690 - 895*3 - : ; 4 : 5 : 2 : 6 9 3 ^ UGH n- « THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES L^ i^ RECORDS THE CORPORATION OF THE BOROUGH NEW-LYMINGTON, IN THE COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON. EXTRACTED PROM THE MUNIMENTS IN THE POSSESSION OF THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL, AND OTHER AUTHORITIES, IN THE YEAR 1848. By CHARLES ST. BARBE, Esq.. F.S.A. PRINTED KOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION BY NICHOLS i SON. CHANDOS STREET, COVENT GAKL.EN, %^ 13 I • V -N r5? * ^ ^^^ PEOCEEDINGS OF THE Kxrr^cy ^^^^ Vr\^^A the chest, viz.:— -. A f f « ^ ^'^^ imperfect state, the earliest date being \yV\ 5-^ . iven by Mr. Robert Pamplyn in the time uf Lnno Dom' 1609, whereua are written the , . V V <0 i4-^ C he Towne and divers orders concerning the ^l-Jlli fVnGbM<^ Xh "^t^*" Southton Ex Done Pauli Burrard ' ^ l| Burgi 25 Marcii 1711," "vl^SO \CVK>Vv^ tAa ClXtCJ' ^ -vWl IS Minutes of the Proceedings inckiding the . yK • . , "^ . Pts or Payments. VUtLToO M. r\cruVy ^Vn jeginning in 1808, and ending in 18:3.5, wlu-n rw-'^r^v^r-t. r- *DA 13 L^^Si BOOKS CONTAINING MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE CORPOEATION, NOW IN THE CHEST, VIZ.:— No. 1. Fragment of a small folio iii a very mutilated and imperfect state, the earliest date being 1574 and the latest 1650. No. 2. A Folio Book which is endorsed: — " The Town Book of Lymington given by Mr. Robert Pamplyn in the time of his Maioraltie, which was Anno Dom' 1609, wherem are written the Accompts of the Maiors of the Towne and divers orders concerning the Towne," beginning in the year 1613 and ending in 1729, paged -^tt- No. 3. A Folio Book; stamped on the Cover, viz.: — " Burgus de Lymington In Comitatu Southton Ex Dono Pauli Burrard Armigeri Bui'gensis ejusdem Burgi 25 Marcii 1711," coipmencing 1729 ending 1807, contains Minutes of the Proceedings inchiduig the Elections, but not the Account of Receipts or Payments. No. 4. A Foho Book on the same plan as the last begmniag in 1808, and ending in 1835, wheii- the New Municipal Act commenced. Lymington, 12 June, 1848. 97R7n.'^ The following Notes were extracted from the Records of tlie Borough of Lymington by tlie late Mr. Charles St. Barbe, F.S.A., who had completed the work but a short period before his death. He was a native of the town, and long a resident there, and had taken a veiy great interest in the locality and its antiquities, and from having been for some years a member of the Corporation, and several times Mayor, he had access to all its documents, and was therefore in every way qualified for the task he had imposed upon himself. His ability as an antiquary and his private character may be best estimated by some extracts from the obituary of the Gentleman's Magazine. " Having a taste for historical literature, he made many commu- nications to our miscellany, some of which we are able to specify ; — "Remarks on the Collar of SS in 1813, 1815, and 1828. "An account of the parish of Ashington, county of Somerset, &c." An article on "Book Plates," 1823. " On a Bas-relief of St. Eloy," 1821. " An account of Moyle Court," 1828, &c. Mr. St. Barbe also rendered good service to the readers of the Gentleman's Magazine by compiling the very accurate list of Plates and Woodcuts from its commencement to the year 1818, whicli forms the 5th Volume of its General Index. He had made prints his study, particularly those engraved in this country, and had intended to have published an enlargement of "Walpole's Catalogue of Engravers" to the end of the eighteenth century, but the MSS. still remain with his family. In private life he was greatly and deservedly beloved; of a tranquil and studious disposition, and entering cordially into many branches of enquiry, he had laid up a vast amount of information, which he willingly communicated. As time passes away, and new forms and customs arise, the early records of our old Corporations become yearly more curious and valuable, and as it is remembered that during his life he willingly gave to others the benefit of his knowledge and research, it is believed that the printing these notes is not only in some degree carrying out his intentions, but is also a deserved tribute to the memory of a kind and good man, and a talented antiquary. OTi^^igi^tiff.!'^^!^!^!?!^' # ^v.-^_. > 1 1 CONTENTS. PAGE Town Books of the Corporation, now extant. 1. Eai-Uest Notices of the Borough. Charter Claims of Southampton, 17th Edwd. 2d. and 23 Henry 7th Lease and Extent of the Manor. Seal. 5. The Burgess Oath. 6. List of Burgesses from 1574 to 1834, with date of their Election. 16. List of Mayors from same period. 22. List of Members retm-ned to Parliament from 1585 to 1831. 26. Officers of the Corporation. 27. Schedule of Deeds and Papers which were in the Town Chest in 1726. 29. Proceedings of the Corporation, or Annals of the Borough from 10 October, 1574 to 1835, viz.:— 1574.— Hogs not suffered to go at large in the Town. 1584.-Burgesses to be fined for slandering the Mayor and Burgess, or for disregarding a summons. Strangers not to be admitted to the Town without the consent of tlie Mayor. No person to cast BaUast into the Haven. 1586. — Stewards' Account for the year past. Rents and Profits of the Borough to go to the use thereof, excepting that of " Holmes' Mead," which in future is for the sole benefit of the Mayor. 1587. — The Mayor's Annual Account. Order that the Inhabitants (not freemen) shaU pay a composition for using their trade. 1588.-The first entry of the Election of a Burgess; Wilham White, Esq., of Moyle's Court, a benefactor to the Town. 1593.— Election of another benefactor, Robert Pamplyn, Esq., Page to the Queen. 1594.-Butchers to seU their TaUow to John Pratt, Chandler, who is to supply the inhabitants with Candles at fixed prices. 1599.— Order of 1586 respecting the rent of Holmes' Mead revoked. 1600. — Rate for keepmg in repair the Town Well. 1606.— First entry of the Election of a Recorder— John More, Esq. 1607.— Truman, a refractory publican, caBed to account. 1608.— Town Book at the house of the late Mayor, who had died of the plague. The Burgesses enjoined to assist the Mayor. 1615. — Order about Swine at large in the streets renewed. Thomas Turner appointed Chandler for the Town. 1617.— Merchandize not to be shipped for the Isle of Wight on the Sabbath day. 1621.— Corn landed at the Quay for Sale to be brought to the Pubhc Market. 1622. — Plate pawned to the Mayor by a Bui-gess. Various Orders for the government of the Borough. 1624.- — Quay Dues let at £3 per annum. 1625. — Biu-gesses to be fined for drunkenness or profane swearing, &c. 1639. — Market or Butter Cross erected. 1643-1650.— Various disbursements made by the Mayor during the Civil War. 1651.— Alteration of the day of Election of the Mayor, who is to provide a dinner on that day for the Burgesses and their wives. [ivj PAGE 1662. — Commission under the Great Seal for regulating Corporate bodies. 1668. Money borrowed for cariying on a Suit against the Lord of the Manor. Particulars of the Fee Farm Rent as paid from time to time. 1670. — Claims allowed by the New Forest to the Corporation. 1675. — List of Resident Burgesses at this period. Quit Rents for Sign Posts at the Inns. 1677. — Voting by BaDot proposed, but not adopted. Protest against the oath. Solemn league and covenant. 1684. — New Town Hall ordered to be built, with list of Subscriptions. 1687. — A Writ of " Quo Warranto " brought against the Corporation. 1688-9. — Will. P. Orange summons the Representatives of the Borough to a Convention at Westminster. 1689-90. — The Commonalty elect Members of Parliament in opposition to the Mayor. 1695. — The same. 1699. — Cmious entries in the Town Book during the past century. 1707. — Corporation of Southampton ask leave to hold a Court of Admiralty on the Quay of Lymington. 1710. — The Commonalty elect Members of Parliament in opposition to the Mayor. 1711. — A Lease granted of the River from the Quay to Ambrose Dock. 1714. — Corporation of Southampton bring an action against Beere for Quay Dues at Lymington, and defended by the Lymington Body. 1731. — Suit brought against Cross for erecting a Causeway, but did not gain the cause. Pamplyn's grant explained. 1750. — Frederick Prince of Wales elected a Burgess. 1760. — Edward Duke of York elected a Bm-gess. 1780. — The Old Town Hall ordered to be taken down. 1783. — The Butchers' Shambles removed. 1789. — ^Visit of King George 3d., his Queen, with 3 elder Princesses. 1828. — Market Cross taken down. 1833 — Commissioner ajipoiuted to make enquiry preparatory to the New Municipal Act or Reform Bill attends at a Pubhc Meeting. 43. ADDENDA. — Notes and Remarks. fi^i^lt^t^.ja\ ^ 5 S 2 1^ 5:5 ":sS%: IS' ']. d ?5i E=] eg J- f 3 the luded Ished hat a ge it rers." 1 the nent, that find dby long time, "An 23rd A.D. 157! The 1581. lises, !S of (') Daugl 2 Baldwin ley, Redvers, mds Ryvers, Devon, v said diedA.D. the (') Edwa: E. Devon twe to Isabel, mrt, 1«9- the«^-^' ers,* (0 Ob. 12 and O F?(^e P eixs ^'■'''^ '^t P' OVideA< I- at da, p. 43. . of een rein RICHARD DE REDVERS , Baro.n of Oaioiamptox Eatu. of Devon, Lord of the Isle of Wight, Jcc. A D OB. 1157, BALDWIN, 2r Earl of Devon, ( Fcu/iUa' of ((uarr S, C/irisic/ii/rcJi Priones. ) on .]1S8, RICHARD. 3'° Earl of Devon, OB 1161. BALDWIN, 4 "'Earl of Devon, OB SP BALDWm, 8 ™EaRL of Dj!VQ}f '^ Granieda fTiarta' loLjmm/ften JOHN OB; Wans. . WILLIAM, 2™ Son, 6™ Earl of Devon, OB: 1216 RICHARD, a™ Earl OF Devon OB. 1184 S.P. BALDWIN' obVP BALDWIN. 7^.« Earl of Devon, icLoRD OF THE ISLE OK WiGIlT, UB:1245. , I IS.'\BELLA Countess ofDbvon. V IiADv (IF LsLE OF Wight, m-WILI/'de FORTIBFS, Ei\RL OFALBEM-VRIiE . Heik to her B r other , OB 1295 SPM. tijnmfeda (Jiiirkr In LurmTiqlnnl „^,, MARY'de REDVERS SIR ROBERT COlTRTNEY.ie (OR CoURTENAT> OB, 1242. I JOHNC. Baho-n of O.uauMPTON OB;1278, I HUGH C. Baron OF Oaioiampton, OB,|291. HITGHC Baron or &!)''.'T!;arl OF Devon (HeirioIsabella ) {see opposite ) OB L540 HU(;HC W." Earl Devon OB 1377 I BDW.mD c. OB: YE 3 PEDIGREE OF DE ReDVERS ^COITRTEMY. whoteld. the LORDSHIP OF LYMINGTON Exlracbd from^crsUy's,Ish WuiM imd otiier luSwrilus ED"\\'^RD C.I1"Earl ofDevon OB: 1*19. Jle (jriirrfed />?• cnrifmrif// ll/f (Aarf/r ot'JsaieSa 6) i/ieTown cflj/mi/yfm m //<&' HUGHC.ia'fEARLOFDEVON. OB: 1422. I THOMAS CIj^Earl of Devon, OB: 1458 I THOMAS C.14™Earl of Devon, £eJieadui and afimiikd 1461. 