of tlje Atonement* DELIVERED AUG. 17, 1823, IN THE -CHAPEL OF THE AN DOVER. BY JAMES MURDOCK, D. D. Brown Professor of Sac. Hhet. and Eccles. Hist, in the Seminary. PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF THE INSTITUTION. ANDOVER : FLAGG AND GOULD, PRINTERS. 1823. ADVERTISEMENT. THIS discourse was delivered to an audience composed chiefly of theological students, and was designed to aid them in forming their opinions on the important subject discussed. For their benefit, as well as at their desire and expense, it is now made public. In pre- paring it for the press, the writer at first intended to have assigned to the appendix a greater portion of the discussion, and to have re- tained at least all the practical reflections embodied in the original sermon. But he soon found that this course would swell the publi- cation too much, and would cost him more time than could be spar- ed from his other duties. He therefore changed his plan, omitted much that was merely practical and enlarged the discussion in the body of the sermon, and subjoined only a few articles by way of appendix. As it has thus assumed very much the character of a theological tract, some references and quotations have been annex- ed, which can be of no use to the public at large ; but which, it is hoped, will be of value to those for whom they were intended. SERMON. ROM. iii. 25, 26. " WHOM GOD HATH SET FORTH TO BE A PROPITIATION, THROUGH FAITH IN HIS BLOOD, TO DECLARE HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS THAT ARE PAST, THROUGH THE FORBEARANCE OF GOD ; TO DECLARE, I SAY, AT THIS TIME HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS : THAT HE MIGHT BE JUST, AND THE JUSTI- FIER OF HIM WHICH BELIEVETH IN JESUS." THE great question, the question of deepest inter- est to us, and to all men, is, on what conditions will God be propitious to us ? In other words, how may we obtain forgiveness of our sins and the everlasting favour of God? What will he accept as an atonement for our transgressions ? What can restore that harmony be- tween him and us, which has been interrupted by fhe apostacy of our first parents and our own criminal deeds, and which must be restored, or we must be for- ever miserable ? This is a question which presses heavily on the soul of every man, when he looks forward with anxiety to the grave and to the world that lies be- yond it. And to answer this question, is the grand pro* biem in the religion of every age and country. From the nature of the question, it is obvious that reason alone 2 6 V can never answer it. An offended God will make his own terms : and who can tell what they will be, till he reveals them ?* To give us information on this subject, and information on which we may rely, is the chief ob- ject of the Christian revelation. As it contains the most satisfactory declarations, and especially as it assures us that God will bestow free pardon and everlasting bliss on all who repent and believe in Jesus Christ ; this rev- elation is justly denominated the Gospel, the glad tidings from heaven. Yet, full and explicit as the scriptures are on this subject, they do not enable us to understand it perfectly. Many questions may be asked which it would be difficult, and some which it would be impossi- ble to answer. Who, for instance, can comprehend the mysterious union of natures in the person of the Media- v tor? Who can tell all the bearings and influences of his obedience and death? Who can be certain that he knows all the obstacles which were to be removed, be- fore a free pardon could be consistently extended to sin- ful men ? Or who will presume that he understands all the effects of the work of redemption, in the great system of the universe ? It is easy to see, that a finite human mind can but imperfectly comprehend tty designs and procedure of God in the moral, as well as in the natural world. Still, information sufficient to an- swer all practical purposes, we may presume, is given Vus. For the attainment of salvation, it maybe sufficient * See BrettschneideSs Handbuch der Dogmatik. 2ter Theil. 158. S. 272 ff. and M. F. G, Siiskind iiber die Moglichkeit der Strafen Auf- hebung oder der Siinden Vergebung, nacb Principien der practischen Vermmft, in Flatfs Magazin. Her Stuck. S. 167. Tubing. 1796, and Butler's Analogy, Pt. II. chap. 3, 4, 5, particularly chap. 5, pp. 281 287. ed. Boston, 1809. that we know and believe firmly the simple fact, that there is forgiveness with God, for the penitent believer, on account of something which Christ has done or suffer- ed. Not much beyond this, have the knowledge and the faith of the great body of Christians, in every age, ex- tended. Yet on a subject of so much interest, a subject into which angels look with eager curiosity, and which is to be the theme of the redeemed to eterni- ty, more knowledge certainly is desirable. It may contribute to the establishment of our faith, to the cor- rection of our sentiments and the enlargement of our knowledge, on other points in theology ; and may afford us interesting subjects for devout meditation. No work of God equally