14; pi. xxxvi, figs. 4-14. Marsh, O. C. 1872 F, pp. 457, 461. ( Edestosaurus. ) Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 29, pi. i, figs. 1, 2; pi. iii, figs. 3-5, 11; pi. iv, figs. 2, 8. (Platecarpus-) Osborn, H. F. 1899 D, p. 171, text figs. 2, 3. (Pla- tecarpus.) 1900 A, p. 2, fig. 1. (Platecarpus. ) 470 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Wagner, G. 1898 A, p. 203. (Platecarpus cory- phaeus?) Williston, S. W. 1897 J, p. 110. (Platecarpus. ) 1898 E, pp. 103, 145, 149, 153, 160, 186, pis. xiii- xv; pi. xxii, fig. 2; pi. xxiv, figs. 1-5; pi. xxv, figs. 1-5; pi. xxvi; pi. xxvii, fig.; pi. xxviii, fig. 5; pi. xxix, figs. 3-5; pi. xxxi, figs. 1-5; pl.xlii figs. 3, 4; pi. xlvi, figs.1-4; pi. 1; pi. lii; pi. liv. figs. 2, 3; pi. Iv; pi. Ivi; pi. Ivii, figs. 4-10; pi. Ivili; pi. Ix, fig. 3: pi. Ixi, fig. 3; pi. Ixiii; pi. Ixiv, fig. 2; pi. Ixxii, fig. 2. (Platecarpus.) 1899 A, p. 39, pi. xii. (Platecarpus.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 193, fig. 117. Cretaceous (Niobrara, Pierre?); Kansas. Lestosaurus crassartus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1871 N, p. 278. (Liodon.) 1872 F, p. 332. (Liodon.) 1872 CC, p. 141. (Liodon.) 1874 C, p. 36. (Platecarpus.) 1875 E, pp. 153, 268, pi. xxvi, figs. 4-12. (Platecarpus.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 F, p. 462. (Liodon.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 180, pi. xlv, figs. 3, 4. (Platecarpus?.) Cretaceous (Pierre); Colorado. Lestosaurus curtirostris (Cope). Cope, E.'D. 1871 N, p. 273. (Liodon.) 1871 A. (Liodon; no description.) 1872 F, p. 331. (Liodon.) 1872 CC, p. 141. (Liodon.) 1874 C, p. 36. (Platecarpus.) 1875 E, pp. 150, 268, pi. xiv, fig. 3; pi. xv, fig. 3; pi. xvi, figs. 4, 5; pi. xvii, fig. 2; pi. xviii,figs.7,8; pi. xxi, figs. 7-13; pl.xxxvi, figs. 1,5; pi. xxxvii, fig. 10; pi. xxxviii, 'fig. 1. (Platecarpus.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 270, fig. 59. ( Platecarpus. ) Marsh, O. C. 1872 F, p. 461. (Lestosaurus.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Lestosaurus felix Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 F, p. 457, pi. xiii. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 35. (Platecarpus.) 1875 E, p. 267. (Platecarpus.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 189. (Platecarpus.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Lestosaurus glandiferus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1871 N, p. 276. (Liodon.) 1872 F, p. 332. (Liodon.) 1874 C, p. 36. (Platecarpus?) 1875 E, pp. 156, 268, pi. xxvi, figs. 13,14. {Platecarpus.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 182. (Platecarpus.) Cretaceous (Niobrara, Pierre?); Kansas. Lestosaurus gracilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 F, p. 460. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 36. (Platecarpus.) 1875 E, p. 268. (Platecarpus.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 187. (Platecarpus.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Lestosaurus ictericus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1870 Q. (Liodon.) 1870 O, p. 577. (Liodon.) 1871 D, p. 406. (Liodon.) 1871 N, p. 27i>. (Holcodus.) 1872 F, p. 331. (Holcodus.) 1874 C, p. 35. (Platecarpus.) 1875 E, pp. 144, 267, pi. xiv, fig. 4; pi. xv, fig. 2; pi. xvii, figs. 3, 4; pi. xviii, fig, 6; pi. xix, figs. 7-10; pi. xx, figs. 1-3; pi. xxv, figs. 1-26; pi. xxxvi, fig. 7; pi. xxxvii, fig. 8. (Platecarpus.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 F, p. 461. (Lestosaurus.) Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 30. (Platecarpus.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 184, pis. xliii, xliv. (Platecarpus.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Lestosaurus latifrons Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 F, p. 458. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 36. (Platecarpus.) 1875 E, p. 268. (Platecarpus.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 189. (Platecarpus.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Lestosaurus? latispinus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1871 J, p. 169. (Liodon.) 1871 N, p. 276. (Liodon.) 1872 F, p. 332. (Liodon.) 1874 C, p. 38. (Liodon.) 1875 E, pp. 155, 268, pi. xxvi, figs. 1-4. (Platecarpus?.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E. p. 181. (Platecarpus ?.) Cretaceous (Pierre); Kansas. Lestosaurus mudgei (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1870 Q. (Liodon.) 18700, p. 581. (Liodon.) 1871 D, p. 405. (Liodon.) 1871 N, p. 273. (Holcodus.) 1872 F, p. 331. (Holcodus.) 1874 C, p. 36. (Platecarpus.) 1875 E, pp. 157, 268, pi. xvi, fig. 2; pi. xvii, fig. 5; pi. xxvi, figs. 2, 3; pi. xxxvii, fig. 7. (Platecarpus.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 F, p. 463, pi. xiii. (Rhinosaurus.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 186. (Platecarpus.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Lestosaurus oxyrhinus (Merriam). Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 30. (Platecarpus.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 190. (Platecarpus.) Cretaceous; Kansas. Lestosaurus planifrons (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 31. (Clidastes.) 1875 E, pp. 135, 265; pi. xxii, figs. 1-7; pl.xxiii, figs. 1-15; pi. xxxv, fig. 16. (Clidastes.) 1878 G, p. 299. (Clidastes.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, pp. 188, 194. (Platecarpus.) Williston and Case 1892 A, p. 17. (Clidastes.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Lestosaurus simus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 F, p. 455, pis. x, xi. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 36. (Platecarpus.) 1875 E, p. 268. (Platecarpus.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 471 Marsh, 0. C. 1880 A, p. 86, pi. i. 1897 C, p. 527. Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 30. (Platecarpus.) Owen, R. 1880 A, pi. viii, figs. 1, 3. Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 188, pi. xlvli. (Plate- carpus.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 193, fig. 117. /itu-l. K. A. 1890 A, p. 622, figs. 550, 552. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Lestosaurus tectulus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1871 N, p. 271. (Holcodus.) 1872 F, p. 331. (Holcodus.) 1874 C, p. 36. (Platecarpus.) 1875 E, pp. 159, 269; pi. xxi, flgs. 3-6; pi. xxvii, figs. 5-10. (Platecarpus.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 183. (Platecarpus.) Cretaceous (Pierre); Kansas. BKACHYSAURUS Willist. Type B. orertoni Willist. H'Uliston. S. W. 1897 D. 1897 F, p. 178. 1897 H, p. 246. 1898 E, p. 192. Brachysaurus overtoni Willist. WiUiston, S, W. 1897 D, p. 96, pi. viii. 1898 E, pp. 148, 192, pi. xxii; pi. xxx; pi. xi, figs. 10, 11; pi. Ixii, fig. 1. Cretaceous ( Pierre) ; Kansas. HOLOSAURUS Marsh. Type //. abruptux Marsh. Holosaurus abruptus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1880 A, p. 87. Dollo L. 1893 C, p. 221. Williston, S. W. 1897 H, p. 245. (Syu. of Plate- carpus.) 1897 J, p. 107. 1898 E, p. 192. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 624. Marsh, O. C. 1880 A, p. 87. 1897 C, p. 527. Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 193. Cretaceous (Niobrara) ; Kansas. TYLOSA CRINGE. U-illMvn, S. W. 1897 F, pp. 177, 180. Marsh. O. C. 1876 G, p. 59, (Tylosauridae. ) Williston, S. W. 1895 A, p. 169. (Tylosauridse.) 1898 E, pp. 90, 171. MACROSAURUS Owen. Type M. Isevis Owen. Owen, It. 1849 A, p. 382. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 200. (Syn. of Liodon.) 1875 E, p. 270. (Syn. of LiodonJ Gibbes, R. W. 1851 A, p. 13. Leidy, J. 18C5 A, p. 74. Zittel. K. A. 1890 A, p. 622. (Syn. of Liodon.) Macrosaurus laevis Owen. Owen, S. 1849 A, p. 382, pi. xi, figs. 1-6. Cope, E. D. 1867 E, p. 26. 1869 A, p. 260. 1869 B, p. 734. 1869 M, pp. 205, in part. (Liodon.) 1875 E, p. 270. (Liodon.) Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 74, 118. 1865 D, p. 70. Owen, R. 1879 B, p. 54. (Leiodon.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. Macrosaurus mitchillii (De Kay). DeKay, J. E. 1830 A, p. 140, pi. iii, figs. 3, 4. (Geo- Cope, E. D, 1869 A, p. 261. (Mosasaurus impar.; 1869 M, pp. 193, 205. (Liodon.) 1871 G, p. 43. (Liodon.) 1875 E, p. 270. (Liodon.) 1875V, p. 41. (Liodon.) De Kay, J. E. 1842 A, p. 28, pi. xxii, figs. 55,56. (Geosaurus.) Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 224, figs. 45, 46. (Drepano- don impar. ) Gibbes R. W. 1851 A, p. 9. (Geosaurus.) Giebel, C. G. 1847 B. p. 134. (Geosaurus.) Harlan, R. 1834 B, p. 82. (Geosaurus.) 1835 B, p. 285. (Geosaurus.) Leidy, J. 1856 L, p. 255. (Drepanodon impar.) 1857 A, p. 271. (Drepanodon impar.) 1859 B, p. 10. (Lesticodus impar.) 1859 D, p. 92. (Geosaurus.) 1835 A, p. 65, pi. xi, figs. 1-4, fide Cope. (Mosasaurus mitchillii.) 1865 D, p. 70 in part. Williston, S. W. 1897 F, pp. 182, 183. (Tylosaurus.) 1898 E, p. 172. (Tylosaurus.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. TYLOSA URI:S Marsh. Type T. micromus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 H, p. 147. (To replace Rhino- saurus Marsh and Rhamphosaurus Cope, both preoccupied.) Since the American species assigned to Tylo- yaurus may prove to be congeneric with those called by Owen Leiodon and by others Liodon, references to literature of the latter title is given. Leiodon is, however, preoccupied by Swainson, 1839. Charlesworth, E. 1846 A. (Liodou.) 472 FOS8IL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 200. (Liodon.) 1871 D, p. 401. (Liodon.) 1871 N, p. 273. (Liodon:) 1872 F, p. 331. (Liodon.) 1872 CC, p. 141. (Rhamphosaurus, to replace Rhinosaurus. ) 1874 C, pp. 31, 36, 37. (Liodon, Nectopor- theus.) 1875 E, pp. 128, 160, 271. (Liodon, Nectopor- theus. ) 1878 G. (Liodon.) 1879 J. (Liodon.) Dollo, L. 1885 C, pp. 28, 30. (Liodon, Tylosaurus.) Gaudry, A. 1892 A, p. 2. (Leiodon.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 343. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 264. (Liodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 C, p. 291. (Liodon.) 1872 F, pp. 455, 461. (Rhinosaurus, type K. micromus.) 1880 A, p. 84. Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 14, Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 3 144. Osborn, H. F. 1899 D, p. 167. Owen, R. 1842 A, p. 144. (Leiodon, type L. anceps Owen.) 1845 B, p. 261, pi. Ixxii. (Leiodon.) 1851 B, p. 41. (Leiodon.) 1879 B. (Leiodon.) 1880 A. (Leiodon.) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 507. (Leiodon.) Snow, F. H. 1878 A, p. 54. (Liodon.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 646. (Lio- don.) Williston, S. W. 1891 A. (Liodon.) 1897 E. 1897 F, p. 177. 1897 J, p. 108. 1898 E, p. 171. Zittel, JC. A. 1890 A, p. 622. (Liodon.) Tylosaurus congrops (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 206. (Liodon.) 1870 D, p. 271. (Liodon.) 1875 E, p. 272. (Liodon.) Cretaceous; Alabama. Tylosaurus dyspelor (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1870 Q. (Liodon.) 1870 O, p. 574. (Liodon.) 1871 D, p. 410. (Liodon.) 1871 J, p. 169. (Liodon.) 1871 K, p. 174, (Liodon.) 1871 N, p. 280. (Liodon.) 1872 F, pp. 321, 333. (Liodon.) 1872 CC, p. 141. (Liodon.) 1874 C, p. 38. (Liodon. ) 1875 E, pp. 46, 167, 271, pi. xxvii, fig. 11; pi. xxviii, figs. 1-7: pis. xxix-xxxiii; pi. xxx i, fig. 1; pi. xxxvii, fig. 5. (Liodon.) Gibbes, R. W. 1851 A, p. 6. (Liodon.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp.271, 343, pi. xxxv, figs, 1-11. Marsh, O. C. 1872 F, p, 463. (Rhinosaurus.) 1872 T, p. 4%. (Liodon.) Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 23, pi. iv, figs. 3, 4. Osborn, H. F. 1899 D, p. 167, pis. xxi-xxiii, text figs. 1, 7-9, 11-14. F, p. 913. Snow, F. H. 1878 A, p. 54. (Liodon.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 145 ct seq., pi. xliii, figs. 1, 2; pi. xlvi, fig. 4; pi. lix; pi. Ixi, figs. 1, 2. 1897 J, p. 110. Cretaceous (Niobrara); New Mexico, Kansas. Tylosaurus laticaudus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1870 F. (Liodon.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. Tylosaurus micromus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 F, p. 461, pi. xiii. (Rhinosaurus.) Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 36. (Liodon.) 1875 E, p. 271. (Liodon.) Marsh, 0. C. 1880 A, p. 85, fig. 1. Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 23, pi. i, fig. 3; pi. iii, fig. 8. Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 175. Cretaceous (Niobrara) ; Kansas. Tylosaurus nepeeolicus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 37. (Liodon, Rhamphosaur- us.) 1875 E, pp. 177, 271, pi. xxxv, figs. 11-15. (Liodon.) Williston, S. W. 1898 E, p. 176. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Tylosaurus perlatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1869 M (1870), p. ii of Errata and Ad- denda (Liodon); p. 198 (" Mosasaurus brum- by!"). 1870 J, p. 497. (Liodon.) 1875 E, p. 271. (Liodon.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 267. (Liodon.) Cretaceous; Alabama. Tylosaurus prorig-er (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1869 H, p. 123. (Macrosaurus.) Ballon, W. H. 1898 A, pp. 217, 224, figure. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 202, pi. xii, figs. 22-24. (Liodon.) 1871 A. (Liodon.) 1871 D, p. 401. (Liodon.) 1871 K, p. 175. (Liodon.) 1871 N, p. 271. (Liodon.) 1872 F, pp. 321, 333. (Liodon.) 1872 CC, p. 141. (Rhamphosaurus, provi- sionally.) 1874 C, p. 38. (Liodon.) 1875 E, pp. 46, 161, 271, pi. xxviii, figs. 8, 9; pi. xxx, figs. 10-14; pi. xxxvi, fig. 2; pi. xxxvii, fig. 6. (Liodon.) Leidy, J. 1870 E, p. 4. (Liodon.) 1873 B, pp. 274, 344, pi. xxxv, fig. 18; pi. xxxvi, figs. 1-3. Marsh, O. C. 1872 F, p. 463. (Rhinosaurus.) Merriam, J. C. 1894 A, p. 23, pi. ii; pi. iii, figs. 1,2. Osborn, H. F. 1899 D, p. 169. Williston, S. W. 1897 E, p. 102, pis. ix, x. 1897 F, pi. xx. 1897 J, p. 110. 1898 E, p. 173, pis. xvi-xviii; pi. xxix, fig. 1; pi. xl, figs. 1-7; pi. xli, fig. 1; pi. xlviii, fig. 7; pi. Iv; pi. Ix, figs. 1,2; pis. Ixv-lxx; pi. Ixxii, fig. 3. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. HAY. ] CATALOGUE. 473 Tylosaurus rapax sp. nov. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 187, text fig. 48 s ; p. 188, text fig. 49 4 ; pp. 201, 207. (Liodon validus; not Nectoportheus validus Cope, 1868.) 1870 D, p. 272. (Liodon validus.) 1875 E, p. 271, pi. xxxvii, fig. 4. (Liodon validus.) Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 74, in part, pi. iii, figs. 1-2; pi. vii, figs. 19, 20. (Macrosaurus Isevis.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. Tylosaurus sectorius (Cope). Cape, E. D. 1871 G, p. 41. (Liodon.) 1875 E, p. 271. (Liodon.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. DIPLOTOMODON Leidy. Type D. horrificus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 G, p. 202. (To replace Tomodon, preoccupied.) Cope, E. D. 1868 C, p. 417. (Tomodon.) 1875 E, p. 272. Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 102. (Tomodon, type T. lior- ririctt* : not Tomodon Dume'ril, 1853.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 624, 727. Diplotomodon horrificus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 1 02, 119, pl.xx, figs. 7-9. (Tom- odon.) Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 272. Leidy, J. 1865 D, p. 72. (Tomodon.) 1868 G, p. 202. Cretaceous ; New Jersey. ELLIPTONODON Emmons. Type E. compressus Emmons. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 222. A genus whose value and systematic position are doubtful. Elliptonodon compressus Emmons. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 222, figs. 41, 42. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 186. Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 63, 117. Cretaceous; North Carolina. POLYGONODON Leidy. Type P. vetus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 K, p.221. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 185, 210. A genus of uncertain ordinal position. Polygonodon rectus Emmons. E-nmoM, E. 1858 B, p. 218 (Mosasaurus); fig. 37 A (Polygonodon). Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 211. 1875 V, p. 41. Emmons, E. 1860 A, p. 208, fig. ISO 2 . Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 76, 118. (Syn. of P. vetus.) Miocene; North Carolina. Polygonodon vetus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 K, p. 221. Cope, E. D. 1869 B, p. 734. 1869 M, p. 210. 1875 E, p. 280. Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 76, 118, pi. ix, figs. 12, 13. 1865 D, p. 70. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Suborder SAURIA Macartney. Macartney, J., 1802, Lectures on Comp. Anat., i, tab. 3. Unless otherwise indicated, the following authors use the term LacertUia for this order. . Baur, G. 1885 E, p. 634. 1887 C, p. 99. 1895 A. 1895 D. Born, G. 1876 A. ("Saurier.") 1880 A, p. 63. ("Saurier.") Boulenger, G. A. 1884 A. 1885 A. 1887 A. 1891 A. 1893 A, p. 1. 1895 A. Burckhardt, C. K. 1895 A. Calori, L. 1894 A. Cope E. D. 1864 A. 18ti9 M, p. 28. Cope, E. D. 1871 B. 1878 G, p. 300. 1882 J, p. 981. 1887 S, p. 334. 1891 N, pp. 45, 47. 1892 Z, p. 19. 1895 C, p. 857. ;, p. 74. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, x, pp. 1-98. Dollo, L. 1885 B. Furbringer, M. 1900 A, pp. 231, Gadow, H. 1896 A, p. 29. 1898 A. p. 24. (Sauria.) Gaupp, E. 1894 A. 1898 A, p. 302. 1900 A. 474 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL 179. Gegenbaur, C, 1864 A. 185 B, p. 40. 1898 A. Gill, T. 1900 A, p. 730. Gorski, C. 1858 A. Gunther, A. 1886 A, p. 444. Haeekel, E. 1895 A. p. 344. Hoffmann, C. K. 1876 A. 1878 A. 1879 A, p. 99. 1890 B. (Saurii.) Huxley, T. H. 1870 A. 1872 A, p. 186. 1876 B, xiii.p. 429. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 368. Levy, H. 1898 A. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 275. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Mivart, St. G. 1886 A, p. 448. Miiller, J. 1831 A, p. 238. (Lacertina.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1138. Osborn, H. F. 1900 A, p. 1 Owen, R. 1842 A, p. 144. 1860 A, p. 165. 1877 A. Parker, W. K. 168 A, p. 100. 1879 B, p. 63. 1880-A. Rathke, H. 1853 A. ("Saurier.") Segond, L. A. 1873 A, p. 14. (" L6zard.") Siebenrock, F. 1892 A. 1894 A. 1895 A. 1895 B. Stannius, H. 1856 A. (Sauria.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 644. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A. p. 270. (" Saurians.") Wiedersheim, R. 1889 A, p. 438. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 450, 602. IGUANID^E. Gray, J. E., 1827, Philos. Mag. (2), ii, p. 127. Boulenger, G. A. 1884 A, p. 119. 1885 A, p. 1. Cope, E. D. 1864 A, p. 227. (Anolidse, Iguanidse.) 1900 A, p. 220. Gadow, H. 1898 A. p. 25. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 B, p. 1217. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 277. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 107. (Iguana.) Siebenrock, F. 1895 B. (On Agamidse.) Stannius, H. 1856 A. (Iguanoidea.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 607. IGUANAVUS Marsh. Type I. exilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 K, p. 309. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1140. Iga anavus exilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 K, p. 309. King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Iguanavus teres Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1892 E, p. 451. Cretaceous (La ramie); Wyoming. CHAMOPS Marsh. Type C. segnis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1892 E., p. 450. Provisionally assigned to the Iguanidx. Chamops segnis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1892 E, p. 450, figs. 2, 3. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. ANGUID.E. Cape, E. D. 1864 A. pp. 227, 228. (Anguidse, Ger- Gaupp, E. 1898 A. (Anguis.) rhonotidjE. ) Boulenger, G. A. 1884 A, p. 121. 1885 A, ii, p. 265. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 42. (Placosauridse.) 1882 J, p. 981. ( Placosauridse. ) 1884 O, p. 772. (Gerrhonotidae.) 1900 A, p. 488. Gadow, H. 1898 A. p. 25. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 B. (Anguis.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 278. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E, p. 222. (Glyptosauridae.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1140. Parker, W. K. 1808 A, p. 98. Siebenrock, F. 1892 A. 1895 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 607. PLACOSAURUS Gervais. Type P. rugosvs Gervais. Oervais, P., 1852, Zool. Paleont. France, ed. i, p. 260. Lydekker, R. 1888 C, p. 110. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1140. Pictet, Gaudin, and Harpe 1857 A, p. 93. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. COS. Placosaurus ? sp. indet. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 42, pi. xxxii, figs. 26-36. Eocene; New Mexico. The fossil fragments above described Professor Cope referred with doubt to the Placosauridse. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 475 GLYPTOSAURUS Marsh. Type G. sylvestris Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 B, p. 456. Boulenger, G. A. 1891 A, p. 117. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 34. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 371. ' 1873 B, p. 182. Marsh. O. C. 1871 G, p. 105. 1872 K, p. 302. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1141. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 608. Glyptosaurus anceps Marsh. J/a/vj/i, 0. C. 1871 B, p. 458. 1871 G, p. 105. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. Glyptosaurus brevidens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 K, p. 305. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Glyptosaurus nodosus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 B, p. 458. 1871 G, p. 105. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. Glyptosaurus ocellatus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1871 B, p. 458. ? Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 183, pi. xvi, figs. 13-17. Marsh, O. C. 1871 G, p. 105. 1872 K, p. 306. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Glyptosaurus princeps Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 K, p. 302. King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Glyptosaurus rugosus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 K, p. 305. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Glyptosaurus sphenodon Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 K, p. 306. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Glyptosaurus sylvestris Marsh. Marsh, 0. C.. 1871 B, p. 456. 1871 G, p. 105. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. XESTOPS Cope. Type Oreosaurus vagans Marsh. Cape, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 19. (To replace Oreosaurus Marsh, preoccupied.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 K, p. 303. (Oreosaurus ,type O. vagans; not Oreosaurus Peters, 1862.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1141. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 608. Xestops gracilis (Marsh). Margh, 0. C. 1872 K, p. 307. (Oreosaurus.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Xestops lentus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1872 K, p. 307. (Oreosaurus.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Xestops microdus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1872 K, p. 308. (Oreosaurus.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Xestops minutus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1872 K, p. 308. (Oreosaurus.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Xestops vagans (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1872 K, p. 303. (Oreosaurus.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. SANIWA Leidy. Type S. ensidens Leidy. Li i,l,/, J. 1870 S, p. 124. 1871 C, p. 368. 1872 B, p. 370. 1873 B, p. 181. (Saniva.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 K, p. 299. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1141. (Saniva.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 608. (Saniva.) Saniwa ensidens Leidy. J.i !mh, 0. C. 1871 A, p. 324. King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Eoceno (Bridger); Wyoming. Boavus brevis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 A, p. 324. King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Boavus occidentalis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 A, p. 323. King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. f'r>] , E. T>. 1872 E, p. 471. 1884 O, p. 102. Nicholson and Lydekker Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 629. Marsh.) PROTAGRAS Cope. Type P. lacustris Cope. Protagras lacustris Cope. ., p. 1147. (Syn. ? of Boavus Cape, E. D. 1872 E, p. 471. 1873 E, p. 632. 1884 O, p. 103, pi. xxiii, figs. 17, IS Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. LITHOPHIS Marsh. Type L. sargenti Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 A, p. 325. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1147. Lithophis sargenti Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 A, p. 325. King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. 480 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. LESTOPHIS Marsh. Type L. crassus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1885 A, p. 326. (To replace Limno- liestophis crassus Marsh, phis, preoccupied.) Jfafc, O. C. 1*71 A, p. 828. (Limnophis.) SK 1147. SiVTlSSsY 05 ' (LimD PhiS - ) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. APHELOPHIS Cope. Type A. talpivorus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 16. 1874 B, p. 518. 1884 O, p. 781. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1147. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 630. Aphelophis talpivorus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 16. 1874 B, p. 518. 1884 O, p. 782, pi. Ix, fig. 21. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. CALAMAGRAS Cope. Type C. murivorus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 15. 1874 B, p. 517. 1884 O, p. 784. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1147. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 630. Calamagras murivorus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 15. (C. murivorous, C. truxalis.) 1874 B, p. 517. (C. murivorus, C. truxalis.) 1884 O, p. 784. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. OGMOPHIS Cope. Type 0. angulatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 782. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1147. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 630. Ogmophis angulatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 16. (Calamagras.) 1874 B, p. 518. (Calamagras. ) Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 783, pi. Iviiia, fig. 12. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Ogmophis oregonensis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 783, pi. Iviiia, figs. 9-11. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Gray, J. E. 1849, Cat. Snakes, p. 2. Boulenger, G. A. 1893 A. 1894 A. 18% C. COLUBRID^E. Cope, E. D. 1886 V, p. 484. 1900 A, p. 732. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 28. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 C, p. 1683. Stannius, H. 1856 A. (Colubrina.) COLUBER Linn. Linnaeus, C. 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 216. Boulenger, G. A. 1894 A, p. 24. Cope, E. D. 1900 A, p. 825. Coluber sp. indet. Wheatley, C. M. 1871 A. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania BASCANION Baird and Girard. Type Coluber constrictor Linn. Baird and Girard, 1853, Cat. N. Amer. Rept., p. 93. Boulenger, G. A. 1893 A, p. 379. ( Zamenis, in part. ) Cope, E. D. 1900 A, p. 787. (Zamenis, in part.) Bascanion acuminatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1899 A, p. 197. (Zamenis.) Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. CROTALID.E. Boulenger, G. A. 1896 C, p. 519. (Crotalinse.) Cope, E. D. 1886 V, pp. 480-498. 1892 O. 1900 A, p. 1130. Giebel, C. G. 1866 B. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 C, p. 1798. Rochebrune, A. T. 1881 A, p. 216. ( " Crotaliens." Stannius, H. 1856 A. (Crotalina.) Troschel, F. H. 1861 A. (Crotalina.) 1IAY.J CATALOGUE. 481 CROTAIA-S Linn. Type -C. horridus Linn. Liwii*, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 214. Boulenger, G. A. 1896 C, p. 572. Cope, E. D. 1900 A, p. 1149. Crotalus horridus Linn. Linnxus, ('., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 214. Cope, E. D. 1900 A, p. 1185. Green, J. 1821 A. Wheatley, C. M. 1871 A. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania, New Jersey. NEURODROMICUS Cope. Type N. dorsalis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 15. 1874 B, p. 516. 1884 O, p. 785. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 C, p. 1814. (Neurodromus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1148. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 631. Neurodromicus dorsalis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 15. 1874 B, p. 617. 1884 O, p. 786, pi. Iviii, figs. 7, 8. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. HELAGRAS Cope. Type H. prwciformis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 M, p. 545. 1884 O, p. 730. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1146. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 632. A genus of uncertain position. Helagras prisciformis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 M, p. 545. 1884 O, p. 731, pi. xxiv0. fig. 2. 1888 CC, p. 302. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 632. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. CONIOPHIS Marsh. Type C. precedens Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1892 E. p, 450, A genus of uncertain affinities. Coniophis precedens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1892 E, p. 450, figs. la-e. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Order DINOSAUR1A Owen. Ou*en, R. 1842 A, p. 102. Baur, G. 1883 A. 1884 A. 1884 E. 1885 C. 1885 E. 1887 A, p. 487. 1887 C, p. 101. 1887 S, p. 333. 1891 C, p. 354. 1891 D. Burckhardt, R. 1895 A. Cannon, G. L. 1888 A, pp. 140, 190. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 33, 86. 1871 B, p. 234. 1872 Q. 1877 G, p. 588. 1878 K. 1879 A, p. 38. 1882 J, p. 981. J, p. 97. 1885 G, p. 246. 1886 E. 1889 R, p. 864. Bull. 179- Cope, E. D. 1891 N, p. 41. 1892 R. 1892 Z, p. 17. 1898 B, pp. 56, 68. 1900 A, p. 160. Dames, W. 1884 A. Dawkins, W.B. 1871 A. Dollo, L. 1882 B. 1883 C. Furbringer, M. 1888 A. 1900 A, pp. 347,535,651. Gadow, H. 1897 A, p. 204. 1898 A, p. 22. Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Gunther, A. 1866 A, p. 442. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 374. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 B. Hulke, J. W. 1883 A. 1884 A. Huxley, T. H. 1868 A, p. 362. 1870 A, p. 438. 1870 C. 482 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Huxley, T. H. 1870 D. 1872 A, p. 223. (Ornithoscelida.) 1875 B. 1876 B, xiii, p. 515. ICehner, F. A. 1876 A. Lydekker, R. 1888 A. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. 1878 F. 1880 D. 1881 E. 1881 H. 1882 A. 1884 A. 1884 B. 1884 G. 1885 D. 1896 C. 18% D. Morse, E. S. 1880 A, p. 3. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1151. Osborn, H. F. 1899 H, p. 161. 1900 G, p. 777. Owen, R. 1854 B, p. 1. 1860 A, p. 164. 1860 E, p. 257. 1866 A, p. 18. 1875 C. Parker, W. K. 1887 A, p. 331. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 466. (" Dinosauriens.") Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 111. Seeley, H. G. 1879 A. 1887 B. 1888 C. 1888 G. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 658. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 287. Vetter, B. 1885 A. White, C. A. 1883 A. Wiedersheim, R. 1881 A, p. 366. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 196. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 450, 689, 767. SUBORDER OPISTHOCCELIA Owen. Owen, R. 1860 A, p. 164. Unless otherwise indicated, the following au- thors employ the term Swropoda for this group. Baur, G. 1883 A. 1884 A. 1887 C, p. 101. (Opisthocoelia.) 1891 D, p. 451. (Cetiosauria.) Cope, E. D. 1882 Q. (Sauropoda a synonym of Opisthocoelia.) 1883 J, p. 98. (Opisthocoelia.) 1889 E. 1889 R, p. 864. Saurischia.) 1891 N, p. 43. Saurischia.) 1898 B, p. 68. Saurischia.) Dollo, L. 1884 B. 1892 C, p. 10. Furbringer, M. 1900 A. Gadow, H. 1897 A, p. 204. 1898 A. p. 22. Haeckel, E., 1895 A, pp. 382, 386. Hulke, J. W. 1879 A. 1880 A. 1882 A. Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 415. Lydekker, R. 1886 C, p. 275. \., p. 53. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 131. Marsh, O. C. 1678 F, p. 412. 1879 B. 1881 E. - 1882 A, p. 83. 1883 A, pp. 82, 85. 1884 G. 1885 D. 1889 B, p. 324. 18% C, pp. 164, 241. 18% D, p. 207. 1898 C. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1170. Osborn, H. F. 1898 J, p. 221. (Cetiosauria.) 1900 G, p. 786. (Cetiosauria.) Owen, R. 1875 C, p. 27. (Cetiosaurus.) Science 1885 B. Seeley, H. G. 1888 B. Saurischia.) 1888 C, p. 86. (Cetiosauria.) 1888 G, p. 171. Saurischia.) 1892 A, p. 349. Saurischia.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 661. Vetter, B. 1885 A, p. 117. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 200. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 693, 702. MOROSAURID.E. Marsh, 0. C. 1882 A, p. 83. Baur, G. 1895 A, p. 1001. 18% A, p. 145. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 133. (Cetiosauridae.) 1889 C, p. 59. (Cetiosaurus.) 1889 J. (On Cardiodon). 1890 A, p. 236. ( Symphypoda.) 1869 M, p. 99 (Goniopoda); p. 120 (Symphy- poda). 1871 B, p. 234. (Goniopoda, Symphypoda.) 1882 Q. (Goniopoda.) 1883' J, p. 98. (Goniopoda.) 1889 R, p. 864. ( . 1868 C, p. 417. (Dinodontidse.) 1869 M, p. 117. (Dinodontidae.) 1889 R, p. 864. 1898 B, p. 68. Dawkins, W. B. 1871 A. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 157. Marsh, O. C. 1879 B, p. 89. (Allosauridse. ) 1881 E, p. 423. ( Allosauridse.) 1882 A, pp. 84, 85. (Megalosauridse, Labro- sauridse.) 1884 B, p. 337. (Megalosauridse, Labrosaur- idae.) 1884 G. (Megalosauridse, Labrosauridae. ) Marsh, O.C. 1885 D, p. 764. (Megalosauridae, La- brosauridse.) 1890 C, p. 424. (Dryptosauridsa.) 1895 C, p. 493. ( Megalosauridse, Dryptosaur- idse, Labrosauridse.) 1896 C, pp. 203, 239. (Megalosauridse, Drypto- sauridse, Labrosauridse.) 18% D, p. 206. ( Megalosauridse, Dryptosaur- idse, Labrosauridse.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1167. Owen, R. 1883 B. Seeley, H. G. 1894 A. Steinmann and Doderlein, 1890 A, p. 660. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 722. MEGALOSAURUS Buckland. Type M. hucklandi Meyer. Buck'and, W. 1824 A. Bronn, H. G. 1837 A, p. 530, pi. xxxiv, fig. 1. Cope, E. D. 1868 K, p. 239. (Megalosaurus, Pcekil- opleuron.) 1869 M, p. 100. (Pcecilopleurum); p. 108 (Megalosaurus) . Deslongchamps-Eudes, J. A. 1838 A, p. 36. (Pffikil- opleuron, type P. bucklandi, in part.) Gaudry, A. 1890 C, p. 227. Hulke, J. W. 1879 B. Huxley, T. H. 1869 D. 1870 D. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 159. Marsh, O. C. 1895 A, p. 408. Osborn, H. F. 1900 G, p. 786. Owen, R, 1842 A, p, 103. 1845 B, p. 269. 1856 A. 1860 E, p. 258. 1876 C. (Poekilopleuron.) 1883 B, pi. xi. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 467 (Megalosaurus); p. 497 (Pcecilopleuron). Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 112. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 722. No species of this genus is at present known from this country. DRYPTOSAURUS Marsh. Type Lselaps aquilunguis Cope. Marsh, 0. C. 1877 C, p. 88. (To replace Lxlaps Cope, preoccupied.) Unless otherwise indicated the following writers refer to this genus under name Lselaps, Baur, G. 1883 A, p. 441. Cope, E. D. 1866 A. (Lselaps, type L. aquilunguis.) 488 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. 1868 C. 1868 K, p. 237. 1869 M, p. 100. 1871 B, p. 239. 1876 I, p. 340. 1877 H, p. 806. 1877 T. 1878 K. 1892 Z, p. 17, pi. 111. Hnxley, T. H. 1870 C. Leidy, J. 1868 F, p. 199. Lippincott, J. S. 1881 A. Lydekker, R. 1888 B ? pp. 169, 169. (Dryptosaurus.) Marsh, O. C. 1895 C, p. 493. 18% C, p. 203. 1896 D. Morse, E. S. 1880 A, p. 4. Osborn, H. F. 1893 B, p. 326. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 726. Dryptosaurus aquilunguis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1866 A. (Lselaps.) 1866 B. (Lselaps aquilunguis, part; L. mac- ropus, part.) 1866 E. (Laelaps.) 1867 E, p. 27. (Lselaps.) 1868 C. (Laelaps.) 1868 K, p. 237. (Laelaps.) 1869 B, p. 737. (Laelaps.) 1869 K, p. 91, pi. ii. (Lselaps.) 1869 M, pp. 100, 118, 122 J, pis. viii, ix; pi. x, figs. 1-6. (Laelaps.) 1870 K. (Lselaps.) 1875 E, p. 249. (Laelaps.) 1877 T. (Laelaps.) Lucas, F. A. 1898 C, p. 97. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 170. Marsh, 0. C. 1877 C, p. 88. Osbora, H. F. 1898 N, pp. 843, 844, fig. 3. (Megalo- saurus.) 1898 Q, pp. 6, 19, pi. iii. (Megalosaurus.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. Dryptosaurus cristatus (Cope). C(>]), E. D. 1876 I, p. 344. (Lselaps.) 1877 G, p. 572. (Laelaps.) Cretaceous; Montana. Dryptosaurus explanatus (Cope). Co]>e, E. D. 1876 H, p. 249. (Laelaps.) 1877 G, p. 572. (Lselaps.) Cretaceous; Montana. Dryptosaurus falculus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 249. (Lselaps.) 1877 G, p. 572. (Laelaps.) Cretaceous; Montana. Dryptosaurus hazenianus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1876 I, p. 343. (Lajlaps.) 1877 G, p. 572. (Lselaps.) Cretaceous; Montana. Dryptosaurus incrassatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 248. ( Lselaps.) 1876 I, pp. 340, 341. (Lselaps.) 1877 G, p. 572. (Lselaps.) 1877 T. (Laelaps.) 1892 K, p. 240. (Laelaps.) 1892 Z, p. 17, pi. iii. (Laslaps.) Hay, O. P. 1899 G, p. 348. Lambe, L. M. 1899 A, pp. 69, 70. (Laelaps.) Cretaceous; Montana, British America. Dryptosaurus kenabekides Hay. Hay, O. P. 1899 G, p. 348. Leidy, J.1856 F,p.72. (Deinodon horridus, in part. ) 1860 A, p. 143 (in part), pi. ix, figs. 21-34. (Deinodon horridus.) 1868 F, p. 198. (Deinodon horridus.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Dryptosaurus laevifrons (Cope) . Cope, E. D. 1876 1, p. 344. (Lselaps.) 1877 G, p. 572. (Laelaps.) Cretaceous; Montana. Dryptosaurus macropus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1868 C, p. 417. (Lselaps.) 1866 B. (L. aquilunguis, in part.) 1869 B, p. 737. (Lselaps.) 1869 M, p. 118, figs. 31-34. (Laelaps.) 1875 E, p. 249. (Lselaps.) Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 119. (Cffilosaums antiquus, in part, fide Cope.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. Dryptosaurus trihedrodon (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1877 H, p. 805. (Laelaps.) 1877 Q, p. 5. (Lselaps.) 1878 M, p. 73. (Lselaps.) 1878 R. (Syn.? of Hypsirophus discurua.) Jurassic; Colorado. DEINODON Leidy. Type D. horridus Leidy. Jje.idy, J. 1856 F, p. 72. Cope, E. D. 1866 A, p. 279. (Dinodon, restricted. ) 1868 C. (Dinodon.) 1869 M, pp. 100, 116. (Aublysodon; Dinodon said to be preoccupied.) 1875 E, p. 248. (Aublysodon.) 1876 I, p. 341. (Aublysodon.) Hay, O. P. 1899 G, p. 346. Leidy, J. 1856 C, p. 119. (Deinodon.) 1860 A, p. 143, in part. (Deinodon.) 1868 F, p. 198. (Dinodon, restricted; Aublys- odon, type A. mirandus.) Marsh, O. C. 1892 G, p. 174. (Aublysodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 726. (Aublysodon.) Deinodon amplus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1892 G, p. 174, pi. ii, fig. 5. (Aublyso- don.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming? Deinodon cristatus (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1892 G, p. 175, pi. iii, fig. 6. (Aublyso- don,) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming? HAY.] CATALOGUE. 489 Demotion horridus Leidy. Lcidij, J. 1856 F, p. 72. (In part.) Cope, E. D. 1866 A, p. 279. (Dinodon horridus, re- stricted.) 1868 C, p. 416. (Dinodon.) 1869 M, p. 120. (Aublysodon.) 1871 C, p. 120. (Aublysodon.) 1874 C, p. 26. (Aublysodon.) 1875 E, p. 249. (Aublysodon.) 1876 I, p. 341, (Aublysodon.) 1877 G, p. 572. (Aublysodon. ) Leidy, J. 1856 C, p. 119. (In part.) 1860 A, p. 143, pi. ix, figs. 36-45; not figs. 21- 34; 46-18. 1868 F, p. 198. (Aublysodon mirandus). Marsh, O. C. 1892 G, p. 174, pi. iii, fig. 4. (Aublyso- don mirandus. ) Cretaceous (Laramie): Montana. The teeth represented on plate ix, of Leidy 1860 A, figs. 21-34, 46-48, are by Cope's restriction of Deinodon left without a name. They possi- bly belong to Dryptosaurus and are in this work given the name Dryptosaurus kenalekides. Deinodon lateralis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 248. (Aublysodon.) 1877 G, p. 572. (Aublysodon.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. ALLOSAURUS Marsh. Type A.fragilis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1877 G, p. 515. Bibbins, A. 1895 A, p. 19. Giebel, C. G. 1879 A, p. 318. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 159. Marsh, O. C. 1879 B, p. 90. 1884 B, pis. xi, xii. 1889 B, p. 329. 18% C, p. 163. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1168. Osborn, H. F. 1899 H, p. 161, fig. 1, C. D.; figs. 4, 5. 1900 G, pp. 779, 785, figs. 2, 4. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 660. Williston, S. W. 1878 A, p. 46. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 725. Allosaurus fragilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1877 G, p. 515. King, C. 1878 A, p. 346. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 154, fig. 25. Marsh, O. C. 1879 B, p. 91, pis. viil, x. 1884 B, pi. xiii. 18% C, p. 163, pi. x, fig. 2; pi. xi, figs. 1, 2 (Allosaurus); pi. xiii, fig. 5 (Labrosauras). 1897 C, p. 505, fig. 61. 1899 A, p. 232, fig. 3. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 726, fig. 628. (A. agilis err ore.) Jurassic; Colorado. CCELOSAURUS Leidy. Type C. antiquus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 119. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 119. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 727. Coalosaurus antiquus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 119, pi. iii, fig. 3; pi. xvii, figs. 7-11. Cope, E. D. 1869 B, p. 737. 1869 M, pp. 118, 119. 1875 E, p. 249. Cretaceous; New Jersey. CREOSAURUS Marsh. Type C. atrox Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1878 B, p. 243. 1879 B, p. 90. 1884 B. 18% C, p. 163. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1168. Williston, S. W. 1878 A, p. 46. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 725. Creosaurus atrox Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1878 B, p. 243, figs. 1, 2. King, C. 1878 A, p. 347. Marsh, O. C.1879 B, p. 90, pi. x. 1884 B, pis. ix, xi. 1896 C, p. 163, pi. xii. Jurassic; Colorado. ANTRODEMUS Leidy. Type A. valens Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 E, p. 3. 1873 B, p. 267. (Poicilopleuron.) Marsh, O. C. 1879 B, p. 91. (Labrosaurus, type Attosaurus lucaris Marsh. ) 1884 B, pi. ix. (Labrosaurus.) 18% C, p. 163. (Labrosauras.) Riggs, E. S. 1900 A, p. 233. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 727. (Labrosaurus.) The identification of Marsh's Labrosaurus with Leidy's Antrodemus and of L./erox with A. valens has been made by Mr. F. A. Lucas, of the U. S. National Museum. Antrodemus lucaris (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1878 B, p. 242. (Allosaurus.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 346. (Allosaurus.) Marsh, O. C. 1879 B, p. 91. (Labrosaurus.) Jurassic; Colorado. Antrodemus medius (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1888 A, p. 93. (Labrosaurus.) Jurassic (Potomac); Maryland. Antrodemus sulcatus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 18% C, p. 270, pi. xiii, fig 1. (Labro- saurus.) Formation and locality not given. 490 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Antrodemus valens Leidy. Leitly, J. 1870 E, p. 3. [Poicilopleuron (Antro- demus).] Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 267,338 (Poicilopleuron); pi. xv, figs. 16-18 (Antrodemus). Marsh, O. C. 1884 B, p. 333, pi. ix. (Labrosaurus ferox.) Marsh, O. C. 1896 C, p. 163 (Allosaurus); pi. xili, figs. 2-4 (Labrosaurus ferox). Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. (Labrosaurus ferox.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 724. (Megalosaurus.) Jurassic; Colorado. PARONYCHODON Cope. Type P. lacustris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 256. 1876 I, p. 345. Osborn, H. F. 1893 B, p. 320. (Syn.? of Menis- coessus. ) The position of this genus is very doubtful. Paronychodon lacustris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 256. 1876 I, p. 350. 1877 G, p. 572. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. ZAPSALIS Cope. Type Z. abradens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 I, p. 344. A genus of doubtful position. PALjEOCTONUS Cope. Cope, E. J). 1877 E, p. 182. 1893 A, p. 15. A genus of uncertain position. Palseoctonus appalachianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 E, p. 182. 1877 X. 1878 FF. 1893 A, p. 15, pi. ii, figs. 2, 3. Triassic; Pennsylvania. Zapsalis abradens Cope. Cope, E, D. 1876 I, p. 345 1877 G, p. 572. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Type P. appalachianus Cope. Palseoctonus dumblianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 16, pi. ii, figs. 5, 6. Triassic; Texas. Palseoctonus orthodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 15, pi. ii, fig. 1. Triassic; Texas. SUCHOPRION Cope. Type S. cyphodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 E, p. 185. A genus of uncertain position. Suchoprion aulacodus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 E, p. 184. (Palfeoctonus.) 1878 D, p. 232. Triassic; Pennsylvania. Suchoprion cyphodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 E, p. 185. 1878 FF. Triassic; Pennsylvania. Suchoprion sulcidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 FF. (No description). Triassic; Pennsylvania. TROODON Leidy. Type T. formosus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 F, p. 72. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 1TO. Leidy, J. 1856 C, p. 119. 1860 A, p. 147. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 727. A genus of doubtful position. TroOdon formosus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 F, p. 72. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 120. 1874 C, p. 26. 1875 E, p. 248. 1877 G, p. 572. Leidy, J. 1856 C, p. 119. 1860 A, p. 147, pi. ix, figs. 53-55. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. ZATOMUS Cope. Type Z. sarcopi^gut Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 M, p. 211 1875V, p. 35. The position of this genus is doubtful. Zatomus sarcophagus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 M, p. 211. 1875 V, p. 35. Emmons, E. 1857 A, p. 62, fig. 34. (No name). Mesozoic; North Carolina. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 491 ANCHISAURID^E. Marsh, 0. C. 1885 A, p. 169. Gadow, H. 1897 A, p. 204. Gunther, A. C. 1886 A, p. 443. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 174. 1890 A, p. 246. Marsh, O. C. 1882 A, p. 84. (Amphisauridse.) 1884 B, p. 338. (Amphisauridse. ) 1884 G. (Amphisauridse.) Marsh, O. 0. 1885 D, p. 765. 1895 C, p. 493. 1896 C, pp. 147,239. 1896 D, p. 206. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1186. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 730. ANCHISAURUS Marsh. Type Megadactylus polyzehis Hitch. Marsh, 0. C. 1885 A. (To replace Amphisaurus Marsh, preoccupied.) Baur, G. 1883 A, p. 443. (Amphisaurus.) 1884 B, p. 447. (Amphisaurus. ) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 122 A. (Megadactylus.) 1870 S. (Megadactylus.) 1877 Q, p. 6. (Megadactylus.) 1878 I, p. 236. (Megadactylus.) 1885 O, p. 705. Megadactylus.) 1887 C, p. 368. (Megadactylus.) Dames, W. 1884 A. (Amphisaurus.) Marsh, O. C. 1882 A, p. 84. (Amphisaurus, to re- place Megadactylus, preoccupied.) 1889 C, p. 331. 1893 F, p. 151. 1893 G. 1895 C, p. 493. 18% C, p. 147. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 1166, 1170. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 198. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 730. Anchisaurus colurus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1891 E, p. 267. Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 354, fig. 130. Marsh, O. C. 1892 F, p. 543, pis. xv, xvi. Marsh, O. C. 1893 C, p. 169, pi. vi. 1893 F, p. 151, fig. 1. 1895 C, pi. x, fig. 1. 1896 C, p. 148, pi. ii, figs. 1-3; pl.iii.figs. 1,2. 18% D, pi. i, fig. 1. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 198, fig. 119. Triassic; Connecticut. Anchisaurus polyzelus (Hitch.). Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 39. (Megadactylus.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 122 E, pi. xiii. (Megadac- tylus.) 1870 A. (Megadactylus.) Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 187. (No name.) Marsh, O. C. 1892 F, p. 546, pis. xvi, xvii. (Anchi- saurus.) 18% C, p. 147, pi. iii, figs. 4, 5. (Anchisaur- us.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Anchisaurus solus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1892 F, p. 545. 1893 C, p. 169. 1893 F, p. 151. 18% C, p. 149. Triassic; Connecticut. AMMOSAURUS Marsh. Type Anchisaurux major Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1891 E, p. 267. 1892 F, p. 545. 1893 G, p. 170. 1895 C, p. 493. 18% C, p. 150. Ammosaurus major Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 C, p. 331. (Anchisaurus.) 1891 E, p. 331, fig. 1. 1892 F, p. 546, pis. xvi, xvii. 18% C, p. 147, pi! iii, figs. 3, 6. Zittel, K. A. 1890A, p. 730, fig. 636. (Anchisaurus.) Triassic; Connecticut. BATHYGNATHUS Leidy. Type B. borealis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1854 H. Cope, E. D. 1867 D. 1870 S. Huxley, T. H. 1869 A. Leidy, J. 1855 A. 1868 F. p, 199. Marsh, O. C. 1882 A, p. 84. 1892 C, p. 240. 1895 C, p. 493. Meyer, H. 1855 A, p. 161. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1166. Owen, R. 1860 A, p." 163. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 731. Bathygnathus borealis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1854 H, pi. xxxiii. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 119. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 754, fig. 1180. Dawson, J. W. 1868 A, p. 119, fig. 29. 1878 A, p. 119, fig. 29. Lea, I. 1856 B, p. 123. 1858 A. Leidy, J. 1855 A. 1881 A. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 80, figures. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 252. 1876 B, p. 359, fig. 9. Triassic; Prince Edwards Island. 492 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. CLEPSYSAURUS Lea. Type C. pennsylvanicus Lea. Lea, I. 1851 B. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 122 A 1870 I, p. 444. 1870 S. 1871 M, p. 210. Emmons, E. 1856 A, p. 298. (Clepsisaurus.) Lea, I. 1853 A, p. 198. Leidy, J. 1857 B, p. 150. Marsh, O. C. 1895 C, p. 493. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1166. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 731. Clepsysaurus pennsylvanicus Lea. Lea, 1. 1851 B. Amer. Jour. Science 1852 B. Cope, E. D. 1866 D, p. 249. 1869 B, p. 733. 1869 M, p. 122 A. 1871 M, p. 210. 1875 V, p. 35, pi. viii, fig. 4. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 754, fig. 1181. Emmons, E. 1856 A, p. 299, figs. A, B, and 21. 1857 A, p. 67, in part. (Clepsisaurns.) 1860 A, p. 175, figs. 1581-8, 160 2. (ciepsi- saurus.) Lea, 1. 1851 A. (No generic name.) 1853 A, p. 199, pis. xvii-xix. Leidy, J. 1854 H, p. 327. 1855 A. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 133, figure. Meyer, H. 1855 A, p. 161. Wheatley, C. M. 1861 A, p. 44. Triassic; Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North Carolina. Clepsysaurus veatleianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 E, p. 184. 1878 F P. (C. wheatleianus.) Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 134. Triassic; Pennsylvania. THECODONTOSAURUS Riley and Stutchbury. Riley and Stulchbury 1838 A, p. 352. Cope, E. D. 1877 E, p. 182. (Palseosaurus.) Huxley, T. H. 1870 D, p. 43. (Thecodontosaur- us, Palseosaurus.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 174. 1890 A, p. 246. Marsh, O. C. 1895 C, p. 493. Owen, R. 1842 A, p. 154. (Thecodontosaurus, Palseosaurus. ) 1845 B, p. 266. Riley and Stutchbury 1838 A, p. 352. (Palseosaur- us, with species cylindrodon and platyodon.) Sefeley, H. G. 1895 C. (Thecodontosaurus, Paleeo- saurus. ) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 721 (Thecodontosaurus); p. 722 (Palaeosaurus). Thecodontosaurus and Paloeosaurus of Riley and Stutchbury arc here united. In case Palseosaurus of these authors is distinct, as seems probable, it must be provided with anew name, since Palseosaurus was used by Geoffrey in 1831 in another sense. Thecodontosaurus fraserianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 D, p. 232. (Palseosaurus.) 1878 PP. Triassic; Pennsylvania. Thecodontosaurus gibbide- Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 D, p. 231. 1878 FF. Triassic; Pennsylvania. ARCTOSAURUS Adams. Type A. osborni Adams. Adams, A. L. 1876 A, p. 177. 1877 A. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 250. Marsh, O. C. 1895 C, p. 493. 18% C, p. 152. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1166. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 731. The position of this genus is doubtful. Arctosaurus osborni Adams. Adams, A. L. 1875 A, p. 177, figs. A-D. 1877 A. Lydekker, R. 1889 L, p. 352, figs. A-D. 1890 A, p. 251, fig. 59, A-D. Mesozoic; Bathurst Island. CCELURID.E. Marsh, 0. C. 1881 B. (Coeluria, Creluridae.) Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 864. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 165. 1890 A, p. 243. Marsh, O. C. 1881 E, p. 423. (Cceluria, Cceluridse.) 1882 A, p. 85. (Cceluria, Cceluridse.) 1884 B, p. 338. (Cceluria, Cceluridse.) 1884 G. (Cceluria, Coeluridse.) Marsh, O. C. 1885 D, p. 765. (Coeluria, Cceluridee.) 1895 C, p. 494. (Cceluria, Creluridse.) 18% C, p. 240. (Cceluria, Cceluridse. 1896 D, p. 206. Menzbier, M. 1S87 A. (Coeluria.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1170. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 661 Zittel, K. A. 1890 A p. 731. HAY.) CATALOGUE. 493 CCELURUS Marsh. Type C. fragilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. G. 1879 H, p. 504. Cope, E. D. 1887 A, p. 221. 1887 C. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 155. Marsh, O. C. 1881 B. 1896 C, p. 155. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A. p. 1170. Seeley, H. G. 1887 A. 1888 C, p. 83. Vetter, B. 1885 A. p. 119. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 731. Ccelurus agilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1884 B, p. 335, pi. x, figs. 3a, 1896 C, pi. x, figs. 3, 4. Jurassic; Colorado. Ccelurus fragllis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1879 H, p. 504. Cope, E. D. 1881 BB, p. 413. ( Amphicoelias fragil- lissimus a synonym?) 1887 C, p. 369. Marsh, O. C. 1881 B, pi. x. 1884 B, p. 340, pis. xi, xiii. 18% C, p. 155, pi. vii. Seeley, H. G. 1888 C, p. 5. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 731, figs. 637-640. Jurassic; Wyoming. Ccelurus gracilis Marsh. Marsh, O. ft 1888 A, p. 94. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 732. Jurrassic (Potomac); Maryland. C. 157. :, p. 45. 1893 B, p. 302. (Megalosauras.) 1893 E, p. 138. (Megalosaurus?.) Marsh, O. C. 1884 E. 1889 B, p. 330. 1892 H, p. 347, pi. vii. 494 FOSSIL VKRTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BUM.. 179. Marsh, O. C. 1893 F, p. 152. 1893 I, p. 437. 1895 C, p. 494. 18% C, p. 156. 18% D, p. 203. 1897 C, p. 503. Natural Science 1893 A, p. 138. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1168. Seeley, H. G. 1887 A, p. 225. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 /., p. 660. Vetter, B. 1885 A, p. 111. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 199. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 727. Ceratosaurus nasicornis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1884 B, p. 330, pis. viii-xi. Cope, E. 1). 1892 K, P. 245. (Megalosaurus.) 1892 Z, p. 18. Marsh, O. C. 1884 E, fig. 1. 1892 H, p. 347, pi. vii. 1893 F, p. 152, pi. vi. 1895 C, p. 489, pi. x, fig. 5; text figs. 9, 10. 18% C, p. 156, pis. viii-x, fig. 1.; pi. xiv, text figs. 1, 64, 65. 18% D, p. 202, pi. i, fig. 5; text figs. 9, 10. 1897 C, p. 503, pi. xxv, text fig. 60. Menzbier, M. 1887 A, p. 533. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 200, fig. 120. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 727, figs. 629-635. Jurassic; Colorado. ORNITHOMIMID^E. Marsh, O. C. 1890 A, p. 85. 1890 C, p. 425. 1895 C, p. 494. Marsh, O. C. 18% C, pp. 203,240. 18% D, p. 207. Zittel, K. A. 18% D, p. 207. ORNITHOMIMUS Marsh. Type 0. velox Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1890 A, p. 84. Baur, G. 18% C, p. 303. Gadow, H. 1897 A, p. 205. Marsh, O. C. 1895 C, p. 494. 18% C, p. 204. 1897 C, p. 518. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 767. Ornithomimus grandis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1890 A, p. 85. 1892 E, p. 452. 18% C, p. 206. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 767. Cretaceous (Laramie); Colorado. Ornithomimus minutus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1892 E, p. 452. 18% C, p. 206. Cretaceous (Laramie); Colorado. Ornithomimus sedens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1892 E, p. 451. 18% C, p. 205, figs. 49-52. Cretaceous (Laramie); Colorado. Ornithomimus tenuis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1890 A, p. 85. Cretaceous (Laramie); Colorado. Ornithomimus velox Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 18% A, p. 84, pi. i, figs. 1-3. Cannon, J. L. 1890 A. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 847, fig. 1416. Marsh, O. C. 18% C, p. 205, pi. Iviii, figs. 1-4. 1897 C, pp. 518, 527, figs. 8S-86. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 766, figs. 677,678. Cretaceous (Laramie); Colorado. HALLOPID^E. Marsh, 0. C. 1881 E, p. 423. (Hallopoda, Hallopod- idae.) Cope, E. D. 1883 J, p. 98. (Hallopoda.) Giinther, A. 1886 A, p. 443. Marsh, O. C. 1882 A, p. 85. (Hallopoda, Hallopod- idae.) 1884 B, p. 338. Marsh. O. C. 1890 B. 1895 C, p. 494. (Hallopoda, Hallopidae.) 18% C, p. 240. (Hallopoda, Hallopidse.) 18% D, p. 207. (Hallopoda, Hallopidae.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1169. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 693 (Hallopoda); p. 736 (Hallopidae). HALLOPUS Marsh. Type Nanomurus victor Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1881 E, p. 422. Baur, G. 1890 E. Marsh, O. C. 1884 B, p. 338. 1895 C, pp. 488, 494. 18% C, p. 153. 18% D, p. 201. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1169. Vetter, B. 1885 A, p. 119. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 736. Hallopus victor Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1877 D, p. 255. (Nanosaurus.) Marsh, O. C. 1881 E, p. 422. 1890 B, p. 417, figure. 1891 F. p. 337. 1895 C, p. 484, text figs. 4, 5. 18% C, p. 153, pi. vi, text figs. 3, 59, 60. 18% D, p. 199, figs. 4, 5. 1897 C, p. 482. figs. 25, 26. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 200. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A. p. 736, fig. 643. Jurassic; Colorado. CATALOGUE. 495 Suborder ORTHOPODA Cope. Jmv, E. D. 1866 E, p. 317. Baur, G. 1887 A, p. 487. (Orthopoda.) 1887 C, p. 101. (Orthopoda.) 1890 B. (Orthopoda.) 1891 A. (Iguanodontin.) 1891 B. (Orthopoda.) 1891 C, p. 354. (Iguanodontia.) 1891 D, p. 451. (Iguanodontia.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 90. (Orthopoda.) 1871 B, p. 234. (Orthopoda.) 1882 Q. (Orthopoda.) 1883 J , p. 98. ( Orthopoda. ) 1889 R, p. 864. ( Orthopoda. ) 1891 N, p. 43. (Orthopoda.) 1898 B, p. 68. (Orthopoda.) Dollo, L. 1888 B. (Iguanodontia.) Fiirbringer, M. 1888 A. Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A. Gftdow, H. 1897 A, p. 204. 1898 A, p. 22. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 175. (Ornithopoda.) Marsh, O. C. 1894 E, p. 90. (Predentata.) 1895 C, p. 4%. (Predentata.) 1896 C, pp. 186, 242. (Predentata.) 1896 D, p. 209. (Predentata.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p.1152. (Ornith- opoda.) Osborn, H. F. 1900 G, p. 786. (Iguanodontia.) Seeley, H. G. 1888 B. (Ornithischia.) 1888 G. (Ornithischia.) Steinmann and D6derleinl890A, p. 663. (Orthop- ' oda.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 692, 736. (Orthopoda.) Superfamily 8TEGOSA UROIDEA nom. nov. This group is called by the following writers the Stegosauria. Baur, G. 1883 A, p. 435. 1884 A. Cope, E. D, 1880 R. 1883 J, p. 98. Dollo, L. 1892 C, p. 11. ("Stegosauriens.") Fiirbringer, M. 1888 A. 1900 A, p. 348. Gadow, H. 1897 A, p. 205. (Stegosauri.) 1898 A, p. 22. (Stegosauri,) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 387. (PachypoJa.) Krause, W. 1881 A. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 175. 1889 C, p. 43. Marsh, O. C. 1877 F, p. 513. 1878 G, p. 224. 1880 C. 1881 A. Marsh, O. C. 1882 A, p. 83. 1881 E, p. 423. 1884 G. 1887 C. 1889 B, p. 326. 1891 D, p. 181. 1891 J, p. 387. 1895 C, p. 496. 1896 C, pp. 193, 242. 1896 D, p. 209. 1897 C, p. 498. Science 1885 B. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. Vetter, B. 1885 A, p. 117. Wiedersheim, R. 1881 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 693, 740. STEGOSAURID.E. Marsh, O. C. 1880 C, p. 259. Cope, E. D. 1898 B, p. 70. (Hypsirhophidae.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 176. (Omosauridse.) ^., p. 251. Marsh, O. C. 1881 E. p. 423. 1882 A, p. 83. 1884 B, p. 336. Marsh, O. C. 1884 G. 1885 D, p. 764. 1895 C, p. 4%. 1896 C, p. 242. 1896 D, p. 209. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1161. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 664. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 744. STEGOSAURUS Marsh. Type 8. armalus Marsh. J/rx/i, O. C. 1877 F, p. 513. Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 389. (Hypsirophus.) 1878 R. (Hypsirophus, type H. discunu.) 1888 Z. (Hypsirophus.) 1892 Z, p. 18. (Hypsirophus.) Koken, E. 1897 A, p. 51. Krause, W. 1881 A. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 177. (Omosaurtis, Stego- saurus.) p. xi. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 253. 1893 B, p. 302. (Hypsirophus.) Marsh, O. C. 1880 C, p. 253. 1881 A. 1883 A, p. 85. 1887 C. 1889 B, p. 327. 1891 D. 1891 J. 496 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. I BULL. 179. Marsh, O. C. 1892 G, p. 174. 1893 1, p. 438. (Stcgosaurus, Hypsirophus. ) 1895 C, p. 497. 18% C, pp. 186, 242. 1897 C, p. 498. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1161. Owen, R. 1875 C, p. 45. (Omosaurus.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 664. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 210. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 726 (Hypsirophus); p. 744. (Stegosaurus). Stegosaurus affinis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1881 A, p. 169. 18% C, p. 191. Jurassic; Wyoming 1 ? Stegosaurus arxnatus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1877 F, p. 513. King, C. 1878 A, p. 346. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 179, fig. 32. Marsh, O. C. 1879 H, p. 504. 1880 C, p. 253 (part), pi. vi (except figs. 4, 5, which belong to Diplodocus). 1891 D, p. 179. 18% C, p. 188. Jurassic; Colorado. Stegosaurus discurus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1878 R. (Hypsirophus.) 1878 H, p. 389. (Hypsirophus.) Jurassic; Colorado. Stegosaurus duplex Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1887 C, p. 416. 1881 A, p. 168 (pelvis), pi. vi, fig. I. (S. 1111- gulatus.) 1888 D, p. 14. 1891 D, p. 179. 18% C, p. 193. Jurassic; Wyoming. Stegosaurus seeleyanus (Cope). COJK, E. D. 1879 R. (Hypsirophus.) Jurassic; Colorado. Stegosaurus stenops Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1887 C, p. 114, pi. vi. Cope, E. D. 1892 Z, p. 18. (Hypsirophus.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 176, fig. 31. Marsh, O. C. 1888 D, pi. i. 1890 C, p. 426, pi. vii, fig. 2. 1891 D, p. 179. .1896 C, p. 186, pi. xliii, pi. xlvii, fig. 3. 1897 C, p. 499, fig. 52. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 212, fig. 131. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 745, figs. 650, 654. Jurassic: Colorado. Stegosaurus sulcatus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1887 C, p. 415, pi. viii, figs. 4-6. 1888 D, pi. ii, figs. 4-6. 18% C, p. 193, pi. 1, figs. 4-6. Jurassic; Colorado? Stegosaurus ungulatus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1879 H, p. 504. Cope, E. D. 1880 R. 1881 BB, pp. 254, 340. (Hypsirophus. ) Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 351, figs. 121, 126. Geinitz and Deichmuller 1882 A, p. 15. Hutchison, H. N. 1893 A, p. 110, pi. xi. Lydekker, R. 1893 B, p. 304, fig. 3. (Hypsirophus.) Marsh, O. C. 1881 A (part), pis. vi-viii (except fig. 1, pi. vi, which belongs to S. duplex). 1887 C, p. 415, pis. vii, viii. 1888 D, pi. ii, figs. 1-3. 1891 D, pi. ix. 1891 J, pi. xi. 1892 G, p. 176, pi. iv. 1894 E, pi. vii, fig. 6. 18% C, p. 188, pi. xliv, figs. 1, 3, 4; pis. xlv- xlvii; pi. xlviii, figs. 1, 2; pi. xlix; pi. 1, figs. 1-3; pi. lii. 18% D, pi. i, fig. 8. 1897 C, p. 498, pi. xxii, text figs. 54-57. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 211, fig. 130. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 745, figs. 651-653, 655-660. Jurassic; Wyoming. DiKAconox Marsh. Type D. litticeps Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1881 E, p. 421. 1887 C, p. 416. 1888 D, p. 14. 1891 D, p. 181. 1895 C, p. 497. 18% C, p. 193. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1163. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 748. Diracondon laticeps Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1881 E, p. 421. 1887 C, p. 416, pi. ix. 1888 D, pi. iii. 18% C, p. 193, pi. Ii. Jurassic; Wyoming. PRICONODON Marsh. Type P. crassus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1888 A, p. 93. 18% C, p. 187. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 748. Priconodon crassus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1888 A, p. 93, figs. 3-9. 18% C, pi. xliv, fig. 2. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. HAY.J CATALOGUE. 497 PAL.EOSCINCUS Leidy. Type P. costatua Marsh. Leidy, J. 1856 F, p. 72. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 99. Leidy, J. 1856 C, p. 118. Marsh, O. C. 1889 B, p. 328. 1892 G, p. 173. 1895 C, p. 497. 1896 C, p. 225. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 748. The affinities of this genus are uncertain. Palaeoscincus costatus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 F, p. 72. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 99. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 26. 1875 E, p. 248. 1877 G, p. 572. Leidy, J. 1856 C, p. 118. 1860 A, p. 146, pi. ix, figs. 49-61; pi. xi, fig 8. Marsh, O. C. 1896 C, p. 225. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Palseoscincus latus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1892 G, p. 173, pi. iii, fig. 3. 1896 C p. 225, pi. Ixxxv. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. DYSTROPH^EUS (Dope. Type D. visemalse Cope. Cape, E. D. 1877 B, p. 579. 1877 K, p. 31. Marsh, O. C. 1895 C, p. 497. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 749. A genus of uncertain relationships. Dystropheeus vieemaloe Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 B, p. 581. 1877 K, p. 34, text fig. 3. 1878 M, p. 84. Marsh, O. C. 18% C, p. 152. Triassic?; Utah. HYPSIBEMA Cope. Type H. crassicauda Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 I. 1869 M, p. 122G. 1871 M, p. 211. 1875 V, p. 36. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 748. A genus of uncertain position. Hypsibema crassicauda Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 I. 1869 M, p. 122 G, pi. i, figs. 14, 15. 1871 M, p. 211. 1875 E, p. 247. 1875 V, p. 36, pis. vi, vii. Nopcsa, F. B. 1899 A, p. 557. Cretaceous; New Jersey.- NODOSAURID.E. Marsh, O. C. 1890 C, p. 425. 1895 C, p. 497. Marsh, O. C. 1896 C, p. 1896 D, p. 210. NODOSAURUS Marsh. Type N. lextilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 E, p. 175. 1895 C, p. 497. 1896 C, p. 225. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1164. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 754. Nodosaurus textilis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 E, p, 175, figure. Lambe, L. M. 1899 A, p. 70. (Identification doubtful.) Marsh, O. C. 18% C, p. 225, pi. Ixxv, fig. 5. Cretaceous; Wyoming, British America. Superfamily CERATOPSOIDEA nom. nov. Dollo, L. 1892 C, p. 12. (" Ceratopsiens.") Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 348. (Ceratopsia.) Gadow, H. 1897 A, p. 205. (Ceratopsia.) 1898 A. p. 23. ( Ceratopsia. ) Marsh, 0. C. 1890 C, p. 418. (Ceratopsia.) Bull. 179 32 Marsh, O. C. 1895 C, p. 497. (Ceratopsia.) 18% C, p. 243. (Ceratopsia.) 18% D, p. 210. (Ceratopsia.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 749. (Ceratopsia.) 498 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. CERATOPSIDjE. Marsh, '0. C. 1888 C, p. 473. Baur, G. 1891 A. ( Agathaumidse. ) 1891 C, p. 354. (Agathauinidie.) Cannon, G. L. 1888 A, p. 215. Cope, E. D. 1889 Q, p. 715. (Agathaumidse.) 1889 R, p. 864. (Agathaumidae.) 1891 N, p. 43. (Agathaumidae.) 1898 B, p. 70. (Agathaumidae.) Marsh, O. C. 1889 G. 1890 A, p. 83. 1890 C, p. 418. Marsh, O. C. 1890 F. 1891 C. 1891 G. 1895 C, p. 497. 1896 C, pp. 206, 243. 18% D, p. 210. 1897 C, p. 509. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1 Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. AGATHAUMAS Cope. Type .1. nylvestris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 Q. Amer. Geologist 1891 D. Banr, G. 1891 A. 1891 C, p. 354. 1891 D, p. 450. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, ].. 444 (Agathaumas); pp. 448,451 (Polyonax, type P. mortuarius). 1874 C, p. 17 (Agathaumas); p. 24 (Poly- onax). 1875 E, p. 53 (Agathaumas); p. 63 (Poly- onax). 1883 J, p. 99. 1888 Z. (Polyonax.) 1889 A. (Polyonax.) 1889 Q, p. 715. (Polyonax.) 1889 T, p. 906. ( Polyonax. ) 1891 N, p. 43. 1892 T, p. 758. Marsh, O. C. 1893 I, p. 438. 1895 C, p. 497. 1896 C, p. 217. (Agathaumas; Polyonax.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 B, p. 326. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 751. (Agathaumas, Poly- onax.) Ag-athaumas mortuarius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, pp. 448, 451. (Polyoiix.) 1874 C, p. 25. (Polyonax.) 1875 E, p. 64, pi. ii, figs. 3-5; pi. iii, figs. 1-1. (Polyonax.) 1889 Q, p. 715. Cretaceous (Laramie); Colorado. Agathaumas sylvestris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 Q. Baur, G. 1891 A. Cope, E. D. 1872 EE, p. 279. 1872 FF. 1873 A. 1874 B, pp. 442, 445. 1874 C, pp. 16, 18. 1875 E, pp. 54, 248, pis. iv, v; pi. vi, figs 1-4. 1878 S, p. 245. 1889 Q, p. 716. 1891 N, p. 43. 1892 T, p. 758. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. TRICERATOPS Marsh. Type Ceratops horridus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 E, p. 173. Ameghino, F. 18% A, p. 391. Amer. Geologist 1891 D. Baur, G. 1891 A. (Agathaumus.) 1891 D, p. 450. (Agathaumus.) Cope, E. D. 1889 T, p. 906. (Polyonax.) Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 350. Lydekker, R. 1893 E, p. 138. Marsh, O. C. 1889 G, p. 502. 1890 C, p. 418. 1890 F, p. 2. 1891 B, p. 167. 1891 C, p. 339. 1895 C, p. 497. 18% C, p. 208. 1897 C, p. 510. 1898 B, p. 407. Natural Science 1893 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1163. Seeley, H. G. 1893 A, p. 438. Steinmann and Doderlein Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 213. Zittei, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 750, 752. Monoclonius. ) p. 665. (Syn. ? of Triceratops calicornis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1898 A, p. 92. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. (T. California.) Cretaceous; Wyoming. Triceratops elatus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1891 E, p. 265. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Triceratops g-aleus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 E, p. 174. 1897 C, p. 527. Cretaceous (Laramie), Colorado. Triceratops horridus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 C, p. 334. (Ceratops.) 1889 E, p. 173. 1889 G, p. 502. 1890 C, p. 426, pi. vi, figs. 7-9. 1891 B, p. 178, pi. ix. 1891 G. 18% C, p. 208, pi. Ixix, figs. 10-12. 1897 C, p. 527. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 752, fig. 665. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming, Colorado. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 499 Triceratops obtusus Marsh. Xarnh. 0. C. 1898 A, p. 92. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23, Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Triceratops prorsus Marsh. Mart/I, 0. C. 1890 A. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 846, figs. 1411-1413. Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 351, figs. 123, 125, 128. Hutchison, H. N. 1893 A, p. 116, pi. xi, text fig. 30. Lydekker, R. 1893 B, p. 304, fig. 4. (Agathau- mus.) Marsh, O. C. 1890 C, p. 425, pi. v. figs, 3-5; pi. vi, Jigs, 5, 6. 1891 B, p. 177, pis. i-ix. 1891 C, p. 339, pi. xv. 1892 A, p. 84, pi. iii, fig. 6. 1894 E, pi. vii, fig. 4. 1895 C, pi. x, fig. 10. 1896 C, p. 208, pi. lix; pi. Ix, fig. 4; pi. Ixi, figs. 1-8; pi. Ixiv; pi. Ixviii; pi. Ixix.figs. 1-3, 7-9; pis. Ixv, Ixvi; pi. Ixvii, figs. 2-4. 18% D, pi. i, fig. 11. 1897 C, p. 511, pi. xxvii; text figs. 75, 76. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 213, fig. 132. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Triceratops serratus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1890 A, p. 81. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 846, fig. 1414. Marsh, O. C. 1890 C, p. 425, pi. v, fig. 2; pi. vi, figs. 1-6. 1891 B, p. 177, pis. i, ii. 1892 A, p. 84, pi. iii. 18% C, p. 208, pi. Ix, fig. 3; pi. Ixi, figs. 7, 9,10. 1897 C, p. 512, fig. 78. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 214, fig. 133. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 752, figs. 661, 664. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Triceratops sulcatus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1890 C, p. 422. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Triceratops sp. indet. Lambe, L. M. 1899 A, p. 70. Cretaceous; British America. STERRHOLOPHUS Marsh. Type Triceratops flabellatus Marsh. Harsh, O. C. 1891 C, p. 340. 1895 C, p. 497. 18% C, p. 216. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 216. Sterrholophus flabellatus Marsh. Marfh. 0. C. 1889 E, p. 174. (Triceratops.) 1889 G, p. 506, pi. xii. (Triceratops.) 1890 C, p. 425, pi. v, fig. 1; pi. vii, fig. 1. (Triceratops.) Marsh, O. C. 1890 F, pi. i. (Triceratops.) 1891 B, p. 177, pis. i, vii, ix. (Triceratops.) 1891 C, p. 340. 1892 A, p. 84, pi. iii, fig. 2. 18% C, p. 208, pi. Ix, figs. 1, 2; pi. Ixxvi, fig. 1; pi. Ixxxi. 1897 C, p. 511, fig. 77. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 215, fig. 134. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 750, figs. 662, 663. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. TOROSAURUS Marsh. Type T. latus Marsh. Marxh, 0. C. 1891 E, p. 266. 1892 A, p. 81, pis. ii, iii. 1893 1, p. 438. 1895 C, p. 497. 18% C, p. 214. 1898 B, p. 407. Torosaurus g-ladius Marsh. Mar.-'/i. 0. C. 1891 E, p. 266. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 846, fig. 1415. Marsh, O. C. 1892 A, p. 81, pi. ii. 18% C, p. 215, pi. Ixii, fig. 2; Ixiii, text fig. 54. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Torosaurus latus Marsh. Marsh, O. C.1891 E, p. 266. . 1892 A, p. 81, pi. ii. 18% C, p. 214, pi. Ixii, fig. 1. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. MONOCLONIUS Cope. Type M. crassus Cope. Cope, K. D. 1876 H, p. 255. Amer. Geologist, 1891 D. Baur, G. 1890 E, p. 570. 1891 A. 1891 D, p. 450. Cope, E. D. 1883 J, p. 99. 1889 Q, p. 716. 1889 T, p. 906. Hatcher, J. B. 18% A. Marsh, O. C. 1895 C, p. 497. Marsh, O. C. 18% C, p. 217. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A., p. 752. (Syn? of Triceratops.) Monoclonius crassus Cope. Cape, E. D. 1876 H, p. 255. Baur, G. 1891 A. Cope, E. D. 1877 G, p. 573. 1880 Q. 1886 E, fig. 2. 1889 Q, p. 715, pi. xxxiii, fig. 1. 500 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OV NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Seeley, H. G. 1887 B. Zittel, K. A. 181)0 A, p. 752. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Monoclonius fissus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1889 Q, p. 717. Cretaceous (Laramie): Montana. Monoclonius recurvicornis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1889 Q, p. 716, pi. xxxiv, fig. 1. 1877 G, p. 688, pi. xxxiv, figs. 7, 8. (" Dino- saurian.") Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 752. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Monoclonius sphenocerus Cope. Cope, E. I). 1889 Q, p. 716, pi. xxxiii, lig. :!. Osborn, H. F. 1898 N, pp. 842, 844, fig. 1. thaumus.) 1898 Q, p. 6, pi. i, fig. 1. (Agathaumi Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. (Aga- CERATOPS Marsh. Type C. montanus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1888 C, p. 477. Amer. Geologist 1891 D. Baur, G, 1890 E, p. 570. (Monoclonius.) 1891 A. 1891 D, p. 450. (Monoclonius.) Cope, E. D. 1889 T, p. 906. (Monoclonius.) Hatcher, J. B. 1896 A. Marsh, O. C. 1890 V, p. 4. 1891 C, p. 340. 1895 C, p. 497. 18% C, p. 216. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1163. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 751. (Syn.? of Polyonax.) Ceratops alticornis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1887 B, p. 323, figs. 1,2. (Bison.) Barbour, E. H. 1890 B, p. 392, figs. 5,6. Cope, E. D. 1889 A. (Polyonax.) Marsh, O. C. 1889 E, p. 174. 1897 C, pp. 512,527, figs. 79,80. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. Cretaceous (Laramie); Colorado. Ceratops montanus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1888 C, p. 477, pi. xi. 1889 B, p. 327. 1890 A, p. 83. 1892 A, p. 84, pi. iii, fig. 4. 1896 C, p. 216, pi. Ixiii, fig. 1. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Ceratops paucidens Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 C, p. 336. (Hadrosaurus.) 1890 A, p. 83. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. CLAORHYNCHUS Cope. Type C. trihedrus Cope. C'ojw; t E. D. 1892 T. p. 757. Claorhynchus trihedrus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1892 T, p. 757. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana?. MANOSPONDYLUS Cope. Type M. gigas Cope. Cope, E. D. 1892 T, p. 757. Manospondylus gig-as Cope. Cope, E. D. 1892 T, p. 757. Cretaceous (Laramie). SuperfamUy IGUANODONTOIDEA nom. nov. This group is referred to by the following writers under the name Ornithopoda, and re- garded usually either as an order or a suborder. Baur, G. 1883 A, p. 436. 1884 A. 1887 C, p. 102. Cope, E. D. 1882 Q. (Orthopoda.) 1883 J, p. 98. Dollo, L. 1892 C, p. 11. (Ornithopodes.) Furbringer, M. 1888 A. 1900 A. Gadow, H. 1897 A, p. 205. 1898 A, p. 22. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 389. Hulke, J. W. 1883 B. (On Hypsilophodon.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 175. Marsh, O. C. 1881 E, p. 423. 1882 A, p. 84. 1884 G. 1885 D, p. 764. 1887 C, p. 417. 1889 B, p. 328. 1894 E. 1895 C, p. 497. 1896 C, pp. 226, 243. 1896 D, p. 210. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1152. Science 1885 B. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 665. Vetter, B. 1885 A, p. 118. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 205. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 693, 754. CATALOGUE. 501 CAMPTOSAURID^. Marsh, O. C. 1881 E, p. 423. (Camptonotidre.) Dollo, L. 1888 B. (Camptonotidse.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 191. (Iguanodontidse, in part.) Marsh, O. C. 1882 A, p. 84. (Camptonotidse.) 1884 G. (Camptonotidse). 1885 A. Marsh, O. C. 1895 C, p. 497. (Camptosauridse, Laosauridae.) 1896 C, pp. 196,243. (Camptosauridae, Lao- sauridse. ) 1896 D, p. 210. (Camptosauridse, Laosaur- idse.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 665. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 755. CAMPTOSAURUS Marsh. Type Camptonotus dispar Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1885 A. (To replace Camptonotus, preoccupied.) Baur, G. 1883 A, p. 437. (Camptonotus.) Dollo, L. 1888 E. (Camptonotus.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 192. 1889 C, p. 46. 1890 A, p. 257. Marsh, O. C. 1879 H, p. 601. (Camptonotus, type C. dispar.) 1881 A, p. 168. 1894 A. 1894 E, p. 85. 1894 G. 1895 C, p. 497. 1896 C, pp. 196,201. 1897 C, p. 502. 1899 A, p. 251. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 1152,1158. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 665. White, C. A. 1883 A. Williston, S. W. 1890 C, p. 472. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 755. Camptosaurus amplus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1879 H, p. 603. (Camptonotus.) 1885 A. 1896 C, p. 196. Jurassic; Wyoming.? LAOSAURUS Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1878 B,p. 244. Giebel, C. G. 1879 A, p. 317. Marsh, O. C. 1878 F, p. 415. 1879 B, pp. 89, 90. 1879 H, p. 501. 1894 E, p. 86. 1895 C, p. 498. 1896 C, pp. 199, 201. 1897 C, p. 503. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1159. Williston, S. W. 1878 A, p. 45. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 755. Laosaurus celer Marsh. .V.i rx/i, O. C. 1878 B, p. 244. King, C, 1878 A, p. 346. Marsh, 0. C. 1896 C, p. 199. Jurassic; Wyoming. Camptosaurus dispar Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1879 H, p. 501, pi. iii. (Camptonotus.) Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 350. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 192, fig. 36. Marsh, O. C. 1885 A. 1892 G, p. 176, pi. v. 1894 A, pi. vi. 1894 E, p. 86, pi. v, fig. 1. 1894 G, pi. vi. 1896 C, p. 1%, pis. liv.lvi. 18% D, pi. i, fig. 7. 1897 C, p. 502, pi. xxiii. 1899 A, p. 232, fig. 2. Williston, S. W. 1890 C. (Cumnoria.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 756, fig. 666, B. C. Jurassic; Wyoming. Camptosaurus medius Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 E, p. 86, pi. iv. 1896 C, p. 196, pi. liii. 1897 C, p. 502, figs. 58, 59. Jurassic; Colorado?. Camptosaurus nanus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 E, p. 85, pi. v, fig. 3. 18% C, p. 1%, pi. Iv, fig. 2. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. Jurassic; Wyoming.? Type L. celer Marsh. Laosaurus censors Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1894 E, p. 87, pi v, fig. 4; pi. vi, fig. 1; pi. vii, fig. 1. 1895 C, pi. x, fig. 4. 18% C, p. 199, pi. Iv, figs. 1, 3; pi. Ivii; text fig. 61. 18% D, p. 199, pi. i, fig. 4; text fig. 6. 1897 C, p. 503, pi. xxiv. Jurassic; Wyoming. Laosaurus gracilis Marsh Marsh, O. C. 1878 B, p. 244. King, C. 1878 A, p. 436. Marsh, O. C. 18% C, p. 199. Jurassic; Colorado. DRYOSAURUS Marsh. Type Laosaurus altus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1894 E, p. 86. 1895 C, p. 498. 18% C, pp. 198, 201. Dryosaurus altus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1878 F, p. 415, pis. ix, x. (Laosaum Marsh, O. C. 1879 A, pi. viii, fig 1. (Laosaurus.) 1892 G, p. 176. (Laosaurus.) 1894 E, p. 86, pi. vii, fig. 2. 18% C, p. 198, pi. Iv, fig. 4. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 756, fig. 666 A. Jurassic; Colorado, Wyoming. 502 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. IGUANODONTIDvE. Andrews, C. W. 1897 A. (Iguanodon.) Baur, G. 1883 A, p. 437. 1885 D. (Iguanodon.) 1891 D. (Iguanodon.) Dollo L. 1882 B. 1882 C. 1883 A. 1883 C. 1883 D. 1884 B. Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 353. Hulke, J. W. 1883 A. 1884 A. 1885 A. Huxley, T. H. 1870 D. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 191. Mantell, G. A. 1848 A. (Iguanodon.) 1848 B, p. 40. (Iguanodon.) 1849 A. (Iguanodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1884 G. 1890 C, p. 425. (Claosauridse.) i, p. 411, pi. viii. (Iguanodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1895 C. p. 498. (Iguanodontidas, Clao- sauridae. ) 1896 C, pp. 230, 244. ( Iguanodon tidse, Clao- sauridae.) 1896 D, p. 211. (Iguanodontidse, Claosaur- idse.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1140. Owen, R. 1842 A, p. 124. (Iguanodon.) 1845 B, p. 246. (Iguanodon.) 1861 B, p. 105. (Iguanodon.) 1857 B, p. 1. (Iguanodon.) 1860 B, p. 27. (Iguanodon.) 1864 B, p. 19. (Iguanodon.) 1872 A. (Iguanodon.) 1874 A. (Iguanodon.) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 470. (Iguanodon.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 184. (Iguanodon.) Sauvage, H. E. 1874 B, p. 12. (Iguanodon.) Seeley, H. G. 1887 B. 1891 A, p. 253, fig. 16. (Iguanodon.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 205. (Iguanodon.) Woodward, H. 1885 B. (Iguanodon.) 1895 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 757. THESPESIUS Leidy. Type T. occidentals Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 Q, p. 311. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 91,98. (Syn. of Hadro- saurus. ) 1871 G, p. 52. Furbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 350. (Claosaurus.) Hatcher, J. B. 1900 A, p. 719. Leidy, J. 1857 C. 1860 A, p. 151. .1865 A, p. 84. 1870 J, p. 67. 1874 A, p. 74. Lucas, F. A. 1900 C, p. 809. (Thespesius.) Marsh, O. C. 1890 C, p. 423. (Claosaurus, type Hadrosaurus agilis Marsh.) 1892 G, p. 171. (Claosaurus.) 1892 H. (Claosaurus.) 1893 B, p. 83. (Claosaurus.) 1893 F, p. 153. (Claosaurus.) 1895 C, p. 498. (Claosaurus.) 18% C, p. 219. (Claosaurus.) 18% D. (Claosaurus.) 1897 C, p. 516. (Claosaurus.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 208. (Claosaurus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 763. (Claosaurus, Thes- pesius?.) The genus Claosaurus is identified with Thes- pesius on the authority of Mr. F. A. Lucas, of the U. S. National Museum. Thespesius agilis (Marsh,) Marsh, 0. C. 1872 D. (Hadrosaurus.) Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 20. (Hadrosaurus.) 1875 E, p. 247. (Hadrosaurus.) Marsh, O. C. 1877 C. (Hadrosaurus.) 1890 C, p. 423, fig. 3. (Claosaurus.) 18% C, p. 219, fig. 55. (Claosaurus.) Nopcsn, F. B. 1899 A. p. 557. (Claosaurus.) Williston, S. W. 1898 C, p. 69. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 763, fig. 673. (Claosaurus.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Thespesius occidentalis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 Q, p. 311. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 98. (Hadrosaurus?.) 1871 G, p. 61. (Hadrosaurus.) 1874 B, p. 446. (Hadrosaurus.) 1874 C, p. 20. (Hadrosaurus.) 1874 P, p. 10. (H. milo; no description.) 1874 R. (Hadrosaurus.) 1875 E, pp. 56,248, pi. iii, figs. 5,6 (Hadro- saurus); p. 58 (Agathaumus milo a syn- onym). Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 844, figs. 1408-1411. (Clao- saurus annectens, ) Furbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 351, figs. 123,125,128. (Claosaurus annectens.) Hatcher, J. B. 1893 A, p. 143. (Claosaurus annec- tens.) Leidy, J. 1857 C, p. 91. 1860 A, p. 151, pi. x, figs. 1-5. (Not figs. 6, 7, fide Leidy.) 1865 A, p. 84. 1870 J. pp. 67,68. Lucas, F. A. 1900 C, p. 809. Marsh, O. C. 1892 E, p. 453, fig. 4. (Claosaurus annectens.) 1892 G, p. 171, pis. ii, iii. (C. annectens. 1892 H, p. 344, pi. vi. (C. annectens.) 1893 B, p. 83, pis. iv, v. (C. annectens. ) 1893 F, p. 155, pi. vii. (C. annectens.) 1894 E, pi. vii, fig. 5. (C. annectens.) 1895 C, pi. x, fig. 12. (C. annectens.) 18% C, p. 219, pis. Ixxii-lxxiv; pi. Ixxv. fig. 4; pi. Ixxvi, fig. 2; pi. Ixxvii, fig. 3; pi. Ixxviii, fig. 2; pi. Ixxix, fig. 5; pi. Ixxx, fig. 3. (C. annectens.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 503 Marsh, O. C. 18% D, pi. i, fig. 12. (C. annectens.) 1897 C, p. 517, pi. xxviii; text figs. 81,82. (C. annectens.) Nopcsa, F. B. 1899 A. P. 556 (Hadrosaurus occi- dentalis): p. 557 (Claosaurus annectens). Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 209, fig. 128. (C. annec- tens.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota. PTEROPELYX Cope. Type P. grallipes Cope. Cope, E. D. 1889 T, p. 904. 1892 T, p. 758. (Claosaurus a synonym.) Marsh, O. C. 1892 H, p. 346. 1896 C, p. 224. Pteropelyx grrallipes Cope. Cope, E. D. 1889 T, p. 904. Cretaceous; (Laramie) Montan TRACHODONTID.E. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 241. (Replacing Hadro- sauridse.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 91. (Hadrosauridse.) 1883 J. (Hadrosauridse.) 1891 N, p. 43. (Hadrosauridse.) 1898 R, p. 70. (Hadrosauridse.) Marsh, O. C. 1882 A, p. 84. ( Hadrosauridse.) 1884 G. (Hadrosauridse.) 1885 D, p. 764. (Hadrosauridse.) Marsh, O. C. 1890 C, p. 424. 1895 C, p. 498. 18% C, p. 244. 1896 D, p. 211. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1153. Nopcsa, F. B. 1899 A. p. 556. (" Hadrosauriden".) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 667. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 763. (Hadrosauridse.) TRACHODON Leidy. Type T. mirabilis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 F, p. 72. Baur, G. 1883 A, p. 439. (Hadrosaurus.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 91. (Hadrosaurus.) 1871 G, p. 52. (Thespesius.) 1874 B, p. 447. (Hadrosaurus.) 1874 C, p. 22. (Hadrosaurus.) 1875 E, p. 247. (Hadrosaurus. ) 1876 H, p. 253. (Diclonius, type D. pentago- nus.) 1877 V. (Diclonius.) 1883 J, p. 99. ( Hadrosaurus. ) 1883 CC. (Diclonius.) 1884 F. (Diclonius.) 1887 S, p. 338, pis. xv, xvi. 1889 E. (Hadrosaurus.) 1889 T, p. 904. (Diclonius.) 1898 B, p. 71. (Diclonius.) Dollo, L, 1883 C, p. 211. (Hadrosaurus.) 1884 B, p. 137, pi. vi, fig. 2. (Diclonius.) Foulke, W. P. 1858 A. (Hadrosaurus.) Gadow, H. 1897 A, p. 205. ( Hadrosaurus, Diclo- nius.) Hawkins, B. W. 1874 A. (Hadrosaurus.) 1875 A. (Hadrosaurus.) Leidy, J. 1856 C, p. 118. (Trachodon.) 1858 A, p. 215. (Hadrosaurus, type H. fwdk- ii, Leidy.) 1859 A. (Hadrosaurus.) 1865 A, p. 84. (Trachodon, Hadrosaurus.) 1865 D, p. 71. (Hadrosaurus, Trachodon.) 1868 F, p. 199. (Trachodon, Hadrosaurus.) 1870 J , p. 67. ( Hadrosaurus. ) Lippincott, J. S. 1881 A. (Hadrosaurus.) Lydekker, R. 1886 C, p. 275, fig. 3. ( Hadrosaurus. ) 1888 B, p. 243. (Trachodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1893 B, p. 85. (Hadrosaurus.) 1895 C, p. 498. 1896 C, p. 224. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1153. (Trach- odon.) Nopcsa, F. B. 1899 A, p, 555. (Hadrosaurus.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 B, p. 326. (Diclonius.) Owen, R. 1875 C, p. 74. (Hadrosaurus.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 667 (Hadro- saurus); p. 668 (Diclonius). Woodward, A. S. 1890 A, p. 393. (Hadrosaurus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 763. (Hadrosaurus.) Trachodon breviceps Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 C, p. 335, figs. 4, 5. (Hadro- saurus.) Cope, E. D. 1889 T, p. 906. (Hadrosaurus.) Hatcher, J. B. 18% A, p. 116. (Hadrosaurus.) Marsh, O. C. 1890 C, p. 423, figs. 1, 2. (Hadro- saurus. ) 18%C, pi. Ixxv, figs. 1, 2. (Trachodon.) Nopcsa, F. B. 1899 A, p. 557. (Hadrosaurus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 765, fig. 676. (Hadro- saurus.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Trachodon calamarius (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 255. (Diclonius.) 1877 G, pp. 572, 588. (Diclonius.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Trachodon cavatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1871 G, p. 50. (Hadrosaurus.) 1875 E, p. 248. (Hadrosaurus.) Nopcsa, F. B. 1899 A, p. 557. (Hadrosaurus.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. Trachodon foulkii Leidy. Leidy, J. 1858 A. (Hadrosaurus. ) Cope, E. D. 1867 E, p. 27. (Hadrosaurus.) 1869 B, p. 736. (Hadrosaurus.) 1869 M, p. 98. (Hadrosaurus.) 1875 E, p. 247. (Hadrosaurus.) Emmons, E. 1860 A, p. 208, fig. 180. (Hadro- saurus.) 504 FOSSIL VKRTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Leidy, J. 1859 A. (Hadrosaurus. ) 1865 A, pp. 76, 118, pi. ii, figs. 9-11; pi. viii, fig. 13; pi. xii, figs. 1-20; pi. xiii, figs. 1-19, 24-26; pi. xiv, figs. 1-12; pi. xv, figs. 1-6; pi. xvi, figs. 1-8; pi. xvii, figs. 1-5; pi. xx, figs. 1, 2. (Hadrosaurus.) 1865 D, p. 70. (Hadrosaurus.) 1868 F, p. 199. (Trachodon.) 1870 J, p. 68. (Hadrosaurus.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 224, fig. 50. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1153, fig. 1053. Nopesa, F. B. 1899 A, p. 556. (Hadrosaurus.) Zittcl, K. A. 1890 A, p. 764, fig. 674. Cretaceous; New Jersey. TracLodon longiceps Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1890 C, p. 422. Nopesa, F. B. 1899 A, p. 657. (Hadrosaurus.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Trachodon minor (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1870 F. (Hadrosaurus.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M (1870), p. 122 J. (Hadrosaurus. ) 1876 E, p. 247. (Hadrosaurus.) Leidy, J. 1870 J, p. 68. Nopesa, F. B. 1899 A, p. 557. (Hadrosaurus.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. Trachodon mirabilis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 F, p. 72. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 98. (Hadrosaurus.) 1874 C. pp. 8, 19. (Hadrosaurus. ) 1875 E, pp. 66, 247. (Hadrosaurus.) 1877 G, p. 573. (Trachodon.) 1883 C. (Diclonius.) 1883 J. pis. iv-vii. (Diclonius.) 1883 CC. (Diclonius.) 1884 F. (Diclonius.) 1886 R, pi. xxxvii, figs. 1-3. (Diclonius.) Cope, E. D. 1886 E, fig. 1. (Diclonius.) 1891 N, p. 44, fig. 22. (Diclonius.) 1898 B, p. 71, fig. 23. (Diclonius.) Lambe, L. M. 1899 A, p. 69. Leidy, J. 1856 C, p. 118. 1860 A, p. 140, pi. ix, figs. 1-20. 1870 J, p. 68. (Hadrosaurus.) Marsh, O. C. 1892 H, p. 344. (Hadrosaurus.) Nopesa, F. B. 1899 A, p. 556. (Hadrosaurus.) Osborn, H. F. 1898 N, pp. 842, 844, fig. 2. (Hadro- saurus.) 1898 Q, p. 6, pi. i, fig. 2. (Hadrosaurus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 764, fig. 675. [Hadrosaurus (Diclonius).] Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana, British America. Trachodon pentagonus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 253. (Diclonius.) 1877 Q, pp. 572, 594. (Diclonius.) 1888 T, p. 905. ( Diclonius. ) Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Trachodon perang-ulatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 254. (Diclonius.) 1877 G, pp. 572, 588. (Diclonius.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Trachodon tripos (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1869 I. (Hadrosaurus.) 1869 M, p. 122 1. (Hadrosauras.) 1870 J, p. 68. (Hadrosaurus.) 1871 M, p. 214. (Hadrosaurus.) 1875 E, p. 247. (Hadrosaurus.) 1875V, p. 40, pi. v, figs. 1, 2. (Hadrosaurus.) 1878 EE. ( Hadrosaurus. ) Leidy, J. 1870 J, p. 68. (Hadrosaurus.) Nopesa, F, B. 1899 A, p. 557. (Hadrosaurus.) Cretaceous ; North Carolina, Georgia. CIONODON Cope. Type C. arctatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 P, p. 10. (Cinodon, err ore typog.) 1874 B, p. 447. 1874 C, p. 21. 1875 E, pp. 57, 246. 1875 W, p. 334. 1876 H, p. 253. 1877 V. 1&83 J, p. 99. Lydekker, R. 1886 C, p. 276. Marsh, O. C. 1895 C, p. 498. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 667. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 765. Cionodon arctatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 P, p. 10. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, pp. 448, 449. 1874 C, p. 22. 1874 F. 1875 E, pp. 60, 246, pis. i, ii. 1877 G, p. 597. Nopesa, F. B. 1899 A, p, 657. Cretaceous (Laramie); Colorado. Cionodon stenopsis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 I. 1875 E, pp. 63, 247. 1875 W, p. 335. Nopesa, F. B. 1899 A, p. 557. Cretaceous (Laramie); Saskatchewan. DYSQANUS Cope. Type D. encaustus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 260. 1883 J, p. 99. 1890 D. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 765. A genus of uncertain affinities. Dysganus bicarinatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 252. 1877 G, p. 572. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. HAY.] Dysg-anus encaustus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 250. 1877 G, p. 572. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Dysganus haydenianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 251. CATALOGUE. 505 Cope, E. D. 1877 G, pp. 572, 596. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. Dysg-anus peiganus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 H, p. 252. 1877 G, p. 572. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana. ORNITHOTARSUS Cope. Type 0. immanis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 H, p. 123. 1869 M, p. 120. 1883 J, p. 99. Morse, E. S. 1880 A, p. 7. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 765. Ornithotarsus immanis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 H, p. 123. Cope, E. D. 1869 D. 1869 M, p. 121, figs. 35-36a. 1875 E, p. 248. 1885 R. Nopcsa, F. B. 1899 A, p. 577. Cretaceous; New Jersey. PNEUMATOARTHRUS Cope. Type P. peloreus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 I, p. 446. 1875 E, p. 260. (Pneumatarthrus.) 1878 I, p. 236. (Pneumatarthrus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 765. (Syn.? of Ornithotar- sus.) Pneumatoarthrus peloreus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 I, p. 446. Cope, E. D. 1872 L, p. 433. (Pneumatarthrus.) 1875 E, p. 260. (Pneumatarthrus.) Leidy , J. 1865 A, p. 100, pi. xii i, figs. 27, 28. ( Young? of Hadrosaurus.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. NANOSAURID,E. Marsh, O. C. 1878 B, p. 244. 1895 C, p. 498. 1896 C, p. 244. Marsh, O. C. 18% D, p. 211. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 766. NANOSAURUS Marsh. Type N. agilis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 254. 1891 F, p. 337. 1894 E, p. 87. 1895 C, p. 498. 1896 C, pp. 199, 201, 202. 1897 C, p. 483. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1059. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 624. Williston, S. W. 1878 A, p. 45. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 766. Nanosaurus agilis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 254. King, C. 1878 A, p. 346. Marsh, O. C. 1894 E, pi. vi, fig. 3. 1896 C, p. 199, text figs. 42, 43. 1897 C, p. 484, figs. 27, 28. Jurassic; Colorado. Nanosaurus rex Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1877 G, p. 516. King, C. 1878 A, p. 346. Marsh, O. C. 1894 E, p. 88, pi. vi, flg. 5. 1896 C, p. 200, text figs. 44-^8. 1897 C, p. 484, fig. 29. Jurassic; Colorado. MACELOGNATHID^E. Marsh, O. C. 1884 C, p. 341. | Woodward, A. S. 1887 C, p. 8. MACELOGNATHUS Marsh. Type M. vagans Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1884 C, p. 341. Amer. Geologist, 1891 D. Baur, G. 1891 D, p. 450. (Cceluras.) Marsh, O. C. 1897 C, p. 608. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1089. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 513. For this genus Professor Marsh has estab- lished the family Macdognathidx and the order Macelognatha, and assigned them a place among the Testudinata. The relationships of the fossil are problematical. Macelognathus vagans Marsh. Manh, 0. C. 1884 C, p. 341, figure. 1897 C, p. 507, figs. 65,66. Jurassic; Wyoming. 506 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. APATODON Marsh. Type A. mints Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 255. Baur, G. 1890 C, p. 301. A doubtful genus of doubtful position. Apatodon mirus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 255. Jurassic; Rocky Mountain region. BRACHYROPHUS Cope. Type B. aUarkansanus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 390. Even the ordinal portion of this genus is doubtful. Brachyrophus altarkansanus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 390. Jurassic; Colorado. Order PTEROSAURI Kaup. Kaup, J. 1834, Isis, p. 315. Baur, G. 1887 A, p. 487. (Ornithosauria.) 1887 C, p. 101. (Ornithosauria.) 1889 G. ( Pterosauria. ) 1891 C, p. 355. (Pterosauria.) Blainville, H. M. D., 1835, Nouv. Ann. Mus., iv, p . 238. (Pterodactylia.) Bonaparte, C. L., 1838, Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, i, p. 391. (Ornithosauri.) Cope, E. I). 1869 M, pp. 26, 28, 169, and ii. (Ptero- sauria.) 1871 B, p. 234. (Ornithosauria.) 1885 G, p. 246. (Ornithosauria.) 1887 S, p. 333. (Ornithosauria.) 1889 R, p. 863. (Ornithosauria.) 1891 N, p. 41. (Ornithosauria.) 1892 R. (Pterosauria.) 1898 B, pp. 56, 67. (Ornithosauria.) 1900 A, p. 160. (Ornithosauria.) Furbringer, M. 1900 A, pp. 355, 527, 660. (Pata- giosauria.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 23. (Pterosauria.) Gaudry, A. 1890 C, p. 235. Giinther, A. 1886 A, p. 443. (Ornithosauria.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 390. (Pterosauria.) Hawkins, B. W. 1874 A. (Ornithosauria.) Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 228. (Pterosauria.) Kehner, F. A. 1876 A. (Pterosauria.) Lortet, L. 1892 A, p. 128. (Pterosauria.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 2 (Ornithosauria); p. 3 (Pteranodontia, Pterosauria). Marsh, O. C. 1876 E. (> Pteranodontia.) 1876 G. (> Pteranodontia.) 1876 i !. (> Pteranodontia. ) (Pterosauria, Pteranodontia.) (> Pteranodontia.) (Ptorosauria, Pteranodontia.) (Pterosauria, Pteranodontia.) 1877 E. 1881 D. Meyer, H. 1851 A. (Pterosauria.) 1860 A. ( Pterosauria. ) 1860 D. (Pterosauria.) Newton, E. T. 1888 A. (Ornithosauria.) 1889 B. (Ornithosauria.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 11% (Ornith- osauria); p. 1198 (Pteranodontia); p. 1199 (Pterosauria). Owen, R. 1840. (Pterosauria.) 1851 A. (Pterosauria.) 1859 A. (Pterosauria.) 1859 B. (Pterosauria.) 1860 A, p. 162. (Pterosauria.) 1860 B. (Pterosauria.) 1860 C. (Pterosauria.) 1860 E, p. 244. (Pterosauria.) 1866 A. (Pterosauria.) 1870 A. (Pterosauria.) 1874 B. (Pterosauria.) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 522. (" Pterodactyliens.") Plieninger, F. 1895 A. (Pterosauria.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 135. (Pterodactyl!.) 1885 A, p. 219. Pterosaur!.) Seeley, H. G. 1865 A. (Saurornia.) 1866 A. (Saurornia.) 1870 A, p. 151. (Ornithosauria.) 1870 B. (Ornithosauria.) 1871 C. (Ornithosauria.) 1876 A. (Ornithosauria.) 1891 A. (Ornithosauria.) 1891 B. (Ornithosauria.) Steinmann and Doderlein, 1890 A, p. 647. (Pter- osauria.) Williston, S. W. 1892 A. (Pterosauria.) 1897 A (Pterosauria.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 224. (Ornithosauria.) Woodward, H. 1871 A. (Ornithosauria.) Zittel, K. A. 1882 A. (Pterosauria.) 1890 A, pp. 450, 773, 779. (Pterosauria.) ORNITHOCEPHALID^E nom. nov. This family, unless otherwise indicated, is denominated by the following authors Pterodac- tylidie. Bowerbank, J. S. 1851 A. Cope, E. D. 1893 F. Furbringer, M. 1900 A. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 397. (Pterodactylida.) Huxley, T. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 515. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 3. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1199. Owen, R. 1851 A. Owen, R. 1859 A. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 219. Seeley, H.G. 1866 A. 1870 B. p. 111. (Pterodactyls.) 1876 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 650. Williston, S. .W. 1892 A, p. 12. (Pterodactylina.) 1897 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 791. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 507 ORNITHOCEPHALUS Somm. Type 0. ontiquus Somm. Summerring, S. T., 1812, Denkschr. k. Akad. Mun- chen, iii, p. 126. Unless otherwise indicated the following authors refer to this genus under the name Pterodactijlus. The latter name is usually cred- ited to Cuvier, 1809, Ann. Mus., xiii, p. 424. There, however, we find only the French term Petro-dactylt. Even in case this is a misprint for Pterodactyle, it is inadmissable as a generic name. Pterodactylus appears to have heen used first in 1824 by Cuvier. Bowerbank, J. S. 1848 A. 1851 A. Cope, E. D. 1872 F, p. 337. (Ornithochirus, not of Seeley.) 1879 A, p. 35. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, x, pp. 215-263, pi. ccli. Dennis, J. B. P. 1861 A. Hallmann, E. 1837 A, p. 20. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 228. Lortet, L. 1888 B, p. 4. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 4. Meyer, H. 1860 D, p. 85. 1861 B. Newton, E. T. 1888 A. DERMODACTYLUS Marsh. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1200. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 273, pi. Ixiii A. 1851 A. 1851 B, p. 80. 1859 B. 1859 D, p. 1. 1860 A, p. 163. 1860 B, p. 1. 1860 C. 1870 A. 1874 B. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 524. Quenstedt, F. A. 1858 A. Seeley, H. G. 1865 A. 1870 A. 1870 B, p. 111. 1871 C. 1876 A. Marsh, 0. C. 1881 D, p. 342. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1201. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 798. The relationships of this genus are somewhat obscure. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 650. Wagner, A. 1851 B, p. 180. (Ornithocephalus.) Winckler, T. C. 1874 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 771. At present no American species is assigned to this genus. Type Pterodactylus montanus Marsh. Dertnodactylus montanus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1878 E, p. 233. (Pterodactylus.) 1881 D. 1897 C, p. 508. Jurassic; Wyoming. PTERANODONTID^:. Marsh, 0. C. 1876 E, p. 507. Cope, E. D. 1898 B, p. 67. Furbringer, M. 1888 A. 1900 A. Marsh, O. C. 1884 D. 1897 C, p. 509. (Pteranodontia.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1890 A, p. 1199. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890, A, p. 650. Williston, S. W. 1892 A. (Pteranodontinse.) 1893 B. ( Ornithostomatidse. ) 1897 A, p. 36. (Ornithostomatinse.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 798. PTERANODON Marsh. Type P. longiceps Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1876 E, p. 507. Since the question of the identity of Pterano- don Marsh and Ornithoshtma Seeley has been raised, references to the literature of the latter genus are here included. Cope, E. D. 1893 F. Grinnell, G. B. 1881 A, p. 257. Marsh, O. C. 1876 G, p. 59. 1876 I. 1881 D. 1882 B, p. 253. 1884 D. 1897 C, p. 509. Newton, E. T. 1888 A, p. 418 (Ornithostoma); p. 419 (Pteranodon). Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1199. Seeley, H. G. 1871 C, p. 35. (Ornithostoma.) Seeley, H. G. 1876 B, p. 499. (Ornithostoma.) 1891 B, p. 442. (Ornitnostoma.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 651. Williston, S. W. 1891 B. 1892 A, pp. 1, 3, pi. i. 1893 B. (Ornithostoma.) (Ornithostoma. ) i, pi. i. (Ornithostomr 1897 A. (Ornithostoma.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 229. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 799. Pteranodon comptus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1876 E, p. 509. Williston, S. W. 1892 A, p. 2. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. 508 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Pteranodon ing-ens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 B, p. 246. (Pterodactylus.) Amer. Naturalist, 1872 A . ( Pterodactylus. ) Cope, E. D. 1872 F, p. 337. (Ornithochirus um- brosus.) 1872 K, p. 42. (Ornithochirus umbrosus.) 1874 C, p. 26. (Pterodactylus umbrosus, P. ingens.) 1875 E, p. 249 (Pterodactylus ingens); pp. 48, 65, 247, pi. vii, figs. 1-4 (P. umbrosus). Marsh, O. C. 1872 S, p. 578. (Pterodactylus.) 1872 T, p. 496. (Pterodactylus.) 1876 E, p. 508. 1876 I, p. 480. 1884 D, p. 426. Williston, S. W. 1891 B, p. 1124. (P. umbrosus.) 1892 A, p. 2. (P. ingens; P. umbrosus.) 1893 B, figure. (Ornithostoma:) 1897 A, pi. ii, text figs. 1, 2. (Ornithostoma.) 1897 H, p. 245. (Ornithostoma.) Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Pteranodon longiceps Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1876 E, p. 598. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 3, fig 1. Marsh, 0. C. 1876 I, p. 480. 1881 D, pi. xv. 1897 C, p. 510, figs. 71-74. Williston, S. W. 1891 B, p. 1124. 1892 A, p. 2. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 229, fig. 140. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 799, fig. 694. Cretaceous; Kansas. Pteranodon nanus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1881 D, p. 343. Williston, S. W. 1892 A, p. 2. Cretaceous; Kansas. Pteranodon occidentalis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 B, p. 241. (Pterodactylus.) Cope, E. D. 1871 C. (Pterodactylus owenii Marsh, not of Seeley.) 1872 F, p. 337. (Ornithochirus harpygia.) 1872 K, p. 471. (Ornithochirus harpygia.) 1874 C, p. 26. (Pterodactylus.) 1875 E, pp. 48, 66, 249, pi. vii, figs. 5, 6. ( Ptero- dactylus. ) Marsh, O. C. 1871 C, p. 472. (Pterodactylus oweni.) 1872 S, p. 578. (Pterodactylus.) 1872 T, p. 495. (Pterodactylus.) 1876 E, p. 508. 1884 D, p. 423. 1897 C, p. 527. Williston, S. W. 1892 A, p. 1. Cretaceous (Niobrara); Kansas. Pteranodon velox Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 B, p. 247. (Pterodactylus.) Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 26. (Pterodactylus.) 1875 E, p. 250. (Pterodactylus.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 T, p. 496. (Pterodactylus.) 1876 I, p. 480. Williston, S. W. 1892 A, p. 2. Cretaceous ^iobrara); Kansas. NYCTOSAURID.E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1199. (Family suggested.) Williston, S. W. 1897 A, p. 36. (Nyctodactylinse.) NYCTOSAURUS Marsh. Type Pteranodon gracilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1876 I, p. 480. Cope, E. D. 1893 F. (Nyctodactylus.) Marsh, O. C. 1881 D, p. 343. '(Nyctodactylus, to replace Nyctosaurus.) Newton, E. T. 1888 A, p. 420. (Nyctodactylus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1199. (Nyc- todactylus.) , Williston, S. W. 1892 A, p. 2. (Nyctodactylus.) 1897 A, p. 39. (Nyctodactylus.) Williston, S. W. 1897 H, p. 245. (Nyctodactylus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 799. (Nyctodactylus.) Nyctosaurus gracilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1876 E, p. 508. (Pteranodon.) 1876 I, p. 480. 1881 D, p. 343. (Nyctodactylus.) Williston, S. W. 1892 A, pp. 3, 5. (Nyctodactylus.) Cretaceous; Kansas. Order LORICATA Merrem. Merrem, B., 1820, Tentamen Syst. Amphib., p. 7. Unless otherwise indicated the following authorities apply the name Crocodilia to this group. Baur, G. 1885 E, p. 633. 1886 G, pp. 689, 738. 1886 J. 1887 A, p. 487. 1887 C, p. 101. 1889 C, p. 240. 1891 C, p. 355. 1894 A, p. 323. 1895 D. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p. 273. (Emydosauria.) Burckhardt, R. 1896 A. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 32, 61. 1871 B. 1891 N, p. 45. 1892 R. 1898 B, pp. 56, 73. (Loricata.) 1900 A, p. 161. (Loricata.) Cuvier, G. 1834 A, ix, pp. 25-344, pis. ccxxix- ccxxxviii. Delongchamps-Eudes, E. 1870 A. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 509 Dollo, L. 1883 E. Furbringer, M. 1888 A. 1900 A, pp. 297, 527, 596, 649. Gadow, H. 18% A, p. 38. 1898 A. p. 18. Gaupp, E. 1895 B. Gcgenbaur, C. 1864 A, pp. 32, 87. 1865 B, p. 32. Giinther, A. 1886 A, p. 444. Haeckel, E. 1895, p. 358. Hallmann, E. 1837 A, p. 16. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. (Loricata.) Hoffmann, C. K. 1876 A. 1878 A. 1879 A, p. 102. Hulke, J. W. 1888 A. Huxley, T. H. 1859 B. 1870 A, p. 440. 1872 A, p. 214. 1875 B. 1876 B, xili, pp. 430, 467, 514. Kehner, F. A. 1876 A. Koken, E. 1883 A, p. 792. 1887 A, p. 84. Kukenthal, W. 1893 A. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 367. Lortet, L. 1892 A, p. 91. Ludwig, R. 1877 A. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 42. Lydekker, R. 1893 E, p. 139. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Mivart, St. G. 1886 A. Miiller, J. 1881 A, pp. 199, 238. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1180. Owen, R. 1842 A, p. 65. 1845 B, p. 285. 1850 A. 1850 B, p. 521. 1860 A, p. 164. 1860 E, p. 271. 1866 A. 1878 A. 1879 A. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 126. 1879 B, p. 81. 1883 A. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 475. ("Crocodiliens.") Rose, C. 1893 B. 1895 A. Seeley, H. G. 1888 H. p. 131. Stannius, H. 1856 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 651. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A. p. 268. Tornier, G. 1888 A. Wiedersheim, R. 1889 A, p. 438. Woodward, A. S. 1886 D. 1898 B, p. 216. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 450, 633, 647, 683. Suborder PARASUCHIA Huxley. Huxley, T. H. 1875 B, p. 427. Baur, G. 1894 A, p. 123. (Phytosauria.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 32, 56. (Thecodontia.) 1900 A, p. 161. Furbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 302. Gadow, H. 1898 A. p. 19. Haeckel, E. 1895 A. p. 364. Koken, E. 1887 A, p. 98. J, p. 763. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 123. 1890 A, p. 236. Marsh, O. C. 1895 C, p. 485. . 1896 B, p. 59. (Belodontia.) 1896 D, p. 199. (Belodontia.) Owen, R. 1860 A, p. 163. (Thecodontia.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 217. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 637. PHYTOSAURID.E. Lydekker, K. 1888 B, p. 123. Baur, G. 1886 G, p. 740. (Belodontidae.) 1887 A, p. 487. (Belodontidse.) 1887 C, p. 102. (Belodontidse.) Cope, E. D. 1898 B, p. 73. (Belodontidse.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1183. (Phyto- sauridae.) PHYTOSAURUS Jaeger. Type P. cylindricodon Jaeger. Jaeger, G. F. 1828 A, p. 22. Baur, G. 1886 G, p. 740. (Belodon.) 1887 A, p. 487. (Belodon.) 1894 A. (Phytosaurus.) Cope, E. D. 1866 D. (Rhytidodon, emendation of Rutiodon.) 1869 M, p. 56. (Belodon.) 18701, p. 444. (Belodon.) 1879 A, p. 34. (Belodon.) 1888 U, p. 916. (Belodon.) 1889 E. (Belodon.) Emmons, E. 1856 A, p. 30. (Rutiodon, type R. carolinensis. ) Furbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 302. Huxley, T. H. 1869 A. 1875 B. Koken, E. 1887 A, p. 96. 1888 B, p. 764, Lea, I. 1856 B, p. 123. (Centemodon.) 1856 A, p. 78. (Centemodon, type C. sulca- tus. ) Leidy, J. 1856 J, p. 165. (Compsosaurus, type C. priscus.) 1856 L, p. 256. (Omosaurus, type 0. per- plexus.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 123. 510 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 235. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. (Belodoii.) 1895 C, p. 485. (Belodon. ) 1896 B, p. 61. (Belodon; Rhytidodon.) 18% D, p. 199. (Belodon.) Meyer, H. 1842,Neues Jahrb. Mineral., p. 302. (Belodon, type B. plieningeri Meyer.) 1855 A, p. 148. (Belodon.) 1861 A, pis. xxxviii-xlvii. (Belodon.) 1863 A, pis. xxxviii-xlii. (Belodon.) 186&B, pis. xxiii-xxix. (Belodon.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1183. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 514. Plieninger, Th. 1852 A. (Belodon.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1850 B, p. 23. 1852 A, p. 110. (Belodon.) Steinmann and DGderleiii 1890 A, p. 652. (Be- lodon.) Woodward, A. S. 1886 D, p. 300, fig. 5. 1898 B, p. 218. (Belodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 638. (Belodou.) Phytosaurus buceros (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1881 W, p. 922. (Belodon.) 1887 A, p. 217, pi. ii. (Belodon.) 1887 J. (Belodon.) 1888 V, p. 916, pi. xvii, fig. 1. (Belodon.) 1891 N, p. 46, fig. 23. (Belodon.) 1898 B, p. 72, fig. 24. (Belodon.) Triassic; New Mexico. Phytosaurus carolinensis ( Emmons) . Emmons, E. 1856 A, p. 307, fig. 22; pi. viii, fig. 1. (Rutiodon.) Cope, E. D. 1866 D. (Rhytidodon= Belodon.) 1869 M, pp. 25, 59. (Belodon.) 18701, p. 444. (Belodon.) '1871 M, p. 210. (Belodon.) 1875V, p. 34. (Belodon.) 1877 E, p. 185. (Belodon.) Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 754, fig. 1183. (Belodon.) Emmons, E. 1856 A, p. 308 (Rutiodon, or Clepsi- saurus, carolinensis); p. 318, figures (Paleo- saurussulcatus). 1857 A, p. 82, figs. 52-56. (Rutiodon.) 1858 A, p. 78. (Rutiodon.) 1860 A. p. 175, figs. 157,1601. (Rutiodon.) Lea. I. 1856 B, p. 123. (Centemodon sulcatus.) 1856 A, p. 78. (Centemodon sulcatus.) Leidy, J. 1856 L, p. 256. (Omosaurus perplexus ) 1857 A, p. 272. (Omosaurus perplexus.) Marsh, O. C. 1896 B, p. 60. (Rhytidodon.) Wheatley, C. M. 1861 A, p. 44. (Centemodon sulcatus. ) Triassic; North Carolina Phytosaurus leaii (Emmons). Emmons, E. 1856 A, p. 299. (Clepsisaurus.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 59. (Belodon.) 1870 I, p. 444. (Belodon.) Cope, E. D. 1871 M. ("Clepsysaurus.") 1875 V, p. 35. (Belodon.) Emmons, E. 1857 A, p. 79, text fig. 51; pi. x. (Clepsisaurus.) Triassic; North Carolina. Phytosaurus lepturus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 59, pi. xiv, figs. 1-14. (Belodon.) 1870 I, p. 444. 1870 S, p. 563. Triassic; Pennsylvania. Phytosaurus priscus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1856 J, p. 165. (Compsosaurus.) Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 754, fig. 1182. (Belodon.) Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 59, pi. xiv, figs. 15-25. (Belodon.) 1870 I, p. 444. (Belodon.) 1871 M, p. 210. (Belodon.) 1875 V, p. 34, pi. viii, fig. 5. (Belodon.) 1877 E, p. 185. (Belodon.) Emmons, E. 1856 A, p. 299 (Clepsisaurus pennsyl- vanicus, in part); p. 318, figures ( Palseosaurus carolinensis). 1857 A, pp. 65-79, figs. 37-50 (Clepsisaurus pennsylvanicus, in part); p. 86, figs. 57, 58, 60 (Palaeosaurus carolinensis). Hills, R. C. 1880 A. (Belodon.) Leidy, J. 1856 L, p. 255. (Palseosaurus.) 1857 A, p. 271. (Palseosaurus.) Triassic; North Carolina. Phytosaurus rostratus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 18% B, p. 61, fig. 2. (Rhytidodon.) 1900 A, p. 23. (Rhytidodon.) Triassic; North Carolina. Phytosaurus scolopax (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1881 W, p. 923. (Belodon.) 1887 A, p. 221. (Belodon.) Triassic; New Mexico. Phytosaurus serridens (Leidy). Leidy, J 1859 E. (Eurydorus.) Cope, E D. 1866 D, p. 249 (Belodon.) 1869 M, pp. 57, 58. (Belodon.) Wheatley, C. M 1861 A, p. 44. (Eurydorus.) Triassic; Pennsylvania. Phytosaurus superciliosus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 12, pi. i, figs. 1-10. (Belo- don.) Triassic; Texas. Phytosaurus validus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1893 G, p. 170. (Belodon. No de- scription.) 18% B, p. 59. (No description.) Triassic; Connecticut. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 511 EPISCOPOSAURUS Cope. Type E. horridus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1887 A, p. 213. 18% I, p. 123. Marsh, O. C. 1896 B, p. 62. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1184. Zittcl, K. A. 1890 A, p, 644. Episcoposaurus haplocerus Cope. Cope,E. D. 1892 J,p.l29. Cope, E. D. 1892 E, p. 257. Triassic; Texas. Episcoposaurus horridus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1887 A, p. 213. 1892 E, p. 257. Triassic; New Mexico. Suborder AETOSAURIA Nich. and Lydek. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1182. Baur, G. 1894 A, p. 323. Cope, E. D. 1898 B, p. 73. (Pseudosuchia.) Fraas, O. 1867 A. (Genus Dyoplax.) Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 305. (Pseudosuchia.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 19. (Pseudosuchia.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 364. Marsh, O. C. 1895 C, p. 484. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 644. (Pseudosuchia.) AETOSAURID^E. Baur, J. 1887 C, p. 102. (Aethosauridae.) TYPOTHORAX Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 R, p. 265. 1875 F, p. 84. 1877 K, p. 29. 1887 A, p. 210. 1887 E. 18% I, p. 123. Marsh, O. C. 18% B, p. 62. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 1137, 1183. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 653. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 644. | Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1182. Type T. coccinarum Cope. Typothorax coccinarum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 R, p. 265. (In part.) 1875 A. 1875 F, p. 84. 1877 K, p. 30, pi. xxii, figs. 1-9. 1887 A, p. 210, pi. i. 1887 E. 1896.1, p. 123. Triassic; New Mexico. STEGOMUS Marsh. Type S. arcuatus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 18% B, p. 59. Cope, E. D. 18% I, p. 123. Regarded by Professor Marsh i the Parasuchia. \ belonging to Stegomus arcuatus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 18% B, p. 60, pi. i. Triassic; Connecticut. Suborder EUSUCHIA Huxley. Huxley, T. H. 1875 B. Cope, E. D. 1871 B, p. 235. (Procoelia.) 1891 N, p. 45. 1898 B, p. 73. 1900 A, p. 161. Deslongchamps-Eudes, J. A. 1864 A. ( " TelSosau- riens.") Fiirbringer, M. 1900 A, p. 306. Gadow, H. 18% A, p. 38. (Crocodilia.) 1898 A, p. 19. Haeckel, E. 1S95 A, pp. 364, 367. (Typosuchia.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 43. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1185. Owen, R. 1860 A, p. 165. (Proccelia.) Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 126. (Crocodilia.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 223. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 647. CROCODYLID^E. Gray, J. E., 1825, Annals Philos. (2), x, p. 195. (Crocodilidse.) The usual way of spelling this name is Croco- dilidx. Bemmelen, J. F. 18% A, p. 332. Boulenger.G. A. 1889 A, p. 274. Calori, L. 1894 A. Cope, E. D. 1871 B. 1900 A, p. 161. Deslongchamps-Eudes, J. A. 1864, A. (" Crocodi- liens.") Gaupp, E. 1895 B. Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 B. Huxley, T. H. 1859 B, p. 5 (Crocodilidae) ; p. 2 (Alligatoridse). 1872 A, p. 221. (Alligatoridse, Crocodilidae. ) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 44. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1192. Rose, C. 1892 C. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 657. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 681 (Crocodilidae); p. 679 (Alligatoridse). 512 FOSSIL VEBTEBRATA OF NOKTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. CROCODYLUS Laurenti. Type C. niloticms Linn. Laurenti, J. N. 1768, Synop. Kept., p. 63. The name of this genus is usually spelleti Crocodilus. The above form is the original one. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p. 277. 1896 B. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 143. (Thecachampsa, type T. contusor. ) 1869 G, p. 11. (Thecachampsa.) 1869 M, pp. 62, 231. (Thecachampsa. ) 1870 D, p. 174. (Thecachampsa.) 1872 V, p. 654. (Ichthyosuchus.) 1875 C, p. 31. 1882 J, p. 983. (Crocodilus, Thecachampsa. ) 1884 O, p. 151. 1900 A, p. 171. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, ix, pp. 25-344, with plates. Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Giebel, C. G. 1877 A, p. 105. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 B. Huxley, T. H. 1859 B, p. 6. 1872 A, p. 217. 1875 B. Klein, E. F. 18b3 A. Kiikenthal, W. 1893 A. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 368. 1872 B, p. 366. Ludwig, R. 1877 A. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 53. Marsh, O. C. 1870 C, p. 98. (Thecachampsa; not tenable.) Miall, L. C. 1878 C. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1194 (Theca- champsa); p. 1195 (Crocodilus). Owen, R. 1847 B, p. 283. 1850 B, p. 521. 1866 A. Parker, W. K. 1883 A. Segond, L. A. 1873 A, p. 10. (" Crocodile.") Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 657. Toula and Kail 1885 A. Woodward, A. S. 1886 D. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 682 (Crocodilus); p. 683 (Thecachampsa). Crocodylus acer Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 J, pp. 982, 986, fig. 2. 1884 O, pp. 152,154, pi. xxiii, figs. 1, 2. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 682, fig. 604. Eocene (Manti beds); Utah. Crocodylus affinis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 B, p. 454. Cope, E. D. 1882 J, p. 984, fig. 4; p. 986. , 1884 0, pp. 152,162, pi. xxi, figs. 1-3. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 366. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Crocodylus antiquus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1852 K, pi. xvi. (Crocodilus. ) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 143. (Thecachampsa con- tusor.) 1869 G, p. 12. (Thecachampsa.) 1869 M, p. 64, fig. 16. (Thecachampsa.) 1882 J, p. 983. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 215, fig. 35 A. Eocene; Virginia. Crocodylus aptus Leidy. iMdy, J. 18C9 B, p. 67. Cope, E. D. 1844 O, p. 162. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 368. 1872 B, p. 366. 1873 B, p. 126, pi. viii, fig. 2. Eocene (Wasatch?); Wyoming. Crocodylus brevicollis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1871 B, p. 456. King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Crocodylus chamensis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 15. (Alligator.) 1875 C, p. 33. (C. heterodon, in part.) 1877 K. p. 67, pi. xxxii, figs. 1-22. 1884 O, p. 166. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Crocodylus clavis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 R, p. 485. 1873 E, p. 612. 1882 J, p. 983, fig. 5; p. 986. 1884 O, pp. 152, 157, pi. xxi, figs. 4-9; pi. xxii. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 93. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Crocodylus elliotti Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 N. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 612. 1875 C, p. 33. 1877 K, p. 65, pi. xxxi, figs. 6-17. 1882 J, pp. 983, 986. 1884 O, p. 152. (Thecachampsa.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Leidy, J. 1870 R. 1871 C, p. 368. 1872 B, p. 366. 1873 B, p. 126, pi. viii, figs. 4-8. Marsh, O. C. 1871 B, p. 454. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 85. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 683. (Thecachampsa.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming, New Mexico. Crocodylus fastigiatus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1851 G, p. 327. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 65. (Thecachampsa.) 1882 J, p. 986. Eocene; Virginia. Crocodylus grinnellii Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 B, p. 455. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 613. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 366. Marsh, O. C. 1871 G, p. 105. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Crocodylus grypus Cope. Cope, E. D, 1875 C, p. 32. 1877 K, p. 63, pi. xxx. 1882 J, p. 983. King, C, 1878 A, p. 377. Eocene (Bridger?); New Mexico. CATALOGUE. 513 Crocodylus heterodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 T, p. 544. (Alligator.) 1873 E, p. 614. (Alligator.) 1875 C, p. 34. 1882 J, pp. 983, 986. 1884 O, p. 164, pi. xxiii a, figs. 10-18. King, C. 1878 A, p. 376 (Alligator); p. 377 (Croc- odilus). Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 93. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Crocodylus humilis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 F, p. 73. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 82. 1874 C, p. 27. (Bottosaurus?) 1875 E, p. 254. (Bottosaurus?) 1877 G, p. 573. Leidy, J. 1856 C, p. 120. 1860 A, p. 146, pi. xi, figs. 9-19. Marsh, O. C. 1897 C, p. 527. Cretaceous (Laramie); Montana, Colorado. Crocodylus liodon Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 18V1 B, p. 454. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 613. 1875 C, p. 33. 1877 K, p. 67, pi. xxi, figs. 18-23. (C. liodoii?) 1884 O, p. 153. Leidy. J. 1872 B. Marsh, O. C. 1871 G, p. 104. Eocene; Wyoming, New Mexico. Crocodylus marylandicus Clark Clark, W. B. 1895 A, p. 4. 1897 A, p. 58, pi. viii, fig. 1. Eocene; Maryland. Crocodylus parvus Osb., Scott, and Speir. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 91. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Crocodylus polyodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 614. (Diplocynodus. 1882 J, p. 981. 1884 O, p. 154, pi. xxiiia, figs. 1, 2. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Crocodylus rugosus (Emmons). Einmon*, E. 1858 B, p. 219, figs. 38, 39. ( Polyptych odon.) Cope, E. D. 1871 M, p. 210. (Thecachampsa.) 1875 V, p. 33, pi. viii, fig. 3. (Theca- champsa.) Emmons, E. 1860 A, p. 238, fig. 180". (Polyptych- odon.) Leidy, J. 1865 A. pp. 18, 116. (Polyptychodon.) Eocene; North Carolina. Crocodylus sericodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 143. (Thecachampsa.) 1869 B, p. 738. (Thecachampsa.) 1869 G, p. 12. (Thecachampsa.) 1869 K, p. 91. (Thecachampsa.) 1869 M, p. 64, pi. v, figs. 7 S 8. (Theca- champsa. ) 1875 H, p. 363. (Thecachampsa.) 1882 J, p. 984. Miocene; Maryland, New Jersey. Crocodylus serratus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 Y, p. 171. (Thecachampsa.) 1882 J, p. 986. Eooene; New Jersey. Crocodylus sicarius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 G, p. 12. (Thecachampsa. ) 1869 K, p. 91. (Thecachampsa.) 1869 M, p. 63, pi. v, fig. 6. (Thecachampsa.) 1882 J, p. 984. Miocene; Maryland. Crocodylus Solaris Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 254. Pliocene?; South Dakota. Crocodylus squankensis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1869 A, p. 391. (Thecachampsa.) Cope, E. D. 1871 C, p. 65. (Thecachampsa.) 1872 Y, p. 17. (Thecachampsa.) 1882 J, p. 983. Marsh, O. C. 1870 C, p. 98. (Thecachampsa.) Eocene; New Jersey. Crocodylus stavelianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1885 Q. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. Crocodylus subulatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 V, p. 554. [Crocodilus (Ichthy- osuchus.)] 1873 E, p. 613. (Diplocynodus.) 1877 K, p. 60. (Diplocynodus.) 1882 J, pp. 983, 986. 1884 O, p. 152, pi. xxiiia, figs. 4-9. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Crocodylus sulciferus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 V, p. 556. 1873 E, p. 612. 1882 J, p. 983. 1884 O, p. 167, pi. xxiiia, fig. 23. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Crocodylus wheelerii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 33. 1875 F, p. 95. (C. veelerii.) 1877 K, p. 64, pi. xxxi, figs. 1-5 Eocene; New Mexico. The following ref erencesare given to notices of undetermined and undescribed remains of Crocodylus: Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 233, fig. 8. Eocene; South Carolina. Cope, E. D. 1881 D, p. 184. Eocene; Wyoming. 1882 E, p. 143. Eocene. Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 116. Eocene; New Jersey, North Carolina. Bull. 179 - 33 514 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. LIMNOSAURUS Marsh. Type Crocodilus ziphodon Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 K, p. 309. Limnosaurus ziphodon Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1871 G, p. 10-1. (Crocodilus.) Cope E. D. 1882 J, p. 986. (Crocodilus xiphodon. ) King, C. 1878 A, p. 405. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 366. (Crocodilus.) Marsh, O. C. 1871 B, p. 453. (Crocodilus.) 1872 K, p. 309. Eocene; Wyoming. POLYDECTES Cope. Type P. biturgidus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 1. Polydectes biturgidus Cope. 1870 D, p. 271. cope, E. D. 1869 I. 1875 V, p. 33. 1870 D, p. 271. 1875 V, p. 33, pi. viii, fig. 2. Cretaceous?; North Carolina. ALLIGATOR Cuvier. Type A. lucius Cuvier = Crocodilus mississippiensis Daudin. Cuvier, G., 1807, Ann. Mus., x, p. 30. Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p. 289. Clarke, S. F. 1891 A. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 614. 1900 A, pp. 161, 164. Hoffmann, C. K. 1890 B. Huxley, T. H. 1859 A, p. 3. Ludwig, R. 1877 A. Lydekker, R. 1889 B, p. 44. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1196. Alligator mississippiensis Daudin. Daudin, F. M., 1802, Hist. Nat. Rept., ii, p. 412. (Crocodilus.) Boulenger, G. A. 1889 A, p. 290. Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 122, pi. xxvii, figs. 6, 7. 1889 E, p. 31. 1892 A. Recent and in Peace Creek beds; Florida: Pleistocene; South Carolina. BOTTOSAURUS Agassiz. Type Crocodilus macrorhyncus Harlan =Bottosaurus harlani Meyer. Agassis, /,.,1849, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., iv, p. 169. Cope, E. D. 1869 K, p. 90. 1869 M, pp. 62, 65. Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 12. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 679. Bottosaurus harlani (Meyer). Meyer, H., 1832, Palseologica, p. 108. (Crocodilus.) Cope, E. D. 1867 E, p. 26. 1869 B, p. 736. 1869 M, pp. 65, 231. (In part). 1871 G, p. 48. (B. macrorhynchus.) 1875 E, p. 253. ( B. macrorhynchus. ) 1875 V, p. 48. (B. macrorhynchus.) De Kay, J. E. 1842 A, p. 27. (Crocodilus macro- rhynchus. ) Gibbes, R. W. 1851 A, p. 7. (C. macrorhynchus.) Giebel, C. G. 1847 B, p. 122. (C. macrorhynchus.) Harlan, R. 1824 B, pi. i ("Crocodile"). 1834 B, p. 76. (C. macrorhyncus. ) Harlan, R. 1835 B, p. 280. (C. macrorhyncus.) 1835 1, p. 380, with plate. ( C. macrorhyncus. ) Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 12, 115, pi. iv, figs. 19-21; pi. xvii, figs. 11-14. (B. harlani, in part.) 1865 D, p. 67. (B. harlani.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. Bottosaurus perrugosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 C, p. 26. 1874 B, p. 452. 1875 E, pp. 68, 253, pi. vi, figs. 5-S. Lambe, L. M. 1899 A, p. 69. (Identiiiaition doubtful.) Cretaceous; Colorado, British America?. Bottosaurus tuberculatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 230. 1869 M, p. 65. (B. harlani, in part.) 1871 G, p. 48. Cretaceous; New Jersey. BIPLOCYNODON Pomel. Type D. ratelii Pomel. Pomel, A. 1847 C, p. 383. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 62. (Plerodon.) 1877 K, p. 60. (Diplocynodus.) 1882 J, p. 986. (Plerodon.) Lydekker, R. 1886 E, p. 211. (Plerodon.) 1888 B, p. 45. Meyer, H., 1839, Neues Jahrb. Mineral., p. 77. (Plerodon.) 1857, Neues Jahrb. Mineral., p. 538. (Pleuro- doii.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1195. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 679. Diplocynodon sphenops (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 31. (Diplocynodus. ) 1877 K, p. 60, pi. xxix. (Diplocynodus ) 1882 J, p. 986. (Plerodon.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. (Diplocynodus.) Eocene; New Mexico. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 515 GAVIALID.E. Huxley, T. H. 1859 B. Boulenger, G. A. 1880 A, p. 274. (Crocodilids part.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 222. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 674 (Gavialidse) ; p. ( Rhy nchosuchidse j . GAVIALIS Oppel. Type G. gangeticus Linn. Oppfl, M., 1811, Ordnungen der Reptilien, p. 19. Bouleiitfer, G. A. 1889 A, p. 275. Cope, E. D. 1900 A, p. 162. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 65. (Garialis.) Owen, R. 1850 B, p. 521. Toula and Kail, 1885 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 674. Gavialis fraterculus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, p. 82. (Hyposaurus.) Cope, E. D. 1869 B, p. 736. (Hyposaurus; no description.) 1875 E, p. 254. 1875 K. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Gavialis minor Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1870 C. Cope, E. D. 1872 Y, p. 18. (Thecachampsa?.) Eocene; New Jersey. HETERODONTOSUCHUS Lucas. Type H. ganei Lucas. Lucas, F. A. 1898 A. Heterodontosuchus ganei Lucas. Lucas, F. A. 1898 A. Triassic; Utah. THORACOSAURUS Leidy. Type T. grandis Leidy= Gavialis neocesariensis De Kay. Leidy, J. 1852 B. Agassiz, L. 1849 A. (Sphenosaurus, type Oroc- odtius clavirostris; not of Meyer, 1847.) Cope,E. D. 1869 M, p. 79. 1900 A, p. 161. Gibbes, R. W. 1851 A, pp. 7, 13. Koken, E. 1888 B. Leidy, J. 1865 A, p. 5. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1193. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 657. (Tho- racosuchus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 672. Thoracosaurus neocesariensis (De Kay). De Kay, J.E. 1842 A,p. 28, pi. xxii, fig. 59. (Gavialis.) Agassiz, L. 1849 A. (Sphenosaurus clavirostris.) Cope, E. D. 1867 E, p. 26. (T. neocsesariensis.) 1869 B, p. 736. (T. neocsesariensis.) 1869 M, pp. 68, 79. (T. neocsesariensis.) 1875 E, p. 250. (T. neocsesariensis.) De Kay.J. E. 1833A,pl. iii, figs. 7-11. ("Gavial.") Gibbes, R.W. 1850 A. (Sphenosaurus clavirostris.) 1851 A, p. 7 (Croc, clavirostris); p. 13 (Croc, basifissus). Giebel, C. G. 1847 B, p. 122. (Croc, clavirostris.) Koken, E. 1888 B, p. 757. Leidy, J. 1852 B. (Thoracosaurus grandis.) 1852 K, p. 135. (Croc, dekayi, C. basiflssus.) 1865 A, pp. 5, 115, pi. i, figs. 1-6; pi. ii, figs. 1-3; pi. iii, figs. 5-11. 1865 D, p. 67. Morton, 8. G. 1844 A. [Crocodilus (Gavialis?) clavirostris.] 1845 A. (Croc, clavirostris.) Owen R. 1849 A, p. 381, pi. x, figs. 1, 2. (Croc. basifissus.) 1860 A, p. 165. (Croc, basifissus.) Woodward, A. S. 1890 A, p. 393. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 673. Cretaceous; New Jersey. HOLOPS Cope. Type H. bremspinis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 H, p. 123. 1869 M, pp. 62, 67, 231. 1900 A, p. 162. Huxley, T. H. 1875 B. Lydekker, R. 1886 E, p. 211. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1193. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 673. Holops basitruncatus (Owen). Owen, R. 1849 A, p. 381, pi. x, figs. 3, 4. (Croco- dilus.) Cope, E. D. 1869 B, p. 736. (Thoracosaurus tene- brosus.) Cope, E. D. 1869 H, p. 123. (H. tenebrosus.) 1869 M, pp. 67, 77, fig. 19, p. 231, pi. iv, figs. 8, 9 (H. basitruncatus; called erroneously on plate Bottosaurus harlani); p. 78 (H. tenebrosus). 1875 E, p. 253. Gibbes, R. W. 1851 A, p. 13. (Crocodilus.) Leidy, J. 1852 K, p. 135. (Crocodilus. ) 1865 A, p. 14 (syn. of Bottosaurus harlani); p. 115, pi. iii, figs. 12-15 (Crocodilus tene- brosus). Owen, R. 1860 A. p. 165. (Crocodilus.) Eocene; New Jersey. 516 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OB^ NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Holops brevispinis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 H, p. 123. 1869 B, p. 736. (Thoracosaurus; no descrip- tion.) 1869 M, p. 69, pi. i, fig. 13; pi. iv, figs. 4-6. 1875 E, p. 252. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Holops cordatus Cope. Cape, E. D. 1869 M, p. 73, fig. 18; pi. iv, fig. 1. 1875 E, p. 253. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Holops glyptodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 74, 231. 1869 B, p. 736. (Thoracosaurus; no descrip- tion.) 1875 E, p. 253. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Holops obscurus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 15, 16, 115, pi. ii, figs. 4, 5. (Crocodilus.) Cope, E. D. 1867 E, p. 26. (Thoracosaurus. ) 1869 B, p. 736. (Thoracosaurus.) 1869 H, p. 123. 1869 M, pp. 68, 75, 231, pi. iv, figs. 1-3. 1871 C, p. 75. 1875 E, p. 253. Leidy, J. 1865 A, pi. i, figs. 7-9. Lydekker, R. 1886 E, p. 211. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Holops pneumaticus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 X. 1875 E, p. 250. Cretaceous; New Jersey. GONIOPHOLID./E. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 76. (Goniopholididse.) 1890 A, p. 229. (Goniopholididse.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1189. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 676. GONIOPHOLIS Owen. Type G. crassidens Owen. Owen, R. 1842 A, p. 69. Cope, E. D. 1878 H p. 391. (Amphicotylus, type A. lucasii.) Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 79. 1890 A, p. 229. Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 254. (Diplosaurus, type D. Jelix.) 1877 E. (Diplosaurus.) 1896 B, p. 62. (Diplosaurus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1191. Owen, R. 1878 A. 1879 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 676. Goniopholis felix (Marsh) . Marsh, 0. C. 1877 D, p. 254. (Diplosaurus.) King.C. 1878 A, p. 346. (Diplosaurus.) Marsh, O. C. 1896 B, p. 61, fig. 2. (Diplosaurus.) 1897 C, p. 507, fig. 62. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 677. (Goniopholis.) Jurassic; Colorado. Groniopholis lucasii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 391. (Amphicotylus. ) 1888 Y. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 677. Jurassic; Colorado. Goniopholis vebbianus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1872 H, p. 310. (Hyposaurus.) 1872 F, p. 327. (Hyposaurus vebbii.) 1874 C, p. 26. (H. vebbii.) 1875 E, pp. 52,67,250 (H. vebbii); pi. ix, figs. 8-8d (H. vebbianus). Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 254. (Diplosaurus vebbii.) Williston, S. W. 1898 D, p. 78. (Hyposaurus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 677. (Goniopholis vebbii.) Cretaceous (Ben ton); Kansas. HYPOSAURUS Owen. Type H. rogersii Owen Owen, R. 1849 A, p. 383. Cope, E. D. 1866 F, p. 111. 1869 M, p. 80. 1875 K. Gibbes, R. W. 1851 A, p. 13. Lydekker, R. 1888 B, p. 90. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1190. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, pp. 672, 676. Hyposaurus ferox Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 G, p. 104. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Hyposaurus rogersii Owen. Owen, R. 1849 A, p. 383, pi. xi, figs. 7-10. Cope, E. D. 1867 E, p. 26. 1869 B, p. 736. 1869 M, p. 80, pi. iv, figs. 10, 11. 1875 E, p. 250. Gibbes, R. W. 1851 A, p. 9, pi. iii, fig. 13. (Holco- dusacutidens, New Jersey specimen, fide Leidy.) Leidy, J. 1865 A, pp. 18, 116, pi. iii, figs. 4, 16-21: pi. iv, figs. 1-12. 1865 D, p. 68. Williston, S. W. 1894 B, p. 3, pi. i, figs. 4, 5. (Iden- tification doubtful.) 1898 D, p. 76, figs. 3, 4. (Identification doubtful.) Cretaceous, New Jersey, Kansas. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 517 PLIOGONODON Leidy. Type P. prisms Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 L, p. 255. 1857 A, p. 271. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 620. (Syn.? of Mosasaurus. ) A genus of uncertain affinities. Pliogonodon priscus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 L, p. 255. I Cope, E. D. 1875, V, p. 33. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 223, figs 43, 44. ( P. nobilis. ) Leidy, J. 1857 A, p. 271. 1865 A, pp. 103, 119. Miocene?; North Carolina. Class AVES Linn. Linnxus, C., 1758, SystNat., ed.x, p. 78. Ahlborn, F. 1896 A. Baur, G. 1883 A. 1884 A. 1884 E. 1885 A. 1885 C. 1887 A. Blanchard, E. 1859 A. 1860 A. Burckhardt, R. 1895 A. Calori, L. 1894 A. Cope, E. D. 1869 M, pp. 4, 236. 1885 G. 1889 R, pp. 863, 869. 1891 N, p. 53. 1898 B, p. 83. Coues, E. 1884 A. Dames, W. 1884 A. Dollo, L. 1883 B. Edwards, A. M. 1863 A. 1869 A. Furbringer, M. 1885 A. 1890 A. 1896 A, Gadow, H. 1888 A. 1889 A, p ; 474. 1891 A. N 1892 A. 18% A, p. 42. Gaupp, E. 1900 A. Gegenbaur, C. 1864 A. 1865 A. Giebel, C. G. 1866 A. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 400. Hallmann, E. 1837 A, pp. 14, 32. Hoffmann, C. K. 1879 A. Humphrey, G. M. 1866 A. Hurst, C. H. 1893 A. Huxley, T. H. 1867 A. 1868 A. 1870 A. 1870 C. 1872 A, pp. 168, 233. 1876 B, xiii, pp. 468, 514. Jeffries, J. A. 1881 A. Jeffries, J. A. 1882 A. Kostlin, O. 1844 A. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 365. Lucas, F. A. 1899 C, p. 323. Lydekker, R. 1891 A. Magnus, H. 1869 A Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Marshall, W. 1872 A. Mehnert, E. 1887 A. Morse, E. S. 1871 A. 1872 A. Newton, A. 1868 A. 1875 A. 1896 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. Osborn, H. F. 1900 G, p. 777. Owen, R. 1864 C. 1866 B. 1873 C. Parker, W. K. 1864 A. 1870 A. 1875 A. 1875 B. 1876 A. 1878 B. 1879 B, p. 81. 1884 A. 1887 A. Pavlow, A. 1885 A. Schenk, F. 1897 A. Segond, L. A. 1864 A. 1865 A. Selenka, E. 1869 A. Shufeldt, R. W. 1885 A. 1886 A. 1886 B. 1886 C. 1899 A, p. 101. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 670. Stejneger, L. 1885 A. Vetter, B. 1885 A. Wiedersheim, R. 1884 A. Wildermuth, H. A. 1877 A. Woodward. A S. 1898 B, \>. -.'31. Woodward, H. 1874 A. 1874 B. 1886 C. 1886 C. Zittel. K. A. 1890 A, pp. 804, 867. 518 FOSSIL VERTEBBATA OP NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Subclass SAURUR/E Haeckel. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 869. 1898 B, p. 83. Furbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 3519. Gadow, H. 1892 A, p. 236. (Archornithes.) 1898 A, p. 30. (Archaeornithes.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, pp. 402, 409. Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 418. 1872 A, p. 233. Menzbier, M. 1887 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1221. Parker, VV. K. 1875 A. Pavlow, A. 1885 A, p. 113. Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 21. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 232. (Subclass Aroh ornithes; order Saururse.) Woodward, H. 1886 C, p. 370. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 820. Order ORNITHOPAPPI Stejneger. Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 21. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 869. Cope, E. D. 1898 B, p. 84. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 410. (Archseornithes.) ARCH^OPTERYGID^E. Cope, E. D. 1898 B, p. 84. Furbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1519. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 233. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1221. ARCH^EOPTEUYX Mever. Meyer, H., 1861, Neues Jahrb. Mineral., p. 679. Although no species of this genus has been found in North America, the following cita- tions of the literature are given on account of the important information furnished by the genus. Baur, G. 1884 B, p. 451. 1886 D. Branco, W. 1885 A. Dames, W. 1882 A. 1884 A. 1884 B. 1897 A, p. 818. Edwards, A. M. 1863 A. 1869 A, p. 673. Fraas, E. 1885 A. Furbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1622. Gadow, H. 1888 A, p. 166. 1891 A. 1892 A, p. 236. Gaupp, E. 1894 A. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 412. Hurst, C. H. 1893 A. 1895 A. Huxley, T. H. 1868 A, }>. 361. Marsh, O. C. 1882 C. Meyer, H., 1861, Palseontographica, i, p. 53. Newton, A. 1875 A, p. 728. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1221. Owen, R. 1864 C. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 142. 1875 A. Pavlow, A. 1885 A. Pycraft, W. P. 1894 A. 1896 A. Selenka, E. 1869 A, pi. iii, figs. 4,5. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 668. Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 21. Vetter, B. 1885 A. Vogt, C. 1880 A. Wagner, A. 1861 A. Wiedersheim, R. 1884 A, p. 659. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 232, figs. 141, 142. Woodward, H. 1874 B. 1884 A. 1885 C, p. 311. 1886 C, p. 359, figs. 5,20. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 820. Marsh. Type L. prisons Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1881 C, p. 341. Fiirbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1478. Marsh, O. C. 1882 C. Menzbier, M. 1887 A, p. 581. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1229. Pavlow, A. 1885 A, p. 107. Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 23. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 824. The true position of this genus is problemat- ical. Laopteryx priscus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1881 C, p. 341. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 829. Furbringer, M. 1888 A. Marsh, O. C. 1897 C, p. 508. Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 23. Jurassic; Wyoming. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 519 Subclass EURHIPIDURA Gill. Gill, T., 1874, Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway's Land Birds, i, Introd., p. xiii. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 859. 1891 N, p. 54. Cope, E. D. 1898 B, p. 84. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 30. (Neornithes.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 402. (Ornithune.) Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 31. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 294. Superwder ODONTOTORM^ Marsh. Mars!,, 0. C. 1875 E, p. 630. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 869. 1891 N, p. 55. 1898 B, p. 84. Fiirbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1421. (irinnell, G. B. 1881 A, p. 258. Lydekker, R. 1891 A, p. 200. 1896 A, p. 649. Marsh, O. C. 1873 C. 1875 D, p. 407. 1876 F, p. 511. 1876 G, p. 59. 1877 E. Odontornithes.) Odontornithes.) (Ichthyornithes.) Marsh, O. C. 1880 G, p. 119. 1882 C. Odontornithes.) 1883 C, p. 86. Menzbier, M. 1887 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1231. Owen, R. 1873 A, p. 370. ( Limicolae.) 1884 A. ( > Limicolae. ) 1894 A. Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 91. Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 94. (Scolopacoideae.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 35. (Limicolae.) Superfamily SCOLOPA COIDEA Stejneger. Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 457. (Charadriomorphse.) CHARADRIID.E. Coues, E. 1885 A, p. 597. Edwards, A. M. 1868 A, p. 367. (Totanides, in part.) Fiirbringer, M. 1888 A. Selenka, E. 1869 A. Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 98. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 844. CHARADRIUS Linn. Type Tringa squatarola Linn. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 754. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 599. Edwards, A. M. 1868 A, p. 375. Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 427, figs. 6-8. Shufeldt, R. W. 1888 A, pi. ii, fig. 10. 1890 A, pi. xii, figs. 5, 6. 1891 C. Charadrius sheppardianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 B. 1884 A, p. 823. 1884 O, p. 755, pi. lix, fig. 5. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 823. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 844. Eocene; Colorado. SCOLOPACID^. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 612 (Phalaropodidae); p. 614 (Scolopacidae). Edwards, A. M. 1868 A, p. 367. (Totanides, part.) Fiirbringer, M. 1888 A. Gadow, H. 1891 A. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 155. (Scolopacinae. ) Reichenow, A. 1871 A. (Scolopacidae, Phalarop- idae.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1884 A. (Numenius.) Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 105. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 844. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 527 PAL^OTRINGA Marsh. Type P. litloriilis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1870 A, p. 208. 1870 G. Zittel, K. A. 1S90 A, p. 844. Palseotring-a littoralis Marsh. M< (/.-/(, O. C. 1870 A, p. 208. Copo, E. D. 1869 M (1870), p. 238. 1875 E, p. 246. Cones, E. 1872 B, p. 349. 1884 A, p. 828. (P. litoralis.) Marsh, O. C. 1870 G. 1873 D, p. 229. 1880 G, p. 199. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Palaeotringa vaguns Marsh. .Vn />/(, O. C. 1872 E, p. 365. Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 349. 1884 A, p. 828. Marsh, O. C. 1873 D, p. 229. 1880 G, p. 200. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Palseotring-a vetus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1870 A, p. 209. Cope, E. D. 1869 M (1870), p. 238. 1875 E, p. 246. Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 349. 1884 A, p. 828. Harlan, R. 1835 B, p. 280. (" Scolopax.") Leidy, J. 1851 H, p. 330. ("Scolopax.") 1865 A, p. 2. ("Scolopax.") 1866 B, p. 237. ("Scolopax.") Marsh, O. C. 1870 G. 1873 E, p. 229. 1880 G, p. 200. Morton, S. G. 1834 A, p. 32. (No name.) Cretaceous; New Jersey. PHALAROPUS Brisson. Type Tringa lobata Linn. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 612 (Steganopus) ; p. 614 (Lo- bipes). Edwards, A. M. 1868 A, p. 375. Phalaropus lobatus (Linn.) Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 613. (Lobipes hyperboreus.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 B, p. 820. 1892 D, p. 413. Recent; Northern Hemisphere: Pleistocene; Oregon. Superfamily GRUIOIDEA Stejneger. Stejneger L. 1885 A, p. 121. (Gruioidese.) Beddard, F. E. 1897 A, p. 469. (Grues.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 34. (Gruiformes.) Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 666. Edwards, A. M. 1871 A, p. 1. (Gruides.) Fiirbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1203. Gudow, H. 1891 A. Owen, R. 1856 F, p. 213. Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. Selenka, E. 1869 A. Shufeldt, R. W. 1894 A. (Geranomorphae.) (Gruioidea.) GRUID^E. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 158. (Gruinae.) Selenka, E. 1869 A. Shufeldt, R. W. 1894 A. Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 123. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 846. GRUS Pallas. Type Ardea grus Linn. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 666. Edwards, A. M. 1871 A, p. 1. Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 426, fig. 9. Owen, R. 1856 F, p. 209. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 158. Selenka, E. 1869 A, pi. x, fig. 8, pi. xi, fig. 14. Shufeldt, R. W. 1894 A. Grus haydeni Marsh. Marfh, 0. C. 1870 A, p. 214. Cope, E. D. 1869 M (1870), p. 237. Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 348. 1884 A, p. 823. King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. Marsh, O. C. 1870 G. Pliocene (?) ; Nebraska. Grus proavus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 J, p. 261. Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 348. 1884 A, p. 823. Pleistocene; New Jersey. ALETORNIS Marsh. Type A. nobilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 J, p. 256. Furbringer, M. 1888 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 846. Aletornis bellus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 J, p. 258. Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 349. 1884 A, p. 824. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Aletornis gracilis Marsh. Marsh 0. C. 1872 J, p. 258. Coues, E. 1872 B. p. 348. 1884 A, p. 824. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. 528 FOSSIL VEETEBBATA OF NORTH AMEEICA. [BULL. 179. Aletornis nobilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 J, p. 256. Cones, E. 1872 B, p. 348. 1884 A, p. 823. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Aletornis pernix Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 J, p. 266. Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 348. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 824. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Aletornis venustus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 J, p. 257. Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 348. 1884 A, p. 824. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. RALLID^E. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 669. Edwards, A. M. 1871 A, p. 110. Furbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1235. Gadow, H. 1891 A. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 161. (Rallinre.) Selenka E. Shufeldt, R. W. 1888 B. (On Porzana.) 1894 A. Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 127. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 846. CRECCOIDES Shufeldt. Type C. osbornii Shufeldt. Shufeldt, R. W. 1892 B, p. 253. 1892 D, p. 411, footnote. (Crecoides.) 1892, in Cope, E. D. 1892 J, p. 125. Creccoides osbornii Shufeldt. Shufeldt, R. W. 1892 B, p. 253. Shufeldt, R. W. 1892, in Cope E. D. 1892 J, p. 125. Pleistocene; Texas. TELMATORNIS Marsh. Type T. priscus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1870 A, p. 210. Furbringer. M. 1888 A, p. 1235. Marsh, O. C. 1870 G. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p, 846. Telmatomis affinis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1870 A, p. 211. Cope, E. D. 1869 M (1870), p. 238. 1875 E, p. 246. Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 349. 1884 A, p. 829. Marsh, O. C. 1870 G. 1873 D, p. 229. Marsh, O. C. 1880 G, p. 201. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Telmatomis priscus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1870 A, p. 210. Cope, E. D. 1869 M (1870), p. 238. 1875 E, p. 246. Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 349. 1884 A, p. 829. Marsh, O. C. 1870 G. 1873 D, p. 229. 1880 G, p. 200. Cretaceous; New Jersey. FULICA Linn. Type F. alra Linn. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 676. Furbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1235. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 846. Fulica americana Gmel. Cope, E. D. 1889 F. 1889 S, p. 980. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 676. Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 B, p. 819. 1892 D, p. 411. Recent; North America: Pleistocene; Oregon. Fulica minor Shufeldt. Shufeldt, R. W. 1892 D, p. 412, pi. xvii, fig. 32. 1891 B, p. 820. (No description). Pleistocene; Oregon. Order CHENOMORPH^ Huxley. Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 460. Cope, E. D. 1898 B, p. 88.' Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 677. (Lamellirostres.) Edwards, A. M. 1868 A, i,p. 127. (Lamellirostres.) Furbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1173 (Anseres) ; p. 1184 (Phcenicopteridse). Gadow, H. 1891 A. ( Lamellirostres.) L, p. 33. (Anseri formes.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 234. (Chenomorphse.) Mivart, St. G. 1892 A, p. 277. (Lamellirostres.) Owen, R. 1856 F, p. 211. (Natatores.) Selenka, E. 1869 A. (Lamellirostres.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1889 A. (Anseres.) Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 132. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 836 (Anseriformes): p. 839 (Ciconiifonnes). HAY.] CATALOGUE. 529 Superfamily ANATOIDEA Stejneger. Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 136. (Anatoidea Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 33. (Anseres.) Giebel, C. G. 1866 A, p. 28. (Anseres.) Magnus, H. 1869 A. (Natatores.) Reichenow, A. 1871 A. (Anseres.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1889 A. (Anseres.) ANATID.E. Beddard, F. E. 1897 A, p. 466. Cones, E. 1884 A, p. 679. Gadow, H. 1891 A. Owen, R. 1856 F, p. 213. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 152. (Anatinse.) Selenka, E. 1869 A. Shufeldt, R. W. 1889 A. LOPHODYTES Reichenbach. Type Mergus cucullatus Linn. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 716. Lophodytes cucullatus (Linn.). Cones, E. 1884 A, p. 718. (Mergus.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 B, p. 818. 1892 D, p. 402. Recent; North America: Pleistocene; Oregon. ANAS Linn. Type A. boschas Linn. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 691. Gadow, H. 1891 A, pi. iv, fig. 2. Giebel, C. G. 1866 A, p. 28. Selenka, E. 1869 A. Shufeldt, R. W. 1889 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 637. Anas americana Gmel. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 694. (Mareca. ) Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 B, p. 818. 1892 D, p. 403. .ecent; North America: Pleistocene; Oregon. Anas boschas Linn. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 691. (A. boscas.) Selenka, E. 1869 A, pi. ii, fig. 9. Shufeldt, R. W. 1889 A, p. 233. 1891 B, p. 818. 1892 D, p. 403. Recent; Northern Hemisphere: Pleistocene; Oregon. Rec Anas carolinensis Gmel. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 695. (Querquedula.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 B, p. 818. 1892 D, p. 403. Recent; North America: Pleistocene; Oregon. Anas cyanoptera ? Vieill. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 6%. (Querquedula.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 D, p. 818. 1892 D, p. 404. Recent; South America, Western North America: Pleistocene; Oregon. Anas discors Linn. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 696. (Querquedula.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1889 A. 1891 B, p. 818. 1892 D, p. 403. Recent; North America: Pleistocene; Oregon. SPATULA Boie. Type Anas clypeata Linn. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 696. Shufeldt, R. W. 1889 A, p. 230. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 838. Spatula clypeata (Linn.). Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 696. Selenka, E. 1869 A, pi. x, fig. 5. (Anas.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1889 A, p. 230, figs. 15, 16, 20, 22-25. 1891 B, p. 819. 1892 D, p. 404. Recent; North America, Europe, Asia: Pleisto- cene; Oregon. DAFILA Stephens. Coues, E. 1884 A, Dafila acuta (Linn.). Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 692. Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 B, p. 819. 1892 D, p. 404. Recent; Northern Hemisphere: Pleistocei Oregon. Aix Boie. Type Anas sponsa Linn Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 697. Aix sponsa (Linn.). Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 698. Bull. 179 34 Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 B, p. 819. 1892 D, p. 405. Recent; North America: Pleistocene; Oregon. 530 FOSSIL VKRTKBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. ATHYA Boie. Type Anasferina Linn. (Fuiigula.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 B, p. 819. 1892 D, p. 405. Recent; North America: Pleistocene; Oregon. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 701 Athya marila. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 701. (Fuiigula.) GLAUCIONETTA Stejneger. Type Anas clangula Linn. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 704. Clangula.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1889 A, p. 235. Glaucionetta islandica (Gmel.). Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 704. (Clangula.) CLANGULA Leach. Type Anas gladalis Linn. Shufeldt, R. W. 1889 A, p. 235, figs. 19, 21, 26. 1891 B, p. 819. 1892 D, p. 405. Recent; North America and Northern Europe: Pleistocene; Oregon. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 704 (Clangula); p. 706 fHa- relda). Clangula hyemalis (Linn.) . Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 706. (Harelda glacialis.) CHEN Boie. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 685. Chen hyperborea (Pall.). Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 B, p. 819. 1892 D, p. 406. Recent; Northern Hemisphere: Pleistocene; Oregon. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 685. (C. hyperboreus. ) ANSER Brisson. Type Anas anser Linn. Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 B, p. 819. 1892 D, p. 409. Recent; North America: Pleistocene; Oregon. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 684. Owen, R. 1856 F, p. 211. Selenka, E. 1869 A, pi. xvii, fig. 10. Shufeldt, R. W. 1889 A. Anser albifrons (Gmel.). Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 389. 1889 F. 1889 S, p. 980. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 684. Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 B, p. 819. 1892 D p. 408. Recent, Northern regions: Pleistocene; Ore- gon. Anser condom Shufeldt. Shufeldt, R. W. 1892 D, p. 406, pi. xvi, figs. 19, 26, 27, 1891 A, p. 819. (Name only.) Pleistocene; Oregon. BRANTA Scopoli. Type Anas bernicla Linn. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 686. (Bernicla.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1889 A. Branta canadensis (Linn.). Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 389. (Anser.) 1889 F. (Anser.) 1889 S, pp. 978, 980. (Anser.) Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 688. (Bernicla.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1889 A, p. 248, figs. 27-30. 1891 B, p. 819. 1892 D, p. 408. Recent; North America: Pleistocene; Oregon. Branta hypsibata (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 387. (Anser.) Cope, E. D. 1889 S, p. 980. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 824. (Bernicla hypsibates.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 B, p. 819. 1892 D, p. 407. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 838. Pleistocene; Oregon. Branta propinqua Shufeldt. Shufddt, R. W. 1892 D, p. 407, pi. xv. fig. 17. Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 389. (Anser, "near nigri- cans.") 1889 F. (Anser, "near nigricans.") 1889 S, p. 890. Anser, "near nigricans.") Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 B, p. 819. Pleistocene; Oregon. OLOR Wagler. Type Anas cygnus Linn. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 682. (Cygnus.) Selenka, E, 1869 A, pi. x, figs. 2, 3. (Cygnus.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1889 A, p. 233. Olor paloregonus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 388. (Cygnus.) Cope, E. D. 1889 F. (Cygnus.) 1889 S, pp. 978, 980. (Cygnus.) Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 824. (Cygnus.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 B, p. 819. 1892 D, p. 409, pi. xvi, figs. 18, 21, 25. Pleistocene; Oregon. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 531 Marsh, O. C. 1870 A, Fiirbringer, M. 1888 A, pp. 1141, 1159, 1174. Marsh, O. C. 1870 G. Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 30. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 837. Laornis edvardsianus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1870 A, p. 206. Cope, E. D. 1869 M (1870), p. 237. LAORNIS Marsh. Type L. edvardsianus Marsh. Cope, E. D. 1875 E, p. 245. Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 350. 1884 A, p. 828. Marsh, O. C. 1870 G. 1873 D, p. 230. 1880 G, p. 199. Cretaceous; New Jersey. Superfarnily PHCENICOPTER01DEA Stejneger. XtfjnrMeleagrididae.) Fiirbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1255. (Meleagrinse.) Gadow, H. 1891 A. Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 432. Mivart, St. G. 1892 A, p. 275. Reichenow, A. 1871 A. Selenka, E. 1869 A. MELEAGRIS Linn. Type M. yallopavo Linn. Linnseus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. x, p. 88. Cope, E. D. 1869 M (1870), p, 238. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 676. Edwards, A. M. 1871 A, p. 171. Meleagris antiquus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 E, p. 126. Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 347. 1884 A, p. 823. King, C. 1878 A, p. 412. Marsh, O. C. 1897 C, p. 527. Shufeldt, R. W. 1897 A, p. 648. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Meleagris celer Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 J, p. 261. Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 348. 1884 A, p, 823. Shufeldt, R. W. 1897 A, p. 649. Pleistocene; New Jersey. Meleagris superbus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 M (1870), p. 229 (M. superbus); p. ii (M. altus). Amer. Jour. Science 1871 A. Cope, E. D. 1873 X, p. 298. (M. altus.) Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 348. (M. altus.) 1884 A, p. 823. (M. altus.) Marsh, O. C. 1870 H, p. 317. (M. altus; no descrip- tion.) 1870 I, p. 11. (No description.) 1872 J, p. 260. (M. altus.) 1873 P, p. ix. (M. altus.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1897 A, p. 648. (M. altus.) Pleistocene; New Jersey. Meleagris sp. indet. Wheatley, C. M. 1871 A. Meleagris gallopavo has been reported by Dr. Leidy (1889 H, p. 6) from a cave in Pennsyl- vania. The great majority of species accom- panying it live yet in the vicinity. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 535 GALLINULOIDID^:. Lucas F. A. 1900 B, p. 84. GALUNULOIDES. Type G. wy&mingenMs Eastman. Eastman, C. R. 1900 E, p. 54. Lucas, F. A., 1900 B, p. 79. Gallinuloides wyomingensis Eastman. Eastman, C. R. 1900 E, p. 54, pi. iv. Lucas, F. A., 1900 B, p. 79, pi. i. Eocene (Bridger, Green River shales); Wyom- ing. Order RAPTORES. Cope, E. D. 1898 B, p. 88. (Aceipitres.) Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 4%. Edwards, A. M. 1871 A, p. 406. Fiirbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1294 ( Accipitres) ; p. 1306 (Strigidae). Gadow, H. 1891 A. 1898 A, p, 33. (Falciformes.) Giebel, C. G. 1866 A, p. 25. (Rapaces.) Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 462. (Aetomorpha.) Huxley, T. H. 1672 A, p. 234. (Aetomorphse.) Magnus, H. 1869 A. Mivart, St. G. 1892 A, p. 270. Newton, A. 1868 A. (Aetomorpha.) Owen, R. 1856 F, p. 206. Reichenow, A. 1871 A. Selenka, E. 1869 A. Suborder CATHARTIDES Coues. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 557. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 33. (Cathartes.) Mivart, St. G. 1892 A, p. 271. (Cathartes.) CATHARTID.E. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 557. Edwards, A. M. 1871 A, p. 406. Fiirbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1294. Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 463. Newton, A. 1868 A. Retehenow, A. 1871 A. Shufeldt, R. W. 1883 C. PAL^OBORUS Coues. Type Cathartes umbrosus Cope. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 822. Gadow, H. 1891 A, pi. xii, figs. 7, 8. (Cathartes.) Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 441, fig. 22. (Cathartes.) Palaeoborus umbrosus (Cope.) Cope, E. D. 1874 I, p. 151. (Cathartes.) 1874 O, p. 18. (Cathartes.) Cope, E. D. 1875 F, p. 73. (Vultur.) 1875 8. (Vultur.) 1877 K, p. 287, pis. Ixvii, figs. 10-18; pi. Ixviii. (Vultur.) Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 822. Shufeldt, R. W. 1883 C. (Cathartes.) Pliocene; New Mexico. Suborder ACCIPITRES. Blanchard, E. 1859 A. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 517. Edwards, A. M. 1871 A, p. 406. (A. diurni.) Fiirbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1294. Gadow, H. 1891 A. 1898 A, p. 33. Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 462. (Gyapaetidae.) Mivart, St. G. 1892 A, p. 270. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 166. Selenka, E. 1869 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 842. FALCONID.E. (Falcones.) (Accipitrinse.) Blanchard, E. 1859 A. (Falco.) Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 519. Gadow, H. 1891 A. Parker, W. K. 1873 A, p. 45. Selenka, E. 1869 A. Shufeldt, R. W. 1881 A. 536 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. AQUILA Brisson. Type Falco dirysdetos Linn. Blanchard, E. 1859 A, p. 36. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 553. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1214, fig. 1106. Selenka, E. 1869 A, pi. xii, figs. 12-16; pi. xvi, figs. 5, 6; pi. xvii, fig. 13. Aquila danana Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 E, p. 125. Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 346. 