1 ? EDW^ rv: LYMINGTON. EARLIEST NOTICES OF THE BOROUGH AND OF ITS EXTENT. The only -writer upon the liistory of the Town of Lynungton that is entitled to attention is the Rev. Richard Warner, who was elected a Burgess of tlie Corporation in 1814; the work alluded to is entitled " To])ographical Remarks upon the South Western Parts of Hampshire, published in 1793, wherein he states as regards the Borough, "I find by an ancient Quo Warranto, that a " Fair was estabUshed in the town so far back as the 8th of Edward the Second, a privilege it " probably enjoyed fi-om some charter of francliises granted by the family of De Redvers." Fiu-ther, he adds, that he found that Lymington was a Borough in the reign of Edward the Tliird, and as such had summonses sent to it for the return of Representatives to Parliament, but, it seems, had not comphed with the precept till the 27th of Elizabeth. He also stated that in the reign of James the First its incorporation by charter took place ; of this, however, I find no mention in the books of the Corporation, therefore the writer must have been misled by erroneous information; and, in justice to him, let it be remembered that he wrote it long before he became a Burgess. Among the ArcMves remaining m the Town Chest at this time, there is n6 grant or charter, nor any copy ; but there is a document which is indorsed — " An " Exemplification of a Judgment upon a Writ of Quo Warranto issued on the 21st and 23rd a.d. 1578 to " years of Queen Elizabeth in aflirmation of the privileges of the Town of Lymington." The ■^^^^• translation from the Latin original states — " That the Mayor and Burgesses enjoy fully to be exonerated divers Hberties and francliises, " and aU the lands and possessions which were of Dame Isabella de Fortibus,^ Coimtess of (') Daughter " Albemarle and Devon and Lady of the Isle of Wight, or, afterwards of Edward Com'tney,^ Rcd^.g *'*' " Earl of Devon, and now or late in the possession of our Lady the Queen, in Town, ways, lands %vors, E. oi " and sea, bridges and passages, port or haven, m. fairs and markets, as much as to her the said diedA.D. 124.' " Countess, or to him the said Earl of Devon did belong ; and the which was granted on the (') Edward, « Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle in the sixth year of the reign of Heniy the 4th,3 by Indenture fo I^abei!'4. Harry Darby, Esq., of London, vide Burrard Pedigree, p. 43. Mr. George Burrard, jun. (took Holy Orders). Benjamin Hopkins, Alderman of London. Thomas Goodricke, Esq., of London. * These Gentlemen were objected to 22 Sept., 1745. r 14 ] 1774.— Mr. Thomas Shepard, jun. Rev. James Simpson, D.D. Mr. Joseph Pearce, vide Burrard Pedigree, p. 43. John Westbrooke, Esq., Foresthill, Essex. Thomas Dnrell, Esq., London. George Lempriere, of London, Merchant. Ancbrew Snape Hamond, Capt. E..N., afterward Admiral and Baronet. Col. George Morrison, of Ham, Surrey. James Morrissy, Esq., of Lymington, Mr. Thomas Beckley, Sm-geon of Lymington, ob. 1804, (Btat 88. Mr. William Trattle, Town Clerk. Mr. William Holloway, of Christchurch. Nathaniel Farnall, Lieutenant in the Army, vide Burrard Pedigree, p. 43. Lucy Knightley, Esq., of Tawsley, Northampton. Mr. William Toldervy, of Leominster. James Clarke, Esq., of Wharton, Herefordshire, vide Burrard Pedigree, 43. Major John Brewse, of Chigwell, Essex. Jolui Thomas Durell, Esq., of Jersey, vide Burrard Pedigree, p. 105. Robert Bromfield, M.D., of London, vide Addenda, p. 112. John Trenchard, Esq. PhiUp Bromfield, Com. of Ship "Salisbury," Indiaman, vide Addenda, p. 45, Nicholas Humfrey, Esq., of Blandford, Thomas Dummer, Esq., of Cranbury, Hants. John Bond, jun., Esq., of Grange, Dorset. 1 783. — William Sutherland, Esq., of Lymington. Charles Bowles, Esq., of Lymington, vide Burrard Pedigree, p. 43. Mr. Thomas Beckley, jun.. Surgeon, oh. 1822, at. 73. Mr. Samuel Oviatt, Wine Merchant. Thomas Pickard, Esq., of Bloxworth, Dorset. Rev. George Pickard, of the same place. John Kingston, Esq., of London, Merchant. William Rooke, Esq., of Lymington, vide Biurard Pedigree, p. 43. Nash Grose, Serjeant-at-Law (afterwards Judge and Knight) Rev. William Bond, Grange, Dorset. 1 791. — John Walter, Esq., of So. Baddesley. 1 7!) 6. — Honourable Viscount Hood Lord Bridport Harry FarnaU, Lieut. R.N., vide Burrard Pedigree, p. 43. 1800. — Samuel Cleav eland, Esq. William Roberts, of Lymington, Major in the E. L Service, o6. 1809. Robert Allen, Esq., of Lymington. 1802. — Honourable George Grey, of R.N., afterwards Baronet. John Cooke, Esq., R.N. John Abel Walter, Captain, Berks Militia, of Ashley. Rev. Elhs Jones (Minister of Lymington for 47 years), ob. 1830. 1806. — Lt.-Col. George Duckett, afterwards Baronet, vide Burrard Pedigree, 43. 1811. — Thomas Beckley, jira., afterwards took Orders. 1814. — Sir Charles Burrard, Bart., vide Burrard Pedigree, p. 43. Rev. Thomas Rivett, of Milford. Lt.-Colonel WilHam Home (E. I. Service), of Yarmouth, L W. Rev. Joseph Hollis Rev. Richard Warner, afterwards Rector of Great Chalfield, Wilts, and Historian of South Hampsliire and of Lymington. [ 15 ] 1816.— John Armstrong, Esq., of Priestlands Joseph Bingham, R.N., afterwards Admiral, and of the Grove Honse, L^-mmgton, vide Bun-ard Pedigree, p. 43. Rev. John Gilpin, of Stockton, Durham. r «, r George Eooke (afterwards Vicar of Embleton, Northum- iQon 11^ J berland). • ^^« x Vide BvuTard, 1820.— -s gO o ^ Leonard Charles Rooke (brother of the foregomg Officer) [_ Pedigree ^^« [ intheRN. ^ ^^ ( ,, 4I ' Edward Biurard (an Officer of the Army, son of Su- Harry Burrard), General. '' Sir Thomas Byam Martin, Vice- Admiral, R.N. Honourable Sir Henry Hotham Honourable Robert GrevUle 1826.— George Biu-rard, Esq., OTcZe Biu-rard Pedigree, 43. William Wowen Rooke, Esq., son of William Rooke, Esq., vide Burrard Pedigree, 43. John Lyons, Capt. R.N. 1827.— James Brown, Officer of the Customs (Town Clerk). Charles Thomas Rooke, Officer R.N., son of WiUiam Rooke, Esq., vide Burrard, Pedigree, 43. Jolm Frederick Breton, Esq. Peter Breton, Esq., of Southampton. WiUiam Charles Lempriere, Capt. R.H.A. Rev. Robert Allen, Rector of Barcombe, Sussex. 1828. — William Love, Com. R.N. 1830. — WUham Manning, Esq. 31 July Rawson Boddam Crozier, Esq., of Freshwater, I. W. Heatlffield Tregonwell Frampton, M.D., of Grove House, Lymmgton. Robert Hockings, Capt. R.N., of Woodside. Rev. Thomas Robmson, Vicar of Milford. Augustus Brine, Esq., afterwards Admiral R.N. James Munro, Esq., of Lymington. Charles St. Barbe, Merchant, of Lymington. Charles Morrissy Roberts, Esq., a Major m the E. L Service of Everton, ob. 1846. N.B.—This Election on the 31 July, 1830, was the last previous to the New Municipal Act, which u-as passed in tht reign of King William the Fourth, in the year 1835. [16] MAYOES. The names before the date of the Town Book commencing in 1574, as collected from ancient Deeds, &c., are — 2nd Edward II. a.d. 1308.— William Lyteltone 3rd Edward III. 1329.— William Littlecare 10th Hen. IV. 1406.— Eichard Draper 4th Edward IV. 1464.— John Quicke 19th Hen. VII. 1503.— George Kent 23rd — 1507.— Eobert Mailer N.B. — Am/ Remarks concerning the Mayors are made in the Burgess List preceding. The follo\vuig are m the four Town Books, with the date of the election, which was on the Simday between St. Matthew's and St. Michael's days in every year. — The first entiy is dated 10 October, in the year 1574 : — 1574. — George Burrard, Mayor The next which appears is — A.D. 1581.— John Pratt 1582. — Laurence Stokes 1583.— John Mailer 1584. — George Burrard 1585. — Lavirence Stokes 1586. — Thomas Loder 1587. — John Mawdit or Maudett, his mark gM 1588. — John Longe 1589. — John Burrard The next which occurs is in the year 1593 — 1593. — Thomas Loder 1594. — Edmond Dowe 1595.— John Mawdett (see before, 1587) 1596. — John Longe 1597. — John Burrard 1598. — Thomas Turbervile 1599.— EaLfe Burrard Ifini f J*-*^ Pratt 1602. — John Loder 1603.— Luke Stevens 1604. — John Loder 1605. — Luke Stevens 1606. — John Burrard 1607.— John Smith 1608. — Edmond Dowe 1609. — Eobert Pamplyn, Esq. 1610.— John Pratt 1611. — Thomas Whale 1612. — Eobert Edwardes, liis mark E.E, 1613. — Edward Knowles [ 17] 1614. — -George Barton 1615.— William Doling 1616.— John Pratt 1 6 1 7.— Thomas Barker 1618.— William Dowe 1619. — Edward Knowles 1620. — William Edwardes, his mark T 1621. — Thomas Turner 1622. — Henry Button, Gent., died during his Mayoralty Thomas Turner, in his stead 1623.— Thomas Hurst 1624. — William Dolinge 1625. — Samuel Newce 1626.— WiUiam Dowe 1627.— Kobert Edwards 1628. — Lawrence Sherwin 1629.— WiUiam Edwardes 1630. — George Binrard 1631. — George Barton 1632. — Francis Guidott 1633.— David Urry 1634. — Thomas Janrerin (mark I) 1635. — James Demnead 1636. — Richard Carter 1637.— J olm Richards 1638. — Thomas Timier 1639. — John Hurst 1640. — Francis Guidott 1641.— Thomas Hiurst 1642. — George Dewey William Dohnge 1643.— Thomas Glevin 1644. — George Biurard 1645.— Ralph Dore 1646. — J olm Edwards 1647. — George Dewy 1648. — Thomas Urry 164 9. — Barnard Knap ton 1650. — Francis Guidott 1651. — George Burrard lg53|Pliilip Dore 1654. — John Edwards 1655. — William Dore 1656.^ 1 /• f- w , „P„" ^Francis Guidott, for four successive years ;:j 1659. 1660. — ^William Biorrard 1661. -i^f-o 1 Francis Guidott 32. 1 1663. — John Edwards 1664.— Wniiam Moone 1665. — Thomas Urry D [18] 1666. — Bartholomew Harmood 1667. — Edward Stacey 1668. — Humphrey Banfield 1669. — George King 1670. — Thomas Glevin 1671. — Henry Bromfield, jun. 1672. — John Burrard 1673. — John Lamport 1674. — Samuel Samber 1675. — Henry Lyne, Gent. 1676. — David Edwards 1677. — Edward Edwards 1678. — Paul Bvurard J ^^n William Samber 1680. j 1681. — John Kmg 1682. — Phinehas Wright I^?H Thomas Dore lo84. ) 1685. — Samuel Samber 1686 . — Francis Hanbiu-y 1687. — Robert Edwards 1688. — Richard Whithed, Esq. 1689.— Sir Robert Smyth, Bart. 1690. — Edward Beere 1691. — John Dore ^^^^- ) John Burrard, Esq., for three years (Edward Burfett and John Preaulx being elected, ]^ / I but not sworn, and " after cast away ") 1694. ; 1695. — Thomas Burrard, Esq. 1696. — Jolui Coombes 1697. — George Lesly, Esq. 1698. — Wilham Knapton, Gent. 1699. — Paul Burrard, Esq. 1700. — Robert Knapton, Gent. 1701.) 1 702. } Right Honourable Lord WiUiam Powlett, for three successive years 1703. ) 1704. — Peter Gery, Esq. 1705. — WiUiam Dale, Gent. 1706. — Richard Chandler, Esq. 1707. — Joseph Hinxman, Esq. 1708. — Paul Biurard, Esq. 1709. — Hugh Harsnett 1710. — Anthony Dawly, Esq. 1711. — Paul Burrard, Esq. 1712. — Edward Edwards 1713. — Right Honourable Lord Henry Powlett 1714.— Peter Crew 1715.— John Burford 171G.— Paul Burrard, Esq. 1717. — Wilham Vessy 1718. — Honourable Wilham Powlett 1719. — Hugh Harsnett, Gent. [ 19 ] 1720.— William Vessy 1721. — Honourable William Powlett 1722.^Pliineas Wright 1723. — Lord Nassau Powlett 1 724.— Lord William Powlett 1 725. — Lord Harry Powlett 1726.— Paul Burrard, Esq. 1727.— Mr. Odber Knapton 1 728. — Lord William Powlett (who, dying during his Mayoralty, his predecessor, Mr. Knapton, filled the office) 1729.— Paul Burrard, Esq. 1730.— Lord Nassau Powlett 1731.— Lord Charles A. Powlett 1732.— Jolui How 1 733. — Paul Burrard, Esq. 1734. — Harry Burrard, Esq. (created a Baronet 1769, ob. 1791) 1735.— John Bromfield, Esq. 1736. — George Trenchard, Esq. 1737. — Thomas Sheppard 1738. — Harry Burrard, Esq. {see above, 1734) 1739. — Honourable John Wallop 1740.— John How 1741. — Lord Harry Powlett 1742. — Harry Burrard, Esq. (see 1738.) 1743.