B 3 SOfi 3aM •P t-^ / Frof. C. A. Kofoid Heclai- ^ ' Gi-iper's JJa,v f r^s^ 'Ili/rr tape* JOURNAL VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY TO THF. Zxttit laegions, FN' ms MAJESTY'S SHIPS HECLA AND GRIPER, IN THK YEARS 1810 & 18^20. ALEXANDER FISHER, Surgeon 11. N. LONDON: PRINTrO Fon LONGMAN, HUR>;T, RKF.S, OR.ME, AND BROWN, PATERMOSTER-RDW. 1821. C^^Nl7i4~7.^ JOURNAL VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY TO THT. TLxttit Eegtons, HIS MAJE^i'lT'S SHIPS HECLA AND GRIPER, IN THE YEARS 1819 & 1820. ALEXANDER FISHER, Surgeon R.N. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, RRF.S, OR.ME, AND BROWN, PATERN'OSTER-ROW, 1821. ">'^-^«-^l. G4Jb 1^. & /^ /<^»/'»,.La_ Printed by A. and R. Spottiswoode^ Printers-Street, London. The Author being hastily called away to join the new Expedition to the Arctic Regions, has not had an opportunity of coirecting the Press, which he trusts will he accepted as an Apology for any Inaccuracies that may occur in the present hnpression. April 21. 1821. Mi8ie73 INTRODUCTION. The object of the Expedition, of which tlie following pages contain a brief Narrative, is already so generally well known, that it re- quires little to be said upon it in the way of preface. Before we sailed on the first Expedi- tion to the Polar Seas, great hopes were enter- tained, from the reports of several masters of Greenland ships, and other persons, that some great change had taken place in the Arctic regions ; in consequence of which they were expected to be found navigable to a greater extent than they had been for some centuries past. From what we saw, however, on that voyage, we had every reason to sup- pose that Nature is nearly as regular and uni- form in her operations there as in other parts of the globe ; for our Greenland masters, who had been in the habit of visiting these Vlll INTRODUCTION. seas annually for nearly twenty years, declared that they observed no material difference in the state of the ice. Although the hopes thus raised were in some measure subverted by our first expedi- tion, yet other facts and circumstances, of a more substantial kind, were observed during that voyage, which tended to prove the ex- istence of a North- West Passage in a much clearer manner than the supposititious argu- ments that had been advanced in favour of it before ; for we have reason to believe, from what we saw, that the different wide openings on the north and west side of Baffin's Bay, which were before called Sounds, are exten- sive inlets, leading to another sea in these di- rections ; for the only one of these inlets into which we entered was that which Baffin called Lancaster's Sound ; and from what we ascer- tained of it, I believe that no doubt remained on the minds of most of those who were there, that it was a Strait, or Passage, and not a Sound. This is the rational infer- ence, since we went upwards of eighty miles into it, and yet saw no appearance of land, or any thing else to obstruct our progress. Various other circumstances might be men- tioned that tended to make this spacious inlet INTRODUCTION. IX an object of interesting inquiry ; but the ques- tion respecting it has already been so much agitated, that it is unnecessary to say any thing on the subject, farther than that one of the principal objects of the Expedition was to explore it. The vessels appointed for this service were His Majesty's ships Hecla and Griper, the former a vessel of nearly four hundred tons, and from her construction, (having been built for a bomb,) well adapted for stowage, — an object of the first importance where we were obliged to carry fuel, provisions, stores, and indeed every article that we were furnished with for the voyage. The Griper was a much smaller vessel than the Hecla, having been formerly a twelve-gun brig. Her ac- commodations, however, were considerably improved by her having been rose upon ; but she was notwithstanding very much in- ferior to the other ship in every respect, as she neither sailed so well, nor did she carry her . own supply of provisions, &c. ; for, although the Expedition was furnished with stores and provisions for two years, yet, in less than half that time, the Griper required to be supplied from the Hecla with different articles. In other respects, however, their equipment was X INTRODUCTION. very good, and nothing was neglected to render them fit for the service on which they were to be employed. They were strength- ened in every way, as much as wood and iron could strengthen them, having, in the first place, the whole of their outside, from the keel to some distance above the water-line, covered with an extra lining of oak-plank, from three to four inches thick, and, within, a number of additional beams, and other timbers, put into their hold, in order that they might withstand the pressure of the ice, in the event of their being caught between two floes of it. Their bows were also covered with strong plates of iron, to defend them from receiving damage by striking against the floating ice. They were likewise fitted up, inside, so as to make the accommodations of both officers and men as comfortable as the size of the vessels would admit. To guard, as much as possible, against the rigour of the climate, we were also provided with standing bed-places, which were deemed to be warmer than cots, or hammocks ; and, in the event of our not effecting the passage, we were pro- vided with planks, tarpaulins, and Russian- mats, for housing the ships during the winter, so as to be able to take exercise on deck in bad weather. The men, as on the former INTRODUCTION. XI voyage, were furnished by Government with a suit of warm clothes, and a wolf-skin blan- ket, gratis. The means of preserving the health of the crews were also well attended to ; for besides the salt provisions being of a good quality, and recently cured, there was a large quantity of Messrs. Donkin and Hall's preserved meats and soups supplied. Antiscorbutics, of dif- ferent kinds, were also provided, such as lemon-juice, sour-crout, essence of spruce, and essence of malt and hops ; and, in case of our meeting with Indians or Esquimaux that could supply us with provisions, or any thing else that might be useful, Government sent with us a considerable quantity of toys, and other articles, to barter for whatever they might have to interchange. These articles consisted of jackets and trowsers of coarse • cloth, shirts, brass-kettles, knives, forks, and spoons, looking-glasses, glass-beads of various colours, and other matters, either for use or ornament. In fact, every thing had been provided that was deemed likely to be of use in forwarding the object of the Expedition^ and in making those who were employed on it as comfortable as the nature of the service would admit. 4 M JkLdJ" ^ ^ aciofs ) ) ' MKLVILL.E ISLA]VI>. /<•«.;. WJ-.r/ //Ir." «/ K/rrnirlt-A .! /i t> I I i =:^^ l.,rm.- X /(«•»•«. /!//,v7l....ywA,.B; .l/th. — The wind being still against us, it would again be necessary to anchor when the ebb tide was done ; but from the freshness of the breeze, the sea got up so much that this could not be done on an open coast such as we were on, without run- B 4 8 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY ning the risk of loosing an anchor and cable. In consideration of these circumstances it was deemed the most proper measure to put back to Yarmouth Roads, which was the nearest port, and there to re- main until we should be favoured with wind that would enable us to resume our voyage with some prospect of success. Our stay here was agreeably to our wishes of very short duration, for we only arrived there at half past one o'clock, and, about midnight, we were again under weigh. During the time we lay in the Roads, we were visited by Captain Wells and some of the officers of His Majesty's ship Wye, which lay at anchor here. Saturday i 15th. — We have been employed all day working to the northward, and in the evening it fell calm, so that we were as usual obliged to anchor, to prevent our being carried by the tide amongst the sands that lay off this part of the coast. Sunday, l6th, — We got under weigh again early this morning, and made all sail, the wind having at length sprung up right in our favour ; this being the Griper's worst point of sailing, she was again taken in tow. In the course of the forenoon, divine service was per- formed, which almost the whole of the officers .and ship's company were able to attend, the weather being so fine that their service was not required on deck. During the day, we passed several flocks of that species of diver called by Linnaeus Colymbus Traile, and commonly known to seamen, by the name of Loon, or Willock. These birds must be very widely scat- tered over the northern seas ; for we found them last year in great numbers in Davis's Straits, and Baffin's Bay, and occasionally in different parts of the At- lantic du)ii)g our passage across it. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 9 Monday i V^th. — We discharged our pilot this morning into the Swallow revenue cutter. He was charged with a considerable number of letters from the officers and men, this being, in all probabiUty, the last opportunity that we shall have for some time of sending letters to our friends. In the course of the day, we saw several of the divers called in the Lin- neean arrangement Alca Arcticay and commonly deno- minated by seamen Puffin. Tuesday y 18th. — Nothing occurred to-day worthy of remark, the weather continues very fine, and the wind still in our favour ; in the course of the after- noon we had a distant view of Morven Hill, and several other mountains in Banffshire, that appeared as it were rearing their lofty summits out of the ocean. r^fm/'^ Wednesday, \^th, — A similar appearance was pre- sented to-day by Fair Island, on being first seen^ It is not indeed of any great height, but it is a fact well known in optics, that, unless a person has something of a correct idea of the distance of an object, he will fancy it great or small, according as he estimates its distance. I do not mean to imply by this, however, that we were ignorant of the distance Fair Island was from us ; but merely, that, if we could suppose it to be as far from us as the hills in Banff were when seen yesterday, we should necessarily imagine it to 10 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY be of considerable height. We continued to approach it until four o'clock in the afternoon, at which time it fell calm, the island at that time bearing north- east of us, and distant about five leagues. In order to profit as much as possible by the delay caused by the weather, the ship's company turned to, to fish, at which they were pretty successful, for a considerable number of cod and coal-fish were caught in course of the afternoon. On the back and sides of the cod, at least such of them as I examined, I observed several small insects of two different species, one of the shape of a tad- pole with a forked tail, and the other not unlike a small shrimp. During the day, we saw several solan geese (Anas BassanuSy Lin.), Mallemuckes or Fulmar Peterel (Procellaria Glacialis, Lin.), and a bird some- what resembling a Rail, which kept at such a dis- tance that we were not able to make out with any certainty what species it was. Thursday y 9.0th. — Our progress was retarded again to-day by calm weather, which continued until six o'clock in the afternoon, when we were again favoured with a fine breeze from the north-east (comp.), which enabled us, in the course of the evening, to get round the north end of the Orkneys, some of which were in sight the whole day. We had a very distinct view of two or three of them, particularly Ronaldsha, and Sandi, on the latter of which there is a light-house. The appearance of these islands were well calculated to prepare our minds to view the regions we are about to visit, with some degree of tolerance ; for if, instead of comparing them to the fertile banks of the Thames, we compare them to these bleak islands. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 11 the contrast would not differ much wider than if our landscape views to-day were compared to those de- scribed on the fourth instant. Such of the Orkney islands as we had an op- portunity of seeing, might, in general, be de- scribed as hilly, but neither high nor rugged, and declining gradually, although not with an even surface, from their middle towards the sea, where they in some places terminate in abrupt precipices. The summer did not appear to have hardly com- menced here yet ; the ground was indeed clear of snow, but vegetation had made but very little pro- gress ; for the sides of the hills appeared in the re- mains of their last year's garb, viz. withered grass, and such hardy herbs as the rigour of the winter had not been able to destroy. We spoke this forenoon a Danish brig from Copenhagen bound to Disco ; we asked her name, and several other questions, but owing to the distance she was off, their answers were but very indistinctly heard. She kept in company, or rather in sight, the whole day, but kept edging to the northward more than we did, so that, in the evening, she was a considerable distance from us. We saw several Kittiwakes (Larus Tridactylus, Lin.) to-day, for the first time this voyage. Friday, 9,1st.. — Nothing occurred to-day worthy of remark ; in the forenoon we lost sight of the northernmost of the Orkney islands, and in the even- ing we descried the islands of Barra, and Rona, 12 A VOYAGE OF DJSCOVEUY which are usually reckoned the northernmost land in Europe. It was dusk before we approached near enough to be able to have any thing of a good view of them. Saturday, QQ.d. — The breeze happened however to be so light during the night, that we only passed them between seven and eight o'clock this morning, and at such a distance (four or five miles), that we could see them very plainly. Rona appeared to be considerably larger than the other, and is, I under- stand, inhabited : their distance apart was estimated to be about eight miles. Their appearance in every respect was similar to the Orkney islands, to which groupe indeed they may be considered to belong, although at a considerable distance from it. Whilst in the neighbourhood of these islands, we saw a great many sea-fowls, particularly of the Peterel tribe, (viz. Fulmar), and Kittiwake gull. These islands, like St. Kilda, and other solitary rocks in this part of the world, are particularly well calculated for being the resort of sea-fowls; because,' in the first place, they liave around them a wide expanse of that element from which they derive their food ; and, in the second place, the inaccessible precipices which here and there overhang the sea, aiford them asylums to build their nests in, which the daring inhabitants, with all their intrepidity, cannot always molest. We threw a quart bottle overboard this afternoon, containing half a sheet of foolscap paper, on which was printed, in six different languages, a request that the person who should happen to pick it up, should send it to the Secretary of the Admiralty, or the Minister ef Marine, of the country to which the person be- longed, with a note of the time and place where it TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 13 was found. Besides the request, the lat. and long, of the ship at the time, and the temperature of the air, and sea-water, the force and direction of the wind, and the state of the weather, were also inserted on it. As the whole may be better understood by giving a copy of the paper itself, I shall insert in the Appendix all that it contained. It is intended to throw one of these papers overboard e\'ery day in order to increase the probability of some of them being picked up. The object of them is to afford data for detecting the force and direction of currents in these seas. By knowing the time and place where they were thrown into the sea, and the place and time, where, and when they were found, it is very clear that this object may, in a great measure, be determined, for the elapsed time will give the force, and the relative situation the direction of the current ; that is, if the bottle is found immediately, it is driven on shore, or out of the influence of the current. Some of the bottles that we threw overboard last year for the same purpose, tended very materially to throw some light on this subject. Already one of them was received at the Admiralty some time before we sailed ; it was picked up in Killala Bay, in Ire- land, about the latter end of March, and it appeared by the date upon it, and the geographical situation of the ship at the time it was dispatched, that it floated about one thousand and eighty miles in the course of ten months, which is upward of three miles a day during the whole time. There was another of our bottles picked up by a Danish vessel some time before we left England, but 14 A voyaiSe of discovery I have not heard the particulars respecting the time, and place where it was found. It is almost unnecessary to add, that the mouth of the bottle is first secured by a tight cork, which is covered with sealing wax, having the ship's name impressed on it, and over that a piece of white cot- ton, with a view of making it more conspicuous, and thereby render it more likely to attract notice. Sunday, 9,3d. — Divine service was performed this forenoon, at which were present almost the whole of the officers and ship's company, the weather being so fine that very few hands were required on deck. Monday y 24}th. — We had a distant view to-day of that remarkable insulated rock, called Rockal ; it looked at the distance we were from it (viz< between four and five leagues) exactly like a ship under sail : it was reported indeed by the person who first saw it to be a strange vessel. Its resemblance not only in form, but also its colour, tended to make the decep- tion more complete, for it appeared to be perfectly white, a hue most probably produced by the excre- ment of birds. Our distance from it indeed was too great to enable us to speak with certainty on this head ; but, from the number of birds we saw in its neighbourhood, and its insular situation, we may fairly conclude that it is well inhabited by the feathered race, for here they are perfectly secure from the attacks of their greatest enemy, man. If we estimated our distance from it at all correctly, its situation, as determined by His Majesty's ship Endymion, is very accurately laid down, at least inas- much as it agrees with the mean of the results of the sights taken for our chronometers.* In the course ♦ Lat. 57° 39' 30" N. and longitude 13° 30' W. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 15 of the afternoon, when at least forty miles from this rock, we found soundings in one hundred and fifty fathoms water ; so that it may be regarded as the summit of a very extensive submarine mountain, whose sides, at least the western one, declined very gradually. Thursday, 9rith. — Nothing has occurred for these two days past worthy of remark, the weather has been, generally speaking, very fine j the temperature oi the air being most commonly at 50°, and of the sea at the surface about a degree less. This after- noon the weather being almost perfectly calm, we availed ourselves of the opportunity of trying for soundings, on the supposed sunken land of Buss, according to its situation by Lieutenant Pickersgill ; who, on his passage to Davis's Straits in the year 1776, struck soundings with a line of three hundred and twenty fathoms in the very place * where we happened to get becalmed this afternoon, but, strange to say, although we had one thousand one hundred and twenty fathoms of line out, we found no bottom. It ought not to be inferred from this, however, that the bank on which that officer sounded does not exist, for it is more reasonable to suppose that he might be mistaken in his longitude of the place, than that the existence of the bank itself should be ques- tioned, more especially as some of our latest charts (by Steel) lay the sunken land of Buss down several degrees to che westward of where vre sounded to- day. I shall therefore forbear saying any thing more concerning this lost land at present, as we shall most * The latitude and longitude of the place where Pickersgill struck soundings are 57° N. and 24° 24' W. which agrees with our situation this afternoon at the time we sounded. 16 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY probably, in a short time, have an opportunity of de- termining whether it exists where it is laid down on the charts. In tlie mean time, however, it may not be amiss to say a few words respecting the authorities on which the former existence of the land in question rests. The first account we have of it, is derived from frag- ments of journals, and letters written by Nicolo, and Antonio Zeno, two Venetian navigators, who were employed about the latter end of the fourteenth cen- tury by a Scandinavian prince, named Zichmni, in making discoveries in the north seas. And among other places discovered by these navigators, is men- tioned a large island which obtained the name of Fricsland, situated to the southward of Iceland ; but the whole account of this, as well as of most of the other lands that they explored, is so confused and imperfect, that it is impossible to know the situation of the places they speak of; and some writers have gone so far even as to consider their voyages a ro- mance altogether, which I think is rather too harsh a conclusion, for although the imperfect state in which the accounts of their discoveries have been handed down to us, render them of no real utility, we ought not, without some good reasons, to regard them as fabulous. From the time of the Zenos, two centuries had nearly elapsed before any thing more was heard of their Friesland, when its existence was again revived by one of the ship's belonging to Martin Frobisher's fleet (on his third voyage), having, on her return home in the year 1578, fallen in with a large island covered with wood, in latitude 57", 30' N., along which she sailed for three days. The vessel's name was the TO THE AllCTH; REGIONSV 17 Busse, of Bridgewater, from which tlie island ob- tained the name of Buss. This then, I believe, is the last account we have of this mysterious island, whose supposed ruins we have this afternoon been trying to find. Whilst sounding to-day, we availed ourselves of the opportunity thereby afforded, of ascertaining the temperature of the sea, at as great a depth as it had perhaps ever been obtained before. A self-regis- tering thermometer was tied to the sounding line at the distance of ten fathoms from the lead, or rather the clamm* ; for it was the instrument used on this occasion. Allowing, then, that there were one hun- dred fathoms of stray-line or inclination from the per- pendicular, which I think is the utmost that could be, the thermometer must have gone upwards of one thousand fathoms below the surface. The temper- ature indicated by it at this depth was 45^°, the tem- perature of the water at the surface at the same time being 481°, and the air 49J^ Friday^ ^28th. — We found to-day the temperature of water brought from the depth of one hundred and thirty fathoms by Dr. Marcett's Water Bottle t to be 48^°, both the air and sea at the surface being at the time 49°. Monday y 31 st. — We tried yesterday and to-day X * This instrument is intended to bring up a greater quantity of sounding, (that is, of the mud, &c. at the bottom) than the usual arming of the lead was capable of bringing up. f The use of this machine is to bring water up from the bottom, or indeed from any other depth that a person may require ; for the shot or weight that shuts the bottle is not let go until it is at the bottom, or at the depth that the water is to be brought from. X Our latitude yesterday at noon was 57° 46' N. and longitude 29° 09' W., and to-day latitude 58^ 13' N. and longitude 30° 20'. W. C 18 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY i'oT soundings, with one liundred and sixty fathoms of line, but found no bottom. The object for sound- ing, on this occasion, was to ascertain whether a bank exists in the place where the sunken land of Buss is laid down on Steel's cliart ; but our researches here, as on Pickersgill's bank, have been in vain ; so that I think the existence of any remains of Buss*s Land (if it ever had any) may now be very justly questioned. At all events, hydrographers may, with perfect safety, hencefortli expunge from their charts all traces of it in either of the places hitherto as- signed to it ; or, in other words, in those two situ- ations where we were induced to look for it. Tuesday y June 1st. — Notwithstanding the season is advancing, the weather has been for these two days past colder and more disagreeable than we have had it since we left England ; the cold indeed has not been sufficient to put us to any inconvenience, but the weather being for the most part of the time foggy and rainy, rendered it somewhat uncomfort- able. Several snow-buntings (^Emberiza Nivalis^ Lin.) were observed in the course of the day flying about the ship, we supposed from the direction of the wind (about N. W. true) that they have been blown off the coast of Greenland, from which we were distant at noon three hundred and seventy-six; miles. Several Arctic gulls (^Larus Parasiticus, Lin.) were seen to-day for the first time. This bird is commonly called by our Greenland seamen the boat- swain, and sometimes dirty Allen, a name somewhat analogous to that by which it is characterized by the Danes, viz. Stroudt-jager, or dung-bird. All these names have had their origin from a mistaken notion TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 1^ that these birds lived on the excrement of the lesser gulls, which, on being pursued, either from fear, or to relieve themselves from the prosecution of fierce enemies, voided something to satiate the voracious appetites of their pursuers, and by that means escape from further molestation at that time. The fallacy of this opinion is now, however, pretty generally known. That the Arctic gulls do pursue those of their own genus which they can master (particularly the kitti- wakes) is an incontestable fact ; but the object of their pursuit is not the excrement but the prey that the pursued is at that time possessed of, and which at length they are forced to drop, to secure their own safety ; which they effect during the time that their enemy is employed picking it up, although that is done in a very short period, for they manage the business with such dexterity, that the object dropped is caught before it reaches the water. Gulls are not the only birds that disburden them- selves of their prey when pursued, for I have often observed last summer that the fulmar peterel ormal- lemucke, when approached whilst feeding, (which I have seen them always do sitting on the water,) not only abandon their food, but even disgorge what they had swallowed before they would, or, as I ima- gined, could, take their flight. Several of them that we caught alive at different times, exhibited other proofs of the facility or power which they possess of unloading themselves of the contents of their sto- machs J for whenever a person approached them sud- denly, they ejected a spout of oil from their nostrils. This is considered by naturalists (which I have no doubt is the case) a means of defence for these birds. C !2 ^0' A VOYAGK OF DISCOVERY A bird resembling a snipe was also seen to-day, but we had such an imperfect view of him that it was impossible to determine what species he be- longed to. Wednesday^ ^id. — The weather has been ra- ther boisterous the whole of this day; in the after- noon in particular it blew a strong gale of wind, which soon rose a heavy sea ; and, if we are to put any confidence in an augury, which seamen always regard as a sure indication of bad weather, we may anticipate a heavy gale very soon. The augury I allude to is the appearance this afternoon of a flock of Mother Carey's Chickens, or Stormy Peterels, (^Frocellaria Pelagica, Lin.) under the ship's stern. These birds have always been considered by sailors as the harbingers of storms ; and if the reports on record concerning them be true, they certainly de- serve the mariner's notice. Although not the bearers of welcome intelligence, yet they warn him of the approaching storm, it is said, sometimes even six hours before it happens. Their appearing so long as this before the coming on of bad weather, may be regarded in some measure as a proof of their pos- sessing some instinct, whereby they know the change that is about to ensue j unless we admit (which I think is not improbable), that their coming to ships is a matter of mere chance, whilst flying from the rage of the tempest that prevails, but at such a dis- tance that it requires hours to reach the vessels. As far, however, as my own observation goes, I cannot bring to my recollection any instance where they were seen before a gale commenced, or at least be- fore such apparent indications of it were seen, as TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 21 rendered their appearance unnecessary to confirm what might be expected to follow. The reason of their keeping in the vicinity of ships in tempestuous weather, is, very clearly, to get sheltered from the rage of the elements ; this indeed was seen very evi- dently from the manner in which they acted this af- ternoon, for they always took shelter under the ship's lee-quarter, which position they kept with the ut- most perseverance, for they never allowed the ship to go above thirty yards from them before they got up, and came skimming along the surface to the same place (relatively^ that they occupied before. We saw also during the day, several flocks of an- other species of Peterel, that had not been seen before this voyage, called the Shearwater, (Procellaria Piif- JinuSi Lin.) These birds are supposed, from their cry, to be the birds of Diomede, so famous in antiquity from an affecting fable. Linnseus, however, sup- posed that the Albatross is the bird of Diomede, and has, on that account, named it Diomeda. Thursday, 3d. — Nothing particular occurred to- day, except that, in the course of the afternoon the gale moderated, and before the evening the sea subsided very considerably. I remarked that the stormy peterels mentioned yesterday, kept in our vicinity until the violence of the gale was over. Friday, 4>th. — This being the anniversary of our venerable Sovereign's birth-day, his health was drank in our little community with as much respect, and cheerfulness, I may venture to say, as at any table in his extensive dominions ; and in order that the men as well as the officers miffht be able to celebrate the day by an extra bumper, the main-brace was c 3 22 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVKllY spliced*, and a signal was made to the Griper to do the same ; and to finish the festivity of the day, they enjoyed themselves in the evening with the healthy and mirthful amusement of dancing, the weather being at the time both mild and calm, tended very materially to the comfort and conviviality of all on the occasion. We tried in the afternoon for soundings, with a line of two hundred and fifty fathoms : (no bottom.) At this depth we found, contrary to what has been usually observed, that the temperature of the water was greater than at the surface by a quarter of a de- gree, the latter being 44:1:°, and the former, by the self-registering thermometer, 44^", the temperature of the air at the time being 43°. This leads me to mention a singular, and to me rather an unaccount- able difference in this respect, that occurred to the two expeditions employed last year in the Arctic re- gions, which is, that we found the temperature of the sea at every depth, and on every occasion where it was tried, to be less than that of the surface at the time ; and the expedition to Spitzbergen found it always the reverse; that is to say, the temperature at the surface always less than at the bottom, or at any considerable depth where it was tried. Can this difference be owing to the greater thick- ness of the ice at Spitzbergen, which throughout the wliole summer prevents the solar rays from warming but a very small portion of the surface of the sea ; whilst, on the contrary, the greatest part of • This nautical phrase signifies any extra allowance of spirits that is given to seamen, in consideration of arduous duties that they have occasionally to perform during bad weather, &c. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 2S the surface of the water in Davis*s Straits, and Baf- fin's Bay, is exposed to the influence of the sun for the most part of the summer ? Saturday^ 5th. — Several whales of the species call- ed Finners (Bakena Phi/salus), were seen last evening and this morning. These fish derive the name of finner, from a fin on their back, which is often seen when no other part of their body is above the surface of the water. Some of them are as long as the ordinary-sized Green- land or black whale, that is, from fifty to sixty feet, but never so bulky as that fish. They are much more active, and consequently more difficult to kill than the common whale ; for that reason, and their afford- ing but little oil, they are seldom molested by the fishermen ; the Esquimaux, however, are said to hold their flesh in higher estimation than that of the black whale, but, from the danger and difficulty that they would have to encounter in killing them, it may be presumed that their palates are but seldom gratified with a dish of this fish. We observed that flocks of Peterels, both of the Shearwater and Fulmar species, kept hovering over the places where these fish came up to blow, no doubt with a view of picking up some- thing in the way of food. Several other of the well- known inhabitants of these northern regions, were seen in the course of the day, for the first time this voyage ; such as Terns, or Greenland swallows (^Sterno Hirundo, Lin.), Porpoises (bete Phoccena^ Lin.), and the species of Mollusca, called the C//o Borealis, and, by the Greenland fishermen. Whale's food. Some Solan geese and seals were also seen to-day, which rather surprised us, for we were at noon four hundred and nine miles from Cape Farewell *, a distance from c 4 ^2i A VOYAGE OV DISCOVKUY land much greater than either are usually accustomed to be met with. . Sunday^ 13th. — Nothing has occurred for this week past worthy of being mentioned, unless the changes in the state of the weather were recorded in the order which happened, and even these were so uninterest- ing that it would be too tedious a task to notice them ; let it suffice, that it has been sometimes fine weather, at other times the reverse, occasionally blowing fresh, and at other times light breezes, but what annoyed us most was, that during the greatest part, indeed I may say the whole of this period, the wind has been directly against us. We had slant of wind in our fa- vour this forenoon, but it soon veered round again to the northward and westward. The weather beingfavour- able this afternoon for making observations, azimuths were taken with the ship's head on different points of the compass, with a view of ascertaining the deviation of the needle from the magnetic meridian. From the result of these observations we find, that the devia- tion has, as might naturally be expected, increased very considerably since we left England ; but its in- crease appears to have been very regular, for north and south are still found to be the points of change : and the greatest deviation is found to take place when the ship's head is to the westward, which is very easily explained, for the local attraction of the iron in the ship, and the directive power of the earth, are then in some measure co-operating, or perhaps it might be more proper to say, that the latter has less power to counteract the infiuence of the former, when the ship's head is in that direction. * Our latitude at noon being 55" 03' N. and long. 36' 00' W. by chronometer. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 25 ' Monday, 14th. — We passed a considerable quantity of sea-weed to-day, some of which was picked up, and found to be the common kind of sea-wrack (Fucus vesiculasus) so abundant on our own coasts ; we passed also in the afternoon a piece of pine-wood about six feet long, which appeared to have been for a consi- derable time in the water. Tuesday, 15th. — We were favoured this forenoon with a fine breeze from the southward and eastward, and, in order to take advantage of it as much as possible, the Griper was taken in tow. About noon we saw land at a very great distance, bearing N. E. by E. by compass, or about north true : Cape Fare- well being the nearest land to us in this direction, there could be no doubt of this being it. If we take then the situation in which that Cape is laid down in the Requisite Tables, which I think is one of the best authorities we can refer to, and compare it with our situation to-day at noon, it will appear that the land seen to-day must have been one hundred and thirty- three miles from us, even of difference of latitude alone ; for according to these Tables (third edition) Cape Farewell is in lat. 59° 38' N. and longitude 42° 42' W., and we were at noon by account in lat. 57° 25' 44'' N. * and longitude by mean of the chronometer 42° 43' 42" W. As an additional proof that the land seen to-day must have been very distant, we crossed the meridian we were on at noon to-day, on our way home last year, in latitude 58° 50' N., and saw no land at that time to the nortliward of us. * It may be presumed that although our latitude to-day is only by account it cannot be much out, for we were by meridian alti- tude (of the sun) yesterday, in latitude 57° 36' 4-3" N. 26 A VOYAGE Ol- DISCOVERY Thursday y 17th. — We found to-day that there is a considerable current settling to the southward here, for the latitude observed *, and that by account differed, since yesterday, eight miles, which will of course be the daily rate of the current. Friday y ISth. — We made the ice, for the first time, at an early hour this morning; it was in the form which they called " loose streams," that is, a collection of broken pieces of ice so detached from one another that a ship may sail through them. In the course of the day, several icebergs were seen, some of them of a size sufficiently large to attract the attention of those who had never seen any thing of the kind before ; but as most of us had seen last year those stupendous masses that were met with in Baffin's Bay, and the upper part of the Straits, those seen to-day were ill calculated to attract much notice. I understand that the fishermen consider it as a sign of a good season to meet the ice in the early part of the year well to the southward, for in that case they reckon that it must have broke up to the northward early in the spring. I do not perceive however that any inference can be drawn from our having met with it in so low a 'latitude t, for the season is now so far advanced, that it has had suf- ficient time to drift this far without any necessity for an early breaking up : for my own part, indeed, I think that the " Fiords," or inlets about Cape Deso- lation and its neighbourhood, are quite sufficient to produce all the ice that is usually met with off Cape ♦ The latitude by meridian altitude to day was 58" 29' 56" N. and by account 58° 58' 55" N., and that observed yesterday was 58* 12' ^3" N. and by the dead reckoning 58° 33' 56" N. f Our latitude to day at noon was 59° 38' 41" N. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONJ=;* ^7 Farewell, and the mouth of the Strait on the Green- land side. We no sooner fell in with the ice this morning, than flocks of the little divers, called Rotges (Alca Alky Lin.), were seen flying, swimming, and diving about in its vicinity. It would appear, that the neigh- bourhood of ice is the favourite haunt of these birds, for I do not remember having seen any of them last year, except when we were amongst it, or at least at no great distance from it, and I believe none were seen this voyage until we made the ice. In fact, they might, with propriety, be called, the Ice-bird, and, if 1 mistake not, they have been so denominated. Another species of diver was seen to-day for the first time this voyage, which, like the preceding, is seldom seen except in the vicinity of ice ; it is called by seamen, Dovekey, (Colymbus GrylUy Lin.) Saturday^ 19th. — It has been observed, that the colour of the water has changed since we got amongst the ice, for, instead of the clear blue colour of the ocean, it has been within these two days of a dirty brownish tinge, not unlike the colour of the sea at the estuary of large rivers. The temperature of the water is also very sensibly affected by the ice, for since we came amongst it, we find that the mer- cury seldom rises more than 4° above the freezing point ; the temperature of the au* is likewise propor- tionably low, the extremes of the range of the ther- mometer, in the shade, for these two days, being be- tween 33* and 43°. The true variation of the compass was obtained to-day, by taking azimuths on a floe of ice, at such a distance from the ship as to be clear of all local attraction. The result of these observ- ations gave 48° 40' westerly variation. It may be said 28 A VOYAGf: OF DISCOVERY that this is the only instance in which tlie true vari- ation was ascertained since we left England ; for magnetic observations taken on board of a ship in these high latitudes, especially in this part of the world, are not to be much relied upon, on account of the compasses being so much affected by local attraction, which is, at the same time, continually changing, according as the ship changes her position ; or, in other words, in proportion as she approaches, or recedes from the magnetic pole, so will the effects of the local attraction be increased or diminished. About eight o'clock in the evening, the weather having cleared up, we had a distant view of the land about Cape Desolation *, it was estimated to be from twelve to fourteen leagues from us, a distance by far too great to enable us to say any thing respecting it, any farther than that it appeared to be high and rug- jred, and seemed as if it consisted of a number of islands, being seen in detached pieces. I understand that we sailed this forenoon over the place where His Majesty's ship Sybille laid down Cape Farewell t ; how far that promontory was from us at that time it is impossible to say, but it may be presumed to have been some distance off, for no land was in sight at the time. I ought to observe, indeed, that the state of the weather for the greatest part of the day was not very favourable for seeing any great distance. We found a current to-day setting JS. 50" W. at the rate of six miles per day. * The northern extreme of the land bore by compass E. 41° N. and the southern extreme E. 24° S. the ship's head at the time being N. N. W. t We were at noon in latitude 59° 48' 26" N. (by meridian altitude) and longitude 47" 47' 36" W. by tlit chronometers. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 29 Sunday y 0,0111. — We had a distant view again this morning of the land seen yesterday, but although we were rather nearer to it to-day than we were last evening, our view of it was less distinct, or properly speaking, more deceiving than before, for the shape of it was altered so much l^y refraction, that a hill could scarcely be distinguished from a valley. In fact it appeared to be all of one uniform height, or like what is commonly called " Table land ;" and at one time, in addition to this uniformity in height, it presented the most fantastic appearance that can well be imagined, being distorted in such a manner that the tops of the hills appeared broader than their basis. In the afternoon, a strong breeze sprang up from the southward and eastward, of which we availed ourselves in making our passage across the Straits, our object being to get over to the west land. We passed in the course of the afternoon througli a con- siderable quantity of heavy ice, being evidently frag- ments of icebergs, or the outskirts of the glaciers that form along the shore. The parts that were above the surface of the water, presented in some of them the most grotesque shapes, such as arches, caves, arcades, and dilapidated columns, with im- mense capitals ; which a fanciful imagination might be able to find to have some resemblance to the dif- ferent architectural orders. Among other things with which these masses of ice were compared, one of them that we passed about noon was said by some- body to resemble that part of a pulpit which over- hangs the clergyman when in that sacred rostrum. It is probable that this simile originated from an as- sociation of ideas produced by the rccoit occurrence 30 A VOYAGK OF DISCOVERY of circumstances, for we had at the time just come on deck after attending divine service. Wednesday^ 23d. — Nothing of any interest oc- curred for these two days past, the weather has been for most part of the time foggy, with occasional showers of rain ; but we suffered but Httle inconve- nience from either, because we have scarcely met with a piece of ice to retard our progress since we left the coast of Greenland, so that fewer hands were required to be exposed to the inclemency of the weather in working the ship. During these two days, several seals, porpoises, and birds of different kinds, whose names have been already mentioned, were seen, besides two species of birds whose names have not been noticed before this voyage. The one is com- monly called by seamen Burgomaster (Larus Glau- cus, Lin.), a name very clearly of Dutch origin, and said to have been suggested to the fishermen of that country, from observing that this bird exercised as much power over all the other aquatic birds of this country, as the magistrate of that name used to exer- cise over his fellow-citizens. The other bird alluded to is the Red Phalarope (^Phalaropus Hyperboreus^ sen Tringia Fulicaria^ Lin.), of which we saw several large flocks, close to an iceberg, to which a boat went for the purpose of making (magnetic) observations. * In returning from this berg, we saw indeed another bird that had not been seen before this voyage, and which J do not remember having seen last year either, although mentioned by ornithologists as one of the visitants of these regions ; it has various names, * It was found to be so steep however all round, that it was impossible to get upon it. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 31 such as puffin, caulterneb, and Greenland parrot, (Alca Arctica, Lin.) Of these names, however, I believe the first is that by which it is most generally known. Whilst close to the iceberg above men- tioned, we sounded in two hundred fathoms, white sand. The object for sounding was to determine whether the berg was aground, and the conclusion was that it was not, for its height was estimated to be only about fifty feet above the surface of the water. Thursday y 24>th, — I have omitted to mention an- other species of the feathered tribe that was seen yesterday, for the first time this summer ; it is called, from the whiteness of its plumage, the ivory gull, (Larus EburneuSy Lin.) Although this name is very appropriate, inasmuch as it characterizes the colour of the plumage of those specimens that are to be seen in ornithological collections, yet it is far from being descriptive of the whiteness of their garb when alive, which certainly equals, in the purity of its colour, new-fallen snow. Friday y '2,5th, — We have made very little progress to-day, having fallen in again with the ice, which is so closely packed to the westward, that it is im- possible to force through it ; a great number of ice- bergs have also been in sight the whole day, one of which appeared to be very large, both with respect to its height and extent. Two Greenland, or black whales (Balcena MysticetuSy Lin.) were seen this morning for the first time ; and 1 understand that two white bears ( Ursus MaritimuSy Lin.) were seen on a piece of ice this afternoon, by the Griper's people. Saturday y ^26th. — We have been since four o'clock yesterday afternoon closely beset with tlie ice in .32 A VOYAGK Ol' DISCOVEUY every direction ; the open sea may be seen indeed to the eastward, but between us and it there are se- veral miles of close-packed ice, and to the northward and westward, there is nothing to be seen as far as the eye can penetrate, but one continued body of ice. The average thickness of that around us, is from four to five feet, and the extent of the pieces seldom exceed forty or fifty feet ; and, generally speaking, they are smaller than that. We find on many of them pieces of quartz and granite, and occasionally heaps of sand and gravel, which I think renders it probable that this ice has been formed amongst the archipelago of islands that lie to the northward and westward of us. There are several icebergs situated here and there amongst this pack, but they are in general of a small szie. The delay occasioned by the ice, for these two days, has afforded us an op- portunity of making a considerable number of observ- ations * ; some of which could not be done had the ship been at sea ; and others were performed with greater certainty on the ice than they could be done on board : I allude, in the first instance, to the mag- netic observations, and, in the second place, to the facility with which we were enabled to take lunar distances. As both these objects then are deemed of considerable importance (the latter in particular being so, on account of its affording us an opportunity of judging of the going of the chronometers), we have * Our latitude to-day by meridian altitude was 63° 59' 29" N. and longitude by mean of several lunar distances 61° 12' 15" W. and by chronometers 61° 26' 10" W. The variation was found to be 61° 15' westerly, and the dip, or inclination of the magnetic needle, 84. TO THE ARCTIC REGIOJ^S. 33 very little reason to regret the delay occasioned, as yet. In the course of the afternoon a large whale came up to breathe, in a small opening between two pieces of ice, within a few yards of the ship, and remained there for a considerable time, and would probably have stopped much longer had not the curiosity of some of the seamen induced them to go to the edge of the hole where she lay, in order to have a better view of her. My object in being so particular about this whale, is, because she went down in a manner, which I understand from the fishermen on board, is very unusual for these fish to do j that is, tail fore- most. It may be remarked, then, that this deviation from the usual method of diving, evinces a consider- able share of sagacity in these animals ; at least it shews, that they have sense enough to depart from their usual habits to accommodate themselves to cir- cumstances ; for had this fish gone down in the way which they are accustomed to do, it is more than probable that her tail would have entangled her in the ice. Sunday y 9!Jth. — We are still closely beset by the ice. We find by our observations to-day, that we have diifted twelve miles to the southward since yesterday at noon, for our latitude to-day by meridian altitude was only 63"* 46' 5i)" N. ; and yesterday it was 63° 59' 29'' N. The actual distance indeed that we have been carried to the southward since yesterday, is more than twelve miles ; for the direction that we have been drifting is S.W. by S. by compass, which by taking the variation, as found yesterday, will be about S. S. E. J E. true. It will be seen from this circumstance, that what I suggested yesterday re- D 84 A voYAGi: or discovkky jpecting tlie place wlicre the ice with whicli we are surrounded came from, is, in some measure, confirmed from our observation to-day of the direction of the current by which it is carried along. Our change of position during these four and twenty hours has altered our soundings in a contrary way to what might be expected ; for, although we have been drifting away from the land, we find that the water gets shallower, for we sounded yesterday in one hundred and twenty-five fathoms, fine sand ; this morning in one hundred and twenty fathoms, and in the afternoon it decreased to one hundred and fifteen fathoms, the same sort of bottom as before. A fresii breeze spiang up this forenoon from the eastward, which, before the evening, rose such a swell that we were obliged to put fenders of junk over the ship's side to prevent her from beuig damaged by the ice, which was all in motion. We added another Gull to-day to our list of birds ; its common name is the Black-backed, or Black- mantled Gull, (Larus Alar-imis, I^in.) Monday, Q.Sth. — Shortly after ilay-light this morn^ ing, a white bear was obseived on the ice close to the ships. He came indeed so close to the Griper, that they tired at him from the ship, and wounded him, but not so bad as to disable him much at first. On being pursued, however, and again struck, he either voluntarily or accidentally fell into the water between two pieces of ice, and in a short time disappeared. He was supposed to have been attracted to the ships by the smell of some herrings that were roasted in the Griper the evening before. The keen scent of these animals is well known to our Greenland fisher- men, and 1 am told that they very frequently take 'I'O THE ARCTIC REGIONS, 35 advantage of it to decoy them off from the land, by burning crang, or some other oleaginous refuse, which brings them so close to their ships that they very often kill them without much trouble. Tuesday y ^%th. — Although the first day or two that we have been detained here, might be in some measure considered as usefully spent in making ob- servations \ yet such a continuation of delay as we have now had in this place, tends at length to try our patience, more especially as the prospect of get- ting released from our present vsituation, appears to- day less flattering than we have had it yet ; for the motion amongst the ice, caused by the swell, yester- day, and last night, has jammed it together much closer than it was before, and a fall of snow thai we had this morning has given it the appearance of being consolidated into one immense field. About seven o'clock in the evening, the weather being very clear, we saw land bearing by compass, from W.N. W. to W., distant, as near as we could judge, from twelve to fourteen leagues. From our situation *, and the direction in which this land was seen, it is probable that what we saw was the islands at the entrance of Frobisher's Straits, or that which Davis called Lum- ley*s Inlet ; it appeared indeed to us like three islands, one of which seemed to be considerably larger than the other two. We sounded to-day both in the fore and afternoon in one hundred and thirty- five fathoms, fine sand and small black stones. * Our latitude to-day at noon (by account) was 63° 32' N. and longitude 62° 17' W. and the entrance of Frobisher's Straits, or Lumley's Inlet, is said to be in latitude 63° 08' N. from which it is very evident that the land seen this evening must be about the entrance of these straits. D 2 3() A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY / Just after the sun went down this evening, the sky to the northward and westward presented the most beautiful appearance I ever remember having seen ; it is impossible for me indeed to describe it, and I have no doubt but the painter would find it a diffi- cult matter to represent it. I shall therefore only ob- serve, that the prevailing colour was red, of all the different shades, decreasing gradually from the deep- est, near the horizon, until in the zenith it vanished in a clear blue sky. And the clouds which were illumined by these brilliant rays, presented as great a diversity of shapes as there were variety of tints. Wednesday, SOth. — The ice having been observed to open a little this morning, we availed ourselves of this favourable opportunity to get into clear water, which, by dint of perseverance in towing and warp- ing for about seven hours, we at length finally suc- ceeded in getting again into the open sea. I formed a piece of ice from the floe alongside of us this morning into a cube, whose sides measured four inches and eight-tenths ; and when it was put into a bucket of sea-water at the temperature of 31°, and of the specific gravity 1.023, only six-tenths or one-eighth of it remained above the surface of the Avater. Thursday, July 1st. — We have been running to the northward all day along the edge of the western ice, which extends to the westward as far as we could see ; and as we had a view in the afternoon of a considerable portion of that coast, it is probable that the ledge of ice we have been sailing along for these two days reaches the land, or at least within a short distance of it. To the eastward of us the sea is perfectly clear, with tlie exception of some loose TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 37 streams of ice in our immediate vicinity ; but these are evidently nothing more than a few fragments that . separate occasionally from the main body of the ice to the westward ; for we can plainly see the clear water beyond them. We have passed a considerable number of icebergs in the course of the day, some of them of a very large size. Friday t Qd. — Nothing occurred to-day worthy of remark, except that in the evening a large bear was seen walking about on the edge of the ice, as we went along ; but as we had a fine breeze in our fa- vour at the time, we passed by without molesting him. Saturday J 3d. — This has been another day barren in events, but very important to us in another way. I allude to the progress that we have made to the northward during these four and twenty hours past, for we have this afternoon crossed the Arctic circle, and consequently are now in the region of perpetual day, for some time to come. Although we have not had the sun, indeed, ac- tually above the horizon during the whole day, or, properly speaking, for four and twenty hours toge- ther, yet for some days past there has been scarcely any darkness, even at midnight ; for the twilight, ever since we crossed the parallel of 62° north lati- tude, has been so great, that we have been enabled to see the direction, or, as it is called, the lead, most proper to be taken to get through the ice. Monday y 5th. — We passed a piece of ice this forenoon on which was lying a large Walrus, or, as it is commonly called, a Sea-horse, (Tiic/ieais^ Lin.) We fired at him as the ship passed him ; but if he D 3 38 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY was wounded it must have been very slightly, for he rolled himself off the ice into the water, with as much, if not greater ease, than a person could ex- pect from his unwieldy form and size. His back appeared to be of a dark bay colour, and what we saw of the under part of his body seemed to be of the same colour, but of a lighter hue, and mottled with white spots. His tusks, I think, were between eight and nine inches long. Tuesday, 6th. — We were more successful to-day in an attack we made on one of the same kind of animals before mentioned. About noon, we observed five of them lying on a piece of ice about a mile and a half from the ship. A boat was immediately equipped for attacking them, and on our way towards them it was agreed, that, instead of firing at the whole indiscriminately, we should all aim at one ; and for the sake of convenience, and likewise to avoid having occasion to speak when we came near them, it was settled that the one which happened to be nearest to us should be our object. Having every thing thus properly arranged, we pulled slowly and quietly towards them unobserved, until we were within forty yards of the piece of ice on which they lay. The one that lay in the middle, and apparently the largest, now lifted his monstrous head ; and the moment he perceived us, he roused the rest of his drowsy companions that were huddled around him. We had by this time got within a few yards of them, and, according to our preconcerted plan, just as they were in the act of rolling them- selves into the water, we all fired at the one which was nearest to us. He was wounded so badly that he came up again instantly close to the boat, and TO- THE ARCTIC REGIONS.. 39 apparently with a view of attacking it ; but the ren- counter, if it may be so called, was of verysliort du-. ration ; for the moment he appeared above water, he was pierced to the heart with a small harpoon. Notwithstanding he was thus mortally wounded, we had very nigh lost him ; for in his violent struggles he broke the harpoon, (part of it remaining in his body,) but before he had time to sink, he was again struck, and secured. His weight and dimensions, &c. are noted below. * In the mean time I * Weight, including 16lbs. for the blood lost before he was weighed - - - - Weight of the heart - . . - Do. liver - - - Do. kidneys - - -"'' Do. spleen - - - Length from the snout to the end of the hind ftippers Circumference behind the fore flippers > D 1' • itoo 8 24- 5 4 Peet In. 10 3 G 10 Feet. In. 4 Si 2 7 5 10 1 4- 10 2 2 Oh 1 9i 40 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY ought to mention that the other four escaped, with- out attempting, as is customary with these animals. Circumference of the neck Do. of the head (round the eyes) Extent of the fore flippers when extended Breadth of the fore flippers at their extremities - Extent of the hind flippers when extended Breadth of the hind flippers at their extremities - Circumference of the fore flippers Do. hind flippers Both the fore and hind flippers had each five toes joined by membranes, and each toe consisted of three bones or phalanges ; near the extremity of each toe of the fore flippers there was a small nail, and a small de- pression in the same place on each of the hind ones. Length of the middle toe of the fore flipper 6 inches, and of the hind - - - - 7 Do. from the end of the fore flippers to the shoulder joint . - - - - 2 Do. do. hind flippers to their inser- tion in the body . . . From the anus to the organs of generation From the organs of generation to navel Length of tusks , _ - . Breadth between the extreme points of the tusks Do. at their roots or insertion into the jaw Teeth on each side of the upper jaw 5 inches, and in the same place in the lower jaw 4 inches ; they were situ- ated at some distance from one another, and scarcely protruded beyond the gum. Distance between the eyes - - - 9 From the eyes to the tip of the snout - - 7 Do. to the orifice of the ears - - 3 No external ears, orifice large enough to admit a goose quill, nostrils of a lunated form, one inch in diameter, and about | of an inch apart ; bristle in the upper lip two inches long, and about the thickness of pack-thread. Length of the bone of the penis - - - 1 I The 1 9 2 4 7 5 7 4 TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 41 to rescue their wounded companion. We followed them for some time, but they appeared to be so much frightened that it was impossible to get near them again. Their vigilance and terror, indeed, was so great, that at one time, when upwards of half a mile from us, attempting to get on another piece of ice, they perceived us going towards them, when they immediately abandoned the ice and dived again into the deep. I ooserved that one of them had lost one of his tusks, a thing indeed that I am not much surprised at ; for it is chiefly by means of them that they manage to get upon the ice ; so that, when we take into consideration the enormous weight of their bodies, which must on such occasions be chiefly, if not entirely, suspended by their tusks, it will appear rather a matter of surprise that accidents do not befal them oftener than they seem to do. It is said also that they occasionally lose their tusks, and some- times their lives, in their conflicts with the Polar bears. But to return to those facts that came under our own observations, I shall briefly state such ana- tomical remarks as I have made on the construction and appearance of the abdominal viscera of the Wal- rus that we killed to-day. After being weighed, and the dimensions of the principal parts of his body taken, he was opened in a longitudinal direction, from the neck to the after part of the body, by which means all the internal parts were exposed to view at once in their respective situations. The hair on the body was thin, and rather coarse, and its colour was the same as that described on the Walrus seen yesterday, that is, a dark bay on the back, becoming gradually of a lighter colour on the sides, and the under part of the body mottled, not unlike the common seal. 4!2 A VOYAGE Ol- DlSCOVEJiV The thorax was, as in terrestrial qiiachiipeds, &c. separated from the abdomen by a diaphragm. The heart was tlie only viscus in this cavity that 1 was desirous of examining ; and, unfortunately, the har- poon with which the animal was killed, as I have already mentioned, entered it, and lacerated the greatest part of it in such a manner that very little can be said respecting its peculiarities, if it had any. What I was more particularly desirous of seeing was, whether the Jb?Yimen ovale was open or not ; and, fi'om what I saw, I feel satisfied that it was not open, for a cicatrice was very plainly to be seen in the septum between the auricles, with a sort of sinus leading from one side of it to the left auricle ; these, I have no doubt, then, were the remains of the passage in question. The stomach appeared small, considering the size of the animal. It lay transversely, imme- diately behind the diaphragm, in a sort of sigmoid flixure. The contents of it was examined very mi- nutely ; but it was found to contain nothing but a greenish, oleaginous matter, of a slimy consistence. My object in being particular in the examination of the stomach, was to ascertain whether it contained any stones, because we have well authenticated ac- counts of their being found in the bowels of these animals. Le Sieur de Villefort, Enseigne de Vaisseau, who sailed under M. de Beauchesne Gavin (a French navigator that went on a voyage to the South Seas many years ago), mentions their having killed a sea lion* in Port Desire, in whose stomach they found * It is perhaps necessary to mention, that the animal called the Sea Lion by the old navigators, is the same that is nOw generally known by the name of Walrus, or Sea Horse, in the Arctic Seas ; but I understand that in the Straits of Magellan, and on the islands in its neighbourhood, they arc still called Sea Lions. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. ^3 several stones ; and I am informed that a number of stones were found in the stomach of a Walrus that was killed last summer by the expedition that went to Spitzbergen. All that I have now to say of this animal is a few words respecting him as an article of food. The flesh of the sea-horse has been represented by dif- ferent navigators as very good eating ; but, with due deference to their opinion, I must own that as far as I am able to judge, nothing but absolute want could ever induce a person not accustomed to such food to eat it. In the first place, immediately under the skin, there was a layer two inches and a half thick of fat, that differed not materially in appearance, and not at all in its nature from whale's blubber ; and the flesh, or muscular substance underneath this oleagin- ous coating, was as black as the crangt of a whale, and smelt so intolerably, that even the dogs we have on board would not touch it. It is but just, however, to mention that we cooked the heart, which was found to be tolerably good eating ; but the disgust occasioned by the offensive odour from the carcase of the animal was so great, that we could hardly rid ourselves of the idea that the heart did not partake in some degree of the disgusting qualities of the body. The fat, or blubber, however, has been turned to some advantage, for it was stripped ofJi and put into a cask, until an opportunity occurs for boiling it, when it is expected to produce from thirty to forty gallons of oil. We had tO-night, for the first time this season, a • This is a term ,used by the Greenland, or whale-fishermen, which signifies the fleshy, or muscular part of the whale, that is left after the blubber is flinched or taken off. 4.4< A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY meridian altitude of tlie sun at midnight, or, pro- perly speaking, below the pole, for we have now of course no night ; but, as the terms day, and night, are convenient when speaking of the time when any event occurs that is necessary to be mentioned, I shall always make use of them for the sake of per- spicuity, although no natural distinction of the kind now takes place. Fridai/y 9th. — Nothing has occurred for these three days past deserving of particular notice. The weather has been variable, sometimes fine, at other times the reverse ; but our greatest annoyance has been, and still is, the ice, with which we are con- stantly hampered. There is one thing we find, which is, that, by standing to the eastward, we get clear of it ; but our object is to get to the westward, if possible. Sunday y 11th. — As we were sailing along amongst the ice this forenoon, a large white bear was observed on a piece of it close to the ships. A boat was imme- diately lowered to go after him. The weather hap- pened to be foggy, so that he did not see^us until we were within about a hundred yards of him ; he was walking about at the time, but immediately he per- ceived us he crouched down on the edge of the ice, and watched our approach very attentively, as if in expectation that we should in a short time become his prey. We were, on the other hand, no less sanguine that he should very soon be our captive, and in order to make sure of our mark, we continued to pull towards him until the boat was within about forty yards of him, when we all fired. One shot brake his right hind leg, and the rest (viz. three) struck him in difterent parts of the body. On being TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 45 wounded he made a hideous roar, and grasped with his teeth at the places where he was struck. He then pkniged into the water, and tried to escape in that way ; but, on finding that we were gaining ground upon him, he attempted to get again on the ice ; but he was by this time so much exhausted by loss of blood that before he could get out of the water we secured him by throwing the bight of a rope round his neck. His weight and dimensions are noted below.* ♦Weight . - - Length from the snout to the tail - - - Circumference round the middle - - - Length from the snout to the shoulder joint Height from the heel of the fore-paw to the top of the back between the shoulders - - . - Do. from the heel of the hind-leg to the top of the rump - - - Circumference of the fore-paw - - - - Breadth of do. . - . Length from the forC'toes to the knee-joint 895 lbs. Feet. In. 8 2 6 3 3 7 4 11 5i 4() A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY It will be seen that his weight is not at all in pro- portion to his dimensions ; for he was a very large animal, as far as length and height went ; but, al- though six inches longer than the bear we killed in this country last summer, he was upwards of two hundred pounds lighter. On opening him, we discovered the cause of this disparity ; for the whole of the alimentary canal was in a high state of gangrene, the liver and lungs were very much inflamed, and the spleen apparently shrunk considerably below its natural size, the stomach w^as empty and collapsed : in fact, the whole of the ab- dominal viscera bore evident marks of disease. Feet. In. Circumference of the fore-leg below the knee - Do. of the hind-paw . - - Do. of the hind-leg Breadth of the hind-paw - _ , Length from the hind-toes to the knee-joint Length of the tail - . _ . Circumference of the head before the ears Do. of the neck - - Distance from the snout to the eye Do. between the eye Longest axis of the eyes - - Depth of the snout . . . . Do. from nose to under part of the lower jaw - Breadth of septum narium Nare, elliptical Length of the ears - - - Breadth of do. Front teeth in each jaw 6 inches ; canine 2 inches ; molares or grinders 5 inches ; length of the upper tusks 1 /^ inch ; breadth between their tips 3^ inches ; length of the lower tusks If inch; (the tip of the right side tusk was broken) breadth between their tips 3 inches. The liver weighed 16 lbs. ; the lungs 14 lbs. ; the heart 6 lbs. ; the kidneys 3 lbs. ; and the spleen 1 ^Ibs. 2 5 1 10 2 4 8 2 3 6 3 1 3 9 8i 6 1 3i 5h Oi 3 2i TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 47 The weather has been colder to-day than we have had yet, being half a degree less, indeed, than we had it during the whole of last voyage, our lowest temperature, last year, being 'r26h°i and to-day it was as low as 26°. We suffer, however, no inconvenience from the cold, but the moisture that freezes on the rigging renders it disagreeable to handle. Thursday^ 15th. — Nothing has occurred for these three days past deserving of remark ; the wea- ther has been, I may almost say, invariably foggy, which, together with the quantity of ice that we have been constantly hampered with, has rendered our progress to the northward very slow ; tor our latitude to-day, at noon, was only 70° 27' N., which is only a little more than one degree farther than we were four days ago. We have reason to suppose, however, that the three or four last degrees of lati- tude that we have come through, are the most diffi- cult to navigate of any part of these seas, for they are the narrowest part of the Straits, and at this season of the year will, I have no doubt, be always found choked with the ice that drifts down from i3affin's Bay. Two boats were sent this forenoon to an iceberg, to bring some of it on board for dissolv- ing into water. As this ice appeared to be more compact than what I have usually observed the berg- ice to be, I formed a piece of it into a cube *, for the purpose of determining its specific gravity, which was found however not to differ materially from what we have been accustomed to find it by similar experi- * The sides of this cube measured six inches and -^-q, and when put into a tub of sea-water at the temperature of 33° and of the specific gravity 1.0256, nine-tenths of an inch remained above the surface of the water. 4<8 A VOYAGE OK DISCOVERY merits last year ; that is, about one-seventh remain- ing above the surface of the water. Friday^ l6th. — A small piece of ice was picked up to-day, however, whose specific gravity differed very much indeed from any that I have ever seen in these seas before. Its size would not admit well of being made into a cube, it was therefore formed into a rectangular parallelogram, two inches seven- tenths in breadth, and one inch seven-tenths in thickness ; and when put into a bason of salt water, at the temperature of 85°, and of the specific gravity of 1.0262, only one-tenth of an inch re- mained above the surface of the water, or, in other words, one-seventeenth of the whole. We passed the Brunswick, of Hull, to-day, on her way home : they brooined * to us, that they had taken nineteen whales ; and, as she passed the Griper, they told them that there were about fifty whalers to the northward (close to the coast of Greenland), be- tween the 7'^ and 7«5 degrees of latitude. This was all the communication we had with her ; or, properly speaking, that the Griper had, for she passed too far from us to speak her. I have omitted to mention before, that, during these two or three days past, we saw several large • This is a term used by the whale fishermen to express the manner in which they communicate to one another the number of whales they have taken. The way in which the intelligence is conveyed is this ; on board the ship that is asking for the inform- ation in question, some person holds up a broom in a conspicuous place where it may be seen by the other ship, where some person with a similar instrument gives the required information by lifting a broom up over his head as many times as the number of fish they have taken ; hence the origin and meaning of the term broom- ing a shift. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 49 flocks of eider ducks (Anas Malissimaj Lin.) flying to the eastward. Saturday y IJth. — We made fast this afternoon to a floe of ice, where we remained for some time, which afforded us an opportunity of making some magnetic and other observations. In order to make sure of being clear of the influence of the ships upon the compasses, the observations were made at least a quarter of a mile from either of them. The variation at this place was found by the mean of several azi- muths, to be 81° westerly, and the dip, or vertical inclination of the needle, 84° &. The latitude of the place of observation (reckoning from noon) was 72° N., and longitude, by sights taken for the chro- nometers at the time, 60° 5' W. We found, on dif- ferent parts of the ice that we walked over this after- noon, large quantities of earth and gravel ; this is, however, such a common thing, that it hardly de- serves to be mentioned, for scarcely a day ever passes without our seeing either stones or earth on some of the floes that we are amongst. Monday f 19 th. — The weather for some days past has been very foggy, which, I think, is in some mea- sure owing to our being so far from the land ; for I observed last year, when we were detained for some days at Waygat Island, that there was very often a thick fog over the surface of the sea at some distance from the land ; whilst over the land itself, and along the coast, for a space of two or three leagues from it, there was commonly a fine clear sky. Paradox- ical as it may appear, yet we find, that although the weather is in general so cold that the fog freezes on the rigging, that the ice is undergoing dissolution very rapidly, for on most of the floes we find large 50 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY pools of water, from one of which we supplied the ships (with water) two days ago. Although it must certainly be admitted (from the circumstance that I have just mentioned), that the sun contributes very materially to the destruction of the ice, yet I concur in opinion with the intrepid navigator, Davis, and the illustrious Cook, that the sea is the great destroyer of the ice in these regions. We find that there is a constant current setting to the southward, which has been observed, indeed, more or less, ever since we entered the Straits. Its daily rate, and the exact course it takes, is not, in- deed, very easily ascertained with great precision ; for the various courses we are obliged to make amongst the ice, are such as to baffle all attempts at comparing the latitude observed with that deduced from the dead reckoning ; and I have no doubt but the ice affects, in some measure, the direction of the current near the surface. Tuesday y 9,0th. — On account of the fogginess of the weather, we got so close to a large iceberg, to- day, before it was seen, that we were obliged to lower our boats in great haste to tow the ship off from it ; and, notwithstanding the smartness with which every thing was done, she went over a tongue of it that projected some distance from the body of the berg. This tongue happened, fortunately, how- ever, to be about twenty feet below the surface of the water, so that we went over it without touching, and, in a few minutes more, got clear, altogether, of this threatening mass of ice, for such I must cer- tainly call it, for the side of it that we ran along was considerably higher than our mast-head, and some parts of it projected beyond : a perpendicular TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 51 line rose from its base, or at right angles with the surface of the water. And in addition to these cir- cumstances, it was full of vertical fissures, or rents, which showed, in a very unequivocal manner, the danger of approaching too near it. The depth of water alongside of it was found to be one hundred and twenty fathoms ; and, as it appeared from the tide-mark on it, to be aground, its height above the surface of the water might be estimated at one hun- dred and twenty feet ; for the proportion of the ice, above, to that below the surface of the water, will generally be found to be nearly as one is to seven. We shot a seal this evening, of the common species. (JPhoca Vitulinai Lin.) He was lying on a piece of ice at the time. It is unnecessary to give any de- scription of him, as he differed in no respect from the seals that* are seen on our own coast : his length, from the snout to the tail, was five feet one inch, and the circumference round the thickest part of the body three feet six inches. Wednesday i 9.1st. — The weather cleared up to-day for the first time for some days past; and about eight o'clock A. M. we had a very good, although a distant view, of the coast of Greenland, bearing by compass from south to east of us. The moun- tain called by Davis, " Hope Sanderson," was rea- dily recognised by such of us as had seen it last year ; although its distance from us was estimated to be about forty miles, it bore, by compass, 8° S. 30' E. Some of the Women Islands were also in sight. It appeared to me that there was more snow on this part of the coast, than was on it last year when we passed it ; but our distance from it was too great to E 2 52 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY enable us to say any thing with certainty on this head. We found an immense number of icebergs off this coast ; no less than eighty-eight were seen this morning at one time from deck, and most of them so large that I have no doubt of their being a ground, for we sounded atthe time in one hundred and six fathoms — sand and pieces of broken shells. Between us and the land there was also a considerable quantity of loose ice, sufficiently open, however, to navigate amongst it, to the northward ; but as I have said some time ago, our object is not to get to the northward along this coast, but if possible to penetrate to the westward. What time it will take to accomplish this desirable object in this high latitude, is a question that must certainly remain in doubt until the thing is done, for last vear's experience does not afford us any ground to draw a conclusion from on this subject ; we found then (as we do now) a barrier of ice to the west- ward, from the time that we first made it until we got nearly to the top of Baffin's Bay j and although we never succeeded in getting through it, it was certainly not from want of attempting to do so. Whether these attempts might not have been success- ful if persevered in, is a thing that does not become me to give an opinion on. We are possessed however of some knowledge this year, that we knew nothing of last summer, with regard to the extent of this ledge or barrier of ice ; for then it was doubtful how far it might extend to the westward, but now we know perfectly well how far it can extend in that direction. But, to be brief on the subject, I believe the intention is, to make TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 53 every effort to force our way to the westward from this place, so as to make the entrance of our hopeful inlet, Lancaster's Sound ; we are not indeed quite in the parallel of latitude * of it yet, but as the land tends a little to the eastward on the south side of that opening, a passage across at this place will be shorter than farther to the eastward. This day, in addition to its being fine and clear, was, I think, the warmest day that we have had since we left England, for at two o'clock in the af- ternoon the thermometer in the sun rose to 82. In the evening, as we were making the best of our way to the westward, a large bear was observed on a piece of ice close to us, but time was deemed too precious to lose any of it to go after him. Saturday y ^4>th. — Nothing has occurred during these two days past deserving of remark ; we got beset amongst the ice on the evening of the 22d, and have been so situated ever since ; we have at diffe- rent times during that period endeavoured to force the ships through by warping, but we have made but very little progress, the ice being so close and heavy, that our utmost efforts avail but little ; there are pros- pects, however, of clear water to the westward, for the sky in that direction has a watery appearance, and the ice is dissolving very fast, its surface being full of pools of water, in one of which was caught, two days ago, a small fish answering to the descrip- tion of the Gadus Virens of Lin. As there was nothing particularly doing, a series of experiments were again performed this afternoon, • The entrance of Lancaster's Sound may be said to be in latitude 74° N., and ours to-day at noon was 72^ 58' 12" N. E 3 54- A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY for determining the deviation of the compass ; the mode of operation was similar to that described some time ago, when an experiment of the same kind was made : that is, a set of azimuths were taken with the ship's head on every second point of the com- pass, and the difference of these azimuths from the true variation found on the ice, will, of course, be the deviation on these respective points. In this experi- ment a newly invented needle by Mr. Jennings was used, and as far as we could judge from this trial it appeared to answer remarkably well. It differs in its construction from the common needle, for instead of one bar, or needle, it consists of two placed at right angles to one another, so that the magnetic north and south falls in a line between the two oppo- site arms of it. As the result of this experiment may be more easily comprehended by a diagram than by words, I have drawn one *, which exhibits at one view the whole operation, or rather, as I have just said, the results thereof. It will be seen from this experiment that the de- viation has increased very considerably since it was tried before ; this is, however, nothing more than what might be expected, or, in fact, it is only what we knew, from other circumstances, must happen ; for it is very clear, that as the directive power of the magnetism of the earth upon the compass decreases as we approach the magnetic pole ; so will the power or rather the effect of the iron in the ship increase. Sunday, 9,5th, — The ice having slackened a little during the night, all hands were employed the whole day tracking and warping the ships to the * Sec Appendix. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 55 westward ; and in the evening, in consideration of the great exertions made, and the length of time they were employed, each man had half a pound of Donkin's preserved meat, and a gill of rum served out to them, as an extra allowance. Monday, 'iQth. — We were employed again to-day in a similar way as above mentioned, but with less success, for the ice closed so much to-day that our utmost endeavours to force through it were of little avail. Tuesday, ^"Jth, — Although yesterday's exertions were not of much use, we were not discouraged on that account from recommencing the same labour again to-day, and I have much pleasure in being able to say, that the unwearied efforts displayed not only to-day, but for some days past, were this after- noon crowned (as good causes generally are, when persevered in with zeal and proper management) with success, for we got into what may be called clear water, that is to say navigable, although not alto- gether free from ice. From similar motives to those mentioned on the ii^5th inst. the men had again this evening an extra allowance of fresh meat served out to them. Wednesday, Q8th. — I have remarked that since we lost sight of the coast of Greenland very few icebergs have been seen ; to-day especially there has not been above five or six seen altogether, and these were of an inferior size. This is no doubt owing to the water increasing in depth as we proceed to the westward, so that they cannot ground. We sounded to-day in two hundred and ninety-six fathoms, a depth evident- ly too great for icebergs to ground in, unless they were of an extraordinary magnitude. The floe ice E 4- 56 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY is also much thinner than it was a few days ago ; some of it indeed that we passed to-day was so honey- combed, or as it is commonly called, so rotten, that some parts of it would not bear a man's weight. I think that this rapid dissolution may in some measure be attributed to the greater depth of the water here than to the eastward ; for it is well known that shoal water freezes more readily than deep water, conse- quently when ice happens to drift into deep water, it will be destroyed quicker than in shoal water. Thursday i Q9th. — We got yesterday evening into a clear sea, and there is to-day every appearance of its continuing so ; the sky looks watery to the west- ward, and we have had all the forenoon a considerable swell from that direction, so that we may, I think, with safety presume, that the sea is open at least as far as Lancaster's Sound, and as we know that there is a greater depth of water in that inlet than where we are now, it is not likely that we shall find much obstruction from ice there. "We were at noon only one hundred and sixty miles from the entrance of it, having, in the course of the last twenty-four hours, ran upwards of one hundred miles ; a distance, certainly, that in tem- perate climates would be performed by a ship under the most ordinary circumstances ; but in these re- gions, and after such tardy movements as we have for some time past been accustomed to, appears to us a great run, and, taking every thing into consi- deration, is so in reality. We saw several whales torday for the first time since we entered Baffin's Bay, or at least since we passed the latitude of 70'' N., for I beUeve the line of division between it and Davis's Straits is not yet well TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 57 defined ; it may, therefore, in speaking of it, be better perhaps to refer to some parallel of latitude. Friday f SOtk. — The sea still continues open, and there is every prospect of its being so to the west- ward, for the sky in that direction promises well, and we have, as I mentioned yesterday, a consi- derable swell. The weather being fine and clear this forenoon, we had very excellent sights for the chronometers, from which, and our latitude at noon, we found that we were no great distance from the entrance of Lancaster's Sound ; it was indeed com- puted at the time, that if the breeze continued as we then had it, that the west land would be seen in the course of the afternoon, and to our great joy these expectations were fulfilled about five o'clock, for at that time land was descried from the mast-head, which we knew from our latitude to be the mountains on the south side of the inlet just mentioned. The welcome news was immediately telegraphed to the Griper, then both ships set all sail they could pos- sibly carry, having, as it were, received fresh vigour from the prospect now before them. As we drew in with the land every eye appeared to be directed towards that spacious inlet so often the theme of conversation for these eleven months past. So much indeed has been said about it, that were we quite ignorant of the place, we must have felt some pleasure in seeing it ; but to us it is peculiarly interesting, for most of us have seen it before, or, more properly speaking, we were witnesses of the promising appearances it afforded of being the place, that not only we, but many other navigators, for up- wards of two centuries, were in search of. 58 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY At the same time that we are thus delighted with having the object of our hopes in sight, a sort of secret anxiety hovers occasionally over the mind, on recollecting that it has been affirmed, from ocular de- monstration^ that the magnificent opening now before us is only a hay. It would be needless, if not improper, however, to enter into a lengthened detail of the rea- sons that might be adduced against that opinion, for such only can 1 call it ; let it suffice then, that there is at present every prospect of our being soon able to decide the subject in question, in a manner that will henceforth leave no doubt about the matter ; for the sea is quite clear to the westward as far as we can see, and we have a fine breeze of wind ; it is not indeed directly in our favour, being from the N. W., but it is sufficiently so, if it continues, to enable us to get to the entrance of the Sound, as it is gratuit- ously called, before to-morrow morning. It is astonishing the number of whales that have been seen to-day ; no less than fifty are said to have been seen in the course of one watch, (viz. four hours,) this afternoon. May this circumstance not be con- sidered as an indication of the opening before us being a passage from Baffin's , Bay to another sea, into which these fish are now going, in consequence of their being pursued and harassed by the fishermen in these seas ? The mountains aj)pear to have more snow on them than they had last year when we were here ; this may, however, in a great measure, be accounted for, from our seeing them a month earlier this year, for it was on the 30th of August that we were at this place last voyage. Along the coast, however, and for about three hundred feet up the side of the TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 59 mountains, the land is, with very few exceptions, per- fectly clear of snow. We estimate the height of the mountains to be from sixteen hundred, to two thou- sand feet above the level of the sea. Saturday^ S\st, — We got this morning off the place that was called, last year. Possession Bay, from our having landed there and taken possession of the country. As we had it in a different point of view from that in which it was seen last year, it was not recognised until the pole erected on the top of one of the hills was seen. As soon as we got abreast of it the ships were hove to, and a boat went ashore with Mr. Parry and Capt. Sabine to make magnetic and other observations *, and during the time tliey were employed in making these observations, two men and myself were directed to proceed up the stream which flows through the valley, with instruc- tions to observe if any pieces of wood or bark were to be seen in the bed of it, and to make such re- marks on the nature and productions of the place as might be deemed useful. We commenced our ex- cursion from the mouth of the stream, at which place it is, as near as I could judge, from thirty-five to forty yards broad ; and at low water, as was the case when we landed, not above knee deep : there is at this place however a bar across it, within which it both deepens and widens. The depth of it, for about one hundred and fifty or two hundred yards within the bar I w^as not able to determine, being * The latitude at the mouth of the stream was found to be 73° 31' 16" N., and longitude 77° 44' 42" W. (by chronometer) ; the variation of the compass by the mean of several azimuths 108° 50' westerly, and the tlip, or vertical inclination of the dipping-needle, 86° 9'. 60 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY too considerable to wade across it : its breadth at that phice was, I think, from forty- five to fifty feet. The tide went up it to the distance of two hundred and fifly or three hundred yards, as was evident by tlie tide-mark left on its banks, and the bones of whales that were lying on the left side of it at the above distance from its mouth. The bed of the stream above the bar as far as the tide went consisted of soft vicid mud ; beyond this it became rough and hard, consisting of loose stones and sand, which was indeed the nature of the bottom all the rest of the way as far as we went : it continued likewise nearly of an uniform breadth, that is, from forty to fifty yards, and every part of it beyond where the tide flowed, was fordable. The first thing that attracted our notice in going along the bank of the stream, was to meet human tracks in so perfect a state, that, had the place been known to be frequented by man, we should have supposed that people had been here only a few days before ; but one of the men who was with me, as well as myself, remembered that we had been on the very same spot, where the tracks were observed, last year gathering plants, so that we had not the small- est doubt of their being the remains of our own foot- steps made last year, for had any Esquimaux been at this place since we were here before, it is more than probable that they would have taken away the pole on the hill ; for, from what we saw of them last year, nothing could be a greater prize for them than a piece of wood of the size of that in question. Be- sides, we observed that the impression of the heel of the shoe was deeper than that of any other part of it, which would not be the case were they the tracks TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 6l of Esquimaux, for they never have hieels to their shoes or boots ; and, in fact, the size and shape of the footmarks were such as to satisfy us perfectly as to their origin. From this circumstance we may conclude that there is no great fall of snow in this country in the winter, for doubtless the melting of it would have effaced these tracks. After tracing them for some distance we resumed our course up the stream until we came to the foot of a mountain, which from the sea appeared to terminate the valley through which it flowed : but instead of finding the source of our stream here, as we imagined, we found that it issued from another valley to the right, or southward and westward. Our time being limited, we could not follow it any farther ; at this time we were, as near as I could judge, about three miles and a half, or four miles, at the farthest, from the sea. At this distance from the coast there were only two or three small patches of snow in the whole valley, and there was very little of it indeed for a considerable way beyond this up the sides of the mountains. The only animals we saw during our excursion were a Fox, (Canis VulpeSy Lin.) ; a Raven, (Corvus CorcuTy Lin.) ; several Ring-Plovers, (Charadrius Hiaticula, Lin.) ; and Snow-Buntings, {Emberiza Nivalis^ Lin.) ; a bee was also seen, from which we may infer that there is honey even in these wild regions. We saw several tracks of bears, and some cloven-footed animal, from their size apparently those of a reindeer, neither of them however appeared to be very recent. Considering the high latitude in which this place is situated, vegetation flourishes re- markably well, for wherever there was moisture tufts (')0 A VOYAGK OF DISCOVERV of grass and various plants grew in considerable abundance ; creeping, or ground willow, was the only ligneous production we met with, the diameter of the thickest of them that I saw did not exceed that of a person's finger, and, generally speaking, they were not so large. The fixed rocks consisted chiefly of basalt and gra- nite, and in the valley there was a vast quantity of limestone, in loose fragments ; but I do not recollect having seen any rocks of it : granite, quartz, sand- stone, trap, felspar, and various other minerals, were to be met with in considerable abundance in the bed, and about the banks of the stream before-mentioned. On our way back to the boat 1 picked up a piece of whalebone, two feet ten inches in length, and two inches broad : it had forty two holes in it, placed nearly in a straight line, and at regular distances from one another along one of its edges : these holes were perfectly round, and of a size sufficient to ad- mit a goose-quill. Besides the holes just mentioned, there were also fine oval holes along the middle of it, at the distance of eight inches apart. We supposed it had been part of an Esquimaux sledge ; and from the situation in which it was found, it is probable that it had been carried there by some of these people ; for it was between three and four hundred yards from the sea, and about the same distance from the stream we went up ; so that it could not be brought by either to the place where it was found. On returning from our excursion, we found that the tide had risen so much that we could not wade across the bar at the mouth of the stream. The tide appeared to flow from the northward, or most pro- TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 63 bably out of Lancaster's Sound ; for this place is si- tuated to the southward and eastward of it. It was just low water at the time we landed, and during the three hours we were ashore, it rose between three and four feet ; but from the distance up the beach that the bones of whales, sea- weed, and other things that must have been washed up by the sea, was found, it would appear that the tide rises considerably higher than what might be expected from the result of our observation on it to-day. I ouglit to observe, however, that in all probability, a very heavy sea sets into this bay occasionally, for when we landed, al- though the wind was very moderate, there was a very considerable surf breaking on the beach ; so that when it blows hard from the eastward, it may be pre- sumed that the sea runs so high as to have washed the bones above-mentioned up to the place where they were lying ; that is, some distance beyond the regular tide-mark. The water deepens very suddenly in this bay, for we sounded as we were coming ashore, and found fourteen fathoms' water within a cable's length of the beach; and even closer than that its depth must be considerable ; for just as we were landing, two whales were observed so near the shore, that I expected at one time that they would run themselves aground. Whilst we were ashore they tried for soundings on board, with a line of two hundred and ninety fathoms, and found no bottom ; but on recollection, I ought not to mention this as a remarkable circumstance, for they sounded in a thousand fathoms last year, in the Isabella, in the very same place, or at least pretty near it. As the staff planted at that time on the hill, already mentioned, is 64< A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY still standing, it would be unnecessary to erect ano- ther this year ; but, in order to leave some memorial of this our second visit, a sort of obelisk, or rather a pile of loose stones, was erected on the right bank of the stream, and about two hundred yards from the beach ; and under the pile was buried a quart bottle, containing a sHp of paper, on which were written the names of ships, and commanders, and the time when we w ere here. Having now given an account of every thing that I saw during this excursion, that appeared to me to be deserving of notice, I shall again resume the narrative of our transactions on board. Immedi- ately the boats returned (one being on shore from the Griper), we made sail towards Lancaster's Sound ; but the wind being at the time rather against us (N. E. by compass) we made but little progress during the remainder of this day. Sunday^ August \st. — The wind still continuing to blow out of the Sound, we have as yet got but a very little way into it ; every thing else, however, appears favourable, the sea is perfectly clear to the westward, as far as we can see, and a heavy swell is setting from that direction, from which we may conclude that there is neither land nor ice very close to us on that side. We passed several streams of ice to-day, indeed on the north side of the Sound, but they lay so close in with the land, that they offered no obstruction to our progress ; and, with regard to icebergs, it may be almost said, that they have totally disappeared, for there has been only one seen to-day. It has been observed that since we got within the capes that form the entrance of this magnificent Sound, that the colour of the water changed from its usual light green colour, to a dirty brownish hue. 18 TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 6$ Monday, 2rf. — There being but very little wind this forenoon, we availed ourselves of the oppor- tunity thereby occasioned for sounding, which occu- pied a considerable portion of time, for we had no less than one thousand and forty-eight fathoms of line out before we found bottom ; it was estimated, however, that the actual depth was not above eight hundred and fifty, or nine hundred fathoms, as there was a very considerable portion of stray line. The deep-sea-clamm was used on this occasion, the sound- ings brought up, consisted chiefly of mud, intermixed with small stones^ and pieces of broken shells of a very delicate texture. At eight o'clock in the even- ing a breeze sprang up from the southward and east- ward, accompanied by fine clear weather, which ena- bled us to have an excellent view of the land on both sides this spacious opening, and although we had not as yet got so far into the Sound as we were last year, frequent visits were nevertheless made to the Crow's Nest*, to look for Croker's Mountain, for such was our anxiety, that we began to look for what we had good reasons to suppose did not exist, and that too before we got far enough to see them if they * This is the name given by the Greenland fishermen to a look-out place they have at the mast-head. It is frequently made of a cask, by taking one end out, and cutting a scuttle in the other for a person to get through ; the use of it is to shelter the person looking out for whales, or the best lead amongst the ice, from the inclemency of the weather. We have two crows' nests up, one at the main, and the other at the fore-mast head, and whenever we are amongst the ice, one or other of them is always occupied by some person looking out for the best way to get through, and to-day they have, as I have mentioned above, been frequently visited by persons looking out for what I hope we shall never see. 66 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY did exist. There is every appearance, at present, however, of our being able before long of satisfying ourselves on this point ; I shall therefore forbear to say any thing more on the subject until that period comes. We saw an immense number of whales to- day again, between thirty and forty being seen in every watch ; it has been remarked, that a great many of them were of a small size. I observed that they went in shoals in the same way that porpoises usually do, generally coming to the surface nearly about the same time, and diving in the same manner. We passed in the course of the day a great number of what is commonly called sea-blubber, (^Medusa), on which I think it is very probable the whales feed ; for it is a sort of food well adapted to the formation of their mouth, requiring little or no mastication, an operation which the whale is by no means calculated to perform. As we came along to-day, we observed that the stream, or ledge of ice mentioned yesterday, still stretches to the westward, but so close in with the north land as to be no impediment in our way. Amongst it were seen this evening, three icebergs, but of so small a size that we would have hardly noticed them, had it not that so few have been seen of late. Tuesday i 3d. — We made considerable progress to the westward to-day, for we were at noon (by chronometer) in longitude 80° 30' W., and since that time we have had an excellent run, for at eight o'clock in the evening, we were by account in 82° W., and if the breeze continues but a few hours as it is now, wc shall decide whether land exists where it is said to have been seen last year; at present the weather is perfectly clear, and there is nothing to be seen to the westward but a clear sea ! TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. ^ 67 The south land, after passing Cape Castlereagh, trends to southward and westward, forming a large bay, the bottom of which was so distant from us, that it is presuming too much indeed to call it a bay, as it might, for aught we know, be a passage to the southward. The land to the westward of this bay, or opening, appeared to be lower than that on the op- posite side of it, and the formation, or contour of it, differed also from that of the land to the eastward ; for it appeared somewhat like that which is called Table Land, whilst the land that we have passed is full of acuminated hills, rising one above another from the sea-side, to the top of the mountains. On. the north side, and a little to the westward of the bay or opening that I have just been describing, there is a similar gulf, or passage, and of greater extent than the above ; our distance from the northernmost part of it was likewise too considerable to enable us to speak with certainty of the continuity of the land ; it appeared to us indeed as if it consisted of a number of islands. The land to the westward of this opening differed also in its features from that on the nortli side of the entrance of Lancaster's Sound, for its out- line appeared to be more regular, and less elevated than the latter, and it has much less snow on it. As we were sailing along this forenoon, we happened to pass close by an iceberg, to which a boat was sent to take some azimuths, and, to our surprise, the result of them gave less variation, nearly by two degrees, than we found in Possession Bay, notwithstanding we have every reason to think that we are approaching the Magnetic Pole ; but these observations were taken rather too near noon, so that they are not so much to be depended on as those taken the other day. (is A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY Whilst the boat was at the berg, they were employed on board sounding ; they struck bottom in tliree hundred and seventy-three fathoms, soft mud, and at the same time a tide, or current, was found setting N. 65° E, true, at the rate of seven fathoms per liour. Wednesday^ 4td. '— The weather was calm the greatest part of yesterday, so that nothing was done worthy of being mentioned. A light breeze sprung up, however, this forenoon, which enabled us to get on a little way. The part of the coast that we passed to-day was very much intersected with bays and inlets, some of which were of considerable extent. The appearance of the land itself was somewhat similar to the same line of coast to the eastward, only it was more broken, and consequently it presented a greater variety of shapes. In some parts of it there were perpendicular cliffs of very great height, but still retaining, like the other parts of this coast al- ready described, a stratified appearance. As the ships were making but little progress, on account of the lightness of the wind, a couple of boats were sent ashore in the afternoon to a sort of headland off which the ships happened to be at the time ; but a breeze of wind having sprung up shortly after we landed, our stay on shore was but very short. A few observations were made, however, by which it was determined that the variation of the compass was 129° W. J the longitude of the place, by sights TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS, 93 taken for the chronometers, 91° 55' W. ; and the latitude, by Cole's method, 74° 40' N. What little we saw of this coast was as barren as any place that we have yet landed on ; for, with the exception of stunted poppies, there was scarcely any other ve- getable production to be seen on it. It appeared to be also but thinly inhabited by the animal kingdom ; for all those that we saw were some mallemucks that were hovering about the face of the rocks, where they apparently had nests ; a couple of glaucous gulls, with their young : the old birds were shot, and the two young ones, being unable to fly, were brought on board alive. There was also another gull shot, which was about the size of the glaucouses, and re- sembled them almost in every other respect, except in having the primary feathers of the wings tipped with black, from which it was concluded to be that species of gull called the Larus Argentatus^ which forms the connecting link between the glaucous and the herring-gull. Although the land seemed to be but thinly inhabited, the sea appeared to be as well stocked as usual ; for, during the short time we were on shore, six large whales were seen close in with the land, and a number of seals and sea-horses were also seen in the course of the day. The land appeared also to be indebted for a considerable por- tion of its constituent ingredients to the sea ; for the rocks, which were of limestone, contained an im- mense quantity of marine fossil shells, and madre- pores. The former, in particular, composed such a large proportion of the fixed rocks, that it would be difficult to find a single fragment of them of any size that did not contain many shells ; and if pieces in 94 A VOYAGE or DISCOVERT which they were most abundant were to be selected, hand-specimens might have been got in which there were dozens of them. They were all, or at least all those that I remembered having seen, of the bi- valve kind, and appeared to consist chiefly of va- rieties of the Venus genus. In that part of the rock that was washed by the sea, I observed some horizontal strata of beautiful white marble ; and I saw several loose pieces of it amongst the debris of the rocks that overhang the shore. These rocks, at the place where we landed, rose to the height, I should imagine, of between three and four hundred feet above the level of the sea ; but, from the quantity of rubbish that fell from them, the only part of their surface that could be seen, was about twenty feet of their base, where these mouldering remains were washed away by the sea, and from sixty to eighty feet of the top of them, from which the fragments in question fell. Their surface, both at their top and base, was stratified. The strata at the base appeared to be horizontal j but those at the top seemed to dip a little to the west- ward, — a thing that I observed, indeed, in all the rocks that form this coast to the eastward. And, from other similarities of appearance between the part of the coast that we landed on this afternoon, and that to the eastward, I have little doubt but all of it is composed of limestone. Now, to conclude the remarks that I have been enabled to make during our visit on shore to-day, I have only to add one circumstance, which, I must confess, I feel less plea- sure in relating, than any other of the occurrences of the day : it is, that we found the ebb-tide come TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 95 from the westward. This circumstance may, however, be attributed to localities, so that we have no reason to draw any unfavourable inference from it. The tide ebbed during the time we were on shore, which was about fifty minutes, between ten and eleven inches. As soon as the boat returned on board, we made all sail to the westward ; but the breeze subsided before we got more than a few miles on, and it con- tinued almost a calm during the rest of the after- noon. The weather being fine and clear, we had a very extensive view in the evening, when the sun got low, so that if any thing was wanting to increase our hopes, the prospects before us to-night are certainly quite adequate to satisfy every person ; for there are two large openings or passages in sight to the west- ward, the one leading about north-west, and the other west-south-west (true) ; the former is perfectly clear of ice, and what ice there is in the latter does not appear to be sufficiently close to obstruct our passage. Before concluding my account of the events of this day, I ought to mention that two icebergs were seen this evening, because they have, for some time past, become rare objects. Monday^ 9,3d. — Our success to-day has been greater than the most sanguine could have expected, for we were to-day at noon in the ninety-fifth degree of west longitude, having, in the short space of the last twelve hours, got no less than three degrees to the westward ; and if it were not for a ledge of ice that we fell in with this afternoon, it is probable that we should have added three degrees more to this day*s run. We have no reason to complain, as yet. 9(j A VOYAGK. OF DISCOVERY however, of the delay occasioned by it, for althougli it has indeed prevented us from making a straight course to the westward, it is not so compact as to obstruct us entirely, or indeed to prevent us from making very considerable progress through the lanes or channels that intersect it. But before I enter any farther into a detail of the occurrences of this day, I must observe, that we are in the southernmost of the two passages mentioned yesterday afternoon ; the land between them, indeed, appears to be only an island, for we found after getting round the S. E. end of it, that it trended away to the northward and westward. On the east end of this island, if I may venture to call it so, there are two remarkable hills, resembling at a distance two boats, bottom up : from this circumstance, the headland on which they are situated, obtained the name of Boat Cape. Three or four leagues to the westward of this island, there is another smaller island, which differs from the former in its general features ; in the first place it is lower, and in the next place its surface is more regular, and its coast is not bounded by rocks like that on which we landedyesterday ; in this last respect, indeed, both these islands differ from the north land, for neither of them, as far as we have yet seen, have what is usually termed, a bold coast. The whole of the space between these two islands is full of ice, the most part of which appeared to be one floe, whose surface differed from what we have generally seen before, for it was full of round hummocks, that rose between two and three feet above the surface of the floe : it was remarked also, that this ice was much heavier than any we have seen before this TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 97 season, being estimated to be at an average between eight and nine feet thick. It was observed to- day, that, as we came to the southward and west- ward, the compasses became more sluggish again in their motion, so that it may be presumed we are again approaching the magnetic Pole. Tuesday^ ^4th, — It may be considered a very for- tunate circumstance that the stray party returned yesterday, for had they been outlast night, it is more than probable that they would not have outlived it ; for it came on to blow very fresh after sunset, and the thermometer at three o'clock in the morning fell as low as 9°, and the average temperature ever since has been no more than 15°, so that we may very reasonably conclude that people exhausted in the way in which they were would have very little chance of withstanding the rigour of such weather for any length of time. Wednesday y \5th. — The weather being clear to- day gave us an opportunity of ascertaining the geo- graphical situation of this place. The latitude was found to be 74° 27'N., and longitude, by chronometer, lis** ir W. It is, perhaps, proper to remark, that 1^6 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY these observations may be a little out, as the altitudes were taken with the natural horizon, which was co- vered with ice. The error thereby occasioned cannot amount, however, to any thing very considerable in the latitude, but I conceive it best to mention under what circumstances observations are taken, when there is any chance of their being doubtful. Thursday, iQth. — We had the pleasure of finding this morning that the strong north-west wind that we have had during these two days past has forced the ice off from the land for a little distance; no time was lost, therefore, in availing ourselves of this op- portunity of getting on ; but our success was not of long duration, for, after getting between eighteen and twenty miles to the westward, we were stopped again by the ice, which extended in a compact body from the land to the southward and westward as far as we could see. It was very heavy ice, but it was broken up so much that we could not get a piece large enough to make the ships fast to ; and the water was found to be so deep, that it was not deemed prudent to anchor so close in with the shore as it would be necessary to do ; we, therefore, stood back to the eastward again, and at half past eight o'clock we made fast to a hummock of ice aground in fifteen fathoms* water, about seven or eight miles to the westward of the place which we started from in the morning. After passing a headland four or five miles to the westward of where we made fast this evening, we found that the land trended to the north- ward and westward, and that its formation beyond this cape is also quite different from any part of this coast to the eastward, being more like the land on TO THE ARCTIC RliGIONS^ 127 the north side of the passage between the 86° and 92° of west longitude, that is, bold, and in some places precipitous, and the debris that fell from it forming buttresses in the same manner as on the coast alluded to. Friday^ I'^th, — We cast off again this morning, and stood to the westward until we came to the ice which we found to be nearly in the same situation where we were stopped by it yesterday. It was ob- served to be much heavier than what we have gene- rally met with before, being somewhat like that which they describe the Greenland ice to be ; so that I think it is most probable, that it is not formed here, but drifts down from higher latitudes, or what may be termed the Polar Sea. It was packed equally as close in with the land as we found it to be yesterday, so that it would be vain to attempt to force through it ; besides, the land, as I have already said, trends to the northward, a circum- stance which may be regarded as rather against us ; for were it possible even to get on between the land and the ice, as we have usually done, it would in the present instance only take us out of our way. We know so little, however, of what is before us, that it is perhaps hazarding too much, to say that a change in the direction of the coast is to be consi- dered at once as an unfavourable circumstance. I shall therefore not dwell any longer on the subject, as we shall most probably have an opportunity very soon of determining the point in question in a more satisfactory manner than by conjectures. Alter tacking about for some time along the edge of the ice, we stood again to the eastward, and at six o'clock in 128 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY the afternoon made fast to a hummock of ice aground about a cable's length from the shore, and nearly in the same place that we started from in the morning. We had not been fast above two hours when it was observed that the ice was closing in upon us; to avoid therefore getting jammed between it and the land, we cast off again, and kept sailing about during the remainder of the night, wherever we could find clear water. Saturday f 18th. — It froze so hard during the night, that at six o'clock this morning the ships were regularly beset in the bay-ice : we tried to send the boats to a piece of ice aground near the shore, with a hawser to make the ship fast to it, but it was found that the young ice was already too strong for them to get through it. We were therefore obliged to let go an anchor in thirty-nine fathoms' water, to prevent our being carried to the westward (amongst the heavy ice) by a strong tide or current that was set- ting in that direction. It now appeared, from the effects of last night, and indeed from the state of the weather for this week past, that the winter has at length fairly set in, and that, unless some strenuous exertions are made, we are likely to get beset here for the winter, and as far as appearances go, we could not be caught in a less desirable place, for it is a completely exposed coast, without a bay, or even a projection of any kind in the land to afford the least shelter. After duly considering all these circumstances, then, it will be seen that further attempts to prose- cute the voyage any further this season, would be endangering the safety of the ships, and that too 1.5 TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 129 without the prospect of any benefit. We therefore got under weigh between nine and ten o'clock in the forenoon ; and very much against our incHnation, although to all clearly necessary, we stood to the eastward, in hopes of being able to reacli the harbour, that we passed on the sixth instant, before the ice got too strong to force through it. From noon until six o'clock in the evening, we were favoured with a fine breeze from the southward and westward, so that we got back a considerable distance ; but no sooner had the wind become light than our progress was stopped by the bay-ice, notwithstanding every effort was made to force through by breaking it up with capstan bars, blocks of wood, and by rolling a boat amongst it under the ship's bows. At the very time that our progress was thus arrested, the necessity of getting on became more evident than ever, for a large floe was observed to be moving to the westward with considerable velocity, and at the same time closing in with the land, from which we were not distant above a quarter of a mile. Our situation was there- fore a very precarious one indeed, but as it was impos- sible to avoid the danger that threatened us, we let go an anchor in ten fathoms of water, after being driven within less than a cable's length of the shore. Here we awaited with great anxiety the approach of the floe, for although we were driven towards the shore by it, we were not actually in contact with the floe itself, but were carried along with the bay-ice that it impelled towards the land. Close to where we anchored there happened, very fortunately for us, to be a large hummock, or rather a pile of heavy pieces of ice aground, so that when the floe arrived, K 130 A VOYAGK Ol- DISCOVERY this pile received the shock of it, and the collision was certainly tremendous ; for immense masses of the floe were broken off, and piled up on the top of what was already aground, from which most of them fell, or slided back again on the floe, and this operation continued for some time, until at length the force of the floe, which was at first going at the rate of two miles per hour, was ahuost entirely spent. It is un- necessary to observe, that had the ships been caught between the floe and the hummock just mentioned, that their destruction would have been inevitable. Sunday y 19th. — Although we escaped last night without sustaining any damage, the Griper was not quite so fortunate, for she lost an anchor and the best part of a chain cable, by the edge of the floe touching it ♦ as it passed. The boat that they had under the bows breaking the bay-ice was also carried away by the floe. But these are trifling losses when we consider what mischief might have happened had not the pile of ice before mentioned fended off the violent pressure of the floe ; for had the ships received the shock, I have little doubt but it would have forced them up on the beach ; and had we indeed been only but a few yards nearer the outer extremity of the heap of ice in question, the consequences might have been equally destructive. Nothing occurred to-day worthy of notice, the ice being closely packed all around us, we had no other clioice but to remain still in the same place where we brought up last night. Monday, 20th, — Between four and five o'clock in • I have understood since that the cable was not carried away, but unshackled in order to get clear of the ice. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 131 the morning, the ice was again observed to be moving to the westward ; every necessary precaution was immediately taken, to secure the ships in such a manner as to be protected as much as possible, by the hummock or pile of ice so often mentioned, the measures adopted had the desired effect with us ; but the Griper was again less fortunate, for about half past eight o'clock the edge of one of the floes that were passing at the time having come against her, she was forced in a few minutes aground on the beach ; fortunately, however, it happened to be low water at the time, so that when the tide flowed, she got off without sustaining any damage. But her situation for some time was certainly critical, for when she heeled over, there were only six feet water on that side next the shore, but the beach happened very luckily to consist of sand, so that no injury was occasioned by it. The wind being from the northward and eastward, and blowing pretty fresh all day, has cleared the immediate neighbourhood of the coast of ice, so that I am in hopes that the first slant of fair wind that we have will enable us to get on. Every day, indeed, tends to show the necessity of getting on as quickly as possible to some place of security, for the weather of late has been, I may almost say, constantly cold, and boisterous ; and the drift snow that comes off from the land, gives the whole scene a dreary aspect. A musk ox was seen last night going along the beach, and two or three covies of grous have been seen at different times from the ships ; but at present something of greater moment than going after them, employs every one's attention. K 2 132 A VOYAGi: OF DISCOVERY Wednesday y 22g?. — It blew very strong from the northward all yesterday, so that it was not deemed prudent to get under weigh, more especially as the ice was observed to be moving about with greater velocity than usual, owing no doubt to the force of tlie wind. Early this morning, however, the wind moderated a little, and at the same time veered round to the northward and westward. Of this favourable change we took immediate advantage, and at five o'clock was under weigh, in order to make the best of our way to the eastward. We suffered very little interruption from the heavy ice, but our progress was so mucli obstructed by the young, or bay-ice, that had we not been favoured with a strong breeze of wind, it would have been impossible to force through it. We had a good opportunity to-day of seeing the effects of the frost, in forming ice on the surface of the sea, at a time even when there was a strong wind, and consequently a considerable ripple on the water, circumstances which by some men have been considered capable of preventing the formation of ice. But I think from what we have seen to-day, that we may very reasonably conclude, that when the cold is very intense, ice may be formed on the surface of the sea, even in a gale of wind ; for the thermometer to-day was never below I7*, and yet ice was, as I have already said, forming very rapidly. It may be said indeed, that there was so small a portion of the surface of the water clear of old ice, that there could not be much of a sea running, and such was certainly the case ; but I observed that the young ice, or sludge as it is first called, smoothed the surface of the water immediately it began to form, in TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 133 the same manner as oil does when poured on a turbulent sea. It appears to me then, that ice may by formed in an open sea, even in the most boisterous weather, provided the temperature is as low, as we have reason to expect it to be, in these regions in the winter ; there may be also another requisite, which is, that the water should be, as in these seas, not very deep. But as future experience may enable us to speak with more certainty on this subject, I shall avoid saying any thing more about it at present. And to finish my account of the occurrences of the day, I have only to add, that between seven and eight o'clock in the evening we brought to, about two miles to the eastward of the place, where we let go the first anchor, on the 5th instant. Thursday^ ^Sd, — We got under weigh this morn- ing, and ran in within three-quarters of a mile of the entrance of Coppermine Harbour, where we anchored again about noon, in hopes that when the boat which was then away sounding, would return, that we should immediately prepare to get into the harbour. But when they came on board, we learnt that the greatest depth of w^ater at the entrance of it is fourteen feet, which is less than either of the ships draw. Between two and three miles to the westward of it, however, they found another harbour, or rather a small bay, which is in some measure secured to sea- ward, by a reef of rocks that runs in a slanting direc- tion, across part of the entrance of it, in such a manner as to prevent any large floes of ice from being driven into it. It is not, perhaps, a place that K 3 l^^ A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY we should choose * for our winter-quarters, had we time to look about for a better ; but under present circumstances we may consider ourselves fortunate, in finding that there is such a good harbour within our power to reach, for the winter is making rapid strides. There is, indeed, very little of the surface of the sea now that is not covered with ice, and close in to the land it is already from four to six inches thick, all along the coast, so that we shall have to saw our way into the harbour. The people who were away sounding to-day, saw several seals, which are the only animals of any kind that have been seen during these two days past. Friday, 2i4h. — We got under weigh early this morning, and ran to the westward to the mouth of the harbour intended for our winter residence, where we anchored about eight o'clock. Immediately after breakfast the crews of both ships commenced sawing a channel into the harbour, in which operation they were pretty successful, having before six o'clock P.M., sawed a canal thirty -five feet in breadth, and up- wards of half a mile long, into whicli the ships were tracked in the evening. The thickness of the ice through which they sawed to-day, was from seven to eight inches. It is intended to resume the same operation to-morrow, for the harbour is at least three miles in length ; and I understand that the inten- tion is to get within about half a mile of the top of it; for it has been sounded that far to-day, and it has * After getting into this harbour, and after having had time to examine it more minutely, we found it to be as secure a place to winter in as we could wish for, as will be seen hereafter. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 135 been found that there is plenty of water for us even within a cable's length of the shore. We found on the ice, close to w^iere they were cutting the canal to-day, a dead swan (^Anas Cygnus^ Lin.), which is the first and only bird of the kind that we have seen in these regions. It was in a very perfect state, and must have necessarily lain here but a short time, for there was no ice here less than three weeks ago, when we passed this place going to tlie westward. Saturday^ ^5tJi. — All hands were employed again to-day cutting the canal through the ice, and instead of hauling the pieces that they cut out, into the open sea, as they did yesterday, they forced them under the floe, which was found to be a much more expe- ditious way of getting rid of them, than floating them out of the canal. But in speaking of an open sea, I must observe, that according to the strict meaning of the word, there is no such thing now existing within our view ; for the place where the ships lay yesterday morning, and, indeed, the whole of the sheet of clear water that lay outside of them, is now covered with ice of last night's formation ; and that on the canal was so strong this evening as to bear the weight of a person. In consideration of the hard labour that the men have had for these two days past, an extra-allowance of Donkin's preserved meat has been served out to them each day. Sunday f Q6th, — From seeing the rapid increase in the thickness of the ice, and consequently the additional labour that must be incurred by any de- lay, it has been deemed proper to employ all hands again to-day, in cutting the canal, in which work K 4 136 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY they have now become so expert, by these two or three days* experience, that notwitlistanding the increased thickness of the ice, they have cut through more * of it to-day than either of the pre- ceding days, and that too in less time. For at a quarter past three o'clock in the afternoon, the ships were warped to the top of the canal, when the men, in the usual way in which British seamen express their joy, gave three hearty cheers, as a proof of the pleasure they felt at having in safety reached their winter-quarters, after having performed, on every occasion, all that was possible for men to do ; and, what is more, after having accomplished infinitely more than any numerous adventurous seamen who have been employed (at different times for upwards of two centuries past), in search of the same object. In concluding my account of the operations of this season, it is certainly a tribute due to every officer and man on the Expedition, to say, that they always evinced the utmost zeal for the service on which we are employed ; and I do not think that it can be considered that we hold what we have done in too high an estimation, if we say that our zeal and per- severance have been rewarded with ample success ; nor can it be said that our hopes are too sanguine, if * After they had done cutting the canal to-day, its length was measured,- when it was found that they had cut the 1st day 1200 yards, 2d — 1284 do. 3d — 1598 do. Total 4082 do. making the whole length of the canal equal to 2} miles nearly. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 137 we flatter ourselves with the expectation of being equally successful next season. However, as we are likely to have time enough to speculate on this subject, before we leave this place, it is unnecessary to say any more about the matter at present; I shall therefore conclude my narrative of the operations of this season, by briefly stating the few remaining occurrences of this day. In the first place then, I have to remark, that in speaking of this place in future, it will be always called Winter HarbouVy which is the name that it is hence- forth to be known by. I may say of this harbour, as I have just said about our future prospects, that as we are to be here for a considerable time, it is unne- cessary to enter into a lengthened detail respecting it at present, as we shall be able to give a better ac- count of it, and its neighbourhood, before we leave it, than we can give at this time. It may not be im- proper, however, to observe, that as far as we are able to judge, it appears to be a place as well adapted in every way, for wintering in, as any that we could find in these regions, allowing that we had a whole arctic summer to do nothing else but look for a har- bour ; for its mouth, or entrance, is, as I have al- ready remarked, partly guarded from the violence of the sea by a reef of rocks, over which there is, in some places, not above one fathom of water j and between this reef and the land, there is for most part of the way, a bar, or bank, over which we found, in some places, only 3J fathoms water ; and where the ships are, although nearly at the top of the harbour, and within eighty-one fathoms of the beach, we have five fathoms water, which is the 138 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY more remarkable, since the shore, and, indeed, the whole of the land around the harbour, and its vicinity, is low. This country has now a very bleak appearance, for the whole of the surface of the land is covered with a thin layer of snow ; and in the val- lies, and those places where vegetation was most abundant, it is in some parts of considerable depth. Notwithstanding the best pasture is in this manner already covered over, we have the satisfaction of finding that the reindeer have not yet left this neigh- bourhood, for two very large ones were seen this fore- noon at a short distance from the ships. The nature of the land is certainly not favourable for approaching these timid animals unperceived ; but still I am in hopes that we shall succeed in kilUng some of them. Two covies of grous were also seen to-day, so that it is to be expected that we shall be able to procure some of them also. Thursday, 30th. — The people have been employed for these four days past unrigging the ships, and tak- ing the boats, yards, masts, and rigging* ashore, where they are to remain all winter, under a shade that is to be erected for them. The lower masts and rigging are not to be touched, and I believe that our main-top-mast is not to be removed, in order that parties that may be away shooting, may see the direction the ships are in, at a greater distance than they would otherwise do. Of this indeed, I have already seen the advantage, for I could see the mast- head to-day when several miles into the country, and * Our anvil was lost the other day by breaking through the ice whilst they were taking it on shore. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 139 as the sun gets lower, its utility as a distinguishing mark will be more perceptible. The weather, for these three or four days past, has, considering the time of the year, been tolerably fine, and the mean temperature has not been much lower than we have had it for a week before ; but we find that the degree of cold indicated by the thermometer, and that conveyed by our feelings, are widely different, for whenever there is a breeze of wind we find that it is much more disagreeable to walk about, when the thermometer is at twenty degrees above zero, than at zero itself in a calm. I do not mean to say, however, that this is any new dis- covery, on the contrary, I am aware that the same thing may be felt and observed, in any other climate as well as here ; but I have for some time past observed another fact, which, for ought I am aware of, may be also equally well known, but which certainly never struck me so forcibly before. It is this, that whenever the wind increases in strength, the thermometer rises, and vice versa ; however, as we shall have many opportunities of observing the extent of this rule, or connection between the wind and temperature, I shall defer saying any thing more about it at present. The canal is now froze so firmly from one end to the other, that we can just only distinguish where it was, so that the ships are now as firmly fixed, as if they were a component part of the floe itself. In case, however, that the ice may break up by any unforeseen cause, anchors have been set in the beach, to which a cable is fast from each ship's larboard bow, and another from their quarter. 140 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY Another reindeer was seen this afternoon, which we immediately went after, and owing to the weather being thick at the time, we managed to surround him, and by that means got so near him, that he was at length shot. He was perfectly white, except one brown patch on the top of his rump ; the carcase w^eighed, w^hen skinned and cleaned, 147 pounds. Friday^ October 1st. — Another deer was killed to-day. A beautiful white bear was also seen to- day, but we were unsuccessful in our attack upon him, notwithstanding he approached so near to the ships, that we fired at him from them. Several shot struck him, however, in different parts of the body, as we could plainly perceive from the streams of blood that gushed from the wounds ; but before we could re-load, he was out of gun- shot range from the ships. A large party of the officers and men immediately pursued him*, in expectation from the quantity of blood that issued from his wounds, that he would soon fall, or at least become so much exhausted that they would soon come up with him ; in both these expect- ations, however, they found themselves disap- pointed, for the cold, in a short time, stopped the effusion of blood, and as none of the wounds happened to be in a mortal part, he succeeded in keeping out of gunshot distance from them. They supposed, however, that they would have ulti- * All our dogs went after him also, but none of them would go very near him ; for if they bad, I have no doubt but he would soon make them suffer for their temerity. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 141 mately come up with him, had they not been stopped from pursuing him by his swimming across a lane of open water that separated the sea-ice from that attached to the land. After getting out of the water on the opposite side of this channel, he was observed to be again of a perfectly white colour ; but before he had been many minutes on the ice, his coat was changed again to the same crimson hue as before, so that it is probable, that although he escaped from his pursuers, that he will in the end die of the wounds he received. Although we have had evident proofs, from the number of their skulls that we found on this land, that bears are at least occasional visitors of it, yet as we have never seen any of them before to-day, it was supposed that they only came here in the summer time ; persons went, therefore, out walk- ing, not only singly, but often unarmed ; a thing which, I presume, is not likely to happen in future, more especially as the bear seen to-day was first seen by a person, who, as I have just said, was walking out alone. On seeing the animal, he im- mediately returned with all speed to the ships, with the bear after him, which induced many to believe, that the animal was in pursuit of him ; but, I think, it is most probable, that his scent had led him towards the ships, and that he would have come to them whether he had met the person in question or not : but be this as it may, it is certainly best to promulgate the idea, that he followed the man, as it may put others on their guard, not to go too far singly, at least without means of defence. 142 A VOYAGK OF DISCOVKRY Wednesday, 6th. — Nothing occurred for some days past worthy of particular notice, except the gradual change in tlie state of the weather, which is getting colder every day : at four this morning, the thermometer was as low as eight degrees below- zero. But we have now got the housing over the ships, so that the increased severity of the weather is not felt in the least on board, nor does it, indeed, put us to any inconvenience in our excursions on shore, except when there is a breeze of wind, which, as I have already remarked, renders the cold less tolerable to our feelings, although it raises the thermometer ; but I may, perhaps, be going too far in saying, that it increases the temper- ature. Probably, a corresponding change taking place in the temperature of the atmosphere whenever a breeze of wind comes on, so many instances of it have now come under our observ- ation, that we already begin to consider it as a general rule. Several deer have been seen during these five or six days past, but we were not fortu- nate enough to kill any of them : to-day, however, one of them, which happened to come close to the ships, was shot from the Griper ; it weighed lyolbs. Saturday, 9th. — Although the sun has not yet entirely left us, we receive now but little benefit from it, either in the way of heat or light ; for ever since the housing has been put over the ships, we have been obliged to use candles the whole day, or properly speaking, as long as our allowance of these necessary articles last, which, I am sorry to say, is very inadequate, being only one candle TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 143 (ten of which go to the lb.) every six days, to each officer, or a little more than an inch of candle a-day. When it is considered, then, that we are to be about three months deprived entirely of the light of the sun, and at least three months more deriving little or no benefit from it on board, I hope it will appear to every person, that I have not unnecessarily expressed regret at our not being more amply supplied with the useful article of candles. It is but just to observe, however, that as we have a light in the gun-room the whole day, no person has any occasion to complain of want of light, even if he was disposed to do so ; but so far from that being the case, I have every reason to believe that every officer on board would cheer* fully submit to any privation that might be deemed necessary for the good of the public service ; and I have no doubt, should we ever happen to be situated under such circumstances as to put our zeal or endurance to the test, but my prognostica- tion will be verified. Sunday, 10th. — Seven deer were seen to-day, one of which we killed, and another was severely wounded, but, owing to the night coming on, he got away, after being pursued for several miles. The ardour with which he was followed very nearly led the party that went after him into a serious pre- dicament, for they were so loath to give up the chace, that, before they thought of returning, the day was so far spent that they lost their way coming back. Two of them returned about six o'clock, in so exhausted a state, and so much affected by the cold, that we began to entertain 144 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY serious apprehensions for the safety of the two re- maining persons of the party who were yet absent. As it was now. evident, from the report of those that returned, that the others lost their way, we commenced immediately to fire guns, set off rockets, and burn blue lights, in order to direct them towards the ships. About a quarter past seven one of them returned, but he was in such a state of insensibility, that we could not obtain any correct information from him respecting the other man, any further than that they parted about an hour before he came on board. One of his hands is very much frost-bitten, and he was alto- gether in such a state of pain, stupor, and con- fusion, that his answers to the questions that were put to him were, as I have just said, so incoherent that nothing could be learnt from him. It may easily be conceived, then, that if we were appre- hensive before, we had double reason to be so now ; for even the first two of the party that re- turned were very much exhausted, and, as to the person just mentioned, it is very clear that he could not have held out much longer, for both his body and mind had, as I above described, suffered very considerably from the severity of the weather. Unauspicious, however, as these circumstances were, we had strong hopes that, as the person who last returned had only parted with him who was yet absent, about an hour before, that he could not be far off; and, in order that no means might be left untried that could be deemed likely to direct him towards the ship, poles were set up, with lanthorns on their top, at different places, on the highest parts 18 TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 14-5 of the land around the harbour, and the firing of guns, setting off rockets, and burning of blue-lights, were continued on board as before. At length our endeavours were crowned with success, for at half past eleven o'clock the stray person returned; and, very much to our pleasure and surprise, had not suffered the least from the cold, notwithstand- ing he had been away upwards of four hours longer than any of the rest 1 Thursday, I4ith. — A wolf was seen to-day at the distance of about half a mile from the ships ; he was of a white colour, and about the size of the Esqui- maux dogs that we took home last year ; some sup- posed that he was a little higher than them, but as far as I could judge, he was much about the same size, and not unlike them in shape, only that his legs appeared to be somewhat longer than their's. Four rein-deer were also seen to-day, but the wea- ther being pretty clear at the time, we could not get near either them or the wolf unperceived ; as the latter however appeared to be prowling about, as if inclined to keep nigh the ships, a small gun was taken on shore and set as a trap for him, by tying a piece of meat to a line affixed to the trigger, in such a way that an animal laying hold of the meat must inevitably receive the contents of the gun, that is to say, if it goes off; but that is a point, however, on which I am very doubtful, for we find of late that our fowling-pieces very frequently miss fire, from the moisture that freezes on the lock. They furnished the house to-day that has been built for the astronomical clocks, &c. and a shade has been constructed with spars and sails, which L 14() A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY covers tlic boats, rigging, and stores that have been landed. * In order to detect any symptoms, or ap- pearance of scurvy amongst the men, their gums were examined this morning, and I understand the same thing is to be done every Thursday, for the future. All hands are also to be mustered at divi- sions, at nine o'clock in the morning, and six in the afternoon every day, in order to see that the men are all clean and sober, two of the most es- sential things for preserving their health ; this also affords an opportunity of examining what state tlieir bed-places are in, which is done whilst they are on deck. Friday, 15th. — No less than fifteen deer were seen to-day in one herd, but those who saw them were not so fortunate as to be able to kill any of them, from the reason that I mentioned yesterday, namely, that the persons who saw them could not get their muskets off at the time they were within shot of them. Monday, 18th. — Eleven deer were seen yester- day, and upwards of twenty to-day, in one herd; out of those seen to-day we succeeded in killing one, which is much smaller than any of those that we killed before, weighing only a little more than ninety pounds, when skinned and cleaned. I have remarked, that all the deer that we have seen since we came to this harbour, sets off to the westward, when they are pursued, and even when not molested they are observed to be travelling in that direction. * Parties have been employed also for some time past cut- ting turf, and bringing it down to the ships for fuel. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 147 Monday ^ 25th. — Nothing of any importance has occurred for this week past, the weather has been, as might be expected, getting gradually colder, the thermometer has been some days ago as low as 17°, but we have not had any considerable fall of snow yet ; in the vallies, indeed, there is a good deal of drift snow, but the surface of the land, in general, has very little more snow on it than there was when we came into the harbour. Notwithstanding the only part of the land where there was any consi- derable vegetation is now covered with snow, the rein-deer have not yet left it, for several large herds of them have been seen during this week past ; but they all appeared, as I have already remarked, to be on their way to the westward, and whenever we approach them they set off at full speed in that di- rection, so that from this reason, and the uncer- tainty, and even difficulty of managing fire-arms with any dexterity, owing to the coldness of the weather, we have not succeeded in killing any of them. A wolf was seen to-day at a little distance from the ships j he was about the same size, and of the same colour, as the one seen some days ago : the general opinion, is indeed, that it is the same animal. A small white fox was seen also to-day, he seemed not to be quite so wild as the wolf, but imless they are caught in traps, I suspect that we shall find it a difficult matter to get nigh enough either of them to be able to shoot them : in the night time, however, I have no doubt but they come very near the ships, to pick up some of the refuse that is thrown on the ice, so that I am in hopes that we shall entrap some of them before the win- L 2 14th. — This being the last day that the sun was above our horizon this season, accord- ing to its declination taken from the Nautical Almanac, several of us went to the top of one of the adjacent hills to have a parting look at him ; but the w^eather at noon being cloudy, nothing could be seen of the parting luminary but a faint light in the direction he was in. Friday y 5th. — The officers performed this even- ing the farce called " Miss in her Teens," to the great amusement of the ships' companies ; and con- sidering the local difficulties and disadvantages under which the comedians laboured, their first essay did them infinite credit. Some of them, in- deed, I believe had appeared on the stage before, but the majority of them never wore the sock or buskin, before this evening. The theatre was opened by a very appropriate address, spoken, and written purposely for the occasion, by Mr. Wake- ham ; and two songs, the composition of the same gentleman, were sung between the actsj so that by 154 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVEIIY the united exertions of all those concerned, two hours were spent very happily on the quarter-deck, notwithstanding the thermometer outside the ship stood at zero, and within as low as the freezing point, except close to the stoves, where it was a few degrees higher. Monday y Sth. — The weather was very clear to- day, so that we had several hours' twilight, nearly as clear as if the sun had been above the horizon in hazy weather. At noon, indeed, the svm must have been very near the horizon, by refraction, for the sky over it was very beautifully illuminated, of a bright reddish colour, which vanished gradu- ally in its intensity towards the zenith. An ex- periment was made to-day on a piece of ice, simi- lar to that which was performed at Petersburg at the marriage of the late Emperor of Russia. — I allude to the ice-guns that were used on that oc- casion. That which we made, however, hardly deserved to be called a gun, at least when com- pared with those in question, for the block of ice that was used was only about three feet long, two feet broad, and a foot and a half in thickness ; and the bore, which was made with a two-inch augur, was about two feet in length ; it was loaded with three ounces of powder, but when fired, instead of going off' like the Russian ice-guns, it burst into a thousand fragments. Ice formed on salt- water is, from its porosity, very little calculated for an experiment of this sort ; and if it were in- tended to withstand the shock of the explosion, the mass, I i)resume, ougiit to be larger than that \yhich we used. It was, liowever, the thickest TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 1,5.5 that we can as yet procure; but if there was any object in repeating the experiment, I have no doubt but we shall soon be able to get heavier ice ; for that formed on the channel round the ship since Saturday, for it was not cut yesterday on account of its being Sunday, was found to-day to be eight inches thick. Wednesday, IJth. — Nothing of any importance occurred for this week past, except that the wea- ther has been getting gradually colder : yesterday it was as low as 42° below zero, consequently our mercurial thermometers are now of no use. The severity of the weather, however, does not con- fine the wolves to their dens, for their tracks are observed every day, at no great distance from the ships ; and one of them was bold enough to-day to chace one of our dogs very close to the ships, or rather he followed the dog until that animal took refuge under the protection of the persons with whom he was walking at the time. The wolf, on this occasion, betrayed a considerable degree of cunning, in order to circumvent his intended prey, for he never moved whilst the dog was running to- wards him ; but immediately he observed that- the dog would not approach any nearer, he made to- wards him with full speed ; and probably, had the dog had a great way to run, he would have overtaken him. At the same time that the wolf in question was chasing the dog, another animal of the same kind was heard howling at a little distance off, but the twilight at the time was so faint that he could not be seen. In the evening; one of them came within seventy or eighty yards of the ship, and 156 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY kept walking about within that distance for a con- siderable time, howKng at short intervals during the whole time. Their howl is long, and some- what lamentable to the ear ; the only sound with which I could compare it, is the cadence, or ter- minating sound of a bugle-horn at a distance. What attracted them so much to-day we supposed to be the smell of some of the narwhal's blubber, that we killed in the summer, which we were boil in 2C on the ice this forenoon. Between three and four o'clock this afternoon, a remarkable cloud was observed in the south-west : the centre of it, indeed, bore S. W. by S. (true). It diverged from a centre, at the horizon, in strait lines, or columns, which extended to a great distance over tlie surface of the sky : the lower edge of it, on each side, was very straight and well defined; and formed an angle of about 45° with the horizon. Directly over its centre, instead of straight lines, it had more the appearance of an immense volume of smoke than any thing else. The whole was compared by our gunner to a powder-magazine in a state of explosion ; which those who had an op- portunity of seeing such a sight, thought a very apt comparison ; for the reflected rays of the sun, which illumined that part of the sky behind the cloud, gave it very much the appearance of an immense explosion. It is probable that this re- markable cloud had some connection with the Aurora Boreal is ; for, after it had vanished, which took place about six o'clock, that phenomenon was seen in the same part of the heavens that the cloud occupied : it made its appearance, indeed. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 157 before the cloud disappeared entirely, but not before it had lost its radiated form, and dispersed so much that nothing particular could be seen about it. Tuesday, Q3d. — The weather, for this week past, has been very boisterous, during most part of the time; within these two days, in particular, it blew so strong that there has been no communi- cation between the two ships, although they are only about eighty yards from one another, on ac- count of the clouds of drift snow that are carried along by the wind. I have already remarked so often the effect the wind has in raising the tempe- rature of the atmosphere, that it will perhaps be considered tautology to notice the same thing again : allowing even this to be the case, I cannot help observing in this place, however, that the same thing occurred, on this occasion, in a more striking manner than I have ever observed it be- fore ; for, on the evening of the 19th inst., the wind, from light airs, died away to a perfect calm ; and, as the wind diminished, the thermometer con- tinued to fall, and at midnight was as low as 47°. During the whole of the succeeding day the wind was never stronger than what is termed a light breeze ; and the consequence was, that the ther- mometer never fell below 40°; but on the 21st it came on to blow strong, and has continued to do so ever since ; and the effect has been, that the thermometer from that day, at noon, until this time, has never been above 25°, notwithstanding the wind, during the whole time, has been from the northward. Severe as the weather has been dur- J .58 A VOYAGK OF DISCOVERY iiig these few days past, the wolves still continue to prowl about, for they are often heard howling at night in the neighbourhood of the ships : I have said at night, perhaps, improperly, for ever since the sun left us, and until it returns, it may be said to be one continued night ; but, as it is most convenient to distinguish the different parts of the twenty-four hours, according to the way in which we have been accustomed to do, I shall stillmake use of the common distinctive words, of morning, noon, evening, and night, in the same manner as if these distinctions were apparent in nature ; and I may remark, that it is not more incongruous to continue these appellations now, than making use of them in the summer time, or when the sun is never below the horizon. Wednesday, Q4fth. — Another play was perform- ed by the officers this evening, which amused the people very much, and, I believe, that it is in- tended to perform one every fortnight during the winter, if the weather does not get so cold as to prevent it. The weather has of late, indeed, been very severe, but when there is no wind, we can take exercise in the open air without any incon- venience, although the thermometer is generally between 40° and 50° below zero. A person can- not, however, make much use of his hands in the manner in which they are obliged to be covered, to prevent being frost-bitten : they have, therefore, left off cutting the ice round the ships, having found that it was impossible to continue that operation with safety to the men ; two or three of them indeed, got their toes slightly frost-bitten, 14 TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 159 during the last days they were employed at it. We have the satisfaction to find, however, that the discontinuation of cutting the channel above men- tioned, has not yet been, nor do I think it is likely to be productive of any bad consequences ; on the contrary, there is reason to expect, that the snow which is accumulating round tlie ships will be of considerable benefit to us, in the way of keeping them warm, and in order to do this more effec- tually, they have banked the snow up against their sides all round, except at one place, where a hole is to be kept open in the ice in case of fire. Monday, Q9th. — A very interesting and curious fact was observed this evening, which tends to subvert a point that I believe has hitherto been received as a general law, which is, that mercury does not freeze in a higher temperature than 39 or 40 degrees below zero. The instance in question is simply thus, that the mercury used by some of the officers this evening as an artificial horizon whilst taking lunar observations, was found, after being four hours exposed in the open air at the temperature of 36 degrees below zero, to have frozen into a solid mass. The novelty of the thing immediately excited attention, and in order to be perfectly satisfied that the temperature of the atmosphere was not lower than what was indi- cated by the thermometer used for registering the temperature on board, another thermometer was tried, and it only fell also to 36°. The only way in which I can account for this strange deviation from the general law, is, that the mercury had be- IGO A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY come amalgamated vvitli the lead, of which the artificial troughs generally used are made. * Tuesday^ SOth. — The same thing was observed again this evening with regard to the mercury, for it became solid at the temperature (by a spirit thermometer) of 36° below zero. I do not men- tion this, however, as a matter of surprise, for it was the same mercury that was used last night, consequently it ought of course to freeze again at the same temperature. Wednesday^ December 1st. — Between seven and eight o'clock this evening, four Paraselense, or mock moons, were observed, each at the distance of about 21 J° from the moon. One of them was situated close to the horizon, and another perpen- dicularly above it; the other two were one on each side of the moon, in a line parallel with the horizon. Their shape was somewhat like that of a comet, but incomparably larger, having their tails on that side farthest from the moon ; their colour was slightly prismatic, the side of them that was nearest the moon being of a light orange colour, which vanished gradually into a yellow towards their tail. Shortly after they were seen, a halo, or lumi- nous ring, having the moon for its centre, made its appearance ; the radius of this ring was equal to the distance between the Paraselenae and the * That some impurity in the mercury is the cause of its freezing at such a low temperature is obvious, I think, from this circumstance, namely, that the mercury in the mercurial ther- mometer did not freeze even at 38°, for the temperature of the air was registered by it until it exceeded that cold. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 161 moon, consequently it passed through them. At the same time that the ring appeared, two yellow- ish coloured lines joined the opposite Paraselenae, and bisected each other at the centre of the circle, thereby dividing it into four equal quarters. These lines, or columns, as well as the halo, or ring, and the Paraselenag, or mock moons, were at different times of different degrees of brightness ; and above the halo, that is, between it and the zenith, there appeared occasionally a segment of another halo, which touched the upper edge of that above de- scribed, or rather the Paraselene that occupied that part of it. These phenomena, if I may so call them, continued for upwards of an hour, and during that period frequently varied, as I have already said, in the intensity of their colours, but every part preserved invariably the same shape, although at times, some parts, particularly the upper segment and the cross that divided the halo, became so faint as scarcely to be visible. Thursday y 2d. — A Halo, with Paraselenae, and a cross similar to that above described, were seen again this evening, nearly about the same time. It is unnecessary to enter again into a detail of their appearances, as the above description an- swers in every respect to that seen to-night. JVednesdai/t 8th. — Nothing occurred for this week past deserving of any particular notice ; the weather has, to our surprise, been much milder than we had reason to expect from the month of November, for the thermometer, since the begin- ning of this month, has seldom been lower than •30°, and the average cold has not been greater M 162 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY than 20° below zero. What little wind we have had has been generally from the northward ; but I do not mean to imply from this, however, that it has been more so this month than the last ; on the contrary, I believe the reverse would be nearer the truth, for it was almost invariably from the northward during the month of November. I omitted to mention, at the time it happened, which was a few nights ago, that the fox caught by the Griper has made his escape, by the chain with which he was made fast getting loose. He was seen next morning close to the ships, and the mark of the chain has been seen on the snow, at no great distance off, several times since; but I think it is probable, unless he is again entrapped, that he will soon fall a prey to the wolves, for he must be so much encumbered with the chain that he has carried off with him, that he will not be able to escape from them should he be pursued, and it must also be a great hindrance to him in the way of procuring his food. * At the time he was caught, I said very little respecting him, any farther than merely a few words, stating his size, and general appearance, in hopes that I should, as I remarked at the time, be able to give a better description of him at some future period, when his habits, &c. would be * We have reason to suppose that mice constitute the principal part of their food, for we have seen several of these animals during the winter, and their tracks are very numerous on the snow. They are perfectly white, and are rather larger than the common mice. Their shape indeed is quite different, for they are short, thick, and flatfish, and their tail is not above half an inch in lonjitli. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. l63 better known. I must confess, however, that even now, I can add but very little to what has been said of him at the time he was taken. He became daily more domesticated, and was latterly so tame, that a person might handle him with great free- dom, without running any danger of being bitten ; he ate any kind of food that was offered him, but what he chiefly subsisted on was bread and peas. Sunday 19th. — These ten days past have been as barren of events worthy of notice as any period of equal length since the commencement of the winter, for all nature appears, if I may use the expression, as if she had gone to rest, for darkness has spread her sable mantle over all the surround- ing scene ; and the occasional bowlings of the wolves, and the whistling of the wind, are the only two objects that interrupt the perpetual silence that reigns over these dreary regions. The plays, however, and such other sources of amusement as are within our reach, have hitherto made the time pass very cheerfully, and I hope that they will continue to do so. Tuesday, 2lsL — This being our shortest day, or, more properly speaking, the day on which the sun is farthest from us, several of the officers went out on the ice at noon with books to determine whether it was possible to read by the twilight, and, surprising as it may appear, yet we found that the smallest print could be read by it. The book that I took was a small (pocket) Common Prayer-Book, (which was the smallest print I could find,) and, by facing it towards the south, I could read it very distinctly. As the portion of it that: M 2 lijii A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY presented itself by chance on this occasion con- tains a good moral lesson, I hope it will not be considered an idle or impious thing to quote the sentence that happened to be the subject of experiment. It was the first verse of the forty- sixth Psalm : God is our hope and strength : a very present help in trouble. In addition to what has been said, I ought also to mention that the wea- ther at the time was rather cloudy, so that very few stars could be seen, and the moon's declin- ation was about 15^^° S., consequently below the horizon ; therefore the twilight was the only source from which we could receive any light at the time. My object in being so minute in detailing this cir- cumstance is simply to give an idea of the degree or quantity of light that we still receive from the sun. It must not be understood, therefore, that I mentioned it as any thing extraordinary or unex- pected ; for even if such were my design, I should be only exposing my own ignorance, since it is known to every person that the twilight does not cease until the sun is eighteen degrees below the horizon, or passed the imaginary line called the crepusculum. I have omitted to mention until this time, that, ever since we came into this harbour we have used no other water except that which is obtained by the melting of snow 5 and yet we have not found any of those bad effects from it that are mentioned by Captain James in his disastrous voyage in search of the north-west passage in the year 1631 ; for he says, that the snow-water made himself and his people so short-breathed that they coidd hardly TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 166 Speak. His own words are, *' It made us so short- " breathed that we were scarce able to speak." What Captain James attributed to the snow-water was most probably one of the incipient symptoms of scurvy, or some other complaint, brought on by the cold and comfortless situation in which they passed the winter in Hudson Bay. I ought per- haps to defer, however, saying any thing on this subject until we have passed the winter ourselves, in case we should be so unfortunate as to find out that his report was true ; but until then I shall have some doubt whether snow-water does produce that effect. Thursday y ^3d. — The officers performed the play called " The Mayor of Garratt" this even- ing, and after it a piece wrote purposely for the occasion, by Mr. Parry, called the " North- West " Passage, or the Voyage Finished." I believe the object of this piece was to point out to the men the probability that there is of our accomplishing the discovery of the north-west passage, and the re- wards and honours that will be heaped upon all on returning home, after performing such an extraor- dinary service. And, as far as I was able to judge, it appeared to answer remarkably well the pur- pose it was intended for. The thermometer in the open air at the time of the performance was at 32", and on deck, even where the people were sitting, it was as low as 19° during the whole time j but the pleasure they derived from seeing a scene exhibiting their own character in so favourable a point of view, completely overcame any incon- M 3 166 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY venieiice they may have suffered from the state of the weather. Although it may perhaps to some appear a fri- volous anecdote what I am about to mention, yet I cannot help noticing it, as it tends to show the favourable reception with which the dramatic piece in question was received, and at the same time exhibits in a very noted manner the misapplication of words by men who make use of terms or ex- pressions which they do not thoroughly under- stand themselves. Whilst the curtain was down between the first and second acts, all the men were conversing together, extolling the merits of the new play, when the boatswain, wishing to pay a higher compliment to it than any other person, said that it was much superior to fine or excellent (the epithets of approbation used by the seamen) j that it was ** in fact, real philosophy !'* Saturday^ ^5th. — Notwithstanding our seques- tered situation, and the climate in which we are situated, we spent Christmas-day as happily as we could do in England, with the exception of being amongst our friends. Indeed, the only thing that could give us any concern, was their not knowing that we are so comfortable. As far as meat and drink were concerned in making us comfortable, we had certainly every reason to be so, for we afred most sumptuously, had excellent roast beef and venison, and plenty of good port wine, and above all, good health to enjoy these luxuries.* ♦ The weather to-day was what we are now accustomed to call mild, the thermometer being only 24° ; a temperature in TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. l67 Saturday J January \st, 1820. — The new year ushered in without any remarkable event to dis'- tinguish it particularly : the cold has not, as we ex- pected, been at all severe; for the thermometer at midnight last (that is at the moment of the commencement of the year J was only 5°. About 1 1 o'clock this forenoon a very beautiful halo, 45° in diameter, was observed round the moon. It was in- tersected by two luminous columns of a yellowish white colour, which crossed each other at right an- gles over the moon's disc. The breadth of this cross, or rather the columns that formed it, were equal to the moon's diameter, in her immediate vicinity; but, as they receded from her, they became nar- rower, so that at the place where they touched the halo, they had tapered to such a small point that they were scarcely visible. In those points of the halo, where they terminated, were luminous spots, or paraselenae : the two horizontal ones, or those situated in that part of the circle where the hori- zontal column of light ended, exhibited in the prismatic colours very beautifully, and each of them had a long tail proceeding from them, sunilar to that which I described on a former occasion, when mentioning the appearance of a phenomenon of the same kind. The luminous spot, or parase- lene, in that part of the halo immediately above the moon, was of a very faint colour, when compared with the two just mentioned, and the fourth one. a calm day such as this was, is not at all inconvenient. I had, indeed, as pleasant a walk to-day, for upwards of an hour, as if it had been in Hyde Park. M 4 I(i8 A VOYAGE OF DJSCOVKUV that is to say, it' it existed, was hid from us, owing to its being (as well as a segment of the halo) below^ the horizon, the moon's altitude being only about 18°. The halo itself was not equally bright all round, for in those parts that were equidistant, that is 45° from the paraselenae, it was of a very faint colour, and from these points towards the paraselenae it became gradually brighter. Like the Aurora Bo- realis, its intervention did not obstruct the light of the stars that it chanced to pass over, for the planet Mars happened to be situated in the brightest part of the horizontal luminous column, and yet it ap- peared as bright as usual; its reddish colour seemed, indeed, to be a little increased in its brilliancy. This halo, as well as that described last month, happened about the time of full moon. A hole was cut through the ice to-day, to ascertain the thickness of it, which was found to be four feet one inch, exclusive of the snow that was on it. Sunday^ '2d. — Another halo was seen about the moon this forenoon, similar in every respect to that described yesterday, except that there was a seg- ment of another halo touching its upper side. The colour of this segment was much lighter than that of the halo itself. The moon's altitude at the time the halo was seen, was 17°> consequently a segment of it was, as I mentioned yesterday, below the horizon. Thursday, Qth. — The officers performed the farce called " Bon Ton" this evening, in a lower temperature than perhaps any thing of the kind had ever been done before, at least by Europeans ; for a thermometer, hung up in front of the stage, stood TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. l69 at 12°, and some parts of the theatre, if I may use that word, must have been considerably colder, for the stoves and hot shot with which it was warmed, was much nearer the place where the thermometer hung up, than the after-part of the deck where the people sat. The thermometer outside the ship at the time was only 27° ; but there happened to be a fresh breeze of wind, a circumstance that rendered the cold, as I have often observed, less tolerable when the tempera- ture is comparatively high, than we find it in the severest frost during calm weather. Wednesday^ 12th. — A very noted instance of this occurred indeed to-day, for I was out walking this afternoon when the thermometer was 5V be- low zero, and, owing to the weather being calm at the time, I felt no more inconvenience from it than if it had been at zero in a breeze of wind. A small quantity of strong brandy was exposed in the open air this afternoon for the purpose of experi- ment. It had not been above ten minutes on deck when it began to congeal, and in the course of half an hour it became of the consistence of honey, and not unlike it indeed in appearance. It never became harder than this, although left on deck for upwards of an hour ; it was tried again in the evening, and after being exposed about an hour longer to the same temperature, we found the only difference it produced was, that it became dryer, being in consistence and appearance somewhat like brown moist sugar. The freezing did not appear to alter either its taste, or strength, in the least ; we tasted it in its frozen state, without suffering 170 A VOYAGE or DISCOVERY any inconvenience from it, except a little smarting of the tongue. Saturday^ 15 tk. — Between seven and eight o'clock this evening, the Aurora Borealis was seen forming a beautiful arch, coincident with the plane of the meridian, and extending from the southern horizon, across the zenith to the northern horizon. After remaining stationary and of this shape for about ten minutes, it then formed an ellipsis of great extent, whose transverse diameter was also parallel with the plane of the meridian, and situated on the east side of it, and in such a position that the west side of the ellipsis reached the zenith. It remained of this form only a few minutes, and then assumed a variety of shapes, which were con- stantly varying, being chiefly shooting in streams from the southern horizon towards the zenith. Wednesday^ 19th. — One of our dogs had a severe fight with a wolf this morning, at the dis- tance of between two and three hundred yards from the ships ; it was so early in the morning, however, that they were not seen at the time, but in the course of the forenoon, the place where the conflict happened, was soon, and indeed easily found out, from the blood and tufts of hair left on the snow. It is impossible to say which of them was beat : I think, indeed, that they parted by mutual consent, for both of them must have suffered considerably : what the dog has sustained there is certainly no question about it, for we have seen the extent of the damage, which is a severe laceration of the integuments of the lower jaw and fore-part of the throat : there appears, indeed, to be 13 TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. I7I a piece taken out of that part of the neck over the root of the tongue. Although we have not actually seen the wounds that the wolf received, yet there are two or three circumstances which lead us to suppose, that he suffered at least as much as the dog : for, in the first place, the dog is a very powerful one, and certainly much superior in point of strength to the wolf ; and, in the next place, we found a considerable quantity of blood at a place, where the latter animal had lain down, about a mile from the ships, from which we may conclude that he had received some serious wounds, since the blood was not staunched after having gone that distance in such weather as this. We were some- what at loss at first, when the dog came on board, to know what animal he had been fighting with, for we had no reason to think that it had been with a wolf, since a dog belonging to one of the officers of the Griper has been seen frequently with a wolf, that has been in the habit of coming within sight of the ships for several days past ; indeed, the dog in question had been away the greatest part of last night and this morning, as we suppose, with a wolf. The only way therefore in which I can account for the favourable reception with which one dog has been received, whilst another has been so roughly used, is thus : that the latter may have fallen in with a male wolf, at the same time that the former may have been paying his court to the female ; besides, the Griper's dog is mostly of the same colour as the wolves themselves, and might there- fore very possibly be mistaken by them for one of -their own species ; but our dog, being perfectly IJ'Z A voYAca; or oiscovery black, could not be easily taken for an animal of their own kind. I mention these circumstances, however, as a mere matter of opinion, and I have no doubt but it will be considered, that I have said more about the subject altogether than it deserved. Thursday f February 3d. — Nothing of any im- portance occurred for this fortnight past ; the weather has been for most part of tiie time more boisterous than we have usually had it during the first part of the winter, the thermometer has there- fore never been very low ; for, from the 20th of last month, until two o'clock this afternoon, it had never been below 40° ; this evening however it came on a calm, and the thermometer before midnight fell as low as 441°. For some days past we have had so much light about noon, that both officers and men generally went to the mast-head to look out for the sun ; for although we were perfectly aware of the time on which it ought ta reappear, according to its declination, yet as the Dutch navigator, Barentz, saw it at Nova Zembla several days before it ought to be seen, in the lati- tude in which he wintered, we had reason to suppose that whatever effect refraction might have there, the same might be expected to take place here. Notwithstanding our vigilance, we always found, however, that although it must have been very nigh the horizon for some days past, that it never appeared above it untU to-day. * As the * It deserves to be mentioned, that although we have not seen the sun so long before the time it ought to be seen as Barentz did, yet that its reappearance to-day is three day* TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. lyS forenoon was very fine and clear, we made sure of seeing it ; several of us were therefore in the main- top about half past eleven, to welcome its return, and at twelve, or rather a few minutes after, we had the pleasure of seeing the glorious luminary again, after an absence of ninety-two days. It is more easy to conceive than describe the pleasure that every person felt on this occasion, at again seeing that heavenly agent, which is to set us free from confinement. But I consider, that to do justice to this subject, and to the sensations excited by so sublime and joyful a sight, would require my entering into rhapsodies, more suitable to the effu- sions of a poetical imagination, than the unadorned language of a plain narrator ; I shall therefore avoid saying any thing more about the matter. Durino; the time the sun was above the horizon *, a vertical column of a beautiful red colour extended from it towards the zenith, the colour of it was most brilliant near the sun, and diminished gradu- ally as it went upwards. It was observed also, that sooner than it ought to be seen in this latitude, according to its declination ; but when Ave consider the density of the atmo- sphere in these regions, and consequently its increased refractive power, we ought not to be surprised, but, on the contrary, rather expect to find that the sun would reappear some time before it got within 90° of us, after allowing for the ordinary refraction. * There was a little thin haze in the horizon, so that the sun's disc was not well defined ; from this circumstance one or two persons who were inclined to be sceptical, doubted even the sun being above the horizon at^ all ; but characters of this sort will always appear in subjects that admit of a doubt. 174" A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY it was not always of the same brilliancy, but that it twinkled so that the upper part of it vanished altogether for a moment ; it then instantaneously brightened up as splendid as before ; this twinkling went on in quick succession, during the whole time the column appeared. Its breadth was about equal to the sun's diameter, and its height, or altitude, when in its greatest splendour, was be- tween four and five degrees. Friday i lith. — The dog belonging to one of the officers of the Griper, which has been men- tioned some time ago, as having been in the habit of paying visits to the wolves, or at all events on being on very familiar terms with them, has been missing since the 2d inst. He was supposed, for the first day or two, to have remained only a little longer than usual to gratify his amorous propensities, and that, after his desires had been satiated, cold and hunger would induce him to return. But the length of time that he has now been away, leaves, I think, very little hope that we shall see him any more. It is most probable that they decoyed him into one of their dens, and there destroyed him ; some, however, are of opinion that he lost his way in returning to the ships, and ultimately perished by the cold ; but as it is a subject not worthy of any great speculation, I shall not say any more about it. It is possible, indeed, that when the snow melts in the spring, we shall fall in with some remains of him that will tend to show the manner in which he was lost. The weather to-day, and for some days past, has been very fine ; from ten o'clock in the forenoon, until two in the afternoon, there is TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 17-5 generally a zone or belt, of a beautiful red colour, all round the horizon, from the S. E. round by north to the S. W. The breadth of this ring is from four to five degrees ; it is brightest near the horizon, and its colour diminishes gradually towards its upper edge, where it terminates in a pale yellow. The colour of the sky above this belt is of the finest blue, which increases gradually in its intensity, or darkness, towards the zenith. The Aurora Borealis has been seen for some nights past, but never very brilliant ; the electrometer has been tried, but it was not aftected by it, nor has any effect been produced by it on the most sensible of our azimuth-compasses. Monday y 14//z. — The thermometer this after- noon fell to 54° below zero, which is the greatest cold that we have yet registered, or indeed that we have any well authenticated account of any one else having registered. * The weather at the time was perfectly calm, and although certainly cold, it was so far from being intolerably so, that we walked about in the open air without any inconvenience, and without any additional clothing more than we have been accustomed to wear throughout the winter. I am of opinion, indeed, that a much greater degree of cold might be en- dured in calm weather without suffering any bad effect from it, for the feelings does not appear by * M. Haiiy indeed mentions that it is recorded in the Trans- actions of the Academy of Petersburg, that a temperature of 57° below zero had been registered once in some part of Siberia. 17f> A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY any means to be so sensible after the thermometer has fallen to between 30° or 40° below zero. We had a good instance to-day of the effect that different colours have in reflecting heat, for the piece of board on which the thermometers were suspended had one side of it painted black, and the other side white, that is of the colour of the wood itself, and it was observed that the ther- mometer suspended on the black side, never fell lower than 52°, while the one that hung on the white side of the board stood at 54°. * I remarked also at this time that the smoke from the ships rose quite perpendicularly, (there being no wind at the time,) so that a low tem- perature alone does not appear to be sufficient to produce the phenomenon of smoke falling to the ground as some have observed, but which I must confess I have never seen myself, although I have frequently, during this winter, looked out for the thing. I have observed, indeed, two or three times, that the vapour from the coppers, when they were melting snow, condensed, and fell immediate- ly it came into the open air ; but this is easily ac- counted for, nor could indeed any thing else be expected than that aqueous vapour would, on coming into a temperature of thirty or forty degrees below zero, immediately condense, and consequently fall. Tuesday i 15th, — At six o*clock this morning ♦ As the piece of board on which they (thermometers) were suspended, was set up on the ice at a considerable distance, ^perhaps from 80 to 90 yards) from the ship, we are certain that this difference could not be caused by any locality, or substance that was near it. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 177 the thermometer was as low as 55°, but a light breeze having sprung up shortly after, it soon rose to 50°. As I considered this day to be one of the coldest that we are likely to have this winter, I made an experiment, which, although trivial, de- serves to be mentioned, as it exemplifies in a very simple manner the rapidity with which water is frozen in such a temperature, as we have had to-day. The experiment in question is thus : I took a quart bottle, full of fresh water to the main- top, and there poured it through a small cullendar, when it was found that by the time the drops of water had fallen to the roofing over the ship, they had congealed into irregular spherical masses. The height between the main-top and the place on which they fell was 40 feet 8 inches. * Thursday^ IJth. — The thermometer in my cabin last night was as low as 10°, and the average height of it there for these ten days past has been from 15° to 20° ; in the day time, indeed, it some- times rises to S^", but seldom ever above that. Thursday, Q4>th. — Nothing of any importance occurred for this week past ; but an event took place to-day rather of an unpleasant nature, for at a quarter past ten in the forenoon, the house on ♦ I ought to mention, however, that the water did not fall quite perpendicular, owing to a light air of wind that existed at the time ; consequently it must have taken more time in falling than a body moving freely would take in describing the same space ; for according to the rule, that, " the spaces described by a body falling, increase as the squares of the time increase," it would appear that the water in question froze in less than two seconds. 17S A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERT shore was observed to be on fire ; every person ran immediately to put it out ; but the mats with which the inside of it was Hned were so dry, that it was found impossible to extinguish it, or rather to smother it, for, as we had no water, the only thing that we could substitute for it was snow, which was thrown on it in great abundance, but with very little effect ; for, notwithstanding the violence of the fire, it melted but very little of the snow. But although it did not extinguish the fire, it an- swered another purpose, almost equally beneficial, for by covering the different astronomical instru- ments, &c., they were secured from the fire, and after this important point had been accomplished, the roofing was pulled off, and in a few minutes after the fire was extinguished. After the snow was thrown out, it was found that very little damage had been done to any of the instruments j the astronomical clocks, which were the most valuable articles there, were fortunately in the cases as they w^ere landed, which secured them completely. A repeating circle was, indeed, the only instrument of any importance that was in- jured ; and the only damage it sustained was its levels having got broke, most probably by the boiling of the spirits that they contained. A pair of mountain barometers, and two or three thermo- meters, were, 1 understand, the only instruments that were destroyed. I ought to mention, how- ever, that several articles of wearing apparel, (that had been taken there to get washed,) were con- sumed, and three or four fowling-pieces, that had been there undergoing some repair, had their stocks TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 179 very much disfigured, and one or two of them ren- dered unserviceable altogether ; but, upon the whole, I think much less damage was done than we had at one time reason to expect, for the con- flagration at the time the roofing was taking off, gave little hopes of any thing being saved. Con- siderable as the fire was, its influence or heat ex- tended but a very little way, for several of the officers and men were frost-bitten, the two men in particular, who were in the house at the time the fire commenced, suffered very severely ; one of them, indeed, is in great danger of losing some of his fingers, for, notwithstanding every effort was, and is still making to restore them to life, most of them are, as yet, without the least sensation. Some idea may be formed of the state they were in when he came on board, from this circumstance, that when they were immersed in a small tub of cold water for the purpose of thawing them, the cold they communicated to the water was so great that a thin film of ice was immediately formed on its sur- face. This may appear to some to be so extraor- dinary, as to be almost incredible, and I have no doubt that I should be apt to disbelieve it also, had I not been an eye-witness of the thing myself; but this was certainly one of the coldest days I ever experienced, for it blew very fresh, and the thermometer was at the time we were out at 43'^ below zero ; what must therefore be the effect of such a cold on a man having his bare hands ex- posed to it for an hour, as was the case with the man in question ? The way in which the fire broke out at first, was by some clothes which were hung N S 180 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY up close to the stove having caught fire, which communicated it immediately to the dry mats with which the inside of the house was lined. Monday, 28th. — We had a portion of the 2d, 19th, and 22d articles of war read on the quarter- deck to-day, and after that a long order relating chiefly to some difference between two of the offi- cers some days ago. Wednesday, March 8th. — Nothing has occurred for this week past deserving of particular notice, except haloes and parhelia, which have been seen at different times round the sun ; their usual distance, or I may say, indeed, their almost invariable dis- tance from it is about 22i° ; although from their edge being sometimes but badly defined, it is found at times to be a few minutes, and sometimes even a degree less. The most beautiful pheno- menon of this kind that I have yet seen was ob- served this afternoon ; the parhelia were so bright, that had the sun not been in sight, either of them (for there were two) might be supposed to be it, behind a thin cloud. They were parallel to the horizon, at the usual distance from the sun, and situated so that a straight line drawn from the one to the other would pass through the sun. The side of them that was nearest to it was of a bright reddish colour, which vanished gradually into orange, and that again into yellow ; but instead of the rest of the prismatic colours following this, as usual, in succession, the next colour was a very brilliant white, which occupied the centre of the parhelia. The halo was also very beautiful, and presented all the prismatic colours faintly. 14 TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. ISl The weather, for two or three days past, has been much finer than we have had it since the commencement of the winter, for the thermometer was for some hours yesterday, and the day before, above zero ; and at two o'clock yesterday after- noon, when placed in the sun under the stern of the ship, it rose to 35. Tuesday^ 14th. — One of the men who was frost- bitten when the house was burnt a fortnight ago, had a part of three fingers of the left, and two of the right hand amputated to-day, in consequence of what he suffered at that time, having destroyed life in the joints that were removed. Whatever the process is that destroys vitality by means of cold, its effects on the parts that are destroyed are very different from that produced by sphacelus, or mortification of any other kind, that I remem- ber having ever seen ; for neither the size, nor the texture of the parts in question, were in the least altered, except that the skin and nails came off a few days ago. The destruction of the skin, or rather the de- tachment of it, has almost invariably taken place in every case of frost-bite that has occurred since the beginning of the winter. Of the mode of treating them, although our practice has been very considerable, I am not aware that we can throw any additional light on the subject. Friction, with snow at first, and afterwards immersion in cold water, until sensation is restored, appears to be the best applications to begin with ; and when cold applications did not subdue in a short time, the inflammation that afterwards occurred, I always N S 182 A VOYAGE OK DISCOVERY observed that cataplasms were the most efficacious remedies. Thursday i l6th. — The weather, for these ten days past, has been, generally speaking, very windy, which we attribute, as is customary, to the approach of the equinox. The temperature of the air still keeps very low, for the thermometer, to-day, at noon, in the shade, was 21° below zero; whilst, in the sun, at the same time, it rose to 29°, making the extraordinary difference of 50° between the sun and the shade. The officers per- formed this evening the last play that is intended to be acted this season ; and after it, was spoken a very appropriate epilogue, written for the occasion by Mr. Wakeham. Monday, 20th, — A large white bird was seen to- day by two of our men, who were on shore ; it is generally supposed that it was an owl ; but the men themselves think that it was a glaucous gull, or burgomaster as they call it ; and as one of those who saw it has been often in Greenland, and con- sequently must have frequently seen these birds, some deference is certainly due to his opinion, however much we may be surprised to find a bird of this kind in these regions so early. Thursday, 23d. — A hole was made to-day through the ice, about a cable's length from the ship, for the purpose of ascertaining its thickness, which was found to be six feet six inches, exclu- sive of six or seven inches of snow that lay on its surface. Although the temperature of the air is still much below the freezing point, it may be pre- sumed, 1 think, that the ice will not increase TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 183 much more in thickness this season, for the in- fluence of the sun is now very perceptible from noon until two o'clock. Monday, Qrjth. — The people have been em- ployed for some days past bringing stones down from the hills to the beach for ballast. This way of employing them happens to come very oppor- tunely, for some cases of scurvy have lately made their appearance ; but it is to be hoped, that since the' weather now permits their being employed in the open air, the disease will be prevented from spreading any farther. We found a fox to-day (dead) in one of the traps that are out ; he is about the same size, and in every respect similar in appearance to the one caught by the Griper in the winter time. The weather, although fine, still keeps cold ; for the thermometer, at four o'clock this morning, was as low as 33 below zero, and for some days past it has not, at any time of the day, been higher than 18°. Saturday, April 1st. — Paucity of events induces people sometimes to record things that are often very trivial, and of this description, I have no doubt but many would consider the following cir- cumstance ; but as it throws some light on a point that lay in obscurity, I shall insert it. The cir- cumstance in question is concerning a stone that was found to-day about three miles inland from the ship, having the letter P cut on it. As we had every reason to suppose that no civilized per- son had ever been on this island before ourselves, and as but few had been in the habit of going in the direction where the stone was found, it excited N 4 1S4 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY enough of curiosity to cause an enquiry to be made, if any person in either ship had cut the letter in question ; when it was found, that one of tlie men belonging to the Griper, who was of the party that lost their way in the month of September last, recollected his having, during the time they were away, cut the letter P, which is the first of his name (viz. Peter Fisher), on a stone, whilst he was sitting down resting himself. From this cir- cumstance it would appear, that the party in question, instead of going, as some of them thought, a great way inland, must have gone to the eastward, at no great distance from the coast, for the distance between the place where the stone was picked up, and where the ships then lay, is upwards of twenty miles, so that their going and returning ov^er that space would occupy no incon- siderable portion of the time they were away. Wednesday, 5th , — The weather to-day, and for some days past, has been remarkably fine : the thermometer in the sun this afternoon rose as high as 46° ; in the shade, however, it still keeps low ; at four o'clock this morning it was 24° below zero, and even at noon it was 12°. In speaking of the scurvy having made its ap- pearance last month, I omitted to mention that several cases of it occurred also in the Griper about the same time, one or two of them with symptoms rather more unfavourable than any we had here. In consequence of this, and their having a greater proportion of cases than we had, it was deemed expedient to remove the men's bed-places, and to substitute hammocks for them, as it was supposed TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 185 that the dampness occasioned by the steam of their victuals, and breath, &c. condensing in their bed- places, from the smallness of their deck, had been conducive to the increase of the disease. What share of influence this alteration has had in pro- ducing the favourable change that has since taken place, I will not venture to assert ; but I have pleasure in stating, that all those who were ill in both ships are now recovering fast ; and, indeed, with the exception of one or two, are all quite well.