1884 A, p. 822. King, C. 1878 A. p. 430. Pliocene?; Nebraska. Aquila pliogryps Shufeldt. Shufeldt, R. W. 1892 D, p. 416, pi. xvii, fig. 5 1891 B, p. 820. Pleistocene; Oregon. Aquila sodalis Shufeldt. Shufeldt, R. W. 1892 D, p. 417, pl.xv, fig. 5. 1891 B, p. 820. Pleistocene; Oregon. Suborder STRIGES. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 498. Edwards, A. M. 1871 A, p. 474. (Strigidcs.) Furbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1306. (Strigidae.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 36. Mivart, St. G. 1892 A, p. 271. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 166. (Striginse.) Shufeldt, R. W. 1881 D. (On Speotyto.) STRIGID^. Blanchard, E. 1859 A, p. 60. (Strix.) Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 502. Furbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1306. Gadow, H. 1891 A. Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 462. Newton, A. 1868 A. Selenka, E. 1869 A. Shufeldt, R. W. 1881 D. (On Speotyto.) BUBO Dumril. Type Strix bubo Linn. Blanchard, E. 1859 A, p. 63. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 503. Furbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1306. Bubo leptosteus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1871 E, p. 126. Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 347. 1884 A, p. 822. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 365. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1241. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Bubo virglnianus (Gmel. ). Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 503. Shufeldt, R. W. 1891 B, p. 819. 1892 D, p. 418. Recent; North America: Pleistocene; Oregon. Order PICARI^. Blanchard, E. 1859 A, p. 126. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 444. Furbringer, M. 1888 A. Gadow, H. 1891 A. Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 467. (Celeomorphse. ) 1872 A, p. 234. (Celeomorphae.) Mivart, St. G. 1892 A, p. 266. (Piciformes.) Owen, R. 1856 F, p. 207. (Scansores.) Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 169. Selenka, E. 1869 A. Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 368. UINTORNIS Marsh. Type U. lucaris Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 J, p. 259. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 850. The position of this genus is in doubt. Uintornis lucaris Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 J, p. 259. Allen, J. A. 1878 A, p. 445. Coues, E. 1872 B, p. 347. 1884 A, p. 822. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming Order PASSERES. Blanchard, E. 1859 A, p. 85. Cope, E. D. 1898 B, p. 90. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 238. Edwards, A. M. 1871 A, p. 296. Fiirbringer, M. 1888 A, p. 1405. Gadow, H. 1891 A. 1898 A, p. 37. (Passeri formes.) Garrod, A. N. 1876 A. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 537 Giebel, C. G. 1866 A, p. 24. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 415. (Coraconiithes.) Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 469. (Coracomorphae.) Lydekker, R. 1891 A, p. 2. Mivart, St. G. 1892 A, p. 260. Owen, R. 1856 F, p. 207. (Insessores.) Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 178. (Passerinse.) Parker, W. K. 1875 B. 1878 B. Selenka, E. 1869 A. Shufeldt, R. W. 1881 C. (On Lanius.) 1881 D. (OnEremophilus.) Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 458. COKVID^E. Couss, E. 1884 A, p. 414. Gadow, H. 1891 A. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 415. Edwards, A. M. 1871 A, p. 302. Gadow, H. 1891 A, pi. Ivii, figs. 9, 47. Huxley, T. H. 1867 A, p. 451, fig. 32. Parker, W. K. 1872 A. Shufeldt, R. W. 1888 D, pi. xv, fig. 1. Parker, W. K. 1872 A. Shufeldt, R. W. 1888 D. CORVUS Linn. Type C. corax Linn. Corvus annectens Shufeldt. Shufeldt, R. W. 1892 D, p. 419, pi. xv, figs. 14-16. 1891 B, p. 820. (No description.) Pleistocene; Oregon. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 399. Shufeldt, R. W. 1888 D. ICTERID^E. | Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 544. SCOLECOPHAGUS Swainson. Type Turdus carolinus Mull. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 411. Shufeldt, R. W. 1888 D. Scolecophagus affinis Shufeldt. Shufeldt, R. W. 1892 D, p. 418, pi. xv, fig. 10. 1891 B, p. 820. (No description.) Pleistocene; Oregon. FRINGILLID.E. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 339. , Stejneger, L. 1885 A, p. 545. PAL^OSPIZA Allen. Type P. bella Allen. Allen, J. A. 1878 A. The relationships of this genus are in doubt. Palseospiza bella Allen. Alien, J. A. 1878 A, pi. i, figs. 1, 2. Cope, E. D. 1881 M. Coues, E. 1884 A, p. 822. Eocene? ( Am yzon shales); Colorado. CIMOLOPTERYX Marsh. Type C. rams Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1892 G, p. 175. 1889 D, p. 83. (No description.) A genus of unknown position among birds. Cimolopteryx rams Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1892 G, p. 175, pi. iii, fig. 2. 1889 D, p. 83. (No description.) Cimolopteryx retusus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1892 G, p. 175. Cretaceous (Laramie): Wyoming. PAL.EONORNIS STRUTHIONOIDES Emmons. Emmms, E. 1857 A, p. 148, fig. 114. Triassic ? ; North Carolina. A fossil of doubtful relationships. FossrL EGG. Farrington, O. C. 1891 A, pp. 193-200, pis. xx, xxi. Miocene; South Dakota. 538 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. ICHNITES. The imprints of the feet of animals on the rocks have been described under various general names, such as Ichnites, OrnithUes, Ornichichnites, Ornithoidichnites, Sauroidichnites, Batrachoidichnites. The first attempt to place under generic names the various .forms found in North America was made by President Edward Hitchcock in 1845 ( Hitchcock, E. 1845 B) . This communication the present writer has made the basis for both the generic and the specific names. Many of the names, both generic and spe- cific, were afterwards changed; but this was done in violation of the rules of nomenclature as now recognized. On account of the impossibility of determining with certainty the systematic positions of the animals which made the tracks described, the " genera " are arranged alphabetically. Bouve, T. T. 1859 B. Cope, E. D. 1867 D. Deane, J. 1844 A. 1844 B. 1844 C. 1845 A. 1845 B. 1845 C. 18451). Edwards, A. Milne 1869 A. Field, R. 1860 A. 1860 C. Giebel, C. G. 1847 B, p. 34. Hitchcock, C. H. 1855 A. 1871 A. 1889 A. Hitchcock, E. 1836 A. 1837 A. 1841 A. 1843 A. 1844 A. Hitchcock, E. 1844 B. 1845 A. 1845 B. 1847 A. 1848 A. 1858 A. 1861 A. 1863 A. 1865 A. Lyell, C. 1842 A. 1843 A. 1846 B. Marsh, D. 1848 A. Mitchell, J. 1895 A. Mudge, B. F. 1866 A. 1874 A. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 406. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. Rogers, H. D. 1842 A. Sickler, F. K. L. 1835 A. Silliman, B. 1837 A. Snow, F. H. 1887 A. Voigt, F. S. 1835 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 411. ALLOPUS Marsh. Type A. littoralis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 D, p. 83. All opus littoralis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1894 D, p. 83. Miller, S. A. 1897 A, p. 793: Coal-measures; Kansas. xi, figs. 4, 4a. AMBLYPUS E. Hitch. Type A. dextratus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 143. Amblypus dextratus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 143, pi. xxv, fig. 7; pi. xlviii, fig. 5. ANCYROPUS E. Hitch. Type Sauroidichnites heteroclitm E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. 1848 A, p. 242. 1858 A, p. 138. Ancyropus heteroclitus E. Hitch. Hitchcock E. 1845 B, p. 24 (A. heteroclitus, A. jack- sonianus.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 479, pi. xxx, fig. 2 (Saur- oidichnites heteroclitus); fig. 3 (Saur. jack- sonii). 1848 A, p. 243, pi. xv, figs. 3-5. 1858 A, p. 139, pi. xxv, figs. 3, 4; pi. liii, figs. 1,2. Triassic; Connecticut. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 539 ANOMCEPUS E. Hitch. Type A. scamhm E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 220. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 A. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 56. 1861 A, p. 150. 1863 A, p. 48. 1865 A, p, 31. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 221. Warren, J. C. 1854 A, p. 35. Anomoepus? culbertsonii (King.) King, A. F. 1844 A, p. 176, figure. (Ornithichnites. ) 1845 A, fig. 2. (Ornithichnites.) 1845 C, p. 216, fig. 4. (Ornithichnites. ) Lyell, C. 1846 A, p. 25. (No name.) Coal-measures; Pennsylvania. Assigned to this genus provisionally. Anomcepus cuneatus C. H. Hitch. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, pp. 118, 125. Triassic; Massachusetts. Anomcepus curvatus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1863 A, p. 48, fig. 1. 1863 B, p. 86. (Apatichnus curvatus.) 1865 A, p. 5, pi. i, fig. 2; pi. xv, fig. 2. 1889 B, p. 118. Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 221. Triassic; Connecticut. Anomcepus? gallinuloides (King). King, A. F. 1844 A, p. 176, figure. (Ornithichnites.) 1845 A, fig. 1. (Ornithoidichnites.) Lyell, C. 1846 A, p. 25. (No name.) Coal-measures; Pennsylvania. This track is assigned to Anomaepus only pro- visionally. Anomcepus gracillimus (E. Hitch). Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 23. (Eubrontes.) Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 36, pi. iv, figs. 2, 4. (Grallator.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1865 A, p. 6. (Anomcepus.) 1889 B, pp. 118, 123. Hitchcock, E, 1844 A, p. 306, pi. iii, fig. 4. (Or- nithoidichnites.) 1848 A, p. 175, pi. ii, fig. 3. (Brontozoum. ) 1858 A, p. 73, pi. xiii, fig. 5; pi. xxxix, fig. 2. (Grallator.) 1865 A, p. 6. (Anomoepus.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 221. Mantell, G. A. 1846 A, p. 38. (Ornithichnites.) Warren, J. C. 1854 A, p. 27. (Brontozoum.) Triassic; Massachusetts, Pennsylvania. Anomcepus intermedius E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, pp. 2, 7, pi. i, fig. 1; pi. xv, fig.l. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Hitchcock, E. 1863 A, pp. 49,53. (No description.) 1863 B, pp. 85,86. (Name only.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 221. Triassic; Massachusetts, Connecticut. This species is based on part of Brontozoum isodatylum Edw. Hitchcock, 1858 A, p. 69. See under Plesiornis minor. Anomcepus isodactylus C. H. Hitch. Hitchcock, C. H. Tnassic; Mf , pp. 118, 124. 3husetts. Anomcepus major E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 56, pi. viii. Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 48, pi. xxxi. Eyermann, J. 1866 A, p. 32. Hitchcock, C. H. 1871 A, p. xxi, fig. 2. 1873 A, p. 433, fig. 1. 1889 B, p. 118. Woodworth, J. B. 1895 A. Triassic; Massachusetts, New Jersey. Anomcepus minimus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 5, pi. ii, figs. 1,2. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Hitchcock, E. 1863 B, p. 85. (Name only.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Anomcepus scambus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 222, pi. xiii, figs. 1-6. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 752, fig. 1175. Deane, J. 1845 C, p. 80, figs. A, B. (No name. ) 1847 A, p. 78, fig. 3. (No name. ) 1861 A, p. 48, pi. xxxii. (A. minor.) Eyermann, J. 1889 A. p. 32. (A. minor.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1855 A, p. 394. 1889 B, p. 118. (A. minor.) Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 57, pi. ix, figs xxxiv. fig. 2. (A. minor.) Triassic; Massachusetts, New Jersey. 2; pi. Mason, W. D. H. 1878 A, pp. 717, 725. (No name.) Coal-measures; Pennsylvania. ANTHRACOPUS Leidy. Type A. ellangowensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1879 B, p. 164. Anthracopus ellangowensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1879 B, p. 164. ANTICHEIROPUS E. Hitch. Type, no species indicated. Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 10. Anticheiropus hamatus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 10, pi. ix, figs. 1,2. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Triassic; Massachusetts. Anticheiropus pilulatus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E 1865 A, p. 10, pi. Ix, fig. 3. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Triassic; Massachusetts. 540 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. ANTIPUS E. Hitch. Type A . flexiloquus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 115. Antipus bifidus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 116, pi. xxxvi, fig. 8; pi. xlviii, fig. 10. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. Antipus flexiloquus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 115, pi. xx, fig. 10. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. APATICHNUS E. Hitch. Type A. drcumagens E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 99. 1861 A, p. 150. Apatichnus bellus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 101, pi. xvii, fig. 6; pi. xxxv, fig. 8; pi. xlv, fig. 6. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 752, fig. 1174. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Triassic; Massachusetts. Apaticlinus circumagens E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 100, pi. xvii, fig. 6; pi. Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 37, pi. vi, fig. 1; pi. xix; pi. xxxiv, fig. 1,2. Hitchcock C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Triassic; Massachusetts. Apatichnus crassus C. H. Hitch. Hitchcock, C. II. 1889 B, pp, 118.122,124. Triassic; New Jersey. Apatichnus holyokensis C. H. Hitch. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, pp. 118, 123, 124. Triassic; Ma&sachusetts. ARACHNICHNUS E. Hitch. Type A. dehiscent E. Hitch. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. Hitclicock, E. 1858 A, p. 117. Arachnichnus dehiscens E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 117, pi. xx, figs. 12,13; pi. xxxvii, fig. 2. ARGOIDES E. Hitch. No type; A. isodactylatus may be taken. Hitchcoek, E. 1845 B, p. 24. 1848 A, p. 184. (Argozoum.) 1858 A, p. 81. (Argozoum.) Argoides isodactylatus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. Adams, C. B. 1846 A, p. 215. (Argoides minimus?) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (Argozoum pari- digitatum.) Hitchcock, E. 1836 A, p. 325, fig. 9. (Ornithichnites minimus.) 1837 A, p. 175. (Ornithichnites minimus.) 1841 A, p. 4%, pi. xlv, figs. 38, 39. (Ornith- oidichnites isodactylus.) 1848 A, p. 187, pi. vi, figs. 4, 5. (Argozoum paridigitatum.) 1858 A, p. 82, pi. xiv, fig. 3; pi. xxxv, fig. 4; pi. xxxix, fig.l. (Argozoum paridigita- tum. Warren, J. C. 1854 A, p. 29. (Argozoum paridigi- tatum.) Triassic; Massachusetts, Connecticut. Argoides macrodactylatus(E. Hitch.) . Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 25. (Platypterna.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (Argozoum dis- paridigitatum.) Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 494, pi. xliii, fig. 35. (Or- nithoidichnites.) Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 186, pi. vi, fig. 3. (Argo- zoum disparidigitatum.) 1858 A, p. 82, pi. xiv, fig. 2. ( Argozoum- dis- paridigitatum. ) arren, J. C. 1854 A, p. 29. (Argozoum disparidi- gitatum. ) Triassic; Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey. Argoides redfieldianus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (Argozoum.) Hitchcock, E. 1844 A, p. 304, pi. iii, fig. 1. (Or- nithoidichnites redfieldii.) 1848 A, p. 185. (Argozoum.) 1858 A, p. 81, pi. xiv, fig. 1. (Argozoum.) 1863 B, p. 85. (Argozoum redfieldianum, doubtful species.) 1865 A, p. 2. (Argozoum.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Argoides robustus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. Giebel, C. G. 1847 B, p. 36. (Ornithichnites robus- tus.) Hitchcock, E, 1836 A, p. 319, fig. 3. (Ornithich- nites ingens minor.) 1837 B, p. 175. (O. robustus.) Triassic: Massachusetts. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 541 BAROPDS Marsh. Type B. lentus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1894 D, p. 83. Baropus lentus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 D, p. 83, pi. ii, fig. 5. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 684, fig. 1116. Marsh, O. C. 1894 1, p. 338, pi. xi, fig. 6. 1895 C, p. 492, fig. 11. Miller, S. A. 1897 A, p. 793. Coal-measures; Kansas. BATRACHICHNUS Woodworth. Type B. plainvillensis Woodworth. Woodworth, J. B. 1900 A, p. 453. Batrachichnus plainvillensis Wood- worth. Woodworth, J. B. 1900 A, p. 453, pi. xl; text-fig. 1. Carboniferous; Massachusetts. BATRACHOIDES E. Hitch. Type Batrachoides nidificans E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 121. Hitchcock, C. H. 1871 A, p. xxi. 1873 A, p. 436. Shepard, C. U. 1867 A. The name Batrachoides is preoccupied by Lac5pede for a genus of fishes. Batrachoides nidificans E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 122, pi. xxi, fig. 5; pi. 1, figs. 1-4. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Shepard, C. U. 1867 A. Triassic; Massachusetts. Batrachoides antiquior described in Hitch- cock, E. 1858 A, p. 123, pi. xxi, fig. 6; pi. 1, fig. 2, was rejected in 1865. (Hitchcock C. H. 1865 A, p. 2.) It is regarded as wholly of inorganic origin. BATRACHOPUS E. Hitch. Type B. deweyanus E. Hitch. Hitchcock E. 1845 B, p. 25. Hitchcock, C. H. 1871 A, p. xxi. (Anisichnus, to replace Anisopus preoccupied. ) Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 226. (Anisopus.) 1858 A, pp. 60, 61 . ( Anisopus. ) Zittel, K. A. 1890, p. 411. Batrachopus deweyanus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 25. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 751, fig. 1171. (Anisopus.) Deane, J. 1845 A, p. 161, figure. (Batrachoidich- iiites deweyi. ) 1861 A, p. 46, pi. xxv, fig. 2; pi. xxvi, fig. 2. (Anisopus.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1855 A, p. 394. (Anisopus.) 1889 B, p. 119. (Anisichnus.) Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, r>, 489, pi. xxxix, fig. 26; pi. xlviii, fig. 44. (Ornithoidichnites parvulus.) 1843 A, p. 261, pi. xi, fig, 9. (Sauroidieh- nites deweyi.) 1844 A, p. 305. (Batrachoidichnites parvu- lus, B. deweyi.) 1848 A, p. 226, pi. xvi, figs. 5, 6. (Anisopus.) Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 60, pi. ix, fig. 3; pi. xli, fig. 2; pi. xlii, figs. 1,2; pi. liii, fig. 8; pi. Iviii, fig. 11. (Anisopus. ) Triassic; Connecticut. Batrachopus gracilior (E. Hitch.). Hitchcock, E. 1863 A, p. 54. (Anisopus.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. (Anisichnus.) ' Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 6, pi. i, fig. 3. (Anisopus. ) Triassic; Massachusetts. Batrachopus gracilis (E. Hitch.). Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 228, pi. xvi, fig. 34. (Anis- opus.) Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 751, fig. 1172. (Anisopus.) Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 46, pi. xxvi, fig. 1. (Anisopus. ) Hitchcock, C. H., 1889 B, pp. 119, 122, 123. (Anis- ichnus. ) Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 61, pi. ix, fig. 4; pi. xxxv, fig. 5; pi. xxxvi, figs. 1-5; pi. Iviii, fig. 9. (Anis- 1861 A, p. 155, fig. 4. (Anisopus.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 221. (Anisopus.) Triassic; Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania. CHEIROTHEROIDES E. Hitch. Type C. piiulatus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 130. Cheirotheroides piiulatus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 130, pi. xxiii, figs. 3,4; pi. xxxvi, fig. 6; pi. liv, fig. 3. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. 542 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. CHELICHNUS Jardine. Type Testudo duncani Owen. Jardine, W., 1850, Ann. Nat. Hist., vi, p. 208. Chelichnus wymanianus Lea. Lea, I. 1856 C, p. 78. Cope, E. D. 1871 C, p. 242. Lea, 1. 1856 B, p. 123. Triassic; Pennsylvania. CHELONOIDES E. Hitch. Type C. incedens E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 140. Chelonoides incedens E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 140, pi. xxxi, fig. 3 Hitchcock, C. H. 1*89 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. CHIKOTHERIUM Kaup. Type C. barthii Kaup. Kaup, J. J., 1835, Thierreich, i, p, 246; figure, p. 247. The spelling Cheirotherium is usually em- ployed for this genus. The original form is given above. Cunningham, J. 1839 A, p. 12. Gaudry, A. 1890 C, p. 171. Hitchcock, C. H. 1869 A, p, 133. 1873 A, p. 436. 1889 A, p. 186. King, A. T. 1845 A, p. 343. (Thenaropus.i type T. heterodactylus. ) Lortet, L. 1892 A, p. 125. Lyell, C. 1846 A, p. 25. Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 619. Neues Jahrbuch Mineral., etc., 1835, pp. 110,111, 122,243. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 163. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 121. Warren, J. C. 1856 A. Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 4. iThis name had previously been employed by King for tracks of a very different kind. Chirotherium? heterodactylum (King.) King, A. T. 1845 A, Jpp. 343, 348, figs. 7o-7c. (The- naropus.) 1845 C, p. 216. (Thenaropus.) Lea, 1. 1853 A, p. 187. (Thenaropus.) Lyell, C. 1846 A, p. 25. (" Cheirotherium.") Coal-measures; Pennsylvania. Chirotherium? reiteri Moore. Moore, W. D. 1873 A. Coal-measures; Pennsylvania. COLLETTOSAUEUS Cox. Type C. indianaemis Cox. Cox, E. T. 1874 A, p. 247. Miller. S. A. 1889 A, p. 620. Collettosaurus indianaensis Cox. Cox, E. T. 1874 A, p. 247, plate. Amer. Jour. Science 1876 A. Coal-measures; Indiana. CoMPTiCHmrs E. Hitch. Type C. obesus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 9. Comptichnus obesus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 9, pi. v, fig. 4; pi. xviii, fig. 6. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. CORVIPES E. Hitch. Type C. lacertoideus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 98. Corvipes lacertoideus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 98, pi. xvii. fig. 3; pi. xlvii, fig. 1; pi. xxxv, fig. 7. Hitchcock. C. H. 1889 B, pp. 118,122. Triassic; Massachusetts, Connecticut. CRUCIPES Butts. Type C. parvus Butts. Butts, E. 1891 A, p. 19. Crucipes parvus Butts. Butts, E. 1891 A, p. 19. Coal-measures; Missouri. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 543 CUNICHNOIDES E. Hitch. Type C. marsupialoides E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 54. Cunichnoides marsupialoides E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858>, p. 55, pi. ix, fig. 5; pi. lx, figs. 2, 3, 4. Hitchcock, E. 1861 A, p. 154. Triassic; Connecticut DEOMOPUS Marsh. Type D. agilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 D, p. 82. Furbringer, M. 1900 A, pp. 627, 673. Dromopus agilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 D, p, 182, pi. ii, fig. 3; pi. iii, fig. 3. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 684, fig. 1115. Marsh, O. C. 1894 I, p. xi, fig. 3. 1895 D, p. 492, fig. 10. Miller, S. A. 1897 A, p. 793. Coal-measures; Kansas. EUBEONTES E. Hitch. No type was mentioned, but E. giganteus may be taken. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 23. Hitchcock, C. H.1873 A, p. 432 (Brontozoum) . 1889 B, p. 118. (Brontozoum. ) Hitchcock, E. 1847 A, p. 50. (Brontozoum.) 1848 A , p. 169. ( Brontozoum . ) 1858 A, p. 63. (Brontozoum.) Huxley, T. H. 1876B, xiii, p. 515. (Brontozoum.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 220. (Brontozoum.) Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 290. (Brontozoum.) Brontozoum is a substitute name for the ear- lier Eubrontes. Eubrontes approximatus ( E. Hitch. ) . Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 23, pi. x, fig. 2. (Bronto- zoum.) Hitchcock, C. H. in Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 24. (Brontozoum.) 1889 B, pp. 118, 121, 122, 123. (Brontozoum. ) Triassic; Massachusetts. New Jersey. This species is based on portions of Eubrontes ffiganteus, but the writer can not determine whether or not any of the figures which have been published to illustrate E. ffiganteus belong here. Eubrontes dananus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 23. Cook, G. H. 1885 A, p. 96. (Brontozoum silliman- ium.) Deane, J., 1861 A, p. 37, pis. vii, ix, x. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, pp. 118, 122, 123. (Bron- tozoum sillimanium.) Hitchcock, E. 1836 A, p. 318. (Ornithichnites tu- berosus, part.) 1837 A, p. 175. (Ornithichnites tuberosus.) 1841 A, p. 486, in part, pi. xxxvii, fig. 21; pi. xxxviii, fig. 22 (Ornithoidichnites tuberosus); p. 488 (Ornithoidichnites cuneatus, in part). 1843 A, p. 254 (Ornithoidichnites tuberosus); p. 256, pi. xi, fig. 2 (O. sillimanii). 1844 A, p. 300. (O. tuberosus, part?.) 1847 A, p. 49. (Brontozoum sillimanium.) 1848 A, p. 171, pi. iii, fig. 2. (B. silliman- ium.) 1858 A, p. 68, pi. xii,fig. 3: pi. xxxiii, figs. 4, 5; pi. xliii, fig. 6. (B. sillimanium.) 1865 A, p. 7, pi. v, fig. 1. (B. sillimanium.) Lydekker, R., 1890 A, p. 220. (B. sillimani. ) Redfield, W. C. 1843 A, p. 136. (Ornithoidich- nites tuberosus.) Warren, J. C. 1854 A, p. 27. (B. sillimanium.) Triassic; Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. Eubrontec divaricatus (E. Hitch.). Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 7. (Brontozoum.) Cook, G. H. 1886 A, p. 96. (Brontozoum.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 126. (Brontozoum.) Hitchcock, E, 1866 A, p. 2. (B. isodactylum, in part.) Triassic; Massachusetts, Connecticut. This species is based partly on Brontozoum isodactylum, Edw. Hitchcock, 1858 A, p. 69. See under Plesiornis minor. Eubrontes oxpansus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 23. 1841 A, p. 487, pi. xxxviii, fig. 23; pi. xxxix, fig. 24. (Ornithoidichnites.) 1848 A, p. 174, pi. iii, fig. 1. (Brontozoum.) Triassic; Massachusetts. The materials on which this species was based have evidently been assigned to some other species; which one can not be determined. Eubrontes exsertus (E. Hitch.). Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 67, pi. xii, fig. 1; pi. xxxvii-li; pi. Ivii, fig. 3. (Brontozoum). Deane, J., 1861 A, p. 39, pi. xiii. (Brontozoum). Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B. (Brontozoum.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Eubrontes giganteus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1846 B, p. 23. Cook, G. H. 1885 A, p. 96. (Brontozoum,) Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 752, fig. 1177. (Bronto- zoum.) Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 42, pi. xv. (Brontozoum.) Giebel, C. G. 1847 B, p. 35. (Ornithichnites.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B. (Brontozoum.) itchcock, E, 1836 A, p. 317. (Ornithichnites.) 1837 A, p. 175. (Ornithichnites.) 1841 A, p. 484, pi. xxxvi , fig. 18. ( Ornithoid- ichnites.) 1845 A, p. 63. (Ornithoidichuites.) 544 FOSSIL VEBTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. HiWheock, E. 1847 A, p. 57. (Brontozoum.) 1848 A, p. 169, pi. i, fig. 1. (Brontozoum.) 1858 A, p. 64, pi. xxxiii, figs. 1-3; pi. xli, fig. 1; pi. liii, fig. 7; pi. Ivii, fig. 1. (Bron- tozoum.) 1861 A, p. 149. (Brontozoum.) 1865 A, p. 23, fig. 1. (Brontozoum.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 220. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 289. (Brontozoum.) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 406, pi. xx, fig. 8. (Ornith- ichnites.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 82. (Ornithichnites.) Warren, J. C. 1854 A, p. 25. (Brontozoum.) Triassic; Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey. Eubrontes minusculus ( E. Hitch. ) Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 65, pi. xi, fig. 1; pi. xl, fig. 2: pi. xli, fig.' 1; pi. xiii, fig. 3; pi. Ivii, fig. 2. (Brontozoum.) Cook, G. H. 1885 A, p. 96. (Brontozoum.) Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 41, pis. xiv, xvi, xvii. (Bronto- zoum.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, pp. 118, 122. (Brouto- zoum.) Triassic; Massachusetts, New Jersey. EUPALAMOPUS nom. nov. Type Palamopus dananus E. Hitch. =P. clarki E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 217. (Palamopus, not of 1845. 1858 A, p. 127. (Palamopus, not of 1845.) This generic name is intended as a substitute for Palamopus E. Hitch., 1848. The latter name had been employed in 1845 to notate a genus based on P. anomalies E. Hitch., later called Macropterna recta E. Hitch. Eubrontes tuberatus (E. Hitch.) Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 66, pi. xl, fig. 2; pi. lii, fig. 7. (Brontozoum.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (Brontozoum.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Eubrontes tuberosus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 23. Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 39, pi. xii. (Brontozoum validum.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (B. validum.) Hitchcock, E. 1836 A, p. 318. (Ornithichnites tuberosus, part.) 1841 A, p. 486, in part, pi. xxxvii, fig. 20. (Ornithoidichnites.) 1848 A, p. 172, pi. ii, figs. 1, 2. (Brontozoum loxonyx.) 1858 A, p. 67, pi. xii, fig. 2; pi. xxxviii-li; pi. Ivii, fig. 3. (Brontozoum validum.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 220. (B. validum.) Warren, J. C. 1854 A, p. 27. (B. loxonyx.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Eupalamopus dananus (E. Hitch.). Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 217, pi. xi, figs. 1, 2. (Pa- lamopus.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. (P. clarki.) Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 127, pi. xxiii, fig. 2; pi. xliv, fig. 2. (P. clarki.) Triassic; Massachusetts. EXOCAMPE E. Hitch. Type E. arcta E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p, 142. Through error this genus is called, on pi. xxv of Hitchcock's paper of 1858, Hectocampe. Exocampe arcta E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 143, pi. xxv, figs. 5, 6, 10; pi. xlix, fig. 5. Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 57, pi. xxxix. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. Exocampe minima E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 11, pi. xviii, fig. 3, and Appendix. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B. p. 119. Hitchcock, E. 1863 B, p. 86. (Insufficient descrip- tion). Triassic; Massachusetts. Exocampe ornata E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 143, pi. xxv, fig. 11; pi. Iviii. figs. 1,6. Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 57, pi. xxxviii, fig. 1. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. FULICOPUS E. Hitch. Type F. lyellianus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 23. 1848 A, p. 177. (^Ethyopus.) 1858 A, p. 70. (Amblonyx.) Warren,- J. C. 1854 A, p. 28. (^Ethyopus.) Fulicopus giganteus (E. Hitch.). Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 71, pi. xiii, fig. 1; pi. xxxviii, figs. 1, 2; p. Ivii, figs. 5. (Amblonyx.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (Amblonyx.) Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 2. (Amblonyx.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Fulicopus lyellianus (E. Hitch.). Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 23. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (Amblonyx.) Hitchcock, E. 1843 A, p. 257, pi. xi, fig. 1. (Ornith- oidichnites lyellii.) 1848 A, p. 178, pi. iv, fig. 1. (^Ethyopus.) 1858 A, p. 71, pi. xiii, fig. 2; pi. xxviii, fig. 2. (Amblonyx.) 1863 B, p. 85. (A. lyellianus., doubtful species.) 1865 A, p. 2. (Amblonyx.) Warren, J. C. 1854 A, p. 28. (JEthyopus.) Triassic; Massachusetts. IAY.] CATALOGUE. 545 GIGANDIPUS E. Hitch. Type G. caudatus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1856 A, p. 97. Hitchcock, C. H. 1873 A, p. 434, fig. 3. (Gigan- titherium.) Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 416. (Gigadipus; no definition.) 1858 A, p. 93. (Gigantitherium.) Warren, J. C. 1856 A. Gigandipus caudatus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1856 A, p. 97, text-figures. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (Gigantitherium. ) Hitchcock, E. 1855 A, p. 416. (Gigadipus: insuffi- cient description.) Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 93, pi. xvi, figs. 1,2; pi. xliv, fig. 4. (Gigantitherium.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Gigandipus minor ( E. Hitch. ) . Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 95, pi. xvii, fig. 1: pi. xli, fig. 2; pi . xlii , fig. 2. ( Gigantitherium . ) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (Gigantitherium.) Triassic; Massachusetts. GRALLATOR E. Hitch. No type assigned. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 72. Lydekker R. 1890 A, p. 222. Grallator cuneatus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 74, pi. xiii, fig. 6: pi. xxxix, figs. 1,3; pi. xli, figs. 1,2. Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 38, pi. viii. Eyermann, J.1889 A, p. 32. Hitchcock, C. H. 1873 A. p. 432. 1889 B, pp. 118,122. Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 488, text-fig. 106; pi. xxxix, fig. 25; pi. xlviii, figs. 45, 55. ' (Ornithoid- ichnites.) 1843 A, p. 258. (Ornithoidichnites.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 222. Triassic; Connecticut, New Jersey. Grallator cursorius E. Hitch. Hitchccck, E. 1858 A, p. 72, pi. xiii, fig. 3; pi. Iviii, fig. 4. Hitchcock, C. H., 1889 B, pp. 118,122. Triassic; Massachusetts, New Jersey. Grallator formosus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 75, text-fig., p. 77. Cook, G. H. 1885 A, p. 96. Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 39, pi. xi. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, pp. 118,122. Triassic; Connecticut, Massachusetts. New Jersey. Grallator gracilis C. H. Hitch. Hitchcock, C. H. 1865 A, p. 8, pi. ix, fig. 7. 1889 B, p. 118. Triassic; Massachusetts, New Jersey. Grallator parallelus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1847 A, p. 50, fig. 2. (Brontozoum ) Cook, G. F. 1885 A, p. 96. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, pp. 118,122. Hitchcock, E. 1836 A, p. 318. (Ornithiehnites tuberosus dubius.) 1837 B, p. 175. (O. parallelus.) 1848 A, p. 175, pi. iii, figs. 3, 4. ( Brontozoum. ) 1863 B, p. 86. 1865 A, p. 7, pi. iv, fig. 1. Warren, J. C. 1854 A, p. 27. (Brontozoum.) Triassic; Massachusetts, New Jersey. Grallator tenuis E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 73, pi. xiii, fig. 4; pi. liii, fig. 5. Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 36, pi. iv, fig. 3; pi. xxvii. fig. 2. Eyermann, J. 1889 A, p. 32. Hitchcock, C. H, 1889 B, p, 118. Triassic; Massachusetts, New Jersey, Con- necticut. HARPEDACTYLUS E. Hitch. Type H. tenuisslmus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. 1848 A, p. 206. 1858 A, p. 112. Harpedactylus crassus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 12, pi. iii, fig. 1. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Hitchcock, E. 1863 B, p. 86. (No description.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Harpedactylus gracilior E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 12, pi. iii, fig. 2. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Bull 179 35 Hitchcock, E. 1863 B, p. 86. (No description.) Triasic; Massachusetts. Harpedactylus tenuissimus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. (H. gracilis.) Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 482, pi xxxiv, fig. 13. ( Sauroidichnites. ) 1848 A, p. 206, pi. xiv, fig. 2. (H. gracilis.) 1858 A, p. 112, pi. xx, fig. 4; pi. lit, fig. 5. (H. gracilis.) Triassic; Massachusetts. 546 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. HELCURA E. Hitch. Type H. Moralis E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 244. 1858 A, p. 141. Helcura anguinea E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 1.41, pi. xxxvi, fig. 9. Triassic; Massachusetts. Helcura littoralis E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 244, pi. xv, fig. 1; pi. xxiii, fig. 3. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. (H. caudata.) Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 140, pi. xxxvii, fig. 3; pi. xl, fig. 1. (H. caudata.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Helcura surgens E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 141, pi. xxxvi, fig. 10. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. HOPLICHNUS E. Hitch. Type H. quadrupedcms E. Hitch. Hoplichnus quadrupedans E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 230. 1858 A, p. 134. It is doubtful whether or not this genus of footmarks was produced by a vertebrate animal. Hoplichnus equus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 134, pi. xxiv, figs. 3-5. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts, Connecticut? Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 230, pi. xvi, figs, 7, 8; pi. xxii, fig. 3. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889, B, p. 119. (H. poledrus.) Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 136, pi. xxiv, figs. 6, 7; pi. xlviii, fig. 9. (H. poledrus.) Triassic; Massachusetts. HYLOPUS Dawson. Type H. logani Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1894 A, p. 260. 1895 A, p. 77. Hylopus caudifer Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1895 A, p. 78. Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. Hylopus hardingi Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1895 A, p. 78. Subcarboniferous; Nova Scotia. Hylopus logani Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1894 A, p. 260, figure. 1896 A, p. 78. Subcarboniferous; Nova Scotia. Hylopus minor Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1895 A, p. 78. Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. Hylopus? trifidus Dawson. Dawson, J. W. 1895 A, p. 78. Coal-measures: Nova Scotia. Hylopus sp. indet. Dawson, J. W. 1895 A, p. 78. Coal-measures; Nova Scotia. HYPHEPUS E. Hitch. Type H. fieldi E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, pp. 97, 180. Hyphepus fieldi E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, pp. 97, 189, pi. xvii, fig. 2; pi. xxxv, fig. 11; pl.xli,fig.2; pl.xlii, fig. 2. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Triassic; Massachusetts. ISOCAMPE E. Hitch. Type /. slraia E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 119. Isocampe strata E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 120, pi. xx, xxxvi, fig. 5. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Triassic; Connecticut, Massachusetts. LANGUNCULAPES E. Hitch. Type L. lotus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 132. liangunculapes latus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 185& A, p. 132, pi. xxiv, fig. 1; pi. Xlv, fig. 4. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889, B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. IAT.] CATALOGUE. 547 LEPTONYX E. Hitch. Type L. kitercdis E. Hitch Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 8. Leptonyx lateralis E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E, 1865 A, p. 8, pi. v, fig. 3. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Triassic; Massachusetts. LIMNOPUS Marsh. Type L. vagus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1894 D, p. 82. Limnopus vagus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1894 D, p. 82, pi. ii, fig. 2; pi. iil, fig. 2. Marsh, O. C. 1894 I, pi. xi, fig. 2. 1895 D, p. 492, fig. 9. Miller, S. A. 1897 A, p. 793. Coal-measures; Kansas. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 684, fig. 1114. NANOPUS Marsh. Type N. caudatus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 D, p. 82. Nanopus caudatus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 D, p. 82, pi. ii, fig. 1; pi. iii, fig.l. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 684, fig. 1113. (Nasopus.) Marsh, O. C. 1894 I, pi. xi, fig. 1. 1895 D, p. 492, fig. 8. Miller, 8. A. 1897, A, p. 793. Coal-measures; Kansas. NOTALACERTA Butts. Type N. missouriensis Butts. .Butts, E. 1891 A, p. 18. Notalacerta missouriensis Butts. Butts, E. 1891 A, p. 18, fig. 2. Coal-measures; Missouri. NOTAMPHIBIA Butts. Type N. magna Butts. Butts, E. 1891 B, p. 44. Notamphibia magna Butts. Butts, E. 1891 B, p. 44. Coal-measures; Missouri. ORTHODACTYLUS E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 113. Orthodactylus floriferus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 114, pi. xx, fig. 7. Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 44, pi. xxiii. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Massachusetts. Orthodactylus introvergens E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 114, pi. xx, fig. 8; pi. Ii, fig.l. Type 0. floriferus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. Orthodactylus linearis E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 115, pi. xx, fig. 9; pi. xlviil, flg.4. Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 57, pi. xxxviii, fig. 2. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. OTOZOUM E. Hitch. Type E. moodii E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1847 A, p. 54. Field, R. 1860 B, p. 339. Hitchcock, C. H. 1873 A, p. 435. Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 214. 1858 A, p. 123. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 165. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 157. Warren, J. C. 1854 A, p. 32. Otozoum caudatum C. H. Hitch. Hitchcock. C. H. 1871 A, p. xx. 1889 B, pp. 119, 127. Triassic; Counecticut. Otozoum moodii E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1847 A, p. 55, fig. 1. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 752, fig. 1176. Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 55. pi. xxxvii. Hitchcock, C. H. 1871 A, p. xxi. 1889 B, pp. 119, 127. Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 214, pi. xii, fig. 1. 1858 A, p. 123, pi. xxii; pi. xxiii, fig. 1; pi. xxxiii, figs. 4, 5; pi. xlvi, fig. 5. 1861 A, p. 148, fig. 2. Triassic; Massachusetts, Connecticut. Otozoum parvum C. H. Hitch. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, pp. 119, 122, 127. Triassic; New Jersey, Pennsylvania. 548 FOSSIL VEKTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. PAL^EOSAUROPUS nom. nov. Type ftauropm primsevus Lea. Dawson, J. W. 1868 A, p. 367. (Sauropus.) 1895 A, p. 77. (Sauropus.) Lea, 1. 1849 A, p. 91. (Sauropus; preoccupied by E. Hitchcock, 1845.) Lesley, J. P., 1890 A, p. 728, figures. (Sauropus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 626. (Sauropus. ) Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 167. (Sauropus.) Paleeosauropus antiquior (Dawson). Dawson, J. W. 1882 A, p. 652. Sauropus.) 1895 A, p. 77. (Sauropus.) Subcarboniferous; Nova Scotia. Pal aeo sauropus primsevus (Lea). Lea, 1. 1849 A, p. 91, figure. (Sauropus.) Cope, E. D. 1871 C, p. 241. (Sauropus.) Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 646, fig. 1023. (Sauropus,) Lea, I. 1850 A. (Sauropus.) 1852 A, p. 307, pi?, xxxi, xxxii. (Sauropus.) 1855 A. (Sauropus.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 625, fig. 1193. (Sauropus.) Silliman, B. 1852 B. (Sauropus.) Zittel, K. A. 1890 A, p. 411. (Sauropus.) Coal-measures: Pennsylvania. Palseosauropus sydenensis (Dawson). Dawson, J. W. 1863 E, p. 431, fig. 1. (Sauropus.) 1868 A, p. 358, fig. 140. (Sauropus.) 1876 A, p. 441. (Sauropus.) 1878 A, p. 358, fig. 140; suppl., p. 63. (Sauro- pus.) 1895 A, p. 77. (Sauropus.) Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 930, figure. (Sauropus.) Coal-measures; Cape Breton Island. Palffiosauropus unguifer (Dawson). Dawson, J. W. 1872 A, p. 251, figure. (Sauropus.) 1876 A, p. 441. (Sauropus.) 1878 A, suppl., p. 64. (Sauropus.) 1882 A, p. 652. (Sauropus.) 1894 A, p. 267. (Sauropus.) 1895 A, p. 77. (Sauropus.) Carboniferous (Millstone Grit); Nova Scotia. PALAMOPUS E. Hitch. Type P. anomalus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E, 1845 B, p. 24. 1845 B, p. 24. (Sillimanius, in part.) 1848 A, p. 233. (Macropterna. ) 1858 A, p. 128. (Macropterna.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 219. (Macropterna.) This is not the Palamopw E. Hitch, of 1848 and subsequently. The latter is here replaced by Eupalamopus. Since E. Hitchcock's Macropterna recta, (=P. anomalus') belongs here, it becomes necessary to refer here also the other species of Macropterna. Palamopus anomalus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. Amur. Jour. Science 1847 B, p. 276. Deane, J. 1847 A, p. 79, fig. 4. (Sauroidichnites palmatus.) 1847 B. (Sauroidichnites palmatus. ) Hitchcock, E. 1836 A, p. 324, fig. 15. (Ornithich- nites palmatus.) 1837 B, p. 175. (Sauroidichnites palmatus.) 1841 A, p. 483, pi. xxxiv, fig. 15. (Sauroid- ichnites palmatus.) 1848 A, p. 235, pi. xv, fig. 6. (Macropterna recta.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Palamopus divaricans (E. Hitch.). Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 237, pi. xv, fig. 7. (Macrop- terna.) Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 752, fig. 1173. (Macropterna.) Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 45, pi. xxiv, fig. 1. (Macrop- terna.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. (Macropterna.) Hitchcock. E. 1841 A, p. 483 (part), pi. xxxiv, fig. 16. (Sauroidichnites palmatus.) 1858 A, p. 129, pi. xxiii, fig. 7. (Macropter- na.) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p, 219. (Macropterna.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Palamopus gracilipes (E. Hitch.). Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 129, pi. xxiii, fig. 6; pi. xxxiv, fig. 1. (Macropterna.) ?Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 47, pi. xxix, fig. 1. (Macrop- terna. ) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. (Macropterna.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Palamopus rogersianus (E. Hitch.). Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. (Sillimanius rogers- ianus; Argoides minimus.) Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 47, pi. xxviii, fig. 2. (Macrop- terna vulgaris.) Hitchcock, C. H, 1889 B, p. 119. (Macropterna vulgaris. ) Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 497 (in part), pi. xlii, fig. 30. (Ornithoidlchnites minimus, not of 1836, 1837.) 1843 A, p. 256, pi. xi, fig. 7. (Ornithoidich- nites rogersi.) 1848 A, p. 187, pi. vi, fig. 6 (Argozoum minimum); p. 233, pi. xv. fig. 9 (Macrop- terna rhynchosauroidea). 1858 A, p. 128, pi. xxiii, fig. 5; pi. xxxv, fig. 9; pi. xxxvii, fig. 4; pi. xlviii, fig. 7; pi. xlix, fig. 6. (M. vulgaris.) Triassic; Massachusetts, Connecticut. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 549 PLATYPTERNA E. Hitch. Type, none given; P. deaniana may be taken. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 25. Edwards, A. Milne 1863 A, p. 136. 1869 A, p. 672. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 25. (Calopus, type C. ddicatulus.) 1848 A, p. 188. 1858 A, p. 83. Warren, J. C. 1854 A, p. 29. Platypterna concamerata (E. Hitch.). Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 207, pi. xiv, fig. 3. (Har- pedactylus.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (P. varica.) Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 85, pi. xiv, fig. 8; pi. xlvii, fig. 4. (P. varica.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Platypterna deaniana E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 25. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 493, pi. xlii, figs. 31, 32. (Ornithoidichnites deanii.) 1848 A, p. 189, pi. vii, fig. 1. 1858 A, p. 83, pi. xiv, fig. 4. 1863 B, p. 85. 1865 A, p. 2. Triassic; Connecticut. Platypterna delicatula E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 25. (Calopus.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 497, pi. xiv, fig. 40. (Or- nithoidichnites.) Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 190, pi. vii, fig. 4.. 1858 A, p. 84, pi. xiv, fig. 6; pi. Iviii, fig. 8. Triassic; Connecticut. Platypterna digitigrada E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 86, pi. xiv, fig. 9; pi. li, fig. 2. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Triassic; Massachusetts. Platypterna gracillima E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 86, pi. xiv, fig. 12. 1865 A, p. 2. Triassic; Massachusetts. This species was rejected in the publication last quoted; but no statement is made as to what species the specimens are to be referred. Platypterna recta E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 209, pi. v, fig. 5. (Harpe- dactylus.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 84, pi. xiv, fig. 7; pi. xlvii, fig. 3. Triassic; Massachusetts. Platypterna tenuis E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 25. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 494, pi. xliii, figs. 33 34. (Ornithoidichnites.) 1848 A, p. 189, pi. vii, figs. 2, 3. 1858 A, p. 84, pi. xiv, fig. 5; pi. Iviii, fig. 10. Triassic; Connecticut. PLECTROPTERNA E. Hitch. Type Plectropus minitans E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 108. (For Plectropus, pre- occupied.) 1845 B, p. 24. (Plectropus.) 1848 A, p. 198. (Plectropus.) Plectropterna angusta E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 110, pi. xviii, fig. 4; pi. xxxvi, fig. 3. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. Plectropterna elegans E. Hitch. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, pp. 122,125. Triassic; Connecticut. Plectropterna gracilis E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 109, pi. xviii, fig. 3; pi. xlviii, fig. 2. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 24. Triassic; Massachusetts, Connecticut. Plectropterna lineans E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 110, pi. xviii, fig. 5; pi. xxxv, fig. 10. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Connecticut. Plectropterna minitans E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. (Plectropus.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 481, pi. xxxiii, fig. 11; pi. xlviii, fig. 47 (Sauroidichnites minitans); p. 482, pi. xxxiii, fig. 12; pi. xlviii, fig. 48 (S. lon- gipes). 1844 A, p. 304. (Sauroidichnites.) 1845 B, p. 24. ( Plectropus longipes. ) 1848 A, p. 198, pi. ix, figs. 2, 3 (Plectropus minitans) ; p. 199, pi. viii, fig. 4; pi. x, figs. 1-3 (Plectropus longipes). 1858 A, p. 108, pi. xviii, fig. 2; pi. xix, figs, 10-12. Triassic; Connecticut, Massachusetts. 550 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA, [BULL. 179. PLESIORNIS E. Hitch. No type assigned. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 102. 1861 A, p. 150. 1865 A, p. 35. Plesiornis giganteus C. H. Hitch. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, pp. 118, 122, 126. ;ic; Connecticut. Plesiornis minimus (PI Hitch.). Hitclicock, E. 1845 B, p. 23. (Argoides.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, pp. 118, 122. (P. sequa- lipes.) Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 497 in part, pi. xlv, fig. 41. (Orinithoidichnites minimus.) 1848 A, p. 187, pi. vi, fig. 6. ( Argozoum mini- mum.) 1858 A, p. 104, text-figure. (P.aequalipes.) Triassic; Massachusetts, Connecticut. Argoides minimus of 1845 was based on Or- nithoidichnites minimus of 1841. This was a composite species, a part of which was assigned to Palamopus rogersianus of the present work (Macropterna vulgarly of E. Hitchcock.) The remaining part must bear the name given it in 1845. Plesiornis minor (E. Hitch.). Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 23. (Fulicopus.) Cook. G. H. 1885 A, p. 96. (Brontozoum isodacty- Imn.) Deane, J. 1844 A, p. 76. (Ornithichnites fulic- oides.) 1861 A, p. 43, pis. xviii, xxxvii. (P. quad- ripes. ) Eyermann, J. 1889 A, p. 32. (B. isodactylum.) Field, R. 1860 A. ( Ornithichnites f ulicoides. ) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (P. quadripes.) Hitchcock, E. 1843 A, p. 258, pi. xi, fig. 3. (Or- nithichnites f ulicoides.) 1844 A , p. 297. ( Ornithichni tes f ulicoides. ) 1848 A, p. 179, pi. iv, figs. 2, 3. (^Ethyopus minor.) 1858 A, p. 69, pi. xii, fig. 3; pi. xl, fig. 1; pi. xlvi, fig. 3; pi. Ivii, fig. 4 (Brontozoum isodactylum); 1 p. 102, pi. xvii, fig. 7; pi. xxxv, figs. 1, 2; pi. xlv, fig. 5 (P. quad- ripes). Mantell, G. A. 1846 A. (Ornithichnites fulic- oides.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 82. (Ornithichnites f ulicoides.) Warren, J. C. 1854 A, p. 28. (^thyopus minor.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Either the whole or a part of this species was divided into the two new species Brontozoum isodactylum and Anomaepus intermedius, which see. The B. isodactylum of Cook and Eyer- mann may not belong here. Plesiornis mirabilis E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 36, pi. xx. Hitchcock. C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. * Triassic; Massachusetts. Plesiornis pilulatus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 103, pi. xvii, fig. 8; pi. xxxvi, fig. 4. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Triassic; Massachusetts. POLEMARCHUS E. Hitch. TypeSauraidichnilespolemarchiiis E. Hitch=P. gigas~E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. 1848 A, p. 197. 1858 A. p. 107. Polemarchus gigas E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. Hitchcock, C. H. 18H9 B, pp. 119, 122. Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 483, pi. xxxv, fig. 17. (Sauroidichnites polemarchius.) Hitclicock, E. 1844 A, p. 304. (Sauroidichnites polemarchius.) 1845 A, p. 63. (Sauroidichnites polemar- chius.) 1848 A, p. 197, pi. ix, fig. 1. 1858 A, p. 107, pi. xviii, fig. 1; pi. lix, fig. 3. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 729. Triassic; Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania. SAUROPUS E. Hitch. Type S. barrattii E. Hitch. Not Sauropus Lea, 1849. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. Hitchcock, C. H. 1871 A, p. xxi. (Chimaerichnus, for Chimaera E. Hitch., preoccupied.) 183<, B, p. 118. (Chimaerichnus.) Hitchcock, E. 1858 A' p. 118. (Chimsera.) Sauropus barrattii E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (Chimserichnus.) Hitchcock. E. 1841 A, p. 477, pi. xxx, fig. 1. (Saur- oidichniteb.) Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 225, pi. xiv, fig. 1. ( Ano- mcepus.) 1858 A. p. 118, pi. xxi, figs. 1-4; pi. xxxvii, fig. 1. (Chimaera.) Triassic; Connecticut, Massachusetts. Sauropus ingens (C. H. Hitch.). Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, pp. 118, 122. (Chimserich- nus.) Triassic; New Jersey. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 551 SELENICHNUS E. Hitch. Type S. falcatus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 133. Selenichnus falcatus E. Hitch. Selenichnus breviusculus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 134, pi. xxiii, fig. 9; pi. Ix, fig. 7. Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 48, pi. xxx, fig. 1. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. ' Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 133, pi. xxiii, fig. 8; pi. Ix, flg.8. Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 48, pi. xxx, fig. 2. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. SHEPARDIA E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 131. Shepardia palmipes E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 131, pi. xxiv, fig. 2. Type S. palmipes E. Hiteh. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. SILLIMANIUS E. Hitch. Type, none assigned. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. 1848 A, p. 191. (Ornithopus; no type.) 1858 A, p. 87. (Ornithopus.) Originally four species, S. adamsumts, S. tetra- dactylus, S. gracilior, and S. rogersianus, were as- signed to this genus. The last-named belongs under Palamopus. Later (1848) Hitchcock re- ferred the first three species to Ornithopus, a new genus. As Sillimanius was based on de- scribed and figured forms, Ornithopus becomes a synonym. Sillimanius gracilior E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (Ornithopus.) Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 498, pi. xlvi, fig. 43 (Ornithoidichnites). 1843 A. (Ornithoidichnites). 1848 A, p. 193, pi. viii, fig. 2. (Ornithopus.) 1858 A, p. 88, pi. xiv, fig. 11; pi. Iviii, fig. 7. (Ornithopus.) Triassic; Connecticut. Sillimanius tetradactyhis E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. Giebel, C. G. 1847 B, p. 36. (Ornithichnites.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (Ornithopus gal- linaceus.) , Hitchcock, E. 1836 A, p. 323. (Ornithichnites.) 1837 A, p. 175. (Ornithichnites.) 1841 A, p. 497, pi. xlvi, fig. 42. (Ornithoid- ichnites. 1848 A, p. 192, pi. viii, fig. 1. (Ornithopus gallinaceus. ) 1858 A, p. 87, pi. xiv, fig. 10; pi. Iviii, fig. 1. (Ornithopus gallinaceus.) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 407. (Ornithichnites.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 82. (Ornithichnites.) Warren, J. C. 1854 A, p. 29. (Ornithopus gallina- ceus. Triassic; Massachusetts, Connecticut. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. STENODACTYLTJS E. Hitch. Type S. curvatus E. Hitch Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 116. Stenodactylus curvatus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 116, pi. xx, fig. 11; pi. xxiv, fig. 3. STEROPOIDES E. Hitch. Type not indicated. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. Edwards, A. Milne 1863 A, p. 136. (Tridentipes. ) 1869 A, p. 672. (Tridentipes.) Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 182. (Steropezoum.) 1858 A, p. 88. (Tridentipes, to replace Ste- ropezoum. ) Lydekker, R. 1890 A, p. 222. (Tridentipes.) Steropoides elegans E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. (S. elegans, S. elegan- tior.) Giebel, C. G. 1847 B,p. 36. (Ornithichnites.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (Tridentipes.) Hitchcock, E. 1836 A, p. 320. (Ornithichnites di- versus); p. 321 (O. diversusplatydactylus). 1841 A, p. 491, pi. xli, fig. 28, 29; pi. xlviii, figs. 57-62 (Ornithoidichnites elegans); pi. ' 493, pi. xlii, fig. 30; pi. xlviii, fig. 58 (O. elegantior). 1848 A, p. 183, pi. v, fig. 2 (Steropezoum elegans) ; p. 184, pl.v, fig. 3 (S. elegantius). 1858 A, p. 90, pi. xv, fig. 2; pi. xiv, fig. 6; pi. lii, figs. 8, 11. (Tridentipes.) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 406. (Ornithichnites diver- sus.) Triassic; Massachusetts. 552 FOSSIL VEBTEBRATA OF NORTH AMF.RIO/ [BULL. 179. Steropoides infelix nom. nov. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (Tridentipes ele- gantior. ) Hitchcock, E. 1853 A, p. 90, pi. xv, fig. 3; pi. xlv, fig. 1. (Trideiitipes elegantior, not Steropezoum elegan tiu.s, 1848.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Steropoides ingens E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845. B, p. 24. (S. ingens, Sillima- 1 1 i 1 1> adamsanus. ) Cook, Q. H. 1885 A, p. 96. (Tridentipes.) Giebel,C.G.1847B,p. 35 (Ornithichniteh Ingens); p. 36 (O. danse.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, pp. 118, 122. (Triden- tipes.) Hitchcock, E. 1836 A, p. 319. (Ornithichnites.) 1841 A, p. 490, pi. xl, fig. 37. (Ornithoid- ichnites.) 1844 A, p. 306, pi. iii, fig. 5. (O. danse.) 1848 A, p. 182, pi. v, fig. 1 (Steropezoum ingens); p. 191, pi. vii, fig. 5 (Ornithopus adamsanus). 1858 A, p. 89, pi. xv, fig. 1. (Trideutipes.) Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1211, figure. (Tridentipes. ) TARSODACTYLUS E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A. p. 98. Tarsodactylus caudatus E. Hitch. Hitchcock E. 1858 A, p. 99. Deane, J. 1861 A, p. 54, pi. xxxv. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Triassic; Massachusetts. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 406. (Ornithichnites.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 82. (Ornithichnites.) Triassic; Massachusetts, New Jersey. Steropoides loripes (E. Hitch.). Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 193, pi. vii, fig. 3. (Or- nithopus.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (Tridentipes insignis.) Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 495, pi. xliv, figs. 36, 37; pi. xlviii, fig. 63. (Ornithoidichnites divarica- tus.) 1858 A, p. 91, pi. xv, fig. 4; pi. xlv, fig. 3; pi. xlvii, fig. 2. (Tridentipes insignis.) Lesley, J. P. 1890 A, p. 1211, figure. (Tridentipes.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Steropoides uncus (E. Hitch.). Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 91, pi. xv, fig. 6; pi. xlvi, fig. 1. (Tridentipes.) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. (Tridentipes uncus?) 1863 B, p. 85. (T. uncus, doubtful species.) Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 20. (Tridentipes.) Triassic; Massachusetts. Type T. caudatus E. Hiteh. Tarsodactylus expansus C H. Hitch. Hichcock, C. H. 1866 A, p. 301. 1889 B, p. 118. Triassic; Massachusetts. s King. Type not named; T. leptodactylus may be assumed. King, A. T. 1844 A, p. 177. Amer. Jour. Science 1845 C. (Spheropezium.) Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 218. King, A. T. 1845 A, p. 343. (Spheropezopus.) 1845 C. (Spheropezium. ) Lyell, C. 1846 A, p. 25. (No name.) Miller, S. A. 1889 A, p. 626. (Sphseropezium, Thenaropus. ) Zittel, K. A. 1890 B, p. 411. The tracks assigned to this genus are regarded by Lyell as being artifacts. Thenaropus leptodactylus King. King, A. T. 1844 A, p. 177, fig. 3. Amer. Jour. Science 1845 C, p. 345. (Sphero- pezium.) King, A. T: 1845 A, p. 345, fig. 3. (Spheropezopus. ) 1845 C, p. 216, fig. 2. (Spheropezium.) Coal-measures; Pennsylvania. Thenaropus ovoidactylus King. King, A. T. 1844 A, p. 178, fig. 7. Amer. Jour. Science 1845 C, p. 347. (Spheropez- ium.) King, A. T. 1845 A, p. 347, fig. 6. (Spheropezopus.) Coal-measures; Pennsylvania. Thenaropus pachydactylus King. King, A. T. 1844 A, p. 177, fig. 4. Amer. Jour. Science 1845 C, p. 346. (Spheropez- ium.) King, A. T. 1845 A, p. 346, fig. 4. (Spheropezopus.) 1845 C, p. 216, fig. 1. (Spheropezium.) Coal-measures; Pennsylvania. Thenaropus sphserodactylus King. King, A. T. 1844 A, p. 177, figs. 5,6. Amer. Jour. Science 1845 C, p. 346. (Spheropezium thserodactylum. ) King, A. T. 1845 A, p. 346, figs. 5a, 56. (Spherope- zopus thserodactylum. ) 1845 C, fig. 3. (Spheropezium thserodacty- lum.) Coal-measures; Pennsylvania. THINOPUS Marsh. Type T. antiquus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1896 G. p. 374. Thinopus antiquus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 18% G, p. 374, figure. Devonian; Pennsylvania. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 553 TOXICHNUS E. Hitch. Type T. iniequalis E. Hitch. Hitchcock E. 1865 A, p. 12. Toxichnus inaequalis E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1866 A, p. 12, pi. v, fig. 5. Hitchcock, E. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. TRI.ENOPUS E. Hitch. Type T. baileyanus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 24. 1848 A, p. 202. 1858 A, p. 111. Warren, 3. C. 1854 A, p. 30. Trieenopus baileyanus E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1846 B, p. 24. (T. baileyanus, T. em- monsianus. ) Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, pp. 119, 122. (T. lepto- dactylus.) Hitchcock, E. 1841 A, p. 479, pi. xxx, figs. 4-6. (Sauroidichnites emmonsii); p. 480, pi. xxxii, figs. 8, 9 (S. baileyi). Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 203, pi. x, fig. 4 (T. bai- leyanus); p. 204, pi. x, fig. 5 (T. emmonsi- anus). 1858 A, p. Ill, pi. xix, figs. 1-9; pi. xx, figs. 1-3; pi. xlv, fig. 8; pi. lii, fig. 1. (T. lepto- dactylus.) Warren, 3. C. 1854 A, p. 31. (T. baileyanus, T. emmonsianus. ) . Triassic; Connecticut. TRIHAMUS E. Hitch. Type T. elegans E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 9. Triassic; Massachusetts. Trihamus elegans E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1865 A, p. 9, pi. ii, fig. 3. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 118. Hitchcock, E. 1863 B, p. 86. (No description.) Triassic; Connecticut. Trihamus magnus C. H. Hitch. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, pp. 118, 126. Triassic; Connecticut. TYPOPUS E. Hitch. Type T. abnormis E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 26. 1848 A, p. 212. 1858 A, p. 105. Typopus abnormis E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1845 B, p. 25. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119,122. Hitchcock, E. 1844 A, pp. 294,307, pi. iii, figs. 6-8. (Sauroidichnites.) Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 212, pi. x, fig. 6. 1858 A, p. 105, pi. xvii, fig. 9; pi. xlv. fig. 7. Triassic: Massachusetts, Connecticut. Typopus gracilis E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 106, pi. xvii, fig. 10. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Connecticut. XIPHOPEZA E. Hitch. Type X. triplex E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1848 A, p. 239. 1858 A, p. 113. Xiphopeza triplex E. Hitch. Hitchcock, E. 1858 A, p. 113, pi. xx, fig. 6; pi. lii, figs. 3, 4, 6. Deane, 3. 1861 A, p. 45, pi. xxiv, fig. 2. Hitchcock, C. H. 1889 B, p. 119. Triassic; Massachusetts. Class MAMMALIA Linn. Linnaeus, C., 1858, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 14. Albrecht, P. 1886 A. Allen, H. 1882 A. Ameghino, F. 1891 D, p. 282. 1899 A, p. 555. Baird, S. F. 1857 A. Baur, G. 1884 C. 1884 . 1885 G. Baur, G. 1886 A. 1891 C, p. 354. 1892 D, p. 210. 1894 A. Baur and Case 1897 A. Bemmelen, 3. F. 1899 A, p. 162. Branco, W. 1897 A. Cope, E. D. 1871 B, p. 196. 1873 E, p. 645. 1874 M. 554 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OB" NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. 1880 B, 1881J. 1883 M, p. 562. 1884 E. 1884 I, p. 43. 1884 K, p. 323. 1884 L, p. 324. 1884 O, p. 166. 1884 II. 1885 A. 1885 G. 1887 S, pp. 241,317,341. 1889 C. 1891 N, p. 64. 1893 M. 1898 B, p. 101. Dawkins, W. B. 1870 A. Dobson, G. E. 1885 A. Fleischman, A. 1891 A. Flower, W. H. 1869 A. 1876 B. 1876 C. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A. Frenkel, F. 1873 A. Fiirbringer, M. 1885 B. Gadow, H. 1889 A, p. 474. 18% A, p. 42. 1898 A, p. 39. Gaupp, E. 1894 A. Gegenbaur, C. 1864 A. 1865 B. Gill, T. 1871 A. 1872 A. Goodrich, E. S. 1894 E. Haacke, W. 1888 A, p. 8. 1893 A, p. 719. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 419 Hallmann, E. 1837 A. Hoffmann, C. K. 1879 A, p. 31. Howes, G. B. 1887 B. 1893 A. 1896 A. Humphrey, G. M. 1866 A. Humphreys, J. 1889 A, p. 137. Huxley, T. H. 1870 A. 1872 A, p. 273. 1876 B, xiv, p. 33. Kehner, F. A. 1876 A. Kehrer, G. 1886 A, p. 83. Kingsley and Ruddick 1900 A, p. 219. Kostlin, O. 1844 A. Kollmann, J. 1888 A. Kukenthal, W. 1890 C. 1892 A. 1892 B. Landois, 1881 A, p. 126. Lataste, F. 1889 A. Leboucq, H. 1896 A. Leche, W. 1893 A. 1895 A. 1896 A. 1896 B. Lemoine 1893 A. Lydekker, R. 1885 B. 1885 C. 1886 A. 1887 A. Maggi, L. 1898 B. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. 1885 C. 1887 A. Mehnert, E. 1889 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p, 1245. Osborn, H. F. 1887 D. 1892 E. 18921. 1893 G. 1897 C. 1898 L. 1898 O, p. 175. 1898 R, p. 309. 1900 J, p. 943. Owen, R. 1843 A. 1845 B, p. 2%. 1851 C. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 192. 1874 B. 1879 B. 1885 A. 1886 A. Parsons, F. G. 1899 A. 1900 A. Pollard, E. C. 1893 A Reh, L. 1895 A. Romer, F. 1893 A. Rose, C. 1892 A. 1892 IX 1892 E. 1893 C. 1896 A. Roger, O. 1889 A. 1896 A. Hiitimeyer, L. 1877 A. 1888 A. 1891 A. Schlosser, M. 1888 A. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 555 Schlosser, M. 1890 A. 1890 C. Schmidt, O. 1886 A. Schwalbe, G. 1894 A. Scott, W. B. 1891 B, p. 378. 1891 C. 1892 A. i, p. 92. Seeley, H. G. 1888 D, p. 106. 1888 E. 1888 H. 1898 A, p. 357. Slade, D. D. 1888 A. Smith, .1.1895 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 678. Thilenius, G. 1894 A. Thomas, O. 1888 A. Thomas, O. 1890 A. Thompson, J. A. 1897 A, p. 41. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 299. Tornier, G. 1886 A. 1890 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1889 A. 1898 A. 1899 A. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Weber, Max 1887 A. Weyhe, 1875 A. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 245. Woodward, M. F. 1892 A. 1893 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 A. Subclass PROTOTHERIA Gill. Gill, T. 1872 B, p. vi (Prototheria); pp. 27, 46 (Ornithodelphia). Cope, E.D. 1887 Q. 1889 R, pp. 873,874. 1891 N, p. 377. 1898 B, p. 102. Flower, W. H. 1883 A. 1883 D, p. 377. 1885 A. (Ornithodelphia.) Flower and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 117. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 39. Gill, T. 1888 A. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 468. (Monotrema in part. ) Huxley, T.H. 1872 A, p. 274. (Ornithodelphia.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 A, p. 391. 1899 B, p. 92. Parker, W. K. 1885 A, p. 25. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 696. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 300. Wilson and Hill 1897 A, p. 429. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 248. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 61. (Eplacentalia.) Order PROTODONTA Osborn. Osborn, H. F. 1887 E. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 874. 1891 N, pp. 64, 66. 1898 B, p. 102. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 40. GUI, T. 1872 B, p. 27. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 874. 1898 B, p. 102. Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 344. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 470. (Dromatheridas.) Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 222. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 96. DROMATHERIID^E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1272. Osborn, H. F. 1887 F, p. 291. 1888 G, p. 222. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 697. DROMATHERIUM Emmons. Type D. sylvestre Emmons. Emmons, E. 1857 A, p. 93. Ameghino, F, 18% A. Emmons, E. 1858 A, p. 78. (No description.) 1860 A, p. 175. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 113. Goodrich, E. S. 1894 A, p. 426. Leidy, J. 1857 B, p. 150. 1869 A, p. 410. 1870 F. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 269. Marsh, O. C. 1891 1, p. 237. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1272. Osborn H. F. 1886 B. 1887 D. 1887 E. 1887 F, p. 291. 1888 F, p. 1067. 1888 G, pp. 222,239. 1891 C, p. 776. 18921. 1895 C. p. 6. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 302 556 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, 242, fig. I. 1. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 405. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 75. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 256. Zittel, K. A. 1890 B, p. 96. . Authors previously to 1886 included Micro- conodon in this genus. Dromatherium sylvestre Emmons. Emmons, E, 1857* A, p. 93, fig. 66. Cope, E. D. 1875 V, p. 51. Edwards, A. M. 1896 A. (Identification doubtful.) Emmons, E. 1860 A, p. 175, fig. 152. Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 375. Leidy, J. 1859 G. k., p. 410. Leidy, J. 1870 F. Osborn, H. F. 1886 A. 1886 B, p. 360. 1887 E. 1888 G, pi. ix, fig. 77. 1891 C, p. 777. 1895 C, p. 6, pi. AA, fig. 2. ("Dromathe- rium.") 'Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p, 1252. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 12. Woodward, A. S. 1890 A, p. 393. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 96, fig. 73. Triassic; North Carolina, New Jersey? Authors writing before 1886 included Micro- conodon tenuirostris Osb. in this species. MICROCONODON Osborn. Type M. tenuiroslrix Osborn. Osborn, H. F. 1886 A. Ameghino, F. 1896 A. Cope, E. D. 1888 R. Goodrich, E. S. 1894 A, p. 429. Marsh, O. C. 1891 1, p. 612. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1273. Osborn, H. F. 1886 B, p. 362. 1887 D. 1887 E. 1888 F, p. 1073. 1888 G, p. 223. 1891 C, p. 777. 18921. 1893 G, p. 496. 1895 C, p. 3. 1898 R, p. 353. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 242, fig. I, 2. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 76. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 256. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 97. Before the year 1886included in I>romatheriui Microconodon tenuirostris Osborn. Osborn, H. F. 1886 A. Cope, E. D. 1888 R, pi. xiv. Osborn, H. ?. 1886 B, p. 362. 1888 G, p. 223, fig. A, 10, B. 1898 R, p. 353, fig. 14. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 12. Seeley, H. G. 1895 B, p. 89. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1252. Triassic; North Carolina. Order ALLOTHERIA Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1880 F, p. 239. Most of the authors below cited employ Cope's name Multitubereulata for this group. Citations of such authors are followed by the contraction (Mult.). Ameghino, F. 1894 A, p. 332. (Mult.) Cope, E. D. 1884 O,.p. 167. (Allotheria.) 1884 Y, p. 687. (Mult.) 1888 J. (Mult.) 1888 K. (Mult.) (Mult.) (Mult.) 1888 CC, p. 302. (Mult.) 1889 C. (Mult.) 1889 R, p. 874. (Mult.) J, p. 65. (Mult.) 3, p. 102. (Mult.) Flower and Lydekkor 1891 A, p. 109. (Mult.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 39. Goodrich, E. S. 1894 A, p. 429. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 476. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 195. (Mult.) Major, Fors. 1893 A, p. 210. Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 345. 1889 D, p. 83. Marsh, O. E. 1891 H. 1891 I, p. 239. 1892 B. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 28. (Mult.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1266. (Mult.) Osborn, H. F. 1887 F, pp. 284.285. (Mult.) 1888 B, p. 75. (Mult.) 1888 C, p. 232. (Mult.) 1888 E, p. 926. (Mult.) 1888 F, p. 1068. (Mult.) 1888 G. (Mult.) 1891 A. (Mult.) 1891 C, p. 778. (Mult.) 1891 E, p. 599. (Mult.) 1893 B, p. 313. (Mult.) 1893 D. (Mult.) 1897 C. (Mult.) 1898 O. (Mult.) Owen, R. 1884 A. (Mult.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 3. (Allotheria.) Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 276. (Mult.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 698. (Mult.) Trouessart, E. L.1898 A, p. 1253. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 248. (Mult.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 72. HAY.J CATALOGUE. 557 BOLODONTID.E. Osborn, 11. F. 1887 F, p. 285. Cope, E. D. 1887 H, p. 567. (Chirogidse.) 1888 J. (Chirogidffi.) 1838 CC, p. 307. (Chirogidae.) 1898 B, p. 102. (Chirogidae.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 470. (Bolodontida. ) Lydukker, R. 1887 A, p. 202. Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 329. (Bolodon.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1269 Osborn, H. F. 1887 A. (Bolodon.) Osborn, H. F. 1888 C, p. 233. 1888 G, pp. 213,251. 1891 B, p. 44. (Allodontidse.) Owen, R. 1871 A, p. 54. (Bolodon.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 4. ! Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 699. j Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1258. I Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 251. (Bolodon.) Zittel, K! A. 1893 B, p. 77. ALLACODON Marsh. Type A. Imtus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 F, p. 178. Osborn, H. F. 1891 B. 1893 B, pp. 314, 315, 317. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1258. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 79. Allacodon fortis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1892 B, p. 255, pi. vii, fig. 4. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 4. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1258. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Allacodon lentus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 F, p. 178, pi. viii, figs. 17-31. 1897 C, p. 521, fig. 89. Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 130, fig. 7. 1891 B, p. 45. 1891 E, p. 604, fig. 9. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 4. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1258. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Allacodon pumilis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 F, p. 179. 1892 B, p. 255, pi. vii, fig. 3. Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 131. 1891 E, p. 604. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 4. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1258. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 79, fig. 49. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Allacodon rarus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1892 B, p. 256, pi. vii, fig. 5. Roger, 0. 1896 A,'p. 4. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1258. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. ALLODON Marsh. Type A. laticeps Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1881 F, p. 511. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 203. (=? Bolodoii.) 1893 A. (Syn.? of Bolodon.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1270. Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 329. Osborn, H. F. 1887 A. 1888 C, p. 233. 1888 G, pp. 218, 251. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 5. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 275. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 699. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1258. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 77. (Allodon, Bolodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 78, 722. Allodon fortis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 331, pi. vii, figs. 7-10. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 4. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1258. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 250, fig. 147. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 78, fig. 48 A,B,C. Jurassic; Wyoming. Allodon laticeps Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1881 F, p. 511. 1887 A, p. 331, pi. vii, figs. 1-6. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 217, fig. 10. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 4. .Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1258. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 78, fig. 48 D, E, F. Jurassic; Wyoming. CHIROX Cope. Type C. plicatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 K, p. 321. 1887 H. 1888 I, p. 10. Matthew, W.D. 1897 C, p. 265. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1269. Osborn, H. F. 1887 F, p. 286. 1888 G p, 21S. Osborn, H. E. 1893 D. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 77. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 79. Chirox plicatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 K, p. 321. 1887 H. 1888 I, p. 10, fig. 7. 558 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 302. 1889 C, p. 269, fig. 91. 1898 B, p. 104, fig. 42. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 263. 1899 A, p. 29. Osborn, H. F. 1889 G, p. 219, fig. 12. 1891 E, p. 606, fig. 11. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 4. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1268. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. PLAGIAULACIDSE. Gitt, T. 1872 B, p. 27. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 268. (Plagiaulacoidea, in part; Plagiaulacidse.) 1891 B, p. 38. Cope, E. D. 1882 U. 1882 W. 1884 O, p. 167. 1884 Y, p. 687. 1888 J. 1888 CC, p. 307. 1889 R, p. 874. 1898 B, p. 102. Haeckel , E. 1895 A, p. 470. ( Plagiaulacida. ) Lydekker, R, 1887 A, p. 195. Marsh, O. C. 1879 G, p. 397. 1880 F, p. 239. 1881 F, p. 512. 1887 A, pp. 329, 344. 1889 D, p. 84 (Cimolodontidse); p. 85 (Di- priodontidffi); p. 86 (Tripriodontidse). Marsh, O. C. 1889 F, p. 177. (Cimolomidse..) 1891 1, p. 239. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 28. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1267. Osborn, H. F. 1887 F, p. 285. 1888 G, p. 213. 1891 B. (Plagiaulacidse, Stereognathidse.) 1891 C, p. 781. 1893 B. 1893 G, p. 214. Roger, O. 1896.A, p. 4. Schlosser, M. 1884 B, p. 640. 1888 A, p. 584. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 700. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 77. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 249. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 79. PLAGIAULACINsE. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 11. PLAGIAULAX Falconer. Type P. becklesii Falconer. Falconer, H. 1857 A. This genus being the type of the family Pla- ffiauladdse, the following references to its liter- ature are given, although no species are known from our region. Ameghino, F. 1891 A, p. 40. Cope, E. D. 1882 U, p. 416. 1882 W, p. 620. 1884 O, p. 168. 1884 Y, p. 691. Falconer, H. 1862 A. 1868 A, ii, p. 408, pis. xxiii, xxiv. Lemoine, V. 1882 A. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 1%. 1893 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1267. Osborn, H. F. 1888 C. 1888 G, p. 215. Owen, R. 1871 A, p. 75. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 277. Seeley, H. 1888 H, p. 141. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 78. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 249 7ittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 80. CTENACODON Marsh. Type C. serratus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1879 G, p. 3%. Cope, E. D. 1882 U, p. 416. 1882 W, p. 521. 1884 O, p. 168. 1884 Y, p. 691. 1888 J. Lydekker, R. 1893 A. Marsh, O. C. 1885 C. 1887 A, p. 332. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1267. Osborn, H. F. 1887 F, p. 285. }, p. 215. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 277. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1254. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 77. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 251. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 299. Zittel, K. A. ]893 B, pp. 81, 722. Ctenacodon nanus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1881 F, p. 512. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 4. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1254. Jurassic; Wyoming. Ctenacodon potens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1887 A, p. 333, pi. viii, figs. 2, 3, 7-9. Osborn, H. F. 1891 E, p. 604, fig. 8a. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 4. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1254. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 250, fig. 147. Jurassic; Wyoming. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 559 Ctenacodon serratus Marsh. Jfargh, O. C. 1879 G, p. 396. Cope, E. D. 1884 Y, p. 693, fig. 7. 1888 J, fig. 9o. 1889 C, p. 270, flg. 93o. Marsh, O. C. 1880 F, p. 238, figure. 1887 A, p. 333, pi. viii, figs. 1, 4-6. Marsh, O. C. 1897 C, p. 508, fig. 70. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 216, fig. 8. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 4. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1264. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 260, fig. 147. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 80, figs. 53, 54. Jurassic; Wyoming. NEOPLAGIAULAX Lemoine. Type N. eocsenus Lemoine. Lemoine, F. 1863 A. Cope, E. D. 1887 H, p. 567. Lemoine, V. 1891 A, p. 289. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 196. Marsh, O. C. 1887, A, p. 344. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C. p. 265. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1267. Osborn, H. F. 1891 C, p. 781, 18921. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 6. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 277. Winge, H. 18,93 C, p. 78. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 84. Neoplagiaulax americanus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1885 M, p. 493. . 1886 I, p. 451. Cope, E, D. 1888 CC, p. 302. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 263. 1899 A, p. 28. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 7. .Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 6. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1267. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. Neoplagiaulax molestus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 I. 1888 CC, p. 307, pi. v, figs. 10, 11. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 263. 1899 A, p 28. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 6. (Chirox.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 6. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1257. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. PTILODUS Cope. Type P. medisews Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 V. 1882 U, p. 416. ' 1882 W, p. 520. . 1884 O, pp. 168, 172. 1884 Y, p. 691. 1888 J, p. 12. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 196. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1267. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 217. 1891 A, p. 134. 1893 B, p. 314, pi. vii, figs. 1-6, text figs. 1,2. 1893 D, p. 30. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 78. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 252. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 83. Ptilodus medieevus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 V. 1882 W, p. 522. 1884 O, p. 173, pi. xxiiid, fig. 1. 1884 Y, p. 696, fig. 8. Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 302. 1898 B, p. 104, fig. 41. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 196, fig. 30. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 263. 1899 A, p. 28. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 7. Roger, O, 1896 A, p. 5. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1256. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. Ptilodus trouessartianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 AA, p. 686. 1884 O, p. 737, pi. xxv/, fig. 19. 1885 M, p. 493. 1888 CC, p. 302. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 263. 1899 A, p. 28. Osborn, H. F. 1893 B, p. 315, text fig. 1. Roger O, 1896 A, p. 5. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1256. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. CIMOLOMYS Marsh. Type C. gracilis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 D, p. 84. Cope, E. D. 1892 U, p. 762. (Cimolodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1889 D, p. 84 (Cimolodon, type C. j nitidw); p. 85 (Nanomys, type N. minutus). 1892 B, p. 261. (Nanomyops, to replace Nanomys.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1268. Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 125. 1891 B. 1893 B, p. 314. (Ptilodus.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 700. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1256. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 82. Cimolomys agilis (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1889 B, p. 255, pi. vi, fig. 8. (Cimol- odon.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 6. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1257. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. (Cimolodon.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Cimolomys bellus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 D, p. 84. 1892 B, p. 262, pi. vii, fig. 2. Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 125. (Syn. of C. gracilis.) 560 FOSSIL VEBTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Osborn, H. F. 1891 B, p. 44. 1891 E, p. 599. 1893 B, p. 316. (Ptilodus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 6. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1256. (Syn. of C. gracilis.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Cimolomys digona Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 F, p. 177, pi. vii, figs. 1-4, 13-16. 1897 C, p. 521, fig. 87. Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 126. 1891 B, p. 44. 1891 E, p. 599. 1893 B, p. 317. (Ptilodus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 6. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1256. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Cimolomys formosus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1889 F, p. 179, pi. viii, figs. 32-39. (Halodon.) Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 126, fig. l,c. 1891 B, p. 44. 1893 B, p. 315. (Ptilodus.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 6. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1257. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 84, fig. 61, C. (Halodon.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Cimolomys g^-acilis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 D, p. 84, pi. ii, figs. 1-4. Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 125, figs. 2,a, 3. 1891 B, p. 44. 1891 E, pp. 599, 601, figs. 3, 4. 1893 B, p. 317. (Ptilodus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 6. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1256. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 81, fig. 56. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Cimolomys minutus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1889 D, p. 85, pi. ii, figs. 9-12. (Nano- mys.) 1892 B, p. 261, pi. vi, fig. 2. (Nanomyops.) Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 126, figs. 2,c, 3. 1891 E, p. 600, figs. 3, 4. 1892 B, p. 44. 1893 B, p. 316. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 6. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1256. (Syn. of C. gracilis.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Cimolomys nitidus ( Marsh) . Marsh, O. C. 1889 D, p. 84, pi. ii, figs. 5-8. (Cimol- odon.) Cope, E. D. 1892 U, p. 762. (Cimolodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1892 B, p. 255, pi. vi, figs. 7, 9. (Cimol- odon.) Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 126, fig. 2,6. (Cimolodon.) 1891 B, p. 44. (Cimolomys.) 1891 E, p. 600, figs. 3, 4. 1893 B, p. 316. (Ptilodus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 6. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1257. (Syn. of C. graci- lis.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 82, figs. 57, 58. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Cimolomys parvus (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1892 B, p. 254, pi. vi, fig. 4. (Cimol- odon.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 6. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1257. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Cimolomys serratus (Marsh) . Marsh, 0. C. 1889 D, p. 87, pi. iii, figs. 4-6, 14-17. (Halodon.) Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 126, figs. 1,6, 5,c. (Halo- don.) 1891 B, p. 44. 1891 E, p. 600, fig. 2, 4. 1893 B, pp. 315, 318. (In part to Ptilodus; in part to Meniscoessus. ) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 6. (Halodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1257. (Syn. of C. gracilis.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. MENISCOESSUS Cope. Type M. conquistm Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 BB. 1884 Y, p. 691. 1888 J. 1892 U, p. 762. (Dipriodon=? Ptilodus. ) Marsh, O. C. 1889 D, p. 85 (Dipriodon, type D. robustus); p. 86 (Selenacodon, type S. fragilis; Tripriodon, type T. ccdatus;); p. 87 (Halodon in part, type H. sculptus). 1891 1. 1892 D, p. 82. 1892 G, p. 174. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1268. Osborn, H. F. 1887 F, p. 286. 1888 G, p. 217. 1891 A, p. 128. 1891 B. 1891 C, pp. 779, 782. Osbosn, H. F. 1891 E, pp. 597, 609. 1893 B, pp. 313, 317, 320. (Syn? of Paro- nychodon.) 1893 D, p. 30. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 277. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1254. Wortmann, J. L. 1883 A, p. 709. 1885 A, p. 2%. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 83. Meniscoessus brevis (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1889 F, p. 177, pi. vii, figs. 9-12. (Se- lenacodon.) Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 129, fig. b,d. 1891 B, p. 45. 1891 E, p. 602, fig. 5. 1893 B, p, 318. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 5. (Syn. of M. conquistus.) HAY.J CATALOGUE. 561 Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1265. (Syn. of M. coii- quistus.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Meniscoessus caperatus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1889 D, p. 86, pi. iii, figs. 18-20. (Tri- priodon.) Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 853, fig. 1443. (Tripriodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1892 B, p. 261, pi. v, fig. 2. (Triprio- don.) Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 129. 1891 B, p. 45. 1891 E, p. 602, fig. 8. 1893 B, p. 318. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1255. (Syn. of M. con- quistus.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Meniscoessus ccelatus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1889 D, p. 86, pi. ii, figs. 19-21. (Tri- priodon.) Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 853, fig. 1442. (Tripriodon. ) Major, Fors. 1893 A, p. 211. (Tripriodon.) Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 129, fig. 4,6. 1891 B, p. 45. 1891 E, p. 602, figs. 5, 8. 1893 B, p. 319. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 5. (Syn. of M. conquistus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1255. (Syn. of M. con- quistus. ) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 82, fig. 59B. (Tripriodon.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Meniscoessus conquistus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 BB. 1884 Y, p. 691, fig. 7. 1888 J. 1889 C, p. 270, fig. 93 d, f. 1889 L, p. 490. Marsh, O. C. 1889 D, p. 82. Osborn, H. F. 1891 B p. 45. 1891 E, p. 597 E, fig. 1. 1891 I. 1893 B, p. 319. Osborn and Earle, 1895 A, p. 14. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 5. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1255. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 82, fig. 59 A. Cretaceous (Laramie) ; Wyoming. Meniscoessus fragilis (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1889 D, p. 86, pi. ii, figs. 22-24. (Selenacodon.) Major, Fors. 1893 A, p. 211. (Selenacodon.) Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 128, figs. 4,c, 5,d, 6. 1891 B, p. 45. 1891 E, p. 602, figs. 5,8. 1893 B, p. 318. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 5. (Syn. of M. conquistus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1255. (Syn. of M. conquistus.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Meniscoessus lunatus (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1889 D, p. 85, pi. ii, figs. 16-18. (Dipriodon.) Cope, E. D. 1892 U, p. 762. (?Ptilodus.) Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 853, fig. 1440. (Dipriodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1892 B, p. 261, pi. v, figs. 6, 7. (Dipriodon.) Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, pp. 128, 130, figs. 4,d, 6. (Dipriodon.) 1891 E, p. 602, figs. 5,8. 1893 B, p. 318. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 5. (Syn. of M. conquistus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1255. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 83, fig. 60A. (Dipriodon.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Meniscoessus robustus (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1889 D, p. 85, pi. ii, figs. 13-15. (Dipriodon.) Major, Fors. 1893 A, p. 211. (Dipriodon.) Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, pp. 128,130, figs. 4,o. (Di- priodon. ) 1891 B, p. 45. 1891 C, p. 782. 1891 E, p. 601, figs. 5, 7, 8. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 5. (Syn. of M. conquistus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1255. (Syn. of M. conquistus.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Meniscoessus sculptus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1889 D, p. 87, pi. iii, figs. 7-13. (Halodon.) Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 853, figs. 1441 a-c. (Halodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1892 B, p. 261, pi. v, fig. 4. (Halodon. ) Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 126, figs. l,a, 5,o. (Halo- don.) 1891 B, p. 44. 1891 E, p. 600, fig. 2. 1893 B, p. 318. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 5. (Syn. of M. conquistus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1255. (Syn. of M. conquistus. ) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. ORACODON Marsh. Type O. anceps Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 F, p. 178. Osborn, H. F. 1891 B. ' 1893 B, p. 317. (Syn.? of Meniscoessus.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 83. Oracodon anceps Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 F, p. 178, pi. viii, figs. 13-16. 1892 B, p. 256, pi. vii, figs. 6,7. Bull. 179 36 Marsh, O. C. 1897 C, p. 621, fig. 91. Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 131. 1891 B, p. 45. 1891 E, p. 605. 1893 B, p. 319. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 5. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1256. Cretaceous (Laramie) ; Wyoming, 562 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Oracodon conulus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1892 B, p. 256, pi. vii, fig. 8. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 853, fig. 1439 a, b. Osborn, H. F. 1893 B, p. 319. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 5. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1256. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 29. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 84, fig. 63. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. CAMPTOMUS Marsh. Type C. amplus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 D, p. 87. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1268. Camptomus amplus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 D, p. 87, pi. v. figs, 1-4, 18-23. Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 131. Osborn, H. F. 1891 B, p. 45. Osborn, H. F.1891 E, p. 605. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1256. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 253. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 73, fig. 44. Cretaceous (Laramie) ; Wyoming. POLYMASTODONTIN.E. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 11. Unless otherwise indicated, the following au- thorities employ for this group, regarded as of family value, the term Polymastodontidse. Cope, E. D. 1884 Y, p. 687. 1888 J. 1888 CC, p. 307. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 470. (Polymastodontida.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 199. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1269. Osborn, H. F. 1887 F, p. 286. 1888 G, pp. 213,221. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 6. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 277. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1253. Woodward, A. 8. 1898 B, p. 252. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 85. CATOPSALIS Cope. Type C. foliatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 U, p. 416. 1882 W, p. 520. 1884 O, pp. xxxv, 168,170,733. Catopsalis foliatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 U, p. 416. 1884 O, p. 171, pi. xxiiid, fig. 2. 1884 Y, p. 688, fig. 5. (Poly mastodon.) Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 302. (Polymastodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 263. 1899 A, p. 28. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 11. (Polymastodon.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 7. (Polymastodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1254. (Polymastodon. ) Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. T.ENIOLABIS Cope. Type T. sulcalus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 Z, p. 604. 1884 O, p. 193. (Tseniolabis.) 1885 M, p. 493. (Syn? of Polymastodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893B, p. 86. (Syn. of Polymastodon.) By most authors this genus is included with Polymastodon, and to this the student is referred. Tseniolabis sulcatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 Z, p. 604. 1884 O, p. 193, pi . xxiii e, fig. 7. (T. scalper. ) 1885 M, p. 493. (T. scalper, syn.? of Polymas- todon taoensis). Roger, O. 18% A, p. 6. (Syn. of Polymastodon Eocene ( Puerco) ; New Mexico. After 1884 Prof. Cope regarded this species as based on what was probably an incisor tooth of Polymastodon taoensis Cope. Should Cope's identification eventually prove correct, the name Txniolabis will supersede Polymastodon. The name scalper appears to be merely a substitute for the earlier T. siUcatm. POLYMASTODON Cope. Type P. laoensis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 AA, p. 684. 1884 O, pp. xxxv, 168, 732. 1884 Y, p. 688. 1888 I, p. 11. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 200. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1269. Osborn, H. F. 1887 A. 1888 C. 1891 E, p. 610. 1893 E. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 11. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 700. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 330. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1253. Winge, H. 1893 B, p. 78. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 252. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 85. Polymastodon attenuatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1885 M, p. 494. 1888 CC, p. 302. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 263. HAY.J CATALOGUE. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 12, fig. 1A. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 7. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1253. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 253, fig. 149. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. Polymastodon fissidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 K, p. 322. (Catopsalis.) 1884 Y, p. 688. 1888 CC, p. 302. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 263. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, pp. 12, 14. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 7. Trouessart. E. L. 1898 A, p. 1253. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. Polymastodon latimolis Cope. Cape, E. D. 1885 J, p. 385. 1888 CC, p. 302. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 28. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, pp. 11, 12. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 7. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1253. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. Polymastodon selenodus Osborn and Earle. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, pp. 12, 15. 563 Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 263. 1899 A, p. 28. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 7. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1254. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. Polymastodon taOensis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 AA, p. 684. 1882 A A, p. 685. (Catopsalis pollux.) 1883 E. (Catopsalis pollux.) 1884 O, p. 732, pi. xxxiii c, fig. 6 (Polymas- todon taoensis); p. 734, pi. xxiii c, figs. 1-5 (Catopsalis pollux). 1884 Y, p. 689, figs. 3, 4. 1885 M, p. 493. 1888 I, p. 11, fig. 8. 1888 CC, p. 302. 1889 C, p. 270, fig. 92. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 200, fig. 32. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 263. 1899 A, p. 28. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, pp. 11, 12, fig. 1, C. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 6. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1253. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 253, fig. 149. Zittel,K. A. 1893 B, p. 86, fig. 66. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. Subclass EUTHERIA Gill. GUI, T. 1872 B, p. vi. Cope, E. D. 1887 Q. 1889 R, p. 874. 1891 N, pp. 65, 66. 1898 B, p. 104. Flower, W. H. 1883 A. 1883 D, p. 383. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 173. Gill, T. 1888 A. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 467. (Prodidelphia.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 A, p. 391. 1894 A. (Cenoplacentalia, Mesoplacentalia.) 1898 L. 1899 B, p. 92. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 3. (Cenoplacentalia, Mesoplacentalia.) Schlosser, M. 1893 A. p. 301. Tomes, C. 8. 1898 A, p. 305. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 254. (Metatheria.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 117. (>Placentalia.) Superorder DIDELPHIA Blainville. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 874. 1898 B, p. 104. Flower W. H. 1883 A. (Metatheria, Didelphia.) 1883 D, p. 378. (Metatheria.) 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 128. ( Metatheria, Didelphia.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 40. (Metatheria.) Gill, T. 1872 A, p. 305. 1872 B, pp. 25,46. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 276. 1880 B. (Metatheria.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1270. Osborn, H. F. 1893 A, p. 391. (Metatheria.) 1898 L. (Metatheria.) Parker, W. K. 1885 A, p. 59. (Metatheria.) Wilson and Hill 1897 A, p. 429. (Metatheria. ) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 254. (Metatheria.) Order MARSUPIALIA. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 230. (Marsupiata.) Baur, G. 1885 K, p. 475. Bensley, B. A. 1900 A, p. 558. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 644. 1880 B, p. 453. 1884 E. 1884 O, pp. 167, 788. Cope, E. D. 1884 Y. 1888 D, p. 255. 1889 C. 1889 R, pp. 874,876 (Pantotheria, in part; Marsupialia.) 1891 N, p. 69 (Marsupialia); p. 72 (Panto- theria). 564 FOSSIL VERTEBBATA OF NORTH AMEEICA [BULL. . 179 Flower, W. H. 1869 A, p. 267. 1876 B, xiii, p. 327. 1885 A. Plower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 128. Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 9. Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Gill, T. 1872 A, p. 305. 1872 B, pp. 25, 46. (Didelphia.) Gill and Coues 1877 A, p. 1072. Gruber, W. 1859 A. Haeckel, E. 1899 A, p. 479. Huxley, T. H. 1870 A. 1872 A, p. 273 (Metatheria); p. 276 (Didel- phia). Kollman, J. 1888 A. Kukenthal,W. 1891 A, p. 368. 1892 A. Leche, W. 1893 A, p. 521. 1895 A, p. 83. 1896 A, p. 292. 1896 B. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. ix ( Pantotheria, in part); p. 146 (Marsupialia). 1900 A, p. 922. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. 1880 F, p. 239. (Pantotheria, in part.) 1885 C. (Pantotheria, in part.) 1887 A, p. 345. (Pantotheria, in part; Marsu- pialia.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1272. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 268. 1891 A, p. 125. (Pantotheria, in part.) 1891 C, p. 780. (Pantotheria, in part.) 1891 E, p. 599. (Pantotheria, in part.) L, p. 379. 1900 C, p. 566. Owen, R. 1838 A, p. 120. 1839 A. 1839 D. Owen, R. 1843 A, p. 72. 1845 B, p. 273. 1851 C, p. 733. 1866 B, p. 328. 1868 A, p. 285. 1871 A. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 195. Paulli, S. 1899 A, p. 147. Pollard, E. C. 1893 A. Reh, L. 1895 A, p. 163. Roger, O. 1889 A. Rose, C. 1892 A, p. 638. 1892 D, p. 508. Ryder, J. 1878 A, p. 49. Schlosser, M. 1886 C. 1890 A. 1890 C. 1893 A. Schmidt, 0. 1886 A, p. 93. Schwalbe, J. 1894 A. Slade, D. D. 1888 A, p. 242. Steinmanii and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 700. Thomas, O. 1888 A. Thompson, J. A. 1897 A, p. 43. Tims, H. W. M. 1896 A. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 562. Tornier, G. 1890 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1155. Turner, W. 1899 A. Weyhe, 1875 A, p. 107. Wilson and Hill 1897 A, p. 427. Winge, H. 1893 C, pp. 61, 86. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 255. Woodward, M. F. 1893 A. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 493. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 86 (Marsupialia); pp. 95, 723, 724 (Pantotheria, in part). Suborder POLYPROTODONTIA. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 133. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 40. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 254. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1272. Owen, R. 1868 A, p. 293. (" Polyprotodont.") 1871 A, p. 88. (" Polyprotodont section.") Roger, O. 18% A, p. 12. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 255. STAGODONTID.E. Marsh, O. C. 1889 F, p. 178. Cope, E. D. 1892 J, p. 760. (Thlaxxiontidse.) Marsh, O. C. 1892 B, pp. 256,257. Osborn, H. F. 1891 B, p. 45. 1891 C, p. 780. 1892 D. STAGODON Marsh. Type S. nilor Marsh. Marsh, 0. C, 1889 F, p. 178. Ameghino. F, 1894 A, p. 335. Cope, E. D. 1892 U, p. 760. Marsh, O. C. 1891 1, p. 240. 1892 B, p. 257. Osborn, H. F. 1891 B, p. 45. 1891 C, p. 780. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 670. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 510. Stagodon nitor Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 F, p. 178, pi. vii. figs. 22-25. 1892 B, p. 262, pi. viii, figs. 1,2. Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 131, fig. Set. 1891 B, p. 45. CATALOGUE. 565 Osborn, H. F. 1891 C, p. 780, fig. 1. 1891 E, p. 606, fig. 12. 1893 B, p. 323. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 90. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 511, fig. 426A. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Stagodon tumidus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 F, p. 178, pi. vii, figs. 17-21. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 853, fig. 1438 a, 6. Marsh, O. C. 1892 B, p. 262, pi. viii, fig. 3. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 89. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Stagodon validus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1892 B, p. 256, pi. viii, figs. 4-7. Cope, E. D. 1892 U, p. 760. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 853, fig. 1437 a-e. Marsh, O. C. 1897 C, p. 521, fig. 92. Osborn, H. F. 1891 B, p. 45. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 90. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 611, figs. 425B, 426. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. THL^ODON Cope. Type T. padanacus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1892 U, p. 759. 1892 D. Osborn, H. F. 1893 A, p. 388. 1893 B, pp. 324, 328. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. Thlseodon padanicus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1892 U, p. 759, pi. xxii. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 90. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 669. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. PLATACODON Marsh. Type P. nanus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 F, p. 178. 1892 B, p. 259. Platacodon nanus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 F, p. 178, pi. viii, figs. 4-12. Hatcher, J. B. 1900 A, p,719. Marsh, O.C. 1892 B, p. 262, pi. xi, figs. 6, 7. Osborn, H. F, 1891 A, p. 132, fig. 86. 1891 B, p. 45. 1891 E, p. 609, fig. 126. 1893 B, p. 323. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. By Hatcher this genus has been referred to CIMOLESTID^. Marsh, O. C. 1892 B, p. 257. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1202. (Epanorthidse, in part.) PEDIOMYS Marsh. Type P. elegans Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 D, p. 89. Nicholson and Lydekkerl889 A, p. 1277. Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 131. p. 45. 1893 B, p. 324. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 102. Pediomys elegans Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 D, p. 89, pi. iv, f Marsh, O. C.1892 B, p. 262, pi. x. Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 131. 1891 B, p. 45. 1891 E, p. 606. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 15. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1249. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. BATODON Marsh. Type B. tennis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1892 B, p. 268. Osborn, H. F. 1893 B, p. 324. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 106. Batodon tenuis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1892 B, p. 258, pi. x, fig. 6; pi. xi, fig. 2. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 853, fig. 1436 a-e. Osborn, H. F. 1893 B. p. 324. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 19. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1204. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B,p. 106, fig. 92. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. DIDELPHODON Marsh. Type D. vorax Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 D, p. 88. 1889 F, p. 179. (Didelphops, to replace Didelphodon.) 1889 I, p. 15. (Didelphops.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1277. Osborn, H. F. 1891 B. 1891 E, p. 610, 1893 B, p. 323. 566 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA BULL. 179.] Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 18. (Didelphops.) Woodward, M. F. 18% A, p. 586. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 105. Didelphodon comptus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 D, p. 88, pi. iv, figs. 5-7, 20-22. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 853, fig. 1433 a-. (Didel- phops.) Marsh, O. C. 1892 B, p. 262, pi. x, figs. 1, 2. (Didel- phops.) Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 131. (Didelphops.) 1891 B, p. 45. (Didelphops.) 1891 E, p. 606. ( Didelphops, ) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 18. (Didelphops.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Didelphodon ferox Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 D, p. 88, pi. iv, figs. 4, 26-28. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 853, fig. 1435 a, b. (Didel- phops.) Marsh, O. C. 1892 B, p. 262, pi. ix, figs. 7, 8. (Didel- phops.) Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 131. (Didelphops.) 1891 B, p. 45. (Didelphops.) - 1891 E, p. 606. (Didelphops.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 18. (Didelphops.) Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Didelphodon vorax Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 D, p. 88, pi. iv, figs. 1-3. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 853, fig. 1434. (Didelphops.) Marsh, O. C. 1892 B, p. 262, pi. ix, fig. 1. (Didel- phops.) Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 131. (Didelphops.) 1891 B, p. 45. (Didelphops.) 1891 E, p. 606. (Didelphops.) 1893 B, p. 323', fig. 42. (Dideiphops.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 105, fig. 87. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. CIMOLESTES Marsh. Type C. incisus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 D, p. 89. 1889 F, p. 179. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1277. Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 131. 1891 B, p. 45. 1891 E, p. 610. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 105. Cimolestes curtus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 D, p. 89, pi. iv, figs. 8-11. Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 131. 1891 B, p. 45. 1891 E, p. 606. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 18. TELACODON Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1892 B, p. 268. Osborn, H. F. 1893, B, p. 324. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 106. Telacodon Isevis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1892 B, p. 258, pi. ix, figure; pi. x, figure. Osborn, H. F. 1893 B, p. 323. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 19. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1204. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 1%, fig. 90. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1204. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Cimolestes incisus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1889 D, p. 89, pi. iv, figs. 12-19. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 853, fig. 1432 a-d. Marsh, O. C. 1892 B, p. 262, pi. x, fig. 5. Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 131. 1891 B, p. 45. 1891 E, p. 606. 1893 B, p. 323, fig. 4. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 18. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1204. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 1%, fig. 89. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. Type T. laws Marsh. Telacodon praestans Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1892 B, p. 258, pi. ix, figs. 2, 3; pi. xi fig.l. 1897 C, p. 521, fig. %. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 19. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1204. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 106, fig. 91. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. TRICONODONTID^E. Marsh, 0. C. 1887 A, p. 341. Cope, E. D. 1889 C, p. 226. Haeckel, E. 1895 A. p. 470. (Triconodontida.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 257. Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 340. (Spalacotheriidae, Tinodontidse.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1277. Osborn, H. F. 1887 F, p. 287. 1888 C, p. 235. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, pp. 227,241. 1893 D. (Triconodonta.) 1898 A, p. 147. (Triconodonta.) 1898 B, p. 177. (Triconodonta. ) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 12. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 697. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1249. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 75. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 97. (Triconodonta.) TRICONODONTIN^E nom. nov. Goodrich, E. S. 1894 A, p. 420. (Amphilestes.) Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 228. (Amphilestinse.) Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 76. (Amphilestidse.) HAY. I CATALOGUE. 567 TRICONODON Owen. Type T. mordax Owen. Given, R., 1859, Encyc. Brit., ed. 8., xvii, p. 161. Cope, E. D. 1888 D, p. 257. 1889 C, p. 227. Leche, W. 18% B, p. 280. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 258. Marsh, O. C. 1879 F, p. 215. 1880 A, p. 237. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1277. Osborn, H. F. 1887 F, p. 287. 1888 C, p. 235. 1888 F, p. 1071. 1888 G, p. 228. 1893 D, p. 22. 1898 R, p. 320. Owen, R. 1871 A, p. 58. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 242, fig. I, 5. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 405. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 697. Thomas, O, 1892 B. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1249. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 77. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 97. Triconodon bisulcus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1880 F, p. 237. 1887 A, p. 343. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 14. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1250. Jurassic; Wyoming. PRIACODON Marsh. Type Tinodon ferox Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 341. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 1276, 1277. Osboni, H. F. 1887 F, p. 287. (8yn. of Tricono- don.) 1888 G, p. 229. Trouessart, E. L., 1898 A, p. 1250. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 76. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 98. Priacodon ferox Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1880 F, p. 236. (Tinodon.) Cope, E. D. 1889 C, p. 227, pi. viii, fig. 4; text fig. 61. (Triconodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 341, pi. x, fig. 9. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 229, fig. 10 a. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 13. (Priacodon, Tinodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1260. (Syn. of Tricon- odon ferox Owen.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 259, flg. 152. Jurassic; Wyoming. TINODONTIN.E nom. nov. Goodrich, E. S. 1894 A, p. 417. (Phascolotherium.) Marsh, O. C. 1879 F, p. 216. (Tinodon tidse.) 1887 A, p. 340. (Tinodontidse.) Osborn, H. F. 1887 F, p. 288. (Phascolotheriidae.) 1888 G, p. 229. (Phascolotheriinae.) Owen, R. 1846 B, p. 61. (On Phascolotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1249. (Triconodonti- dse, in part.) TINODON Marsh. Type T. bettus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1879 F, p. 216. 1885 C. 1887 A, p. 340. Osborn, H. F. 1887 F, p. 288. 1888 C, p. 236. 1888 F, p. 1075. 1888 G, p. 229. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 76. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 98. Tinodon bellus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1879 F, p. 216, figure. 1887 A, p. 340, pi. x, fig. 1. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 229, figure. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 13. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1261. Jurasssic; Wyoming? Tinodon lepidus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1879 G, p. 398. 1887 A, p. 343. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 13. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1251. Jurassic; Wyoming. Tinodon robustus Marsh Marsh, 0. C. 1879 G,p. 397. 1887 A, p. 343. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 13. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1251 Jurassic; Wyoming. SPALACOTHERIINjE. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 229. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 292. (Spalacotheriidse.) Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 340. (Spalacotheriidae.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1277. (Spala. cotheriidse.) Owen, R. 1885 C, p. 426. (On Spalacotherium.) 568 FOSSIL VERTEBBATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. MENACODON Marsh. Type M. rarus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1887 A, p. 340. Ameghino, F. 18% A, p. 467. (Syn. of Tinodon. ) Osborn, H. F. 1888 F, p. 1075. 1888 G, p. 230. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 76. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 98. (Syn. of Tinodon.) Menacodon rarus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1887 A, p. 340, pi. x, figs. 5, 6. Cope, E. D. 1889 C, p. 227, fig. 52. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 230, fig. 21. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 13. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1251. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. Jurassic; Wyoming. AMPHITHERIID^E. Owen, K. 1846 B, p. 29. Goodrich, E. S. 1894 A, p. 409. (Amphitherium.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 269. 1896 B, p. 52. Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 338. (Diplocynodontidse.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, 1273. Osborn, H. F. 1887 F, p. 289. (Diplocynodontidse.) 1888 C, p. 234. 1888 F, p. 1078. (Dicrocynodontidse. ) 1888 G, p. 230. Owen, R. 1868 A, p. 287. (Genus Amphitherium.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 14. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1246. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 100. DICROCYNODON Marsh. Type Diplocynodon victor Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. in Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 263. (To replace Diplocynodon, preoccupied.) 1880 F, p. 235. (Diplocynodon.) 1887 A, p. 338. (Diplocynodon.) 1897 C, p. 508. (Diplocynodon.) Osborn, H. F. 1887 D. (Diplocynodon.) 1893 D, p. 17. 1897 C, p. 1000. Schlcsser, M. 1890 C, p. 242. (Diacynodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 99. Dicrocynodon victor Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1880 F, p. 235, figure. (Diplocynodon.) 1887 A, p. 338, pi. x, fig. 3. (Diplocynodon.) 1897 C, p. 508, fig. 69. (Diplocynodon.) Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 232, fig. 22. (Diplocyn- odon.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 14. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1251. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 259, fig. 152 Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 99, fig. 78. Jurassic; Wyoming. DOCODON Marsh. Type D. striatus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1881 F, p. 512. 1887 A, p. 339. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 233. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 99. Docodon striatus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1881 F, p. 512. 1887 A, p. 339, pi. x, fig. 2. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 232, fig. 23. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 14. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1252. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 259, fig. 152. Jurassic; Wyoming. ENNACODON Marsh. Type Enneodon crassus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1899 I, p. 15. (To replace Enneodon Marsh, preoccupied.) 1887 A, p. 339. (Enneodon.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1277. (En- neodon.) Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 232. (Enneodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 99. (Ennacodon.) Ennacodon affinis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 339. (Enneodon.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 14. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1252. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. (Enneodon.) Jurassic; Wyoming. Ennacodon crassus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1887 A, p. 339, pi. x, fig. 4. (Enneo- don.) Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 232, fig. 24. (Enneodon.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 14. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1252. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. (Enneodon.) Jurassic; Wyoming. PAURODONTID.E. Marsh, 0. C. 1887 A, p. 341 Osborn, H. F. 1887 F, p. ! rodontidse. ) 1888 G, p. 233. (Peralestidse.) (Peralestidse, Pau- Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1246. ( Amphitheriidao, in part.) Woodward, M. F. 18% A, p. 587. (On Peralestcs.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 569 PAURODON Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1887 A, p. 342. Ameghino, F. 1899 A, p. 571. Cope, E. D. 1888 D, p. 257. 1889 C, p. 236. Osborn, H. F. 1887 F, p. 289. 1888 G, p. 233. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 76. Type P. valens Marsh. Paurodon valens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1887 A, p. 342, pi. ix, figs. 7, 8. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 233, figs. 25 a, b. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 15. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1247. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. Jurassic; Wyoming. DRYOLESTID.E. Marsh, 0. C. 1879 G, p. 397. Ameghino, F. 1896 A, p. 409. (Stylacodontidfe.) Lydekker, R, 1887 A, p. 289. (Stylodontidse.) Marsh, O. C. 1879 E, p. 60. (Stylodon tidee. ) 1887 A, p. 334. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1410. (Stylo- don tidae.) Osborn, H. F. 1887 F, p. 290. (Stylodontidse.) 1888 A, p. 298. (Stylacodontidse. ) 1888 C, p. 232. (Stylodontidse.) 1888 G, p. 236. (Stylacodontidae.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 698. (Stylac- odontidse.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1246. (Amphitheriidae, in part.) STYLACODON Marsh. Type S. gradlis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1879 E, p. 60. Ameghino, F. 18% A, p. 454. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 289 (Stylacodon); p. 290 (Stylodon). Marsh, O. C. 1885 C. 1887 A, p. 335. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1276. (Amblo- therium. ) Osborn, H. F. 1887 D. (Stylodon.) 1887 F, p. 290. (Syn.? of Stylodon.) 1888 A, p. 300. 1888 G, p. 207 (Stylodon); pp. 236, 243 (Sty- lacodon). Owen, R. 1866 D. (Stylodon, not of Beck, 1837.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 102. (Syn.? of Dryolestes.) Stylacodon gracilis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1879 E, p. 60. 1887 A, pi. ix, fig. 1. 1897 C, p. 508, fig. 68. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 237, fig. 26. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 15. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1248. Jurassic; Wyoming. Stylacodon validus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1880 F, p. 236. Roger, 0. 18%, A, p. 15. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1249. Jurassic; Wyoming. DRYOLESTES Marsh. Type D. priscus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1878 D. 1879 F, p. 216. 1886 C. 1887 A, pp. 333, 334. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 1276, 1277. Osborn, H. F. 1888 C, p. 235. 1888 G, p. 237. (Syn.? of Phascolestes.) Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 242. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 698. Winge, H, 1893 C, p. 76. Woodward, M. F. 1896 A, p. 587. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 102. Dryolestes arcuatus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1879 G, p. 397. 1887 A, p. 343. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 15. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1248. Jurassic; Wyoming. Dryolestes gracilis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1881 F,p. 513. 1887 A, p. 343. 1897 C, p. 526. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 15. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1248. Jurassic; Wyoming, Colorado. Dryolestes obtusus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1880 F, p 237. 1887 A, p. 343. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 15. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1248. Jurassic; Wyoming. Dryolestes priscus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1878 D. 1879 F, p. 216. 1887 A, p. 334, pi. ix, fig. 2. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 238, fig. 28. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 15. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1248. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 259, fig. 152. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 102, fig. 81. Jurassic; Wyoming. Dryolestes tenax Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1889 D, p. 87. Osborn, H. F. 1891 A, p. 131. 1891 B, p. 45. 1891 E, p. 606. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 15. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1248. Cretaceous (Laramie); Wyoming. 570 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Dryolestes vorax Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1879 F, p. 215, 1887 A, p. 334, pi. ix, figs. 3,4. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 237, fig. 27. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 15. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1248. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 259, fig. 152. Jurassic; Wyoming. ASTHENODON Marsh. Type A. segnis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1887 A, p. 336, pi. ix, figs. 6, 7. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1276. Osborn, H. F. 1888 A, p. 300. 1888 F, p. 1071. 1888 G, p. 238. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 76. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 102. Asthenodon seg-nis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 336, pi. ix, figs. 6, 7 Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 238, figs. 29, A, B. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 15. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1248. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 259, fig. 152. Jurassic; Wyoming. LAODON Marsh. Type L. venustus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 337. Ameghino, F. 1899 A, p. 571. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1276. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 238. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 76. Laodon venustus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1887 A, p. 337, pi. ix, flg. 5. Osborn, H. F. 1888 G, p. 238, fig. 30. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 15. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1248. Walcott, C. D. 1900 A, p. 23. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 259, fig. 152. Jurassic; Wyoming. DIDELPHID.E. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 277. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 231. (Didelphydse, Pera- theridse.) Baur, G. 1885 K, p. 475. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 876. Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 380. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 133. Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 481. (Didelphyida.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 278. 1896 B, p. 55. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1280. p. 497. Osborn, H. F. 1900 C, p. 566. Owen, R. 1838 A. 1839 A. Parker, W. K. 1885 A, p. 59. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 18. Schlosser, M. 1889 A. Schmidt, 0. 1886 A, p. 97. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 562. Winge, H. 1893 C, p. 89. Wyman, J. 1872 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 106. DiDELPHis 1 Linnaeus. Type D. marsupialis Linn. Linnieus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 64. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 277. Aymard, A., 1848, Mem. Soc. Acad. du Puy. (Peratherium.) Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 232. Bensley, B. A. 1900 A, p. 559. Burmeister, H. 1879 B, p. 183. Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 1. (Herpetotherium, type H.fugax.) 1873 CC, p. 4. (Embassis, type E. alternans, Peratherium. ) 1874 B, pp. 466, 468 (Embassis, Herpe- totherium); p. 472 (Didelphys). 1874 P, p. 23. (Herpetotherium.) 1879 A, p. 45. (Didelphys.) 1884 O, p. 37 (Didelphys); pp. 260, 268, 788, 789 (Peratherium). 1884 Y, p. 687. ( Peratherium. ) Coues, E. 1872 A. Emery, C. 1897 C. Flower, W. H. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 134. Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 11. Kiikenthal, W. 1891 B, p. 658, figs. 1-8. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 278. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1887 A, p. 1458. Osborn, H. F. 1892 I. Owen, R. 1838 A. 1843 A, pp. 57,72. 1866 A, p. 330, etseq. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 394. Rose, C. 1892 E, p. 641. Schlosser, M, 1887 B, p. 145. (Peratherium.) 1890 C, p. 244. 1890 D. Thomas, O. 1892 B. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1230. Weil, R. 1899 A, p. 103, pis. ii, iii. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 106. 1 This is the original orthography. The form Didelphys is usually employed by writers. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 571 Didelphis alternans (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 7. (Embassis.) 1874 B, p. 468. (Embassis.) 1884 O, pp. 794, 798, pi. Ixii, figs. 22-24. (Peratherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 52. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 20. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1232. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Didelphis comstocki (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 269 ( Peratherium comstocki ) ; pi. xxv a, fig. 15. P. conistockianum). Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 19. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1230. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Didelphis fugax (Cope). Cape, E. D. 1873 T, p. 1. (Herpetotherium fuzax, err. typ.) 1873 CC, pp. 5,6. (Herpetotherium.) 1874 B, p. 467. (Herpetotherium.) 1874 P, p. 23. (Herpetotherium.) 1884 O, p. 794, pi. Ixii, figs. 1-9. (Perathe- rium.) 1884 Y, p. 687, fig. 1. (Peratherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 52. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 21. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1232. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Didelphis huntii (Cope). Cape, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 5. (Herpetotherium.) 1873 CC, pp. 5, 6 (Herpetotherium steven- soni); p. 8 (Miothen gracile). 1874 B, p. 466 (Herpetotherium huntii); p. 467 (H. stevensoni); p. 470 (Domnina gracilis). 1884 O, pp. 794, 796, pi. Ixii, figs. 12-16. (Peratherium.) 1887 Y, p. 687. ( Peratherium. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 52. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 21. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1232. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Didelphis marginalis (Cope). Cape, E. D. 1873 CC, pp. 5,6. (Herpetotherium.) Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 468. (Embassis.) 1884 O, pp. 794, 798, pi. Ixii, figs. 19-21. (Peratherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 52. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 21. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1232. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Didelphis pygmeea Scott. Scott, W. B. 1884 A, p. 442, figure. Matthew, W. D, 1899 A, p. 52. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 21. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1232. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Didelphis scalaris (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, pp. 5,7. (Herpetotherium.) 1874 B, p. 467. (Herpetotherium.) 1884 O, pp. 794, 797, pi. Ixii, figs. 17, 18. (Peratherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 52. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 21. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1232. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Didelphis tricuspis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 5. (Herpetotherium.) 1874 B, p. 466. ( Herpetotherium. ) 1884 O, pp. 794, 7%, pi. Ixii, figs. 10, 11. (Peratherium.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 21. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1232. Oligocene; Colorado. Didelphis virginiana Kerr. Kerr, Robert, 1792, Animal Kingdom, i, No. 386. (Fide 3. A. Allen.) Baird, S. F. 1857 A. p. 232. Coues, E. 1872 A. Emmons, E. 1858 A, p. 78. (" Insectivorous mam- mal.") Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 116, pi. xxiii, fig. 2. 1869 A, p. 410. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1233. (Subsp. of D. marsupialis. ) Wyman, J. 1872 A. Recent; eastern North America: Pleistocene; South Carolina. Supervrder MONODELPH1A. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 874. 1898 B, p. 104. Flower, W. H. 1883 A. 1883 D, p. 383. (Eutheria, or Monodelphia.) 1885 A, p. 6. (Eutheria, Monodelphia.) Gadow H. 1898 A, p. 41. (Eutheria. ) Gill, T. 1872 A, p. 295. 1872 B, p. 46. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 487. (Placentalia.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 281. 1880 B. (Monodelphia, Eutheria.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1289. (Eu- theria.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 A, p. 391. ^Eutheria.) 1898 L, p. 456. (Eutheria.) Woodward, A. 8. 1898 B, p. 266. (Eutheria.) Order BRUTA Linn. Linnaeus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 83. Unless otherwise indicated, the following au- thorities employ the name Edentata for this order. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 653. Baur, G. 1885 K, p. 477. Blainville, H. M. D. 1839 A. (" Edentes.") 1839 B. ("Edentes.") 572 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Blainville, H. M. D. 1839 C, p. 113. 1864 A, iv, DD. pis. i-vi. Broom, R. 1897 A. Burmeister, H. 1866 B, p. 148. 1871 A. 1871 B. 1879 B, p. 275. Cope, E. D. 1880 B, p. 454. 1884 X. 1887 S, p. 342. 1888 I, p. 4. 1888 K, p. 163. 1889 R, p. 875. 1897 A, p. 323. 1898 B, p. 105. Cuvier, G, 1834 A, viii, pt. i, pp. 129-270. Filhol, H. 1894 A. Flower, W. H. 1869 A, p. 265. 1883 D, p. 383. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 176. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 41. Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 192. Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Gervais, P. 1873 A. Gill, T. 1872 A, p. 304. (Bruta. ) 1872 B, pp. 23, 60. (Bruta.) Gill and Coues 1877 A, p. 1069. Gray, J. E. 1869 A, p. 361. (Bruta.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, pp. 490,511. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. (Bruta.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 282. (Edentata, or Bruta.) Leche, W..1893 A, p. 527. 1895 A, p. 108. 1897 A. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 365. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. 1897 B, p. 144. Lydekker, R. 18% B. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, 1289. Osborn, H. F. 1888 F, p. 1067. 1893 G, p. 493. 1897 F, p. 611. Owen, R. 1840 F, p. a5. (Bruta, or Edentata.) 1842 D. 1845 B, p. 317. 1851 C, p. 740. 1860 D. 1868 A, p. 272. (Bruta.) Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 199. 1885 A, p. 90. Parsons, F. G. 1899 A. 1900 A. Rapp, W. 1852 A. Reh, L. 1895 A. Roemer, F. 1892 A. 1893 A. Rose, C. 1892 D, p. 495. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 90. Schlosser, M. 1890 A. 1890 C. 1890 D. 1892 A. Schmidt, O. 1886 A, p. 110. Slade, D. D. 1888 A, p. 242. 1890 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 736. Thomas, 0. 1888 A. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 370. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1094. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Weber, Max 1893 A. Weyhe, 1875 A, p. 105. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 277. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 408. (Bruta.] 1896 B, p. 259. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 117. Suborder TJENIODONTA Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 C. Ameghino, F. 1897 A, pp. 83, 89. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, pp. 85,167. 1882 E, p. 146. 1882 L, p. 72. 1883 I, p. 79. 1884 O, pp. 186,187,739. 1887 S, p. 343. 1897 A, p. 322. 1898 B, p. 115. Marsh, O. C. 1875 C, p. 221. (Tillodontia, in part.) Marsh, O. C. 1897 B. (>Stylinodontia.) Osborn, H. F. 1897 F, p. 611. (Ganodonta.) 1898 A, p. 146. (Ganodonta.) Riitimeyer, L. 1891 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 667. (Ganodonta.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 277. Wortman, J. L. 1885 A, p. 298. 18% B, p. 259. (Ganodonta. ) 1897 A. (Ganodonta. ) 1897 B. (Ganodonta.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 503. (Tillodontia, in part.) CONORYCTID.E. Wortman, J. L. 18% B, p. 260. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 262. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 667. Wortman, J. L. 1897 B, pp. 95, 109. HAY.} CATALOGUE. 578 CONORYCTES Cope. Type C. comma Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 H, p. 486. 1881 U, p. 829. 1884 AA, p. 795. (Hexodon, type H. moles- tus.) 1884 O, p. 198. 1888 CC, p. 316. Nicholson and Lydekkerl889 A, p. 1453. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 40. Pavlow, M. 1887 A. Schlosser, M. 1885 A, p. 684. 1886 B, p. 37. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 323. 1892 D, p. 80. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 667. Wortman, J. L. 18% B, p. 259. Wortman, J. L. 1897 B, p. 101, 109. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 510. Conoryctes comma Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 H, p. 486. 1881 U, p. 829. 1884 AA, p. 7%, fig. 3. (Hexodon molestus.) 1884 O, pp. xxxv, 198, pi. xxiii e, figs. 1-5; pi. xxv c, figs. 3, 4. 1888 CC, pp. 303, 317. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 264. 1899 A, p. 29. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 89. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 37. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 667. Wortman, J. L. 1897 B, p. 101, fig. 36. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. ONYCHODECTES Cope. Type O. tisonensis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 317. Ameghino, P. 1897 A, p. 84. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 266. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 40. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 323. 1892 D, p. 80. Wortman, J. L. 18% B, p. 258. 1897 B, pp. 97, 109. Zittel, K. A, 1893 B, p. 510. Onychodectes rarus Osb. and Earle. Osbom and Earle 1895 A, p. 42, rig. 13. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 264. 1899 A, p. 28. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 89. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 667. Wortman, J. L. 1897 B, p. 100. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. Onychodectes tisonensis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 318, pi. v, figs. 8, 9. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 264. 1890 A, p 28. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 40, fig. 12. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 89. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 667. Wortman, J. L. 1897 B, p. 97, figs. 31-34. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. STYLINODONTIDJE. Marsh, 0. C. 1875 C, p. 221. Ameghino, F. 1897 A, p. 89. Cope, E. D. 1876 C, p. 39. (Ectoganidae, Calamo- dontidse.) 1877 K, p. 157. (Ectoganidse.) 1884 O, p. 188. (Ectoganidse, Calamodonti- dee.) 1888 CC, p. 310. (Hemiganidse. ) Flower, W. H. 1876 C, p. 124. (Stylinodontida;, Ectoganidae.) Marsh, O. C. 1876 G, p. 60. 1877 E. 1897 B, p. 137. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 262. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1410. (Gala modontidse,) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 88. (Calamodontidse.) Wortman, J. L. 18% B, p. 260. 1897 B, pp. 95, 109. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 508. WORTMANIA Hay. Type Hemiganus otariidens Cope. Hay, 0. P. 1899 A, p. 593. Cope, E. D. 1885 L. (Hemiganus, in part.) 1888 CC, p. 311. (Hemiganus, in part.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1453. (Hemi- ganus, in part.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 668. (Hemiganus.) Wortman, J. L. 1897 B. (Hemiganus.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 510. (Hemiganus, in part. ) Wortmania otariidens (Cope.) Cope, E. D. 1885 L, p. 493. (Hemiganus.) Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 311, pi. iv; pi. v, figs. 1-7. (Hemiganus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 A, p. 593. (Wortmania.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 264. (Hemiganus.) 1899 A, p. 28. ( Hemiganus. ) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 89. (Hemiganus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 668. (Hemiganus.) Wortman, J. L. 1897 B, pp. 64, 67, figs. 2, 3. (Hemi- ganus.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 510. (Hemiganus.) Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. 574 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. PSITTACOTHERIUM Cope. Type P. muUifragum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 P, p. 157. Ameghino, F. 1897 A, p. 89. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 191. 1882 CC. (Hemiganus, type H. vultuosus.) 1883 E. 1883 I, p. 77. 1884 O, pp. 195, 738 (Psittaeotherium); ex- plan, pi. xxiii c (Hemiganus). 1885 L. (Hemiganus.) 1887 F, p. 469. 1888 I, p. 4. 1888 CC, p. 311. ( Hemiganus. ) 1889 C. 1897 A, p. 322. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1409 (Psitta- cotherium); p. 1453 (Hemiganus). Osborn, H. F. 1897 F, p. 611. 1898 A, p. 146. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 252. 1892 A, p. 225. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 323. (Hemiganus.) 1892 D, p. 80. (Hemiganus.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 729. (Hemi- ganus.) Wortman, J. L. 18% B. (Psittaeotherium, Hemi- ganus.) 1897 B, pp. 65, 67 (type of Hemiganus=P. multifragum); p. 109 (Hemiganus, Psit- taeotherium). Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 508. (Psittaeotherium, Hemiganus.) Psittacotherium multifragum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 P, p. 157. 1882 E, p. 191 (P. multifragum); p. 192 (P. aspasiae). 1882 CC. (Hemiganus vultuosus.) 1884 O, p. 1%, pi. xxiii c, figs. 7-12 (Hemi- ganus vultuosus); pi. xxiv 6, fig. 2; pi. xxiv 6, figs. 3, 4 (P. aspasise). 1885 L. (Hemiganus vultuosus.) 1887 F, p. 469. (P. multifragum, P. megal- odus.) 1888 I, p. 4, fig. 1. 1888 CC, p. 302 (P. multifragum, P. aspasise, P. megalodus); p. 303 (Hemiganus vultu- osus). 1889 C, p. 262. Hay, O. P. 1899 A, p. 693. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 264, 320. 1899 A, p. 29. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 42. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 88 (P. multifragum, P. aspasiae, P. megalodus); p. 89 (Hemiganus vultuosus). Wortman, J. L. 1896 B, p. 259. 1897 B, p. 65 el seq., figs. 1, 4, 6-9, 11-13, 15-20; p. 67 (Hemiganus vultuosus, a synonym); p. 71 (P. megalodus and P. aspasiae, syn- onyms). Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 508, fig. 423 (P. multifra- gum); p. 510 (Hemiganus vultuosus). Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. CALAMODON Cope. Type C. simplex Cope. Cope, E, J5.1874O, p. 5. 18,75 A. 1875 C, p. 23. 1876 C. 1877 K, p. 162. 1882 E, p. 146. 1882 L. 1884 O, p. 188. 1888 I, p. 5. 1894 I, p. 594. (Calamodon, or Conicodon.) 1897 A, p. 322. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 442. Major, Fors. 1893 A, p. 209. Marsh, O. C, 1875 A, p. 151. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1410. Osborn, H. F 1897 F. Rutimeyer, L. 1891 A, p. 126. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 262. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 730. Wortman, J.L. 1897 B, pp. 88,110. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 609. Calamodon arcamcenus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 6. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 24. 1877 K, p. 163, pi. xli, figs. 13-17; pi. xlii, figs. 1-5; pi. xliv, fig. 1. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 89. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 509. (Stylinodon.) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Calamodon simplex Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 5. 1875 C, p. 24. 1877 K, p. 166, pi. xlii, figs. 6-8; pl.xliii; pi. xliv, figs. 2-6. 1882 E, p. 147. 1884 O, p. 189, pi. xxiv 6, fig. 1;? pi. xxiv e, figs. 20-22. 1888 I, p. 5, fig. 2. 1889 C, p. 262, fig. 85. King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 83. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 89. Wortman, J. L. 1897 B, p. 89, figs. 22-24. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 509. (Stylinodon.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming, New Mexico. STYLINODON Marsh. Type S. mirus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1874 C, p. 532. Ameghino, F. 1897 A, p. 89. Cope, E. D. 1875 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 442. Marsh, O. C. 1875 A. 1877 E. 1897 B. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1410. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 575 Osborn, H. F. 1897 F, p. 612. Wortman, J. L. 1887 F, p. 290. 1896 B, p. 259. 1897 A, p. 110. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 509. Stylinodon cylindrifer (Cope). Cape, E. D. 1881 D, p. 184. (Calamodon.) 1884 O, p. 192, pi. xxiv a, figs. 15, 16. lamodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 36. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 89. (Calamodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 669. (Ca- Wortman, J. L. 1897 B, p. 92, fig. 25. Zittel K. A. 1893 B, p. 509. Eocene (Wind River, Bridger); Wyoming. Stylinodon mirus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1874 C, p. 532. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Marsh, O. C. 1897 B, p. 138, figs. 1-7. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 43. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 89. (Calamodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 669. Wortman, J. L. 1897 B, p. 93, figs. 26-30. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. ECTOGANUS Cope. Type E. gliriformis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 4. 1875 C, p. 23. 1876 A, p. 3. 1877 K, p. 158. 1897 A, p. 322. Wortman J. L. 18% B, p. 259. 1897 B, p. 88. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 510. Ectoganus gliriformis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 0, p. 4. 1877 K, p. 160, pi. xli, figs. 1-12. King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 89. Eocene; New Mexico. Ectoganus novomehicanus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 6. (Calamodon.) 1876 C, p. 24. (Calamodon.) 1877 K, p. 159, pi. xl, figs. 34-39. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. (Calamodon.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 89. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. DRYPTODON Marsh. Type D. crasms Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1876 H, p. 403. 1877 E. 1897 B, 138. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 Wortman, J. L. 1897 B, p. Zittel K. A. 1893 B, p. 510. Dryptodon crassus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1876 H, p. 403. King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 89. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 669. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Suborder XENARTHRA. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 661. (Gravigrada.) Burmeister, H. 1879 B, p. 279 (Phyllophaga); p. 387 (Effodientia). Cope, E. D. 1889 C. (Xenarthri.) 1889 P, p. 657. Flower, W. H. 1883 A. (Pilosa.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 179. (Pilosa.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 41. Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 23, 24. (Verinilingua, Tardi- grada, Loricata.) Haeckel E. 1895 A, p. 490. ( Brady theria.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 91. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1094. Wortman, J. L. 1897 B, p. 109. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 124. Dr. Gill, in Standard Natural History, vol. v, 1884, p. 66, recognized the peculiar character of the vertebrae of this group and employed the adjective term xenarthral; but he did not for- mally name the group. MEGATHERIID^;. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 665 (Megatheridse); p. 690 (Megalonychidse); p. 740 (Mylodontidae). 1894 A, p. 397. (Gravigrada.) Burmeister, H. 1866 B, p. 149. Gravigrada.) Claypole, E. W. 1891 A. Cope, E. D. 1889 C. 1889 P, p. 658. 1889 R, p. 876. Flower, W. H. 1882 A. 1883 D, p. 384. Slower and Lydekkvr 1891 A, p. 158. Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 24. Lonnberg, E. 1899 A. (Mylodontidse.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 85. 1894 A, p. 70. 18% B, p. 102. (Megalotheriidae.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1296. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 91 (Megatheridse); p. 93 (Me- galonychidse); p. 97 (Mylodontidse). Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 251. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 739. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1098 (Megalonychidse); p. 1107 (Megatheriidae). Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 130 (Mjgatheridse); p. 133 (M^galonychidee); p. 136(Myljdjnti.lse). 576 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. MEGATHERIUM Cuvier. Type M. americanum Cuvier. Cuvier, . 1. 18% B. p. 94. Mercerat, A., 1891, Revista Mus. La Plata, ii, p. 27 (HoplophoridsE.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1292. Reh, L. 1895 A, p. 170. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 101. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 251. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 738. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1123. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 282. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 144. GLYPTODON Owen. Type O. davipes Owen. Owen,R., 1838, Parish's Buenos Ayres and La Plata. p. 178 B. Ameghino, F. 1883 A. 1889 A, p. 775. 1892 A, p. 22. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iv, EE, p. 47, pis. i, ii. Burmeister, H. 1864 A. 1865 A. 1865 C. 1866 A. 1871 A. . 1871 B. 1874 A. 1879 A. 1879 B, p. 420. Cope, E. D. 1889 P, p. 662. Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 387, figs. 39, 40. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 202. Giebel, C. G. 1847 A, p. 109. Hale, C. 8. 1848 A, p. 357. Holmes, F. S. 1858 B. Huxley, T. H. 1865 A. 1872 A, p. 291. Koken, E. 1888 C. Lund, P. W. 1839 B, p. 218. (Hoplophorus.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 114. 1894 A, p. 3. 18% B, p. 96. Meyer, H. 1865 A. Natural Science 1893 A, p. 140, fig. 2. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1293. Owen, R. 1840 B. 1845 A. 1847 C, p. 67. Pictet, F. J. 1863 A, p. 273. Pouchet, G. 1866 A. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 63. Reinhardt, J. 1875 A. Rose, C. 1892 D. p. 511. Serres, M. 1865 A. 1865 B. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 738. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1125. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 283. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 144. Glyptodon euphractus Lund. Lund, P. W., 1838, Overs. K. Danske Vid. Selskab. Forh. viii, p. lii. (Hoplophorus.) Ameghino, F. 1883 A, p. 28. 1889 A, p. 781, pi. liii, fig. 8. Burmeister, H. 1871 A, pi. vii|A. (Hoplophorus.) 1879 B, p. 410. (Hoplophorus.) Gervais and Ameghino 1880 A, p. 202. (G. eu phractus, G. sellowi.) Leidy, J. 1889 E, p. 25. (Hoplophorus on.atus?. ) 1892 A, p. 129. (Hoplophorus.) Lund, P. W. 1839 B, p. 218. (Hoplophorus.) 1841 A, p. 70, pi. i, fig. 11; pi. xi; pi. xiv; pi. xv, figs. 1-7. (Hoplophorus.) 1842 A, pi. xxxv, figs. 1-4. (Hoplophorus.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 121. 1894 A, p. 11. Owen, R. 1868 A, p. 273. Pouchet, G. 1866 A, p. 337, pis. ix, x. (Hoplopho- rus.) Reinhardt, J. 1875 A, p. 165. (Hoplophorus, Schis- topleurum.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 101. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1127. X Pliocene; South America, Florida.^ Glyptodon petaliferus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1888 N, p. 345. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 581 Cope, E. D. 1889 F. 1889 P, p. 662. 1892 AA, p. 130. Leidy, J. 1889 E, p. 25, pi. iv, fig. 9. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 103. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1127. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 147. Pliocene: Mexico, Texas, Florida. Glyptodon reticulatus Owen. Owen, R., 1815, Cat. Foss. Mam. Aves. Roy. Coll. Surg., p. 119. Ameghino, F. 1883 A, p. 28. (G. asper.) 1889 A, p. 784, pi. 1, figs. 1-8; pi. li, figs. 1, 2; pi. Hi, figs. 1-3; pi. liv, figs. 1-11. Burmeister, H. 1864 A, p. 75. 1866 B, p. 200, pi. vi; pi. vii, figs. 4-6; pi. viii, fig. 6 (G. asper, original description); p. 205 (G. reticulatus). Burmeister, H. 1874 A, p. 268, pis. xxiii, xxiv, xixv; pi. xxv, fig. 1; pi. xxviii, fig. 1; pi. xxix, figs. 4,6; pi. xxx, figs. 1, 4; pi. xxxi; pi. xxxii, fig. 2; pi. xxxiii, figs. 2, 3, 5, 6; pi. xxxiv, fig. 2; pi. xxxvii; pi. xl, fig. 1 (G. asper); p. 385 (G. reticulatus). 1879 B, p. 422 (G. reticulatus); p. 424 (Schis- topleurum asperum). Gervais and Ameghino 1880 A, p. 198. (G. typus.) Leidy, J. 1889 E, p. 27, pi. v, figs. 11, 12. (G. asper.) 1892 A. (G. asper. ) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 117. 1894 A, p. 5. Nodot, L. 1855 A. (Schistopleurum.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 102. Trouessart; E. L. 1898 A, p. 1125. Additional synonomy and literature in Ame- ghino, F. 1889 A, p. 784. Pliocene; South America, Florida. TOMIOPSIS Cope. Type T. ferruminatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1893 E, p. 317. The position of this genus is uncertain. Tomiopsis ferruminatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1893 E, p. 317. Neocene?; Texas. DASYPODID.E. Broom, R. 1897 A. Burmeister, H. 1879 B, p. 426. (Dasypidae.) 1883 A. (Genus Eutatus. ) Cope, E. D. 1889 P, p. 658. Flower, W. H. 1868 A. 1882 A. 1883 D, p. 386. Flower and Lydekker, 1891 A, p. 194. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 42. (Dasypodidse, part.) Giebel, C. G. 1867 A, p. 545. (Dasypus.) Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 24. Gray, J. E. 1869 A, p. 377. Hseckel, E. 1895 A, p. 516. (Dasypodida.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 290. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 136. 1894 A, p. 51. 18% B, p. 94. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1291. Owen, R. 1832 A. (Dasypodse.) 1851 C, p. 743. (Dasypus.) 1855 B, p. 381. Roemer, F. 1892 A, p. 525. 1893 A, Roger, O. 18% A, p. 107. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 251. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 739. Weber, M. 1893 A. Zittel, R. A. 1893 B, p. 150. (Subord. Dasypoda.) CHLAMYTHERIUM Lund. Type C. humboldtii Lund. Lund, P. W., 1838, Overs. K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Forh. viii, p. lii. Ameghino, F. 1883 A. pp. 23, 33. 1886 A, p. 203. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 201. Gervais and Ameghino 1880 A, p. 211. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 135. 1894 A, p. 52. Lund, P. W. 1839, A, p. 572. 1839, B, p. 217. 1841 A, pp. 69, 232. 1842 A, p. 137, pi. xxxiv; pi. xxxv, fig. 5. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 274. Rose, C. 1892 D, p. 516. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 151. The name of this genus is usually spelled Chla- mydotherium; but the original form is that here given. The original description is adequate. 1 The writer has made search in Leidy's papers Leidy's nor Cope's lists in Bull. No. 84, U. S. (4eol. bly due to an error on part of Professor Cope. Chlamytherium humboldtii Lund. Lund, P. W., 1838, Overs. K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Forh., viii, p. Hi. Ameghino. F. 1883 A, p. 33. Cope, E. D. 1889 P, p. 662 ( " Glyptodon floridanus > Leidy.") 1892 AA, p. 130. Leidy, J. 1889 B, p. 97. (Glyptodon septentrio' alis.) 1889 E, p. 24, pi. iv, figs 3-6. 1892 A. Lund, P. W. 1839 B, p. 217. 1841 A, p. 69, pi. i, figs. 7-10, 12, 13; pi. ii, figs. 1-3; pi. xii, figs. 1, 6, 7; pi. xiii, figs. 2, 6, 7-11; pi. xiv, fig. 1. 1842 A, p. 137, pi. xxxiv; pi. xxxv, fig. 5. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 136. without finding this name. It occurs in neither Survey (Correlation paper). The name is proba- 582 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 103 (Glyptodon septentriona- lis); p. 108 (0. humboldti). Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1127 (Glyptodon sep- tentrionalis); p. 1137 (C. humboldti). Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 147 (Glyptodon floridamisi); p. 152 (C. humboldti). Pliocene; South America, Florida. Order SIRENIA. Allen, J. A. 1881 A. Baur, G. 1887 A, p. 493. Brandt, J. F. 1862 A. Cope, E. D. 1880 B, p. 456. 1887 8, p. 342. 1889 C, p. 142. 1889 R, pp. 874, 876. 1890 F. 1898 B, p. 109. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, viii, pt. ii, pp. 1-74, pis. ccxx, ccxxi. Flot, L. 1886 A. 1886 B. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 409. 1883 A. 1883 D, p. 389. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p, 212. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 42. Gegenbaur, C, 1898 A. Gervais, P. 1874 B, p. 578. ( " Sirenides.") Gill, T. 1872 A, p. 301. 1872 B, pp. 13, 48, 91. 1873 A. Gill and Coues, 1877 A, p. 1041. Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 356. Hseckel, E. 1895 A, p. 567. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 330. Krauss, F. 1858 A. 1862 A. 1870 A. Kiikenthal, W. 1890 C. 1897 A. Lartet, E. 1866 A. Lepsius, G. R. 1881 A. (Sirenia.) Lydekker, R. 1892 A. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 212. Owen, R. 1866 B, p. 429. 1868 A, p. 283. 1875 A. 1875 B. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 218. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 247. Ryder, J. A. 1878 A. 1885 D. Schlosser, M. 1889 A. Schmidt, O. 1886 A, p. 242. Seeley, H. G. 1888 N, p. 131. Slade, D. D. 1888 A, p. 244. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 708. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 385. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 999. Woodward, H. 1885 D. Zigno, A. de 1887 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 187, 201, 740. PRORASTOMID.E. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 876. 1890 F, p. 698. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 224. (Halithe- riidae.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 43. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 566. (Halicorida.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 194. This family is based on Prorastomus sirenoidcs, Owen, found in the island "of Jamaica. The following references are given to the literature of this animal: Owen, R. 1855 C; Owen, R. 1875 B, pis. xxviii, xxix; Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 414; Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p, 999; Thomas and Lydekker 1897 A, p. 599; Lepsius, G. R. 1881 A; Tomes, C.S. 1898 A, p. 390. HALITHERIID.E. Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 13, 91, 92. Brandt, J. F. 1868 A, p. 344. Halicorida.) Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 876. 1890 F, p. 698. 1898 B, p. 110. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 222. Lepsius, G. R. 1881 A. (Halitherium.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 5. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1310. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 247. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1004. (Halicoridte.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 195. Halicoridfe. ) Cope, E. D. 1883 N. 1883 X. 1890 ^, p. 698. DIOPLOTHERIUII Cope. Type D. manigaultii Cope. Flower, W. H. 1885 A, p. 223. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 223. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1311. 1 The writer has made search in Leidy's papers without finding this name. It occurs in neither Leidy's nor Cope's lists in Bull. No. 84, U. S. Geol. Survey (Correlation paper). The name is proba- bly due to an error on part of Professor Cope. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 583 Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 201. It is not at all certain that this genus belongs among the Sirenia. Dioplotheriuxn manigaultii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 N. Cope, E. D. 1883 X. 1890 F, p. 698, pi. xxv, figs. 1-6. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 249. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1006. Tertiary (Phosphate beds); South Carolina. HEMICAULODON Cope. Type H. effodiens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 190. 1883 N, p. 52. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 201. A genus of uncertain position. Hemicaulodon effodiens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 191, pi. v, fig. 6. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 290. Cope, E. D. 1890 F, p. 699. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 440. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 249. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1006. Eocene; New Jersey. DESMOSTYLUS Marsh. Type D. hesperus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1888 B, p. 95. Flower and Lydekkcr 1891 A, p. 223. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1310. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 201. A genus of doubtful position. Desmostylus hesperus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1888 B, p. 95, figs. 1-3. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 249. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1006. Tertiary; California. TRICHECHID.E. GUI, T. 1872 B, pp. 14, 91. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 1 A, iii, U, pis. i-xi. (" La- man tinos.") Brandt, J. F. 1868 A, p. 343. (Manatida.) Cope, E. D. 1890 F, p. 700. (Manatidse.) Flower, W. H. 1885 A, p. 215. (Manatidse.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 215. (Manati- dse.) Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 357. (Manatidse.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 566. (Manatida.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1311. (Mana- tidse.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 247. (Manat, ase.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 999. (Manatidse.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 195. (Manatidse.) TRICHECHUS Linn. Type T. mancdus Linn. Linnxus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed., 10, i, p. 34. Unless otherwise indicated, the following writers employ for 'the genus the name Mana- tus. Allen, J. H. 1846 A. Baikie, B. 1857 A. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iii, U, plates. Brandt, J. F 1862 A. 1862 B. 1868 A. Cope, E. D. 1890 F, p. 700. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, viii, pt. ii, pp. 16-40, pi. ccxx, figs. 1,2. (No generic name.) Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 410. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 215. Gill, T. 1873 A. Gray. J.E. 1857 A. Harlan, R. 1834 B, p. 73. 1835 B, p. 278. 1835 J, p. 385. Howes and Harrison 1893 A. Knecland, S. 1850 A. Krauss, F. 1858 A. 1862 A. Kiikenthal, W. 1890 C. 1891 C. 1896 A. 1897 A. Lepsius, G. R. 1881 A. Murie, J. J. 1872 A. Owen, R. 1846 B, p. 371, pi. xcvi. 1868 A, p. 284. 1875 A. 1875 B. Parkei, W. K. 1868 A, p. 218. Thomas and Lydekker 1897 A, p. 5%. (Triche- 3hus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1000. Ward, H. L. 1887 A. Woodward, H. 1885 D, p. 424. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 195. Trichechus antiquus (Leidy.) Leidy, J. 1856 J, p. 165. ( Manatus. ) Cope, E. D. 1890 F, p. 700. (M. fossilis.) Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 117, pi. xxiv, figs. 5-7. (Mana- tus.) 1869 A, p. 414. (Manatus.) 1877 A, p. 214. (Manatus.) 1889 E, p. 27. (Manatus.) 1892 A. (Manatus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 247. (Manatus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1000. (Manatus.) Pleistocene; South Carolina: Pliocene (Peace Creek); Florida. Not improbably the same as T, manatus. 584 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Tricheclms inornatus ( Leidy. ) Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 336, pi. xxxvii, figs. 16, 17. (Manatus.