— Lord Charles Powlett 1744. — Eh Harsnett (election set aside.) 1745. — Charles Colborne (ditto) Jolm Mordaunt 1746. — John Dummer, Esq. 1747. — Vescy How 1748.— Edward Hooker, Esq. 1749. — Harry Burrard, Esq. {see 1742.) 1750.— WiUiam Shepard ^ 1751. — Joseph Shepard 1752. — Thomas Lee Dummer, Esq. 1753.— Wilham Burrard, Esq. 1754. — Vescy How . - . 1755. — Thomas Shepard 1756.— Edward Trattle 1757.— Lord Harry Powlett 1758.— Wilham Shepard 1759. — Joseph Shepard 1760. — Wilham Bm-rard, Esq. 1761. — Lord Harry Powlett 1 762.— Charles Duke of Bolton 1763. — Harry BiUTard, Esq. {see 1749.) 1764.— Charles Duke of Bolton (died diu-mg his mayoralty, which office was filled by Harry Burrard, Esq.) 1765.— William BmTard, Esq. 1766. — Phihp Jennings, Esq. 1767.— William Biu-rard, Esq. 1768.— Harry Duke of Bolton 1769.— Wilham Burrard, E.sq. 1770.— Sir Harry Burrard, Bart, (created 1769.) [20 J 1771. — Harry Duke of Bolton 1772. — William Burrard, Esq. 1773. — Harry Diike of Bolton 1774. — William Burrard, Esq. 1 775. — George Burrard, Esq. 1776. — Sir Harry Burrard, Bart. 1777. — Thomas Shepard 1778. — Kev. Bolton Simpson, D.D. 1779. — Sir Harry Burrard, Bart. 1780. — Thomas Shepard, jim. 1781. — Sir Harry Biurard, Bart. 1782. — Mr. Thomas Beckley, jun. 1783. — Harry Darby, Esq. 1784. — Capt. Harry Burrard (Army) 1785. — Charles Bowles, Esq. 1786. — Phihp Bromfield, Esq. 1787. — Mr. Thomas Beckley, jim. 1788.— William Trattle, Esq. 1789. — WUliam Kooke, Esq. 1790. — Lt.-Col. Harry Burrard 1791. — Sir Harry Biurard, Bart. 1 792- — George Burrard, Esq. (afterwards took Holy Orders.) 1793. — Charles Bowles, Esq. 1794. — William Kooke, Esq. 1795. — Mr. Thomas Beckley, jtm. 1796. — John Walter, Esq. 1797.— Harry Darby, Esq. {see 1783.) 1798. — Charles Bowles, Esq. 1799. — Mr. Thomas Beckley, jun. 1800. — Eev. George Burrard {see 1792) 1801. — WiBiam Eoberts, Esq. (a Major in the E. I. Service.) 1802. — Eobert AUen, Esq. 1808. — John Abel Walter, Esq. 1804. — Rev. EUis Jones 1805. — Thomas Beckley 1806. — WiUiam Trattle, Esq: 1807. — Samuel Cleaveland, Esq. 1808. — Rev. George Biurard {see 1800). 1809. — Philip Burrard, Esq. 1810. — John Abel Walter, Esq. 1811.— Robert AUen, Esq. 1813. — Thomas Beckley, sen. 1814. — Rev. EUis Jones 1815. — Thomas Beckley, sen. 1816. — Rev. Thomas Rivett 1817. — Rev. Thomas Beckley 1818 . — John Armstrong, Esq. 1819. — Rev. Joseph HoUis 1820. — Rev. George Burrard 1821. — Rev. EUis Jones 1822. — Rev. Thomas Beckley . 1823. — Rev. George Rooke 1824. — Rear-Achmral Joseph Bingham 1825. — Rev. George Burrard [21] 1826.— Rev. Ellis Jones 1827.— William Wowen Rooke 1828.— James Brown (Town Clerk) 1829.— William Love, Com. R.N. 1830.— Rev. Ellis Jones 1831. — James Monro, Esq. 1832.— Charles St. Barbe 1833.— Rev. Thomas Beckley 1834.— Robert Hockings, Capt. R.N. N.B. — The Alwjor, after his Election, was sworn in by the Steward of the Manor at a Court Leel, which was formerly held at the Town Hall, hut latterly at one of the public inns in the Town. [22] MEMBEKS FOR THE BOROUGH RETURNED TO PARLIAMENT BY THE CORPORATION, From the year 1585 to 1831 inclusive. 1585. — Arthur Cook, Esq. Richard Cook, Esq. 1586. — Francis Keilway, Esq. William WaUop, Esq. 1589. — Francis Keilway, Esq. William White, Esq. 1592. — Richard Blount, Esq. John Knight, Esq. 1597.— Thomas West, Esq. Henry Wallop, Esq. 1601. — Francis Darcy, Esq. Thomas Sidley, LL.D. 1603. — Thomas Marshall, Gent. Thomas South, jun., Esq. 1614. — Thomas Marshall, Gent. 1620. — Sir WiUiam Doddmgton, Kt., of Breamore, Hants. Henry Campion, Esq. 1623. — Nicholas Ferrar, Esq. Jolm More, Esq. 1625. — John Button, Esq. John Mill, Esq. Herbert Doddington, Esq. John More, Esq. 1628. — Herbert Dodington, Esq. Richard Wliithead, Esq. 1640. — John Dodington, Esq. John Kempe, Esq. John Button, Esq. Henry Campion, Esq. N.B. — In 1653, 1654, a>id 1656, Boroughs did not elect, for the Counties only returned. 1658. — John Button, jun., Esq. Richard Wliithed, jun., Esq. 1660.— John Button, Esq. Henry Bromfield, Esq. 1661. — Sir William Lewis, Bart. John Bidkley, Esq. (died 1662.) 1662. — Sir Nicholas Stuart, Bart, (in the place of the foregoing.) 1677. — Sir Richard Knight 1678. — John Button, Esq. Bartholomew Bulkley, sen., Esq. 1 G May | ^""^ Burrard, Esq. 14 Aug. John Button, Esq. John Burrard, Esq. 1680. — Henry Dawly, Esq. Jolui Burrard, Esq [23] 1684.— Richard Holt, Esq. John Burrard, Esq. 1688. — The same two re-elected. 1689. — John Buirard, Esq. Thomas Dore, Esq. N'.B. — The Commonalty elected two other persons, see note at the end. 1695. — John Burrard, Esq. Thomas Dore, Esq. The Commonalty again elected other persons 1698. — Thomas Dore, Esq. George Bvirrard, Esq. 1700. — Thomas Dore, Esq. Paid Biurard, Esq. 1701. — The same two re-elected. 1702. — The same two re-elected. 1 705. — The same two re-elected. The Right Honoiu-able Charles Powlett, Marquis of Winchester, in the room of Mr. Dore, deceased. 1707.— Paul Burrard, Esq. Richard Chandler, Esq. 1710. — Riofht Honoiu-able Lord William Powlett } i . ■ ,i i T^ *=! -r, 1 }■ viae note at the end. Paul Burrard ) N^.B. — The Commonalty elected two others. 1713. — Honourable Lord William Powlett Sir Joseph Jekyll, Kt. 1714. — The same re-elected. 1715. — Richard Chandler, Esq. ^ 1716.— Sir Joseph Jekyll, Kt. 1719. — Honourable Lord Harry Powlett Paul Burrard, Esq. 1722.— Sir Gilbert Heathcote 1727. — Lord Nassau Powlett 1729. — Anthony Morgan, Esq. Honourable WiUiam Powlett (elected on the decease of Mr. Morgan). 1734. — Sir John Cope, Bart., of Bramshdl, Hants Maurice Bocland, Esq. 1741. — Lord Nassau Powlett (died in this year) Harry Burrard, Esq. The Honourable Charles Powlett 1747. — The same as the two last 1754. — The same Lord Harry Powlett (in the room of Lord Charles) 1761. — Adam Drvunmond, Esq. Harry Biurard, Esq. 1768. — The same as the two last. 1769. — Hugo Meynell, Esq. (in the room of A. Drummond, Esq,) 1774. — Sir Harry Burrard, Bart. Edward Morant, Esq. of Brockenhurst 1778.— Henry Goodricke, Esq. 1780. — Thomas Dummer, Esq. [24] 1780. — Harry Burrard, Esq. 1781. — Edward Gibbon, Esq. (author of the " History of Rome") 1784. — Hany Burrard, Esq. Robert Colt, Esq. 1788. — George Rose, Esq. 17.90. — Harry Burrard, Esq., Lieut. R.N. Harry Burrard, Esq., Lieut. -Colonel in the Army 1 791. — Brassey Halhed, Esq. 1796. — Sir Harry Biurrard, Bart. William Manning, Esq. 1801.— Sir Harry Neale, Bart. 1802.— William Manning, Esq. Harry Biurard, a Major-General John Kingston, Esq. 1806.— Sir Harry Neale, Bart. Jolm Kingston, Esq. 1807. — The same George Duckett, a Lieut. -Colonel 1812.— Sir Harry Neale, Bart. John Kingston, Esq. 1814.— John Tayler, Esq. 1818.— Sii' Harry Neale, Bart. William Manning, Esq. 1 820.— Su- Harry Neale, Bart. George Finch, Esq. 1821.— William Mannmg, Esq. 1 823.— Walter Boyd, Esq. 1826.— The same Guy Lenox Prendergast, Esq. 1827. — Thomas Divett, Esq. 1828. — George Burrard, Esq., Lieul^. 8th Regiment 18.30.— The same 1831. — William Tatton Egerton, Esq. of Tatton Park, Chesliire George Burrard, Esq. William Alexander Mackmnon, Esq., of Hyde Park Place, Middlesex These were the last Members elected previous to the Municipal Act passed in the 5th and 6th year of the reign of WUliam 4th, 9th Sept. 1835. Note.- — The mhabitants of the town (not being Burgesses) in three instances elected Representatives in opposition to the Members chosen by the Mayor and Burgesses, viz. : — Feb. 4, 1689 At the same time Oct. 29, 1695 At the same time Oct. 9, 1710 At the same time J Thomas Dore, Esq. ( Jolui Burrard, Esq. Chosen by the Commonalty out of the Hall ( Thomas Dore, Esq. ( John Burrard, Esq. Chosen by the Commonalty f Lord William Powlett \ Paul Burrard, Esq. Chosen by the Commonalty [■ Returned by the Mayor f Thomas Jervoise, Esq. \ OUver Cromwell, Esq. [• Returned by the Mayor f Jolm Pitt, Esq. ( William Clarke, Esq. y Returned by the Mayor I Jolm Walter, Esq. ( WiUiam Forbes, Esq. [25] The House of Commons having referred these several cases to the Committee of Privileges, the latter reported that, upon the evidence produced, the election for the borough has been, and is, in the Mayor and Bui'gesses only. The first return by the Mayor of 4th February, 1689, was confirmed by the Committee, 29th December, 1691. Mr. Serjeant Trenchard stated, on the part of the Corpoi-ation, that, in 1688, a quo warranto was brought against the Corporation, to which the Mayor pleaded a 'prescrij^tive right, whereupon the King's Counsel did not think proper to proceed fiirther. The second retiu-n of the 29th October, 1695, was confirmed by the Committee, 18th February, r|f|^. In this case, two ancient deeds in possession of the Corporation {vide List at page 38), were produced. The third return of 9th October, 1710, was confirmed by the Committee, 10th Anne, 1711. In the evidence. Sir Robert Smyth, Bart., stated that when he was Mayor of the town, in 1689, he refused to make Honorary Burgesses, or persons who were not inhabitants of the town. Mr. Charles Hackman stated that there were about 70 Burgesses, of whom 15 or 16 only were inhabitants, and that there were nearly 1 00 other housekeepers who paid to church and poor, excepting about 4 of them. [26] OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION. RECORDERS. 1596. — Richard Hardey, Esq., elected a Burgess; was succeeded by 1606. — John More, of North Badsley, in Hampslure, appomted at a salary of 40.s. per annum. 1622. — Thomas South, Esq. of Winchester. After that year no entry appears imtiJ 1698. 1698. — Roger Mompesson, Esq., elected a Burgess, 1683; he was dismissed in 1704. 1704. — Francis Dickins, Esq., of Gray's Iim ; died in 1757, and was succeeded by 1757. — Harry Biu-rard, Esq., of Walhampton, created a Baronet in 1769 ; he resigned his office in 1783. 1783. — Mr. Serjeant Giles Rooke, afterwards Knight and a Judge; resigned his Recordership m 1794. 1794. — Nathaniel B. Bond, at whose decease, in 1824, he was succeeded by 1824. — Sir Harry Burrard Neale, Bart.; who was the last appointed previous to the New Municipal Act of William 4th, 1835. N.B.—In the Corporation Books they were sometimes called Stewards. See under that office. TOWN CLERKS. Persons so designated in the Books. 1699. — William Vesey 1744. — Odber Knapton 1747. — John How, jvm. 1774.— WilHam Trattle 1826. — James Brown, who died, and was succeeded by his son. 1835. — James Brown (late the younger), being the last appointed previous to the New Municipal Act in 1835. (Died, May, 1860.) STEWARD. The' first notice of tliis Officer appears imder the date 1584, two Burgesses being appointed; who, it appears, collected the Market and Quay dues, Quit-rents, &c., for the year, and accounted for the same to the Mayor. BAILIFF. It appears that, in 1598, a resolution was made by the Mayor that none but a Burgess should be appointed to this office, which order it appears was afterwards rescinded, and that the election was made annually, until discontinued. TOWN SERJEANT. The first charge in the Mayor's Annual Accoimt for " the Serjeant " was in 1675 ; his year's wages was thirty shillings, and, in 1681, increased to forty-five shillings. [27] ALE-TASTER. An office, the duty of which is to look to the assize and goodness of ale, bread, &c. The appointment took place at the time of choosing the Mayor. The first mention in the Books occurs in 1602. One of the Biu-gesses was elected annually. The following is an entry made in the Corporation Book (No. 2) : — A Schedule of all the Ancient Writings in the Town Chest when I entered upon my office as Mayor, anno domini 1726, which, being numbered, may be referred to by the figiu-es in the margin of these coliunns : No. 1.