displays the depth of the divine wisdom and goodness ; none seems more worthy to engage all the powers of the human mind. On few points in the- ology, has the Christian church made greater progress in knowledge. From the days of the earliest fathers to Mar- tin Luther, there was a gradual though not very rapid advance. The reformers cast much light on the subject. From that time, the adversaries of the doctrines of grace have, with eagle eyes, detected errors and mistakes in the writings of the reformers and their successors. With- in the last fifty years, the subject has undergone a more full discussion than ever; and the advance in knowl- edge has, I conceive, been answerable to the efforts made. One fact is noticeable, and demands our grati- tude to the Author of all light c the believers in gratui- tous justification, both in Europe and America, seem to be gradually coming to nearly the same conclusions.* With a view to exhibit the results, to which my own mind has been led, and especially in regard to the na- * See Appendix, A. a ture and the proximate effects of the atonement, I shall now direct your attention to the passage of scripture prefixed to this discourse. In this text, Paul declares, explicitly, what was the immediate object of Christ's atoning sacrifice ; that is, what effect it had in the economy of redemption, or how it laid a proper foundation for the pardon and the sal- ration of sinful men. It was the immediate object of this sacrifice, to declare the righteousness of God : in other words, to display and vindicate the perfect holi- ness and uprightness of his character as a moral gover- nor. This display being made, he can with propriety forgive all that believe in Jesus. As this sentiment is the foundation of my whole discourse, I shall take some pains to shew that it is really contained in the text. The Apostle is here treating, professedly, on the doc- trine of justification by grace through the atonement made by Jesus Christ. And he uses, in the text, no fig- urative terms, and no comparisons or allusions, which might mislead us. He appears to aim at stating the simple truth, and in the most direct and appropriate terms. The plain, direct meaning of his words, there- fore, taking them throughout in their most obvious sense, is their true meaning. Keeping these things in view, let us now enter the sanctuary of this text, and survey the objects it contains.* " God hath set forth" * For the sake of those who may wish to see the words of the original in their connexion, the whole text is here given. Verse 25. c Ov nyof&fTO o ftfog IJiaoTfjQiov dia. rr)* ^* 48 the words, we affirm that the justification of believers in Jesus Christ, does not proceed on the ground of law and justice ; that the divine law did not allow of a transfer of our punishment to him, nor per- mit his sufferings to be set to our account ; and that nothing 1 the Me- diator could possibly do or suffer, would satisfy the demands of the law upon us. And this we say is evident from the nature of law, in all governments, human and divine. Hence we pronounce the justi- fication of believers, to be an act of the sovereign mercy of God, a departure from the regular course of justice, and such a departure as leaves the claims of the law forever unsatisfied. We mean that it is analogous to those sovereign acts of the supreme power in a na- tion, by which the regular course of legal justice is arrested ; and that it is such an act as the ministers of legal justice could not per- form. Overlooking this distinction, or confounding all the acts of human rulers, many writers on the atonement, finding that in human governments much use is made of discretionary power ; and that in the early ages especially, magistrates followed very much their own discretion or rather caprice, in the administration of justice ; have been led to consider the justification of believers in Christ as a ju- dicial act or the act of a judge seated on the bench of justice. The judge, say they, saw in the vicarious sufferings of the Mediator, a full satisfaction of all the demands of the divine law ; and therefore he pronounced us legally acquitted. These writers could find, espe- cially in ancient history, some instances of human rulers allowing and even requiring the innocent to suffer for the guilty : and these were deemed examples in point. They found all antiquity admiring the ingenuity and extolling the virtue of some such rulers: and this was evidence that the common sense of mankind approved such justice. They could see and feel that the occasional exercise of sovereign or discretionary power, suspending or modifying the operation of human laws, is really necessary ; and this satisfied their consciences, their moral sense, that strict justice might require or at least admit a similar power to interpose and modify the operations of the divine Law : for in their zeal for a favourite opinion, they unhappily forgot that the law of God as administered by him, can never fail to do per- fect justice, and that any suspension of its operation would of coufse be a suspension of justice.