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 247. (Manatus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1000. (Manatus.) Tertiary (Phosphate beds); South Carolina. Tricheclms manatus Linn. Linnxus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat. ed., 10, i, p. 34. Baikie, B. 1857 A. (M. latirostris.) Baur, G. 1887 D, p. 840. (Manatus americanus.) Giebel, C. G. 1847 A, p. 231. (Manatus american- us fossilis.) Gray, J. E. 1857 A. (M. latirostris, M. american- us.) Hartlaub, C. 1886 A. (M. latirostris.) Lepsius, G. R. 1881 A. (Manatus americanus.) Murie, J. 1872 A. (M. americanus.) Owen, R. 1866 B, p. 432. (M. americanus.) Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 218, pi. xxix, fig. 21. (M. americanus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1000. (M. latirostris'.) Recent ; and probably including many or all of the undetermined bones of Manatus which have been found along the Eastern and Floridan coasts. Trichechus sp. indet. The remains referred to in the following cita- tions belong to uncertain and probably inde- terminable species. Most of them probably belong to T. manatus. Allen, J. H. 1846 A, p. 41. (Manatus.) Cope, E.' D. 1867 C, p. 138. (Manatus.) De Kay, J. C. 1842 C, p. 123. (M. giganteus.) Gibbes, R. W. 1850 C, p. 67. (Manatus.) Harlan, R. 1834 B, p. 73. (Manatus.) 1835 B, p. 278. (Manatus. ) 1835 J, p. 385. (Manatus.) Leidy, J. 1854 A, p. 10. (Manatus.) 1869 A, p. 414. (Manatus.) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 372. (M. americanus fossilis.) Smith, J. L. 1844 A. (Manatus.) Pleistocene; New Jersey, Maryland, Vir- ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida. HYDRODAMALID.E. Palmer, T. .S. 1895 A, p. 450. Brandt, I. F. 1849 A, p. 141. (Edentata seu Rhy- tinea). 1868 A, p. 100 (Rhytinse); p. 344 Halico- rida). Cope, E. D. 1890 F, p. 701. (Rhytinidse.) Flower, W. H. 1885 A, p. 221. (Rhytinidae.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 221. (Rhytini- Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 45. (Halicoridse.part.) Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 14. (Rhytinida.) Haeckel.E. 1895 A. p. 566. (Rhytinida.) Lepsius, G. R. 1881 A. (Rhytina.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 15. (Rhytinidse.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1311. (Rhy- tinidae.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 195. Halicoridse.) HYDRODAMALIS Retzius. Type H. gigas (Zimm. ). Retzius, 1894, K. Vet. Acad. Handl. Stockholm, xv, p. 292. Baer, K. E. 1840 A. (Rytina.) Brandt, J. F. 1849 A. (Rhytina.) 1862 A. (Rhytina.) 1862 B. (Rhytina.) 1862 C. (Rhytina.) 1867 D. (Rhytina.) 1868 A. (Rhytina.) Cope, E. D. 1890 F, p. 698. (Rhytina.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 221. (Rhytina.) Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 365. (Rytina.) Lepsius, G. R. 1881 A. (Rhytina.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 15. (Rhytina.) Nordmann, A. 1862 A. (Rhytina.) Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 316. (Rytina.) 1875 A. (Rhytina.) 1875 B. (Rhytina.) Palmer, T. S. 1895 A. Weyhe, 1875 A, p. 100. (Rhytina. ) Woodward, H. 1885 D, p. 415. (Rhytina.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 206. (Rhytina.) Hy drodamalis gigas ( Zimm. ) . Zimmermann, 1780, Geogr. Geschichte, ii, p. 426, fig. 5. (Manati). (Fide Trouessart.) Brandt, J. F. 1849 A. (Rhytina borealis.) 1866 A, p. 113. (R. borealis.) 1866 C. (R. borealis.) 1867 A. (R. borealis.) Brandt, J. F. 1868 A, pis. i-ix. (R. borealis.) Buchner, E. 1891 A, pi. i. (Rhytina.) Claudius, M. 1867 A. (R. stelleri. ) Cope, E. D. 1890 F, p. 701. (R. gigas.) Evermann, B. W. 1893 A. (R. gigas.) Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 411. 1885 A, p. 231. (R.stelleri.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 222. (R.stelleri.) Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 365. (R. gigas.) Hutchinson, H. N. 1893 A, p. 246, pi. xxvi. (R. gigas.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 15, fig. 5. (R. gigas.) Murie, J. 1872 B. (Rhytina.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1311. (R. gigas.) Nordmann, A. 1862 A. (Rhytina stelleri. ) Palmer, T. S. 1895 A. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 249. (Rhytina.) Stejneger, L. 1883 A, (R. gigas.) 1884 A. (R. gigas.) 1886 A, p. 317. ("Sea-cow.") 1887 A. (R. gigas.) 1893 A. (R. gigas.) Steller, G. W. 1751 A. ("Manatus.") Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1008. (Rhytina.) Woodward, H. 1885 A. (R. stelleri.) 1885 D, p. 417, fig. 2. (R. gigas.) Zigno, A de 1887 A. (R. borealis.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 200. (R. stelleri.) Recently extinct; Commander Islands. HAY.] CATALOGUE. Order CETE Linn. 585 Linnasus, C., 1768, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 75. Unless otherwise indicated, the following authors use the term Cetacea for this order. Albrecht, P. 1886 A. Allen, J. A. 1881 A. (Cete.) Brandt, J. F. 1873 A. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 144. 1880 B, p. 456. 1887 S, p. 342. 1889 C, p. 207. 1890 E. 1891 N, p. 69. Duvernoy, G. L. 1851 A. Flower, W. H. 1864 A. 1867 A. 1876 B, xiii, p. 449. 1883 D, p. 391. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 225. Gadow, H. 1898 A. p. 44. Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Gill, T. 1871 B. 1872 B, pp. 14, 49, 92. (Cete.) 1873 C. Gill and Coues 1877 A, p. 1043. Gray, J. E. 1886 A, p. 61. Gruber.W. 1859 A. Haeckel, E. 1895 A. p. 562. (Cetomorpha, part.) Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Howes, G. B. 1888 A, p. 506. Huxley, T. H. 1870 A. 1872 A, p. 333. Jaekel, 0. 1891 D, p. 198. Kiithenthal, W. 1888 A. 1890 A. 1890 C. 1891 C. 1895 A. Leboucq, H. 1887 A. Leboucq, H. 18% A. Leche, W. 1895 A, p. 119. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 365. Lydekker, R. 1896 B. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Murie, J. 1865 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1300. Osborn, H. F. 1888 F, p. 1067. Owen, R. 1843 A, p. 72. 1845 B, pp. 311, 345. 1851 C, p. 739. 1866 B, p. 415. 1868 A, p. 276. Paquier, V, 1894 A, p. 18. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 217. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 75. Ryder, J. A. 1885 D. Schlosser, M. 1889 A. 1890 A. 1890 C. Schmidt, O. 1886 A. p. 246. Slade, D. D. 1888 A, p. 244. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 705. Struthers, J. 1871 A. 1872 A. 1881 A. 1888 A. 1895 A. Thomas, O. 1892 B. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A. p. 375, Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A. p. 1009. Van Beneden, P. J. 1868 A. ("Cetaces.") Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A. ( " Cetaces. ' ' ) Weber, M. 1886 A. 1887 A. Weyhe, 1875 A, 'p. 99. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 269. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 413. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 155,183,745. Suborder ZEUGLODONTES. Amegh ino, F. 18% A , pp. 393, 409. ( Zeuglodontes. ) Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 291. (Zeuglodontina.) Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 876. (Archseoceti.) 1890 E, p. 601. (Archseoceti.) 1898 B, p. 108. (Archseoceti,) Dames, W. 1894 B. (Archseoceti.) Flower, W. H. 1883 A. (Archseoceti.) 1883 D, p. 395. (Archseoceti.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 246. ( Archseoceti. ) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 44. (Archseoceti.) Gill, T. 1871 A. (Zeuglodontes.) 1871 B. (Zeuglodontia.) 1872 A, p. 301. (Zeuglodontia.) 1872 B, p. v Zeuglodontia); p. 14 Zeug- lodontes). 1873 C. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 566, (Archiceta.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 349. Phocodontia.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 49. (Archseoceti.) Muller, J. 1847 E, p. 199. ("Zeuglodonten.") 1849 A. (" Zeuglodonten.") 1851 A. ("Zeuglodonten.") Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. i304. (Arch- aeoceti. ) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 375. (" Zeuglodontes.") Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 76. (Archseoceti.) Thompson, D'A. W. 1890 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1009. ( Zeuglodonta. ) Weber, M. 1886 A, p. 235. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 270. (Archseoceti.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 167. 586 FOSSIL VERTEBKATA OF NOETH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. BASILOSAURIDSE. Unless otherwise indicated, the following authors use the family name Zeuglodontidae. Brandt J. F. 1868 A, p. 351. 1873 A, pp. 11, 291. 1874 A, p. 28. Burmeister, H. 1879 B, p. 530. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 184. (Basilosauridse.) 1890 E, p. 601 ( Zeuglodon tidse); p. 614 (Basi- losauridse). Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 246. Gill, T. 1871 B, p. 122. (Basilosauridse.) 1872 A, p. 301. (Basilosauridse.) Gill, T. 1873 C. (Basilosauridse.) Huxley, T. H. 1870 A. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 49. 1893 C. Natural Science 1894 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 1301, 1304. Owen, R. 1865 B. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 706. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1009. Van Beneden, P. J. 1865 A, p. 65. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 167. BASILOSAURUS Harlan. Type Zeuglodon cetoides Owen. Harlan, K. 1834 C. Bartlett, J. 1846 A. (Zeuglodon.) Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iii, U, p. 134. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 295. (Zeuglodon.) 1874 A, pp. 28, 47. (Zeuglodon.) Bronn, H. G. 1838 A, p. 1070. Buckley, S. B. 1843 A. (Zygodon.) 1846 A. (Basilosaurus. ) Burmeister, H. 1871 C. (Zeuglodon.) Carus, C. G. 1847 A. (Hydrarchus.) 1849 A. (Zeuglodon.) Conrad, T. A. 1840 A. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 155. 1889 C, p. 207. Dames, W. 1883 B. p. 132. (Zeuglodon.) 1894 A, p. 219. (Zeuglodon.) 1894 B. (Zeuglodon.) Dana, J. D. 1875 A. (Zeuglodon.) 1896 A, p. 931, (Zeuglodon.) Delfortrie, E. 1874 A. (Zeuglodon. ) Emmons, E. 1845 A. 1845 B. 1846 A. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 450. (Zeuglodon.) 1883 A. (Zeuglodon.) 1883 D, p. 395. (Zeuglodon.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 246. (Zeuglodon.) Gaudry, A. 1878 B,p. 39. Geinitz, B. 1847 A. Gibbes, R. W. 1847 B. Giebel, C. G. 1847 C, p. 717. (Hydrarchos.) Hammerschmidt, C. E. 1848 A. Harlan, R. 1834 B, p. 77. 1834 C, p. 397. 1834 E. 1835 B, p. 282. 1835 D. 1835 F. 1839 A, p. 23. H,uxl3y, T. H. 1870 A. (Zeuglodon.) 1870 B, p. xlviii. (Zeuglodon.) 1872 A, p. 349. (Zeuglodon.) Jaekel, O. 1891 D, p. 198. (Zeuglodon.) Koch, A, 1845 A. (Hydrarchos, or Hydrargos.) 1851 A. (Zeuglodon.) 1851 B. (Zeuglodon.) 1857 B. (Zeuglodon.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 427. Lister, G. 1846 A. (Zeuglodon. ) Lucas, F. A. 1895 A. (Zeuglodon.) 1900 C, p. 810. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 49. (Zeuglodon.) 1893 C, p. 558. (Zeuglodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1877 E, p. 372. Meyer, H. 1847 A. Molin, R. 1859 A, p. 125. (Zeuglodon.) Miiller, J. 1847 A. (Basilosaurus.) 1847 B. (Zeuglodon.) 1847 C. (Zeuglodon.) 1847 E. (Zeuglodon.) 1849 A. (Zeuglodon.) 1851 A. (Zeuglodon.) Natural Science 1894 A. ( Zeuglodon. ) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1304. Osborn, H. F. 1893 D. (Zeuglodon.) Owen, R. 1839 B, p. 24. (Zeuglodon; to replace Basilosaurus of Harlan.) 1841 C. (Zeuglodon.) 1845 B, p. 360. (Zeuglodon.) 1865 B. (Zeuglodon.) Probst, J. 1886 A, p. 137. (Zeuglodon.) Rogers, H. D. 1845 A. (Zeuglodon.) Schlosser, M. 1890 A, p. 87. (Zeuglodon.) Thompson, D'A. W. 1890 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1009. (Zeuglodon.) Van Beneden, P. J. 1861 A. (Zeuglodon.) 1865 A, p. 65. (Zeuglodon.) Warren, J. C. 1854 D. (Zeuglodon.) Weber, M. 1886 A, p. 233. (Zeuglodon.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 270. Wyman J. 1850 E. (Zeuglodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 167. Basilosaurus brachyspondylus (Miiller). Miitter, J. 1847 B, p. 388. (Zeuglodon.) Brandt, J. F. 1874 A, p. 47. (Zeuglodon.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 155. (Doryodon.) 1890 E. p. 602. (Zeuglodon.) Dames, W. 1883 B. p. 132. (Zeuglodon.) 1894 B. (Zeuglodon.) Dana, J. D. 1875 A, p. 342. (Zeuglodon.) Koch, A. 1845 A, p. 676. ("Zygodon," in part.) 1851 B, pi. vii. (Zeuglodon.) Eocene; Alabama. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 587 Basilosaurus cetoides (Owen). Owen, R. 1841 C, p. 69, pis. vii-ix. (Zeuglodon.) Agassiz L. 1848 A, p. 4. (Zeuglodou.) Bouve, T. T. 1859 A, p. 49. ("Zeuglodon.") Buckley, S. B. 1843 A, p. 409. ("Zygodon.") 1846 A, p. 125. (Zeuglodon.) Carus, C. G. 1847 A. (Hydrarchus harlani, in part.) 1849 A, p. 385, pi. xxxix A, flg. 4. (Zeuglo- don. ) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 155. 1868 I, p. 185. (Polyptychodon interruptus Emmons a synonym?.) 1890 E.p.602 (Zeuglodon; p. 614 (Basilosaur- us). Dames W. 1883 B. p. 135, (Z. cetoides.) 1894 B. (Z. macrospondylus.) Dana, J. D. 1875 A, p. 342. (Z. macrospondylus.) 1875 B. ("Hydrarchus harlani.") 1896 A, p. 908, fig. 1532. (Zeuglodon.) De Kay, J. E. 1842 C, p. 123. (Z. harlani.) Emmons, E. 1845 A, figures. (Zeuglodon.) 1845 B. (Zeuglodon). 1846 A, pis. i, li. (Zeuglodon.) 1851 A. (Zeuglodon). 1858 B, p. 201, fig. 25. (Zeuglodon.) Geinitz, H. B. 1847 A. ("Hydrarchus harlani.") 1847, in Carus, C. G. 1847 A, p. 1. Gervais, P. 1874 B, p. 58, pi. xix, figs. 6, 7. (Zeug- lodon.) Gibbes, R. W. 1847 B, pi. i, figs. 1-4, 8. 1850 A. Giebel, C. G.1847D. Hammerschmidt, C. E. 1848 A. (B. kockii, B. harlani.) Harlan, R. 1834 B, p. 77. (" Basilosaurus.") 1834 C, p. 397, pi. xx, figs. 1,2. ("Basilo- saurus.") 1835 D, p. 337. (" Basilosaurus.") 1835 F, p. 349, pis. xxvi-xxviii. (Basilo- saurus. ) 1839 A, p. 23. (" Basilosaurus." ) 1839 B. ("Basilosaurus.") 1839 C. (" Basilosaurus.") 1840 A , p. 67. ( " Basilosaurus. ' ' ) Koch, A. 1845 A. (Zeuglodon macrospondylus, Hydrarchus harlani.) 1845 B, p. 676. ("Zygodon," in part.) 1851 A. (Zeuglodon macrospondylus.) 1857 A. ("Zeuglodon.") 1857 B. (Zeuglodon macrospondylus.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 427. 1889 B, p. 95. (Zeuglodon.) Lucas, F. A. 1895 B, p. 745, (Zeuglodon.) 1900 C, p. 809. ( Basilosaurus. ) 1900 E, p. 327, pis. v-vii. (Basilosaurus.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 50. (Zeuglodon.) Lyell, C. 1846 C, p. 409. ("Zeuglodon." ) Miiller, J. 1847 A, p. 421. (Zeuglodon.) 1847 B. (Zeuglodon macrospondylus.) 1847 C. (Zeuglodon.) 1847 D. (Zeuglodon.) 1847 E, p. 193. (Zeuglodon macrospondy- lus.) 1849 A, plates. (Zeuglodon macrospondy- lus.) 1851 A. (Zeuglodon macrospondylus.) Owen, R. 1839 B, p. 24. (" Zeuglodon.") 1845 B, p. 360, pi. xci. (Zeuglodon.) 1860 E, p. 345, figs. 108, 109. (Zeuglodon.) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 378. (Zeuglodon macros- pondylus, hydrarchus, trachyspondylus.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 73. (Zeuglodon.) 1885 A, p. 112. (Zeuglodon.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 75. (Zeuglodon.) Schuchert, C. 1900 A, p. 328. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1009. (Zeuglodon.) ' Tuomey, M. 1847 A, p. 283, figures. (" Zeuglodon.") 1847 B, p. 151. ("Zeuglodon.') 1847 C. ("Zeuglodon.") Wailes, B. L. C. 1854 A, p. 277. (Zeuglodon har- lani.) Wyman, J. 1845 A. (Hydrarchos sillimani.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 168, figs. 131,132. (Zeug- lodon.) Eocene; Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Ar- kansas, Florida, North Carolina. For identification of the figures of Muller's plates (Muller J. 1849 A.), see Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 430. Additional synonomy may also be found there. DORUDON Gibbes. Type D. serratus Gibbes. Gibbcs, R. W. 1845 A. Agassiz, L. 1848 A. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 154. (Doryodon.) 1890 E, p. 602. (Doryodon.) Gibbes, R. W. 1848 A. Leidy, J. 1852 C. ( Pontogeneus, type P. priscus. ) 1869 A, p. 427. Lucas, F. A. 1900 C, p. 810. Muller, J. 1849 A, p. 1. (Syn. of Zeuglodon 1851 A. (Syn. of Zeuglodon.) Owen, R. 1846 C. 1846 D. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 168. Dorudon serratus Gibbes. Gibbes, R. W. 1845 A, p. 254, pi. i. Agassiz, L. 1848 A, p. 254. Amer. Jour. Science 1845 A, p. 218. ("Zeuglo- don.") Carus, C. G. 1847 A. (Hydrarchus harlani.) 1849 A, p. 369, pi. xxxix A, flgs. 1-3; pi. xxxix B. (Zeuglodon hydfarchos.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 155. (Doryodon.) 1868 I, p. 186. (Pontogeneus priscus; 'Del- phinoid.") 1869 G, p. 6. (Pontogeneus priscus.) 1890 E, p. 614. (Doryodon serratus.) Dames, W. 1894 B. Gibbes, R. W. 1845 A. 1847 B, p. 6, pi. ii, figs. 1-8; pi. iii, figs. 4-6. (Basilosaurus cetoides, in part.) 1848 A, p. 57. Koch, A. 1845 B, p. 676. ("Zygodon," in part.) 1851 B, pi. vii. (Zeuglodon brachyspondy- lus.) 588 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Leidy, J. 1852 C, p. 52. (Pontogeneus.) 1869 A, p. 428, pi. xxix, figs. 2-5. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 50. (Zeuglodon hydrar- chus; syn.? of Z. cetoides.) 1892 B, p. 559. (Z. hydrarchus.) Muller, J. 184 17 C, p. 103. (D. serratus, syn. of Zeuglodon cetoides.) 1847 E,p.l93. (Zeuglodon brachyspondylus. ) 1849 A, pi. i, fig. 1 (in part); pis. iii, iv; pi. v, fig. 1; pi. viii, figs. 3, 9, 10; pi. xii, fig. 11?; pl.xiii,flgs. 1, 2, 6, 7; pi. xviii; pi. xix, Muller, J. Continued. figs. 1-5; pis. xx, xxi; pi. xxiii, fig. 4; pi. xxvi; pi. xxvii, figs. 1, 2, 6 (Zeuglodon brachyspondylus). 1851 A. (Zeuglodon brachyspondylus.) Reichenbach, H. G. L., in Carus, C. G. 1847 A, p. 13. (Basilosaurus kochii.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1010. (Zeuglodon.) Eocene; Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana. It is possible that Dorudon serratus and Zeug- lodon brachyspondylus are distinct species. PONTOBASILEUS Leidy. Type P. tuberculatus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 337, Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1010. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 167. (Syn. of Zeuglodon,) Pontobasileus tuberculatus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 337, pi. xxxvii, fig. 15. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1010. Tertiary; Alabama?. SAUROCETUS Agassiz. Type S. gibbesii Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1848 A. Burmeister, H. 1871 C. Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 431. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, lodon.) 1010. (Syn. of Zeug- Zittel, K. A. 1893 B. p. 171. A genus of uncertain position. Saurocetus gibbesii Agassiz. Agassiz, L. 1848 A. Eocene; South Carolina. For additional references see under the genus. Suborder ODONTOCETE Flower. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 202. (Odontocetoidea.) Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 876. (Odontoceti.) 1890 E, p. 602. (Odontoceti.) 1898 B. p. 109. (Odontoceti.) Dames, W. 1894 B, p. 36. (Odontoceti.) Flower, W. H. 1864 A, p. 388. (Delphinoidea, or Odontocete.) 1867 A, p. 111. (Delphinoidea, or Odonto- cete.) 1868 A. (Physeter.) 1871 A. (Odontoceti.) 1876 B, xiii, p. 450. (Odontoceti.) 1883 D, p. 395. (Odontoceti.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 247. (Odonto- ceti.) Gadovv, H. 1898 A, p. 44. (Odontoceti.) Gill, T. 1871 B, p. 122. (Denticete.) 1872 B, pp. 14, 93. (Denticete.) 1873 C, p. 26. (Denticetes.) Gray, J. E. 1866 A, pp. 62, 194. (Denticete.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 566. (Denticeta, part.) Howes, G. B. 1888 A, p. 507. (Odontoceti.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 340. (Delphinoidea.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 53. (Odontoceti.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1305. (Odon- toceti.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 76. (Odontoceti.) Schlosser M. 1890 C, p. 241. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 293. ("Ce- todontes.") Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 271. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 168. (Odontoceti.) SQUALODONTID.E. (Cynorcidse.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 144 1889 R, p. 876. 1890 E, p. 602. 1896 A, p. 139. Dames, W. 1894 B, p. 36. (Squalodontidse, Meso- ceti.) Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 397. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 257. Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 14. (Cynorcidae.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 75. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1306. Owen, R. 1865 B. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 76. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 706. Van Beneden, P. J. 1865 A. ( " Squalodons." ) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 169. SQUALODON Grateloup. Type Delphinoides grateloupii Pedroni. Grateloup, J. P. S. 1840 A, p. 208. Agassiz, L. 1841 A. (Phocodon, type P. sdUse.) Ameghino, F. 18% A, p. 510. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, pp. 299,316. 1874 A, p. 28. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 150 (Squalodon; Cynorca, type C. proterva); p. 151 Colophonodon). 18681, p. 186. (Cynorca.) Dames, W. 1894 B, p. 19. Deperet,C.1887A, p. 278. CATALOGUE. 589 Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 257. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 309. 1862 A. 1876 A. (Phocodon.) Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 30. Gibbes, R. W. 1847 B. Jourdiin, 1861 A, p. 370 (Rhizoprion, type R. barb imin); p. 371 (Squalodon). Leidy, J. 1853 C, p. 377. (Colophonodon, type C. holmesii.) 1856 K, p. 220. (Macrophoca, type M. al- lantica.) 1869 A, p. 416. Longhi, P. 1899 A, p. 374. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 75. Meyer, H. 1840 A. 1841 A. 1847 A. (Squalodon, Pachyodon.) Molin, R. 1859 A, p. 125. (Squalodon, Pachyo- don.) Muller, J. 1847 C. (Squalodon, syn. of Zeuglodon.) 1849 A, p. 29. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1306. Osborn, H. F. 1893 D, p. 14. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 564. (Phocodon.) 1865 B. 1866 B, p. 406. (Squalodon, Phocodon.) Paquier, V. 1894 A. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 379. Probst, J. 1885 A. 1886 A, p. 105. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 113. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 76. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 706. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1011. Van Beneden, P. J. 1861 A. 1865 A, p. 64. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, pp. 426,519 (Squalodon); p. 451 (Phocodon). Weber, M. 1886 A, p. 233. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 272. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 170. Squalodon atlanticus Leidy. Lcifl;/, J. 1856 K, p. 220. (Macrophoca.) Cope, E. D. 1867 B, p. 132. 1867 C, p. 151. (Colophonodon.) 1869 N, p. 739. 1875 H, p. 363. 1890 E, p. 603. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 416, pi. xxviii, figs. 4-7; pi. xxx, fig, 18. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 77. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 77. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 440. Miocene; New Jersey, Maryland. Squalodon debilis (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1856 N, p. 265. (Phoca.) Allen, J. A. 1880 A, p. 473. (Squalodon?) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p, 144. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 415, pi. xxviii, figs. 12, 13. (Phoca.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 74. (Phoca. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1014. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 684. (Phoca.) Eocene; South Carolina. Squalodon hohnesii Leidy. Leidy, J. 1853 C, p. 377. (Colophonodon.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, pp. 144, 153. 1890 E, p. 603. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 418, pi. xxviii, figs. 15-17; pi. xxix, fig. 9. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 77. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1015. Eocene; South Carolina. Squalodon? modestus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 415, pi. xxviii, fig. 14. (Phoca.) Allen, J. A. 1880 A, p. 474. ("Squalodont.") Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 74. (Phoca.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 684. (Phoca.) Eocene; South Carolina. Squalodon pelagius Leidy. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 420, pi. xxix, fig. 1. Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 615. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 77. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1015. Eocene; South Carolina. Squalodon protervus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, pp. 144, 152 (Cynorca); p. 151, in part (Squalodon). 1868 1, p. 185. (Cynorca.) 1890 E, p. 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 384, 423, pi. xxviii, figs. 18, 19. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 77. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1015. Eocene; South Carolina. The original description refers almost wholly to a canine tooth of Dicotyles. Squalodon tiedemani Allen. Allen, J. A. 1887 A, pis. v, vi, Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1015. (S. tiedmanni.) Eocene; South Carolina. AGOROPHIUS Cope. Type Zeuglodon pygmseus Muller. Cape, E. D. 1895 A, p. 139. 18% J, p. 141. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1069. Agorophius pygmseus (Muller) Muller, J. 1849 A, p. 29, pi. xxxiii, figs. 1, 2. lodon.) Agassiz, L., in Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 420. don holmesii.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 155. (Doryodon.) 1868 I, p. 186. (Zeuglodon.) ; Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 615. (Squalodon pygsemus error e.) 1895 A, p. 139. Dames, W. 1894 B. (Zeuglodon.) Gervais, P. 1871 A, p. 138. (Squalodon.) (Zeug- I Gibbes, R. W. 1847 B, p. 8. (" Zeuglodon.") j Holmes, F. S. 1849 A, p. 197. ( "Zeuglodon," "Basi- (Phoco- | losaurus.") Leidy, J. 1854 A, p. 8. (Basilosaurus.) 1869 A, p. 420, pi. xxix, figs. 7, 8. (Squalodon.) Lydekker, R. 1892 B, p. 559. (Doryodon.) 590 FOSSIL VEKTEBKATA OF NOKTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Miiller, J. 1851 A, p. 242. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 77. (Squalodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1014 (Squalodon); p. 1069 (Agorophius). Tuomey, M. 1847 A. ("Zeuglodon.") 1847 B. ("Zeuglodon.") 1847 C. ("Zeuglodon.") Tuomey, M. 1848, Kept. Geol. S. C., p. 166. (" Zeug- lodon.") 1849, Kept. Geol. 8. C., p. 69. ("Zeuglo- don.") Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 441. (Squalo- don.) Eocene; South Carolina. GRAPHIODON Leidy. Type G. vinearius Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 R, p. 122. 1873 B, p. 337. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1011. (Syn. of Squal- odon?) Graphiodon vinearius Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 R, p. 122. Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 615. (Squalodon.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 337, pi. xxii, fig. 7. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 77. (Squalodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1015. (Squalodon?.) Miocene; Massachusetts. CETERHINOPS Leidy. Type C. longi/ronx Leidy. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 230. A genus of uncertain position. Ceterhinops longifrons Leidy. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 230, pi. xxxiv, fig. 7. Tertiary (Phosphate beds); South Carolina. PLATANISTIDvE. Brandt, J. F. 1874 A, p. 17. (Platanistinse.) Cope, E. D. 1869 G, p. 6. 1890 E, p. 603. Flower, W. H. 1867 A, p. 113. 1868 B, p. 349. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 257. Gill, T. 1871 B, p. 123. (Platanistidse, Rhabdo- steidae.) 1872 B, pp. 14, 95 (Platanistidse); p. 15 (Rhab- dosteidse). Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 342. Lydekker, R. 1893 C, p. 564. Nicholson and Lvdekker 1889 A, p. 1306. Owen, R. 1868 A, p. 282. (Platanista.) Paquier, V. 1894 A, p. 11. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 77. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 171. PLATANISTIN.E. Brandt, J. F. 1874 A, p. 17. | Flower, W. H. 1867 A, p. 114. CHAMPSODELPHIS Gervais. Type C. macrogenius Gervais. Gervais, P., 1852, Zool. Paleont. Franc., ed. 152. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 263. 1874 A, p. 19. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 259. Longhi, P. 1899 A, p. 323. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 74. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1306. Probst, J. 1886 A, pp. 106, 122. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 482. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 171. Champsodelphis acutidens (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 145. (Priscodelphinus-) Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 286. (Priscodelphinus.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 433. (Priscodelphinus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1020. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 508. Miocene; Maryland. LOPHOCETUS Cope. Type Ddphinus calvertensis Harlan. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 146. 1869 G, p. 6. 1890 E, p. 606. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 173. A genus of uncertain position. Lophocetus calvertensis (Harlan). Harlan, R. 1842 D, p. 195, 3 plates. (Delphinus.) Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 288. Cope, E. D. 1866 H, p. 297. (Pontoporia.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 146. 1890 E, pp. 606, 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 435. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 79. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1022. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 512. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 173. Miocene; Maryland. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 591 DELPHINODON Leidy. Type Squalodon mento Leidy. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 424. Cope, K. D. 1890 E, p. 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 428. (Phocageneus, type P. venuMus Leidy.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 75. (Syn. of Squalodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1023. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 170. (Syn. of Squalodon.) Delphinodon mento Cope. Cope, E. D. 1867 B, p. 132. (Squalodon.) 1867 C, pp. 151, 152. (Squalodon.) 1890 E, p. 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 424, pi. xxx, figs. 7, 8, 9. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 79. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1023. Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 230, figs. 5-7. ("Cetacean.") Miocene; Maryland, South Carolina. Delphinodon venustus (Leidy). Li Mil, J. 1869 A, p. 426, pi. xxix, fig. 10. (Pho- cageneus.) Agassiz, L. in Wyman J. 1850 B, p. 230, fig. 4. ("Phocodon.") Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 152. (Squalodon mento, in part.) Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 615. Roger, 0. 1896, A, p. 79. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1023. Miocene; Virginia. Delphinodon leidyi nom. nov. Allen, J. A. 1880 A, p. 473. (D. wymani.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, pp. 151, 152. (Squalodon wymanii, in part.) 1890 E, p. 615. ( D. wymanii. ) Leidy, J. 1856 N. p. 265. (Phoca wymani, in part.) 1869 A, p. 425, pi. xxx, figs. 10-12. (D. wy- manii. ) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 79. (D. wymanii.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1023. (D. wymanii.) Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 229, in part?. ( " Seal." ) Miocene; Maryland. The name Delphinodon leidyi is intended to replace D, wymani Leidy, which is the same, in part, as Squalodon wymanii Cope 1867 C, p. 162, but not same as S. wymani Cope 1867 B, p. 132. The type of D. leidyi is Leidy, J. 1869 A, pi. xxx, fig. 12. See references under Phoca wjmani. PRISCODELPHINUS Leidy. Type P. harlani Leidy. Leidy, J. 1851 G, p. 326. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, pp. 186, 187 (Priscodelphinus); pp. 186, 190 (Tretosphys, type T. gabbii. 1869 G, p. 7. (Tretosphys.) 1890 E, pp. 604, 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 433 (Priscodelphinus); p. 434 (Tretosphys.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1023. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, pp. 493, 510. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 172. Priscodelphinus gabbii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 191. (Delphinapterus.) Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 287. (Tretosphys.) Cope, E. D. 1869 G, pp. 6, 7, 8. (Tretosphys.) 1890 E, p. 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 434. (Tretosphys.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 78. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1024. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 512. (Tre- tosphys.) Miocene; Maryland. Priscodelphinus grandsevus Leidy. L< Mi/. J. 1851 G, p. 327. (Priscodelphinus.), J. F. 1873 A, p. 287. (Tretosphys.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 144. 1868 I, p. 191. (Delphinapterus.) 1869 G, pp. 7, 9. (Tretosphys.) 1890 E, p. 604, figs. 2, 3. Leidy, J. 1853 C, p. 377. 1854 A, p. 8. ' 1869 A, p. 434. (Tretosphys.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 78. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1024. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 511. (Tre- tosphys.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 173, fig. 134. Miocene; New Jersey. Priscodelphinus harlani Leidy. Leidy, J. 1851 G, p. 326. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 286. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 144. 1868 I, p. 188. 1869 N, p. 739. 1875 H, p. 363. 1890 E, p. 615. (Syn. of P. grandsevus.) Harlan, R. 1825 B, p. 232. (" Plesiosaurus.") 1834 B, p. 77. ("Plesiosaurus.") 1835 B, p. 821. ("Plesiosaurus.") Leidy, J. 1853 C, p. 377. 1854 A, p. 8. 1865 A, p. 1. 1869 A, p. 433. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 78. (Syn. of P. grandsevus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1024. Miocene; New Jersey. Priscodelphinus lacertosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 189 (Tretosphys); p. 190 (Delphinapterus lacertosus, D. hawkinsii). 1868 1, p. 190. (Delphinapterus, Tretosphys). 1869 G, p. 7. (Tretosphys.) 1869 N, p. 739. (Delphinapterus lacertosus, D. hawkinsii.) 1875 H, p. 363. 1890 E, p. 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 434. (Tretosphys.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 78. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1024. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 512. Miocene; Maryland. 592 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Priscodelphinus ruschenbergeri Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 189. (Delphinapterus.) Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 287. (Tretosphys.) Cope, E. D. 1869 G, pp. 7, 9. (Tretosphys.) 1890 E, p. 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 435. (Tretosphys.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 78. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1024. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 512. (Tre- tosphys.) Miocene; Maryland. Priscodelphinus urseus Cope. j Cope, E. D. 1869 G, pp. 7, 8. (Tretosphys.) Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 287. (Tretosphys.) Cope, E. D. 1875 H, p. 363. 1890 E, p. 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 435. (Tretosphys.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 78. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1024. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 512. Miocene; New Jersey, Maryland. ZARHACHIS Cope. Type Z. flagdlator Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, pp. 186,189. 1869 G, p. 9. 1890 E, p. 604. Leidy, J. H. 1869 A, p. 435. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1024. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 172. Zarhachis flagellator Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 189, in part. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 287. Cope, E. D. 1869 G, p. 9. 1890 E, p. 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 435. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 78. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1024. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 512 Miocene; Maryland, Zarhachis tysonii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 G, p. 9. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 288. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 189. (Z. flagellator, in part.) 1890 E, p. 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 435. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 78. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1025. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 512. Miocene; Maryland. Zarhachis velox Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 G, pp. 9, 10. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 288. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 189. (Z. flagellator, in part.) 1875 H, p. 363. 1890 E, p. 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 615. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 78. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1025. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 512. Miocene; Maryland. IXACANTHUS Cope. Type L ccelospondylus Cope. Cope, Et D. 1868 G, p. 159. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 286. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 187. 1875 H, p. 364. (Belosphys, type B. spino- . -4, 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 435. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1025. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 172. Ixacanthus atropius Cope. Cope, E. D. 18681, p. 188. (Priscodelphinus.) Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 286. (Priscodelphinus.) Cope, E. D. 1869 G, p. 6. (Priscodelphinus.) 1875 H, p. 364. (Belosphys.) 1890 E, p. 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 433. ( Priscodelphinus. ) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 78. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1026. Van Benedeu and Gervais 1880 A, p. 511. (Prisco- delphinus.) Miocene; Maryland. Ixacanthus ccelospondylus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 G, p. 169. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 288. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 187. 1869 N, p. 739. 1875 H, p. 364. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 435. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1025. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 513. Miocene; Maryland, New Jersey?. Ixacanthus conradi (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1852 B, p. 35. (Delphinus.) Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 286. (Priscodelphinus.) Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 188. (Priscodelphinus.) 1875 H, p. 364. (Belosphys.) 1890 E, p. 615. Leidy, J. 1"69 A, p. 433. (Priscodelphinus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 79. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1025 (I. ccelospon- dylus); p. 1032 (Delphinus conradi). Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 611. (Pris- codelphinus.) Miocene; Virginia, Maryland. Ixacanthus spinosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 187. (Priscodelphinus.) Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 286. ( Priscodelphinus. ) Cope, E. D. 1875 H, p. 364. (Belosphys.) 1890 E, p. 603, fig. 1; p. 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 433. (Priscodelphinus.) Roger, O. 18% A p. 78. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1025. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 511. (Prisco- delphinus.) Miocene; Maryland. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 593 Ixacanthus stenus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 188. (Priscodelphiuus.) Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 286. Cope, E. D. 1875 H, p. 364. (Belosphys.) 1890 E, p. 615. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 433. (Priscodelphinus. ) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 79. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1025. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 511. Miocene; Maryland. AGABELUS Cope. Type A. porcatus Cope. Cope, . D.1875 H, p. 363. 1890 E, pp. 604,615. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 260. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1025. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 174. Agabelus porcatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 H, p. 363. 1890 E, pp. 604, 615. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 79. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1025. Miocene; New Jersey. RHABDOSTEUS Cope. Type R. latiradix Cope. Cope, E. D. 1867 B, p. 132. Brandt, J. F. 1874 A, p. 13. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 145. 1890 E, p. 604. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 435, Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1025. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 513. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 174. Rhabdosteus latiradix Cope. Cope, E. D. 1867 B, p. 132. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 288. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 145. 1890 E, pp. 605, 607, fig. 4; p. 616. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 435. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 79. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1025. Miocene; Maryland. CETOPHIS Cope. Type C. heteroditus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 184. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1025. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 173. A genus of doubtful position. Cetophis heterocUvas Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 1, p. 185. 1890 E, pp. 603, 606. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 431. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 79. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1025. Miocene; Maryland, DELPHINID^E. Albrecht, P. 1886 A, p. 344. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 227. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 186. 1889 C, p. 207. 1890 E, p. 609. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, viii, pp. 75-170, pis. ccxxii, ccxxiv. Duvernoy, G. L. 1851 A. ( " Dauphins." ) Flower, W. H. 1867 A, p. 113. 1868 B, p. 349. 1883 B. 1883 D, p. 398. 1885 A, p. 349. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 260. Gill, T. 1871 B, p. 123. 1872 B, pp. 14, 94. Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 228. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 342. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 78. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1307. Osborn, H. F. 1888 F, p. 1075. Owen, R. 1866 B, p. 424. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 79. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1026. True, F. W. 1889 A. Weyhe, 1875 A, p. 100. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 174. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 243. Flower, W. H. 1867 A, p. 113. Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 15. (Delphinium, Globio- cephalinse.) DELPHININ^:. True, F. W. 1889 A, pp. 10, 13, 15, DELPHINUS Linn. Type D. delphis Linn. Linnseus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., od. 10, i, p. 77. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 244. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 186. Bull. 179 38 Duvernoy, G. L. 1851 A. ("Dauphin.") Flower, W. H. 1883 B, pp. 500, 511. 1883 D, p. 399. 594 FOSSIL VEBTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 271. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 301. Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 239. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1307. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 381. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1031. True, F. W. 1889 A, pp. 44, 160. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 175. Delphinus occiduus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 E, p, 197. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 286. Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 616. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 431. 1871 C, p. 365. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 79. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 376. Trouessart, E. L. 1W)X A, p. 1031. Miocene; California. Delphinus sp. indet. Wyman, J. 1850 B, p. 231, figs. 5-7. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 432. DELPHINAPTERINJE. Gill, T. 1871 B, p. 124. 1872 B, p. 15. True, F. W. 1889 A, pp. 10, 11. DELPHINAPTERUS Lacepede. Type D. leucas Pall. Lactptde, B. G. E., 1804, Hist. Nat. Get., p. xli. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 234. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 186. Dawson, J. W. 1883 A, p. 201. (Beluga.) Flower, W. H. 1883 B, p. 505. 1889 A, p. 146. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 262. Gray, J. E., 1828, Spicelegia Zool., i, p. 2. (Be- luga.) 1866 A, p. 307. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 78. Probst, J. 1886 A, p. 129. (Beluga.) True, F. W. 1889 A, p. 146. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 531. (Be- luga.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 176. (Beluga.) Delphinapterus leucas Pall. Cope! E. D. 1890 E, pi. xxi. Dawson, J. W. 1883 A, p. 201. (Beluga catodon.) 1895 B. (B. catodon.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 262, fig. 91. Owen, R. 1868 A, p. 281. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1050. True, F. W. 1889 A, p. 187, pi. xlvi, figs. 1, 2. Recent; Arctic seas. Pleistocene; Ontario. Delphinapterus orcina Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 V, p. 49. 1890 E, p. 610. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 80. (Beluga.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1051. Miocene; North Carolina. Delphinapterus vermontana (Thomp.). Thompson, Z. 1850 A, p. 257, figs. 1-13. (Delphi- nus.) Amer. Naturalist 1871 A. (Beluga.) Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 289. (Beluga.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 144. (Beluga.) 1890 E, p. 610. Dawson, J. W. 1878 A, supp., p. 28. (Beluga.) 1883 A, p. 201. (Beluga.) Gilpin B, 1873 A. (Beluga vermontana?) Honeyman, D. 1874 A. (Beluga.) 1874 B. (Beluga.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 436. (Beluga.) Logan, W. E. 1863 A, p. 919. (Beluga.) Thompson, Z. 1853 A, p. 15, figs. 1-13. (Beluga.) 1859 A, p. 299. (Beluga.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1051. Pleistocene; Vermont, Quebec. MONODON Linn. Type M. monoceros Linn. Linnxus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 75. Berthold, A. A. 1850 A. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 231. Clark, J. W. 1871 A. Flower, W. H. 1883 B. 1883 D. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 260. Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 310. Jaeger, G. 1851 A. Leboucq, H. 1887 A, p. 203. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 78. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1307. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 347. 1868 A, p. 279, fig. 220. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 384. Smith, J. 1895 A, p. 331. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 523. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 176. Monodon monoceros Linn. Linnxus, C., 1758, Syst- Nat, ed. 10, i, p. 75. Barton, B. S. 1805 A, p. 98. (" Monodon.") Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 232. Clark, J. W. 1871 A. Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 398, fig. 49. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 261, fig. 90. Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 311. Jaeger, G. 1857 A, p. 571. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 78. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1307. Owen, R. 1845 B. p. 347,pl . Ixxxvii. ( " Monodon." ) Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 381, fig. 174. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1052. Turner, H. N. 1872 A. 1873 A. 1876 A. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 523, pi. xliv, figs. 6-9; pi. xlv. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 176. Recent; Arctic seas. Pleistocene; Alaska. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 595 PHYSETERID^E. Cope, E. D. 1889 C, p. 207. 1890 E, p. 606. 1895 A, p. 137. (Choneziphiidse.) Duvernoy, G. L. 1851 A. ("Les cachalots.") Flower, W. H. 1867 A, p. 113. 1868 B, p. 345. 1883 D, p. 3'J5. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 247. Gill, T. 1871 B, p. 123. 1872 B, pp. 15, 96. (Physeteridse, Ziphiidse.) Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 195. (Catodontidae.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 340. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 53. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1305. Pouchet and Beauregard 1889 A. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 80. Van Beneden, P. J. 1877 B. (Physeterula.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 176. PHYSETERIN.E. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 205. Flower, W. H. 1867 A, p. 114. Gill, T. 1871 B, p. 124. 1872 B, pp. 15, 96. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 177. PHYSETER Linn. Type P. macrocephalus Linn. Ltnnaxs, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 76. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 205. Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 606. Flower, W. H. 1868 B. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 248. Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 210. Harlan, R. 1834 B, pp. 74, 75. (Megistosaurus, Nephrosteon, synonyms of Physeter.) 1835 A, p. 76. (Megistosaurus.) 1835 B, p. 279. ( Megistosaurus, Nephrosteon. ) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 340. Leidy, J. 1856 L, p. 255. (Orycterocetus, type 0. quadratidew.) 1857 A, p. 271. (Orycterocetus.) 1869 A, p. 436 (Orycterocetus); p. 444 (Phy- seter.) 1876 A, p. 176. (Dinoziphius.) Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 353. Probst, J. 1886 A. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 303 (Physe- ter); p. 344 (Dinoziphius). Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 177. Physeter carolinensis (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 216, pi. xxxiv, fig. 6. (Dino- ziphius.) Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 608. (Hoplocetus ; may not refer to P. carolinensis.) Physeter macrocephalus Linn. Linnxus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 76. Flower, W. H. 1868 B, pis. Iv-lxi. Gibbes, R. W. 1850 B. (" Physeter.") Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 212. (Physeter tursio.) Harlan, R. 1828 A, p. 186. 1835 A, p. 76. 1835 B, p. 279. (Megistosaurus and Nephros- teon = Physeter macrocephalus.) Jaeger, G. 1857 A, p. 573. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 444. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 353, pis. Ixxxix, Ixxxix a. 1868 A, p. 281. Raflnesque, C. S., 1833, Atlantic Journal, p. 12. ( " Neph rosteon . " ) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 80. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 378. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1056. Recent in warm seas: Pleistocene?; Louisiana. "A doubtful fossil." Physeter vetus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1853 C, p. 378. (P. antiquus, preoccu- pied by Gervais.) Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 289. (Catodon.) Cope, E. D. 1869 N, p. 739. (P. antiquus.) 1875 V, p. 50. 1890 E, p. 615. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 212, fig. 34. (P. antiquus.) Gibbes, R. W. 1847 B, p. 11. (P. macrocephalus?.) 1850 B. (Catodon.) Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 117, pi. xxiv, figs. 8, 9. (P. antiquus.) 1869 A, p. 436. (Catodon.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 80. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1055. Pleistocene; South Carolina. Miocene; North Carolina, Virginia, New Jersey. ORYCTEROCETUS Leidy. Type 0. quadratidens Leidy. Leidy, J. 1853 C, p. 378. Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 607. (Syn. of Physeter.) Leidy, J. 1857 A, p. 271. 1869 A, p. 436. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1055. (Syn. of Physe- ter.) Zittel, K. AJ1893 B, p. 177. (Syn. of Physeter.) Orycterocetus cornutidens Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 L, p. 255, in part. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 289. Cope E. D. 1867 C, p. 144. (O. crocodilinus.) 1875 V, p. 50. 1890 E, p. 615. (Physeter.) Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 211, fig. 33. Leidy, J. 1857 A, p. 271. 1869 A, p. 437. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 80. (Physeter.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1055. (Physeter.) Miocene; North Carolina, Maryland. 596 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Orycterocetus quadratidens Leidy. Leidy, J. 1853 C, p. 378. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 289. Cope, E. D. 1875 V, p. 50. 1890 E, p. 615. (Physeter.) Emmons, E. 1858 B, p, 210, fig. 32. Leidy, J. 1856 L, p. 255. (O. cornutidens, in part.) 1857 A, p. 271. 1869 A, p. 436, pi. xxx, figs. 16, 17. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 81. (Physeter.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1055. (Physeter.) Miocene; Virginia, North Carolina. HYPOCETUS Lydekker. Type Mesocetus poucheti Moreno. Lydekker, R. 1893 D, p. 7 (Hypocetus); p. 8 (Para- cetus). Ameghino, F. 1894 A, p. 437. (Diaphorocetus, to replace Mesocetus Moreno, preoccupied.) Cope, E. D. 1895 A, p. 135. (Paracetus.) Lydekker, R. 1896 B, p. 68. Moreno, F. P. 1892 A, p. 395, pi. x. (Mesocetus; type M. poucheti; not Mesocetus of Van Bene- den.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1052. (Diaphorocetus.) Hypocetus mediatlanticus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1895 A, p. 135. (Paracetus.) Roger, O. 1896 A, 81. (Paracetus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1053. (Diaphorocetus.) Miocene; Maryland. HOPLOCETUS Gervais. Type H. crassidens Gervais. Gervais, P. 1852, Zool. Paleont. Franc., ed. 1, p. 26. Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 607. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 251. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 438. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 60. Owen, R. 1846 B, p. 536. (Balsenodon, type B. physaloides; may not be identical genus.) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 388. Probst, J. 1886 A, p. 106. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 239. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 177. Hoplocetus obesus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 E, p. 196. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 290. Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 608 (H. carolinensis); p. 615 (H. obesus). Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 438, pi. xxx, figs. 13-15. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1054. Miocene; California. Professor Cope's name, //. carolinensis, more probably refers to Physeter carolinensis; or it may be due to a confusion of the two names. ONTOCETUS Leidy. Type 0. emmonsi Leidy. Leidy, J. 1859 G, p. 162. 1869 A, p. 440. A genus of doubtful position. Ontocetus emmonsi Leidy. Leidy, J. 1859 G, p. 162. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 290. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 144. 1875 V, p. 51. Emmons, E. 1860 A, p. 219. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 440. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1055. (Hoplocetus.) Miocene; North Carolina. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 209. Flower, W. H. 1867 A, p. 114. 1872 A. 1883 D, p. 396. Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 15. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 251. Gervais, P. 1850 A. (Ziphioides.) Gervais, P. 1859 A, pp. 285, 291. (" Ziphides.") Lydekker R. 1887 A, p. 63. Owen, R. 1889 A. (Ziphius.) Probst, J. 1886 A, p. 108. (Ziphioidse.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 81. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 178. CHONEZIPHIUS Duvernoy. Type Ziphius planirostris Cuv. Duvernoy, O. L. 1851 A, p. 61. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 218. Cope, E. D. 1890 E, pp. 607,608, part. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 257. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 288. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 218. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 64. Owen, R. 1889 A, p. 35. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 385. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1059, part. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 413. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 178. Choneziphius ccelops (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1876 A, p. 81. (Eboroziphius.) Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 616. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 224, pi. xxx, fig. 5; pi. xxxi, fig. 3. (Eboroziphius.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 597 Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 82. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1060. Tertiary (Phosphate beds); South Carolina. Choneziphius Hops Leidy. Leidy, J. 1876 A, p. 81. Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 616. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 222, pi. xxx, fig. 1; pi. xxxi, fig. 2. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 82. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. lt)60. Tertiary (Phosphate beds); South Carolina. Choneziphius trachops Leidy. Leidy, J. 1876 A, p. 81. Cope, E. D. 1890 E, pp. 608, 615. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 218, pi. xxx, fig. 2; pi. xxxi, flg.l. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 82. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1060. Tertiary (Phosphate beds); South Carolina. PROROZIPHIUS Leidy. Type P. macrops Leidy. Leidy, J. 1876 E, p. 87. 1877 A, p. 227. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1060. (Syn. of Gho- neziphius.) Proroziphius chonops Leidy. Leidy, J. 1876 F, p. 114. Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 616. (Choneziphius.; Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 229, pi. xxxii, figs. 3, 4. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 82. (Choneziphius.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1060. (Choneziphius.) Tertiary (Phosphate beds); South Carolina. Proroziphius macrops Leidy. Leidy, J. 1876 E, p. 87. Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 616. (Choneziphius.) Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 227, pi. xxxii, figs. 1, 2. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 82. (Choneziphius.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1060. (Choneziphius.) Tertiary (Phosphate beds); South Carolina. PELYCORHAMPHUS Cope. Type P. pertorlus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1895 A, p. 137. Pelycorhamphus pertortus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1895 A, p. 137. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1057. Miocene. Locality unknown. ANOPLONASSA Cope. Type A. fordpata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 189. 1869 O. 1890 F, p. 700. 1895 A, p. 138. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, pp. 1003, 1057. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 179. Anoplonassa forcipata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 189, pi. v, fig. 5. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 289. Cope, E. D. 1869 O. 1890 F, p. 700, fig. 2. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 436. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 82. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 103. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 386, text figure. Tertiary (Phosphate beds); South Carolina. MESOPLODON Gervais. Type Delphinus sowerbensis. Gervais, P. 1850 A, p. 16. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 220. (Mesoodon.) Cope, E. D. 1890-E, p. 607. Flower, W. H. 1872 A p. 209. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 254. Forbes, H. 0. 1893 A. Gervais, P. 1850 A, p. 16. (Dioplodon.) 1859 A, p. 289 (Dioplodon); p. 290 (Mesoplo- don). Huxley, T. H. 1864 A, p. 388. (Micropteron; Be- lemnoziphius, type B. comprepsus.) Leidy, J. 1876 A, p. 81. (Belemnoziphius.) 1877 A, p. 226. (Dioplodon.) Owen, R. 1889 A, p. 38. (Belemnoziphius.) Probst, J. 1886 A, p. 113. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1063. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 392 (Meso- plodon); pp. 403, 419 (Dioplodon). Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 179. (Mesoplodon, Dioplo- don.) Mesoplodon prorops (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1876 A, p. 81. (Belemnoziphius.) Cope, E..D. 1890 E, p. 616. Leidy, J. 1877 A, p. 226, pi. xxx, figs. 3, 4. (Dio- plodon.) Roger, O. 1896 A. p. 82. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1065. Van Beneden, P. J. 1880 A. (Ziphius longirostris; =? M. prorops.1 Tertiary (Phosphate beds); South Carolina. 598 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Suborder MYSTICETE. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 17. (Balsenoidea.) Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 876. (Mystacoceti.) 1890 E, p. 610. (Mysticete.) 1898 B, p. 109. (Mysticete.) Flower, W. H. 1864 A, p. 388. (Balamoidea, or Mysticete.) 1867 A, p. 110. (Mystacoceti, or Balsenoidea. ) 1876 B, xiii, p. 450. (Mystacoceti.) 1883 D, p. 394. (Mystacoceti.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 234. (Mysta- coceti.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 44. (Mystacoceti.) Gill, T. 1871 B, p. 122. (Mysticete.) 1872 B, pp. 16, 97. ( Mysticete. ) Gill, T. 1873 C, p. 25. (Mysticete.) Gray, J. E. 1866 A, pp. 68, 194. (Mysticete.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 566. (Mysticeta.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 336. (Balsenoidea.) Kukenthal.W. 1891 A, p. 365. (" Bartemvale.") Leboucq, H. 1887 A. ("Mystic6tes.") Murie, J. 1865 A. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 83. (Mystacoceti.) Ryder, J. 1878 A. Van Beneden, P. J. 1880 B, p. 11. (" Mysticetes." ) Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, pp. 29, 239. ("Mysticetes.") Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 273. (Mystacoceti.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 180. (Mystacoceti.) Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 18 (Balsenidse); p. 26. (Balsenopteridse). Carte and Macalister 1868 A. (> Balsenopteridse.) Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 876. 1890 E, p. 611. 1895 A, p. 139. , Cuvier, G. 1834 A, viii, pt. ii, pp. 249-332. ("Baleines.") Duvernoy, G. L. 1851 A. (" Les Baleines.") Flower, W. H. 1864 A. (Balsenidae, Balsenop- teridae.) 1867 A, p. 115. ( >Balsenopterinse. ) 1876 B, xiii, p. 450. (Balaenidae, Balsenop- teridse.) 1883 D, p. 394. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 234. Gervais, P. 1871 A. Gray,, J. E. 1866 A, p. 75 (Balsenidse); p. 106 (Balsenopteridse). Holder, J. B. 1883 A. 87 Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, Ktikenthal, W. 1890 C. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Murie, J. 1865 A. (Balsenopteridse.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1302. Owen, R. 1866 B, p. 415. 1868 A, p. 276. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 83 (Balsenidae); p (Balsenopteridse). Struthers, J. 1871 A. OBalsenopteridse.) 1872 A. (>Balsenopteridse.) 1881 A. OBalsenidre.) 1893 A. (Balsenidae, Balsenopteridse.) 1895 A. (>Balaenidse.) Van Beneden P. J. 1872 A. (>Balsenidse. ) 1880 A. (>Balsenidse.) 1882 A. (Balsenidse, Balsenopteridae.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 181 (Balaenidse); p. 183 (Balsenopteridae). METOPOCETUS Cope. Type M. durinasus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1896 J, p. 141. Metopocetus durinasus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1896 J, p. 141, pi. xi, fig. 3. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1069. Miocene; Maryland. CEPHALOTROPUS Cope. Type C. coronatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% J, pp. 141, 143. Cephalotropus coronatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1896 J, p. 143, pi. xi, fig. 2. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1069. Miocene; Maryland?. CETOTHERIUM Brandt. Type C. rathkii Brandt. Brandt, J. P., 1843, Bull. Acad. Imp. St. Petersb., i, p. 145. 1844 A. 1873 A, pp. 61, 142, 143. Cope, E. D. 1869 G, p. 10. (Eschrichtius.) 1890 E, p. 612. 1895 A, p. 140. 1896 J, p. 141. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 245. Gaudfy, A. 1878 B, p. 32. (Plesiocetus.) Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 131, figs. 21, 22. (Eschrich- tius.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 42. 1893 D, pt. ii, p. 2. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 388. Van Beneden, P.-J. 1872 A, p. 416. 1872 B, p. 15 (Plesiocetus); p. 16 (Cetothe- rium). 1875 A. (Plesiocetus.) 1880 B, p. 17. (Plesiocetus.) Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 268. (Ceto- therium); p. 274 (Plesiocetus). Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 181 (Plesiocetus) ; p. 182 (Cetotherium). CATALOGUE. 599 Cetotherium cephalum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1867 B, p. 131. (Eschrichtius.) 1867 C, p. 148. (Eschrichtius.) 1869 G, pp. 10, 11. (Eschrichtius.) 1890 E, p. 613, pi. xxii, text fig. 7. 1891 N, fig. 39. 1896 J, p. 146, pi. xii, fig. 2. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 912, fig. 1539. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 442. (Eschrichtius.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 84. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1071. Miocene; Maryland. Cetotherium davidsonii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 Z, p. 29. (Eschrichtius.) Bowers, S. 1889 A. (Eschrichtius.) Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 616. (Balsenoptera.) 1896 J, p. 146, pi. xii, fig. 4. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 86. (Balsenoptera.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1079. (Referred to Balsenoptera davidsoni Scammon.) Miocene; California. Cetotherium leptocentrum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 147. (Eschrichtius.) 1869 G, p. 11. (Eschrichtius.) 5, p. 616. ^., p. 148. (C. crassangulum.) 1896 J, p. 145, pi. xii, fig. 1. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 442. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 84 (C. leptocentrum); p. 85 (C. crassangulum). Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1071. Miocene; Virginia. Cetotherium megalophysum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1895 A, p. 146. 18% J, p. 143, pi. xi, fig. 1. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 84. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1071. Miocene; Maryland?. Cetotherium mysticetoides ( Emmons) . Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 205, fig. 26. (Balsena.) Cope, E. D. 1875 V, p. 42. ( Eschrichtius. ) 1890 E, p. 616. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 440. (Balsena.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 84 (Cetotherium); p. 87 (Ba- lsena). Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1071 (Cetotherium); p. 1092 (Balama). Van Beneden, P. J. 1882 A, p. 23. Miocene; North Carolina. Cetotherium parvum Trouessart. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1071. (To replace C. pusillum Cope, not of Nordmann. Cope, E. D. 1868 G, p. 159. (Balsenoptera pusilla. ) 1868 I, p. 190 (?Delphinapterus tyrannus) ; p. 191 (Eschrichtius pusillus). 1869 G, p. 7 (?Delphinapterus tyrannus); p. 11 (Eschrichtius pusillus). 1890 E, p. 616. (C. pusillum). 1895 A, p. 145. (C. pusillum.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 442. (Eschrichtius pusillus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 84. (C. pusillum.) Miocene; Maryland, South Carolina. Cetotherium polyporum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 I. (Eschrichtius.) 1870 F, p. 285. (Eschrichtius.) 1875 V, p. 42, pi. v, figs. 3, 3d. (Eschrich- tius.) .616. , p. 149, pi. vi, fig. 7. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 84. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1071. Miocene; North Carolina. SIPHONOCETUS Cope. Type Balxna prisons Leidy. Cope, E. D. 1895 A, p. 140. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1074. Siphonocotus clarkianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1895 A, p. 140, pi. vi, fig. 4. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 85. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1074. Miocene; Maryland. Siphonocetus expansus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1868 I, p. 193. (Megaptera.) J, p. 11. (Eschrichtius.) 5, p. 616. (Cetotherium.) 1895 A, p. 140. pi. vi, fig. 5. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 442. (Eschrichtius.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 85. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1074. Miocene; Virginia, Maryland. Siphonocetus priscus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1851 F, p. 308. (Balsena.) Cope, E. D. 1867 B, p. 132. (Balsena.) 1867 C, p. 144. (Balsenoptera.) 1868 I, p. 193. (Balsenoptera. ) 1869 G, pp. 10, 11. (Eschrichtius.) 1890 E, p. 616. (Cetotherium.) 1895 A, p. 140, pi. vi, fig. 3. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 441. (Eschrichtius.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 86. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1074. Miocene; Virginia. ULIAS Cope. Type U. moratus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1895 A, p. 141. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1074. Ulias moratus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1895 A, p. 141, pi. vi, fig. 1. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 85. Miocene; Maryland? 600 FOSSIL VEETEBEATA OF NOETH AMEEICA. [BULL. 179. TRETULIAS Cope. Type T. buccatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1895 A, p. 143. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1074. Tretulias buccatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1895 A, p. 143, pi. vi, fig. 2. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 85. Trou&ssart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1074. Miocene; Maryland?. MESOCETUS Van Beneden. Type M. longirostris Van Beneden. Van Beneden, P. J. 1880 B, p. 22. Cope, E. D. 1895 A, p. 153. Van Beneden, P. J. 1882 B. Mesocetus siphunculus Cope. Cope, E, D, 1895 A, p. 153. Cope, E. D. 1896 J, p. 146, pi. xii, fig. 6. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 85. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1076. Miocene; Virginia. B.HEGNOPSIS Cope. Type Balsena palseatlanticus Leidy. Cope, E. D. 18% J, p. 145. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 440 (Protobalsena, type B. palxatlanticus; preocc. by Van Beneden, 1867). Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1077. Rhegnopsis palseatlanticus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1851 F, p. 308. (Balsena.) Cope, E. D. 1867 B, p. 132. (Balsena.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 147. (Balsena.) 1868 1, p. 193. (Balsenoptera.) 1890 E, p. 616. (Balsenoptera.) 1896 J, p. 145, pi. xii, fig. 5. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 440. (Protobalsena.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 86. (Balsenoptera.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1077. Miocene; Virginia. BAL^NOPTERA Lac^pede. Lacepede, B. O. E., 1804, Hist. Nat. d. CStaces; Tab. ord., p. xxxvi. Brandt, J. F. 1873 A, p. 27. Carte and Macalister 1869 A. Cope, E. D. 1890 E, p. 612. Flower, W. H. 18C4 A, p. 373. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 242. Gray, J. E. 1866 A, pp. 186, 382. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 34. Murie, J. 1865 A. (Physalus.) Struthers, J. 1871 A. Strutters, J. 1872 A. MEGAPTERA Gray. Gray, J. E., 1846, Zool. "Erebus" and "Terror," p. 16. Flower, W. H. 1864 A. 1883 D, p. 394. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 241. Gervais, P. 1871 A. Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 117. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 31. Struthers, J. 1885 A. 1888 A. Van Beneden, P. J. 1868 A. 1880 B, p. 13. 1882 A, p. 26. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 116. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 182. Struthers, J. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 383. Van Beneden, P. J. 1880 B, p. 14. 1882 A, p. Cl. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 137. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 182. Balsenoptera sursiplana Cope. Cope, E. D. 1895 A, p. 151. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 86. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1077. Miocene; Maryland. Type M. longimana. Meguptera boops (Linn). Linnaeus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 76. (Balsena.) Dawson, J. W. 1883 A, p. 202. (M. longimana.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 241, fig. 79. Gervais, P. 1871 A. Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 119, figs. 14-18. (M. longi- mana. ) Struthers, J. 1885 A, p. 124. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1085. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 120, pi. x; pi. xi, figs. 1-8. Recent in North Atlantic: Pleistocene; On- tario. MESOTERAS Cope. Type M. kerrianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 R, p. 128. 1870 F, p. 286. 1875 V, p. 44, pi. viii, fig. 1. 1890 E, p. 613. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 183. Mesoteras kerrianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 R, p. 128. Cope, E. D.1870F, p. 286. 1875 V, p. 44. 1890 E, pp. 613, 616. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 86. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1081 Miocene; North Carolina. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 601 Linn. Type B. mysticetus Linn. Linnxus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 75. Flower, W. H. 1864 A, p. 390. 1883 D, p. 395. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 236. Gervals, P. 1871 A. Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 79. Holder, J. B. 1883 A. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 337. Lydekker R. 1887 A, p. 16. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1303. Owen, R. 1866 B, p. 415. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 217. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 387. Struthers, J. 1881 A. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 87. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 1089. Van Beneden and Gervais 1880 A, p. 32. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 183. Balsena affinis Owen. Owen, R, 1846 B, p. 530, fig. 221. Cope, E. D. 1895 A, p. 152. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 206. (Doubtful identifica- tion.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 17, fig. 7. Zittel K. A. 1893 B, p. 183. Miocene; England, Maryland?, North Caro- lina. For citations to descriptions of uncertain and unidentified remains of Cete see Leidy 1869 A, p. 443. Order UNGULATA. Baur, G. 1884 F. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 561. 1873 F. 1875 C, p. 26. 1889 C. 1889 R, pp. 875, 876. Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 421. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 273. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 45. Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Gill, T. 1872 A, p. 298. 1872 B, pp. 8, 47, 70. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 524. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 292. Kowalevsky, W. 1873 A, p. 152. 1874 A. Leuthardt, F. 1891 A, p. 93. Lydekker, R. 1885 C. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. 1884 F, p. 173. Mettam, A. E. 1895 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1312. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D. 1893 A, p. 379. OwenR. 1845 B, p. 523. 1851 C, p. 735. 1868 A, p. 340. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 219. (Herbivora.) Paulli, S. 1900 A. Pavlow, M. 1888 A. 1890 A. 1892 A. Roger, 0. 18% A, p, 142. Rutimeyer, L. 1888 A. 1891 A. Ryder, J. A. 1878 A. Schlosser, M. 1885 A. 1886 B. 1887 A. 1890 D. 1892 A, p. 216. Schmidt, 0. 1886 A, p. 126. Slade, D. D. 1888 A, p. 244. 1893 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 746. Taeker, J. 1892 A. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 390. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Wiedersheim, R. 1881 A, p. 360. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 287. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 469. 1893 B, p. 421. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 203. Suborder CONDYLARTHRA Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 X, p. 1017. Ameghino, F. 1891 C, p. 214. 1896 A, p. 445. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 18. Cope, E. D. 1882 A. (Taxeopoda, in part; Condyl- arthra.) 1882 E, p. 178. 1882 F. 602 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. 1882 R. 1882 Y. (Taxcopoda, in part; Condylar- thra.) 1883 D. (Taxeopoda, in part; Condylarthra. ) 1883 E. 1884 C. (Taxeopoda, in part.) 1884 O, pp. 378, 382 (Condylarthra); pp. 167, 374, 378 (Taxeopoda, in part). 1884 AA. 1885 K, p. 468. 1885 O. 1885 U. 1886 Q, p. 238. (Taxeopoda, in part.) 18871. 1887 N. (Taxeopoda, in part.) 1887 S, p. 342. (Taxeopoda, in part; Condy- larthrit.) 1888 Q. (Taxeopoda, in part.) 1888 CC. 1889 C. (Taxeopoda, in part; Condylar- thra.) 1891 N, p. 79. (Taxeopoda, in part; Con- dylarthra.) 1892 S. 1898 B, p. 120 (Condylarthra); pp. 106, 120 (Taxeopoda, in part). Earle, C. 1893 B. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 438. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 46. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, pp. 529, 533. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Lydekker, R. 1885 E, p. 469. (Taxeopoda, in part.) 1886 A, p. 172. Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, p. 171. (Protungulata.) 1892 D, p. 445. (Mesodactyla. ) Marsh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 26. (Mesodactyla.) Mntthcw, W. D. 1897 B, pp. 261, 323 (Protungu- lata); p. 293 (Condylarthra). Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1378 Osborn, H. F. 1888 F. 1890 D, p. 636. 18921. 1893 A, p, 383. 1893 D. 1898 H, p. 175. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 47. Parsons, F. G. 1899 A. 1900 A. Pavlow,M.1887 A. (Taxeopoda, in part; Condyl- arthra.) 1888 A. Rose, C. 1896 A, p. 84. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 163. Riitimeyer, L. 1888 A. (Taxeopoda, in part; Condylarthra. ) 1890 A. (Taxeopoda, in part; Condylarthra.) 1891 A. Schlosser, M. 1884 B, p. 641. 1885 A, p. 683. 1886 B. , p. 584. 1890 C. 1892 A. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 427. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 749. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 443. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 289. Wortman, J. L. 1883 A, p. 706. (Taxeopoda, in part.) 1885 A, p. 297. (Taxeopoda, in part.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 213, 725. PHENACODONTID^E. Cope, E. D. 1881 X, p. 1018. Ameghino, F. 1891 C, p. 215. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 178. 1882 F, pp. 95,96. 1884 O, pp. 384, 386. 1884 AA, pp. 793,892. 1887 N, p. 986. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 294, 299. 1899 A, pp. 28, 29, 32. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 218. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 49. Pavlow, M. 1887 A. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 165. Riitimeyer, L. 1888 A, p. 44. Schlosser, M. 1885 A, p. 683. 1888 A, p. 585. 1890 C. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 750. Wortman, J. L. 1882 B, p. 724. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 218. OXYACODON Osb. and Earle. Type 0. apiculatus Osb. and Earle. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 26. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 292. 1899 A, p. 28. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 72. 1899 A, p. 1290. A genus of uncertain position; placed by Trouessart first in Primates, later in Carnivora; by Matthew in Creodonta incertx sedis. Oxyacodon ag-apetillus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1884 K, p. 320. (Anisonchus.) 1888 CC, p. 305. (Anisonchus.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 264, 292, fig. 10. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 28. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 165. (Anisonchus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1899 A, p. 1290. Eocene (Puerco) ; New Mexico. Oxyacodon apiculatus Osb. and Earle. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 25, fig. 6. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 292. 1899 A, p. 28. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 252. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 72. 1899 A, p. 1290. Eocene (Puerco), New Mexico. CATALOGUE. 603 PROTOGONODON Scott. Type Miodsmus pentacus Cope. Scott, IK. B. 1892 B, p. 322. Earle, C. 1893 B. 1893 D, p. 51. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C. pp. 301, 302. Osborn, H. F. 1894 A, p. 235. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, pp. 64, 67. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 427. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 586. Protogonodon pentacus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 325. (Mioclsenus.) Earle, C. 1893 B. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 264, 302. 1899 A, p. 28. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 67, figs. 20, 21. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 166. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 427. 1892 B, p. 322. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. Protogonodon stenognathus Matth. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 264, 302. 1899 A, p. 28. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. TETRACL^NODON Scott. Type Mioclsenus floverianus Cope. Scott. W. B. 1892 B, p. 299. Cope, E. D. 1881 H, pp. 487, 492. (Protogonia, typo 1'. subquadrata.) 1882 E, p. 178. (Protogonia.) 1882 F, p. 96. (Protogonia.) 1884 O, pp. 386, 424. (Protogonia.) 1884 AA, p. 893. (Protogonia.) 1887 I, p. 657. (Protogonia.) 1888 CC, p. 359. (Protogonia.) 1893, in Earle, C. 1893 B, p. 378. (Euprotogo- nia, to replace Protogonia preoccupied.) 1894 I, p. 594. (Euprotogonia.) Earle, C. 1893 D, p. 50. (Euprotogonia.) 1898 A, p. 262. (Euprotogonia.) Hay, O. P. 1899 A, p. 593. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C. pp. 301, 303. (Euprotogo- nia.) 1899 A, p. 29. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1382. (Proto- gonia.) Osborn, H. F. 1894 A, p. 235. (Euprotogonia.) 1898 A, p. 146. (Euprotogonia.) 1898 G, p. 163. (Euprotogonia.) Osborn and Earle 1895 A, pp. 64, 66. (Euproto- gonia.) Pavlow, M. 1887 A. (Protogonia.) Riitimeyer, L. 1888 A, p. 47. (Protogonia.) Schlosser, M. 1894 A, p. 158. (Protogonia.) Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 427 (Protogonia); p. 421 (Tetraclsenodon). 1892 B, p. 299. (Tetraclsenodon, type Mio- claenus floverianus Cope.) 1892 D, p. 78. (Tetraclaenodon.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 751. (Pro- togonia. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 724. (Euprotogonia.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 218 (Protogonia); p. 588 (Tetraclsenodon). Tetracleenodon minor (Matth). Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 264, 310. (Euprotogo- nia.) Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 305. ( Protogonia zuniensis, in part. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 29. (Euprotogonia.) Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. Tetracleenodon puercensis (Cope). Cape, E. D. 1881 H. p. 492. ( Phenacodus. ) 1882 E, p. 180. (Syn. Phenacodus vortmani. ) 1882 EE, p. 833. (Protogonia plicifera. ) 1883 M, p. 561. (Phenacodus calceolatus. ) Cope, E. D. 1884 K, p. 309. (Protogonia plicifera.) 1884 O, pp. 433, 488, pi. xxv, figs. 12, 13; pi. Ivii /, figs. 8, 9 (Phenacodus puercensis); pp. 433, 487, pi. xxiv0, fig. 7 (Phenacodus calceolatus) ; p. 424, pi. xxv /, figs. 2, 3 (Protogonia plicifera). 1884 AA, p. 893, fig. 14 (Protogonia plicifera); p. 900, fig. 22 (Phenacodus puercensis). 1885 J, p. 387. ( Phenacodus. ) 1887 I, p. 657. (Phenacodus puercensis.) 1888 CC, pp. 305, 359 (Phenacodus puercensis, P. plicifera, P. calceolata); p. 330 (Mio- claenus floverianus). Earle, C. 1893 D, p. 50. (Euprotogonia.) Hay, O. P. 1899 A, p. 593. (Tetraclaenodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 264, 304, 320. (Eupro- togonia.) 1899 A, p. 29. Osborn, H. F. 1898 G, p. 163, fig. 4. (Euprotogo- nia.) Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 65, fig. 19 (Euprotogo- nia puercensis); p. 65 (Euprotogonia plicifera). Pavlow, M. 1887 A, figs. 1, 3. (Phenacodus.) 1888 A, p. 136. (Phenacodus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 32 (T. flowerianus) ; p. 165 (Eu- protogonia calceolata, E. puercensis). Schlosser M. 18% B, p. .135, pi. vi, fig. 33 (Phena- codus puercensis); pi. v, fig. 30; pi. vi, fig. 32 (Protogonia plicifera). Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 300. (Tetraclamodon flover- ianus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 724. (Euprotogonia.) Wortman, J. L. 18% A, p. 106, pi. ii, fig. A, text fig. 16 (Euprotogonia puercensis); pi. ii, fig. F, text fig. 17 (Euprotogonia plicifera). Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 218, fig. 158. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. Tetraclsenodon subquadratus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 H, p. 492. (Protogonia.) 1884 O, p. 426, pi. Ivii, figs. 11, 12. (Proto- gonia.) 1884 AA, p. 893. (Protogonia. ) 1888 CC, p. 305. (Syn. of Protogonia puer- censis. ) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 304. (Syn. of Euproto- gonia puercensis. ) 1899 A, p. 29. (Syn. of Euprotogonia puer- censis.) Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 64. (Euprotogonia.) Pavlow, M. 1887 A, fig. 7. (Protogonia.) Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 427, fig. 7. (Protogonia.) Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. 604 FOSSIL VEKTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. PHENACODUS Cope. Type P. primatvus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 D, p. 3. Baur, G. 1890 B. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 18. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 18. 1877 K, p. 173. 1881 H, p. 487. 1881 X. 1882 E, p. 177. 1882 F, p. 96. 1883 B, p. 275. ), pp. 386, 428. 1884 AA, p. 893 (Phenacodus); p. 900 (Tris pondylus, type P. vortmani). 1885 K, p. 458. 1886 Q. 1889 J, p. 192. 1892 S, p. 411. Earle, C. 1893 D. Flower and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 439. Leuthardt, F. 1891 A. Lockwood, S. 1886 A, p. 325. Lydekker R. 1886 D, p. 326. Marsh, O. C. 1892 C, p. 352. (Syn. of Helohyus.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 299, 301, 308. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1380. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 632. Owen, R. 1886 B. Pavlow, M. 1887 A. 1888 A, p. 135. 1900 A, p. 46. Roger, 0. 1889 A. Riitimeyer, L. 1888 A, p. 38. Schlosser, M. 1885 A, p. 683. 1886 A, pp. 252, 432. 1886 B. 1894 A, p. 158. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 405. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 751. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 443. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 290. Woodward, H. 1886 B. Wortman, J. L. 1882 B, p. 725. 1883 A, p. 708, fig. 125. 1886 A, p. 472. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 219. Phenacodus brachypternus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, pp. 179, 180. 1884 O, pp. 433. 490, pi. xxv e, fig. 14. 1884 A A, p. 901, fig. 24. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 166. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 725. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Phenacodus hemiconus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 179. 1884 O, pp. 433, 463, pi. xxv e, fig. 16. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 166. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 725. Eocene (Wasatch) ; Wyoming. Phenacodus macropternus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, pp. 179, 180. 1884 O, pp. 433, 490, pi. xxv e, fig. 15. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 166. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 725. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Phenacodus nunienus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, pp. 433,434, pi. Ivii h, figs. 1,2. 1884 AA, p. 898. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 398, footnote. 1899 A, p. 32. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 166. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 725. (P. mmenius.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Phenacodus omnivorus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 11. 1875 C, p. 18. 1877 K, p. 178, pi. xlv, fig. 6. 1882 E, p. 179. 1884 O, p. 463. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. (Syn. of P. primsevus. ) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Phenacodus primaevus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 D, p. 3. 1874 B, p. 458. 1874 O, p. 10. 1875 C, p. 18. 1877 K, p. 174, pi. xlv, figs. 1-5. 1881 D, p. 200. ( P. primsevus; P. trilobatus. ) 1882 E, p. 178. 1883 G, p. 563, pis. i, ii. 1883 BB, pi. xii. 1884 O, pp. 433, 435, pis. Ivii 6; Ivii c; Ivii d; Ivii e; Ivii h, figs. 1-16 (P. primsevus); p. 463, pi. Iviii, fig. 11 (P. trilobatus). 1884 AA, p. 893, figs. 15-19, pis. xxviii, xxix. 1887 I, p. 657. 1887 N, p. 987, fig. 1. 1887 S, p. 270, figs. 47, 48; p. 273, fig. 51; p. 275, pi. vii, figs. 3, 4. King, C. 1878 A, p. 376. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 32, 36. Osborn, H. F. 1897 B. 1898 G, pi, xii, text figs. 1-i. 1898 Q, p. 11. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 83, 86. Pavlow, M. 1887 A. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 166. (P. primaevus, P. trilo- batus.) Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 12. (P. trilobatus.) Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 427, fig. 12. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 725. Wortman, J. L. 1883 A, p. 708, fig. 127. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 219, figs. 151, 153, 159, 160. Eocene (Wasatch, Wind River); Wyoming, New Mexico. JAY.] CATALOGUE. 605 Phenacodus suicatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 11. 1875 C, p. 18. 1877 K, p. 179, pi. xlv, fig. 7. 1882 E, p. 179. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 166. Eocene; New Mexico. Phenacodns vortmani Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 N, p. 747. (Hyracotherium.) 1881 D, p. 199. 1882 E, p, 179, 180. (P. vortmani, P. apter- nus.) 1884 O, pp. 433, 464, pis. \viig; Ivii h, fig. 17; Iviii, figs. 8-10. Cope, E. D. 1884 A A, p. 899, text figs. 20, 21, pi. xxx; p. 900, footnote. ("Trispondylus.") 1887 I, p. 657. (P. wortmani.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 32, 36. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1382. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 86. Pavlow, M. 1887 A. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 166. (P. vortmani, P. apter- nus.) Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 12. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 427, fig. 7. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 725. (P. wortmanni.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 219. (P. wortmani.) Eocene (Wasatch, Wind River); Wyoming. ECTOCION Cope. Type Oligotomus osb&rnianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18S2 X. 1884 O, pp. 694, 695. 1887 N, pp. 997, 1061. Earle, C. 1892 C, p. 276. (Ectocium.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 301. Wortman, J. L. 1883 A, p. 710. (Ectocium.) 18% A, pp. 81, 83. (Ectocium.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 242. (Syn. of Eohippus.) Ectocion osbornianum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 182. (Oligotomus.) Cope, E. D. 1882 X. 1884 O, p. 6%, pi. xxv e, figs. 9, 10. 1887 N, p. 1061, fig. 25. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 32, 36. (Phenacodus. ) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 169. (Eohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 724. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 242, fig. 177. (Eohippus.) Eocene (Wasatch, Wind River); Wyoming. MENISCOTHERIID.E. Cope, E. D. 1882 R, p. 334. Ameghino, F. 1897 A, p. 84. Cope, E. D. 1882 F, p. 95. 1883 E. 1884 O, p. 384. 1884 AA, pp. 793, 901. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 294. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1382. Osborn, H. F. 1891 D, p. 911. 1892 C. 1893 F, p. 127. Osborn and Earle, 1895 A, .pp. 47, 49. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 167. Pavlow, M. 1887 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 751. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 220. MENISCOTHERIUM Cope. Type M. chamense Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 8. 1877 K, p. 251. 1881 G, p. 3%. 1882 F, p. 97. 1882 R, p. 334. 1884 O, pp. 386, 493. 1884 AA, p. 901. 1886 K, p. 721. 1887 I, p. 657. 1887 N, p. 1018. 1892 S, p. 412. Lydekker, R. 1889 B. Marsh, O. C. 1892 D, p. 445. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 309. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 1376, 1382. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 532. 1891 D, p. 911. 1892 C. 1892 G, figs. 1-4. 1893 D, p. 43. 1893 F, p. 127. Osborn and Wortman 1893 A, p. 16. Pavlow, M. 1887 A. Schlosser, M. 1885 A, p. 683. 1886 B, p. 21. . Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 429. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 475. 18% B, p. 262. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 221. Meniscotherium chamense Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 8. 1877 K, pp. 251, 252, pi. Ixvi, fig. 18. 1884 AA, p. 904. King, C. 1878 A, p. 376. Marsh, O. C. 1892 D, p. 445. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 167. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 726. Eocene (Wasatch) ; New Mexico. Meniscotherium tapiacitis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 C, p. 470. 1884 O, p. 506, pi. xxv/, fig. 15. 1884 A A, p. 905, fig. 266. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. 606 FOSSIL VEKTEBEATA OF NOETH AMERICA. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 167. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Meniscotherium terrserubrse Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 H, p. 193. 1882 C, p. 470. 1884 O, p. 4%, pis. xxv/, figs. 12-14; pi. xxv g. 1884 AA, p. 904, figs. 25-28. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. Pavlow, M. 1887 A, figs. 12 a, 12 b. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 167. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 726. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 221, fig. 163. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. HYKACOPS Marsh. Type H. social-is Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1892 D, p. 446. Cope, E. D. 1892 S, p. 412. (Syn.? of Meniscothe- rium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32, footnote. Osborn, H. F. 1892 G, p. 506, figs. 1, 2. (Syn. of Meniscotherium. ) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 221. Hyracops socialis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1892 D, p. 447, figures. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. Osborn, H. F. 1892 G, p. 506, figs. 1-4. (Menis- cotherium. ) 1893 F, p. 128, figs. 1, 2. (Meniscotherium.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 167. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 726. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 289. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 221, fig. 162. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. MIOCLJENIIXSL Osborn and Earle 1895 A, pp. 48, 61. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 311. Roger, O, 1896 A, p. 163. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 322. (Not named.) MIOCL^ENUS Cope. Type M. turgidus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 H, pp. 487, 490, 491. 1881 U, p. 830. 1882 E, p. 187. 1882 K, p. 71. 1884 K, p. 312. 1884 O, pp. 259, 324. 1884 S, p. 349. 1888 D. 1888 CC, p. 319. Earle, C. 1893 B, p. 377. Major, Fors. 1893 A, p. 199. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 312. Osborn, H. F. 1888 E. 1888 F, p. 1067. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 48. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 118. Pavlow, M. 1887 A. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 320. . Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 413. 1892 B, p. 321. 1892 D, p. 90. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 712. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 719. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 585, 588, 589. Mioclsenus acolytus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 C, p. 462. (Hyopsodus.) 1882 C, p. 468. (M. minimus.) 1884 K, pp. 309, 312. (M. minimus.) 1884 O, pp. 235, 238, pi. xxiii d, figs. 5, 6 (Hyopsodus); pp. 325, 327, pi. xxve, figs. 22-24 (M. minimus). 1884 S, p. 349. (M. minimus.) 1888 CC, p. 335. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 317, fig. 18. 1899 A, p. 29. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 164. (M. acolytus, M. mini- mus.) Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 221. (M. minimus.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 323. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 719. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. For Matthew's disposition of M. minimus see Ellipsodon insequidens. Miocleenus lemur oides Matth. Matthew, W. D. 1892 C, p. 315, figs. 15, 16. Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 334. (M. turgidunculus, in part.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 29. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 719. Eocene (Torrejon) ; New Mexico. Mioclsenus lydekkerianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 328. (Type specimen only, fide Matthew. ) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 264, 312, 313. 1899 A, p. 29. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 166. (Protogonodon.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 322. (Protogonodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 719. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. Miocleenus turgidunculus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 334. (In part, fide Matthew. ) 1888 CC, p. 334. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 264, 313. 1899 A, p. 28. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 164. (Protogonodon.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 322. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 719. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. Mioclsenus turgidus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 U, p. 830. 1881 H, p. 489. 1884 K, p. 312. 1884 O, p. 325, pi. Xxv e, figs. 19, 20; pi. Mi/, figs. 3, 4. HAY-1 CATALOGUE. 607 Cope, E. D. 1884 S, p. 349, fig. 15. 1888 CC, p. 334. (M. zittelianus. ) Earle, C. 1893 B, p. 379. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 264, 312. 1899 A, p. 29. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 50, fig. 17. Pavlow, M. 1887 A, fig. 8. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 163 (M. turgidus); p. 164 (M. zittelianus). Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 221. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 321. (M. turgidus, M. zit- telianus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 719. Eocene (Torrejon) ; New Mexico. PROTOSELENE Matth. Type Mioclsenus opisthacus Cope. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 317. Protoselene opisthaca (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1882 EE, p. 833. (Mioclaenus.) 1882 C, p. 467. (Hemithlaeus.) 1882 EE, p. 853. (Mioclaenus baldwini.) 1884 K, p. 312. (Mioclaenus opisthacus, M. baldwini.) 1884 O, p. 407, pi. xxv/, figs. 8,9 (Hemith- laeus); pp. 325, 328, pi. xxv/, fig. 16 (Mioclaenus baldwini). Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 332. ( Mioclaenus. ) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 264, 317, figs. 19,20. 1899 A, p. 29. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. ] 64. (Mioclaenus.) Schlosser, M, 1887 B, p. 221. (Mioclaenus baldwini.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 720. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. Suborder PEEISSODACTYLA Owen. Owen, R. 1848 A, p. 131. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 18. Burmeister, H.1867 A, p. 237. (Imparidigitata.) Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 562. 1873 F, p. 39. 1874 M. 1880 B, p. 457. 1881 G. 1881 I, p. 269. 1881J. 1882 E, p. 177. 1883 D. (Diplarthra, part.) 1884 O, pp. 379, 614 (Perissodactyla); pp. 167, 378, 613 (Diplarthra, part). 1886 C, p. 615. (Diplarthra, part.) 1887 N. 1887 S. 1888 K, p. 163. (Diplarthra, part.) 1889 C, p. 148, et seq. 1889 R, p. 877. 1891 N, p. 84. (Diplarthra, part. ) 1892 S. 1898 B, p. 125. (Diplarthra, part.) Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 15. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 327. ), p. 427. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 368. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 46. Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Gill, T. 1872 A, p. 299. 1872 B, pp. 11, 71, 84. Gruber, W. 1859 A. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 543. Hay.O. P. 1899F, p. 682. Huxley, T. H. 1870 A, p. 440. 1872 A, p. 293. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 356. Leuthardt, F. 1891 A. (Mesaxonia.) Lydekker, R. 1885 E, p. 469. (Diplarthra, part.) 1886 A, p. 1. Lydekker, R. 1891 B. Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, p. 177. (Clinodactyla, Mesax- onia. ) 1892 C, p. 349. (Mesaxonia.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1382. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, pp. 505, 541, 559. ., p. 379. 1898 I, p. 79. 1900 C, p. 568. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 572. ("Isodactyle Ungu- lata.") 1857 A. !, p. 444. ., p. 352. Paulli, S. 1900 A, p. 181. Pavlow, M. 1887 A. Roger, O, 1896 A, p. 168. Rose, C. 1896 A. Riitimeyer, L. 1865 A. (Imparidigitata.) 1888 A. (Diplarthra, part.) Schlosser, M. 1885 A. 1886 A, p. 252. 1887 A. 1890 C. 1890 D. 1892 A. Schmidt, 0. 1886 A, p. 189. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 430. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 765. Tornier, G. 1888 A, p. 299. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Weber, M. 1886 A, p. 226. Wiedersheim, R. 1881 A, p. 360. ( Perissodactyli. ) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 319. Wortman, J. L. 1883 A, p. 706. ). 297. (Diplarthra, part.) t, p. 208. (Diplarthra, part.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 224, 726. 608 FOSSIL VERTEBKATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Superfamily EQUOIDEA. Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 87. (Soliduiigula.) Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 502. 1891 A. Boule, M. 1899 A, p. 531. (" Equides.") Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 18. Cope, E. D. 1874 M. 1881 G, pp. 378, 380, 400. 1881 O. (Equidse, Anchitheriidae.) 1884 O, pp. 615, 715, 716. 1887 N. | Osborii, H. F. 1898 I, p. 79. (Hippoidea.) EQUID.E. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 26. Cornevin, C. 1882 A. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, iii, pp. 193-220, with plates. Ewart, J. C. 1894 A. 1894 B. Farr, M. S. 1896 A. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 308. 1876 C, p. 109. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 376. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 47. George, . 1869 A. Gervais, P. 1874 A. Gray, J. E. 1869 A, p. 262. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 547. ( Hippotherida. ) Huxley, T. H. 1870 A, p. 439. 1870 B, p. xlix. 1872 A, p. 295. 1876 B, xiv, p. 34. 1880 B, p. 649. Klever, E. 1889 A. Kowalevsky, W. 1873 B. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 302. (> Anchitheriidae.) 1871 C, p. 359. (Equidae, Anchitheriidse. ) Lydekker, R. 1882 A. 1886 A, p. 49. 1886 D, p. 326. Major, F. 1873 A, p. 109. Major, F. 1877 A. 1880 A. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. 1892 C, p. 339. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 22, et seq. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1359. Osborn, H. F. 1893 D, p. 37. 1898 I, p. 79. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 123. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 572. 1870 B. 1878 C, p. 218. Pavlow, M. 1888 A, p. 134. 1890 A. Ridewood, W. G. 1895 A. Roger, 0. 1889 A. 18% A, p. 168. Riitimeyer, L. 1862 A. 1875 A. 1888 A, p. 16. Ryder, J. 1877 A. Schlosser, M. 1886 A. ( Hippidse. ) Schmidt, O. 1886 A, p. 201. Scott, W. B. 1886 B. 1891 B. 1895 C, p. 78. Slade, D. D. 1893 A. Steinmaim and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 778. Tornier, G. 1888 A, p. 301. Trouessart, E.-L. 1898 A, p. 783. Tscherski, J. D. 1892 A, p. 257. Weyhe, . 1875 A, p. 121. Wilckens, M. 1884 A. 1884 B. 1885 A. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 337. Wortman, J. L. 1882 B. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 231, 259. HYRACOTIIKRIIN.E. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 18. Cope, E. D. 1881 G, p. 381. 1884 O, p. 618. 1886 K. (Hyracotheriidse.) 1887 N, p. 994. 1889 C, p. 162 et scq. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 548. ( Hyracotherida. ) Marsh, O. C. 1892 C, p. 352. (>Orohippidse.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 D, p. 37. (Systemodontinse, i part.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 93. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 168. Riitimeyer, L. 1888 A, p. 27. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 769. (Hyra- cotheriidae.) Wortman, J. L. 18% A. Wortman and Earle 1893 A. (Systemodontinae, in part.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 239. EOHIPPUS Marsh. Type E. validus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1876 H, p. 401. Since many writers regard Marsh's genus Eo- hippm as a synonym, or at most a subgenus of Hyracotherium Owen, and refer to the Ameri- can species under the latter name, the litera- ture of both genera is included in the following citations. Unless otherwise indicated the au- thors in this list employ the term Hyracothe- rium. Ameghino, F, 1896 A, p. 410. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 258. 1881 G, p. 381. 1881 Y. (Systemodon, type Hyracotherium tapirinum.) 1883 B, p. 275. 1884 O, pp. 618, 624. (Hyracotherium, Sys- temodon. ) 1886 K. (Hyracotherium, Systemodon.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 609 Cope, E. D. 1887 I. 1887 N, p. 994 (Hyracotherium, Systemo- don. 1889 C. 1892 S, p. 411. Earle, C. 1893 C p. 393. (Hyracotherium, Sys- temodon. ) 1896 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, pp. 373, 374. (Hy- racotherium, Systemodon.) Kowalevsky, W. 1873 A, p. 205. Landois, 1881 A, p. 127. Leuthardt, F. 1891 A. (Hyracotherium.) Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 10. 1886 D, p. 326. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E, p. 358. 1879 D, p. 504. 1892 C, p. 351. ( Eohippus, Hyracotherium. ) 1898 E, p. 568. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 309. 1899 A, p. 33. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 1356, 1380. (Hyracotherium, Systemodon.) Owen, R. 1844 A, p. 226. 1857 C, p. 65. Osborn, H. F. 1890 A. 1890 B, p. 274. 1890 D, p. 505. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 83, 93 (Hyra- cotherium); p. 124 (Systemodon). Pavlow, M. 1887 A, p. 350. 1888 A. (Eohippus, Systemodon,) 1900 A, p. 46. Riitimeyer, L. 1862 A, p. 577. 1891 A, p. 45. Schlosser, M. 1886 A, pp. 252, 432. (Hyracothe- rium, Systemodon.) 1886 B. (Hyracotherium, Eohippus, Sys- temodon.) 1887 A. Scott, W. B. 1886 B. 1892 A, p. 430. (Systemodon.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 770. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 412. (Hyracotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 770 (Hyracotherium); p. 771 (Eohippus, subgenus); p. 772 (Pliolo- phus, subgenus). Wilckens, M. 1885 B, p. 210. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 323. Wortman, J. L. 1882 B, vi, p. 68. 1883 A, p. 709. 1886 A, p. 477. (Hyracotherium, Eohippus.) 1896 A. (Hyracotherium, Systemodon.) Wortman and Earle, 1893 A. (Hyracotherium, Systemodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 239 (Hyracotherium); p. 277 (Systemodon). Eohippus craspedotus (Cope). Cape, E. D. 1880 N, p. 747. (Hyracotherium.) 1881 D, p. 199. (Hyracotherium.) 1882 E, p. 186. (Hyracotherium. ) 1884 O, p. 631, pi. Iviii, figs. 1, 2. (Hyra- cotherium.) 1887 I, p. 658. (Hyracotherium.) Bull. 17939 Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 36. (Hyracotherium.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 169. (Hyracotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 771. [Hyracothe- rium (Eohippus).] Wortman, J. L. 1896 A, p. 97, pi. ii, fig. M, text fig. 7. (Hyracotherium.) Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming. Eohippus cristatus (Wort.). Wortman, J. L. 1896 A, p. 96, pi. ii, fig. H; text fig. 6. (Hyracotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. (Hyracotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 771. [Hyracotherium (Eohippus).] Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Eohippus index (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 D, p. 4. (Orotherium.) Allen, H. 1886 B. (Hyracotherium cuspidatum, Pliolophus vintanus.) Cope, E. D. 1873 U, p. 3. (Orotherium vasacciehse.) 1874 B, p. 459. (Orotherium.) 1875 C, p. 20 (Orohippus index); p. 18 (Orotherium vintanum); pp. 20, 21 (Oro- hippus angustidens) ; p. 22 (O. cuspidatus) . 1877 K, p. 262 (Orohippus index); p. 255, pi. Ixv, figs. 1-12 (Orotherium vintanum); pp. 262, 265, pi. Ixvi, figs. 1-6 (Hyracothe- rium angustidens); pp. 262, 267, pi. Ixv, fig. 18 (Hyracotherium cuspidatum); p. 264, pi. Ixvi, ngs. 7-11 (Hyracotherium vasacciense). 1880 N, p. 747. (Hyracotherium angusti- dens, H. vasacciense.) 1881 D, p. 198. (Hyracotherium angusti- dens.) 1882 E, p. 186 (Hyracotherium angustidens, H. vasacciense, H. venticoium); pp. 179, 181, pi. xxv e, fig. 17, premolars (Phenaco- dus laticuneus). 1884 O, pp. 630, 650 (Hyracotherium index); pp. 630, 648, pi. xlix a, fig. 16 (Hyraco- therium angustidens); p. 631 (Hyracothe- rium cuspidatum); pp. 630, 634 (Hyraco- therium vasacciense, in part). King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. (Eohippus angustidens, E. cuspidatus.) Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 12, fig. 3. (Hyracothe- rium angustidens. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 30, footnote; p. 33. (Hyracotherium). Pavlow, M. 1888 A, pi. i, fig. 10. (Hyracothe- rium angustidens. ) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 169 (Hyracotherium angusti- dens); p. 171 (Epihippus cuspidatus). Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 771 [Hyracotherium (Eohippus)]; p. 776 (Epihippus). Wortman, J. L. 1896 A, p. 99, pi. ii, fig. L: text figs. 9, 10. (Hyracotherium.) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming. Eohippus pernix Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1876 H, p. 402. King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. Marsh. O. C. 1892 C, p. 349, figs. 14, 15. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. (Syn. of Hyraco- therium index. ) 610 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Pavlow, M. 1888 A, p. 145. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 169. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 772. [Hyracotherium (Eohippus).] Wortman, J. L. 1896 A, p. 82. (Syn.? of Hyraco- therium index.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Eohippus tapirinus (Cope). Cope, E. >. 1875 C, p. 20. (Orohippus. ) 1877 K, p. 263, pi. Ixvi, figs. 12-16. (Hyra- cotherium.) 1881 Y. (Systemodon.) 1882 E, p. 183. (Systemodon.) 1884 O, p. 619, pi. Ivi, figs. 1, 2. (Systemo- don.) 1887 N, p. 999, fig. 8. (Systemodon. ) Hay, O. P. 1899 A, p. 593. (Hyracotherium.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. (Hyracotherium.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 125, fig. 17, only part, if any. (Systemodon.) Pavlow, M. 1888 A, p. 174. (Systemodon.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 183. (Systemodon.) Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 430. (Systemodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 771. [Hyracotherium (Eohippus).] Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 323, fig. 183. Wortman, J. L. 1896 A, p. 94, pi. ii, fig. K, text figs. 4, 5. (Hyracotherium.) Wortman and Earle 1893 A, p. 170. (Systemodon.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming, New Mexico.' Eohippus validus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1876 H, p. 401. King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. (Syn. of E. vasac- ciensis.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 169. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 772. [Hyracotherium (Eohippus).] Wortman, J. L. 1896 A, p. 82. (Syn.? of Hyracothe- rium vasacciense. ) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Eohippus vasacciensis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1872 O, p. 474. (Notharctus.) 1872 E, p. 471. (Notharctus vasachiensis. ) 1873 E, pp. 606, 646. (Orotherium.) 1873 U, p. 3. (Orotherium. ) 1875 C, p. 21. (Orohippus.) 1884 O, p. 634. (Hyracotherium.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 376. (Orohippus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. (Hyracotherium.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 169. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 771. [Hyracothe- rium(Eohippus).] Wortman, J. L. 18% A, p. 98, pi. ii, fig. G; text fig. 8. (Hyracotherium.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. PLIOLOPHUS Owen. Type P. vulpiceps Owen. Owen, S. 1857 C, p. 54, pis. ii-iv. Cope, E. D. 1881 G, p. 381. 1884 O, pp. 618, 650. 1887 N, pp. 994,997. 1892 S, p. 411. Earle) C. 1896 A. Owen, R. 1860 E, p. 326. Wortman, J. L. 18% A, pp. 83,102. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 239, 243. (Syn. of Hyra- cotherium.) It is doubtful whether the American species belong to this genus or to Eohippus; indeed, the genus itself is of doubtful validity. Pliolophus cristonensis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 254, pi Ixv, figs. 13, 14. (Orotherium.) 1875 C, pp. 20, 21. (Orohippus major, not of Marsh.) 1877 K, p. 257, pi. Ixv, figs. 15-17. (Oro- therium loavii. ) Cope, E, D. 1884 O, p. 651. (P. cristonensis, P. loevii.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. (Hyracotherium.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 170. (Pachynolophus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 772. [Hyracotherium (Pliolophus).] Wortman, J. L. 1896 A, p. 102, pi. ii.figs. i, i', text figs. 11,12. [Hyracotherium (Pliolophus).] Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 243, fig. 180. (Pachynolo- phus.) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming. Pliolophus montanus Wort. Wortman, J. L. 18% A, p. 103, pi. ii, fig. J; text fig. 13. [Hyracotherium (Pliolophus).] Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 772. [Hyracotherium (Pliolophus).] Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. PROTOROHIPPUS Wortman. Type Hyracotherium venticolum Cope. Wortman, J. L. 18% A, pp. 91, 104. Osborn, H. F. 1897 G. p. 258. Protorohippus venticolus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1881 D, p. 198. (Hyracotherium.) Unless otherwise indicated, the following authors refer this species to Hyracotherium. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, pp. 630, 635, pi. xJix a, figs. 1-16; pis. xlix 6, xlix c. Cope, E. D. 1887 N, p. 995, pi. xxx, text figs. 5-7. 1887 S, p. 270, pi. vi, figs. 1, 2. 1888 T. 1889 C, p. 159. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 36. (Protorohippus.) Osborn. H. F. 1896 C, p. 708, illus. 4. 1898 Q, pp. 10, 15. Pavlow, M. 1887 A. 1888 A, p. 114, pi. i, figs. 1, 9. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 611 Roger, O. 18% A, p. 168. Riitimeyer, L. 1888 A, p. 15. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, pi. v, fig. 32; pi. vi, fig. 34. (Hyracotherium.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 324, fig. 184. (Hyraco- therium. ) Wortman, J. L. 1883 A, p. 709, figs. 128-130. 18% A, p. 105, pi. ii, fig. N; text figs. 14. 15. ( Protorohippus. ) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 240, figs. 174, 175. Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming, Colorado. HELOIIIPPUS Marsh. Type Lophiodon pumilus Marsh. Mu-xh. 0. C. 1892 C, p. 353. Helohippus pumilus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 D, p. 38. (Lophiodon.) Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. (Lophiodon.) Leidy, J. 1872 C, p. 20. (Lophiodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1892 C, p. 353. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 45. Roger.'O. 18% A, p. 169. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. OROHIPPUS Marsh. Type 0. pumilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 207. Cope, E. D. 1872 N, p. .466. (Helotherium, type H. procyoninus.) 1873 E, p. 606 (Orohippus); p. 607 (Oligoto- mus). 1873 U, p. 2. (Oligotomus, type 0. cinctus.) 1874 M. (Syn. of Hipposyus.) 1875 C, pp. 13, 18, 20 (Orotherium); p. 19 (Orohippus). 1877 K, p. 258 (Syn. of Hyracotherium); p. 252 (Orotherium). 1887 N, pp. 997, 1074. (Syn. of Pliolophus.) 1892 S, p. 411. Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 913, fig. 1540. Fair, M.S. 18% A, p. 157. (Syn.of Pachynolophus.) Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 327. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 374. (Syn. of Pachynolophus. ) Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 142. Huxley, T. H. 1876 B, xiv, p. 34. 1876 C, p. 294. Landois, 1881 A, p. 128. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 358. (Lophiotherium.) 1873 B, p. 69. ( Lophiotherium. ) Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 10. (Syn. of Hyracothe- rium.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 217. (Orotherium, type O. uintanum.) 1873 H, p. 407. 1874 B, p. 247. 1874 D, p. 66. 1876 G. 1877 E. 1879 D, p. 504. 1892 C, p. 348. 1898 E, p. 568. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1356. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 506. (Syn. of Pliolophus.) Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 17 (Oligoto- mus); p. 24 (Orohippus). Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 13. (Orotherium.) Scott, W. B. 1891 B, p. 302. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A. p. 415. Weithofer, A. 1888 A, p. 278. Wortman, J. L. 1883 A, p. 709. (Syn. of Hyraco- therium.) 18% A, pp. 92, 93, 108, fig. 18; pi. ii, fig. E. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 242. (Syn. of Pachynolo- phus. ) Orohippus agilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1873 H, p. 407. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 22. 1877 K, p. 267. (Hyracotherium.) Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 143. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Marsh, O. C. 1874 B, pp. 248, 255, figure. 1892 C, p. 349, figs. 16, 17. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 45. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 506. (Epihippus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 171. (Epihippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 777. (Epihippus.) Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming: Eocene (Uinta) ; New Mexico. Orohippus ballardi (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1871 D, p. 39. (Lophiotherium.) Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 365. (Lophiotherium.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 217. (Lophiotherium.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 170. (Pachynolophus.) - Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Orohippus cinctus ( Cope) . Cope, E. D. 1873 U, p. 2. (Oligotomus.) 1873 E, p. 607. (Oligotomus.) 1884 O, p. 653, pi. xxiv, fig. 26. (Pliolophus, ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 45. (Oligotomus.) Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 17. (Oligoto- mus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 170. (Pachynolophus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 774. Wortman, J. L. 18% A, p. 103. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Orohippus major Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1874 B, p. 248. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 45. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 544, figures. (Pliolo- phus.) Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 24, pi. ix, figs. 1-7. (Identification doubtful.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 772. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Orohippus osbornianus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1884 O, pp. 630, 647, pi. xxiv, fig. 23. (Hyracotherium.) 1873 E, p. 607. (Orotherium sylvaticum, not Lophiotherium sylvaticum of Leidy. ) 612 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. 1873 U, p. 2. (Orotherium sylvati- cum.) 1877 K, p. 262. (Hyracotherium sylvati- cum.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 45. (Hyracothcrium.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 169. (Hyracotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 774. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Orohippus procyoninus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 N, p. 466. ( Hclotherium. ) 1873 E, p. 606. 1875 C, pp. 20, 22. 1877 K, pp. 262, 266. (Hyracotherium.) 1884 O, pp. 631, 711, pi. xxiv, fig. 22. (Lamb- dotherium.) 1887 S, p. 45. (Lambdotherium.) Marsh, O. C. 1873 K, p. 249. (Syn.?of O. pumilis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 45. ( Hyracotherium. ) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 193. (Lambdotherium.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Orohippus pumilis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 207. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 606. (Syn. of O. procyoni- nus.) 1875 C, p. 22. (Syn. of O. procyoninus.) 1877 K, p. 266. (Syn.? of Hyracotherium procyoninum.) Marsh, O. C. 1874 B, p. 249. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 45. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 24. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 170. (Pachynolophus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 773. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Orohippus sylvaticus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1870 T, p. 126. (Lophiotherium.) Cope, E. D. 1884 O, pp. 631, 647, 652. (Pliolophus.) Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 358. (Lophiotherium.) 1872 B, p. 364. (Lophiotherium.) 1873 B, pp. 69, 327, pi. vi, figs. 33-35. (Lophio- therium. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 45. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 170. (Pachynolophus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 773. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Orohippus uintanus (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 217. (Orotherium. ) Cope, E. D. 1881 D, p. 199. (Orotherium.) 1884 O, p. 651. (Pliolophus vintanus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 45. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 170. (Pachynolophus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 777, in part. (Epihip- pus uintensis.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. EPIHIPPUS Marsh. Type E. gradlis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C., 1878, Pop. Sci. Month., p. 678. Cope, E. D. 1887 N, pp. 1061, 1063. 1890 C, p. 470. 1892 S, p. 411. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 374. Marsh, O. C. 1879 D, p. 504. (No definition.) 1892 C, p. 353. 1898 E, p. 568. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. Nicholson and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 1358.. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, pp. 506, 529. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 14. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 780. Wortman, J. L. 18% A, p. 92. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 244. Epihippus gracilis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1871 D, p. 38. ( Anchitherium. ) 1878, in King, C. 1878 A, p. 407. 1874 B, p. 249. (Orohippus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 171 (Epihippus); p. 174 (Mesohippus?). Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 259. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 777 (Epihippus); p. 781 (Mesohippus). Eocene (Uinta); Utah. Epihippus uintensis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1875 B, p. 247. (Orohippus.) 1878, in King, C. 1878 A, p. 407. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 529, pi. xi, figs. 3,5. 1895 A, p. 98. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 171. Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 259. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 777, in part. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 245, fig. 184. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. MIOHIPPUS Marsh. Type M. annectens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1874 B, p. 249. Ameghino, F. 1896 A, p. 442. (Mesohippus.) Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 496. (Anchitherium.) 1881 G, p. 399. (Mesohippus.) 1884 O, p. 714. (Anchitherium.) 1887 N, p. 1067. (Mesohippus.) 1892 S, p. 412. (Miohippus.) 1894 D, p. 791. (Mesohippus, Miohippus.) Dana, J. D. 18% A, p. 913, fig. 1540. (Miohippus, Mesohippus.) Farr, M. S. 1896 A, p. 150. (Mesohippus.) Huxley, T. H. 1876 C, pp. 292, 294. (Miohippus, Mesohippus.) Landois, 1881 A, p. 128 (Protohippus) ; p. 29 (Mes- ohippus) . Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 45. (Mesohippus.) Marsh, O. C. 1874 D, p. 66. (Miohippus.) 1875 B, p. 248. (Mesohippus, type Anchi- therium bairdi.) 1876 G, p. 61. (Mesohippus. ) 1877 E, p. 359. (Miohippus, Mesohippus.) 1879 D, p. 504. (Miohippus, Mesohippus.) 1892 C, p. 354. (Miohippus, Mesohippus.) 1898 E, p. 568. (Miohippus, Mesohippus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1358 (Meso- hippus); p. 1359 (Miohippus). CATALOGUE. 613 Osborn, H. F. in Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 87. (Mesohippus.) Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 352. ( Mesohippus. ) Pavlow, M. 1888 A. (Mesohippus.) Schlosser, M 1886 B, p. 14. (Miohippus and Meso- hippus, syns. of Anchitherium.) Scott, W. B. 1886 B. (Miohippus, Mesohippus.) 1891 B. (Mesohippus.) 1893 B, p. 660. (Miohippus, Mesohippus.) 1895 C, p. 79. (Miohippus, Mesohippus.) Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 171. (Mesohippus.) 1890 B, p. 87. (Mesohippus.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 781. (Meso- hippus.) Tomes, C. S. 1898 A. p. 415. Weithofer, A. 1888 A, p. 278. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 328. (Mesohippus.) Wortman, J. L. 1883 A, p. 710. (Anchitherium.) 1893 A. (Mesohippus.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 249. (Mesohippus.) Miohippus agrestis (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 251, 323, pi. vii, figs. 16, 17. (Anchitherium.) Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 498. (Anchitherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 56. (Syn. of Anchip- pustexanus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 174. (Mesohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 781. (Mesohippus.) Miocene; Montana. Miohippus anceps Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1874 B, p. 250. (Anchitherium.) Cope, E. D. 1886 H, p. 368. (Syn.? of Anchitherium equiceps.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 424. Marsh, O. C. 1892 C, p. 350, figs. 20, 21. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. (Mesohippus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 174. Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 659. 1895 C, p. 113. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 781. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 250, fig. 194. (Anchithe- rium.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Miohippus annectens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1874 B, p. 249. King, C. 1878 A, p. 424. Marsh, O. C. 1894 F, p. 91. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 56, 63. (Mesohippus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 174. Scott, VV. B. 1893 B, p. 659. 1895 C, p. 80, pi. i, figs. 6-8. (M. annectens.?) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 781. Oligocene? (White River); Montana?: Mio- cene (John Day); Oregon. Miohippus australis (Leidy) . Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 250, 323, pi. xx, fig. 19. (Anchitherium.) Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 23. (Anchitherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 69. (Syn. of Anchippus texanus. ) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 174. (Mesohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 781. (Mesohippus.) Miocene (Loup Fork) ; Texas. Miohippus bairdi (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1850 C, p. 122. (Palaeotherium.) Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 14. (Anchitherium.) 1874 B, p. 496. (Anchitherium.) 1879 D, p. 75. (Anchitherium.) Farr, M. S. 18% A, pi. xiii, text figs. 1-4. (Meso- hippus. ) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. (Anchitherium.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 412. . (Mesohippus.) Leidy, J. 1852 J, p. 572. (Anchitherium.) 1852 L, p. 64. (Palaeotherium.) 1854 A, p. 67, pi. x, figs. 14-21; pi. xi. (An- chitherium.) 1869 A, pp. 3J3, 402, pi. xx. (Anchitherium.) 1870 P, p. 112. (Anchitherium.) 1871 C, p. 362. (Anchitherium.) 1873 B, pp. 218, 322, pi. vii, fig. 15. (Anchi- therium.) Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 49. (Anchitherium.) Marsh, O. C. 1874 B, p. 250. (Anchitherium.) 1875 B, p. 248. < Mesohippus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 55. (Mesohippus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1359. (Meso- hippus.) Osborn, H. F. 18% B, p. 174. (Titanotherium.) Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 213. ( Mesohippus. ) 1895 A, p. 353. (Mesohippus.) Pavlow, M. 1888 A, p. 148, pi. i, figs. 4, 13. (An- chitherium.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 173. (Mesohippus.) Scott, W. B. 1891 B, pis. xxii, xxiii. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 171. (Mesohippus.) 1890 B, p. 87, figs. 10, 11. (Mesohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 780. (Mesohippus.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 250, fig. 191. (Mesohippus.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Ne- braska, Colorado, Oregon?. Miohippus brachylophus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 74. (Anchitherium.) 1879 B, p. 58. (Anchitherium.) 1894 D. (Anchitherium or Miohippus.) . Matthew, W. D. '399 A, p. 63. (Mesohippus.) Roger, O. 18% A p. 174. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 78L Miocene (John Day) ; Oregon. Miohippus celer Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1874 B, p. 251. (Anchitherium.) Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 497. (Anchitherium.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 412. (Mesohippus.) Marsh, O. C.1875 B, p. 248. (Mesohippus. ) 1892 C, p. 350, figs. 18, 19. (Mesohippus.) 1897 C, p. 524, fig. 101. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 56. (Mesohippus.) Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 353. (Mesohip- pus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 174. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 780. (Mesohippus.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 250, fig. 192. (Mesohip- pus.) Oligocene (White River); Colorado?. Miohippus condoni (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1870 P, p. 112. (Anchitherium.) Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 76. (Anchitherium.) 614 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. King, C. 1878 A, p. 424. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 362. (Anchithcrium.) 1871J. (Anchitherium.) 1873 B, pp. 218, 323, pi. ii, fig. 5. (Anchithe- rium. ) Marsh, O. a 1874 B, p. 249. (Anchitherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. (Mesohippus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 174. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 781. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Miohippus copei (Osb. and Wort). Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, pp. 353, 356, fig. 5. (Mesohippus and Anchitherium.) Farr, M. S. 18% A, p. 164, fig. 5. (Mesohippus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899, A, p. 56. (Mesohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 781. (Mesohippus.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Miohippus cuneatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 7. (Anchitherium. ) 1873 CC, p. 14. (Anchitherium.) 1874 B, p. 497. (Anchitherium.) 1879 D, p. 76. (Anchitherium,) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 56. (Syn. of M. bairdi. ) Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 353, footnote. (Mesohippus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 174. (Mesohippus.) Scott, W. B. 1895 C, p. 113. (Mesohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 780. (Mesohippus.) Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Miohippus equiceps (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 73. (Anchitherium.) 1879 B, p. 58. (Anchitherium.) 1886 H, p. 368. (Anchitherium anceps?) .1889 C, p. 271, fig. 83. (Anchitherium.) 1894 D, p. 791. (Anchitherium or Miohip- pus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899, A, pp. 56, 63. (Mesohippus. ) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 174. Scott, W. B. 1895 C, p. 79. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 781. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Oligocene? (White River?); Montana?: Miohippus exoletus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 4%. (Anchitherium.) 1879 D, p. 76. (Anchitherium.) 1894 D, p. 791. (Anchitherium. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 56. (Syn. of M. bairdi.) Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 353. (Mesohip- pus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 174. (Mesohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 782. (Anchitherium.) Oligocene (White River) ; Colorado. I Miohippus intermedius (Osb. and Wort.). Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, pp. 353, 354, fig. 4. (Mesobippug.) Farr, M. S. 18% A, p. 169, fig. 6. (Mesohippus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 56. (Mesohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 781. (Mesohippus.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Nebraska. Miohippus longicristis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 75. (Anchitherium.) 1879 B, p. 58. (Anchitherium.) 1886 H, p. 368. (Anchitherium.) 1894 D, p. 791. (Anchitherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. (Mesohippus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 174. Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 88, fig. 12. (Anchi- therium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 782. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 251, fig. 195. (Anchithe- rium.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Miohippus preestans (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 S. (Anchitherium.) 1887 N, p. 1069, fig. 36. (Anchitherium.) 1889 B, p. 455. (Anchitherium.) 1894 D, p, 791. (Anchitherium.) Farr, M. S. 1896 A, p. 163. (Mesohippus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. (Mesohippus.) Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 356. (Anchithe- rium.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 174. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 782. (Anchitherium.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Miohippus ultimus (Cope) . Cope, E. D, 1886 B, p. 357. (Anchitherium.) 1886 H, p. 368. (Anchitherium.) 1887 N, p. 1068. (Anchitherium.) Farr, M. S. 1896 A, p. 169. (Anchitherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 69. (Mesohippus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 174. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 782. Miocene (Loup Fork); Oregon. Miohippus westonii (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1889 I, p. 153. (Anchitherium.) Ami, H. M. 1891 A. (Anchitherium.) Cope, E. D, 1891 A, p. 20, pi. xiv, figs. 1,2. (An- chitherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 56. (Mesohippus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 174. (Mesohippus. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 781. (Mesohippus.) Oligocene (White River); Canada. ANCHITHERIUM Meyer. Type A. aurelianense (Blainv.). Meyer, H. 1844 A, p. 298. Ameghino, F. 18% A, p. 442. Blainville.H.M.D. 1864 A, iv, Y, pi. vli. ("Palseo- therium hippoides, ou equinum, ou aurelian- ense.") Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 4%. 1881 Q, p. 399. , Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 714. 1887 N,. p. 1067. 1889 C, p. 255 et seq. 1892 S, p. 412. 1894 D, p. 791. Dawkins, W. B. 1870 A. Deperet, C. 1887 A, p. 213. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 615 Filhol, H. 1891 A, p. 1G9. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 327. Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 124. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 83. Huxley, T. H. 1870 B, p. xlix. 1872 A, p. 306. 1876 B, xiv, p. 34. 1876 C, pp. 292, 294. Kowalevsky, W. 1873 B. Leidy, J. 1854 A, pp. 67, 114. 1869 A, p. 103. 1871 C, p. 362. Leuthardt, F. 1891 A. Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 45. Major, Fors. 1873 A, p. 103. 1877 A. Marsh, O. C. 1874 B, p. 247. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1358. Osborn and Wortman, 1895 A, p. 352. Pavlow, M. 1888 A. Pomel, A. 1847 A, pp. 202, 203, 207. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 14. Scott, W. B. 1886 B. Scott, W. B. 1891 B. 1891 D, p. 90. 1893 B, p. 660. 1895 C, p. 94. Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 88. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 781. Weithofer, A. 1888 A, p. 278. Wilckens, M. 1884 A. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 327. Wortman, J. L. 1882 B, vi, p. 69. , p. 710. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 250. Ancliitherium equinum Scott. Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 661. Cope, E. D. 1894 D, p. 790. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 69. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 174. Scott, W. B. 1895 C, p. 94, pi. iii, figs. 23-28; pi. iv, figs. 30, 31. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 782. Miocene (Loup Fork); Montana. DESMATIPPUS Scott. Type D. crenidens Scott. Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 661. Cope, E. D. 1894 D, p. 790. (Syn. of Anchitherium.) Scott, W. B. 1895 C, p. 84. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 783. (Desmathippus.) Desmatippus crenidens Scott. Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 661. Cope, E. D. 1894 D, p. 791. (Anchitherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 69. (Anchippus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 175. Scott, W. B. 1895 C, p. 84, pi. ii, figs. 9-14. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 783. (Desmathippus.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Montana. ANCHIPPUS Leidy. Type A. texanus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 I, p. 232. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 714. 1887 N, p. 1067. 1893 A, p. 22. Dawkins, W. B. 1870 A. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 312. 1871 C, p. 362. Marsh, O. C. 1874 B, p. 254. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 22. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1359. Anchippus brevidens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1874 B, p. 254. Cope, E. D. 1892 H, p. 326. 1892 W, p. 943. Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 23. King, C. 1878 A, p. 443. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 69. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 175. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 783. Miocene (Loup Fork); Oregon. Anchippus texanus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 I, p. 231. 1869 A, pp. 312, 403, pi. xxi, fig. 13. 1871 C, p. 362. Marsh, O. C. 1874 B, p. 254. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 56. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 175. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 783. Miocene (Loup Fork?) ; Texas, Colorado. HYPOHIPPUS Leidy. Type H. affinis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 26. (Subgenus.) Cope, E. D. 1892 H, p. 326. 1892 W, p. 943. (Syn. of Protohippus.) 1893 A, p. 20. (Syn. of Protohippus.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 311. 1871 C, p. 362. Marsh, O. C. 1874 B, p. 255. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1359. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 14. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 250. (Syn.? of Anchithe- rium.) Hypohippus affinis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 26. [Anchitherium (Hypo- hippus).] Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 22. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 311, 402, pi. xxi, figs. 11, 12. 1871 C, p. 362. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 174. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 783. Pliocene; South Dakota. 616 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. EQUINE. Boule, M. 1899 A, p. 531. ( " Equides.") Osborn, H. F. 1893 D, p. 137. Osborn and Wortmaii 1892 A, p. 93. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 175. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 782. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 252. MERYCHIPPUS Leidy. Type M. insignis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 Q, p. 311. Unless otherwise indicated, the following authors refer to this genus under the name Pro- tohippus. Ameghino, F. 1891 C, p. 215. Cope, E. D. 1873 R, p. 420. 1877 K, p. 322. 1881 G, p. 399. 1884 O, p. 714. 1887 N, p. 1068. 1889 C. 1892 H, p. 326. (Parahippus.) 1892 W, p. 943. (Merychippus, Parahippus.) 1893 A, p. 20. (Protohippus; Merychippus a synonym.) Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 913, fig. 1540. Dawkins, W. B. 1870 A. Farr, M. S. 18% A, p. 169. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 380. Gaudry, A. 1877 A. (Merychippus.) Huxley, T. H. 1876 C, p. 294. Landois, 1881 A, p. 128. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 26 (Protohippus, type P. per- ditus); p. 27 (Merychippus). 1869 A, p. 275 (Protohippus); p. 292 (Mery- chippus); p. 313 (Parahippus). 1870 T, p. 127. 1871 C, p. 360 (Protohippus); p. 361 (Mery- chippus); p. 362 (Parahippus). Major, Fors. 1873 A, p. 103. (Merychippus.) Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. 1879 l>, p. 504. 1892 C, p. 354. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 69. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1359 (Para- hippus); p. 1360 (Protohippus). Pavlow, M. 1888 A. (Protohippus, Merychippus.) 1892 A. Roger, O. 1889 A. Riitimeyer, L. 1862 A, p. 611, (Merychippus.) 1877 A . ( M ery chippus. ) Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 14 (Merychippus, Para- hippus) ; p. 15 (Protohippus, syn. of Hipparion). Scott, W. B. 1891 D, p. 90 (Merychippus); p. 93 (Protohippus). 1895 C, p. 79. (Protohippus.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 782 (Mery- chippus); p. 783 (Protohippus). Weithofer, A. 1888 A, p. 276. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 337. Wortman, J. L. 1882 B, vi, p. 71. 1883 A, p. 711. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 252 (Merychippus); p. 255 (Protohippus). Merychippus avus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1874 B, p. 253. (Protohippus.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 443. (Protohippus.) Marsh, O. C. 1897 C, p. 524, fig. 100. (Protohip- pus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. (Protohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 785. (Protohippus.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Oregon. Merychippus castilli (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1885 S, p. 1208, pi. xxxvii, fig. 6. (Pro- tohippus.) 1886 W, p. 150, fig. 2. (Protohippus.) 1893 A, p. 26. (Protohippus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. (Protohippus.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 177. (Protohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 784. (Protohippus.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Mexico. Merychippus cumminsii (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 67, pi. xx, fig. 7; pi. xxiii, fig. 1. (Equus.) 1894 A, p. 67. (Equus.) 1899 A, p. 255. (Equus.) Gidley, J. W. 1901, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., xiv, p. 126. (Protohippus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 75. (Equus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 791. (Equus.) Pliocene (Blanco); Texas, Oklahoma?. Merychippus fossulatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 30, pis. v, vi, vii. (Proto- hippus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. (Pliohippus.) Roger, O, 1896 A, p. 177. (Protohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 784. (Protohippus.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Texas. Merychippus insignis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 Q, p. 311, Cope, E. D. 1874 P, p. 13. (Protohippus.) 1889 B, p. 457. ( Protohippus. ) 1892 W, p. 944, pi. xxvi, fig. 4 (Protohippus insignis); fig. 5, (P. medius). 1893 A, p. 25. (Syn. in part of Protohippus medius; in part of P. sejunctus.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 27. 1869 A, pp. 296, 402, pi. xvii, figs. 3-7. 1871 C, p. 361. Major, Fors. 1877 A. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 69. (Protohippus medius.) Osborn, H. F. 1898 I, p. 107, fig. 20. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 175 (Protohippus insignis); p. 177 (P. medius). Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 659. (Protohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 784. (Protohippus sejunctus, part; P. medius, part.) Weithofer, A. 1888 A, p. 278. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 252. fig. 196. Miocene (Loup Fork); South Dakota, Kansas, Oregon, Mexico. HAY.J CATALOGUE. 617 Merychippus labrosus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1874 P, p. 13. (Protohippus.) 1874 B, p. 523. (Protohippus.) 1893 A, p. 26. (Protohippus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 69. (Protohippus lab- rosus; syn. of P. perditus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 177. (Protohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 784. (Protohippus.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Colorado. Merychippus lenticularis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 41, pi. xii, figs. 1, 2. (Pro- tohippus. ) Matthew, W. D. 1399 A, p. 75. (Protohippus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 177. (Protohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898, p. 784. (Protohippus.) Pliocene (Palo Duro); Texas. Merychippus mirabilis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 27. Cope, E. D. 1892 W, p. 943. (Protohippus.) 1893 A, p. 32, pi. viii; pi. ix, fig. 1; pi. x, fig. 4?. (Protohippus.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 F, p. 158. King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 299, 327, 402, pi. xvii, figs. 8- 15; pi. xxvii, fig. 1. 1870 J, p. 67. 1871 C, p. 361. 1873 B, pp. 248, 250, 322, pi. xx, figs. 16, 20. (M. mirabilis?.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. (Pliohippus. ) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 175. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 784. (Protohippus.) Weithofer, A. 1888 A, p. 278. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska, Colorado, South Dakota, Texas, Utah?. Merychippus pachyops ( Cope. ) Cope, E. D. 1892 W, p. 944, pi. xxvi, fig. 1. (Pro- tohippus. ) 1893 A, p. 26, pi. xi, fig. 1; pi. xii; pi. xvii, figs. 2, 3. (Protohippus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. (Pliohippus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 177. (Protohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 783. (Protohippus.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Texas. Merychippus parvulus (Marsh.) Marsh, O. C. 1868 A, p. 374. (Equus.) Cope, E. D. 1892 H, p. 326. (Protohippus.) 1892 W, p. 943. (Protohippus.) 1893 A, pp. 25, 29, pi. xi figs. 1, 2. (Proto- hippus parvulus?. ) King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. (Protohippus.) Leidy, J. 1868 D, p. 195. ("Equus.") 1869 A, p. 400. (Equus.) 1871 C, p. 360. (Equus.) 1873 B, pp. 252, 323, pi. xx, fig. 23. ("Anchi- therium?") Marsh, O. C. 1874 B, p. 251. (Protohippus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 69. (Syn. of Protohip- pus placidus.) Osborn, H. F. 1890 B, p. 89. (Anchitherium?) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 174 (Mesohippus?); p. 177 (Protohippus). Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 785. (Subsp. of Proto- hippus placid us.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska, Texas?. Merychippus perditus (Leidy.) Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 26. [Equus (Protohippus).] Burmeister, H. 1875 A, p. 12. (Protohippus.) Cope, E. D. 1874 B, pp. 524, 528. ( Protohippus. ) 1874 P, p. 18. (Protohippus.) 1889 B, p. 447, pi. ii, figs. 9, 12. ( Protohippus profectus.) 1892 W, p. 943, pi. xxvi, fig. 2. (Protohip- pus.) 1893 A, pp. 24, 42, pi. x, fig. 2. (Protohip- pus.) 1894 A, p. 66. (Protohippus.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. (Equus perditus, Parahippus cognatus. ) King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. (Protohippus.) Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 26. [Anchitherium (Parahip- pus) cognatus.] 1869 A, pp. 275, 327, 400, pi. xvii, figs. 1, 2; pi. xxvii, fig. 5 (Protohippus perditus); pi. xxi, figs. 7-10 (Parahippus cognatus). 1870 J, p. 67. (Protohippus. ) 1870 W, p. 127. ( Protohippus. ) 1871 C, p. 360 (Protohippus perditus); p. 362 (Parahippus cognatus). 1873 B, pp. 248-250, 322, pi. xx, figs. 16, 20. (Protohippus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 69, 75. (Protohippus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 175 (Parahippus cognatus); p. 177 (Protohippus perditus). Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 784. (Protohippus.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska, Colorado, Oklahoma, Kansas, Wyoming: Pliocene (Palo Duro) ; Texas. Merychippus phlegon Hay. Hay, 0. P. 1899 G, p. 345. (Equus.) Cope, E. D. 1893 A, pp. 44, 66, 67, pi. xx, fig. 8 (Equus minutus, preoccupied. ) 1893 Q, p. 812. ( E. minutus. ) 1899 A, p. 255. ( E. minutus. ) Gidley, J. W. 1901, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., xiv, p. 127, figs. 18, 19. (Protohippus. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 75. (E. minutus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 791. (E. minutus.) Pliocene (Blanco) ; Texas. Merychippus placidus (Leidy.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 277, 328, 401, pi. xviii, figs. 39-48; pi. xxvii, figs. 6, 7. (Protohippus.) Cope, E. D. 1873 R, p. 420. (Protohippus.) 1874 B, pp. 524, 528. (Protohippus.) 1874 P, p. 19. (Protohippus.) 1892 H, p. 325. (Protohippus.) 1892 W, p. 942, pi. xxv. (Protohippus. ) 1893 A, pp. 26, 34, pi. xi, figs. 3-8. (Proto- hippus.) 1893 Q, p. 812. (Protohippus.) Leidy, J. 1870 W, p. 127. (Protohippus.) 1871 C, p. 360. (Protohippus.) 1873 B, pp. 249, 250, 322, pi. xx, figs. 17, la (Protohippus.) Matthe"' W. D. 1899 A, p. 69. (Protohippus.) 618 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 177. (Protohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 785. (Protohippus.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska, Colorado, South Dakota, Texas, Merychippus sejunctus (Cope.) Cope, E. D. 1874 P, p. 15. (Protohippus.) 1873 R, p. 420. (Protohippus; no descrip- tion.) 1874 B, pp. 523, 524. (Protohippus. ) 1881 1, p. 271, fig. 3. (Protohippus. ) 1884 J, p. 544, fig. 3. (Protohippus.) 1886 B, p. 359. (Protohippus.) 1886 H. (Protohippus.) 1887 N, p. 1071, fig. 39. (Protohippus.) 1887 S, p. 271, fig. 3. ( Protohippus. ) 1889 C, p. 160. (Protohippus.) 1893 A, pp. 23, 25. (Protohippus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 69. (Protohippus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 177. (Protohippus.) Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 659. (Protohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 784. (Protohippus,) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 337, fig. 194. (Proto- hippus.) Wortman, J. L. 1883 A, p. 711, figs. 141,142. (Pro- tohippus. ) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 256, figs. 200, 201. (Proto- hippus.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Colorado, Montana, Oregon? New Mexico?. Merychippus supremus (Leidy.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 328, 401, pi. x (Protohippus.) Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 25. (Syn. of Protohippus mirabilis.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. (Protohippus.) Leidy, J. 1870 W, p. 127. (Protohippus.) 1871 C, p. 360. (Protohippus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. (Syn. of Protohip- pus mirabilis. ) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 177. (Protohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 784. (Syn.? of Proto- hippus mirabilis.) Miocene (Loup Fork); South Dakota. Merychippus sp. indet. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 323, pi. Ixxxv, fig. 7. (Pro- tohippus sp. ) Miocene (Loup Fork); New Mexico. Merychippus sp. indet. Scott, W. B. 1895 C, p. 93, pi. ii, fig. 17. ( Proto- hippus sp.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 784. (Syn.? of Proto- hippus mirabilis.) Miocene; Montana. PLIOHIPPUS Marsh. Type P. pernix Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1874 B, p. 252. Cope, E. D. 1879 A, p. 47. (Syn. of Hippidium.) 1880 B, p. 47. (Syn. of Hippidium. ) Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 913, fig. 1540. Flower'and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 381. Landois, . 1881 A, p. 128. Marsh, O. C. 1874 D. 1877 E, p. 359. 1879 D, p. 504. 1892 C, p. 354. Matthew,W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1356. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 15. Weithofer, A. 1888 A, p. 276. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 256. Pliohippus gracilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1892 C, p. 347. Pliocene; Oregon. Pliohippus pernix Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1874 B, p. 252. Cope, E. D. 1880 G. (Hippidium.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. Marsh, O. C. 1897 C, pp. 524,527, fig. 99. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 177. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 785. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska, Colorado. Pliohippus robustus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1874 B, p. 253. Cope, E. D. 1880 G. (Hippidium.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 177. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 785. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. Pliohippus simplicidens (Cope.) Cope, E, D. 1892 J, p. 124, fig. 1. (Equus.) 1892 E, p. 252. (Equus.) 1892 G, p. 228. (Equus.) 1892 P. (Equus. ) 1893 A, pp. 41, 44, 66, pi. xx, figs. 1-3. (Equus. ) Gidley, J. W., 1901, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., xiv, p. 123. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 785. Pliocene (PaloDuro, Blanco); Texas. HIPPIDION Owen. Type Equus neogseus Lund. Owen, R. 1870 B, p. 572. The amended form of this name, Hippidium, is employed by many authors. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 513. 1891 A. 1891 C, p. 215. Branco, W. 1897 A, pp. 19, 78. Burmeister, H. 1875 A. 1889 A, p. 3. Cope, E. D. 1879 A, p. 47. 1880 B, p. 47. 1881 G, p. 400. 1884 O, p. 715. 1887 N, p. 1073. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 619 Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 20. 1899 A, p. 256. Gervais and Amegh'no 1880 A, p. 87. Lydekker, R. 1893 D, pt. iii, p. 74. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1361. Pavlow, M. 1892 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 784. Wilckens, M. 1884 B, p. 331. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 338. Wortman, J. L. 1883 A, p. 711. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 256. Hippidion interpolatum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 42, pi. xii, figs. 3, 4. (Hip- pidium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 75. (Pliohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 786. Pliocene (Palo Duro); Texas. Hippidion spectans Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 G. (Hippidium.) 1887 N, p. 1072, fig. 41. (Hippidium.) 1892 E, p. 253. (Hippidium.) 1893 A, p. 43, pi. xii, figs. 5, 6. (Hippidium? speetans.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 70, 75. (Pliohippus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 178. (Pliohippus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1892 A. 1898 A, p. 786. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 256. (Pliohippus.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Oregon: Pliocene (Palo Duro); Texas. HIPPAEION Christol. Christol, J., 1832, Ann. Sci. Indust. Mid. France, i, p. 180. Christol's name Hipparion for this genus ante- dates Kaup's Hippotherium. It is said by Christol (Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ix, 1852, p. 255) to have been defined, but the present writer has not been able to learn whether or not Christol described or designated a type Ameghino, F. 1891 C, p. 215. (Hippotherium.) Branco, W. 1897 A, pp. 19, 78. (Hipparion.) Boule, M. 1899 A, p. 541. (Hipparion.) Bronn, H. G. 1838 A, p. 1192 (Hippotherium); p. 1193 (Hipparion). Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 76. (Stylonus, type S. se- versus Cope.) 1881 G, p. 399. ( Hippotherium. ) 1884 0, p. 714. (Hippotherium.) 1887 N, p. 1068. (Hippotherium.) 1889 B, p. 430. (Hippotherium.) 1889 C, p. 256. (Hippotherium.) 1893 A, pp. 21, 36. ( Hippotherium. ) Filhol, H. 1891 A, p. 186, seq. (Hipparion.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 380. ( Hipparion. ) Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 124. (Hipparion.) 1890 A. (Hipparion.) Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 80. (Hipparion.) Hensel, R. 1860 A. (Hipparion.) Huxley, T. H. 1870 A, p. 439. (Hipparion.) 1870 B, p. xlix. (Hipparion.) 1872 A, p. 306. (Hipparion.) Kaup, J. J. 1833 A, p. 327. (Hippotherium, type H. gracilis Kaup.) 1835 A. (Hippotherium.) Kowalevsky, W. 1873 A, p. 220. (Hipparion.) Leidy, J. 1854 C, p. 90. (Hippodon, type H. spe- ciosus Leidy.) 1858 E, p. 27. 1869 A, p. 280. (Hipparion.) 1871 C, p. 360. (Hipparion.) 1873 B, p. 247. (Hipparion.) Leuthardt, F. 1891 A . ( Hippotherium. ) Lydekker, R. 1882 A. (Hipparion.) 1886 A, p. 50. (Hipparion.) 1891 A, p. 380. (Hipparion.) Major, Fors. 1877 A. Hipparion.) Marsh, O. C. 1874 B, p. 255. (Hipparion.) 1874 D. (Hipparion.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1360. (Hippa- rion.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 D, p. 7. (Hipparion.) Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 573. (Hipparion.) Pavlow, M. 1888 A. (Hipparion.) 1890 A. (Hipparion.) 1892 A. (Hipparion.) Pictet. F. J. 1853 A, p. 314. (Hipparion, Hippo- therium.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1850 A. (Hippotherium.) Rutimeyer, L. 1862 A, p. 646. (Hipparion.) Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 15. (Hipparion.) Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 661. (Hipparion.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 782. Weithofer, A. 1888 A, p. 273. (Hipparion.) Wilckens, M. 1884 A. (Hipparion.) 1888 A. (Hipparion.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 338. (Hipparion.) Wortman, J. L. 1882 B, vi, p. 73. (Hippothe- rium.) 1883 A, p. 711. (Hippotherium.) 1886 A, p. 483. (Hippotherium.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 252. (Hipparion.) Hipparion affine Leidy. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 286, 402, pi. xviii, figs. 20-24. (Hipparion.) Cope, E. D. 1889 B, p. 434, fig. 1. (Hippotherium occidentale, not of Leidy; H. affine.) 1893 A, p. 36. (Hippotherium.) Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 361. (Hipparion.) Lydekker, R. 1882 A, p. 70. (Hippotherium.) Pavlow, M. 1888 A, pi. i, fig. 26. (Hipparion.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 176. (Hipparion.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 786. (Hipparion.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska, Texas. Hipparion calamarium (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1875 P, p. 259. (Hippotherium.) 1875 F, p. 70. (Hippotherium.) 1877 K, p. 321, pi. Ixxv, figs. 1, 2. (Hippo- therium.) 1889 B, p. 451, fig 15. (Hippotherium.) 1893 A, p. 22. (Hippotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. (Hipparion.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 176. (Hipparion.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 789. [Hipparion (Sty- lonus).] Miocene (Loup Fork); New Mexico, Colorado. 620 FOSSIL VEKTEBKATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Hipparion eurystylum (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1893 A, pp. 43, 66, pi. xii, figs 7, 8; pi. xx, fig. 6. (Equus.) 1899 A, p. 255. (Equus.) Gidley, J. W., 1901, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., xiv, p. 125. (Hipparion.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 75. (Equus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 791. (Equus.) Pliocene (Goodnight?); Texas. Hipparion gratum Leidy. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 287, 326, 402, pi. xviii, figs. 25, 30. (Hipparion.) Cope, E. D. 1889 B, p. 445, figs. 16, 17. (Hippothe- rium.) 1892 H, p. 325. (Hippotherium.) 1892 W, p. 942. (Hippotherium.) 1893 A, pp. 21, 26. (Syn. of Protohippus placidus.) Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 361. (Hipparion.) 1885 A, p. 33, figure. (Hippotherium ingen- uum.) 1887 A, p. 309. (Hippotherium.) 1889 B. (Hippotherium ingenuum.) 1889 E, p. 20, pi. iii, figs. 2-4; text figure. (Hippotherium ingenuum.) 1892 A. (Hippotherium ingenuum.) Leidy and Lucas 1896 A, p. 49, pi. xviii, figs. 15, 16; pi. xix, figs. 9, 10. (Hippotherium.) Lydekker, R. 1882 A, p. 70. (Hippotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 69. (Syn. of Protohip- pus placidus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 176. (Hipparion ingenuum.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 785. (Syn. of Protohip- pus placidus.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska, Kansas. Hipparion isonesum (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1889 B, p. 451, fig. 23. (Hippotherium.) 1886 B, p. 359. (Hippotherium seversum, in part.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. (Hipparion.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 789. [Hipparion (Sty- lonus).] Miocene (Ticholeptus); Montana, Oregon, Colorado. Ilippai'ion. minimum (Douglass). Douglass, E. 1900 A, p. 26. Miocene; Montana. Hipparion montezumae (Leidy). Leidy, J., 1882, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 291. (Hippotherium.) Cope, E. D. 1889 B, p. 435. (Hippotherium.) Leidy, J. 1889 E, p. 21, pi. v, figs. 5-7, 10. (Hippo- therium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. (Hipparion.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 176. (Hipparion.) Trouessart. E. L. 1898 A, p. 787. (Hipparion mon- tezumai. ) Miocene (Loup Fork); Mexico. Hipparion occidentale Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 D, p. 59. (Hipparion.) Cope, E. D. 1886 B, p. 359. (Hippotherium.) (Hippotherium.) Cope, E. D. 1892 AA. (Hippotherium.) 1893 A, p. 36. (Hippotherium.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. Leidy, J. 1856 B, p. 422. (Hipparion.) 1858 E, p. 27. (Hipparion.) 1869 A, pp. 281, 326, 401, pi. xviii, figs. 1-5; pi. xxvii, fig. 2. 1871 C, p. 361. (Hipparion.) Lydekker, R. 1882 A, p. 70. (Hippotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. (Hipparion.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 176. (Hipparion.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 787. (Hipparion occi- dentale, in part.) Wortman, J. L. 1883 A, p. 712. (Hippotherium.) Miocene (Loup Fork); South Dakota, Texas. Hipparion paniense (Cope). Cope, E. J). 1874 P, p. 12. (Hippotherium.) 1874 B, p. 522. (Hippotherium.) 1889 B, p. 447, figs. 13, 14. (Hippotherium.) Lydekker, R. 1882 A, p. 70. (Hippotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. (Hipparion.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 176. (Hipparion.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 788. (Hipparion.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Colorado. Hipparion peninsulatum (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1885 S, pi. xxxvii, fig. 5. (Hippothe- rium; no description. ) 1886 W, p. 150, fig. 1. (Hippotherium.) 1889 B, p. 436, fig. 4. (Hippotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. (Hipparion.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 176. (Hipparion.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 787. (Hipparion.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Mexico. Hipparion plicatile ( Leidy) . Leidy, J. 1887 A, p. 309, figure. (Hippotherium.) Cope, E. D. 1889 B, p. 444, fig. 6. (Hippotherium.) Leidy, J. 1889 B. (Hippotherium.) 1889 E, p. 20. (Hippotherium.) 1892 A A. (Hippotherium.) Leidy and Lucas 1896 A, p. 50, pi. xviii, figs. 11-14; pi. xix, figs. 1-8. (Hippotherium.) Roger, 0, 1896 A, p. 176. (Hipparion.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 787. (Hipparion.) Miocene; Florida. Hipparion rectidens (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1886 B, p. 360. (Hippotherium.) 1889 B, pp. 435, 458. (Hippotherium.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 176. (Hipparion.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 787. (Hipparion.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Mexico. Hipparion relictum (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1889 K, p. 254. (Hippotherium.) 1889 B, p. 449, figs. 19, 20. (Hippotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. (Hipparion.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 176. (Hipparion.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 788. (Hipparion.) Pliocene (Blanco); Oregon. Hipparion retrusum (Cope) . Cope, E. D. 1889 B, p. 446, figs. 7,8. (Hippothe- rium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 788. (Hipparion.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Kansas. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 621 Hipparion seversum (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 76. (Stylonus.) 1886 H. (Hippotherium.) 1889 B, p. 457, fig. 24. (Hippotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 71. (Hipparion.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 779. [Hipparion (Sty- lonus).] Wortman, J. L. 1883 A, p. 712. (Hippotherium.) Miocene? (Ticholeptus) ; Oregon. Hipparion sinclairii (Wort.). Wortman, J. L, 1883 A, p. 712. (Hippotherium.) Cope, E. D. 1886 B, p. 359. (Hippotherium.) 1886 H. (Hippotherium.) 1889 B, p. 434, fig. 2. ( Hippotherium. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. (Hipparion.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 176. (Hipparion.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 787. (Hipparion.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Oregon. Hipparion speciosum Leidy. Leidy, J. 1854 C, p. 90. (Hippodon.) Cope, E. D. 1875 F, p. 71. (Hippotherium.) 1877 K, p. 322, pi. Ixxv, fig. 3. (Hippothe- rium.) 1887 N, p. 1070, fig. 38. (Hippotherium. ) 1889 B, p. 436, fig. 5. (Hippotherium.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. (Hipparion.) Leidy, J. 1856 Q, p. 311. [Hipparion (Hippodon).] 1858 E, p. 27. ( Hipparion seu Hippotherium. ) 1869 A, pp. 282, 401, pi. xviii, figs. 6-9. (Hip- parion.) 1871 C, p. 361. (Hipparion.) 1873 B, pp. 247, 248, 322, pi. xx, figs. 14, 15. (Hipparion.) Lydekker, R. 1882 A, p. 70. (Hippotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 70. (Hipparion.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 176. (Hipparion.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 787. (Hipparion.) Wortman, J. L. 1883 A, p. 711, figs. 138, 139. (Hip- potherium. ) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 253, fig. 198. (Hipparion.) Miocene (Upper); South Dakota, New Mexico. Colorado, Texas, Kansas. Hipparion sphenodus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1889 B, p. 449, figs. 21, 22. (Hippothe- rium.) 1874 P, p. 12. (Hippotherium speciosum, not of Leidy.) 1884 B, p. 522. (Hippotherium speciosum, not of Leidy.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 71. (Hipparion.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 788. (Hipparion.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Colorado. Hipparion venustum Leidy. Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 105, pi. xvi, figs. 32, 33. (Hip- potherium.) Cope, E. D. 1889 B, p. 448, fig. 18. (Hippothe- rium. ) Leidy, J. 1853 E. (Hipparion venustum; no de- scription.) 1869 A, p. 401. (Hipparion.) 1871 C, p. 361. (Hipparion.) 1877 A, p. 212. (Hipparion.) Lydekker, R. 1882 A, p. 71. (Hippotherium.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 176. (Hipparion.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 787. (Hipparion.) Tertiary; South Carolina. EQUUS Linn. Type E. cabathis Linn. Linnxus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 73. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 503. 1891 A. Auld, R. C. 1892 A. Blake, C. C. 1863 A. Blake, W. P. 1864 A. Boas, J. E. 1884 A. Boule, M. 1899 A, p. 531. Branco, W. 1897 A, pp. 19, 67. Burmeister, H. 1867 A, p. 238. 1875 A. 1889 A, p. 14. Cope, E. D. 1881 G, p. 400. 1884 G, p. 9. 1884 O, p. 715. 1884 JJ, p. 40. 1887 N. 1889 C, p. 257. 1892 J, p. 125. (Tomolabis, type E. fraternus Leidy, part.) 1899 A, p. 256. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, iii, p. 193, plates. Dana, J. D. 1896 A, p. 913, fig. 1540. Ewart, J. C. 1894 A. 1894 B. Flower, W. H. 1881 A. , p. 381. Flower and Lydekker Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 137. Gervais, P. 1874 A. Gray, J. E. 1869 A, p. 263. Huxley, T. H. 1870 A, p. 439. 1870 B, p. xlix. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 258. 1871 C, p. 359. Leuthardt, F. 1891 A, p. 102. Lydekker, R. 1882 A. 1886 A, p. 65. Marsh, O. C. 1874 B, p. 256. 1877 E. 1879 D, p. 499. Mojsisovics, A. 1889 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1361. Owen, R, 1844 A, p. 230. 1845 B, p. 572. 1846 B, p. 383. 1866 B, p. 447, figs. 300, 303-305. 1868 A, p. 352, figs. 280-285. Paulli.S. 1900 A, p. 190. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 315. Ridewood, W. G. 1895 A. Roger, O. 1889 A. Ryder, J. A. 1877 A. Riitimeyer, L. 1862 A, p. 671. Schlosser, M. 1886 A, pp. 253, 432. Scott, W. B. 1891 B. Steinmann and D6de9rlein 180 A, p. 783. Struthers, J. 1885 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1892 A. 622 FOSSIL VEETEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 790. Weithofer, A. 1888 A, p. 273. Wheatley, C. M. 1871 A. Wilckens, M. 1884 A. 1884 B. 1885 A. The North American species of this genus have been greatly confused, and many of the identifications of authors are erroneous. In this work the species are accepted on the au- thority of Mr. j. W. Gidley, of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, who has made an exhaustive study of them. His paper appeared in the Bulletin of the Museum, vol. xiv, 1901, pp. 92-142. He is not to. be held responsible for the citations that are made under the various species. Equus cabalhis Linn. Linnaeus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 73. Agassiz, L. in Holmes, F. S. 1858 A. (" Horse." ) Boule, M. 1899 A, p. 531, figs. 1, 6, 9, 12, 19. Broadhead, G. C. 1870 A. ("Horse;" species doubtful.) Buckland, W. 1831 A, p. 595, pi. iii, figs. 14-16. ("Horse;" species doubtful.) Cope, E. D. 1884 G, pp. 10, 11. 1887 N, p. 1072, fig. 43. 1893 A, pp. 66, 82, Dana, J. D. 1879 A, p. 233. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 196, figs. 18-21. ( E. caballus; identification doubtful.) Gidley, J. W. 1900 A, p. Ill, figs. 4, 5, A. Holmes, F. S. 1858 A. (" Horse.") Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 295. Leidy, J. in Holmes, F. S. 1858 A. (" Horse.") 1860 B, p. 101. 1869 A, pp. 261, 399. (E. caballus, E. fos- > silis.) 1871 C, p. 360. (E. fossilis.) 1889 D, p. 16. 1889 E, p. 19. Leidy, J. in Whitney,' J. D. 1879 A, p. 257. Lydekker, R. 1882 A, p. 71. 1886 A, pp. 73, 78, 80, 82, 83, 86. Marsh, O. C. 1879 D. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 572, pis. cxxxvi, cxxxvii. 1868 A, p. 352, figs. 280-285. 1890 A. Pavlow, M. 1888 A. 1890 A. Richardson, J. 1854 A, p. 17. (E. fossilis.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 180. Swallow, G. C. 1866 A. ("Horse;" possibly not E. caballus.) Wilckens, M. 1884 B, p. 337. 1888 A, p. 16. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 234, 235, figs. 169G, 170F: p. 257, fig. 202. Pleistocene; Alaska, California, Kansas, Mis- souri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Canada. Remains supposed to belong to the same spe- cies as our domestic horse have been found in various places in North America. In some cases the identifications have been open to question; in other cases the remain., may have been de- rived from the introduced race. The former existence of the species in Alaska and in Cali- fornia appears well established. Equus complicatus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1858 C, p. 11. Blake, C. C. 1863 A, p. 28. (E. nearcticus Blake.) Carpenter, W. M. 1838 A, p. 202, figs. 1-3. ("Horse.") Cooper, Wm. 1831 A, P- 207. (" Equus." ) Cooper, Smith and De Kay, 1831 A, p. 371. ("Horse.") Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 176. 1869 N, p. 741. 1878 H, p. 389. (E. major.) 1882 FF, p. 922. (E. major.) 1884 G, pp. 10, 11, (E. major.) 1884 JJ, p. 41. (E. major. ) 1889 F. (E. major.) 1889 S, p. 980. (E. major.) 1892 E, p. 251. (E. major, ) 1892 J, p> 123. (E. major.) 1893 A, p. 83. (E. major.) 1896 H, p. 463, pi. xi, fig. 8; pi. xii. (E. in- termedius.) 1899 A, pp. 255, 259. (E. complicatus, E. intermedius.) Cragin, F. W. 18% A, p. 53. De Kay, J. E. 1842 C, p. 108. E. major; no descrip- tion, no figures, no types.) Gibbes, R. W. 1850 B. (E. americanus.) 1850 C. (E. americanus.) Gidley, J. W. 1900 A, p. 114. (E. eous.) Hay, O. P. 1899 A, p. 593. (E. eous, to replace E. intermedius.) Holmes, F. S. 1850 A. ("Equus.") Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. Leidy, J. 1847 A, p. 265, pi. ii, figs. 1, 4-6. (E. americanus, preoccupied.) 1847 C, p. 328. (E. americanus.) 1851 K, p. 140. (E. americanus.) 1853 E. (E. americanus.) 1854 I, p. 200. (E. americanus.) 1860 B, p. 100, pi. xv, figs. 2-5, 7, 9, 11-15; pi. xvi, figs. 24-26, 30, 31. 1868 A, p. 175. 1869 A, pp. 265, 399. (E. major.) 1871 A, p. 63. (E. major.) 1871 C, p. 360. (E. major.) 1871 F, p. 113. 1873 B, pp. 244, 321, pi. xxxiii, figs. 3-18. 1877 A, p. 212. (E. major.) 1884 A. (E. major.) 1889 F, p. 38, figures. (E. major.) 1890 A, p. 182. (Hippotherium princeps.) Leidy and Lucas 1896 A, pp. viii, 49; pi. xii, figs. 12, 13. (E. major.) Miller, G. S. 1899 B, p. 372. (E. major.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 176 (Hipparion princeps); p. 178 (E. major); p. 179 (E. intermedius). Skilton, 1858 A. (E. major.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 790. (E. major.) Wailes, B. C. L. 1854 A, p. 286. (E. americanus.) Wilckens, M. 1884 B, p. 337. Williston, S. W. 1897 I, p. 303. (E. major.) 1898 I, p. 92. (E. major.) Woodworth, J. B. 1900 B, p. 459. ("Fossil horse.") Pleistocene; Mississippi, Missouri, South Car- olina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Texas, Kansas, Louisiana, Oregon, Washington, Nevada. CATALOGUE. 623 Equus conversidens Owen. Owen, R. 1869 A, p. 267. Cope, E. D. 1884 G, p. 12. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 400. 1871 C, p. 360. Owen, R. 1870 B, pi. Ixi, figs. 1, 3. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 179. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 791. Wili'kens, M. 1884 B, p. 328. Pleistocene; Valley of Mexico. This species is not known to occur within the limits included in this work. Equus crenidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 G, pp. 10, 12. 1885 S, p. 1208. 1887 N, p. 1072, fig. 42. 1899 A, p. 255. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 40. Felix and Lenk 1891, p. 131. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 178. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 790. Pleistocene; Mexico. Equus excelsus Leidy. Leidy f J. 1858 E, p. 26. Amer. Geologist 1892 A. Cope, E. D. 1884 G, pp. 10, 13. 1884 JJ, p. 41. 1885 S. 1887 N, p. 1076. 1892 C. 1893 A, p. 80, pi. xx, figs. 4,5; pi. xxii, figs. 4, 5. Dana, J. D. 1879 A, p. 233. Dawkins, W. B. 1870 A. Felix and Lenk 1891 A, pp. 128, 135, pi. xxx, fig. 7. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 266, 400, pi. xix, fig. 39; pi. xxi, fig. 31. 1870 J, p. 67. 1871 C, p. 360. 1873 B, p. 242. (Syn. of E. occidentalis.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 178. (Syn. of E. occidentalis. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 790. Whitney, J. D. 1879 A. Wilckens, M. 1884 B, p. 337. Williston, S. W. 1897 I, p. 303. 1898 I, p. 92. Pleistocene; South Dakota, Nebraska, Texas, Mexico, Oregon?,. Kansas. Equus fraternus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 100, pi. xv, figs. 6, 8, 16-18; pi. xvi, figs. 23, 28. Conrad, T. A. 1869 A, p. 359. 1871 A. Cooper, Smith, and DeKay 1831 A, p. 370, in part. ("Equus.") Cope, E. D. 1869 N, p. 741. 1884 JJ, p. 41. 1885 S, p. 1209. 1892 J, p. 125. (Tomolabis.) Cope, E. D. 18% H, p. 465. 1899 A, pp. 255, 257. (E. frateruus frater- nus.) Harlan, R. 1835 B, p. 267. (E. caballus.) Hayes, Seth 1895 A. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. Leidy, J. 1847 A, p. 263, in part (E. curvidens); pi. ii, figs. 2, 3 (E. americanus). 1858 C, p. 11. (Description insufficient.) 1869 A, pp. 266, 400. 1871 A, p. 63. 1871 C, p. 360. 1877 A, p. 212. 1889 D, p. 16. 1889 F, p. 38. 1892 A. Lucas, F. A. 1899 A, p. 764. (E. fratemus?.) Marsh, O. C. 1874 B, p. 255. Roger, O., 1 8% A, p. 178. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 790. Wilckens, M. 1884 B, p. 336. Pleistocene; South Carolina, North Carolina, Mississippi, Georgia, Kentucky, Texas, New Jersey, Indiana, Alaska?, Pennsylvania, Louisi- ana. Equus giganteus Gidley. Gidley, J. W., 1901, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., xiv, p. 137, fig. 27. Cope, E. D. 1885 S, p. 1208, pi. xxxvii, fig. 4. (E. crenidens.) Pleistocene; Texas. Equus occidentalis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1865 C, p. 94. Bowers, S. 1889 A, p. 391. Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 389. 1884 G, pp, 10, 11. 1884 JJ, p. 41. 1885 S. 1887 N, p. 1076. 1892 E, p. 252. 18% H, p. 464. 1899' A, p. 255. Dana, J. D. 1879 A, p. 233. Le Conte, J. 1883 A. (E. occidentalis, E. pacifi- cus.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 266, 400. (E. excelsus, in part.) 1873 B, pp. 239, 322, pi. xxxiii, figs. 1, 2. Lydekker, R. 1882 A, p. 72. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 178. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 790. Whitney, J. D. 1879 A, p. 257. Wilckens, M. 1884 B, p. 337. Williston, S. W. 1897 I, 303. 1898 I, p. 92. Pleistocene; California. Equus pacificus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 D, p. 32. Gidley, J. W., 1901, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. xiv, p. 116. Le Conte, J. 1883 A. 624 FOSSIL VERTEBKATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 400. 1871 C, p. 360. 1871 D, p. 50. Pleistocene; Oregon. Equus pectinatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1899 A, pp. 255, 257. (E. fraternus pectinatus.) Pleistocene; Pennsylvania, Illinois?. Equus scotti Gidley. GiiUey, J. W. 1900 A, p. Ill, figs. 1-3, 5A. Pleistocene (Equus beds); Texas. Equus semiplicatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 80, pi. xxiii, figs. 2, 3. 1889 F, p. 161. (E. fraternus, not of Leidy.) 1899 A, p. 255. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 791. Pleistocene; Texas. Equus tau Owen. Owen, R. 1870 B, p. 565, pi. Ixi, fig. 4. Cope, E. D. 1884 G, p. 12 (E. tau); pp. 10, 15 (E. barcenaei). 1884 JJ, p. 41. (E. barcenaei.) 1885 S. (E. barcensei.) 1889 F. (E. tau, E. barcenaei.) 1893 A, p. 79. 1899 A, p. 255. Felix and Lenk 1891 A, pp. 127, 136, pi. xxx, figs. 6, 6a (E. barcenai); p. 135 (E. tau). Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 401. Owen, R. 1869 A, p. 268. (No description.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 178. (E. barcensei.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 790. Wilckens, M. 1884 B, p. 329. Pleistocene; Mexico, Texas. Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 12 (Tapiroidea); p. phiodontoidea). Superfamily TAPIROIDEA. (Lo- I LOPHIODONTID^S. By some authors this group is regarded as a subfamily of the Tapiridse. Cope, E. D. 1879 C, pp. 228, 232. 1879 V, p. 771/. 1881 G, pp. 378, 379, 381. 1881 O. 1884 O, pp. 614, 617. 1887 N, pp. 991, 993. 1889 C, p. 158. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 327. 1883 D, p. 428. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 373. Gaudry, A. 1897 A. Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 12. Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 6. 1886 D, p. 326. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 1354, 1364. Osborn, H. F. 1893 D, p. 37. 1898 I, p. 79. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 92 (Lophiodon- tidse, Lophiodontinee); p. 127(Helaletidss, Hela- letinae). 1895 A, p. 358. Rutimeyer, L. 1888 A, p. 27. 1891 A, p. 21. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 760. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 322. Wortman, J. L. 1882 B, p. 723. 1883 A, p. 710. 1886 A, p. 478. Wortman and Earle 1893 A, p. 173. (Helaletidse = Helaletinse 4-Colodontinae. ) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 274. (Lophiodontinse.) LOPHIODON Cuv. Type L. tapiroides Cuv. The following references are given to the literature of the genus Lophiodon, the type of its family. No American species are here recog- nized as belonging to this genus, although sev- eral have at times been assigned to it by authors. Cuvier, G., 1822, Oss. Foss., ed. 2, vol. ii, pt. 1, p. 176. BlainvilJe, H. M. D. 1864 A, iv, Y, p. 80, plates. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 595. 1873 H, p. 212. 1881 G, p. 381. 1884 O, p. 618. 1887 N, pp. 994, 998. Filhol, H. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 373. Gaudry, A. 1877 A. 1878 B, p. 63. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 117. | Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 357. 1872 B, p. 361. 1872 C, p. 19. 1873 B, p. 219. Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 6. Maack, G. A. 1865 A, p. 6. Major, Fors. 1873 A, pp. 102, 204. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A p 1354. Osborn, H. F. 1892 B. 1898 I, p. 87, fig. 5. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 131, 1895 A, pp. 358, 361. Owen, R. 1844 A, p. 224. 1845 B, p. 606. 1848 A, p. 126. 1857 C. 1858 B, p. 78. 1860 E, p. 323. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. S04. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 625 Pomel, A. 1847 A, p. 203. Riitimeyer, L. 1862 A. 1891 A, p. 20. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 27. 1888 A, p. 685. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 771. Wilckens, M. 1885 B, p. 209. Wortman, J. L. 1896 A, p. 85. Wortman and Earle 1893 A, p. 173. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 276. HEPTODON Cope. Type Lophiodon ventorum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 GG. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 20. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, pp. 618, 653. 1887 N, p. 994. Earle, C. 1893 C, p. 393. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1356. Osborn, H. F. 1892 B, p. 763. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 127-132. 1895 A, p. 358. Schlosser M. 1886 B, p. 28. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 431. Wortman, J. L. 18% A, p. 85. Wortman and Earle 1893 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 275. Heptodon calciculus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 N, p. 747. (Lophiodon.) 1881 D, p. 197. (Pachynolophus.) 1882 GG. 1884 O, p. 656, pi. xxia, fig. 6. 1887 N, p. 997, flg. 9. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 36. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 127, fig. 18. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 181. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 760. Wortman, J. L. 1896 A, p. 86. Wortman and Earle 1893 A, p. 177. Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming. Heptodon posticus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 187. (Pachynolophus.) 1882 GG. 1884 O, p. 654, pi. Ivi, flg. 6. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 181. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 760. Wortman, J. L. 18% A, p. 86. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Heptodon singularis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 19. (Hyrachyus.) 1877 K, p. 267, pi. Ixvi, flg. 17. (Hyrachyus.) 1884 O, p. 618, flg. 31. 1887 N, p. 990, flg. 4. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 181 (Heptodon); p. 185 (Hy- rachyus) . Schlosser, M . 1886 B, p. 28. ( Pachynolophus. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 746 (Hyrachyus?); p. 761 (Heptodon?). Wortman, J. L. 18% A, p. 86. Eocene (Wind River); New Mexico. Heptodon ventorum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 N, p. 747. (Lophiodon.) 1881 D, p. 197. (Pachynolophus.) 1882 E, p. 187. (Pachynolophus.) 1882 GG. 1884 O, p. 654, pi. xxixa, figs. 4, 5. 1887 N, p. 997, fig. 9. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 36. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 180. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 760. Wortman, J. L. 18% A, p. 86. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 275, fig. 217. Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming. HELALETES Marsh. Type H. boops Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 218. Cope, E. D. 1879 A, p. 43. (Syn. of Tapirulus.) 1881 G, p. 381. 1884 O, p. 618 (Helaletes); p. 693 (Desmato- therium). 1887 N, p. 994 (Helaletes, Dilophodon); p. 1000 (Desmatotherium). Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 375. Gaudry, A. 1897 A, p. 321. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1355. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 505. 1892 B, p. 763. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 82, 93, 127, 130. (Helaletes, Desmatotherium, Dilophodon.) 1895 A, p. 358, 360. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 27. Scott, W. B. 1883 A, p. 46 (Desmatotherium, type D. guyotii); p. 51 (Dilophodon, type D. minus- culus); p. 53 (Helaletes). 1892 A, p. 431. Scott and Osborn 1883 A, p. 12. (Desmatothe- rium.) 1887 A, p. 260. (Desmatotherium.) Bull. 179 40 Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 761. (Helatetes.) Wortman and Earle 1893 A. Zittel, K. A, 1893 B, p. 275. Helaletes boops Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 218. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 605. (Hyrachyus.) 1873 U, p. 6. (Hyrachyus.) 1884 O, p. 661. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 45. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 131. 1895 A, p. 360. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 181. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 761. Wortman and Earle 1893 A, p. 17V. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Helaletes guyotii (Scott), Scott, W. B. 1883 A, p. 46, pi. viii. (Desmatothe- rium.) Cope, E. D. 1883 II, p. 970. (Desmatotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 45,49. Osborn, H. F. 1892 B. 626 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. BULL. 179. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 181. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 761. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. (Uinta); Utah. Helaletes xninusculus (Scott) . Scott, W. B. 1883 A, p. 51, pi. viii, fig. 4. (Dilopho- don.) Cope, E. D. 1883 II, p. 970. (Dilophodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 45. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 181. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 961. Wortman and Earle 1893 A, p. ISO. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Helaletes nanus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1871 D, p. 37. (Lophiodon.) Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 605. (Hyrachyus.) 1873 U, p. 6. (Hyrachyus.) 1884 O, p. 661. (Hyrachyus.) Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 361 (Hyrachyus); p. 362 (Lo- phiodon.) 1872 C, p. 20. (Hyrachyus.) 1873 B, pp. 67, 327, pi. ii, fig. 14; pi. vi, fig. 42; pi. xxvi, fig. 11; pi. xxvii, figs. 21. 22. (Hyrachyus.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 218. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 45. Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, p. 505. Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 360. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 761. (Syn. of H. boops. ) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. COLODON Marsh. Type C. luxatus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1890 D, p. 524. Earle, C. 1893 C, p. 393. (Colodon.) Gaudry, A. 1897 A. (Colodon.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 D. (Colodon.) Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, pp. 358, 362. (Colo- don.) Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 430. (Mesotapirus.) Scott and Orborn 1890 A, p. 524. (Mesotapirus, conjectural.) Wortman, J. L. 1893 A. (Colodon.) Wortman and Earle 1893 A, p. 173. (Colodon, Mesotapirus. ) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 275. (Colodon. ) Colodon dakotensis Osb. and Wort. Osbornand WorlmanIS95A,p. 362,fig.7. (Colodon.) Hatcher, J. B. 18% B, p. 171, pi. iii, figs. 3, 3 a. (Colodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 56. (Colodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 761. (Colodon.) O'ligocene (White River); South Dakota. Colodon longipes Osb. and Wort. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 214. (?Mesohippus. ) Hatcher, J. B. 1896 B, p. 169. (Syn.? of Colodon occidentalis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 56. (Colodon.) Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 366. (Colodon ?.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 174. (Mesohippus ?.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 761. (Colodon.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Colodon luxatus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1890 D, p. 524. (Colodon.) Hatcher, J. B. 1896 B, p. 170. (Syn. of Colodon occidentalis.) Marsh, O. C. 1893 D, p. 411, pi. x. (Colodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 56. (Colodon.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 181. (Syn. of Colodon occi- dentalis.) Wortman and Earle 1893 A, p. 174. (Syn. of Colo- don occidentalis. ) Oligocene (White River) ; South Dakota. Colodon occidentalis (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1868 I, p. 232. (Lophiodon.) Hatcher, J. B. 18% B, p. 170, pi. iii, figs. 2, 6, 7. (Colodon.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 239, 391, pi. xxi, figs. 28-30. (Lophiodon.) 1870 P, p. 112. (Lophiodon.) 1871 C, p. 357. (Lophiodon.) 1873B, pp.219, 327 (Lophiodon occidentalis); pi. ii, fig. 1 (Lophiodon oregonensis). Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 56, 63. (Colodon.) Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, pp. 362, 365. (Colo- don.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 181. (C. occidentalis. ) Scott and Osborn, 1890 A, p. 524. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 762. Wortman and Earle 1893 A, p. 174, figs. 6, 7. (Colodon.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota: Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Colodon procuspidatus Osb. and Wort. Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, pp. 362, 364, fig. 8. Hatcher, J. B. 18% B, p. 170. (Syn.? of C. occi- dentalis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 56. (Colodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 170. (Colodon.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. TAPIRIDSE. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iv, Z, p. 1, pis. i-vi. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 19. Cope, E. D. 1874 M. 1879 C, p. 228. 1881 G, pp. 378, 395. 1884 O, pp. 615, 693. 1887 N. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, pp. 273-430, 542, with plates. Earle, C. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 328. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 370. Gaudry, A. 1897 A. Ghigi, A. 1900 A, p. 17. Gray, J. E. 1867 A, p. 878. (Tapiridse, Tapirinse.) 1869 A, p. 252 (Tapiridse); p. 253 (Tapirinse). Hatcher, J. B. 18% B. IAY. CATALOGUE. 627 Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 310. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 357. Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 2. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1354. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 542. 1893 D, p. 37. (Tapiridee, Tapirinae; System- odontinae, in part.) 1898 1, p. 79. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 93. (System- odontinse, Tapirinae.) Owen, B. 1845 B, p. 604. Pavlow, M. 1887 A, p. 353. 1888 A, p. 173. Boger, O. 1896 A, p. 180. Eutimeyer, L. 1888 A, p. 14. Schlosser, M. 1886 A, p. 253. 1886 B, p. 27. 1888 A. Slade, D. D. 1893 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 771. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 760 (Tapiridae); p. 764 (Tapirinae). Woodward, A. S. 1838 B, p. 321. Wortman and Earle 1893 A. (Tapiridse, Tapirinae: Systemodontinse, in part.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 273 (Tapiridae); p. 276 (Tapirinae). HOMOGALAX Hay. Type Systemodon priimevus Wort. Hay, 0. P. 1899 A, p. 593. Osborn, H. F. 1898 I, p. 87. (Systemodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 765. (Systemodon. ) Wortman, J. L. 1896 A. (Systemodon.) -For the literature of Systemodon, which bears more or less on the species here included under Homogalax, see under Eohippus. Homogalax primeevus (Wort.). Wortman, J. L. 18% A, p. 89, fig. 3. (Systemodon. ) Hay, O. P. 1899 A, p. 593. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 34. (Systemodon.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 125. ( Systemodon tapirinus, in part.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 765. (Systemodon.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Homogalax protapirinus (Wort.). Wortman, J. L. 1896 A, pp. 89, 90. (Systemodon.) Hay, O. P. 1899 A, p. 593. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 34. (Systemodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 765. (Systemodon.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Homogalax semihians (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1882 A, p. 184. (Systemodon.) 1884 O, pp. 619, 622, pi. Ivi, figs. 3, 4. (Sys- temodon.) Hay, O. P. 1899 A, p. 593. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 34. (Systemodon.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 124, 126. (Sys- temodon.) Boger, 0. 1896 A, p. 183. (Systemodon.) Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 430. (Systemodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 765. (Systemodon.) Wortman, J. L. 18% A, p. 89. (Systemodon.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. ISECTOLOPHUS Scott and Osb. Type /. annectens Scott and Osb. Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 260. Cope, E. D. 1887 N, p. 994. 1890 C, p. 470. Earle, C. 1893 C. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 374. Hatcher, J. B. 18% B, p. 177. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1355. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 518. 1892 B, p. 764. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 54, part. (He- laletes.) Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 430. Wortman and Earle 1893 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 277. Isectolophus annectens Scott and Osb. Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 260. Hatcher, J. B. 18% B, p. 177. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 520, pi. x. 1892 B, p. 764. 1895 A, p. 98. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 183. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 765. Wortman and Earle 1893 A, p. 171. Eocene (Uinta); Wyoming. Isectolophus latidens Scott and Osb. Osborn, Scott, and Spier 1878 A, p. 54. (Helaletes. ) Hatcher, J. B. 18% B, p. 177. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 45. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 519. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 765. Wortman and Earle 1893 A, p. 170. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. PROTAPIRUS Filhol. Type P. prisons Filhol=P. filholi Troues. i Wortman and Earle 1893 A, p. 161 ! Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 278. Filhol, H. 1877 A, p. 131. Cope, E. D. 1887 N, pp. 994, 9%. Earle, C. 1893 C. Filhol, H. 1885 A, p 1. Gaudry, A. 1897 A,, p. 320. Hatcher, J. B. 18% B. Wortman, J. L. 1893 A. obliquidens Wort, and Protapirus Earle. Wortman and Earlel893 A, p. 162, figs. 1-4. Earle, C. 1893 C, p. 395. Hatcher, J. B. 18% B, p. 162. 628 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 56. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 183. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 766. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Protapirus simplex Wort, and Earle Wortman and Earle 1893 A, p. 168, fig. 1, A. Earle, C. 1893 C, p. 394. Hatcher, J. B. 1896 B, p. 168, pi. iii, figs. 5, 5a. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 56. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 183. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 766. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Protapirus validus Hatcher. Hatcher, J. B. 18% B, p. 162, pi. ii, figs. 1-4; text figs. 1, 2. Earle, C. 18% B, p. 934. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 56. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 183. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 766. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. TAPIRAVUS Marsh. Type T. validus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 252. Cope, E. D. 1887 N, pp. 9%, 1007. Earle, C. 1893 C, p. 345. Hatcher, J. B. 18% B, p. 178. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Scott, W. B. 1883 A, p. 50. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 278. Tapiravus rarus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 252. King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 71. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 183. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 766. "Pliocene"; Rocky Mountain region. Tapiravus validus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 F. (Lophiodon.) Hatcher, J. B. 1896 B, p. 178. Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 252. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 766. Miocene; New Jersey. TANYOPS Marsh. Type T. undans Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1894 M, p. 348. Tanyops undans Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 M, p. 348. Miocene; South Dakota. TAPIRUS Brisson. Type Hippopotamus terrestris Linn. Brisson, 1762, Regnum Anim., p. 176. ( Fide C. H. Merriam.) Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iv, Z, p. 1, plates. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 20. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 594. 1873 H, p. 212. 1881 G, p. 395. 1887 N, p. 1007. 1889 C, p. 254. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 26. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, iii, pp. 273-430, with plates. Doderlein, L. 1878 A. Earle, C. 1893 A. 1893 C. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 370. Ghigi, A. 1900 A, p. 17. Gray, J. E. 1867 A, p. 879. 1869 A, p. 254. Hatcher, J. B. 18% A, p. 173. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 311. Kowalevsky, W. 1873 A, pp. 218, 222. Leuthardt, F. 1891 A, p. 113. Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 3. Meyer, H. 1867 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1354. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 604. 1866 B, p. 444, figs. 299, 301. 1868 A, p. 357. Paulli, S. 1900 A, p. 182. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 301. Rutimeyer, L. 1862 A. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 431. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 767. Wortman and Earle 1893 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 278. Tapirus haysii Leidy. Leidj , J. 1860 B, p. 106, pi. xvii, figs. 4, 7-10. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 176, pi. iii, fig. 6. 1869 J. 1871 1, p. 95. 1895 F, p. 447. 1895 G, p. 597. 1899 A, p. 253. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 26. Hays, I. 1852 A. ("Tapir.") Leidy, J . 1852 G . (Nod escription . ) 18521. (No description.) 1860 B, p. 106, pi. xvii, figs. 4, 7-10. 1873 B, p. 391. Meyer, H. 1867 A, p. 169. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 184. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 769. [T. (Elasmogna- thus) .] Wailes, B. C. L. 1854 A, p. 286. Pleistocene; South Carolina, Mississippi, Vir- ginia, Pennsylvania, Indiana. Tapirus terrestris (Linn.). Linnseus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 74. (Hip- popotamus.) Unless otherwise indicated, the following au- thors call the species T. americanus. Blake, W. P. 1868 A. (" Tapir.") Carpenter, W. M. 1846 A, p. 247, figs. 3, 4. ("Tapir.") Cope, E. D. 1871 I, p. 95. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 26. (T. terrestris.) Earle, C. 1893 A. Ghigi, A. 1900 A, p. 22. Gray, J. E. 1867 A, p. 879. (T. terrestris.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 629 Hatcher, J. B. 1896 B, p. 174. Holmes, F. S. 1858 B. 1859 A, p. 183. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. (T. terrestris?. ) Leidy, J. 1849 A. 1860 B, p. 106, pi. xvii, figs. 1-3, 6, 11, 12. 1869 A, p. 391. 5, P- 1892 A. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 185. Wailes, B. C. L. 1854 A, App., p. 285. Wheatley, C. M. 1871 A. ("Tapir.") Whitney, J. D. 1879 A, p. 250. Pleistocene; Virginia, Illinois, California, Texas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, In- diana, Ohio, South Carolina. Prof. E. D. Cope (1899 A, p. 253) refers all specimens of fossil Tapirus found in the United States to T. haysii. Superfamily BRONTOTHERIOIDEA. Osborn, H. F. 1898 I, p. 79. (Titanotheroidea.) | BRONTOTHERIID.E. Marsh, 0. C. 1873 H, p. 486. (Brontotheridae.) Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, pp. 10, 19. (Brontotherinse.) Cope, E. D. 1881 G, pp. 378, 379, 397. (Menodon- tidse.) 1884 O, pp. 615, 713. (Menodontidaa.) 1887 L, p. 926. (Menodontidse.) 1887 N. (Menodontidse.) 1889 C, p. 158. (Menodontidse. ) 1898 B, p. 135. (Menodontidse.) Earle, C. 1892 C, p. 273. (Titanotheriidae.) Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 327. (Titanotheri- dse.) 1876 C, p. 109. (Titanotheriidae.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 413. (Titanothe- riidse.) Gervais, P. 1876 B. (Brontotherides.) Hatcher, J. B. 1893 B, p. 216. (Titanotheriidse.) Lydekker, R. 1896 B, pp. 170, 377. (Titanotherii- dse.) Marsh, O. C. 1874 A, p. 66. (Brontotheridse.) 1874 D, p. 81. (Brontotheridae.) 1875 B, p. 245. (Brontotheridae.) 1876 C. (Brontotheridse.) 1876 G, p. 60. (Brontotheridse.) 1877 E. (Brontotheridse.) Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, p. 190. (Brontotheridae.) 1887 B, p. 336. (Brontotheridae.) 1889 A, p. 163. (Brontotheridse.) 1889 H. (Brontotheridse.) 1895 D, p. 498. (Brontotheridae.) 1897 D, p. 166. (Brontotheridse.) Nature 1874 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1374. (Titano- theriidae.) Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 514. (Titanotheriidae,) 1893 D. (Titanotheriidse.) 1897 D. (Titanotheriidse.) 1898 I, p. 79". (Titanotheriidse.) 1900 C, p. 570. (" Titanotheres.") Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 93. (Titano- theriidae.) Roger, O. 1996 A, p. 192. (Titanotheridse.) Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 31. (Menodontidse.) 1888 A, p. 688. (" Brontotherien.") Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 157. (Menodontidae.) Steinman and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 777. (Bronto- theridae.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p, 329. (Titanotheriidre.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 298. (Titanotheriidse.) LAMBDOTHERIIN7E. Earle, C. 1892 C, p. 274. (Palaeosyopinse.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 413. (Lambdo- theriidae.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1371. (Lamb- dotheriidae.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 D, p. 37. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 93. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 192. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 777. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 737. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 300. LAMBDOTHERIUM Cope. Type L. popoagicum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 N, p. 746. 1881 G, p. 3%. 1884 O, pp. 694, 709. 1887 N. Earle, C. 1892 C. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 413. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1372. Osborn, H. F. 1897 A. 1897 D. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 19. 1887 A, p. 570. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 432. Wortman, J. L. 1883 A, p. 710. 1886 A, p. 480. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 300. Lambdotherium popoagicum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 N, p. 746. 1881 D, p. 196. 1884 O, pp. 710, pi. xxixa, fig. 7; pi. Iviii, figs. 3-5. 1887 N, p. 1060, figs. 24, 26. 1887 S, p. 275, pi. vii, figs. 5, 6. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 36. Osborn, H. F. 1897 A. 1897 G, p. 256. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 192. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 737. Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming, Colorado. 630 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. LIMNOHYOPS Marsh. Type L. laticeps Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1890 D, p. 525. Gary, A. 1892 A. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 593. (Limnohyus.) 1881 G, p. 396. (Limnohyus.) 1884 O, pp. 697, 705. (Limnohyus.) 1887 N, p. 1061. (Limnohyus.) Earle, C. 1891 B, p. 113. 1892 C, pp. 270, 276, 350. Leidy, J. 1872 H, p. 241. (Limnohyus, type L. laticeps, not Limnohyus Marsh.) 1873 B, pp. 57, 323. (Limnohyus.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 G, p. 124. (Paleeosyops, type P. laticeps, not Palseosyops Leidy, 1870.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 47. (Syn. of Palseo- syops.) Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 41. (Limno- hyus.) Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 18. (Limnohyus.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 303. Idmnohyops fontinalis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 B, p. 35. (Palseosyops.) 1873 E, p. 594. ( Limnohyus. ) 1884 O, p. 707, pi. xlix, fig. 9; pi. 1, fig. 4; pi. Iviiia, figs. 4, 5. (Limnohyus.) Earle, C. 1891 B, p. 115. 1892 C, p. 368. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 47. (Palaeosyops.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 193. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 738. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Limnohyops laticeps Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 G, p. 122. (Palseosyops.) Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 707. (Limnohyus.) Earle, C. 1891 B, p. 114. 1892 C, pp. 269, 351, pi. xi, figs. 8, 9; pi. xii, figs. 24-27; pi. xiv, figs. 39-42; p. 330, pi. xii, figs. 14-16; pi. xiv, figs. 43, 44. (Palfeosy- ops minor, not of Marsh.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 28-15 (in part); pi. iv, figs. 3-6; pi. v, figs. 10, 11; pi. xxiv, figs. 6, 7 (Pala>o- syops paludosus); pp. 58, 326, pi. xxiii, fig. 13 (Limnohyus). Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, fig. 68. (Palseosyops.) 1890 D, p. 525. Matthew, W. D. 1897 A, p. 57. (Palseosyops.) 1899 A, p. 47. (Palososyops.) Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 42. (Limno- hyus.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 193. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 738. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. PAL^OSYOPS Leidy. Type P. paludosus Leidy. teidy, J. 1870 Q, p. 113. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 691. 1881 G, p. 396. 1884 O, pp. 694, 697. . 1887 N, p. 1061. 1892 R. Earle, C. 1891 B. 1892 C. 1895 A. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 327. Hatcher, J. B. 1895 A, p. 1090. (Manteoceras, type M. vallidens=P. manteoceras Osb., not P. vallidens Cope. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 354. 1871 G. 1872 B, p. 358. 1872 H, p. 241. 1873 B, p. 27, pi. xxxi, fig. 1. Marsh, O. C. 1872 G, p. 124. (Limnohyus, type L. robustus.) 1877 E. (Limnohyus.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1372. Osborn, H. F. 1883 A, p. 31. 1890 D, pp. 513, 553. 1895 A, p. 87. (Manteoceras=Telmathe- rium.) 1897 D. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 27. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 132. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 18. Scott, W. B. 1886 A, p. 307. 1891 B, p. 371 seq. 1892 A, p. 432. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 777. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 332. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 301. Palseosyops humilis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1872 G. 1872 A. 1872 H, p. 242. (Limnohyus.) 1873 B, pp. 68, 326, pi. xxiv, fig. 8. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 47. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 193. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 739. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. Paleeosyops junior Leidy. Leidy, J. 1872 J, p. 277. 1873 B, pp. 57, 326. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 47. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 193. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 739. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Probably belongs to P. paludosus. Paleeosyops Isevidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 591. (Limnohyus.) 1884 O, pp. 699, 701, pi. 1, figs. 1-3. Earle, C. 1892 C, p. 317. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 359. (P. paludosus, /irfc Cope.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 47. (Syn. of P. laticeps. ) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 192. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 738. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. CATALOGUE. 631 Palseosyops longirostris Earle. Earle, C. 1892 C, p. 338. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 47. (Syn.? of Telma- totherium megarhinum.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 193. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 739. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. Palseosyops paludosus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 Q, p. 113. Cope, E. D. 1873 B, p. 35. (P. Isevidens.) 1873 E, pp. 592, 593. (P. major, Limnohyus paludosus, L. diaconus.) 1873 U, p. 4. (P. diaconus sp. nov.) 1884 O, p. 105 (P. paludosus) ; pp. 698, 699, 701, pi. li. fig. 2; pi. Iii, figs. 1,2 (P. major); p. 706, pi. li, fig. 3 (L. diaconus). 1887 N, p. 1062, fig. 27. (P. major.) Earle, C. 1891 B, p. 115. (L. diaconus, invalid.) 1892 C, p. 279, pi. x, fig. 1; pi. xii, figs. 17-23; pi. xiii; pi. xiv, figs. 45-49, and text figures. 1895 A, p. 624. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Leidy, J. 1871 B, p. 373. (P. major.) 1871 C, p. 355. 18711. 1871 K, P. 229. (P. major; orig. description.) 1872 B, pp. 359, 365. (P. major.) 1872 G, p. 168. Leidy, J. 1872 H, p. 241. (P. major.) 1873 B, pp. 28, 325, pi. iv, figs. 1, 2, 7, 8; pi. v, figs. 4-11; pi. xix, figs. 1-4; pi. xx, figs. 1-7; pi. xxiii, figs. 3-6; pi. xxiv, figs, 6, 7; pi. xxix, fig. 5 (P. paludosus); pp. 45, 326, pi. xx, fig. 8; pi. xxiii, figs. 1, 2, 7-12, 14-16; pi. xxiv, figs. 1-5 (P. major). 1873 E, p. 592. (P. major.) L. P. B. 1885 A, p. 191, fig. 24. (P. robustus.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 G, pp. 122, 124 (P. paludosus); p. 124 (P. robustus sp. nov.). 1885 B, fig. 105. (P. robustus.) 1885 F, fig. 69. (P. robustus.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 A, p. 57. 1899 A, p. 46. Osborn, H. F. 1898 Q, p. 11. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 27, pi. ii, figs. 1-13; pi. iii, fig. 8; pi. v (P. major); p. 34, pi. i; pi. iii, figs. 1-9 (P. paludosus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 192 (P. paludosus); p. 193 (Limnohyops diaconus) . Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 738. (P. paludosus, Limnohyops diaconus.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 301, fig. 242 (P. major); p. 302, fig. 244 (P. paludosus). Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Palseosyops ultimus Matth. Matthew, W. D. 1897 A, p. 57. (No description.) 1899 A, p. 50. (No description.) Eocene (Uinta); Utah. TELMATHERIUM Marsh. Type T. validum Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 G, p. 123. Cope, E. D. 1879 W, p. 33. (Leurocephalus.) 188?. G, p. 3%. (teurocephalus.) 1884 O, p. 694. (Leurocephalus.) 1887 N, p. 1061. (Leurocephalus.) Earle, C. 1891 B, p. 115. (Telmatotherium.) 1892 C, pp. 269, 341. (Telmatotherium.) 1895 A, p. 627. (Telmatotherium.) Hatcher, J. B. 1895 A. (Telmatotherium.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 323. (Syn. of Palseosyops.) Marsh, 0. C. 1880 H, p. 10. (Telmatotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, p. 82. (Telmatotherium.) 1897 D. (Telmatotherium.) Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 42. (Leuro- cephalus, type L. cidtridens. ) Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 432. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 303. (Telmatotherium.) Telmatherium boreale (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1880 N, p. 746. (Palseosyops.) 1881 D, p. 1% (Palseosyops); p.1% (Lambdo- therium brownianum). 1884 O, pp. 699, 703, pi. Iviii, fig* 3 (Palseosy- ops); p. 709, pi. Ivia, fig. 10 (Lambdothe- rium brownianium). Earle, C. 1892 C, pp. 319, 384. (Paleeosyops.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 A, p. 57. (Palseosyops.) 1899 A, p. 36. (Telmatotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1897 D. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 132, fig. 19. (Pa- lseosyops.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 193. (Palseosyops borealis, Lambdotherium brownianum. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 737 (Lambdotherium brownianium); p. 738 (Palseosyops). Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming. Telmatherium. cultridens (Scott and Osb.). Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 42, pi. iv. (Leu- rocephalus.) Earle, C. 1891 B, p. 116. (Telmatotherium.) 1892 C, pp. 269, 343, pi. x, fig. 3; pi. xii, figs. 12, 13. (Telmatotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 A, p. 58. (Telmatotherium.) 1899 A, p. 47. (Telmatotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, pp. 83, 95. (Telmatothe- rium.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 134. (Telmatothe- rium.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 193. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 739. (Telmatotherium.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Telmatherium diploconum Osborn. Os&ora, H. F. 1895 A, p. 85, fig. 6. (Telmatothe- rium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. (Variety minus.) Roger, O, 18% A, p. 193. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 740. (Telmatothe- rium.) Eocene (Uinta); Utah. 632 FOSSIL VEETEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Telmatherium hyognathum (Scott and Osb.). Scott and Osborn 1890 A, p. 513. (Palseosyops.) Earle, C. 1891 B, p. 116. (Palseosyops.) 1892 C, p. 348, pi. x, figs. 10, 11. (Telmatothe- rium.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 A, p, 67. (Telmatotherium.) 1899 A, p. 47 (Syn. of T. validum); p. 50 (Tel- matotherium hyognathum). Osborn, H. F. 1395 A, pp. 83, 87. (Telmatothe- rium.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 193. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 740. (Telmatotherium.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming: (Uinta); Utah. Telmatherium megarhinum (Earle). Earle, C. 1891 A, p. 45. (Palseosyops.) 1891 B, p. 117. (Palseosyops.) 1892 C, p. 321, pi. x, fig. 2; pi. xi, figs. 4-7 (Palseosyops megarhinum) ; p. 330, pi. xii, figs. 14-16; pi. xiv, figs. 43, 44 (P. minor, fldeWoTtmeminlitt.). 1895 A, p. 623. (Palseosyops.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 28-45, in part; pi. iv, figs. 3-6; pi. v, figs. 10, 11; pi. xxiv, figs. 6, 7. (Palseo- syops paludosus, fide Earle.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 47. (Telmatotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, pp. 83, 84. (Telmatotherium. ) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 193. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 738, in part (Palseo- syops minor); p. 739 (P. megarhinum). Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Telmatherium validum Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 G, p. 123. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 699, in part; pi. li, fig. 1. (Palseosyops vallidens.) Earle, C. 1891 B, p. 116. (Telmatotherium.) 1892 C, p. 342. (Telmatotherium. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 47. (Telmatotherium. ) Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, pp. 82, 94. (Telmatothe- rium.) Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 40. (Palseo- syops vallidens.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 193. (T. validum, T. valli- dens.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 739. (Telmatothe- rium. ) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Telmatherium vallidens (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1872 S, p. 487. (Palseosyops.) 1873 E, p. 592. (Palseosyops.) 1884 O, p. 699, pi. lii, fig. 3; pi. liii, fig. 1 (Palaeosyops.) Earle, C. 1892 C, p. 316. (Palseosyops.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 47. (Telmatotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 739. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. DOLICHORHINUS Hatcher. Type Telmatotherium cornutum Osb. Hatcher, J. B. 1895 A, p. 1090. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 740. Dolichorhinus cornutus (Osb.). Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, p. 90, figs. 10, 11. (Telma- totherium.) Hatcher, J. B. 1895 A, p. 1090. Matthew, W. D. 1897 A, p. 58. (Telmatotherium. ) 1899 A, p. 50. (Telmatotherium.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 193. (Telmatotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 740. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. MANTEOCERAS Hatcher. Type Palseosyops manteoceras Osb. Hatcher, J. B. 1895 A, p. 1090. Manteoceras manteoceras (Osb.). Osborn, H. F. in Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 47. (Palseosyops.) Hatcher, J. B. 1895 A, p. 1089, pi. xxxix, fig. 2 (Telmatotherium vallidens, not of Cope); p. 1090 (made type of Manteoceras.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 47, 50. (Palseosyops.) Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, pp. 83, 87, figs. 7-9. (Tel- matotherium vallidens, not of Cope.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. (Uinta); Utah. DIPLACODON Marsh. Type D. elatus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1875 B, p. 246. Cope, E. D. 1881 G, p. 397. 1884 O, p. 713. 1887 N, p. 1063. 1890 C, p. 470. Earle, C. 1892 C. Hatcher, J. B. 1895 A. (Diplacodon, Protitano- therium. ) Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, p. 172. Matthew, W. D. 1897 A, p. 58. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1374. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, pp. 512, 553. 1897 D. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 19. Scott, W. B. 1891 B, p. 371 et seq. 1892 A, p. 432. Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 263. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 777. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 303. Diplacodon elatus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1875 B, p. 246. King, C. 1878 A, p. 407. Marsh, O. C. 1889 H. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 514, pis. viii, ix. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 193. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 633 Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 262. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 740. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. Diplacodon emarginatus Hatcher. Hatcher, J. B. 1895 A, p. 1086, pi. xxxviii, figs. 1-4. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 740. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. Hatcher, as cited, has proposed for this spe- cies, under certain contingencies, the new ge- neric name Protitanotherium. D^ODON Cope. Type D. shoshonensis Cope. Cape. E. D. 1879 D, p. 77. 1881 G, p. 397. 1884 O, p. 713. 1887 N, p. 1063. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 194. (Syn. of Titanotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 740. (Syn. of Titano- therium.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 304. (Daledon; syn. of Titanotherium. ) Deeodon shoshonensis Cop3. Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 77. 1879 B, p. 68. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 194. (Titanotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 740. (Titanotherium.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. BROXTOTHERIIN^E.i Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, pp. 10, 19. (Brontotherinse.) Earle, C. 1892 C, p. 274. (Titanotherinse. ) Osborn, H. F. 1893 D. (Titanotherinas.) 1900 F, p. 94. ("Titanotheres.") Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 93. (Titanothe- riinse.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 194. (Titanotherinae.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 304. (Titanotherinse.) MEGACEROPS Leidy. Type M. coloradensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 D, p. 2. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, pp. 564, 585. (Megaceratops.) 1873 F, p. 66. (Megaceratops.) 1873 K, p. 102. (Megaceratops.) 1873 CO, p. 14. (Megaceratops.) 1887 N, p. 1063. (Syn. of Menodus.) 1889 I, p. 153. (Haplacodon, type Menodus angustigenis Cope. ) 1891 A, p. 9. (Menodus, in part.) Earle, C. 1892 C, p. 296. (Haplacodon.) Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 352. (Megacerops.) 1873 B, pp. 239, 335. 1874 B. (Syn. of Titanotherium.) Marsh, O. C. 1873 F, p. 295. 1874 A. 1875 B, p. 246. 1876 C, p. 338. 1887 B, p. 331. (Allops, type^. serotinus.) 1889 A, p. 165. (Allops, Megacerops.) 1890 D, p. 523. (Diploclonus, type D. am- plus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1374. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, pp. 513, 542. (Syn. of Tita- notherium.) 18% B. (Titanotherium, in part.) Scott and Osborn 1887 A, pp. 255, 262. (Menodus, in part.) 1887 B, p. 157. (Syn. of Menodus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 740. (Syn. of Titano- therium.) Osborn, H. F. 18% B, pp. 192, 193. (Titanothe- rium.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 195. (Titanotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 742. (Syn. of Titano- therium montanum. ) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Megacerops angustigenis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1886 U, p. 81. (Menodus.) Ami, H. M. 1891 A. (Menodus.) Cope, E. D. 1887 N, p. 1067. (Menodus.) 1889 I, p. 153. (Type of Haplacodon.) 1889 O, p. 628. (Menodus syceras.) 1891 A, p. 13, pi. v, figs. 1, 2; pi. vi, fig. 2; pi. vii, fig. 1; pi. xi, fig.l?; pi. xii, fig. 4?; pi. xiii, figs. 1?, 4?, 6?, 8? (Menodus angusti- genis); p. 18, pi. vii, fig. 2?; pi. viii, fig. 4? (M. syceras). Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. (Titanotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 18% B, p. 184 (Titanotherium angus- tigenis); pp. 178, 193 (T. syceras, a syn.? of T. acer). Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 194 (Titanotherium syceras); p. 196 (T. angustigenis). Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 741 (Titanotherium angustigenis); p. 743 (T. syceras, a syn. of T. acer). Oligocene (White River); Swift CurrentCreek, Canada. Megacerops coloradensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 D. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 586. (Megaceratops colo- radoensis.) Megacerops? amplus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1890 D, p. 523. (Diploclonus. ) 1 In the arrangement of the genera and species of the Brontotheriinse the writer has had the benefit of the conclusions arrived at by Prof. H. F. Osborn, at the date of going to press, in his studies in the preparation of his forthcoming monograph of the Titanotheres. 634 FOSSIL VEKTEBKATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. 1873 F, p. 66. (Megaceratops colorado- ensis.) 1887 N, p. 1063. (Megaceratops Colorado- ensis.) 71891 A, p. 9 (Menodus coloradoensis) ; p. 10, pi. vl, fig. 1; pi. viii, figs. 1-3; pi. ix, figs. 2, 3; pi. x, fig. 2; pi. xii, fig. 1; pi. xiii, figs. 5, 7 (Menodus? americanus); p. 10, pi. ix, fig. 1; pi. x, fig. 3; pi. xii, figs. 2, 3c; pi. xiii, fig. 3 (Menodus? proutii). Leidy., J. 1871 G, p. 352. 1873 B, pp. 239, 335, pi. i, figs. 2, 3; pi. ii, fig. 2. Marsh, O. C. 1873 F, p. 296. 1874 A, p. 81. 1897 C, p. 527. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 57. (Titanotherium. ) Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 15, p. 513. (Titanothe- rium.) 1896 B, p. 171, text figure; p. 175, pi. iii. (Titanotherium.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 194. (Titanotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 741. (Titanotherium. ) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Megacerops? crassicornis (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1891 E, p. 268. (Allops.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Megacerops dispar (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1887 B, p. 328, figs. 7, 8; not figs. 5, 6. (Brontops.) 1891 E, p. 269. (Brontops validus.) Osborn, H. F. 18% B, p. 188. (Titanotherium.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 195. (Titanotherium.) Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 158, text figs. 3>,5>,6i. (Menodus coloradensis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 742. (Titanotherium. ) I Zittel K. A. 1893 B, p. 307, figs. 249, 250. (Titano- therium.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Megacerops? serotinus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1887 B, p. 331. (Allops.) Cope, E. D. 1887 L, p. 926. (Menodus.) Osborn, H. F. 1896 B, p. 192. (Titanotherium.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 195. (Titanotherium.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. BRONTOTHERIUM Marsh. Type B. gigas Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1873 H, p. 486. Cope, E. D. 1873 S, p. 2. (Miobasileus, type M. ' ophryas.) 1873 DD. (Miobasileus.) 1874 A, p. 108. (Miobasileus. ) 1887 L, p. 926. ( " Brontops." ) 1887 N, p. 1063. (Syn. of Menodus.) 1891 A, p. 9. (Menodus, in part.) Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 327. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 413. (Syn. of Titanotherium. ) Leidy, J. 1874 B. (Syn. of Titanotherium.) Marsh, O. C. 1874 A, p. 81. 1874 D, p. 66. 1875 B, p. 245. 1876 C, p. 334. (Brontotherium.) 1887 B, p. 326 (Brontops, type B. robustiis); p. 330 (Titanops, type T. curtus) . 1889 A, p. 163 (Brontops); p. 165 (Titanops). 1889 H. (Brontops.) Nature 1874 A. Osborn, H. F. 1896 B, p. 175. (Titanotherium, in part.) Schlosser, M. 1886 A, p. 253. Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 262. (Menodus, in part.) 1887 B, p. 157. (Syn. of Menodus. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 740. (Syn. of Titano- therium.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 330 (Titanotherium, in part); p. 332 (Brontotherium). Brontotherium bucco (Cope. ) C&pe, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 11. (Symborodon.) 1873 DD. (Symborodon.) 1874 B, p. 485, in part. (Symborodon.) 1874 G, p. 89. (Symborodon.) Cope, E. D. 1887 N, p. 1063. (Symborodon.) Roger, O. 18% -A, p. 195. (Titanotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 742. (Titanotherium.) Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Brontotherium curtum (Marsh.) Marsh, 0. C. 1887 B, p. 330, fig. 11. (Titanops.) Cope, E. D. 1887 L, p. 926. (Syn. of Menodus platyceras.) 1891 D, p. 48. (Menodus peltoceras.) Marsh, O. C. 1897 C, p. 522, fig. 94. (Titanops.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 58. (Titanotherium curtum, T. peltoceras.) Osborn, H. F. 18% B, p. 189, pi. iv. (Titanothe- rium.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 194 (Titanotherium curtum, a syn. of T. platyceras); p. 195 (T. peltoceras). Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 741 (Titanotherium peltoceras) ; p. 743 (T. curtum, a syn. of T. pla- tyceras). Oligocene (White River); Colorado, South Dakota. Brontotherium dolichoceras (Scotland Osb.). Scott and Osbarn 1887 B, p. 160, text figs. 3 3 , 6 s , 6 3 . (Menodus.) Cope, E. D. 1887 N, p. 1063. (Menodus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 58. (Titanotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 18% B, p. 185, pi. iv; text fig. p. 169. (Titanotherium.) Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 349. (Titanothe- rium. ) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 194. (Titanotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 742. (Titanotherium.) Oligocene (White River) ; South Dakota. IAY.] CATALOGUE. 635 Brontotheriuxn gigas Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1873 H, p. 486. King, C. 1878 A, p. 412. Marsh, O. C. 1876 C, pi. xii. 1887 B, p. 330, fig. 12. (Titanops elatus.) 1897 C, p. 627. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. (Titanotherium elatum. ) Osborn, H. F. 1896 B, p. 175 (Titanotherium gi- gas); p. 171, text figure (T. elatum); p. 189, pi. iv (T. elatum) . 1896 C, pp. 709, 714, illust. 5. (Titanothe- rium elatum.) 1898 Q, p. 17. (Titanotherium elatum.) Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 349. (Titanothe- rium elatum. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 194. (Titanotherium gigas.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 742. (Titanotherium gigas; T. elatum, a subsp. of T. moritanum.) Oligocene (White River); Colorado, South Dakota. Brontotherium hypoceras (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 491. (Symborodon.) Osborn, H. F. 18% B, p. 183. (Titanotherium. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 742. (Syn.? of T. in- gens.) Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Brontotherium medium (Marsh). Harsh, O. C. 1891 E, p. 269. (Titanops.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Brontotherium? ophryas (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 S, p. 3. (Miobasileus.) 1873 CC, p. 14. (Miobasileus.) 1874 A, p. 108. (Miobasileus. ) 1874 B, p. 490. (Symborodon.) Osborn, H. F. 1896 B, p. 177. (Titanotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 743. (Titanotherium.) Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Brontotherium platyceras (Scott and Osb.). Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 160, text fig. 4. (Meno- dus.) Cope, E. D. 1887 L, p. 926. (Menodus.) 1887 N, p. 1063. (Menodus.) 1891 A, p. 9. (Menodus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 58. (Titanotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1896 B, pp. 167, 185, pi. iv, text figs. 7, 7a, and p. 167. (Titanotherium.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 194. (Titanotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 743. (Titanotherium.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 309, fig. 251. (Titanothe- rium.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Brontotherium ramosum (Osborn). Osborn, H. F. 18% B, pp. 167, 194, pi. iv, figures; text fig. 13. (Titanotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 58. (Titanotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 743. (Titanotherium.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Brontotherium robustum (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1887 B, p. 326. (Brontops.) Hatcher, J. B. 1893 B, p. 212. (Titanotherium.) Hutchinson, H. N. 1893 A, p. 160, pi. xv. (Titano- therium.) Marsh, O. C. 1889 A, p. 163, pi. vi. (Brontops.) 1889 H, p. 706. (Brontops.) 1897 C, pi. xxix. (Brontops.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 58. (Titanotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 18% A, p. 162. (Titanotherium.) 18% B, p. 187, text fig. 8. (Titanotherium.) Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 346, pis. viii, ix; text figs. 1-3. (Titanotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 742. (Titanotherium. ) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 331, fig. 190. (Titano- therium.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 306, fig. 247. (Titanothe- rium.) Oligocene (White River); Nebraska, Colo- rado. Brontotherium? selwynianum(Cope). Cope, E. D. 1889 D, p. 628. (Menodus.) Ami, H. M. 1891 A. (Menodus.) Cope, E. D. 1891 A, p. 17, pi. v, figs. 3-36. (Meno- dus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 58. (Titanotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 18% B, p. 193. (Titanotherium selwynianus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 194. (Titanotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 741. (Titanotherium. ) Oligocene (White River) ; Swift Current Creek, Canada. Brontotherium tichoceras (Scott and Osb.). Scott and Osboni 1887 A, p. 159, text figs. 32, 52, 62. (Menodus.) Cope, E. D. 1887 N, p. 1063. (Menodus.) 1891 A, p. 9. (Menodus tichoceras, M. al- tirostris.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 58. (Titanotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 18% B, p. 184, pi. iii, figures; and p. 169. (Titanotherium.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 195. (Titanotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 742. (Titanotherium. ) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. TITANOTHERIUM Leidy. Type Palseotheriumf proutii Owen, Norw., Evans. Leidy, J. 1852 J, p. 552. Cary, A. 1892 A, p. 309, pi. xviii, fig. 2. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, pp. 564, 585. 1874 G, p. 90. 1874 K, p. 224. 1881 G, p. 397. (Menodus.) Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 713. (Menodus.) 1887 L, p. 926. ( Menodus.) 1887 N, p. 1063. (Menodus.) 1891 A, p. 8. (Menodus.) Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 327. 1876 C, p. 115. 636 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 413. (Titano- therium, in part.) Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 163. Green, F. V. 1853 A. Hatcher, J. B. 1893 B. Hay, O. P. 1899 A, p. 594. (Menodus.) Leidy, J. 1850 C, p. 122. (Palseotherium.) 1851 A. (Palseotherium.) 1852 A. (Rhinoceros.) 1853 D, p. 392. (Titanotherium; Eotherium, type E. americanum.) 1854 A, pp. 72, 114. 1856 H, p. 92. 1869 A, p. 207. 1871 C, p. 352. 1874 B. 1874 C. Lydekker, R. 1896 B, pp. 170,377. Marsh, O. C. 1873 H, p. 486. (Titanotherium; Menodus preoccupied. ) 1874 A. 1875 B, p. 245. 1876 C, p. 338. (Menodus.) 1884 F, p. 225. (Menodus.) 1887 B, p. 328. (Menops, type M. varians.) 1889 A, p. 165. (Menops.) Nature 1874 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1374. (Titano- therium, in part.) Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, pp. 513, 542. (Titanothe- rium, in part.) 1896 A. 1896 B. (Titanotherium, in part.) ?Pomel, A- !84 9 > Biblioth. Univ. Geneve, x, p. 75. (Menodus.) Prout, H. A. 1860 A. (Leidyotherium.) Rutimeyer, L. 1862 A, p. 571. Schlosser, M. 1886 A, p. 253. (Titanotherium, Menodus.) 1886 B, p. 19. Scott, W. B. 1891 A, p. 371. (Titanotherium, in part.) 1892 A, p. 432. (Titanotherium, in part.) Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 262. (Menodus.) 1887 B, p. 158. (Menodus.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 778. (Men- odus. ) Titanotherium heloceras (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 S, p. 4. (Megaceratops heloce- rus, err. typ.) 1873 CC, p. 14. (Symborodon.) 1873 DD. (Symborodon heloceros.) 1874 A, p. 109. (Symborodon.) 1874 B, pp. 484, 487. (Symborodon. ) 1887 N, p. 1063. (Symborodon.) Hatcher, J. B. 1S93 B, p. 219, fig. 3. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 58. Osborn, H. F, 18% B, p. 179, pi. iii; text fig. p. 171. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 741. Oligocene( White River); Colorado. Titanotherium ingens (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1874 A, p. 85, pis. i, iv. (Brontothe- rium. ) Cope, E. D. 1874 Q. (Syn. of Symborodon trigono- ceras. ) 1887 N, p. 1063. (Menodus.) 1891 A, p. 91. (Syn. of Menodus americanus.) Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 75, fig. 87. (Brontotherium.) Hatcher, J. B. 1893 B, p. 219, fig. 2. King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. (Brontotherium.) Marsh, O. C. 1876 C, pis. x-xiii, and text figs. 1, 2. (Brontotherium.) 1884 F, figs. 64, 160, 161. (Brontotherium.) 1885 B, figs. 101, 130, 131. (Brontotherium.) 1897 C, p. 522, fig. 93. (Brontotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 58. Nature 1874 A, figs. 1, 2. (Brontotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1896 B, p. 182, text fig. p. 171. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 158. (Syn. of Meno- dus coloradensis. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 742. Zittel, K. A, 1893 B, p. 304, fig. 245. Oligocene (White River); Colorado, South Dakota. Titanotherium proutii (Owen, Norw., and Evans). Owen, Norwood, and Evans 1850 A, p. 66. (Palseo- therium?.) Ami, H. M. 1891 A. (Menodus americanus, M. proutii.) Cope, E. D. 1874 K. 71887 N, p. 1063, pi. xxxii. (Menodus gi- ganteus.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. Leidy, J. 1850 C, p. 122. (Palseotherium.) 1851 A. (Palseotherium.) 1852 A, p. 2. (Rhinoceros americanus.) 1852 J, p. 551, pi. ix, figs. 3, 3a?; pi. xii 6, figs. 3, 4, 6 (Palseotherium proutii); ex- plan, pi. xii b (P. maximum). 1852 L, p. 64. (Palseotherium.) 1853 D; p. 392. (T. proutii; Eotherium americanum.) 1854 A, pp. 72, 114, pi. xvi; pi. xvii, figs. 1-10 (T. proutii); pp. 78, 114, pi. xvii, figs. 11-13 (Palseotherium giganteum). 1854 E, p. 157. 1856 H, p. 92. 1869 A, pp. 206, 389, pi. xxiv. (T. prouti.) 1871 C, p. 354. 1874 B. 1874 C. Marsh, O. C. 1870 D. 1873 H, p. 486. 1874 A, p. 81. 1874 H, p. 486. (T. prouti.) 1876 C, p. 138. Osborn, H. F. 18% B, p. 158. (T. proutii, T. maxi- mum, T. americanum.) Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 34, fig. 2. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 311. (Palseotherium.) Prout, H. A. 1846 A, fig. 1. (" Palseotherium.") 1847 A, figs. 1, 2. (Paleeotherium?) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 194. (T. proutii, T. ameri- canum. ) Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 163. Trouessart, . L. 1898 A, p. 741. (T. proutii, T. americanum.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 637 Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 305, fig. 246. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota?. References of specimens to this species by writers since the original description may or may not be correct. More than one species may be included. Titanotherium trigonoceras (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 13. (Symborodon.) 1874 B, p. 488. (Symborodon. ) 1874 G, pp. 89, 90. (Symborodon trigono- ceros.) 1874 P, p. 28. (Symborodon.) 1874 Q, p. 2. (Symborodon.) 1887 L, p. 926. (Menops varians=Menodus trigonoceras.) Cope, E. D. 1887 N, p. 1065, figs. 29, 30, 31?. (Sym- borodon.) 1889-C, p. 259, fig. 81. (Symborodon,) 1891 A, p. 9. (Symborodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1887 B, p. 328, fig. 9; not fig. 10. (Me- nops varians. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 58. Osborn, H. F. 1896 B, p. 180, pi. iii, text figs. 501 and 6355 on p. 167; not text figs. 5, 6 (T. trigono- ceras) ; p. 189, pi. iii (T. varians). Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 158. (Syn. of Meno- dus coloradensis. ) Trouessart, K. L. 1898 A, p. 741. (T. trigonoceras. ) Oligocene (White River); Colorado, South Dakota. SYMBORODON Cope. Type 8. torvus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 S, p. 2. 1873 DD. 1874 A, p. 108. 1874 B, p. 480. 1874 G, p. 90. 1874 K, p. 224. 1881 G, p. 397. 1884 O, p. 713. 1887 L, p. 926. 1887 N, p. 1063. 1887 S. 1889 C. 1891 A, p. 9. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 327. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 413. (Syn. of Titanotherium. ) Leidy, J. 1874 B. (Syn. of Titanotherium.) Marsh, O. C. 1874 A, p. 81. (Syn. of Brontothe- rium. ) 1875 B, p. 246. (Anisacodon, type A. mon- tanus.) 1876 C, p. 338 (Megacerops, part; Brontothe- rium, part); p. 339 (Diconodon, to replace Anisacodon Marsh, 1875; preoccupied by Marsh, 1872). Nicholson and Lydekker 1898 A, p. 1374. (Syn.? of Titanotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 513. (Titanotherium, in part.) 1896 B. (Titanotherium, in part.) Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 157. (Syn.? of Meno- dus.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 778. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 740. (Syn. of Titano therium.) Symborodon acer Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 S. p. 4. (Megaceratops.) 1873 CC, p. 12 (S. altirostris); p. 13 (S. acer). 1873 DD. (S. acer, S. altirostris.) 1874 A, p. 109. 1874 B, p. 486, pis. v, vi; pi. viii, fig. 1 (S. altirostris); p. 488, pi. vii; pi. viii, fig. 3 (S. acer). 1874 G, p. 89. (S. acer, S. altirostris.) 1887 N, p. 1064, fig. 28; pi. xxxiv, fig. 3 (S. acer) ; pi. xxxiii, fig. a; pi, xxxiv, fig. 1 (S. altirostris). Cope, E. D. 1891 A, p. 9. (S. acer, S. altirostris.) Hatcher, J. B. 1893 B, p. 219, fig. 1. (Titanothe- rium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 58. (Titanotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1896 B, pp. 178, 179, pi. iv, and text figs. 3 A, 4. (Titanotherium. ) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 195. (Titanotherium acer, T. altirostris.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 743. Oligocene (White River) ; Colorado, Nebras- ka, South Dakota, Canada. Symborodon moiitanus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1875 B, p. 246. (Anisacodon.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 412. (Diconodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1876 C, p. 339. (Diconodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 58. (Titanotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1896 B, p. 183. (Titanotherium.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 195. (Titanotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 742. (Titanotherium.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Symborodon torvus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 S, p. 2. (S. torrus, errore typog.) 1873 CC, p. 14. 1874 A, p. 108. 1874 B, p. 485, pi. ii, fig. 1; pis. iii, iv; pi. vii!, fig. 2. (S. bucco.) 1874 G. 1887 N, p. 1063, pi. xxxiii, fig. 6; pi. xxxiv, fig. 2. (S. bucco.) 1891 A, pp. 9, 11. (S. bucco, S. proutii.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 58. (Titanotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 18% B, p. 176, pi. iii; not text figs. 2, 3 (Titanotherium torvum); pp. 167, figure; p. 179, pi. iii (T. bucco). 1898 Q, p. 9. (Menodus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 195. (Titanotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 742. (Syn. of Titano- therium bucco. ) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 331, fig. 190. (Menodus.) Oligocene (White River); Colorado, South Dakota, Nebraska. 638 FOSSIL VEETEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. TELEODUS Marsh. Type T. avus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1890 D, p. 524. Hatcher, J. B. 1893 B, p. 217. Osborn, H. F. 1896 B, p. 175 (Syn.?of Diplacodon); p. 194 (Syn.? of Titanotherium). Zittel, K. A, 1893 B, pp. 304, 308. (Syn. of Titano- therium.) Teleodus avus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1890 D, p. 524. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 57. (Titanotherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1896 B, p. 194. (Titanotherium avum.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 194. (Titanotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 740. (Diplacodon.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. GUI, T. 1872 B, pp. 12, 85, 87. SuperfamUy RHINOCEROTOIDEA. | Osborn, H. F. 1898 I, pp. 79, ! HYKACODONTID.E. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 20. Cope, E. D. 1879 C, p. 228. 1879 V, p. 771 a. 1881 G, pp. 378, 393. 1884 O, pp. 615, 691. 1887 K. 1887 N. Osborn, H. F. 1893 D, p. 37. 1898 I, pp. 79, 80, 94. Osborn, H. F. 1893 D, p. 40. 1898 I, p. 85. Osborn, H. F. 1900 C, p. 570. Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 367. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 185. Scott and Osborn 1883 A, p. 17. ("Hyracodon series.") Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 772. ( Hyra- codon tinse.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 744. (Hyracodontinse.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 284. (Subfamily.) HYRACHYINJE. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 93. HYRACHYUS Leidy. Type H. agrarius Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 K, p. 229. Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 24. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 594. 1873 H. 1881 G, p. 381. 1883 II, p. 969. 1884 O, pp. 618, 657. 1887 N, p. 994. 1889 C. Earle, C. 1892 C, p. 329. Filhol, H. 1885 A. 1888 A, p. 180. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 327. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 373. Gaudry, A. 1877 A. 1878 B, p. 65. 1897 A, p. 320. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 357. 1872 B, p. 360. 1872 C, p. 19. 1873 B, pp. 59, 327. Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 244 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1355. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 505. 1898 I, p. 87, fig. 5. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 49. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 129. Pavlow, M. 1888 A, p. 177. 1892 A. Riitimeyer, L. 1891 A, p. 28. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 23. Scott, W. B. 1883 A, p. 49. 1896 B. Scott and Osborn 1883 A, p. 11. 1887 A, p. 261. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 771. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 744. Wortman and Earle 1893 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 284. Hyrachyus affinis (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1871 D, p. 37. ( Lophiodon. ) Leidy, J. 1872 B. p. 362. Lophiodon.) 1872 C, p. 20. (Lophiodon.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. This species is referred to the genus Hyra- chyus with doubt. Hyrachyus agrarius Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 K, p. 229. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 605. 1873 U, p. 6. (H. implicatus, specimen 1.) 1884 O, pp. 660, 675. 1887 N, p. 997, pi. xxxi, text fig. 10. (H. agrestis.) 1889 C, p. 257, fig. 80. (H. agrestis.) ' King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. (H. agrarius, H. bairdi- anus. ) Leidy, J. 1871 B, p. 373. 1871 C, p. 357. (H. agrarius, H. agrestis.) 1871 K, p. 229. HAY. CATALOGUE. 639 Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 361. 1872 C, p. 19. 1873 B, pp. 60, 327, pi. ii, figs. 11, 12; pi. iv, figs. 9-18; pi. xx, figs. 25, 26. Marsh, O. C. 1871 D, p. 36. (Lophiodon bairdi- anus.) 1884 F, p. 64, fig. 71. ( H. bairdianus. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 46. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 505. 1892 B, p. 764. 1898 I, p. 81, fig. 1; p. 88, fig. 6; p. 89, fig. 8; p. 128, fig. 33. 1898 Q, p. 9. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 49. Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 367, figs. 9-11. Pavlow, M. 1892 A. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 185. Trouessart. E. L. 1898 A, p. 744. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming, Utah. Hyrachyus eximius Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 K, p. 229. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 595. 1873 H, p. 213. 1884 O, pp. 660, 662, pi. xxiiio, fig. 1; pi. liii, fig. 3; pis. liv. Iv, Iva; pi. Iviiia, figs. 5, 6. Leidy, J. 1871 B, p. 373. 1872 B, p. 361. 1873 B, pp. 66, 327, pi. iv, figs. 19, 20; pi. xix, fig. 5; pi. xxvi, figs. 9, 10. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 46. Osborn, H. F. 1892 I, p. 764. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, pp. 49, 52. Pavlow, M. 1892 A, p. 171. Roger, 0, 1896 A, p. 185. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 744. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 284, figs. 224, 226. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Hyrachyus imperialis Osb., Scott, and Speir. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 50. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 660. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 46. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 744. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Hyrachyus implicatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 U, p. 5, specimen 2. 1873 E, p. 604. 1884 O, pp. 660, 675, 676, pi. Iviii, figs. 6, 7 (H. implicatus) ; p. 660 (H. intermedius). Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 46. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 51 (H. impli- catus); p. 52 (H. intermedius, not of Filhol); p. 52 (H. crassidens). Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 185. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 744. (H. implicatus, H. intermedius.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Hyrachyus modestus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 O, p. 109. (Lophiodon.) Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 660. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 357. (Lophiodon.) 1872 B, p. 361. 1872 C, p. 20. 1873 B, pp. 67, 367, pi. ii, figs. 11, 13. Matthew, W, D. 1899 A, p. 46. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 185. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 744. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Hyrachyus paradoxus Osb., Scott, and Speir. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, pp. 53, 135. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 46. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Hyrachyus princeps Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 G, p. 125. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 595. 1873 U, p. 6. 1884 O, pp. 660, 661, pi. Hi, fig. 4 Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 46. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 185. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 744. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. COLONOCERAS Marsh. Type C. agrestis Marsh. Marsh. 0. C. 1873 H, p. 407. Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 25. Cope, E. D. 1879 C, p. 233. 1881 G, p. 381. 1884 O, p. 618. 1887 N, p. 994. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. 1884 F, fig. 10. 1897 D, p. 166. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1356. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 505. Scott, W. B. 1883 A, p. 53. Scott and Osborn 1883 A, p. 20. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 285. Colonoceras agrestis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1873 H, p. 407. 1897 D, p. 167, fig. 2. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 46. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 185. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 746. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. TRIPLOPODIN^E. Cope, E. D. 1881 G, pp. 378, 382. (Triplopodidse.) 18810. (Triplopodidse.) 1884 O, p. 615. (Triplopidse.) J887 N, pp. 992, 993. (Triplopodidee.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1356. (Triplo- podidse.) Osborn, H. F. 1898 I, p. 85. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 93. 640 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. TRIPLOPUS Cope. Type T. cubitalis Cope. Cope, E. D, 1880 I. 1880 M. 1881 G, p. 382. 1884 O, p. 678. 1890 C, p. 472. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 1355, 1356. ( Frothy racodon.) Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 524. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 23. Scott, W. B. 1883 A, p. 53. Scott and Osborn 1883 A, p. 12. 1887 A, p. 260. (Prothyracodon, type P. in- termedium=T. obliquidens.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 285. Triplopus amarorum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 G, p. 389. 1884 0, pp. 660, 687, pi. Iv, figs. 6-9; pi. Iviii, fig. 2. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 46. Osborn, H. F. 1897 A, p. 57. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 185. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 745. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Triplopus cubitalis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 I. 1881 G, p. 383. 1884 O, p. 687, pis. Ivo, figs. 10-12; pl.lvia. 1887 N, p. 999, fig. 13. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 46. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 528. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 185. Scott, W. B. 1896 B, p. 367. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A. p. 745. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Triplopus obliquidens (Scott and Osb. ) . Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 259. (Hyrachyus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 525, pi. xi, figs. 6-10. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 185. Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 260. (Prothyracodon intermedium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 745. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming: (Uinta); Utah. ANCHISODON Cope. Type A. quadriplicatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 L, p. 270. 1879 C, p. 233. Scott, W. B. 1883 A, p. 50. Anchisodon quadriplicatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 S, p. 1. (Hyracodon.) Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 32. ( Accra therium.) Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 14. (Hyracodon.) 1874 B, p. 495. (Aceratherium.) 1879 C, p. 234. % 1879 L. Mattiiew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 57. (Aceratherium.) Roger, B. 18% A, p. 185. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 745 (Anchisodon); p. 749 (Aceratherium). Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Anchisodon tubifer Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 L, p. 270. 1879 C, p. 234. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 185. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 745. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. (Aceratherium.) HYRACODONTIN^E. Branco, W, 1897 A, p. 20. (Hyracodontidae.) Osborn, H. F. 1898 I, p. 85. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 93. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 772. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 744. HYRACODON Leidy. Type H. nebraskensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 H, p. 91. Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 22. Cope, E. D. 1879 C, p. 234. 1879 V, pp. 771a, 77ld. 1884 O, p. 691. 1887 L, p. 925. Dawkins, W. B. 1870 A. Flower, W. H. 1876 C, p. 107. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 412. Gaudry, A. 1877 A. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 232. 1871 C, p. 356. Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 158. Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 244. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1356. Osborn, H. F., in Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 1890 D, p. 511. Pavlow, M. 1892 A. Scott, W. B. 1896 B. 1897 B. Scott and Osborn, 1883 A, pp. 10, 17. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 334. Wortman, J. L. 1893 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 285. Hyracodon arcidens Cope Cope, E. D. 1873 S, p. 2. Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 24. Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 14. 1874 B, p. 493. 1879 C, p. 234. Matthew, W, D. 1899 A, p. 57. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 186. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 171. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 746. Oligocene (White River) ; Colorado. CATALOGUE. 641 Hyracodon major Scott and Osb. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 170. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 57. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 186. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 746. Oligocene (White River) . Locality unknown. Hyracodon nebraskensis Leis. . Leidy, J. 1850 C, p. 121. (Rhinoceros.) Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 23. Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 14. 1874 B, p. 493. 1879 C, p. 234. 1886 U, p. 83. [Aceratherium (Csenopus) pumilum, in part.] 1887 N, p. 1003, fig. 17. 1889 I, p. 154. (Aceratherium pumilum, in part.) 1891 A, p. 19, pi. iv, fig. 4. (Aceratherium pumilum.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. (Rhinoceros.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 412. (Rhinoceros.) Kowalevsky, W. 1873 A, p. 138. Leidy, J. 1851 1, p. 331. (Aceratherium.) 1852, J, p. 556, pis. xii A, fig. 6; pi. xxil B, fig. 5. (Rhinoceros.) 1852 L, p. 63. (Rhinoceros.) Leidy, J. 1854 A, pp. 86, 114, pis. xiv, xv. (Rhin- oceros.) 1854 E, p. 157. (Aceratherium.) 1856 H, p. 92. 1865 B, p. 176. 1869 A, p. 391. 1871 C, p. 357. Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 159. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 57. Osborn, H. F. 1896 C, pp. 711, 714, illus. 7. 1898 I, pp. 82, 93, figs. 2, 11. 1898 Q, p. 18. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 187. Scott, W. B. 18% B, pis. i-iii. Scott and Osborn, 1887 B, p. 169. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 746. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 286, fig. 226. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Colo- rado, Nebraska. The name of this species is commonly spelled nebrascensis. The original form is here given. Hyracodon? planiceps Scott and Osb. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 170. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 57. Trouessart, E .L. 1898 A, p. 746. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota?. AMYNODONTID.E. Scott and Osborn 1883 A, pp. 4, 12. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 21. (Amynodontinse.) Cope, E. D. 1883 II, p. 969. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1365. (Amy- nodontinse.) Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 50. (Amynodontidee, Amynodontinse. ) 1895 A, p. 95. Osborn, H. F. 1898 A, pp. 79, 80. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 93. (Amynodon- tidse, Amynodontinse.) 1894 A, p. 208. Pavlow, M. 1893 A, p. 41. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 164. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 286. AMYNODON Marsh. Type Diceratherium advenum Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 251. Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, pp. 15, 25. Cope, E. D. 1879 V, p. 771/. 1882 II, p. 926. (Orthocynodon.) 1883 II, p. %9. (Orthocynodon.) 1887 K. 1890 C, p. 472. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 412. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. 1893 D, p. 409. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1365. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, pp. 506, 551 (Amynodon); p. 508 (Orthocynodon, as subgenus). 1892 B, p. 764. Pavlow, M. 1892 A, p. 172. (Amynodon, Ortho- cynodon.) Scott and Osborn 1882 A, p. 223 (Amynodon); p. 223 (Orthocynodon. typeO. antiquus). 1883 A. (Orthocynodon, Amynodon.) 1884 A. (Orthocynodon.) 1887 A. p. 261. 1887 B, p. 164. Zittel, K. A, 1893 B, p. 286. Bull. 179 41 Amynodon advenus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1875 B, p. 244. (Diceratherium.) Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 32. (Diceratherium.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 407. L. P. B. 1885 A, p. 191, fig. 25. Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 252. 1884 F, fig. 72. 1885 B, fig. 106. 1897 D, p. 167, fig. 3. (Diceratherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 508. [A. (Orthocynodon).] Pavlow, M. 1892 A, p. 172. (Orthocynodon.) Roger, O. 18% A, p, 186. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 431. Scott and Osborn 1882 A, p. 224. (Orthocynodon. ) 1887 A, p. 262. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 746. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. Amynodon antiquus (Scott and Osb.). Scott and Osbom 1883 A, p. 4, pi. i; text fig. 1. (Or- thocynodon.) Matthew, W. I). 1899 A, p. 46. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 508. [A. (Orthocynodon).] 642 FOSSIL VEKTEBRATA OF NOKTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Pavlow, M. 1893 A, p. 37. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 186. Tronessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 746. Eocene (Bridger): Wyoming. Amynodon intermedius Osb. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 508, pi. x, fig. 10. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, p. 95. Pavlow, M. 1893 A, p. 37, pi. iii. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 186. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 746. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 287, fig. 227. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. METAMYNODON Scott and Osb. Type M. planifrons Scott and Osb. Seott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 165. Cope, E. D. 1887 K. 1887 N. 1890 C, p. 472. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 412. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1365. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 507. 1893 D, p. 40. Pavlow, M. 1893 A, p. 41. Wortman, J. L. 1893 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 287. Metamynodon planifrons Scott and Osb. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 165, figs. 7-9. Cope, E. D. 1887 N, p. 1001, figs. 15, 16. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 57. Osborn, H. F. 1896 C, pp. 705, 710, illus. 6. 1898 I, p. 83, fig. 3; p. 91, fig. 10; p. 93, fig. 12. 1898 Q, p. 9. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 209. 1895 A, p. 373, pis. x, xi. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 186. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. RHINOCEROTID^E. By some authors the spelling Bhinoceridn employed. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iii, x, pis. i-xiv. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 20 Brandt, J. F. 1849 B. 1878 A. Cope, E. D. 1879 C. 1879 V. 1881 G, pp. 378, 393. 1881 O. 1884 O, pp. 615, 691. 1887 K. (Csenopidse.) 1897 N. (Rhinocerotidse, Csenopidae.) Cuvier, G. 1834 A, iii, pp. 1-192, with plates. Falconer, H. 1868 A, p, 309. Flower, W. H. 1876 A. 1876 B, xiii, p. 328. 1883 D, p. 428. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 402. Gray, J. E. 1867 B. 1869 A. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 307. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 219. 1871 C, p. 356. Lydekker, R. 1881 A. 1886 A, p. 90. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1364. Osborn, H. F., in Scott and Osboru 1890 B, p. 1898 I, pp. 79, 80, 94, 95. 1900 E, p. 885. 1900 H. Owen, R. 1846 B, p. 587. 1866 B, p. 450. 1868 A, p. 356. Pavlow, M. 1887 A, p. 353. 1888 A, p. 173. 1892 A. Roger, O. 1889 A. 1896 A, p. 186. Schlosser, M. 1886 A, p. 263. 1886 B, p. 22. 1890 C. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 432. Scott and Osborn 1884 A. Slade, D. D. 1893 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 772. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 743. Weyhe, 1875 A, p. 121. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 332. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 281. DICERATHERIIN^S. Osborn, H. F. 1898 I, p. 121. 1900 E, p. 885. 1900 H, p. 232. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 93. Scott and Osborii 1883 A, p. 20. (" Diceratherium series.") TRIGONIAS Lucas. Type T. osborni Lucas. Lucas, F. A. 1900 D, p. 221. Osborn, H. F. 1900 H, p. 233. Trigonias osborni Lucas. Lucas, F. A. 1900 D, p. 221, figs. 1, 2. Osborn, H. F. 1900 D, p. 767, flg. 1. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. HAY.] CATALOGUE. LEPTACERATHERIUM Osb. Type Aceratherium trigonodum Osb. and Wort. Osborn, H. F. 1898 I, p. 182. Leptaceratherium trigonodum (Osb. and Wort.). Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 201, pi. i, fig. A; text fig. 1. (Aceratherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 57. Osborn, H. F. 1898 I, pp. 113, 115, 132, pi. xii; pi. xiii, fig. 1; pi. xix, fig. 27; text figs. 25, 26,35,44. Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 373. (Acerathe- rium.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 188. (Rhinoceros.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 748. (Aceratherium.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. C^NOPUS Cope. Type Aceratherium mite Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 M, p. 610. 1881 G, p. 393. 1884 O, p. 691. 1887 K. Osborn, H. F. 1900 E, p. 233. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 289,291. (Syn. of Acera- therium.) Csenopus copei Osb. Osfconi, H. F. 1898 I, pp. 113, 128, 131, 146, pi. xv; text figs. 25, 33, 34, 44. (Aceratherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 57. (Aceratherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1900 H, p. 236. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 203, pi. ii, fig. B; text fig. 2, B. (Aceratherium mite, not of Cope.) 1895 A, p. 371. (No name.) Trouessart, E. I,. 1899 A, p. 1346. (Aceratherium.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Caenopus mitis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 493. (Aceratherium.) Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 30. (Aceratherium.) Cope, E. D. 1879 C, p. 235. (Aceratherium.) 1879 P, p. 333. (Aceratherium.) 1879 V, p. 771o. (Aceratherium.) 1880 M. (Csenopus.) 1885 H. (Aceratherium.) 1886 U, p. 83. (Aceratherium nute; A. pu mllum, in part.) 1887 K. (Canopus.) 1889 I, p. 164. (Aceratherium mite; A. pu- milum, in part.) 1891 A, p. 19, pi. iv, figs. 2, 3 (Csenopus); p. 19, pi. iv, fig. 4. (C. pumilis.) Lydekker, R. 1881 A, p. 21. (Aceratherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 57. (Aceratherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 C. (Aceratherium.) 1898 I, pp. 89, 136, figs. 8, 36, 37, 39. (Acera- therium.) Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 208. (A. pumilmn. ) 1895 A, p. 371. (Aceratherium.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 187 (Rhinoceros pumilum) ; p. 188 (R. mite). Scott, W. B. 18% B, p. 367. (Aceratherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 748. (Aceratherium mite, A. pumilum.) Wortman, J. L. 1893 A, p. 104. (Aceratherium.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Can- ada. Ceenopus occidentalis (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1851 E, p. 276. (Rhinoceros.) Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 31. (Aceratherium.) Cope, E. D. 1873 CC,.p. 14. (Aceratherium.) 1874 B, p. 495. (Aceratherium.) Cope, E. D. 1879 C, p. 235. (Aceratherium.) 1879 P, p. 333. (Aceratherium.) 1887 N, p. 1000, fig. 14. 1891 A, p. 19. (Aceratherium.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 412. (Aceratherium.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. (Rhinoceros.) Leidy, J. 1850 B, p. 119. (Rhinoceros; no descrip- tion.) . 1851 1, p. 331. (Aceratherium.) 1852 J, p. 552, pi. ix, figs. 1, 2. (Rhinoceros.) 1852 L, p. 64. (Rhinoceros.) 1853 D, p. 392. (Rhinoceros.) 1854 A, pp. 81, 114, pis. xii, xiii. (Rhinoc- eros.) 1854 E, p. 157. (Aceratherium.) 1865 B. (Rhinoceros.) 1869* A, pp. 220, 390, pi. xxi, fig. 34; pi. xxii; pi. xxiii, figs. 1-3. (Rhinoceros, Acera- therium.) 1871 C, p. 356. (Rhinoceros.) Lydekker, R. 1881 A, p. 21. (Aceratherium.) 1886 A, p. 143. (Rhinoceros.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 57. (Aceratherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 C. (Aceratherium.) 1898 I, pp. 90, 109, 128, 131, 134, 150, pi. xiii, figs. 5,6, 7; pi. xvi; pi. xix, fig. 9; text figs. 9, 21, 33, 34, 35. (Aceratherium.) 1900 H, p. 245. (Csenopus.) Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 204, pi. ii, fig. C; text fig. 3, A. (Aceratherium.) 1895 A, p. 373, fig. 12. (Aceratherium.) Pavlow, M. 1892 A. (Aceratherium.) Pohlig, H. 1893 A, p. 41, pi. iii. (Aceratherium.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 188. (Rhinoceros.) Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 169. (Aceratherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 747. (Aceratherium.) Oligocene (White Biver); South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Canada. Caenopus simplicidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1891 D, p. 48. (Caenopus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 57. (Aceratherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1898 I, p. 145, fig. 43. (Acerathe- rium.) Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, 209. (Aceratherium.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 188. (Rhinoceros.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 748. (Aceratherium.) Oligocene (White River) ; Nebraska. Ceenopus tridactylus Osb. Osborn, H. F. 1893 C. (Aceratherium.) Hatcher, J. B. 1894 B. (Diceratherium proavi- tum.) 1897 A. (Diceratherium proavitum and Aceratherium tridactylum. ) 644 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 57. (Aceratherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 E, p. 55. (Aceratherium.) 1898 I, pp. 84, 94, 109, 116, 128, 131, 134, 158, pi. xiii, fig. 8; pi. xvii; pi. xix, fig. 30; pi. xx, text figs. 4, 13, 21, 26, 33 34, 35 48, 49- (Aceratherium.) 1898 Q, pp. 13, 15. (AceratHerium.) 1900 H, p. 245. (Camopus.) Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 206, pi. ii, fig.E; pi. iii (Aceratherium tridactylum); p. 208 (Di- ceratherium proavitum) . Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 373. (Acerathe- rium.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 189. (Rhinoceros proavitum.) Scott, W. B. 1896 B, p. 381. (Aceratherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 748 (Aceratherium tridactytum); p. 752 (Diceratherium proavi- tum). Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, North Dakota. DICERATHERIUM Marsh. Type D. armatum Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1875 B, p. 242. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 21. Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 32. Cope, E. D. 1879 C, p. 233. 1879 V, pp. 7716, 771ft. 1881 G, p. 393. 1884 O, p. 692. 1887 N, p. 1004. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 327. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 411. Hatcher, J. B. 1894 B. Lydekker, R. 1886 A. p. 91. (Syn. of Rhinoceros.) Marsh, O. C. 1876 G, p. 60. 1877 E. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 22. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1368. Osborn, H. F. 1898 I. 1900 H, p. 232. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 24. Scott and Osborn 1883 A, p. 21. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 335. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 292. Diceratherium annectens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1873 H, p. 409. (Rhinoceros.) Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 4. (Rhinoceros.) Marsh, O. C. in King, C. 1878 A, p. 424. (Dicera- therium. ) Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 328. (Rhinoceros.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. (Aceratherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 748. (Aceratherium.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Diceratherium armatum Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1875 B, p. 242. Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 32. King, C. 1878 A, p. 424. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 189. (Rhinoceros.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 752. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Diceratherium hesperium (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1865 B, p. 177. (Rhinoceros.) Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 40. (Rhinoceros.) Cope, E. D. 1879 p. 333. (Syn.? of A. pacificum.) Dana, J. D. 1879 A, p. 233. (Rhinoceros.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 230, 390, pi. xxiii, figs. 11, 12. (Rhinoceros.) 1870 P, p. 112. (Rhinoceros.) 1871 C, p. 356. (Rhinoceros.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 220, 328, pi. ii, figs. 8, 9. (Rhi- noceros hesperius?.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 189. (Rhinoceros.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 751. (Aphelops.) Whitney, J. D. 1879 A, p. 243. (Rhinoceros.) Miocene; California: (John Day); Oregon?. Diceratherium nanum Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1875 B, p. 243. Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 32. King, C. 1878 A, p. 424. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 189. (Rhinoceros.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 752. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Diceratherium oregonense (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1873 H, p. 410. (Rhinoceros.) Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 41. (Rhinoceros.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 328. (Rhinoceros.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 71. (Aceratherium.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 189. (Rhinoceros.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 751. (Aphelops.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Oregon. Diceratherium pacificum (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1871 M, p. 248. (Rhinoceros.) Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 41. (Rhinoceros.) Cope, E. D. 1879 B, pp. 58, 235. 1879 C, p. 229. 1879 P, p. 333. (Aphelops.) 1879 V, p. 771c. (Diceratherium.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 424 (Rhinoceros.) Leidy, J. 1870 P, p. 112. (Rhinoceros occidentalis.) 1873 B, pp. 221, 328, pi. ii, figs. 6, 7; pi. vii, figs. 24, 25. (Rhinoceros.) Lydekker, R. 1881 A, p. 21. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 188. (Rhinoceros.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 748. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Diceratherium truquianum (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 P, p. 333. (Aceratherium.) 1879 C, pp. 229, 335. (Aceratherium. ) Lydekker, R. 1881 A, p. 21. (Aceratherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. (Aceratherium.) Roger, 0, 1896 A, p. 188. (Rhinoceros.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 748. (A. trucquianum.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. CATALOGUE. 645 ELASMOTHERIINyE. Bonaparte, C. L. 1851, Conspect. Syst. Mastozool., pp. 472-479. (Elasmotheriina.) Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 12, 88. (Elasmotheriidse. ) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 93. (Acerathe- riinse.) Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 371. (Acerathe- riinse. ) Osborn, H. F. 1898 I, p. 121. (Aceratheriiiue.) 1900 H, p. 240. (Aceratheriinse.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 296 ACEKATHERIUM Kaup. Type Rhinoceros incisivus Cuv. Kaup, P. 1832 B, p. 904. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 21. Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, pp. 11, 37. Bronn, H. G. 1838 A, p. 1213, pi. xlvi, fig. 2. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 493. 1879 C, pp. 229, 235. 1879 P, p. 333. 1879 V, p. 771a. 1881 G, p. 393. 1883 Y. 1884 O, p. 691. (Aceratheriura.) 1887 K. 1887 N, p. 1004. Duvornoy, G. L. 1855 A, p. 51. Filhol, H. 1891 A, p. 201. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 328. Flower and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 411. (Syn. of Rhinoceros.) Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 46. Hatcher, J. B. 1894 C, p. 240. (Aphelops.) Leidy J. 1851 1, p. 331. 1854 A, p. 81. Lydekker, R. 1881 A, p. 9. 1884 B, pp. 2, 8. 1886 A, p. 91. (Syn. of Rhinoceros.) Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Mermier, E. 1896 A, p. 225. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1367. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, pp. 511, 550 ( Accra therium). p. 542 (Aphelops). 1898 C. 1898 E, p. 62. 18981. 1898 P. 1899 A, p. 161, pi. i. 1900 H, p. 241. ( Aceratherium or Aphelops. ) Peters, K. 1870 A. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 296. Pomel, A. 1853 A, p. 76. (Acerotherium.) Schlosser, M. 1886 A, p. 253. 1886 B, p. 24 (Aphelops); p. 25 (Acerathe- rium). Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 431. 1895 C, p. 122. ( Aphelops. ) 18% B. (Aceratherium, Aphelops.) Scott and Osborn 1883 A, p. 10 et seq.; p. 21. ( Acera- therium, Aphelops.) 1887 B, p. 169. 1890 B, p. 89 (Aceratherium) ; p. 92 (Aphe- lops). Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 774. (Acera- therium, Peraceras, Aphelops.) Williston, S. W. 1894 E. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 334. < Aceratherium.) Wortman, J. L. 1893 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 289. Aceratherium platycephalum Osb. and Wort. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 206, pi. ii, E; text figs. 2, E; 3, D. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 57. Osborn, H. F. 1898 I, pp. 115, 116, 128, 130, 134, pi. xiii, fig. 9; pi. xviii; text figs. 26, 27, 33, 35. 1900 H, pp. 240, 243. Osborn and Wortman 1895 A, p. 373. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 188. (Rhinoceros.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 748. Oligocene (White River) ; South Dakota. APHELOPS Cope. Type A. megalodus Cope. Cope, E. D'. 1873 C, p. 1. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 21. (Aphelops, Peraceras.) Brandt, J. F, 1878 A, p. 30. Cope, E. D. 1875 F, p. 71. 1877 K, p. 316. 1879 C, pp. 229, 236. 1879 P; p. 333. 1879 V, p. 771a. 1880 K, p. 540. (Peraceras, type Aphelops superciliosus. ) 1881 G, p. 393. (Aphelops, Peraceras. ) 1884 G, pp. 8, 9. 1884 O, p. 691. (Aphelops, Peraceras.) 1887 N, p. 1004. (Peraceras.) Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 328. Aphelops crassus (Leidy). Leidy. J. 1858 E, p. 28. (Rhinoceros. ) Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 30. (Aceratherium.) Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 521. (Aceratherium.) 1874 P, p. 12. 1877 K, p. 317. 1879 C, p. 237. 1879 V, p. 77y. (Aceratherium.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. (Rhinoceros.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 424. (Diceratherium.) Leidy, J. 1865 B. (Rhinoceros.) 1869 A, pp. 228, 390, pi. xxiii, figs. 4-9. (Rhi- noceros.) 1871 C, p. 356. (Rhinoceros.) Lydekker, R. 1881 A, p. 20. (Aceratherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 71. (Syn.? of Acerathe- rium megalodum.) Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 92. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 188. (Rhinoceros.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 751. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado. 646 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Aphelops jemezanus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 P, p. 260. 1875 F, p. 72. 1877 It, pp. 317, 319, pi. Ixxiii, figs. 3, 4; pi. Ixxiv, fig. 4. Lydekker, R. 1881 A, p. 21. (Aceratherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 72. (Aceratherium.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 189. (Rhinoceros.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 751. Miocene (Loup Fork); New Mexico. Aphelops malacorhinus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 X, p. 488. 1878 H, p. 383. 1879 C, pp. 229, 237. 1879 V, p. 77H, figs. 7, 8. 1880 K, p. 540. (Peraceras.) 1892 AA. (A. malacorhinus, A. longipes.) Leidy, J. 1890 A. (Rhinoceros longipes.) Leidy and Lucas 1896 A, p. 45, pi. x, figs. 11-16; pi. xi, figs. 3, 4, 11: pi. xiii, figs. 6-8; pi. xiv, fig. 2; pi. xvi, figs. 5-10. Lydekker, R. 1881 A, p. 21. (Aceratherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 71. (?Teleoceras.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 189. ( Rhinoceros longipes. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 75. Miocene (Loup Fork); Kansas, Florida. Aphelops? matutinus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1870 F. (Rhinoceros.) 1893 D, p. 411, pi. x, fig. 4. (Rhinoceros.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 188. (Rhinoceros.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 748. (Aceratherium.) Miocene; New Jersey. Aphelops megalodus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 C, p. 1. (Aceratherium; made type of Aphelops.) Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 30. (Aceratherium.) Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 14. 1874 B, p. 520. (Aceratherium.) 1874 P, p. 11. 1875 F, p. 71. 1877 K, p. 317. 1878 X. Cope, E. D. 1879 C, pp. 229, 237. 1879 V, p. 771c, figs. 1, 2, 4, 5. 1881 J, p. 270. 1889 C, p. 189 et seq. Lydekker, R. 1881 A, p. 21. (Aceratherium.) 1886 A, p. 141. (Rhinoceros.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 71. (Aceratherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 C. (Aceratherium.) 1898 C. (Aceratherium.) 1898 I, p. 115, fig. 26. (Aceratherium.) Pavlow, M. 1892 A, p. 176. (Aceratherium.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 188. (Syn. of Rhinoceros crassus. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 751. Zittel, . A. 1893 B, p. 291, fig. 232. ( Rhinoceros. ) Miocene (Loup Fork) ; Colorado. Aphelops meridianus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1865 B, p. 176. (Rhinoceros.) Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 40. (Rhinoceros.) Cope, E. D. 1875 F, p. 71. 1877 K, pp. 316, 317, pi. Ixxiii, figs. 1, 2; pi. Ixxiv, figs. 1-3. 1879 C, pp. 229, 237. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 229, 390, pi. xxiii, fig. 10. (Rhinoceros.) 1871 C, p. 356. (Rhinoceros.) Lydekker, R. 1881 A, p. 21. (Aceratherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 71. (Syn.? of A. mala- corhinus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 189. (Rhinoceros.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 751. Miocene (Loup Fork); Texas, New Mexico. Aphelops profectus (Matth.). Mattheiv, W. D. 1899 A, p. 71. (Aceratherium.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Colorado. Aphelops superciliosus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1880 K, p. 540. (Peraceras.) 1887 N, p. 1004, fig. 18. (Peraceras.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 71. (Teleoceras.) Osborn, H. F. 1898 I, p. 106, fig. 18; p. 109, fig. 21. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 189. (Rhinoceros.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 751. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. TELEOCERATIN^E. Osborn, H. F. 1900 H, p. 249. (Brachypodinse.) | TELEOCERAS Hatcher. Type T. major Hatcher. Hatcher, J. B. 1894 A. 1894 C, p. 241. Osborn, H. F. 1898 E, p. 51. 1898 I, p. 98. (Syn. of Aceratherium.) 1900 H. Teleoceras fossiger (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 382. (Aphelops.) 1878 X. (Aphelops.) 1879 C, pp. 229, 237. (Aphelops.) 1879 V, p. 771e, figs. 3, 6. (Aphelops.) 1880 E, p. 141. (Aphelops.) 1883 R. (Aphelops.) 1884 G, p. 8. (Aphelops.) Cope, E. D. 1884 J, p. 309. (Aphelops.) 1884 Q. (Aphelops.) 1887 N, p. 1006, fig. 22. (Aphelops.) 1892 AA. (Aphelops proterus.) 1893 A, p. 20. (Aphelops.) Hatcher, J. B. 1894 A. (Teleoceras major.) 1894 C, p. 241, pi. i, fig. 1; pi. ii, figs. 2, 6 (Teleoceras major); pi. ii, figs. 3, 5 (Aphe- lops fossiger). Leidy, J. 1885 A, p. 33. (Rhinoceros proterus Leidy.) 1886 A, figs. 1, 2. (?Eusyodon maximus.) 1887 A. (Rhinoceros proterus.) 1890 A. (Rhinoceros proterus. ) HAY. CATALOGUE. 647 Leidy, J. 1892 A. (Rhinoceros proterus.) Leidy and Lucas 1896 A, p. 41, pis. viii, ix; pi. x, figs. 1-10; pi. xi, figs. 1, 2,5-10; pi. xii, figs. 1-14; pi. xiii, figs. 1-5; pi. xiv, figs. 1-7; pi. xv, figs. 1-8. (Aphelops fossiger, with Rhinoceros pro- terus Leidy a synonym.) Lydekker, R. 1881 A, p. 20. 1884 B, p. 10. Marsh, O. C. 1887 B, p. 325, figs. 3, 4. ( Aceratherium acutum.) 1897 C, pp. 525, 527, fig. 102. (Aceratherium acutum.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 71. Osborn, H. F. 1893 C. 1898 C, fig. 1. (Teleoceras.) Osborn, H.F. 1898 E, pis. iv, iv A. (Teleoceras.) 1898 I, pp. 99, 109, 110, figs. 15, 21, 22. (Acer- atherium.) 1898 Q, p. 12. 1900 H, p. 249. Pavlow, M. 1892 A, p. 176. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 188. (Rhinoceros.) Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 659. (Aphelops.) Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 92, pis. ii, iii, text fig. 15. (Aphelops.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 751. (Aphelops.) Williston, S. W. 1894 E, pi. viii. (Aphelops.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 292, fig. 233. (Aphelops.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Florida. RHINOCEROTIN.E. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 21. Brandt, 1878 A, p. 25. Osborn, H. F. 1898 I, p. 121. (Ceratorhinse.) 1900 H, p. 264. (Ceratorhinse, Rhinoceroti- nse.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 93. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 186. (Rhinocerinae.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 747. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 288. (Rhinocerinse.) Although no species found in North America is here admitted to this subfamily and to the genus Rhinoceros, citations to some of the liter- ature of this subfamily and the genus are given below, since the genus Rhinoceros is the type of this whole group. For additional bibliogra- phy see Osborn 1898 I, pp. 121-125; 1900 H, p. RHINOCEROS Linn. Linnxus C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 56. Brandt, J. F. 184? B. . 1878 A, p. 33. Cope, E. D. 1879 C, p. 229. 1881 G, p. 393. 1884 O, p. 692. 1887 N, p. 1003. 1889 C, p. 258. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, iii, pp. 1-185, with plates. Duvornoy, G. L. 1855 A. Filhol, H. 1891 A, p. 194. Flower, W. H. 1876 A. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 402. Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 44. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 87. Gray, J. E. 1867 B, p. 1008. 1869 A, p. 300. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 307. Kowalevsky, W. 1873 A, pp. 219, 222. Leidy, J. 1854 A, pp. 79, 114. 1871 C, p. 356. Lydekker, R. 1881 A. 1886 A, p. 91. Meyer, H. 1864 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1368. Osborn, H. F. 1898 E, p. 52. 1898 I. Owen, R. 1844 A, p. 220. 1845 B, p. 587. 1846 A, p. 325. Pavlow, M. 1888 A, p. 173. Peters, K. 1870 A. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 186. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 752. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 293. alleghaniensis Feath- erst. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. 1831 A, pi. i. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, Rhinoceros, p. 172. (Rhinoceros.) Giebel, C. G. 1847 A, p. 185. Harlan, R. 1834 B, p. 62. 1835 B, p. 268. Leidy, J. 1854 A, pp. 10, 79. 1869 A, p. 444. The subject of the above references is now generally conceded to be merely a worn piece of sandstone. Suborder ARTIODACTYLA Owen. Owen, R. 1848 A, p. 131. Baur, G. 1884 F. Brauco, W. 1897 A, p. 22. Burmeister, H. 1867 A, p. 236. (Paridigitata.) Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 562. 1873 F, p. 39. 1874 M. 1880 B, p. 458. Cope, E. D. 1881 1, p. 269. 1881J. 1882 A. 1882 Y. 1883 D. (Diplarthra, part.) 1884 C. 1884 H. 1884 O, pp. 379, 716. 648 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. 1884 DI>. 1885 B. 1886 C, p. 615. 1887 B. 1887 N, p. 985. 1887 S. 1888 K, p. 163. (Diplarthra, part.) 1889 C, p. 148 el seq. 1891 N, p. 84. (Diplarthra, part.) 1898 B, p. 125. (Diplarthra, part.) Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 15. Earle, C. 1893 B. Flower, W. H. 1873 A. 1874 A. 1876 B, xiii, p. 327. 1883 A. 1883 D, p. 428. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 275. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 48. Gegenbaur, C. 1898 A. Gill, T. 1872 A, p. 298. 1872 B, pp. 8, 71. Gill and Coues 1877 A, p. 1020. Gruber, W. 1859 A. (Multungulata.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 549. Hay, 0. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Huxley, T. H. 1870 A, p. 440. 1872 A, p. 312. Kowalevsky, W. 1874 A. Leuthardt, F. 1891 A, p. 121. (Paraxonia.) Lydekker, R. 1885 C. 1885 E, p. 469. (Diplarthra, part.) 1896 B. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. 1884 F, p. 177. (Clinodactyla, Paraxonia.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1313. Osborn, H. F. 1893 A, p. 379 et sefj. 1900 C, p. 568. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 527. (" Anisodactyle ungu- lates.") 1857 A. 1866 B, p. 457. 1868 A, p. 343. Paulli, S. 1900 A, p. 193. Pavlow, M. 1900 A. Pomel, A. 1848 B, p. 326. (" Artiodactyles.") Rose, C. 1896 A. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 198. Riitimeyer, L. 1865 A. (Ungulata paridigitata.) 1888 A. (Diplarthra, part.) Schmidt, 0. 1886 A, p. 137. Schlosser, M. 1885 A, p. 684. 1890 C. 1890 D. 1892 A. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 43R. Slade, D. D. 1893 A. Steinmann and Db'derlein 1890 A, p. 784. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 392. Tornier, G. 1888 A. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Weber, M. 1886 A, p. 226. Weyhe, . 1875 A, p. 118. Wiedersheim, R. 1881 A. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 338. Wortman, J. L. 1883 A, p. 706. 18So A, p. 297. (Diplarthra, part.) 1893 B, p. 208. (Diplarthra, part.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 315, 727. Superfamily PANTOLESTOIDEA Cope. Cope, E. D. 1887 B, p. 378. | Cope, E. D. 1898 B, p. 130. (Trigonolestoidea.) PANTOLESTID.E. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 719. 1886 C, p. 615. 1887 B, p. 378. 1888 X, p. 1079. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 554. (Pantolestida. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 34, 48. (Homacodon- tidae, part.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 198. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 780. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 324. PANTOLESTES Cope. Type P. longicaudus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 N, p. 466. Ameghino, F. 1896 A, p. 444. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, pp. 13, 15. 1875 L, p. 21. 1877 K, pp. 134, 145. 1882 E, p. 149. 1883 M, p. 547. 1884 H, pp. 21, 25. 1884 O, pp. 215, 717. 1885 B. 1886 C, p. 617. Marsh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 263. (Homacodon, in part. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 48. Osborn, H. F. 1893 D, p. 42. Pavlow, M. 1900 A, p. 59. Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 486. 1891 A, pp. 9, 45, 66. 1892 A, p. 433. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 39. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 800. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, pp. 101, 135. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 324. In many of the papers here cited this genus includes species which are here assigned to Trigonolestfs. The systematic position of Pan- tolestes lonyicaudus is in doubt. CATALOGUE. 649 Pantolestes longicaudus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 N, p. 467. 1873 E, p. 549. (Notharctus.) 1873 U, p. 3. (Notharctus.) 1882 E, p. 150. 1883 W, p. 191. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, pp. 717, 725, pi. xxiv, figs. 13-17. 1886 C, p. 617. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 48. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 198. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 800. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. TRIGONOLESTES Cope. Type Paniolestes brachystvmus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1894 E, p. 868. Ameghino, F. 1896 A, p. 444. Cope, E. D. 1897 B. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 34. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 70. Scott, W. B. 1899 A, pp. 46, 62. Trigonolestes brachystomus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 187. (Mioclsenus.) 1882 K. (Mioclsenus.) 1883 M, p. 547. (Pantolestes.) 1884 O, pp. 718, 721, pi. xxiiid, figs. 16-21. (Pantolestes.) 1886 C, p. 617, fig. 8. ( Pantolestes. ) 1888 X, p. 1086, fig. 2. ( Pantolestes. ) 1894 E, p. 868. (Trigonolestes.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 34. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 198. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 135, pi. v, fig. 19; pi. vi, fig. 29. (Pantolestes.) Scott, W. B. 1891 A, p. 46. (Pantolestes. ) 1892 A, pp. 433, 438, fig. 8. (Pantolestes.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 800. Zittel, K A. 1893 B, p. 325, fig. 262. (Pantolestes.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Trigonolestes chacensis (Cope). Cape, E. D. 1875 C, p. 15. (Pantolestes.) 1877 K, p. 146, pi. xlv, fig. 17. (Pantolestes.) 1882 E, p. 150. (Pantolestes.) 1884 O, pp. 717, 719, pi. xxivd, fig. 5. (Pan- tolestes.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 34. (Trigonolestes. ) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 198. (Pantolestes.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 800. (Pantolestes.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Trigonolestes etsagicus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 189. (Mioclsenus.) Cope, E. D. 1883 M, p. 547. (Pantolestes. ) 1884 O, pp. 717, 724, pi. xxve, fig. 21. (Panto- lestes.) 1886 C, p. 618. (Pantolestes.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 34. (Trigonolestes.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 198. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 800. (Pantolestes.) Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 101, footnote. (Syn.? of Eohyusdistans.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Trigonolestes metsiacus (Cope). - Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 149. (Pantolestes.) 1884 O, pp. 717, 719, pi. xxivd, fig. 6. (Pan- tolestes.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 34. (Trigonolestes.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 199. (Pantolestes.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 800. (Pantolestes.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Trigonolestes nuptus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 150. (Pantolestes.) 1884 O, pp. 718, 720, pi. xxivd, fig. 7. (Pan- tolestes.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. (Trigonolestes.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 199. (Pantolestes.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 800. (Pantolestes.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Trigonolestes secans Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 D, p. 187. (Pantolestes.) 1882 E, p. 150. (Pantolestes. ) 1884 O, pp. 717, 725, pi. xxva, fig. 6. (Pan- tolestes.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 36. (Trigonolestes?.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 199. (Pantolestes.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 800. (Pantolestes.) Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming, Colorado. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 L, p. 263. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 37, 48, part. HOMACODONTID^E. I Scott, W. B. 1899 A, p. 84. HOMACODON Marsh. Type H. vagans Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 G, p. 126. Ameghino, F, 18% A, p. 444. ' Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 608. 1894 E, p. 868. . Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 294. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E, p. 364. 1894 L, p. 263. Pavlow, M, 1900 A, p. 59. Scott, W. B. 1890 A, pp. 485, 486. Scott, W. B. 1891 A, pp. 9, 46. 1898 C, p. 81. 1899 A, pp. 46, 65. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 800. (Syn. of Panto- lestes.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 341. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, pp. 94, 98, 101, 102, 135. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 361. 650 FOSSIL VERTEBEATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Homacodon priscus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 L, p. 261, fig. 3. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 199. (Pantolestes.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 800. (Pantolestes!) Eocene; Wyoming, New Mexico. Homacodon pucillus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 L, p. 261, fig. 4. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 199. (Pantolestes.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 800. (Pantolestes.) Eocene; Wyoming, New Mexico. Homacodon vagans Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 G, p. 126. Cope, E. D. 1894 E, p. 868. King, C. 1878 A, p; 404. Marsh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 262, figs. 5-8. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 48. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 199. (Pantolestes.) Scott, W. B. 1891 A, p. 486. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 800. (Pantolestes.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 A, p. 342, fig. 1%. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. NANOMERYX Marsh. Type JV. caudatua Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 L, p. 263. Nanomeryx caudatus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 L, p. 263, figs. 9, 10. Cope, E. D. 1894 E, p. 868. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 48. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 199. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 801. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. BUNOMEBYX "Wort. Type not indicated; B. elegans, being figured, may be taken. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 97. Scott, W. B. 1899 A, p. 84. Bunomeryx elegans Wort. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 100, fig. 2. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. Trouessart, E. L. 1899 A, p. 1348. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E, p. 364. Cope, E. D. 1892 S, p. 411. Marsh, O. C. 1892 C, p. 352. Bunomeryx montanus Wort. . Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 97. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. Trouessart, E. L. 1899 A, p. 1348. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. HELOHYID^E. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 48. (Homacodontidse, in part. ) Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 485. HELOHYUS Marsh. Type H. plicodon Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 207. Cope, E. D. 1873 D, p. 3. ("Thinotherium," of Marsh.) 1892 S, p. 411. 1894 E, p. 868. (Syn. of Phenacodus.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 208. (Thinotherium, type T. validum; not Thinotherium Cope, 1870.) 1877 E. 1892 C, p. 351. 1894 L, p. 264. Schlosser, M. 1886B, p. 12. (Syn.? of Phenacodus.) Scott, W. B. 1889 C, p. 76. L, pp. 486, 502. J, p. 366. Wilckens, M. 1885 B, p. 303. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 94. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 220. (Thinotherium Marsh.) Helohyus lentus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 D, p. 39. (Elotherium.) Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 365. (Elotherium.) 1873 B, p. 124. (Elotherium.) Marsh, O. C. 1878, in King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. (Helo- hyus.) 1894 L, p. 265, fig. 16. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 48. Roger, O, 18% A, p. 167. (Phenacodus?.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 726. (Phenacodus.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Helohyus plicodon Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 207. 1894 L, p. 264, figs. 11-14, 17. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 48. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 166. (Phenacodus?.) Scott, W. B. 1890 B, pi. xiv, fig. 14. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Helohyus validus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 208. (Thinotherium.) 1894 L, p. 265, fig. 15. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 48. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 166. (Phenacodus?.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Marsh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 260. EOHYID.E. | Cope, E. I). 1894 E, p. 867. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 651 EOHYUS Marsh. Type E. distans Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 L, p. 259. Cope, E. D. 1894 E, p. 868. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. (No description.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32, footnote. Wilckens, M. 1885 B, p. 303. (No description.). Eohyus distans Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 259, fig. 1. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 199. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 801. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 101, footnote. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Eohyus robustus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 L, p. 260. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 32. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 199. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 801. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. SuperfamUy ANTHRACOTHERIOIDEA Gill. Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 11, 83. Cope, E. D. 1898 B, p. 130. Owen, R. 1848 A, p. 116. (Anthracotheria.) ANTHRACOTHERIID.E. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iv, Y, p. 121, with plates. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 23. Cope, E. D. 1884 H, p. 26. (Hyopotamidse.) 1885 B, p. 489. (Hyopotamidas.) 1888 X, pp. 1080, 1085. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 292. Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 11, 83. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 554. (Anthracotherida.) Kowalevsky, W. 1873 A. (Anthracotheriidse, Hyopotamidse. ) 1874 A. (Hyopotamidae.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 202. 1871 C, p. 355. Lydekker, R. 1883 A, p. 147. 1885 C, p. 215. Marsh, O. C. 1894 F, p. 92. 1894 K, p. 178. (Ancodontidae.) Meyer, H. 1856 B, pp. 61-66. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1324. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 219. Pavlow, M. 1900 A, p. 18. Pomel, A. 1848 B, p. 321. ("Les Anthracotheri- ums.") Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 199. Rutimeyer, L. 1857 A. ("Anthracotherien.") Schlosser, M. 1886 A, p. 255. 1886 B, p. 79. Scott, W. B. 1890 B, p. 392. ( Hyopotamidae. ) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 792. Teller, F. 1884 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 801. Woodward, H. 1898 B, p. 348. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 485. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 325. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 199. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 801. ANTHRACOTHERIIN^E. I Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. ANTHRACOTHERIUM Cuv. Type A. magnum Cuv. Cuvier, 6. 1822, Oss. Foss., iii, p. 396. Bayle, E. 1855 A. Bluinville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iv, Y, p. 121, pis. i-iii. Bronn, H. G. 1838 A, p. 1225; pi. xlvi, fig. 4. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, p. 464, pi. 161. Filhol, H. 1891 B, p. 89. Flores, E. 1897 A, p. 92. Gaudry, A. 1878 B, pp. 42, 94. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 189. Hoernes, R. 1875 A. 1876 A. 1877 A. Kowalevsky, W. 1873 A. Lydekker, R. 1883 A, p. 148. 1885 C, p. 235. Marsh, O. C. 1894 C, p. 409. (Heptacodon, type H. curtus.) 1894 F, p. 92. (Heptacodon.) 1894 K, p. 178. (Heptacodon.). Meyer, H. 1834 A, p. 59. 1854 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1 Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 222. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 567. 1848 A, p. 109. Pavlow, M. 1900 A, p. 21. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 332. Pomel, A. 1847 A, pp. 203, 207. 1847 C, p. 381. 1848 B, p. 324. 1853 A, p. 89. Renevier, E. 1879 A. Rutimeyer, L. 1857 A. 1857 B. 1857 C. Teller, F. 1884 A. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 348. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 327. 652 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Anthracotherium curtum (Man-h.) Marsh, 0. C. 1894 C, p. 409. (Heptacodon.) 1894 K, p. 176, fig. 1. (Heptacodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 58. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 221, figs. 6, 7 (A. curtum?); p. 223 (A. occidentale). Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 200. (A. curtum, A. occiden- tale.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 803. (A. curtum, A. occidentale.) Oligocene (White River) ; South Dakota. Anthracotherium gibbiceps (Marsh). Marnh, 0. C. 1894 K, p. 175, fig. 2. (Heptacodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 59. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 201. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 803. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota?. Anthracotherium karense Osb. and Wort. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 222, fig. 8. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 59. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 200. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 803. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. OCTACODON Marsh. Type O. valens Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1894 F, p. 92. 1894 K, p. 178. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 801. cotherium.) Octacodon valens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 F, p. 92, fig. 1. 1894 K, p. 178, fig. 6. (Syn. of Anthra- Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 59. (Syn. of Anthraco- therium karense.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 201. (Anthracotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 103. (Anthracothe- rium. ) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. ELOMERYX Marsh. Type Heptacodon armatus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1894 K, p. 176. Elomeryx armatus Marsh. Marsh 0. C. 1894 F, p. 93, fig. 2. (Heptacodon.) 1894 K, p. 176, figs. 3, 4. Matthew, W. D. 1899, A, p. 59. (Syn. of Anthra- cotherium karense.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 201. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 804. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Elomeryx mitis Marsh. Margh, 0. C. 1894 K, p. 177, fig. 5. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 59. (Anthracotherium. ) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 201. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 804. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota?. ANCODON Pomel. Type A. velaunum Pomel. Pomel A., 1847, Arch. Sci. Phys. et Nat., Geneve, v, p. 207. Unless otherwise indicated, the following au- thors use the name Hyopotamus for this genus. Ancodon antedates it. Ancodon was afterwards emended into Ancodus. Aymard, A., 1848, Ann. Soc. Agri. et Sci., du Puy, xii. (Bothriodon, type B. platyrhinchus.) Cope, E. D. 1887 A, p. 383. 1888 X, p. 1086. 1889 C, p. 163. Filhol, H. 1882 A, p. 85. (Ancodus.) Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 94. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 191. Kowalevsky, W. 1874 A. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 202. 1871 C, p. 355. Lydekker, R. 1883 A, p. 154. 1885 A, p. 218. Major, Fors. 1873 A, p. 101. Marsh, O. C. 1894 K, p. 178. (Ancodus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1325. Owen, R. 1848 A, p. 104. (Hyopotamus, type H. bovinus.) Pavlow, M. 1900 A, p. 19. Pomel, A. 1848 B, p. 322. (Ancodus.) 1853 A, p. 91. (Ancodus.) Rutimeyer, L. 1891 A, p. 56. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 79. Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 488, 1894 C. 1894 D. (Ancodus.) 1894 E. (Ancodus.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 794. Trouessart, E. L, 1898 A, p. 804. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 349. Wortman, J. L. 1893 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 329. (Ancodus.) Ancodon americanus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1856 D, p. 59. (Hyopotamus. ) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. [Chaeropotamus (Hyopotamus).] King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. (Hyopotamus.) Leidy, J. 1856 B, p. 422. ( Hyopotamus. ) 1857 C, p. 89. [Chseropotamus (Hyopota- mus).] 1869 A, pp. 202, 389, pi. xxi, figs. 1-6. (Hyo- potamus.) 1871 C, p. 355. (Hyopotamus.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 653 Marsh, O. C. 1890 D, p. 524. (Hyopotamus deflec- tus.) 1894 K, p. 178. fig. 7. (Ancodus deflectus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 59. (Hyopotamus americanus, H. deflectus.) Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 219, fig. 6, A. (Hyopotamus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 202. (Hyopotamus ameri- canus, H. deflectus.) Scott, W. B. 1894 E, p. 461, pi. xxxiii, figs. 2,3 (Ancodus americanus); p. 461 (A. deflectus). Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 806. (Hyopotamus americanus, H. deflectus.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. An examination of the type of Professor Marsh's Hyopotamus deflectus shows that the character on which the species was based holds good on only one side. Ancodon brachyrhynchus (Osb. and Wort). Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 220, fig. 6 B. (Hyo- potamus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 59. (Hyopotamus.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 202. (Hyopotamus.) Scott, W. B. 1894 D, p. 492. (Ancodus.) 1894 E, pi. xxiii, fig. 1; pi. xxiv, figs. 5-8. (Ancodus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 806. (Hyopotamus.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 350, fig. 200. (Hyo- potamus.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Ancodon rostratus Scott. Scott, W. B. 1894 E, appendix, p. 536. (Ancodus.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Superfamily SUOIDEA. Cope, E. D. 1885 B, p. 482. (Bunodonta.) 1887 B, p. 378. (Bunodonta.) 1898 B, p. 130. Flower, W. H. 1873 A. (Suina.) 1874 A. (Suina.) 1876 B, xiii, p. 328. (Suina.) 1883 D, p. 430. (Bunodonta.) 1885 A. (Suina.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 278. (Suina.) Gray, J. E. 1868 A, p. 22. (Suina.) 1869 A, p. 238. (Suina.) Kowalevsky, W. 1873 A, p. 152. (Bunodonta, in part.) Lydekker, R. 1883 A. (Suina, Bunodontia, in part.) 1884 C. (Suina, Bunodontia, in part.) Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. (Bunodonta.) Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 392. (Suina.) SUID^E. Baur, G. 1884 F, p. 598. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iv. AA, p. 105. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 23. Cope, E. D. 1887 B, pp. 378, 384. 1888 X, pp. 1080, 1090. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 16. Coues, E. 1878 A. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, p. 221 et seq., with plates Flower, W. H. 1873 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 281. Garrod, A. H. 1877 A. Gray, J. E. 1868 A. 1869 A, p. 327. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 555. (Suida.) Huxley, T. H. 1870 A, p. 440. 1872 A, p. 313. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 352. Lydekker, R. 1884 C, p. 49. 1885 C, p. 250. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1318. Osborn, H. F. 1883 A, p. 34. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 543. Parker, W. K. 1874 B. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 202. Riitimeyer, L. 1857 B. (" Schweine.") 1862 B. ("Schweine.") Schlosser, M. 1886 A, p. 255. 1886 B, p. 82. 1890 C, p. 273. Schmidt, 0. 1886 A, p. 137. Slade, D. D. 1893 A. Smith, J. 1895 A, p. 340. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 794. Taeker, J. 1892 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 808. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Weyhe, 1875 A, p. 120. . Wilckens, M. 1885 B. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 341. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 331. ACH^ENODONTIN^E. Cope, E. D. 1887 B, p. 378. (Elotheriidae.) 1888 X, p. 1089. (Elotheriinse.) Marsh, O. C. 1893 D, p. 410. (Elotheriidae.) 1894 B, p. 408. (Elotheriidse.) 1894 H. (Elotheriidae.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 D, p 41. (Elotheriidae.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 203. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, p. 123. (" Elotherien.") Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 808. (Achsenodon ti- ns.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 334. (Acheenodontinse.) Possibly the subfamily name Elotheriinse has priority. 654 FOSSIL VERTEBBATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. ACH.ENODON Cope. Type A. insolens Cope. Cope, E, D. 1873 D, p. 2. Ameghino, F. 1896 A, p. 144. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 457. 1883 I, p. 77. iaS3 II, p. 969. 1884 O, pp. 259, 342, 738. 1884 Z, p. 718. 1885 K, p. 469. 1887 S. p. 261. Lydekker, R. 1885 E, p. 470. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1323. Osborn, H. F. 1883 A, p. 26. Schlosser, M. 1885 A, p. 684. 1886 B, p. 39. 1887 B, p. 220. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 234. Achaenodon insolens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 D, p. 2. 1874 B, pp. 457, 463. Cope, E. D. 1874 M, p. 78, fig. 5. 1882 JJ, p. 534. 1884 O, p. 343, pis. Ivii, Iviia. 1885 K, p. 470, fig. 17. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 48, 50. Osborn, H. F. 1883 A, p. 24. 1895 A, p. 105. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 203. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 808. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming: (Uinta); Utah. Achaenodon robustus Osb. Osborn, H. F. 1883 A, p. 24, pi. vi. Cope, E. D. 1885 K, p. 471, fig. 18. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 48. Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, p. 103. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 203. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 808. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 335, fig. 270. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. PARAHYUS Marsh. Type P. vagus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1876 H, p. 402. Cope, E. D. 1894 E, p. 868. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1323. Osborn, H. F. 1883 A, pp. 23, 24. 1893 D, p. 41. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 808. (Syn. of Achae- nodon. ) Wilckens, M. 1885 B, p. 305. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 334. (Syn.? of Achaenodon.) Parahyus aberrans Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 261, fig. 2. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 34. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 203. (Achaenodon. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 808. (Achaenodon.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Parahyus vagus Marsh. Marth, 0. C. 1876 H, p. 402. King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. ( P. vagans. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 34. Osborn, H. F. 1883 A, p. 24 [Achaenodon ( Para- hyus).] Roger, O. 18% A, p. 203. (Achaenodon.) Scott, W. B. 1898 A, p. 323. (Achaenodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 808. (Achaenodon.) Wilckens, M. 1885 B, p. 305. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. PROTELOTHERIUM Osb. Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, p. 105. Protelotherium uintense Osb. Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, p. 102, figs. 16, 17 (Elothe- rium); p. 105 (Protelotherium). Type Elotherium uintense Osb. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A. p. 50. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 203. (Elotherium.) Scott, W. B. 1898 A, p. 323. (Achaenodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 808. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. ELOTHERIUM Pomel. Type E. magnum Pomel. Pomel, A. 1847 B, p. 307. Aymard, A., 1848, Sci. et Bell. Lett, du Puy, xii, p. 240. (Entelodon.) Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 504. (Pelonax, type P. ra- mosus.) 1879 B, p. 59. (Boochcerus, type B. humer- osus.) 1884 H, p. 22. 1885 B, p. 483. 1888 X, p. 1088. 1889 C. (Elotherium, Boochcerus.) Filhol, H. 1882 A, p. 190. Flower, W. H. 1873 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 292. Gaudry, A, 1877 A. (Entelodon.) 1878 B, p. 92. (Entelodon.) Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 194. (Entelodon.) Greene, F. V. 1853 A. (Archaeotherium.) Grinnell and Dana 1876 A. Hoernes, R. 1892 A. (Entelodon.) Kowalevsky, W. 1873 A, p. 258. (Entelodon,) 1876 A, p. 415. (Entelodon.) Leidy, J. 1850 A, p. 90. (Archaeotherium, type A mortonl Leidy.) 1851J. (Arctodon.) 1852 J, p. 558. (Archseotherium.) 1852 L, p. 64. (Archaeotherium.) 1854 A, pp. 57, 114. (Archaeotherium.) 1869 A, pp. 174, 388. 1871 C, p. 353. Lydekker, R. 1885 C, p. 249. >. 161. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 655 Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. 1894 B, pi. ix. 1894 H. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1323. Osborn, H. F. 1883 A, p. 23. (Entelodon.) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 328. Pomel, A., 1847, Bull. Soc. Geol. France, iv, p. 1083. 1848 B, p. 325. 1853 A, p. 88. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 80. (Entelodon.) Scott, W. B. 1884 B. 1896 A. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 121, 122. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 793. (Ente- lodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 808. Wilckens, M. 1885 B, pp. 210, 216, 217. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 343. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 335 (Elotherium); p. 337 (Boochcerus). Elotherium clavum Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1893 D, p. 409, pi. ix, fig. 1. 1897 C, p. 523, fig. 97. (Entelodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 59. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 204. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 810. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota?, Colorado. Elotherium coarctatum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1889 O, p. 629. 1886 U, p. 84. (E. mortoni.) 1891 A, p. 20, pi. xiv, fig. 3. (E. arctatum.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 59. (E. arctatum.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 204. (E. arctatum.) Oligocene (White River) ; Northwest Terri- tory, Canada. Elotherium crassum Marsh. Marsh. 0. C. 1873 H, p. 487, Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 504. (Pelonax?.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. L. P. B. 1885 A, p. 193, fig. 27. Lydekker, R. 1896 B, p. 162, fig. 35. Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, fig. 75. 1885 B, fig. 108. 1893 D, p. 408. pi. viii. 1894 B, pi. ix. 1894 H, pi. x. 1897 C, pi. xxx. (Entelodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 59. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 204. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, p. 123. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 809. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 344, fig. 197. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 337, fig. 373. Oligocene (White River) ; South Dakota, Colorado?. Elotherium humerosum (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 59. (Boochcerus.) 1879 H. p. 131. (Boochcerus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. (Boochcerus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 204. (Boochcerus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 810. (Boochcerus.) Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 120, footnote. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Probably identical with E. imperator. Elotherium imperator Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 217, 320 (E. imperator); pi. ii, figs. 3, 4 (E. superbum); pi. vii, fig. 2 (E. im- perator) . Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 505. (E. superbum.) 1879 B, p. 58. 1888 X, p. 1090. Leidy, J. 1870 P, p. 112. (E. superbum.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Scott, W. B. 1898 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 809. (Syn. of E. su- perbum. Miocene (John Day) ; Oregon. Elotherium ingens Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 J, p. 164. (Entelodon.) 1857 D, p. 175. (Elotherium.) 1858 B, p. 157. (Entelodon.) 1869 A, pp. 192, 388, pi. xxvii, figs. 8-11. 1870 P, p. 112. 1871 C, p. 353. 1873 B, p. 320. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 59. Scott, W. B. 18% A. 1898 A, pi. xvii; pi. xviii, figs. 3-12. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 809. (Syn. E. robus- tum.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Elotherium mortoni Leidy. Leidy, J. 1850 A, p. 90. (Archaeotherium.; Ami, H. M. 1891 A. Cope, E. D. 1885 H. (Entelodon.) 1886 U, p. 84. 1888 X, p. 1089. 1889 I, p. 155. Dawkins, W. B. 1870 A. (Archaeotherium.) Greene, F. V. 1853 A, p. 66. ("Archseotherium.") Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. Hoernes, R. 1892 A. (Entelodon.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. Leidy, J. 1851 J, p. 278. ("Arctodon.") 1852 J, p. 558, pi. x, figs. 1-3; pi. xi, fig. 1 (Archseotherium mortoni); p. 572 (A. ro- bustum). 1852 L, p. 64 (Arehaeotherium mortoni); p. 65 (Arctodon vetustum). 1853 D, p. 392. (Entelodon.) 1854 A, pp. 57, 114, pis. viii, ix; pi. x, figs. 1-7 (Archaeotherium mortoni); pp. 66,114, pi. x, figs. 8-13 (A. robustum). 1854 E, p. 157. (Entelodon.) 1857 D, p. 175. 1869 A, pp. 175, 388, pi. xvi. 1871 C, p. 353. ' 1873 B, pp. 126, 320, pi. vii, figs. 28, 29. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 59. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 204. (E. mortoni, E. robus- tum.) Scott, W. B., 1898 A, pi. xviii, figs. 1, 2. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 156. (Entelodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 809. Wortman, J. L. 1893 A, p. 97. 656 FOSSIL VERTEBKATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 336, fig. 271. Oligocene (White River) ; South Dakota, Ne- braska, Colorado. Elotherium ramosum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 P, p. 27. 1874 B, pp. 463, 504. (Pelonax.) 1883 F, p. 217. 1888 X, p. 1089. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 59. Osborn, H. F. 1896 C, pp. 713, 715, illus. 9. 1898 Q, p. 16. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 204. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 809. Oligocene (White River) ; Colorado, North Da- kota. Elotherium superbum Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 B. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 505. Dana, J. D. 1879 A, p. 233. King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 388. 1871 C, p. 353. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 204. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 809. Whitney, J. D. 1879 A, p. 244. Miocene; California. AMMODON Marsh. Type A. leidyanum Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1893 D, p. 409. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 808. (Syn. of Elothe- rium.) Ammodon bathrodon Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1874 C, p. 534. (Elotherium.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. (Elotherium. ) Marsh, O. C. 1893 D, p. 410, pi. ix, fig. 4. Matthew, W. D., 1899 A, p. 59. (Elotherium.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 204. (Elotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 808. (Elotherium.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota?. Ammodon leidyanus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1893 D, p. 409, pi. ix. Cope, E. D. 1869 N, p. 740. (Elotherium.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 388. (Elotherium. ) Marsh, O. C. 1871 F, p. 10. (Elotherium; no de- scription.) 1874 C, p. 634. (Elotherium ; no description. ) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 204. (Elotherium.) Oligocene (White River); Colorado?. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 808. (Elotherium.) Miocene; New Jersey. Not any of the literature of this species previ- ous to 1893 contains an adequate description. Ammodon potens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1893 D, p. 410. 1897 C, p. 527. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 59. (Elotherium.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 204. (Elotherium.)- Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 808. (Elotherium.) HYOTHERIIN^E. Cope, E. D. 1894 E, p. 869. (Leptochceridse.) Marsh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 273. (Leptochceridse.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 204. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 810. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 337. HYOTHERIUM Meyer. Type H. somereringii Meyer. Meyer, H. 1834 A, p. 43. Bronn, H. G. 1838 A, p. 1222, pi. xlvi, fig. 7. Cope and Wortman, 1884 A, p. 17. Filhol, A. 1881 A. 1891 A, p. 207. Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 70. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 181. Lydekker, R. 1884 C, p. 91. 1885 C, p. 253. Meyer, H. 1841 A. Peters, K. 1869 B. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 333. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 44, 135, 235, 313. Wilckens, M. 1885 B, p. 337. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 343. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 341. Hyotherium americanum Scott and Osb. Scott and O&born 1887 B, p. 155. Cope, E. D. 1888 E, p. 66. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 60. (Bothrolabis.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 207. (Bothrolabis.) Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, p. 113. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 815. (Bothrolabis.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota? Hyotherium platyops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 C, p. 174. Lydekker, R. 1884 C, p. 93. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 60. [Bothrolabis (Palseochoerus).] Roger, O. 18% A, p. 207. (Bothrolabis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 815. (Bothrolabis.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 657 PERCHCERUS Leidy. Type Palicochcerus probus Leidy. L, ;>!>/. J. 1869 A, p. 194. Cope, E D. 1879 A, p. 44. (ThinohyUs.) 1879 E, p. 374. (Thinohyus.) 1884 O, p. 37. (Thinohyus.) 1887 B, p. 384. (Thinohyus.) 1888 E, p. 62. (Thinohyus.) 1894 E, p. 869. (Thinohyus.) Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 17. (Thinohyus.) J. 1871 C, p. 353. M;ir>h. (). C. 1875 B, p. 248. (Thinohyus type T. lentus Marsh.) 1S77 E. (Perchcerus, Thinohyus.) 1894 L, p. 271. Nicholson and Lydekker'1889 A, p. 1322. (Per- chrerus, Thinohyus.) Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 88. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 438. (Perchoerus, Thino- hyus.) Stehlin, H. G. 1889 A, p. 112. (Perchoerus); p. 113 (Tinohyus). Wilckens, M. 1885 B, p. 304. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 342. (Perchcerus, Thino- hjrus.) Perchoerus antiquus Marsh. Harsh, 0. C. 1893 D, p. 411. pi. x, fig. 1. [Perchoe- rus (Dicotyles).] 1870 1, p. 11. (Dicotyles antiquus; no descrip- tion.) 1894 L, p. 271, fig. 28. (Thinohyus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 60. (Perchoerus.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p 207. (Thinohyus.) Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, p. 114. (Tinohyus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 815 (Perchcerusl; p. 816 (Thinohyus.) Miocene; New Jersey. Perchoerus lentus (Marsh). Marsh. 0. C. 1875 B, p. 248 (Thinohyus.) Cope, E. D. 1879 E. p. 375 (Thinohyus.; King, C. 1871 A, p. 424. (Thinohyus.) Marsh. O. C. 1894 L, p. 271, fig. 26. (Thinohyus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A p. 64. (Thinohyus.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 207. (Thinohyus ) Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 438, fig 8*. (Thinohyus.) Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, p. 114 (Tinohyus); p. 193. (Thinohyus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A. p. 815. (Thinohyus.) Miocene (John Day) ; Oregon. Perchcerns nanus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1894 L, p. 271, tig. 28. (Thinohyus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 60. (Thinohyus.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 207. (Thinohyus.) Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, p. 113 (Tinohyus); pp. 193, 273. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 816. (Thinohyus.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Perchoerus probus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 J, p. 165. (Palaeochoerus.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. (Palseochcerus.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 194, 389, pi. xxi, figs. 20-27. 1871 C, p. 353. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 60. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 207. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 438, fig. 8 s . Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 112, 193. Wilckens, M. 1885 B, p. 305. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Perchcerus robustus (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1894 F, p. 94. (Thinohyus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 60. (Thinohyus.) Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, p. 114 (Tinohyus) ; p. 193 Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 816. (Thinohyus.) Oligocene (White River) ; South Dakota. Perchcerus socialis (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1875 B, p. 249. (Thinohyus.) Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 58. (Palseochcerus.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 424. (Thinohyus.) Marsh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 271, fig. 25. (Thinohyus. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. (Thinohyus.) Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, p. 113. (Tinohyus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 816. (Thinohyus.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. LEPTOCHCERUS Leidy. Type L. spectabilis Leidy. Leidy. J. 1856 I, p. 88. Cope, E. D. 1894 E, p. 869. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 197. 1871 C, p. 354. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1323. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 85., W. B. 1891 A, p. 46. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 341. Leptochcerus gracilis Marsh. Uir*!,. O. C. 1894 L, p. 272, figs. 29, 30. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 60. Roger, O 1896 A, p. 206. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Bull. 179 42 Leptochcerus spectabilis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 I, p. 88. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 197, 389, pi. xxi, figs. 14-19. 1871 C, p. 354. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A. p. 59. Roger, O 18% A, p. 206. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 814. Wilckens, M. 1885 B, p. 305. Oligocene (White River) ; South Dakota. 658 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. NANOHYUS Leidy. Type N. porcinus Leidy. l.n,l,i. ./. 1869 B, p. 65. 1869 A, p. 200. 1871 C, p. 364. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 441. Stchlin, H. G. 1899 A, p. 221. Nanohyus porcinus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1869 B, p. 65. 1869 A, pp. 200, 389, pi. xxix, figs. 11, 12. Leidy, J. 1871 r, p. 354. Matthew, \V. I), l.s'.i'.i A, p. 00. Kogrr. (). IV.H; A. IL 207. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, p. 113. Trouossait. K. L. IS'.IS A, p. 815. Wilrkriis. M. ls*5 u, ,,. we. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota CHJSNOHYUS Cope. Type C. decedens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 E, p. 373. 1888 E, p. 1888 X, Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 17. Flower and Lydekker 1895 A, p. 291. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1321. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 113, 193. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 342. Chaenohyus decedens Cope. Cape, E. D. 1879 E, p. 373. 1888 E, p. 63. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 207. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 114, 193. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 815. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. BOTHROLABIS Cope. Type B. rostratus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1888 E, pp. 63, 66. 1888 X, p. 1088. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 291. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 113, 193, 272, 320. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 796. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 342. Bothrolabis pristinus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 216, 319, pi. vii, figs. 13, 14. (Dicotyles.) Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 58. (Palseochoerus.) ' 1888 E, pp. 66, 70. Cope and Wortman, 1884 A, pp. 18, 19. (Dico- tyles.) Leidy, J. 1870 P, p. 112. ("Peccary.") Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. Rpinhardt, J. 1880 A, p. 30. (Dicotyles.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 207. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 114, 193, 273, 320. Wilckens, M. 1885 B, p. 306. (Dycotyles.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Bothrolabis rostratus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1888 E, pp. 66, 77. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 207. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 114, 193, 320. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 815. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Bothrolabis subeequans Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 E, p. 374. (Palaeocha>ru.s.) Lydekker, R. 1884 C, p. 93. (Hyotherium) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 207. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 114, 193, 273, 320. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 815. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Bothrolabis tricheenus Cope. Cope, E, D. 1879 E, p. 373. (Thinohyus. ) 1879 B, p. 58. (PalseoclHBrus condoni.) 1888 E, pp. 66, 74. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 207. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 114, 193, 273, 320. Trouessurt, E. L. 1898 A, p. 815. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. TAYASSUIN.E. The name hitherto employed for this sub- family has been Dicotylinx. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 23. Cope, E. D. 1888 E. 1888 X, p. 1088. 1889 G, p. 134. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, pp. 16, 17. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 289. (Dicoty- jidae.) Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 11, 83. (Dicotylidse.) Gray, J. E. 1868 A, p. 43. (Dicotylidse. ) 1869 A, p. 350. (Dicotylidae.) Leidy, J. 1853 G. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 207. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 816. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 342. CATALOGUE. 659 TAYASSU Fischer. Type Dicotyles forg* F/xflii r, G. 1814, Zoognosia, iii, pp. 284-289. Tnlcss otherwise indicated, the following authors use for this genus the name J>i<-n/i/l, s. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 573. Haird.S. F. 1859 A, p. 627. Burineister, H.1867 A,p.236. ("Dicotyle Cuv.") Cope, K. I). 1875 L, p. 21. 1887 B, p. 384. I 388 !:. p. 62. 1888 X, p. 1088. 1889 G, p. 134. (Dicotyles; Mylohyus, type 1899 A. p. 259. (Mylohyus.) Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 17. Cuvier, G., 1817, Regne Anim, i, p. 237. Flower, W. H. 1873 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 289. Gervais and Ameghino 1880 A, p. 111. ("Dico- tyle.") Gray, .1. E. 1868 A, p. 45. 1869 A, p. 351. Holmes, F. S. 1858 B. Klippart, J. H. 1875 A. Leidy, J.1853G. 1857 J. 1871 C, p. 352. Lydekker, R. 1885 C, p. 250. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1322. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 559. is is A, p. 123. 1866 B, p. 458. Palmer, T. S. 1899 A, p. 494. (Tayassu.) Paulli, S. 1900 A, p. 198. Reinhardt, J. 1880 A. Rutiineycr, L. 1862 A, pp. 578, 584. Sclilosser, M. 1885 A, p. 685. 1886 A, p. 255. 1886 B, p. 89. Scott, W. B. 1890 B. 1891 A, p. 48, et seq. 1892 A, p. 438. Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 76. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. Ill, 186,208,270,318,332. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 796. Troue>sart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 817. Turner, H. X. 1848 A, p. 70. Wile-kens, M. 1885 B, pp. 217, 307. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 346. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 342. Tayassu hesperius (Marsh.) Marsh, O. C. 1871 D, p. 42. (Dicotyles.) Cope, E. D. 1879 E, p. 373. (Chsenohyus?.) Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 18. (Dicotyles.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 443. (Dicotyles.) Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 115, 194. (Dicotyles.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 815. (Bothrolab: subsequans. ) Wilckens, M. 1885 B, p. 306. (Dicotyles.) Pliocene; Oregon. Tayassu nasutus ( Leidy. ) Leidy, J. 1868 I, p. 230. (Dicotyles. ) Conrad, T. A. 1869 A, p. 363. (Dicotyles.) Cope, E, D. 1869 E, p. 176. (Dicotyles.) 1869 N, p. 741. (Dicotyles.) 1888 X, p. 1089. ( Dicotyles. ) 1889 G. p. 134. (Dicotyles, Mylohyus. ) 1899 A, p. 263. (Mylohyus.) Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 18. (Dicoty li-.-. ) Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. (Dicotyles.) Leidy, J. 1860 C. ("Peccary.") 1869 A, pp. 385, 445, pi. xxviii, figs. 1. 2. (Dicotyles.) 1871 C, p. 352. (Dicotyles.) Reinhardt, J. 1880 A, p. 29. (Dicotyles.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 208. (Dicotyles.) Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 115, 190, 273, 319. (Dico- tyles.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 817. (Dicotyles.) Pleistocene; Indiana, New Jersey. Tayassu pennsylvanicus (Leidy.) Leidy, J. 1889 H, p. 8, pi. ii, figs. 3-6. (Dicotyles.) Cope, E. D. 1899 A, pp. 259, 262. (Mylohyus.) Leidy, J. 1880 A, p. 347. (Dicotyles nasutus.) Mercer, H. C. 1894 A, p. 98. (Dicotyles.) Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Tayassu serus (Cope. ) Cope, E. D. 1878 C, p. 224. (Dicotyles.) 1889 G, p. 134. (Dicotyles.) Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 19. (Dicotyles.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 72. (Dicotyles. ) Reinhardt, J. 1880 A, p. 28. (Dicotyles.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 208. (Dicotyles.) Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 115, 189, 319. (Dico- tyles.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 817. (Dicotyles.) Miocene (LoupFork); Kansas. Tayassu tajacu (Linn.). Linnaeus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 50. (Sus.) Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 574. (Dicotyles.) Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 627, pi. Ixxxvii. (Dico- tyles.) Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iv, AA, p. 138, pis. ii, iii, v-viii. '(Sus torquatus.) Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 151 (Cynorca proterva, in part); p. 155 (Dicotyles torquatus.) 1868 I, p. 185. ("Dicotyles.") 1889 G, p. 134. (Dicotyles tajassus.) Cope and Wortman 1884 A, pp. 18, 19. (Dicotyles torquatus.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 290, fig. 109. (Dicotyles.) Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. (Dicotyles torqua- tus. ) Le Conte, J. L. 1848 A, p. 104. (Dicotyles torqua- tus.) Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 108, pi. xvii, figs. 13, 14. (Dico- tyles fossilis.) 1869 A, p. 384. (Dicotyles lenis.) 1871 C, p. 352. (Dicotyles lenis.) Lydekker, R. 1885 C, p. 252. (Dicotyles.) 660 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Marsh, O. C. 1885 .B. \>. -"M. fig. 112. (Dicotyles torquatus. ) Reinhardt, J. 1880 A. (Dicotyles torquatus, D. lenis.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 208. (D. torquatus.) Sd .tt. W. B. 1890 B, p. 385. (Dicotyles torquatus.) Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. Ill, 187, 208, 318, 334. (Dicotyles torquatus.) Truiu-ssjirt. K. L. 1898 A, p. 817. (Dicotyles.) Wymau, J. 1862 A, p. 422. (Dicotyles.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 342, fig. 280. (D. torqua- tus.) Living; South America, Central America, North America to Arkansas: Pleistocene; South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Wisconsin, Illi- nois, Iowa, Kentucky. Tayassu tetragonus (Cope). - ('<>!><. ]:. />. 1899 A, pp. 259, 260, pi. xxi, figs. 3-:%. (Mylohyus.) Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Tayassu sp. indet. Lt'idy, .K 1869 A, p. 387. p.. xxviii, li-. tyles.) Pliocene?; Niobrara River. Tayassu sp. indet. Scott, W. B. in Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 76, fig. 6. (Dicotyles.) Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 20, 115, 195. (Dicotyles.) Williston, S. W. 1894 C, p. 24. (Platygonus.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska? PLATYGONUS Le Conte. Type P. compressus Le Conte. Le Conte, J. L. 1848 A, p. 103. (Platigonus.i) Cope, E. D. 1887 B, p. 384. 1889 G, p. 134. Le Conte, J. L. 1848 A, p. 104 (Hyops, type H. de- jinxKijrims); p. 105 (Protochcerus, type P. pris- maticm= Platygonus compressus). 1848 B, p. 257. Leidy, J. 1853 G. (Platygonus; Euchoerus, type E. macrop^=P. compressus.) 1869 A, p. 383. 1871 C, p. 353. 1889 G, p. 41. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1322. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 303 (Platygonus); p. 326 (Hyops). Reinhardt, J. 1880 A, p. 29. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 89. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 116, 190, 210, 319. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 796. Wilckens, M. 1885 B, p. 270 (Hyops); p. 304 (Pla- tygonus). Williston, 8. W. 1894 C. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 342. Platygonus bicalcr-ratus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 68, fig. 5. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 75. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, p. 117. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 816. Williston, S. W. 1894 C, p. 24. Pliocene (Blanco); Texas. Platygonus compressus Le Conte. Le Conte, J. L. 1848 A, p. 103, figs. 1, 2. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 176. (Dicotyles.) 1884 G, p. 15. 1888 X, p. 1092, fig. 6. Cope and Wortman, 1884 A, p. 20. Harlan, R. 1825 A, p. 222. ("Extinct pecari.") Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. Klippart, J. H. 1875 A. (Dicotyles.) L. P. B. 1885 A, p. 193, fig. 28. Le Conte, J. L. 1848 A, p. 104 (Hyops depressi- frons); p. 105 (Protochojrus prismaticus) . 1848 B, pis. i-iv. Le Conte, J. L. 1852 A, p. 3 (Dicotyles depressi- frons); p. 5 (Protochcerus prismaticus). 1852 B. (Dicotylescostatus.) 1852 D. (Hyops depressifrons, P. compres- sus.) Leidy, J. 1853 G, p. 323, pi. xxxvii, figs. 12-16; pi. xxviii, figs. 2, 3 (P. compressus); p. 342, pi. xxxviii,fig.l(Dicotylesdepressifrons);p.342,pl. xxxvii, fig. 18 (Protochoerus prismaticus); p. 342. ( Dicotylescostatus); p. 340, pi. xxxvi,figs. 1,2; pi. xxxvii, figs. 5-8 (Euchcerus macrops). 1856 R. (Dicotyles.) 1857 J, pi. vi, figs. 2-7. (Dicotyles.) 1862 A. (Dicotyles.) 18681, p. 231. (Dicotyles.) 1869 A, pp. 200, 383. 1870 H, p. 13. 1871 C, p. 353. 1889 G, p. 41, pi. viii, fig. 1. 1889 H, p. 12. Marsh, 0. C. 1884 F, fig. 761 Miller, G. S. 1899 B, p. 372. Newberry, J- S. 1874 F, p. 77. (Dicotyles.) 1875 A, p. vi. (Dicotyles.) I'irtrt. F. J. 1853 A. p. 303 (P. compressus); p. 335 (Protochcerus prismaticiiM. Reinhardt, J. 1880 A, p. 29. (Dicotyles. ) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 208. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 117, 190, 273. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 817. Williston, S. W. 1894 C, p. 24. 1897 I, p. 303. 1898 I, p. 92/ Wymtin, J. 1862 A, p. 422. ("Dicotyles.") Pleistocene; Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, New York. Missouri, Iowa, Kansas. Platygonus condoni Marsh. Mi,-*!,, O. C. 1871 D, p. 41. Cope, E. D. 1886 B, p. 359. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, pp. 18, 19. ( Dicotyles. ) King, C. 1878 A, p. 443. Reinhardt, J. 1880 A, p. 30. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 208. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, p. 118. 1 This, the original spelling of this generic name, was probably due to a printer's error. CATALOGUE. 661 Trouessart. K. L. 1898 A, p. 816. \Vilckens, M. 1&S5 B, p. 306. \VillNton, S. W. 1894 C. p. 24. Pliocene; Oregon. Platygonus leptorhinus Willist. Willitton, S. W. 1894 F. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 117, 191, 273, 333. Trouessart, E. L, 1898 A, p. 816. Williston, S. W. 1894 C, p. 27, pis. vii, viii; text figs. 1-6. Pliocene; Kansas. Platygonus rex Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 273, figs. 31, 32. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 208. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 21, 115. (Dicotyles.) Trom-ssart. K. L. 1898 A, p. 816. Plioci-nt': Oregon. Platygonus striatus Marsh. Mii-nli. O. C. 1S71 D, p. 41. Kill!,'. C. I 1 *?* A, p. 430. Kottbew, \v. D. 1899 A, p. 72. Rot:, r. O. 1*% A, p. 208. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, p. 118. Trouessart. E. L. 1898 A, p. 816. Williston. S. W. 1894 C, p. 24. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. Platygonus vetus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1882 A, p. 301. Cope, E.J). 1888 X, p. 1089. Cope and Wortman 1884 A. Duges, A. 3891 A, p. 16, pis. i, ii. (P. alemanii.) Leidy, J. 1889 G, p. 49. 1889 H, p. 12, pi. ii, figs. 1, 2. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 690, figure. Mercer, H. C. 1894 A, p. 98. (Dycotyles pennsyl- vanicus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 208. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, p. 117. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 816. Williston, S. W. 1894 C. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Platygonus ziegleri Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 D, p. 40. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 21. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 365. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 48. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 207. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A, pp. 20, 118, 191. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 816. Williston, S. W. 1894 C, p. 24. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. The generic position of this species is doubtful. THIXOTHERIUM Cope. Type T. Cope. Not Thinotherium Marsh, 1872. Thinotherium annulatum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1870 F, p. 292. A genus of which little is known. Regarded at the time of description as belonging to the Hippopotamidse. Cope, E. D. 1870 F, p. 292. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 207. Miocene?; Virginia. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 209. SITING. I Zittel, K. A. Sus Linn. Type S. scrofa Linn. Linnseus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 49. Blainville. H. M. D. 1864 A, iv, AA, pis. i-ix. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 281. Hensel. K. l>7."i A. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 313. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 544. 1866 B, p. 458. 1868 A, p. 344, fig. 273. Parker, W. K. 1874 B, pis. xxviii-xxxvii. Paulli, S. 1900 A, p. 193. Pome], A. 1848 A. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 209. Riitimeyer, L. 1862 B. 1867, Verh. naturf. Gesellsch. Basel, iv, pp. 139-176. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A. Tn>iH'art. E. L. 1898 A, p. 820. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, 345. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 344. Sus scrofa Linn. Linnirits, C., 1758. Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 49. Agassiz, L. in Holmes. F. S. 1858 A (" Hog.") Blainville. H. M. D. 1864 A, iv, AA, p. 113, pis. ii, iii, vi-viii. I Cope, E. D. 1870 E, p. 284. (Sus vagrans.) 1873 E (S. vagrans.) 1873 F, p. 291. (Sus vagrans.) 1873 L, p. 207. (S. scrofa.) Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 198, fig. 22. Holmes, F. S. 1850 B, p. 203. (" Hog.") 1858A ("Hog.") Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 109, pi. xix, figs. 4, 5. 1869 A, p. 443. 1873 E. Owen, R. 1866 B, pp. 458, 467, figs. 313-315. Paulli, S. 1900 A, p. 193, figs. 7, 8. Rafincsque, C. S., 1831, Enum. some remark, nat. objects. (Aper pecari.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 210. Riitimeyer, L. 1862 B, p. 26. Stehlin, H. G. 1899 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 821. This species has been reported from various parts of the United States, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey, Nebraska, and from de- posits ranging from the Miocene to the present; but it is most probable that all the remains have been derived from the introduced race. 662 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Superfiiinilii ('A. GUI, T. 1872 B, p. 76. Following the suggestions of Dr. W. B. Scott. this group is made to include the Agriochoeridae and their allies. Unless otherwise indicated, the following authorities use for this group, in the restricted sense, the name Tylopoda. Burmeister, H. 1867 A, p. 233. Cope, E. D. 1898 B, p. 132. Flower, W. H. 1874 A. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 295. Kiitiineycr, L. 1NJ7 H. (Camelina.) Schlosser, M. 1886 A, p. 255. Scott. \V. B. 1890 B, p. 387. 1891 A. 1891 C, p. 63. 1892 C, p. 15. 1898 C, p. 75. 1899 A, p. 111. Slade, D. D. 1893 A. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 358. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 94. AGRIOCH(ERID,E. Tnlcss otherwise indicated, the following authors use the family name Oreodontidse. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 576. Bettnny, G. T. 1873 A. 1876 A. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 463. 1884 H, p. 26. 1884 M. 1884 T. 1884 DD. 1885 B, p. 487. 1887 B, pp. 379, 386. 1887 N. 1888 X, pp. 1080, 1092. 1889 C, p. 171, et seg. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 293. (Cotylo- pidse.) Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 10, 81. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 71, 379 (Oreodontidae) ; p. 131 (Agriochceridae) . 1871 C, p. 345 (Oreodontidae); p. 348 (Agrio. chceridae). 1873 B, p. 318. Major, Fors. 1873 A, p. 104. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1326. (Coty- lopidse.) Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 215. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 212. Schlosser, M. 1886 A, p. 255. 1886 B, p. 46. 1888 A. 1890 C. Scott, W. B. 1885 B. 1889 C. 1890 A, p. 490. 1891 A, p. 71. 1892 A, p. 433. 1895 C, p. 164. 1898 C, p. 74. 1899 A, p. 85. Stcinmann and Diklerlein 1890 A, p. 799. Trouessart, E. L. 1898- A, p. 835. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 354. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 348, 356. AGRIOCHCERIN/E. Cope, E. D. 1884 M, p. 571. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 293. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 131. (Agriochceridse.) 1871 C, p. 348. (Agriochceridae.) Lydekker, R. 1896 B, p. 375. (Agriochoeridae.) Major, Fors. 1873 A, p. 104. (Agriochoeridae.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 F, p. 132. (Artionychia.) 1893 J, p. 611. (Artionychia.) Osborn and Wortman 1893 A, p. 4. (Artionychia.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 212. Scott, W. B. 1889 C, p. 75. 1890 B, pp. 320, 358. 1892 A, p. 434. 1899 A, p. 101. (Agriochceridse.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 833. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 351. PROTAGRIOCH. 1871 C, p. 349. INT:; H. ].. -.MI;, HAY.] CATALOGUE. 663 Marsh. O. C. 1864 L, p. 270. (Agriomeryx, typo Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1327. (Agri- ochuTiis. f'olnreodon.) ( H. F. 1893 D, p. 44. (Agriochcerus, Ar- tionyx.i l^'.r, K. (Artionyx.) 1893 F. (Artionyx.) 1893 J, p. 611. (Artionyx.) 1893 K. (Artionyx.) 1898 A, p. 146. Qsborn and Wortman 1893 A, p. 5. (Artionyx, type A. gaadryi.) Schlosser, M. 1S85 A, p. 685. I3H H, p. 47. Scott. \V. B. 1889 C, p. 75. Is'JO A. 1S90 B, p. 358 (Agriochcerus); p. 361 (Colo- reodoii). 1891 A, p. 48. 1891 D, p. 90. 1892 A, p. 434. 1894 B. 1894 D. 1894 E. 1899 A, p. 88, 108. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 799. FfeKMffiart, K. L. 1898 A, p. 834. Woodward. A. S. 1898 B, p. 356. Wurtman, J. L. 1893 A. (Artionyx.) !v.if> A, p. 145. Xitt.-l. K. A. 1893 B, p. 352. (Agriochcerus, Colo- reodon.) Agriochoerus antiquus Leidy. L'i>l ; i. J. IS."*) C, p. 122. Co].r. K. I>. 1x79 E, p. 375. (Merycopater. ) 1^1 M.p. 560. Hayden. F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. King. ('. I.s7.s A. p. 411. Leidy. J. 1S52.T. p. 571. 1852 L, p. 65. 18.53 D, p. 392. 1854 A, p. 24, pi. i, figs. 5-10. 1854 E, p. 157. 1869 A, pp. 132, 381, pi. xiii, fig. 4. 1870 P, p. 112. 1871 C, p. 349. 1873 B, pp. 216, 319. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 60. Roger. O. 1890 A, p. 212. Trouexart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 833. Wortman, J. L. 1895 A, p. 145, pi. i; text figs. 8-15, 17 (A. latifrons, not of Leidy); p. 177 (A. an- tiijiins). Oligocene ^White River); South Dakota. Agriochoerus auritus Leidy. l.r ;,!NTIN.-K. Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 503. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 293. Marsh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 267. (Eomericidse.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 212. Scott, W. B. 1890 B, pp. 320, 361. 1899 A, p. 85. (Oreodontidae, in part.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 351. PROTOREODON Scott and Osb. Type P. parvus Scott and Osb. Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 257. Berg. C., 1899, Commun. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, i, p. 79. (Chorotherium, to replace Agriotherium, preoccupied.) Cope, E. D. 1888 X, p. 1082. 1890 C, p. 471. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 293. Marsh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 268. (Syn. of Eomeryx.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1328. Pavlow, M. 1900 A, pp. 34, 44. Scott, W. B. 1889 C, p. 75. 1890 A, p. 487, pi. vii, figs. 1-8. 1890 B, p. 361, pi. xiii, figs. 1-3; pi. xvi, figs. 23-26. 1892 A, p. 433. 1894 E. 1898 C, p. 79. (Agriotherium, type A. para- doxieum.) 1899 A, p. 85. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. %. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 351. Protoreodon minor Scott. Scott, W. B. 1899 A, p. 95, pi. iii, fig. 23. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. Protoreodon paradoxicus Scott. Scott, W. B. 1898 C, p. 79. (Agriotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. (Agriotherium.) Scott, W. B. 1899 A, pp. 86, 95, pi. iv, figs. 24, 25. (Protoreodon.) Eocene (Uinta); U ih. Protoreodon parvus Scott and Osb. Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 257, figure. Cope, E. D. 1890 C, p. 470. Marsh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 268. (Syn. of Eomeryx pumilis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. (Eomeryx.) Pavlow, M. 1900 A, p. 34. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 212. Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 487, pi. vii, figs. 1-8. 1890 B, pi. xiii, figs. 1-3; pi. xvi, figs. 1899 A, pp. 89, 95, pi. iii, figs. 19-21. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 833. Wortman. J. L. 1898 A, p. %. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 351, fig. 286. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. Protoreodon sp. indet. Scott, W.B. 1899 A, p. 95, pi. iii, fig. 22 Eocene (Uinta); Utah. EOMERYX Marsh. Type E. pumilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 L, p. 266. Cope, E. D. 1894 E, p. 869. (Syn. of Protoreodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. (Inadequate description; no species.) Pavlow, M. 1900 A, p. 34. Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 488. 1899 A, pp. 85, 86. (Syn.? of Protoreodon.) Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 259. HAY. CATALOGUE. 665 Wortman, .1. L. 1898 A, p. 96. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 351. (Syn.? of Protoreo- don.) Eomeryx pumilis Marsh. .!/(((>/(, O. C. 1875 B, p. 250. (Agriochoerus., Cope, E. D. 1884 M, p. 560. (Agriochoerus.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 407. (Agriochoerus.) Marsh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 266, figs. 18-22. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. Pavlow, M. 1900 A, p. 34. Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 487. (Agriochcerus.) 1899 A, pp. 86, 95. (Protoreodon.) Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 258. ( Protoreodon?. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 833. (Syn. of Proto- reodon parvus.) Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 96. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. HYOMERYX Marsh. Type H. breviceps Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 L, p. 145. Scott. W. B. 1898 C, p. 81. 1899 A, pp. 95, 99. Wortman, J. L. 1895 A, p. 97. Hyomeryx breviceps Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 L, p. 268, fig. 19. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 212. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 833. Wortman, J. L. 1895 A, p. 145. Eocene (Uinta): Utah. MERYCOIDODONTIN.E. Branco. W. 1897 A, p. 24. (Oreodontinse.) Cope, E. D. 1884 M, p. 571. (Oreodontinse.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 293. (Cotylopi- Bffi.) Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 81. (Oreodontinse.) j Lydekker, R. 18% B, p. 373. (Cotylopidae.) Schlosser, M. 1890 D, p. 722. (" Oreodonten.") Scott, W. B. 1889 C, p. 75. (Oreodontinse.) 1892 A, p. 434. ( Oreodon tinse.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 352. (Oreodontidse.) MERYCOIDODON Leidy. Type M. culbertsonii Leidy. Leid;;, J. 1848 B, p. 47. The generic name Merycoidodon clearly has priority over both Oreodon and Cotylops, not- withstanding the fact that it has been discarded by Leidy himself and succeeding writers. Un- less otherwise indicated, the following authors employ the name Oreodon. Bettany, G. T. 1873 A. 1876 A. Bruce, A. T. 1883 A, p. 36, figs. 1-4. (Oreodon.) Cope, E. D. 1884 H, p. 22. 1884 M, p. 505. 1885 B, p. 483. 1887 B, p. 386. 1887 S, P. 85. 1888 X, p. 1093. Dawkins, W. B. 1870 A. Flower, W. H. 1873 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 293. (Cotylops.) Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 82. Grinnell and Dana 1876 A. Hay, O. P. 1899 A, p. 594. (Merycoidodon.) Leidy. J. 1851 D, p. 238 (Oreodon); p. 239 (Coty- lops. type C. speciosa). 1852 J, pp. 540, 548. 1852 L, p. 64. (Oreodon, Merycoidodon.) 1854 A, pp. 29, 47, 113. 1869 A, pp. 72, 379. 1870 P, p. 111. 1871 C, p. 345. 1873 B, p. 201. Marsh, O. C. 1873 H, p. 409. 1875 B, p. 250. 1877 E. 1884 F. p. 172. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1326. (Coty- lops.) Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 47. Scott, W. B. 1884 C. 1885 B. 1889 C, p. 75. 1890 A. 1890 B, p. 320. 1891 A, p. 53. 1894 D. 1894 H. 1895 C, p. 125, el seq. 1899 A, p. 87. Steinmann and DOderlein 1890 A, p. 799. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 835. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 354. Wortman, J. L. 1895 A, p. 173. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 352. Merycoidodon affinis (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 105, 380, pi. ix, fig. 3. (Oreo- don.) Cope, E. D. 1884 M, p. 512. . (Oreodon.) 1884 T, p. 281. (Oreodon.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 96, No. 10. (Oreodon.) 1871 C, p. 346. (Oreodon.) 1873 B, p. 212. (Oreodon.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 213. (Oreodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 835. (Oreodon.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Merycoidodon bullatus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 106, 380. (Oreodon.) Cope, E. D. 1884 M, p. 517. (Syn. of Eucrotaphus jacksoni.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. (Eporeodon.) Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 346. (Oreodon.) 1873 B, p. 212 (Oreodon bullatns); p. 318 (Oreodon culbertsonii). 666 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 260. (Eporeodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 60. (Oreodon.) Osboni and Wortman 1894 A, p. 218, fig. be. (Oreo- don.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 213. (O. jacksoni.) Scott, W. B. 1890 B, pi. xiii, fig. 6. (Oreodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 836. (Eucrotaphus.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Merycoidodon culbertsonii Leidy. Leidy, J. 1848 B, p. 47, plate. Unless otherwise indicated, the following au- thors refer to this species under the generic name Oreodon. Bettany, G. T. 1873 A. Cope, E. D. 1884 M, pp. 511, 512, 513. (O. culb- ertsonii and O. culbertsonii periculorum.) 1888 X, p. 1094. Farr, M. S. 1896 A, p. 157. Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 81. fig. 90. Hayden, P. V. 1858 B, p. 157. King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. Leidy, J. 1851 D, p. 239 (Cotylopsspeciosa); p. 238 (O. priscum). 1851 E, p. 276. (Oreodon robustum.) 1852 J, p. 548, pi. x, figs. 4-6; pi. xiii, figs. 3, 4. 1852 L, p. 64. (Oreodon priscum, M. culb- ertsonii.) 1853 D, p. 392. 1854 A, pp. 45, 113, pis. ii, iii; pi. iv, figs. 1-5; pi. v, figs. 1, 2; pi. vi, figs. 8-11. 1854 E. 1869 A, pp. 86, 379, pi. vi, fig. 1; pi. vii, fig. 2; pi. ix, fig. 1. 1870 J, p. 67. 1870 P, p. 112. 1871 C, p. 345. 1873 B, pp. .211, 318. Lydekker, R. 1885 C, p. 207. Marsh, O. C. 1870 D. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 60. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 215, fig. 5 A. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 213. Scott, W. B. 1890 B, pi. xii; pi. xiii, fig. 4; pi. xvi, figs. 27-29; text figs, ii, iii, iv, x. Stewart, A. 1897 A, pi. i. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 835. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 353, fig. 288. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Merycoidodon gracilis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1851 D, p. 239. (Oreodon.) Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 498. (Oreodon.) 1884 M, pp. 511, 512. (Oreodon, with varie- ties gracilis and coloradoensis. ) 1884 T, p. 281. (Oreodon.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. (Oreodon.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. (Oreodon.) Leidy, J. 1852 J, p. 550, pi. xi, figs. 2, 3; pi. xiii, figs. 5, 6. (Oreodon.) 1852 L, p. 64. (Oreodon.) 1853 D, p. 392. (Oreodon.) 1854 A, p. 53, pi. v, figs. 3, 4; pi. vi, figs. 1-7. (Oreodon, Merycoidodon.) 1854 E, p. 157. (Oreodon.) 1869 A, pp. 94, 379, pi. vi, figs. 2, 3. (Oreo- don.) 1871 C, p. 346. (Oreodon.) 1873 B, p. 211. (Oreodon.) Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 216, fig. 5, B. (Oreodon.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p..213. (Oreodon.) Scott, W. B. 1890 B, pi. xiii, fig. 5; text figs, i, ix, x, 5. (Oreodon.) Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 154. (Oreodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 835. {Oreodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 353. (Oreodon.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Ne- braska, Colorado. Merycoidodon hybridus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 105, 380 1 , pi. ix, fig. 4. (Oreo- don.) 1871 C, p. 346. (Oreodon.) 1873 B, p. 212. (Oreodon.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 213. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 835. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Merycoidodon minor Cope. Cope, E. D. 1888 X, p. 1094. (Name only.) EUCROTAPHUS Leidy. Type E. jacksoni Leidy. Leidy, J. 1850 A, p. 90. Cope, E. D. 1884 H, p. 23. 1884 M, pp. 504, 513. 1884 T. 1885 B, p. 484. 1887 B, p. 386. 1888 X, p. 1093. Leidy, J. 1851 D, p. 239. 1852 J, p. 562. 1852 L, p. 64. 1854 A, pp. 56, 113! 1854 C, p. 157. 1873 B, p. 212. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1327. Scott, W. B. 1890 B, p. 320. (Syn. of Oreodoii.) Wortman, J. L. 1893 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 352, 355. Eucrotaphus jacksoni Leidy. Leidy, J. 1850 A, p. 90. Cope, E. D. 1884 M, pp. 514, 517 (E. jacksoni); p. 519 (subsp. leptacanthus). Leidy, J. 1852 L, p. 65. 1854 A, pp. 56, 113, pi. vii, figs. 4-6. 1869 A, pp. 134, 381. Lydekker, R. 1877 A, p. 334. (Eporeodon.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 213. (Oreodon.) Scott, W. B. 1890 B, p. 372, fig. x, 2. (Oreodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 836. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. CATALOGUE. 667 EPOREODON 'Marsh. Type Oreodon octidentalis Marsh. Ma, -tli. O. C. 1875 B, p. 249. Lydekker, R. 1885 C, p. 20S. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E, p. 365. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1327. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 218. Schlosser, M, 1886 B, p. 47. Scott, W. B. 1890 B, p. 339. 1895 C, p. 125. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 836. (Syn. of Eucro- taphus.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 355. Eporeodon longifrons (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1884 M, pp. 519, 520. (Eucrotaphus major longifrons.) Matthew, \V. D. 1899 A, p. 64. (Eporeodon major, var. longifrons.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Eporeodon? major (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1854 A, p. 55, pi. iv, fig. 6. (Oreodon, Merycoidodon.) Cope, E. D. 1884 M, pp. 519, 520. (Eucrotaphus.) 1884 T, p. 281. (Eucrotaphus.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. (Oreodon.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. Leidy. J. 1853 D. (Oreodon, no description.) 1854 E. (Syn. of Oreodon culbertsoni.) 1856 J, p. 164. (Oreodon.) 1869 A, pp. 99, 380, pi. vii, fig. 1; pi. viii. (Oreodon.) 1871 C, p. 346. (Oreodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 250. 1897 C, p. 524, fig. 98. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 60, 64. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 218, fig. 5, D. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 213. Scott, W. B. 1890 B, p. 339. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 155. (Eucrotaphus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 836. (Eucrotaphus.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado, Nebraska. Eporeodon occidentalis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1873 H, p. 409. (Oreodon.) Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 59. (Eucrotaphus.) 1884 M, p. 517. (Syn. of Eucrotaphus jack- soni.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 424. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 318 (Syn.? of Oreodon bullatus); ?pl. vii, fig. 12 (Oreodon culbertsoni). Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 250. 1884 F, figs. 73, 162, 163. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 836. (Syn. of Eucrot- aphus jacksoni.) Miocene (John Day) ; Oregon. Eporeodon pacificus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1884 M, p. 519. (Eucrotaphus jacksoni pacificus.) 1884 H, p. 23. (Eucrotaphus.) 1885 B, p. 484. (Eucrotaphus.) 1888 X, p. 1094. (Eucrotaphus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. (E. occidentalis var. pacificus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 836. (Eucrotaphus.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Eporeodon socialis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1885 B, figs. 128, 129. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 213. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Eporeodon trigonocephalus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1884 M, p. 514. (Eucrotaphus.) 1884 T, p. 281. (Eucrotaphus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 213. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 836. (Eucrotaphus.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. MESOREODON Scott. Type Af. chdonyx Scott. Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 661. 1895 C, pp. 125, 164. Mesoreodon chelonyx Scott. *<-t>tt, W. B. 1893 B, p. 661. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 60. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 214. Scott, W. B. 1895 C, p. 125, pi. iii, fig. 29; pi. iv, figs. 32-34; pi. \, figs. 35-12; pi. vi, figs. 46, 47. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 836. Miocene (Deep River); Montana. Mesoreodon intermedius Scott. Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 661. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p, 60. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 214. Scott, W. B. 1895 C, p. 145, pi. v, figs. 43, 44. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 836. Miocene (Deep River); Montai MERYCOCHCERUS Leidy. Type M. proprius Leidy. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 24. Bettany, G. T. 1876 A. Cope, E. D. 1884 H, p. 23. 1884 M, pp. 504, 520. 1884 T. Cope, E. D. 1885 B, p. 484. 1888 X, p. 1093. 1889 C. 1889 G, p. 113. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 110. 668 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179 Leidy, J. 1870 P, p. 111. 1871 C, p. 347. 1873 B, pp. 199, 202. ' Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1327. Osborn, H. F. 1901 A, p. 46. Scott, W. B. 1889 C, p. 75. 1890 B, p. 340. 1891 D, p. 90. 1892 A, p. 435. 1894 E. 1895 C, p. 165. Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 73. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 800. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 837. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 355. Merycochoerus chelydra Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 M, pp. 521, 523. 1884 T, p. 281. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 214. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 838. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Merycochoerus ccenopus Scott. Scott, W. B. 1890 B, p. 346, pi. xvi, figs. 33, 34. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 72. (M. cenopus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 214. Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 73. (M. cenopus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 838. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. Merycochcerus laticeps Douglass. Douglass, E. 1900 B, p. 428 figs. 1-3. Miocene (Loup Fork); Montana. Merycochcerus leidyi Bettany. Bettany, G. T. 1876 A, p. 270, pi. xviii. Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 59. 1884 M, pp. 521, 523. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 214. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 838. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Merycochcerus macrostegus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 M, pp. 521, 526. 1884 T, p. 281. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 214. Scott, W. B. 18% B, pi. xiv, figs. 8, 9. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 838. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Merycochcerus montanus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 M, pp. 521, 531. 1884 H, p. 23. 1884 T, p. 282. 1885 B, p. 484. 1886 B, p. 359. 1886 H. 1889 G, p. 113, fig. 9. 1895 C, p. 151. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 72. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 214. Scott, W. B 1890 B, p. 342, text figs, v, vi. 1893 B, p. 659. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 838. Miocene (Loup Fork): Montana. Merycochcerus obliquidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1886 H, p. 368. 1886 B, p. 359. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 72. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 214. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 838. Miocene (Loup Fork); Oregon. Merycochcerus proprius Leidy. I^idy, J. 1858 E, p. 24. Cope, E. D. 1884 M, pp. 521, 535. 1884 T, p. 282. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 110, 380, pi. x. 1870 O, p. 109. 1871 C, p. 347. 1873 B, p. 201. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. T2. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 838. Miocene (Loup Fork); Wyoming. Merycochcerus rusticus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 O, p. 109. Cope, E. D, 1884 M, pp. 521, 535. 1884 T, p. 282. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 347. 1873 B, pp. 199, 319, pi. iii, figs. 1-3; pi. vii, figs. 1-5; pi. xx, figs. 9-11. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 72. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 214. Scott, W. B. 18% B, pp. 341, 348. (Merychyus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 838. Miocene (Loup Fork); Wyoming. Merycochcerus superbus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1870 P, p. 111. (Oreodon.) Bettany, G. T. 1876 A, p. 269, pi. xvii. (M. tem- poralis.) Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 59. (Eucrotaphus.) 1884 M, pp. 521, 522. 1884 T, p. 281. 1888 X, p. 1094, pi. xxvi. King, C. 1878 A, p. 424. (Eporeodon.) Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 346. (Oreodon.) 1873 B, pp. 211, 319, pi. i, fig. 1; pi. ii, fig. 16; pi. vii, figs. 7-11. (Oreodon.) Marsh, O. C 1875 B, p. 250. (Eporeodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 214. Scott, W. B. 18% B, p. 339, pi. xiv, fig. 10. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 838. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Merycochcerus sp. indet. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 208, pi. xx, figs. 9-11. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 669 MERYCHYUS Leidy. Type M. elegans Leidy. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 25. Bettany, G. T. ISTti A. Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 380. (Tieholeptus, type T. si/f/omaticus. } 1878 P. (Tieholeptus.) 1884 M, pp. 504, 535. 1884 T. 1885 B, p. 484. 1887 B, p. 386. 1887 S, p. Sf>. 1888 X, p. 1093. Daw-kins, W. B. 1870 A, p. 232. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 115. 1871 C, p. 347. 1873 B, pp. 202, 213. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1327. Scott, W. B. 1889 C, p. 75. 1890 B, p. 347, pi. xiv, fig. 36. 1891 A, p. 53. 1891 D, p. 90. 1892 A, p. 435. 1895 C, p. 165. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 800. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 837. Zittel. K. A. 1893 B, p. 355. Merychyus arenarum Cope. ! , !:. D. 18S4 M, pp. 536, 537 ; 540. (With snbsp. leptorhynchus.) 1884 H, p. 23. 1884 T, p. 282. 1885 B, p. 484. 18S8 X, p. 1080, pi. xxvi. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 72. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 214. Scott. \V. B. 1890 B, pi. xiii, fig. 7; pi. xvi, figs. 30-?/2. Troutssart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 837. Miocene (Loup Fork); Wyoming. Merychyus elegans Leidy. J.ii<<;. If. B. 1893 B, p. 659. Mutt hew, \V. D. 1899 A, p. 73. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 215. Scott, W. B. 1895 C, p. 163. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 839. Miocene (Loup Fork) ; Montana. Cyelopidius simus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 C, p. 221. 1878 C, p. 220. (Brachymeryx feliceps.) 1884 M, p. 547. 1884 T, p. 282. 1886 H. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 215. Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 659. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 839. Miocene (Deep River); Montana. HADROHYUS Leidy. Type H. supremus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 M, p. 248. 1873 B, p. 222. A genus of uncertain position; founded on unsatisfactory material. Hadrohyus supremus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 M, p. 248. 1873 B, pp. 222, 331, pi. xvii, fig. 26. Miocene; Oregon. LEPTOMERYCIN^C. Cope, E. D. 1879B, p. 66. (Hypertragulidae, in part.) 1889 G, p. 121. (Hypisodontidae.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 226. Scott, W. B. 1899 A, p 15. (Leptomerycidse.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 863. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 389. LEPTOMERYX Leidy. Type L. evansi Leidy. Leidy, J. 1853 D, p. 394. Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 8. (Trimerodus, type T. cedrensis.) 1874 E, p. 110. 1874 P, p. 26. 1879 A, p. 44. 1884 H, p. 23. 1884 DD. 1885 B, p. 484. 1887 B, p. 389. 1889 G, p. 121. Farr, M.S. 1896 A, p. 163. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 307. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 165. 1871 C, p. 351. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 332. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1333. Osborn and Wortman 1892 B. Rutimeyer, L. 1883 A, p. 98. Scott, W. B. 1891 A, p. 3. 1891 B, p. 342. 1891 C, p. 63. 1892 A, p. 436. 1895 A. 1898 C, p. 77. 1899 A, pp. 15-111. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 802. Wortman, J. L. 1893 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 389. Leptomeryx esulcatus Cope. Cope, E.D. 1889 I, p. 154. 1891 A, p. 22, pi. xiv, fig. 5. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 61. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 226. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 863. Oligocene (White River), Canada. Iieptomeryx evansi Leidy. Leidy, J. 1853 D, p. 394. Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 8. (Trimerodus cedrensis.) 1873 CC, p. 14. (Trimerodus cedreusis.) 1874 B, pp. 464, 503. 1874 P, p. 27. 1879 B, p. 66. 1879 D, p. 63. 1884 H, p. 23. 1885 B, p. 484. 1889 G, p. 122. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. Leidy, J. 1854 E, p. 157. 1857 D, p. 176. (Dorcatherium.) 1869 A, pp. 165, 383, pi. xiv, figs 1-8. 1870 P, p. 112. 1871 C, p. 351. 1873 B, pp. 216, 317. (Except John Day specimens.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 333. Major, Fors. 1873 A, p. 105. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 61. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 226. Scott, W. B. 1891 B, p. 343, figs. D-I. 1891 A, p. 15, pi. i, figs. 1, 2. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 166. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 863. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Colo- rado, Nebraska. Iieptomeryx mammifer Cope. Cope, E. D. 1886 U, p. 84. Ami, H. M. 1891 A. Cope, E. D. 1885 H, p. 163. (No description.) 1889 I, p. 154. 672 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF Til AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. 1891 A, p. 22, pi. xiv, figs. 6, 7. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 61. Roge'r, O. 18% A, p. 226. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 863. Oligoceue (White River); Canada, Colorado. Leptomeryx semicinctus Cope. Cape, E. D. 18891, |>. 151. 1891 A. p. 23, pi. xiv, fig. 8. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 61. Roger, O.'18% A, p. .'<;. Trouessart, E. L. 1896 A, p. 863. Oligoeene (White River); Canada. HYPISODUS Cope. Type If. i-lin/cii* Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 5. 1873 R, p. 419. 1874 B, p. 501. 1874 E. 1881 H, p. 25. 1884 DD, p. 1036. 1885 B, p. 486. 1887 B, p. 389. 1889 G, p. 121. Scott, W. B. 1891 B, p. 351. 1899 A, pp. 19, 112. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 389. Hypisodus minimus Cope. Cape, E. D. 1873 T, p. 8. ( Leptauchenia. ) OROMERYX Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 L, p. 269. Cope, E. D. 1894 E, p. 869. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E, p. 364. (Insufficient definition; no species.) Scott, W. B. 1898 C,pp. 77, Vtf. 1899 A, pp. 83,114. Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 259. (Name only.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 361. Cope, K. I>. 1873 R, p. 419. 1873 CC, p. 7 (H. ringens); p. 14 (Leptau- chenia minima.) 1874 B, p. 501. (H. minimus, with H. cingens as synonym.) 1874 P, p. 26. 1884 H, p. 25. 1885 B, p. 486. 1889 G, p. 122. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 61. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 226. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 863. (With H. cingens as synonym.) Oligoeene (White River); Colorado. Type O. plicatus Marsh. Oromeryx plicatus Marsh. Marxh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 269, fig. 23. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 215. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 839. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. CAMELOMERYX Scott. Type C. longiceps Scott. Scott: W. B, 1898 C, p. 77. 1899 A, pp. 67, 82, 114. Camelomeryx longiceps Scott. Scott, W. B. LEPTOREODON Wort. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 95. Scott, W. B. 1898 C, p. 75. (Merycodesmus, type M. ffracilis Scott.) 1899 A, pp. 51, 64, 113. Leptoreodon gracilis Scott. Scott, W. B. 1898 C, p. 76. (Merycodesmus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. (Syn. of L. marshi.) Scott, W. B. 1899 A, pp. 52, 67, pi. ii, figs. 10-14. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. Scott, W. B. 1899 A, p. 67, pi. iii, figs. 15-18. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 97. (Bunomeryx : tan us, in part.) Eocene (Uinta); Wyoming. Type L. marshi Wort. Leptoreodon marshi Wort. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 95, fig. 1. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. Scott, W. B. 1899 A, pp. 52,67. Trouessart, E. L. 1899 A, p. 1348. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. STIBARUS Cope. Type S. oblusilobm Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 3. 1874 B, p. 503. 1886 C, pp. 614, 619. 1893 G, p. 148. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 361. The systematic position of this genus doubtful. Stibarus obtusilobus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 3. Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 9. 1874 B, p. 503. 1886 C, p. 618. ("Stibarus.") Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 61. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 215. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 840. Oligoeene (White River); Colorado. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 673 PROTOCERATIN^E. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 405. Lydekker, R. 1896 B, p. 376. (Protoceratidae.) Marsh, O. C. 1891 A, p. 82. (Protoceratidae.) 1897 D, p, 165. (Protoeeratidse.) Osborn, H. F. 1892 B, p. 353. (Protoceratidae.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 I, p. 322. (Protoceratidae.) . Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 237. Scott, W. B. 1899 A, p. 19. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 361. (Protoceratidae.) PROTOCERAS Marsh. Type P. celer Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1891 A, p. 81. Cope, E. D. 1893 G, p. 147. Lydekker, R. 1896 B, p. 376. Marsh, O. C. 1897 D, p. 165. Osborn, H. F. 1893 D, p. 42. 1893 E. 1893 I, p. 321. Osborn and Wortman 1892 B, p. 351. Scott, W. B. 1895 A. 1898 C, p. 77. 1899 A, pp. 19-112. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 362. Wortman, J. L. 1893 A. 1898 A, p. 99. Zittel. K. A. 1893 B, p. 405. Protoceras celer Marsh. Mnrfli. <>. ('. 1891 A, p. 81. Cope, E. D. 1893 G, p. 147, pis. i, ii. Dean, B. 1893 A. Marsh, O. C. 1893 D, p 407, pi. vii. 1897 D, p. 169, pis. ii-v; pi. vi, fig. 1; pi. vii, figs. 3,4; text figs. 4, 6, 7. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, px 61. Osborn, H. F. 1893 I, p. 321, figs. 1-3. 1893 L, p. 128. 18% C, pp. 712, 715, illus. 8. 1898 Q, p. 16. Osborn and Wortman 1892 B, pp. 353-371, figs. 1-6. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 236. Scott, W. B. 1895 A, pis. xx-xxii. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 864. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 362, fig. 206. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 405, fig. 388. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Protoceras comptus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1894 F, p. 93. 1897 D, p. 172, pi. vi, fig. 2. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 61. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 237. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 864. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Protoceras nasutus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1897 D, p. 168, fig. 5. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 61. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Ma O. C. 1894 F, p 94. p. 174. GALOPS Marsh. Type C. cristatus Marsh. Galops cristatus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 F, p. 94. Galops censors Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1897 D, p. 175, pi. vii, figs. 1, 2. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 61. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. 1894 L, p. 273. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 61. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 237. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 864. Oligocene (White River) ; South Dakota. Ameghino, F, 1889 A, p. 579. Bavir, G. 1885 I, p. 196. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 24. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 464. 1874 M. 1875 Q. 1876 G, p. 146. 1877 K, p 342. 1881 J, p. 546. 1884 G, p. 16. 1884 H, p. 26. 1886 C. 1887 B, pp. 379, 391. 1887 S, p. 222. 1888 X, p. 1080. 1889 C, 1889 G, p. 119. Flover, W. H. 1876 B, xii Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 295. Gill T. 1872 B, p. 71. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 328. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 349. Bull. 179 43 CAMELID.E. Lydekker, R. 1885 C, p. 139. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 22, et seq. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1334. Osborn, H. F. 1900 C, p. 568. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 528. 1868 A, p. 349. 1870 C. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 215. Rutimeyer, L. 1877 A. 1878 A, p. 19. 1883 A, p. 9. (Camelina.) Schmidt, O. 1886 A, p. 154. Scott, W. B. 1891 A. 1899 A, pp. 22, 116. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 800. Tornier, G. 1888 A. Wilckens, M. 1885 C. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A. Zilliken, J. E. 1879 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 357. 674 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. LEPTOTRAGULIN^E. Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 66. (Hypertragulidse, in part.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 215. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 839. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 361. LEPTOTRAGULUS Scott and Osb. Type L. proavus Scott and Osb. Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 258. Cope, E. D. 1889 G, p. 119. 1890 C, p. 471. 1894 E, p. 869. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 304. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1334. Osborn, H. F. 1893 D, p. 42. Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 479. 1891 A, pp. 10, 47. 1892 A, p. 435. 1898 C, p. 75. 1899 A, pp. 47, 113. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 800. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 840. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 103. (Parameryx, in part.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 361. Leptotragulus proavus Scott and Osb. Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 258. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 215. Scott and Osborn 1890 A, p. 479, pi. vii, figs. 9-16. Tronessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 840. Wortman, .1. L. 1898 A, p. 103. (Parameryx.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 361. Eocene (Uinta); Wyoming. PARAMERYX Marsh. Type P. Ixvis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 L, p. 269. Cope, E. D. 1894 E, p. 869. (Syn. of Leptotragulus. ) Marsh, O. C. 1877 E, p. 364. (Insufficient defini- tion; no species.) Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 488. 1898 C, pp. 74, 77. 1899 A, p. 47. (Syn.? of Leptotragulus.) Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 259. Wilckens, M. 1885 C, p. 418. Wortmann, J. L. 1898 A, p. 103. Parameryx lee vis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 269, figs. 20, 21. Cope, E. D. 1894 E, p. 869. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 215. (Leptotragulus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 840. (Leptotragulus.) Eocene (Uinta); Wyoming. Parameryx sulcatus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 L, p. 269. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 50. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 215. (Leptotragulus.) | Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 840. (Leptotragulus.) Eocene (Uinta); Wyoming. ITHYGRAMMODON Osb., Scott, and Speir. Type /. cameloides Osb., Scott, and Speir. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 56. Cope, E. D. 1886 C, p. 613. 1887 B, p. 391. Scott, W. B. 1891 A, p. 9. Zittel, K. A. Ithygrammodon cameloides Scott, and Speir. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 57, pi. x, figs. Osb. Cope, E. D. 1886 C, p. 613. 1887 B, p. 391. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 47. Roger, 0. 1895 A, p. 215. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 840. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. HYPERTKAGULUS Cope. Type H. calcaratus Cope. Coj), E. D. 1873 R, p. 419. 1874 B, p. 502. 1874 E. 1874 P, p. 26. 1884 H, p. 24. 1885 B, p. 485. 1887 B, p. 389. 1889 G, p. 120. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 307. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1334. Rutimeyer, L. 1883 A, p. 99. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 75. Scott, W. B. 1891 D, p. 90. 1895 A. 1899 A, pp. 17-112. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 389. Hypertragnhis calcaratus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 7. (Leptauchenia.) 1873 R, p. 419. (H. calcaratus, H. tricosta- tus. ) 1873 CC, p. 14. (Leptauchenia. ) 1874 B, p. 502 (H. calcaratus); p. 503 (H. tricostatus. ) 1874 P, p. 26 (H. calcaratus); p. 27 (H. tri- costatus. ) 1879 B, p. 66. 1879 D, p. 63. (In part.) 1884 H, p. 24. (In part.) 1885 B, p. 485. (In part.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 61. (H. ealcaratus, H. tricostatus.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 675 Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 226. (H. calc., H. tricostatus. ) Scott, W. B. 71893 B, p. 659. 71895 C, p. 167. 1899 A, i>. 17. (In part.) Trom'ssart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 863. (H. calc., H. tri- costatus.) Oligocene (White River); Colorado, South Da- kota. Montana, Canada: (Deep River beds?) Montana? Hypertragulus hesperius sp. nov. Cope, E, D. 1879 B, p. 66. (H. calcaratus and Leptomeryx evansi, John Day specimens.) 1879 D, p. 63. (H. calcaratus, in part. ) 1884 H, p. 24. (H. calcaratus, in part.) 1885 B, p. 485. (H. calcaratus, in part.) 1889 G, p. 122, pi. vi. (H. calcaratus.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 216, 317. (Leptomeryx evansi, John Day specimens.) Scott, W. B. 71893 B, p. 659. (H. calcaratus.) 71895 C, p. 167. (H. calcaratus.) 1899 A, p. 17, in part; pi. i, figs. 3, 4. (H. calcaratus.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon: (Deep River?); Montana? Hypertragulus transversus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1889 I, p. 154. 1891 A, p. 22, pi. xiv, fig. 4. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 61. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 226. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 864. Oligocene (White River); Canada. POEBROTHERIIN.E. Unless otherwise indicated, the following writers regard this group as a family, the Poe- brotheriidae. Cope, E. D. 1874 P, p. 26. 1874 B, p. 464. 1884 M, p. 503. 1886 C, p. 613. 1887 B, pp. 379, 390. Cope, E. D. 1888 X, p. 1080. 1889 G, p. 119. Lydekker, R. 1885 C, p. 149. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1334. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 216. (PoebrotherinEe.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 840. ( Poebrotherinae. ) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 361. (Poebrotherinse.) FKOTYLOPUS Wort. Type P. petersoni Wort. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, pp. 104, 136. Scott, W. B. 1899 A, pp. 22-113. Protylopus petersoni Wort. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 104, figs. 3-6. Matthew, VV. D. 1899 A, p. 50. Scott, W. B. 1899 A, p. 22, pi. ii, figs. 5-9. Trouessart, E. L. 1899 A, p. 1349. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. POKBROTHERIUM Leidy. Type P. wilsoni Leidy. Lfidi/, J. 1S17 B, p. 322. Baur. G. 1885 H, p. 1%. Bninco, W. 1897 A, p. 24. Bruce, A. T. 1883 A, p. 39. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 498. 1874 E. 1874 P, p. 26. 1875 Q, p. 262. 1876 G, p. 146. 1884 H, pp. 25, 26. 1885 B, pp. 482, 486. 1886 C, p. 618. 1887 B, p. 390. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 304. Leidy, J. 1848 A. 1852 J, p. 571. (Pcebrotherium.) 1852 L, p. 64. (Pceluotherium, misprint.) 1854 A, p. 113. 1869 A. p. 141. 1871 C, p. 350. Lydekker, R. 1885 C, p. 149. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1334. Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 48. Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 483. 1 Trouessart refers to Bull. U. S. Geog. and Geol. tion of this species; but it is not me7ztioned there unpublished work. Scott, W. B. 1891 A. 1891 D, p. 90. 1892 A, p. 435. 1895 C, p. 179. 1898 C, p. 74. (Parameryx.) 1899 A, p. 23 el seq. Steinmann and Doderlein 1898 A, p. 800. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 840. Wilckens, M. 1885 C, p. 419. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 358. Wortman, J. L. 1893 A. 1898 A, pp. 110, 136. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 362. Poebrotherium eximium sp. nov. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. Ill, fig. 7. (P. wilsoni, not of Leidy.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Poebrotherium labiatum 1 Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 1, p. 271, fig. 4. 1881 J, p. 544, fig. 4. 1886 C, p. 618, fig. 7. 1887 S, p. 271, fig. 4. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 60. Survey, vol. i, p. 26, as the place of original descrip- Cope's reference to ' Haydeii iv, pi. cxv," is to an 676 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 216. Scott, W. B. 1891 A, pi. i, fig. 7; pi. ii, figs. 11-39; pi. iii, figs. 40-42, 48-51. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 840. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 113, pi. xi, figs. C, D. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 359, 362, fig. 292. Oligocene (White River); Colorado, South Dakota. Poebrotherium wilsoni Leidy. Leidy, J. 1847 B, p. 322. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 500. 1874 P, p. 24. 1886 C, p. 618, figs. 3, 9. 1889 G, 114, fig. 12. (P. vilsoni.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. Leidy, J. 1848 A. 1852 J, p. 571. (Poebrotherium.) Leidy, .1 . 1852 L, p. 64. ( Poeluotherium, misprint. ) 1854 A, p. 19, pi. i, figs. 1-1. 1854 E, p. 157. 1869 A, pp. 141, 381, pi. xiii, figs. 5-7. (Pce- brotherium.) 1871 c, p. aw. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 61. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 216. Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 483. 1891 A, pi. i, figs. 1-3, 8, 9; pi. ii, fig. 1; pi. iii, figs. 44-47. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 840. Wilckens, M. 1885 C, p. 419. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. Ill, figs. 8-10; pi. xi, fig. B. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 362, fig. 294. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Ne- braska. PROTOMERYX Leidy. Type P. halli Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 J, p. 163. Cope, E. D. 1886 C, p. 618 (Gomphotherium, type G. sternberfjii; preoccupied by Gomphotherium Burmeister). Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 160. 1871 C, p. 350. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1334. (Gom- photherium.) Scott, W. B. 1891 A. (Protomeryx, Gomphothe- rium.) 1899 A, pp. 17, 46, 113. (Gomphotherium.) Wilckens, M. 1885 C, p. 421. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, pp. 114, 137. (Gomphothe- rium.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 362. (Gomphotherium.) Ip case future discoveries shall prove that Cope's Gomphotherium sternbergii is generically different from Leidy's Protomeryx halli a new generic name must replace Gomphotherium. Protomeryx cameloides ( Wort. ) Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 115, pi. xi, fig. F; text figs. 15-19. (Gomphotherium.) Douglass, E. 1900 A, p. 14. (Gomphotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 64. Trouessart, E. L. 1899 A, p. 1349. (Gomphothe- rium.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Protomeryx halli Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 J, p. 163. Cope, E. D. 1874 P, p. 23. (Poebrotherium.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 160, 382, pi. xv, figs. 8. 9. 1871 C, p. 351. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 61. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 236. Trouessart, E, L. 1898 A, p. 841. Oligocene (White River) ; South Dakota, Colo- rado. Protomeryx serus (Douglass). Douglass, E. 1900, p. 12, pi. i, fig. 1. rium.) Miocene: Montana. (Gomphothe- Protomeryx sternbergii (Cope.) Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 59. (Poebrotherium.) 1884 H, p. 25. (Poebrotherium.) 1885 B, p. 486. (Poebrotherium.) 1886 C, p. 618, fig 10. (Gomphotherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A p. 64. (Protomeryx.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 216. (Gomphotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 840. (Gomphothe- rium.) Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 115, pi. xi, fig. E; text figs. 11-14. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 362, fig. 295. (Gomphothe- rium.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. MIOLABIN^E nom. nov. Cope, E. D. 1884 G, p. 16. (Protolabidse.) 1886 C, p. 613. (Protolabidse.) 1887 B, pp. 379, 391. (Protolabidse. ) 1888 X, p. 1080. ( Protolabidse. ) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 217. (Protolabinse.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 841. (Protolabin Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 363. (Protolabinse.) MIOLABIS Hay. Type Protolabis transmontanus Cope. Hay, O. P. in Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 24, 74. 1899 A, p. 593. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 24, 74. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 120. (Protolabis.) Miolabis transmontanus ( Cope ) . Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 67. (Protolabis ) 1879 N . p 131 . ( Protolabis. ) 5, p. 359. (Protolabis. ) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 677 Cope, E. D. 1886 C, p. 620, fig. 11. ( Protolabis. ) 1886 H. (Protolabis.) 1887 S. p. 223, fig. 13. (Protolabis.) Hay, O. P. 1899 A. p. 593. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 74. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 216. (Protolabis.) Troucssart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 841. (Protolabis.) Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 122. (Protolabis.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 363, fig. 2%. (Protolabis.) Miocene (Lonp Fork); Oregon. PROCAMELUS Leidy. Type P. occidentalis Leidy. Lddy, J. 1858 E, p 23. Baur, G. 1885 I. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 24. Cope, E. D. 1873 R, p. 420. 1874 P, p. 20. 1875 F, p. 75. 1875 Q, p. 262. 1876G,p. 144. (Procamelus; Protolabis, type P. heterotlrmtus.) 1877 K, p. 325. (Procamelus, Protolabis.) 1884 G, p. 16. 1886 C, p. 612 (Procamelus); p. 613 (Protola- bis). 1887 B, p. 391 (Protolabis); p. 393 (Procame- lus). 1889 C. 1893 A, p. 36. (iaiidry, A. 1878 B, p. 123. Lfidy. .1. 18S9 A, p. 147 (Procamelus); p. 158 (Homocamelus, type //. caninm). 1S71 C, p. 350. (Homocamelus.) 1873 A, p. 312. (Protocamelus.) 1873 B, p. 258 (Procamelus, or Protocame- lus). 1873 C, p. 15. (Protocamelus.) Marsh. O. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1334. (Pro- camelus, Protolabis.) Osborn, Scott, and Spier 1878 A, pi. x, fig. 6. (Pro- tolabis.) Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 48 (Procamelus, Protola- bis); p. 49 (Homocamelus). Scott, W. B. 1891 A, p. 49 (Procamelus, Protola- bis); p. 50 (Homocamelus). 1891 D, p. 90. (Procamelus, Protolabis.) 1892 A, p. 436. 1895 C, p. 179. (Protolabis.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 800 (Proto- labis); p. 801 (Procamelus). Wilckens M. 1885 C, p. 421 (Procamelus): p. 424 ( Homocamelus) . Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 359. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, pp. 120, 122, 139. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 363. (Protolabis, Procame lus.) Procamelus altus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1894 L, p. 274, figs. 33, 34. Cope, E. D. 1894 E, p. 869. ("Procamelus.") Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 73. (Syn. of P. robus- tus.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 216. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 841. Miocene; Oregon, Colorado. Procamelus ang-ustidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 P, p. 20. 1874 B, p. 529. 1877 K, p. 327. Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 37. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 74. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 216. Scott, W. B. 1891 A, p. 57, pi. i, fig. 6. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 842. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 124. (Syn. of P. occi- dentalis.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Colorado, Kansas. Procamelus nssidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 G, p. 145. 1877 K, p. 327. 1893 A, p. 37. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 74. (Miolabis?.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 216. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 841. Wilckens, M. 1885 C, p. 423. Miocene (Loup Fork); Colorado. Procamelus gracilis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1858 F, p. 89. Cope, E. D. 1875 F, p. 70. 1877 K, p. 328 (P. gracilis); p. 329, pi. liii, fig. 2; pi. Ixxvi; pi. Ixxvii, figs. 1-3; pi. Ixxviii, figs. 1-9; pi. Ixxix (P. occiden- talis, fide Cope 1893 A, p. 37.) 1893 A, p. 37. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157 . Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 155, 382, pi. xiv, fig. 15. 1871 C, p. 350. 1873 A, p. 312. (Protocamelus.) 1873 C, p. 15. (Protocamelus.) Leidy and Lucas 1891 A, p. 54. Matthew, W. I). 1899 A, p. 73. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 841. Wilckens, M. 1885 C, p. 422. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, p. 124, fig. 20. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska, New Mex- ico, Texas. Procamelus heterodontus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 R, p. 420. 1874 B, p. 530. 1874 P, p. 20. 1876 G, p. 145. (Protolabis.) 1877 K, p. 325. 1879 B, p. 68. (Protolabis.) 1886 C, p. 620, fig. 11. Hay, O. P. 1899 A, p. 593. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 74. (Protolabis.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 216. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A , p. 841. ( Protolabis. ) Wilckens, M. 1885 C, p. 422. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, pp. 120, 123. (Syn. of P. robustus.) Miocene (Loup. Fork); Colorado. Procamelus lacustris Douglass. Douglass, E. 1900 A, p. 18, pi. i, fig. 2. Miocene; Montana. 678 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. 3ULL. 79. Procamelus leptognathus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 37. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 73. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 216. Troucssart. E. L. 1898 A, p. 842. Miocene (Loup Fork); Texas. Procamelus madisonius Douglass. Douglass, E. 1900 A, p. 15, pi. ii. Miocene; Montana. Procamelus major (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1886 B, p. 11. (Auchenia.) Cope, E. D. 1892 AA. (Pliauchenia.) Leidy, J. 1887 A. ( Auchenia. ) 1889 A. (Auchenia.) 1892 A. (Auchenia.) Leidy and Lucas 18% A, pp. viii, 53; pi. xv, fig. 9; pi. xvii. figs. 1-16; pi. xviii, figs. 1^. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 219. (Auchenia.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 845. (Lama.) Pliocene; Florida. Procamelus minimus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1886 B, p. 11. (Auchenia.) Cope, E. D. 1892 AA. (Auchenia.) Leidy, J. 1889 D, p. 17, pi. iii, fig. 5. (Auchenia.) 1892 A. (Auchenia.) Leidy and Lucas 18% A, pp. viii, 53, pi. xvi, figs. 1-4. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 218. (Auchenia.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 845. (Lama.) Pliocene; Florida. Procamelus minor (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1886 B, p. 12. (Auchenia.) Cope, E. D. 1892 AA. (Pliauchenia media.) Leidy, J. 1889 A. (Auchenia.) 1892 A. (Auchenia.) Leidy and Lucas 1896 A, pp. viii, 53, pi. xv, fig. 10; pi. xvii, figs. 17, 18; pi. xviii, figs. 5, 6. (P. medius, error for P. minor.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 218. (Auchenia.) Troucssart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 846. (Lama.) Pliocene; Florida. Procamelus montanus (Douglass). Douglass, E. 1900 A, p. 13, pi. iii. (Protolabis.) Miocene: Montana. Procamelus occidentalis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 23. Baur, G. 1885 I. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 531. 1874 P, p. 22. 1875 F, p. 70, pi. ii. 1876 G, pp. 144, 146. 1877 K, p. 329,1 p i. IHJ, fig. 2 ; pi. Ixxvi; pi. Ixxvn, figs. 1-3; pi. Ixxviii, figs. 1-9; pi. Ixxix. 1877 M. 1 This description and the accompanying figures are referred later by Professor Cope to P. gracilis. Dr. Wortman (1898 A, p. 124) appears to regard the New Mexican specimens as P. occidentalis. Cope, E. D. 1881 J, p. 547, fig. 9. 1886 C, p. 621, figs. 2, 12, 14. 1887 S, p. 223, fig. 14. 1889 G, p. 114, fig. 10. 1893 A, p. 37. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 151, 382, pi. ix, fig. 5; pi. xv, figs. 5-7 (P. occidentalis); pp. 158, 382, pi. xiv, figs. 16, 17 (Homocamelus caninus). 1871 C, p. 350. (P. occidentalis, Homoca- melus cauinus.) 1873 A, p. 312. (Protocamelus.) 1873 B, pp. 258, 317, pi. xx. 1873 C, p. 15. (Protocamelus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 73. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, pi. x, fig. 5. Owen, R. 1870 C, p. 74. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 216 (P. occidentalis); p. 217 (Homocamelus caninus). Scott, W. B. 1891 A, pp. 51, 57, pi. i, figs. 4, 5; pi; iii, fig. 52. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 841 (P. occidentalis). p. 842 (Homocamelus caninus). Wilckens, M. 1885 C, p. 422 (P. occidentalis); p. 424 (Homocamelus caninus). Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 359, fig. 205. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, pp. 116, 123, 124, pi. xi, fig. G. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 363, fig. 279. Miocene (Loup Fork); South Dakota, Ne- braska, New Mexico, Texas. Procamelus robustus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1858 F, p. 89. Cope, E. D. 1881 C, p. 175. (Protolabis prehen- silis.) 1893 A, p. 37. Hay, O. P. 1899 A, p. 593. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 148, 381, pi. xv, figs. 1-4. 1871 C, p. 350. 1873 B, pp. 258, 317. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 73. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 216. (Protolabis robustus, P. prehensilis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 841. Wilckens, M. 1885 C, p. 423. Wortman, J. L. 1898 A, pp. 120, 123. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, New Mexico. Procamelus virginiensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 C, p. 15. (Protocamelus.) 1873 A, p. 311. (Protocamelus.) 1873 B, pp. 259, 317, pi. xxvii.figs. 26-29. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 216. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 842. Wilckens, M. 1885 C, p. 422. Miocene; Virginia. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 679 CAMELOPS Leidy. Type C. kansanus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1854 F, p. 172. Cope, E. D. 1884 G, p. 16. (Hplomeniseus. type Aiichenia hesterna.) 1886 C, p. 621. (Holomeniscus.) 1887 B, p. 392. ( Holomeniscus. ) Cragin. F. W. 1892 A, p. 257. (Holomeniscus.) Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 24. (Megalomeryx, type M. n/iihnu-ensis.) 1^71 C, p. 349 (Camelops); p. 351 (Megalo- meryx). Scott. W. B. 1891 A, p. 52. (Holomeniscus.) 1892 A, p. 436. (Holomeniscus.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 801. (Holo- meniscus. ) Whitney. .1. D. 1879 A, p. 250. (Megalomeryx.) Wilekens, M. 1885 C, p. 425. (Megalomeryx.) \Yortniiin, J. L. 1898 A, p. 128. Zittol. K. A. 1893 B, p. 364 (Camelops); p. 365 i Holomeniscus). Camelops calif ornicus (Leidy). Li /
  • 2, "No. 276" (C. obliquus). Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. (Syn. of C. clc- phantopus. ) Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, pp. 191, 197, 199, 206. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 155. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 713. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming. Coryphodon elephantopus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 0, p. 10. (Bathmodon.) 1875 C, p. 29. (Bathmodon.) 1875 F, p. 95, pis. v, vi. ( Bathmodon. ) 1877 K, pp. 206, 217, pi. 1, figs. 5, 6; pis. li, lii, liii; pi. liv, fig. 1. 1882 E, pp. 170, 171. 1884 O. pp. 523, 531, pi. xxixc. 1884 EE, p. 1193, figs. 12, 13, 20, 21. 1887 S, p. 269, figs. 45, 46. 1889 C, p. 159, figure. 1891 L, p. 1118. 1893 H, p. 251. Earle, C. 1892 A, pp. 151, 155, 160, fig. 2, I). King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 177, fig. 27. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A. p. 33. Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, pp. 191,196, 197, 199, figs. 19, 20. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 83, 119. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 155. Scott, W. B. 1886 A, p. 304. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 713. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 436, fig. 357. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming. Coryphodon hamatus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1876 D, p. 426, figs. 1, 2. Cope, E. D. 1891 L. Earle, C. 1892 A, pp. 151, 155, 156, 162. King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 176. Marsh, O. C. 1877 A, p. 81, pi. iv. 1884 F, figs. 55, 56, 150, 151. 1885 B, figs. 92, 93, 103, 132, 133. 1893 C, p. 325, pi. vi. 1893 H, pi. xviii, text fig. 1. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, pp. 191, 197, 199/214, in part. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 155. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 713. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 293, figs. 16(i-168. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 437, figs. 356,358. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. CATALOGUE. 699 Coryphodon latidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 29. (Bathmodon.) 1877 K, pp. 206, 214. 1882 E, p. 170. 1884 O, p. 523. 1884 EE, p. 1200, fig. 22. 1887 Q. 1888 F, p. 86, fig. 4. 1889 C, p. 241, fig. 25. 1893 H, p. 251. Earle, C. 1892 A, pp. 151, 160. (Syn.? of C. ele- phantopus.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 377, Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, pp. 191, 197, 199, 206. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 155. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 713. (Syn.? of C. ele- phantopus.) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming. Coryphodon latipes Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 F, pp. 68, 70. (Bathmodon.) 1873 E, pp. 587, 588. (Bathmodon.) 1882 E, p. 170. 1884 O, pp. 523, 526, pis. xxixa, figs. 4, 5; pi. xlviii, figs. 7-14. 1893 H, p. 251. Earle, C. 1892 A, pp. 150, 151. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, pp. 191, 197, 199. Roger. O. 1896 A, p. 155. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 713. {Eocene; New Mexico. Coryphodon lobatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, pp. 205, 209, pi. xlvi, figs. 2-10. 1882 E, p. 170. 1884 O, p. 523. Earle, C. 1892 A, pp. 151, 155, 164. (Syn. of C. anax.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, pp. 191, 197, 198; p. 204 in part. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 714. (Syn.of C.anax.) Eocene; New Mexico, Wyoming. Earle (1892 A, p. 164) makes this species a synonym of C. anax. Should it result that the specimens described as C. anax, C. pachypus, and C. lobatus belong to one species, this must bear the name C. lobatus, this name having pri- ority of publication. This course has been fol- lowed by Osborn 1898 H, p. 204. Coryphodon marginatus Cope. f'upc, E. D. 1882 E, pp. 170, 174. 1884 O, pp.524, 535, pi. xlive, fig. 5. Earle, C. 1892 A, pp. 151, 163. (Syn.? of C. cur- vicristis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, pp. 191, 197, 198, 210. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 155. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 714. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Coryphodon molestus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 D, p. 9. (Bathmodon.) Cope, E. D. 1874 D, p. 8 (Bathmodon simus); p. 9 (B. lomas). 1875 C, p. 29. (Bathmodon molestus, simus, lomas. ) 1875 F, p. 95. (Bathmodon molestus, lomas, simus. ) 1877 K, pp. 206, 229, pi. Ivi; pi. Mi, figs. 1, 2 (C. molestus); pp. 206, 226, pi. Iv (C. simus) . 1882 E, pp. 170, 171. (C. molestus, C. simus.) 1884 O, p. 524 (C. molestus); pp. 524, 532 (C. simus). 1884 EE, p. 1197. (C. molestus.) 1893 H, p. 251. (C. molestus, C. simus.) ! Earle, C. 1892 A, pp. 151, 155, 160. (Syn. of C. ele- ! phantopus.) ' Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. (Syn. of C. latidens. ) Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, pp. 191, 197, 199, 208, fig. 25. (Syn. of C. armatus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 714. (Syn. of C. ele- phantopus.) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Coryphodon obliquus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, pp. 205, 207, pi. xlvii, figs. 1-7. 1882 E, p. 170. 1884 O, p. 523. 1893 H, p. 251. Earle, C. 1892 A, pp. 151, 155, 156, 162. (Except specimen No. 276.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. (Syn. of C. ele- phantopus.) Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, pp. 191, 1%, 197, 199. (Syn. of C. elephantopus.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 83, 119. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 155. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 713. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Coryphodon radians Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 J, p. 418. (Bathmodon.) 1872 G, p. 351 (Bathmodon radians); p. 352 (B. semicinctus). 1872 AA. (Bathmodon.) 1873 E, p. 587. (Bathmodon.) 1873 F, p. 68. (Bathmodon.) 1875 C, p. 29. (Bathmodon.) 1877 K, pp. 206, 211. (Coryphodon.) 1881 D, p. 194. (Coryphodon.) 1884 O, p. 544, pis. xlv, xlvi; pi. xlvii, figs. 1-6; pi. xlviii, figs. 1-6. (Bathmodon.) 1888 F, p. 85. (Bathmodon.) 1889 C, p. 239, fig. 64. Earle, C. 1892 A, pp. 151, 155, 159, fig. 2, B, C. 1892 B. King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. Marsh, O. C. 1876 D, p. 425. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. Osborn, H. F. 1898 F, pi. x. 1898 H, pp. 191, 197, 198, 213. 1898 M, p. 585, fig. 1. 1898 Q, p. 12. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 83, 119. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 155. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 712. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming, New Mexico. 700 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Coryphodon repandus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 C, pp. 170, 171. 1884 O, pp. 524, 532, pi. xlive, figs. 1-4. Earle, C. 1892 A, pp. 151, 155, 156. (Syn. of C. radians.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. (Syn. of C. testis.) Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, pp. 191, 197, 198, 201. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 712. (Syn. of C. radi- ans.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Coryphodon semicinctus Cope. Cope , E. D. 1872 J, p. 420. (Bathmodon, Loxolopho- don.) 1872 G, p. 352. (Bathmodon.) 1872 S, p. 488. (Loxolophodon.) 1873 E, pp. 567, 587, 588. (Bathmodon. ) 1873 F, pp. 68, 70. ( Bathmodon . ) 1884 O, p. 544. (Syn.? of C. radians.) Earle, C. 1892 A, p. 151. (Bathmodon.) Marsh, O. C. 1872, S. (Loxolophodon.) 1873 B, p. 117. (Loxolophodon.) 1873 K, p. 147. (Loxolophodon.) 1876 D, p. 425. Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, p. 191. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 712. (Syn.? of C. radi- ans.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Coryphodon singularis Osb. Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, pp. 191, 197, 199, 214, fig. 215. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 36. Trouessart, E. L. 1899 A, p. 1346. Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming. Coryphodon subquadratus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 166. (Manteodon.) '1882 M, p. 73. (Manteodon.) 1884 O, p. 518, pi. xliva, figs. 1-5. (Manteo- don.) 1884 EE, p. 1117, fig. 9/. (Manteodon qua- dratus.) Earle, C. 1892 A, pp. 151, 165, fig. 2F. (Manteo- don.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. (Syn. of C. hama- tus.) Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, pp. 191, 197, 214. (Syn.? of C. hamatus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 156. Troueasart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 714. (Manteodon.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Coryphodon testis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 175. (Metalophodon.) 1882 M. (Metalophodon.) 1884 O, p. 567, pi. xliva, fig. 13. (Metalopho- don.) 1884 EE, p. 1197, fig. 16. (Metalophodon.) 1888 E, p. 84, fig. 3. (Metalophodon.) 1889 C, p. 238, fig. 63. (Metalophodon.) Earle, C. 1892 A, pp. 151, 155, 156, 158, fig. 2, E. 1892 B. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 33. Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, p. 174, 175, 189, 190, 197, 202. figs. 4, 6, 14, 15, 16, 17A, 18C, 18a, 21-23, 29. 1900 F, p. 93, fig. 7. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 155. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 713. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Coryphodon ventanus Osb. Osbom, H. F. 1898 H, pp. 191, 197, 210, figs. 16, 17, 26D. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 36. Trouessart, E. L. 1899 A, p. 1346. Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming, Colorado. Coryphodon wortmani Osb. Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, pp. 191, 197, 199, 212, figs. 18B, 27. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 36. Trouessart, E. L. 1899 A, p. 1346. Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming. The following citations are given to descrip- tions of specifically undetermined remains of Coryphodon. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 237, pi. Ivii, figs. 3-7 pi. Iviii; p. 241, pi. Iviii, fig. 9; pis. lix, 1. , p. 247, pi. Ixi; p. 248, pi. Ixii; pi. Ixiii, ngs. 1-4. Osborn, H. F. 1897 G, p. 256. BATHYOPSID.E. Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, p. 182. BATHYOPSIS Cope. Type B. fissidens Cope. Cope, E. D, 1881 D, p. 194. 1881 CC, p. 75. 1884 O, pp. 561, 5%. 1885 F, pp. 44, 53. 1885 N. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1388. Osborn, H. F. 1881 A, p. 17. 1898 H, pp. 173, 215, 217, fig. 3. Scott, W. B. 1886 A, p. 304. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 717. (Syn. of Uint therium.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 447. Bathyopsis fissidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 D, p. 182. Cope, E. D. 1881 CC, p. 75. 1882 E, p. 176. 1884 O, p. 597, pi. xxixo, figs. 1-3; pi. Iviiia, fig. 1. 1884 EE, pp. 1111, 1115, fig. 7. 1885 F, p. 53, fig. 35. Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, p. 220, figs. 196, 197. (Uin- tatherium.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 36. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 158. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 718. (Uintatherium.) Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 701 Suborder DINOCEREA Marsh. .Vr trait, O. C. 1872 S. Unless otherwise indicated, the following authorities refer to this suborder under the amended form of the name Dinocerata. Balir, G. 1890 C. Brandt, J. F. 1878 A, p. 16. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 564. 1873 F, pp. 40, 42. 1872 J, p. 11. 1873 X. 1875 C, p. 28. 1875 M. 1877 K, p. 182. 1882 A, p. 445. 1884 E. 1884 O, pp. 510, 512, 559, 587. 1884 EE, p. 1111. 1885 F, p. 40. 1885 N. 1885 O. 1886 F. 189S B, p. 125. Filhol, H. 1884 A. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 308. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 45. (Amblypoda, part.) Garrod, A. H. 1873 A. 1873 B. Gaudry, A. 1885 A. Haeckel E. 1895 A, p. 542. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Hill, F. C. 1881 A. L. P. B. 1885 A. Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 179. Marsh, O. C. 1873 B. 1873 F. 1873 G. 1873 I. 1873 J. 1873 K. 1873 L. 1873 M. 1873 P. 1874 A, p. 84. 1874 D. 1876 A. 1876 G, p. 60. 1884 F. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1387. Osborn, H, F. 1893 D. 1898 H, pp. 177, 180. 1900 F, p. 89. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 62. Owen, R. 1876 A, p. 401. Rutimeyer, L. 1888 A, p. 13. Schlosser, M. 1888 A, p. 587. 1890 C, p. 250. Science 1885 A, p. 488. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 439. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 764. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 440. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 439. (Amblypoda, part.) TINOCERID.E. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 M, p. 323. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, pp. 563, 564. (Eobasilidae.) 1873 F, p. 41. (Eobasilidae. ) 1875 K. (Eobasilidae.) 1873 X, p. 292. (Eobasileidae.) 1888 F, pp. 80, 86. (Uintatheriidae.) 1889 R, p. 877. ( Uintatheriidae. ) Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 387. (Uintatheriidae.) 1876 C, p. 114. (Uintatheriidae.) Haeckel E. 1895 A, p. 530. (Dinoceratida.) ! Lydekker, R. 1886 A. p. 179. (Uintatheriidae.) 1896 B. (Uintatheriidae.) Marsh, O. C. 1873 F, p. 295. (Tinoceratidae.) 1884 F, p. 191. (Tinoceratidae.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1387. (Uinta- theriidas.) Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, p. 182. (Uintatheriidae.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 156. (Dinoceratidae.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 715. (Uintatheriidae. ) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 439. (Dinoceratidae.) UINTATHERIUM Leidy. Type U. robustum Leidy. Leidy, J. 1872 G, p. 169. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, pp. 564, 580. 1873 F, p. 60. 1873 K. 1874 M. 1877 K, p. 186. 1882 H, p. 294. 1883 U. 1884 O, pp. 561, 587. 1884 EE, p. 1117. 1885 F, pp. 44, 53. 1885 N, p. 594 (Uintatherium; Ditetrodon, type Uintatherium segue.) 1888 F, p. 88, figure. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 387. 1876 C, p. 118. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 436. Leidy, J. 1872 A, p. 240. (Uintatherium, Uinta- mastix.) 1872 G, p. 169. ( Uintamastix, type U. atrox. ) 1872 H, p. 241. 1873 B, pp. 93, 331. L. P. B. 1885 A. Marsh, O. C. 1873 F. 1874 D. 1881 G. 1884 F, p. 191. Nicholson and Lydekker Osborn, H. F. 1881 A. 1890 D, p. 538. 1895 A, p. 82. 1897 G, pp. 252, 258. 1898 F, p. 91. 1898 H, p. 174. 1898 M, p. 587. 702 FOSSIL VEETEBKATA OF NOKTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 62. Science 1886 A, p. 490. Scott, W. B. 1891 B, pp. 375, 385. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 717. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 299. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B,p. 446. Uintatherium alticeps Scott. Scott, W. B. 1886 A, p. 307, fig. 4. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 157. (Tinoceras.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Uintatherium latifrons Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1884 F, p. 220, figs. 11, 125-128. 1885 B, pp. 249, 262, fig. 48. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 718. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Uintatherium leidianum Osb., Scott, and Speir. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 63, pis. vi-viii. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, pp. 593, 599, fig. 26. 1884 EE, p. 1117, fig. 10. 1885 F, p. 63, fig. 27. Hill, F. C. 1881 A, p. 524. Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, p. 221, fig. 198. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. Osbom, H. F. 1881 A, pp. 18, 19, 23, pi. ii. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 158. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 718. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Uintatherium princeps Osb., Scott, and Speir. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 81, pi. vii, fig. 2. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 593. Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, p. 223. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Uintatherium robustum Leidy. I.'i'l.n. J. 1872 G, p. 169. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, pp. 581, 583. 1873 F, p. 64. 1873 K, p. 102. 1873 X, p. 291. 1882 H, p. 295. 1884 O, p 589, pi. xxxvi, figs. 1, 2. 1885 F, p. 53. King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. Leidy, J. 1872 A, p. 240. (U. robustum, Uinta- mastix atrox. ) 1872 G, p. 169. (Uintamastix atrox, orig- inal description.) 1872 H, p. 241. (U. robustum, Uintamastix atrox. ) 1873 B, pp. 96, 333, pi. xxv, figs. 6-12; pi. xxvi, figs. 1-3; pi. xxvii, figs. 30-34. Marsh, O. C. 1872 S. 1873 B, p. 117. 1873 K, p. 147. 1873 L, p. 218. 1884 F, p. 219, figs. 61, 62, 195. 1885 B, fig. 98,99. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 43. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 82. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 717. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Uintatherium segne Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1884 F, p. 222, figs. 4, 42, 101, 102, 199, 200. Cope, E. D. 1885 N,p. 594. (Ditetrodon.) L. P. B. 1885 A, p. 186, fig. 16. Marsh, O. C. 1885 B, figs. 78, 79. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 158. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 718. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Uintatherium sp. indet. Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 593, pis. xxx Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. DINOCERAS Marsh. Type D. mirabilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 R, p. 343. Barbour, E. H. 1890 B, p. 395. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 580. (Syn. of Uintatherium.) 1877 S. (Syn. of Uintatherium.) 1884 O, p. 587. (Syn.? of Uintatherium.) 1885 F, pp. 44, 63. (Octotomus, type D. lati- ceps.) 1885 O. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 387. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 437. (Syn. of Uintatherium.) (iarrod, A. H. 1873 A, p. 74. Gnudry, A. 1878 B, p. 74. 1889 A. L. P. B. 1885 A. Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 96, 332. (Syn. of Uintathe- rium.) Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 182. Marsh, O. C. 1873 F. 1873 G. Marsh, O. C. 1874 D. 1876 A, p. 162 1877 H. 1881 G. 1884 F, p. 200. (Paroceras, type D. laticcps.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1388. Osborn, H. F. 1898 M, p. 587. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 62. Owen, R. 1876 A, p. 401. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 715. Wiedersheim, R. 1881 A, p. 363. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 296. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 446. Dinoceras agreste Marsh Marsh, 0. C. 1884 F, pp. 19, 197, fig. 15. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 43. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 156. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 715. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 703 Dinoceras cuneum Marsh. Mnrsh. O. C. 1884 F, pp. 77, 197, figs. 93, 94, 170, 171. 1S85 B, figs. 118, 119. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A. p. 43. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 156. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 715. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Dinoceras distans Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, pp. 13, 15, 16, 29, 199, figs. 4, 8, 10, 31. L. P. B. 1885 A, p. 181, fig. 8. Marsh, O. C. 1885 B, figs. 41, 45, 47, 66. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A. p. 43. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 156. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Dinoceras laticeps Marsh. .Vr,-7i, O. C. 1873 I, p. 301. Cope, E. D. 1885 F, p. 53, fig. 34. (Octotomus.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. L. P. B. 188.5 A, figs. 18, 23. Marsh, O. C. 1876 A, p. 168, pi. v. 1884 F, p. 200, text figs. 14, 22, 27, 33, 47, 50, 57, 58, 112, 136, 138-140; pis. x-xiv, xliii. [Dinoceras (Paroceras).] 1885 B, figs. 51, 57, 62, 68, 71, 72, 84, 85, 87, 94, 95. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 43. Osborn and Speir 1879 A, p. 304. (Uintatherium. ) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 156. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 715. Eocene (Wyoming); Wyoming. Dinoceras lucare Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1873 H, p. 408. King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. L. P. B. 1885 A, p. 176. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 334, Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, p. 200, pi. ix; text figs. 46, 103-110, 172, 173. 1885 B, figs. 83, 124, 125. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 43. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 156. Scott, W. B. 1886 A, p. 307. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 715. Eocene (Wyoming); Wyoming. Dinoceras mirabile Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 R. Cope, E. D. 1873 D, p. 1. (Uintatherium.) 1873 E, pp. 581, 584. (Uintatherium.) 1873 F, p. 65. (Uintatherium.) 1873 X, p. 292. (Uintatherium.) 1874 B, p. 456. (Uintatherium.) 1884 O, p. 589. (Uintatherium.) 1885 F, p. 53, figs. 25, 26, 33. (Uintatherium.) 1889 C, p. 158, figure. (Uintatherium.) Emerton, J.H. 1887 A. King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. L. P. B. 1885 A, with figures. Leidy, J. 1872 H, p. 241. (Syn.? of Uintatherium robustum.) 1873 B, pp. 97, 108, 333. (Syn.? of U. robus- tum.) Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 182. Marsh, O. C. 1872 S. 1873 B, p. 118, pis. i, li. 1873 K, pis. i, ii. 1873 L, p. 218. 1876 A, p. 165, pis. ii-iv. 1881 G, pi. ii. 1884 F, pis. i-vii, xx-xlii, xliv-lv; text figs. 3, 7, 13, 26, 34, 35, 39, 40, 43-45, 63, 89, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96, 99, 100, 106-109, 111, 113, 114, 118-123, 129-132, 143-146, 152, 153. 1885 B, figs. 38-40, 44, 50, 69, 70, 76, 80-82, 100, 116, 117, 120-123, 134-136. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 43. (Uintatherium.) Nature 1873 A. Osborn, H. F. 1881 A, p. 24. (Uintatherium.) 1900 F, p. 93. (Uintatherium.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 156. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 715. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 296, fig. 169. Zlttel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 440, figs. 361, 362, 364-367. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Dinoceras reflexum Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, p. 201, fig. 174. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 43. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 156. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 715. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. TINOCEKAS Marsh. Type Titanotherium? anceps Marsh. Marth. O. C. 1872 L, p. 322. (Issued in advance, Aug. 19.) Barbour, E. H. 1890 B,p. 395. Cope, E. D. 1872 S. p. 487. (Loxolophodon , in part.) 1872 T, p. 542. (Loxolophodon.) 1872 W. (Lefalophodon, error for Loxo- lophodon; issued Aug. 19. ) 1872 II. ( Loxolophodon. ) 1873 E, pp. 564, 565. (Loxolophodon.) 1873 F, pp. 40-43. (Loxolophodon. 1873 K. (Loxolophodon.) 1873 X , p. 293. ( Loxolophodon. ) Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 148. (Loxolophodon.) 1879 Q. ( Loxolophodon. ) 1884 O, pp. 561, 569. (Loxolophodon.) 1885 F, p. 44. (Loxolophodon.) 1885 N. (Loxolophodon; Tetheopsis, type Tinoceras stenops.) 1886 F. (Tetheopsis.) Filhol, H. 1884 A, pi. ix. (Loxolophodon.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 437. (Syn. of Uintatherium. ) Hill, F. C. 1881 A. (Loxolophodon.) L. P. B. 1885 A. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 332. (Syn. of Uintatherium.) 1 The generic title Loxolophodon was first employed by Professor Cope for Bathmodon semicinctus, now regarde 1 as a species of Coryphodon. Later Professor Cope used the name for the genus here called Tinoceras. In this sense the type was L. cornutus (Cope, 1884 O, p. 572). 704 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 180. 1893 E, p. 142. (Tinoceras, "miscalled.") Marsh, O. C. 1872 G, p. 504. 1873 F, p. 295. 1873 G. 1873 J. 1873 L, p. 216. 1873 M. 1873 P, p. ii. (" Lefalophodon." ) 1874 D. 1877 A, p. 81. 1881 G. 1884 F, p. 191. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1388. Osborn, H. F. 1881 A, pis. iii, iv. (Loxolopho- don.) Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 62. Osborn and Speir 1879 A, p. 304, pi. ii. (Loxolo- phodon.) Science 1885 A, p. 490. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 765. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 716. (Loxolophodon.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 299. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 446. Tinoceras afline Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1884 F, p. 204, figs, 16, 178, 179. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 43. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 716. (Loxolophodon.) Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. Tinoceras anceps Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1871 D, p. 35. (Titanotherium?.) Cope, E. D. 1873 F, p. 41. (Titanotherium.) 1873 J. (Titanotherium.) 1884 O, p. 572. King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 365. (Titanotherium.) 1873 B, p. 334. (Uintatherium.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 G, p. 123 (Mastodon anceps); p. 504 (Tinoceras). 1872 L. 1873 B, p. 117. 1873 H p. 408. 1873 K, p. 147. 1873 L, p. 218. 1873 N, p. 51. 1884 F, figs. 97, 98, 175-177. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 43. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 716. (Loxolophodon. ) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tinoceras annectens Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, p. 205, figs. 6, 21, 36, 37. L. P. B. 1885 A, fig. 4. Marsh, O. C. 1885 B, figs. 43, 56, 73, 74. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 43. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 716. (Loxolophodon.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tinoceras cornutum (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1872 W. (Lefalophodon dicornutus, error for Loxolophodon cornutus.) Barbour, E. H. 1890 B, p. 395, fig. 8. Cope, E. D. 1872 S, p. 488. (Loxolophodon.) 1872 II. (Loxolophodon.) 1872 KK. (Eobasileus.) 1873 E, pp. 668, 576, pis. i-iv. (Loxolopho- don.) 1873 F, pp. 45, 54. (Loxolophodon.) 1873 W, p. 151. (Eobasileus.) 1873 X, p. 298, pis. i, ii. (Loxolophodon.) 1873 Y, p. 49. (Eobasileus.) 1873 BB. (Loxolophodon.) 1884 O, pp. 673, 574, pis. xxxvii-xliii. (Loxo- lophodon. ) 1885 F, p. 45, pi. i, text figs. 24, 29, 31, 32. (Loxolophodon.) 1885 O. (Loxolophodorr.) 1887 S, p. 277, pi. viii. (Uintatherium.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 333. (Loxolophodon.) Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 180. Marsh, O. C. 1873 F, p. 294 (T. grande); p. 296 (T. cornutum). 1873 G. 1873 J. (T. grande.) 1873 L, p. 216 (T. cornutum); p. 217 (T. grande). 1873 M, p. 306. (T. cornutum, T. grande.) 1873 P, p. ii. 1884 F, p. 206, figs. 180, 181. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. (Uintatherium.) Nature 1873 C. (Loxolophodon. ) Osborn, H. F. 1896 C, p. 706, illus. 2. (Uintathe- rium.) 1898 Q, p. 17. (Uintatherium. ) 1900 F, p. 90, fig. 2. (Uintatherium. ) Osborn and Speir 1879 A, p. 304, pi. i. (Loxo- lophodon.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 716. (Loxolophodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 447, fig. 368. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tinoceras crassifrons Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1884 F, p. 208, figs. 29, 182. L. P. B. 1885 A, fig. 12. Marsh, O. C. 1885 B, fig. 25. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 43, Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 716. (Loxolophodon.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tinoceras galeatum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 D, p. 1. (Eobasileus.) 1874 B, p. 456, pi. i. (Eobasileus, Loxo- lophodon.) 1874 T. (Eobasileus.) 1884 O, pp. 573, 585, pis. xliii, xliv. (Loxo- lophodon.) 1885 F, p. 46. Marsh, O. C. 1884, F, p. 209, figs. 183, 184. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. (Uintatherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1881 A, pp. 21, 22. (Loxolophodon.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 716. (Loxolophodon.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tinoceras grande Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 M, p. 323. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 575. (Loxolophodon cornu- tus.) 1873 F, pp. 54, 61. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 705 L. P. B. 1885 A, fls. 31, 32. Marsh, O. C. 1873 F, p. 294. 1873 G. 1873 L, pp. 217, 218. 1884 F, p. 210, figs. 20, 49, 87, 88, 185. 1885 B, figs. 55, 86, 113-115. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 41. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 716. (Loxolophodon. ) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tinoceras hians Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1884 F, p. 210, figs. 32, 186. 1885 B, fig. 67. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. (Uintatheriiim.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 717. ( Loxolophodon. ) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tinoceras ingens Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, p. 211, figs. 9, 17, 23, 25, 28,51, 115-117, 124, 141, 142. Barbour, E. H. 1890 B, p. 394, fig. 7. Hutchison, H. N. 1893 A, p. 150, pi. xiv. L. P. B. 1885 A, figs. 6. 10, 22. Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 181, fig. 30. Marsh, O. C. 1885 B, figs. 46, 52, 58, 63, 88, %, 97, 126, 127,137. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. (Uintatherium.) Osborn, H. F. 1900 F, p. 94. (Uintatherium.) Roger, O, 1896 A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 717. (Loxolophodon.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tinoceras jugum Marsh. Marsh. 0. C. 1884 F, p. 212, fig. 187. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. (Uintatherium.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 717. (Loxolophodon.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tinoceras lacustre Marsh. Mareh, 0. C. 1872 R, p. 344. (Dinoceras.) Cope, E. D. 1873 E, pp. 581, 584. (Uintatherium.) 1873 F, pp. 61, 66. (Uintatherium.) 1884 O, pp. 589, 591, pi. xxxvi, figs. 3-8. (Uintatherium.) 1886 F. (Uintatherium.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. (Dinoceras. ) Marsh, O. C. 1873 L, p. 218. (Dinoceras.) 1884 F, p. 212, fig 188. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. (Uintatherium.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 717. (Loxolophodon.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tinoceras latum Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1884 F, p. 213, figs. 189, 190. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. (Uintatherium.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 717. (Loxolophodon.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tinoceras longiceps Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1884 F, p. 214, figs. 38, 48, 191, 192. 1885 B, pp. 275, 279, figs. 75, 85. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. (Uintatherium.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 717. (Loxolophodon.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tinoceras pugnax Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, p. 215, figs. 5, 18, 19, 24, 25, 29, 67. L. P. B. 1885 A, fig. 9. Marsh, O. C. 1885 B, figs. 42, 53, 51, 59, 64, 89, 104. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. (Uintatherium.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 717. (Loxolophodon.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tinoceras speirianum Osb. Osborn, H. F. 1881 A, p. 20, pi. i. (Loxolophodon. ) Cope, E. D. 1884 O, pp. 573, 599, fig. 28. (Loxo- lophodon.) 1885 F, p. 46, fig. 28. Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, p. 216, fig. 193. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. (Uintatherium.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 717. (Loxolophodon.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tinoceras stenops Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, p. 217, figs. 53, 54, 194. Cope, E. D. 1885 N, p. 594. (Tetheopsis.) ' 1886 F, p. 155. L. P. B. 1885 A, figs. 20, 21. Lydekker, R. 1886 A, p. 179, fig. 28. Marsh, O. C. 1885 B, figs. 90, 91. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. (Uictatherium.) i Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 717. (Loxolophodon.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tinoceras vagans Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1884 F, p. 218, fig. 12. 1885 B, fig. 49. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. (Uintatherium.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 157. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 717. (Loxolophodon.) Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. ELACHOCERAS Scott. Type E. parvum Scott, Scott. W. B. 1886 A, p. 304. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 1384, 1388. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B. p. 447. Elachoceras parvum Scott. Scott, W. B. 1886 A, p. 305, figs. 2, 3. Bull. 179 45 Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. (Uintatherium.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 156. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 715. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. 706 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179; EOBASILEUS Cope. Type " E. cornulus" = E. pressicornis. Cope, E. D. 1872 R, p. 485. (Aug. 20, 1872 as Pa- Ireont. Bull. No. 6.) 1872 S, p. 488. (Loxolophodon, in part.) 1872 W. (Lefalophodon, in part.) 1872 II. (Loxolophodon, in part.) 1873 E, pp. 564, 567, 575, 645. 1873 F, p. 54. 1873 J. 1873 K. 1873 W. 1873 Z. 1884 O, p. 561. 1885 F, pp. 44, 45. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 332. (Syn. of nintatherium.) Marsh, O. C. 1873 B, pp. 118, 122. 1873 F. 1873 K, p. 151. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1388. Science 1885 A, p. 490. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 718. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 446, 447. A genus of. doubtful validity; probably equiva- lent to Tinoceras. Eobasileus furcatus Cope. Cope, E. P. 1872 W. (Lefalophodou bi furcatus, error for Loxolophodon furcatus.) 1872 S, p. 488. (Loxolophodon.) 1872 II. (Loxolophodon.) 1872 KK, p. 774. 1873 E, p. 580. 1873 F, p. 59. 1873 W, p. 159. (Uintatherium.) Cope, E. D. 1873 X, p. 291. 1884 O, p. 565 (Eobasileus); pis. xxxii xxxiii (Uintatherium). 1885 F, p. 45. Marsh, O. C. 1873 B, p. 118. 1873 F, p. 295. 1873 K, p. 151. 1873 L, p. 217. 1884 F, p. 223. (Tinoceras.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. (Uintatherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 718. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Eobasileus pressioornis Cope. Coj>c, E. D. 1872 W. (Lefalophodon excressicor- nis, error for Loxolophodon pressicornis.) 1872 R, p. 485. (E. cornutus, not Loxolo- phodon cornutus of Cope, E. D. 1872 W.) 1872 S, p. 488. (Loxolophodon.) 1872 II, p. 580. (Loxolophodon.) 1872 KK, p. 774. 1873 E, p. 575. 1873 F, p. 54. 1873 W, p. 159. (Uintatherium.) 1884 O, p. 562, pi. xxx, figs. 1-5; pi. xxxi. Marsh, O. C. 1873 F, p. 295. 1873 L, p. 217. 1884 F, p. 223. (Tinoceras.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 44. (Uintatherium ) Roger, O, 1896 A, p. 158. Troussart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 718. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming Order PROBOSCIDEA. Baur, G. 1889 K. Cope, E.-D. 1873 E, pp. 561-563. 1873 F, p. 38. 73 J, p. 11. .874 M. 1880 B, p. 457. 1882 A, p. 444. 1882 Y. 1884 O, pp. 167, 378, 379. 1887 S, p. 342. 1888 D, p. 257. 1889 C, 142 et seq. 1889 J. 1889 R, pp. 875, 877. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 13. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 350. 1883 D, p. 423. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 418. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 45. Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 169. Gill, T. 1872 A, p. 301. 1872 B, pp. 13,48,89. Gill and Coues 1877 A, p. 1037. Grant, E. 1842 A, p. 769. Gray, J. E. 1869 A, p. 358. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 538. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. L dekker, R. 1884 B, p. 16. 1886 B. Lydekker, R. 1896 B. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. 1884 F, p. 172 et seq. Nicholson and Lydekker 18S9 A, p. 1390. Osborn, H. F. 1890 D, p. 539. 1898 A, p. 146. 1900 C, p. 567. 1900 F, p. 89. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 613 (" Proboscidians".) 1848 A, p. 132. 1866 B, p. 437. 1868 A, p. 359. Paulli, S. 1900 B, p. 235. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 158. Ryder, J. A. 1878 A. Schlosscr, M. 1890 A. Scott, W. : Slade, D. D. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 754 Thomas, 0. 1890 A. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 424. Weithofer, K. A. 1888 B. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 299. Wortman, J. L. 1885 A, p. 297. 1886 A, p. 488. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 206, 447, 743. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 707 ELEPHANTID^E. Adams, A. L. 1877 B. Bhiinville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iii, S, pis. i-xvii. Brandt, J. F. 1869, p. 28. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 563. 1875 C, p. 25. 1889 J, p. 182. Cuvier, G. 1799 A. ( " Elephans." ) 1806 A. ( " Les elephans." ) 1834 A, i, p. 463: ii, p. 1-373, pis. 1-29. Edwards, A. M. 1865 A. Falconer, H. 1868 A. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 351. FlowiT and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 423. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 46. Gill and Coues 1877 A, p. 1037. Gray, J. E. 1869 A, p. 358. Lortet and Chantre 1879 A. Lydekker, R. 1880 A, p. 197. 1884 B, p. 17. 1886 B, p. 13. Naumann, E. 1879 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1394. Roger, O. 1889 A. 1896 A, p. 158. Scott, W. B. 1891 C, p. 66. Sirodot, S. 1876 A. 1876 B. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 757. Thomas, 0. 1890 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 700. Weithofer, K. A. 1890 A. 1893 A. Weyhe, 1875 A, p. 121. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 458. MAMMUT Blumenbach. Type M. ohioticum Blumenbach=Af. americanus Kerr. Klumenbach, J. F., 1799, Naturgeschichte, ed. vi, p. 698. Unless otherwise indicated, the following writers refer to this genus under the name Mastodon. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 633. Blumenbach, J. F. 1803, Naturgeschichte, ed. vii, p. 723. (Mammut.) Brandt, J. F. 1869 A, p. 31. Bronn, H. G. 1838 A, p. 1232 (Tetracaulodon); p. 1233 (Mastodon). Burmeister, H. 1867 A, p. 287. Cope, E. D. 1877 C, p. 584. (Csenobasileus, type C. tremontigerus.) 1884 G, p. 2. (Mastodon, Dibelodon, Tetra- belodon.) 1889 J, pp. 193, 204. (Dibelodou, Tetra- belodon.) Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 31. Cuvier, G. 1806 A. ( " Mastodonte." ) 1806 B, pp. 270-312. 1817, Regne Anim., p. 233. 1834 A, ii, pp. 247-273. Falconer, H. 1857 B (Mastodon); p. 316 (Tri- | lophodon, Tetralophodon.) 1865 A. Falconer and Cautley 1846 A. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 351. 1883 D, p. 425. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 431. Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 170. 1891 B. Gervais, P. 1855 A. Godman, J. D. 1825 A. 1830 A. (Tetracaulodon.) Grant, E. 1842 A, p. 771. (Mastodon, Tetracau- lodon.) Harlan, R. 1825 A, p. 209. 1834 B, p. 51. (Tetracaulodon.) 1835 B, p. 257. (Tetracaulodon.) 1842 B, p. 142 (Tetracaulodon); p. 143 (Hip- popotamus). 1843 A, p. 210. (Tetracaulodou.) Hays, I, 1834 A. 1842 A. (Tetracaulodou.) Hays, I. 1842 B, p. 275. (Missourium, Tetracaulo- don, Mastodon.) 1843 A. 1844 A. (Tetracaulodon.) Homer, W. E. 1841 A. 1841 B. (Mastodon, Tetracaulodon.) 1841 C. (Tetracaulodon.) Kaup, J. J. 1832 A. (Tetracaulodon.) 1843 A. (Tetracaulodon.) Koch, A. C. 1839 B. (Missourian.) 1842 A, p. 714. (Tetracaulodon. ) 1843 A. (Leviathan.) 1845 A. (Mastodon.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 240, 392. 1871 C, p. 358. 1873 G, p. 416. Lortet and Chantre 1879 A. Lydekker, R. 1880 A, p. 202. (Mastodon, Tri- lophodon.) 1886 B, p. 14. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Meyer, H. 1867 B. Nasmyth, A. 1842 A, p. 775. (Mastodon, Missou- rium, Tetracaulodon.) Naumann, E. 1879 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1395. Owen, R. 1842 E, p. 689. 1844 A, p. 219. 1845 B, p. 613. Pavlow, M. 1894 A. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 286. Plummer, J. T. 1843 A. Pohlig, H, 1892 B, p. 313. Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 53. Richardson, J. 1854 B. Scott, W. B. 1887 A. 1891 D, p. 90. 1892 A, p. 439. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 758. Thomas, O. 1890 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 700. Warren, J. C. 1846 A. 1852 C. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B. p. 303. Woodward, H. 18;) 1 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 459. 708 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [Bt'LL.179. Mammut americanum (Kerr). Kerr, B. 1792, Anim. Kingdom, p. 116. (Elephas americanus.) Unless otherwise indicated, the following writers call this species Mastodon americanus. Agassiz, L. 1862 B. (M. giganteus.) Allen, H. 1886 B. Amer. Geologist 1891 C, p. 335. ('-Mastodon.") Amer. Jour. Science 1828 A, p. 187. ("Masto- don.") 1835 A. ("Mastodon.") 1846 A , p. 268. ( Mastodon. ) 1846 B, p. 131, fig. 1. (M. giganteus.) 1852 A. (M. giganteus.) 1853 A. (M. gigantens.) 1875 A, p. 222, (M. ohioticus. ) 1882 A, p. 294. ("Mastodon.") Ami, H. M. 1898 A, p, 80. Andrews, E. 1875 A, p. 32. ("Mastodon.") Annan, R. 1793 A. (No name.) Anonymous 1834 A. (" Mastodon.' ) 1837 A. ("Mastodon.") Atwater. C. 1820 A, p. 245, pi. ii, figs. A, B. ("Mastodon.") Barton, B. S. 1805 A, (" Mammoth.") Bell, R. 1898 A. (M. giganteus.) Bensted, W. H. 1861 A. (" Missouriuin.") Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iii, S, 232, pis. xvi, xvii (M. ohioticus); iv, Z, p. 44 (Tapirus mas- todontoideus). Blake, W. P. 1855 A. (M. giganteus.) 1868 A, p. 381. ("Mastodon.") Blatchley, W. S. 1898 A, p. 90. ?Brevoort, J. C. 1859 A. ("Mastodon.") Britton, N. L. 1885 A. ("Mastodon.") Bronn, H. G. 1838 A, p. 1235, pi. xliv, fig. 6. (M. giganteus.) Camper,' P. 1788 A, pis. viii, ix. (" Mamonteum," not as generic name. ) Carpenter, W. M. 1838 A, p. 202. (" Mastodon.") 1839 A. ("Mastodon.") 1846 A, pp. 244, 249 ("Mastodon"); p 250 ("Dinotherium"). Chaloner, A. D. 1843 A. ("Mastodon.") Chapman, E. J. 1858 A. (M. ohioticus?.) Cheney, T. A. 1872 A. (M. giganteus.) Christie, W. J. 1856 A. (" Mastodon.") Claypole, E. W. 1895 B. ("Mastodon.") Collett, J. 1882 A. (M. giganteus.) Cooper, W. 1831 A, p. 160. (M. maximus.) 1843 A, p. 33. (M. giganteum.) Cooper, Smith, and De Kay 1831 A, p. 370. ("Mas- todon.") Cope, E. D. 1868 L, p. 251. (Tetracaulodon ohiot. icus, Trilophodon ohioticus.) 1869 N, p. 740. (Trilophodon ohioticus. ) 1871 F. (Trilophodon ohioticus.) 1871 1, p. 95. 1874 J, p. 221. (M. ohioticus.) 1875 F, p. 66. (M. ohioticus.) 1875 V, p. 51. (Trilophodon ohioticus.) 71877 C, p. 584. (Csenobasileus tremonti- gerus.) o'-r. ' 8 *9>-/-*7- 1882 O. (M. giganleus.) 1884 G, pp. 5, 8. 1884 V, p. 525. (M. ohioticus.) 1885 S. 1887 S, p. 50. (Trilophodon ohioticus.) Cope, E. D. 1889 F, p. 164. (Mastodon.) 1889 J, p. 206, text flg. 3, pi. xv, fig. 2. 1899 A, p. 252. (Mastodon.) Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 33, pi. iii, figs. 1, 2, pi. vi, fig. 1. Couper, J. H. 1842 A, p. 216. ("Hippopotamus," "Mastodon.") 1846 in Hodson, W. B. 1846 A, p. 31. (M. gi- ganteus.) Croom, H. B. 1835 A, p. 170. (M. giganteus.) Cuvier, G. 1799 A, p. 19. (Animal de 1'Ohio.) 1806 A, p. 55. ( " Mastodoiite." ) 1806 B, pp. 270, 312, pis. xlix-lvi. (" Masto- donte.") 1806 C, pis. Ixvi-lxix. (" Mastodonte." ) 1834 A, ii, pp. 247-273, x, p. 477 (M. mr.xi- mus); p. 478, pis. xix-xxv (M. ameri- canus). Daily State Journal 1870 A. (" Mastodon.") Dana, J. D. 1875 A. (M. giganteus.) 1879 A, p. 233. Dawkins, W. B. 1870 A, p. 232. ("Mastodon.") Dawson, J. W. 1868 A, figs. 23, 24. ( " Mastodon." ) De Kay, J. E. 1824 A. (M. giganteus.) 1842 C, p. 102. (M. giganteus.) Deperet, C. 1887 A, p. 175. (M. ohioticus.) Desor, E. 1849 A, p. 207. (" Mastodon.") 1852 A, p. 58. ("Mastodon.") Dickeson, M. W. 1846 A, p. 106. (M. giganteus.) Domeier, W. 1803 A. (" Mammoth.") Falconer, H. 1857 B. [M. (Trilophodon) ohio- ticus.] 1868 A, i, p. 49, pi. vii, fig. 2. (M. ohioticus.) Falconer and Cautley 1846 A, p. 16, pi. iii, fig. 'J; pi. xl, fig. 16; pi. xliv, fig. 4. (M. ohioticus.) Fischer, 1808, Programme d'lnvitation, p. 19. (Harpagmotherium canadense.) Foster, J. W. 1838 A, p. 79. (M. maximus.) 1839 A, fig. 1. (M. giganteum.) 1849 A. (M. giganteum.) 1857 A. (M. giganteum.) Gaudry, A. 1891 B, p. 4, pi. ii, fig. 7. Gazley, S. 1830 A. (" Mastodon.") Giebel, C. G. 1847 A, p. 197 (Tapirus mastodon- toides); p. 202 (M. giganteum). Gilbert, G. K. 1871 A, p. 220. ("Mastodon.") Goddard, 1841 A. ( " Mastodon." ) Godman, J. D. 1825 A, pi. ii. (M. giganteus.) 1828 A, p. 205, pis. opp. pp. 205, 225, 231, 233, 236. (M. giganteum.) 1830 A, pis. xvii. xviii. (Tetracaulodon mastodontoideum. ) Gray, A. 1846 A. ("Mastodon.") Hall, J. 1843 A, p. 363, plate, fig. No. 74; text fig. 173. (M. maximus.) 1871 A, pis. lii-vii. (M giganteus.) Hallowell. E. 1847 A. (" Mastodon.") Harlan, R 1825 A, p 211 (M. giganteus); p. 224 (Tapirus mastodontoides, M. tapiroides). 1834 B, p. 47 (M. giganteum, M. maximum); pp. 57. 59 (Tapirus mastodontoides, M. tapiroides). 1835 B, p. 254 (M. giganteum), p. 262 (M. tapiroides). p 265 (Tapirus mastodou- toides). 1842 E. (M. giganteus.) 1843 A, p. 210. (" Mastodon ") Hartt, C. F. 1871 A. (" Mastodon ) Hayden, F. V. 1866 A. ('-Mastodon.") HAY.] CATALOGUE. 709 Hayes, S. 1895 A. ("Mastodon.") Hays, I. 1834 A (M. giganteum); p. 334, pi. xxiv (M. cuvieri) : p. 334, pi. xxv (M. jeffersonii); p. 334, pi. xxviii (M. collinsii); p. 334, pi. xxix (Tetracaulodon godmani). 1841 A, pp. 102, 106. ("Tetracaulodon," M. giganteum.) 1842 A, p. 183. (Tetracaulodon, M. gigan- teum.) 1842 B, p. 265. (M. giganteum, Tetracaulo- don godmanii, T. tapiroides, T. kochii.) 1843 A, p. 46 ("Tetracaulodon"); p. 48 (M. giganteum.) 184G A, p. 269. ("Tetracaulodon.") Hazeltine, J. 1835 A. ("Mastodon.") Hicks, L. E. 1873 A, p. 79. (" Mastodon.") Hitchcock, E. 1872 A. ("Mastodon.") 18S5A. ("Mastodon.") Hodson, W. B. 1846 A, p. 12. (M. giganteus.) Holmes, F. P. 1849 A, p. 197. ("Dinotherium.") 1850 B, p. 203. ("Dinotherium," "Masto- don.") 1858 B, p. 442. (" Mastodon.") Holmes, N. 1857 A. (M. giganteus.) Homer, W. E. 1840 A, p. 281 (M. giganteum); p. 282 (Missourinm kochii). 1841 A. ("Mastodon.") 1841 B, p. 308. ("Tetracaulodon.") 1842 A, p. 53. ("Mastodon.") Horncr and Hays 1842 A, pis. i-iv. ("Masto- don.") Hoy, P. R. 1871 A, p. 147. (M. giganteus.) Hunt. J. G. 1874 A. ("Mastodon.") Hunter, W. 1769 A, pi. iv, figs. 1, 3, 5. ("Pseud- elephant," "animal incognitum." Hntchinson, H. N. 1893 A, p. 217, pi. xxi. Jackson, J. B. S. 1845 A. (M. giganteus.) Kaup, J. J. 1843 A, p. 172 (M. cuvieri, M. jeffer- soni. M. giganteus); p. 173 (Tetracaulodon bucklandi, T. godmani): p. 174 (M. collinsii). Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. Klippart, J. H. 1875 B. ("Mastodon.") Koch, A. C. 1839 A. ("Mammoth.") 1839 B. '("Mastodon," "Missourian.") 1840 A. (Missourium kochii,) 1841, Description of the Missourian. (Levi- athan missourii, Tetracaulodon tapy- roides, T. osagei, T. kochii.) 1842 A, p. 715. (Tetracaulodon godmani, T. kochi, T. tapiroides.) 1843 A. (Leviathan missouriensis, Mis- sourium theristocaulodon.) 1845 A. (Mastodon ragatum, Tetracaulo- don godmani, T. haysii, T. kochii, Mis- sourium theristocaulodon.) 1851 A. (M. giganteum.) 1857 A. (M. giganteum.) 1858 A. (M. giganteum.) Lapham, I. A. 1855 A. (M. giganteus.) Lathrop, S. P. 1851 A. ("Mastodon.") Leidy, .7. 1849 A, p. 182. 1858 D. ("Mastodon.") 1860 B, p. 108, pi. xix, figs. 1-3. (M. ohioti- cus-.) 1868 A, p. 175. 1869 A, pp. 240, 392. 1870 M, p. 96. 1871 C, p. 358. Leidy, J. 1871 D. 1871 F, p. 113. 1873 B, pp. 237, 2.S5, 330, pi. xxii, figs. 5, 6; pi. xxviii, fig. 9. 1877 A, p. 213. 1884 A. Leidy and Lucas 18% A, p. 16. Lesley, J. P. 1889 A, p. 380. Lockwood, S. 1883 A. Lortet and Chantre 1879 A, p. 291. Lydekker, R. 1886 B, p. 15, fig. 3. Lyell, C. 1843 B. (M. giganteum.) McCallie, S. W. 1892 A. (" Mastodon.") Marsh, O. C. 1867 A. (M. ohioticus.) 1875 F. ("Mastodon.") 1877 E. ("Mastodon.") 1884 F, fig. 74. 1885 B, fig. 107. 1892 I, p. 350, pi. viii. 1893 E, pi. viii. 1897 C, pi. xxxi. Maxwell, J. B. 1845 A. ("Mastodon.") Miller, G. S. 1899 B, p. 373. Mitchell, S. L. 1818 A, pi. vi, figs. 1-4: pi. viii. figs. 1-3. ("Mastodon.") Moore, J. 1897 A, p. 277, plate. Nasmyth, A. 1842 A, p. 776 (M. giganteum); p. 777 (Tetracaulodon godmani, T. kochii, T. tapiroides). Newberry, J. S. 1870 A, p. 77. (M. giganteum.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1397. Osborn, H. F. 1898 Q, p. 19. 1899 G, p. 539. (Mastodon.) Owen, R. 1842 E, p. 689. (M. giganteum.) 1845 B, p. 616, pi. cxliv, figs. 1-11, 13, 14. (M giganteus.) 1846 A, p. 94. (M. giganteus.) 1846 B, pp. 273, 290, fig. 102. (M. giganteus.) 1847 D. (M. giganteus.) 1860 E, p. 353. ( M . ohioticus. ) 1866 B, p. 441, fig. 297. (M. giganteus.) Packard, A. S. 1868 A, p. 33. (M. giganteus.) Panton, J. H. 1891 A. (M. giganteus.) 1892 A. (M. giganteus.) Pavlow M. 1894 A, pi. i; pi. ii, fig. 2. (M. ohioti- cns. ) Peale, R. 1802 A. ("Mammoth.") 1802 B, pi. v, fig. 1. ("Mammoth.") 1803 C. ("Mammoth.") Pictet, F. J. 1853 A; p. 302. (Tapirus mastodon- toides.) Prime, A. J. 1845 A, pi. iv. (" Mastodon.") Putnam, F. W. 1884 A, p. 112. ("Mastodon.") 1885 A. ("Mastodon.") Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1845, i, p. 566. (M. gigan- teus.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1852 A, p. 53, pi. iv, figs. 7, 8 (M. giganteum.) 1885 A, p. 73, pi. v, figs. 7, 8. (M. gigan- teum.) Rice, F. P. 1885 A. Richardson, J. 1854 A, p. 101 (Elephas ruperti- nus); p. 141 (M. rupertianus). 1854 B. (M. giganteus.) 1855 A, p. 131. (M. giganteus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 160. 710 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. Safely, R. 1866 A, p. 426, ("Mastodon.") Savage, ,T. 1878 A, p. 1011 (Mastodon ohioticns.) Shalcr, N. 8. 1871 A, p. 162. (M. ohioticus.) Shurtlcff, N. B. 1846 A. (M. giganteus.) Sillimaii, B., sr. 1835 A, p. 165. (" Mastodon.") Silliman, B., jr. 1868 A. ("Mastodon;" may be some other species.) Smith, J. A. 1846 A, p. 19. ("Mastodon.") Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 759. Stewart, T. P. 1828 A. Todd, A. 1876 A. (M. angustidens. ) Troost, G. 1835 A, pp. 139, 236. ("Mastodon.") Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 704. Turner, Q. 1799 A. ("Mastodon", "Incognitum.") T. R. J. 1889 A. ("Mastodon.") Van Rensselaer, J. 1826 A. (M. giganteum.) 1827 A. ("Mastodon.") 1828 A. (M. giganteum.) Wailes, B. L. C. 1854 A, pp. 284, 28C. (M. gigan- teus.) Warren, J. C. 1846 A. (M. gigantens.) 1852 B. (M. giganteus.) 1852 C, pis. i-xxvi+i. (M. giganteus.) 1863 A, figs. 1-3. (M. giganteus.) 1855 A. (M. giganteus.) 1855 C. (M. giganteus.) 1856 A. (M. giganteus.) Wheatley, C. M. 1871 A, p. 236. Wheeler, W. 1878 A, p. 11 ("Mastodon.") Whipple, S. H. 1844 A. ("Mastodon.") Whitfield, R. P. 1891 A. ("Mastodon.") Whitney, J. D. 1879 A, p. 252. Whittlesey, C. 1848 A, p. 215. (" Mastodon." ) Wilder, B. G. 1871 A, p. 58. (" Mastodon.") Williston, S. W. 1897 I. p. 301. 1898 I, p. 91. Winchell, A. 1864 A. ("Mastodon.") ?Winslow, C. 1857 A. (M. giganteus.) 1868 A, p. 407. (" Mastodon.") Wistar, C. 1818 A. (" Mastodon.") Wizlizenius, A. 1858 A. (M. giganteus.) Woohvorth, S. 1847 A, p.31,fig.2. ("Mastodon.") Worthen, A. H. 1871 A. ("Mastodon.") Wyman, J. 1850 A, p. 57. (M. giganteus. ) 1853 B. ("Mastodon.") 1862 A, p. 422. (" Mastodon.") Yates, L. G. 1874 B. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 464. Pleistocene: Virginia, phio, Michigan, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, Texas, Kansas, Colorado, Cali- fornia, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsyl- vania, New York, Mississippi, Manitoba, Cape Breton Island, Ontario, etc. Mammut brevidens (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1889 J, pp. 199, 200, 201, fig. 5. (Tetra- belodon.) 1884V, p. 525. (Mastodon proavns.) 1886 B, p. 359. (Mastodon proavus.) 1886 H. (Mastodon proavus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. (Tetrabelodon.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 160. (Mastodon.) Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 659. (Mastodon proavus.) 1895 C, p. 179. (Mastodon proavus. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 701. (Mastodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 465. [Mastodon (Triloph- odon).] Miocene (Loup Fork); Montana. Mammut campestre (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1878 C, p. 225. (Tetralophodon.) 1878 N, p. 128. (Mastodon.) 1884 G, p. 5. (Mastodon.) 1884 V, pp. 524, 526. (Mastodon.) 1889 J, pp. 195, 204, pis. ix, x. (Tetrabelo- don.) 1893 A, p. 61. (Tetrabelodon.) Lydekker, R. 1866 B, p. xi. (Mastodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. (Tetrabelodon.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 160. (Mastodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 702. (Mastodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 465. [Mastodon (Tetra- lophodon).] Miocene (Loup Fork); Kansas, Nebraska. Mammut chapman! (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1874 J, p. 222. (Mastodon.) 1875 F, p. 73. (Mastodon.) 1877 K, pp. 314, 315. (Mastodon.) Hays, I. 1834 A, explan. pi. xxii, figs. 3, 4. (No specific name.) Lcidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 248, 396. (Mastodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 701. (Syn. of Masto- don obscurus.) The origin of the specimen on which this species rests is unknown. It is not certainly known to be American. Mammut euhypodon (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1884 V, pp. 524, 525. (Mastodon.) 1884 G, p. 5. (Mastodon.) 1889 J, pp. 195, 202, pi. xiii, text fig. 7. (Te- trabelodon.) Lydekker, R. 1886 B, p. xi. (Mastodon.) Matthew. W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. (Tetrabelodon.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 160. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 702. (Mastodon eu- hyphodon.) Wagner, G. 1899 A, p. 103. (Syn.? of M. shepardi.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 466. (Mastodon euhyph- odon.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Kansas. Mammut floridanum (Leidy). teidy, J. 1886 B, p. 11. (Mastodon.) Cope, E. D. 1889 J, p. 205. (Tetrabelodon flori- danus; syn.? of T. serridens.) 1892 AA. (Syn.? of Mastodon serridens. ) Leidy, J. 1886 C. (Mastodon.) 1887 A. (Mastodon.) 1890 C. (Mastodon.) 1892 A. (Mastodon.) Leidy and Lucas 1892 A, pp. viii, 15, pis. i-vii (Mastodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 702. (Mastodon.) Wagner, G. 1899 A, p. 103. (Syn.? of Tetracaulodon shepardii.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 465. (Mastodon.) Pliocene; Florida. Mammut humboldii (Ciivier). Curier G. 1825, Oss. Foss., ed. 2, vol. v. pt. ii, p. 527. (Mastodon.) The specific name is usually spelled hum- boldtii. The original form is here adopted. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 645. (Mastodon.) Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A (1845), iii, pp. 249-285, 302. (Mastodon.) CATALOGUE. 711 Burmeister, H. 1867 A, p. 288, pi. xiv. (Masto- don.) 1889 A, p. 33. (Mastodon.) Cope, E. D. 1884 G, pp. 5, 7. (Dibelodon.) 1884 V, p. 525. (Mastodon.) 1889 J, p. 195. (Dibelodon.) 1892 BB, p. 1059. (Dibelodon.) 1893 A, p. 60, pi. xvi, flgs. 2-4; pi. xvii, fig. 4. (Dibelodon.) Cuvier, G. 1806 C, p. 413. (" Mastodon te hum- boldien.") 1812, Oss. Foss., ed. 1, vol. ii, art. xi, p. 13. (" Mastodonte humboldien." Gervais, P. 1855 A, p. 18, pi. v, figs. 9, 10. (M. humboldii.) Gervais and Ameghino 1880 A, p. 109. (Masto- doH.) Lydekker R. 1886 B, p. 41, fig. 10. (Mastodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 75. (Dibelodon.) Meyer, H. 1867 B, p. 64, pi. vi. (Mastodon.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 161. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 704. (Mastodon.) Wyman, J. 1855 C, p. 279, pi. xiii. (Mastodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 464. (Mastodon.) Pliocene (Blanco); South America, Texas. Marnmut mirificum (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1858 B. (Mastodon.) The following authors refer to this species under the name Mastodon miriflcus. Cope, E. D. 1874 J, p. 222. 1877 K, p. 313. 1878 C, pp. 226, 227. 1884 V, p. 526. 1889 J, pp. 196, 206. 1892 G, p. 228. 1893 A, pp. 61, 62. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. King, C. 1878 A, p. 412. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 28. [M. (Tetralophodon).] 1869 A, pp. 249, 396, pi. xxv, figs. 1, 2. 1870 J, p. 67. 1871 A, p. 64. 1871 C, p. 358. 1873 B, pp. 237, 330. Lydekker, R. 1886 B, p. xi. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 69. (Dibelodon.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 160. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 706. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 465. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. Mammut obscurum (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 396, pi. xxvii, flgs. 13, 16?, 16?. Unless otherwise indicated, the following writers call this species Mastodon obscurus. Cope, E. D. 1872 DD. 1874 J, p. 221. 1875V, p. 51. 1877 K, p. 315. 1880 S. 1884 V, p. 526. 1889 J, pp. 196, 200, 203. (Tetrabelodon. ) ?Croom, H. B. 1835 A, p. 170. (M. angustidens.) Dana, J. D. 1879 A, p. 233. Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 198, fig. 23. (M. giganteus.) Gibbes, R. W. 1850 E. (M. angustidens.) Harlan, R. 1842 B, p. 143. (M. longirostris. ) Leidy, J. 1858 D, p. 12. ("Mastodon.") 1870 M, p. 99. 1871 A, p. 64. 1871 C, p. 358. 1873 B, pp. 231, 330 (in part), pi. xxii, flgs. 1-4. Lydekker, R. 1884 B, p. 28. 1886 B, pp. x, 30. Lyell, C. 1843 B, p. 128. (M. longirostris.) 1845 A, p. 427. (M. longirostris. ) Marsh, O. C. 1897 C, p. 527. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 160. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 701. Warren, J. C. 1850 A. (M. angustidens.) 1852 A. (M. angustidens.) 1852 C, p. 78, pi. xxvi. (M. angustidens.) Whitfleld, R. P. 1888 A, p. 252. Whitney, J. D. 1879 A, p. 252. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 465. Founded on a cast of a tooth said to have come from the Miocene of Maryland; also reported from North Carolina, South Carolina, Colorado (Pliohippus beds). Mammut praecursor (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1893 A, p. 64, pis. xviii, xix. (Dibelo- don.) 1892 BB, p. 1059. (Mastodon praecursor; no description.) 1893 C, p. 203. (Mastodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 69, 75. (Dibelodon.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 160. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 702. (Mastodon.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Texas. Pliocene (Blanco); Texas. Mammut proavus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 10. (Mastodon.) Unless otherwise indicated, the following writers call this species Mastodon proavus. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 531. 1874 J, p. 222. 1874 P, p. 22. 1884 G, p. 5. ( M. angustidens. ) 1884 V, p. 525. (M. angustidens var.) 1889 J, pp. 195, 202, pi. xi; text fig. 6. (Te- trabelodon angustidens proavus.) 1892 E, p. 253. (" M. angustidens type." Lydekker, R. 1884 B, p. 17. 1886 B, p. x. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 66. (Tetrabelodon angustidens. ) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 160. Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 659. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 702. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 465. Miocene (Loup Fork); Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico. Mammut productum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 J, p. 221. (Mastodon.) Unless otherwise indicated, the following authors call this species Mastodon produdiis. Amer. Jour. Science 1875 A, p. 222. Cope, E. D. 1875 F, p. 72. 1877 K, pp. 24, 306, pis. Ixx, Ixxii. 1884 G, p. 5. 1884 V, p. 524. 712 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179, Cope, E. D. 1889 J, pp. 195, 204. (Tetrabelodon.) 1893 A, p. 58. 1893 C, p. 203. Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 235, 330 (in part), pi. xxii, figs. 1-4. (M. obscurus.) Lydekker, R. 1886 B, p. x. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. (Tetrabelodon.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 160. Trouessart, E. L. 1893 A, p. 702. Zittol, K. A. 1893 B, p. 465. Miocene (LoupFork); New Mexico. Mammut rugosidens Leidy. Ltidy, J. 1890 B. (Mastodon, ) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 161. (Mastodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 702. (Mastodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 465. (Mastodon.) Upper Pliocene; South Carolina. Mammut serridens (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1884 V, pp. 524, 525, pi. iii, figs. 2, 3. (Mastodon.) 1884 G, pp. 5, 7. (Mastodon.) 1885 S. (Mastodon.) 1889 F, p. 164. (Mastodon.) 1889 J, pp. 200, 205, fig. 8. (Tetrabelodon.) 1892 AA. (Mastodon.) 1893 A, p. 18, pi. iii, figs. 2, 3. (Tetrabelodon serridens cimarronis.) Leidy and Lucas 18% A, p. 18. (Mastodon.) Lydekker, R. 1886 B, p. x. (Mastodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. (Tetrabelodon.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 160. (Mastodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 702. (Mastodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 465. (Mastodon.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Texas. Mammut shepardi (Leidy). Leidy, 'J. 1870 M, p. 98. ( Mastodon . ) Bowers, S. 1889 A. (Mastodon.) Cope, E. D. 1874 J, p. 222. (Mastodon.) 1884 G, p. 5. (Dibelodon.) 1884 V, pp. 524, 525. (Mastodon.) (Dibelodon.) Cope, E. D. 1889 J, p. 204. (Dibelodon shepardi, D. tropicus.) 1892 E, p. 253. (Dibelodon.) 1892 G, p. 228. (Mastodon.) 1893 A, p. 57, pi. xv. (Tetrabelodon.) 1893 C. (Tetrabelodon.) 1893 P, p. 473, pi. xii. (Tetrabelodon.) 1893 Q, p. 812. (Tetrabelodon. ) Felix and Lenk 1891 A, p. 132, pi. xxx, fig. 1. (Mastodon.) Leidy, J. 1871 A, p. 64. (Mastodon.) 1871 C, p. 358. (Mastodon.) 1871 J. (Mastodon.) 1872 K, p. 142. (M. obscurus.) 1873 B, pp. 231, 330 (in part), pi. xxi, figs. 1-4. (M. obscurus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 75. (Tetrabelodow.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 161. (Mastodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 702. (Mastodon.) Wagner, G. 1899 A, p. 99, pis. xxiv, xxv. (Te- tracaulodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 465. (Mastodon. ) Pliocene (Blanco); California, Texas, Kansas, Mexico. Mammut tropicum (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1884 G, p. 7. (Dibelodon.) 1889 J. pp. 195, 198. ( Dibelodon. ) 1892 G, p. 227. (Mastodon successor.) 1892 J, p. 123. (Mast Jdon sp. ) 1892 BB, p. 1059. (Dibelodon.) 1893 A, pp. 58, 59, 62, pi. xvi, fig. 1; pi. xvii, figs. 1-3. (Dibelodon.) 1893 C, p. 203. (Dibelodon.) Felix and Lenk 1891 A, p. 133. (Mastodon.) Lydekker, R. 1886 B, p. xi. (Mastodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 75. (Dibelodon.) Meyer, H. 1867 B, p. 64, pi. vi. (Mastodon hum- bold tii.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 161. (Mastodon successor.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 703. (Mastodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 46. (Syii. of Mastodon hum- bold tii. ) Pliocene (Blanco); Texas, Mexico, South America. ELEPHAS Linn. Type E. maximus Linn. Linnseus, C. 1758 Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 33. Adams, A. L. 1874 A. 1877 B. 1879 A. 1881 A. Blainville, H. M. D. 1867 A, iii, S, plates. Brandt, J. F. 1869 A, p. 34. Cope, E. D. 1889 J, p. 194. 1893 M, p. 1015. Cuvier, G. 1806 A. 1834 A, i, p. 455, ii, pp. 1-373. Falconer, H. 1857 B. (Elephas, with subgenera Stegodon, Loxodon, and Euelephas.) 1865 A.. Falconer and Cautley, 1846 A. Flower, W. II. 1876 B, xiii, p. 351. 1883 D, p. 425. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker, 1891 A, p. 424. Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 175. Grant, E. 1842 A, p. 771. Gray, J. E. 1869 A, p. 359. Leuthardt, F. 1891 A. Lydekker, R. 1880 A, pp. 197, 256. 1886 B, p. 78. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Mobius, K. 1892 A. Naumann, E. 1879 A. Nicholson and Lydekker, 1.HS9 A, Owen, R. 1844 A, p. 208. 1845 B, p. 625. 1868 A, p. 360, figs. 289-292. Paulli, S. 1900 A, p. 236. Pictet, F. J 1853 A, p. 280. Pohlig. H 1889 A. 1892 B. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 67. Rose, C. 1893 A. Riitimeyer, L. 1888 A, p. 11. CATALOGUE. 713 Scott, W. B. 1887 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 760. Thomas, O. 1890 A. Turner, H. N. 1848 A, p. 71. Weber, M. 1898 A, p. 135. Weithofer, K. A. 1890 A. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 305. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 467. Elephas columbi Falconer. Falconer, H. 1857 B, p. 319. [E. (Euelephas).] Bell, R. 1898 A, p. 371, fig. 1. Blake, C. C. 1862 A, pi. iv. (E. texianus.) 1862 B. (E. texianus.) Briggsand Foster in Billings, E. 1863 A, figs. 1-5. (E. jacksoni.) Cope, E. D. 1874 J, p. 221. (E. primigenius co- lumbi.) 1889 J, p. 209, pi. xiv. (E. primigenius co- lumbi.) 1894 A, p. 68. (E. primigenius var.) Cragin, F. W. 18% A, p. 53. (E. imperai Dall, W. H. 1891 A. Dawkins, W. B. 1870 A, p. 232. Donald, J. F. 1871 A. (E. soni.) Edwards, A. M. 1865 A. i Falconer, H. 1868 A, ii, p. 212, pi. x. Felix and Lenk 1891 A, p. 131. Gervais and Ameghino 1880 A, p. 213. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 157. VKindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. (E. americanus.) Leidy, J. 1858 B, p. 10. (E. imperator.) ia58E, p. 29. [E. (Euelephas) imperator.] 1869 A, p. 397. (E. americanus in part.) 1870 M, p. 97. 1871 C, p. 359. (E. americanus, part.) 1873 B, pp. 238, 329. (E. americanus, part.) 1873 G. 1875 A, p. 121. (E. americanus, part.) 1877 A, p. 213. (E. americanus.) 1889 D, p. 17, pi. iii, figs. 8, 9. (E. america- nus, or E. columbi. ) 1892 A, p. 129. Logan, W. E. 1863 A, p. 914, figs. 495-498. (Euele- phas jacksoni.) Lucas, F. A. 1900 A, p. 349. Lydekker, R. 1886 B, pp. xi, 171. Mather, W. W. 1838 A, p. 362. (E. jacksoni.) Miller, G. S. 1899 B, p. 373. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1406. Owen, R. 1859, Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. for 1858, p. Ixxxvi. (E. texianus, without description.) Pohlig, H. 1887 A, p.l 17. (E. trogontheri?, E. col- umbi.) 1889 A, p. 247. (E. columbi, E. imperator.) 1892 B, p. 327. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 711. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 473. Pleistocene; Georgia, South Carolina, Ala- bama, Texas, Colorado, Oregon, New Mexico, California, New York?, Florida, Mexico, North- west Territory, Hudson Bay. Elephas primigenius Blumenbach. Blumeiibach, J. F., 1803, Handb. Naturg., 1st French ed., vol. ii, p. 407. (Fide Lydekker.) Adams, A. L. 1879 A. 1881 A. Agassiz, L. 1850 A, p. 100. (" Elephant.") Amer. Geologist 1891 F. Amer. Jour. Science 1853 B, p. 146. Anonymous 1834 A. ("Elephant.") 1837 A. ("Elephant.") Baer, K. E. 1866 A. 1867 A. Barbour, E. H. 1890 A Barton, B. S. 1805 A, p. 98. (" Elephant.") Bell, R. 1898 A. Beyer, S. W. 1899 A, p. 211. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iii S, pis. iii, v, vi, viii, x. Blake, W. P. 1855 A. 1864 A. ("Elephas.") 1867 B. 1900 A, p. 257. Blatchley, W. S. 1898 A, p. 89. Brandt, J. F. 1848 A. 1866 A. 1867 A. Buckland, W. 1831 A, p. 594, pis. i, ii. Carpenter, W. M. 1846 A, p. 249. ("Elephant ") Chaloner, A. D. 1843 A, p. 321. (" Elephant.") Charlton, O. C. 1890 A. Cooper, W. 1831 A, p. 168. 1843, Proc. Gcol. Soc. Lond., p. 33. ("Mam- moth.") Cooper, Smith, and DC Kay 1831 A, p. 371. ("Ele- phant.") Cope, E. D. 1884 G, p. 8. 1888 B, p. 293. 1889 J, p. 207, pi. xvi, fig. 20. 1889 S. 1893 A, p. 87. 1894 A, p. 68. 1894 H, p. 453. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 32, pi. vi, figs. 2-5. Cottle, T. 1852 A. 1853 A. Couper, J. H. 1842 A, p. 217. ("Mammoth.") 1846 in Hodson, W. B. 1846 A, p. 45. Cuvier, G.1799 A, p. 15, pis. v, vi. ("Mammoth.") 1806 A, pp. 45, 149, 264. 1834 A, ii, pp. 1-246, with plates. C. D. 1838 A. Dall, W. H. 1869 A. 1873 A. Davison, C. 1894 A. Dawkins, W. D. 1870 A, p. 233. Dawson, G. M. 1894 A. De Kay, J. G. 1842 C, p. 100 (E. primigenius); p. 101, pi: xxxii (E. americanus). Diffenberger, F. R. 1873 A. (E. americanus.) Dupont, E. 1867 A. Duralde, M. 1804 A. Edwards, A. M. 1865 A. Edwards, T. 1793 A. (No name.) Emmons, E. 1858 B, p. 200, fig. 24. Falconer, H. 1857 B. [E. (Euelephas) primige- nius.] Falconer and Cautley 1846 A, pi. i, fig. 1; pl.xiii. A, figs. 1-3; pi. xiii B, figs. 1-3. 714 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BfLL.179. Felix and Lenk 1891 A, pp. 126, 131. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, 51. 1883 C. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 428, figs. 184, 18ft. Foster, J. W. 1838 A, p. 79. (E. primogenius.) 1839 A, p. 190, fig. 2. ("Elephant.") 1857 A. 1872 A, p. 143. (E. mississippiensis.) Gaudry, A. 1872 A. 1873 A. Gazley, S. 1830 A. ("Elephant.") Geinitz, H. B. 1885 A, p. 66, pi. iii. Gibbcs, R. W. 1850 D. Giebel, C. G. 1847 A, p. 208. Godman, J. D. 1828 A, ii, pp. 255-265. Harlan, R. 1823 A. ("Elephant.") 1825 A, p. 207. 1828 A, p. 189. 1834 B, p. 57. 1835 B, p. 263. 1835 G,p. 359. (" Elephant.") 1842 E. Raymond, R. 1844 A, p. 294. (" Megatherium.") Hays, I. 1844 A, p. 43. (" Elephant.") Higley, W. K. 1866 A, plate. Holmes, F. S. 1850 B, p. 203. ("Elephant.") Homer, \V. E. 1840 A, p. 299. ("Elephant." Howorth, H. W. 1870 A. 1881 A. Newberry, J. G. 1871 A, p. 241. (E. americanus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 1404, 1406. Owen, R. 1844 A, p. 210. 1845 B, p. 628, pi. cxlviii, figs. 5-8. 1846 B, p. 217, figs. 85,86,90-95. 1847 A. Packard, A. S. 1868 A, p. 33. (E. americanus.) 1886 A. Panton, J. H. 1891 A. 1892 A. Parker, H. W. 1884 A. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 283. Pohlig, H. 1887 A, p. 117. 1887 B, p. 254. 1889 A, p. 248. (E; primigenius, E. america. ) 1892 B, p. 327. ( E. primigenius, E. aniericse.) Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 68, pi. iv, figs. 11-19. Richardson, J. 1854 A, p. 11 (Mastodon giganteus); p. 141 (E. primigenius). 1855 A, p. 132. Rogers, H. D. 1854 A. Schmidt, F. 1872 A. Shaler, N. S.. 1871 A, p. 148. 1871 B, p. 167. : Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 761. j Steitz, A. 1870 A. ' Stirrup, M. 1893 A. 1894 A. 1892 A. 1893 A. 1894 A. Hntchinson, H. N. 1893 A, p. 193, pi. xx. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. Lambe, L. M. 1898 A, p. 136. Landois , 1871 A, p. 47, pi. ix. Leidy, J. 1854 A, p. 9. (E. americanus.) 1860 B, p. 108, pi. xviii. (E. americanus.) 1869 A, pp. 251, 397. (E. primigenius, E. americanus.) 1870 K, p. 69. (E. americanus.) 1871 C, p. 359 (E. americanus.) 1875 A. (E. americanus, part.) 1877 A, p. 212. (E. americanus.) 1889 D, p. 17, pi. iii, ftps. 6-9. 1889 E, p. 22. Lucas, F. A. 1899 A, p. 764. 1900 A, p. 349, figures. Lydekker, R. 1886 B, p. 175, figs. 30-32. Lyell, C. 1843 C, p. 33. ("Elephant.") Madison, . 1806 A, p. 486. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E r p. 367. (E. americanus.) Meyer, H. 1852 A, pi. xiv, figs. 1-4. Mitchell, S. L. 1818 A, pi. vi, figs. 2, 3, 5, 6. ("Ele- phant.") Mobius, K. 1892 A. Nature 1871 A. Naumann, E, 1879 A, pis. i-vii. Newberry, J. G. 1870 A, p. 77. (E. primogenius. ) Thompson, Z. 1850 A, p. 256. (" Elephant.") 1853 A, p. 14. Toll, E. 1895 A. ( " Mammoth." ) Troost, G. 1835 A, p. 143. (Elaphus primigenius ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 711. Turner, G. 1799 A. ("Mammoth.") Van Rensselaer, J. 1828 A, ( " Elephant." ) Wailes, B. L. C. 1854 A, p. 286. Warren, J. C. 1852 C. p. 142. Weithofer, C. A. 1893 A. Whitney, J. D. 1879 A, p. 254. Williston, S. W. 1898 I, p. 91. Winchell, A. 1863 A. Winslow,C. F. 1867; A. 1868 A. . Wistar, C. 1818 A. ("Elephant.") Woodhull, A. A. 1872 A. Woodward, H. 1869 A. Woolworth, S. 1847 A, p. 31, fig. 1. (E. americanus,) Worthen, A. H. 1871 A. Wylie, T. A. 1859 A. Wyman, J. 1853 B. 1857 A. ("Elephant.") Yates, L. G. 1874 B, p. 18. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 469, figs. 387-390. Pleistocene; New York, Vermont, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Alaska, British Columbia, On- tario, Alberta, Mexico, Arizona, Montana, Colo- rado, Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio, Missouri, Illi- nois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Georgia, NorUi Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Oklahoma, California, Oregon. IAV.] CATALOGUE. 715 Order TILLODONTJA Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1875 C, p. 221. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 23. 1876 A, pp. 3, 4. (Tillodonta.) 1877 K, pp. 85, 370. (Tillodonta.) 1882 E, p. 146. 1882 L. 1883 I, p. 79. 1884 O, pp. 186, 194, 739. (Tillodonta.) 1887 S, p. 343. 1889 C, p. 144. 1891 L, p. 1117. 1891 N, p. 73. 1893 M, p. 1015. 1898 B, p. 115. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 514. Flower and Lydokker 1891 A, p. 441. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 42. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, pp. 501, 502. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 1. Lydecker, R. 18% B, p. 378. Marsh, O. C. 1876 B, p. 2-19. 1876 G, p. 60. 1877 E. 1892 D, p. 448. 1895 D, p. 498. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1408. (Tillo- dontia, Anchippodontia.) Osborn, H. F. 1888 F. 1893 D. 1898 A, p. 146. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 40. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 88. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 250. Steiiynann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 728. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 446. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 374. Wortman, J. L. 1885 A, p. 298. 1897 B, p. 61. Z'Uel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 503, 726. 1 ESTHONYCHID.E. Cope, E. D. 1889 R, p. 876. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 502. (Esthonychida.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1409. (Platy- chceropidse.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 88. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 729. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 665. (Esthonycidse.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 6. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 6. 1876 C. 1877 K, p. 153. 1882 E, p. 146. 1882 L. ESTHONYX Cope. Type E. bisulcatus Cope. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 88. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 665. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. 1884 O, pp. 194, 198, 202, 738. 1884 S, pp. 351, 479. 1885 T. 1885 X, p. 1208. 1888 I, p. 4. 1888 K, p. 163. 1889 C, p. 221. Lydekker, R. 1885 D. (Syn. of Platychoerops.) 1887 A, p. 3. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1409. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 252. Scott, W. B. 1892 D, p. 80. Tomes, C. S, 1898 A, p. 446. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 375. Wortman, J. L. 1885 A, p. 299. 1886 A, p. 425. 1897 B, PP. 62, 63. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 506. Esthonyx acer Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 7. 1875 C, p. 24. (Syn. of E. bisulcatus.) 1877 K, p. 164. (Syn. of E. bisulcatus.) 1882 E, p. 148. 1884 O, p. 204. 1884 S, p. 480. Esthonyx acutidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 D, p. 185. 1882 E, p. 148. 1884 O, pp. 204, 210, pi. xxivo, figs. 17-21. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 36. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 88. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 665. Wortman, J. L. 1S97 B, p. 62. Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming. Esthonyx bisulcatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 6. 1875 C, p. 24. 1877 K, p. 154, pi. xl, figs. 27-33. 1884 O, p. 204. King, C. 1878 A, p. 377. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 88. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 665. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Esthonyx burmeisterii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 7. 1875 C, p. 24. 1877 K, p. 156, pi. xl, fig. 26. 1882 E, p. 147. 1884 O, p. 204, pi. xxivc, figs. 1-10. 716 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 172. Cope, E. D. 1884 S, p. 479, fig. 23. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 3. Matthew, \V. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1409, fig. 1290. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 88. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 665. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 375, fig. 212. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 425, fig. 207. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 506, fig. 419. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming. Esthonyx spatularius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 O, p. 908. 1881 D, p. 187. 1882 E, p. 148. 1884 O, pp. 204, 211, pi. xxiva, figs. 22-25. 1884 S, p. 479. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 31, 36. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 88. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 665. Eocene (Wasatch, Wind River); Wyoming. ANCHIPPODONTID^E. GUI, T. 1872 B, p. 87. Flower, W. H. 1876 C, p. 22. (Tillotheriidse.) Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 42. (Tillotheriidse.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 502. (Tillotherida.) Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 1. (Anchippodontidse.) 1896 B, p. 378. (Anchippodontidse. ) Marsh, O. C. 1875 C, p. 221. (Tillotheriidae, An- chippodontidae. ) Marsh, O. C. 1876 G, p. 60. (Tillotheriidse.) 1877 E. (Tillotheriidse.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1408. (Anch- ippodontidse. ) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 88. (Tillotheriidee.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 730. (Till- otheriidse.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 506. (Tillotheriidfe. ) TILLOTHERIUM Marsh. Type T. hyracoides Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1873 H, p. 485. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 146. 1882 L. 1884 O, p. 195. 18881. 1888 L. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 514. 1876 C, p. 123. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 441. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 1. Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 241. 1875 C. 1876 B, pis. viii, ix. 1876 G, p. 60. 1877 E. 1895 D, p. 498. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1408. Osborn, H. F. 1897 G, p. 252. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 275. 1892 A, p. 226. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 730. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 416. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 376. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 433. 1897 B, pp. 61, 63. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 507. Tillotherium fodiens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1875 B, p. 241. Flower, W. H. 1876 C, p. 123, fig. 3. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 441, fig. 193. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 2, fig. 2. Marsh, O. C. 1876 B, p. 250, pi. viii; pi. ix, figs. 1-3; text fig. 1. 1895 D, p. 498, fig. 48. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1408, fig. 1289. Osborn, H. F. 1897 G, p. 257. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 88. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 666. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 376, fig. 213. Wortman, J. L. 1897 B, p. 63. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 507, fig. 420. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming, Colorado. Tillotherium hyracoides Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1873 H, p. 485. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 88. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 666. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Tillotherium latictens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1874 C, p. 633. 1876 B, explan. pi. ix, fig. 4. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 88. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 666. Wortman, J. L. 1897 B, p. 63. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 607, fig. 421, Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. ANCHIPPODUS Leidy. Type A. riparius Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 1, p. 232. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 605. 1873 G, p. 208. 1875 J, p. 3. 1876 A, p. 3. 1876 C. 1884 O, p. 195. 1888 L. Flower, W. H. 1876 C, p. 122. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 441. Leidy, J. 1871 F, p. 114. (Trogosus, type V, toridens.) 1872 B, p. 359. (Trogosus.) 1873 B, p. 328. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 1. Marsh, O. C. 1874 B, p 255. 1875 B, p. 241. 1877 E. HA-S.J CATALOGUE. 717 Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 1408, 1410. Wortman, J. L. 1897 B, p. 61. Zitte!, K. A. 1893 B, p. 508. Anchippodus minor (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1871 D, p. 36. (Palseosyops.) Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 605. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 252. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Leidy, J. 1871 F, p. 114. (Trogosus castoridens.) 1871 1. (Palseosyops minor.) 1872 B, p. 360. (Trogosus castoridens.) 1872 D, p. 37. (A. riparius.) 1873 B, p. 71, pi. v, figs. 1-3. (Trogosus cas- toridens); p. 328 (A. riparius). Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 2. (Syn. of A. riparius.) Marsh, O. C. 1873 H, p. 485. (Anchippodus.) 1876 B, p. 252, pi. ix, fig. 5. (Anchippodus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 88 (Syn. of A. riparius); p. 15W (Palseosyops). Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 666 (A. riparius, in part); p. 738 (Palseosyops minor, in part). Wortman, J. L. 1897 B, p. 63. (Tillotherium.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 508, fig. 422. Eocene (Bridgcr); Wyoming. Anchippodus riparius Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 I, p. 232. Conrad, T. A. 1869 A, p. 363. Cope, E. D. 1869 N, p. 740. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 514. 1876 C, p. 120. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 403, pi. xxx, figs. 45, 4fi. 1872 D, p. 37. 1873 B, pp. 72, 328, in part. Lydekker, R. 1887 B, p. 2, in part. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 88. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 666. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 508. Eocene; New Jersey. Anchippodus vetulus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 K, p. 229. (Trogosus.) 1872 B, p. 360. (Trogosus.) 1873 B, p. 75 (Trogosus): p. 329, pi. vi, fig. 43. (Anchippodus). Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 88. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 666.. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Order GLIRES Linn. Linnsens, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 56. (Ex- clusive of Rhinoceros.) Unless otherwise indicated, the following authors denominate this group Rodcntia. Adloff, P. 189SA. ("Rodeutien.") Allen, J. A. 1877 A. Alston, E. R. 1876 A. (Glires.) Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 235. Brandt, J. F. 1885 A. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 474. 1880 B. 455. 1881 E. 1881 J, p. 545. 1883 S. 1884 O, pp. 166, 812. 1887 S, p. 342. 1888 D, p. 257. 18881. 1889 C, p. 143. 1889 R, pp. 875, 876. (Glires.) 1893 M, p. 1015. 1898 B, p. 111. (Glires.) Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 36. Coues, E. 1877 B. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, viii, pt. i, pp. 1-128, with plates. Fleischmann, A. 1888 A. Flower, W. H. 1883 A. 1883 D, p. 415. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 443. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 42. Gill, T. 1872 A, p. 303. (Glires.) 1S72B, p. 20. (Glires.) Gill and Coues 1877 A, p. 1061. Gruber, W. 1859 A. (Glires.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 506. Hay, O. P. 189SJ F, p. 682. (Glires.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 369. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 363. Lydekker, R. 1896 B. Major, Fors. 1893 A, p. 202. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1411. Osborn, H. F. 1900 C, p. 567. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 398. 1851 C. 1866 B, p. 364. 1868 A, p. 294. Palmer, T. S. 1897 A, p. 103. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 207. 1885 A, p. 192. Parsons, F. G. 1899 A. WOO A. Paulli, S. 1900 B, p. 539. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 110. Schlosser, M. 1884 A. 1884 B. 1889 A. 1890 A. 1890 C. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 426. Slade, D. D..18S8A, p. 243. 1890 A. Smith J. 1895 A, p. 341. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 731. Thomas, O. 18% A. p. 1012. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 4-18. Tomes, J. 1350 A, p. 529. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 388. Tullberg, T. 1899 A. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Weyhe, 1875 A, p. in. Winge, H. 1888 A, p. 103. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 373. Woodward, M. F. 1894 A. W'ortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 46t>. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 512, 553, 727. 718 FOSSIL VEKTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Suborder SIMPLICIDENTATA. Alston, E. R. 1876 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 448. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 141:5. Palmer, T. S. 1897 A. Schlosser, M. 1884 A, p. 123. (Miodonta.) Thomas, O. 18% A, p. 1015. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, pp. 57, 341. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 377. Superfamily 8CIUROMORPHA . Alston, E. R. 1876 A. Brandt, J. F. 1855 A. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 361. 1883 S, p. 43. 1884 O, p. 812. Flower,. W. H. 1883 D, p. 417. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 448. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 42. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 509. Lydekker, R. 1896 B. Nicholson and Lydekker 18S9 A, p. 1419. Palmer, T. S. 1897 A. Schlosser, M. 1884 A, p. 98. 1890 C, p. 250. Slade, D. D. 1888 A, p. 243. 1892 B. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 115. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 732. Thomas, O. 1896 A, p. 1015. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, pp. 283,461. (Sciuromorphi.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 521 (Protrogomorpha): p. 527 (Scinromorpha). Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 637. Alston, E. R. 1876 A. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 240. Brandt, J. F. 1855 A. Cope, E. D. 1888 I, p. 9. 1889 C, p. 267. 1893 M, p. 1015. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 450. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 363. Major, Fors. 1873 A. 1893 A, p. 186. Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 253. (Allomyidfe.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1420. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 115. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 250. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 733. Thomas, O. 1896 A, p. 1015. Tomes, J. 1850 A, p. 53fi. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 395. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, pp. 290, 468. Winge, H. 1888 A, p. 135. (Including Scinrini, Castorini.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 528. PTEROMYIN/E. Major, Fors. 1893 A, p. 187. Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 253. (Allomyids Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 395. Winge, H. 1888 A, p. 115. (Allomyini.) ALLOMYS Marsh. Type A. nitens Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 253. Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 67. (Meniscomys, type M. hippodus.) 1881 E, p. 365. (Meniscomys.) 1883 S, p. 51. (Meniscomys.) 1884 O, p. 826. (Meniscomys.) 1888 B, p. 291 (Meniscomys=Sciurodon, fide Schlosser.) Hay, O. P. 1899 C, p. 253. Major, Fors. 1893 A, p. 192. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1421. (Menis- comys.) Riggs, E. S. 1899 A, p. 183. (Protogaulus, type Hfeniscomys hippodus. ) Schlosser, M. 1884 A, p. 136. Winge, H. 1888 A, pp. 114, 164. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 529. Allomys cavatus (Cope). Coj>e, E. D. 1881 E, p. 366. (Meniscomys.) 1881 Q, p. 586. (Meniscomys. ) 1883 S, p. 52, fig. 7. (Meniscomys. ) Cope, E. D. 1884 O, pp. 827, 830, pi. Ixiii, figs.12-15 (Meniscomys.) Major, Fors. 1893 A, p. 192. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 116. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 396. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Allomys hippodus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 67. (Meniscomys.) 1880 C, p. 55. (Meniscomys.) 1881 E, p. 366. (Meniscomys.) 1881 Q, p. 586. (Meniscomys.) 1883 S, p. 52, fig. 6. (Meniscomys.) 1884 O, pp. 827, 828, pi. Ixii, figs. 7--10. (Meniscomys.) Hay, O. P. 1899 C, p. 253. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Riggs, E. S. 1899 A, p. 183, text figure, p. !85. (Protogaulus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 116. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 396. Miocene (John Day) ; Oregon. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 719 Allomys liolophus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 366. (Meniscomys.) 1881 Q, p. 586. (Meniscomys.) 1883 S, p. 52, fig. 53. (Meniscomys.) 1884 O, pp. 827, 829, pi. Ixiii, fig. 11. (Menis- comys. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 116. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 3%. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Allomys multiplicatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 55. (Meniscomys.) 1879 D, p. 68. (Meniscomys.) 1883 S, p. 52, fig. 8. (Meniscomys.) 1884 O, pp. 827, 832. (Syn. of Meniscomys nitens.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 116. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 3%. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Allomys nitens Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1877 D, p. 253. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 366. (Meniscomys.) 1881 Q, p. 586. (Meniscomys.) 1883 S, p. 52, fig. 8. (Meniscomys.) 1884 O, pp. 827, 832, pi. Ixiii, figs. 16, 17. (Meniscomys.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 424. Major, Fore. 1893 A, p. 193. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 116. Tronessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 3%. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 529, fig. 440. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. SCIURIN.K Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 240. Major, Fors. 1893 A. Thomas, 0. 1896 A, p. 1015. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 403. Winge, H. 1888 A, pp. 109, 190. Sciurini.) SCIURUS l Linn. Type S. vulgaria Linn. Limueus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 63. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 666. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 243. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 363. 1883 S, p. 49. 1884 O. p. 816. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 450. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1421. Owen, R. 1868 A, p. 299. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 207, pi. xxv, figs, l-j Tomes, J. 1850 A, p. 535. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 410. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 329. Sciurus ballovianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 C, p. 177. 1881 E, p. 363. 1881 Q. 1883 S, p. 50, fig. 4, a-d. 1884 O, p. 818, pi. Ixiii, figs. 5, 6. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 117. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 425. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Sciurus calycinus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 I, p. 86. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 931. Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 373. 1899 A, p. 199. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 117. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 425. Wheatly, C. M. 1871 B. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Sciurus panolius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 174, pi. iii, figs. 5, 5a. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 932. Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 373. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 404. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 117. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 404. Pleistocene; Virginia. Sciurus relictus Cope. 0>pe, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 3. (Paramys.) Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 932. Cope, E. D. 1869 J, p. 3. (No description.) 1874 B, p. 475. 1881 E, p. 363. 1881 Q. 1883 S, p. 50, fig. 4, e,f. 1884 O, p. 817, pi. Ixv, fig. 35. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 52. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 117. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 425. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Sciurus vortmani Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 E, p. 370. 1881 E, p. 363. 1881 Q. 1883 S, p. 50, fig. 4, g, h. 1884 O, p. 816, pi. Ixiii, fig. 4. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 52, 62. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 155. Miocene (John Day); Oregon, Colorado?. 1 Besides the species below recorded, Dr. Leidy has reported cave in Pennsylvania. H, p. 5) S. carolinensis from a 720 FOSSIL VERTEBKATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. TAMIAS Illiger. Type Sciurus slriatus Linn. Ittiger, 1811, Prod. Syst. Mamm., p. 83. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 779. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 291. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 452. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1421. Tomes, J. 1850 A, p. 538. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 429. Winge, H. 1888 A, p. 195. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 530. Tamias Isevidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 174, pi. iii, fig. 4. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xl, p. 932. Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 373. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 404. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 117. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 433. Pleistocene; Virginia. T. striatus has been reported by Dr. Lei1y (1889 H, p. 5.) from a cave in Pennsylvania. ADJIDAUMO Hay. Type Gymnoptyctnu minutus Cope. Hay, 0. P. 1899 C, p. 253. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 476. (Gymnoptychus; not of 1873, the type not the same.) 1881 E, p. 364. (Gymnoptychus.) 1883 S, p. 50. (Gymnoptychus.) 1884 O, p. 819. (Gymnoptychus.) 1888 B, p. 291. (Gymnoptychus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1421. (Gym- noptychus.) Scott, W. B. 1895 E, p. 286. (Gymnoptychus.) Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 480. (Gymnoptychus.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 532. (Gymnoptychus.) Adjidaumo minutus (Cope.) Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 6. (Gymnoptychus.) Allen, J. A. 1877 B, p. 945. (Gymnoptychus minutus, G. nasutus.) Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 6. (G. nasutus. ) 1873 CC, p. 3. (G. nasutus, G. minutus.) 1874 B, p. 476. (G. nasutus, a syu. of G. tri- lophus.) 1881 E, p. 364. (Gymnoptychus.) 1881 Q. (Gymnoptychus.) Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 51, fig. 5. (Gymnoptychus. ) 1884 O, p. 822, pi. Ixv, figs. 19-30. (Gym- noptychus. ) Hay, O. P. 1899 C, p. 253. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 52. (Gymnoptychus. ) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 119. (Gymnoptye'.ms.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 578. (Gymnoptychus. ) Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Adjidaumo trilophus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 6. (Gynmoptychas. ) Allen, J. A. 1877 B, p. 945. (Gymnoptychas.) Cope, E. D. 1873 3C, p. 3. (Gymnoptychus.) 1874 B, p. 476. (Gymnoptychus.) 1881 E, p. 364. (Gymnoptychus. ) 1881 Q. (Gymnoptychus.) 1883 S, p. 51, fig. 5. (Gymnoptychus.) 1884 O, p. 826, pi. Ixv, figs. 31-34. (Gymnop- tychus.) Hay, O. P. 1899 C, p. 253. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 52. (Gymnoptychus.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 120. (Gymnoptychus.) Oligocene (White River); Colorado. ARCTOMYS Schreber. Type not designated. Sclu-eber, J. C., 1780, Saugeth., iv, p. 721. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 909. Alston, E. R. 1876 A. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 338. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iv, EE, p. 11, plate. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 172. (Stereodectes, type S. tortug.) 1869 J, p. 3. (Stereodectes.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 454. Giebel, C. G. 1859 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1420. Owen, R. 1866 B, p. 382. Palmer, T. S. 1897 A. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 207, pi. xxiv, figs. 14-16. Tomes, J. 1850 A, p. 538. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 529. Arctomys monax (Linn). Linnsms, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10,1, p. 60. (Mus.) Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 911. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 339, pi. xlix, fig. 1. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 173. 1883 S, p. 373. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 450, fig. 198. Giebel, C. G. 1859 A. Leidy, J. 1862 A, p. 423. 1869 A, p. 404. 1889 H, p. 5. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 445. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 529, fig. 439. Recent; United States to Hudson Bay: Pleis- tocene: Illinois, Virginia. Arctomys tortus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 172, pi. iii, figs. 3, 3a. (Stereo- dectes. ) 1869 J. (Stereodectes,.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 404,446. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 445. (A. monax.) Pleistocene; Virginia. Arctomys vetus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 E, p. 121. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 933. King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 66. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 116. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 445. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. IAY.] CATALOGUE. 721 MYLAGAULID.E. Cope, E. D. 1881 Q, p. 586. 1881 E, p. 373. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 66. Riggs, E. S. 1899 A, p. 181. MYLAGAULUS Cope. Type M. sesquipedalis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 384. 1881 E, p. 373. 1883 S, p. 56. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1415. Riggs, E. S. 1899 A, p. 181. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 531. Mylag-aulus monodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 374. 1881 Q, p. 586. 1883 S, p. 56, fig. 12. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 66. Riggs, E. S. 1899 A, p. 184. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 119. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 448. Miocene (LoupFork); Nebraska, Colorado Mylagaulus sesquipedalis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 384. 1881 E, p. 375. 1881 Q, p. 586. 1883 S, p. 56, fig. 12. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 66. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 119. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 448. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. MESOGAULUS Riggs. Type M. ballensis Riggs. Biggs, E. S. 1899 A, p. 181. Mesogaulus ballensis Riggs. Riggs, E. S. 1899 A, p. 181, text figures. Miocene (Deep River); Montana. CASTORID^E. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, p. 431, Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 78. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 350. (Castorinae.) Brandt, J. F. 1855 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 457. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 363. Merriam, J. C. 18% A, p. 364. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1419. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 118. Steinmanri and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 733. Thomas, O. 18% A, p. 1015. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 447. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, pp. 306, 472. Winge, H. 1888 A, p. 137. (Castorini.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 528. CASTOR Linn. Type C. fiber Linn. Linnivus, C., 1858, Syst. Nat, ed. 10, i, p. 58. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, p. 432. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 355. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iv, EE, p. 13, pis. i, ii. Brandt, J. F. 1855 A. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 368. 1884 O, p. 838. 1888 I, p. 10. Flower, W. H. 1885 A. FlouiT and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 457. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1419. Owen, R. 1866 B, pp. 364, 374, figs. 230, 240. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 250. Tomes, J. 1850 A, p. 739. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 447. Wyman, J.1850D. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 531. Castor canadensis Kuhl. KuM, H., 1820, Beitrage zur Zool., p. 64. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, p. 433. (C. fiber.) Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 355, pi. xlviii, fig. 1. Bull. 179 6 Brandt, J. F. 1855 A, p. 64, pis. i-iii. (C. ameri- canus.) Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 173. (C. fiber.) 1878 H, p. 389. 1881 E, p. 370. 1884 O, p. 839. (C. fiber.) (C. fiber.) (C. fiber.) (C. fiber.) 1889 S, p. 980. (C. fiber.) 1899 A, p. 200. (C. fiber.) Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. Ill, pi. xxi, figs. 1, 2. 1869 A, p. 405. 1889 H, p. 5, pi. i, fig. 8. (C. fiber.) Logan, W. E. 1863 A, p. 914. Lydekker, R. 1885 B, p. 263. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 119. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 447. Wyman, J. 1850 A, p. 61, fig. 4. (C. fiber ameri- canus.) Recent; North America. Pleistocene; New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee, New Jersey, South Carolina, Oregon, Ontario, Can- ada. 722 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. EUCASTOR Leidy. Type E. tortus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 E, p. 23. (Subgenus of Castor.) Allen, J. A. 1877 A, p. 449. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 369. 1883 S, p. 55. 1884 O, p. 839. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 458. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1419. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 531. Eucastor tortus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 23. [Castor (Eucastor).] Allen, J. A. 1877 A, p. 449. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 369. 1881 Q, p. 586. 1883 S, p. 55. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 341, 405, pi. xxvi, figs. 21, 22. (Castor.) 1871 C, p. 363. (Castor.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 66. Merriam, J. C. 18% A. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 119. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 448. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. STENEOFIBER E. Geoffrey. Type not indicated. Geoffrey, E., 1833, Revue Encyclop. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 297. 1881 E, p. 369. 1884 O, p. 838. (Syn. of Castor. ) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 458. (Chalico- mys, Palseocastor.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 306. (Pateocastor, type Ste- neoflber nebrascensis.) 1871 C, p. 363. (Paleeocastor.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1420. (Cha- licomys, Palseocastor.) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 252. Pomel, A. 1847 C, p. 381. 1853 A, p. 20. Schlosser, M. 1884 A, p. 21. Scott, W. B. 1895 C, p. 76. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 474. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 530. Steneofiber gradatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 63. 1879 B, p. 55. 1881 E, p. 370. (Castor.) 1881 Q, p. 586. (Castor.) 1883 S, p. 55. (Castor.) 1884 O, pp. 839, 844, pi. Ixiii, fig. 22. (Castor.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 118. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 449. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Steneofiber montanus Scott. Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 680. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 52. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 119. Scott, W. B. 1895 C, p. 76. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 450. Oligocene (White River); Montana. Steneofiber nebrascensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 I, p. 89. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, p. 451. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, pp. 297, 300. 1881 E, p. 370. (Castor.) 1881 Q, p. 586. (Castor.) 1883 S, p. 55. (Castor.) 1884 O, p. 839. (Castor.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. King, C. 1878 A, p. 412. (Palseocastor.) Leidy, J. 1857 D, p. 176. (Chalicomys.) 1869 A, pp. 338, 406, pi. xxvi, figs. 7-11. (Pa- lseocastor.) 1871 C, p. 363. (Palseocastor.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 52. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 118. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 449. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Ne- braska, North Dakota. Steneofiber pansus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 J, p. 222. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, p. 453. Cope, E. D. 1875 F, p. 73. 1877 K, p. 297, pi. Ixix, figs. 4-14. 1881 E, p. 370. 1881 K. (Castor.) 1883 S, p. 55, fig. 11. (Castor.) 1884 O, pp. 839, 840. (Castor.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 66. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 118. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 449. Miocene (Loup Fork) ; New Mexico, Nebraska. Steneofiber peninsulatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 370. (Castor.) 1879 B, p. 55. (Steneofiber nebrascensis?. ) 1881 Q, p. 586. (Castor.) 1883 S, p. 55, figs. 9, 10. (Castor. ) 1884 O, p. 840, pi. Ixiii, figs. 18-21. (Castor.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 118. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 449. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. SIGMOGOMPHIUS Merriam. Type S. lecontd Merriam. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 66. Merriam, J. C. 18% A. Sigmogomphius le contei Merriam. Merriam, J. C. 18% A, figs. 1, 2. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 723 ISCHYROMYID^E. Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 78. Allen, J. A. 1877 B, p. 944. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 368. 1884 O, pp. 37, 834 (Protomyidse); p. 835 (Ischyromyidse). Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1420. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 110. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 461. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 463. Winge, H. 1888 A, p. 114. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 521. PARAMYS Leidy. Based on three species, P. delicatus, delicatior, delicatissimus. Leidy, J. 871 L, p. 231. As the species here included in Paramys have, by Cope and others, been referred to the genus Plesiarctomys, citations are given to the litera- ture of the latter genus also. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 933 (Paramys); p. 935 (Sciuravus). 1877 B, p. 946. (Pseudotomus.) Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 78. (Pseudotomus.) Cope, E. D. 1872 N, p. 467. (Pseudotomus, type P. hians.) 1873 E, p. 610. (Pseudotomus.) 1877 K, p. 170. (Plesiarctomys.) 1883 S, p. 45. (Plesiarctomys. ) 1884 O, p. 175. (Plesiarctomys.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 457. (Plesiarc- tomys.) Leidy, J. 1871 L, p. 230 (Sciuravus) ; p. 231 (Para mys). 1872 B, p. 357. 1873 B, pp. 109, 335 (Paramys); p. 113 (Sci- uravus). Major, Fors. 1893 A, p. 202. (Plesiarctomys.) Marsh, O. C. 1871 E, p. 122. (Sciuravus, type S. nitidus.) 1878 G, p. 246. (Sciuravus. ) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 266. (Plesiarctomys.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1420. (Plesi- arctomys, Paramys.) Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, p. 81. ' Osborii, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 83. Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 474. (Plesiarctomys.) 1892 A, p. 426. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 451. Winge, H. 1888 A, pp. 114, 164. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 521 (Paramys); p. 528 (Plesiarctomys.) Paramys buccatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 171, pi. Ixiv, fig. 8. (Plesi- arctomys.) 1881 D, p. 184. (Plesiarctomys.) 1882 E, p. 146. (Plesiarctomys.) 1883 S, p. 47. ( Plesiarctomys. ) 1884 O, p. 179, pi. xliva, fig. 14. (Plesiarc- tomys.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 30, 39. Roger, O. 1896 A,' p. 110. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 451. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming: (Bridger); Wyoming. Paramys delicatior Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 L, p. 231. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 934. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 610. 1873 U, p. 4. 1877 K, p. 172, pi. xliv, figs. 10, 11. (Plesi- arctomys. ) 1881 D, p. 184. (Plesiarctomys.) 1882 E, p. 146. (Plesiarctomys.) 1883 S, p. 47. (Plesiarctomys.) 1884 O, p. 182, pi. xxiva, figs. 11-13. (Plesi- arctomys.) Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 357. 1873 B, pp. 110, 335, pi. vi, figs. 26, 27; pi. xxvii, figs. 16-18. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 30, 36, 38. Osborn, H. F. 1897 G, p. 256. (Plesiarctomys deli- catior?. ) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 110. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 451. Eocene (Wind River, Bridger); Wyoming (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming. Paramys delicatisshnus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 L, p. 231. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 935. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 610. 1873 U, p. 4. 1877 K, p. 172, pi. xxiv, figs. 9, 12. (Plesiarc- tomys. ) 1881 D, p. 184. (Plesiarctomys.) 1883 S, p. 47, figs. 1, 2. (Plesiarctomys.) 1884 O, p. 179, pi. xxiva, figs. 1-10. (Plesiarc- tomys.) Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 357. 1873 B, pp. 111. 335, pi. vi, figs. 28, 29. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 30, 34, 39. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 110. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 451. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 522, fig. 430. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming: (Wasatch?); New Mexico, Wyoming, Parymys delicatus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 L, p. 231. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 934. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 610. 1873 U, p. 4. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 357. 1873 B, pp. 110, 335, pi. vi, figs. 23-25. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 38. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 110. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 451. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Paramys hians (Cope.) Cope, E. D. 1872 N, p. 467. (Pseudotomus.) Allen, J. A. 1877 B, p. 946. Pseudotomus.) 724 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 611. (Pseudotomus.) 1883 S, p. 47. (Plesiarctomys.) 1884 O, p. 183, pi. xxiv, figs. 3-5. (Plesiarc- tomys. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 110. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 451. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Paramys leptodus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 U, p. 3. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 934. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 609. 1883 S, p. 47. ( Plesiarctomys. ) 1884 O, p. 183, pi. xxiv, fig. 1. (Plesiarc- tomys.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 111. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 451. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Paramys nitidus (Marsh.) Marsh, O. C. 1871 E, p. 122. (Sciuravus.) Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 935. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 358. (Sciuravus.) 1873 B, p. 113. (Sciuravus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 111. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 45) . Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Paramys parvidens (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 220. (Sciuravus.) Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 936. (Sciuravus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 111. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 451. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Paramys robustus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 218. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 934. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, p. 81. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 111. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 451. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Paramys sciuroides ( Scott and Osb. ) . Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 256. (Plesiarctomys.) Major, Fors. 1893 A, p. 202. (Plesiarctomys.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. Scott and Osborn 1890 A, p. 475, pi. xi, figs. 1, 2; text fig. 1. (Plesiarctomys.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 111. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 451. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 522, fig. 429. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. Paramys superbus Osb., Scott, and Speir.- Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 84. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Paramys uintensis Osborn. Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, p. 81. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 111. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 451. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. Paramys undans (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1871 E, p. 122. (Sciuravus.) Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 965. (Sciuravus.) Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 610. 1873 U, p. 4. 1883 *S, p. 47. (Plesiarctomys.) Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 358. (Sciuravus.) 1873 B, p. 113. (Sciuravus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 111. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 451. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Paramys sp. indet. Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 113, 335, pi. vi, fig. 30. (Sciuravus.) Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p, 936. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. TILLOMYS Marsh. Type T. senex Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 219. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 938. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1420. (=?Ischyromys.) Schlosser, M. 1884 A, p. 130. ( =? Ischyromys. ) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 522. Tillomys parvus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 219. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 939. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 111. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 451. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming Tillomys seuex Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 219. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 938. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 111. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 451. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming TAXYMYS Marsh. Type T. lucaris Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 219. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 938. Marsh, O. C. 1880 H, p. 10. (Tachymys.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 522. (Toxymys.) Taxymys lucaris Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 1, p. 219. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 938. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 111. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 452. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. HAY.J CATALOGUE. 725 COLONYMYS Marsh. Type C. celer Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 220. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 938. Marsh, O. C. 1878 G, p. 246. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. (Colonomys.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1419. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 522. APATEMYS Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 221. 1877 E. A genus of uncertain position. Apatemys bellulus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 221. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 89. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 669. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Colonymys celer Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 220. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 938. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 111. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 452. Eocene (Green River) ; Wyoming. Type A. bellus Marsh. Apatemys bellus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 221. King, C. 1878 A, p. 404. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 89. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 669. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. ISCHYROMYS Leidy. Type I. Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 I, p. 89. Allen, J. A. 1877 B, p. 944 (Ischyromys); p. 945 (Gymnoptychus). Cope, E. D. 1873 S, p. 1. (Colotaxis, type C. cris- tatus=l. typus.) 1873 T, p. 6. (Gymnoptychus, type Q. chry- sodon=I. typus.) 1874 B, p. 477. 1881 E, p. 366. 1883 S, p. 47. 1884 O, p. 833. 1888 B, p. 291. (=Sciuromys,./Zde Schlosser.) Hay, O. P. 1899 C, p. 253. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 563. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1420. Schlosser, M. 1884 A, p. 130. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 452. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 464. Winge, H. 1888 A, pp. 115, 164. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 522. Ischyromys typus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 I, p. 89. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 931. (Gymnoptychus chrysodon.) Allen, J. A. 1877 B, p. 944 (I. typus); p. 945 (Gym- noptychus crysodon); p. 948 (Colotaxis crista- tus). Cope, E. D. 1873 S, p. 1. (Colotaxis cristatus. ) 1873 T, p. 5. (Gymnoptychus chrysodon.) 1873 CC, p. 3. ( Colotaxis cristatus. ) 1874 B, p. 477. 1881 Q. 1883 S, p. 47, fig. 3. 1884 O, p. 835, pi. Ixvii, figs. 1-12. 1888 I, p. 8, fig. 5. 1889 C, p. 267, fig. 88. Hay, O. P. 1899 C, p. 253. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. King, C. 1878 A, p. 412. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 335, 405, pi. xxvi, figs. 1-6. 1871 C, p. 363. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 52. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 111. Schlosser, M. 1884 A, p. 136. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 452. Tullberg, T. 1899 A. p. 463. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 522, fig. 431. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Ne- braska, Colorado. MYSOPS Leidy. Type M. minimus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 L, p. 232. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 936. Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 47. (Syllophodus; no type indicated.) 1884 O, p. 846. (Syllophodus. ) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 484. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 111. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1416 (Syllopho- dus); p. 1420 (Mysops). Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 523. Mysops fraternus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 112, 336, pi. xxvii, figs. 14, 15. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 937. Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 47. (Syllophodus.) Matthew, W. D, 1899 A, p. 39. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 111. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 452. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Mysops minimus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1871 L, p. 232. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, p. 937. (M. minutus.) Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 47. (Syllophodus.) King C. 1878 A, p. 404. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 357. 1873 B, pp. Ill, 336, pi. vi, figs. 31, 32. Matthew W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 111. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 452. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. 726 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Superfamily MYOMORPHA Brandt. Brandt, J. F. 1855 A. Alston, E. R. 1876 A. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 361. 1883 S, p. 43. 1884 O, p. 812. 1889 P, p. 659. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 459. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 43. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 510. Lydekker, R. 1896 B. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1416. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 120. Schlosser, M. 1884 A, p. 98. Slade, D. D. 1888 A. Thomas, O. 1896 A, p. 1016. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 453. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, pp. 151, 386. (Myomorphi.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 533. MURIDJE. Adloff, P. 1898 A. (" Muriden.") Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 80. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 427. Burmeister, H. 1879 B, p. 197. (Murini.) Coues, E. 1877 B, i, p. 1. Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 418. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 461. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1416. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 207. Thomas, O. 18% A, p. 1017. Tomes, J. 1850 A, p. 642. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 458. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, pp. 242, 432 (Hesperomyidee; pp. 251, 445 (Muridse). Winge, H. 1888 A, p. 123. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 537. CRICETIN^E. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 445. (Sigmodontes.) Coues, E. 1877 B, i, p. 7. (Sigmodontes, in part.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 463. Merriam, C. H. 1894 A, p. 226. Nehring, A, 1893 A. (Genus Cricetus.) Palmer, T. S. 1897 A. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 120. (Cricetidse.) Thomas, O. 1888 B, p. 132. (Criceti.) 1896 A, p. 1019. (Sigmodontinae.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, pp. 505, 511. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, pp. 219, 430. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 534. (Cricetidse.) EUMYS Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 I, p. 90. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 474. 1877 K, p. 300. 1881 E, p. 376. 1883 S, p. 166. 1884 O, p. 848. Leidy, 3. 1871 C, p. 364. Lydekker'R. 1887 A, p. 322. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1418. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 535. Eumys elegans Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 I, p. 90. Allen, J. A. 1877 B, p. 946. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 474. Type E. elegans Leidy. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 376. 1883 S, p. 165, figs. 13, 14. 1884 O, p. 849, pi. Ixv, figs, 1-14. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. King, C. 1878 A, p. 412. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 342, 407, pi. xxvi, figs. 12, 13. 1871 C, p. 364 Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 322. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 53. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 121. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 511. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 535, fig. 448. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Colorado, Nebraska. PEROMYSCUS Gloger. Type P. arboreus Gloger. Unless otherwise indicated the following au- thorities call this genus Hesperomys. Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 84. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 453. Burmeister, H. 1879 B, p. 205. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 376. ' 1884 O, p. 852. Couee, E. 1877 B, i, p 43 (Hesperomys); p. 45 (Subg. Vesperimus). Flower and Lydekker 1801 A, p. 463. (Cricetus.) Lydekker, R. 1885 B, p. 229. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1418. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 207, pi. xxv, figs. 6, 7. (Cricetus.) Thomas, O. 1888 B, p. 133. (Cricetus.) 18% A, p. 1019. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 535. Peromyscus leucopus ( Raf . ) . Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 459. (Hesperomys.) Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 173. (Hesperomys.) 1871 1, p. 87. ( Hesperomys. ) 1881 E, p. 377. (Hesperomys.) 1899 A, p. 201. (Hesperomys leucopus.?) Coues, E, 1877 B, i, p. 50, pi. iii, figs. 18-21. [Hes- peromys (Vesperimus).] Leidy, J. 1889 H, p. 6. (Hesperomys.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p 122. (Vesperomys.) IAY.] CATALOGUE. T27 Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 512. Wheatley, C. M. 1871 B. (Hesperomys.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 535. (Vesperomys leuco- pus fossilis. ) Recent; eastern United States from Carolinas to New York. Pleistocene?; caves of Virginia and Pennsylvania, with doubts as to identifica- tions. Peromyscus loxodon (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1874 I, p. 148. (Hesperomys.) Allen, J. A. 1877 B, p. 946. (Eumys.) Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 17. (Hesperomys.) 1875 F, p. 73. (Eumys.) 1877 K, p. 300, pi. Ixix, fig. 15. (Eumys.) 1881 E, p. 376. (Hesperomys.) 1881 Q. (Hesperomys.) Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 165. (Hesperomys.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 66. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 122. (Hesperomys.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 512. Miocene (Loup Fork); New Mexico. Peromyscus nematodon (Cope). Cope, E, D. 1879 E, p. 370. (Hesperomys.) 1881 C, p. 176. (Eumys.) 1881 Q. (Hesperomys.) 1883 S, p. 165, fig. 15. (Hesperomys.) 1884 O, p. 852, pi. Ixvi, fig. 33. (Hesperomya ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. (Hesperomys.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 122. ( Hesperomys. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 612. Miocene (John Day) ; Oregon. PACICULUS Cope. Type P. imsolitus Cope. Cape, E. D. 1879 E, p. 370. 1881 E, p. 377. 1883 S, p. 166. 1884 O, p. 853. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 540. Scott, W. B. 1895 D. 1895 E, p. 286. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 536. Paciculus insolitus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 E, p. 371. 1881 E, p. 377. 1881 Q. 1883 S, p. 166, fig. 15. 1884 O, p. 854, pi. Ixvi, figs. 31, 32. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 124.. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 540. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Paciculus lockingtonianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 C, p. 176. (Eumys.) 1881 E, p. 377. 1881 Q. 1883 S, p. 166. 1884 O, p. 854, pi. Ixiv, fig. 10. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 124. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 540. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. NEOTOMIN^E. Merriam, C. H. 1894 A, p. 228. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 445. (Sigmodontes, in part. ) Coues, E. 1877 B, i, p. 7. (Sigmodontes, in part.) Thomas, O. 18% A, p. 1020. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 540. NEOTOMA Say and Ord. Type N. floridana Say and Ord. Say and Ord, 1825, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., iv, pp. 345, 346. Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 85. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 486. Coues, E. 1877 B, i, p. 7. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 464. Merriam, C. H. 1894 A, p. 239. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1418. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 541. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 536. Neotoma floridana Say and Ord. Say and Ord, 1818, Bull. Soc. Philom., Paris, p. 181. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 487, pi. liii, fig. 2. Coues, E. 1877 B, i, p. 14, pi. i, figs. 1-4. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 407. 1880 A, p. 347. 1889 H, p. 6. Merriam, C. H. 1894 A, p. 244. Rhoads, S. N. 1894 A, p. 346. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 124. Say and Ord, 1825, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., iv, p. 346, pis. xxi, xxii. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 541. Recent; southeastern United States. Pleisto- cene?; Pennsylvania? Neotoma magister Baird. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 498, pi. liii, fig. 4; pi. liv, fig. 978. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 173. (N. magister, N. flori- dana?.) 1883 S, p. 373. Coues, E. 1877 B, i, p. 29, pi. ii, fig. 13. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 407, 1880 A, p. 347. Mercer, H. C. 1897 A. Merriam, C. H. 1894 A, p. 244. Rhoads, S. N. 1894 A, p. 213. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 124. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 542. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ken- tucky, Missouri. 728 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. MICROTIN.E. Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 85. (Arvicolinse.) Baird. S. F. 1857 A, p. 506. (Arvicolinse.) Blackmore, H. P. 1874 A. ( Arvicolidse. ) Brandt, J. F. 1885 A. (Arvicolini.) Coues, E. 1877 B, i, p. 131. (Arvicolinse.) Flower, W. H. 18rf3 D, p. 419. (Arvicolinse.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 465. Lataste, F., 1883, Lo Nat., ii, pp. 323, 332, 343, 347. (Arvicolinse.) 1884, Ann. Mus. Civic. Geneva, xx, p. 255. (Arvicolinse.) Merriam, C. H. 1894 A, p. 227. (Arvicolinse.) Miller, G. S. 1896 A, p. 8. Nehring, A. 1875 A. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 124. (Arvicolidae.) Thomas, O. 1896 A, p. 1020. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 545. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, pp. 227, 430. (Arvicolidse.) Zittel, K, A. 1893 B, p. 536. (Arvicolidse.) ANAPTOGONIA Cope. Type A. hiatidens Cope. [Arvicola (Anapto- Cope, E. D. 1871 I, p. 91 gonia).] 1883 S, p. 373. [Arvicola (Anaptogonia).] 189G F, p. 379. 1899 A, p. 201. Miller, G. S. 1896 A, p. 74. [Microtus (Anapto- gonia).] Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 551. (Anaptogenia.) Anaptogonia cloacina Cope. Cope, E. D. 1896 A, p. 380. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 551. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Anaptogonia hiatidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 1, p. 91, fig. 18. [Arvicola (An- aptogonia).] Cope, E. D, 1899 A, p. 203. Allen, J. A. 1877 B, p. 947. [Arvicola (Anapto- gonia).] Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 373, fig. 24, no. 18. [Arvicola (Anaptogonia).] 1896 F, p. 379. 1899 A, p. 201 (A. hiatidens); p. 206 (Schis- todeltasulcata 1 ). Miller, G. S. 18% A, p. 74. [Microtus (Anapto- gonia).] Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 125. (Arvicola.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 551. Wheatley, C. M. 1871 B. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. SYCIUM Cope. Type S. doacinum Cope. | Sycium cloacinum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1899 A, p. 203, text figure, p. 204. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. MICROTUS Schrank. Type M. arvalis (Pall.). Schrank, F. 1798, Fauna Boica, i, p. 72. Microtus didelta Cope. Unless otherwise indicated, the following FArvioola fPitv authors refer to this genus under the name ^'^ '^\t. 9 ' g J = J ^. , ( V this genus Arvicola Lacepede, 1801. Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 85. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 509. Blackmore, H. P. 1874 A. Cope, E. D. 1871 I, p. 87. (Isodelta, subgenus, type Arvicola ttpcothcn. ) 18% F, p. 379. (Microtus.) 1899 A, pp. 201, 204. (Microtus.) Couea, E. 1877 B, i, p. 149. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 466. Lydekker, R. 1885 B, p. 230. Miller, G. S. 18% A, pp. 15, 44 (Microtus); p. 58 (subgenus Pitymys). Nehring, A. 1875 A. Owen, R. 1868 A, p. 298. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 208, pi. xxiv, figs. 9-13. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 407. Thomas, O. 1896 A, p. 1021. Tomes, J. 1850 A, p. 550. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 552. (Microtus.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 536. mys)]; p. 90 [A. (Pitymys) sigmodus]. Allen, J. A. 1877 B, p. 947. [Arvicola (Pitymys) didelta, sigmoda.] Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 373, fig. 24, no. 15. (Arvic- ola.) 1899 A, pp. 205, 207. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 125. (Arvicola.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 555 [Microtus (Pity- mys)]: p. 562 (M. sigmodus). Wheatley. C. M. 1871 B. (A. sigmodus.) Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Microtus diluvianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1896 F, p. 381. 1899 A, p. 205, text figure. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 561. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Microtus involutus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 I, p. 89, fig. 16. [Arvicola (Pity- mys).] 1 This is regarded by Cope as possibly different from A. hiatidens. LY.l CATALOGUE. 729 Allen, J. A. 1877 B, p. 947. (Arvicola.) Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 374, fig. 25. 1899 A, p. 205. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 125. (Arvicola.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 562. Wheatley, C. M. 1871 B. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Microtus pennsylvanicus (Ord). Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 523. (Arvicola.) Cope, E. D. 1871 1, p. 87. (Arvicola riparia.) Coues, E. 1877 B, i, p. 156, pi. iv, figs. 42-49. (Ar- vicola riparius. ) Leidy, J. 1862 A, p. 423. ("Arvicola.") 1869 A, p. 406. (Arvicola riparia?.) 1889 H, p. 6. (Arvicola riparius.) Miller, G. S. 1894 A, p. 190, pi. iii, fig. 2; pi. iv, fig. 1. (Arvicola riparins.) 1896 A. p. 63, fig. 33, c. [Microtus (Micro- tus).] Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 562. [Microtus (Mi- crotus).] Recent; eastern United States. Pleistocene; Illinois, Virginia. Microtus pinetorum (Le Conte). Le Conte, J. L., 1829, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., iii, p. 132, pi. ii. (Psammomys.) Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 544, pi. liv, No. 1719. [Ar- vicola (Pitymys).] Cope, E. D. 1871 I, p. 87. [Arvicola (Pitymys).] i, p. 205. Coues, E. 1877 B, i, p. 219, pi. v, figs. 70-73. [\r- vicola (Pitymys).] Miller, G. S. 1896 A, p. 59, pi. i, fig. 2; text fig. 31, a. [Microtus (Pitymys).] Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 555. [Microtus (Pity- mys).] Wheatley, C. M. 1871 B. Recent: United States. Pleistocene?; Pennsyl- vania. Not given in Cope 1899 A, as found in Port Kennedy cave. Microtus speothen Cope. Cope, E. D. 1871 1, p. 87, fig. 13. (Arvicola.) Allen, J. A. 1877 B, p. 947. [Arvicola (Isodelta) speothen, A. (Pitymys) tetradelta.] Cope, E. D. 1871 I, p. 88, fig. 14. (Arvicola tetra- delta.) 1883 S, p. 373, fig. 24, no. 13 [Arvicola (Iso- delta)]; p. 373, fig. 24, no. 14 (A. tetra- delta). 18% F, p. 383. 1899 A, pp. 205, 206. Miller, G. S. 18% A, p. 75. [Microtus (Isodelta).] Roger, O. 18% A, p. 125. (Arvicola.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 561. Wheatley, C. M. 1871 B. (Arvicola.) Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Microtus sp. indet. Cope, E. D. 1889 F, p. 161. (Arvicola.) Pleistocene (Eqnus beds); Oregon. FIBER Cuv. Type Castor zibethicus Linn. Cuvier, G., 1800, Lecons d Anat. Comp., i, tabl. i. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 560. Brandt, J. F. 1855 A, p. 171. (Ondatra. ) Cope, E. D. 1889 C, p. 249. Coues, E. 1877 B, i, p. 251. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 470. Miller, G. S. 18% A, pp. 14, 71. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1417. Tomes, J. 1850 A, p. 550. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 235. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 537. Fiber zibethicus (Linn.). Linnseus, C., 1766, Syst. Nat. ed. xii, p. 79. (Castor.) Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 561, pi. liv. Brandt, J. F. 1855 A, p. 171, pi. iii, figs, 9-16. (Ondatra.) Coues, E. 1877 B, i, p. 254. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 471, fig. 209. Holmes, F. S. 1850 B, p. 201. ("Muskrat.") Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 113, pi. xxii, figs. 1-4. 1869 A, p. 406. Miller, G. S. 18% A, p. 72, pi. ii, fig. 13, text figs. 37-39. Owen, R. 1866 B, p. 375, fig. 241. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 126. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 566. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 235. Wheatley, C. M. 1871 A. (Fiber sp. indet.) Recent; North America north of Mexico. Pleistocene; South Carolina, New Jersey, Penn- sylvania?. HELISCOMYS Cope. Type H. veins Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 3. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. 936. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 475. 1881 E, p. 375. 1883 S, p. 57. 1884 O, p. 845. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1419. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 532. A genus of uncertain position. Heliscomys vetus Cope. Cope, E. I). 1873 CC, p. 3. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, xi, p. < Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 475. 1881 E, p. 375. 1883 S, p. 56, fig. 13,a-rf. 1884 O, p. 847, pi. Ixv, figs. 14-18. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 52. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 120. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 578. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. 730 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. GEOMYID.E. Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 87. Baird, S. F. 1857 A. p. 364. (Saccomyidae.) Brandt, J. F. 1865 A, p. 188. (Sciurospalacoides.) Cope, E. D. 1875 B. (Saccomyidse.) Coues, E. 1875 B, p. 275. 1875 C, p. 130. 1877 B, viii, p. 488 (Saccomyidae); p. 492 (Geomyidae); x, p. 607 (Geomyidae). Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 419. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 478. Merriam, C. H. 1895 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1416. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 119. Scott, W. B. 1895 D, p. 283. Thomas, 0. 1896 A, p. 1022. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 571. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, pp. 312, 475 (Geomyidee); p. 465 (Protoptychidae). Winge, H. 1888 A, p. 138. (Saccomyidse.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 532. PROTOPTYCHUS Scott. Type P. hatcheri Scott. Scott, W. B. 1895 E, p. 269. 1895 D, p. 923. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 465. Protoptychus hatcheri Scott. Scott, W. B. 1895 E, p. 269, figs. 1-6. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 119. Scott, W. B. 1895 D, p. 923. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 577. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 464. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. GEOMYS Raf. Type Mus luza Ord. Eaflnesque,C.S.,mi,Amer. Month. Mag., Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 87. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 368. Coues, E. 1875 C, p. 130. 1877 B, x, p. 611. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 478. Merriam, C. H. 1895 A, p. 109. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1416. Tomes, J. 1850 A, p. 549. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 571. Geoxnys bisulcatus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1871 E, p. 121. Allen, J. A. 1877 B, p. 947. King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 66. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 120. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, 571. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. p. 45. Geomys bursarius (Shaw). Shaw, G., 1800, Trans. Linn. Soc. v, p. 227, pi. viil. (Mus.) Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 372, pi. 1, fig. 2. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 173. Coues, E. 1875 C, p. 131. 1877 B, x, p. 613. Leidy, J. 1862 A. (Pseudostoma, ) 1867 B. 1869 A, p. 406. Merriam, C. H. 1895 A, p. 120, pi. i; pi. ix, figs. 8, 9; pi. x, fig. 6; pi. xiii, fig. 11; pi. xiv.fig. 2; pi. xv, fig. 11; pi. xvii, fig. 3; pi. xviii, fig. 1; pi. xix, fig. 3; text figs. 1, 8, 11, 55; with synonomy. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 571. Williston, S. W. 1897 I, p. 304. Recent; Mississippi Valley. Pleistocene; Illi- nois, Nebraska. THOMOMYS Wied. Type T. rufescens Wied. Wied., 1839, N. Act. Acad. Leop. Carol., xix, p. 377. Allen, J. A. 1893, A, pp. 53, 64. Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 87. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 388. Coues, E. 1875 C, p. 134. 1877 B, x, p. 621. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 478. Merriam, C. H. 1898 A, p. 198, Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1416. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 575. Thomomys bulbivorus (Richardson). Eichardson, J., 1829, Fauna Bor.-Amer., i, p. 206, pi. 18B. Allen, J. A. 1893 A, p. 56, pi. i, fig. 14. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 389, pi. Hi, flg. 1. Brandt, J. F. 1855 A, p. 187. ((Tomomys.) Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 374. 1889 S, p. 980. Coues, E, 1875 C, p. 136. (T. talpoides bulbivorus. ) 1877 B, x, p. 626. (T. talpoides bulbivorus.) Merriam, C. H. 1895 A, p. 198, figs 68-71. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 575. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 328. Recent; northwestern United States. Pleisto- cene; Oregon. Thomomys clusius Coues. Cones, E. 1875 C, p. 138. Allen, J. A. 1893 A, pp. 61, 62, pi. i, fig. 2. Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 389. ("Thomomys near clusius.") 1889 S, p. 980. Coues, E. 1877 B, x, p. 629, pi. vii. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A p. 676. Recent; Wyoming, Idaho. Pleistocene; (Equusbeds); Oregon. CATALOGUE. 731 Thomomys talpoides Richardson. Richardson, J., 1828, Zool. Jour., iii, p. 518. Allen, J. A. 1893 A, p. 66. Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 389. Coues, E. 1875 C, pp. 134, 135. Coues, E. 1877 B, x, p. 623. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 120. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 576. Recent; Canada to Upper Missouri River, Pleistocene; Oregon. PLEUROLICUS Cope. Type P. mldfrons Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 66. 1879 B, p. 55. 1881 E, p. 380. 1883 S, p. 166. 1884 O, p. 866. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 479. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1416, Scott, W. B. 1895 D. 1895 E, pp. 270, 286, Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 533. Pleurolicus diplophysus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 381. 1881 Q. 1883 S, p. 167, fig. 16, c, d. 1884 O, pp. 867, 869, pi. Ixiv, fig. 9. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 120. Scott, W. B. 1895 E, p. 284, figs. 5, 6. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 578. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Pleurolicus leptophrys Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 381. 1881 Q. 1883 S, p. 167, fig. 16,a,6. 1884 O, p. 868, pi. Ixiv, figs. 7, 8. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 120. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 678. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Pleurolicus sulcifrons Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 66. 1879 B, p. 55. 1881 E, p. 381. 1881 Q. 1883 S, p. 167, 1884 O, p. 867, pi. Ixiv, fig. 6. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 120. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 578. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. ENTOPTYCHUS Cope. Type E. cavifrons Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 64. 1881 E, p. 378. 1883 S, p. 168. 1884 O, p. 855. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 479. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1416. Scott, W. B. 1895 D. 1895 E, p. 286. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 533. Entoptychus cavifrons Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 64. 1879 B, p. 65. 1881 E, p. 380. 1881 Q. 1883 S, p. 169. . 1884 O, pp. 858, 862, pi. Ixiv, fig. 4. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 120. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 678. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Entoptychus crassiramis Cope. Coix, E. D. 1879 D, p. 65. 1879 B, p. 55. 1881 E, p. 380. 1881 Q. 1883 S, p. 168, fig. 17. 1884 O, pp. 858, 864. pi. Ixiv, fig. 5. Matthew, W D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 120. Trouessart, E L. 1898 A p. 579. Miocene (John Day), Oregon. Entoptychus lambdoideus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 380. 1881 Q. 1883 S, p. 169. 1884 O, pp. 858, 860, pi. Ixiv, fig. 2. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 120. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 578. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Entoptychus minor Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 379. 1881 Q. 1883 S, p. 170. 1884 O, pp. 858, 861, pi. Ixiv, fig. 3. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 120. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 578. Miocene (John Day), Oregon. Entoptychus planifrons Cope. Cope, E D. 1879 D, p. 65. 1879 B, p. 55. 1881 E, p 379. 1881 Q. 1883 S, p. 167, ,1g. 18. Matthew, W. D 1899 A, p 62. Roger, O. 18% A p. 120. Trouessart E. L 1898 A p 578. Zittel K A 1893 B p. 533 fig. 445. Miocene (John Day). Oregon. 732 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Allen, J. A. 1900 A, p. 199. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 428. (Dipodinse.) Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 419. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 479. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1416. Thomas, O. 1896 A, p. 1023. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, pp. 182, Winge, H. 1888 A, p. 118. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 526. ZAPODIN.E. Coues, E., 1875, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., ser. 2, no. 5, p. 253. (Zapodidae.) Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 89. (Jaculinse.) Coues, E. 1877 B, vii, p. 454. (Zapodidse.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 480. Thomas, O. 18% A, p. 1023. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 590. ZAPUS Coues. Type Dipus hudsonius Zimm. Coues, E., 1875, Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr., ser. 2, no. 5, p. 253. Allen, J. A. 1900 A, p. 200. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 429. (Jaculus.) Brandt, J. F. 1855 A. (Jaculus.) Coues, E. 1876 A. 1877 B, vii, p. 465. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 480. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1416. Palmer, T. S. 1897 A. Preble, E. A. 1899 A, p. 13. Thomas, O. 1896 A, p. 1023, footnote. Zapus hudsonius (Zimm.) Zimmermann, E., 1780, Geog. Gesch., ii, p. 358. (Dipus.) Allen, J. A. 1900 A, p. 201. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 430. (Jaculus.) Cope, E. D. 1871 1, p. 86. (Jaculus.) 1883 S, p. 373. (Meriones.) 1899 A, p. 200. Coues, E. 1876 A. 1877 B, vii, p. 465. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 480. (Z. hudson- ianus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1416. Preble, E. A. 1899 A, p. 15, pi. i, figs. 3, 3o. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 590. Tnllberg, T. 1899 A, p. 185. Wheatley, C. M. 1871 B. (Jaculus.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 527. Recent; Alaska to Hudson Bay, south to New Jersey, west to Iowa and Missouri. Pleisto- cene; Pennsylvania. Superjamily HYSTRICOMORPHA. Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 91. Brandt, J. F. 1855 A. Cope. E. D. 1881 E, p. 361. 1883 S, p. 43. 1884 O, p. 812. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 480. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 43. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 510. Lydekker, R. 1896 B. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1413. Schlosser, M. 1884 A, p. 98. 1890 C, p. 250. Slade, D. D. 1888 A, p. 243. 1892 B. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 733. Thomas, O. 1896 A, p. 1024. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, pp. 82, 3(53. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 539. HYSTRICID.E. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, iii, p. 385. Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 93. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 565. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 26. Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 420. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 484. Leidy. J. 1871 C, p 364. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1415. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 127. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 614. Tullberg, T, 1899 A, pp. 83, 366. Turner, H. N..1848A. Winge, H. 1888 A, p. 126. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 539. No species of this family-, as its limits are here recognized, a re found in North America. ERETHIZONTID^E. Thomas, 0. 18% A, p 1025. Allen. J. A 1877 A. ui, p. 385. (Hystricidse. in part) Baird, S F. 1857 A. p 565 (Hystricidse, in part ) D, p. 420. (Hystricidse, in Flower W H. part.) Trouessart. E L 1898 A, p 619 (Ccendidae.) Tullberg, T 1899 A, pp. 108, 368. Thomas, O. 18% A, p. 1025. ERETHIZONTIN^E. I HAY.] CATALOGUE. 733 ERETHIZON F. Cuv. Type Hystrix dorsata Linn. Cuvier, F., 1822, Mem. de Museum, Paris, ix, p. 426. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, iii, p. 386. Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 94. (Erythizon.) Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 420. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 484. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 22. (Hystricops, subgenus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1415. Winge, H. 1888 A, p. 129. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 540. Erethizon cloacinus Cope. Cope, E, D. 1871 1, p. 93, fig. 19. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, iii, p. 398. Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 379. 1899 A, p. 199. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 127. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 620. Wheatley, C. M. 1871 B. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Erethizon dorsatus (Linn.). Linnxus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 57. (Hys- trix.) Allen, J. A. 1877 A, iii, p. 568. Cope, E. D. 1899 A, p. 198. (E. dorsatum?) Leidy, J. 1889 H, p. 5. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 620. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 109. Recent; northeastern U. S.; Canada, west to Saskatchewan. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Erethizon venustus (Leidy). I^eidy, J. 1858 E, p. 22. [Hystrix (Hystricops).] Allen, J. A. 1877 A, iii, p. 397. (Hystrix? venus- tus.) Cope, E. D. 1881 Q. ( Hystrix. ) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 407. (Hystrix.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. (Hystrix.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 343, 407, pi. xxvi, figs. 23, 24. (Hystrix.) 1871 C, p. 364. (Hystrix.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 127. Trouessart E. L. 1898 A, p. 620. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 540. Pleistocene; Nebraska. CASTOROIDID.E. Allen, J. A. 1887 A, v, p. 419. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 488. Moore, J. 1891 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1415. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 136. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 630. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 547. CASTOROIDES Foster. Type C. ohioensis Foster. Hist, r, J. W. 1838 A, p. 81, Allen, J. A. 1877 A, v, p. 419. Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 78. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 363. Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 370. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 488. Moore, J. 1893 A, p. 67. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1415. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 252. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 410. Winge, H. 1888 A, p. 139. Wyman, J. 1846 B, p. 391. 1850 A, p. 56. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 547. Castoroides ohioensis Foster. Foster, J. W. 1838 A, p. 81, figs. A-D. Agassiz, L. 1851 B. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, v, p. 423. Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 79. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 363. Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 370, figs. 22, 23. 1888 I, p. 6, figs. 3, 4. 1889 C, p. 264. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 37, pi: iv, figs. 1-3. De Kay, J. E. 1842 C, p. 75, pi. xi, fig. 3 [Castor (Trogotherium) ohionis] . Foster, J. W. 1837 A, p. 80, figs. 15-18. (No generic or specific name.) Hall, J. 1846 A. 1846 B. Kindle, E. M. 1898 A, p. 485. Langdon, F. W. 1883 A. Le Conte, J. L. 1852 C. Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 114, pi. xxii, figs. 5-8. 1867 C, p. 97. 1869 A, p. 405. 1880 A, p. 347. 1889 H, p. 14, pi. ii, figs. 7-20. Mercer, H. C. 1894 A, p. 98. Miller, G. S. 1899 B, p. 375. Moore, J. 1890 A. 1900 A, p. 171, pis. i, ii. Newberry, J. S. 1870 A, p. 83. 1874 A, p. 92. 1875 A, p. vi. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 253. Pomel, A. 1848 D, p. 165. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 136. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 630. Whittlesey, C. 1848 A, p. 215. Wyman, J. 1846 A. 1846 B, pla. 37-39. 1850 A, pp. 62-64, fig. 5. 1850 D, p. 280. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 474. Pleistocene; Ohio, Indiana, Illino's, Tennes- see, New York, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Michigan. 734 FOSSIL VERTEBEATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. DASYPROCTID^E. Adloff, P. 1898 A, p. 388. (Genus Dasyprocta.) Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 05. Flower and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 488. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1414. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 207, pi. xxiv, fig. 8. (Genus Dasyprocta.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 128. Troues&art, E. L. 1898 A, p. 633. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, pp. 90, 370. (Caviidse, in part.) Winge, H. 1888 A, p. 135. (Dasyproctini.) Zittel, K. A, 1893 B, p. 540. AGOUTI Lacepede. Type Mm paca Linn. Lac&p&de, B. G., 1799, Tab. ord., gen. mamm.,p. 9. Cuvier, P., 1807, Ann. Mus., Paris, x, p. 203. (Coe- logenys.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 489. (Ccelo- genys.) Harlan, R. 1825 A, p. 126. (Osteopera, type O. platycephala=C. paca.) Palmer, T. S. 1897 A. Thomas, 0. 18% A, p. 1026. (Coelogenys.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 635. (Ccelogenys.) Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 91. (Coelogenys.) Agouti paca (Linn.). Linnxus, C., 1766, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, p. 81. (Mus.) Harlan, R. 1826 A, p. 126. (Osteopera platyceph- ala.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 444. (Ccelogenys.) Palmer, T. S. 1897 A. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 254. (Ccelogenys.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 129. (Ccelogenys.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 635. (Ccelogenys.) Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 91. Recent; Mexico to Paraguay. Reported by Harlan as a fossil found in vicinity of Philadel- phia; but doubtless transported thither. Adloff, P. 1898 A, p. 387. (Genus Cavia.) Alezais, H. 1898 A. (Genus Cavia. J 1899 A. (Genus Cavia.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 489. Thomas, O. 1896 A, p. 1026. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 636. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, pp. 90, 370. (In part). Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 644. HYDROCHCERUS Brisson. Type Sus hydrochscris Linn. Brisson, A.D., 1762, Reg. Anim., pp. 12, 80. Bunneister, H. 1879 B, p. 263. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 490. Leidy, J. 1853 E, p. 241. (Oromys, type O.xwpi; no description. ) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1414. Owen, R. 1868 A, p. 295, fig. 235. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 251. Thomas, 0. 18% A, p. 1026. Tomes, J. 1850 A, p. 557. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 105. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 546. Hydrochcerus aesopi Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 J, p. 165. Allen, J. A. 1877 B, p. 949. Cope, E. D. 1883 S, p. 379, fig. 30. 1888 I, p. 9, fig. 6. Leidy, J. 1853 E, p. 241. (Oromys sesopi; no de- scription.) Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 112, pi. xxi, figs. 3-6. 1869 A, p. 407. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 136. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 643. Pleistocene; South Carolina. Hydrochoerus robustus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1888 B, p. 276, fig. 1. 1890 B, p. 184. (H.? magnus Gerv. and Amegh.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 136. Pleistocene, Nicaragua, Florida?. There is doubt about the identification of the Florida specimen. Dr. Jeffries Wyman has reported the finding of a skull of the capybara, //. hydrochseris, on the southwestern frontier of the United States. Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vii, 1860, p. 350. Suborder DUPLICIDENTATA. Alston, E. R. 1876 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 491. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1412. Palmer, T. S. 1897 A. Schlosser, M. 1884 A, p. 123. (Pliodonta.) Thomas, 0. 18% A, p. 1026. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, pp. 42, 338. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 377. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 735 Superfamily LAGOMORPHA. Brandt, J, F. 1855 A. Cope, E. D. 1881 E, p. 361. 1883 S, p. 43. 1884 O, p. 812. Gadow, H. 1898 A. p. 42. Lydekker, R. 18% B. Major, Fors. 1893 A, p. 208. 1899 A, p. 433. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 140. Schlosser, M. 1884 A, p. 98. Slade, D. D. 1892 B. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 735. Thomas, 0. 18% A, p. 1026. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 549. OCHOTONID^. Troucssart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 644. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, iv, p. 405. (Lagomyidse.) Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 421. (Lagomyidae.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 491. (Lago- myidse.) Major, Fors. 1899 A, p. 463. (Lagomyidae.) Schlosser, M. 1884 A, p. 9. (Lagomyidse.) Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 53. (Lagomyidse.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 551. (Lagomyidae.) OCHOTONA Link. Included 0. pusillus, cUpinus, and ochotona. Link H. R, 1795, Zool. Beytr., i, pt. ii, p. 74. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, p. 407. (Lagomys.) Cope, E. D. 1871 1, p. 93. (Praotherium.) Cuvier, G., 1798, Tabl. Elem., p. 132. (Lagomys.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 491. (Lagomys.) Major, Fors. 1899 A, p. 433. (Lagomys.) Meyer, H. 1845 A. (Lagomys.) Thomas, 0. 18% A, p. 1026. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 645 (Ochotona); p. 649 (Praotherium). Winge, H. 1888 A, p. 112. (Lagomys.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 553. (Lagomys.) Ochotona palatinus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1871 1, pp. 94, 102, fig. 20. (Praothe- rium.) 1883 S, p. 379. (Lagomys.) 1899 A, p. 209. ( Lagomys. ) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 140. (Praotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 649. (Praotherium.) Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. LEPORID.E. Allen, J. A. 1877 A, ii, p. 265. Alston, E. R. 1876 A, p. 97. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 572. Brandt, J. F. 1855 A. Cope, E. D. 1881 J, p. 545. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 492. Giebel, C. G. 1880 A. Hemstedt, R. 1870 A. Hilgendorf, F. 1866 A, p. 673. Howes, G. B. 1887 B. Leidy. J. 1871 C, p. 363. Major, Fors. 1899 A, p. 465. Marsh, 0. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1412. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 207. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 140. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 735. Thomas, O. 18% A, p. 1027. Tomes, J. 1850 A, p. 560. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 648. Tullberg, T. 1899 A, p. 50. Winge, H. 1888 A, p. 110. Woodward, M. F. 1894 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 550. PAL^OLAGUS Leidy. Type P. haydeni Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 I, p. 89. Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 4. (Tricium, type T. avun- culi Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 55. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Ictops dakotensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 J, p. 316. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, pp. 266, 800. King, C. 1878 A, p. 412. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 351, 408, pi. xxvi. 1871 C, p. 364. Matthew, W. D 1899 A, p. 55. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 22. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 423. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 216. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Ictops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 D, p. 192. 1884 O, p. 268, pi. xxva, fig. 9. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 35. (Palfseictops?.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 22. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 142. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 216. Eocene (Wind River) ; Wyoming. PAL^ICTOPS Matth. Type Ictops bicuspis Cope. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Palseictops bicuspis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1880 N, p. 746. (Stypolophus.) 1881 D, p. 192. (Ictops.) 1882 E, p. 160. (Ictops.) 1884 O, p. 266, pi. Iviii/, figs. 2, 3. (Ictops.) Cope, E. D. 1884 S, p. 478, fig. 21. (Ictops.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Roger, 0. 1896 A , p. 22. ( Ictops. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 216. (Ictops.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 561, fig. 470. (Ictops.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. LEPTICTIS Leidy. Type L. Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 J, p. 315. Bruce, A. T. 1883 A, p. 43, fig. 9. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 472. 1882 E, p. 157. 1884 O, pp. 260, 801. 1884 S, p. 352. 1886 L, p. 966. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 364. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 141. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 422. Wortman, J. L. 1893 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 562. Leptictis haydeni Leidy. Leidy, J. 1868 J, p. 315. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 800. 1884 S, p. 478, fig. 22. King, C. 1878 A, p. 412. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 345, 408, pi. xxvi, figs. 25-28. 1871 C, p. 364. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 55. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 22. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 141. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 562, fig. 471. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. MESODECTES Cope. Type M. caniculus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 30. 1873 T, p. 3. (Isacis, preoccupied.) 1873 CC, p. 5. (Isacis.) 1874 B, pp. 465, 470. (Isacis. ) 1882 E, p. 157. 1884 O, pp. 259, 788, 801. 1884 S, p. 352. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 55. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 423. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 562. Mesodectes caniculus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 3. (Isacis.) 1873 CC, p. 8. (Isacis.) 1874 B, p. 473. (Isacis.) 1874 P, p. 23. (Isacis.) 1884 O, p. 805, pi. Ixii, figs. 33-50. 1884 S, p. 478. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 55. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 22. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 216. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. GEOLABIS Cope. Type G. rhynchseus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 807. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 142. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 562. Geolabis rhyncheeus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 808, pi. Ixii, figs. 30-32. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 479, fig. 22. (Domnina sp.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 55. Roger, O. 1806 A, p. 22. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 217. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. 740 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. DIACODON Cope. Type D. alticuspis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 11. 1876 A, p. 3. 1877 K, p. 133. 1882 E, p. 157. 1884 O, pp. xxxv. 260, 713. 1884 S, p. 349. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 142. (Syn. of Centetodon Marsh.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 562. Diacodon alticuspis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 12. 1877 K, p. 132, pi. xlv, fig. 19. 1884 8, p. 350, fig. 18a. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 22. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 217. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Diacodon celatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 12., 1877 K, p. 133, pi. xlv, fig. 20. 1884 S, p. 350, fig. 18&. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 22. Trouessart, E. L. 1893 B, p. 217. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. CENTETODON Marsh. Type C. pulcher Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 209. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 144. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 362. Centetodon altidens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 214. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 41. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 23. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 217. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Centetodon pulcher Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 209. King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 41. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 22. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 217. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. PASSALACODON Marsh. Type P. liioralis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 208. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 143. Zittel, K. A. 1887 B, p. 562. Passalacodon litoralis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 208. King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 23. Trouessart, E. L. 1893 B, p. 217. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. ANISACODON Marsh. Type A. elegans Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 209. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 143. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 304, 308, 562. Anisacodon elegans Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 209. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 23. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 217. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. CENTRACODON Marsh. Type C. dclicaius Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 215. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 143. A genus of uncertain position. Centracodon delicatus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 215. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 23. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 218. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. ENTOMODON Marsh. Type E. comptus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 214. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 143. Zittel, K: A. 1893 B, p. 562. Entomodon comptus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 214. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 23. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 218. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. HAY.J CATALOGUE. 741 ENTOMACODON. Type E. minutus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 214. 1877 E. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 143. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 562. Entomacodon angustidens Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 214. King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Roger, O, 1896 A, p. 23. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 218. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Entomacodon minutus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 222. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 23. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 143. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 218. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. EURYACODON Marsh. Type E. lepidus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 223. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 218. Euryacodon lepidus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 223. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 23. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 218. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. ANOMODON Le Conte. Type A. snyderi Le Conte. Le Conte, J. L. 1848 A, p. 106. The position of this genus is doubtful. Roger and Trouessart (toe. cit. infra) assigned it to the Erinaceidse. Anomodon snyderi Le Conte. Le Conte, J. L. 1848 A, p. 106, fig. 3. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 175. Leidy, J. 1856 T, p. 171, pi. xvii, figs. 25, 26. 1869 A, p. 408. 1870 H, p. 13. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 179. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 27. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 178. Pleistocene; northern Illinois. DOMNINA Cope. Type D. gradata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 1. 1873 CC, p. 4 (Domnina); p. 5 (Miothen, type M. crassigenis). 1874 B, pp. 465, 469, 470. 1884 O, pp. 788, 810. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 55. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1463. Schlosser, M. 1887 D, p. 78. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 562 (Syn.? of Geolabis); p. 578. The relationships of this genus are doubtful. Domnina crassigenis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 8. (Miothen.) 1874 B, p. 470. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 811, pi. Ixii, figs. 24-29. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 55. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 30. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 106. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Domnina gradata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 1. 1873 CC, p. 8. 1874 B, p. 469. 1884 O, p. 810, pi. Ixii, figs. 25, 26. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 55. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 30. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 106. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Order CHIROPTERA. Allen, H. 1880 A. 1882 A. 1886 A. 1893 A. Plainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, i, G, pis. i-xv. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 644. 1880 B, p. 455. 1884 O, p. 167. 1888 D, p. 255. 1889 C, p. 143. 1889 R, pp. 875, 876. Dobson, G. E. 1878 A. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 514. , p. 405. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 641. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 52. Gill, T. 1872 A, p. 302. 1872 B, pp. 16, 49. Gill and Coues 1877 A, p. 1055. Gruber, W. 1859 A. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, pp. 593, 595. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Huxley, T. H. 1870 A, p. 440. 1872 A, p. 385. Leboucq, H. 18% A. Leche, W. 1877 A. 1895 A, p. 74. Lydekker, R. 18% B. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1459. 742 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [RXJLL. 179. Osborn, H. F. 1893 A, p. 387. 1893 D, p. 12. Owen, R. 1843 A, p. 56. 1845 B, p. 424. Parker, W. K. 1368 A, p. 214. 1886 A, p. 188. 1886 A. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 28. Ryder, J. A. 1878 A, p. 48. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 55. Schlosser, M. 1889 A. 1890 A. 1890 C, p. 269. Slade, D. D. 1888 A, p. 242. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 4%. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 77. Weyhe, 1875 A, p. 102. Winge, H. 1893 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 572, 729. VESPERTILIONID^E. Allen, H. 1893 A, p. 53. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, i, G, p. 71. Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 410. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 660. Miller, G. S. 1897 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1461. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 28. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. Winge, H, 1893 A, p. 34. 1893 B, p. 82. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 577. PIPJSTRELLUS Kaup. Type Vespertilio pipistrellus Schreber. Allen, H. 1893 A, p. 121. (Vesperugo.) Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 373. (Vesperugo.) Dobson, G. E. 1878 A, p. 183. (Vesperugo, part.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 661. (Vesper- ugo, part.) Miller, G. S. 1897 A, p. 87. ( Pipistrellus. ) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1461. (Ves- perugo.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 578. (Vesperugo.) Pipistrellus anemophilus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1880 N, p. 745. (Vesperugo. 1881 D, p. 184. (Vesperugo.) 1884 O, p. 374. (Vesperugo.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 35. (Vesperugo.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 29. (Vesperugo.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 115. (Vesperugo.) Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming. VESPERTILIO Linn. Type V. murinus Linn. Linnxus, C., 1858, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 31. Allen, H. 1893 A, p. 111. ( Adelonycteris. ) Dobson, G. E. 1878 A, p. 183. (Vesperugo, part.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 661. (Vesper- ugo, in part.) Miller, G. S. 1897 A, p. 95. Vespertilio fuscus Beauvois. Beauvois, 1796, Cat. Peale's Mus., p. 14. Allen, H. 1893 A, p. 112. (Adelonycteris.) Dobson, G. E. 1878 A, p. 193. [Vesperugo (Ves- perus).] Leidy, J. 1889 H, p. 5'. Mercer, C. H. 1897 A. (Adelonycteris.) Miller, G. S. 1897 A, p. 96, fig. 24, 6. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 106. [Vesperugo (Ves- perus).] Recent; Georgia to California and northward. Pleistocene?; cave in Tennessee. NYCTITHERIUM Marsh. Type N. velox Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 G, p. 127. 1877 E. Miller, G. S. 1897 A, p. 16. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1461. (Syn. of Vesperugo. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 578. Nyctitherium priscum Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 G, p. 128. King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Miller, G. S. 1897 A, p. 33. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 106. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Nyctitherium velox Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 G, p. 127. King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Miller, G. S. 1897 A, p. 37. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 30. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 106. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming NYCTILESTES Marsh. Type N. serotinus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 215. 1877 E. Miller, G. S. 1897 A, p. 16. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1461. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 578. Nyctilestes serotinus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 215. i V. subulatus has been reported by Dr. Leidy (loc. cit.) from the same care. King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 42. Miller, G. S. 1897 A, p. 35. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 30. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 106. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 743 Order FER^E Linnseus. Linn frits, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 37. Unless otherwise indicated, the following authors apply the name Carnivora to this order. Albrecht, P. 1879 A. Allen, J. A. 1880 A. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 295. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 78. Baur, G. 1890 B. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, with 117 plates. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 646. 1875 C, p. 25. 1876 A. 1879 G. 1880 B, p. 455. 1881 J, p. 545. 1884 E-. 1884 O, pp. 263, 888. 1887 S, pp. 264, 343. 1888 I, p. 6. 1889 C. 1889 R, p. 875. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, v, p. 486; vii. Filhol, H. 1883 A. Flower, W. H. 1869 A, p. 269. 1869 B, p. 4. 1876 B, xiii, p. 487. 1883 D, p. 432. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 496. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 50. Gill, T. 1872 A, p. 297. (Ferae.) 1872 B, pp. 47, 56. (Ferae.) Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 209. Gray, J. E. 1869 A, p. 2. Gruber, W. 1859 A. Haeckel, E. 1895 S, pp. 578,584. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Humphreys, J. 1889 A, p. 142. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 350. Kittl, E. 1887 A. Kollmann, J. 1888 A. Lydekker, R. 1885 B, p. 20. Marsh, O. C. 1877 E. Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, p. 473. Osborn, H. F. 1900 C, p. 568. 18921. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 473. 1851 C, p. 729. , p. 327. Parker, W. K. 1868 A, p. 215. 1885 A, p. 198. Parsons, F. G. 1899 A. 1900 A. Paulli, S. 1900 B, p. 489. Scheldt, P. 1894 A. Schlosser, M. 1886 C. 1888 B. 1889 A. 1890 A. 1890 C. 1892 A, p. 217. Scott, W. B. 1888 A. 1892 A, p. 424. Slade, D. D. 1888 A, p. 243. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 716. Tims, H. W. M. 18% B, p. 461. Tomes, C.S.,1898A,p.459. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Waterhouse, G. R. 1839 A. Weber, M. 1886 A, p. 227. Weyhe, 1875 A, p. 116. Winge, H. 1895 B. (Carnivora vera.) Woodward, A. S. 1895 H, p. 380. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 448. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 109. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 578, 606, 678, 731. Suborder CREODONTA Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 A, p. 3. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, pp. 285, 293. 1891 C, p. 214. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 23. (Bunotheriidse, in part. ) 1876 E. (Bunotheria, in part.) 1877 K, p. 72 (Bunotheria, in part); pp. 85, 87 (Creodonta). 1877 S. ( Bunotheria, in part. ) 1880 C. 1881 S. 1882 E, p. 156. 18831 (Bunotheria, in part); p. 78 (Creo- donta). 1884 E. 1884 L. 1884 O, pp. 185, 251, 738 (Creodonta); pp. 167, 185, 737, 800 (Bunotheria, in part). 1886 L. 1887 M. 1887 S, p. 348. Cope, E. D. 1888 D. 1888 CC, p. 308. 1889 C. (Bunotheria, in part; Creodonta.} 1889 R. (Bunotheria, in part; Creodonta.) 1891 N, p. 72. (Bunotheria, in part; Creo- donta.) 1898 B, p. 114 (Creodonta) ; pp. 105, 114 (Buno- theria). Earle, C. 1898 A, p. 261. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 606. Gadow, H, 1898 A, p. 50. Hay, O. P. 1899 F, p. 682. Ihering, H.1891 A, p. 209. Lemoine, V, 1880 A, p. 586. Lydekker, R. 1885 E, p. 471. 1887 A, p. viii. (Bunotheria, in part.) 1900 A, p. 924. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 28. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1449. Osborn, H. F. 1888 F. 18921. 744 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Osborn, H. F. 1893 D. 1894 A, p. 236. (Bunotheria, in part.) L, p. 146. I, p. 174. 1899 B, p. 93. 1900 C, p. 567. Osborn and Wortman : Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 30. Rutimeyer, L. 1888 A. 1891 A, p. 93. Schlosser, M. 1886 C. 1887 A. 1887 B, p. 162. 1888 A, p. 584. 1890 C. 1890 D. p. 103. Schlosser, M. Scott, W. B. 1888 B. 1890 A. 1891 B, p. 366. 1892 A, p. 418. 1892 D. 1895 F, p. 719. Slade, D. D. 1890 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 711. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 219. Winge, H. 1895 B, p. 46. (Carnivora primitiva.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 380. Wortman, J. L. 1885 A, p. 298. (Bunotheria, in part; Creodonta.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 109. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 579, 605, 725. OXYCL^NTD^E. Scott, W. Earle, C. 1898 A, p. 261. (Chriacidse.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 265 (Chriacidae); p. 267 (Oxyclsenidse.) 1899 A, pp. 28, 29. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 20. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 32. Scott, W. B. 1892 D, p. 77. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 219. (Includes Chria- cidae.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 584. OXYCL^ENUS Cope. Type Miodasnus cuspidatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 K, p. 312. 1888 CC, p. 320, footnote. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 268, 276. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 419. 1892 B, p. 295. 1892 D, p. 77. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 584. Oxycleenus cuspidatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 K, p. 312. (Mioclaenus, Oxyclse- nus.) 1888 CC, p. 321. (Mioclsenus.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 276. 1899 A, p. 28. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 23. (Protochriacus simplex?.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 32. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 295. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 219. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. Oxycleenus simplex Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 K, pp. 314, 315. (Chriacus.) 1888 CC, p. 336. (Chriacus.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 277, fig. 8. 1899 A, p. 28. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 249. (Protochriacus.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 296. (Protochriacus.) Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. CHRIACUS Cope. Type Pelycodus pelvidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 I, p. 80. 1884 K, p. 312. 1884 O, p. 740. 1884 S, p. 352. 1888 CC, p. 336. Earle, C. 1898 A, p. 261. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 272. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 21. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 49. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 421, fig. 4. 1892 B, p. 295 (Chriacus); p. 296 (Epichria- cus, type C, schlosserianus). 1892 D, p. 77. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 712. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 585. (Chriacus, Epichria- cus.) Chriacus angulatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1876 C, p. 14. (Pelycodus.) 1877 K, p. 144, pi. xxxix, fig. 15. (Tomi- therium.) 1882 E, p. 151. (Pelycodus.) 18831, p. 80. (Chriacus.) 1884 K, p. 314. 1884 O, pp. 225, 231, pi. xxivd, fig. 4 (Pelyco- dus); p. 740 (Chriacus). 1884 S, p. 353, fig. 14. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 30. (Pelycodus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 250. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 296. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 220. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 745 Chriacus baldwini Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 C, p. 463. (Deltatherium.) 1884 K, p. 314, in part. (C. pclvidens.) 1884 O, p. 282, pi. xxiiid, fig. 12 (Deltathe- rium); p. 225, in part, pi. xxivd, fig. 3 (Pelycodus pelvidens). 1888 CC, pp. 304, 340, in part (C. baldwini); p. 304, in part (C. pelvidens). Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 208, 274, figs. 5, 6. 1899 A, p. 29. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 21. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 250. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 296. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 220. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. Chriacus pelvidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 Z, p. 1019. (Lipodectes.) 1882 C, p. 462. (Pelycodus.) 1882 E, p. 151. (Pelycodus.) 1883 I, p. 80. 1884 K, p. 313, part. 1884 O, p. 225, in part (Pelycodus); p. 740 (Chriacus). 1888 CC, pp. 304, 336, in part. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 263, 273, fig. 4. 1899 A, p. 29. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 250. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 220. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. Chriacus schlosserianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 338. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 263, 268, 275. 1899 A, p. 29. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 249. (Epichriacus.) Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 421. ' (Epichriacus.) 1892 B, p. 296. (Epichriacus.) 1892 D, p. 77. (Epichriacus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 220. (Epichriacus.) Eocene (Torrejon) ; New Mexico. Chriacus stenops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 341. Matthew, W. D., 1899 A, p. 29. (Syn. of C. pelvi dens.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 250. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 421. 1892 B, p. 2%. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 220. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. Chriacus truncatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 K, p. 313. 1888 CC, pp. 304, 336, fig. 8. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 263, 275, fig. 7. 1899 A, p. 29. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 250. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 220. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. PENTACODON Scott. Type Chriacus inverts Cope. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 296. 1892 D, p. 77. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 585. Pentacodon in versus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 342. (Chriacus.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 250. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 297. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 220. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. LOXOLOPHUS Cope. Type L. adapinus Cope= Chriacus hyattianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1885 J, p. 386. Hay, O. P. 1899 A, p. 593. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 268. (Protochriacus.) Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 22. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 296 (Protochriacus, type P. priscus); p. 297 (Loxolophus). 1892 D, p. 77. (Protochriacus, Loxolophus.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 585. (Protochriacus, Lox- olophus.) Loxolophus attenuatus (Osb. and Earle). Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 22. (Protochriacus.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 263, 269. (Protochria- cus.) 1899 A, p. 28. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 249. (Protochriacus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 220. (Protochriacus. ) Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. Loxolophus hyattianus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1885 J, p. 385 (Chriacus hyattianus); p. 386 /L. adapinus). Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, pp. 304, 336. (Chriacus.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 263, 268, 269, fig. 2. (Protochriacus.) 1899 A, p. 28. (Protochriacus hyattianus, Loxolophus adapinus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 249 (Protochriacus); p. 250 (Loxolophus). Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 297. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 220. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. Loxolophus priscus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 337, text fig. 6. (Chriacus.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 263, 269. (Protochria- cus.) 1899 A, p. 28. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 22. (Protochriacus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 249. (Protochriacus.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 2%. (Protochriacus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 220. (Protochriacus.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 585, fig. 489. (Protochria- cus.) Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. 746 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. TRICENTES Cope. Type T. crassicollidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 K, p. 315. 1884 O, p. xxxv. 1884 R, p. 60. 1884 S, p. 353. 1885 K, p. 464. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 270. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 23. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 297. 1892 D, p. 77. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 585. Tricentes crassicollidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 K, p. 315. 1884 R, p. 61. 1888 CC, p. 304. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 263, 272. 1899 A, p. 29. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 250. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 221. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. Tricentes subtrigonus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 H, p. 491 (Mioclsenus subtrig- onus); p. 492 (Phenacodus zuniensis). 1883 M, p. 555. (Mioclsenus subtrigonus, M. bucculentus.) Cope, E. D. 1884 K, pp. 312, 315. 316. 1884 O, pp. 325, 328, pi. xxiv/, fig. 4; pi. Ivii/, fig. ;> (M. subtrigonus); pp. 325, 341, pi. xxiv#, fig. 2 (M. bucculentus); pp. 433,491, pi. Ivii/, fig. 10 (Phenacodus zuniensis). 1884 R, p. 61. (Tricentes subtrigonus, T. buc- culentus. ) 1884 S, p. 349, fig. 17. (M. subtrigonus.) 1888 CC, pp. 303, 321 (M. subtrigonus); pp.303, 336, fig. 7 (T. bucculentus); pp. 304, 340 (Chriacus baldwini, in part); pp. 305, 359 (Protogonia zuniensis, in part). Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 263, 270, fig. 3; p. 310. 1899 A, p. 29. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 24. (Tricentes buc- culentus. ) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 165 (Euprotogonia zuniensis); p. 250 (Tricentes bucculentus, T. subtrigonus). Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 221. (Mioclsenus subtrig- onus, M. bucculentus.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, pp. 297, 299. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 221. (T. bucculentus, T. subtrigonus.) Eocene (Torrejon) ; New Mexico. The above synonomy is based on Matthew, W. D., 1897 C. ELLIPSODON Scott. Type Tricentes insequidens (Cope.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 298. 1892 D, p. 77. Ellipsodon insequidens (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1884 K, p. 317. (Tricentes.) 1888 CC, pp. 304, 336, fig. 8 (Tricentes); p. 335 (Mioclsenus minimus). Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 263, 315, fig. 17. (Mio- clsenus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 250. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 298. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 221 (Ellipsodon;; p. 719 (Mioclsenus). Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. ARCTOCYONID.E. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 90. 1880 C, p. 78. 1882 E, pp. 156, 167. 1883 I, p. 78. 1884 O, p. 259. 1885 K, p. 469. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 609. Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 59, 68. Matthew, W. D.1897C, p. 288. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 115. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 32. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 219. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 420. 1892 B, pp. 295, 298. 1892 D, pp. 77, 78. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 222. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 51. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 586. ARCTOCYON Blainv. Type A. primsevus Blainv. Blainvilte, H. M. D. 1864 A (1841), ii, L, p. 73. No American species belonging to Arctocyon are known. The following citations are, how- ever, given to the literature of the genus, since it is the type of the family. Cope, E. D. 1880 C, p. 79. 1882 E, p. 157. 1884 O, p. 259. Gaudry, A, 1878 B, p. 22. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 220. Lemoine, V. 1878 A. 1891 A, p. 272. Osborn, H. F. 1883 A, p. 32. 1890 C, p. 59, fig. 4. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 221. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 222. Winge, H..1895 B, pp. 46, 91. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 381. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 686. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 747 CL^NODON Scott. Type Mioclaenus ferox Cope. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 298. Matthew, W. D. 1897 B, p. 232. 1897 C, p. 288. 1898 A, p. 880. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 26. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 420. 1892 D, p. 78. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 100, 101. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 587. Cleenodon corrugatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1883 M, p. 557. (Mioclsenus.) 1883 W, p. 191. (M. meniscus, no descrip- tion.) 1884 K, p. 312 (Mioclsenus); p. 313 (Oxy- clsenus). 1884 O,pp. 325, 341, pi. xxiv/, fig. 5. (Mio- clsenus corrugatus); pi. xxivflr, fig. 8 (M. ferox). 1884 S, p. 349. (Mioclsenus.) 1887 S, p. 275, pi. vii, fig. 1. (Mioclsenus. ) 1888 CC, p. 332. (Mioclsenus.) 1889 C, p. 349. (Mioclaenus). Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 264, 290, 320. 1899 A, p. 29. Roger, O, 1896 A, p. 32. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 221. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 299. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 223. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 587, fig. 493. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. Claenodon ferox (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1883 M, p. 547. (Mioclsenus.} 1884 K, p. 312 (Mioclsenus); p. 313 (Oxyclse- nus.) 1884 O, pp. 325, 328, pi. xxiv/, figs. 6, 7, 9-15 (not fig. 8, fide Cope). (Mioclsenus.) 1884 S, p. 350. (Mioclsenus. ) 1888 CC, pp. 303, 321. (Mioclaenus. ) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 264, 289, 320. 1899 A, p. 29. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 27. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 32. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 221. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 222. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. Claenodon protogonioides (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1882 EE, p. 833. (Miocleenus. ) 1884 K, p. 312. (Mioclsenus.) 1884 O, pp. 325, 340, pi. xxv, fig. 17. (Mio- claenus. ) 1888 CC, p. 329. ( Mioclsenus. ) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 264, 291. 1899 A, p. 29. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 32. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 221. (Mioclsenus.) Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 420, fig. 4. 1892 B, p. 299. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 223. Eocene (Puerco and Torrejon); New Mexico. ANACODON Cope. Type A. ursidem Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, pp. 178, 181. 1882 F, p. 96. 1884 O, pp. 386, 427. Osborn, H. F. 1893 D. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 27. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 115. Pavlow, M. 1887 A. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 300. 1892 D, p. 78. Wortman, J. L. 1882 B, p. 775. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 588. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, pp. 294, 300. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 277. 1899 A, pp. 28, 29. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 33. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 421. Anacodon ursidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 181. 1884 O, p. 427, pi. xxve, fig. 11. 1884 AA, p. 900, fig. 23. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 115, fig. 131. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 33. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 223. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. TRIISODONTID^E. Scott, W. B. 1892 D, pp. 77, 78. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 223. Wortman, J. L. 1899 A, p. 146. (Subfamily of Mes- onychidse.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 588. TRIISODON Cope. Type T. quivirerws Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 S, p. 667. 1881 H, p. 484. 1882 E, p. 157. 1882 H, p. 299. 1884 K, p. 311. 1884 O, pp. 260, 270. 1884 S, p. 349. 1887 Q. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 278. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 420. 1892 B, p. 300. 1892 D, p. 78. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 209. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 51. Wortman, J. L. 1899 A, p. 147. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 588. 748 FOSSIL VEETEBKATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Triisodon gaudrianus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, pp. 303, 326. (Mioclaenus.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 280. 1899 A, p. 28. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 33. (T. gaudryanus.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 302. (Goniacodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 224. (Goniacodon.) Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. Triissodon heilprinianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 193. 1882 C, p. 468. (Conoryctes crassicuspis. ) 1884 K, p. 310 (^. rusticus) ; p. 311 (T. heil- prinianus). 1884 O, p. 201, pi. xxiiid, fig. 6 (Conoryctes crassicuspis); pp. 271, 273, pi. xxviiia, fig. 2 (T. heilprinianus.) 1885 J, p. 386. (Sarcothraustes coryphaeus.) 1888 CC, pp. 303, 321 [Mioclaenus (Goniaco- don) heilprinianus]; pp. 303, 321 (Mioclse- nus bathygnathus, M. rusticus); pp. 303, 323 (Mioclsenus crassicuspis); pp. 304, 343 (T. biculminatus) ; p. 323, figs. 1-4 (Sarco- thraustes coryphaeus). Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 263, 279, 320. 1899 A, p. 28. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 28, fig. 7 (T. bicul- minatus); p. 29 (Sarcothraustes coryphaeus, S. crassicuspis). Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 33 (T. heilprinranus, T. bicul- minatus, T. rusticus, Sarcothraustus coryphaeus, S. bathygnathus); p. 34 (S. crassicuspis). Schlosser, M. 1886 B, p. 37. (Zetodon crassicus- pis.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 300 (T. heilprinianus) ; p. 302 (Goniacodon rusticus); p. 303 (Sarcothraustes crassicuspis, S. bathygnathus). 1897 A, p. 3. (Miacis bathygnathus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 224 (T. heilprinianus); p. 223 (T. biculminatus); p. 224 (Sarcothraustes coryphaeus); p. 225 (S. bathygnathus; S. crassi- cuspis). Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. The above synonomy is based on Matthew, W. D., 1897 C. Triisodon quivirensis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 S. p. 667. 1881 G, p. 485. 1884 K, p. 311. 1884 O, pp. 271, 272, pi. xxv^, fig. 2. 1884 S, pp. 257, 350, fig. 1. 1888 CC, p 304. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 279. 1899 A, p. 28. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 33. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 301. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 223. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 423 fig. 205. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. GONIACODON Cope. Type G. levisanus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, pp. 320, 321. (Subgenus.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 278, 281. 1899 A, p. 29. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 301. 1892 D, p. 78. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 589. Goniacodon levisanus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1883 M, p. 546. (Triisodon.) 1884 K, p. 311. (Triisodon.) Cope, E. D. 1884 O, pp. 271, 273, pi. xxiv/, fig. 3 (Triisodon.) 1888 CC, pp. 303, 321. [Mioclaenus (Goniaco- don).] Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 263, 282. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 33. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, 302. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 224. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. MICROCL^ENODON Scott. Type Triisodon assurgens Cope. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 302. 1892 D, p. 78. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 589. Microcleenodon assurgens (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1884 K, p. 311. (Triisodon.) (Diacodon.) Cope, E. D. 1888 CC. pp. 304, 321. [Mioclsenus (Goniacodon).] Roger, O. 18% A, p. 33. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 302. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 224. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. SARCOTHRAUSTES Cope. Type S. antiqmts Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, pp. 158, 193. 1884 O, pp. 260, 346. 1884 S, p. 267. 1888 D, p. 255. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 282. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 28. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 207. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 421. 1892 B, p. 802. 1892 D, p. 78. | Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 51. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 589. Sarcothraustes antiquus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 193. 1882 H, p. 297. (Triisodon conidens.) 1884 K, p. 311. (Triisodon conidens.) . 1884 O, pp. 271, 274, pi. xxiiid, figs. 9, 10 (Triisodon conidens); p. 347, pi. xxivd, flgs. 19-22 (S. antiquus). CATALOGUE. 749 Cope, E. D. 1884 S, p. 267 (S. antiquus); p. 350 Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 29. (Diacodon conidens). 1888 CC, pp. 303, 320. (Mioclsenus antiquus, M. conidens.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 263, 283. 1899 A, p. 29. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 33. Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 303. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 224. Wortman, J. L. 1899 A, p. 146. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. MESONYCHID.E. Cope, E. D. 1876 A, p. 3. 1880 C, pp. 78, 79. 1882 E, pp. 157, 158. 1884 O, pp. 259, 260, 355. 1884 S, pp. 260, 261. 1888 CC, p. 310. Matthew, W. D. 1397 C, p. 284. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1453. Osborn, H. F. 1893 D. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 112. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 34. Schlosser, M. 1886 C. Scott, W. B. 1888 B, p. 164. 1890 A, p. 472. 1892 A, p. 419. 1892 B, pp. 294, 303. 1892 D, pp. 77, 78. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 712. Winge, H. 1895 A, pp. 46, 49, 50. (Mesonychini.-) Wortman, J. L. 1899 A, p. 146. (With subfamilies Meson ychinse and Triissodontinae.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 589. DISSACUS Cope. Type D. navajovius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 Z, p. 1019. 1882 E, p. 158. 1884 K, p. 324. 1884 O, pp. 260, 344, 741. 1884 S, p. 267. 1888 CC, p. 343. Earle, C. 1898 A, p. 261. Lemoine, V. 1891 A, p. 271. Matthew, W. 1). 1897 C, pp. 284, 308. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1453. Osborn, H. F. 1893 B, p. 325. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 30. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 112. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 209. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, pp. 418, 420. 1892 B, p. 303. 1892 D, p. 78. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 49, 91, 100, 101. Wortman, J. L. 1899 A, p. 147. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 589. Dissacus leptognathus Osb. and Wort. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 112 (D. leptog- nathus); fig. 10 [? Dissacus (Pachyaena) leptog- nathus]. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 34. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 304. Trouessart, E. L. 1893 B, p. 225. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Dissacus navajovius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 H, p. 484. (Mioclaenus.) 1881 Z, p. 1019. 1882 E, p. 165. 1882 EE, p. 834. (D. carnifex.) 1884 O, p. 345, pi. xxvc, fig. 1 (D. navajovius); pp. 345, 741, pi. xxivgr, figs. 3, 4 (D. carni- fex). 1884 S, p. 267, fig. 11. 1888 CC, pp. S04, 344 (D. navajovius); p. 304 (D. carnifex). Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 263, 284, 320. 1899 A, pp. 29, 31, footnote. Osborn, H. F. 1898 H, p. 174, fig. 5. (D. carnifex.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 34. (D. navajovius, D. carni- fex.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 225. (D. carnifex, D. navajovius.) Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 420, fig. 202. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. Dissacus saurognathus Wort. Wortman, J. L. in Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 263, 285, 320, fig. 9. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 29. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 30, figs. 8, 9. (D. car- nifex, not of Cope.) Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. PACHY^NA Cope. Type P. ossifraga Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 13. 1877 K, p. 94. 1881 Z, p. 1018. 1882 E, p. 165. Earle, C. 1898 A, p. 261. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 284. 1899 A, p. 31, footnote. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 38. Scott, W. B. 1888 B, p. 166. 1892 A, p. 420. 1892 B, p. 304. Scott, W. B. 1892 D, p. 79. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 49, 91, 100, 10i. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 590. Pachvsena gigantea Osb. and Wort. Osborn and H 'ortman 1892 A, p. 113, figs. 11, 12. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 34. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 225. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 590, fig. 495. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. 750 FOSSIL VEETEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Pachyeena intermedia Wort. Wortman, J. L. 1899 A, p. 147. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. (No description.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Pachysena ossifraga Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 13. 1875 C, p. 11. 1875 F, p. 94. 1877 K, p. 94, pi. xxxix, fig. 10. 1881 Z, p. 1018. (Mesonyx.) 1882 E, p. 165. (Mesonyx.) 1882 S, p. 334. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 362, pi. xxive, fig. 14-19; pi. xxviiia, fig. 1; pi. xxviiib; pi. xxviiic; pi. xxviiid. (Mesonyx.) 1884 S, p. 264, figs. 2, 6, 8, 10. (Mesonyx.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 376. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 112. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 34. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 206. Steinmann and Doderlein 1880 A, p. 714. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 225. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 418, figs. 200,;201. (Mes- onyx.) 1899 A, p. 147. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming. MESONYX Cope. Type M. obtusidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1S72 M, p. 460. Allen, H. 1886 B. Cope, E. D. 1872 R, p. 483. (Synoplotheriuni, type S. lanius.) 1872 HH. 1873 E, p. 550 (Mesonyx); p. 554 (Synoplo theri'im). 1873 G, p. 198 (Mesonyx); p. 203 (Synoplo- therium). 1875 C, p. 5 (Mesonyx); p. 9 (Synoplothe- rium). 1875 L, p. 21. 1876 A, p. 1 (Synoplotherium); p. 3 (Meso- nyx). 1880 C, p. 79. 1881 Z. 1882 E, p. 158. 1882 S, p. 334. 1884 O, pp. 260, 348. 1884 S, p. 263. 1887 S, pp. 251, 278. Earle, C. 1898 A, p. 261. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 514. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 609. Major, Fors. 1893 A, p. 200. Marsh, O. C. 1876 H, p. 403. (Dromocyon, type D. vorax. ) 1877 E. (Dromocyon, Mesonyx.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 284. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1453. Osborn, H. F. 1893 D, p. 6. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 37. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 206 (Synoplotherium); p. 207 (Mesonyx). 1890 B, p. 64. Scott, W. B. 1888 B, p. 164 (Mesonyx); p. 165 (Syno- plotherium). 1890 A, p. 472. 1892 A, p. 420. 1892 B, p. 306. 1892 O, p 79. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 713. Wilckens, M. 1885 D, p. 523. (Dromocyon.) Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 49, 91. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 382. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 417. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 590. Mesonyx? dakotensis Scott. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 306. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 226. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Mesonyx lanius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 R, p. 483. (Synoplotherium.) 1873 E, p. 557, pis. v, vi. (Synoplotherium.) 1873 G, p. 207. (Synoplotherium.) 1877 K, p. 94. (Synoplotherium.) 1884 O, pp. 264, 348, 358, pi. xxvii, figs. 25-28; pi. xxviii; pi. xxix, figs. 1-6; pi. xixa, fig. 1. 1884 S, p. 265, fig. 7. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 41. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 113. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 34. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 226. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Mesonyx obtusidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 M, p. 460. 1873 E, p. 552. 1873 G, p. 201. 1884 O, pp. 348, 365, pi. xxvi, figs. 3-12; pi. xxvii, figs. 1-24. 1884 S, p. 264. 1887 M. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 41, 49. Osborn, H. F. 18% C, p. 107, illus. 3. 1898 Q, p. 18. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 34. Scott, W. B. 1888 B, p. 155, pi. v; pi. vi, fig. 1; pi. vii, figs. 1-3. 1892 B, p. 307. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 226. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming: (Uinta); Utah. Mesonyx uintensis Scott. Scott, W. B. 1888 B (1887), p. 168. (M.? uintensis.) Cope, E. D. 1887 M, p. 927. (M. uintaensis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, p. 79, fig. 4. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 34. Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 471, pi. x, fig. 9. Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 255. (Name only.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 751 Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 226. Eocene (Uinta); Utah. Mesonyx vorax (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1876 H, p. 403. (Dromocyon.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 41. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 63. (Dromocyon.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 306. (Syn.of Mesonyx ob- tusidens.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 228. (Syn. of M. ob- tusidens. ) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. PROVIVERRID.E. Schlosscr, M. 1886 C, p. 293. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 608. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 307. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 31, 35, 40. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1452. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 34. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, pp. 294, 307. Scott, W. B. 1892 D. pp. 77, 79. 1894 F, p. 501. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 712. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 226. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 48. (Proviverrini.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 592. DELTATHERIUM Cope. Type D. fundaminis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 N, p. 337. 1881 H, p. 486. 1881 Z, p. 1019. (Lipodectes, type L. pene- trans Cope. ) 1882 E, p. 157. (Deltatherium, Lipodectes.) 1884 O, pp. 260, 277. 1884 S, p. 352. 1888 D, p. 255. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 309. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1453. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 39. Schlosser, M. 1887 A, p. 219. 1888 B, pp. 16, 23. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 418. 1892 B, p. 308. -1892 D, p. 79. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 227. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 49, 91, 101. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 592. Deltatherium fundaminis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 N, p. 337. 1881 H, p. 486. 1881 Z, p. 1019. (Lipodectes penetrans.) 1882 C, p. 463. Cope, E. D. 1882 X, p. 522. 1884 O, p. 278, pi. xxiiie, figs. 8-11; pi. xxvo, fig. 10; pi. xxvd, fig. 3. 1884 S, p. 352, fig. 20. 1888 CC, p. 304. 1889 C, p. 229, fig. 54. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 309. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 29. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 40, figs. 10, 11. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 35. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 227. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 593, fig. 497. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. Deltatherium? interr upturn Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 C, p. 463. 1884 O, p. 282, pi. xxiiid, fig. 13. 1888 CC, pp. 303, 328. (Mioclaenus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 28. (Mioclaenus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 164. . Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 323. (Genus not deter- mined.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 720. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. STYPOLOPHUS Cope. Type S. pungens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 N, p. 466. 1872 E, p. 469. (Triacodon, not of Marsh.) 1873 E, p. 559 (Stypolophus); pp. 560, 611 (Triacodon). 1874 O, p. 13. (Prototomus, type P. viverri- nus.) 1875 C, pp. 5, 9. (Prototoinus.) 1875 L, p. 21. (Stypolophus.) 1876 A. (Stypolophus.) 1877 K, pp. 87, 109, 112. (Stypolophus.) 1879 A, p. 43. (Stypolophus.) 1880 C, p. 79. (Stypolophus.) 1882 E, p. 158 (Stypolophus); p. 164 (Proto- tomus). 1884 E. (Stypolophus.) 1884 O, pp. 35, 260, 285 (Stypolophus); p. 35 (Prototomus). Cope, E. D. 1884 S, p. 350. (Stypolophus.) 1887 S, p. 251. (Stypolophus.) 1888 D. (Stypolophus.) 1889 C, p. 232. (Stypolophus.) Leidy, J. 1871 F, p. 115. (Sinopa, type S. rapax; description insufficient.) 1872 B, p. 355.1 (Sinopa.) 1873 B, p. 116. (Sinopa.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 G, p. 126. (Limnocyon, type L. verm.) 1877 E. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. (Sinopa.) Nicholson and Lydekker, 1889 A, p. 1437. (Sty- polophus=:Proviverra; Limnocyon.) Osborn, Scott, and Ppeir 1878 A, p. 18. (Sinopa.) Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 218. (Stypolophus.) 1888 B, p. 16. (Stypolophus.) 1 In case this paper was issued before Cope 1872 N ("Aug. 3, 1872") Sinopa will replace Stypolophus. 752 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Schlosser, M. 1890 C, p. 244. (Stypolophus. ) Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 419. (Sinopa.) 1892 B, p. 308. (Sinopa.) 1892 D, p. 79. (Sinopa.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 227. Wilckens, M. 1885 D, p. 624. (Sinopa.) Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 47, 52, 91, 100,101. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 383. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 592. (Sinopa.) Stypolophus aculeatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 M, p. 460. (Triacodon.) 1872 E, p. 469. (Triacodon.) 1873 E, pp. 560, 611. (Triacodon.) 1873 U, p. 3. (Triacodon.) 1877 K, p. 112. 1882 E, p. 161. 1884 O, pp. 290, 299, pi. xxiv, figs. 6, 7; p.. xxvii, figs. 1, 2. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. (Sinopa.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 36. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 310. (Sinopa.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 227. (Sinopa.) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Stypolophus agilis (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 204. (Limnocyon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 40. (Sinopa.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 35 (S. agilis); p. 41 (Miacis? agilis). Schlosser, M, 1890 B, p. 63. (Limnocyon.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 310. (Sinopa.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 227 (Sinopa); p. 236 (Miacis?). Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Stypolophus brevicalcaratus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 E, p. 469. (S. brevicolcarabus, error.) 1873 E, p. 560. 1884 O, pp. 290, 291,-pl. xxiv, fig. 9. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 40. (Syn. of Sinopa agilis.) Roger, 0, 1896 A, p. 35. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 310. (Sinopa.) rouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 227. (Sinopa. ) Eocene (Bridger), Wyoming. Stypolophus hians Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, pp. 72, 118, pi. xxxviii, figs. 12-20. 1876 A, p. 1. (No description.) 1884 O, p. 290. ( Prototomus. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. (Sinopa.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 36. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 310. (Sinopa.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 228. (Sinopa.) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming. Stypolophus insectivorus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 E, p. 469. 1873 E, p. 559. 1884 O, p, 290, pi. xxiv, figs. 10, 11. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 40. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 35 Scott, W. B 1892 B, p. 310 (Sinopa.) Trouessart, E. L 1898 A, p. 227. (Sinopa.) Eocene ( Bridger) , Wyoming. Stypolophus multicuspis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 10. (Prototomus.) 1877 K, pp. 112, 116, pi. xxxix, figs. 12-14. 1884 O, p. 290. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. (Sinopa.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 36. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 310. (Sinopa.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p, 227. (Siuopa.) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Stypolophus pungens Cope. Cope. E. D. 1872 N, p. 466. 1873 E, p. 559. 1884 O, pp. 290, 291, pi. xxiv, fig. 8. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 40. (Sinopa.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 35. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 310. (Sinopa.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 227. (Sinopa.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Stypolophus rapax (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 355. (Sinopa.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. (Sinopa.) Leidy, J. 1871 F, p. 115. (Sinopa; insufficient description.) 1878 B, pp. 116, 118, 316, pi. vi, fig. 44. (Sinopa.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 40. (Sinopa.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 35. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 35. (Sinopa.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 311. (Sinopa.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 227. (Sinopa.) Eocene (Bridger): Wyoming. Stypolophus secundarius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 9. (Prototomus.) 1877 K, p. 115. 1884 O, p. 290. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. (Sinopa.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 35. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 310. (Sinopa.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 227. (Sinopa.) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Stypolophus strenuus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 10. (Prototomus.) 1877 K, p. 117, pi, xxxix, fig. 11. 1880 N, p. 746. 1882 E, p. 161. (Syn. of S. whitese.) 1884 O, p. 290. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. (Sinopa.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 36. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 310. (Sinopa.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 228. (Sinopa.) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming. Stypolophus verus (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1872 G, p. 126. (Limnocyon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 40. (Sinopa.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 35 (S. verus); p. 41 (Miacis vetus). Schlosser, M. 1890 B, pp. 62, 64. (Limnocyon vetus.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 310. (Sinopa.) Trouessart, E. L. 1898 A, p. 227 (Sinopa); p. 236 (Miacis? vetus). Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. CATALOGUE. 753 StypOijplius viverrinus Cope. Cope, E. D, 1874 O, p. 13. (Prototomu's.) 1875 C, p. 9. (Prototomus.) 1877 K, p. 112, pi. xxxviii, figs. 1-11. 1884 O, p. 290. (Prototomus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 31, 35. (Sinopa.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 35. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 310. (Sinopa.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 227. (Sinopa.) Eocene (Wasatch, Wind River); New Mexico, Wyoming. Stypolophus whiteee Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 161. Cope, E. D. 1881 D, p. 192. (S. strenuus, not of Cope, 1875.) 1884 O, pp. 290, 292, pi. xxvfc, figs. 8-14; pi. xxvd, figs. 1, 2. 1884 S, p. 347, fig. 13. 1889 C. p. 232, fig. 58. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 308, fig. 46. (Proviverra.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 31, 35. (Sinopa.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 36. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 310. (Sinopa.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 228. (Sinopa.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 383, fig. 214. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 422, fig. 204. Eocene (Wasatch and Wind River); Wyo- ming. TRIACODON Marsh. Type T. fallax Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1871 E, p. 123. (Not Triacodon of Cope.) Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 144. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 603. The systematic position of this genns is un- certain. Triacodon fallax Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 E, p. 123. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 612. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 357. 1873 B, p. 123. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 41. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 144. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Triacodon grandis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 222. Cope, E. D. 1873 U, p. 3. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 41. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 144. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. Triacodon nanus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 223. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 41. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 144. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. PROVIVERRA Riitimeyer. Type P. typica Riitimeyer. Riitimeyer, L., 1862, Schweiz. Gesell. Naturwiss.', p. 80. Cope, E. D. 1880 C, p. 79. 1882 E, p. 158. 1884 O, p. 260. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 608. Gaudry, A, 1878 B, p. 20. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 308. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1452. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 213. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 419. J, p. 311. Winge, H. 1895 B, p. 91. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 593. Proviverra americana Scott. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 311. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 40. Osbom, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 18. (Sinopa rapax, not of Leidy.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 36. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 228. Eocene (Bridger) ; Wyoming. DIDELPHODUS Cope. Type Deltatherium absarokx Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 X, p. 522. 1884 O, pp. 260, 283. 1884 S, p. 351. 1888 D, p. 255. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1453. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 214. 1888 B, pp. 16, ^3. 1890 C, p. 244. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 311. 1892 D, p. 79. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 49, 91, 101. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 595. Bull. 179 & Didelphodus absarokse Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 S, p. 669. (Deltatherium.) 1882 E, p. 161. (Deltatherium.) 1882 X, p. 522. 1884 O, p. 284, pi. xxive, fig. 13. 1884 S, p. 351, fig. 19. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 36. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 311. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 229. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. 754 FOSSIL VEETEBKATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. PAL^EOSINOPA Matth. Type P. veterrima Matth. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. (Palseosinopa "Wortman"; no description.) For description of this genus and its type species see Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., xiv, 1901, p. 22. Palseosinopa veterrima Matth. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. (P. veterrima "Wortman"; no description.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. VIVERRAVID.E. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 136. | VIVERRAVUS Marsh. Type V. gracilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 G, p. 127. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 560. 1875 C, pp. 5, 11. (Didymictis, type D. pro- tenus.) 1876 A. (Didymictis.) 1877 K, pp. 87, 123. (Didymictis.) 1880 C, p. 79. (Didymictis.) 1882 C, p. 470. (Didymictis.) 1882 E, pp. 157, 158. (Didymictis.) 1884 O, pp. 260, 304. (Didymictis.) 1884 S, p. 484. (Didymictis.) 1887 M, p. 927. (Didymictis.) 1888 K, p. 162. (Didymictis.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 286. 1899 A, pp. 30, 35. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1437. (Didy- mictis, Viverravus.) Osborn, H. P. 1888 F, p. 1076. (Didymictis.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 111. (Didymic- tis.) Schlosser, M. 1890 B, pp. 1, 61. (Didymictis.) 1899 A, p. 86. (Didymictis.) Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 473. (Didymictis.) 1890 C, p. 265. (Didymictis.) 192 A, p. 419. (Didymictis. ) 1892 B, p. 318 (Didymictis); p. 321 (Viverra- vus). 1892 D, p. 80. (Didymictis.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 716. (Didy- mictis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 235. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 52, 53, 91. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 430. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 602 (Didymictis); p. 603 (Viverravus). Viverravus altidens (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1880 N, p. 746. (Didymictis.) 1881 D, p. 190. (Didymictis.) 1882 E, p. 159. (Didymictis.) 1884 O, pp. 305, 307, pi. xxva, figs. 13, 14. (Didymictis.) Earle C. 1898 A, p. 261. (Didymictis.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 287. ( Didymictis. ) 1899 A, p. 35. (Viverravus.) Osborn, H. F. 1897 G, p. 255. (Didymictis.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 40 (Didymictis.) Scott, W. B. 1888 B, p. 169. (Didymictis.) 1892 B, p. 320. (Didymictis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 235. (Didymictis.) Eocene (Wasatch, Wind River, Bridger); Wy- oming. Viverravus curtidens (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 160. (Didymictis.) 1884 O, pp. 306, 313, pi. xxivd, fig. 10. (Didy- mictis.) 1884 S, p. 484. ( Didymictis curtus, error? for D. curtidens.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 287. (Didymictis.) 1899 A, p. 30. (Viverravus.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 83, 111. (Didy- mictis.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 40. (Didymictis.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 320. (Didymictis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 235. (Didymictis.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Viverravus gracilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 G, p. 127. Cope, E. D. 1881 D, p. 191. (Didymictis dawkins- ianus.) 1882 E, pp. 158, 159. (Didymictis dawkins- ianus.) 1884 O, pp. 306, 310, pi. xxva, fig 11. (Didy- mictis dawkinsianus.) 1884 S, p. 485, fig. 30. (Didymictis dawkins- ianus.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 264, 286. (Didymictis dawkinsianus. ) 1899 A, pp. 35, 40. Osborn, H. F. 1897 G, p. 255. (Didymictis daw- kinsianus.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 83, 111. (Didy- mictis dawkinsianus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 40 (Didymictis dawkinsianus); p. 41 (V. gracilis). Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 63. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 320 (Didymictis dawkins- ianus); p. 321 (V. gracilis). Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 235 (Didymictis daw- kinsianus); p. 236 (V. gracilis). Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 136. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 603, fig. 506 B. (Didymictis dawkinsianus.) Eocene (Wasatch, Wind River, Bridger), Wy- oming, Colorado. Viverravus haydenianus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1882 C, p. 464. (Didymictis.) 1884 K, 309. (Didymictis primus. ) 1884 O, pp. 305, 306, pi. xxiiie, figs. 12, 13. (Didymictis.) 1884 S, p. 484. (Didymictus.) HAY.J CATALOGUE. 755 Cope, E. D. 1888 CO, p. 304. (D. haydenlanus, D, primus.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 286, 287. (Didymictis.) 1899 A, p. 29. ( Vi verravus. ) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 40. (Didymictus haydeni- anus, D. primus.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 320. (Didymictus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 234 (D. haydenianus); p. 235 (D. primus). Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 603, fig. 506 A. (Didymic- tis.) Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. Vi verravus leptomylus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1880 O, p. 908. (Didymictis.) 1881 D, p. 191. (Didymictis.) 1882 E, p. 159. (Didymictus.) 1884 O, pp. 305, 309, pi. xxva, fig. 12. (Didy- mictis.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 287. (Didymictis.) 1899 A, p. 30, footnote; p. 35. (Viverravus.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 83, 111. (Didy- mictis.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 40. - (Didymictis.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, 320. (Didymictis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 235. (Didymictis.) Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming. Viverravus massetericus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 159. (Didymictis.) 1884 O, pp. 306, 312, pi. xxive, fig. 11. (Didy- mictis.) 1884 S, p. 484, fig. 29. (Didymictis.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 287. (Didymictis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 30. (Viverravus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 40. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 320. (Didymictis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 235. (Didymictis.) Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Viverravus nitidus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 205. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 40. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 41. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 143. (Entomodon?.) 1890 B, p. 63. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 321. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 236. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Viverravus protenus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 15. (Limnocyon.) 1875 C, p. 11. (Didymictis.) 1875 L, p. 21. (Didymictis.) 1877 K, p. 123, pi. xxxix, figs. 1-9. (Didy- mictis.) 1882 E, p. 159. (Didymictis.) 1884 O, pp. 305, 311, pi. xxvcf, figs. 4, 5. (Didymictis.) 1887 S, p. 245. ( Didymictis. 1 Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 286. (Didymictis.) 1899 A, pp. 30, 35. ( Viverravus. ) Osborn, H. F. 1897 G, p. 255. (Didymictis.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 40. (Didymictis.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 320. (Didymictis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 235. (Didymictis.) Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming, Colorado. TELMATOCYON Marsh. Type Limnocyon riparius Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1899 B, p. 397. Telmatocyon riparius Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 203. (Limnocyon.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. (Limnocyon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 35, 40. (Viverravus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 41. (Viverravus.) Schlosser, M. 1890 B, pp. 63, 64. (Limnocyon.) Scott, W. B. 1891 B, pp. 310, 321. (Viverravus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 236. (Viverravus.) Eocene (Wind River, Bridger); Wyoming. AMBLOCTONID^E. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 89. 1880 C, pp. 78, 79. (Amblyctonidse.) 1882 E, pp. 157, 158. (Amblyctonidse.) 1884 O, pp. 259, 260, 739. (Amblyctonidse.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, pp. 578, 583. (Palseonictida.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 D, p. 33. (Palseonictidse.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 103. (Palaeonic- tidse.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 37. (Palseonictidse.) Schlosser, M. 1886 C. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, pp 291 311. (Palseonictidse.) 1892 D, pp. 77, 79. (Palseonictidae.) Trouessart, E. L 1897 A, p. 229. (Palseonictidse.) Winge, H 1895 B, pp. 47, 52, 91 (Palseonictidae.) Wortman, J. L. 1899 A, p. 140. (Palseonictidse.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 595. (Palaeonictidse.) PAL^ONICTIS Blainv. Type P. gigantea Blainv. BlainvUle, H. M. D. 1864 A (1841), ii, N, p. 79. Cope, E. D. 1876 A, p. 3. 1877 K , p. 88. ( Palseony ctis. ) 1884 O, p. 260. (Palseonyctis.) Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 225. Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 18. Osborn, H. F. 1892 A. Osborn, H. F. 1893 H. 1893 I, p. 321. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 81, %, 100, 104. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 212. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 211. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 418. 1892 B, p. 311. 1892 D, p. 79, 756 FOSSIL VEKTEBEATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 52, 91, 93, 100, 101. Wortman, J. L. 1894 A, p. 156. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 595. Paleeonictis occidentalis Osb. and Wort. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 104, pi. iv. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Osborn, H. F. 1893 H, p. 435, fig. 1. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 37. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 230. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 595, fig. 499. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. AMBLOCTONUS Cope. Type A. sinosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, pp. 5, 7. 1876 A. 1877 K, pp. 87, 90. 1880 C, p. 79. (Amblyctonus.) 1882 E, p. 158. (Amblyctonus.) 1884 O, p. 260. (Amblyctonus.) 1887 S, p. 251. (Amblyctonus.) 1889 C, p. 190. (Amblyctonus.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 609. (Amblycto- nus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1453. (Am- blyctonus.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 H, p. 436. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 81, 99, 104. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 206. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 312. 1892 D, p. 80. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 5%. (Amblyctonus.) Ambloctonus sinosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 8. 1877 K, p. 91, pi. xxxiii. 1881 J, p. 546, fig. 5. (Amblyctonus.) 1884 O, p. 361. (Amblyctonus.) 1884 S, p. 265, fig. 4. (Amblyctonus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. (Amblyctonus.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 106, fig. 8. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 37. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 230. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. HY^ENODONTID^E. Cope, E. D. 1875 L, p. 22. 1877 K, p. 89. (Oxysenidse.) 1880 C, pp. 78, 79. (Oxyamidae.) 1882 E, pp. 156, 158. (Oxysenidse.) 1884 O, pp. 259, 260. (Oxyaenidse.) 1884 S, pp. 261, 480. (Oxycenidae.) 1886 L, p. 965. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 608. Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 59, 68. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, pp. 578, 583. (Hysenodontida.) Leidy, J. 1871 O, p. 342. Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 348. 1885 B, p. 20. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1450. Osborn, H. F. 1893 D. 1900 1, p. 276. (Oxyaenidse.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 104. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 37. Schlosser, M. 1886 C. (Oxyaenidse, Hysenodon- tidse.) Scott, W. B. 1888 B, p, 184. 1892 A, p. 419. 1892 B, pp. 294, 313. 1892 D, pp. 77, 79. 1894 F. 1895 F, p. 720. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 714. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 230. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 48, 50, 91. (Hysenodon- tidae.) Wortman, J. L. 1899 A, p. 139. (Oxysenidae, Hy- senodontidse.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 596. OXY^ENIN^E. Osborn, H. F. 1900 I, p. 276. (Oxysenidae.) Schlosser, M. 1886 C. (Oxysenidse.) Wortman, J.L. 1899 A, p. 139. (Oxyaenidae.) OXY^NA Cope. Type 0. lupina Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 11. 1875 C, p. 9, 1875 L. 1876 A. 1877 K, pp. 87, 95. 1880 C, p, 79. 1882 E, p. 168. 1882 S, p. 480. 1884 O, pp. 260, 313. 1887 S, p, 251. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, Lydekker, R. 1885 B, p. 35. Matthew, W. D. 1898 A, p. 880. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1451. (Ox- hyaena.) Osborn, H. F. 1900 I, p. 269. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 108. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 204. 1890 B, pp. 36, 71. Scott, W. B. 1888 B, p. 184. 1892 A, p. 418. 1892 B, p. 314. 1892 D, p. 79. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 53, 91, 93, 101. Wortman, J. L. 1894 A, p. 152. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 697. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 757 Oxysena forcipata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O," p. 12. 1875 C, p. 9. 1876 A. 1877 K, pp. 72, 105, pis. xxxv, figs. 7-12; pi. xxxvi; pi. xxxvii, figs. 1-5. 1882 E, p. 164. 1884 O, p. 318, pi. xxiv6, figs. 11-15; pi. xxivc, figs. 1-18. 1884 S, pp. 260, 482, figs. 3, 25. King, C. 1878 A, p. 376. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Osborn, H. F. 1897 G, p. 255. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 109. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 37. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 230. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming. From a remark by Dr. Wortman (1899 A, p. 140) we may infer that a part, or most probably all, of the remains described by Cope in 1884 O, p. 318, as O. forcipata belong to O. lupina. Oxyeena huerfanensis Osb. Osborn, H. F. 1897 G, p. 255. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 36. Trouessart, E. L. 1899 A, p. 1290. Eocene (Wind River); Colorado. Oxysena lupina Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 11. 1875 C. 1877 K, p. 101, pi. xxxiv, figs. 14-17; pi. xxxv, figs. 1-4. King, C. 1878 A, p. 376. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 31. Osborn, H. F. 1900 I, p, 276. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 108, fig. 9. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 37. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 597, fig. 501. Wortman, J. L. 1899 A, p. 140, pi. vii; text figs. 1, 2. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming. Oxyeena morsitans Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 12. 1875 C, p. 9. 1877 K, p. 98, pi. xxxiv, figs. 1-13. 1881 J, p. 546, fig. 6. 1884 S, p. 263, fig. 5. 1889 C, p. 190. Matthew, W. D. 1899* A, p. 31. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 37. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 230. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. PATRIOFELIS Leidy. Type P. ulta Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 G, p. 11, Cope, E. D. 1880 C, p. 79. 1880 N, p. 745. (Protopsalis, type P. tigrinus Cope.) 1881 D, p. 193. (Protopsalis.) 1882 E, p. 158. (Patriofelis, Protopsalis.) 1884 O, p. 260 (Patriofelis); pp. 260, 321 (Pro- topsalis). 1884 S, p. 480 (Protopsalis); p. 483 (Patrio- felis). Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 344. 1873 B, p. 114. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 202. (Limnofelis, type L. ferox.) 1872 O, p. 406. (Oreocyon, type 0. latidens.) 1877 E. (Orocyon, Limnofelis.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1452. (Pro- topsalis.) Osborn, H. F. 1893 H, p. 436. 18% C, pp. 705, 710, illus. 1. 1898 Q, p. 15. 1900 I, p. 269. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 210. (Patriofelis, Protop- salis.) 1890 B, p. 36. (Proiopsalis.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 313 (Patriofelis); p. 316 (Protopsalis). 1892 D, p. 79 (Protopsalis); p. 80 (Patriofe- lis). 1894 F, p. 533. Winge, H. 1895 B, p. 97. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 384. Wortman, J. L. 1894 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 5% (Patriofelis) ; p. 597 (Pro- topsalis). Patriofelis ferox (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1872 1, p. 202. (Limnofelis.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. j Lydekker, R. 18% B, p. 372, fig. 77. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 41. Osborn, H. F. 1898 Q, p. 10. 1900 I, p. 276, figs. 2, 4-8. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 37. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 63. (Limnofelis.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 316. (Syn.? of Protopsalis tigrinus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 230. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 384, fig. 216. Wortman, J. L. 1894 A, pi. i, text figs. 1-5. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Patriofelis latidens (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 203. (Limnofelis.) 1872 O, p. 406. (Oreocyon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 41. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 63. (Limnofelis.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 313. (Syn. of P. ulta.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 230. (Syn. of P. ulta.) Wortman, J. L. 1894 A, p. 129. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. A doubtful species. Patriofelis tigrina (Cope). Cope, E. D. 188Q N, p. 745. (Protopsalis.) 1881 D, p. 193. (Protopsalis.) 1884 O, pp. 260, 322, pi. xxv6, figs. 1-7. (Pro- topsalis.) 1884 S, p. 483, fig. 27. (Protopsalis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 35. Osborn, H. F. 1900 1, p. 277, fig. 7 B. (Protopsalis.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 38. (Protopsalis.) Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 210. (Protopsalis.) Scott, W. B. 1888 B, p. 174. (Protopsalis.) 1892 B. 316. (Protopsalis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 231. (Protopsalis.) 758 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179 Wortman, J. L. 1894 A, p. 130. Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming. Patriofelis ulta Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 G, p. 11. 1871 C, p. 344. 1872 B, p. 353. 1873 B, pp. 114, 316, pi. ii, fig. 10. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 41. Osborn, H. F. 1897 G, p. 25. 1900 I, p. 279. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 97. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 37. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 313. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 230. Wortman, J. L. 1894 A, pp. 129, 130, 164. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. HY^ENODONTIN^E. Schlosser, M. 1886 C. (Hyajnodontidse.) Winge, H. 1895 B, p. 46. (Hysenodontini. ) Wortman, J. L. 1899 A, p. 139. (Hysenodontidee.) HY^ENODON Laizer and Parieu. Type H. leptorhynchus Laizer and Parieu. Laizer and Parieu 1839 A. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, 11, L,p. 55, pi. xn, figs. 1-5. (Taxotherium.) Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 5. 1883 I, p. 79. 1884 O, p. 739. 1884 S, p, 344. Farr, M. S. 1896 A, p. 163. Filhol, H, 1876 A, p. 169. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 514. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 608. Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 13. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 232. Giebel, C. G. 1847 A, p. 43. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 38. 1871 C, p. 342. Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 348. 1885 B, p. 21. 1900 A, p. 927. Marsh.'o. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1450. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 224. Owen, R. 1852 B. 1868 A, p. 340. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 1%. Pomel, A. 1853 A, p. 115. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 173. Scott, W. B. 1888 B, pp. 164, 175. 1892 A, p. 419. 1892 B, p. 317. 1892 D, p. 79. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 232. Vasseur, G. 1874 A. Wilckens, M. 1886 D, p. 490. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 50, 91, 100, 101. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 385. Wortman, J. L. 1894 A, p. 155. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 599. Hysenodon crucians Leidy. Leidy, J. 1853 D, p. 393. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 505. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 168. King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 48, 369, pi, ii. 1871 C, p. 342. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 53. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 224. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 40. Scott, W. B. 1888 B, p. 175. 1892 B, p. 318. 1894 F. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 234. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Hyeenodon cruentus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1853 D, p. 393. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 47, 369, pi. v, figs. 10, 11. 1871 C, p. 342. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 53. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 224. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 40. Scott, W. B. 1888 B, p. 175, pi. vi, fig. 2. 1894 F, figs. 1-4, 6, 7, 10. 1895 B, pi. xii A. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 234. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 387, fig. 217. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Colo- rado. Hyeenodon horridus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1853 D, p. 392. Cope, E.'D. 1874 B, p. 505. 1884 S, p. 346, fig. 12. Flower, W. H. 1876 C, p. 120. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp.39, 369, pi. iii. 1871 C, p. 342. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 53. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 224. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 40. Scott, W. B. 1888 B, p. 175, pi. vii, figs. 4-6. 1894 F, fig. 5. 1895 B, p. 442. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 151. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 234. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 421, fig. 203. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 601, fig. 505. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 759 Hyeenodon leptocephalus Scott. Scot'., W.B. in Scott and Osborn text fig. 1. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 53. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 224. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 40. Scott, W. B. 1888 B, p. 175. B, p. 152, Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 234. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Hygenodon mustelinus Scott. Scott, W. B. 1894 F, p. 499. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Hyeenodon paucidens Osb. and Wort. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 223. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 40. Scott, W. B. 1894 F. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 234. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. HEMIPSALODON Cope. Type H. grandis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1885 H, p. 163. 1891 A, p. 6. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1452. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 316. 1892 D, p. 79. 1894 F, p. 535. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 598. Hemipsalodon grandis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1885 H, p. 163. Ami. H. M. 1891 A. Cope, E. D. 1886 U, p. 80. 1889 I, p. 151. 1891 A, p. 6, pis. ii, iii. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 53. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 38. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 317. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 231. Oligocene (White River); Northwest Terri- tory, Canada. OXY^NODON Matth. Type 0. dysodus Matth. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. (Reference to fig- ured specimen.) Osborn, H. F. 1900 I, p. 278. Wortman, J. L. 1899 A, p. 145. Oxysenodon dysodus Matth. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. (Reference to fig- ured specimen.) Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, p. 78, fig. 3. ("? Hyseno- don.") Eocene (Uinta); Utah. Oxysenodon dysclerus nom. nov. Wortman, J. L. 1899 A, p. 145, fig. 3. (O. dysodus, not of Matthew.) Eocene (Uinta); Utah. It is by no means certain that this species be- longs to the genus Oxysenodon, as represented by the type jaw. UINTACYONID.E. The following authors call this family Maddse. Cope, E. D. 1880 C, pp. 78, 79. 1882 E, pp. 156, 157. 1884 O, pp. 259, 260. 1884 S, p. 483. 1886 L, p. 966. 1888 K, p. 163. 1888 EE, p. 163. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 286. 1899 A, p. 49. (Canidse, in part.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1437. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 40. Schlosser, M. 1886 C. Scott, W. B. 1888 A. 1888 B, p. 173. 1892 A, p. 419. 1892 B, pp. 294, 318. 1892 D, pp. 77, 80. 1895 F, p. 720. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 716. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 234. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 602. UINTACYON Leidy. Type U. edax Leidy. Leidy, J. 1872 J, p. 277. Ameghino, F. 18% A, p. 454. (Miacis, in part.) Cope, E. D. 1880 C, p. 79. 1882 E, p. 157. 1884 O, pp. 260, 301. (Miacis, in part.) 1884 S, p. 483. (Miacis, in part.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 118. (Uintacyon.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 286. (Miacis, in part.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1437. (Miacis, in part.) Osborn, H. F. 1892 I. (Miacis in part.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 95, 110. (Miacis, in part.) Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 58 (Miacis); p. 61 (Uinta- cyon). 1890 B, p. 60. (Miacis, in part.) 1899 B, p. 146. Scott, W. B. 1888 B, p. 173. (Miacis, in part.) 1890 A, p. 473. (Miacis, in part.) 1892 B, p. 320. (Miacis, in part.) 760 FOSSIL VEKTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Scott, W. B. 1892 D, p. 80. (Miacis, in part.) 1898 B, p. 363. (Miacis, in part.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 235. (Miacis, in part.) Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 52, 91, 92. (Miacis, in part.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 110. Zfttel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 602. (Miacis, in part.) Uintacyon bathygnathus (Scott). Scott, W. B. 1888 B, p. 172. (Miacis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 40. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 41. (Miacis.) Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 59. (Miacis.) Scott, W. B. 1889 B, p. 220. (Miacis. ) 1892 B, p. 320. (Miacis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 235. (Miacis.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Uintacyon brevirostris (Cope.) Cape, E. D. 1881 D, p. 190. (Miacis.) 1882 E, p. 158. (Miacis.) 1884 O, pp. 302, 303. ( Miacis. ) 1884 S, p. 484, fig. 28. (Miacis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 30, 35. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 83, 111. (Mia- cis.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 41. (Miacis.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 320. (Miacis,) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 236. (Miacis.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 112. Eocene (Wind River, Wasatch) ; Wyoming. Uintacyon canavus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1881 D, p. 189. (Miacis.) 1882 E, p. 158. (Miacis.) 1884 O, p. 302. (Miacis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 30, 35. (Uintacyon.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 110. (Miacis.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 41. (Miacis.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 320. (Miacis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 236. (Miacis.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 112. Eocene (Wasatch and Wind River); Wyo- ming. Uintacyon edax Leidy. Leidy, J. 1872 J, p. 277. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 303. (Miacifi.) 1887 Q. (Miacis.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. (Uintacyon.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 118, 316, pi. xxvii, figs. 6-10. (Uintacyon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 40. (Uintacyon.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 83, 110. (Mia- cis.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 40. (Miacis.) Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 61. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 320. (Miacis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A. p. 235. (Miacis.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 114. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Uintacyon promicrodon Wort, and Matth. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 111. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Uintacyon pug-nax Wort, and Matth. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 114. Eocene; Wyoming. Uintacyon vorax Leidy. Leidy, J. 1872 J, p. 277. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 302. (Miacis.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 120, 316, pi. xxvii, figs. 11-13. (Uintacyon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 35, 40. (Uintacyon.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 40. (Miacis.) Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 61. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 235. (Miacis.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 113. Eocene (Wind River, Bridger); Wyoming. Uintacyon vulpinus Scott and Osb. Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 255. (Amphicyon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. (Miacis.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 41. (Miacis.) Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 474. (Miacis.) 1892 B, p. 321. (Miacis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 236. (Miacis.) Eocene (Uinta); Utah. PRODAPH^NUS Matth. Type P. uintensis (Osb.). Prodaphaenus uintensis (Osb.). Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. (April 8.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 114. (June 21. ) Prodaphsenus scotti Wort, and Matth. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 115. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. (Name only.) Eocene (Uinta); Wyoming. Osborn, H. F. 1895 A, p. 77, fig. 2. (Miacis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 41. (Miacis.) Scott, W. B. 1898 B, p. 363, fig. 1?. (Miacis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 236. (Miacis.) Eocene (Uinta); Utah. PROCYNODICTIS Wort, and Matth. Type P. vulpiceps Wort, and Matth. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 121. Put in this family provisionally. Procynodictis vulpiceps Wort, and Matth. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 121, figs. 7, 8. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. (No description.) Eocene (Uinta); Utah. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 761 THINOCYON Marsh. Type T. velox Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 204. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 64. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 321. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 602. (Syn.? of Miacis.) Thinocyon velox Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 1, p. 204. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 40. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 41. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 63. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 321. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 237. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. VULPAVUS Marsh. Type V. palustris Marsh. Mm-th. 0. C. 1871 E, p. 124. Cope, E. D. 1872 E, p. 470. (Miacis, type M. par- vivorus.) 1873 E, p. 561. (Miacis, Viverravus.) 1880 C, p. 79. (Miacis.) 1882 E, p. 157. (Miacis.) 