— A grant of Fairs, Markets, and the Quay. 2. — Another gi-ant of the same, confirming the former. 3. — Grant from the Mayor and Burgesses of Southampton of certain privileges, under a yearly rent. N.B. — The above Grants are in Mr. Samber's hands since the trial about the petty Customs imth Southampton. 4. — A grant of 20s. per annum, payable to the Churchwardens of Lymington and Brockenhurst, for a requiem appointed to be sung to the soids of the donors and their family. 5. — Grant of a Craft, caUed Bonedowns (now Holmes Mead), to the Mayor and Biu-gesses of Lymington, under the yearly rent of 5s. to the poor. 6. — Another grant of the same premises of the same date, with this additional difterence, that Mass shall be simg at the Church of Lymington once a year for the soids of the Donors and their family. 7. — Twelve small writings appomting Attorneys for Livery and Seizin for Holmes Mead at several times. 8. — Grant of a Messuage at Romsey to one Nicholas Gladheyt by one Baker. .9. — Grant made by the Mayor and Burgesses of a piece of land imder the same seal now used. 1 0. — Grant of a Tenement in New Lymington by EUis to Brocket. 11. — '"Grant of the Old Town HaU and half an acre of land by Jidiana Tevant, vmder the yearly rent of 3*. & id. to the poor. Mem. These writings (except as above) are in the little painted box. PAUL BURRARD, Mayor. Remarks on these Deeds — Nos. 1, 2, and 3, are not to be found in the Town Chest, and it would seem have never been returned since the foregoing notice was entered in the Town Book in 1726. No. 3. — This Deed is noticed in the Town Book, No. 3, p. 4, in relation to the proceedings in Parliament 10 Feb., 1706, when this with another deed (No. 9) were produced. 3d Edward 3d. The grantees named therein were WiUiam Littlecare, prepositun. and Roger Gust (a Biu"gess), of Lymington. 4. — The requiem appears to be for the soals of the family of Walwyn, related to the Ashleys, of Winborne, the date 16th of Henry 8th. It does not appear how the Corporation was concerned in this matter. 5. — Relates to Holmes' Mead, dated 4th Edward 4th. John Quicke, Mayor. 6. — Relates to the same property (which was exchanged lately for land in the parish of Lymington), dated same year. • Vide p. 28 for date; and also of a confinnation of this grant by another deed. [28] No. 8. — The property at Romsey, with which the Corporation of Lymington does not appear to be concerned, dated 10 Henry 5th. 9. — The Mayor was Richard Draper, the grantee John Pepwhyt ; the seal is lost, but the impression shows that it was well cut, and much superior to that in the Town Chest; dated 10 Henry 4th. 10. — The Mayor was George Kent, dated 19 Henry 7th. 11. — The Mayor was John Quicke, dated 4 Edward 4th. The building referred to was taken down m 1780. {Vide page 41.) The following Deeds and Writings, not noticed by Mr. Burrard, are now in the Town Chest, viz. : — 2d Edward 2nd. An Agreement between the Abbot of Beatdieu and WUham Lyteltane, Mayor of Lymington, to the effect that the Abbot's servants shall sell and buy within the town on the same terms as the Biu-gesses. This amicable arrangement was brought about by the intercession of Hugh Courtenay (Earl of Devon). 4th Edward 4th. Confirmation of a grant (No. 11) by Joanna Teffant (or Tevant). John Quicke, Mayor. 23d Henry 7th. Agreement with the Corporation of Southampton relative to port dues (see page 2). Robert Mailer, Mayor. 21 & 23 Elizabeth. An exemplification of a judgment in aflfirmation of the privileges of the Corporation, reciting their Charters (see page 1). 14th Charles 2nd. Appointment \inder the Great Seal of Commissioners, conditionally to remove Mayors and Burgesses (see page 36). [29 1 ANNALS OF THE BOKOUGH. Being the proceedings of the Corporation, extracted from the Town Boohs and other authorities, in the order they occur, with remarks. The Xth daie of October (1574) anno XVI, Elizabetha Regma, &c. It was fiiUy agreed 1574. upon by George Bvvrrard Maior of the Town with the consent of John Mailer, Robert WeUs, Richard Casford, Thomas Loder, John Mawdit, Barthomewe Dowe, Richard Bright, John BayUe, John Bunche, and Jolm Clare, Bnrgesses — That no man's or woman's hogge shall go wthin the New Town unringed and unyoked and as often as any man appoynted by the maior shal happen to take any suche hogge unlawed the owner shal paie for evry hogge Illlrf. whereof lid. to go to the Towne and IlfZ. to the chiver of the same hogge. In witness whereof evry of of theym have hereunto put their hands. (Signed by the Mayor and 9 Burgesses.) It ys ordayned and agreed that ev'iy man being Comon'' or Borgess do or shall misuse the 1534. Maior in worde or ded shall for ev'ry sych defalte forfete Xs. and III days Imprisonmente. It ys aUso ordayned and agreed that yf any of the Borgesses of the sam Towen do miscaUe misename or call any by ill names or sperse any of his Brothers Borgesses of the same Towen shal any tym hereafter yn the the presens of the Maior or otherwise yn the opone awdyence, to lose and forfeet for ev'ry tym so offendynge Ills, k INd. It ys ordeyned and agered by the hoUe consentt and assent and agremente of the Maior and liis brother Borgesses that whene and as oftene as the Maior or his Depute by his Baillyf doth geve warninge to any of the Borgesses to come and apper before any of them at tym and place appoynted. That ev'ry Bourgess reefusyng to com and not app'ring accordinglly as he had commandement or wamyng, to lose and forfet for ev'ry tjva. so offending Vs. or els to soffer two dais and two nyghtes imprysonement the said Vs. to be to the uyse of the Towne and to be leveyed by the Baily by destrese upon the goodes of the offenderes. (Signed by the Mayor and 12 Burgesses.) It ys ordained that no p'son or p'sons at any tym herafter shall without tlie Lycence of the Maior for tym bying take upon hym or them to brake any ground in or aboute the Kaye under payne of forfete unto the Towne Vs. for ev'ry tym so doing. Itm. — Whosoevr do take a stranger to be liis temiente w^'out consent of the Maior to forfete for ev'ry moneth so doyng to the Towne Vs. And allso whoevr do caste any kynde of balaste out of there shippes craiers^ or boates ynto f i.e. Vessil the chanell or haven to forfete for ev'ry tym so offendoinge XXs. Itm. — It ys agreed that if the Maior for the tyme bying heraffter do not cause all the sayde forfetes to be leveide and payd and in the end of his yeiTe accounted for that happeneth in his tym to paye the same in that case of his owne pvirse. [30] XLVIIs. IXd. nils. Ills. XXXIXs. YlUd. lllld. IXd. 1586. VII Die Decembre Anno D" 1.586 Anno Regni Doni" Reof Elizabeth vicesimo none. jyj-dm — xhat John Mawdyt and John Pratt Stewardes for the yeere paste delivered their accounte and ha\Tnge aU thinges allowed them there remayneth in their handes of the towne monie Which monie they delvrd to Tliomas Loder now Mayor outt of w'^'' monie was payde to the Sheryfe . . And also to the poore . . Soe ther remayneth in the towne coffer WILLIAM MOOEYNGEl „, 7 /•,/ , n [Stewards oj the toivne JOHN CASFORD. J >'' ^^' 2/eere to come. M*". — The day and yeere above wrytten yt was ordered and decreede by Thomas Loder, Mayor, John Longe, Gent., John Mawdytt, John Pratt, Edmonde Dowe, Richard Casford, John Buntche, Palfe Burrarde, Bartholomew Welles, Davyde Blake, and Jolm Mowdye, Burgesses — that from henceforthe all the rent entries and the profiyttes that shaU come or growe aryse or increase by anie meane or meanes whatsoever shall be and remayne wholye to th'use of the Towne except the benefytt of the woole w"^*^ onlye shall be and remayne to th'use of the Mayor for the tyme beinge imtyU th' expiracon of a certeyne Lease granted to Robert WeUes deceased of a groimde called Holmes Meade. And that at the expiracon and determinacon of the same. lease the said meade shall for ev'' after from thenceforth bee and remayne to th'use of the Mayor for the tyme beinge and never more be granted by lease or otherwyse for terme of yeeres or otherwyse to anie ji'sone or p'sones whatsoever. And also that th' end and expiracon of the sayde lease alh-eddye gi-anted all the rents dutyes and p'fiytts togather w* the benefytt of the Wolle shall wholye be and remaynge to the use of the Towne and nothinge to be allowed to the Malor but onlye the sayde meade w'^''^ onlye he shall have in respecte of the greate trouble and chardge he shall be putt unto by reasone of his saide ofiyce. 1587. Anno Regni E. XXXmo. The Recyt of Tliomas Loder Mayor for the yeere past William Mooringe and John Casford Stewardes for that yeere as foUoweth : Imprimis. — I receyved into my hands of the Towne Monie when John Mawdyt and John Pratt made their accoimte Itm. — Receyved of ViaU for a tree Itm. — Receyved of WiU. Mooringe and Jolm Casford. . Sm.