.' 1 ' ' ' .■'■'' ';,■■. ■■■■■, ■ ■ ' ' ■ ^^^^^HHa|^ '';''''' N^ '■■■■/ \j ^ - .^ g 5 V •<• Y^ iL^ OFC,M.!F0' ^.^OfCAilFO/?^ •A vKlOSANCElfjV- ^•^/.sa3AiNiviV\ '"^'i'OJiivj-jo'^ ^TiijaNv-sov^^" '^•^/smi rrt 3> .liil i .di/\INil-3HV o ?3 i^ mmm: -^.tfOJIlVDJO 1-^ dOSANCElfjVx ^ 5 ^ %a3AiNa3v: ^OFCAllFOi?^ ^OFCAIIFOff^ i?Aavaan: ^AHvaaiHV or < v-i o A>;10SANC /A -A\UIBP''^- .\\\EUNIVER^. %odnvjjo'^ ^^WEyNiVER'-/ y %a3AiN(imv^ ^OFCALIFOft)^ ^OFC ^c'Aavaaii-i"^ ^ V > = "^ %a3AiNn-3v<^ ^IIIBRARYQ^ ^H1BRARYQ<- ^tfOJIWDJO >- <: CO ^WEUNIVEF f <^ 1^, '^/^a3AiNn]WV^ 33 ^FCAIIFO/?^ '^c'Aavaani^ ^OAavaaiiY ,^WEUNIVERtoy •j:?i3dnvsg 7n I n> I \ ip, ■-• ^'OrL/'^li'J.Y,^ ■''^Aav.aaiii^^ ^^i I >- A\^EUNIVER ^jV^lOSAiNucLij^ ^/5a3AINn3WV lOSANCElfj> ^^,OFCAIIFO% ^i-in ^^OJ' ^,OFt ■/oiuwimn.r.'^ "^^Aavaa Michigan Bibliography A PARTIAL CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, MAPS, MANUSCRIPTS AND MISCEL- LANEOUS MATERIALS RELATING TO THE RESOURCES, DEVELOP- MENT AND HISTORY OF MICHIGAN FROM EARLIEST TIMES TO JULY 1. 1917; TOGETHER WITH CITATION OF LIBRARIES IN WHICH THE MATERIALS MAY BE CONSULTED, AND A COMPLETE ANALYTIC INDEX BY SUB- JECT AND AUTHOR Prepared by FLOYD BENJAMIN STREETER VOLUME I Michigan Historical Commission Lansing, 1921 7 1 Q r. 1 y ^31 M PREFACE 'ICHIGAN is a fruitful field for the bibliographer's skill. Few States in the Union are more diversified in resources, development and his- tory than is the State of Michigan in the heart of the Great Lakes region, and its varied life has produced an enormous and bewildering mass of printed and manuscript materials expressive of this growth, — materials in- dispensable to the professional investigator, but equally so to the casual vi^ writef, the newspaper man, the club woman, the speaker, the lawyer, the r< preacher, the student, the citizen, in search of information upon any one of V. thousands of subjects. These materials, at first widely scattered in the places of their origin, have been partially collected into libraries and other deposi- ^ tories. Yet it is often not easy to learn in what libraries they are or what is "^ their nature and extent. To make this easier is the bibliographer's task, >^ and a patient and laborious task it is. •^ The present volume is almost entirely the work of Mr. Floyd B. Streeter, Archivist of the Michigan Historical Commission, who brings to the work a trained mind and who has here done an able service for the people of Mich- igan. It would be strange however if no defects should be found. In most eastern States and in many western States, like Illinois, -Wisconsin, ^ Minnesota, and Iowa much work has been done along this line, to serve as N a guide in these states, but Michigan up to this time is practically a virgin 3 field for the bibliographer. ^ Starting with the purpose of making a complete bibliography of Michigan, it later seemed best to limit the work to certain definite lines. This was imperative, on account of the vastness of the material, if the work was to be held within reasonable limits. The decision was made to cover the titles of all printed materials, maps and atlases relating directly to Michigan included in the Library of Congress, the Detroit Public Library, the Grand Rapids Public Library, the Michigan State Library, the General Library of the University of Michigan, experiment station bulletins in the Library of the Michigan Agricultural College, and the maps in the Port Huron Public Library and Library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, — also the manuscript materials in the Burton Historical Collection, — all Michigan materials accessioned in these libraries before July 1, 1917. These sources have provided the work with over 8,600 entries, including a thousand maps and atlases and two thousand volumes of manuscript. They do not however include much of the materials in newspapers, magazines, 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN books of exploration and travel and sejjarate items in many other classes of publications. It is planned to co\-er these in succeeding \'olumes, together with materials from other libraries and scattered materials from the general field. Indeed any scope decided upon for a given volume or volumes of a bibliography must necessarily be tentative, since new "finds" are constantly coming to light and "the making of books and records" ceases only with time. In using the volume, the ke\' is the index. While in the text the arrange- ment of entries is in a measure alphabetical by author, no entry is made more than once and there is no cross-reference. This has made possible the economy of space and adequate classification of subject matter, following the usage of the annual \'olumes of Writings in American History. Detailed explanations for the use of the index appear in their proper place. An attempt to express here the acknowledgments due to particular indi- viduals would mean the enumeration of hundreds of names, but special men- tion should be made of the service rendered by the following custodians, librarians and assistants connected with the libraries mentioned, to whose helpfulness a large part of the success of the work is due : Mr. W. W. Bishop, Librarian, University of Michigan Library; Mr. F. L. D. Goodrich, Reference Librarian, University of Michigan Library; Mrs. Mary Spencer, State Librarian; Miss Ella Hymans, formerly of the State Library and now of the University of Michigan Library; Mrs. L. E. Landon, Librarian, Michigan Agricultural College Library; Clarence M. Burton, Burton Historical Collec- tion; Miss G. B. Krum, Chief, Burton Historical Collection; Mr. Adam vStrohm., Librarian, Detroit Public Library; William L. Jenks, Port Huron Public Library; Miss Annie A. Pollard, Grand Rapids Public Library. GEORGE N. FULLER Secretary and Editor Michigan Historical Commission. June 1, 1921 MICHIGAN BIBLIOGRAPHY ABBREVIATIONS B — Burton Historical Collection D — Main library, Detroit G — Grand Rapids Public Library L C — Library of Congress and libraries of bureaus and departments of Federal Govern- ment at Washington M A C — Michigan Agricultural College Library M H C — Michigan Historical Commission P H — Port Huron Public Library S — State Library U — University of Michigan Library W — Wisconsin Historical Society Library I BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. ETC. 1 . Abbot, Theophilus Capen. Manual labor at the Michigan agricultural college, by President T. C. Abbot. Spoken at Manchester and Romeo institutes. [Lansing? 18 — ]. Caption title, 7 p. S. 2. Abbot, E. W. . . . Facts about Michigan particularly that part tributary to the Hne of B. C. G. & A. R. R. and opportunities along our line, by E. W. Abbott, land commissioner . . . [Boyne City, Mich., Boyne City pubhshing co.] 1913. 20 p. (In Boyne City, Gaylord & Alpena railroad CO., land department, bulletin no. 1, May, 1913). ■ U. 3. Abbott, Fred Hull. Practice in civil actions at law in the courts of record for the state of Michigan; with forms . . .St. Paul, Minn., Keefe- Davidson law book co., 1901. 2 v. L C; S. 4. Adair, Wm. & co. Autumn catalogue, containing description, direc- tions for culture, etc.; of flowering bulbs, fall flowers, grasses, fruit trees, grape vines, green house plants, etc. . . . Detroit, Wm. Graham's steam presses, 1871. 22 p. B. 5. , . Descriptive catalogue of vegetable, flower and agricultural seeds, vines, trees, plants, etc. Detroit, Wm. Graham's steam presses, 1872. 65 p. B. 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6. Adams, Charles Christopher. An ecological sun^ey in northern Michi- gan. Prepared under the direction of Chas. C. Adams. A report from the university museum, university of Michigan, published by the state board of geological survey as a part of the report for 190v5. Lansing, Michigan, W\Tikoop Hallenbcck Crawford co., state printers, 1906. 133 p. LC;U. References: p. 53-55. Includes papers by Chas. C. Adams, A. G. Ruthven, Otto McCreary, Albert Pitts Morse, Bryant Walker, N. A. Wood, Max M. Peet. 7. , . An ecological survey of Isle Royale, Lake Superior. Prepared under the direction of Chas. C. Adams. A report from the university of Michigan museum, published by the state biological sur- vey as a p^rt of the report of the board of the geological survey for 1908. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbcck Crawford co., state printers, 1909. xiv, 468p. D;LC;S;U. Contents: — pt. I. Ecological papers. 1. Isle Royale as a biotic environment, by C. C. Adams. 2. The ecological relations of the invertebrate fauna of Isle Royale, Michigan, by H. A. Gleason. 3. The ecological distribution of the birds of Isle Royale, Lake Superior, by Otto McCreary. 4. The fall migration of birds at Washington Harbor, Isle Royale, Lake Superior, by M. M. Peet. 5. The ecological succession of birds, by C. C. Adams. 6. The Coleoptera of Isle Royale, Lake Superior, by C. C. Adams. — pt. II. Annotated lists. 8. Adams, Charles Kendall. Historical sketch of the university of Michigan, by Charles Kendall Adams . . . Prepared in compliance with an invitation from the commissioner of education representing the department of the interior in matters relating to the national centennial of 1876. Ann Arbor, the university, 1876. iv, 56 p. B; G; L C; S; U. 9. , . The university of Michigan, the sources of its power and its success. An address delivered at the annual commencement of the university of Michigan, June 25, 1896, by Charles Kendall Adams . . . Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1896. 24 p. B; G; L C. 10. Adams, Mary Joice. . . . The history of suffrage in Michigan, by Mary Joice Adams, Ph. M. . . . [Ann Arbor, 1898]. Cover title, 1 p. 1., 56 p. (Publications of the Michigan political science association, vol. HI, no. 1,. March, 1898). D; G; L C; S; U. 11. Adams, P. R. A treatise on the prohibitory liquor law of Michigan' by P. R. Adams, esq., of Tecumseh, Mich. Romeo, Michigan, J. Russell, printer, peninsular herald office, 1866. Cover title, 13 p. B; U. 12. Adams, Romanzo Colfax. . . . Agriculture in Michigan : a sketch, by Romanzo Adams . . . [Ann Arbor, 1899]. Cover title, 40 p. (Publications of the Michigan political science association, vol. HI, no. 7, March, 1899). G;LC; S; U. 13. Addison, L. G. The Ohio boundary, or the Erie war. (In Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly. Columbus, 1888. vol. H, no. 2, September, 1888, p. 340-344). B; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 7 14. ... Address of the Democratic members of the legislature. [Detroit, 1841]. Caption title, 16 p. S; U. At head of title: Democratic free press, extra. Detroit, Mich., May 1, 1841. 15. Address to the Democracy of Ingham county. [Lansing? 1856?]. Caption title, 15 p. S. 16. Address to the public. The advisability of purchasing Belle Isle for a park, water works and basis for a tunnel; a review of a pamphlet by D. Farrand Henry entitled "Reasons for desiring a removal of the water works. " [Anon.]. Detroit, union job printing company, 1874. 26 p. B. 17. Addresses at the inauguration of Rev. Horatio Q. Butterfield, D. D., as president of Olivet college. Olivet, Mich. Detroit, daily post book and job printing establishment, 1877. 29 p. B; S. 18. Adrian. Board of education. . . . Report of the board of ducatieon. 1886-90. Published by order of the board. Adrian, Mich., times and ex- positor steam print, 1890. 100 p. (In Catalogues of some of the leading schools of Michigan, vol. I . . . Columbian exj^osition, 1893). U. 19. . Charters. The charter and ordinances of the city of Adrian, with annotations. Printed and published by authority of the city council. Adrian, Mich., Weekly press, job printing house, 1887. 276 p. S; U. 20. . . Compiled charter and ordinances of the city of Adrian. Printed and published by order of the common council. Adrian, Mich., weekly press, 1882. 201 p. U. 21. . . The charter of the city of Adrian as revised and amended bj^ act approved March 10, 1897, with annotations. Printed and published by authority of the city council. Adrian, Mich., times and ex- positor steam print, 1908. 135, xxii p. S; U. 22. . Ladies' library association. Appendix to the catalogue of the ladies' library, of Adrian, Mich., from no. 935 to no. 1448, inclusive. Adrian, Mich., times and expositor steam print, 1871. 16,p. S. 23. . . Catalogue of books, articles of association, by-laws and officers, of the ladies' library association of Adrian, Mich., organized September 8, 1868. Adrian, Mich., Adrian times steam print, 1869. 30 p. S. 24. . Public school library. Catalogue of the public library of the Adrian public schools, with an alphabetical list of authors; a classifica- tion by subjects; rules and regulations. Published by the board of education, April, 1874. Adrian, Mich., times and expositor pioneer print, 1874. 44, 10, 6 p. U. 25. . . . . . Supplementary catalogue. (Part third) with bibliographical notes and a new table of authors. Pub- 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN lished by the board of education, Adrian, June, 1877. Adrain, Mich., times and expositor steam print, 1877. 41 p. B; S; U. 26. . Story tellers' league. Year book, Adrian story-tellers' league . . . 1910-11 to 1914-15. Adrian, Michigan. [1910?-1914?]. S*. *The State library has 1910-11, 1911-12, 1912-13, 1914-15. 27. The Adrian annual city director}-, with a complete list of resident citizens, historical and descriptive sketches; centennial review of historical events in America during the last 100 years . . . Compiled, arranged and published by the Directory publishing compan}-. [Toledo, Ohio, 1876?]. 137 p. — B. 28. Adrian college. . . . Calendar . . . 1861-62 to 1913-14. Chicago [etc., 1861?]-1913. S*; U*. Title varies: 1861-62, Catalogue. . . *The State Library has 1861-62; the U. of M. Library 1871, 1876-1880, 1883-188.S, 1893, 1898, 1901, 1904, 1906-07 to 1913-14. 29. . Repertory; monthly, new series, v. 1, no. 6. Adrian, 1881. B. 30. . Alpha tau omega and kappa kappa gamma frater- nities. The exponent, v. 1, June, 1884. Published by the alpha tau omega and kappa kappa gamma fraternities of Adrian college. [Adrian] 1884. 60 p. B. 31. The Advantages of the city of Ludington; a brief glance at the oppor- tunities afforded for the investment of capital, [no imprint], not paged. B. 32. Alabaster, John. An answer to some recent pleas for the traffic and use of intoxicating beverages; an address delivered ... in the opera house, Ann Arbor, Michigan, February 20, 1881, under the auspices of the city temperance organizations. By John Alabaster. Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor printing and publishing co., 1881. 24 p. B. 33. Albert Benjamin Prescott; December 12, 1832, February 25, 1905; in memoriam. Ann Arbor, Alich., privately printed, 1906. 76 p. G. Contents. — Biographical sketch. — Memorial service. — Memorials and resolutions. — Personal tributes. — Bibliography of writings, by V. C. Vaughan. 34. Albion. Charters. Charter of the city of Albion, state of Michigan, adopted November 9, 1915. [Albion, Mich., recorder press, 1915?]. 60 p., 1 1. S. 35. . Ordinances, etc. Ordinances of the city of Albion. Compiled and printed by authority of the common coimcil. Albion, Mich., the mirror presses, 1902. 142 p. U. 36. Albion college. Pleiad, v. 17-19. Albion, Michigan, 1901-1904. — ^ U*. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 9 *The U. of M. Library has v. 17, no. 1-14, 16; v. 18, no. 1-4, 12, 14, 15; v. 19, no. 1, 7, 15-17. 37. . Year book of Albion college . . . 1843-44 to 1916-17. Albion, Michigan, 1844-1917. B*; G*; S*; U*. Place of publication varies: Marshall, Detroit, etc. Title varies: 1843-44 to 1859-60, Annual catalogue of the officers and the students of the Albion female college and Wesleyan seminary. . . 1860-61, , Annual catalogue of the officers and students. . . 1873-74, , Catalogue of Albion college. . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1843-44, 1850-51, 1854-55, 1882-83, 1915-16; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1890-91, 1905-06 to 1909-10; the State Library has 1850- 51, 1852-53 to 1856-57, 1858-59 to 1862-63, 1873-74, 1876-77, 1878-79, 1887-88, 1890-91, 1905-06, 1916-17; the U. of M. Library has 1850-51, 1857-58, 1858-59, 1865-66, 1867-68, 1868-69, 1871-72, 1877-78, 1882, 1885-86, 1887-88 to 1896-97, 1898-99 to 1900-01, 1902-03, 1905-06 to 1915-16. 38. Albion commercial college. Circular of the Albion commercial college, Albion, Michigan . . . Detroit, 0. S. Gulley's steam presses, 1866. 40 p. S. 39. Album of Detroit, [no imprint], not paged. B. 40. Alden, Lyman P. The state public school at Coldwater, its purposes and aims. An address, delivered by L. P. Alden, sup't., at the convention of county superintendents of the poor, held at Coldwater, April 22, 1876. [Coldwater? 1876?]. 13 p. S; U. 41. Alexander, Kirkland B. The log of the north shore club; paddle and portage on the hundred trout rivers of Lake Superior, by Kirkland B. Alexander. With 40 illustrations. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1911. xvii, 228 p. S. 42. Alger, Russell Alexander. Eulogy on the late General Philip H. Sheridan, by Gen. R. A. Alger. Delivered at the reunion of the army of the Cumberland, Chicago, September 19, 1888. Detroit, J. F. Eby & co., book and job printers, 1888. 15 p. ■ L C; S. 43. Allardt, M. H. Michigan, seine vorziige und hulfsquellen, mit voll- standiger karte des staates. Herausgegeben von M. H. Allardt . . . Zweite vermehrte auflage . . . Hamburg, 1871. 96 p. B; U. 44. Allegan. The by-laws of the village of Allegan and constitution and by-laws of the Allegan fire department. Allegan, Mich., "Democrat" book and job printing establishment, 1870. 42 p. S. 45. . Charters. The charter, ordinances and by-laws of the vil- lage of Allegan, revised, adopted and ordered printed by the president and board of trustees of the village of Allegan, April 17, 1882. Allegan, Mich., the Allegan Democrat, 1882. 1 p. 1., 15-53 p. S. 46. . Manual of corporation officers, and rules of government, 1878-1879. Allegan, Henderson & Reid, 1878. 16 p. B. 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 47. . Public library. . . . Annual report, 1909-10 to 1916-17. Allegan, Michigan, 1910-1917. S; U. Year ends in March. Title varies: 1909-10 to 1913-U, Report of the Allegan public library. 48. . . . . . Guide to Allegan public library . . . [Allegan?] 1909. 8 p. (Bulletin no. 1, January, 1909). S. 49. . Village directory for 1877. Allegan, Henderson & Reid [1877]. 80 p. D. 50. Allegan county. Citizens. Memorial of citizens of Allegan county relative to the apportionment of representatives. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 63, p. 238-244). B;D;G;S;U. 51. . . Petition of 363 citizens of Allegan county, praying the legislature to confer upon the Grand Rapids and Indiana rail- road company, a portion of public lands, granted to aid in the construction of certain railroads in the state of Michigan. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate docu- ment no. 17). B;D;G;S;U. 52. . Farmers' institutes. . . . Annual report of Allegan county farmers' institutes; 2nd-4th, winter of 1899-1900 to 1902. Published by the official board. Fentonville, Michigan, 1900-1902. S. Place of publication varies. 53. . Pioneer society. Report of the Allegan county pioneer society meeting, held at the fair grounds, Allegan, Aug. 14, 1889, comprising incidents, reports of committees, pioneer life in Allegan county, speeches and poems herein recorded. Allegan, democrat book and job printing establishment, 1890. 24 p. B. 54. Allen, Jonathan Adams. Introductory address to the third session of the college of medicine and surgery, of the university of Michigan, by J. Adams Allen, October, 1852. Pub. by the class. Detroit, printed by George E. Pomeroy & co., 1852. 25 p. B. 55. Allen, RoUand Craten. . . . Contributions to the Pre-Cambrian geology of northern Alichigan and Wisconsin. R. C. Allen and L. P. Bar- rett. The geology of Limestone mountain and Sherman hill in Houghton county, Michigan. E.G. Case and W. I. Robinson . . . Published as a part of the annual report of the board of geological and biological survey for 1914. Lansing, Michigan, W. H. Crawford co., state printers, 1915. 189 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 18, geological series 15). L C; S; U. 56. , . . . . The Iron River iron-bearing district of Michigan, by R. C. Allen . . . Published as a part of the annual report of the board of geological and biological survey for 1910. Lansing, Michigan, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 11 Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1910. viii p., 1 1., 151 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 3, geological series 2). LC;S;U. 57. , . . . . Mineral resources of Michigan, with sta- tistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1910 and prior years, prepared under the direction of R. C. Allen . . . Pub. as a part of the annual report of the board of geological and biological survey for 1911. Lansing, Michigan, W^mkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1912. 465 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 8, geo- logical series 6). L C; S. 58. , . . . . Mineral resources of Michigan, with sta- tistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1912 and prior years, prepared under the direction of R. C. Allen . . . Published as a part of the annual report of the board of geological and biological survey for 1912. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1913. 255 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, pubHcation 13, geological series 10). L C; S. 59. , . . . . Mineral resources of Michigan, with sta- tistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1913 and prior years, prepared under the direction of R. C. Allen . . . Published as a part of the annual report of the board of geological and biological survey for 1913. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1914. 150 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 16, geological series 13). S. 60. , . . . . Mineral resources of Michigan, with sta- tistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1914 and prior years. With a treatise on Michigan copper deposits by R. E. Hore. Prepared under the direction of R. C. Allen . . . Published as a part of the annual report of the board of geological and biological survey for 1914. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1915. 359 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 19, geological series 16). S. 61. , . . . . Mineral resources of Michigan, with sta- tistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1915 and prior years. With a treatise on limestone resources, R. A. Smith. Prepared under the direction of R. C. Allen . . . Published as a part of the annual report of the board of geological and biological survey for 1915. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1916. 402 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 21, geological series 17). S. 62. , . . . . Mineral resources of Michigan, with sta- tistical tables of production and value of mineral products for 1916 and prior years. Prepared under the direction of R. C. Allen . . . Published as a part 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN of the annual report of the board of geological and biological survey for 1916. Lansing, Michigan, W}aikoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1917. 291 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 24, geological series 20). — — S. 63. Allen, William Francis. The place of the northwest in general his- tory, by Professor William F. Allen. (In American historical association, papers. New York, 1889, v. 3, no. 2, p. [329]-348). B;D;G;LC;S;U. 64. AUgemeiner Arbeiter-bund des staates Michigan. Souvenir program thirty-seventh convention, allgemeiner arbeiter-bund des staates Michigan, Ypsilanti 13-15 June, 1905. Ypsilanti, Scharf tag, label and box co., 1905. not paged. S. 65. Alma college. Catalogue of Alma college for the year . . . 1889-90 to 1916-17 with announcements for the year . . . 1891-92 to 1917-18. Alma, Michigan, the college, 1890-[1916]. S*; U*. Title varies: 1889-90, Year-book of Alma college. . . 1890-91 to 1915-16, Catalogue of Alma college. . . 1916-17, Catalogue . . . announcements. *The State Library has 1889-90, 1908-09, 1916-17; the U. of M. Library has 1889-90 to 1911-12, 1913-14 to 1916-17. 66. . First greeting to its friends, June 1, 1887. Saginaw, Michigan, Lee & Stoelker, printers, 1887. 5 p. • U. 67. The Alma sanitarium, Alma, Michigan; health, rest, [no imprint]. 45 p. B. 68. [Almy, J.]. State of Michigan, 1845. To emigrants. [New York, Isaac J. Oliver, printer, 1845?]. 6 p. — — U. 69. Alpena. Board of education. Annual report of the public schools of the city of Alpena, Michigan, 1890-1891. PubHshed by the board of education. Alpena, Michigan, pioneer steam book and job printing house, 1891. 83 p. S. 70. . . . Alpena, Michigan, pioneer steam book and job printing house, 1891. 83 p. (In Catalogues of some of the leading high schools of Michigan, V. 1 . . . Columbian exposition, 1893). U. 71. . Public Library. Classified catalogue of the Alpena public library . . . Alpena, pioneer steam book and job printing house, 1892. 60 p. LC;S. 72. . City and county directory, 1897-98 to 1916. Alpena, Mich., 1897-1916. B*; L C*; S*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1905-06; the Library of Congress has 1905-06; the State Library has 1897-98, 1905-06, 1908, 1916. 73. Alpena county, Michigan, as she is by those who know. x\lpena, Mich., argus printing house, 1903. 15 p. G. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 13 74. Alpena evening echo. Alpena, the cement city . . . illustrated industrial edition, Alpena evening echo . . . Alpena, Michigan, April 27, 1910 . . . Alpena, Michigan, 1910. Caption title, 20 p. L C. 75. The Alpena magnetic spring: its histor3^ analysis, wonderful cura- tive powers, etc., with testimonials of well-known citizens who have tested it; together with some facts about Alpena, Michigan, one of the thriftiest little cities in the west. Detroit, tribune book and job office, 1871. 23 p. S. 76. Alpena national bank, under federal inspection, 1882-1906. [no imprint], not paged. B. 77. Alpena weekly argus: supplement. The city of Alpena. Trade ed. Alpena, Mich., 1891. 23, [1] p. G. 78. Altenbrandt, Edward. The men behind the guns in the making of Grand Rapids; an illustrated biographical and industrial reference work, giving the lives of professional men whose interests are centered in Michigan's western metropolis. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dean-Hicks printing company, 1909. 280, [10] p. G. 79. Alvord, Clarence Walworth. The conquest of St. Joseph, Michigan, by the Spaniards in 1781, by Clarence Walworth Alvord. [Columbia? 1908?]. 195-210 p. (Reprinted from the Missouri historical review, April, 1908). B. 80. Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay railroad company. Memorial of sundry stockholders of the Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay railroad com- pany, asking for the appointment of a legislative committee to examine into certain frauds and misdemeanors on the part of said company. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 16). D; G; S; U. 81. , ■■ . Petition of Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay railroad company for a grant of lands. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, house document no. 11). B; D; G; S; U. 82. American biographical history of eminent and self-made men . . • Michigan volume. Cincinnati, western biographical publishing co., 1878- 2 p. 1., [798] p. B;G;LC;S;U. In double columns. Title page illus. in colors. Preface signed "F. A. B." i. e. F. A- Barnard. Various paging; arranged by congressional districts, each separately paged. 83. The American schoolmaster. (Formerly The western journal of education) ... v. 1 (January, 1908)-v. 10 (June, 1917). Ypsilanti, Mich., the Michigan state nonnal college, 1908-1917. G; L C; S; U. Monthly except July and August. Title varies: Jan. 1908-Dec. 1912, The western. journal of education. Jan. 1913-June, 1917, The American schoolmaster. 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 84. American Sunday school union. Reports of Sunday school mission- aries, in Michigan, under the care of the American vS. S. union; superinten- dent of missions. Rev. Thomas Wright, Fentonvillc . . . Flint, Mich., printed for the American S. S. U. by F. H. Rankin, 1867. 12 p. S. 85. . Reports of Sunday-school mission- aries in Michigan, under the care of the American Sunday school union . . . [New York?] American Sunday school union, 1869. 19 p. S; U. 86. Ancient order of united workmen. Detroit lodge no. 6. By-laws rules of order, and list of members of Detroit lodge no. 6, of the ancient order of imited workmen, of Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, Detroit publishing co., 1884. 22 p. B. 87. . Michigan. Grand lodge. Con- stitution and by-laws of the grand lodge of the ancient order of united work- men of the state of Michigan. Detroit, Detroit printing company, 1877. 53 p. B;S. 88. . . : . Con- stitution, general laws and rules of order, of the grand lodge of the ancient order of united workmen, of the state of Michigan. Detroit, O. S. Gtdley, Bomman & co., 1886. 122 p. B. 89. Anderson, Anson Crosby. Second report of grade dairy herd, by A. C. Anderson. East Lansing, Michigan, 1911. [75J-89 p. (Michigan agricul- tural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 264, April, 1911). ■ M A C;S. Also in Fiftieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 293-305. 90. , . Studies in the cost of market milk pro- duction, by A. C. Anderson and F. T. Riddell . . . East Lansing, Mich., 1916. 38 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 277, December, 1916). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 417- 452. 91. , . . . . Studies in the range of variation of the per cent of butterfat in the milk of individual cows, by A. C. Ander- son. East Lansing, Michigan, 1914. 13 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 71, June, 1914). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 479- 489. 92. Angell, James Burrill. The reminiscences of James Burrill Angell. New York [etc.] Longmans, Green and co., 1912. vii, 258 p. G; LC;S;U. 93. , . University of Michigan. Commemorative oration, deHvered on Thursday, Jime 30, 1887, at the semi-centennial cele- bration of the organization of the university. By James Burrill Angell . . . Ann Arbor, the university, 1888. 40 p. B ; G; L C; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 15 . 94. Anishinabe enamiad; a monthly journal devoted to the interests of the Franciscan missions among the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, vol. I- VII. Harbor Springs, 1896-1903. S*. *The State Library has vol. I, no. 1, 2, 9, 10; vol. Ill, no. 5-vol. VI, no. 2; vol. VII, no 1-12. 95. Annals of St. Paul's church, Detroit, Michigan, 1824-1904. Detroit, Houghton-Jacobson printing co. [1904]. 183 p. B; D. 96. Ann Arbor. Art association. Ann Arbor art association; its aim and scope. Ann Arbor, The Ann Arbor press [n. d.]. not paged. B. 97. . . Exhibition of Oriental and American art, under the joint auspices of the alumni memorial committee and the Ann Arbor art association on the occasion of the opening of the alumni memorial hall, university of Michigan, May 11 to 30, 1910. [2d ed.]. [Detroit, J. Bomman & son, 1910]. 39 p. L C; U. The catalog of this, the second annual, exhibit was prepared and the details of the exlii- bition were looked after by the Ann Arlsor art association, cf. Editorial note, signed by Theodore W. Koch. "Wood engravings by Henry Wolf, N. A." p. [35]-39. 98. ■. . Hand-book for the first exhibition of the Ann Arbor art association, held at the Ann Arbor high school May 12 to 22, 1909, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Published by the association . . . [Ann Arbor, 1909]. Cover title, [21] p. S. 99. . Board of education. Annual catalogue of the officers and pupils of the Ann Arbor public schools for the academic year 1867-68 to 1878-79. Published by order of the board of education. Ann Arbor, 1868- 1879. B*;U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1876-77 and 1878-79; the U. of M. Library has 1867-68; 1870-71, 1872-73, 1878-79. 100. ■ — . . Annual reports of the board of education . . . 1884 to 1915-16. [Ann Arbor? Mich., 1884-1916]. U*. *The U. of M. Library has 1884, 1891, 1896-1903, 1905, 1907-08 to 1915-16. 101. . . Annual report of superintendent of schools. 1884-1894. [Ann Arbor? 1884?- 1894?]. U*. *The U. of M. Librar>^ has 1884, 1891, 1894. 102, . . Manual of the course of study in the primary and grammar departments. Published by order of the board of education. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1898. 31 p. U. 103. . Board of health. Rules and regulations of the board of health of the city of Ann Arbor, Mich. In force July 1, 1906. [Ann Arbor] Ann Arbor press [1906]. 12 p. U. 104. [ . Business men's association]. City of Ann Arbor; its resources and advantages. Ann Arbor, Michigan, the courier book and job printing establishment, 1887. 64 p. U. 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 105. . Charters. Revised charter and ordinances of the city of Ann Arbor. Published by order of the common council. Ann Arbor, E. B. Pond, city printer, 1859. 70 p. G; U. 106. . . Charter and ordinances of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Revised June, 1871. Pubhshed b}' authority of the com- mon council. Ann Arbor, courier steam printing house, 1871. 131 p. vS; U. 107. . . Charter and revised ordinances of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Revised and compiled by A. McReynolds, city attomc}'. Published b\^ authority of the common council, February, 1876. Ann Arbor, courier steam printing house, 1876. 163 p. U. 108. . . Charter and ordinances of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Printed by authority of the common council. Ann Arbor, courier book and job printing house, 1882. 174 p. U. 109. . . Charter of the cit}' of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Printed by authority of the common council. Ann Arbor, courier book and job printing house, 1889. 97, 38 p. U. 110. . . Charter and ordinances of the city of Ann Arbor. Revised ordinances of 1896. Printed by authority of the common council. Ann Arbor, the inland press, 1896. 227, 62 p. ' B. 111. . . Revised ordinances of 1902-03. Charter and ordinances of the city of Ann Arbor. Printed by authority of the com- mon council. Ann Arbor, Michigan., Millard, the printer, 1903. 4 p. 1., [5J-328, Ixvii p. S. 112. . . Revised ordinances of 1907-9. Charter and ordinances of the city of Ann Arbor. Printed by authority of the common council. Compilers: J. W. Dwyer, S. W. Beakes. Ann Arbor, Michigan [the Ann Arbor press] 1908. 458 p. U. 113. [ . Civic association]. Ann Arbor a quiet spot in touch with the world, [no imprint], not paged. U. 1 14. . . A classified business and profes- sional directory and bluebook of Ann Arbor, Mich., for 1917-1918. En- dorsed by the Ann Arbor civic association . . . [no imprint]. 16 p. U. 115. . . Yearbook . . . Annual reports of officers and committees, constitution and by-laws, standing committees. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1914. 43 p. U. 116. . Common council. Proceedings . . . 1892-93 to 1910- 11. [Ann Arbor] 1892-1911. U*. *The U. of M. Library- has 1892-93, 1900-01 to 1910-11. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 17 117. . Congregational church. Ladies' aid society. The Ann Arbor cook book, comp. by the ladies' aid society of the Congregational church. 2d ed., rev. and enl. . . . Ann Arbor, Mich., G. Wahr, 1904. 607 p. LC:U. 118. . Department of public health. Monthly report. Ann Arbor, 1906-1908. U. 119. . District Sabbath school convention. Proceedings, essays and constitution of the Ann Arbor district Sabbath school convention. Dexter, February 3, 4, 1863. Ann Arbor, L. Davis, printer, 1863. 28 p. B. * 120. . Fire underwriters. Minimum tariff of rates adopted 8 Jan. 1867. Ann Arbor, Dr. Chase's press, 1867. 43 p. U. 121. . First Congregational church. The confession of faith, covenant and rules of the first Congregational church in Ann Arbor, with a list of its officers and members, March, 1847. Ann Arbor, printed at the State journal office [1847?]. 11 p. B. 122. . . Manual . . . 1868-1887. Ann Arbor, 1868-1887. B*. ' *The Burton Historical Collection has 1868 and 1887. 123. . . Officers and members of the first Congregational church of Ann Arbor, 1891. Ann Arbor, the coiuier steam printing house, 1891. 16 p. B. 124. . . The roll of members of the first Congregational church of Ann Arbor, Michigan, January, 1883. Ann Arbor, courier steam printing house, 1883. 15 p. B. 125. . . Souvenir of the first Congregational church, semi-centennial . . . [Ann Arbor] the inland press, 1897. 39 p. B. 126. — . First Congregational church and society. Annual report . . . 1884-1886. Ann Arbor, 1884-1886. B. 127. . High school. The breeze. Published quarterly by the senior class of the Ann Arbor high school, v. 2, no. 4. [Ann Arbor] 1898. U. 128. . . Catalogue of the Ann Arbor high school for the academic year . . . 1877-78 to 1915-16. Ann Arbor [1877?]-1916. B*;G*;U*. Title varies: 1877-78, Annual announcement. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1877-78; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1909-10; the U. of M. Library has 1885-86, 1887-88 to 1889-90, 1891-92, 1892-93, 1894-95 to 1902-03, 1904-05 to 1915-16. 3 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 129. . . Exercises of the fifty-sixth graduating class . . . June 15, 1915. [Ann Arbor? 1915]. not paged. U. 130. . . General catalog of officers and grad- uates 1856-1909. Published by the board of education. [Ann Arbor, the Ann Arbor press, n. d.]. 80 p. U. 131. . . The Omega. Published by the senior class . . . 1886-1901. Ann Arbor, 1886-[1901]. — - B*; G*; U*. *The Burton Historical CoUection has 1886, 1887, 1890, 1891; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1894; the U. of M. Library has 1890, 1893, 1894, 1901. 132. . Medical club. Banquet of the Ann Arbor medical club and Washtenaw county medical society in honor of WilHam^Fleming Breakey . . . Wednesday evening, March thirty-first, nineteen hundred nine, Michigan union club house, Ann Arbor, [no imprint]. [5] p. U. 133. . Memorial proceedings in honor of the lamented Presi- dent of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, held in Ann Arbor, Michigan; with the address of Rev. E. O. Haven . . . Ann Arbor, printed at the "Peninsular courier" office, 1865. lip. L C. 134. . Preparatory school. First annual catalogue of the officers and the students of the preparatory school at Ann Arbor, for the academic year, 1849-50. Pub. by the students. Ann Arbor, Shoff & Arnold, printers, 1850. 16 p. B. 135. . Public library. . . . Classified list of books for younger readers. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1903. vi, 62 p. G; S; U. 136. . Public school library. Classified catalogue of the pubHc school library of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Published by authority. Ann Arbor, Mich., courier book and job printing house, 1888. 77, 12 p. G;U. 137. . . Finding list of English prose fiction including juvenile fiction in the library of school district no. 1. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1898. 51 p. U. 138. . St. Andrews church. Annual report of the wardens and vestrymen of St. Andrews church, April 5, 1844. [Ann Arbor? 1844.']. 8 p. ^ B. No title page. 139. . — , . Year book of vSt. Andrews church, Ann Arbor, Michigan, advent, 1891. Ann Arbor, argus book and job rooms, 1891. 43 p. '- U. 140. . School of music. Announcement of the Ann Arbor school of music. 1881-82 to 1887-88. [Ann Arbor, 1881?-1887?]. B*. Title varies: 1881-82, Calendar and announcement of the Ann Arbor school of music. . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1881-82, 1886-87, 1887-88. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 19 141. . Scientific association. The constitution and by-laws of the Ann Arbor scientific association with the proceedings for the year ending May 1, 1876. Printed by order of the association. Ann Arbor, courier steam printing house, 1876. 179 p. B; U. 142. . Special waterworks committee. Final report of the special waterworks committee, February 5, 1906. [Ann Arbor, the Ann Arbor press] 1906. 20 p. U. 143. . Union' high school. Exercises and exhibitions of graduating class. 1857-1864. Ann Arbor, [1857-1864]. B*. The Burton Historical Collection has 1857, 1861-1864. 144. . Union school. Annual catalogue, 1858-59 to 1865-66. Ann Arbor, 1859-1866. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1858-59, 1859-60, 1860-61, 1865-66. 145. . Unitarian church. Ser\4ces and announcements . . • 1894-95. Minister: Rev. J. T. Simderland . . . [Ann Arbor, register pub. CO., 1894]. 20 p. U. 146. . • Its services, organization, oflficers, principles, hopes, announcements, March 1, 1883. Ann Arbor, 1883. 20 p. B;U. 147. Ann Arbor railroad company. Annual report . . . 1887-1913. Toledo, Ohio, 1888-1913. U*. *The U. of M. Library has 1887, 1908-1913. 148. Anne Meldnmi Dermont. [In memoriam]. [Detroit? 1905?]. 10 p. D;S. 149. Anthon, Charles Edward. Narrative of the settlement of George Christian Anthon in America and of the removal of the family from Detroit and its establishment in New York city. By Charles Edward Anthon . . . New York, a small number of copies printed for the family by the Bradstreet press, 1872. 22 p. B. 150. An appeal to the citizens of Michigan showing the necessity of the early completion of the great western railway from Detroit to the Niagara river. Detroit, Harmon, Brodhead & co., printers, 1851. 13 p. (Reprinted from the Detroit free press). B. 151. Applegate, Tom S. A history of the press of Michigan, prepared for the centennial, by order of Gov. John J. Bagley. Tom S. Applegate, com- piler. Adrian, Mich., times steam presses, 1876. 64 p. S. 152. The argonaut; published bi-weekly during the college year by the students of the university of Michigan ... v. 1-8. Ann Arbor, 1883-1890. B*; D*;U. Combined with the Chronicle under title Chronicle-argonaut, 1891. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 1, no. 15; v. 3-4 (some missing numbers); the main librar}^ Detroit, has v. 8, no. 24-25 . 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 153. Armada. Free public library. Catalog, Armada free public library. Amiada, Michigan, 1904. [14] p. S. 154. . . Catalog of Armada free public library. Armada, Michigan, 1906. 47 p. S. 155. Arnett, Benjamin William. The northwest territory. An address by Bishop Benjamin William Amett, D. D., Wednesday evening, Oct. 11, 1899, at music hall, Chicago. (In Ohio archaeological and historical quar- terly. Columbus, 1900, v. 8, p. 433-464). B; L C; S; U. 156. Arthur, Clara B. Progress of Michigan women, by Clara B. Arthur. A brief record of the effort and achievement of women of Michigan in the struggle for equalit}^ before the law. [Detroit, Winder printing co., 1911?]. 16 p. S. 157. Arthur HiU . . . [in memoriam]. [Detroit? 1909]. [3] p. S. 158. Arundel, Louis. Motor boat boys on the great lakes; or, exploring the mystic isle of Mackinac. By Louis AiTmdel. Chicago, M. A. Donohue & CO. [cl912]. 96 p. : G. 159. Ashman, Joseph WilUams. In memoriam of Mr. Henry Doty, senior warden of Emanuel church, Detroit, on September 20th, 1885, (sixteenth Simday after trinity). By the Rev. Joseph Williams Ashman, rector of Emanuel church, Detroit, Mich. Detroit, John F. Eby & co., printers, 1865. 16 p. B. 160. Atwater, Caleb. The Indians of the northwest, their maners [man- ners?], customs, &c., &c., or remarks made on a tour to Prairie du Chien and thence to Washington city -in 1829, by Caleb Atwater . . . Columbus, O., 1850. vii, 296 p. G. 161. Augustus Caesar Baldwin. Footprints of a dough-face, how he got into congress, and what he did there; his patriotic pledges and his disloyal performances. [Detroit, Warren's job print, 1864]. Caption title, 8 p. U. 162. Au Sable & north-western railway co. The gateway to a home. (1911 edition) . . . Au Sable, Michigan, 1911. 63 p. S. 163. Authors' league of Michigan, inc. State branch of the authors' league of America. [Purpose and work of the authors' league]. [Detroit? 1916?]. [8] p. U. 164. Averill, Perry. The inspection of illuminating oil in Michigan, during the year ending July 31, 1877, by Perry Averill . . . [Lansing? 1878?]. [87]-90 p, (Reprinted from the Fifth annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1877). S. 165. Avery, John. Overflowed lands on the Maple river; report by John Avery, AI. D. . . . as a special committee to investigate complaints of citi- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 21 zens of Gratiot and Clinton counties relative to overflowed lands along the Maple river . . . [Lansing? 1883?]. 257-261 p. (Reprinted froni the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1882. Reprint no. 134). S. 166. Axford, Lloyd L. Michigan law of conveyancing; a brief used in con- nection with lectures at the university of Detroit, by Lloyd L. Axford . . . Detroit, F. S. Drake, 1916. 1 p. 1., 151, 27 p. L C. 167. Baby, William Lewis. vSouvenir of the past, giving account of the customs and habits of the pioneers of Canada and historical account of many political events connected with the early days of Canada and the territory of Michigan. Windsor, 1896. 266 p. — B. 168. Backus, Sylvester. Petition of Sylvester Backus and others, adopted citizens of Celtic and Saxon descent, and residents of Detroit, asking certain changes in tax laws. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 41). D;G:S;U. 169. Bad Axe, Michigan, the thumb's best town. Bad Axe, the Huron county Republican, 1901. 39 p. — — B. 170. Bagley, John Judson. Old times. Reminiscences of the early days of Michigan. An address by Gov. John J. Bagley before the Cass county pioneer association, Wednesday, June 21, 1876. Cover title, 12 p. — — ■ B;S;U. 171. , . Speech of Governor Bagley, at Grand Rapids, Oct. 7th, 1874. [no imprint]. Caption title, 8 p. S. 172. Bahlke, William A. Chattel mortgage. A treatise on the use of personal property as security, in the state of Michigan, by William A. Bahlke . . . With an appendix of forms. Detroit, Michigan, the Richmond & Backus CO., 1897. 91 p. L C. 173. Bailey, John Read. Mackinac, formerly Michilimackinac, by John R. Bailey . . . Neosho ed. [Lansing, Mich., D. D. Thorp] 1895. 220 p. G;LC. Preface includes bibliography. 174. , • . Ibid. 2d Neosho ed. [Lansing, Mich., D. D. Thorp & son] 1896. 226 p. L C. 175. , . Ibid. 3d Neosho ed. [Lansing, Mich.] 1897. 226 p. LC;U. 176. , . Ibid. 4th ed. Lansing, Mich., R. Smith printing compan3% 1899. 246 p. L C; S. 177. , . Ibid. McMillan ed. 5th revision, 1904. Ann Arbor, The Richmond & Backus company, 1904. 231 p. L C; S. 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 178. , . Ibid. Tourists' ed. 6th revision, 1909. Grand Rapids, Alich., tradesman company, 1909. 248 p. B; L C. 179. Bailey, Liberty Hyde. Experiment and obser\^ation, by L. H. Bailey. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders, 1888. 37 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 40, October, 1888). M AC;S;U. Caption title used. Also in Twenty-sev'cnth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 233-267. 180. , . L Hints on rural adornment, with lists of hardy ornamental plants. IL Horticultural experiments and lists of recent acquisitions in fruit. By L. H. Bailey, jr. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders [1886]. 18 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, bulletin no. 12). M A C; S; U. Also in Twenty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 15 7-166. 181. , . I. Notes on fruits. H. Notes on vegetables. in. Notes on some hardy and desirable ornamental trees and shrubs. By L. H. Bailey. [Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders, 1886]. 11 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 7). M AC;S;U. Also in Twenty-fourth annual report of the secretary' of the state board of agriculture, p. 130-140. 182. , . Notes on tomatoes, by L. H. Bailey, jr. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 19. In Twenty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agricndture. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders, 1888, p. 233-245). ■ MAC;S:U. 183. , . Report of [L. H. Bailey], the professor of horticulture and landscape gardening. [Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders, 1887]. 96 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, bulletin no. 31). M A C; S; U. Also in Twenty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 64-151. 184. '■ — , . Varieties of apples for market, by L. H. Bailey, jr. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders [1887]. 6 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 23). M AC;S;U. Also in Twenty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 154-157. 185. Bailey, William O. . . . Report on the Michigan forest fires of 1881. Prepared under the direction of Brig. & Bvt. Maj. Gen'l W. B. Hazen . . . by William O. Bailey . . . Pub. by authority of the secretar}- of war. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 23 Washington, ofifice of the chief signal officer, 1882. 16 p. (U. S. [Signal office], signal service notes no. 1). B; L C; S. At head of title : United States of America. War department. 186. Bailey's gazeteer and directory of the lines of railway extending from Cincinnati to northern Michigan, including sketches and business directories of the cities of Hamilton, Ohio, Connorsville, Muncie, and Fort Wayne, Indiana, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Big Rapids, Paris, Jackson, Lansing, Saginaw, and Kawkawlin, Michigan, and intermediate points. Sandusky, O., 1871. 344 p. G. 187. Baird, R. G. Requisites for successful famiing. A lecture by R. G. Baird, secretary of the Michigan state board of agriculture, 1879. [no im- print]. 10 p. U. 188. Baker, E. W. Count}- school manual for Cheboygan cotmty, Michi- gan, 1905. Published by E. W. Baker, commissioner of schools. Cheboygan, Michigan, the Democrat print, 1905. 34 p. S. Part II. History of the school districts. of Cheboygan county, compiled by Commissioner E. W. Baker, Cheboygan, Michigan, 1853-1903. 39 p. 189. Baker, Fred Abbott. Duration of municipal street grants ... De- troit, pubHshed for the author by Record printing co., 1910. 380 p. B;S. 190. , . State of Michigan. Supreme court. Stephen Baldwin, complainant and appellee, vs. Fred A. Baker, defendant and appel- lant. Brief for appellant [on the power of congress to coin money and regu- late the value thereof]. A. B. Hall, soHcitor for appellant. F. A. Baker, in pro. per., of counsel. Detroit, record printing co., 1899. 1 p. 1., iii, 196 p. L C. 191. Baker, George Albert. . . . The St. Joseph-Kankakee portage. Its location and use by Marquette, La Salle and the French voyageurs. By George A. Baker . . . South Bend, Ind., the society, 1899. 48 p. (Northern Indiana historical society, publication no. 1). ■ L C. Read before the society July 6, 1897. 192. Baker, Henry Brooks. The causation of pneumonia, by Henry B. Baker . . . Lansing, Thorpe & Godfrey, state printers, 1888. Cover title, 1 p. 1., 247-331 p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for 1886. Reprint no. 268). L C. 193. , . . . . Climate and health in Michigan, by Henry B. Baker . . . [Detroit, 1885?]. Caption title, 6 p. (Reprint from Detroit lancet, October, 1885). L C. 194. , . Report of attendance, abstracts, and review of the proceedings of the health department of the American social science association, at its annual meeting at Saratoga, September 8, 1876. By Henry B. Baker ... (In Fourth annual report of the secretary of the state 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN board of health of the state of Michigan, for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1876. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1876, p. [63]-70). B*; D; S; U. *The Burton Historical Collection has a reprint of this work. 195. , . A report on the death-rate of each sex in Michigan, and a comparison with Dr. Farr's life tables of healthy districts of England, ^^'ith a statement concerning infant mortality in Michigan. By Henry B. Baker . . . (Reprinted from vol. II, Public health papers of the American public health association). Cambridge, printed at the River- side press, 1876. Cover title, 16 p. L C. 196. , . Report on methods of collecting vital sta- tistics, by Henry B. Baker, secretary of the board of health, and superin- tendent of vital statistics in Michigan . . . [Lansing? 1876?]. [123]- 130 p. (Reprinted from the Fourth annual rejDort of the Michigan, state board of health, for the year 1876). S. 197. , . . . . Sickness in Michigan caused by poi- sonous cheese, and efforts to learn the nature and origin of the poison; report by Henry B. Baker, M. D. . . . [Lansing? 1885?]. [122]-128 p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1884. Reprint no. 183). S. 198. , . Trichiniasis in Michigan: and protection from diseased animals and diseased meat ... by the secretary of the state board of health . . . [Lansing? 1885?]. 13 p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1884). S. 199. Baker, J. Fred . . . The Michigan woodlot, [by] J. Fred Baker. East Lansing, Mich., 1912. [107]-122 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, circular no. 17, May, 1912). M A C; S. Also in the Fifty-first annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture , p. 453-466. 200. Baker, James Heaton. The sources of the Mississippi. Their dis- coverers, real and pretended. A report by Hon. James H. Baker, read before the Minnesota historical society, February 8, 1887. Minnesota historical collections, vol. VI. Part I. St. Paul, Minn., Brown. Treacy & co., printers, 1887. 28 p. B;LC;S. Reprint. Vol. 6, pt. I, of the Collections has no imprint on title page. 201. Baker, Robert H. The city of Grand Rapids, manufacturing ad- vantages, commercial importance; sketches of the principal industries and business houses. Grand Rapids, Mich., B. F. Conrad & company, 1889. 166, [2] p. G. Edited by Robert H. Baker and Harry Lincoln Creswell. 202. Baker, Sejrmour A. Lecture [on education, delivered in the repre- sentatives' hall by Seymour A. Baker]. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 25 1851]. 16 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, house document no. 17). B;D;G;S;U. 203. Baker's unique and artistic business directory of Detroit, with a view of American and foreign scenery. Chicago, press of Pettibone, Sawtell & CO. [1899?]. not paged. B. 204. Baldwin, F. L. In memoriam. Memorial of Frederick A. Baldwin . . . Edited and compiled by F. L. Baldwin. Munising, Michigan, "the Republican" power printing house, 1900. not paged. B. 205. Baldwin, James. The conquest of the old northwest and its settle- ment by Americans, by James Baldwin . . . New York, Cincinnati [etc.] American book company [1901]. 263 p. (On cover: Eclectic school read- ings). LC;S. 206. , . The discovery of the old northwest and its settle- ment by the French, b}- James Baldwin . . . New York, Cincinnati [etc.] American book company [1901]. 272 p. (On cover: Eclectic school read- ings). B;LC;S. 207. Baldwin, Willis. The law of personal injuries in Michigan by Willis Baldwin. Chicago, Callaghan & co., 1902. 1 p. 1., v-xlviii, 369 p. LC;S. 208. , . Ibid. 2d ed. Chicago, Callaghan & com- pany, 1909. xcix, [1], 779 p. G; L C; S. 209. [Ball, Lucy]. John Ball and early Grand Rapids. [Grand Rapids, re- printed from the Michigan tradesman, 1907]. Caption title, 1 p. 1., 19-31 p. (Publications of the Historical society of Grand Rapids, no. 2, v. 1, pt. 2). B;LC;S. 210. , . . . . The overland journey to Oregon of John Ball, in 1832; by Miss Lucy Ball; paper read before the meeting on February 28, 1911 .... Grand Rapids, Mich., reprinted from the Michigan tradesman, 1911. 1 p. 1., 79-94 p. (Publications of the Historical society of Grand Rapids, no. 6, v. 1, pt. 6). B; L C; S. Reports of annual meetings of the society, January, 1910-1911: p. 90-94. 211. Ballard, Addison. Popular amusements. An address to the churches, reported to the general association of the Congregational churches of Michi- gan, by Addison Ballard, D. D., of Detroit . . . Romeo, Michigan, E. A. Teall, book and job printer, 1868. 8 p. B. 212. Baltimore Bay, Lake St. Clair, Mich. [Detroit, Wilton-Smith co., printers, n. d.]. Cover title, [12] p. B; S. 213. Baltimore mining company. Articles of association of the Baltimore mining company, adopted August 7th, 1845. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers, 1845. 10 p. B. 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 214. Bancroft, W. L. A new railway outlet from Chicago to the sea- board. Port Huron and Lake Michigan railroad company; Chicago and Michigan grand tnmk railroad company. Organization, resources, business prospects. Prepared at the request of the directors, by W. L. Bancroft, secretar}^ of the Port Huron and Lake Michigan railroad company. Port Huron. ^Michigan, 1866. 52 p. B. 215. Banks, Robert. An oration delivered at a celebration in Detroit, of the abolition of slavery in the West Indies, held by colored Americans August 1st, 1839, by Robert Banks. Detroit, Harsha & Bates, printers, 1839. 15 p. B. 216. Barber, Edward W. Direct legislation : The initiative, referendum, proportional representation. Address by E. Barber before the Unitarian club, of Jackson, Mich., Sunday evening, March 6, 1898 . . . [no imprint]. 8 p. S. 217. , . The Vermont ville colony: its genesis and his- tory, with personal sketches of the colonists, by Edward W. Barber. Lan- sing, Robert Smith printing co. [1897?]. 1 p. 1., 93 p. B; S. 218. Barber, G. M. Memorial of G. M. Barber and 14 others, students of the university of Michigan, relative to the recent proceedings of the board of regents and the faculty of said institution. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 15). B;D;G; S; U. 219. Barbour, Levi Lewis. . . . Indeterminate sentence, by Levi L. Bar- hour . . . [Ann Arbor, 1898]. Cover title, 27 p. (Publications of the Michigan political science association, vol. Ill, no. 3, June, 1898). G; LC; S;U. 220. , . Jails; a paper read at the convention of the county agents of the state board of corrections and charities of Michigan held at Kalamazoo, December 9th and 10th, 1884. [Detroit, O. S. Gulley, Bomman & co., printers, 1884?]. 32 p. B. 221. , . Jails and prisons : their construction and discipline. A paper read before the class on sociology, at the university of Michigan, [no imprint]. Caption title, 48 p. B; G; S. 222. , . Jails; their inspection by superintendents of the poor; a paper read at the convention of the superintendents of the poor of Michigan, Lansing, January 28, 1885. Lansing, state printers, 1885. lip. B. 223. — , . Peter White as man and as citizen ; an ad- dress at the joint session of the classical and historical conferences at Ann Arbor, Michigan, March 31, 1909, by Levi L. Barbour . . . Ann Arbor, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 27 Mich., the university of Michigan, 1909. 24 p. (On cover: University bulletin, new ser., vol. X, no. 22). ■ L C; S; U. 224. Barcroft, Frederick T. Report and appraisal of the Detroit united railwa}^ (city lines) Detroit, Michigan, October 1, 1909, by Frederick T. Bar- croft . . . consulting engineer. Ed. by Norman Flowers and Edward C, Dunbar . . . Detroit, Mich., J. Mack printing house [1910]. 1 p. 1., [5]-237p., 8 1. B;D;LC. 225. Barden, F. M. . . . Commercial peach growing in Michigan, by F. M. Barden and H. J. Eustace. East Lansing, Michigan, 1913. 30 p. (Michi- gan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 63, Sep- tember, 1913). -MACiSiU. Also in Fifty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 331-357. 226. Bards and co.'s classified business directory of Grand Rapids, Saginaw, Bay City, Muskegon, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Lansing, Flint, etc., for the years 1897-1898; compiled by M. M. Pruden. [Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1898]. 268 p. G. 227. Bamaby, Horace Thomas, jr. The decade ; a story of political and municipal corruption. Grand Rapids, Mich., wolverine book publishing company, 1908. 5, 325 p. — G. 228. Barnes, Orlando Mack. Prison system of Michigan; an account of the penal and penitentiary system and institutions of the state of Michigan with a consideration of improvements, by O. M. Barnes . . . By authority. Lansing, Robert Smith printing co., state printers and binders, 1899. 32 p. S. 229. [ , ]. . . . The prisons self supporting. Proposed employments for convicts; observations on the demand that our prisons be made self supporting and on various plans proposed for employing convicts; [a paper read at the joint meeting composed of the members of the boai^d of control and wardens of the several prisons of the state held at Lansing, February 10, 1897]. [Lansing, 1897?]. Caption title, 15 p. S. 230. , . Speech of Hon. O. M. Barnes, of Ingham, on the state of the union; delivered in the house of representatives of the Michigan legislature, session 1863. Detroit, The Detroit free press steam printing establishment, 1863. Cover title, 16 p. B ; U. 231. Barrett, Orvey S. Reminiscences, incidents, battles, marches and camp life of the old 4th Michigan infantry in war of rebellion, 1861 to 1864, by O. S. Barrett . . . Dedicated to the survivors of the regiment . . . Detroit, W. S. Ostler, 1888. 44 p., 1 1. B; G; L C; S; U. 232. Barrows, H. K. Surface water supply of great lakes and St. Law- rence river drainages, 1906. Department of the interior. United States geo- logical sur\'ey. Washington, Gov. printing oflfice, 1907. vi, 98, ii p. 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN (Water-supply and irrigation paper no. 206, series P., hydrographic progress reports, 60). G. By H. K. Barrows and A. H. Horton. 233. Barrows, Walter Bradford. Common Michigan birds: prepared by Prof. W. B. Barrows, M. A. C, and pub. by the state superintendent of pubhc instruction. [Lansing] 1911. 35 p. ([Michigan, dept. of pubHc instruction], bulletin no. 37, 1911). D; L C; wS. 234. , . Michigan bird life, a list of all the bird species known to occur in the state together with an outline of their classi- fication and an account of the life history of each species, with special refer- ence to its relation to agriculture, by Walter Bradford Barrows, S. B. . . . [Lansing] Michigan agricultural college, 1912. xiv, 822 p. (Special bulletin of the department of zoology and physiology of the Michigan agricultural college). B;S;U. 235. Barrj'', Mrs. William. Memorial of Col. Samuel Stone, by Mrs. Wil- liam Barry. Read before the Chicago historical society by B. F. Culver, esq. [Chicago, Knight & Leonard, 1878]. 25 p. G. 236. Bartholomew, H. D. Drainage and sewerage, by H. D. Bartholomew, C. E. . . . [Lansing? 1884?]. [166]-172 p. (Reprinted from a supplement to the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1883. Reprint no. 206). S. 237. Bartlett, Charles H. La Salle in the valley of the St. Joseph. An historical fragment, by Charles H. Bartlett and Richard H. Lyon. South Bend, Indiana, tribune printing company, 1899. 118 p. B; G. 238. Bates, Asher B. [Memorial of Asher B . Bates relative to the expendi- tures for the state prison for the year ending Oct. 31, 1845]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, house document no. 6). B; D; G; S; U. 239. Bates, George Williams. The negotiable instruments law: its his-, torv^ and its effect on the law in Michigan. An address delivered by George Williams Bates ... at the annual meeting of the Michigan state bar associ- ation, Detroit, June, 1903 . . . [St. Louis? 1903?]. Cover title, [873]-896 p. (Reprinted from the American law review, Nov.-Dec. 1903). LC;S. 240. [Bates, Hemy M.]. The plan and purpose of the Michigan union. [Ann Arbor, the Richmond & Backus co., 1905?]. 24, [1] p. (Reprinted from the Michigan alumnus, April and December, 1905, v. II, p. 323-328 and V. 12, p. 123-127). U. 241 . Bates, Joseph. The autobiography of Elder Joseph Bates ; embracing a long life on shipboard, with sketches of voyages on the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Baltic and Mediterranean seas; and impressment and service BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 2& on board British warships, long confinement in Dartmoor prison, early ex- perience in reformatory movements; travels in various parts of the' world; and a brief account of the great Advent movement of 1840-44. Battle Creek^ Mich, steam press of the Seventh-day Adventist publishing associa- tion, 1868. 306 p. S. 242. Bates, Mrs. M. E. C. Along Traverse shores, by Mrs. M. E. C- Bates and Mrs. M. K. Buck . . . Traverse City, Michigan, 1891. 256 p. G;S. 243. Bates, W. R. The history, commercial advantages, and future pros- pects of the Saginaws, population, manufacturing, shipping and railroad interests, commercial advantages, churches, schools, literary associations, municipal organizations and a description of the grounds and proposed pro- gramme of the approaching state fair, to be held at East Saginaw. By W. R; Bates. East Saginaw, Mich., E. W. L^^on, steam power book and jpb printer, 1874. 133 p. S; U. 244. Battle Creek. Charters. The charter and ordinances of the city of Battle Creek. Published by authority of the common council. Battle Creek^ steam press of the Review and herald office, 1861. 123 p. — — U. 245. . . The revised charter and ordinances of the city of Battle Creek. Published by authority of the common council; revised and compiled by L. D. Dibble. Battle Creek, Mich., journal printing house, 1879. 203 p. G. 246. . . The revised ordinances of the city of Battle Creek. Pub. by authority of the common council, in 1883 .... Battle Creek, Charles J. Robinson, printer, 1883. 175, 67, 16 p. B; G. Contents. — Ordinances, 175 p. Act to revise and amend the charter, 1879, 67 p. Two acts approved in 1885, 16 p. 247. . . Charter of the city of Battle Creek, Michi- gan. Published by order of the common council, April A. D. 1887. Battle Creek, Mich., review and herald publishing association, 1887. 75 p. S. 248. . . Charter of the city of Battle Creek, Michi- gan. Published by order of the common council, July, A. D. 1891. Battle Creek, Mich., Wm. C. Gage & sons, printers and binders, 1891. 221 p.' B;G;S. 249. ^. — . Compilation of the charter and ordinances of the city of Battle Creek, Michigan. Compiled and published by order of the common council 1908. [Battle Creek] press of Gage printing co., ltd., 1908. 154, xvi, 155-548, xviii p. S; U. 250. . Oak hill cemetery. Rules and regulations for the government of Oak hill cemetery of Battle Creek. Battle Creek, Buckley & Onderdonk, ptrs., 1882. 15 p. B. 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 251. . Public school library. Catalogue of the public library of the Battle Creek public schools, classified by subjects, with rules and regidations. Pub. by the board of education. March, 1885. Battle Creek, Michigan, 1885. 120 p. L C; U. 252,- . . Supplement to the classified catalogue of the public library of the Battle Creek public schools. [Battle Creek, Mich., n. d.]. Cover title, 19 p. L C; U. Caption title : Supplement to the catalogue. of the Battle Creek public school library. . . 253. . . Catalog of the public school library, of Battle Creek, Mich. Pub. by the board of educa- tion ... 1893. Lansing, R. Smith & CO. [1893]. 4p. l.,248p. LC;S. 254. . . Supplement . . . [no. 1] 1895. Battle Creek, Mich., review and herald publishing company [1895]. 50 p. L C; S. 255. . Public schools. The course of study, and rules and regulations of the Battle Creek public schools, with superintendent's report, 1874-5. Battle Creek, 1875. 49 p. B. 256. Battle Creek college. . . . Annual calendar of the Battle Creek coUege ... 7th (1880-81) -20th (1894-95). Battle Creek, 1881-[1895]. B*; U*. Title varies: 1880-81, Seventh annual catalogue of the officers and students. . . 1883-84, . . . Annual announcement. . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1883-84; the U. of M. Librarv has 1880-81, 1883- 84, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1894-95. 257. Battle Creek illustrated 1889. [Battle Creek] Conover, Gage & co. [n. d.]. 48 p. U. 258. Battle Creek sanitarium. Description of the medical and surgical -sanitarium, located at Battle Creek, Mich., 1888. [Battle Creek, 1888]. 30 p. L C. 259. . The way out of invalidism and inefficiency into joyous, enduring, strenuous health. Battle Creek, Mich., Battle Creek sanitariimi press, 1905. 31, [1] p. U. 260. . A word about the physiologic method em- ployed at the Battle Creek sanitaritmi. [Battle Creek. Mich., sanitarium? n. d.]. Cover title, 32 p. U. 261. Battle Creek school of applied art. Instruction paper on angular perspective. [Battle Creek? 1900]. 1 p. 1., 35-52 p. L C, 262. — . . . . Instruction paper on commercial line drawing. [Battle Creek? Mich., cl900]. Cover title, 24 p. • LC. 263. Baxter, Albert. History of the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 31 (With an appendix — History of Lowell, Michigan). B}' Albert Baxter. New- York and Grand Rapids, Munsell & co., 1891. xiii, 854, [1] p. D; G;LC;S. 264. Bay City. Annual statement of the finances . . . The mayor's mes- sage and reports of the various municipal departments . . . 1884-1888. Bay City, 1884-1888. G*; S*; U*. *The- Grand Rapids Public Libran^ has 1884; the State Library has 1884 and 1885; the U. of M. Librarj^ has 1884 and 1888. 265. . Board of education. Annual report of the Bay City pub- lic schools for the school year, 1889-90 to 1897-98. Bay City, Mich., published by order of the board of education, 1890-1898. U*. *The U. of M. Library has 1889-90, 1891-92, 1897-98. 266. . — . Manual and course of study of the Bay City public schools. Bay City, Michigan, 1915. 232 p. S. 267. . . Public schools of Bay City . . . 1889-90 to 1908-09. Bay City, Mich., 1889-1909. U*. *The U. of AI. Library has 1889-90; 1891-92, 1897-98, 1903-04, 1908-09. 268. . Chamber of commerce. Annual review of the progress, business resources, manufactures and commerce of Bay City, West Bay City, and tributary territory. Issued by the chamber of commerce of Bay City, Michigan. Bay City, Mich., tribune book and job rooms, 1884. 46 p, U. ' 269. . Charters. Bay City charter, rules of common council, and ordinances. Bay City, journal book and job rooms, 1869. 93 p. B. 270. . . Rules of common council. Bay City charter, and ordinances. Compiled and printed by order of the common council. Bay City, printed at the Chronicle steam printing house, 1873. 119 p. B. 271. . . The charter and ordinances of Bay City with the rules of the common council. Printed and published by authority of the common council. Bay City, J. Gray, 1882. 3 p. 1., 275 p. U. 272. . . The amendments to the charter and ordinances of Bay City, adopted since the last general compilation and revision ... in the year 1882. Printed and published by authority of the common council. Bay City, tribune book and job rooms, 1885. 1 p. 1., 106 p. U. 273. . . The charter and ordinances of Bay City, with a manual of the common council and of the mtmicipal government, 1891-2. Printed and pubHshed by authority of the common council. Bay City, Mich., C. & J. Gregory, printers, 1892. xiii, 422 p. S.. 274. . . The charter and ordinances of Bay City with a manual of the common council and of the municipal govcrmncnt, together 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN with acts of the legislature affecting Ba}'- City. 1907. Printed and published by authority of the common coimcil. Bay City, Mich., the John P. Lambert CO., printers, 1909. xii, 602 p. G; S; U. 275. . Citizens. Committee on statistics of business. ReiDort of committee appointed at a citizen's [citizens'] meeting, Thursday, Jan. 14, '86, to compile statistics of the business of Bay City, Mich., Bay City, Mich., tribune book and job rooms, 1886. 28 p. L C. Signed: J. F. Eddy, Thos. Cranage, jr., L. L. Hotchkiss, S. C. Wilson. 276. . Controller. Annual report . . . 1877-1889. Bay City, 1877-1889. U*. *The U. of M. Library has 1877, 1882-83, 1889. 277. . Electric light dept. Annual report ... 5th (1892)- 13th (1900). [Bay City?] 1892-1900. B*; U*. *Tlie Burton Historical Collection has 5th: the U. of M. Library- has 5th, 8th, 12th-13th. 278. . Fire dept. Annual report . . . 10th (1892)-28th (1911). Bay City, Mich., 1893-1911. U*. Report year irregular. Title varies. *The U. of M. Library has the 10th, 18th-2-ith, 28th. 279. . Library association. Catalogue of the library associa- tion of Bay City, Michigan, with articles of association, by-laws &c. Bay City, Culbert, Warren & Kroencke, job printers, 1871. 56 p. D. 280. . Mayor. Mayor Wright's valedictory message, April 4, 1899 . . . Bay City, Mich., Hurley bros., printers [n.d.]. 18 p. U. . 281. . Police dept. Annual report, 4th (1886)-24th (1906). Bay City, 1886-1906. U*. *The U. of M. Library has 4th, 10th, 16th, 18th, 20th-24th. 282. . Public library. Catalogue of the public library of Bay City. Bay City, printed at the Daily evening observ^er establishment, 1878. xi, [1], 219p. LC;S. 283. . . Supplemental catalogue of the public librar}' of Bay City. Authors, titles and subjects. Bay City, printed at the Tribtme book and job rooms, 1886. 77 p. L C. 284, . . Public schools of Bay City, Michigan, 1904. Printed by order of the board of education. Bay City, Michigan, the Jno. P. Lambert co., printers and binders, 1904. 216 p. U. 285. . Water dept. Annual report, [4th (1875)]-33rd (1904). Bay City, Mich, 1875-1904. G*; U*. *The Grand Rapids Pubhc Library has 29th; the U. of I\L Library has [4th], 6th-llth, 13th, 15th-18th, 20th-25th, 28th-31st. 33rd. 286. . Young men's Christian association. Inter-church cit}'^- w-ide father and sons' banquet auspices Y. M. C. A. . . . Friday, March 9, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 33 1916, 6:30 P. M., national guard armory, Bay City, Michigan. [Bay City, Ballamy & Snover, printers, 1916]. Cover title, [4] p. ■ U. 287. Bay City and Portsmouth street railway company. Act of incorpor- ation, city ordinance and by-laws of the Bay City and Portsmouth street railway company. Organized February 20, 1865. [Bay City] printed at the Bay City journal job printing office, 1865. 16 p. B. 288. The Bay City times. Northeastern Michigan; the Bay City gate- way. Supplement to the Bay City times, Apr. 15, 1913. [Bay City,. Mich. 1913]. Cover title, 23 p. L C. 289. Bay county. St. Andrew's society. Constitution and by-laws of the St. Andrew's society, of Bay county. Bay City, journal book and job company, 1868. 17 p. B. 290. Bayley, William Shirley. . . . The Menominee iron-bearing district of Michigan, by William Shirley Bayley. Charles Richard Van Hise, geo- logist in charge. Washington, gov. print, offi., 1904. 513, iii p. (Added title page: Department of the interior, monographs of the United States geo- logical survey, vol. XLVI). L C. "Bibliography and abstract of literature": p. 41-124. 291. Bay View assembly. The Bay View bulletin. Published quarterly by the Bay View assembly, v. 4, no. 1, May, 1915. Detroit, 1915. U. 292. . Programs, [n. p.] 1913. Cover title, 34 p. S. 293. Beakes, Samuel Willard. Contested-election case of Samuel W. Beakes v. Mark R. Bacon, from the second congressional district of Michigan. Washington, gov. print, off., 1917. 228 p. L C. 294. , . Past and present of Washtenaw county, Michigan, by Samuel W. Beakes, together with biographical sketches of many of its prominent and leading citizens and illustrious dead . . . Chicago, the S. J. Clarke publishing co., 1906. 817, [4] p. D; G; L C; S; U. The copy in the State Library has 823, [1] p. 295. Beal, William James. . . . Branches of sugar maple and beech as seen in winter, by W. J. Beal. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1898. [33]- 41 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, botanical depart- ment, elementary science bulletin no. 5, November 30, 1898). B;MAC;S. 296. , . A brief and popular account of the trees and some of the shrubs on the groimds of the Michigan state agricultural college, September, 1878, by Prof. W. J. Beal. [no imprint]. 27 p. U. 297. , . Comparing the yield of old meadows with those recently seeded, by W. J. Beal. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN printers and binders] 1891. 6 p. (Michigan agricidUtral college, experiment station, bulletin no. 77, November, 1891). — M A C; S; U. Also in Thirtieth annual report of the secretary of the statQ board of agriculture, p. 248- 250. 298. , . . . . Experiments and observations on the jack-pine plains, by W. J. Beal. Lansing, Darius D. Thorp, state printer and binder, 1889. 10 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 54, October, 1889). M A C; S; U. Also in the Twenty-eighth annual report of the secretar}' of the state board of agriculture, p. 321-327. 299. , . Forest products of the museum of economic botony, by W. J. Beal. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders [1887]. 7 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 28). MAC;S;U. Also in Twenty-sixth annual report of the secretar}^ of the state board of agriculture, p. 176-179. 300. , . Hints for Arbor day, by W. J. Beal. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders [1888]. 19 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 33). M A C; S; U. Also in Twenty- seventh annual report of the secretarj^ of the state board of agriculture, p. 363-377. 301. , . History of the Michigan agricultural col- lege and biographical sketches of trustees and professors, by W. J. Beal. . . . East Lansing, agricultural college, 1915. vi p., 1 1., 519 p. G; L C; S. 302. , . Lessons on growing forest trees, by W. J. Beal. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 21. In Twenty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agricul- ture. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders, 1886, p. 250- 253). MAC;S;U. 303. , . Making a lawn. Mixed lawn grass seeds analyzed, by W. J. Beal. (Michigan agricultural college, experiemnt station, bulletin no. 11. In Twenty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture. Lansing, Thorp & Godfre}^ state printers and binders, 1886, p. 151-157). MAC;S;U. 304. , . Michigan flora. Prepared for the thirtieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, by W. J. Beal . . . and C. F. Wheeler . . . [Lansing, R. Smith & co., printers, 1892]. 180 p. L C. Based on the "Catalogue of the phaenogamous and vascular cryptogamous plants of Michigan ... by Charles F. Wheeler and Erwin F. Smith", pub. in the 10th annual report of the state horticultural society, 1880. cf. Preface. 305. , . Michigan flora. A list of the fern and seed plants growing without cultivation. Prepared by W. J. Beal . . . Pub. by the state board of agriculttire, agricultural college, Mich. . . . Lan- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 35 ■sin<^, Mich., R. v^mith i)rintinj3f co., state printers and binders, '1904. 147 ]i. (Reprinted . . . from the Fifth report of the Michigan academy of science, 1904). • D; L C; S. 306. , . Michigan weeds, by W. J. Beal. East Lan- sing, Michigan, 1911. [277]-458 p., 11. (Michigan agricultural college, ex- periment station, bulletin no. 267, December, 1911). M A C; S. Also in Fiftv-first annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 269- -134. 307. ., . . . . Observations on the leaves of clovers at different times of day, by W. J. Beal. Agricultural college, A/[ichigan, 1898. [26]-31 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, botanical dept., elementary science bulletin no. 4, May 10, 1898). B;MAC:S. 308. , • . . . . Potatoes, ruta-bagas and onions, by W. J. Beal. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1898. [43]-52 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experimicnt station, botanical dept., elementary science bulletin no. 6, December 24, 1898). B; M A C; S. 309. , . RepHes to questions about grasses, by W. J. Beal. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders [1886]. 7 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 16). M AC;S;U. Also in Twentv-fourth annual repoit of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 179-183. 310. , . . . . Ribgrass or narrow-leaved plantain in fields of clover, b\- "W. J. Beal. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1890. 4 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 56, February, 1890). M A C; S; U. Also in Twentv-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 178-179. 311. , . Seeds of Michigan weeds, by W. J. Beal. East Lansing, Michigan, 1910. [101]-182 p., 1 1. (Michigan agricultural college, experim.ent station, bulletin no. 260, March, 1910). MA C; S. Also in Forty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 330-398. 312. '-y . Six worst weeds, by W. J. Beal. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1891. (Michigan agricul- tural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 72. In Thirtieth annual report of the state board of agriculture, p. 205-208). M A C; S; U. 313. , . . . . Study of beans and peas before and after sprouting, by W. J. Beal. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1897. 8 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, botanical dept., element- ary science bulletin no. 1, December 25, 1897). B; M A C; S. 314. , . ... A study of plant leaves, designed and written by W. J. Beal . . . Agricultural college, Michigan, 1903. [81]-107 p. 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, botanical dept., element- ary science bulletin no. 9, April, 1903). MAC; S. 315. , . ... A study of the seeds of timothy and red clover before and after sprouting, by W. J. Beal. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1898. [17]-23 p. (Michigan agrietUtural college, experiment station, botanical dept., elementary science bulletin no. 3, March 22, 1898). B;MAC;S. 316. , . . . . Study of wheat and buckwheat before and after sprouting, by W. J. Beal. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1898. [9]-15 p. (Micliigan agricultural college, experiment station, botanical dept., elementary science bulletin no. 2, February 28, 1898). B;MAC.;S. 317. , . . . . Two programs for arbor day. I. Con- vention of trees in 1888. II. Convention of trees in 1899. By W. J. Beal. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1899. [53J-80 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, botanical dept., elementary science bulletin no. 7 and 8, March 24, 1899). M A C; S. 318. , . The vitality of seeds buried in the soil, by W. J. Beal. (Michigan agrietiltural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 5. In Twent3^-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1884, p. 332-334). M A C; S; U. 319. , . Why not plant a grove? by Dr. W. J. Beal. Lansing, Darius D. Thorp, state printer and binder [1889]. 7 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 45). M A C; S;U. Also in Twenty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 218-222. 320. Beals, Thomas S. The commercial, industrial, and transportation interests of the city of Detroit, being appendix no. 8 of the annual report of the chief of the bureau of statistics, treasury department, on the internal commerce of the United States, December 1882. Washington, gov't, printing ofif. 1882. 24 p. B. 321. Beaman, Fernando C. Michigan contested election. Speech of Hon. F. C. Beaman, of Michigan, in the house of representatives, February 13, 1866. [Washington, printed at the Congressional globe office, 1866?]. Caption title, 8 p. U. 322. Beard's directory and history of Marquette county, with sketches of the early history of Lake Superior, its mines, furnaces, etc., etc. Detroit, Hadger & Bryce, printers, 1873. 240, xiii p. B; L C; S. "Early history of .Lake Superior. Sketch of the early explorations, with a notice of the missionaries and their labors. By C. I. Walker": p. fl65]-200. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 37 323. Beautiful Bloomfield hills and Oakland county lakes, [no imprint]. 7 p. B. 324. Beautiful Detroit. [Detroit, Detroit convention and tourists' bureau, [cl917]. 31, [l]p. LC. 325. Becker, H. Memorial of H. Becker, E. L. Fuller, E. Thomson, Jas. E. Piatt, and N. R. Ramsdell, committee, &c., in regard to the late difficulties in the university. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 6 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 28). B; D; G; S; U. 326. Beckwith, Hiram Williams. [Documents, papers, materials and publications relating to the northwest, and the state of Illinois]. Ed. and annotated by H. W. Beckwith, president of the board of trustees . . . Spring- field, 111., the W. Rokker co., printers, 1903. 2 p. 1., 642 p. (Collections of the Illinois state historical library, v. 1). — — L C; S; U. 327. ■ , . Historic notes on the northwest, gleaned from early authors, old maps and manuscripts . . . and other . . . sources. Chicago, H. H. Hill & co., 1879. 260 p. L C. Imperfect, wanting pp. 260-end. 328. — , . The Illinois and Indiana Indians. Chicago, Fergus printing company, 1884. viii, [2], [84] p. (Fergus' histori- cal series no. 27). G. Contents: — The Illinois. — The Miamis. — The Kickapoos. — The Winnebagos. — The Fox and Sacs. — The Pottawatomies. 329. Beecher, Franklin A. The law of contracts in Michigan, exhaustively treating internal structure with fonns, by F. A. Beecher. Detroit, Drake law book CO., 1910. xliv, 446 p. • S. 330. — , . The law of wills in Michigan, with forms, by Franklin A. Beecher . . . with introduction by Hon. Henry S. Hulbert . . . Detroit, F. S. Drake, 1911. xxiii, 444 p. G; S. 331. , ■ — . Michigan law and procedure in probate courts ... by Franklin A. Beecher. Detroit, F. S. Drake, 1914. xxxvi, 867 p. LC;S. 332. , . Michigan rule book, annotated, and United States rules; all the courts, all the commissions, all the boards; by Franklin A. Beecher . . . Detroit, F. S. Drake, 1913. 2 p. 1., [7]-503 p. G; LC;S. 333. , . Michigan rule book, state and federal, an- notated; all the rules of all the courts, boards and commissions, forms. 2d ed. The new Michigan circuit court rules annotated by Alva M. Cummins . . . and all other rules annotated by Franklin A. Beecher . . . Detroit, F. S. Drake, 1916. viii, 801 p. L C. " Michigan circuit court rules " : p. [53v3]-660. 7ij^r>i 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 334. Beers, J. H. and co. History of the great lakes. Chicago, J. H. Beers and co., 1899. 2 v. G. Contents: — v. 1. — General history, containing also a list of lake vessels, past and present, and maps of the lakes, v. 2. — Biographical. 335. Beets, Henry. Thinking on God's loving kindness; souvenir of the quarter-centennial celebration of the Lagrave St. Chr. ref. church. Grand Rapids, Mich. [Grand Rapids, Mich., 1912]. 55, [1] p. G. Compiled by Rev. Henrj^ Beets. 336. The beginning and development of Catholicity in Dearborn, Wayne CO., Mich. Dearborn, G. W. Owen, printer [n. d.]. 20 p. B. 337. [Belknap, Charles Eugene]. History of the Michigan organizations at Chickamauga, Chattanooga and Missionary Ridge, 1863. Lansing, Mich., R.Smith printing CO., 1897. 2 p. 1., 374 p., 1 1. D;G;LC;S;U. 338. [ , ]. Ibid. 2d ed. Authorized by resolution of the legislature, March 30, 1899. Lansing, Mich., Robert Smith printing CO., 1899. 6 p. 1., [9]-374, [1] p. ■ S; U. 339. , . The legend of the trailing arbutus, by Charles E. Belknap, [no imprint], not paged. G. 340. Bemis, Edward Webster. . . . Local government in Michigan and the northwest. Read before the American social science association, Sep- tember 7, 1882, by Edward W. Bemis, A. B. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins university, 1883. 25 p. (Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science . . . [1st ser.] v.). D; L C; S. 341. Benedict, Edward D. History, by-laws and roster of De Molai com- mandery, no. 5, K. T., stationed at Grand Rapids, Mich. [Grand Rapids? Mich,] 1884. 37 p. — ^ G. Compiled by Edward D. Benedict and S. E. Watson. 342. Benevolent and protective order of elks, Michigan. Souvenir and program of elk's street fair and carnival August 21 to 26, 1899, Lansing, Mich. [Lansing, 1899]. 100 p. S. 343. Bennett, Charles Wilkes. Historical sketches of the ninth Michigan infantry (General Thomas' headquarters guards) with an account of the battle of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Sunday, July 13, 1862; four years campaigning in the army of the Cumberland. By Charles W. Bennett . . . regimental meetings since the war, by Henry C. Rankin . . . regimental and company organizations, by Frank A. Lester, jr Coldwater, Mich., daily courier print, 1913. 75, [1] p. D; L C; S; U. 344. Bennett, Robert Joseph. The law of negotiable paper in Michigan' in effect September 16. 1905; with index and review questions by Robert J- Bennett . . . [Detroit] printed by Detroit business universitv, 1906. 45 p- L C. ' BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 39 345. , Ibid. (2d ed.)- With index and review ques- tions, by Robert J. Bennett ... . Detroit, Mich., Detroit business uni- versity [cl908]. 2 p. 1., 3-61 p. L C. 346. Benton, Elbert Jay. . . . The Wabash trade route in the develop- ment of the old northwest, by Elbert Jay Benton . . . Baltimore, the Johns Hopkins press, 1903. 112 p. (Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science, series XXI, no. 1-2). — ■ — ■ L C; S; U. 347. Benton Harbor. High school. [Annual]. [Benton Harbor, Mich.,. 1907]. 1 V. • G. 348. . Ordinances, etc. Ordinances of the city of Benton Harbor, Michigan. Compiled and printed by authority of the common coun- cil. [Benton Harbor] press of Patterson-Ricaby co., printers and binders,. 1893. 1 p. 1., [v]-vi, 106 p. S. 349. Benton Harbor college. Annual, issued by the senior class, 1907. [Benton Harbor, Mich., 1907?]. [18], [78] p. G. 350. Benzonia college. Catalogue of Benzonia college, Benzonia, Michi- gan, for the college year 1894-95. Benzonia, the Benzonia banner press,. 1895. 57 p. B;S. 351. Berrien county agricultural society. Premium list of the 23rd-24th annual fair . . . Niles, 1873-1874. B. 352. . . . Berrien Springs, Michigan; pictures of its river, woods and fields . . . Berrien Sprines, era publishing co. [n d.]. [32] p. S. 353. Berry, John G. Thirteenth reunion, 16th Michigan infantry at Owosso, October 18, 1893; souvenir . . . [Lansing, printed by R. Smith & CO., 1893]. Cover title, 4 1. S. "Compliments of Comrade John G. Berry." 354. Berry, John Knight Munro. Obstacles to a higher education in the- university of Michigan . . . by J. K. M. Berry . . . Ann Arbor, the author,. 1909. [16] p. ■ U. 355. Bessey, Ernst A. Seed analyses for 1911-1912, by Ernst A. Bessey, East Lansing, Michigan, 1912. [69]-98 p. (Michigan agricultural college. experiment station, bulletin no. 270, December, 1912). MAC;S;U. Also in Fifty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p.. 246-272. 356. , . . . . Some ginseng troubles, by Ernst A. Bessey and J. A. McClintock. East Lansing, Michigan, 1915. 15 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 72, February,. 1915). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p.. 267-279. 357. , . Yellow rocket. (A dangerous weed), by Ernst A.. 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Bessey. East Lansing, Michigan, 1917. 4 p. (Michigan agricultural col- lege, experiment station, special bulletin no. 80, May, 1917). M A C; S. Also in Fiftv-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 482-484. 358. The bi-centenary of the founding of city of Detroit 1701-1901, being the official report of the celebration of July 24, 25, 26, 1901. Issued under direction of the common council of the city of Detroit. [Detroit, Mich., C. M. Rousseau & sons, printers] 1902. 314 p., 2 1. B; L C; S; U. Publishing committee: Silas Farmer, C. L. Arnold, Mary Catharine Crowley, C. M- Burton, A. H. Griffith. Edition limited to 1,000 copies. 359. Biddle, John. [Communication transmitting an abstract of the of- ficial returns of the votes given for the ratification or rejection of the consti- tution at the election held on October 5 and 6, 1835]. (Michigan, legislature, 1835-6, senate document no. 1. In Journal of the senate . . . 1835 and 1836. Detroit, John S. Bagg, printers to the legislature, 1836, p. iii). B;D;G;S;U. 360. , . Discourse delivered before the historical society of Michigan, by John Biddle . . . (In Historical and scientific sketches of Michigan. Comprising a series of discourses delivered before the historical society of Michigan. Detroit, 1834, p. 149-175). B; D; G; L C; U. 361. Big Rapids. Charters. Charter of the city of Big Rapids, as revised and amended by the legislature of 1875. Big Rapids, magnet steam print, 1875. 28 p. B. 362. . Ordinances, etc. Ordinances of the city of Big Rapids. [Big Rapids, 1889?]. Caption title, 80 p. S. 363. . Phelps free library. Finding list of the Phelps free library of Big Rapids, Mich., and rules and regulations governing its use. [Big Rapids, pioneer press, 1903]. 26 p. B; S. 364. [Bingham, Henry H.] History of the substitution of solitary im- prisonment for the death penalty in the state of Michigan, and its compara- tive results. Jackson, O'Donnell, Hilton & Smith, daily citizen office, 1870. Cover title, 5 p. S. 365. [Bingham, Stephen D.]. Early history of Michigan, with biographies of state officers, members of congress, judges and legislators. Pub. pur- suant to act 59, 1887. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers, 1888. 745 p. B;G;LC;S;U. Preface signed: S. D. Bingham. 366. Biographical history of Genesee county, Michigan. Indianapolis, B. F. Bowen & co. [1908?]. 6 p. 1., 19-401 p. B; L C; S. 367. Biographical history of northern Michigan containing biographies of prominent citizens. Illustrated. [Indianapolis, Ind.] B. F. Bowen & company, 1905. 5 p. 1., [17]-855 p. — S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 41 368. Biographical memoirs of St. Clair county, Michigan. To which is appended a comprehensive compendium of national biography, memoirs of eminent men and women in the United States, whose deeds of valor or works of merit have made their names imperishable. Illustrated. Embellished with portraits of many national characters and well-known residents of St. Clair county, Michigan. Logansport, Indiana, B. F. Bowen, 1903. 695 p. U. 369. Biographical record; this volume contains biographical sketches of leading citizens of Houghton, Baraga and Marquette counties, Michigan . . . Chicago, biographical publishing company, 1903. 410 p. D; L C; S. 370. Biographical record; this volume contains biographical sketches of leading citizens of Oakland county, Michigan . . . Chicago, biographical publishing company, 1903. 681 p. L C; S. 371. Biographical sketch of Rev. George Dufheld, jr., D. D., with funeral sermon, preached by his appointment by one who loved him. [Trenton, N. J., printed by the John L. Murphy publishing company, n. d.]. 55 p. • — s. 372. Biographical sketches of Col. James H. McLaughlin, of Detroit, Mich., and Henry M. Dufur, of Marlboro', Mass., renowned and acknow- ledged champions of the world at collar-and-elbow wrestling. The only authorized and reliable ed. [Marlborough, Mass., Times publishing co., printers, 1884]. 36 p. L C. 373. Biography of General Lewis Cass; including a voice from a friend. New York, J. Winchester, new world press, 1843. 36 p. S. Ibid. New York, J. Winchester [in. d.]. 102 p.— B. 374. Birmingham, Mich, its past, present and future. Illustrated. Pub. by the Fred H. Brown publishing co. Detroit, 1898. not paged. B. 375. Bishop, Levi. The political situation; an address by Levi Bishop before the Democratic association of North Nankin, Mich., December 4, 1865. Pub. by order of the association. [North Nankin? 1865?]. 16 p. B. 376. Bixby, Mrs. A. F. Historical sketches of the ladies' library associa- tions of the state of Michigan. Compiled and arranged by Mrs. A. F. Bixby and Mrs. A. Howell. Adrian, Mich., Times and expositor steam print, 1876. 142, [5] p. G; S. 377. Black, Cyrenius P. Does Michigan properly punish crime? By Hon. C. P. Black, U. S. attorney, eastern district of Michigan. (Address made at the second reunion of the Michigan legislative association). [Lansing ? 1888?]. Caption title, 5 p. S. 378. Blackbird, Andrew J. History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan; a grammar of their language, and personal and family history 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN of the author. By Andrew J. Blackbird . . . Ypsilanti, Mich., Ypsilanti- an job printing house, 1887. 128 p. G; S. 379. , . The Indian problem from the Indian's stand- point. [Ypsilanti, Mich.] 1900. 22 p. G. . 380. The black fly, v. 2-4. Camp Davis, Mich., 1913-1915. U. Published irregularly during Julj^ and August at the university of Michigan surveying camp at Douglas Lake, Alich. 381. Blades, Francis A. Driving the first stake for the capitol at Lansing, by Rev. F. A. Blades. [Lansing? 1903]. 15 p. B ; L C. 382. Blair, Emma Helen. The Indian tribes of the upper Mississippi valley and region of the great lakes as described by Nicolas Perrot, French commandant in the northwest; Bacqueville de la Potherie, French royal commissioner to Canada; Alorrell Marston, American army officer; and Thomas Forsyth, United States agent at Fort Armstrong. Tr., ed., annotated, and \^4th bibliography and index by Emma Helen Blair . . . Cleveland, O., the Arthur H. Clark company, 1911. 2 v. ■ ■ G; L C; S. Bibliography: vol. II, p. [299]-352. "Additions to bibliography," vol. II, p. 357. "Dr. Paul Radin . . . revised the proofs for the second half of vol. II . . . The index was prepared by Gertrude M. Robertson. " — Addenda. 383. Blaisdell, Thomas Charles. . . . The renaissance of the denomina- tional college. An address delivered by Thomas C. Blaisdell, Ph. D., at his inauguration as president of Alma college, Alma, Michigan, Oct. 11, 1912. [Alma, Mich., the college, 1912]. Caption title, 10 p. (Alma college bulletin, v. 9, no. 4). L C. 384. , ■ — ■ — . Semi-centennial celebration of Michi- gan state agricultural college. May twenty-sixth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth and thirty-first, nineteen hundred seven. Ed. by Thomas C. Blaisdell, Ph. D. Published by the college. [Chicago, The university of Chicago press, 1908]. vii, 377p. LC;U. 385. Blanchard, Rufus. Discovery and conquests of the north-west, with the history of Chicago, by Rufus Blanchard. Wheaton [111.] R. Blanchard & company, 1879. 768 p. L C. Text is the same as in his "Discovery and conquests of the north-west," except the part relating to Chicago, which is much enlarged. Issued in parts. 386. , ■ ■ — . The discovery and conquests of the northwest ; including the early histor}^ of Chicago, Detroit, Vincennes, St. Louis, Ft. Wayne, Prairie du Chicn, Marietta, Cincinnati, Cleveland, etc., etc., and incidents of pioneer life in the region of the great lakes and the Mississippi valley. By Rufus Blanchard. Chicago, Gushing, Thomas & company, 1880. 484, [1], 30, ivp. B; LC. "Indian names. By E. M. Haines": p. 475-484. "Washington's journal of a tour to the Ohio, in 1753. With notes by John G. Shea": p. [l]-30, at end. 387. Bliss, Aaron Thomas. Michigan and her public institutions, by BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 43 Aaron T. Bliss, governor, read at twentieth annual convention of the con- ference of charities and corrections and of county agents, Ionia, December 1 1 , 1901. [no imprint]. 39-43 p. ■ G. 388. Bliss, Albert Nelson. Federal land grants for internal improvements in the state of Michigan. By A. N. Bliss. Lansing, 1885. (In Salmon, L. M. Education in Michigan during the temtorial period, p. [19]-35). G. 389. Blois, John T. Gazetteer of the state of Michigan, in three parts . . . with a succinct history of the state, from the earliest period to the present time . . . with an appendix, containing the usual statistical tables and a directory for emigrants, &c. By John T. Blois. Detroit, S. L. Rood & co. ; New York, Robinson, Pratt & co., 1838. xi, [13]-418 p. B; G; L C; S;U. 390. , . Ibid. Detroit, S. L. Rood & co. ; New York, Rob- inson, Pratt & CO., 1839. xi, [13J-418 p. B; S. 391. , . Ibid. Detroit, S. L. Rood & co. ; New York, Rob- inson, Pratt & CO., 1840. xi, [13]-418 p. • • B; S. 392. Bless, J. B. Special taxation of the liquor traffic, by J. B. Bloss, Detroit. [Detroit? n. d.]. 16 p. S. 393. Bio we, Daniel. A geographical, commercial, and agricultural view of the United States of America: Forming a complete emigrant's directory throughout every part of the republic, particularly by the western states and territories; comprising interesting details on the mode of settling; prospects of adventurers; religion, manners, and customs of the people; principal towns and villages; manufactures, commerce, agriculture, etc., wdth a faithful de- scription of the soil, climate and general state of the country . . . Liverpool, printed for the editor,' by Henry Fisher [1819 r]. 758 p. B. 394. Boies, A. H. Catalogue of the birds ascertained to occur in southern Alichigan; together with the game and fish laws of Michigan, and miscella- neous articles for sportsmen, by A. H. Boies, Hudson, Mich., W. T. B. Schermerhom, printer, 1875. [26] p. S. 395. Bolt, Richard Arthur, Juvenile offenders in the city of Detroit. With suggestions for the establishment of a juvenile court and probation system, by Richard A. Bolt . . . [Ann Arbor] Ann Arbor plant, the Richmond & Backus CO., printers, 1903. 2 p. 1., 64 p. (On cover: Michigan political science association, publications, vol. V, no. 3). • ■ L C; S; U. 396. [Bonner, Richard lUenden]. History of the city of Adrian, and the settlement of Lenawee county [Mich.] from the year 1824 to the present time . . . Adrian, Mich, [daily press] 1874. 32 p. L C. 397. , . Memoirs of Lenawee county, Michigan, from the earliest historical times down to the present, including a genealogical and biographical record of representative families in I/enawee county. 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Richard Illenden Bonner, editor . . . Madison, Wis., western historical association, 1909. 2 v. — — G; L C. 398. Bonney, Charles Carroll. Rules of law for the carriage and delivery of persons and property by railway. With the leading railway statutes and decisions of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and the United States. Prepared for railway companies and the legal profession, by Charies C. Bonney . . . Chicago, E. B. Myers, 1864. 1 p. 1., xi, [13]- 267 p. L C. 399. Booth, Edmund Wood. Surv^ey of the charities and philanthropies of Grand Rapids. By Edmund W. Booth. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1911. 16 p. — - G. 400. Booth, George Gough. The Cranbrook press. George G. Booth. Something about the Cranbrook press and on books and bookmaking; also a list of cranbrook publications with some facsimile pages froin the same. De- troit, printed by hand at the Cranbrook press, 1902. 1 p. 1., 3-31 p. G;LC. 200 special copies printed by hand on hand-made paper, with large initial illuminated in several colors. 401. Bordner, John Serenus. The influence of traction on the formation of mechanical tissue in the stems of plants . . . [Chicago, 1909]. 1 p. 1., 251-274. (Reprinted from the Botanical gazette, vol. XLVIII, no. 4). LC. Thesis (Ph.D.) — University of Michigan. Contribution no. Ill from the botanical department of the university of Michigan. 402. Boughton, C. Petition of C. Boughton. (Michigan, legislature, 1843, house documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 7, p. 33-38). B;D;G;S;U. 403. Boughton, Martha Arnold. Selections from the autobiography of Rev. J. M. Arnold, D. D., and from his editorial writings on the doctrine of sanctification. Compiled and arranged by M. A. Boughton, Ph. D. Ann Arbor, Mich., index pub. house, 1885. 133 p. D. 404. [Boughton, Mattie A.]. Bay View, the summer city of Michigan; photo-gravures. New York, the Albertype co. [cl894]. not paged. G. 405. Boulton, William. Complete history of Alpena county, Michigan. Written by William Boulton . . . Alpena, argus book and job rooms, 1876. 1 p. 1., 52 p. LC; S. 406. , . Complete history of Alpena county, Michigan, [and centennial history of Alpena county, Michigan, . . . by David D. Oliver]. Written by William Boulton . . . Alpena, Mich., argus book and job rooms, 1876. 186, [1] p. G. 407. , . Souvenir of the city of Alpena. [Alpena, Mich., argus print, 1893]. 31, [1] p. L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 45 408. Bourland, Benjamin Parsons. The Walter library, by Benjamin Parsons Bourland '89. [Ann Arbor, 1906J. Caption title, 6 p. (Reprinted from the Febioiary Michigan alumnus). L C; U. Account of the library of Prof. E. L. Walter, bequeathed to the university of Michigan; with a special description of the Dante collection. 409. Bours, Allen L. History of Michigan from its settlement by the French to the laying of the comer-stone of the new capitol, October 2d, 1873 . . . Compiled by Allen L. Bours . . . (In Michigan, board of state building commissioners, proceedings at the laying of the comer-stone of the new cap- itol. Lansing, 1873, p. [55]-135). B; G; L C; S. Comp. under a resolution of the committee of arrangements for the laying of the comer stone; the original was deposited in the corner stone. 410. , . Inaugural proceedings, at the dedication of the new capitol of Michigan, at the city of Lansing, on the first day of January, 1879. Compiled pursuant to a concurrent resolution of the legislature by Allen L. Bours . . . Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1879. 61 p. B; vS; U. 411. Bouyoucos, George J. . . . Effect of temperature on some of the most important physical processes in soils, by George J. Bouyoucos. East Lansing, Michigan, 1915. 63 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, technical bulletin no. 22, July, 1915). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 499- 555. 412. , . . . . The freezing point method as a new means of detemiining the nature of acidity and lime requirements of soils, by George J. Bouyoucos. East Lansing, Michigan, 1916. 56 p. (Michigan agricultural college, exDcriment station, technical bulletin no. 27, March, 1916). — MAC;S. Also in Fifty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 817-868. 413. , . . . . The freezing point method as a new means of measuring the concentration of the soil solution directly in the soil, by George J. Bouyoucos [and] M. M. McCool. East Lansing, Michigan, 1915. 44 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, technical bulletin no. 24, December, 1915). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 592-631. 414. , . . . . Further studies on the freezing point lowering of soils, by George J. Bouyoucos [and] M. M. McCool. East Lan- sing, Michigan, 1916. 51 p. (Michigan agriculturtil college, experiment station, technical bulletin no. 31, November, 1916). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-sixth annual report of the secretary .of the state board of agriculture, p. 558-605. 415. , — . . . . An investigation of soil temperature and some of the most important factors influencing it. by George J. Bouyoucos. 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN East Lansing, Michigan, 1913. 196 p. (Michigan agricultural college, ex- periment station, technical bulletin no. 17, February, 1913). MAC;S. Also in Fiftv-second annual report of the secretar\^ of the state board of aericulturc, p. 490-680. 416. , . . . . Soil temperature, by George J. Bou- j'oucos. East Lansing, Michigan, 1916. 133 p. (Michigan agricultural college, ex])criment station, technical btilletin no. 26, January, 1916). MAC;S. Also in Fiftv-fifth annual report of the secretars^ of the state board of agriculture, p. 688-816. 417. Bovee, F. N. Lansing, Michigan's commercial center. [Lansing] F. N. Bovcc [n. d.]. Cover title, [20] p. S. 418. Bowen's automobile and sportsmen's guide for Michigan, contain- ing separate maps of each county, showing section, township and range lines, steam and electric lines and all public highways, improved roads shown in colors; also population of townships, cities and villages. Indianapolis, Ind., B. F. Bowen & co., inc. [cl916]. 194 p. ■ G; L C. 419. Boylston club; fourth season — second concert [February 27, 18771. (Detroit, printed by Alfred Mudge & son, 1877]. not paged. B. 420. Boynton, Nathan Smith. Maccabees; history of the knights of the Maccabees, books of the ancient Maccabees, and biographical sketches of the executive officers from 1881 to 1892, bv N. S. Boynton, Port Huron [cl892]. 8, 94, 25 p. ■ B. 421. Bradford, George M. A brief history and outline of the work done by the botanical club at the Michigan agricultural college. George M. Bradford, agricultural college. [Lansing? 1901?]. Caption title, 85-86 p. (Reprinted from the Second annual report of the Michigan academy of science). U. 422. Bradford, J. B. Petition of J. B. Bradford and 250 others, praying for a revision of the charter of the city of Detroit. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, house docu- ment no. 5). B;D;G;S;U. 423. Bradford, William John Alden. Notes on the northwest, or valley of the upper Mississippi ... By Wm. J. A. Bradford. New York, Wiley & Putnam, 1846. vi p., 1 1., 302 p. G; L C; S; U. 424. Bradish, Alvah. Memoir of Douglass Houghton, first state geologist of Michigan. With an appendix, containing reports, or abstracts of the first geological survey, and S, chronological statement of the progress of geological exploration in Michigan. By Alvah Bradish . . . Detroit, Raynor & Tay- lor, printers, 1889. xii, 302p. B;G;LC;S;U. 425. , . Remarks on the fine arts department in the univer- sity of Michigan; with a history of the art lectures in that institution, includ- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 47 ing the mcniorial documents addressed to the board of regents. Ann Arl^or, 1868. 32 p. B. 426. Bradley, Cyrus Parker. Journal of Cyrt-is P. Bradley.- Introductory note by George H. Twiss. (In Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly. Columbus, 1906, v. 15, p. 207-270. illus.). L C; S. Journal of a trip through Ohio and Michigan in 1835. 427. Bradley, Isaac Samuel. . . . Available material for the study of institutional history of the old northwest, by Isaac Samuel Bradley . . . Madison, state historical society of Wisconsin, 1897. Cover title, [115]- 143 p. L C. . Running title: Material on the old northwest. From proceedings of the state historical society of Wisconsin, 1896. 428. Bradstreet's book of commercial ratings, Michigan ; selected under specific agreement, from the general volume, which is copyrighted January, 1905 . . . New York, the Bradstreet company [1905]. 406 p. U. 429. Bramhall, Frank J. Facts and figures about Michigan ; a hand-book of the state, statistical, political, financial, economical, commercial. By Frank J. Bramhall . . . Chicago, Poole bros., printers, 1885. 84 p. B;LC;U. 430. — , ■ — — . Facts and figures about Michigan and year book for 1886 . . . Chicago, Poole bros., 1886. Ip.l., 104p. B;LC;U. 431. , . Ibid. Detroit, 1887. 132 p. D. 432. [ , .]. In summer days. To Niagara falls, Macki- nac Island, the St. Lawrence, the White mountains, the Hudson, the Adiron- dacks and the sea, via the Michigan central . . . [Chicago, Poole bros., 1886]. 56 p. L C. Issued by the Michigan central railroad co. 433. [ , .]. A summer note-book . . . [Chicago, Rand, McNally & co., printers] 1895. 96 p. L C. Issued by the Michigan central railroad co. 434. Breakey, W. F. Unsanitary methods and results of school work; a paper read before the sanitary convention at Ann Arbor, Michigan, March 1, 1882, by W. F. Breakey, M. D. . . . [Ann Arbor? 1882?]. [61]-100 p. (Re- printed from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1882. Reprint no. 105). S. 435. Brett, William H. The school and the library, by Mr. WilHam H. Brett, librarian, Cleveland public library. Address and discussion before library session of the Michigan schoolmasters' club, Ann Arbor, April 1, 1905. [no imprint]. 9 p. (From the Proceedings of the Michigan school- masters' club, 1905). S. 436. Brewer, Mark S. Speeches of Hon. Mark S. Brewer, of Michigan, , 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN in the house of representatives, June 9 and May 24, 1880. Washington, 1880. 20 p. S. Contents. — Free trade in America means low wages for the American labor. — Democratic reform. 437. A brief examination of the projected system of internal improvements now in progress in this state, with a glance at the present condition of our finances, and future prospects connected with the subject. [Detroit? 1839?]. 8 p. - — B. Signed: Honestus. Detroit, March 22, 1839. 438. A brief history of Michigan, [no imprint]. Caption title, 11 p. B;S. 439. Brief militar}^ record of Frank D. Baldwin, brigadier general. United States army, [no imprint]. Caption title, 24 p. S. 440. A brief sketch of the life and labors of Mr. and Mrs. James White, with testimonials. Battle Creek, review and herald publishing association [1880?]. 14 p. B. The sketch is taken from "Eminent and self-made men of Michigan. " 441. Brinton, Mrs. Bulah. "Our boys ! " A lecture, together with a short account of the efforts to establish a street boys' home in this city, a criticism on the majority report, the majority and minority reports, and the song of the nevv^s boy. By Mrs. Bulah Brinton . . . Detroit, the daily post book printing and binding establishment, 1866. 23 p. B. 442. [British North American mining company]. Report of the directors, act of incorporation and by-laws [of the British North American mining company occupying a tract of land on Lake Superior]. Montreal, 1848. 38 p. B. 443. Britten & Gray. Ontonagon & state line, and Marquette and state line, land grants in Michigan. Some interesting facts relating to the lands which the United States has sold to citizens lying within the limits of these grants . . . [Washington, 1884]. Caption title, 16 p. L C. Signed: Britton & Gray, Eppa Hunton, at'tys of private owners. 444. Brodie, William. Address read by Dr. Wm. Brodie before the state medical society, at Lansing, June 8th, 1870. [Lansing, 1870]. Caption title, 4 p. S. 445. Bromme, Traugott. Michigan. Eine geographisch-statistisch-topo- graphische skizze fiir einwanderer und freunde der lander- und volkerkunde. von Tr. Bromme . . . Baltimore, Md., C. Scheld & co.; [etc., etc.] 1834. iv, 91p. G;LC;U. 446. Brooks, J. W. Reply to a communication from Mitchell Hinsdill, esq., and others, of Kalamazoo, concerning the comparative rates of trans- portation of freight over the Michigan central railroad, as chargeable to Kala- mazoo, and to Niles, under the freight tariff, established to take effect on the BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 49 twentieth day of August, 1848. By J. W. Brooks, superintendent and engi- neer. Detroit, printed by Munger & Pattison, 1848. 27 p. U. 447. , — . — . Report upon the merits of the Michigan central rail- road, as an investment for eastern capitalists, by J. W. Brooks. With the charter. Detroit, C. Willeox, printer, 1846. 64, 37-38 p. B. 448. Brooks, Thomas Benton. . . . An analysis of the cost and descrip- tion of the methods of mining employed in the Marquette iron region, Lake Superior, Michigan. A paper read by Major T. B. Brooks, C. E. . . . [n. p., 1872]. 18 p. (Reprinted from American society of civil engineers). S. 449. , ■ . . . . Iron-bearing rocks (economic) [of the upper peninsula of Michigan] by T. B. Brooks. New York, J. Bien, 1873. xi p., 1 1., viii, [9]-319 p. (Michigan, geological survey, [reports], vol. I, pt. 1; upper peninsula, 1869-1873). L C; U. 450. , . . . . Appendices to part 1, vol. I. — Iron- bearing rocks (economic). By T. B. Brooks. Published by authority of the legislature of Michigan under direction of the board of geological survey. New York, J. Bien, 1873. viii, 298 p. (Michigan, geological survey, [reports], vol. II: upper peninsula, 1869-1873). L C. Contents. — A. Lithological descriptions, &c., of 259 specimens of the Huronian and Laurentian rocks, by Alexis A. Julien. — B. Catalogue of the Michigan state collection of the Huronian rocks and associated ores, by T. B. Brooks and A. A. Julien. — C. Micro- scopic determinations and descriptions of 78 specimens of Huronian rocks and ores, by Charles E. Wright. — D. Relating to the discovery of iron ores by United States sur- veyors. — E. Notes on rocks exposed along the shore of Lake Superior near Marquette, from mss. left by Dr. Houghton. — F. Iron ore dock at L'Anse, Mich., by Jacob Houghton and Charles H. Palmer, jr. — G. Statistics of population of the upper peninsula, from the census of 1870. — -H. Magnetic analyses and color of powder of Marquette ores by F. B. Jenney. — I. vSynopsis of the mining laws of Michigan, by Charles D. Lawton. — J. Metal- lurgical qualities and richness of Lake Superior ores, and cost of lake freights, by H. B. Tuttle. — K. The lamination, plication, and faulting of banded ore and jasper. 451. [ , ]. L'Anse, as a furnace site . . . [Marquette, Mich., 1872]. Caption title, 6 p. L C; S. Signed "T. B. Brooks, iron expert," and addressed "To the directors of the Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon railroad." Letter has heading: Office of Michigan, geological survey. . . 452. , . On the use of the magnetic needle in mineral explorations on Lake Superior, by Major T. B. Brooks. (In Von Nostrand's engineering magazine. [New York, 1872?], p. 161-172). S. 453. Brown, Charles Exera. Annual directory of the Saginaw valley, showing at a glance the full address, occupation, and location of all residents from the Saginaws to the bay . . . Lansing, printed by W. S. George 8c co., 1873. 753 p. B. 454. , '■ . . . . Brown's city directory of Adrian, Mich., with a complete list of resident citizens, as also a classified business di- rectory showing the address of merchants, manufacturers and those following the various pursuits and professions within the limits of our city. Compiled, 7 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN arranged and publishcdby Charles Exera Brown . . . [Adrian] Adrian times and expositor steam printing office, 1870. 162 p. S. At head of title: 1870. 455. , . Brown's city directory of Port Huron, Mich., with a complete list of resident citizens, as also a classified business di- rectory showing the address of merchants, manufacturers and those following the various pursuits and professions within the limits of the city. Port Pluron, Mich., Port Huron times company, 1870. 112 p. • G. 456. , . Brown's directory of St. Louis, Michigan, showing the address of merchants, mechanics, manufacturers, and those fol- lowing the \'arious pursuits and professions in whatever capacity, resident citizens in a classified form, together with a brief sketch of its early settlement ; its most prominent features, and institutions of public and individual interest; alphabetically arranged and published by C. Exera Brown . . . East Sagi- naw, Mich., Rich's job printing office, 1873. Cover title, 40 p. S. 457. Brown, Charles R. The government of Michigan, its history and jurisprudence. Also, a brief outline of the government of the United States. By Charles R. Brown. 2d ed., rev. and cor. by the author. Kalamazoo, Mich., Moore & Quale, 1874. vi, [7]-195 p. B; G; L C; S; U. 458. , . Government of the state of Alichigan, embrac- ing an abstract of the laws, and showing the duties of state, county and town- ship officers. Also, a brief outline of the government of the United States. By Charles R. Brown. Kalamazoo, printed by "Daily telegraph" printing company, 1874. 160 p. U. 459. , . The Michigan circuit court reporter embrac- ing decisions of the courts and articles upon questions of practice in the cir- cuit courts of the state of Michigan, by Charles R. Brown . . . Marquette, Mich., 1889. 260 p. S. 460. , . The Michigan nisi prius reports; reports of cases tried and determined at nisi prius, in the circuit courts of the state of Michigan. By Charles R. Brown . . . Kalamazoo, telegraph printing company book-office, 1870-1871. 2 v. D; S. 461. , . The old northwest territory ; its missions, forts and trading posts, by Charles R. Brown. Kalamazoo, Brown, Moore & Quale; Kalamazoo pubHshing co., 1875. 32 p. B; L C. Title of folded map reads: Historical and chronological map of the territory of the United States northwest of the River Ohio. "This work is intended as an aid in perpetuating a knowledge of the 94 forts and mission stations which it locates in the northwest territory." — Thomson. 462. Brown, Charles W. . . . Keeping qualities of butter. IV. Cream ripening and its influence. (Contribution). Bacteria in cream, their num- bers and types and their itinerary in the manufacture of butter. By Charles W. Brown and Kurt Peiser. East Lansing, Michigan, 1916. 20 p. (Michigan BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 51 agricultural college, experiment station, technical bulletin no. 29, October, 1916). ■• MAC;S. Also in Fifty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 530-544. 463. , - — ' ■ ■ — . . . . Keeping qualities of butter. V. Pas- teurization and its influence, (contribution). A study of the factors which influence the resistance of lactic acid bacteria to heat. By Charles W. Brown and Kurt Peiser. East Lansing, Michigan, 1916. 18 p. (Michigan agricul- tural college, experiment station, October, 1916). MAC; S. Also in Fiftv-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p 545-557. 464. Brown, Edward Lakin. Autobiographical notes, by E. Lakin Brown. Ed. by his daughter, A. Ada Brown. Schoolcraft, Mich., 1905. 56 p., 1 1. LC; S; U. 465. Brown, Edward Osgood. Two missionary priests at Mackinac, a lec- ture delivered at the village of Mackinac for the benefit of St. Anne's mission in August, 1888. The parish register of the mission of Michilimackinac, a paper read before the Chicago literary club in March, 1889. [By] William Osgood Brown. Chicago, Barnard & Gunthorp, printers, 1889. 1 p. 1., 72 p. B;G; L C. 466. Brown, F. J. Michigan's brigade. [Portraits]. Muskegon, 1893. B. 467. Brown, G. A. . . . Pork production, by Prof. G. A. Brown , . . [East Lansing] 1916. 15 p. (Michigan agricultural college, extension divi- sion, club bulletin no. 5, January, 1916). M A C; S. 468. Brown, Henry Billings. Memoir of Henry Billings Brown, late jus- tice of the supreme court of the United States, consisting of an autdlDiographi- cal sketch, with additions to his life, by Charles A. Kent . . . New York, Duffield & company, 1915. viii, 136 p. D; L C. 469. , . Memorial address. The character and services of James Valentine Campbell . . . Delivered at the request of the Detroit bar association, by Henry B. Brown . . . June 3, 1890. Detroit [Winn & Hammond, printers] 1890. 28 p. ■ L C. 470. Brown, Samuel B. History of the township of Ransom, Hillsdale county, Michigan. July 4th, A. D. 1876. By Samuel B. Brown. Hillsdale, standard steam printing house, 1876. 8 p. L C; S. 471. Brown, Samuel R. Views on Lake Erie, comprising a minute and in- teresting accotmt of the conflict on Lake Erie — Military anecdotes — Abuses in the army — Plan of a military settlement — View of the lake coast from Buffalo to Detroit. By Samuel R. Brown . . . Trow, N. Y., printed by Prancis Adancourt, 1814. 96 p. S. Imperfect: Has title page and p. 11-96. 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 472. -, . The western gazetteer; or emigrant's directory, containing a geographical description of the western states and territories, viz. the states of Kentucky, Indiana, Louisiana, Ohio, Tennessee and Mis- sissippi, and the territories of IlHnois, Missouri, Alabama, Michigan, and north-western. With an appendix, containing sketches of some of the western counties of New York, Penns3'lvania, and Virginia; a description of the great northern lakes, Indian annuities and directions to emigrants. By Samuel R. Browni. Auburn, N. Y., printed by H. C. Southwick, 1817. vi, [7J- 360 p. B; G; vS. 473. Brown, Smyth and Nichols. General directory of East Saginaw and South Saginaw, exhibiting at a glance the name, avocation and residence of the inhabitants. Comp. from a canvass made in November and December, 1871 . . . Pub. b}^ Brown, Smyth and Nichols. East .Saginaw, printed at office of Daily and weekly enterprise, 1872. 1 v. B. 474. Brown, William Edgar. Indian legendary poems and songs of cheer, by William Edgar Brown. New York, ever}^vhcre publishing co. [cl912]. 6p. 1., 107p. ^B;G;LC;S. 475. Browne, Blanche Van Leuven. Easter in the children's v/ard, by Blanche Van Leuven Browne. Milford, Mich., the author; Detroit, the R. B. Clark co., 1906. 38 p. L C; S. , 476. , . A story of the children's ward, by Blanche Van Leuven Browne. 2d ed. Detroit, the Van Leuven Browne publishing co. [cl906]. 6 p. 1., [17J-256 p. L C; S. 477. Brummelkamp, A. Holland in Amerika ; oder die hollandische colonie im staate Michigan. Mitgetheilt fur auswanderer, von A. Brummelkamp, prediger. Aus dem hollandischcn, \^on G. A. Allilheim a. d. Ruhr, druck und verlag von F. H. Rieten, 1847. iv, 26 p. S. 478. Brunner, Arnold William. Preliminar)^ report for a city plan for Grand Rapids, by Arnold W. Brunner, John M. Carrere . . . [Grand Rapids, Dickinson bros, 1909]. 47, [1] p. G; L C; S; U. Submitted to the city plan commission, Grand Rapids, IVIich. 479. Bruske, A. F. History of Alma college from 1886 to 1896, by Presi- dent, A. F. Bru.ske, D. D. Alma, Mich., C. F. Brown, printer, 1896. 25 p. G; U. 480. Buchanan, James. vSpeeches of Messrs. Buchanan and Benton, on the bill to admit the state of Michigan into the union. Delivered in the senate, January 3, 1837. [Washington, 1837]. Caption title, 14 p. B; LC. 481. Buckingham, James Silk. Theeastemand western states of America, b}^ J. S. Buckingham, esq. . . . London, Fisher, son & co. [1842]. 3 v. G;LC;U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 53 482. Buckley and Douglas lumber co. A few facts about our fann and fruit lands in western Michigan in Lake, Mason, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Leelanau, Kalkaska, Wexford, Crawford and Missaukee counties . . . Manistee, Mich., American printing co. [n. d.]. Cover title, [20] p. vS. 483. Buell, Jennie. One woman's work for farm women; the story of Aiary A. Ma^'o's part in rural social movements. By Jennie Buell. Boston, Whitcomb & Barrows, 1908. vi, [2], 78 p. ■ • B; D; L C; S. 484. A bugle blast from the army. What the soldiers think of northern traitors. They will remember them when they return. The voice of loyal Democrats in the army to traitor Democrats at home. [Detroit? 1863?]. Caption title, 8 p. U. 485. Builders of better Detroit. [Detroit] Httle stick, 1913. 95 p. ■ ■ D. 486. Bulkley, Harry Conant. Building laws and ordinances of Detroit, Michigan; com.p. for union trust company b}^ Harry C. Bulkley . . . De- troit, Mich, [the FrankHn press] 1905. 4 p. 1., 141, [13] p. D; LC;S. 487. Bulkley, John McClelland. The early French settlem.ents on the great lakes, [by] John M. Bulkley. (In Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly. Columbus, 1913, v. 22, p. 341-348). L C. 488. , . History of Monroe county, Michigan; a narrative account of its historical progress, its people, and its principal interests, by John McClelland Bulkley . . . Chicago, New York, the Lewis publishing company, 1913. 2 v. B; L C; S; U. Paged continuously, v. 2 contains biographical sketches. 489. , . The River Raisin monuments at Mon- roe, Michigan, [by] John M. Bulkley. (In Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly. Columbus, 1906, v. 15, p. 141-154). L C; S. 490. [Bumphrey, M. H.] .... Society of Michigan, New York veterans, organized at Battle Creek, Michigan, Aug. 20, 1884. [Three Rivers, Mich., tribune job print, 1886]. Cover title, 18 p. S. At head of title : 1861-1865. 491. Buncher, Charles. Catalogue; library of Chas. Buncher. Detroit, Mich. [n. d.]. 32 p. B. 492. Bunker, Robert Emmet. The negotiable instruments law, with an- notations, by Robert E. Bunker . . . Chicago, Callaghan and compan}-, 1905. xxxiii, 299p. L C; S; U, Appendix: Bills of exchange act, 1882: p. 235-270. 493. Bunn, Matthew. The life and adventures of Matthew Bunn. (In Buffalo historical society, pubHcations. Buffalo, 1904, vol. VII, p. 379- 436). B;G;S;U. 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 494. Burch, Edward P. Telephone rates in Detroit; an investigation of the proposed advance in rates of the Michigan state telephone company in the Detroit exchange district. Detroit, Heitman-Garand co., printers, 1916. 232 p. B. 495. Burch, N. H. Gazetteer of the Detroit & Milwaukee and Flint & Pere Marquette railroads, 1870-71; comprising alphabetical and classified business directories of all cities and villages lying on the line of both roads, beside a variety of useful miscellaneous information. Detroit, Mich., N. H. Burch and J. L. O. Hamilton, 1870. 504 p. G. Tribune book and job office print. 496. Burch, Polk & co. Grand Rapids director^', 1873-74, containing an alphabetically arranged list of business firms and private citizens ; a classified list of all trades, professions and pursuits, and miscellaneous directory of city and cotmty officers, public and private schools, churches, banks, incor- porated institutions, etc , etc. Detroit, Burch, Polk & co., 1873. 380 p. G. 497. Burgess, Charles Henry. ... A small poultry house and hints on poultry raising, by C. H. Burgess . . . [East Lansing] 1916. 16 p. (Michigan agricultural college, extension division, club bulletin no. 6, January, 1916). M AC;S. 498. [Burnet, Jacob]. Notes on the early settlement of the north-western territory. Cincinnati, Derby, Bradley & co., 1847. 2 p. 1., [vii]-xvi, [17]- 501 p. L C. A revision and enlargement of the author's letters published in 1839 in Transactions of the historical and philosophical society of Ohio, v. 1, pt. 2, p. [91-180. 499. , . Ibid. New York, D. Appleton & co.; Cincinnati, Derby, Bradley & co., 1847. 2 p. 1., [vii]-xvi, [17]-501 p. B; L C; S; U. 500. Bumham, Ernest. Rural school efficiency in Kalamazoo cotinty, Michigan; prepared by Ernest Bumham . . . [Lansing?] state superinten- dent of public instruction, 1909. 39 p. (Michigan, department of public in- struction, bulletin no. 4, 1909). — L C. 501. Bums, George Plumer. . . . Bog studies, by George P. Bums. [Ann Arbor] 1906. 13 p. (Field studies in botany, pub. by the univer- sity of Michigan . . . Prepared by the botanical dept. . . . University bulletin, new ser., v. 7, no. 14, botanical series no. 4, June 1, 1906). LC. 502. , . ... I. Preparation for field work, by Geo. P. Bums. IL Gullies and ravines, by Frances L. Steams. [Ann Arbor] 1906. 16 p. (Field studies in botany, pub. by the imiversity of Michigan . . . Prepared by the botanical dept. . . . University bulletin, new ser., V. 7, no. 5, botanical series no. 1, February 6, 1906). L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 55 503. , . . . . River studies, by George P. Bums. [Ann Arbor] 1906. 13 p. (Field studies in botany, pub. by the university of Michigan . . . Prepared by the botanical dept. . . . University bulletin, new ser., v. 7, no. 5, botanical series no. 2, March 30, 1906). L C. 504. Burroughs adding machine company. Instructions for operating Burroughs adding and listing machines, class one hundred. 6th ed. Detroit^ Mich., Burroughs adding machine compan}-, 1914. 95 p. L C. 505. . Instructions for operating and using Burroughs adding and listing machines, class three hundred . . . 9th ed. Detroit, Mich., Burroughs adding machine company, 1915. 31 p. LC. 506. [ ]. William Seward Burroughs,. his life and mission. Detroit, 1905. 19 p. B. 507. [Burt, Hiram A.]. Marquette & Mackinac railroad. Some reasons why a grant of swamp lands should be made by the state to secure its imme- diate construction. [Lansing? 1873?]. 8 p. B. 508. Burt, John. Niagara Falls ship canal. Criticism of Col. Blunt's. system, and a new system presented and advocated. By Hon. John Burt, C. E. [no imprint]. Caption title, 11 p. B. 509. Burt, William A. Reports of William A. Burt and Bela Hubbard, esqs., on the geography, topography, and geology of the U. S. surveys of the mineral region of the south shore of Lake Superior, for 1845. Accompanied by a list of working, and organized mining companies; a list of mineral loca- tions; by whom made, and a correct map of the mineral region, deHneating the township and sectional lines, and their connection with the local lines, and also a chart of Lake Superior, reduced from the British admiralty survey. By J. Houghton, jr. and T. W. Bristol. Detroit, printed by Charles Willcox,. 1846. 3p. 1., 109p. B;LC. 510. Burton, Clarence Henry. The beginnings of homoeopathy in De- troit, by Clarence H. Burton . . . [Detroit, 1915]. 31 p. B; L C. 511. , . The first homoeopathic physician in Michigan, by Clarence H. Burton . . . [Detroit, the F. L. Reeg co., 1915]. [8] p. B;LC. The life of Dr. John Mosher. 512. Burton, Clarence Monroe. The building of Detroit, by Clarence Monroe Burton. [Detroit?] 1912. 1 p. 1., [7]-44 p. B; L C; S. 513. , . Ibid. [2d ed.]. [Detroit?] 1912. 44 p.. B:G:LC;S;U. 514. , . "Cadillac's village," or "Detroit under Cadillac. " With list of property owners, and a history of the settlement 1701 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN to 1710. Comp. by C. M. Burton. Detroit, 1896. 43 p. B; D; G; LC;S;U. "Detroit's first directory" (alphabetical list of early settlers): p. 19-35. 515. • , . A chapter in the history of Cleveland, by C. M. Burton. [Detroit, 1895]. Cover title, ii, [3]-31 p. B; G; L C; S. 516. , . Detroit bound to be a big city, [no im- print]. [4] p. B. Read by Clarence M. Burton before the Detroit real estate board, April 3, 1900. 517. [ , ]. Detroit in earlier days; a few notes on some of the old buildings in the city. Detroit, the Burton abstract & title company [1914]. 36 p. B;D;LC;S;U. Introductory note signed: C. M. Burton. 518. , : Detroit in 1849, by C. M. Burton. [De- troit, Speaker-Hines press, n. d.]. 13 p. B; S. 519. , . Detroit in the revolution, [by C. M. Bur- ton.]. (In The inlander. Ann Arbor, 1892, vol. II, no. 5, p. 213-228). B; D; S; U. 520. , ■ . Detroit rulers. French commandants in this region from 1701 to 1760. [Detroit, 1903]. B. Newspaper clippings, October, 1903. 521. , . Early Detroit; a sketch of some of the interesting affairs of the olden time, by C. M. Bru-ton. [Detroit] 1909. 52 p. B;G;LC;S;U. 522. , . Ephraim Douglass and his times, a frag- ment of history, with the journal of George McCully (hitherto unpublished) and various letters of the period, by Clarence M. Burton. New York, W. Abbatt, 1910. 74 p. (On cover: The magazine of history with notes and queries. Extra ntmiber — no. 10). B; L C; U. Douglass, with McCully as companion, was sent by the government of the United States as a commissioner to the Indians to carry news of peace with Great Britain at close.of revo- lutionary war. The journey extended from Pittsburg to Sandusky and Detroit. Report of Ephraim Douglass to the secretary of war, 1783: p. [50J-61. 523. , . An excursion into the early records of Detroit. [Detroit, 1902]. B. Clippings from the Detroit evening news, Jime- November, 1902. 524. , . A frustrated land grab. [Detroit, 1873]. [l]p. B;S. Signed: C. M. Burton, 73. 525. , . [History of Griswold street, Detroit]. [Detroit, 1912]. B. Newspaper clippings, October-December, 1912. 526. , . In the footsteps of Cadillac. Detroit, wolverine printing co., 1899. Cover title, [15] p. B; L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 57 527. , . John Connolly, a Tory of the revolution, by Clarence Monroe Burton. Worcester, Mass., The Davis press, 1909. 38 p. (Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American antiquarian society for October, 1909). B; G. 528. , . [La Salle and the Griffon]. Historical paper delivered by C. M. Burton, before the society of colonial wars of the state of Michigan, at a social court held at the residence of Governor Theo- dore H. Eaton, January twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and two. Detroit, Winn & Hammond, 1903. 17 p. G; S. 529. , . The laws of Michigan governing the exe- cution and recording the conveyances of real estate. C. M. Burton, Wayne county abstract office. Detroit, Ferguson printing co., 1888. 28 p. B. 530. , . List of streets in Detroit, the names of which have been changed, with the dates of city ordinances changing the same. Comp. by C. M. Burton, the Wayne county abstract office. [Detroit, the Wilton-Smith co., printers, 1891]. 23 p. B. 53 1 . , . A sketch of the life of Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, founder of Detroit, by C. M. Burton. Detroit, Wilton-Smith com- pany, 1895. 24 p. ■ B;G;LC:S. 532. Burton's abstracts, reports and statistics, devoted to the interests of the real estate business of Detroit and Wayne county, v. 1, no. 2 (March, 1904)— no. 3 (July, 1904). Detroit, Mich., 1904. G. 533. Burton, M. Agnes. . . . Thomas W. Palmer, by M. Agnes Burton . . . Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1914. 21 p. ^B;LC;S. At head of title : Michigan historical commission. . . 534. Bushnell, L. D. The practical use of starters (Popular), by L. D. Bushnell and W. R. Wright. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1907. [137]- 151 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 246, June, 1907). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. [248]-256. 535. Business album of Grand Rapids, Michigan. [Grand Rapids? n. d.]. G. Photographic views of Grand Rapids, compiled by W. K. Schmidt. 536. Business buildings of Detroit. Compliments of Phoenix pub. & eng. CO. [Detroit, n. d.]. 76 p. B. 537. Butler, James Davie. First French foot -prints beyond the lakes; or, what brought the French so early into the northwest? By James D. But- ler, LL. D. (In Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters, transactions. Madison, 1882, v. 5, p. 85-145). L C. 58 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 538. , . Ibid. [Madison:^ 1882?]. Caption title, 56 p. (F'rom the Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts, and letters). LC. 539. , . French fortifications near the mouth of the Wisconsin. "Hold the fort!" [Also] Tay-eho-pe-rah — the Four Lake coun- try — first white foot-prints there. By Prof. James D. Butler, LL. D. (In Wisconsin state historical society, report and collections, 1883-1885. Madison, 1888, V. 10, p. [54]-89). B; L C; S; U. Reprinted the same year with title: French fort at Prairie du Chicn, and Tay-cho-pe-rah, the Four Lake country. . . 540. Butler, Jefferson. The history, work and aims of the Michigan Audubon society, by Jefiferson Butler . . . Detroit, the society, 1907. 85 p. G; vS; U. 541. Butterfield, Consul Willshire. History of Brule's discoveries and explorations, 1610-1626; being a narrative of the discovery, by Stephen Brule, of lakes Huron, Ontario, and Superior; and of his exploration (the first made by civilized man) of Pennsylvania and western New York, also of the province of Ontario, Canada. With a biographical notice of the dis- coverer and explorer, who was killed and eaten by savages . . . By Consul Willshire Butterfield . . . Cleveland, O., the Helman-Taylor company, 1898. xii p., 1 1., 184 p., 1 1. B:LC;S. 542. , . History of the discovery of the northwest by John Nicolet in 1634, with a sketch of his life. By C. W. But- terfield . . . Cincinnati, R. Clarke & co., 1881. ix, 11-113 p. G; LC;S;U. 543. , . Washington-Irvine correspondence. The official letters which passed between Washington and Brig. -Gen. William Irvine and between Irvine and others concerning military affairs in the west from 1781 to 1783. Arranged and annotated, with an introduction containing- an outline of events occuring previously in the Trans-Alleghany country . . . By C. W. Butterfield . . . Madison, Wisconsin, D. Atwood, 1882. vi p., 11., 430 p. B;LC;U. 544. Butterworth hospital, Grand Rapids. Annual report, 1899-1917. [Grand Rapids, iMich.] 1899-1917. 12 v. G*. *The Grand Rapids Pubhc Library has 1899-1900, 1901-1904, 1907-1911, 1913-1917. 545. Cadillac. Charters. Charter and ordinances of the city of Cadillac . . . Cadillac, Mich., 1883-1913. G*. *The Grand Rapids PubHc Library has 1883, 1894, 1895, 1903, 1913. 546. . Public schools. Course of study, rules and regulations of the Cadillac schools. 1892. Cadillac, Mich., news and express steam job print [1892]. 32 p. (In Catalogues of some of the leading high schools of Michigan, vol. I . . . Columbian exposition, 1893). U. 547. Cahill, Edward. President's address, by Judge Edward Cahill. (In BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 59 Michigan political science associations, publications. [Ann Arbor, 1893], V. 1, no. 1, p. [66]-77). S; U. An outline of the work important for the association to do. 548. Calendar of the superior court, Grand Rapids, state of Michigan, Sept'r temi, A. D., 1890; Hon. Edwin A. Burlingame, judge, [n. ]).] 1890. 68 p. Cx. 549. Calhoun, John C. Speeches of Mr. Calhoun of S. Carolina on the bill for the admission of Michigan, delivered in the senate of the United States, January, 1837. Washington, printed by Duff Green, 1837. 13 p. B. " 550. Calhoun county business directory for 1869-70, containing complete alphabetical and classified lists of all professions, trades . . . together with a history of the county, giving a detailed historical and descriptive sketch of each township, city, and village . . . Battle Creek, Mich., E. G. Rust, 1869. V, 6-426 p. G; L C; S. 551. Calkins, A. R. Petition of A. R. Calkins and 400 others, for a grant of swamp lands lying in Allegan county, to aid in the construction of a rail- road from Grand Rapids to Allegan, and from Allegan to St. Joseph and New Buffalo. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 4 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 23). B; D; G; S; U. 552. Calkins, R. D. Suggestive outline in geography for the schools of Michigan, by R. D. Calkins . . . [Lansing? Mich.] state superintendent of pubhc instruction [1907]. 36 p. (On cover: Bulletin no. 22, 1907). LC. 553. Callahan, James Morton. . . . The neutrality of the American lakes and Anglo-American relations, by James Morton Callahan . . . Balti- more, The Johns Hopkins press, 1898. 199 p. (Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science, series 16, nos. 1-4). G. 554. Callaghan & company's Michigan digest; permanent compilation of the cumulative quarterly, comp. by the publishers' editorial staff, Donald J. Riser, managing editor. October, 1907 to May, 1912. Chicago, Callaghan & company, 1912. 2 p. 1., 952 p. L C; S. 555. . Supplementing Callaghan's 1912 digest; comp. by the publishers' editorial staff. May, 1912, to June, 1914. Chicago. Callaghan & company, 1914. 2 p. 1., 414 p. L C; S. 556. Callaghan & company's Michigan digest, permanent compilation of the cumulative quarterly supplementing Callaghan's 1914 digest. Compiled by the pubHshers' editorial staff. June, 1914 to June, 1916. Chicago, Cal- laghan & company, 1916. 2 p. 1., 514 p. S. 557. Calimiet. Board of education. Public schools of Calumet, Michigan. [Calumet, Mich., 1906]. 105, [1] p. G. eO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 558. Calumet and Hecla mining company. Summary of the operations' of the Calumet and Hecla mining company, for the year ending April 30, 1893, together with a sketch of the property of the company. Boston, 1893. 19 p. B. 559. Calvin college chimes . . . Grand Rapids, Mich., 1907-1917. G. 560. Camp Kenmore play school, Ford Lake, Fountain, Michigan, [no imprint]. Caption title, 16 p. • U. 561. Campbell, Alexander. An address on the climate, soil, resources, development, commerce and future of the upper peninsula of Michigan, de- livered in representative hall, at Lansing, February 6, 1861, by Alex. Campbell, of Marquette. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 31 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 24). • B; D; G; S; U. 562. Campbell, Colin. Review of a pamphlet, entitled: "A statement of facts in connection with the history of the church of Christ, in the city of Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, printed at the office of the A. H. observer, 1868. 72 p. B. 563. Campbell, Colin Percy. An index digest of Michigan supreme court decisions, July, 1898-January, 1902. By Colin P. Campbell . . . Grand Rapids, Mich., the index digest publishing co., 1902. 2 p. 1., 220, Ixxix p. — . L C. Contents.— [v.] 118-125, Michigan reports, [v.] 7-8, Detroit legal news. 564. Campbell, Edward De Mille. History of the chemical laboratory of the imiversity of Michigan, 1856-1916, by Edward D. Campbell . . . Ann Arbor, the university, 1916. 166 p. L C; U. Bibliography: p. [21]-163. 565. Campbell, Henry Colin. Radisson's journal: its value in history. By Henry Colin Campbell. Madison, state historical society of Wisconsin, 1895. 88-116 p. (Reprinted from the Proceedings of the state historical society of Wisconsin, 1895). B. 566. Campbell, James Valentine. Biographical sketch of Charles C. Trowbridge. Prepared for the state pioneer society of Michigan, June, 1883, by Jam.es V. Campbell. [Detroit? 1883?]. 33 p. • B; S. 567. [ , ]. Elon Famsworth. [no imprint]. Cap- tion title, xxxii p. — — U. 568. [ , ]. John Judson Bagley. (In The maga- zine of western history . . . Cleveland, Ohio, 1886, vol. IV, no. 4, August, 1886, p. 516-524). G; S. 569. [ , ]. The judicial system [in the middle west] from the earliest co'onial period to the present time. (In The magazine BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 61 of western history . . . Cleveland, Ohio, 1886, vol. IV, no. 4, August, 1886, p. 453-465). — ^G;S. 570. , . ... A memorial discourse on the life and services of Rev. George Palmer Williams, LL. D., professor in the univer- sity from 1841 to 1881; delivered in university hall, by request of the senate, Decem.ber 4, 1881, by James V. Campbell, LL. D. . . . [Ann Arbor] the university, 1882. 28 p. ^ G; S. 571. , . Outlines of the political history of Michigan, by James V. Campbell. Detroit, Schober & co., 1876. xiv p., 11., 606 p. B;G;LC;S;U. 572. Campbell, Mrs. Maria Hull. Revolutionary services and civil life of General William Hull; prepared from his manuscripts, by his daughter,. Mrs. Maria Campbell: together with the history of the campaign of 1812, and surrender of the post of Detroit, by his grandson, James Freeman Clarke- New York, D. Appleton & co.; Philadelphia, G. S. Appleton, 1848. xx, [17]- 482 p. ^B;G;LC;S. 573. Campbell, Mile D. Memorial day in Quincy, 1915; address by Hon. Milo D. Campbell, of Coldwater. [Coldwater? 1915?]. Caption title, [6] p> vS. 574. Campus news notes. December, 1914-Januar3^ 1916. Ann Arbor, 1914-1916. B*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has December, 1914; February, April, June, Septem- ber, 1915; January, 1916; the U. of M. Library has June, 1915. 575. Canada. Archives. . . . Docmnents relating to the invasion of Canada and the surrender of Detroit, 1812. Selected and ed. by E. A. Cruik- shank, lieut. -colonel. Pub. by authority of the honourable the secretary of state, under the direction of the archivist. Ottawa, Government printing bureau, 1912. vii, 258 p. (Publications of the Canadian archives,, no. 7). B;LC;S;U. 576. ■ . Parliament. House of commons. Select standing com- mittee on public accounts. Report of public accounts committee with refer- ence to the Saulte Ste. Marie canal, together with ev dence adduced before said committee and exhibits in connection therewith. Printed b}' order of parlia- ment. Ottawa, printed by S. E. Dawson, 1895. 4 p. 1., [3J-186 p. L C. 4th report of the committee, George B. Baker, chairman. 577. Canada Southern railway company. Prospectus, reports and other documents. New York, E. W. Sackctt, printer, 1871. 62 p. B. 578. Carlisle, Frederick. Detroit 1701 . . . 1893. vSouvcnir of Cadillac day, celebrated July 14, 1893. Detroit, C. M. Rou.sseau, 1894. 55 p. D. Compiled by Frederick Carlisle. 579. Carlton, Robert. The new purchase: or, seven and a half years in 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN the far Avest. By Robert Carlton. New York, D. Appleton & co.; Phila- delphia, Geo. S. Appleton, 1843. 2 v. B. 580. Carnahan, Arthur L. Development of the Lake vSuperior eopper mines during 1904. Calumet, Mich. [cl905]. 35 p. - — G. 581. Carter, Thomas. French mission life; or, sketches of remarkable events among French Romanists in the city of Detroit; with five letters to the Roman Catholic bishop residing in that city. New York, Carlton & Porter, 1857. 157 p. B. 582. [Carter, William]. Fort Defiance centennial, August 7, 8 and 9, 1894. Historical souvenir of Fort Defiance and the northwest territory. [Defiance, O., dail\^ crescent print., 1894]. Cover title, 50 p. L C. Compiled by William Carter and Henry G. Baker. 583. Carton, Augustus C. Extracts from address delivered at annual meeting of the Michigan association of commercial secretaries in Muskegon, July 24, 1914, by A. C. Carton . . . [no imprint]. Caption title, [1] p. (Bul- letin A). B;S. 584. ■ — , — . Extract from address deli\'ercd in Chicago in 1912, by A. C. Carton, [no imprint]. [1] p. (Bulletin B). B. 585- ■ , . Extract from address delivered in Detroit at annual banquet of press association of Michigan, February 21, 1914, on "What the press can do to assist in the development of Michigan" by A. C. Carton . . . [no imprint]. Caption title, [1] p. (Bulletin C). B;S. 586. , . Extract from address delivered at annual meeting of the Michigan manufacturers' association, Cadillac hotel, Detroit, February 23, 1914, on "The relationship between agriculture and manu- factming, " by A. C. Carton . . . [no imprint]. Caption title, [1] p. (Bul- letin D). B; S. 587- , . Extract from address delivered in Detroit at annual banquet of press association of Michigan, Februar}^ 21, 1914, on "What the press can do to assist in the development of Michigan, " by A. C. Carton . . . [no imprint]. Caption title, [1] p. (Bulletin E). B; S. 588. , . "What the press can do to assist in the de-. velopment of Michigan;" address by Augustus C. Carton . . . annual ban^ quet of the press association of Michigan, Griswold house, Detroit, February 21, 1914. [no imprint]. 21 p. vS. 589. Carver, Jonathan. Avcntures de Carver ehez Ics sauvages de rAmerique septentrionalc. 5. cd. Tours, Mame & eie., 1852. 3 p. I.,' 236 p. - — L C. 590. , . Tra\-els through the interior parts of North- America in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768, by J. Carver . . . Illustrated BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 65 with copper plates. London, printed for the author, sold b>' J. Walter [ctc.J 1778. 10 p. 1., xvi, [17J-543, [1] p. L C. Carver's travels as printed was probably the work of Dr. John Coakley Lettsom. An article on Carver and his book may be found in American historical review, Jan. 1906, V. 11, p. 287-302. 591. , . Ibid. 2d ed. London, printed for the author, by W. Richardson, 1779. 12 p. 1., xvi, [17]-543, [1] p. L C. 592. , . Ibid. 3d ed. To which is added, some account of the author, and a copious index. London, C. Dilly [etc.] 1781. 2 p. 1., 22,. [22], xvi, [17]-543, [21] p. L C; U. 593. , . Three years travels, through the interior parts of North- America, for more than five thousand miles, containing an account of the great lakes, and all the lakes, islands, and rivers, cataracts, mountains, minerals, soil and vegetable productions of the north-west regions of that vast continent;, with a description of the birds, beasts, reptiles, insects, and fishes, peculiar to the country. Together with a concise history of the genius, manners, and customs of the Indians inhabiting the lands that lie adjacent to the heads and to the westward of the great river Mississippi; an appendix, describing the uncultivated parts of America that are most proper for forming settlements. By Captain Jonathan Carver. Philadelphia, printed by Joseph Crukshank, 1784. xxi, 217 p. B. 594. , . Ibid. Philadelphia, printed by J. Crukshank,. 1789. xvi, vii, [9]-282 p. L C; S. 595. , . Ibid. Philadelphia, Key & Simpson, 1796. xx, ix, [ll]-360, 20 p. LC. 596. — , . Ibid. Boston, printed by John Russell, for David West, no. 56, ComhilJ, 1797. xvi, [5]-312 p. L C. 597. , . Ibid. Edinburgh, J. Key, 1798. xx, 21-380 p. ^LC. 598. , . Ibid. Walpole, N. H., Isaiah Thomas & co.,, 1813. xvi, [17]-280 p. L C. 599. , . . . . Johann Carv^ers reisen durch die innem gegenden von Nord-Amerika in den jahren 1766, 1767 und 1768, mit einer landkarte. Aus dem Englischcn. Hamburg, C. E. Bohn, 1780. xxiv, 456 p. (Neue sammlung von reisebeschreibungen. 1. th). L C. " Vorbericht " signed: C. D. Ebeling. 600. , — . Reizc door de binnenlanden van Nord-Amerika, door Jonathan Carver .' . . Naar den derden druk uit het Engelsch vertaald door J. D. Pasteur . . . l.[ 2.] deel. Leyden, bij A. en J. Honkoop, 1796. 2 V. in 1. L C. 601. , . . . . Travels in Wisconsin. From the 3d London 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN ed. New York, printed by Harper & bros., 1838. xxxii, [33] -3 76 p. LC. 602. , . Voyage dans les parties interieures de TAmerique septentrionale, pendant les annexes 1766, 1767 & 1768 . . . Ouvrage tr. sur la 3. ed. Angloise, par M. de C. . . . avee des rcmarques & quelques additions dti traducteur. Paris, Pissot, 1784. 24, xxviii, 451 p. L C. 603. Case, Ermine Cov/les. . . . On a nearly complete skull of Symbos ca\afrons leid3% from Michigan, by E. C. Case. Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1915. Caption title, 3, [1] p., 1 1. (Michigan, university, occa- sional papers of the museum of zoology, no. 13'. Scientific papers of the university of Michigan, no. 14). L C. 604. Cass, Lewis. Address delivered before the New England society of Michigan, December 22, 1848, by Lewis Cass. Detroit, F. P. Markham & brother, 1849. 47 p. L C; U. 605. ■ , . Address of Gen. Lewis Cass, delivered before the Kalamazoo county agricidtural society, on Friday, October 11, 1850. Wash- injT'^n city, Towers, printer [1850?]. Caption title, 16 p. B; G; L C; S;'U. 606. , . Address of Gen. Lewis Cass delivered before the Michigan state agricultural society, at its third annual fair, held at Detroit, September 24, 25 and 26, 1851. Detroit, Bams, Brodhead and co., printers, 1851. 15 p. B. 607. , . . . . Address of General Cass to the Democracy of Detroit, delivered at the city hall, November 4, 1854. [Detroit, 1854?]. Cap- tion title, 8 p. S. At head of title: [From the Detroit free press]. 608. , . Discourse delivered before the historical society of Michigan , by Lewis Cass . . . (In Historical and scientific sketches of Michigan. Comprising a series of discourses delivered before the historical society of Michigan. Detroit, 1834, p. [5]-50). B; D; G; L C; U. Reprint of his "Discourse deUvered at the first meeting of the historical society of Michi- gan, September 18, 1829. Detroit, 1830." 609. , . Remarks of Mr. Cass and Mr. Stuart, senators from Michigan, made in the senate of the United States, February 5, 1855, on the presentation of resolutions of instruction from the legislature of that state. [Washington, n. d.]. Caption title, 4 p. S; U. 610. , . Speech of Hon. Lewis Cass, of Michigan, on the con- struction of a canal round the falls of the Sault Ste. Marie, in the state of Michigan, delivered in the senate of the United States, August 16, 1852. [Washington, Towers, print, n. d.]. Caption title, 7 p. — '^— B; S; U. 611. , . Speech of Mr. Cass, of Michigan, on rivers and BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 65 harbors. Delivered in the senate of the United States, August 24, 1852. [Washington, Towers, printer, n. d.]. Caption title, 8 p. U. 612. The Cass platform. [Washington, Towers, printer, 1848?]. 8 p. B. 613. Cass county pioneer picnic. Thirty-first annual picnic, Cass county, Cassopolis, Michigan, Wednesday, June 15, 1904. Cassopolis, Cassopolis vigilant print [1904]. not paged. U. Pioneer picnic programme. 614. Castalian, V. 5-11. Chicago, A. L. Swift & co., 1890-1896. B*; D*; G*. Pub. annually by the independents of the senior class, university of Michigan. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 10-11; the main library, Detroit, has v. 5-7, 9; the Grand Rapids Public Library has v. 5. 615. Catherwood, Mrs. Mary Hartwell. The chase of Saint-Castin and other stories of the French in the new world, by Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1894. 2 p. 1., 266 p. LC. Contents. — The chase of Saint-Castin. — The Beauport loup-garou. — The mill at Petit Cap. — ^Wolfe's Cove. — The Windigo.^ — The kidnaped bride. — Pontiac's lookout. 616. , . Heroes of the middle west; the French, by Mary Hartwell Catherwood. Boston, Ginn and company, 1898. vp., 11., 141 p. LC. 617. , . Mackinac and lake stories, by Mary Hartwell Catherwood . . . New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1899. 4p. 1., 221, [l]p. B;G;LC. Contents.— Marianson.— The black feather. — The cobbler in the devil's kitchen. — The skeleton on Round Island. — The penitent of Cross Village. — -The king of Beaver. — ^Beaver lights. — A British islander. — The cursed patois. — The mothers of Honor^. — The blue man. — The Indian on the trail. 618. , . The story of Tonty, by Mary Hartwell Catherwood . . . Chicago, A. C. McClurg and company, 1890. vi, [7]-227 p. L C. 619. — , . Ibid. Chicago, A. C. McClurg and company, 1892. 227 p. B; G. 620. , . Ibid. 6th ed., with new intro- duction by the author. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co., 1901. 3 p. 1., 225 p. LC. 621. , . The white islander, by Mary Hartwell Catherwood . . . New York, the century co., 1893. viii p., 2 1., 164 p. — B;G;LC. 622. Catholic study club, Detroit, 1896. [Detroit? 1916?]. not paged. — Michigan, — B. 1916-1917. Organized 623. Catholic young men's literary society. Constitution, by-laws and 9 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN articles of association of the Catholic young men's literary society, of De- troit. Detroit, Hadgcr & Bryce, printers, 1874. 19 p. B. 624. . . . Centennial anniversar}^ of American independence; celebration at Grand Rapids, Mich., July 4th, 1876. Illustrated. Grand Rapids, Mich., Loomis & Dillenbaek, printers and binders, 1876. 33, [1] p. — S. 625. The centennial celebration of the evacuation of Detroit by the British . July 11, 1796-July 11, 1896. Report of the proceedings, with the addresses of Col. H. M. Duffield, vSenator J. C. Burrows, and President Jas. B. Angell. Detroit,^ printed for the committee, 1896. 179 p. B; G; L C; S*; U. *The State Library copy is limited edition of 300 copies. 1 p. 1., 52 p. 626. Central Michigan agricultural society. List of premiums for the lst-6th annual exhibition of the central Michigan agricultural society to be held at Lansing . . . 1866-1871. Lansing, 1866-1871. B*; S*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1st and 3rd; the State Library has 1st and 6th. 627. Ceremonies at the dedication and unveiling of the Thomas D. Gil- bert memorial. Held at the Fulton street park. Grand Rapids, Michigan, June 5, 1896. [Grand Rapids? Loomis & Onderdonk, printers, 1896?]. 27 p. G; S; U. 628. Chadsey, Charles F. The attitude of education towards mouth hygiene in the public schools, by Charles F. Chadsey . . . An address before- the Michigan state dental society, 1914. (In The dental summary. A journal of practical dentistry . . . Published by the Ransom & Randolph CO., Toledo, Ohio, 1915, vol. XXXV, no. 3, p. 250-252). U. 629. Chamberlain, Daniel Henry. The state judiciary: its place in the American constitutional system, by Daniel H. Chamberlain . . . (In Michi- gan, university, political science association, constitutional history of the United States . . . New York and London, 1889, p. [237J-286). L C. 630. [Chamberlin, Lewis H.]. Memoirs. Detroit post no. 384, depart- ment of Michigan, G. A. R. Detroit, Mich., the Richmond & Backus co.,. 1896. 2 p. 1., 117 p. LC. Preface signed : L. H. Chamberlin. 631. Champlin, John Wayne. Industrial prosperity and the means for bringing it about, by Hon. John W. Champlin . . . (In Michigan political science association, publications. [Ann Arbor, 1897], v. 2, no. 7, p. [l]-26). D;G;LC;S;U. 632. Chandler, William. History of the St. Mary's Falls ship canal, show- ing the early efforts which were made to secure its construction, with a record of the business of the canal from its opening until the present time, together with the improvements made and in process of construction. Coinpiled by William Chandler . . . By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1878. 13 p. (With Michigan, legislature, joint docu- ments for 1877, vol. Ill, no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 67 633. ■ , . Ibid. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1879. 12 p. (With Michigan, legislature, joint docu- ments for 1878, vol. II, no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 634. , . Illustrated history of the St. Mary's Falls ship canal . . . The early history of the canal is taken from Mr. WilHam Chand- ler's report to Governor Charles M. Crosswell, of Michigan, made in 1877 . . . Detroit, Chapman & Kibby, 1893. [12] p. L C; S. 635. Chaney, Henry A. Alien suffrage, by Henry A. Chancy. (In Michi- gan political science association, publications. [Ann Arbor, 1894], v. 1, no. 2, p. [130]-139). G; S; U. 636. , ■ ■ — . Digest of decisions rendered by the supreme court of Michigan, at the July term, 1873. By Henry A. Chaney, attorney at law. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers ^nd binders, 1873. 8 p. U. 637. , . Digest of decisions rendered by the supreme court of Michigan, at the October term, 1873. By Henry A. Chaney . . . Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1873. 14 p. U. 638. , : . Digest of decisions rendered by the supreme court of Michigan, at the January term, 1874. By Henry A. Chaney . . . Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1874. 17 p. U. 639. , ■ • — . Digest of decisions rendered by the supreme court of Michigan, at the April term, 1874. By Henry A. Chaney . . . Lan- sing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1874. 15 p. U. 640. ■ — , . Digest of the Michigan reports ; including nearly twelve volumes of the regular series, embracing one by Clark (22 Mich.) and ten by Post, together with the cases contained in the 11th of Post (33 Mich.) to the April term of 1876; a supplement to Cooley's digest of 1872 . . . Detroit, the editor, 1876. 915 p. G. 641. , • . The supreme court of Michigan, by Henry A. Chancy. (In The green bag. " Boston, 1890, v. 2, no. 9, p. 377-398). U. 642. Channing, Edward. The story of the great lakes, with maps and illustrations. New York, the Macmillan company, 1909. ix, [1], 398 p. D;G. 643. Chapin, Henry H. Chapin's Adrian city directory and advertiser, for 1865-6 . . . also, a hst of all post offices in Michigan. [Adrian] Chapin & brother, 1865. 4 p. 1., [11]-172 p. ■ L C. 644. , , Chapin's city directory of Ann Arbor for 1868, containing a complete list of all residents in the city; and a classified business directory; with the names and address of the merchants, manufacturers, pro- fessional men, «&:c.; also a general description of the university of Michigan, with the names of officers and students for 1868 . . . Compiled and pub- lished by H. H. Chapin. Adrian, Mich., 1868. 160 p. U. 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 645. , . Michigan state gazetteer and business directory for 1867-8, embracing descriptive sketches of all the cities, towns and villages throughout the state, together with alphabetical and classified lists of all pro- fessions, trades and pursuits, names of organized companies, banks, state, count}^ and city officers, and full information regarding the mercantile and manufacturing interests of the state. Compiled and published by Chapin & brother. Detroit, Mich., the Detroit post company, printers, 1867. 534 p. D; G;S;U. 646. Charity organization society, Grand Rapids. Annual report, 1893- 1902. [Grand Rapids, Mich., 1893?-1902?]. 9 v. in 6. G. 647. Charlotte. Charters. Charter and ordinances of the city of Char- lotte, and rules governing the common council. Compiled by Garry C. Fox, city attorney. Under authority of the common council. Charlotte, Mich., Bryan bros., 1891. 1 p. 1., [5]-91, vi, iv p. S. 648. . Community association. By-laws of the community as- sociation, Charlotte, Michigan. Chicago, standard service company [cl917]. 1 p. 1., 18 p., 1 1. LC. 649. Charming Adrian . . . [no imprint]. Cover title. [14] p. S. 650. Dr. Chase's steam printing house, opening of the new building' Tuesday, December 29, 1868; description of the establishment, dinner' speeches, incidents, &c., &c. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1869. 22 p. S. 651. Chatterton, Mason Daniel. Probate law, by M. D. Chatterton . . . Lansing, Robert Smith, printing company, 1901. 2 v. L C; S. 652. Cheboygan Democrat. Cheboygan, up-to-date. An illustrated sou- venir of the finest all the j^ear around town in Michigan. Residence, business, or pleasure. Showing a few of its attractions, manufacturics, public buildings, residences, hotels, farms, etc. [Cheboygan] Cheboygan Democrat, 1898. not paged. U. 653. Cheboygan realty co. A land of opportunity [Cheboygan county]. [Cheboygan? n. d.J. [16] p. S. 654. Cheever, Noah Wood. Corporation fomi book. Business men's corporation form book for the organization of private corporations, by Noah W. Cheever . . . Ann Arbor, the register publishing company, printers,, 1895. 514, ixp. LC; S. 655. , . The law and j^ractice of probate courts in the state of Michigan, including the entire probate statutes, reprinted and re- arranged, with notes under each section showing the practice and decisions of the courts in connection with the same. With a complete appendix of the forms necessary to be used in the probate courts. By Noah W. Cheever . . . Detroit, Richmond, Backus & comi^any, 1876. 326, [242] p. L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 69 656. , . Ibid. [2d cd.]. Detroit, Richmond, Backus & company, 1876. 3 p. 1., [5J-439 (i. c. 496), [242] p. L C; S. 657. , . Ibid. 3d ed. Ann Arbor, Mich., the register publishing company, 1892. 1 p. 1., 734, cccvii p. L C; S. 658. — — , . Pleasant walks and drives about Ann Arbor. [no imprint]. 8 p. ■ B. 659. [ , ]. Stories and amusing incidents in the early history of the University of Michigan, U. of M. stories of ye olden time. Wit and wisdom in the early history of the U. of M. Fun and frolic of the old boys during the war times. Ann Arbor, Mich., register publishing co., printers, 1895. 68 p. L C. Preface signed: N. W. Cheever. 660. Cheney, Sheldon. The art theatre; a discussion of its ideals, its organization and its promise as a corrective for present evils in the commercial theatre. By Sheldon Cheney; with sixteen photographs of productions at the arts and crafts theatre of Detroit. New York, A. A. Knopf, 1917. 249 p. L C. "Small portions of the material here presented have appeared in the pages of Theatre arts magazine. " — Pref. 661. Chesbrough, Ellis Sylvester. . . . Sketch of the plans and progress of the Detroit river tunnel. A paper read by E. S. Chesbrough . . . [New York, 1874]. Caption title, [85]-91. LC. "American society of civil engineers . . . Transactions ... At the fourth annual convention of the society, held at Chicago, June 5th and 6th, 1872. " 662. Chester, George M. . . . Martha Washington tea party, given by St. Paul's church guild, at the opera house, Detroit. A full account of the dresses, ornaments and relics, by George M. Chester. Detroit, Thompson & co.'s steam printing house, 1875. 47 p. S. At head of title: April 19th, 1875. 663. Chicago & north-western railway company. The Indian, the northwest, 1600-1900; the red man; the war man; the white man, and the north-western line. Chicago, Chicago & north-western railway [co., 1901]. 114 p., 11. LC. 664. [ ]. Lakes and resorts of the northwest; a tourists' guide to the stmimer resorts and fishing and hunting grounds reached via the Chicago & north-western line, with information covering summer train service, and a complete list of hotels, with their loca- tion, rates and capacity. Chicago, 111., Chicago & north-western rail- way, passenger department, 1915. 56 p. L C. 665. [ ]. Only seven hours ride from Chicago to Menominee county, [-no imprint]. 23 p. B. 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 666. ;- . A smnmcr holiday. A bnef description of some of the most popular summer resorts in Wisconsin. Michigan and Minnesota . . . [Chicago, Rand, McNally & co., 'printers [1884] ]. 31 p. L C. 667. Chicago & west Michigan railway company. Tours 1895. Chicago & west Michigan, Detroit, Lansing & northern, passenger department . . . [Grand Rapids, Mich., Dean printing and publishing co., 1895]. 79 p. G; LC. 668. . Tours 1896. Chicago & west Michigan, Detroit, Lansing '& northern . . . passenger department . . . [Grand Rapids, Dean printing and publishing co., 1896]. 47 p. S. 669. Childs, B. F. Marquette, Mackinac Island and the "Soo." New York', the Albertype co. [1889]. 1 p. 1., 12 pi. L C. 670. Chilton, James R. Lake Superior iron. Analysis of the ore, by James R. Chilton, M. D. Comparative strength as shown by experiments of Prof. Walter R. Johnson, and Major Wade, U. S. ordnance department . . Detroit, Henry Bams, printer, tribune office, 1856. 8 p. B. 671. Chilton, William Edwin. . . . State claims northwest territory. Ad- dress of Hon. William E. Chilton of West Virginia in the senate of the United States on April 10, 1912, and address of Gov. Claude A. Swanson of Virginia on "Virginia day" delivered at the Jamestown exposition, June 12, 1907 . . . W^ashington, gov't, print off., 1912. 30 p. ( [U. S.], 62d cong., 2d sess., senate doc. 948). L C; U. Presented by Mr. Swanson. Ordered printed August 24, 1912. 672. Chipman, Henry. Petition of Henry Chipman and others, citizens of Detroit, for the passage of an act incorporating a building association. [Lan- sing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 27). B; D; G; S; U. 673. Chippeway Indians. Memorial of the Chippeways of Saginaw in favor of the Maine law. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, house document no. 10). B; D; G; S;U. 674. Chittenden, A. K. Christmas tree plantations, by A. K. Chittenden. East Lansing, Michigan, 1916. 8 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, special bulletin no. 78, April, 1916). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 379-384. 675. Christiancy, Isaac Peckham. Speech of Hon. I. P. Christiancy at Monroe's centennial celebration, July 4th, 1884. [no imprint]. Caption title, 5 p. S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 71 676. The chronicle, v. 1-21. Ann Arbor, the university, 1869-1890. — B*;D*;G*;U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has September 25, 1869-Julv 1, 1871; March 20, 1875; April 8, 1876; May 19, 1877; December 22, 1877; February 15, 1879; October 2, 1880- July, 1882; December 9, 1882-April 28, 1883; the main library, Detroit, has 1869- 1878; 1880-1881; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1886; the U. of M. Library has 1869, 1870, 1873-1879, 1881, 1883-1890, with some missing numbers. 677. The citator. Michigan, ed. Revision of 1910. An annotated com- pilation of citations of the Michigan supreme court decisions. Comp. and pub. by the Citator publishing company. Lapeer, Mich. [cl911]. 607 p. L C. "This revision will be kept up to date by means of quarterly supplements, appearing in March, June, September and December of each year. " 678. Citizens telephone company. Grand Rapids exchange directory, 1896-1917. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1896-1917. G*. Title varies. Date of publication irregular. *The Grand Rapids PubHc Library has 1896, 1897, 1899, 1903-1917. 679. City of Ann Arbor, its resources and advantages. Ann Arbor, the courier book and job jorinting establishment, 1887. 64 p. B; G. 680. The city of Grand Rapids and Kent county, Mich., up-to-date, containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens . . . [Logansport, Ind.] A. W. Bowen & co., 1900. 2 p. 1., [xiii]-xviii p., 1 1., [25]-1105p. — G;LC;S. 681. City of Saginaw, 1905. [Saginaw? 1905?]. Caption title, [6] p. ■ • S. 682. City of St. Ignace and Mackinac county, for the year 1895 ; an outline of the history, advantages, business facilities, attractions and inducements presented by this charming region, [n. p., Ed. Jones, 1895?]. not paged. G. 683. Civic affairs, published by the civic club of Grand Rapids, v. 1. [Grand Rapids, Mich.] 1904. G. Continued as Civic news. » 684. Civic club of Grand Rapids. . . . Annual report of executive com- mittee of the civic club, 1902-[1903]. [Grand Rapids, 1902-1903?]. —^ B*;S*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1902 and 1903; the State Library has 1903. 685. ■ . Constitution and by-laws of the civic club, Grand Rapids, Mich, [no imprint]. 8 p. B. 686. . A report on the sheriff's office of Kent county, Michigan, by Delos F. Wilcox, secretary of the civic club of Grand Rapids, [n. p., 1903]. 20 p. G. 687. . . . Civic news ; official journal of the Detroit municipal league 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN and the civic club of Grand Rapids, v. 1 (1905)-v. 3 (1907). Detroit [the civic news co.] 1905-1907. 3 v. G; L C; U. Published in Grand Rapids, February, 1905-April, 1906. From Feb. 1905 to Jan. 1906 title reads: Civic news; a weekly record of public affairs of Grand Rapids and Kent county. D. F. Wilcox, editor. No more published. 688. Clapperton, George W. Address of George W. Clapperton, of Grand Rapids; taxation in the constitution, delivered before the constitutional con- vention, December 17, 1907. [no imprint]. Caption title, 20 p. S. 689. Clark, A. Arnold. Decoration day at Flushing, Mich., May 30, 1887. Oration by A. Arnold Clark . . . Flushing, Mich., observer steam print, 1887. 7 p. S. 690. , — . Discussion of the sewerage and drainage of Lud- ington, by A. Arnold Clark . . . [Lansing? 1889?]. 23-27 p. S. 691. , ■ — . . The sewerage and drainage of Battle Creek; dis- cussion by Prof. A. Arnold Clark . . . [Lansing? 1890?]. [37]-42 p. (Re- printed from the Report of proceedings of the sanitary convention at Battle Creek, June 25 and 26, 1890, supplement to the annual report of the state board of health, 1890). S. 692. Clark, Frank Nelson. Disadvantage of planting small fish, by Frank N. Clark. (In Bulletin of the United States fish commission for 1886. Washington, 1887, vol. VI, p. 421-422). L C. 693. , . Report on distribution of fish and eggs from Northville and Alpena stations for season of 1885-'86, by Frank N. Clark. (In Bulletin of the United States fish commission for 1886. Washington, 1887, vol. VI, p. 399-400). L C. 694. Clark, Frederick Converse. . . . State railroad commissions, and how they may be made efTective, by Frederick C. Clark, Ph. D. . . . [Balti- more] American economic association, 1891. 110 p. (Pubhcations of the American economic association, vol. VI, no. 6). ■ S. 695. Clark, George Rogers. . . . George Rogers Clark papers, 1771-1781. Ed. with introduction and notes by James Alton James . . . Springfield, 111., trustees of the Illinois state historical library, 1912. clxvii p., 1 1., 715 p. (Collections of the Illinois state historical library, vol. VIII, Virginia series, vol. III). B; L C; S;'u. Contains bibliographies. 696. , . Col. George Rogers Clark's sketch of his cam- paign in the Illinois in 1778-9; with an introduction by Hon. Henry Pirtle, of Louisville, and an appendix containing the public and private instructions to Col. Clark, and Major Bowman's journal of the taking of Post St. Vincents. Cincirmati, R. Clarke & co., 1869. vi p., 1 1., 119 p. (Ohio valley historical series, no. 3).' G; L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 73 697. Clark, John T. Communication from John T. Clark, stating the con- dition of the works upon the Sault Ste. Marie canah [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, senate doctiment no. 11). B; D; G; S; U. 698. Clark, Judson F. Woodlot forestry, by Dr. Judson F. Clark . . . [Lansing? Mich., 1905?]. Caption title, [47]-56 p. (Reprint from Report of the Michigan forestry commission for 1903-04). L C. Running title: State of Michigan, forestry commission. Found also in "Michigan forestry. Some questions answered," p. 12-15. 699. Clark, Lawrence T. Suggestions concerning legume innoculation. (Popular,) by Lawrence T. Clark. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1905. [221]-230 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 231, June, 1905). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 281-286. 700. Clark, N. W. Pisciculture. An address on the artificial breeding of fish, their habits, etc., delivered before the Detroit scientific association, by N. W. Clark, of Northville, Mich. Detroit, tribune printing company, 1,875. Cover title, 20 p. B; G. 701. Clark, Rufus W. New England in the northwestern territory. Ad- dress before the New England society at the Russell house, Detroit, Michigan, April 14th, 1898, by Rev. Rufus W. Clark. [Detroit? 1898?]. 8 p. • B. 702. Misses Clark's young ladies' seminary. Prospectus of the Misses Clark's young ladies' seminary, Ann Arbor, Michigan; also, a catalogue of its members, from its commencement, November 18, 1839, to August 1, 1842. [no imprint]. 9 p. B. 703. . Report and catalogue . . . 1842-43 to 1855-56. Ann Arbor, [1843?]-1856. ■ B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1842-43 to 1848-49, 1853-54 to 1855-56. 704. The Clark mineral springs bath house. Detroit [1907]. not paged. B. 705. Clarke, James Freeman. WiUiam Hull and the surrender of Detroit; a biographical sketch taken, with a few ommissions, from the volume "Me- morial and biographical sketches, " by James Freeman Clarke ; together with extracts from letters from the appendix in the volume "General Hull's mili- tary and civil life." Boston, press of Geo. H. ElHs co., 1912. 32 p. B;S. 706. Clarke, James Henry. Memoirs of asylum life ; a Michigan story, by James H. Clarke. 1st ed. [Ludington, Mich., 1896]. 166 p., 1 1. LC. 707. Clarke, Robert E. Notes from the copper region. B}- Robert E. 7-i BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Clarke. (In Harper's new monthly magazine. [New York] 1853, v. 6, p. [433H48. [5771-588). S. 708. Clarke, Samuel C. William Hull. By Samuel C. Clarke ... (In New England historical and genealogical register. Boston, the society, 1893, vol. XLVII, p. [141J-153, 305-314). B*; S. *The Burton Historical Collection has a reprint: Memoir of Gen. William Hull . . . Boston, David Clapp & son, printers, 1893. 24 p. 709. Classified business directory and ready reference of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Containing an alphabetically classified list of business and pro- fessional firms and a careful miscellaneous directory. Grand Rapids, Mich., West Michigan printing co., 1900-1901. 152, xix p. G. 710. Clements, Julius Morgan. . . . The Crystal Falls iron-bearing dis- trict of Michigan, by J. Morgan Clements and Henry Lloyd Smyth, with a chapter on the Sturgeon river tongue by William Shirley Bayley and an in- troduction by Charles Richard Van Hisc. Washington, gov. print, off., 1899. xxxvi, 512 p. (Added title page: Department of the interior, monographs of the United States geological surv^ey, vol. XXXVI). B; L C. "Published work tipon [the western part of the] district": p. 13-21; "Abstracts of the- published literature upon the Felch mountain range": p. 375-383. Issued also in the congressional series of U. S. public documents (3804) as house doctf- ments no. 291, 55th cong., 3d sess. An abstract of the monograph is given in the 19th Annual report of the survey, pt. 3, p. 1-151. Another copy with imprint: Washington, government printing office, 1899. Cover title, v, 151 p.— L. C. 711. Clements, Samuel. An itinerant ministry; a sermon preached before the Detroit annual conference, Pontiac, Sept. 29, 1859. Pub. pursuant to a resolution of conference. New York, Carlton & Porter, 1860. 29 p. B. 712. Clowes, Walter F. The Detroit light guard, a complete record of this organization from its foimdation to the present day, by Walter F. Clowes,, with full account of riot and complimentary duty, and the campaigns in the civil and Spanish-Am.erican wars; a com.plete roster of members at the time of muster-out of the United States service as well as a roster of all classes of members. Detroit, Mich., John F. Eby & company, 1900. 566 p. D;S. 713. Club register co. Annual directory of women's clubs and club women of Michigan, nineteen hundred and one. Published by the club regis- ter CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. [Detroit, Michigan, John Bomman & son,. printers, 1901]. 194 p. S. 714. [Clubb, Henry Stephen]. Michigan legislative excursion, February 25, 26 and 27, 1869. [Lansing, W. S. George & co., 1869]. 80 p., 1 1. B;LC;S. Excursion to the Saginaw valley. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 75 715. , . Spring Lake; its fruit farms and vine- yards; an address delivered before the western Michigan lake shore horti- cultural association, at its second fall exhibition, held at the village of Spring Lake, Ottawa county, Mich., October 1st, 1867, by Henry S. Clubb. To- gether with additional information concerning the villages fronting on the lake, and. their religious, educational, manufacturing and commercial facili- ties. Spring Lake, western Michigan lake shore horticultural association [1867]. 19 p. S. 716. Clute, Oscar. Dr. T. C. Abbot, by President 0. Clute. [Lansing? 1893]. 12 p. S. 717. , . Education at the Michigan agricultural college; its scope; its method; and its result, by President O. Clute. [no imprint]. Cover title, 13 p. B; S. 718. , . Spurry [and] flat pea, by O. Clute [and others]. 2d ed. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1893. 13 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 91, February, 1893). MAC;S;U. Also in Thirty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 118-128. 719. Cochran, N. D. A heroine whose name is not found in the society columns, Annie Clemenc, an American Joan of Arc, who was arrested at Calu- met and lodged in a Michigan jail for fighting for liberty, by N. D. Cochran. (In The day book. An address daily newspaper. Chicago, 1913, v. 3, no. 9, p. [1-4] ). U. 720. Cochran's commercial institute, Detroit. Circular and catalogue. Detroit, 1857. 32 p. B. 721. Cocker, William Johnson. The civil government of Michigan, with chapters on political machinery, and the government of the United States, by W. J. Cocker . . . Detroit, Richmond, Backus & co., 1880. xxiii, [7]- 203 p. B;LC;S;U. 722. , . Ibid. Detroit, Richmond, Backus & CO., 1883. 4 p. 1., [7]-223 p. L C; U. 723. , . Ibid. 3d ed. Detroit, Richmond, Backus & CO., 1884. 4 p. 1., [7]-223 p. L C. 724. , . Ibid. 8th ed. Detroit, Richmond, Backus & CO., 1885. 4 p. 1., [7]-223 p. G. 725. , . Ibid. 14th ed., rev. Detroit, the Rich- • mond& Backus CO., law book publishers, 1892. 208 p. U. 726. Coffin, Levi. Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, the reputed president of the imderground railroad; being a brief history of the labors of a life time in behalf of the slave, with the stories of numerous fugitives, who gained their 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN freedom through his instrument ahty, and many other incidents. Cincinnati, western tract society [1876]. 1 p. 1., viii, 3-712 p. B; L C. 727. Col. Clayton's lake tour. [Detroit, Mich., the Detroit & Cleveland steam navigation co., 1897]. 123, [12] p. L C. 728. Coldwater. Board of health. Annual report of the board of health of the city of Coldwater, 1904-1905. [Coldwater? 1905?]. [7] p. = S. 729. . Board of public works. First annual report of the board of i}ubHc works of the city of Coldwater, Michigan, for the year ending March 31, 1904. Coldwater, Mich., W. C. Bailey, printer [1904?]. 1 p. 1., [13] p. S. 730. . Charters. Compiled charter and ordinances of the city of Coldwater. Printed and published by order and authority of the common council. Compiled by C. C. Johnson . . . Coldwater, Mich., recorder print [1906?]. 3 p. 1., [9]-329 p. S. 731. . Free public library. Catalogue of the free public library of Coldwater, Michigan. Comp. by Miss Margaret Parkhurst. 1896. Lan- sing, D. D. Thorp & son, printers and binders [1896]. xiii p., 1 1., 458, xi p. G;LC;S. Classified (Dewey decimal) author and subject index. 732. . . First supplement to the cata- logue of the Coldwater free pubHc library. Compiled by Miss Florence Holmes, librarian. Books added 1896-1898. Coldwater, the library board [1898]. 24 p. S. 733. . Ladies' library association. Catalogue of the ladies'' library association, of Coldwater, Michigan; incorporated, 1869. Coldwater, Mich., sentinel book and job print, 1870. 22 p. S. Addenda no. 1 and 2 and Books last added to the library, form an appendix and each is paged separately. 734. Coldwater, Michigan. Pictorial city directory and year book, 1915. [Coldwater?] W. C. Bailey, 1915. 183 p. B. 735. Coldwater, Marshall & Mackinaw railroad company. Statement [to the stockholders, 1874]. [no imprint]. 8 p. G. 736. [Coldwater Republican?]. The agricultural college. What shall be done? [Coldwater? 18—]- Caption title, [4] p. S. "From the Coldwater Republican, February 20th:" p. 4. 737. Cole, Emma J. Grand Rapids flora; a catalogue of the flowering plants and ferns growing without cultivation in the vicinity of Grand Rapids, Michigan, by Emma J. Cole. Grand Rapids, Mich., A. Van Dort, book and job printer, 1901. xxii, 170 p. B; G; S; U. 738. Cole, Leon J. . . . The delta of the St. Clair river, by Leon J. Cole, accompanied by four plates . . . Lansing, R. Smith printing co., state BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 77 printers, 1903. 4 p. 1., 28 p. (Michigan, geological survey, [rcjjorts], vol. IX, pt. 1). ■ LC;U. 739. Cole & Keating's Ann Arbor directory for the year 1872, giving the residents, professions, officials, business firms, manufactories, publications, churches, schools, organizations, census, and also a brief history of the city. Compiled and published by James M. Cole and John W. Keating. Ann Arbor, Michigan, printed at the Courier steam printing house, 1872. 150 p. U. 740. Coleman, Harry. The Pontiac daily press, Pontiac, Mich. Some pertinent facts regarding its field and organization. By Harry Coleman, editor and publisher. Pontiac, Mich., the Pontiac publishing co. [n. d.]. 32 p. S. 741. Coles, Edward. History of the ordinance of 1787, by Edward Coles, read before the historical society of Pennsylvania, June 9, 1856. [Philadel- phia, T. K. and P. G. Collins] 1856. 33 p. G. 742. Collin, Henry Park. A twentieth century history and biographical record of Branch county, Michigan. Rev. Henry P. Collin, M. A., author and editor . . . New York, Chicago, the Lewis publishing company, 1906. xvi, 879 p. B; L C; S. 743. Collins, James H. Through the Burroughs plant; a little handbook to be taken away by visitors who have watched the building of adding ma- chines, reviewing some of the things that were seen, and explaining some other things that can only be known. Detroit, Burroughs adding machine co., 1912. 93 p. B. 744. Collins, W. H. Sermon delivered at the burial of Mrs. Charlotte Jaquith, consort of Hon. Arthur Edwards, of Trenton, Mich., April 8th, A. D. 1855, by W. H. Collins . . . (Published by request). Detroit, R. F. Johnstone & co., printers, 1855. 17 p. S. 745. [The colonial club of Grand Rapids, Michigan; portraits of members, rules and regulations, programs, 1890-98, and celebrations]. [Grand Rapids, Mich.?. 1898?]. not paged. G. 746. The colored people of Detroit: their trials, persecutions and es- capes, containing sketches of the riots of 1833, 1839, 1850 and 1863, with a full account of the loss of life and burning of negro tenements in the latter year, and the conviction, imprisonment and release of William Faulkner: together with some information concerning the concoction of the John Brown raid . . . [Detroit? 1870?]. 16 p. (From the Detroit daily post, February 7, 1870). S. 747. Colt, Fatio. Payment of taxes under protest and compulsion and their recovery by suit according to the general tax laws and the decisions of the supreme court of the state of Michigan . . . Chicago, Callaghan & co., 1900. viii, 63 p. L C. 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 748. Colton, Calvin. Tour of the American lakes, and among the Indians of the northwest territory, in 1830: diselosing the character and prospects of the Indian race. By C. Colton . . . London, F. Westley & A. H. Davis, 1833. 2v. LC;S.; U. 749. Colton, Joseph Hutchins. The western tourist, or emigrant's guide through the states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri, and the territories of Wisconsin and Iowa: being an accurate and concise descrip- tion of each state, temtor}', and county. Also, describing ail the principal stage routes, canals,- railroads, and the distances between the towns. Ac- companied with a correct map, showing the township lines of the United States* siuVej^s, the boundaries of counties, position of villages, etc. New York, J. H. Colton, 1844. vi, [7]-119 p. • L C. Map by J. C. Smith. 750. • , . Ibid. New York, J. H. Colton, 1846. vi, [7]-119 p. L C. 751. • , . Ibid. New York, J. H. Colton & co., 1854. 89 p. B. 752. , — — . Colton's traveler and tourist's guide book through the western states and territories, containing brief descriptions of each, with the routes and distances on the great lines of travel. Accom- panied by a map, exhibiting the township lines of the U. S. surveys, the boundaries of counties, position of cities, villages, settlements, etc. New York, J. H. Colton and company, 1855. 99, [1] p. L C. Includes the states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa and Wisconsin, and the territories of Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska. Based in part upon: The western tourist, or emigrant's guide. New York, 1844. 753. , . Ibid. New York, J. H. Colton and company, 1856. 99, [1] p. L C. 754. ■ — — , . Colton's traveler and tourist's guide- book through the United States of America . . . Compiled by Richard S. Fischer . . . New York, J. H. Colton and co., 1857. xix, [20J-354 p. L C. 755. [Columbus, pseud.]. Cautionary hints to congress, respecting the sale of the western lands, belonging to the United States. 2d ed. Phila- delphia, printed for M. Care}'-, by Lang and Ustick, 1796. 13 p. L C. Signed: Columbus. 756. Comey, Arthur Coleman. Detroit suburban planning: report to the city plan and improvement commission, by Arthur Coleman Comey, landscape architect'. Based on the preliminary plan for Detroit by Edward H. Bennett, architect. Detroit, the commission, 1915. 30 p. B; LC;S;U. Publications of the Detroit city plan and improvement commission: p. 3. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 6i 757. Commerce, manufacturing and resources of Detroit. A historical statistical & descriptive review. Detroit, commerce pub. co., 1885. 168 p. B. 758. Commercial credit co., ltd.. Grand Rapids. . . . Tax list of Grand Rapids, Michigan . . . Grand Rapids, commercial credit co., ltd. [cl902]. 437 p. L C. On cover: 1. 759. Compendium of histor>^ and biography of the city of Detroit and Wayne cotmty, Michigan . . . Chicago, H. Taylor & co., 1909. xii, 719 p. B;LC." Clarence M. Burton has contributed chapters IX-X and has also revised parts of the historical portions, cf. Pref. 760. Complete street railway directory of Detroit, and new street guide, with directions how to find any house number and the nearest street car line. [Detroit, cl895]. 183 p. B. 761. Conclusive reasons why the permanent encampment and maneuver- ing grounds of the Michigan national guard should be located at the Holland- Grand Rapids site, [no imprint]. 19 p. U. 762. Condensed infonnation and helpful hints for use at eighteenth inter- national Christian endeavor convention, July 5-10, 1899; map of the city of Detroit pub. by Silas Famier & co. [Detroit, 1899]. 16 p. B. 763. Conely, Edwin F. Argument of Mr. Edwin F. Conely on the elevated railroad scheme, made to the committee on streets and ordinances, May 11, 1899. [Detroit? 1899:^]. 20 p. B. 764. Conger, John L. Report on the public archives of Michigan, by John L. Conger . . . (In American historical association, annual report . . . for the year 1905. Washington, 1906, v. 1, p. 369-376). B; L C; S; U. Part of the Report of the public archives commission, 1905. . 765. [Conger, N. B.]. . . . Annual report of [N. B. Conger], the director [of the weather service department] and the rainfall charts of Michigan. Lan- sing, Darius D. Thorp, state printer and binder [1889]. 7 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 43). ■ M A C; S;U. Also in Twentv-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p- 175-205. 766. [ . — . — .]. Report of [N. B. Conger] , director of the weather service department. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders [1888]. 6 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 35). MAC;S;U. Also in Twenty-seventh annual report .of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 201-204. 767. Conger, Omar D. Harbor and river appropriations; speech of Hon. Omar D. Conger, of Michigan, in the house of representatives, June 13, 1870.. 80 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN [Washington, printed at the Congressional globe ofiice, 1870?]. Caption title, 8 p. S. 768. [Conger, Thomas]. To the delegates of the Demoeratic state con- vention of Michigan, to be held on the 27th day of August, 1845. [no im]n-int]. Caption title, 4 p. S. 769. . . . The Congregational churches of Michigan for the first fifty years of their organization into a state association. Addresses delivered, papers read and reports made at the jubilee meeting held at Jackson, May 19-22, 1892. [n. p., 1892?]. 283 p. B; D; G. At head of title: 1842-1892. 770. [Conkling, Edgar]. Exposition of Mackinaw City and its surround- ings. Cincinnati, 0., Caleb Clarke [1857]. 23 p. G. 771. [ , ]. Ibid. Cincinnati, C. Clarke, printer [1866?]. 23 p. D;LC. 772. Connor, Leartus. Historical sketch of the deceased founders of the Detroit academy of medicine. [Detroit? 1908?]. [5] p. (Reprinted from the Journal of the Michigan state medical society, June, 1908). B; D. 773. , . The Michigan medical society; its first eighty- three years; present wants and suggestions for their supply. President's address at Port Huron, June 26th, 1902. Detroit, John Bomman & son, 1902. 14 p. (Reprinted from the Journal of the Michigan state medical society, September and October, 1902). B; U. 774. Conover, Jefferson S. Compiled law of the grand lodge of free and accepted masons of the state of Michigan, revision of A. L. 5873, A. D. 1873, with amendments to and including A. L. 5897, A. D. 1897. Compiled by Jefferson S. Conover, grand secretary. Coldwater, Mich., the grand lodge, 1897. 255 p. S. 775. , . Freemasonry in Michigan : a comprehensive history of Michigan masonry from its earliest introduction in 1764, comp. ... by Jefferson S. Conover . . . Coldwater, Mich., the Conover en- graving and printing company, 1897-1898. 2 v. B; L C. 776. Constantine. School board. Year-book of the officers, teachers and pupils of the Constantine public schools, with announcement, calendar and course of study for 1892 and '93. Published by order of the school board. Constantine, Mich., L. T. Hull, book and job printer, 1892. 31 p. (In Cataloguesof some of the leading high schools of Michigan, vol. I . . . Colum- bian exposition, 1893). U. 777. Constantine union school. Catalogue of officers, teachers and pupils of Constantine imion school, reports for 1873-74, and calendar for 1874 and 1875. Constantine, 1874. 39 p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 81 778. Contributions to medical research, dedicated to Victor Clarence Vaughan by colleagues and former students of the department of medicine and surgery of the university of Michigan, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his doctorate. Ann Arbor, Aiich., G. Wahr, 1903. vi, 620 p. G; LC;S. Collection of 34 articles. 779. Controversy between Bishop S. A. M'Coskry and Alex. ^M'Farren. [Detroit? 1842]. Caption title, 13 p. S. 780. Cook, Albert John. . . . Birds of Michigan ... By A. J. Cook. [Lansing, Mich., R. Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1893]. 2 p. 1., [3J-148 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, zoological department, bulletin no. 94, April, 1893). B; G; L C;' M A C; S; U. " General literature " : p. [lOJ-11. "Bibliography": p. [12]-23. 781. , . Ibid. [Ed. 2]. [Lansing, Mich., R. Smith & CO., state printers and binders, 1893]. 168 p. (Michigan agricultural col- lege, experiment station, zoological dept., bulletin 94. 2d ed. Septem- ber, 1893). G;LC;S. "General literature": p. [13]-14. Bibliography: p. [15J-27. 782. , . The black wheat-stalk isosoma, by Prof. A. J. Cook, (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 3. In Twenty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agricul- ture. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1884, p. 322- 326). M AC; S; U. 783. , . The carpet beetle, by A. J. Cook. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 17. In Twenty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders, 1886, p. 223-227). MAC;S;U. 784. , . The codling moth and bark louse, by A. J. Cook. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders [1886]. 8 p. (Michi- gan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 14). MAC; S;U. Also in Twenty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture* p. 171-175. 785. , . Enemies of the wheat aphis, by A. J. Cook. Lansing, Darius D. Thorp, state printer and binder, 1889. 7 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 51, July, 1889). MAC;S;U. Also in Twenty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 304-308. 786. , . Experiments with insecticides, by A. J. Cook. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders [1888]. 16 p. (Michi. 11 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN gan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 39, September, 1888). MAC;S;U. Also in Twenty-seventh annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 217-233. 787. , . . . . Foul brood, by A. J. Cook. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1890. 8 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 61, April, 1890). M AC;S;U. Also in Twenty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 270-275. 788. , . The grain plant louse, by A.J. Cook. Lansing, Darius D. Thorp, state printer and binder, 1889. 6 p. (Michigan agricul- tural college, experiment station, .bulletin no. 50, June, 1889). M AC;S;U. Also in Twenty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 301-304. 789. , . Honey analyses, by A. J. Cook . . . [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1893. 16 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 96, July, 1893). M AC;S;U. Also in Thirty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 371-383. 790. , . Injurious insects of Michigan, by A. J. Cook . . . [Lansing? 1875]. 48 p. L C. 791. , . Insecticides ... by A. J. Cook. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1890. 13 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 58, March, 1890). MAC;S;U. Also in Twenty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 218-228. 792. , . Kerosene emulsion, by A. J. Cook and G. C. Davis. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1891. 16 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 76, October 1891). MAC;S;U. Also in Thirtieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 234-247. 793. , . Kerosene emulsion, some new insects, by A. J. Cook and G. C. Davis. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1891]. 16 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 73, April, 1891). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirtieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 208-222. 794. , . Plant lice and the codling moth, by A. J. Cook. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders [1887]. 6 p. (Michi- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 83 gan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 26). MAC;S;U. Also in Twenty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 169-173. 795. , . Planting for honey, by A. J. Cook. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1890. 7 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 65, August, 1890). MAC;S;U. Also in Twenty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 312-316. 796. , . The plum curculio, by A. J. Cook. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1890. 8 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 66, September, 1890). • MAC;S;U. Also in Twenty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 316-321. 797. , . The silo and silage, by A. J. Cook . . . 3d ed. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., printers and binders, 1890. 50 p. S. 798. , . . . . Spraying with the arsenites, by A. J. Cook. Lansing, Darius D. Thorp, state printer and binder, 1889. 8 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 53, August, 1889). MAC;S;U. Also in Twenty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 316-320. 799. , . Wintering bees, by A. J. Cook. [Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders, 1886]. 6 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 8). M A C; S; U. Also in Twenty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 140-146. 800. Cook, Charles B. The EngHsh or house sparrow, by C. B. Cook. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1890. 8 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 62, May, 1890). Also in Twenty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 275-281. 801. [Cook, C. M. C.]. Michigan! My Michigan! Mt. Pleasant, Mich., enterprise steam printing house [1889J. 13 p. U. 802. Cook, Charles Wilford. . . . The brine and salt deposits of Michigan, their origin, distribution and exploitation, by Charles W. Cook . . . Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1914. 188 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 15, geological series 12). LC;S;U. Thesis (Ph.D.) — Michigan university. Pub. as part of the Annual report of the board of geoloeical and biological survey for 1913. Bibliography: p. [1711-172. 84 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 803. Cook, Darius B. Six months among Indians, wolves and other wild animals, in the forests of Allegan count^^ Mich., in the winter of 1839 and 1840. Interesting stories of forest life. The exploits of Teeumseh and other chiefs, their cruelty to captives. How Tecmnseh was killed and who killed him. True Indian stories of the war of 1812-13, by Darius B. Cook. Niles, Mich., the author, 1889. 2 p. 1., 101 p. B; G; L C; S; U. 804. Cook, Samuel F. Drummond Island; the story of the British occu- pation, 1815-1828. By Samuel F. Cook. Author's ed. Lansing, Michigan, [R. Smith printing co.] 1896. 124 p. B; G; L C; S; U. 805. , . Mackinaw in history: a critique on Dr. John R. Bailey's brochure entitled Mackinaw, formerly Michilimackinac. By Samuel F. Cook. Author's ed. Lansing, Mich, [press of R. Smith & co.] 1895. 32 p. B;G;LC;S;U. . 806. Cook, Webster. Michigan, its history and government, by Webster Cook . . . New York, London, the Macmillan company, 1905. xii, 270 p. (Oti cover: Handbooks of American government). B; G; L C; S; U. 807. Cooley, Edgar A. Digest of the Michigan reports including Harring- ton's chancery reports. Walker's chancery reports, Douglass's Michigan., re- ports, 2 vols., and the regular series of Michigan reports, embracing three volumes by Gibbs, eight by Cooley, one by Meddaugh, five by Jennison, and three by Clarke. Being the former digest with the subsequent reports incor- porated, by Edgar A. Cooley. Ann Arbor, Gilmore & Fiske; Chicago, Cal- laghan & co., 1872. viii, 495 p. G; U. 808. [Cooley, Thomas Mclntyre]. A digest of the reported cases con- tained in the Michigan reports. Embracing Harrington's chancery reports, 1 vol.; Walker's chancery reports, 1 vol.; Douglass's Michigan reports, 2 vols. ; Michigan reports by Manning, 1 vol. ; Michigan reports by Gibbs, 3 vols. ; Michigan reports by Cooley, 8 vols. ; Michigan reports by Meddaugh, 1 vol. Ann Arbor, the compiler, 1866. xxviii, 430, 73 p. U. 809. , . Hints to young lawyers ; an address de- livered to the senior class of the law department, university of Michigan, March 24, 1870. Ann Arbor, courier print, 1870. 27 p. D. 810. , . The lawyer's duty to be faithful to his own manhood; closing address to the law students of Michigan university, March 21, 1878. Ann Arbor, Douglas & co., 1878. 19 p. B. 811. , . . . . Michigan ; a history of governments', by Thomas Mclntyre Cooley. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin and CO., 1885. viii, 376 p. (American commonwealths, [v. 5] ). B; G; LC;S;U. 812. , . Ibid. 4th ed. Boston, New York, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 85 Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1889. viii, 376 p. (American common- wealths, ed. by H. E. Scudder). L C. Series title also at head of title page. 813. , . Ibid. With a supplementary chapter by Charles Moore. [Rev. ed.]. Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1905. x p., 11., 409, [1] p. (Half title: American commonwealths, [v. 5] ). D;LC;U. Series title also at head of title page. ♦ 814. [ , ]. Mr. Justice Cooley on government ownership in Michigan. Detroit, Mich., the Michigan investor [1885?}. 8 p. G. 815. , . School boards; their duties and respon- sibilities. A paper read before the Michigan state teachers' association, by Hon. Thomas M. Cooley . . . Issued by the department of public instruct- tion. Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1882. 14 p. ■ S;U. 816. ■ — ■, . State bank issues in Michigan. A retro- spect of legislation, by Judge Thomas M. Cooley. (In Michigan political science association, publications. [Ann Arbor, 1893], v. 1, no. 1, p. [4]-22). B;G;LC;S;U. 817. Coolidge, Orville William. The relation of higher eduaction to the state. An address delivered before the alumni of Michigan university at commencement, June 27, 1878, by O. W. Coolidge, class of 1863. Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor printing and publishing co. [n. d.]. 15 p. B; G. 818. , . A twentieth century history of Berrien county, Michigan. Judge Orville W. Coolidge, author and editor . . . Chicago, New York, the Lewis publishing company, 1906. x, 1007 p. LC. 819. Coons, George Herbert. . . . The leaf -spot disease of tomato, by G. H. Coons and Ezra* Levin . . . East Lansing, 1917. 15 p. (Michigan agri- ctiltural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 81, June, 1917). MAC; S. Also in Fifty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 485-496. 820. , . . . . The po^tato diseases of Michigan, by G. H. Coons. East Lansing, Michigan, 1914. 31 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 66, A4arch, 1914). M AC;S; U. Also in Fifty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 383-409. 821. , : . . . . The septoria leaf spot disease of celery or celery blight, by G. H. Coons and Ezra Levin . . . East Lansing, 1916. 86- BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 8 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 77, March, 1916). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-fifth annual report of the secretary .of the state board of agriculture, p. 372-378. 822. Cooper, David Mack. An address delivered December 12, 1902, on the occasion of the semi-centennial dedication of the first house of worship, erected in the Saginaw valley, Michigan. By David Mack Cooper, [no im- print]. 36 p. B. 823. [ , ]. Extracts from the journal of Rev. John Mon- teith, concerning the introduction of the gospel into Michigan. [Detroit, John Bomman & son, printers, n. d.]. Caption title, 53-63 p. U. 824. [ , ]. [Historical and financial statement at the re- dedication of memorial Presbyterian church, January 24, 1892]. [Detroit? 1892?]. 10 p. B. No title page. 825. , . Life of David Bacon and Alice Parks Bacon his wife. Compiled from the Congregational quarterly, etc., by Rev. D. M. Cooper. Detroit [D. M. Cooper] 1892. 85 p. B. 826. , . An open letter to the Hon. Thomas W. Palmer, United States senator from Michigan, 1883-1889, minister to Spain, 1889- 1890, president of the world's fair at Chicago, 1893. [Detroit, 1908]. 13 p. B;D. 827. , . Obituary discourse on occasion of the death of Noah Henry Ferry, major of the fifth Michigan cavalry, killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, by Rev. David M. Cooper, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Grand Haven, Mich. Published by request. New York, John F. Trow, printer, 1863. 46 p. S. 828. , . A plea for the smaller college, an address de- livered on founders' day at Alma college, June 16, 1897. By David M. Cooper . . . Detroit, Mich., John Bomman & sons, printers, 1898. 46 p. U. 829. Cooper, James Fenimore. The oak-openings; or, the bee-hunter, by J. Fenimore Cooper . . . New York, D. Appleton and company, 1887. viii, 497 p. G. Pioneer life in southern Michigan. 830. Cooper, Morton Oscar. ... A study in the cost of producing milk ■on four dairy farms, located in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, by Morton O. Cooper . . . C. M. Bennett . . . and L. M. Church . . . Washington, Gov. print, off., 1917. Cover title, 35 p. (U. S. Dept. of agrictilture, bulletin no. 501, professional paper). L C. Contribution from the Office of farm management. "Literature cited": p. 34-35. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 87 831. Cooper, William Funk. Geological report on Bay comity [Michigan], by W. F. Cooper . . . Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford CO., state printers, 1906. 2 p. 1., [139J-426 p. L C. Published by the Michigan board of geological survey, as part of the Annual report for 1905. 832. Co-operative society of the national supply co. Prospectus of co- operative society of the national supply co. . . . Lansing, Michigan [1904]. Cover title, [16] p. S. 833. Copper country commercial club. Strike investigation, by the com- mittee of the copper country commercial club of Michigan, 1913. [Chicago, M. A. Donohue & company, printers, 1913]. Cover title, 85 p. B; LC;S. Signed: Edward Ulseth, Henry L. Baer, J. W. Black. Presented to Woodbridge N. Ferris, governor of Michigan. 834. The copper mines of Lake Superior. Hyde Park, printed at the Nor- folk county gazette office, 1873. 32 p. S. 835. Copper range consolidated company. . . . Annual report of the copper range consolidated company for the year ending December 31 . . . 10th (1911)-llth (1912). Including also reports of the Baltic mining com- pany, champion copper company, tri-motmtain mining company, copper range railroad company, copper range company and Atlantic mining company. Boston, Massachusetts, Samuel Usher, the Fort Hill press [1911- 1912]. U. 836. Copway, George. The life, history, and travels of Kah-ge-ga-gah- bowh, (George Copway) a young Indian chief of the Ojebwa nation, a con- vert to the Christian faith, and a missionary to his people for twelve years; with a sketch of the present state of the Objewa nation, in regard to Chris- tianity and their further prospects; also, an appeal; with all the names of the chiefs now living, who have been christened, and the missionaries now labor- ing among them. Written by himself. 2d ed. Philadelphia, James Harm- stead, 1847. X, 158 p. G. 837. Cornell, M. E. A brief account of the wonderful discovery of pre- historic relics, consisting of caskets, tablets, and alters, with written records of the moimd builders, by M. E. Cornell. [Battle Creek, Mich., 1893?]. 32 p. L C. 838. Cornell, W. F. The North Lansing business directory for the spring and stunmer trade of 1869. Published by W. F. Cornell & J. M. Longyear. North Lansing, Mich., W. F. Cornell, printer [1869]. Cover title, 16 p. S. 839. Cort, Cyrus. Col. Henry Bouquet and his campaigns of 1763 and 1764. By Rev. Cyrus Cort . . . Lancaster, Pa., Steinman & Hensel, printers, 1883. 2 p. 1., 96 p. L C. Prepared in accordance with a resolution of a committee of citizens of Westmoreland ••.. Pa. 88 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 840. Corwin, Ella F. The use of library bulletins. Ella F. Corwin, Michi- gan state library, Lansing, read at 14th annual meeting at Port Huron, May 26, 1904. [no imprint]. [4] p. (Bulletin of Michigan library association, no. 1). S. Reprinted from July, 1904, Public libraries. 841. Cottrell, Eber W. Revised edition of memoirs, by-laws, roster and album of the "Old guard" Detroit commandery no. 1, K. T., by E. W. Cott- rell, March, 1909. [Detroit?] 1909. 270 p. S. 842. Courtis, Stuart Appleton. . . . Manual of instructions for giving and scoring the Courtis standard tests in the three R's. [Rev. ed.]. Detroit, Mich., issued by the department of cooperative research, 1914. 125, [3] p. L C' 843. Cowles, Albert E. Past and present of the city of Lansing and Ingham county, JMichigan, by Albert E. Cowles. Historically together with biographical sketches of many of its leading and prominent citizens and illustrious dead . . . Lansing, Michigan, the Mich, historical publish- ing association [1905?]. 583 p. S. 844. Cowles, Anna Bryant. . . . Home canning by the one-period cold- pack method, by Anna Bryant Cowles . . . [East Lansing] 1917. 10 p. (Michigan agricultural college, extension division, club bulletin no. 10, May, 1917). MAC;S. 845. Cowles, Edward B. Berrien county directory and history, contain- ing historical and descriptive sketches of the villages and townships within the county, and the names and occupations of persons residing therein. 1871. Ed. B. Cowles, comp. and pub., Niles, Michigan. Buchanan, Mich., record steam printing house, 1871. 1 p. 1., [7]-384 p. L C; S. 846. Cowles, Henry Chandler. . . . The ecological relations of the vege- tation on the sand dunes of Lake Michigan . . . Chicago, the university of Chicago press, 1899. 119 p. L C. Thesis (Ph. D.) — University of Chicago. Bibliography: p. 116-119. 847. Cox, Isaac Joslin. The Indian as a diplomatic factor in the history of the old northwest. [By] Prof. Isaac Joshn Cox ... (In Ohio archaeo- logical and historical quarterly. Colimibus, 1909, v. 18, p. 542-565). B;LC;S;U. Also published in Proceedings of the Chicago historical society, v. 5, 1910. 848. Cox, Joseph Frank. Bean growing, [by] J. F. Cox . . . [East Lan- sing] Michigan agricultural college, extension division, 1917. 8 p. (Michi- gan agricultural college, extension division, bulletin no. 6, April, 1917). — M AC;S. 849. , . . . . How to carry out the bean-growing project, by J. F. Cox . . . [East Lansing] 1915. [7] p. (Michigan agricultural col- lege, extension division, club bulletin no. 3, May, 1915). M A C; S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 89 850. Cox, William J. A primer of Michigan history ; with a brief sketch of the material resources of the state. Compiled by Wm. J. Cox. Lansing, H. R. Pattengill, 1886. viii, 103 p. B; G; L C; S. 851. , . Ibid. 2d ed. (Fifth to tenth thousand). Lan- sing, Michigan, Henry R. Pattengill, 1888. viii, 102 p. S. 852. , . Ibid. 13th ed., rev. to date. 57th to 62nd thousand. Lansing, Michigan, Henry R. Pattengill, 1913. vii, 102 p. S. 853. Craig, James. Memorial of James Craig, asking an appropriation of swamp lands to aid in the improvement of the navigation of Sauble river. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printei's to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document No. 21). D; G; S; U. 854. Cranbrook papers, by the Cranbrook society ... 1st book; June 1900-Feb., 1901. Detroit, Mich., printed at the Cranbrook press, 1901. 4p. 1., 107, [l]p. G;LC;S. Illuminated letters and borders. The printing is the product of hand labor, upon hand- made paper. Limited ed. 855. Crane, Caroline Bartlett. A sanitary survey of Saginaw, Michigan, by Caroline Bartlett Crane, 1911. [Saginaw] 1911. Cover title, 42 p. S. 856. Crapo, Henry Rowland. Address delivered by his excellency, Gov. Henry H. Crapo, at the dedication of the library building of the Ladies' li- brary association of Flint, on June 30th, 1868. Flint, Mich., Wolverine citizen press, 1868. 16 p. L C; S. 857. , . Address delivered by Hon. Henry H. Crapo, governor of Michigan, before the central Michigan agricultural society at their sheep-shearing exhibition, held at the agricultural college farm, on Thursday, May 24th, 1866. Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., steam book and job printers, 1866. 20 p. S. 858. [Craves, James Paul]. Yesterday and today; being a story by word and picture of the city of Bay City and two of the leading institutions thereof. The first national bank and the Bay county savings bank . . . Bay City, Mich, [the Gregory press, cl916]. [32] p. L C. 859. Crawford, Sidney. Rufus Putnam and his pioneer life in the north- west, by Rev. Sidney Crawford . . . Worcester, Mass., press of C. Hamilton, 1899. 26 p. (From Proceedings of the American antiquarian society, at the annual meeting in Worcester, October 21, 1898). L C. 860. [Crawford county. Board of supervisors]. "Back to the farm" which is in Crawford county in the heart of Michigan, today "the land of op- portunity" especially for agriculture . . . Grayling, avalanche print [1910?]. Cover title, 40 p. S. 861. Crittenden, A. Riley. A history of the township and village of 90 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Howell, Michigan, by A. Riley Crittenden . . . Howell, Mich., Livingston tidings print, 1911. 2 p. 1., [7]-225 p. B; D; L C; S. 862. Crockett, Daniel Woolsey. A digest of all the decisions of the supreme court of Michigan, reported in the Michigan reports, the Detroit legal news, and the northwestern reporter, connecting with volume 6 of the Michigan digest published by the West publishing company, and bringing that digest down to October, 1912. Compiled under the American classification, includ- ing sectional key numbers. Prepared and edited by Daniel W. Crockett . . . Indianapolis, the Bobbs-Merrill company [cl913]. 4 p. 1., 1588 p. LC;S. 863. Crofoot, Frederic S. Detroit unveiled. A graphic and startling reve- lation of the mysteries of Michigan's metropolis, by Frederic S. Crofoot . . . Detroit, Sunday world print, 1887. 4 p. 1., 86 p. B; L C. 864. Croghan, George. ... A selection of George Croghan's letters and journals relating to tours into the western country — November 16, 1750- November, 1765 ... (In Thwaites, Reuben G., ed. Early western travels, 1748-1846 . . . Cleveland, 1904, v. 1, p. [45]-173). B; L C; S; U. 865. Cross, Arthur Lyon. A history of St. Andrew's church, Ann Arbor, Michigan, by Arthur Lyon Cross . . . Ann Arbor, G. Wahr, 1906. xi, 175 p. D;G;LC. Appendix VIII : Baldwin and Slocum lectures: p. 169-171. 866. Crossman, Daniel L. . . . Early French occupation of Michigan. Origin of the committee of the whole, by Daniel L. Crossman . . . Lansing, D. D. Thorp, state printer, 1889. Cover title, 22, 13 p. B; L C; S; U. At head of title: Lectures delivered before the house of representatives. 867. Crotty, D. G. Four years campaigning in the army of the Potomac, by Color Sergeant, D. G. Crotty, third Michigan volimteer infantry. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dygert bros. & co., printers and binders, 1874. 207 p. G;S;U. 868. Crowell & Murray. The iron ores of Lake Superior, containing some facts of interest relating to mining and shipping of the ore and location of principal mines, with original maps of the ranges, by Crowell & Murray . . . Cleveland, the Penton publishing company, 1911. 3 p. 1., 9-186, [2], vii p. G. 869. Crowley, Mary Catherine. A daughter of New France; with some account of the gallant Sieur Cadillac and his colony on the Detroit, by Mary Catherine Crowley . . . illustrated by Clyde O. DeLand. Boston, Little, Brown and company, 1901. xii p., 1 1., 409 p. B; G; L C; S. 870. , . The heroine of the strait ; a romance of Detroit in the time of Pontiac, by Mary Catherine Crowley . . . illustrated by Ch. Gnmwald. Boston, Little, Brown and company, 1902. x p., 1 1., 373 p. B;G;LC;S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 91 871. , . Love thrives in war; a romance of the frontier in 1812, by Mary Catherine Crowley . . . illustrated by Clyde O. De Land. Boston, Little, Brown and company, 1903. viii p., 2 1., 340 p. B;G;LC;S. 872. Crozier, A. A. Crimson clover and other topics ... by A. A. Crozier. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1895. 40 p. (Michigan agricul- tural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 125, June, 1895). M AC;S;U. Also in Thirty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 171-208. 873. , — . — . The cultivated raspberries, by A. A. Crozier. (Michi- gan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 111. In Thirty- fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agrictilture. Lan- sing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1896, p. 252-324). • M AC;S;U. 874. , — . — . Forage crops and wheat, by A. A. Crozier . . . Agricultural college, Mich., 1897. [111]-145 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 141. February, 1897). M AC-S;U. Also in Thirty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 256-285. 875. , — . — . Millet, by A. A. Crozier. Agricultural college, Michi- gan, 1894. 64 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bul- letin no. 117, December, 1894). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 401-459. 876. , — . — . Ibid. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1894. 8 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 2, December, 1894). M A C; S; U. 877. , — . . The modification of plants by climate, by A. A. Crozier. Ann Arbor, Mich., the author, 1885. 35 p. — G; S. 878. Cmnmings, Charles L. . . . The great war relic. Together with a sketch of my life, service in the army, and how I lost my feet since the war, also, many interesting incidents illustrative of the life of a soldier . . . Comp. and sold by Chas. L. Cummings . . . [n. p., 189-]. Cover title, 48 p. LC. 879. , . The great war relic. Valuable as a curiosity of the rebellion. Together with a sketch of my life, service in the army, and how I lost my feet since the war; also, many interesting incidents illustrative of the life of a soldier. Comp. and sold by Chas. L. Cimimings . . . [no im- print]. Cover title, 48 p., 1 1. L C. 880. Cummins, Alva M. The new Michigan judicature act and other practice acts, with forms, all statutory law relating to civil procedure, com- 92 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN mcntarics and annotations, new authorized fonns, by Alva M. Cummins . . . and Franklin A. Beecher . . . Detroit, F. S. Drake, 1916. 1 p. 1., [v]-xvi, 1192 p. LC;S. 881. Cummins, Robert Hazlett. Journal written during a tour of the great lakes in August, 1885. [New York, DeVinne press] 1895. 36 p. G. 882. Currier, A. O. . . . List of the shell-bearing mollusca of Miehigan, especially of Kent and adjoining counties. Grand Rapids, Kent scientific institute, 1868. 12 p. G. At head of title: Kent scientific institute, mis«ellaneous publications. 883. Curtis, J. E. Fish in the national park and tributaries of Snake river — Propagation of whitefish, by J. E. Curtis. (In Bulletin of the United States fish commission for 1884. Washington, 1884, vol. IV» p. 335-336). LC. 884. Curtis, Orson B. History of the twenty-fourth Michigan of the iron brigade, known as the Detroit and Wayne county regiment . . . by O. B. Curtis . . . Detroit, Winn & Hammond, 1891. 483 p. B; G; L C; S;U. 885. Curwood, James Oliver. The great lakes, the vessels that plough them: their owners, their sailors, and their cargoes; together with a brief his- tory of our inland seas, by James Oliver Curwood; with 72 illustrations and a map. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1909. xvi, 227 p. G;LC;S. 886. Custard, Mrs. Alexander. French settlement in St. Joseph county, by Mrs. Alexander Custard . . . Mendon, Michigan, the leader press [1912]. 30 p. S. 887. Custer, Elizabeth B. "Boots and saddles," or life in Dakota with General Custer, by EHzabcth B. Custer . . . New York, Harper & brothers, 1885. 312 p. S. 888. , — . Ibid. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1904. 312 p. S. 889. , . Following the guidon, by EHzabeth B. Custer . . . New York, Harper & brothers, 1890. xx, 341 p. 3. 890. [ , .]. General Custer at the battle of Little Big Horn. New York, printed, not published, 1897. [5] p. S. 891. , . Tenting on the plains, or General Custer in Kansas arid Texas, by Elizabeth B. Custer . . . New York, Harper & brothers [cl887]. x, 17-403 p. S. 892. , . Ibid. . . New York, Charles L. Webster & company, 1889. xiii p., 1 1., 702 p. S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 93 893. Custer, George Armstrong. Wild life on the plains, and horrors of Indian warfare, by General G. A. Custer, U. S. A.; with a graphic account of his last fight on the Little Big Horn, as told by his wily foe, Sitting Bull; also sketches and anecdotes of the most renouned guides, scouts and plainsmen of the west, General Crook and the Apaches ... St. Louis, Mo., sun publish- ing CO., 1885. 528 p. S. 894. Cutcheon, Byron M. Fifty years of growth in Michigan; an address delivered before the Michigan state Congregational association, at its annual meeting held in Jackson, May 19, 1892, by Hon. Byron M. Cutcheon. [no imprint]. Caption title, 27 p. B; G; S; U. 895. , . Inmemoriam. Eulogies upon the life and char- acter of Hon. John A. Logan, of Illinois, and Hon. Seth C. Moffatt, of Michi- gan, delivered in the house of representatives, by Hon. Byron M. Cutcheon, of Michigan, February 16, 1887, and February 29, 1888. Washington, 1888. 15 p. S. 896. , . The story of the twentieth Michigan infantry, July 15th, 1862, to May 30th, 1865; embracing official documents on file in the records of the state of Michigan and of the United States referring or rela- tive to the regiment. Comp. by Byron M. Cutcheon . . . Lansing, Mich., R. Smith printing co., 1904. 271, [1] p. D; L C; S; U. 897. Cutler, Harry Gardner. History of St. Joseph county, Michigan; prepared under the editorial supervision of H. G. Cutler, general historian; . Hon. R. R. Pealer, Charles B. Kellogg, E. B. Linsley, Mrs. Delia S. Cros- sette, Mrs. AHce M. Bosset, Mrs. Henry Church, Mrs. W. C. Cameron, and other leading men and women, advisers and contributors . . . Chicago, New York, the Lewis publishing company [1911]. 2 v. L C. Paged continuously. 898. Cutler, William P. The ordinance of July 13, 1787, for the govern- ment of the territory northwest of the river Ohio. A paper read before the Ohio state historical and archaeological society, February 23rd, 1887, by Hon. Wm. P. Cutler; with an appendix containing valuable historical facts. Marietta, 0., E. R. Alderman & sons [1887?]. 48 p. G. 899. Cutter, Charles. Cutter's guide to Mt. Clemens ... the great health and pleasure resort of Michigan; by Charles Cutter ... 3d ed. Mt. Clemens, Mich. [cl893]. 65 p. G. 900. , . Ibid. 6th ed. [Mt. Clemens? cl898J. 65 p. G. 901. ■ , . Ibid. [20th ed.]. [Battle Creek, Mich., Gage printing co., ltd., cl913]. Caption title, 72 p. B; L C. Title reads: Cutter's official guide to Mount Clemens and its world famous mineral baths. . . Ed. and comp. by John Milton Cutter. On cover: 1893-1914. 94 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 902. , . Ibid. 22d ed., 525,000. [Mt. Clemens? Mich). C. Cutter & son fcl9161. Cover title. 72 v. L C. 903. Cyclopedia of Michigan; historical and biographical, comprising a synopsis of general history of the state, and biographical sketches of men who have . . . contributed toward its development . . . New York and Detroit, western publishing and engraving co. [cl890]. 346 p. B; D;LC:U. 904. Ibid. New York & Detroit, western pub. & engraving co. [1900]. 340 p. D; G;LC;S. 905. DaboU, Sherman B. Past and present of Clinton county, Michigan, by Judge S. B. DaboU, assisted by D. W. Kelley, together with biographical sketches of many of its prominent and leading citizens and illustrious dead. Illustrated. Chicago, the S. J. Clarke publishing co., 1906. 575 p. LC. 906. Daily state Republican, Lansing. Happy new year! 1888; carriers' address, daily state Republican. [Lansing, 1888.] Cover title, 8 p. S. 907. [Dana, C. W.]. The garden, of the world, or, the great west; its his- tory, its wealth, its natural advantages, and its future. Also comprising a complete guide to emigrants, with a full description of the different routes westward, by an old settler. With statistics and facts, from Hon. Thomas H. Benton, Hon. Sam Houston, Col. John C. Fremont, and other "old settlers. " Boston, Wentworth and company, 1856. 7,[13]-396 p. L C. Later editions, 1857-1861, pub. under title: "The great west; or, the garden of the world" have author's name on title page. 908. Dana, Edmund. Geographical sketches on the western country : de- signed for emigrants and settlers : being the result of extensive researches and remarks. To which is added, a simimary of all the most interesting matters on the subject, including a particular description of all the unsold public lands, collected from a variety of authentic sources. Also a list of the principal roads. By E. Dana. Cincinnati, Looker, Reynolds & co., 1819. iv, [5]- 312 p. LC. 909. [Daniells, J. T.j. The history of memory day. [no imprint]. Cap- tion title, 22 p. S. 910. Darby, William. A tour from the city of New York, to Detroit, in the Michigan territory, made between the 2d of May and the 22d of Septem- ber, 1818 ... By WilHam Darby . . . New York, pub. for the author, by Kirk & Mercein, 1819. viii, [9J-228, Ixiii, [7] p. B; G; L C; S. 911. , . View of the United States, historical, geographi- cal, and statistical; exhibiting, in a convenient form, the natural and Artificial featiu-es of the several states, and embracing those leading branches of history and statistics best adapted to develop the present condition of the North BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 95 American union . . . Philadelphia, H. S. Tanner, 1828. 2 p. 1., 654 p. G. 912. Dash, M. A history of the city of Lansing from the foundation thereof down to the present time, by M. Dash . . . Lansing, W. S. George & CO., steam book and job printers, 1870. iv, 48 p. S. 913. Dau's blue book for Detroit, including Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, Birmingham, Grosse lie, Grosse Pointe, Grosse Pointe Farms, Mt. Clemens, Northville, Pontiac, Orchard Lake, Wyandotte and Ypsilanti ... [v. 1-29] 1885-1914. New York city, Detroit, Dau publishing co., [cl885-1914]. B*;D*;G*;S*. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1885, 1896, 1897, 1899, 1901-1904, 1906-1913, 1916; the main library, Detroit, has 1885-1914; the Grand Rapids PubHc Library has 1909, 1912; the State Library has 1901-02. 1914. 914. Daughters of the American Revolution. Lansing chapter. Lansing chapter no. 292, organized October 3, 1896. [Lansing, 1916]. 16 p. S. 915. . . Twenty- fifth year of the Lansing chapter, daughters of the American revolution; or- ganized October third, 1896. [Lansing, 1915]. [23] p. S. 916. . Michigan. [Program of] 13th-16th annual conference . . . [Ann Arbor] 1913-1916. S*. *The State Library has 13th and 16th. 917. . . . . Report of gifts, from date of organization to October, 1916. Comp. by Mrs. A. J. Brosseau, state secretary . . . [Ann Arbor, the Ann Arbor press, 1917?]. 25 p. L C. At head of title: Daughters of the American revolution of Michigan. 918. ■■ . . Reports of state secretary, state treasurer, and state historian, daughters of the American revolution of Michigan, state conference, Ann Arbor, 1916. Bay City, Mich., Hurley bros., printers, binders and stationers [1916]. 40 p. S. 919. . . Year book of the daughters of the American revolution of Michigan . . . 1914-15 to 1915-16. Ann Arbor, the Ann Arbor press, [1914 P-1916?]. L C; S. Place of publication varies. 1915 has title: Year book and history . . .from organization to state conference, 1915. 920. . Sophie de Marsac Campau chapter, Grand Rapids. . . . Program for 1901-02 to 1908-09. Grand Rapids, Michigan [1901-1908]. S*. *The State Library has 1901-02, 1902-03, 1907-08, 1908-09. 921. . 96 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN , . . . Year book . . . 1909-10 to 1914-15. [Grand Rapids? 1909?-1914?]. S*. Objects of the society are also given. *The State Library has 1909-10. 1911-12 to 1914-15. . 922. Daughters of 1812. Michigan. Programme for bronze statue of Major General Alexander Alaeomb. Detroit, 1906.. Cover title, 8 p. D. 923. Davenport, Eugene. Feeding steers of different breeds, by Eugene Davenport. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1890. 15 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 69, November, 1890). — M A C; S; U. Also in Twenty-ninth annual report of the secretary. of the state board of agriculture, p. 353-365. 924. , . . . . Pigs. Breeding tests. Potatoes. — Variety tests. By Eugene Davenport. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1890. 10 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment sta- tion, bulletin no. 60, April, 1890). M A C; S; U. Also in Twenty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 264-269. 925. Davidson, George I. Building inspector's hand book of Grand Rapids; containing the building laws, plumbing and sewerage laws, rules and regulations, mechanics' lien laws, electric laws, rules and suggestions; glos- sary' of electric terms, steam boilers and steam engineers' laws, rules, etc.; a complete hand book for architects, contractors, builders, plumbers, engi- neers, and any who are engaged in the erection of buildings; directory of architects, contractors, and builders, manufacturers and dealers in building materials. [Grand Rapids] Herbert Amstein [1909]. 194 p. G. 926. Davis, Calvin Olin. Public secondary education, by Calvin Olin Davis . . . Chicago, New York, Rand, McNally & company [cl917]. xiv, 270 p. L C. "Sources consulted": p. xii-xiv. 927. Davis, Charles Albert. '. . . Field work in towns and cities, by Charles A. Davis. [Ann Arbor] 1906. lip. (Field studies in botany, pub. by the university of Michigan . . . Prepared by the botanical dept. . . . University bulletin, new ser., v. 7, no. 15, botanical series, no. 4 [i. e. 5] June 15, 1906). L C. 928. , . Peat, essays on its origin, uses and distri- bution in Michigan, by Charles A. Davis . . . Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1907. 1 p. 1., [95]-395 p. G;LC;S;U. Published by the state board of geological survey, as a part of the report for 1906, and a contribution also to the biological surv^ey of the state, authorized by act 250, session 1905. "Select bibliography": p. 173-179. 929. , . . . . Wood-lot studies, by Charles A. Davis. [Ann Arbor] 1906. 16 p. (Field studies in botany, pub. by the university of BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 97 Michigan . . . Prepared by the botanical dept. . . . University bulletin, new ser., v. 7, no. 10, botanical series, no. 3, April 15, 1906). LC. 930. Davis, Gager C. The army worni, by G. C. Davis. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, press bulletin [no. 2]. In Thirty- third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture. Lan- sing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1894, p. 430-431). M AC;S. 931. , . Celery insects, by G. C. Davis. Lansing, Robert Smith & CO., state printers and binders, 1893. [24J-52 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 102). M A C; S; U Also in Thirty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p 140-169. 932. , . Locusts. The hom-fiy, by G. C. Davis . . [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1893. 9 p (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 98, July 1893). M. AC;S;U. Also in Thirty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, o 397-402. 933. , . . . . Pests of house and ornamental plants, by G. C. Davis . . . Agricultural college, Mich., 1896. 45 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 2 [3?], November, 1896). M AC;S. 934. , . [Some injurious insects]. I. Climbing cutworms. IL Control of the common granary insects. III. Carpet beetles and clothes moths. By G. C. Davis. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1896. 30 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 132, April, 1896). M AC;S;U. Also in Thirty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 375-401. 935. Day, D. H. Glen Lake region . . . [by] D. H. Day. Glen Haven, Michigan, 1911. [16] p. S. 936. Dean, M. L. Notes on small fruits, by M. L. Dean. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1903. [51]-60 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, bulletin no. 206, February, 1903). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 167-176. 937. Dean-Hicks printing company. Efficiency: a habit, being a few obsen^ations on the growth of a business. Grand Rapids, Dean-Hicks print- ing company, 1910. not paged. G. 938. [ ]. Grand Rapids, Michigan, the furni- ture city . . . [Grand Rapids, cl904]. not paged. S. 939. Dearborn, Henry Alexander Scammel. Defence of Gen. Henry Dear- bom, against the attack of Gen. William Hull, by H. A. S. Dearborn. Boston, 13 98 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN printed by E. W. Davies. 1824. 28 p. [With Hull, William, defendant. Trial of Brig. Gen. William Hull . . . Boston, 1814]. B; L C. 940. Deep waterways convention. Lake transportation. Proceedings of the deep waterways convention held at Detroit, Mich., December 17 and 18, 1891 . . . Detroit, Detroit free press printing co., 1892. 95 p. L C; S. 941. Delamarter, L. Distribution of the deaths reported from diphtheria, by counties, in Alichigan, in each of the seven years 1876-82, by Rev. L. Dela- marter, with additions by Henry B. Baker, M. D. . . . [Lansing? 1884?]. [111]-115 p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1883. Reprint no. 149). S. 942. De Land, Charles Victor. De Land's history of Jackson county, Alichigan; embracing a concise review of its early settlement, industrial de- velopment and present conditions, together with interesting reminiscences, comp. by Colonel Charles V. De Land . . . [Logansport? Ind.] B. F. Bowen, 1903. 3 p. 1., [13]-1123 p. L C. 943. DeLisle, W. H. Directory of Bay City, Portsmouth, Wenona, and Bangor, for 1868-9. Embracing historical sketches of each locality, their saw mills, salt works, factories, and various organizations, together with alpha- betical and classified lists of all residents; their, profession, trades and pursuits, county and city officers, railroads and steamboats. Also a classified business directory. Compiled and published by W. H. DeLisle. Bay City, J. C. Wil- son, printer, 1868. 287 p. U. 944. Delta boating and fishing club, Detroit. By-laws . . . [no im- print]. 7 p. B. 945. Democratic association of Detroit. Celebration of the anniversary of the battle of New Orleans by the Democratic association of Detroit; ad- dress by Hon. G. V. N. Lothrop, president of the association; speech by Hon. J. G. Sutherland, Congressman elect, and Hon. Byron G. Stout; address of Hon. Wm. P. Wells; and speeches by Dr Pratt, Hon. S. C. Coffinberry and J. Logan Chipman; [also list of officers of the as.sociation] . [Detroit, 1871?]. 12 p. B. 946. Democratic party. Michigan territory. Proceedings of the Demo- cratic territorial convention, held at Ann Arbor, on the 29th and 30th January, 1835. Detroit, printed at the Free press office, 1835. 16 p. S. 947. Democratic Republican party. Michigan territory. . . . Address of the committee appointed by the territorial Democratic Republican conven- tion, held at Ann Arbor, the 12th February, 1833. [Detroit, 1833]. Caption title, 14 p. B; S. At head of title: Democratic free press, extra. 948. Dennis, Mrs. C. The petition of Mrs. C. Dennis and one hundred BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 99 and fort3'-four other ladies, of Van Buren county, praying that the sale of in- toxicating liquors as a beverage may be prohibited b}^ law and that the sale of same for medicinal and mechanical purposes may be regulated by law. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, senate document no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 949. De Peyster, Arent Schuyler. Miscellanies, by an officer. (Colonel Arent Schuyler De Peyster, B. A.), 1774-1813, part I. With an appendix, explanatory notes, &c., &c., &c. Original letters of Col. De Peyster, Brig. Gen. Sir John Johnson, bart: Col. Guy Johnson, and others from 1776 to 1813, never before published. Also discovery of the De Peyster Islands in the Pacific Ocean; part 11. Biographical sketches and historical memoirs, especially public and military, of the De Peyster, Watts, and affiliated families, since their settlement in the present United States, by J. Watts De Peyster . . . New York, A. E. Chasmer & co. [etc.] 1888. Cover title, 2 v. in 1. B;LC. Pt. 2 has imprint: New York, C. H. Ludwig. Reprint, with extensive additions by the editor, of a volume of poems by A. S. De Peyster, first pubUshed, Dumfries, Scotland, 1S13. Several of the poems relate to the author's experiences as commandant of the British post at Mackinac Island, Michigan. 950. De Puy, E. Cora. Pebbles and pearls. Sketches of the life-work of Mrs. Agnes L. d'Arcambal in the interests of prisoners . . . by E. Cora De Puy . . . Battle Creek, Mich., Chicago [etc.] review and herald publishing co., 1891. 94 p., 1 1. L C; S; U. 951. De Schweinitz, Edmund Alexander. The life and times of David Zeisberger, the western pioneer and apostle of the Indians, by Edmimd De Schweinitz. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co., 1870. xii, 13-747 p. B;LC;S. 952. Description of the medical and surgical sanitarium, located at Battle Creek, Mich. [Battle Creek?] 1891. [28] p. S. 953. Descriptive America; a geographical and industrial monthly maga- zine. Michigan . . . New York, G. H. Adams & son, 1884. Cover title, [63]-104 p. S. 954. A descriptive pamphlet of the authors' carnival held in young men's hall, Detroit, Jime 7th to 12th, 1875. Benefit of Y. M. C. A. and home of the friendless. Together with the letters of Mrs. Betsy Springer to the "Spindletown banner." Detroit, Machris & Endriss, 1875. 36 p. B;S. 955. Detroit. Agricultural committee. Report [to the common council] on the cultivation of idle land by the poor and unemployed . . . 1895-1896. [Detroit, 1895-1896]. B; G*; S*. *The Grand Rapids Public Liljrary and the State Librar}' each have 1896. 956. . Annual reports of the several mimicipal commissions, 100 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN boards and officers of the city of Detroit . . . 1870 to 1914-15. Detroit, 1870-[1915]. S*; U*. Title varies. *The State Library has 1870 to 1908-09, 1914-15; the U. of M. Library has 1871-1881, 1893, 1898-99 to 1904-05. 957. . Architects' and builders' directory of Detroit . . . archi- tects, builders, contractors, plumbers, masons, supply houses, real estate dealers, etc. . . . v. 1-3. Detroit, F. A. Barrett, 1905-1907. D. V. 2 title reads ... of Detroit and Wayne co. V. 3 title reads ... of Detroit and eastern Michigan. 958. . Art association. Constitution and by-laws . . . Detroit, Gulley's steam presses [1876?]. not paged. B. 959. . Art club. Catalogue of the first annual exhibition and art loan under the auspices of the art club of Detroit, May 18 to June 1, 1895. Detroit, Wm. Graham printing c6. [n. d.]. 66 p. B. 960. . Art Collection. [Catalogues, etc., of various art collections on exhibition and for sale, 1876 to 1891]. [Detroit, 1876-1891]. B. Contents. — (a) Collection of modern oil paintings at Wardell and Walsh sales rooms, January, 1876.- — (b) Fall exhibition of Detroit artists at Angell's gallery, 1877. — (c) Gale collection of oil paintings, and supplementary collection by Michigan artists exhibited at the 32d state fair, 1880, by A. J. Brow.— (d) 2d exhibition of the Gale collection, 1881.— (e) 3d exhibition of the Gale collection, 1882. — (f) Detroit sketching club exhibition; list of exhibitors, 1881. — (g) Oil paintings and art specialties exhibited at the 35th state fair, 1886, by A. J. Brow and others. — (h) W. H. Fanning's water color exhibitions at Randall's gallery. May, 1883. — (i) J. B. Morse's paintings on exhibition at Randall's art galleries, Noyember fl 883 ?].—(]) C. F. Haseltine collection of paintings. May, 1884.— (k) ]. H. Dolph's collection of paintings at gallery of A. J. Brow, October, 1886. — (1) Wilkin's col- lection of paintings of Rocky Mountain scenery, at A. J. Brow's art emporium, no date. — (m) Certificates nos. 23996, 23999, Friend and Smith's art distribution, January, 1882. — ■ (n) Spring exhibition, Detroit water color society, 1889. — (o) Invitation and catalogue; Percy Ives studio reception, January 16-18, 1890. — (p) Catalogue of paintings in water colors by C. Harry Eaton exhibited at galleries of Hanna & Noyes, April, 1891. 961. . Art loan. . . . Catalogue of art works exhibited . . . Ar- ranged by Miss Clara A. Avery, assisted by Miss Cornelia L. Campbell and Mrs. H. L. Stone. [Detroit, Mich., press of J. F. Eby & company, cl883]. 174 p. B;LC;S;U. 962. . Art loan record; one volume, September 1 to November 14, 1883 . . . Detroit, Henry A. & Kate B. Ford, 1883. 196 p. S. 963. [ . Associated charities]. Social service directory of Detroit. [Detroit] 1917. 141 p. S. 964. . . The associated charities of De- troit; its reorganization, purposes and methods. Detroit, 1909. 14 p. B. 965. . Association of charities. By-laws of the Detroit association of charities. 3 p. B. No title page. 966. . ' . Proceedings of annual meeting . . . 2nd (1881)-18th (1897). Detroit 1882-[1897?]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 2nd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 11th, 17th, 18th. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 101 967. . Athlet'c club. Articles of association and by-laws . . . 1887-1893. Detroit, 1888-1893. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1887, 1890, 1893. 968. . Audubon club. The constitution and by-laws . . . De- troit, F. Raymond, 1872. 18 p. B. 969. . Bank clerks' association. Constitution and by-laws . . . House rules and list of members . . . Detroit, John F. Eby «fe cd., printers, 1889. 30 p. B. 970. . Bankers' club. [Yearbook] semi-annual banquet; annual meeting. Detroit, 1901-1905. B*; G*. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1902, 1903; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1901-1903, 1905. 971. . Baptist young people's union. The Baptist vest pocket manual. Published by Detroit Baptist young people's union. Detroit, 1901. 23 p. B. 972. . Bar. Memorial of the members of the Detroit bar relative to the payment of the traveling and other expenses of the judges of the su- preme court, and for an amendment of the constitution relative to an increase of the salaries of the circuit judges ; reported by a committee for that purpose appointed, and formally adopted on the 15th day of January, 1857. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state. 1857]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 14). B; D; G; S; U. 973. . Bar association. Act of incorporation, constitution and by-laws of the association of the bar of the city of Detroit, with list of officers and members. Detroit, M'Cormack 8c M'Elroy, steam job printers, 1881. 24 p. B. 974. . . Act of incorporation, articles of associa- tion, and by-laws, officers and members of the Detroit bar association. Or- ganized May 5th, 1881. Detroit, 1897. 56 p. B; U. 975. . . Articles of association, by-laws and list of members of the Detroit bar association . . . Detroit, press of Raynor & Taylor, 1906. 56 p. B. 976. . . . . . The first centennial anniversary, cele- bration and banquet. "John Marshall day." February 4th, 1901. In memory of John Marshall, and his installation as chief justice of the supreme court of the United States, February 4, 1801. A record of the proceedings, letters, papers, etc. . . . together with the orations and addresses delivered in Detroit and in Michigan: containing also a report of the action of the Michigan legislature ... Ed. and comp. by William L. January . . . Under authority of the Detroit bar association and the acquiescence of the state bar. [Detroit, Morrison printing co., 1901]. [80] p. (In Dillon, J. F., 102 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN comp. Centcnar}' and memorial addresses and proceedings ... on Marshall day, 1901. [New York, 190—] v. 3). L C; S. At head of title : 1 80 1 . 1 90 1 . Addresses by John C. Donnelly, Luther Laflin Mills, Alfred Russell, and Russell C. Ostrander. 977. . . The new Wayne county court house ; dedi- cation of the new Wayne county court house, Detroit, Michigan, October eleventh, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and two, by the Detroit bar association, together with an account of the development of the judicial system in Michigan as related to Wa3^ne county and of buildings formerly occupied by the Wayne circuit court. Incidents of the construction of the new building and reminiscences of the bench and bar of Detroit. De- troit, printed by the Detroit bar association, 1903. 3 p. 1., 101 p. B;LC;S. 978. . Board of commerce. Annual report ... 1st (1904)-10th (1913-14). [Detroit, 1904-1914?]. B*; G*. First report has title : Report of the directors ; address of President Hudson. Full title of 8th report: Detroit yesterday and today. Eighth annual report of the Detroit board. of commerce, 1911-1912. *The Burton Historical Collection has lst-8th ; the Grand Rapids Public Library-has 10th. 979. . . Detroit ; the recreation side of a big American city. [Detroit] Detroit board of commerce, 1910. 19 p. B; D. . Cover title: Happy days in Detroit. 980. . . Detroit and its automobiles; A. A. A.; sixth annual glidden tour, July 10, 11, 12, 1909. Issued by Detroit board of commerce. Detroit [1909.^]. 18 p. B. 981. . . The Detroit board of commerce rep- resents co-operative effort for a better Detroit. Detroit, Joseph Mack print- ing house [n. d.]. not paged. D. 982. . . Detroit, seventh in population, sixth in manufactures, fifth in building construction, fourth in central west clear- ings. [Detroit] 1913. Cover title, 24 p. D. 983. . . The Detroiter. [Monthly], Septem- ber, 1910-August, 1912. [Detroit] board of commerce, 1910-1912. 2 v. D. 984. . . The educational side of a big American city. Published bv the Detroit board of commerce. Detroit, 1913. 21 p. B. 985. . . Improvement of the city of Detroit; proposed extension of Washington boulevard; report of the directors to the membership in general session, October 16, 1906. Detroit, 1906. 20 p. B. 986. . . Information for immigrants in De- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 103 troit, Michigan, preparing to be American citizens . . . [Detroit, board of commerce, 1916?]. 47, [1] p. S. 987. . . International commerce of North America. Statement showing correlation and mutuality of interest between Canada and the United States, and considerations in advocacy of a new com- mercial treaty. Submitted by the committee on international commerce . . . [Detroit] Detroit board of commerce, 1904. 15, [1] p. L C. 988. [ . ]. A record of thirteen years. [Detroit, 1916]. [12] p. B;LC. Illustrations mounted on title page. 989. . . Recreation surve3^ Detroit, Michigan, made for the committee on recreation system of the Detroit board of com- merce by Rowland Haynes . . . assisted by Mrs. Rowland Haynes . . . [Detroit, 1913]. 71 p. D; U. 990. . . Report of the joint sanitation com- mittee of the Detroit board of commerce and city officials. Detroit, 1912. 20 p. B; D. 991. . ■■ . Souvenir book of the Detroit industrial exposition, June 20 to July 6, 1910. Issued by the exposition committee of the Detroit board of commerce. Detroit, 1910. 64 p. B. 992. . Board of education. . . . Annual report of the board of education of the city of Detroit . . . 18th (1860)-72nd (1914-15). Detroit, 1861-[1915?]. ^B*; G*;S*;U*. Report year irregular: June 30, 1883-1915. 1873 includes: Course of study in the New York city public schools. Title varies slightly. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1860, 1863-1865, 1867. 1869, 1870, 1874-1877, 1882-83, 1885-86, 1887-88 to 1898-99, 1901-02, 1902-03, 1904-05, 1906-07, 1908-09, 1914-15; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1862, 1863, 1866, 1902-03, 1904-05, 1905-06, 1908-09, 1911-12; the State Library has 1860, 1869 to 1915; the U. of M. Library has 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1874, 1877, 1879, 1880, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891-1896, 1898-99, 1900-01. 993. . . Cardboard construction and sewing; a report of the manual training department, from the report of the board of education, city of Detroit, 1905-06. [Detroit, 1906]. 22 p. G. 994. . . Catalog of the Cass techincal high school. Detroit, Michigan, the board of education, 1913. 49 p. U. 995. . . Course of study in geography, Detroit public schools. [Detroit, E. H. Streeter printing co.] 1915. 190 p. D. 996. . . . . . Course of study in language for elementary grades, 1909-1910. Annual report 1909, September, 1909. [De- troit, Mich., Griswold press, printers, 1909]. 191, cxv p. S. 997. . . Course of study in language for the first, second and third grades of the Detroit public schools, 1906-1907. [De- troit, 1906?]. 162, 40 p. B. 104 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 998. . . Course of study in language for the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades of the Detroit pubHc schools, 1908-1909. [Detroit, 1908 :i. 107, 54 p. B. 999. . . Directory of the Detroit public schools and rules of the board of education, October, 1896. [Detroit, 1896?]. 91 p. B. 1000. . . Education in Detroit, 1916. Depart- ment of superintendence, national education association, Feb. 21-26, 1916. Prepared by the Detroit public schools. [Detroit? 1916.^]. 204, [4] p. LC. 1001. . . English composition for use in the Detroit public schools. [Detroit?] 1917. 158 p. L C. 1002. . . Hand book of the Detroit junior high schools. Pub. by the board of education. 1916-1917. [Detroit, Heitman- Garand co., printers and binders, 1916. 129 p., 11. L C. 1003. . . ... Is a change necessary or desir- able? [Detroit, 18—]- Caption title, [3] p. S. 1004. . . Manual of the board of education and directory of the public schools of Detroit, Mich. Comp. by George Brown, secretary, April 4, 1902. [Detroit, 1902]. 136 p. L C; U. 1005. . • Memorial of a committee of the board of education of the city of Detroit, respecting an amendment of the law rela- tive to public schools in said city. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, senate document no. 14). B;D;G;S;U. 1006. . . A nature study outline for first and second grades. Detroit, 1908. 91 p. B. 1007. . . Outline courses: reading, history and civics, geography, arithmetic, spelling, physiology and hygiene, music, 1908; for primary and grammar grades. Detroit, Griswold press [1908?]. 172 p. B. 1008. . . Outline of course in domestic science- grammar grades . . . [Detroit, 1905?]. 8 p. B. 1009. . . Outline of work — evening schools; elementary, high and continuation schools, September, 1908. [Detroit, 1908?]. 26 p. B. 1010. . . Proceedings . . . 1879 to 1915-16. Detroit [1879?-1916?]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1879 to 1881-82, 1886-87, 1888-89 to 1892-93, 1898-99, 1900-01 to 1915-16. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 105 1011. . . . . . Recommendation of the super- intendent of schools to estabHsh continuation school for girls, [no imprint]. [4] p. (From the Proceedings of the board of education, November 9th, 1911). B. At head of title : Bulletin 17. 1012. . . Report of the committee on library, of the board of education of Detroit, on the foundation of the library, January 1, 1864. Detroit, free press print, 1864. Cover title, 15 p. D; L C. 1013. • . The reports of the committee of the board of education of the city of Detroit, on the petition for the admission of the Bible into the public schools of the city. Detroit, printed by Harsha & Willcox, 1844. 33 p. B. 1014. . . Rules and regulations . . . Revised March 4, 1872. [Detroit, 1872?]. 35 p. B. 1015. • . Rules ... as revised, November 8, 1888. Detroit, Wm. Graham printing co., 1889. 46 p. ■ B. 1016. . • . Scenes from history and literature! given by pupils of grammar and elementary grades. May 25-26, 1916. [Pro- gram]. [Detroit, 1916]. [3] p. B. 1017. . . Special report of the school for the deaf; from the report of the superintendent of schools, being part of the fifty-ninth annual report of the board of education ... for the year ending June 30, 1902. [Detroit, Friesema bros. printing co., n. d.]. 35 p. B. 1018. . Board of estimates. Proceedings . . . 1897-1911. [De- troit, 1897?-1911?]. B*; D*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1897-1901, 1903, 1906, 1908, 1909; the main librar>', Detroit, has 1900, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1911; the U. of M. Library has 1904. 1019. . Board of health. . . . Annual report of the board of health of the city of Detroit ... 1st (1881-82)-34th (1914-15). Detroit, 1882-[1915?]. B*; D*; S*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1881-82, 1893, 1894, 1901-02, 1902-03, 1904-05, 1906-07, 1908-09, 1909-10, 1914-15; the main library, Detroit, has 1881-82 to 1912-13; the Grand Rapids PubHc Library has 1881-82, 1909-10 to 1911-12; 1913-14, 1914-15; the State Library has 1886-87 to 1891-92, 1894, 1896 to 1914-15; the U. of M. Library has 1887-88 to 1889-90, 1901-02. 1020. • . Bulletin of the Detroit board of health devoted to the dissemination of information about matters pertaining to the public health ... v. 1 (August, 1910)-v. 9 (June, 1917). Detroit, 1910- 1917. S*; U*. *The State Library has v. 1, no. 2-12; v. 2-9; the U. of M. Library has v. 4, no. 10; v. 5, no. 7-9, 11; V. 6, no. 9-12. 1021. . Board of poor commissioners. . . . Annual report of the lOG BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN board of poor commissioners to the common council of the city of Detroit . . . 1st (1880-81)-34th (1913-14). Detroit, 1881-1915. B*; D*; S*; U*. Fiscal year ends June 30. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1895-96, 1897-98, 1902-03, 1904-05. 1909-10, 1911-12; the main library, Detroit^ has 1886, 1896-97 to 1911-12; the State Library has 1880-81 to 1908-09, 1913-U; the U. of M. Library has 1911-12. 1022 . Board of sewer commissioners. Report of the board of sewer commissioners to the common council of the city of Detroit . . . 1859- 1873. Detroit, 1860-1874. B*; S*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1859-1863, 1869, 1870; the State Library has 1869-1873. 1023. . Board of trade. Annual report of the board of trade of the city of Detroit . . . 1861-1894. Detroit [1862?]- 1895. B*;D*;S*. Full title in 1874 reads: Detroit, its trade and commerce for the year 1874. Being the twelfth annual report of the board of trade. . . Report for 1882 includes "Sketch of the public life of the Detroit board of trade, from its organization up to 1882," by J. K. Maclver. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1867, 1869, 1880, 1882, 1883, 1885, 1887-1894; the main library, Detroit, has 1861-1862, 1864, 1865, 1867, 1869, 1871-1875, 1880, 1882- 1894; the State Library has 1874, 1891, 1892, 1894. 1024. . . Annual statement of the trade and com- merce of Detroit; [with other information] 1860-1869. Detroit, 1861-1870. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1860, 1862, 1869. 1025. . . Constitution and by-laws . . . instituted November 20, 1847. Detroit, N. Rawson, printer, 1848. 10 p. B. 1026. . . Constitution, by-laws and rules . . . Detroit, Slater's printing establishment, 1863. 18 p. B. 1027. . .' Constitution, by-laws and 'rules . . . Detroit, free press book and job ptg. house, 1879. 23 p. B. 1028. . . Niagara ship canal. The necessities of the great west require a depth of not less than fourteen or fifteen feet. An unanswerable argument of the subject. [Detroit, 1866]. Caption title, 3 p. LC. 1029. . Board of trustees. Proceedings of the board of trustees of the city of Detroit, from the time of organization, October 24, 1815 to September 6, 1824. [Detroit, 1904]. 93 p. D. Followed by the Journal of the common council of Detroit. 1030. . Board of water commissioners. Act of incorporation, by- laws, and rules and regulations of the board of water commissioners of the city of Detroit. Detroit, free press mammoth book and job jDrinting house, 1861. 32 p. B; S. 1031. . . Act of incorporation of the board of water commissioners of the city of Detroit, as amended by legis- lature of 1873. [Detroit] free press printing house [n. d.]. 18 p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 107 1032. . . . . . Annual report of the board of water commissioners of the city of Detroit to the common council ... 1st (1852)-64th (1915-16). Detroit [1852]-1916. B*; D*; G*; S*; U*. Title varies. ^*The Burton Historical Collection has 39th, 43rd, 44th, 46th-48th, 50th-52nd, 54th, 57th, 58th; the main library, Detroit, has lst-64th; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 45th-63rd; the State Library has lst-63rd; the U. of M. Library has 62nd, 64th. 1033. . . Copy of Chauncey Hurl- but 's will and the proceedings taken by the board of water commissioners of Detroit in the naming of Gladwin park, [no imprint]. 20 p. B. 1034. . . Regulations of the board of water commissioners of the city of Detroit, January 1, 1873. Detroit, Wm. Graham's steam presses, 1873. 23 p. B. 1035. . Boat club. Articles of association, constitution and by- laws of the Detroit boat club of the city of Detroit. Adopted July 18, 1884. Detroit, J. F. Eby & co., ptrs., 1884. 62 p. B. 1036. . Brady guards. Constitution of the Brady guards of the city of Detroit, adopted April 13, 1836. [Detroit, Morse & Bagg, printers, n. d.]. 7 p. B. 1037. . Bridge and iron works. Memoir of the iron bridge over the Missouri river, at St. Joseph, Mo., built in 1871-2-3, by the Detroit Bridge & iron works, of Detroit, Mich. [Detroit' 1873?]. 53 p. LC. 1038. . Builders' and traders' exchange. Alphabetical and classified hst of members. [Detroit, 1912]. 2 v. D. 1039. . . The builders' and traders' exchange; a live, local organization of broad interests; what it is; what it stands for; what it is doing, [no imprint], not paged. B. 1040. . Building commission. Annual report [of the building commission] 1st (1911)-4th (1914). [Detroit, 1911P-1914?]. B*; D. *The Burton Historical Collection has lst-3rd. 1041. . . The building code and builders' guide of the city of Detroit, being an ordinance defining the duties and power of the department of buildings and the establishing of a building code for the city of Detroit, approved Feb. 14, 1911. Rev., indexed and ed. by the building commission. Detroit, Detroit legal news co., 1912. 261 p. D. 1042. . . Building code proposed for the city of Detroit ; drafted and compiled by building commission under direction of James S. Rogers . . . Detroit [n. d.]. 157 p. B. 1043. . Bureau of governmental research. PubHc business, pub-' 108 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN lished every two weeks by the Detroit bureau of governmental research, inc. to circulate facts concerning the city, county and state governments for the citizens of Detroit, no. 1 (March 23, 1917)-no. 3 (June 14, 1917). De- troit. 1917. S. 1044. . Cass avenue Methodist Episcopal church. . . . Direc- tory, 1901. Detroit, Wm. Graham printing co. [1901]. 32 p. B. 1045. . . Directory for 1904. Detroit, J. A. Topping & co., printers [1904]. 40 p. B. 1046. . . Prospectus for the women's societies, 1906-1909. [Detroit, 1906-1909']. B*. *The Burton Historical CoUection has 1906, 1907, 1909. 1047. . . Year book, 1887-1911, with directory of the congregation. Detroit, 1887-[1911?]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1887 and 1911. 1048. . Central high school. Dedication of the Detroit central high school, January 13 to 15, 1897. [Detroit, 1897]. 65 p. B; D. 1049. . . The quiver; published Easter, 1901, in the interest of the students and teachers of the Detroit central high school. [Detroit, 1901]. not paged. B. 1050. . Central Methodist Episcopal church. Central Methodist Episcopal church; its past, present and future. [Detroit, 1915]. 22 p. B. 1051. . . Central Methodist Episcopal Sunday school; catalogue of officers, teachers and scholars, January 1, 1868; a brief history of the school from the date of its organization . . . hints to teachers, etc. Detroit [1868?]. 16 p. B. 1052. . . Directory of the central Methodist Episcopal church. 1871-2. Detroit, Wm. Graham, 1871. 40 p. B. 1053. . . Names of members of the central Methodist Episcopal church; [with the amounts pledged by different individuals for their new church edifice]. [Detroit? 1866?]. 36 p. B. Xo title page. 1054. . . Order of exercises at laying the comer stone [of the new edifice of the central Methodist Episco- pal church] July 3, 1866. [no imprint]. [3] p. B. No title page. 1055. . Chamber of commerce. Detroit, its commerce and indus- tries. Facts of interest concerning Michigan's metropolis. Detroit, 1895. 8 p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 109 1056. . . Parcels post rates; a memorial to congress, adopted by the chamber of- commerce, merchants and manufac- turers' exchange, manufacturers' club, and paint, oil and varnish club, of De- troit, Mich. [Detroit] 1898. 12 p. B; L C. 1057. . Charity festival. Illustrated catalogue of the floral and musical charity festival, Detroit, Mich. Prepared by Mrs. H. H. H. Crapo Smith . . . April 22, 23, 24, 25, 1890. [Detroit, printed by J. F. Eby &co.,cl890]. 67 p. B;LC. 1058. . Charters. By-laws and ordinances of the city of Detroit, to which is prefixed the revised charter of said city, ajoproved April 4, 1827. Detroit, printed by Geo. L. Whitney, 1831. 88 p. B. 1059. — • . . By-laws and ordinances of the city of Detroit to which is prefixed the amended charter of said city, approved April 22, 1833. Detroit, printed by Sheldon M 'Knight, city printer, 1833. 31 p. B. 1060. . . By-laws and ordinances of the city of Detroit, revised and adopted by the common council; to which is prefixed the city charter, and the amendments thereto. Detroit, printed by Bagg and Harmon, 1842. viii, 125, [1] p. S. 1061. . . The revised charter and ordinances of the city of Detroit. Pub. by order of the common council. Detroit, Rawson, Duncklee & co., printers, 1848. 238 p. B. 1062. . . The revised charter and ordinances of the city of Detroit. Pub. by order of the common council. Detroit, Wilbur F. Storey, printer to the city, 1855. 310 p. ■ B; U. 1063. . . Revised charter of the city of Detroit, pub- lished by order of the common council. Detroit, Wilbur F. Storey, printer to the city, 1857. 121 p. B. 1064. . . Revised charter (as amended) of the city of Detroit. Pub. by order of the common council. Detroit, W. F. Storey, printer to city, 1859. 147 p. B. 1065. . . The charter of the city of Detroit, (as amended) ; together with acts of the legislature relating to the city, with an appendix. Printed by order of the common council. Detroit. W. F. Storey, city printer, 1861. 207 p. B. 1066. . . The charter of the city of Detroit, as amended; together with acts of the legislature, relating to the city. Compiled and printed by order of the common council. Detroit, tribune company, printers to the city, 1867. 394 p. B; G; S; U. 1067. . . The charter of the city of Detroit as amended; together with acts of the legislature relating to the city. Compiled and printed 110 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN b}^ order of the common council. Detroit, tribune printing company, 1874. 390 p. S. 1068. . . [Bill to revise charter, 1876]. [Lansing, 1876]. 107 p. — S. 1069. . . The revised ordinances of the city of Detroit for the year 1878; rev. and pub. by order of the common council. Detroit, imion job printing co., 1878. 335 p. B. 1070. . . The charter of the city of Detroit as amended; together with acts of the legislature, relating to the city. Comp. and printed by order of the common council. Detroit, post and tribune job co., city printers, 1880. 4 p. 1., Ixx, 9-481 p. B; L C; U. 1071. . , Charter amendments; laws relating to the city of Detroit, passed by the legislature of 1881. Detroit, post and tribune job CO., city printers, 1881. 53 p. B. 1072. . . The charter of the city of Detroit ; together with acts of the legislature, relating to the several boards, commissions and courts of the city. Comp. by John B. Corliss, city attorney, and printed by order of the common council. Detroit, post and tribune job co., city printers, 1883. 349 p. B ; U. 1073. . . The charter of the city of Detroit together with acts of the legislature relating to the several boards, commissions and courts of the city of Detroit . . . Detroit, post and tribune job co., city printers, 1886. 431, Ixxix p. B; U. 1074. . . The charter of the city of Detroit and acts of the legislature relating to the several boards, commissions and courts of the city of Detroit; together with the general election laws. Compiled under the direction of John J. Speed, city counselor, by order of the common council. Detroit, Thos. Smith printing co., city printers, 1893. 445, 78 p. B;G;S;U. 1075. . . The charter of the city of Detroit, with amend- ments thereto, and the acts of the legislature relating to or affecting the city of Detroit. Comp. under the direction of Timothy E. Tarsney . . . pursuant to resolution of the common coimsel [council]. Detroit. T. Smith press, 1904. 664 p. B;LC;S. Amendment (p. 248a-d) inserted after p. 248. The copy in the State Library has 789 p., pages 665-789 being: "Special elections, sub- missions of propositions, etc. " 1076. . . Glinnan municipal ownership charter amend- ment, to be submitted to the electors of the city of Detroit, January 23, 1912. Printed by order of the common council, [no imprint]. 6 p. B. 1077. . . Amendments to the charter of the city of De- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 111 troit, to be voted upon at the election, April 7, 1913. [Detroit, 1913?]. 23 p. B;U. 1078. . . Proposed charter of the city of Detroit as re- ported back to the charter commission by the revision committee, September 29, 1913. Detroit, Conway brief co., 1913. 318 p. B. 1079. . ■—. Proposed charter of the city of Detroit. To be voted upon at a special election, February 10, 1914. [Detroit] press of the Houghton-Jacobson printing co. [1913?]. Cover title, 2 p. 1., 175 p. B;D;G;LC. "Address to the people of the city of Detroit, submitting the proposed revision of the charter" (2 p. 1.) signed: Frederick F. Ingram, Joseph Merrell, Patrick W. Keating^ Loren W. Burch, committee on address to the people. "Adopted by the charter commission at the session of November 5, 1913." 1080. . . Amendments to the city charter, to be submitted to the electors of the cit}- of Detroit, November 3, 1914. [no imprint]. 24 p. B. 1081. . . Proposed amendments to the city charter, to be submitted to the electors of the city of Detroit, April 5, 1915 . . . [no im- print]. 23 p. B. 1082. . . Amendments to the city charter, to be submitted to the electors of the city of Detroit, July 9, 1915 . . . Detroit, Houghton- Jacobson printing co. [1915]. 6 p. B. 1083. . . Proposals for purchase by the city of Detroit of all street railway property in the one-fare zone including agreement, pro- posed charter amendments and other matters appertaining thereto. To be voted on at a special election, Tuesday, November 2nd, 1915. [Detroit, 1915]. 31 p. B. 1084. . . Charter amendments; special acts, adopted Aug. 29, 1916. November 7, 1916 . . . [Detroit, 1916?]. Cover title, 45 p. vS. 1085. . Children's free hospital association. . . . Annual report of the children's free hospital association . . . 6th (1892)-18th (1904). Detroit, Mich., 1893-1905. B*. Report year ends Dec. 31. *The Burton Historical Collection has the 6th, 7th and 18th. 1086. — . Christ church. Final report of the building committee of Christ church, May 25, 1863. [Detroit, 1863]. 7 p. B. 1087. . Chrysanthemum exhibition. Official programmes and premium list of the second annual chrysanthemum exhibition, Nov. 11- 14, 1890. Detroit, G. S. Hill [1890]. 32 p. '- B. 1088. . Church of the United Brethren in Christ. . . . Some in- formation about the church nearest you . . . [Detroit, n. d.]. [4] p. B. 112 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1089. . Cigarmakers' benevolent association. Constitution and by-laws . . . Detroit, Michigan journal print [n. d.]. 36 p. B. 1090. . ... A citizen's interdenominational Thanksgiving service, Detroit opera house, November 27, 1902 . . . [Program]. [Detroit, American press. 1902]. [2] p. B. 1091. . City plan and improvement commission. ... A center of arts and letters. Detroit, 1913. lip. S. 1092. . . • • . City tree planting; the selection, planting and care of trees along city thoroughfares, by T. Glenn Phillips, landscape architect. Detroit, the commission, 1910. 25 p. B. At head of title: Report no. 1. January, 1910. 1093. . . Ibid. Detroit, the commission, 1914. 26 p. S. At head of title: Detroit city plan and improvement commission. Report no. 1, revised, December, 1914. 1094. . . Conditions in Detroit, 1915, by Frederick Law Olmsted. Together with a report made by Professor Olmsted to the Detroit board of commerce in 1905. Detroit, the commission, 1915. Cover title, 36 p. B; L C; S. 1095. . — • • • • James Scott memorial fotmtain, statement of progress. Detroit, 1914. 8 p. L C. At head of title: City plan and improvement commission. A report made to the mayor. 1096. . '- • Preliminary plan of Detroit. Edward H. Bennett, architect. Together with sketch plans for a new bridge to Belle Isle, by Cass Gilbert, architect, Barclay, Parsons & Klapp, engineers. Detroit, the commission, 1915. [8] p. B; S. 1097. . • Program of com- petition for the selection of an architect to design and supervise the construc- tion of the James Scott fountain. Detroit, 1914. 15, [1] p. D; L C; S. On cover: Detroit city plan and improvement commission. Program for the James Scott fountain. February, 1914. 1098. . — . • • ■ Report on a center of arts and letters. October, 1913. [Detroit, 1913]. 10 p. B; LC;U. At head of title: • Detroit city plan and improvement commission. "Report of Edward H. Bennett and Frank Miles Day on a site for a center of arts and letters": p. 8-10. 1099. . City tract association. First annual report . . . 1847. Detroit, printed by Charles Willcox, 1847. 16 p. B. 1100. . Clearing house association. Constitution of the Detroit BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 113 clearing house association, organized 1883. Detroit, John F. Eby & co., printers, 1883. 11 p. B. 1101. . Club. Constitution and house rules of the Detroit club with list of officers and members, 1882. [Detroit, printed by the Detroit free press CO., 1882?]. 37 p. B. 1102. . ■ . The Detroit club of the city of Detroit; articles of association, rules, by-laws, officers and members. [Detroit?] 1899. 102 p. LC. 1103. . Commercial mutual association. By-laws of the com- mercial mutual association. [Detroit, star job print, n. d.]. not paged. B. 1104. . Commissioner 0* public works. . . . Annual report of the commissioner of public works of the city of Detroit to the common council . . . [1st (1874)] -40th (1913-14). Detroit [1874]-1914. B*; D*; S*; U*. Title varies: 1874 to 1899-1900, Annual report of the board of public works . . . 1900-01 to 1908-09, Annual report of the department of public works . . . Report vear ends June 30. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1886-87, 1887-88, 1897-98, 1899-1900, 1901-02, 1902-03, 1904-05 to 1909-10, 1913-14; the main library, Detroit, has 1874 to 1899-1900, 1901-02, 1902-03, 1904-05 to 1909-10, 1913-14; the State Library has 1874 to 1908-09, 1913-14; the U. of M. Library has 1908-09. 1105. , Committee in behalf of the colored citizens. Memorial of a committee in behalf [of] the colored citizens of Detroit, avsking that the con- stitution be so amended as to extend to them the right of suffrage. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 7 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1865, house document no. 3). D; G; S; U. 1 106. . Committee of entertainment for the delegates to the inter- national American conference, 1889-1890. Detroit: a sketch prepared for the use of the delegates to the international American congress, by the sec- retary of the Detroit committee of entertainment. Detroit [printed by Ray- nor & Taylor] 1889. 47, [1] p. L C; S. Prepared by Charles Moore, secretary. 1107. . Committee on equitable legislation. Treatise on proposed changes in the law of marriage. To the legislature of the state of Michigan from the committee on equitable legislation, of Detroit, Wayne county, Michi- gan. [Lansing? 1915?]. [6] p. U. 1108. . Committee of fifty on street railway question. . .. Reports of investigation of the street railways of the city of Detroit. Comp. by Charles A. Nichols, city clerk. [Detroit, Houghton Jacobson printing com- pany, 1910?]. 123, [l]"p. B; L C. At head of title: The committee of fifty. 1109. . Common council. Journal of the common council . . . 15 114 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN September 21, 1824-February 25, 1913. Detroit [1824:']-1913. B*: D*;S*;U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has September 21, 1824-March 14, 1854; April 10 1855-March 24, 1856; March 31, 1857-January 12, 1858; May 31, 1859- January 10, 1860 January 1, 1861-IMarch 31, 1866; April 1, 1867-January 11, 1887; January 13, 1891-1913 the main library. Detroit, .has vScpteml)cr 21, 1824- January 13, 1913; the Stale Library has March 12, i852-March 31, 1871; January 9, 1872- January 12, 1875; January 9, 1877- January 9, 1900; January 8, 1901-January 12, 1904; January 10, 1905-Januarv 9, 1912; the U. of M. Library has 1855-1892, February 25, 1913. 1110. . . Manual of the common council, to- gether with list of officers of the city of Detroit . . . 1861 to 1916-17. De- troit, 1861-[1916?]. B*; D*; G*; S*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1875, 1876, 1884, 1886, 1893-1908, 1910 to 1916-17; the main library, Detroit, has 1861, 1869, 1872-1877, 1879-1880, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1888, 1891, 1893 to 1901-02, 1904-05, 1907 to 1916-17: the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1893, 1904-05, 1911-12, 1913-14: the State Library has 1873, 1876, 1880, 1896-97; the U. of M. Library has 1873, 1875, 1894. 1111. . . . . . Remarks of William Hale, alder- man of the second ward of the city of Detroit, made in the council chamber of said city, May 8, 1860, upon the subject of Cass parks. Illustrated with plans and perspective views. Detroit, Barns, French & Wa3% printers, 1860. 14 p. B. 1112. . . Report of the special committee ap- pointed by the common council of the city of Detroit, on the subject of taxa- tion and exemption . . . Detroit, William F. Moore, city printer, 1889. 17 p. B. 1113. . . Standing committees and rules of order . . . 1895-1896. Detroit, 1895-1896. B. 1114. . Community trust. [General purpose and plan of opera- tion]. [Detroit, 1915]. 19 p. B. 1115. — . Controller's office. Annual report of the controller of the city of Detroit . . . 1857-58 to 1915-16. Detroit, 1858-1917. B*; D*; G*; S*. Report year irregular. 1915-16 is 60th annua! report. Title varies: 1870-71 to 1880-81, 1882-83 to 1904-05, Annual report of the controller of the city of Detroit of the receipts and expenditures of the corporation . . . 1881-82, Report [etc.1. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1862-63, 1870-71, 1894-95. 1900-01 to 1902-03, 1913-14; the main library, Detroit, ha.s 1857-58, 1861-62, 1863-64 to 1867-68 1870-71 to 1878-79, 1880-81 to 1888-89, 1890-91 to 1892-93. 1894-95 to 1896-97, 1898-99 to 1903-04, 190.5-06, 1907-8, 1909-10 to 1913-14; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1888-89. 1892- 93 to 1898-99, 1901-02 to 1903-04, 1906-07 to 1913-14; the State Library has 1860-61 to 191.5-16 1116. . . Comparative statistics showing the general and financial condition of the cities of Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Milwaukee, Newark, Jersey City, Louisville and Alinneapolis, together with the cost of maintenance of the several departments thereof, as furnished by the city officials of each city, and compiled for the BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 115 common council and board of estimates of the city of Detroit, March, 1902. Comp. by F. A. Blades, controller . . . [Detroit] 1902. Cover title, 19 p. B;LC. 1117. . . Comparative table showing the gen- eral and financial condition of the cities of Detroit, Cincinnati, Buffalo, Louisville, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Cleveland, Milwaukee, and Rochester, to- gether with the cost of maintenance of the several departments of the same, as furnished by the city officials of each city, and submitted to the common council and board of estimates of the city of Detroit with the estimates for 1899. Comp. by F. A. Blades, controller . . . [Detroit] 1899. Cover title, [11] p. LC. 1118. . . . . . Estimates as submitted for the fiscal years 1889 to 1916-17, showing the amount in detail required for con- ducting the several departments of the city government, the appropriations allowed for the fiscal years . . . and the itemized expenditures of the depart- ments for the fiscal year . . . [Detroit, 1889P-1917?]. B*; D*; S*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1889, 1892-1893, 1898 to 1916-17; the main library, Detroit, has 1899-1907; the State Library has 1899, 1900, 1904. 1119. . . . . . The honorable, the common council. [Report on garbage disposal by American cities]. [Detroit, 1898]. 12 p. L C. At head of title: Office of the controller, Detroit. 1120. . Convention and tourists' bureau. Beautiful Detroit. Pub. by the Detroit convention and tourists' bureau. [Detroit, n. d.]. 38 p. B. 1121. r-. . Visions of beautiful Detroit. Pub. by Detroit convention and tourists' bureau. [Detroit, 1915]. not paged. B. 1122. . Council of trades and labor unions. Annual labor day souvenir, 1892-1901. [Detroit, 1892-1901 rj. B*; G*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1892, 1894, 1895, 1897, 1901; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1892. 1123. . Cyclorama company. Prize essays on the great cyclorama of the battle of Atlanta, written by pupils of the schools of Detroit, according to the awards of prizes made by the Detroit cyclorama company, January, 1888. [Detroit] F. B. Dickcrson & co. [1888]. 16 p. B. 1124. . Dental society. [Officers and meetings]. [Detroit, 1900?]. not paged. B. 1125. . Department of parks and boulevards. . . . Annual re- port of the department of parks and boule\'ards to the common comicil of the 116 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MICHIGAN city of Detroit ... 1st (1889)-26th (1914-15). Detroit, 1890-[1915?]. — B*; D*;G*; S*; U*. Title varies: 1889 to 1899-1900, Annual report of the commissioners of parks and boulevards ... 1900-01 to 1903-04, Annual report of the commissioner of parks and boulevards . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 9th-16th, 19th, 20th, 23rd, 26th; the main library, Detroit, has 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th, 13th-15th, 18th, 19th; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1st, 5th, 7th, llth-26th; the State Library has 5th, 23rd, 25th, 26th; the U. of M. Library has 8th, nth, 15th-17th. 1126. . Dept. of public works. Official building code of the city of Detroit, November, 1914. [no imprint]. 178 p. B. 1127. . Dime savings bank. The dime savings bank. Detroit, 1914. not paged. B. 1128. . Eagle fire company. Constitution and by-laws of eagle fire company no. 2, of the city of Detroit, adopted January 5th, 1858. De- troit, printed by H. Bams, tribune office, 1857. 14 p. B. 1129. . Elmwood cemetery. Elmwood cemetery, its rtdes, regula- tions, etc., and list of subscribers and proprietors, 1846. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, ptrs. [1846:-']. 16 p. B. 1130. . . Report of board of trustees, 1st, (lS50j-10th (1880-82). Detroit, 1851-1882. B*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has lst-7th, 9th-10th; the U. of M. Library has 6th. 1131. . Federation of labor. . . . Annuallabor day review; com- piled and issued by the labor day committee imder authority of the federa- tion. 1908. [Detroit] the Clarke-Cowdin company, 1908. 80 p. S. At head of title page: Instituted April 12, 1880. Detroit federation of labor. 1132. . Fire and marine insurance co. Charter and by-laws of the Detroit fire and marine ins. co. of the city of Detroit. Detroit, 0. S. Gulley's steam presses, 1866. 18 p. B. 1133. . Fire dept. . . . Annual report of the fire commis- sion to the common coimcil of the city of Detroit . . . 3rd (1869-70) -47th (1913-14). Detroit, 1870-[1914]. B*; S*. Title varies slightly. Early reports contain reports of the chief engineer. Report year ends June 30. *The Burton Historical Collection has 41st; the State Library has 3rd-42nd, 47th. 1134. . . Charter, constitution and by-laws of the fire department of the city of Detroit . . . Detroit, 0. S. Gulley's steam printing house, 1878. 32 p. B. 1135. . . Charter, constitution and by-laws of the fire department of the city of Detroit . . . Detroit, O. S. Gulley, Bomman & CO., book and job printers, 1883. 32 p. B. 1136. . . The fire department of the city of De- troit. Legal opinions of Geo. V. X. Lothrop, Geo. H. Lothrop, Ashley Pond BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 117 and Theodore Romej'n, as to the power of the legislature to amend our charter so as to enable the department to wind up its affairs, and dissolve the cor- poration. Detroit, 0. S. Gulley, Bomman& CO., printers, 1883. 20 p. B. 1137. . . A memorial of James A. Van Dyke, published by the fire department of the cit}^ of Detroit . . . Detroit, printed by W. F. Storey, 1856. 124 p. D; L C; S; U. Contents. — In memoriam J. A. Van Dyke. — Eulogy on J. A. Van Dyke by D. B. Duf- field. — Proceedings of the Detroit bar. — Correspondence. — Address by J. A. Van Dyke before the fire department, 1853. — Extracts from the argument of J. A. Van Dyke in the great railroad conspiracy case tried in Detroit, 1851. 1 138. . . Memorial, by order of the trustees of the old fire department of Detroit, to the senate and house of representatives of the state of Michigan. [Detroit, 1881]. 4 p. B. 1139. . . Names of signers to the constitution of the Detroit fire department since its incorporation, February 14th, 1840. Detroit, Wm. Graham's steam presses, 1872. 38 p. B. 1140. . . Rules and regulations of the fire de- partment of the city of Detroit. Detroit, Raynor & Taylor, steam job print- ers [1883?]. 58 p. B. 1141. . Firemen's fund association. By-laws of the firemen's fund association of the city of Detroit . . . Detroit, Gulley's press, 1872. 15 p. B. " 1142. . . A souvenir containing an account of the service, from leather bucket times to the present fire depart- ment. James E. Tyron, editor . . . Detroit, firemen's fund association, 1889. 141 p. B. 1143. . First Congregational church. Books in the library of the first Congregational Sunday school. Detroit, W. L. Smith printing co., 1891. 31 p. B. 1144. . . Byzantine art and the new old first. Published by young people's society, Christian endeavor, first Con- gregational church. Detroit, 1891. not paged. B. 1145. . — . Fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the first Congregational church arid society of Detroit . . . December 8th, 9th, and 10th, 1894. [Detroit, cl895]. 173 p. B. 1 146. . . The first Congregational church, and society of Detroit, 1893. [Detroit, John Bomman & son, printers, 1893']. 64 p. -^— B. 1147. . . The profession of faith, covenant, and rules of practice of the first Congregational church of Detroit. Detroit, tribune job office print, 1871. 10 p. B. 118 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1148. . • The profession of faith and covenant of the first Congregational church of Detroit. Detroit, tribune printing co., 1874. 8 p. B. 1149. . • Quarter centennial; twenty- fifth anniversary of the organization of the first Congregational church of Detroit, Michigan. December 8th, 9th, and 10th, 1869 . . . Detroit, tribune book and job office, 1870. 156 p. B; S; U. 1150. . First Congregational Unitarian society. Catalogue of Sunday school books of the Unitarian church, Detroit . . . Detroit, W. Gra- ham, printer, 1884. 34 p. L C. 1151. . First national bank. The golden anniversary of the first national bank of Detroit [1863-1913] . . . [Detroit, Franklin press, 1913]. not paged. D. 1152. . First Presbyterian church. Articles of faith and covenant of the first Presbyterian church adopted 1826. Revised and printed Novem- ber, 1834. Detroit, George L. Whitney, ptr., 1834. 12 p. B. 1153. . . Articles of faith and covenant of the first Presbyterian church of the city of Detroit. Revised and printed February, 1850. Detroit, printed by W. W. Hart, 1850. 24 p. B; S. 1 154. . . Catalogue of the Sunday school library of the first Presbyterian church, 1874-75. Detroit, W. E. Tunis, ptr., 1874. 24 p. B. 1155. . . Dedicatory services . . . May 17th-May 20th, 1891 . . . [Detroit, 1891]. [4] p. B. 1156. . . Directory, 1883. Detroit, Gulley printing house, 1883. 39 p. B. 1157. . . Exercises at the laying of the comer stone . . . October 7, A. D. 1889. [Detroit, 1889]. 44 p. B. 1158. . . Manual of the first Presby- terian church of Detroit, Michigan. October, 1872. Published under the direction of session. Detroit, O. S. Gulley's steam printing house, 1872. 39 p. B. 1159. . . Remonstrance of the first Presbyterian church, of the city of Detroit, against division of the school fund. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, senate document no. 20). B; D; G; S; U. 1160. . . Report, constitution and by- laws of the helping hand society of the first Presbyterian church, Detroit. Detroit, W. E. Tunis, printer, 1875. 5 p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 119 1161. '. . Roll of members, and pew holders of the first Presbyterian church, January 1, 1878. Detroit, O. S. Gulley press, 1878. not paged. B. 1162. . . . . . Subjects for the young people's meetings . . . [no imprint]. [4] p. B. At head of title: 1877-8. 1163. . First United Presbyterian church. Handbook of the first United Presbyterian church . . . containing reports for the year ending March 31, 1910, with a list of members and adherents; also miscellaneous in- formation. [Detroit, 1910?]. 33 p. B. 1164. . Flower show. Official program and premium list of the 3rd annual flower show . . . 1891. Detroit [1891]. 32 p. B. 1165. . Fort street Presbyterian church. Directory of member- ship, 1898. [Detroit, 1898?]. 24 p. B. 1166. . . Fiftieth anniversary discourse . . . February nineteenth, 1899. [Detroit, 1899]. 39 p. B. 1167. . . Manual, 1856-1894. Detroit, 1856-1894. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1856, 18.57, 1867, 1872, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1891-1894. 1168. . . Record of the services connected with the twenty-fifth anniversary of the organization of the Fort street Presbyterian church . . . Comp. under the direction of the session. Detroit, O. S. Gulley's steam printing house, 1874. 126 p. B; S. 1169. . . Three score and six. [Detroit, 1915]. 15 p. B. 1170. . Gas light company. Charter and by-laws . . . with the terms of supplying gas, explanation of the meter, index, etc. Detroit, tribune book and job printing house, 1862. 43 p. B. 1171. . . Terms upon which the public "will be supplied with gas by the Detroit gas light company ; with the explanation of the metfer, index, etc. Detroit, tribune book and job printing house, 1862. 20 p. B. 1172. . . Tenns upon which the public will be supplied with gas by the Detroit gas light company; with the explanation of the meter, index, etc. Detroit, F. A. Schober & bro., printers, 1865. 21 p. B. 1173. . Grace church. Constitution, by-laws and annual report of the 3'oung men's association of Grace church, 1872-73. Detroit [1873?]. [40] p. " B. 120 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1174. . . Constitution, by-laws and list of members of the \'oung men's association of Grace church, 1878. Detroit, E. B. Smith, ptrs. [1878?]. [16] p. B. 1175. . Grand lawn cemetery. Grand lawn cemetery; a cem- etery worthy of dedication to the use of the beautiful city of Detroit, [no inprint]. not paged. B. 1176. . . Grand lawn cemetery; Grand River avenue. [Detroit, 1908]. 15 p. B. 1177. . Harmonic society. Souvenir . . . 1895-1896. Detroit, W. J. Gentsch [n. d.]. 18 p. B. 1178. . Heating and lighting co. The celebrated Detroit Bolton hot water heater, the only steel pipe heater . . . Sole manufacturers Detroit heating and lighting compan5^ [Detroit, W. Graham printing co., cl892]. 64 p. L C. p. 57-64, advertsing matter from other firms. 1179. . . Instructions for setting and con- necting Bolton hot water heaters. Detroit [cl899]. Sheet. L C. Illus. on back. 1180. . High school. Argus. [Monthly], v. 1-3. Detroit, 1890- 1892. D. 1181. . . Argus annual for 1896. Published in the in- terests of the Detroit high school scholarship fund. Detroit, Beta chapter [1896?]. 183 p. B. 1182. . . The helicon, 1898, v. 4. Detroit, the wol- verine ptg. CO. [1896]. 126 p. B. 1183. . • — . Report of the principal . . . concerning overwork in the high school. Detroit, 1888. 23 p. B. 1184. . High school alumni association. Twenty-seventh annual reunion and literary exercises, 1892. [Detroit, 1892]. [16] p. B. 1185. . High school scholarship fund association. Rules and regulations of the Detroit high school scholarship fund association. Detroit, the trustees, 1899. 19 p. U. 1186. . . Twelve years of the Detroit high school scholarship fimd, 1891-1903, with a complete list of officers of the Detroit high school alumni society and programmes of its annual reunions from 1866 to 1903. Pub. for the trustees. Detroit, J. A. Topping & CO., printers, 1903. 73, [1] p. B; L C; U. 1187. . High schools. Catalogue, 1889-90 to 1907-08. Detroit, 1890-1908. B*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1891-92, 1895-96, 1896-97, 1899-1900, 1906-07, 1907-08; the U. of M. Library has 1889-90, 1890-91, 1893-94, 1895-96, 1896-97, 1899-1900, 1906-07, 1907-08. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 121 1188. . . Detroit high schools; shall their standing be maintained? Public address to the citizens of Detroit . . . [n. p., 1898]. lip. U. 1189. . Historiographer. Annual report of the historiographer, of the city of Detroit. Caption title, 8 p. (In [Annual reports of the city of Detroit]. [Detroit, 1883?] ). S. 1190. ■ — — — . . Ibid. Detroit, post & tribune job print- ing company, city printers, 1883. 1 v. L C. 1191. . . Annual report of the city historiographer ; a record of events in the city of Detroit during the year one thousand nine hundred and eight: Clarence M. Burton, historiographer. [Detroit, 1909?]. 2 p. 1., [3]-172 p. B;D;G;S;U. 1192. . . History of Detroit, 1780 to 1850; finan- cial and commercial. Report of historiographer, Clarence M. Burton, 1917. Detroit, Michigan [1917]. 176, xiii p. S. 1193. ■ . . [Report to the common council]. (In Detroit, common council, proceedings, March 4, 1913. Detroit, 1913, p. 233-238). S. 1194. — . Home for the friendless. Annual report, 1867-1910. Detroit, 1868-[1910?]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1867, 1877, 1903, 1910. 1195. . . The home messenger. Monthly, V. 10-11. Detroit, 1878-1879. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has v.lO, no. 7, 8, 11, 12; v. 11, no. 1-5, 7-12. 1196. . . The home messenger. Quarterly, V. 1-4. Detroit. 1882-1885. D. 1197. . Home savings bank. Statement, 1900-1912. [Detroit, 1900-1912?]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1900, 1903, 1905, 1912. 1198. . Horticultural society. Preamble, constitution and by- laws . . . with the names of members and officers of the society, prepared by a committee, March, 1846. Detroit, printed by Bagg & Harmon [n. d.]. 9 p. B. 1199. • . Hotel association. Detroit hotels. Issued by Detroit hotel association, [no imprint]. 12 p. B. 1200. • . House of correction. . . . Annual report of the officers of the Detroit house of correction . . . 2nd (1863-64) -47th (1908). Detroit, 1864-1909. B*; G*; S; U*. Title varies: 1863-64, . . . Annual report of the inspectors of the Detroit house of correction. ... 1865-1908, . . . Annual report of the officers of the Detroit house of correction . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 14th, 15th, 17th, 33rd; the Grand Rapids Public 122 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Librar\' has 11th, 13th. 15th, 19th-20th, 22nd-23rd, 26th, 30th, 32nd, 40th-43rd; the U. of M. Library has 10th, 12th, 15th, 23rd, 37th, 38th, 40th, 42i?d-44th. 1201. . . The law of the Detroit house of correction, together with the rules, regulations and ordinances adopted by the board of inspectors, with reference to the statutes, city ordinances and decisions relating to or affecting the institution up to date, with notes and comments, by Don. M. Dickinson of the board, prepared by authority and direction of the board of inspectors. Detroit, John F. Eby & co., 1882. 72 p. G. 1202. . Housing association. Right methods in a housing bureau. Detroit housing association, Robert E. Todd, secretary, January, 1915 . . . [Detroit, Joseph Mack printing house, 1915""]. 16 p. U. 1203. . Hunting and fishing club. Articles of association and by-laws of the Detroit hunting and fishing club. Detroit, Emil Schober, printer, 1882. 12 p. B. 1204. . International fair and exposition association. Art gal- lery at the Detroit international fair, [no imprint]. 48 p. B. 1205. . . Official cat- alogue of the entries and exhibits at the fourth annual Detroit international fair and exposition to which are prefaced historical and descriptive sketches, together with guide to places of interest and directory to responsible mer- cantile houses . . . Detroit. J. F. Eby &■ co., printers, 1892. 176 p. (i. e. 121) p. L C. 1206. . . Premitim list with rules and regulations governing the 2nd-3rd annual international fair and exposition . . . 1890-1891. [Detroit, 1890-1891]. B. 1207. . Jefferson avenue Presbyterian church. Dedicatory ser- vices . . . Sunday, December 4th, 1892. [Detroit, 1892]. 12 p. B. 1208. . Joint memorial day rommittee. Memorial and decora- tion day observe ancc under direction of the joint memorial day committee at the light guard armory . . . Monday, May 31, 1915. [Detroit, Handford- Jessee printing co., 1915]. not paged. U. 1209. . Ladies' library association. Catalogue . . . ed. of 1873. Ann Arbor, printed at the Michigan argus office, 1873. 32 p. B. 1210. . Letter carriers. Annual holiday greetings of the letter carriers of Detroit, with postoffice manual, 1st (1867)-4th (1870). Detroit, 1867-1870. B. 1211. . Light guard. Communication from the secretary of the Detroit light guard, asking the passage of the bill to amend an act entitled an act for the re-organization of the military forces of the state of Michigan, approved January 18, 1862. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 123 state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 39). D;Cx;S; U. 1212. . . Constitution and by-laws . . . Detroit, the daily post printing and binding establishment, 1866. 36 p. B. 1213. . Literary society. Constitution and by-laws . . . Detroit, free press book printing house, 1824. lip. B. 1214. . Manufacturers' club. Preamble, constitution and by- laws . . . [no imprint]. 19 p. B. 1215. . Manufacturers' mutual fire insurance company. Arti- cles of association . . . with list of membership since organization . . . [Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, printers, n. d.]. 24 p. B. 1216. . Mayor. Annual message of William G. Thompson, mayor of Detroit, to the city and common council, January 10, 1882. [no imprint]. 28 p. B. 1217. . . Annual message of William G. Thompson, mayor of Detroit, to the city and common council, January 10, 1883. Detroit, post and tribune job co., city printers, 1883. 30 p. B. 1218. . . Annual address of Hazen S. Pingree, mayor of the city of Detroit, delivered January 12, 1892. Detroit, Thos. Smith ptg. co., 1892. 27 p. B. 1219. . . Annual address of Hazen S. Pingree, mayor of the city of Detroit, delivered January 10, 1893. Detroit, Thos. Smith ptg. co., city printer, 1893. 37 p. B. 1220. . . Mayor Pingree's communication to the common council, transmitting proposition from the Detroit railway, relative to leasing and operating all the street railway tracks in the city of Detroit for 2| cent fares. [Detroit, 1895?']. not paged. B. 1221. . . Sixth annual message of Mayor Hazen S. Pingree to the common council of the city of Detroit; delivered January 8, 1895. De- troit, Thos. Smith ptg. co., city printers, 1895. 61 p. B. ' 1222. . . Seventh annual message of Hazen S. Pingree, mayor of Detroit, to the common council; delivered January 14, 1896. De- troit, the Thos. Smith press, city printers, 1896. 33 p. B; G. 1223. . . Eighth annual message of Hazen S. Pingree, ma^'or of Detroit, to the common council; delivered January 12, 1897. Detroit, the Thos. Smith press, city printers, 1897. 37 p. B. 1224. . . Fifth annual message of William C. Maybury, mayor of Detroit, to the common council, delivered January 14, 1902. De- troit, the Thos. Smith press, 1902. 15 p. B. 124 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1225. . . Second annual message of George P. Codd, mayor of Detroit, Michigan; delivered to the common council, January 9, 1906. [no imprint]. 16 p. B. 1226. . . First annual message of Wm. B. Thompson, mayor of Detroit, to the common coimcil; delivered January 8th, 1907. De- troit, Houghton-Jacobson ptg. co., 1907. 16 p. B. 1227. . . Second annual message of Wm. B. Thompson, mayor of Detroit, to the common council; delivered January 14, 1908. De- troit, Houghton-Jacobson printing co., 1908. 16 p. B. 1228. . Mayor, recorder and aldermen. Petition of the mayor, recorder and aldermen of the city of Detroit, against a division of the county of Wayne. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 25). B; D; G; S; U. 1229. . Mechanics' society. Annual report of the board of di- rectors of the mechanics' society of the city of Detroit. Also, minutes of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the society; to which is appended a list of the members. 1858-1861. Detroit, 1859-1861. B*. Title varies slightlv. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1858 and 1861. 1230. . . Articles of agreement and association of the Detroit mechanics' society, together with the by-laws and library rules. Detroit, free press book and job printing house, 1860. 25 p. B. 1231. . . The charter with its amendments and the constitution and by-laws of the mechanics' society of the city of Detroit, together with the by-laws of the society's library, and a catalogue of the books in the library. Detroit, W. Har.sha, printer, 1851. 35 p. B; L C. The library was transferred to the Detroit Public Library in 1885. 1232. . . Charter, constitution and by-laws of the mechanics' society of the city of Detroit, together with the business and library rules. Detroit, daily advertiser steam presses, 1858. 23 p. B. 1233. . . Library. Catalogue of books in the library of the Detroit mechanics' society; with the rules for the regulation of the Hbrary. Detroit, free press, 1860. 86 p. B; L C; S. 1234. . Medical and library association. Transactions, 1879- 1893. Detroit, 1879-1893. D*; U*. *The main library, Detroit, has 1879, 1888-1893; the U. of M. Library has 1879 and 1891. 1235. . Memorial Presbyterian church. Dedicatory services of the memorial Presbyterian church. David M. Cooper, pastor. Sunday, Dec. 17th, 1882. [Detroit, O. S. Gulley, Bomman & co., printers, 1882]. not paged. B. 1236. . . Pastor's New Year's BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 125 greeting ... 1st (1882)-14th (1895). [Detroit, 1882?]-1895. B*; S*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has no. 1-3, 5-7, 10-14; the State Library has no. 6; the U. of M. Library has no. 6 and 12. 1237. . . Twenty-fifth anniversary of the organization of the memorial Presbyterian church . . . January 14, 1906. [Detroit. 1906 :']. 15 p. B. 1238. . Merchants' and manufacturers' exchange. Annual meet- ing, 1880-1886. Detroit, 1880-1886. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1880, 1882, 1886. 1239. . Mount Elliott cemetery. Board of trustees, officers, rules and regulations of Mount Elliott cemetery, 1865 . . . Detroit, John Slater, book and job printer, 1865. 10 p. B. 1240. . . By-laws, rules and regulations, the state law, financial statements and mortuary results, 1865-1881; the Cathohc cemetery of Detroit, 1704-1882. Detroit, Chas. M. Rousseau, book and job printer, 1882. 54 p. B. 1241. . Municipal league. Addresses at the annual meeting of the Detroit municipal league, held on Washington's birthday, 1910, and reports. [Detroit, 1910?]. 35 p. B. 1242. . . Annual report, 1902-1903. [Detroit, 1902 M903?]. B. Report and plans in 1902. 1243. . . Brief sketch of activities of the De- troit municipal league for 1911 . . . [Detroit? 1911]. not paged. B. 1244. . . Financial statement and report of work of the Detroit municipal league, January Ist-December, 1908. [no imprint]. 14 p. B. 1245. . Museum of art. . . . Annual reports . . . 1885-91 to 1916-17. Detroit, Mich., 1891-1917. B*; D*; G*; S*; U*. At head of title: Detroit museum of art. Title varies. First report, covering the years 1885 to 1890-91 has title: Historical report prepared under the direction of the board of trustees, embodying the report to the corporators made at the annual meeting. May, 1891. Report year ended March 31, until 1895, when it was changed to June 30. cf. report for 1895-96, p. [3]. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1885-91, 1894-95 to 1898-99, 1508-C9, 1910-11; the main library, Detroit, has 1885-91 to 1910-11, 1912-13, 1914-15; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1906-07 to 1909-10; the State Library has 1885-91 to 1914-15, 1916-17; the U. of M. Library has 1898-99, 1906-07 to 1909-10, 1913-14. 1246. . . Antique oriental rugs & period furniture at the Detroit museum of art, March five to thirty-one, nineteen hundred & fifteen. [Detroit] 1915. 75 p. S. 126 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1247. . . Bulletin of the Detroit museum of art, V. 1 (January, 1904)-v. 11 (June, 1917). Detroit. Mich., 1904-1917. • B;G*;S; U*. No. 1 called. V. 1. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has v. 1-5; the U. of M. librarj' has v. 1-7. 1248. . . Catalogue of paintings and sculpture, Detroit museum of art, opening exhibition, 1888. [Detroit, John F. Eby & CO., printers, 1888]. 47 p. B; S; U. 1249. . . Catalogue of the Scripps collection of old masters, designed to illustrate the history of the art of painting from the 13lh-18th century. Ed. by James E. Scripps. Detroit, John F. Eby & co., printers, 1889. 70 p. B; D. 1250. . . Handbook of modem paintings belong- ing to the Detroit museum of art. [Detroit, the Chas. F. May co., printers, 1910]. 59 p. D;S. 1251. . . Handbook of the paintings, ancient and modem, belonging to the Detroit musetmi of art; comp. by James E. Scripps. Detroit, J. F. Eby & co., printers, 1895. 42 p. B;'l C; U. 1252. . . A new site for the Detroit museum of art on Woodward avenue, to contain also an art and crafts school for fine and applied arts! [no imprint]. 15 p. B. 1253. ■ — ■ — — . Musical association. Constitution and by-laws of the Detroit musical association, together with a plan for a musical convention to be held in Detroit, on Tuesday, June 10, 1851. Detroit, Duncklee, Wales &• co.'s steam press, 1851. 8 p. B. 1254. . Ordinances, etc. By-laws and ordinances of the city of Detroit, made since the organization of the first common council, of the city. September 21, 1824. To which is prefixed the act of the legislative coimcil of the territory of Michigan, incorporating the city. Approved August 5, A. D. 1824. Detroit, printed by Chipman and Seymour, 1825. 62 p. B. 1255. . , • . By-laws and ordinances of the city of Detroit, as revised by the recorder in pursuance of a resolution of the common council. Detroit, printed at the Franklin job office, 1836. 100 p. B. 1256. . , . Ordinances and by-laws of the city of Detroit. Rev. and pub. by order of the common council. Detroit, Wilbur F. Storey, printer to the city, 1859. 169 p. B. 1257. . , . Ordinances of the city of Detroit. Rev. and pub. by order of the common council. Detroit, Walker, Bams & co., printers to the city, 1864. 227 p. • B. 1258. . , . The revised ordinances of the city of Detroit for the year 1871. Rev. and pub. by order of the common council. Detroit, free press book and job printing house, 1871. 247 p. B;G;U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 127 1259. . , . The revised ordinances of the city of Detroit for the year 1878. Rev. and pub. by order of the common council. Detroit, union job printing company, 1878. xi, 335 p. G; L C. 1260. . , . The revised ordinances of the city of Detroit, for the year 1884. Rev. and comp. by John B. CorHss . . . By order of the common council. Detroit, post and tribune job co., city printers, 1884. 360 p. B; G; S. 1261. . , . The revised ordinances of the city of Detroit for the year 1890. Rev. and comp. by William S. Sheeran. By order of the common councih Detroit, J. W. Morrison & co., city printers, 1890. 503 p. B; G. 1262. . , . The revised ordinances of the city of Detroit, for the year 1895. Revised and compiled by Frank A. Rasch, city attorney. By order of the common council. Detroit, James H. Stone & co., printers, 1895., xi, 766 p. S. 1263. . , . The compiled ordinances of the city of Detroit of 1904. By order of the common council. Detroit, T. Smith press, 1904. vii, 506 p. L C; S; U. Leaf of errata and p. 216a with additions, insei'ted. 1264. . , . Compiled ordinances of Detroit of 1912, compiled by Fred R. Schmalzriedt of the Detroit bar. Arranged and pub- lished by Charles A. Nichols, city clerk. By order of the common council. Detroit, Houghton-Jacobson ptg. co., 1912. 1 p. 1., 899 p. S. 1265. . , . An ordinance (presented by Alderman Vemor) to provide for the construction, maintenance and operation of one single, comprehensive s}-stem of street railways within the corporate limits of the city of Detroit . . . and the ultimate removal from its streets of all tracks, permission for the maintenance of which is not granted under the same, [no imprint]. 9 p. B. 1266. . Orphan asylum. Annual founders' day services, 7th (1889)-21st (1913). Detroit, [1899.^-1913?]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 7th-9th, 19th, 21st. 1267. . Peninsular bank. Charter of the peninsular bank of De- troit, Michigan. An act to incorporate the president, directors and company of the peninsular bank [March 28, 1849]. [no imprint]. 7 p. B. 1268. . People's state bank. A brief history containing many in- teresting facts, n-ith photographs of the new home of the people's state bank and its thirteen branches. Detroit, the Franklin press, 1916. 30 p. B, 1269. . Phaimacal company. Catalogue of physicians' supplies, including di^igs and chem.icals . . . Manufactured, imported and sold by 128 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Detroit phannacal company . . . Detroit, Mich., Aldine printing works, 1894. xxiii, 635p. D; L C. 1270. . Photographic company. Catalogue F. Scenic, architec- tural and marine views, published in aac, silver, platinum, and special hand colored prints . . . Detroit, Detroit photographic co. [cl899]. x, 237 p. LC;U. 1271. . . Catalogue J . . . Detroit, Mich.. Detroit photographic co., 1901-1905. 5 pts. L C. Contents. — Foreign section. "Aac photographs" of scenery and architecture.— pt. 1. "Aac photographs" of scenery and architecture.— pt. 2. Plain, platinum and hand colored photographs of American scenery and architecture. — pt. 2. Supplement. Photographs of American scenery and architecture. — pt. 3. Naval, yachting and marine views. 1272. . Police Dept. . . . Annual report of the commissioner of metropolitan poHce of Detroit, Michigan, to the common council ... 1st (1865-66)-50th (1914-15). Detroit, 1866-[1915?]. B*; D*; G*;S*. Title varies: 1865-66 to 1899-1900, Annual report of the board of commissioners of the metropolitan police . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1st, 22nd, 31st, 33rd, 35th, 38th-40th, 42nd-45th; the main library, Detroit, has 5th-25th, 28th-50th; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 39th; the State Library has 5th-43rd, 50th. 1273. . . Arguments addressed to the legislature of Michigan against putting the police department of Detroit under municipal control. Detroit, John F. Eby & co., printers, 1891. 22 p. ^ B. 1274. . . Manual of the metropolitan police force, 1865-1872. Detroit, 1865-1872. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1865 and 1872. 1275. . Political association. Constitution and catalogue of the Detroit poHtical association; together with the constitution of the United States, and of the state of Michigan. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers, 1842. 39 p. B. 1276. . PostofRce clerks' association. Practical hints to post- office patrons. Detroit, Detroit postoffice clerks' assoc. [1913]. 88 p. D. 1277. . Protection company. Constitution and by-laws of pro- tection company, engine no. 1, adopted, January 25th, 1840. Detroit, Wm. Harsha, printer, 1840. 11 p. B. 1278. . Protective agency for women and children. Annual re- port, 1st (1896-97)-5th (1900-01). Detroit, 1897-1901. B. 1279. . Public library. Americanization and the new main li- brary [by Adam Strohm, librarian]. [Detroit, 1916]. 7 p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 129 1280. . . • • • Annual report, [1st (1863-86)]- 52nd (1916-17). Detroit, 1887-[1917?]. B*; D; G*; S. No reports published before 1886. The first one issued has title: " Brief historical surn- mary, with the annual reports of the Library commission, including report for 1886." It contains abstracts of the unpublished reports, 1863-80, and the lst-6th report of the library commission. 1887-1892, title reads: Annual report of the library commission . . . Beginning with 1893 the reports have title: "29th annual report of the library, 13th an- nual report of the library commission. " *The Burton Historical Collection has 1863-86 to 1892, 1894, 1900 to 1914-15; the Grand Rapids PubHc Library has 1895, 1904-1910. 1281. . . Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac and Detroit before the conspiracy of Pontiac; a bibliography. [Detroit] Detroit public library, 1912. 30 p. D; L C; S; U. Cover title: Cadillac and early Detroit. 1282. . . Architecture; selected list of books. [De- troit] Detroit public library, 1915. 16 p. B. 1283. . . . . . Automobiles; selected list. [Detroit] 1913. 20 p. LC;U. 1284. . . Automobiles; selected list of books. [De- troit] Detroit public library, 1916. 14 p. B; L C; U. 1285. . . Books for business men. [Detroit] De- troit public library, 1914. 2 p. 1., 3-22 p. L C; U. 1286. . . Books for foreigners learning English. [Detroit] Detroit public library, 1915. 16 p. B. 1287. . . Ibid. [Detroit] Detroit pubhc library, 1916. 16 p. L C. Contents. — Readers, grammars, and handbooks. — Books on naturalization and citizen- ship. — Books about America. 1288. . . Bulletin of books added to the public li- brary, no. 1 (1889)-no. 20 (1907-08). Detroit, 1890-1908. B*; G*. *The Burton Historical Collection has no. 1-3, 8; the Grand Rapids Public Library has no. 2-4, 6-9, 11-13, 16-17, 19-20. 1289. . ■ — ■ . Catalogue of the public library of the city of Detroit; with the rules concerning its use . . . Detroit, the free press steam book and job printing establishment, 1865. 100 p. B; L C. 1290. . . Catalogue of the public library of the city of Detroit, containing an alphabetical list of the names of authors, with the titles of their works, and of the titles of anonymous works whose authors are unknown. Also the rules concerning its use. Detroit, advertiser and tribune printing company, 1868. vii, 149 p. B; L C; U. 1291. . . . . . Supplement . . . June, 1871. [De- troit, 1871]. 73 p. L C. 1292. . . Catalogue of the puUic library of the city 17 130 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN of Detroit. 1877. Detroit, Detroit printing company, 1877. xvi, 227 p. B;LC;S. Classified. Comp. by H. M. Crittenden. 1293. . . . . . General catalogue of the books, ex- cept fiction, French, and German, in the public library of Detroit, Mich., 1888 . . . Detroit, Mich., O. S. Gullcy, Bomman & co., 1889. viii, 1113 p. B;D;G;LC;S;U. A dictionary catalog of about 66,000 titles, comp. by Henry Munson Utley. 1294. . . General catalogue of the public library of Detroit, Mich. First supplement. 1889-1893. Detroit, Mich., J. Bom- man & son, printers, 1894. 2 p. 1., 898 p. B; D; G; L C; S; U. 1295. — . . . . . Second supplement, 1894-1898. De- troit, Mich., J. H. Stone & co., printers, 1899. 860 p. B; D; G; LC;S;U. 1296. . . . . . Third supplement, 1899-1903. De- troit, Mich., Cadillac printing co., 1904. 946 p. B; D; G; S; U. 1297. . . Catalogue of English prose fiction and juvenile books, 1886. Detroit, Mich., O. S. Gulley, Bomman & co., 1886. 179 p. G;S. 1298. . . Catalogue des livres franjais de la bib- liotheque publique de Detroit, Mich., September 1889. Detroit, Alich., O. S. Gulley, Bomman & co., 1889. 57 p. G; U. 1299. . . Chemistry; selected list of books. [De- troit] Detroit pubhc library, 1915. 24 p. B; L C. 1300. . . Children's books for presents. [Detroit] Detroit public library, 1916. [8] p. B. 1301. . . . . . Children's catalog. Books in the library suitable for young people. Comp. by Mary Conover, superintendent of the children's department. January 1908. Detroit, Mich., the library, 1908. 215 p. D;G;LC;S. At head of title: Detroit public library. 1302. . . Current periodicals and other serials. [Detroit] 1915. 55 p. B. 1303. . . Detroit public library branches, 19.14. [Detroit, J. Bomman & son, 1914]. Cover title, [34] p. B; L C; S. 1304. . . Detroit pubHc library bulletin ... v. 2-4. Detroit, Michigan, 1913-1917. S. 1305. . . The drama . . . [Detroit] Detroit pubHc library, 1913. 16 p. L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 131 1306. . . . . . Finding list of English and French prose fiction. Part 1: Authors. Part 2: Titles. 1905. [Detroit, Cadillac printing cc, 1905]. 310 p. ■ D; G; L C; U. 1307. • . — . Finding list of English prose fiction, in- cluding juvenile fiction. Detroit, Peninsular printing and publishing co., 1894. 160 p. D;U. 1308. . . Finding list of prose fiction, English, Ger- man, French. Detroit, 1899. 263 p. D. 1309. . . Gardens; selected list. [Detroit, 1915]. not paged. B. 1310. . — . Good books for young people. 2d ed. April, 1891. Detroit, Thos. Smith, book and job printer, 1891. 52 p. B;G. First ed., 1889; 3rd ed., 1894. 1311. . . . . . Industrial arts: selected list. [De- troit] 1912. 86 p. D;LC;U. "Limited to publications which have appeared since 1906". — Pref. 1312. . — '■ . Ibid. [Detroit] Detroit public Hbrary, 1914. 64 p. LC;U. "The second revision of the list published in 1910 . . . The range of this compilation has, except in rare instances, been limited to publications which have appeared since 1909. " —Pref. 1313. . . Katalog der bticher in Deutscher sprache. Detroit, John Bomman & co., 1895. 140 p. ■ ■ U. 1314. . . Katalog der biicher in Deutscher sprache in der offentHchen bibhothek zu Detroit, Michigan. 1904. Detroit, drtick von J. Bomman & son [1904]. 169 p. • ■ D; G; L C. 1315. . . Katalog dziel polskich. Detroit, 1893. 32, 16 p. D. 1316. . . Manual arts; selected list of books. [De- troit] Detroit public library, 1916. not paged. B. 1317. . . . . . Monthly bulletin of new books, v. 1, no. 1-10. Detroit, 1905. D; S; U. January-November, 1905. 1318. . . Municipal affairs. Books and articles in the Detroit pubhc library . . . 1902. [Detroit, 1902]. Caption title, 44 p. LC:U. 1319. . . Municipal charters; selected list, 1913. [Detroit] Detroit pubhc library [1913]. 7 p. B. 1320. . . Municipal government, the modem trend; 132 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN selected list of books. [Detroit] Detroit public library, 1916. 12 p. B;LC. 1321. . . Netherlands. Books and articles in the Detroit public librar\'. (Periodical references not included) . . . [Detroit] 1901. 29 p. S. 1322. . . The new main library ; .some economic and civic data. [Detroit] Detroit pubhc library, 1915. 12 p. (From the Annual report of the Detroit hbrary commission, 1914-1915). B. 1323. . . Preferential voting, municipal ownership; selected bibliographies, 1914. [Detroit] Chas. G. Seebers, printer, 1916. 14 p. B. 1324. . . Program of competition for the selection of an architect to design and to supervise the construction of a main building for the public library of Detroit. [Detroit, 1913]. 32 p. B. 1325. . . Quarterly bulletin, no. 1 (April, 1910)- no. 12 (December, 1912). [Detroit] 1910-1912. B*; S; U. Supersedes the annual Bulletin ... of books added to the public library. *The Burton Histroical Collection has no. 6 and 8. 1326. . . . . . Selected list on memorial day. [De- troit] 1907. Caption title, [4] p. S. At head of title: Detroit pubhc library. May, 1907. 1327. . . Shade trees and gardening; selected list of books. [Detroit] Detroit public library, 1917. 1 p. 1., [5]-10 p. L C. 1328. . . The training class and the library staff. [Detroit] 1913. 7 p. D. 1329. . . Useful books in evening schools for for- eigners . . . Detroit, public library, 1916. 8 p. B; L C. 1330. . . Welfare work in industry; selected Hst. [Detroit] Detroit pubhc hbrary, 1916. [4] p. B;.S. 1331. . Public lighting commission. . . . Annual report of the public lighting commission of the city of Detroit ... 1st (1895-96) -20th (1914-15). Detroit, 1896-[1915?]. — ^ B*; D*; S*; U*. Report year ends June 30. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1895-96, 1897-98 to 1899-1900, 1902-03, 1904-05, 1907-08, 1913-14, 1914-15; the main library, Detroit, has 1895-96 to 1909-10, 1911-12 to 1914-15; the State Library has 1895-96 to 1908-09, 1913-14; the U. of M. Library has 1895-96 to 1909-10. 1332. . Public school teachers' retirement fund. [State law establishing fund; constitution, by-laws, and rules of order of board of trustees]. [Detroit, 1911?]. 12 p. B. No title page. 1333. . Pubhc schools. Scenes from Detroit's history given by pupils of the elementary schools. June, 1915. [no imprint]. [2] p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 133 1334. . Real estate board. Articles of association and by-laws . . adopted April 1st, 1886. Detroit, Ferguson & co., printers, 1886. 11 p. — B. 1335. . . Inaugural address by Presidnet Brad- way before the members of the Detroit real estate board at their banquet given at the hotel Ponchartrain, Monday evening, March 13, 1912. [no im- print]. 9 p. B. 1336. . . Why we grow. Some facts about Detroit presented by the Detroit real estate board, June, 1909. [Detroit, Franklin press, n. d.]. 24 p. B. 1337. — . Recorder's court. Annual report. Clerk of the recorder's court of the city of Detroit . . . 1869-1914. Detroit, 1870-[1915?]. S*. Year ends December 3 1 . Title varies slightly. *The State Library has 1869-1909, 1914. 1338. . . The petition of the city of Detroit for the separation of grades of Cass, second and third avenues and the Michigan central railroad company, the lake shore and Michigan southern railway company, and the grand tianik railway company of Canada . . . [n. p.] 1914. B. Six folio sheets, printed on recto, except the last which is printed on verso, from which title is taken. 1339. . St. Aloysius church. St. Aloysius church, Washington boulevard; special Lenten services, 1916. [Detroit, 1916]. [4] p. B. 1340. . St. John's church vestry. In memory of the Honorable Henry Porter Baldwin of Detroit. Published by the vestry of St. John's church, of Detroit. Detroit, printed by the Richmond & Backus company, 1893. 64 p. B. 1341. . St. Paul's church. Manual, 1886-1890. Detroit, 1886- 1890. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1886 and 1890. 1342. . Saint Peter and Paul's Jesuit church. Golden jubilee of Saint Peter and Paul's Jesuit church, 1898. [Detroit, 1898]. not paged. B. 1343. . Savings bank. Condition of the Detroit savings bank, December 31, 1854. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, hotise document no. 7). B; D; G; S;U. 1344. . . Jubilee [souvenir] of the Detroit savings bank, March 5, 1899. [Detroit, 1899]. not paged. B. 1345. . Scientific association. Constitution and bv-laws of the 134 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Detroit scientific association. Adopted May, 1875. Detroit, free press book and job printing house, 1875. 19 p. B. 1346. . Society for the prevention of cruelty to children. Annual report . . . 1898-1912. [Detroit, 1899-1913?]. B*; D*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection and the main library, Detroit, each have 1898; the U. of M. Library has 1912. 1347. . Soldiers' and sailors' union. Constitution, by-laws and rules of order of the Detroit soldiers' and sailors' union, Detroit, Mich., organized June 15, 1866. Detroit, Wm. A. Throop & co., 1866. 16 p. U. 1348. . Street railway commission. Report of Detroit street railway commission of negotiations with owners of the street railways for acquiring the railways by the city; submitted to the common coimcil of De- troit, Michigan, on Tuesday, May 23, 1899. Detroit, record printing co., 1899. 36 p. B. 1349. . Tabernacle Methodist Episcopal church. The tabernacle M. E. church . . . Detroit, Wm. Graham printing co., 1888. 24 p. B. 1350. . Teachers' mutual aid association. Constitution . . . Detroit, John F. Eby & co., 1899. 15 p. B. 1351. . Treasurer's office. Annual report of the city treasurer to the common council . . . 1871-72 to 1913-14. Detroit, 1872-[1914?]. B*; D*; S*. Report year ends irregiilarly: June 30, 1880-1914. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1886-87, 1887-88, 1897-98, 1898-99, 1900-01, 1902-03, 1903-04, 1908-09, 1909-10, 1911-12; the main librar\% Detroit, has 1872 to 1909- 10; the State Library has 1871-72 to 1878-79, 1880-81 to 1913-14. 1352. [ . Trust company]. The descent and distribution of prop- erty of intestates under the laws of Michigan, with leading features of the inheritance tax law; comp. to January 1, 1909. [Detroit, Mich., Detroit trust company, cl909]. 44 p. D; L C; S; U. 1353. [ . ]. The descent and distribution of prop- erty of intestates, under the laws of Michigan, with leading features of the inheritance tax law. Compiled to January 1, 1912. [Detroit, Liggett & Gagnier, cl912]. 54 p. L C; U. "Compliments of Detroit trust company." 1354. . . Detroit trust company; fifteen years of service, 1916. Detroit, the Franklin press [1916]. 16 p. B. 1355. . . How it serves the public. Detroit, 1912. 12 p. B. 1356. . . Workmen's compensation law; carrying your own insurance; liability insurance sinking ftmd. Plan suggested by De- troit trust company. [Detroit, n. d.]. not paged. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 135 1357. . Unity club. Constitution and by-laws of the imity club of Detroit, [no imprint], not paged. B. 1358. . . Subjects for papers. Season 1898-99 to 1899-1900. [Detroit, n. d.]. B. 1359. . Visiting nurse association. Annual report, 1903-04 to 1916. Detroit, 1904-[1916]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1903-04 and 1916. 1360. . Westminister church. Programme for the grand amateur concert for the benefit of Westminister church at young men's hall . . . June 19, 1865 . . . Detroit, F. A. Schober&bro., printers [1865]. [4] p. B. 1361. . . Services at the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Westminister church . . . the historical address delivered by Hovey K. Clarke, Oct. 6, 1882. [De- troit, 1882]. 50 p. B. 1362. . Woman's bi-centenary committee. Historical art souve- nir; Detroit and her bi-centenary, July 24, 25, 26, 1901 . . . Benefit of pub- lic monument to Madame Cadillac . . . [Detroit, Morrison printing co.] 1901. 160 p. B;G;LC;U. Comp. by J. C. O. Redington. 1363. . . Souvenir of the un- veiling of the tablet presented by the women's bi-centenary committee in memory of Madame de la Mothe Cadillac at the Detroit museum of art, May 30th, 1903. [Detroit? 1903?]. 27 p. S. 1364. . Woman's Christian temperance imion. Thirteenth an- nual report of the corresponding secretary of the Detroit W. C. T. U. for the year ending AjDril, 1887. Detroit, Kerby printing co., 1887. 29 p. B. 1365. . Women's exchange and decorative art society. Annual report, 1900-1903. [Detroit, 1900-1903]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1900 and 1903. 1366. . Women's independent voters' association. Constitution and by-laws of the women's independent voters' association of Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, A. W. Brooks, printer, 1901. not paged. B. 1367. . Woodbridge fire company. Constitution and by-laws of Woodbridge fire co., no. 12, of the city of Detroit, adopted, 1858. Detroit, printed by H. Bams, tribune office, 1858. 15 p. B. 1368. . Woodmere cemetery association. History and descrip- tion ; suggestion to lot owners concerning adornment of the grounds and rules and regulations of Woodmere cemetery association. Detroit, 1903. not paged. B. 1369. . ■ . Rules and regulations 130 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN of Woodmere cemetery association; with historical sketch. Detroit, 1888. 16 p. B. 1370. . Woodward avenue Congregational church. Our church. Monthly, v. 1, no. 5 and 6, 1889. Published by the young people's society of Christian endeavor of the Woodward avenue Congregational church. Detroit, 1889. B. 1371. . . Woodward ave- nue Congregational church manual, 1891. Detroit, O. S. Gulley, Bornman & CO., ptrs., 1891. 56 p. B. 1372. . Working women's home association. Annual report, 8th (1882)-32nd (1909). Detroit. 1882-1909. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 8th, 9th, 24th, 30th-32nd. 1373. . Yondotega club. The book of the yondotega club. De- troit. 1892. 26 p. B. 1374. . Young men's benevolent society. Annual statement. 1851-52 to 1853-54. Detroit, 1852-1854. B; L C. Title varies: 1851-52, Detroit young men's benevolent society. Its objects, plan of operations and statistics of the past year, with a list of officers, committees and boundaries of districts, for 1852-3. 1852-53, Annual pamphlet of the Detroit young men's benevolent society for 1853-4. With a statement of last year's operations; a list of its officers, committees, and districts . . . 1853-54, Annual statement of the Detroit young men's benevolent society: showing operations and results for past season; with a list of officers, districts, and committees ap- pointed for the ensuing year. 1375. . Young men's Christian association. The annual an- nouncement of the Detroit young men's Christian association, 1904-1905. [Detroit, 1904?]. 28 p. B. 1376. . . . . . Annual report of the Detroit young men's Christian association ... 1st (1865) -38th (1902). Detroit, 1866-[1902?]. B*; S*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 2nd, 4th, 22nd, 25th-28th, 30th, 31st, 33rd-38th; the State Library has lst-3rd. 1377. . . Elevation and plans of the- new building for the Detroit young men's Christian association. [De- troit, n. d.]. [8] p. B. 1378. . . Monthly bulletin, v. 5-8, Detroit, 1881-1886. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 5, no. 6 and 10; v. 6, no. 3 and 12; v. 7, no. 24; v. 8, no. 10. 1379. . . The royal railroad. [Tract prepared by Silas Farmer for the railroad branch of the young men's Christian association]. Detroit, S. Farmer & co. [1881]. 37 p. B. 1380. . . A short history of the Detroit yoimg men's Christian association. An account of the notable cam- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 137 paign for a new building fund, and a description of the building and its equip- ment. Detroit, Detroit young men's Christian association [1909]. 96 p. B. 1381. . . Weekly bulletin, v. 2-5. Detroit, 1878-1881. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 2, no. 33; v. 3, no. 9, 13, 16, 19, 20; v. 5, no. 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 18, 21-26, 28-31. 1382. . Young men's society. Act of incorporation, by-laws and standing rules of the Detroit young men's society; officers, regular and honor- ary members, and a list of questions debated and lectures delivered before the society. Detroit, printed by Geo. L. Whitney, 1836. 24 p. B. 1383. . . Act of incorporation, by-laws and standing rules of the Detroit young men's society with the names of regular and honorary members . . . and a catalogue of books in the library . . . Detroit, M. Bates, printer, 1842. 43 p. ■ B; L C. 1384. • — . . Act of incorporation, by-laws and standing rules, of the Detroit young men's society, and a catalogue of books in the library. Detroit, Duncklee, Wales & co., printers, 1851. 45 p. B. 1385. . . Catalogue of books in the library of the Detroit young men's society; also, the act of incorporation and by- laws, and standing and library rules of the society . . . Reported by the com- mittee on library March, 1857. Detroit, Palmer, Luce & Fleming, printers, 1857. 67 p. ^— D;LC. 1386. . . Catalogue of books in the library of the Detroit young men's society; also, the act of incorporation, and by- laws, and standing and library rules of the society. Reported by committee on library, March, 1859. Detroit, Bams, French and Way, printers, 1859. 63, 12 p." D;S. Act of incorporation and by-laws cover the 12 pages. 1387. . . Catalogue of the library of the Detroit young men's society, with a historical sketch. Detroit, O. S. Gul- ley's steam power presses, 1865. x, [11]-169 p. B; L C. 1388. . . . . . Collection of reports and transactions during 40 years, 1832 to 1871. Detroit [1836-1871]. Cover title, 24 V. in 1. B; L C; S; U. 1389. . Young men's temperance society. Constitution and by- laws of the Detroit young men's temperance society; also, a list of officers and members and the address of the executive committee to the young men of the territory. Detroit, S. M'Knight, ptr., 1835. 13 p. B. 1390. . Young women's Christian association. Annual report, 1st (1894)-22nd C1915). Detroit [1894 ?- 19 15?]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has Ist-lOth, 12th-22nd. 138 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1391. . . A' new 3^oung women's Christian association building for the womanhood of Detroit . . . [Detroit, 1916]. not paged. B. 1392. . . Educational dept. Catalogue, 1908-09 to 1915-16. [Detroit, 1908 ?-19 16?]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1908-09, 1914-15, 1915-16. 1393. . Zoological society. The Detroit zoological society. [Statement of the purpose of the organization; list of officers and directors], [no imprint]. [2] p. B. 1394. Detroit and Bay City railroad company. [Statement relative to the Detroit and Bay City railroad, by James F. Joy, president, January 12, 1878]. [no imprint]. 6 p. B. 1395. Detroit and Birmingham plank road co. By-laws of the Detroit & Birmingham plank road co., adopted, December 23d, 1848. [no imprint]. Caption title, 3 p. B. 1396. Detroit and Cleveland steam navigation co. A hero of Manila; a novel. A summer trip via Detroit & Cleveland navigation company, the coast line to Mackinac. [Detroit, Bomman & son, printers, 1899]. 1 p. 1., 76 p. S. 1397. [ ]. A lake tour to picturesque Mackinac; historical and descriptive, by C. D. Whitcomb. De- troit, Mich., O. S. Gulley, Bomman & co., 1884. Ill, [1] p. • B;LC. 1398. [ ]. Ibid. [Detroit, O. S. Gulley & CO., printers, cl888]. not paged. B. 1399. [ ]. Ibid. New York, Giles litho. & liberty printing co. [1889]. [152] p. LC Written by F. H. Taylor. 1400. [— ]. Ibid. [Detroit, Mich., O. S. Gulley, Bornman & co., 1890]. [122] p. G; L C. 1401. . Ibid. [Detroit, Mich., O. S. Gulley, Bomman & co., 1891]. [86] p. L C. By E. B. Whitcomb. 1402. [ ]. Omena resort . . . Michigan's ideal resort on Grand Traverse Bay. [Grand Rapids, 1903]. Cover title, 40 p. S. ■ 1403. [ ]. Where to spend the summer, Michigan resorts on Little Traverse Bay : Petoskey, Harbor Springs, Roaring Brook, Wequetonsing, Ba^^ View . . . [Kalamazoo, Ihling bros., n. d.l. Cover title, 30 p. S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS • 139 1404. The Detroit and Eureka gold and silver mining company. Or- ganized October 5th, 1882, under the laws of the state of Colorado . . . Mines located at Eureka, San Juan co., Colorado. Principal business office, Detroit. Detroit, secretary's office, 1882. 10 p. — — B. 1405. Detroit & Mackinac railroad company. Helping to feed and clothe America; a national problem. Northeastern Michigan along the line of De- troit & Mackinac railway . . . Issued by industrial department, Detroit & Mackinac railway company ... Bay City, Mich., 1917. 40 p. S. 1406. Detroit and Milwaukee railroad company. Condition and pros- pect of the Detroit and Milwaukee railway, from Detroit to Grand Haven, 185 miles. Detroit, steam power presses of E. A. Wales, 1855. 46 p., 1 1. B. 1407. . Idid. Detroit, steam printing establishment of R. F. Johnstone & co., 1856. 55 p. B. 1408. . Lease. The Detroit & Milwaukee railway co. to the Detroit, Monroe & Toledo railroad co., November 1, 1860. [n. p., I860]. 8 p. B. 1409. • . Letter to the bond- holders and other creditors of the Detroit and Milwaukee railway company. October 24, 1860. Detroit, Bams, French & Wav, printers, 1860. 11, [7] p. B. 1410. . Letter to the bond- holders of the Detroit and Milwatikee railroad company. December 11, 1862. Detroit, the Detroit free press steam book and job printing house, 1862. 7 p. B. 1411. . Mortgage. Detroit and Milwaukee railroad company to C. J. Brydges, A. H. Sibley and Richard Irwin, trustees; with an explanatory letter, January 1, 1861. Detroit, 1860. not paged. B. 1412. — ■ . Mortgage. Detroit and Milwaukee railroad company to S. T. Douglass, T. C. Street and D. Mclnnes, trustees, June 30, 1866. Detroit, 1867. not paged. B. 1413. . Petition of the Detroit and Milwaukee railway company for a grant of lands. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 1414. . . . . Report to the stockholders, 1st December, 1858. [Detroit? 1858?]. 12 p. S. 1415. Detroit and Pontiac railroad company. Charter of the Pontiac railroad, [n. p., 1850]. Caption title, 8 p. B. Approved March 20. 1850. 140 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1416. . Pontiac railroad. Act to incorporate the Detroit and Pontiac rail -road company, and acts amenda- tory thereto, [n. p.. 1850?]. Caption title, 19 p. B. 1417. . Proposition of the Detroit and Pontiac railroad company. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, house docu- ment no. 15. In Journal of the house of representatives . . . 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 568-587; senate document no. 25. In Journal of the senate . . . 1837, p. 174). B; D; G; S; U. 1418. Detroit and St. Joseph railroad company. Proposition for a trans- fer of the charter of the Detroit and St. Joseph railroad company to the state. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate document no. 1. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. [1]). B;D;G;S;U. 1419. Detroit business directory. Detroit, 1877. 41 p. B. 1420. The Detroit city and railway guide. Pub. monthly by the city guide CO. Chicago, 1895. not paged. B. 1421. . . . Detroit city directory . . . [v. I (1862-63) ]-v. LIV (1916-17). [Detroit] R. L. Polk & co., 1862-[cl916]. B*; G*; S*; U*. Title varies: 1862-63 to 1865-66, Charles F. Clark's annual directory of . . . the city of Detroit. 1866-67 to 1869-70, Charles F. Clark's annual city directory of the . . . city of Detroit. 1870-71 to 1871-72, Charles F. Clark & co's annual city directory of the . . . city of Detroit. 1872-73, Hubbell & Week's annual city directory of the . . . city of Detroit. 1873-74, J. W. Weeks & co.'s annual city directory of . . . Detroit. 1874-75, ]. W. Weeks & co.'s annual directory of the inhabitants . . . etc. of Detroit. 1875-76 to 1876-77, J. W. Weeks & co.'s annual directory cf Detroit ... 1877-1881, Detroit city directory. 1882-1884, Detroit city directory . . . also a classified business directory of Windsor, Ont. 1885, J. W. Weeks & co.'s Detroit city director}- . . . also a classified business directory of Windsor, Ont. 1886-1895, Detroit city directory . . . also a classified business directory' of Windsor, Ont. 1896-1905, Detroit city directory . . . also classified business directory of Wind.sor and Walker\alle, Ontario. 1906 to 1914-15, Detroit city directory . . . also a classified business directory of Wind- sor, Walkerville and Sandwich, Ontario. 1915-16, Detroit city directory ... a classified business directory of Windsor, Walker- ville, Ford and Sandwich, Ontario, and an up-to-date map of Detroit and adjacent suburbs. 1916-17, R. L. Polk & co.'s Detroit city directory . . . also a classified business directory and a "buyers guide" of greater Detroit, Royal Oak and Birmingham, Mich., Windsor, Walkerv'ille, Ford Citv and Sandwich, Ontario. Publishers: 1862-63 to 1869-70, C. F. Clark.— 1870-71 to 1871-72, C. F. Clark & co.— 1872-73, Hubbell & Weeks.— 1873-74 to 1884, J. W. Weeks & co.— 1885-1916, R. L. Polk & CO. 1876-77 not included in numbering. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1862-63 to 1881, 1884-1913-14, 1916-17; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1901, 1906, 1908-1910, 1912-13 to 1916-17; the State. Li- brary has 1862-63 to 1876-77, 1882, 1884, 1887, 1891, 1893, 1900-1903, 1905 to 1916-17; the U. of M. Library has 1875-76, 1908, 1912-13. 1422. Detroit city guide, revised and corrected to June, 1892. Pub. by C. Polscher & co. Detroit [1892]. 109 p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 141 1423. The Detroit club woman, the magazine of the Detroit federation of women's clubs, v. 1-6. Detroit, 1910-1914. S. 1424. Detroit college. Catalogue, 1880-81 to 1907-08. Detroit [1881?- 1908]. B*; S*. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1880-81, 1889-90, 1897-98; the State Library has 1889-90, 1906-07. 1907-08. 1425. — . Prospectus of the Detroit college, Detroit, Mich., 1877. [no imprint]. 5 p. B. 1426. Detroit college of law. Announcement of the Detroit college of law . . . 1891-92 to 1916-17. [Detroit, 1891P-1916]. B*; G*; S*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1891-92 to 1893-94, 1896-97, 1898-99, 1901-02, 1904-05, 1910-11, 1916-17; the Grand Rapids PubHc Library has 1904-05; the State Library has 1900-01, 1902-03. 1427. . Detroit college of law, illustrated descrip- tive circular. Detroit, Mich., pub. for the Detroit college of law. [19 — ?]. 32 p. ^ B;LC. 1428. Detroit college of medicine and surgery. . . . Announcement . . . 1869-70 to 1914-15. Detroit, 1869-1914. B*; G*; S*; U*. Title varies: 1868-1885, called Detroit medical college; 1885-1913, Detroit college of medicine. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1871 to 1876-77, 1879-80, 1881-82, 1884-85, 1887- 88, 1892-93; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1900-01 to 1909-10, 1913-14; the State Library has 1878-79, 1890-91, 1892-93, 1913-14; the U. of M. Library has 1869-70, 1871-72, 1873-74, 1875-76 to 1880-81, 1883-84, 1885-86 to 1888-89, 1894-95. 1896-97 to 1898-99, 1900-01 to 1909-10, 1911-12 to 1914-15. 1429. • . . . . Announcement of graduate coiirses for physicians and nurses in the department of preventive medicine and public health. Published by the board of trustees. [Detroit, Chas. J. Esterling ptg. co., 1913]. 8 p. (Bulletin no. 2, September, 1913). S; U. 1430. . By-laws of the faculty of the Detroit college of medicine, adopted June 23, 1885. Detroit, Wm. A. Friederich, printer [1885?]. 9 p. B. 1431. . Trustees, faculty and graduates of Detroit medical college. List of their names, from 1869 to 1880, with addresses of graduates. Detroit, printed at the Detroit free press printing house, 1879. 15 p. B. 1432. Detroit conservatory of music. Prospectus, 1886-87 to 1916. [De- troit, 1886?-1916]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1886-87, 1887-88, 1891-92, 1894-95, 1896-97, 1916. 1433. Detroit copper mining company of Arizona. Articles of association and by-laws of the Detroit copper mining company of Arizona. Organized March 6, 1873 . . . Detroit, daily post book and job printing establishment, 1873. 21 p. B. 142 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1434. Detroit daily tribune. Our domestic resources and industrial in- terests. Detroit, Bams, French & Way, printers. 1860. Caption title, 62 p. (Reprinted from the Detroit daily tribune, February 3, 1860). U. 1435. The Detroit engineers', electricians' and machinists' reference and directory. Compiled by International tmion steam engineers. Local union no. 5. Detroit, Friesema bros., 1900. 128 p. L C. 1436. Detroit evening news. Detroit in nineteen hundred: a chronologi- cal record of events, both local and state, during the closing year of the cen- tury. Edited by S. B. McCracken. Detroit, the evening news association, 1901. 152 p. ^ B; D;S. 1437. . Detroit in nineteen hundred and one : a chronological record of events both local and state, during the first year of the twentieth century. Compiled by the evening news. Detroit, the evening news association, 1902. 205 p. B; D; S. 1438. . Detroit in nineteen hundred and two: a chronological record of events, both local and state, during the second year of the twentieth century. Comp. by the evening news. Detroit, the evening news association, 1903. 147 p. B; D; L C; S; U. 1439. . Detroit in nineteen hundred and three: a chronological record of events both local and state, during the third year of the twentieth century. Compiled by Wm. Stocking. Detroit, the evening news association, 1904. 138 p. B; D; S; U. 1440. . . . . Grand pleasure excursions from De- troit to the sea. Personally conducted by W. H. Brearley. Detroit, Mich., 3rd (1879)-7th (1883). Detroit [cl879-cl883]. B*;'s*. Title of fourth reads: The Detroit evening news fourth annual excursion, from Detroit to the sea, July 7, 1880. *The Burton Historical Collection has 5th and 7th; the State Library has 3rd, 4th, 6th. 1441. . . . . Guide book, giving a full description of the route of the grand excursion to Niagara Falls, Lake Ontario, Toronto . . . Atlantic Ocean. Detroit, William A. Scripps. printer [n. d.]. not paged. B. 1442. . An investigation by D. Kenneth Laub of the staff of the Detroit evening news, November 24, 1914, of Ford profit- sharing at the close of the first year, to which is added editorial comment, the observ^ations of clergymen and police officials . . . And a few of the letters which have come to us from "scholars in the Ford night schools. " [Detroit, 1914']. 27 p. LC. Pub. by the Ford motor company. 1443. . The news boys of Detroit. [Detroit] 1891. not paged. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 143 1444. — '■ . A summer's vacation, where and how to spend it. [Detroit, 1879]. [ix]-61 p. S. Caption title used. 1445. Detroit excursionists' guide to the popular resorts and watering places, islands of Lake Eric, Put-in-Bay, etc. . . . Detroit, commercial pub- lishing CO., 1877. 80 p. B. 1446. Detroit female seminary. Catalogue of the officers and students in the Detroit female seminary . . . 1859-60 to 1876-77. Detroit [1859?- 1876?]. B*; G*; S*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1859-60, 1863-64, 1868-69, 1870-71, 1873-74. 1876-77; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1875-76; the State Library has 1870-7L 1447. . [Prospectus of the] Detroit female semi- nary. Incorporated. 1859. [Detroit, n. d.]. 2 p. U. 1448. Detroit free press. Annual year book, weather forecasts and book of facts . . . Detroit. Detroit free press co., 1892-1901. B*; D*. 1892-1897 title reads: Detroit free press almanac. Subtitle varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1892, 1896; the main library, Detroit, has 1897- 1901. 1449. ■ . [Detroit united railway]. Detroit, Free press, 1906. [58] p. U. Newspaper clippings. 1450. — — . A short story of eighty- two years of the greatest daily newspaper of the middle west commemorating the opening of the new home of the Detroit free press . . . [Detroit, 1913?]. [26] p. S. 1451. Detroit free press fresh air fund for the maintenance of a free summer camp for poor boys . . . 1907-1915. [Detroit, 1907?-1915?]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1907, 1914, 1915. 1452. Detroit home and day school. [Catalogue] 1878-79 to 1906-07. [Detroit] 1879-1907. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1878-79, 1880-81, 1882-83, 1887-88, 1889-90, 1892-93, 1893-94, 1898-99, 1904-05, 1906-07. 1453. Detroit homeopathic college. Calendar, 1872 to 1910-11. Detroit, Mich., 1872-1910. B*; S*; U*. Title varies. Full title in 1872 reads: First term of the Detroit homeopathic college, session of March, April, May, June and July, 1872. *The Burton Historical Collection and State Library each have 1872; the U. of M. Library has 1898-99 to 1910-11. 1454. Detroit illustrated. [Chicago] H. R. Page & co., 1889. not paged. B. 1455. Detroit illustrated, the commercial metropolis of Michigran. Con- taining a detailed statement of its bracing climate, wonderful resources and capabilities. Its origin and history, interspersed with illustrations of its line 144 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN public and private buildings and dwellings, sketches and'portraits of its lead- ing citizens. Detroit, Mich., H. H. Hook, 1891. 171 p. L C; U. 1456. Detroit's industrial advantages, [no imprint], lip. B. 1457. Detroit industrial school Annual report . . . 12th (1869)- 19th (1878). Detroit, 1870-1878. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 12th, 16th, 17th, 19th. 1458. Detroit in history and commerce. A careful compilation of the history, mercantile and manufacturing interests of Detroit; illustrated with views of the city's principal streets, points of interest, prominent buildings and portraits of its noted business men. Published under the direction of the merchants' and manufacturers' exchange and sanction of the Detroit board of trade. Detroit, Mich., Rogers & Thorpe. 1891. 160 p. B; S. 1459. Detroit, its points of interest, and representative business men . . . New York, commercial publishing co., 1896. 141 p. B. 1460. Detroit journal. [Detroit united railwa\-]. Detroit, Detroit journal, 1906. [60] p. U. Newspaper clippings. 1461. . Yearbook, 1st (1889) -3rd (1891). Detroit [cl888- cl890]. B;G;U*. *The U. of M. Libran,' has no. 2-3. 1462. Detroit, Lansing & northern railroad company. Detroit and the pleasure resorts of northern Michigan. Compliments of passenger depart- ment. [Detroit, J. F. Eby & co., printers, 1883]. 83 p. B; L C. 1463. Detroit, Michigan . . . illustrating its commercial importance, the beauties of its location, and the many features that have given it a good name the world over. Detroit, Mich., the photochrom company, 1900. 9 1. L.C. Issued by the Evening news association, Detroit. The colored plates and port, group are accompanied by guard sheets with a descriptive letterpress in red. 1464. Detroit monthly, v. 1, Mar.-Aug., 1901. [Detroit, Detroit monthly publishing co., 1901]. Cover title, [277] p. L C. Various paging. Continued as Wayside tales. 1465. The Detroit news. The white plague's deadly work. [Outline map of Detroit showing deaths in a year]. [Detroit, n. d.]. [1] p. U. 1466. [Detroit newsboys' and carriers' addresses]. [Detroit, 1858-1890]. • B;S*. The addresses are as follows: Detroit advertiser, 1858, 1861; Detroit advertiser and tribune, 1863-1869; Detroit evening journal, 1884; Detroit evening news, 1878, 1879, 1881, 1888; Detroit free press, 1862, 1863, 1866, 1868-1872, 1876, 1881, 1884, 1886, 1887;.Detroit post, 1872-1877; Detroit post and tribune, 1878-1879, 1881-1884; Detroit tribune, 1860, 1870-1874, 1876, 1877, 1887, 1890. *The State Library has the Detroit advertiser and tribune carriers' address for 1866; the Detroit free press carriers' address for 1862; and the newsboys' and carriers' address for 1883. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS - 145 1467. Detroit news tribune. Gov. Chase S. Osbom's administration; an impartial analysis by the Detroit news tribune, Friday, Dec. 27th, '12. [Detroit, 1912]. 7 p. S. 1468. Detroit of today, the city of the strait. Its growth, resources, commerce, manufacturing concerns, financial institutions and prospects . . . Also views of the . . . world's Columbian exposition. Detroit and Chicago, Phoenix publishing co. [1893]. 1 p. 1., 11-272, [15] p. B; L C. 1469. Detroit post and tribune. Zachariah Chandler; an outline sketch of his life and public services. By the Detroit post and tribune. With an introductory letter from James G. Blaine . . . Detroit, the post and tribune company; New York, C. Drew; [etc., etc.] 1880. xvii, [1], [19]-396, xxxvi p. • B;G;LC;S;U. "The last speech of Zachariah Chandler, delivered in . . . Chicago . . . October 31, 1879": app., p. [iii]-xvii. "The Doric pillar of Michigan. A memorial address ... by the Rev. Arthur T. Pier- son": • app., p. [xviii]-xxxvi. 1470. Detroit postoffice official guide. [Detroit, John F. Eby & co., printers, n. d.]. 56 p. B. 1471. Detroit postoffice official mailing guide . . . January, 1892. [no imprint]. 26 p. B. 1472. Detroit, Romeo and Port Huron railroad company. Detroit, Romeo & Port Huron rail road. Its prospects for business and inducements for investments. [Detroit, 1848]. Cover title, 14 p. L C. 1473. Detroit savings fund institute. Condition of the Detroit savings fund institute, December 31, 1860. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 11). B;D;G;S;U. 1474. . Report of the Detroit savings fund institute [January 1, 1850]. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 1 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate doctiment no. 6). B; D; G; S; U. 1475. . Report of finance committee of the Detroit savings' fund institute. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 1 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, senate document no. 1). B;D;G;S;U. 1476. . Report of trustees of the "Detroit savings fund institute", made in pursuance of the requirements of their charter. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 1 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, senate document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 1477. Detroit school for boys. Annual announcement, 1890-91 to 1898- 99. Detroit [1890 :^]- 1898. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1890-91, 1897-98, 1898-99. 19 146 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1478. Detroit school of design. Catalogue, 1911-12 to 1916-17. Detroit [1911 M916?]. B*; S*; U*. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1912-13 to 1914-15, 1916-17; the State Library has 1913-14 to 1915-16; the U. of M. Library has 1911-12, 1912-13, 1916-17. 1479. Detroit school of fine arts. Annual catalog . . . 1912-13 to 1915- 16. Detroit, [1912 M915?]. B*; S*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1912-13 and 1915-16; the State Library has 1915-16. 1480. . School circular, 1911-12 to 1913-14. [Detroit] 1911-1913. D*; U. *The main library, Detroit, has 1913-14. 1481. Detroit seminary. The Detroit seminary, 1890-91 . . . [Detroit, John F. Eby & co., printers, 1890?]. 23 p. S. 1482. [Detroit street railway ordinance, report of vote, 1906]. S. Clippings from newspapers, etc. 1483. Detroit symphony orchestra. [Programs of concerts, 1902 to 1915-16]. [Detroit, 1902P-1916]. B. 1484. Detroit telephone exchange. List of subscribers, 1879-1886. De- troit, 1879-1886. ■ B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has November 10, 1879; September 1, 1881; February •15, 1882; August 15, 1882; June 1, 1883; September 1, 1884; May 1, 1885; March 1, 1886; August 1, 1886. 1485. The Detroit telephone key and directory of subscribers giving the telephone numbers in numerical order . . . Detroit, Mich., Winn & Hammond, printers, 1890. Cover title, 3-44 p. B; L C. 1486. Detroit to-day. The Cadillac bi-centenary ed. of to-day . . . 1701 . . . 1901. July 25, 1901. [Detroit] 1901. Cover title, 32 p. L C. 1487. Detroit training school alumni. Lest we forget. Ed. for the De- troit training school alumni, by Edythe Ashmore. Detroit, Eby & Stubbs, 1904. 260 p. B. 1488. Detroit tribune. Increase of state taxes. The true cause shown. Democrats, not Republicans, responsible for it — Proved by Democratic official records. A complete refutation of the charges brought against Re- publican administration. [Detroit] printed at the Detroit tribune office [1860?]. Caption title, 8 p. U. At top: Detroit tribune tract — no. 3. 1489. . [New Year's greetings, January 1895; sketches from the lives of Senator James McMillan, Senator John Patton, jr., Hon. J. C. Burrows, and Schuyler S. Olds]. [Detroit, tribune, 1895]. 24 p. G. 1490. . A review of the commerce of Detroit for 1861. Annual statement of the Detroit tribime. Detroit, H. Bams & co., printers, 1862. 42 p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 147 1491. . [Scrap-book of clippings from the genealogical and historical department of the Detroit Saturday tribune, September 3- December 10, 1904]. [Detroit, 1904]. [19] p. L C. No title page. Contents. — Clarke genealogy. — Death notices, Detroit gazette, 1821-22. — Inscriptions, Clarkston, Mich. — Bill and Bonnell families. — Lancasters in New England. — Palmer family in Connecticut and Michigan. 1492. . The Detroit tribune's veteran soldiers' and sailors' hand-book, comprising a history of the grand army of the republic; the militar}^ order of the loyal legion; the woman's relief corps; auxiliary to the G. A. R.; the sons of veterans; the union veterans' union and their auxiliary, the woman's veteran relief union; with all the state rosters of each organization. Compiled and published by the Detroit tribune. Detroit, Michigan, 1889. 194 p. D; S. 1493. Detroit united railway. Annual report . . . 1901-1915. Detroit [1901.?-1915.^]. B. 1494. . Detroit united weekly, 1902-1906. De- troit, 1902-1916. B. 1495. . A statement of "facts" concerning the so-called "Barcroft appraisal" of the Detroit united railway lines in the city of Detroit. Detroit, 1910. 51 p. B. 1496. . Statement of Frederick T. Barcroft in answer to request to appear before board of arbitration Detroit in re Bar- croft appraisal of the united railway properties, April 21, 1910. [no imprint]. 17 p. B. 1497. Detroit veterinary dental college, incorporated. Illustrated lec- tures ... of the Detroit veterinary dental college, incorporated. Detroit, Mich. [1904-1905]. Cover title, 2 v. L C. Printed on one side of leaf only. 1498. Detroit river navy. Constitution and by-laws of the Detroit river navy . . . Detroit, William A. Scripps, printer, 1876. 16 p. B. 1499. Detroit river tunnel company. . . . Detroit river tunnel between Detroit, Michigan, and Windsor, Canada. Specifications and permits. February 1st, 1906. Revised August 1st, 1906 . . . New York [1906?]. 2 p. 1., 9-35, 47-54 p. L C. "Contract drawings for proposed tunnel under Detroit river at Detroit, Michigan, ap- proved, August 1st, 1906, W. J. Wilgus [and others] . . . advisory board of engineers": 21 pi. at end. 1500. Der Deutsch-Amerikanische seminarverein von Detroit, Michigan, und seine gegner. Als manuscript gedruckt fur die midglieder des vereins. Detroit, Michigan, 1879. 36 p. B. 1501. Dewey, F. S. Saint Michael's and all angels' church (Episcopal) Cambridge, Lenawee county, Michigan. October 31, 1858. October 31, 1908 148 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN . . . Semi-centennial, origin, history, first sernion . . . Comp. by F. S. Dewey. Detroit [1908]. 1 ]). 1.. 5-46 p. S. 1502. Dewey, Franklin S. Alpena county, its shore-lines and terraces; its rocks and hills . . . its resources and curiosities . . . Alpena, Mich., argus printing house, 1892. 27 p. L C. Pub. by authority of the board of county school examiners. 1503. Dibble, L. D. Prospectus of the incorporation, condition, and con- nections, (both by rail and water,) and business prospects, of the Port Huron and Lake Michigan railroad company, of Michigan, the peninsular railway company, of Michigan, the peninstilar railroad co., of Indiana, and the Chicago, Blue Island and Indiana railroad co., of Illinois. Prepared by request by L. D. Dibble . . . Battle Creek, Mich., review & herald steam book and job print. 1869. 32 p. G; L C. 1504. Dickenson institute. Addresses at the opening of the Dickenson institute, at Romeo, Michigan, October 18, 1854, with a catalogue of the institute for 1854. Ann arbor. Pond's argus book and job press print, 1854. 44 p. S. 1505. Dickinson brothers. Grand Rapids; beautiful, industrial, com- mercial; the Grand Rapids board of trade, comp. by Dickinson brothers. Grand Rapids, Mich. [Grand Rapids board of trade, 1911?]. 94 p. D; G;LC;U. p. 55-94, advertising matter. 1506. Dickinson, Don M. Railroad property exempt from local taxation. Speech . . . before the joint committee of the legislature in representative hall, Lansing, April 16, 1891, and other documents bearing on the subject. The demands of the northwest for water transportation, and a protest against discrimination in favor of competing railroad transportation. The bearing of old special charters. Detroit, John F. Eby & co., printers, 1891. 45 p. B; G. 1507. Dickson, M. M., & co. M. M. Dickson & co.'s township and sec- tional pocket map of Washtenaw county, Michigan ; accompanied by a list of county officers, census tables, directory of resident farmers who own the land they occupy, showing location of farm and giving postoffice address . . . Ann Arbor, Mich .7 M. iM. Dickson & co. [1896]. 34 p. B; L C; U. Map 61x77. 1508. Diepenbeck, Rudolph. Der staat Michigan. Dessen verhaltnisse und hiilfsquellen. Ein wegweiser fiir auswanderer. Zuzammengestellt von Rudolph Diepenbeck . . . Detroit, gedruckt in der office "Des Mich, journals", 1859. 46 p. U. 1509. Dietsche sight seeing autos; seeing Detroit and Belle Isle . . . [Detroit, Stubbs-Esterling ptg. co., n. d.]. [17] p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 149 1510. Digest of the co-operative work for public playgrounds by the playgrounds association, the park and cemetery commissioners and the board of education of the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan. [Grand Rapids] 1912. 31 p. G. 1511. Dilla, Harriette May. The politics of Michigan, 1865-1878, by Harriette M. Dilla . . . New York, 1912. 1 p. 1., 5-259 p. B; G; LC;S;U. Thesis (Ph.D.)— Columbia university, 1912. Published also as Studies in history, economics and pubhc law, ed. by the faculty of political science of Columbia universitj-, vol. XLVII, no. 1, whole no. 118. Bibliographical note: p. 255-258. 1512. Dillenback, Jackson D. 1776-1876. Centennial anniversary of American independence; celebration at Grand Rapids, Mich., July 4, 1876. Grand Rapids, Loomis & Dillenback, 1876. 34 p. B; G; S. 1513. , . Grand Rapids in 1874; sketches of the trade, manufacturers and progress of the city, including a list of buildings erected in 1874, a sketch of local history, and a view of its future. By J. D. Dillenback. Grand Rapids, Mich., Daily times job printing rooms, 1875. iv, 60 p. G. 1514. , ■ . The Grand Rapids annual for 1875-6; sketches of the trade, manufactures and progress of the city, including a list of buildings erected in 1875, and a full description of public improvements during the same period. By J. D. Dillenback. Grand Rapids, Mich., arcade steam job printing house, 1876. 39 p. G; L C; S. 1515. , — . History and directory of Ionia county, Michigan; containing a history of each township; the name, occupation, loca- tion, and postoffice address of every man in the county; a list of postofifices in the county, a schedule of population, and other valuable statistics. Com- piled and pubHshed by J. D. Dillenback. Grand Rapids, Mich. [1872?]. 2 p. 1., [9]-195 p. B; G; S. 1516. Dillon, John Brown. A history of Indiana, from its earliest explora- tion by Europeans to the close of the territorial government, in 1816; com- prehending a history of the discovery, settlement, and civil and military affairs of the territory of the U.S. northwest of the river Ohio, and a general view of the progress of public affairs in Indiana, from 1816 to 1856. By John B. Dillon. Indianapolis, Bingham & Doughty, 1859. xii, 637 p. LC. 1517. Dinner to George Pomeroy Goodale, on the occasion of his fiftieth anniversary as the dramatic critic of the Detroit free press. Hotel Pont- chartrain, Saturday, October 16, 1915. [Detroit. 1915 :i. [22] p. B; S. 1518. Dionne, Narcisse Eutrope. . . . L'Abbe Gabriel Richard, cure de 150 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Detroit. Conference donnee a L'Universite Laval, par M. N. — E. Dionne . . . Quebec, imprimerie de S. — A. Demers, 1902. 54 p. B. At head of title: Une grande figure dc pretrc. 1519. , . . . Gabriel Richard, Sulpicien, cure et second fondateur de la ville de Detroit; la memoire du P. Rasle vengee, par N. — E. Dionne . . . Quebec, typ. Laflamme & Proulx, 1911. 2 p. 1., [vii]-xv, 191 p. B;LC;S. Le pere Scbastien Rasle, Jesuite et missionnaire chcz les Abenaquis, 1657-1724: p. [127J-177. 1520. Directory for 1668-9 [i. e. 1868-9] of the city of Grand Rapids . . . Dudley and Goldsmith, pub. Grand Rapids, Mich., printed at the Eagle steam printing office, 1868. 247 p. G; L C. Front cover and lining-papers included in paging. 1521. Directory of the city of Grand Rapids for 1870-1 . . . J. D. Dillen- bac, & CO., pub. Grand Rapids, Mich., daily eagle steam printing estab- lishment, 1870. [3J-198 p. G; L C. 1522. District nursing association of Grand Rapids. Annual report, 1908-09 to 1912-13. Grand Rapids, 1908-1913. G*. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has 1908-09, 1910-11 to 1912-13. 1523. Distumell, John. The great lakes, or inland seas of America; embracing a full description of lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, and Ontario, rivers St. Mary, St. Clair, Detroit, Niagara, and St. Lawrence, Lake Winnipeg, etc., together with the commerce of the lakes, and trips through the lakes, giving a description of cities, towns, etc., forming altogether a com- plete guide for the pleasure traveller and emigrant ; with map and embellish- ments. Compiled by J. Distumell . . . New York, Charles Scribner, 1865. 191 p. S. 1524. , . Island of Mackinac, giving a description of all the objects of interest and places of resort in the straits of Mackinac and its vicinity . . . also, an account of the early settlement of the country . . . Philadelphia, 1875. viii, 9-96 p. G; L C. 1525. , . Lake Superior guide, giving a description of all the objects of interest and places of record on this great inland sea; with an account of the iron, copper and silver mines; also commercial statistics in re- gard to the product of the mines, fisheries, &c. With a township map including the Lake Superior region and northern Minnesota. Compiled and published by J. Distumell. Philadelphia, 1872. 79 p. U. 1526. , . A trip through the lakes of North America; em- bracing a full description of the St. Lawrence river, together with all the principal places on its banks, from its source to its mouth: commerce of the lakes, etc., forming altogether a complete guide for the pleasure traveler and emigrant. With maps and embelHshments. New York, J. Distumell, 1857. xi, [1], [13]-386 p. G;LC;S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 151 1527. , . Tourists' guide to the upper Mississippi river: giving all the railroad and steamboat routes diverging from Chicago, Mil- waukee, and Dubuque, toward St. Paul, and the falls of St. Anthony; also, railroad and steamboat routes from Chicago and Milwaukee to Lake Superior; together with an account of cities and villages, and objects of interest, on the route and in the upper valley of the Mississippi . . . Comp. by J. Distuniell. New York, American news company, 1866. vi, [2], [9]-84 p. L C. Map attached to back cover. 1528. Dix, D. O. Petitions of D. O. Dix, A. Winslow and thirty-one other citizens of Berrien county, for a general banking law. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 15). B; D; G; S; U. 1529. Dixon, Harrison Morton. ... A study of farm management prob- lems in Lenawee county, Michigan, by H. M. Dixon . . . and J. A. Drake . . . Washington, gov. print, off., 1918. Cover title, 36 p. (U. S., dept. of agriculture, bulletin no. 694). L C. Contribution from office of farm management. 1530. Dock, George. The medical library of the university of Michigan, by George Dock, M. D. . . . Reprinted from the medical library and his- torical journal, v. 3 — July, 1905 — no. 3. Brooklyn, 1905. Cover title, 9 p. D; LC;U. 1531. Documents in relation to the "bill to admit the state of Michigan into the union upon an equal footing with the original states. " December 29, 1836. [no imprint]. 31 p. G. 1532. Dodge, John. Narrative of Mr. John Dodge during his captivity at Detroit, reproduced in facsimile from the 2d ed. of 1780, with an introduc- tory note by Clarence Monroe Burton. Cedar Rapids, la., the torch press, 1909. 64 p. D; G; L C. 1st ed., Philadelphia, 1779; 2d ed., Danvers, Mass., 1780. Facsimile of the original title page, p. [27] reads: An entertaining narrative. of the cruel and barbarous treatment and extreme sufferings of Mr. John Dodge during his captiv^ity of many months among the British, at Detroit. In which is also contained, a particular detail of the sufiferings of a Virginian, who died in their hands. Written by himself; and now published to satisfy the curiosity of every one throughout the United States. The 2d ed. Danvers, near Salem: printed and sold by E. Russell . . . MDCCLXXX . . . "Sixty-three copies printed; sixty being for sale." 1533. Dodge, William Sumner. Robert Henry Hendershot; or the brave drummerboy of the Rappahannock, by William Sumner Dodge . . . Chicago, Church and Goodman, 1867. vi, [7]-202 p. — G; L C. 1534. Donan, Patrick. Mackinac Island. The wave-washed tourists' paradise of the unsalted seas . . . [St. Louis, Mo., times printing house, 1882]. 56 p. B; LC. Pub. by the passenger dept. of the Michigan central railroad. 152 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1535. Donnan, Donald D. Marquette in 1900 . . . Chicago, Levytype CO., 1900. Caption title, [3J-38 p. S. " Published by The Levytype company . . . Chicago, III. Donald D. Donnan, editor. " 1536. Donovan, Joseph Wesley. The Michigan justice's guide and crimi- nal law: being the civil laws, with forms for justices' courts, and the criminal statutes and proceedings of justice, circuit and recorders' courts, with notes, forms, and cases cited, including the late lien and liquor laws, disorderly acts, etc., by J. W. Donovan . . . Chicago, T. H. Flood and company, 1888. 1 p. 1., [v]-ix p., 1 1., 629 p. L C. 1537. D'Ooge, Martin Luther. . . . President Angell's quarter-centen- nial, by Martin L. D'Ooge . . . [New York?] the forum publishing company [cl896J. [10] p. (Reprinted from "The forimi" for July, 1896). S. 1538. Douglas, Amanda Minnie. A little girl in old Detroit . . . New York. Dodd, Mead & company, 1902. 4 p. 1., 362 p. G. 1539. Douglass, Samuel T. Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Michigan. By vSamuel T. Douglass. 2d ed., rev. and annotated. Chicago, Callaghan & co., 1878. 2 v. D; S. 1540. Dow, Henry S. The lumberman's gazette. Annual review of the lumber and salt manufacture and trade of Michigan, for 1872. Together with reports of various other manufactures in the lumber regions, extent of Michi- gan pineries, timber lands as an investment, description of saw mills, personal notes, railroad enterprises and opportunities, new branches of industry, and a large variety of business notices. Henry S. Dow, publisher. Bay City, Mich., the lumberman's gazette print, 1873. 44 p. U. 1541. Dowagiac. Ladies' library association. Catalogue of books of the Dowagiac ladies' library association, Dowagiac, Michigan. Kalamazoo, Mich., Ihling brothers, printers, binders and blank book manufacturers, 1872. 16 p. S. Pages 4 and 5 are out of place. 1542. . School board. Catalogue of the graded schools showing the officers, teachers, graduates & students with the course of study and rules and regulations of the same, Dowagiac, Michigan, April 1st, 1867. Published by authorit}' of the school board. Dowagiac, 1867. 50 p. S. 1543. Drake, J. Allen. . . . Management of sandy-land farms in northern Indiana and southern Michigan, by J. A. Drake . . . Washington [govt, print, off.] 1916. 29 p. (U. S., dept. of agriculture, farmers' bulletin 716). LC. 1544. Drake, Morgan L. Lake Superior railroad. Letter to the Hon. Lewis Cass, by Morgan L. Drake, esq. Pontiac, Mich., W. M. Thompson, book and job printer, 1852. 12 p. G; L C; S. 1545. , . Memorial of Morgan L. Drake, sec'v of Lake BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 153 Sup. railroad co., asking for such an act of assent on the part of the state of Michigan, to the act of incorporation by the legislature of Wisconsin, of the aforesaid company, as may be necessary to authorize said company, under said act of incorporation, to construct its roads and branches within the state of Michigan, and to give such encouragement thereto as may be proper. [Lansing, Hos'mer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 2). D; D; G; S; U. 1546. , — . Memorial of Morgan L. Drake, secretary of the Lake Superior railroad company, asking for such an act of assent on the part of the state of Michigan to the act of incorporation by the legislature of Wis- consin, of said company, as may be necessary to authorize said company under said act of incorporation, to construct its roads and branches within the state of Michigan, and to give such aid to said company as may be proper. [Lan- sing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1857]. 14 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1857, senate document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 1547. Drake, Samuel Adams. The making of the Ohio valley states : 1660- 1837, by Samuel Adams Drake . . . with many illustrations and maps. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1894. x, 269 p. L C. 1548. Drake's Michigan digest; a digest of all the reported decisions of the supreme court of Michigan and of the industrial accident board, with notes to the constitution and statutes, April 16, 1912-July 1, 1917, being supplement volume 2-3. Detroit, F. S. Drake, 1915-1917. L C; S. "Continues the volume one supplements to West's Michigan digest," by D. W. Crockett, cl913. cf. Pref. 1549. Draper, Andrew Sloan. The recovery of the law. An address de- livered at the annual commencement of the university of Michigan, Thurs- day, July 1, 1897, by Andrew S. Draper . . . Ann Arbor, Mich., board of regents, 1897. 20 p. L C; S. 1550. Drown[e], Solomon. An oration, delivered at Marietta, April 7, 1789, in commemoration of the commencement of the settlement formed by the Ohio company, by Solomon Drown . . . Worcester [Mass.] I. Thomas, 1789. 1 p. 1., 17 p. L C. 1551. Dubuisson, [Charles Renaud]. Official report, made by the com- manding officer, Mr. Dubuisson, to the governor general of Canada, of the war which took place at Detroit, in 1712, between the French and their allies, and the Ottagamie and Mascoutins Indians. Detroit, Harsha & Willcox, 1845. 24 p. B;LC. Reprinted in W. R. Smith's history of Wisconsin. 1854. 1552. Dudley, Henry Walbridge. Autobiography of Henry Walbridge Dudley. Menasha, Wisconsin, George Banta publishing company [1913]. 189 p.' G. 1553. Dudley, Thomas P. . . . Battle and massacre at Frenchtown, 154 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Michigan, January, 1813, by Rev. Thomas P. Dudley, one of the sur\-i\-ors. [Cleveland, 1870?]. Caption title, 4 p. (Western Reserve and northern Ohio historical society [tracts, v. 1] no. 1). L C. Reprinted in Historical magazine, 2d ser., v. 9, p. 28-31. 1554. Duffield, George. Angelique; a story of Lake Superior, A. D. 1845, by Rev. George Duffield. [no imprint]. 8 p. • S. 1555. J- . Ibid. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., C. H. Chap- man [1892]; [Detroit, Aldine printing works, 1892]. [8] p. S. 155(^. , . The veteran hero. A funeral discourse deliv- ered in the first Presbyterian church of the city of Detroit, Michigan, on the 18th of April', 1851, at the interment of the remains of the late Hugh Brady, brevet major general, of the United States army. By George -Duffield . . . Detroit, A. McFarren, 1851. 26 p. B; D; L C. 1557. , . The jiew capitol; or, the wilderness rejoicing. A Thanksgiving sermon in the first Congregational church, November 28, 1878. By George Duffield. (Published by request). Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1878. 25 p. S. Illus. on verso of title page. 1558. , . Our soldier-dead. An address on decoration day, Northville, May 30th, 1884, by George Duffield . . . [Detroit :'] pub. by request [1884]. Cover title, 24 p. L C; S. 1559. Duluth, South shore & Atlantic railway. Passenger dept. Along the south shore of Lake Superior. [New York, press of the American bank note CO., cl890]. 82 p. U. 1560. [Duquesne, Eugene]. . . . Preliminary report on a program for the James Scott fountain. November, 1913. [Detroit, 1913]. 11 p. B;LC. At head of title: Detroit city plan and improvement commission. Signed: Eugene Duquesne. Submitted to the city plan and improvement commission of Detroit. 1561. Durant, Samuel W. History of Ingham and Eaton counties, Michi- gan, with illustrations and biographical sketches of their prominent men and pioneers. By Samuel W. Durant. Philadelphia, D. W. Ensign & co., 1880. 586 p. B;LC;S:U. 1562. [ , ]. History of Kalamazoo county, Michigan. With illustrations and biographical sketches of its prominent men and pio- neers. Philadelphia, Everts & Abbott, 1880. 552 p. D; L C; S. 1563. [ , ]. . . . History of Oakland county. Michigan. With illustrations descriptive of its scenery, palatial residences, public build- ings, fine blocks, and important manufactories, from original sketches by BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 155 artists of the highest abiHty. Philadelphia, L. H. Everts & co., 1877. vi, [5]- 334, XXV p. G;LC;S. At head of title: 1817. Caption title: History of Oakland county, Michigan, by Professors S. W. Durant and H. B. Pierce. Appendix: Militarj^ history of Oakland county. Roster of soldiers from Oakland county in the war of the rebellion. 1564. East Saginaw. Board of education. East Saginaw pubHc schools. 1890-91. Published by the board of edueation. [Saginaw, Mich., printing house of Seemann & Peters, 1890?]. 147 p. (In Catalogues of some of the leading high schools of Michigan, v. 1 . . . Columbian exposition, 1893). U. 1565. . Charters. The charters of the city of East Saginaw, as enacted and amended by the legislature of the state of Michigan, together with other acts of the legislature, for use of the ofiticers of the city. Compiled and printed by order of the common council. East Saginaw, enterprise printing company, 1869. 120, 30 p. S. 1566. . . Acts amending the charter of the city of East Saginaw, incorporating the board of water commissioners and annexing the village of South Saginaw, enacted by the legislature of Michigan, 1872-73. East Saginaw, daily enterprise steam job printing house, 1873. 71 p. S. 1567. . First Congregational church and society. Manual of the first Congregational church and society of East Saginaw with histori- cal sketch and catalogues. Pub. by the church and society, March, 1873. East Saginaw, daily enterprise steam printing house, 1873. 92p. B. 1568. . Ordinances, etc. Revised ordinances, 1886. [no imprint]. 199, [46] p. — G. Title page missing. Amendments pasted in back. 1569. . Public library. Catalogue of the public library of East Saginaw, Michigan, compiled by W. L. Smith, librarian. Published by the board of education. East Saginaw, Mich., courier co., printers and binders, 1878. 73 p. S. 1570. Eaton county agricultural society . . . Sixty-first annual Eaton county fair, Charlotte, Mich., Sept. 28, 29, 30, October 1, 1915; the list of premiums, constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations. [Charlotte, Charlotte leader print, 1915]. 40 p. S. 1571. Eaton Rapids. Public library. Catalogue of the public library of Eaton Rapids, Michigan. Eaton Ra^Dids, Mich., journal job print, 1883. Cover title, 27 p. S. Under the same cover: Supplementary catalogue of Eaton Rapids public library, for 1885, [3] p.; and Supplementary catalogue of the Eaton Rapids public library, for 1886, [4] p. 156 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1572. Eby, John F. & co. John F. Eby & co.'s annual 1884-1885. De- troit. John F. Eby 6c co., 1884-1885. B. 1573. An ecomomic study for Detroit business men, including "Keeping John Barleycorn off the train. " Reprinted from the Saturday evening post, by permission, [no imprint], not paged. B. 1574. Edison illuminating company, Detroit. Annual report to stock- holders, 1910-1915. Detroit [1911-1916]. B. Fiscal year ends December 31. 1575. Edmonds, Charles A. Journal of the senate of Michigan, sitting as a court of impeachment for the trial of Charles A. Edmonds, commissioner of the state land office. Printed by virtue of an act of the legislature, under the direction and supervision of Henry S. Sleeper, secretary of the senate. Lan- sing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1872. 2 p. 1., [3]-248 p. LC;S. 1576. Edmonds, John W. Report of J. W. Edmonds, United States' com- missioner, upon the disturbance at the Potawatamie payment, September, 1836. New York, 1837. 47 p. G. 1577. Educators of Michigan; biographical. Illustrated. Chicago, 111., J. H. Beers & CO., 1900. 2 p. 1., [9]-510 p. ^B;G;S. 1578. Educators of Michigan. A choice collection of biographical sketches and portraits of the teaching profession. Detroit, the Wilton-Smith co. [cl894]. 228 p. B. 1579. Edwards, Richard. Historical, statistical and commercial review of the state of Michigan. Includes Edwards' historical sketch of the city of Detroit, [n. p., cl862]. [144] p. B. 1580. , . Industries of Michigan, city of Detroit, histori- cal and descriptive review; industries, institutions, commercial and manu- facturing advantages . . . New York and Chicago, historical publishing co. [cl880]. 288 p. B. 1581. Edwin Denby club. For Congress Edwin Denby; issued and pre- sented by the Edwin Denby club. Detroit, press of Frank H. West [1910]. 15 p. -^- B. 1582. Eighteenth street Baptist mission. Detroit, herald pulilishing house, 1878. 36 p. B. 1583. Eldredge, Robert F. Past and present of Macomb county, Michi- gan, by Robert F. Eldredge; together with biographical sketches of many of its leading and prominent citizens and illustrious dead . . . Chicago, the S. J. Clarke publishing co., 1905. 712 p. L C. 1584. Eldridge, Azariah. An address delivered before the New England society in Ann Arbor, Mich., on forefathers day, December 22, 1860. By BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 157 Rev. Azariah Eldridge, of Detroit. Ann Arbor, Elihu B. Pond, printer, 1861. 15 p. B;G. 1585. Election and registration booths, city of Detroit; locations pre- scribed by the common council for election houses; corrected to June 10, 1915. [Detroit, 1915']. not paged. B. 1586. Election districts, city of Detroit, 1902. [Detroit, 1902?]. 15 p. B. 1587. [Election tickets, November, 1882]. [Detroit? 1882?]. ^ B. Contents. — National union Democratic party ticket. — Regular Democratic party ticket with labor candidates. — Liberal Democratic party ticket. — First ward free trade Democratic party ticket. — First ward Democratic party ticket (city ticket). — Regular Republican party ticket with labor candidates. — Liberal Republican party ticket. — First ward Republican party ticket. — First ward free trade Republican party ticket. 1588. Ellet, Mrs. Elizabeth Fries (Lummis). Pioneer women of the west, by Mrs. Ellet . . . New York, C. Scribner, 1852. xi, [13]-434 p. LC. 1589. , . ; . Summer rambles in the west, by Mrs. Ellet . . . New York, J. C. Riker, 1853. viii, 268 p. L C. Narrative of a trip from BufTalo through Michigan, Illinois and Minnesota. 1590. Elliott, Richard Robert. The last of the Barons. By Richard R. Elliott. (In Michigan pioneer and historical collections. Lansing, 1894, vol. XXI, p. 494-500). B*; D.; G; S; U. Read before the Michigan pioneer and historical society, June 2, 1892. *The Burton Historical Collection also has a reprint in 7 pages. 1591. , The oldest Catholic city of the west — Detroit and its founder. (In United States Catholic historical magazine. New York, 1887, vol. I, no. 4, p. 345-365). B. 1592. , . Sketch of the life and times of Gabriel Richard of Detroit, Michigan, [n. p., 1899]. 156-176 p. (From the American CathoHc historical researches, v. 16, no. 4, October, 1899). U. 1593. Ellis, Edward Sylvester. . . . The forest messengers, by Edward S. Ellis . . . illustrated by Edwin J. Prittie. Philadelphia, Chicago, [etc.] the J. C. Winston company [cl907]. 4 p. 1., 340 p. (Half title: Paddle your own canoe series [no. 1] ). L C. Series title also at head of title page. 1594. [ , ]. Pontiac, chief of the Ottawas; a tale of the siege of Detroit, by Colonel H. R. Gordon [pseud.]. New York, E. P. Dutton & company [cl897]. v, 300 p. L C; S. 1595. [ , ]. Ibid. NewYork, E. P. Dutton & com- pany, 1905. v, 300 p. S. 158 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1596. Ellis, Erastus Ranney. Alcmorial of physicians and surgeons to the legislature of Michigan in favor of introducing the homeopathic system of medical treatment, into the new northern insane asylum, and other asylums, prisons and public institutions of this state. Comp. and arranged by E. R. Ellis. [Detroit, Christian herald print, 1883]. 25 p. B. 1597. [Ellis, Franklin]. History of Genesee count}', Michigan. With illustrations and biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers. Philadelphia, Everts & Abbott, 1879. 446 p. L C; S. 1598. Ely, George Hervey. Remarks of Mr. George H. Ely . . . before the committees on commerce of the senate and house of representatives of the United States, in opposition to the bridging of the straits of Detroit, February, A. D. 1880. [Washington? 1880]. 30 p. - — B; L C; S. 1599. , . Shall the water way of the great lakes be obstructed by a bridge at Detroit? Remarks of Hon. George H. Ely, of Cleveland, Ohio, before the committee on commerce of the senate of the United States, February 4th and 5th, 1890, in opposition thereto. Cleve- land, O., the Cleveland printing & publishing co., 1890. 30 p. L C. 1600. Ely, S. P. Memorial of S. P. Ely and Lewis H. Morgan, in relation to the railroad interests of the upper peninsula. [Lansing. John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1863]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 1601. Emerson Curtis. Petition of Curtis Emerson, Seth C. Beech, and 91 others, praying that colored people in this state be admitted to all the privileges of free white citizens. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 24). B;D;G;S;U. 1602. English, William Hayden. Conquest of the country northwest of the river Ohio 1778-1783; and life of Gen. George Rogers Clark. Over one hundred and twenty-five illustrations. With numerous sketches of men who served under Clark . . . By William Hayden English . . . Indianapolis, Ind. and Kansas City, Mo., the Bowen-Merrill company, 1896. 2 v. B;G;LC;S;U. 1603. Ensign, Bridgman & Fanning's lake and river guide; being a traveler's companion to the cities, towns, and villages on the western waters of the United States . . . New York, Ensign, Bridgman & Fanning, 1856. 143 p. L C. 1604. Ensign & Thayer's travellers' Guide through the states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, and Wisconsin; with railroad, canal, stage and steamboat routes . . . New York [etc.] Ensign & Thayer; Cincinnati, R. Blanchard, 1849. 32 p. L C. Map dated 1850. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 159 1605. Erie and Kalamazoo railroad company. Acts of the legislative council of the territory of Michigan, incorporating the Erie and Kalamazoo railroad company, and bank; also, an act relative to banking institutions. Adrian, printed by R. W. Ingals, 1836. 16 p. B. 1606. . Acts incorporating the Erie and Kalamazoo railroad company and bank. Passed 1833, 1835, and 1836. Toledo, printed at the Blade office, by A. W. Fairbanks, 1839. 15 p. B. 1607. . Communication from the president of the Erie and Kalamazoo railroad. Statement of the receipts and expenses of the Erie and Kalamazoo railroad from January 1st to De- cember 31st, 1843, inclusive. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, house document no. 4). B;D;G;S;U. 1608. . Memorial of the committee of directors of the Erie and Kalamazoo railroad company. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 1 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, house docu- ment no. 12). B;D;G;S;U. 1609. — . Report of the Erie and Kalamazoo railroad company, 1840-1854. [Lansing, state printers, 1841- 1855]. B*;D*; G*;S*; U*. Published at Detroit, 1841-1847. *The above libraries each have reports for 1840, 1846 and 1854. Issued in a legislative documentary series as follows: 1840, House document no. 40, Michigan legislature, 1841. 1846, House document no. 11, Michigan legislature, 1847. 1854, Senate document no. 18, Michigan legislature, 1855. 1610. Erie and Michigan telegraph company'. Articles of agreement and association for the formation of the Erie and Michigan telegraph com- pany . . . New York, Jared W. Bell, printer, 1846. 15 p. B. 1611. Escanaba. Carnegie public library. Annual report of the Car- negie pubHc library of Escanaba, Michigan ... 1st (1904)-9th (1911-12). [Escanaba. 1904-1912]. S*. *The State Library has lst-3rd, 5th-9th. 1612. . Ordinances, etc. Ordinances of the city of Escanaba, Michigan. Printed by authority of the common council. Escanaba, mirror print, 1892. 82 p. vS. 1613. Estes, Ludovic. Latitude of the Detroit observ^atoiy, Ann Arbor, Michigan, detennincd by the zenith telescope and discussed by the method of least squares, by Ludovic Estes . . . Ann Arbor, Mich., the register printing and pubHshing co., 1888. 2 p. I., 54 p. L C. 1614. [Etzenhouser, Rudolph]. Engravings of prehistoric specimens 160 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN from Michigan, U. S. A. . . . Detroit, J. Bornman 8: son, printers [cl910]. 39 p. LC;S. "Introduction" signed: Rudolph Etzenhouser. 1615. Eustace, Harry Joshua. . . . Cover crops for Michigan orchards and vineyards [by] H. J. Eustace. East Lansing, Mich., 1913. [123J-134 p. (Michigan agricultural coUege, experiment station, circular no. 18, July, 1913). M AC;S. Also in Fifty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 366-375. 1616. [ , ]. . . . Potato culture [by H. J. Eustace]. East Lansing, Mich., 1912. 4 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, circular no. 15, April, 1912). MAC; S; U. Also in Fiftv-first annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 445-447. 1617. , . Spray and practice outline for fruit growers, 1910-1915. East Lansing, 1910-1915. — M A C; S. Issued as Special bulletins of Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, as follows: 1910, Special bulletin no. 51. 1911, Special bulletin no. 54. 1912, Special bulletin no. 57. 1913, Special bulletin no. 61. 1914, Special bulletin no. 69. 1915, Special bulletin no. 73. 1618. [ , — ]. . . . Thinning apples [by H.J. Eustace]. East Lansing, Mich., 1914. [15 7] -160 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, circular no. 24, Jime, 1914). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 549-551. 1619. [ , ]. Winter vetch for a cover crop in Michigan orchards [by H. J. Eustace]. East Lansing, Mich., 1911. 4 p. (Michi- gan agricultural college, experiment station, circular no. 13, Jul}^ 1911). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-first annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 439-441. 1620. Evans, Arthur T. A collection of amphibians and reptiles from Gogebic county, Michigan, by Arthur T. Evans ... (In U. S. National museum, proceedings. Washington, 1916, v. 49, p. 351-354). L C. 1621. Evans, Estwick. A pedestrious tour of four thousand miles, through the western states and territories, during the winter and spring of 1818. In- terspersed with brief reflections upon a great variety of topics: Religious, moral, political, sentimental, &c., &c. By Estwick Evans . . . Concord, N. H., printed by Joseph C. Spear, 1819. (In Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Early western travels, 1748-1846 . . . Cleveland, Ohio, 1904, vol. VIII, p. [95]- 364). B;S;U. 1622. The evening news association, Detroit. Men of progress; em- bracing biographical sketches of representative Michigan men; with an out- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 161 line history of the state . . . Detroit, Mich., the evening news associa- tion, 1900. xiv p., 1 1., 528 p. B; G; L C; S. - 1623. , . The quarterly register of current history, February, 1891, v. 1, no. 1. History of the year 1890. Pub. by the Evening news association. Detroit, 1890. 84 p. B. 1624. Everett, Franklin. Memorials of the Grand river valley, by Frank- lin Everett . . . Chicago, the Chicago legal news company, 1878. x, 545, 74 p. B;G;LC;S;U. "This work was prosecuted under the auspices of the old resident's association of the Grand river valley. ' ' — Pref . 1625. , . Scraps from the history of Grand Rapids. (In French, J. A. & Ryan, M. T. Grand Rapids city directory, 1865-'66. Grand Rapids, 1865, p. [7]-119). G. 1626. Ewing, Thomas. Address ... at the centennial celebration at Marietta, Ohio, July 15th, 1888, of the settlement of the northwest territory. (2ded.). [Marietta, O., for the Woman's centennial association of Marietta, O., 1888]. Cover title, 16 p. L C. 1627. Excelsior boat club, Detroit. Articles of incorporation, constitu- tion, by-laws, rules, etc. . . . Detroit, W. E. Tunis, steam printer and binder, 1874. 40 p. B. 1628. Faber, William Frederick. Fifty years: a history of St. Johns' church in Detroit, Michigan, by William Frederick Faber, rector. Detroit, the Richmond & Backus co., 1909. 174 p. B. 1629. Facts and arguments against the election of General Cass, re- spectfully addressed to the Whigs and Democrats of all the free states, by an anti-abolitionist. New York, printed by R. Craighead, 1848. 64 p. B. 1630. Fairlie, John Archibald. The Michigan constitutional convention. By John A. Fairlie . . . [Ann Arbor? 1908]. Cover title, 19 p. (Reprinted from Michigan law review, vol. VI, no. 7, May, 1908). B; L C; S. 1631. , ■ •. The referendum and initiative in Michigan, by John A. Fairlie, Ph. D. . . . [PhHadelphia ? 1912?]. 146-158 p. (Re- printed from The annals of the American acadainy of political and social science, September, 1912). G; S. 1632. , . Some suggested changes in the constitu- tion of Michigan, by John A. Fairlie . . . [Ann Arbor?] 1907. Cover title, 11 p. (Reprinted from Michigan law review, vol. V, no. 6, April, 1907). B; G; L C; S; U. 1633. Fancher, Isaac A. History of Isabella county. [An address] de- livered at Mount Pleasant on the centennial fourth of July, 1876. Enter- prise, J. R. Doughty, printer [1876]. 10 p. B. 21 162 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1634. Fanning, B. E. Pocket or carriage directory of 1000 of the first class residences in the city of Detroit . . . Compiled by B. E. Fanning. Detroit. Machris 8: co.. printers. 1876. 42 p. B. 1635. Farm and business directory of Houghton, Keweenaw, Ontonagon and Baraga counties (1904) containing a list of all the farmers, also the names of all the business people except the mining towns in Houghton (co.) which have a business directory. Houghton, superior pub. co. [1904]. 296 p. D. 1636. The farm journal illustrated directory of Allegan county, Michi- gan (^with a complete road map of the county). Philadelphia. Wilmer Atkin- son company, 1916, 1 v. G; L C. 1637. The farm journal illustrated rural directory of Barry county, Michigan (with a complete road map of the county). Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkinson company, 1917. 1 v. G; L C. 1638. The farm journal illustrated rural directory of Berrien county, Michigan (with a complete road map of the county). Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkinson company, 1917. 1 v. G. 1639. The farm journal illustrated rural directory of Calhoun county, Michigan (with a complete road map of the county). Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkinson company, 1916. 1 v. G; L C. 1640. The farm journal illustrated rural directory of Eaton county, Michigan (with a complete road map of the county). Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkinson company, 1916. 1 v. G; L C. 1641. The farm journal illustrated rural directory of Gratiot county, Michigan (with a complete road map of the county). Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkinson compam-, 1917. 1 v. G. 1642. The farm journal illustrated rural directory of Ingham county, Michigan (with a complete road map of the county). Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkinson company, 1916. 1 v. G; L C. 1643. The farm journal illustrated rural directory of Ionia county, Michigan (with a complete road map of the county). Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkinson company, 1917. 1 v. G. 1644. The farm journal illustrated rural directory of Kent coimty, Michigan (with a complete road map of the county). Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkinson company, 1917. 1 v. G; L C. 1645. The farm journal rural directory of Lenawee county, Michigan (with a complete road map of the county). Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkinson company, 1916. 1 v. G; L C. 1646. The farm journal illustrated rural directory of Macomb county, Michigan (with a complete road map of the county). Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkinson company, 1916. 1 v. G; L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 163 1647. The farm journal illustrated rural directory of Monroe county, Michigan (with a complete road map of the county). Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkinson company, 1916. 1 v. G; L C. » 1648. The farm journal illustrated directory of Montcalm county, Michi- gan (with a complete road map of the count}'). Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkin- son company, 1917. 1 v. G. 1649. The farm journal illustrated rural directory of Shiawassee county, Michigan (with a complete road map of the count>-). Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkinson company, 1917. 1 v. G; L C. 1650. The farm journal illustrated directory of Van Buren county Michigan (with a complete road map of the county). Philadelphia, Wilmer Atkinson company, 1916. 1 v. G; L C. 1651. Farmer, Silas. All about Detroit; an illustrated guide, map, and historical souvenir, with local stories. Detroit, S. Farmer & co. [1899]. 272 p. B; LC;S. 1652. , . Detroit in 1890 compared with 1870, by Silas Farmer . . . Compiled and published exclusively for the Preston national bank. [Detroit, Mich., 1 890]. 84p. B; L C; S. 1653. , . Guide and souvenir of Detroit . . . Detroit, S. Farmer & co. [1891]. ix, 113 p. B; L C. 1654. , . Guide to the streets, street pavements, street car routes and house numbers of Detroit, with other interesting information . . . [Detroit] S. Farmer & co. [cl898]. 239 p. B. John F. Eby & co., printers. 1655. , . Ibid. ("Greater Detroit" ed.). [Detroit] S. Farmer & co. [cl905]. 254 p. B. 1656. , . Ibid. (New enlarged ed.). [Detroit] S. Farmer & CO. [cl905]. 264 p. B. 1657. , . Ibid. (Rev. ed.). [Detroit] S. Fanner & co. [cl905]. 276 p. B. 1658. , . Handbook and guide map of the city of Detroit . . . Detroit, Mich., S. Farmer & co. [1870]. 61 p. L C. Pages 29-61 printed on verso of map. 1659. , . History and rules of Elmwood cemeter\^ with list of lot owners and location of lots. Detroit, Mich., S. Farmer & co. [1886]. 38 p. B; LC. 1660. , — . History and rules of Mount Elliott cernetery, with list of lot owners and location of lots. Detroit, Mich., S. Farmer & co. [1886]. 3H p. L C. 164 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1661. , . History and rules of Woodmere cemetery, with list of lot owTiers and location of lots. Detroit, Mich., S. Farmer & co. [1886]. 26 p. B;LC. 1662. J- . The history of Detroit and Michigan; or, the metropolis illustrated; a chronological cyclopaedia of the past and present, including a full record of territorial days in Michigan, and the annals of Wayne county, b}^ Silas Farmer . . . Detroit, S. Fanner & co., 1884. xlvi, 1024 p. ^B;G;LC;U. 1663. , .- Ibid. 2d ed. Rev. and enl. Detroit, S. Fanner & CO., 1889. 2v. — B;LC;S. Contents. — v. 1. General. — v. 2. Biographical. 1664. , . History of Detroit and Wa^^ne county and early Michigan; a chronological cyclopedia of the past and present . . . 3d ed. rev. and enl. Detroit, S. Farmer & co., for Munsell & co.. New York, 1890. 2 V. D; G; L C. 1665. , . Illustrated guide and souvenir of Detroit . . . Detroit, Mich., S. Farmer & co., [1878]. 67 p. B; L C; U. 1666. , . Map and manual of the city of Detroit . . . De- troit, S. Farmer & co., tribune print [1872]. 79 p. B; L C. 1667. , . The Michigan book; a state cyclopedia, with sec- tional count}^ maps alphabetically arranged . . . Detroit, Mich., S. Far- mer & co. [1901]. 352 p. B;G;LC;U. 1668. Farmers' and mechanics' bank of Michigan. Memorial of the stock- holders of the farmers' and mechanics' bank of Michigan, asking an exten- sion of their charter. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, senate docimient no. 12). B; D; G; S;U. 1669. . Memorial of the stockholders of the farmers' and mechanics' bank of Michigan. [Lansing, Mimger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849]. 16-17 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1849, house document no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 1670. Famsworth, Fred E. ■ Proceedings. Complimentary banquet ten" dered by the citizens of Michigan to the Hon. Thomas Witherell Palmer, en- voy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, on the occasion of his de- parture for Spain, Thursday, April 25th, at 8 o'clock, P. M., Russell house. Compiled by Fred E. Famsworth, secretary executive committee. Detroit, 1889. 1 p. 1., 79 p. D; S; U. 1671. Farrand, Elizabeth Martha. History of the university of Michigan, by Elizabeth M. Farrand. Ann Arbor, register publishing house, 1885. vi, [7]-300p. B;G;LC:U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 165 1672. Farrand training school for nurses. Announcement of the Farrand training school for nurses, established in memory of David Osbuni Farrand, in connection with Harper hospital, Detroit, Michigan, 1884. Detroit, 0. S. Gulley, Boniman & co., printers [1884]. lip. S. 1673. Farwell, Oliver Atkins. . . . Michigan novelties. (In Seventeenth report of the JMichigan academy of science . . . Lansing, Michigan, Wyn- koop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1916, p. 167-182). B;D*;G;LC;S;U. At head of title: Contributions to the botany of Michigan, no. 14. By Oliver Atkins Farwell. *The main library, Detroit, has a reprint. 1674. — ■ — — , . . . . Notes on the Michigan species of Polygonatum [by] OliA^er Atkins Farwell. New York, 1915. Cover title, 247-258 p. (Reprinted . . . from Bulletin of the Torrey botanical club, 42 . . . May 22, 1915). — L C. Contributions to the botany of Michigan, no. 11. 1675. Felch, Alpheus. The Indians of Michigan and the cession of their lands to the United States by Indian treaties; with map. By Alpheus Felch. A paper read before the Michigan pioneer and historical society, at its annual meeting, held at Lansing, June 6 and 7, 1894. . . . Lansing, R. Smith, printers and binders [1896?]. 26 p. (Reprint from Michigan pioneer and historical collections, v. 26). S. 1676. Fentbn. Charters. Revised and amended charter and ordinances of the village of Fenton, Genesee county, Michigan. Published by authority. Fenton, Mich., 1891. 88, [2] p. S. 1677. Ferguson, Nelson. In the circuit court of the United States, for the sixth circuit, in the western district of Michigan; Charles R. Tucker [and others, acting for the Flint & P. M. railway co.] vs. Nelson Ferguson [and others, supervisors of Osceola county]. East Saginaw, Mich., Daily courier book and job print, 1873. 27 p. S. Under same cover: . . . Brief for defendants . . . Detroit, tribune printing company, 1873. 18 p.; . . . Argument for the state . . . Detroit, W. E. Tunis, printer. 1873. 16 p. 1678. Fergusson, Adam. Practical notes made during a tour in Canada, and a portion of the United States, in MDCCCXXXI. By Adam Fergusson, Edinburgh, William Blackwood; and Strand, London, T. Cadell, 1833. 379 p. B. 1679. , . Ibid. 2d ed. To which are now added notes made during a second visit to Canada MDCCCXXXIII. Edinburgh, William Blackwood; and Strand, London, T. Cadell, 1834. 426 p. B. 1680. Fernow, Berthold. The Ohio valley in colonial days, by Berthold Femow . . . Albany, N. Y., J. Munsell's sons, 1890. 299 p. (Added title page: Munsell's historical series, no. 17). L C. 166 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1681. Ferrey, Mrs. Marie B. Know your owni state, compiled by Mrs. M. B. Ferrey of the Alichigan pioneer and historical society. [Lansing, 1910]. Caption title, [4] p. S. 1682. ; . . Old seals and state seals of Michigan, by Mrs. Marie B. Ferrey . . . [Lansing, n. d.]. [307]-343 p. (Reprinted from vol. XXX, Michigan pioneer and historical collections). B; G; S. 1683. Ferris, Jacob. The states and territories of the great west . . . their geography, history, resources . . . comprising their local history, in- stitutions, and laws. Giving a table of distances, and the most direct routes . . . also, pointing out the best districts for agricultural, commercial, lum- bering, and mining operations . . . By Jacob Ferris. New York [etc.] Miller, Orton, and Mulligan; Buffalo, E. F. Beadle, 1856. xii, [13]-352 p. G;LC. 1684. Ferris, Woodbridge Nathan. Address of Hon. Woodbridge N. Fer- ris, governor of Michigan, as temporary chairman of the Mackinac conference of the American peace centenary committee at Mackinac Island, Jiily 21, 1914. [Lansing? 19 Wf]. Caption title, [4] p. S. 1685. , . The duty of the state towards mouth hygiene, by Gov. Woodbridge N. Ferris, Lansing, Michigan. (In the Dental summary. A journal of practical dentistry . . . Toledo, Ohio, 1915, v. 35, no. 2, p." 163-168). — U. 1686. , . [Mrs. Nellie G. Ferris], [no imprint]. 47 p. S. 1687. Ferris institute. Business, shorthand and telegraphy, 1913-1914 .... [Big Rapids, 1913?]. 104 p. S. 1688. . [Calendar], 1914. Bloomington, 111., panta- graph ptg. & sta. co., 1914. [7] p. • S. 1689. . Catalog of Ferris institute . . . 1909-10 to 1913- 14. [Big Rapids, 1909 ?-1913?i. S*. *The State library has 1909-10 and 1913-14. 1690. . What school' 1915. [Big Rapids ;-] 1915. lip. S. 1691. . What school? [Big Rapids? n. d.]. [24] p. S. 1692. Ferry Thomas W. Justice to Michigan Indians — Protection to bona fide settlers — Restoration of Indian reservations to market. Remarks of Hon. Thomas W. Ferry, of Michigan, in the house of representatives, June 30, 1870, on the Indian appropriation bill. [Washington, printed at the Con- gressional globe office, n. d.]. Caption title, 4 p. S. 1693. Festbericht bei dem fimfzigjahrigen jubilaum und der einweihung der drei neuen glocken der Evang-Prot. St. Johannes gemeinde abgehalten BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 167 am 23 September A. D. 1883 in Detroit, Mich., verfasst durch Pastor E. Haass, [no imprint]. 8 p. B. 1694. A few facts concerning the history of the Michigan state board of registration in medicine. [Grand Rapids? 1900?]. 12 p. U. 1695. Fick, Levi James. The mechanics' Hen law of Michigan. Ed. by Levi J. Fick . . . Detroit, the Richmond & Backus co., 1885. 1 p. 1., [5]- 27 p. L C. 1696. Field, G. Memoirs, incidents and reminiscences of the early history of the New church in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and adjacent states; and Canada. By Rev. G. Field. New York, E. H. Swinney, 1897.' vii, [1], 368 p. G. 1697. Filley, William. Life and adventures of William Filley, who was stolen from his home in Jackson, Mich., by the Indians, August 3d, 1837, and his safe return from captivity, October 19, 1866, after an absence of 29 years. Chicago, Filley & Ballard, 1867. 112 p. B. 1698. Finney, Byron A. Public libraries and local history. B. A. Finney, university of Michigan library, read before the Ann Arbor library club, March 12, 1903. [no imprint]. Caption title, [4] p. (Reprinted from Jan- uary, 1905, Public libraries). B; S. 1699. [Fisher, E. B.]. Grand Rapids, illustrated; [description by E. B. Fisher], [n. p.] international publishing company, 1888. plates. G, 1700. Fiske, [Lewis Ransom]. Albion college; historical address deliv- ered by President Fiske in college chapel, Nov. 15th, 1893. [n. p.] 1893. 11 p. ' G. 1701. , . An address on the condition and oflfice of the agricultural college of the state of Michigan, delivered in the hall of the house of representatives, Jan. 14, 1861, by Prof. L. R. Fisk [Fiske?] A. M. Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers, 1861. Cover title, 35 p. L C. Also published as Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 3. — B; D; G; S; U. 1702. Fitch, Abel F. Report of the great conspiracy case. The people of the state of Michigan, versus Abel F. Fitch and others, commonly called the railroad conspirators : tried before His Honor Warner Wing, presiding judge of the circuit court for the county of Wayne, at the May term, 1851, in the city of Detroit. Containing the evidence, arguments of counsel, charge of the court and the verdict of the jury. Detroit, advertiser and free press, 1851. 175, [1], 283, 399, [1], 8 p. — B;G;LC. Three parts and index, each paged separately. Fitch died during the trial, and the case was continued as: The people of the state of Michigan vs. Ammi Filley, et al. 1703. Fitch, Ferris S. Catalogue of the public school exhibit of the state of Michigan showing the work of the public schools, arranged alphabetically by cities and villages; also by departments, and a series of 115 statistical maps 168 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN and charts graphically illustrating the growth and development of the public school system during the half-century of the state's history, together with reports and blanks used in its official management. Compiled and arranged b\' Ferris F. Fitch, superintendent of exhibit. Pontiac, Michigan [presses of the Oakland county post, 1893]. 49 p. S. 1704. Flaherty, Nellie Lenore (Hogadone) ''Mrs. James T. Flaherty". A brief sketch of the earliest history of Michigan's great lake region, now the summer land of the middle west, by Mrs. James T. Flaherty. [Grand Rapids, Etheridge printing company, cl916]. 16 p. L C. Cover title: Michigan and her great highways. 1705. Flaherty, Viva. History of the Grand Rapids furniture strike; with facts hitherto unpublished. Grand Rapids, 1911. 29 p. G. 1706. Fletcher, Stevenson Whitcomb. Outline of an elementary course in horticulture for the schools of Michigan, by S. W. Fletcher . . . [Lansing] the state superintendent of public instruction [1908]. 31 p. (On cover: [Michigan, dept. of public instruction], bulletin no. 28). • L C: S. "Literature needed b}^ teachers": p. 30-31. 1707. ■ — ■ — , . . . . Pollination of forced toma- toes, by S. W. Fletcher and O. I. Gregg. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1907. 10 p. (JMichigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 39, October, 1907). M A C; S. Also in Forty-seventh annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 294-301. 1708. , . . . . Varieties of fruit originated in Michigan, by S. W. Fletcher. East Lansing, 1910. 87 p. (Michigan agricrdtural college, experiment station, special bulletin [no.] 44, August, 1910). M AC;S. 1709. Fletcher, William A. Communication from the Honorable William A. Fletcher, relative to the revision of the laws. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, house doctmient no. 3. In Journal of the house of representatives . . .1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 488-490). B; D; G; S; U. 1710. , . Report of the Honorable William A. Fletcher, relative to the revision of the laws. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate doctiment no. 3. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 2-5). B; D; G; S; U. 1711. Flint, James. . . . Flint's letters from America, 1818-1820. Cleve- land, O., the A. H. Clark company, 1904. 333 p. (Early western travels, 1748-1846 ... ed. ... by Reuben Gold Thwaites ... vol. IX). LC;S;U. Reprint of Edinburgh edition of 1822, including facsimile of title page. 1712. Flint, Timothy. A condensed geography and history of the western states; or, the Mississippi valley. By Timothy Flint ... in two volumes. Cincinnati, E. H. Flint, 1828. '2v. G. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 169 1713. Flint. Charters. Charter, by-laws, and ordinances of the city of FHnt. Printed by authority of the common council. Flint, Michigan, F. H. Rankin, printer, 1882. 182 p. B. 1714. • . : . Charier and ordinances of the city of Flint, Michi- gan, and rules of the common council. Printed by authority of the common council of the city of Flint. Compiled by James S. Parker, city attorney. Flint, Mich., Flint daily news print, 1904. 4 p. 1., [7]-377 p. S. 1715. ■ — — . Citizens. Proceedings of a meeting of the citizens of Flint, assembled in accordance to public notice, at the post ofhce, for the purpose of taking into consideration the action of the legislature relating to house bill no. 46, in relation to authorizing James Se3rmour and Ogden Clark to keep up a dam across Flint river, in the town of Flushing, county of Genesee. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 4 p. (Michigan-, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 26). B; D; G; S; U. 1716. . Executive committee of the golden jubilee. The book of the golden jubilee of Flint, Michigan, 1855-1905. Published under the aus- pices of the executive committee of the golden jubilee and old homecoming reunion. [Flint] executive committee of the golden jubilee and old home- coming reunion [1905?]. 3 p. 1., 271 p. B; S. 1717. . Ladies' library association. Catalogue of the ladies' li- brary association, instituted March, 1851; incorporated, March, 1853. Flint, Michigan, Jenny & Lyon, printers, 1862. 17 p. S. 1718. . . Constitution and catalogue of the ladies' library association of Flint, Michigan. Flint, Mich., Rankin & Warren, printers, 1869. 47 p. B; S. 1719. Flint and Pere Marquette railroad company. Argument for and on behalf of the Flint and Pere Marquette railway company before the legisla- tive committees on railroads as to the right of the state to impose local taxa- tion on railroad lands. [Lansing? 1873?]. lip. S. 1720. — . Report . . . 1860- 1870. Detroit, 1861-1871. B*. Place of publication varies: New York, 1861. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1860 and 1870. 1721. Flint scientific institute. Constitution of the Flint scientific in- stitute. Incorporated, Feb. 3, 1853. Flint, Mich., F. H. Rankin, printer, 1857. 16 p. B;LC. 1722. Flint river Baptist association. Minutes of the thirteenth anni- versary . . . held with the church at Bay City, August 27th, 28th and 29th, 1867. Detroit, O. S. Gullcy's steam power press, 1867. 16 p. B. 1723. Foik, PaulJ. . . . The Michigan essay, Michigan's first newspaper. By Paul J. Foik, C. S. C, Ph. D. Published by the university of Notre 170 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Dame. Notre Dame, Ind., 1914. 12 p. (The University of Notre Dame studies, historical series v 1, no. 1; general series, v. 1, no. 1). B; S. 1724. Folsom, W. H. C. Fifty years in the northwest; with an introduc- rion and appendix containing reminiscences, incidents and notes. By W. H. C. Folsom. Ed. by E. E. Edwards. [St. Paul] pioneer press company, 1888. 763 p. B. ' 1725. Ford, Corydon L. . . . A memorial discourse on the life and services of Alonzo Benjamin Palmer, M. D., LL. D. . . . delivered in university hall, by request of the senate, April 8, 1888, by Corydon L. Ford . . . [Ann Arbor,. Alich.] the university, 1888. 29 p. G. 1726. Ford, Henry A. Michigan. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott co., 1891. 8 p. LC. Appears as article "Michigan" in Chambers' encyclopaedia. New ed. London [etc. J 1891-93. 1727. Ford, Richard Clyde. The white captive; a tale of the Pontiac war, by R. Clyde Ford; illustrated by C. L. Cole. Chicago, Rand McNally & company [1915]. 296 p. B; D. 1728. Ford, R. Milton. Financial statement of the village of Highland Park, fiscal year ending February 28, 1909. Compiled by R. Milton Ford, [no imprint]. 18 p. B. 1729. Ford motor company. Ford factory facts, [no imprint]. 64 p. B. 1730. . Ford motor cars; Ford motor car company . . . [Detroit? 1909]. 32 p. B. 1731. . Helpful hints and advice to employes to help them grasp the opportunities which are presented to them by the Ford profit-sharing plan. Detroit, Mich., the Ford motor company, 1915. 41 p. LC. 1732. Forestie, Edouard. Lamothe-Cadillac, fondateur de la ville de Detroit (Michigan), Gouvcnieur de la Louisianc et de Castelsarrasin. Notes complementaires par M. Edouard Forestie . . . Montauban, imprimerie et lithographic Forestie, pere et fils, 1907. 24 p. B. 1733. The forestry problem in southern Alichigan, Prof. E. E. Bogue . . . The forestry problem of northern Michigan, Prof. Filibert Roth . . . The gospel of forestry, Hon. Chas. W. Garfield . . . [no imprint]. 12 p. (Re- printed from Michigan farmers' institute, bulletin no. 12, 1905-6)-. B. 1734. Foiman, Samuel Eagle. Government in Michigan ; a supplement to S. E. Forman's "Advanced civics" and also to his "American republic." New York, the century co.. 1917. 59 p. L C. 1735. Foster, G. L. The past of Ypsilanti: a discourse delivered on leaving the old Presbyterian church edifice. Lord's day, September 20th, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 171 1857; also an appendix, containing a history of schools, secret societies, &c., by G. L. Foster. Detroit, Fleming & Davis, book printers, 1857. 48 p. -^— B;S. 1736. Foster, John Wells. Report on the geology and topography of a portion of the Lake Superior land district, in the state of Michigan, by J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney, United States geologist. In two parts. Part I. Copper lands. Washington, printed for the house of reps., 1850. 224 p. ( [U. S.], 31st cong., 1st sess., house ex. doc. no. 69). B; G; L C; S. 1737. , . Ibid. Part II. The iron region, together with the general geology . . . Washington, printed by A. B. Hamilton, 1851. xvi, 406 p. ( [U. S. 32d cong.] special sess., senate ex. [doc] no. 4). B; G; L C; S. Contents. — Classification and nomenclature of the rocks. — Azoic system. — -Granite rocks of the Azoic period. — The iron ores and associated rocks. — Economic geology of the Azoic series. — Composition of the trappean rocks. — Mineralogy. — Lower Silurian system. Potsdam, and calciferous sandstone. — Lower Silurian system continued; Upper Silurian and Devonian series; by James Hall. — Miscellaneous observations on the Palaeozoic series. — Chemistry and economic geology of the Palaezoic series. — Description of new or rare species of fossils from the Palaeozoic series, by James Hall. — On the superficial deposits of this district, by E. Desor. — On the elevation of mountain chains. — Parallelism of the Palaeozoic deposits of the United States and Europe, by James Hall. — On the observed fluctuations of the surfaces of the lakes; Magnetic variations, comparison of terrestrial and astronomical measnrements ; by Charles Whittlesey. — Botany, by W. D. Whitney.— Appendix: annotations and additions. 1738. Foster and Reynolds. The standard guide, Mackinac Island and northern lake resorts, with illustrations. Foster & Reynolds, [n. p.] 1904. 3 p. 1., [5]-76.p. S. 1739. Fountain, Paul. The great northwest and the great lake region of North America, by Paul Fountain . . . London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green and co., 1904. viii, 355 p. L C; S. "A sequel to . . . 'The great deserts and forests of North America' and 'The great mountains and forests of South America. ' " — Pref. 1740. Fowler, Smith W. Autobiographical sketch of Capt. S. W. Fowler, late of the 6th Michigan infantry. Manistee, Michigan, 1878. Cover title, 24 p. S. 1741. Fox, Charles. An examination of a case of church discipline lately adjudged by the Right Rev. Samuel A. McCoskry, D. D., bishop of the diocese of Michigan. Detroit, Duncklee, Wales & co., 1850. 94 p. G. 1742. Fox, Frances Margaret. . . . Betty of old Mackinaw, by Frances M. Fox . . . illustrated by Etheldred B. Barry. Boston, L. C. Page & co., 1901. 5 p. 1., 109 p. (Cosy comer series). L C. 1743. Fox, O. G. The .sewerage of Greenville. By O. G. Fox ... A paper read before the sanitary convention held at Greenville, Mich., April 11 and 12, 1882, under the auspices of the state board of health and a com- mittee of citizens of Greenville . . . [Lansing? 1883?]. Half title, [210]-212 172 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the vcar 1882. Reprint no. 124). vS. 1744. Fox, Truman B. History of Saginaw county, from the year 1819 down to the present time. Compiled from authentic records and other sources : traditionary accounts, legends, anecdotes, etc., with valuable statistics, and notes of its resources and general information concerning its advantages: also, a business directory of each of the three principal towns of the county. By Truman B. Fox. East Saginaw, enterprise print, 1858. 80 p. B. 1745. , . History of the Saginaw valley, its resources, progress and business interests, by Truman B. Fox. East Saginaw, Mich., daily courier steam job print, 1868. 80 p. U. 1746. Fox, W. A. Beautiful Rochester; a sketch of a live town, by W. A. Fox . . . [Rochester] 1897. Cover title, 31, [1] p. S. 1747. Fox illustrating company. Lansing illustrated. 1890. The Fox illustrating companj^ illustrators and publishers. Battle Creek, Mich. [1890]. not paged. U. 1748. Frank, Louis Frederick. Pionierjahre der Deutsch-Amerikanischen familien Franlc-Kerler in Wisconsin und Michigan, 1849-1864; geschildert aus briefen gesammelt und hrsg. von Dr. Louis F. Frank, Milwaukee, Wis., 1911. [Milwaukee:^ 1911]. 529, [1], ix p. G; L C; U. 1749. Frankfort. Literary association library. Catalogue of books in the Frankfort literary association librar}-; revised August 2nd, 1877. Frankfort, Mich., weekly express steam printing house, 1878. Cover title, 16 p. S. 1750. Frankfort. Public school library. Catalogue of books, Frankfort public school library, to which is added catalogue of authors, [no imprint]. Cover title, [26] p. S. 1751. Franklin club, Detroit. Constitution and by-laws . . . Detroit, William Harsha, printer, 1841. 6 p. ■ B. 1752. Frazier, Joseph. Sunset at Mackinac and other poems, by Lieut. Joseph Frazier, U. S. army. Stray leaves from the note book of a dilletante. [Sault Ste. Marie, Burchard & Magee, 1893]. 82 p. G. 1753. Freeman, A. F. [Equal taxation vs. tax escapement]; address of the Hon. A. F. Freeman, member state tax commission, delivered before the Michigan bankers' association at Pointe aux Barques, Michigan, June 18th, 1903. [no imprint]. 16 p. S. 1754. The freeman's pamphlet; or. Republicanism and Locofocoism, their measures and policy, by a young Democrat. Detroit, printed by H. Bams at the tribune office, 1856. 30 p. B. 1755. Freemasons. Detroit. Palestine lodge, no. 357. Palestine lodge, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 173 no. 357, F. & A. M., Detroit, Alichigan; album portraits of members. [De- troit, the lodge; Topping & compan3% printers] 1905. 148, vi p. S. This volume also contains: Directory of Palestine lodge, no. 357, F. & A.M., Detroit, Michigan, compiled by the secretary, January 1, 1905. 62 p. 1756. . Dowagiac lodge no. 10. By-laws of Dowagiac lodge no. 10, of F. and A. Masons, Dowagiac, Mich. Dowagiac, William H. Campbell, printer, 1858. 13 p. — B. 1757. . Michigan. Grand chapter of royal arch masons. Transactions of the grand chapter, royal arch masons of the state of Michigan ; [9th]-68th annual convocation . . . 1858-1916. Charlotte, Mich., 1858- 1916. S*. Place of publication varies: Detroit, 1858-1870; Grand Rapids, etc. Title varies: 1858-1870, Proceedings of the grand chapter of royal arch masons of the state of Michigan at its [9th]-21st annual convocation . . . *The State Librarv has 1858, 1861, 1863, 1865-1868, 1870, 1872, 1888, 1906, 1908-1914, 1916. 1758. . . Grand commandery of knights templar. . . . Annual conclave; grand commandery, knights templar of Michigan, 1858-1906. Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1858-[1906?]. S*. Place of publication varies: Detroit, Grand Rapids, etc. Title varies: 1858, Proceedings of the regular conclave of the grand commandery of knights templar of the state of Michigan, held on June first, A.D. 1858: A.O. 740. Con- stitution of the grand encampment of knights templar for the United States of America; statutes of the grand commandery of Michigan ; statutes and regulations to be adopted by subordinate commanderies. 1887-1889, Proceedings of the 31.st-33rd annual conclave of the grand commandery of knights templar of. Michigan. . . . *The State Library has 1858, 1887-1893, 1904, 1906. 1759. . . Grand council of royal and select masters. Proceedings of the grand council of royal and select masters of the state of Michigan at the annual assembly . . . 1867-1916. Charlotte, Mich., the Charlotte Republican, 1867-1916. S*. Place of publication varies: Detroit, Coldwater, etc. Title varies slightly. *The State Library has 1867, 1868, 1897, 1902, 1904-1906, 1908-1916. 1760. . . Grand lodge. Masonic burial service. [n. p., 18—]- Cover title, 8 p. L C. 1761. -. . . Memorial service . . . Sag- inaw, January 23, 1894, [for Rev. Geo. J. McCandless, Gen. S. B. Brown, Gen. Wm. Innes]. [no imprint]. 26 p. G. 1762. . . . Michigan masonic cere- monies adopted by the Grand lodge ... of Michigan, 1897. [n. p.] 1897. 92 p. LC. ' Pub. by the Grand lodge under the direction of Jefferson S. Conover, grand secretary. 1763. . -. . Michigan masonic monitor. Adopted by the Grand lodge, free and accepted masons of Michigan, 1897. [Coldwater? Mich.] 1897. 45 p. L C. Pub. by the Grand lodge under the direction of Jefferson S. Conover, grand secretary. 174 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MICHIGAN 1764. . . ■ . Revised constitution of the grand lodge of F. & A. masons of the state of Michigan, also the edicts now in force. Detroit, printed by H. Bams, tribune office, 1857. 40 p. B. 1765. . . . Transactions of the grand lodge of free and accepted masons of the state of Michigan . . . 1826-1916. Reed City, 1861-[1916?]. B*; S*. Place of publication varies: Ann Arbor, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, etc. Title varies: 1826-27 to 1846, Transactions of the grand lodge of the most ancient and honorable fraternity of free and accepted masons of the state of Michigan . . . 1847-1853, Transactions of the grand lodge of ancient York masons of the state of Michigan . . . 1854-1860, Transactions of the grand lodge of free and accepted masons of the state of Michigan . . . Other slight variations of title. Transactions for 1826-27 pub. Grand Rapids, 1883 (not previously pub.); 1841-52, 1854, 1857-60, "reprinted" Grand Rapids, 1883-84; 1853, 1855-56, original editions, with imprint dates 1853-1856; 1861-1916 published annually. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1876 and 1878; the State Library has 1826, 1827, 1841-1885, 1887-1916. 1766. French, J. A. Grand Rapids city directon,- and business mirror; compiled by J. A. French and M. T. Ryan. 1865-'66. Grand Rapids, Mich., daily eagle office, 1865. 152 p. G. Contains Scraps from the history of Grand Rapids, by Franklin Everett. 1767. Frieze, Henry Simmons. ... A memorial discourse on the life and services of Rev. Henry Philip Tappan, D. D., LL. D. . . . Delivered in university hall, by request of the senate and alumni, June 28, 1882, by Profes- sor Henry S. Frieze, LL. D. [Ann Arbor] the university, 1882. 45 p. ■ G;LC;S;U. At head of title: University of Michigan. 1768. , . . . . The relations of the state university to religion. An address delivered before the graduating classes on Sunday evening, June 26, 1887, at the semi-centennial of the university, by Henry Simmons Frieze . . . Ann Arbor, the university, 1888. 1 p. 1., 38 p. G;U. At head of title: University of Michigan. 1769. Frothingham, Earl Hazeltine. . . . Selling woodlot products on Michigan farms, by E. H. Frothingham, forest examiner, forest service. July 10, 1915. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co. state printers, 1916. 49 p. L C. At head of title; United States department of agriculture in co-operation with the pub- lic domain commission of the state of Michigan. 1770. [Fruit belt land corporation]. Michigan grows fruit better than far west. From Detroit free press, June 18, 1911. [Manistee^^ 1911"-]. [7] p. S. "Issued by the Fruit belt land corporation, Manistee, Michigan." 1771. Fruitport orchard and vineyard company. The "fruitport or- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 175 chard and vinc3'ard company" have secured about eighteen square miles of the choicest fruit lands in the celebrated "Michigan peach belt," near the to-wn of Fruit port [etc.]. Address, E. L. Craw, Fruitport via Spring Lake, Michigan. Chicago, Mathews & co., 1869. 1 p. 1., 15 p. L C; S. 1772. Fruitvale land development co. Fruitvale gardens "where vou can be your own boss." [Chicago, fruitvale land development co., 1914?]. 19 p. - — G. 1773. Full length portrait and memoir of the late Douglass Houghton, state geologist of Michigan. [Detroit, 1873]. Caption title, [3] p. S. 1774. Fuller, George Newman. Economic and social beginnings of Michi- gan; a study of the settlement of the lower peninsula during the territorial period, 1805-1837, by George Newman Fuller, Ph. D. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1916. Ixxii, 630 p. (Let- tered on cover : University series I, Michigan historical publications). — B; D; G; LC;S;U. Published also as thesis (Ph D.) University of Michigan, 1912. Bibliography: p. [541]-592. 1775. Fuller, Myron Leslie. Failure of wells along the lower Huron river, Michigan, in 1904, by Myron L. Fuller. [Lansing, Mich., 1905]. 29 p. (From Report for 1904 of Michigan board of geological survey). L C. 1776. Fulton, M. W. Methods and results of tillage, by M. W. Fulton. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1898. [77]-96 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 164, December, 1898). ■ M AC;S;U. Also in Thirty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 178-192. 1777. Funeral address, and memorial notices of Mrs. Isabella Graham Duffield, of Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Wm. Graham's steam presses, 1872. 33 p. S. 1778. . . . Fiinfzig jahre Deutschen strebens; gedenkblatter zum fiinfzig jahrigen jubilaum der "Germania" von Saginaw, Michigan, U. S. A. [Sagi- naw, Mich., druck und illustrationen von Seemann & Peters, 1906]. viii, 8S, [1] p. — S. 1779. Gale, George. Upper Mississippi: or, historical sketches of the mound-builders, the Indian tribes, and the progress of civilization in the north-west; from A. D. 1600 to the present time. By George Gale. Chicago, Clarke and company; New York, Oakley and Mason, 1867. vii p., 1 1., [ll]-460p. LC. 1780. Gallagher, Thomas. Remonstrance of Thos. Gallagher against the passage of an act to repeal act no. 267, in the session laws of 1849, being an act entitled "an act to prevent the transportation of pickled fish without in- 176 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN spection. " [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850J. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 14). B; D; G; S; U. 1781. Gallagher, William Davis. Facts and conditions of progress in the north-west. Being the annual discourse for 1850, before the historical and philosophical society of Ohio; delivered April 8, the sixty-third anniversary of the first settlement of the state. By William D. Gallagher. With an ap- pendix, containing a sketch of the history of the society, and other matter. Cincinnati, H. W. Derby & co., 1850. 88 p. B; L C; S; U. "A historical sketch of the historical societies of Ohio": p. 77-85. 1782. Galloway, Tod B. The Ohio-Michigan boundary line dispute, [by] Tod B. Galloway. (In Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly. Colum- bus, 1895, V. 4, p. 199-230). L C; S; U. 1783. Gansser, Augustus H. Histor}- of Bay county, Michigan, and rep- resentative citizens; ed. and comp. by Capt. Augustus H. Gansser . . . Chicago, 111., Richmond & Arnold, 1905. 1 p. 1., [5J-726 p. G; L C; S. 1 784. Gardiner, W. H. Ancient and picturesque Mackinac. Published by W. H. Gardiner . . . Grand Rapids, Michigan, the James Bayne co., printers, 1905. not paged. S. 1785. , . Mackinac Island, the ancient Michilimackinac. 3rd ed. PubHshed for W. H. Gardiner ... by W. G. McFarlane . . . Bufialo, N. Y. [n. d.]. not paged. S. 1786. Garfield, James Abram. . . . Discovery and ownership of the north- western territory, and settlement of the Western Reserve. An address de- livered at Burton, before the historical society of Geauga county, O., Sept. 16, 1873, by Hon. James A. Garfield. [Cleveland, 1874]. Caption title, 12 p. (Western Reserve and northern Ohio historical society, [his- torical and archaeological tracts] no. 20). L C; S. Also in Old south leaflets. Boston, 1893, general ser., v. 2, no. 42. — U. 1787. The gargoyle ... v. 1 (1909)-v. 7 (1914-15). Ann Arbor, 1909- 1915. U. 1788. Garrigues, S. S. . . . Report on the salt manufacture of Michigan, by S. S. Garrigues. (In Michigan, geological survey, [reports] vol. iii, pt. i: Lower peninsula 1873-1876. New York, J. Bien, 1876, p. 167-216). — B;LC;S;U. 1789. , . Ibid. New York, J. Bien, 1876. 52 p. L C; S. 1790. Gates, Jasper Calvin. Michigan law of real propert}^; conveyancing, abstracts of titles, forms, by Jasper C. Gates . . . Detroit;, F. S. Drake, 1915. xxix, 1076p. D;G;LC. 1791. Gedenkboek van het vijftigjarig jubileum der Christelijke Gere- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 177 formeerde Kerk, A. D. 1857-1907, met 52 Afbeeldingen, uitgegeven door de semi-centennial comm. 2d ed., enl. Grand Rapids, Mich., J. B. Hulst [1907]. 262 p. G. 1792. Geismar, Leo M. . . . Corn production in the upper peninsula of Michigan, by L. M. Geismar. East Lansing, Michigan, 1910. 8 p. (Michi- gan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 52, April, 1910). MAC;S. Also in Forty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 440-444. 1793. , . . . . Grasshoppers and their control, by L. M. Geismar. East Lansing, Michigan, 1910. 7 p. (Michigan agricultural col- lege, experiment station, special bulletin no. 53, June, 1910). ■ MAC;S. Also in the Forty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 445-448. 1794. The General Alpheus S. Williams monument association. [Minutes of the trustees on the death of Joseph L. Hudson]. [Detroit? 1912?]. [5] p. S. 1795. General hospital, Detroit. Announcement, 1909-1913. [Detroit? 1909?-1913?]. — B. 1796. Genesee county. County commissioners. A petition of the county con^missioners, etc., of Genesee county, praying for the passage of a law for the collection of a certain tax. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 38, p. 144-145). B;D;G;S;U. 1797. Gentsch, William J. Gentsch's dictionary of Detroit and its vi- cinity . . . Containing full information regarding industries, societies, amusements, resorts, etc., in and near Detroit, arranged alphabetically. [De- troit] W. J. Gentsch, 1893. 72 p. L C. 1798. Geography of Michigan, a supplement to the eclectic series of geographies. [Cincinnati] Van Antwerp, Bragg &co., 1877. 2 p. 1., 12 p. (Eclectic series of geographies. Supplements). L C. 1799. Geography of Michigan [and Wisconsin.]. [New York] D. Apple- ton & CO., 1878. xii p. L C. No title page. Special suppl. to Cornell's school geographies. Michigan, p. i-viii; Wisconsin, p. ix-xii. 1800. Geological society of America. Alexander Winchell; memorial sketch and eulogium. [Rochester, 1891]. Cover title, 13, [56]-59 p. (From Bull. geol. soc. Am., v. 3, 1891). S. 1801. George Washington Scripps. A memoir. [Detroit, John F. Eby & CO., printers, 1898?]. 21 p. S 1802. German Republican mass meeting. Resolutions of a German Republican mass meeting in the cit}^ of Detroit, upon the state of the union. 23 ITS BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 3 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1861, senate document no. 6). B; D; G; S; U. 1803. Geschichte dcr Dcutschcn Evang. Luth. Immanuels-gemeinde . . . zur feier ihres funfzigjahrigen jubilaums am 27. Mai 1906, herausgegcbcn von dem jubilaimis-comite. Grand Rapids, Mich., Martin & Wiirzburg, 1906. 77. [2] p. G. 1804. [Gibbs, Mary V.]. Glimpses of early Michigan life in and about Kalamazoo [by Mary V. Gibbs]. (In Magazine of American history . . . New York City, 1890, vol. XXIV, p. 457-464). B; S. 1805. Gibraltar and flat rock company. Copy of deed of trust and arti- cles of association of gibraltar and flat rock company, state of Michigan. Detroit, printed at the Franklin office, 1836. 13 p. B. 1806. [Gilbert, Angle Bingham]. Devil's kitchen, Mackinaw Island [poem]. [Grand Rapids? Mich., 1886]. [6] p. G. Xo title page. 1807. [ , ]. "A tale of two cities. " [A paper read be- fore the meeting of the old residents' association of the Grand river valley], [no imprint]. Caption title, 28 p. G; U. 1808. Gillam, S. E. Effect on public health of overflowed lands adjacent to Michigan; a paper read before the sanitary convention at Greenville, Mich., April 12, 1882, by S. E. Gillam, M. D. . . . [Lansing? 1883?]. Half title, 184-190 p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1882. Reprint no. 120). S. 1809. Gillespie, George D. A manual for the use of rectors, wardens and vestrymen, in the diocese of Michigan, with annals of the diocese, compiled by the Rev. George D. Gillespie, secretary of the convention, with the aid of clergymen and laymen of the diocese. Ann Arbor, Dr. Chase's steam print- ing house, 1868. ' 145 p. B; G; S. 1810. Gilhnan, Henry. Certain characteristics pertaining to ancient man in Michigan, by Henry Gillman. (In Smithsonian institution, annual report, 1875. Washington, 1876, p. 234-245). B; L C; U. - 1811. , . The mound builders and platycnemism in Michi- gan. Reprinted from Smithsonian report for 1873. Certain characteristics pertaining to ancient man in Michigan. Reprinted from Smithsonian report for 1875. Washington, government printing office, 1877. various paging. B. 1812. Giltner, Ward. . . . Infectious abortion and sterility in cattle, by Ward Giltner. East Lansing, Michigan, 1912. 12 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, technical bulletin no. 14, June, 1912). M AC;S. Also in Fiftv-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 408-417. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 179 1813. , . . . . Infectious abortion in cattle, by Ward Giltner and E. T. Hallman. East Lansing, Michigan, 1916. 13 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, circular no. 29, April, 1916). MA C; S. Also in Fiftv-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 323-333. 1814. , . . . . Studies of agglutination reactions in hog cholera during the process of production. (Preliminary). By Ward Giltner. East Lansing, Michigan, 1909. 21 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, technical bulletin no. 3, October, 1909). M A C; S. Also in Fortv-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 490-507. 1815. , . vStudies of agglutination reactions in hog cholera during the process of serum production, by Ward Giltner. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, technical bulletin no. 8. In Fiftieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1911, p. 406- 442). M AC;S. 1816. Gladstone. Charters. Charter of the city of Gladstone approved March 27, 1893. Printed and published by authority of the city council. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., printers and binders, 1893. 127 p. S. 1817. Gladwin, Henry. The Gladwin manuscripts; with an introduction and a sketch of the conspiracy of Pontiac, by Charles Moore. Lansing, Mich., Robert Smith printing co., 1897. 1 p. 1., [605]-687 p. (Reprinted from the Michigan pioneer and historical collections, v. 27). B; L C; S; U. 1818. Glimpses of Detroit, the great city of the straits and its beautiful surroundings, containing Burton's condensed statistics; a brief and pleasing view of Detroit and vicinity . . . Detroit, Wayne publishing co., 1898. not paged. B. 1819. Glover, Lowell H. A twentieth century history of Cass county, Michigan. L. H. Glover . . . ed. . . . Chicago, New York, the Lewis pub- lishing company, 1906. xiv, 782 p G; L C. 1820. Godfrey, Stuart Chapin. The Detroit river tunnel, by Lieut. Stuart C. Godfrey . . . (In professional memoirs, corps of engineers, U. S. Army, and engineer department-at-large. Washington, 1910, v. 2, p. 153- 167 inch diagrs.). L C; U. 1821. Gogebic county. Inspector of mines. Annual report of the in- spector of mines. 1892-93 to 1894-95. Ironwood, Mich., times steam print [1893-1895']. S. 1822. Goldberger, Joseph. Report of an investigation of diphtheria car- riers, by Joseph Goldberger, surgeon, C. L. Williams, assistant surgeon, and F. W. Hachtel, bacteriologist. United States public health service. (In U. S. 180 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Hygienic laboratory, bulletin. Washington, govt, print, off., 1915, no. 101, p. 29-41). LC;U. 1823. Good government league, Grand Rapids. "Bucket shop depart- ment store"; how George E. Ellis, under oath in a water trial, described his business . . . Published by good government league. Grand Rapids [n. d.]. [4] p. S. 1824. , . Ellis as a juggler; pe- culiar financial policy pursued by the candidate for governor. Published by good government league. Grand Rapids, Mich. [n. d.]. [4] p. S. 1825. , . . . . The record on which George E . Ellis asks the Republicans of Michigan to nominate him for gover- nor. Published by good government league. Grand Rapids, Mich. [n. d.]. [4] p.^ S. 1826. , , Repudiated by Republi- cans; George E. Ellis has never received the full vote of the party in Grand Rapids; always elected by Democrats or non-Republicans; how he fooled a part of the people at five elections; questionable campaign methods. Pub- lished by good government league. Grand Rapids, Mich. [n. d.]. [4] p. S. 1827. Goodrich, L. A. The water supply of Hillsdale, by L. A. Goodrich, Ph. C. . . . [Lansing:^ 1885?]. Caption title, [107]-110 p. (Reprinted from a supplement to the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1884. Reprint no. 172). vS. 1828. Gordon, Charles Henry. . . . Geological report on Sanilac county, Michigan, by C. H. Gordon . . . Lansing, R. Smith printing co., state printers, 1900. vi p., 1 1., 34 p., 3 1. (Michigan, geological survey, [reports], vol. VH, pt. HI). L C; S; U. 1829. , . . . . Reports of C. H. Gordon on the Port Huron oil field, and the erosion of the shore north of Port Huron. [Lansing, Mich., 1902]. 1 p. 1., [269]-281 p. (From appendix of Report for 1901 of Michigan board of geological survey). L C. Contains only report on the Port Huron oil field. 1830. , . Wave cutting on west shore of Lake Huron, Sanilac county, Michigan, by C. H. Gordon. [Lansing, Mich., 1902]. Caption title, [283]-291 p. (From Report for 1901 of Michigan board of geo- logical survey). L C. 183 1 . Gordon, W. C. A geological section from Bessemer down Black river, by W. C. Gordon assisted by Alfred C. Lane, state geologist [of Michigan]. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1907. 4p. ]., [405]-507p. LC. Pub. by the board of geological survey as a' part of the report for 1906. Relates to Keweenawan (or copper bearing) rocks. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 181 1832. Goss, D wight. Histor}^ of Grand Rapids and its industries, by Dwight Goss . . . Chicago, C. F. Cooper & co., 1906. 2 v. D; G; LC;S;U. Paged continuously; v. 1:6 p. 1., 9-682, vii-lx p.; v. 2: 1 p. 1., Ixi-lxiii, 683-1312 p. 1833. [ , ]. The published material relating to the history of Grand Rapids, and the original sources of information for writing our local history. (In Historical society of Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids, Mich., publications . . . Grand Rapids, 1906, v. 1. p. 14-18). B; L C; S. 1834. The government of the city of Detroit and Wayne county, Michi- gan, 1701 to 1907; historical and biographical, illustrated . . . [Detroit, Mannausa & Wieber, 1907]. 277 p. B. On cover: The men who govern Detroit nineteen hundred seven-eight. 1835. Government of the village of caro 1887-8. Caro, advertiser printing house, 1887. not paged. B. 1836. Grabau, Amadeus William. . . . The Monroe fomiation of south- em Michigan and adjoining regions, by A. W. Grabau and W. H. Sherzer. Pub. as part of the annual report of the board of geological and biological survey for 1909. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1910. 248 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 2, geological series 1). L C; S; U. Plates VIII-XXXII each preceded by leaf with descriptive letterpress. 1837. , . Stratigraphy of the Traverse group of Michigan, by Amadeus W. Grabau. [Lansing, Mich., 1902]. [161]-210 p. (From Annual report geological survey of Michigan for 1901). L C. Another issue. On cover: Contributions from the geological department of Columbia university, vol. X, no. 82 . . . 1838. Grace hospital, Detroit. Annual report, 5th (1893)-27th (1915). Detroit, 1894-[1915?]. B*; D*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 5th, 26th-27th; the main library, Detroit, has 20th, 22nd, 24th. 1839. ■ , . The Grace hospital. Detroit, 1910. not paged. B. 1840. [Graham, Albert Adams]. . . . Legislation in the northwest terri- tory. (In Ohio archaeological and historical quarterh^ Columbus [1888], V. 1, p. 303-318). B;LC;S;U. 1841. Graham & Morton transportation co., Chicago. . . . Graham and Morton line. [vSt. Joseph, Mich., A. B. Morse company, cl915]. [28] p. LC. Descriptive of the Graham and Morton line steamers and of the west Michigan resorts reached by them. 1842. Grand army of the republic. Dept. of Michigan. Greetings of the department of Michigan, grand army of the republic, to the teachers 1S2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN attending the forty-seventh annual meeting of the Alichigan state teachers' association, Lansing, Michigan, December 29, 1897. [Lansing? 1897?]. [11] p. S. 1843. — . . Journal of the 4th-37th annual encampment of the department of Michigan, grand army of the repubHc, 1882-1915. Lansing, 1882-1915. B*; S*; U*. Place of publication varies: Flint; Grand Rapids; Hillsdale; Pentwater. Title varies: 1882-1884, Proceedings of the . . . annual encampment of the department of Michigan, grand armv of the republic. *The Burton Historical Collection has 19th; the State Library has 4th-10th, 19th-37th; the U. of M. Library ha.s 3oth. 1844. . . Manual of the grand army of the republic, containing its principles and objects to- gether with memorial day in the department of Michigan, May, 1869, list of officers, etc. Ed. and comp. by . . . L M. Cravath. Lansing, W. S. George & co., 1869. viii, 143 p. L C; S. 1845. . . [Souvenir of Lansing, Michigan, and program of 35th encampment, June 17, 18 and 19, 1913]. [Lansing, Mich., Allen printing co., 1913]. 16 p. S. 1846. . . Detroit post, no. 384. Detroit post. St. Paul, 1896. Cover title, [20] p. L C. "Notes on St. Paul, bv Julian Ralph" from Harper's magazine, March, 1892: p. [101- [16]. 1847. Grand Haven. Charters. The charter of the city of Grand Haven with amendments thereto. Compiled by authority of the common council of 1892 and 1893, by Walter L Lillie, city attorney. [Grand Haven] weekly express, book and job printing office, 1893. 1 p. 1., [7]-153 p. S. 1848. . . Proposed charter for the city of Grand Haven, Michigan, prepared and proposed by the charter commission . . . [Grand Haven? 1914]. Cover title, 4 p. 1., 129, [1] p. G. 1849. . Commercial association. Grand Haven, Michigan ... a cit}' of wonderful promise. Issued by Grand Haven commercial asso- ciation. [Grand Haven] 1911; [Grand Rapids, Mich., Schuil printing co., 1911]. 28 p. S. 1850. : . Public school library. Catalogue of the public school library of the city of Grand Haven, Michigan, 1890. Published by the board of education. Grand Haven, Mich., express steam book and job printing house, 1890. 104 p. S. 1851. . . Catalogue of the public school library of the city of Grand Haven, Mich., 1896. Grand Haven, courier- journal and evening tribune print, 1896. 145 p. vS. 1852. Grand Island forest and game preserve. Lake Superior, Munising, Michigan, [no imprint]. 19 p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 183 1853. Grand Rapids. Annual reports of the city of Grand Rapids, Michi- gan, for the fiscal year . . . 1893-94 to 1911-12. Grand Rapids [1894]-1912. G*; S*; U*. Title varies: 1893-94 to 1902-03, Reports of officers of the city of Grand Rapids. . . 1903-04, Municipal reports of the city of Grand Rapids . . . *The Grand Rapids PubHc Library has 1893-94 to 1903-04; the State Library has 1893- 94, 1895-96, 1896-97, 1898-99, 1900-01 to 1903-04; 1910-11, 1911-12; the U. of M. Library has 1893-94 to 1903-04, 1910-11, 1911-12. 1854. . Association of commerce. Directory of social welfare organizations in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Grand Rapids, Mich., Taylor printing and publishing company, 1914. 1 v. G. 1855. . • Manufacturers' directory of the city of Grand Rapids. [Grand Rapids?] 1914. 35 p. G. - 1856. . . A statistical record show- ing the comparative standing of Grand Rapids with her sister cities; also showing the growth and development of the city since 1900. September, 1915. Compiled by Grand Rapids association of commerce. Grand Rapids, Mich., Schuil printing co., 1915. [31] p. S. 1857. . • A statistical record show- ing the comparative standing of Grand Rapids with her sister cities; also showing the growth and development of the city since 1900, December, 1916. Compiled by Grand Rapids association of commerce. Grand Rapids, Etheridge service, 1916. 31 p. S. Cover title: A remarkable city, Grand Rapids; a record of its development and accom- plishments. Second edition. 1858. . Board of education. Annual catalogue of the officers, instructors and students of the Grand Rapids public schools, 1860-61. Grand Rapids, board of pubHc instruction, 1861. 56 p. B. 1859. . . Annual report of the board of education of the city of Grand Rapids . . . 9th (1881)-45th (1917). [Grand Rapids, 1881-[1917]. B*; S*; V*. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 14th-16th, 18th-21st, 23rd-25th, 28th-30th; the State Library has llth-29th, 39th, 43rd-45th; the U. of M. Library has the 9th, 16th-21st, 29th, 31st, 40th-41st. 1860. . . Centennial celebration of the inauguration of the first president of the United States. April 30, 1889. [Grand Rapids? 1889]. not paged. G. 1851 _ . . . . . Grand Rapids school law; rules and regulations of the board of education, of the schools and of the public library. Grand Rapids, daily eagle steam print., 1872. 40 p. G. At the top of title page: Grand Rapids school law. 1862. . ■ . Manual of the board of edu- 184 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN cation of the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1895 to 1916-17. [Grand Rapids, 1895-1916]. G*; S*. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has the manuals published in 1895, 1896, 1901, 1902, 190-i, 1905, 1907-1912, 1913-1916; the State Library has manual for 1915-16 and 1916-17. 1863. . . Proceedings . . . 1884-1917. Grand Rapids. Mich., 1884-1917. 30 v. G. 1864. ■ . . School survey, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1916. [Grand Rapids, Mich., White printing company, 1916?]. 1 p. 1., [5]-510 p. LC;*S. 1865. . Board of health and poor commissioners. Annual report of the board of health and poor commissioners, 1893-94- to 1911-12. Grand Rapids [1894]-1912. S*. Title varies: 1893-94 to 1903-04, Annual report . . . board of health, city of Grand Rapids . . . *The State Library has 1893-94, 1895-96, 1896-97, 1898-99, 1900-01, 1903-04, 1907-08, 1910-11, 1911-12. 1866. . ■ . Monthly bulletin. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1912-1917. 2 v. G. 1867. . . Survey of fi\x years work at tuberculosis sanatorium . . . Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1912. not paged. — — G. 1868. . Board of police and fire commissioners. Annual report . . . 1883-84 to 1915-16. Grand Rapids, 1884-1916. B*;S*;U*. Report year ends April 30. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1883-84; the State Library has 1883-84 to 1892- 93, 1895-96 to 1907-08, 1909-10, 1911-12 to 1914-15; the U. of M. Library has 1890-91 to 1904-05, 1906-07 to 1915-16. 1869. . . Code of rules and regulations for the government of the members of the fire depart- ment of the city of Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids, Mich., ^vest Michigan printing company, 1897. 67 p. G. 1870. . . Manual of the police department. Grand Rapids, Mich., west Michigan printing CO., 1898. 54, [2] p. G. 1871. . . Standing rules of the board of police and fire commissioners. Grand Rapids, Mich., I. S. Dygert steam printing house, 1889. Cover title, 10 p. G. 1872. . Board of public works. Annual report of the board of pubHc "works . . . 1875-76 to 1915-16. Grand Rapids, Mich. [1876?-1916r]. S*; U*. Report year irregular. Title varies: 1875-76 to 1876-77, Report of the city engineer . . . 1877-78 to 1886-87, Report of the board of public works . . . 1887-88 to 1915-16, Annual report of the board of public works . . . *The State Library has 1875-76 to 1902-03, 1904-05 to 1915-16; the U. of M. Library has 1893-94. 1895-96 to 1915-16. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 185 1873. . . Grand Rapids water works. Report of A. C. Sekell, C. E., on an additional supply of pure water, 1885. Also a report of the board of public works, transmitting the same to the common council. [Grand Rapids, Mich., Eaton, Lyon & Allen print- ing company, 1885]. vii, [3]-34 p. S. 1874. — '- . Board of trade. Act of incorporation, constitu- tion and by-laws of the Grand Rapids board of trade. Grand Rapids, Mich., daily Democrat book and job print, 1887. 1 p. 1., [5]-23 p. S. 1875. . . Grand Rapids as it is . . . Grand Rapids, Mich., Eaton, Lyon & Allen print, co., 1888. 2 p. 1., 29, [l]p. G;LC. 1876. ■ . . 1890-91. Grand Rapids as it is. [Grand Rapids, press of the Dean printing and publishing co., 1891]. 52 p. G; LC;S. 1877. . . Grand Rapids, Mich., as it is, 1894. [Grand Rapids] 1894. Cover title, 49 p. • G; L C; U. 1878. . ■ — ■ . [Souvenir compiled for dele- gates of the Pan-American congress, July 12, 1897]. [Grand Rapids, Mich., Dickinson bros., 1897]. not paged. • G. No title page. 1879. . Charity organization society. . . . First annual report, 1893-94, with addresses delivered at annual meeting, Powers' opera house, May 20th, 1894. [Grand Rapids? 1894?]. Cover title, 64 p. S. 1880. . . . . . Second an- nual report with a directory of the city charters, 1894-1895. [Grand Rapids? 1895?]. Cover title, 55 p. S. 1881. . Charters. The revised charter of the city of Grand Rapids, approved March 14, 1871. Printed by authority of the common council. Grand Rapids, Mich., daily Democrat steam printing house, 1871. 203 p. D;G;S. 1882. . . The revised charter of the city of Grand Rapids, approved March 29, 1877, and other municipal acts. Printed by authority of the common council. Grand Rapids, W. W. Hart's arcade steam book and job printing house, 1877. 340 p. B; G. 1883. . . The revised charter of the city of Grand Rapids, approved March 29, 1877, (as amended . . . 1879 . . . 1881 . . . 1883), and other municipal acts. Comp. by Wm. Wisner Taylor. Printed and pub. by authority of the common council. Grand Rapids, Mich., the Democrat book and job printing establishment, 1883. 15 p. 1., 378 p. G; LC;U. 186 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1884. . . The revised charter of the city of Grand Rapids, approved March 29, 1877, (as amended May 13, 1879; May 23, 1879; April 29, 1881; April 10, 1883; May 16, 1883, and April 2, 1891),' and other municipal acts. Compiled by Charles Howell. Printed and published by authority of common council. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dean printing and publishing company, 1892. 416 p. G; S. 1885. . . The revised charter of the city of Grand Rapids approved March 25, 1897 and other municipal acts. Printed and published by authority of the common council. Grand Rapids, Mich., west Michigan printing company, 1897. xliii p., 2 1., 483 p. G; S. 1886. . . The revised charter of the city of Grand Rapids approved March 25, 1897 and other municipal acts; with amendments passed by the legislature of 1899 and 1901. Printed and published by authority of the common council. Grand Rapids, Mich., Seymour & Muir printing company, 1901. xlviii p., 2 1., 495 p. G; S. 1887. . . Proposed revised charter for the city of Grand Rapids. Prepared with the assistance of city attorney, Moses Tag- gart, by the committee on charter amendments . . . [Grand Rapids' 1905]. vip., 11., 162 p. G;LC;S. Committee on charter amendments: Elvin Swarthout, Harry C. White, Joseph Renihan, George P. Tilma, George W. Thompson. 1888. . . The revised charter of the city of Grand Rapids, approved June 6, 1905, together with other municipal acts. Ar- ranged and indexed under authority of the common council, by Colin P. Campbell, L. L. M. Pub. by authority of the common council. [Grand Rapids, Dean-Hicks printing co., 1905]. 2 p. 1., [iv]-xxxiv, [1], 402 p. G; LC; S; U. 1889. . . Amendments to charter and special acts relating to city of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Passed by legislature of 1907. [Grand Rapids, furniture city printing co., 1907]. 58 p. G; U. 1890. . . [Proposed city charter; statement to the electors and text]. [Grand Rapids, Mich., 1911]. 56 p. D; G. No title page. 1891. . . Present city charter of the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan. [Grand Rapids, Duhamel printing co., 1912]. 1 p. 1., 90 p. D; LC; S. "Approved June 6, 1905, and amended in the year 1907." 1892. . . Proposed charter for city of Grand Rapids, Michigan; to be submitted to a vote of the electors, August 29, 1916. [Grand Rapids? 1916?]. 76 p. G. 1893. . City surveyor. Report of the city surveyor on ad- ditional water supply for the city of Grand Rapids, June, 1880. Grand Rapids, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 187 Michigan, W. W. Hart's arcade steam book and job printing house, 1880. 130 p. S. 1894. . Common council. Manual of the common council and of the municipal government of the city of Grand Rapids . . . 1890-91 to 1916-17. [Grand Rapids, Mich.] 1890-[l'917?]. B*; D*;G;S*; U*. No manual published in 1894-95. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1902-03; the main library, Detroit, has 1893-94; the State Library has 1892-93, 1893-94, 1897-98, 1913-14 to 1916-17; the U. of M. Librarj^ has 1893-94, 1905-06 to 1911-12, 1914-15 to 1916-17. 1895. . • . Proceedings of the common council, city of Grand Rapids . . . Grand Rapids, 1876-1917. G; S*;U*. *The State Library has 1890-91, 1892-93, 1895-96, 1896-97, 1898-99 to 1906-07, 1908-09 to 1916-17; the U. of M. Library has 1902-1913, May 4, 1914; 1915-16. 1896. . Congregational church. Grand Rapids receipt book, compiled by the ladies of the Congregational church, for the ladies' fair, held at Luce's hall May 15th, 16th, and 17th, 1871. New ed. rev. and enl. . . . [Grand Rapids, Mich.] B. M. Hinsdill, 1873. 51 p. L C. 1897. . . Manual; containing a brief history of the first Congregational church of Grand Rapids, the articles of faith and covenant, rules and membership. Grand Rapids, enquirer & herald print, 1858. 28 p. B. 1898. . Federation of women's clubs. Year book, 1904- 1905. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1904-1905. G. 1899. . Fountain street Baptist church. Jackson circle. Choice collection of tested recipes contributed by the ladies of Jackson circle of the Fountain street Baptist church of Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich., Toren printing company [1911?]. 100 p. G. 1900. . Furniture company, incorporated. The house and its plenishing; being a brief endeavor clearly to set forth the principles which should underlie any well-considered scheme for the proper furnishing of the house. New York, the Grand Rapids furniture company, incorporated {cl910]. [30] p. L C. 1901. . High school. [Annuals], Grand Rapids, Mich., 1893-1916. B*; G*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has The helios for 1901; the Grand Rapids Public Library has The mirror, 1893-1895; The delphian, 1895-1896; The high school year book, 1896; The tabularium, 1897; The olympian, 1898; The Fleur-de-lis, 1899; The mantelon, 1900; The oracle and The helios, 1901 ; The alphean, 1902 ; The annual, 1904; The postscript, 1905; The dorian, 1906; The exodus, 1907; Hyperion, 1908; The senior helios, 1909-1911; Annual helios, 1912 and 1916; the U. of M. Library has The alphean for 1902. 1902. . Historical society. Constitution and by-laws of historical society of Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids, 1895. lip. B. 1903. . . Pubhcations of the historical 188 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN society of Grand Rapids ... v. 1, pts. 1-7. Grand Rapids, 1906-1912. B;S. 1904. . Inaugural proceedings at the opening of the new city hall. Grand Rapids, Michigan, September 26th, 1888. [Grand Rapids? 1888]. Ip. 1., 7-65p. G;LC;S;U. 1905. . Index to assessment rolls of the city of Grand Rapids, 1857-1891, contained in cases A and B. [Grand Rapids, 18911. not paged. G. 1906. . Kindergarten association. Annual report, 1893- 1912. Grand Rapids, 1893-1912. 14 v. in 6. G*. *The Grand Rapids Public Librarj^ has 1893-1906, 1908-1912. 1907. . Ladies' literary club. Announcement, 1905-1906. Ladies' literary club. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Membership 500. Grand Rapids, Se^Tnour & Muir printing co. [n. d.]. 80 p. ■ B. 1908. . Mayor. First annual message of Hon. George R. Perry, ma3"or, to the common council of the city of Grand Rapids, Ma}^ 1, 1899; together with special reports of the council committees. Grand Rapids, Michigan, west Mich, printing co., 1899. 42 p. G; S. 1909. . Ordinances, etc. Ordinances of the city of Grand Rapids, compiled in 1888, by AVm. Wisner Taylor. Printed and published by authority of the common council. Grand Rapids, Mich., daily Democrat print, 1888. xxii, 525 p. G; S. 1910. . , . Supplemental ordinances of the cit}' of Grand Rapids, from 1888 to December, 1891. Compiled by Charles, Howell. Published by authority of the common council. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dean printing and publishing company, 1892. vii, 169, [1] p. S. 1911. . , • . Ordinances of the city of Grand Rapids, comp. and indexed by Emest L. Bullen. Printed and pub. by author- ity of the common council . . . Grand Rapids, Mich., White printing co., 1902. xiv, 357p. G;LC;U. 1912. . , . Compiled ordinances of the city of Grand Rapids, containing all ordinances passed by the common council, of the city of Grand Rapids, in force September 1, 1906. Comp. and indexed under authority of the common council by Colin P. Campbell . . . Pub. by authority of the common council. [Grand Rapids, 1907]. xv, 487, 24 p. B;LC; S. "Supplement containing all the ordinances of the citv of Grand Rapids passed between September 1, 1906 and July 1, 1907": 24 p. at end. 1913. . , . Compiled ordinances of the city of Grand' Rapids, containing all ordinances passed by the common council BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 189 of the city of Grand Rapids in force June 1, 1915. Comp. and indexed, under authority of the common council, by Raymond M. Ferguson, city attorney, assisted by Frank E. Shaw, assistant city attorney. Pub. by authority of the common council. [Grand Rapids, Mich., White printing company, 1915]. 3p. 1., 591, [l]p., 11. G;LC;S;U. "Supplement to ordinances too late to classify": p. [573J-591. 1914. . Post office. Post office guide; compi'ed and pub- lished by the Grand Rapids, ^Michigan, post office. Containing postal infor- mation for the business pubHc. Grand Rapids, Mich., Seymour & Muir printing company, 1901. Various paging. — — ■ G. 1915. — . Press club. Constitution [of the Grand Rapids press club], [no imprint]. Caption title, 15, [1] p. S. 1916. . Public library. . . . Annual btdletin, no. 1-11. Books added to the main (R}'erson) library from June, 1904 to December, 1916 cumtilated from volume 1-12 of the monthly bulletins. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1907-1917. D*; S*; U. Vol. I has title: . . . Bulletin of books added to the main (Ryerson) libraiy from June, 1904, to December, 1906 cumulated from the monthly bulletins. *The main library, Detroit, has no. 1-6; the State Library has no. 2-4, 6-9, 11. 1917. . . . . . Annual report of the Grand Rapids pubhc hbrary . . . 1885-86 to 1916-17. Grand Rapids, 1886-1917. B*; D*; G*; S*; U*. Title varies: 1885-86, Public school library of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Annual re- ports, Sept.,1, 1885, to August 31, 1886. Published by board of education, November, 1886. 1886-87, Grand Rapids pubhc library. Public school library, of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Annual reports, Sept. 1, 1886, to Aug. 31, 1887 . . . ■ 1887-88 to 1890-91, Annual reports of the public school library . . . 1891-92 to 1901-02, Grand Rapids public schools. Annual report of the committee on public libraiy . . . 1903-04 to 1916-17, 33rd-46th Annual report of the Grand Rapids public library . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1904-05 to 1915-16; the main library, Detroit, has 1885-86 to 1899-1900, 1903-04 to 1911-12; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1903-04 to 1916-17; the State Librarv has 1885-86 to 1901-02, 1903-04 to 1916-17; the U. of M. Library has 1885-86 to 1915-i6. 1918. . . Bulletin ... v. 1 (June, 1904)- V. 13 (June, 1917). Grand Rapids, 1904-1917. B*; D; G; S; U*. Issued monthly from the Ryerson public library building. Vol. I has title: Rverson public library bulletin. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 6, no. 8; v. 7, no. 7; v. 10, no. 3; v. 11, no. 2; the U. of M. Library has v. 1-6; v. 7, no. 7; v. 10, no. 3: v. 11, no. 2 and 4. 1919. . . . . . Catalogue of a collection of paintings, drawings, medals, books, manuscripts and prints, belonging to Prof. Tiemen De Vries, through whose courtesy it is on exhibition in the Ryerson public library building during the month of January, 1915 . . . [Grand Rapids? 1915:"]. Cover title, [13] p. S. 1920. • . . . . . Complete dictionary cata- logue of the public school library of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Pub. by the 190 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAX board of education, -October, 1892. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dean printing and publishing company, 1892. 729 p. D; L C; S. At head of title: Grand Rapids public library. 1921. . . [In\-itation and order of exercises for the dedication of the Ryerson public library]. Grand Rapids, 1904. S. Invitation [1] p.; Order of exercises [4] p. 1922? . . The library and the schools in Grand Rapids. An account of the work of the Grand Rapids public library with and for the children and teachers of the public, parochial and private schools of the city. [Grand Rapids] the library, 1912. [5] p. D. 1923. . . A list of books by Catholic authors in the Grand Rapids public library. Grand Rapids. Mich., Taylor printing and publishing co. [1915?]. 54 p. L C; S; U. Errata slip inserted. "Issued under the auspices of the federation of Catholic parishes of Grand Rapids." 1924. . . A little journey in the Ryerson public library building. [Grand Rapids, n. d.]. 8 p. B. 1925. . Public school library. Catalogue of the central school library . . . Grand Rapids, daily eagle ofifice, 1862. 16 p. LC. 1926. . • Catalogue of the pubHc school library, of the city of Grand Rapids. Pub. by order of the board. Grand Rapids, Mich., Democrat steam book and job printing house, 1872. 30, [1] p. L C. 1927. . . Catalogue of the public school library of Grand Rapids, Mich. Pub. by order of the board. Grand Rapids, eagle steam printing house, 1875. 2 p. 1., [7]-34 p. L C. 1928. • . . Catalog . . . Section two; prose fiction & juveniles. German books. Holland books .... Grand Rapids, board of education, 1889. 148 p. S. 1929. . . . . . First supplement to the dictionary catalogue of the public school library of Grand Rapids, Mich. Published by the board of education, September, 1894. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dean printing and publishing co., 1894. 151 p. D; U. At head of title: Grand Rapids public library. 1930. . . - . . Second supplement to the dictionary catalogue of the public school library of Grand Rapids, Mich., Published by the board of education April, 1898. Grand Rapids, Mich., Grand Rapids printing company, 1898. 254 p. D; U. At head of title : Grand Rapids public library. 1931. . . Special catalogue. Indus- trial books, comprising works on the fine and useful arts, sciences, industries, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 191 domestic economy, etc. Supp. to the regular catalogue. Grand Rapids, Stanton printing co.. 1896. 47 p. ■ D. 1932. . Public welfare commission. Report of the public welfare commission of Grand Rapids, Michigan, presented to the common council, November 10, 1913. Published by order of the common council . . . [Grand Rapids] peninsular press, printers [1913?]. Cover title, 39 p. S. 1933. . Trades' and labor council. Labor day souvenir; Grand Rapids, Muskegon, and Kalamazoo unions . . . Grand Rapids, Mich., 1894-1906. 9 V. in 7.^ G*. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has the numbers issued 1894-1898, 1900, 1902-1903, 1906. 1934. . Vice committee of forty-one. Report of the in- vestigations of the vice committee of forty-one. Grand Rapids, Michigan. [Grand Rapids' 1911?]. Caption title, 16 p. U. 1935. Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad company. By-laws of the Grand Rapids & Indiana railroad company. Organized under the general railroad laws of Indiana and Michigan. Centreville, Mich., T. F. Bouton, printer, 1856. Cover title, 22 p. B. 1936. -. Communication from the president of the G. R. & I. R. R. co., transmitting a statement of the Condition of said road. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 36). B; D;G; S;U. 1937. . An exhibit of the con- dition and affairs of the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad company, and also estimates and statements relating to the work. And the company's land grant; accompanied by the report of the consulting engineer, and other im- portant statements and documents. Fort Wayne, Ind., daily gazette job office print., 1886. Cover title, 109, [4] p. B. 1938. . Guide to the lands in the state of Michigan, now for sale, comprised in the grant of over one million acres to the Grand Rapids & Indiana railroad company. Compiled by the secretar}^ of the land department. [Grand Rapids? 1875?]. 77 p. — — s. • 1939. [ ]. The legislation con- ferring upon the railroad companies the land grant, constitutes an irrepealable contract with the companies upon the subject of taxation, [by D. Darwin Hughes, solicitor], [no imprint]. Caption title, 15 p. S. 1940. . Mackinac, the won- derful isle, Petoskey, Traverse City and other northern Michigan summer re- sorts. Chicago, Poole bros. [1891]. Cover title, 23, [1] p. L C; S. Running title: A land of summer homes. 192 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1941. . Memorial and peti- tion of the officers and directors of the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad company, praying for a portion of the public lands donated by congress, to aid in the construction of their railroad from Grand Rapids to Mackinaw. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, house document no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 1942. [ ]. Michigan in summer. [Grand Rapids, Michigan, the Dean-Hicks company, 1917?]. 37, [1] p. S. 1943. . Report upon the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad, and upon the grant of the company with a statement of its financial affairs. New York, Baker & Godwin, printers, 1861. 24 p. B. 1944. . A statement of the condition and affairs of the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad company; and also, estimates and statements relating to. the first twenty miles of the land grant part of the road. New York, Barnes & Martin, printers and lithographers [1863]. Cover title, 7 p. B. 1945. — . Agricultural and in- dustrial dept. Acres of opportunities, issued b\- agricultural and industrial department, Grand Rapids & Indiana railway company. [Grand Rapids, Dean-Hicks, printers, 1915?]. 40 p. S. 1946. . Passenger dept. A guide to the haunts of the " little fishes " . . . the ''speckled brook trout" .... in the land of northern Michigan .... [Chicago, Culver, Page, Hoyne & co., 1875]. 42 p. L C. J. H. Page, general passenger and ticket agent. 1947. . . A guide to the health, pleastrre and fishing resorts of northern Michigan, reached by the passenger department . . . [Grand Rapids, Dygert, Buff & Rice, printers, 1879]. 61 p. S. 1948. . . . . . Michigan in Summer. Issued by the general passenger department. Grand Rapids &^ Indiana railway. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1905. [37] p. G;S. ' 1949. Grand Rapids eagle. . . . Grand Rapids eagle. 45th anniversary and holiday number. [1844. 1889] v. 34, no. 171; Dec. 25, 1889. Grand Rapids, Mich., [the A. B. Turner co.] 1889. Cover title. f2-ll u. T, C 1950. The Grand Rapids furniture record, 1901-1917. Grand Rapids, Mich. [Grand Rapids furniture record co.] 1901-1917. D*; U. *The main library, Detroit, has 1915-1917. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 193 1951. Grand Rapids herald almanac and encyclopedia . . . Grand Rapids. Mich., the Grand Rapids herald co., 1899-1901. 3 v. G. 1952. The Grand Rapids herald. Grand Rapids illustrated. Supplement to the Grand Rapids herald, 1902. Grand Rapids, the Grand Rapids herald CO., 1902. [48] p. — G;LC;S. 1953. Grand Rapids plaster and its uses. Grand Rapids, Mich., eagle steam printing house, 1872. 24 p. G. 1954. Grand Rapids progress. Published by Grand Rapids association of Commerce, municipal department, v. 2, no. 3. Grand Rapids, 1913. U. 1955. The Grand Rapids society blue book. Elite family directory; club membership. Winter season, 1899-1900 to 1905-06. New York, Dau i^ub- lishing CO. [cl899-cl905]. G*; S*. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has 1899-1900, 1902-03, 1905-06; the vState Library has 1905-06. 1956. Grand Rapids township. Catalogue of school district no. 15, township of Grand Rapids, Kent county, Michigan, 1890. Grand Rapids, Mich., Verkerke, Taylor & Hinsdill, 1890. 176 p. G. 1957. Grand Rapids veterinary college. Sixteenth annual prospectus of the Grand Rapids veterinary college. Issued June 1, 1912. Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1912. 31 p. U. 1958. Grand Traverse county. Board of supervisors. Official proceed- ings of the board of supervisors of Grand Traverse county, Michigan . '. . 1905-1915. Traverse City, Michigan [1905?]-1915. S*. Title varies. *The State Library has 1905-1909, 1911-1915. 1959. . Officers 1915; cotmty, city, towmship and village. Compiled by Elmer E. White, county clerk. Traverse City, Mich. [Traverse City, Mich., Ebner brothers, printers, 1915]. [20] p. S. Cover title reads: Manual of Grand Traverse county, Michigan, nineteen-fifteen. 1960. — . Teacher's directory of Grand Traverse county, 1915-1916. Lee Homsby, commissioner. [Traverse City? 1915?]. Cover title, [15] p. S. 1961. Grand trunk railway company. Grand trunk railway of Michi- gan. Facts and reasons published by the executive committee. Jackson, Mich., Carlton & Van Antwerp, printers, 1867. Cover title, 11 p. B. 1962. [ ]. Suinmer playgrounds in south- ern Michigan. [Detroit?] 1912. [13] p. S. 1963. . Summer resorts in northern Indiana and southern Michigan, [n. p.] 1912. [12] p. S. 25 194 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1964. . Passenger dept. The mineral bath city, Mount Clemens, Michigan. Issued by the passenger department, Grand tnmk raihvay system. [no imprint]. Cover title, 24 p. S. 1965. The Grandville industrial association. Grandville; its past, pres- ent and future . . . Grand Rapid.s Mich., the Stcphan printing co.. 1907. Cover title, 32 p. G. 1966. Grange, Edward Alexander Andrew. Diseases of farm animals, by E. A. A. Grange. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bul- letin no. 6. In Twenty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1884, p. 334-337). M A C; S; U. 1967. , . . . . Experimental work among cattle, by E. A. A. Grange. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders [1888]. 5 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 36). M A C; S; U. Also in Twenty-seventh annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 205-206. 1968. , . Experimental work among horses, by E. A. A. Grange. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders, 1888. 10 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 42, November, 1888). M A C; S; U. Also in Twenty-seventh annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 273-280. 1969. , . . . . Foot-rot in sheep, by E. A. A. Grange, V. S. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1891. 6 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 74, May, 1891). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirtieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 222-226. 1970. , . Observations on a disease af- fecting the eyes of sheep, by E. A. A. Grange. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders [1887]. 5 p. (Michigan agricultural college, ex- periment station, bulletin no. 22). M A C; S; U. Also in Twentv-sixth annual report of the secretary. of the state board of agriculture, p. 152-154. 1971. , -. Tuberculosis in cattle, by E. A. A. Grange . . . Agricultural college, Michigan, 1896. 13 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 133, June, 1896). M AC;S;U. Also in Thirty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 402-412. 1972. The Grange aid association, Battle Creek. [Prospectus]. [Battle Creek, H. A. Harris, cl874?]. 10 p. L C. 1973. Granger, Bradley F. The progress of radicalism. Repudiation, by BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 195 the dominant party, of the Chicago platfonn of 1860. Extract from the speech of Hon. B. F. Granger ... at Ypsilanti . . . November 2, 1866. [n. p., 1866]. Caption title, lip. L C. 1974. Gratiot county. County commissioner. Annual handbook of in- foiTnation relative to the public schools of Gratiot county, 1901-1902, by county commissioner . . . Alma, F. BroAvn, printer [1902!"]. 18 p. S. 1975. Graves, Benjamin F. Isaac P. Christiancy. A paper read before the convention of Michigan judges at Lansing, Michigan, December 27, 1900, by Ex-Justice Benjamin F. Graves, [no imprint]. Caption title, 16 p. U. 1976. Gravier, Gabriel. Decouvertes et etablissements de Cavelier de La Salle de Rouen dans I'Amerique du nord (Lacs Ontario, Erie, Huron, Michigan, vallees de L'Ohio et du Mississippi et Texas), par Gabriel Gravier. Paris, Maisonneuve et cie, libraires-editeurs, 1870. 411 p. B. 1977. Gray, Andrew. Communication to the honorable the common coimcil, city of Detroit, by Andrew Gray, relative to and in defense of his audits of the department of public works and other matters connected there- with, March 11th, 1908. [no imprint]. 16 p. B. 1978. Great northern Portland cement co., Detroit. [Prospectus]. De- troit, Mich., great northern Portland cement co., 1900. 73 p. L C; S. 1979. Great tmion fair of Michigan. Officers, rules and regulations, and premium list of the great union fair of Michigan, to be held at the city of Grand Rapids, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Satur- day, September 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, 1872; also a sketch of northern Michigan. Grand Haven, Michigan, printed by the Grand Haven publishing company [1872]. 105, [2] p. S. 1980. Green, Sanford Moon. Green's Michigan practice; a treatise on the practice of the courts of common law of the state of Michigan, with forms, by Sanford M. Green ... 3d ed. ... by Clark A. Nichols . . . Chicago, Callaghan & company, 1911. 3 v. L C; S. 1981. , . Proposed revision of the general statutes of the state of Michigan, as reported to the legislature at its annual session in 1846, by Sanford M. Green, commissioner of revision. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state [n. d.]. viii, 1023 p. D; S; U. 1982. , . The revised statutes of the state of Mich- igan, passed and approved May 18, 1846. Printed and published in pursu- ance of an act of the legislature, approved May 18, 1846, under the super- intendence of Sanford M. Green. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846. xvi, 829, [1] p. B; D; S; U. 1983. , . A treatise on townships, and the powers and duties of township officers, with an appendix of forms, by Sanford M. 196 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Green . . . Detroit, Richmond, Backus & co., 1879. ^'iii, 533 p. B;LC;S. 1984. • — , . Ibid. 2d ed., rev. and cor., and adapted to the laws of Michigan, as they now exist. Columbus, O., H. W. Derby & CO., 1882. xxiv, 539 p. G; L C; S. 1985. Greening nursery company, Monroe. Fortune in fruit fanning, or ten reasons wh}- 3'ou should grow fruit for market . . . Monroe, Michigan, the Greening nursery company, 1910. Caption title, 12 p. S. 1986. Greenville. Charters. Charter of the city of Greenville. [Green- ville. 1871?]. Cover title, 31 p. B; vS. 1987. . . Charter of the city of Greenville and city ordinances in force on the 28th day of March, 1882. Published by authority of the common council. Greenville, Mich., daily call steam printing hotise, 1882. 1 p. 1., vii, 52 p., 1 1. S. 1988. Gregory, John Milton. Relations of the normal school to the school systems of the state. An address, delivered at the re-dedication of the state normal school building, at Ypsilanti, April 18, 1860, by John M. Gregory . . . Detroit, Bams, French & Way, printers, 1860. Cover title, 16 p. LC;U. 1989. Gregory, W. M. . . . Geological report on Arenac county, by W. M. Gregory . . . Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1912. 146 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 11, geological series 8). L C; S; U. Pub. as a part of the annual report of the board of geological and biological survey for 1911. 1990. , — . — . Preliminary report on Arenac county and parts of Ogemaw, Iosco, and Alcona counties, by W. M. Gregory. [Lansing, Mich., 1902]. 1 p. 1., [ll]-29 p. (From Report for 1901 of Michigan board of geological survey). L C. 1991. Greusel, John Hubert. The story of an anti-ripper candidate [James Edmund Scripps]. [Detroit, R. L. Polk printing co., 1902]. 31 p. B;U. 1992. Greusel, Joseph. General Alpheus S. WilHams, by Joseph Greusel. Detroit, Scidel printing company, 1911. 29 p. G; S; U. 1993. Grimsley, George Perry. . . . The gypsum of Michigan and the plaster industr}^ by G. P. Grimsley. Accompanied by twenty-nine plates . . . Lansing, R. Smith printing co., 1904. ix p., 1 1., [2], 246 p. (Michigan, geological surv^ey, [reports, vol. IX, pt. II]). G; L C; S; U. 1994. Grosse Pointe. The naming of Lake St. Clair. Its second centen- nial celebration at Grosse Pointe, Michigan, August 12, 1879. [Grosse Pointe, Mich., 1879 :']. 26 p. B; L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 197 1995. Grove, Cornelius. A plan for the better education of the people through a system of free new.spapers, by Cornelius Grove, Fowler, Mich, [no imprint]. 8 p. vS. 1996. Grover, Frank Reed. A brief history of Les Cheneaux Islands; some new chapters of Mackinac history, by Frank R. Grover. Evanston, 111., Bowman publishing company, 1911. 140 p. B; G; L C; S; U. 1997. Guaranteed securities corporation of Detroit. Guaranteed se- curities corporation of Detroit, organized under the laws of the state of Michi- gan . . . [no imprint]. 26 p. B. 1998. Guaranty trust company, Detroit. Your duty as a stockholder in the guaranty trust company. [Detroit, n. d.]. 28 p. B. 1999. [Guffin, James T.]. Report of the hearing on school book legislation before the joint committee of the senate and house of representatives, Lan- sing, Michigan, February 19, 1913; with an appendix by the publisher. [Chicago, J. T. Guffin, cl913]. 104 p. L C. Cover title: School men woefully ignorant or hopelessly corrupt; who is responsible? "Annotated by the publisher . . . edited by George L. Buttrick. " 2000. Gunn, Jane Augusta (Terry) "Mrs. Moses Gunn." Memorial sketches of Doctor Moses Gunn, by his wife. With extracts from his letters and eulogistic tributes from his colleagues and friends. Chicago, W. T. Keener, 1889. xx, 380 p. L C. Dr. Gunn was surgeon of the 5th Michigan infantry in the civil war. 2001. Guyot, Arnold Henry]. East central states; special geography of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan: designed to accompany Guyot's new intermediate geography. [New York] Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & co., 1885. 36 p. ■ L C. ' 2002. [ , ]. Geography of Michigan. [New York] Scribner, Aniistrong & co., 1877. 10 p. L C. Special suppl. to the Mich. ed. of Guyot's new intermediate geography. 2003. Hackley art gallery, Muskegon. Aesthetics; published quarterly by the Hackley art gallery, v, 1-4. Muskegon, Michigan, 1912-1916. S; U*. *The U. of M. Library has v. 3, no. 2-4. 2004. , . . . . Annual report, 1909-10 to 1912-13. [Muskegon, 1910P-1912?]. S*. Report year ends June 30. Full title: The Hackley art gallery, Muskegon, Michigan . . . Annual report. *The State Library has 1909-10, 1910-11, 1912-13. 2005. ■ , . . . . Catalogue of the inaugural exhibition, June twenty-first to July fifth, 1912. [Muskegon, Mich., Dana printing company, cl912]. xxii p., 1 1., 25-86 p. L C; S; U. 2006. Hackley public library. The Hackley public library of Muskegon, 198 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Michigan. Dedication, October 15, 1890; address of Hon. Thomas W. Palmer of Michigan; laying of comer-stone, May 25, 1889; address of Prof. Andrew C. McLaughlin of university of Michigan. A free public library and reading room founded by Charles H. Hacklcy, May 25, 1888. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & company, 1891. 91 p. B; G; S. 2007. . Hackley public library of Muskegon, Mich., founded and endowed bv Charles H. Hacklev. [no imprint]. [8] p. S. 2008. . Quarterly bulletin, v. 1-10. Muskegon, 1907-1917. G*; S. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has v. 1-5. 2009. Haddock, Ray. Resources and industrial interests of Michigan, and commerce of Detroit. Full statistics of the pine lumber trade, fisheries, mines, &c.; valuable information concerning the foreign stave and lumber trade. By Ray Haddock . . . Detroit, Bams, French & Way, printers, 1860. 48 p. B; LC. 2010. [Hager, Albert David]. Ancient mining on the shores of Lake Superior. Boston, 1865. 308-315 p. (From the Atlantic monthly, v. 15, March, 1865). S. 2011. [Haight, Walter Charles]. . . . The binding effect of the ordinance of 1787 . . . [Ann Arbor, 1897]. Cover title, 60 p. (Pubhcations of the Michigan political science association, vol. H, no. 8, September, 1897). G;LC;S;U. Running title: The ordinance of 1787. 2012. Hale, David J. . . . Marl (bog lime) and its application to the manufacture of Portland cement, by David J. Hale and others. Accompanied by twenty-three plates and forty-three figures . . . Lansing, R. Smith print- ing CO., state printers, 1903. 2 p. 1., ix, [1], 399 p. (Michigan, geological survey, [reports], vol. VHL pt. HI: Lower peninsula 1900-1903). B;LC;U. Contents. — -Introduction.— Uses of marl. — The use of marl for cement manufacture. — Theories of origin of bog lime or marl. — A contribution to the natural history of marl, by C. A. Davis. — Record of field work, by D. J. Hale. — Manufacture of Portland cement from marl. — The development of marl and clay properties for the manufacture of Portland cement, by B. B. Lathbury. — Notes on the origin of Michigan bog limes, by A. C. Lane. — List of localities and mills, comp. by A. C. Lane. — Methods of and comments on testing cement, by Richard L. Humphrey. 2013. Hall, Benjamin Franklin. The early history of the northwestern states, embracing New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa and Wisconsin, with their land laws, etc., and an appendix containing the consti- tutions of those states. Buffalo, G. H. Derby & co., 1849. 477 p. L C. 2014. Hall, J. W. Marine disasters on the western lakes during the navi- gation of 1871, with the loss of life and property, vessels bought and sold, new vessels and their tonnage ; also, those which have passed out of existence, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 199 with a sketch of early marine history, and vessels laid up at various lake ports. Carefully compiled by Capt. J. W. Hall, marine reporter at Detroit. Detroit, free press book and job printing establishment, 1872. 82 p. B; G; S. 2015. Hall, James. The west: its commerce and navigation, by James Hall. Cincinnari, H. W. Derby & co., 1848. vii, 32S p. B. 2016. [Hall, Theodore Parsons]. Grosse Pointe on Lake Sainte Claire [Mich.] Historical and descriptive. Detroit, Mich., S. Fanner & co. [1886]. 103 p. L C. Cover title: Souvenir of the Pointe. By T. P. Hall and Silas Farmer. 2017. Hallet, Richard Matthews. Trial by fire; a tale of the great lakes, by Richard Matthews Hallet . . . Boston, Small, Maynard and company [cl916]. [4], 308, [1] p. G. 2018. Halligan, Charles Parker. . . . Celery culture in Michigan, by C. P. Halligan. East Lansing, Michigan, 1913. 24 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 60, Alarch, 1913). M AC;S; U. Also in Fifty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 323-344. 2019. , . . . . Onion culture on muck lands, by C. P. Halligan. East Lansing, Michigan, 1914. 18 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 67, March, 1914). M AC;S. Also in Fifty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 410-425. 2020. , . . . . Starting a lawn [by C. P. Halligan]. East Lansing, Michigan, 1913. [139]-142 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, circular no. 20, April, 1913). MAC; S. Also in Fifty-second annual report of the secretarv of the state board of agriculture, p. 381-383. 2021. Hallman, Elam Tandy, The tuberculin tests for tuberculosis in cattle, by E. T. Hallman. East Lansing, Michigan, 1913. 8_p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 62, September, 1913). M AC; S. Also in Fifty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 325-330. 2022. Hallock, Charles. Vacation rambles in northern Michigan, by Charles Hallock . . . Being a series of letters written by Mr. Hallock, on his tour through northern Michigan and printed in "Forest and stream." Pub. by the passenger department of the Grand Rapids and Indiana rail- road. [Grand Rapids, eagle print, W. C. Dennis & co., 1878?]. [5]-58, [2] p. L C. Advertising matter: pages after p. 45. 200 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2023. Halpin, J. G. Poultry raising, by J. G. Halj)in. Agricultural col- lege, Michigan, 1907. [113J-136 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, bulletin no. 245, January, 1907). M A C; S; U. Also in Fortv-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. [225]-2-i6. 2024. Hamer, Thomas Lyon. vSpeech of Mr. Hamcr, of Ohio. [n. p., 1836]. Caption title, 16 p. L C. Delivered in the house of representatives of the U. S., June 9th, 1836, on the bills to settle the northern boundary of Ohio, and to admit the states of Michigan and Arkansas into the union. 2025. Hamilton, Burritt. The consolidated corporation law of Michigan of 1903, as amended in 1905. With case law. Annotated by Burritt Hamil- ton .■ . . Detroit, Mich., the Sprague publishing co. [cl906]. 2 p. 1., xiv, 56 p. D; LC; S. 2026. Hamilton, Henry E. Incidents and events in the life of Gurdon Saltonstall Hubbard. Collected from personal narrations, and other sources, and arranged by his nephew, Henr}^ E. Hamilton. [Chicago, Rand McNally & CO., printers] 1888. 189 p. B; S. 2027. Hamilton, M. D. Statement of the trade and commerce of Detroit, for the year 1857: including statistics of railroad commerce, articles upon direct trade with Europe, the St. Clair flats improvement, business of the St. Mary's Falls ship canal, dry docks, public schools, the leading manufac- turing interests, city improvements, etc., etc., by M. D. Hamilton . . . De- troit, advertiser steam press print, 1858. 40 p. S. 2028. [Hamilton, R. E?]. Peaceful valley famis. [Chicago, atlas printing CO., 1909?]. Caption title, 19 p. S. 2029. Hamlin, Marie Caroline Watson. Legends of Le Detroit. Marie Caroline Watson Hamlin. Illustrated by Miss Isabella Stewart. Detroit, T. Nourse, 1884. 5 p. 1., 317 p. B;D;G;LC;S. "A legend of L'Anse Creuse [by J. V. Campbell] ": p. [243]-260. " Early French families " : p. [263]-3l7. 2030. Hammond, Charles G, Memorial of Charles G. Hammond, relative to a certain claim preferred against him. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 20, p. 84-87; also Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate document no. 22, p. 113-115). B;D; G; S; U. 2031. [Hammond, Jason E.]. A4ichigan souvenir, January 26, 1897. [no imprint]. 35, [1] p. S. 2032. _, . The school law of Michigan, by Jason E. Hammond . . . Lansing, R. Smith, 1895. 126 p. L C; U. 2033. , . Ibid. 5th cd. (17th to 2 2d thousand), by Jason E. Hammond . . . Lansing, Mich., the Hammond publishing co., limited, 1904. 133 p. L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 201 2034. Hamtramck township. Citizens. Petition of the undersigned citi- zens of the township of Hamtramck, in the county of Wayne, and state of Michigan. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844. 3 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 19). B; D; G; S; U. 2035. Hankinson, Thomas Leroy. A i iological survey of Walnut Lake, Michigan, by Thomas L. Hankinson. With chapters on the physiography, geolog}^ and flora of the region by Charles A. Davis; and a paper on the aquatic insects of the lake by James G. Needham . . . Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1908. 2 p. 1., [157]-288 p. LC;U. A report of the biological .survey of the state of Michigan, pub. by the state board of geological survey as a part of the report for 1907. 2036. , . Observations on the fishes of Houghton county, Michigan, by Thomas L. Hankinson . . . [Lansing, 1915?]. Cover title, 22 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 20, biology 4). LC. Plates printed on both sides. 2037. — — ■ — , . Results of the Shiras expeditions to Whitefish Point, Michigan: Fishes, by T. L. Hankinson. [Lansing, 1915?]. Cover title, 80 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 20, biology 4). LC. 2038. Harbor Point association. History, articles of association, and by- laws. [Lansing, Mich., 1884]. 21 p. G. 2039. Harbor Springs Christian association. Its history, constitution, by-laws, officers and members. [Harbor Springs?] 1910. 15 p. G. 2040. [Harford, W. M.]. A short sketch of the life and services of Jonathan Walker, the man with the branded hand; with a poem b}'- John G. Whittier and an address by Hon. Parker Pillsbury, one of Walker's anti-slavery friends, and a funeral oration by Rev. F. E. Kittredge. Muskegon, Mich., chronicle steam printing house, 1879. 29 p. G. 2041. Haring, Fred Benson. Haring's brief on conditional sale laws of Michigan. [Buffalo, R. E. Dougan co., printers, cl917]. [32] p. L C. 2042. Harley, Herbert. A circidar letter concerning the administration of justice, by Herbert Harley [October 7, 1912]. Manistee? 1912?]. Cover title, 21 p. — U. 2043. [Harmer, William Morrell]. Lumbering in Michigan, U. S. A. [Cadillac, Mich., 1892]. Cover title, 12 phot. L C. 2044. Harper hospital, Detroit. [Act of legislature for incorporation of hospitals; articles of incorporation; Harper deed; Ann Martin's deed; by-laws and regulations; sketch of Harper hospital]. Detroit, Winn & Hammond, printers [n. d.]. 102 p. B. 232 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2045. , . Harper hospital bulletin ; bi-monthly, V. 1-12. Detroit, 1890-1901. B*. *Thc Burton Historical Collection has v. 1, no. 1-5; v. 2, no. 1, 2, 5; v. 4, no. 3 and 5; V. 6, no. 4 and 6; v. 7, no. 1-5; v. 8, no. 4-6; v. 9, no. 2, 3, 5; v. 11, no. 5 and 6; v. 12, no. 2. 2046. , ■ The constitution and rules of the Harper hospital, together with the report and statement of the trustees. Detroit, William Graham, book and job printer, 1866. 24 p. B; S. 2047. , . Report, 24th (1887)-44th (1913). De- troit [1887?-1913?]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 24th, 31st-39th, 43rd-44th. 2048. , . [What Detroit needs most]. [Detroit, peninsular engraving co., 1912]. not paged. B; D. 2049. Harriman, Karl Edwin. Ann Arbor talcs, by Karl Edwin Harriman. Philadelphia, G. W. Jacobs and company, 1902. 322 p. L C; S. Contents. — The making of a man. — The kidnapping. — The champions. — The case of Catherwood. — The door: a nocturne. — A modern Mercury. — The day of the game. — The old professor. 2050. Harriman, William D. Memorial of Judge J. Willard Babbitt, by William D. Harriman. [no imprint]. Caption title, [2] p. S. 2051. Harrington, E. Burke. Reports of cases determined in the court of chancery of the state of Michigan, by E. Burke Harrington ... 2d ed. With notes and references to late decisions, by Thomas M. Cooley. Chicago, 111., Callaghan & company, 1882. xiv p., 1 1., 479 p. S. 2052. , — . . The revised statutes of the state of Michiganr passed at the adjourned session of 1837, and the regular session of 1838- Printed and published, by virtue of a resolution of the senate and house of representatives, of the date of December 30, 1837 under the supervision and direction of E. B. Harrington and E. J. Roberts. Detroit. John S. Bagg, printer to the state, 1838. 817 p. B; D; S; U. 2053. Harrington, Mark Walrod. . . . Currents of the great lakes, as deduced from the movements of bottle papers during the seasons of 1892 and 1893. By Mark W. Harrington . . . Washington, weather bureau, 1894. vi numb., 1., 6 maps. (U. S., dept. of agriculture, weather bureau, bulletin B). • L C. 2054. , . . . . Surface currents of the great lakes, as deduced from the movements of bottle papers during the seasons of 1892, 1893, and 1894, by Mark W. Harrington, chief of the weather bureau. Rev. ed. Published by authority of the secretary of agriculture. Washington, weather bureau, 1895. xiv p., 6 charts. (U. S., weather bureau, bulletin B). LC. 2055. Harris, C.H. Sanitary drainage and sewerage, by C. H. Harris . . . read at a sanitary convention held at Hillsdale, Michigan, April 17 and 18, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 203 1884 . . . [Lansing? 1885?]. Caption title, [100]-103 p. (Reprinted from a supplement to the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1884. Reprint no. 170). S. 2056. Harris, James E. . . . Soil acidity, by J. E. Harris. East Lansing, Michigan, 1914. 15 p. (Alichigan agricultural college, experiment station, technical bulletin no. 19, July, 1914). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 524-536. 2057. Harris, John C. . . . Facts regarding Bay county, the garden county of Michigan . . . [Bay City, W. S., White & Lutzke, n. d.]. Cover title, [7] p. S. 2058. Harris, Samuel. Michigan brigade of cavalry at the battle of Gettys- burg, July 3, 1863, under command of Brig. -Gen. Geo. A. Custer, by Samuel Harris . . . Delivered at the annual reunion of Co. A, 5th Michigan cavalry, held at Cass City, Michigan, June 14, 1894. [Chicago, the author, 1894]. 16 p. LC. 2059. , . Personal reminiscences of Samuel Harris. Chicago, the Rogerson press, 1897. 1 p. 1., 172 p. L C. 2060. — , . Stories of the civil war . . . Chicago, 111., S. Harris & co. ]1898]. Cover title, 15 p. L C. Contents. — Major General George A. Custer: stories told around the campfire of the Michigan brigade of cavalr>'. — Stuart's last fight. 2061. , . A story of the war of the rebellion. Why I was not hung. By Samuel Harris, late 1st lieutenant Co. A, 5th Michigan cavalry . . . [Chicago, Chicago globe print, 189-?]. 29, [1] p. L C. 2062. Harris, Wilmer Carlyle. Public life of Zachariah Chandler, 1851- 1875, by Wilmer C. Harris, Ph. D. Lansing, Michigan historical commis- sion, 1917. 5 p., 1 1., [7]-152 p. (Lettered on cover: University series IL Michigan historical publications). B;D;G;LC;S;U. PubHshed also as thesis (Ph. D.) University of Chicago, 1914. Bibliography: p. [139]-141. 2063. Hart, Albert Bushnell. . . . Documents illustrating state land claims and cessions, 1776-1802. New York, A. Lovell & company, 1895. Cover title, 37 p. (American history leaflets . . . Ed. by A. B. Hart and E. Channing ... no. 22. July, 1895). L C; U. 2064. . . . . Documents relating to territorial ad- ministration. Chiefly from the original manuscripts. 1778-1790. New York, A. Lovell & company, 1901. Cover title, 35 p. (American history leaflets . . . Ed. by A. B. Hart and E. Channing ... no. 32. April, 1901). LC;U. 2065. Hart, Frederick. Petition of Frederick Hart and 103 others, to amend the militia law of this state. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to 204 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN the state. 1857]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, house document no. 16). B; D;G;S;U. 2066. Hart. High school. The mirror, [n. p.] 1915. 1 v. G. 2067. Hartford. Ladies' library association. Book-list, ladies' library association. Hartford, Michigan, alliance print, 1902. Cover title, 40 p. S. Supplement, [12] p. 2068. Hartman, S. B. Can the general farmer afford to grow apples? and suggestions on improving and spraying apple orchards. By S. B. Hart- man and H. J. Eustace. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1909. [33J-48 p. (Alichigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 253, March, 1909). ^ MAC; S. Also in Forty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 214-227. 2069. Hartwick, Louis M. Oceana county pioneers and business men of today. History, biography, statistics and humorous incidents, by L. M. Hartwick and W. H. Tuller. Pentwater, Mich., Pentwater news steam print, 1890. [7H32p. B;G;LC;S;U. 2070. Hartwig, W. J. co. . . . General catalogue no. 2. W. J. Hartwig CO. electrical supplies, electrical machinery, telephone supplies, ignition sup- plies . . . Detroit, Michigan [cl912]. 676 p. B. 2071. Harvey, Mrs. Sarah Van Epps. Jubilee annals of the Lake Superior ship canal; the world's greatest mechanical waterway. Comp. by Sarah V. E. HarC^ey. Cleveland, press of the J. B. Savage company, 1906. 267, [1] p. B;LC;S. 2072. , . . Semi-centennial reminiscences of the Sault canal (Lake Superior) 1852-5. Comp. by S. V. E. Harvey and A. E. H. Voorhis. Cleveland, press of J. B. Savage, 1905. 104 p. B; S. 2073. Harwood, Peter Merrick. Potatoes ... By P. M. Harwood . . . [Lansing, Robert Smith & CO., state printers and binders] 1893. 20 p. (Michi- gan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 95, April, 1893). MAC;S;U. Also in Thirty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 357-370. 2074. , . Potatoes. Amount of seed. Original experiments together with compilations from twelve other stations. By P. M. Hanvood and P. G. Holden . . . [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1893. 53 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 93, April, 1893). — - M A C; S; U. Also in Thirtj^-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 146-191. 2075. , . Roots vs. silage for fattening lambs, by BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 205 P. M. Harwood and F. B. Alumford . . . [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1892. 6 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 84. April, 1892). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-first annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 247-251. 2076. , . Smut in oats and wheat; Jensen or hot water treatment. 3d ed. with additions, by P. M. Harwood and P. G. Holden . . . [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1892. 12 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 87, Sep- tember, 1892). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-first annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 280-288. 2077. Haskell, Samuel. A half-century memorial. Historical and bio- graphical sketches of the first Baptist church, in Detroit, presented at the close of the first half-century of its existence. By Samuel Haskell, one of its pastors, Detroit, September, 1877. Detroit, herald pubHshing house, 1878. 64 p. B; D; S. 2078. , . Historical sketch of Kalamazoo college, by Rev. S. Haskell . . . Kalamazoo, Mich., Michigan Christian herald print, 1864. 12 p. L C. Prepared by request of the board of trustees, to be read to the Baptist state convention of the state of Michigan; adopted by the convention Oct. 9th, 1863, as a portion of its historical materials, and ordered printed. 2079. , . History of Kalamazoo college, by Rev. Samuel Haskell, D. D., professor of Bible instruction. 1897. [Detroit, Christian herald print, n. d.]. 48 p. • U. 2080. , . A quarter-century ebenezer; a discourse upon the history of the first Baptist church, during the first twenty-five years of its existence, by Samuel Haskell, pastor. Detroit, free press print, 1852. 32 p. — B. 2081. Haskins, Rosv/ell Willson. New England and the west, by R. W. Haskins . . . Buffalo, A. W. Wilgus, 1843. 36 p. (Reprinted from the Bos- ton, (Mass.) atlas). L C. 2082. Hastings. Charters. Hastings city charter as amended by legis- lature of 1891-1892 and city ordinances revised 1892. Hastings, Mich., Charles P. Warner, printer, 1892. 175 p. S. 2083. . . Official city directory . . . Hastings, Mich., 1905. not paged. B. 2084. . Women's club. JMargaret, a mosaic; Hastings women's club . . . Hastings, Mich., herald publishing company, 1897. 64 p. ■ S. 2085. Hatch, William Stanley. A chapter of the history of the war of 1812 in the northwest. Embracing the surrender of the northwestern army and fort, at Detroit, August 16, 1812; with a description and biographical 206 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN sketch of the celebrated Indian chief Tecumseh. By Colonel William Stanley Hatch . . . Cincinnati, Miami print, and pub. co., 1872. 156 p. B; LC;S;U. 2086. Hathaway, Charles S. Our firemen; a record of the faithful and heroic men who j^uard the property and lives in the city of Detroit, and a review of the past, giving the history of the fire department since the early settlement of the cit^^ with a . . . glance at our city of today . . . Ed. by Charles S. Hathaway. Issued for the benefit of the firemen's fund association. De- troit, J. F. Eby & co., 1894. vii, [9]-265p.. B;G;LC;U. 2087. Haven, Erastus Otis. Autobiography of Erastus O. Haven. Edited by the Rev. C. C. Stratton. With an introduction by the Rev. J. M. Buckley. New York, Phillips & Hunt; Cincinnati, Walden & Stowe, 1883. 329 p. B. 2088. Hawkins, Olney. Petition of Olney Hawkins and 300 others, citi- zens of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, praying that the constitution may be altered so as to admit colored men to the privileges of the elective franchise. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, house document no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 2089. Hay, Henry. ... A narrative of life on the old frontier; Henry Hay's journal from Detroit to the Mississippi [i. e. Miami] river, ed. with introduction and notes, by M. M. Quaife . . . Madison, pub. for the society, 1915. [207]-261 p. ( [Wisconsin state historical society] (Separate, no. 164)). D;LC. "From the Proceedings of the state historical society of Wisconsin for 1914." The original journal is the property of the Detroit public library. It extends from December 9, 1789, to April 3, 1790, during most of which time the writer was at Miami- town, now Fort Wayne, Indiana. 2090. Hazelwood, Arthur. Water, and the water supply in Michigan, by Arthur Hazelwood . . . [Lansing? 1877?]. [73]-80 p. (Reprinted from the Fourth annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1876). S. 2091. Headley, C. B. Annual statement of the business of Saginaw val- ley, and "The Shore, " for 1873. Details for the manufacture of lumber, salt, lath, staves, shingles and timber, railway connection, general progress; ship- ments, markets, stock on hand, &c. By C. B. Headley and Geo. H. Richard- son. East Saginaw, Mich., daily courier book and job print, 1874. 48 p. U. 2092. Headlight; sights and scenes along the Michigan central line. Souvenir ed. Chicago, 1895. 34 p. G. 2093. Healing waters found at Ypsilanti 740 feet below the soHd rocks; the king of mineral waters. Chicago, globe lithograph and printing co., 1886. 44 p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 207 2094. Hedrick, Ulysses Prentiss. Native plums, by U. P. Hedrick. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1895. [17J-24 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 123, April, 1895). MAC; S;U. Also in Thirty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 636-643. 2095. Hedrick, Wilbur Olin. . . . The history of railroad taxation in Michigan . . . by Wilbur O. Hedrick . . . Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1912. 69 p., 1 1. B; G; LC;S;U. At head of title: Michigan state library. Legislative reference department. Thesis (Ph.D.)— University of Michigan, 1909. 2096. Hegner, Robert William. Bibliography of periodical literature and publications of learned societies, of interest to zoologists, in the university of Michigan library. Compiled by Robert W. Hegner . . . [Ann Arbor? 1916]. [106]-118 p. (Reprinted from 18th Annual report of the Michigan academy of science, Dec, 1916). S; U. 2097. Heineman, David Emil. Jewish beginnings in Michigan before 1850. Being some notes on residents of the very early days, several biographi- cal notices of more notable citizens between 1840 and 1850, and an account of the beginnings of the immigration of about that time. By Hon. David E. Heineman . . . [Baltimore, 1905]. Cover title, 47-70 p. (Reprinted from Publications of the American Jewish historical society, no. 13, 1905). B;G;LC;S. 2098. — , . The legislature and local bills by David E. Heineman . . . A paper read at the joint meeting of the Michigan political science association and the league of Michigan municipalities, held at Ann Arbor, Mich., February 11-12, 1904. [Ann Arbor, the Richmond and Backus CO., printers, 1904]. Cover title, lip. (Reprinted from the Publi- cations of the Michigan political science association, vol. V, no. 4). B;G;LC:S. 2099. , . Michigan's need of a budget system for taxation; an address delivered at the fifth conference of the Michigan state tax association at Grand Rapids, March 2, 1916. By Hon. David E. Heine- man . . . [Detroit? 1916]. 1 p. 1., 13 p. L C; U. "Published in the Grand Rapids press of March 2, 1916, in the Michigan manufacturer of March 11, 1916, in the National tax association bulletin for May, 1916, and in volume V of the Proceedings of the Michigan state tax association, from which this pamphlet is reprinted." 2100. , . The startling experience of a Jewish trader during Pontiac's siege of Detroit in 1763. By Hon. David E. Heine- man. [Baltimore, 1915]. Cover title, 31-35 p. (Reprinted from Publica- tions of the American Jewish historical society, no. 23, 1915). B; L C. 2101. Helm, Linai Taliaferro. The Fort Dearborn massacre; written by 208 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Lieutenant Linai T. Helm, one of the survivors, with letters and narratives of contemporary interest. Edited by Nelly Kinzie Gordon. Chicago, New York, Rand McNally & company [cl912]. 3 p. 1., 3-137 p. G; L C; S. 2102. Helme, James W. Clean cows and clean stables . . . by James W. Helme, deputy dairy and food commissioner, [no imprint]. 8 p. U. 2103. Hemans, Lawton Thomas. History of Michigan, by Lawton T. Hemans . . . 1st ed. Lansing, Mich., Hammond publishing company, limited, 1906. 278 p. L C; S; U. 2104. , . Ibid. 2d ed. Lansing, Mich., the Ham- mond publishing company, limited, 1907. 278 p. G. 2105. , — . Ibid. 4th ed. Lansing, the Hammond pub. CO., ltd., 1910. 278 p. B. 2106. , , Ibid. 7th ed. Lansing, Michigan, the Hammond publishing company, ltd., 1916. 278 p. S. 2107. Henry, Alexander. Narrative of the captivity of Alexander Henry, esq., who, in the time of Pontiak's war, fell into the hands of the Huron Indians, detailing a faitliful account of the capture of the garrison of Michili- mackinac, and the massacre of about ninety people, written by himself, [no imprint]. Caption title, 286-332 p. S. 2108. Henry Mart>'n Loud, 1824-1905. [Au Sable? 1905]. Cover title, [32] p. S. 2109. [Hewes, Fletcher Willis]. History of the fomiation, movements, camps, scouts, and battles of the tenth regiment Michigan volunteer infantry. Containing a short historical sketch of every officer connected with the regi- ment. Also the names, dates of enlistment, nativity, occupation, etc., of every member of the organization, together with dates and places of discharge, deaths, etc., from the first enlistment to date of re-enlistment. Written and compiled by F. W. H. Detroit, John Slater's book and job printing estab- lishment, 1864. 229 p. B; S. 2110. Hickox, G. H. Remarks at the funeral of Lieut. Percival S. Leg- gett, of company I, 5th regiment, Michigan cavalry, by G. H. Hickox. De- troit, O. S. GulW, steam presses, 1863. 7 p. B. 2111. Higgins, Samuel Gaty. The salt industry in Michigan, by S. G. Higgins . . . [Ann Arbor, 1900]. Cover title, 11 p. (Publications of the Michigan political science association, vol. IV. no. 2, November, 1900). B; D; L C; S; U. 2112. Highland Park. Ordinances, etc. Miscellaneous ordinances of the village of Highland Park, Michigan, exclusive of those relating to construc- tion work; effective June 1, 1914. Detroit, Hilton, Hart & Koehn co., printers, 1914. 87 p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 209 2113. Hildreth, Samuel Prescott. Contributions to the early history of the northwest, including the Moravian missions in Ohio, by Samuel P. Hil- dreth, M. D. Cincinnati, Poc and Hitchcock, 1864. 240 p. B ; L C; S. 2114. , . Pioneer history; being an account of the first examinations of the Ohio valley, and the early settlement of the northwest territory. Chiefly from original manuscripts . . . By S. P. Hildreth. Cincinnati, H. W. Derby & co.; New York, A. S. Barnes & co., 1848. xiii, 525 p. (Historical and philosophical society of Ohio, publica- tions, V. 1). L C; U. "This volume is pub. under the superintendence of the historical society of Cincinnati, and forms the first volume of its transactions." — ^Publisher's advertisement, (cf. also preface of v. 1 of [Publications] new ser. 1873). The Cincinnati historical society was consolidated with the Historical and philosophical society of Ohio, in 1849, under the name of the latter and older society. 2115. Hill, Arthur. Letter from Arthur Hill to the board of education, Saginaw, W. S., Mich., on the occasion of his establishing four scholar- ships in the west side high school. Published by the board of education. [Saginaw, 1893]. [12] p. S. 2116. Hill, Arthur J. . . . The pine industry in Michigan, by Arthur J. Hill and John Bertram . . . [Ann Arbor, 1898]. Cover title, 17 p. (Publica- tions of the Michigan political science association, vol. HI, no. 4, December, 1898). B; D;G;LC;S; U. Contents. — Hill, A. J. The pine industry in Michigan. — Bertram, J. The reproduction of white pine in North America. 2117. Hill, B. L. Memorial of B. L. Hill, on behalf of the fishermen of Michigan, protesting against the passage of any law to suppress pound, or trapnet fishing. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 13). B; D; G;S;U. 2118. Hill, S. W. Remarks of S. W. Hill on the character and progress of the geological survey of the state. [Lansing? 1871?]. Caption title, 8 p. S. 2119. Hillsdale. Board of education. [Hillsdale union school, and record of school officers since 1846]. [Hillsdale? 1876?]. [5] p. S. 2120. Hillsdale college. . . . Annual catalogue of the officers and students of Hillsdale college ... 1st (1856)-49th (1904-05). Detroit, 1857-1905. G*; S*; U*. Place of publication varies. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has lst-3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 14th-22nd, 24th- 39th, 49th; the State Librarv has lst-18th. 21st, 23rd, 25th, 30th, 31st, 37th, 46th; the U. of M. Library has 3rd, 5th-12th, 14th-17th, 19th, 20th, 22nd-49th. 2121, . Bulletin; catalogue number with announce- ments ... V. 1-12. Hillsdale, Michigan, 1906-1917. S*; U. Published quarterly. Title varies slightly. *The State Library has v. 4, no. 1; v. 5, no. 1; v. 11, no. 1; v. 12, no. 1. 27 210 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2122. . Bulletin and announcement of Hillsdale college . . . Hillsdale, Michigan, 1902. [8] p. S. 2123. . Hillsdale college, its first fifty years of life and work, [no imprint]. Caption title, 8 p. U. 2124. . Alpha kappa ph' society. Thirteenth annual Mcleildy prize meeting of the ali:)ha ka])pa phi society, Hillsdale college, Michigan, Tuesday evening, Nov. 14th, 1871. [Program]. Hillsdale, printed at the Hillsdale business office, 1871. [6] p. S. 2125. Hinchman, T. H. Banks and banking in Michigan; with historical sketches, general statutes of banking under state and national laws, and personal notices of late prominent bank officers. By T. H. Hinchnian . . . Detroit, W. Graham, printer, 1887. 171 p. L C; S. 2126. Hines, Edward N. Road book of the Michigan division, league of American wheelmen. Also through routes to Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Cincinnati, etc. [4th ed.]. Issued by Edward N. Hines, chief consul. Detroit, Alich., 1897. 131 p. G; U." 2127. Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. ... A general introduction to the courses in the science and the art of teaching. Notes of lectures. [By] Professor Hinsdale. [Ann Arbor? 1893]. Caption title, 19p. L C. At head of title: University of Michigan. 2128. , . History of the university of Michigan, by the late Burke A. Hinsdale . . . with biographical sketches of the regents and members of the university senate from 1837 to 1906, ed. by Isaac N. Demmon . . . Ann Arbor, the university, 1906. xiii, 376 p. B; G; LC;S;U. 2129. , . The old northwest; with a view of the thirteen colonies as constituted by the royal charters. By B. A. Hinsdale . . . New York, T. MacCoun, 1888. vi p., 11., 440 p. B; G; L C; S; U. "Authorities cited": p. [420J-432. 2130. , . The old northwest; the beginnings of our colonial system, by B. A. Hinsdale . . . Rev. ed. Boston, New York [etc.] Silver, Burdett and company, 1899. viii p., 1 1., 430 p. L C. 2131. , . Our common schools; a fuller statement of the views set forth in the pamphlet entitled, "Our common school educa- tion," with special reference to the reply of Superintendent A. J. Rickoff. By B. A. Hinsdale, A. M. . . . Cleveland, O., Cobb, Andrews, & co., 1878. 72 p. S. 2132. [ , ]. The spirit and the ideals of the univer- sity of Michigan. (In Educational review . . . New York, 1896, vol. XI, p. 356-368, 476-485). B*; S. Article signed: B. A. Hinsdale, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. *The Burton Historical Collection has a reprint. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 211 2133. , . The theoretical and critical and the prac- tical courses in teaching given in the university of Michigan. Terms defined and relations stated. Notes of preliminary lectures. [By] B. A. Hinsdale, professor. [Ann Arbor? Mich., register publishing company, n. d.]. Caption title, 12 p. L C; S. 2134. [ , ]. Three important documents relating to western land cessions. (In Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly. Columbus [1889], v. 2, p. 276-288). L C. Contents. — 1. The Maryland declaration of December 15, 1778. — 2. The Virginia re- monstrance of December 14. 1779. — -3. The Connecticut cession of October 10, 1780. 2135. , . The university of Michigan as a consti- tutional institution. [Ann Arbor? n. d.]. Caption title, lip. L C; S. Signed: B. A. Hinsdale. "Printed from advance copy of the History of the university of Michigan." 2136. Historical memoranda of the territory of Michigan. [Detroit, 1904]. Cover title, 19, [1] p. (Reprinted by C. M. Burton from the Detroit gazette. May 21-July 2, 1819). B; G; L C; S; U. 2137. Historical sketch of the village of Petoskey; combined with a city directory for 1882. Petoskey, Mich., city record book and job printing house, 1882. 59 p. G. 2138. Historical sketches of education in Michigan, [no imprint]. 453 p. B. 2139. Historical souvenir of the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the colonization of the Hollanders in western Michigan, held in Zeeland, Mich., August 21, 1907. [Grand Rapids, press of Powers-Tyson, 1908]. 116 p. -B;G. 2140. The historical writings of the late Orsamus H. Marshall relating to the early history of the west. With an introduction by William L. Stone. Albany, N. Y., Joel Munsell's sons, 1887. 500 p. B. 2141. History and directory of the churches of Detroit, Mich., com- prising interesting statistics compiled from the most reliable sources with the full co-operation of pastors and officers of the churches of all denomina- tions. Detroit, Michigan, Crumb & Noble, 1877. 4 p. 1., [7]-330 p. — B; S. Added title page: History of the churches of the United States in volumes . . . vol. I. Detroit, Michigan, Crumb & Noble, 1877. 2142. History and directory of Kent county, Michigan, containing a his- tory of each township, and the city of Grand Rapids . . . Comp. and pub. by Dillenback & Leavitt. Grand Rapids, Mich., Daily eagle steam prints ing house, 1870. 319 p. B;G;LC. 2143. History and location of Eaton Rapids, Michigan; the magnetic mineral springs, how discovered, analysis of the waters; opinions of eminent medical and scientific authority; class of diseases successfully treated; certifi- 212 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN cates of physicians and invalids; what people aboard think of the springs, accommodations, bath houses, railroads, &c. [Eaton Rapids?] Saturday- journal print [n. d.]. 16 p. S. 2144. The history, commercial advantages and future prospects of Bay City. .Michigan . . . Bay City, Mich., Uj S. Dow, 1875. 4 p. 1., 93, [l]p. B;LC;S;U. 2145. . . . History, constitution and membership of the amphictyon society of Hillsdale college.' Hillsdale. Michigan; spring term of 1869. Ann Arbor, Dr. Chase's steam printing house, 1869. 52 p. S. 2146. History of Allegan and Barry counties, Michigan, with illustrations and biographical sketches of their prominent men and pioneers. Philadelphia, D. W. Ensign & CO., 1880. 521 p. B;LC;S. General history by Crisfield Johnson, village and township histories by various col- aborators. 2147. History of the alpha kappa phi society of Hillsdale college, Hills- dale, Michigan . . . Spring term of 1870. Detroit, O. S. Gulley's steam presses, 1870. 63, [1] p. S. 2148. History of the alpha kappa phi society of Hillsdale college, Hills- dale, Alich. Mens omnia regit; spring term of 1890. Hillsdale, Mich., 1890. 59 p. G. 2149. History of Bay county, Michigan, with illustrations and biographi- cal sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers. Chicago, H. R. Page & CO., 1883. 281 p. B;LC. 2150. History of Berrien and Van Buren counties, Michigan. With . . . biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers. Philadelphia, D. W. Ensign & co., 1880. 548 p. B; G; L C; S. General history of Berrien and Van Buren counties, by Franklin Ellis; history of Van Buren county by Crisfield Johnson; township and city histories by various collaborators. 2151. History of Calhoun county, Michigan. . . . With illustrations descriptive of its scenery, palatial residences, public buildings . . . Phila- delphia, L. H. Everts & co., 1877.* 212 p. B; L C; S. At head of title: 1830. "Histor>' of Calhoun county, Michigan, by H. B. Pierce [i.e. Peirce?]" p. [9]-49. 2152. History of the discovery and workings of the silver mines in the Iron river district, Ontonagon county, with map of the same. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Ontonagon, Mich., printed at the Ontonagon miner office, 1875. 13 p S. 2153. History of Genesee county, Michigan. With illustrations and bio- graphical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers. Philadelphia, Everts & Abbott, 1879. 446 p. B; S. 2154. History of Hillsdale county, Michigan, with illustrations and bio- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 213 graphical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers. Philadelphia, Everts & Abbott, 1879. 1 p. 1., 7-334 p. B; L C; S. 11 extra leaves with additional biographies inserted. Contents.' — Histor>^ of Hillsdale county, by Crisfield Johnson. — History of the townships and villages of Hillsdale county. 2155. History of Jackson county, Michigan; together with .sketches of its cities, villages and townships; educational, religious, civil, military, and political history; portraits of prominent persons, and biographies of repre- sentative citizens. History of Michigan, embracing accounts of the pre- historic races, aborigines, French, English and American conquests, and a general review of its civil, political and military history . . . Chicago, inter- state publishing CO., 1881. 4 p. 1., [17-1156 p. B; L C; S; U. 2156. History of Kent county, Michigan . . . with . . . biographies of representative citizens. History of Michigan . . . Chicago, C. C. Chapman & CO., 1881. 4p. 1., [17]-1426p. B;G;LC;S. History written by M. A. Leeson, biographies by various collaborators. Rev. and cor. by a committee of the Old residents' association of the Grand river valley. 2157. History of the Lake Huron shore, with illustrations and biographi- cal sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers. Chicago, H. R. Page & CO., 1883. 3 p. 1., [9J-280 p. ■ B; S. 2158. History of Lapeer county, Michigan, with illustrations and bio- graphical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers. Chicago, H. R. Page & CO., 1884. 211 p. B; S. 2159. History of Livingston co., Michigan. With illustrations and biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers. Philadelphia, Everts & Abbott, 1880. 462 p. B. 2160. History of Macomb county, Michigan, containing . . . biographi- cal sketches . . . the whole preceded by a history of Michigan . . . Chicago, M. A. Leeson & co., 1882. viii, [17]-924 p. B; G; L C; S. History comp. by M. A. Leeson, biographies by various collaborators. 2161. History of Manistee, Mason and Oceana counties, Alichigan, . . . [Chicago, H. R. Page & co., 1882]. Cover title, 2 p. 1., [7]-78, [4], [79J-154, [4], [7]-88 p. L C. Each part has special title page. Contents. — History of Mason county, Michigan, with illustrations and biographical sketches. — History of Oceana county, Michigan, with illustrations and biographical sketches. — History of Manistee county, Michigan, with illustrations and biographical sketches. 2162. History of Muskegon county, Michigan, with illustrations and bio- graphical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers. Chicago, H. R. Page & CO., 1882. 2 p. 1., [11]-151 p. ■B;G;LC;S. 2163. History of Oakland county, Michigan. With illustrations descrip- tive of its scenery, palatial residences, public buildings, fine blocks, and im- portant manufactories, from original sketches by artists of the highest ability. Philadelphia, L. H. Everts & co., 1877. 334, xxv p. • ■ B; G; U. 214 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2164. History of Olivet college, [no imprint]. Caption title, 9 p. S. 2165. History of Ottawa county, Michigan, with . . . biographical sketches . . . Chicago, H. R. Page & co., 1882. 2 p. 1., [11]-133 p. (With History of Muskegon county. Chicago, 1882). G; L C; S. 2166. History of the Presbyterian Sunday-school at Grand Haven, Mich., from 1835 until 1876 . . . Chicago, Janscn McClurg & co., 1876. 64 p- S. 2167. History of Saginaw county, Michigan; together with sketches of its cities, villages and townships; educational, religious, civil, military, and political history; portraits of prominent persons, and biographies of repre- sentative citizens. History of Michigan, embracing accounts of the pre- historic races, aborigines, French, English and American conquests, and a general review of its civil, political and military history. Chicago, Chas. C. Chapman & CO., 1881. 960 p. B;U. 2168. History of the Saginaws, and the settlement of Saginaw county from 1819 to the present time; also a compilation of the present most impor- tant business interests of Saginaw and East Saginaw. East Saginaw [Reed and Bonner] 1879. 31 p. - — D. 2169. History of St. Clair county, Michigan, containing an account of its settlement, growth, development and resources ... its war record, bio- graphical sketches, portraits of prominent men and early settlers; the whole preceded by a history of Michigan, and statistics of the state . . . Chicago, A. T. Andreas & CO., 1883. vii, [17]-790 p. G; L C; S; U. Preface signed : Western historical compan3\ 2170. History of St. Joseph county, Michgan, with illustrations descrip- tive of its scenery, palatial residences, public buildings . . . Philadelphia, L. H. Everts & CO., 1877. viii, 7-232 p. B;G;LC;S;U. 2171. History of Shiawassee and Clinton counties, Michigan, with illus- trations and biographical sketches of their prominent men and pioneers. Philadelphia, D. W. Ensign & co., 1880. 541 p. L C; S. General history by Franklin Ellis, township histories by various collaborators. 2172. History of Tuscola and Bay counties, Mich., with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of their prominent men and pioneers. Chicago, H. R. Page & co., 1883. 3 p. 1., [9]-211, [9]-83 p. L C; U. 2173. History of the upper peninsula of Michigan containing a full ac- count of its early settlement; its growth, development and resources; an ex- tended description of its iron and copper mines. Also accurate sketches of its counties, cities, towns and villages . . . biographical sketches, portraits of prominent men and early settlers . . . Chicago, the western historical company, 1883. vi, [17]-549 p. B; L C; S. 2174. History of Washtenaw county, Michigan . . . and biographies of BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 215 representative citizens. History of Michigan . . . Chicago, C. C. Chapman & CO., 1881. 4p. 1., [17]-1452p. B; L C; S; U. Cor. and rev. by a committee of the pioneer society of Washtenaw county'. 2175. History, resources and prospects of the Saginaw valley. The rail road excursion. The Flint & Pere Marquette railroad. [Detroit? 1872]. Caption title, 15 p. • B; L C; U. "Special correspondence of the Detroit daily advertiser." 2176. Hitchcock, Homer O. Report on slaughter-houses, rendering- establishments, etc., by Homer O. Hitchcock, M. D. . . . [Lansing? 1880'"]. 65-80 p. (Reprinted from the Seventh annual report of the Michigan vState board of health for the year 1879. Reprint no. 56). S. i2177. Hobbs, William Herbert. . . . The late glacial and post glacial uplift of the Michigan basin. Earthquakes in Michigan, by Wm. Herbert Hobbs . . . Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1911. 96 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publica- tion 5, geological series 3). D; L C; S; U. Published as a part of the Annual report of the board of geological and biological survey for 1910. 2178. Hodge, Hiram C. Memorial of Hon. Hiram C. Hodge, to the house of representatives, claiming a seat in the house from the second district of Clinton county, in place of Hon. Chandler Freeman. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1863]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 2179. Hodge, William. Papers concerning early navigation on the great lakes: 1. Recollections of Capt. David Wilkeson. 2. The pioneer Lake Erie steamboats, walk-in-the-water and superior. By William Hodge. Buf- falo, Bigelow brothers, 1883. 44 p. G. 2180. [Hoffman, Charles Fenno]. A winter in the west, by a New Yorker. In two volumes. New York, Harper & brothers, 1835. 2 v. B; G; LC; S;U. 2181. Hoffman, John Maurice. Hoffman's Saginaw valley review. [Saginaw, Friedman & Hynan, 1887]. 48 p. L C. No title page. 2182. Hogaboam, James J. The Bean creek valley [Mich.,]. Incidents of its early settlement. Collected from the memories of its earliest settlers now living, and verified by reference to official documents. By James J. Hogaboam. Hudson, Mich., J. M. Scarritt, 1876. 140, iv p. B; G;LC;S;U. 2183. [Holden, Ellsworth A.]. Souvenir. National grange in Michigan. Lansing, November, 12-22, 1902. [Lansing, Mich., R. Smith printing co., 1902]. Cover title, 112 p. B;D;LC;S;U. Preface signed: E. A. Holden. 216 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2184. Holland, A. H. A gazetteer of Marquette county, comprising full directories of Marquette, Ishpeming, Negaunee, Champion, Humboldt, Michigamme, and Republic . . by A. H. Holland. 1889. Marquette, mining journal print [1889]. 2-448 p. L C. 2185. [Holland, T. A.]. Holland's Grand Rapids city directory for 1867-8; containing a complete list of all residents in the cit3% also a classified business directory, with the names and address of the merchants, manufacturers, professional men, etc., in the city. Chicago, western publishing company, 1867. 276 p. G. 2186. Holland. Board of health. Rules and regulations, in force Octo- ber 22, 1911. [Holland, Alich., Holland city news, 1911]. 18p. G. 2187. . Board of public works. Annual report. [Holland, Mich., Holland city news] 1906-1916. 8 v. in 5. G*. *The Grand Rapids Public Library' has reports published, 1906-1908, 1913, 1915-1916. 2188. . Charters. Charter of the city of Holland, Michigan, under the "Home Rule" act of the state of Michigan, as amended . . . sub- mitted to a vote of the electors on July 14, 1913, and by them duly adopted. Holland, Mich., Holland city news, 1913. vi, 138 p. G. 2189. . Common council. Rules of the common coimcil. Holland, Mich., H. Holkeboer, 1909. 21 p. G. 2190. . High school. Annual boomerang. [Grand Rapids, Mich., White printing company] 1915. 1 v. G. 2191. . Ordinances, etc. Ordinances of the city of Holland, Michigan, compiled 1886. Printed and published by the authority of the common council. Holland, Mich., W. H. Rogers, book and job printer, 1886. 92, iii p. S. 2192. Hollands, Mrs. Hulda Theodate (St. Bernard). When Michigan was new, by Hulda T. Hollands. Chicago, A. Flanagan company [cl906]. 242 p. B;G;LC;S;U. The copy in the State Library has 245 pages . 2193. HoUister, Harvey James. . . . Daniel Ball as a banker, by Mr. Har\^ey J. Hollister; paper read before the meeting on January 5, 1909. Grand Rapids, Mich., reprinted from the Michigan tradesman, 1909. 1 p. 1., 51-59 p. (Publications of the historical society of Grand Rapids, no. 4, V. 1, pt. 4). B; LC; S. 2194. Holmes, J. C. Communication from J. C. Holmes, secretary of the Michigan state agricultural society, relative to the financial condition of said society. [Lansing Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 11). B; D; G; S; U. 2195. Holsinger, Conrad. Petition of Conrad Holsinger, and other citi- zens of Clinton county, asking for relief of said Holsinger. [Lansing, Hosmer BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 217 & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 23). B; D; G; S; U. 2196. Holt, Carol Mary. The story of Grand Rapids, Mich., by Carol Mar}^ Holt; introduction by Charles W. Garfield. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1915. 77 p. G;LC. 2197. Home kindergarten school, Detroit. [Announcement]. [Detroit, 1904?]. 31 p. S. 2198. Homeseekers' excursions to northern Michigan via Michigan cen- tral, [no imprint]. [6] p. S. 2199. Hood, George William. Laboratory manual of horticulture, with illustrations of methods, equipment, and apparatus, by George W. Hood . . . Boston, New York, [etc.] Ginn and company [cl915]. vi, 234 p. L C. Part of pages blank for "student's notes and report. " "This manual contains the exercises that have been given in connection with the work in general horticulture at the Ohio state universit}^, Michigan agricultural college, and uni- versity of Nebraska. " — Pref. Contains bibliographies. 2200. Hope college. . . . Annual report of Hope college at Holland, Michigan, 13th-16th. [Holland? 1879-1882]. S. 2201. . The constitution of Hope college, June, 1878. [Hol- land? 1878?]. 12 p. S. 2202. . Fiftieth anniversary catalog of Hope college . . . V. 54, no. 1. [Holland] 1916. 223 p. S. 2203. . Remembrancer [July 12 and 17, 1866]. [n. p., 1866?]. 18, 32 p. S. 2204. . . . . Yearbook, 1878-79 to 1914-15. Holland, Michi- gan, 1879-[1915?]. G*; S*. Title varies: 1878-79 to 1901-02, Catalogue of the officers and students of Hope college .... *The Grand Rapids Public Library has 1898-99, 1901-02; the State Library has 1878-79, 1881-82, 1882-83, 1891-92, 1914-15. 2205. Hopkins, George Hiram. Memorial address on the life and charac- ter of John Judson Bagley, delivered before the Michigan state pioneer society at their request, in representative hall, Lansing, by George H. Hopkins, on the seventh of June, 1882. Detroit, Mich., W. Graham, printer, 1882. 31 p. B; LC;U. 2206. Hopkins, William R. Report on the new town [Huron] at the foot of Lake Huron, by Wm. R. Hopkins, civil engineer. Geneva, N. Y., Mattison & Haskell, 1837. ' 19 p. G. 2207. Horton, Robert Elmer. Available water power of Michigan, and its economical development. Robert E. Horton. [n. p., 1901]. Cover title, 3-22 p. (Reprint from Mich, engineer, 1901). L C. 218 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2208. , . Deforestation, drainage and tillage with special reference to their effect on Michigan streams, by Robert E. Horton. [n. p., 1909?]. 23 p. L C. Runninp; head-line: Michigan engineering society. 2209. Hosford, Oramel. A memorial of the Rev. Oramel Hosford, pro- fessor in Olivet College, Olivet, Michigan. Published by the trustees of the college. Olivet, Frank N. Green, printer, 1894. [32] p. S. 2210. Hoskins, Nathan. Notes upon the western country. Contained within the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and the territory of Michigan: taken on a tour through that country in the summer of 1832 . . . Greenfield [Mass.] J. P. Fogg, 1833. 108 p. L C. 2211. Hough, Franklin Benjamin. Diary of the siege of Detroit in the war with Pontiac. Also a narrative of the principal events of the siege, by Major Robert Rogers; a plan for conducting Indian affairs, by Colonel Brad- street; and other authentic documents, never before printed. Ed. with notes by Franklin B. Hough. Albany, J. Munsell, 1860. xxiii p., 1 1., 304 p. (Half- title: Munsell's historical series, no. IV). B; L C; U. 2212. Houghton, Douglass. Copy of a letter from Douglass Houghton, (state geologist of Michigan), to Thomas H. Hubbard, of Utica, N. Y. Albany, Weed, Parsons & co., 1851. 12 p. B. 2213. Houghton,- Jacob, jr. The mineral region of Lake Superior: com- prising its early history, those parts of Dr. Douglass Houghton's reports of 1841 and '42 relating to the mineralogy of the district ; the reports of the linear and geological sur\'eys of 1845; a notice of mining companies — their officers and locations; with an accurate list of locations and leases up to July 17, 1846;. and a variety of statistical information . . . accompanied by the corrected map of the mineral agency office and a chart of Lake Superior. By Jacob Houghton, jr. Buffalo, O. G. Steele, 1846. 