* Su7iday^ Qth. — Haloes and parhelia have been seen at different times since the beginning of this month ; but as none of them differed in any way from those that have been already described, I have omitted saying any thing about them. One was seen to-day, however, which differed very mate- rially from any that we have hitherto seen. It first appeared at noon, and continued visible until six o'clock in the evening. It exhibited the greatest display of colours about one o'clock. It consisted of one complete halo, 45° in diameter, and seg- ments of several other haloes ; the most perfect of them was immediately above it, where their peripheries touched : the other segments were one on each side of the halo, not unlike parts of a rainbow resting on the horizon j and two above it, that is, between it and the zenith. Besides these, there was another complete ring, of a pale white co- lour, which went right round the sky, parallel with the horizon, and at a distance from it equal to the ■ * Their speedy recovery on board of us, may be attributed in a great measure to some mustard and cress, which Mr. Parry took great pains to grow in his cabin for them. 186 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY sun's altitude. Where tliis ring or circle cut the halo, there were two parhelia, and another close to the horizon, directly under the sun ; this was by far the most brilliant of the parhelia, being exactly like the sun slightly obscured by a thin cloud at its rising or setting. With respect to the colours of the other parhelia and haloes, I may say of them in general, that they were prismatic, and showed them more or less to advantage, according to the state of the weather : when there was a little snow falling, as was frequently the case during the day, the dif- ferent colours shone with the greatest splendour. I have always observed, indeed, when these haloes or parhelia are seen, that there is a little snow falling, or rather small spiculcVy or fine crystals of ice. Friday, 14} th. — One of our dogs, which had been with a wolf for these three days past, re- turned to the ship this morning, without having suffered any injury from its ravenous companion, which we suspect to be a she-wolf, from the in- timacy that appeared to subsist between them. On Wednesday, a party of us were within a hundred yards of them, when another dog that we had with us ran up to them ; but he appeared to be a very unwelcome visitor, for she gave him a few rough shakes, which soon sent him back howling. She was about the size of a Newfoundland dog, and not unlike one in shape, only that her tail was longer, for it reached the ground. The weather is fine and clear ; but, considering the advanced state of the season, it is much colder than we anti- cipated to have it at this time ; for the thermometer has been for several nights past as low as 30'' -, and TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 187 the average temperature throughout the whole day is 20° below zero. Thursday y QOth. — There has been a consider- able fall of snow to-day ; and it fell in flakes, which is different from any that we have seen since last summer ; for what fell during the winter, used always to be something like fine powder. The weather, since this fall of snow, has become much milder than it was before ; this afternoon the thermometer in the shade rose as high as 4° above zero, the wind at the time being from the southward and eastward, which we always find to be the warmest wind.* Wednesday, Qdth. — The weather continues to improve ; the snow that was on the roofing of the ships all melted off to-day ; and on shore, where the black turf appears through the snow, the edge of the snow has dissolved a little ; and the plants that are uncovered in these places, are already beginning to bud. The ground, however, is more generally covered with snow, than it has been since the beginning of the winter ; for the snow that fell lately has been, as I have already men- tioned, moister than usual, so that it has not blown off as it used to do. The wolf has been frequently seen of late, and the dog that I have before-men- tioned continues to pay her his visits : he gene- rally, indeed, remains with her for two or three days * It is only within this month past, however, that we have found that the S. E. wind has been warmer than any other ; for it may be remembered that I remarked during the winter that we found no difference in point of warmth from whatever direction the wind was. 188 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY at a time. They keep, for most part of the time, within sight of the ships ; but she is so wary, that it is impossible to get within gun-shot of her ; and the traps that we have are too small to hold her, — for some animal, which we suppose to be a wolf, has been in them once or twice, but yet managed to get away. They have, within these few days past, been surveying the provisions, fuel, and stores of the Griper. They have not yet finished, so that the report of survey is not yet made out. I under- stand, however, that the frost has done some da- mage to their lemon-juice, by bursting many of the bottles. This, indeed, is a thing that has occurred to our own, and with which we have been ac- quainted for a long time past ; for, in many of the lemon-juice cases that w^ere opened during the winter, several bottles were found broken. TJiursday, May 4.4h. — An order has been issued to-day, stating that the officers and men of both ships are to be reduced to two-thirds* allowance of all sorts of provisions, except *' meat, and sugar for cocoa," on the 8th instant. Whether this re- gulation is in consequence of any deficiency that has been found by the late survey or not, I am unable to say, as the order did not state the reason ; but certainly there must be good reasons for adopting such a measure, particularly at this time, when active employment is about to com- mence. The weather is now improving daily ; the thermometer, about midnight, generally falls as low as zero, but during the day it is, for the most part of the time, from 10° to 15° above it ; TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 189 and on the 30th of last month it rose to 32°, which is the greatest heat that we have experi- enced since we came to Winter Harbour. The people have been employed, during these two days past, clearing away the snow that was banked up against the ship's sides at the begin- ning of the winter ; and, after it is cleared off, it is intended to cut the ice round the ship, for it is not considered safe to put ballast into her whilst fast in the ice. In that part where they have cleared away the snow, we had an opportunity of observing that the ice has not increased in thickness from its upper surface during the winter ; for the surface of the ice on the channel that they used to cut round the ship was exactly in the same position, with respect to her sides, as when they left off cutting it ; and the ice on the edge or bank of this chan- nel was a few inches higher than it, just the same as it was before it was covered with snow. My reason for mentioning this circumstance, is, be- cause an opinion was some time ago entertained that a considerable part of the floe-ice was formed by the snow which fell upon it, consolidating on its surface ; and, certainly, there was very good foundation for supposing this to be the case, for the water obtained from the floe-ice, when dis- solved, we never found to be any more than slightly brackish, and that which we found in the pools on its surface was so fresh, that we used to water the ship from them. It is evident, how- ever, from the foregoing circumstance, and many others that might be adduced, if necessary, that 190 A VOYAGi; OF DISCOVERY the ice is formed from the water, and not from the snow, although there can be no doubt but the latter adds very materially to the thickness of the floes. Since the first of this month, the sun has been seen above the hills at midnight, so that we have now lost the natural distinction of day and night ; however, for the sake of perspicuity, I shall continue to use these terms. Wednesday y 10th. — Nothing has occurred for this week' past deserving of notice, except the gradual improvement in the state of the weather, and that, indeed, is very slow ; for the thermo- meter, even now, fell at midnight to zero ; the progress of vegetation is, however, beginning to be very perceptible. The people have been em- ployed, as above mentioned, cutting the ice round the ship. The average thickness of it is about seven feet, which I think may be presumed to be the general thickness of all the ice on this har- bour, and perhaps, indeed, of all the ice that has been formed oft* this coast during the last winter. Friday y \^th. — At two o'clock this afternoon the thermometer in the shade rose as high as 18°, although the wind at the time was from the northward ; we had besides to-day another instance of the approach of summer, which is that of a ptarmigan having been seen. Its plumage, with the exception of the tips of the tail feathers, was perfectly white, and these were of a jet-black colour. Saturdaijy 13///. — A ptarmigan was shot to-day, which is supposed to be that seen yesterday, as it was found near the same place ; it was in very good condition, from which we might infer, if we were TO TIIK ARCTIC -JIEGIONS. 191 in doubt about the matter, that it had been living in a better country than this during the winter. But, I beUeve, every one is perfectly satisfied that they migrated to the southward at the commence- ment of the winter, for if they lived in this country we must have surely seen some of them during these eight months past ; besides, if we had no other ground to reason upon than the myriads of them that are found in the neighbourhood of Hudson's Bay during the winter, it might be inferred that they migrate thither during that season. Monday f 15th. — Several ptarmigans have been seen by different persons yesterday and to-day, and their tracks and excrement are met with so frequently on the snow, that there must be a great many of them already arrived. I have seen four of them to-day on the wing coming from the south- ward. A snow-bunting and a raven were also seen to-day. One of the parties that were out observed a curious scene between the latter and a wolf : when the raven had lighted, the wolf managed to get within a few yards of him unperceived, but imme- diately he (the wolf) observed that he was seen by the raven, instead of running direct on to him, he began to go round him, at the same time closing upon him so gradually as to be scarcely perceived j but before he had accomplished his object, the party got so close to them as to set them off. Se- veral tracks of rein-deer were seen yesterday lead- ing to the northward : they were supposed to be fresh tracks by those who saw them, but the tracks that they left on the snow before the winter set in are yet in some places so perfect, that some doubts 192 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY are yet entertained whether those in question are not old tracks. For my own part, I consider it quite unnecessary to offer an opinion on the subject, for if they are fresh tracks, it is more than probable that in a very short time we shall have unequivocal proofs of the return of the deer. The weather has been very mild for these two days, but the thermo- meter in the shade has not been above 20°, but it is above the freezing point in the sun every day in places that are sheltered from the north wind, and having a southerly aspect. As soon as the weather is likely to become permanently fine, I understand that it is intended for a party to go over land to the northward, to ascertain, if possible, the breadth of this island, and to see what state the sea is in to the northward, together with such other remarks as they may be able to make. For the greater convenience of carrying the provisions, tents, and other baggage they are to take, a light cart is making, which the men are .to draw. The tents (two in number) are made of blankets, and are to be set up on boarding pikes, which, in case of its being necessary to make defence against any animal, will be found useful weapons. The pro- \dsions are packed in such a way that, in the event of the cart breaking down, or its being from any other reason necessarily abandoned, that they may carry them on their backs. I shall forbear saying any more about the subject at present, as I expect a few days will enable me to give a full account of the equipment, &c. of the party. Wednesday, IJth. — Several of the people who have been out on excursions at different times dur- TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 193 ing this week past, liave experienced on their return severe pains in their eyes, or, as it is com- monly called, snow-blindness. It first commences by a sensation somewhat like that which is felt wlien sand or dust gets into a person's eyes : in- deed those who were first affected could hardly be persuaded but that their sufferings proceeded from something of that sort, for the general complaint was that sand or dust got into their eyes. The true cause is now, however, perfectly well known, and to prevent the recurrence of the complaint, all the men before they go out are ordered to wear a piece of crape, or some substitute for it, over their eyes. All the cases that have yet occurred of this complaint recovered in two or three days by keeping the eyes covered, and bathing them oc- casionally with some cooling lotion; that which we have used is what is commonly called the sugar of lead (Cerussa acet.) Notwithstanding all the cases that we have hitherto had of this complaint yielded easily to the topical application above mentioned, some of them had their eyes highly inflamed, and, as I have already said, exceedingly painful, inso- much that one or two of them could hardly be persuaded, the first day, but that they would lose their eye-sight. Several grous (^Ptarmigans) have been killed within these two or three days past, and we are now perfectly certain that there are deer on the island, although we have not yet seen any of them. They finished cutting the channel round the ship to-day, and immediately she was relieved 194 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY from the ice, she rose about a foot and a half forward, and a foot aft ; which was contrary to what was generally believed would take place, for it was supposed that she was buoyed up by the ice. A little reflection, however, would show that the reverse must have happened, for all the fuel and provisions that have been consumed for these eight months past must have necessarily lightened her very considerably ; consequently, the ice, by maintaining her in the same position that she occupied at the commencement of the winter, would tend to keep her down, or, in other words, force her to draw more water than was ne- cessary to float her. Thursday, 18th. — The weather continues to improve daily. I need only mention as a proof of this the following instance, which is, that the Griper's housing was taken off her to-day, and I believe ours is kept on merely because the survey on some of the stores, &c. is not yet completed. Wednesday, ^4}th. — Nothing has occurred for this week past deserving of notice, except I was to give a diary of the gradual change in the state of the weather, which, as I have frequently men- tioned of late, continues to improve. The ther- mometer to-day, in the shade, has been from eight o'clock in the morning until midnight above the freezing point, so that in the sun the snow and ice must be dissolving very rapidly. Within these two or three days past, little pools of water have been formed on the snow, in different places where earth had drifted over it. This is particularly exem- plified on the snow between the two ships ; for the TO THE ARCTIC REtJiONS. 195 sand and sweepings of the decks, that used to be thrown overboard, drifted there, and the snow in that space is now completely honeycombed, if 1 may use the expression. The reason of this is obvious, being caused by the sand and sweepings just mentioned absorbing the rays of the sun, and by that means acting on the snow ; and the same reason will account for the pools of water that are met with on the snow, on the land, where it is mixed with earth. Another circumstance oc- curred to-day, that shews, if possible, in a stronger degree, the change in the weather, which is, that we had two showers of rain to-day, one in the morning, and the other in the evening. This is such an extraordinary phenomenon in these re- gions, that when the first shower was reported, we all ran on deck to see it, and some were not even satisfied with seeing it, but were so much taken with the novelty of the thing, that they went out- side to receive a little of it. Saturday y ^Jth. — Two ivory gulls were seen to-day, from which we may infer, that there must be open water at no great distance off*. Among the many instances that I have lately mentioned, of the great change that has taken place in the state of the weather, nothing can more clearly shew this, than a circumstance that occurred this afternoon, which is, that two mus- quitoes have been caught. They were rather smaller than those of tropical climates, but re- sembled them in every other lespect. A great part of the hills is now uncovered of their winter gai'b, and vegetation is in some places well ad- o 2 iy6 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY vaneed. From this circumstance we have been induced to manure, and delve two or three pieces of ground, in which are to be sown radishes, onions, and some other seeds of cuUnary plants, that were supplied to the ship. Thursday^ June \st. — The expedition that I mentioned some time ago, that were getting ready for travelling overland to the northward, is in- tended so set off this evening. It is to consist of five officers, and seven men, whose names are as follows, viz. Lieut. W. E. Parry - - Hecla. Capt. E. Sabine, R. A. - ditto. Mr. Alex. Fisher, Assistant Surgeon ditto. — Jo. Nias, Midshipman - ditto. — And. Reid, ditto - Griper. Serjt. Martin, R. A. - - Hecla. M'Mahon, R. M. - ditto. Wm. Dick, seaman - - ditto. Rich. Drew, ditto - - ditto. Jo. Kately, marine - - ditto. P. Fisher, seaman - - Griper. Benj. Scrivener, ditto. - ditto. As I am appointed to be one of this party, I must necessarily omit saying any thing concerning the occurrences that may happen on board, until our return ; therefore, what immediately follows, will be a .diary of every thing worthy of notice, that comes under our observation in the course of our excursion. The object of the expedition I have already mentioned, being that of determining, if . possible, the breadth of this land, and if that can be accomplished, to see what state the sea is in to TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 197 the northward. Some minor objects might also be enumerated, that make it desirable that such an excursion should be undertaken ; for Euro- peans have seen so little of the interior of Arctic lands, that, had we no other object, that alone would be a sufficient motive for undertaking such a journey, more particularly as it happens to be a time when nothing else can be done, for although the weather is very fine, the ice on the harbour is dissolving but slowly, so that there is no imme- diate prospect of an open sea. We are to take three weeks* provisions with us, two tents, and se- veral bundles of dry wood for fuel, these articles, being, as it were, public property, are to be car- ried in the cart.* Everv officer and man are to carry besides a certain number of articles, (for their own particular use,) of which a list has been made, in order to furnish themselves accordingly. These are a blanket, a spare pair of shoes, two spare pair of stockings, a flannel shirt, and a number of smaller articles, that hardly deserve to be specified separately ; let it suffice, that the whole of every individual's private baggage, weighs from eighteen to twenty-four pounds^ We carry it in knapsacks ; the officers have one each, and the men a knapsack between every two. Be- sides the articles above-mentioned, we have three fowling-pieces, and two pistols, with a consider- able quantity of ammunition, by means of which, we may presume, on being able to add a little to our stock of provisions on our way. * The weight of every thing on the cart was altogether about 800 lbs. o 3 198 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY Being thus equipped, we started from the ships at a quarter of an hour after five o'clock in the af- ternoon. We were accompanied to the beacli by almost every individual in both ships, where they gave u& three hearty cheers, which we re- turned with equal spirit. The major part of the people now returned on board ; sixteen officers and men, however, who were anxious to give us, if possible, a more convincing proof of their zeal towards the enterprize we were undertaking, ac- companied us for about five miles, carrying our knapsacks, and drawing the cart. On their parting, another volley of cheers was nterchanged. We now proceeded on by ourselves, until a quarter past eleven o'clock, when we stopped, pitched our tents, and supped, or, according to our intended arrangement of time, dined ; for as we are to tra- vel at night, it will be best, I think, to name our meals according as they occur with regard to our time of rest. The reason that we are to reverse the order of time, or, in other words, to sleep in the day and travel at night, is because the day-time is the warmest, and consequently the fittest for rest- ing to people provided as we are with no other covering than what we wear, except the tent, and a single blanket each. Friday ^Zd. — We had every thing packed up again at a quarter before one o'clock this morning, and resumed our journey. In the Donkin's pre- served meat-case that was emptied at dinner, we put a slip of parchment, on which was written a brief account of the party who left it, and depo- sited it under a small pile of stones at the place 17 TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 199 where we dined. Shortly after we started, this morning, we came to a small lake about half a mile in length, and two hundred yards in breadth ; a considerable part of it was clear of ice, which led us to suppose that two Eider ducks that flew past us, a little while before we came to it, had come from it. Soon after we passed this lake, we saw several ptarmigans, and in the course of the night shot seven of them as we went along. Between two and three o'clock in the morning, we got to the north-west end of a range of hills, which terminate the view to the northward from Winter Harbour. From the top of these hills we could see the ships* masts very plainly with the naked eye, the distance being, as near as we could judge, ten or eleven miles. From these hills also we had a very extensive view of an immense plain extending to the northward and westward of us. It was completely covered with snow, and so level, that, had we not been con- vinced that it was considerably higher than Winter Harbour, we should be apt to suppose that it was the sea ; but as this objection could not be started against its being a large lake, some were of opinion that it was so ; on approaching the border of it, however, we were soon satisfied that it was only a level plain. Our route from the time of our leav- ing the ships,' until we came in sight of this plain, was over ground, generally speaking, pretty even, but gradually ascending : its surface, for most part of the way, was at least more than two-thirds co- vered with snow. Soon after we got to the confines of the plain above-mentioned, we saw a reindeer, and a fawn coming across it from the southward. o 4. 200 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY The fawn appeared to be very young, at least if 1 may judge of its age by its size, for it did not look to be much larger than a full grown cat. It could run however very fast, for one of our party who went a little distance after them, found that he had no chance of coming up with them by dint of running. The fawn appeared to be rather of a darker colour than the doe ; the latter did not differ in this respect from those that we killed in the be- ginning of last winter. We continued our journey until six o'clock this morning, when we again pitched our tents, supped, and laid down to rest, leaving an officer and a man on watch, to keep a look-out, in case of our being taken by surprise, by any wild animal, &c. Soon after we pitched our tents, an accident occurred to our thermometer, owing to the carelessness of one of the men, who let something fall upon it, which rendered it useless. The ground was frozen quite hard when we laid down, but the heat of the sun was so very powerful during the day, that we found no inconvenience from cold in our tents, but from being as yet unaccustomed to bivouacking, few of us got any sleep ; we rested however very com- fortably. We found by meridian altitude, our latitude to be 75° 00' 37'' N., and longitude, by chronometer, 10' east of Winter Harbour, so that we must have travelled over fifteen or sixteen miles of ground, since we left the ships ; the difference of latitude alone between them and us being thirteen geogra- phical miles. At four o'clock P. M. we all got up, and prepared lor resuming our journey. We break-. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. ^01 fasted on biscuit, and a pint of gruel, each made of Salop powder, which we found to be a very pa- latable dish. Immediately after breakfast, a party, consisting of an officer, and two men, who accom- panied us for the first day's journey, returned to the ships. This escort consisted properly of three men, but we found the snow so soft inland, that it was deemed necessary to take one of these men with us*, so that our travelling party now consists of thirteen persons, instead of twelve, as was origi- nally intended. We started again at six o'clock in the evening, and continued our journey until half-past ten P. M., when we again pitched our tents, dined, and rested between three and four hours ; for we had a very heavy pull all the after- noon, our march being along the skirts of the plain before-mentioned, which as I have already remarked, is so deeply covered with snow, that it required the united exertions of all the officers and men of the party to drag the cart through it. The only animals we saw in the course of our journey this evening, were a few ptarmigans, and a white owl. The latter was so shy, that we could not get near it, and of the former we got only one or two, the assistance of all of us being so indispensably neces- sary for getting the cart along, that we had but little time for sporting. Saturday J 3d. — We resumed our journey again at half-past two o'clock this morning, the weather being hazy, with a light breeze of wind from the southward. Soon after we started, we came to the * His name is Benjamin Hadman, seaman. ti02 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY side of a hill, on which we found small pools of water, from which we filled our canteens, having been hitherto obliged to melt snow to procure that necessary article. As we went along we fell in with a reindeer (without horns), which at first was ex- ceedingly tame, for he came within twenty or thirty yards of the party who first saw him ; they happened unfortunately however to have no fire- arms with them, and by the time those who had come up with him, he became more wary : he was fired at, however, but without success. We pitched our tents again at six o'clock A. M., supped, and at eight retired to rest, under the protection, as I have already remarked, of an officer, and a man on watch ; but as this precaution is to be always adopted whenever we stop for that purpose, it will be unnecessary to mention the thing here- after. In order to give every person as much rest as possible, every officer and man, indiscriminately, are to keep watch in their turn, so that the men will not have above an hour's watch each, every night, and the officers rather better than an hour and a half. Our latitude by meridian altitude at noon was 75° 6' 59." N., and longitude, by chronometer, 20' 48" E. of Winter Harbour, or rather of where the ships lie.* We resumed our journey again at a quarter before six in the afternoon, and conti- nued on the march until a quarter past eleven, when, as usual, we pitched our tents and dined. Our * Azimuths were also taken, by which we found the variation here to be 129' 22' 59" E. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS* 203 route this evening was over as barren a track of land as 1 ever saw, for there was not a single ve- getable production of any kind to be seen, except lichens. The surface of the countr}^ over which we passed, was, generally speaking, even, but in many places very rough, being covered with loose stones, over which we found considerable diffi- culty in dragging the cart : but the greatest ob- struction that we have yet met with, was in getting it across a deep ravine that we had to pass. A little way to the northward of this ravine we passed a piece of ground that was covered with patches of red sandstone, in a very disintegrated state. We saw no animal of any kind during our march this evening, nor even the traces of any, except here and there the tracks of a fox. Sunday y 4>th In describing the occurrences of yesterday, I omitted to mention that we left the border of the extensive plain along which we came the evening before ; how far we are from it at pre- sent it is impossible to say, as the weather is hazy, and has been so indeed for most part of the time for these four-and-twenty hours past. At the place where we dined last night, we left a tin canister, containing a piece of parchment, on which was written a short account of the party who left it. We built over it a pile of loose stones, about three feet high. We started again a quarter of an hour before three o'clock this morning, and continued on the march until twenty minutes after seven. Our route was ovei* a plain so completely covered with snow, that1:he eye looked in vain for land in ^04 A VOYAGE or DISCOVERY any direction*, except to the westward, wliere an- extensive range of mountains, (which from their appearance we usually call the Blue Mountains), terminate our view. This range appears to run nearly north and south, for our route during these two days past have been parallel with them, and at the distance, as near as we can estimate, of twelve or fifteen miles from them. Between five and six o'clock this morning a breeze sprang up from the south- ward, of which we availed ourselves in a way which I never saw wind made use of before ; for we got one of the tent-blankets rigged out on the cart as a sail, which made our caravan truly characteristic of our travellers, for certainly none but seafaring people would ever think of such a contrivance ; the benefit that was derived from it however ex- ceeded the hopes even of those who suggested it. The weather being cloudy, we had no observations at noon. We did not resume our journey this evening until half past seven o'clock, owing to the weather being very unfavourable, for it blew very fresh, snowed, and drifted the whole day, which made the tents for the first time rather uncomfort- able ; and, to add to this, one of the officers of the party was taken ill with a complaint in his bowels, which rendered it necessary to have him carried on the cart for the greatest part of this evening's march. We had the sail on the cart again for some time, and found it, as before, of considerable ser- * To give an idea of what little space there was clear of snow, I need only mention that the only spot that was clear of it, was that on which we pitched our tents, and it was so small that they covered the whole of it. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. i205 vice whilst we went before the wind ; but this was not always practicable, as we had at different times to cross ravines, and other places that obliged us sometimes to deviate from our true course. The direction of all the ravines that we crossed this evening was from east to west ; one of them was very large, ha\ing its southern side very abrupt, and the opposite slanting gradually. Monday^ 5th. — The weather became so foggy after ten o'clock last night, that we could not see distinctly above fifty or sixty yards before us, so that we were obliged to steer our way by compass ; that indeed we found no great difficulty in doing, but owing to the ground being so completely covered with snow, we could not find a single spot clear of it to pitch the tents on at oiu' usual time of resting, and we were at last obliged to be content with a sort of pavement that we made of loose stones to place them on. Fatigue however made it as soft to us as a bed of down, for we rested from a quarter after one o'clock this morning, until half past five, as comfortably as possible. After dinner this morning we drank His Majesty's health, in honour of the anniversary of his birth- day. AVe were rather behind hand in point of time in paying this compliment, but as the circum- stances already stated prevented our dining earlier, we may hope to be excused for our delay. Our trip this morning was, comparatively speaking, but short, for w^e did not start until a quarter before six o'clock, and we stopped again at eight. Our course was across a level plain, covered with snow so completely, that, had the weather been clear ^06 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY last niglit, I believe that we sliould find some dif- ficulty to get a spot clear of snow to pitch our tents on. The place where we stopped this forenoon was the best spot for our purpose that we met with since we left the ships. It was at the bottom of an open ravine, where we found abundance of wa- ter, and fine dry ground to lay upon. We found the latitude of this place by meridian altitude to be 75" 22' 43'' N., and longitude, by chronometer, 25' 57" west of Winter Harbour. We built at this place a circular pile of stones, about eight feet high, in the centre of which we deposited a small cylinder containing a slip of parchment, similar to those already mentioned that were put in the tin canisters. We resumed our journey at half past five o'clock in the evening, with a fine breeze of wind from the southward, and beautiful, clear wea- ther. The wind being fair we set sail immediate- ly we got out of the ravine. At about four miles from the place where we started from, we came to another ravine, and between three and four miles farther on we crossed a second, both of which I remarked had their south side (for they ran east and west) abrupt, and the north side sloping like those already mentioned. This conformation I am inclined to think is owing to the snow that col- lects in the north side of them, for we could not see the ground on that side, whilst on their south side the surface of the ground was always visible. We steered our course to-day entirely by com- pass, for our route was over a level plain, so com- pletely covered with snow, that no remarkable object could be seen at a distance to be guided TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 207 hy. The way in which we managed it, therefore, was putting the compass on the snow until we got our eye fixed on some particular object, four or five hundred yards on, in the direction we wanted togOjand when we got there, taking a fresh mark in the same way. This was always done by two persons who went on before the rest, so that those who dragged the cart never had any occasion to stop; indeed, as a proof that there was no time lost, we estimated that we walked over more ground this evening, than we did at any one spell since we first started ; the ground being even, and the wind in our favour, contributed certainly very much; besides, we were a considerable time on the march, for we did not stop until midnight. No living creature of any kind was seen to-day ; we saw however the track of a deer, and several foxes* tracks. The blue hills before mentioned were in sight the whole day. In our route to-day we thought that we approached them a little, but I do not think that we have been at any time with- in four leagues of them. About an hour before we halted this evening, (i. e. at eleven o'clock,) we descried a range of hills extending from north by east to the eastward, which we hailed with as much pleasure as mariners do land on first seeing it ; for the monotony of the plain that we have been travelling over for these two days past, has been uninteresting in the extreme. How far these hills are off we can as yet form no certain estimate, but to have some object in view, let it be ever so dis- tant, affords some satisfaction to the mind. Besides, I ai» in hopes that we have already reached the •208 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY extremity of the plain that we have been travelling over lately ; for where we pitched our tents this evening, there are two or three eminences that are not covered with snow. Tuesday y 6th. — We started again at four o'clock this morning, and in less than half an hour got to the top of one of the eminences above mentioned, where, very much to our surprise, we found the land descend rapidly, as near as we could judge, between three and four hundred feet ; from the foot of this declivity it sloped more gradually for the space of three or four miles, where it termi- nated in a large plain, of which we could see no end to the northward. This was the impression we received when this prospect opened first to our view, but after a few minutes* observation, we were satisfied that this plain could be nothing else but the sea, for, on viewing it with a telescope, we could see several pools of water on its surface, and along the edge of it there were hummocks of ice thrown up on the beach, the same as on the south coast of the island ; in fact, nothing now remained to convince us of its being the sea, except tasting the water, and that test we were determined to add also as soon as we reached it. Before we could accom- plish this, however, the weather became thick, and began to rain a little, with a fresh breeze of wind from the southward. In order, therefore, to secure a dry spot to pitch our tents upon, we were ob- liged to stop at six o'clock, being then, as near as we could judge, about two miles from the coast. To shelter ourselves from the wind, which was, as TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 209 1 have already observed, very fresh, we built a wall between five and six feet high, and seven or eight long to windward of the tents. In a valley close to us, there was a small lake of onen water which appeared to be fi'equented by wild geese, for we saw eight of them flying about in its neigh- bourhood. The under part of their body, from the breast backwards, was of a dull white colour, all the rest of the body was dark. As the wind still continued to blow pretty fresh, and the ground being covered with snow that had fallen during the day, we did not move with the tents in the evening, but at six o'clock, P. M., a party started to examine the coast more particularly, and at eleven o'clock they returned perfectly convinced that this is the sea ; but the ice was so thick, that they could not, with the means they had, penetrate through it. In order, however, to leave no room for any person, let him be ever so sceptical, to doubt on this point, it is determined to remove the tents early to-morrow morning down to the beach, and then to employ all hands in making a hole through the ice. It is desirable also to determine the latitude and longitude of this part of the coast, for the state of the weather to-day prevented our obtaining either. With respect to the nature of the country on this side of the island, there is as little to be said in favour of its fertility as any part of it that we have yet seen ; in fact, it is as barren as it is possible for land to be : even the hardy poppy that abounds on the south side of the island, in the worst soil, is not to be seen here. The only mineral that we have yet seen on this side, is sand- p i210 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY stone of a whitish colour, and generally of a slatey nature. Wednesday y '^th. — "We packed up the tents and set off for the sea-side at a quarter before two o'clock this morning, and at twenty minutes after four pitched them again on the beach, under the shelter of some high hummocks of ice that were thrown up there. As the weather was inclement at the time, we did not begin to dig the hole through the ice until the afternoon. It fortunately, however, cleared up for a little while at noon, so that the meridian altitude of the sun was obtained, and, in the afternoon, sights were taken to deter- mine the longitude, and azimuths for finding the variation. The results of these observations were as follows, viz. lat. y^*' 34' 47" N. long. 12' 18" E. of Winter Harbour, and the variation of the com- pass 134° S'i: 9.0" east. We had reason to consider ourselves very fortu- nate in having been able to determine these points in so short a time, and in so unfavourable weather. We were no less successful in cutting through the ice, for although we had no other instruments but the boarding pikes to dig with, we succeeded in getting through it by ten o'clock, P. M. Its thickness exceeded any floe ice that we have seen in these regions before, being no less than four- teen feet four inches, and it likewise appeared to be of a firmer texture than what we have usually seen before, being as blue as any berg-ice, and equally as compact. The water that rushed through it did not taste very salt; it was suf- ficiently so, however, to distinguish it to be that TO TITE ARCTIC REGIOXS. 