— XLIXs. IXd PAYEMENTS : Imp. — For charge in traveUinge to the Sheryfe Itm. — For the glasse in the Towne HaUe Itm. — For birds to the Maior of Hampton Itm. — For the engrossing th'orders Itm. — For the Barr and the makinge thereof . . Itm. — For the carryinge of John, faggott-maker, to Wmchester Itm. — To the Sheryffe for the Markett Bushell Itm. — For the carryinge of Gregorye Dennys to the Goayle . . Itm. — Paide to the Poore The Some of these paiements — LVs. IIIc?. Mo. — ^Yt appeereth by this Accounte that there remayneth dewe unto the saide Thomas Loder all thinges allowed liim . . XXXIXs. IXs. IXd. XIW. aiiis. VId His. Vlld lis. mid Xs. Ills. mid VIIIs. IXd VIIs. Vllld Ills. Ills. iiid Vs. IXd. [31 J For Inhabitants not Free and Tradesmen to pay for using their trades by composision to the Maior. M'^". — Yt was agreed by the Mayor and Burgysses before wrytten that from henceforth i587 no p'son or p'sons whatsoever dweUinge or inhabiting w"'in the towne and not being free shall use or occupye anie kinde of crafte occup'ion or trade wi"'in the Towne nor have^ and enioye anie manner of hbertye preheminence freedome benyfytt or comodytye whatsoever in or by the sayde Towne excepte he or they do firste compounde with the Mayor of the Towne for the tyme bemge for the same and that then- compossyssyon be recorded m the Towne booke ev'ry of them so compoundinge settmge thefr hands therevmto as wytnesse of thefr sayde agreem'. jyj-dm — That William Why te Esquiere of Moyls Court in the Coimtie of South, is accepted taken isgj reputed and elected by John Longe, Maior of this towne of Lymyngton, John Mailer, Thomas £iected Loder, John Mawdytt, Richard Casford, John Pratt, Edmunde Wylsliire, William Moormg, M.P. 1589. Davye Blake, and other Biu-gisses of the same towne to be one of the companie and a Burgysse of the same tovsnne. And for the good by hmi alfreddy done and in consideracon of clyvers other things they have sett and putt the saide Wilham Whyte in full reall and peaceable possession of the same by the gevinge and dehvermge of one pennye of good and lawfull monie of Englande unto him the fyfthe daye of December in the one and tliii-teth yeere of the reigne of our sovrayne Ladie Ehzabeth the Queues Ma''^^ that nowe is. j^dm — r^Y^^^ Robert Pamplyn Esqufre her Ma'"^^ page of her Highnes the Queue is j,-^. accepted taken and elected by Thomas Loder, Mayor, John Longe, Gent., John Mailer, John vide p. 41. Burrarde, John Mawdytt, Jolui Pratt, Richard Casforde, Edmunde Dowe, Davyd Blake, and Edmund WiHshier, and other the Burgysses of the same towne to be one of the Companie and a Burgys of the same towne and to have and enioye all suche lib'rties p^iemynence advantage benyfyttes p'fytts whatsoever as to anie the other of the Companie by force of anie freedome is incydent app'teynmg or belonginge domge and p'forming accorduige to the othe by him afredye taken liis obedyence and alleagiance especiallie to her Ma''*' and therein to her officers of tliis place and also in councellinge and keepinge secrett anie matter of trust reposed in him touchinge the state thereof In w*'= said benefytts as before recyted for the goodwill naturall zeale love and affeccon w'^'^^ they the saide Burgysses beare unto him they have putt and sett the saide Robert Pamplyn in full and reall possession of all and slng'ler the p'misses by geveinge and delivermge him of one pece of two pence of lawfull englyshe monie the second dale of December in the 36th yeere of the reigne of our sovragne Ladye Ehzabeth by the grace of God of England France and Irelande Queue defender of the faith &c. An Agreement was entered into 5th April 1594 between Thomas Loder Mayor and the 159- Burgesses present and sundry Butchers of the Town that the latter shall deliver all their Tallow to John Pratt, then appomted Chandler to the Town, at the price of two-pence per lb. and that John Pratt shall sell Candles at three-pence per lb. to the Inhabitants of the New Town and the Burgesses living in the Old Town. The Agreement to stand in force for one year to come. M"". — The one and twentyth daye of Aprd 1599 by the consent of these whose names i.o1 mtended for sale, shaU be brought into the market before it be sold. eisewnere 162^ 16 October. [34] 1622. A Burgess pledged Silver Plate for Money borrowed. April. M*™- — Mr. Robert Edwardes hath d:d: into the Towne Cliest eight silver spoones in pawne for fiftie shillings lent unto liim uppon the same spoones. Marked with various initial letters and dates, Wt. 10 oz. -■30 Nov. Orders made by the Maior and Burgesses of the Towne of Lymington — It is ordered and decreed the XXX dale of November, 1 622, for the good goverment thereof by the assent and consent of the Maior and Burgesses whose names are hereunder written, — That every Biu-gesse that shall not assist the Maior for the time beinge uppon notice or warninge unto liun or them to be given by the Bailiffe of the said Town in the due execution of justice and repressinge of disorders and disorderly p'sons within the said Town, shall forfeit every of them from time to time for every such default (having noe lawfull excuse) toties quoties Vis. VIIIcZ. Itm. — It is alsoe ordered by the assent and consent of the said Maior and Burgesses aforesaid That every Birrgesse of the said Towne which upon notice and warninge imto Mm or them to be given by the said Badiife of the said Towne, shall not appeare and be present at or in the Towne TlaE of the said Towne to advise with the Maior of the said Towne for the time being, for and concernmge the well government of the said Towne and give and afford lus and then' best advise and direction for and concerninge the same, shall for every such default (having noe lawfull excuse) forfeit toties quoties Vis. Vlllrf. Itm. — It is also ordered by the full assent and consent of the Maior and Burgesses whose names are hereunder wiitten That if any Burgesse of this Towne which shall be dewly elected to be Maior of the said Towne, shall refuse to take upon him the said office of being Maior That every such Burgesse soe reftisiuge to be Maior, shall for every such refusaU forfeit toties quoties five pounds of lawftdl money of England. Itm. — It is further ordered by the Maior and Biurgesses whose names are hereimder written. That every p'son that shall be at any time hereafter elected to be a Burgesse of this Towne, shall within two Courts next after his election come to said Court and take Ms Bmrgesse Othe or otherwise his election shal be voide and of none effect. Itm. — It is likewise ordered That if any Burgesse witliin the Towne (wMch is or hath been Maior) shall accompany the Maior eyther to the CMuch uppon Feast dales accustomed, or to the Towne Hall without wearinge a gowne, after Michaehnas day next ensmnge shall forfeit for every such default tuties quoties Ills. IIIIc?. (Signed THOMAS TURNER, Maior, and many Burgesses.) Vnlr Ad- Note. — The aforegoing Orders which are entered in the Town Book No. 2 begun in 1613, liiida, at page 11, are signed by y" Mayor and Bvu-gesses then in bemg, and by those afterwards elected up to 1709, the whole being in munber 202. l>. ! 1624. M*^"' — Yt was ordered and agreed by the Mayor and Burgesses whose names are hereunder 2,T Dec. written That Mr. Edward Knowles shaU receive and take aU the profitts and dues wMch shall grow due tmto this Towne for the Key, the Wooll money onely excepted from the day of the date hereof until the nyne and twentieth day of September next ensuinge the date hereof At the rent of three poundes of lawftdl money of England to be paid unto the Mayor of tins Towne uppon the XXIX"" day September aforesaid. Signed by the Mayor and 12 Burgesses. [35] Wlaeras divers Acts of Parliament have beene latelie made against dronkennes and 1C25. disorderlie tiplinge, against the abusmge the sacred name of Ahnightie God by vame swearinge ^'' •'' and blaspheminge and against the proj^hanation of the Lordes daie called Sonday. Forasmuch as yt is expedient to the eflFectuall executinge of those good lawes That such men as have or may have power to execute the same be themselves noe ofienders in that kinde. Therfore the Mayor and Burgesses of tliis Biuroughe nowe assembled whose names are hereunder written doe by theise presents order and decree that every Burgesse of this BuiTough that nowe or hereafter shalbe, who shall offend against the said Acts or either of them and shalbe therof admonished by the Maior for the time bemge, And shall a seconde tune offend against the said Acte and shall be thereof alsoe a seconde time soe admonished. And shall after two such admonisitions offend a third time, against either of the said Acts, every such Burgesse or Burgesses soe offendinge therin as aforesaid, and beinge twice admonished as aforesaid, shall forthwith forfeit and lose liis said Burgeship and all the privilegies and powers thereimto belonginge, and shalbe from henceforth deemed noe Burgesse of this B\u"rough, or pay Xs. to the said Maior w*in a weeke after the laste admonition. Signed by the Mayor, Recorder, and 8 Burgesses. Tlie MarTcet Cross erected. Ifi39. In the Mayor's Account of Expences this year are various charges for materials used in the erection of the "Butter Cross" as it was called, wliich stood to the West of the present Town HaU, and was taken down about the year 1820. Various Disbursements in the Mayor's Accoimts during the Civil War from the year 1643 to 1650 viz.: — Billeting of Seamen Quartering 20 Souldiers one daie and night going westwarde for the Par ham' service 5s., 4s. 2d., Is. 6d., and 5s. 6d. — total. . For Cheese and Beer for the Souldiers . . Warning the watch when the alarm was for Watch and Wards, and Beer 7s., 5s., 5s. 6d. For 2 Has Powder Watch when the allarme was out of Wareham . . For keeping a horse for the Lord Generall's Man For bringing the Towne Chest from Hurst Castle (probably lodged there for security) . . For the sending a Messenger to the Lord Hopton when he lay att Winton with his Army, by the Towne's consent . . Paid to Sir Thomas Fairfax Ms Souldiers goemg for the Isle of Wight with their General's passe . . For quartering of Sokhers at the Mayor's house 4s. 6d. and Grasse for their Horses As. 8d. . . 4£ 16s. 2d. 10s. lOc^. 17 2 4 3 6 8 10 2 14 12 1643 to 1650. 1643. UU,'-). 1640. 1648. 1650. Order of Alteration of the day for the Election of the Mayor, and for the Entertainment of 1651. the Burgesses and their Wives on that day. Whereas it hathe been accustomed by the Mayor and Burgesses of this Burrough that the Election day for the choyse of the Mayor was upon the Lord's day before Michaelmas day. Now it is ordered and decreed by the Mayor and Burgesses of tliis BiUTough now assembled whose names are heremider written. That the Election day for the choyse of the Mayor shall be on the Tuesday before Michaelmas day ia the forenoon. And it is fiuther ordered and decreed that the Mayor for the time beuig shaU uppou the Election day of the new Mayor prepare a [36] diner for all the Burgesses and their wifes. And for Ms allowance in consideration of his charge, it is ordered and agreed that the said Mayor shall be allowed out of the Biurrough Rents the some of Three pounds yearly. And it is also further ordered and decreed that if the Mayor for the time beinge shall neglect the providing of a duier for the Burgesses and their wifes on the day before mentioned, that then the said Mayor shall forfeite and pay unto the Burgesses of this Towne and their successo''^ the some of five pounds of currant money. Signed by the Mayor and six Burgesses. N.B. — Whether the alteration of the day of the Election was adopted, and how long it was continued, does not appear on record; but the election certauily was on the Sunday following the Feast of St. Matthew for a century past up to the passmg of the Municipal Act in 1835. As to the entertamment of the Burgesses, the dinner appears to have been given, and the allowance to the Mayor paid up to the year 1672, in the Mayoralty of Henry Bromfield, but afterwards discontinued. In 1709 a charge of £3 is made for a Breakfast, and it had been a custom diuing the last fifty years for the Mayor on the day of the Election, bemg a Simday, to invite all the respectable part of the inliabitants to a Breakfast of Roast Beef at the Town HaU, and afterwards to proceed to the Church. lfi(;2. By a Parchment Writing in the Town Chest not dated or signed (blanks not fiUed up) it is stated that in the 13th year of Charles the 2nd (a.d. 1661) an Act was passed for "The Governing and Regidating of Coi-porations," and that the year following (1662) a Commission was issued under the Great Seal appointing Commissioners for the Cormty of Southampton. And accordingly that notice was given to the Corporation of Lymington at which time Phihp Dore was Mayor and he and, several Burgesses appeared before the Comm", but upon the oaths and declaration beuig tendered the Mayor refused to subscribe, whereupon the Commissioners displaced him from liis ofiice and appoiated Francis Guidott to be Mayor, who took the oaths and made the declaration required. Stibsequently they removed and displaced twenty-one Burgesses who did not appear or answer the svimmons, and appointed six inliabitants m their stead as Burgesses. These proceedings however are not recorded m the Town Book, and it would appear that the chsplaced Burgesses continued to act as their names are subscribed at the elections afterwards. Philip Dore was Mayor for two consecutive years 1652 and 1653. Francis Gmdott was Mayor in 1662 and 1663, which accords with the time (1662) in which Phihp Dore is mentioned to have been displaced. 