2 p. 1., [9]-191 p. G; L C. 2d ed.; 1st ed. was published in 1846, by Jacob Houghton and T. W. Bristol, under the title "Reports . . . [etc.]" 2214. , . Reports of Wm. A. Burt and Bela Hubbard, esqs., on the geography, topography and geology of the U. S. surveys of the mineral region of the south shore of Lake Superior, for 1845; accompanied by a list of working and organized mining companies ; a list of mineral locations . . . and a correct map of the mineral region . . . also a chart of Lake Su- perior, reduced from the British admiralty surv'ey. By J. Houghton, jr. and T. W. Bristol. Detroit, printed by C. Willcox, 1846. 3 p. 1., 109 p. B;LC. 2215. Houghton. Board of education. Annual catalogue of the officers, teachers and pupils of the Houghton graded school, for the school year 1866- '67. Published by order of the board. Houghton, Michigan, mining gazette printing, binding and engraving establishment, 1866. 28 p. S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 219 2216. . . . . . Annual reports and catalogue for 1868-9. Pub. by order of the school board . . . Detroit, tribune job office, 1869. 30 p. B. 2217. Houghton and Ontonagon railroad company. Report of the direc- tors of the Houghton and Ontonagon railroad company [April 8, 1871] with report and estimates of chief engineer, and statements in relation to land _grant, etc. Detroit, free press print, 1871. 35 p. B. 2218. Houston, D. C. Annual report upon the improvement of the harbor on Lake Superior east of Keweenaw Point, and harbors on the west and south shores of Lake Michigan, improvement of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers, in charge of D. C. Houston . . . being appendix B of the annual re- port of the chief of engineers for 1873. Washington, government printing office, 1873. 73 p. S. 2219. Howard, Jacob M. Protest of J. M. Howard and others against the passage of a resolution for the appointment of a committee to inquire into an ■ overpayment of the governor's salary. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 34, p. 336-338). B;D;G;S;U. 2220. Howard, John. Memorial of John Howard, M. S. Gillett and 104 others, citizens of St. Clair county, respecting the drainage, reclaiming and sale of the swamp lands in this state. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 18). B; D;G;S;U. ^ ' 222 1 . Howard, Sebre & Charles. A condensed statement showing the items of difference in the accounts of S. & C. Howard and the Detroit & Milwaukee railway co. and comparing the statements of B. Higham, chief engineer, with his former statements and final estimates, showing errors ... to the amount of 18)212,584.29. Detroit, free press book and job printing house, 1859. 62 p. B;LC. Cover title: An abridged statement of differences between S. & C. Howard and the Detroit & Milwaukee railway company, April 2, 1859. 2222. , . Statement of S. & C. Howard, showing the items of differences in their accounts with the Detroit & Milwaukee rail- way CO. and comparing the statements of R. Higham, esq., chief engineer, with his final estimate; together with a full copy of their written correspon- dence from the commencement of the work under their contract with the company, in November, 1853, to July 25, 1858. Detroit, daily free press book and job printing house, 1858. 128 p. B; S. Cover title used. 2223. Howe, Daniel Wait. . . . The laws and courts of the northwest and Indiana territories. Daniel Wait Howe. Indianapolis, the Bowen-Merrill CO., 1886. 25 p. (Indiana historical society, pamphlets, no. 1). L C. 220 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2224. , . Ibid. Indianapolis, the Bowcn-Mcrrill com- pany, 1886. 35 p. (Indiana historical society, publications, vol. II, no. 1). LC. 2225. Howe, E. Everett. The chronicles of break o'day, by E. Everett Howe. Boston, Arena pubhshing company, 1894. 3 p. 1., 342 p. S. 2226. , . Break o'day, by E. Everett Howe. 4th ed. Lansing, Mich., Robert Smith printing co., 1905. 3 p. 1., 342 p. M A C. 2227. Howell, Charles. Industrial advantages of Grand Rapids, Michi- gan; together with an account of its material development and progress, and a series of representative business enterprises. Grand Rapids, Mich., S. A. Fewless & co., 1896. 115 p. G. Edited by Charles Howell. 2228. Howell, Charles B. Michigan's nisi prius cases, decided by the state and federal courts in Michigan ; to which are added brief biographical sketches of the judges of Michigan, past and present, law anecdotes and reminiscences; also law miscellanies. Edited and compiled by Charles B. Howell, LL. B., of the Detroit bar. Detroit, Richmond, Backus & co., 1884. xv, 384 p. D;S. 2229. Howell, William T. Memorial of William T. Howell and 1 78 citizens of the county of Hillsdale, asking certain amendments to the charters of the southern and central railroads; and protesting against any increase of their privileges until such amendments be made ; or that said roads be re-purchased by the state. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, house docimient no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 2230. , —. Protest of Hon. W. T. Howell, against the action of the house on the passage of a certain bill. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1862]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, house document no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 2231. , . Protest of Messrs. Howell, Douglas, Warner and others, against the passage of joint resolution, appropriating the tolls of the St. Mary's canal to the payment of the amount due counties for taxes assessed on canal lands. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 33). B; D; G;S;U. 2232. , [ — ]. The right of the general government to lease mineral lands wdthin a state, considered in a report by Senator Howell from the commissioner on public lands; and The sovereign right- of Michigan to mines and minerals within her borders, discussed in a report by Senator Little- john, from judiciary committee, made to the senate of Michigan, at its ses- sion of 1846. Detroit, Bagg and Harmon, 1846. Cover title, 28 p. — — G. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 221 2233. Howell. Board of education. Annual circular for the school year 1878-9, of the Howell public schools. Published by authority of the school board . . . Howell, Mich., Livingston Republican book and job print, 1878. 18 p. S. 2234. . . Catalogue containing organization, course of study, and rules and regulations of Howell public schools. By order of the board of education. Howell, Mich., Livingston Republican job print, 1892. 36 p. (In Catalogues of some of the leading high schools of Michigan, vol. I . . . Columbian exposition, 1893). U. 2235. • . Public library. . . . Annual report of the Howell Carnegie free public librar}% Howell, Michigan, for the year ... 1st (1907-08)-6th (1912-13). Howell [1908-1913]. - — S*. First report has title: First annual report of the Howell pubHc library . . . *The State Library has lst-3rd and 6th. 2236. Howison, John. Sketches of upper Canada, domestic, local, and characteristic; to which are added, practical details for the information of emigrants of every class, and some recollections of the United States of America. By John Howison ... 3d ed. Edinburg, London, Oliver & Boyd, Geo. B. Whittaker, 1825. 352 p. G. 2237. Hoyt, Charles O. John D. Pierce, founder of the Michigan school system; a study of education in the northwest, by Charles O. Hoyt and R. Clyde Ford . . . Ypsilanti, Mich., the Scharf tag, label & box co., 1905. xii, 162 p. B; D; LC;S. Bibliography: p. 153-155. 2238. Hoyt public library, Saginaw. Subject list of the Hoyt public library. Saginaw, Mich., evening news printing and binding house, 1890. XXX, 303 p. G; S. 2239. , , . . . Trust deed from William L. Webber, Michigan, executor and trustee of Jesse Hoyt, deceased . . . East Saginaw, evening news, printers and binders, 1883. 8 p. B; S. At head of title: Hoyt public library of East Saginaw, Michigan. 2240. [Hubbard, A. C.]. Fruit culture in Michigan. (In U. S., patent office, report of the commission of patents for the year 1850. Part II, agri- culture . . . Washington, 1851, p. 382-384). L C; S. 2241. [ ,—.—]. Orchards and fruits in Michigan. (In U. S., patent office, report of the commissioner of patents for the year 1850. Part II, agriculture . . . Washington, 1850, p. 281-283). L C; S. 2242. Hubbard, Bela. Catalogue of lands in the state of Michigan for sale by Bela Hubbard, general agent, at Detroit, 1846. Detroit, printed by Charles Willcox [1846?]. 20 p. B; G. 2243. — , . The climate of Detroit, Michigan; an essay read before the Detroit scientific association, by Bela Hubbard . . . Detroit, 222 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN daily post book printing establishment [n. d.]. 1 p. 1.. 16 p. (Reprinted from the "American observer" medical monthly). B; S. 2244. [ , ]. Geological survey [Michigan] . . . Extracts from the state geological reports . . . [Lansing, Mich., 1856]. Caption title, [355]-423 p. (Excerpt from Michigan state agricultural society, transactions, 1855, V. 7). L C. Contains reports of Bela Hubbard on Wayne and Monroe counties, and of John Wright on the botany of the southern part of the state; these are found also in the 2d annual report of the state geologist, 1839. 2245. , . Memorials of a half-century, by Bela Hubbard . . . New York & London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1887. xvi, 581 p. LC. 2246. , . Memorials of a half-century in JMichigan and the lake region, by Bela Hubbard . . . New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1888. xvi, 581 p. B;G;LC;S. 2247. Hubbard, Mrs. Euphemia. Petition of Mrs. Euphemia Hubbard and 63 others, ladies of Macomb county, asking for the passage of bill no. 40, relative to the license laws and sale of spirituous liquors. [Lan- sing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house doctmient no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 2248. Hubbard, Gurdon Saltonstall. . . . The autobiography of Gurdon Saltonstall Hubbard, Pa-pa-ma-ta-be, "The swift walker"; with an intro- duction by Caroline M. Mcllvaine . . . Chicago, R. R. Donnelley & sons company, 1911. xxvii, 182 p. B; G; L C. 2249. Hubbard, Henry Guernsey. Coleoptera of Florida and Michigan, by H. G. Hubbard and E. A. Schwarz. Description by John L. Le Conte, M. D. and E. A. Schwarz. [Philadelphia, 1878]. Cover title, 353-472, 593- 669 p. (From the Proceedings of the American philosophical society, Feb. 1, 1878, and April 18, 1878). L C. Contents. — The coleoptera of Florida, by E. A. Schwarz. — ^Additional descriptions of new species, by John L. Le Conte.— List of species by E. A. Schwarz. — Remarks on geo- graphical distribution, by John L. Le Conte. — The coleoptera of Michigan, by H. G. Hub- bard and E. A. Schwarz. — List of coleoptera found in the Lake Superior region, by H. G. Hubbard and E. A. Schwarz. — Contributions to a list of the coleoptera of the lower penin- sula of Michigan. — Description of the larva of Micromalthus debilis Lee, by H. G. Hubbard. 2250. Hubbard, Lucius Lee. The valuable private library of Lucius L. Hubbard, of Houghton, Michigan, consisting almost wholly of rare books and pamphlets relating to American history. To be sold at auction . . . May 5th and following days ... by Merwin sales company . . . New York. [New York, S. L. Parsons & co., inc., printers, 1914]. 344, [1] p. LC. Catalogue no. 563. 2,451 entries. 2251. , . . . . Keweenaw Point, with particular ref- erence to the felsites and their associated rocks, by Lucius L. Hubbard . . . BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 223 Accompanied by ten plates and eleven figures. [Lansing, R. Smith printing CO., state printers, 1898]. iv p., 2 1., 184 p. (Michigan, geological survey, [reports], vol. VI, pt. II: Upper peninsula, 1893-1897). L C; U. "Appendix: The crvstallization of the calcite from the copper mines of Lake Superior, by Charles Palache": 'p. [LS7]-184. "Literature": p. 4-10, 162-163. 2252. Hubbardston. Citizens. . . . Decoration ceremonies as observed at the village of Hubbardston, May 30th 1872. Hubbardston, Michigan, Albert V. Phister, printer, 1872. [16] p. S. 2253. Huber, Gotthelf Carl. Directions for work in histological laboratory, for the use of medical classes in the university of Michigan, [by] G. Carl Huber . . . Ann Arbor, Mich., G. Wahr [cl892]. 1 p. 1., 119 p. • LC;U. Some of the pages left blank for notes. 2254. ■ , . Ibid. 2d ed. Ann Arbor, Mich., G Wahr [1895]. 2 p. 1., 191 p. L C. 2255. Hudson, Joseph L. Detroit its extraordinary advance. The rela- tion of the board of commerce to commercial, industrial and municipal de- velopment. Address by President Joseph L. Hudson, October 18, 1904. [no imprint]. Cover title, 20 p. B; U. 2256. Hudson. Charters. Charter of the city of Hudson, Michigan, as granted under special act of 1893, together with certain chapters of the act of 1873 for the incorporation of cities and ordinances in force in the city of Hudson. Printed by authority of the city council. Hudson, Michigan, the Hudson gazette, 1897. 157. [2] p. S. 2257. . Trinity Protestant Episcopal church. The church record, V. 1-2. Hudson, 1872-1873. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 1, no. 5-11: v. 2, no. 1, 3-8, 11-12. 2258. Huizinga, George Ford. What the Dutch have done in the west of the United States, by George Ford Huizinga. Philadelphia, priv. print., 1909. 5 p. 1., 13-52 p. L C. The original settlements at Holland, Mich., and Pclla, la., and later colonics. 2259. Hulbert, Archer Butler. . . . Military roads of the Mississippi basin, the conquest of the old northwest, by Archer Butler Hulbert . . . Cleveland, O., the A. H. Clark company, 1904. 237 p. (Historic highways of America, v. 8). L C; S. Large paper editon. Contents. — The Clark routes through Illinois. — Miami valley campaigns. — St. Clair's campaign. — Wayne and fallen timber. — Appendixes. 2260. Hulbert, Edwin J. "Calumet-conglomerate." An exploration and discovery made by Edwin J. Hulbert, 1854 to 1864. A series of letters origi- nally published in the Ontonagon miner, Michigan, in the year 1893. Ontona- gon, miner press [1893;-']. 148 p. B; G; S. 224 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2261. , . Calumet-conglomerate discovery, 1864; reply of Edwin J. Hulbert, mining engineer, to an article published in the Detroit- evening-news of October 16th, 1899, attributing discovery to Richard Tre- gaskis of Cornwall . . . Rome, tipografia nazionale di G. Bertero, 1899. 28 p. S. 2262. Hulbert & Faulkner. Manistee city and county directory by Hul- bert & Faulkner . . . Manistee, Mich., 1883. 1 p. 1., 136. 113 p. LC. 2263. Hull, William. Defence of Brigadier General W. Hull. Delivered before the general court martial, of which Major General Dearborn was presi- dent, at Albany, March, 1814. With an address to the citizens of the United States. Written by himself. Copied from the original manuscript, and pub- lished by his authority. To which are prefixed, the charges against Brigadier General Hull, as specified by the government. Boston, Wells and Lilly, 1814. I p. 1., xlvi, 215 p. B;G;LC;U. 2264. , . Memoirs of the campaign of the north western anny of the United ^States, A. D. 1812. In a series of letters addressed to the citi- zens of the United States. With an appendix, containing a brief sketch of the revolutionary services of the author. By William Hull . . . Boston, True & Green, 1824. 229, x p. B; G; L C; S. 2265. , . Report of the trial of Brig. General William Hull; commanding the north western army of the United States. By a court mar- tial held at Albany on Monday, 3d January, 1814, and succeeding days. Taken by Lieut. Col. Forbes . . . [And Appendix 1-2]. New York, East- bum, Kirk, and co., 1814. 3 p. 1., [3J-156, 119, 29 p. B; G; L C; U. 2266. , . Trial of Brig. Gen. William Hull, for neglect of duty and im-officerlike conduct. Boston, printed for Russell, Cutler & co., 1814. 28 p. L C. 2267. Hulst, Cornelia Steketee. Indian sketches: Pere Marquette and the last of the Pottawatomie chiefs, by Cornelia Steketee Hulst. New York, London [etc.] Longmans Green and co., 1912. vii, 1 1., 113 p. B; S. 2268. Hunt, Harry Edward. Michigan laws relating to women and girls; a comprehensive digest of the statutory law and amendments thereto as they relate to women and girls. Also, pointed decisions of the supreme court of Michigan affecting the same. Issued by Michigan equal suffrage association . . . Comp. by Harry E. Hunt . . . Detroit, Mich., 1911. Cover title, 16 p. LC;S. 2269. Hunt, James B. Address to the members of the agricultural society of Oakland county, by Hon. James B. Hunt, together with the list of pre- miiuns awarded at the annual fair for the year 1851. Pontiac, Thompson, book and job printer [n. d.]. 16 p. U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 225 2270. [Hurd, Jarvis]. [Proposition to lease of the state for a term of thirty years the central railroad, with its apptirtenances, etc., by Jarvis Hurd and others]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 21). B; D; G;S;U. 2271. Hutchins, Harry Bums. Legal education: its relation to the people and the state, by H. B. Hutchins. (In Michigan poHtical science association, publications. [Ann Arbor] 1895, [v. I], no. 4, p. [l]-25). G; L C; S; U. 2272. Ideal publishing company and information bureau. The ideal guide to Detroit; a comprehensive pocket guide, containing useful information about Detroit and its suburbs, with official maps of the city and state . . . Pub. by the Ideal publishing co. and information bureau. Detroit [cl906]. 64 p. '■ B. 2273. Illinois. Governor. . . . Message of the governor transmitting the report of the board of commissioners of the Illinois and Michigan canal, to the legislature of Illinois, December 31, 1838. Vandalia, William Walters, public printer, 1839. 90 p. (Illinois, legislature, 1839, (11th assem.), house [document] ). S. 2274. Illinois central railroad company. vStatements and replies in ref- erence to the compensation for the use of the road of the Illinois central R. R.- company, from Calumet to Chicago, by the Michigan central R. R. com- pany, submitted by those companies to Alexander Campbell, William E. Dodge, arbitrators . . . Boston, press of Geo. C. Rand & Avery, 1860. xxv, [3]-247 p. L C. 2275. Illinois, Indiana and Michigan railroad company. Engineer's re- port on the preliminary surveys of the Illinois, Indiana and Michigan railroad, Toledo, O., 1854. 8 p. B. Signed by J. H. Sargent, chief engineer. 2276. Illustrated industrial souvenir of Grand Rapids, Michigan, the val- ley city; proud of her glorious past, peering with confidence into her future, today a thoroughly American city ; and a view of her resources because of her central location, railroad facilities, and her remarkable advantages, [no im- print]. 32 p. G. 2277. Imlay City. [Imlay City, 1886?]. Caption title, 3^ p. S. No title page. 2278. Immen, Frederick ... In memoriam. [Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1909?]. 26, [1] p. G. 2279. [Immen, Mrs. Loraine Pratt]. Silver Springs and the Oklawaha. [n. p., 1885?]. 39 p. S. 2280. , . . The story of Park Congregational ' 29 226 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN church and its windows. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1916 . . . [Grand Rapids, tradesman company, 1916]. [19] p. S. On title page: "Please accept this brochure . . . With regards Loraine Pratt Immen. " 2281. Imperial life insurance society. A common sense talk on the sub- ject of life insurance explaining the working plans of and the advantages of- fered by the imperial life insurance society of Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Gulley, Bomman & co., printers [n. d.]. 29, [1] p. B. 2282. Independent labor party. Detroit. Campaign committee. Cir- cular 2-3. [Detroit? 1884?]. E. Contents. — 2. Independent labor party [with platform and resolutions adopted by the Wayne county workingmen's convention, August 11, 1884]. — 3. Convict labor. 2283. Independent order of good templars, Michigan. The constitu- tion and by-laws of the grand and subordinate lodges of the I. O. of good templars of Michigan. Battle Creek, review and herald press, 1871. 32 p. B. 2284. . . Transactions of the grand lodge of Michigan, I. 0. of G. T. at its thirtieth annual session, held in Big Rapids, Oct. 16, 17 and 18, 1883 . . . Detroit, William Graham, printer, 1883. 80 p. B. 2285. Independent order of odd fellows. . . . Constitution et regle- ments la premiere loge Frang-aise de I'ouest no. 147. Instituee le 15me October; 1870. Detroit, press a vapeurdeWm. Graham, 1871. 47 p. B. At head of title: I. O. O. F. 2286. . Belle Oak lodge no. 178. General laws, by-laws and rules of Belle Oak lodge no. 178, I. 0. O. F., insti- tuted January 6th, 1872. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1873. 27 p. S. 2287. . Lansing. Friendship encamp- ment no. 33. Constitution, by-laws and the rules of order of friendship en- campment, no. 33, 1. 0. O. F., instituted at Lansing, Dec. 21st, 1868. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1872. 27 p., 1 1. S. 2288. . Michigan. Grand lodge. Pro- ceedings of the R. W. grand lodge of the independent order of odd fellows, of the state of Michigan, from its organization to close of the January session, 1850, together with the constitution, by-laws, rules of order, etc., of said grand lodge, with all the amendments up to July 1850, and general laws for governing subordinate lodges . . . also the constitution and by-laws of the grand lodge of the L 0. of O. F. of the United States. Detroit, Jabex Fox, 1850. xii, 490, 50 p. G. 2289. . . . Pro- ceedings of the grand lodge of the state of Michigan at its regular annual com- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 227 munication, held in Detroit . . . 1863-1866. Detroit, advertiser and tri- bune print, 1863-1866. S*. *The State Library has 1863, 1865, 1866. 2290. . . Right worthy grand encampment. Journal of the right worthy grand encampment of the state of Michigan, of the independent order of odd fellows, at their annual communication . . . 1868-1875. Lansing, 1868-1875. S*. Published at Detroit, 1868. Title varies: 1868, Proceedings of the annual communication of the right worthy grand encampment for the state of Michigan . . . *The State Library has 1868, 1873, 1875. 2291. Indian and pioneer history of the Saginaw valley, with histories of East Saginaw, Saginaw City and Bay City, from their earliest settlements. Also pioneer directory and business advertiser, for 1866 and 1867 . . . comp. and pub. by Thomas and Galatian . . . East Saginaw, Mich., Lewis & Lyon, book and job printers, 1866. 4 p. 1., 72, 72, 152, 104 p. D; L C. 2292. The industrial enterprise. Published by industrial school for boys, v. 16-23. Lansing, Michigan, 1909-1916. G*; U*. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has v. 21-23; the U.,of M. Library has v. 16-19. 2293. . Memorial number, Jan., 1906. [In memory of Jason Edgar St. John]. Lansing, industrial school for boys, 1906. Cover title, 54 p. S; U. 2294. Industries and wealth of Detroit, 1891 . . . New York, American publishing and engraving co. [1891]. 151 p. B. 2295. The inlander. A magazine by the students of the university of Michigan, v. 1-17. [Ann Arbor] Mich., 1891-1907. B*; D*; S*; U. Monthly during the college year. Title varies slightly. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 2, no. 5; v. 11, no. 10; v. 12, no. 5; v. 13, no. 1 to V. 14 [no. 21; the main library, Detroit, has v. 1-14, 16-17; the State Library has v. 1-4; v. 5, no. 1-2, 4-9;v. 6-8; v. 9, no. 1, 3-9; v. 10, no. 1-4, 6-9; v. 11-15; v. 16, no. i-12, 14-16, 18; v. 17, no. 1-3, 6-8. 2296. Ingalls, E. S. Centennial history of Menominee county [Mich.], by Hon. E. S. Ingalls. Menominee, herald power presses, 1876. 76 p. B;LC;S. 2297. , — . — . The iron mines of Menominee co., Mich., by Hon. E. S. Ingalls. Menominee, Mich., 1871. Cover title, 12 p. LC;S. 2298. Ingals, C. S. Fearful tragedy in Medina, Michigan; four murders and a suicide. Mrs. Sims slaughters her entire family of four children and then ends her own existence . . . Full details of the dreadful occurrence by an eye-witness after the event, written by C. S. Ingals. Adrian, Mich., printed for the author at the Adrian times steam printing house, 1866. 24 p. S. 228 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2299. Inglis, James Gale. Northern Michigan. Handbook for travelers, including the northern part of lower Michigan, Mackinac Island, and the Sault Ste. Marie river . . . Pctoskcy, Mich., G. E. vSprang, 1898. 168, [12] p. LC;U. 2300. [Ingram, Helen K.]. Three on a tour. [Detroit, J. Bomman & son, 1895]. 120 p. LC;S. Issued by the Detroit and Cleveland steam navigation co. 2301. In memoriam. Adelaide Brush Thompson; died at Detroit, May 10, 1876. Act. 29. Detroit, 1876. 48, [3] p. ■ S. 2302. . Augusta Willoughby Duffield, daughter of Samuel A. and Margaretta Willoughby; bom at Brooklyn, L. I., Nov. 25, 1821; married at Brooklyn, L. I., Oct. 22, 1840, to Rev. George Duffield; died October 30, 1880, at Lansing, Michigan . . . [Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1880]. 22 p. S. 2303. . David Mack Cooper . . . [Detroit? 1908?]. 34, [1] p. S. 2304. . Edmund Askin Brush; died July 10, 1877. Aet. 74, [no imprint]. 65 p. G; S. 2305. . Edmund Erskine Brush; died at Detroit, Novem- ber 15, 1865, aged 17 years, [no imprint]. 41 p. — — B. 2306. . Funeral obsequies on occasion of the death of Rev. William Montague Ferry; bom in Granby, Mass., Sept. 8, 1796. Died in Grand Haven, Michigan, December 30, 1867. Obituary discourse by Rev. Daniel H. Evans, pastor of the first Presbyterian church. Grand Haven. Address by Rev. David M. Cooper, of Albion, Michigan, former pastor of first Presbyterian church, Grand Haven, Mich. Detroit, tribune job printing establishment, 1869. 42 p. G; S. 2307. . General Lewis Cass. Detroit, the free press print- ing house, 1866. 220 p. B. 2308. . George Proctor Wanty, March 12th, 1856; July 9th, 1906. [Grand Rapids, Mich., Dickinson bros., printers, 1907]. [39] p. G;S;U. 2309- . . . . Jacob M. Howard of Michigan . . . Wash- ington, D. C, 1906. Cover title, 23, [1] p. S; U. 2310. . James M. Wight; aged 26 years, 3 months, 24 days. [Bay City, Mich., Chas. C. Gustin, 1877?]. 29 p. ' G. 2311. . Mrs. Charles Moore . . . Detroit, 1914. [20] p. S. 2312. ■ . Mrs. Elvira Norris Follett of Ypsilanti, Michigan. Grand Rapids, press of C. M. Loomis & co. [1884]. 37 p. • S. At head of title: 1821. 1884. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 229 2313. . Mrs. Mar}^ Homer Sanford; born August 31, 1839; died March 29, 1887. [no imprint]. 35 p. S. 2314. . Rev. Isaac Butterfield. [n. p., 1895']. 39 p. G. 2315. . William S. George; bom Alarch 3, 1825; Died Dec. 27, 1881. [Lansing? 1882?]. 88 p. G; S. 2316. In memory of Enos Putnam. Cambridge, printed at the Riverside press, 1898. 2 p. 1., 62 p. G. 2317. In memory of Jacob S. Farrand. [Detroit, O. S. Gulley, Bomman & CO., printers, 1891?]. 66, [3] p. S. 2318. Innes rifles. Co. K, 2d infantry. Michigan national guard. Pro- gram: Innes rifles prize drill and entertainment, Feb. 20, 1895; history of the company, biographical sketch of the officers, etc. Grand Rapids, Mich., Henson & Johnson, 1895. not paged. G. 2319. The insurance herald hand book of Michigan . . . A compendium of insurance infomiation by cities and towns, including a complete directory of all companies doing business in the state, and of all local, special and gen- eral agents, and valuable statistics in each branch of the business, together with a carefully compiled abstract of the insurance laws of the state. Louis- ville, Ky., the insurance herald co. [1896]. 180 p. B. 2320. Internal revenue association. Detroit branch. National associa- tion of United States internal revenue officers. Annual convention at Detroit, Michigan, Sept. 18-19, 1911. [Detroit? 1911]. Cover title, 12 1. LC. Souvenir booklet, with portraits of the officers of the national association, members of the Detroit branch, etc. 2321. International joint commission (U. S. and Canada). . . . Hearings of the international joint commission in re remedies for the pollution of boundary waters between the United States and Canada, held at Niagara Falls, Ontario, Buffalo, N. Y., Detroit, Mich., Windsor, Ontario, Port Huron, Mich., and Samia, Ontario, September 25 to October 2, inclusive, Detroit, Mich., November 10 and 11, and Washington, D. C, December 14 and 16, 1914. Washington, govt, print, off., 1915. 330 p. L C. At head of title: International joint commission. 2322. . - . . In the mat- ter of the application of the Michigan northern power company for ap- proval of methods and plans for diversion of the waters of St. Mary's river at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. . . . Washington, govt, print, off., 1914. 26 p. LC. At head of title: The international joint commission. Signed: Geo. W. Koonce, counsel for the government of the United States. Contents: — Brief for the Untied States. Reply to statement in response of Dominion of Canada.- — Reply to statement in response of province of Ontario. 230 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2323. . . . .In the mat- ter of the application of the Michigan northern power company for ap- proval of the obstruction, diversion, and use of the waters of the St. Mary's river on the United States side of the international boundary at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Order and opinion. Filed June 30, 1913. Decided May 26, 1914. (Reprinted by order of the commission). Washington, govt, print, off., 1917. 23 p. -' L C. At head ot title: International joint commission. Opinion by Mr. Tawney. 2324. . . . . Michigan northern powder company and Algoma steel corporation applications. Proceed- ings. Washington, govt, print, off., 1917. 14 v. in 1. L C. Made up of documents which have appeared separately. Most of them have special title pages and all have separate pagination. Contents. — Application of Clarence M. Brown, receiver of the Michigan Lake Superior power company for approval of proposed lease with the United States, and of diversion of water, construction of compensating works and plans therefor, and all acts authorized in said lease. — Application of Algoma steel corporation (limited) for approval of the construc- tion of compensating works and plans therefor in the St. Marys river. — Statement in re- sponse on behalf of the Dominion of Canada to the application of Clarence M. Brown, receiver of the Michigan Lake Superior power company. — Statement in reply by Michigan northern power company to statement in response on behalf of the Dominion of Canada. — Statement in response on behalf of the province of Ontario to application of Clarence M. Brown. — Statement in reply by Michigan northern power company to statement in re- sponse on behalf of the province of Ontario. — Brief for the United States. Reply to state- ment in response of Dominion of Canada. Reply to statement in response of province of Ontario. — Statement in response by Michigan northern power company to application of Algoma steel corporation (limited). — Hearings and arguments in the matter of the appli- cations of the Michigan northern power company and the Algoma steel corporation (limited) for the approval of the obstruction, diversion, and use of the waters of the St. Marys river at Sault Ste. Marie. — -Opinion in the matter of the application of the Michigan northern power company ... on the question whether plans accompanying application should have the approval of the secretary- of war. — -Order and opinion in the matter of the application of the Michigan northern power company for approval of the obstruction, diversion, and use of the waters of the St. Marys river on the United States side of the international boundary at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. — Order and opinion in the matter of the application of the Algoma steel corporation (limited) for approval of the obstruction, diversion and use of the waters of the St. Marys river on the Canadian side of the inter- national boundary at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. — -Minority opinion (by Mr. Powell) in the matter of the application . . . for approval of diversion of water, construction of compensating works and plans therefor, in the St. Marys river at Sault Ste. Marie. — Report (by Mr. Magrath) in the matter of the application ... for approval of diversion of water ... in the St. Marys river at Sault Ste. Marie. 2325. . . . . Opinion in the matter of the application of the Michigan northern power company for approval of proposed lease with the United States and of diversion of water, construction of compensating works and plans therefor, and all acts author- ized in said lease. Ottawa, October 9, 1913. Washington, govt, print, off., 1913. 12 p. L C. At head of title: International joint commission. Opinion by Mr. Turner. "This opinion was rendered on request of the Michigan northern power company, of the United States, for a ruling on the question whether plans accompanying the applica- tion of said company should have the approval of the secretary of war as a prerequisite to the consideration of said application by the international joint commission. The Algoma steel corporation, of Canada joined the Michigan northern power company in this re- quest." cf Note, p. 3. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 231 2326. . • • • Pollution of boundary waters reference. Proceedings. Washington, govt, print, off., 1917. 4v."in 1. L C. Made up of documents which have appeared separately. Each document has special title page and pagination. Contents. — Pollution of boundarj^ waters: conference with sanitary engineers at New York city. May 26 and 27, 1914. — Resume of testimony of consulting sanitary engineers in the matter of the pollution of boundary waters. — Hearings of the international joint commission in re remedies for the pollution of boundary waters between the United States and Canada held at Niagara Falls, Ontario, Buffalo, N. Y., Detroit, Mich., Windsor, Ontario, Port Huron, Mich., and Sarnia, Ontario, September 25 to October 2, inclusive, Detroit, Mich., November 10 to 11, and Washington, D. C, December 14 and 16, 1914. — Hearings ... in re remedies for the pollution of boundary waters between the United States and Canada, being public hearings held at Buffalo, N. Y., and Detroit, Mich., June 21-27, 1916, and Ogdensburg, N. Y., August 25, 1916. 2327. International mill & timber company, Bay City. The famous fifty Sterling system-build homes . . . Bay City, Mich., international mill & timber company [cl915]. 72 p. L C. 2328. ■ , ■ . The Sterling sys- tem of home building. Bay City, Mich., international mill & timber co. [cl917]. 64 p. L C. "1917 catalog." 2329. International union of steam engineers. Local no. 5, Detroit. The Michigan engineers', electricians' and machinists' manual, comp. by international union steam engineers. Local no. 5 (2d ed.). Detroit, Mich., Friesema bros. printing co., 1902. 162 p. L C. Advertising matter interspersed. 2330. International waterways commission (U. S. and Canada). Report upon the conditions existing at Sault Ste. Marie with rules for the control of the same, recommended by the international waterways commission. [May 3, 1906]. [Buffalo, 1906].' 20 p. L C. George C. Gibbons, chairman, Canadian section; O. H. Ernst, chairman, American section. 2331. Inter-state board of Perry's victory centennial commissioners. The Perry memorial and centennial celebration under the auspices of the national government and the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, New York, Rhode Island, Kentucky, Minnesota. Published by direction of the inter-state board of Perry's victory centennial commissioners. Introduction by Henry Watterson . . . [Cleveland? 1913?]. Cover title, 22, [1] p. U. 2332. Interstate' directory company. Michigan people in Los Angeles county, California. Los Angeles, California, interstate directory company, 1908. 72 p. G. 2333. Ionia. Board of education. . . . Manual and report of the board of education, 1910. Pub. by order of the board. Ionia, sentinel press [1910?]. 106 p. B. 232 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2334. . . Year book of the public schools of the city of Ionia, Mich., for 1892-93. [Ionia] standard steam presses, 1892. 28 p. (In Catalogues of some of the leading high schools of Michigan, vol. I . . . Columbian exposition, 1893). U. 2335. Ionia county. County school commissioner. Directory and list of teachers, Ionia county, compiled Sept. 16, 1913, for use of teachers and school officers, 1913-1914. Harvey H. Lowrey, county school commissioner, Ionia, Michigan. Ionia, Mich., the Ionia sentinel, printers, 1913. 36, [l]p. — s. 2336. Iron county. Inspector of mines. The annual repott of the in- spector of mines. Iron county, Michigan, V/illiam Carlson, inspector of mines ... 1909-10 to 1911-12. Iron River, Michigan [1910 ?-1912?]. ■ vS. 2337. Iron resources of Michigan and general statistics of iron: showing the rise and progi^ess of its manufacture, in the different countries of the world. Compiled from official and authentic authorities. Detroit, printed by H. Bams, at the tribune office, 1856. 24 p. B. 2338. Iron trade review. Lake Superior iron ore shipments . . . Iron ore on dock, receipts at Lake Erie ports, and prices . . . Cleveland, 1911. 1 V. ■ G. 2339. Ironwood. Charters. Charter of the city of Ironwood; local acts, 1897. Ironwood, Bennett & Green, printers, 1897. Cover title, 115 p. S. 2340. . Ordinances, etc. Ordinances of the city of Ironwood. Ironwood, Mich., times steam print, 1893. 108, [2] p. S. 2341. Irving, Roland Duer. . . . The copper-bearing rocks of Lake Su- perior, by Roland Duer Irving. Washington, govt, print, off. 1883. xvi, 464 p. (U. S., geological survey, monographs, vol. V). G;L C. Some plates preceded by guard sheet with descriptive text. Literature: p. 14-23. 2342. , . . . . The Penokee iron-bearing series of Michigan and Wisconsin, by Roland Duer Irvang and Charles Richard Van Hise . . . Washington, govt, print., off., 1890. Cover title, 341- 507 p. (Extract from the 10th Annual report of the director}^ of the U. S. Geological sur\^ey, 1888-89, pt. I). L C. Abstract of monograph of the U. S. Geological survey, vol. xix. 2343. , . . . . Ibid. Washignton, govt, print, off., 1892. xix, 534 p. (U. S., geological survey, monographs, vol. XIX). L C. "Geological explorations and literature": p. 5-102. 2344. Irwin, William W. Irwin's annotations, supplemental to Howell's annotated statutes of Michigan, by William W. Irwin, of the Kent county bar. Grand Rapids, Michigan, Wm. W. Irwin, 1894. 130 p. S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 233 2345. Isham, Asa Brainerd. An historical sketch of the seventh regiment Michigan volunteer cavalry from its organization, in 1862, to its muster out, ■in 1865, by Asa B. Isham. . . . New York, town topics publishing company [1893]. 118 p. B;G;LC;S;U. "Roll of honor . . . Compiled by J. Q. A. Sessions": p. [99]-118. 2346. Isham, Edward Swift. Frontenac and Miles Standish in the north- west. A paper read before the New York historical society, Tuesday, De- cember 4, 1888, by the Hon. Edward S. Isham. New York, printed for the society, 1889. 39 p. — L C. 2347. Isham, Frederic S. History of the Detroit light guard: its records and achievements. Comp. by Frederic S. Isham and Purcell & Hogan, De- troit. Detroit, Detroit light guard, 1896. 104 p., 1 1. B; D; L C; S. 2348. Ishpeming. Charters. Charter of the city of Ishpeming as enacted and ordinances in force in 1893. Printed by authority. Ishpeming, the iron ore print, 1893. 219 p. • S. 2349. . . The charter and ordinances of the city of Ishpeming; also miscellaneous laws relating to the duties of local officers or requiring services from them. Compiled by authority of the coinmon council by H. O. Young, city attorney. [Ishpeming] iron ore print, 1902. xxi, 116, 7 p. • S. ' ' 2350. . Grace church. Superior cook book, prepared by the women of Grace church, Ishpeming, Michigan . . . [Ishpeming, Mich., press of the Peninsular record publishing co., ltd., cl905]. 3 p. 1., [9] -184 p. LC. 2351. [Jackson, Charles Thomas]. Report on the geological and mineral- ogical survey of the mineral lands of the United States in the state of Michigan, made under the authority of an act of congress . . . entitled "an act to es- tablish a land office in the northern part of Michigan, and to provide for the sale of mineral lands in the state of Michigan" . . . Washington, 1849. 371-935 p. (U. S. 31st cong., document no. 5, v. 3, pt. II). G. 2352. Jackson, E. Hilton. Is Virginia entitled to compensation for the cession of the northwest territory to the national government? Paper read by Mr. E. Hilton Jackson of Washington, D. C, before the Virginia state bar association at the Hotel Chamberlin, Old Point, Va., August 6th, 7th, 8th, 1912. Richmond, Richinond press, inc. [cl913]. Cover title, 36 p. LC. 2353. Jackson, Isaac Rand. The life of William Henr}^ Harrison (of Ohio), the people's candidate for the presidency. With a history of the wars with the British and Indians on our north-western frontier. By Isaac R. Jackson. 4th ed. Philadelphia, Marshall, Williams & Butler, 1840. 1 p. 1., [v]-x, 15-222 p. L C. 234 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2354. Jackson. Annual reports of the several municipal boards and officers of the city of Jackson, Michigan, for the year 1903-04. Jackson, citizen print [1904?]. 94 p. U. 2355. . Chamber of commerce. Jackson year book, 1910. [Jackson, Mich.] the Jackson chamber of commerce [cl910]. 1 v. B;G;LC. 2356. . Charters. Revised charter of the city of Jackson ; passed by the Michigan legislature, and approved by the governor, April 24, 1875. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1875. 82 p. B. 2357. . . Charter of the city of Jackson, Michigan, as amended 1889 and 1895. Jackson, daily citizen printing house, 1895. 124 p. S. 2358. . . . . . Charter and ordinances of the city of Jackson, Michigan, and rules of the common council. Compiled by John F. Hennigan, city attorney, Jackson, Michigan, November, 1906. Jackson, Mich., citizen job printing house, 1906. 575, [52] p. S. 2359. . . Proposed new charter of the city of Jackson, Michigan. [Jackson, Mich., 1914]. 32 p, [1] p. —~ G. 2360. . Citizens. Petition of citizens of Jackson for the relief of James W. Elliot. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 31; also house docu- ment no. 21). B;D;G;S;U. 2361. . Common council. Common council proceedings . . . [September 21, 1903; April 22-May 6, 1912]. Jackson, 1903-1912. S*;U*. The State Library has April 22-May 6, 1912; the U. of M. Library has September 21, 1903. 2362. . Ordinances, etc. Ordinances of the city of Jackson, Michigan, as amended. Compiled and printed by order of the common coun- cil. Charles E. Snow and Charles P. Hunt, compilers. Jackson, Mich., Hunt and Bridgman, printers, 1890. 254 p. S. 2363. = . Public library. Annual report of the Jackson public library . . . 24th (1908-09)-25th (1909-10). Jackson, Mich., 1909-1910. G*; S; U*. Report year ends June 30. *The Grand Rapids Public Library and the U. of M. Library each have 24th. 2364. . . Catalogue of the public library of the city of Jackson, Michigan . . . Jackson, Mich., daily citizen book and job printing house, 1884. 136 p. U. 2365. . . Finding list of the free public library. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 235 Jackson, Mich., Nov. 1, 1891. Lansing, R. Smith & co., printers, 1891. xi, [3], 180 p. G; LC;S. Contents. — 1. Classified catalogue with author's list.— II. Fiction and juveniles, German books, public documents. 2366. . . List of books added to Jackson pub- lic library, 1896. Supplement to catalogue of 1891. Jackson, daily citizen printing house, 1896. 88 p. L C; S. 2367. . Young men's association. Library. Catalogue of the young men's association library of Jackson, Michigan. Jackson, daily citizen, 1871. 74 p. L C. 2368. Jackson county. Board of supervisors. Proceedings of the board of supervisors of Jackson county . . . 1874-75 to 1896-97. Jackson, 1875-1897. S*. *The State Library has 1874-75 to 1880-81, 1882-83 to 1896-97. 2369. . . Resolution of the board of supervisors of the county of Jackson, in relation to swamp lands. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 1 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, house document no. 14). B; D; G; S; U. 2370. . Memorialists. Memorial for. the disposition of the swamp lands. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. [5] p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, house doctiment no. 2). B; D; G;S;U. 2371. Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw railroad company. Condition and prospects of the Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw railroad company, from Jackson to Saginaw (100 miles). [Detroit? 1864?]. Cover title, 13 p. B. 2372. , . . . . Guide to the lands in the state of Michigan, now for sale, comprised in the grant of over 600,000 acres to the Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw R. R. co. Mason, Mich., K. Kittredge, 1875. 32 p. D; S. 2373. , . Guide to the lands in the state of Michigan, now for sale, comprised in the grant of over 600,000 acres. Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., 1879. 42 p. G. 2374. [ , — ■ ]. Lands granted by the state to railroad companies are exempt from general taxation under the constitution of this state, [by A. S. Gaylord, counsel], [no imprint]. Caption title, 6 p. S. 2375. Jacobs, Albert Poole. A digest of the decisions of the supreme court of Michigan from January, 1843 to October, 1888, also of the court of chancery from 1836 to 1845, and also of the supreme court of the United States so far as they relate to Michigan law, by Albert Poole Jacobs . . . and Henry Allen Chancy . . . Chicago, Callaghan and company, 1889. 2 v. • B;S. 236 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2376. , . A digest of the decisions of the supreme court of Michigan from 1888 to 1893 with references to earlier cases and con- taining also decisions of the supreme court of the United States so far as they relate to Michigan law, by Albert Poole Jacobs, vol. III. Chicago, Callaghan and company, 1894. v, 894 p. ■ B; S. 2377. , . A digest of the decisions of the supreme court of Alichigan reported in v. 97 to 117, both inclusive, of the official re- ports; containing also decisions of the supreme court of the United States so far as they relate to Michigan law, by Albert Poole Jacobs, vol. IV. Chicago, .Callaghan and company, 1900. iv, 894 p. L C; S. 2378. , . Reference digest of the Michigan reports, V. 2. Including volumes 43-52 and part of volume 53. By Albert P. Jacobs. Chicago, Callaghan & co., 1885. 409 p. G. 2379. James McMillan, a senator from Michigan; nominating speeches in the caucuses of 1889 and 1895. New York, the De Vinne press, 1895. 81, [l]p. B;G;LC;S;U. Five hundred copies printed. 2380. James Webber Peter, 1886-1912. [Saginaw.? 1912?]. [18] p. 2381. [James, Uriah Pierson]. Routes of the Missouri river, Illinois river, and northern lakes, with descriptions of towms, general features of the country, statistics, tables of distances, &c., &c. (From "James' travelers' com- panion" and "James' railroad and route book"). Cincinnati, U. P.James, 1855. Cover title, 2 p. 1., 158-185, [2] p. L C. Title page of the complete work, "James' travelers companion ..." added. 2382. Jarvis, Joseph W. Golden jubilee. African Methodist Episcopal church, Lansing, Michigan, 1867-1917. A history covering fifty years. Com- piled by Rev. Joseph W. Jarvis, D. D., pastor, 1917. [Lansing? 1917]. 58 p. S"; U. 2383. Jay, Charles W. My new home in northern Michigan, and other tales, by Charles W. Jay. Trenton, N. J., printed by W. S. and E. W. Sharp, 1874. 2 p. 1., [9]-180 p. B; G; S. 2384. Jefferson, Mark Sylvester William. Dodge's geography of Michi- gan, by Mark Jefferson . . . pt. I. Michigan as a whole, pt. II. The growth and development of cities, pt. III. Statistics and aids to teachers. Chicago, New York, [etc.] Rand, McNally & company [cl910]. 48 p. L C. 2385. , . Material for geography of Michigan, [by] Mark S. W. Jefferson . . . Ypsilanti, press of the Scharf tag, label & box co., 1906. 90 p. L C; U. Cover title: Contributions to geography of Michigan (reprinted from Normal college news). 2386. . Note on the expansion of BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 237 Michigan, by Mark S. W. Jefferson . . . [Lansing? 1904?]. [88]-91 p. (Re- printed from the Fourth report of the Michigan academy of science). S;U. 2387. Jefifery, Joseph Alexander. Cement silos in Michigan, by J. A. JeiTery. East Lansing, Michigan, 1909. [61]-92 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 255, May, 1909). — — M A C; S. Also in Fortv-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 236-266. 2388. , . . . . Com improvement, by J. A. Jef- fery. Agrictdtural college, Michigan, 1906. 23 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 34, March, 1906). M AC;S; U. Also in Forty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 293-312. 2389. , . . . . Com improvement. (Revision of special bulletin no. 34), by J. A. Jeffery. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1908. 27 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bid- letin no. 47, October, 1908). M A C; S. Also in Forty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 267-289. 2390. , \ . Com; selecting, storing, curing and test- ing for seed, [by J. A. Jeffery]. East Lansing, Mich., 1908. [17J-30 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, circular no. 3, August, 1908). M AC;S. Also in Forty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 341-352. 2391. , -. . . . . The crop of com, by Jos A. Jeffery. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1904. 15 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 22, January, 1904) . M A C ; S ; U. Also in Forty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 262-271. 2392. , . An elementary laboratory study in crops for the schools of Michigan, by Joseph A. Jeffery . . . [Lansing? Mich.] state superintendent of" public instruction [cl907]. 28 p. L C; S;U. On cover: Bulletin no. 26. 1907. 2393. , . An elementary laboratory study in soils, for the schools of Michigan, by Joseph A. Jeffery ... [Lansing, Mich.] superintendent of public instruction [1908]. 36 p. L C; S. On cover: Bulletin, no. 27, 1908. 2394. , . . . . Sandy soils of western and northern Michigan, [by] J. A. Jeffery. East Lansing, Mich., 1912. [99]-105 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, circular no. 16, May, 1912). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-first annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 448-452. 238 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2395. , . Soil moisture. Its importance and man- agement, by Jos. A. Jeffery. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1904. 1 p. 1., [31]-40 p. (Mich, agriciiltural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 219, September, 1904). M A C; S; U. Also in Fortv-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 152-160. 2396. Jenks, William Lee. The first bank in Michigan, the Detroit bank, [by] W. L. Jenks . . . Issued by the first national exchange bank . . . [Port Huron, Mich., 1916?]. [32] p. D; L C; S. 2397. • — , . . . . Patrick Sinclair, by William L. Jenks . . . Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1914. 41 p. D;LC;S;U. At head of title: Michigan historical commission. A state department of history and archives. "Advance pages. Proceedings of the Michigan pioneer and historical society." Sinclair was lieutenant-governor and superintendent of the post of Michilimackinac, 1775-1796. 2398. , . St. Clair county, Michigan, its history and its people; a narrative account of its historical progress and its principal in- terests, by William Lee Jenks . . . Chicago and New York, the Lewis pub- lishing company, 1912. 2 v. B; L C; S. Paged continuously. V. 2 contains biographical sketches. 2399. , . Sources of title to land in St. Clair county, by W. L. Jenks. Paper read at meeting of St. Clair county pioneer society, June 29, 1909. [no imprint]. 21 p. B; S. 2400. Jennings, Herbert Spencer. ... A list of the rotatoria of the great lakes and of some of the inland lakes of Michigan with two plates and de- scriptions of six new species. By H. S. Jennings. Results of a biological examination of Lake St. Clair undertaken for the state board of fish com- missioners in the summer of 1893 under the supervision of J. E. Reighard. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1894. 34 p. (Michi- gan, fish commission, bulletin no. 3; also with Michigan, legislature, joint documents for 1894, vol. IV, no. 6). B; D; G; S; U. 2401. , . . . . Rotatoria of the United States, with especial reference to those of the great lakes, by H. S. Jennings . . . Washington, govt, print, off., 1900. 1 p. 1., 67-104 p. (Contributions to the biology of the great lakes. [U. S., commission of fish and fisheries, doc- imient no. 434] ). L C. At head of title: U. S. Commission of fish and fisheries . . . "Extracted from U. S. Fish commission bulletin for 1899 ..." " Literature cited " : p. 102-104. 2402. Jensen, O. F. . . . The composition and value of farm manures, by O. F. Jensen. East Lansing, Mich., 1915. 7 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, circular no. 25, May, 1915). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 302-306. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 239 2403. Jodidi, S. L. . . . Organic nitrogenous compounds in peat soils, by S. L. Jodidi. East Lansing, Michigan, 1909. 28 p. (Michigan agricul- tural college, experiment station, technical bulletin no. 4, November, 1909). M AC;S. Also in Forty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 508-532. 2404. Johnson, Ben W, Industrial education in the northwest. (In National society for the study of education. 11th yearbook. Chicago [1912], pt. I, p. 117-124). S. 2405. Johnson, Clifton. Highways and byways of the great lakes; [in- cluding the states of Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New York, Wisconsin, Michi- gan, Indiana, Ohio, and glimpses of Canada]. Written and illustra' has 1897-1899, 1901-1904, 1907. 1908. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 263 2650. . Improvement association. Lansing, the capitol of Michi- gan: its advantages, natural and acquired, as a center of trade and manu- factures, showing how it is to become the commercial and financial, as well as the political capital of a great state . . . 1873. Lansing, W. S. George & CO., 1873. Ip. 1., 38p. B;G;LC;S;U. 2651. . Library and literary association. Catalogue of books be- longing to the library and literary association, Lansing, Mich. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1872. 22 p. S. 2652. . . Ibid. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1874. 27, [1] p. S. 2653. . Loan exhibition. Catalogue of the loan exhibition, of pictures, bric-a-brac, and objects of industrial art to be held in the south store, old state office building, during the week ending March 5, 1881, Lansing, Mich. Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1881. 19 p. S. 2654. . Ordinances, etc. Revised ordinances of the city of Lan- sing. Printed by authority of the common council. Lansing, W. S. George & CO., printers and binders, 1878. 59 p. B; S. 2655. . , — . Ordinances of the city of Lansing. Compiled and printed by authority of the common council. Lansing, Robert Smith & CO., printers and binders, 1890. 103 p. B. 2656. . , — . Ordinances of the city of Lansing. Compiled and printed by authority of the common council, July, 1893. Lansing, Darius D. Thorp, printer and binder, 1893. v, 113 p. S. 2657. . Playground association. Lansing playgrounds. A report covering the activities of the Lansing playground association for the years 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, with detailed reports for the years 1914, 1915. Lan- sing, Michigan, the Ripley & Gray printing co., 1915. [20] p. S. 2658. . Plymouth church. Manual of the Plymouth church, Lan- sing, Mich., adopted August, 1872. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1872. 43 p. S. i;659. . Public school library. . . . Annual report of the Lansing puDhc school library for the year ... 1st (1901-02)-15th (1915-16). Lan- sing [1902-1916]. B*; G*; S*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1st; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1st, 2nd, 5th-8th; the State Library has 1st, 2nd, 5th-8th, 10th-15th; the U. of M. Library has 2nd, 5th-15th. 2660. . . Catalogue of the Lansing public school library, Lansing, Mich. By order of the board of education, February, 1881. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1881. 27 p. S. 264 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2661. . . Catalogue of the Lansing public school library, Lansing, Mich., March, 1882. Lansing, W. S. George & CO., printers and binders, 1882. 62 p. S. 2662. . . Supplementary catalogue: con- taining list of books presented to the public school library, by L. L. and L. association, 1882. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1882. 35 p. S. 2663. . . Catalogue of the public school library of Lansing, Mich., Compiled by Miss Mary Ganley . . . 1892. Lansing, R. Smith & co., printers [1892]. 2 p. 1., 183 p. G; L C; S. Published by the board of education. 2664. . , Supplement no. 1 . . . 1895. Lansing, R. Smith & co., printers [1895]. 62 p. • G; L C; S. 2665. . Reform club. ... A history of the Lansing reform club from its organization to its first anniversary, as ordered by the club, and read at the opera house February 3, A. D. 1878 . . . Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1878. 29 p. S. At head of title: Dare to do right. Non-legal, non-political, non-sectarian. 2666. . Retail grocers' and meat dealers' association. Second annual pure food show held by the Lansing retail grocers' and meat dealers' association . . . Souvenir program. [Lansing, 1916]. 15 p. U. 2667. ■ . Scientific association. First published transactions of the Lansing scientific association, being a brief history of its organization, taken from the first annual report of the secretary, and containing the first annual address of the president of the association, Lansing, Michigan, Novem- ber, 1875. [Lansing? 1875?]. Caption title, 4 p. S. 2668. . Social survey committee. Know-your-city-week, Lan- sing, Michigan, March 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 1914. A civic revival led by Charles Zueblin, publicist . . . [Lansing, 1914]. 9 p. S. 2669. . Union building and loan association. . . . Thirtieth annual statement, year, 1905. [Lansing? 1905?]. not paged. U. 2670. . Woman's club. Constitution and by-laws of the Lansing woman's club of Lansing, Michigan, organized March, 1874, incorporated Jvly, 1889. Lansing, Mich., j^Thompson & Van Buren, printers, 1894. 14 p. S. 2671. . . Our first decade. The Lansing woman's club, organized March 18, 1874 . . . Printed by vote of club, March 28, 1884. Lansing, Michigan, 1884. 35 p. B; S. 2672. . — . Report of the president of the Lansing woman's club, for the year ending March 30, 1883. [Lansing? 1883?]. 10 p. S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 265 2673. . Young men's society. Young men's society, of Lansing, Michigan; articles of association and by-laws. [Lansing?] 1867. Cover title, 8 p. S. 2674. Lansing city directory ... v. II (1894)-v. XVI (1916). Lansing, Chilson, McKinley & co., [1894]-1916. B*; S; U*. Title varies slightly. Vols. II-VIII published by Chilson & McKinley. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1894; the U. of M. Library has 1908. 2675. Lansing illustrated. [New York] international publishing com- pany, 1888. 14 1. S. Historical sketch of Lansing by Henry B. Baker. 2676. . 1890. Battle Creek, Mich., the Fox illustrat- ing company, 1890. not paged. S. 2677. Lansing mineral and magnetic well at the capital of Michigan . . . Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., book and job printers, 1870. 15 p. — S. 2678. Lapeer county. Agricultural society. Premium list and rules and regulations of the Lapeer county agrictiltural society for the sixteenth an- nual fair . . . Lapeer, the Clarion steam presses, 1873. 16 p. B. 2679. . Grand jury. Resolution of the grand jury of La- peer county, relative to the conduct of S. D. M'Keen, in advising Judge Morell not to hold the April term of court in that county. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, house document no. 2. (In Journal of the house of representatives . . . adjourned session, 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 50). B;D;G;S;U. 2680. Lapeer training school for teachers. . . . Smnmer school for teachers of backward and mentally defective children; announcement for 1914. First annual session, July 6-August 14, Lapeer, Michigan. [Lapeer? 1914?]. 9 p. S. 2681. Larzelere, Claude Sheldon. The boundaries of Michigan, by Prof. Claude S. Larzelere . . . [Lansing, Mich., 190-]. 1 p. 1., 27 p. (Re- printed from vol. 30, Michigan pioneer and historical collections). LC;U. 2682. , — . . . . The government of Michigan, by Claude S. Larzelere . . . Boston, New York [etc.] Silver, Burdett and com- pany [cl913]. 148 p. D; L C. At head of title: Supplement to government: its origin, growth and form in the United States, by R. Lansing and G. M. Jones. 2683. , . . . . Ibid. Boston, New York [etc.] Sil- ver, Burdett and company [cl916]. 152 p. G; L C. At head of title: Supplement to government: its origin, growth and_form in the United States, by R. Lansing and G. M. Jones. 266 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2684. , . Suggestions for teaching history in the rural schools of Michigan. Prepared by Prof. C. S. Larzelere, Mount Pleasant, and published by the state superintendent of public instruction. [Lansing, 1910]. 14 p. (Mich., dept. of public instruction, bulletin no. 6, 1910). S. 2685. , . Ibid. [Lansing] 1912. 15 p. (Mich- igan, dept. of public instruction, bulletin no. 6, 1912. Reprint). 2686. La Salle, Robert Cavalier, sieur de. Relation of the discoveries and vo^^agcs of Cavelier de La Salle from 1679 to 1681, the official narrative; the translation done by Melville B. Anderson. Chicago, the Caxton club, 1901. 4p. 1.. 299p., 1 1. LC. "This copy is one of an edition of 224 copies on American hand-made paper, printed from type ..." French text and EngUsh translation on opposite pages; the former from Margry's "Voy- ages des Frangais, " v. 1. ' Authorship of the work uncertain; Parkman, Margry and Winsor agree that it may have been compiled from La Salle's letters rather than written by him. 2687. Latest views of Detroit the beautiful. Detroit, Mich., pub. by the Cadillac printing company, for the Wolverine news company [n. d.]. [48] p. L C. 2688. Lathrop, Henry B. [The memorial of Henry B. Lathrop made on March 27, 1848, relative to contract for labor and services of convicts confined in the state prison]. [Lansing, Bagg and Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate document no. 21). B; D;G;S;U. 2689. Law, John^ The colonial history of Vincennes, under the French, British, and American governments, from its first settlement down to the. territorial administration of General William Henry Harrison, being an ad- dress delivered by Judge Law, before the Vincennes historical and anti- quarian society, February 22d, 1839, with additional notes and illustrations. Vincennes [Ind.] Harvey, Mason & co., 1858. viii, 156 p., 1 1. LC;S. First published in 1839. Contents. — Address before the historical society. — Notes to the address.— Appendix: Father Gibault. Hamilton: his imprisonment and career after his capture by Clark. Tecumseh. Public lands ... in the "Old Vincennes land district." Territorial acquisi- tion . . . to the Mississippi. La Balm's defeat [1780]. Ancient grant [to Marie J. Richard 1759]. "Western sun. " the first paper printed in Indiana territory [1804]. Catholic church. List of effective men belonging to Capt. Pierre Gamelin's company . . . 1790. 2690. Law, William Hainstock. Among the lighthouses of the great lakes, by W. H. Law. [Detroit, Mich., Pohl printing co., cl908]. 19, [l]p. ^-B;D;G;LC. 2691. , . Deeds of valor by heroes and heroines of the great water world, by W. H. Law. Detroit, printed by Pohl printing co. [1911?]. 38 p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 267 2692. , . Heroes of the great lakes, by Rev. W. H. Law. With an account of the recent great disasters. Detroit, Mich. [Pohl printing company] 1906. vSO p. D; G; L C. 2693. , . "The Hfe savers in the great lakes," by Rev. W. H. Law. Incidents and experiences among the life savers in Lake Huron and Lake Superior, (known as district 11). [Detroit, Winn & Ham- mond, 1902]. 19 p. D; G; L C. 2694. Lawrence, Albert Lathrop. The wolverine; a romance of early Michigan, by Albert Lathrop Lawrence; with illustrations from drawings by Arthur E. Becher. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1904. 3 p. 1., 337 p. B;G;LC:S. 2695. , . Ibid. Boston, Little, Brown and com- pany, 1910. 2 p. 1., 337 p. S. 2696. Laws and charters in Michigan, Indiana and Illinois, under w^hich the Michigan central road, and its connections with Chicago, have been constructed. Detroit, W. F. Storey, free press ofhce, 1856. 107 p. U. 2697. Lawton, Charles De Witt. A review of Lake vSuperior copper min- ing and sketch of the history and operations of the Quincy mining company, by Charles De Witt Lawton . . . [New York, J. & P. B. Myers press, 1907]. 30 p. L C. 2698. Leach, M. L. Ancient forts in Ogemaw county, Michigan. By M. L. Leach . . . (In Smithsonian institution, annual report, 1884. Wash- ington, 1885, p. 849-851). L C. 2699. , — : — . . . . Ancient mounds in Clinton county, Michigan. By M. L. Leach . . . (In Smithsonian institution, annual report, 1884. Washington, 1885, p. 839-848). L C. 2700. — , — . — . A history of the Grand Traverse region, by Dr. M. L. Leach, published in the Grand Traverse herald. Traverse City, Michigan, 1883. [Traverse City, 1884]. Cover title, 59 p. B; G; L C; S; U. 2701. League of American wheelmen. Michigan division. Bicycle routes in Michigan, giving a complete description of the roads of Michigan used by wheelmen in riding between different cities and towns, with maps. Compiled for Michigan division L. A. W. by Robert G. Steel, chief consul. [Grand Rapids, Mich., press of Seymour & Muir printing co., cl895]. not paged. U. 2702. . . Road book . . . Detroit, Mich., 1887-1897. B*; G*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1887; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1890 and 1897. 268 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2703. League of Michigan municipalities. Proceedings of the 6th-17th annual convention . . . Grand Rapids, Mich., 1904-[1915?]. G*;S*. Place of publication varies. Title varies. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has 6th, 9th, 10th; the State Library has 10th and 17th. 2704. . Report of the ninth annual convention of the league of Michigan municipalities, Detroit, June 6, 7, and 8, 1907. [Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor plant, the Richmond & Backus co., print- ers, 1907?]. 92 p. LC;S. 2705. Leake, Paul. History of Detroit, a chronicle of its progress, its industries, its institutions, and the people of the fair city of the straits, by Paul Leake . . . Chicago and New York, the Lewis publishing company, 1912. 3 V. B; S. Paged continuously. 2706. Lee, H. Huntington & co. State of Michigan; gazetteer and busi- ness directory for 1856-7. Complete in one volume. H. Huntington Lee & CO. & James Sutherland, _ publishers and compilers . . . Detroit, 1856. ix, ii, [3]-250 p. G; S. 2707. Lee, Jay P. Suggestions for amendment of the laws governing cor- porations in the state of Michigan, by Jay P. Lee, esq. (In Michigan political science association, publications. , [Ann Arbor, 1894], v. 1, no. 3, p. [70]- 75). ^B;G;LC;S;U. 2708. Lee, John Thomas. A bibliography of Carver's travels, by John Thomas Lee . . . Madison, the society, 1910. 1 p. 1., 143-183 p. (From the Proceedings of the state historical society of Wisconsin for 1909). B. 2709. , . . . . Captain Jonathan Carver: additional data, by John Thomas Lee . . . Madison, the society, 1913. 1 p. 1., 87-123 p. (From the Proceedings of the state historical society of Wisconsin for 1912). B. 2710. Lee, William O. Personal and historical sketches and facial history of and by members of the seventh regiment Michigan volunteer cavalry, 1862-1865. Comp. by William O. Lee . . . Detroit, 7th Michigan cavalry association [1902?]. 1 p. 1., ix, 10-313 p. B; L C; S; U. 2711. [Lees, John]. Jotimal of J. L., of Quebec, merchant, pub. by the society of colonial wars of the state of Michigan. Detroit [Speaker- Hines press] 1911. 2 p. 1., 3-55 p. D; L C; S; U. 2712. [Leeson, Michael A.]. History of Saginaw county, Michigan . . . with . . . portraits . . . biographies . . . History of Michigan . . . Chi- cago, C. C. Chapman & co., 1881. 3 p. 1., [17]-960 p. L C. By M. A. Leeson and Damon Clarke. 2713. Leeth, John. ... A short biography of John Leeth, with an ac- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 269 count of his life among the Indians; reprinted from the original edition of 1831, with introduction by Reuben Gold Thwaites . . . Cleveland, the Burrows brothers company, 1904. 70 p. (Narratives of captivities). LC. "Of this edition, two hundred and sixty-seven copies have been printed, of which two hundred and fifty are for sale, and the type distributed." This copy not numbered. Includes reproduction of title page of original edition, Lancaster, O., 1831: A short biography of John Leeth, giving a brief account of his travels and siifferings among the Indians for eighteen years. Together with his religious exercises, from his own relation, by Ewel Jeffries. 2714. Leggett, Samuel M. Me-nah-sa-gor-ning-; a legend of Orchard Lake, by Samuel M. Leggett. [Detroit, the Franklin press] 1909. 15 1. B ; S. Illustrations on verso of some of the leaves. 2715. Legler, Henry Eduard. ... A Moses of the Morrhons; Strang's city of refuge and island kingdom, by Henry E. Legler. [Milwaukee, Wis.] printed for the Parkman club by E. Keogh [1897]. Cover title, [115]-179 p. (Parkman club publications, no. 15-16 . . . ). G; L C. " Strang's books and pamphlets " : p. 174-178. Bibliography: p. 178-179. 2716. Lenawee county. Board of supervisors. Proceedings of the board of supervisors of Lenawee county, Michigan, 1891-1892, June session, 1891, to and including the March session, 1892. Published by order of the board . . . Adrian, Mich., weekly press print, 1892. 91 p. S. 2717. Lenawee county pioneer and historical society. Annual picnic ... to be held on the fair grounds, Adrian, Friday, August 4, 1905. [no im- print], not paged. B. 2718. Leonard, J. W. . . . The industries of Detroit; her relations as a centre of trade; manufacturing establishments and business houses. Detroit, Mich., J. M. Elstner & co. [cl887]. 274 p. B; G. Compiled by J. W. Leonard. 2719. [ , — . — ]. Industries of the Saginaws; historical, descriptive and statistical . . . East Saginaw, Mich., J. M. Elstner & co. [1887]. 218 p. LC. 2720. Leonj theological institute. Catalogue of the officers and students of Leoni theological institute, 1854-5. Detroit, steam printing establish- ment of R. F. Johnstone & co., 1855. 6 p. S. 2721. [Lester, Frank A.]. [Semi-centennial roster of the 9th Michigan infantry veteran volunteers . . . ]. [Mason, Mich., 1911]. Title from cover, [104] p. S. Preface signed: Frank A. Lester, Mason, Mich., Sept. 6, 1911. 2722. Leverett, Frank. Alcona county, Michigan. Surface geology by Frank Leverett. Subsurface geology by A. C. Lane. [Lansing, Mich., 1902]. 2 p. 1., [35]-76 p. (From Report for 1901 of Michigan board of geo- logical survey). L C. 270 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2723. — , . . . . Flowing wells and municipal water supplies in the southern portion of the southern peninsula of Michigan, by Frank Leverett and others. Washington, gov't, print, off. 1906. xi, 292, iii p. (U.S. geological survey, water-supply and irrigation paper no. 182). • G;LC. Subject series: O, Underground waters, 62. Issued also as House document no. 67, 59th cong., 2d sess. Contains articles by Frank Leverett, Myron L. Fuller, William Hittell Sherzer, Isaiah Bowman, A. C. Lane, Charles A. Davis, Jon A. Udden, and John F. Nellist. 2724. , . . . . Flowing wells and municipal water sup- plies in the middle and northern portions of the southern peninsula of Michi- gan, by Frank Leverett and others. Washington, govt, print, off., 1907. xiv, 393, iii p. (U. S. geological sun,'ey, water-supply and irrigation paper no. 183). G; L C. Subject series: O, Underground waters, 63. Issued also as House document no. 68, 59th cong., 2d sess. Contains articles by Frank Leverett, C. D. McLouth, Myron L. Fuller, W. M. Gregory, W. F. Cooper, Charles A. Davis and A. C. Lane. 2725. , . . . . The pleistocene of Indiana and Michigan and the history of the great lakes, by Frank Leverett and Frank B. Taylor. Washington, govt, print, off., 1915. 2 p. 1., 3-529 p. (Added title page: U. S. geological survey, monographs, v. 53). D; L C. Bibliography: p. 33-54. Some plates printed on both sides of leaves. 2726. , . Review of the glacial geology of the southern peninsula of Michigan, by Frank Leverett. Lansing, R. Smith & co., print- ers [n. d.]. Cover title, 100-110 p. (Reprinted from the Sixth annual report of the Michigan academy of science). G; U. 2727. , . . . . Surface geology and agricultural condi- tions of the southern peninsula of Michigan, by Frank Leverett ; with a chapter on climate, by C. F. Schneider. Pub. as a part of the annual report of the board of geological and biological surv^ey for 1911. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1912. 144 p. (Michigan, geological and biological siu-vey, publication 9, geological series 7). D;LC;S;U. 2728. , . . . . Surface geology of the northern peninsula of Michigan. With notes on agricultural conditions and water power, by Frank Leverett; pub. as a part of the annual report of the board of geo- logical and biological survey for 1910. Lansing, Mich., W\'nkoop Hallen- beck Crawford co., state printers, 1911. 91 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 7, geological series 5). D; L C; S. Map in pocket on back-cover. "Bibliography of northern peninsula water power": p. 65-66. 2729. , . Symposiimi on water supplies in AJichigan, by Frank Leverett [& others]. [Lansing? 1906?]. (Reprinted from the 8th Annual report of the Michigan academy of science). G; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 271 2730. Levin, Ezra. . . . The leaf-spot disease of tomato, by Ezra Levin . . . East Lansing, Michigan, 1916. 51 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, technical bulletin no. 25, March, 1916). MA C; S. Also in Fifty-fifth annual report of the secretary .of the state board of agriculture, p, 632-687. 2731. Lewis, Arthur F. General information concerning cemeteries of Saginaw and forest lawn chapel and receiving vault; also ordinances, rules and regulations. Compiled by Arthur F. Lewis, controller. Saginaw, Michi- gan, 1902. 30 p. S. 2732. Lewis, George F. Annual statement of the business of Saginaw valley and "the shore," for 1867-1872, details of the manufacttu-e of lumber,, salt, lath, staves, shingles and timber; railway connections; general progress; the products of plaster beds, fisheries and ship yards; with statement of shipments, markets, stock on hand, &c. By Geo. F. Lewis and C. B. Headley. East Sagina-w, 1868-1873. S*; U*. Title varies slightly. *The State Library has 1867, 1868, 1871, 1872; the U. of M. Library has 1867, 1868, 1870, 1872. 2733. The Lewis art gallery, Coldwater. . . . Catalogue of paintings and statuary . . . Coldwater, Mich., A. J. Aldrich & co., printers, 1875. Cover title, 23 p. G; S; U. 2734. Lewis school for stammerers, Detroit. The Lewis school for stammerers. [Detroit, Richmond & Backus, n. d.]. not paged. B. 2735. , . Lewis school greeting, [no imprint], not paged. B. 2736. : , . At Lewis school in Detroit life is worth living. [Detroit, n. d.]. 40 p. B. 2737. Lieb, Sarah. History of Michigan . . . Chicago, New York [etc.] Belford, Clarke & co., 1889. 194 p. B; D; L C. In words of one syllable. 2738. Life and thrilling incidents in the history of Emma Watson, the beautiful courtesan who shot William T. Wright the night of Jan. 22, 1864 ... in the city of Detroit. [Anon.]. Detroit, 1864. 12 p. B. 2739. The life of General Lewis Cass, with his letters and speeches on various subjects. Baltimore, N. Hickman, 1848. 72 p. • B; G. 2740. Life of General Lewis Cass; comprising an account of his military services in the northwest during the war with Great Britain, his diplomatic career and civil history; to which is appended, a sketch of the public and private history of Major-General W. O. Butler, of the volunteer service of the United States, with two portraits. Philadelphia, G. B. Zieber & co., 1848. 2 p. 1., iii-viii, ll-210p. B;G;S;U. 2741. Liggett, John T. Art education in Michigan. Remarks of Inspector 272 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN J. T. Liggett of the board of education of Detroit on the stud}- of drawing in the pubHc schools of Detroit. January 4, 1875. Boston, L. Prang and com- pan3^ 1875. Cover title, 6 p. L C. 2742. [Lightner, M. C.]. St. Paul's church controversy, [by M. C. Lightner]. Detroit, commercial advertiser print, 1866. 43 p. B; G; S. 2743. Lilibridge, G. R. Report of the conspiracy trial, in the Wayne county circuit court, Michigan. Hon. Warner Wing, presiding, on five in- dictments, of the grand jury, for the county of Wayne. Setting forth a con- spiracy for burning the freight depot of the Michigan central railroad company, and for other offences, named in said indictment. By G. R. Lilibridge. De- troit, printed for the publisher, at the Tribune office, 1851. 295 p. U. 2744. Lincoln, Grant, Sherman, Farragut. An account of the gift, the erection and the dedication of the bronze statues given by Charles H. Hacldey to the city of Muskegon, Michigan. Unveiled in Hackley square, memorial day, 1900. Muskegon, Mich., chronicle presses, 1900. 59, [1] p. G; LC;U. "Address by Hon. John Patton": p. [24]-42. 2745. [The Lincoln high way association]. Following the path of progress. Detroit, Mich., the Lincoln highway association, cl914]. 35 p. U. 2746. . Summarizing a year's progress. [Detroit, Mich., the Lincoln highway association, cl914]. 14 p. U. 2747. Lindemann, E. C. . . . Twelve projects for Michigan clubs and a short primer on club work, by E. C. Lindemann. [East Lansing] 1915. [7] p. (Michigan agricultural college, extension division, club bulletin no. 1, January, 1915). M A C; S. 2748. Lindsay, Charles. The prairies of the western states: their ad- vantages and their drawbacks, by Charles Lindsey. Toronto, printed at the 'Leader' & 'Patriot' steam-press, 1860. 100 p. L C. 2749. List of volunteers from the county of Wayne, who have enlisted in the United States service since the second day of July, 1862, as shown by special company returns to the adjutant general's office at Detoit. Detroit, advertiser and tribune printing house, 1862. 43, [1] p. S. 2750. Little, Frank. Celery culture at Kalamazoo, Mich. By Frank Little. (In U. S. dept. of agriculture, report, 1886. Washington, 1887, p. 343-345). L C. 2751. Littlejohn, Flavius Josephus. Legends of Michigan and the old northwest; or, a cluster of unpublished waifs, gleaned along the uncertain, misty line, dividing traditional from historic times, by F. J. Littlejohn. Alle- gan, Mich., Northwestern Bible and publishing co., 1875. 614 p. B;LC;S;U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 273 2752. , . Memorial of F. J. Littlejohn, pray- ing for a division of the 9th judicial district. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate docu- ment no. 6). B;D;G;S;U. 2753. Littlejohn, W. H. The constitutional amendment : or, the Sunday, the Sabbath, the change, and restitution; a discussion between W. H. Little- john, Seventy-day Adventist, and the editors of the Christian statesman. Battle Creek, Mich., steam press of the Seventh-day Adventist publish- ing company, 1873. 384 p. S. 2754. Livingstone, William. Livingstone's history of the Republican party. A history of the Republican party from its foundation to the close of the campaign of 1900, including incidents of Michigan campaigns and bio- graphical sketches. Detroit, Mich., W. Livingstone [1900]. 2 v. D;LC. 2755. Lockwood, Harry A. Are our municipalities to become business corporations? An address by Harry A. Lockwood . . . Delivered before the state association of circuit judges, at Lansing, December 28th, 1907. Detroit, the Michigan investor [1907?]. 8 p. B; G. 2756. Lodge, E. A. Petition of E. A. Lodge, Allan Sheldon, Dr. WilHam Hogarth, Colin Campbell, William Phelps, Henry Bams, Waldo M. Johnson, R. R. Elliott, M. W. Field and thirty-three others, in regard to granting the university an appropriation. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 44 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, house document no. 4). B;D;G;S;U. 2757. [Loehe, Wilhelm]. Etwas liber die Deutsch-Lutherischen nieder- lassungen in der grafschaft Saginaw, staat Michigan. Mit einem kartchen der niederlassungen. (Manuscript). Erlangen, P. A. Junge & sohn, 1849. Cover title, 29 p. G; L C. 2758. Long, Clarence E. Marine review course finder; contains all the true and mean correct magnetic courses, true and correct magnetic bearings of the river and harbor, lighted and unlighted ranges for all the lakes, also a simple method for shaping and making these courses by any compass and for any boat. Cleveland, O., Penton publishing co., 1907. 113 p. G. 2759. Long, John. Voyages and travels of an Indian interpreter and trader, describing the manners and customs of the North American Indians'; with an account of the posts situated on the river St. Laurence, Lake Ontario, etc. To which is added a vocabulary of the Chippeway language ... a list of words in the Iroquois, Mohegan, Shawanee, and Esquimeaux tongues, and a table shewing the analogy between the Algonkin and Chippeway languages. By J. Long. London, printed for the author, sold by Robson [etc.] 1791. Ip. 1., xp., 1 1., 295 p. G;LC;S. 35 274 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2760. Long, O. R. Present and future water supply of Ionia, by O. R. Long. M. D. . . . [Lansing? 1885?]. Caption title, [44]-57 p. (Reprinted from a supplement to the Annual report of the Miehigan state board of health for the year 1884. Reprint no. 161). S. 2761. Long Point development association. Golden opportimities in the heart of the Michigan apple belt . . . [Cheboygan, Mich., M'Mullen printing company, n. d.]. Cover title, [12] p. S. 2762. Longyear, Burton O. . . . Fungous diseases of fruits in Michigan, by B. O. Longyear . . . Agricultural college, Michigan, 1904. 68 p. (Michi- gan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 25, March, 1904). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 347-398. 2763. , . Michigan mushrooms. A few of the common edible fungi occurring in the state, by Burton O. Longyear. Agricultural col- lege, Michigan, 1903. [77]-100 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, bulletin no. 208, April, 1903). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 190-211. 2764. Longyear, John Munro. Forests, streams, lakes and resources of northern Michigan . . . Published by J. M. Longyear and J. M. Case. Mar- quette, L. P. Crary, book and job printer, 1884. 34 p. B. 2765. Longyear, John W. Memorial of John W. Longyear and forty-live others, citizens of Michigan, now in Washington, for the re-establishment of the military state agency in said city. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 13). D; G; vS;U. 2766. Look, Henry M. Masonic trials and Michigan digest: a treatise upon the law and practice of masonic trials, with forms and precedents . . . By Henry M. Look . . . Pontiac, Mich., press of Rann & Turner, 1869. x,'[ll]-227p. LC. 2767. Loomis, C. M. Centennial anniversary of American independence; celebration at Grand Rapids, Mich., July 4, 1876. Grand Rapids, Mich., Loomis & Dillenback, 1876. 34 p. G; S. 2768. Loomis & Talbott's Ann Arbor city directory, and business mirror, for 1860-61. Revised and published annually . . . Compiled by George W. Hawes. Detroit, 1860. 141 p. U. 2769. Loomis & Talbott's Monroe city directory, and business mirror, for 1860-61. Revised and published annually . . . Compiled by George W. Hawes. Detroit, 1860. 143 p. U. 2770. Lord, George. Taxation of mining properties, by George Lord of Detroit, Michigan. Address delivered at the fifth state conference on BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 275 taxation, Grand Rapids, March 1, 1916. [no imprint]. Cover title, 18 p. U. 2771. Lossing, Benson John. Hull's surrender of Detroit, by Benson J. Lossing . . . Philadelphia, J. E. Potter and company [187-?]. 20 p. (Re- printed with additions, from 'Potter's American monthly,' August, 1875). B;LC; S;U. 2772. Lovell, Almira F. University of Michigan calendar 1907. [Ann Arbor, J. V. Sheehan & co., 1906]. 13 1. U. 2773. Lowell, Dwight N. The bench and bar of Macomb county; a report by Dwight N. Lowell . . . [n. p.] the bar association, 1906. 26 p. B;S. 2774. Lowell. Charters. Charter and ordinances of the village of Lowell ; ordinances revised in 1864. Grand Rapids, Mich., Enquirer and Democrat office, 1864. 41 p. G. 2775. Lowrey, B. J. . . . Michigan state press association. A brief his- tory written by the editors themselves, narrating the events associated with the annual session in Ann Arbor and the delightful excursions which followed, in a trip through Dixie. Compiled and arranged by B. J. Lowrey, ex-secre- tary . . . [Howard City, Mich., the Howard City record, 1892]. 100, xxvi p. S. At head of title: 24th annual meeting and a midwinter outing in southern climes. 2776. Lucas, Robert. The Robert Lucas journal. (In Iowa jowrnal of history and politics. Iowa City, la., 1906, v. 4, p. [343]-437). S; U. Journal of the author's experiences, April 27-Sept. 4, 1812, during the campaign of General William Hull ; edited by John C. Parish. Also published separately, Iowa City, 1906. 2777. , . The Robert Lucas journal of the war of 1812 dur- ing the campaign under General William Hull, ed. by John C. Parish. Iowa City, la., the state historical society of Iowa, 1906. ix, l03 p. ■ B;LC;U. ' ' Limited to four hundred copies reprinted from the Iowa journal of history and politics. " 2778. Ludlow, Will Cumback. Onawago, or, the betrayer of Pontiac, by Will Cumback Ludlow. Illustrated by Irene Mull-Marquadt. Benton Har- bor, Michigan, antiquarian publishing company, 1911. 3 p. 1., 311 p. G; S. 2779. Lyon, Lucius. A communication addressed to members of the United States' senate; and laid on their tables, while the bill establishing the northern boundary of the state of Ohio was under consideration in that body. By L. Lyon. June 4, 1834. Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1834. 1 p. 1., 8 p. B; G; L C; S; U. 2780. , . Letter of Lucius Lyon to the Honorable Lewis Wil- liams, chaimian of the committee on territories, respecting the boundary line 27G BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN between Ohio and Michigan ; also, the report of said committee on the subject of admitting Michigan into the union. Washington, Gales & Seaton, 1834. Ip. 1., 44p. B;LC;U. Certain portions of House rept. 334, 23<^ cong., 1st sess. Caption, p. [1], " 23d congress, 1st session. Rep. no. 334, Ho. of reps. Census — Michigan and Arkansas." 2781. , . Letters of Lucius Lyon, delegate in congress from Alichigan, and Samuel F. Vinton, of the delegation in congress from Ohio, to the Honorable Lewis Williams, chainnan of the committee on territories, re- specting the boundary line between Ohio and Michigan; also, the report of said committee on the subject of admitting Michigan into the union. Wash- ington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1834. 1 p. 1., 68 p. (U. S. 23d cong., 1st sess., house report no. 334). G; S; U. 2782. , . To the Hon. John M. Clayton, chairman of the judiciary committee of the senate of the United States. [Washington, 1836?]. Caption title, 21 p. S. Signed (p. 21) Lucius Lyon, John Norvell, Isaac E. Crary. Washington, January 5, 1836. 2783. Lyon, Theodatus Timothy. History of Michigan horticulture, by President T. T. L^^on. Being a part of the seventeenth annual report of the secretary of the state horticultural society [of Michigan, 1887 . . . Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders, 1887. v, 412 p. L C; S. 2784. Lyster, Henry F. The reclaiming of drowned lands, by Henry F. Lyster, A. M., M. D. . . . [Lansing? 1880:j. [235]-260 p. (Reprinted from the Seventh annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1880. Reprint no. 61). S. 2785. , . Report on an outbreak of typhoid fever among school children at Adrian, Michigan, by Dr. Henry F. Lyster . . . [Lansing? 1885?]. [36]-47 p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1884. Reprint no. 177). S. 2786. , . Report on the subject of healthful dwellings, by Henry F. Lyster, A. M., M. D. . . . By authority. Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1877. [49]-67 p. (Reprinted from the Fifth annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1877). S. 2787. , . A report upon the limitation and prevention of typhoid fever, read at a sanitary convention held at Flint, Michigan, January 31, 1883, by Prof. Henry F. Lyster, M. D. . . . [Lansing? 1884?]. [75]-90 p. (Reprinted from the supplement to the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1883). S. 2788. , . Sewerage, by Prof. Henry F. Lyster, A. M., M. D (Remarks at a sanitary convention held at Hillsdale, Mich., April 17 and 18, 1884 . . . ). [Lansing? 1885?]. Caption title, [104]-105 p. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 277 (Reprinted from the supplement to the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1884. Reprint no. 171). S. 2789. , . A study of the climate and topography of the lower peninsula of Michigan, by Henry F. Lyster, A. M., M. D. . . . [Lan- sing? 1879?]. [169]-210 p. (Reprinted from the Sixth annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1878). S. 2790. Lyster, Henry Francis. Recollections of the Bull Rim campaign after twenty-seven years. A paper read before Michigan commandery of the military order of the loyal legion of the United States, February 1st, 1887. By Companion Henry F. Lyster . . . Detroit, W. S. Ostler, printer, 1888, 18 p. (On cover: War paper, [v. 1], no. 8, Michigan commandery, M. O. L. L. U. S.). ■ LC. 2791. [McAfee, Robert Breckinridge]. History of the late war in the western country, comprising a full account of all the transactions in that quarter, from the commencement of hostilities at Tippecanoe, to the termi- nation of the contest at New Orleans on the return of peace. Lexington, K[y.] Worsley & Smith, 1816. viii, 534 p., 1 1. • L C. Preface signed: Robert B. M'Afee. 2792. McCarty, Dwight G. The territorial governors of the old northwest ; a study in territorial administration, by Dwight G. McCarty. Iowa City, la., the state historical society of Iowa, 1910. 210 p. L C; U. 2793. McClelland, Robert. Defence of General Cass. Speech of Hon. R. McClelland, of Michigan, in the house of representatives, Saturday, July 1, 1848, on the civil and diplomatic appropriation bill. [Washington, printed at the Congressional globe ofhce, 1848]. Caption title, 8 p. B; G; L C; S. Relates particularly to expenses as supt. of Indian affairs for Michigan and neighboring territory. 2794. McClung, John Alexander. Sketches of western adventure: con- taining an account of the most interesting incidents connected with the settle- ment of the west, from 1755 to 1794; together with an appendix. By John A. M 'Clung. Philadelphia, Grigg & Elliot [Maysville, Ky., L. Collins, printer] 1832. xii, [13]-360 p. L C. 2795. , . Ibid. Cincinnati, J. A. James & co., 1836. 315 p. L C. Imperfect: wanting title page and p. 1-10. 2796. , . Ibid. Rev. and cor. . . . Cincinnati, U. P. James, 1839. 315 p. L C. 2797. , . Ibid. Rev. and cor. . . . Dayton, O., Ells feClafiin, 1844. viii, 9-315 p. L C. 2798. , . Ibid. Rev. and cor. . . . Dayton, O., Ells, Claflin & co., 1847. viii, 9-315 p. L C. 278 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2799. , . Ibid. Covington, Ky., R. H. Collins & CO., 1872. xxix. 13-398 p. L C. 2800. , . Ibid. Louisville, Ky., R. H. Collins & CO., 1879. xxix, 13-398 p. B; L C. 2801. McComber, Wm. H. Petition of Wm. H. McComber, Jas. L. Glenn, Thomas Cormins and 43 other citizens of Berrien county, for the [enactment of a general law to authorize the business of banking]. [Lan- sing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857J. 2 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1857, senate document no. 16). B; D; G; S; U. 2802. McCorkle, William A. In memoriam. A discourse on the life and character of the late Rev. George DtLffield, D. D., by Rev. William A. Me Corkle, pastor of the first Presbyterian church of Detroit . . . Detroit, O. S. Gulley's print, 1868. 47 p. B; S. 2803. McCoskry, Samuel A. Petition of Samuel A. McCoskry, bishop of the Protestant Episcopal church in the diocese of Michigan, relative to a di- vision of the school funds of this state. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, house docimient no. 3; senate document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. * 2804. . McCourt, R. S. The history of the old Sibley house, including a brief history of the lives of General Henry H. Sibley, his wife and mother and some reminiscences by our old pioneers. Written and illustrated by R. S. McCourt. Official D. A. R. souvenir, 1910. [St. Paul, Minn.] R. S. McCourt, 1910. 42 p. D. 2805. McCoy, Daniel. . . . Old Fort St. Joseph; or, Michigan under four flags, by Daniel AIcCo}-; delivered before the Michigan pioneer and historical society at its thirty-second annuaL meeting, June 7, 1906. Lansing. Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1907. 10 p., 1 1. (Re- printed from vol. 35, Pioneer and historical collections). B; G; L C; S;U. At head of title: 1675. 1781. 2806. McCracken, Stephen Bromley. City of Detroit. Digest of election laws for the use of registrars and inspectors of election. Prepared and pub. by S. B. McCracken. Detroit [Raynor & Taylor, printers] 1890. Cover title, 7, [1] p. B; L C. Plan of election districts, city of Detroit, on p. 3 of cover. 2807. , . Laws in force in the county of Wayne, with a schedule of acts relating to the city of Detroit. Comp. and pub. by S. B. M'Cracken . . . Detroit, Raynor & Taylor, printers, 1890. 100 p. B; LC. 2808. , . Laws in force in the county of Wayne, with a manual of county affairs. Comp. and arranged by S. B. Me- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 279 Cracken. Detroit, Mich., the eompiler, 1896. 6 p. 1., [9J-223 p. B;D;LC;S. 2809. , . The license movement ; the consti- tution and the Hquor question, a reply to Levi Bishop; the constitutional com- mission and the taxation clause; the license movement per\^erted in the in- terest of the corporations and the Bourbon Democracy. An address by S. B. McCracken. [Detroit? 1874?]. Caption title, 8 p. S. 2810. , . A manual of Wayne county affairs, embracing county government, county finances, courts . . . etc. Comp. by S. B. McCracken. Detroit, the compiler, 1898. 32 p. L C. 2811. , . Michigan and the centennial; being a memorial record appropriate to the centennial year. Ed. and pub. by S. B. McCracken under the sanction of the state centennial board of managers. Detroit, printed for the publisher, 1876. xii, [5]-689 p. B ; G ; L C ; S ; U. 2812. , . Michigan political hand book and voters guide . . . Comp. by S. B. McCracken. Detroit, the compiler, 1892. 16 p. B. 2813v , . Michigan political manual, 1884. Comp. and pub. by S. B. McCracken. Detroit [1884]. 38 p. B. 2814. [ , ]. Michigan voter's guide. [Detroit, 1896]. Caption title, [8] p. L C. An edition was published in 1894. 2815. [ , ]. Protest against sectarianism in the university and other state institutions. [Detroit? 1873?]. 6 p. S. 2816. , . Religion in the university; being a review of the subject as agitated before the legislature of Michigan during the session of 1873, by S. B. M'Cracken . . . Detroit, free press book and job printing house, 1873. Cover title, 19 p. D; G; S. 2817. , . The state of Michigan : embracing sketches of its history, position, resources and industries. Comp. under authority of the governor in the interest of emigration, by S. B. McCracken. Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1876. 136 p. B; D; G; LC; S; U. 2818. , . The Sunday laws, a discussion of church and state and an inchoate church party; an address by S. B. Mc- Cracken. [Detroit? 1875?]. Cover title, 8 p. S. 2819. ,. . A working digest of registration and election laws, city of Detroit. Specially designed for use of election officers. Comp. by S. B. McCracken. Detroit, Mich., the compiler, 1895. Cover title, 24 p. L C. Twenty-fifth thousand. Includes sample ballots. 280 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2820. , ■ . A working digest of registration and election laws, city of Detroit. Also digest of primary elections law. Comp.- by S. B. McCracken. Detroit, Mich., the compiler, 1897. Cover title, 24 p. L C. Includes sample ballots. Plan of election districts, city of Detroit, on p. 3 of cover. 2821. , . A working edition of the Michigan election law and guide to voters and election officers. Comp. and pub. by S. B. McCrackcn. Detroit, J. F. Eby & co., printers, 1891. 20 p. • B;LC. Official ballot: p.' 11. 2822. , . Ibid. Rev. according to the latest legislation. Comp. by S. B. McCracken. Detroit, Mich., the compiler, 1893. 23 p. G: L C. 2823. , . Ibid. Detroit, Mich., the compiler, 1895. Cover title, 24 p. B; L C. 2824. '■ , . Ibid. Detroit, Mich., the compiler [1896]. 24 p. L C. 2825. , . Ibid. [35th thousand]. Detroit, Mich., the compiler, 1898. Cover title, 24 p. L C. 2826. McCue, Charles A. Spraying for potato blight in 1905, by C. A. McCue. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1906. [129]-143 p. (Michigan agri- cultural, college experiment station, bulletin no. 236, April, 1906). M AC;S;U. Also in Fortj^-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 258-270. 2827. McCurdy, Hugh. Address by M. E. Hugh McCurdy, G. H. P., at the twenty-third annual convocation of the grand chapter of royal arch masons of the state of Michigan held at Detroit, January 3, 1872. Detroit, tribune book and job office, 1872. 21 p. S. 2828. McDowell, John Chambers. . . . Farming on the cut-over lands of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Alinnesota, by J. C. McDowell . . . and W. B. Walker . . . Washington [gov't, print, off.] 1916. 24 p. (U. S. dept. of agricvdture, bulletin no. 425). L C. Contribution from the Office of farm management. 2829. McFarlane, C. T. Geograph}^ of Michigan, [n. p.] American book CO., 1898. 16 p. L C. ' No title page. 2830. McGill, Charles W. Laws of Michigan ; compilation of the laws and legal forms for the convenience of farmers, mechanics, merchants, bankers and lawyers; business manual, comp. by Hon. Charles W. McGill . . . [Lan- sing? Mich.] 1902. Cover title, 4 p. 1., 197 p. L C. Printed on one side of leaf only. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 281 283 1 . , . Michigan laws made plain ; laws and legal forms prepared for the use of farmers, mechanics and business men. Compiled by Hon. Charles W. McGill . . . Presented by Ann Arbor savings bank. Grand Rapids, Mich., the old national bank [cl910]. 100 p. G. 2832. McGrane, Reginald C. The evolution of the Ohio-Erie boundary, by Reginald C. M'Grane . . . (In Ohio archaeological and historical quar- terly. Columbus, 1913, v. 22, p. 326-339). L C; S; U. 2833. McGrath, John Wesley. Mandamus cases decided in the supreme court of Michigan. Including a synopsis of all reported mandamus cases to January 1, 1898, and of hitherto unreported cases from January 1, 1891 to July 1,' 1897. Comp. by John W. McGrath. Detroit, J. F. Eby & co., printers, 1898. Iviii, [662] p. • L C; S. 2834. McGrath, Joseph M. Memorial day at Corunna, Mich., an ad- dress delivered by Prof. Joseph M. McGrath, of Corunna, at the memorial services in honor of President Garfield, September 26, 1881. [no imprint]. Caption title, [4] p. ■ S. 2835. McKenney, Thomas Lorraine. Sketches of a tour to the lakes, of the character and customs of the Chippeway Indians, and of incidents con- nected with the treaty of Fond du Lac, by Thomas L. McKenney . . . Also a vocabulary of the Algic, or Chippeway language, formed in part, and as far as it goes, upon the basis of one furnished by the Hon. Albert Gallatin . . . Baltimore, Fielding Lucas, jr., 1827. viii, 498, [1] p. • ■ G; L C; S. 2836. McKinney, James P. The industrial advantages of Detroit, Michi- gan, together with an accoimt of her material development and progress, and a series of comprehensive sketches of her representative business enterprises. Detroit, James P. McKinney, 1890. 168 p. B. 2837. McKinnie, Adele. Preliminary report of an eugenic survey of A4ichigan, by Adele McKinnie. (In Public health. Lansing, Mich., state department of health, 1912, v. 7. no. 4, October-December, 1912, p. [157]- 195). S. 2838. McKnight, Charles. Our western border, its life, combats, adven- tures, forays, massacres, captivities, scouts, red chiefs, pioneer women, one hundred years ago . . . Carefully written and compiled by Charles Mc- Knight . . . Philadelphia, Cincinnati [etc.] J. C. McCurdy & co., 1875. xi, 756 p. L C. 2839. McKone, William James. Michigan state and local government, by W. J. McKone . . . Lansing, Mich., the Hammond publishing company, limited, 1904. 230 p. D; L C; U. 2840. , . Ibid. 2d ed. Lansing, Mich., the Hammond publishing company, limited, 1905. 230 p. S, 282 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2841. , . Ibid. 6th cd. Lansing, Mich., the Hammond publishing company, limited, 1910. 226 p. L C; U. 2842. , . Ibid. 7th ed. Lansing, Mich., the Hammond publishing company, limited, 1910. 226 p. G. 2843. McLaughlin, Allan J. Sewage pollution of interstate and inter- national waters, with special reference to the spread of typhoid fever . . . Washington, government printing press, 1912. 296, v p. (U. S. public health and marine hospital service, hygiene laboratory bulletin, no. 83). G. Contents. — Lake Superior and St. Mary's river. — Lake Michigan and the straits of Mackinac. — Lake Huron, St. Clair river. Lake St. Clair, and the Detroit river. — Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence river. 2844. McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham. Elements of civil government of the state of Michigan, by Andrew C. McLaughlin. New York, Boston [etc.] Silver, Burdett & company, 1892. 78 p. L C; U.^ 2845. , . . . . History of higher education in Alichigan, by Andrew C. McLaughlin . . . Washington, govt, print, off., 1891. 179 p. (Contributions to American educational history, ed. by Herbert B. Adams, no. 11). B;G;LC;S;U. [U. S.] bureau of education, circular of information no. 4, 1891. 2846. , . The influence of Governor Cass on the development of the northwest, by Prof. A. C. McLaughlin . . . (In American historical association, papers. New York . . . 1889, v. 3, no. 2, p. [309]-327). B;G;LC;S;U. 2847. , . . . . Lewis Cass, by Andrew C. McLaughlin . . . Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1891. vii p., 1 1., 363 p. (Half title: American statesmen, ed. by J. T. Morse, jr. [v. 24] ). B; G; L C. Series title also at head of title page. 2848. , . Ibid. Boston and New York, Houghton, MiiBin and company, 1896. vii p., 1 1., 363 p. (Half title: Amer- ican statesmen, ed. by J. T. Morse, jr.). S. 2849. , . Ibid. [Large paper ed.]. Boston and New York, Houghton, MiiBin and company, 1899. 1 p. 1., ix p., 2 1., 390 p., 1 1. (Half title: American statesmen . . . vol. XXIV). B; L C. 2850. , . Ibid. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1900. vii p., 11., 363 p. (Half title: Amer- ican statesmen, ed. by J. T. Morse, jr.). S; U. 2851. , . Ibid. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company [1909?]. vii, [1] p., 1 1., 363 p. (Half title: American statesmen, ed. by J. T. Morse, jr. [v. 24] ). L C. 2852. , . The western posts and the BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 283 British debts, by Prof. A. C. McLaughlin. (In American historical associa- tion, annual report . . . for the year 1894. Washington, 1895, p. 41 3-444). • B; G;LC; S; U. 2853. The M. A, C. Record. Michigan state agricultural college, v. 17- 22. East Lansing, Mich., 1911-1917. S. Weekly during the college year. 2854. MacClure, Theo. R. The state board of health and a quarter cen- tury of public-health work in Michigan, by Theo. R. MacClure . . . With illustrations. Lansing, Robert Smith printing co., state printers and binders [1898?]. 48 p. B; G; S. Supplement to the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for 1897. 2855. MacDonald, Charlotte Ellis. A message from the hills, by Char- lotte Ellis MacDonald. [Chicago? 1912 :']. not paged. G. Cover title: Twin summer resorts, Saugatuck and Douglas, Michigan. 2856. Mackinaw City company. Title to lands of the Mackinaw City company. Edward Conkling, Asbury M. Searles, trustees . . . Cincinnati, Wrightson & company, printers, 1857. 31 p. S. 2857. Mackinac Island, Michigan. S. Forty-six post card views in envelope. 2858. Mackinac Island state park. Board of Conimissioners. . . . Report ■of the board of commissioners, January 19, 1909. St. Ignace, Mich., Jones' enterprise print [1909?]. 3 p. 1., [9]-31 p. S. 2859. MacNaul, Willard Carey. The Jefferson-Lemen compact ; the rela- tions of Thomas Jefferson and James Lemen in the exclusion of slavery from Illinois and the northwest territory, with related documents, 1781-1818; a paper read before the Chicago historical society, February 16, 1915, by Willard C. MacNaul. [Chicago] The university of Chicago press, 1915. 58 p., 1 1. LC;S. 2860. Macomb, Alexander. Letter from Major General Macomb, to his excellency the governor of Michigan, accompanying a copy of military tactics. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate document no. 20. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 167). B;D;G;S;U. 2861. [ , ]. Pontiac: or the siege of Detroit. A drama, in three acts. Boston, Samuel Colman, 1835. 60 p. B; D. 2862. Macomb and Saginaw railroad company. An act to incorporate the Macomb and Saginaw railroad company, and for other purposes. De- troit, printed at the Franklin job ofhce, 1836. 22 p. B. 2863. Macomb county. Bank. Report of the bank of Macomb county [February 3, 1840]. (Michigan, legislature, 1840. house documents. [De- 284 ' BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN troit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 28, p. 293-294). B;D;G;S;U. 2864. Maes, Camillus P. History of the Catholic church in Monroe city and county, Michigan. By Rt. Rev. Camillus t*. Maes, D. D., Bishop of Covington, [no imprint]. 40 p. B. 2865. Maine. Dept. of State. Communications from the secretar>^ of state of Maine, and the executive of the state of Mississippi, relative to an exchange of laws, documents, reports, etc. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, senate documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 18, p. 50-53). B;D;G;S;U. 2866. Malloch, Douglas. Tote-road and trail, ballads of the lumber- jack, by Douglas Malloch. Illustrated in full color by Oliver Kemp. Indian- apolis, the Bobbs-Merrill company [cl917]. 7 p. 1., 171, [1] p. S. 2867. Manistee. Board of education. Announcement of the Manistee high school for the academic year, 1892-1893. Published by order of the board of education. Manistee, Mich., 1893. 28 p. (In Catalogues of some of the leading high schools of Mich., vol. I . . . Columbian exposi- tion, 1893). U. 2868. . Board of police and fire commissioners. . . . Annual report of the board of police and fire commissioners of the city of Manistee ... 9th (1910-1 1)-1 1th (1912-13). [Manistee, press of American printing CO., 1911?-1913?]. S. Year ends in March. 2869. . Charters. Charter of the city of Manistee, Michigan, being act no. 48 of the local acts of 1882, approved March 15, 1882 and amendments thereto up to and including 1903. Published by authority of the coimcil. [Manistee] 1904. 102 p. S. 2870. . . . . Officers, boards and annual statements for the fiscal year ending March 20, 1905. Manistee, Michigan, 1905. 39 p. S. 2871. . Ordinances, etc. Ordinances of the city of Manistee with amendments to February 20, 1904. Published by order of the council. [Manistee] 1904. Ill p. S; U. 2872. . Public library. . . . Annual report of the Manistee public library of the city of Manistee, Michigan . . . lst-9th. Manistee, 1906-[1913]. G*; S*; U*. Beginning with the second report the year ends November 30. *The Grand Rapids PubHc Library has lst-6th; the State Library has lst-3rd, 5th-8th; the U. of M. Library has lst-3rd. 5th-9th. 2873. . . . Manistee centennial almanac . . . 1876. Published by the Times and standard steam power printing house. Manistee, Michigan [1876]. not paged. S. At head of title: 1876. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 285 2874. Manistee daily news. The salt city of the inland seas; anniversary niimber, Manistee daily news, Manistee, Michigan; historical and industrial record of the great salt city. Ed. de luxe. [Manistee, Mich., daily news, 1899]. 68 p. G. 2875. Mansfield, Edward Deering. Exposition of the natural position of Mackinaw City, and the climate, soil, and commercial elements of the sur- rotmding country. By E. D. Mansfield, esq. Cincinnati, Wrightson & co., printers, 1857. 48, [2] p. B; G; L C; S. 2876. Mante, Thomas. The history of the late war in North-America, and the islands of the West Indies, including the campaigns of MDCCLXIII and MDCCLXIV against his majesty's Indian enemies. By Thomas Mante . . . London, W. Strahan; and T. Cadell, 1772. 2 p. 1., viii, 542 p., 1 1. B;LC. 2877. Manuscripts from the Burton historical collection; collected and pub. by C. M. Burton . . . Ed. by M. Agnes Biu-ton, vol. I, no. 1-4. Detroit, Mich., 1916-1917. B; L C; S. 2878. Margry, Pierre. Decouvertes et etablissements des Frangais dans I'ouest et dans le sud dc I'Amerique septentrionale (1614-1754). Memoires. et documents originaux recueillis et publics par P. Margry . . . [ Paris » imprimerie D. Jouaust, 1876-1886]. 6 v. B*; L C; S. The general title as above appears only on the covers and as half title. The regular title pages present the special titles of the separate volumes as given below. The fine paper edition, 1878-1888, with special introductions and extra maps, has cover (and half) title "Memoires et documents pour servir a I'histoire des origines frangaises" [etc.]. Contents. — 1. Voyages des Frangais sur les grands lacs et decouverte de I'Ohio et du Mississippi (1614-1684). — 2. Lettres de Cavelier de La Salle et correspondence relative a ses entreprises (1678-1685). — 3. Recherche des bouches du Mississippi et voyage a travers le continent depuis les cotes du Texas jusqu'a Quebec (1669-1698). — 4. Decouverte par mer des bouches du Mississippi et etablissements de lemoyne d'Iberville sur le golfe du Mexique (1694-1703). — 5. Premiere formation d'une chaine de postes entre le fleuve Saint- Laurent et le golfe du Mexique (1683-1724). — 6. Exploration des affluents du Mississippi et decouverte des Montagnes Rocheuses (1679-1754). *The Burton Historical Collection has the fine paper edition. 2879. Marine history; the lake ports; historical and descriptive review of the lakes, rivers, islands . . . vessels, steamers, captains, disasters, early navigators . . . commerce, transportations, etc. Detroit, historical print- ing CO., 1877. 88 p. B. 2880. The marine review pub. co. Time and distance tables for lake ships. Cleveland, O., the marine review pub. co., cl902. not paged. G. 2881. Marquette. Annual statement of the city of Marquette . . . 1898- 99 to 1910-11. Marquette [1899?]-1911. S*. Year ends in March. *The State Library has 1898-99, 1904-05, 1905-06, 1910-11. 2882. . Board of education. Catalogue of Marquette public schools [1877-8] containing the rules, regulations, etc. Adopted by the board 286 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN of education; together with course of study, list of text books, and organiza- tion of the corps of instructors. Marquette, mining journal print, 1878. 28 p. B. 2883. . Charters. Charter of the city of Marquette, as amended February 27th, 1873, and the ordinances adopted by the common council. Comp. under a resolution of the council, by John L. Cockran, city attorney. Marquette, mining journal steam presses, 1873. 100 p. B. 2884. . . Charter of the city of Marquette, Michigan, approved March 27, 1893. Printed by order of the common council. Mar- quette, Mich., mining journal co. (limited), printers. 1893. xxiv, 73 p. S. 2885. . . The charter and ordinances of the city of Marquette, the laws relating to the board of water and fire commissioners, the board of light" and power commissioners, school district number one and the Peter White public library, also miscellaneous provisions of law requiring duties of local officers, and other matter relating to municipal affairs. Com- piled by authority of the common council, by George P. Brown, city attorney. [Marquette] mining journal print, 1898. xxiv, 272 p. S. 2886. ■ — . . Amendments to the charter of the city of Marquette, 1899. Printed by authority of the common council . . . [Mar- quette? 1899?]. Caption title, 11 p. S. 2887. . . The charter of the city of Marquette, state of Michigan . . . Charter prepared August 27, 1913; adopted November 29, 1913; in effect December 29, 1913; first election January 26. 1914. [Mar- quette? 1914]. 2 p. 1., 76, [24] p. L C. Charter commission: Joseph C. Gannon, chairman, Charles E. Brown, Harlow A. Clark, John H. Godwin, and others. 2888. . Citizens. Marquette, Mich., and surroundings illus- trated. Published by the citizens of Marquette. Chicago, the Pettibone press [1896?]. 82 p. S. 2889. . Citizens' association. Marquette, Michigan. Illus- trated showing its public buildings, some of its private residences, and views in its vicinity, with a description of its advantages for business, and its de- sirability as a place of residence. Published by the Citizens' association, Marquette, Mich. [Milwaukee, press of Cramer, Aikens & Cramer] 1891. 75 p. G;S. 2890. . City commission. Reports of the city of Marquette for the year ending December 31, 1914; commission government. Published by authority of the city commission. [Marquette] mining journal co., limited, printers [1915?]. 3 p. 1., [9]-119 p. S. 2891. Marquette and Ontonagon railway company. Memorial of the directors and stockholders of the Marquette and Ontonagon railway com- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 287 pany, against transferring land grant to another company. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 2892. The Marquette iron ore Association. Improvement of the St. Mary's river and canal. Memorial to congress, official history of the improve- ment, commercial statistics for 1878. Printed by order of the Marquette iron ore association. Marquette [Mich.] mining journal steam printing house, 1879. 8 p. 1.. 96 p. B;LC. 2893. Marquis, Albert Nelson. The book of Detroiters; a biographical dictionary of leading living men of the city of Detroit, ed. by Albert Nelson Marquis. Chicago, A. N. Marquis & company, 1908. 1 p. 1., 5-499 p. D;LC. 2894. , . Ibid. 2d ed., rev. and brought down to date 1914. Ed. by Albert Nelson Marquis. Chicago, A. N. Marquis & company, 1914. 1 p. 1., 7-547 p. B; G; L C; U. 2895. , . The industries of the Bay cities [Mich] a comprehensive and condensed exhibit of their trade, commerce and manu- factures . . . [anon.]. [Chicago]. A. N. Marquis co., 1889. 152 p. LC. 2896. Marsh, Charles Dwight. . . . On the cylcopidae and calanidae of Lake St. Clair, Lake Michigan, and certain of the inland lakes of Michigan, by C. Dwight Marsh . . . Results of a biological examination of Lake St. Clair undertaken for the state board of fish commissioners in the simimer of 1893 tmder the supervision of J. E. Reighard, and of similar work in the summer of 1894, in the vicinity of Charlevoix under the supervision of H. B. Ward. Lansing, R. Smith & co., 1895. 24 p. (Bulletin of the Michigan fish commis.sion, no. 5). L C; S; U. 2897. Marshall, Charles Edward. Bacteriology and the bacteriological laboratory, by Charles E. Marshall . . . professor of bacteriology and hygiene, department of bacteriology and hygiene, Michigan agricultural college, June, 1904. [Lansing? 1904]. 27 p. (Reprinted with some modi- fications from the Forty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture of the state of Michigan). L C. 2898. , . Grassy curd and cheese, by C. E. Mar- shall. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1900. [193]-205, [1] p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 183, June, 1900). M AC;S;U. Also in Thirty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 298-307. 2899. , . A popular discussion of pure milk sup- ply .. . by C. E. Marshall. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1900. [171]- 288 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 191 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 182, May, 1900). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirtv-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 285-297. 2900. [ , ]. . . . Tuberculosis, [by C. E. Marshall]. East Lansing, Mich., 1910. [59J-63 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, circular no. 8, June, 1910). M A C; S. Also in Forty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 540-544. 2901. , . Tuberculosis and its management, by C. E. Marshall. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1900. [206]-266 p. (Michi- gan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 184, June, 1900). MAC;S;U. Also in Thirty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 308-349. 2902. [ ■ — ■ — •, ]. . . ■ Tuberculosis in fowls, [by C. E. Marshall]. [East Lansing?] 1911. [83]-86 p. (Michigan agricultural col- lege, experiment station, circular no. 12, August, 1911). M C; S. Also in Fiftv-iirst annual report of the secretary .of the state board of agriculture, p. 435-438. 2903. [ , ]. • • • Vinegar and its making, [by C. E. Marshall]. [East Lansing, Mich.] 1910. [65]-66 p. (Michigan agricul- tural college, experiment station, circular no. 9, June, 1910). M A C; S. Also in Forty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 545-549. 2904. Marshall, Mark. A guide to the special and test diets in use at the tmiversity hospital, Ann Arbor, Michigan, with comments, by Mark Marshall . . . Ann Arbor, G. Wahr, 1911. 39 p. L C. 2905. Marshall, O. Report of an epidemic of scarlet fever at North Lan- sing, Michigan, in 1875-6, by O. Marshall, M. D. . . . [Lansing? 1877?]. [43]-52 p. (Reprinted from the Fourth annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1876). S. 2906. Marshall, O. H. The building and voyage of the Griffon, in 1679, by O. H. Marshall. [Buffalo] Bigelow brothers [1879?]. 253-288 p. (Re- printed from the PubHcations of the Buffalo historical society, vol. I, no. 7, August, 1879). B. 2907. [ . — .]. De Celoron's [Celeron's] expedition to the Ohio in 1749. (In Magazine of American history . . . New York, 1878, vol. II, pt. 1, no. 3, p. 129-150). B;S. Article signed: O. H. Marshall. 2908. Marshall, Robert Bradford. . . . Results of spirit leveling in Michigan and Wisconsin 1897 to 1909, inclusive. R. B. Marshall, chief geographer. Work in Michigan from 1901 to 1909, inclusive, done in co- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 289 operation with the state. Washington, gov't, print, off., 1911. 64 p. (U. S. geological survey, bulletin 461). L C; U. Issued also as House document no. 1437, 61st cong., 3d sess. 2909. ■ — — — — ■, . . . . Results of spirit leveling in Michi- gan, 1911 and 1913. R. B. Marshall, chief geographer; work done in c(?- operation with the state of Michigan, through the Michigan geological and biological survey. R. C. Allen, director. Washington, gov't, print, off., 1914. 79 p. (U. S. geological survey, bulletin 559). L C. 2910. Marshall. Board of education. Catalogue, course of study and regulations of the Marshall public schools, together with the superintendent's report, for the school year 1870-71. Published by the board of education. Marshall, Mich. [Dodge & Alexander, printers] 1871. 41 p. • S. 2911. . Charters. The charter and ordinances of the city of Marshall. Published by the authority of the common council. Detroit, free press mamrnoth book and job printing house, 1861. 118 p. G. 2912. . . The charter and ordinances of the city of Marshall and rides of the common council. Published by authority of the common council, 1890. Marshall, Alich., Z. H. Denison, printer, 1890. 211, vii p. S. 2913. Martindale, Charles. . . . Loughery's defeat and Pigeon Roost massacre, with introductory sketch, by Charles Martindale. Indianapolis, the Bowen-Merrill company, 1888. [95]-134 p. (Indiana historical society, publications, vol. II, no. 4). L C. Originally issued as no. 4 of Indiana historical society pamphlets. Contents. — Introduction. — The British report [F. Haldimand to Lord Germain, Quebec, 1781]. — Diary of Captain Isaac Anderson [1781-82]. — [Report of committee on public lands, U. S. house of representatives, 1847, upon the claim of heirs of Archibald Loughery to lands granted by the commonwealth of Virginia in 1781 to Col. G. R. Clark and his officers and men]. — An account of Pigeon Roost massacre, by Judge I. Naylor. — Pigeon Roost massacre [by] A. W. Tobias. 2914. Martindale, Frederick C. . . . Digest of automobile laws of vari- ous states. Compiled by Frederick C. Martindale, secretary of state. [Lan- sing? 1912?]. not paged, U. At head of title: 1912. 2915. Marx, Oscar B. An address before the members of the tmiversity of Michigan club, by Mayor Oscar B. Marx, Wednesday, November 1st, 1916. [no imprint], lip. B. 2916. Mason, Stevens Thomson. To the people of Michigan, [n. p., 1841?]. Caption title, 39 p. L C; S; U. Signed (p. 19) Stevens T. Mason. Detroit, May 11, 1841. Documents: p. 21-39. 2917. Mason. Charters. The charter and revised ordinances of the city of Mason. Printed by authority of the common council. Mason, Mich., Ingham county Democrat job print, 1893. 140 p. S. 37 2)) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2918. Massingham, Will J. Lake Superior and other poems ; the complete poems of Will J. Alassingham . . . Duluth, Minn., the author [1904]. 176, [16] p. G. 2919. [Mathews, Alfred]. History of Cass county, Michigan. With illus- trations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers. Chicago, Waterman, Watkins & co., 1882. viii, [9]-432 p. L C. 2920. Mathews, Mrs. Lois (Kimball). The Erie canal and the settlement of the west, by Lois Kimball Mathews . . . (In The Holland land co., and canal construction in western New York . . . Pub. by the Buffalo his- torical society. Buffalo, 1910, p. [187]-203). L C; S; U. Issued as volume 14 nf the society's publications. 2921. Matlack, Lucius C. The history of American slavery and Metho- dism from 1780 to 1849; and historj^ of the Wesley an Methodist connection of America; in two parts, with an appendix. By Lucius C. Matlack. Part first. New York, 1849. 368, 16 p. U. 2922. Matthews, J. A. The Alger Republican club; our trip to Washing- ton, including a synopsis of the organization, history and object of the Alger Republican club. Detroit, 1889. 113 p. B;G. 2923. Mattice, Asa Edson. How Michigan was made, by Asa Edson Mat- tice, Ph. M., LL. B. Published serially in the Michigan miner, v. 2, no. 1-5. Saginaw, Mich., 1899-1900. U. 2924. Maxwell, Hu. . . . Wood-using industries of Michigan, by Hu Maxwell . . . 1912. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1912. 101 p. B; G; L C; S; U. At head of title. State of Michigan, public domain commission . . . State land office ... in co-operation with the forest service, U. S. department of agriculture . . . 2925. Maxwell, W. J. Greek letter men of Michigan. New York, col- lege book CO., 1901. 311 p. — - D. Compiled by W. J. Maxwell. 2926. May, Charles Sedgwick. Equal suffrage, 'new constitution, duty of Republicans. Speech of Hon. Chas. S. May, of Kalamazoo, delivered at Jackson before the Grant club, Wednesday evening, March 4, 1868 . . . [no imprint]. Caption title, 4 p. S; U. 2927. • , . The farmers' movement. An address de- livered at the St. Clair county fair, at Port Huron, Michigan, Thursday, October 14, 1875, by Hon. Chas. S. May. Kalamazoo, gazette book and job printing house, 1875. 16 p. S. 2928. , . How we are governed in state and nation, by Charles S. May. Marshall, Michigan, Pilgrim publishing company, 1899. 188 p. D;S. 2929. , . . . . Political reform. Reasons and neces^" BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 291 sity for the organization of a new political party. Speech of Hon. Chas. S. May, at Kalamazoo, Mich., October 15th, 1874 . . . Kalamazoo, Mich., gazette steam publishing house, 1874. 16 p. S. 2930. [May, James]. Memorial of the citizens and inhabitants of the Indiana territor}', praying for the interposition of congress, to relieve them from certain oppressions and embarrassments. Washington, W. Duane & son, printers, 1804. 6 p. L C. Signed by James May and others. 2931. May, Mary. State of Michigan, the supreme court; Mary May, plaintiff, vs. the city of Grand Rapids, defendant and appellant, record. Wm. Wisner Taylor, attorney for defendant and appellant, James E. McBride, attorney for plaintiff. Grand Rapids, Martin & Wurzburg, 1895. 2 p. 1., 122 p. " G. 2932. Mayhew, Ira. Popular education: for the use of parents and teachers and for the young persons of both sexes. Prepared and published in accordance with a resolution of the senate and house of representatives of the state of Michigan. By Ira Mayhew ... 3d ed. New York, D. Burgess & CO., 1855. ix, [3], [13]-479 p. ~ — L C. p. 468-479, advertising matter. 2933. — , . Reports of the superintendent of public instruction of the state of Michigan, for the years 1855, '56, and '57: with accompany- ing documents; including reports from the university of .Michigan; the state agricultural college; the state normal school; incorporated academies, col- leges, and seminaries; union schools; etc., etc. Ira Mayhew, superintendent of public instruction. Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1858. vi p., 1 1., 629 p. B;S;U. 2934. , . Statutes of the state of Michigan, relating to pri- mary schools. By Ira Mayhew. Detroit, state print., 1847. 102 p. U. 2935. Meech, C. E. and co. Port Huron and St. Clair county directory, 1883, containing a complete alphabetical and business directory of Port Huron, Fort Gratiot, Algonac, Brockway, Brockway Centre, Marine City, Memphis and St. Clair; a complete list of townships of all farmers in the county, also a partial business directory of the important towns on the line of the Port Huron and northwestern railway . . . Port Huron, C. E, Meech & co., 1883. 322 p. • G. 2936. Meek, Seth Eugene. ... A synoptic list of th^shes known to occur within fifty miles of Chicago, by S. E. Meek and S. F. Hildebrand . . . Chicago, 1910. 1 p. 1., 223-338 p. (Field museum of natural history, publica- tion 142, zoological series, vol. VII, no. 9). L C. 2937. Meeker, R. D. Digest of the laws of Michigan ; a compilation of the laws and legal forms for the convenience of merchants, mechanics, farmers, 292 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN and all professional men . . . comp. by Hon. R. D. Meeker . . . [Shelby- ville, 111.] Mather & Pinklcy [cl899]. 2 p. I, 203 p. L C. 2938. Meginness, John F. Biography of Frances Slocum, the lost sister of Wyoming. A complete narrative of her captivity and wanderings among the Indians. By John F. Meginness. Williamsport, Pa., Heller bros. printing house, 1891. 238, 8 p. B. 2939. Memoir of Mrs. Juliana Trumbull Woodbridge, wife of William Woodbridge, who died at the family residence in Michigan, February 19, 1860, in the seventy-fourth year of her age. Comp. for the use of her children and family . . . Detroit, daily advertiser book and job printing house, 1860. 35 p. B. 2940. Memorial monument at site of original Fort Michilimackinac, straits of Mackinac, state of Michigan; its object and its opportunity; funda- mental principles, [no imprint]. Caption title, 20 p. S. 2941. Memorial of Alonzo Benjamin Palmer, born October 6, 1815, died December 23, 1887. Cambridge, printed at the Riverside press, 1890. 196 p. G. 2942. A memorial of Carrie Robinson Ward. [Grand Rapids, Mich., 1883]. 17 p. G. 2943. Memorial of the freeholders of the ninth ward of the city of De- troit [to the senate and house of representatives of the state of Michigan], [no imprint]. 15 p. B. 2944. Memorial of Lyman Decatur Norris, 1823-1894 . . . Printed for the family, [no imprint]. 66 p. G. 2945. Memorial of Miss EHza Page, who departed this life April 26th, 1883, at Paw Paw, Michigan, aged 91 years, 1 month and 10 days, [no im- print], not paged. U. 2946. Memorial to Rev. James Ballard, 1805-1881 ; printed for his children. Grand Rapids, Mich., C. M. Loomis, 1881. 47 p. G. 2947. A memorial of Samuel Barstow, of Detroit, who died July 12th, 1854. [Detroit, E. A. Wales, printer] 1854. 117 p. G; U. 2948. Memorial record of the northern peninsula of Michigan . . . Chicago, the Lewis pub. co., 1895. 642 p. D; G; L C; S; U. 2949. Men of Michigan ; a collection of the portraits of men prominent in business and professional life in Michigan. Detroit, Mich., Mich, art company, 1904. 24, 24a-24f, 25-394 p. B; G; L C; S. 2950. Mendenhall, Thomas Corwin. Boundary line between Ohio and Indiana, and between Ohio and Michigan. Special reports of T. C. Menden- hall . . . and A. A. Graham . . . (In Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly. Columbus, 1895, v. 4, p. 127-198). L C; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 293 2951. Menominee. Charters. Charter of the city of Menominee, Michi- gan, as amended and approved May 22, 1901. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co. [1901]. iv p. 1., 122 p. , G. 2952. Mercer, L. P. In memoriam; biographical sketch of Elijah H. Drake, M. D., with the memorial sermon. By Rev. L. P. Mercer. Detroit, society of the New church, 1874. 28 p. D; S. 2953. Merchant, L. J. Fruit garden of the west. Catalogue of fruit growers and shippers in the great fruit region of Michigan ... St. Joseph, Mich., L. J. Merchant, 1873. 60 p. ■ L C. 2954. Merchants' and manufacturers' mercantile agency . . . The merchants' and manufacturers' mercantile agency directory of bonded attor- ne^^s . . . Detroit, 1911. 415 p. U. 2955. Mereness, Newton D. Travels in the American colonies, ed. under the auspices of the National society of colonial dames of America by Newton D. Mereness. New York, the Macmillan company, 1916. vi, 693 p. LC. Contents. — Cuthbert Potter's journal of a journey from Virginia to New England, 1690. — Journal of Diron d'Artaguiette, inspector general of Louisiana, 1722-1723. — Journal of Colonel George Chicken's mission from Charleston, S. C, to the Cherokees, 1726. — Journal of Captain Tobias Fitch's mission from Charleston to the Creeks, 1726. — A ranger's report of travels with General Oglethorpe in Georgia and Florida, 1739-1742. — Journal of Antoine Bonnefoy's captivity among the Cherokee Indians, 1741-1742. — Journal of Beauchamp's journey from Mobile to the Choctaws, 1746. — Journal of Captain Phineas Stevens' journey from Charlestown, N. H., to Canada, 1752. — Diary of a journey of Moravians from Beth- lehem, Pa., to Bethabara, N. C, 1753. — Minutes from the journal of Mr. Hamburgh's travels in the Michigan and Illinois country, 1763. — Journal of an officer's (Lord Adam Gordon's) travels in America and the West Indies, 1764-1765. — Journal of Captain Harry Gordon's journey from Pittsburg down the Ohio and the Mississippi to New Orleans, Mobile, and Pensacola, 1766. — David Taitt's journal of a journey through the Creek country, 1772. — Dr. John Berkenhout's journal of an excursion from New York to Phila- delphia, 1778. — Travel diary of Bishop Reichel, Mrs. Reichel, and their company irom Lititz, Pa., to Salem, N. C, 1780. — Extracts from the travel diary of Bishop Reichel, Mrs. Reichel, and Christian Heckewelder from Salem to Lititz, 1780. — Colonel William Flem- ing's journal of travels in Kentucky, 1779-1780. — Colonel William Fleming's journal of travels in Kentucky, 1783. 2956. Merrell, Edward Huntington. John Scott Homer : a biographical sketch, by Edward Huntington Merrell, D. D., professor in Ripon college, Madison, state historical society of Wisconsin, 1906. 214-266 p. (Re- printed from Proceedings of the state historical society of Wisconsin, 1905). S. 2957. Merriam, John M. The legislative history of the ordinance of 1787, by John A. Merriam . . . presented at the semi-annual meeting of the Ameri- can antiquarian society: April 25, 1888. Worcester, Mass., press of Charles Hamilton, 1888. 42 p. G. 2958. Merwin, Samuel. The whip hand; a tale of the pine country, by Samuel Merwin. New York, Doubleday, Page & company, 1903. 5 p. 1., 299 p. G. 291 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2959. Metcalf, Martin. Success in propagating California mountain trout from eggs brought to Michigan by the United States fish commission. By Martin Metcalf. (In Bulletin of the United States fish commission for 1883. Washington, 1883, vol. Ill, p. 471-472). L C. 2960. Metcalfe, Samuel L. A collection of some of the most interesting narratives of Indian warfare in the west, containing an account of the adven- tures of Colonel Daniel Boone, one of the first settlers of Kentuck^^ compre- hending the most important occurrences relative to its early history — also, an account of the manners, and customs of the Indians, their traditions and religious sentiments, their police or civil government, their discipline and method of war: to which is added, an account of the expeditions of Gen'ls. Harmer, Scott, Wilkinson, St. Clair and Wayne. The whole comp. from the best authorities, by Samuel L. Metcalfe . . . Lexington, Ky., printed by W. G. Hunt, 1821. 1 p. 1., iv p., 1 1., [7]-270 p. ^— L C. Contents. — Narrative of the adventures of Col. Daniel Boon [by John Filson]. — The narrative of Dr. Knight. — The narrative of John Slover. — Robert Benham's narrative of an encounter with the Indians. — Adam Poe's contest with two Indians. — Remarkable encounter of a white man [David Morgan] with two Indians. — Remarkable adventures of Jackson Johonnet. — Narrative of Mrs. Woods and a little girl. — Attack of the Indians on Cooper's Run [Ky.]. — Expedition and defeat of General Harmer in 1790. — Expeditions of General Scott and Wilkinson in May and August, 1791. — Defeat of General St. Clair by the Indians, 1791. — Indians defeated. — Depredations of the Indians on the frontiers in 1791, 1792 and 1793. — Escape of two boys from the Indians. — Narrative of Capt. William Hubbell. — Defeat of the Indians by General Wayne, August 20, 1794. — Narrative of . . . Col. James Smith, during his captivity among the Indians, 1755-1759. — -Appendix: Man- ners, customs [etc.] of the Indians. 