nsEs Mtisaeus Hero and Leander 1 n THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND HER O, AND L E A N D E R, OEM. From the Greek of Mus^^lus. Suave man magno, turbant'ibus aquora ventis, £ Terra magnum alterius fpeBare laborem. LucRET. Lib. ii. LONDON: Printed for J. RIDLEY, ia St. James's Street. MDCCLXXIII. TO THE MEMORY OF /773 M' WILLIAM FALCONER, AUTHOR OF THE *SHIPWREClC, a POEM, THE FOLLOWING VERSION OF MUS^US's HERO and LEANDER IS INSCRIBED. * " Quis "Halia fando ** Temperet a lacrymis ?"— ViRG. SAY \ bleffed Shade, while wrapt in Ocean's womb Thy loft Aurora yields an early Tomb, Say ! {hall the Bard on Merit's awful bier Steal, though unknown, the fympathetic Tear ? The Tear thy Notes of Pity taught to flow. And court the folemn luxury of Woe ? MufsBus calls Thecj venerable Name, By Phojbas feated on the heights of Fame ; Calls Thee, enamor'd of the ClafTic Lore, Who fing'fl the loft delights of -f Afia's Shore. Oh ! Thou, whofe focial, thrilling heart could prove The piercing anguifli of Palemon's Love, Could tend amidft the Wreck his parting groan. And for his Tale of Grief forget thy own. Oh ! if the Sacred Nine can footh the Dead, In Fancy's Realm the paths of Sorrow tread ; From Anna's Charms an Hero's pidlure take. And mourn Leander for Palemon's fake. •J Shipwreck, p. 1 06 to 117, 4th Editt 85S5G2 PREFACE. 'ENRY STEPHENS, whom it is no undue compli- ment to entitle the moft fufficient Critic on the Grecian Language, clofes the text of Hero and Leander with the fol- lowing obfervation,* * I have given a place to Mufisus im- * mediately after Tryphiodorus, both having been Gramma- * rians. Michael Sophianus formerly declar'd to me in the ' prefence of many others, that he had feen at Genoa an old * book containing a Poem, which was call'd *' The Fliftcry * of Hero and Leander, by Mufasus the Grammarian ;" he ' acquainted me with the name of the perfon, who had the A 2 * work * Thefe are the original expreflions of Stephens : * Mufeo pofi: Tr3'phiodo- * rum locum dedi, quod ut Tryphiodorus, ita et ipfe Grammaticus fuerit. Affir- * maviteniramihi olim Michael Sophianus coram allis plurimls, fe vidifle Genu« * librum veterem, qui inter alia poemata haberet iftud ita infcriptum, Mo!j.a.yZiTOio AedvSfH, I would read l^y^ inftead of cp/*^ at the clofe of the verfc, which imrae~ Giately precedes the abovcj to avoid a heavy repetition. THE END. APPENDIX. Reprefenting fome more obvious Paflages in Ovid relating to Hero, and Leander, which carry a refemblance to the fore- going Poem» TV yrUS^US allots only one Verfe to Leander's Invocation of Boreas, '*'^-*' which verfe has been before criticiz'd. Ovid in his ufual vein of Amplification treats us with the Addrefs itfelf. The lines arc beautiful. At Tu de rapidis immanfuetiflime ventis, Quid mecum certa pr£elia mente geris ? In me, fi nefcis, Borea, non a;quora, fjevis. Quid faceres, effet ni tibi notus Amor? Tam gelidus cum fis, non te tamen, improbe, quondam Ignibus Adljeis incaluiffe negas. Gaudia rapturo fi quis tibi claudere vellet Aerios aditus, quo paterere modo ? The condudl of both the Poets merits attention. The concifenefs of Mufseus is well adapted to the fituation of Leander, who wasfv\imming — The more diffus'd flile of Ovid is equa'ly fitted to Leander, while he continued on the Shore. Mufceus, V. 255. Idem [ 28 ] Idem navig'iura, navita, veftor, ero. Ovid. Epift. Leander Heroni, V. 148. Kai /*iv oViTrTEUcof, »>c oil/o/Aaj JJi/t« Bowtjiu, 'Ou flpairu'u 'ilf!uv»y x^ afpoj^ov oAxov «jM,«^»if, MufjBUS, V. 211, &c» Nee fequar aut Hellcen, aur, qua Tyros utitur, Arftop : Publica non curat fidera nofter Amor. Andromedan alius fpeftet, claramve Coronam, Quajque micat gelido Parrhafis Urfa polo. ********* **•*#*•****■ Eft aliud lumen multo mihi certius iftis ; Non erit in tenebris quo duce nofter amor. Ovid. Epift. Leand. Heroni, V. 149, ttc