1668. Mem"".- — That this 6th day of July 1668 there is lent to Edward Stacey, Mayor, upon the security of the Townlands and Rents for the better carrmg on the Siute of Law now depending betweene Bartho. Bulkly, Gent., and the Towne — By Edward Stacey, Mayor By Francis Guidott, Gent By WilHam Burrard for 1 By Mr. John Edwards By Bart"' Harmood By Humphrey Banfield By George King . . By William Moone John BvuTard, Gent. £1 10 I . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 J. \J 10 limself and Mr. Thomas Gle vin 3 • • • • • • • , , 10 • • 10 • • 10 • • 10 • • 10 • • 10 15 And in the Mayor's account for this year are payments for the expences attenchng a Suit at Law brought by the Corporation against the Lord of the Manor (Bartholomew Bulkley, Esq.) to [37] whom the Annual Rent for Fairs and Markets were paid; the .object of tins sixit does not appear, but in the account for the year 1(516 (wliich was the earliest in the Corporation Book) the annual sum paid as "for Fee Farm Rent " was £1 12s. id. to the Campion Family, and so continued to the year 1664, when it was paid to the Bulkleys, by whom it was increased to £2 12s. id. and afterwards in 1679 raised to £7 12s. id., which sum continued to be paid to the succeeding Lords to the year 1835. The members of both families (the Campions, and Bulkleys, of Burgate) appear in the Lists of Burgesses and of the Members of Parhament for the Borough. According to a Record the Rent for Fairs, Markets, &c, was thirty sliilhngs per annum at the time of the Charter bemg confirmed by Edward Comtenay Earl of Devon in the 6th year of the reign of King Henry the Fourth. {Vide page 1.) At a Swammote Com-t of New Forest held at Lyndhurst, the Mayor and Burgesses of New i'^'"'^'- Lymington claimed for them and their successors Common of Turbary in the Bailiwick of Bratramsley for necessary ftiel to be spent in the-ancient messuage in the town of Lymmgton, also Common of Pasture from May to September for the Burgesses' gross Cattle called Horse and ^-Rother Beasts, paying yearly 8d. Also Common of Pannage for their Hogs ringed in pannage time, paymg for every hog of a year old 4d, and for every one under 2d., at the Feast of St. Michael. A List of Bixrgesses who were Inliabitants of the Borough and then living : — Mr. Samuel Samber . „ John Lamport „ Henry Lyne „ David Edwards . „ Edward Edwards „ WiUiam Samber . „ Pliineas Wright . Total 15. 167.5. 26 Aiii Elected ►Ir. Francis Guidott . . 1625 „ William Burrard . . 1648 „ Thomas Glevin . . 1651 „ Edward Stacy 1663 „ Bartholomew Harmood . 1667 „ Hvimphrey Banfield 1667 „ John Burrard 1667 „ Paul Burrard 1672 Elected. 1672 1672 1672 1674 1674 1675 1375 At page 25 it is stated that about the year 1710 there were the same number of Resident Biu-gesses, and it does not appear that there was an increase ever after. Quit Rents for Sign Posts of the Inns in the Borough as paid in this year, viz. : — The Naggs Head The George The White Lyon The Bugle the yearly rent being fourpence each. Voting by Ballot. inconveniences Ordered by the Mayor and Burgesses to prevent animosities and other That for the future the election of Mayor as well as of Members of Parliament for the Borough shall be by means of different coloured Bibllets to be provided at the time of such elections, to be placed by each Burgess m a Box for that purpose. Tliis order however does not appear to have been acted upon; and on the 11th February following, it was rescinded at a " Common Hall" convened for that purpose. 1677. ?1 Pec * Horned. 1677. [38] Both the Entries m the Corporation Book were signed by the Mayor " Edward Edwards ;" the Burgesses also adding their signatures, viz.: — For the Henry Lyne Barth^ Bulkley David Edwards Barth^ Harmood Robert Edwards John Lamport W" Burrard Jn° Bm-rard Measure. Pliilip Dore Edw* Stacey Jolin King Humpy Bamfield Phm^ Wright Sam^ Samber John Button Against it. Francis Guidott Hen^ Tichborne Heny Bromfield ^ Barth"" Harmood Will-" Pawlett Tho^ DareU John Stansley Tho^ Glevin Edw'' Stacey Heny Bromfield 2 Humpy Banfield Rich* Knight Paul Burrard N.B. — The Election of Mayor by Ballot is still the custom at Southampton. Protest against the Oath called "the Solemn League and Covenant" — I John Dore doe declare that there lies noe obhgason upon mee or any other person from the Oath commonly called 'the Solemn league and Covenant' and that the same is in itself an unlawful! oath and unposed upon the subjects of tliis Realm ag' the known laws and liberties of the Kingdom. (Signed) JOEiN DORE. The above is written xmder the admission of Mr. Dore to the Burgesship. The same declaration was made m 1698 by the Recorder Roger Mompesson (who styles hSmsiel^ Steward). 1684. A New HaU, and Com Market ordered to be built, at a charge not exceeding £220, towards which the following Contributions were made : — 1687. A Legacy of John Button Esq. dec* Henry Tulse Esq. (a donation) Tho= Bulkley Esq. — Richard Holt Esq. — Daniel Blake Esq. (for wainscottlng) £100 10 15 10 30 The deficiency appears to have been raised by fines for Leases on lives of the property belonging to the Corporation. The Building is now in use, several alterations however having been made, and the Market or Butter Cross taken down.'"' In the second year of the reign of James the 2nd a Writ of Quo Warranto was issued against the Mayor and Burgesses calling upon them to appear and shew the authority by which they claimed to use divers liberties privileges and francliises within the Borough whereupon the Mayor repaired to London, and having pleaded in the Court of King's Bench at Westmuister (thro' Counsel) a prescriptive right, the King's Counsel did not think fit to proceed further. On the 21 Jan^ and 3 FeV 1687-8 WiUiam Eyre Esq. of the Inner Temple Counsellor, and George Burrard Esq. of Lyons Inn Attorney, were appointed to act for the Corjjoration in this suit. The Expences thereupon appear in the Account of Robert Edwards for the year \^U VIZ. ; My Expences going to London about the Charter . . Paid Mr. George Burrard expences of Law in defence of the Quo Warranto brought against the Towne . . £4 £40 Note. — * This Town Hall, which was standing in the middle of the street, was taken down in 1858. '« 'hi -.» [39] Eepresentatives for the Borough summoned by the Prince of Orange (afterw'^ King uas William the 3rd). I689" Mem"^. — That the 14th day of January a.d. 1688 the Mayor and Biu-gesses whose names are subscribed by wtue of his Higlmess The Prmce of Orange his cii-cular letter, assembled at the Towne Hall and then and there did elect and choose Kichard Holt Esq. and John Burrard Esq. Burgesses to represent us at Westm"' at the Convention to be held the 22nd day of January instant by the majority according to the eifect of the said letter. Signed by EICHAKD WHITHED Mayor and 21 Burgesses. N..B — The persons here appointed were the actual Members of Parliament for the Boro'. The Commonalty presuming on a right, assembled and elected two Eepresentatives m ^^'^'^ Parliament in opposition to those chosen and returned by the Mayor and Burgesses {vide ?p^|j page 24). _ The opposing gentlemen were Thomas Jervoise Esq. of Herriard in this County of ^' '' which family several of its members have represented the County and several of the Boroughs in Parhament. The other opposing Member was Ohver CromweU Esq. son of Richard and grandson of the Protector. He resided at Hursley in this County and died there in 1705 at the age of 49. 1695. The Commonalty again elected two Members in opposition to the Corporation {vide page 24). These were John Pitt Esq. (uncle to the 1st Earl of Chatham) and Wilham Clarke Esq. who petitioned the House of Commons, but were rejected. At the close of the centm-y (the l7th) I here iasert some extracts from the Mayor's Accounts : — 1621. Mendiag the Cucking Stoole .. 1629. Making a New Pillory and Cooking Stoole . . 1664. For a Z^iicHn^r Stool and Pniary Publick Bull Baiting. 1675. For a Rope and Collar for the Bull 1700. For the same 1682. For a Rope and Bull Ring .: 1616. For keeping the Tolsei/ Book (or account of Tolls so called for many years) . . 1682. For a Stick for Jack of the Basket (a well known Beacon at the Entrance of the Haven or Creek). . 1669. For a Town Scale (the same now in use, cut in SUver?) Mem-".— The Mayor and Burgesses of the Borough at the Town Hall then and there 1707 assembled taking into consideration a Message sent by Arthiu- Atherley Esq. then Mayot of 10 Am-, the Town of South'™ hj Mr. John Knapton Town Clerk there to the Mayor of Lymington to desire leave of this Corporation to erect a Booth on Lymington Key for their more conveniently keepmg a Court of Admiralty there, also leave to carry their Oar erect tlu-ough the said _ Borough to and from the said Booth. The said Mayor and Burgesses upon such explanation have given and do give leave for the same accordingly salvo jure to all the rio-hts and privileges of the said Corporation. ^ Signed by JOS. HINXMAN Mayor and Six Burgesses. _ N.B. — In 1756 the Mayor of Southampton agam asked permission for the same ceremony adding also that then Trumpeter might precede them in their procession ; Leave was granted 3s. 16 50 12 14 5 6 2 *-7 1 15 [40] with the same understanding as on the previous occasion. George West Esq. the Mayor of Southampton accompanied the appHcation with an invitation to liis Brother Mayor, to dme at the Angel Inn in Lymington at two o'clock. 1710. At an Election of Members of Parliament for the Borough there were four Candidates, y\z. : — '' *^'^^- The Right Hon"'^ William Powlett, who polled 31 votes Vide p. 24. Paul BuiTard, Esq. „ 33 „ John Walter, Esq. „ '7 „ William Forbes, Esq. „ 7 „ whereupon the Mayor returned the two first ; but the two latter having polled out of the Hall each 87 of the Inhabitants of the Town (not being Burgesses), they petitioned the House of Commons against the sittmg members, but the Mayor's Return was allowed and confirmed. And no opposition appears to have been offered to the returns of the Mayor in any future Elections. 1711. A Lease was granted to Warner and Newman of the Fishery of the River from the Key to 3 Dec. St. Ambrose Dock, at a yearly rent of 205. ; the Mayor and Burgesses reserving a right of fixing a moderate price on Oysters for their own use. 1714. Mem". — That whereas a Suit is commenced and prosecuted in His Majesty's Court of Exchequer at Westm"" in the name of the Mayor Bailiffs and Burgesses of the Town of South*"" ag' Mr. Roger Beere a member of tliis Corporation and an Inhabitant of tliis Town upon pretence of a Due or Duty arising by petty customs which the s" Corpor" of South*"" demand as due to them. Now we the Mayor and Burgesses of the said Borough of Lymington being this day assembled in the Town HaU, and taking the s"* matter into consideration being all of us of opinion that the same is an illegal and arbitrary exaction of the s* Corp" of South'™ and that it is an infringement upon the rights and privileges of this Burrough do therefore consent and agree that the defence of the s* suit ag* the s* Mr. Beere be canied on and answered out of the pubhck stock of this Corp" and if any deficiency shall happen therein we do hereby unanimously consent and agree to make good the same by a volimtary subscription. Signed by the Mayor and Biu-gesses. It does not appear that the Corporation of South'"" persisted in their claim, or that there was any firrther intereference with the Corporation of Lymington in regard to the petty Customs or Dues, which continued to be levied by them, until the Government established an Office or Custom House at Lymington, subordinate however to the Port of Southampton. 1731-2. The Causeway and Bridge newly erected deemed detrimental to the Navigation of the Port. Wliereas Cap*. Wilham Cross hath lately erected across the River a Bank or Dam whereby it is apprehended the navigation of the River will be greatly injured, if not in time totally destroyed, unless some method be taken to prevent it. It is therefore ordered that the Town Clerk do state a proper case and lay the same before Counsel and report his opinion to the Mayor and Burgesses, and that the Town Clerk do bring an action of Trespass ag' the s* Cap*. Cross at the suit of the Mayor and Burgesses for digging and carrying away the land at Bridge Green which was then in the possession of the Corporation. Signed by the Mayor and Burgesses. An action was accordingly brought in the County Court at Winchester, but the proceedings are not noticed in the Corporation Books, yet it appears that it terminated in favour of the Defendant (Captain .Cross) as the Causeway and Bridge remain to this time, and it appears that • the expenses of the suit were satisfied by a voluntary contribution on the part of the Burgesses ; the minutes thereof are dated 26 Sept. 1737. The grovmd of defence set up by the Def [41 ] was a right under a grant made by King Charles the First of the Oazey ground overflown or subject to the overflowing of the Sea, within the River or Haven of Lyniington. Tliis is further explained by a printed broadsheet (remaining in the Town Chest) entitled " The Lady Wandesford's Breviat. " The Bill recites that the late (') King of Blessed Memory by his Letters Patent " dated 14th July in the 4th year of his reign, for a great debt and faithful service done by " ("^) Robert Pamplyn Esq''^ to Queen Elizabeth, King James, and his late Majesty, all of whom " he served as Yeoman of the Robes; did grant to Dame Mary Widow of (^) Sir George " Wandesford, and Margaret her sister, daughters and co-heirs of the said Pamplyn, certain " Marish and Ouzy lands usvially overflowen by the Sea witliin the County of Southampton, " rend'ring Rent to the Kmg id. per acre when gained," &c. N.B. — Mr. Pamplyn for services rendered to the Town was admitted a Burgess of this Borough in 1593 {vide p. 31) and chosen Mayor in 1609. Lady Wandesford his daughter acted under the grant so lately as 1661 as appears by a Lease from her to James Studley of a Saltwork comprizing 9 acres situate opposite to the Quay of Lymuigton for the consideration of Forty pounds with a peppercorn rent of one penny. The right appears to be lost by desuetude, as it is not known to whom it may have descended, or of any instance of its having been exercised for a century past. His Royal Highness Frederick Prince of Wales (Father to King George the Third) signified 1750. his consent to accept the offer of the Freedom of this Borough, he was accordingly admitted a 25 Aug-. Free Biu-gess of the Corporation. (Signed) HARRY BURRARD Mayor. His Royal Highness Edward Duke of York (Brother to King George the Thud) having ^^ .„ personally signified his wish to accept the Freedom of this Borough was accordingly admitted a 21 Ansr. Free Burgess of the Corporation and took the required oath. Signed JOSEPH SHEPPARD Mayor. The ancient Town Hall being greatly ovit of repair, it was ordered to be taken down, and 1780. the materials sold or used for the repair of the Quay. The Hall had been used for a School " ■'''^" endowed by George Fulford, Esq. (a Burgess 1677) smce the year 1688, of winch several entries are made in the Corp" Books mentionuig the names of the Schoolmasters. (^) After the demoUtion of this Building, which stood to the west of the present Hall,'"' the scite was thrown into the street or highway and has not been built upon. No other Schoolroom was found by the Corporation and the Trustees of the Endowment agreed with the Masters of Private Schools in the Town to educate ten poor Boys for the income of the Charity. Ordered that the Butchers' Shambles wliich stood near the Market Cross be removed, and ^l^^- moveable stalls substituted. ° """ ' His Majesty Kmg George the Third accompanied by the Queen and three of the elder 17S'.>. Princesses visited tliis Town, and were received at the Town Hall by the Mayor and Corporation 27.Jniic. who being introduced to their Majesties and the Princesses by the Earl Delawar had the honour of kissing their Majesties hands — WOliam Trattle Esq. being the Mayor. Notes Q) Charles Ist. (2) Robert Pamplyn served in the Earl of Cleveland's Regt. in the Civil Wars, and was wounded, {') Sir George Wandesforde, Kt. of Kirkliiigton, co. York. (*) Vide Grant by Juliana Teffant or Tevant, 4th Edw. IV., p. 27 and 28. Note. — * Taken down in 1858. [42 1 1828. At this time the Market Cross was taken down in order to make a new Entrance to the Town Hall, and alterations under it, for the accommodation of the pubhck. 1833. A Meeting of the Corporation was this day convened by the Mayor (Cha^ S* Barbe Esq.) 26 Sept. iq receive Maude Esq. the Commissioner appointed to enquire into the Rights belonging to or exercised by the Body Corporate, their Property, Immimities, and Affairs generally. Accordingly all Deeds Papers and Books then in their possession were produced and every information affoi'ded relative thereto. The Property was stated to consist as follows: — In Buildings and Lands. The Town Hall situate in the High Street. Certain Buildings situate in New Lane used as a Lockup or Blind House. The Public Fire-Engine House ; and a Store containing the Moveable Stalls and Standings, Weights, Scales and other articles used at the Fairs and Markets. A Tenement and Garden situate near the Quay in the occupation of Ja^ Rawlings let at an Amiual Rent of £5 10s. A Piece of Land called Holmes Mead consisting of about 5 Acres let at £S per Annum. Sundry Quit Rents for Encroachments &c. in the Borough which produce annually about £12. The River and Quay Dues, let at £20 per Annum. The Tolls and Stallage of the Fairs and Markets let at £20 per Annum. The Mayor is entitled to 2 Bushels of Coal out of every Cargo landed at the Quays ; also to Fish of the value of six pence for every Boat Load brought for Sale. The Claims or demands upon the Mayor are :— For Fee Farm Rent payable to the Lord of the Manor, seven pounds twelve shillings per Anniun; and For New Forest dues eightpence per Annum ; for Rights of Common, of Turbary, Pasture and Pannage {vide page 37). The Corporation had not contracted any Debt whatever. And when the newly constituted Municipal Body was appointed the sum of nine shillings and three pence was paid into the Treasurer's hands, being the Balance of Account remaining of the last Mayor, Cap' Robert Hockings, who had been elected in 1834. fi Pedigree of Burrard THOM/\S BlTiKARl) of W'^lhampton 6or^ /67/ ai I6bt EL1Z.\BKTH of Gregory Isham OF B.\KBY C NOKTIIAMPTOX ELIZABETH D OF John Button JOHN 13. LC 2'^ Wif e ALICIAdof LORJ) Hf.rhert OF Chekburt THOMAS dud unTnairifd LC. ANNE dtfd -s PAUL B. LC. ANNE D or John Button JOHN I THOMAS ANN cUedsmqh JANE JxfJ sifiqle I MARY r Ror^'Knapton L.C BETTY t Ralph Hastings L.C. S.\RAH ■n. HuotHarsnett L.C. PAULB ob.ms L.C LUCYnoF SlR\f» D Colt b" L.C. JOHN ob fnfiuis 1679 AIjICIAdof Joira Snape no is.siir 'M/, ILVRRYB. CTfafeJ Bar^ in I7(J9 ohmi.alS* L.C JVIARY FRANCES D OF Ja* Clarke LC MART ob Jnfmifi PAUL ob Infans ELIZ™JACJNTflA D OF Dela Rose LUCT^NATH^ y.^RNALL HARRY F. '-^ WILL" B bcrn l7iZ oi. mo L.C MART D. OF Jos?Pearce i.r GEORGE B /,arn 1718 du,{ mi L.C SIDNEY oom/a/is MADELAINE I) UF JUKN DUREIL LAUHA difihn hifiiiuii CHARLl'S HOISERT t/tttf » (&^ease ti^ /us /id/t^' fS^6 llARRV PAlil Bern. //{«> SIDNEY IIERAJ.O Sfverul i'fillttrni Von J^Dillitflitrr HAllRY B. = mated B* im „ l^ Irfn' St di im LC Sill CHA-:" R B' HANNAH I) OF HARRY IIAIIBV LC PHILIP B OP HM arSTQMS LONDON LC. LOULSA P OF Sir Henry LiwHiNOTON PAPLB i>h HF 1809 WLLIAM oh SP 1813 JOHN THO* oi S.F 1609. EDWARD ANNE = OW BOWLES /r CAROLINE ANNE m Rob'^ SolITHEY Poet Laureat. ob. dP L.C. ?fffs iSSior female onlu ti ^ TJiav nrre 'A /'rrint/x of Baioiutcy om mm9 Vie oOar m 1807 Iht Prv Gferqc B ameefded lus Brether So- Harry B.Netdem 18*0 Jud 1856 yB The lelhrsLC. affuad i)^¥ames, dtjwle tJiaf ihfif Kfrt Burtjesses cf Lvna/mbn Ccrpcralicn Corpnrnlwn of Ziffmnyfrn, fi/if,m. Ifn' Jetfiarge Yiti Ge.oroe (Ma^orJ 1574 Mrv /sflo k m Off,,/e W:!G ,. 1630 fjwr^e Juit,T 1S46 ,. fSSt Wd^rw . lfl4S.. 1660 Gf/)rae 1682 Johi 172£ Jo^ 47Z1 /<. UMif"" ■J 6 ft y n 1 i- m si ^ t h- o 1 r^ -^ < fc^^is^^r.^\. [43] ADDENDA. NOTES AND KEMARKS. Page 1. — " Church of Lymington." The translation has it ''Parish Church" but the original says simply "the Church of Lymington ;" the position of the present Church in relation to the boundary of the Borough, does not accord with tliis description, for the Borough is to the Eastward and denominated the NevAown. Page 2. — " Sir Hugh Conneye Knt." I find no mention of a Lord of the Manor after the Courtneys held it, until the year 1616 when the Campion family possessed it, nor can I trace any connexion of Sir Hugh with the Borough. Page 5.