211 of the ocean, so that we had now all the proof that could be adduced, that we had reached the sea, and by that means fully accomplished the object of our expedition. And as we may fairly claim the honour of being the discoverers of this coast, Mr. Parry took this op- portunity of establishing our right to that honour, by naming the different remarkable places that were seen on this occasion. The hills that I mentioned as having been seen on the night of the fifth instant, bearing then, from north by east, to the eastward of us, appear now to be a separate island, which he has named Sabine Island. The northern ex- tremity of the blue hills that have been so fre- quently mentioned in the course of our journey, he has done me the honour of naming after me. Cape Fisher. It bore N. W. of us, distant, as near as we could judge at the time, six or seven leagues ; from the view that we had of it, it ap- peared to be very bold, and of a considerable height. The point on which we pitched our tents, he named after one of the gentlemen of the party. Point Nias, and another point of land, a few miles to the eastward of this, he named Point Reid, after another gentleman of our party ; and a large bay, lying between Cape Fisher and Point Nias, was named after the ships, Hecla and Griper's Bay. These were the different places that were distinguished with names on this occasion, and as the weather was fine and clear in the evening, we ■had a very excellent view of them, and angles were taken, from which their situation will be correctly laid down in the chart, or rather the map p a '2V2 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY of our travels. Before I conclude my diary of this day's events, I must mention one circum- stance more, which, although trivial in itself, deserves to be noticed, inasmuch as it tends to shew, that although this shore is at present blocked up with such heavy ice, yet that there are times when there is open water here. The circum- stance that I allude to is a piece of fir-wood seven feet and a half long, and about the thickness of a man's arm, that was found between seventy and eighty yards (inland) from the hum,mocks on the beach,, and at least five and twenty or thirty feet above the level of the sea. Most part of it was buried in the ground, and it appeared, indeed, to have lain there for a considerable time, for the earth had penetrated in between the fibres of it, so that when it was dug up it separated into distinct filaments, according to the grain of the wood. Thursday^ 8th. — We packed up our tents at half-past two o'clock this morning, and took the cart up to the top of an eminence about half a mile from the beach, where we had determined yesterday to build a monument ; but, owing to the weather being so bad in the forenoon, and the cutting of the hole in the ice occupied so much of our time in the afternoon, that we were obliged to defer it until this morning ; it did not delay us long, however, for there were so many stones on the spot that we had selected, that we finished it by four o'clock. It is of a circular form, and of the following dimensions, namely, twelve feet in diameter at the base, and about twelve feet high. In a small apartment that we made in the centre TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 213 of it, we deposited a tin cylinder containing a slip of parchment, on which was written a brief ac- count to the same purport, as I have already men- tioned, that was on the papers that we left at other places where we halted. Along with the cylinder we also left a sixpence coined in I8I7, a penny- piece, bearing the date of the year 1797» and a half-penny dated I8O7, and several naval uniform buttons were likewise put there by some of the men. I mentioned two days ago, that the stone chiefly met with on this side of the island, is sandstone, and of this we had to-day a very convincing proof; for the point on which we erected the monument being our farthest north, we were all desirous of taking something back from it ; and, as nothing was to be found on it but stones, our choice was necessarily confined. But we had no idea, until we began to examine the place, that it afforded so few varieties ; for, after the most dihgent search, nothing was to be met with but sandstone, except one small piece of granite, which we divided into specimens. The object of our expedition being now accom^ plished in every respect, we began our journey back at four o'clock in the morning. As our route to the northward was on a tract so barren of interest, it is intended not to return in that direc- tion, but to go to the blue hills so often mention- ed, where we may expect to meet some variety, and as they run nearly north and south, our going along them will not take us much out of our wayj and even if it would, we have plenty of provisions. p S Q14f A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY to return with. Our course, therefore, after we started this morning, was to the southward and westward, for a considerable part of the way along the south-eastern coast of Hecla and Griper's Bay. The weather was so cold that it froze the water in our canteens, and one of them was burst in con- sequence. We pitched our tents again at seven o'clock, on the side of a dry sandy hill, the top of which we found to be full of holes, like a rab- bit warren ; most probably fox burrows. At this place also we found a ptarmigan : so that we may already say, that we have met with more to interest us than we did during the last three days of our journey to the northward. The latitude of this place we found, by meridian altitude, to be 7<5° 33' 55" N. ; and longitude by chronometer V 23'' 5, W. of the ships. We resumed our journey again at half-past five o'clock in the afternoon, and continued on the march until half past eleven. Our route during this day's journey was for the most part over plains, the greatest part of which were covered with snow : as we came along, however, we found that the parts that were clear of it, improved very much in their appearance ; for vegetation was, in some places, well advanced, especially in those places where the ground was moist from the dissolution of the snow. In course of our journey, this even- ing, we shot a ptarmigan, and saw two geese of the same kind as those that were seen on the Gth instant. Friday, dth. — We started again a quarter after three o'clock this morning, directing our course TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 215 niore to the southward, in order to keep oh a ridge of rising ground, that is almost clear of snow, and leading to the Blue Hills. As our route, for most part of the way, was over such good travelling ground, we got, by seven o'clock, to the foot of these hills; where we pitched our tents on the top" of a fine dry eminence ; from which, we had a to- lerable good view of the plain to the northward aud westward of us. We shot three ptarmigans at this place, two of which were hens, and had the colour of their plumage so much changed, that a person would hardly suppose them to be the same kind of bird as those that we killed about a week ago ; for the belly was the only part of them that was white; the head, neck, back, and upper side of the wings, and the tail, being nearly of the same colour as a partridge. The cock was per- fectly white, as before. In the course of our trip, this morning, we saw, for the first time this season, ' a running stream of water; and we passed several large pools of it in the ravines that we crossed. We found the lat. of the place of our encampment to-day, by meridian altitude, to be 75° 26' 43'' N. and long., by chronometer, 53' 37" 5 W. of Win- ter Harbour. The weather," to-day, was ex- tremely fine, with a light air of wind from the southward and westward. The men employed themselves, during their respective watches, to-day, washing their flannels, stockings, and such other articles as they had dirty; which were all per- fectly dry by half-past five o'clock in the after- noon ; the time that we started again. Our route this evening was sometimes across plains and p 4 216 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY valleys, and at other times, over hills; in the former, we find it now rather heavy travelling ; for the snow is melting so rapidly, that the land is, in these places, completely saturated with water. The progress of vegetation is astonishingly quick : the sorrel is already so far advanced, that we picked enough, during our march this evening, to afford us some refreshment. The ground that we came over to-day must be, at times, well stocked with deer; for we passed a great many of their horns ; and their old tracks Vv'ere very numerous. We killed two ptarmigans in the course of the evening, and two or three more were seen. Between nine and ten o'clock the weather became hazy, with occasional light showers of snow: we continued on the march, however, until a quarter before eleven o'clock. Saturday i 10th. — We resumed our journey again a quarter before three o'clock in the morning, and continued on the march until a quarter after seven. Our route was, as I mentioned yesterday, over hills and plains ; we also crossed several ra- vines, some of which we found a little difficulty in passing, especially one or two, for the snow in them is now so thoroughly soaked with water, that the cart sunk into it lip to the naves. The wea- ther was so thick this forenoon that we could see no great distance, and even if it were clear, I believe our view would not be so extensive as we thought it would when we saw these hills at a dis- tance ; for they are so nearly of a height, that every little rising obstructs the prospect from one over the other. The plains on their top are yet almost 15 TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 217 entirely covered with snow; we came across one of these this morning, that was several miles in ex- tent, whicli had scarcely a single black spot on it. The only animals we saw during this march were four arctic gulls (Larii Paracitici) flying to the eastward. Our latitude by meridian altitude to- day was 75° 20' 54" N. We started again at half-past five in the after- noon, but the w^eather was so bad that we were obliged to halt again at half-after nine ; for it blew very fresh indeed from the south-east, and snowed so incessantly that it was impossible to see dis- tinctly thirty yards before us. We were fortunate, however, in getting a good place to pitch our tents in, for we got into a very deep ravine that afforded us excellent shelter, and there happened to be plenty of slatey sandstone in the same place, with which we paved the floor of our tents. In the north side of this ravine there was an immense accumulation of snow ; great pieces, or avalanches of it, which had broken ofi^, were lying at the bottom of the ravine. I have hitherto omitted to mention that, since we got into the neighbourhood of these hills, and particularly since we got on them, we have found a considerable difference in the mineralogical productions of the parts that we have travelled over, sandstone is indeed the pre- dominant mineral, for all the fixed rocks that we have seen are entirely composed of it ; but we fre- quently meet with pieces of granite, quartz, and felspar, and sometimes hornblende. The sand- stone is remarkably schistose, being frequently as 218 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY thin as roofing slate ; solid blocks of it, indeed, are rarely to be met with of any considerable size. . Sunday, Wth. — The weather cleared up this morning, the wind having veered round to the N. W. We therefore packed up our tents and rie- sumed our journey at five o'clock. Our first out- set was up the south side of the ravine in which we slept last night ; this we found to be an under- taking that required all our exertions, for it was so steep, that it took us nearly three-quarters of an hour to get the cart up. Our route afterwards was for about three hours over a plain covered with snow. It appeared to be of a considerable height, for we had a very extensive view from it in every direction. After we got to the end of this plain, a very romantic prospect presented itself to our view all at once ; for we beheld at the foot of the plain, and about two or three miles to the south-eastward of it, a very extensive sheet of ice, with an island about three-quarters of a mile in length, rising abruptly from the middle of it to the height of six or seven hundred feet. The shores of this lake, or gulf (for we were unable at this time to say which it was) appeared to be very rugged and precipitant, particularly on the north- west side, or that which we were on. We con- tinued to approach it until ten o'clock, when, going down the side of a steep and rough hill that lay on the north side of it, the axle-tree of the cart snapt in two, in the middle. As this was an injury that we had no possible means of repairing, it re- quired no time to consider what was to be done ; we therefore got every thing immediately taken TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS* ^19 off it, and carried down to a valley at the foot of the hill. It was at first intended to break the wheels up for fire-wood, but on reconsideration it was found that the body of the cart would afford as much fuel as we were likely to require ; the wheels and axle were therefore left, for future travellers (if any should pass that way) to see that they were not the first adventurers that passed over these rocky mountains. Although the loss of the ciirt was a thing by no means to be wished for, yet we did not consider it in any way in the light of a disaster ; for what provisions remained we found to be no more than what we could manage to carry very well, when properly divided amongst officers, and all. Had the accident occurred indeed when we were on the north side of the island, it might have put us to some inconvenience, but we have reason to think, that, instead of its retarding our progress at present, we shall get on much quicker without the cart, for the ground has been getting gradually worse for travelling every day for some time past, and there is every chance of its continuing to do so. From the top of the hill on the side of which the cart broke down, we could see " Table Hill,'* or at least, a hill which we have every reason to suppose from its bearing and estimated distance to be it ; for our latitude by meridian altitude at noon to-day, was 75° 12' 50" N., and longitude by chronometer 1° 00' 31'' 5 W. of Winter Harbour* : * The variation of the compass at this place was found to be 125° 01' 52" E. 2^0 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY and the hill in question was alM'ays judged to be between six and seven miles from the ships^ After we had pitched our tents, and got every thing that was on the cart down to them, we supped and lay down to rest until the evening, when we began to make preparations for resuming our journey. All the provisions, tents, and indeed every article of public property, were weighed, and equitably dis- tributed amongst the officers and, men according to their supposed strength. I am sorry to say, however, that, notwithstanding the necessity there was on this occasion, for every person to take some share of the public burden, there was one amongst us who did not offer to carry a single article but his own private property ; his name I forbear to mention, nor would I indeed notice the circumstance at all, were it not in justice to the rest of the party to say of them, that, instead of showing any inclination to imitate such a glaring instance of a want of public spirit, it appeared to stimulate them to emulate one another in their exertions. Monday, 12th. — We struck the tents at two o'clock this morning, every thing else being by this time packed up that we intended to take with us. What we left indeed were things of very little use, such as empty canteens, and meat-cases, in which we used to carry water, and wash in ; some spare ammunition was also left, and a few other things that were deemed useless. The pole of the cart was set up against the side of a wall that we built yesterday to shelter the tents from the wind, and at the foot of this pole we deposited TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. ^21 the tin-cases and canteens, and indeed every thing else that was left.* We began our journey at half- past two o'clock, and about three reached the shore of the gulf, or lake before mentioned, our route was from this time until five o'clock along the foot of the mountains that bound the north- western side of it at this place. During this part of our march we saw several ptarmigans, two or three of which we shot, and on a pool of open water, close to the beach, we saw a couple of geese of the same kind as those that we saw on the north side of the island. A raven was also seen in the course of the morning and some bank swallows. The rocks that we came along the foot of this morning were composed of sandstone, but different in character from that which we met with in the ravines that we have been passing for some days past, for it existed in large blocks. At five o'clock we came to a low point, from which we had a good view of the extent and direction of the gulf, or lake, as it extended inland. Of its extent, indeed, we could form no certain judgment, as we could not see the termination of it; but with re- spect to its direction we found that it ran to the northward and eastward, or rather between north- east and east. After having seen that going round the top or north-east end of it, would take us very much out of our way, it was determined to ven- ture directly across it from this point j but as we had already been nearly three hours on the march, * We deposited a cylinder here which contained a piece of parchment, on which was written the same information as on those that we left at the different places already mentioned. ^:-22 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY it was deemed to be too great an exertion to at- tempt crossing it without halting, the distance at the narrowest part being estimated to be at least six or seven miles, and as this could not be done conveniently on the ice, our only alternatives were to rest where we were, or to go to the island men- tioned yesterday, which we considered to be about halfway across, and not lying much out of the direction that we wished to go. We therefore started for the island a few minutes after five o'clock, and arrived there at seven. A few minutes after we landed there, we discovered that this large sheet of water, which we were hitherto in doubt whether it was a lake or an arm of the sea, is actually the latter, for one of us which hap- pened to take up a pot-full of water out of a pool on the ice close to the beach, found that it was very brackish, which decided the point quite to our satisfaction ; very little doubt, indeed, re- mained on our mind respecting it before, for we found as we came along hummocks of ice thrown up in different places on the shore, a thing which we could hardly suppose would happen if it was a lake. We found the island to be composed, like the adjacent hills, of sandstone, and very barren. It is about three-quarters of a mile in length, from north north-west to south south-east ; and nearly of the same breadth. It rises perpendicularly from the sea on the west side to the height of six or seven hundred feet, and the ascent to it, indeed, on every other side is pretty steep. From the top of it there was a very good view of the gulf to the westward, or, in other words, towards its TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. Q23 mouth, for it runs nearly east and west. The two capes that form the entrance of it are, I under- stand, to be called Cgpe Beechey, and Cape Happ- ner, after the two officers of these names belong- ing to the expedition. The distance between these capes and the island was estimated to be from six to seven leagues, and the average breadth of the gulf beyond the island to the westward be- tween four and five leagues. The gulf itself is to be named Liddon's Gulf, in compliment to the commander of the Griper ; and a bold promontory on the north side of it is to be called Cape Ed- wards, after the principal medical officer of the expedition j and the island is to be named Hooper's Island, after the officer of that name belonging to the Hecla. In speaking of the mineralogy of Hooper's Island, I omitted to mention that we found several pieces of crystallised carbonate of lime on it, small pieces of quartz and felspar were also met with, and it is probable that if we had time to examine it more minutely we should meet with many other varieties j and it is not in minerals only, that it promised to be an interesting place ; it seemed to be a great resort for birds, for we saw several ptarmigans on it, and a great many of the geese so often mentioned in the course of our journey, were seen on the pools of water that lay off it. Of these birds we managed to shoot four during our stay, and found them to be brent geese (Anas Bernklay Lin.) They weighed about four pounds each, at least that was the weight of the first one that we shot, and the rest appeared to be about tlie same size. The latitude of 'the place where S24 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY the tents were pitched was found by meridian alti- tude to be 75° 05' 08" N., and longitude by chro- nometer r 08' 03" W. of Winter Harbour. » We left the island at half-past six, and directed our course to the nearest part of the land on the south- east side of the gulf, where we arrived at half-past eight. On reaching the shore we saw two reindeer, and some ptarmigans, but we could not, nor indeed did we try much to get near them, for the ice where we crossed it this morning was so deeply covered with snow, that every person appeared to be pretty well fatigued by the time we landed. The land on this side of the gulf, we found to be, comparatively speaking, low, and less covered with snow than on the opposite side. After crossing a piece of rising ground near where we landed, we entered into a fine open valley leading to the south- ward and eastward. In the N. W. side of it there was a lagoon, about three quarters of a mile in circumference ; it communicated with the gulf by a channel about fifty yards in breadth, across which we travelled. On the top of a small eminence, about thirty feet above the level of the sea, and close to the entrance of the lagoon, we found a piece of fir wood about two feet long, and at the thickest end about the same circumference. We found the skeleton of a musk-ox here also, and several reindeer's horns were seen as we came along. There was every appearance indeed of this valley being very much frequented by these * The variation of the compass on this island was found to be 122° 59' 37" E. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. ^"25 animals, for their tracks were very numerous, and even without these indications it might be inferred that it is a place likely to be resorted to both by deer, and musk-oxen, for it afforded the best pas- turage of any place that I have yet seen on this island. At eleven o'clock we pitched our tents, and dined. Tuesday, 1 Sth. — Instead of resuming our jour- ney this morning, as usual after dinner, it was determined not to start until the evening, in order to employ the forenoon in examining the valley and the shore of the gulf, in this neighbourhood, more particularly, as being places where we were likely to meet some objects of interest; and the sequel will show that our anticipations were re- alized, and consequently that our delay was amply repaid. Our success in the sporting way was not indeed so great as we expected, for a few ptarmi- gans and a golden-plover were all that we killed ; but we had the satisfaction of finding, that much more may be done, for we saw no less than thirteen deer in one herd, and a musk-ox was also seen for the first time tliis season ; but what is still more interesting, we found that this island had been inhabited at some period or other : for we found the remains of six Esquimaux huts, at the distance of two hundred and fifty, or three hundred yards from the beach, on a stony eminence on the south- east side of the valley. They resembled, in every respect, the ruins that we met with, and were described on the 28th of last August, as also the Esquimaux huts that we saw the year before in Baffin's Bay ; being composed of rough stones, and 226 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY of a rude oblong figure, about eight feet long, and five or six feet broad, besides a place about two feet square, at the end of each, which I have been told, is the place where the Esquimaux keep their provi- sions. Detached from the huts, we found a square place between two and three feet each way, which we supposed to have been the cooking place of the whole party. At a little distance from this there was another rectangular place, the use of which we could form no idea of ; it was about three feet long and one foot broad, and filled to the depth of six or seven inches with ptarmigans' dung. How long it is since these huts were inhabited, it is im- possible to say, but it must have been many years ago, for the flags with which they were paved were covered with moss, and the exposed sides of the stones that composed the walls were all covered with lichen. But whatever the length of time may be since they were inhabited, it is probable that those who did inhabit them were not strangers to this coast, for they certainly chose the most eligible spot for game that we have seen in this country. The geographical site of these huts was nearly as follows, viz. lat. 7<5° 2' 37" N., and longitude, by chronometer, 48' 48" west of Winter Harbour ; I have said nearly, because the observations from which these results were obtained were made at the tents, which were about half a mile inland of the huts. The variation of the compass was found here to be 126" 1' 48'' easterly. Every object that we had in view at this place, being at length accomplished, we packed up, and resumed our journey at six o'clock in the evening, the weather TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 2^7 being at the time hazy, with a fresh breeze of wind from the S. S. E. We had not been above an hour on the march, when it came on to snow ; we con- tinued on our way, however, vmtil nearly eight, thinking that the weather would, perhaps, clear up ; but, on finding then that there was no ap- pearance of it, we pitched our tents to secure a dry spot before it was too late. Wednesday t I4fth. — The weather having cleared up about four o'clock, we began immediately to prepare for our journey, and in rather less than twenty minutes we were again on the march. About five o'clock, the weather became fine and clear, so that we had an excellent view of the rocky precipices on the north side of Liddon's Gulf; and shortly after we saw Table Hill, which we kept in sight, and towards which we directed our course until we stopped at eight o'clock. The surface of the country that we passed over this this morning, was, generally speaking, even, but not level, for it rose gradually as we went along to the southward and eastward. A very considerable portion, I think, indeed, nearly one half the sur- face of the land, is now clear of snow. This has been one of the finest days that we have had this summer, for it was for some part of the time warmer than we could wish it. Our latitude, to-day, at noon, was 74° 53' 55" N., and with respect to our longitude, it is not an object worth being mentioned now, for we are so near Table Hill, that we expect to reach it in our next journey. We started again a little before six o'clock in the evening, and directed our course, Q 2 228 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY as before, towards Table Hill, which we reached about twenty minutes before ten, and pitched our tents at the foot of it. Our route was, during this march, over ground of the same nature as that which we passed in the forenoon, with this differ- ence, however, that it was much more difficult to travel over, for it is so completely saturated with water, that we frequently sank into it up to the ankle, and sometimes farther, and even in the driest parts of it we went down an inch or two; in short, we avoided the black ground to-day as much as we sought it ten days ago. We observed, during this day's march, a considerable difference in the mineralogical character of the country, for instead of the whitish sandstone that prevailed so abundantly from Liddon*s Gulf to the north side of the island, we found to-day, that the kind of stone we generally met with had a greenish tinge, and of a loose or disintegrated texture, like the sandstone in the ravines near Winter Harbour. Small pieces of granite, quartz, and felspar, were pretty frequently met with to-day, and when we got within a couple of miles of Table Hill, we began to meet limestone. Vegetation is now in a very flourishing condition, the sorrel is very far advanced, and there is a species of saxifrage {oppositifolia) beginning to blossom. Thursday J 15th. — After taking a few hours' rest, we all turned (at two o'clock) to build a monu- ment on the top of Table Hill *, which we finished • As this hill is a conspicuous object at a very considerable distance, its geographical position deserves to be mentioned. 13 TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 229 by six. It is of a circular form, ten feet in diame- ter at the base, and about eleven feet high. In the centre of it we deposited an empty Donkin*s meat-canister, containing a shp of parchment, on which was written the same brief notice that was on the pieces that we left at the other places that I have already mentioned, viz. " This was depo- sited here by a party from his Majesty's ships Hecla and Griper, who wintered on this island in 1819 and 1820." In building it we left also a small passage, leading on an inclined plane from the outside to the centre, through which it is in- tended to convey a cylinder (that is to be sent out from the ship*), in which will be a paper giving a more detailed account of our stay, and object in visiting these regions, &c. As it was apprehended that we should find it disagreeable to travel in the heat of the day, instead of setting off to the ships after we had finished the monument, we retired, as usual, to rest. We broke up our encampment again, for the last time, at a quarter after three o'clock in the afternoon, and got on board by seven It was obtained from observations made at the monument that we erected on the top of it, viz. Latitude by meridian altitude 74^ 48' 33" N. Longitude by chronometer - 23 04 W. of the ships. Variation of the compass 123 16 01 E. * This cylinder was sent out after our return; and in the en- trance of the hole through which it was conveyed, there was fixed a copper-plate, on which was punched the names of the ships, and the date of the year. I may remark, also, in this place, that a similar plate was fixed on the south-west side of the pile that was erected on North-East Hill, near Winter Harbour. q3 230 A VOYAGE Ol' DISCOVERY in the evening, where we were received with every demonstration of a hearty welcome ; after having performed a journey of at least one hundred and eighty miles, for, by the most moderate comput- ation, I think that we must have averaged twelve miles a-day. In giving the account of this journey, I am perfectly aware that I have been more minute in many instances than the subject that I was treating deserved ; but I thought that, by attempt- ing to cull it, I might omit some circumstances that deserved to be mentioned. I have, therefore, given the whole almost verbatim from the notes that I made at the time on the spot. Friday^ l6th, — Nothing occurred on board worthy of particular notice during the time we were away ; getting the'ballast in, and re-stowing the holds, were, I believe, the principal things done during our absence. A very great difference however, hastaken place in the state of the country around Winter Harbour, for those parts that were covered with snow when we went away, are now abounding with plants of various kinds beginning to blossom ; in fact, the aspect of the country is. so much changed, that, were w^e not so thoroughly acquainted with every place in this neighbour- hood, we should hardly recognise some parts of it again. The ice in the harbour has got con- siderably thinner, but there is no part of it open yet, nor is there any appearance indeed of its breaking up for some time. As there is no imme- diate prospect, therefore, of our leaving this place for some time, it is intended to send a party from each ship with ten or twelve days* provisions, in order to try what they can do in the way of pro- TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. ^31 curing game for the use of the expedition. Each party are to take tents with them of the same kind as we had on our late journey, so that they can easily remove them from one place to another, according as they find game more or less abundant in different situations. The party from the Hecla are to consist of three officers and three men, and as I am appointed to be one of it, my narrative of the events that may happen on board, must be again interrupted until our return. We started from the ship at half past eleven o'clock in the evening, accompanied by an officer and three men, who were sent to assist us in carrying the tents and provisions, &c. We directed our course to the eastward, for we learnt from a party that went out on an excursion in that direction some days ago, that they saw a great many geese on some lakes on the west side of what is commonly called Bounty Cape. * We got out there between five and six o'clock next morning, and pitched our tents on the top of a dry eminence, which we es- timated to be from eight to nine miles from the ships. A regular diary of all the circumstances that occurred from this period until our return again on board, would be so crowded with repetitions about things of so little interest, that even the reading of it would be more apt to be considered a tedious task, than a source of pleasure or information. Under this * This name was first given by the men to that remarkable headland that is situated near the 110th degree of longitude, in consequence of that meridian being that for which the first feward is given ; and, I understand, from the name being so Very appropriate, that it is to be confirmed. Q 4 2S'i A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY impression, therefore, I shall deviate from my former plan of giving the occurrences of every day separately, in the order in which they happened, and endeavour to comprise and arrange every thing worthy of notice under different heads, in regular succession. In the first place, then, with respect to the country, although we were out here only ten days, it was surprising to see the great change that took place, for on first going out we found the greatest part of the low land covered with snow, and the streams of water that flowed from it, had not then formed into any regular channels, but were spread all over the plains near the coast, making them as it were one entire swamp. Before we came in, however, these swamps had in a great measure been drained of their water, which formed three or four streams (within the space of five or six miles) that we used generally to distinguish them by the name of rivers, and one or two of them indeed were of such magnitude for some time, as not to be altogether undeserving the ap- pellation. These streams passed through many small lakes, which appeared generally to be very shallow. We saw two or three lakes, however, amongst the mountains, which, from the character of the land around them, we had reason to sup- pose were of considerable depth ; and I remarked this difference between them, that the lakes on the low land were clear of ice, whilst those amongst the hills were almost entirely covered with it. Vegeta- tion was very far advanced indeed by the time that we returned, for some spots where there was moisture and good soil, the grass was from two to three inches long ; and the sorrel was so abundant TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 233 that we used in a few minutes to collect enough to make a sallad every day to our dinner. With respect to the mineralogical character of those parts that we traversed over, I observed nothing diffe- rent from that seen in the immediate neighbourhood of Winter Harbour, viz. sandstone, composing the whole of the fixed rocks, and the greatest part of the loose stones also ; granite, limestone, and small pieces of red felspar were frequently met with, but these formed but a very small proportion indeed, when compared with the quantity of sand- stone that was seen. Having thus taken a cursory review of the mineral and vegetable pro uctions that we had an opportunity of seeing, my next object is to notice the different kinds of animals that we saw. The deer were not so numerous as we expected to find them, for two dozen, or thirty at most, were as many as we saw the whole time we were out, and of these we only succeeded in killing two ; this we attributed in a great measure to the shyness of the does, for they were so careful of their young, that there was no possibility of getting near them. The two deer that we killed were very lean, for although they appeared to be full-grown, the first one weighed only 54 lbs. when skinned and cleaned, and the other which we got about a week after 64 lbs. Their horns were not above nine or ten inches in length ; they were covered with a soft skin, which had a fine downy coat ; their tips were flexible, but if bent much, were easily broken ; the substance of the horns were very porous, and full of blood. The colour not only of these two, but indeed of all the deer we saw, was white, with the exception of a light St34 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVEllY ash-coloured patch on their back ; but the fawns appeared to be entirely of that colour. The next animals I ought to mention, if I take them accord- ing to their size, are a couple of wolves which we saw one afternoon ; but as we had but a distant view of them, I can say nothing about them. We had also a distant view, two or three times, of some foxes ; the only thing in which they appeared to differ from those that were caught during the win- ter was, in their having a black patch on their sides a little before their hind quarters. We saw several hares during the time we were out, of which we killed four ; their average weight was from seven to eight pounds ; they were per- fectly white, with the exception of the tips of their ears, which were black. These were all the varie- ties of quadrupeds that we saw, and of the feathered tribe the number was not much greater. Brent geese, king ducks, and long-tailed ducks, arctic and glaucous gulls, comprised the whole of the aquatic birds that we saw ; and a few ptarmigans, plovers, sanderlings, and snow-buntings, were all the land birds that were seen. The geese were, the first two or three days after we went out, pretty numerous, but, on finding themselves disturbed, most of them went away, and those that remained secured themselves by keeping in the middle of two or three large lakes, where our shot would not reach them ; we succeeded, however, in killing a dozen of them during the time we were out. The ducks were not numerous, so that our success in that way was very trifling. With respect to the ptarmigans, I believe all were killed that were seen, viz. fifteen ; and, if fifty times the number TO thp: arctic regions. ^S5 had been seen, I believe we might have killed them all, for they are as stupid as any birds I ever saw. These are all the circumstances that occurred during our ten days* excursion, that deserve to be mentioned ; and I am not sure, indeed, that they are of sufficient importance to claim so much notice as I have taken of them. As soon as we returned on board, another party was sent out for the same purpose as we were on, with ten days more provisions. Tuesday y ^Z'^th, — With respect to the events that occurred on board during the time we were away, they have been of so little consequence that they do not deserve to be noticed. The ice on the harbour has decayed indeed, very considerably during these ten days past ; it is covered now with pools of water along shore, and at the places where the streams of water from the ravines discharge themselves into the harbour, it is quite detached from the beach. The land is now completely clear of snow, with the exception of what there is in the ravines, and that is dissolving very rapidly indeed ; for the torrents of water that run down them, exceed any thing of the kind that we have seen in these regions before. The surface of the country now presents a very pleasing appearance ; some parts of it, in particular, abound with such abundance of purple-coloured saxifrage in blos- som, that even persons accustomed to a better climate than we have been for some time past, could not help admiring it j but to us, who experi- enced, and who have so recently emerged from the dreary scene of an arctic winter, it will naturally appear more delightful. The sorrel is, however, ^36 A VOYAGE or DISCOVERY the only vegetable production from which we derive any benefit ; but from it we have a very abundant supply of a most useful, and very palat- able article of diet. All the men are sent on shore twice a-week, viz. on Sunday and Thursday, to gather it, and what they collect, after being mixed with vinegar, is served out to them regu- larly. * Notwithstanding every attention has been paid to the different seeds that were sown in the gardens, I believe that we shall receive but very little benefit from the produce of them, for their growth is very tardy indeed. Friday y 30th. — At two o'clock this morning departed this life, William Scott, boatswain's mate, who had been ill for some months past, first with scurvy, and afterwards with diarrhoea, and general debility. He was considered a very good and quiet man, and I am told an excellent seaman ; but, unfortunately, it is said that he was rather addicted to spirits. Whether a consciousness of this failing preyed on his mind or not, I cannot pretend to say; but he was often observed to be very low-spirited, which amounted sometimes, during his illness, to hypochondriasm. Sunday i July 9.d. — Immediately after divine service this forenoon, his body was taken on shore, and interred on a plain between two and three hundred yards from the beach. Almost the whole of the officers and men of both ships attended on * As a considerable quantity of the lemon-juice has been, as I have already remarked, destroyed by the frost during the winter, it has, of course become an object of importance to economise what remains, and as the sorrel that is gathered is considered to be a good substitute for it, the serving of it out has for the present been suspended. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 237 this occasion, to perform this last duty that we owe one another ; we all walked two and two, in regu- lar procession, and in the order which is always observed on these occasions. * Friday y ^th, — The weather has been remark- ably fine since the beginning of this month, the ice on the harbour is now full of holes in the neigh- bourhood of the ships, and along shore it is detached from the land entirely at high water ; we found the thickness of it in several places where we measured it this evening, to vary from a foot, to eighteen inches. In the course of the afternoon a large flock of loons flew across the harbour, going to the westward, fi:om which we are inclined to think, that there is some open water in that direction, and we have reason to suppose, that we shall soon have that here also. A few days ago we picked up on the surface of the ice, between the ships and the shore, three fish, between ten inches and a foot long each, which answered to the character given by LinnaBus of the pouting whiting. We supposed that they got on the surface * On a slab of schistose sandstone about three feet long, and two feet broad, there was cut the following inscription : " To The Memory of Wm. Scott, Seaman, His Britannic Majesty's ship Hecla ; Obiit. June 30th, 1820. ^t. 33 years." This stone was placed at the head of the grave, with its front facing to the westward ; and the grave itself was covered with stone, in order to prevent its being disturbed by wolves, or any other animals. 'iiSS A VOYAGE OF DISCOVEHY of the ice, at the time that it was overflowed by the stream tides in the winter. In speaking of tides, it reminds me that I have hither omitted to men- tion, that we have been for nearly these two months past, observing regularly every day, the rise and fall of the tide in this harbour. * And we found, from the result of these observations, that the greatest rise and fall is only four feet two inches, and that occurred only once, viz. at eight o'clock in the forenoon, on the 13th of May last. Friday y 14fth. — Nothing of any importance has occurred for this Week past. The ice has now got very thin, but it has not yet broke up any where except along the shore. It is expected, however, that the first strong breeze of wind we Ijave will break it up ; and, in order to be able to avail our- selves of the first opportunity that may offer for getting away, every thing is now ready, I believe, for taking our departure. Among other mementos that we have left to indicate our stay at this place, is a large pile of stones, or monument, as it is called, that we erected yesterday, on the most conspicuous hill in this neighbourhood, situated about two miles to the north-east of where the ships lay, and from thence usually termed North- East Hill. This pile is about ten feet in diameter at the base, and between ten and eleven feet high. In the centre of it we deposited a tin cy- linder, containing some silver coins, and a paper giving an account of our stay, and object in visit- ing these regions. On the south end of a large * See Appendix. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 239 stone, situated between two and three hundred yards from the beach, on the south-west side of the entrance of the harbour, we cut the following words so deeply, that I imagine some traces of them will be legible for some centuries to come. The words in question are these : — " His Bri- tannic Majesty's ships, Hecla and Griper, com- manded by W. E. Parry, and M. Liddon, wintered in the adjacent harbour, 1819-20." I may remark also that the inscription on the tomb-stone of the late William Scott will be another lasting monu- ment that will show the place near which we have now passed the best part of a year. Besides these, many other relics will be left, that would identify Winter Harbour for some ages ; but, wh^t is more unperishable tlian all these marks, which time will destroy, we have determined its geographical po- sition with such precision, I presume, that if any future navigator should hereafter visit this coast, he will have no difficulty in finding this port, at least as far as its situation will be concerned. The latitude of the spot where the ship lay since the 26th of September, 1819 .... 74° 47' 15" N, Longitude of ditto, by lunar ob- servations 110° 48' 30'' W. Variation of the compass, as found on shore, clear of the ship's attraction . . . . 128*' E. Although we are now in perfect readiness, and, 1 may say, indeed, in daily expectation of leaving this place, it is intended to keep parties out shooting until we have an immediate '240 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY , prospect of setting off. My diary of the occur- rences on board must, therefore, be again sus- pended for a while, as I am appointed to be one of the party that is to go out this evening to re- lieve those that are at the tents. We left the ships at ten o'clock at night, and arrived at the tents at four o'clock next morning. Tuesday^ '25th My account of all the circum- stances that came under our observation, from that period, until our return, may be comprised in very few words. It would, indeed, be little better than a mere tautology of the events of our first shooting excursion^ if I were to relate those that occurred at this time. With respect, therefore, to the ani- mals that we met with, I have to observe only, that they were of the same kind as those we saw before ; but much fewer in number, owing, no doubt, to their being so much chased and disturbed ibr these six weeks past. The face of the country is very much improved, as far as regards its being much drier, and consequently better adapted for travelling ; but with respect to its appearance, it has lost very considerably in this point, for almost the whole of the flowers that adorned it, about a fort- night or three weeks ago, have now run into seed, and their petals fallen off, so that the land has begun again to look naked. Thelakes and streams that were so numerous, and some of considerable size, when we were out about the middle of last month, are now almost entirely dried up ; even those streams that we then dignified with the name of rivers, are now so small, that we crossed them on our return to-day without wetting pur feet. The exhalation from these lakes is almost incredible, considering TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 241 the nature of the chmate ; for the vapour that rises from them sometimes appears at a little dis- tance, as thick as if it rose from the surface of hot water. During our excursions, lately, we ob- served another curious circumstance, peculiar, I imagine, to this climate, at least to the extent that we saw it. The thing I allude to is, that in se- veral places along the sides of the hills, we ob- served where pieces of ground, from fifty t^ sixty yards in length, and between thirty and forty in breadth, had started from their place, and slided down these hills to the distance of sixty or seventy yards, forming, where they had stopped, large heaps of earth, and in other places spreading over the face of these hills. The depth of the chasms that were left by the removal of these pieces of ground was, in. general, about two feet ; the surface of the ground in them was firmly frozen, whilst the ground that slided away was so soft, that a person would sink into it. How far these casual circumstances may operate in changing the face of this country, 1 do not pre- tend to say, but there is one thing certain, that it has undergone a very considerable change, and that too at no very distant period of time ; for we found the jaw-bones of a whale on a plain, at the distance of a mile, at least, from the sea, and a crown-bone of a whale was picked up about the same distance from the shore, near Winter Har- bour. And, in both these cases, the bones were, I think, too heavy for wolves or bears to drag them that distance inland ; and, if that be admitted, I do not see any other way in which the thing can R ^242 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY bie accounted for, except by supposing that the coast has extended its former limits. But my ob- ject being that of stating facts, I shall avoid enter- ing any farther into these conjectures, in case of drawing wrong conclusions. On returning to the tents this morning, we found an officer and three men there, who were sent out to assist us in taking the tents, &c., on board, there being hopes, at length, of leaving Winter Harbour ; for all the ice on it is now broke up, and drifting about from one side to the other, according to the direction of the wind. We started at three o'clock in the afternoon, and got on board by eight o'clock in the evening. Wednesday y Q6th. — The wind being from the southward this forenoon, all hands were employed warping the ships out towards the mouth of the harbour, where we anchored, the entrance being as yet choked up with ice j but, as we know that there is clear water along shore outside, this ob- struction, we may reasonably expect, will soon be removed by the first fresh breeze of northerly wind that we have. Friday, Q,Sth. — We are still detained by the ice above-mentioned, which has been thrown up, by the late southerly wind that we have had, into large hummocks on the reef, at the south-east side of the entrance of the harbour. Our passage, indeed, is not over that reef, but the ice that has grounded on it, seems to offer obstruction in its passage outward, to that which is in the harbour. We saw a large seal on the ice to-day, but he lay so near the edge of the piece that he was on, that TO THE ARCTIC REGIOVS. 243 he succeeded in getting into the water before we got to him, although he was severely wounded with balls. Tuesday f August Ist. — The first of August ap^ pears to be a lucky day in the events of this voyage, for it was on this day last year that we entered Lancaster's Sound, and at twenty minutes after one o'clock this afternoon we made sail out of Winter Harbour, after having been part of every month in the year in it, and, consequently, upwards of ten calendar months. Our anxiety^ for some time past, to recommence our labours after so long a period of inactivity, and the pleasure that we felt on finding that long-wish ed-for period at length arrived, may be more easily conceived than expressed ; for, notwithstanding tlie several plans that were adopted to keep both body and mind employed, we could not help occasionally reflecting, that much of our time was idly spent, whilst a great deal yet remained to be done, be- fore the object of the expedition would be accom- plished. On getting out of the harbour to-day, however, the prospect before us gave us every reason to hope that, notwithstanding the shortness of the season, much might be done ; for, as far as we could see to the westward, there was a channel of open water, three or four miles in breadth, along the land. To the eastward, this channel appeared to be still wider, but that not being our way, we paid but little attention to what lay in that direction. The weather was extremely fine to-day ; but the wind being for most part of the time against us, we made no great progress. 244 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY Wednesday y 9.d. — The wind being still adverse, our advance to the westward was, as yesterday, but very slow ; and in the afternoon it veered round to the southward, and, consequently, soon set the ice in with the land, so that we were obliged, at four o'clock, to make fast to a hum- mock of ice, aground near the shore. Thursday, 3d. — The weather was foggy most part of this day ; and, the ice being close in with the land, we have not moved from the place where we brought up yesterday. It has been observed, since we made fast here, that the flood-tide comes from the w^estward, and that the time of high- water corresponds with that in Winter Harbour. Friday 4>th, — The wind having veered round to the N. W. this forenoon, the ice soon began to drive off from the land, and by one o'clock in the afternoon we cast off and made sail. As we ad- vanced to the westward, we found the channel to be gradually widening, so that, about midnight, we found as great a space of clear water as we ever observed before off this part of the island, and, in the opinion of some, more, indeed, than we found last year ; for the ice was estimated, to- night to be, at least, four miles and a half, or five miles, off the coast; and as to the extent of this channel to the westward, we had the pleasure of seeing no end to it in that direction, and, to add to this, we had a fresh breeze of wind in our fa- vour, and fine clear weather. About midnight we got abreast of the place where we were stopped so long by the ice, at the time the Griper's party lost their way, in the month of September last. TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. 24)5 Saturday^ 5th. — We got this forenoon abreast of the high land, where we were stopped by the ice last autumn ; the wind having failed us about noon, a party went ashore to make observations, &c. They found the rocks here to consist of sand- stone, as on all other parts of this island, where we have yet landed. The sorrel, and other plants that were brought on board, were considerably larger than those of the same kind that we found about Winter Harbour, most probably owing to the more favourable situation in which they grew ; being well sheltered from the northerly wind by the high land, and having a southerly aspect. It appears that this part of the coast is well stocked with hares, for tliey saw four during, the short time they were on shore ; a glaucous gull, and a raven were also seen. At six o'clock in the even- ing we got to the edge of a loose stream of heavy ice ; but as we. advanced into it, it became closer, and at a quarter before nine it was found to be so compact that there was no possibility of getting through it. We therefore made fast to some hum- mocks of ice, about twenty yards from the beacli, in from seven to nine fathoms* water. We had not been above an hour or two fast, when we found the ice had closed in with the land, both to the eastward and westward. Our situation, therefore, was not deemed to be by any means safe ; for the ice was driving to the westward with considerable velocity, and our only protection against it was a low point of land, that lay to the eastward of us. Whilst the ice ran to the westward, however, this point sheltered us very well ; but, in the event of R 3 ii-if) A VOYAGK or DISCOVERY its returning by the wind or tide in the contrary direction, or from the southward, we must be completely exposed to it ; circumstances may, however, become more favourable before such a change takes place. Sunday^ 6th. — After we made fast last evening, some of us went ashore, and, in the course of the night, killed fourteen hares, and a number of glau- cous gulls, which were found with their young on the top of an insulated rock, about thirty feet high, situated near the mouth of a ravine, about five miles to the eastward. The coast here is very bold and precipitous, rising abruptly from the sea to the height of about eight hundred and fifty feet. At the foot of the rocks there is, indeed, in some places, a slope from forty to fifty yards in breadth, covered generally with the loose fragments of stone that fall from them. These rocks consist entirely of schistose sandstone, and a kind of slate-clay, of a light green colour. Along the face, and pretty near the top of these precipices, there are a number of insulated columns, or rather insulated masses, that resemble, in some measure, when viewed a little way off, the turrets of a di- lapidated building ; but, when view^ed more closely, that is, from the foot of the precipices, their natural structiue is seen to great advantage ; and, as far as lofty and rugged clifi^s can be said to be picturesque, some of those in question were eminently so. Nor is this romantic scene confined only to the rocks that faced the sea ; on the con- trary, some of the ravines that ran inland, con- tained some that excelled the former, if possible, TO THE y\RCTIC REGIONS. in the variety of their fantastic shapes. There is one of these ravines near tlie ship, that is particularly interesting in this way. I remarked that all these rocks were invariably stratified hori- zontally. The surface of the country is, generally speaking, plain, and, if viewed from the sea, would come under the denomination of table-land. Monday^ '^tli. — From the top of the hills above^ mentioned, land was seen to-day, extending from S. to W. S. W., and supposed to be about fifty miles ofif. Whether this is the continent of Ame- rica, or an island lying off it, is certainly a question that our present knowledge is inadequate to decide ; I shall therefore not ofl^er an opinion on the sub- ject. From the same elevated situation that this land was seen, we had also a good view of the sea to the westward, or rather, I am sorry to say, oi' the ice ; for, as far as we could see, in that direc- tion, as well as to the southward, and even to the eastward, it was covered with ice. There were here and there, indeed, small pools, and lanes of open water, but no continuous opening. The ice that lay close in with the land was in general broken up, into what might, comparatively speak- ing, be termed small pieces; but, beyond this, that is, to seaward, it appeared to consist of innnense floes, some of them several miles in diameter. We find also that the ice here is much heavier than any that we saw before, and is at the same time quite of a different character ; for, instead of its pre- senting an even surface, like the ice in Baffin's Bay, it is completely covered with hummocks, resembling what I understand the Greenland ire R 4 24S A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY to be. Since we came here we have observed another circumstance that deserves to be men- tioned, when speaking of the ice off this part of tlie coast : the circumstance that I allude to is, a ledge of ice that is firmly attached to the land, and extends from it in general no more than fifteen or twenty yards. The surface of this icy girt is covered with five or six feet water, and its outer edge is so steep, that from six to seven fathoms are found immediately alongside of it. Wednesday y 9th. — The ice has been almost con- stantly in motion during these two days past; some- times it is drifting to the eastward, and at other times in a contrary direction, but it never leaves a clear space of any extent in either way. We had an opportunity of observing this evening an instance ofthe violent pressure that takes place occasionally by the collision of this heavy ice ; for two pieces that happened to come in contact close to us press- ed so forcibly against one another, that one of them, although forty-two feet thick, and at least three times that in length and breadth, was forced up on its edge on the top of another piece of ice. But even this is nothing when compared with the pressure that must have existed to produce the ef- fects that we see along the shore, for not only heaps of earth and stones, several tons' weight, are forced up, but hummocks of ice from fifty to sixty feet thick are piled up on the beach. It is unnecessary to remark that a ship, although fortified as well as wood and iron could make her, would have but httle chance of withstanding such overwhelming force i and, from a conviction of this, we consider TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. ^249 our present situation, as I have already said, a very precarious one. But to dismiss this subject for something more interesting, I have to notice, in the first place, that a whale was seen two nights ago, for the first time this season ; and, on the same day, we shot a fawn, which weighed thirty-eight pounds. A few hares and glaucous gulls have also been killed within these two days, but our success to-day, in the sporting way, de- serves most notice, for w^e shot a musk-ox. When first seen, he was going along the beach to the eastward; and, from the nature of the ground, was obliged to pass so close to us, that he was fired at from the ship. We thought at first that he was wounded on this occasion ; but we soon had rea- son to alter our opinion, for he galloped off at greater rate than an animal of his shape could be supposed capable of going. The nature of the ground was, however, as I have already remarked, very favourable for our purpose; for he was hemmed in by the sea on one side, and steep cliffs, which he could not ascend, on the other. When he found, therefore^ that he was assailed in such a way that there was no possibility for him to escape, he immediately put himself in a posture of defence, by taking up a position in front of a large stone, where he could not certainly be attacked by any other animal, except under a great disadvan- tage ; but to the means that we had, he could offer no resistance, and consequently fell. His weight and dimensions were as follows : Tiz. — 250 A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY Length from the snout to the end of the tail Length of the tail . . _ . Height from the sole of the fore-hoof to the top of the hunch _ . . - From ditto to the knee-joint of the fore-leg - From the hoof to the second joint, {i. c. the length of the fore-leg) . . _ _ Length of the fore-hoof - - . . Breadth of ditto . _ . . Circumference of the fore-leg below the knee Length from the sole of the hind-hoof to the hock Length of the hind-leg . _ - Length of the hind-hoof - - - - Breadth of ditto . . . - - Circumference of the hind-leg below the hock Height from the sole of the hind-hoof to the top of the back . . - - - From the end of the snout to the fore-shoulder From ditto to the upper part of the root of the horns ... - eet. In. 6 10 3 4- 8 1 1 2 3 H 5 7 1 5 2 9 4 4i 6i * 2 2 5 1 10 TO THE ARCTIC REGIONS. ^51 Feet. In. From tlie end of the snout to the eyes - - 1 0^ From the root of the horns to the top of the hunch 2 Between the tips of the horns - - - 2 Circumference of the horns as low as could be measured - - - - - 1 0^ Base of the horns longitudinally - - - 11^ Length of the ears (which were pointed and situ- ated close behind the horns) - - 6 Circumference of the neck close to the head - 3 8 Incisores (lower jaws) six in number, and molares in both jaws twenty-four, viz. twelve in each , Length of the nostrils - - - - 3 Breadth between the nostrils (upper end) - - 4- Breadth between the eyes - - - 1 1 Length of the longest hair on his rump --'25 Weight of the carcase when skinned and cleaned . _ - . lbs. 421 Weight of the head, skin, and feet - 13-1' Estimated weight of the entrails and blood, &c. - - - - 160 Total weight - 715 '& The hair on different parts of the body was ol" different lengths, and of various colours, the pre- vailing colour, however, was black, and the longest hair was, as above stated, on the rump and hind quarters. He had a thick mane extending from the head to the top of the hunch ; the colour of it was of a pale russet. Immediately beliind the hunch there was a saddle, or bed, of short hair, of a yellowish white colour, about a foot and a lialf in length, along the ridge of the back, and nearly of the same breadth. The legs, as far as the knee- joint, were of a dirty white colour, and the hair on them this far was no longer than that on an Eng- lish ox. At the root of the long hair, there was a 252 A. VaVAGE OF DISCOVERY finer kind of an ash colour, which was indeed as fine as any wool, and would certainly, if manufac- tured, make as fine cloth as anv English wool. Mr. Pennanty indeed, mentions, in his description of the musk-ox, that a man of the name of Jeremie had stockings made of the wool, or hair, of that animal, which were equally . as fine as any silk stockings. It would seem, that the animal casts this fleecy covering annually, for in the thick part of the mane, and on each side of the neck, there was a layer of this wool quite detached from the body of the animal, and only prevented from fall- ing off, from being interwoven amongst the long hair. The hair on his forehead was all matted into small lumps with earth, and the roots of the horns were also covered with it, from which it would appear, that he was in the habit of tearing up the ground with his head ; of this, indeed, we were ourselves eye-witnesses in one instance, for after we had surrounded him, so as to prevent his escape, he began rubbing his head against the ground, as if threatening us with destruction if we approach^ ed nearer, and I have no doubt, that to any animal that inhabits these regions he would be a formidable antagonist, not excepting the bear itself. His flesh tastes a good deal of musk, but not so much so as to be disagreeable ; on this point, however, I ought to pay some deference to the opinion of a few per- sons amongst us who think differently. With re- gard to the heart and liver, it was agreed by all parties that they were not very palatable ; and those who ate the kidnies say, that they tasted more musky than any other part. To conclude the 17 TO JHE ARCTIC REGIONS. 253 subject, I have no doubt that people Uving a little more affluently than we have been for some time past, would not relish the best part of it very mu-ch at first, but it is a taste which, like many others, 1 think might easily be acquired. Friday 11th, — Nothing has occurred during these two days past worthy of particular notice. The ice, as I have already remarked, drives one time to the eastward and at another time to the westward, according to the set of the tide or di- rection of the wind j but it never leaves a clear space of any magnitude in either way, so that we have as little prospect of getting on as we had the first day we made fast here. Monday, 14 ? 2 S J2 fc? a2 tK ^ ^ 'S O 0) .E. one mile W. byN., Loi omer Light-hoi ;ht-house W. t farmouth Roac rch W. Cromt Robin Hood's < c O Nore Light N Kazenland N. At anchor, Cr Winterton Li; At anchor in ' Blakeney Chu South side of 56 47 25 N. 58 56 23 59 17 1 59 5 18 58 34 17 57 51 53 57 8 46 56 51 51 57 26 16 1 M i (U s S 1-4 doddddoio^o^o^oiddddodoo^o^oo (n«cf3co«oo(M(NCNC^(Mof:cooo««(n!ncMCN<>) C u C5 •-iOOOOOitD<£>lO5O00OiO'^'O«5O><» dddddo?moio?o^o?o5ddddddo5a3oo «co(n«(noqiMcq«4 ■s c 1-H m-HlOOC3000W5OO«t-!OCO'-i'*Og)C0^«O ddddddq^o^^o^oidddoooo^ojoj 1^ < 1 U a. 1 i i o — 00"2>O«M0n(M-HO=0OOOO220000h-^D >o a o ^ 1 o a C 2S- 2§ o.<«.(.«50-^>-.00«0> f-H O 00 *o 00 •<1< 01 ^ Ci Ol -^ 01 o « * •^ m r^ r^COlOOJMCOlOlCltl (N •<»< ■rs(M'-<«>OC0«T}< Tj. ■* ■<»• ■* ■<*< 'i< ^ ^ lO *o CO to to CO ^ B O ^ 05M01<'^>0 t-OTO'* •* (N 1— t Tf CO — -^ -« •* ■* o CO 00 o ti * 10>0 «T}<-H •oooo ,- « 1 0< CO ^ 1 '-' o '*<'^«5;Dt^«0 t^t^CTlO M (N t~- 00 t^ Ol eo t^ ^ •-I ^ M P4 01 '3d «««««« «(««•* ■* •* ■* •* ■* •* *o *o CO to CO to CO CO § oi 00 ^ , «. 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OS Q ~ 1 o ;?; J 03 c O o ^ 1 •a J5 3 u .*^ o c 0^ o 00 ^ ea B 3 s O fcT CO il o 2 1 o 1^ ^H ^ ■■^"■^ ■^ e s g tf 1 ^ Q " 1 o c o bo c 03 1 s Pi c« < 1 0) 3 CM ^ 1 o ^ *j t ^ <1 u t- o " rti g o t J- »i to ■*• >0 C5 ■* « (?i o lo >c CO CO o — Ol ■* O 0^ Ol ic o O 5- 5 "■ Ol >o r~ — -^ ■* Tf h O rt _g « r- t- « ■<»< t- 0) 00 w r- «0 lf5 «f t^ ,^(^0—1 '^ 01 -H 00 o q -< O Ol r- r~ t^ 00 00 £ o a Oi cr> 9i d> Ci Ci C) Ci Cl o5 0^ m « m cr> cfi d d d (j) d d d d d O Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol oi ^ 0^ o> « 00 8^ 00 ■* O Ol CO 00 00 00 o t~ 00 — 1 in 01 q 01 o q o CD r~ Ol 01 O O o n c _g t~ (£) -. ^ lO (M ■"T Wi v> ■* n< CO ■* o ~ Ol O 00 t^ to i^ r~ »^ %M § " ci ai 0^ m O^ 0^ C^ O^ Oi a> 0^ m 0^ a> 0^ Ol 05 O oi 0^ c5 d d d d O Ol Ol Ol 01 Ol oi o ^ Ol CM (M (M 01 (M (N 1?) 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P"' 00 •< APPENDIX. 307 ^ s I a o 1 ^ o o ^ - ■s -^ a 2 ^ 1 ■3 1 B C o "to S d 1-^ a V o CO Ol X 3 ^ 00 ■r o 1 s 01 jj - § 1 -e q O 1 3 OJ c S C3 03 o Z _ ; ■*-f . rt < ^ 1 0) 3 ^ o 1 c3 l-H o ' t- ^ GJ 'l' ^ o Olr^l-OOXOOC-l-iO o C5 -1 O 0) r- UO 'o 01 O Cl Ol r~ Ol X X O to CO T" S £ 3 «■*•!*• coco— lOOOO^r-i 0) CO CO O) CN 01 01 « O -1 X X M en lO ■* X O) B 1— ( odd ddddmoiddd d 6 6 6 6 6 d d d d d en iy> d oi cy o^ wtoocooocoooouo C5 ^o <£! cr> -c CO 'J' O Oi 01 ^ t- * O CO t^ r~ O Oi »o « .5 A K m CO COC^OOOiCiOO-^ '^ CO 0» « 0-1 Ol 01 -1 Cl O O t^ t^ O 01 Ol 01 t- X Ol ^ s a odd dddcio^oiddd d 6 6 6 6 6 d d 0^ d d 0^ d d cr> 0^ 0^ m 0^ 0^ o CO M 0^ COCOCOOlOltNCOCOCO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 01 CO 00 Ol 01 CO 01 Ol Ol 01 Ol 01 .bJD o 00 5D 01 — itO'*tOOCOI^'*iCl •* — X CO ■* — t- O —1 1— 1 o Ol Oi o Ol -^ O to X X 'S J= •*! •* ■<:< foooiociOO-HM CO f 01 O) O) CO 01 01 — 01 CO -< Ol Ol o X to C! 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CO f ^ J^ « 01 01 01 r}< ■l o OOIC^^C^— '•^•~^'~' 9 Si* ^ wl^ -A-< HWlHfc) E 0) a o t- ^ lO «OooifsooaiOOo3 t^ t- Oi ^ Oi Tt< lO lO Oi 01 ^ W O to t- t^ CO X »o r~ S -. — r- M 0^ —• —1 — ' — ' -< -• Ol 01 01 01 01 01 00 CO CO •* co ■<»< CO 00 CO 00 H 0) r-H CI CO rfV-O-Ot-XO^O — 01 CO T}< irj 50 t^ X o -. 01 Ol 01 CO Ol ■* >-0 01 Ol to t~ Ol cq X Ol O — 01 01 CO CO *« "5 o >^ 1*^ C4 Q -^ OJ 308 APPENDIX. aOQ'r'OC'100>OOCNWtO«5>0'^l005 c2 2S2?9=?£!S?°55??>05o^o5o^o^666dmddc^mr;^^n;.-^ n CO c^ c-i « « 0-1 ci 01 oi 0^ c^ c-i «55§J«gSSSg^?3oa?iggo-^^«5^««^„gg,^^ o $^???§S;«g?§S?^^S£?g?S;5?og^^|5J^.^^^^ (5'" -.(M«*vj 00 3 APPENDIX. 309 ■o i^ 00 c« lo « 00 ^ HC^ Hirl i-t~-oo«io«ooooooDOii-i(y5«oo>oCif-i(y2W*r-'*t^to :ii^ SIO APPENDIX. fc* r' « ^ O ff> O if^ i^ »ri c 0« Ol ■<»< V Ol c^ ^ Cl «-. 1 11 1 1 1 <0 1 O t- CO >c "^ o - 1 II 1 ll>ol — Q ^ o CO CO CO «; o 01 O 5 CO ^ ^ •* »n -^ o< k. f ^ 1 1 l-O CJ V> <£i X * 00 1 ■* 1 1 1 1 3 a 1 1 "J- '*• ■** 00 -i^l-^llll 3o o 01 CO CO CO Ol 0< OJ lO r- « «_ _ „^0 3 o 01 X "^ u ^ 3 3 ^ 1 1 1 1 II i 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 bfi h^ o 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 ^ o 3 « ? •2 = §° s 1 Q - K 1 1 1 1 II 1 »-|XN||lCO •« u 1 1 1 1 II 1 0)|0)|ll>O § o ■fc-» ■* •^ Ifl CO ^ C -!>■ — .^— __ r^ r~ i^ i^ 1 5 o ;2; o (1> w sa < c . 01 3 ^ o 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 II II II 5 1 <0<0*3 lO O Ol x>ox ^^ X I- '^■ 'T cot*,—; CN VO -■ o> — < O " c * o » CT Ol 0< rt u Ol Ol 1 Ol 1 1 lO Ol -^ 1 01 C (T, o a» a ta -J" (=5 o ■w ■* r^ 1 < f" * A t 1 r ■ '^ ^ ^ o «0 Cl 'J' 1^ coj^oi— '*<0)Tt<«'*xticoi^ T ^ 5 t- 1- 'O o i-.toio(o>o>oio»oxi-xoioxxxt-tot~r-xr~xt^(DO«> t^ s ^ ^ d C^ Ci c^ ocjoo^c^c^OToicr. o>o^c5a^o^aoio^dimoicic3^o^o^omoi A (=5 '^ 0» 01 C-l (N OI0101010101010101010JC0 0101010I01C O I~ "^ 01C)WOtO-:J'^t0C0t0OCll0tJ>>*i-^-^C0X0JC^i-i01C0 V S3 ^ « 1^ >o O to'o>oi£)i^i^x(ot^j^«> 0^ cicjO". oo^a^cSciof>o^o^dio^«mc^c^crio^t£o^oio^o^a^c^o^ To 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 Ol 01 Ol Ol 01 Ol Ol OJ 01 o< 0» Ol 0) Ol 0^ 01 Ol Ol Ol Ol 0» Ol Ol 01 (N a« CO •* O d 01-*'00'*»0>0 "^i~W'0!^^otr>i^xxxoOCT)x* '•< o 'O ■*< 'T "J: 3;c^'i'«c-r-<~Tj010101COO)0<0)0OiO'^0iVi-^^^tr-(X> ;o 00 00 JO to 1^ I i ! I I I (O o 12 w to to >o mOtOOQ0lOOt~<»Cst^00O<»J^tO0'lC0>.-5-^r-l^tOl.Tf'fO10'lO'-'-< ^OOOOOOtOtOI>tO»OtOI^>OlOtoI>tOtOlOcn'*OtO'*'ClCMlr5tO'0010'nl0a>'O«l00'fI>'-' /;t^001>tDtOtOtOlO«^t~-»J^^tOt^lOiO'*'01COl'llO>0'T''r<«00^'Ot« ^^ 05 C-l Ol.Ol Ol tOX:^t~COX>XtO>Ot^00t^l^lOf'^tDtpiOI>t^lOCTC^lCtO'* ^o^o^cTit^tJit^t^^cic^dciCic^^a^oo^^^Cit^c^c^ofjCjc^dc^a^o^c^ |IJ Ol CM O) O) >N Ol Ol 01 O) Ol Ol Ol 01 Ol 01 Ol Ol Ol 01 01 01 01 Ol 01 OJ 01 01 Ol 01 CM -HrtCOOlCOO'-iOOrHOlCN.-i — —cr^O'-'CJl'-'OOO— 'OlCMO—'Ol-^itO <«oo«c«tncnOTOic^coMtn<«cnco«cncMWoT(nmcn<«cocoooc«i«t« o 5 312 APPENDIX. No. IV. — A DIAGRAM, Exhibiting a Series of Azimuths taken on every second point of the Compass, for the purpose of determining the Deviation on board His Majesty's ship Hecla, July 2i-th, 1819, in latitude 73° 00' N. long. 60° 26' W. In tlie above diagram, tlie k'tlers contained in the outer circle represent tiie direction of tlic sliip's liead wlien the azimuths were taken ; the circle next to it shews the amount of the vari- ation observed on each direction of the ship's head : the figures on the left side * of the rhumb- lines being taken by one of Kater's azimuth compasses, and those on the right side of tlie same lines, by a card of Mr. Jennings (placed on tlie stand of Walker's azimuth compass), having two magnetic needles placed at right angles to one another. The figures on the left side of the rhumb-lines in the next circle, are die mean of the two observations, which is taken as being likely tiie nearest approximation to the truth : tlie figures on tlie right side of the rhumb-lines in this circle, shew the ditlerence between the mean variation observed on each direction of the ship's head, and the true variation, as observed on the ice, which, by the mean of twenty-six azimuths, was found to be H'2^ W. Tiie figures in the inner circle are tlie sum of the two opposite points, which is presumed to be tiie true variation on tliese points; finally, the mean of all the observ- ations, when summoned uji, were 80° 48' 39'' 3T" W. • As this term may, in the present insUince, be misunderstood, it is necessary to observe, that the figures on the left side of the rhumb-line, North, arc 8 P 43' 10'', and on the right side 80'-' 57' '10 ', and so oiu APPENDIX. 313 No. V. — A DIAGRAM, Shewing the deviation of the compasses on board His Majesty's ship Hecla, at Northfleet, May 6th, 1819. The magnetic dip, or vertical incH- flation of tlie magnetic needle, being 74'' 35'. The manner in which tlie experiment was performed, is thus : — the true magnetic bearings of some ^listant object on shore was obtained, which, in this instance, was the steeple of a church, bearing E. 6° 30' N. The inner circle shews the beai'ings of the steeple, with the ship's head on each of the. rhumb-lines, except west, W. by S. and W. S. W.; and the middle circle contains the amount of the deviation on those points, which is equal to the difference between the true magnetic bearings of the steeple ; and its bearings with the ship's head on the different rhumb-lines marked in the outer circle. 311 APPENDIX. ^Q^ YJ, — Copi/ oj the Paper contained in the Bottle thrown overboardy Mai/ 22d, 1819- " His Majesty's Ship Hecla, at two o'clock P.M., on the '22d of May, 1819, latitude 59' 4' N., longitude 6° 55' W., light breezes and fine weather, wind East, Griper in company. All well. Temperature of the air, 51^°. Sea water, 48f ." (Signed) W. E. PARRY, Lieutenant and Commander «j^ '< Whoever finds this paper, is requested to forward it to the Secretary of the Admiralty, London, with a note of the time and place at which it was found." qt^ " Quiconque trouvera ce papier, est prie d'y marquer le tems et lieu ou il I'aura trouve, et de le faire parvenir au plutot au Secretaire de I'Amiraute Britannique a Londres." «j^ << Quienquiera hallara este papel, esta pedido de enviarlo al Secretario del Almirantazgo, a Londres, con una nota del tiempo y del lugar en los quales se hallo el dicho papel." ^rf' " Enhver som finder dette papur, anmodes at insende samme unfortovet til Regjeringen i Tuobenhavn eller i Stock- holm, eller til Secretairen af det Brittiske Admiralitet i London, med bemserkning angaaende tiden naar, og stedet hvor papiret er fundet." ot^ " Een ieder die dit papier mogt vinden, wordt hiermede verzogt, om het zelve, ten spoedigste, te willen zenden, aan den Heer Minister van de Marine der Nederlanden in 'S Gravenhage, of evel aan den Secretari der Britsche Admiraliteit, tc London, en da by te voegen eene nota, inhoudende de tyd en de plaats alwaar dit papier is gevonden geworden." APPENDIX. 315 No. VI. — continued. (^iM^aaU^ A/TL^f Haifa ^e TTiay ceu ^{lcttiz, Jocnvaiuw^ii/ruccmhy^^^oen H6 t/D^ C47l£^j03Ha UM,z Hay c^Uc^ .AAJcnrnj^/je.. S\i) APPENDIX. Copy of a TIDE-TABLE kept on board His Majesty's Ship llccla, from the 4th of May to the 21st of June, 1820, in Winter Harbour, Melville Island. Rise of the Fall of the Time. Tide from last Tide from last low Water. high Water. Day of the Month. Hour and Minute. A. M. or P. M. Feet and Inches. Feet and Inches. h. m. ft. in. ft. in. May 4th, 1820. 5 45 Mid. P.M. 1 5 May 5th 6 30 A.M. P.M. 2 3§ 2 2 6 45 P.M. 1 H May 6th 45 > 7 20 A.M. A.M. 2 1 1 1 2 P.M. 1 11 8 P. M. 11^ May 7 th 2 30 9 A.M. A.M. 1 Hi Hi 4 P.M. i| 11 P.M. 1 5 May 8tli 4 10 45 A.M. A.M. 2 5 1 5i 5 45 P.M. 2 7i 11 15 P. M. 2 H May 9th 5 30 Noon A.M. 2 9 1 IH 5 45 P.M. 3 H May lOtli 12 A.M. « Hi G 20 A.M. 2 10 12 20 P.M. 3 2 6 15 A.M. 3 9 May 11th 1 7 15 A.M. A.M. 3 8 3 4 1 P. M. 3 6i 7 P.M. 3 8i Blay 12th 1 15 7 30 A.M. A.M. 3 8i 3 fii 1 30 P.M. 3 7 8 P. M. 3 10 Miiy 13th 1 45 A.M. 4 1 8 A.M. 4 2 2 10 P.M. 3 H 8 15 P.M. 3 71 May Mill 2 15 8 45 A.M. A.M. ^ H * :5 s^ .3 P. M. 3 3 9 P.M. 3 .3 May \r>ih 3 20 A.M. 3 10 9 30 A.M. 3 8 3 30 P.M. 3 O 9 30 P. M. 3 1 '" TIDE TABLE — continued. l^X/ Rise of the Fall of the Time. Tide from last Tide from last low Water. high Water. Day of the Month. Hour and Minute. A. M. or P. M. Feet and Inches. Feet and Inches. h. m. ft. in. ft. in. May 16th, 1820, 3 30 A.M. 3 8 10 A. M. 3 1 4 P.M. 2 3 10 25 P.M. 2 6i May 17th 4 A.M. 2 9i 10 50 A.M. 2 7 4 45 P. M. 2 11 P.M. 2 May 18th 5 15 A. M. 2 6 11 30 A. M. 2 2^ 5 45 P. M. I H Mid. 1 3 May 19th 6 A.M. 2 12 15 P.M. 1 lOi 6 30 P.M. 1 2 May 20th 30 A.M. 1 01 7 A.M. 1 n 1 P.M. 1 n 8 15 P.M. 1 May 21st 2 A.M. 10 8 30 A.M. 1 9 2 25 P.M. 1 8 9 P.M. 1 1 May 22d 3 15 A.M. 1 9 30 A.M. 1 6 4 10 P.M. 1 11 10 30 P.M. 1 6 May 23d 4 45 A.M. 1 4i 11 A.M. 1 6 5 P.M. 2 H 11 45 P.M. 2 H May 24th 6 Noon A.M. 2 1 5i 6 30 P.M. I Hi May 25th 15 A.M. 2 3| 6 45 A.M. 2 2 12 20 P.M. 2 H 6 30 P.M. 2 11§ May 26th 40 A.M. 2 »i 7 15 A.M. 2 71 1 P.M. 2 7i 6 30 P.M. 3 H May 27th 1 25 A.M. 2 5i 7 30 A.M. 3 1 1 45 P.M. 2 11 ' 7 30 P.M. 3 21 318 APPENDIX. TIDE TABLE — coiUhmed. Rise of the Fall of the Time. Tide from last Tide from last low Water. high Water. Day of the Month. Hour and Minute. A. M. or P. M. Feet and Inches. Feet and Inches. h. m. ft. in. ft. in. May 28th 2 A.M. 3 7 8 A.M. 3 2 10 P.M. 3 8 25 P.M. May 29th 2 30 A.M. 3 10 9 A.M. 3 7 3 P.M. 3 3 9 P.M. 3 6 May 30th 3 A.M. 3 9 15 A.M. 1 3 P.M. 2 71 9 30 P.M. 3 H May 31st 3 50 A.M. 3 7^ 10 15 A.M. 3 3| 3 30 P.M. 2 7 10 P.M. 2 7 June 1st 4 15 A.M. 3 4 4 45 A.M. 3 4 4 30 P.M. 2 2i 11 P.M. 2 3 June 2d 5 10 A.M. 3 11 30 A.M. 2 lOi 6 P.M. 1 8 Mid. 1 10^ June 3d 6 A.M. 2 9 45 P.M. 2 6i 7 P.M. I 9 June 4th 1 15 A.M. 1 H 7 30 A.M. 2 9 2 P.M. 2 H 8 P.M. 1 6 June 5th 2 30 A.M. I 8 8 30 A.M. 2 7 3 5 P.M. 2 5§ 9 15 P.M. 1 lOX June 6th 3 45 A. M. 1 8 9 40 A.M. 2 5 4 30 P.M. 2 10 10 30 P.M. 2 4 June 7th 4 40 A.M. 2 1^ 10 .30 A.M. 2 6i 5 P.M. 2 6i 11 P.M. 2 6^ June Stli 5 30 Noon A.M. 2 10 2 9 6 10 P.M. 2 10 APPENDIX. 319 TIDE TABLi: — continued. Rise of the Fall of the Time. Tide from last Tide from last low Water. high Water. Day of the Month. Hour and Minute. A. M. or P. M. Feet and Inches. Feet and Inches. h. m. ft. in. ft. in. June 9th SO A.M. 2 10| 6 40 A.M. 2 11^ 45 P.M. 3 0| 6 50 P.M. 3 li June 10th 55 A.M. 3 4 7 10 A.M. 3 3 1 15 P.M. 2 11 7 15 P.M. 3 1^ June 11th 1 40 A.M. 3 6i 8 A.M. 3 7 1 50 P.M. 2 11 8 P.M. 3 1 June 12th 2 45 A.M. 3 6 8 35 A.M. 3 5 2 50 P.M. 3 9 P.M. 3 4 June l.'Jth 3 30 A.M. 3 8J 9 40 A.M. 3 6§ 3 15 P.M. 2 11 9 25 P.M. 2 11^ June 14th 3 40 A.M. 3 7 10 A.M. 3 li 4 P.M. 3 9 45 P.M. 3 2 June 15th 4 30 A.M. 3 5 10 30 A.M. 3 1 4 35 P.M. 2 3 10 40 P.M. 2 10 June 16th 4 50 A.M. 3 3 11 A.M. 2 10 4 30 P.M. 2 11 P.M. 2 1 June 17th 6 15 A.M. 2 10 1 P.M. 2 7 7 15 P.M. 2 0§ Mid. 2 4 June 18th 6 A.M. 2 6i 45 P.M. 2 4 7 P.M. 1 6 June 19th 1 A.M. 1 5 7 30 A.M. 1 10 1 45 P.M. 2 0§ 8 P.M. 1 81 June 20th 2 A.M. 1 8 8 A.M. 2 3 P.M. 1 4 320 APPENDIX. TIDE TABLE— conlimted. Time. Rise of the Tide from last low ^Vater. Fall of the Tide from last high Water. Day of the IVIonth. Hour and Minute. A. M. or P.M. Feet and Inches. Fget and Inches. June 20tli June 21st h. m. 10 4 10 4 9 .30 P.M. A. M. A.M. P.M. P.M. ft. in. 2 1 7 1 8 ft. in. I 11 1 9 THE END. Printed by A. and II. Spottiswoodc, Printers Street, Londou. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recalL 24Ma„g. •^ 0^^, ^...Z". tD M, 'yM ; J TT^o^i c/^ ,1 I/JO General Library ^V3^2tS4V6l' Uoivers^^ofCaliforni- : U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES 0023771=381 y M181973 pSfS THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY