' .REESE LIBRARY _-n_ji_n, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Deceive J &&&*< ,189(0. No .(od I 2^5 QiUs No. m-^' I LABORATORY MANUAL INORGANIC PREPARATIONS H. T. VULTE, PH. D ., F. C. S. K01-KSSOK OF CHKMISTKY IN BAKNAKO COLLEGE, AND ASSISTANT IN CHEMISTRY AT THE SCHOOL OK MINES, COLUMBIA COLLEGE, N. Y. AND GEORGE M. S. NEUSTADT OF'THF- tTNIVERSIT Y OF NEW YORK GEO. C.OTTSBERGER PECK, PUBLISHER II MURRAY STREET 1895 ^ Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1895, BY GEO. GOTTSBERGER PECK, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C- PREFACE.- The study of inorganic chemistry naturally precedes that of organic, and in a certain way this plan is carried out in a com- plete chemical course. The study of the organic branch, how- ever, proceeds on a much more logical plan than that usually adopted in inorganic work; one of the chief advantages being the practical work, to which the student is introduced very early in his course. The following work is synthetic, and shows how compounds, often very complex in character, rare in occur- rence or expensive in preparation, may be produced from simple substances, or from those which are comparatively plenty and cheap, and at the same time the bye products may be saved. Such a course of study is of great value in inorganic work, but should precede and lead up to, and not follow organic chem- istry. However, a contrary plan seems to have been followed, for while we have various works on organic preparations, there are none, so far as the authors know, in the inorganic branch of the subject (at least not in English), excepting the works on Elementary Chemistry ; and where these treat of the subject in laboratory practice, the methods are those which cannot be recommended as the best and most economical. In many laboratories the waste of material is greater than the use. Students are apt to acquire the idea that after a certain re- sult has been produced the rest of the material is worthless, and in consequence much loss occurs from throwing away valuable substances, which can be recovered or used with little trouble or expense. It is not a very difficult operation to purify the various commercial salts, converting them into C. P. reagents, and in the operation the student cannot help acquiring facts which are directly and forcibly brought to his knowledge. Too much reli- ance is usually placed on the so-called C. P. chemicals in com- mon use. Many are high-priced and apt to deteriorate in the 11 PREFACE. packages. There is no reason why the student should not pre- pare many of these, unless it be that he does not always know where to look for the necessary information. The book is designed to meet a long felt want in the inor- ganic laboratory, in training the student to prepare his own reagents and to test them for the customary impurities. The methods are largely those in commercial use, and should prove of value to those studying Applied Chemistry. The works of Fresenius, Erdmann and others, as well as the various chemical journals for some years past, have been carefully searched, and such information as \vas thought valuable has been collected and arranged in order, beginning with the simplest operations and gradually increasing in difficulty as the student acquires skill in his work. As far as possible, references to the original articles have been given. OCTOBER, 1895. LABORATORY MANUAL OF INORGANIC PREPARATIONS, WATER. H 2 O. Pure water is obtained by distilling spring water from a copper still with head and condenser made of pure tin. The distillation is carried to about three-fourths of the quantity operated upon. If it is desired to have the distilled water perfectly free Irom carbonic acid and am- monium carbonate, the portions passing over first must be rejected. In the larger chemical laboratories, distilled water is obtained from the steam apparatus which serves for drying, etc. Rain water collected in the open air may in many cases be substituted for distilled water. It must be colorless, odorless, and tasteless, and should not leave the smallest residue when evaporated in a platinum vessel. It should not be changed by ammonium sulphide (copper, lead, iron), nor rendered turbid by baryta water (carbonic acid). No cloudiness should be caused even after long standing by the addition of ammonium oxalate, of barium chloride and hydrochloric acid (sul- 2 LABORATORY MANUAL OF phuric acid), of silver nitrate and nitric acid (chlorides), or of mercuric chloride and sodium carbonate (ammonia). We use water principally as a simple solvent for a great variety of substances. AMMONIUM FREE WATER. If the ordinary distilled water gives a reaction for am- monia with Nessler's reagent, it should be treated with sodium carbonate, about one gram to the litre and boiled until one-fourth has been evaporated. Ammonium free water may also be prepared by dis- tilling water made slightly acid with sulphuric acid. WATER FREE FROM ORGANIC MATTER AND AMMONIA.* About 15-20 litres of ordinary distilled water, to which about I gram, of potassium hydrate and 0.2 gram, of potassium permanganate have been added are maintained at about 100 C. for twenty-four hours under an- inverted condenser, after which the condenser is reversed and the water distilled off. Apply Nessler's test to the distillate from time to time, until 100 c.c, show no coloration and collect that which comes over subsequently, stopping 5OOC.C. short of dryness. As an additional precaution the water thus obtained may be acidified with sulphuric acid and re-distilled. For preparing distilled water, the ordinary tin lined copper still and block tin condenser may be used, or a more economical way is to make use of the well known Domestic Water Still, (Fig. i). This piece of apparatus * Water Analysis, FRANKLAND, p. 113. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 3 yields a good quality of product, with a minimum ex- penditure of heat and condenser water, and is moreover very compact. FIG. l. Water free from organic matter and ammonium, which is indispensable in water analysis and the preparation of many standard solutions such as potassium permanganate, argentic nitrate etc., is best prepared in the apparatus shown in. Fig 2, which consists of a glass-stoppered flask with side-neck tube. The end of the side-neck tube is turned vertically downward, being thrust deeply into the tin tube of the condenser, and held in place there by a short piece of rubber tubing. The three-eighth inch block tin pipe forming the condenser-tube is bent zigzag instead of in the conven- LABORATORY MANUAL OF tional helix. This affords a more even flow of the distillate. The cylindrical copper jacket containing the water for cool- ing is about four inches in diameter, and fifteen inches long. The disk closing the lower end is arched upward so that in FIG. 2. case the condenser " sweats " from the use of very cold water, the drip from the outside can not contaminate the distillate. The lower end of the tin tube is cut aslant for the more certain delivery of the distillate. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 5 /X ^SE r UB^> (UNIVERSITY; Vc^?w.V ETHYL ALCOHOL. C 2 H 5 .OH. Two sorts of alcohol are used in chemical analy- sis, viz. : 1st, Commercial " 95 per cent, alcohol," which really contains 93 to 94 per cent, of alcohol by weight ; and 2d, absolute alcohol. The latter may be prepared most conveniently by placing in a flask or tin can 800 grams of good quick-lime in coarse powder or small lumps, adding I litre of " 95 per cent, alcohol," connecting the vessel with the lower end of a Liebig condenser, and keeping its contents boiling on a water bath for an hour. The can is then connected to the upper end of the conden- ser, and the dehydrated alcohol distilled off into a bottle for use.* Pure alcohol must completely volatilize, and ought not to leave a smell of fusel-oil when rubbed between the hands ; nor should it alter the color of moist blue or red litmus paper. When kindled, it must burn with a faint bluish, barely preceptible flame. Commercial Alcohol invariably contains aldehyde and if kept in tin cans stannic oxide as well; such alcohol can- not be used for the preparation of alcoholic potash solutions, argentic nitrate or for Hiibl's iodo-mercuric chloride solution. For such purposes either of the two following methods may be used. A convenient amount of the alcohol to be purified is shaken with pulverized potassium permanganate until it a'ssumes a decided color. It is then allowed to stand for * ERLENMEYER ; J. LAWRENCE SMITH. 6 LABORATORY MANUAL OF some hours, until the permanganate has been decomposed and brown manganese oxide is deposited. A pinch of pulverized calcium carbonate is then added, and the alcohol distilled at the rate of about 50 c. c. in 20 minutes from a flask provided with a Wurtz tube or one of the Lebel- Heninger pattern. The distillate is tested frequently until about 10 c. c. thereof, when boiled with I c. c. of strong (syrup) solution of caustic soda or potash, gives no percept- ible yellow coloration on standing for 20 minutes or half an hour. What distills over after that time is preserved for use. The first distillates may be added to the small amount remaining in the distilling flask (which should not be driven down to the complete dryness), and a fresh portion of puri- fied alcohol recovered. The rationale of the proceeding appears to be that the permanganate oxidizes and destroys chiefly the fusel-oil, furfurol and other compounds of that, nature, the acids resulting from the reaction are neutralized by the calcium carbonate added before distillation, and by distilling slowly the aldehyde at least is concentrated in the first portions of the distillate. Distillation of alcohol contain- ing caustic potash or soda seemed to cause a constant formation of aldehyde. The alcohol thus purified is per- fectly neutral, and gives most satisfactory results when used as a solvent for caustic alkalies or silver nitrate, the solutions remaining as colorless as distilled water, even after boiling and standing indefinitely, if properly pro- tected from dust and other external influences.* * Jour. Am. Chem. Soc. E. WALLER. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. The second method consists in distilling the alcohol with some caustic potash in the presence of a large quantity of non-volatile fatty acid ; either oleic or stearic is gener- ally used, the process is simple and the result good. OXYGEN. O. The compressed gas put up in steel cylinders is sufficiently pure for most purposes, but when not avail- able the gas may be readily prepared by heating a mixture of equal parts of potassium chlorate and manganese di- oxide, in a copper retort, or better, in an apparatus similar to fig. 3. FIG. 3. Oxygen gas made in this way is liable to contain chlorine or oxides of chlorine and carbon dioxide, it is purified by washing with potassium hydrate and dried by passing through concentrated sulphuric acid. Oxygen may also be prepared by treating sodium dioxide NagOg with dilute acid, either hydrochloric or sulphuric. 8 LABORATORY MANUAL OF Na 2 O 2 + 2H.C1 = O + 2NaCl + H 3 O, great heat is evolved in this reaction and the operation must be conducted with care; it is however an excellent way to oxidize solutions, in which case the solution is made acid and the sodium dioxide dropped in and well stirred until the desired effect has been produced. In the wet way oxygen is produced by treating "Chloride of Lime " Ca(ClO) 2 ,CaCl 3 in disc form, in a Kipp's Apparatus with a mixture of I litre of hydrogen dioxide and 53 c. c. nitric acid com. Sp. Gr. 1.265. The same pre- cautions for purification are necessary as in the case of manganese dioxide and potassium chlorate. To prepare oxygen, cubes consisting of a mixture of 2 parts of barium dioxide, I part of manganese dioxide and i part of pla.ster are used with hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.12) diluted with an equal volume of water. The oxy- gen evolved contains traces of chlorine and must there- fore be washed with an alkali.* It can also be prepared by adding potassium perman- ganate to hydrogen peroxide made alkaline with ammonia.t Oxygen is a colorless gas, and without odor. It is liquified with difficulty, requiring a pressure of 320 atmos- pheres at 212 F. Oxygen is remarkable for the wide range of its chemical attraction for other elementary bodies with all of which it is capable of entering into combi- nation except one, namely fluorine. * G. NEUMANN, Ber. 20, 1584. f C. F. GOHRING, Chem. Zeit. 12, 1659. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. HYDROGEN. H. Hydrogen is best prepared from granulated zinc and dilute sulphuric acid (i litre acid, 5 litres water) in Kipp's Apparatus ; the zinc should not be too pure or the supply of gas will be slow and feeble. In any case it is well to add a small amount of copper sulphate solution, just sufficient to produce a thin coat of copper on the zinc, 01 a piece of platinum foil may be used in place of the copper sulphate ; in this latter case it is better to amalgamate the zinc, by first treating with dilute sulphuric acid and then adding mercury and shaking, or by simply treating the zinc with a strong solution of mercuric nitrate containing free nitric acid. A granulated alloy of tin and zinc, containing about 83 per cent, of the latter, prepared by adding zinc to molten tin as long as it dissolves, is recommended for use in Kipp's apparatus. The pieces retain their shape and size after all the zinc is dissolved out, and therefore have no tendency to fall through into the lower bulb.* Hydrogen may also be prepared by sodium amalgam with dilute acids. Hydrogen gas prepared by the action of zinc and acid is never pure, but may contain hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide, etc. The very small amount of arsenic generally present, as AsH 3 , may be neglected. The other impurities are re- moved by first passing the gas through a solution of * J. HABERMANN, Zeit. Anal. Chem. 28, (tri - ID LABORATORY MANUAL OF potassium permanganate in order to oxidize hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulphide, etc., then through the potassium hydrate to absorb carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, etc., and finally through concentrated sulphuric acid and calcium chloride to remove water. Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas, is highly combustible, burning with a very hot but slightly luminous flame, and when mixed with air or free oxygen, explodes with violence. NITROGEN. N. This gas is seldom used, but when required may be readily prepared by heating equal parts of concentrated aqueous solutions of ammonium chloride and potassium or sodium nitrite. NH 4 Cl + KNO 2 = N 3 + KC1 + 2H 2 O. The operation is conducted in a roomy flask, the out- going gas mixed with steam, ammonium chloride, and pos- sibly some oxides of nitrogen, is cooled washed with water and dried over sulphuric acid. Nitrogen prepared in this way contains no argon. Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas, and is a non-supporter of combustion. CHLORINE AND CHLORINE WATER. Cl. Chlorine is prepared by mixing 18 parts of common salt in lumps with 1 5 parts of finely pulverized good man- INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. II ganese dioxide, free from calcium carbonate ; put the mix- ture in a flask, pour a completely cooled mixture of 45 parts of concentrated sulphuric acid and 2 1 parts of water upon it, and shake the flask : a uniform and continuous evolution of chlorine gas will soon begin, which, when slackening may be easily increased again by the application of a gentle heat. This method of WlGGERS is excellent, and can be highly recommended. Conduct the chlorine gas evolved first through a flask containing a little water, then into a bottle filled with cold water, and continue the process until the fluid is saturated. Where it is desired to obtain chlorine water quite free from bromine, the washing flask is changed after about one-half of the chlorine has been expelled, and the gas which now passes over is conducted into a fresh bottle filled with water. If the chlorine water is to be quite free from hydrochloric acid, the gas must be passed through a U tube containing manganese dioxide. The chlorine water must be protected from the action of light ; since, if this precaution is neglected, it speedily suf- fers complete decomposition, being converted into dilute hydrochloric acid, with evolution of oxygen (resulting from the decomposition of water). Smaller quantities, intended for use in the laboratory, are best kept in a stoppered bottle protected by a case of pasteboard. Chlorine water which has lost its strong peculiar odor is unfit for use. CHLORINE FROM CHLORIDE OF LIME IN KIPP'S APPA- RATUS. Dry chloride of lime is intimately mixed with plaster and moistened to such a degree that it can only with diffi- culty be rolled into balls between the fingers. It is made 12 LABORATORY MANUAL OF homogeneous by powdering in an iron mortar and beaten into an iron frame 10-12 m.m. high by means of an iron mallet. It is then covered with a piece of oilcloth and submitted to great pressure. The plate of chloride of lime is then cut into cubes while still in the frame and dried as quickly as possible at 20 C. The cubes are then preserved in well-closed vessels. It is used in a Kipp's apparatus with hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.124) diluted with an equal volume of water. The acid must be free from sul- phuric acid.* When chlorine is generated from bleaching powder and hydrochloric acid in a Kipp's apparatus, it is advisable, af- ter using the apparatus, to blow in a little air, otherwise a slow but continuous action takes place, owing to the ab- sorption of the chlorine by the acid.t APPARATUS FOR A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF CHLORINE. I. The manganese dioxide is used in fragments the size of peas, and is placed in a two-necked bottle, at the bottom of which there is a layer of broken glass or pumice. This stands in a water bath. Hydrochloric acid is supplied from a reservoir at a higher level by a tube reaching to the bottom of the layer of glass, a T-piece and stopcocks allowing the same tube to serve for the removal of the manganese solution. The corks should be soaked in par- affin. Suitable drying apparatus can be attached and will not require replenishing for a long time. The chlorine begins to come off when the temperature of the bath reaches 50 C., and by means of a stopcock on the outlet its * C. WINKLER, Ber. 20, 184. f C. WINKLER, Ber. 22, 1076. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 13 rate is completely under control. The evolution can speedily be arrested by closing the stopcock at the outlet of the drying apparatus and emptying the water bath. The apparatus is then left full of chlorine, and is ready at any moment to give supply of the gas completely free from oxygen.* II. From sodium chloride, pyrolusite, and sulphuric acid. It is usually supposed that in this reaction the whole of the chlorine is evolved in the free state ; detailed experi- ments have, however, shown that this is not the case, but that the reaction which takes place is as follows : 4NaCl+ MnO 3 + 3H 3 SO 4 = 2NaHSO 4 f Na 3 SO 4 + MnCl 3 + 2H 3 O + C1 2 . The necessary proportions are, therefore, 5 parts of pyrolusite, 11 parts salt, and 14 parts of sulphuric acid diluted with an equal volume of water. III. From pyrolusite, hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. The instructions usually given for the preparation of chlorine by this method are to take I part of pyrolusite, 2 of hydrochloric acid of sp. gr. 1.14, and I part of sulphuric acid mixed with an equal bulk of water, the reaction being supposed to take place according to the equation : MnO 3 + 2HC1 + H 3 SO 4 = MnSO 4 + 2H 3 O + C1 3 . As in the foregoing case this equation is quite incorrect, only 65 per cent, of the chlorine being obtained in the free state. * A. VOSMAER, Zeit. Anal. Chem., 27, 638. 14 LABORATORY MANUAL OF CHLORINE FOR LABORATORY PURPOSES. When hydrochloric acid of sp. gr. i.i, heated to about 80 C., is allowed to come slowly in contact with pieces of potassium chlorate which have been previously fused, a steady evolution of gas takes place. Under these condi- tions, about 82 to 85 per cent, of the gas is chlorine, the re- mainder being chlorine dioxide. Another 10 per cent, of the dioxide may be decomposed by passing the evolved gas through a saturated hydrochloric acid solution of man- ganous chloride at 90 C. If the gas is wanted absolutely pure, the gas, after passing through the manganous chlor- ide, may be passed through a combustion tube filled with asbestos and heated to redness. Care must be taken to have the acid hot, and not to allow the action to become rapid, or the proportion of chlorine dioxide may become much increased and explosion occur, i gram of potas- sium chlorate yields about half a litre of chlorine. If a Kipp or some similar constant gas-generating ap- paratus is employed, and the acid heated by a steam jacket or by standing the generator in hot water, this method forms a convenient constant chlorine apparatus for laboratory use.* Chlorine is a heavy greenish, yellowish gas, having a strong and suffocating odor, and if inhaled in sufficient quantities is capable of producing suffocation. Free chlorine gas is readily detected by its color and odor. * F. A. GOOCH and D. A. KREIDER, Zeit. Anorg. Chem., 7, 17. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. HYDROCHLORIC ACID, OR HYDROGEN CHLORIDE. HC1. Pour a cooled mixture of seven parts of concen- trated sulphuric acid and two parts of water over four parts of sodium chloride in a retort ; expose the re- tort, with slightly raised neck, to the heat of a sand-bath until the evolution of gas ceases ; conduct the evolved gas, by means of a bent tube, into a flask containing six parts of water, and take care to keep this vessel constantly cool. To prevent the gas from receding the tube ought to dip but about one line into the water of the flask. When the operation is terminated, try the specific gravity of the acid produced, and dilute with water until it marks from 1. 1 1 to 1.12. If you wish to ensure the absolute purity of the acid, and its perfect freedom from every trace of arsenic and chlorine, you must take care to free the sulphuric acid intended to be used in the process from arsenic and the oxygen compounds of nitrogen, according to the directions (see sulphuric acid, page 22.) A pure acid may also be prepared cheaply from the crude hydrochloric acid of com- merce by diluting the latter to a specific gravity of 1.12 and distilling the fluid with addition of some chloride of sodium. Or you may put the acid into the retort in the concentrated form, placing 60 parts of water into the receiver for every 100 parts of concentrated acid, and not luting the receiver to the retort. If the crude acid contains chlorine this should be removed first by cautious addition of solution of sulphur dioxide, before proceeding to the distillation; if, l6 LABORATORY MANUAL OF on the other hand, it contains sulphur dioxide, this is re- moved in the same way by cautious addition of some chlorine water. Hydrochloric acid not unfrequently con- tains arsenious chloride, owing to the presence of arsenic in the sulphuric acid employed. To free it from this im- purity, the acid is mixed with twice its volume of water, hydrogen sulphide is conducted into it, the mixture allowed to stand at rest for some time, the clear fluid then decanted from the sulphur and arsenious sulphide, and heated, to ex- pel the hydrogen sulphide. Hydrochloric acid must be perfectly colorless and leave no residue upon evaporation. If it turns yellow on evaporation, ferric chloride is present. It must not im- part a blue tint to a solution of potassium iodide mixed with starch paste (chlorine or ferric chloride), nor discolor a fluid made faintly blue with iodized starch (sulphur dioxide). Barium chloride ought not to produce a pre- cipitate in the highly diluted acid (sulphuric acid). Hy- drogen sulphide must leave the diluted acid unaltered (ar- senic). After neutralization with ammonia, ammonium sulphide must produce no change in it (iron, thallium). It can also be prepared by distilling a mixture of cone, sulphuric and hydrochloric acids; this latter method is bet- ter where gaseous hydrochloric acid is needed. METHODS FOR OBTAINING CONSTANT STREAMS OF HY- DROGEN CHLORIDE AMMONIA AND NITROGEN. Hydrogen chloride can be generated in a Kipp's ap- paratus by the action of ordinary sulphuric acid on carnal- lite and ammonia gas by allowing a solution of ammonia to react with solid potassium hydroxide. When the ma- INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. I/ terials are exhausted, the solution of potash which is formed may be used for ordinary laboratory purposes after it has been boiled to expel ammonia. To prepare nitrogen in Kipp's apparatus, it is best to employ cubes containing chloride of lime made according to Winkler's method (page n); these are treated with a mixture of equal volumes of ammonia and water. The resulting gas contains suspended ammonium chloride and other impurities, which may be removed by passing it through water, potash and sulphuric acid.* FIG. 4. NITRIC ACID. HNO 3 OR NO 3 OH. Prepared by slowly distilling a mixture of 5 parts of sodium nitrate and 3 parts of cone, sulphuric acid, in an apparatus as shown in Fig. 4 ; the product is usually not By G. NEUMANN, (J. pr. Chem. [2] 37, 342-345). I 8 LABORATORY MANUAL OF sufficiently concentrated, and must be redistilled with five times its volume of cone, sulphuric acid in an apparatus similiar to the above. If the product is colored yellow or red by dissolved oxides of nitrogen, it may be rendered color- less by blowinga current of dry air through the acid for some minutes. Concentrated nitric acid 1.53 spcific gravity has a strong affinity for water and must be kept closely stop- pered. The sudden frothing which frequently takes place when nitric acid is prepared from sodium nitrate and sulphuric acid is explained on the assumption that the first portions pass over at 84 C, and that the heating must be commenced cautiously, and the temperature only allowed to rise after the first reaction abates. After the temperature has risen above 109 C., no acid passes over until the temperature 117 C. is reached, when the last portions pass over. The latter acid has a sp. gr. 1.42, and corresponds with the hydrate, 2HNO 3 + H 3 O, which distills at 120 to 121 C. without decomposition.* Another method of preparation is to heat crude nitric acid of commerce, as free as possible from chlorine, and of a specific gravity of at least 1.31 in a glass retort to boiling, with addition of some potassium nitrate ; let the distillate run into a receiver kept cool, and try from time to time whether after dilution it still continues to precipi- tate or cloud solution of silver nitrate. As soon as this ceases to be the case, change the receiver, and distill until a trifling quantity only remains in the retort. Dilute the distillate with water until the specific gravity is 1.2. * By C. W. VOLNEY, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 13, 246-251. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 19 Another method is to dilute crude nitric acid of com- merce of about 1.38 specific gravity with two-fifths of its weight of water, and add solution of silver nitrate as long as a precipitate of silver chloride continues to form ; then add a further slight excess of solution of silver nitrate, let the precipitate subside, decant the perfectly clear super- natant acid into a retort or an alembic with ground head ; add some potassium nitrate free from chlorine, and distill until only a small quantity remains, taking care to attend to the proper cooling of the fumes distilling over. Dilute the distillate, if necessary, with water until it has a specific gravity of .1.2. Pure nitric acid must be colorless and leave no residue upon evaporation on platinum foil. Solution of silver nitrate or of barium nitrate must not cause the slightest turbidity in it. Dilute the acid with water before adding these reagents, as otherwise nitrates will pre- cipitate. Silver should be tested for by hydrochloric acid. NITROUS OXIDE. N 2 O. Five parts of stannous chloride, 10 parts of hydrochloric acid sp. gr. 1.21, and 0.9 part of nitric acid sp. gr. 1.38, are heated to boiling, when the evolution of nitrous oxide commences, and continues to be evolved quite regularly and in a pure state. The above proportions of ingredients should be adhered to, as otherwise the gas is evolved ir- regularly, and even with violent explosions.* G. CAMPORI, Ann. Chine. Pharm., 8, 253. 20 LABORATORY MANUAL OF It can also be prepared from a mixture of ammonium sulphate and sodium nitrate, kept at 102 C. for 2 to 3 hours, undergoes in great part decomposition into sodium sulphate and ammonium nitrate. If, however, it is rapidly raised to a higher temperature, nitrous oxide begins to be evolved atiio C.,and comes off with some rapidity at 115 to 120 C. During the heating up a little ammonia is evolved, and the longer the mixture is kept at about 104 to 1 10 C. the more ammonia is lost. If, then, the two salts have been mixed in molecular proportions, the deficiency in the ammonia leads to the evolution of some of the higher oxides of nitro- gen towards the end of the reaction. This may be remedied by increasing the proportion of ammonium sulphate, the mixture, with an additional 5 per cent, of that salt, affording a larger yield of nitrous oxide than would be obtained from the equivalent quantity of ammonium nitrate. The gas is evolved with regularity, whereas ammonium nitrate, raised to 115 C., decomposes with a rapidity, accelerating towards explosive violence.* NITRIC OXIDE. NO. A Woulff's bottle, fitted with a funnel and delivery tube, is filled loosely with strips of copper, and then one- third with a cold saturated solution of sodium nitrate. Strong sulphuric acid is added more or less quickly, ac- cording to the amount of gas required. The evolution of gas is very regular, and may be kept up for hours. f * BY W. SMITH, J. Soc. Chem. Ind., 11.867; 12, 10. f By H. KAEMMERER, Ber. 18, 3064-3066. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 21 Nitric oxide may also be prepared from a mixture of solutions of potassium ferrocyanide and potassium nitrite added gradually from a stoppered funnel to a flask contain- ing acetic acid ; the contents of the flask must be vigor- ously shaken during the operation.* Another method is to add a strong solution of sodium nitrite to a solution of ferrous chloride or sulphate in hydrochloric acid. If the sodium nitrite contains car- bonate, it may be removed by precipitation with calcium chloride.t In order to obtain this gas in a very pure condition, the reaction which takes place in a Lunge's nitrometer is em- ployed; namely, treating mercury with a mixture of sul- phuric acid and nitric acid. The purity of the gas was placed beyond question by the results obtained on leading it over glowing copper ; the increase in weight of the metal, giv- ing the weight of oxygen, whilst the gas evolved, which was collected and measured, gave the weight of nitrogen. In the reaction between copper and nitric oxide, which is attended by the liberation of much heat, the metal is quantitatively converted into cuprous oxide.J: NITROGEN TETRAOXIDE. N 3 4 . 200 grams arsenious acid in pieces the size of a pea are placed in a tubulated retort with bent neck, 200 grams nitric acid 1.38 sp. gr. poured over it, and very moderately * By C. M. VAN DEVENTER, Ber. 26, 589-593. f By J. THIELE, Annalen 253, 146. j By F. ENRICH, Monatsh, 13, 73-77. 22 LABORATORY MANUAL OF warmed. The evolved gas passes into an empty wash- bottle, is then dried by a tube filled with calcium nitrate and is finally conducted into a wide combustion-tube which is surrounded by a freezing mixture of ice and common salt. A dark-green liquid condenses in this tube. Dry oxygen gas is conducted into it until the liquid has changed to a pure yellow, then the tube is sealed. The arsenic trioxide reduces the nitric acid passing into arsenic acid. In drying the gases calcium chloride must not be used, as they would be contaminated with chlorine, nor sulphuric acid, as it absorbs the gases. The condensed mixture of nitrogen trioxide and tetroxide is transformed by oxygen into pure tetroxide. The liquid should show a sp. gr. of 1.45 and boil at 25 to 26 C. On cooling rapidly it should stiffen to a color- less crystal mass, which melts at about 12 C. SULPHURIC ACID. H 3 SO 4 OR SO 2 (OH) 2 . a. Concentrated pure sulphuric acid. b. Concentrated sulphuric acid of commerce. c. Common dilute sulphuric acid. The following method may be recommended for pre- paring chemically pure sulphuric acid : a. Put 1,000 grams of ordinary concentrated sulphuric acid in a porcelain dish, and 3 grams of ammonium sul- phate, and heat till copious fumes of SO 3 begin to escape, in order to destroy the oxides of nitrogen which are present. After cooling, add 4 or 5 grams of powdered manganese dioxide, and heat to boiling with stirring, in INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 23 order to convert any arsenious acid into arsenic acid. When cool pour off the clear fluid by means of a long funnel tube into a retort coated with clay. The retort should not be more than half full, and is to be heated directly over charcoal. To prevent bumping, rest the retort on an inverted crucible cover, so that the sides may be more heated than the bottom. The neck of the retort must reach so far into the receiver that the acid, distilling over, drops directly into the body. To cool the receiver by means of water is unnecessary and even dangerous. To prevent the receiver from coming into actual contact with the hot neck of the retort, some asbestos in large fibres is placed between them. When about 10 or 15 grams has been drawn over, change the receiver and slowly distil off three-fourths of the contents of the retort. This method depends upon the fact discovered by Bussy and Buignet, that on distilling sulphuric acid, which contains arsenic in the form of arsenic acid, an arsenic-free distillate is obtaine'd. b. Pour into 4 parts of water I part of concentrated sulphuric acid, and conduct into the mixture for some time a slow stream of hydrogen sulphide, keeping the fluid heated to 70 C. Let the mixture stand at rest for several days, then decant the clear supernatant fluid from the precipitate, which consists of sulphur, lead sulphide, per- haps also arsenic sulphide, and heat the decanted fluid in a tubulated retort with upturned neck and open tubulature until sulphuric acid fumes escape with the aqueous vapor. The acid so purified is fit for many purposes of chemical analysis ; if it is desired, however, to free it also from non-volatile substances, it may be distilled 4 LABORATORY MANUAL OF from a coated retort as in a. As soon as the drops in the neck of the retort become oily, the receiver is changed, and the concentrated acid which then passes over is kept in a separate vessel. c. Common dilute sulphuric acid. Add to 5 parts of water in a thin glass or porcelain dish gradually, and whilst stirring, I part of concentrated sulphuric acid. The lead sulphate which seperates is allowed to subside, and the clear fluid finally decanted. Pure sulphuric acid must be colorless; when color- less solution of ferrous sulphate is poured upon it in a test tube, no brown tint must mark the plane of contact of the two fluids (nitric acid, nitrous acid) ; when diluted with twenty parts of water it must not impart a blue tint to a solution of potassium iodide mixed with starch paste (nitrous acid). Mixed with pure zinc and water, it must yield hydrogen gas, which, on being passed through a red-hot tube, must not deposit the slightest trace of arsenic. It must leave no residue upon evapora- tion on platinum, and must remain perfectly clear upon dilution with four or five parts of alcohol (lead, iron, calcium). The presence of small quantities of lead is detected most easily by adding some hydrochloric acid to the sulphuric acid in a test tube. If the plane of contact is marked by turbidity (lead chloride), lead is present. Sulphurous acid is discovered by the odor after shaking the acid in a half-filled bottle. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 25 HYDROGEN SULPHIDE. HYDROSULPHURIC ACID. SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN. H 3 S. Hydrogen sulphide is usually evolved from iron sulphide, which is broken into small lumps and then treated with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. Fused iron sulphide may be purchased cheaply, or may be made by heating iron turnings or I to I J^ inch iron nails, in a covered Hessian crucible to a white heat, and then adding FIG. 6. small lumps of roll-sulphur until the entire contents of the crucible are in fusion. As soon as this is the case, pour the fused mass upon sand, or into an old Hessian crucible. Or make a hole in the bottom of the crucible, when the iron sulphide will run through as fast as it forms, and may 26 LABORATORY MANUAL OF be received in a shovel placed in the ash-pit. Or intro- duce an intimate mixture of thirty parts of iron filings and twenty-one parts of flowers of sulphur in small portions into a red-hot crucible, awaiting always the incandescence of the portion last introduced before proceeding to the addition of a fresh one. When you have thus put the mixture into the crucible, cover the latter closely, and expose it to a more intense heat, sufficient to make the iron sulphide fuse more or less, then allow the crucible to cool and break the sulphide in small pieces. The iron sulphide is then placed in a Kipp's apparatus, fig. 6, and the gas is generated by the action of dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acids. HYDROGEN SULPHIDE FREE FROM ARSENIC. Calcium sulphide (prepared by igniting a mixture of plaster of Paris and coal) yields the pure gas when treated with dilute hydrochloric acid. To evolve the gas in a regular stream, a mixture of calcium sulphide, with one- fourth of its weight of plaster of Paris and enough water to make a cream, is poured into shallow paper trays. As soon as it has set, the cake is cut up into blocks, which are dried at a gentle heat. They may be used in Kipp's apparatus.* Another method is to use barium sulphate (powdered barytes) mixed with 25 per cent, of ground coal and 20 per cent, of common salt. The dampened mixture is rammed into a clay crucible, which, after drying and closing with a luted cover, is heated for several hours * R. FRESENIUS, Zeit. Anal. Chem. 26, 339. (trwivr.. SITY X INORGANIC PREPARATIONS* > 2 7 at an incipient white heat The product is in hard com- pact masses which dissolve completely in dilute hydro- chloric acid with a steady evolution of hydrogen sul- phide.* HYDROGEN SULPHIDE FREED FROM HYDROGEN ARSENIDE. This method is based on the fact that hydrogen arsen- ide reacts violently with iodine at ordinary temperature, arsenious iodide and hydrogen iodide being formed. A narrow tube, 30 to 40 cm. long, is loosely filled with coarsely powdered, air-dried iodine interspersed with glass wool ; 2 or 3 grams of iodine will remove every trace of ar- senic from hydrogen sulphide prepared from the ordinary impure materials, passing over it for several days. In purifying hydrogen, the latter is subsequently passed over glass wool wetted with potassium iodide solution and then through aqueous potash. t Free hydrogen sulphide in quantity is readily detected by its odor, and its blackening effect upon paper moist- ened with lead acetate. SULPHUR DIOXIDE. S0 3 . Prepared by gently heating in a flask scrap copper with concentrated, sulphuric acid Cu + 2H 2 SO 4 = SO 2 + 2H 3 O + CuSO 4 . It can be absorbed in water and used as a solution of sul- phurous acid or absorbed in caustic alkalies forming * C. WINKLER, Zeit. Anal. Chem. 27, 26. f O. JACOBSEN, Ber. 20, 1999. 28 LABORATORY MANUAL OF bisulphites which may be again used to generate sulphur dioxide by the action of cone, sulphuric acid. Prepared in this way, however, it is liable to contain sulphuric acid which is not readily removed. Sulphur dioxide is now obtainable in liquified condition and as such is used for disinfecting and freezing purposes. Sulphurous anhydride (SO 2 ) can be generated in Kipp's apparatus by the action of ordinary concentrated sulphuric acid on cubes prepared by Winkler's method from a mixture of 3 parts of calcium sulphite and I part of plaster. Economy in the use of cubes is effected if only the number required for the generation of the amount of gas needed are wetted with the acid at the commencement of the operation.* Sulphur Dioxide is recognized 1st. By its odor which is marked and well-known, re- sembling that of burning matches. 2nd. Suspend in the gas a strip of paper which has been dipped into a solution of starch paste and potassium iodate. Iodine is liberated and the paper becomes blue. 2KIO 3 + 5SO 3 + 4H 2 O == 2HKSO 4 -f 3H 3 SO 4 + I 2 . CARBON MONOXIDE. CO. Prepared by gently heating commercial oxalic acid in a capacious flask with cone, sulphuric acid. The acid exerts a dehydrating action and a mixture of carbon mon- oxide and carbon dioxide is evolved. The mixed gases are G. NEUMANN, Ber. 20, 1584. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 29 passed through potassium hydrate solution which absorbs the carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid ; any water which may be present being removed by passing the gases through concentrated sulphuric acid. Another and better method is as follows : A mixture of finely powdered potassium ferrocyanide with eight or ten times its weight of cone, sulphuric acid is heated in a capacious flask ; the following reaction results: K 4 Fe(CN) 6 + 6H 3 SO 4 + 6H 2 O = 6CO + 2K 2 SO 4 4- 3(NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 + FeSO 4 . If the heat is carefully regulated the evolution of gas is gentle and regular. The product, however, is liable to contain carbon dioxide and cyanogen compounds, hence it is better to wash with potassium hydrate. Carbon mon- oxide is recognized when in sufficient quantities by the bluish flame with which it burns. CARBON DIOXIDE. CO 2 . Prepared by treating coarsely broken marble with di- lute acids in Kipp's Apparatus, washed with water and dried over cone, sulphuric acid. It is used to remove chlorine in various operations where heat is undesireable. The gas may now be obtained in the liquid form, in steel cylin- ders and is used as a freezing agent. The free gas is detected by conducting it through a solution of calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH) 2 with which it forms a white precipitate (calcium carbonate). The free gas in water may be detected by adding the same solution as above. 30 LABORATORY MANUAL OF SIMPLE AND RAPID PREPARATION OF PURE GASES. Instead of using an acid for the evolution of carbonic anhydride, sulphurous anhj'dride, and similar gases, it is convenient to use sodium hydrogen sulphate. A mixture of equivalent quantities of the respective salts in powder gives, when wetted with water, a regular stream of the re- quired gas, which will be free from the impurities usually derived from the use of an acid.* AMMONIA, NH 3 . AMMONIUM HYDRATE. NH 4 OH. Prepared by gently heating crude ammonium sulphate with dry slaked lime 2NH 4 C1 -f Ca(OH) 2 = 2NH 3 + CaClg 4- 2H 2 O 2NH 3 + 2H 2 O = 2NH 4 OH. If gaseous ammonia is needed it must be caught by downward displacement of air, otherwise the gas is passed into water until saturated. To make ammonia for laboratory use the strongest ammonia water is dropped on porous calcium chloride, great heat is evolved during this operation but the gas which passes over is almost pure. * By H. BORNTRAEGER, Zeit. Anal. Chem., 29, 140. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 31 POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE, OR POTASSA, KOH, AND SODIUM HYDROXIDE, OR SODA, NaOH. The preparation of perfectly pure potassa or soda is a difficult operation. It is advisable, therefore, to provide besides perfectly pure caustic alkali, some which is not quite pure, and some which, being free from certain im- purities, may in many cases be substituted for the pure sub- stance. a. Common solution of Soda. Put into a clean cast-iron pan provided with a lid, 3 parts of crystallized sodium car- bonate of commerce and I 5 parts of water, heat to boiling, and add, in small portions at a time, thick milk of lime pre- pared by pouring 3 parts of warm water over I part of fresh-burned quick-lime, and letting the mixture stand in a covered vessel until the lime is reduced to a uniform pulpy mass. Keep the liquid in the pan boiling while adding the milk of lime, for a quarter of an hour longer ; then filter off a small portion, and try whether the filtrate still causes effervescence in hydrochloric acid. If this is the case, the boiling must be continued, and if necessary some more milk of lime must be added to the fluid. When the solution is perfectly free from carbonic acid, cover the pan, allow the fluid to cool a little, and then draw off the nearly clear solution from the residuary sediment, by means of a siphon filled with water, and 32 LABORATORY MANUAL OF transfer it to a glass flask. Boil the residue a second and third time with water, and draw off the fluid in the same way. Cover the flask close with a glass plate, and allow the lime suspended in the fluid to subside completely. Scour the iron pan clear, pour the clear solution back into it, and evaporate it to 6 or 7 parts. The solution so pre- pared contains from 9 to 10 per cent, of soda, and has a specific gravity of from 1.13 to 1.15. If it is wished to filter a solution of soda which is not quite clear, a cov- ered funnel should be used, which has been charged first with lumps of white marble and then with powder of the same, the fine dust being rinsed out with water before the filter is used (Graeger). Solution of soda must be clear, colorless, and as free as possible from carbonic acid ; am- monium sulphide must not impart a black color to it. Traces of silicic acid, alumina, and phosphoric acid are usu- ally found in a solution of soda prepared in this manner, on which account it is unfit for use in accurate experi- ments. Solution of soda is kept best in bottles closed with ground glass caps. In default of capped bottles, common ones with well-ground stoppers may be used, in which case the neck must be wiped perfectly dry and clean inside and the stopper coated with paraffine ; since, if this precaution is neglected, it will be found impossible after a time to remove the stopper, particularly if the bottle is only rarely opened. Absolutely pure soda is best prepared by dissolving sodium in pure water in a silver dish and evaporating un- til a drop of the liquid solidifies on cooling. The strength of the caustic soda solution is ascertained approximately by specific gravity. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 33 % NaOH. Sp. Gr. % NaOH. Sp. Gr. IO 1.11$ 21 1-236 II I.I26 22 1-247 12 1.137 2 3 T - 2 5 8 13 1.148 24 1.269 i4-- --1-159 2 5 J - 2 79 15 1.170 26 1.290 16 1.181 27 1-300 17 1.192 28 1.310 1 8 i. 202 29 1-321 '9 - ...1.213 30 1.332 20 1.225 The exact strength may be determined by titrating say 20 c. c. of the solution with normal acid, using phen- olphthalein as indicator, if any carbonic acid is present, a small quantity of barium chloride solution should be added before titrating. The calculation is very simple since i c. c. N/HC1 or N/2H 2 SO 4 = 0.040 gram. NaOH or 0.0561 KOH. b, Potassa purified with alcohol. Dissolve some caus- tic potassa of commerce in alcohol, in a stoppered bottle, by digestion and shaking ; let the fluid stand, decant it, or filter it if necessary, and evaporate the clear fluid in a sil- ver dish over the gas or spirit lamp until no more vapors escape, adding from time to time, during the evaporation, some water to prevent blackening of the mass. Place the silver dish in cold water until it has sufficiently cooled ; re- move the cake of potassa from the dish, break in coarse lumps in a hot mortar and keep in a well closed glass bot- tle. When required for use, dissolve a small lump in water. 34 LABORATORY MANUAL OF The potassa so prepared is sufficiently pure for most purposes ; it contains a minute trace of alumina, but is usually free from phosphoric, sulphuric, and silicic acids. The solution must remain clear upon addition of ammonium sulphide ; hydrochloric acid must only produce a barely perceptible effervescence in it. The solution .acidified with hydrochloric acid must, upon evaporation to dryness, leave a residue which dissolves in water to a clear fluid. The solution acidified with hydrochloric acid, and then mixed with ammonia in the least possible excess, must not show any flocks of alumina, at least until it has stood in a warm, place for several hours. The solution acidified with nitric acid must not give any precipitate with a nitric acid solu- tion of ammonium molybdate. Potassa prepared with baryta. Dissolve pure crystals of baryta by heating with water, and add to the solution pure potassium sulphate until a portion of the filtered fluid, acidified with hydrochloric acid and diluted, no longer gives a precipitate on addition of a further quantity of the sulphate (16 parts of crystals of baryta require 9 parts of potassium sulphate). Let the turbid fluid clear, decant and evaporate in a silver dish. The potassa so prepared is perfectly pure, except that it contains a trifling admix- ture of potassium sulphate, which is left behind upon dis- solving in a little water. It is but rarely required, its use being in fact exclusively confined to the detection of minute traces of alumina, INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 35 BARIUM HYDROXIDE, OR BARYTA. Ba(OH) 2 . There are many ways of preparing baryta; but as witherite (barium carbonate) is now cheaply procurable, the following method is preferable: Mix intimately to- gether 100 parts of finely pulverized witherite, 10 parts of charcoal in powder, and 5 parts of rosin, put the mix- ture in an earthenware crucible, lute on the lid with clay, and expose the crucible so prepared to the heat of a brick- kiln. Break and triturate the baked mass, boil repeatedly with water in an iron pot, filter into bottles, stopper, and let them stand in the cold, when large quantities of crystals of barium hydroxide Ba(OH) 2 -f 8H 3 O will make their appearance. Let the crystals drain in covered funnels, dry rapidly between sheets of blotting paper, and keep them in well closed bottles. For use, dissolve I part of the crystals in 20 parts of water, with the aid of heat, and filter the solution. The baryta water so prepared is purer than the mother liquor running off from the crystals. The res- idue, which is insoluble in water and consists of undecom- posed witherite and charcoal, may be turned to account in the preparation of barium chloride. Baryta water must, after precipitation of the barium by pure sulphuric acid, give a filtrate remaining clear when mixed with alcohol, and leaving no fixed residue upon evaporation in a platinum crucible. Barium hydroxide being a strong base, precipi- tates the metallic hydroxides insoluble in water from the solutions of their salts. S " OF THE A UNIVERSITY) 36 LABORATORY MANUAL OF CALCIUM HYDROXIDE, OR LIME. Ca(OH) 2 . Calcium hydroxide is obtained by slacking lumps of pure calcined lime in a porcelain dish, with half their weight of water. The heat which accompanies the com- bination of the lime and the water is sufficient to evapor- ate the excess of water. Slacked lime must be kept in a well-stoppered bottle. To prepare lime water, digest slacked lime for some time with cold distilled water, shaking the mixture occa- sionally ; let the undissolved portion of lime subside, de- cant, and keep the clear fluid in a well-stoppered bottle. If it is wished to have the lime water quite free from all traces of alkalies, baryta and strontia, which are almost invariably present in slacked lime prepared from calcined limestone, the liquids of the first two or three decantations must be removed, and the fluid decanted afterwards alone made use of. Lime water must imp'art a strongly-marked brown tint to turmeric paper, and give a not too inconsider- able precipitate with sodium carbonate. It speedily loses these properties upon exposure to the air. LEAD DIOXIDE. Pb0 2 . a. In the dry way. 53 grams lead oxide are thor- oughly mixed in a mortar with 50 grams calcium carbonate, and a wide and not too deep clay crucible is filled loosely INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 37 with the mixture and heated in Roessler's gas furnace (fig. 7) for half an hour to fusion, regulating the draft so that there shall be an excess of air in the fusion chamber. After having cooled the slightly baked frit, it is powdered FIG. 7. in a mortar and once more heated for half an hour at a red heat. A powdered sample of the product is covered with diluted HNOs; if carbonic acid is evolved, the powdered mass is to be heated a short while longer to white heat* * The oxydation goes on rapidly, if the mixture is heated in an infusi- ble clay dish (iron is impracticable, as it corrodes rapidly in Roessler's gas furnace at a high temperature). As soon as the mass begins to glow, stir vigorously with an iron spatula. During the process the small opening in the cover of the furnace is not closed. 38 LABORATORY MANUAL OF The finely powdered, flesh-colored calcium plumbate is poured gradually into 200 c. c. diluted HNO 3 ; after set- tling, it is decanted and ground in a mortar with fresh HNO 3 (100 c. c.). Finally it is once more boiled up with diluted HNO.3, filtered, rinsed with hot water and dried on the waterbath. For most purposes it is more convenient to merely decant the peroxide with hot water and preserve it as paste. The weight of the lead peroxide obtained about equals that of the lead oxide taken.* b. In the ivet way. A solution of 190 grams lead acetate in 500 c. c. water is placed into 500 c. c. of 20% soda lye and the cooled milky, alkaline solution treated by shaking with chlorine until no further precipitation takes place. It is then decanted with water and purified, as above, with nitric acid. By the aid of atmospheric oxygen and lead oxide, the carbonic acid of the calcium carbonate is expelled with formation of calcium plumbate corresponding with the ortho- silicates : 2CaCO 3 + PbO + O = Ca 2 PbO 4 + 2CO 2 . The plumbate varying only very little in color from the original mixture, is easily decomposed with HNO 3 : Ca 2 PbO4 -f 4HNO 3 = 2Ca(NO 3 ) 2 + PbO 2 4- 2H 3 O. In watery solution lead peroxide is formed through the action of chlorine on sodium lead oxide: Pb(ONa) 2 + 2C1 == PbO 2 + 2NaCl. The dark-brown lead peroxide, after being boiled with diluted HNO 3 , must not impart a violet color to the super- natant solution; this color should appear immediately upon adding a drop of diluted manganese sulphate solu- * KASSNER, Chem. Ind. 13, 1890, 104-120. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 39 tion.* Suspended in diluted HNO 3 , it should dissolve readily and entirely upon addition of sodium nitrite. To determine the quantity of lead peroxide, an average sam- ple of the paste or the finely powdered preparation is weighed, placed into a flask with ground glass stopper, covered with diluted HNO 3 and gradually add a small ex- cess of normal sodium nitrite, aiding the reaction by fre- quent and vigorous shaking of the closed bottle. After all the peroxide has passed into solution, it is diluted with a large quantity of water and the excess of nitrite titrated back with potassium permanganate. Lead dioxide, when boiled with thrice its bulk of pure nitric acid for several minutes and allowed to settle, must not communicate the faintest red color to the acid (absence of manganese). LEAD CARBONATE. PbCO;{. Lead oxide is readily converted into soluble hydroxide on treatment with a moderately concentrated solution of magnesium acetate. The solution thus obtained has an alkaline reaction, and yields lead carbonate when treated with carbonic anhydride. The white precipitate is col- lected, washed and dried, and the solution of magnesium acetate concentrated and used for another operation.! * Manganese protoxide is oxydized in nitric solution by lead peroxide into permanganic acid, PbO 2 + HNO 2 -f HNO a = Pb(NO 3 ) 3 -f II 2 O. f W. KUBEL, Dingl. Polyt. J. 262. 143. 40 LABORATORY MANUAL OF LEAD TETRACHLORIDE. Pb.Cl 4 . When lead dichloride is suspended in hydrochloric acid and gaseous chlorine passed into the liquid, a solution of lead tetrachloride is obtained, from which, on addition of ammonium chloride, a compound, PbCl 3 NH 4 Cl, analogous to ammonium stanic chloride, separates. If this com- pound is added to concentrated sulphuric acid, an en- ergetic reaction ensues, and lead tetrachloride separates as an oily substance ; it is purified by shaking with fresh quantities of sulphuric acid. In the pure state, it is a translucent, yellow, highly refractive liquid which fumes in contact with moist air, with decomposition into lead dichloride and chlorine ; it may be kept under cold con- centrated sulphuric acid, but when heated with it, it de- composes with explosion into lead dichloride and chlorine. When, however, lead tetrachloride is heated in a retort with concentrated sulphuric acid, and a current of chlorine passes through, a certain quantity of the tetrachloride distils over below 105 C., at about which temperature explosion occurs. The sp. gr. of lead tetrachloride at o C. is 3.18, and it solidifies to a yellowish crystalline mass at 15 C.; it forms a hydrate in the presence of a little water, which, by the further addition of water, decomposes into lead perox- ide and hydrogen chloride ; when brought in contact with a small quantity of cooled hydrochloric acid, a crystalline derivative, probably PbCl 4 2HCl, is formed. * By H. FRIEDRICH, Ber. 26, 1434-1436; compare Abetr., 1890, 699; also CLASSEN AND ZAHORSKI, Zeit. anorg. Chera. 4, 100. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 41 BISMUTH HYDROXIDE. BiOOH. Dissolve bismuth, freed from arsenic by fusion with hepar sulphuris, in dilute nitric acid ; dilute the solu- tion until a slight permanent precipitate is produced ; filter and evaporate the filtrate to crystallization. Wash the crystals with water containing nitric acid, triturate them with water, add ammonia in excess, and let the mix- ture digest for some time ; then filter, wash and dry the white precipitate. The bismuth hydroxide is dissolved in dilute nitric acid and precipitated with sulphuretted hydrogen. Part of the precipitated sulphide is treated with ammonia and filtered, and part treated with ammonium sulphide and filtered. The filtrates are then mixed with hydrochloric acid in excess ; the first should give no precipitate and the second only a white precipitate of sulphur. AMMONIUM SULPHIDE. a. Colorless ammonium monosulphide. (NH 4 ) 2 S. a. Transmit hydrogen sulphide through 3 parts of ammonia solution until no further absorption takes place ; then add 2 parts more of the same ammonia solution. The action of hydrogen sulphide upon ammonia gives rise to the formation, first, of (NH 4 ) 2 S, (2NH 4 OH) and H 2 S = (NH 4 ) 2 S and 2(H 2 O)], then of NH 4 SH ; upon addition of the same quantitv of solution of ammonia as 42 LABORATORY MANUAL OF has been saturated, the ammonia decomposes with the am- monium hydrosulphide and ammonium monosulphide is formed, thus: NH 4 SH + NH 4 OH = (NH 4 ) 3 S + H 3 O. The rule, however, is to add only two-thirds of the quan- tity of solution of ammonia, as it is better the prepara- tion should contain a little ammonium hydrosulphide than that free ammonia should be present. To employ am- monium hydrosulphide instead of the simple monosulphide is unnecessary, and tends to increase the smell of sulphur- etted hydrogen in the laboratory, as the preparation al- lows that gas to escape when in contact with metallic acid sulphides. Ammonium sulphide should be kept in well- corked vials. It is colorless at first, and deposits no sulphur upon addition of acids. Upon exposure to the air, however, it acquires a yellow tint, owing to the formation of am- monium disulphide, which is attended also with formation of ammonia and water, thus: 2(NH 4 ) 3 S + O = (NH 4 ) 3 S 3 + 2NH 3 + H 3 O. Continued action of the oxygen of the air upon the ammonium sulphide tends at first to the for- mation of still higher sulphides ; but afterwards the fluid deposits sulphur, and finally all the ammonium sulphide is decomposed and the solution contains nothing but am- monia and ammonium thiosulphate. The formation of thiosulphate proceeds thus: (NH 4 ) 3 S 3 4- O 3 = (NH 4 ) 3 S 2 O 3 . b. Yelloiv ammonium poly sulphide. (NH 4 ) 3 S X . b. The ammonium sulphide which has turned yellow by moderate exposure to the air may be used for all pur- poses requiring the employment of yellow ammonium sulphide. The yellow sulphide may also be expeditiously prepared by digesting the monosulphide with some sul- INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 4$ phur. All kinds of yellow ammonium sulphide deposits sulphur and look turbid and milky on being mixed with acids. Ammonium sulphide must strongly emit the odor peculiar to it; with acids it must evolve abundance of sulphuretted hydrogen ; the evolution of gas may be attended by the separation of a pure white precipitate, but no other precipitate must be formed. Upon evaporation and exposure to a red heat in a platinum dish it must leave no residue. It must not, even on heating, precipi- tate or render turbid solution of magnesium sulphate or solution of calcium chloride (free ammonia, ammonium carbonate). SODIUM SULPHIDE. Na 2 S. POTASSIUM SULPHIDE. K 3 S. Preparation same as for ammonium sulphide, except that solutions of soda or potassa are substituted for the ammonia. Filter, if necessary, and keep the fluid obtained in well-stoppered bottles. If required to contain some higher sulphides, digest with powdered sulphur. AMMONIUM OXALATE. (NH 4 ) 3 C 2 4 , 2Aq. Dissolve commercial oxalic acid to saturation in hot hydrochloric acid of 10 to 12 per cent., cool rapidly 44 LABORATORY MANUAL OF with constant agitation, wash the crystals (best with help of a filter pump) with cold water to remove most of the hydrochloric acid, redissolve in hot water, fil- ter hot to separate dirt, cool again with stirring, and wash the crystals with cold water until chlorine is mostly re- moved.* Dissolve the pure oxalic acid in 2 parts of distilled water, with the aid of heat, add solution of ammonia until the reaction is distinctly alkaline, and put the vessel in a cold place. Let the crystals drain. The mother liquor will, upon proper evaporation, give another crop of crys- tals. The solution of ammonium oxalate must not be precipitated nor rendered turbid by hydrogen sulphide, nor by ammonium sulphide. Ignited on platinum, the salt must volatilize without leaving a residue. SODIUM ACETATE. NaC 2 H 3 O 2 3Aq. Dissolve crystallized sodium carbonate in a little water, add to the solution acetic acid to slight excess, evaporate to crystallization, and purify the salt by recrystallization. Sodium acetate must be colorless and free from empy- reumatic matter and inorganic acids. * STOLBA. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 45 PURE SODIUM CHLORIDE. NaCl. 500 grams common salt and 1500 c. c. cold water are ground together in a mortar holding 3 litres, filtered through a folded filter into a porcelain dish of about 3 litres capacity and heated on a gas stove. Now add milk of lime prepared from 5 grams caustic lime and mix with barium chloride solution in small excess. After settling, it is filtered into a beaker and the clear fluid precipitated with soda solution (prepared from 1 5 grams pure, dry sodium car- bonate). The filtrate is neutralized at a boiling heat with dilute hydrochloric acid (about 25 c. c.) and as quickly as possible evaporated over a large burner to j litre. The separated sodium chloride is collected on a funnel fitted with a platinum cone, sucked dry with the filter pump and the salt further dried by warming in a platinum or porcelain dish, stirring constantly with a platinum spatula or glass rod. The magnesium and iron contained in the common salt are precipitated by the calcium hydrate as hydroxides. MgClg -t- Ca(OH) 3 = Mg(OH) 3 + CaClg. The sulphuric acid precipitated by the barium chloride. CaSO 4 4- BaCl 3 = BaSO 4 4 CaCl 3 . The alkaline earths finally separated as carbonates. CaCl 3 + Na 3 CO 3 = CaCO 3 4 2NaCl. Sodium chloride forms a snow-white crystalline powder consisting of small squares. The dried salt warmed in small dry tubes should not decrepitate ; and at a 46 LABORATORY MANUAL OF higher temperature it should melt to a perfect liquid. The watery solution should be examined with ammonium oxa- late, sodium phosphate, potassium ferrocyanide and barium chloride for presence of calcium, magnesia, iron and sul- phuric acid. One drop of the solution with ten drops platinum chloride evaporated to a small volume on a watch-glass yields upon cooling nice triclinic prisms of so- dium platinic chloride, NagPtClg-l- 6Aq, which, on solution in alcohol, must not leave any residue of potassium platinic chloride.