1884 O, pp. 260, 301. (Miacis, in part.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1437. (Miacis, in part.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 95, 110. (Miacis, in part.) Schlosser, M. 1899 B, p. 60 (Miacis); p. 64. (Vul- pavus.) Scott, W. B. 1888 B, p. 173. (Miacis, in part.) 1890 A, p. 473. (Miacis, in part.) 1892 B, p. 320. (Miacis, in part.) 1892 D, p. 80. (Miacis in part. ) 1898 B, p. 363. (Miacis, in part.) Tnmessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 236. (Syn.? of Miacis.) WiiiRo. H. 1895 B, pp. 46, 52, 91, 92. (Miacis, in part.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 110. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 602. (=? Miacis.) Vulpavus palustris Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 E, p. 124. King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 356. 1873 B, p. 118. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p, 39. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 41. (Miacis?.) Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 62. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 236. (Miacis?.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 118, figs. 4-6. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Vulpavus parvivorus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1872 E, p. 470. (Miacis.) 1873 E, p. 560. (Viverravus.) 1873 U, p. 3. (Viverravus.) 1884 O, pp. 302, 304, pi. xxiv, fig. 12. (Miacis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 39. (Syn. of Vulpavus palustris.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 40. (Miacis.) Scott, W. D. 1892 B, p. 320. (Miacis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 235. (Miacis.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, pp. 119, 120. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. ZIPHACODON Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 216. 1877 E. (Name only.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 40. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 64. Zittel, K. A. : Type Z. rugalus Marsh. Ziphacodon rugatus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 216. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 42. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 64. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 237. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. HARPALODON Marsh. Type H. sylvestris Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 216. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. (14. Zittel, K. A. 1898 A, p. 003. Harpalodon sylvestris Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 216, Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 40. Roger. 0. 1896 A, p. 42. .Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 64. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 231. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Harpalodon vulpinus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 217. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 40. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 42. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 64. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 237. Eocene (Bridger); Wyomint 762 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. CARCINODON Scott. Type Mioclaenus filholianus Cope. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 323. Matthew, W. D. 1897 0, p. 293. 1899 A, p. 28. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 586. A genus of uncertain position placed by Mat- thew in Creodonta, "incertse sedis." Carcinodon filholianus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, pp. 303, 329. (Mioclsenus.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, pp. 264, 293. 1899 A, p. 28. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 41. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 323. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 237. Eocene (Puerco); New Mexico. PARADOXODON Scott. Type Chriacus rutimeyeranus Cope. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 322. 1892 D, p. 80. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 586. A genus of uncertain position. Parodoxodon rutimeyeranus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, pp. 304, 323. (Chriacus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 28. (Mioclsenus.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 41. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 323. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 237. Eocene (Puerco) ; New Mexico. Suborder FISSIPEDIA. Cope, E. D. 1882 D, pp. 471, 473. 1888 W, p. 1019. (Carnivora vera. ) 1889 R, p. 876. 1898 B, p. 118. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 487. (Carnivora vera. ) 1883 D, p. 433. Gill, T. 1872 A, p. 297. 1872 B, p. 56. Gill and Coues 1877 A, p. 1005. [Ferae (Fjssipe- dia).J Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 351. Lydekker, R. 1896 B. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1424. (Car- nivora vera.) Weber, M. 1886 A,-p. 227. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 389. (Carnivora vera.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 606, 678. Superfamily ARCTOIDEA. Flower, W. H. 1869 B, p. 15. Cope, E. D. 1882 D, p. 473. (Hypomycteri, in part.) 1884 O, pp, 890, 892. (Hypomycteri, in part. ) Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 439. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 656. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 358. Mivart, St. G.1881 A, p. 474. 1885 B, p. 340. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 6. Tims, H. W. M. 1896 B,p. 462. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 472. URSID^E. Albrecht, P. 1879 A. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 206. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, K, pis. i-xviii. Cope, E. D. 1882 D, p. 473. 1884 O, p. 892. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, ii, p. 171. Delbos, J. 1858 A. 1860 A. Flower, W. H. 1869 A, p. 277. 1876 B, xiii, p. 488. ), p. 441. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 557. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 50. Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 58, 66. Gray, J. E. 1869 A, p. 215. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 585. (Ursida.) Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 202. 1885 B, p. 106, in part. Mivart, St G. 1885 B p. 394 Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1430 Owen, R. 1843 A, p. 62. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 501. 1866 B, p. 490. 1868 A, p. 335. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 183. Roger, O. 1896 A. p. 62. Schlosser, M. 1888 A. 1888 B, pp. 3, 14, 15. 1899 B, p. 95. Scott, W. B. 1888 A. 1892 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 721. Tornier, G. 1888 A. 1890 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 238. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Waterhouse, G. R. 1839 A. Weyhe, 1875 A, p. 117. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 63, 91. (Ursidi-e, Ursini.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 394. Zittel, K. A 1893 B, p. 639. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 763 URSUS Linn. Type V. arctos Linn. Linnxus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 47. Allen, H. 1888 A. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 216. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, K, pis. i-xviii. Burmeister, H. 1879 B, p. 169. Delbos, J. 1858 A. 1860 A. Flower, W. H. 1869 B. p. 6. 1883 D, p. 441. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 557. Gray, J. E. 1869 A, p. 218. Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 206. 1885 B, p. 159. Merriam, C. H. 1896 A. Middendorff, A. T. 1850 A. Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 389. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1431. Owen, R. 1843 A, p. 62. 1846 B, p. 77. 1866 B, p. 490. 1868 A, p. 335. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 185. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 88. 1899 B, p. 95. 1900 A, p. 261. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 425. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 722 Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 238. Turner, H. N. 1848 A, p. 75. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 641. Ursus americanus Pallas. Allen, J. A. 1876 C, p. 333. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 225, pi. xliii, figs. 10, 13. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 176. 1895 F, p. 447. Harlan, R. 1835 C, p. 329. Leidy, J. 1853 B, p. 303. (" Ursus.") 1856 T, p. 169. 1859 F, p. 111. 1869 A, p. 369. Merriam, C. H. 1896 A. Miller, G. S. 1899 A, p. 54. (U. americanus fos- silis.) Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 189. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 243. Wailes, B. L. C. 1854 A, p 286. (U. americanus fossilis.) Recent; North America. Pleistocene; Ken- tucky, Mississippi, Pennsylvania. TTrsus amplidens Leidy. Leidy, J. 1853 B, p. 303. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 176. Forshey, C. G. 1846 A, p. 163. ("Polar bear;" species problematical.) Leidy, J. 1856 T, p. 168, pi. xvii, figs. 13-16. 1869 A, p. 370. Merriam, C. H. 1896 A. Miller, G. S. 1899 A, p. 54. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 55. (Arctotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 243. Wailes, B. L. C. 1854 A, p. 286. Wortman, J. L. 1882 A. (U. amplidens=U. ferox.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 643. Pleistocene; Mississippi, Virginia. TJrsus procerus Miller. IfUler, G. S. 1899 A, p. 65. Pleistocene; Ohio. AECTODUS Leidy. Type A. pristinus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1854 C, p. 90. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 315. (Arctotherium.) Bravard, 1860, Cat. Foss. Amer. Merid., p. 8. (Arc- totherium. ) Cope, E. D. 1871 1, p. 96. (Ursus.) 1899 A, p. 221. (Tremarctos.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 561. (Arctothe- rium.) Gervais, P., 1855, Hist. Nat. Mamm., ii, p. 20. (Tre- marctos, type T. ornatus.) Gervais and Ameghino 1880 A, p. 23. (Arctothe- rium. ) Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 236. (Arctotherium.) 1885 B, p. 157. '( Arctotherium.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1429 (Arcto- dus); p. 1432 (Arctotherium). Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 722. (Arcto- therium. ) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 641. (Arctotherium.) Arctodus haplodoii (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1896 F, p. 383. [Ursus (Tremarctus).] 1871 F, p. 15. (Ursus pristinus, not of Leidy.) 1871 1, p. 96. (Ursus pristinus.) 1871 P, p. 58. (Ursus pristinus.) 1895 F, p. 447. (Arctotherium pristinum. ) Cope, E. D. 1899 A, p. 220, pi. xix, figs. 2, 2o. (Ur- sus.) Miller, G. S. 1899 A, p. 64. (Ursus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 245. (Tremarctos.) Wheatley, C. M. 1871 A. (Ursus pristinus.) Pleistocene (Port Kennedy Cave); Pennsyl- vania. Arctodus pristinus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1854 C, p. 90. (Arctodus.) Cope, E. D. 1896 F, p. 383. (Ursus.) 1899 A, p. 221. (Ursus.) Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 115, pi. xxiii, figs. 3, 4. (Arc- todus.) 1869 A, p. 370. (Arctodus.) Miller, G. S. 1899 A, p. 54. (Arctodus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 55. (Arctodus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 246. (Tremarctos.) Pleistocene; South Carolina. Arctodus simus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 U, p. 791. (Arctotherium.) 1891 K, p. 997, pi. xxi. (Arctotherium.) 1899 A, p. 221. (Ursus.) Miller, G. S. 1899 A, p. 64. (Arctotherium.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 54. (Arctotherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 245. (Tremarctos.) Pleistocene; California. 764 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. PROCYONID.E. Albrecht, P. 1879 A. Alien, H. 1880 A. Cope, E. D. 1880 D, p. 833. 1881 C, p. 165. 1882 D, p. 473. 1884 E. 1884 O, p. 892. Flower, W. H. 1869 B, p. 5. 1883 D, p. 440. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 562. Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 58, 67. Gray, J. E. 1869 A, p. 242. Haeckel, E. 1895 A , p. 585. (Procyoni Huxley, T. H. 1880 A. Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 393. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, 1429. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 55. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 3 (Subursi); p. 12 (Pro- cyonidse). 1890 B, p. 23. (Subursi.) 1899 A, p. 94. (" Subursen.") Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 426. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 248. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 63, 91. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 129. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 644. CERCOLEPTIN^:. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, L, p. 20, pis. v, vii-x. Cope, E. D. 1882 D, p. 473. (Cercoleptidse.) 1884 O, p. 892. (Cercoleptidoe.) Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 58, 67 (Cercoleptidffi); pp. 59, 67 (Bassarididee). Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 245. LEPTAECTUS Leidy. Type L. primus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 Q, p. 311. 1871 C, p. 344. Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 204. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1429. Schlosser, M. 1899 A, p. 84. Wortman, J. L. 189* B, p. 229. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 645. Leptarctus primus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 Q, p. 311. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 70, 370, pi. i, figs. 15, 16. 1871 C, p. 344. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 67. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 55. Schlosser, M. 1899 A, p. 84. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 248. Wortman, J. L. 1894 B, p. 229. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 645. Miocene (Loup Fork); South Dakota. BASSARISCUS Coue&. Type Bassaris astuta Licht. 5., 1887, Science (2), ix, p. 516. Allen, J. A. 1879 A, p. 331. (Bassaris.) Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 147. (Bassaris.) Flower, W. H. 1869 B, p. 31. (Bassaris. ) Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 361. Bassaris.) Schlos&er, M. 1890 B, p. 4. (Bassaris.) 1890 C, p. 267. (Bassaris.) 1899 A, p. 86. (Bassaris.) Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 64, 102, 103. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p, 134. s.) Bassariscus astutus (Licht.). Allen, J. A. 1879 A, p. 325. (Bassaris.) Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 147, pi. Ixxiv, fig. 2. (Bas- Cope, E. D. 1895 F, p. 447. Flower, W. H. 1869 B, p. 10, fig. 3a. (Bassaris.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 249. Recent; Mexico to Oregon. Pleistocene (Port Kennedy) ; Pennsylvania, fide Cope. PROCYONIN.E. PROCYON Storr. Type Ursus lotor Linn. Storr, 0. C. 1780, Prod. Meth. Mamm., p. 35. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 207. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, L, p. 13, pis. iii, vi. Flower, W. H. 1869 B, p. 9. 1883 D, p. 440. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 564. Giebel, C. G. 1857 A, p. 349. Gray, J. E. 1869 A, p. 242. Huxley, T. H. 1880 A. Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 346. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1429. Owen, R. 1868 A, p. 334. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 23. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 426. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 65, 91. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 133. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 644. Procy on lotor (Linn.). Linnxus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 48. (Ursus.) Allen, J. A. 1876 C, p. 333. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 209. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 176. Flower, W. H. 1869 B, p. 10, fig. 3. Giebel, C. G. 1857 A, p. 349. Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 115, pi. xxiii, fig. 1. ., p. 370. [, p. 5. HAY.J CATALOGUE. 765 Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 251. Recent; Central and North America. Pleis- tocene; South Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylva- nia, New Jersey. Procyon priscus Le Conte. Le Conte, J. L. 1848 A, p. 106. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 176. PHLAOCYON Matth. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 54. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 129. MYXOPHAGUS Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 176. Myxophagus spelseus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 176, pi. iii, figs. 2, 2a. 1869 J, p. 3. (No description.) Leidy, J. 1856 T, p. 169, pi. xvii, figs. 17-24. 1862 A. 1869 A, p. 370. 1870 H, p. 13. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 191. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 56. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 251. Pleistocene; Galena, Illinois. Type P. leucosteus Matth. Phlaocyon leucosteus Matth. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 54. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, pp. 129, 131, pi. vi. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Type M. spelseus Cope. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 445. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 56. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 252. Pleistocene; Virginia. MUSTELID^. Albrecht, P. 1879 A. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 148. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii M, pis. i-xiv. Cope, E. D. 1875 L, p. 21. 1882 D, p. 473. 1884 O, p. 892. Coues, E. 1877 A, pp. 1, 4. Flower, W. H. 1869 B. 1883 D, p. 439. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 567. Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 58, 64. Gray, J. E. 1865 A, p. 100. 1869 A, p. 79. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 587. (Mustelida.) Humphreys, J. 1889 A, p. 158. Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 178. Mayer, P. 1886 A, p. 276. Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 393. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1426. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 494. 1868 A, p. 333. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 56. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, pp. 3, 14, 107. 1890 C, p. 265. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 426. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 723. Tomes, C. S, 1898 A, p. 472. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 252. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Waterhouse, G. R. 1839 A. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 65, 69, 91. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 3%. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 645, 654. Blainville, H. M. D, 1864 A, ii, L, p. 2, pis. ii, vi, xii. (Genus Meles.) Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 190. Coues, E. 1877 A, pp. 5, 9, 10. (Melinse, Mephit- inse.) Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 439. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 572. Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 64 (Melinse) ; p. 65 (Mephitinse). Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 394. Moseley and Lankester 1868 A. (Genus Meles.) Owen, R. 1868 A, p. 333. (Melidse.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 60. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 252. Winge, H. 1895 B, p. 47. (Melini. ) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 650. TAXIOEA Storr. Type Ursus taxus Schreber. Storr, 6. C. 1780, Prod. Meth. Mamm., p. 34. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 201. Flower, W. H. 1869 B, p. 11. 1883 D, p. 440. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 576. Gray, J. E. 1865 A, p. 140. 1869 A, p. 129. Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 367. Owen, R. 1868 A, p. 333. Waterhouse, G. R., 1838, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., ii pp. 343. Winge, H. 1895 B, p. 68. Taxidea taxus (Schreber). Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 202. (T. americana.) Cope, E. D. 1899 A, p. 239. (T. americana.) Gray, J. E. 1865 A, p. 141. (T. americana.) Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 367. (T. americana.) Recent. Ohio to Oklahoma, north to Hudson Bay. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Taxidea sulcata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1878 C, p. 227. 1889 F, p. 162. (Syn. of T. americana.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 61. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 252. Pleistocene (Equus beds); State of Washing- ton. 766 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. MEPHITIS Cuvier. Type " Les Moufettes." Cuvier, 0. 1800, Lemons d'Anat. Comp., i, tabl. i. Ameghino, P. 1889 F, p. 322. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 191. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, M, p. 19, pis. i, ix-xiv. Burmeister, H. 1879 B, p. 162. Cope, E. D. 1899 A, p. 232. Coues, E. 1876 A. Fllhol, H. 1891 A, p. 109. Flower, W. H. 1869 B, p. 11. 1883 D, p. 439. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 572. Gray, J. E. 1865 A, p. 147. 1869 A, p. 136. Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 370. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, pp. 113, 114, 140. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 269. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 68, 79. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 652. Mephitis fossidens Cope. Cape, E. D. 18% F, p. 386. 1899 A, pp. 231, 232, 233, pi. xviii,flg.7. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 259. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Mephitis frontata Coues. Coues, E. 1875 A, p. 7, fig. 1. Allen, J. A. 1876 C, p. 333. (Syn. of M. mephitica.) Coues, E. 1877 A, p. 193. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 260. (M. mephitica frontata.) Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Mephitis leptops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1899 A, pp. 232, 235, pi. xvlii, figs. 9, 9a. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Mephitis mephitica (Shaw). Allen, J. A. 1876 C, p. 333. Baird, 8. F. 1857 A, p. 195, pi. lx, fig. 1. Cope, E. D. 1895 F, p. 447. 1899 A, P. 232. Coues, E. 1875 A, p. 8. 1877 A, p. 195. (Synonymy and literature.) Leidy, J. 1889 H, p. 5. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 259. Recent; Louisiana northward to Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan. Pleistocene; Pennsylva- nia, fide Allen. Mephitis obtusata Cope. Cope, E. D. 1899 A, p. 236. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Mephitis orthrostica Cope. Cope, E. D. 1896 F, p. 389. 1899 A, p. 234, pi. xviii, figs. 8, 8a. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 259. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. SPILOGALE Gray. Type Mephitis interrupta, Raf. Gray,J.E. 1865 A, p. 150. Coues, E. 1877 A, p. 192. (Subgenus.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 574. Merriam, C. H., 1890, N. A. Fauna, no. 4, p. 7. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 262. Spilogale perdicida Cope. Cope, E. D. 1869 E, p. 177, pi. iii, fig. 1. (Galera.) 1869 J, p. 3. (Hemiacis.) Cope, E. D. 18% F, p. 386. (Galera.) Coues, E. 1875 A, p. 8. (Mephitis.) 1877 A, p. 18. (Spilogale putorius?.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 445. (Galera.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 60. (Galictis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 262. (Syn. of S. puto- rius.) Pleistocene; Virginia. OSMOTHERIUM Cope. Type 0. spelseum Cope. Cope,E. Z). 18% F, p. 385. 1899 A, p. 230. Osmotherium spelseum Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% F, p. 385. Cope, E. D. 1899 A, p. 231, pi. xviii, fig. 6. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 260. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. PELYCICTIS Cope. Type P. lobulatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 18% F, p. 390. L, p. 237. Pelycictis lobulatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1896 F, p. 390. Cope, E.D. 1899 A, p. 237, pi. xviii, fig. 10; text fig- ure. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 260. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. MI'STKLINvE. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 148. (Martinse.) Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 440. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 579. Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 64. Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 178. Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 394. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 56. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 263. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 66, 69. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 646. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 767 Cope, E. D. 1873 CC. p. 8. 1874 B, p. 507. 1884 O, p. 946. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 264 (Bunselurus) ; p. (Syn. of Palseogale). Bunaelurus lagophagus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 8. 1873 CC, p. 10. (Canis osorum.) 1874 B, p. 507 (Canis osorum); p. 508 lagophagus). BTTNJSLURUS Cope. Type B. lagophagus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 946, pi. Ixviia, figs. 13, 14 (Bun- selurus; Plesiogale, on plate); p. 947, pi. Ixviia, fig. 12 (B. osorum). Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 54. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 44 (Daphsenos osorum); p. 59 (Bunaelurus lagophagus). Scott, W. B. 1893 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 264 (B. lagophagus, B. osorum); p. 2% (Daphaenos osorum). Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 649. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. GALICTIS Bell. Bell, T.,1826, Zool. Journ., ii, p. 551. Burmeister, H. 1879 B, p. 156. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 156. (Galera.) Coues, E. 1877 A, p. 17. Flower, W. H. 1869 B, p. 12. (Galera.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 579. Gray, J. E. 1865 A, p. 121. (Galera.) Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 376. Nehring, A. 1886 A, p. 177. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1428. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 114. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 650. STENOGALE Schlosser. Schlosser, If. 1888 B, pp. 110, 116, 151. Cope, E. D. 1890 I, p. 950. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 647. Type Viverra vittata (Schreber). Galictis macrodon Cope. Cope, E. D. 1867 C, p. 155. (Galera.) Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 5. Coues, E. 1877 A, p. 17. (Galera.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 369, pi. xxx, figs. 1-3. (Galera. ) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 60. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 264. Wortman, J. L. 1883 B, p. 1001. (PutoHus.) Pleistocene; Maryland. Type, none designated. Stenogale robusta Cope. Cope, E. D. 1890 I, p. 950. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 267. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. PARICTIS Scott. Type P. primsemus Scott. Scott, W. B. 1893 A, p. 658. (Parietis, error.) Parictis primsevus Scott. Scott, W. B. 1893 A, p. 658. (Parietis princeous, error.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 57. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 267. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. MUSTELA Linn. Type M. martes Linn. Linnseus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat. ed. 10, i, p. 45. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 149. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, M, plates. Coues, E. 1877 A, p. 59. Filhol, H. 1891 A, p. 94. Flower, W. H. 1869 B, p. 13. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 94. Gray, J. E. 1865 A, p. 110. Lydekker, R. 1885 B, p. 176. Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 378. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1428. Owen, R. 1868 A, p. 333. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 648. Mustela americana Turton. Allen, J. A. 1876 C, p. 333. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 152, pi. xxxvii, fig. 1. Coues, E. 1877 A, p. 81, pi. v. (Synonymy and lit- erature.) Gray, J. E. 1865 A, p. 106. (Martes.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A. p. 272. Recent; North America. Pleistocene or Re- cent, in caves; Pennsylvania, fide Allen. Mustela diluviana Cope. Cope, E. D. 189? A, p. 229, pi. xviii, figs. 5, 5o. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Mustela parviloba (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 C, p. 1. [^Elurodon mustelinus; not Mustela (Plesiogale) mustelina of Pomel.] 1874 B, p. 520. (Martes mustelinus.) 1874 P, p. 11. (Martes mustelinus.) Coues, E. 1877 A, p. 16. (Mustela mustelina.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 59. (Mustela mustelina.) Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 71. ("M. parviloba Cope.") Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 272. (M. parviloba.) Miocene (Loup Fork) ; Colorado, Nebraska. Mustela pennantii Erxleben. Erxleben, C. P., 1777, Syst. Regn. Anim., p. 470. Allen, J. A. 1876 C, p. 333. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 149, pi. xxxvi, fig. 1. Coues, E. 1877 A, p. 62, pi. ii. (Synonymy and literature.) Gray, J. E. 1865 A, p. 107. (Martes.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 272. 768 FOSSIL VEETEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. PuTORius 1 Cuv. Type Mustela putorius Linn. Baird, 8. F. 1867 A, p. 159. Coues, E. 1877 A, p. 96. Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 440. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 585. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 251. Gray, J. E. 1865 A, p. 109. 1869 A, p. 87. Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 379. Owen, R. 1843 A, p. 70. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 111. Scott, W. B. 1888 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 273. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 649. Putorius nambianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 1, p. 147. (Martes.) Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 16. (Martes.) 1875 F, p. 68. (Mustela.) 1877 K, p. 305, pi. Ixix, fig. 3. Coues, E. 1877 A, p. 16. (Mustela.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 59. (Mustela). Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 275. Miocene (Loup Fork); New Mexico. Putorius vison (Schreber). Allen, J. A. 1876 C, p. 333. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 177, pi. xxxvii, figs. 2,3. Coues E. 1877 A, p. 160. (Synonymy and literature. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 274. Recent; North America. In caves of Penn- sylvania, fide Allen. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 180. Blainville,H.M.D. 1864 A, ii M, p. 21, pis. iii.vii, ix-xiv. ' Flower, W. H. 1869 B. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 591. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 247. Gray, J. E. 1865 A, p. 120. Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 381. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 649. Albredit, P. 1879 A. (Lutridse.) Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 183. Coues, E. 1877 A, pp. 5, 293. Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 439. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 567. Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 65, 66. Gray.'J. E. 1865 A, p. 123. (Lutrina.) GULO Storr. Type Ursus luscus Linn. Gulo luscus (Linn). Linnseus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 47 (Ursus.) Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 181. Cope, E. D. 1899 A, p. 229. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 591. Recent; northern parts of North America. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 187. Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 394. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1426. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 62. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 281. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 70. (Lutrini.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 652. POMATOTHERIUM E. Geoffrey. Type P. valetoni E. Geoff roy. Geoffroy, E., 1833, Rev. Encyc., lix, p. 80. Cope, E. D. 1890 I, p. 951. (Brachypsalis, type B. pachycephalus. ) 18% F, p. 385. 1899 A, p. 230. Lydekker, R. 1885 B, p. 190. (Syn. of Lutra. ) Meyer, H. 1847, p. 182. (Stephanodon.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1427. Pomel, A. 1847 C, p. 380. (Lutrictis, type Lutra valetoni.) 1853 A, p. 46. (Lutrictis.) Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 112. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 652. (Pomatotherium, Brachypsalis.) Pomatotherium pachycephalum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1890 I, p. 951. (Brachypsalis.) 18% F, p. 385. (Pomatotherium?.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. (Brachypsalis pachygnathus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 62. (Brachypsalis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 281. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. LUTRA Brisson. Type Mustela Mr a Linn. Brisson, A. D., 1762, Regn. Anim., p. 201. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 184. Barnston, G. 1863 A. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, M, p. 26, pis. v, viii, ix-xiv. Burmeister, H. 1879 B, p. 165. Coues, E. 1877 A, p. 294. Flower, W. H. 1869 B. 1883 D, p. 439. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 467. Gray, J. E. 1865 A, p. 125. 1869 A, p. 103. Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 187. 1885 B, p. 190. 1 Putorins erminim has been reported by Leidy (1889 H, p. 5) from a cave in Pennsylvania, in which by far the greater number of animals belong to species now living in the vicinity. HAy ] CATALOGUE. 769 Martin, W. 1836 A Mivart, St. G. 1885 B, p. 383. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1427. Owen, R. 1846 B, p. 119. 1866 B, p. 491. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 112. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 69, 91. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 653. Lutra canadeiisis Schreber. Allen, J. A. 1876 C, p. 333. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 184, pi. xxxviii. Coues, E. 1877 A, p. 295, pi. xvii. (Synonymy and literature. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 285. Recent; North America. In caves of Penn- sylvania, fide Allen. Lutra piscinaria Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 316, pi. xxxi, fig. 4; p. 230. Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 389. (Lutra, "near pisci- naria.") 1889 S, p. 980. Coues, E. 1877 A, p. 323. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 62. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 286. Pliocene; Idaho. Lutra rhoadsii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1896 F, p, 391. 1899 A, p. 238, pi. xviii, fig. 11. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 285. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. LUTKICTIS Cope. Type L. lycopotamicus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 66. Lutrictis lycopotamicus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 66. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 63. (Lutra.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 285. (Lutra.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 654. (Lutra.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Oregon. MEGENCEPHALON Osb. , Scott, and Speir. Type M. primawus Osb. , Scott, and Speir. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 20. Cope, E. D. 1879 VV, p. 33. Scott, W. B. 1888 B. Megencephalon primaevus Osb. , Scott, and Speir. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 20, pi. ix, fig. 8?. Bruce, A. T. 1883 A, p. 39, pi. vii, fig. 6. Cope, E. D. 1883 II, p. 970. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 63. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 287. (Megencepha- lum.) Eocene; Wyoming, Superfamily CYNOIDEA Flower. Flower, W. H. 1869 B, p. 24. Cope, E. D. 1882 D, p. 473. (Hvpomycteri.inpart.) 1884 O, pp. 890, 892. ( Hypomycteri, in part) . Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 437. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 644. Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 63. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 358. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 6. Tims, H. W. M. 1896 B, p. 462. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 464. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 618. CANID^E. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 102. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, P, pis. i-xiv. Cope, E. D. 1875 L, p. 21. 1879 F. 1881 C. 1881 F. 1882 D, p. 473. 1884 O, pp. 263, 892. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, vii, p. 464. Filhol, H. 1883 A. Flower, W. H. 1869 B, p. 24. 1871 B. 1883 D, p. 437. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 544. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 50. Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 67, 63. Bull. 179 49 Gray, J. E. 1868 B. 1869 A, p. 178. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 585. (Canida.) Humphreys, J. 1889 A, p. 155. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 358. 1880 A. Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 240. 1885 B, p. 106. Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, pp. 479, 491. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1435. Noack, T. 1894 A. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 475. 1868 A, p. 330. Parsons, F. G, 1899 A. 1900 A. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 42. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, pp. 3, 14, 18. 770 FOSSIL VERTEBEATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Schmidt, O. 1886 A, p. 259. Scott, W. B, 1890 C. 1891 A, p. 6. 1891 B, p. 373. 1891 C, p. 66. 1897 A. Steinmann and Doderle Tims, H. W. M. 18% A. 18% B, p. 445. :ii 1890 A, p. 719. Tornier, G. 1888 A. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 288. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Waterhouse, G. R. 1839 A. Weyhe, 1875 A, p. 116. Wilckens, M. 1885 D. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 63. (Canini.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 389. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 129. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 619. SIMOCYOXIN.E. Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 69, 67. (Simocyonidse.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 50. ENHYDROCYON Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 56. 1879 F, pp. 179, 185. 1879 H, p. 131. 1881 C, p. 178. 1883 T, p. 245. 1884 O, pp. 893, 935. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 562. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1433. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 61. Scott, W. B. 1898 B, p. 414. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 130. I Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 291. Type E. stenocephalus Cope. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 633. Enhydrocyon stenocephalus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 56. 1883 T, p. 245, fig. 12. 1884 O, p. 935, pi. Ixix, figs. 3-5. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 51. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 291. Miocene (John Day) ; Oregon. HY^NOCYON Cope. Type H. basilatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 E, p. 372. 1881 C, pp. 179, 181. T, p. 245. 1884 0, pp. 893, 942. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 562. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1433. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 61. 1S90 B, p. 26. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 130. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 633. Hysenocyon basilatus Cope. Cape, E. D. 1879 B, p. 57, part. (Enhydrocyon.) 1879 E, p. 372, in part. 1881 C, p. 181, in part. 1883 T, p. 246, fig. 3c. 1884 O, p. 942, pi. Ixxv, fig. 3. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 50. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 25. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 292. Miocene (John Day) ; Oregon. Hysenocyon sectorius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 T, p. 246, fig. 13d. 1879 B, p. 57, in part. (Enhydrocyon basil- atus.) 1879 E, p. 372, in part. (E. basilatus.) 1881 C, p. 181, in part. (E. basilatus.) 1884 O, p. 943, pi. Ixx, fig. 1. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 51. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 25. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 292. Miocene (John Day) ; Oregon. OLIGOBUNIS Cope. Type Ictocyon crassivultus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 P, p. 497. 1883 T, p, 246. 1884 O, pp. 893, 939. Nicholson and Lydekder 1889 A, p. 1433. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, pp. 18, 60, 105. Scott, W. B. 1898 B, p, 401. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 131. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 633. Oligobunis crassivultus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 F, p. 190. (Icticyon.) Cope, E. D. 1881 C, p. 181. (Icticyon.) 1881 P, p. 497. 1883 T, p. 246, fig. 14, 1884 O, p. 940, pi. Ixix, figs. 1, 2, text fig. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 51. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 105. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 292. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 633, fig. 530. Miocene (John Day) ; Oregon. Cope, E. D. 1879 F. Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 63. Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 240. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 42, Scott, W. B. 1890 C. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 622 HAY.] CATALOGUE. 771 CYNODICTIS Bravard and Pomel. Type C. parisiensis Pomel. Bravard and Pomel, 1850, Notice Oss. foas. De- bruge, p. 5. Filhol, H. 1876 A, p. 66. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 555. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 216. Huxley, T. H. 1880 A. Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 243. 1885 B, p. 107. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1437. Pomel, A. 1853 A, p. 66. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 42. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, pp. 16, 23, 40. 1890 B, p. 45. Scott, W. B. 1888 A. 1889 A, p. 21. 1889 B, p. 211. 1890 C, p. 38. (Hesperocyon.) 1895 C, p. 72. 1898 B, p. 364. 1899 B, p. 137. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 152. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 293. Wilckens, M. 1885 D, p. 497. Wortraan and Matthew 1899 A, pp. 118, 130. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 390. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 622. Cynodictis gregarius (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 3. (Canis.) Bruce, A. T. 1883 A, p. 41, fig. 7. (Galecynus.) Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 9. (Canis.) 1874 B, p. 506. (Canis.) 1879 B, p. 58. (Canis.) 1879 D, p. 63. (Canis.) 1881 C, p. 181. (Galecynus.) 1883 F, p. 217. (Galecynus.) 1883 T, p. 241. (Galecynus.) 1884 O, pp. 915, 916, pi. Ixviia, figs. 7-11; pi. Ixviii, figs. 5-8. (Galecynus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 54. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 45. (Galecynus.) Scott, W. B. 1898 B, p. 367, pi. xix, figs. 11-13; pi. xx, figs. 23-24. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 298. (Galecynus.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, pp. 123, 130. Oligocene (White River); Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota: (John Day); Oregon, fide Cope. Cynodictis hylactor Hay. Hay, O. P. 1899 C, p. 254. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 916. (Syn. of Galecynus gregarius.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. (Amphicyon gra- cilis.) Leidy, J. 1856 A, p. 90. (Amphicyon gracilis, not of Pomel.) 1869 A, pp. 36, 369, pi. i, fig. 7; pi. v, figs. 6-9. (Amphicyon gracilis.) 1871 C, p. 342. (Amphicyon gracilis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 54. (Syn. of C. lippin- cottianus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 44. (Daphsenos gracilis. ) Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 85. (Amphicyon gracilis. ) Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 152. (C. gracilis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 2%. (Daphsenos gra- cilis.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Cynodictis lippincottianus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 9. (Canis. X 1874 B, p. 506. (Canis.) 1879 B, p. 58. (Canis.) 1879 D, p. 63. (Canis.) 1884 O, p. 919, pi. Ixvii, figs. 5, 6. (Galecy- nus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 54. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 45. (Galecynus.) Scott, W. B. 1898 B, p. 400. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, pp. 123, 128, 130. Oligocene (White River); Colorado, Oregon. Cynodictis temnodon Wort, and Matth. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 130. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. NoTHOCYON 1 Matth. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. (April 8.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, pp. 124, 130, pi. vi. (June 21.) Nothocyon geismarianus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 71. (Canis.) 1879 B, p. 58. (Canis.) 1881 C, p. 181. (Galecynus.) 1883 T, p. 240, figs. 5, 6. (Galecynus.) 1884 O, pp. 915, 920, pi. Ixx, figs. 2, 3; pi. Ixxa. (Galecynus. ) 1889 C, p. 233, fig. 59. (Cynodictis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 45. (Galecynus.) Scott, W. B. 1898 B, p. 365. (Canis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 299. (Galecynus.) Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 391. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, pp. 127, 130. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 626, fig. 524. (Galecynus.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Nothocyon latidens (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1881 C, p. 181. (Galecynus.) 1883 T, p. 241. (Galecynus.) 1884 O, pp. 915, 930, pi. Ixx, figs. 4, 5. (Gale- cynus. ) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 45. (Galecynus.) Scott, W. B. 1898 B, p. 365. (Canis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 299. (Galecynus.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, pp. 127, 130. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. 1 Originally the three species here included were assigned to this genus by Matthew. No type was designated, but Canis geismarianm may be taken. Later, Wortman and Matthew include in the genus also Canis parvidengMiv&n, 772 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Nothocyon lemur (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 E, p. 371. (Canis.) 1881 C, p. 181. (Qalecynus. ) 1883 T, p. 241, fig. 7. (Galecynus.). 1884 O, pp. 915, 931, pi. Ixx, figs. 6-8. (Gale- cynus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 45. (Galecynus. ) Scott, W. B. 1898 B, p. 365. (Canis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 299. (Galecynus.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, pp. 127, 130. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. DAPHCENUS Leidy. Type D. vetus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1853 D, p. 393. This word is usually spelled Daphamus. The original form is given. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 894. (Syn. of Amphicyon.) Eyerman, J. 18% A, p. 279. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 555. (Daphsenus. ) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1435. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 44. (Daphaenos.) Scott, W. B. 1889 B, p. 211. 1890 C, p. 37. 1891 A, p. 6. 1897 A, p. 1. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 2%. (Daphsenos.) Winge, H. 1895 A, pp. 46, 52, 91, 92. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, pp. 115, 118, 129. (Daphaenus.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 625. (Daphsenos.) Daphcenus angustidens (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1871 E, p. 124. (Amphicyon.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. (Amphicyon.) Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 247. (Amphicyon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 54. (Syn. of Cynodic- tis lippincottianus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 44. Schlosser, M, 1890 B, pp. 62, 64. (Amphicyon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 296. (Daphaenos.) Oligocene (White River); Nebraska. Daphcenus dodgei Scott. Seott, W. B. 1898 B, p. 362, pi. xix, figs. 6, 7. (Daphsenus.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 129. (Daphse- nus.) Oligocene (White River); Nebraska. Daphoenus felinus Scott. Scott, W. B. 1898 B, p. 361, pi. xx, figs. 15-17. (Daphsenus.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 129. (Daphse- nus.) Oligocene (White River); Nebraska. Daphoenus hartshornianus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 9. (Canis.) Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 605. (Canis.) 1881 C, p. 178. (Canis.) 1883 T, p. 237, figs. 2a, 3. (Amphicyon.) 1884 O, pp. 8%, 9%. (Amphicyon.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 32, in part; pi. i, figs. 3, 4, 0. (Amphicyon vetus=A. hartshornianus, fide Cope.) Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 247. (Amphicyon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 52, 62. (Daphaenus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 44. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 85. (Amphicyon,) Scott, W. B. 1890 C, p. 37. (Daphsenus.) 1S98 B, p. 361, pi. xix, figs. 1-5; pi. xx, figs. 19-21a; p. 363, text fig. A, 2. (Daphsenus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 926. (Daphsenos.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 129. (Daphse- nus.) Oligocene (White River); Colorado, South Dakota. Daphcenus robustus Scott. Scott, W. B. 1897 A, p. 2. (Daphsenus.) Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Daphcenus vetus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1853 D, p. 393. Cope, E. D. 1881 C, p. 178. (Amphicyon.) 1883 T, p. 237. (Amphicyon.) 1884 O, p. 894. (Amphicyon.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. (Amphicyon.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. (Amphicyon.) Leidy, J. 1854 E, p. 157. (Amphicyon.) 1869 A, pp. 32, 369. pi. i, figs. 1-6. (Amphi- cyon; see D. hartshornianus.) 1871 C, p. 342. (Amphicyon.) Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 248. (Amphicyon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 53. (Daphsenus.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 44. (Daphsenos.) Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 85! (Amphicyon.) Scott, W. B. 1890 C, p. 37. (Daphsenus.) 1897 A, p. 1. (Daphsenus.) 1898 B, pi. xix, figs. 8-10. (Daphsenus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 296. (Daphsenos.) Wortman and Matthew, 1899 A, p. 129. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Colo- rado. PARADAPH^NUS Matth. Type Canis cuspigerus Cope. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. (April 8.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 129. (June 21.) Paradaphaenus cuspigerus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 70. (Canis.) 1879 B, p. 58. (Canis.) 1879 E, p. 372. (Amphicyon entoptychi.) 1881 C, p. 178. (Amphicyon.) 1883 T, p. 237, fig. 1. (Amphicyon.) 1884 O, p. 898, pL-lxviii, figs. 1-4. (Amphi- cyon.) Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 247. (Amphicyon cuspi- gerus, A. entoptychi.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 44. (Daphsenos.) Scott, W. B. 1890 C, p. 37. (Daphaenus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 296. (Daphsenos.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 129. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Paradapheenus transversus AVort. and Matth. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 129. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 773 TEMNOCYON Cope. Type T. altigenis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 68. 1879 F, pp. 178, 180. 1881 C, pp. 178, 179. 1883 T, p. 237. 1884 O, pp. 893, 902. Eyerman, J, 1896 A, p. 267. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 555. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1436. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, pp. 18, 23, 24, 56. Scott, W. B. 1890 C, p. 38. 1897 A, p. 3. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, pp. 115, 130. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 626. Temnocyon altigenis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 68. 1879 B, p. 58. 1881 C, p. 179. 1883 T, p. 238, figs. 2, 3. 1884 O, p. 903, pi. Ixviii, fig. 9; pi. Ixx, fig. 11. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 44. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 2%. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 130. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 625, fig. 523, C, D. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Temnocyon ferox Eyerman. Eyerman, J. 1894 A. 1896 A. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 297. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 117, fig. 3, p. Miocene (John Day) ; Oregon. Temnocyon wallovianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 C, p. 179. 1883 T, p. 239. 1884 O, pp. 903, 905, pi. Ixx, fig. 10. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 62. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 44. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 296. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 130. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 625, fig. 523 B. Miocene (John Day) ; Oregon. MESOCYON Scott. Type Temnocyon coryphaeus Cope. Scott, W. B. 1890 C, p. 38. Eyerman, J. 1894 A. (Hypotemnodon, type Tem- nocyon coryphaeus.) 1896A, p. 284. (Hypotemnodon.) Hay, O. P. 1899 C, p. 254. Scott, W. B. 1897 A, p. 3. (Hypotemnodon.) 1898 B. (Hypotemnodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A. p. 63. (Hypotemnodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 297. ( Hypotemnodon. ) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, pp. 118, 130. (Hy- potemnodon.) Mesocyon coryphaeus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 F, p. 180. (Temnocyon.) 1879 B, p. 58. (Canis hartshornianus. ) 1881 C, p. 179. (Temnocyon.) 1883 T, p. 239, fig. 4. (Temnocyon.) 1884 O, pp. 903, 906, pi. Ixxi; pi. Ixxia, figs. 1-7; pi. Ixxiia, figs. 4-7. (Temnocyon.) Eyerman, J. 1894 A. (Hypotemnodon.) Eyerman, J. 18% A, p. 284. (Hypotemnodon.) Hay, O. P. 1899 C, p. 253. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. (Hypotemnodon.) Scott, W. B. 1890 C, p. 39. (Mesocyon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 297. (Hypotemno- don.) Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 130. (Hypo- temnodon.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 625, fig. 523 A. Miocene (John Day) Oregon. Jffesocy on josephi (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1881 C, p. 179. (Temnocyon.) 1883 T, p. 239. (Temnocyon. ) 1884 O, pp. 903, 912, pi. Ixx, fig. 9. (Temno- cyon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 44. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 297. (Temnocyon.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. CYNODESMUS Scott. Type C. thooides Scott. Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 660. 1895 C, p. 63. 1897 A, p. 3. Wortman and Matthew 1899 A, p. 118. Cynodesmus thooides Scott. Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 660. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 54. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 44. Scott, W. B. 1895 C, p. 63, pi. i, figs. 1-5. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 297. Oligocene (White River); Montana?. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 22. Cope, E. D. 1875 N, p. 256. 1881 F, p. 387. 1883 T, p. 243. 1884 O, p. 893. Leidy. Type A. ferox Leidy= A. ssevus Leidy. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 562. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 21. (Subgenus Epicyon, type Canis haydeni.) 1869 A, p. 68. 1871 C, p. 344. 774 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OP NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1433. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, pp. 24, 61. 1890 B, p. 25. (Prohysena, type Canis wheel- erianus Cope.) Scott, W. B. 1888 A. 1891 D, p. 90. 1892 A, p. 425. 1898 B, p. 402. Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 66. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 297. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 626. JElurodon compressus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1890 J, p. 1067. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 67. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 45. Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 67, fig. 2 A. (M. hysenoides, not of Cope.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 297. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. JElurodon haydeni (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 21. [Canis (Epicyon).] Cope, E. D. 1874 P, p. 11. (Canis.) 1875 N, p. 256. (Amphicyon.) 1883 T, p. 242. (Canis.) Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. [Canis (Epicyon).] Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 30, 368, pi. i, fig. 10. [Canis (Epicyon).] 1871 C, p. 341. (Canis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 67. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 45. Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 66, fig. 2 B. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 297. Miocene (Loup Fork) ; Nebraska. JEluroclon hysenoides Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 F, p. 388. 1881 BB, p. 1023. 1883 T, p. 244, fig. 11. 1884 O, p. 945, fig. 35c. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 67. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 45. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p, 25. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 298. Miocene (Loup Fork); Kansas or Nebraska. .ffilurodon meandrinus Hatcher. Hatcher, J. B. 1894 C, p. 239. Matthew W. D. 1899 A, p. 67. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 45. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 298. , Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. JElurodon seevus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 21. (Canis.) Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 519. (Canis.) 1874 P, p. 11. (Canis.) 1875 F, p. 68. (Canis.) Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 302. (Canis lupus.) 1881 F, p. 387. 1883 T, p. 243, fig. 9. 1884 O, p. 945, text fig. 36. 1888 W, p. 1020. 1889 C, p. 234, fig, 60. 1890 J, p. 1067, pi. xxxii. 1898 B, p. 100, fig. 37. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. (/Kliirc.ri .11 f.-Tw:. Canis saevus. ) King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. (Canis.) Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 21 (Canis ssevus): p. ifcj (^Elurodon ferox). 1869 A, pp. 28, 368, pi. i, fig. 9 (Canis ssevus ) pp. 68, 367, pi. i, figs. 13, 14 (JElurodoii ferox). 1870 V, p. 66. (^Elurodon ferox?.) 1871 C, p. 341 (Canis saevus); p. 344 (^luro- don ferox). Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 67. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 45. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, pp. 24, 61. (Canis.) Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 66, figs. 1, 2. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 297. Miocene(Loup Fork); Nebraska, NewMexico. .ffilurodon taxoides Hatcher. Hatcher, J. B. 1894 C, p. 236, pi. i, fig. 2. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 67. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 45. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 298. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. JElurodon ursinus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1875 N, p. 256. (Canis.) 1875 F, p. 68. (Canis.) 1877 K, p. 304, pi. Ixix, fig. 1. (Canis.) 1879 A, p. 46. (Amphicyon?.) 1881 C, p. 178. (Canis.) 1883 T, p. 242. (Canis.) 1884 O, p. 39. (Amphicyon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 67. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 45. Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 68. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p 298. Miocene(Loup Fork) ; New Mexico, Nebraska. .ZElurodon wheelerianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 302, pi. Ixix, fig. 2. (Canis. ) 1881 F, p. 388. 1883 T, p. 244, fig. 11. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 67. R"?er, 0. 1896 A, p. 45. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 25. (Prohysena.) Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 67. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 297. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 626. Miocene (Loup Fork); New Mexico, Nebraska. CANIMARTES Cope. Type C. cumminsii Cope. Cope E. D. 1892 Y, p. 1029. 1892 I, p. 327. 1893 A, p. 51. Canimartes cumminsii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1892 Y, p. 1029. Cope, E. D. 1892 I, p. 327. 1893 A, p. 52, pi. xiv, figs. 12-14. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 75. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 59. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 298. Pliocene (Blanco) ; Texas. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 775 TOMARCTUS Cope. Type T. brevirostris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 2. 1874 B, p. 519. 1879 F, pp. 179, 185. 1883 T, p. 243. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1433. Tomarctus brevirostris Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 2. Cope, E. D. 1873 CO, p. 9. 1874 B, p. 520. 1874 P, p. 11. 1883 T, p. 243. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. Roger O. 1896 A, p. 55. Miocene (Loup Fork); Colorado. CANIS Linn. Type C. familiaris Linn. Linnaeus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 38. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 104. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, P, plates. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 300. 1879 F, pp. 178, 184. 1881 C, p. 178. 1884 O, p. 893. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, vii, p. 465. Filhol, H. 1883 A. Flower, W. H. 1869 B, p. 24. 1871 B. 1876 B, xiii, p. 487. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 546. Gray, J. E. 1868 B, p. 508. 1869 A, p. 193. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 353. 1880 A. Leche, W. 1895 A, p. 60. Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 252. 1885 B, p. 123. Maggi, L. 1898 D. 1898 E, figs. 1-20. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1435. Owen, R. 1868 A, p. 331, fig. 262. Paulli, S. 1900 B, p. 489. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 202. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 20. Shufeldt, R. W. 1900 A, p. 395. ( Vulpes.) Steinmann, and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 720. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 299. Wilckens, M. 1885 A, p. 518. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 60, 91, 102, 103. Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 397. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 627. Canis? anceps Scott. Scott, W. B. 1893 B, p. 660. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 67. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 46. Scott, W. B. 1895 C, p. 75. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 302. Miocene (Loup Fork); Montana. Canis brachypus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 F* p. 389. 1883 T, p. 242, fig. 8. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 67. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 48. Miocene (Loup Fork); Wyoming. Canis cinereoargentatus Schreber. Allen, J. A. 1876 C, p. 333. (Vulpes virginianus. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 139, pi. xxxv, fig. i. Cope, E. D. 1895 F, p. 447. (Vulpes.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 368. (C. virginianus.) 1889 H, p. 5. (C. virginianus.) Redfield, W. C. 1850 A, p. 255. ("Vulpes"; may be not this species.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 313. (Urocyon.) Pleistocene; lead region of Illinois.New York?, Pennsylvania. Canis dirus Allen. Allen, J. A. 1876 A, p. 48. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 301. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 48. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 302. Pleistocene; lead region of Upper Mississippi River. Canis indianensis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 368. Allen, J. A. 1876 A, p. 48 (C. indianensis, C. pri- maevus); p. 49 (C. mississipiensis) . Cope, E. D. 1894 A, p. 453, pi. xxi, figs. 14-16. 1899 A, p. 227. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 9. (C. lupus.) Leidy, J. 1854 I, p. 200. (C. primaevus; name preoccupied.) 1856 T, p. 167, pi. xvii, figs. 11, 12. (C. pri- maevus.) 1873 B, pp. 230, 315, pi. xxxi, fig. 2. 1873 F, p. 260. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 48. (C. indianensis, C. missis- sippiensis. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 302. (C. indianensis, C. mississippiensis.) Whitney, J. D. 1879 A, p. 246. Yates, L. G, 1874 B, p. 18. Pleistocene; Indiana, lead region of Upper Mississippi River; California (Leidy). Canis latidentatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1899 A, p. 228, pi. xviii, figs. 4, 4a. (Vulpes.) Canis latrans Say. Say, T., 1823, Long's Exped. R. Mts., i, p. 168. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 113, pi. Ixxvi. Cope, E. D. 1878 H, p. 389. 1883 T, p. 242. 1889 F, p. 161. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 7. Dana, J. D. 1879 A, p. 233. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 586. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 369. 776 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 304. Whitney, J. D. 1879 A, p. 246. Wyman, J. 1862 A, p. 422. Recent; northern part of Mississippi Valley to Alberta. Pleistocene; Illinois, Indiana, Oregon. Canis? marshii Hay. Hay, O. P. 1899 C, p. 253. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 356. (C. montanus.) Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 253. (C. montanus.) Marsh, O. C. 1871 E, p. 123. (C. montanus, not of Pearson.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 40, 67. (C. montanus. ) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 46. (C. montanus.) Schlosser, M. 1890 B, pp. 62, 64. (C. montanus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 302. (C. montanus?.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. The generic position of this species is uncer- tain, but the specific title montanus is notr available. Canis occidentalis Richardson. Richardson, J,, 1829, Fauna Bor.-Amer., p. 60. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 104, pi. xxxi. Cope, E. D. 1883 T, p. 242. (C. lupus,) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 368. 1889 H, p. 5. (C. lupus.) Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 264. (C. lupus?. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 302. Williston, S. W. 1898 I, p. 92. (C. lupus.) Wyman, J. 1862 A, p. 422. Recent; North America. Pleistocene; lead region of Upper Mississippi River. Canis priscolatrans Cope. Cope, E. D. 1899 A, p. 227 pi. xviii, Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Canis temerarius Leidy. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 21. Cope, E. D. 1883 T, p. 242. 1884 O, p. 915. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. King, C. 1878 A, p. 430. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 29, 368, pi i, fig. 12. 1871 C, p. 341. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 67. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 48. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 302. Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska, Colorado. Canis vafer Leidy. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 21. Cope, E. D. 1875 F, p. 68. 1877 K, pp. 301, 302. 1884 O, p. 915. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 29, 368, pi. i, fig. 11. 1871 C, p. 341. 1873 B, p. 315. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 67. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 48. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 28. Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 69, fig. 3. (C. vafer?.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 310. (Vulpes.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. PACHYCYON Allen. Type P. robustus Allen. Allen. J. A. 1885 A, p. 1. Pachycyon robustus Allen. Atten, 7. A. 1885 A, p. 1, pis. i-iii. Cope, E. D. 1886 G. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 802. (Canis.) Pleistocene; Virginia. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, Q, pis. i-viii. Cope, E. D. 1882 D, p. 474. 1884 O, p. 892. 1888 D, p. 256. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 540. Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 57. Gray, J. E. 1869 A, p. 211. Haeckel, E. 1895 A, p. 578. (Hysenida.) Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 274. Mivart, St. G. 1881 A. 1882 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1440. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 482. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 65. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, pp. 4, 14. 1890 B, p. 24. 1890 C, p. 265. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 467. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 317. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Waterhouse, G. R. 1839 A. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 59. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 397. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 660. BOROPHAGUS Cope. Type B. diversidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1892 Y, p. 1028. 1892 I, p. 326. 1893 A, p. 62. Borophagus diversidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1892 Y, p. 1028. Cope, E. D. 1892 I, p. 326. 1893 A, p. 54, pi. xiii, fig. 4. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 75. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 66. [Hyaena (Borophagus).] Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 320. Pliocene (Blanco); Texas. IAY.] CATALOGUE. 777 Superfamily MLUROIDEA Flower. Flower, W. H. 1869 B, p. 22. Cope, E. D. 1882 D, p. 473. (Epimycteri.) 1884 O, pp. 890, 892. (Epimycteri.) Flower, \V. H. 1883 D, p. 434. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 501. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 358. Adams, G. 1. 1896 A. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 80. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, O, pis. i-xix. Cope, E. D. 1879 F. 1880 D, pp. 834, 851. 1881 C. 1882 D, p. 474. 1884 O, pp. 263, 892. Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, p. 474. 1882 A. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, p. 6. 1890 C, p. 265. Tims, H. W. M. 1896 B, p. 462. FELIDJC. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, vii, p. 361. Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiii, p. 488. 1883 D, p. 434. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 602. Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 57. Gray, 3. E. 1869 A, p. 5. Haeckel, E. 1896 A, p. 587. (Felida.) Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 313. Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, p. 439. 1882 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1443. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 94. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 486. Parsons, F. G. 1899 A. 1900 A. Roger, 0. 1889 A. 18% A, p. 66. Scheldt, P. 1894 A. Schlosser, M. 1888 B, pp. 4, 14. 1890 B, p. 34. Scott, W. B. 1889 B, p. 235. Slade, D. D. 1890 A. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 725. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 469. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Waterhouse, G. R. 1839 A. Weyhe, , 1875 A, p. 116. Williston, S. W. 1898 K. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 53. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 398. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 663, 677. MACHAIRODONTIN^:. Adams, G. I. 1896 A, p. 443. (Machserodontinse.) Cope, E. D. 1880 D, p. 835. (Nimravidse.) 1881 C. (Nimravidse.) 1882 D, p. 474. (Nimravidse.) 1884 O, pp. 892, 947. (Nimravidse.) Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 59, 60. (Machaerodontinse.) Lydekker, R. 1885 E, p. 469. (Nimravidae.) Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, p. 439. (Nimravidae.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1443. (Nim- ravidse.) Osborn and Wortman 1892 A. (Nimravidse.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 67. (Machairodinse.) Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 38. (Nimravidee.) Scott, W. B. 1888 A. (Nimravidse.) 1889 B, p. 238. (Nimravidse.) 1892 A, p. 425. (Nimravidse.) 1898 B, p. 404. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 153. (Nimravidse.) Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 726. (Nim- ravinse. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p.343. (Machasrodinse.) Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 55, 56. Woodward, A. S. 1898 B, p. 399. (Nimravidse, or Machserodontidse.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 667. MACHAIRODUS Kaup. Type M. neogseus Lund. Kaup, J., 1833 Oss. foss. Mus. Darmstadt. The name of this genus is commonly spelled Machxrodus. Adams, G. I. 1896 A, p. 432. 1897 A, p. 147. Brown, H. G. 1838 A, p. 1277, pi. xlv, fig. 4. Burmeister, H. 1866 B, p. 123. 1879 B, p. 106. Cope, E. D. 1879 F, p. 171. Dawkins and Sanford 1872 A, p. 184. FilholH.1891 A, p. 47. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 230. Hartmann, R. 1893 A. Kittl, E. 1887 A, p.321. Leidy, J. 1854 A, pp. 95, 116. Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 332. 1885 B, p. 41. March, 0. C. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1449. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 490. 1846 B, p. 174. 1847 C, p. 67. 1868 A, p. 339. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 230. Quenstedt, F. A. 1885 A, p. 42. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 727. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 347. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 56, 91. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 673. .778 FOSSIL VEBTEBKATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Machairodus gracilis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 D, p. 857. (Smilodon.) 1895 F, p. 448. (Smilodon.) 1899 A, p. 240, pi. xx, fig. 1. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 5. (Smilodon. ) Cragin, F. W. 1892 B, p. 17. (Machserodus.) Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 333. (Machserodus. ) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 70. (Machairodus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 849. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Machairodus mercerii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1895 F, p. 448. (Uncia.) 1896 F, p. 392. (Uncia mercerii, in part.) 1899 A, p. 240 (Machserodus); p. 245, pi. xx, figs. 2-2c (Smilodon). Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 72, ( Felis. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 351. (Felis.) Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. ^ELUROTHERIUM Adams. Type Patriofelis leidyana Osb. and Wort. Adams, Q. 1. 18% A, p. 442. JElurotherium leidyanum (Osb. and Wort.). Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 98, fig. 5. (Patri- ofelis.) Adams, G. 1. 18% A, p. 442. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 41. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 37. (Patriofelis.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 313. (Genus doubtful. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 231 (Patriofelis); p. 344 (jElurotherium). Wortman, 3. L. 1894 A, p. 164. (Not Patriofelis.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Gervais, 1875, Jour. Zool., iv, p. 419. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 948. Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 435. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 524. Hatcher, J. B. 1895 A. Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 332. Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, p. 437. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 48. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 346. . EUSMILUS Gerv. Type E. bidentatus (Filhol). Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 672. Eusmilus dakotensis Hatcher. Hatcher, J. B. 1895 B. Adams, G. 1. 18% B, p. 48, pi. ii, fig. 3. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 55. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 346. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. HOPLOPHONEUS Cope. Type Machserodus oreodontis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 509. Adams, G. I. 18% A. Cope, E. D. 1879 F, pp. 170, 171. 1880 D, pp. 836, 849. 1881 C, p. 167. 1884 O, pp. 948, 992. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 524. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 53. (Drepanodon.) 1871 C, p. 343. (Drepanodon. ) Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, pp. 433, 439. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1446. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 227. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 48. Scott, W. B. 1889 B. 1898 B, p. 411. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 153, text fig. 2. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 727. Williston, S. W. 1895 A, p. 170. (Dinotomius, type D. atrox Willist. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 55, 91. Wortman, J. L. 1893 A. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 672. Hoplophoneus catocopis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1887 P, p. 1019. (Machaerodus.) Adams, G. I. 18% A, p. 433. Cope, E. D. 1892 A A. (Machaerodus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. (Machserodus.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 70. (Machairodus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 346. Miocene (Loup Fork); Kansas. Hoplophoneus cerebralis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 F, p. 143. (Machserodus. ) Adams, G. I. 18% A, p. 429, pi. xi, fig. 1. 18% B, p. 50, pi. i, fig. 1. Cope, E. D. 1880 D, p. 850. 1884 O, pp. 976, 997, pi. Ixxva, figs. 3-5. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p, 63. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 68. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 345. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Hoplophoneus crassidens (Cragin). Cragin, F. W. 1892 B, p. 17. (Machaerodus.) Adams, G. I. 18% A, p. 433. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 55. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A. p. 346. Williston, S. W. 1895 A, p. 174, pi. xix. (Machsero- dus.) Miocene? (Loup Fork?); Kansas. Hoplophoneus insolens Adams. Adams, G. 1. 18% A, p. 429, pi. xi, fig. 5. 18% B, p. 48, pi. 1, fig. 5. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 65. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 227. (H. occi- dentalis, not of Leidy.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 846. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Hoplophoneus occidentalis (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 63, 367, pi. v, fig. 5. (Drepano- don.) HAY.] CATALOGUE. 779 Adams, G. I. 189C A, p. 428, pi. xi, fig. 6. 1896 B, p. 47, pi. i, fig. 6; pi. ii, figs. 1, 2. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 993. Leidy, J. 1866 A, p. 345. (Drepanodon occideu- talis; no description.) 1871 C, p. 343. (Drepanodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 54: Riggs, E. S. 18% A, pi. 1. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 68. Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 154. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 346. Williston, S. W. 1895 A, p. 170, pi. xviii. (Dino- tomiusatrox.) 1898 K, p. 349, figure. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Hoplophoneus oreodontis Cope. . Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 9. (Machaerodus.) Adams, G. 1, 18% A, p. 429, pi. xi, fig. 2. 1896 B, p. 50, pi. i, fig. 2. Bruce, A. T. 1883 A, p. 42, fig. 8. Cope, E. D. 1874 B, p. 509. 1874 P, p. 23. 1880 D, p. 850. 1884 O, pp. 976, 993, pi. Ixviia, fig. 17; pi. Ixxva, figs. 1, 2. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 55, Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, p. 434, fig. 185. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 68. Trouessart, E, L. 1897 A, p. 345. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Hoplophoneus primsevus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1851 H, p. 329. (Machairodus.) Adams, G. 1. 1896 A, p. 419, pi. x; pi. xi, fig. 3. 18% B, p, 49, pi. i, fig. 4. Cope.E, D. 1880D, p. 850. 1884 O, p. 993. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. (Drepanodon.) Leidy, J. 1852 J, p. 564, pi. xii A, fig. 5. (Mach- airodus.) 1853 D, p. 392. (Machairodus.) 1854 A, pp. 94, 115, pi. xviii. (Machairodus.) 1854 E, p. 156. ( Machairodus. ) 1857 D, p. 176. (Drepanodon.) 1869 A, pp. 54, 367, pi. i, fig. 8. (Drepano- don.) 1871 C, p. 343. (Drepanodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 75. Osborn, H. F. 1898 Q, p. 11. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 68. Scott and Osborn, 1887 B, p. 153, pi. i. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 345. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota. Hoplophoneus robustus Adams. Adams, G. 1. 18% B, p. 49, pi. i, fig. 4. 18% A, p. 428, pi. xi, fig. 4. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 54 (in part); pi. iv, fig. 1. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 55. Osborn and Wortman 1894 A, p. 227. (H. pri- mes vus, not of Leidy.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 346. Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Ne- braska. Hoplophoneus strigidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 71. (Machserodus.) Adams, G. 1. 18% A, p. 429. Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 56. (Machaerodus.) 1879 X, p. 798a. (Machaerodus. ) 1880 D, p. 851. 1884 O, p. 1001, pi. Ixxva, fig. 6. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 68. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 346. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. The generic position of this species is doubt- ful. DEINICTIS Leidy. Type D. felina Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 H, p. 91. Most authors have adopted the spelling Di- nictis. The original name is Deinictis. Adams, G. 1. 18% A. Allen, H. 1888 A. Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 2. (Daptophilus, type D. squalidens Cope.) 1874 B, p. 508. ( Daptophilus. ) 1879 F, pp. 169, 170. 1880 D, pp. 836, 845 (Dinictis); pp. 836,847 (Pogonodon). 1880 F, p. 143 (Dinictis; Pogonodon, type P. platycopis). 1881 C, p. 167. (Dinictis, Pogonodon.) 1884 O, pp. 948, 973 (Dinictis); pp. 948, 981 (Pogonodon). Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 523 (Dinictis); p. 524 (Pogonodon). Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 220. (Dinictis). Leidy, J. 1854 D, p. 127. (Dinictis; no descrip- tion.) 1869 A, p. 64. (Dinictis.) Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 343. (Dinictis.) Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, pp. 435, 439 (Dinictis); pp. 437,439 (Pogonodon). Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1444 (Dinic- tis); p. 1446 (Pogonodon). Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 42. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 425. Steinmann and Dodcrlein, 1890 A, p. 726 (Dinic- tis); p. 727 (Pogonodon). Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 344. Williston, S. W. 1895 A, p. 173, figure. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 55, 91. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 669 (Dinictis); p. 671 (Pc- gonodon). Deinictis bombifrons Adams. Adams, G. I. 1895 A, p. 577, pi. xxvi. (Dinictis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 54. (Dinictis.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 68. (Dinictis. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 345. (Dinictis.) Oligocene (White River); South Takota?. 780 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Deinictis brachyops (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 72, in part. (Machserodus.) Adams, G. I. 1896 A, p. 431, pi. xii, fig. 5. (Dinic- tis.) Cope, E. D. 1879 B, p. 56. (Hoplophoneus.) 1879 K, p. 197. (Hoplophoneus.) 1880 D, pp. 843, 849, fig. 11. (Pogonodon.) 1884 O, pp. 972, 987, pi. Ixxiv, figs. 3-10. (Pogonodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. (Pogonodon.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 68. (Pogonodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 345. (Dinictis.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Deinictis cyclops Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 F, p. 176. (Dinictis. ) Adams, G. I. 18% A, p. 430, pi. xii, fig. 2. (Di- nictis.) Cope, E. D. 1880 D, p. 846, fig. 8. (Dinictis.) 1884 O, p. 974, pi. Ixxv, fig. 1. (Dinictis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, p. 435. (Dinictis.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 67. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 344. (Dinictis.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 670, fig. 560. (Dinictis.) Oligocene (John Day); Oregon. Deinictis felina Leidy. Leidy, J. 1856 H, p. 91. Adams, G. 1. 18% A, p. 430, pi. xii, fig. 3. (Di nictis.) Cope, E. D. 1879 F, p. 176. (Dinictis.) 1880 D, p. 846. (Dinictis.) 1884 O, pp. 974, 978. (Dinictis.) Gaudry, A. 1878 B, p. 220, fig. 292. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. (Dinictis.) Leidy., J. 1854 D, p. 127. (Dinictis; no descrip- tion.) 1869 A, pp. 64, 368, pi. v, figs. 1-i. (Dinictis.) 1871 C, p. 343. (Dinictis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 54. (Dinictis.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 67. (Dinictis.) Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 41. Scott, W. B. 1889 A. (Dinictis.) Scott and Osborn 1887 B, p. 153. (Dinictis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 344. (Dinictis.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 669, fig. 559. (Dinictis.) Oligocene (White River); South Dakota, Colorado. Deinictis fortis Adams. Adams, G. I. 1895 A, p. 574, text fig. 1. (Dinictis.) 18% A, pp. 430, 436, pi. xii, fig. 4. (Dinictis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 54. (Dinictis.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 68. (Dinictis. ) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 345. (Dinictis.) Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Deinictis major Lucas. Lucas, F. A. 1898 A, p. 399. (Dinictis.) Oligocene (White River); Nebraska. Deinictis paucidens Riggs. Biggs, E. S. 18% B, p. 237. (Dinictis.) Adams, G. I. 18% A, p. 436, footnote. (Syn. of D. fortis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 54. (Dinictis.) Oligocene (White River). Deinictis platycopis (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1879 X, p. 7986. (Hoplophoneus.) Adams, G. 1. 18% A, p. 431, pi. xii, fig. 6. (Diniotis.) Cope, E. D. 1879 E, p. 373. (Hoplophoneus.) 1880 D, p. 847, fig. 9. (Pogonodon.) 1880 F, p. 143. (Pogonodon.) 1884 O, p. 982, text fig. 38, pi. Ixxiva. (Pogo- nodon.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. (Pogonodon.) Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, p. 189. (Pogonodon.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 68. (Pogonodon.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 345. (Dinictis.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 671, fig. 562. (Pogonodon platycopsis.) Miocene (John Day) ; Oregon. Deinictis squalidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 T, p. 2. (Daptophilus.) Adams, G. 1. 18% A. p. 430, pi. xii, fig. 1. (Dinictis.) Cope, E. D. 1873 CC, p. 9. (Daptophilus.) 1874 B, p. 508. (Daptophilus.) 1879 F, p. 176. (Dinictis.) 1880 D, p. 847, (Dinictis.) 1884 O, pp. 974, 979, pi. Ixviia, figs. 15, 16 (Dinictis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 54. (Dinictis.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 68. (Dinictis.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 344. (Dinictis.) Oligocene (White River); Colorado. SMILODON Lund. Type S. populalor Lund. Lund, P. W. 1842 A, p. 193. Adams, G. 1. 18% A, p. 433. 1897 A, p. 147. Ameghino, F. 1889 A, p. 333. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, iv, EE, p. 7, pi. xx. Cope, E. D. 1880 D, p. 854. 1881 C, p. 166. 18% A, p. 240. Filhol, H. 1888 B, p. 129. (On Machairodus biden- tatus.) Gervais P. 1878 A. Gervais and Ameghino 1880 A, p. 11. Leidy, J. 1868 A, p. 175. (Trucifelis, as subgenus, with Felisfatalis as type.) 1869 A , p. 366. ( Trucifelis. ) Lydekker, R. 1885 B, p. 41. (Syn. of Macharodus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1449. Owen, R. 1847 C, p. 67. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 675. (Syn. of Machairodus.) Smilodon fatalis (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1868 A, p. 175. [Felis (Trucifelis).] Adams, G. I. 18% A, p. 433. Cope, E. D, 1880 D, p. 857. 1899 A, p. 240. Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 5. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 366, pi. xxvii, figs. 10, 11. (Tru- cifelis.) 1873 B, p. 260. (Trucifelis.) Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 333. (Machaerodus.) HAY -' CATALOGUE. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 70. (Machairodus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 349. Pleistocene; Texas. Smilodon floridanus (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1889 A, p. 29. ( Drepanodon or Machairo dus.) Adams, G. 1. 1896 A, p. 433. 781 Cope, E. D. 1892 AA. (Machserodus.) Leidy, J. 1889 D, p. 14, pi. iii, fig. 1. (Machairo- dus.) 1892 A. (Machairodus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 70. (Machairodus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 349. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 675. (Machairodus.) Pleistocene; Florida. DINOBASTIS Cope. Type D. serus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1893 K, p. 896. Adams, G. 1. 1896 A, pp. 433, 435. 1897 A, p. 145. (Syn. of Smilodon.) Cope, E. D. 1894 H, p. 4S4. Dinobastis serus Cope. Cope, E. D, 1893 K, p. 896. Cope.E. D. 1894 A, p. 68. 1894 H, p. 454, pi. xxi, figs. 1-13. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 70. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 349. Pleistocene; Kansas, Oklahoma. ARCHJSLITRUS Cope. Type A. debilis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 X,p. 798a. Adams, G. 1. 18% A, p. 438. Allen, H. 1888 A. Cope, E. D. 1879 E, p. 372. 1880 D, p. 836, 841. 1881 C, p. 167. 1884 O, pp. 948, 952. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 524. Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, pp. 436, 439. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1446. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 40. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 55, 91. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 672. Archaelurus debilis Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 X, p. 798a. Cope, E. D. 1879 D, p. 72. (Part of Maehferodus brachyops, "female skull.") 1879 E, p. 372. 1880 D, p. 842, figs. 3, 4, 7. 1881 J, p. 546, fig. 7. 1884 O, p. 953, pi. Ixxio, figs. 8-16. 1889 C, p. 190. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, p. 436, fig. 188. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 68. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 343. (Exclusive of Pseudselurus intrepidus.) Miocene (John Day); Oregon. NIMRAVUS Cope. Type N. gomphodus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1879 F, pp. 169, 170. Adams, G..I. 18% A, p. 438. 1897 A, p. 146. Cope, E. D. 1880 D, pp. 836, 843. 1881 C, p. 167. 1884 O, pp. 948, 963. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 524. Lydekker, R. 1887 A, p. 313. Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, pp. 435, 439. Nicholson and Lydekker 1689 A, p. 1446. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 55, 91. Zittel, K..A. 1893B, p. 671. Nimravris confertus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 D, p. 844, fig. 10. Adams, G. I. 1897 A, p. 149, fig. 5. Cope, E. D. 1881 C, p. 172. 1884 O, p. 972, pi. Ixxio, fig. 17. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 68. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 344. Miocene (John Day); Oregon. Nimravus gomphodus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 D, p. 844, figs. 6, 7. Adams, G. I. 1897 A, p. 149, fig. 4. Cope, E. D. 1879 F, p. 170. (N. brachyops; not Deinictis brachyops.) 1881 C, p. 171. 1881 J, p. 546, fig. 8. 1884 O, p. 964, pi. Ixxiia, figs. 1-3; pi. Ixxiii. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 63. Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, p. 434, fig. 186. (N. bra- chyops.) Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 68. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 344. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 673, fig. 563. Miocene (John Day) ; Oregon. Adams, G. 1. 18% A, p. 444. Gill, T. 1872 B, p. 59. Roger, O, 18% A, p. 66 (Proaelurinse.); p. 67 (Ma- chairodinse, in part.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 350. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 676. 782 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. PSEUD^ELURUS Gervais. Type Felis quadridentata Blainv. Gervais, P., 1848-1862, Zool. etPaleont. Iran?., 1st edition, p. 127. Adams, G. 1. 1897 A, p. 145. Cope, E. D. 1879 F, p. 170. 1881 C, p. 167. 1884 O, p. 948. Deperet, C. 1892 A, p. 20. Filhol, H. 1872 A, p. 3. 1876 A, p. 158. 1891 A, p. 73. Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 232. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 52. 1871 C, p. 343. Lydekker, R. 1884 A, p. 314. 1885 B, p. 64. Mivart, St. G. 1881 A, p. 434. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 39. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 350. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 54, 78, 91. Zittel, K. A. Pseudaelurus intrepidus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1858 E, p. 22. [Felis (Pseudselurus).] Cope, E. D. 1879 X, p. 798a. Hayden, F. V. 1858 B, p. 158. [Felis (Pseudce- lurus).] King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. (Drepanodon.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, pp. 52, 367, pi. i, fig. 8. 1871 C, p. 343. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 67. Schlosser, M. 1890 B, p. 40. Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 71. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 343. (Syn. of Archse- lurus debilis. ) Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska, Colorado. FELIS J Linn. Type F. cairn Linn. Linnseus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i, p. 41. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 81. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, O, p. 1, pi. xix. Cope, E. D. 1879 F, pp. 170, 171. 1899 A, p. 247. (Felis, Uncia.) Flower, W. H. 1869 B, p. 15. . 1883 D, p. 434. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 602. Leche, W. 1895 A, p. 56. Mivart, St. G. 1881 A. 1882 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1447. Owen, R. 1866 B Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 225. Troueesart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 351. Williston, S.W.1898K. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 54, 91, 100, 101. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 676. Felis atrox Leidy. Leidy, J. 1853 F, p. 34. \ Cope, E. D. 1880 D, p. 858. ( Uncia. ) 1899 A, p. 249. (Uncia.) Cope and Wortman 1884 A, p. 5. Leidy, J. 1860 B, p. 103. ' 1869 A, p. 365. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 72. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 351. Wailes, B. L. C. 1854 A, p. 286. Felis augustus Leidy. 'Leidy, J. 1872 E, p. 39. Cope, E. D. 1880 D, p. 858. (Uncia.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 227, 315, pi. vii, figs. 18, 19; pi. xx, fig. 24. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 68. (Felis?.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 73. (F. angusta.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 351. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 677. (F. angustus.) Miocene (Loup Fork); Nebraska. Felis calcaratus Cope. Coj)e, E. D. 1899 A, p. 250, pi. xxi, figs, 2, 2o. / 1895 F, p. 448. ( F. ruf us, not of authors. ) Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Felis concolor Linn. Linnseus, C., 1771, Mantissa, p. 522. Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 83, pi. Ixxi. '"'ehe!, C. G. 1872 A, p, 431. 'Leidy, J. 1888 A, p. 9. 'Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 352. True, F. W. 1891 A, p. 591. ' Recent; Mexico to Canada. Pleistocene; Il- linois. Felis eyra Desm. Baird, S. F. 1867 A, p. 88, pi. Ixii, fig. 1. Cope, E. D. 1895 F, p. 449. 1899 A, p. 250. Giebel, C. G, 1872 A, p. 431. Recent; Guiana to Mexico. Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Felis hillianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1892 Y, p. 1029. -1892 I, p. 327. . 1893 A, p. 55, pi. xiv, figs. 1-11. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 75. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 72. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 351. Pliocene (Blanco); Texas. Felis imperialis Leidy. ' Leidy, J. 1873 F, p. 259. Adams, G. 1. 18% A, p. 434. .Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 228, 315, pi. xxxi.fig. 3. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 73. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 351. 'Whitney, J. D. 1879 A, p. 246. Yates, L. G. 1874 B, p. 18. Pleistocene; California. 1 Besides the species below recorded, Dr. Leidy (1889 H, p. 6) has reported F. canadewis from a cave in Pennsylvania. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 783 Felis inexpectatus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1895 F, p. 449. (Crocuta.) 1896 F, p. 392. ( Uncia mercerii, in part.) 1899 A, p. 247, pi. xxi, figs. l-l/. (Uncia.) Lydekker, R., 1896, Zool. Record for 1895, Mamm., p. 28. (Nimravus?.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 66 (Hyaena crocuta inex- pectata). Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 351. (8yn. of Felis mercerii. ) Pleistocene; Pennsylvania. Felis? maximus Scott and Osb. Scott and Osborn 1890 B, p. 70, figs. 4, 5. "Adams, G. I. 1896 A, p. 434. (Genus uncertain.) Cragin, F. W. 1892 B, p. 17. Matthew, \V. D. 1899 A, p. 68. (Felis?.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 72. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 351. Williston, S. W. 1898 K, p. 349. Miocene (Loup Fork); Kansas. Felis ruffus Giildenst. Allen, J, A. 1876 C, p. 333. (Lynx rufus.) Baird, S. F. 1857 A, p. 90. (Lynx rufus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 368. (F.rufa.) Recent; United States to Mexico. Pleisto- cene?; caves of Pennsylvania, fide Allen. Suborder PINNIPEDIA. Allen, J. A. 1880 A. Cope, E.D. 1888 CC, p. 310. 1889 R, p. 876. 1898 B, pp. 118, 120. Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 442. 1885 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 592. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 50. GUI, T. 1866 A. 1872 A. 1872 B, pp. 56, 68. Gray, J. E. 1866 A. Gruber, W. 1859 A. Hffickel, E. 1895 A, p. 588. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 359. Kukenthal, W. 1890 C. Leboucq, H. 1888 A, p. 359. Lydekker, R. 1896 B. Mivart, St. G. 1885 A. Murie, J. 1874 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1422. Osborn, H. F. 1893 D. Paulli, S. 1900 B, p. 505. Reh, L. 1894 A. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 73. Schlosser, M. 1889 A. 1890 C, p. 266. Smith, J. 1895 A, p. 342. Steinmann and Doderiein 1890 A, p. 728. Thompson, D'A. W. 1890 A. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 475. Tornier, G. 1890 A, p. 449. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 369. Van Beneden, P. J. 1877 A. Weber, M. 1886 A, p. 227. Wortman, J. L. 1894 A, pp. 157, 162. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 680. OTARIID.E. Brookes, 1828, Cat. Anat. Zool. Mus., p. riadffijide Allen.) Allen, J. A. 1880 A, p. 187. Flower and Lydekker 1898 A, p. 693. Gill, T. 1866 A, p. 7. (Ota- Gill, T. 1872 B, pp. 68, 69. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 369. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 70. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 683. (Otaridse.) ECMETOPIAS Gill. Type Arctocephalus monteriensis Gray=Otaria stelleri Lesson. Gill, T. 1866 A, pp. 7, 11. Allen, J. A. 1880 A, p. 231. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 593. (Otaria, in part.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 370. Eumetopias stelleri (Lesson). Allen, J. A. 1880 A, p. 232, fig. 37. (Synonymy and literature.) Bowers, S. 1889 A. Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 60. (Otaria.) 1872 A, figs. 4, 5. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 370. Recent; Pacific coast from California to Japan. Pleistocene; California, fide Bowers. ODOBENID.E. This name is usually spelled Odobsenidx. Unless otherwise indicated, the following au- thors use the family name Trichechidse. Allen, J.A, 1880 A, pp. 3,5. Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 443. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 5%. Gadow, H. 1898 A, p. 51. Gill, T. 1866 A, pp. 7, 11. (Rosmaridse.) 1872 B, pp. 27, 69, 70. (Rosmaridse.) Gray, J. E., 1821, Lond. Med. Repos., p. 303. 1825, Ann. Philos., p. 340. 1866 A, p. 33. (Trichechina.) Haeckel, E, 1895 A, p. 590. (Trichechida.) Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 360. 784 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Mivart, St. G. 1886 A. (Trichechina.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, pp. 1422, 1424. Reh, L. 1894 A, p. 12. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 76. Turner, H. N. 1848 A, pp. 85, 88. (Tricheciiia, subfamily. ) Van Beneden, P. J. 1877 A, p. 39. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 73. (Trichechini.) Wortman, J. L. 1886 A, p. 451. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 685. ODOBENUS Brisson. Type Phoca rosmarus Linn. Brisson, A. D. 1762, Regnum Anim., ed. ii, pp. 12, 30-31. Unless otherwise indicated, the following au- thors refer to this genus under the name Tri- chechus. Allen, J. A. 1880 A, p. 14. (Odobsenus.) Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, J. (Trichechus.) Boyd, C. H. 1881 A. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 597. Gill, T. 1866 A, p. 13. (Rosmarus.) Gratiolet, P. 1858 A. (Odobenotherium, type O. lartetianus.) Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 35. Kukenthal, W. 1894 A, p. 77. Mivart, St. G. 1885 A, p. 493. Murie, J. 1871 A. Nicholson and Lydekker, 1889 A, p. 1424. Owen, R. 1845 B, p. 510. Palmer, T. S. 1899 A, p. 494. Pictet, F. J. 1853 A, p. 233. Rhoads, S. N. 1898 A, p. 200. (Rosmarus.) Slade, D. D. 1888 A, p. 243. Smith, J. 1895 A, p. 339, fig. 7. Stannius, H. 1842 B. Tomes, C. S. 1898 A, p. 478. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 375. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Van Beneden, P. J. 1877 A, p. 39. Wiegmann, F. A. 1838 A, p. 113. (Odobenus. ) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 685. Odobenus rosmarus (Linn.). Linnxus, C., 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, i p. 38. (Phoca.) Unless otherwise indicated, the following au- thors refer this species to Trichechus. Allen, J. A. 1880 A, p. 23, figs. 15, 16, 18,20,23,25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34. (Synonymy and literature.) Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, J, pis. i, iv, vii, ix. (Trichechus.) Gervais, P. 1859 A, p. 275. (Trichechus. ) Giebel, C. G. 1847 A, p. 222. Goethe, J. W. 1831 A, p. 8, pi. iv. ("Walross.") Gray, J. E. 1866 A, p. 37, fig. 12. Gratiolet, P., 1858 A, pi. v. (Odobenotherium lar- tetianus.) Jaeger, G. 1844 A. (Wallross.) Kersten, H. 1821 A. Kukenthal, W. 1894 A, p. 77. Malmgren, A. J. 1864 A, p. 505, pi. vii. (Odobse- nus.) 1865 A. (Odobsenus.) Murie, J. 1871 A. Owen, R. 1853 A. 1866 B, p. 498, fig. 339. 1868 A, p. 338. Peters, W. 1864 A, plate. (Odobsenus rosmarus.) Reh, L. 1894 A, p. 12. Rhoads, S. N. 1898 A, p. 200. (Rosmarus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 75. Stannius, H. 1842 B. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 375. Van Beneden, P. J. 1877 A, p. 39, pi. viii, figs. 7-9. Wiegmann, F. A. 1838 A, p. 113. (Odobenus.) Recent; shores of Northern Atlantic and Arc- tic oceans from Labrador to Siberia. Pleisto- cene; Labrador. Odobenus virginianus (De Kay). De Kay, J. E. 1842 C, p. 56, pi. xix, fig. 1. (Triche- chus.) Agassiz, L. 1851 A, p. 252. ("Walrus.") Allen, J. A. 1880 A, p. 57. (Odobsenus. ) Amer. Naturalist 1871 B, p. 316. Barton, B. S. 1805 A, p. 98. (Trichechus rosma- rus.) Cope, E. D. 1869 N, p. 740. (Trichechus rosmarus.) 1874 T. ("Walrus.") 1878 BB. (Trichechus rosmarus.) Harlan, R. 1834 B, p. 72. (Trichechus rosmarus.) 1835 B, p. 277. (Trichechus rosmarus.) Leidy, J. 1857 G, p. 83, pi. iv; pi. v, fig. 1. (Tri- chechus.) 1869 A, p. 416. (Trichechus rosmarus.) 1876 A, p. 80. (" Walrus.") 1877 A, p. 214, pi. xxx, fig. 6. (Rosmarus obesus.) Lyell, C. 1843 C, p. 32. (Trichechus rosmarus.) Mitchell, Smith, and Cooper 1828 A. ("Walrus.") Newberry, J. S. 1870 C, p. 75. (Trichechus ros- marus.) 1874 D, p. 71. (Trichechus rosmarus.) Packard, A. S. 1867 A, pp. 243, 246. (Rosmarus obesus.) Rhoads, S. N. 1898 A, p. 1%. Pleistocene; Maine, Nova Scotia, Massachu- setts, New Jersey, Virginia, South Carolina. Some of the remains described by the above authors may belong to 0. rosmarus; indeed, it is not certain that any are distinct. PHOCID.E. Allen, J. A. 1880 A, p. 412. Blainville, H. M. D. 1864 A, ii, I, p. 5; J, p. 1, pis. i-ix. Cuvier, G. 1834 A, viii, pi. i, pp. 381-458, with plates. Flower, W. H. 1883 D, p. 443. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 600. Gill, T. 1866 A, p. 5. 1872 B, pp. 68, 69. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 785. Gray, .1. E. 1866 A, p. 1. Huxley, T. H. 1872 A, p. 360. Kiikenthal, W. 1894 A, p. 97. Leche, \V. 1893 B. Mivart. St. G. 1S85 A. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1422. Owen. K. 1845 B, p. 505. 1868 A, p. 336. Reh, L. 1894 A, p. 35. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 73. Scott, \V. B. 1892 A, p. 424. Turner, H. N. 1848 A. Van Beneden, P. J. 1877 A. Winge, H. 1895 B, pp. 47, 72, 74, 76, 91. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 683. CYSTOPHORA Nilsson. Type C. borealis Nilsson=P/ioca crlslata Erxl. Xilfitiin. N., 1820, Skaiid. Fauna, i, p. 382. Allen. J. A. 1880 A, p. 723. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 605. owen. R. 1868 A, p. 337. Cystophora cristata (Erxl.). Brafefen, C. P., 1777, Syst. Regn. Anim., p. 590. (Phoca.) Allen, J. A. 1880 A, pp. 470, 724, figs. 52-56. (Syn- onymy and literature.) Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 416. Lyell, C. 1843 C, p. 32. (C. proboscidea.) Owen, R. 1866 B, p. 4%. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 378. Recent; along shores of Northern Atlantic: said by Lyell to have been found in Tertiary strata of Martha's Vineyard. LOBODON Gray. Type Phoca carcinophaga Homb., Jacq. GrMesodonte.) 1877 K, pp. 85, 134. (>Mesodonta.) 1^80 B, p. 456. 1882 A, p. 446. (Mesodonta.) 1882 E, p. 151. 1883 I, pp. 77, 79. ( Prosimise, Mesodonta. ) 1884 O, pp. 239, 739 (Prostate; pp. 185, 211, 738 (Mesodonta). 1884 R, p. 60. (Lemuroidea.) 1885 K. (Lemuroidea.) 1888 EE, p. 164. (>Mesodonta.) Flower, W. H. 1876 B, xiv, p. 11. (Lemuroidea.) 1882 B. (Lemuroidea.) Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 682. (Lemu- roidea.) Gill, T. 1872 A, p. 2%. Hubrecht, A. A. W. 18% A, p. 150. (Lemures.) Leche, W. 1897 C. Lemoine, V. 1880.A, p. 587. Lydekker, R. 18% B. (Lemuroidea.) Mivart, St. G. 1868 B. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1465. (Lemu- roidea.) Osborn, H. F. 1888 F. p. 1068. (Lemuroidea.) 1890 C, p. 55. (Mesodonta.) 1900 C, p. 567. (Mesodonta.) Osborn an 1 Wortman 1892 A, p. 102. i Lemu- roidea, Mesodonta.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 249 % Riitimeyer, L. 1888 A, p." 29. (>Mesodonta.) j Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 19. (>PseudolemuridE8.) I Schmidt, O. 1886 A. p. 294. I Steinmann and Docbrlein 1890 A, p. 742. 1 Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 54. ! Winge, H. 1895 A, p. 12. (Lemuroidei.) !' Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 686, 711, 725. MIXODECTID^:. Cope, E. D. 18831, p. 80. (Anaptomorphidse, Myxo- dectidse.) 1884 K, pp. 318, 319. (Anaptomorphidse, Myxodectidae.) 1884 O, p. 240. (Anaptomorphidse, Myxo- dectidse.) 1884 R, p. 60. (Anaptomorphidge, Myxo- dectidse.) 1885 K, pp. 459, 464. (Anaptomorphidae, Myxodectidse.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, pp. 600, 604. (Necrolemures, in part.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 29. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 16. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, pp. 101, 102. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 253. (Anaptomorphida-.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 66. (Tarsiidit, : part.) Winge, H. 1895 A, p. 12. (Tarsiidse, in part; Ta siinse.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 696. MIXODECTES Cope. Type M. pungens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 M, p. 558. Branco, W. 1897 A, p. 31. Cope, E. D. 1884 K, p. 319. 1884 O, pp. xxxv, p. 240. 1885 K, p. 465. Matthew, W. D. 1897 B, pp. 231, 265. 1897 C, p. 265. 1898 B, p. 369. Nicholson and Lydekker ISM.) A, p. 1467. Osborn, H. F. 1898 A, p. 145. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, pp. 40, 49. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 697. Mixodectes crassiusculus Cope. Ooi>e, K. D. 1883 M, p. 560. 1884 O, p. 242, pi. xxiv/, fig. 2. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 787 Cope, E. D. 1888 CC, p. 304. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 29. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 254. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 67. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. Mixodectes pungens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1883 M, p. 659. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 241, pi. xxiv/, fig. 1885 K, p. 465, fig. 9. 1888 CC, p. 304. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 266, fig. 1. 1899 A, -p. 29. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 254. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. (17. Eocene (Torrejon); New Mexico. ANAPTOMORPHUS Cope. Type A. temulus Cope. f'opr. K. D. 1872 U, p. 554. Branco. W. 1897 A, p. 31. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 549. 1877 K, p. 135. 1882 E, p. 152. 1882 N, p. 73. 1884 K, p. 319. 1884 O, pp. xxxv, 214, 240, 245. 1884 R, p. 60. 1885 K, p. 465. 1888 G. p. 8. Filhol. H. 1874 A, p. 1. 1883 B, p. 3 (Anaptomorphus); p. 15 (Wa'sh- akius). 1885 A. Flower. \V. H. 1882 B, p. 445. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 697. Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1896 A, p. 162. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 123. (Washakius, type W. in- signte.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1467. (Mx.rn. H. F. 1888 F, p. 1077. 1892 I. 1895 C, p. 7, pi. AA, figs. 7, 9. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 102. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 34 (Washakius=?Opisthot- omus); pp. 39, 48 (Anaptomorphus). Science 1885 A, p. 489. Scot t. W. B. 1892 A, p. 418. Steinrannn and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 744. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 67. Winge.H. 1895 A, p. 15. Zittcl, K. A. 1893 B, p. 697. Anaptomorphus eemulus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 U, p. 554. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 549. 1884 O, p. 248, pi. xxv, fig. 10. 1885 K, p. 465, fig. 11. Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 239. (Syn. of Antiacodon nan us.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 38. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1468, fig. 1351. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 103. (Antiaco- don.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 253. (A. aemulus, with "Washakius fallax " as a synonym.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 67. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Anaptomorphus homunculus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 152. 1882 N, p. 73. 1884 K, p. 466, fig. 12. 1884 O, p. 249, pi. xxive, fig. 1. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 30. (Omomys.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1467, fig. 1350. Osborn. H. F. 1895 C, p. 11, fig D. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 102, fig. 6. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 254. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 67. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 697, fig. 576. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Anaptomorplaus insignis (Leidy). Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 123, 336, pi. xxvii, figs. 3, 4. (Washakius.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 38. (Syn. of A. aemulus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 67. (Anaptomorphus.) Eecene (Bridger); Wyoming. ANTIACODON Marsh. Type A. renustm Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 210. Cope, E. D. 1873 C, pp. 13, 17. 1875 L, p. 21. Filhol, H. 1883 B, p. 17. Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 239. 1877 E. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 38. (=?Omomys.) Schlosser, M. 1887 B. p. 38. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 697. (Syn. of Anapto- morphus.) Antiacodon nanus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 213. (Hemiacodon.) 1875 B, p. 239. (Antiacodon: Anaptomor- phus semulus, a synonym.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 38. (Hemiacodon? nanus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 74. (Hemiacodon.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Marsh's Antiacodon nanus seems to be his earlier Hemiacodon nanus. Antiacodon venustus Marsh. Marsh. O. C. 1872 I, p. 210. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 607. (Syn. of A. pygmceus. ) 1873 U, p. 1. (Syn. of A. pygmaeus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 38. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 253. (Sarcolemur.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 67 (Syn. of A. semulus); p. 73 (Sarcolemur). Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. 788 FOSSIL VEBTEBBATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. OMOMYS Leidy. Type 0. carteri Leidy. Leidy, J. 1869 B, p. 63. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 13. 1877 K, p. 134. 1884 O, pp. 215, 240. Leidy, J. 1869 A, p. 408. 1871 C, p. 364. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1467. Osborn and Wortman 1892 A, p. 102. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 35. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 697. Omomys carteri Leidy. Leidy, J. 1869 B, p. 63. 1869 A, p. 408, pi. xxix, figs. 13, 14. 1871 C, p. 365. 1872 B, p. 356. 1873 B, pp. 120, 336. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 38. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 254. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 67. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. CYNODONTOMYS Cope. Type C. latidens Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 151. 1883 M, p. 559. 1884 K, p. 319. 1884 O, pp. xxxv, pp. 239, 240, 243. 1885 K, p. 465. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1467. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, pp. 40, 48. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 698. Cynodontomys latidens ('ope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 151. 1884 O, p. 244, pi. xxivf, fig. 2. 1885 K, p. 465, fig. 10. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 30. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 254. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 68. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. PROSINOPA Trouessart. Type Sinopa eximia Leidy. Troucssart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 68. Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 310. (Sinopa.) Prosinopa eximia ( Leidy ) . Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 118, 316, pi. xvi, fig. 45. nopa.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 38. Roger, O. 1896 A, pp. 35, 254. (Sinopa?.) Scott, W. B. 1892 B, p. 310. (Sinopa?.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 68. Eocene (Bridger); Wy timing. LIMNOTHERIIDJ3. Marsh, 0. C. 1875 B, p. 239. Bronn, H. G. 1838 A, p. 1224, pi. xlvi, fig. 6. (Ad- apis.) Cope, E. D. 1884 K, p. 318. 1884 O, pp. 213, 240. 1885 K, p. 459. Filhol, H. 1883 B, p. 19. (Adapis.) Flower, W. H. 1882 B, p. 444. (Adapis.) Gaudry.'A. 1878 B, p. 226. (Adapis.) Haeckel, E. 1895 A, pp. 600, 604. (Necrolemures, in part. Leche, W. 1897 C, p. 147. (Adapis.) Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 240. (Lemuravidse.) Marsh, O. C. 1876 G, p. 60. (Limnotheriida-, Le- muravidfe. ) 1877 E. 1895 D, p. 498. (Limnotheriids, Lemura- vidse.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 146C>. Ada- pidte, Hyopsodontidac. ) Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 21 (Adapidse); pp. 21, 54 (Hyopsodidae). Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 743. (Ada- pidse, Hyopsodidae.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 689. (Pachylemuridae.) TOMITHERIUM Cope. Type T. rostratum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 E, p. 470. 1873 E, pp. 546, 645. 1876 E. 1877 K, p. 134. 1884 O, pp. 216, 218. 1885 K, pp. 460,461. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 698. Lockwood, S. 1886 A, p. 324. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 37. (Syn.? of No- tharctus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1466. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 13. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 22. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 693. Tomitherium affine (Marsh). Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 207. (Limnotherium.) Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 223. (Limnotherium.) Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 239. (Limnotherum; T. ros- tratum, a syn.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 37. (Notharctus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 70. (Syn. of T. ros- tratum.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Possibly identical with T. rostratum dope. Tomitherium rostratum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1872 E, p. 4VO. CATALOGUE. 789 Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. f>|.s. 1S73 U, p. 3. 1876 E. 1884 O, p. 221, pi. xxv, figs. 1-9. 1885 K, p. 464, figs. 5-7. Marsh, 0. C. 1875 B, p. 239. (Syn. of Limnothe- rium affine.) i., p. 37. (Syn. of Notharctus Matthew, W. D. : tenebrosus. ) Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 13. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 251. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p, 70. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. LIMNOTHERIUM Marsh. Type L. tyrannus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 D, p. 43. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 220. 1887 S, p. 253. Marsh, O. C. J872 N. 1875 B, p. 239. 1877 E. 1895 D, p. 498. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 37. (Syn.? of Notharc- tus.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1372. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 36. (Syn. of Tomithe- rium.) Trouessart, K. L. 1897 A, p. 70. (Syn. of Tomithe- rium.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 693. (Syn. of Tomithe- rium.) Limnotherium tyrannus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 D, p. 43. Cope, E. D. 1872 E, p. 471. (Notharctus.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 364. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 37. (Notharctus.) Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 251. (Tomitherium.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 70. (Tomitherium.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. NoTHAKcrrs Leidy. Type X. Imebrosus Leidy. Leidi/, J. 1870 Q, p. 114. Cope, E. D. 1872 E, p. 471. 1873 E, p. 5-18. 1877 K, p. 135. 1879 A, p. 43. (Syn. of Adapis.) 18S4 O, p. 34. I.s,s5 K, p. 460, Filhol, H. 1883 B, p. 19. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 698. Leidy, .1. 1871 0, p. 344. i.<7;; j?, ]>. M;. Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 239. 1894 L, p. 263. Matthew \V. I). 1899 A, p. 37. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1466. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 22. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 694. Notharctus tenebrosus Leidy Leidij, J. 1870 Q, p. 114. Cope, E. D. 1872 E, p. 471. 1885 K, p. 461, fig. 4. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 344. 1872 B, p. 364. 1873 B, pp. 86, 329, pi. vi, figs. 36, 37. Matthew, W. I). 1899 A, p. 37. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 252. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 70. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. ' LEMURAVUS Marsh. Type L. distorts Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 239. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 148. Marsh, O. C. 1876 G, p. 60. 1877$. 1895 D, p. 498. Nicholson and Lydekker Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 691. Lemuravus distans Marsh. Marth, 0. C. 1875 B, p. 238. King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 37. (Syn. of Hyop duspaulus.) Roger, O. 18% A, p. 250. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 70. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. PELYCODUS Cope. Type Prototomus jorrovii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 0, p. 13. 1875 L, p. 21. 1882 E, p. 151 . 1884 O, pp. 216, 224. 1885 K, pp. 459, 467. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 699. Nicho)son and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1465. Osborn, H. F. 1888 A, p. 1076. Riitimeyer, L. 1888 A, p. 34. i, p. 115. Schlosser, M. 1894 A, p. 159. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 743. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 691. Pelycodus frugivorus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 14. 1877 K, p. 144, pi. xxxix, fig. 16. (TomV therium.) i, p. 187. (P. nuuienum.) 790 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 151. 1884 O, pp. 182, 225, 2:>, pi. xxva, figs. 4, 5. Earle, C. 1898 A, p. 262. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 30, 34. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 250. (P. frugivorus, P. nunie- num.) Rutimeyer, L. 1888 A, p. 35. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 71. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 692, fig. 570. Eocene (Wasatch, Wind River); New Mexico, Wyoming. Pelycodus jarrovii Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 14. (Prototomus.) 1875 C, p. 14. 1876 E, p. 88. (Tomitherium.) 1877 K, pp. 137, 141, pi. xxxix, figs. 17, 18; pi. xl, figs. 1-15. (Tomitherium.) 1881 D, p. 187. 1882 E, p. 151. 1884 O, pp. 225, 228. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 30. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 250. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 70. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico, Wyoming. Pelycodus tutus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1877 K, p. 141, pi. xxxix, fig. 19; pi. xl, figs. 16-25. (Tomitherium.) 1876 E, p. 88. (No description.) 1881 D, p. 187. 1882 E, p. 151. 1884 O, pp. 224, 225, 228, pi. xxva, figs. 1-3. 1885 K, p. 468, figs. 13, 16. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 30, 34. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 250. Riitinieyer, L. 1888 A, p. 35. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 71. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 692, fig. 569. Eocene (Wasatch, Wind River) ; New Mexico, Wyoming, Colorado. HYOPSODUS Leidy. Type H. paulus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 O, p. 110. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, pp. 13, 18. 1875 L, p. 21. 1877 K, pp. 135, 150. 1882 GG, p. 1029. (Diacodexis, type D. late- cuneus.) 1884 O, pp. 216, 234 (Hyopsodus); pp. 386, 492 (Diacodexis). 1885 K, p. 460. 1886 X, p. 1208. 1887 S, p. 257. Earle, C. 1898 A, p. 262. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 697. Gaudry, A. 1877 A. Leidy.'J. 1871 C, p. 354. 1872 B, p. 362. 1872 C, p. 20. 1873 B, p. 75. Lydekker, R. 1885 A. Marsh, O. C. 1871 D, p. 42. (Hypsodus.) 1875 B, p. 239. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1465. Osborn, H. F. 1888 E. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 15. Pavlow, M. 1887 A, p. 369. (Diacodexis.) 1888 A, p. 135. Rutimeyer, L. 1888 A, p. 34. 1891 A, p. 118. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 21. 1894 A, p. 159. Scott, W. B. 1892 A, p. 418. Steinmann and Doderlein 1890 A, p. 743. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 220 (Diacodexis); p. 693 (Hyopsodus). Hyopsodus gracilis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1871 D, p. 42. (Hypsodus.) Cope, E. D. 1872 E, p. 471. (Notharctus.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 407. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 363. 1872 C, p. 20. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 37, 49. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 251. Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 471. Scott and Osborn 1887 A, p. 255. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 71. Eocene (Bridger, Uinta); Wyoming. Hyopsodus laticuneus (Cope). Cope, E. D. 1882 E, pp. 179, 181. (Phenacodus lati- cuneus, in part.) 1882 GG, p. 1029, (Diacodexis.) 1884 O, p. 492 pi. xxve, figs. 17, molars; p. 18 (Diacodexis). 1884 AA, p. 901, figs. 246, c. (Diacodexis.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 30. Pavlow, M. 1887 A, p. 369. (Diacodexis.^ Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 167. (Diacodexis?.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 726. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Dr. Matthew (op. cit.) states that the molars, upper and lower, of Cope's D. latecuneus belong to Hyopsodus, the premolars to Hyracotherium index. Hyopsodus lemoinianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 148, . 1884 O, pp. 235, 236, pi. xxive, figs. 8, 9. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 30, 34. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 251. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 71. Eocene (Wasatch, Wind River); Wyoming. Hyopsodus minusculus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 81, 320, pi. xxvii, fig. 5. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 18. (Syn. of H. vicarius.) 1880 O, p. 908. (Syn. ? of H. vicarius.) 1884 O, p. 237. (Syn. of H. vicarius.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 403, Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 37. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 251. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 71. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. May be identical with U. vicarius. Hyopsodus miticulus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 8. (Esthonyx.) 1875 C, p. 18. 1877 K, p. 160, pi. xlv, figs. 10-12. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 791 Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 149. 1884 O, p. 235. Matthew, \V. D. 1899 A, pp. 30, 34. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 251. Trouessart, E. L. 1S97 A, p. 71. Eocene (Wasatch, Wind River); New Mexico. Hyopsodus paulus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 O, p. 110. Cope, E. D. 1873 E, p. 609. 1873 U, p. 1. 1875 C, p. 18. 1881 D, p. 186. 1882 E, p. 148. 1884 O, pp. 235, 237. 1885 K, p, 460, fig. 2. 1887 I, p. 657. King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. Leidy, J. 1871 C, p. 354. 1872 B, p. 363. 1873 B, pp. 75, 320, pL vi, figs. 1-9, 18-20. Marsh, D. C. 1871 D, p. 42. (Hypsodus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 30, 34, 37. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 15. Pavlow, M. 1887 A, p. 371. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 251. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 71. Eocene (Wasatch, Wind River, Bridger); Wyoming. Hyopsodus powellianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 235, pi. xxiiid, figb. . ,. 1882 E, pp. 179, 180. (Phenacodus zunien- sis.) Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 270. 1899 A, p. 30. Osborn, H. F. 1897 G, p. 256. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 251. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 71. Eocene (Wasatch); Wyoming. Hyopsodus vicarius Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 U, p. 1. (Microsyops.) 1873 E, p. 609. (Microsyops.) 1875 C, p. 18. 1881 D, p. 186. 1882 E, p. 149. 1884 O, pp. 235, 237, pi. xxiv, figs. 20, 21; pi. xxva, fig. 7. 1885 K, p. 460, fig. 2. Lydekker, R. 1885 E, p, 470. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 30, 34, 37. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1465, fig. 1348 Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 251. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 21. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 71. Eocene (Wasatch, Wind River, Bridger); Wyoming. MICROSYOPS Leidy. Type M. gracilis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1872 C, p. 20. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 13. 1877 K, p. 134. 1884 K, p. 319. 1884 O, pp. xxxv, 215, 216, 240. 1885 K, p. 465. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, p. 698. Gaudry, A. 1877 A. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 82. Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 239. Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 265. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1466 Schlosser, M. 1887 B, pp. 40, 49. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 693. Microsyops elegans (Marsh). Marsh, 0. C. 1871 D, p. 43. (Limnotherium.) Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 217. 1887 S, p. 257, fig. 30. King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 364. (Limnotherium.) 1873 B, pp. 83, 320. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 37. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 251 (syn. of M. gracilis); p. 252 (Notharctus). ^ Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 72. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Microsyops gracilis Leidy. Leidy, J. 1872 C, p. 20. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 216. 1885 K, p. 465, fig. 2. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 83, pi. vi, figs. 14-17. Marsh, O. C. 1881 D, p. 188. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, pp. 30, 34, 37. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 251. Eocene (Wasatch, Wind River, Bridger); Wyoming. Microsyops scottianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1881 D, p. 188. 1884 O, p. 217, pi. xxivo, fig. 2. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 34. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 251. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 72. Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming. Microsyops speirianus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1880 O, p. 908. 1881 D, p.. 188. 1882 C, p. 463. (M. spierianus.) 1884 O, p. 216, pi. xxva, fig, 8. (M. spieri- anus.) Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 30. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 251. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 72. Eocene (Wind River); Wyoming. Microsyops uintensis Osborn. ;, H. F. 1895 A, p. 77, fig. 1. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 49. Roger, 0. 18% A, p. 251. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 72. Eocene (Uinta); Wyoming. 792 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. MiCROsrs Leidy. Type ^f. <-ti#]iidutHx Leidy Leidy, J. 1870 Q, p. 11. 1871 C, p. 354. 1872 B, p. 363. 1873B, p. 81. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 72. (Syn. of Micro- syops.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, pp. 688, 693. Microsus cuspidatus Leidy. Leidy, J. 1870 Q, p. 113. 1871 C, p. 354. 1872 B, p. 363. 1873 B, pp. 81, 321, pi. vi, figs. 10, 11. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 37. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 72. (Syn. of Micro gracilis.) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. MENOTHERIUM Cope. Type M. lemurinum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 R, p. 419. 1874 B, p. 510. 1875 N, p. 256. 1884 O, pp. 788, 808. Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 240. (Laopithecus, type L. robustus.) 1877 E. Matthew, W. IX 1899 A, p. 59. (Syn. of Lepto- chcerus. ) Scott, W. B. 1890 A, p. 471. (Menotherium, La- opithecus.) Zitttel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 6%. Menotherium lemurinum Cope. Cope, E. D. 1873 R, p. 419. 1874 B, p. 510. 1874 P, p. 22. Cope, E. D. 1884 O, p. 808, pi. Ixvi, figs. 34-30. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 60. (Leptochierus. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 72. Oligocene (White River); Colorado. Menotherium robustum ( Marsh ) . Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 240. (Laopithecus.) King, C. 1878 A, p. 411. (Laopithecus. i Marsh, O. C. 1893 D, p. 412, pi. x, fig. 5. (Laopi cus.) Matthew, W. D. 1889 A, p. 59. (Syn. of Le chrerus spectabilis.) Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 252. (Laopithecus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 72. (Syn. of M. le rinum.) Oligocene (White River); 30 miles MHH Black Hills, South Dakota. INDRODON Cope. Type /. malar is Cope. Cope, E. D. 1884 K, pp. 318, 319. 1884 O, p. xxxv. 1884 R, p. 60. 1885 K, p. 465. Flower and Lydekker 1891 A, Matthew, W. D. 1897 C, p. 265. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 16. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 6%. Indrodon malaris Cope. Cape, E. D. 1884 K, p. 318. Cope, E. D. 1884 R, p. 61. 1885 K, p. 465. 1888 CC, p. 304. Matthew, W. D. 1X97 C, p. 320. 1899 A, p. 29. Osborn and Earle 1895 A, p. 16, figs. 3-5. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 252. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 72. Eocene (Torrejon): New Mexico. OPISTHOTOMUS Cope. Type 0. aslutus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, pp. 13, 15. 1877 K, pp. 135, 151. 1884 O, p. 216. 1885 K, p. 460. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 1878 A, p. 17. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 34. (=?Washakius.) Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 696. Opisthotomus astutus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 16. 1877 K, p. 152, pi. xlv, fig. 9. Osborn, Scott, and Speir 187s A, p. 17. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 252. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 7:5. Eocene; New Mexico, Wyoming, Opisthotomus flagrans Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 16. 1877 K, p. 152, pi. xlv, fig. 8. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 252. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 73. Eocene; New Mexico. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, pp. 13, 16. 1877 K, pp. 135. 137. 1884 O, p. 216. 1885 K, p. 460. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 696. Apheliscus insidiosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1874 O, p. 14. ( Prototomus. ) Cope. Type A. insidiosus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 17. 1877 K, p. J47. 1885 K, p, 460. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 253. Trouessart, ~E. L. 1897 A, p. 73. Eocene; New Mexico. HAY.] CATALOGUE. 793 SARCO LEMUR Cope. Type Antiacotlon furcatus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 N, p. 256. 1877 K, pp. 134. 147. 1884 0, pp. 216, 233. 1885 K, p. 460. Trouessart, E. L. 1898 \, \>. 7:;. Zittcl, K. A. 1893 B, p. 73. Sarcolemur crassus Cope. Cope, E. D. 1875 C, p. 17. (Antiacodon.) 1877 K, p. 149, pi. xlv, fig. 16. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 253. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 73. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Sarcolemur mentalis Cope. On"- K. D. 1875 C, p. 17. ( Antiacodon.) 1875 N, p. 256. 1877 K, "p. 149, pi. xlv, fig. 15. Roger, 0. 1896 A, p. 253. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 73. Eocene (Wasatch); New Mexico. Sarcolemur pyg-mseus Cope. Cope, E. D, 1872 M, p. 2 of Palaeont. Bull. (Lophi- otherium.) 1872 M (1873) , p. 461. (Hyopsotius. ) 1873 E, p. 607 (Antiacodon pygmajus) : p. 608 (A. furcatus). 1873 U, p. 1. (Antiacodon pygrnneus, Antia- codon furcatus.) 1875 N, p. 256. (S. fumitus, S. pygnigeus.) 1877 K, p. 148. (S. pygmaus. S. furcatus.) 1884 O, p. 233, pi. xxiv. tigs. 18, 19. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 38. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 253. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 73. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. HIPPOSYUS Leidy. Type //. formosus Leidy. Leidy, J, 1872 D, p. 37. Cope, E. D. 1874 M, p. 82. 1887 S, p. 258. Leidy, J. 1873 B, p. 90. Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 239. 1877 E. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 36. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 6%. Hipposyus forxnosus Leidy. Liiilii, J. 1872 D, p. 37. 1873 B, pp. 90, 321, pi. vi, fig. 41; pi. xxvii, figs. 1,2. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 37. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 253. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 73. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Hipposyus robustior Leidy. Leidy, J. 1872 B, p. 364. (Notharctus.) Cope, K. D. 1872 E, p. 471. (Notharctus.) Leidy, J. 1873 B, pp. 93, 321, pi. vi, fig. 40. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A. i>. 37. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 253. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 74. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. BATHRODON Marsh. Type B. typus Marsh. Marxli, O. C. 1872 I, p. 211. Cope, E. D. 1882 E, p. 165. Marsh, O. C. 1875 B, p. 238. 1877 A, p. 81. 1877 E. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 37. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 6%. Bathrodon annectens Marsh. .V-(/-.--/i, O. C. 1872 I, p. 211. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 37. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 253. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A. p. 74. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Bathrodon typus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 211. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 37. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 253. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 74. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. TELMALESTES Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 206. Cope. E. D. 1877 K, p. 148. (Telmatolestes.) Marsh, O. C. 1872 N, p. 405. (Telmatolestea.) 1875 B, p. 239. (Telmatolestes.) 1877 E. (Telmatolestes.) Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1466. (Tel matolestes.) Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 37. (Telmatolestes.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 74. (Telmatolestes.) Type T. crassus Marsh. I Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 696. (Telmatolestes.) Telmalestes crassus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 206. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 37. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 253. (Telmatolestes.) Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 37. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A. p. 74. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. 794 FOSSIL VERTEBRATA OF NORTH AMERICA. [BULL. 179. HEMIACODON Marsh. Type H. gradlis Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 212. 1877 E. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 37. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 688. Hemiacodon gracilis Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 212. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 263. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A. p. 74. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Hemiacodon pucillus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 213. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 38. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 253. (H. pusillus.) Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 74. (H. pusillus,) Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. THINOLESTES Marsh. Type T. nnceps Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 205. 1872 N. 1875 B, p. 239. 1877 E. Nicholson and Lydekker 1889 A, p. 1466 Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 37. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 696. Thinolestes anceps Marsh. Mn /.-//, O. C. 1872 I, p. 205. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 37. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 253. Troui-sjirt, E. L. 1897 A, p. 74. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. STENACODON Marsh. Type 8. rams Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 210. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 37. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 696. Stenacodon rarus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 210. Marsh, O. C. 1894 L, p. 265. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 48. Roger, O. 18% A, p. 253. Tronrssart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 74. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. MESACODON Marsh. Type M. speciosus Marsh. Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 212. 1875 B, p. 239. 1877 E. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, p. 37. 1890 B, p. 64. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 696. Mesacodon speciosus Marsh. Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 212. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 38. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 253. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 74. Korcne (Bridger); Wyoming. PALJEACODON Leidy. Type P. rents Leidy. Leidy, J. 1872 C, p. 21. 1873 B, p. 122, Marsh, O. C. 1872 I, p. 224. 1875 B, p. 239. 1877 E. Schlosser, M. 1887 B, pp. 35, 144. Zittel, K. A. 1893 B, p. 688. Palseacodon vagus Maish Marsh, 0. C. 1872 I, p. 224. King, C. 1878 A, p. 403. Matthew, W. D. 1899 A, p. 38. Roger, O. 1896 A, p. 253. Trouessart, E. L. 1897 A, p. 74. Eocene (Bridger); Wyoming. Palaeacodon verus Leidy. /.r< lns) Alligator Alligatorida> Allodon Allodon tid w Allolepidotus Allomyidse Allomyini Allomys Allops Allopus Allosauridae Allosaurus Allotheria 556 Alopecias 305 alta (Clupea) 392 altarcus ( Anchybopsis) 395 altarcus ( Lcucus) 395 altarcus (Rutilns) 395 altarkansanus (Brachyrophus) 506 alternans (Didelphis) 571 alternans (Didelphys) 572 alternans (Embassls) 572 alternans (Peratherium) 572 335 295 512, 523, 514 511 557 557 376 718 71S 718 ... 633,634 . 538 Page. alternatus (Cladodus) 268 alticeps (Tinoceras) 702 alticeps (Uintatherium) 702 t alticornis (Bison) 500 alticornis (Ceratops) 500 alticornis (Polyonax ) goo alticuspis (Diacodon) 740 altidens (Centetodon) 740 altidens (Didymictis) 754 altidens ( Viverravus) 754 altigenis (Temnocyon) 773 altior (Ptychodus) sis altirostre (Titanotherium) 637 altirostris (Symborodon) 635,637 altonensis (Physonemus) 333 altonensis (Stethacanthus) 333 altus ( Amphiccelias) 486 altus (Coniornis) 522 altus (Diplomystus) 391 altus (Dryosaurus) 501 altus (Laosaurus) 502 altus (Meleagris) 534 altus (Pleuroccelus) 483 altus ( Procaraelus) 677 altus (Syntegmodus) 390 alveolatum (Ctenerpeton ) 415 Amacanthus 329 amarorum (Triplopus) 640 Ambloctonidae 755 Ambloctonus 756 amblodon (Pristis) 316 Amblonyx 544 Amblotherium 569 Amblyctonidae 755 Amblyctonus 756 Ambl ydactyla 692 Amblyodon 416 Amblypoda :... 692,701 Amblypterus 365,365 Amblypus 538 amblyxiphias (Ctenacanthus) 327 Ameiurus 382 americee (Elephas) 724 americana (Anas) 529 americana ( Antilocapra) 686 americana (Fulica) 528 americana (Mareca) .".. 529 americana (Martes) 767 americana (Mustela) 767 americana (Palaeaspis) 340 americana (Proviverra) 753 americana (Sus) 690 americana (Taxidea) 765 americanum (Eotherium) 636 americanum (Hyotherinm) 656 americanum (Mammut) 708 americanum (Megatherium) 576 americanum (Titanotherium) 636 americanus (Alee) 685 americanus (Alces) 685 americanus .(Allolepidotus) . . : S7H americanus (Ancodon) 052 americanus (Ancodus) 653 americanus (Bison) - . 689 americanus (Bos) 688,689 americanus (Bothrolabis) 656 son INDEX. Page. amoricanus (Camelus) americanus (Castor) americanus (Ceratodus) : americanus (Cervalces) americanus (Cervus) americanus (Chseropotamus) americanus (Elaphus) americanus (Elephas) americanus (Equus) americanus ( Eriptychius) americanus (Harlanus) americanus (Holoptychius) 344, americanus (Hyopotamus) americanus ( Manatus) americanus (Mastodon) americanus (Menodus) : americanus (Neoplagiaulax ) americanus (Otolithus) americanus ( Palseomery x ) americanus ( Pholidophorus) americanus (Rhinoceros) americanus (Sus) americanus (Tapirus) americanus (Ursus) Amia Amiacei amicrodus (Enchodus) Amiidse Amioidei Amiopsis Amiurus Ammodon Ammosaurus amorphus (Bryactinus) Amphibamus Amphibia Amphicentrum Amphichelydia Amphicoslias Amphicceliida; Amphicotylus Amphicyon 77/ Amphiemys Amphilestes Amphilestidae Amphilestinse Amphimorpha> Amphiplaga Amphisaurida' , Amphisaurus Amphisbaense Amphisbsenia Amphisbsenidse Amphisbaenoidea Amphitheriidse : Amphithcrium amphithorax (Testudo) amphiuminis (Oestocephalu.s) Amphorosteus amplexus (Epanterias) amplidens (Arctotherium) amplidens (Ursus) amplum (Titanotherium) amplus (Aublysodon) amplus (Brontosaurus) amplus (Camptomus) 708, 713 622, 623 358, 359 . 652 58!t . 708 631,, 636 . 559 .. 408 . 682 Page. 501 501 488 633 633 282 641 641 641 395 328 747 354 391 728 786 787 529 5'29 529 529 529 377 amplus (Camptonotus) amplus (Camptosaurus) amplus (Deinodon) amplus (Diploclonus) amplus (Megacerops) amplus (Polyrhizodus) Amynodon ......................... . Amynodontidue ................... ". Amynodontinje Amyzon Anaclitacanthus Anacodon anaides (Ichthyodectes) analis (Diplomystus) Anaptogenia ......................... Anaptogonia Anaptomorphida- Anaptomorphus Anas ....................... Anatidse ........... : Anatinae Anatoidea Anatoidese anax (Clastes) anax (Coryphodon ) ...................... 698, 699 anceps (Anchitherium) .................... 6/4 anceps (Canis) ............................. 775 anceps (Cimolichthys) ..................... SS9 anceps (Drepanaeanthus) .................. 334 anceps (Enchodus) .................... ..... 3S9 anceps (Glyptosaurus) . ...... .............. 475 anceps (Graculavui) ....................... Sin anceps (Ichthyornis) ...................... 519 anceps (Mastodon) ......................... 704 anceps (Megalichthys) ..................... 360 anceps (Miohippus) ........................ 613 anceps (Oracodon) ......................... 561 anceps (Phnsganodus) ..................... 389 anceps (Physonemus) ...................... 334 auceps (Rhizodus) ......................... 36*0 anceps (Thinolestes) ....................... 794 anceps (Tinoceras) ......................... 704 anceps (Titanotherium) ................... 704 anceps (Uintatherium) .................... 704 anceps (Xystracanthus) ................... 334 Anchippodontia ............................ 715 Anchippodontidai .......................... 716 Anchippodus ............................... 716 Anchippus .............................. 613, 615 Anchisauridce .............................. 491 Anchisaurus ................................ 491 Anchisodon ................................ 640 Anchitheriida- ............................. 608 Anchitherium ............ 612, 6/3, 611,615, 6/7, 795 Anchybopsis Ancistrodon Ancodon Ancodontid* Ancodus Ancylopoda Ancyropus anemophilus (Pipistrellus)... anemophilus (Vesperugo) ... Anguidse anguilliformis (Catopterus) .. anguilhformis (Redfleldius) . 395 m .. 651 652, 653 538 742 742 474 .970 370 INDEX. 801 Page. anguillulata (Terrapeue) 449 anguillulata (Toxaspis) 1,1,9 anguinoa (Helcura) 545 angularis (Chomatodus) .- . . . 276 angularis (Deltodus) 2S9 angularis (Orthopleurodes) 289 angularis (Petalodus) 276 angularis ( Psammodus) 284 angularis (Tanaodus) 276 ngolata (Erisichthe) 379 anguiata ( Protosphyraena) 379 angulatum (Tomitherium) 71,1, angulatus (Calamagras) 450 angulatus (Chomatodus) :... 276 angulatus (Chriacus) 744 angulatus (Cladodus) 268,269 angulatus ( Ctenacanthus ) 327 angulutus (Helodus) 286 angulatus (Ogmophis) 480 angulatus (Pelycodus) 744 angulatus (Portheus) 379 angulatus (Tanaodus) 276 angulifc-rus(Conchiopsis) 364 anguliferus (Sironectes) 468 angusta ( Felis) 7 S3 angusta (Lytoloma) 447,442 angusta (Plectropterna) 549 angustarca (Cliola) 396 angustarcus ( Alburnops) 396 angustarcus (.Notropis) 3% angusticeps (Captorhinus) 429 angustidens (Amphicyon) 772 angustidens (Carcharias) 307 angustidens (Carcharodon) 307 angustidens (Daphcenus) 772 angustidens (Entomacodon) 741 angustidens (Eohippus) 609 angustidens (Hyracotherium) 609 angustidens (Mastodon) 710,711 angustidens (Orohippus) 609 angustidens ( Procamelus) 677 angustidens (Tetrabelodon) 711 angustigenis (Haplacodon) 633 angustigonis i Megacerops) 633 angustigenis (Menodus) 633 angustigenis (Titanotherium) 633 angustus (Chomatodus) 280 angustus ( Ctenacanthus) 327 angustus (Ctenodus) 354 angustus ( Del todopsis) 291 angustus (Deltodus) 291 angustus (Felis) 782 angustus ( Haploconus) 694 angustus (Megalichthys) 360 angustus ( Mioclsenus) 694 angustus (Rhizodus) 360 angustus (Sagenodus) 354 angustus (Sandalodus) 288 angustus (Tricentes) 694 Anisacodon Anisichnus Anisodexis Anisonchinae Anisouchus Anisopus 541 anna; (Tricium) 735 Bull. 179 51 Page annectens ( Aceratherium) ................. 6 '44 annectens (Bathrodon) .................... 793 aunectens (Champsosaurus) ............... 450 annectens (Claosaurus) .................... 502 annectens (Corvus) ........................ 537 annectens (Diceratherium j ................ 644 annectens (Isectolophus) .................. 627 anneetens (Loxolophodon i ................ 704 annectens (Mesohippus) ................... 613 annectens (Miohippus) ..................... 613 annectens (Rhinoceros) .................... 6UU annectens (Tinoceras) ..................... 704 annulatum (Thinotherium) ................ 661 Anogmius ................................ 393,795 Anolidae .................................... 47^ anomalus ( Palamopus) ..................... 543 Anomodon ................................. 741 Anomodontia ............................. 1,26, 430 Anomoepus ............................... 559,550 anonymus (Ptychodus) .................. .. 317 Auoplonassa ................................ 597 Anosteira ................................... 447 Anosteiridae ................................ 445 Anosteirinaa ................................ 6 637,740 .. 54 1 .. 423 . 694 Anostira .............................. 447, 1,5 > t 453 Anser ....................................... 530 Anseres ................................... 528, 529 Anseriformes ............................... 523 anthracina (Peplorhina) ................... 364 Anthracopus ............................... 539 Anthracosauridee ........................... 421 Anthracosaurus ....................... , ____ 421 Anthracotheria ............................. 657 Anthracotheriidse .......................... 651 Anthracotheriinse .......................... 651 Anthracotherioidea ........................ 651 Anthracotherium ......................... 651, 652 Antiacodon ............................... 787,795 Antiarcha .................................. 342 Anticheiropus .............................. 539 Antilocapra ................................ 686 Antiloeapridse .............................. 686 Antilopina ................................. 687 Antilopinse ................................. 687 antilopinus (Blastomeryx) ................. 682 Autipus ..................................... 540 antiqua (Hypsorhina) ..................... 477 antiqua (Ischyrhiza) ....................... 398 antiqua (Lomvia) .......................... 524 antiqua (Thecachampsa) .................. 572 antiqua (Uria) ............................. 524 antiquior (Batrachoides) ................... 547 antiquior (falaeosauropus) ................. 548 antiquior (Sauropus) ....................... 54S antiquum (Ischyrotherium) ............... 461 antiquum (Palaeoniscum) .................. 368 antiquus ( Agriocho3rus) .................... 663 antiquus (Amynodon) ..................... 641 antiquus (Bison) ............ ............... 688 antiquus (Bos) ............................. 688 ntiquus (Carcharhinus) ................... 312 ntiquus (Catarhactes) .................... 524 ntiquus (Catarractes) ..................... 524 ntiquus (Chitinodus) ..................... 293 ntiquus (Ccelosaurus) ................... 4SS.489 ntiquus (Crocodylus) ..................... 512 802 INDEX. Page. antiquus (Dicotyles) 657 antiquus (Diodon) ; 408 antiquus ( Eubradys) 579 antiquus (Histiophorus) 1,02 antiquus (Ischyrosaurus) 1,61 antiquus (Istiophorus) 402 antiquus (Manatus) 583 antiquus (Meleagris) 534 antiquus (Merycopater) 663 antiquus (Mioclaenus) 749 antiquus (Orthocynodon) 61,1 antiquus (Perchcerus) 657 antiquus (Physeter) 595 antiquus (Pimelodus) .' 382 antiquus (Prionace) 312 antiquus (Prionodon) 312, 313 antiquus (Psammodus) 284 antiquus (Sarcothraustes) 748 antiquus (Thinohyus) 657 antiquus (Thinopus) 552 antiquus (Trichechus) 583 antiquus (Xiphias) -402 antivalidus (Clidastes) 1,67 Antliodus 279 Antrodemus 489 Anura 424 Apatacanthus 331 Apatemys 725 Apatichnus 699, ."> ID Apatodon : 506 Apatornis 520 Apatornithidse 520 Apatosaurus 1,83, 485 Apedodus 359 Aper 661 Aphelichthys 395 Apheliscus 792 Aphtflophis 480 Aphelops 6-44,645,646,647 Aphododeridse 403 Aphredoderidse 403 apicalis (Calopodus) 281 apicalis (Stratodus) 387 apicalis (Zatrachys) 422 apiculatus ( Anisonchus) 695 apiculatus (Hemithlseus 695 apiculatus (Otodus) 304 apiculatus (Oxyacodon) 602 Apcecospondyli 417 appalachianus ( Pal jeoctonus) 490 appalachicolus (Bison) 6S7 appalachicolus (Ovibos) 687 appendiculata (Lamna) 504 appendiculatus (Corax) 309 appendiculatus (Galeocerdo) 309 appendiculatus (Galeus) 309 appendiculatus (Otodus) 304 approximatum (Brontozoum) 543 approximatus (Eubrontes) 543 Aprion 312 Apriondon 312,313 Apsopelix 390 apternus (Phenacodus) 605 aptus (Crocodylus) 5i2 aquaticus (Scalops) 738 Aquila 536 Page. aquilunguis (Dryptosaurus) 488 aquilunguis (Lselaps) 488 aquilunguis ( Megalosaurus ) 4SS Arachnichnus 540 arapahovius (Saurocephalus) 385 arapalovius (Saurocephalus) 385 aratus ( Anogmius) 393 arcamoenus (Calamodon) 574 arcamcenus (Stylinodon) 574 Archaelurus 781, 782 Archseobatis 285 Archaeobelus 433 Archseoceti 585 Archaeopterygidae 518 Archseopteryx 518 Archseornithes 518 Archseotherium 654, 655 Archegosauria 420 Archegosauridse 419 Archegosaurus 1,10 Archelon 440 Archiceta 585 Archornithes 518 arcidens (Hyracodon) 640 arciferus (Leuciscus) 396 arciferus (Oligobelis) 396 arciferus (Squalius) 396 arcta (Exocampe) 51 J arctata (Peplorhina) 364 arctatum (Elotherium) 655 arctatus (Cinodon) 504 arctatus (Cionodon) 504 arctatus (Uranoplosus) 373 Arctocyon 746 Arctocyonidee 746 Arctodon 654, 655 Arctodus 763 Arctoidea 762 Arctomys 720 Arctosaurus 492 Arctotherium 763 arcuatus (Aetobatus) 321 arcuatus (Antliodus) 279 arcuatus (Chomatodus) 280 arcuatus (Dryolestes) ;....' 569 arcuatus (Gillicus) 386 arcuatus (Ichthyodectes) 5S6, 399 arcuatus (Orthacanthus) 264 arcuatus (Physonemus) 334 arcuatus (Pleuracanthus) 264 arcuatus (Portheus) 386 arcuatus (Rhineastes) 382 arcuatus (Stegomus) 511 arcuatus (Xystracantlms) 334 Ardea 531 Ardese 531 Ardeidse 531 Ardeinse 531 Ardeoidea 531 arenarius (Hybemys) 448 arenarum (Merychyus) 669 arenatus ( Macrepistius) 378 arenosa (Baena) 437 arenosus (Strepsodus) 360 argentatus (Larus) 525 Argentinidse 392 INDEX. 803 Page. Argoides 540, 550 Argozoum 540, 548, 550 652 652 1>70 644 86, 496 356 407 344 420 647 6V>2 663 28, 729 728 728 728 1,03 404 argutus ( Venustodus) arisaigensis (Dendrodus) arizonica (Bos) armata (Acanthaspis) Aristoselachii armatum (Anthracotherium) armatum (Diceratherium) armatus (Coryphodon) armatus (Elomeryx) armatus ( Heptacodou) armatus (Metalophodon) armatus (Pristicladodus) armatus .(Rhinoceros) armatus (Stegosaurus) Arotus Artediellus Arthrodira articulatus (Dissorhophus) Artiodactyla Artionychia Artionyx Arvicola Arvieolidae Arvicoliiiie Arvicolini Asineopidse Asineops aspasisD (Psittacotherium) 574 asper (Glyptodon) 58/ asperum (Schistopleurum ) .- 581 Aspidochelyidse 436 Aspidodus 288 Aspidichthys 345 Aspidocephali 340 Aspidoganoidei 339 Aspidophorus 345 Aspidorhini 339 assurgens ( Diacodon ) 748 assurgens (Mioclsenus) 748 assurgens (Triisodon ) 748 assurgens (Goniacodon ) 748 Astephus 382 Asteracanthus 331 Asterolepidae 1 342 Asterolepides 342 Asterolepis 342 Asteroptychius 330 Asterospondyli 275. 301 Asterosteidse 349 Asterosteus 349 Asthenodon 570 Astraspis 342 Astrodon 484 astuta (Bassaris) 764 astutus ( Bassariscus) 764 astutus (Opisthotomus) 792 Atheca 435 Athecse 435 Athecata 435 Atheconia 435 Athya 530 atlantica (Macrophoca) 589 atlanticus (Artediellus 407 atlanticus (Colophonodon ) 589 atlauticus (Squalodon) 559 Atlantochelys 439, 440 Atlantosauridse ' 454 Atlantosaurus . 4g4 atropius (Belosphys) 593 atropius (Ixacanthus) 592 atropius (Priscodelphinus) 592 atrox (Clastes) ." 377 atrox (Creosaurus) 439 atrox (Dinotomius) 779 atrox (Felis) 732 atrox (Lepidosteus) 577 atrox (Lepisosteus) 377 atrox (Uintamastix) 702 atrox (Uneia) 732 attenuatus (Loxolophus) 745 attenuatus (Polymastodon ) 562 attenuatus (Pristis) 316 attenuatus (Protochriaeus) 745 attenuatus (Titanichthys) 348 Aublysodon 488, 489 Auchenia 678, 679 audax (Portheus) 384 audax (Sauroeephalus) 384 audax (Xiphactinus) 384 augusta (Uneia) 782 augustus ( Felis) 782 aulacodus ( Palseoctonus) 490 aulacodus (Suchoprion) 490 Aulaxodon 577,578,579 auriculatus (Carcharias) 307 auriculatus (Carcharodon) 307 auritus (Agriochoerus) . 663 auritus (Colymbus) 523 auritus (Eucrotaphus) 663 auritus (Podiceps) 523 australe (Anchitherium) 613 australis (Champsosaurus) 461 australis (Mesohippus) 613 australis (Miohippus) 613 Aves 617 avunculus (Tritium) 735 avus (Diplacodon) 63S avus (Merychippus) 616 avus (Protohippus) 5.. 6/6 avus (Teleodus) 638 avus (Titanotherium ) 638 Axestemys 455 Axestus 455 Azygostei 341 B. baculiformis (Bataeanthus) 334 Baena 437 Baenidee 437 bailcyanus (Trisenopus) 553 baileyi (Sauroidichnites) 553 bairdi (Anchitherium) 6/3 bairdi (Leuciscus) 396 bairdi (Mesohippus) 6/3,6/4 bairdi (Miohippus)..- 613 bairdi (Palseotherium) 6/3 bairdi (Titanotherium) 673 bairdianus (Hyrachyus) 638 bairdianus (Lophiodon) 639 bairdii (Semotilus) 396 804 INDEX. bairdii (Squalius) .... Baleena . . . Page. 596 588 Balsenodon 596 Balsenoidea 598 Balsenoptera .v<9,600 Balsenopteridte 598 Balsenopterinre 598 baldwini (Chriarus) 745, 71,6 baldwini (Deltatherium) 745 baldwini (Mioclsenus) 607 Balistes 407 Balistidae 407 Balistini 407 ballardi (Lophiothcrium ) 611 ballardi (Orohippus) 611 ballardi (Pachynolophus) ballensis ( Mesogaulus) 721 ballovianus (Sciurus) 719 Baphetes '118 Baphetidse 417 Baptanodon 463 Baptanodonta 461 Baptanodontia 463 Baptanodontidse 463 Baptemys 445 Baptornis 522 Baptosaurus 468 barcenaei (Equus) 624 Barornis 522 Baropus 541 Barosaurus 485 barrattii ( Anomcepus) 550 barrattii (Chimaera) 550 barrattii (Chimaeriehnus) 550 barrattii (Sauropus) 550 basalis (Campodus) . 296 basalis (brodus) 296 Bascanion 480 Baseodon 465 basiflssus (Crocodihis) 515 basilatus (Eiihydrocyon) 770 basilatus (Hysenocyon ) 770 Basilemys 445 Basilosauridse 586 ,urus 586, 5S7, 588, 589 515 515 764 764 764 . 334 basitruncatus (Crocodihis) . basitruncatus (Holops) Bassariscus Batacanthus Bathmodon 697, fills, r,<>:>, 700 bathmodon (Pantolambda) 696 Bathmodontidse 697 bathrodon (Ammodon) G56 bathrodon (Elothcrium) 6,56 Bathrodon 793 Bfithycheilodus 270 Bathygnathus 491 bathygnathus (Miacis) 71,8, 7r,o bathygnathus (Mioelsenus) 74S bathygnathus (Sarcothraustes) 71,8 bathygnathus ( Umtacyon) 760 Bathyopsidae 700 Bathyopsis 700 Batodon Batoidei Batrachia Batrachichnus Batrachiosaurus Batrachiotherium Batrachocephalus Batrachoides BatrachoidichniU's batrachops (Catostomus) Page. 565 .. 315 in 1 .), ',,.'/; . . 541 bauri (Ccelophysis) bauri (Coelurus) bauri (Tanystropheus) beani (Mioplosus) beata (Emys) beatus ( Adocus) beecheri (Ganorhy nchus ) 3f)2 Belemnoziphius 597 bella (Palseospiza) 537 bellicincta ( Janassa ) 276 bellicinctus (Tanaodiis) 276 bellifer (Cladodus) 268 bellulus (Apatemys) 725 bellulus ( A'steroptychiiis) 330 bellulus (Ctenopetalus) 281 bellulus (Ctenoptychius) 281 bellulus (Petalodus) 281 bellulus (Platyxystrodus) 290 bellulus (Xystrodus) '. 290 bellus ( Aletornis) 527 bellus (Apatichnus) 540 bellus (Apatemys) 725 bellus (Cimolomys) 559 bellus (Tinodon) 567 Bclodoii r>00, 510 Belodontia 509 Belodontidse 509 Belosphys Mf, .'>.'/.; Beluga ,W/, belviderensis ( Plesioche) ys) 439 bentonia (Protosphyracna) 379 bentoniana (Protosphynena) 379 bentonianum (Trinacnomerum) 458 Bernicla 530 Berycidse 402 berycinus ( Pelecorapis) 399 Berycoidea 402 Beryx 393,402 bialveatus (Deltodopsis) 291 bicalcaratus (Platygonus) 660 bicarinatus (Dysganus) 504 bicornis (Diplodus) 267 bicornis (Thrinacodus) 267 bieristatus (Stemmatias) 298 bicristatus (Stemmatodus) 298 biculminatus (Diadectos) 427 bieulminatus (Triisodon) 74S bicuspidatus (Leptos yrax ) . 304 bicuspis (Ictops) 739 bicuspis (Palseictops") 739 bicuspis (Stypolophus) 739 bifldus ( Antipus) 540 bifldus (Fissodus) 277 biformis (Helodus) 286 bifurcatus (Lefalophodon) 706 INDEX. bif urcafcis (Stemmatias) bifurcatus (Stemmatodus) bilobatum (Chalicotherium) bilobatus (Trimerorhachis) Biloricata bipartitus (Myledaphns) biradiratus (Dimetrodon) bisrrialis ( PI on racant bus) Bison 5n.i bison (Bison) bison (Bos) bison (Lepidosteus) bisornata ( Pseudemys) bisornata (Trachemys) bispinosus (Gasterosteus) bisulcatus (Esthonyx) bisulcatus (Geomys) bisulcus (Myliobatis) bisulous (Trioonodon) bitruncata (Pahvaspis) biturgidus (Polydectes) blackburnii (Sardinia) blakei (Echinorhinus) Blarina Blastornery x Boaidse Boavus Boidse Booidea Bolbodon Bolodon . . . Page. 805 Page. . 690 427 557 Bolodontidse 557 Bolodontida 557 Bolosauridce 434 Bolosaurus 42S, 434 bombifrons (Bootherium) 687 bombifrons ( Bos) r,87, 6S8 bombifrons ( Deiniotis) 779 bombifrons (Dinictis) 779 bombifrons (Ovibos) 687, 688 bonasus (Bos) .'. 6S9 Boochrerus , 654, 655 boops (Balsena) 600 boops (Helaletes) 025, 626 boops (Hyraclryus) 625 boops (Megaptera) 600 Bootherium 6S7 boreale (Telmatherium) 631 boreale (Telmatotherium) 631 borealis (Bathygnathus) 491 borealis (Blastomery x ) 682 borealis (Palseosyops) 63; borealis (Rhytina) 5S4 Borophagus .776 boscas (Anas) 529 boschas (Anas) 529 BothremydidR' 43S Bothremys 438 Bothriodon 652 Bothriolepididce r 342 Bothriolepis 343, 36.Z Bothrolabis 656, 658, 659 Bottosanrus 5/3,514,5^5 Bovidse 686 Bovinae 688 bovis (Bos) bowmani (Conosaurops) bowmani (Conosaurus) 333 brabensis ( Periptychus) 693 Brachydectes 413 brachygnathus (Portheus) 334 brachygnathus (Xiphaetiniis) 554 brachylophum (Anchitherium) 6/5 brachylophus (Mesohippus) glS brachylophus (Miohippus) 6 i 3 Brachymeryx 670 brachyodon (Pristis) 315 Brachypodinse 6li6 brachyops (Deinictis) 730, 781 braehyops (Dinictis) ' jgo brachyops (Hoplophoneus) ygO brachyops ( Machserodus) 730 brachyops (Nimravus) 731 brachyops ( Pariotichus) 428 brachyops (Pogonodon) 750 Brachypsalis 768 brachyptera (Amphiplaga) 403 brachypternus ( Phenacodus) 604 brachypus (Canis) 775 brachyrhinus (Toxochelys) 442 brachyrhynchus (Ancodon) 653 brachyrhynchus ( Ancodus) 653 brachyrhynchus (Hyopotamus) 653 Brachyrophus 505 Brachysaurus 471 brachyspondy lus ( Basilosaurus) 586 brachyspondylus (Zeuglodon ) 586, 587 braehystomus (Mioclsenus) 649 brachystomus (Pantolestes) 649 brachystomus (Trigonolestes) 649 Bradytheria 575 brainerdi (Gonatodus) 365 brainerdi ( Palseoniscum ) 365 Branchiosauria t,w Branchiosauridse 4/0 Branchiosaurus 1,10 Branta 530 braunii (Ischypterus) 375 braunii (Semionotus) 376 bretonensis (Psammodus) 362 breviarcus ( Alburnops) 395 brevicalcarata (Sinopa) 752 brevicalcaratus (Stypolophus) 752 brevicolcarabus (Stypolophus) 752 breviceps (Hadrosaurus) 503 breviceps (Kyomeryx) 665 breviceps (Trachodon) 503 brevicollis (Champsosaurus) 461 brevicollis (Crocodylus) 512 brevicostatus ( Molgophis) 412 brevidens ( Anchippus) 615 brevidens (Glyptosaurus) 475 brevidens (Mammut) 710 brevidens (Mastodon) 710 brevidens (Tetrabelodon) 710 brevidens (Trilophodon) 7/0 brevifacies (Cyclopidius) 670 bre vifacies ( Pithecistes) 670 brevifemur (Plesiosaurus) 456 brevior (Otolithus) 409 brevipinne (Amyzon) 395 806 INDEX. Page. brevirostris (Miacis) 760 brevirostris (Tomarctus) 775 brevirostris (Tuditanus) 415 brevirostris (Uintacyon) 760 brevis (Boavus) 479 brevis (Climaxodus) 276 brevis ( Janassa) 276 brevis (Meniscoessus) 560 brevis (Selenacodon) 560 brevis (Titanichthys) 348 brevispinis (Holops) 516 brevispinis (Thoracosaurus) 516 brevitrabalis ( Alces) 685 breviusculus (Selenichnus) 551 Brimosaurus 45#, 169 broadheadi (Daptinus) .' 386 broadheadi (Saurocephalus) 386 broadheadi (Saurodon) S86 Brontichthys 348 Brontops ,. 634, 635 brontops (Testudo) 451 Brontosaurus 485, 4S6 Brontotheriidse 629 BrontotheriinEe 633 Brontotherioidea 629 Brontotherium 634, 636, 637 Brontozoum 539, 51,3, 51,5, 550 browni (Elonichthys) 368 brownise (Sagenodus) 354 brownianum (Lambdotherium) 631 brownii (Coelodus) 373 brownii (Palseoniscus) S6S brumbyi ( Amphorosteus) 1,65 brumbyi (Liodon) 465 brumbyi (Mosasaurus) 465, 472 Bruta 571 Bryactinus 325 Bubalus 6S7 Bubo 536 buccatus (Paramys) ./ 723 buccatus (Tretulias) 600 buccatus (Plesiarctomys) 723 bucco (Brontotherium) 634 bucco (Symborodon) 634, 637 bucco (Titanotherium) 634, 637 bucculentus (Mioclsenus) 746 bucculentus (Tricentes) 746 buceros (Belodon) 510 buceros (Phytosaurus) 510 bucklandi (Tetracaulodon) 709 buiei (Trionyx) '. 453 bulbivorus (Thomomys) 730 bulbivorus (Tomomys) 730 bullatus (Cosmacanthus) 330 bullatus (Eporeodon) 665 bullatus (Geisacanthus) 330 bullatus (Ictops) 739 bullatus (Merycoidodon) 665 bullatus (Oreodon) 665,667 Bunsdlurus 767 Bunomeryx 650, 672 Bunotheria 743 Bunotheriidse '. 743 burlingtonensis (Ctenacanthus) 327 burmeisteri (Esthonyx) 715 bursarius (Geomys) 730 Page. bursarius (Mus) 730 bursarius ( Pseudostoma) 730 butters! (Ctenacanthus) 327 bysimus (Axestus) U55 byssinus ( Axestemys) 455 byssinus (Axestus) 455 Bythiacanthus 331 caballus (Equus) 622, 623 Cfelatus (Psammodus) 284 Csenobasileus 707,708 Csenopus 643 cairnsii (Palseoniscus) 367 cairnsii (Rhadinichthys) 367 Calamagras 480 calamarium (Hippariou) 619 calamarinm (Hippotherium) 619 calamarius (Stylonus) 619 calamarius (Diclonius) 503 calamarius (Trachodon) 503 Calamodon 574, 575 Calamodontidse 573 calcarata ( Leptauchenia) 674 calcaratus (Leiodus) 296 calcaratus (Felis) 782 calcaratus ( Hypertragulus) 674, 675 calcaratus (Leiodus) 296 calcaratus (Liodus) 296 calceolata (Euprotogonia) 603 calceolata (Protogonia) 603 calceolatus (Phenacodus) 603 calceolus (Lambdodus) 270 calceolus (Ptyctodus) 322 calceolus (Rhynchodus) 322 calceolus (Rinodus) 322 calciculus (Heptodon) 625 calciculus ( Lophiodon) 625 calciculus (Pachynolophus) 625 Calemys U9 calicornis (Triceratops) 498 californica (Auchenia) 679 californicus (Bison) 689 californicus (Camelops) 679 californious (Colymbus) 523 californicus (Holomeniscus) 679 californicus (Larus) 525 californicus ( Podiceps) 523 californis (Triceratops) 198 calliodon (Enchodus) 389 Callognathus 338 Calopodus 281 Calops 673 Calopus 549 calvertensis (Delphinus) 590 calvertensis (Lophocetus) 590 calvertensis (Pontoporia) 590 calvini (Dipterus) 351 calvus (Rhineastes) 382 calycinus (Sciurus) 719 Camarasauridse 4S4 Camarasaurus 485, 4S6 Camelidae 673 Camelina 662 Camelinse 680 Cameloidea.... . 662 INDEX. 807 Page. cameloides (Gomphothcrium) 676 cameloides ( Ithygrammodon) 674 cameloides ( Protomeryx) 076 Camelomeryx 072 Camelops 079 Camelus 680 campbelltonensis (Cephalaspis) 341 eampester (Mastodon) 710 campester (Tetrabelodon) 710 campester (Tetralophodon ) 710 campestre (Mammut) 710 Campodus 296, 297 Camptomus 562 Camptonotidte 501 Camptonotus 601 Camptosauridrc 601 Camptosaurus 501 canadense (Harpagmotherium) 708 camulciisis ( Anser) 530 canadensis (Bcrnicla) 530 canadensis ( Bothriolepis) 343 canadensis (Branta) 530 canadi'iisis (Castor) 721 canadensis (Cervus) .*. 685 canadensis (Cheirolepis) 366 canadensis (Coccosteus) 344 canadensis (Dinichthys) 346 canadensis (Elaphus) 685 canadensis (Felis) -. 782 canadensis (Lutra) 769 canadensis ( Ponerichthys) 346 canadensis (Pterichthys) $1,3 canavus (Miacis) 760 canavus (Uintucyon) 760 cancellatus ( Ameiurus) 383 caniculus (Isacis) 739 caniculus (Mesodectes) 739 Canidte 759, 769 Canimartes 774 Caninse 770 Canini 770 caninus (Homocamelus) 678 caninns ( Pachyrhizodus) 387 Canis 767,771,772,773,774,775 cannaliratus (Ctenacanthus) 327 caperatus (Meniscoessus) 561 caperatus (Tripriodon) 561 Caprinas 687 Captorhinus 429 Carangidse 403 carbonarius (Helodus) 286 carbonarius (Orthopleurodes) 289 carbonarius (Poecilodus) 293 carbonarius ( Polyrhizodus) 282 carbonarius (Sandalodus) 289 carbonarius (Vaticinodus) 290 Carcharise 310,312 Uarcharias 301, 307, 308, 312, 313 carcharias (Carcharias) SOS carcharias (Carcharodon) 308 carcharias (Squalus) 308 Carchariidae 301, 310 Carchariina 311,312 Carchariinse 301 Carcharininse 312 Carekarhinus 312 . Carcharodon 307,309 Carcharodontinse . 307 Carcharopsis 271 Carcinodon 752 Cardiodontidae isz Cariacus 6 84 caribou (Rangifer) 686 carinata (Sphyraena) 389 Carinatae 5-23 carinatus (Cimolichthys) 389 carinatus (Cladodus) 268,268 carinatus (Enchodus) 389 carinatus (Orodus) 295 carinatus (Phasganodus) 389 carinatus (Physonemus) 333 carinidens (Peryptichus) 693 carinicollis (Cremastosaurus) 477 cariosus (Trionyx) 453 carnifex (Dissacus) 71,9 Carnivora 743 Carnivora primitiva 744 Carnivora vera , 762 carolinse (Amblypteras) 365 carolinensis (Anas) 529 carolinensis (Belodon) 510 carolinensis (Clepsisaurus) 510 carolinensis (Dasyatis) 319 carolinensis (Dinoziphius) 595 carolinensis (Hoplocetus) 595, 596 carolinensis (Mosasaurus) 465 carolinensis ( Nummopalatus) 401 carolinensis (Odax) 1,01 carolinensis (Palseosaurus) 510 carolinensis (Pharyngodopilus) 401 carolinensis ( Physeter) 595, 596 carolinensis (Phytosaurus) 510 carolinensis (Pycnodus) 373 carolinensis (Querquedula) 529 carolinensis (Rhytidodon) 510 carolinensis (RutiodonJ. 510 carolinensis (Trygon) 319 carteri (Emys) 450 carteri (Omomys) 788 Caryoderma 451 castilli (Merychippus) 616 castilli (Protohippus) 816 Castor 721,722,729,733 Castoridse 721 castoridens (Trogosus) 717 Castorini 721 Castoroides 733 Castoroididae 733 Cataphracti - 406 Catapleura Ml Catarhactes 524 Catathlaeus 693 Catarractes - 524 cateuatus (Plastomenus) 453 Cathartes 535 Cathartidae 535 Cathartides --.- 535 catocopis (Hoplophoneus) 778 catocopis (Machserodus) 778 catocopis (Machairodus) 778 Catodon 595 catodon (Beluga) 594 808 INDEX. Page. Catodontidse 595 Catopsalis 562,563 Catopteridte 370 Catopterus 351,370 Catostomidse 394 Catostominse 39-1 Catostomus 394 caudata (Helcura) 546 caudatum (Gigantitherium) 51,5 caudatum (Otozoum) 547 ciUHlatns (Gigadipus) 51,6 caudatus (Gigandipus) 545 caudatus (Nanomeryx) 650 caudatus (Nanopus) 547 caudatus (Tarsodactylus) 552 caudifer (Hylopus) 546 Caulodon 484 cavatus ( Allomys) 718 cavatus ( Hadrosaurus) 503 cavatus ( Meniscomys) 7 IS cavatus (Trachodon) 503 Cavicornia 681, 6S6 cavifrons (Bootherium) 687 cavifrons (Entoptychus) 731 cavifrons (Ovibos) 687 Cavia 734 Caviidae 734 cavirictus (Pantolambda) ; 696 Cecomorphse 523 cedrensis (Trimerodus) 671 celatus (Diacodon) 740 celer ( Anchitherium) 613 celer (Apatornis) 520 celer (Colonomys) 725 celer (Ichthyornis) 520 celer (Laosaurus) 501 celer (Meleagris) 534 celer (Mesohippus) 6/3 celer (Miohippus) 613 celer (Protoceras) . 673 cellulosus (Trionyx ) 453 Cenoplacentalia 563 cenopus (Merycochurus) 668 Centemodon 509, 5/0 Centetodon 740 Centracodon 740 Centrobati 317 Centrobatida> 317 Cephalaspidse 340 Cephalaspides 31,0 Cephalaspis 339,341 Cephalopterae 321 Cephalotropus 598 cephalum (Cetotherium) 699 cephalus (Eschrichtius) 699 Ceraterpeton 414 Ceraterpetum t,H, ceratocephalus (Eurinotus) 376 Ceratodontia 355 Ceratodontidse 355 Ceratodus 35!,, 355 Ceratops 498, 500 Ceratopsia 1,97 Ceratopsidse 498 Ceratopsoidea iy7 Ceratoptera S21 321 321 61,7 1,93 493 493 417 764 764 778 778 685 6S1 681, 686 Ceratopterina Ceratopterinse Ceratorhinse Ceratosauria Ceratosauridse ...... Ceratosaurus Cercariomorphns Cercoleptidie Cercoleptinic cerebralis (Hoplophoneus) cerebralis (Machserodus) Cervalces Cervicornia Cervidae Cervina .................................... 68!, Cervinse ............................. . ..... .' 684 Cervuliiuc .................................. 682 Cervus ........................... 6S3, 684, 685, 6cS6 Cestracion ................................ 299,311, Cestracionichu .............................. 295 Cestraciones ................................ 299 Cestraciontes ............................. 298, 299 cestriensis (Poscilqdus) ..................... 293 Cetacea ..................................... 5S5 Cete ........................................ 585 Ceterhinops ................................ 590 cetiformis (Uronautes) ..................... 457 Cetiosauria ................................. 482 Cetiosauridcc ............................. 482,484 cetoides (Basilosaurus) .................. ... 687 cetoides (Zeuglodon) ..................... 587, 588 Cetomorpha ........... .................... . 585 Cetophis ................................... . 593 Cetotherium .............................. 598,599 chacensis (Pantolestes) .................... 649 chacensis (Trigonolestes) .................. 649 Chsenohyus ............................... 658, 659 Chseropotamus ............................. 652 Chsetodipterus .................. . ........... 400 Chsetodon .................................. 400 Chaetodontidii' .............................. 400 Chalicomys ................................. 722 Chalicotheria ............................... 690 Chalicotheriida ............................ 690 Chalicotheriidte ............................ 690 Chalicotherioidea .......................... b90 Chalicotherium .......................... 579,691 Chameleo .................................. 478 Chamscleon ................................. 478 ChamscleonidcD ............................. 478 Chamaeleontes .............................. 478 chamense (Meniscotherinm) ............... 605 chamensis (Alligator) ...................... 512 chamensis (Crocodylus) .................... 512 Chamops ................................... 474 Champsodelphis ............................ 590 Champsosauridie ........................... 460 Champsosaurus ........................... 457, 460 chapmani ( Mammut) ...................... 710 chapman! (Mastodon ) ...................... 720 Characodus ................................. 360 Charadriidse ................................ 526 Charadriiformes .......................... 523, 526 CharadriomorphfB .......................... 526 Charadriornithes ........................... 526 Charadrius ... .526 INDEX. 809 Page Cheiracanthus 274 cheiriformis (Stemmatias) 298 cheiriformis (Stemmatodus) 298 Cheirodus sr> compressus (Diplodus) 265,266 compressus ( Dissodus) 2i;r. compressus (Dittodus) 20G compressus (Elliptodon) 473 compressus (Gyracanthus) 335 compressus ( Helodus) 271,287 compressus (Hybocladodus) 271, 287 compressus ( Periplectrodus) 287 compressus (Platygonus) -. 660 compressus ( Pleuracanthus) 265 compressus (Ptyctodus) 323 compressus (Stethacanthus) 333 Compsacanthus 265 Compsemys 437, US Compsosaurus 509 comstocki (Didelphis) 671 comstocki (Didelphys) 571 comstocki (Peratherium) 571 comstockianum (Peratherium) 571 Comptichnus 542 comptus (Chomatodus) 280 comptus (Didelphodon) 566 comptus (Didelphops) 566 comptus (Entomodon) 740 comptus (Protoceras) 673 comptus (Pteranodon) 507 Conaeodon 695 conangulus (Trimerorhachis) 420 concamerata ( Platy pterna ) 549 concameratus ( Harpedactylus) 549 concavus (Dactylodus) 282 concavus ( Polyrhizodus) ." 282 concentrica (Gephyura) 398 concentricus (Trionyx) 454 conchigerus (Zatrachys) 422 conchiolepis (Sagenodus) 354 Conchiopsis 563, 364 conchiopsis (Sagenodus) 354 Conchodus 352 concinnus (Acanthodes) 273 concinnus (Acanthoessus) 273 concinnus (Cladodus) 268 concolor (Felis) 782 condoni (Anchitherium) 61S condoni (Anser) 530 condoni (Dicotyles) 660 condoni (Miohippus) 613 condoni (Palseocheerus) 658 condoni (Platygonus) 660 condonianus ( Leucus) 395 condonianus (Rutilus) 395 Condylarthra 601 confertus (Nimravus) 781 congrops (Liodon) l>72 congrops (Tylosaurus) 472 Conicodon 574 coniculus (Helodus) -. 286 conidens (Diacodon) 749 conidens (Eschatius) 680 conidens (Mioclaenus) 749 conidens (Protautoga) 401 conidens (Tautoga) 402 268 Page. conidens (Triisodon) ....................... 7^ coniferus (Anisonchus) coniger (Cladodus) Coniophis .................................. 431 Coniornis ........................ , ....... ... 522 Conodectes ................................. 430 conodon (Clidastes) ........... ............. 467 Conoryctes ........................... 573, 694, 74S Conoryctidae ................................ 572 Conosaurops ................................ S8S Conosaurus ................................. 338 conquistus (Meniscoessus) ................ 560, 561 conradi (Belosphys) .......... : ............. 592 conradi (Delphinus) ........................ 592 conradi (Ixacanthus) ...................... 592 conradi (Priscodelphinus) .................. 592 conradi (Puffinus) .......................... 526 consimilis (Oracanthus) .................... 335 consolidatus (Helodus) ..................... 286 censors (Galops) ............................ 673 censors (Laosaurus) ........................ 501 constablei ( Protocatostomus) .......... .. . . 394 contortidens (Carcharias) .................. 301 contortidens (Carcharodon) ................ 308 contortidens (Lamna) ...................... sol contortidens (Odontaspis) .................. 301 contortus (Galeocerdo) ..................... 311 contracta (Empo) .......................... 387 contractus ( Anogmius) ..................... 393 contractus (Cimolichthys) .................. S87 contractus ( Pachyrhizodus) contraversus (Dipterus) contusor (Thecachampsa) conulus (Oracodon) conversidens (Equus) convexus (Deltodopsis) convexus (Orthopleurodus) convexus (Sandalodus) .................... 289 con volutus ( Aspidodus) .................... 288 convolutus (Deltodopsis) ................... 291 convolutus (Prccilodus) ____ . ............... 293 cookii (Bothremys) ......................... 438 cookii ( Leptomy I us) ........................ 325 copeanus (Mosasaurus) ..................... 465 copeanus (Myliobatis) ...................... 320 copeanus (Sagenodus) ...................... 354 copei ( Aceratherium) ...................... 645 copei (Ceenopus) ............................ 643 copei (Hybodus) ............................ 299 copei (Mesohippus) ......................... 61k copei (Miohippus ........................... 614 copei (Phoenicopterus) ..................... 531 copei (Trichophanes) ....................... 404 cophater (Anisonchus) ..................... 695 cophater (Conaeodon) ...................... 695 cophater (Haploconus) ..................... 695 Copodus .................................... 285 cor (Otolithus) ............................. 408 Coracomorphse ............................. 537 Coracornithes .............................. 537 Corax .................................... 309.3H cordatus (Gyracanthus) .................... 335 cordatus (Holops) .......................... 516 cordatus ( Pantylus) ........................ 429 corniculatus ( Haploconus) ................. 694 cornubicus (Squalus) ....................... 304 393 351 512 562 623 291 289 812 INDEX. Page. 595, 596 cornutidens (Orycterocetus) cornutidens (Physeter) cornutum (Telmatotherium) cornutum (Tinoceras) cornutum (Uintatherium) cornutus (Dolichorhinus) cornutus (Eobasileus) cornutus ( Loxolophodon ) coronatus (Cephalolropus) corrugata (Eurylepis) corrugata (Haplolepis) corrugata (Mecolepis) corrugatus ( Agassizodus) corrugatus (Campodus) corrugatus (Claenodon) corrugatus (Dinichthys) corrugatus (Mioclsenus) corrugatus (Orodus) corrugatus (Oxyclaenus) corrugatus ( Plastomenus) corrugatus (Stenognathus) corsoni (Hadrianus) corsoni (Testudo) corsonii (Pappichthys) Corvidae Corvipes Corvus coryphaeus (Edestosaurus) coryphaeus (Holcodus) coryphaeus (Hypotemnodon) coryphaeus (Lestosaurus) 469 coryphaeus ( Mesocyon ) 773 coryphaeus (Platecarpus) 1,69 coryphaeus (Sarcothraustes) 71,8 coryphaeus (Temnocyon) 773 Coryphodon 697 Coryphodontia ; . 696 Coryphodontidae 697 Cosmacanthus 330 Cosorycinae 682 Cosoryx 682, 683 costatus (Chomatodus) 280 costatus (Cladodus) 268 costatus (Cochliodus) 294 costatus (Ctenacanthus) $29 costatus (Dicotyles) 660 costatus (Dipterus) 351 costatus (Eunemecanthus) 329 costatus (Lambdodus) 271 costatus (Palaeoscincus) 497 costatus ( Plastomenus) 452 costellatus (Cheiracanthus) 274 costellatus (Ctenacanthus) 274 costellatus (Sphenacanthus) 274 coslelliferus (Desmiodus) 297 costilatus (Baptemys) 445 costilatus (Dermatemys) 445 Cottidae 406 Cottina 1,06 Coitus 406, 1,07 Cottoidea 406 Cotylopidae Cotylopinae Cotylops Cotylosauria 426 couperi (Chelonia) 1,1,3 Page. ir,r> . 293 327 688 1,36 609 609 couperi (Mosasaurus) coxanus (Helodus) coxianus (Ctenacanthus) crampianus (Bison) crampianus (Bos) Craspedoti craspedotum (Hyracotherium) craspedotus (Eohippus) crassa (Chelydra) 446 crassa (Lamna) 304 crassa (Oxyrhina) 305 crassangulum (Cetotherium) 599 crassartus (Lestosaurus) 470 crassartus (Liodon) 470 crassartus ( Platecarpus) 470 crassicauda (Hypsibema) 497 crassicollidens (Tricentes) 746 crassicornis ( Allops) 634 crassicornis (Bison) 689 crassicornis (Bos) 689 crassicornis (Megacerops) 634 crassicuspis (Conoryctes) 748 crassicuspis (Mioclaenus) 71,8 crassicuspis (Sarcothraustes) 748 crassicuspis (Zetodon) 748 crassidens (Carcharodon) 307,308 crassidens ( Galeocerdo) 311 crassidens ( Hoplophoneus) 778 crassidens (Hyrachyus) 639 crassidens (Lamna) 302 crassidens (Machaerodus) 778 crassidens ( Mosasaurus) 465 crassidens (Odontaspis) 302 crassidens (Psammodus) 284 crassidiscus (Cricotus) 421 crassifrons ( Loxolophodon ) 704 crassifrons (Tinoceras) 704 crassigenis (Domnina) 741 crassigenis (Miothen) 74^ crassipes (Hesperornis) 521 crassipes ( Lestornis) 521 crassiramus (Entoptychus) 731 crassiscutata (Testudo) 44,S, 451 crassiscutatus (Colosteus) 429 crassispinus (Diplacanthus) 271, crassissimus (Diplacanthus) 274 crassiusculus (Mixodectes) 786 crassivultis (Icticyon) 770 crassivultus (Oligobunis) 770 Crassopholis 372 crassum (Aceratherium) 64S crassum (Diceratherium ) 645 crassum ( Elotherium) 655 crassus (Antiacodon) 793 crassus (Apatichnus) 540 crassus (Aphelops) 645 crassus (Cochliodus) 289 crassus (Dryptodon) 575 crassus (Ennacodon) 568 crassus (Enneodon) 56S crassus (Entelodon) 65!i crassus (Harpedactylus) 545 crassus (Isurus) 305 crassus (Lestophis) 480 crassus (Limnophis) 1,80 crassus (Monoclonius) 499 INDEX. 813 Page. crassus (Otodus) 304 crassus (Palaeomylus) 323 crassus (Pelonax ) 655 missus (Priconodon) 496 crassus (Protosorex) 738 crassus (Rhinoceros) 61,5, 61,6 crassus (Rhynchodus) 323 crassus (Sandalodus) 289 crassus (Sarcolemur) 793 crassus (Telmalestes) 793 crassus (Telmatolestes) 793 crassus (Thinosaurus) 476 Crcccoides 528 Crccoides 528 Crcmastosaurus 477 crcnidens (Anchippus) 615 crcnidens (Anchitherium) 615 crenidcns ( Dcsmatippus) 615 crenidens (Equus) 623 crcnulatus ( Aspidodus) 288 crenulatus (Hclodus) 286 crcnulatus (Hemipristis) 3/3 crenulatus (Psephodus) 288 Creodonta 743 Creosaurus 489 Criceti 726 Cricetidse 726 Cricctinaj 726 Cricetus 726 Cricotidse Cricotus crispatus (Syllomus) cristata (Cystophora) cristata ( Phoca) cristatum (Hyracotherium) ... cristatus (Aublysodon) cristatus (Galops) cristatus (Catostomus) cristatus (Colotaxis) cristutus (Ctenoptychius) cristatus (Demotion) cristatus (Dryptosaurus) cristatus (Eohippus) cristatus (Lcelaps) cristonense (Orotherium) cristonense (Pliolophus) cristonensis (Hyracotherium) . cristoncnsis (Pachynolophus). Crocodilia Crocodilidse.... 610 610 610 .... 508,511 .... 511,515 crocodilinus (Orycterocetus) 595 Crocodilus 512,5/5 Crocodylidce 511 Crocodylus 5/2, 513 crocuta (Hysena) 783 cromis (Labrus) W5 cromis (Pogonias)., 405 Crommyodus 405 Crossopholis 372 Crossopteri 357 Crossopterygia 357 Crossopterygidse 357 Crotalidffi 480 Crotalina 1,80 Crotalus 481 crucians (Hysenodon) 758 Page. cruciger (Dimetrodon) 433 cruciger (Naosaurus) 432 Crucipes -,12 cruentus (Hysenodon) 753 cruentus (Ichthyodectes) 385 Cryptodira 439 cryptotremus (Cottus) 406 Ctenacanthus 274, 296, 326, 329, 330 Ctenacodon . Ctenerpeton Ctenodipneusta Ctenodipteridee f $51 Ctenodipterini 351 ctenodon (Ichthyodectes) 335 Ctenodontidse 353 Ctenodus 351,352, 353, 354, 855 Ctenolabridse 1,01 Ctenopetalus 281 Ctenoptychius 281, 282, 283, 337 cubitalis (Triplopus) 540 cucullatus (Lophodytes) 529 cucullatus (Mergus) 529 cucullus ( Antliodus) 279 cucullus (Petalodus) 279 culbertsonii ( Anomoepus) 539 culbertsonii (Emys) 450 culbertsonii (Merycoidodon) 666 culbertsonii (Oreodon ) r,65, 666, 667 (.ulbertsonii (Ornithichnites) 539 culbertsonii (Stylemys) 450 culbertsonii (Testudo) 450 cultellus (Chomatodus) 280 cultellus (Petalodus) 280 cultrata (Testudo) 451 cultridens (Leurocephalus) 631 cultridens (Telmatherium) 631 cultridens (Telmatotherium) 631 cummingse (Cheirolepis) 366 cumminsi ( Acheloma) 423 cumminsii (Canimartes) 774 cumminsii (Equus) 616 cumminsii (Merychippus) 616 cuneatum (Anchitherium) 611, cuneatus ( Anomcepus) 539 cuneatus (Clastes) 377 cuneatus (Grallator) 545 cuneatus (Lepisosteus) 377 cuneatus (Mesohippus) 6/4 cuneatus (Miohippus) 614 cuneatus (Ornithoidichnites) 543,545 cuneum (Dinoceras) 703 Cunichnoides 543 cunulatus (Psephodus) 288 cupido (Cupidonia) 534 Cupidonia 534 cursorius (Grallator) 545 curta (Scaumenacia) 353 curtidens (Didymictis) 754 curtidens ( Viverravus) 754 curtidentata (Fritschia) 413 curtidentatum (Hylerpeton) 4/3 curtirostris ( Lestosaurus) 470 curtirostris (Liodon) 470 curtirostris ( Platecarpus) 470 curtum (Anthracotherium) 652 curtum (Brontotherium) 634 814 INDEX. Page. curtum ( Phaneropleuron ) 353 curtum (Titanotherium) 634 curtus (Cimolestes) ". 566 curtus (Cladodus) 270 curtus (Didymietis) 754 curtns (Dinichthys) 346 curtus (Heptacodon) 65..' curtus (Lisgodus) 281 curtus (Petalodus) 278 curtus ( Ponerichthys) 346 curtus (Titanops) 634 curvatus ( Anomoepus) 539 curvatus (Apatichnus) 539 curvatus (Corax) 309 curvatus (Pachyrhizodus) 388 curvatus (Stcnodactylus) 551 curvicristis (Coryphodon) curvidens (Equus) curvidens ( Phyllodus) curvidens (Pristis) cuspidata ( Lamna) cuspidata (Odontaspis) cuspidatum (Hyracotherium) cuspidatus (Bathmodon) cuspidatus (Coryphodon ) cuspidatus (Epihippus) 609 cuspidatus (Microsus) 791 cuspidatus (Mioclamus) 744 cuspidatus (Orohippus) 609 cuspidatus (Oxyclsenus) 744 cuspigerus ( Amphicyon) 772 cuspigerus (Canis) cuspigerus (Daphfenus) cuspigerus (Paradaphsenus) cuvieri (Mastodon) cuvieri (Megatherium) cuyahogse (Coccosteus) cyanoptera (Anas) cyanoptera (Querquedula) Cyathaspis cycliferus (Clastes) cycliferus ( Lepisosteus) 377 Cyclodipterini 358 Cycloganoidei 378 Cyclolabridae 400 Cyclopidius 670, 671 cyclops (Deinictis) 780 cyclops (Dinictis) 780 Cyclopterida; 407 Cyclopteroidea 407 Cyclopterus 407 cyclopygia (Tosiudo) 451 cyclopygius (Xcrobatcs) 1,51 Cyclospondyli 3/4 Cyclotomodon .'. 390 Cygnus 530 cylindrk'iis (CU'iiacanthus) 327 cylindrifer (Calamodon) 575 cylindrifer (Stylinodon) 575 Cylindracanthus 33/ Cymatodus 277 Cymbospondylns 463 Cynocercus 442 Cynodictis 771, 772 Cynodesmus 773 Cynodontomys 788 Page. Cynoidea Cynorca Cynorcidse cypha (Priscacara) cyphodon (Stichoprion) 401 I'.X) Cy phornis 532 Cyprinidre Cyprinina Cyprinodon Cyprinodontes Cyprinodon tidse Cyprinoidei Cyrtacanthus ' Cystophora 394 395 404 394 886 785 Dactylodus 282, 2S3 dsedaleus (Orodus) 295 Dseodon 633 Dafila 529 dakotensis (Colodon ) 626 dakotensis(Eusmilus) 778 dakotensis (Ictops) 739 dakotensis (Mesonyx) 750 Dalatiidse S1U Dalodon 633 Dama 684 danse (Ornithichnites) 552 danana (Aquila) 536 dananus ( Eubrontes) 543 dananus (Eupalamopus) 544 dananus ( Palamopus) 544 d'anconse (Notidanus) 301 Dapedoglossus 393 Daphsenos 767, 77J Daphsenus 77* Daphcenus 772 Daptinus 385, 386 Daptophilns 779, 780 dartoni (Amiopsis) 380 Dasyatidae 318 Dasyatis 319 Dasybatidse 318 Dasypidse 581 Dasypoda 581 Dasypodse 581 Dasypodidse 580,581 Dasyprocta 734 Dasyproctidse 734 Dasyproctini 734 Dasypus 582 davidsoni (Balsenoptera) 599 davidsonii (Cetotherinm) 599 davidsonii (Eschrichtius) 599 davisi (Selache) 3/7 dawkinsianus (Didymietis) 754 dawsoni (Cephalaspis) 341 dawsoni ( Hy lerpcton ) 413 dawsoni (Strepsodus) 360 deaniana ( Platypterna) 549 deanii (Ornithoidichnites) 549 debilis (Archoelurns) 781,782 debilis (Otolithus) 409 debilis (Phoca) 589 debilis (Squalodon ) 589 decedens (Chaeiiohyus) 658 INDEX. 815 Page. decedens (Cyclopidius) 670 decedens ( Pithecistes) 670 decipiens (Otolithus) 408 decora (Leptauchenia) 670 decurrcns ( Ptychodus) 317, 3/8 clcriissatus (Orodus) 295 deflectus ( Ancodus) ". 653 deflectus (Hyopotamus) 653 j deflexus (Cladodus) 268 deflexus (Ctenacanthus) 327 dehiscens (Arachnichnus) 540 Deinictis 779 Dcinodon 488 dekayi (Crocodilus) 515 dekayi (Mosasaurus) 465,466 delicatior (Paramys) 723 delicatior (Plesiarctomys) 723 delicatissimus (Paramys) 723 delicatissimus (Plesiarctomys) 723 delicatula (Phyllolepis) '. 349 delicatula (Platypterna) 549 delicatulus (Calopus) 549 delicatulus (Ornithoidichnites) 549 delicatus (Centracodon) 740 delicatus (Paramys) 723 Delphinapterinse 594 Delphinapterus 59/, 592, 594, 599 Delpl'.inidie 593 Delphininse 593 Dclphinodon 591 Delphinoidea Delphinus 590,593,593,594 Deltatherium 745,751,753 Deltodopsis 291 Deltodus 289,291,293 deltoides (Pnigeacanthus) 334 Deltoptychius - 294 Dendrerpetidse &17 Dendrerpeton 4/5, 417 Dendrerpetontidae 417 Dendrerpetum 1>1S Dendrodus 359 dens-humani ( Helodus) 286 densus (Leptomylus) 325 dentatus (Cladacanthus) 336 dentatus (Cyrtacanthus) 336 dentatus (Diplomystus) 391 dentatns (Polyrhizodus) 283 dentatus (Saurocephalus) 386 Denticeta - 588 Denticete 588 Denticetes 5S8 denticulata (Lamna) 302 denticulata (Sphyrna) Slit denticulatus (Helodus) 286 depressa (Amia) 380 depressa ( Janassa) %76 depressifrons (Dicotyles) 660 depressifrons(Hyops) 660 depressus ,l deweyanus (Batrachopus) 541 deweyi (Batrachoidichnites) 541 deweyi (Sauroidichnites) 51,1 dextratus ( Amblypus) 538 Diacium 477 Diacodexis 790 Diacodon 740,748,749 diaconus (Limnohyops) 631 diaconus (Limnohyus) 631 diaconus (Palseosyops) 631 Diacostalia 452 Diacranodus 265 Diadectes 427 Diadectidse 426 dialophus (Ctenodus) 354 dialophus (Sagenodus) &>4 Diaphorocetus 596 diastematicus ( Mesodon) 372 diastematicus (Typodus) 372 Diastichus 395 Diatryma 522 Dibelodon 707,711,712 Diceratheriinse 642 Diceratherium 64 /, 645, 644 Diclonius 503,504 Diconodon 637 dicornutus (Lefalophodon) 704 Dicotyles 589,657,658,660,661 Dicotylidse 658 Dicotylinse 658 Dicranocerus 686 Dicrenodus -71 Dicrocerus 682,683 Dicrocynodon '. 568 | Dicrocynodontidse 568 dictyocephala (Amia) 380 Dictyocephalus 4 Dictyodus * Dictyopyge 370 Dictyopygidse 370 Dictyorhabdus Dicynodon 430 Dicynodontia 4^0 Dicynodontidae 43 816 INDEX. Fage. Didelphia 563 Didelphidae 570 Didelphis 570 Didelphodon 565 Didelphodus 753 didelphoides (Ictops) 739 didelphoides ( Palteictops) 759 Didelphops , 565,566 Didelphydse 570 Didelphys 570 didelta (Arvicola) 728 didelta (Microtus) x 728 didelta (Pitymys) 728 Didymictis 754, 755 Didymodus 265 digitate (Sauropleura) 419 digitatus (Ctenoptychius) 285 digatatus (-Dactylodus) 285 digitatus (Polyrhizodus) 283 digitigrada (Platypterna) 549 digona (Cimolomys) 560 digona (Ptilodus) 560 dilatatus (Pleuracanthus) 264 Dilophodon 625,626 diluviana (Mustela) 767 diluvianus (Microtus) 728 Dimetrodon 432 dimidiata (Erisichthe) 579 dimidiata ( Protosphyraena) 379 Dinictis 779, 780 Dinichthyidae 545 Dinichthyinae 345 Dinichthys 345,548 Dinobastis 781 Dinoceras 702,705 Dinocerata 701 Dinocerea 701 Dinoceratidae . 701 Dinodon- 488, 489 Dinodontidae 487 Dinophis 479 Dinosauria 481 Dinotherium 70S, 709 Dinotomius 778, 779 Dinoziphius 595 Diodon 408 Diodontidae 408 Diodon toidea 408 Diopeus 451 Dioplodon 597 Dioplotherium 582 Diphrissa 524, 525 Diplacanthidae 274 Diplacanthus I... 274 Diplacodon 632,658 Diplarthia 607 Diplaspis 540 Diplocanthus 274 Diplocaulidse : 416 Diplocaulus 416 Diploclonus 655 diploconum (Telmalherium) 631 diploconum (Telmaiotherium) 651 Diplocynodon 5U Diplocynodontidae ... 568 Diplocynodus 515,514 Diplodocidse Diplodocus Diplodus K'I Diplognathus Diplomystus diplophysus ( Pleurolicus) Diplosaurus Diplospondyli Diplospondylidae Diplotomodon Diplovertebridae Diplurus Dipneusta Dipnoi Dipodidse Dipodinae Dipriodon Dipriodontidae Dipteridse Dipterini Dipterus 351 Dipus Diracodon Dirrhizodon dirus (Canis) dirus (Cimolichthys) dirus (Enchodus) dirus ( Phasganodus) disauris (Carcharodon) discophorus (Cricotus) discors (Anas) discors (Querquedula) Discosaurus discrepans ( Vaticinodus) discurus (Hypsirophus) discurus (Stegosaurus) discus (Baptanodon ) discus (Sauranodon) dispar (Brontops) dispar (Camptonotus) dispar (Camptosaurus) dispar (Clidastes) dispar (Cumnoria) dispar (Edestosaurus) dispar (Ichthyornis) dispar ( Megacerops) dispar (Titanotherium) disparidigitatum (Argozoum) Dissacus dissimilis (Megalonyx) Dissodus e- r > Dissorhophus distans (Dinoceras) distans (Eohyus) distans (Lemuravus) distans (Moropus) distortus (Petalorhynchus) Ditetrodon ditngonus (Conoryctes) ditrigonus (Ectoconus) ditrigonus ( Periptychus) Ditiodus divaricaus (Macropierna) divancans (Palamopus) divancatum (Broulo/.oum) divaricatum (Ceiaterpeton) Page. . 486 -186,496 2H6, 267 . 348 . 391 . 731 . 576 . 473 .. 420 .. 364 .;,w, 350 541,350 . 732 .. 752 560,561 .. 558 . . 351 .. 551 354,555 . 752 $13 775 890 aw 590 507 421 B29 sea 290 . 4% . 463 . 465 . 654 501 . 501 . 467 . 501 ',67, 168 . 520 . 634 . 654 . 749 577, 578 266, 267 . 420 . 703 ','49,651 691 278 6M 694 INDEX. 817 Page. divaricatum (Keraterpeton) 414 divaricatus (Cottus) 406 divaricatus (Edaphodon) 3:24 divaricatus (Eubrontes) 543 divaricatus (Ischyodus) 324 divaricatus (Oruithoidichnites) ,55.' divaricatus (Otodus) 304,795 diversidens (Borophagus) 776 diversidens (Hyaena) 776 diversidens (Caulodon) 484 diversus (Ornithichnites) 551 Docodon 568 dodgei (Daphoenus) 772 dodgei ( Daphsenus) 772 dolichoceras (Brontotherium) 634 dolichoceras (Menodus) 634 dolichoceras (Titanotherium ) 634 doliohopsis (Cariacus) 684 dolichopsis (Dama) 684 Dolichurhinus 532 Dolichosomatidae 411 dolichus(Enchodus) 389 Doliodus 267 dolloverianus (Embolophorus) 433 dollovianus (Embolophorus) 433 Domnina 739,741,571 Dorcatherium 671 dorsalis (Neurodromicus) 481 dorsata (Hystrix) 733 dorsatus (Erethizon) 733 Dorudon Doryodon Drepanacanthus 333, 334 Drepanodon 1,71,778 Dromseognathse 522 Dromaeopappi 521 Dromatherida 555 Dromatheriidae 555 Droniatherium 555 Dromocyon 750, 751 Dromopus 543 Drydenius 36* Dryolestes 569 Dryolestidae 569 Dryosaurus 501 Dryptodon 575 Dryptosauridae 4*7 Dr\ ptosjiurus 487, 4S9 dubia (Lamna) 302 dubia (Odontaspis) 302 dubius (Rhinoptera) 321 dubius (Zygobatis) 321 dumblei (Mesodon) 373 dumblei (Microdon) 373 dumblei (Typodus) 373 dum blianus (Palaeoctonus) 490 duplex (Carcharias) 302 duplex (Lamna) 302 duplex (Odontaspis) 302 587 duplex (Stegosaurus) duplicatus (Diplodus) duplicatus (Gyracanthus) duplicatus (Thrinacodusj Dupiicidenta ta durinasus ( Meiopocetus) durus(Eupelor) Bull. 179 52 durus(Mastodonsaurus) 423 dux (Raja) 316 Dyoplax 511 dysclerus (Oxyaenodon) 759 Dysganus 504 dysodus (Oxyaenodon) 759 dyspelor (Liodon) 473 dyspelor (Rhinosaurus) 47,' dyspelor (Tylosaurus) 472 Dysporomorphse 532 Dystrophaeus 497 E. Eboroziphius 596 Ecaudata 425 eccentricus (Cladodus) 268 Echinorhinidae 314 Echinorhinoidae 314 Echinorhinus 315 Ectacodon 697,698 Ectocion 605 Ectocium 605 Ectoconodon 692 Ectoconus 694 Ectocynodon 425 Ectoganidae 573 Ectoganus 575 Ectosteorhachis 362 Eczematolepis 332 Edaphodon 324, 325 Edaphosauridae 431 Edaphosaurus 432, 433 edax(Miacis) , 760 edax(Uintacyon) 760 Edentata 571.5S4 Edestidte 337 Edestosauridse 464 Edestosaurus 466,467,463 Edestus 337 edvardsianus (Laornis) 531 effodiens (Hemicaulodon) 583 Effodientia... 575 egertoni (Carcharias) ...................... 313 egertoni (Carcharhinus) ................... 312 egertoni (Corax) ........................... 312 egertoni (Galeocerdo) ...................... 313 egertoni (Prionace) ........................ 313 egertoni (Prionodon) ....................... 313 Elachoceras ....... ......................... 705 Elaphus ..... . ........................ 681,, 655,714 Elasmobranchii ............................ 262 Elasmognathus ............................ 628 Elasmosauridse ............................. 457 Elasmosnurus .............................. 458 Elasmotheriina ............................. 645 Elasmotheriinse ............................ 645 elatum(Chalicotherium) ...... . ........... 691 elatum (Titanotherium) ................... 635 elatus (Diplacodon) ........................ 632 elatus (Moropus) ........................... 691 elatus (Titanops) ........................... 635 elatus (Triceratops) ........................ 498 elegans (Amia) ............................. 381 elegans (Anisacodon) ...................... 791 elegans ( Asteroptychius) ................... 330 elegans (Bunomeryx) 650 818 INDEX. elegans (Chomatodus) ^MI elegans (Cladodus) 26S elegans (Cielacanthus) 304 elegans (Ctenacanthus) 3'27 elegans (Dictyocephalus) 423 elegans ( Elonichthys) 368 elegans (Eumys) 728 elegans (Hypamia) 381 elegans (Ischypterus) 375 elegans (Lamna) 303, 305 elegans (Limnotherium ) 791 elegans (Merychyus) 669 elegans ( Microsyops) 791 elegans (Odontaspis) . . . : 303 elegans (Ornithoidichnites) 551 elegans (Pediomys) 565 elegans (Phyllodus) 401 elegans ( Plectropterna) 549 elegans (Rabdiolepis) 368 elegans (Rhabdolepis) 368 elegans (Semionotus) 375 elegans (Sterna) 535 elegans (Steropoides) 551 elegans (Tridentipes) 55; elegans (Trihamus) 553 elegantior (Steropoides) 551 elegantior (Tridentipes) 551,552 elegantius (Steropezoum) 551,552 elegantulus (Orodus) 295 elegantulus (Otolithus) 408 Elephantidse 706 elephantopus ( Bathmodon) 698 elephantopus (Coryphodon) 698, 699 Elephas 708, 709, 712 elevatus (Otolithus) 409 ellangowensis (Anthracopus) 539 elliottii (Crocodylus) 512 elliottii (Thecachampsa) 512 Ellipsbdon 606,746 elliptica (Palseaspis) 340 ellipticus (Sandalodus) 289 Elliptonodon 473 Elomeryx 652 elongatus (Cladodus) 270 elongatus (Stenopterodus) 291 Elonichthys 368 Elotheriidse 653 Elotheriinse 653 Elotherium 650, 654, 656 elytra (Chomatodus) 286 elytra (Helodus) 286 emarginatus (Diplacodon) 633 emarginatus (Osteopygis) 441 Embalorhynchus 403 Embaphias 459 Embassis 570, 57; Embolomeri 1,10, 1*17 Embolophorus 1*31, 433 emmonsi ( Acrodus) 299 emmonsi (Hoplocetus) 596 emmonsi (Ontocetus) 596 emmonsianus (Trisenopus) 553 emmonsii (Sauroidichnites) 553 Empedias 427 Empedocles 427 387, 795 Page. . 447 . 447 . 447 . 670 . 277 . 447 Kmydes Emydidse Emydides emydinus (Cyclopidius) cinyilinus (Thoraeodus) Emydoidse Emydosauria 508 Einys 457,444,445,447. ',5 Enaliosauria 461 encaustum (Osteoglossuni) 393 ciicaiistus (Dapedoglossus) 393 encaustus (Dysganus) 505 encaustus ( Phareodus) 393 Enchodidaj 3S8 Enchodontidae 388 Enchodus 388, 390 enchodus ( Anisodexis) 423 endlichii (Erismatopterus) 404 Enhydrocyoii 769 Ennacodon 568 Enneodon 56S ennisianus (Lepus) , 736 enodis (Taphrosphys) 438 ensidens ( Pristis) 316 ensidens (Saniwa) 475 ensifer (Cariacus) 684 ensifer (Cervus) 681, ensifer (Dama) 684 ensis (Notidanus) 301 ensis (Xiphodolamia) 301 Entelodon 654, 655 entoconus (Conacodon) 696 entoconus (Haploconus) 696 Entomacodon 741 Entomodon 740, 755 entoptychi (Amphicyon) 772 Entoptychus 731 Eobasileidse 70; Eobasileus 704, 706 Eobasilidse 70; Eobatrachus 425 eocaenus ( Edaphodon) 324 eocsenus ( Ischyodus) 324 Eohippus 605, 608, 609, 6;0, 627 Eohyidae 650 Eohyus 649, 651 Eomericida; 664 Eomeryx 664 Eosaurus 421 Eotherium 636 eous (Equus) 622 Epanorthidee 565 Epantcrias 483 Ephippidse 400 Ephippus 400 Epichriacus 744,745 Epicordylus Ml, 1,22 Epicyon 774 Epihippus 611, 612 Epimycteri 777 Episcoposaurus 511 Eplacentalia 555 Eporeodon 665, 666, 667, 668 eporrectus (Otolithus) 408 equiceps (Anchitherium) 613,611, equiceps (Mesohippus) 61k INDEX. 819 Pt-ge. equiccps (Miohippus) ...................... 614 Equidse ..................................... 608 Equina' ..................................... 610 equinum (Anchithcrium) .................. 61 f> Equoidea ................................... (i08 Equus ........................ 6J6, 617, 618, 620, 621 equus (Hoplichnus) Ereptodon Erethizou Krethizontidce Krctliizontinii; Erinaceidse Eriptychius Erisichthe Erisichtheidse Erismaeanthus ............................. 335 Erismatapterus ............................. 404 erininius (Putorius) ........................ 768 erosus (Osteopygis) ......................... 441 eruciferus ( Arotus) ......................... 356 eruciferus (Ceratodus) ..................... 356 Eryopidse ................................... 421 Eryops ................................ 421,422,434 Ery thizon .................................. 733 crythroliticus (Epicordylus) ............... Ml erythroliticus (Eryops) ..................... 422 erythrorhynchus (Pelecanus) .............. 532 Eschatiidae Eschatius Eschrichtius Esocidae .................................... Esocini ................... '. ................. Esox ........................................ Esthonychidse .............................. 715 esulcatus (Leptomeryx) .................... 671 Esthonyx ................................. 715, 790 etsagicus (Mioclsenus) ...................... 61,9 etsagicus (Pantolestes) ..................... 649 etsagicus (Trigonolestes) ................... 649 Eubradys ................................... 579 Eubrontes ................................ 539, 543 Eucastor .................................... 722 Euchelonia ................................. 435 Euchoerus .................................. 660 Euclastes ................................. 441, 442 Eucrotaphus ........... '. ...... 663,665,666,667,665 Euctenius .................................. 337 Euelephas ................................ 712,7/3 Euganoidei ................................. 374 euglypha (Emys) ........................... 447 euglyphseus (Cladodus) .................... 268 EugnathidEe ................................ 378 euhyphodon (Mastodon) ................... 710 cuhypodon (Mammut) ..................... 710 euhypodon (Mastodon) .................... 710 euhypodon (Tetrabelodon) ................. 710 Euichthycs ................................. 338 Eulamia .................................... 312 Eumetopias ................................ 783 Eumylodus ................................. 324 Eumys .................................... 726,727 Eunemacanthus ............................ 329 Euornithes ................................. 623 Eupachemys .............................. 448, 451 Eupalamopus ............................... 544 Page. 423 341 341 580 .. 603,746 .... 519 376 741 Eupelor Euphaneropidai Euphauerops euphractus (Glyptodon ) euphractus (Hoplophorus) Euprotogonia Eurhipidura; Eurinotus Euryacodon eurydinus (Thoracodus) 277 Eurydorus 510 Eurylepis 366,367 Eurynotus S76 euryops (Merychyus) 669 eurypygia (Cistudo) 449 eurypygia (Terrapene) 449 eurystylus (Equus) ' 620 eurystylus (Hipparion) 620 Eurythorax 415 Euselachii 274,795 Eusmilus 778 Eusthenopteron 351 Eusuchia 511 Eusyodon 61,6 Euthacanthus 274 Eutheria 563,571 Eutatus 581 euthneta (Emys) 447 evansi (Dorcatherium) 671 evansi (Leptomeryx) 671 evolutus ( Anogmius) 393 evolutus ( Osmeroides) 393 exanthematica (Peplorhina) 364 exanthematicus (Conchiopsis) 364 excavatus (Ctcnacanthus) 327 excavatus ( Dactylodus) 283 excavatus (I'olyrhizodus) 283 excavatus ( Rhynchodus) 323 excelsus (Brontosaurus) 485 excelsus (Equus) 623 excisum (Scapherpeton) 424 excressicornis ( Lefalophodon ) 706 exiguus (Cladodus) 268 exilis (Cladodus) 268 exilis (Iguanavus) 474 eximia (Prosinopa) 788 eximia (Sinopa) 788 eximium (Poebrotherium) 675 eximius ( Aetobatis) 320 eximius (Hyraehyus) 639 eximius ( Mesobatis) 320 Exocampe 544 exoletum (Anchithcrium ) 614 exoletus (Mesohippus) 614 exoletus (Miohippus) 614 exornatus (Deltodopsis) 291 Exostinus 476 expansa (Megaptera) 599 expansum (Brontozoum) 545 expansum (Cetotherium) 599 expansus (Deltoptychius) 294 expansus (Eschrichtius) 599 expansus ( Eubrontes) 543 expansus (Ornithoidichnites) 543 expansus (Periplectrodus) 287 expausus (Siphonocetus) 599 820 INDEX. Page. expansus (Tarsodactylus) .................. 652 explanatus (Dryptosauras) ............. . 488 explanatus (Laelaps) .................... ... '33 Gulliforrnes 533 gallinaceus (Ornithopus) 557 Gallinse 533 Gallinuloides 535 gallinuloides ( Anomoepns) 539 Gallinuloididfe 535 gallinulnidos (Ornitliiohnites) 539 gallopavo ( Meleagris) 534 Gamphacanthns 332 Gampsacanthus 336 Ganalodus 360 ganei (Heterodontosuchus) 515 Ganoccphala 477 Ganocephali 4/7,479 Ganodonta 573 Ganoidei 33,s,S56 Ganoides 357 Ganorhynchidse 392 Ganorhynchus 352 Garialis 575 garmani (Notomorpha) 448 gaskillii (Edaphodon) 324 gaskillii (Ischyodus) 324 Gasterosterformes 396 Gasterosteidae 397 Gasterosteus 397 Gastornis 522 Gastornithes 522 Gastornithidse 522 Gastrodus 360 Gastrolepidoti 427 gaudrianus (Triisodon) 748 gaudrianus (Gonlacodon) 768 gaudryi (Agriochcerus) 663 gaudryi (Artionyx) 663 gaudryi (Coloreodon) 663 Gaviffi 523 Gavialidee 515 Gavialis 515 Geisaoanthus 330 geismarianus (Canis) 777 geismarianus (Cynodietis) 777 geismarianus (Galecynus) .' 777 geismarianus (Nothoeyon) 771 gemma (Otolithus) 408 gemmatus (Ctcnacanthus) 327 gemmatus ( Drepanacanthus) 334 gemmatns (Physoncmus) '. 334 gemmatus (Xystracanthus) 334 gemmifcr (Blastomeryx) 682 gemmifer (Cosoryx) 682 gemmifer (Dicrocerus) 682 gemmifer (Merycodus) 682 gentryi (Enchodus) 389 gentry! (Phasganodus) SS9 Geolabis 739,747 Geomyidse 730 Geomys 730 Geosaurus 477 Page. (ii-pliyura .................................. 398 Geranomorphae ........................... 526, 527 Gerrhonotidce Getalodus gibbarcus ( Alburnops) gibbarcus (Myloleucus) gibbarcus (Rutihis) 474 276' 395 395 395 gibbi'rulus ( Helodus) 286 gibbcrulus ( Lophodus) 28(i gibbesii ( Aprionodon) 373 gibbesii (Oareharias) 373 gibbesii (Oareharhinus) 306, 313 gibbesii (Saurocetus) 588 gibbesii (Sphyrna) 314 gibbesii (Zeuglodon) 588 gibbiceps ( Anthraeotherium ) 652 gibbiceps (Heptacodon) 652 gibbidens (Thecodontosaurus) 492 gibbosus ( Amacanthus) 329 gibbosus (Diplodus) 265, 266 gibbosus ( Dissodus) 266 gibbosus (Dittodus) 266 gibbosus (Helodus) 295 gibbosus (Homaeanthus) 329 gibbosus (Orodus) 295 gibbus (Diplacanthus) 274 gibbus (Helodus) 286 gibsoni (Cricotus) 421 Gigadipus 545 Gigandipus 545 gigantea (Pachyrcna) 749 giganteum ( Brontozoum 543 giganteum (Diatryma) 522 giganteum (Gastornis) 522 giganteum (Mastodon) 707 giganteum (Palceotherium) 636 giganteus ( Amblonyx) 544 giganteus ( Edestus) 337 giganteus ( Equus) 623 giganteus ( Eubrontes) 643 giganteus (Fulicopus) 544 gignnteus (Holoptyehius) 358 giganteus ( Manatus) 5S4 giganteus (Mastodon) 707, 774 giganteus (Menodus) 636 giganteus (Ornithiehnites) 543 giganteus (Ornithoidichnites) 543 giganteus ( Plesiornis) 550 Gigantithcrium 545 gigas (Alopecias) 305 gigas (Archseobatis) 285 gigas ( Atlantochelys) 440 gigas (Brontotherium) 635 gigas (Clepsydrops) 432 gigas ( Dimetrodon) gigas ( Ephippus) gigas (Hydrodamalis) gigas (Ischypterus) gigas (Manospondylus) gigas (Morotherium) gigas (Myliobatis) gigas ( Physonemus) gigas ( Polemarchus) gigas ( Protosphyreena) giirns [ I'n.tostega) gigas ( Rhy Una) 432 400 584 375 GOO 550 179 440 INDEX. Page. gigas ( Semionotus) 375 gigas (Taurus) 689 gigas (Titanotherium) 1535 gilbertii (Testudo) i:,l gillianus ( Anisonchus) 695 gillianus (Haploconus) 695 Gillicus 386 gillii (Palwotetrix) ;,;il Ginglymodi 374, 376 Ginglymostoma '. 310 Ginglymostomidse 310 Ginglymostomince 310 Ginglystomoidae 310 Girtyi (Cladodus) 268 Gisaoaiithus 330 glaber (Clastes) * 377 glaber (Lcpisosteus) 377 glaber (Otolithusl 408 glacialis (Harelda) r,M gladiolus (Cimolichthys) 389 gladiolus (Enchodus) 389 gladiolus ( Phasganodus) 389 gladius (Pelecopterus) 379 gladius (Portheus) 379 gladius (Protosphynena) 379 gladius (Torosaurus) 499 glandifcrus ( Lestosaurns) 470 glandiferus (Liodon) 470 glandifiTiis ( Platocarpus) 7,70 Glaucionetta 530 (Hires 717 gliriformis (Ectoganus) 575 ( i !c .ssi irht'l ys m Glossotherium 579 glottoides (Myliobatis) 320 (ilyminatacanthiis :;31 Glyphis 312,313 ( i 1 y I ita^pis 349 Glyptrmys ; 1,1$ Glyptoderma 7,76 Glyptodon 580, 581, 582 glyptodmi (Holops) 516 glyptodon (Thoracosaurus) 516 Glyptodontes 580 Glyptodontia 580 Glyptodontidffi 580 Glyptolepis 358, 359 Glyptopomus 362 Glyptops 1,37 <;lyptosaiirid:r 1,71, Glyptosaurus 475 glyptus (Psammodus) 284 Gnathorhiza 355 godmani (Tetracaulodon ) 709 1*0111 pi H >dus (Nimnivus) 781 goniphi tides (Cladodus) 268 (ioinphntherium 676 Gonatodus 365 Goniacodon 748 Goniodus 287,315 Goniopholida; 516 Goniopholis 616 Goniopoda 1,87 Gonorhynchida- 392 Gorgonichthys ..." .'.. $tf,Si,6 gouldii (Dinichthys) gouldii ( Pk-siottiurus) gouldii ( I 'onerichthys) gracile (Anchitherium) gracile (Miothen) .. 823 Page. . 346 . 456 . 31,6 . 612 571 gracilior (Anisichnus) 51,1 gracilior (Anisopus) 51,1 gmcilior (Batrachopus) 541 gracilior ( Harpedactylus) 545 gracilior (Ornithopus) r,r,i gracilior (Ornithoidichnitcs) 551 gracilior (Sillimanius) 551 gracillima (Platyptcrna) 549 gracillimus ( Acondylacanthus) . 329 gracillimus (Anomoepus) 539 graeillimns (Brontozoum) 539 gracillimus (Chomatodus) 276 gracillimus (Ctenacanthus) 3^9 gracillimus (Eubrontes) 539 graeillimns (Grallator) 539 gracillimus (Ornithoidichnites) 539 gracillimus (Petalodus) 275 gracillimus (Tanaodus) 276 gracilipes (Macropterna) 51,8 gracilipes (Palamopus) 648 gracilis (Acondylacanthus) 329 gracilis ( Aletornis) 527 gracilis (Arnia) 381 gracilis (Amphicyon) 771 gracilis (Anisichnus) 51,1 gracilis (Anisopus) 51,1 gracilis ( Antliodus) 279 gracilis ( Asteroptychius) 330 gracilis (Batrachopns) 51,1 gracilis (Catopterus) 370 gracilis (Cimolomys) 559,560 gracilis (Cladodus) 268 gracilis (Climatius) 329 gracilis (Cffilurus) 493 graoilis (Daphaenos) 771 gracilis (Dinichthys) 346 gracilis (Diplodus) 266 gracilis (Dissodus) 266 gracilis (Dittodus) 266 gracilis (Domnina) 571 gracilis (Dryolestes) : 569 gracilis (Epihippus) 612 gracilis (Grallator) 546 gracilis ( Harpedactylus) 51,5 gracilis (Hemiacodon) 794 gracilis ( Hesperornis) 521 gracilis ( Homacanthus) 329 gracilis (Hyopsodus) 790 gracilis (Hypsodus) 790 gracilis (Lamna) 303,310 gracilis (Liiosaurus) gracilis (Leptochojrus) gracilis (Lcptorcodon) gracilis (Lestosaurus) gracilis (Mat-hairfxltis) gracilis (Mi-rycodosiuus) gracilis (Merycoidodon) gracilis (Mesohippus) gracilis (Microsyops) 501 657 672 470 778 672 666 613 791,792 gracilis (Notharctus) 790 gracilis (Nyctodactylus) 508 824 INDEX. . hi 5 . 264 . 367 279 . 1,70 549 . 264 . 618 . 346 677,678 . SSI . 677 Page. gracilis (Nyctosaurus) 508 gracilis (Odontaspis) 303 gracilis (Oreodon) ma gracilis (Oreosaurus) gracilis (Orohippus) gracilis (Orthacanthus) gracilis (Palseoniscus) gracilis (Petalodus) gracilis (Platecarpus) gracilis (Plectropterna) gracilis (Pleuracanthus) gracilis (Pliohippus) gracilis ( Ponerichthys) gracilis ( Procamelus) gracilis (Protamia) gracilis (Protocamelus) gracilis ( Pteranodon) 508 gracilis ( Ptilodus) 560 gracilis (Redfleldius) 370 gracilis (Rhadinichthys) 367 gracilis (Sauroidichnites) 5/,5 gracilis (Scapanorhynchus) 303 gracilis (Scylliorhinus) 310 gracilis (Scyllium) S10 gracilis (Smilodon) 778 gracilis (Stylacodon) 569 gracilis (Typopus) 553 gracilis (Viverravus) 754 gracilis (Xestops) 475 gracilis (Zetodon) 695 Graculavus 5/9,520,533 Graculus 533 gradata (Domnina) 741 gradatus (Castor) . . 722 gradatus (Steneofiber) 722 gradocostatus ( Ctenacanthus) 327 Grallfe 526 Grallator 539,545 grallipes (Pteropelyx) grandseta (Chelone) grandtfiva (Chelonia) grandaevus (Delphinapterus) grandffivus (Oligosimus) grandsevus (Priscodelphinus) grandavus (Puppigerus) grandsevus (Trctosphys) grandiceps ( Amphibamus) grande (Tinoceras) grandis ( Apatosaurus) grandis (Brimosaurus) grandis (Chonespondylus) grandis (Cimoliasaurus) grandis (Cladodus) grandis (Deltodus) grandis (Dinophis) grandis ( Discosaurus) ......... . grandis (Eryops) ........................... 434 grandis ( Hemipsalodon) ................... 759 grandis ( Ichthyosaurus) ................... 463 grandis ( Loxolophodon ) ................... 705 grandis (Morosaurus) grandis (Ophiacodon) grandis (Ornithoraimus) grandis (Palwophis) grandis (Psammodus) grandis (Sandalodus) Page. grandis (Thinosaurus) 476 grandis (Thoracosaurus) 515 grandis (Titanophis) 479 grandis (Triacodon) 753 granulata ( Eurylepis) 366 granulata (Mecolepis) 366 granulatus ( Holoptychius) 358 granulatus (Oracanthus) 332 granulosus ( Peltosaurus ) 457 Graphiodon 590 gratum ( Hipparion) 620 gratum ( Hippothcrium ) 620 Gravigrada 575 gravis (Emys) 44S gravis (Notomorpha) 448 greenei (Palaeoinylus) 323 greenei ( Rhynchodus) 323 gregarius (Canis) 771 gregarius (Cynodictis) 771 gregarius (Galecynus) 771 grinnellii (Crocodylus) 512 grcenlandica (Phoca) 785 grcenlandicus ( Pagophilus) 785 grcenlandicus (Rangifer) 686 grossiplicata (Janassa) 276 grossiplicatus (Tanaodus) 276 grossipunctatus (Leiodus) 296 Grues 527 Gruidse 527 Gruiformes 527 Gruinse 527 Gruioidea.... . 527 Gruioidete .................................. 527 Grus ........................................ 527 Gryphodobatis ............................. 316 Grypodon .................................. 408 gryphus (Crocodylus) ...................... 512 giintheri (Ceratodus) ....................... 356 Gulo ........................................ 768 gulo (Plesiosaurus) ....... ................... 456 gurleiana (Janassa) ........................ 276 gurleiana (Strigilina) ...................... 270 gurleianus (Sagenodus) .................. 354, 355 gurleyana (Janassa) ........................ 276 gurleyanus (Ctenodus) ..................... 354 gurleyanus (Sagenodus) ................... 354 gurleyi (Ctenacanthus) ................... 327 guttatus (Trionyx) ......................... 454 guyotianus (Agriochoerus) ................. 663 guyotianus (Hyopotamus) ................. 663 guyotianus (Merycopater) ................. 663 guyotii (Desmatotherium) . ................ 625 guyotii (Helaletes) ...... . .................. 625 Gyapsetidse ................. . : .............. 535 Gymnodontes .............................. 408 Gymnoptychus ........................... 720, 725 Gyracanthus ............................... 335 gyrinoides (Cocytinus) ..................... 416 Gyrolepis ................................... 359 Gyrosteus ................................... 371 H. hadriana (Testudo) ........................ 1,21 Hadrianus Had rod us 450 373 671 INDEX. 825 I 'age. Hadrosauridrc .............................. 503 Hadrosaurus ..................... 500, 502, 503, 504 Halecornorphi ............................ 378, SSO Ilulh'orida Halicoridse ...... . halidiuius (Dinophis) halidanus(Palffiophis) Halisaurus Halitheriid:t Halitherium halli (Holoptyehius) halli (Poebrotherium) halli (Protomeryx) Hallopida- ............. Hallopoda Hallopodidse Hallopus halmodeus (Coecosteus) halmodeus (Dinichthys) halocyon (Enchodus) Halodon ........... . halophilns (Trionyx) hiunat us ( Antichciropus) hamatus (Coryphodon) .................. 698, 700 hamatus (Ichthyodectes) .................. 385 hamatus (Labidosaurus) ................... 429 hamatus (Lambdodus) ..................... 271 hamatus ( Pariotichus) ..................... 429 hamulus (Lambdodus) .................... 271 Haplacodon ................................ 633 Haplistia ................................... 352 haplocerus ( Episcoposaurus) ............... 511 Haploeonus ............ . ............. 694, 695, 696 haplodou (Arctodus) ....................... 763 haplodon (Tremarctos) .................... 763 haplodon (Ursus) ........................... 763 Haplolepis ................................. 366 Haplomi ................................... 398 hardingi (Hylopus) .................... ____ 546 hardingi (Rhizodus) ....................... 360 hardingi (Strepsodus) ..................... 360 Harelda .................................... 530 harlani (Basilosaurus) ..................... 5S7 harlani ( Bottosaurus) .................... 514, 5.Z5 583 479 479 46S 582 582 . 358 676 676 494 494 494 494 346 346 389 560, 561 454 539 harlani (Crocodilus) harlani ( Hydrarchus) harlani (Megalonyx) harlani ^Mylodon) harlani (Priscodelphinus) ... harlani (Zeuglodon) Harlanus Harpaoanthus Harpacodus Harpagmotherinm Harpalodon Harpedactylus harpygia (Ornithochirus) harpygia (Pterodactyltis) harrisoni (Ctenacanthus) hartshornianus (Amphicyon) hartshornianus (Canis) hartshornianus (Daphoenus) hartwelli (Galeocerdo) hassise (Galeocerdo) 761 ... 545,549 328 772 .... 772,773 772 311 311 hastalis (Isums) 306 luist:ilis(0xyrhina) 304,306 hastate (Dasyatis) hastate (Oxyrhina) hastate (Trygon) hastilis (Oxyrhina) hatcheri ( Protolambda) hatcheri (Protoptychus) hatcherii (Rhineura) Hatteria hnwkinsii (I)elphinupterns ) haydeni ( /Elurodon ) hnydi'iii (Amphicyon) haydeni (Canis) haydeni ( Emys) haydeni (Epicyon). Page. . 319 892 730 476 '.60 591 774 774 TO 448 774 haydeni (Grus) 527 haydeni (Lepidotus) 377 haydeni (Leptictis) 739 haydeni ( Palseolagus) 735,736 haydenianus (Didymictis) 754 haydenianus (Dysganus) 505 haydenianus ( Viverravus) 754 haysii (Elasmognathus) 628 haysii (Tapirus) 628 haysii (Tetracaulodon) 709 hazenianus (Dryptosaurus) 488 hazenianus (Lselaps) 4SS hebraica (Baena) 438 heckmani ( Acherontemys) 446 Hectocampe 544 Hedronchus 326 heilprinianus (Goniacodon) 748 heilprinianns (Mioclaenus) 74# heilprinianns (Triisodon) 748 heinrichii (Edestus) 337 Helagras 481 Helaletes 625, 627 Helaletidse 624 Helaletinse 624 Helcura 546 Heleothrepta 1.10 Heliobatis 319 Heliodus 352 Heliscomys 729 heloceras (Symborodon) 636 heloceras (Titanotherium ) 636 helocerus ( Megaeeratops) 636 Helodectes 429 Helodontinse 284 Helodus 286,293,295 Helohippus 611 Helohyidse 650 Helohyus 604, 650 Helotherium 611,612 Hemiacis 766 Hemiacodon 787, 794 Hemibranchii 3% Hemicaulodon 583 hemiconus (Phenacodus) 604 Hemictenodus 354 Hemiganidse 573 Hemiganus 573, 574 Hemipristis 313 Hemipsalodon 759 Hemiptychodus 317 hemispherica (Emys) . 450 hemispherica (Testudo) 450 826 INDEX. Page. Hemipristis 313 Hemithlfpus '>7 . i; '>"> Hemitrypus 424 Heptacodon ''< 1 , <'>' .' Heptanchus '<< Heptodon 625 Heptranchias 300 Herbivora 601 Herodii 531 Herodiones 537 Herpetotherium 570, 577 hertzeri (Cladodus) 268 hertzeri (IMnichthys) 346,347 hertzeri (Goniodus) 287 hertzeri (Ponerichth ys) 346 hertzeri (Xenodus) 287 hesperium (Uiceratherium) 644 hesperius (Aphelops) 644 hesperius (Chsenohyus) 659 hesperius ( Dicotyles) . . i 659 hesperius ( Hypertragulus) 675 hesperius (Rhinoceros) 644 hesperius (Tayassu) 659 Hesperocyon 771 Hesperomyidse 726 Hesperomys 726, 727 Hesperornidae 527 Hesperornis 521 Hesperornithes 520 Hespernornithidse. . . 521 Hesperornoidea 527 hesperus (Desmostylus) 583 hesterna (Auchenia) 679 hesternu-s (Camelops) 679 hesternus ( Holomeniscus) 679 Heteracanthus 332 Heterocerci 365 Heterodon ... 309 heteroclitus (Ancyropus) heteroclitus (Cetophis) heteroclitus (Cricotus) heteroclitus (Sauroidichnites) heterodactylum (Chirotherium) heterodactylus (Thenaropus) heterodon (Alligator) heterodon (Carcharias) 507 heterodon (Carcharodon) 307 heterodon (Corax ) 309 heterodon (Crocodylus) 513 heterodon (Cyclopidius) 670 heterodon (Pithecistes) 670 Page. . 300 . 500 . 573 705 . 723 752 723 752 752 705 404 705 728 728 728 362 356 356 Hexancholdea Hexanchus Hexodon hians (Loxolophodon) hians (Paramys) hians (Plesiarctomys) hians (Prototomus) hians (Pseudotomus) hians (Sinopa) hians. (Stypolophus) hians (Tinoceras) hians (Trichophanes) hians ( Uintatherium) hiatidens ( Anaptogonia) hiatidens (Arvicola) hiatidens (Microtus) hibberti (Megalichthys) hieroglyphus ( Arotus) hieroglyphus (Ceratodus) hildrethi (Listracanthus) 336 hilli (Pseudemys) 449 hillianus (Felis) 782 Hipparion 676,619,622,795 hipparionyx ( Phyllodus) 401 Hippidse 60S Hippidion tils, 619 Hippidium .' 67S, 679 Hippodon mn. 627 hippodus (Allomys) 718 hippodus ( Meniscomys) 77S hippodus (Protogaulus) 718 Hippoidea 60S Hippopotamus 707, 70S Hipposyus 671, 793 Hippotherida 60S Hippotherium Histiophoridse Histiophorus 1,0? Holaeanthodes 273 Holaspis 340 holbrelli (Colymbus) 523 Holcodus 440, 465, 466, 469, 470, 477, 516 holmesii (Colophonodon) _ 589 holmesii (Myliobatis) 320 holmesii (Phocodon) 589 holmesii (Squalodon) 589 Holocephala 322 Holocephali 322 Holomeniscus 679 Holonema... . 350 Heterodon tidse Heterodontoidrc Heterodi mtoirtea Heterodontosiiehus Heterodon tns heterodontus ( Procamelus) heterodontus ( Protolabis) heteroglyptus (Trionyx) heterolophiiH (Otenodus) heterolophus (Sagenodus) heteropleurus (Hemipristis) Heterost raci hexagonata (Testudo) hexagonus ( Piptomerus) Hexanchidse . . . 396 298 285 616 299 677 454 354 354 31 ;i Holops 515 Holoptychiida? ' a-J8 Holoptychius 344, 358, 359, 361 Holosaurns 471 Holostei 374 holyokensis (Apatichnus) 540 Homacanthus 329 Homacodon 648, 649 Hornacodontidffi 64S, 649, 650 homalorhamphus (Histiophorus) 402 homalorhamphus (Istiophorus) 402 Homocamelus 677, 67 S Homogalax 627 Homa'osaurus 459 Homorhophus 446 Homorophus 446 INDEX. 827 ,. homunculus (Anaptomorphus) 787 Hyrcnodomini 758 hoinunoulus (Omomys) 787 hya-noides f.Klurodon) ni, hopei (Lamna) 302,37.* hyattianu.s (Chriaous) ".'. ' 74.5 hopei (Odontaspis) . 302 hyattianns (Loxolophus) \ 745 hopkinsi (Onychodus) 36.3 hyattianus (Protochriacus) 745 Hoplichnus 546 Hybemys 448 Hoplocetus 55,596 Hybocladodus 271 Hoplonchus 329 Hybodontidfe W7.898 Hoplophoncus 778, 780 Hybodus 299 Hoplophoridse 580 hybridus (Merycoidodon) "..." 666 Hoplophorus 580 hybridus (Oreodon ) 666 Hoplopleuridse 396 hybridus (Petalodns) 278 Hoplopygus 3G3 Hydrarchos 86 horridus (Ceratops) 498 hydrochseris (Hydroohcerus) 7.?/, horridus (Crotalus) 481 Hydrochelidon 525 horridus (Deinodon) 488, 489 Hydrochcerus 734 horridus (Dinodon) 488.48S Hydrodamalidse 584 horridus ( Episcoposaurus) 511 Hydrodamalis 584 horridus (Hysenodon) 758 j hyemalis (Clangula) 530 horridus (Mosasaurus) 466 I hyemalis (Harelda) 530 horridus (Triceratops) 498 hylactor (Cynodictis) 771 horrificus (Diplotomodon) 473 Hylerpeton 413 horrificus (Tomodon) 473 Hylerpetum 473 hortonensis (Acrolepis) 369 Hylonomidae 477, 412 hospes (Otolithus) 408 Hylonomus 412, 473 ' hudsonianus (Zapus) 732 Hyloplesion 472 hudsonius (Dipus)... 732 Hyloplesionidse 472 hudsonius ( Jaeulus) 732 Hylopus 546 hudsonius (Meriones) 732 Hyodonta 692 hudsonius (Zapus) 732 Hyoganoidei : 374 huerfanensis (Auchenia) 679 hyognathum (Telmatherium) 632 huerfanensis (Lama) 679 hyognathus ( Palseosyops) 632 huerfanensis (Oxyaena) 757 Hyomeryx 665 humboldii (Mamrnut) 710 Hyopomata 356 humboldii (Mastodon) 770 Hyopotamidfe 657 humboklti ( Pygopterus) 367 Hyopotamus 652, 653 humboldtii (Chlamydotherium) 587 Hyops 660 humboldtii (Chlamytherium) 581 Hyopsodidse 788 humboldtii (Dibelodon) 777 j Hyopsodontidse 788 humboldtii (Mastodon) 770,772 j Hyopsodus 606,789,790,793 humerosum (Elotherium) 655 j Hyotheriina; 656 humerosus (Boochcerus) 655 I Hyotherium 656,658 humilis (Acrodus) 299 Hypamia 380,387 humilis (Bottosaurus) 573 hypantricus (Cricotus) humilis (Clupea) 397 hyperborea (Chen) .... humilis (Crocodylus) 513 hyperboreus (Lobipes) 527 humilis (Diplomystus) 391 Hypertragulidaj humilis (Limnohyus) 630 Hypertragulus 674 humilis ( Palaosyops) 630 Hyphasma humpliresiana (Pliauchenia) 680 Hyphepus humphreysiana (Pliauchenia) 680 Hypisodus hunlii (Didelphis) 571 hypoceras (Cottus) ... huntii (Didelphys) 577 hypoecnis (Bri)ntotherium) 635 hinitii (Herpetotherium) 577 hypoceras (Symborodon) huntii (Peratherium) 577 hypoceras (Titanotherium) huttoni (Lamna) * Hypocetus huxleyi (Tuditanus) 415 Hypohippus Hvuiia 776 Hypomycteri Hysenidse 776 Hypopnous Hya-nocyon 770 Hyposaurus Hysenodon 758 Hypostomata. ... Hy;.-imSO hypsibatns ( Anser) 5,50 Hypsibema . 497 Hypsilophodon 500 Hypsirhophidae U>5 Hypsirophus 688, 495, 4.96 Hypsodus 7.90, 7.97 hypsolepis (Elonichthys) 368 Hypsorhina 477 Hypsorhinids; 476 Hyraehyinse 638 Hynichyus 625,626,638,640 Hyracodon 640 Hyracodontidaj 638, 640 Hyracodon tinse 640 hyracoides (Tillotherium) 716 Hyracops r 606 Hyracotheriidie 60S Hyraeotheriinae 608 Hyracotherium 605, 608, 609, 610, 611,612 Hystrieidse 732 Hystricomorpha 732 Hystricops 733 Hystrix 733 hystrix (Listracanthus) 336 I. Icanodus 291 Ichnites 638 Ichthycanthus 422 Ichthyodectes 37.9, 384, 3.9.9 Ichthyodectidse 383 Ichthyodectinte 383 Ichthyodorulites 326 Ichthyopterygia 1,61 Ichthyornis 619, 520 Ichthyo'rnHhes 519 Ichthyornithidae 519 Ichthyosauri 461 Ichthyosauria 461 Ichthyosauridae 1,62 Ichthyosaurus 7,62, 463, 466 Ichthyosuchus 512, 513 Ichthyotomi 263 lehthyotringa 397 ictericus (Holcodus) 470 ictericus (Lestosaurus) 470 ictericus ( Liodon ) 470 ictericus (Platecarpus) 470 Icteridae 537 Icticyon 770 Ictopsidas 738 Ictops 739 idahcnsi.s (Graculus) 5.J.1 idahensis (Phalacrocorax) 533 idahoensis (Phalacrocorax) 533 Iguana 474 Iguanavus 474 iguana vus (Clidastes) 467 Iguanidae 474 Iguanodou 502 Iguanodontia 4.95 Iguanodontidse 501, 502 Page. Iguanodontoidea 500 Iguanoidea - 474 imbricarius ( Anisodexis) 423 imbricarius (Basileniys) 445 imbricarius (Coinpscmys) 445 imitatus ( Platyxystrodns) 290 i7iii tatus (Xystrodus) 2.90 immanis ( Atlantosaurus) 484 immanis (Ornithotarsus) 505 impar (Drepanodon) 1,71 impar (Lesticodus) 477 impar ( Morosatirus) 483 impar ( Mosasaurus) 471 Imparidigitata 607 impennis ( Alca) 524 impennis(Plautus) 524 iuiperator (Elephas) 7J3 imperator (Elotherium) 655 iuipi-rator (Euelephas) 713 imperialis (Fclis) 782 imperialis (Hyrachyus) 639 implicatus ( Hyrachyus) 638, 639 imoqualis (Cholodus) 277 inaequalis (Toxichnus) 553 insequidens (Ellipsodon) 606, 746 insequidens (Mioclsenus) 745 insequidens (Tricentes) 746 incedens (Chelonoides) 542 incisivus (Clepsydrops) 432 incisivus (Cyclopidius) 671 incisivus (Dimetrodon) 432 incisivus (Eetocynodon) 428 incisivus (Pariotichus) 428 incisus (Cimolestes) 566 incisus (Cynocercus) 442 Incognitum 710 inconditus ( Platyxystrodus) 290 inconditus (Xystrodus) 2.90 inconstans (Chomatodus) 280 incrassatus (Chomatodus) 280 incrassatus (Dryptosaurus) 488 incrassatus ( Edaphodon) 324 incrassatus (Ischyodus) 321, \ ncrassatus ( Lsclaps) 488 incrassatus ( Pctalodus) 280 incurvus (Diplodus) 267 iucurvus (Gyracanthus) 335 incurvus (Megalichthys) 360 incurvus (Rhizodus) 360 iucurvus (Thrinacodus) 267 index (Eohippus) 609 index ( Epihippus) 609 index ( Hyracotherium ) 609, 790 index (Orohippus) 609 index (Orotherium) 609 indianensis ( ( 'an is) 775 indiancnsis (Collettosaurus) 542 Indrodon 792 inexpectata (Crocuta) 783 inexpectatus ( Felis) 783 inexpectatus (Nimravus) 783 infelix (Steropoides) 552 inflexus ( Dactylodus) 285 inflexus ( Deltodopsis) 291 inflexus (Mylocyprinus) 396 INDEX. 829 Page. inflexus (Polyrhizodus) 283 ingens (Brontotherium) 636 ingens (Chimserichnus) 5.50 ingens (Elotherium) 655 ingens (En telodon) 655 ingens (Loxolophodon) 705 ingens (Menodus) 636 ingens (Ornithichnites) 540, 552 ingens (Ornithostoma) 508 ingens (Pteranodon) 508 ingens (Pterodactylus) 508 ingens (Sauropus) 550 ingens (Steropezoum) 553 ingens (Steropoides) 552 ingens (Tinoceras) 705 ingens (Titanotherium) 635,636 ingens (Tridentipes) 552 ingens (Uintatherium) 705 ingenuum ( Hippotherium) 620 inornatus (Deltodus) 292 inornatus (Gyracanthus) 335 inornatus ( Manatus) 581, inornatus (Trichechus) 584 insculpta (Clemmys) 449 insculpta (Eurylepis) 366 insculpta (Mecolepis) 366 insculpta (Testudo) 449 insculptua (Beryx) 402 Insectivora 737 insectivora (Sinopa) 752 insectivorus (Stypolophus) 752 Insessores 537 insidiosus (Apheliscus) 792 insidiosus (Prototomus) 792 insignis ( Anaptomorphus) 787 insignis (Chomatodus) 280 insignis (Merychippus) 616 insignis (Palaeobatis) 280 insignis (Petalodus) 180 insignis ( Plastomenus) 452 insignis (Protohippus) 616 insignis (Tridentipes) 552 insignis (Trimerorhachis) 420 insignis (Washakius) 787 insolens (Achaenodon) 654 insolens (Hoplophoneus) 778 insolitus(Paciculus) 727 insuetus ( Homorhophus) 446 insuetus ( Homorophus) ... .446 insuetus (Otolithus) 408 insularis (Lembonax) 444 integer (Clastes) 377 integer ( Lepisosteus) intercostatus (Cladodus) 269 intermedia (Pachysena) 750 intermedium (Hylerpeton) 413 intermedius (Amynodon) 642 intermedius (Anogmius) 393 intermedius (Anomcepus) 539 intermedius (Clidastes) 467 intermedius (Deltodus) 292 intermedius (Dinichthys) 346 intermedius (Elasmosaurus) 458 intermedius (Equus) 622 intermedius (Hybocladodus) 271 Page. intermedius (Hyrachyus) 639 intermedius (Mesohippus) ell, intermedius (Mesoreodon) 667 intermedius (Miohippus) 614 intermedius (Otolithus) J08 intermedius (Palseolagus) 735 intermedius (Ponerichthys) 345 intermedius (Prothyracodon) 640 intermedius (Pseudothryptodus) s-js interpolatum ( Hippidion) 619 interpolatum (Hippidium) g/g interpolatus (Pliohippus) 619 interruptum (Deltatherium) 751 interruptus ( Mioelsenus) 751 i nterrupt us ( Polypty chodon ) 537 intrepidus (Drepanodon) 732 intrepidus ( Felis) 731 intrepidus ( Pseudaelurus) 781, 782 introvergens (Orthodactylus) 547 inversus (Chriacus) 745 inversus (Pentacodon) 745 involute ( Aryicola) 733 involutus (Microtus) 728 involutus (Pitymys) 728 irishi (Glymmatacauthus) 331 irregularis (Crommyodus) 405 irregularis (Phacodus) 405 isaaci ( Helodectes) 429 Isacis 739 Ischyodus 324,325 Isehypterus 375,376 ischypus (Cladodus) 269 Ischyrhiza 393,398 Ischyrhizidee 398 Isehyromyidse 723 Ischyromys 724, 725 ischyros ( Archelon) 440 ischyros ( Protostega) 440 Ischyrosaurus 461 Ischyrotherium 461 Isectolophus 627 islandica (Clangula) 530 islandica (Glaucionetta) 530 Isocampe 546 isocelica (Oxyrhina) 306 isodactylatus ( Argoides) 540 isodactylum (Brontozoum) 539, 543, 550 isodactylus ( Anomoepus) 539 isodactylus (Ornithoidichnites) 540 Isodectes 4/5, 428 Isodelta , 728,729 isolomus (Pariotichus) 428 isonesum (Hipparion) 620 isonesum (Hippotherium) 620 isonesum (Stylonus) 620 Isopholidse 378 Isospondyli 383 Isotaenia 325 Istiophoridse 402 Istiophorinse 402 Istiophorus 402 Isurus 305 ithacensis (Dipterus) 351 Ithygrammodon 674 Ixacanthus 592 830 INDEX. Pag,. jacksoni (Elephas) 713 jacksoni (Eporoodon) - 666 jacksoni (Euerotaplnis) 665, 666, 667 jacksoni ( Euelephas) - 713 jacksoni (Oreodon) 665 jacksonii (Ancyropus) 538 jacksonii ( Palseoniscus) 569 jacksonii (Sauroidichiiites) B3S Jaculinee 732 Jaculus 732 Janassa 275,276,277 Jaiiassiiufc 275 janevaii ( Ptychodus) 317 janevaii (Sporetodus) 317 januwayii (Ptychodus) 317 jarrovii (Pelycodus) 790 jarrovii (Prototomus) 7'M jarrovii (Tomitherium) 790 jenncsi ( Emys) US joancsiaiius (Emys) 448 jeansii (Lytoloma) 442 jeansii ( Propleura) W jeftersonii (Mastodon) 709 jeffersonii (Megalonyx) 677 jeffersonii (Megatherium) 577 jemezanum (Aceratherium) 646 jemezanus (Aphelops) 646 jemezanus (Rhinoceros) 646 jexi (Cephalaspis) 341 jexi (Protodus) - 266 johnstoni (Astrodon) 484 jordanianus (Hemitrypus) 424 josephi (Mesocyon) 773 josephi (Temiiocyon ) 775 jugosus (Myliobatis) 320 jugosus (Sagenodus) 354 jugum (Loxolophodon) 705 jugum (finoceras) 705 jugum (Uintatherium) 705 junior ( Palseosyops) ..'. 630 K. kansana ( Auchenia) 679 kansanus (Camelops) 679 karensi ( Anthracotherium ) 652 kaupii (Corax) 509 kenabekides ( Dryptosaurns) 488, 1,89 Kemas 687 keokuk ( Asteroptychius) 330 keokuk (Cladodus) 269 keokuk (Ctenacanthus) 328 keokuk (Deltodopsis) 291 keokuk (Stemmatias) 298 keokuk (Stemmatodus) t98 kepleri (Cladodus) 272 kepleri (Cladoselache) 272 kepleri (Mazodus) 285 Keraterpeton 414, 4/5 kerrianus(Mesoteras) 600 kingii (Mylocyprinus) 596 klngii (Pachyrhizodus) 388 kinnei (Embalorhynchus) 403 klettiana (Testudo) 451 knappi (Petalodus) 278 knightiana (Styptobasis) 272 kochii ( Basil osaurus) kochii (Missourium) kochii (Tctracaulodon) kowaleskianus (Hemithlaeus) k iwulcvskianus (Hemithlaeus) 587 709 709 965 aw kowalewskyanus ( Hemithlaeus) 695 L,. labiatum (Poebrotherium) 676 labiatus (Catostomus) 394 Labidosaurus 429 Labodus 285 labracoides ( Mioplosus) 105 Labridae 400 Labroidea 400 Labrosauridae 487 Labrosaurus . - - 489, 490 labrosus (Merychippus) 617 labrosus (Protohippus) 677 Labrus 405 Labyrinthodon 423 Labyrinthodontes 477 Labyrinthodontia 470, 417, 425 Lacertilia 475 Lacertina 474 lacertoideus (Corvipes) 542 lacertosus (Delphinapterus) 597 lacertosus (Priscodelphinus) 591 lacertosus (Tretosphys) 597 lachrymalis ( Plastomenus) 452 lacovianus (Platysomus) 369 lacovianus (Sagenodus) 354 lacustre (Dinoceras) 705 lacustre (Tinoceras) 705 lacustre (Uintatherium) 705 lacustris (Diplodocus) 486 lacustris (Loxolophodon) 705 lacustris (Paronychodon) 490 lacustris (Procamelus) 677 lacustris ( Protagras) 479 lacustris ( Rhabdofario) 392 Laelaps ' 487,488 leevicornis (Cariacus) 684 laevicornis(I)ama) 684 laevidens ( Limnohyus) 650 l8evidens(Palseosyops) 630,657 laevidens (Tamias) 720 laevifrons ( Dryptosaurus) 488 laevifrons (Laelaps) 488 Isi'vigatus ( Otolithus) 408 laevis (Compsacanthus) 265 laevis (Helodus) 286 laevis (Hyphasma) 416 laevis (Leiodon) A77 Isevis (Liodon) 477 laevis (Macrosaurus) 471,472 laevis (Microdus) 313 Isevis (Pappichthys) 381 laevis ( Parameryx) 674 laevis ( Pleuracanthus) 265 laevis (Telacodon) 666 laevissimus (Galeocerdo) 311 laevissimus (Pleuracanthus^ 266 hi-vissiimis (Sandalodus) 289, 292 Lagomorpha 735 Lagomyidae 755 INDEX. Lagomys higiiphagns (Bunselurus) Jagophagns (Plesiogale) 1'age. 755 767 767 ,17 s 270 731 fc'9 629 Lambdodus lambdoideus i Entoptychns) Lambdotheriida Lambdotheriinae Lambdotherium i;i :. 6 l J9, n.;i Lamellirostres 528 laminatus (Leuciscus) 396 laminatus (Oligobelis) 596 laminatus (Squalius) 396 Lamna 302, 304, 305, 306, 310, 313 Lamn;r- 301 Lamnidae 301 Lanminse 302 Lamnodus 559 Lamnoidee 301 Lamnoidea 301 Lamnoidei 301 lamnoides (Cladodus) 269 lanceolata (Lamna) 305 lanceolatus (Carcharias) 307 lanceolatus (Carcharodon ) 307 lanceolatus (Otodus) 305 lancifer (Megalichthys) 360 lancifer (Rhizodus) 360 lanc-iformis (Carcharodon) 308 lanciformis (Saurocephalus) 585, 386 Langunculapes 546 lanius ( Mesonyx) 750 lanius (Synoplotherium) 750 Laodon 570 Laopithicus 792 Laopteryx 518 Laornis 531 Laosauridae 501 Laosaurus 501 laqueatus (Edaphodon) 324 laqueatus (Eumylodes) 324 laqueatus (Megalonyx) ........... ....... 577,579 laramicnsis (Cimoliasaurus) ............... 459 Lari ........................................ 525 Laridse ........ : ............................ 525 lariformis (Hydrochelidon) ................ 525 Larinse ..................................... 525 Laroidea ................................... 525 Laroidese ................................... 525 lartetianum (Odobenotherium) ............ 784 Larus ....................................... 525 lata (Glyptolepis) .......................... 358 lata (Sphyrna) ............................. 314 lata (Testudo) ......................... _____ 450 lateralis ( Aublysodon) ................ ..... 489 lateralis (Deinodon) ....................... 489 lateralis (Leptonyx) ....................... 547 laterigerus (Edaphodon) ................... 324 laterigerus (Ischyodus) .................... 324 latibuecatus (Diadectes) ................... 427 latibuceatus (Empedias) latibuccatus (Empedocles) laticaudata (Testudo) laticaudus (Liodon) laticaudus (Tylosaurus) laticeps (Allodon) 831 1 ;.' 3!1 laticeps (Cephalaspis) laticeps ( Dinoceras) 7U3 laticeps ( Diracodon) 4; H ; laticeps (Limnohyops) 630 laticeps ( Merycochoerus) 668 laticeps ( Limnohyus) ,;.;,, laticeps (Octotomus) ;,,.j laticeps (Palaeosyops) 6,30 laticeps (Paroceras) 703 laticeps (Uintatherium) 703 laticolle (Scapherpeton) 424 laticollis ( Apatosaurus) 4x5 laticunea (Testudo) 451 laticuneus (Diacodexis) 790 laticuneus ( Hyopsodus) 790 laticuneus ( Phenacodus) 609, 790 latidens (Bathmodon) 699 latidens (Canis) 771 latidens (Coryphodon) c.'.ty latidens (Cynodontomys) 788 latidens (Diphrissa) ,. 324 latidens (Edaphodon) 324 latidens (Galecynus) 771 latidens (Galeocerdo) 311 latidens (Galeus) , sil latidens (Helaletes) 627 latidens (Hylonomus)' 412 latidens (Isectolophus) 627 latidens (Limnofelis) 757 latidens (Nothocyon) 771 latidens (Oreocyon) 757 latidens (Patriofelis) 757 latidens (Tillotherium) 716 latidentatus (Canis) 775 latidentatus ( Vulpes) 775 Latifrons 690 latifrons ( Agriochoerus) M3 latifrons (Bison) 688, 689 latifrons (Bos) 689 latifrons (Lestosaurus) 470 latifrons (Platecarpus) 470 latifrons (Syllsemus) 399, 795 latifrons (Taurus) : 689 latifrons (Uintatherium) 702 latilabiata (Emys) 448 latimentum (Pachyrhizodus) 388 latimolis (Polymastodon ) 503 latior (Deltodus) 292 latipes (Bathmodon) 699 latipes (Coryphodon) 699 latipinnis ( Polycotylus) 457 latiradix (Rhabdosteus) 593 latiremis (Toxochelys) 442 latirostris (Manatns) 584 latispinosus (Climatius) 274 latispinosus (Ctenacanthus) 274 latispinus (Lestosaurus) 470 latispinus (Liodon) 470 latispinus (Platecarpus) 470 latissimus (Carcharodon) SOS latissimus (Ptychodus) SIS latithorax (Sauropleura) 419 lativertebralis (Emys) 418 latrans (Canis) 775 latum (Tinoceras) 705 latum (Uintatherium) 705 832 ITS DEX. Page. latus (Amphicoelias) , 4Sti latus (Anchybopsis) >v/,7 latus (Chitinodus) 293 latus (Cochliodus) !'.>.> latus (Dactylodus) 2x3 latus (Diplod us) -266 latus (Dissodus) u><; latus (Dittodus) 266 latus (Gampsacanthus) 336 latus (Glyptolepis) 358 latus (Holoptyehius) 358 latus (Lagunculapes) 546 latus (Leucus) 395 latus (Loxolophodon) 705 latus (Palseoniscus) 375,376 latus (Palseoscincus) 497 latus (Polyrhizodus) 283 latus (Psephodus) 288 latus (Rutilus) 395 latus (Semionotus) 376 latus (Torosaurus) 499 lease (Saurocephalus) 3S6 leaii (Belodon ) 510 leaii (Clepsisaurus) 510 leaii (Phytosaurus) 510 lean us (Saurocephalus) 386 leanus (Saurodon) 386 lecontei (Edestus) 337 lecontei (Sigmogomphius) 722 Lecracanthus 336 Lefalophodon 703, 701,, 706 leidianum (Uintatherium) 702 leidyanum (^lurotherium) 778 leidyanum (Elotherium) 656 leidyanus ( Ammodon) 656 leidyanus ( Palseoniscus) 367 leidyanus (Patriofelis) 778 leidyanus ( Rhadinichthys) 367 leidyi (Bothriolepis) ." 344 leidyi (Cochliodus) 294 leidyi (Delphinodon) 591 leidyi (Megalonyx) 578 leidyi (Merycochcerus) 668 leidyi (Myliobatis) 320 leidyi ( Venustodus) 287 Leidyotherium 636 Leiodon Ml, 472 Leiodus 2% Lembonax 444 lemoinianus (Hyopsodus) 790 lemur (Canis) 772 lemur (Galeeynus) 772 lemur (Nothocyon) ! 772 Lemuravidae 788 Lemuravus 789 Lemures 786 lemurinum (Menotherium) 792 lemurinus (Leptochcerus) 792 Lemuroidea 786 Lernuroidei 786 lemuroides (Mioclsenus) 606 lenis (Dicotyles) 659 lennicorne (Ceraterpeton ) 4/4 lenticularis (Ischypterus) 375 lenticularis (Merychippus) 617 lenticularis (Protophippus) 617 Page. enticularis (Semionotus) 375 en turn ( Kl< >t licrium) 650 cntus ( Allacodon) 557 entus ( Buropus) 541 entns ( Barosaurus) 485 entus (Graculavus) r<.:o entus (Helohytis) t,r>0 entus (Ichthyornis) 520 cntus ( Morosaiirus) 4X3 eutus (Nothodon) 428 entus (Oreosaurus) 475 entus ( Phenacodus) i>-,o, C.57 entus (Thinohyus) 5/ v lentus (Tinohyus) 657 lentus (Xestops) 475 Lepidopleuridae 372 Lepidosauria 464 Lepidosiren 353 Lepidosirenidse 353,355 Lepidosteidse 374, 376 Lepidosteini 374, 376 Lepidosteoidei 374 Lepidosteus 376 Lepidostones 374 Lepi'lotidte 374 Lepidotus 372, 374, 377 lepidus (Euryaeodon) 741 lepidus (Tinodon) 567 lepidus (Tinosaurus) 476 lepis (Vaticinodus) 290 Lepisosteidse 376 Lepisosteus '. 376 lepitopsis (Pachyrhizodus) 388 Leporidee 735 leporinum (Tricium) 736 leporinus ( Palseolagus) 736 Lepospondyli 1,10 Leptacanthus 330 leptacanthus (Eucrotaphus) C,6fi Leptaceratherium 643 Leptarrtus 764 Leptauchenia 670, 672, 674 Leptecodoii 397 Leptichthys 392 Leptictidse 738 Leptictis 739 leptocentrum (Cetotherium) 599 leptocentrus (Eschrichtius) 599 leptocephalus (Clepsydrops) 431 eptocephalus (Diopeus) 431 cptocephalus ( Hysenodon ) 759 Leptochoeridee 656 l,eptochcerus 657, 792 eptodactylum ( Spheropezium ) 552 eptodactylus (Spheropezopus) 552 eptodactylus (Thenaropus) 562 eptodactylus (Triamopus) 553 eptodirus (Camarasaurus) 486 eptodon (Carcharodon) 308 eptodon (Oxyrhina) 305 eptodus (Paramys) 724 eptodus ( Plesiarctomys) 724 leptodus (Thinosaurus) 476 li'ptoganua (Caulodon) 484 leptognatha (Pachyaena) 749 leptognathus (Dissacus) , 749 INDEX. 833 Page. leptognathus ( Pachyrhizodus) 388 leptognathus (Procamelus) 678 Leptomerycinse 671 Leptomeryx 671 leptomitus (Trionyx) 454 Leptomylus 325 leptomylus (Didymictis) 755 leptomylus ( Viverravus) 755 leptonyx (Morotherium) 580 Leptonyx 547 Leptophractus 354, 419 leptophrys (Pleurolicus) 731 leptops (Mephitica) 766 leptopsis (Pachyrhizodus) 388 leptopterus (Glyptolepis) 359 Leptoreodon 672 leptorhinus (Platygonus) 661 leptorhynchus (Merychyus) 669 leptosteus (Bubo) 536 leptostomus (Megalonyx) . . 578 Leptostyrax 304 Leptotrachelus 397 Leptotragulinse 674 Leptotragulus 674 lepturus (Belodon) 510 lepturus (Ccelacanthus) 364 lepturus (Phytosaurus) 510 lepturus (Trichiurus) 403 Lepus 736 leslianus (Prochonias) 438 leslianus (Taphrosphys) 438 lesleyi(Heliodus);.. 352 lesleyi ( Palsedaphus) 352 Lesticodus 471 Lestophis 480 Lestornis 521 Lestosaurus 469, 470 lestrio (Portheus) 384 lestrio (Xiphactinus) 384 leucas (Delphinapterus) 594 Leuciscus 395,396 leucopotamicus (Trionyx ) 464 leucopus (Hesperomys) 726 leucopus (Peromyscus) 726 leucopus ( Vesperimus) leucopus ( Vesperomys) leucosteus (Phlaocyon) Leucus Leurocephalus levatus (Cyprinodon) levatus (Erismatopterus) Leviathan levis (Ctenodus) levis (Dipterus) levis (Lamna) levis (Otodus) levisanus (Goniacodon) levisanus (Mioclsenus) levisanus (Triisodon) levisiensis (Cimolichthys) ligonia (Testudo) ligoniformis (Desmiodus) lilleyi (Oestophorus) lilleyi (Sphenophorus) lima (Trionyx) limatulus (Ctenopetalus) Bull. 179 53 .. 726 .. 726 .. 765 .. 395 .. 631 .. 404 .. 404 707, 709 .. 352 352 304 .. 304 .. 748 .. 748 .. 386 .. 451 .. 297 .. 337 .. 337 .. 454 . 281 Page. limatulus (Ctenoptychius) 281 Umax ( Helodus) 287 limbatus (Clepsydrops) 431 limbatus (Diplocaulus) 416 limbatus (Embolophorus) 431 Limicolfe 526 limitaris (Icanodus) 291 limitaris (Tomodus) 291 Limnocyon 751, 752, 755 Limnofelis 757 Limnohyops 630 Limnohyus 630, 631 Limnophis 480 Limnopus 547 Limnosaurus 514 Limnotheriidse 788 Limnotherium 788, 789, 791 lincolni (Dinichthys) 347 lincolni (Ponerichthys) 347 lindahlii (Aphelichthys) 395 linearis (Orthodactylus) 547 linearis (Phlegethontia) 411 linearis (Plectropterna) 549 lineata (Eurylepis) 367 lineata (Mecolepis) 367 lineatus (Haploconus) 694 lineatus (Ischypterus) 375 lineatus (Oracanthus) 334 lineatus (Platyodus) 290 lineatus (Rhadinichthys) 367 lineatus (Sardinius) 391 lineatus (Semionotus) 375 lineolatus ( Adocus) 437 lineolatus (Compsemys) 437 lineolatus ( Leptophractus) 419 Hneopunctatum (Ceraterpeton) 414 HngUfefonnis (Strigilina) 276 linguifer (Petalodus) 278 Hnguiformis ( Janassa) 276 Liodon 467, 470, 471, 472, 473 liodon (Crocodylus) 513 liodontus (Clidastes) 467 Liodus 296 Liognathus 346 liolophus (Allomys) 719 liolophus (Meniscomys) 719 Hops (Choneziphius) 597 Hops ( Priscacara) 401 Lipodectes 745,751 lippincottianus (Canis) 771 lippincottianus (Cynodictis) 771, 772 lippincottianus (Galecynus) 771 liratus (Chitinodus) 293 lisbonensis (Empo) 387 Lisgodus 281 Lispognathus 345 Listracanthus 336 Lithophis 479 litoralis (Palseotringa) 527 Htoralis (Passalacodon) 740 littoni (Ctenacanthus) 328 littoni (Deltodus) 292 littoni (Polyrhizodus) 283 littoralis ( Allopus) 538 littoralis (Dinophis) 479 littoralis (Helcura) 546 834 INDEX. Page. littoralis (Palaophis) ...................... 479 littoralis (Palseotringa ..................... 527 lobatus (Coryphodon) ................... . 698,699 lobatus /Dactylodus) lobatus (Phalaropus) lobatus (Polyrhizodus) Lobipes ................................... Lobodon .................................. lobulatus (Pelycictis) ..................... lockingtonianus (Eumys) . . . .............. lockingtonianus (Paciculus) .............. lockwoodii (Plesiosaurus) ................ lockwoodii (Taphrosaurus) ................ 456 Icevii (Orotherium) ........................ 610 Icevii (Pliolophus) ......................... logani ( Hylopus) .......................... lomas (Bathmodon) ....................... Lomvia .................................... longsevus (Euphaiicrops) .................. longicaudatus (Dipliirus) ................. longicaudus (Notharctus) ................. longicaudus (Pantolestes) ................ longiceps (Camelomeryx) ................. longiceps (Hadrosaurus) .................. longiceps ( Loxolophodon) ................ longiceps (Pteranodon) ongiceps (Tinoceras) ...................... 705 ongiceps (Trachodon) ..................... 504 ongiceps (Uintatherium) .................. 705 ongicollis (Coelophysis) ................... 493 ongicollis (Ccelurus) ...................... !t9S ongicollis (Tanystropheus) ................ 493 longicriste(Anchitherium) ................ 6U longicristis (Mesohippus) .................. 6/4 longicristis (Miohippus) ................... 614 longidens (Mylocyprinus) ................. 396 longidentatum (Hylerpeton) ............. longifrons (Ceterhinops) .................. longifrons (Eporeodon) ................... longimana ( Megaptera) ................... longinuchus (Taphrosphys) .............. longipes ( Aceratherium) .................. kmgipes (Aphelops) ...................... longipes (Colodon) ........................ longipes (Mesohippus) longipes ( Plectropus) longipes (Rhinoceros) longipes (Sauroidichnites) longipes (Sauropleura) longipes (Tuditanus) ...................... 416 longipinnis (Leptotrachelus) .............. 397 longirostris (Edaphodon) .................. 324 longirostris (Eschatius) .................... C80 longirostris (Ischyodus) .................... 321, longirostris (Mastodon) .................... 711 jongirostris (Palseosyops) ................... 631 longirostris (Ziphius) ...................... 597 longispinis ( Pterodactylus) ................ 46/ longispinus (Rhabdopelix) ................ 461 longulus ( Proballostomus) . ................ 39-1 longus (Diplodocus) ....................... 486 longus (Mioplosns) ......................... 405 Lophiodon ........... 611, 624, 625, 6?6, 628, 6.38, 639 Lophiodontidse .......... ____ ........ >. ..... 624 Lophiodontinse .................... ......... 624 Lophiodontoidea ........................... 624 Page. Lophiotherium 611, 672, 793 Lophobranchii 396 Lophocetus 590 Lophodus 286, 296 Lophodytes 529 Loricata 508, 575, 580 Loricati 7,06 loricatuni (Platystegos) 418 loriformis (Chomatodus) 280 loriformis (Petalodus) 280 loripes (Ornithopus) 552 loripes (Steropoides) 552 lotor(Procyon) 764 lotor (Ursus) 764 lovianus (Psammodus) 284 lowii (Desmatochelys) 443 lowii (Portheus) 384 lowii (Xiphactinus) 384 Loxodon 712 loxodon (Eumys) 727 loxodon (Hesperomys) 727 loxodon (Megalonyx) 578 loxodon ( Peromyscus) 727 Loxolophodon 697,700, 703, 704, 705, 706 Loxolophus 745 loxonyx (Brontozoum) 544 loxostyla (Sula) 632 lucare (Dinoceras) 703 lucare (Uintatherium) 703 lucaris ( Allosaurus) 489 lucaris ( Labrosaurus) f,s>j lucaris (Taxymys) .- 7J : lucaris ( Uintornis) &:;. lucasanus (Tichosteus) 4'.):; lucasi (Dittodus) 200 lucasii (Amphicotylus) 5/6 lucasii (Goniopholis) 510 lucasii (Pediocsetes) 534 Luciidse 398 lucius (Alligator) 514 lumpus (Cyclopterus) 407 lunatus (Dipriodon) 56/ lunatus (Meniscocssus) 561 lunatus ( Ptilodus) r>61 lunulatus (Psephodus) 288 lupina (Oxyfena) 757 lupus (Canis) 774, 775, 776 luscus (Gulo) 768 luscus (Ursus) 76S Ultra 768 Lutrictis 768,709 Lutrinse 708 Lutrini .' 76S luxatus (Colodon) 626 lycopotamica (Lutra) 76.'/ lycopotamicus ( Lutrictis) 70'.) lydekkerianus (Mioclscnus) .. 606 lydekkerianus (Protogonodon) 606 lyelli (Hylonomus) 412 lyelli (Ornithoidichnites) 544 lyelli (Pelion) 411 lyelli (Raniceps) 4/7 lyellianus ( ^Ethiopus) 544 lyellianus (Amblonyx) 544 lyellianus (Fulicopus) 544 lyellii (Lamna) S05 INDEX. 835 Page. Lynx 783 Lys< >] >trri 365 Lyxorhophus 4.1,5 Lysorophus 433 Lytoloma 441 , 443, 795 Lytolomidae 440 ivr. maci'oynnus (Erismacanthus) 336 elognatha V 505 elognathidse 505 elognathus 505 h;eracanthus 331 achserius 331 chaerodinae 777 chaerodontinse 777 chsrt-odus 777, 778, 779, 780, 781 Machairodinse 777, 787 Machairodontinre 777 machlis (Alces) 685 Machairodus 777, 778, 779, 780, 781 macisaacsii (Bathychilodus) 270 macisaacsii (Phoebodus) 270 maconnellii (Ameiurus) 383 Macrepistius 378 macrocephalus ( Agriochoerus) 663 macrocephalus (Camelops) 679 macrocephalus (Coloreodon) 663 macrocephalus (Holomeniscus) 679 macrocephalus ( Physeter) 595 macrodactylata ( Platypterna) 540 macrodactylatus (Argoides) 540 macrodactylatus (Ornithoidichnites) 540 macrodon ( Diastichus) 395 macrodon (Galera) 767 macrodon (Galictis) 767 macrodon ( Putorius) 767 macroinus (Coccosteus) 344 Macropetalichthyidae 349 Macropetalich thys 349 Macrophoca 589 macropomus (Megalichthys) 362 macropomus (Parabatrachus) 362 macrops (Choneziphius) 597 macrops (Euchcerus) 660 macrops ( Proroziphius) 597 Macropterna 544,548,550 macropternus (Phenacodus) 604 macropterus (Amblypterus) 368 368 375 375 368 1SS 533 macropterus (Elonichthys) macropterus (Ischypterus) macropterus (Palseoniscus) macropterus ( Rhabdolepis) macropus ( Dryptosaurus) macropus (Graculus) macropus (Lcelaps) 488 macropus ( Phalacrocorax) 533 macrorhiza (Lamna) 303 macrorhyncus (Bottosaurus) 5Z4 macrorhyncus (Crocodilus) 5U Macrosaurus 1.67, 471, 472, 473 Macrosemiid* 378 Macrosemius 378 macrospondyla ( Amia) 381 Macrospondylus 468 macrospondylus (Clepsydrops) 431 Page. macrospondylus (Zeuglodon) 587 macrostegns (Merycoefirerus) 668 macrota (Lamna) ;<>,; macrotus (Otodus) :?05 macrura (Dictyopyge) 370 macrurus (Catopterus) 370 macrurus ( Molgophis) 412 madisonius (Palseomeryx) 682 madisonius (Procamelus) 678 magister (Myliobatis) 320 magister (Neotoma) 727 magister (Sagenodus) 355 magna (Notamphibia) 547 magna (Sphyrna) 314 magnicaudatus (Crossopholis) 372 magnicornis (Diplocaulus) 416 mngnificus (Cladodus) 268, 269 magnificus (Gyracanthus) 335 magnus (Cimoliasaurus) 456, 459 magnus (Cyphornis) 532 magnus (Discosaurus) 459 magnus (Hydrochcerus) 734 magnus (Trihamus) 553 major ( Agriochcerus) 664 major ( Ammosaurus) ll major (Anchisaurus) 491 major (Anomcepus) 539 major ( Auchenia) 678 major (Deinictis) 780 major (Dinictis) 780 major (Eporeodon) 667 major (Equus) < 622 major (Eucrotaphus) 663, 667 major (Hyracodon) 641 major ( Lama) 678 major (Leptauchenia) 670 major (Machseracanthus) 331 major (Merychyus) 669 major (Merycoidodon) 667 major (Mosasaurus) 465 major (Oreodon) 667 major (Orodus) 295 major (Orohippus) 6/0, 611 major ( Palseosyops) 631 major (Pliauchenia) 678 majos ( Pliolophus) 611 major ( Procamelus) 678 major (Prospiraxis) 338 major (Saniwa) 475 major (Sphyrsena) 400 major (Spiraxis) 338 major (Teleoceras) 646 major (Trigonodus) 292 majus (Aceratherium) 647 malacorhinum (Aceratherium) 646 malacorhinum (Peraceras) 646 malacorhinum (Teleoceras) 646 malacorhinus (Aphelops) . 646 malaris (Indrodon) 792 Mallotus 392 mamillaris (Ovis) 687 Mammalia 653 mammifer (Leptomeryx) 671 mammilaris (Trionyx) 454 mammillaris (Orodus) 295 mammillaris (Ptychodus) 318 836 INDEX. Mammut 707 Mamonteum 70S Manatida 5SS Manitidse 583 Manatus 583,58? manatus (Trichechus) 584 mandibularis (Anisonchus) 695 mandibularis (Mioclaenus) 695 mandibularis (Pygopterus) 567 manigaultii ( Dioplotherium) 583 manitobensis (Lamna) 303 manni (Agassichthys) SIS manni (Macropctalichthys) 349 Manospondylus 500 Manta 321 mantelli (Isurus) 306 mantelli (Lamna) 306 mantelli (Oxyrhina) 506 Manteoceras 632 manteoceras ( Manteoceras) 632 manteoceras ( Palseosyops) 6S2 Manteodon 697,700 Mantidffi 321 Mareca 529 marginale ( Herpetotherium) 57/ marginale (Peratherium) 571 marginalia (Didelphis) 571 marginalis (Didelphys) 57.Z marginalis (Embassis) 571 marginatus (Copodus) 285 marginatus (Coryphodon) 699 marginatus (Labodus) 285 marila (Athya) 630 marila (Fuligula) 550 marnochii (Cistudo) 1,1,9 maniochii ( Terrapene) 449 Marracanthus 329 marshi (Leptoreodon) 672 marshii (Archelon) 440 marshii (Canis) 776 marshii (Colosteus) 4/4 marshii (Ctenacanthus) 327 marshii (Ischypterus) 575 marshii (Oestocephalus) klk marshii (Ptycholepis) 378 marshii (Ptyonius) 414 marshii (Semionotus) 375 Marsupialia 563 Marsupiata 565 marsupialis (Didelphys) 571 marsupialoideus (Cunichnoides) 543 Martes 767, 76S martini (Ptychodus) 318 marylandicus (Crocodylus) 513 massetericus ( Didymictis) 755 massetericus (Viverravus) 755 Masticura 317 Mastodon 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 711, Mastodonsauri 425 Mastodonsauria 425 Mastodonsauridse 423 Mastodonsaurus 423 mastodontoides (Tapirus) 708 mastodontoideus (Tetracaulodon) 708 mastodontoideus (Tapirus) 708 matutinum ( Aceratherium) 646 Page. matutinus (Aphelops) 646 matutinus (Rhinoceros) 646 maxillaris (Parabatrachus) 362 maxillaris (Megalichthys) 562 maximilliamis (Mosasaurus) 465,466 maximum (Palseotherium) 656 maximum (Titanotherium) 636 maximus (Eusyodon) 646 maximus ( Felis) 7X3. maximus (Mastodon) 70S maximus (Mosasaurus) 466 mayi (Ctenacanthus) 328 Mazama 684 Mazodus 285 meandrinus (^Elurodon) 774 Mecolepis 566, 367 Mecraspedota 452 media ( Amia) 381 media ( Protamia) 381 media (Pliauchenia) 678 mediaevus (Ptilodus) 559 mediatlanticus ( Diaphorocetus) 596 mediatlanticus ( Hypocetus) 596 mediatlanticus ( Paracetus) 596 medium (Brontotherium) 635 medius ( Antrodemus) 489 medius (Camptosaurus) 501 medius (Clidastes) 467 medius (Ctenopetalus) 281 medius (Ctenoptychius) 281 medius (Labrosaurus) 1,89 medius (Merychyus) 669 medius ( Procamelus) 67S medius (Protohippus) 6/6 medius ( Titanops) 635 megacephalus (Eryops) 422 Megaceratops 653, 634, 637 Megacerops 633,637 Megadactylus 1,91 Megalichthyidae 359 Megalichthys 354,359,362 Megalneusaurus 457 megalodon (Carcharias) 308 megalodon (Carcharodon) 308 megalodus (Aceratherium) 646 megalodus (Aphelops) 646 megalodus ( Psittacotherium) 574 megalodus (Rhinoceros) 646 Megalomeryx 679 Megalonix 577,578 Megalonychidse 575 Megalonyx 577,578,579 megalophysum (Cetotherium) 599 megaloporus ( Piptomerus) 457 megalops (Isodectes) 428 megalops (Pariotichus) 1,28 Megalosauria 4S7 Megalosauridae 487,49.? Megalosaurus 487, 1,88, 490, 493, 494 Megalotheriidse 575 Megalotherium 576 megalotis (Carcharias) 507 megalotis (Carcharodon ) 307 Megapleuron 353 Megaptera r 599, 600 megarhinum (Telmatherium) 632 INDEX. 837 Page. megarhinum (Telmatotherium) 631, 632 megarhinus ( Palaeosyops) 632 Megatheriidse 575 Megatherium 576, 7U megaulax (Emys) 448 Megencephalon 769 Megencephalum 769 Megistosaurus 595 Meleagrididse 534 Meleagrinse 534 Meleagris 534 Meles 765 Melidae 765 Melinae 765 Melini 765 Menacouon 568 Meniscoessus 490, 560 Meniscomys 718, 719 Meniscotheriidae 605 meniscus ( Mioclsenus) 747 Meniscotiierium 605, 606 Menodontidse -. 629 Menodus 633, 634, 635, 636, 637 Menops 636, 637 Menotherium 792 mentale (Amyzon) 395 mentalis (Antiacodon) 793 mentalis (Sarcolemur) 793 mento (Delphinodon) 591 mento (Squalodon) 591 mephitica (Mephitis) 766 Mephitinse 765 Mephitis 766 mercerii (Felis) 778, 783 mercerii ( Machserodus; 77S mercerii (Machairodus) 778 mercerii (Smilodon ) 778 mercerii (Uncia) 77S,78S mercurii (Deltodus) 292 Mergus 529 meridianum (Aceratherium) 646 meridianus (Aphelops) 646 meridianus (Rhinoceros) 646 Meriones 732 merrillii (Empo) 387 Merychippus 616 Merychyus 668,669 Merycochcerus 667 Merycodesmus 672 Merycodus Merycoidodon Merycoidodontinse Merycopater Mesacanthus 273 Mesacodon 794 Mesaxonia 607 Mesichthyes 397 Mesobatis 320 Mesoceti 588 Mesocetus 596,600 Mesocyon 773 Mesodactyla 602 Mesodectes 739 Mesodmodus 297 Mesodon 372,373 Mesodonta 786 Page. Mesogaulus 721 Mesohippus 672, 613, 614, 617, 626 Meson ychidse 747, 749 Mesonychinse 749 Mesonychini 749 Mesonyx 750 Mesoodon 597 Mesoplacentalia 56S Mesoplodon 597 mesops (Trimerorhachis) 420 Mesoreodon 667 Mesotapirus 626 Mesoteras goo Metalophodon 697, 698, 700 Metamosaurus 434 Metamynodon 642 Metatheria 553 Metopocetus 598 metsiacus (Pantolestes) 649 metsiacus (Trigonolestes) 649 meyeri (Otolithus) 409 Miacidee 759 Miacis 748,752,759,760,761 Microbrachidae 475 Microclsenodon 748 Microconodon 556 Microdon 373 Microdus 313 microdus (Edaphosaurus) 432 microdus (Naosaurus) 432 microdus (Oreosaums) 475 microdus (Xestops) 475 microglypha (Zygoramma) 445 microlepedotus (Glyptolepis) 359 micromus (Liodon) 472 micromus (Tylosaurus) 472 micromus (Rhinosaurus) 472 microphthalmus ( Zatrachys) 422 microporus (Piptomerus) 457 Micropteron 597 micropterus (Ischypterus) 375 micropterus ( Semionotus) 375 micropus (Cladodus) 269 Microsauria 410 Microsus 792 Microsyops 791,792 Microtinse 728 Microtus 728 miersii (Dipristis) 324 miersii (Edaphodon) 324 miersii (Ischyodus) 324 miersii (Mostasaurus) 466 migrans ( Agriochoerus) 664 migrans (Agriomeryx) 664 migrans (Coloreodon) 664 Millerichthys 343 milo (Agathaumas) 502 mimeticus (Otocoelus) 430 minima (Auchenia) 678 minima ( Eury lepis) 366 minima (Exocampe) 544 minima (Haplolepis) 366 minima (Lama) 678 minima (Leptauchenia) 672 minima (Pliauchenia) 678,680 minimum (Anchitherium) 795 838 INDEX. Page. minimum (Argozoum) 545,550 minimum (Hipparion) 620,79.") minimus (Anom(Epus) 539 minimus ( Argoides) 540, 1,1.8, 550 minimus (Dactylodus) 2S3 minimus (Hypisodus) 672 minimus (Mioclsenus) 606,746 minimus (Mysops) 725 minimus ( Plesiornis) 550 minimus (Pachyrhizodus) 388 minimus (Ornithoidichnites) 518,650 minimus (Procamelus) 678 minimus (Polyrhizodus) 283 minimus (Syllophodus) ... minitans (Plectropterna) 649 minitans ( Plectropus) 54S> minitans (Sauroidichnites) 549 m nor ( ..Ethyopus) 550 m nor ( Anomcepus) 539 . 717 nor (Anchippodus) . nor ( Auchenia) nor (Baphetes) nor (Bothriolepis).. nor (Carcharodon) . nor (Catopterus) ... 370 m nor ( Dinichthys) 347 m nor (Edestus) 337 m nor (Entoptychus) 731 m nor (Euprotogonia) 603 m nor (Fulica) 528 m nor ( Fulicopus) 550 nor (Galeocerdo) 311, 3/3 m nor (Gigandipus) 545 m nor (Gavialis) 515 minor (Hadrosaurus) 504 minor ( Hylopus) 546 minor (Lama) 678 minor (Merycoidodon). 666 minor (Mosasaurus) 466 minor (Oreodon ) 666 minor (Palseosyops) minor (Plesiornis) minor (Pliauchenia) minor ( Ponerichthys) minor ( Procamelus) minor ( Protogaleus) minor ( Protogonia) minor ( Protoreodon ) minor ( Psephodus) minor (Redfieldius) minor (Sandalodus). 289 minor (Tetraclsenodon) 603 minor (Thecachampsa) 515 minor (Trachodon) 504 minor (Trigonodus) 89 minus (Gigantitherium) 545 minus (Telmatotherium) 63/ minus (Tillotherium) 7/7 minusculum (Brontozoum) 544 minusculus (Desmodus) 297 minusculus (Dilophodon) 626 minusculus (Eubrontes) 544 minusculus (Helaletes) 626 minusculus (Hyopsodus) 790 minusculus (Orodus) 297 minuta (Oxyrhina) 306, 3/3 17 539,550 678 347 678 311 603 664 289 370 minutus ( Adjidaumo) 7'_'U minutus (Antliodus) 27 1 J minutus (Cimolomys) 560 minutus (Otenodus) 352 minutus (Diplodus) 266 minutus (Dipterus) 352 minutus (Entomacodon ) 711 minutus (Kquus) r>!7 minutus (Gymnoptychus) 720 minutus (Ischypterus) minutus (Isurus) minutus ( Mysops) minutus (Xaiiomyops) minutus (Nanomys) minutus (Oreosaurus) minutus (Ornithomimus) minutus (Orodus) minutus (I'etalodus) minutus (Semionotu.s) minutus (Xestops) Miobasileus K,dJK Mioclsenidie 006 Mioclaenus 603, 606, 607, 649, 694, 695, 744, 746, 747, 74#, 749, 751, 762 Miodonta 718 Miohipus 612,613,614 Miolabinse 676 Miolabis 676, 677 Mioplosus 1 404 Miothen 571,71,1 mira (Ischyrhiza) 39,s mirabile (Dinoceras) 703 mirabile (Megatherium) mirabile (Uintatherium) mirabilis (Diclonius) mirabilis (Diplo^nathus) mirabilis (Hadrosaurus) mirabilis (Merychippus) mirabilis (Physoncinus) mirabilis ( Plesiornis i mirabilis (Pliohippus) mirabilis (Protohippus) mirabilis (Trachodon) mirabilis (Xystracanthns) ... mirandus ( Aublysodon) 459 mirificum (Manumit) 711 mirificus (Dibelodon) 711 mirificus (Ischyodus) 324 mirificus (Edaphodon) 324 mirificus (Mastodon) 711 mirificus (Tetralophodon) 711 mirus ( Apatodon ) 506 mirus (Calamodou ) 575 mirus (Ophiacodon ) 434 mirus (Sty linodon ) 575 mississippiensis (Alligator) 514 mississippiensis (Canis) 775 mississippiensis (Crocodilus) 5/4 mississippiensis ( Elephas) 714 missouriense (Orycterotherium) missouriensis (Batrachiosaurus) missouriensis ( Leviathan) missouriensis (Mosasaurus) missouriensis ( Notalacerta) in issourii ( Leviathan) m M7 INDEX. 839 Page. Missourium 707, 70S, 709 missuriense (Batrachiotheriuin) {,66 missuriensis (Batrachosaurus) 1,66 missuriensis (Ichthyosaurus) 1,66 missuriensis (Polythorax) 438 mitchelli (Acanthodes) 273 mitehelli (Geosaurus) 1,71 mitchelli (Liodon) 1,71 mitchelli (Mosasaurus) 1,1,0, 465, 471 mitchillii (Macrosaurus) 471 mitchillii (Tylosaurus) 1,71 mite (Aceratherium) 643 mite (Anthracotherium) 652 miticulus (Esthonyx) 790 miticulus (Hyopsodus) 790 mi t N (Csenopus) 6-13 mitis (Elomeryx) 652 mixeri (Dinichthys) 347 Mixodectes 786 Mixodectidae 786 Mobulidffi 321 modesta (Phoca) 5S9 modestus (Hyrachyus) C39 modestus (Ischypterus) 376 modestus ( Lophiodon) 639 modestus ( Polyrhizodus) 283 modestus (Semionotus) 376 modestus (Squalodon) 589 modulus ( Paleeoniscus) 367 modulus (Rhadinichthys) 367 molaris (Chomatodus) 280 molaris (Diadectes) 427 molaris ( Empedias) '. 427 molaris ( Empedocles) 427 molaris ( Petaiodus) 280 molestus (Bathmodon) 699 molestus (Chirox) 559 molestus (Coryphodon) 699 molestus (Hexodon) 575 molestus ( Neoplagiaulax ) 559 Molgophidte 411 Molgophis 412 molopina (Anosteira) 452 molopinus (Plastomenus) 452 molops (Bothremys) 43 molops (Taphrosphys) 438 molossus (Portheus) 384 molossus (Xiphactinus) SSI, monax (Arctomys) 720 monax (Mus) 720 Moni toridse 476 monoceros ( Monodon) 594 Monocladodus 272 Monoclonius 499, 500 Monodelphia 571 Monodon 594 monodon (Mylagaulus) 721 monolophus (Edaphodon) 324 monolophus (Ischyodus) 324 Monopnoa 426 Monotrema 555 monroei (Cladodus) 269 montanum (Hyracotherium) 610 montanum (Titanotherium) 635,637 montanus (Anisacodon) 637 montanus (Atlantosaurus) 481 Page. montanus (Bunomeryx) 650,672 niontamis (Canis) 77^ montanus (Ceratops) 500 montanus (Dermodactylus) 507 montanus (Dicouodon) $37 montanus (Merycochcerus) 668 montanus (Pliolophus) 610 montanus (Pleurocoelus) 4*3 montanus (Procamelus) 678 montanus (Protojabis) ; montanus (Pterodactylus) 507 montanus (Steneofiber) 7-_>> montanus (Symborodon) 0:37 montanus (Titanosaurus) ^4 montezumse (Hipparion) 620 montezumse (Hippotherium) G20 moodii (Otozoum) 547 moratus ( Ulias) 599 mordax (Dipterus) 352 mordax (Myliobatis) 320 mordax (Tuditanus) 415 Moropodidse 690 Moropus 691 Morosauridae 482 Morosaurus 483, 517 Morotherium 579 morsitans (Oxyeena) 757 mortifer (Cladodus) 269 inortoni (Archseotherium) 655 mortoni ( Atlantochelys) 440 mortoni (Carcharodon) S08 mortoni (Elotherium) 655 mortoni (Entelodon) 655 mortoni (Hemiptychodus) 317 mortoni (Ptychodus) 377 mortuarius (Agathaumas) 498 mortuarius (Polyonax) i,9S Mosasauria 464 Mosasauridse 404 Mosasaurinse 464 Mosasaurus 440, 464, 469, 47 1, 472, 473, 5/7 moschatus (Bos) 6S8 moschatus (Bubalus) 6SS moschatus (Ovibos) 688 mucronatus (Antliodus) 279 mucronatus (Otolithus) 408 mucronatus (Petaiodus) 279 mudgei (Colonosaurus) 520 mudgei (Holcodus) 470 mudgei (Lamna) 303 mudgei (Lestosaurus) 470 mudgei (Liodon) 470 mudgei ( Platecarpus) 470 mudgei (Plesiosaurus) 456 mudgei ( Portheus) 384 mudgei (Xiphactinus) 3S4 mudgei (Rhinosaurus) 470 mudgianus (Acondylacanthus) 330 Mugilidse 399 Mugiloidei 3.W multicarinatus (Orodus) 296 multicinctus ( Dissorhophus) 420 multicuspis ( Prototomus) 752 multicuspis (Sinopa) 752 multicuspis (Stypolophus) 752 multidens (Hylonomus) 412 840 INDEX. Page. multidentatus (Beryx) 393 multidentatus (Ichthyodectes) 385 multidentatus (Mioplosus) 405 multidentatus (Pogonias) 406 multifoveatus (Plastomeuus) 453 multifragum ( Psittacotherium) 574 multiplicatus (Allomys) 719 multiplicatus (Choinatodus) 277 multiplicatus (Meniscomys) 719 multiplicatus ( Petalodus) ^ 277 multiplicatus (Tanaodus); 277 multiseriatus (Oracanthus) 334 Multituberculata 556 Multungulata 648 Muridse 726 Murini 726 murivorus (Calamagras) 480 Mus 720,734 muscatinensis (Cervus) 686 musculosus (Symphyrophus) 484 Mustela 767, 768 Mustelidae 765 mustelina (Mustela) 767 Mustelinse 766 mustelinus (^lurodon) 767 mustelinus (Hysenodon) 759 mustelinus (Martes) 767 muswa (Alces) 685 myalotis (Carcharias) 307 Mylagaulidse 721 Mylagaulus 721 Myledaphus '. 320 Myliobates 319 Myliobatidse 319 Myliobatides 319 Myliobatina -. 319 M y 1 iobatinse 319 Myliobatis 319 Mylocyprinus 396 Mylodon 578 Mylodontidse 575 Mylognathus 325 Mylohyus 659, 660 Myloleucus 595 Mylopharyngodon 396 Mylostoma 350 Mylostomatidae 350 Myomorpha 726 myops (Pariostegus) 423 Mysops 725 Mystacoceti 598 Mysticete 598 mysticetoides (Balaena) 599 mysticetoides ( Cetotherium) 599 mysticetoides (Eschrichtius) 599 Myxodectes 786 M y xophagus 765 nahunticus (Lepisosteus) 377 nahunticus ( Pneumatosteus) 377 nambiana (Mustela) 768 nambianus (Martes) 768 nambianus (Putorius) 768 Nanemys 1,1,9 Page. Nanohyus 658 Nanomeryx 650 Nanomyops 559, 560 Nanomys 559, 560 Nanopus 547 Nanosauridse 505 Nanosaurus 1,91,, 505 nanum (Diceratherium) 644 nanus (Antiacodon) 787 nanus (Camptosaurus) 501 nanus (Ctenacodon) 558 nanus (Diplodus) 267 nanus (Helaletes) 626 nanus (Hemiacodon) 787 nanus ( Hyrachyus) 626 nanus (Lophiodon) 626 nanus ( Pediocaetes) 534 nanus (Perchcerus) 657 nanus (Platacodon) 565 nanus ( Pleuroccelus) 483 nanus ( Polyrhizodus) 283 nanus ( Pteranodon) 508 nanus (Rhinoceros) 644 nanus (Thinohyus) 657 nanus (Thrinacodus) 267 nanus (Tinohyus) 657 nanus (Triacodon) 753 Naocephalus 477 Naosaurus 432 nasicornis (Ceratosaurus) 494 nasicornis (Megalosaurus) 1,91, nasutulus (Sardinius) 391 nasutus (Dicotyl<) 65P nasutus (Gymnoptychus) 720 nasutus (Mylohyus) 659 nasutus (Protoceras) 673 nasutus (Tayassu) 659 natalis (Clepsydrops) 431 natans (Baptanodon) 463 natans (Sauranodon) 1,63 Natatores 528, 529 navajovius (Dissacus) 749 navajovius (Mioclsenus) 749 nearcticus (Equus) 622 nebrascense (Aceratherium) 641 nebrascensis (Castor) 722 nebrascensis (Chalicomys) 722 nebrascensis (Hyracodon) 641 nebrascensis (Palseocastor) 722 nebrascensis (Rhinoceros) 641 nebrascensis (Steneonber) 722 nebrascensis (Stylemys) 450, 451 nebrascensis (Testudo) 450 nebraskensis (Hyracodon) 641 necatus (Cosoryx) 6S3 necatus (Dicrocerus) 6&? uecatus (Merycodus) 683 necatus (Procervulus) 6SS necis (Batacanthus) 334 Necrolemures 786, 788 Nectoportheus 466, 467, 472, 473 Nectridea 410, 414 neglectus (Orodus) 295 nelsoni (Ctenodus) 352 nelson! (Dipterus) 352 nematodon (Eumys) 727 INDEX. 841 Page. nematodon (Hesperomys) Jgjr nematodon ( Peromyscus) 727 Nematoguathi 3S1 Nemorhcedus r,87 neocaesariensis (Isotaenia) 325 neocesariensis (Gavialis) 515 neocesariensis (Thoracosaurus) 515 Neoplagiaulax 559 Neoruithes 519 Ncosclachii $01 Neotoma 727 Xeotominae 727 neovidei (Mosasaurus) 1,66 nepaeolica (Cimolichthys) 587 nepaeolica ( Empo) 587 nepaeolicus (Liodon) 47? nepseolicus (Rhamphosaurus) 472 nepaeolicus (Tylosaurus) 472 nepaholiea (Empo) 387,795 Nephrosteon 595 neptunia ( Protostega) 1,1,0 NeptuiiocRelys 440 Neurodromus 1,81 Neurodromicus l,M newberriana (Amia) 381 newberryi (Brachydectes) 413 newberryi (Ohomatodus) 280 newberryi (Cladodus) 272 newbt-rry i (Cladoselache) 272 newberryi (Diniehthys) 347 newbi-rryi (Sauropleura) 419 ncwuiani (Cladodus) 2C9 nidiftcans (Batrachoides) 541 uigra (Hydrochelidon) 525 nigrioans (Anser) 530 nigrieollis (Colymbus) 523 Nimravidse 777 Nimravinae 777 Nimravus 781, 783 niobrarensis (Megalomeryx) 679 niobrarensis (Procamelus) 679 niobrarensis (Stylemys) 450 niobrarensis (Testudo) 1,50 nitons (Allomys) 719 nitens ( Meniscomys) 719 nitida (Bothriolepis) 344 nitida ( Erisichthe) 379 nitida (Leptauchenia) 670 nitida (Protosphyrsena) 379 nitidns (Cimolodon) 560 nitidus (Cimolomys) 560 nitidus (Cochliodus) 294 nitidus (Deltoptychius) 294 nitidus (Ectosteorhachis) 362 nitidus (Entomodon) 755 nitidus (Hybocladodus) 271 nitidus (Megalichthys) 362 nitidus (Parabatrachus) 362 nitidus ( Paramys) 724 nitidus (Sciuravus) 724 nitidus (Stenacanthus) 344 nitidus (Talpavus) 738 nitidus (Viverravus) 755 nitor (Stagodon) 564 nobilis (Aletornis) 528 nobilis (Chitinodus) 293 Page. nobilis (Cochliodus) ..,.; nobilis (Hei.Hlusj ".". 29 3 nobilis (Pliogonodon) .;/; nobilissimus (Holoptychius) 355 Nodosauridae 497 Nodosaurus 497 nodosus (Glyptosaurus) 475 nodosus (Taphrosphys) 438 norwoodensis (Pterichthys) 349 notabilis (Aspidiehthys) 345 notabilis (Clastes) 377 notabilis (Lepidotus) 377 notabilis (Lepisosteus) 377 Notalacerta 547 Notamphibia 547 Notharctus 610, 645, 788, 789, 790, 793 Nothocyon 771 Nothodon 428 Nothodontidae 426 Nothosaurops 457 Nothosaurus 455, 457 Notidani 300 Notidanidae 300 Xotidanus 300, 301 Notogoneus 392 Notomorpha 447, 448 Notropis 3% novomehicanus (Calamodon ) 575 novomehicanus (Ectoganus) 575 novomehicanus (Stylinodon) 575 novo-mexicanus (Orthopleurodus) 289 novo-mexicanus (Sandalodus) 289 Numenius 525 nummifer (Ptyonius) 414 Nummopalatus 401 nunenius (Phenacodus) 604 nunienum (Pelycodus) 789 nunienus (Phenacodus) 604 nuperus (Acondylacanthus) 330 nuptus ( Pantolestes) 649 nuptus (Trigonolestes) 649 Nyctilestes 742 Nyctitherium '. . ; 742 Nyctodactylinse 508 Nyctodacty lus 508 Nyctosauridae 608 Nyctosaurus 508 O. oarthrus (Mosasaurus) 466 obesus (Comptichnus) 542 obesus (Hoplocetus) 596 obesus (My liobatis) 320 obesus ( Rosmarus) 781, obliqua (Lamna) 305 obliquidens (Hyrachyus) 640 obliquidens (Protosphyraena) 379 obliquidens (Merycochoerus) 668 obliquidens (Protapirus) 627 obliquidens (Triplopus) 640 obliquuni (GingJymostoma) 310 obliquus (Acrodobatis) 310 obliquus (Carcharodon) 305 obliquus (Chomatodus) 980 obliquus (Cochliodus) 294 obliquus (Corax) 309 842 INDEX. Page. obliquns (Coryphodon) 698, 699 obliquus (Deltodus) 292 obliquns ( Tseniodus) 2H2 obliquus (Teniodus) 292 obliquus (Oracanthus) 334 obliquus (Otodus) 305 obliquus ( Psephodus) 288 oblongus (Cymatodus) 277 oblongus (Ganorhynchus) 352 obscurum (Mammut) 711 obscurus ( Compseiriys) 437 obscurus (Crocodilus) 516 obscurus ( Chomatodus) 277 obscurus (Compsemys) 437 obscurus {Emys) 1,37 obscurus (Holops) 516 obscurus (Mastodon) 710,711,713 obscurus (Tanaodus) 277 obscurus (Tetrabelodon) 711 obscurus (Thoracosaurus) 516 obsoletus (Leptophractus) SSI,, 419 obtuaa (Eupachemys) 448,45; obtusata (Mephitis) 766 obtusidens (Mesonyx) 150,751 obtusidens (Theropleura) 433 obtusilobus (Stibarus) 672 obtusum (Dendrerpeton) ; /,15 obtusus (Dryolestes) 569 obtusus (Triceratops) 499 obtusus (Tuditanus) . 415 occidcntale (Aceratherium) 61,3 occidentale (Anthracotherium) 652 occidcntale (Hipparion) 620 occidentale (Hippotherium) 6/9,620 occidentalis(Acondylacauthus) 530 occidentalis (jEchmophorus) 624 occidentalis (Boavus) 479 occidentalis (Csenopus) 643 occidentalis (Canis) 776 occidentalis (Cladocyclus) 399 occidentalis (Cladodus) 269 occidentalis (Clastes) ( 377 occidentalis (Coccosteus) 344,345 occidentalis (Cochliodus) 292 occidentalis (Colodon) 626 occidentalis (Ctenopetalus) 281 occidentalis (Ctenoptychius) 281,282 occidentalis (Deltodus) 292 occidentalis (Drepanodon) 778 occidentalis (Eporeodon) 667 occidentalis (Equus) 623 occidentalis (Eucrotaphus) ., 667 occidentalis (Hadrosaurus) 502 occidentalis ( Harpacodus) 282 occidentalis (Hoplophonens) 778 occidentalis (Lepidotus) 577 occidentalis (Lepisosteus) 377 occidentalis (Leptacanthus) 550 occidentalis (Lophiodon ) 626 occidentalis (Mosasaurus) 1,65 occidentalis (Oreodon) 667 occidentalis (Palseonictis) 756 occidentalis (Petrodus) 298 occidentalis ( Podiceps) 524 occidentalis (Procamelus) 677, 678 occidentalis (Protocamelus) 678 Page. occidentalis (Protosphyraena) 380 occidentalis (Pteranodon) 508 occidentalis ( Pterodactyl us) 508 occidentalism (Ptychodus) 318 occidentalis (Rhinoceros) 67,3, 644 occidentalis (Rhizodus) 351, occidentalis (Rhynchodus) 323 occidentalis (Sagenodus) 354 occidentalis (Scymnorhinus) 314 occidentalis (Scymnus) Sli, occidentalis (Strepsodus) 35>, occidentalis (Thespesius) 502 occidentalis (Xystrodus) 289 occiduus (Delphinus) 594 occiduus (Nothosaurops) 457 occiduus (Nothosaurus) 1,57 occiduus ( Plesiosaurus) 1,57 ocellatus (GlyptosRuru.s) 475 Ochlodus 265 Ochotona 735 Ochotonidte 735 Octacodon - 652 octonarius (Hadrianus) 450 Octotomus 7 1>..', 70S Odobsenidse 7S3 Odobsenus 783 Odobenidae 783 Odobenotherium 781, Odobenus 784 Odocoileus 681, Odontacanthus S/,2 Odontaspides SOI Odoiitaspidoidaj r,oi Odontaspis 50/,,-JO-,', 30,;. ,-ii.>',..n.! Odontholcsc 5'0 Odontocete 588 Odontoceti Odontocetoidea Odontolcte Odontornwe Odontornithes .ps ( Merychippus) 617 pachyops (Pliohippus) ... 677 pachyops ( Protohippus) 677 pachyi)iis ( Bathmodon) ' 698 pachypus (Coryphodon) 699 Pachyrhizqdontidae 387, 388 Pachyrhizodus 387, 393 Pachyura 315 Paciculus 727 paciflcum (Diceratherium) 644 paciflcus ( Aphelops) 644 pacificus (Equus) 623 pacificus (Eporeodon) 6t>7 paciflcus (Eucrotaphus) 667 paciflcus (Rhinoceros) 644 paciflcus (Shastasaurus) 463 padanicus (Thlaeodon) 565 Pagophilus 785 Paleeacodon 794 Palaeaspis 340 palaeatlantica (Balsena) 600 palaeatlantica ( Balaenoptera) 600 palaeatlantica ( Protobalsena) 600 palaeatlanticus ( Rhegnopsis) 600 Palsechimaera 325 Palaedaphus 352 Palseictops 739 Palaeobatis 279,280 Palaeoborus 535 Palaeocastor 722 Palaeochcerus 657, 658 Palaeoctonus 490 Palaeogale 967 Palaeolagus 735 Palaeomeryx 682 Palaeom ylus 323 Palseonictidse 755 Palaeonictis 755 Palaeoniscida t 365 Palaeoniscidae 365 Paleeoniscum 367 Palaeoniscus 365, 367, 368, 369, 375, 376 Palaeonornis 537 Palaeonotidani 300 Palseonyctis 755 Palaeophidae 478 Palaeophis 479 Palaeosauropus 518,795 INDEX. 845 Page. Palseosaurus 492, 510 Palaeoscincus -497 Palaeoselachii :otherium 613, 636 I'ahcotringa 527 Palamopus 544, 548, 550 palatiiium (1'raotherium) 735 palatinus (Lagomys) 735 palatinus (Ochotona) 735 pallasii (Bos) 687 pallidicincta (Cupidonia) 534 pall idicinctus (Tympanuchus) 534 palmaris ( Platysomus) 369 palmatus (Ornithichnites) 54S pa linn 1 1 ; (Sauroidichnites) 51,8 palmeri (Nemorhoedus) 687 palmipes (Shepardia) 651 paloccidentalis ( Ardea) 531 paloregouus (Cygnus) 530 paloregonus (Olor) 530 paludosus (Limnohyus) 631 paludosus (Palaeosyops) 630, 631 palustris(Miacis) 761 palustris (Vulpavus) 761 pamphagus (Saurocephaltis) 386 Pamphractus 343 pandatum ( Amyzon) 395 pandatus (Cladodus) 269 paniense (Hipparion) 620 paniense (Hippotherium) 620 paniense (Tricium) 736 Panolax 736 panoliiis (Sciurus) 719 pansns (Castor) 722 pansus (Steneofiber) 722 Pantodonta 6% Pan tolambda 696 Pantolambdidfe 6% Pantolambdina 696 Pan tolestes 648, 649, 650 Pantolestida 64S Pantolestidae 648 Pantolestoidea 648 Pantosaurus 456 Pantotheria 563 Pantylus 429 papillosus (Ptychodus) 318 Pappichthys 381 I'arahatrachus 362 I'aracetus 596 Paradaphsenus . . . ; 772 paradoxicum (Agriotherium) 664 paradoxicus (Protoreodon) 664 Paradoxodon . 762 paradoxus (Hyrachy us) 639 Parahippus 616, 6/7 Parahy bodus 299 Parahy us 654 parallelum (Brontozoum) 545 parallelus (Chomatodus) 280 parallelus (Dittodus) 266 Page. parallelus (Grallator) 545 parallelus (Ornithichnites) 545 parallelus (Orodus) 295 parallelus (Petalodus) t8O Parameryx 674, 675 Paramys 723 Parasaurus 455 Parasuchia 509 Paraxonia 61,8 Pareiasauria 455 Pareiasauridae 429 Pareiopliteae 406 Pariasauria 425 Parictis 757 paridens (Helodectes) 429 Paridigitata 647 paridigitatum ( Argozoum) 540 Pariesaisaurus 429 Parietis 767 pariogonus (Merychyus) 669 Pariostegus 423 Pariotichidse 428 Pariotichus 428, 429 Parioxys 1,21, 422 Paroceras 702 Paronychodon 490, 560 parva (Emys) 444 parvidens (Canis) 77/ parvidens (Diastichus) 395 parvidens ( Paramys) 724 parvidens (Scuiravus) 724 parviloba (Mustela) 767 parviscutatus (Chelone) 443 parviscutum (Chelone) 443 parvisquamis (Cercariomoiphns) 417 parvitecta (Chelone) 443 parvitectus (Puppigerus) 443 parvivorus (Miacis) 76/ parvivorus ( Viverravus) 76/ parvivorus (Vulpavus) 761 parvulum (Anchitherium) 6/7 parvulus (Antliodus) 279 parvulus (Batrachoidichnites) 54/ parvulus (Catopterus) 370 parvulus (Cladodus) 269 parvulus (Ctenacanthus) 329 parvulus (Equus) 6/7 parvulus (Histiophorus) 402 parvulus (Hoplonchus) - 329 parvulus (Istiophorus) 402 parvulus (Merychippus) 617 parvulus (Mesohippus) 617 parvulus (Ornithoidichnites) 54/ parvulus (Orodus) 295 parvulus (Petalodus) 279 parvulus ( Physonemus) 333 parvulus (Protohippus) parvulus (Ptychodus) 318 parvulus (Redfleldius) 370 parvulus (Sandalodus) 289 parvulus (Stenopterodus) 28.9 parvum (Cetotherium) 599 parvum (Elachoceras) 705 parvum (Otozoum) 647 parvum (Uintatherium) 705 .parvus (Cimolodon) 560 parvus (Cimolomys) 560 parvus (Crocodylus) 513 846 INDEX. Page. parvns (Crucipes) 542 parvus (Deltodus) 292 parvus ( i;nchodus) 389 parvus (Ichthyodectes) 385 j.jirvns i Eomeryx) 664 parvus i Ist-hypterus) , 376 parvus (Protoreodon) 664,665 parvus (Semionotus) 376 parvns (Tillomys) 724 Passalacodon 740 Passi-res 536 Passed formes 536 Passerinee 537 Patriofelis 757, 77 fi pattersoni (Cladodus) 269 paucicristatus (Ceratodus) 554 paucicristatus ( Ptyonodus) 354 paucicristatus (Sagenodus) 354 pauc-idens (Ceratops) 500 paucidens (Deinictis) 780 paucidens (Dinictis) 780 paucidens (Hadrosaurus) 500 paucidens (Hemipristis) .573 paucidens (Hysenodon) 759 paucidens (Thinosaurus) 476 pauciporus (Orophosaurus) 459 pauciradiata (Sauropleura) 419 pauciradiatus ( Asineops) 404 pauciradiatus (Colosteus) 479 paulus (Hyopsodus) 789, 791 paulus (Hypsodus) 791 Paurodon . . , 569 Paurodontidse 568 pealei (Priscacara) 401 pecari ( Aper) 6f>l pecari (Tayassu) 795 Pecora 681 pectinata (Sauropleura) 474 pectinatus (Equus) 624 pectinatus (Oestocephalus) 4/4 pectinatus (Ptyonius) 414 pectinatus ( Rhineastes) :5S2 pectorale (Pleurosternum) 444 pectoralis ( Adocus) 444 pectorosus (Diplomystus) 391 Pediocsetes 534 Pedicecetes 534 Pediomys 565 pedunculatus (Clepsydrops) - 432 peiganus (Dysganus) 505 pelagius (Squalodon) 589 Pelargo-herodii 531 Pelargomorphae />.?/ Pelecaninae /u,? Pelecanoidea 532 Pelecanus 532 Pelecopteridae 378 Pelecopterus 379 Pelecorapis 399 Pelion 4 JO, 411 Peliontidse 410 pellensis (Ctenacanthus) 328 Pelomedusidae 438 Pelonax 654, C55, 6-56 pelorius (Pneumatarthrus) 505 pelorius ( Pneumatoarthrus) 505 peltatus (Rhineastes) peltigerus (Elonichthy.s) peltigerus ( Palseoniscus) peltoceras (Menodns) peltoceras (Titanotherium) , Peltochelyidoe Peltodus Peltosaurus pelvidens (Chriacus) pelvidens (Lipodectes) pelvidens (Pelycodus) Page. 634 634 452 276 475 745 745 745 Pelycictis 766 Pclycddus 744, 745, 789 Pelycorapis 399 Pelycorhamphus 597 Pelycosauria 430 penetrans (Diplodus) 266 penetrans (Dissodus)| 266 pi-notnms (Dittodusi 266 penetrans (Erisichthe) 379 penetrans (Lipodectes) 751 penetrans (Protosphyreena) : . . . 379 peninsulatum (Hipparion) " 620 peninsulatum (Hippotherium) 620 peninsulatus (Castor) 722 peninsulatus (Steneofiher) 722 pennantii (Martes) 767 pennantii (Mustela) 767 pennatus (Trionyx j 454 pennsylvanica ( Arvicola) ~2'.i pennsylvanicus (Clepsisaurus) ',.''.'. ~>lu pennsylvanicus (Clepsy.aiirus) iy_' pennsylvanicus (Dicotyles) 6,w, W7 pennsylvanicus (Mylohyus) 659 pennsylvanicus (Microtus) 729 pennsylvanicus (Tayassu) 659 pennsylvanicus (Onchus) 326 Pentacodon 745 pentacus (Mioclaenus) 603 pentacus ( Protogonodon ) 603 pentagona (Raja) 316 pentagonus (Diclonius) 504 pentagonus (Oncobatis) 316 pentagonus (Trachodon) 504 pephero (Tetheodus) 389 pephredo (Tetheodus) 389 Peplorhina 364 Peraceras 645, 646 peracutus (Macheeracanthus) 3:12 Pcralcstcs 56S Peralestidse 568 perangulatus ( Diclonius) .7ft', perangulatus (Trachodon) 504 Peratheridse 570 Peratherium 570, 57J Perccsoces 39 Perchcerus 657 Percidae 404 Percoidea 403 Percoidae 40.', Percoidei 404 Percomorphi 400 percrassa (Clemmys) 449 percrassus (Sardinius) 391 perdicida (Galera) 766 perdicida (Hemiacis) .. 766 INDEX. 847 Page. perdicida (GaHctis) 766 perdicida (Mephitis) 766 perdicida (Spilogale) 7C,i; perditus (Equus) $17 perdi tus ( Merychippus) 617 perditus (Protohippus) 617 periculoruin (Oreodon) 666 Periodus ,?;.? Periplectrodus 287 periprion (Ctenodus) 354 periprion (Sagenodus) 354 Peripristis 281, 282 Peryptichidse 693 Pfriptychinae 693 Periptychus 693, 691, IVri.-st iilactyla 607 Perissonychia 690 Peritresius 441 perlatus ( Liodon) 472 perlatus (Tylosaurus) 472 perniciosa (Protosphyraena) 379 pernicicrus (Ichthyodectes) 579 perniciosus (Pelecopterus) $79 pernix ( Aletornis) 528 pernix (Eohippus) 609 pernix (Hippidium) 618 pernix ( Hyracotherium) 609 pornix ( I'liohippus) 618 Pi-mrayscus . 726 1 V n >j ,< ,< 1 a 1,79 prmvalis (Antliodus) 279 perovalis ( Petalodus) 279 perplexus (Omosaurus) perrugosus ( Bottosaurus) 510 '.. 514 pi'rs]>icillatus(Phalacrocorax) 533 perspicuus (Aetobatis) pertenuis (Ctenoptychius) .... pertenuis (Testudo) pertortus (Pelycorhamphus) .. potaliferus (Glyptodon) Petalodontidse Petalodontoidea Petalodopsis 321 282 451 597 580 275 275 353 Petalodus 276, 277, 278, 279, 280 Petalorhynchus petersoni (Ectoconodon) petersoni ( Protylopus) petrinus (Cymbospondylus) petrodoides (Glymmatacanthus) Petrodus. petrolei (Emys) pet rosa (Emys) petrosus ( Adocus) petrosus ( Agomphus) petrosus (Enchodus) 389 Phacodus 405 Phalacrocoracidte 533 Phalacrocoracinse 533 Phalacrocorax 533 Phalaropidse 526 Phalaropus 527 Phaneropleuridse 352 Fhaneropleurini 352 Phaneropleuron SS2, S5S Phareodon . .*. Phareod us Page Pharyngodopilidse ^ Pharyngodopilus ...."". 40; Pharyngognathi 400 Phascolestes 569 Phascolotheriidse " Phascolotheriinae.. Phascolotherium 567 phaseolinus (Diadectes) '.'.'.'.'.".".". 427 phaseolinus (Empedias) phaseolus (Pycnodus) ',[[ 373 phasianellus (Pediocsetes) Phasianidfe ^ Phenacodontidse g^, Phenacodus 60S, 604, 605, 650, 71,6, 791 Philadelphia (Chroicocephalus) 525 Philadelphia (Larus) 525 Phlaocyon j^ phlebotomus (Daptinus) gse phlebotomus (Saurocephalus) sge phlebotomus (Saurodon) 555 Phlegethontia 411 Phlegethontiidse ^u phlegon (Equus) 617 phlegon (Merychippus) r.17 phlegon (Protohippus) S 17 Phlyctfenacanthus 332 Phlyctfenaspis 345 Phlyctsenius ^45 Phoca 689, 591, 78!t, 785 Phocageneus 591 Phocidse 7x4 Phocodon 588,589 Phocodontia sss Phoderacanthus 334 Phoebodus 270 Phoenicopteri ssi Phoenicopteridse 528, 531 Phrenicopterina; 531 Phcenicopteroidea 531 Phcenicopterus 531 Pholidophoridse 383 Pholidophorus 383 Phthinobranchii 3% Phyllodidje 1,00 Phyllodus 401 Phyllolepidse 349 Phyllolepis 349 Phyllophaga 575 Physeter 595, 596 Physeteridse 595 Physeterinse 595 Physeterula 595 Physichthys 349 Physonemus 333,334 Phytosauria 509 Phytosauridse 509 Phytosaurus 509 piasaensis (Polyrhizodus) 283 Picarise 536 Piciformes 536 Pilosa 575 pilulatus (Anticheiropus) 539 pilulatus (Cheirotheroides) 541 pilulatus ( Plesiornis) 550 Pimelodus 382 848 INDEX. Page. pineiorxim , ArvicohO 729 pinetonim ( Microtns^ - ?J9 pinetornm i ,Pitymys> .".'!* pinetorum ^I'saminoinys^ r,N pinnatus (Monocladodus) -7- Pinnipedia 7s> Pipist rellus 7 fJ Piptomerus -157 Piratosaunis I Hi Pisces 1 338 piselnaria vLutra* 769 piaeosus (Cymtx>sp iti:; Pithecistes S70.671 Pitymys placenta . Helodus^ *8S placenta \ Psephodus^ ->s Plaeentalia plaeidus i Mcrychippns> 617 plaeidus ( Protohippxisl Plaeoderniata Placodermi Plaeodus Placoganoidei Plaeoidei Plaeoides Plaeosaurid;e Plaeosaxmis Plaeot borax Plagianlaeida Plairiaulacidie Plagiaulacina* Plagiaulaeoidea Plagiaulax Plagiostomata Plajriostomi plainvillensis \ Batrachichnxis plana (Oxyrhina* plana i Sphy rna > platiieeps i Baphetes^ planiceps ( Hy nieodon i planidens ( Deltodus > planidens ^Seylliorhuuis i planidens ( Soyllixim > ,^/<< planifrons i iMidastes i.'O planifrons ( Entoptyehus 731 planifrons (Lestosaurns i planifrons i Metaraynodon t planifrons (Plateearpns) planior (Cimoliasaunis> planior (Piseosaxinis) planns (Corax) pianos (Isuros) planus ( Stenopterudxis) Plastoinenidtf 452 Plastomemts 452,454 Platacodon 56.S Platanistid;e v>> Platanistin^ 590 Platax.... i,., Page. 541 309 641 m 470 4S,470 . 459 . 4K> . 309 . 307 . 291 Plateoarpus Platemys Platigoniis Platinista Platinistinw . l>l:itycephala ^Vtei'pera> platycephalnni ( Aeeratherium) . . . platycephalum (Pomatotherium . platyeephalus (Rhtnoceros) platycenis < Ttrontotherium \ platyceras ^ Nfemxlusl platyceras v Titanotherixim) Platycha-ropidw PlatychrtTOivj platycopis (T)einictis) platycopis i l*iIli^tis^ platycopis . . Hoploplioneiu^ platyeopis (Pogonodon> j'latyeopsis ( Pogonodon> platydaetyhis (Oniithichnites> .... Platys:.>nxx< . platylomus Platyinixis .. platyops ,Botlirolabisl platy,.ps,Euclaste^ platyops vHyotherium^ platyops ( Ly toloma > I'lcityof- . Pal:v platypus tKry,.i.^ platypus v lehthycantlu> Platyrhachis Platysoiuatidie Platysomidsv Platysomxis platN-spondyhis ( Baptosiiurus^ . . . platyspondylxis (Halisaurus^ platyspondyhis (.Macrosjixirus 1 ' ... platyspondylus (Stacrospondyln. Platystejros platyxmvs (Ciinoliosaxir- - platyxxnis \Elasniosaun> Platyxystroilxis Plautxis PUvtognathi Pleetosix>ndyli plectrodon (Heptranchia* pleetrodon (Xotidanxxs ' Pleetropterna Pleetropus plenxxs ( Psammwlus) Plerodon Plesian-tomys Plesiocetxis Plesioehelyid;v Plesioehelys Plesiogale Plesiornis Ptesiosauri Plesiosauria Plesiosjixirii;v Plesiosaxmis Plethodid* Plexiracanthida- Plexiracanthides Pleuracanthus '-V>-' : Pleunxwlidje ... .. 635 (WO.6.00 . 441 Pleurodera ttt 418 m .. 407 .. 394 .. 900 .. 549 .. 284 .. SU .. 598 . 439 539,550 4-V> an >- 483 we [NDEX. 849 fl.-un.licii.s -!'., r.77,67H,r,7'i 7;;i I'l. -iii-opt. T.VKii IMi-iiroplyx 117 |:J7 /,;?/ atilf i H ipp;i i-inn ) ....................... 020 i) .................. <;..v> 271 plieatilin (Oxyrliiiiiij ...................... SO8 pliratulii.> iH.,plir:hnun> pok-iimn-hiii- 'Saiiroidi-hnitw!) Bull. 179 -- M Polemarcbiu |K,lc.ini.-n- (L |K)lftti.s (Cladotliw) poUtus(HekxltM) polilu- i l[c( polltiiB (PluBbodas) ...................... ", 270 politiM (Pephodu8) ....................... 2W |x)lliix (CatopsallH) ......................... . w ., I'oly.'otyhm polycypba (Emys) Mycypbu ( IV!:. .,th.-<-a; polyjfj-nw (CarcharUw) polygynw (Carclmrodon) [wlygynw (Ptychodiw) PolymaKtodon Polymatsini-nidt<) ................ 545 {jolymorpha ( Jaiuuwa) ...................... 277 polyinorphus (Tanaodu*) .................. 277 |xlyix!<,ti (Cnx'iKlylas) ..................... 513 polyodon (Ii[.l.-yiirrectas (Ctcnodtw) ....................... 554 porrectuu (Naocepbalus) ................... 477 850 INDEX. Page porrectus (Sagenodus) 354 Portheus S79, 383 Porzana 528 posticus (Heptodon) 626 posticus (Pachynolophus) 625 posticus (Leuclscus) 396 posticus (Semotilus) 396 posticus (Squalius) 396 Potamites 452 potens ( Aminodon) 656 potens (Ctenacodon) 558 potens (Elotherium) 656 potens (Megalonyx) 577 powellianus ( Hyopsodus) 791 powellii (Deltodus) 292 711 347 711 347 711 347 277 269 prsenuntius (Tanaodus) .................... 277 precursor (Dibelodon) prsecursor (Dinichthys) precursor (Mammut) prsecursor Ponerichthys) prsecursor (Mastodon) praemaxillaris (Dinichthys) prsenuntia (Janassa) praenuntius (Cladodus) . . praestans ( Anchitherium) praestans (Mesohippus) prsestans (Miohippus) praestans (Telacodon) Praotherium . . . . prava (Emys) 611, 614 614 566 735 444 pravus ( Adocus) ........................... 444 pravus (Xenodolamia) ..................... 309 precedens (Coniophis) ..................... 481 precursor (Dinichthys) .................... 347 Predentata ................................. 495 prehensilis ( Protolabis) .................... 678 prentis-clarki ( Dinichthys) ................ 347 pressicorne (Tinoceras) .................... 706 pressicorne (Uintatherium) ................ 706 pressicornis (Eobasileus) ................... 706 pressic; rnis (Loxolophodon) ............... 706 Priacodon ........................ = ......... 567 Pricondon .................................. 496 pressidens (Enchodus) ..................... 389 primaevus (Canis) .......................... 775 primaevus ( Drepanodon ) ................... 779 primsevus (Homogalax) .................... 637 primaevus (H plophoneus) ................. 779 primwvus (Macha-rodus) ................... 779 primaevus (Machairodus) .................. 779 primsevus (Megencephalon) ............... 769 primsevus ( Palaeosauropus) .............. 548, 795 primaevus ( Parictis) ........................ 767 primaevus ( Phenacodus) ................... 604 primaevus (Sauropus) ...................... 548 primaevus (Systemodon) ................... 627 Primates ................................... 785 primagenius (Elaphas) ..................... 714 primigenius ( Elephas) ..................... 713 primigenius (Euelephas) ................... 713 primigenius ( Heptranchias) ............... 300 primigenius (Notidanus) ................... 300 primogenius (Elephas) ..................... 7/4 primus (Deltoptychius) .................... 294 primus (Didymictis) ....................... 754 primus (Leptarctus) ..... .............. 764 Page. princeous (Parietis) ........................ 767 princeps (Dactylodus) .................... . . 283 princeps (Gl yptosaurus) .................... 475 princeps (Hipparion) ...................... en princeps (Hippothcrium) .................. 622 princeps (Holoptychius) ................... 358 princeps ( Hy rachy us) ...................... 639 princeps ( Mosasaurus) ..................... 466 princeps (Polyrhizodus) .................... 283 princeps (Prochonias) ..................... 438 princeps (Taphrosphys) ..................... 438 princeps ( Uintatherium ) ................... 702 Prionace ................................... 312 Prionodon ................................ 312, 313 prisca (Balaena) ............................ 599 prisca (Balamoptera) ....................... 599 prisca (Palaechimsera) ...................... 325 prisra ( sphyrna) ........................... 314 prisca (Zygaena) ............................ 311, J'riscaciira .................................. 401 prisciformis ( Helagras) ..................... 481 Priscodelphinus ...... .. ............ 590, 591 , 592, 593 priscolatrans (Canis) priscum (Cetotherium) priscum (Nyctitherium) priscum ( Orcodon) priscus (Apedodus) priscus (Belodon) priscus (Bison) priscus (Bos) priscus (Chriacus) priscus (Compsosaurus) priscus ( Dictyorhabdus) priscus (Diplodus) priscus (Dittodus) priscus ( Dryolestes) 776 599 742 666 359 510 689 689 745 510 325 266 266 569 priscus (Ereptodon) ........................ 578 priscus (Eschrichtius).. priscus (Hadrodus) priscus (Homacodon) .. priscus (Laopteryx) priscus (Loxolophus) .. priscus (Megalonyx) ... 699 373 660 &18 746 578 priscus (Mylognathus) ". 325 priscus (Oreodon) 666 priscus (Ovibos) 687, 688 priscus (Palaeosaurus) 510 priscus ( Pantolestes) 650 priscus (Phytosaurus) ... 510 priscus (Pliogonodon) 517 priscus ( Pontogeneus) 587 priscus ( Procyon) 765 priscus ( Protochriacus) 745 priscus (Siphonocetus) 599 priscus (Telmatornis) 528 priscus (Trionyx) 454 prismaticus ( Protocho3rus) 660 Pristacanthus 331 Pristicladodus 270, 271 Pristidae 316 Pristides 316 pristinum ( Arctotherium) J 763 pristinus ( Arctodus) 763 pristinus (Bothrolabis) 658 pristinus (Chameleo) 478 pristinus ( Dicotyles) 659 INDEX. 851 Page. pristinns (Pateoehoerus) 659 pristinus (Tremarctos) ;/;,? pristinns ( Ursus) 763 Pristis 316 pristis ( Acanthodes) pristis I Aeanthoessus) 273 Pristodontina: 275 pristodontus (Corax) 309 pristodoiitus (Galeocerdo) 509 pristodontns (Galeus) S09 pristodontus (Squalus) 309 Pristodus _>sL> Proailurinaj 781 Proarthri 285 proavitum (Diccratherium) 643 proavitus (Rhinoceros) 644 proavns (Grus) 527 proavus ( Leptotragulu-s) 674 proavns ( Mammut) 711 proavus (Mastodon) 710, 711 proavus ( Paramery x ) 67!, Proballostomus 394 problematicus ( Amblyodon) 416 problematicus (Diplodus) 267 problematicus ( Dissodus) 267 problematieus (Doliodus) 267 Proboscidea 706 proboscidea (Cystophora) 785 probus (Palseochcerus) 657 probus (Perchcerus) 657 Procamelus 677, 678, 679 Procellariidse 526 Pnx-fllaroidea 526 Procellaroidese 526 procerus ( Ursus) 763 Procervulus 6S3 Prochonias 438 proclivus ( Physonemus) 333 Procoelia 511 procuspidatus (Colodon ) 626 Procynodictis 760 Prooyon 764 Procyonidse 764 Procyoninte 764 procyoninum (Helotherium) 612 procyoninum (Hyracotherium) 612 procyoninum (Lambdotherium) 6.72 procyoninus (Orohippus) 612 Prodaphsfiins 760 Prodidelphia 563 productum (Mammut) 711 productus (Carcharodon) 308 productus (Galeocerdo) 312 product us (Mastodon) 711 productus (Stethacanthus) 333 productus (Tetrabelodon) 7/2 profectum ( Aceratherium) 646 profectus (Aphelops) 646 profectus (Protohippus) 617 profundus (Aetobatis) 321 profundus (Champsosaurus) 461 prognathus (Ichthyodectes) 385 prognathus (Saurocephalus) 385 Prohyama 77l> promierodon (t'intacyon) 760 Propalseomer) x 682 Page. 444 . 293 Ml, US 440 . 668 . 467 . 582 46J, 682 . 472 . 1.11 . 472 . 472 . 472 788 prophylseua ( Lembonax ) propinqua (Branta) propin<|iius (Deltodus) Prop'Ieura Propleuridae proprius (Merycochoerus) propython (Clidastes) Prorastomida: Prorastomus proriger (Liodon) proriger (Macrosaurus) proriger (Rhnuiphosaurus) proriger (Rhinosaurus) proriger (Tylosaurus) prorops (Belemnoziphius) prorops (Dioplodon) prorops (Mesoplodon) Proroziphius prorsus ( Agathaumas) prorsus (Triceratops) Prosarthri Proselachii : Prosimiae Prosinopa Prospiraxis. Protagras Protagriochcerns Protamia protapirinus (Homogalax) 627 protapirinus (Systemodon ) 627 Protapirus Protautoga Protelotherium Protencephala protenus ( Didymictis) protenus (Limnocyon) protenus (Viverravus) Proteosaurid Proteosaurus proterus (Aphelops) proterus (Rhinoceros) proterva (Cynorca) protervus (Squalodon) Prothyracodon Protitanotherium Protobalsena Protocamelus Protocatostomus Protocephali Protoceras Protoceratida: Protoceratina; Protochcerus Protochriacus Protodonta Protodus 266 Protogaleus 311 Protogaulus 718 Protogonia 603,746 protogonioides (Cla>nodon) protogonioides ( Mioclsenus) 747 Protogonodon 603,606 Protohippus 612, 615, 616, 617, 61S, 620 Protolabidida; 676 Protolabinse 676 Protolabis 632 600 677,678 394 g39 673 673 673 660 744,745 . 555 852 INDEX. Protolambda Protomeryx Protomyidae , Protopsalis Protoptychidse Protoptychus Protoreodon Protoreodontinae Protorohippus 730 664,665 664 610 Protoselene 607 Protosorex 738 379 378 378 439, 440 Protosphyraena Protosphyrsenidic Protospondyli Protostega Protostegida 139 Prototheria 555 Prototomus 751, 7. r >,>, rr,.',, 7 Pycnodonta :; ; Pycnodontes .;; > Pycnodouti 3 > Pycnodontida- 32 Pycnodontoidea 3 2 Pycnodus pygmaea (Didelphis) pygmsea (Didelphys) pygmaeum ( Lophiotherium ) 793 pygmseus ( Agorophius) 589 pygmaeus ( Antiacodon) 787, 793 pygmaeus (Basilosaurus) 589 pygmaeus (Doryodon) 589 pygmaeus (Hyopsodus) 793 pygmseus (Sarcolemur) 793 pygmseus (Saurocephalus) 386 pygmaeus (Saurodon) 386 pygmseus (Squalodon) 589 pygma-us (Zeuglodon) 589 Pygopodes 523 Pygopodi formes 523 Pygopterus. 367, 1,19 Pythonidae 1,79 Pythonomorpha 464 Q. quadrans (Oxyrhina) 306 quadrata ( Janassa) 276 quadrata (Testudo) 451 quadratidens ( Orycterocetiis) 596 quadratidens ( Physeter) 596 quadratus (Dipterus) 355 quadratus (Hadrianus) 1,'tO quadratus (Manteodon) 700 quadratus ( Peltodus) 276 quadratus ( Rhizodus) 355 quadratus (Sagenodus) 355 quadripes (Plesiornis) 550 quadriplicatum ( Aceratherium) 61,0 quadriplicatus (Anchisodon) 640 quadriplicatus ( Hyracodon ) 6/,0 quadriseriatus (Orthacanthus) 264 quadriseriatus (Pleuracanthns) 264 Quadrumana 785, 786 quadrupedans (Hoplichnus) 546 quebecensis (Glyptolepis) 358 quebecensis (Gyrolepis) 35.9 quebecensis (Holoptyehius) 358 quincunciatus (Sagenodus) 355 Querquedula 529 quinquelateralis (Lamna) 303 quinquepedale (Diacium) 477 quivirensis (Triisodon ) 748 R. Rabdiolepis radians (Otolithus) radians (Bathmodon) radians (Coryphodon) radians ( Dasyatis) radians (Heliobatis) radians (Trygon) radiata (Ischyrhiza) Page. radiatus (Ctenodus) 35; radiatus (Dipterus) 351 radiatas -( Holoptyehius) 359 radiatus (Tuditanus) 415 Radiolepis "." .............................. 359 Rhizodus ......................... 354, 355,359,360 Rhizoprion ................................. 589 rhnadsii (Lutra) ...' ........................ 769 Rhombodipterida; .......................... SCI Rhombodipterini .......................... 36/ Rhombogauoidei ........................... 374 rhomboideus (Deltodus) ................... 289 rhomboideus ( Psammodus) ................ 289 rhomboideus (Sandalodus) ................ 289 rhynchaius (Geolabis ) ..................... 739 Rhynchochelones .......................... 435 rhynchosauroidea (Macropterna) .......... 5!,S Rhynchosuchidse .......................... 5/5 Rh yncocephal ia ............................ 459 Rhynchodes ................................ 323 Rhynchodus ............................... 323 Rhytidodon . . . ....... .................... 509, 5/0 Rhy Una .................................... 5S4 Rhytinso .................................... 5S4 Rhy tinea ................................... 5S4 Rhy tinida .................................. 5S4 Rhy tinidae .................................. 5>s'4 rickseckeri (Erismatopterus) .............. 404 ringens (Hypisodus) .............. . ........ 672 ringuebergi (Diiiichthys)". ................. 347 INDKX. 855 Page. Rinodlis 322 riparia (Arvicola) 7-'.'/ ri|.umis i Anehippodiisi 717 ri | .iiri us i Li mm wyon ) 755 riparius (Tclmatocyon) 75.') riparius (Viverravus) 755 rivi-petrosi (Cladodus) 269 robusta (Stenogale) 767 r.ibiiMii>r (Hipposyus) 793 robustior (Notharctus) 795 robustum ( Archseotherium) 655 robustum (Broutotherium) 635 robustum (Elotherum) 655 robustum (Hippidium) 618 robustum (Menotherium) 792 robustum (Oreodon) 666 robustum (Rhabdoderma) 364 robustum (Titanotherium) 635 robustum (Uintatherium) 702,703 robustus ( Achsenodon) 654 robustus ( Antliodus) 279 robustus (Argoides) 540 robustus ( Brontops) 6.15 robustus (Can is) 776 robustus (Ceratodus) 356 n .bn>t us ( Cladodus) 268, 269, 270 robustus (Ccelacanthus) 364 robustus (Uaphsenus) 772 robustus ( Daphoenus) 772 robustus (Dipriodon) 56/ robustus (Eohyus) 651 robustus (Histiophorus) 402 robustus ( Hoplophoneus) 779 robustus (Hydrochoerus) 734 robustus (Ischypterus; 376 robustus (Istiophorus) 402 robustus (Lambdodus) 271 robustus (Laopithecus) 792 robustus (Larus) 525 robustus (Li m nob y us) 6.10,631 robustus (Meniscoessiis) 561 robustus (Morosaurus) 483 robustus (Mylocyprinus) 396 robustus ( Oreodon ) 666 robustus (Ornithichnites) 540 robustus ( Pachycyon ) 776 robustus ( Palaeosyops) SSI robustus (Paramys) 724 robustus (Percheerus) 657 robustus ( Petalodus) 279 robustus (Fliohippus) 618 robustus ( Procamelus) 677, 678 robustus (Protolabis) 678 robustus ( Pycnodus) 373 robustus (Semionotus) 376 robustus (Thinobyus) 657 robustus (Tinohyus) 657 robustus (Tinodon ) 567 robustus ( Venustodus) 287 robustus (Xiphias) 402 Rodentia 7/7 rogersianus (Palamopus) 548 rogersianus (Sillimanius) 5W.55/ rogersi (Ornithoidichnites) 548 rogersii (Hyposaurus) 516 romingeri (Cladodus) 269 Page. rondeletii (Carcharodon) sos rosse (Sebastodes) 406 Rosmariflie 7^5 Rosmarus jst rosmarus (Dicynodon) 430 rosmarus (Odobsenus) 754 rosmarus (Odobenus) 734 rosmarus (Phoca) 754 rosmarus (Trichechus) 754 rostratum (Tomitherium) 788 rostratus (Ancodon) 653 restrains ( Ancodus) 653 rostratus (Bothrolabis) 658 rostratus (Phytosaurus) 510 rostratus (Rhytidodon) 510 rotundiceps (Cladodus) 272 rotundus ( Anogmius) 393 rotundus (Thryptodus) S9S rudis (Glymmatacanthus ) 331 rutimeyeranus (Chriacus) 762 rutimeyeranus (Mioclaenus) 762 rii timey eran us ( Paradoxodon ) 762 ruffus ( Felis) 783 rufus(Felis) 783,783 rufus ( Lynx) 733 rugatum (Mastodon) 709 rugatus (Ziphacodon) 761 rugosidens (Mammut) 712 rugosidcns (Mastodon) 7/2 rugosum (Holoncma) 350 rugosum (Scyllium) 310 rugosus (Chitinodus) 293 rugosus (Crocodilus) 5/3 rugosus (Crocodylus) 513 rugosus (Emys) 448 rugosus (Glyptosaurus) 475 rugosus (Helodus).. ; 287 rugosus (Myliobatis)" 320 rugosus (Precilodus) 293 rugosus ( Polyptychodon) 573 rugosus ( Psammodus) 2S4 rugosus ( Pterichthys) 350 rugosus (Scylliorhinus) 310 rugosus (Thecachampsa) 5/3 Ruminantia 681 rupertianus (Elephas) 709 ruschenbergeri (Delphinapterus) 592 ruschenbergeri (Priscodelphinus) 592 ruschenbergeri (Tretosphys) 592 rusticus (Goniacodon) 748 rusticus (Merychyus) 668 rusticus (Merycochoerus) 668 rusticus (Mioclsgnus) 745 rusticus (Triisodon) 748 Rutilus 395 Ru tiodon 509, 5/0 ryderanus ( Agriochcerus) 664 ryderanus (Coloreodon) 664 Rytina 584 S. sabinii (Xema) 525 Saccomyidae 730 sacheri (Odontaspis) 3/3 ssevus (-.Elurodon) 774 ssevus (Canis) 774 I NDRX. ; ............. 416 Salientia ................................... 4-J4 Salmone! ................................ Sa 1 mones ............................... Saluumidie ............................ sanotivtulei (, Panola x ^ ...................... 736 saiK'ti-ludoviei i AstonH>tyi-hins> ........... 830 sancti-ludoviei ^DcUodopsisO ............... '! sancti-ludoviei ( PavilodiuO ................ - x . Saudalodus ....................... H Saniva ...................................... 475 Saniwa ..................................... 475 saponensis vChampsosaurasOi ............... 461 Sarcoleuuir ................................. 7V8 sarcophagus iZatonuisi ..................... 490 Sarcothraustes .............................. 748 sarvululus i.. \iitliodus) ..................... 279 sarvululus i Petalodus) .................. Sarvura ..................................... ./.> Sardinius ................................... 391 sargenti (Lithophis) ........................ 479 Sauranodon ................................ X" Sfhisiodelta Sohistopleiinim sfhui'horti \ H.-i sfhuoherti vl'it Kpirhr .. 745 I VI . 479 .. 405 Sauria 47:5 saurifonnis (Apsopelix) 390 Saurii ::: Sauripteris 361 Sauripterus ,vi Sauritolepis 361 Saurisohia Saurowpbalidiv 3SS Sa u rooephalinse 885 Saurocephalus s?..'* Saimxvtus -Vvs Sanrodipterida* .*:; Saiitrxljpterini , xi Saurodon Sanrodontid* saurognatbus (Dissaens) 74l> Saurvmlicbnites ~\9,55O,5$3 Sauropleura 4 14, 475, 419 Sauropleurida* 419 Sauropoda is; Sanroptems fgj Sauropterygia ; . Sauropus its, 550 Sanrune MS sauvagoanus (.Mioplosus) :i" sayivi (.cilyptopomus) 3ifJ scalare (Herpetotherium) $71 scalan? (Perathehum) ,\;t st^alaris iDidelphis^ 571 scalaris (Didelphys) 5:1 Scalops 738 scalper (Megalonyx i 57> scalper (Tseniolabis) ;?;* scambus ( Anomcepus) 539 Scapanorbynchns 303, 404 Scaphaspis .> St-apherpeton 4JI Scaphorhynchus 371 Scaumenacia STO Scbastasaurns... . 46$ 9cteaoidea Scuenoidei "oitulus ; Aga.ssizxlus^ s.itulu- (Campodu; JH-iuravus ScIurMto.... 405 Soiurini soiuroidos ( l>arauiy> Sciuromorpha Si'inromys ____ Srolopacidiv Sowlopax scolopa x ( BeKxlon \ Scombroidca Scorpeeni seotti ( Prndapbwnus) srrofa(Sus) ...... ......... seulpta (JanassaV ........... sculpt us (Ctenacanthus) ... sculptus(Halxl> sculptus ( Meniseoessti-; . ---- scalptus (Tanaodus) ....... seutata ( Amia) ............. scutellata (Sauropleura) ... scutellatus (Colo- seutellatus(Pygoptonisi ... scutigemm (Palseoniscum^. seutigerus (Palax>niseus ... soutumantiquiuu (Trionyxl Soyllspmus .................. Scyllia ...................... Scylludw ................... Scylliolainnidse. Soylliorbinidie ............. SoylliorhinJn.-e ............ Soylhorhinus ............... Scyllium .................. Soymni ..................... Seymnidse ................. Soymnorhinus . ; ' n : l - : - : 454 -. 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 311 514 311 314 I3TDEX. 857 -: . 858 INDEX. 726, Page. shepardi (Mammut) 712 shepardi (Mastodon) 710, 712 shepardi (Tctrabelodon) 773 shepardi (Tetracaulodon) 710,712 Shepardia 551 sheppardianus (Cliaradrius) 52C shcrwoodi (Ctenodus) 352 sherwoodi (Dipterus) 352 sherwoodi (Gyracanthus) 335 shirleyensis ( Plesiosaurus) 450 shoshonense (Titanotherium) 63.* shoshoneiisis (Catostomus) 394 shoshouensis ( Dftodon ) 633 shumardii (Enchodus) 389 Sicarius 27S stearins (Crocodylus) 513 sicarius (Thecachampsa) 57.? siderius (Astcracanthus) 337 siderius (By thiacanthus) 331 sideropelicus (Diadectes) Sigmodontes Sigmodontinse sigmodns (Arvicola) siginodus (Microtus) sigmodus ( Pitymys) 2,s' Sigmogomphins 722 sigmoides (Onychodus) 363 sillimani (Brontozoum) 54,>' sillimani (Hydrarchos) 507 sillimani (Ornithoidichnites) 54/8 sillimanii (Isurus) 307 sillimnnii (Oxyrhina) 307 sillimanium (Brontozonm) 51,3 Sillimanius 51,8, 551, 552 silovianus (Dictyodus) 399 silovianus (Sphyrsenodus) 399 Silurida; 282 Siluroidei Sfil Simsedosauria 460 Simaedosaurus 1,60 similis (Antliodus) 279 similis (Ctenacanthus) 328 similis (Otolithus) 408 similis ( Petalodus^ 279 similis (Vaticinodus) 290 Simocyonidae 770 Simocyoninse 770 simplex (Antliodus) 279 simplex (Calamodon) 574 simplex (Chriacus) 744 simplex (Clastes) 377 simplex ( Lepisosteus) 377 simplex (Oxyclaenus) 744 simplex (Petalodus) 27.9 Simplex (Platyxystrodus) 290 simplex ( Protapirus) 628 simplex (Protochriacus) 744 simplex (Stemmatias) 298 simplex (Stemmatodus) 298 simplex (Stylinodon) 57U simplex (Vaticinodus) 290 simplex (Xenodolamia) 309 simplex (Xystrodus) 290 simplicidens (Aceratherium) 643 simplicidens (Blarina) 738 eimplicidens (Csenopus) 643 simplicidens (Equus) simplicidens ( Pliohippus) Simplicidontata simum ( Arctotherium ) simus ( Arctodus) simus (Bathmodon) simus (Coryphodon) simus (Cyclopidius) Page. ... 618 ... 618 ... 718 ... 763 ... 763 ... 699 . . . 699 ... 671 simus (Lcstosaurus) 470 simus ( Platecarpus) 470 simus (Spaniodon ) 391 simus (Tremaretos) 76.S sinclairii (Hipparion) 621 Sinclair!! ( Hippotherium ) 621 singularis (Coryphodon) 700 singularis (Heptodon) 625 .singularis (Hyrachyus) 625 .singularis (Pachynolophus) 625 Siudpa 751, 752, 753, 788 sinosns (Ambloctonus) 756 sinosus (Amblyctonus) 756 sinuatus (Oladodus) 272 sinuatus (Cladoselache) 272 Siphonocetus 599 siphunculus (Mesocetus) 600 Sireiiia 582 Sirenidse. 353, 355 sirenoidi-s (Prorostomus) 582 Sirenoidei 353 Sironectes 468 Smilerpeton 413 Smilerpetum 473 Smilodon 778,780,781 smithii (Rhineastes) 382 srnithsouianus (Larus) 525 smockii ( Edaphodon ) 324 smockii (Ischyodus) 324 snoviana (Testudo) 451 snovianum (Caryoderma).T 457 snovii (Cimoliusaurus) 459 suyderi ( Anomodon) 741 sociale ( Meniscotherium) 606 socialis (Eporcodon) 667 socialis (Hyracops) 606 socialis ( Palacochrerus) 657 socialis (Perchcerus) 657 socialis (Thinohyus) 657 socialis (Tinohyus) 657 sodalis(Aquila) 536 sodalis (My lodon ) 579 solaria (Crocodylus) 513 solidula ( Diphrissa) 325 solidulus (Edaphodon) 325 solidulus (Ischyodus) 325 Soliduugula 608 solus ( Anchisaiirus) 491 Somniosidse 314 sophise (Phoebodus) 270 sopita (Propleura) A47 sopita (Chelone) 1,1,1, U2 sopitus (Osteopygis) 441 Sorex 738 Soricidsc 738 Spalacotheriidse 566, 567 Spalacotheriinae 567 Spalacotherium 567 INDEX. 859 Spaniodon Sparidse Sparodus Sparoidae Sparoidei Spatula 405 411 405 i,or> 529 spatula (Pliauchenia) 680 Spatularia S71 spatularius (Esthonyx) 716 spatulatus (Deltodus) 293 spatulatus (Liognathus) 345 spatulatus ( Lispognathus) 545 spatulatus ( Petalorhynchus) 278 spatulatus (Sandalodus) 289 speciosa (Cotylops) 666 speciosa (Rabdiolepis) 360 speciosa (Radiolepis) 360 speciosa (Sphynena) 399 speciosum (Hipparion) 621 speciosiim (Hippotherium) 621 speoiosus (Ctenacanthus) 328 speciosus (Hippodon) 621 speciosus (Mesacodon) 794 speciosus (Dictyodus) 399 speciosus (Sphyreenodus) 399 spectabilis (Ctenacanthus) 328 spectabili." (Leptochoarus) 657 spectans(Hippidion) 619 spectans(Hippidium) 619 Spectans (Pliohippus) 619 speirianum (Tinoceras) 705 speirianum (Uintatherium) 705 speirianus (Loxolophodon) 705 speirianus (Microsyops) 791 spelseum (Osmotherium) 766 spelseus ( Myxophagus) 765 speleum (Auloxodon) 577 speleus (Odocoileus) 684 speothen ( Arvieola) 729 speothen (Isodelta) 729 speothen (Microtus) 729 Spermatodus 795 sphaerodactylus (Thenaropus) 552 Sphaerodontes 371, Sphaerodontidae 374 Spheeropezium 552 Sphagepcea 325 Sphargida 436 Sphargidae 436 Sphargididae 436 Sphargis 436 Sphenacanthus 274 Sphenacodon 434 Sphenacodontidae 43/ sphenocerus ( Agathaumas) 500 sphenocerus (Monoclonius) 500 Sphenoccelus 691 Sphenodon 460 sphenodon (Glyptosaurus) 475 sphenodon ( Megalonyx ) 578 Sphenodus 302 sphenodus (Hipparion) 621 sphenodus (Hippotherium) 62/ Sphenonchus 299 Sphenophorus 337, 335 sphenops (Diplocynodon) 574 309,314 314 sphenops (Diplocj-nodus) sphenops (1'lerodon) Sphenosjiurus Spheropezium Spheropezopus Sphynena Sphyraenida; Sphyrasnodus Sphyranoidei Sphyrna Sphy rnidse Sphyrninfe spierianus ( Microsyops) Spilogale .......................... 7(i , ; Spinacidffi .................................. 31li spinosus (Belosphys) ....................... 59? .spinosus (Cladodus) ........................ 269 spinosus (Ixacanthus) ..................... 592 spinosus (Priscodelphinus) ................. 592 Spiraxis .................................... S38 splendens (Cladodus) ...................... 269 sponsa (Aix) ............................... 529 Sporetodus ................................. 3/7 springeri (Chitinodus) ..................... 293 springeri (Cladodus) ....................... 269 springeri (Deltoptychius) .................. .-.'/; springeri (Phcebodus) ...................... L>70 springeri (Pcecilodus) ...................... 293 springeri ( Pristicladodus) .................. 270 springeri (Psammodus) .................... 285 springeri (Pternodus) ...................... 270 Squalacei ................ 275 Squali 275 squaliceps (Hypopnous) 429 Squalidse 27 : r > squalidens (Daptophilus) 780 squalidens (Deinictis) 780 squalidens (Dinictis) 7SO Squalius 396 Squalodon 588,589, 590,591 Squalodontidse 588 Squaloidea 314 Squalus 304, 307, SOS, 309 Squarnata 463 squamifrons (Asineops) 401 Squamipinnes 400 squamipinnis (Oligoplarchus) 405 squamosus (Gampsacanthus) 336 squankensis (Crocody Ins) 513 squankensis (Thecachampsa) 573 Stagodon % 1 Stagodontidse 564 stantoni (Coelodus) 373 stavelianus (Crocodylus) 513 Steganopoda 532 Steganopodes 532 Steganopus 527 Stegocephali 409,4/0,477 Stegodon ~W Stegomus &I 1 Stegosauri 49.5 Stegosauria W5 Stegosauridse 495 Stegosauroidea - 495 Stegosaurus 495 stellatus (Batacanthus) 334 860 INDEX. Page. stellatus (Cosmacanthus) 3:50 stellatus (Deltodus) 29-2 stellatus (Drepanacanthus) 3,?/ stellatus (Geisacanthus) 330 stellatus (Physonemus) 333 stelleri (Eumetopias) 783 stelleri (Otaria) 7S3 stelleri (Rhytina) 5S4 Stemmatodus 298 Stenacanthus 343, 344 Stenacodon 794 Steneofiber 722 stenobryus (Edaphodon) 325 stenobryus (Ischyodus) 325 stenocephalus ( Asterosteus) 349 stenocephalus (Enhydrocyon ) 770 Stenodactylus 551 stenodon (Plinthicus) 321 stenodon (Tinosaurns) 476 Stenogale 767 Stenognathus 348 stenognathus ( Protogonodon ) 603 stenops (Chriacus) 745 stenops (Clidastes) 467 stenops (Edestosaurus) 1,67 stenops ( Hypsirophus) 496 stenopH ( Loxolophodon ) 705 stenops (Stegosaurus) .-. 496 stenops (Tetheopsis) 705 stenops (Tinoceras) 705 stenops (Uintatherium) 705 stenopsis (Cionodon) 504 Stenopterodus 291 stenopus (Cladodus) 270 Stenorhy iH'hus 7S5 stenus ( Belosphys) 593 stenus (Ixacanthus) 593 stenus (Priscodelphinus) 593 Stephanodon 768 Stereodectes 720 Stereognathidse 558 Stereospondyli 417 Sterna 525 sternbergii (Gomphotherium) 676 sternbergii (Hedronchus) 326 sternbergii ( Poebrotherium) 676 sternbergii (Protomeryx) 67C Steropezoum sal, 552 Steropoides 551 Sterrholophus 499 stertzeri (Dinichthys) 346 Stethacanthus : . . . 333 stevensoni (Ctenoptychius) 282 stevensoni (Em ys) US stevensoni (Herpetotherium) 571 stevensonianus (Emys) 447,445 Stibarus 672 strangulatus (Diastichus) 395 strata (Isocampe) 546 Stratodontidse 387 Stratodus 387 Strenua (Sinopa) 752 strenuus (Prochonias) l8 strenuus (Prototomus) 752 strenuus (Stypolophus) 752,753 Page. strenuus (Taphrosphys) ... .438 St n>psc idus ................................ 354, 360 Streptostylica .............................. 1,63 striatula (Zygoramma) striatulus (IMplaoaiitlius) striatus (Bolosaurus) striatus (Cladodus) striatus ( Diplacanthus) striatus ( Diplodus) striatus (Dittodus) 445 274 434 270 266 266 striatus ( Docodon) 568 striatus ( Pantosaurus) 456 striatus ( Parasaurus) 456 striatus ( Petalorhynchus) 278 striatus (Platygonus) 661 Striges 536 Strigidae 535, 536 strigidens ( Hoplophoneus ) 779 strigidens (Machaerodus) 779 St rigil ina !7,*76 strigilina (Janassa) 276 striolata ( Eurylepis) 366 striolata (Haplolepis) 366 Struthionidae 522 struthionoides (Palaeonornis) 537 Stylacodon 569 Stylacodontidss 569 Stylemys 439, 450 Sty linodon 574 Stylinodontia 572 Stylinodontidae 573 Stylodon 569 Stylodontes 374 Stylodontidae 370, 374,569 Stylonus 619,620,621 Stypolophus 739, 751 272 658 658 658 308 312 416 277 277 603 603 700 700 603 296 746 746 313 303 270 513 513 513 Subursi 764 712 270 490 Styptobasis subaequans (Bothrolabis) subaequans (Hyotherium) subaequans ( Palaeochoarus) subaurioulatus (Carcharodon ) subcrenatus (Galeocerdo) sublsevis(Eury thorax) sublunata (Janassa) sublunatus (Tanaodus) ....... v subquadrata (Euprotogonia) subquadrata (Protogonia) subquadratus (Coryphodon) subquadratus (Manteodon) subquadratus (Tetraclaenodon) subteres(Orodus) subtrigonus (Mioclaenus) ................. . subtrigonus (Tricentes) ............... subulata (Glyphis) ........................ subtilata (Lamna) ........................ . subulatus (Cladodus) ................. _____ subulatus (Crocodylus) .................... subulatus (Diplocynodus) ................. subulatus (Ichthyosuchus) ................ successor (Mastodon) succinctus (Cladodus)... Suchoprion Suidse Suinte Sula... INDEX. 861 Page. siilcata (Lamna) sot, suloatu (Schistodelta i 728 sulcata (Taxidca ) 765 sulcatus i Antliodus't 279 sulcatns (.Antrodeinus) 489 sulcatus iCcntemnodon) sulcatus (Cimolichthys) 387 sulcatus ( Helodus) 287 sulcatus (Holomeniscus) 679 sul ran is ( I^abrosaurus) 1,89 sulcatus ( Leptotragulus) 671, sulcatus (Miichicracanthus 1 ) 332 sulcatus MHolithusi 408 sulcatus ( Palseosaurus) f>10 sulcatus (I'arameryx) 674 sulcatus ( Petalodtis) -'.':' sulcatus ( Phenacodus) 605 sulcatus ( Platemys) 1,39 sulcatus ( Prochonias) 439 gulcatus (Stegosaurus) 496 sulcatus (Ticuiolabis) 562 sulcatus (Taphrospln s i 439 sulcatus (Triceratops).... 499 sulcidens (Carcharodon) 308 sulcidens (Mylodon) 579 sulcldens (Sucboprion) sulciferus (Crocodylus) sulcifrons (Pleurolicus) Sulidae sullivanti ( Agassichthys) sullivanti (Macropetalichthys) Suoidea . 490 . 513 . 731 . 532 . 349 349 . 653 supermini (Elotherium) 655,656 superbus (Eporeodon) 668 superbus (Eucrotaphus) 668 superbus (Meleftgris) 534 superbus (Merycochoarus) 668 superbus (Oreodon) 668 superbus ( Paramys) 724 superciliosum (Aceratherium) 646 superciliosum (Peraceras) 646 superciliosum (Teleoceras) 646 supcrci liostis ( Belodon ) 510 superciliosus (Phytosaurus) 510 superciliosus ( Rhinoceros) 646 supremus (Camarasaurus) 486 supremus ( Hndrohyus) 671 supremus ( Merychippus) 618 supremus (Protohippus) 6/8 surgens (Helcura) 546 surinamensis (Hydrochelidon) 525 sursiplana (BaUcnoptera) 600 Slis 659,661,690 syceras ( Menodus) 633 syceras (Titanotherium) 633 Sycium 728 sydenensis ( Palseosau ropus ) 548 sydenensis (Sauropus) 548 Syllsemus 399,795 Syllomus 442 Syllophodus 725 sylvaticum (Hyracotherium) 612 sylvaticum (Lophiotherium) 611,612 sylvaticum (Orotherium) 6/1 sylvaticus (Lepus) 736 . . 6SS, sylvaticus (Orohippus) sylvaticus (Pachynolophus) sylvaticus ( Pliolophus) sylvestre (Dromatherium) sylvestris (Agathaumas) sylvestris i<;lyi>t<.s.-iunis) sylvestris ( Harpalodon) Symborodon symmetricus (Psephodus) symmetricus (Stemmatias) symmetricus (Stemmatodus) Symmorium Sy mphy poda Symphyrophus symphysis (Pappichthys) Synconodon Synentognathi Synoplotherium Syntegmodus syntheticus (Adocus) Synthetodus Systemodon Systemodontinse Page. . 612 . 612 . 612 . 555 . 498 . 475 . 761 [56,637 . 288 381 692 T. tabulatus (Tuditanus) 415 Tachymys 7SU Taeniodonta 572 Tseniodus 288, 291 Tseniolabis 562 Taeniura 319 tajacu (Dicotyles) 659 tajacu (Sus) 659 tajacu (Tayassu) 659 tajassus (Dicotyles) 659 Taligrada 692 Talpa 737 Talpavus 738 Talpidse 737 Talpina 737 talpivorus (Aphelophis) 480 talpoides (Thomomys) 730,731 Tamias 720 Tamiobatidae 315 Tamiobatis 315 Tanaodus 276 Tanyops 628 Tanystropheus 453 taoensis (Polymastodon) 56-',563 Taphrosaurus 456 Taphrosphys 438 tapiacitis (Meniscotherium) .... .605 Tapiravus 628 Tapiridie 624,626 Tapirinse SS6 tapirinum (Hyracotherium) 610 tapirinus (Eohippus) 610 tapirinus (Orohippus) 610 tapirinus (Systemodon) 610 Tapiroidea 624 tapiroides (Mastodon) ... tapiroides (Tetracaulodon ) 709 Tapirulus SIS Tapirus 628,708,709 tapyroides (Tetracaulodon ) 709 INDEX. Tarandus taranclus (Crrvusi. . . tarandus (Rangifer) Tardigrada Tarsiidse Tarsiinu. 1 Tarsodactylus tau (Equus) Taurus Tautoga Taxeopoda Taxidea . . . 686 fiW 686 57.5 78H 7W 552 624 690 Wl 601 765 Taxistia 357 taxoides ( .Elurodon) 77/ Taxothcrium 758 taxus (Taxidea) 765 Taxyiuys 724 Tayossu 659, 795 Tayassuinii- 658 taylori (Bothriolepis) 561 taylori (Holoptychius) 361 taylori (Sauripteris) 361 taylori (Sauripterus) 361 taylori (Sanropterus) 361 Tectospondyli SI/,, S15 tectulus (Holcodus) kll tectulus ( Lestosaurus) 471 tectulus ( Platecarpus) 1,71 tectum (Scapherpeton) 424 Tegeolepis 368 tehuanus (Cosoryx) 683 tehuanus (Dicroccrus) 683 tehuanus (Merycodus) 683 Telacodon 566 Teleoceras 646, 647 Teleoceratinse 646 Teleodus 638 Telenpternus 680 Teleostel 338, 357 Teleostomi 338,356 teller! ( Phlyctanacanthus) 332 TcTmalestes . 793 Telmatherium Telmatocyon Telmatolestes Telmatornis Telmatotherium temerarius (Canis) Temnocyon temnodon (Cynodietis) Temnospondyli temporalis (Merycochoerus) tenax ( Pryolestes) tenebrosus (Crocodilus) tenebrosus ( Holops) 631,632 . . 755 793 .. 528 631,632 776 .. 773 .. 711 . 417 tenebrosus ( Notharctus) 789 tenebrosus (Thoracosaurus) 515 tenellus (Asteroptychius) 330 tener (Ichthyornis) 520 Teniodus 288, 292 tenuiceps (Eurynotus) 376 tenuiceps (Ischypterus) 376 tenuiceps (Semionotus) 376 tenuieorne (Ceraterpcton) 414 tenuicorne (Keraterpeton) 414 tenuicostatus (Hybocladodus) 271 tenuicristatus ( Venustodus) tenuirostris (Ichthyotringa) tenuirostris (Microconodon) tennis (Asteroptychius) tenuis (Batodon) tenuis (Carcharias) tenuis (Carcharliinus) tenuis (Grallator) tenuis (Ornithoidichnites) tenuis (Ornithomimus) tenuis (Platypterna) tenuis (Prionace) tenuis (Prionodon) tenuis ( Protosphyrsena) tenuissimus (Harpedactylus) tenuitectus (Bolbodon) teres (Cosoryx ) teres (Dicrocerus) teres (Iguanavus) teres (Merycodus) terrarubrae ( Meniscotherium ) Terra pene Terrapenidfe terrelli (Cladodus) terrelli (Dinichthys) terrelli (Mylostoma) terrelli ( Ponerichthys) terrestris ( Emys) terrestris ( Hippopotamus) terrestris ( Palaeotheca) terrestris (Tapirus) testis (Coryphodon) testis (Dapedoglossus) testis (Metalophodon) testis (Phareodus) testudinaria ( Priscacara) . . ; Testudinata 434, Testudinea testudinea (Emys) testudinea ( Notomorpha) Testudines testudineus (Otocrelus) Testudinida; Testudinina .- Testudo Tctheodus , Tetheopsis Tetrabelodon 707, 710, Tetracaulodon 707, 708, 709, Tetraclaenodon tetracus (Enchodus) tetradactylus (Ornithichnites) tetradactylus (Ornithoidichnites) tetradactylus (Sillimanins) tetradelta ( Arvicola) tetradelta ( Pitymys) tetreecus ( Enchodus) Tetragonolepis tetragonus (Mylohyns) tetragonus (Tayassu) Tetralophodon 707, Tetraonidse Tetrodontina texana (Lamna) texanus ( Anchippus) texanus ( Ancistrodon) Page. . 287 565 313 313 545 549 494 549 313 313 379 545 427 474 683 605 419 447 270 347 350 .947 448 628 MS 628 700 393 700 436,449 . 449 . 448 - 44S . 434 . 430 447,449 - 449 450,451 . 389 703, 705 711,712 710,712 . 603 . 55; 551 . 551 . 729 . 729 . 389 . 376 . 660 . 660 710, 711 . 534 INDEX. 863 Page. texanus (Gryporton) 40S oxonsis iDiacranodus) .<;.; i-xi'iisis i Didymodus ) '<;.i cxrnsis i Pleuracanthus) 265 ;exianus (Elephas) 713 extilis (Nodosaurus) 4;>7 rxtilis iSagenodus) 355 hiiTodactylum (Spheropezium) 552 lia rodactylus (Spheropezopus) 552 Tlialassemydidse 440 thaimia-: (Port hens) 384 thaumas ( Xiphaetinus) W4 thauinus (Saurocephalus) 3S4 Thecachampsa r>l.:,: 29] Tinohyus Tinosaurus tisoneiisi Titfinichtliys Titanophis Titanops Titan,,saurns Titanotheriida Titanothoriiui' Titanotherium /.},6,,&J4,635,6J7,6SS,704 Titanotheroidea 629 toliapieus (Carcharodon) 307 Toniaretus 775 Tomiopsis 5^ Tomitherium 7.',.:, 788, 7>, 780 Tomodon ^- s Tomodus Tomolabis Tomomys 730 Torosjxurus 499 torquatus (Dicotyles) g59 torquatus (Sus) 659 torrus (Symborodon) 637 tortor (Clidastes) 467 tortor (Edestostiurus) 4^7 tortulus (Megalonyx) 578 tortus ( Arctomys) 720 tortus (Eucastor) 722 tortus (Castor) ;_y tortus (Oricardinus) 388 tortus (Stereodectes) 720 torvum (Titanotherium) 637 torvus i Menodus) 637 torvus (Sj-mborodon) 637 Totanides 526 Toxaspis 449 Toxichnus 553 Toxochelyidse 442 Toxochclys 4J2 Toxymys T2U Trachemys 449 Trachodon 503, 504 Trachodontidse 503 trachops (Choneziphius) 597 Trachosteus 348 trachyrhynchus (Pelecanus) 532 traehyspondylns (Zeuglodon) 587 Tragulidae 6S1 Tragulina 631 Traguloidea 681 tnmsmontantis (Miolabis) 676 transmontanus ( Protolabis) 676 transversa (Janassa) 276 transversalis ( Myliobatis) 320 transversus ( Hypertragulus) 675 rransversus (Lambdodus) 271 transversus ( Paradaphsenus) 772 transversus (Peltodus) 276 Tremarctos .'. 763 Tremataspidse 340 tremontigerus (Csenobasileus) 70S Tretosphys 591, 592 Tretulias Triacodon 751,752,753 Triacranodus Triaenaspis 397 864 INDEX. Page. Triaenopus triangularis (Asteroptychius) 330 triangularis (Carclmrodon ) 308 triangulata (Tlieropleura) 133 triangulus(Ctenacanthus) 328 tribulis(Chitinoihisi -".>:'> tricarinatus (Lysorophus) -133 Triccntcs 746 Triccratops .. 198,499 trichsenus (Bothrolabis) 658 trichsenus (Thinohyus) <''-* Trichecliid;e 5,s:i, 7&! Trichechina 783 Trichcrhini 781, Trichechus 5s:'.. 584, ,'.s', Trichiuridse 403 Trichiurus 403 Trichophanes 404 Tricium <*''', <''('' Triconodon 567 TrieouodonU 566 Triconodontidae 566 Triconodontinae 566 tricostatus ( Hypertragulus) Gilt tricuspidatus ( Fissodus) 277 tricuspis(Didelphis) 571 tricuspis (Didelphys) H71 tricugpis (Herpetotherium) . 571 tricuspis (Peratheri urn) 571 tridactylum(Aceratherinm) 61,3 tridactylus (Csenopus) 643 Tridentipes .->'!,. ->tt trifidus (Hylopus) 546 trifroii.s ( Agriochoerus) 664 trigonalis (Oracanthus) 335 trigonalis (Pnigeacanthus) 335 trigonata (Lamna) 305 trigonatus (Otodus) 305 Trigonias 642 trigonocephalus ( Eporeodon ) 667 trigonocephalus(Encrotaphus) 667 trigonoceras (Mcnodus) 637 trigonoceras (Symborodon ) 636, 637 trigonoceras (Titanothcrium) 637 trigonodon (Oxyrhina) 306 trigonodurn ( Aceratherium) 6!^ trigonodum (Leptaceratherium) 643 trigonodus (Rhinoceros) 6!,3 Trigonodus ~'.sx V88, 2'Ji: Trigonolestes 64.S, 649 Trigonolestoidea 648 Trihamus 553 trihedrodon ( Dryptosaurus) 488 trihedrodon (Laelaps) 4SS trihedrus (Claorhynchus) 500 Triisodoii 747, 71,8 Triisodontidse 747 trilateralis (Cosoryx) 68.1 trilateralis (Dierocerus) 683 trilateralis (Merycodus) 683 trilobatus (Phenacodus) 60!, trilobus (Deltodus) 293 Trilophodon 707, 708, 710 trilophus ( Adjidaumo) 720 trilophus (Gymnoptychus) 720 Trimerodiis 671 Trimerorhachida Trinierorhat-his Triiinciioiiu/niiii Trinnycliia Trionychida Page. 1,19 . 420 . 458 . 452 Trionychides 1,52 Trionychoidea 452 trioiiychoidc's i Anosteira) 4.53 trioiiyclioides (Plastomenus) 453 Trionyx /,.'..'. !">:;. IM. l.v> tripartitus (Edaphodoii) 325 tri partitas (Ischyodus) 32f> triplex (Palaeolagus) 736 triplex (Xiphopeza) 553 Triplopidse 639 Triplopodidse 639 Tri | ilopodinae 639 Triplopus 640 tripos (Hadrosanrus) 504 tripos (Trachodon) 504 Tripriodon MO, SSI Tripriodontidai 5.W Trispondyltis i\ii',,i;t>r, '1'rist ychius 936 trisulcatns (Synthetodus) 356 Trogosus 716, 717 trogontheri (Elephas) 713 Trogotheriinn 733 Troodon 490 tropicum (Mammut) 712 tropic-us (Dibelodon) 713 trupicus (Mastodon) 712 trouessartianus ( 1'tilodiis) 559 'I'rucifi'lis 780 trucquiaiium (Aeeratheriurn) 644 truncatus (Chriaciis) 745 truncatus (Polyrhi/odus) 283 tni(|ui;uiuin ( Acvnitherium) 644 tniquianum (Diceratheriuoi) 644 triuininanns ( Itliinoc-eros) 644 truxalis (Calamagras) 1,30 Trygon 319 Trygones 318, 319 Trygonidffi Trygonina tuberatuin (Brontozoum) tuberatus (Eubrontes) tuberculata (Eurylepis) tuherculata (Haplolepis) tuberculata (Mccolepis) tuberculatus (Bottosaurus) tuberculatus ( Dinichthys) tuberculatus (Holoptyehhis) tuberculatus (Orodus) tuberculatus ( Poiu'richthys) tuberculatus (Pontobasilens) tuberosa ( Protostega) tuberosus ( Atlantochelys) tuberosus (Eubrontes) tiilHTiisus ( Xcptunochclys) tuberosus ( ( )rnitliiclinites) tubcrosiis (Ornithoidichnites) tnbfrosus il'lati'carp\is) tubifer (Arcratlii'riuin) tnbifer ( Anchisodon) 318 319 544 544 514 347 359 296 347 440 440 544 440 INDEX. 865 Page. Tubinares 523, 526 Tuditanidre 415 Tuditanus 415 tumidus (Cladodus) 9"0 tumidus (Desmiodus) '297 tumidus ( Psammodus) 285 tumidus (Stagodon) 565 tumidus (Stethacanthus) 333 tumula (Oxyrhina) 307 tumulus (Isurus) 307 turgida (Emys) US turgida (Testudo) 452 turgidunculus (Miocleenus) 606 turgidunculus (Protogonodon) 606 turgidus (Agomphus) 445 turgidus ( Amphiemys) UU5 turgidus (Carcharodon ) 307 turgidus (Mioclsenus) 606 turgidus (Orodus) 296 turgidus (Palseolagus) 736 turgidus ( Psammodus) 285 turneri ( Leuciscus) 396 turritus (Cladodus) 269, 270 Turseodus 369 tursio (Physeter) 595 tutum (Tomitherium) 790 tutus (Pelycodus) 790 Tylopoda Tylosaurida; Tylosaurinse Tylosaurus Tylostcus tympaniticus (Platecarpus) Tympanuchus . 662 1,71 . 471 . 471 . 477 1,1,0, 469 . 534 Typodus 372 Typopus Typosuchia Typothorax typus (Bathrodon) typus (Gampsacanthus) 336 typus (Glyptodon) 581 typus (Ischyromys) 725 tyrannus (Delphinapterus) 599 tyrannus (Limnotherium) 789 tyrannus (Xotharctus) 7S9 tyrannus (Tomitherium ) 7S9 tysonii (Zarachis) - - 592 Page. 651, 612 760 . 750 791 TJ. uddeni (Dipterus) uddeni (Gamphacanthus) uddeni (Heteracanthus) uinchellianus (Ptyonius) Uintacyon Uintacyonida> uintaensis (Amia) uintaensis (Protamia) uintaensis (Trionyx) L'intamastix uintammi (Orotherium) uintanus (Orohippus) uintanus (Pachynolophus) Uintatheriida Tintatherium 700, 701, 70-2, 703, uintense ( Elotherium ) uintense (Protelotherium) Bull. 1T9 55 . . 352 .. 332 .. 332 .. 1,15 ... 759 .. 759 .. 381 .. S81 .. 454 701,702 .. 612 612 .. 612 .. 701 ,705,706 . . 651, . 654 uintensis (Acheenodon) uintensis (Epihippus) uintensis (Miacis) uintensis (Mesonyx ) uintensis (Microsyop.' ) uintensis (Orohippus) 612 uintensis (Paramys) 724 uintensis (Prodaphsenus) 760 uintensis (Sphenoceelus) 691 Uintornis 536 Ulias 599 ulta (Patriofelis) 757,758 ultimum (Anchitherium) 611, ultimus (Mesohippus) eit, ultimus (Miohippus) ultimus (Palseosyops) umbonatus (Otolithus) umbrosus (Cathartes) umbrosus (Ornithochirus) .. umbrosus (Palseoborus) .... umbrosus (Pteranodon) .... umbrosus (Pterodactylus).. umbrosus (Vultur) Uncia uncinatns (Cottus) uncus (Gryphodobatis) uncus (Tridentipes) undans (Paramys) undans (Plesiarctomys) .... (HI f,:U Ml 8St 535 778,782,783 407 316 552 . 724 undans (Sciuravus) ItU undans (Tanyops) 628 undata (Baena) 438 undata (Testudo) Ml, 452 undatum (Chisternon) US8 undulatus (Deltodus) 293 undulatus (Helodus) 287 unguiculus (Lecraeanthus) 336 unguifer (Palseosauropus) 548 unguifer (Sauropus) unguiformis (Janassa) unguiformis (Peltodus) Ungulata ungulatus (Hypsirophus) ungulatus (Stegosaurus) uniformis (Theropleura) unios (Ceratoptera) unios (Manta) unipedale ( Diacium) unipedalis (Cremastosaurus) unipedalis ( Platyrhachis) urreus (Priscodelphinus) uraeus (Tretosphys) Uranoplosus 373 Una 524 Urocordylidse . . : AW Urocordylus Urocyon Urodela Uronautes Ursidse ursidens ( Anacodon) Ursini 762 ursinus (^Elurodon) 774 ursinus (Amphicyon) 771, ursinus (Can is) 276 276 601 1,96 495 433 322 322 un 1,77 477 592 Ursus 7t,;: 866 INDEX. vabasensis (Ctenodus) vabasensis (Sagenodus) vaccinsulensis (Chaiiipsosaurus) ... vachsmuthi (Cladodus) vafer (Canis) vafer ( Vulpes) vagans (Homacodon) vagans ( Loxolophodon) vagans (Maeelognathus) .. Page. . 55,5 . 355 . 461 . 270 . 776 ins (Oreosanrus) ....................... 475 vagans (Pakeotringa) vagans (Pantolestes) vagans ( Parahyus) agans (Tinoeeras) agans (Trionyx) agans (Uintatherium) agans (Xestops) agrans ( Cy clotomodon ) agrans (Sus) agus (Limnopus) agus (Paleeacodon) agus (Parahyus) Be? 650 654 705 454 705 175 390 661 547 791 654 liens (Anthracotherium) 652 490 1,90 652 569 490 4SO 422 su lens (Antrodemus) alens (Megalosaurus) valens (Octacodon) valens ( Paurodon) valens (Pcecilopleuron) valens (Poicilopleuron) valens (Rhachitomus) validum (Brontozoum ) valid um (Hyracothcrii'.m) 610 validum (Telmatherium ) 632 validum (Telmatotherium) 632 validum (Thinotherium) 650 validus (Belodon) 510 validus (Brontops) 634 validus (Clidastes) 467 validus (Eohippus) 610 validus (Helohyus) 650 validus (Ichthyornis) 520 validus (Liodon) 467, 473 validus ( Lophiodon) 628 validus (Macrosaurus) 467 validus (Megalonyx) 578 validus ( Nectoportheus) 47 473 validus (Phcnacodus) 650 validus (Phytosaurus) 510 validus ( Protapirus) 628 validus (Stagodon) 565 validus (Rtylaoodon) 569 validus (Tapiravus)' 628 vallidens (Manteoceras) 632 vallidens (Palseosyops) 632 vallidens (Telmatherium) 632 vallidens (Telmatotherium) 632 vanhornei (Cladodus) 270 vanhornei (Bythiacanthus) '. 331 vanhornii (Cochliodus) 294 vanhornii (Copodus) 285 Varani 476 Var;mida; .' 476 variabile (Mylostoma) 350 variabilis ( Agassizodus ) 296 variabilis (Campodus) 296 Page. variabilis (Lophodus) 296 variabilis (Orodus) 296,527 variabilis ( Venustodus i 287 varians (Menodus) 637 varians (Menops) 637 varians (Titanotherium) 637 varica ( Platypterna) 54P varicostatus (Orodus) 295, 296 variolosus (Basilemys) 445 variolosus ( Oompsemys) 445 varius (Ctenacanthus) 328 varius (Pelecorapis ) 399 varsouviensis (Chomatodus) 280 varsoviensis (Deltoptychius ) 294 varsoviensis ( Poeoilodus) 294 vasacciensc (Hyracotherium) vasaceiense (Orotherium) vasaccii-nsis (Eohippus) 610 vasacciensis (Notharctus) 6.ZO vasacciensis (Orohippus) 6/0 vasachiensis (Notharctus) 610 Vaticinodus 290 veatleianus (Clepsysaurus) 492 vebbianus (Goniopholis) 516 vebbianus (Hyposaurus) 516 vebbii (Diplosaurus) 616 vebbii (Goniopholis) 516 vebbii (Hyposaurus) 516 veelerii (Crocodilus) 51$ vellicatus ( Archoeobelus) 433 velox (Clidastes) 467, 468 velox (Edestosaurus) 46S velox (Graculavus) 533 velox (Nyctitherium ) 742 velox (Ornithomimus) 494 velox (Pachyrhizodus) 388 velox (Pteranodon) 508 velox (Pterodactylus) 50S velox (Thinocyon) 761 velox (Zarhachis) 592 ventanus (Coryphodon) : 700 venticolum ( Hyracotherium) 609, 610 venticolus (Protorohippus) 610 ventorum (Heptodon) 025 ventorum (Lophiodon) 625 ventorum (Pachynolophus) 625 ventricosus (Trionyx) 455 Venustodus 287 venustum (Hipparion) 621 venustum (Hippotherium) 621 venustus ( Aletornis) 528 venustus ( Antiacodon) 787 venustus ( Chomatodus) 2S7 venustus ( Delphinodon ) 591 venustus (Erethizon) 733 venustus (Hystricops) 733 venustus (Hystrix) 7J3 venustus ( Laodon ) 570 venustus ( Phocageneus) 591 venustus (Sarcolemur) 7S7 venustus (Venustodus) 287 vera (Sinopa) 752 Vermilingua 575 vermontana (Beluga) 594 vermontana (Delphinapterus) 594 vermontauus (Delphinus) 594 INDEX. 867 Page. verrucosi (Glyptnspis) ..................... 349 verth-alis (Carcharias) ..................... 302 vertical is (Lamna) ......................... 302 verticalis (Odontaspis) ..................... 302 vevus (Carcharias) ......................... SOS verus (Limnocyon) ......................... 752 verus (Paljeacodon) ........................ 794 verus (Platyxystrodus ) ..................... 290 verus (Stypolopbus) ........................ 752 verus (Xystrodus) .......................... 200 Yesperimus ................................. 726 Yesperomys .............................. 726, 727 Yespertilio ................................. 742 Vespertilionidse ............................ 742 7!>2 743 754 717 717 772 720 595 Vesperugo Vesperus veterrima ( Palteosinopa) vetulus (Anchippodus) vetulus (Trogosus) vetus ( Amphicyon) vetus ( Arctyomys) vetus (Catodon) vetus (Daphsenus) vetus (Daphoenus) vetus (Diodon) vetus (Heliscomys) vetus (Limnocyon) vetus (Lobodon) vetus (Miacis) vetus (Ogmorhinus) 408 729 752 785 752 785 vetus (Palseotringa) ........................ 527 vetus (Physeter) vetus ( Platygonus) vetus ( Polygonodon ) etus (Stenorhynchus) 595 661 473 785 vetustus ( Apatacanthus) ................... 331 vetustus ( Asteroptychius) .................. 330 vetustus (Cimoliasaurus) ................... 459 vetustus (Ctenacanthus) ................... 328 vetustus (Discosaurus) ..................... 459 vetustus (Oracanthus) ..................... 335 vetustus (Pristacanthus) ................... SSI vetustus (Sandalodus) ..................... 290 vetustus (Tamiobatis) ...................... 315 vetustus ( Vaticinodus) ..................... 290 vieemalse (Dystrophseus) ................... 497 vicarius (Hyopsodus) .................... 790, 791 vicarius (Microsyops) ...................... 791 vicomicanus ( Myliobatis) .................. 320 victor ( Dicrocynodon ) ..................... 568 victor (Diplocynodon) ..................... 568 victor (Hallopus) .......................... 494 victor (Ichthyornis) ........................ 520 victor (Nanosaurus) ........................ 494 victus (Compsemys) villosus (Mallotus) vllsoni (Poebrotherium) vinchellianus ( Ptyonius) . vinearius (Graphiodon) inearius (Squalodon) inosus (Ctenopetalus) inosus (Ctenoptychius) inslovii (Ceratodus) inslovii (Clepsy drops) vinslovii (Ptyonpdus vinslovii (Sagenodusi Page. vintanum (Orotherium) $09 vintanus ( Pliolophus) 609, 619 virginiana (Dama) 684 virginiana (Didelphis) 571 Virginian* (Didtlphys) 571 virginianus (.UMi/odus) ,w virginianus (Bubo) 535 virginianus (Campodus) 297 virginianus (Canis) 775 virginianus ( Cariacus) .'. . 68U virginianus (Cervus) 681, virginianus (Odobenus) 734 virginianus (Orodus) 297 virginianus (Trichechus) 754 virginianus (Trionyx) 455 virginiensis ( Procamelus) 678 virginiensis ( Protocamelus) 678 virgulatus (Trisenaspis) 397 viridensis ( Asineops) 404 vison (Putorius) 768 vitakeriana ( Auchenia) 679 vitakerianus (Camelops) 679 vitakerianus (Holomeniscus) 679 Yiverravidse 754 Yiverravus 754,755,761 viverrina (Sinopa) 755 viverrinus (Prototomus) 755 viverrinus (Stypolophus) 753 vorax (Didelphodon) 566 vorax (Didelphops) 566 vorax (Dromocyon) 751 vorax (Dryolestes) 570 vorax (Edestus) 337 vorax (Mesonyx) 751 vorax (Miacis) 760 vorax (Uintacyon) 760 vortmani (Hyracotherium) 60U vortmani (Phenacodus) 605, 605 vortmani (Sciurus) 719 vulcanorum (Pliauchenia) 680 vulgaris (Macropterna) Yulpavus Vulpes vulpiceps (Procynodictis) vulpinus (Amphicyon) 760 vulpinus (Harpalodon) 761 vulpinus (Miacis) - 76" vulpinus (Uintacyon) 760 vultuosus (Hemiganus) 574 Vultur 555 vymanii (Clidastes) M8 vyomingensis ( Adocus) ^ vyomingensis (Baptemys) '>& vyomingensis (Dermatemys) U vyomingensis (Emys) M8 761 775 760 wachsmuthi (Cladodus) wachsmuthi (Deltoptychius) . wagneri (Ctenodus) wallovianus (Temnocyoi:) ... warreni (Cervus) warreni ( Periplectrodus) Washakius we.tii (Clidastes) 270 2M 77:; 889 787,799 . 468 868 IXDEX. Pag-e. 61!, Xiphiadidse rage. we. oru ( c 61 > t 402 Ml 3''8 614 xiphiii< (Acondylacanthus) xiphias i Ctenacanthus) wheatleianus (Clepsysaurus) wheatleyi (Megalonyx) wheatleyi (Molgophis) wheelerianus (.Elufodon) ..'. ... :"* 412. *774 513 318 318 7.-.S Xiphiidae 402 xiphioides ( Pmtosphyrscna) . . . xiphirostris (Saurocephalus). . . xiphirostris (Saurodon) 3S6 wheelerianus (Prohysena) Xiphodolamia 301 whipplei ( Ptychodus i whippleyi ( Ptychodus) whiter (Proviverra) whiteao (Sinopa) ,.. white;!.- uStypolophus) '. . . whiteavesi (Cephalaspis) '.. whiteavesiana (Amia) / 694 806 xiphodon ( Lamna) xiphodon ( Limnosaurus) xiphodon (Oxyrhina) Xiphopeza Xiphotrygon Xystraoanthus 553 319 333, .U' 4 a?, . 732 490 whitei (Plioplarchus) 40.") Z. Zamenis r,.M 377 , Zapodidoe Zapodin?e Zapsalis Zapus Williams! (Polyrhizodus) willistoni (Coelophysis) willistoni (Tanystropheus) wilsoni (Poebrotherium) wilsoni (Posluotherium) 283 493 493 675,676 676 732 Zarhachis 59 Zatomus 490 wortheni (Carcharopsis) wortheni (Deltoptychius t wortheni (Dicrenodusj wortheaii (Helodus) -\vortheni ( Poecilodirs> wortheni ( Pristiclartortus \ . . :" 271 ....... 2.94- 287 294 271 700 Za trachys Zetodon 422 695,745 688 585 Zenglodon Zeuglodonta Zeuglodontes . . . Zeuglodontia . ess 586 573 zibethicus (Castor) zibethicus (Fiber) zibethicus (Ondatra) ziegleri ( Platygonus) 7 .':/ 729 661 761 wrighti (Ctenaeanthus) wymani (Clidastes) wymani (Edestosaurus) wymani (Delphinodon) ...'.... 328 46S 591 412 Ziphidee 595 591 785 Ziphiina 596 wymani (Squalodon) 591 Ziphioidse wymanianus (Chelichnus) wyomingensis ( Adocus) wyomingensis (Baptemys) wyomingensis (Dermatemys) wyomingensis ( Emys) wyomingensis (Gallinuloides) X. Xema Xenacanthi Xenacanthidcc 542 445 445 445 448 535 525 263 263 263 Ziphioides 596 379 ziphioides (Erisichthe) ziphioides ( Protosphyrsena) Ziphius ziphodon (Crocodilus) 379 Silt 514 Ziphiinse 596 393 fgg zittelianus (Mioclaenus) zuniensis (Euprotogonia) zuniensis (Phenacodus) zuniensis ( Protogonia ) 607 746 746,791 746 Sl' t : 314 ;.; $21 ,-sv; fffl "t;:i Zygaenina Zygobates Zygobatis 575 309 287 410 451 475 ... 353.554 669 zygomaticus (Ticholeptusj, 669 Xestops Xiphactinus 270 Zvsroramma . . . . 445 o S r (ft r UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 2 2 JUL 2 2 NOV 8 1961 OCT & 2 6 196?' NOV BLOHED W21 73 Form L9-30m-7,'56(C824s4)444 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A A 000295011 1