—" Burgess Oath." It appears that a custom prevailed at this period upon the admission of a candidate to that office, of giving him a piece of money. It is recorded in two instances only, viz., at the election of William Whjrte Esq. in 1588, and of Robert Pamplyn Esq. m 1593. Page 6. — " George Burrard," Mayor in 1574. This is the first mention of a member of a family which occurs so often down to the present time ; and which for more than a century past held the patronage of the Borough ; their pedigree from Berry's " Hampshii'e Genealogies " is annexed. Page 6.—" John Mailer." His progenitor was Mayor in the 23rd of Henry 7th, a.d. 1505. Vide pa. 2. Page 6. — " John Longe." One of the same occiu-s in an Inquisitone p:m: 1st Richard 3rd a.d. 1483 as proprietor of 4 Messuages at Bokeland (Buckland) within the Manor of Lymington; and in 1605 Walter Longe Kt. was elected a Burgess. Tliis was a branch of the Longs of Draycot in Wiltshire. Vide pedigrees in "Hampsliire Genealogies," p. 22 and 149. Page 6.—" Thomas Tiu-bervile." He wag of the family seated for many centuries at Bere Regis in Dorsetshire. Page 7. — " Sir Ambrose Button, Kt." Several of this family were Biu-gesses, and two of them represented the Borough ui ParKament. They possessed property at Buckland in the parish of Lymington, and at Sway in Boldre parish. [44] They were connected by marriage with the Burrards and other families in the vicinity of Lymington, as appears by the following extract of the pedigree in the "Hants Genealogies ": — William Button, of Alton, Co. Wilts, (descended from Sir Walter de Bitten, of Bitton, Co. Gloucester) 12 Henry 3rd. Sir Ambrose B. Kt. Henry B. John B. of Buckland = Elianor, dau. of Co. Hants. | Sir Bernard Drake. onn . Jonn B. of Buckland = Elenor, dau. of Thos. South, ob. 1665. I of So. Badsley. John B. of Buckland = Marv, dau. of William Jesson, ob. 1679. I ' of Coven tiy. John B. of Buckland, TO. Anne, dau. of — Whithed. ob. 1679, s.p. Cecilia, m. Wm. Knapton, Issue 2 sons 1 daughter, William K. Robert K. Cecilia. EUzabeth, in. John Biurard. Anne, m. Paul Burrard. Vide pedigree of Burrard. Elianor, m. Thos. Dore. Thos. Dore, bom 1701. Page 7.—" Bartholomew Bidkley." The Manor was for a long period in the possession of the family, and the Borough represented by two of its members. There was a copper town piece struck about the year 1660 which bears his name, and a pedigree of the family which was seated at Bin-gate in this County inserted in the " Hants Genealogies," p. 21. Page 7.—" William Dore." Several of this family were Mayors, and one a Member of Parhament for the Borough, this was Thomas who married into the family of Button. Vide Pedigree. Page 7.—" David Urry " Was of an ancient family seated m the Isle of Wight. Several were Burgesses and one settled at Lymington. See Pedigree in " Hants Genealogies." Page 7.—" Francis Gmdott " Was descended from Antonio G., a Native of Florence, 'who came to England in the reign of Ehzabeth. Several of the family were Burgesses. Thomas G. published a book in favour of the Bath waters and died in 1 705. As a benefactor to that city an inscription to his memory was placed on the outside wall of the Abbey Church. Page 7. — " Herbert Dodington." Three of this famdy which was seated at Breamore in this county, were returned to Parliament for the Borough in the years 1620, 1625 and 1640. Page 7.— "Richard Whithed " or " Whithead," As well as his son of the same names were Members of Parhament for the Borough ; they were seated at Tytherly in this county. The Son made a donation of fifty pounds in 1694 towards the repairs of the Quay. [45] Page 7.—" Edward Cheke," Of an ancient family seated at Motteslon in the Isle of Wight, one of whom was the noted Scholar and Tutor to King Edward the Sixth. Page 7.—" Thomas Glevin " Was a tradesman of the Town; he issued a Copper token about the year 1660, with his name upon it. Page 7. — " Sir John Oglander," Of Nimwell, in the Isle of Wight; the family was seated there from the Conquest in undisturbed possession of the Manor down to the present time. He collected materials for a history of the island, of which Sir Richard Worsley made use in the compilation pubhshed by him. Page 7. — "Jolm Kempe" ^ Represented the Borough in Parhament m 1640; he died in 1652 and was buried at Boldre, in wliich chiu-ch there is a curious monumental tablet to his memory with his bust in the dress of a cavaher. A pedigree of his family is m the " Hampshire Genealogies," p. 89. The Carduial and Archbishop of Canterbury 33d Henry 6th of the same names was of his family. Page 8. — " Henry Campion." " Robert Campion." The first mentioned was returned to Parhament in 1620, and again in 164U. The Lordship of the Manor was in this family from 1616 to 1664 (if not before), but it does not appear that their residence was here or any part of this county. Page 8. — " Robert Knapton." Several of the name appear in the list of Burgesses. The manor of Roydon in Brokenhurst parish was held hj them. WUliam resided at Wick near Cliristchiu-ch who was father to the noted Booksellers in London, and of George a painter and keeper of the King's drawmgs. Another William was of Whatcomb in Brokenhurst. Vide Button and Burrard Pedigrees. Page 8. — " Hemy Bromfield " Represented the Borough in Parhament in 1660. The famUy was seated at Haywood in the parish of Boldre; they held offices imder the Lord Warden of New Forest; several were m the Burgess List. William, a celebrated surgeon m London who died in 1792, was of this family. j Page 8. — " Bartholomew Harmood." Was Mayor in 1666. John H. in this year issued a Town token with his name, by which it appears that he was by trade a tallow-chandler, as it represents a man makmg candles. A descendant Harry H. had considerable property in the town, but he resided at Akesford, was in the law, and had the office of " Messenger to the Great Seal." He cUed in 1792 at the age of 85. His daughter married the Rev. James Scott of Itchin, by whom she had a daughter, who was married to Edward 4th Earl of Oxford ; their son is the present Earl. Page 9.—" Phineas Wright" Issued a Town token in 1667 bearing his name. His son became a Burgess in 1712. [46] Page 9. — " Edward Beere." There were two or three of this name on the list of Burgesses. A descendant (William) in humble life had a daughter who was received into the family of Hackman and educated; possessing a good person and pleasing manners, she attracted the attention of the Rev. Thomas Thurlow (afterwards Bishop of Durham) when a visitor at Mr. Hackman's house, and who married her at Lymington on the 1st May, 1777; her eldest son Edward succeeded to the Barony of Thurlow (his father being dead) upon the decease of liis imcle the Lord Chancellor in 1806. Page 9. — " Sir John Holmes." This family possessed considerable property in the Isle of Wight together with the patronage of the three Boroughs ui the Island ; from the tune of Admiral Sir Robert Hohnes they were twice advanced to the Peerage. Two others of the family were Burgesses. See pedigree in " Hants Genealogies." Page 9. — " Thomas Hooper." This family was seated at Heron Court near Christchiurch, which became the property and residence of the Harris family Earls of Malmesbury. Two or tlu-ee of the Hoopers were on the list of Burgesses. Page 10. — " Charles Powlett Earl of Wiltshire &c.," Whose descendants were Dukes of Bolton. The family had great influence in this Borough, and many of its members are to be found on the Lists of the Burgesses and on that of the representatives in Parliament. For a clearer explanation I subjoin an extract from the family pedigree : — John Paulet, Pawlett, or Powlett, Marqiiis of Winchester and Earl of Wiltsliire, ob. 1674. Charles, created Duke of Bolton, 1689, ob. 1698-9. 1 I Charles, son and heir, Nassau, ob. 1741. 2nd Duke of Bolton, I ob. 1722. I I Nassau. Charles. Charles, 3rd D. of Bolton, Harry, 4th D. of Bolton, ob. 1754, s.p. ob. 1759. I Charles, 5th D. of Bolton, Harry, 6th D. of Bolton, ob. 1765 M.P., and three times (then Mayor of Lymington), s.p. Mayor of Lymington, ob. 1794, s.p. Page 10.—" Robert Smyth" Was grandson of Sir Robert Smyth of Upton, Co. Essex, who was created a Baronet in 16-6.5. He succeeded to the title on the death of his father and married Anne dau. of Henry Whithed (or Wliithead) of Tytherly. He was Member of ParUament for Andover in 1695 and resided at Buckland in the parish of Lymington; several of liis children were born here. Was Mayor in 1689, and gave evidence before a Committee of the House of Commons relative to the contested Election for this Borough in 1710 {vide p. 25). [ 47 ] Page 12.—" John Wallop." This family was connected with the Borough in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, two of its members bemg returned to Parhament in the years 1586 and 1597; and having given at a recent period the title of Viscovint, it seemed to have comiected the family with the to-mi by a lasting tie. There is a copious pedigree in the " Hants Genealogies," from which the following extract is made, viz. : — Sir Henry Wallop, Kt., Lord Cliief Justice iii Ireland in 1,582; Queen Elizabeth honoured him with a visit at P'arley, Hants, in 1591 ; He represented Lymington in Parhament in 1597 ; ob. 1599. Sir Henry W. of Farley. Robert, of Farley, Degraded and imprisoned as bemg- a party to the beheading of Charles 1st ; ob. 1667. Henry, John, Sheriff for the County in 1693. John, created Baron Wallop and Viscount Lymington, 1720 ; Earl of Portsmouth, 1743 ; ob. 1746. John, Viscomit Lymington, Died in liis father's lifetime, 1750. John, 2ud Earl of Portsmouth, ' ob. 1797. John Charles, 3rd Earl of Portsmouth, born 1767, ob. 1853. Newton, 4th Earl of Portsmouth, bom 1772, ob. 1854. Isaac Newton Wallop, 5th Earl of Portsmouth, born 1825. Page 12.— "John Northover" Was a seafarmgman, who in 1697 brought to England the celebrated Czar, Peter of Russia, who presented him with a silver cup which was preserved in liis family after liis death. He held property in the town, and one of the Quays bears liis name; he died in 1761, aged 84. Page 12.—" Charles Colborne " Was a Law practitioner in London, and was employed by the Corporation to carry on the suit against Cross respectmg the causeway he erected; he died in 1747 and was interred at Lyimngtom Church, where there is a handsome monument to his memory, with his bust (the size of life) finely scidptiued m marble by that emment artist Rysbrack. Sn Jolui Colborne, distinguished by liis nnlitary services, and lately created Baron Seatoii, IS a descendant of this famdy. Page 34. The signatures are all plain, and the leaves well preserved. It is an interesting display of names of many of the most influential and wealthy inhabitants resident in this and the adjoining counties during the seventeenth century. p^ - K^ CD ^xm4 o U. llJ a: aJ ^ DC ® UJ r^ ^ 1 •^ ^ ts 1^ 5& . 1 ^ ^ »l ^ 1 s N ^ .4 ^ s UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. , Records of the J313 „5flrj)or^*ioa_o|^ the borough or New^Lj[min|ton *DA 690 L89S13 JJ"-" SOUTHEffN REGIONAL .IHHARY t-ACiLlTy D 000 45 vi. \