* SODIUM. Sodium, which when kept under mineral oil has be- come covered with a crust, is easily purified by immersing in a mixture of amyl alcohol (i part) and petroleum (3 parts) and rubbing with a rag soaked in the same mixture until it acquires a silvery lustre. It is then laid in petro- leum containing 5 per cent, of amyl alcohol, washed with pure petroleum and kept in petroleum containing 0.5 to I per cent, of amyl alcohol. The bright metal becomes slowly covered with a film of sodium of amyloxide, which is, however, easily rubbed off with filter paper. Potassium and lithium can be purified in the same way and thus keep their metallic lustre for a long time. * On an average 12 g. crystallized barium chloride are used. As the conclusion of the reaction is only recognized with difficulty, in the muddy solution, you can take here, as in many other cases, conveniently small samples from the top of the liquid by dipping in a fine capillary tube. The capillary is blown out on to a watch-glass. In the present case the watch- glass is placed on a black support and tested with a drop of BaCl 2 solution, which will form BaSO 4 if H 2 SO 4 be present. OF THE { UNIVER INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 47 Sodium cleaned, as above, combines at once with mer- cury with evolution of light. The liquid alloy of sodium and potassium is easily prepared by pressing together the two clean metals under a mixture of amyl alcohol (i part), and petroleum (9 parts). Sodium sulphide is also easily prepared by rubbing the clean metal (i gram) and salt 3 grams) to a fine powder, and then mixing with sulphur (0.7 gram), care being taken to avoid any pressure. When the two substances are intimately mixed, combination sud- denly takes place with evolution of light. If the mixture of sodium powder and salt be mixed with sulphur in the proportions required to form the di- or tri-sulphide, the re- action takes place more quickly and violently. Selenium and tellurium behave in the same way as sul- phur when mixed with sodium powder.* SODIUM AMALGAM. (10%). Heat 3 kilos of mercury in a covered iron pot and gradually add 300 grams of sodium, in pieces of about 5 grams each. On the addition of each piece of sodium there is a violent action; toward the close of the operation it is usually necessary to increase the heat and stir the mass to produce this reaction. It is not advisable to clean the sodium, as the oxide is reduced during the operation and loss avoided. (During the operation glasses should be worn to protect the eyes.) By M. ROSENFELD, Ber. 24, 1658. 48 LABORATORY MANUAL OF When no further reaction takes place after stirring, the melted mass is poured out on a clean iron plate, broken as soon as solid and while still warm, packed in small tightly closing glass-stoppered bottles. Sodium Amalgam is used as a means of generating small quantities of hydrogen for reducing purposes. (See Hydrogen, page 9). SOD'IUM CARBONATE. (Na 2 CO 3 10Aq.) It is best to provide this salt in several grades of purity, as follows : a. Free from sulphur and chlorine. Finely pulverize " bicarbonate of soda " of commerce, put the powder into a funnel stopped loosely with some cotton, make the sur- face even, cover it with a disk of thick filter paper with turned-up edges, and wash by pouring small quantities of water on the paper disk until the filtrate, when acidified with nitric acid, is not rendered turbid by solution of silver nitrate, nor by solution of barium chloride. Let the salt dry, and then convert it by gentle ignition into the simple carbonate. This is effected best in a vessel of silver or platinum ; but it may be done also in a perfectly clean iron, or, on a small scale, in a porcelain dish. b. Free from silica. The salt, as prepared in a, is liable to contain silica as well as sand and dirt. To purify it further, dissolve in twice its weight of water, or dissolve "sal soda" crystals in their own weight of water, filter, and pass into the cold solution washed pure carbon dioxide, but not to complete saturation. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 49 The crystals of hydrogen sodium carbonate that sep- arate are drained in a funnel, washed with cold water, dried, and gently ignited, as above directed, as long as water is given off. Prepared in glass vessels by this method, sodium carbonate may be readily procured con- taining but 5 oW of silica. c. To a clear and cold solution of 145 grams of sal soda crystals in 100 c. c. of water, add gradually with vig- orous stirring a solution of 60 parts of purified oxalic acid in too c. c. of warm water. When sodium oxalate ceases to separate, break up the crystals, and transfer them to a 6-inch filter connected with the Bunsen filter pump, wash with 500 c. c. of water and dry. Heat to full redness in a platinum dish until the oxalate is fully decomposed, dis- solve, filter, and evaporate to dryness.* Sodium carbonate must be perfectly white. Several grams of the salt must dissolve in water without turbid- ity, and if the salt is to be used in a flux, without leav- ing grains of sand. Its solution, after supersaturation with nitric acid, must not be rendered turbid by ba- rium chloride or silver nitrate; nor must addition of potas- sium sulphocyanate impart a red, or warming with ammonium molybdate and nitric acid a yellow tint to it, or give a yellow precipitate ; the residue which remains upon evaporating its solution to dryness, after previous supersaturation with hydrochloric acid, must leave no resi- due (silica) when redissolved in water. When fused in a glass tube with potassium cyanide for a long time in a cur- rent of carbon dioxide, it should give no trace of a dark sublimate (arsenic). * J. LAWRENCE SMITH. 50 LABORATORY MANUAL OF POTASSIUM CYANIDE.' KCN. Heat potassium ferrocyanide of commerce (perfectly free from potassium sulphate) gently, with stirring, until the crystallization water is completely expelled ; triturate the anhydrous mass, and mix 8 parts of the dry powder with 3 parts of perfectly dry potassium car- bonate ; fuse the mixture in a covered Hessian, or, bet- ter still, in a covered iron crucible, until the mass is in a faint glow, appears clear, and a sample of it, taken out with a heated glass or iron rod, looks perfectly white. Remove the crucible now from the fire, tap it gently, and let it cool a little until the evolution of gas has ceased ; pour the fused potassium cyanide into a heated, tall, crucible-shaped vessel of clean iron or silver, or into a moderately hot Hessian crucible, with proper care, to pre- vent the running-out of any of the minute particles of iron which have separated in the process of fusion and have subsided to the bottom of the crucible. Let the mass now slowly cool in a somewhat warm place. The potas- sium cyanide so prepared is exceedingly well adapted for analytical purposes, although it contains potassium car- bonate and cyanite, which latter is upon solution in water transformed into ammonium carbonate and potassium car- bonate (2CNOK + 4H 2 O = K 3 CO 3 + (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 ). Keep it in the solid form in a well-stoppered bottle. Potassium cyanide must be of a milk-white color and quite free from particles of iron or charcoal. It must completely dissolve in water to a clear fluid. It INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 51 must contain neither silica nor potassium sulphide ; the precipitate which lead salts produce in its solution must accordingly be of a white color, and the residue which its solution leaves upon evaporation, after previous super- saturation with hydrochloric acid, must completely dissolve in water to a clear fluid. POTASSIUM SULPHOCYANIDE., KCNS. Mix together 46 parts of anhydrous potassium ferrocyanide, 17 parts of potassium carbonate, and 32 parts of sulphur; introduce the mixture into an iron pan provided with a lid, and fuse over a gentle fire; maintain the same temperature until the swelling of the mass which ensues at first has completely subsided and given place to a state of tranquil and clear fusion ; in- crease the temperature now towards the end of the opera- tion, to faint redness, in order to decompose the potas- sium thiosulphate which has been formed in the process. Remove the half- cooled and still soft mass from the pan, crush it, and boil repeatedly with alcohol of from 80 to 90 per cent. Upon cooling, part of the potassium sulphocyanide will separate in colorless crystals ; to obtain the remainder, distil the alcohol from the mother liquor. Solution of potassium sulphocyanide must remain perfectly colorless when mixed with perfectly pure dilute hydrochloric acid. 52 LABORATORY MANUAL OF HYDROGEN SODIUM SULPHITE. HNaSO 3 . Heat 5 parts of copper tacks or clippings with 20 parts of concentrated sulphuric acid in a flask, and conduct the sulphur dioxide gas evolved, first through a washing bottle containing some water, then into a flask containing 7 parts of clean crystallized sal- soda, and from 20 to 30 parts of water, and which is not much more than half full ; continue the transmission of the gas until the evolution of carbon dioxide ceases. Keep the solution, which smells strongly of sulphurous acid, in a well-stoppered bottle. Acid sodium sulphite, when evaporated to dryness with pure sulphuric acid, must leave a residue, the aque- ous solution of which is not altered by hydrogen sulphide, nor precipitated yellow by heating with a solution of ammonium molybdate mixed with nitric acid. POTASSIUM NITRITE, KN0 2 . In an iron pan fuse I part of nitre, add 2 parts of lead, and keep stirred with an iron rod. Even at a low red heat the lead becomes for the most part oxidized and converted into a yellow powder To oxidize the remainder, the heat is increased to visible redness and maintained at that point for half an hour Allow to cool, treat with cold water, filter and pass car- INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 53 bon dioxide through the filtrate. This precipitates al- most the whole of the lead in solution, the remainder is removed with a little hydrogen sulphide. Evaporate the clear fluid to dryness, finally with stirring, and fuse in order to destroy any potassium thiosulphate. (Aug. Stromeyer.) When required, dissolve I part in 2 parts of water, neutralize cautiously with acetic acid, and filter. Potassium nitrite must, upon addition of dilute sul- phuric acid, copiously evolve nitrogen dioxide gas. SODIUM AND POTASSIUM NITRITE. A very sensitive surface of spongy platinum is ob- tained by soaking asbestos yarn in a solution of platinum oxalate, made by heating freshly prepared platinic chloride at 204 C., until no more chlorine is evolved, then boiling the residue with a slight excess of sodium carbonate, finally dissolving it in oxalic acid, and concentrating the solution. The soaked asbestos yarn, after drying and igniting, is exposed to a current of ammonia and air in a combustion tube, the remote end being heated by a Bun- sen burner to start the reaction ; the whole platinized sur- face soon becomes intensely hot, while dense clouds of ammonium nitrite rapidly form, and are conducted into sodium or potassium hydroxide, where the corresponding nitrite is formed, the evolved ammonia being used for pro- ducing a further supply of ammonium nitrite.* By H. N. WARREN, (Chem. News, 63, 294). 54 LABORATORY MANUAL OF POTASSIUM PYROANTIMONATE. Introduce a mixture of equal parts of pulverized tartar-emetic and potassium nitrate in small portions at a time into a red-hot crucible. After the mass has deflagrated, keep it at a moderate red heat for a quar- ter of an hour ; it froths at first, but after some time it will be in a state of calm fusion. Remove the crucible from the fire, let the mass get nearly cold, and extract it with warm water. Transfer to a suitable vessel, by rinsing, and decant the clear fluid from the heavy white powder deposited. Concentrate the decanted fluid by evaporation. After one or two days a doughy mass will separate. Treat this mass with three times its volume of cold water, work- ing it at the same time with a spatula. This operation will serve to convert it into a fine granular powder, to which add the powder from which the fluid was decanted, wash well with boiling water, till the washings cease to be alka- line, and dry on blotting paper. 100 parts of tartar-emetic give about 36 parts of the pyroantimonate Brunner). AMMONIUM MOLYBDATE. CNH 4 ) 2 Mo0 4 , DISSOLVED IN NITRIC ACID. MOLYBDIC SOLUTION. Triturate molybdenum sulphide with about an equal bulk of coarse quartz sand washed with hydrochloric acid, until it is reduced to a moderately fine pow- INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 55 der ; heat to faint redness, with repeated stirring, until the mass has acquired a lemon-yellow color (which after cooling turns whitish). With small quantities this opera- tion may be conducted in a flat platinum dish, with large quantities in a muffle. Extract with solution of ammonia, filter, evaporate the filtrate, heat the residue to faint red- ness until it appears yellow or white, and then digest for several days with nitric acid in the water bath, in order to convert any phosphoric acid present to the tribasic state. When the nitric acid is evaporated dissolve the residue in 4 parts of solution of ammonia, filter rapidly, and pour the filtrate into 15 parts by weight of nitric acid of 1.20 specific gravity. Keep the mixture standing several days in a moderately warm place, which will cause the separation of any remaining traces of phosphoric acid as ammonium phosphomolybdate. Decant the colorless fluid from the precipitate, and keep it for use. Heated to 40 C. no white precipitate (molybdic acid or an acid salt of the same) will separate ; but above that point precipitation will take place unless more nitric acid be added (Eggertz). AMMONIUM CHLORIDE. NH 4 C1. Select sublimed white sal ammoniac of commerce. If it contains iron it must be purified by slowly pass- ing chlorine gas into the nearly saturated solution for a short time or until potassium ferricyanide gives no blue color with a few drops of the liquid. Ammonia is then added in slight excess, the whole is warmed, filtered from the separated ferric oxide and evaporated to crystallization. 56 LABORATORY MANUAL OF Solution of Ammonium Chloride must leave no fixed residue upon evaporation on platinum, and ammonium sulphide must have no action upon it. Its reaction must be perfectly neutral. SODIUM NITRATE. NaNO 3 . Neutralize pure nitric acid with pure sodium car- bonate exactly, and evaporate to crystallization. Dry the crystals thoroughly, triturate and keep the powder for use. A solution of sodium nitrate must not be made turbid by solution of silver nitrate or barium nitrate, nor precipi- tated by sodium carbonate. MONO SODIUM PHOSPHITE. 2NaHP0 3 + 5H 3 0. Is obtained by adding sodium hydroxide or carbonate to phosphorous acid until the solution is neutral to methyl orange. The liquid is then concentrated by evaporation and the salt crystallizes. Not unfrequently a supersatur- ated solution is obtained, which crystallizes in contact with a fragment of the solid phosphite. If no crystals of the phosphite are at hand, the solution is concentrated un- til it has the composition of the crystals and is cooled to a low temperature. The salt is recrystallized from water and dried by exposure to air. It can also be obtained by the action of phosphorus trichloride on sodium carbonate, but the separation of the sodium chloride is difficult. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 57 Monosodium phosphite is very soluble in water and melts at 42 C. At 100 C. the fused salt loses water and the liquid deposits crystals which may be either a lower hydrate or the anhydrous salt. If heated at IOO Q C. for a long time, it becomes completely dehydrated ; it also becomes anhydrous in a dry vacuum. When heated above 130^ C. the phosphite changes into sodium pyro- phosphite. Potassium phosphite is obtained in a similar manner. It forms anhydrous crystals, which are difficult to purify by recrystallization. POTASSIUM CHLORATE. KC1O 3 . 100 grams potassium carbonate are dissolved in warm water in a small flask heated to boiling, and chlorine is conducted through the liquid until it is no longer alkaline. Then dilute with hot water up to a volume of 350 c. c., fil- ter and let it crystallize. As a test a weighed sample of the dried salt put in a covered platinum dish is heated first on the gas furnace, then on the Bunsen burner with a small flame to incipient redness; the uncovering of the hot dish must be avoided. The potassium chloride remains in the mother liquor. On heating the potassium chlorate, the perchlorate first forms, then the chloride and this finally volatilizes at red heat. 58 LABORATORY MANUAL OF POTASSIUM BISULPHATE. KHSO 4 . Mix 7 parts of pure sodium sulphate (obtained by recrystallization of clean Glauber's salts, and drying away the water of crystallization at a gentle heat) with 5 parts of pure concentrated sulphuric acid, in a platinum dish or large platinum crucible, heat to low redness till the mass is in a state of calm fusion, then pour out into a platinum dish placed in cold water, or upon a piece of porcelain, break the cake into smaller pieces and keep for use. The sodium disulphate must dissolve in water with ease to a clear fluid with a strong acid reaction. The solution must not be rendered turbid or precipitated by hydrogen sulphide or by ammonia and ammonium sul- phide. HYDROGEN SODIUM AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE. NaHNH 4 PO 4 . a. Heat to boiling 6 parts of hydrogen disodium phosphate and I part of pure ammonium chloride with 2 parts of water, and let the solution cool. Free the crys- tals produced, from the sodium chloride which adheres to them, by recrystallization, with addition of some solution of ammonia. Dry the purified crystals, pulverize and keep for use. b. Take 2 equal parts of pure tribasic phosphoric acid, and add solution of soda to the one, solution of ammonia INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 59 to the other, until both fluids have a distinct alkaline reac- tion ; mix the two together, and let the mixture crystal- lize. Hydrogen sodium ammonium phosphate dissolves in water to a fluid with feebly alkaline reaction. The yellow precipitate produced in this fluid by silver ni- trate must completely dissolve in nitric acid. Upon fusion on a platinum wire, microcosmic salt must give a clear and colorless bead. POTASSIUM FERRICYANIDE. Conduct chlorine gas slowly into a solution of I part of potassium ferrocyanide in 10 parts of water, with frequent stirring, until the solution exhibits a fine deep red color by transmitted light (the light of a candle answers best), and a portion of the fluid produces no longer a blue precipitate in a solution of ferric chloride, but imparts a brownish tint to it. Evaporate the fluid now in a dish to y of its weight, and let crystallize. The mother liquor will upon further evaporation yield a second crop of crystals equally fit for use as the first. Dissolve the whole of the crystals obtained in 3 parts of water, filter if necessary ; evaporate the solution briskly to half its vol- ume, and let crystallize again. The solution, as already remarked, must produce neither a blue precipitate nor a blue color in a solution of ferric chloride. As this salt de- composes when long kept in solution, it is best preserved and applied in the state of powder. 60 LABORATORY MANUAL OF POTASSIUM IODIDE. K.I. 6 grams pure iron powder are suspended in a small flask with 50 c. c. water, 25 grams iodine are gradually added, keeping the mixture cold. At the end of the reaction there must still be present a slight excess of iron. The solution is filtered off from the residue, washed with a little water, and 5 grams iodine added to the filtrate. Now 16.5 grams potassium carbonate are dissolved in a porcelain dish with 50 c. c. hot water, and the ferrous iodide solution added to this boiling mixture. Ferrous hydrate separates and car- bonic acid is freely evolved ; filter and evaporate to crystall- ization. By the above process a mixture of ferrous and ferric iodides is formed, and this by decomposition with alkali yields ferrous oxide, which is readily removed by filtration. The potassium iodide in sulphuric acid solution must not turn starched paper blue, and must be free from bromine and chlorine. POTASSIUM CYANATE. KCNO. Commercial potassium ferrocyanide is broken in pieces, dehydrated in an iron dish on a gas furnace and finely powdered. 200 grams of the anhydrous salt are thor- oughly mixed with 150 grams potassium dichromate which has been freed from adhering moisture by fusing on the INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 6 1 gas stove. The mixture is placed into a capacious iron dish in portions by means of a spoon, and heated to such an extent over a Bunsen burner or gas stove that every portion of the powder added is converted into a black mass. Stir with an iron spatula while putting the mixture into the dish. The temperature must not rise high enough to cause fusion of the mass. After cooling, the porous mass is powdered, put into a flask with I litre of 8(D% boiling alcohol, shaken and boiled for five minutes, with reversed condenser. After settling, pour off the clear solution into a beaker, which is set in cold water to cool, whereupon the potassium cyanate, especially by stirring with a glass rod, precipitates in a heavy white crystallized powder. The mother liquor serves for further (3d or 4th) extraction of the black product. K 4 Fe(CN) 6 + 2K 3 Cr 2 O 7 = 6KCNO + 2Cr 3 O 3 + FeO + K 2 O. The unaltered potassium ferrocyanide remains in- soluble on recrystallization from alcohol. The hot solutions must be cooled quickly, as by heating any length of time, the water contained in the diluted alcohol would decompose the cyanate. KCNO f 2H 3 O = K(NH 4 )CO 3 . Analyze the salt by evaporating a sample with cone, sulphuric acid and fusing the remaining potassium sul- phate with addition of a grain of ammonium carbonate.* * C. A. BELL, Chem. News, 32, 99. 62 LABORATORY MANUAL OF POTASSIUM COBALTIC OXALATE. Is obtained by mixing cobaltic hydroxide, potassium oxalate, oxalic acid and water to a thick paste, and allow- ing the mixture to stand from I4to2i days. After recrystall- ization, the salt is obtained in nearly black, well-formed, seemingly monosymmetric crystals, which in thin lamellae show distinct dichroism (dark-blue and emerald-green).* When treated with cold saturated sodium chloride solu- tion, the sodium potassium salt is obtained, crystallizing in beautiful pyramids. POTASSIUM METANTIMONATE. K 4 Sb 2 O 7 . IOO grams of black sulphide of antimony, 150 grams of potassium carbonate, IOO grams of slaked, lime and 20 grams of sulphur, are shaken with 12 liters of water and after standing eight days the mixture is filtered. The fil- trate, which contains potassium sulphantimonate, is boiled with 1 20 grams of copper oxide and filtered. The filtrate is diluted with water and treated with carbonic anhydride, when potassium metantimonate is precipitated. t * F. KEHRMANN, Ber., 19, 3101. f DUYK, Bull. Soc. Roy. Pharm., Bruxelles, 37, 109. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 63 CRYSTALLINE NORMAL LITHIUM PHOS- PHATE AND ARSENATE. Fused lithium chloride dissolves the amorphous, normal phosphate, and on cooling and washing the melted mass, rhomboidal, tabular crystals of normal lithium phosphate, which have a sp. gr. 2.41 at 15 C., and are infusible at a white heat, are obtained. The normal arsenate is similarly prepared ; it corresponds with the phosphate physically, and is of sp. gr. 3.07 at 15 C.* PREPARATION OF PURE CAESIUM AND RUBIDIUM COMPOUNDS The preparation of pure caesium rubidium salts from their minerals is carried out as follows : They are first separated in the form of the double salts with lead tetra- chloride ; the latter is decomposed with water, the solu- tion treated with a slight excess of ammonium sulphide to free it from lead, and the filtrate evaporated to dryness ; the mixed chlorides of caesium and rubidium are dissolved in concentrated nitric acid, the solution evaporated to dry- ness, the residue dissolved in water, excess of oxalic acid added, and the mixture again evaporated to dryness, and heated in a platinum crucible until the oxalates are com- pletely converted into carbonates. The rubidium is then separated as acid oxalate and the caesium as caesium anti- mony chloride, t * By A. DE SHULTEN, Bull. Soc. Chim. [3], i, 479. t By H. L. WELLS, AMER. J. Sci., 46, 186. 64 LABORATORY MANUAL OF PREPARATION OF PURE RUBIDIUM SALTS. Commercial " pure " rubidium salts contain small quan- tities of caesium and potassium, which it is difficult to detect by means of the spectroscope. To obtain a pure salt, com- mercial rubidium chloride (30 grams) is dissolved in very strong hydrochloric acid (250 c. c.) and antimony chloride (2.5 grams) dissolved in strong hydrochloric acid is added. The small precipitate (about 1.4 grams Rb, SbCl 4 and CsSbCl 4 ) is filtered off on an asbestos filter, the filtrate evaporated almost to dryness, the antimony still present removed with hydrogen sulphide, and the resulting mix- ture dissolved in strong hydrochloric acid. Rather more of a hydrochloric acid solution of stannic chloride is added than is necessary to form the stannic chloride, Rb 3 SnCl 6 ; this substance is then precipitated, whilst potassium stannic chloride, K 2 SnCl 6 , remains in solution. The precipitate is allowed to settle, washed several times by decantation, col- lected on an asbestos filter, dissolved in water, and the tin removed with hydrogen sulphide. The rubidium chloride so obtained is pure, 0.44 gram contains 29.30 instead of 29.34 per cent, of chlorine.* PREPARATION OF TUNGSTATES FREE FROM MOLYBDENUM. Commercial tungstates and tungstic acid contain vary- ing quantities of molybdenum. After several unsuccessful attempts to get rid of this impurity, the following method * By W. MUTHMANN, Ber. 26, 1019-1020. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 65 was found to give the desired result Sodium tungstate, prepared in the usual way, is dissolved in cold water, and to the saturated solution hydrochloric acid is added until the reaction is only feebly alkaline ; the paratungstate thus obtained is crystallized out and once recrystallized. One- half of it is dissolved in boiling water, and hydrochloric and a little nitric acid added ; hydrated tungstic acid is precipitated. This is washed thoroughly with hot water and added to a boiling solution of the other half of the paratungstate, until a portion no longer gives a precipi- tate with hydrochloric acid. The bulk of the solution is then filtered, hydrochloric acid is added, and the solution is boiled and repeatedly saturated with hydrogen sulphide. This precipitates the molybdeum as sulphide, whilst the metatungstate is not attacked. The solution is filtered, concentrated, oxidized with a few drops of bromine water, and neutralized with soda ; pure sodium paratungstate can then be obtained from it by crystallization. To ob- tain the potassium and ammonium salts, the acid should be prepared by adding hydrochloric acid to the sodium salt, and then neutralize with potash or ammonia. An analysis of sodium paratungstate thus prepared agreed better with the formula 5Na 2 O, 12WO 3 , 28H 2 O than with 3Na 2 O. 7WO 3 , 16H 2 O.* TITANIUM TRIOXIDE. Ti0 8 . Pure titanium chloride is added drop by drop to dilute alcohol, and the clear and very dilute solution is treated * By C. FRIEDHEIM and R. MEYER, Zeit. Anorg. Chem. i, 76-81. 5 66 LABORATORY MANUAL OF with a large excess of hydrogen peroxide. Ammonia, am- monium carbonate, or aqueous potash, is added to the solution with the production of a yellow, or in case of ammonia, of a reddish yellow liquid, which after some time yields a yellow precipitate. This is allowed to subside, the clear solution siphoned off, and the precipitate repeat- edly washed by decantation ; the compound, however, tends to retain water and salts in considerable quantities. When dried on a tile it approximates to the composition : TiO 3 + 3H 2 O.* PREPARATION OF VANADYL TRICHLORIDE. EXTRACTION OF VANADIUM FROM ITS ORES. For the extraction of vanadium from its ores advantage is taken of the volatility of vanadyl trichloride. The finely divided mineral is intimately mixed with about one quarter of its weight of lamp black and a little oil, and ignited to volatilize the arsenic and zinc. The calcined product is then slowly heated to 131 C. in a stream of dry chlorine, and the vanadyl trichloride collected in tubes im_ mersed in a freezing mixture. When it is desired to determine the quantity of vanadium in an ore, the above method is employed, and the vanadyl trichloride is col- lected in a series of bulbs containing distilled water ; the vanadic acid is then reduced with zinc, and estimated volu- metrically with the aid of potassium permanganate.! * A. CLASSEN, Ber. 21, 370. f By L. L'HOTE Ann. Chim. Phys. [6], 22, 407-412. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 67 X^C^^X VANADYL CHLORH^iC^ Prepared from vanadianite (14.42% V 2 O 5 ) by mixing the powdered mineral with four times its weight of lamp black, making into a paste with oil and calcining. The calcined product is then heated in an oil bath in a current of dry chlorine, care being taken to prevent the tempera- ture exceeding 131 C. Pure vanadyl chloride begins to distill at 98 C., and if the temperature is raised to 131 C. the whole of the vanadium in the mineral is converted into this compound.* AMMONIUM BICARBONATE. (NH 4 )HC0 3 . Pour cone, aqua ammonia into a small flask and close it with a stopper attached to a short glass tube, through which carbonic acid is passed. The neutral ammonium car- bonate which precipitates at first, redissolves, and after the liquid has for a time been subjected to the carbonic acid, the acid salt separates. More bicarbonate may be obtained from the mother liquor by mixing it with alcohol. It is preserved in glass tubes which are filled with carbonic acid and sealed. Ammonium bicarbonate crystallizes in hard, glossy, rhombic prisms, very readily volatile. The aqueous solu- tion must not be rendered turbid by the addition of calcium chloride. * BY L. L'HoTE, Compt. Rend. 101-1151. 68 LABORATORY MANUAL OF AMMONIUM BROMIDE. NH 4 Br. AND POTASSIUM BROMIDE. KBr. From a dropping funnel with a finely drawn out stem 75 c. c. of bromine are allowed to flow, slowly and with con- tinual shaking, into 220 c. c. of cone. (30%) ammonia con- tained in a flask cooled with ice-water, taking care that the liquid shall remain strongly ammoniacal at the end of the reaction. It is then boiled until the free ammonia has been driven out and evaporated to crystallization. The ammonium bromide is dried by gently heating in a porce- lain dish over an open fire. 196 grams ammonium bro- mide are dissolved in hot water, 200 grams potassium bicarbonate added, and the whole is heated to boiling; when the ammonia has been driven out it is allowed to crystallize : 4NH3+3Br=3NH 4 Br+N. If the solution should become acid, or the bromine flow in too rapidly, there might be a formation of nitrogen bromide which would cause an explosion. As a test a small sample of the salt is boiled in a re- tort with a large excess of iron-ammonia alum in aqueous solution, whereby any iodine which may be present will pass over in a free state ; remove the bromine from the residue by addition of potassium permanganate solution and test for chlorine. This separation of the halo- INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 69 genes depends on the fact that ferric salts will set free iodine from neutral solutions of the iodides : Fe 3 (S0 4 ) 3 + 2KI = 2FeS0 4 4- K 3 SO 4 + 21. while the bromides remain unchanged. On the other hand, these are also entirely decomposed if a small quantity of a strong oxydizing agent (perman- ganate) is present. The chlorides resist the simultaneous influence of these two agents. PREPARATION OF AMMONIUM PERSULPHATE. A porous clay cell (80 to 100 c. c. capacity), containing a saturated solution of ammonium sulphate in a mixture of i part by volume of sulphuric acid with 8 parts by volume of water is placed in a beaker and surrounded by a mixture of equal volumes of sulphuric acid and water. A lead cylinder, placed round the porous cell, serves as the carthode and a platinum spiral, having a surface of 0.5 sq. cen., is suspended inside the porous cell to serve as the anode. The beaker is embedded in ice. The electrolysis is effected by a current of 2 to 3 amperes ; some 8 volts will be necessary when the internal resistance of the decom- posing cell is about I ohm. After 2 to 3 hours the contents of the porous cell are filtered through glasswool and the crystals of ammonium persulphate dried on a porous plate ; the filtrate is shaken with ammonium sulphate and once more electrolysed. 20 to 40 grains of the persulphate may thus be obtained in one operation, the yield being least at the outset, when the liquor is being saturated 70 LABORATORY MANUAL OF with the persulphate. The sulphuric acid in the outer cell eventually becomes alkaline from the transit of the ammonium, and pari passu the ammonium sulphate in the inner cell becomes strongly acid ; from time to time the former liquid must be renewed and the latter nearly neutralized with ammonia. To recover the per- sulphate left in the liquor when the preparation has been completed a concentrated solution of potassium carbonate or acetate is added ; potassium persulphate will thus be precipitated, as 100 parts of water only dissolve 2 parts of this salt, whereas they dissolve 65 parts of the ammonium salt* Ammonium persulphate thus prepared contains some 3 to 5 per cent, of impurities, consisting chiefly of ammo- nium sulphate, but partly of ammonium alum, derived from the clay of the porous cell. It may be recrystallized from water. AMMONIUM BICHROMATE, (NH 4 ) 3 Cr 2 7 . Chrome iron ore is heated with sodium or potassium salts ; the resulting monochromate is dissolved in water, treated with 2 equivalents of acids, and then neu- trallized with ammonia or ammonium carbonate. The solution containing a dichromate and sulphate, chloride, or nitrate, as the case may be, is concentrated ; the latter salts as they crystallize are removed, and finally on cool- * By K. ELBS, J. pr. Chem. [2] 48, 185-189. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 71 ing ammonium dichromate crystallizes out. The potas- sium or sodium salts are used again for heating with fresh chrome iron ore.* AMMONIUM NITRATE. NH 4 NO 3 . The mixture of nitrogen oxides evolved during the action of arsenious anhydride or nitric 'acid is passed over coarsely powdered ammonium carbonate kept cool by ice. The half liquid mass is treated with alcohol, the un- changed carbonate filtered off, and the ammonium nitrate precipitated by means of ether. The nitrate so obtained is of 90 to 94 per cent, purity, and may be purified by resolution in 96 per cent, alcohol and reprecipitation with ether. Pure ammonium nitrate forms almost color- less needles, which are deliquescent and dissolve in water with development of heat. It is easily but slowly soluble in alcohol, and is precipitated from this solution by ether, chloroform or ethylic acetate. Concentrated solutions ap- pear to decompose with explosive violence at 60 to 70 C., like the solid salt, and in acid solutions, such decomposi- tion sometimes occurs at ordinary temperatures. The dry salt may be safely kept in an atmosphere of hydrogen and in presence of pieces of ammonium carbonate and of lime. It is best kept and transported under absolutely dry and alcohol free ether, t * T. J. HOOD, Chem. Zeit. n, 55. f S. P. L. SORENSEN, Zeit. anorg. Chem., 7, 33. 72 LABORATORY MANUAL OF AMMONIUM DI HYDROGEN PHOSPHITE. A solution of phosphorous acid mixed with ammonia until neutral to methyl orange, and then concentrated until the weight of the liquid is one-fourth or one-fifth more than the calculated weight of the salt, yields large deliquescent crystals, which can be dried over sulphuric acid or at 100 C. Similar crystals are obtained if the liquid is concentrated in vacuo at ordinary temperature. The crystals have the composition NH^gPOs, a d seem to be monoclinic prisms; they melt at 123 C. and are very soluble in water. At 145 C. they lose half their ammonia without evolution of hydrogen phosphide and yield a gummy mass which seems to contain crystals. At a higher temperature ammonia and hydrogen phos- phide are given off and phosphoric acid is formed.* AMMONIO ZINC CHLORIDES. If a stream of ammonia is passed into a hot concen- trated solution of zinc chloride until the precipitate first formed is redissolved, and the whole is then allowed to cool, nacreous scales of the composition ZnCl 2 , 4NH 3 + H 3 O crystallize out. On concentration the mother liquor yields crystals of the formula ZnCl 2 , 2NH 3 ; this compound separates in colorless rhombic crystals, which do not * L. Amat. Compt. Rend., 105, 809. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 73 change on exposure to air. It is insoluble in water, but when boiled with it decomposes with evolution of am- monia. It is easily soluble in solutions of ammonia or ammonium chloride. The same compound is also formed when ammonia is added to a cold dilute solution of zinc chloride until the precipitate first formed is redissolved, or when freshly precipitated zinc hydroxide is dissolved in a concentrated solution of ammonium chloride. The same compounds, in well formed crystals, has also been found in Leclanche cells. The constitution is probably expressed by the formula NH 8 Cl.Zn.NH 8 Cl.* CUPROUS CHLORIDE. CuoCte. Cuprous Chloride can be conveniently prepared by heating a mixture of copper sulphate (4 grams) and so- dium hypophosphite (2 grams) in about 50 c. c. of water to which 30 drops of fuming hydrochloric acid are added. The cuprous chloride is deposited and can be purified in the ordinary way. The change can be explained thus : Copper hypophosphite is at first formed, and this is con- verted by the hydrochloric acid into cuprous chloride and phosphoric acid. The equation is as follows : 2CuCl 2 -f H 3 PO 2 + H 2 O = H 3 PO 3 + 2HC1 + Cu 3 Cl 2 . Another method of preparation is to pour 100 c. c. hot water over 42 grams copper chloride (cryst.) and 32 grams metallic copper (granulated or turnings) ; add lBft^px. . THOMAS, Be,, 2 o, 743. J W-.^^S 74 LABORATORY MANUAL oP 200 c. c. crude hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.175), and boil gently in a flask closed by a small funnel ; finally add a little fuming hydrochloric acid and boil until the solution becomes colorless. This operation lasts one to two hours, but can be hastened considerably if the copper powder in cakes obtained in preparing blue vitriol is added to the solution. The colorless solution is poured off from the surplus copper into, a cylinder filled with cold distilled water, the cheesy precipitated protochloride is allowed to settle and decanted immediately, quickly filtered, washed with ether and alcohol, and dried in vacuum over sul- phuric acid. CuCl 3 + Cu = Cu 2 Cl 2 .* Cuprous chloride forms in heavy white masses, insolu- ble in water, and oxydizes easily in the air and, with chlorine water or aqua regia (nitromuriatic acid), dissolve readily as copper chloride. By heating in small tubes the protochloride melts without decomposition. CUPROUS CYANIDE. (CugCN).,. 50 grams crystallized blue vitriol are dissolved in 300 c. c. hot water, and to this hot solution in a flask, add, by means of a dropping funnel, a solution of 26 grams potassium cyanide in 50 c. c. water. The escaping cy- anogen gas is passed through a glass tube bent upward, tapering to a point and lighted at the end of the tube as soon as the apparatus is filled with it. The gas is very By A CAVAZZI, Gazzetta 16, 167-168). INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 75 poisonous and burning is a ready way of getting rid of it. The white cheesy sediment is separated by decanting from the faintly bluish-colored solution, washed with water and dried on an earthen plate. CuSO 4 f 2KCN = Cu(CN) 3 -f K 3 SO 4 . 2Cu(CN) 3 = Cu 3 (CN) 3 + CN 3 . Cuprous chloride is a tolerably stable white powder, similar on the whole to the copper protochloride. Decom- poses by heating, with a cyanogen odor. COPPER AMMONIUM SULPHATE. (NH 3 ) 4 CuS0 4 . COPPER POTASSIUM SULPHATE. CuK 3 (SO) 3 + 6H 3 O. Ammonium double-salt. 30 grams blue vitriol are dissolved in 100 c. c. ammonia-solution of 0,962 sp. gr. 150 c. c. alcohol are then placed into a high, narrow cy- linder, and by means of a long-stemmed dropping funnel 20 c. c. water are carefully poured into the alcohol ; then the copper solution is added in a very fine stream, so that it will gather at the bottom of the cylinder, and is separated from the alcohol by the water. Upon standing from i to 4 weeks it forms large dark blue crystals. Potassium double-salt. 100 grams blue vitriol in a saturated solution at 70 C. are mixed with a solution of 69,8 grams potassium sulphate and 7 c. c. cone, sulphuric acid. On cooling the whitish-blue crystals of the double- salt separate. Determine the copper value of the salts : Of the am- /6 LABORATORY MANUAL OF monia double-salt by simply annealing and weighing the remaining copper oxide; of the potassium double-salt by precipitating with a piece of cadmium or zinc in a weighed platinum dish from the diluted solution made faintly acid with hydrochloric acid. When a sample of the discolored solution no longer reacts with sulphureted hydrogen water, rinse with a little hydrochloric acid, then with hot water, and lastly with alcohol; dry at 100 C. and weigh. CUPRIC SULPHATE. CuSO 4 ,5H 2 O. This reagent may be obtained in a state of great purity from the residue remaining in the flask in the process of preparing hydrogen sodium sulphite by treating with water, applying heat, filtering, adding a few drops of nitric acid, boiling for some time, allowing to crystalize, rnd purifying the salt by recrystallization. After precipitation by hydrogen sulphide, ammonia and ammonium sulphide must leave the filtrate unaltered. CUPROUS OXIDE. CuoO. A fairly concentrated solution of copper sulphate along with excess of sodium chloride is thoroughly reduced by treatment with gaseous sulphurous anhydride ; the excess of the latter is then expelled by heating, and solid sodium carbonate is added to the hot solution ; bright red cuprous oxide is precipitated, and is readily washed by decantation.* E. J. RUSSELL, Chem. News, 68, 308. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS*^; 77 CUPROUS AMMONIUM IODIDE. 4NH 3 Cu 3 I 4 . IOO grams of an ammoniacal solution of cupric oxide containing 7 to 8 per cent is mixed with an equal weight of a 10 per cent solution of iodine in alcohol. A brown precipitate of nitrogen iodide is formed, but this readily disappears on warming, and if the liquid is heated for about an hour on the water bath it becomes green and deposits brilliant green needles, which must be dried as quickly as possible. They have the composition 4NH 3 ,Cu 3 l4 or 4NH 3 Cu 3 I 2 ,CuI 2 and alter rapidly when exposed to air, losing ammonia and iodine, and eventually changing to cuprous iodide. The crystals are insoluble in water, but are decomposed by prolonged boiling. They are only de- composed by potash after prolonged boiling, but they dissolve readily in ammonia, and the solution yields cu- prammonium iodide when evaporated. If the green solu- tion obtained as above is boiled with metallic copper until it becomes colorless and is then allowed to cool, it deposits cuprosoammonium iodide in brilliant white needles 5 to 6 mm. long. If the mixture of ammoniacal copper solution and alcoholic iodine is allowed to stand with exposure to air at the ordinary temperature, the nitrogen iodide slowly dissolves, and after some hours the liquid deposits cupram- monium iodide in octahedral crystals. If the ammoniacal solution is boiled with iodine for several hours without ad- dition of alcohol, and is then cooled, it deposits cupram- monium iodide in tetrahedral crystals. 78 LABORATORY MANUAL OF CUPROAMMONIUM TETRA IODIDE. 4NH 3 CuI 2 ,I 2 . Is obtained in brilliant black crystals, green by trans- mitted light, by boiling 100 c. c. of the amnioniacal copper solution with 20 grams of iodine, and allowing the liquid to cool. If a further quantity of 20 grams of iodine is dis- solved in the mother liquid from these crystals, the liquid on cooling deposits cuproammonium hexiodide 4NH3,CuI 2 l4, in rectangular tablets, which are brown by transmitted light. This compound is usually obtained by mixing a warm solution of cuproammonium nitrate with a solution of iodine in potassium iodide. CUPROUS PHOSPHIDE. CugPg. When red phosphorous is immersed in an ammoniacal solution of copper sulphate, it becomes coated, as is well known, with a greyish deposit, which is a mixture of cuprous phosphide and metallic copper ; the same occurs with an amnioniacal solution of copper phosphate, but the transformation is never complete, even at 100 C. If, however, red phosphorous is heated with a large excess of copper phosphite and water in a sealed tube for four hours at 130 C., its entire conversion is effected. The product is washed quickly with aqueous ammonia and water in succession, and dried in a vacuum. If the temperature hac not exceeded that specified, it is not contaminated with metallic copper.* * By A. GRANGER, Compt. rend., 117, 231-232. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 79 Cuprous phosphide, Cu 2 ,Pg, is a grey powder resembling plumbago in appearance. It is attacked by chlorine and bromine in the cold, and is readily dissolved by dilute acetic acid ; a mixture of it with potassium nitrate or chlorate detonates violently when struck. When heated in contact with air, it is oxydized to copper phosphate. It is decomposed by heat into products identical with those yielded by cupric phosphide. It is slightly soluble in hydrochloric acid, yielding a solution from which cuprous oxide is precipitated by potash, and which, when super- saturated with ammonia, precipitates metallic silver from a i\ ammoniacal solution of silver nitrate. PURE SILVER. . Ag. a. Crystallized Silver. Any weighed quantity of technical silver (coin or broken plate) is dissolved in nitric acid, filtered and dried. The dried mass is fused until it begins to turn black, dissolved in water, filtered and diluted to such a degree that the solu- tion contains 2 per cent, silver. It is now made strongly ammoniacal in the cold and sodium bisulphite solution added until a sample of the blue solution is de- colorized on boiling. The greater part of the silver separates in crystals as the solution cools, the remainder by warming at 6o Q to /0 s C. The silver is washed with water, then digested several times with concentrated am- monia, again washed with water, dried on the waterbath and weighed. b. Molecular Silver from Residues. Silver residues together with zinc sticks are boiled with addition of hy- 80 LABORATORY MANUAL OF drochloric acid. The reduced silver, freed mechanically from the undissolved zinc, is washed well by decantation, then dissolved in nitric acid and precipitated with hydro- chloric acid. The decanted and washed silver chloride is placed, while still moist, in soda lye, kept boiling in a porce- lain dish and adding at intervals a few c. c. of cone, grape sugar solution, until a filtered and washed sample of the gray silver powder dissolves completely in nitric acid. Wash, dry and weigh as described in a. The black color appearing in fusing the impure nitrate arises from the decomposition of the copper nitrate; to avoid any loss of silver it is not heated until all the copper salt has been converted into oxide ; but the separa- tion of silver from the copper is so managed that the silver from the ammoniacal solution is precipitated in metallic form by sulphurous acid, while the copper, under these circumstances, is reduced to protoxide, which remains dis- solved in the ammoniacal solution. Dissolve a sample of the silver in nitric acid free from chloride, and note any sediment (gold, silver, chloride, tin dioxide) ; precipitate the solution with hydrochloric acid and test the filtrate for heavy metals. PREPARATION OF PURE COLLOIDAL SILVER. Solutions of ferrous sulphate (150 grams of the salt in 500 c. c. of the solution) and of sodium citrate (280 grams of the salt in 700 c. c. of the solution) are mixed and poured into a 10 per cent, solution of silver nitrate (500 INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 8 I c. c.). Day-light need not be excluded, but it is ad- visable to divide the mixture into five equal portions, as small quantities can be dealt with more easily than large. At the end of half an hour the supernatant liquid is re- moved from the precipitated colloidal silver with a pipette, and the silver is thrown on to a filter (Schleicher and SchuH's No. 590 paper), filtered under diminished pressure, and dissolved on the filter in the minimum quantity of water ; solutions may thus be obtained containing 20 grams of silver per litre. To this solution absolute alcohol is added with agitation until coagulation is perceptible, and, after remaining for several days, the colloid is fil- tered under a diminished pressure of 10 to 20 mm. on a Pasteur filter-tube, when it forms a beautiful iridescent incrustation. Colloidal silver in this state of purity is soluble in alcohol, and cannot therefore be washed with this liquid to remove the last traces of crystalloids. By this method a product containing only .03 to .05 percent, of iron is obtained.* SILVER POTASSIUM CARBONATE. AgKCO 3 . 150 grams of potassium carbonate are dissolved in 150 c. c. of water, cooled and agitated with 1 5 grams of potas- sium hydrogen carbonate. When the liquid is saturated with the latter salt at ordinary temperature, it is filtered and mixed with a solution of one gram of silver nitrate in 25 c. c. of water. In order to obtain large crystals, the liquid containing the precipitate is heated with continual agita- * By E. A SCHNEIDER, Ber. 25, 1281-1284. 82 LABORATORY MANUAL OF tion. The precipitate dissolves, and when the liquid is cooled it deposits long, transparent crystals with a brilliant lustre: sp. gr. 3.769. They do not blacken when exposed to light except in the presence of organic matter, and when treated with water the silver carbonate which remains re- tains the form of the original crystals. When heated the compound loses carbonic anhydride, and at a higher tem- perature the silver oxide which is formed gives off oxygen. The crystals are microscopic, rectangular lamellae with a terminal angle closely approaching 90. The refraction is almost identical with that of apatite.* PURE GOLD. Au. Technical gold (broken pieces of jewelry, a coin or crude washgold) is broken into pieces as small as possible, weighed, placed in a small flask and concentrated hydrochloric acid poured over it. The flask is heated in a sand-bath, and from time to time cone, nitric acid dropped into it. After all is dissolved evaporate in a porcelain dish on the water- bath, carefully avoiding all dust, until the remaining dark- red solution solidifies on cooling. Then dissolve in plenty of water, filter from the separated silver chloride and pre- cipitate the filtrate hot with ferrous chloride solution in excess. The separated gold in powder is decanted, boiled several times with diluted hydrochloric acid, gathered on an ashless filter, fused in a porcelain crucible and weighed. In case larger quantities of gold are refined, a little platinum * A DE SCHULTEN, Compt. Rend. 105, 811. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 8$ and palladium (even thallium) can be separated from the filtrate with iron or zinc. The gold obtained in form of a reddish powder should not impart a trace of yellowish color (iron) to boiling hy- drochloric acid. If a weighed quantity is once more subjected to the refining process described above the weight should remain constant. AURIC CHLORIDE, OR GOLD TRICHLORIDE. AuCl 3 . Take fine shreds of gold, which may be alloyed with silver or copper, treat them in a flask with nitrohydrochloric acid in excess, and apply a gentle heat until no more of the metal dissolves, then dilute the solution with 10 parts of water. If the gold was alloyed with copper which is known by the brownish-red precipitate produced by po- tassium ferrocyanide in a portion of the solution diluted with water mix it with solution of ferrous sulphate in excess. This will reduce the auric chloride to metallic gold, which will separate in the form of a fine brownish- black powder ; wash the powder in a small flask, and dis- solve it in nitrohydrochloric acid ; evaporate the solution on the waterbath, and dissolve the residue in 30 parts of water. If the gold was alloyed with silver, the latter metal remains as chloride, upon treating the alloy with nitrohydrochloric acid. In that case evaporate the solu- tion at once, and dissolve the residue in water for use. 84 LABORATORY MANUAL OF AUROSO- AURIC CHLORIDE. By leading a stream of dry chlorine for 30 minutes over gold, precipitated from a solution of gold chloride by sulphurous acid, 50 to 70 grams of gold may be converted into a homogeneous mass corresponding with the formula Au 2 Cl 4 . The reaction is started by gentle heating, but the necessary temperature is then maintained by the heat evolved in the reaction, provided that cooling is prevented by surrounding the tube with cotton or glass wool.* ANHYDROUS MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE. MgCI 2 . 500 grams crytallized magnesium chloride and 500 grams sal ammoniac are dissolved in a very small quantity of water, filtered in a porcelain dish and dried in a silver dish. The solid mass is broken while hot and dried in small portions on porcelain or, better, on platinum dishes (the mixture corrodes base metals, silver also, at a higher temperature). The operation occupies some time and is to be carried out with great care, as even very small quantities of water frustrate the success of the experi- ment. Dry in portions on several gas stoves and regulate the heat so that an escape of ammonium chloride vapor does not take place. Powder the portions from time to time in a hot mortar, continue drying until the product, on heat- J. THOMSEN, J. pr. Chem. [2] 37, 105. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 85 ing, no longer cakes and only consider the operation completed when a sample heated in a test tube shows no moisture ; after driving off the ammonium chloride there remains a clear solution, forming radiant crystals upon cooling. Then pour the powder* while still hot in a spacious platinum crucible, close with a well-fitting cover and place into the Roessler furnace which has previously been heated. After the ammonium chloride is driven out, again fill the crucible t with the loose powder, and con- tinue heating until the entire mass is fused. The solidified magnesium chloride, which is easily removed from the crucible, should be placed in a well-stoppered bottle while still warm. Crystallized magnesium chloride can be rendered an- hydrous and the formation of a basic salt prevented by heating it in a current of hydrogen chloride.| Crystallized magnesium chloride on heating loses the largest quantity of its chlorine in the form of hydrochloric acid; on the other hand, the double-salt (NHJgMgC^ can, by heating carefully, be volatilized without decompo- sition. On igniting this double-salt anhydrous magnesium chloride remains. (NH 4 ) 3 MgCl 4 = MgCl 2 + 2NH 4 C1. Magnesium chloride crystallizes in large radiant g^ssy crystals, not unlike fused sodium acetate, which melt readily on heating and volatilize at red-heat. The vapors decom- * If the dried substance is to be preserved, this must be done in well- stoppered vessels. Before using the mass it should be dried for a short time on the gas stove. f When in a red-hot condition the crucible musi not be opened on account of the volatility of the magnesium chloride. \ W. HEMPEL, Ber. 21, 897. 86 LABORATORY MANUAL OF pose aqueous vapor instantly, forming hydrogen chloride. The very hydroscopic salt should form a clear solution in warm water. CRYSTALLIZED NORMAL MAGNESIUM CAR- BONATE. MgCO 3 + 3 H 2 O. If freshly precipitated magnesium carbonate, made by mixing equivalent amounts of magnesium sulphate and so- dium carbonate,is shaken with a solution of potassium hydro- gen carbonate at the ordinary temperature, much of the mag- nesium carbonate dissolves, crystallizes out of the filtered solution after a time ; the separation is ended in 24 hours. The same occurs if sodium hydrogen carbonate is used ; it dissolves relatively more .of the magnesium carbonate, but the crystals obtained are smaller. Solutions containing respectively 67.5 grams of potassium and 12.96 grams of sodium hydrogen carbonate per liter dissolved, respectively, 18.73 and 9.95 grams of magnesium carbonate. The crys- tals have the composition 4MgCo 3 -f 15H 3 O ; after four weeks in dry air, or 15 hours in a vacuum dessicator over sulphuric acid, they have the composition 2MgCO 3 -f 6H 3 O; after heating at 170 C. the composition MgCO 3 + l /3 VeHgO. The reaction is that a double sesquicarbonate of magnesium and the alkali metal is formed, and that this afterwards decomposes, magnesium carbonate being pre- cipitated, and carbonic anhydride liberated, which latter regenerates the alkali bicarbonate with the alkali sesqui- carbonate now present. Alkali bicarbonates do not dissolve calcium carbonate INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 8/ or ferric hydroxide, and upon this fact a technical process for the preparation of pure magnesium carbonate from dolomite, magnesite, bitterspar and from kanite or caen- allite liquors has been based. The mineral is powdered, dissolved in commercial hydrychloric acid and the iron oxydized by warming gently with a little nitric acid. The solution is then precipitated with sodium carbonate in slight excess, the filtered precipitate shaken with a sufficiently strong solution of alkali bicarbonate, and the solution fil- tered after a lapse of 20 minutes and set aside to crystal- lize. The mother liquor can be used repeatedly for the extraction.* MAGNESIUM BASIC CARBONATE. Mg(OH) 2 ,MgC0 3 . Prepare a strong solution of magnesium sulphate in water, kieserite serves very well ; to the cold filtered solu- tion add sodium carbonate solution in slight excess, mix well in the cold, filter and wash slightly ; the filtrate may be used to prepare glauber-salt ; transfer the precipitate of magnesium carbonate to a suitable vessel, add water and boil for 15 minutes; filter and wash on a filtering plate, suck as dry as possible, remove from filter and dry at o /^* 100 C. POROUS CALCIUM CHLORIDE. CaCl 2 . One litre of the solution remaining from the evolution of carbonic acid from marble and hydrochloric acid (crude) * K. KIPPENBERGER, Zeit. anor. Chem. 6, 177. 88 LABORATORY MANUAL OF and which no longer reacts with marble is warmed and then precipitated with milk of lime, made from 35 grams caustic lime, in an iron pot of 2 litres capacity and filtered.* After the strongly alkaline solution has been boiled, mix the filtrate with hydrochloric acid to a strong acid reaction and evaporate it on the gas stove, with further addition of acid, in-, a porcelain dish of j litre capacity. As soon as a coating of salt begins to form the heat is reduced, a little fuming hydrochloric acid is added, and the whole left stand- ing quietly without stirring; the mass becomes entirely dry in the course of from four to five hours. Now carefully re- move the calcium chloride from the dish with a knife, break the large pieces while still hot in a warm mortar, screen the pieces as quickly as possible in sieves from I to 5 mm mesh, and fill immediately into well-stopperd speci- men bottles. The caustic lime precipitates from the marble solution magnesia, as well as the oxides of iron and manganese. (Very often in standing, basic cakium chloride 3CaO, CaClfc + 15H 2 O separates from the filtrate in long prisms). In evaporating to dryness the solution must be acidified with hydrochloric acid and the heating must be a gradual one, otherwise the calcium chloride will lose HC1. and take on a strong alkaline reaction. Porous calcium chloride is a pure white, porous, very hydroscopic mass, which dissolves clearly in water, and in alcohol the water solution should show a reaction which is slightly alkaline. * In place of this you can also proceed from the residue of ammonia production, consisting of a mixture of calcium chloride and surplus lime. Boil the same with water until the last traces of ammonia have passed away, then filter and continue as stated above. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 89 CALCIUM CHLORIDE. CaCl 2 , crystallized +6H 2 O. Dilute I part of crude hydrochloric acid with 6 parts ot water, and add thereto marble or chalk until the last por- tion added remains undissolved ; add now some slacked lime, then hydrogen sulphide, until a filtered portion of the mixture is no longer altered by ammonium sulphide. Then let the mixture stand covered for 12 hours at a gentle heat, filter, exactly neutralize the filtrate, concen- trate by evaporation and crystallize. Solution of pure calcium chloride must be perfectly neutral, and neither be colored or precipitated by ammo- nium sulphide ; nor ought it to evolve ammonia when mixed with potassa or lime. CALCIUM CARBONATE. CaCo 3 . Solution of pure calcium chloride is heated to boiling and precipitated by a slight excess of solution of ammo- nium carbonate with addition of some ammonia. The precipitate is washed five or six times with hot water by decantation, then is brought upon a filter and further edul- corated until the washings give no turbidity with silver nitrate. The contents of the filter are then dried and bottled. Calcium carbonate for use as a flux must be free from salts of the fixed alkalies. When washed with hot water the washing must yield no residue when evaporated to dryness. 90 LABORATORY MANUAL OF CRYSTALLINE MONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE. CaH 4 (P0 4 ),. Neither the crystalline nor the honey-like commercial variety of monocalcium phosphate corresponds with the for- mula CaH 4 (PO 4 ) 2 , owing to the free sulphuric acid in the crude liquor acting on the phosphate during evapora- tion. By leaving tricalcium phosphate in contact with a solution of the honey-like commercial variety for some time, a solution is obtained which, on gentle evaporation, yields crystals of pure monocalcium phosphate.* CALCIUM CHROMATE. CaCr 2 O 4 . The process is based on the fact that when chromium oxide (CrgOs) is heated with a mixture of calcium chloride and oxide, a chromite is formed (CaCr 2 O 4 ) which absorbs oxygen from the air and yields calcium chromate. The finely powdered mineral is mixed with paste composed of lime, calcium carbonate and a concentrated solution of calcium chloride, in such proportion that the lime and the calcium carbonate are slightly in excess, of the amount necessary to combine with the chromium oxide present, while the calcium chloride is about one-third of the total lime used. The mixture, on exposure to air, hardens and is moulded into bricks, which are dried and subsequently roasted at a temperature sufficient to convert the calcium carbonate into lime. The bricks are exposed to the action of air for about one month, then lixiviated with hot water to remove the calcium chloride, and the residue containing * G. POINTET, Bull. Soc. Chim. [3] 5, 254. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 91 the calcium chromate is treated with alkali carbonate or sulphuric acid in the usual way, according as an alkali chromate or chromic acid is required.* ZINC FREE FROM ARSENIC. Zn. One kilo commercial zinc is melted in a hessian cru- cible. Into the red-hot metal plunge pieces of anhydrous magnesium chloride, forcing them to the bottom of the crucible, and allow them to remain there until dissolved. To retain the specifically light chloride below the fused metal an iron wire is employed, the lower part of which is twisted into a close spiral. Fasten in the small bell so constructed, the magnesium chloride by means of a little flower-wire, and press the wire into the metal. After adding 1 5 grams of the chloride allow the crucible to cool sufficiently to prevent the metal from igniting upon open- ing it, and (the metal should be still liquid) pour it in the finest possible stream into a pail of water. The gran- ules upon removal from the water are drained and dried by heat. 3MgCl 2 + 2As = 3Mg + 2AsCl 3 . The arsenic chloride and undecomposed magnesium chlo- ride pass off in thick clouds. The zinc so obtained contains magnesium and, so dif- ferently from c. p. zinc, dissolves very readily in diluted acids. To test it for arsenic, pour over it, in a test tube, dilute (i.i) hydrochloric acid and cover the tube with a small filter, the tip of which is moistened with a drop of J. MASSIGNON and E. VATSL, Bull. Soc. Chim. [3] 5, 371. 92 LABORATORY MANUAL OF cone, silver solution (i.i). Yellow silver arsenite Ag 3 AsO 3 forms after a time, which turns black and decomposes in water. * ZINC EISEN. From one 10 two pounds of zinc are melted in a clay crucible, 3 to 3.5 ozs. of anhydrous sodium ferrous chloride are thrown in, and the crucible is immediately covered ; violent reaction ensues, and the alloy is produced ; it is very brittle, has a full metallic lustre, and is easily pul- verized. t STRONTIUM HYDROXIDE. Sr(OH) 2 + 8H 2 0. A well mixed mass of 150 grams finely powdered celestine and 50 grams wood charcoal is pressed into a hessian crucible and covered with a layer of powdered coal. Close the crucible with an accurately fitting iron cover, provided with a rim, and heat at white heat for an hour in the Roessler gas furnace. The cool product should dissolve in dilute hydrochloric acid with vigorous evolution of sulphureted hydrogen, leaving only a slight coaly residue ; test a portion in this manner : Suspend the mass in a porcelain dish in a litre of hot water, and add to the solution scales of copper (100 to 150 grams which have been moistened with a little HNO 3 and then annealed), until a filtered sample treated with lead acetate no longer pro- * L. L'HoTE, Compound 98, 1491. f H. N. WARREN, Chem. News, 55, 100. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 93 duces a brownish-black precipitate. Then filter hot into a beaker, boil the residue with 100 c. c. water, cover the entire filtrate, and allow it to crystallize. After the lapse of 24 hours the liquid is poured off from the crystals, which are very quickly dried on an earthen plate and placed in a closed and paraffined vessel. The solution is rapidly evaporated to 300 c. c in an iron dish, to obtain a second crop of crystals. The strontium sulphate, by ignition with charcoal and exclusion of air, is transformed into strontium sulphide, which by the action of copper oxide is converted into stron- tium hydroxide: SrSo 4 + 4C = SrS + 4CO ; SrS + CuO + H^O = Sr(OH 2 ) 4- CuS. Strontium hydroxide crystallizes in perfectly clear, easily efflorescent square tablets or needles of strong alkaline taste, dissolving readily and without residue in hot water. It melts easily on warming, and on further heating solidifies again to a white mass with loss of its eight molecules of water of crystallization ; at higher tempera- tures it melts once more, and finally passes into strontium oxide. An acetic acid solution should not be precipitated by potassium dichromate (Bar.ium), but should, on the other hand, be precipitated so completely by HgSC^ that ammonium oxalate does not form a precipitate in the filtrate (absence of lime). PREPARATION OF PURE STRONTIUM SALTS. The following process is given for obtaining a pure strontium salt from a barytostrontianite containing iron, aluminium, magnesium, calcium and barium as impurities: 94 LABORATORY MANUAL OF The mineral or the sulphide resulting from the reduction of the sulphate is dissolved in such a quantity of hydro- chloric acid (20 per cent.) as to leave a little undissolved. The aluminum and iron are precipitated by ammonia, fil- tered off, and excess of sulphuric acid added. The pre- cipitate is washed first with dilute sulphuric acid (i to 2 per cent.) and finally with water; it is thus freed from magne- sium and calcium. It is now digested in the cold for some days with ammonium or potassium carbonate solu- tion (10 per cent.), washed well, the residue treated with dilute hydrochloric acid, and the solution decanted ; after remaining for 24 hours this is filtered, and 200 grams of hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.17) per litre are added to it, together with 2 or 3 grams of precipitated strontium sulphate, which may contain barium. After some hours the solution is filtered, evaporated to dryness, dissolved in water, filtered and crystallized. The spectrum given by the salt thus obtained shows strontium to be the only metal present.* CADMIUM CARBONATE. CdC0 3 . IOO grams of cut or granulated commercial cadmium are placed in a flask with 400 c. c. cold nitric acid of 1.20 sp. gr. Run the nitrogen dioxide evolved into the drain; after the action has completely ceased, pour the liquid from the undissolved residue into a porcelain dish of 6 litres capacity ; dilute with 4 litres hot water and add a little powdered commercial ammonium carbonate, until a By BARTHE and FALIERES, Bull. soc. Chin. [3], 7, 104-108. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 95 permanent precipitate is formed ; filter and precipitate the cadmium in the filtrate with about 150 grams ammonium carbonate ; decant several times with hot water in tall glass cylinders, and preserve the carbonate as paste, or else dry on the water-bath. 3Cd + 8HNO 3 =3Cd(NO 3 ) 2 f 2NO -f 4H 3 O. The foreign metals, with the exception of zinc and iron, do not remain in solution, but are again precipitated in me- tallic form by the surplus cadmium. The iron precipitates with the first portion of cadmium carbonate : 3CdCO 3 4- Fe 2 (NO 3 ) 6 + 3H 2 O = 3Cd(NO 3 ) 2 + Fe 2 (OH) 6 f 3CO 2 . The zinc is retained in solution by the surplus ammonium salt. The pure white salt passing into brown cadmium oxide on igniting, and easily dissolving in diluted acids with effer- vescence, is to be tested particularly for antimony, bismuth, copper, lead, iron and zinc according to the usual method of analysis. BARIUM OXI DE. BaO. 1 50 grams of heavy spar are reduced with 40 grams wood charcoal, in the same manner as described for celes- tine (on page 92), and the barium sulphide obtained is de- composed in a litre, flask, with dropping funnel and gas conduit tube, by means of dilute HNO 3 , filtered and evaporated to crystallization. Of this, or else of commer- cial barium nitrate, I y 2 kilos are gradually placed with an 96 LABORATORY MANUAL OF iron spoon in a red-hot Hessian crucible, which is kept cov- ered with an earthen cover. After having added the whole quantity the closed crucible is heated for another hour at very high temperature. After the crucible has again partly cooled, remove the upper layer of the barium manganate, the green-colored layer of the crucible, and fill the barium oxide into small flasks, at once sealing them hermetically. The barium nitrate at first passes into barium nitrite and then further into barium oxide, at white heat: Ba(NO 8 ) 2 = Ba(NO 2 ) 2 + 2O, Ba(NO 2 ) 2 = BaO + 2N -f 3O. Barium oxide comes in grayish-white porous pieces, which evolve heat with water and dissolve completely in dilute hydrochloric acid without effervescing; this solution should not discolor permanganate nor blue potassium iodide starch paper (barium nitrate and barium superoxide). BARIUM CHLORIDE. BaCl 2 + 2H 2 O. a. From heavy spar. Mix together 8 parts of pul- verized barium sulphate, 2 parts of charcoal powder, and I part of common rosin. Put the mixture in a crucible and expose it in a blast furnace to a long-continued red heat. Triturate the crude barium sulphide obtained, boil about A of the powder with 4 times its quantity of water, and add hydrochloric acid until all effervescence of hydrogen sul- phide has ceased, and the fluid manifests a slight acid reac- tion. Add now the remaining A part of the barium sul- phide, boil some time longer, then filter, and let the alkaline INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 97 fluid crystallize. Drain the crystals, redissolve them in water, and crystallize again. b. From witherite. Pour 10 parts of water upon i part of pulverized witherite, and gradually add crude hy- drochloric acid until the witherite is almost completely dis- solved. Add now a little more finely pulverized witherite, and heat, with frequent stirring, until the fluid has entirely or very nearly lost its acid reaction ; add solution of barium sulphide as long as a precipitate forms ; then filter, evap- orate the filtrate to crystallization, and purify by crystal- lizing again. For use, dissolve I part of the barium chlo- ride in 10 parts of water. Pure barium chloride must not alter vegetable colors ; its solution must not be colored or precipated by hydrogen sulphide, nor by ammonium sulphide. Pure sulphuric acid must precipitate every fixed particle from it, so that the fluid filtered from the precipitate formed upon the ad- dition of that reagent leaves not the slightest residue when evaporated on platinum foil. BARIUM NITRATE. Ba(NO 3 ) 2 . Treat barium carbonate, no matter whether witherite or that precipitated by sodium carbonate from solution of barium sulphide, with dilute nitric acid free from chlorides, and proceed exactly as directed in the preparation of barium chloride from witherite. Solutions of barium nitrate must not be made turbid by silver nitrate solutions. The other tests are the same as for barium chloride. 98 LABORATORY MANUAL OF BARIUM PEROXIDE. Ba0 2 . BARIUM PERHYDRATE. Ba(OH) 4 + 6H 2 O. A combustion tube is filled with 30 grams powdered ba- rium oxide, moderately heated in a combustion furnace, and a rapid current of oxygen dried with cone, sulphuric acid conducted over it. The solid peroxide, after being ground with a little water, is placed in 50 c. c. dil. hydrochloric acid which has been cooled to o C., then the still faintly acid solution is filtered and allowed to flow into 500 c. c. baryta water which has been cooled to o C., and saturated cold. The separated precipitate, consisting of glistening crystalline scales, is sucked dry, washed with a little ice-water, and preserved as paste. With moderate heat the barium oxide adds another atom of oxygen. The barium peroxide decomposes with hydrochloric acid: 2BaO 3 f- 4HC1 = 2BaCl 2 + 2H 2 O ; the hydrogen peroxide with baryta: H 3 O 3 -f Ba(OH) 3 = Ba(OH) 4 . The barium superoxide must not inflame by grinding with water (property of barium oxide). The value of the perhydrate is proven, if hydrogen peroxide is produced from the preparation. BARIUM CARBONATE. BaCO 3 . Dissolve crystallized barium chloride in water, heat to boiling, and add a solution of ammonium carbonate mixed INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 99 with some ammonia, or of pure sodium carbonate, as long as a precipitate forms ; let the precipitate subside, decant five or six times, transfer the precipitate to a filter, and wash until the wash water is no longer made turbid by silver nitrate solution. Pure sulphuric acid must precipitate every fixed particle from a solution of barium carbonate in hydrochloric acid. BARIUM DITHIONATE. DITHIONIC ACID. H 3 S 3 6 +xH 2 0. 100 grams finely powered black oxide manganese is elu- triated by mixing with water in a large mortar, decanted, and the remaining coarse powder again mixed with water ; this is repeated until the entire mineral is suspended in water, then allow it to settle in tall cylinders ; the water is removed by means of a syphon, and the black oxide of man- ganese brought into a liter flask with y 2 litre water. A current of sulphur dioxide is passed through the mixture, the flask being cooled with ice. When the bulk of the black oxide manganese has dissolved add to the solution which has been heated in a dish cone, barium hydrate solution until a filtered sample fails to yield a flesh-colored precipitate with ammonium sulphide. The precipitate is then filtered, boiled with hot water, and the combined fil- trates treated hot with carbonic acid until neutral. The barium dithionate crystallizes from the filtrate on concen- tion. Dithionic Acid. 59 grams barium dithionate are dis- 100 LABORATORY MANUAL OF solved in water ; 20 grams of a solution of sulphuric acid diluted with water are added to the solution until it will no longer react either with sulphuric acid or with barium chlo- ride. After filtering off the barium sulphate the dithionic acid is concentrated on a flat porcelain plate in vacuum over sulphuric acid to a sp. gr. of 1.347. The peroxide withdraws from 2 molecules of sulphur- cr~\ rr ous acid two atoms of hydrogen ; 2HSO 3 H 2H = ^Q 3 j The manganese salt of the dithionic acid is decomposed by the excess of baryta water. MnS 3 O 6 + Ba(OH)2= BaS 3 O 6 -f Mn(OH)g. Barium dithionate forms colorless, glossy crystals, which in a powdered condition lose their water of crystal- lization (10.81 %) at 100 C. Determine the percentage of barium oxide (45.96 % BaO) by igniting the purified salt and then weighing the residue of barium sulphate. DISTILLED MERCURY. Hg. In a combustion furnace, one end of which is lifted 15 mm. above the other, lay a tube of hard Bohemian glass, both ends of which are bent downward, as shown in figure 8. The end drawn out is connected by means of a heavy walled, closely fitting rubber tube with a glass tube of medium thickness about 10 mm. outside diameter, and of such a length that the entire vertical tube up to the lower opening which turns upward is about 700 mm. The INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 101 giass tube stands in a narrow glass cylinder. The other end of the combustion tube is bent upward somewhat within the furnace so that the last flame of the furnace stands below the highest point * of the bend of the tube. FIG, 8. From there the tube leads downward 20 cm. without re- duction in size ; into the end of this tube by means of a rubber tubing, t a second glass tube is inserted, bent hook- form at the bottom, which extends at least 5 cm. into the wider tube, and is about 80 cm. in length. To set the * At the point of the tube, place a loose plug of asbestos. f In order to have at this point a perfectly airtight connection, add the contrivance pictured in the small illustration on the right, which is intellig- ible without further explanation. The small space ^surrounding the shaded part) formed by a rubber stopper and a small pieci of wide glass tubing is filled with mercury. 102 LABORATORY MANUAL OF apparatus in motion pour into the cylinder commercial mercury or else mercury which has become impure by use with other metals, and exhaust the apparatus with a filter pump, adding an empty Woulff bottle. As soon as the mercury has risen so high that it runs along in a thin stream from one end of the combustion furnace to the other, the rubber tubing leading to the pump is closed se- curely with a pinch-cock. Now the furnace is heated with a low flame while the mercury boils gently and distills through the asbestos plug. As soon as the tube leading downward is filled half way with mercury, open the pinch- cock and carefully allow air to enter the exhausted tube ; the mercury column now prevents air from entering this side of the apparatus. The apparatus works automatically, and the distilling mercury flows continually into a vessel placed below ; from time to time the quantity of mercury in the cylinder is replaced. The mercury should be 13.595 S P- S r - at C. and possess a pure silver gloss, fuse easily, and in pouring out, form round regular drops leaving no threadlike residue. 5 grams heated in a porcelain crucible should not leave a weighable and fusible residue. PURIFICATION OF MERCURY. Mercury can be completely freed from lead, zinc, tin, and other impurities by placing it in a slightly inclined glass tube provided with a funnel at the lower extremity, and aspirating a gentle stream of air through the apparatus for about 48 hours. The oxides of the metals collect at the upper end. of the tube, and after about 24 hours, as a INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. IO3 rule, the surface of the mercury is quite clean and the operation is finished. Large quantities can be treated in this way, but mercury which has been used for amalgamat- ing zinc contains such a large amount of impurity that this method cannot be used. Silver is not removed by this process. Mercury is usually purified by shaking in a topped separator with cone, sulphuric acid, allowing time to settle and drawing off, continue until the mercury is bright and no longer imparts a color to the mercury.* MERCURIC CHLORIDE, HgClg. (FROM RESIDUES.) The residues, oxydized with crude hydrochloric and nitric acids and then dried on the water bath are subjected to slow sublimation in a porcelain dish on a sand-bath with a large funnel set over it. Of the sublimate thus obtained dissolve according to its purity i-io to 1-5 in hot water, precipitate with soda lye, and grind the so obtained mer- curic oxide after washing and drying with the main quan- tity of the sublimate The acquired powder which turns black through the formation of mercuric oxychloride, is placed into a flask, covered loosely with a watch glass and heated on the sand bath over a small flame. The subli- mate gathers at the upper part of the flask in fine long crystals. After final sublimation remove the flask from the bath, break off the bottom by quickly passing over it a damp sponge and separate the crystals from the glass on a large sheet of paper with the aid of a goose quill. In *J. M. CRAFTS, Bull. Soc. Chim. 49, 856. 104 LABORATORY MANUAL OF case there are poor crystals among them, they are to be recrystallized in four parts of boiling water. The crude sublimate is contaminated by other unstable metallic chlorides, but these are all decomposed by mer- curic oxide ; for instance : Fe 3 Cl e -f 3HgO = Fe 2 O 3 + 3HgCl 2 . Pure white, rhombic prisms of mercuric chloride dis- solve readily without residue (calomel, iron oxide, etc.) in cold alcohol, ether and hot water ; heated in a test tube volatilize without residue. MERCURIC CYANIDE. Hg(CN) 2 . A diluted prussic acid solution is mixed in a flask with yellow mercuric oxide until the solution reacts strongly alkaline to litmus paper. Filter and add to the filtrate enough prussic acid to make the odor of it noticeable and so that the filtrate will react distinctly acid, then evaporate to crystallization. Before the mother liquor is again evap- orated to crystallization, add a little more prussic acid. Mercuric cyanide crystallizes in square columns and pyramids soluble in 1 1 parts of cold water and have a neutral reaction. Heated in small tubes, the salt develops cyanogen, gives a destillate of niercury drops and leaves black paracyanogen. CINNABAR. HgS. 60 grams mercury are intimately mixed in a mortar with 23 grams flowers of sulphur until the mercury has INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 105 entirely disappeared. Pour over this a solution of 15 grams caustic potash in 80 c. c. water and digest several days at about 45 C., stirring frequently and replacing the evaporated water. After the mass has become of a nice red color, it is separated from the unaltered mercury and the largest part of the sulphur by elutriation, boiled with a solution of sodium sulphite, and washed with hot water. Cinnabar is a scarlet-red powder and when heated strongly in small tubes volatilizes without residue. MERCUROUS NITRATE Hg 3 ( N O 3 ) 3 crystallized + 2 H 3 O . Pour I part of pure nitric acid of 1.2 sp. gr. on I part of pure mercury in a porcelain dish, and let the vessel stand twenty-four hours in a cool place ; separate the crystals formed from the undissolved mercury and the mother liquor, and dissolve them in water mixed with one- sixteenth part of nitric acid, by trituration in a mortar. Filter the solution, and keep the filtrate in a bottle with some metallic mercury covering the bottom of the vessel. The solution of mercurous nitrate must give with di - lute hydrochloric acid a copious white precipitate of mer- curous chloride ; hydrogen sulphide must produce no pre- cipitate in the fluid filtered from this, or at all events, only a trifling black precipitate (mercuric sulphide). 106 LABORATORY MANUAL OF MERCUROUS IODIDE. Hg 2 I 3 If a saturated solution of mercurous nitrate as free as possible from oxide and slightly acidified with nitric acid, is heated to boiling with iodine, the latter becomes covered with a yellow powder, which partially dissolves, and the solution, after decantation into a warm dish, deposits in the dark, lustrous yellow, transparent, tetragonal scales of mercurous iodide ; these must be dried in the dark at or- dinary temperature. When the mercurous nitrate solution is treated with an alcoholic solution of iodine in the cold, small, yellow spangles of mercurous iodide are obtained, but the product formed by the old methods of preparation, by rubbing together molecular proportions of mercury and iodine, and adding potassium iodide in solution to a solu- tion of mercurous salt, have a green color, and are impure, although the pure yellow compound can be obtained by reversing the last process, and adding an excess of a dilute solution of mercurous nitrate to potassium iodide in solu- tion. The crystallized compound shows the usual color change, yellow at 100 C. passing through orange to gar- net-red at higher temperatures. Sublimation commences at 1 10 to 120 C. and the salt fuses at 290 C. without de- composition. Towards acids and solvents, the crystallized compound behaves like that precipitated by potassium iodide ; ammonia and caustic alkalies render it green, and on heating convert it into the corresponding alkaline iodide and metallic mercury. The crystallized iodide is less sensitive to light than the precipitated yellow compound, which rapidly becomes black even in diffused daylight.* * A. STROMAN, Ber. 20, 2818. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 1 07 MERCUROUS BROMIDE. Hg 2 Br 3 . When mercurous nitrate solution is treated with bro- mine under similar conditions, small, white, nacreous, tetragonal scales of mercurous bromide are obtained, and the same compound separates in yellow, crystalline span- gles when an alcoholic or aqueous solution of bromine is used. It sublimes at 171 to 176 C. in small scales, is less sensitive to light than the iodide, dissolves in hot sulphuric acid with the evolution of sulphurous anhydride becomes black and gradually decomposes when heated with dilute and concentrated hydrochloric acid, dissolves slowly in hot nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.42), and decomposes with the forma- tion of the corresponding bromides when treated with am- monia and caustic alkalies. BORON. B. 100 grams fused hot finely powdered borax are well mixed with 50 grams magnesium powder, the mass poured in a Hessian crucible, pressed down well and covered with a layer of pure borax. All these operations must be done rapidly and are to be carried on in warmed vessels, as the anhydrous borax is very hygroscopic. The crucible is closed with a specially well-fitting cover of strong sheet-iron with a rim, and heated in a Roessler's furnace for half an hour up to red heat. After cooling, grind the product, boil it with water, then with hydrochloric acid artd finally 108 LABORATORY MANUAL OF again with water and dry the grayish-brown powder on the water-bath.* PREPARATION OF AMORPHOUS BORON. Another method is to pass a current of 35 amperes through boric anhydride mixed with 20 per cent, of sodium borate and heated at 1200, boron is liberated, but im- mediately recombines with oxygen with vivid incan- descence. It is well known that when boric anhydride is heated with the theoretical quantity or an excess of magnesium, reduction takes place with formation of magnesium borides. If the boric anhydride is in considerable excess different results are obtained. There are two magnesium borides, one unstable and decomposed by water with liberation of hydrogen and boron hydride, the other stable and not af- fected by water, hydrochloric acid, or nitric acid. 70 grams of finely powdered magnesium free from iron and silicon, are intimately mixed with 210 grams of re- cently fused boric anhydride. The mixture is heated to bright redness in a clay crucible, and in a few minutes an energetic reaction takes place. The central part of the product is boiled with water and hydrochloric acid until the magnesium borate is removed, then treated for a long time with successive quantities of pure boiling hydro- chloric acid, washed with water, treated with alcoholic potash, again washed with water, boiled for several hours with hydrofluoric acid, washed with water, and dried in a vacuum. The product is a very light maroon powder which does not alter when exposed to air ; it contains 94 to * GATTERMANN, Ber. 22, 195. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 109 95 per cent, of boron, 2.3 to 3.75 per cent, of magnesium and 1.2 to 1.6 per cent of insoluble matter. If this product is fused with 50 times its weight of boric anhydride, and the product treated in the same way as the original product, a maroon powder is obtained containing only traces of magnesium. One product contained boron, 98.30 ; magnesium, 0.37; insoluble, 1.18 = 99.85. If the boron is required perfectly free from nitride, re- duction must be affected in a crucible brasqued with a mix- ture of finely powdered titanic oxide and carbon ; the product contains from 92.6 to 99.2 per cent, of boron. Boric anhydride may also be reduced by magnesium in porcelain dishes in an atmosphere of hydrogen, and a very pure product obtained, but the yield is small.* It can also be prepared by mixing 3.5 grams of boric anhydride and 1 1 grams of calcium fluoride by gently heating with cone, sulphuric acid ; the boron fluoride evolved is passed over heated potassium contained in a series of bulbs. Potassium fluoride and boron are formed and easily separated by washing with water. Amorphous silicon may be prepared in a similar manner.t BORAX. Na 2 B 4 O 7 . An intimate mixture of well-ground common salt and boric acid is introduced into an acid-proof, tubulated clay retort, and heated to slightly above a low red heat, when sufficient superheated steam is admitted through the tu- * By H. MOISSAN, Compt. rend., 114, 392-397. f S. G. RAVVSON, Chem. News, 58, 283. 110 LABORATORY MANUAL OF bulature to condense the hydrochloric acid, which is evolved, the acid being collected in a cooled receptacle attached to the retort neck. Ultimately anhydrous borax only is left in the retort, and this is thrown, while still hot, into cold water and crystallized.* BOR ACIC ACID. H 3 B0 3 . 200 grams powdered borax are dissolved in one-half litre of boiling water, and 300 c. c. dil. hydrochloric acid added. After expiration of a day suck the separated scaly crystals dry on the platinum cone, wash them with a very little water, and recrystallize once from water. The white, pearl-like crystals must dissolve in 6 parts alcohol and 25 parts cold water and on heating, after evaporation of the water, melt to a colorless glass which when cooled remains transparent. The watery solution reddens litmus paper ; if turmeric paper strips are saturated with it and dried in a warm place, the yellow color will be changed to an orange-brown, which with alkaloids be- comes greenish-black. The impurities usually present are hydrochloric and sulphuric acids. SILICON. Si Amorphous silicon is readily obtained by the action of magnesium on silica, provided that the materials are quite dry, and that the action is moderated by the presence of magnesium oxide. In absence of the oxide, the tempera- * By H. N. WARREN, Chern. News, 67, 244-245 INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. Ill ture of the reaction is too high, and some of the silicon is fused. Silica is not so satisfactory as magnesia for this purpose. Powdered quartz and magnesium powder such as is used for photographic purposes are mixed in the cal- culated proportions, and to the mixture is added one-fourth of its weight of calcined magnesia. The three substances are very intimately mixed and placed in a fire clay cruci- ble, which they must not more than half fill. A layer of magnesia is placed on the top, and the crucible is then heated at 149 to 205 p C. in order to thoroughly dry the con- tents. The crucible with its cover is then heated to red- ness for a few minutes, and as soon as the action ceases it is allowed to cool. Reduction takes place at 282 C. If the mixture is placed on a plate and covered with mag- nesium powder, and the latter is ignited, reduction spreads throughout the mass. The product is heated with hydrochloric acid, then with boiling sulphuric acid, then two or three times alter- nately with hydrofluoric acid and sulphuric acid, and, finally, with hydrochloric acid. After drying, the silicon forms a maroon colored, homogeneous powder, containing only i.o to 0.4 per cent, of impurities. Any small globules of fused silicon can, if necessary, be removed by levigation.* Another method is to heat 40 grams of finely pow- dered sand with 10 grams of magnesium in not too thin a test tube, the whole tube is heated first mod- erately, and then a small portion is heated strongly, beginning at the lower end and continuing up- wards. The product is grayish-black. The frag- ments of the tube, after the substance has been taken out, * By VIGOURON, Compt. rend., iScjs, 120, 94. 112 LABORATORY MANUAL OF should be treated with acid, as the adherent substance will decompose in moist air and evolve silicon hydride. Silicon is obtained by heating the substance in a closed crucible with zinc ; on dissolving out the zinc, it is obtained in steel- btoe needles.* It can also be prepared by introducing aluminium, in pieces the size of a walnut, into a clay crucible containing a fused mixture of 4 parts of potassium silico-fluoride, I part of potassium chloride, and 2 parts of potassium carbonate, and when the violent reaction has subsided, the mass is heated. to whiteness for five minutes. When cool, the crucible is smashed ; the button, carefully detached from adhering slag, is placed in a plumbago crucible with 12 parts by weight of aluminium and 2 of tin, and covered with a layer of sodium silicate, the mixture is submitted for two hours to the strongest heat obtainable. When cold, the piece of aluminium is broken, when the new modification of silicon is found in large, lustrous, infusible, oblique octahedra, insoluble in all acids except hydrofluoric.! Still another method is as follows : Small bars of " silicon-eisen " are suspended in dilute sulphuric acid from the positive pole of a battery of two ferric chloride cells and are in contact with a platinum plate forming the negative pole. The iron dissolves and leaves a residue of graphite, silica, and amorphous silicon, which is heated to redness in a stream of carbonic an- hydride, and then to a full red heat in a closed iron tube with some zinc ; the zinc button obtained in this *L. GATTERMANN, Ber. 22, 186. f By H. N. WARREN, Chem. News, 67, 136-137. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 113 manner is dissolved in hydrochloric acid, when crystal- line silicon remains insoluble ; by heating the amor- phous silicon at a full white heat with aluminium instead of zinc, graphitoidal silicon is obtained. When an alloy of aluminium and silver is heated to an intense white heat with potassium silicofluoride, small quantities of silicon are produced in the form of a bright reddish- brown powder.* CRYSTALLINE SILICIC ACID. H 2 Si0 3 . Silicious limestone is treated with crude concentrated hydrochloric acid until carbonic anhydride ceases to be evolved, filter and add to the filtrate 29 to 31 per cent, hydrochloric acid until a cloudiness appears. After re- maining 24 hours the solution is decanted, the precipi- tate strained and washed, finally with distilled water and then dried on porcelain. Silicic acid so obtained is crystalline and corresponds to the formula H 2 SiO3 + 3H 2 O or H 2 SiO 3 +2H 2 O. It is more soluble than the amor- phous variety.! SILICON CHLORIDE. SiCl 4 . Take a hard glass tube 2 m.m. wide, fill it half way with the crude amorphous silicium as described above, lay it horizontally in a combustion furnace and at mod- erate heat, lead a current of dry chlorine over it. * II. N. WARREN, Chem. News, 57, 54. f H. HAGER, Pharm. Centralb. 29, 115. /' ^ ITY '' 114 LABORATORY MANUAL OF The distilling silicon chloride is condensed in a receiver which is surrounded by a freezing mixture of ice and com- mon salt, while the surplus chlorine is absorbed in soda lye. The greenish product is shaken with a little mercury, and then distilled from the water- bath with a thermome- ter and condenser attached. Si -f 4C1 = SiCl 4 . The free chlorine dissolved in the silicon chloride is removed by shaking with mercury. The silicon chloride should boil at 58 to 60 C. and appear as a colorless, mobile liquid fuming strongly when exposed to the air, it is decomposed by water with separa- tion of hydrated silicic acid : SiCU + 4H 3 = Si(OH) 4 + 4HC1. CHLORIDES OF SILICON, ALUMINIUM, ETC. Iron alloys of silicon or aluminium are heated to red- ness in a clay crucible, and a current of chlorine gas is passed into the mass, suitable means being adopted to col- lect the volatile products. With chlorine and silicon-iron, the ferric chloride is condensed first, then the silicon chloride ; if hydrogen chloride is used instead of chlorine, the ferrous chloride formed remains in the crucible and silicon chloroform distills off. The aluminium chloride ob- tained from aluminium iron is purified by mixing with iron borings and distilling, or if the aluminium iron alloy is mixed with common salt previous to submitting it to the action of chlorine, a sublimate of aluminium sodium chloride is obtained. *By H. N. WARREN, Chem. News, 60, 158. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 115 PREPARATION OF SILICON AND ALUMINIUM CHLORIDE. Silicon chloride, mixed with but little ferric chloride and readily purified by redistillation, is obtained by pass- ing chlorine 'into siliconeisen, containing 15 per cent, of silicon, heated to redness in a tubulated clay retort, and retaining the less volatile ferric chloride in the upper part of a suitable adapter, while the lower part is cooled in a freezing mixture to condense the silicon chloride. By using hydrochloric acid gas instead of chlorine, ferrous chloride, and the more volatile silicon-chloroform, SiHCl 3 , are obtained. By the action of chlorine on an alloy of iron with 10 per cent, of aluminium, aluminium chloride is produced, which can be purified by distillations from iron borings. When the pulverized alloy is previously mixed with sodium chloride, the passage of chlorine gives rise to the sublima- tion of aluminium sodium chloride. ALUMINIUM HYDRATE. Al3(OH)e,//w Cryolite. 50 grams cryolite are finely powdered, then thoroughly mixed with 50 grams calcined marble and ignited for half an hour in a platinum crucible placed in Roessler's furnace. The powdered melt is boilecl with water, possible traces of calcium removed from the filtered solution by a few drops of soda solution and then precipitated hot with carbonic * H. N. WARREN, Chem. News, 66, 113-114. Il6 LABORATORY MANUAL OF acid. The separated aluminium hydrate is washed by de- cantation with a good deal of hot water, collected, dried on the water bath, and if desired, transformed into an- hydrous aluminium sesquioxide by ignition. The filtrate when evaporated, leaves pure sodium carbonate. The aluminum sodium fluoride is decomposed by caustic lime, forming sodium aluminate soluble in water: Na d Al 3 Fi2 + 6CaO = Na 6 Al 3 O 6 + 6CaF 3 . The sodium aluminate is decomposed by carbonic acid : 2Na 6 Al 2 O 6 + 6H 3 CO 3 = 2A1 3 (OH) 6 + 6Na 3 CO 3 . REDUCTION OF ALUMINIUM OXIDE. A1 2 O 3 . Two parts of pure, finely powdered aluminium oxide is made into a paste with one part of petroleum or some other hydro-carbon, and then mixed with one part of sul- phuric acid. When the mass is homogeneous with a pale yellow tint, and begins to give off sulphurous anhydride, it is wrapped in paper and thrown into a crucible heated to above 800 C. in order to decompose the hydrocarbon. The compact product thus obtained is powdered and mixed with its own weight of a finely divided metal, the mix- ture being then heated to a white heat in a plumbago crucible. The regulus after being allowed to cool is found to contain grains of an aluminium alloy in the midst of a metallic powder. This method of reduction is applicable to silica, calcium oxide, magnesium oxide, etc.* G. A. FAURIE, Compt. Rend. 105, 494. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. ANHYDROUS ALUMINIUM CHLORIDE. AloCl 6 . Dry hydrogen chloride extracts the whole of the alum- inium from an alloy of copper and aluminium without at- tacking the copper. The reaction is most energetic a little below a red heat. The alloys containing 15 to 40 per cent, of aluminium are best powdered, mixed with powdered charcoal (to prevent the fusion of the remaining copper), put into a graphite retort, and when heated just below a red heat a current of hydrogen chloride is passed through. The aluminium chloride distills over, and may be condensed in suitable vessels, the liberated hydrogen passing on. FORMATION OF ULTRAMARINE IN THE WET WAY. The material used is washed kaolin, with the fol- lowing percentage composition: Silica, 46.83; alumina, 40.25; water, 12.60; potash, 0.37; lime, trace; total, 100.05 ; and was expressed by the formula: 2SiO 3 : 1.997 A1 3 O 3 :: 1.79 H 2 O. The ultramarine mixture is made in the proportion Washed kaolin, IOO parts ; anhydrous sodium carbonate, IOO parts; sulphur, 60 parts. The mixture is heated in small porcelain crucibles, holding 15 to 20 grams of the mixture; this is pressed in, and the top covered to a * By C. F. MABERY, Ber. 22, 2658. Il8 LABORATORY MANUAL OF depth of 5 to 6 mm. with powdered charcoal, and the cruci- ble then heated with the lid on. The mixture, after heat- ing and separation from the charcoal, gives on digestion with solution of liver of sulphur, the deep blue of ultra- marine. Kaolin, digested alone with liver of sulphur solu- tion, is unchanged.* HYDROGEN BROMIDE. HBr. 100 grams benzole and a few grams of anhydrous fer- rous bromide are placed in a dry two-necked bottle and 135 c. c. bromine allowed to drop in from a dropping fun- nel with long fine stem. The Woulff bottle is placed in cold water during the first half of the operation, in order to control the vigorous heating and volatilization of the benzole which takes place. The gas is passed through a small tube charged with anhydrous ferrou. bromidef then through one charged with anthracene and now forms pure hydrogen bromide. For the production of cone, aqueous hydrobromic acid, the gas is led into a small bottle, by de- grees small quantities of water are added with a wash-bot- tle and cooled with a freezing mixture of ice and common salt. The saturated solution is preserved in a well stoppered bottle with cap and kept in a dark place. C 6 H 6 +4Br = C 6 H 4 Br 2 + 2HBr. The small quantity of ferrous bromide (FeBr 3 ) acts as * By F. KNAPP, J. pr. Chem. [2] 32, 375-39O- f Produced by mixing 25 grams ferrous FeBr, bromide with 3 c. c. bro- mine in the cold. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. IIQ the transferrer of bromine. The hydrogen bromide, devel- oped in a very regular stream, carries off benzole-vapors which bromate in the ferrous bromide tube and are held back. The gas is freed by the anthracene from the slight traces of free bromine. The aqueous solution should be entirely colorless, fume strongly when exposed to the air, and have a sp. gr. of at least 1.78 (at o C. saturated acid). Another method : A mixture of I part of red phos- phorus, 2 parts of water, and sufficient sand to form a paste, is introduced into a flask, 10 parts of bromine then gradually added by means of a funnel provided with a stopcock, the flask gradually warmed, and the mixture of hydrogen bromide and bromine vapor passed through a deep glass jar filled with a mixture of red phosphorus and asbestos, impregnated with concentrated hydrobromic acid. Every trace of bromine vapor is thus effectually retained, and the process is continuous and requires no supervision beyond an occasional shaking of the flask.* By means of the following arrangement, a large quan- tity of bromine can be rapidly converted into hydrobromic acid : A glass tube, 7 inches long and ^ inch in diameter, is fitted at each end with a cork carrying a piece of small tubing and a piece of stout wire. The ends of these pieces of stout wire, within the longer tube, are joined by a spiral of platinum wire I inch long, and after expelling the air the spiral is heated to bright redness by an electric current ; a stream of hydrogen, impregnated with bromine by bub- bling through that liquid, which may be heated at 60 C., is passed through the longer tube, and, as long as a slight M. FILETI and F. CROSA, Gazetta, 21, 64. I2O LABORATORY MANUAL OF excess of hydrogen is maintained, hydrobomic acid quite free from bromine issues from the other end, and is col- lected in water. There is very little danger from explo- sion, but to render it impossible, the small supply tube may be plugged with a little glass wool* A convenient method of preparing hydrogen bromide in quantity is to drop strong sulphuric acid from a tap funnel on solid potassium bromide heated in a stoppered, tubulated retort on the water-bath. The gas given off is contaminated with small quantities of sulphurous anhy- dride and bromine, from which it is freed by two sets of wash- bottles, the first of which contains a strong solution of bromine in hydrobromic acid, the second, amorphous phosphorus suspended in hydrobromic acid. When all the sulphuric acid has been added, and the evolution of gas has slackened, the retort may be heated over a flame. Another method is to pass sulphurous anhydride through a solution of bromine (i vol.) in concentrated hydrobromic acid (i vol.). The evolved hydrogen bro- mide is then purified as above. t Hydrogen bromide may also be prepared by adding bromine (385 grams) to a mixture of liquid paraffin (500 grams) and dry phosphorus in small pieces 50 grams ; water (about 100 grams) is then gradually run in and the evolved gas purified by passage over moist phosphorus.^ This method, proposed for the preparation of hydro- bromic acid, is based on the fact that the action of gaseous hydrogen sulphide on liquid bromine with forma- *G. S. NEWTH, Chem. News, 64, 215. fE. LEGER, Compt. rend. 115, 946-948. JA. GASSMAN, Chem. Centr. 1893, i., 77 1 - INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 121 tion of gaseous hydrogen bromide and solid sulphur de- velops + 144 cal., without taking into account the heat developed by the combination of the sulphur with the excess of bromine. Hydrogen sulphide is bubbled through a layer of bromine contained in a tall, narrow vessel, and covered by a layer of water or hydrobromic acid. The gas passes into a second flask which contains a solution of potassium bromide in hydrobromic acid holding a small quantity of red phosphorus in suspension, and the gas which issues from this flask contains neither bromine vapor nor hydro- gen sulphide. The current of hydrogen bromide is con- trolled by regulating the current of hydrogen sulphide. The latter gas should be made in a " continuous " apparatus.* Although concentrated sulphuric acid decomposes po- tassium bromide with liberation of bromine, when a more dilute acid is used there is no evolution of bromine. To obtain pure hydrobromic acid, 150 c. c. of sulphuric acid of 1.41 sp. gr. is poured on to IOO grams of coarsely pow- dered potassium bromide, and the mixture warmed gently and shaken until the salt is dissolved. The liquid is then submitted to distillation ; it begins to boil at about 126 C., and the temperature slowly rises to 150 C., at which point almost the whole of the hydrobromic acid passes over; then the temperature rapidly goes up to 200 C., and traces of sulphuric acid are mechanically carried over. The process is now stopped, as between 200 and 250 C. only small quan- tities of hydrobromic acid, mixed with a little sulphuric acid, pass over. The distillate is redistilled, collecting only A. RECOURA, Compt. rend., no, 784. 122 LABORATORY MANUAL OF what passes over at 1 26 C. ; this has a specific gravity of 1.49, contains 48 per cent, of HBr, is colorless, and con- tains neither sulphuric acid, sulphurous acid, nor bromine. 150 grams of bromide yield about 200 grams of acid. If the bromide contains bromate, the receiver is changed when the distillate become colorless ; the acid thus obtained con- taining bromine is treated with a little sodium sulphite, and rectified with the rest. Gaseous hydrobromic acid may be obtained by distilling the solution containing 48 per cent, from anhydrous calcium bromide.* HYDROGEN IODIDE. HI. In preparing hydrogen iodide from iodine and amorphous phosphorus the iodine is placed in a flask provided with a bent neck and connected with the vessel containing the phos- phorus and water by means of a bent tube. By turning the flask round the bent tube, fresh quantities of iodine can be added when requisite without admitting air into the apparatus. t Another method of preparation is to moisten 100 parts of iodine contained in a retort with about 10 parts of water. The retort is then fitted with a funnel closed with a glass rod, containing 5 parts of amorphous phosphorus mixed with 10 parts of water. One drop of water containing phos- phorus is let into the retort ; more phosphorus is slowly *By W. FEIT and K. KUBIERSCHKY, J. Pharm. [5], 24, 159; from Pharm. Zeit. Russ., 30, 298. f A. ETARD, Bull. Soc. Chim. 49, 742. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 123 added, after which large amounts may be used. The mix- ing is complete in 15 minutes. If more than a drop is added at first the action cannot be controlled, and will generally result in a violent explosion. No heating is necessary. The iodine carried over by the hydrogen iodide is nearly all deposited in the neck of the retort, which is inclined upward. By using 100 grams of iodine, 5 grams of phosphorus and 25 c. c of water, 95 grams of hydrogen iodide (of which 37.5 grams were obtained by distillation) are obtained, instead of 100.8 grams. With 20 grams of water 98. 1 grams are obtained (74.4 grams as gas and 23.7 grams by distillation).* IODINE PENTOXIDE. I 2 5 . 30 grams iodine are placed in a retort and 158 c. c. of water and nitric acid free from nitrogen oxides (page 18) poured over it. On shaking a reaction takes place which is hastened by moderate heating. The red vapors are driven out by a strong current of air, which is blown into the tubulature of the retort through a glass tube. In spite of this a part of the iodine is invariably reduced by these nitrogen oxides ; it volatillizes and is condensed with the distilling acid in a receiver, which is kept cool. At inter- vals the heating is stopped and the distillate, after having air blown into it, is put back. The white residue is dis- solved in a little water and evaporated to dryness in a porcelain dish, iodic acid anhydride remaining in white crystals. * H. I. L. MEYER, Ber. 20, 3381. 124 LABORATORY MANUAL OF IODINE TRICHLORIDE. IC1 3 . 20 grams iodine are gently heated in a small retort, the bent neck of which terminates in a weighed balloon filled with chlorine and closed, but connected with a Kipp's chlorine apparatus. As soon as the iodine vapors enter the balloon a strong absorption of chlorine takes place, and iodine chloride precipitates against the walls in reddish- yellow crystals. Finally dry carbonic acid is led through to drive out the surplus chlorine. Any particles which cannot be removed from the balloon mechanically are dis- solved in ten times their weight of water, and preserved as iodine chloride solution. Iodine trichloride is an orange-colored pungent crys- talline powder, readily soluble in water to a clear yellow liquid. Chloroform should not remove iodine from the aqueous solution until a little stannous chloride has been added. On heating, the iodine trichloride should change without leaving any residue into brown vapors, which con- dense again to an orange- colored sublimate. HYDROCYANIC ACID. HCN. 500 grams coarsely powdered potassium ferricyanide are distilled on the gas stove in a well ventilated place, with a mixture of 350 grams cone, sulphuric acid and 700 c. c. water. With the condenser two WoulfT bottles are connected; these INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 125 stand on ice ; the vapors escaping from the last bottle are led into cold water. The insoluble residue* forming in the retort causes a slight jolting of the contents, but by heat- ing uniformly and carefully no danger need be feared. The distillate is almost pure. If absolutely anhydrous hydrogen cyanide is required, fill the first of the Woulfif bottles before distillation half-way with porous calcium chloride, and at the conclusion set it in warm water, in order to distill its contents into the second bottle. The product should not be preserved in an anhydrous, but in a diluted condition ; the aqueous hydrocyanic acid keeps still better if one drop of diluted mineral acid is added to every 100 c. c. The anhydrous hydrocyanic acid is a very volatile, colorless liquid, which when brought in contact with the skin produces a cold feeling, like evaporated ether. It boils at 27 C. and crystallizes in a freezing mixture. The aqueous solution does not redden litmus paper, t PURIFICATION OF HYDROFLUORIC ACID. HF. The apparatus employed for distilling commercial hy- drofluoric acid consists of a heavy sheet-lead retort, 6 inches high and 4 inches in diameter, with a rim at the top formed by beating the lead over an iron ring i inch deep and ^ inch thick ; the lid is of j inch iron plate, covered with lighter sheet lead, and is fixed down by a screw working in a socket in an iron bridge, which is secured to projections * This residue may be used in the preparation of Berlin Blue, f WOHLER, Annalen, 73, 219. 126 LABORATORY MANUAL OF on the opposite sides of the iron ring of the rim. A washer of india-rubber is placed between the cover and the rim. The leaden nose of the retort points upwards, and is con- nected by india-rubber tubing to a Liebig condenser, the inner tube of which is of thin india-rubber. The retort is charged through a funnel with 25 per cent, hydrofluoric acid, which yields a distillate of convenient strength for analytical work. The first portions of the distillate con- tain silicate and are discarded, whilst any sulphur is re- moved by filtration.* STANNOUS CHLORIDE. SnCte, Crystallized + 2H 2 O. Reduce grain tin to powder by means of a file, or by fusing it in a small porcelain dish, removing from the fire, and triturating with a pestle until it has passed again to the solid state. Boil the powder for some time with concentrated hydrochloric acid and a few drops of platinic chloride in a flask (taking care always to have an excess of tin in the vessel) until hydrogen gas is scarcely evolved ; dilute the solution with 4 times the quantity of water slightly acidulated with hydrochloric acid, and filter. Keep the filtrate for use in a well-stoppered bottle containing small pieces of metallic tin, or some pure tin-foil. If these precautions are neglected the stannous chloride will soon change to stannic chloride, with separation of white oxy- chloride, which will render the reagent unfit for use. * By R. HAMILTON, Chem. News, 60. 252. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. I2/ A solution of stannous chloride must, when added to excess of solution of mercuric chloride, immediately pro- duce a white precipitate of mercurous chloride ; when treated with hydrogen sulphide it must give a dark brown pre- cipitate ; it must not be precipitated nor rendered turbid by sulphuric acid. ANHYDROUS STANNOUS CHLORIDE. SnCl 2 . Commercial stannous chloride is heated slowly on the gas stove ; the salt melts in its water of crystallization, then becomes pasty, and gradually entirely solid. The dehy- drated salt is fused once more, and in cooling it is placed in a mounted retort of hard Bohemian glass, the upper part of which is covered with a cap of wire gauze or asbestos, to avoid too strong radiation, and distilled as quickly as possible into a porcelain dish, which is kept covered with a second dish. As the stannous chlo- ride boils at about 327 C. the heat must be very strong ; a small blow-pipe furnace will serve as the best source of heat. The neck of the retort is heated with a Bunsen burner, so it will not choke up with the solidifying distillate. Anhydrous stannous chloride is a white, crystalline mass, melting at 250 C., dissolving readily in water, alcohol, ether and soda lye. ANHYDROUS STANNIC CHLORIDE. SnCl 4 . 150 grams pure tin (granulated or in bars) are heated to fusion on the gas stove in a mounted, tubulated retort, 128 LABORATORY MANUAL OF and a strong stream of dry chlorine led into it through a glass tube opening near the surface of the fused metal. The retort connects with a very long condenser and two Woulff bottles as receivers. The receivers are placed in ice-water, to hasten the condensation of the very volatile chloride. The chloride collected is distilled from a frac- tional distilling flask containg a little tinfoil. Sn + 4C1 = SnCl 4 . The free chlorine combines with the metallic tin during the rectification. Anhydrous stannic chloride is a colorless solution, boiling at 114 C, fuming strongly when exposed to air, of 2.278 sp. gr. at o C., with a small amount of water, it furnishes crystalline compounds, but dissolves completely in a larger quantity of water. PHOSPHORUS FROM PHOSPHATES OF THE ALKALIES AND ALKA- LINE EARTHS BY MEANS OF ALUMINIUM. When sodium metaphosphate is heated with aluminium in a current of hydrogen, 28 to 31 per cent, of the phos- phorus distills over, and a residue is obtained consisting of alumina, sodium aluminate, and aluminium phosphide. All the phosphates of calcium and magnesium, when heated with aluminium, yield phosphorus. Aluminium phosphide, A1-P 5 is obtained by heating aluminium in phosphorus vapor, and then heating the product until phosphorus ceases to come off. It is a gray crystalline powder. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 129 The whole of the phosphorus in the phosphates may be obtained by adding silica to the mixture in the propor- tions represented by the equation : 3Ca(PO 4 ) 2 + 10A1 + 3SiO 2 = 3CaSiO 3 + 5A1 3 O 3 + 3P 3 . When a mixture of calcium metaphosphate and calcium sulphate is heated with aluminium, a violent explosion ensues. It has been found that this is due to the sulphate. Barium sulphate or calcium sulphate, when heated with aluminium, act with explosive violence and sulphur is set free. The chlorides are also decomposed by aluminium at a high temperature.* PURE PHOSPHORIC ACID FROM SODIUM PHOSPHITE. H 3 P0 4 . Crystals of hydrogen sodium phosphate are subjected to the action of gaseous hydrogen chloride. In this man- ner syrupy phosphoric acid in amount corresponding with a yield of 75 per cent, of the theoretical quantity is obtained, t Pure phosphoric acid may also be obtained when pow- dered calcium phosphate is added gradually to a slight excess of commercial hydrofluoric acid diluted with an equal volume of water, and contained in a leaden or plati- num vessel. There is considerable development of heat, and the liquid must be thoroughly agitated. When the * A. ROSSEL and L. FRANK, Her. 27, 52. |G. WATSON, J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 2, 224. 9 I3O LABORATORY MANUAL OF action moderates, the liquid is gently heated, water being added to make up for loss by evaporation. When the liquid becomes viscous, the excess of hydrogen fluoride begins to escape, and the mixture is then heated until the expulsion of the acid is complete. The syrupy liquid thus obtained contains from 60 to 70 per cent, of phosphoric an- hydride in the form of orthophosphoric acid. With pure materials, the phosphoric acid obtained is very pure ; if bones and ordinary acid have been used the product must be heated to carbonize the organic matter, dissolved in water, filtered, and again evaporated. Pyrophosphoric and metaphosphoric acids can be obtained by evaporating at higher temperatures.* Another method is to heat 127 grams white phosphor- us with 1400 c. c. nitric acid (1.20 sp. gr.) in a retort with receiver. The phosphorus me.Us, and then the operation quietly proceeds. At intervals the distillate must be poured back. When the phosphorus has passed entirely into solu- tion (after 10 to 12 hours) it is evaporated in a platinum dish until a sample taken out with a glass rod together with cone, sulphuric acid and ferrous sulphate solution ceases to give a reaction for nitric acid. The temperature must not exceed 188 C. The acid when mixed with mercuric chlor- ide solution must show no trace of phosphorus acid. After this, it is treated warm with sulphureted hydrogen until on standing there is no further precipitate of arsenic sulphide, then diluted with a little water, filtered, and again slowly evaporated, until a thermometer dipped into it shows 1 60 C. * M. NICOLAS, Compt. rend., in, 974. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 131 The acid should show a sp. gr. of 1.88, and be free from arsenic and "phosphoric acid. PHOSPHORUS TRISULPHIDE. 310 grams red phosphorus are mixed with 480 grams powdered sulphur and the powder poured by spoonfuls into a hessian crucible which has been heated on a Bunsen burner. After adding each portion, the crucible is closed with a cover whereupon the reaction should take place at once. When the whole mixture has been added, the cruci- ble is allowed to cool sufficiently to leave the mass soft, and then the phosphorus sulphide is poured out on a piece of sheet-iron. The solid product is broken in pieces while warm and placed in a well-stoppered bottle. Phosphorus trisulphide forms in a hard, gray, easily powdered mass, which when exposed to air becomes moist and smeary, de- veloping sulphureted hydrogen. CALCIUM PHOSPHIDE. CaP. To a strong clay crucible, about 6^ cm. wide and 12 cm. high, fit a round cover of sheet-iron 2 mm. thick pro- vided with a round opening in the center of 2.5 mm. diameter and into which is fitted an iron tube 30 cm. long. At the upper end of this iron tube, a thin walled glass 132 LABORATORY MANUAL OF tube of 1 5 cm. in length is fastened.* Fig. 9. After having placed the iron tube perpendicularly in the crucible, the latter is filled with 100 grams burnt marble or lime in pieces the size of a hazel nut. Cover the cruci- ble and then heat in Roessler's annealing furnace. When the crucible has become red-hot, 65 grams of dry phosphorus in sticks are dropped into it through the glass tube, in pieces of about 5 to 10 grams. Immediately upon dropping each piece of phosphorus the glass tube is closed with a cork provided with a handle. The influence of phosphorus on the lime is manifested each time by the escape of a little phosphorus pentoxide in form of a white cloud of smoke from the chimney of the furnace. If this reaction fails to take place, the iron tube is raised a little, allowing the phosphorus to enter into the cruci- ble. While at first only minimum quantities escape reaction, the conclusion of the operation is shown by the appearance of thick smoke. The flame is then extinguished, the crucible taken out, and the product immediately upon having cooled (still slightly warm) is filled into a well-closed specimen cylinder. 7CaO + 7P = Ca 2 P 2 O 7 + 5CaP. Calcium phosphide forms in dark, hard, rainbow-colored pieces, which when thrown into warm water develop phosphureted hydrogen : 2CaP + 4H 2 O = 2Ca (OH) 2 -f- PgH*. \ * For this purpose wind a little thin asbestos cord around the glass tube, then twist it into the iron tube, after having moistened the asbestos with water glass. The joints are covered with a pasty mixture of powdered oxide manganese and water glass, then dried at moderate heat. The glass tube must be sufficiently wide to conveniently allow the passage of the phosphorus sticks. f GATTERMANN and HAUSSKNECHT, Ber. 23, 1175. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 133 PHOSPHORUS OXY FLUORIDE. Zinc carbonate is dissolved in excess of hydrofluoric acid, the solution evaporated, and the zinc fluoride dried at 300 and placed in a brass tube, to which a bromine burette, containing slight excess of the calculated quantity of phosphorus oxychloride, and a leaden delivery tube are adapted by a paraffined cork. The leaden tube is connected to another brass tube cooled by a freezing mixture to 20 C., and this leads to another tube containing zinc fluoride, which removes any traces of oxychloride escaping from the oxyfluoride. The phosphorus oxychloride is dropped slowly on to the zinc fluoride, the ensuing reaction being assisted by warming carefully at 40 to 50 C., and the evolved gas is collected over mercury in glass vessels.* HYDROGEN PHOSPHIDE. PH 3 . Tin and zinc phosphides are prepared by adding the equivalent quantity of amorphous phosphorus to the re- spective metals in the molten state covered with ammo- nium carbonate. Iron phosphide, FeP, by heating finely divided iron and amorphous phosphorus together, copper phosphide, by heating copper filings with amorphous phos- phorus ; magnesium phosphide, by adding the equivalent quantity of amorphous phosphorus to melted magnesium ; sodium phosphide by carefully adding yellow phosphorus * By H. MOISSAN, Bull. Soc. Chim. [3], 4, 260. 134 LABORATORY MANUAL OF to fused sodium under petroleum. The phosphides of tin, zinc, iron, and copper are not decomposed by water ; whilst those of sodium and magnesium, like that of calcium are decomposed by water. From magnesium phosphide, whether decomposed by water or by dilute hydrochloric acid, non-spontaneously inflammable hydrogen phosphide is obtained. From sodium phosphide, spontaneously in- flammable hydrogen phosphide is obtained, which, in a great measure, readily changes to solid phosphide. The phosphides of tin and zinc are decomposed by cold dilute hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, but those of iron and cop- per are but slightly attacked even on boiling. For the preparation of hydrogen phosphide from the phosphides of tin, zinc or magnesium, an Erlenmeyer flask of 2OO to 300 c. c. capacity is fitted with a stopper carrying three tubes, one of which conducts carbonic anhydride gas to the bottom of the flask to displace the air, the second ad- mits the dilute acid from a tap-funnel, the third is the delivery tube. To the latter is attached a tube, filled with glass wool, from which the gas passes out into nitric acid in a dish. In the case of tin phosphide the flask is warmed gently on the water-bath at the commencement, after which the reaction proceeds regularly for thirty minutes to one hour, .when as the reaction becomes slower, the flask may again be warmed. In the case of zinc or magnesium phos- phides, no external heating is requisite. The method is preferable to the preparation with potassium hydroxide and phosphorus or to that with calcium phosphide, and demon- strates the formation of the phosphide of hydrogen in analogous manner to the other compounds of hydrogen with the non-metals, ammonia excepted. The preparation INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 135 of zinc phosphide is also especially recommended as being simple. The synthesis of hydrogen phosphide may be shown by putting sodium phosphite or hypophosphite into a hydrogen generator, when the phosphide is readily de- tected in the gas evolved.* ARSENIC ACID. H 3 AsO 4 . The arsenic acid liquid produced in preparing nitrogen tetraoxide (page 2 I ) is poured off from the unchanged pieces of white arsenic, evaporated to dryness in a porcelain dish, and the residue again dissolved by heating with a little water. The solution must be free from arsenious acid, or else must be again evaporated, adding a little H 2 SO 4 , and dissolved once more. If the solution is pure it is boiled down to a syrup, and left to crystallize at a low tempera- ture in a closed vessel, adding, if necessary, a small crystal of arsenic acid. When the concentration is perfect, very nice, large, compact glossy crystals will be obtained; if the crystallization has occurred too quickly, the mass is dis- solved, the crystals are melted at a moderate heat, and then allowed to slowly crystallize, so that larger crystals may be obtained. Arsenic acid should dissolve readily in water, and with ferrous sulphate give no nitric acid reaction. The well-diluted solution mixed with a drop of HC1 should at first remain clear ; when mixed with an equal volume *By R. LUEPKE, Chem. Centr., 1890, i i, 642 ; from Zeit. f. physikal. und chem. Unterricht, 3, 280. 136 LABORATORY MANUAL OF of sulphureted hydrogen water should only become tur- bid upon standing some time. A solution of the acid in fuming HC1 should immediately give a thick yellow precipitate with hydrogen sulphide. 2HNO 3 + As 3 O 3 4- 2H 3 O = N 3 O 3 + 2H 3 AsO 4 . Arsenic acid is not precipitated from aqueous solution by hydrogen sulphide, but from cone, hydrochloric acid solution ; it is at once precipitated, when a mixture of arsenic pentasul- phide, sulphur and arsenic trisulphide is thrown down. In such a solution arsenic pentachloride, which is unknown in a pure condition, seems to be present, and this is decom- posed by hydrogen sulphide according to the equations : 2AsCl 5 4- 5H 3 S = As 3 S 5 + 10HC1; AsCl 5 4- H 3 S = AsCl 3 + S + 2HC1; 2AsCl 3 + 3H 9 S = As 3 So + 6HC1. HYDROGEN ARSENIDE. H As. The action of zinc on an acid solution of arsenious acid produces a gas containing 70 per cent, by volume of hy- drogen arsenide. Sodium amalgam containing not more than 4 grams of sodium in 50 c. c. of mercury, by its action on a concentrated solution of arsenious acid, produces a gas containing 86 per cent, by volume of hydrogen arsenide. A gas containing a large quantity of arsenic may be pre- pared by the action of aluminium on a somewhat dilute alkaline solution of potassium arsenite, while a solution of arsenic disulphide in potash, when subjected to the action of aluminium, evolves a gas quite free from arsenic.* * A. KAVAZZI, Rend. Ace. Bologna, 1886-7, 85. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 137 ARSENIC PENTASULPHIDE. As 2 S 5 . When a solution of an alkaline arsenate, strongly acidi- fied with hydrochloric acid and saturated with hydrogen sulphide is heated in a closed vessel at 100 C. for one hour the arsenate is completely converted into pentasul- phide. It contains no trisulphide, and if due precau- tions have been "taken to exclude air, no free sulphur. Pure arsenic pentasulphide is lemon yellow in color, does not yield any sulphur to carbon disulphide, and dissolves in ammonia without separation of sulphur. When the ammoniacal solution is agitated with silver nitrate and filtered a clear filtrate is obtained, from which nitric acid precipitates silver arsenate. Arsenical pyrates may oe used instead of alkaline arsenate, in which case the finely pulverized ore is digested for some time in aqua regia until decomposed ; the chlorine is boiled out and hy- drogen sulphide passed through the cold solution as long as a precipitate forms ; this serves to remove heavy metals, as sulphides ; filter and wash with hydrogen sul- phide water, saturate with hydrogen sulphide, and pro- ceed as before.* ANTIMONY TRICHLORIDE. SbCl 3 . IOO grams powdered stibnite arc heated with 500 c. c. crude HC1 in a flask, gradually adding about 4 grams po- tassium chloride. When the ore has disappeared filter off * L. W. McKAY, Chem. News, 54, 287. 138 LABORATORY MANUAL OF from the sulphur through glasswool, and distill out of the retort ; at first aqueous hydrochloric acid comes over, then a concentrated antimony chloride solution, which is fre- quently of a yellow color from iron chloride, finally nice white, pure antimony chloride, cooling in crystals, will pass over. Each of these products are caught up separately. The pure antimony chloride is refined in a test tube or small flask, the antimony chloride solution decomposed by a large quantity of water, whereby antimony oxychloride is precipitated as a fine white powder (Algaroth). The change Sb 2 S 3 + 6HC1 == 2SbCl 3 4 3H 2 S which at first goes on energetically, but gradually becomes very slow, and may be hastened to a conclusion by adding the means of oxydation. The antimony chloride should melt at 73 C., boil at 223 C., and crystallize from carbon disulphide in rhombic, glossy crystals. ANTIMONY OXYCHLORIDE. Sb 4 O 5 Cl 2 . 60 grams powdered antimony sulphide are thoroughly mixed in a mortar with 140 grams mercuric chloride, and slowly distilled from a gas retort over the gas stove at gentle heat. A flask is used as receiver, the neck of which has been broken off; the neck of the retort is heated at in- tervals with a Bunsen burner, to melt the antimony chlo- ride that solidifies in it. The distillate is dissolved in a little warm HC1, and then poured into a large quantity of INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 139 hot water ; the precipitate is washed by decantation and then dried. Sb 2 S 3 4- 3HgCl 2 = 2SbCl 3 + 3HgS, 4SbCl 8 + 5H 3 O = Sb 4 O 5 Ci 3 + 10HC1. The white crystalline powder should be insoluble in water, alcohol and ether, but soluble in carbon disulphide and chloroform. On heating it should give a sublimate of antimonious chloride, leaving behind antimony mon- oxide.* ANTIMONIOUS SULPHATE. Sb 2 (S0 4 ) 3 . 20 grams finely powdered antimony are added to 400 grams of boiling, distilled H 3 SO 4 and boiled in a platinum dish until the metal has disappeared. A part of the sul- phate crystallizes out of the hot solution, the rest upon the cooling of the liquid, in the form of small white needles. It is filtered through a platinum cone and dried on an earthen plate. BISMUTH NITRATE. Bi(N0 3 ) 3 + 5H 3 0. BASIC BISMUTH NITRATE. BiONO 3 + BiOOH. BISMUTH HYDROXIDE. B O OH. 100 grams commercial bismuth and 50 grams sodium nitrate are heated in a nickel dish at faint red-heat. After * G. E. STAHL, Zufallige Gedanken und nutzliche Bedanken liber den Streit von den sogennaten sulfure Halle, 1715, S. 346. 140 LABORATORY MANUAL OF the metal is completely oxydized boil thoroughly with 250 c. c. water, adding a solution of 20 grams sodium hydrate in 1500. c. water. The bismuth oxide filtered on the bare platinum cone is dissolved hot in a flask containing a mixture of 140 c. c. cone. HNO 3 with 200 c. c. water, fil- tered through an asbestos filter and evaporated to crystal- lization. The mother liquid is evaporated further, and poured into ^ litre boiling water, whereupon the basic bis- muth nitrate separates in the form of a heavy white powder, which, after decanting, is collected on the filter and dried in the cold ; or else the acid solutions are precipitated with ammonia, the bismuth oxyhydrate decanted and pre- served as a paste. The impurities of commercial bismuth consist chiefly of arsenic and antimony, the oxides of which go into solution upon boiling with soda. The bismuth value of the crystallized nitrate should be ascertained from a weighed sample by converting it into bismuth oxide in a covered porcelain crucible, heat- ing at first carefully, then energetically. Further, a sample is dissolved in very dilute nitric acid, the solution poured into an excess of hot soda, and the filtrate tested for arsenic and antimony. BISMUTH IODIDE. BiI 3 . 20 grams iodine are mixed with 35 grams finely pow- dered bismuth in a mortar, quickly poured into a retort, and slowly heated on the gas stove. When the reaction is finished the small quantity of surplus iodine is driven out INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 14! by a current of dry carbonic acid gas, and the temperature raised until the bismuth iodide sublimes in form of very large crystals, similar in appearance to iodine. Boiling water should convert the powdered bismuth iodide into red oxyiodide. .S^$&& UBRxi/?p\ tTHIVEHSITY; c* BISMUTH OXYI O^^Ertt^ BiOI. 95.4 grams powdered crystallized bismuth nitrate (page 139) are dissolved in 120 to 160 c. c. glacial acetic acid by warming gently. At the same time 33.2 grams potassium iodide and 50 grams crystallized sodium acetate are dissolved in 2 litres cold water. The second solution is placed in a dish and the first added to it in a very thin stream from a dropping funnel, with frequent stirring. At the point where the liquid strikes a greenish-black pre- cipitate forms at first ; upon stirring this immediately changes to a lemon color. On further addition of the bismuth solution the product assumes a dark, brick-red color. The precipitate settles very readily. It is decanted, filtered and dried at IOO C. Bi(NO 3 ) 3 + SKI = BiI 3 + 3KNO 3 ; Bi I 3 + H 2 O = BiOI f 2HI. The hydriodic acid reacts with the sodium acetate, and the potassium iodide formed again takes part in the reaction. Heated in a dry test-tube the compound should yield violet iodine-vapors, and leave behind bismuth oxide ; on shaking with water no halogen acid should be set free, 142 LABORATORY MANUAL OF and it should be free from arsenic and bismuth subnitrate : O.2 gram shaken with 2 grams dilute sulphuric acid should give a filtrate which, when mixed with twice its volume of cone. H 2 SO 4 , should be permanently colored blue by a drop of indigo solution (discoloration nitric acid).* BISMUTHIC ACID. HBiO 3 . 20 grams of bismuth bromide and 40 grams of potas- sium bromide are dissolved in 60 grams of water and mixed with excess of bromine. The solution is then poured drop by drop into an almost boiling solution of 100 grams of potassium hydroxide in 150 grams of water, the alkali remaining in excess at the end of the reaction. A very dense red-brown precipitate forms immediately. This is washed repeatedly with boiling water by decantation, and, after a long time, part of the product forms a brown emulsion with the water, whilst a red-brown compound remains at the bottom of the vessel. The emulsion is de- canted off, and can be precipitated by addition of a few drops of nitric acid. The non-emulsified product is washed with hot water until no longer alkaline, and one portion is washed for several days longer. Both portions, when dried at 100 C., have the composition 4KBiO3, 3HBiO 3 . The same product is obtained from bismuth chloride ; k dissolves easily in hydrochloric acid, with evolution of chlorine, but is soluble only with difficulty in warm nitric acid. When heated it becomes pale-yellow, * B. FISCHER, Die neueren Arzeneimittel, III. AufL, s. 20. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 143 loses oxygen, then becomes brown, melts, and on cooling is pale-yellow. Prolonged washing with boiling water yields a product which, after being dried at 100 C, has the composition KBiO 3 ,HBiO 3 . All these products when treated with warm, dilute nitric acid lose the whole of their potassium, and yield brick -red bismuthic acid, HBiO 3 . Very often the residue dried at 100 C. has the composition ANTIMONY AND BISMUTH SULPHATES. Anhydrous antimony sulphate, Sb 2 (SO 4 ) 3 , is best pre- pared by dissolving the trisulphide in concentrated sul- phuric acid heated to the temperature at which it com- mences to vaporize ; the salt is deposited as a fine, very deliquescent, white crystallized powder. Its products of decomposition with water vary with the conditions, such as mass and temperature; with boiling water the salt is completely decomposed into antimonious oxide (contain- ing less than I per cent, of water) and sulphuric acid, whilst with water at ordinary temperatures a basic sulphate, 5SB 3 O 3 2SO 3 7H 3 O, is produced. The sulphate is almost completely converted into antimonious chloride by a cur- rent of hydrogen chloride. Anhydrous bismuth sul- phate, Bi 2 (SO 4 ) 3 , prepared in a manner similar to the antimony salt, crystallizes in very hygroscopic, glis- tening needles ; when evaporated with water it yields a * G. ANDRE, Compt. Rend., 113, 860-862. 144 LABORATORY MANUAL OF slightly coherent powder of the composition 3H 2 O, but on heating it with water at the ordinary tem- perature, and evaporating the solution, a powder of the composition 2Bi 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + 7H 2 O is obtained ; lastly, if the salt be frequently treated with water, the final product is a hydrate, Bi 2 ,O3,SO3,H 2 O. It is probable that under favorable conditions the sulphate is converted by hydro- chloric acid into bismuth trichloride.* COBALT NITRATE. Co(NO 3 ) 2 , Crystallized + 5H 2 O. Fuse in a Hessian crucible 3 parts of potassium disul- phate, and add to the fused mass, in small portions at a time, I part of well-roasted cobalt ore (the purest zaffre you can procure) reduced to fine powder. The mass thickens and acquires a pasty consistency. Heat now more strongly until it has become more fluid again, and continue to apply heat until the excess of sulphuric acid is completely expelled, and the mass accordingly no longer emits white furties. Remove the fused mass from the crucible with an iron spoon or spatula ; let it cool and reduce it to powder; boil this with water until the undis- solved portion presents a soft mass ; then filter the rose- red solution, which is free from arsenic and nickel and mostly also from iron. Add to the filtrate a small quantity of sodium carbonate, so as to throw down a little cobalt carbonate ; boil and filter. Precipitate the solution, which is now free from iron, boiling with sodium carbonate; wash the precipitate well, and treat it still moist with oxalic * C. HENSGEN, Rec. Trav. Chim., 4, 401-413. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 145 acid in excess. Wash the rose-red cobalt oxalate thor- oughly, dry and heat to redness in a glass tube, in a cur- rent of hydrogen gas. This decomposes the oxalate into carbonic acid gas, which escapes, and metallic cobalt, which is left behind. Wash the metal first with water containing acetic acid, then with pure water; dissolve in dilute nitric acid, treat, if necessary, with hydrogen sulphide, filter the fluid from the copper sulphide, etc., which may precipitate, evaporate the solution in the water-bath to dryness. Solution of cobalt nitrate must be free from other metals, and especially from salts of the alkali metals ; when precipitated with ammonium sulphide and filtered, the filtrate must, upon evaporation on platinum, leave no fixed residue. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE. H 3 O 3 . One-half litre commercial hydrogen peroxide is cooled in a flask to o C. and mixed with a cold, saturated barium hydrate solution until a permanent precipitate forms, and the solution has become alkaline. The filtered solution, cooled and shaken, is allowed to flow into 2 litres of ice-cold barium hydrate solution. When the crystalline precipitate no longer forms, the peroxide is filtered and rinsed with a little ice- water. Now 20 c. c. cone. H 3 SO4are mixed with 200 c. c, water, the solution carefully cooled in a freezing mix- ture of ice and common salt, and enough of the still moist barium peroxide added, shaking, until the solution reacts only faintly acid. Then it is allowed to settle ; the ice- cold solution is filtered and neutralized with a few tlrops 146 LABORATORY MANUAL OF of dilute barium hydrate, until neither H 2 SO4 nor barium remains in the solution. Then the turbid solution is fil- tered, and a part of the thus obtained pure hydrogen per- oxide solution evaporated on a porcelain plate in vacuum over H 2 SO 4 . The reactions: H 2 O 2 + Ba(OH) 3 = Ba(OH) 4 and Ba(OH) 4 + H 3 SO 4 = BaSO 4 + H 2 O 2 will only take place in the cold and in not too high concentration. If these con- ditions are not fulfilled, oxygen developes richly, and the gain will prove a minimum. The anhydrous peroxide should be a syrupy, bitter- tasting solution of 1.46 sp. gr., which on warming decom- poses readily. The watery solution should also have the peculiar characteristic taste ; and yield, when mixed with dil. sulphuric acid, ether and a drop of dilute potassium dichromate solution, an intense blue, ether-soluble color ; be free from HC1,H 2 SO 4 and barium. One per cent, of alcohol is added for preservation. The value is determined by decomposing I c. c. hydro- gen peroxide solution with excess of permanganate of potas- sium and dil. H 2 SO 4 in a nitrometer, or else by titration of 5 c. c. with Y normal permanganate in sulphuric acid solution.* Another method for the preparation of pure hydrogen peroxide is to take the solution of hydrogen peroxide which results from the action of hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. i.i) on barium dioxide, and is extracted by shaking with ether; the ethereal solution is agitated with distilled water, to which it yields the dissolved hydrogen peroxide. By repe- titions of this process, a pure, neutral solution correspond- * J. THOMSEN, Ber. 7-74. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 147 ing with O.8 to 0.9 per cent of hydrogen peroxide is obtain- able, from which' the dissolved ether may be eliminated by distillation under reduced pressure.* It can also be prepared by adding sodium carbonate to the commercial 3 per cent, aqueous solution of hydro- gen peroxide, until the reaction is distinctly alkaline. The solution is then filtered, and shaken up for 3 to 5 minutes with 10 to 12 times its volume of ether, which extracts about half of the hydrogen peroxide originally present, and leaves behind most of the impurities. The ethereal layer is separated and reduced to o.Oi to 0.0025 of its original volume on the water-bath. The remainder of ether is removed in a bell jar by solid paraffin. The loss of hydrogen peroxide during the evaporation of the ether is only 7 to 10 per cent. Operating in this way two solutions are obtained : (a) a colorless solution with distinctly acid reaction, and sp. gr. 1.1756, which contains 54 grams of anhydrous hydro- gen peroxide in 100 c. c.; (b] a thick transparent slightly yellow, acid liquid, of sp. gr. 1.2475, which con- tains 79.6 grams of hydrogen peroxide in 100 c. c.f Hydrogen peroxide chemically pure can be prepared by mixing hydrogen peroxide of commerce with 0.25 per cent, of phosphoric acid and then while vigorously stirring, barium hydroxide is added until the solution is neutral to litmus. The clear solution is poured into a cold saturated solution of barium hydroxide and the precipitate of barium dioxide is well washed and may be kept for the prepara- tion of pure hydrogen dioxide. For this purpose it is * L. CRISMER. Bull. Soc., Chim. [3], 6, 24-25. \ P. SHILOFF, J. Russ. Chem. Soc., 25, 293. 148 LABORATORY MANUAL OF made into a thin magma and carefully decomposed by dropping steadily into dilute sulphuric acid containing 12 per cent, of concentrated acid ; and excess of sulphuric acid being removed by hydroxide and vice versa. Excess of barium dioxide must be avoided, as it decomposes hy- drogen dioxide.* POTASSIUM AND SODIUM PEROXIDES. When potassium is dropped into molten potassium ni- trate the metal burns with a bright light, with the forma- tion of yellowish potassium peroxide which dissolves in the fused mass, imparting to it a deep, rich red color. In a similar manner sodium and sodium nitrate give rise to a yellowish-red solution, whilst potassium and potassium nitrate give a brown-red solution. In all cases the color disappears on cooling, but on heating again reappears. The aqueous solutions from the colorless masses give a greenish precipitate with copper sulphate. The action of sodium on fused potassium chlorate is attended with dangerously explosive violence. t SULPHUR MONOCHLORIDE, AND SULPHUR DICHLORIDE, SClg. 300 grams sulphur are heated to its melting point in a tubulated retort over a low flame, and as in the case of tinte- * Mann. Chem. Zeit., 12, 857. f H. C. BOLTON Chem. News, 53, 289-290. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 149 trachloride a rapid stream of dry chlorine gas is passed close to the surface of the melted sulphur. The vola- tile chloride is redistilled in a side neck flask, and a little dissolved sulphur remains as a residue. 67.5 grams of the sulphur monochloride are cooled to o C. and saturated with dry chlorine gas. The sulphur dichloride so produced must weigh 103 grams. It is preserved in well-stoppered bottles. In the redistillation of the chloride of sulphur the higher chlorides change into sulphur monochloride; on the other hand at o C. sulphur monochloride combines with another molecule of chlorine : SgClg + Clg = 2SC1 2 . The sulphur monochloride should form a yellowish-red, strong-smelling solution of 1.7 sp. gr., and the sulphur dichloride a dark red solution, which should develop chlorine at ordinary temperature the quantity increasing with the temperature. PREPARATION OF CHROMIUM FROM POTAS- SIUM CHROMIUM CHLORIDE AND MAGNESIUM. Chromium can be quickly prepared in an almost chem- ically pure condition in the following manner : Potassium dichromate (100 grams) is dissolved in the least possible quantity of water, the solution mixed with hydrochloric acid of sp. gr. 1.124 (4 c - c -)> an d then 80 per cent, al- cohol (100 c. c.) gradually added. The solution of potas- sium chromium chloride obtained in this way is treated with potassium chloride (160 grams), the filtered solution evap- 150 LABORATORY MANUAL OF orated to dryness, the residue heated until anhydrous, freed from the green portions, which are produced by the de- composition of the double salt, then powdered, and mixed with magnesium filings (50 grams). This mixture is heated, for about half an hour, to a bright red heat, in a closed Hessian crucible in a blast-furnace, care being taken that the potassium chloride does not volatilize completely, otherwise the chromium is partially oxidized. The melt is separated from the superficial layer of chromium oxide, treated with water, and the finely divided metal freed from salts and unchanged magnesium by washing it with water ; then boiling it with dilute nitric acid, and again washing with water, all the washing being done by decantation. The yield of the metal, dried at IOO Q C, is about 27 grams. Chromium, prepared in this way, is a light-gray, crys talline, non-magnetic powder of sp. gr. 6.7284 at 16 C. it can be melted in a Deville's furnace, but only with great difficulty, and after being melted it shows a silvery fracture. Two analyses of the powder showed that it contained 99-53 to 99. 5 7 per cent of chromium, and that it was free from silver and magnesium.* CHROMYL CHLORIDE. CrO 2 Cl 3 . 200 grams neutral potassium chromate and 122 grams common salt are melted in a Hessian crucible at a moder- ate temperature, the fusion is poured on a piece of sheet- * E. GLATZEL, Ber. 23, 3127-3130. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 151 iron and broken in coarse pieces, these are digested with a mixture of 66 c. c. fuming H 3 SO 4 (1.096 sp. gr.) and 134 c. c. ordinary cone, HgSC^ in a roomy retort with con- denser. The reaction is very violent at first ; when it mod- erates, the retort is heated until no more brown drops pass over, and the distillate is rectified in a fractional dis- tilling flask. The chromyl chloride is preserved in sealed tubes. CrO 3 + 2HC1 H 2 O = The dark red oxychloride which fumes when exposed to the air should boil at I i6 Q C. ANHYDROUS CHROMIUM CHLORIDE. CrCl 3 . The chromium oxide obtained as per directions on page 151, while still moist, is kneaded to a paste with 50 grams powdered coal and thick starch paste. Of this, bars are formed which are cut in pieces of 2 to 3 cm. long. The pieces, dried at a moderate heat, are packed with coal powder in a Hessian crucible, covered with a layer of coal powder, closed with an iron cover and ignited for 15 minutes in Roessler's furnace. Now a porcelain tube is set upright in a Hessian crucible, the crucible filled with the pieces of chromium oxide mixture which have been cooled and separated from the surplus coal-powder, a sec- ond crucible of the same size with perforated bottom is placed upon it bottom up. A short glass tube passes through a small hole bored in the side of the upper cruci- 152 LABORATORY MANUAL OF ble. The tubes are wound with a little asbestos cord and fit tight in the openings ; in order to make both crucibles tight, a narrow, thin strip of soft asbestos board is wrapped around the joint and carefully wound with k asbestos cord, finally the asbestos cord is saturated with water glass and dried at moderate heat. (See fig. 10.) Then the crucibles are placed in a Roessler's anneal- ing furnace and this covered with two semicircular pieces of thick sheet-iron which have an opening in the center through which the upper crucible appears. It is first heated in a current of carbonic acid until no trace of moisture is shown on the glass tube. Then the strongest heat is applied and it is ignited in a cur- rent of chlorine, the uncombined chlorine passes out through the glass tube and is absorbed in soda. Upon cooling the chromium chloride is found sublimed in the upper crucible in violet-red very glossy scales which are insoluble in water. Cr 3 O 3 + 3C + 6C1 = 2CrCl 8 + SCO. FIG. 10. CHROMIUM OXIDE. Cr 3 O 3 . 250 grams potassium dichromate are thoroughly mixed with 50 grams of sulphur placed in a clay crucible covered and INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 153 ignited for one hour in Roessler's annealing furnace. The green contents of the crucible are ground, boiled several times with water, filtered and dried. K 3 Cr 2 Or + S = K 3 SO 4 + Cr 3 O 3 . Only traces of the green powder should go into solu- tion on boiling it with dilute hydrochloric acid. CHROMIUM ACETATE. (CH 3 COO) 2 Cr. 500 grams fuming HC1 are poured over 100 grams po- tassium dichromate in a flask, and the chlorine gas, which develops, upon warming, after being washed with water, is used in the preparation of chlorine water or of hypo- chlorite of sodium. The remaining solution is evaporated to a very small volume, poured off from the separated po- tassium chloride into a flask with 300 grams of granulated zinc and rinsed with 400 c. c. fuming HC1. The flask, in which a violent evolution of hydrogen should take place, is closed with a double-bored rubber stopper similar to that of a wash bottle. As soon as the solution has as- sumed a light blue color similar to copper sulphate solution, the glass tube permitting the free passage of the gas is closed, so that the hydrogen which continues to develop vigorously presses the solution out of the flask through the second tube which reaches to the bottom. It is filtered through a small bulb-tube with asbestos and then enters 154 LABORATORY MANUAL OF directly, without coming in contact with air, into a solu- tion of 500 grams crystallized sodium acetate in 2 litres of water. The red precipitate is washed by decantation sev- eral times with water saturated with carbonic acid and pre- served as a paste.* K 2 Cr 2 O 7 + 14HC1 =2KC1 + 2CrCl 3 + 6CI + 7H 2 O; 2CrCl 3 -f Zn = 2CrCl 2 -f ZnCl 2 ; CrClg -f 2CH 3 COONa = 2NaCl + CR 8 COO > Cr ' The reduction of the chromium chloride only takes place rapidly and completely in concentrated hydrochloric acid solution with large excess of zinc. Chromium monochloride absorbs the oxygen of the air with great rapidity, while the insoluble chromium acetate is fairly stable in air. The red paste should form a blue solution with diluted HC1, and by energetic absorption of oxygen this quickly turns dark green. POTASSIUM CHLOROCHROMATE. IOO grams potassium dichromate ?re powdered and gently heated in a flask with a mixture of 100 c. c. of water and 130 grams pure fuming HC1. As soon as dis- solved, it is filtered and allowed to settle. Next day the * Pfordten Annalen, 228, 113. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 155 crystals are separated from the mother liquor by decanta- tion and dried on an earthen plate. KO-C.O, , KG Cr0 2 - KO CrO,,Cl The large, red prisms or plates develop chlorine gas on heating to iooC. Of TW SELENIUM. Se. Seleniferous material or residues are melted in a Hes- sian crucible with a mixture of equal parts soda and salt- petre. The cooled fusion is boiled up with water, the ex- tract condensed to small volume, and the solution, which has been made strongly acid with cone, hydrochloric acid, is boiled with a reversed condenser until no more chlo- rine gas escapes. Now it is diluted in a large flask with plenty of hot water, and commercial sodium disulphite dropped into the boiling liquid as long as a red, very vol- uminous precipitate, which quickly clots to blackish, ugly masses, is formed. The separated selenium is settled, col- lected on a filter and dried. In fusing with soda and saltpetre seleniferous mate- rials produce selenates ; selemc acid is quickly reduced in cone, solution by muriatic acid : H 2 SeO 4 -f 2HC1 = H 2 SeO 3 + 2C1 + H 2 O. Selenious acid is decomposed by sulphurous acid : H 2 SeO 3 + 2H 2 SO 3 = Se + 2H 2 SO 4 + H 2 O. The selenium should melt at 217 G., and when cooled slowly crystallize in dark-gray, metallic-shining masses ; 156 LABORATORY MANUAL OF it should dissolve in cone, sulphuric acid, with a green color, and be reprecipitated out of this solution by water as a very voluminous red armorphous deposit. Heated in the air it should burn to selenium dioxide without re- sidue, leaving an odor of radishes. HYDROFLUOSILICIC ACID. H 3 SiF 6 . IOO grams calcium fluoride powder are mixed with 100 grams dry quartz-sand (sea-sand), and carefully heated with 350 c. c. cone, sulphuric acid. The escaping gas is led through an empty bottle containing a safety-tube closed with a little cone, sulphuric acid, and then into a porcelain dish, at the bottom of which a small vessel with mercury has been placed. The gas tube is fastened so that it dips into the mercury, and then 400 c. c. distilled water are poured over it. After the gas evolution has ceased, the silicic acid, which has separated in the water, is filtered, washed with a little water, until the combined filtrates amount to 400 c. c., and the still cloudy acid is filtered through a folded filter. By the water-absorbing action of the sulphuric acid there is a formation of silicon fluoride : SiO 2 -f 4HF 2H 2 O = SiF 4 ; this gas is decomposed by water: 3SiF 4 -j-4H 2 O = 2H 2 SiF 6 + Si(OH) 4 . The acid should yield a precipitate (Ba 2 SiO 4 ) with barium chloride, but not with strontium chloride, in hydro- chloric acid solution. To determine its value, the acid is titrated with soda solution to alkaline reaction. The INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 157 neutralization of the acid on titration with soda corresponds with the equation :. H 2 SiF 6 + GNaOH = 6NaF +- Si(OH) 4 f 2H 2 O. PERCHLORIC ACID. HC10 4 . 50 grams potassium perchlorate are distilled out of a good-sized retort with a mixture of 100 grams cone. H a SO 4 and 20 c. c. water. The distillate is freed from chlo- rine gas by gently warming, a few centigrammes of silver sulphate and barium carbonate added, the trifling precipi- tates of each filtered separately, and the filtrate redis- tilled. KC1O 4 + H 2 SO 4 =, HC1O 4 + HKSO 4 . The crude acid still contains traces of HC1 and H 3 SO 4 , which are removed in the manner described. In a solution of potassium chlorate a drop of the acid produces a thick crystalline precipitate. MANGANESE. Mn. 300 grams crystallized manganous chloride are grad- ually dried in a porcelain dish on the gas stove, and the pieces which have formed, powdered in a hot mortar and dried until the pale pink-colored powder fails to clot and a sample heated in a test-tube shows no mois- ture. 75 grams of the anhydrous manganous chloride are 158 LABORATORY MANUAL OF thoroughly mixed in a warm condition with 150 grams dry potassium chloride (the latter must first be heated in a nickel or iron dish until it no longer decrepitates), and the mixture packed tight in a clay crucible, 12 cm. high and 7 cm. wide. The crucible is covered and heated in the furnace. When the crucible has become red-hot and the contents are soft, 18 grams magnesium in sticks are thrown in, in pieces of from 3 to 4 grams each, closing the crucible immediately after adding each piece and waiting for the faint reaction. The real difficulty is in rapidly producing the exceedingly high temperature in the fur- nace required to fuse the manganese that has formed. This can be accomplished in Roessler's furnace by pro- viding a very good gas supply and by introducing a strong oxygen current through the air-openings on the side of the furnace. (The oxygen is generated directly from a large retort, with potassium chlorate and a little black oxide manganese, which is heated a few minutes before adding the magnesium. The air-openings of the furnace are closed loosely with strips of asbestos board, through which the gas-tubes conveying the oxygen pass.) But a well-built brick, air or blast furnace, with coke fire, is preferable. The severe heat must last no longer than half an hour. Upon cooling, if the operation has proved successful, the manganese will be found as a regulus. If, in place of this, only a fine black metallic powder be found which, on exposure to air, changes very readily into manganese dioxide, then the heat was too low. If, on the other hand, the metal has solidified in crusts and granules, which have not combined to a regulus, then the crucible contents are ground, the light particles quickly INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 159 elutriated with a large quantity of water, then filtered, quickly washed with alcohol and ether, dried between fil- tered paper, and the metallic powder so obtained is pre- served in well-closed bottles. MnCl 2 + Mg = MgCl 3 + Mn. The magnesium chloride volatilizes and reacts with the water-vapor of the gases of combustion to form hydrogen chloride and magnesium oxide. During the operation there is a considerable evolution of hydrochloric acid gas. Manganese is a brittle, glossy metal, when exposed to the air, especially in a finely divided and moist condition, is very easily oxidizable and when excess of diluted HC1 is poured over a sample, the metal should dissolve clearly with a vigorous evolution of hydrogen. The solution prepared hot should show no turbidity with excess of ammonia, or at most a hardly noticeable one. When am- monium sulphide is added to this ammoniacal solution, a precipitate of flesh-colored manganese sulphide forms, which gradually turns green on boiling. The filtrate from the manganese sulphide mixed with sodium phosphate gives a precipitate of magnesium phosphate which is never entirely absent, but in successful working should be very slight. MANGANESE CHLORIDE. MnCl 2 + 4H 3 O. Residues of chlorine produced from black oxide of man- ganese and HC1 are evaporated to dryness in a porcelain dish, and the residue heated for a time on the gas stove with low flame. It is then boiled up with water and iVth 160 LABORATORY MANUAL OF of the filtrate precipitated with excess of soda solution. The precipitate is washed with water decanting several times, then the main quantity is added to the solution and digested with it, warming until a filtered sample, mixed with ammonium sulphide, shows a pure flesh-colored pre- cipitate, which on dissolving in dil. acetic acid leaves no residue. It is then filtered and evaporated to crystalliza- tion. On heating the dry chlorides and boiling with water, the compounds of the trivalent metals (iron, aluminium) decompose with formation of insoluble basic salts. Pos- sibly the rest of the compound is precipitated by the manganese carbonate 3MnCO 3 + Fe 2 Cl 6 + 3H 2 O = 3MnCl 2 + Fe 2 (OH) 6 + 3CO 2 . The magnanese chloride is tested for the absence of iron, barium, calcium and magnesium salts. SOLUBLE MANGANESE OXIDE. 4(MnO 2 H 2 O),Mn 3 O 4 . Obtained by acting on potassium permanganate with sodium thiosulphate, and thoroughly washing the precipi- tate with water. As soon as all the potassium has been removed, a brown solution is obtained, from which the oxide is precipitated on the addition of any salt. The manga- nese solution can be kept for a long time in sealed tubes, but if filtered through paper the manganese is completely precipitated.* * W. SPRING and G. DE BOECK, Bull. Soc. Chim., 48, 170. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. l6l MANGANOUS SULPHIDE. MnS. Manganous sulphide is thrown down from ammoniacal manganous solutions by ammonium sulphide as a pink precipitate, which the older workers supposed to be a hy- drated sulphide ; however, it is shown that if i'_ is collected, washed in an atmosphere of hydrogen sulphide, and dried at 70 C. in a current of carbonic anhydride it has the composition MnS. The sulphide thus obtained consists of tiny, reddish, transparent crystals, and is contaminated with a little sulphur, which may be extracted by treat- ment with carbon bisulphide; its sp. gr. at 17 C. is 3.55. If the red precipitate be well washed, and left in a solution of ammonium sulphide for a few days, it turns green ; the same change is also brought about by heating the red powder at 300 to 320 C. The green modifica- tion is crystalline, and has the same composition as the red, but a somewhat higher sp. gr., namely, 3.63, re- ferred to water at 17 C. Neither modification loses sul- phur on heating.* MANGANESE SULPHATE. MnSO 4 ,5H 2 O. A concentrated solution of MnSO 4 is treated with 95 per cent alcohol, when almost all of the sulphate sepa- rates out as a syrupy liquid, which after a short time * By U. ANTONY and P. DOMNINI. Gazzetta, 23, i., 560-567. 162 LABORATORY MANUAL OF begins to form crystals. If, at this point, the liquid and alcohol be repeatedly and strongly shaken, a crystalline meal results, but if allowed to remain at rest, well-formed, reddish white, prismatic crystals are deposited.* POTASSIUM MANGANATE. K 2 MnO 4 . Potassium hydroxide (2 mols) is placed in a crucible, some water is added, and finely divided potassium per- manganate (2 mols) is added, with constant stirring and heating. After two hours at a faint red heat the crucible is cooled, and the manganate placed in a well-stoppered flask, to prevent access of air and contact with organic matter, t BARIUM MANGANATE. BaMnO 4 . This green pigment is prepared by heating manganese carbonate with 2 to 2. 5 times its weight of commercial barium dioxide in a porcelain crucible. A better green is ob- tained when well-pulverized manganese dioxide (contain- ing 91 per cent of MnO 2 ) is heated with three times its weight of barium dioxide.^ PREPARATION OF BARIUM PERMANGANATE. BaMn 3 O 8 . Potassium permanganate (100 grams) and barium ni- trate (140 grams) are disolved in water (i^ litres), and * B. CLASSEN, Arch. Pharm. [3] 25, 310. f A. JOLLER, Rep. Anal. Chem. 1887, No. 33. \ E. DONATH, Dingl. Polyt. Jr. 263, 246. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 163 to the boiling solution barium hydroxide is added in por- tions of 20 grams, until no further evolution of oxygen takes place. The whole is then wanned until the solu- tion has become colorless, the precipitate of barium man- ganate (containing also some peroxide and carbonate) is collected, washed 5 times by decantation with 5 litres of boiling water, collected on the filter-pump, washed 10 times more with boiling water, suspended in water (i litre) and carbonic anhydride, and superheated steam passed into the mixture for 10 hours. The solution is then filtered twice through an asbestos filter ; it contains 65 to 80 grams of barium permanganate.* FERRIC CHLORIDE. Fe 3 Cl 6 . Heat small iron nails in a flask with a mixture of 10 parts of water and one part of pure hydrochloric acid until no further evolution of hydrogen is observed, even after add- ing the nails in excess; filter the solution into another flask, and conduct into it chlorine gas, with frequent shaking un- til the fluid no longer produces a blue precipitate in a solu- tion of potassium ferricyanide. Heat until the excess of chlorine is expelled. Solutions of ferric chloride must not contain an excess of acid ; this may be readily ascertained by stirring a diluted sample with a glass rod dipped in ammonia, when the absence of any excess of acid will be proved by the forma- tion of a precipitate which shaking the vessel or agitating the fluid fails to redissolve. Potassium ferricyanide must not impart a blue color to it. * By F. MUTHMANN, Ber. 26, 1016-1018. 164 LABORATORY MANUAL OF ANHYDROUS FERROUS CHLORIDE. FeCl 2 . Into a retort, which has been warmed and fitted up for the production of ferric chloride, about 20 grams anhydrous ferric chloride are poured as quickly as possible. A strong current of carefully dried hydrogen gas, developed from a Kipp's apparatus, is passed over it. The retort is placed on a gas stove which may be lighted, when it is certain that the air has been entirely removed from the apparatus; the heat should be moderate. A strong evo- lution of hydrogen chloride takes place at once ; the gas is collected in water. When the chloride in the retort has changed to a white crystalline mass and the evolution of HC1 ceases, the operation is concluded. It is then allowed to cool in a slow current of hydrogen ; the retort is broken while still warm and the collected chloride preserved in the same manner as the ferric chloride. Fe 3 Cl 6 + 2H = 2FeCl 2 + 2HC1. Anhydrous ferrous chloride forms in white scales, fairly stable when exposed to air, melting when heated vigorous- ly and subliming at a very high temperature. ANHYDROUS FERRIC CHLORIDE. Fe 2 Cl 6 . 50 grams bright iron wire I mm. thick in pieces 6 to 8 mm. long are placed in a tubulated glass retort of ^ litre capacity and strongly heated on the gas stove, a chlorine cur- INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 165 rent, dried by two wash bottles with sulphuric acid, is led into it through a glass tube, which passes through a cork in the tubulature of the retort ending just above the iron. The neck of the retort is closed with a bored cork ; the es- caping chlorine gas is either led out through a rub- ber tube or else absorbed in flasks by soda or alcohol. After the operation has lasted I to 2 hours, the gas current and heat are interrupted, the chlorine which fills the re- tort is removed by dry carbonic acid, the retort broken while still hot over a large sheet of smooth paper, and the ferric chloride separated from the broken glass and un- changed iron, from which it is very easily removed ; it is then rapidly placed in dry and warm test tubes prepared in readiness, tared and fitted with suitable stoppers which are immediately closed by heating before the blowpipe, taking care that the aqueous products of combustion do not enter the tubes. The ferric chloride formed according to the reaction: 2Fe 3 -r6Cl = Fe 3 Cl6 escapes the reducing influence of the iron on account of its volatility and collects in beautiful crystals in the upper part of the retort.* The process is only suc- cessful with complete exclusion of moisture. Anhydrous ferric chloride forms dark greenish, compact scaly masses, with a beautiful metallic gloss, dissolving quickly in brown drops when exposed to the air. Readily dissolved when vigorously warmed in water, alcohol and ether; with more difficulty in benzol. The solutions are colored brown and react acid. * When the chlorine current is too sluggish there may be a forma- tion of ferrous chloride, which then remains with the iron as a fused white mass. 1 66 LABORATORY MANUAL OF FERROUS SULPHATE. FeSO 4 ,7H 2 O. Heat an excess of iron nails free from rust, or of clean iron wire, with dilute sulphuric acid until the evolution of hydrogen ceases ; filter the sufficiently concentrated solu- tion, add a few drops of dilute sulphuric acid to the filtrate and allow it to cool. Wash the crystals with water very slightly acidulated with sulphuric acid, dry, and keep for use. The crystals of ferrous sulphate must have a fine pale green color. Crystals that have been more or less oxidized by the action of the air and give a brownish-yellow solution when mixed with water, leaving undissolved ferric sulphate behind, may be treated as above, with sulphuric acid and excess of clean iron wire or nails, until the residue dissolves and the solution is clear pale green. Hydrogen sulphide must not precipitate solution of ferrous sulphate after ad- dition of some hydrochloric acid, nor even impart a black- ish tint to it. ANHYDROUS FERROUS BROMIDE. FeBr 3 . IOO grams of bright iron wire are vigorously heated in a round bottom flask on the gas stove, and 100 c. c. bromine distilled slowly from a water-bath into the flask. The glass tube conducting the bromine-vapors should reach close to the bottom of the flask, but the hot glass must -be protected from fracture by the dropping bromine, INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. l6/ either with iron filings or a little asbestos. When the reac- tion begins the temperature may be somewhat moderated. Finally dry air or carbonic acid is passed through the apparatus ; upon breaking the flask the preparation is gathered and preserved in the same manner as described for ferric chloride. IRON AMMONIUM ALUM. Fe(NH 4 )(S0 4 ) 2 -f-12Aq. 400 grams ferrous sulphate are dissolved in 400 c. c. water 70 grams cone, sulphuric acid and about 120 grams of cone, nitric acid added to the boiling solution until a diluted sample mixed with ammonia shows a pure rust-colored pre- cipitate. Now it is evaporated until the mass is resinous then again diluted with water to sp. gr. 1.3 17 to 1.319. To 300 grams of this ferric sulphate solution a solution of 28 grams ammonium sulphate in 100 c. c. water is added and al- lowed to cool slowly and quietly. The crystals are washed with a little cold water and dried without warming. The last traces of nitric acid are removed from the fer- ric sulphate solution by evaporation. Iron alum crystals are amethyst-colored octahedra which must be entirely free from chlorine. Determine the iron value by weighing the ferric oxide which remains after ignition with a little ammonium nitrate. BERLIN BLUE. Hydrocyanic acid residues (page 124) are washed with water by decantation and rinsed in a porcelain dish with 1 68 LABORATORY MANUAL OF crude hydrochloric acid. A chloride of lime emulsion is prepared by suspending chloride of lime in water, allow it to flow in, stirring well, through a funnel, the stem of which rests on the bottom of the dish in the hydrochloric acid, until the mass has turned to a nice blue color and the solution begins to smell of chlorine. The precipitate is washed with a dilute solution of common salt, as it does not settle in water. The hydrocyanic acid residues consist of the ferro-salt of hydrogen ferrocyanide, which is converted into ferric salt by the oxidizing influence of the chloride of lime. PURE PLATINUM. Pt. The following method of Finkener's for obtaining plati- num free from impurities, especially iridium, is here describ- ed; it depends on recrystallization of sodium platinochloride. Commercially purified platinum is dissolved in aqua regia, to the solution of the chloride, freed from oxides of nitrogen, the calculated amount of pure sodium chloride is added, the solution is concentrated to a small bulk, and allowed to cool whilst being continuously stirred. The crystals which sep- arate are freed from mother liquor by suction, washed with a concentrated solution of sodium chloride, and dissolved in a one per cent, solution of sodium carbonate. The solution is allowed to cool, when the salt again separates. It is then dried at 120 C., reduced in a current of hydrogen at a low temperature, and the platinum sponge thus obtained is washed for a long time with water, and finally dried and ignited. The metal thus obtained is extremely pure ; no INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 169 impurities could be detected in it by the methods mentioned above and it is calculated that it contains at least 99.99 per cent, of platinum.* It may be of interest to mention that pure platinum is now prepared in Germany. The method of purification is simpler than the English one, not involving the use of lead, and it yields a very pure product. In a sample of 40 grams, no palladium or rhodium could be detected, and only a trace of iridium; a trace of iron, at most o.OOi per cent., was, however, present. PLATINIC CHLORIDE. PtCl 4 , Crystallized j-10H 2 O. Heat in a clay crucible 5 parts of zinc to fusion, with sufficient common salt to cover the surface and prevent its oxidation, then introduce I part of platinum scraps in small quantities at a time into the fused metal. An alloy is formed from which the zinc is to be removed by digesting in somewhat dilute common hydrochloric acid, until all effervescence ceases, and subsequent boiling for a time with fresh hydrochloric acid. The residual platinum is com- pletely washed with water and boiled with nitric acid. It is again washed, and finally dissolved by warming with con- centrated hydrochloric acid and some nitric acid. Evapo- rate the solution on the water bath, with addition of hydro-. chloric acid, and dissolve the semifluid residue in 10 parts of water for use. * F. MYLIERS & FOERSTER, Ber. 25, 660 J^T 1 T I/O LABORATORY MANUAL OF Platinic chloride must, upon evaporation to dryness in the water-bath, leave a residue which dissolves completely in alcohol. PLATINIC CHLORIDE. From Residues, If the platinum residues contain alkalies and organic substances they are roasted in a porcelain dish on the gas .stove, then mixed with a little diluted crude hydrochloric acid and reduced by zinc. The undissolved zinc is removed, washed and the impure metal boiled up several times with water and hydrochloric acid. The residue is then dissolved in aqua regia, evaporated to a small volume and precipita- ted with cone, salammoniac solution. The filtered platinum ammonium chloride is ignited in a porcelain crucible, the residue of spongy platinum boiled with HC1, dissolved in aqua regia, and evaporated to dryness on the water-bath in a weighed dish occasionally adding a few drops of HC1. The residue of pure platinum chloride is dissolved in 10 parts of water. Ten drops of the solution with one drop of sodium chlor- ide solution evaporated on a watch-glass to a very small volume, should on cooling yield a crystalline mass, in which, under the microscope, only well formed, reddish-yel- low prisms of sodium platinum chloride are to be seen, and which must not be contaminated with amorphous, brown masses (iron ; nitrogen oxide compounds of the platinum chloride). INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 171 PLATINOSOCHLORIDES. When potassium platinocbloride (12 grams) is heated in a covered vessel, on a water-bath, with hydrogen potassium sulphite (9 grams) and water (160 c. c.) for 10 to 12 hours, the reduction is complete, and the red salt crystallizes out on evaporation. Similar results are obtained by heating the platinochloride (9 grams) with potassium hypophosphite (i gram) and water (300 c. c.), at 80 to 90 C., for 1 8 to 20 hours. The completion of the action is shown by the pure ruby color of the solution, the least shade of orange indica- ting the presence of platinochloride. The first method is the safest, as the reduction cannot go beyond the platino- sochloride, but in the second method the red salt separates more easily and completely, and with care, very good re- sults are obtained. If, when reducing with potassium hy- pophosphite, the action is continued after complete conversion into the red salt, the solution rapidly changes to dark brown. Hydrochloric acid has no effect on this so- lution, nitric acid discolorizes it, potash causes a brown pre- cipitate soluble in excess of the precipitant, and ammonia a brown precipitate insoluble in excess.* SPECIALLY ACTIVE PLATINUM-BLACK. Very active platinum-black can be conveniently pre- pared as follows: An aqueous solution (50 to 60 c. c.) of platinic chloride (50 grams) is mixed with 40 to 45 per cent, of formaldehyde solution (70 c. c.), the mixture cooled * M. CARY LEA, Amer. Jr. Sci., 1894 [3], 48,397. LABORATORY MANUAL OF well, and then sodium hydroxide (50 grams) dissolved in water (50 grams) gradually added; after standing for 12 hours the solution is filtered. A yellow liquid, from which a small quantity of platinum is deposited on boiling, first passes through the filter, but as soon as most of the salts have been washed out of the residue, the filtrate assumes a deep black color. The process is interrupted at this stage for several hours because the residue soon absorbs oxygen, the temperature rising to 36 to 40 C, and the washings then pass through colorless. As soon as oxidation is complete, the residue is washed until completely free from sodium chloride, pressed, and dried over sulphuric acid. If the deep black filtrate referred to above is submitted to dialysis in absence of air, a black, transparent liquid is obtained which is stable in absence of air ; on exposure to the air, however, this liquid gradually becomes colorless, and a small quantity of a black powder is deposited. The black solution decomposes hydrogen peroxide very energet- ically, and when mixed with alcohol or shaken with air, the odor of aldehyde is immediately perceptible. These and other experiments seem to show that this black liquid is a solution of atomic platinum containing small quantities of organic platinum compounds.* , PENTATHIONIC ACID. When 10 c. c. of decinonnal sodium thiosulphate solu- tion are treated with a drop of a solution of potassium arsenite containing I per cent, of arsenic trioxide, and A. LOEW, Ber., 23, 289. OF THC. UNIVERSITY; r. OF ' INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. ' 173 with an excess of hydrochloric acid, the solution becomes turbid and has a slight odor of hydrogen sulphide ; after a long time arsenic sulphide and a little sulphur are precipi- tated. When filtered, the solution gives reactions for pen- tathionic acid.* PREPARATION OF CRYSTALLIZED HYDROXY- LAMINE. A mixture of dry hydroxylamine zinc chloride (10 grams) and anhydrous aniline (20 c. c.) is distilled under a pressure of 20 m.m. on a water-bath. The distillate of hydroxylamine, which crystallizes on cooling, is washed with ether, care being taken to prevent access of moist air; or dry ammonia gas is passed through absolute ether, hold- ing the zinc salt in suspension, and the decanted etherial solution of hydroxylamine is subsequently distilled under reduced pressure, when crystals are obtained. t HYDROXYLAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE. A saturated solution of sodium nitrite (i mol.) is added to a solution of hydrogen sodium sulphite (2 mols.) in a cooled vessel, and then a cold saturated solution of potassium chloride is added. In 24 hours hydroxyla- mine potassium disulphonate separates. This salt is boiled in water during several hours, and, on cooling, potassium sulphate is first deposited, and subsequently hydroxyla- * T. SALZER, Ber. 19, 1696 f 1.. CRISNER, Bull. Soc. Chim. [3], 6, 174 LABORATORY MANUAL OF mine sulphate. A solution of this salt, treated with the necessary amount of barium chloride, yields the hydro- chloride, which can be obtained in colorless crystals, very hygroscopic, easily soluble in water and alcohol. It melts at 151 C, and decomposes at a higher temperature, yielding nitrogen, hydrogen chloride, ammonium chloride, and water.* HYDRAZINE. Hydrazine sulphate is best obtained when triazoacetic acid (250 grams in 2 litres of water) is warmed with sul- phuric acid (300 grams) until all effervescence ceases; the sulphate crystallizes out on cooling. More may be ex- tracted from the mother liquor by shaking with small quantities of benzaldehyde, thus converting the hydrazine into benzalazine, which separates out; after recrystalliza- tion this is decomposed by sulphuric acid, whereby hydra- zine sulphate and benzaldehyde are formed ; the latter is then distilled off.t CHYDRAZAINE OR PROTOXIDE OF AMMONIA. Chydrazaine is evolved when a solution of potassium permanganate (158 grams) and sulphuric acid (40 grams SO 3 ) is added to dried, crystallized ammonium oxalate (141.2 grams) thewhole well mixed and gently heated until it begins * EICHKOFF, Arch. Pharm. [3], 27, 713. f T. CURTIUS and R. JAY, Jr. pr. Chem. [2], 39,27. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 175 to boil. The gaseous product is absorbed in hydrochloric acid, and a neutral solution of the salt can thus be obtained. The hydrochloride is crystalline, and very readily soluble in water, but only sparingly in alcohol. The sublimed salt has the composition N 3 H 6 O 2 2HC1, but the crystals dried by means of the anhydrous salt contain one-fifteenth of their weight of water. When a solution of the hydro- chloride i.s mixed with platinic chloride, a platinochloride is obtained, the composition of which varies with the con- ditions of the experiment ; with excess of the hydro- chloride a yellow salt is formed, the composition of which is approximately N 3 H 6 O,H 3 PtCl 6 ,but if excess of platinic chlo- ride is added the proportion of platinum is sensibly increased. The sulphate is crystalline and soluble in water, but only sparingly so in absolute alcohol ; it forms a double-salt with aluminium sulphate. The nitrate is crystalline When a solution of the nitrate is evaporated, nitric acid, nitric peroxide, nitrogen, and a compound having the composi- tion N 2 H 2 are evolved.* CARBON OXYSULPHIDE. COS. Is prepared by adding 50 c. c. of a concentrated aque- ous solution of potassium or ammonium thiocyanate to a cooled mixture of 290 c. c. (520 grams) of strong sul- phuric acid and 400 c. c. of water. The whole is heated at 25 C. in a water bath. The gas thus prepared con- tains only about 2.5 per cent, of carbonic anhydride and 0.05 per cent, of carbon disulphide. The latter is absorbed * E. J. MAUMENE, Bull. Soc. Chim. 49, 850. LABORATORY MANUAL OF by passing the gas through triethylphosphine and this in turn is removed by pure sulphuric acid. Carbon oxysul- phide is only absorbed very slowly by a 33 percent, solu- tion of potash. If the gas obtained as above is passed slowly through about 20 c. c. of such a solution, the whole of the carbonic anhydride is absorbed with a loss of only about 7 per cent, of the oxysulphide. A 33 per cent, aqueous solution of potash mixed with its own volume of alcohol absorbs carbon oxysulphide completely and rapidly, and is the best reagent for use in estimating it. Pure carbon oxysulphide is odorless and tasteless. Its physiological effects are very similar to those of nitrous oxide. When passed through a saturated solution of baryta, no opalescence is produced for at least half a min- ute, while if any carbonic anhydride is present, the solu- tion becomes milky at once. With lead acetate solution, the precipitate is a quarter of an hour in forming.* NEW METHOD OF PREPARING CARBON OXYSULPHIDE. Carbon oxysulphide is obtained when carbonyl chloride is passed through concentrated sulphuric acid to dry it, and then through a tube 50 cm. long, filled with ignited asbestos well mixed with finely pulverized cadmium sul- phide, the tube being placed in a combustion furnace and heated. Even when no external heat is applied a small quantity of carbonyl sulphide is formed, but the most favorable temperature for its formation appears to be 260 to 280 C. The gas thus produced is found on analysis to contain COS, 94.87 per cent ; CO, 3.98 per cent.; air 1.15 per cent. A quantity of crystals, which are identified a;. * P. KLASON, Jr. pr. Chem. [2], 36, 64. INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. I 77 cadmium chloride, are observed in a tube previously charged with a layer of cadmium sulphide and heated in a flame during the passage of a current of carbonyl chloride; the reaction, therefore, appears to be a double decompo- sition.* PURIFICATION OF CARBON BISULPHIDE. To one litre of carbon disulphide 0.5 c. c. bromine is added and allowed to remain for 3 to 4 hours. The bromine is then separated again by shaking the carbon disulphide with a slight excess of potash or by means of copper turn- ings. The carbon disulphide may now be opalescent, but this is readily removed by agitating it with a little potas- sium chloride, when the filtered disulphide will be obtained clear, colorless and of agreeable odor. It leaves no resi- due on evaporation.! * By J. NURICSAX, Her. 24, 2967-2974. f A. CHENEVIER, L'Union pharm., 33, 204 1/8 LABORATORY MANUAL OF PREPARATION OF NORMAL SOLUTIONS OF ACIDS AND ALKALI. A normal solution contains in one litre the same num- ber of grams of the substance as there are units in the molecular weight. Example : Normal HC1 36.5 gms. per litre. HNO 3 63.0 " KOH 56.1 " NaOH 40.0 " N/HC1, N/NHO 3 , etc., are the expressions usually used. These solutions are equivalent as shown by the reaction, HC1 + KOH = KC1 f H 2 O 36.5 + 56.1 = 74.6 + "18 The same is true of NaOH and HNO 3 ; in fact all compounds with single hydrogen replacing power belong to this class. Half Normal or N/2 solutions, as of H 2 SO 4 Na 2 CO 3 , etc., contain one-half of the molecular weight in the same vol- ume; these are equivalent to the first class, as will be seen by the reaction, H 2 SO 4 + 2KOH = K 2 SO 4 + H 2 O 98 112 2 174-2 36 or 49 56.1 so also with Na 2 CO 3 . It is impossible to weigh out any exact amount of a volatile liquid like HC1 or any hygroscopic solid as KOH, hence we must prepare these solutions indirectly. The following will be found to be good methods : Take pure dry Na 2 CO 3 , weigh oft" 53 grams, one-half the molecular weight, and dissolve in 300 to 500 c. c. of distilled water, cool to 15 C. and dilute to exactly one litre; now make up a solution of H 2 SO 4 a little more than half normal strength, INORGANIC PREPARATIONS. 179 using the hydrometer, place it in a burette, draw 10 c. c. of the soda solution from another burette, dilute largely with water, add a few drops of methyl orange (do not use phenolphthalein, it is acid to CO 2 ) and run in the sulphuric acid slowly, stirring vigorously until neutral. Example : IDC. c. NagCOs require 9.8 c.c. H 2 SO4 Evidently if the soda solution is correct the acid is too strong by 0.2 c.c., therefore add 0.2 c. c. of water to every 10 c. c. of the solution or 20 c. c. to the litre. The strength of the sulphuric acid may also be determined by taking any exact quantity, say 10 c. c., adding a drop or two of HC1 and a slight excess of BaCl 3 , weigh the BaSO 4 and calculate the SO4 present ; there should be 48 grams per litre. In the same way make up N/HC1; the strength of this may be determined by AgNO 3 , either volumetric or gravimetric. In the first case the solution must be neutralized exactly with KOH or NaOH before titration; in the latter made slightly acid with HNO 3 . The normal hydrochloric acid has cer- tain advantages over sulphuric, especially in organic anal- ysis, as the sulphates formed during the reaction are more insoluble in organic liquids, alcohol, etc., than the chlor- ides. An acid solution may also be prepared by using oxalic acid H 3 C 3 O 4 , 2H 3 O, which it is possible to obtain in a state of great purity. In this case the water of crystallization must be counted in, and since the solution is N/2 or half normal we need 63 grams. The strength may be exactly determined by titration with K 2 Mn 3 O 8 solution, such as is used for iron determinations ; the solution should be warm and acid with sulphuric acid and the permanganate added until a faint pink shade is obtained 5H 3 C 3 O 4 +K 3 Mn 2 O 8 i8o LABORATORY MANUAL OF 4- 3H 2 SO 4 = 10CO 3 + K 2 SO 4 + 2MnSO 4 + 8H 3 O. Five parts of oxalic acid are equal to 10 parts of ferrous iron. The alkali solutions of KOH and NaOH are made up by the hydrometer stronger than necessary, cleared of COg by the addition of a small amount of BaCl 2 and titrated with the standard acid (if it be H 2 SO 4 , no BaCl 2 must be used) ; the dilution is carried out the same as described for H 2 SO 4 . In all cases the acid solutions will retain their strength much longer than the alkalies, they need only be protected from evaporation ; with the alkali the case is different. CO 2 , SO 2 , H 2 S, etc., are absorbed, glass is attacked, hence the strength should be redetermined from time to time. Phenolphthalein, acid colorless, alkaline pink, is the best indicator. It cannot be used in presence of ammo- nium salts and is acid to CO 2 . Methyl orange acid pink, alkaline yellow, is neutral to CO 2 and organic acids, and acts in the presence of ammonium salts. Table of equivalents in c. c. HC1 0.0365 HNO 3 0.063 H 2 SO 4 0.049 H 2 C 2 O 4 , 2H 2 O 0.063 H 3 P0 4 KOH NaOH NH 4 OH Na 2 CO 3 BaOH gram. INDEX. PAGE. id, Arsenic. . . . '. 135 ' Bismuthic 142 Boracic no ' i' Antimony Tritachloride Antimonious Arsenic Pentasulphide " Trioxide \GE. 137 139 137 22 83 8 4 98 96 99 35 162 97 95 98 162 98 35 167 139 140 139 139 141 143 142 no 109 107 94 63 89 89 87 9 36 90 131 26 29 177 28 175 10 12 H II ' Dithionic . 99 Hydriodic 122 j Hydrobromic 118 \ ' Hydrochloric 15, 16 ! Auric Chloride Auroso Auric Chloride Barium Carbonate Properties of, 16 Hydrocyanic 124 I " Chloride Dithionate Hydroxide 1 Hydrofluoric 125 ! ' Hydrofluosilicic 156 ! Hydrosulphuric 25 ' Nitric 17 ' ' Manganate " Nitrate Oxide Properties of ig ' Perchloric . . . 157 " Perhydrate " Permanganate " Peroxide Baryta Water Berlin Blue Bismuth Hydroxide 41, Iodide " Nitrate ' Pentathionic . . 172 Phosphoric . . . . 129 ' Silicic, Crystalline 113 Sulphuric 22 " Properties of . . 24 Icohol, Commercial 5 Ethyl 5 " " Basic " Oxyiodide luminium Chloride 114, 115 Anhydrous, 1 17 Hydrate n 1 ", Oxide, reduction of,n6 [urn, Iron Ammonium 167 mmonia . 16, 30 " Sulphate Bismuthic Acid Borasic Acid Borax, manufacture of Boron Cadmium Carbonate Caesium Compounds, Prepara- tion of " Hydrate 30 mmonium P>icarbonate 67 Bromide 68 Chloride 55 ' ' Properties of 56 Dichromate 70 Calcium Carbonate " Chloride " porous " Chromate Di Hydrogen Phos- phite .. 72 " Hydroxide Phosphate, crystalline. Phosphide Molybdate 54 Nitrate 71 " Sulphide Oxalate 43 Carbon Dioxide Properties of, 44 " Persulphate . . .69 " Bisulphide " Monoxide " Oxysulphide Chlorine Protoxide . 1 74 Sulphide 41 ' ' Properties of 43 mmonio Zinc Chlorides 72 ntimony Oxychloride 138 " Sulphate . . 143 " Apparatus for a con- stant supply of .... for Laboratory pur- poses " from Chloride of Lime. INDEX. Chlorine Properties of 14 " Water 10 Chromium 149 Acetate 153 Chloride, Anhydrous, 151 Oxide 152 Chromyl Chloride 150 Chydrazaine 1 74 Cinnabar 104 Cobalt Nitrate 144 Copper Ammonium Sulphate . . 75 Potassium . . 75 Cupric Sulphate 76 Cuprous Ammonium Iodide ... 77 " Chloride 73 " Properties of, 74 " Cyanide 74 Oxide 76 Phosphide 78 Cuproammonium Tetraiodide. . 78 Ferric Chloride 163 Anhydrous. . . . 164 Ferrous Bromide, Anhydrous.. 166 Chloride . . i 64 Sulphate 166 Furnace, Roessler's 37 Cold 82 " Trichloride 83 Hydrazaine 174 Hydrofluosilicic Acid 156 Hydrogen g Arsenide 136 Bromide 118 Iodide 122 Peroxide 145 Phosphide 133 Properties of 10 Sodium Ammonium Phosphate . 58 " Sulphite ... 52 Sulphide 25 " Arsenic fiee from . . 26 Propert i e s of 27 " Hydrogen Arsenide, free from 27 Hydroxylamine 173 Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride. 173 Iodine Pentoxide 123 " Trichloride r24 Iron Ammonium Alum 167 Lead Carbonate 39 Dioxide 36 " " Properties of ... 48 " Tetrachloride 40 Lime 36 Lithium Normal Arsenate 63 " " Phosphate ... 63 Magnesium, Basic Carbonate. . 87 Carbonate, crystal- lized, normal . . 86 Chloride Anhydrous, 84 Manganese 157 Chloride 159 " Oxide TOO Sulphate 161 Manganous Sulphide 161 Mercury 100 Mercurous Bromide 107 Mercuric Chloride 103 " Cyanide 104 Mercurous Iodide 106 " Nitrate 105 Mercury, Purification of 102 Mono Calcium Phosphate Crys- talline go " Sodium Phosphite 56 Nitrogen. . 10, 16 Properties of 10 Tetraoxide 21 Nitric Oxide 20 Nitrous " 19 Normal Solutions 178 Oxygen 7 r ' Cubes 8 " Properties of 8 Phosphoric Acid 129 Phosphorus 128 Phosphorus Oxyfluoride 133 Trisulphide 131 Platinoso Chlorides 171 Platinum 1 68 Black 171 " Platinic Chloride. ... 169 Potassa, Prepared with Baryta. 34 Potassa, Purified with Alcohol . 33 INDEX. Ill PAGE. ! Potassium Bisulphate 58 : Bromide 68 Chlorate 57 Chlorochromate 154 Cobaltic Oxalate. . . 62 Cyanate 60 Cyanide 50 Ferricyanide 59 Hydroxide 31 Iodide 60 Manganate 162 Metantimonate 62 Nitrite 52, 53 Properties of, 53 I Peroxide 148 Pyroantimonate 54 Sulphide 43 Sulphocyanide 51 Koessler's Furnace 37 Rubidium Compounds, Prepar- ation of 63 Salts, Preparation of, 64 Selenium 155 Silicon 1 10 " Chloride 113, 114, 115 ! Silver 79 i " Potassium Carbonate 81 Sodium 46 Acetate 44 : Amalgam 9, 47 Ammonium Hydrogen Phosphate 58 Carbonate 48 Free from Sul- phur and Chlorine . . 48 Free from Sil- ica 48 Properties of, 49 Sodium Chloride 45 Dioxide 7 Hydrogen Sulphite 52 " " " Prop- erties of 5 2 " Hydroxide 31 Specific Grav- ity of Solutions of 33 Nitrate 56 " Nitrite 53 " Peroxide 148 Sulphide 43 Stannic Chloride, Anhydrous.. 127 Stannous " 126 " , Anhydrous . 127 Strontium Hydroxide 92 Salts, Preparation of, 93 Sulphur Dichloride 148 Dioxide 27 Properties of, 28 Monochloride 148 Titanium Trioxide 65 Tungstates, Free from Molybde- num 64 Ultramarine 117 Vanadyl Chloride 67 " Trichloride 66 Volumetric Analysis 178 Water i " Ammonia free 2 Fiee from Organic Mat- ter and Ammonia. . . 2 Apparatus for Preparing free from Organic Mat- ter and Ammonia. ... 3, 4 , Chlorine . 10 Zinc free from Arsenic 91 " Fisen 92 OP THE UNIVERSITY) BOOK ig B-TAxrxjrxijj BELOW "* 184} Ft LD