2961. Methodist Episcopal church. Conferences. Detroit. Journal and reports of the lst-52nd annual session of the Detroit conference . . . 1856- 1908. Detroit, 1856-[1908]. B*; D*; S*. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1858, 1869, 1870, 1875, 1876, 1879-1884, 1886- 1891, 1893, 1894, 1896-1899, 1901-1908; the main librarv, Detroit, has 1856-1900; the State Librar>'has 1864-1867, 1869, 1871, 1873, 1874, 1876, 1879, 1881, 1884, 1885. 2962. . . . Manual of the Detroit deaconess home of the Methodist Episcopal church for Detroit conference. Its organization and work. Detroit, Mich., Wm. Graham printing co., 1889. 24 p. B. 2963. . . Michigan. Memorial of the Michigan annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. [Lan- sing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 2). B; D; G; S; U. 2964. . . . Minutes of the Michigan annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church . . . 11th (1846)-74th (1909). Detroit, 1846-1909. B*; D*; G*; S*; U*. Place of publication varies: Detroit, Lansing, Ann Arbor, etc. Title varies slightly. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1877, 1881. 1883, 1890, 1891, 1894; the main li- brary, Detroit, has 1846, 1849, 1852-1872, 1874, 1876, 1882, 1890-1894, 1896-1899, 1901; the Grand Rapids Public Librarv has 1859-1861, 1864, 1865, 1868, 1894-1896, 1899, 1900, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 295 1903: the State Library has 1851, 1867, 1868, 1872-1874, 1876, 1879, 1883, 1884; the U. of M. Libran,' has 1909. 2965. . . . Programme of the second Methodist convention for the state of Michigan, to be held in the city of Jackson Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, May 26, 27, and 28, 1874. Ann Arbor, courier steam printing house, 1874. [4] p. S. 2966. . Detroit district Sunday school teachers' institute. Annual session of the Detroit district Methodist Episcopal Sun- day school teachers' institute. 9th (1869)-10th (1870). Detroit, Wm. Graham, ptr, 1869-1870. B. 2967. . Michigan camp ground association. By-laws of the Michigan camp ground association of the Methodist Episco- pal church, • organized Nov. 9, 1875, for the purpose of an annual camp meeting and summer residence. Owosso, Owosso press steam print, 1880. 15 p. — - B. 2968. Mevis, Daniel Stafford. Pioneer recollections; semi-historic side lights on the early days of Lansing. By Daniel S. Mevis (Uncle Dan). Lan- sing, Mich., Robert Smith printing company, 1911. 129 p. L C. 2969. Michels, John. Cheese problems, [by] John Michels, B. S. A., in- structor in cheese and butter making; [Agrictiltural college, Michigan] 1903. 10 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 21, September, 1903). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 254-261. 2970. Michigan. Academy of science. Bulletin of the Michigan academy of science (official organ of the Michigan academy of science). [Lansing] the Michigan academy of science, 1904-1917. S*; U. *The State Library has January and October, 1906, and January and March, 1907. 2971. . . . . . Presidential address on a natural history survey of Michigan, by Volney M. Spaulding, Ann Arbor, April 1, 1898. Ann Arbor, Mich., The Inland press [n. d.]. 16 p. B;S. 2972. . . Report of the Michigan academy of science. Prepared under the direction of the council ... 1st (1894-99)- 19th (1916-17). Lansing, Mich., 1900-1917. -^ B; G; L C; S; U. Report year irregular. Published by the state. Fifth report has title: Annual report . . . ; 11th has subtitle: Darwin centenarj' publication. Abstract of history of the academy in 6th report, p. [71-8. The reports include scientific papers, among the longer of which are Michigan flora, by W. J. Beal (in 5th report, 1902-03, p. [1]-147); A preliminary host index of the fungi of Michigan, exclusive of the basidiomycetes, and of the plant diseases of bacterial and physiological origin, by G. H. Coons (in 14th report, 1911-12, p. 232-276); The flowering plants, ferns and fern allies growing without cultivation in Lambton county, Ontario, by C. K. Dodge (in 16th report, 1914, p. 132-200). List of members in lst-4th, 6th-15th, reports. 296 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2973. . Acting commissioner on state buildings. Communi- cation from the acting commissioner [in compliance with a resolution re- questing a report relative to lands to be conveyed to the state]. Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848. 1 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 2974. . Adjutant general's office. The flags of Michigan. Comp. by Jno. Robertson, adjutant general. Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., state printers, 1877. 119 p. B; G; L C; S; U. 2975. . . Michigan in the war. Com- piled by Jno. Robertson, adjutant general. Rev. ed. Lansing, W. S. George & CO., state prmters, 1882. 1039 p. B; L C; S. Contents. — pt. 1. In the state.— pt. 2. In the field. — pt. 3. Register of commissioned officers. Appendix. 2976. . • Record of service of Michi- gan voltmteers in the civil war, 1861-1865. Pub. by authority of the senate and house of representatives of the Michigan legislature under the direction of Brig. Gen. Geo. H. Brown, adjutant general. [Kalamazoo, Mich., Ihling bros. & Everard, printers, 190-]. 46 v. B; G; LC;S;U. Compiled by George H. Turner, assistant adjutant general. The arrangement of the names is alphabetical under each regiment or other organization. Contents. — v. 1-30. Infantry regiments, nos. 1-30. v. 31-41. Cavalry regiments, nos. 1-11. — V. 42. First light artillery. Battery 13. Battery 14. Unassigned. — ^v. 43. First engi- neers and mechanics. — v. 44. First Michigan sharpshooters. Berdan's first and second U. S. sharpshooters. Birge's western sharpshooters. — v. 45. Merrill horse. Illinois infantry regiments, nos. 23, 37, 42, 44. New York infantrs^ regiments, no. 70, Company C. New York cavalry regiment, no. 1, Company K. Ohio infantry regiment, no. 47. First Michigan lancers. Chandler horse guards. Provost guard. Rowland's engineers. Stanton guards. Hancock's first army veteran corps. Second regiment veteran reserve corps. Chadwick's engineers. Miscellaneous organizations. United States navy. — v. 46. First Michigan colored infantry. 2977. . • Record of service of Michi- gan voltmteers in the civil war, 1861-1865. Alphabetical general index to public library sets of 85,271 names of Michigan soldiers and sailors individual records pubhshed under authority of act 147, public acts of 1903, and supple- mental act 165, pubHc acts of 1913, imder supervision and direction of Cole- man C. Vaughan, secretary of state . . . Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallen- beck Crawford co., state printers, 1915. 1097 p. B; G; L C; S; U. 2978. . . Record, third Michigan cavalry, civil war, 1861-1865. [Kalamazoo, Ihling bros. & Everard, printers, 190-]. viii, 188 p. (Record of service of Michigan volunteers in the civil war ... [v. 33] ). B; G; L C; S; U. Series title page only. Special title lettered on cover. 2979. . . Report of the adjutant general of Michigan . . . 1842 to 1912-14. Lansing, [1843?]-1915. B*; D*;S*; U*. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 297 Report year irregular. Title varies: 1848 to 1857-58, Annual report of the adjutant and quartermaster general . . . 1862-1866 in 6 v. contain much historical material relating to the Michigan troops in the civil war. Reports for 1842 to 1853-54, 1856, 1857-58, 1860, 1861, 1867-68, 1869-70, 1872, 1873-74 to 1893-94 are issued as Joint documents of the Michigan legislature. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1843, 1845, 1847 to 1853-54, 1856, 1857-58, 1860 to 1893-94; the main library, Detroit, has 1842-1845, 1847-1870, 1873-1894, 1897-1909-10, 1912-14; the State Library has 1842-1845, 1847 to 1853-54, 1856, 1857-58, 1860 to 1912-14; the U. of M. Library has 1843, 1845, 1847 to 1853-54, 1856, 1857-58, 1860 to 1869-70, 1872 to 1893-94, 1897-98, 1901-02 to 1906, 1908 to 1909-10, 1912-14. 2980. — ~. . [Report, January 31, 1844]. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. [2] p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, senate document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 2981. [ . ]. Roster of officers of Michi- gan state troops, February 10, 1893. [Lansing? 1893?]. 9 p. S. 2982. . Advisory board in the matter of pardons. Intermediate sentence law of 1905 (with amendments) and rules adopted by the governor and the advisory board in the matter of pardons concerning applications for clemency and the conduct of prisoners on parole, executive office, Lansing, 1914. [Lansing? 1914?]. 26 p. U. 2983. . . Report of proceedings of the advisory board in the matter of pardons . . . 1893-94 to 1909-10. Lansing, 1894-1910. B*; S*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1893-94; the State Library has 1893-94 to 1905-06, 1908-09, 1909-10; the U. of M. Library has 1893-94, 1897-98 to 1905-06. 2984. . Agent for selection of lands for agricultural college. Communication from the agent appointed to select the lands donated by the general government in aid of the state agricultural college. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1864]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1864, house doctiment no. 5). • ■ B; D; G; S; U. 2985. . Agricultural college. Agricultural college bulletin. Published monthly by the Michigan state agricultural college. East Lan- sing, Mich., 1902-1916. S*. Published quarterly, 1902-1905. *The State Library has quarterly bulletin, vol. I, no. 2 and 3; vol. II, no. 1-3; vol. Ill, no. 2 and 3; vol. IV, no. 2; vol. V, no. 1; and monthly bulletin vol. I, no. 4 and 8; vol. II, no. 3, 4, 7, 9; vol. Ill, no. 2, 5, 7, 9; vol. IV, no. 1, 9, 11; vol. V, no. 1, 9, 11; vol. VI, no. 4 and 9; vol. VII, no. 4 and 7; vol. VIII, no. 4 and 7; vol. IX, no. 4 and supplement no. 1 ; 5, 7-11; vol. X, no. 4 and supplement no. 1 and 6; vol. XI, no. 4. 2986. . . The agricultural college of the state of Michigan. Lansing, Michigan, Hosmer & Fitch, book and job print- ers, 1857. 58 p. B; S. 2987. . . . . . Bread, brawn, brain; bacca- laureate address, Sunday, Aug. 6, 1893, by President 0. Clute, LL. D. Four years of progress; exaugural address, August 9, 1893, President Clute. Inaugural address, Aug. 9, 1893, President-elect L. G. Gorton. Agricul- 233 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN tural college P. O., Mich., state board of agriculture [1893]. 40 p. LC;S. At head of title: The state agricultural college, Michigan. 2988. . . Catalogue ; officers and students . . . 1857-1917. East Lansing, 1857-1917. B*; G*; S*; U*. Place of publication varies: 1857-1885, Lansing; 1886-1906, Agricultural college, P. 0.; 1908-1917, East Lansing. Title varies: 1861 to 1874-75, Catalogue of the officers and students of the state agri- cultural college . . . 1875-76 to 1882-83, Annual catalogue of the officers and students of the state agricul- tural college of Michigan (19th to 26th). 1883-84 to 1892-93, Catalogue of the officers and students of the state agricultural college of Michigan, together with other general information concerning the college . . . (Cover title: Annual catalogue). 1893-94, Provisional register of the officers and students of the state agricultural college of Michigan . . . 1894-95 to 1909-10, Catalogue; officers and students of the Michigan state agricultural college . . . Triennial catalogue of officers and graduates, 1889, included in 32d year, 1888-89. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1867, 1870, 1906-07; the main library, Detroit, has 1857, 1874-1876; the Grand Rapids Public Library has typewritten copies of catalogues, 1857-1860; the State Library has 1861 to 1905-06, 1907-08 to 1917; the U. of M. Library has 1857 to 1884-85. 1887-88 to 1917. 2989. . . Catalog, officers and graduates of the Michigan agricultural college for the years 1857-1916 (inclusive), to- gether with other information of general interest. East Lansing, Mich., the college, 1916. 224 p. (On cover: Agricultural college bulletin, v. 10, no. 11). LC. 2990. — . . . . . Catalogue of officers and grad- uates, 1857-1911. East Lansing, Mich., 1911. 159 p. L C. At head of title: Michigan agricultural college. 2991. . . Communication from the president of the state agricultural college, giving the nrnnber, ages, etc., of the students attending the college in 1864, salaries of the professors, etc. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & eo., printers to the state, 1865]. [6] p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 38). D; G; S; U. 2992. . . . . . Football program and souve- nir season 1915. [Lansing, Lawrence & Van Buren prtg. co., 1915]. 24 p. S. 2993. . . . . . Program, farmers' week, agri- cultural college. East Lansing, Mich. March 1 to 6, 1915. East Lansing, Michigan agricultural college, 1915. 4 p. (Agricultural college bulletin, vol. IX, no. 7, February, 1915). U. 2994. . . Report of the president to the honorable state board of agriculture, 1867-1914. Lansing [1867?]-1914. B*; G*; S*; U*. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has June 30, 1914; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1898; the State Library has December 1, 18b8; 1883; June 30, 1898; February 8, 1905; June 30, 1914; the U. of M. Library has 1867-1882, 1884-1889, 1893-1897, 1899-1914. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 299 2995. . . . . . Rules and laws. 1891. [Lan- sing? Mich., 1891]. Cover title, 67 p. G; L C. At head of title: Michigan state agricultural college. 2996. . . Souvenir of Michigan agricultural ■college and school of mechanics arts . . . [Lansing? Mich., n. d.]. 38, [2] p. • LC. Plates printed on both sides. 2997. . . Ten years of progress, showing the growth of the Michigan agricultural college during the last decade and the buildings erected during that time, 1899-1909. [Lansing? 1909?]. [9] p. B ; S. 2998. . ^ . Triennial catalogue of officers and - graduates of the state agricultural college of Michigan . . . 1876-1888. Lansing, 1876-1889. S. Imprint: Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1876-1882; published by the college, 1885 and 1889. 2999. . . The wolverine. By the class of 1911-1912, of the Michigan agriculttual college. [East Lansing, Mich., 1911?-1912?]. S*; U. *The State Librarj^ has 1912. 3000. . . . . . Year book for 1899, no. 2 . . . [Agricultural college?] the college, 1899. Cover title, 24 p. S. 3001. . . Dept. of agricultural education. Agriculture in the high schools of Michigan . . . [Lansing?] the Michi- gan agricultural college, dept. of agricultural education [1909]. 12 p. (Bulletin no. 2, March, 1909). L C; S. Gives an .outline of the course of study and the work already accomplished at North Adams. 3002. . . . . Bulletin . . . [no. 0] (1908)— no. 17 (November, 1916). Published by the Michigan agricultural college, department of agricultural education. [Lan- sing] 1908-1916. S; U*. *The U. of M. Library has no. 4, 6-8, 11-16. 3003. . . . . , . . Circular of the college extension reading course . . . 1908-09 to 1912-13. [Lansing] 1908-[1912?]. S. 3004. . . . . A course in agriculture for the high schools of Michigan. Published by the Michigan agricultural college, department of agricultural education. [East Lansing] 1909-1915. D*; L C*; S*. Issued as Bulletin no. 7 in 1911; no. 11 in 1913; no. 14 in 1915. Title in 1913 and 1915 reads: A course in agriculture for the high schools of Michigan with suggestions and syllabi on the several subjects to be taught. *The main library, Detroit, has 1915; the Library of Congress has 1911; the State Li- brary has 1909-1911, 1913, 1915. 303 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 3005. A course in agriculture for the public schools of Michigan. Published by the Michigan agricultural college, department of agricultural education. [East Lansing] 1908. 36 p. S. 3006. . . . . Home projects in agriculture for Michigan high schools and school credits. Published by the Michigan agricultural college, department of agricultural education. [East Lansing] 1916. 15 p. (Bulletin no. 17, November, 1916). S. 3007. Junior agricviltural association of Michigan for boys and girls. PubHshed by the Michigan agricultural college, department of agricultural education. [East Lansing] 1912. 23 p. (Bulletin no. 10, December, 1912). S. 3008. . . . . Nature study, rural sociology and agriculture for rural schools. Published by the Michigan agricultural college, department of agricultural education. [East Lansing] 1910. 12 p. (Bulletin no. 4, March, 1910). S. 3009. . . . . Report of agriculture in the high schools of Michigan . . . 1910-1917. [Lan- sing] 1910-1911. D*; S; U*. Issued as Bulletins. *The main library, Detroit, has 1915; the U. of M. Library has 1911-1913 and 1916. 3010. Supplementary suggestions for high school agriculture. Published by the Michigan agricultural college, department of agricultural education. [East Lansing] 1912. 12 p. (Bulletin no. 9, August, 1912). S. 3011. . . Dept. of bacteriology, hygiene and pathology. Laboratory manual in general microbiology, prepared by the laboratory of bacteriology, hygiene and pathology, Michigan agri- cultural college. 1st ed., 1st thousand. New York, John Wiley & sons, inc.; [etc., etc.] 1916. xvi, 418 p. (Lettered on cover: Wiley technical series). LC;U. "List of text and reference books": p. 381-389. 3012. . . Dept. of botany. Report . . . 1880-1897. [Lansing, 1880?-1897?]. U*. *The U. of M. Library has 1880, 1895. 1897. 3013. . . Experiment station. Alsike clover. (Press bulletin no. 7, January, 1895. In Thirty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1896, p. 668). M A C; S. 3014. . . . Bulletin . . . Michigan agricultural college experiment station . . . no. 1 (March 30, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 301 1885)-no. 278 (December^ 1916). East Lansing, Mich. [1885J-1916. MAC;S;U*. Title varies slightly. Place of publication varies: 1884-1894, Lansing; 1894-1909, Agricultural college. *The U. of M. Librar}^ has no. 1—250, 270, 272. 3015. . . . Circular, no. 1 (June, 1908)-no. 32 (August, 1916). East Lansing, Mich., 1908-1916. MAC; S; U*. No. 1-2 are found in the "Forty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture . . . and Twenty-second annual report of the experiment station" . . . 1908-09. No. 3-32 are found also in the Forty-eighth-Fifty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture . . . *The U. of M. Library has no. 5, 6 (rev.), 15, 19, 22, 28. 3016. . . . Doubtful sub- stitutes for clover. (Press bulletin. In Thirty-third annual report of the sec- retary of the state board of agriculture. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1894, p. 434-435). M A C; S. 3017. . . . Elementary science bulletin no. 1 (December, 1897)-no. 9 (April, 1903). Agricultural college, Michigan, 1897-1903. B*; M A C; S; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has no. 1-6; the U. of M. Library has no. 1-6. 3018. . . . . . • The hog- cholera situation in Michigan. [East Lansing?] 1914. [145]-148 p. (Cir- cular no. 22, June, 1914; also in Fifty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 539-542). S; U. 3019. . . • Press bulle- tin, no. [1]-21. Lansing, 1894-1909. S*. [No. 1-5], 19-21 are found in the Thirty-third and Forty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture . . . 1893-94, 1908-09, respectively. No. 7-8 are found also in the Thirty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture . . . 1894-95. *The State Library has no. [l]-5, 7, 8, 19-21. 3020. . . • Report of the South Haven substation . . . 1889-1908. East Lansing, Mich. [1889?]- 1909. LC;MAC;S;U*. Found also in the Twenty-eighth-Forty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, 1888-89 to 1908-09. Reports for 1889-1902, pub. as Bulletin of the agricultural experiment station, Lansing, no. 55, 67, 80, 88, 104, 118, 129, 143, 152, 169, 177, 187, 194, 205, respectively.— 1903-1908, pub. as Special bulletin of the agricultural experiment station, Lansing, no. 27, 30, 35, 38, 46, 48, respectively. Title varies: 1889-1890, Fruit 1,esting at the South Haven sub-station, by T. T. Lyon. 1891, Fruits, by T. T. Lyon. 1892, Fruit report, by T. T. Lyon. 1893, A year among fruits [by T. T. Lyon]. 1894-1895, Fruits at vSouth Haven, by T. T. Lyon. 1896, Fruit tests at South Haven. Report by T. T. Lyon. 1897, Report of the South Haven sub-station. 1898, Notes from the South Haven sub-station by L. R. Taft and T. T. Lyon. 1899, South Haven report for 1899, by L. R. Taft and S. H. Fulton. 302 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MICHIGAN 1900-1907, Report of South Haven sub-station. 1908, Annual report [etc.]. *The U. of M. Library has 1889-1905. 3021. . . . Report of the Vipper peninsula substation . . . 1900 to 1905-06. Agricultural college, Mich., 1900-1906. LC;MAC;S;U*. Found also in the Fortieth, Forty-third, Forty-fourth, Forty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture . . . 1900-01, 1903-04 to 1904-05, 1906-07. Report for 1900 pub. as Bulletin 186 of the agricultural experiment station, Lansing. Report for 1901-02, 1903, 1904, 1905-06 pub. as vSpecial bulletin no. 20, 28, 31, 38, 41, respectively, of the agricultural experiment station, Lansing. *The U. of M. Library has 1900-1904. 3022. '-. . . Special bul- letin, no. 1 (October, 1894)-no. 81 (Jtine, 1917). East Lansing, Mich., 1894-1917. B*;MAC;S;U*. Place of publication varies: 1894-1907, Agricultural college. No. 2 (Nov., 1896) 13-14, 16-49, 51-81 are found also in the Thirty-third, Thirty-ninth- Fifty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture . . . Includes Report of the South Haven substation for 1903-1908 (Special bulletin no. 27, 30, 35, 38, 46, 48) and Report of the upper peninsula substation for the years 1901 and 1902, 1903-1904 (Special bulletin no. 20, 28, 31). *The Burton Historical Collection has no. 7 and 12; the U. of M. Library has no. 1, 2, 4-37, 42, 43, 59, 60, 63, 66, 70. 3023. . . . Technical bul- letin, no. 1 (June, 1908)-no. 32 (October, 1916). East Lansing, Mich., 1908-1916. M A C; S. No. 1-4 are found in the "Forty-eighth [-Forty-ninth] annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture . . . and Twenty-second [-Twenty-third] annual report of the experiment station ..." 1908-09 to 1909-10. No. 5-32 are found also in the "Fiftieth [-Fifty-sixth] annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture ..." 3024. . . Extension division. . . . Boys' and girls' club projects for 1916 . . . [East Lansing] 1916. [7] p. (Supplement to Club bulletin no. 4, January, 1916). — — M A C; S. 3025. . . . Bulletin no. 1 (January, 1916)-no. 7 (April, 1917). East Lansing, Michigan agricultural college, extension division, 1916-1917. B*; M A C; S. *The Burton Historical Collection has no. 1-5. 3026. . . . Club bulletin, no. 1 (January, 1915)-no. 10 (May, 1917). East Lansing, 1915-1917. M AC;S. 3027. . . . • • • Organiza- tion of clubs ; a model constitution ; suggested programs ; the club library . . . [East Lansing] 1915. 23 p. (Club bulletin no. 4, January, 1915). M AC;S. 3028. . . • Outlines for les- sons presented in home economics extension schools. [East Lansing] 1914- 1916. • M A C;S. Extension course notes no. 1 (December, 1914)-no. 10 (November, 1916). BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 303 3029. . Andersonville monument commission. Report of the Michigan Andersonville monument commission on erection of the monument at Andersonville, Ga. Lansing, Robert Smith printing co., 1905. 57 p. G;S;U. 3030. . Anti-slavery state convention. Report of the proceed- ings of the anti-slavery state convention held at Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov. lOth-llth, 1836. Detroit, Snow & Fisk, printers, 1836. 22 p. B. 3031. . Anti-tuberculosis association. . . . Annual report of the Michigan anti-tuberculosis association [1st (1908-09) ]-9th (1916). Ann Arbor, 1909-[1917?]. D*; G*; S; U*. Title varies: 1908-09, Report of the Michigan association for the prevention and relief of tuberculosis ... 1009-10 to 1913 . . . Annual report of the Michigan association for the prevention and relief of tuberculosis . . . *The main library, Detroit, has lst-4th; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 2nd; the U. of M. Library has lst-3rd. 3032. — — . . Bulletin of the Michigan anti-tuberculosis association ... v. 1-6. Ann Arbor, 1912-1917. G*;S*;U*. Title varies: 1912-1914, Bulletin of the Michigan association for the prevention and relief of tuberculosis. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has v. 1-4; the State Library has v. 1, no. 1, 2, 4-7, 10-12; V. 2-3; v. 4, no. 1-7, 11-12; v. 5, no. 1-4, 6-12; v. 6, no. 1-6; the U. of M. Library has V. 5, no. 2, 3 and 4. 3033. . Association of city clerks. Third annual convention of the Michigan association of city clerks held at the city hall, Pontiac, Michi- gan, August 14-15, 1913. [Pontiac? 1913?]. 27 p. S. 3034. . Association of elocutionists. Proceedings of the first annual meeting of the Michigan association of elocutionists held at New- beiTy hall, Ann Arbor, Mich., January 9, 1897; official report. Published for the association by Edgar S. Werner. New York [1897?]. 71 p. S. 3035. . Association of judges. Addresses delivered at eighteenth annual meeting, association of judges of Michigan held at Lansing, December 27th and 28th, 1910. [Lansing? 1911?]. 31, [1] p. U. 3036. . . Fourteenth annual meeting of the association of judges of Alichigan, held in Lansing, Thursday and Friday, December 27 and 2S, 1906. [Lansing? 1906?]. 102 p. S. 3037. - — . Asylums. Report of the board of trustees of the Michi- gan asylum for the education of the deaf, dumb and blind, and of the asylum for the insane [December 22, 1849]. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 2; senate docu- ment no. 5). B;D;G;S;U. This appears to be an annual report. 3038. . . Report of the board of trustees of the Michi- gan asylums [February 11, 1850, in obedience to a resolution of the house]. 304 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 3039. . . Report of the trustees of the Michigan state asylums for the insane, and for the deaf and dumb and the blind . . . [1850] to'l855-56. Lansing, 1851-1857. B*; D*; G*; S*; U*. Title varies: 1850-1852, Report of the board of trustees of the Michigan asylums. 1854, Report of the trustees of Michigan asylums. 1855-56, Biennial report . . . (Called also Third report . . .). *The Burton Historical Collection, the main library, Detroit, the Grand Rapids Public Library and the U. of M. Library each have reports made in 1850, 1852, 1854; the State Librar\' has reports made in 1850, 1852, 1854, and for 1855-56. 3040. . Athletic association. Articles of association . . . [no imprint]. 22 p. B. 3041. . Attorney general's office. Annual report of the attor- ney general of the state of Michigan . . . 1838 to 1915-16. Lansing, Mich., 1839-1916. B*; D*; G*;S*;U*. Published at Detroit, 1839-1848. Title varies slightly. Report year irregular. Issued in a series of legislative documents as follows : 1838, House document, 1839, no. 5. 1839, House document, 1840, no. 19; Senate document, 1840, no. 6. 1840-41 to 1893-94, Joint documents. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1838-1843, 1845-1850, 1852-1854, 1858, 1859-60, 1860-1888, 1889-90, 1893-94, 1904-05; the main Ubrary, Detroit, has 1840-1845, 1847-1850, 1852-1854, 1856-1887, 1890-91, 1891-92, 1895-96, 1898-99, 1901-02, 1903-04, 1905-06, 1907-08 to 1915-16; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1858-1888, 1889-90, 1890-91, 1892-93 1896-97, 1898-99 to 1901-02, 1903-04 to 1905-06, 1907-08 to 1915-16; the State Librar\-has 1838-1843, 1845-1855, 1858. 1859-60, 1860 to 1915-16; the U. of M. Library has 1838-1843, 1845-1850, 1852-1855, 1858, 1859-60, 1860-LS88, 1890-91 to 1915-16. 3042. . : • Commtmication from the attorney general [January 28, 1845, in compliance with a request for his opinion on the constitutionality of an act to provide for the draining of swamps, marshes and other low lands]. [Detroit, Bagg «S: Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, senate document no. 4). B; D;G;S;U. 3043. . . . Communication from the attorney general [February 1, 1858, in compliance with a resolution of the house asking his opinion whether or not the recomm.endations contained in the governor's special message of January 27 respecting the Sault Ste. Marie canal are in conflict with section 7 of article 14 of the constitution]. [Lan- sing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, ,1859, senate document no. 18). B; D; G; S; U. 3044. . . Communication from the attorney general, giving abstracts of the title of the state to the agricultural farm, so-called. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 43). D; G; S; U. 3045. . . Communication from the BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 305 attorney general [in acoordance with a resolution requesting his opinion on whether or not the constitution interposes any obstacle to the division of the several counties of this state into single representative districts]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 5). B; D; G; S; U. 3046. . . Communication from at- torney general [in answer to a request as to the constitutionality of the pro- posed law "to regulate the construction of mill dams and mill races]." [De- troit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 3 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1847, senate document no. 15 [16.?] ). B; D; G; vS; U. There are two senate documents numbered 15. 3047. . • . Communication from the attorney general, in answer to a resolution of the senate, requesting his opinion in regard to the constitutionality of a certain bill, pending in the senate, to enable qualified electors of this state, in the military service, to vote at certain elections. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, senate document no. 10). D;G;S;U. 3048. . . Communication from the attorney general [in compliance with a resolution asking whether or not the recommendations contained in the governor's special message of the 27th iiltimo, respecting the Sault Ste. Marie canal, are in conflict with section 7, of article 14 of the constitution]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 21). B; D;G;S;U. 3049. . . . Communication from the attorney general [in compliance with a resolution requesting his opinion on the proper construction of that part of section 1, of article 20, of the state constitution, which speaks of the submission of amendments to the people "at the next general election", and to define what is meant by a general elec- tion]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 4 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 2). B; D; G; S; U. 3050. . . Coinmunication from the attorney general [in compliance with a resolution requesting his opinion on the constitutionality of that portion of the law of 1846, which provides that senators from certain districts in this state shall classify by ballot]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, senate document no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 3051. . . Communication from the attorney general in regard to the constitutionality of a bill before the legisla- ture, providing for a military fund and force. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house docu- ment no. 13). B;D;G;S;U. 39 306 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 3052. -. . Communication from the attorney general in relation to the River Raisin and Grand river railroad company. [Lansing, Hosmcr & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 1 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 22). B; D; G; S; U. 3053. . . Communication from the attorney general in reply to a resolution of the senate relative to evidence. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate documents. Lansing, Munger 8c Patti- son, printers to the state, 1849, no. 5, p. 8-10). B; D; G; S; U. 3054. . ■ — . Communication from the attorney general, in reply to a resolution in relation to the bank of River Raisin. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 78, p. 279-283). B; D; G; S; U. 3055. . . Communication from the attorney general, relative to the appointment of circuit court commissioners. [Lansing, Hosmcr & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 5 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1855, house document no. 5). B; D; G; S; U. ^ 3056. . . Communication from the attorney general, relative to charging interest on indebtedness of counties to the state. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 29). B; D; G; vS; U. 3057. . . Communication from the attorney general, relative to the compensation of members and officers of the legislature. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, house document no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 3058. . . Communication from the attorney general relative to the constitutionality of a "bill establishing police regulations for the preservation of property on the lines of railroads and for other purposes. " [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 3 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1851, house document no. 14). B; D; G; S; U. 3059. . ■• Communicat'on from, the attorney general [March 31, 1838, relative to the duties of h^s office]. (Mich- igan, legislature, 1838, senate dociiments. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838. no. 50, p. 528-529)— B; D; G; S; U. 3060. . . Communication from the attorney general relative to the legal construction of section two of article twelve of the constitution, in reply to a resolution of the house of representa- tives. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 12, p. 35-45). B; D; G; S; U. 3061. . . Communication from the attorney general, relative to oaths of office of senators. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, senate document no. 2). B; D;G;S;U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 307 3062. . . ■ Communication from the attorney general, relative to the pay of the president of the senate. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, house document no. 3. In Journals of the senate and house of representatives of the state of Michigan. Extra session, 1851. Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851, p. [15J-16). B; D; G; S; U. 3063. . . Communication from the attorney general, relative to plank roads. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 22). B; D; G; S; U. 3064. . . Communication from the attorney general, relative to state taxes. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate dociiments. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 45, p. 499-502). B; D;G;S;U. 3065. . . Laws of the United States granting lands to the state of Michigan, for roads, railroads, harbors, and other purposes, collected and arranged in pursuance of a resolution of the senate of January 9, 1867, by Wm. L. Stoughton, attorney general. By authorit}'. Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867. 60p. B;'S. 3066. . . Opinion of the attorney general as to whether senate bill no. 65, authorizes the delivery of any bonds voted by the city of Flint, in aid of the Port Huron and Lansing railroad, not authorized by the original act to which this act is amendatory; also, whether this act legalizes any vote not authorized by the original act. [Lansing, John, A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, senate document no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 3067. . . Opinion of the attorney general in response to a resolution of the senate, relative to the constitution- ality of submitting, at the election in April next, certain proposed amend- ments to the constitution. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 32).' D;G;S;U. 3068. . . Opinion of the attorney general of the state of Michigan upon the taxation of railroad lands, com- municated in compliance with a resolution of the house, passed February 10, 1871. [Lansing, 1871]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1871, house docimient no. 1). S. 3069. . . Opinion of the attorney general, on the constitutionality of acts of the legislature, authorizing towTis and cities of the state to raise money and issue bonds to aid in the construction of railroads. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 10 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, senate document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 308 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 3070. • . Opinion of the attorney general on general acts of incorporation. [Lansing, Bagg-& Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate document no. 2). B; D;G;S; U. 3071. [ . ]. [Opinion requested by a senate resolution, whether it requires two-thirds of all the senators elected to pass an act of incorporation ; and also, whether two-thirds of a quorum of an acting senate cannot pass an act of incorporation]. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate document no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 3072. [ . ]. [Opinion upon the con- stitutionality of chapter 94 of the revised statutes of 1846 in obedience to a resolution of the senate]. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate document no. 6). B;D;G;S;U. 3073. . . Railroad lands taxable; opinion of Hon. Byron D. Ball, attorney general of the state of Michigan, pre- pared in compliance with a resolution of the house of representatives, and sent to that body, April 8, 1873. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1873. 9 p. S. 3074. . . Reply of the attorney gen- eral to joint resolution relative to a settlement with the Detroit and Pontiac railroad company. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house docimients. Lan- sing, Munger 8c Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 14, p. 57-63). B; D;G;S; U. 3075. [ . ]. [Report in compliance with a resolution requesting a full and complete statement as to amount of principal and interest due, and the true nature of the indebtedness of the Pontiac railroad company due to this state ; whether or not any action has been had either by the state or the company under an act entitled "an act to amend an act granting to certain debtors to the state the privilege of pay- ing the state in state bonds, &c.," approved February 11, 1844; and also his opinion in full as to the prospect of the state in ever recovering said indebted- ness]. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 5 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1848, senate document no. 17). B; D; G; S; U. 3076. . . Report of the attorney gen- eral in compliance with a resolution of the senate, in relation to the Man- hatten bank. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 57, p. 495-496). B; D;G;S;U. 3077. . : . Report of the attorney gen- eral in relation to the Detroit and Pontiac railroad company. (Michigan, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 309 legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 19, p. 18-28). B; D; G; S; U. 3078. . . Report of the attorney gen- eral in relation to the legality of certain payments made by the auditor general to the state printer. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 65, p. 248-254). B; D;G;S; U. 3079. . . Report of the attorney gen- eral in relation to the Michigan insurance company. [Detroit, Bagg & Har- mon, printers to the state, 1844]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, joint document no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 3080. . . Report of the attorney gen- eral, in relation to the purchase of the River Raisin and Lake Erie railroad. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, house documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 10, p. 47-50). B; D; G; vS; U. 3081. . ■ . Report of the attorney gen- eral relative to banks under injunction. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 26, p. 563-565). B;D;G;S;U. 3082. . . Report of the attorney gen- eral, relative to the Detroit and Pontiac railroad [February 13, 1841]. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 47, p. 163-172). B; D; G; S; U. 3083. . . Report of the attorney gen- eral relative to the farmers' and merchants' bank of St. Joseph, at Center- ville. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 39, p. 656-663). B; D; G; S; U. 3084. . . Report of the attorney gen- eral relative to the farmers' and merchants' bank of St. Joseph at Center- ville. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 35, p. 518-525). . B; D; G; S; U. 3085. . . Report of the attorney gen- eral relative to the title to the capitol building and grounds in the city of De- troit. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 4 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1848, house document no. 4; senate document no. 3). B; D;G;S;U. 3086. . . Report of the attorney gen- eral to the legislature of the state of Michigan . . . [February 6, 1851, under the requirements of section fourteen of the schedule to the revised constitu- tion on such changes and modifications in existing laws as may be deemed necessary to adapt the same to the constitution, and as may be best calcu- 310 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN lated to carry into effect its provisions]. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printers , 1851]. 22 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, joint document no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 3087. . '■ . Report of the chancellor and attorney general, in compliance with the resolution of the senate of the 21st instant, in regard to the general banking law. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 65, p, 564-569). B; D; G; S; U. 3088. . Auditor general's office. Accountant's manual for state institutions, Michigan. (Issued by the auditor general. July 30, 1891). By authority. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1891. 61 p. B. 3089. . . Acts amending tax laws, ses- sions of 1909, 1911 and 1913. Issued under direction of the auditor general. [Lansing] 1913. 32 p. B. 3090. . ■ .■ Annual compilation by the auditor general of the state of Michigan relating to municipal taxation and in- debtedness. lst-3rd. Taxation in 1879-1881. Indebtedness . . . 1879-80 to 1881-82. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George Sc co., state printers and binders, 1881-1884. B; D; G; S; U. Issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. 3091. . . Annual report of the auditor general . . . 1837 to 1915-16. Lansing, 1838-1916. B*; D*; S; U*. • Published at Detroit, 1838-1848. Title varies slightly. Report year irregular. ' Issued in a series of legislative documents as follows : 1837, Senate document, 1838, no. 6; House document, 1838, no. 58. 1838, Senate document, 1839, no. 8. 1839, Senate document, 1840, no. 2; House document, 1840, no. 7. 1840, House document, 1841, no. 2. 1841, House document, 1842, no. 2. 1842 to 1893-94, Joint documents. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1837 to 1854, 1856 to 1874-75, 1876-77, 1879-80 to l«93-94, 1901-02, 1906-07; the main librar\% Detroit, has 1837-1845, 1846-1868, 1869 to 1913-14; the U. of M. Library has 1837 to 1854, 1856 to 1914-15. 3092. . — . Communication from the auditor general, containing a statement of the funds in the treasury. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 81, p. 285-286). B; D; G; S; U. 3093. . . Communication from auditor general [in accordance with the resolution requesting the name of any bank in the state which has' neglected or refused to pay the specific tax due the state, etc.]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 2). — — B; D; G; S; U. 3094. . . Communication from the BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 311 auditor general, inclosing one from the attorney general relative to the Ypsi- lanti and Tecumseh railroad. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state,^1849, no. 6, p. 11-12). B; D; G; S; U. 3095. . . Communication form the auditor general [in compliance with a resolution asking for a report on money- drawn by the auditor general for extra services]. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 19). B; D; G; S; U. 3096. . ■■ . Communication from the auditor general in relation to the state internal improvement lands. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 10 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, house document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 3097. . . Communication form the auditor general [relative to the amount of damages claimed upon unpaid in- stalments of the five million loan, etc.]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, house document no. 5). B; D; G; S; U. 3098. . ■ . Communication form the auditor general relative to the agreement with the bank of Michigan. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and vS. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 49, p. 831-833). B; D; G; S; U. 3099. . . Communication from the auditor general, relative to expenses for advertising and selling lands delin- quent for taxes. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, house document no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 3100. . . Communication from the auditor general relative to expenses of the state government, &c. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, house document no. 6). B; D; G; S; U. 3101. . . Communication from the auditor general relative to his office, transmitted by the executive, as per his special message of 5th February, 1840. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 34, p. 296-297). B;D;G; S;U. 3102. . . Communication from the auditor general, relative to the internal improvement lands granted by con- gress to this state in 1841. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 10). D;G;S;U. 3103. . . Communication from the 312 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN auditor general, relative to the internal improvement lands granted, of the amount of lands and cash, warrants, etc. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate docu- ment no. 34). D;G;S;U. 3104. . . Communication from the auditor general, relative to internal improvements [January 6, 1849]. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1849, senate documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 1, p. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 3105. . '- . Communication from the auditor general relative to settlement with the agent of state prison. [Lan- sing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, house document no. 1; senate document no. 1). B; D; G^, S; U. 3106. — . . Communication from the auditor general, reporting the names, residences, etc., of the various clerks employed in the auditor general's office during the years 1863 and 1864. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house docimient no. 31). D; G; S; U. 3107. . . Communication from the auditor general, showing the names, salaries, etc., of the various clerks em- ployed in the departments of the state treasurer, commissioner of the land office, quartermaster general, secretary of state, and adjutant general, since the first day of January, 1863. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 32). D; G;S; U. 3108. . . Communication from the auditor general, transmitting copies of certain vouchers, agreeably to request of the house of representatives. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house docu- ments. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 9, p. 23-29). B;D;G;S;U. 3109. . . Communication from the auditor general, transmitting report of the agent of the state prison, relative to the amount of cash received and expended by him on account of the state prison, during the year ending Nov. 30, 1854. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 3110. . . Communication from the auditor general, transmitting the reports of the Bay de Noquet and Mar- quette railroad company, and the Michigan southern and northern Indiana railroad company. [Lansing, John A. Kerr& co., printers to the state, 1863]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house docimient no. 9). B ; D; G; S; U. 3111. . . Communication from the auditor general transmitting a statement of accounts with certain counties, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 313 &c. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 5 p., 11. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 12). D; G; S; U. 3112. . . Communication from the auditor general transmitting a statement of the appropriations of the internal improvement lands. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 2 1. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 14). B; D; G;S;U. 3113. . . Communication from the auditor general, transmitting a statement of the number of extra clerks em- ployed in the auditor's office, during the past six years, and the amount paid for such clerk-hire, in reply to a resolution of the senate. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1849, senate documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 12, p. 74-76). B; D; G; S; U. 3114. . . Communication from the auditor general transmitting a statement showing the amount of property in this state on which specific taxes were paid into the state treasury during the fiscal year ending Nov. 30, 1861. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, house document no. 1). B;D;G;S;U. 3115. [ . ]. [Communication in ac- cordance with a senate resolution requesting information on how much if any interest upon the unrecognized portion of the bonds issued for the five million loan, has been paid by the state, etc.]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 18). B; D;G;S;U. 3116. [ . : ]. [Communication in compli- ance with a resolution requiring information on the subject of the loan to the Detroit and Pontiac railroad company]. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 4, p. 86- 87). B;D;G;S;U. 3117. [ . ]. [Communication submitting an abstract from the records in this office of the returns from the several counties which have complied with the act to provide for defraying state charges, &c.]. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, house document no. 12. In Journal of the house of representatives . . . 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 582-583). B; D; G; S; U. 3118. [ . • ]. [Communication, March 9, 1836, transmitting, pursuant to a resolution, a statement of the finances of the state]. (Michigan, legislature, 1835-6, senate document no. 12. In Journal of the senate . . . 1835 and 1836. Detroit, John S. Bagg, printer to the legislature, 1836, p. xxiii-xxv). B; D; G; S; U. 314 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 3119. [ . ]. [Communication transmit- ting, pursuant to a resolution, a statement of the receipts and expenditures of the treasury since the auditor's last report to the legislative council]. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1835-6, senate document no. 4. In Journal of the senate . . . 1835 and 1836. Detroit, John S. Bagg, printer to the legislature, 1836, p. x-xiii). B;D;G;S;U. 3120. . ■ . Communications from the auditor general, secretary of state, superintendent of public instruction, and the commissioner of the state land ofifice, relative to the names, salaries, etc., of the several clerks employed in their respective departments. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 31). D; G; S; U. 3121. . . Compilation by the auditor general of the annual reports of the railroad -corporations in the state of Michi- gan, for the 3'ear 1867-1871. By authority. Lansing, state printers, 1868- 1872. B;D; G;S;U. Issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. 3122. . . Erroneous bounties. Report on apparent over and erroneously paid state bounties to soldiers, as appears from an examination of vouchers on file in this ofifice, completed May 28, 1872. [Lansing? 1872?]. 36 p. B. 3123. . . Hints and suggestions to- gether with important statutes and acts relative to the keeping of accounts at state institutions including classification of expenditures. Issued by the auditor general, 1907 . . . By authority. Lansing, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers [1907]. 47 p. B. 3124. . . Inheritance tax law infonna- tion; issued under the direction of the auditor general's department. [Lan- sing, 1902?]. Caption title, 108 p. (Lettered on cover: Inheritance tax in- formation, 1902. Roger Irving Wykes). S. 3125. — . . Reply of the auditor general to a resolution of the senate relative to state lands. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 13, p. 77-80). B; D; G; 8; U. 3126. [ . ]. [Reply to the resolution asking whether the rumor is true : That a mandamus from the Michigan su- preme court has been served on the auditor general to deliver up a certain bond of two hundred thousand dollars heretofore in^the possession of the state as collateral security to the mortgage given and due by the Pontiac railroad company and other individuals; and whether this compulsory withdrawal is not equal to a total loss of the indebtedness of the Pontiac railroad company BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 315 to the state]. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate document no. 20). B; D; G; S; U. 3127. -. . Report of the auditor general concerning the delinquent tax fund, salaries of state officers, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 23, p. 34-37). B; D; G; S; U. 3128. . . Report of the auditor general concerning the disbursements of certain moneys to the state printer, and the opinion of the attorney general. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate docu- ments. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 30, p. 58- 61). B;D;G;S;U. 3129. . . Report of the auditor general in answer to a resolution of inquiry. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 5). B; D; G; S; U. 3130. . . Report of the auditor general in relation to the five million loan. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house docu- ments. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. I, no. 18, p. 29). B; D;G;S;U. 3131. . . Report of the auditor general, in compliance with a resolution of the 6th March and of the 29th February. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 56, p. 493-495). B; D; G; S; U. 3132. . — — — • . Report of the auditor general in relation to moneys paid secretary of state, as member of board of internal improvement. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit. George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 82, p. 286). B; D; G; S; U; 3133. . . Report of the auditor general, in relation to the receipts and disbursements on account of the general fund from 1836 to 1840. (Michigan, legislatiire, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 48, p. 173-178). ■ B; D;G;S;U. 3134. . . Report of the auditor general, in relation to the state mills at Frederick [January 27, 1842]. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1842, senate documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 10, p. 40-41). B; D; G; S; U. 3135. . . Report of the auditor general in relation to taxes of 1838 being charged back to certain counties. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1843, house documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 1, p. [9]-ll). D; G; S; U. 316 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 3136. . . Report of the auditor general relati\-e to claims for damages on the several railroads. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II. no. 45, p. 420). B; D; G; S; U. 3137. . . Report of the auditor general relative to the mone}-s paid the investigating committee of the different boards of internal improvement. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 34, p. 93). B; D;G; S; U. 3138. [ . ]. [Report of the auditor gen- eral relative to the number of persons on the "extra force" employed by him consequent upon the sales of land delinquent for taxes, the amount paid to each and every person composing the "extra force," etc.]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 3139. . . Report of the auditor general [February 2, 1841] relative to replenishing the treasury. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 32, p. 87-88). B; D; G; S; U. 3140. . . Report of the auditor general [February 10, 1843] relative to specific state taxes. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, senate documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 15, p. 46-47). B;D;G;S;U. 3141. . . Report of the auditor general, to whom was referred the report of the select committee of the senate, rela- tive to the claims of the estate of the late Hiram Alden. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1839, senate documents. Dertoit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 19, p. 414-416). B; D; G; S; U. 3142. [ . ]. [Report of the auditor gen- eral transmitted in compliance with a resolution requesting a report of the disbursements made under the appropriation of the legislature of 1847 by virtue of the joint resolutions on the existing war with Mexico]. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house document no. 2). B; D; G; S; U. 3143. [ . ]. [Report relative to articles furnished the state prison]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 16 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, senate document no. 3). B;D;G;S;U. 3144. [ . ]. [Statement in compliance with a resolution requesting an estimate of the annual expenses accruing in his office consequent upon the return of non-resident delinquent taxes to said BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 317 office, including in the items: blanks, blank books, and other stationary, clerk hire, general and special agents, postage and all other necessary ex- penditures thereto]. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house document no. 9). B ; D ; G; S; U. 3145. [ . ]. [Statement in compliance with a resolution requesting the amount of the indebtedness of the Michigan southern railroad company to this state, etc.]. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house docu- ment no. 16). B;D;G;S;U. 3146. \ — ■ . ?]. Statement of the account with the university interest fund from December 1, 1855, to January 1, 1857. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 5). B; D; G; S; U. 3147. [ . ]. Statement of the amount of appropriations and expenditures on the several works of internal improve- ment, since the organization of the state government, to the 30th November, 1847. [Lansing, Bagg &'Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 1 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1848, senate document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 3148. [ . — -]. Statement of amounts ex- pended under the act of 27th March, 1737 [1837], for the enlargement of the state library. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 27). B; D; G; S; U. 3149. [ . ]. Statement of apportionment of state taxes for the year 1871. [Lansing? 1871?]. [1] p. U. 3150. [ . ]. [Statement relative to the estimated expenses of publishing the notice of the sale of lands for taxes for 1844]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. [1] p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 3151. [ . ?]. Statement showing the sev- eral amounts paid the state printer for printing, from November 30, 1844, to Nov. 30, 1845. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. [1] p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 19). B; D; G;S;U. 3152. . . Summary in advance of the annual report showing the financial condition of the educational, charitable, penal and reformatory institutions, boards and commissions disbursing public money for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders [1891]. 31 p. B. 3153. [ . ?]. Table showing the rate at which the sinking fund of $20,000 provided for in section 2, article 6 of the constitution, with an increase of five per cent each year on the amount raised 318 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN the preceding year wdll liquidate the state debt, and the amount of interest payable each year, estimating the redeemable portion of said debt at $2,000,000. Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851. 1 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, senate document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 3154. . Audubon society. Michigan Audubon society. Objects: (1) To investigate the economic value of birds. (2) To teach their useful- ness. (3) To conserve bird life in all practical ways. President's report, October, 1913, to March, 1915. Secretary-Treasurer's report, September, 1914, to March, 1915. . By-laws of the Michigan Audubon society, [no im- print]. 13 p. U. 3155. . Bank commissioners. Bank commissioners' report, 1836-1839. Detroit, state printer, 1837-1840. B; D; G; S; U. Title varies: 1836, The first annual report of the bank commissioner of the state of Michigan, made to the legislature January 5, 1837. 1837, Bank commissioner's report. Issued in a series of legislative documents as follows: 1836, House document, 1837, no. 6. In Journal of the house of representatives . . . 1837; and as a separate. 1837, House document, 1838, no. 2; Senate document, 1838, no. 2. 1838, House document, 1839, no. 14; Senate document, 1839, no. [8]. 1839, House document, 1840, vol. I, no. 4; Senate document, 1840, vol. II, no. 5. 3156. . . Communication from the bank commissioner in relation to report of the bank of Washtenaw. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, house document no. 14. In Journal of the house of repre- sentatives . . . 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 585- 586). B;D;G;S;U. 3157. . . Report of the bank commis- sioners, relative to the condition of the farmers' bank of Genesee county. (Michigan, legislattire, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 52, p. 496-510; senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 49, p. 514-528). B; D; G; S;'U. 3158. . . Report of the examination and investigation of the affairs and condition of the bank of Ypsilanti. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1839, house docioments. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 22, p. 344-379). B; D; G; S; U. 3159. . . Report of K. Pritchette, bank commissioner, relative to the Macomb county bank. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg. state printer, 1839, no. 26, p. 467-487). B;D;G;S;U. 3160. . . Report of K. Pritchette, bank commissioner, relative to specie certificates, issued to create banks, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house docimients. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 35, p. 609-648). B; D; G; S; U. 3161. . . Special report of the bank com- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 319 missioner. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, house document no. 11. In Journal of the house of representatives . . . 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 582). B; D; G; vS; U. 3162. . . Special report of the bank com- missioner, pursuant to instructions from the governor. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1837, house document no. 16. In Journal of the house of representa- tives . . . 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 587-599). B; D; G; S; U. 3163. . . Special report of the bank com- missioner, exhibiting the condition of the banks in the state of Michigan, June, 1837. (Michigan, legislature, 1837 (Extra session), senate document no. 1. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, kS37. p. [179]-191). ■ B; D; G; S; U. 3164. . Bankers' association. Annual convention of the Michi- gan bankers' association . . . 1st (1887)-30th (1916). Detroit, 1887-1916. B*; D*; G*; S*; U*. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 5th, 11th- 14th; the main library, Detroit, has 1st- 3rd, 5th-8th, llth-17th, 26th-30th; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 12th-18th; the State Library has 27th-30th; the U. of M. Library has 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 22nd- 30th. 3165. . Banking Dept. Annual report of the commissioner of the banking department of the state of Michigan, 1st (1889)-28th (1916). Lansing, Mich., 1890-1916. B*; D*; G; S; U. lst-6th are issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. *The Burton Historical Collection has 3rd, 5th-16th, 18th, 20th-23rd, 25th-27th; the main library, Detroit, has 1st, 2nd, 4th-27th. 3166. . Banks. Reports of the banks of the state of Michigan pursuant to a joint resolution of the legislature. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 36, p. 342-394; senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 24, p. 327-379). B;D;G;S;U. 3167. . Baptist convention. . . . Annual meeting of the Michi- "gan Baptist convention ... 1st (1836)-76th (1911). Adrian, 1836-1911. - B*' D*' S* Place. of publication varies: Detroit, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, etc. Title varies: 1836-1841, Minutes of the Baptist convention of the state of Michigan. 1866-1874, 1905-1906, . . . Annual meeting of the Baptist convention of the state of Michigan . . . 1875-1888, Minutes of the . . . annual meeting of the Baptist convention of the state of Michigan . . . 1889-1904, Proceedings of the . . . annual meeting of the Baptist convention of the state of Michigan . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 40th, 42nd, 59th-61st, 67th-74th; the main library, Detroit, has 1st, 5th, 6th, 31st-34th, 37th, 39th-52nd; the State Library has 32nd, 37th, 39th-73rd, 75th-76th. 3168. . Board of appraisers. Report of the board of appraisers [January 29, 1841, in obedience to a resolution passed on the 28th instant re- 320 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN questing information from the board of appraisers in relation to their pro- ceedings as appraisers on the public works]. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 30, p. 69-70). B;D;G;S;U. 3169. . Board of commissioners on location and site for an ad- ditional asyltma for the insane. Report of the board of commissioners ap- pointed to select a location and site for an additional asylum for the insane of the state of Michigan, September 30, 1882. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1882. 13 p. (Michigan, legislature, joint documents for 1882, vol. Ill, no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 3170. . Board of control of state swamp land roads. Record of proceedings of the board of control of the state swamp land roads of the state of Michigan, 1867-1870. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers to the state, 1870. 186 p. S. Also issued as Michigan, legislature, joint documents for 1870, vol. II, no. 4. — B; D; G; S;U. 3171. . Board of education. Rep'ort of the board of education [February 1, 1850, in pursuance of the act to establish a state normal school]. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 32 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, joint document no. 14). B; D; G; S; U. 3172. . Board of fund commissioners. Report of the board of fund commissioners [in pursuance of the act to establish the state bank of Michigan, January 10, 1840]. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house docimients. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. I, no. 5, p. 41-45; senate dociiments. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 11, p. 174^178). — B;D;G;S;U. 3173. . '■ . Report of the board of fund commissioners, of the state of Michigan, for the years 1877-78 . . . Lansing, W. S. George & co , state printers, 1878. 6 p. L C. Commissioners: Chas. M. Croswell, Wm. B. McCreery, Ralph Ely. Issued also as Michigan, legislature, 1878, joint documents, vol. I, no. 5. — B; D; G; S; U. 3174. . Board of internal improvement. Annual report of the board of internal improvement of the state of Michigan, 1837-1849. Lansing, 1838-1850. B;D;G;S;U. Published at Detroit, 1838-1849. Title varies slightly: 18vS8, Annual report of the board of commissioners of internal improvement. 1846, Annual report of the commissioners of internal improvement. Report made in January, 1838-1839; December, 1839-1849. Issued in a series of legislative documents as follows: 1837, House document, 1838, no. 14; Senate document, 1838, no. 11. 1838, House document, 1839, no. 17. 1839, House document, 1840, no. 6; Senate document, 1840, no. 4. 1840, House document, 1841, no. 3. 1841-1843, 1845-1849, Joint documents. 3175. . . Communication from BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 321 the acting commissioner of internal improvement [in accordance with a reso- lution requesting a report on the number and value of cars on hand at the commencement of the year 1844, etc.]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, house document no. 3). B;D;G;S;U. 3176. . . Communication from the acting commissioner on the central railroad relative to labor on the same. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 35, p. 455-458). B; D; G; S; U. 3177. , . Communication from acting commissioner [showing the number of tons and size of all railroad iron purchased by the state for the central and southern railroads, etc.]. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate dociujient no. 2). B; D; G; S; U. 3178. . . Communication from the board of internal improvement, exhibiting the amount of moHey paid to members thereof. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 17, p. 398-405). B; D; G; S; U. 3179. . . Communication from the board of internal improvement, relative to the state of the labor on the southern railroad. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate docvunents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 7, p. 150-151). B; D; G; S; U. 3180. . . Communication from the commissioner of internal improvement, accompanying certain requests and propositions from the agents of the Ohio railroad company and the Maumee branch railroad company. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. H, no. 33, p. 65-67). B;D;G;S;U. 3181. . • . Communication from the commissioners of internal improvement, relative to rates of toll. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 34, p. 454). — B; D; G; S; U. 3182. . . Communication from James B. Hunt, acting commissioner, relative to a contract made with David C. McKinstry. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 53, p. 510-511). — B; D; G; S; U. 3183. . : . Communication from the office of internal improvement [relative to money advanced to contractors] . (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 33, p. 295-296). B; D; G; S; U. 3184. . . Communication from 41 322 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN the president of the board of internal improvement, transmitting the survey and estimates for a railroad from Centerville, via Lockport, Geneva and Cassopolis, to Niles. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house docimients. De- troit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 24, p. 508-540). B; D; G;S;U. 3185. [ . ]. [Communication transmitting] report of J. Almy, on the survc}^ of Maple river. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 41, p. 414-416). B; D; G; vS; U. 3186. . . Letter of the board of internal improvement in reply to ^ joint resolution of the legislature. [De- troit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 2 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1844, joint document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 3187. . . Report of the acting commissioner of internal improvement, concerning the number of engineers employed on the Clinton and Kalamazoo canal. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house doctmients. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 49. p. 179). B;D;G;S;U. 3188. . . Report of the acting commissioner of internal improvement, in relation to the Saut de Ste. Marie canal. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 60, p. 209). B; D; G; S; U. 3189. • . Report of the acting commissioner of internal improvement, in relation to the southern railroad, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Daw- son, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 31, p. 61-63). B; D; G; S; U. 3190. . . Report of the acting commissioner of internal improvement, relative to the central and southern railroad [February 4, 1841]. (A4ichigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 33, p. 88-92). B; D;G; S; U. 3191. . . Report of the acting commissioner on the Clinton and Kalamazoo canal, in relation to engineers employed on the same. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 22, p. 458-459). B; D; G;S;U. 3192. — ■ . : . Report of the auditor of the board of internal improvement [February 1, 1838]. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 29, p. 322-328; senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 19, p. 305-311). B; D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 323 3193. . . Report of the board of commissioners of internal improvement, in compliance with a resolution of the senate, of the 10th of February, 1841. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 27, p. 45). B; D; G; S; U. 3194. . . Report of the board of commissioners of internal improvement, in relation to mail contracts. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 34, p. 304-310). B; D; G; S; U. 3195. . . Report of the board of internal improvement [February 19, 1844, in reply to a resolution requesting the board of internal improvement to ascertain and report what amount of outstanding obligations have been issued against the 500,000 acres of land granted by congress to this state and whether there are any, if so, what amount of lands are now held by the state and which can be appropriated without a breach of faith of the state to those holding the warrants hereto- fore issued, etc.]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 21). B; D; G;S;U. 3196. . . Report of board of internal improvement, in compliance with resolution of 21st February, giving the names and number of engineers. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate docmnents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 54, p. 491-492). B;D;G;S;U. 3197. . . Report of the board of internal improvement, specifying the number of passengers carried on the central railroad, free of charge. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house docu- ments. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 20, p. 30- 32). B; D; G; S; U. 3198. . . Report of the com- missioner of internal improvement in relation to the central railroad. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1842, house documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 6, p. 32-36). B; D; G; S; U. 3199. . . Report of the com- missioner of internal improvement, in relation to iron. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 26, p. 41-43). B; D; G; S; U. 3200. , . Report of the com- missioner of internal improvement, in reply to a certain resolution of inquiry. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, house documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 8, p. 38-46). B; D; G; S; U. 324 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 3201. . . Report of the com- missioners of internal improvement, in compliance with a resolution of the senate, passed January 15, 1840. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate docu- ments. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 47, p. 421-461). B; D; G; S; U. 3202. . . Report of the com- missioners of internal improvement, in relation to the improvement of the Clinton river. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 40, p. 664-667). B; D; G; S; U. 3203. . . Report of the com- missioners of internal improvement, on the survey of a canal from Mt. Clemens to Lake Michigan. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 57, p. 515-520; senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 23, p. 323-327). B;D;G;S;U. 3204. . . Report of commis- sioners of internal improvement, relative to damages for right of way. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 46, p. 421). B; D; G; S; U. 3205. . . Report of the com- missioners of internal improvement relative to the public works [March 1, 1838]. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 33, p. 450-453). B; D; G; S; U. 3206. -. ' . Report of the Hon. Rix Robinson, commissioner of internal improvement, relative to individual awards. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house docimients. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 26, p. 198-205). B; D; G; S; U. 3207. . . Report of the Hon- orable Rix Robinson, president of the board of internal improvement. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 42, p. 323). B; D; G; S; U. 3208. . . Report of Rix Robin- son, commissioner of internal improvement, relative to the Saginaw canal. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 29, p. 279-291). B; D; G; S; U. 3209. [ . ]. Report on the Cedar and Grand river branch of the Clinton and Kalamazoo canal. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 50, p. 834-884). B; D; G; S; U. 3210. [ — . ]. [Report relative to the amount expended in building and construction of the central railroad to BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 325 Jackson]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 3211. [ . ]. [Report relative to the number of passengers over the central railroad, etc.]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, house document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 3212. [ . ]. [Statement as re- quested by a resolution, of all the indebtedness of the internal improvement fund for and on account of the central railroad not included in the last an- nual report]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, house document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 3213. . Board of managers of the Louisiana purchase exposition. [Invitation to Michigan day ceremonies], [no imprint]. [1] p. S. 3214. . Board of mediation and conciliation. First annual re- port of the board of mediation and conciliation of the state of Michigan. By authority. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1916. 32 p. S. 3215. . Board of prison industries. Report of board of prison industries of Michigan. Under act no. 140, p. a. 1909. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1910. 14 p. D;LC;S. Signed: Fred M. Warner, Edward C. Anthony, John W. Adams, Leonard Freeman. 3216. . Board of state auditors. Annual report of the board of state auditors . . . 1843 to 1915-16. Lansing, 1844-[1916?]. B*; D*; S*; U*. Published at Detroit, 1844-1848. Issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature, 1843-1894. Report year irregular. First report is dated December 19, 1843. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1843, 1844-45, 1845-46, 1847-48, 1848, 1849-50 to 1851-52, 1853, 1853-54, 1855-56 to 1879, 1881-1882, 1884-1894, 1911-12; the main library, Detroit, has 1843 to 1844-45, 1846-47 to 1888-89, 1890-91, 1891-92, 1893-94, 1894-95, 1896-97 to 1903-04, 1905-06, 1906-07, 1908-09, 1909-10, 1911-12 to 1915-16; the State Library has 1843, 1844-45, 1845-46, 1847-48, 1848, 1849-50 to 1915-16; the U. of M. Library has 1843, 1844-45, 1845-46, 1847-48, 1848, 1849-50 to 1903-04, 1906-07, 1908-09 to 1915- 16. 3217. . . The capitol. [no imprint]. Caption title, [6] p. S. Cover title reads: Michigan. 3218. [ . ]. [Communication in reply to a resolution requesting the board of state auditors to inform the senate whether in their opinion H. B. Lathrop has any legal or equitable claim against the state, which will render any further legislative action necessary]. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. [1] p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate document no. 22). B; D; G; S; U. 3219. . . Contract prices for the print- 326 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN ing and binding for the state of Michigan . . . 1880-1914. Lansing, Mich. [1880?]-1914. B*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1880 and 1881; the U. of M. Library has incom- plete set between 1908 and 1914. 3220. . Board of state auditors on land claims. Annual report of the board of state auditors on land claims, 1845 to 1847-48. Lansing, 1846-1849. B;D;G;S;U. Published at Detroit, 1846-1848. Issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. The Board of state auditors on land claims was established by act no. 102, session laws of 1845, for the purpose of investigating claims and applications for relief growing out of the sales of primary or common school, university, salt spring, state building, and internal improvement lands, and was composed of the commissioner of the state land office, the state treasurer and the attorney general. 3221. . Board of state building commissioners. . . . Acts of the legislature, session of 1877, providing for the completion and furnishing of the building . . . [Lansing, 1877?]. 4 p. B; S; U. At head of title : State of Michigan, new state capitol. 3222. . . Annual report of the board of state building commissioners of the state of Michigan. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George '& co., state printers and binders, 1871- 1878. B;D;G;S;U. Issued also as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. Title varies slightly. 3223. . . Final report of the board of state building commissioners of the state of Michigan, for the period commencing October 1st, 1877, and ending May 21st, 1879. By authorit5^ Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1879. 13 p. B;D;G;S;U. Also issued as IMichigan, legislature, joint documents for 1878, vol. I, no. 8. 3224. . . General in- structions for the guidance of architects, in preparing designs for the new capitol building for the state of Michigan. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers to the state, 1871. 13, [1] p. — — B; S; U. 3225. . . Laying the cor- ner-stone of the new state capitol, at Lansing, Michigan. Thursday, October 2, 1873. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers, 1873. 20 p. B ; D; L C; U. 3226. . . Proceedings at the laying of the corner-stone of the new capitol of Michigan, on the 2d day of October, 1873, at the city of Lansing. Comp. by Allen L. Bours . . . Lan- sing, W. S. George & co., printers, 1873. 135 p. B;G;LC;S;U. "History of Michigan from its settlement by the French to . . . October 2d, 1873. To which is added ... a list of newspapers and periodicals published in the state. Comp. by Allen L. Bours ... ": p. [55]-133. The " History " has separate title page. 3227. . Board of state canvassers. . . . Papers in the removal John W. Jochim, secretary of state, Joseph F. Hambitzer, state treasurer, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 327 and John G. Berry, commissioner of the state land office, comprising the board of state canvassers, 1894. By authority. Lansing, Robert Smith & CO., state printers and binders, 1895. 136 p. S; U. 3228. . Board of state tax commissioners. Appraisal of min- ing properties of Michigan by the state board of tax commissioners. Under provisions of act no. 114, of the public acts of 1911. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1911. 185 p. B; LC; S*. Report made under the direction of the board of state tax commissioners by James R. Finlay, mining engineer, and assistants. On cover: Report of appraisal of mining properties of Michigan. 1911. *The copy in the State Hbrary has 72 pages. 3229. . . Cash value assess- ments required by the state constitution, the only basis for equal taxation. A discussion of the assessment problem and the outline of a plan for co- operation between the board of state tax commissioners and local assessing officers. [Lansing? 1913?]. 13 p. L C; U. Signed: Orlando F. Barnes, George B. Horton, Thomas D. Kearney, members of the board of state tax commissioners [Alichigan]. 3230. . . Communication from board of state tax commissioners to house of representatives transmit- ting data relative to operation of tax laws, February 23, 1911 . . . Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1911. 90 p. S;U. 3231. . . Report of the board of state tax commissioners and state board of assessors, 1st (1899- 1900) -9th 1915-16). Lansing, 1901-1916. B*; D*; S; U. Annual, 1899-1900; biennial, 1900-02 to 1915-16. Report year ends December 15. Title varies, 1899-1900, First annual report of the board of state tax commissioners . . . 1900-02 to 1908-10, Second [to Sixth] report of the board of state tax commissioners . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 5th-8th; the main library, Detroit, has lst-6th, 8th, 9th. 3232. . Board of trustees of state assets. Annual report of the board of trustees of state assets [having in charge the Michigan state bank and other assets]. 1842-43 to 1847-50. Lansing, 1844-1851. B; D; G;S;U. Published: Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844-1848. Issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. 3233. . Board of world's fair managers. . . . The act of the legislature creating the board of world's fair managers for the state of Michi- gan; rules and regulations, of the board, and general information concerning the exposition. 1st ed. Issued by the state board, April, 1892. Flint, Mich., W. H. Werkheiser & sons, 1892. ' 65 p. B; S; U. At head of title: World's Columbian exposition. State of Michigan. 3234. . ^ . Letter from Presi- 328 . BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN dent Weston, of the state board, to the governor. What has been done and what should be done. Full statement of the present condition of the Michigan world's fair fund, December 24, 1892. [Grand Rapids' 1892]. [2] p. ■ U. 3235. . . [Letter of] I. M. Wes- ton to the governor February 22, 1893. Estimate of Michigan expenses for world's fair exhibits made February 22, 1893. Itemized statement of world's fair estimates. [Grand Rapids? 1893?]. [1] p. U. 3236. . ^ . Report of the board of world's fair managers for the state of Michigan, edited by I. M. Weston . . . Published by the board of state auditors, under authority of the state legislature. By authority. Lansing, Robert Smith printing co., state printers and binders, 1899. 204 p. B; S. 3237. . Bowling club. Michigan bowling club. Articles of association and by-laws. Also a list of officers and members. Detroit, Wm. A. Thorp & CO., printers, 1886. 18 p. B. 3238. . Building and loan association league. Proceedings and papers of the lst-9th annual meeting of the Michigan building and loan association league . . . 1888-1896. Detroit, 1891-[1896?]. B*;S*;U*. Place of publication varies. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has lst-5th; the State Library has lst-4th and 9th; the U. of M. Library has 6th. 3239. . Building and loan associations. State organization of Michigan building and loan associations; summary of proceedings at the first, second and third annual meetings together with the papers read and addresses made before the third annual meeting. Compiled by Clarence H. Leonard, secretary of the organization. Detroit, J. A. Topping, the printer, 1891. 19, [1] p. ' S. 3240. . Building commissioners of the state house of correction. Report of the building commissioners of the state house of correction at Ionia, Michigan. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1876. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, joint documents for 1876, vol. I, no. 12). D;G;S;U. 3241. . Bureau of labor and industrial statistics. . . . Annual report ... 1st (1883-84)-26th (1908-09). Lansing, 1884-1909. 26 v. B;LC;S;U. 1897-98 to 1908-09 include 5th-16 Annual report of state inspection of factories. Superseded by Annual report of the department of labor. 1st- 12th issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. 3242. . . Annual re- port of inspection of factories, lst-16th. Lansing, 1894-1909. B*; D*;S; U. lst-2nd issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. Title varies slightly. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 329 Included in Annual report of Bureau of labor and industrial statistics, 1898-1909. Report year ends December 31. *The Burton Historical Collection has 2nd, 5th-16th; the main library, Detroit, has 2nd-5th. 3243. . Central board of control of state institutions. First biennial report of the central board of control of state institutions from June 30, 1890, to July 1, 1892. The Michigan school for the deaf, FHnt. The Michigan school for the blind, Lansing. The state public school, Coldwater. By authority. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1892. 157, [1] p. (Michigan, legislature, joint documents for 1892, vol. IV, no. 7). B;D;G;S;U. 3244. . Central state normal school. The year book edition of the central state normal school quarterly . . . 1899-1900 to 1915-16. Mount Pleasant, 1900-1916. G*; S*; U*. Title varies: 1899-1900 to 1904-05, Annual catalogue of the central state normal school, Mount Pleasant, Isabella county, Michigan for the school year 1899-1900 [to 1904-05], and circular of information for 1900-01 [to 1905-06]. 1905-06 to 1915-16 include Announcements for 1906-07 to 1916-17. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has 1908-09; the State Library has 1899-1900 to 1905-06, 1913-14, 1915-16; the U. of M. Library has 1900-01 to 1915-16. 3245. . Charities and corrections in Michigan, 1876-1877. Ex- tracts from governors' messages, with official reports and documents. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers, 1877. [733] p. LC. Various paging. Compilation of documents, with special title pages (except governors' messages) bound in one volume, with collective title page and table of contents. Contents. — Extracts from Governor Bagley's retiring message. — Extracts from Governor Croswell's inaugural message. — Appendix to Governor Bagley's message. — Pardons granted during the two years ending Dec. 31, 1876, by John J. Bagley, governor. — Third biennial report of the board of state commissioners for the general supervision of charitable, penal, pauper, and reformatory institutions. — Annual report of the inspectors of the state prison. — Twentieth annual report of the board of control of the state reform school. — Fifteenth annual report of the officers of the Detroit house of correction. — ^Report of the building commissioners of the state house of correction. — Sixth abstract of the annual reports of the county superintendents of the poor. — Third annual report of the board of control of the state public school for dependent children. — Fourth annual abstract of the reports of sheriffs relating to the jails. — Annual report of the attorney general. — Fourth annual abstract of statistical information relative to the insane, deaf, dumb, and blind. 3246. . Christian missionary association. Proceedings of an- nual convention of the Michigan Christian missionary association, and of Christian woman's board of missions and of ministerial association. Grand Rapids, 1883-1887. U*. *The U. of M. Library has proceedings published in 1883 and 1887. 3247. . Classical conference. Proceedings of the eleventh Michigan classical conference held at Ann Arbor on the thirtieth and thirty- first days of Mareh, one thousand nine hundred and five . . . Ann Arbor, 1905. 14 p. S. 3248. . College of mines. Annual report of the director of the Michigan mining school, August 16th, 1895. Houghton, Michigan [1895]. 14 p. L C. Signed: M. E. Wadsworth. 330 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 3249. . . Graduates of the Michigan college of mines vip to and including the class of 1903-1909. [Detroit] printed for the college, 1904-1910. D*; G*; S*; U*. *The main library, Detroit, has 1903, 1907, 1909; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1909; the State Library has 1903 and 1909; the U. of M. Library has 1905, 1907-1909. 3250. . . . . . Handbook of the library. Houghton [Gazette print] 1912. 25 p. S. 3251. . . Michigan mining school, Houghton, Michigan. Prospectus of elective studies. A'lay, 1895. Houghton, Michigan, the mining school [1895]. Cover title, 50 p. B; L C. 3252. . . Report of the director and treasurer of the Alichigan mining school, Houghton, Michigan, 1886-1891. Marquette, Mich., mining journal printing house, 1891. 146 p. ■ D; S; U. 3253. . . Report of M. E. Wadsworth, presi- dent of the Michigan mining school, for 1896. [n. p., 1897?']. 11 p. (Re- printed from the Annual report of the superintendent of iDublic instruction for the year 1896). L C. 3254. . . Views of the Michigan college of mines . . . [Detroit, 1902?-1910?]. D*; S*; U. Title varies slightly. Supplements the catalogue; issues identical. Date of publication lacking. *The main library, Detroit, has 3 numbers and the State Library 5 numlaers. 3255. . . Year book of the Michigan college of mines, 1886-88 to 1916-17. Houghton, Mich., the college, 1888-1917. B*; D*;G*;S*;U*. Title varies: 1886-88, First and Second annual catalogues of the officers and students- of the Michigan mining school . . . 1889-90 to 1894-96, Catalogue of the Michigan mining school . . . 1896-98 to 1898-1900, Catalogue of the Michigan coUeee of mines . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1886-88, 1889-90 to 1891-92, 1910-11, 1911-12; the main librarv, Detroit, has 1886-88 to 1898-1900, 1901-02 to 1013-14; the Grand Rapids PubHc Library has 1889-90 to 1891-92, 1894-96, 1898-1900 to 1908-09; the State Library has 1886-88, 1889-90, 1892-94 to 1898-1900, 1902-3 to 1916-17; the U. of M. Library has 1886-88 to 1892-94, 1896-98. 1898-1900, 1901-02 to 1916-17. 3256. . . Dept. of geology. Notes on the rocks and minerals of Michigan. To accompany the loan collection issued by the Michigan college of mines. Prepared by the department of geology. Houghton [Ann Arbor plant, the Richmond 8z Backus co.] 1905. 105 p. LC;U. 3257. . Columbian club. List of members of the Michigan Columbian club . . . [Chicago, Rand, McNally & co., printers, 1893]. 30 p. S. 3258. . Commission on high school course of study. Course of study for the high schools of Michigan, by the commission on high school course of study, under authority of the state superintendent of public in- struction . . . [Lansing, 1905]. 96 p. (Bulletin no. 12j. B; L C; S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 331 3259. . Commission on industrial and agricultural education. Report- of the Michigan state commission on industrial and agricultural edu- cation. To the governor, superintendent of public instruction, and commis- sioner of labor. Lansing, December, 1910. [Lansing] the commission [1910]. 95 p. LC;U. 3260. . Commission of inquiry, tax lands and forestry. Re- port of the commission of inquiry, tax lands and forestry to the governor and legislature of the state. By authority. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallen- beck Crawford co., state printers, 1908. 146 p. D; L C; S; U. 3261. . Commission on extent of mental defectiveness. Re- port of the commission to investigate the extent of feeblemindedness, epilepsy and insanity, and other conditions of mental defectiveness in Michigan. Lan- sing, Mich., W^mkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1915. 175 p. — D;'lC;S;U. 3262. . Commission of inquiry on minimum wage legislation for women. Report of the Michigan state commission of inquiry into wages and the conditions of labor for women and the advisability of establishing a minimum wage . . . Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1915. 496 p. D; L C; S; U. Appended are reports of meetings held to discuss minimum wage and of the investigation of various industries. 3263. . Commission for the semi-centennial celebration. Of- ficial programme with words and music for the semi-centennial anniversary of the state of Michigan held at Lansing, June 15, 1886 . . . East Saginaw, H. B. Roney; Detroit, C. J. Whitney, printer [1886]. 28 p. B; S; U. 3264. . ■ . The semi-centennial of the admission of the state of Michigan into the union. Ad- dresses delivered at its celebration, June 15, 1886. [Detroit] Detroit free press printing company, 1886. 2 p. 1., 524 p. B; G; L C; S; U. 3265. . Commission on penal, reformatory, and charitable in- stitutions. Report of the special commissioners to examine the penal, re- fonnatory, and charitable institutions of the state of Michigan. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers to the state, 1871. 133 p. LC;S. S. S. Cutter, C. I. Walker, F. H. Rankin, commissioners. Issued also as Michigan, legislature, joint documents for 1870, vol. II, no. 8. 133p. — B; D;G;S;U. 3266. . Commission of inquiry into taxation. Preliminary re- port of the commission of inquiry into taxation of the state of Michigan. 1911. [Lansing? 1911]. 37 p. B;LC;S;U. 3267. . . Report of com- mission of inquiry into taxation. Michigan. Roger I. Wykes, chairman . . . 332 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1911. 53 p. B;D;LC;U. 3268. . Commission on vagrancy, disorderly conduct, habitual drunkenness, etc. . . . Minor offenses in Michigan, conditions and remedies. Repo'rt of commission appointed in accordance with act 138, public acts 1909 . . . January, 1911. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1910. 26 p. L C; U. At head of title: The state of Michigan. Commission: C. A. Black, R. L. Crane, W. S. Foster, T. W. McGregor, J. E. Turner. Bibliographies of inebriety; probation — for adults, and vagrancy: p. 22-26. 3269. . Commissioner of the Gettysburg cemetery. Report of Hon. T. W. Ferry, Michigan commissioner of the Gettysburg cemetery. [Lan- sing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1865, house document no. 2). D; G; S; U. 3270. . Commissioner of immigration. Michigan and its re- sources. Sketches of the gro\\^h of the state, its industries, agricultural pro- ductions, institutions, and means of transportation . . . aiient of Ingham county grand jury expenses by state. Lansing, Robert Smith printing co., state printers and binders, 1900. 37 p. S. 3757. . . Message of Governor Hazen S. Pingree to the fortieth legislature convened in extra session, upon the subject of equal taxa- tion, constitutional amendment, and repeal of special charters of railroads, October 10, 1900. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., 1900. 22 p. S. 3758. . . Message of Governor Hazen S. Pingree to the fortieth legislature convened in extra session, upon equal taxation, December 12, 1900. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1900. 8 p. B; S;U. 3759. . . Pardons and commutations of sentence, by Governor Hazen S. Pingree, for the years 1899 and 1900 and the reasons therefor. By authority. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford company, state printers, 1901. 160 p. D; S. 3760. . . Ex-augural message of Governor Hazen S. Pingree to the forty-first legislature of Michigan, January, 1901. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1900. 94 p. B;S;U. "^ 3761. . . Inaugural message of Governor A. T. Bliss to the forty-first legislature of Michigan, 1901. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers [1901]. 16 p. B; S. 3762. . . Second inaugural message of Governor A. T. Bliss transmitted to the forty-second legislature of Michigan, January 8, 1903. Lansing, Michigan, Robert Smith printing co., state printers and binders, 1903. 24 p. B; S; U. 3763. . . Retiring message of Governor Aaron T. Bliss transmitted to the forty-third legislature of Michigan January 5, 1905. Lan- sing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1904. 24 p. S;U. 3764. . . Inaugural message of Governor Fred M. Warner to the forty-third legislature of Michigan, January 5, 1905. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1905. 13 p. S;U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 387 3765. . . Second inaugural message of Governor Fred M. Warner to the forty-fourth legislature of Michigan, January 3, 1907. Lansing, Mich., W}mkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1907. 26 p. S;U. 3766. . . Message of Governor Fred M. Warner to the forty-fourth legislature of Michigan relative to the establishment of a binder twine plant at the state prison in Jackson, February 7, 1907. [Lansing, 1907]. [4] p. S. 3767. . . Message of Governor Fred M. Warner to the forty-fourth legislature of Michigan relative to the proposed two cent fare law, March 26, 1907. [Lansing, 1907]. [4] p. S. 3768. . . Message of Governor Fred M. Warner to the forty-fourth legislature of Michigan in extra session, Monday, October 7, 1907. [Lansing, 1907]. Caption title, [4] p. S; U. 3769. . . Second message of Governor Fred M. Warner to the forty-fourth legislature of Michigan in extra session, Thursday, Octo- ber 10, 1907. [Lansing, 1907]. Caption title, [3] p. S. 3770. . . Final message of Governor Fred M. Warner to the forty-fourth legislature of Michigan in extra session, Friday, October 18, 1907. [Lansing, 1907]. Caption title, [4] p. S. 377L . . Third inaugural message of Governor Fred M. Warner to the forty-fifth legislature of Michigan, January 7, 1909. Lan- sing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford eo., state printers, 1909. 24 p. S; U. 3772. [ . ]. Instructions to applicants for appointment as commissioner of deeds. Michigan. By authority. Lansing, Mich., 1909. [3] p. U. 3773. . . Statement showing articles purchased and the average cost of each by various state institutions during the month [Novem- ber, 1907 to December, 1909]. Distributed by the governor for the use of trustees and superintendents, [no imprint]. U. One page statements. 3774. . . First inaugural message of Governor Chase S. Osbom to the forty-sixth legislature of Michigan, January 5, 1911. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1911. 21 p. B; S; U. 3775. . . A special message of Governor Chase S. Os- bom to the forty-sixth legislature of the state of Michigan in extraordinary session, February 26, 1912. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Craw- ford CO., state printers, 1912. 8 p. S; U. 388 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MICHIGAN 3776. . . A special message of Governor Chase S. Os- bom to the fort^^-sixth legislature of the state of Michigan in extraordinary session, March 11, 1912. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallcnbeck Craw- ford CO., state printers, 1912. 6 p. S; U. 3777. • . . A special message of Governor Chase S. Os- boni to the forty-sixth legislature of the state of Michigan in extraordinary session, March 20, 1912. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallcnbeck Craw- ford CO., state printers, 1912. 14 p. U. 3778. . . Reports of Governor Chase S. Osbom to the forty-seventh legislature of the state of Michigan in regular session, January, 1913. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallcnbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1913. 44 p. S;U. 3779. . . Retiring message of Governor Chase S. Os- bom to the forty-seventh legislature of the state of Michigan in regular session January, 1913. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallcnbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1913. 5 p. D; S; U. , 3780. . . Inaugural message of Woodbridge N. Ferris, governor of Michigan, Lansing, Michigan, January 1, 1913. Lansing, Michi- gan, Wynkoop Hallcnbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1913. 12 ^. • D;S; U. 3781. . . To the forty-seventh legislature of the state of Michigan, April 10, 1913 [relative to "importance of enacting legislation at this session, establishing a pemianent encampment and maneuvering grounds for the Michigan national guard and accepting the offer of Rasmus Hanson, of Grayling, of land for the purpose"]. [Lansing, 1913]. Caption title, [2] p. ^ U. 3782. . . [Letter to members-elect of the legislature, December 18, 1914, relative to legislation]. [Lansing, 1914]. 9 p. S;U. 3783. . . Reports of Woodbridge N. Ferris, governor, to the forty-eighth legislature of the state of Michigan in regular session- January, 1915. Lansing, Michigan, W\n"ikoop Hallcnbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1915. 17 p. U. 3784. . . Second inaugural message of Woodbridge N. Ferris, governor of Michigan, Lansing, Michigan, January 7, 1915. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallcnbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1915. 16 p. S;U. 3785. . — . Reports of Woodbridge N. Ferris, governor, to the forty-ninth legislature of the state of Michigan, in regular session, January, 1917. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallcnbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1916. ?i2> p. ■ — ■ — ■ S; U. 3786. . . Retiring message of Governor Woodbridge BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 389 N. Ferris to the forty-ninth legislature of the state of Michigan in regular session, January, 1917. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford CO., state printers. 1916. 10 p. S; U. 3787. . . Inaugural message of Governor Albert E. Sleeper to the legislature of 1917. [Lansing, 1917]. 9 p. S; U. 3788. . . Albert E. Sleeper, governor, to all sheriffs, constables and police officers, May 29, 1917 [calling attention to provisions of the draft registration regulations]. [Lansing, 1917]. [1] p. (Bulletin no. 4). U. 3789. . Hay and grain association. By-laws, Michigan hay and grain association . . . Chicago, press Price current-grain reporter [1914]. [7] p. L C. 3790. . High school oratorical association. Michigan high school oratorical association. [Grand Rapids, Mich., Etheridge printing company, cl913]. 16 p. L C. 3791. . Highway dept. . . . Biennial report of the state high- way commissioner . . . 1st (1905-06)-6th (1914-16). Lansing, Mich., 1907- 1916. D*; S;U. Year ends irregularly. *The main library, Detroit, has 6th. 3792. . . Bulletin no. 1 (March, 1910)-no. 4 (March, 1912). Lansing, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1910-1912. S; U. 3793. . . General specifications for steel and con- crete highway bridges. 1914. Michigan state highway department . . . Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1914. 49 p. S. 3794. . Historical commission. . . . Annual report ... 1st (1913)-4th (1916). Lansing, Mich., 1914-1917. D; G; S; U. 1913 has title: . . . First annual report May 28, 1913 to December 31, 1913. 3795. . . . . . Bulletin no. 1-9. Lan- sing, Mich., 1913-1917. B; D*; G; L C; S; U. *The main library, Detroit, has no. 1, 3, 8. 3796. . — . . . . The Michigan historical commission: its inception, organization, administration and aims. Prepared by George Ne^vman Fuller, Ph.D., secretary. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hal- lenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1913. 41 p. (Bulletin no. 1). B;D;G;LC;S;U. At head of title of each bulletin : Michigan historical commission. A state department of history and archives. 3797. . . . . . Suggestions for local his- torical societies and writers in Michigan. Prepared by George Newman Fuller, 390 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Ph.D., secretary. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1913. 45 p. (Bulletin no. 2). B; G; L C; S; U. 3798. . . . . '. A sketch of historical so- cieties in Michigan. Prepared by George Newman Ftdler, Ph.D., secretary. Lansing, Mich., Wj'^nkoop Hallenbeck "Crawford co., state printers, 1914. 62 p. (Bulletin no. 3). B; D; G; L C; S; U. 3799. . . . . . Proceedings of the Michi- gan pioneer and historical society for 1912 and 1913. Prepared by George Newnnan Fuller, Ph.D., secretar}^ Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallen- beck Crawford co., state printers, 1914. 41 p. (Bulletin no. 4, August, 1914). B;G;S;U. 3800. . . . . . Names of places of inter- est on Alackinac Island, Michigan, established, designated and adopted by the Mackinac Island state park commission and the Michigan historical com- mission. Descriptive and explanatory notes by Rt. Rev. Monsignor Frank A. O'Brien, LL.D., president, Michigan historical commission. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1916. 86 p. (Bul- letin no. 5). B;G;LC;S;U. 3801. . ." . . . Nicolet day on Mackinac Island. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1916. 32 p. (Bulletin no. 6). B;G;LC;S;U. "Exercises at the unveiling of the tablet commemorating the discoven.' and exploration of the northwest; held on Mackinac Island, July 13, 1915, under the auspices of the Michi- gan historical commission and the Mackinac Island state park commission." — p. [3). 3802. . . . . . Lewis Cass day on Mackinac Island, August 28, 1915; unveiling a memorial tablet under the joint auspices of the Michigan historical commission and the Mackinac Island state park commission. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1916. 43 p. (Bulletin no. 7). B; G; L C; S; U. 3803. . . . . . Prize essays written by pupils of Michigan schools in the local history contest for 1915-16. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1917. 35 p. (Bul- letin no. 8). B; D; G; LC; S; U. Essays on the cities of Three Rivers, Manistee, Cadillac and Traverse City. 3804. . ■ . . . . Prize essays written by pupils of Michigan schools in the local history contest for 1916-17. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop HaUenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1917. 26 p. (Bul- letin no. 9). B;G;LC;S;U. "The subject of the 1916-17 contest was 'The first school and the children who attended it,' in the city or village in which the writer lives. " 3805. . . Lawton T. Hemans, a me- morial by the people of Michigan . . . Lansing, the Michigan historical com- mission, 1917. 211 p. B;LC;S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 391 3806. . Historical society. Constitution and by-laws of the His- torical society of Michigan, incorporated June 23d, 1828. Detroit, printed at the Gazette office, 1829. 8 p. B. 3807. . . Historical and scientific sketches of Michigan. Comprising a series of discourses delivered before the Historical society of Michigan, and other interesting papers relative to the tenitory. Detroit, S. Wells and G. L. Whitney, 1834. iv p., 1 1., [7J-215 p. B; D; G; L C; U. Contents. — Discourse by Lewis Cass. — Discourse by H. R. Schoolcraft. — Discourse by Henry Whiting. — Discourse by John Biddlc. — Extracts relative to the natural history of Michigan . . . from a lecture delivered before the Detroit lyceum by H. R. Schoolcraft. — Remarks on the .supposed tides, and periodical rise and fall of the North American lakes, by Henry Whiting. 3808. . Home and training school. . . . Biennial report of the board of control of the Michigan home and training school at Lapeer . . . [1st ,(1894-96)]-llth (1914-16). Lansing, Mich., 1896-1916. S; U*. Title varies: 1894-96 to 1998-1900, Report of the board of control of the Michigan home for the feeble minded and epileptic . . . 1900-02 to 1910-12, Biennial report of the board of control . . . *The U. of M. Library has 3rd-llth. 3809. . . Rules and regulations of the Michigan home for the feeble-minded and epileptic, Lapeer, Mich., 1897. [Lapeer] Lapeer press print [1897]. 22 p. S. 3810. . Homeopathic medical society. Transactions of the . . . annual session of the homeopathic medical society of the state of Michigan . . . 1871-1913. Detroit, 1871-1913. B*; U. Place for publication varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1871 and 1892. 3811. . Housing commission. . . . Report, December, 1916. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1916. 69 p. LC;S;U. "Michigan's housing conditions [by] Robert E. Todd": p. 9-38. Appendix[es]: I. Proposed state housing law (December, 1916). — H. Cities and villages of Michigan with a population of more than 5000 in 1916. 3812. . Industrial accident board. . . . Bulletin no. 3. Issued by the industrial accident board, Lansing. Early rulings of board, opinions in leading cases, administration and practice, rules of procedure, forms and blanks, December, 1913 . . . [Lansing, 1913]. 80 p. S; U. At head of title: State of Michigan. 3813. . . Statistics and recommenda- tions. Annual report of the Michigan industrial accident board for the year ending December 31, 1915 . . . Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1916. 16 p. S. 3814. . . . . . Workmen's compensa- tion cases determined by industrial accident board and supreme court. Also administration and practice, rules and procedure, forms and blanks. Lansing, 392 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1916. xiv, 538 p. D;LC. At head of title: State of Michigan. On cover: Pub. by Industrial accident board. 3815. —. . Industrial school for boys. Biennial report of the board of control of the industrial school for boys of Michigan, 1856-57 to 1914-16. Lansing, Mich. [1857?]-1916. B*; S; U*. Annual report, 1856-57 to 1879-80; biennial, 1880-82 to 1914-16. 1856-57, 1857-58, 1858-59, 1885-86, 1886-88, 1888-90, 1892-94 issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. Title varies:_ 1856-57 to 1857-58, Annual report of the board of control of the house of correction for juvenile offenders . . . 1858-59 to 1879-80, Annual report of the board of control of the state reform school . . . 1880-82 to 1884-86, Report of the board of control of the reform school . . . 1886-88 to 1888-90, Biennial report of the board of control of the reform school . . . 1890-92, Report of the superintendent of the state reform school . . . 1892-94 to 1912-14, Biennial report of the board of trustees of the industrial school for boi's . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1856-57 to 1858-59, 1875-76 to 1879-80, 1880-82, 1884-86 to 1892-94; the U. of M. Library has 1856-57 to 1858-59, 1860-61, 1876-77, 1877-78, 1880-82 to 1914-16. 3816. . . By-laws of the Michigan state reform school. 1869. Lansing, W. S. George & co., steam book and job printers, 1869. 13 p. U. 3817. . . Communication from the superintendent and the board of control of the reform school, in answer to certain inquiries of the house [relative to the ntmiber of boys sent to the school under twelve years of age, ofifenses for which they were sent, term of years for which they were sent, the courts or officers sentencing them, number of pupils who have enlisted in military ser\dce in civil war, etc.]. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 34). D; G; vS; U. 3818. . Infantry. 11th regiment. Proceedings of the eighth annual reunion of the eleventh Michigan infantry and fourth Michigan bat- tery held at Centreville, Mich.", August 24, 1875. Three Rivers, Mich., W. H. Clute & CO. [1875?]. Cover title, 20 p. S. 3819. . . 26th regiment. . . . Fourth annual reunion at Alma, November 14th, 1883. Reed City, Mich., "The people" print, 1883. [20] p. S. 3820. . Infantry association. Roster of the seventeenth regi- ment, Michigan infantry association,' 1901. [Detroit, 1901]. 49 p. D. Prepared by Chas. D. Cowles, recording secretary of the regimental association. 3821. . Inspector general's office. Report of the inspector gen- eral of the state of Michigan, for the years 1885-86 to 1889-90. By authority. Lansing, 1886-1891. B*; D*; G*; S*; U*. Issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. *The above libraries have 1885-86 and 1889-90. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 393 3822. . Institute of homoeopathy. Constitution and by-laws of the Michigan institute of homoeopathy; the proceedings of the convention and an address dehvered on the occasion. Pontiac, W. M. Thompson, 1847. 31 p. U. 3823. — . Insurance dept. . . . Accident fund, Robert K. Orr, Manager, Lansing, Michigan. [Lansing? n. d.]. Cover title, [4] p. U. At head of title: State of Michigan. Insurance department. 3824. . . Annual report of the commissioner of insurance . . . 1st (lS70)-47th (1916). Lansing, state printers, 1871-1917. D; G*;S;U. 4th-25th issued as Joint documents of Michigan- legislature. After 1870 the annual reports appear in two parts: pt. 1, Fire and marine insurance: pt. 2, Life, casualty, assessment and fraternal insurance. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has 4th-16th; 17th (pt. 1); 18th (pt. 1); 19th-22nd; 23rd (pt. 1); 24th-45th; 47th (pt. 1). 3825. . Ionia state hospital. Report of the trustees of the Ionia state hospital at Ionia, iVIichigan, for the biennial period . . . 1884-86 to 1914-16. Lansing, Mich., 1886-1917. D=*^; S; U*. 1884-86 to 1892-94, issued as Joint documents. Report 3'ear ends June 30. Until 1891 called Michigan asylum for insane criminals; 1891 to 1899 called Michigan asylum for dangerous and criminal insane; 1899 to 1911, state asylum at Ionia; since 1911 called Ionia state hospital. *The main library, Detroit, has 1884-86 to 1912-14; the U. of M. Library has 1898-1900 to 1914-16. 3826. , Joint board of trustees of state hospitals. Proceedings of the meeting of the joint board of trustees of the state hospitals of Michigan . . . 1912-1917. Lansing, Mich., 1912-1917. S; U. 3827. . Joint prison and affiliated boards. . . . Proposed prison legislation, present laws in force, and reasons why changes are desirable, in- cluding the proceedings, for the year 1912, of the joint prison and affiliated boards of Michigan. [Lansing? 1912]. Cover title, 76 p. D; L C; S; U. Includes synopsis of proposed legislation, reports of preliminary committees, statistics concerning convict labor, proceedings of mid-summer meeting of joint prison boards, pro- posed good time law, proposed bill creating joint penology commission, etc., etc. 3828. . . Report . . . [Jack- son? 1910 ?-1912?]. S*. *The State Library has Februarv 15 and August 30, 1910; January 16, August 30 and December 11, 1911; January 16, 19'l2. 3829. . Kalamazoo state hospital. Inventory of the real estate and personal property of the Michigan asylum for the insane, with financial statements of the construction, asyluin extension, and general expense ac- counts to March 1st, 1873. By authorit}'-. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1873. 31 p. (Michigan, legislature, joint docu- ments for 1872, vol. Ill, no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 3830. . . Report of the board of 394 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN trustees of the Kalamazoo state hospital at Kalamazoo . . . 1857 to 1914-16. Lansing, Michigan, 1858-1916. B; D; S; U. 1S57 to 1893-94 issued as Joint documents of the Michigan legislature. Report 3^ear irregular. Biennial beginning with 1857-58. Title varies: 1857, Annual report of the trustees of the Michigan asylum for the insane, for the vear 1857. 1857-58, Report of the board of trustees of the Michigan asylum for the insane. 1859-60 to 1863-64, Biennial report of the board of trustees of the Michigan asylum for the insane ... 1865-66, Report of the board of tnistces and officers . . . 1867-68 to 1914-16, Report of the board of trustees ... 1912-1916, called Kalamazoo state hospital. 3831. . • Schedule of orders repre- senting disbursements on account of asylum extension at the Michigan asylum for the insane, at Kalamazoo, to October 1st, 1871. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1871. 7 p. B. 3832. . Lake Superior canal semi-centennial celebration com- mission. The Saint Marys Falls canal ; exercises at the semi-centennial cele- bration at Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan, August 2 and 3, 1905, together with a history of the canal by John H. Goff, and papers relating to the great lakes. Ed. and eomp. by Charles Moore. Detroit, Mich., the semi-centennial com- mission, 1907. xix, [1], 285, [1] p. B;G;LC;S;U. "Commission: Peter White . . . Horace M. Oren . . . Charles Moore . . . secretary and treasurer. " 3833. . Laws, statutes, etc. . . . Laws relating to banking. Compiled under the supervision of . . . secretary of state. 1837-1915. By authority. Lansing, Mich., state printers, 1837-1915. — B*; G*; L C*; U*. PubHshed at Detroit, 1837. 1906-1907, compiled under the supervision of George A. Prescott; 1909-1913, under the super\'ision of Frederick C. Martindale; 1915, tmder the supervision of Coleman C. Vaughan. Title varies: 1837, Laws in relation to banking associations . . . 1863 and 1885, General banking law of the state of Michigan . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1837, 1885, 1909; the Grand Rapids Public Li- brarv has 1863; the Library of Congress has 1906, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915; the U. of M. Library has 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915. 3834. . , , . Michigan barber law; act no. 387, public acts 1913. [Lansing? 1913?]. 14 p. U. 3835. . , , . • • • Laws relating to the registra- tion of births, deaths and marriages; the licensing and solemnizing of mar- riages, and laws concerning divorce. Compiled under the supervision of . . . secretary of state. 1896-1916. By authority. Lansing, state printers, 1896- 1916. B*; LC*; U*. 1896, compiled under the supervision of Washington Gardner; 1908, under the super- vision of Frederick C. Martindale; 1916, under the supervision of Coleman C. Vaughan. Title varies: 1896, Compilation of laws concerning the registration of births, deaths and marriages; the solemnization of marriage . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1908; the Librarv of Congress has 1896 and 1912; the U. of M. Library has 1912 and 1916. 3836. . , , . . . • Laws relating to building and BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 395 loan associations. Comp. under the supervision of . . . secretary of state . . . 1899-1910. By authority. Lansing, state printers, 1899-1910. B*; D*; LC*; U*. 1899, compiled under the supervision of Justus S. Stearns; 1901, under the supervision of Fred M. Warner; 1910, under the supervision of Frederick C. Martindale. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1901 and 1910; the main library, Detroit, has 1899; the Library of Congress has 1910; the U. of M. Library has 1910. 3837. — . , , . . . . Incorporation of cities of the fourth class. Compiled under the supervision of George A Prescott, secre- tary of state. By authority. Lansing, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1908. 152 p. B; L C; U. At head of title: Revision of 1907. State of Michigan. 3838. . , • , . . . . Laws relating to the incorpora- tion and general powers of cities. Compiled under the supervision of . . . secretary of state. 1911-1915. By authority. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1911-1915. D*; L C*; U*. 1911-1913, compiled under the supervision of Frederick C. Martindale; 1915, under the supervision of Coleman C. Vaughan. Title in 1911: Laws relating to the incorporation of cities . . . *The main librarv, Detroit, has 1915; the Library of Congress has 1915; the U. of M. Library has 1911, 1913, 1915. 3839. . , , . The compiled laws of the state of Michigan. Published by authority. Compiled and arranged under an act of the legislature, approved February 2, 1857, by Thomas M. Cooley. Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1857. 2 v. D; S; U. 3840. . , , . The compiled laws of the state of Michigan. Compiled and arranged under an act of the legislature, approved January 25, 1871. Hon. James S. Dewey, compiler. Lansing, W. S. George & CO.," state printers and binders, 1872. 2 v. B; D; S; U. 3841. . , , . The compiled laws of the state of Michigan, 1897; comp. and arranged, with a digest of supreme court decisions and other annotations, and published under authority of acts 268 of 1895 and 26 of 1897, by Lewis M. Miller . . . Lansing, Mich., Robert Smith printing CO., state printers, 1899. 3 v. D; L C; S; U. 3842. . , — , . Index. Lansing, Mich., Robert Smith printing co., state printers, 1899. 665 p. D; L C; S; U. 3843. . , , . An abridgment of the compiled laws of the state of Michigan, 1897 ; being a selection of the most important statutes arranged and annotated for the use of students, by Lewis M. Miller. Lan- sing, Mich., R. Smith printing co., 1899. 977 p. L C. 3844. . , , . The compiled laws of the state of Michigan, 1915; comp., arranged and annotated under act 247 of 1913 and act 232 of 1915, by Edmund C. Shields . . . Cyrenius P. Black . . . Archi- bald Broomfield . . . Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1916. 3 v. L C: S. 396 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 3845. . , ■ , . . . . Law relating to organization, regulation and conduct of co-operati\'e companies and associations. Compiled by Frederick C. Martindale, secretary of state. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallcnbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1914. Cover title, 4 p. U. 3846. . , , . Michigan corporation law and limited partnership associations, organization, management, foirns and direc- tions, by Malcolm McGregor and Howard B. Blooiner . . . Chicago, Cal- laghan & company, 1909. xxviii, 574 p. L C. 3847. . , , . The modem law of general business corporations in Michigan; including commentaries and annotated acts with forms, the consolidated corporation law, the partnership associations, limited law, the foreign corporation law, by Burritt Hamilton ... 2d ed., entirely re-written, greatly amplified, thorouthly rev. to date. Detroit, Drake law book company, 1909. 5 p. 1., xiii, 448 p. L C; U. 3848. . , , . A digest of the general statutes of Michigan on religious corporations, for the use of the Congregational churches in Michigan, with an appendix on the duties of clerks. Pub. by order of the general association. Detroit, 1880. 29 p. U. 3849. . , , . Laws relating to state board of corrections and charities, juvenile courts, county agents, m.atemity hospitals, child caring and placing agencies, probation, etc. . . . 1893-1913. Lansing, state printers [1893:-']-1913. L C*; U*. Title varies: 1893, Laws establishing and relating to duties of state board of corrections and charities; also of state boards, magistrates, county agents and other officers and boards in connection therewith, with charitable and penal miscellaneous provisions . . . 1911, Laws relating to board of corrections and charities, juvenile courts and county agents, with annotations from opinions rendered by the attornev general's department. *The Library of Congress has 1911; the U. of M. Library has 1893, 1911, 1913. 3850. . , • , . The dairj^ and food laws of the state of Michigan with supreme court decisions relating thereto . . . Compiled at the office of the dairy and food department. 1895-1915. Lansing, Mich., state printers, 1895-1915. B*; L C*; U*. Title in 1895: Laws of the state of Michigan relative to the powers and duties of the dairy and food commissioner and the adulteration of foods . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1905; the Librarv of Congress has 1895, April 1, 1905, July 1, 1911, September 1, 1915; the U. of M. Library has 1915. 3851. . , , . An act to prevent debtors from giving preference to creditors, and to secure the equal distribution of the property of debtors among their creditors, and for the release of debts against debtors . . . Detroit, 1883. 8 p. — B. 3852. . , , . Laws enacted by the legislature of 1887-1909, affecting the municipality of Detroit. Published by order of the common council. Detroit, 1887-[1909?]. B*; D*; L C*; S*. Title varies slightly: 1887, Acts of the legislature, passed at the session of 1887, relative to the city of Detroit . . . BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 397 1891, Acts relating to the city of Detroit, as passed at the last session of the Michigan state legislature, held in 1891 . . . 1908, Laws enacted by the legislatures of 1905 and 1907, and 1907 special session, af- fecting the municipality of Detroit . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1887, 1891, 1895, 1897, 1899, 1909; the main li- brary, Detroit, and the Library of Congress each have 1908; the State Library has 1891, 1895, 1897, 1899, 1901, 1908. 3853. . , , . Bill proposed for the government of the Detroit public schools, by the citizens' educational committee, [n. p., 1899 :i. 39 p. LC. 3854. . , , . Laws governing registration and elections, also primary elections, in the city of Detroit. Pub. by order of the common council. Detroit, the Thos. Smith press, city printers, 1897. 77 p. B. 3855. . , , • . Registration and election laws of the city of Detroit. Detroit, Houghton-Jacobson ptg. co. [1913J. 63 p. B . 3856. . , , . . . . Laws relating to construction of drains, with an appendix of blank forms. Comp. under the supervision of . . . secretary of state. 1881-1915. Lansing, Mich., state printers, 1881- 1915. ^ B*;D*;LC*;U*. 1893, published under the supervision of John W. Jochim; 1899, compiled by Justus S. Steams; 1903, compiled by Fred M. Warner; 1907, compiled under the super\'ision of George A. Prescott; l9ll, compiled under the supervision of Frederick C. Martindale; 1915, com- piled under the supervision of Coleman C. Vaughan. Title varies: 1881, Laws of the state of Michigan relating to drainage, with blank forms for the use of drain commissioners . . . 1885, Drain law of the state of Michigan, annotated and published under the supervision, of the secretary of state . . . 1893, same title with slight variation. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1881, 1885, 1893, 1907; the main library, Detroit, has 1911; the Libran.^ of Congress has 1899: supplement to laws of 1899; 1903; supplement to laws of 1903; 1911, 1915; the U. of M. Library has 1911 and 1915. 3857. ■ . , , . . . . State of Michigan laws relat- ing to elections. Comp. under the supervision of . . . secretary of state. 1875-1916. By authority. Lansing, Mich., state printers, 1875-1916. B*; G*; L C*; U*. 1898, compiled under the supervision of Washington Gardner; 1900, under the super- vision of Justus S. Stearns; 1902-1904, under the super\asion of Fred M. Warner; 1906- 1908, under the supervision of George A. Prescott; 1911-1913, under the supervision of Frederick C. Martindale; 1915-1916, under the supervision of Coleman C. Vaughan. Title varies: 1875, Election laws of the state of Michigan, with a digest of decisions of the supreme court, and provisions of the constitution and statutes of the United States, relating to elections. 1898-1900, Laws and supreme court decisions relating to elections . . . 1902-1904, Election laws of the state of Michigan . . . 1916, Act 190, p. a. 1891, as amended, and act 180, p. a. 1877, relating to conduct, etc., of elections . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1875, 1900, 1907, 1913, 1915; the Grand Rapids Public Librarv has 1875, 1898, 1900, 1906, 1913; the Library of Congress has 1898, 1902, 1904, 1906, 1907, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1916; the U. of M. Library has 1875, 1906, 1911, 1913, 1915. 1916. 3858. . , , . Michigan employers' Hability and 398 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN workmen's compensation act. 1912-1915. [Lansing? 1912 "--1915]. LC*;U*. Title varies: 1912, An act to promote the welfare of the people of this state relating to the liability of employers for injuries or death sustained by their employes, providing com- pensation for accidental injury to or death of emploj-es ... 1913, Employers' liability and workmen's compensation act. Organization of mutual insurance companies insuring against employers' liability. Compiled by Frederick C. Mar- tindale, secretary of state. *The Library of Congress has [1913?] and 1915; the U. of M. Library has 1912 and 1913. 3859. . , , . Law relating to inspection of fac- tories, published by the bureau of labor and industrial statistics. [Lansing] 1893. 10 p. '- B. 3860. . , , . Michigan farm laws, with business forms and model business letters, by William K. Williams . . . Columbus, O., The rural publishing company [cl911]. 2 p. 1., 341, 32, 343-350 p. LC. "Supplement to Michigan farm laws containing laws passed by the legislature at the ses- sion of 1911": 32 p. inserted between p. 341 and 343. 3861. . — — , , . . . . Fire marshal law as amended by the legislature of 1915 . . . Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford company, state printers [1915]. Cover title, 12 p. U. At head of title: State of Michigan. 3862. . , , . . . . The Michigan flag law, act 98 of 1901 public acts, p. 139. [Lansing, 1901-]. Caption title, [1] p. S. 3863. . , , . A digest of the laws in Michigan concerning fiats, and the execution of instruments for record. Walter R. Taylor, Kalamazoo, Mich. Kalamazoo, Ihling bros. & Everard, printers, 1893. 28 p. B. 3864. . , , . An act to protect fish in the inland waters of this state and to regulate the manner of taking, possession, trans- portation, size and sale of fish [etc.]. [Lansing? 1915?]. Caption title, 4 p. U. 3865. . , , . . . . Commercial fish laws 1915- 1916. Compiled and issued by authority of game, fish and forest fire depart- ment of the public domain commission. W. R. Gates, commissioner. Pub- lished by Coleman C. Vaughan, secretary of state. [Lansing? 1916?]. 39 p. U. At head of title: State of Michigan. 3866. . , , . . . . An act to provide for the preservation of the forests of this state and for the prevention and suppression of forest and prairie fires, being act no. 249, of the public acts of 1903, as amended by act no. 317 of the public acts of 1907, and act 221, p. a. 1915. [Lansing, 1915]. Caption title, 6 p. U. 3867. . , , . Michigan laws relating to fraternal BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 399 beneficiary societies. Comp. by Justus S. Stearns, secretary of state, 1899. By authority. Lansing, Robert Smith printing co., state printers and binders, 1900. 14 p. B. 3868. . , — , . State of Michigan laws relating to sale of fresh fruit and vegetables. 19 Lr Compiled by Frederick C. Martin- dale, secretary of state. [Lansing? 1913?]. Cover title, [2] p. — — U. 3869. . , , . Digest of important general game an'd fish laws of Michigan . . . 1915-1917. Compiled and issued by author- ity of game, fish and 'forest fire department of the public domain commission. Published by Coleman C. Vaughan, secretary of state. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers [1915-1917]. U. • Issued in 1915 and 1917. Title varies slightly. 3870. . , , . . . . Game and fish laws and laws relative to destruction of noxious animals . . . 1881-1917. By authority. Lansing, Mich., state printers [1881 ?]-19l7. B*; D*; L C*; S*; U*. 1903, compiled under the supervision of Fred M. Warner; 1905-1907, under the super- vision of George A. Prescott; 1909-1914, under the supervision of Frederick C. Martindale; 1915-1917, compiled by Coleman C. Vaughan and the state game, fish and forest fire com- missioner. Title in 1881: Fish and game laws. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1881 and 1907; the main librarv, Detroit, has 1905, 1909, 1911, 1914, 1915; the Librarv of Congress has 1905, 1909, 1911, 1914, 1915, 1917; the State Library has 1915; the U. of M. Library has 1903, 1909, 1911, 1914, 1915. 3871. . , , . . . . Synopsis of important general game and fish laws of Michigan as modified by federal laws and regulations 1913-1914. Compiled by Frederick C. Martindale, secretary of state. Lan- sing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers [1913?]. 8 p. U. At head of title page: Third edition. 3872. . , , . [Laws relating to the governor's office, arranged in chronological order and annotated to Jan. 1911]. [no im- print]. [837] p. S. 3873. . , — -, . [Supplement. Laws relative to the governor's office; annotated. Special sessions, 1912]. [no imprint]. [58] p. S. 3874. . , , . . . . Laws relating to public health. Compiled under the supervision of . . . secretary of state. 1875-1915. By authority. Lansing, Mich., state printers, 1876-1915. B*; D*; L C*; S*; U*. 1908, compiled under the supervision of George A. Prescott; 1910-1914, under the super- vision of Frederick C. Martindale; 1915, under the supervision of Coleman C. Vaughan. Title varies: 1875, Laws of the state of Michigan relating to the public health. Comp. and published vmder the supervision of the secretary of state, in pursuance of joint resolu- tion no. 18, of the session laws of 1875 . . . 1883, Laws of the state of Michigan relating to the public health, in force September 8, 1883. Compiled by the secretary of the state board of health . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1875, 1883, 1908; the main library, Detroit, has 400 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1910 and 1914; the Library of Congress has 1875, 1910, 1914, 1915; the State Librar>^ has 1883; the U. of M. Librarj- has 1914 and 1915. 3875. . , , . . . . Laws relating to highways and bridges, with blank fonns, compiled under the supervision of . . . secretary of state. 1855-1915. By authority. Lansing, Mich., state printers, 1855- 1915. B*; D*; L C*; U*. 1861 has imprint: Detroit, Raymond & Lapham. 1861, compiled bj- William T. Young: 1906, compiled under the supervision of George A. Prescott; 1909, under the supervision of Frederick C. Martindale; 1915, under the super- vision of Coleman C. Vaughan. Title varies: 1855-1871, Laws of the state of Michigan, relative to highways and bridges, and the duties of highway commissioners and overseers of highwaj'^s ... 1875-1885, Laws of the state of Michigan relating to highways, bridges and drainage, with blank forms for the use of highway officers and drainage commissioners . . . (with slight variations). 1907, Important changes in highwav laws enacted bv the forty-fourth legislature, 1907 ... *The Burton Historical Collection has 1855, 1857, 1867, 1871, 1875, 1877, 1880, 1881, 1885, 1906; the main library, Detroit, has 1906, 1909, 1915; the Library of Congress has 1861, 1906, 1907, 1909, 1915; the U. of M. Libran,^ has 1864, 1906, 1909, 1915. 3876. • . ■ , , . The housing code of Alichigan : act no. 167, public acts of 1917. Printed by authority. Dennis E. Alward, secre- tary of the senate. Charles S. Pierce, clerk of the house of representatives. [Lansing? 1917]. 31 p. L C; S; U. 3877. . , , . Howell's annotated statutes of the state of Michigan, including the acts of the second extra session of 1912, with notes and digests of the supreme court decisions relating thereto, by Andrew Howell. 2d ed., comp. and annotated by Colin P. Campbell . . . Chicago, Callaghan and company, 1913-1914. 6 v. B; L C; S. 3878. . , , . . . . Immediate effect acts . . . 1879-1917. Lansing, Michigan, 1879-1917. B*; S*; U*. 1911, compiled by Frederick C. Martindale; 1915-1917, by Coleman C. Vaughan. Title varies: 1879, Immediate effect public acts of the legislature . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1879 and 1911; the State Library- has 1917; the U. of M. Library has 1911, 1.915, 1917. 3879. . , , . Index to the general laws of the state of Michigan, enacted by the legislature during the years 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, and 1877; and to sections and chapters of the compiled laws, amended or repealed. Prepared and published under the supervision of the secretary of state in compliance with act no. 114, laws of 1877. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1877. 200 p. D;vS;U. 3880. '■ — — . , , . Index to the general laws of the state of Michigan, enacted by the legislature during the years 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1877, and 1879; and to sections and chapters of the compiled laws, amended or repealed. Prepared and published under the supervision of the secretary of state, in compliance with act no. 114, laws of 1877. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1879. 1 p. 1., [371]- 616, [2] p. S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 401 3881. . , , . Index to the general laws of the state of Michigan enacted by the legislature during the years 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1879, and 1881 ; and to sections and chapters of the compiled laws, amended or repealed. Prepared and published under the supervision of the secretary of state, in compliance with act no. 114, laws of 1877. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1881. [477J-718 p. D. 3882. . , , . Index to the compiled laws and public acts. Michigan. Compiled in accordance with act 298 of the public acts of 1905, under the supervision of George A. Prescott, secretary of state. Compilers: Charles S. Pierce, Paul H. King, Ada B. Shier. 1906. Lansing, Michigan, W^-nkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers [1906]. 502 p. S; U. 3883. . , , . Michigan inheritance tax laws . . . Issued under direction of the auditor general's department. 1905-1917. [Lansing, 1905?-1917?]. B*; L C*; U*. Title varies: 1905, Inheritance tax law of 1899 of the state of Michigan, act amended by act 195 of the public acts of 1903 . . . 1907, Inheritance tax law information. . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1905 and 1907; the Library of Congress has 1911 and 1915; the U. of M. Library has 1911 and 1917. 3884. . , , . . . . Laws relating to the insane and feeble-minded. Compiled under the supervision of Coleman C. Vaughan, secretary of state. By authority. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1916. 231 p. U. At head of title: 1916, State of Michigan. 3885. . , , . Laws of the state of Michigan re- lating to fire and marine insurance corhpanies . . . 1869-1873. [Lansing, 1869?-1873?]. B*. Title varies: 1869, Law of the state of Michigan relating to fire and marine insurance companies as adopted in 1869 ... 1873, Laws of the state of Michigan relating to fire and marine insurance companies, as adopted in 1869, and amended in 1871 and 1873 . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1869 and 1873. 3886. . , , . Laws of the state of Michigan relat- ing to mutual fire insurance companies . . . adopted in 1873 and amended in 1877. Compiled by Sam'l H. Row, commissioner of insurance . . . Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1877. lip. B. 3887. — ■ . , , . Laws of the state of Michigan regu- lating life insurance companies . . . 1871-1876. [Lansing, 1871-1876]. B*; U*. Title varies: 1871, Laws of the state of Michigan regulating life insurance companies, as adopted in 1869 and amended in 1871 . . . 1876, Laws of the state of Michigan regulating life insurance companies transacting busi- ness in this state as adopted in 1869 and amended by subsequent acts . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1871 and 1876; the U. of M. Library has 1876. 51 402 . BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 3888. -^— . , , . Laws of the state of Michigan relat- ing to life, casualty, fire and marine insurance, enacted by the legislature of 1893 . . . Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders [1893?]. 9 p. B. 3889. — . , , . . . . Laws relating to insurance. Compiled vmder the supervision of . . . secretary of state. 1899-1917. By authority. Lansing, Mich., state printers, 1899-1917. — B*; D*; L C*; U*. 1899, compiled by Justus S. vStearns; 1903, by Fred M. Warner; 1905-1907, under the supervision of George A. Prescott; 1909-1913, under the supervision of Frederick C. Mar- tindale; 1915-1917, under the supervision of Coleman C. Vaughan. Title varies: 1899, Insurance laws of the state of Michigan in force at the close of the legislative session of 1899 . . . 1903, Supplement to insurance laws of 1899, containing laws relative to insurance en- acted by the legislatures of 1901 and 1903 . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1907; the main library, Detroit, has 1899, 1903, 1905, 1909, 1913, 1915; the Library of Congress has 1899, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1915, 1917: the U. of M. Library has 1899, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915. 3890. . , , . Laws in relation to internal im- provements in the state of Michigan, passed at the session of 1837. Detroit, J. S. Bagg, state printers, 1837. 16 p. D. 3891. . , , . . . . Law regulating foreign and domestic investm.ent companies. (Blue sky law) 1915. Comp. by Coleman C. Vaughan, secretary of state. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Craw- ford CO., state printers, 1915. lip. L C; U. At head of title: State of Michigan. 3892. . , , . . . . The judicattire act of 1915 an4 other acts affecting practice and procedure passed at the regular session of 1915. Comp. by Coleman C. Vaughan, secretary of state. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1915. 618 p. D;LC;S;U. At head of title: State of Michigan. 3893. . , , . . . . Laws relating to juvenile courts and county agents, with annotations by the attorney general's department, and requirements of the board of state auditors relative to claims . . . Lan- sing, Mich., Industrial school press, 1910. 44 p. L C. 3894. • , , . . . . Laws relating to juveniles. Compiled tmdcr the supervision of . . . secretary of state. By authority. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1912- 1916. L C*; U*. 1912-1914, compiled under the supervision of Frederick C. Martindale; 1916, under the supervision of Coleman C. Vaughan. *The Library of Congress has 1912 and 1916; the U. of M. Library has 1912, 1914, 1916. 3895. — . , , . A key to the revised statutes of 1846, of the state of Michigan, showing the amendments made thereto, by subsequent legislation, up to and including the acts of the legislature of 1855. Also, a list of general statutes, passed since the adoption of the constitution BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 403 of 1850. By a member of the Detroit bar. Detroit, RavTnond & Selleck, 1856. 48 p. D;U. 3896. . , , . . . . Act creating the department of labor; providing for the inspection of factories, hotels, stores and public buildings ; also relating to the employment of minors, hours of labor for women, etc. ; and the establishment of free employment offices. Published by the de- partment under the direction of . . . commissioner of labor. 1907-1917. [Lansing] Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1907-1917. B*; L C*; U*. James V. Cunningham, commissioner of labor, 1915; R. H. Fletcher, commissioner of labor, 1917. Title varies: 1907-1908, Acts creating the bureau of labor and industrial statistics, pro- viding for the inspection of factories, hotels, stores and public buildings and other laws com- ing under the jurisdiction of the department of labor; also the compulsory education law . . . (slight variation in wording). *The Burton Historical Collection has 1907 and 1908; the Library of Congress has 1915; the U. of M. Library has 1917. 3897. . , , . . . . State of Michigan laws relat- ing to labor, comp. under the supervision of Frederick C. Martindale, secre- tary of state. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford cq., state printers, 1913. Ill, [1] p. D; L C; U. At head of title: Compilation of 1913. 3898. . , , . Laws of the state of Michigan, re- lating to the state land office showing appropriations of swamp land for the construction of state roads and ditches; also the drain and general tax laws, enacted by the legislature at its regular session, A.D. 1869; also laws of the United States granting lands to the state of Michigan for roads, railroads, harbors, and for other purposes. Published under the supervision of the commissioner of the state land office. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & CO., printers to the state, 1869. 346 p. S. 3899. . ■ , , . Laws of the state of Michigan re- lating to the state land office. Containing all of the provisions of the statutes relating to the conduct of the state land office and disposition and control of state lands, contained in the compiled laws of Michigan for 1897; to which is added such acts of the legislatures of 1899, 1901, 1903 and 1905, as pertain to state lands and the state land office. Pub. under the supervision of William H. Rose, commissioner of the state land office. By authority. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1906. 134 p. B; L C. 3900. . , , . Prohibitory liquor law, of the state of Michigan, as amended by the legislature in 1861, and which went into operation June 16. Detroit, George W. Verrall, printer, 1861. 15 p. B. 3901. . , — , . . . . Laws relating to the manufac- ttire, sale and use of spirituous liquors, with blank forms to be used in connec- tion with the prohibitory liquor law for counties. Compiled under the super- 404 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN vision of . . . secretary of state. 1907-1917. Lansing, Mich., state printers, 1908-1917. B*; D*; L C*; U*. 1907, compiled under the supervision of George A. Prescott; 1909, under the supervision of Frederick C. Martindale. Title in 1917: Liqtior laws passed by legislature of 1917. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1907; the main library, Detroit, has 1909; the Library of Congress has 1909; the U. of M. Library has 1907 and 1917. 3902. ■ — . , , . . . . Law relating to shipment, etc., of Hquor into dry territory . . . 1913-1915. Lansing, 1913-1915. D*; U*.* *The main library, Detroit, has 1913; the U. of M. Library has 1915. 3903. . , , . . . . Local option law and laws re- lating to the manufacture, sale and use of spirituous liquors, with blank forms to be used in connection with the local option law. Comp. under the super- vision of Coleman C. Vaughan, secretary of state. By authority. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1915. 119 p. LC;"U. At head of title: Revision of 1915. State of Michigan. 3904.. ■ . , , . . . . Live stock sanitary laws. Comp. under the supervision of . . . secretary of state. 1887-1915. By authority. Lansing, Mich., state printers, 1887-1915. — B*; D*; L C*; U*. 1887, published by G. R. Osmun; 1900, compiled by Justus S. Stearns; 1910-1914, under the supervision of Frederick C. Martindale; 1915, under the supervision of Coleman C. Vaughan. Title varies: 1887, Live stock sanitary laws of the state of Michigan. Pub. by G. R. Osmun, secretary of state. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1887 and 1900; the main librarv, Detroit, has 1910, 1912, 1915; the Library of Congress has 1900, 1910, 1915; the U. of M. Library has 1900, 1910, 1912, 1914, 1915. 3905. . — — , , . . . . Law governing manufacturing and mercantile corporations and corporations for other lawful business under act no. 232, p. a. of 1903; with annotations. Compiled by . . . secretary of state. 1912-1917. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1912-1917. L C*; U*. 1912, compiled bv Frederick C. Martindale; 1915-1917, by Coleman C. Vaughan. *The Library of Congress has 1912 and 1915; the U. of M. Library has 1915 and 1917. 3906. . , , . Laws of Michigan concerning the requiring of civil license to marry, the solemnization of marriages, and the record, return, and compilation of births, marriages, and deaths; with sug- gestions to persons authorized to solemnize marriages in Michigan . . . 1867- 1887. Lansing, state printers, 1867-1887. B*. Title in 1867: Laws of Michigan concerning the solemnization, record and return of marriages . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1867 and 1887. 3907. . , , . Mechanics' lien law. [no imprint]. 4 p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 405 3908. . , , . Militia laws of the state of Michi- gan . . . Detroit [1838?]- 1846. B*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1838 and 1846; the U. of M. Library has 1846. 3909. . , , . Laws, rules and regulations for the government of the Michigan state troops . . . Detroit, daily post book and job printing establishment, 1875. 77 p. B. 3910. . , , . State of Michigan laws of 1917 re- lative to military affairs. 1. — ;$5,000,000 war loan act. 2. — Amending act of 1909, providing for the military establishment. 3. — Pay of enlisted men. 4. — Amending naval militia act. 5. — Military training in high schools. 6. — Pajmient of claims of veterans of Spanish- American war. Passed by legisla- ture of 1917. Printed by authority. Dennis E. Alward, secretary of the senate. Charles S. Pierce, clerk of the house of representatives. [Lansing, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1917]. 23 p. U. 3911. . , , . . . . Mineral lands. Resolutions of the legislature of Michigan, relative to leasing the mineral lands. May 20, 1846. Read, and referred to the committee on public lands. [Detroit, Mich., Ritchie & Heiss, pi4nt., 1846]. Caption title, 18 p. ([U. S.] 29th cong., 1st sess., house doc. no. 204). L C; U. 3912. . , , . Laws governing mining corpora- tions, with annotations . . . Comp. by . . . secretary of state. 1872-1914. Lansing, Mich., state printers, 1872-1914. B*; L C*; U.* Imprint in 1872: Detroit, E. Schober. 1904, compiled by Fred M. Warner; 1912-1914. by Frederick C. Martindale. Title in 1872: Statutes of Michigan relating to corporations organized for mining and manufacttiring purposes . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1872 and 1904; the Library of Congress has 1912 and 1914; the U. of M. Library has 1912 and 1914. 3913. . , , . . . . Motor vehicle law . . . 1905- 1916. Lansing [1905 ?-1916?]. B*; U*. Title varies: 1910, An act providing for the registration, identification and regulation of motor vehicles operated upon the public highways of this state, and of the operators of such vehicles . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1905 and 1910; the U. of M. Library has 1910 and 1916. 3914. . , , . . . . Moving picture law as amended by the legislature of 1915. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Craw- ford company, state printers [1915?]. Cover title, [8] p. U. At head of title: State of Michigan. 3915. . — — , , . Charter of the public schools of the city of Muskegon. [Muskegon? 1899]. [10] p. L C. 3916. . , , . Act relating to negotiable instru- ments and' amendments of 1905 to the general banking laws. 1905. Com- piled by George A. Prescott, secretary of state. [Lansing? 1905?]. 38 p. B. 406 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 3917. . , , . . . . Acts creating the inspection of illuminating oils and regulating the sale and use of gasoline and benzine (or naphtha). Pub. by the department under the direction of the state oil inspector . . . 1909. [Lansing] Wynkodp Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers [1909]. 20 p. L C. 3918. . ', , . Michigan laws for the protection of orchards and vineyards. Comp. under the supervision of . . . secretary of state. 1900-1914. Lansing, Mich., state printers, 1900-1914. B*; LC*;U*. 1900, compiled bj- Justus S. Stearns; 1905, under the supervision of George A. Prescott; 1912-191-4, under the supervision of Frederick C. Martindale. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1905; the Library of Congress has 1900 and 1914; the U. of U. Library has 1912 and 1914. 3919. . , , . . . . Laws relating to the formation of partnership associations . . . 1903-1917. Lansing, Michigan, .state printers, 1903-1917. B*; U*. 1903, compiled by Fred M. Warner, secretary cf state; 1917, compiled under the super- vision of Coleman C. Vaughan, secretary of state. Title varies: 1903, An act to authorize the formation of partnership associations. Act no. 191, public acts of 1877, as amended by act no. 244, public actjf of 1903 . . . *The Burton- Historical Collection has 1903; the U. of M. Library has 1917. 3920. ■ . , , . . . . Pharmacy laws of Michigan. Compiled under the supervision of . . . secretary of state. 1905-1915. [Lansing? 1905?-1915?]. B*; U*. 1911, compiled under the supervision of Frederick C. Martindale; 1915, under the super- vision of Coleman C. Vaughan. Title varies: 1905, An act to regulate the practice of pharmacv in the state of Michigan. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1905; the U. of M. Library has 1911 and 1915. 3921. . , , . . . . Laws relating to the support of poor persons, juvenile courts, etc. Comp. under the supervision of . . . sec- retary of state. 1878-1916. By authority. Lansing, Michigan, state printers, 1878-1916. B*;LC*;U*. 1908, compiled under the super\'ision of George A. Prescott; 1916, under the supervision of Coleman C. Vaughan. Title varies: 1878, Laws of the state of Michigan relating to the support ot poor persons. Comp. and pub. under the supervision of the secretary of state, pursuant to act, no. 3, laws of 1877 . . . *ThL- Burton Historical Collection has 1907; the Library of Congress has 1878 and 1907; the U. of M. Library has 1916. 3922. . , , . . . . Laws relating to general pri- mary election, absent voters, corrupt practices and other related subjects. Comp. under the supervision of . . . secretary of sj;ate. 1907-1916. By authority. Lansing, Mich. , Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co. , state printers, 1907-1916. B*;LC*;U*. 1907, compiled under the supervision of George A. Prescott; 1912-1914, under the super- vision of Frederick C. Martindale; 1915-1916, under the supervision of Coleman C. Vaughan. Title Varies: 1907-1914, Michigan primary election law . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1907 and 1915; the Librarv of Congress has 1912, 1915, 1916; the U. of M. Library' has 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 407 3923. . , , ■- . A compilation of federal and state legislation in reference to land grant railroads in the upper peninsula of the state of Michigan. Detroit, free press book and job printing establishment, 1871. 40 p. B; D. 3924. . , , . . . . Laws relating to railroads. Comp. under the supervision of . . . secretary of state. 1859-1917. By authority. Lansing, Mich., state printers [1859?]-1917. B*; D*; LC*; U*. 1870, published at Detroit. 1896, compiled under the supervision of the commissioner of railroads by W. G. Billings; 1905-1907, under the supervision of George A. Prescott, secretary of state; 1909-1913, under the supervision of Frederick C. Martindale; 1915-1917, under the supervision of Coleman C. Vaughan. Title varies: 1859, General railroad law and amendments . . . 1870, Compilation of the general railroad legislation of the state of Michigan . . . 1871, An act to revise the laws providing for the incorporation of railroad companies . . . 1873-1881, General railroad laws of Michigan . . . 1883-1896, Railroad laws of Michigan . . . 1907, vSupplement to the Michigan railroad laws, compilation of 1905 . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1870, 1871, 1873, 1875, 1879, 1881, 1905, and sup- plement, 1907; the main library, Detroit, has 1873, 1875, 1879, 1881, 1896, 1909; the Li- brary of Congress has 1859, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1913, 1915, 1917; the U. of M. Librarv has 1905, 1909, 1913, 1915. 3925. . , — , . State of Michigan uniform sales act 1913. Compiled by Frederick C. Martindale, secretary of state. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1913. Cover title, 23 p. U. 3926. . , , . Statutes of the state of Michigan, relating to primary schools, including chapter 58 of title XI of the revised statutes, and all acts subsequent!}^ passed connected with the subjects of said chapter: with explanatory notes and forms for conducting all proceedings under said laws, prepared pursuant to the directions of the legislature, by Ira Mayhew, superintendent of public instruction. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847. 102 p. [With Dept. of public instruction, report, 1847-49]. D; LC; U. 3927. . , , . General school laws. With an ap- pendix of blank forms. Comp. under the supervision of . . . secretary of state. 1864-1917. By authority. Lansing, Mich., state printers. 1864-1917. B*; D*; L C*; U*. Title varies: 1864-1877, The school laws of Michigan . . .• 1887, Amendments to the school laws . . . 1891, Amendments to the general school laws . . . 1893, Michigan school law, with decisions by superintendent of public instruction and supreme court. Comp. by Alvron T. Dodge. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1864, 1873, 1879, 1881, 1885, 1893, 1905, 1907; the main librarv, Detroit, has 1899, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915; the Librarv of Congress has 1864, 1869, 1873, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1898, 'l899, 1901, 1905, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1917; the U. of M. Librarv has 1864, 1869, 1873, 1879, 1881, 1885, 1893, 1898, 1901, 1905, 1908, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915. 3928. . , , . . . . Law regulating commerce in 408 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN certain agricultural seeds, 1913. Compiled by Frederick C. Martindale, secretary of state. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1913. Cover title, [3] p. D; U. At head of title: State of Michigan. 3929. . , , . . . . Laws relating to old soldiers. Compiled under the supervision of Coleman C. Vaughan, secretary of state. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1916. 33 p. U. At head of title: 1916. State of Michigan. 3930. . , , . The general statutes of the state of Michigan. In force. Including the acts of the extra session of 1882. With notes and digests of the decisions of the supreme court relating thereto . . . Compiled and annotated by Andrew Howell . . . Chicago, Callaghan & co., 1882-1890. 3v. D;LC;S;U. Vol. I: With an appendix containing the general tax law of 1882; v. 3; Containing the public acts of the legislature passed at the sessions of 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889. 3931. . , , . . . . Law regulating steam vessels, etc., with amendments 1911. Compiled by Frederick C. Martindale, secre- tary of state. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1912. Cover title, 13 p. U. At head of title: State of Michigan. 3932. . , , . Tax law of the state of Michigan . . . Published under the supervision of the auditor general . . . 1851-1891. Lansing, state printers, 1851-1891. B*; L C*; U*. 1851, compiled by John Swegles, jr., auditor general; 1853, printed under the supervision of John Swegles; 1858, printed under the supervision of Whitney Jones, auditor general; 1867, printed under the supervision of the secretary of state. Title varies: 1851, Laws of the state of Michigan, containing the system of taxation . . . 1853, Tax law of the state of Michigan . . . 1858 and 1867, Laws of the state of Michigan relative to assessing propert}^ and for levying and collecting taxes thereon . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1851, 1853, 1858, 1867, 1869, 1871, 1873, 1875, 1885, 1889, 1891; the Library of Congress has 1858 and 1885; the U. of M. Library has 1873 and 1885. 3933. . , , . Tax laws of Michigan from 1882 to 1897 inclusive, comp., annotated and indexed by H. H. Smith. Chicago, Cal- laghan & CO., 1898. X, [2], 360 p. G; L C. 3934. . , , . . . . General tax law . . . 1893- 1895 to 1907. Annotations and citations from Michigan reports and other sotu^ces and references to statutes affecting the administration of the tax law. Compiled and published under the supervision of . . . auditor general. By authority. Lansing, Mich., Robert Smith printing co., state printers and binders, 1895-1907. B; D*; L C*; U*. Compilations: 1893-1895; 1893-1895-1897; 1893-1895-1897-1899; "1893 as amended. Ed. of 1907." 1897-1899, compiled under the supervision of Roscoe P. Dix; 1907 under the supervision of James B. Bradley. Title varies. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 409 *The main library, Detroit, has 1907; the Library of Congress has 1893-1895-1897-1899, and 1907; the U. of M. Library has 1907. 3935. . , , . Acts amending tax laws . . . 1899- 1915. [Lansing? 1899?]-1915. B*; D*; L C*; U*. Issued in 1899, 1913 and 1915 under direction of the auditor general. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1899; the main library, Detroit, has 1913; the Library of Congress has 1913 and 1915; the U. of M. Library has 1913 and 1915. 3936. . , , . Act 174 of the public acts of 1915. An act to provide for a retirement fund for teachers in certain cases. [Lan- sing? 1915?]. Caption title, 6 p. U. 3937. ■ — — . , , . . . . Act providing for registration and licensing of threshing machines and securing crop statistics 1917. Com- piled by Coleman C. Vaughan, secretary of state. Lansing, Michigan, Wyn- koop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1917. Cover title, [3] p. U. At head of title: State of Michigan. 3938. . , , . Laws of Michigan concerning the organization and government of townships, and powers and duties of town- ship officers and boards of supervisors; with numerous practical forms, and notes referring to adjudicated cases, by Elijah M. Haines. Detroit, S. D. Elwood, 1860. 270, xlv p. B. 3939. . , , . . . . Laws relating to the incor- poration and general powers of villages. Comp. imder the supervision of . . . secretary of state. 1906-1915. By authority. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1906-1915. B*; D*; L C*; U*. 1906, compiled under the supervision of George A. Prescott; 1912-1914, under the super- vision of Frederick C. Martindale; 1915, under the supervision of Coleman C. Vaughan. Title varies: 1906, An act to provide for the incorporation of villages; with amend- ments ... 1912, Laws relating to the incorporation of villages . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1906; the mai,n library, Detroit, has 1912, 1914 1915; the Library of Congress has 1912 and 1915; the U. of M. Library has 1910, 1912, 1914 3940. . , , . . . . Laws of Michigan relating to women. Lansing, Mich., state printer, 1916. 105 p. D; L C; S; U. At head of title: Michigan state library, legislative reference department. Comp. by Charles W. Bradrick. 3941. . , , . Workmen's compensation law . . . [New York] 1912-[1913]. B*; D*; L C*; U*. Title varies. Abstract of act in 1912 has imprint: Detroit, Conway brief co. *The Burton Historical Collection has abstract, 1912; the main library, Detroit, has edition of 1912 in 23 p.; the Library of Congress has two editions of 1912 and one in 1913; the U. of M. Library has two editions in 1912. 3942. — . Legislative association. Proceedings of the lst-3rd Michigan legislative reunion, held at Lansing, June, 1886-1890. Lansing, Mich., 1886-1890. G; S; U. Title varies slightly. - 3943. . . Programme; lst-2nd reunion, 410 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Michigan legislative association, June, 1886-1888. Lansing [1886-1888]. S;U*. Imprint in 1888: Williamston, Mich., enterprise steam print, 1888. *The U. of M. Library has 1886. 3944. . Legislative excursion, February 25, 26, and 27, 1869. [Lansing "W. S. George & co., printers, 1869]. 80 p. B; S. 3945. . Legislature . . . Acts of the legislature of the state of Michigan . . . 1835-36 to 1917. Lansing, state printers, 1836-1917. B;D;G;S;U. Published at Detroit, 1836-1847. Title varies: 1835-36, Acts of the legislature of the state of Michigan, passed at the first and extra sessions of 1835 and 1836. 1837-1851, Acts of the legislature of the state of Michigan passed at the annual session . . . (slight variations in wording in 1838 and 1851). 1853-1869, Acts of the legislature of the st^te of Michigan passed at the regular session . . . (1867 in 2 vols.; 1869 in 3 vols.). 1871 and 1873 each in 3 vols. V 1 : General acts and joint and concurrent resolutions . . . ; V 2: . . . Charters of cities and villages, and amendments thereto; V 3: Local and personal acts. 1875-1917, each session in 2 vols. [V 1] Public acts and joint and concurrent resolutions of the legislature . . . (Variations in wording) ; [V 2] Local acts of the legislature . . . 3946. . ^ . Album of the Michigan state officers and legislature, 1877-8. C. H. Mead, photo . . . [Lansing? 1878?]. Cover title, not paged. S. Photographs. 3947. . . In memory of Hon. Gyrus Gray Luce, ex- governor of the state of Michigan. Proceedings of the senate and the house of representatives; biographical sketch by Mrs. Fannie E. Newberry. Pub- lished by authority of the legislature of 1905. [Lansing? 1905?]. 92 p. S; U. 3948. . . In memory of Hon. James McMillan, sena- tor in the congress of the United States from Michigan. Proceedings of the senate and the house of representatives in joint convention Wednesday, April second, 1903. Sketch of Senator McMillan's life by Gharles Moore. Pub. by authority of the legislature of 1903. [Lansing, Mich., press of R. Smith printing CO., 1903]. 93 p., 1 1. B;LG;S;U. 3949. . . Joint docimients of the state of Alichigan ...1841-1897. Lansing, 1841-1898. B;D;G;S;U. Published at Detroit, 1841-1848. Title varies: 1841, issued in duplicate volumes with following title pages: Docum.ents accompanying the journal of the house . . . and Documents accompanying the journal of the senate . . . 1843, Documents communicated to the senate and house of representatives . . . 1844-1848, Joint documents of the senate and house of representatives . . . 1849-1851, Joint documents of the legislature . . . 3950. . . The joint memorial of the senate and house of representatives of the state of Michigan, to the congress of the United States. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 2 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1847. senate document no. 2). B; D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 411 3951. . . Joint report to the legislature on Michigan mining school, by the committees on mines, minerals, and mining interests of the senate, and of school of mines of the house, made March 3, 1887. By authority. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders, 1887. 24 p. - — S. 3952. . . Legislative proceedings. Memorial of James G. Blaine ... By authority. Lansing, R. Smith & co., state printers, 1893. [36] p. G;'lC;S;U. "Compiled by Samuel F. Cook, journal clerk, house of representatives." 3953. • . . Legislative proceedings. Memorial of Hon. Ovid N. Case, late of Detroit, Mich. . . By authority. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders, 1887. [36] p. B; S. 3954. — . . Legislative proceedings. Memorial of Daniel L Grossman ... By authority. Lansing, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1901. 2 p. 1., [16] p., 2 1. —^ S. 3955. . . Legislative proceedings. Memorial of Rutherford B. Hayes, ex-president of the United States and Henry P. Bald- win, ex-governor and ex-senator of Michigan ... By authority. Lansing, ]S.obert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1893. [62] p. G; S; U. 3956. . — . Legislative proceedings. Memorial of Hon. Jas. H. Macdonald of Escanaba, Mich. . . . By authority. Lansing, Darius D. Thorp, state printer and binder, 1889. [42] p. S; U. 3957. . ■ . Legislative proceedings. Memorial of Francis B. Stockbridge [United States senator from Michigan] ... By au- thority. Lansing, R. Smith & co., state printers, 1895. [58] p. B; G;LC;S;U. Compiled by Samuel F. Cook. 3958. . . Memorial and resolutions relative to im- provements, &c. by the general government in the state of Michigan. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, print- ers, 1839, no. 16, p. 271-272). B; D; G; S; U. 3959. . . Memorial and resolution of the legislature of Michigan, relative to building a hght house and improving the harbor at Belvidere, at the mouth of the Clinton river, on Lake St. Clair. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 18, p. 125-127). B; D; G; S; U. 3960. . . Memorial of Aaron Thomas Bliss, governor of Michigan during the years 1901-02 and 1903-04. His life and public serv- ices and a biographical sketch. Pubhshed by authority of the legislature of 1907-08. [Lansing? 1907?]. 2 p. 1., 86 p. G: L C; S; U. 3961. . . Memorial proceedings of the Michigan 412 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN legislature for Gen. William T. Sherman and Admiral David D. Porter. By- authority. Lansing, R. Smith & co., state printers, 1891. 46 p. LC;S;U. Compiled by A. J. Murphy, secretary of the senate, and L. A. Brant, clerk of the house of representatives. 3962. . . Memorial to the congress of the United States in relation to the Indians living within the limits of the state of Michi- gan. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate document no. 9. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 85-89). B; D; G; S; U. 3963. — ■ . . Memorial to the honorable the senate and house of representatives of the United States in congress assembled. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 48, p. 462-466). — B; D; G; S; U. 3964. . . . . . Michigan legislative handbook . . . 1901-02 to 1917-18. [Lansing 1901 ?-19 17]. S*; U*. Title varies: 1901-02, Michigan legislative directory. 1901-02 comp. under the direction of the secretary of the senate; 1907-08 under the direc- tion of the secretary of the senate and clerk of the house of representatives. *The State Library has 1901-02, 1903-04 to 1915-16; the U. of M. Library has 1905-06 to 1917-18. 3965. . . Russell Alexander Alger, late senator in the congress of the United Sta1?es from Michigan. Memorial exercises of the senate and house of representatives of the state of Michigan in joint session, April 10, A.D. 1907. Sketch of Senator Alger's life. Comp. under the direc- tion of the chairman of the joint memorial committee and published by au- thority of the legislature. [Lansing? 1907]. 98 p. L C; S; U. J. Edward Bland, chairman, joint memorial committee. 3966. [ . ]. Shall convicts be imported from other states? Shall large numbers of convicts be employed in any one industry to the detriment of free labor? . . . [Grand Rapids, Mich., Dean printing co., 1893']. 20 p. S. Contains Senator McLaughlin's bills on' the subject and stenographic reports of the speeches made before the legislative committees. 3967. . . House. . . . Constitution, rules, com- mittees, members, officers, employees. Compiled by Samuel F. Cook, journal clerk of the house. By order of the chief clerk. [Lansing, 1899]. 117 p. U. At head of title: Michigan. House of representatives, 1899. 3968. . . : . . . Constitution, rules, com- mittees, members, officers, employees. Compiled under rule 10. By order of the chief clerk. [Lansing? 1901?]. 133 p. U. At head of title: Michigan. House of representatives, 1901. 3969. . . . Doctiments accompanying the BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 413 journal of the house of representatives of the state of Michigan . . . 1838- 1867. Lansing, 1838-1867. B;D;G;S;U. Published at Detroit, 1838-1847. 3970. . . . Journal of the house of represen- tatives of the state of Michigan . . . 1835-1917. Lansing, 1836-1917. B;D;G;S; U. Published at Detroit, 1836-1847. 3971. . . . Resolutions relative to the sub- treasur}^ reported by Jacob M. Howard. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 62, p. 567-568). B; D; G; S; U. 3972. ■ . . . Rules of house of the representa- tives of the state of Michigan. [Detroit? 1835?]. Caption title, 7 p. S. 3973. . . . State bank charters. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 8, p. 136-177). B; D; G; S; U. 3974. . . . Committee on agriculture. Re- port of the committee on agriculture, relative to establishing a military school at the agricultural college. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, house document no. 6). B; D; G; S; U. 3975. . . . . Report of the committee on agriculture ... to whom was referred that part of the governor's message relating to that subject, together with a resolution of the house instructing the committee to report on the expediency of extending pecuniary aid in the shape of premiums to the various agricultural interests of the state. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 27, p. 566-567). B; D; G; S; U. 3976. . . . Committee on agriculture and manufactures. Report of the committee on agriculture and manufactures. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 12 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, house document no. 5). B; D; G; S; U. 3977. . . . . Report of the committee on agriculture and manufactures ... to whom was referred, by the house of representatives of the state of Michigan, so much of the annual message of the governor as relates to a pro- tective tariff. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 3978. . . . . Report of the committee on agriculture and manufactures to whom was referred the resolution relative to the manufacture of sugar from 414 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN the beet. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 67, p. 573). B: D; G; S; U. 3979^ . . . Committee on agriculture and manufactures and committee on education. Report of the committee on agriculture and manufactures, and the committee on education, to whom jointly was referred so much of the messages of the retiring governor, and of His Excellency the present executive, as relates to the state agricultural col- lege. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1865]. 5 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 46). — — "D; G; S; U. 3980. . . . Committee on the asylum for the deaf and dumb and the blind. Report of the committee on the asylum for the deaf and dumb and the blind ... to whom was referred so much of the governor's messages as relates to the asylum for the deaf, dumb and the blind. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 6 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1861, house docimient no. 14). B; D; G; S; U. 3981. . . . Committee on the asylum for the insane. Report of committee on the asylum for insane ... to whom was referred the report of the trustees, and who were instructed to visit and ex- amine the institution. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 27). B; D; G; S; U. 3982. . . . Committee on banks. Report of the committee appointed to in\'estigate the affairs and condition of the bank of Macomb county and Oakland county bank. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house doctiments. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 25, p. 541-554). B;D;G;S;U. 3983. . . — . • Report of the committee on banks, relative to moneys to be received into the state treasiu-y. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 12, p. 129). B; D; G; S; U. 3984. . . . Committee to investigate bank of Ypsilanti. Report of the committee appointed to investigate the affairs of the bank of Ypsilanti. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. De- troit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 43, p. 683-704). B; D; G;S;U. 3985. . . . Committee on banks and incor- porations. Report of the committee on banks and incorporations, relative to making appropriations in aid of the state agricultural college, and the Michi- gan school of homeopathy and surgery. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 21). B;D;G;S;U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 415 3986. :. . . . Report of the committee on banks, &c., to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to the estabHshment of a state bank. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 29, p. 574-578). B; D; G; S; U. 3987. . — . . . Report of the committee on banks and incorporations, relative to the memorial of the Bay de Noquet and Marquette railroad company. [Lan- sing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, hotise document no. 18). B; D; G; S; U. 3988. . . . . Report of the committee on banks and incorporations, to whom was referred a bill to incorporate the Clinton salt works company. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 33, 334-336). B:D;G;S;U. 3989. . . . . Report of the committee on banks and incorporations, to whom was referred house joint resolution in relation to the Detroit and Milwaukee railway, so called. [Lansing. John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 22). D;G;S;U. 3990. . . . . Minority report of the committee on banks and incorporations relative to the Erie and Kalamazoo and Michigan southern railroads. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer. 1850]. 10 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 3991. . . . . Report of the committee on banks and incorporations, in refer- ence to the Lake Erie and River Raisin railroad company. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 44, p. 155-160). B; D; G; S; U. 3992. . . . . Report of the committee on banks and incorporations, in relation to the Lake Erie and River Raisin railroad company. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 59, p. 205-208). -^B;D;G;S;U. 3993. — . . . ■ . Report of the committee on banks and incorporations relative to the enforcement of a certain law. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house docu- ments. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 51, p. 185- 186). B; D; G; S; U. 3994. . . . . Report of the committee on banks and incorporations [on various 416 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN matters referred to them]. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, house documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 3, p. 21-24). B;D;G; S; U. 3995. . . . • . Minority report of the committee on banks and incorporations ... to whom was referred the bill "to amend an act entitled an act to au- thorize the sale of the central railroad, and to incorporate the Michigan central railroad company, approved March 28, 1846. " [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, house document no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 3996. . . . . Report of the committee on banks and incorporations, relative to the Michigan insurance company. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house docu- ments. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 41, p. 150- 152). B; D; G; S; U. 3997. . . . . Report of the committee on banks and incorporations relative to the Michigan southern, and Erie and Kalamazoo railroads. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house docu- ment no. 10). B;D;G;S;U. 3998. . — . . . Report of the minority of the committee on banks and incorpora- tions ... to whom was referred among other bills, the bill to amend an act entitled an act to authorize the sale of the Michigan southern railroad and to incorporate the Michigan southern railroad company, approved May 9, 1846. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, house document no. 11). B; D; G; S; U. 3999. . . . . Report of the committee on banks and incorporations, to whom was referred the petition for the peninsiilar bank. (Alichigan, legislature, 1849, house documents. Lansing, Mtmger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 3, p. 6-8). B; D; G; S; U. 4000. . . — . . Report of the committee on banks and incorporations, relative to authorizing certain counties, cities and townships to pledge their credit in aid of the construction of a railroad from Jackson to Grand Rapids. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1864]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1864, house document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 4001. . . . . Report of the committee on banks and incorporations, to whom was referred a bill for the construction of a railroad to Lake Superior. [Lan- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 417 sing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 2 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1855, house document no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 4002. . — . . . Report of the committee on banks and incorporations, relative to the St. Joseph's railroad company. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 20). B; D;G;S;U. 4003. . . . . Report of the committee on banks and incorporations, concerning the circulation of shinplasters. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 42, p. 152-153). B; D; G; S; U. 4004. . . . Committee on charges against Milo H. Dakm. Investigation of charges against Milo H. Dakin before the house of representatives, April 25, 26, and 27, 1887. (From the legislative journal). By authority. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers, 1887. 255 p. '- B;LC. ' Relates influence used for the passage of a bill to amend the charter of Saginaw. 4005. . . . Committee on claims. Report of the -committee on claims [relative to the claim of Mark Cannon]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, house document no. 15). B; D; G; S; U. 4006. . . . . Report of the committee on claims, to whom was referred the memorial of Benjamin C. Cox, for services rendered as assistant engineer on the northern railroad, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 36, p. 311-312). B; D; G; S; U. 4007. . . . . Report of the committee on claims ... to whom was referred the claim of Dennis, Thomas and Wood, for materials furnished by them to Benjamin Porter, late acting commissioner of the state prison. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, house document no. 6). B; D;G;S;U. 4008. . . . . Report of the committee on claims relative to the claim of Hicks & co. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 66, p. 255). B; D; G; S; U. 4009. . . . . Report of minority of coinmittee on claims, relative to the claim of Jonathan Kearsley. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 15). B; D; G; vS; U. 53 418 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4010. . . . . Report of the committee on claims to whom was referred the petition of Benjamin Por- ter. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house documents. Lansing, Hunger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 5, p. 10-13). B; D; G; S; U. 4011. . . . . Report of the committee on claims, in relation to the claim of the River Raisin and Lake Erie railroad company. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. De- troit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 70, p. 261-265). B; D;G;S;U. 4012. . . . Committee on the revised code. Report of the committee on revised code. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 28, p. 321). B;D;G;S;U. 4013. — — . . . Committee on the revision of the constitution. Report of the minority of the committee on the revision of the constitution, relative to disfranchising deserters from the military service of this state, or of the United States. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. [2] p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 30). B;D;G; vS;U. 4014. . . . Committee on constitutional amendments. Report of the committee on constitutional amendments . . . to ^^■hom w^as referred so much of the governor's message as relates to a change of the constitution in respect to the time for which the legislature should hold its sessions. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 4015. . . . Committee on education. Report of the committee on education, relative to providing for the appointment of county superintendents of common schools. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 5 p. (Micliigan, legislature, 1861, house docu- ment no. 15). B;D;G;S;U. 4016. . . . . Report of the committee on education, to whom was referred so much of the governor's message and report of the superintendent of public instruction, as relates to education. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 53, p. 187-192). B; D; G; S; U. 4017. . . . . Report from the committee on education [to whom was referred so much of the gov- ernor's annual message as relates to education]. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, house documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 7, p. 36-38). B;D;G;S;U. 4018. . . . . Report of the committee on education, relative to the higher education of females. [Lan- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 419 sing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 9 p. (Michigan, legis- ture, 1863, house document no. 26). B; D; G; S; U. 4019. . . . • Report of the committee on education [relative to the plan of Alexandre Vattemarefor an international literary exchange]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 27). B; D; G; S; U. 4020. . . . ■ Report of the Hon. W. Norman Macleod, chairman of the committee on education; rela- tive to Mons. Alexandre Vattemare's scheme of international literary ex- changes. [Detroit, 1844]. Caption title, 10 p. LC. 4021. . . . . Report of the committee on education in the matter of the petition of the Leoni theo- logical institution. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 1, p. 1-2). B; D; G;S;U. 4022. . . ■ . ■ Minority report of the committee on education, relative to the establishinent of school district libraries. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house docimient no. 19). B; D; G; S; U. 4023.- . . . . Report of the majority of the committee on education, on the petition of the trustees of Michigan college. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 11, p. 120-129). B; D; G; S; U. 4024. . . — . • Report of the minority of the committee on education, on the petition of the trustees of Michigan college. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 26, p. 318-320). B; D; G; S; U. 4025. . . . • Report of the committee on education, relative to providing for normal instruction in certain colleges. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house docimient no. 34). B; D; G; S; U. 4026. . . . • : • Report of the committee on education ... to whom was referred so much of the mes- sage of the governor as relates to primary schools, and also the reports of the superintendent of public instruction. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, house documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 15, p. 66-67). B;D;G; S;U. 4027. . . . . Report of the committee on education relative to establishing a reform school for girls. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 4 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1861, house document no. 8). — ■ — B; D; G; S; U. 420 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4028. . . . . Report of the committee on education, to whom was referred the special message of the governor, &c., relative to the school and university funds. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1842, house documents. Detroit, Bagg & Hannon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 22, p. 95-96). B; D; G; S; U. 4029. . . . . Report of the committee on education ... to whom was referred a resolution of in- quiry, relative to the distribution of the school laws. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 50, p. 468-469). B;D;G;S;U. 4030. . . . . Report of the majority of the committee on education, to whom was referred a bill sup- plementary to the common school laws. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, house document no. 6). B; D;G;S; U. 4031. . . . . Report of the minority of the committee on education, to w'hom was referred a bill sup- plementary to the common school law. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, house document no. 5). B; D; G; S; U. 4032. . . . . Report of committee on education [to whom was referred the petition of sundry inhabi- tants of Lapeer county, for the location of a seminary of learning in the town- ship of Hadley, etc.]. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. De- troit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 19, p. 271). — B; D; G; S; U. 4033. . . . . Report of the committee on education, on the memorial of the state teachers' associa- tion. Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house docimient no. 28). B; D; G; S; U. 4034. . . . '■ . Report of the committee on education on the report of the superintendent of public in- struction. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 17). B; D; G; S; U. 4035. . . . • . Report of the committee on education, relative to the repeal of the act establishing teachers' institutes. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house doctmient no. 42). B; D; G; S; U. 4036. . . . . Report of the committee on education [relative to a petition purporting to have been signed by one hundred and fifty citizens of the county of Berrien asking the legislature to adopt measures adding the university fund to the common BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 421 school fund because in their behef the university is of Httle or no benefit to the state or the people generally]. Detroit, Bagg & Hannon. printers to the legislature, state, 1844. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 26). B; D; G; S; U. 4037. -. . . . Report of committee on education, relative to the erection of a chair of homeopathy in the university. [Lansing, Hosmcr & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 14). B; D; G; S; U. 4038. . . — . . Report of the committee on education, on a communication of the executive respecting a loan to the university. (Michigan, legislature, 1838,. house documents. De- troit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 49, p. 462-464). B; D; G;S;U. 4039. . . . Committee on elections. Report of committee on elections, relative to the contested seat of Chippewa and other counties associated for representative purposes. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 22 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 3). ■ B; D; G; S; U. 4040. . — . . • . Report of the committee on elections, in relation to the qualifications of Levi E. Dolsen, Joseph Coates and Charles P. Bush, to seats as members of the legislature. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 43, p. 154-155). B; D; G; S; U. 4041. . ■ — . . . Reports of the minority and majority of the committee on elections, on the claims of Elisha Ely to a seat in the house of representatives, as a member from the county of Allegan. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 10, p. 180-186). B; D; G; S; U. 4042. . . — . . Majority report of the committee on elections, in the contested election case of Charles T. Harvey vs. Ebenezer Warner. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 15 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 11). B; D; G; S; U. 4043. . . . . Minority report of the committee on elections, in the contested election case of Charles T. Harvey vs. Ebenezer Warner. [Lanisng, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 4044. . . . . Report of the committee on elections ... to whom was referred the petition of Samuel W. Hill, contesting the seat of Elisha G. Sejonour, the sitting member from 422 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Chippewa. [Detroit, Bagg & Hamioii, printers to the state, 1847]. 16 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, house doeument no. 2). B; D; G; S; U. 4045. . . . . Report of the committee on elections, in relation to the memorial of Hon. Hiram C. Hodge, claiming the seat of Hon. Chandler Freeman, as member from the second representative district in the county of Clinton. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 4046. . . . . Minority report of the committee on elections, relative to the several memorials in re- lation to contested seats. [Lansing, J6hn A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 20). B; D; G; S; U. 4047. . . — . . Report of the committee on elections [to whom was referred a petition of women of Lenawee county asking for a constitutional amendment extending to women an equal right to the elective franchise with men]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 1 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house docu- ment no. 31). B;D;G;S;U. 4048. . . . . Report of committee on election ... to whom was referred the petition of Hezekiah D. McCulloch, contesting the seat of Peter McKinley. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 15 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, house document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 4049. . . . . Report of the committee on elections, in relation to the Mackinac election. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. I, no. 15, p. 10-23). B; D; G; vS; U. 4050. . . . . Report of the committee on elections, relative to a certain bill pending before the legis- latiire, to enable the qualified electors of this state, in the military service, to vote at certain elections, and to amend section forty-five and sixty-one, of chapter six, of the compiled laws. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 22). B; D;G;S;U. 4051. . . . . Minority report of the committee on elections, on the subject of allowing the disqualified electors of this state, in the military service, to vote at certain elections. [Lan- sing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 6 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1863, house document no. 28). B; D; G; S; U. 4052. . . . — ^ . Report of BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 423 the committee on elections, in relation to the petition of Hon. Henry Miller, claiming the seat occupied by Hon. John N. Donaldson, as representative from district number one, of Oakland county. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 16 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house docu- ment no. 5). B;D;G;S;U. 4053. . . • — ■ . ■ . Minority report of the committee on elections, in relation to the petition of Hon. Henry Miller claiming the seat occupied by Hon. John N. Donaldson, as representa- tive from district number one, of Oakland county. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1863]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 6). B; D; G; S; U. 4054. — — . '■ . . . Reports of the majority and minority of the committee on elections, to whom was re- ferred the memorial of Hon. Henry Raymond, contesting the seat of Hon. Appleton Stevens. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 13 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 2). B; D; G;S;U. 4055. . — . . . Report of the committee to whom was referred the memorial in relation to the Saginaw election. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. H, no. 16, p. 23-28). B; D; G; S; U. 4056. . . . . Report of the committee on elections, in case of the contested seat of Hon. James Turrill, the sitting member from the county of Lapeer. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house docimients. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 2, p.^3-5). B;D;G;S;U. 4057. ■ . . . . Report of the committee on elections ... to whoin were referred sundry petitions ask- ing the enactinent of a law that a registry of votes shall be kept in each town- ship, ward, or other election precinct. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 1 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 32). B; D;G;S;U. 4058. . — . . — . Report of the committee on elections, to whom was referred the statement of the board of canvassers for Wayne county. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house docu- ments. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. H, p. 43-52). B; D;G;S;U. 4059. . . . Committee on federal relations. Report from the committee on federal relations on the joint resolution of the senate in relation to the general bankrupt law, and making certain amend- ments therein. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, house documents. Detroit, 424 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Bagg & Hannon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 9, p. 46-47). B; D; G;S;U. 4060. . . . . Report on joint resolution relative to construction of the Clinton and Kala- mazoo canal. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 4061. . . . : Report of the committee on federal relations, to whom was referred the pre- amble and joint resolutions relative to slave trade in the District of Columbia. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 21, p. 88-93). B; D; G; S; U. 4062. . . - — : . . Report o'f the committee on federal relations, to whom was referred that por- tion of the governor's message relating to federal relations. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 5). D; G; S; U. 4063. . . : . Report of the committee on federal relations to whom were referred a report and resolutions of the general assembly of the commonwealth of Kentucky, touching certain proceedings in the town of Marshall denominated an abolition mob, and also a memorial of an anti-slavery society recently convened at Ann Arbor, asking a law to prohibit aid by the citizens of this state, and the use of our jails in the recapture of persons claimed by citizens of other states as fugitive slaves. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house document no. 24). B; D; G; S; U. 4064. . . . . Report of the committee on federal relations relative to the fugitive slave law and slavery in the territories. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, house document no. 16). B; D; G;S;U. 4065. . . . • Report of the committee on federal relations, relative to delivering up of fugitive slaves. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 17). B; D; G; S; U. 4066. Report of Hon. W. T. Howell, chairman of the committee on federal relations, on the joint resolutions of the legislature of Illinois, on the subject of opening a channel of communication through Canada, for western produce. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 24). B; D; G; vS; U. 4067. . . . • Report of committee on federal relations [relative to the amount of land re- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 425 ceived by Michigan from the United States ; amount of money paid into United States treasury for such lands; am.ount paid as duties on imported goods, etc.]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 17 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, house document no. 16). B; D; G; S; U. 4068. . . . . Report of the committee on federal relations ... to whom, from time to time, have been referred, by the house of representatives of the state of Michi- gan, various petitions for the passage of a law "for the protection of personal libert}'. " [Detroit, Bagg & Hannon, printers to the state, 1844]. 6 p (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 13). — — B; D; G; S; U 4069. . . . Report of the committee on federal relations, relative to an exchange of prisoners. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 2 p (Michigan, legislature, 1862, house document no. 10). B; D; G; S; U 4070. . . . Report of the committee on federal relations, to whom was referred resolutions of the states of Tennessee and Alabama, approving of Mr. Whitney's plan of a railroad from Lake Michigan to the Pacific Ocean. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house docu- ment no. 22 [?]). B;D;G;S;U. There are two house documents in 1848 numbered 22. 4071. . . . . Report of the committee on federal relations relative to slavery in the terri- tories. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1850, house document no. 16). B; D; G; S; U. 4072. . . . : . Report of a minority of the cominittee on federal relations [on the resolutions relative to extension of slavery and the power of congress to prohibit same]. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 21). B; D; G; S; U. 4073. . . . . Report of the minority of the committee on federal relations [on extension of slavery and the power of congress over same]. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house docimient no. 22). B; D; G; S; U. 4074. . . . . Report of the committee on federal relations ... to whom was referred so much of the present and retiring governors' messages as relates to the relations of the state with other states of the union and the general government. [Lan- sing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 4075. . — . . . 426 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN JMiiiority report of the committee on federal relations [on the state of the union]. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 8 p. (Miehigan, legislature, 1865, house doeument no. 9). D; G; S; U. 4076. . . . Committees on federal relations and on banks and incorporations. Report of the committees on federal rela- tions and on banks and incorporations, relative to the circulation of the bills of unsound banks of any foreign coimtry, or bills issued in one state redeem- able in another. . [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, house document no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 4077. . . . Committee on fisheries. Report of the committee on fisheries, relative to the fishing interests of the state. [Lan- sing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 17 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1865, house document no. 44). . D; G; S; U. 4078. . . ■ — — — . . Report of the committee on fisheries, on the fishing interests of this state. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, house document no. 11). B; D; G; S; LT. 4079. — . . — . Committee on the five million loan. Report of the majority of the committee on the five million loan. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 60, p. 531-550). B; D; G; S; U. 4080. .- — . . . Report of the minority committee on five million loan. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840. vol. II, no. 57, p. 514-524). B; D; G; S; U. 4081. . .■ — . Committee on state funds. Report of the minority of the committee on the subject of the state funds, &c., in pursuance of a resolution of the 2d February last. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 32, p. 597-601). B;D;G;S;U. 4082. . . . Committee on geological survey. Report of committee on geological survey ... to whom was referred that part of the governor's message relating to geology. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1865]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 4). D; G; S; U. 4083. Report of the committee on geological survey, in regard to the survey of por- tions of the state, and the collection, management, and preservation of geo- logical specimens. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863J. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 20). B; D; G; S;U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 427 4084. . . . Committee on the state geologist's report. Report of the committee on the state geologist's report in relation to the improvement of the state salt springs. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 4, p. 123- 125). B;D;G;S;U. 4085. . '. — . Committee on harbors. Report of committee on harbors ... to whom was referred so much of the gover- nor's message as relates to' lake harbors, and lake navigation. [Detroit, Bagg & Hamion, printers to the state, 1847]. 23 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, house document no. 19). B; D; G; vS; U. 4086. . . . Committee on the house of correc- tion. Report of the committee on the house of correction, to whom was re- ferred so much of the governor's message as relates to that subject. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 4087. . . . Committee on incorporations. ' Report of the committee on incorporations ... to whom was referred the petition of simdry persons of the county of Jackson, praying the legislature to incorporate a bank to be located in the village of Jackson. [Detroit, Bagg & Hamion, printers to the state, 1844]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house docmnent no. 15). B; D; G; S; U. 4088. . ■■ . . . Report of the committee on incorporations [to whom was refen-ed sundry petitions of citizens of the county of Oakland and other counties, praying for the incorporation of the Alphadelphia association]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house docu- ment no. 14). • B; D; G; S; U. 4089. . . . Committee on Indian affairs. Report of the committee on Indian affairs [relative to permitting Indians in the counties of Emmet and Cheboygan to exercise the elective franchise]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 2 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1855, house document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 4090. . . . . Report of the committee on Indian affairs, with accompanying documents. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 35 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 33). B; D; G; S; U. 4091. . . . Committee on insurance. Report of the committee on insurance, relative to the affairs of the late Climax insur- ance company. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, house document no. 9). B; D; G;S;U. 4092. . . . Committee on internal improve- 428 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN ment. Report of the committee on internal improvement, upon the petition of WilHam Bronson, and others, contractors on the Clinton and Kalamazoo canal. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 56, p. 513). B; D; G; S; U. 4093. . . . : . Report of the committee of internal improvement, on the propriety of leasing the central railroad. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 17, p. 124). B;D;G;S;U. 4094. . . . r ]. Report [of the committee of internal improvement, supplementary^ to their general report on so much of the governor's message as relates to the subject of internal improvement, and also a report on sundry memorials of citizens of the counties of Macomb and Oakland, praying that an appropria- tion may be made sufficient to complete the Clinton and Kalamazoo canal between the villages of Rochester and Frederick and lock the same into Clinton river at the latter place, also constructing a towing path along the bank of said river from Frederick to Belvidere]. (Michigan, legislature, 1843, house documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislatrue, 1843, no. 9, p. 42-48). B;D;G; vS;U. 4095. . . . — . Report of the committee on internal improvements ... to whom was referred the petition of sundry citizens of Eaton and Barry, praying appro- priations for constructing the Clinton and Kalamazoo canal. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house document no. 10). B; D; G; vS; U. 4096. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, relative to out- standing debts, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house doctmients. [De- troit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 33, p. 302-303). • ■ B; D; G; vS; U. 4097. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, to whom was re- ferred so much of the governor's message as relates to that subject. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1842, house documents. Detroit, Bagg & Hannon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 18, p. 71-77). B; D; G; S; U. 4098. . . . . Report of the committee of internal improvement [to whom was re- ferred so much of the message of the governor as relates to the subject of in- ternal improvement, and also the report of the board of internal improve- ment]. (Michigan, legislature, 1843, house documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 6, p. 25-33). B ; D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 429 4099. . . . — . Minority report of the committee on internal im])rovement ... to whom was referred that portion of the governor's message relating to internal improvement, &c. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, house document no. 11). B; D; G;S;U. 4100. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement ... to whom was re- ferred that portion of the governor's message relating to the subject of internal improvement, and the report of the board of internal improvement, together with sundry petitions. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 2). B; D; G; S;U. 4101. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement ... to whom was referred that portion of the governor's message, relating to the subject of in- ternal improvement, together with several petitions, asking for appropria- tions of land for the purpose of improving canals, rivers, and common roads. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 7 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1845, house document no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 4102. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement ... to whom was referred a bill entitled "a bill to improve the navigation of the Grand river, in the Town of Michigan as a public highway." [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house docu- ment no. 21). B; D; G; S; U. 4103. . . : . Report of the committee on internal improvements, relative to the construction of the Kalamazoo and Allegan railroad. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 66, p. 571-572). B;D;G;S;U. 4104. . . . . Majority report of the committee on internal improvement ... to whom was referred sundry petitions and resolutions, instructing them to in- quire into the expediency of appropriating internal improvement lands. [De- troit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 2 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1847, house document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 4105. . '- . — . — . Minority report of committee on internal improvement ... to whom was referred several resolutions, having for their object, appropriations of the internal improvement lands in this state to improve the navigation of the 430 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN. waters thereof. [Detroit, Bagj:^ & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, house doeument no. 9). B; D; G; vS; U.- 4106. . . . ■ . Report of committee on internal improvement relative to the sale of internal improvement lands, etc. [Lansing, Bagg & Hannon, printers to the state, 1848]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house doeument no. 5). B;D;G;S;U. 4107. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement relative to the Maumee and Havre branch railroad. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. H, no. 58, p. 524-529). • B; D; G; vS; U. 4108. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, to whom was re- ferred the proposition of the agents of the Ohio and Maumee's branch railroad company. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. H, no. 73, p. 269-271). B; D; G; S; U. 4109. . -. . . Report of committee on internal improvement relative to the Palmyra and Jacksonbiu-g railroad. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 62, p. 236-238). B; D;G;S;U. 4110. .■ . .■ ., Report of the committee on internal improvement, concerning the petitions of the Pontiac and Detroit railroad company, and niimerous in- habitants of the northern section of the state, and the senate bill, relating to the completion of the above road. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house docu- ments. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, no. 39, p. 316-321). B;D;G;S;U. 4111. . . . Committee on investigation. Re- port of the majority of the committee on investigation into the general ac- counts and proceedings of the board of internal improvement, made April 9, 1839. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 47, p. 747-827). B; D; G; S; U. 4112. . — — . . Committee on the judiciary. Re- port of the committee on the judiciary, relative to the petition of James Alex- ander. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 69, p. 260-261). B; D; G; S; U. 4113. — . . . . Mi- nority report of the judiciary committee, on the resolution relative to repeal- ing the act exempting the stock of the bank of St. Clair from taxation. (Michi- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS * 431 gan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer,^ 1841, vol. II, no. 68, p. 256-260). B; D; G; S; U. 4114. . . . . Re- port of the judiciary committee on the subject of abolishing the board of com- missioners &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 44, p. 347-351). B; D;G;S;U. 4115. . . . . Re- port of the minority of the committee on the judiciary, relative to amending certain sections of the compiled laws in regard to the competency of witnesses and the examination of parties in certain cases. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house docu- ment no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 41 16. — . . . . Re- port of the judiciary committee, relative to the powers of the legislature to amend existing charters. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, house document no. 2). B; D; G; S; U. 4117. . . . . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary, relative to the claim of David W. Noyes, Hiram Miller, Unn Miller, and Loren Andrus, of Macomb county. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 10 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 14). B; D; G; S; U. 41 18. . . — . . Re- port of A. Blair, from the committee on the judiciary, upon the subject of the extension of the right of suffrage to colored persons. [Detroit, Bagg & Har- mon, printers to the state, 1846]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, house document no. 12). ■ B; D; G; S; U. 41 19. . . . — . Re- port of the judiciary committee relative to amendinent of the constitution. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 2 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1844, house document no. 24). ■ B; D; G; S; U. 4120. . . — -. . Re- port of the judiciary committee in relation to striking out the word "white" in the second article of the constitution. (Michigan, legislature, 1843, house documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 3, p. 16-18). B;D;G;S;U. 4121. -. . r. . Re- port of the committee on judiciary, to whom was referred the several resolu- tions touching the reduction and regulations of costs and fees in courts, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 35, p. 310). B; D; G; S; U. 432 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4122. . . . . Re- port of the minority of the committee on the judiciary relative to the fees of witnesses in criminal cases. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 4123. . . . . Re- port of a minority of the committee on the judiciary on the resolution of in- quiry as to the expediency of abolishing all laws for the collection of debts. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 25). — B; D; G; S; U. 4124. . . . . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary, relative to imprisonment for debt. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 63, p. 569-570). B; D; G; S; U. 4125. . . . . Re- port of certain members of the judiciary committee, relative to a bill to estab- lish a police government for the cit}^ of Detroit. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 4126. — . . . . Re- of committee on judiciary upon petition of Benajah Fall and others [praying for the passage of a law authorizing them to convey certain lands]. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 25, p. 317-318). B; D; G; S; U. 4127. . . — . . Re- port of the judiciary committee, upon a resolution referred to them relative to the farmers' and mechanics' bank. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 26). B;D;G;S;U. 4128. . . . . Re- port of the committee on judiciary, upon certain resolutions relative to the extension of the franking privilege to the governors of the several states. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house docimients. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 65, p. 571). B; D; G; vS; U. 4129. . . . . Re- port of the committee on judiciary upon the resolution respecting an amend- ment of the "act to regulate and define the powers of justices of the peace and constables, in civil cases. " (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer,' 1838, no. 13, p. 129-130). B; D; G; S; U. 4130. . . . : . Re- port of the judiciary committee, to whom was referred certain petitions in re- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 433 lation to the selling of lands by minors, &c., &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 72, p. 267-269). B;D;G;S;U. 4131. . . . . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary [relative to the petition of Henry Gibbs, jr., and twenty others, inhabitants of the county of Clinton, praying for the simplification of the laws, etc.]. [Detroit, Bagg & Hannon, printers to the state, 1845]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, house document no. 16). B;D;G;S;U. 4132. . . . . Ma- jority report of the judiciary committee. The committee to whom was re- ferred so much of the governor's annual message as relates to appraisal laws, stop laws and relief laws. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 14 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 6). B; D;G;S; U. 4133. — . . . . Mi- nority report of the committee of the judiciary ... to whom wasreferred so much of the governor's message as relates to appraisal laws, relief laws, etc. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 4134. — . . . — • . Ma- jority report of the committee on judiciary, relative to the repeal of certain sections of the "personal liberty laws." [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 15 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 16). B; D; G; S; U. 4135. . . . . Mi- nority report of the committee on judiciary, relative to the repeal of certain sections of the "personal liberty laws. " [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 16 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 17). B;D; G; S; U. 4136. . . . . Mi- nority report of the committee on the judiciary, to whom were referred sundry petitions for the restoration of the provisions of the prohibitory liquor law as originally passed. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house doctiment no. 18). ■ B; D; G;S;U. 4137. . . . . Re- port of committee on judiciary on resolutions concerning 95th and 97th chapters, revised laws. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. De- troit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 16, p. 270). B; D; G; S; U. 4138. . . . . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary who were instructed, by a resolution 55 434 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN of the house, to inquire into the constitutionaHty of section three, four, five and six, of chapter two, title one, part first of the revised statutes, relating to applications to the legislature by petition or memorial. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 25, p. 196-198). B; D; G; S; U. 4139. . . . . Re- port of committee on judiciary, upon petition of Eliza Ann Knapp. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 20, p. 271-272). B; D; G; S; U. 4140. . . . . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary, upon petitions praying for the enact- ment of a law concerning the sale of ardent spirits. (Michigan, legislature, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 27, p. 460- 461). B;D;G;S;U. 4141. . . . . Re- port of the judiciary committee upon the legality of the settlement with the Michigan state bank. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, house documents. De- troit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 5, p. 30-31). B;D;G;S;U. 4142. — . . . . Re- port of the judiciary committee, to whom was referred a resolution instruct- ing them to inquire and report whether in their opinion, any constitutional objection exists to the issue of state bonds for the purpose of establishing a state military school. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, house document no. 2). B; D;G; S; U. 4143. . . . . Mi- nority report of the committee on judiciary, relative to the refoiTn school. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 4144. . . . . Re- port of the committee to whom was referred the petition of the River Raisin and Lake Erie railroad company. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house docu- ments. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 24, p. 188- 196). B;D;G;S;U. 4145. . . . . Re- port of . . . the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred a "joint resolution relative to a certain sum of money stolen from the treasurer's office in Shiawassee coimty. " [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, house document no. 9). B;D;G;S;U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 435 4146. . . . . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary on " a bill to amend section 34 of chap- ter 134 of the revised statutes of 1846." (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 17, p. 74). B; D; G;S; U. 4147. . . — . . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary, upon that part of the governor's mes- sage relating to the opinions of the supreme court, and office of reporter. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, house documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 21, p. 85-94). B; D; G; S; U. 4148. . . . . Re- port of the judiciary committee on the bill and report of the select committee relative to the collection of taxes in Wayne county. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 6, p. 134). B; D;G;S; U. 4149. . . — . . Re- port of the judiciary committee, respecting the publication of the tax list for the county of Wayne in 1863, and the claim of the publishers of the Adver- tiser and tribune therefor. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 18). D;G;S; U. 4150. . . . . Re- port of the judiciary committee of the house of representatives on recom- mending the passage of the bill to provide for the trial of offences upon in- formation. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 34 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 4). • B; D; G; S; U. 4151. . . . . Re- port of committee on judiciary upon petition of citizens of Vermontville. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 17, p. 270). B; D; G; S; U. 4152. . . . . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of William Wolcott and Toll Walker, praying passage of an act to authorize William F. Wolcott, a minor, to convey certain land therein mentioned, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. I, no. 13, p. 659-660). B; D; G; vS; U. 4153. . . — . . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred a bill relative to tax titles. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 40). D; G; S; U. 4154. . . . Committee on internal improve- 436 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN ment lands. Minority report ... of the committee to whom was referred various bills making appropriations of internal improvement lands. [Detroit, Bagj? & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 2 i). (Michigan, legislature, 1847, house document no. 15). B; D; G; S; U. 4155. . . . Committee on public lands. Re- port of the committee on public lands, on the memorial of the German Ameri- can seminary, for amendment to the act granting said seminary 25,000 acres of swamp land. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., 1863]. 3 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1863, house document no. 2). B; D; G; S; U. 4156. . . . • Report of committee on public lands concerning the Grand Rapids canal lands. [Lan- sing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 5 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1855, house docimient no. 19). B; D; G; S; U. 4157. . . . • Report of the committee on public lands ... to whom was referred the petition of the inhabitants on the school section upon which the capitol is located, asking the legislature to make an appropriation to clear and grade the streets on said school section, to build a bridge across the Grand river, and to fence and im- prove the ground owned by the state. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house document no. 15). B;D;G;S;U. 4158. . . . • Report of the committee on public lands, in regard to the reduction of the minimimi price of the school and university lands. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house doctiment no. 10). B; D;G;vS; U. 4159^ , , . . Minor- ity report of the committee on public lands [relative to the subject of swamp lands]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 2 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 21). B; D; G; S; U. 4160. . . . • Report of the committee on public lands ... to whom was referred, a bill to provide for draining the swamp lands near the sand flats of the Muskegon river [and other bills]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 17). B; D; G; S; U. 4161. . . . • Report of the minority of the committee on public lands ... to whom have been referred nimierous memorials and petitions, relative to the sale and drainage of the swamp lands, and the disposition of the proceeds arising from such sale. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 6 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1857, house document no. 17). B; D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 437 4162. . . . . Report of the committee on public lands, in relation to a bill to provide for the drain- age and settlement of swamp lands. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 3 p. (A'lichigan, legislature, 1859, house document no: 10). B; D; G; S; U. 4163. . . . — ---. Report of the committee on public lands, relative to the state swamp lands. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 4164. . . . . Report of committee on public lands, to whom was recommitted a bill to amend the act to provide for the drainage and reclamation of swamp lands by means of roads and ditches. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 21). B; D; G; S; U. 4165. . . . . Report of the committee on public lands, relative to the swamp lands. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 15 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1863, house document no. 17). — — B; D; G; S; U. 4166. . . . — — — . Report of committee on public lands, relative to swamp and overflowed lands granted to this state by the United States. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, house document no. 13). B;D;G;S. 4167. . . . . Report of the committee on public lands, relative to swamp lands and state roads. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 33). D; G; S; U. 4168. . . . Committee on university and school lands. Report of the committee on university and school lands ... to whom was referred the petition of sundry inhabitants of the townsliip of Southfield, Oakland county, praying that the university lands in said township may be sold at a less rate per acre than the minimum price. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 21, p. 272). B;D;G;S;U. 4169. — . . . . Committee on university and school lands ... to whom was re- ferred a resolution instructing said committee to inquire into the expediency of reducing the price of seminary and school lands. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. vS. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 12, p. 188). B; D; G; S; U. 4170. 438 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN . Report relative to university and school lands [by the committee to whom was referred sundry petitions praying for the reduction of the price of university and school lands sold and unsold, also to whom was recommitted certain resolutions providing relief to certain settlers on the university lands]. (Michigan legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 59, p. 529-531). B; D; G; S; U. 4171. — . . . . Report of the committee on university and school lands, adverse to the petition of James Rausted and others, for an acre of university land for a school house in school district no. 8. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house docu- ments. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 21, ]). 178). B; D; G; S; U. 4172. . . . . Report of the committee on imiversity and school lands ... to whom were referred certain petitions of the settlers on the Niles and Nottawassepe reservations, praying the state to release certain locations made thereon for seminary purposes. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house dociunents. Detroit, John vS. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 35, p. 338-342). B; D; G; S; U. 4173. . . . . Report of the committee on university and school lands [relative to allowing actual settlers who have purchased more -tmiversity and schpol lands than they can keep, to retain a just and fair equivalent for the moneys already paid]. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house docmnents. [Detroit] George Daw- son, state printer, 1840. vol. II, no. 22, p. 179). B; D; G; S; U. 4174. . . . Committee for appraisal of uni- versity and state building lands. Report of the committee for the appraisal of university and state building lands, agreeable to resolution of the house of representatives of 13th February, 1841. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 57, p. 198-201). B;D;G;S;U. 4175. . . . Committee on university, school and state lands. Minority report ... of the committee of university, school and state lands, to whom was referred the house bill entitled a bill "to amend an act to reduce the price of university and school lands, and for other pur- poses. " (Michigan, legislature, 1843, house documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 1 1 , p. 59-60) . B ; D ; G ; S ; U. 4176. . . . Committee on the state library. Report of the committee on the state library [on a bill providing for the better and more efficient management and preservation of the same]. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 19). — B; D; G; S; U. 4177. . . . Committee on manufactures. Re- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 439 port of the committee on manufactures ... to whom was referred the reso- lution inquiring into the expediency of encouraging the manufacture of do- mestic hnen, cotton and woolen cloths, by allowing a small premium to be deducted from the annual tax of the manufacturer. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 79, p. 283-284). B; D; G; S; U. 4178. . . . . Re- port of the committee on manufactures, relative to special message concerning state salt springs. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 27, p. 64-65). B; D; G;S;U. 4179. — . . . . Re- port of the committee on manufactures, relative to a protective tariff. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 39, p. 145-149). B; D; G; S; U. 4180. . . . Committee on Michigan state bank. Report of the majority of the committee appointed to inquire into the condi- tion of the Michigan state bank. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house docu- ments. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 31, p. 582-596). B; D;G;S;U. 4181. . . . . Report of the committee appointed in pursuance of an act entitled "an act to authorize a settlement with the Michigan state bank." (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 51, p. 925-931). B;D;G;S;U. 4182. . . — . Committee on the militia. Report of the committee on militia to whom was referred the report of the adjutant and quartermaster general for the year 1849. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 4). B; D;G;S; U. 4183. . — — . . . Report of the committee on militia, to whom was referred the report of the adjutant and quartermaster general for the year 1850. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, house document no. 8). B;D;G;S; U. 4184. . . . . Report of the minority of the committee on militia, relative to establishing a military department at the agricultural college. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, house document no. 11). B;D;G; S;U. 4185. . . . . Report 440 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN of the committee on the militia ... to whom was referred that portion of the message of the executive, which relates to the militia. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 38, p. 398-399). - — B;D;G;S;U. .4186. . . . . Report of the committee on the militia ... to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to that subject. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house docu- ment no. 11). B;D;G;S;U. 4187. . . — . — — . Report of the committee on the militia [urging the adoption of a bill furnished by the military convention held in Detroit to consider the defects in the present military system and the militia law]. (Michigan, legislature, 1843, house documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 8, p. 38-42). — D;G;S;U. 4188. . . . . Report of the committee on the militia [to whom was refen-ed a petition asking for a tax on all citizens liable for military duty, and a commimication from General Cox deploring the low state of military fervor and the deficiencies of the mili- tary system of the state]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house dociiment no. 20). B; D; G; vS; U. 4189. . . . . Report of the committee on the militia [relative to the quantity of ordnance, muskets, etc., received from the United States]. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house doctiments. Detroit, John vS. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 48, p. 461-462). B;D;G;S;U. 4190. . . . . Report of committee on militia accompanying title 33 of the revision. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, house docimient no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 4191. . . . Committee on mines and minerals. Report of the committee on mines and minerals relative to the specific taxes in the upper peninsula. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 14 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 4). B; D; G; vS; U. 4192. . . . Committee on payment of certain sum of money to governor. Report of the majority of the committee on the subject of the payment to the governor of a certain sum of money by the treasurer of the state, in pursuance of a resolution of the 31st January last. (Michigan, legislatxire, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 39, p. 399-405). B; D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 441 4193. . . . . Report of the minority of the committee on the subject of the pa^-ment to the governor of a certain sum of money, by the treasurer in pursuance of a resolution of the 31st January last. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 40, p. 406-414). B; D; G; S; U. 4194. . . . Committee on abolishing certain state offices. Report of the committee relati\'c to abolishing certain state offices. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 38, p. 653-655). B; D; G; vS; U. 4195. . . . Committee on memorial concern- ing phonetics. Report of the committee to whom was refeiTcd the memorial of S. D. Newbro and thirty-one others, concerning phonetics. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, house document no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 4196. — . . . Committee on the accounts of Benjamin Porter. Report of the committee to investigate the accounts of Benjamin Porter, acting commissioner of the state prison. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 45, p. 741-742). B; D; G; S; U. 4197. . . . Committee on printing. Report of the majority and minority of the committee on printing, in relation to the bill making appropriations to John S. Bagg, state printer. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers,, 1839, no. 42, p. 669-682). B; D; G; S; U. 4198. . . . • — . Report of the committee on printing . .^ . to whom were referred the account of Messrs. Dawson & Bates, for printing done for the state. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, house documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 20, p. 79-84). B;D;G;S;U. 4199. . . . . Report of the committee on printing, to whom was referred the account of Messrs. Daw- son & Bates, for state printing. (IVlichigan, legislature, 1842, house docu- ments. Detroit, Bagg & Haniion, printers to the state, 1842, no. 23, p. 96- 99). B;D;G;S;U. 4200. . . . . Report of the committee on printing [relative to terms on which the printers and pub- lishers of Detroit will engage to publish the journal and other documents di- rected to be printed by order of the house]. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 23, p. 275- 276). B; D; G; S; U. 442 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4201. . . . . Report of the committee on printinl,^ on the claim of Daniel Muns^cr. [Lansini^, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house docu- ment no. 11). B;D;G; S;U. 4202. . . . . Report of the minority committee on printing, on the bill to repeal the act creating a state printer. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 36, p. 649). B; D; G; S; U. 4203. . . . . Report of the majority of the committee on printing ... to whom was referred a bill to provide for state printing, also a memorial of W. Smyth and others, to this legislature, on the subject of printing. [Also minority report of the committee]. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 28, p. 65-68). B; D; G; S; U. 4204. . — — — . . . Report of the minority of the committee on printing [relative to great increase in ex- penditures for state printing]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 31). B;D;G;S;U. 4205. . . . Committee on the state prison. Report of the majority of the committee on the state penitentiary. [Also] re- port of the minority of the committee on the state penitentiary. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 43, p. 417-422). B; D; G; S; U. 4206. . — . . — — . Report of the committee on state prison, relative to building a new state prison. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 2 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 22). B; D; G; S; U. 4207. . . . . Report of the committee on state prison, in relation to making further appro- priations for continuing the construction of said prison. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 67, p. 256). B; D; G; S; U. 4208. . . . . Report of the minority of the committee on state prison, in relation to making further appropriations for continuing the construction of said prison. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 71, p. 266). B; D; G; S; U. 4209. . . . . Report of the committee on the state prison, relative to allowing Charles G. Davis and Erastus B. Fuller certain losses upon contracts to furnish beef and BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 443 flour. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1865, house doeument no. 26). D; G; S; U. 4210. — . . . . Report of the eommittee on state prison [in compliance with a resolution in- structing them to inquire whether or not any coin has been counterfeited within the walls of the state prison]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 21 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 18). B;D;G;S;U. 4211. . . .■ — . Report of the committee on the state prison ... to whom was referred the "Annual report of the inspectors of the state prison at Jackson, for the year ending October 31, 1845;" also, a resolution of instruction, requiring the committee to "inquire whether the present mode of employing convicts in said prison, operates injuriously upon mechanical and manufacturing indus- try, and if so, what alterations, if any, ought to be made in said method of employment." [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, house document no. 4). B; D; G; S;U. 4212. . . . . Report of the eommittee on state prison ... to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to the same. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1865]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 17). D; G; vS; U. 4213. . . . . Report of the committee on state prison, to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to the same. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, house docu- ment no. 7). B;D;G;S;U. 4214. . . . . Report of the committee on state's prison [to whom was referred the memorial of mechanics of Jackson, relative to state prison labor]. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1843, house documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legis- lature, 1843, no. 13, p. 65-66). D; G; S; U. 4215. . — . . . Report of the committee on state prison, relative to employing a portion of the convict labor in the state prison in the manufacture of fire-arms and ac- coutrements. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, house document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 4216. — . . . . Report of the committee for making appropriation for the pa\Tnent of guards, and for the sustenance and clothing of prisoners confined in the state prison at 444 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Jackson. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. I, no. 10, p. 547-549). B; D; G; S; U. 4217. . . . . Report of the committee on state prison, relative to the state prison and the Detroit house of correction. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house documents no. 23). B;D;G;S;U. 4218. . . . ^ . Minorit}' report of the state prison committee [in regard to the management of the state prison at Jackson]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 24). B;D;G;S;U. 4219. . . . Committee on the northern and soulhern railroad routes. Report of the committee on the revision of the northern and southern railroad routes, as to the changes sought by petitioners. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 10, p. 120). B; D; G; S; U. 4220. . . . Committee on southern railroad. Report of the committee to whom was referred a bill to amend an act entitled "an act to authorize the sale of the southern railroad and to incorporate the Michigan southern railroad company." (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 15, p. 64-71). B;D;G;S;U. 4221. . . — . Committee on the reform school. Report of committee on the reform school ... to whom was referred so much of the retiring and present governors' messages as related to the reform school. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 32). B; D; G; S; U. 4222. — — . . . . Report of the committee on reform school, relative to using the labor of the reform school for the manufacture of fire-arms, &c. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1862]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, house document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 4223. . . . Committee on roads and bridges. Report of committee on roads and bridges [relative to right of Erastus Inger- soll to keep a ferry across Grand river in Eaton county]. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 18, p. 270-271). B;D;G;S;U. 4224. . . . — . Report of the committee on roads and bridges, on memorial of Lewis Ives, for authority to maintain a bridge in Springwells. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 445 printers to the state, 1855]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house docu- ment no. 26). B;D;G;S;U. 4225. . . . Committee on military roads. Memorial and resolutions relative to the miHtary roads commenced by the general government, in the state of Michigan. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 19, p. 338-339). B;D;G;S;U. 4226. . . . Committee on salines. Report of the committee on salines, relative to the saline resources of the state of Michi- gan. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 20 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 37). B; D; G; vS; U. 4227. . — . . Committee on state affairs. Report of committee on state affairs [relative to the demand or petition of C. S. Dun- bar and twenty-one others, for a constitutional amendment]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, house document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 4228. . . — . . Report of the committee on state affairs, to whom was referred joint resolution to encourage emigration. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 9). B; D; G; S;U. 4229. — . . . — . Report of the committee on state affairs, relative to a geological survey of the state of Michigan. [Lansing, Hosm.er & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 10 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, house document no. 18). B; D; G; S; U. 4230. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs relative to a reduction of the specific tax im- posed on corporations engaged in iron mining. [Lansing, Hosmei; & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house docu- ment no. 16). ■ B;D;G;S;U. 4231. . . . -.Report of the committee on state affairs upon ' ' a bill to repeal an act entitled an act to prevent the manufacture and sale of spirituous or intoxicating liquors as a beverage." [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, house document no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 4232. . . . . Report of committee on state affairs, to whoni was referred the proceedings of a meet- ing in favor of an overland mail from St. Paul to Puget Sound. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house dociunent no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 4233. . . . . Report 446 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN of the committee on state affairs in favor of a law for the registration of mar- riages, births and deaths, in the state of Michigan. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, house document no. 19). B; D; G; vS; U. 4234. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs, on the memorial of the North eastern medical society, praying for the passage of a law to secure to the citizens of this state the benefits of a system of registration of births, marriages and deaths. [Lan- sing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 9 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1867, house document no. 8). B; D; G; S. 4235. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs, to whom was referred the memorial and petition of B. Porter [asking for relief and further remuneration for services rendered and materials furnished in the construction of the capitol buildings]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 2 p. (Michigan, leg- islature, 1855, house docimient no. 8). ■ B; D; G; S; U. 4236. . — — . . ■ . Report of the committee on state affairs to whom was referred a bill to locate, estab- lish and erect a branch of the state prison in the upper peninsula. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 25). D; G; S; U. 4237. — , . . . Report of the committee on state affairs, relative to the tolls on the St. Mary's Falls ship canal. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, house document no. 14). B; D; G; S; U. 4238. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs relative to the claim of the Sault Ste. Marie planl<: road company. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 29). B; D; G;S;U. 4239. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs, relative to the drainage and reclamation of the swamp lands in township six north of ranges thirteen and fourteen west. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 2 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1859, house document no. 30). B; D; G; S; U. 4240. • . — . : ■■ . Report of committee on state affairs on certain resolutions [relative to taxes and pub- lic expenses]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, house document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 4241. . . . Committee on supplies. Report of the committee on supplies, relative to the amount of stationary furnished the chairmen of the several committees and officers of the house, at the ses- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 447 sions in 1861. [Lansing. John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, house document no. 15). B; D; G; S; U. 4242. . . . Committee on towns and counties. Report of the committee on the organization of towns and counties ... to whom was referred the petitions of citizens of Lapeer, Macomb, St. Clair and Oakland, praying for the organization of a new county, to be called the county of Almont, with its county site at the village of Almont. [Lansing, Bagg & Hannon, printers to the state, 1848]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house document no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 4243. . . . . Report of the committee on towns and counties, relative to the organization of four additional townships in Keweenaw county. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1865]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 19). D; G; S; U. 4244. . . . . Report of a majority of the committee on towns and counties adverse to a vacation of the county seat of Shiawassee county. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state 1849, no. 19, p. 82-83). B; D; G; S; U. 4245. . . . . Report of a majority of the committee on the organization of towns and counties on the questions relative to the vacation of the present county seat of Shiawassee county, and the relocation of the same by the board of super- visors. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 7 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1850, house document no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 4246. . . . . Minority report of the committee on the organization of towns and counties on the question relative to the vacation of the present county seat of Shia- wassee county, and the relocation of the same by the board of supervisors. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 8). ^— B; D; G; S; U. 4247. . . . Committee on university of Mich- gan. Report of the minority committee on university of Michigan. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 52, p. 481-482). B; D; G; S; U. 4248. . . . Committee on war bounties. Re- port of the chairman of the committee on war bounties, in obedience to a resolution of the house. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 7). D;G; S; U. 4249. . . . . Re- port of the committee on war bounties, relative to a bill to authorize certain 448 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN townships to raise money, by tax, to refund money received for bounty pur- poses. [Lansing, John A. Kerr &' co., printers to the state, 1865]. [2] p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 35). D; G; S; U. 4250. . . . Committee on ways and means. Ac- count of John S. Bagg, state printer, with accompanying papers laid before the committee of ways and means. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house docu- ments. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 18, p. 334-337). — B;D;G;S;U. 4251. . . . — . Re- port of the cominittee on ways and means, to whom was referred a resolution to inquire and ascertain whether Hon. Emil Anneke, late auditor general, has returned and paid over to the state all moneys received by him for the benefit of the state. [Lansing, John A. Ken- & co.,. printers to the state, 1867]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, house document no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 4252. . . . . Re- port of the committee on ways and means, relative to the claims of William Beard, for work done on the Muskegon sand flats. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1863]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislatiure, 1863, house document no. 27). D; G; S; U. 4253. . . . -. Re- port of committee on ways and means, in reference to providing the means for the redemption of the bonds of the state maturing January 1, 1863. [Lan- sing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 4 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1861, house document no. 26). • B; D; G; vS; U. 4254. . . . . Re- port of the committee of ways and means on so much of the governor's mes- sage as relates to the part-paid bonds of the state. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, house docu- ment no. 1). B;D;G;S;U. 4255. . . . . Re- port of the committee on ways and means, in relation to a sale of the public works for state bonds. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 3). ■ B; D; G; S; U. 4256. . . . . Re- port of the committee on ways and means, to whom was referred a preamble and resolutions, offered by Hon. H. M. Look, relative to the exemption of United States bonds from taxation. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 48). D;G;S;U. 4257. . . . . Re- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 449 port [of] the committee of ways and means, to whom was referred the senate bill "to liquidate the public debt, and to provide for the payment of interest thereon, and for other purposes." (Michigan, legislature, 1843, house docu- ments. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 15, p. 71-82). D;G; S; U. 4258. . . . . Re- port of the committee on ways and means, relative to the petition and me- morial of the heirs of Edward D. Ellis. [Lansing, John A. KeiT & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Alichigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 24). D; G; S; U. 4259. . . — . . Re- port of . . . the committee of ways and means, to whom was referred "so much of the governor's message as relates to the finances of the state, " with the accompanying docrunents from the auditor general and state treasurer. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 13 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, house document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 4260. . . . •. Re- port of the minority of the comtnittee on ways and means, relative to the state finances, the public debt and the levying and collection of taxes. [Lan- sing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 22 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1859, house document no. 32). B; D; G; S; U. 4261. . . . . Re- port of the minority of the committee on ways and means ... to whom has been referred senate bill no. 29, providing for an anticipation of the several instalments of the five million loan, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit. J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 37, p. 650-652). B;D;G;S;U. 4262. . . . . Re- port of the committee on ways and means, to whom was referred senate bill 74, to provide for the further construction of certain works of internal improve- ment. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 69, p. 594-596). B ; D; G; S; U. 4263. . . . — . Re- port of committee of ways and means on so much of the governor's message as relates to the internal improvement debt of the state. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, house document no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 4264. . . . : Mr. Goodwin, chairman of the committee of ways and means, to whom was re- ferred so much of the governor's message as relates to lake harbors and the commerce of the lakes, reported the following memorial and resolutions. 57 450 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN (Michigan, legislature, 1843, house documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 2, p. 12-16). D; G; S; U. 4255. . . . . Re- port from the majority of the committee on ways and means, to whom was referred a bill entitled "a bill to establish the pay of members and officers of the legislature, and for other purposes." (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 17, p. 28-29). B;D;G;S;U. 4266. . . . . Re- port of the committee of ways and means, relative to the compensation of members and officers of the legislature. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, house document no'. 1). B;D;G;S;U. 4267. — . . . . Re- port of the committee on ways and means, in regard to granting aid to the Maumee branch railroad company, by loaning the credit of the state. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer. 1841, vol. II, no. 80, p. 284-285). B; D; G; S; U. 4268. . . — . . Re- port of the committee on ways and means, relative to making appropriations for the support of the Michigan asylum for the deaf and dtunb and the blind. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 37). • B; D; G; S; U. 4269. — . . . . Re- port of the committee on ways and means, relative to making appropriations for the Michigan asylum for the insane. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house docimient no. 38). B;D;G;S;U. 4270. . . . . Re- port of the committee on ways and means, relative to providing a military fund in aid of the uniformed volunteer militia. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house docu- ment no.. 41). B; D; G; S; U. 4271. . . . . Re- port of the committee of ways and means on the subject of the govemo>r's message relative to the Morris canal and banking company. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1842, house docimients. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 1, p. [9]-15). B; D; G; S; U. 4272. . . . . Re- port of the committee on ways and means, relative to making appropriations for removing the last wall and building work shops at the state prison. [Lan- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 451 sing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 3 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1861, house document no. 40). B; D; G; S; U. 4273. . . . ■ Re- port of the committee on ways and means, to whom was referred the petition of Paul Ra\Tiiond, and others. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house dociiments. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 47, p. 461-462). B;D;G;S;U. 4274. . . . . Re- port of the committee on ways and means, to whom was referred a petition from the county commissioners of St. Joseph county, on the subject of taxes. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house dociiments. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 45, p. 160-162). B; D; G; S; U. 4275. . . . . Re- port of the committee of ways and means, relative to the pay of the president of the senate, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, house document no. 2. In journals of the senate and house of representatives of the state of Michigan, extra session, 1851. Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851, p. 9-14). B;D;G;S;U. 4276. . . . . Re- port of the committee on ways and means, to whom was referred the petition of sundry persons asking an appropriation of seventy-five thousand acres of the pubHc lands, for the further constiiiction of the southern railroad, with instructions to report whether any of the works of internal improvement can be extended without involving the state still further in debt. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 11). B; D; G; S; U. 4277. . . . • Re- port of the committee on ways and means ... to whom was referred the senate bill to amend an act entitled an act to authorize the sale of the southern railroad and to incorporate the Michigan southern railroad company. [Lan- sing, Bagg & Hamion, printers to the state, 1848]. 2 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1848, house document no. 17). B; D; G; S; U. 4278. . . . . Re- port of the committee on ways and means, in relation to certain resolutions referred to said committee, on the subject of the state loan to Ford & son. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 74, p. 271-272). B; D; G; S; U. 4279. . . . ■ Re- port of the committee of ways and means, in relation to the re-issue of state scrip. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, house documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 4, p. 25-29). B; D; G; S; U. 452 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4280. . . . . Re- port of committee on ways and means on resolutions and memorials of boards of supervisors from certain counties. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 8, p. 18-22). B;D;G;S;U. 4281. . . . . Re- port of minorit}^ of the committee of ways and means, to whom was referred the memorials of several boards of supervisors, relative to the return of taxes to the auditor general's office. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 10, p. 30-31). B; D;G;S;U. 4282. . . . . Re- port from the committee of ways and means ... to whom was referred the resolution inquiring "as to the expediency of so amending the existing pro- visions of law, in relation to the returns of delinquent taxes, and the proceed- ings in relation thereto, as to provide for the return of said delinquent taxes to the county treasurers, and for all subsequent proceedings to be had in counties, respectively. " [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house document no. 6). B ; D; G; S; U. 4283. . . . . Re- port of committee on ways and means on the subject of state and county taxes. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 42, p. 416-417). B; D; G; S; U. 4284. . . . ^ . Re- port of the committee on ways and means, in relation to specific state taxes. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 46, p. 162-163). B; D; G; S; U. 4285. . . . . Re- port of the committee on ways and means, relative to the construction of a building for the treasury department. [Lansing, John A. KeiT & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, house document no. 9). B;D;G; S; U. 4286. . . — . ■ Re- port of the committee on ways and means, to whom was referred certain peti- tions, memorials and remonstrances relative to the pay of bounties to volun- teers. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1864]. 4 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1864, house document no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 4287. . . . • Re- port of the committee on ways and means, relative to a bill to consolidate the war debt, and to asstime the liabilities of towns and counties in paying bounties, etc. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers of the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 39). D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 453 4288. . . . . Re- port of the> committee on ways and means, relative to the present condition of the war loan bounty fund. [Lansin*^, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. [2] p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 12). D;G;S;U. 4289. . . . Committee on the White Pigeon beet sugar company. Report of the committee to whom was referred the petition of the stockholders of the White Pigeon beet sugar company. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, print- ers, 1839, no. 33, p. 602-605). B; D; G; S; U. 4290. . . — . Investigating committee. Report of the investigating committee relative to the charge of bribery made against certain railroad companies, &c. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 72 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 33). B; D; G; S; U. 4291. . . . Select committee. Arc railroad lands taxable? Report of Hon. E. S. Eggleston (of a select committee), to the house of representatives of the state of Michigan, March 20, 1873. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1873. 25 p. S. 4292. . . • . Rep)ort of the select committee which was appointed to consider and report upon a certain preamble and resolution in relation to the president of the agricultural col- lege, and the state board of agriculture. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 36). — D;G;S;U. 4293. — — . . . . Report of the select committee appointed to investigate the condition of the bank of Michi- gan and the fanners' and mechanics' bank of Michigan. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 50, p. 180-185). B; D; G; S; U. 4294. — . . . . Report of select committee on insolvent banking institutions, &c. [to whom was referred cer- tain inquiries relative to the condition and affairs of the several banking in- stitutions of the state, that have passed into the hands of receivers]. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 53, p. 482-485). B; D; G; vS; U. 4295. . . . . Report of the select committee, to whom was referred the report of the board of state audi- tors. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 25). B; D; G; S; U. 4296. . . . . Majority report of the select committee on the abolishment of capital punishment. [Detroit, 454 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 22). B; D; G; S; U. 4297. . . . . Minority re- port of the select committee on the abolishment of capital punishment. [De- troit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 7 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1844, house document no. 23). B; D; G; S; U. 4298. . . . . Report of the select committee relative to building a state capitol. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 20). B; D; G; S; U. 4299. . . . . Report of the select committee on the location of the capitol. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 19 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, house docu- ment nos. 4-6). B;D;G;S;U. 4300. . . . . Report of the select committee on contested seat for Chippewa county. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, '1848]. 12 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house docimient no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 4301. . . . . Report of the select committee, upon the expediency of completing a part of the Clinton and Kalamazoo canal. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [De- troit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 66, p. 564-586). B; D;G;S;U. 4302. . . . . Report on the subject of obtaining a just representation of this state in the congress of the United States. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 15, p. 120-121). B; D;G;S;U. 4303. . . . . Minority report of select committee, in relation to dividing the state into congressional dis- tricts. (Michigan, legislature, 1843, house documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 4, p. 18-23). D; G; S; U. 4304. . . . . Report of the select committee on the propriety of calling a convention to revise the con- stitution of this state. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house documents. Lan- sing, Mimger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 13, p. 46-56). B;D;G;S;U. 4305. . . . . Report of the select committee on physics and surgery ... to whom was referred sundry memorials praying a repeal or modification of the revised statutes relative to its practice, and the collection of debts under the same. (Michigan, legisla- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 455 ture, 1842, house documents. Detroit, Bagg & Hamion, printers to the state, 1842, no. 11, p. 51-52). ■ B; D; G; S; U. 4306. . . . ■. Report of select committee ... to whom were referred the petition of sundry residents and also the resolution of the common council of the city of Detroit, in regard to an appropriation to aid in planking portions of Michigan avenue and Wood- ward ave., in said city. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, house document no. 10). B; D; G; S;U. 4307. . . . . Reports of the majority and minority of the select committee relative to the election case of Bayley vs. McDonald. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 1). D;G; S; U. 4308. — . . . . Minority report of the select committee on financial affairs. 20 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1858, house document no. 3. In Journal of the house of representatives of the state of Michigan. Extra session of 1858. Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1858). B;D;G;S;U. 4309. . . . . Report of the minority of the select committee to whom was referred the bill to protect our citizens from the claims of slave-holders or their agents on the capture or arrest of fugitive slaves. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 23). B; D; G; S; U. 4310. . . . . Report of the select committee on the collection of the state geologist. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 55, p. 513-514). B;D;G;S;U. 4311. . . . . Report of the select committee to whom was referred the several reports of the state geolo- gist. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Daw- son, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 46, p. 455-461). B; D; G; S; U. 4312. . — — . . • — ■ . Report of the select committee, in relation to the report of the state geologist. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, house documents. Detroit, Bagg & Hannon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 19, p. 77-79). B; D; G; S; U. 4313. . . . . Report of the select committee on the geological survey relative to the publication of a final report on the geology of Michigan. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, house document no. 7). B;D:G;S; U. 456 ' BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4314. . . . . Report of the select committee of investigation, in relation to an eiTor in the pa^mient of the salary of the governor. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. De- troit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 30, p. 328-330). B; D; G; S; U. 4315. . . . — ■■ Report of the select committee relative to the salary of the governor, &c. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 41, p. 322-323). B; D; G; S; U. 4316. . . . . Report of . . . the majority of the select committee to whom was referred a bill to provide for the construction of a canal around Grand Rapids, on Grand river. [De- troit, Bagg & Hamion, printers to the state, 1845]. 3 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1845, house document no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 4317. . . : . ■ Report of select committee relative to Grand Rapids canal. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, house doctunent no. 10). B;D;G;S;U. 4318. . . . • Report of the select committee relative to the improvement of Grand river. [Detroit, Bagg 8c Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 17). B; D; G; S; U. 4319. . . . . Report of the select committee on the subject of claims made by contractors on the works of internal improvement. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [De- troit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 30, p. 298-299). B;D;G;S;U. 4320. . . . . Report [of] the select committee to whom was referred the claim of Benjamin Irish, for serv- ices rendered, and expenses incurred, in the apprehension of certain state prisoners, on the requisition of the governor of this state upon the governor of Ohio, and also the petition of two hundred and thirty-one citizens of Oak- land county, relative to the same. (Michigan, legislature, 1843, house docu- ments. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 12, p. 60-65). D;G;S;U. 4321. . .. . . Report of select committee . . . appointed under a resolution of the house to ascertain and report the number of acres of internal improvement lands which have been, and are proposed to be appropriated by bills now before the house, and the several objects for which such appropriations have been and are proposed to be made. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house document no. 18). B; D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 457 4322. . . . . Report of select committee on the claim of Jonathan Kearsley against the university fund. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 14). B; D; G; S; U. 4323. . . . . Report of select committee on land appropriations. [Detroit, Bagg & Hannon, printers to the state, 1847]. 7 p. , (Michigan, legislature, 1847, house document no. 14). B; D; G; vS; U. 4324. — . . . . Report of W. T. Howell, from the select committee on the subject of the land grants made by congress to the state of Michigan. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 11). D;G;S;U. 4325. . — . . . Report of the select committee in relation to school lands. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, house docu- ment no. 8). — B;D;G;S;U. 4326. . . . . Report of the select committee to whom was referred sundry petitions and affidavits from citizens of Berrien county, in behalf of certain settlers on university and state lands. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 20, p. 340-341). B; D; G; S; U. 4327. . . . . Report of the select committee on the subject of certain resolutions proposing a change in the constitution of the state, so as to authorize biennial, instead of annual sessions of the legislature. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 77, p. 275-278). B;D;G;S;U. 4328. . — . . . Report of select committee of the house ... to whom was referred the resolution instructing them "to inquire what person or persons, if any, now holding a seat or seats in this house, was or were, at the time of his or their election, by the constitu- tion of this state, ineligible to a seat in this house. " [Lansing, Bagg & Har- mon, printers to the state, 1848]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house document no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 4329. . . . . Report of select committee appointed to inquire if there are members holding seats in violation of the constitution. [LaUvSing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, house document no. 7). B; D; G;S; U. 4330. . . . . Report of a mi- 458 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN nority of the select committee on the license laws. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 18). B;D;G;S;U. 4331. . . . . Report of the select committee on license law ... to whom were referred the petitions containing one thousand names from Wayne and St. Joseph counties, for the repeal of the existing laws granting license for the sale of ardent spirits, and refer the subject to the people when assembled at their township meetings. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 20). B; D; G; S; U. 4332. . . . . Report of the select committee to whom were referred the several petitions of simdry inhabi- tants of this state praying the suppression of the traffic in intoxicating drinks. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 61, p. 551-554). B; D; G; S; U. 4333. . . ■ — — — . . Report of the select committee, to whom was referred the petition of sundry inhabitants of the count}' of Lapeer, concerning the sale of ardent spirits, &c., &c. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 76, p. 273-275). B; D; G; S; U. 4334. . . . . Report of the select committee on the geological survey in regard to the publication of a map of the state, and of the several counties, under an act of 1840. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1841]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house document no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 4335. . . ■ — ■ . — ■ . Report of the committee to investigate the official conduct of Judge George Morell. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1837, house document no. 1. In Journal of the house of rep- resentatives . . . adjourned session, 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 1-4). B;D;G;S;U. 4336. ■ . . • — -. . Proceedings of a select committee to investigate the conduct of George Morell, one of the asso- ciate justices of the supreme court and presiding judge of the first circmt. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, house document no. 3. In Journal of the house of representatives . . . adjourned session, 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 10-50). B; D; G; S; U. 4337. . . . . Report of the select committee to whom was referred the communication of Lieut. Governor Mundy ... in relation to compensation for services while acting as governor of this state. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 50, p. 464). B; D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 459 4338_ . . . ■■ . Resolutions re- ported by the majority of the select committee on the New Jersey election. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 62, p. 554-555). B; D; G; S; U. 4339^ . . . . Report of the minority of the select committee on the New Jersey election. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 65, p. 560-564). B; D; G; S; U. 4340. . . . . Report of the select committee to whom was referred so much of the message of the execu- tive as relates to the suppression of small notes. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 22, p. 272- 275). B;D;G;S; U. 4341. . . . . Report of the select committee to investigate the accounts of Benjamin Porter, state prison commissioner. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 41, p. 668). B; D; G; S; U. 4342. . . . — . Report of the select committee appointed to inquire into the situation of the $40,000 ap- propriated for building the state prison. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 63, p. 555-559). B;D;G;S;U. 4343. . . . • Report of the select committee raised on the petitions to prevent running cars on the Sab- bath. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house doctmients. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 49, p. 467-468). B ; D; G; S; U. 4344. . . . ■ Report of the select committee on the sale of the works of internal improvement upon in- troducing a bill for the sale of the central railroad. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, house docu- ment no. 2). B; D; G; S; U. 4345. . . . . Report of the select committee ... to whom were referred the preamble and joint resolu- tion in relation to a railroad from Lake Michigan to the Pacific Ocean. [De- troit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 6 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1845, house document no. 17). ■ B; D; G; S; U. 4346. . . . . Report of select committee relative to loans by the state to different railroad companies. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 37, p. 312-314). B; D; G; S; U. 4347. . . . . Report of the 460 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN select committee of eleven, upon the subject of swamp land state roads. [Lan- sing, Hosmcr & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 2 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1861, house document no. 35). B; D; G; S; U. 4348. . . . . Report of the select committee, relative to the construction of a ship canal around the falls of St. Marie. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 64, p. 570-571). B; D; G; S; U. 4349. . . . . Report of the select committee, to whom was referred that portion of the governor's message, relative to a ship canal around the Sault de Ste. Marie, &e. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 20, p. 176-178). B; D; G; S; U. 4350. — . . . . Report of the select committee in relation to the incorporation of St. Paul's church, Detroit. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, house docuinents. Detroit, Bagg & Harnion, printers to the state, 1842, no. 24, p. 99-117). B; D; G; S; U. 4351. . . — . . Report of the select committee relative to the manufacture of salt. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 27). ■ — — B; D; G; S; U. 4352. . . . . Report of the select committee on salt manufacture, in regard to certain petitions praying for the repeal of the law of 1859, to encourage the manufacture of salt in the state of Michigan. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 39). B; D; G; S; U. 4353. . . . . Report [of] the select committee to whom was referred the petition of sundry legal voters of the state of Michigan, asking the legislature to take the necessary action for amending the constitution of this state by expunging from the second article thereof, the word "white,'.' and thus secure to all citizens of the state, irre- spective of color, equal political rights. (Michigan, legislature, 1843, house documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 14, p. 67-70). D;G;.S;U. 4354. . . . . Report of the minority of the select committee on soldiers' suffrage. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1864]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1864, house document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 4355. . , . . Report of select committee . . . to whom was referred the petition of Sam '1 Dot 3^ and eighteen others, inhabitants of Washtenaw, praying for the extension of time in collect- ing a school tax, levied in school district no. 6, in the township of Manchester. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 461 [Detroit, Bagg & Hamion, printers to the state, 1845]. 2 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1845, house document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 4356. . . . • Report of the select committee, on the causes of unequal taxation for the support of the government. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 6, p. 113-114). B; D; G; S; U. 4357. . . . — ■ Report of the select committee appointed to inquire and report to the house the facts in re- gard to an alleged overdraft on the state treasury by Charles G. Hammond, while auditor general. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house documents. Lan- sing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 11, p. 32-34). B; D;G;S;U. 4358. . . . • Report of the select committee, relative to establishing a homeopathic department in the university of Michigan. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 16 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house dociiment no. 25). B; D; G;S;U. 4359. . . • • Report of the select committee appointed to inquire into the present condition of the Univer- sity of Michigan. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house dociiments. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 51, p. 470-480). — B; D;G;S;U. 4360. — ■ . . . ■ • Report of the select committee appointed to inquire concerning the character of a certain report alleged to have been made by the faculty of the university to the board of regents. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 24). B; D; G; S; U. 4361. — . . . • Report of the select committee relative to a change in the location of the Wayne county poor house. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 9, p. 178-179). B; D; G; S; U. 4362. • . . . . Report of the select committee to whom were referred several petitions from Berrien county, praying for the passage of a law, for protection of witnesses. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1842, house docimients. Detroit, Bagg & Hamion, printers to the state, 1842, no. 16, p. 67-69). B; D; G; S; U. 4363. . . . Special committee. Reports of the special committee appointed to investigate the condition of the bank of Michigan, and the farmers' and mechanics' bank of Michigan, &c, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 61, p. 209-236). B; D; G; S; U. 462 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MICHIGAN 4364. . . . . Majority and minority reports of the special committee, to whom was referred the petition of Solomon L. Bignall, to be admitted to the seat in this body now occupied by William Ball, as representative of the first district of Livingston county, together with sundry other petitions asking for seats in this house. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 49 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 23). D; G; S; U. 4365. . , . . Report of the special committee to whom was referred the petition of William H. Clark, and one hundred and thirty other citizens of Lapeer county, asking an investiga- tion of the acts and doings of A. N. Hart, the special commissioner, appointed under act 285, of the session laws of 1848, relating to the expenditiu"e of the twenty thousand acres of land appropriated by said act. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, house document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 4366. . . . . Report of the special committee on amendments to the constitution. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 28). B; D; G; S; U. 4367. . . . . Report of the special committee on asylums ... to whom was referred the subject of the asylum for the deaf, dumb, and blind, and the asylum for the insane . . . [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 2 p. (Alichigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 22). B; D; G; S; L^. 4368. . . . — — . Report of the special committee appointed to \'isit the asylum for the deaf and dumb and the blind, at Flint. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 6 p. (j\Iichigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 5). B; D; G;S;U. 4369. . . . . Report of the special committee on financial affairs of the state. 24 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1858, house document no. 2. In Journal of the house of representatives of the state of Michigan, extra session of 1858. Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1858). B; D; G; S; U. 4370. . . . . Report of the special committee, appointed to investigate certain charges preferred against the Hon. Wm. P. Healy, a member of the house from Marquette county, in a certain document which was distributed among the members thereof, entitled "Reasons why the bill organizing Washington county, should be repealed." [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, house document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 4371. . . . . Report of special BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 463 committee appointed to visit the insane asylum at Kalamazoo. [Lansing, Hosmcr & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 6). B; D.; G; S; U. 4372. . . . . Report of the special committee appointed by the house of representatives, to investigate the proceedings, &c, of the several boards of internal improvement. Detroit, Dawson & Bates, printers, 1840, x p., 1 1., 618 p. (i. e. 518 p.). S. 4373. . . . . Report of the special committee on constitutional amendments, relative to granting licenses. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 2 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1859, house document no. 24). B; D; G; S; U. 4374. . . . . Report of special committee, relative to the interference of United States troops with the con- struction of the ship canal around the falls of de Ste. Marie. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 54, p. 485-493). B; D;G; S; U. 4375. . . . . Report of special committee, to whom was referred the memorial of T. T. Lyon and Sanford Howard, relative to the preserv^ation of forest trees. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1867]. 31 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, house document no. 6). B; D; G; S; U. 4376. . . . — . Report of the special committee on temperance ... to whom was referred the petitions of sundry citizens of the counties of Hillsdale, Lenawee, Washtenaw, Livingston and Oakland, pra5ang that the laws authorizing the sale of spirituous liquors may be repealed, and that a law may be passed effectually prohibiting the sale of all intoxicating drinks, to be used as a beverage. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, no. 34, p. 606-608). B;D;G;S;U. 4377. . . — . . Report of special committee on the construction of the northern Pacific railroad and telegraph line. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 16 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1867, house document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 4378. . . . . Report of the special committee on the salt interest. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 20). B-;D;G;S;U. 4379. . . . . Report of special committee, in relation to the authorized and forcible interruption, by the troops of the United States, of the public works at the Sault de Ste. Marie. 464 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 54, p. 192-193). B; D; G; S; U. 4380. . . . ■ Report of the special committee on constitutional amendments, relative to the right of suffrage. [Lansing, Hosmer& Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 2 p. (Michi- gan, legi.slaturc, 1859, house docimient no. 25). B; D; G; S; U. 4381. . . — . • Report of special committee relative to a bill granting the swamp lands in the upper peninsula to the counties in which they are situated. [Lansing, Hosm.er & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, house document no. 4). B;D;G;S;U. 4382. . . . ■ Majority report of the special committee on contested election seats from Wayne county. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 17 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, house document no. 2). ■ B; D; G; S; U. 4383. . , . . • Water power in Michigan. Report and recommendations of special committee on investiga- tion of the water ways of the state, house of representatives, session of 1909. [Lansing, 1909?]. 20 p. S. 4384. • . . Joint committee. Report of the majority of the joint committee on education and agriculture, relative to the agri- cultural college. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 14 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house docmnent no. 18). B; D; G;S;U. 4385. . . . Report of the minority of the joint committee on education and agriculture, relative to the agricul- tural college. [Lan.sing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 32 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 19). B; D; G; S; U. 4386. • — ■ — . — . . Report of the joint com- mittee on education and agriculture ... to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to the state agricultural college. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 15). B; D; G; S; U. 4387^ _ . . Reports of the majority and minority of the bank investigating committee, together with the minutes of the committee [appointed by the senate and house of representatives to investigate the affairs of the bank of Michigan and the fanciers' and me- chanics' bank of Michigan, and to whom was referred that portion of the governor's message relating to the currency]. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 45, 351-454; senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 41, p. 308-410). B; D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 465 4388. . . . Report of the joint com- mittee of the senate and house of representatives, relative to the asylum for the deaf, dumb and blind. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 16). B; D;G;S;U. 4389. . . . Report of the joint com- mittee of investigation into the condition and affairs of the farmers' and me- chanics' bank of Michigan. (Michigan, legislature, 1843, joint documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 12, p. 439-447). B;D;G;S;U. 4390. . . — . Report of the joint com- mittee of the senate and house of representatives, on the subject of the five million loan bonds. (Michigan, legislature, 1843, joint documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 11, p. 415-439). D;G;S;U. 4391. . . . Report of the joint com- mittee relative to the geological survey. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, joint document no. 15). B;D; G; S; U. 4392. . . . Report of the joint com- mittee on the asylum for the insane. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 28). D;G;S;U. 4393. . . . Report of the joint com- mittee of the senate and house of representatives, on the asylum for the in- sane. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 4 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 15). B; D; G; S; U. 4394. . . . Report of the joint com- mittee of the senate and house of representatives, on the asylums for the in- sane. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1863]. 4 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1863, senate docimient no. 3). D; G; S; U. 4395. . . . Report of the joint com- mittee of the Michigan legislature of 1879 on alleged mismanagement and matters connected therewith in the Michigan asylum for the insane at Kala- mazoo, also a supplemental report of the senate committee relating to the same subject, together with so much of the testimony taken as relates to the abuse of patients while in said asylum. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & CO., state printers and binders, 1879. 863, [1] p. B; D; S; U. 4395_ . . . Report of the joint com- mittee on the asylum for the insane . . . to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to that institution, and who were authorized, 59 466 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN with a like committee of the house to visit the asylum as a joint committee. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 26). D; G; S; U. 4397. . . • Report of the joint com- mittee on state library, on the subject of international exchange. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate documents. Lansing, Mungcr & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 15, p. 84-85). B; D; G; vS; U. 4398. . . . Testimony in the matter of the investigation of the Michigan soldiers' home before the joint committee of the senate and house of representatives, February, 1887 . . . By authority. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders, 1887. 141 p. B. 4399. . . ■ ' — . Report of the joint com- mittee of the senate and house of representatives on mines and minerals. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 8 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1861, house document no. 19). B; D; G; S; U. 4400. . . . Report of the joint com- mittee on mines and minerals ... to whom was referred so much of the mes- sages of the two governors as related to the mineral interests of this state. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 8 p. (Michigan, legis- lature. 1861, senate document no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 4401. • . . . Report of the joint com- mittee on printing [appointed to receive proposals for printing]. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, senate documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 8, p. 37-38). B; D; G; S; U. 4402. . . . Report of the joint com- mittee appointed to examine and report the condition of the penitentiary. (Michigan, legislature, 1843, joint documents. Detroit, ElHs & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 10, p. 408-414). D; G; S; U. 4403. . . • Report of the joint com- mittee on state prison ... to whom was referred so much of the retiring governor's and also the present governor's messages as related to the subject pi prison, and a like committee from the other house by a concurrent resolu- tion of both houses, were authorized to act as a joint committee; [etc.]. [Lan- sing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 4 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1861, senate document no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 4404. . . . Joint report of the com- mittee on state affairs [to whom was referred the report of the joint committee of inspection of the state prison, and also affidavits and a report of the in- spectors of the prison]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 12 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, joint document no. 15). B; D: G;S;U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 467 4405. . '■ . . Report of joint com- mittee on state prison [a sub-committee appointed by the standing com- mittees of the two houses on the state's prison, to visit the same, in accordance with a joint resolution upon that subject]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers of the state, 1848]. 15 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, joint document no. 13). B; D;G;S;U. 4406. • . . — . Report of the joint com- mittee on state prison [to whom was referred the joint resolution of instruction to the joint committee on state prison]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state,* 1847]. 64 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, joint document no. 14). B;D;G;S;U. 4407. . . • . Testimony taken in an investigation before a joint committee of the Michigan legislature of 1875, touching the administration of the affairs of the state prison at Jackson. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1875. 398 p. ^ S. 4408. ■ . . . Report of the minority of the joint committee of both houses of the legislature, on the location of the northern and southern railroads. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house docu- ments. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 51, p. 488-495). B; D; G; S; U. 4409. . . . Report of the joint com- mittee of both houses of the legislature on the location of the northern and southern railroads. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. De- troit, John S. Bagg, state, printer, 1838, no. 47, p. 504-508). B; D; G;S;U. 4410. . . . Report of the majority of the joint committee appointed to review the location of the northern and southern railroad routes. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 45, p. 427-442; senate docu- ments. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 30, p. 401-416). B;D;G;S;U. 4411. . . . Report of the majority of the joint committee on the northern and southern railroad routes. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 68, p. 465-479; senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 42, p. 473-487). B; D; G; S; U. 4412. . . . Report of the joint com- mittee of the senate and house of representatives, on the reform school. [Lan- sing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 4 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1863, senate document no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 468 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4413. . . . Report of the hearing on school book legislation before the joint committee of the senate and house of representatives, Lansing, Michigan, Feb. 19, 1913. With an appendix by the publisher. [Chicago? 1913']. 104 p. U. 4414. . . • Report of the joint com- mittee of the senate and house of representatives, appointed to investigate the treasury department and the official acts of John McKinney, late state treas- urer, and also the previous management of that department, and the con- tract for letting the work for the repairs to the St. Mary's Falls ship canal. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 106 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 31; senate document no. 22). B;D;G;S;U. 4415. . . Joint committees on geological survey. Re- port of the joint committees on geological survey, made to the legislature of Michigan, 1869. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers to the state, 1869. 15 p. S. 4416. . . Joint select committee. Report of the joint select committee to investigate the negotiation of the five million loan. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and vS. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 44, p. 705-740). B; D; G; S; U. 4417. . — . . Select committee of the senate and the committee on ways and means of the house. Report of the majority of the select committee of the senate and the committee of ways and means of the house, in relation to the legalization of the action of towns and counties in raising bounties for volunteers. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1864]. 14 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1864, house document no. 2). B;D; G; S; U. 4418. . . Select joint committee. Report [of] Mr. Comstock, from the select joint committee of the senate and house of repre- sentatives to whom was referred that part of the governor's message which relat*es to the admission of Michigan, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1835-6, senate document no. 6. In Journal of the senate . . . 1835 and 1836. De- troit, John S. Bagg, printer to the legislature, 1836, p. xv-xvi). B; D;G;S;U. 4419. . . Senate. Act regulating impeachment; rules adopted by the senate of Michigan, while sitting as a court of impeach- ment; and articles of impeachment against Charles A. Edmonds, commis- sioner of the state land office. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1872. 23 p. S. 4420. . . . Documents accompanying the journal of the senate of the state of Michigan . . . 1838-1867. Lansing, 1838-1867. B;D;G;S;U. Published at Detroit. 1838-1847. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 469 4421. . . . Eulogies on the death of EHjah S. Northrup, senator from the 32d senatorial district, delivered in the senate of the state of Michigan, March 3, A. D. 1863; also a discourse delivered at the funeral, in th6 hall of the house of representatives, by Rev. C. S. Arm- strong . . . March 4, A. D. 1863. Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., book and job printers, 1863. 27 p. S. 4422. • — . . . Executive journal of the senate of the state of Michigan . . . 1835-1917. Lansing, 1835-1917. B; D; G;S;U. Published at Detroit, 1837-1847. 4423. . . . Journal of the senate of the state of Michigan . . . 1835-1917. Lansing, 1836-1917. B; D; G; S; U. Published at Detroit, 1836-1847. 4424. . . . Practice and procedure of the Michigan senate. Digest-index of the constitution, rules and precedents. Compiled and prepared under the direction of Dennis E. Alward, secretary of the senate. Printed by order of the senate. [Lansing, 1913]. 47 p. U. 4425. . . . Protest of the undersigned mem- bers of the senate, elected under the constitution of Michigan . . . against the passage of any laws during the present session of the legislature. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1835-6, senate document no. 8. In Journal of the senate . . . 1835 and 1836. Detroit, John S. Bagg, printer to the legislature, 1836, p. xviii-xix). ■ B; D; G; S; U. 4426. [ . . ]. [Reply to a resolution requesting the auditor general, state treasurer and commissioner of the state land office to inform the senate whether any reason exists in favor of abolishing the office of the commissioner of the state land office, or in favor of removing the office from Marshall to the state capitol, and whether the public convenience will be subserved by the aboHtion of this office]. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate docu- ment no. 23). B;D;G;S;U. 4427. . . . Committee on agriculture. Re- port of the committee on agriculture, relative to making appropriations for the state agricultural college. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, senate document no. 11). D;G;S;U. 4428. . . . • Report of the committee on agriculture ... to whom was referred so much of the gov- ernor's message as relates to the state agricultural college. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 21). D; G; S; U. 4429. . . . . Minority 470 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN report of the committee on agriculture, on so much of the governor's message as relates to the agricultural college. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, senate document no. 6). B;D;G;S;U. 4430. . . . • Report of the committee on agriculture, in relation to a bill making appropriations for the support of the state agricultural college, and the state board of agricul- ture. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 3 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1863, senate document no. 4). D; G; S; U. 4431. . . . . Report of the committee on agriculture ... in pursuance of a resolution adopted on the tenth instant for the encouragement of agriculture. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, senate document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 4432. . . . . Report of the committee on agriculture [i-elative to aid to the agricultural industry]. (Michigan, legislatiire, 1849, senate documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849. no. 24, p. 120-126). B; D; G; S; U. 4433. . . . • Report of the committee on agriculture, on the bill to encourage the keeping of sheep, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Daw- son, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 60, p. 536-538). B; D; G; S; U. 4434_ . . . . Report of the minority of the committee on agriculture, to whom was referred sundry petitions asking an additional appropriation in aid of the Michigan state agricultural society. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, senate document no. 5). B; D; G; S; U. 4435. . . . • Report of the committee on agriculture, relative to establishing a state board of agri- culture. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 6 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 4436. . . . Committee on agriculture and public instruction. Report of the committee on agriculture and public instruction, to whom was referred a bill to establish a branch of the agricultural college in the Grand Traverse country. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 8). D;G;S;U. 4437. . Majority report of the committees on agriculture and public instruction, on so much of the governor's message as relates to the agricul- tiu-al college. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 13 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, senate document no. 5). B; D; G; S;U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 471 4438. . . — . Committee on agriculture or horse racing. Report of the committee on agriculture or horse racing [relative to a petition of certain "citizens of Wayne county asking for a law to authorize Joseph Wilson to construct a race track]. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, sen- ate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 18v39, no. 31, p. 498). B; D;G;S; U. 4439. . . . Committee on amendments to the constitution. Report of the committee on amendments to the constitution. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, senate document no. 16). B; D; G; vS; U. 4440. . . . Committee on the asylum for the deaf and dumb and the blind. Report of the committee on the asylum for the deaf and dumb and the blind [relative to the condition of the institution]. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 18). D; G; S; U. 4441. . . . . Report of the committee on the asylum for deaf and dumb and the blind ... to whom was referred that part of the gover- nor's message relative to said asylum. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 16). — B; D; G; S; U. 4442. . . . . Report of the committee on the asylum for the deaf and dumb and the l^lind ... to whom was referred so much of the gov- ernor's message as relates to that subject, and also a bill making an appro- priation for said asylum. [Lansing, Hosmer & Ken% printers to the state, 1861]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 5). B;D;G;S;U. 4443. . .— . . Report of the committee on the asylum for the deaf, dumb and blind ... to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to that institution. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, senate dociunent no. 8). D; G; S; U. 4444. . . . Committee on the asylum for the insane. Report of the committee on the asylum for the insane, relative to the amount expended for construction during the past year. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, senate document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 4445. . . . . Report of the committee on insane asylum [relative to the construc- tion and management of the buildings and the general management and gov- 472 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN emment of the institution]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 11). • B;D;G;S;U. 4446. . , . Committee on banks and incor- porations. Report of the committee on banks and incorporations ... to whom was referred the petition of H. H. Comstock, asking for the charter of a bank, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, to be located at Otsego, in the county of Allegan. Also, sundry petitions from citizens of the state, praying for a renewal or extension of the charter of the farmers' and mechanics' bank of Michigan. [Lansing, Bagg & Hannon, printers to the state, 1848]. 22 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate docimient no. 7). — -- B; D; G;S;U. 4447. — — . . . Committee on unfinished business. Report in part of the committee on unfinished business. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 16, p. 397-398). B; D; G; S; U. 4448. . . . Committee on claims. Report of the committee on claims, relative to the claim of John J. Adam, auditor gen- eral. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 3 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1850, senate document no. 34). B; D; G; S; U. 4449. . . . . Report of the committee on claims, relative to the claims of the estate of the late Hiram Alden. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 34, p. 517-518). B; D; G; vS; U. 4450. . — . . . Report of the committee on claims ... to whom was referred the petition of Wendell Buck. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, senate document no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 4451. . . . . Report of the committee on claims, relative to the petition of certain contractors on the Clinton and Kalamazoo canal. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate docu- ments. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 43, p. 414- 417). B;D;G;S;U. 4452. . r— . -. . Report of mi- nority of the committee on claims, relative to claim of lieutenant governor. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 48, p. 462-466). - — B; D; G; S; U. 4453. . . . , . Report of the committee appointed to settle the claims of the state against the Michigan state bank. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate dociiments. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 36, p. 526-531). B; D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 473 4454. . . . . Report of the committee on claims, in relation to the memorial of Calvin C. Parks. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1842, senate documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 7, p. 36-37). B; D; G; S; U. 4455. . . . . Report of the committee on claims, relative to the claim against the state for the improve- ment of the sand flats of the Muskegon river. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate docu- ment no. 15). D; G; S; U. 4456. . . . . Report of the committee on claims, to whom were referred the accounts and vouchers of E. H. Thomson, immigration agent. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 12). B; D; G;S;U. 4457. . . . . Report of the committee on claims, to whom was referred the claim of Alexander Titchworth. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 4458. . . . . Report of the committee on claims, in relation to the claim of John Van Fossen. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, senate documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 16, p. 47-49). B;D;G;S;U. 4459. . . . Committee on the deaf and dumb and the blind. Report of the committee on the deaf and dumb, and the blind, on that part of the governor's message relating to the claims of the asylum for the deaf and dumb, and the blind. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, senate document no. 4). B;D;G;S;U. 4460. . . . Committee on education. Report of the committee on education, relative to an appropriation of swamp lands in aid of certain colleges of this state. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, senate document no. 13). B;D;G;S;U. 4461. . . . . Report of the committee on education, relative to the establishment of a chair of homeo- pathy in the university of Michigan, and the appointment of a professor thereto. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 4 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1853, senate document no. 19). B; D; G; S; U. 4462. . . . Committee on federal relations. Re- port of the committee on federal relations relative to an annory in the north- west. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 2 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1862, senate document no. 5). B; D; G; S; U. 474 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4463. . .■ . . Re- port of the committee on federal relations relative to an appropriation of land of the general government, for the construction of a ship canal around the falls of Niagara. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 5 p. (Alichigan, legislature, 1855, senate document no. 21). B; D; G; S; U. 4464. . . . . Re- port of the committee on federal relations, relative to an exchange of prisoners. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, senate document no. 2). — — B; D; G; S; U. 4465. . . — . . Re- port of the committee on federal relations, relative to furnishing two statues, in marble or bronze, of deceased persons in this state, illustrious for historic renown, etc. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 36). D; G; S; U. 4466. . — . . . Re- ports of the majority and minority of the committee on federal relations . . . to whom was referred portions of the governors' messages relating to the state of the union, and sundry concurrent and joint resolutions. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 4467. . . . . Re- port of the committee on federal relations, to whom was referred house joint resolutions on the state of the union. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate docimient no. 44). D; G; S; U. 4468. — — . . . Committee on finance. Report of the committee on finance, relative to the claim of the American express com- pany. [Lansing, John i\. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 19). D; G; S; U. 4469. . . . . Report of the committee on finance, on reference of the report of auditor general and state treasurer to said committee. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate docu- ments. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 13, p. 203- 207). B; D; G; S; U. 4470. . . . . Report of finance committee [on the examination of the accounts on the books of the auditor general and state treasurer, and on the immediate available resources of the state]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, senate document no. 17). B; D; G; S; U. 4471. . . . . Report of the committee on finance relative to the purchase by the banks under the gen- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 475 eral banking law, of a portion of the state stock. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 46, p. 502- 504). B;D;G;S;U. 4472. . . . . Report of the committee on finance ... to whom was referred house bill to authorize the issue of new bonds for the outstanding part paid bonds of this state. [De- troit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1,847]. 5 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1847, senate document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 4473. . . . . Report of the finance committee, relative to the memorial of Allen R. Burr, praying to be released from his liability to the state as one of the sureties on the official bond of John McKinney, late state treasurer. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate docu- ment no. 37). D; G; S; U. 4474. . —. . . Report of the committee on finance, relative to a new capitol for the state. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 17). B; D; G; S; U. 4475. . . . . Report of the committee on finance, to whom was referred a resolution inquiring into the expediency of providing by law for the settlement of claims which the state hold against individuals, and for allowing offsets. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 32, p. 63-64). B;D;G;S;U. 4476. . . . . Report of the committee on finance, on a bill to provide for auditing and paying the ex- penses of the constitutional convention. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, senate document no. 14). B;D;G;S;U. 4477. . . ■ . — . Report of the finance committee, relative to the memorial of Robert W. Cummings, praying for relief. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 16). D; G; S;U. 4478. . . . . Report of the committee on finance, in relation to the currency and finances of this state, under a resolution of the 8th January last, referring to said committee a cer- tain portion of the governor's annual message. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate docimients. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 34, p. 67-72). B;D;G;S;U. 4479. . . . . Report of 476 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MICHIGAN the committee on finance on the petition of J. J. Speed, president of the Erie and Michigan telegraph company. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate docu- ments. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 3, p. 5-6). B;D;G;S;U. 4480. . . . . Report of the committee on finance ... to whom were referred that part of the gover- nor's message which relates to the finances of the state, including the sale of the pubHc works, together with the annual reports of the auditor general and state treasurer. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. [11]- 16 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 8). B; D; G;S;U. 4481. . . . . Report of the finance committee ... to whom was referred that portion of the gover- nor's message relating to the finances of the state and the sale of pubHc works, together with the reports of the auditor general and state treasurer. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 21 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 4482. . . . ■ . Report of the committee on finance, to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to finance. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, senate document no. 5). D;G;S;U. 4483. . . . . Report of the committee on finance [relative to the condition of the treasury, and the ability and economy with which the financial affairs of the state have been conducted imder the charge of the present state officers]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, sen- ate document no. 29). B; D; G; S; U. 4484. . . . . Report of the finance committee relative to the financial condition of the state. [Lan- sing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 16 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1861, senate document no. 2). B; D; G; S; U. 4485. . . . . Report of the finance committee, relative to the financial condition of the state. [Lan- sing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 6 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1865, senate document no. 25). D; G; S; U. 4486. . . . . Report of the majority of the committee on finance, to which committee was referred the message of the executive, in relation to a proposition of the Morris canal and iDanking company, for modifying the terms of the five million loan. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 58, p. 496-525). B; D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 477 4487. . . . . Report ' of the minority of the committee on finance, on the five million loan. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 59, p. 525-536). B; D; G; S; U. 4488. — . . . . Report of the committee on finance ... to whom was referred that part of the gover- nor's message which relates ' ' to the foreign and domestic indebtedness of the state, its credits, revenues and expenditures." (Michigan, legislature, 1843, senate documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 4, p. 24-36). B; D; G; S; U. 4489. . . . . Report of the committee on finance, on the condition of the contingent fund. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 15, p. 10-11). B; D; G; S; U. 4490. . . . . Report of the committee on finance, in relation to the transfer of public funds. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 20, p. 29-30). B; D; G; S; U. 4491. ■ . . — . . Report of the finance committee, relative to the present condition of the war fund. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1864]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1864, senate document no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 4492. . . . . Report of the majority of the committee on finance on the communication and accounts of the state geologist, for 1839. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate docu- ments. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 15, p. 209- 210). B;D;G;S;U. 4493. . . . . Report of the minority of the committee on finance, upon the same subject. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 16, p. 210-211). B; D; G; S; U. 4494. . . . . Report of the minority of the committee on finance on house joint resolution no. 83 [the committee to whom was referred a joint resolution instructing the attor- ney general to recover of Charles G. Hammond, late auditor general, a certain sum of money illegally taken from the treasury]. Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 23, p. 116-119). B;D;G;S;U. 4495. . . — . ■ . Report of the committee on finance, to whom was referred the letter of Kintzing Pritchette, enclosing seven letters relative to the negotiation with the Morris 478 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN canal and banking company. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 67, p. 571-586). ■ B; D;G; S; U. 4496. . . . • Report of the majority of the committee on finance, on house bill no. 99, entitled "a bill relative to state printing." (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate docu- ments. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 19, p. 97-99). B;D;G;S;U. 4497. . . . . Sale of rail- roads. Report from the finance committee. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846. 10 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate docu- ment no. 7). — B; D; G; S; U. 4498. ■ . . . . Report of committee on finance, relative to Saginaw canal. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 52, p. 488-489). B; D; G; S; U. 4499. . . . . Report of the committee on finance, to whom was referred the petition of the president, directors and company, of the bank of St. Clair. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate dociiments. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 39, p. 304). B; D; G; S; U. 4500. . . . . Report of committee on finance ... to whom were referred certain resolutions relative to the reduction of salaries and compensations. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 51, p. 529-531). B;D;G;S;U. 4501. :. . . • Report of . . . the committee on finance to whom was referred the petition of the board of supervisors of the county of Shiawassee, in relation to monies stolen from said county, on the night of the 3rd of Oct., 1843. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate docu- ment no. 6). B;D;G;S;U. 4502. . . . . Report of the committee on finance, in relation to providing for the support of the state government. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 28, p. 53-55). B; D; G;S;U. 4503. . ■ — — ■ — — — . . • Report of the committee on finance on the "bill to amend chapter twenty of the revised statutes." (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate documents. Detroit, Mun- ger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 11,* p. 70-73). B; D; G;S;U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 479 4504. . . . . Report of the committee on finance, relative to state taxes. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 44, p. 417-419). B; D; G; S; U. 4505. . . . . Report of the committee on finance, to whom was referred the report of the state treas- urer on the subject of the five million loan. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 37, p. 86-147). B;D;G;S;U. 4506. . . . . Majority re- port of the committee on finance, relative to the usury laws. [Lansing, Hos- mer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 25). B; D; G; S; U. 4507. — . . . . Minority re- port of the committee on finance relative to the usury laws. [Lansing, Hos- mer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 9 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 26). B; D; G; S; U. 4508. . . . Committees on finance and judi- ciary. Report of the committees on finance and judiciary, on house bill no. 85 [to tax banking associations organized under the laws of the United States]. [Lansing, John A. KeiT & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, senate document no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 4509. . . . Committee to confer with the governor. Report of the committee appointed to confer with the governor relative to mistakes in the internal improvement bill. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 41, p. 549). B;D;G;S;U. 4510. . . . Committee on house of correction. Report of committee on house of correction [relative to the management and operation of the institution]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 25). B; D; G; S; U. 4511. . . . Committee on incorporations. Re- port of committee on incorporations, in reference to amending the constitu- tion so as to secure a state bank or some general system of banking. [Lan- sing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 5 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1861, senate document no. 18). B; D; G; S; U. 4512. . . . . Re- port of the committee on incorporations, relative to the Berrien county mutual insurance company. (Michigan, legislatiu"e, 1839, senate documents. De- 480 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN troit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 15, p. 396-397). B; D; G;S;U. 4513. . . . • Re- port [of] Mr. Hough, from the committee on incorporations, to whom had been referred certain applications for charters of sundry minor incorporations. (Michigan, legislattire, 1835-6, senate document no. 10. In Journal of the senate . . . 1835 and 1836. Detroit, John S. Bagg, printer to the legislature, 1836, p. xxi). B;D;G;S;U. 4514. . . . • Re- port of the committee on incorporations, on the resolution referring so much of the governor's message as relates to the currency and the suspension of specie pa\TTients. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents., [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 23, p. 253-254). B; D; G; S; U. 4515. . . . • Re- port of the committee on incorporations, on certain resolutions inquiring into the expediency of prohibiting the circulation of bills of less than five dollars, and creating a bank from the balance of the five milHon loan, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 28, p. 278-279). B; D; G; S; U. 4516. . . . • Mi- nority report of the committee on incorporations, in relation to changing the boundaries of the tenth ward of the city of Detroit. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 27). B; D; G; S; U. 4517. . . . • Re- port of committee on incorporations, relative to farmers' and mechanics' bank. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 8 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1850, senate docimient no. 37). B; D; G; S; U. 4518. . . . • • Re- port [of] Mr. Hough, from the committee on incorporations, to whom has been referred the bill entitled, "a bill to create a fund for the benefit of the creditors of certain monied corporations." (Michigan, legislature, 1835-6, senate document no. 9. In Journal of the senate . . . 1835 and 1836. Detroit, John S. Bagg, printer to the legislature, 1836, p. xx-xxi) . B ; D ; G ; S ; U. 4519. . . . • Re- port of the committee on incorporations in relation to the grant of lands made to railroad companies. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 13). B; D; G;S;U. 4520. . . . — • Re- port of the committee on incorporations, in regard to the condition of the Michigan state bank. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. De- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 481 troit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 37, p. 531-541). B; D; G; S;U. 4521. . . . . Re- port of the committee on incorporations, on the resolution relating to the Michigan insurance company issuing notes as money. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 37, p. 301-302). B; D; G; S; U. 4522. . . . . Re- port of committee on incorporations, relative to the Michigan insurance com- pan5^ [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, senate document no. 10). ■ B; D; G; S; U. 4523. . . . -. Re- port of the committee on incorporations ... to whom was referred a reso- lution instructing them to inquire into and report upon any alleged violations of its charter by the Oakland county bank. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate docu- ment no. 15). B;D;G;S;U. 4524. . . . . Re- port of the committee on incorporations upon that portion of the governor's message relating to the state bank.' [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 21). B; D;G;S;U. 4525. . . . Committee on Indian lands. Re- port of the committee on the subject of purchasing certain Indian lands. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 39, p. 543-547). B; D; G; S; U. 4526. — — . . . Committee on internal improvement. Report of the committee on internal improvement, in regard to leasing the central railroad. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, senate documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 6, p. 30-35). B; D; G; S; U. 4527. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement [relative to a bill for the relief of Wedworth W. Clark]. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 36). B; D; G;S;U. 4528. . — . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, relative to a certain loan of the bank of Gibraltar. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, senate documents. De- troit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 9, p. 38-39). B;D;G;S;U. 61 482 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4529. Report of the committee on intenial improvement, in relation to the indebted- ness to the state, of certain late commissioners, therein named. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, senate documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 3, p. 17-20). B; D; G; S; U. 4530. . . -. : . Report of committee on internal improvement, relative to suspension of works of internal improvement. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 25, p. 259). B;D;G;S;U. 4531. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, relative to abrogating the present board of commissioners of internal improvement. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 31, p. 293-294). B; D; G; S; U. 4532. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, to whom was referred several dociiments in relation to the subject of internal improvement. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 17, p. 14-16). B; D; G; S; U. 4533. . — . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to that subject. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1842, senate documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 5, p. 24-30). B; D; G; S; U. 4534. . -. . . Reports of the majority and minoritj^ of the committee on internal improve- ment, in relation to the suspension of proceedings on the northern and south- em railroads. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 13, p. 294-295). B; D; G; S; U. 4535. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement on the claim of Patrick and Vrooman. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate documents. Lansihg, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 9, p. 28-31). B; D; G; S; U. 4536. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, relative to collections, &c., on the public works. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [De- troit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, no. 22, p. 252-253). B; D; G;S;U. 4537. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, in relation to the expedi- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 483 ency of appropriations upon the public works. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 22, p. 31-33). B;D;G;S;U. 4538. . . — . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, in relation to certain rail- roads of this state. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, senate documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 4, p. 20-24). B; D; G; S; U. 4539. . — . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, relative to a bill to au- thorize several counties to loan money, pledge their credit or to raise money by tax, to aid in the construction of a railroad from the city of Lansing to New Buffalo. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 22). D; G; S; U. 4540. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, relative to the purchase of the River Raisin and Lake Erie railroad. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 53, p. 490). B; D;G; S; U. 4541. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, relative to the suspension of operations on the southern railroad. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 9, p. 152-153). B; D; G; S; U. 4542. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, in regard to orders drawn upon certain individuals by R. M. Morrison, former superintendent on south- em railroad. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, senate documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 11, p. 41-43). B; D; G; S; U. 4543. . — . . — . Report of the committee on internal improvement, on the bill to amend an act entitled an act to authorize the sale of the southern railroad, and to incorporate the Michigan southern railroad' company. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 2, p.2-4).— B; D; G; S; U. 4544. . . , '■ . Report of the committee on internal improvements, relative to the southern railroad. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 3 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1850, senate document no. 32). B; D; G; S; U. 4545. . . . . Report of the majority of the committee on internal improvement, to whom 484 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN was referred the bill to amend the charter of the Alichigan southern railroad company, with instructions to strike out the 1 1th section of said bill and amend sections 9 and 12. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 7 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 33). B; D; G; S; U. 4546. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, to whom was referred the proposition of Jonas H. Titus, to lease the central railroad. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 20). *B; D; G; S; U. 4547. . . . .■ Report of the committee on internal improvement, relative to transportation of materials for building university. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 5, p. 87). B; D; G; S; U. 4548. . . . . Report of the committee on internal improvement, relative to the Ypsilanti and Tecumseh railroad company. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate docu- ments. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 42, p. 411- 414). B;D;G;S;U. 4549. . . — . Committee on the judiciary. Re- port of the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred the memorial of inhabitants of Plainfield, Allegan county. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 29, p. 55-58). B;D;G;vS;U. 4550. . — — . . ■ . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred certain petitions asking for an amendment of the constitution so as to enable the legislature to establish a banking system similar to that of Ohio and Indiana. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 8). ■ B; D; G; S; U. 4551. . .■ . . Re- port of the committee of judiciary ... to whom was referred the petition of W. Z. Blanchard and five others, citizens of Ionia county, asking the legisla- ture to alter or so amend the present collection law, in adapting it to the new constitution, that the debtor shall not possess the entire advantage over his creditor, as at present ; and also asking that the people may be relieved from the present worse than useless tax imposed on them for the support of town hbraries. [Lansing, George W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 2 p. (Michi- gan legislature, 1853, senate document no. 7). • B; D; G; S; U. 4552. . . . . Ma- jority report of the committee on the judiciar}^ relative to the pay of the cir- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 485 cuit judges. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 7). D; G; S; U. 4553. . ■- — . — . . Mi- nority report of the judiciar^^ committee, relative to the salary of the circuit judges. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 9). D; G; S; U. 4554. . ■-. . . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary of the senate ... to whom was re- ferred the accompanying joint resolution from the house of representatives, "relative to amending the constitution. " [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, senate document no. 10). — B; D;G;S;U. 4555. . . . . Re- port of . . . the committee on the judiciar}^ to whom was referred the house "bill relative to proceeding against persons or incorporations usurping cor- porate powers, liberties of franchises, and incorporations guilty of misuser or nonuser. " [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 26). B; D; G; S; U. 4556. . . . . Re- port of the judiciary committee, to whom was referred the petition of sundry citizens, asking the restoration of the death penalty in this state. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 5). D; G; S; U. 4557. . .■ . . Re- port of the majority of the judiciary committee, upon the memorial of the Detroit and Maumee railroad compan3^ for an amendment to its charter. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 6 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1853, senate document no. 14). B; D; G; S; U. 4558. . . . . Re- port of the minority of the committee on the judiciary, upon the memorial of the Detroit and Maumee railroad company, for an amendment to its charter. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 6 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1853, senate document no. 15). B; D; G; S; U. 4559. . . — . . Re- port of the committee on judiciary ... to whom were referred the petitions of inhabitants of the township of Fairfield, in the county of Lenawee, praying for the passage of an act to establish certain highways in said township. [De- troit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 2 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1845, senate document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 4560. . . . . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary, relative to allowing the claim of Cyrus 486 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Howard, for the apprehension, &c., of the person who set fire to the railroad bridge over the Ri\-er Rouge. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 62, p. 545-547). B; D;G;S;U. 4561. . . . . Re- port of the judiciary committee to whom was referred that part of the gover- nor's message which relates to the re-organization of the judiciary. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1843, senate documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 2, p. 15-21). B; D; G; S; U. 4562. . . . . Re- port of the judiciary committee relative to the powers of the legislature to authorize the appropriation of normal school lands for building highways. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 4 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1853, senate document no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 4563. . . . . The sovereign right of Michigan to the mines and minerals within her borders. Report by Mr. Littlejohn, from the judiciary committee to whom was re- ferred the bill introduced by the committee on public lands, "declaratory of the interests of Michigan in mines and minerals, etc." [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 16 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 22). B; D; G; S; U. 4564. . . . . Re- port of the judiciar}' committee on the claim against the state for the improve- ment of the sand flats of the Muskegon river. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate docu- ment no. 4). B;D;G;S;U. 4565. . . . . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary ... to whom was referred so much of the governor's annual message as relates to the laws, and to whom have also been referred several resolutions, instructing them to inquire into the ex- pediency of amending or modifying particular laws therein referred to. [De- troit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 6p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1844, senate document no. 2); B; D; G; S; U. 4566. . . . . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary ... to whom was referred the peti- tion of Zaphaniah Piatt, late attorney general, praying for the passage of a law or resolution providing for the payment of his account for services per- formed by him for the state, while he was attorney general. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, senate dociiment no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 4567. . . . . Re- port of . . . Mr. Howell, from the majority of the committee on the judiciary BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 487 to whom was referred a resolution of enquiry into the expediency of exempt- ing from sale on account of any debt or liabilit}' incurred after the first day of July 1847, real estate to the amount of five hundred dollars to actual resi- dents. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 5 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 25). B; D; G; S; U. 4568. . . . • Re- port of the judiciary committee, relative to sundry petitions asking the pas- sage of a law increasing the fees and compensation of registers of deeds. [Lan- sing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1865, senate document no. 24). . D; G; S; U. 4569. . . . • Re- port of the' committee on judiciary, to whom was referred "a bill for dividing the state into single representative districts." [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, senate docu- ment no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 4570. . . . ■ Re- port of the committee on the judiciary relative to the election of senators in the state legislature. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. De- troit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 40, p. 548-549). B; D; G;S;U. 4571. . . . • Re- port of the committee on the judiciary ... to whom was committed the reso- lution relative to the classification of senators, agreeably to the provisions of "an act to apportion anew the representatives and senators among the sev- eral counties and districts of this state, " approved March 10, 1846. [Detroit, Bagg & Hamion, printers to the state, 1847]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, senate document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 4572. . . . • Re- port of the judiciary committee on the amendment of the constitution, so as to extend elective franchise [to all irrespective of color or descent]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 4573. . . . • Re- port of the committee on the judiciar}', relative to the constitutionality of any law to enable the qualified electors of this state, in the military service of the United States, to offer their votes and to vote in places beyond and out of the jurisdiction of this state, and in places other than the place of their actual residence. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1864]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1864, senate document no. 5). B; D; G;S;U. 4574. . . . • Mi- nority report of the committee on the judiciary, relative to the constitution- 488 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN ality of any law to enable the qualified electors of this state, in the military service of the United States to offer their votes and to vote in places beyond and out of the jurisdiction of this state, and in places other than the place of their actual residence. [Lansing, John A. Kerr Sc co., printers to the state, 1864]. 13 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1864, senate document no. 6). B;D;G;S;1J. 4575. . . . ■■ . Re- port of the judiciary committee, relative to the house bill to provide for the organization of the homeopathic branch of the university of Michigan. [Lan- sing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 16 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1861, senate document no. 32). B; D; G; S; U. 4576. . . . . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred certain petitions asking for a stringent usury law. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 4577. . . . . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary on the petition for an increase of mas- ters in chancery in Wa^me county. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate docu- ments. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 11, p. 263). B;D;G;S;U. 4578. . . . — . Re- port of the committee on the judiciary, on the resolution in relation to the constitutionality of the mode of appointing the presiding judge of the criminal court of Wayne county. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit; George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 24, p. 37-38). B;D;G;S;U. 4579. . . . Committee on public lands. Re- port of the committee on public lands, relative to the grant of swamp lands to the German-American seminar}-, of the city of Detroit. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, senate docimient no. 6). D; G; S; L^. 4580. . — . . . Report port of the committee on public lands ... to which was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to the lands belonging to the state, with the report of the commissioner of the land office. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate docu- ment no. 5). B;D;G;S;U. 4581. . . . .Report of the committee on public lands relative to lands received by the state, etc. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate doctmients. Lansing, Munger & Patti- son, printers to the state, 1849, no. 4, p. 7). B; D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 489 4582. . . . . Report of the committee on public lands ... to whom was referred so much of tjie governor's messages as relates to the public lands. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 3 p., 2 1. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 4583. . . . . Report of the committee on public lands ... to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to the public and mineral lands. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 9 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 4584. . . . . Report of the committee on public lands, to whom was referred a bill authorizing the issuing of patents for certain railroad lands in the upper peninsula. [Lan- sing, John A. Jverr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1865, senate document no. 23). B; D; G; S; U. 4585. : . . . . Report of committee on public lands on the joint resolution authorizing the com- missioner of the state land office to issue a certificate of purchase to certain school lands, to Thomas B. Abell. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate docu- ments. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 20, p. 100-101). B;D;G;S;U. 4586. . — . — . : . Mi- nority report of the committee on public lands, relative to the sale and drain- age of the swamp lands. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, senate document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 4587. — . . . . Report of the committee on public lands on resolution to inquire into the expediency of granting the swamp lands to the several counties. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, senate docu- ment no. 18). B;D;G;S;U. 4588. . . . . Report of the committee on public lands [relative to] the sale and disposition of the swamp lands. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, senate document no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 4589. . — . — . — . Report of the committee on public lands, relative to the sale of certain university land. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 4 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1851, senate document no. 6). B; D; G; S; U. . 4590. . . . ■ . Report of the committee on public lands ... to whom was referred the resolution 490 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN requiring them to inquire into the expediency of reducing the price of the university and state building lands. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate document no. 9). B;D;G;S;U. 4591. . . . .Report of '. . . Mr. Robinson, chairman of the committee on public lands, to whom were referred the petition of John T. Holmes, and of many others, praying for the removal of the state land office from Marshall, in the county of Calhoun, to Grand Rapids, in the county of Kent. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 2 p. (^Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 13). B;D;G;S;U. 4592. , . . Committee on lands returned de- linquent for taxes. Report of committee relative to lands returned delin- quent for taxes ... to whom was referred the resolution of the board of supervisors of the county of Kent, in relation to a repeal of the laws which re- quire a return of the lands delinquent for taxes, to the auditor -general's office. [Lansing, George W. Peck, state printer, 1853]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853. senate document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 4593. — . . . Committee on expiring laws. Re- port of the committee on expiring laws, respecting the license laws. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, senate document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 4594. . . . . Report of the committee on expiring laws ... to whom was referred a bill to repeal section 2388 of the compiled laws, relating to qualified voters in school meet- ings. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 5 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 28). B; D; G; S; L^. 4595. . — — . . Committee on supplementary bill to primary school law. Report of committee on the supplementary bill to the primary school law. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislatiu^e, 1853, senate document no. 11). B; D; G; S; U. 4596. . . . Committee on literature. Report of the committee on literature ... to whom [was referred] a resolution, in- structing enquiry into the propriety of allowing the regents of the university the amount of their travelling expenses. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 15, p. 298). B;D; G; S; U. 4597. . . . Committee on manufactures. Re- port of the committee of the senate on manufactures, to whom was referred the communication of the state geologist, relative to salt springs and salines of the state. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 3, p. 85-86). B; D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 491 4598. . . . Committee on military affairs. Re- port of the committee on military affairs, relative to providing for military instruction in the agricultural college. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, senate document no. 4). B;D;G;S;U. 4599. . . . . Re- port of the committee on military affairs, on the petition of F. W. Higby and 29 others, citizens of the township of Carmel, Eaton county. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, senate document no. 2). B; D; G; S; U. 4600. . . . Committee on the militia. Report of the committee on the militia, relative to the anns and military stores of the state. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 66, p. 569-570). B ; D; G; S ;U. 4601. . . . . Report of the committee on the militia, in relation to Major Dequindre. (Alichigan, 'egislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 40, p. 155-158). B; D; G; S; U. 4602. . . . . Report of the committee on militia, on the petition of Frederick Hart and two hun- dred and eighty-two others. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 18.53]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, senate document no. 5). ■ B;D;G;S;U. 4603. . . . . A brief statement of accounts in the hands of the committee on militia, for services rendered and expenses incurred in raising the first regiment of Michigan vol- unteers to serve in the late Mexican war. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 14, p. 81-83). B;D;G;S;U. 4604. . . . . Report of . . . the committee on the militia of the senate to whom were referred so much of the annual message of the executive as regards the militia, and also the annual report of the adjutant general, as well as the several and diverse petitions of volunteer companies [etc.]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, senate document no. 5). ■ B;D; G; S; U. 4605. . . . . Report of the committee on militia ... to whom was referred that part of the gover- nor's message relating to the militia. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate document no. 14. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 104-105). B; D; G; S; U. 492 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4606. . . . Committee on mines and minerals. Report of committee on mines and minerals ... to whom was referred house bill no. 29 [relative to the granting of charters to mining corporations in- the tipper peninsula]. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 8 p. (Adichigan, legislature, 1853, senate document no. 6). B; D; G; S; U. 4607. . . . Committee on printing. Minority report of the committee on printing. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state. 1859]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate dociunent no. 29). B; D; G; S; U. 4608. . . . . Report of the committee on printing relative to printing constitution and laws in the German language. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 2 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1851, senate document no. 15). ■ B; D; G; S; U. 4609. . . . . Report of the committee of the senate relative to printing, &c. [after a conference with a committee of the house of representatives in relation to the necessary printing required by both houses]. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate document no. 6. In Joiimal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 27-28). B; D; G; S; U. 4610. . . . . Report of the committee on printing, to whom was referred a bill to repeal the act creat- ing the office of state printer. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 10, p. 260-263). — B; D; G; S; U. 4611. . . . . Majority report of the committee on printing, relative to the appointment of state printer, and the prices for pubhc printing. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 19, p. 224-226). B; D; G; S; U. 4612. . . . . Minority report of the committee on printing [relative to the appointment of a state printer]. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 20, p. 226-228). B; D; G; S; U. 4613. . . . . Report of the committee on printing ... to whom w^as referred a resolution relating to the printing of the reports of the superintendent of public instruction for the years 1855, 1856 and 1857. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 30). B; D; G; S; U. 4614. . . . Committee on the state prison. Re- ports of the committee on state prison relative to the criminal jurisprudence, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 493 and to the state prison. [Lansing:, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 17 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 24). B; D; G;S;U. Majority and minority reports. 4615. . . . . Re- port of the committee on state prison relative to the criminal jurisprudence, and to the state prison. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate dociunent no. 15). B; D; G;S;U. 4616. . . . . Re- port of the committee on state prison, relative to employing a portion of the convict labor in the state prison in the manufacture of fire amis, &c. [Lan- sing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 2 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1862, senate document no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 4617. . . . -^ . Re- port of the committee on state prisons ! . . to. whom was referred so much of the governor's message as related to the establishment of a state prison. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate document no. 13. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 104). B;D;G;S;U. 4618. .• . . . Re- port of the committee on the state penitentiary. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 20, p. 417). B; D;G;S;U. 4619. . . ^ . Re- port of the committee to investigate the affairs of the state prison. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 33, p. 514-516). B; D; G; S; U. 4620. . . . -. Re- port of committee to investigate the expenditures on state prison, at Jackson- burg. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate doctmients. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 30, p. 497). B; D; G; S; U. 4621. . . . . Re- port of the committee on the penitentiary ... to whom was referred the re- port of the commissioners on the location of the state penitentiary. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 29, p. 399-401). B; D; G; S; U. 4622. . . . . Re- port of the committee on state prisons ... to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to the state prison, and also to whom ref- erence is made of certain petitions relating to mechanical labor in the state 494 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN prison. [Detroit, Bagg & Hannon, printers to the state, 1844]. 3 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1844, senate document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 4623. . . . . Re- port of the committee on the state prison ... to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to prisons, and who, by a joint resolution, were authorized to act with a like committee on the part of the house, to visit the prison of this state. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, senate document no. 7). D;G;S;U. 4624. . . . . Re- port of the committee on state prison, to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to the same. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, senate docu- ment no. 3). B;D;G;S;U. 4625. . . . . Re- port of the committee on the state prison [relative to the results of a visit to the institution]. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 20) . - D ; G ; S ; U. 4626. . . . . Re- port of the committee on state prison, on certain resolutions referred to that committee. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 39, p. 149-155). B; D; G; S; U. 4627. . . . Committee on privileges and elec- tions. Report of . . . the committee on privileges and elections to whom was referred the memorial of George A. Coe, who claims to have been duly elected a senator of the 4th senatorial district instead of Ephraim B. Danforth, the sitting member. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 4628. . Report of the committee on privileges and elections ... to whom was referred the petition of Benjamin F. Graves, praying for reasons therein set forth, that Hon. Erastus Hussey be excluded from the seat he now holds in the senate, as senator of the thirteenth senatorial district, and that said peti- tioner be permitted "to hold, occupy and enjoy the same, with the rights and privileges accorded to a senator of the state of Michigan. " [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, senate doctunent no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 4629. . Report of the committee on privileges and elections, relative to the petitions of simdry persons, asking to be admitted to seats as senators. [Lan- sing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 12 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1865, senate document no. 29). D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 495 4630. . . . . Report of the committee on privileges and elections, relative to ex- tending the elective franchise to certain citizens. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate docu- ment no. 28). B;D;G;S;U. 4631. . Report of the committee on privileges and elections, in reference to the bill to enable the qualified electors of this state, in the military service, to vote at certain elections. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, senate document no. 2). D;G;S;U. 4632. . Report of the committee on privileges and elections, in the contested case of Tyler vs. Pond. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 2). B; D; G; S;U. 4633. Additional testimony in the case of Tyler vs. Pond. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 4634. — . . . Committee on public instruction. Report of the committee on public instruction, relative to establishing a ' ' Gennan- American seminary ' ' at Detroit. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 20). B;D;G;S;U. 4635. Report of the committee on public instruction, in relation to the governor's message as translated and printed in French, by order of the senate. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawsqn, state printer. 1841, vol. n, no. 25, p. 39-41). B;D;G;S;U. 4636. . . . • Report of committee on public instruction respecting exchange of literary productions. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, senate document no. 11). B; D; G; S; U. 4637. . . . . Report of the committee on public instruction, on a petition from Thomas Mosely and others, asking legislative aid for the instruction of the deaf and dumb in this state. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. H, no. 21, p. 30-31). B; D; G;S;U. 4638. . . . • 496 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN , Report of the committee on public instruction ... to whom was referred that part of the governor's message relating to primary schools. (Michigan, legislature, 1843, senate documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 5, p. 36-39). B; D; G; S; U. 4639. . . . . Report of the committee on public instruction, relative to certain school moneys. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 55, p. 492-493). B ; D; G; S; U. 4640. . . . . Report of the committee on public instruction, relative to the report of the superintendent of public instruction, and so much of the governor's message as relates to the subject of education. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate docmnent no. 3). B;D;G;S;U. 4641. . . — . . Report of the committee on public instruction, relative to the apportionment of the two mill tax. [Lansing, Hosmer & KeiT, printers to the state, 1861]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 19). B; D; G; S; U. 4642. . . . . Report of the committee on public instruction in relation to the proceeds of the two mill tax for the support of schools. [Lansing. John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, senate docu- ment no. 1). D;G;S;U. 4643. . . . . Report of the committee on public instruction, in answer to certain queries regarding the branches of the university. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate docimients. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 16, p. 11-14). — B;D;G;S;U. 4644. : . . . Report of the committee on public instruction, relative to the house bill to provide for the organization of the homeopathic branch of the university of Michigan. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 33). B; D; G; S; U. 4645. . . . . Report of the committee on public instruction ... to whom was referred the resolution offered in the senate instructing the board of regents to procure the publication of the journal of their doings. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, senate document no. 3). B; D;G;S;U. 4646. . . . . Report of the committee on public instruction ... to whom was referred BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 497 the senate resolution of enquiry to the expediency of providing by law for the publishing the journal of the board of regents of the university of Michigan, bearing date February 14, 1848. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate document no. 14). B;D;G;S;U. 4647. . . . . Report of the committee on public instruction, in relation to the remonstrance of the regents of the university. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate docimient no. 29). B; D;G;S; U. 4648. — . . . Committee on railroad routes. Re- port of the majority of the committee of the senate, appointed to consider the propriety of the location of the northern and southern railroad routes. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 69, p. 479-488; senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 43, p. 487-496). B; D; G; S; U. 4649. . . . . Re- port of the majority of the committee of the senate, appointed to consider the propriety of the location of the northern and southern railroad route. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 31, p. 416-431). B; D; G; S; U. 4650. . . . . Re- port of the majority of the committee of the senate, appointed to consider the propriety of the location of the northern and southern railroad route. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 45, p. 442-457). B;D;G;S;U. This report is included in the last half of document no. 45. 4651. — . — . . Committee on railroads. Report on the taxation of railroad lands, made by the committee on railroads of the senate of Michigan, February 28, 1873. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & CO., state printers and binders, 1873. 23 p. B; S. 4652. . — . . Committee on the reform school. Report of the committee on the reform school [relative to the condition of the institution]. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 12). D; G; S; U. 4653. . . . Committee on roads and bridges. Report of the committee on roads and bridges, relative to overseers of high- ways. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 30, p. 292-293). B ; D ; G; S; U. 4654. . . . . Report of committee on roads and bridges, relative to the vacations of public highways by twelve freeholders. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate docu- 63 498 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN ments. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 32, p. 294- 295). B; D; G; S; U. 4655. . . . ■■ . Report of the committee on roads and bridges, in relation to highway labor. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, senate documents. Detroit, Bagg & Hannon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 13, p. 43-44). B; D; G; S; U. 4656. . . . . Report of the committee on roads and bridges, relative to highway taxes. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 3S, p. 298-299). B; D; G; S; U. 4657. . . . . Report of the committee on roads and bridges, in reference to the repeal of the charter of the Jackson and Michigan plank road company. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 15). B; D; G; S; U. 4658. Report of the committee on roads and bridges ... to whom was referred several petitions signed by three hundred person living in the vicinity of the road contemplated in the prayer of the petitioners. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 17, p. 299). B;D;G;vS;U. 4659. . . . Committee on state affairs. Report of the committee on state affairs ... to whom was refen-ed "a bill to amend the charter of the several banks in the state of Michigan," with an amend- ment proposed thereunto. [Detroit, Bagg & Haraion, printers to the state, 1844]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, senate document no. 11). B;D;G;S;U. 4660. . . . • Report of the committee on state affairs, on the joint resolution relative to the base- ment rooms of the capitol. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit. John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 27, p. 487-490). B; D;G;S; U. 4661. . . . • Report of the committee on state affairs relative to the papers and propositions of James Seymour for the location of the capitol. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, senate docu- ment no. 15). B;D;G;S;U. 4662. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs upon the petition of Thos. Comfort, and others. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 29, p. 494-496). B; D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 499 4663. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs, to whom was referred a joint resolution pro- posing an amendment to the constitution in relation to the qualification of voters. (Michigan, legislature, 1843, senate documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 6, p. 40-45). B; D; G; S; U. 4664. . . . . Report of . . . Samuel Denton, for the committee on state affairs, to which was re- ferred the petition of numerous voters in Oakland, Washtenaw and other counties, praying that the necessary legislative action may be taken for amend- ing the constitution of this state, by expunging from the 2nd article thereof the word "white." [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 15 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, senate document no. 15). B; D; G;S; U. 4665. . — ; . . Report of the committee on state affairs to whom was referred so much of the retiring governor's message as relates to the establishment of a work-shop or peni- tentiary in the city of Detroit. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 10). B; D; G; vS; U. 4666. — . . . . Report of committee on state affairs relative to the Detroit post office as a distribut- ing office. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate document no. 21. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 167-168). - — B; D; G; vS; U. 4667. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs, on a joint resolution relative to slavery in the District of Coliimbia, and the admission into the union of slave states. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 41, p. 471-472). B; D; G; S; U. 4668. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs relative to the establishment of an emigrant agency. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 3 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 14). B; D; G; S; U. 4669. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs, in relation to "a bill to regulate fisheries in the waters of the state of Michigan." [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1857]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 4670. . . . : Report of the committee on state affairs, in relation to the destruction of fish in the waters of this state. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 500 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate doeument no. 33). D; G; S;U. 4671. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs ... to whbm was referred a joint resolu- tion relative to the extension to the governors of states of the franking privi- lege, with direction to report their opinion of the expediency of passing the same. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 38, p. 463-464). B; D; G; S; U. 4672. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs, relative to that portion of the governor's message which relates to the subject of immigration to this state. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 4). • D; G; S; U. 4673. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs, relative to the application of this state for donations of lands for internal improvements, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 32, p. 431-450). B;D;G;S;U. 4674. . . . . Report of [Samuel Denton] of the committee on state affairs, of the senate of Michi- gan [to whom was referred sundry petitions from citizens of the counties of Lenawee, Washtenaw, and Ingham, asking the passage of a law for 'the ap- praisal of damages for lands flowed by mill dams]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. lip. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, senate docu- ment no. 12). B;D;G;S;U. 4675. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs to whom was referred "a bill to provide for the drainage and reclamation of the swamp lands by a system of state roads. " [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 8 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1859, senate document no. 5). B; D; G; S; U. 4676. . . — . . Docu- ments in relation to certain university and state lands, accompani^ng the report of Mr. Woodbridge from the committee on state affairs, on H. R. bill no. 41. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 32, p. 499-514). B; D; G; S; U. 4677. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs, relative to a license law. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, sen- ate document no. 19). B;D;G;S;U. 4678. . . . : 3 . Report of the committee on state affairs, relative to a license law. [Lansing, Hosmer BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 501 & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 21). B; D; G; S; U. 4679. . . . • Report of the committee on state affairs, relative to amending the prohibitory liquor law so as to permit the manufacture and sale of domestic wines and beer. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 2 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1859, senate document no. 20). B; D; G; S; U. 4680. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs, on bill to provide for re-locating the county seat of Macomb county. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 38, p. 302-303). B;D;G;S;U. 4681. — . —.■ . .Report of the committee on state affairs, in relation to settlers on the Niles reserve. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate document no. 28. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 176). B;D;G;S;U. 4682. . . ■ . — . Report of the committee on state affairs, relative to the claim of David W. Noyes, Loren Andrews, Unn Miller and Hiram W. Miller. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 14). D; G; S; U. 4683. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs, relative to the passage by congress of a preemption law, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1838,- senate documents. De- troit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 10, p. 153-154). B; D; G; S; U. 4684. . . . . Report of committee on state affairs ... to whom was referred the petition of the board of supervisors of the county of Shiawassee, praying an amendment to joint resolutions no. 18, page 309 of session laws of 1846. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, senate document no. 6). B; D; G; S; U. 4685. . . . . Report of . . . Dr. Denton, from the committee on state affairs, to whom was re- ferred the joint resolution relating to the protection of American industry. [Detroit, Bagg & Hamion, printers to the state, 1845]. 26 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, senate document no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 4686. . . ^. : . Report of the committee on state affairs, on the petition of Herman Landon and others, for extension of time for collection of taxes for year 1839. (Michigan, 502 BIBiLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 14, p. 207-208). B; D; G; S; U. 4687. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs, in relation to the annexation of Texas to the union, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 18, p. 300-305). B; D; G; S; U. 4688. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs on the project of the citizens of western New York, to le\^^ unequal tolls on the trade and commerce of the western states, passing through the Oswego canal. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, senate document no. 14). B;D;G;S;U. 4689. . . . . Report of the committee on state affairs relative to the establishment of a female de- partment in the state imiversity. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 12 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate docimient no. 11). B;D;G;S;U. 4690. . . . • Report of the committee on state affairs, to whom was referred the petition of A. C. Van Raalte and others, praying for aid in the construction of a harbor in Ottawa county. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate docimient no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 4691. . . ■ . . Report of the committee on state affairs, to whom was committed a docimient in re- gard to "an act for the destruction of wolves. " (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 14, p. 296- 297). B;D;G;S;U. 4692. . . . ■ Report of the committee on state affairs upon the memorials of ladies, praying the legislature to grant them the privilege of the elective franchise. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 27). B; D; G; S; U. 4693. '■ . ■■ . . ■ Report of the committee on state affairs,, to whom was referred a joint resolution for the relief of William Woodhouse and Charles W. Butler. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 27). D; G; S; U. 4694. . . . Committee on towns and counties. Report of the committee on towns and counties, on the Berrien county seat. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate document no. 30. In Journal of the sen- ate .. . in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 177). B; D;G;S; U. BOOKS AND 1>AMPHLETS 503 4695. Report of the majority of the committee on towns and counties, to whom was referred a bill from the house of representatives to establish the seat of justice of Branch county, and also a report of the commissioners appointed to review the county seat of Branch county. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate docu- ment no. 26. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 175). B; D; G; vS; U. 4696. . . . . Report of the committee on towns and counties, relative to the annexation of certain towns to the county of Shiawassee, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John vS. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 36, p. 458). B; D; G; S; U. 4697. — . . . ■ Report of the minority of the committee on towns and counties, in relation to the removal or vacating of the county seat of Shiawassee county. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate docimient no. 24. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 183-7. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 173). B;D;G;S;U. 4698. . . . Investigating committee. Report of the investigating committee, appointed to audit and settle the accounts of the state penitentiary. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate docimients. [De- troit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 27, p. 262-278). B; D; G; S; U. 4699. . . . Select committee. Report on the appropriation law of December, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 48, p. 509-514). B; D; G; S; U. 4700. . . . . Report of the majority of the select committee to whom were referred certain resolutions relative to the city banks. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 50, p. 474-483). B; D; G; S; U. 4701. . . . . Report of a se- lect committee relative to a state bank and branches. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 49, p. 466-474). B; D; G; S; U. 4702. . . ■ . . Report of the minority of the select committee on resolutions of inquiry, in regard to re- sumption of specie payments by banks, &c. (Michigan, legislature. 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 51, p. 484-488). B; D; G; S; U. 504 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4703. . . . . Report of the select committee, which were appointed "to investigate and enquire into the alleged misapplication of eighty-four thousand dollars of 'part paid bonds', said to have been paid in by the Michigan southern railroad company on their indebtedness to the state." [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, senate document no. 13). B; D;G;S;U. 4704. . . . . Report of the select committee, upon the expediency of completing a part of the Clinton and Kalamazoo canal. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [De- troit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 64, p. 558-564). B;D;G;S;U. 4705. . ' ; . . Report of the select committee to whom was referred part of the governor's message which relates to the formation of congressional districts. (Michigan, legislature, 1843, senate docimients. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 1, p. [9]-15). B;D;G;S;U. 4706. — . . — . . Report of the select committee to whom were referred "joint resolutions amending the con- stitution. " [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, senate document no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 4707. . . . . Report of the select committee of the senate "upon amendments to the constitution." [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 26). B; D.; G; S; U. 4708. . . . . Report of the select committee upon amendments to the constitution. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 4709. . . . — . Report of select committee upon chapter 20, title 5 of the proposed revision. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 19). B; D; G; S; U. 4710. . . . . Report of select committee on constitutional reform. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate document no. 12). B;D;G;S;U. 4711. — . . . . Report of select committee on expenses of courts ... to which was referred the answers from the county clerks and so much of the governor's message as relates to the ex- penses of courts. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 18 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate document no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 505 4712. . . . . Report of the select committee on imprisonment for debt ... to whom had been referred so much of the governor's message as relates to imprisonment for debt. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1837, senate docvtment no. 19. In Journal of the senate . . . in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 162-166). b';D;G;S;U. 4713. • — ■ — . . . . Report of the select committee on abolishing imprisonment for debt. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 6, p. 87-95). B;D;G;S;U. 4714. . . . . Report of the select committee in reference to the state mortgage on the Detroit and Pontiac railroad. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846. 2 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 21 [?]). B; D; G; S; U. 4715. ■ . . . . Report of the select committee to whom was referred the petition of John Drew and others, relative "to the school under the care of the. pastor of trinity church." (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit} George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 40, p. 304-308). B; D; G; S; U. 4716. • — . . . . Report of the select committee on the contested election in the fifth senatorial district. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 3, p. 13-14). B; D; G; S; U. 4717. -^^ . — — -. . ' . Report of select committee on the subject of inspection of fish ... to whom has been referred sundry petitions on the subject of inspection of fish. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, senate document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 4718. . . '. . Report of . . . the select committee to whom was referred the memorial of Thomas K. Green, of the county of Berrien, praying for a grant of lands in consideration of monies overpaid by him on the purchase of primary school lands. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, senate document no. 1). ■ B; D; G; S; U. 4719. . . . . Report of the select committee on the five million loan, and internal improvement fund. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 63, p. 547-557). B; D; G; S; U. 4720. . . . ■ . Report of the select committee on the report of the state agent of immigration [to whom was referred the report of the agent for the state, appointed under the joint resolution of the last session of the legislature, entitled "joint resolution to 506 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN encourac^c immigration." together with the accompanying papers]. [Lan- sing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 23 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 4721. . . . . Report of the select committee on public improvements, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 61, p. 538-545). B;D;G;S;U. 4722. . . . . Report of . . . Mr. Denton from the select committee to which was referred the senate "bill to improve the administration of justice," as reported by Senator Allen. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the .state, 1845]. 48 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, senate document no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 4723. . . . . Report of the select committee on the bill to authorize the improvement of the Kalamazoo river, and for other purposes. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 7, p. 13-16). B;D;G;S;U. 4724. . . . . Report of the select committee on Kansas affairs ... to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to the affairs of Kansas. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 28). B; D; G; S; U. 4725. • . . . . Report of ma- jority of select committee on the modification and reduction of price of uni- versity lands. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, senate document no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 4726. . . . . Report of the select committee to whom were referred sundry petitions, praying the repeal of the license laws. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate documents. Lan- sing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 21, p. 102-112). B;D;G;S;U. 4727. . . . . Ibid. [Lansing? 1849?]. 11 p. (Michigan, legislature, senate document no. 20). S. 4728. . -^ . . . Report of the select committee, to whom has been referred the nimierous petitions in favor of a law prohibiting the manufacture of all intoxicating beverages and the traffic therein, like the one now in operation in the state of Maine. [Lan- sing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 11 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, senate document no. 16). B; D; G; S; U. 4729. . . . . Report of the select committee on the subject of the manufacture and sale of ardent spirits. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 507 to whom was referred the house bill no. 33, entitled: "a bill prohibiting the manufacture of intoxicating beverages and the traffic therein." [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, senate document no. 17). B; D; G; S; U. 4730. . . . . Report of select committee on Indian affairs ... to whom was referred "the circular of the Hon. T. Hartley Crawford, from the bureau on Indian affairs of the war de- partment, suggesting the passage of a law for the more effectual prevention of any traffic in ardent spirits with the Indian tribes. [Detroit, Bagg & Har- mon, printers to the state, 1845]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, senate document no. 5). B; D; G; vS; U. 4731. . • . . . Report of the majority of the select committee, relative to the petitions of citizens of De- troit, asking the passage of a law to authorize the formation of mechanics and laboring men's cooperative associations. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate docu- ment no. 35). D; G; S; U. 4732. . . . • Minority report of the select committee, to whom was referred sundry petitions praying for the passage of "a bill to authorize the fomiation of mechanics' and laboring men's cooperative associations." [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 42). D;G;S;U. 4733 _ . . ;- . Report of the select committee appointed to investigate the conduct of the commissioners appointed to settle with the Michigan state bank. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 42, p. 161-228). B; D; G; S; U. 4734. ■ . . . . Report of the select committee, relative to the real value of the assets of the Michigan state bank. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, senate documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 17, p. 49). B; D; G; S; U. 4735. . . . • Report of the select committee on bounties ... to whom it was referred to ascertain what legislation is needed, if any, in regard to raising bounties for volunteers, in the military and naval ser\ace of the United States. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 6). D; G; S; U. 4736. . . . . Report of the select committee on the petitions for the removal of the state locations on the Niles and Nottawassepe reserve. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate docu- 508 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN ments. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 37, p. 458-463). B;D;G;S;U. 4737. . . . . Report of the select committee on the bill to set off real estate under execution, &c. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839. no. 18, p. 406-413). B; D; G; S; U. 4738. . — . . . Report of the select committee on so much of the governor's message as relates to the River Raisin and Lake Erie railroad company. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, sen- ate document no. 11. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. De- troit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 90-102). B; D; G; S; U. 4739. . . . . Report of the select committee of the senate upon, and the testimony taken in che investi- gation of alleged trespasses by the wSault St. Mary's Falls ship canal company, upon school section 16, township 46 north, of range 2 east, on "Hay Lake." Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855. 26 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, senate document no. 19). • B; D; G; S; U. 4740. . . — . — — . Report of the select committee relative to the manufacture of salt. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 23). B; D; G; S; U. 4741. . . — . . Report of the select committee on state geologist's report and accounts relative to improve- ment salt springs, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. [De- troit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. H, no. 17, p. 211-214). — ■ B;D;G;S;U. 4742. — . . . . Report [of] Mr. Hough, from the select committee to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to the abolition of slavery. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1835-6, senate document no. 7. In Journal of the senate . . . 1835 and 1836. Detroit, John S. Bagg, printer to the legislature, 1836, p. xvii- xviii). B; D; G; S; U. 4743. . . . . Report of the select committee to whom was referred the petition of the officers and mem- bers of the state medical society. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, senate document no. 7). B;D;G;S;U. 4744. . . . . Report of select committee ... to whom was referred a resolution directing them "to en- quire into, and report to the senate, first: whether any of the officers, agents, or clerks now in the employment of the state can be dispensed with? and second: whether a reduction in the salaries of any of the officers, agents, or BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 509 clerks of this state can. with propriety be reduced; and if so, that they report in what cases and to what extent such reduction can be made with safety to the interest of the state?" [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 8, 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, senate document no. 16). B;D;G;S;U. The report of the minority committee covers the two pages. 4745. . . . . Report of the minority of the select committee on soldiers' suffrage. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1864]. 13 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1864, senate document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 4746. . . . . Report of the select committee on the resolutions of the senate and house of representatives concerning the proceedings of the senate of the U. S. in relation to the presi- dent. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate docimient no. 12. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 102-103). B;D;G;S;U. 4747. . . . . Report of the select committee to whom was referred the petition and claim of John Van Fossen. (Michigan, legislature, 1843, senate documents. Detroit, Ellis & Briggs, printers to the legislature, 1843, no. 7, p. 45-49). B ; D; G; S; U. 4748. . . . . Report of the select committee, on the claim of John Van Fossen. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, senate doctiment no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 4749. . . . . Report of . . . the select committee to whom was referred the memorial of C. C. Walin and other citizens of Berrien county, praying for redress of grievances arising from the location of university lands upon the "Niles reserve," in that county. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate document no. 18). B; D; G; S; U. 4750. . . . . Majority report of the select committee to whom was referred so much of the auditor general's report as relates to Wayne county. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 23). • B; D; G; S; U. 4751. . . . . Report of the minority of the select committee, to whom was referred so much of the audi- tor general's report of 1849, as relates to the indebtedness of the county of Wayne to the state. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 24). B; D; G; S; U. 4752. . . . Special committee. Report of the 510 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN special committee upon the state asylums ... to whom was referred the re- port of the Michigan asylums. [Lansing, Hosmcr & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, senate document no. 6). B; D;G;S; U. 4753. . . . . Report of spe- cial committee on state asylums ... to whom was referred the report of the trustees of state asylums, and so much of the governor's message as relates thereto. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 2 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 4754. . . . . Report of the special committee, relative to the government stock bank. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 16 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, senate document no. 16). B; D; G; S; U. 4755. . . . . Report of the special committee on the part of the senate, on the general revision of the con- stitution of the state of Michigan. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 10, p. 32-69). B; D; G; S; U. 4756. . . . . Report of the special committee appointed to inquire into the military expenditures of the state during the last year. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 104 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, senate document no. 8). B; D; G; S; U. 4757. . . . . Report of the special committee, to whom was referred the examination into the expendi- tures of the quarter-master and adjutant general's departments of this state. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1862, senate docimient no. 6). . B; D; G; S; U. 4758. . . . . Majority re- port of the special committee on the manufacture of salt. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 9 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 30). B; D; G; S; U. 4759. . . . . Minority re- port of the special committee to whom was referred so much of the governor's message as relates to the salt interest of this state, sundry petitions, &c. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 31). B; D; G; S; U. 4760. . . . . Report of the special committee to whom was referred certain resolutions of the general assembly of Virginia. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 3). B; D; G:S;U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 511 4761. . . Select joint committee. Report of the minority of the select joint committee on soldiers' suffrage. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1864]. 19 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1864, senate document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 4762. . . Special joint committee. Report of the special joint committee to whom was referred the investigation of the afifairs of the Detroit and Milwaukee railroad company. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & CO., printers to the state, 1867]. 19 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, senate document no. 11). -^— B; D; G; S; U. 4763. . . ■ Report of special joint committee of the legislature, 1913-14, appointed to investigate the busi- ness and affairs of the Pere Marquette railroad company. Printed by order of the senate. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co.. state printers, 1913. 27 p. S. 4764. . Library association. . . . Proceedings of the Michigan library association, 4th-22nd annual meeting . . . 1894-1912. Lansing, 1894-1912. B*; G*; S*; U*. Place of publication varies. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 8th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 17th, 18th; the Grand Rapids Pubhc Library has 4th, 8th, 10th, 15th, 17th, 19th-22nd; the State Library has 10th, 15th, 17th, 19th; the U. of M. Library has 4th, 8th, 10th, 15th, I7th, 19th-21st. 4765. . . [Program] of the 15th-27th an- nual meeting of the Michigan library association . . . 1905-1917. [n. p., 1905-1917]. S*. *The State Library has 15th, 16th, 25th-27th. 4766. . Library association and state board of library commis- sioners. [Library institute program]. [Lansing? 1906]. S. Two numbers: One for the institute at Hudson, January 23-24, 1906; and one for the institute at Traverse City, Januar\^ 26-27, 1906. 4767. . Live stock sanitary commission. Biennial report of the state live stock sanitary commission of Michigan ... 1st (1885-87)-16th (1915-16). Lansing, Mich., 1887-1917. S; U. 1st to 5th are issued as Joint documents. 4768. . Lumbermen. Facts and figures against the passage of the Chicago relief bill. [Washington, 1872]. Caption title, 4 p. L C. 4769. . Manufacturers' association . . . Members of the asso- ciation and what they manufacture. May 1, 1916 . . . [Detroit, 1916]. Cover title, [53] p. S. 4770. . Mason monument commission. [Invitation to the ceremonies at the un\'eiling of the monument to Michigan's first governor, vS. T. Mason]. [Detroit, 1908]. [1] p. S. 4771. . Merino sheep breeders' association. Register of the 512 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Michigan merino sheep breeders' association ... v. 2-4. Flint, F. H. Ran- kin & son, printers and binders, 1889-1901. 3 v. S. 1889 and 1890 have imprint: Kalamazoo, Ihling bros. & Everard, printers and binders. 4772. . Military academy. The adjutant; a quarteriy journal of the Michigan military academy. November, 1903. Orchard Lake, Michi- gan, 1903. 45 p. S. 4773. . . Catalogue of the Michigan military academy ... 1st (1877-78)-27th (1903-04). Detroit, 1877-1903. B*;S*. Place of publication varies. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1877-78 to 1880-81, 1883, 1885, 1886-87, 1890, 1892, 1897-98; the State Library has 1879-80, 1889, 1890, 1892-1895, 1903. 4774. . . A college preparatory school. [Orchard Lake, Mich.] 1897. B. Series of views with accompanying circular. 4775. . . Prospectus and circular of the Michigan military academy, Orchard Lake, Oakland county. [Pontiac, Mich., Pontiac gazette company, printers, n. d.]. 20 p. — — B; S. 4776. . Music teachers' association. Oflicial program, 3rd- 18th annual meeting . . . 1889-1904. Detroit, 1889-[1904]. S*; U*. *The State Library has 18th; the U. of M. Library has 3rd- 10th. 4777. . National guard, 1st regt., co. E. Historical souvenir, governor's guard, co. E. 1st regt. M. N. G. Lansing, Michigan [press of Robert vSmith & co.] 1896. Cover title, 32 p. S. 4778. . dewberry state hospital. Report of the board of build- ing commissioners of the upper peninsula asylum for the insane, February 18, 1895. By authority. Lansing, Robert Smith & co.. state printers and binders, 1895. 20 p. S; U. 4779. . . Report of the board of trustees of the Newberry state hospital . . . 1894-96 to 1914-16. Lansing, Mich., 1896-1916. — D*; S; U*. Biennial. Report year ends June 30. Title varies: 1894-96 to 1908-10, Report of the board of trustees of the upper peninsula hospital for the insane ... *The main librarj^ Detroit, has 1894-96 to 1912-14; the U. of M. Library has 1900-02 to 1914-16. 4780. . Northern state normal school. Dedication exercises of the Peter White haU of science, northern state normal school . . . Mar- quette, Michigan, October 31, 1902. [Marquette, ^Mining journal co., 1902]. 32 p. U. 4781. . . Smnmer school of the BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 513 northern state normal school, Marquette, Michigan . . . 1910-1917. [Mar-- quette, 1910-1917]. S*; U*. *The State Libran,- has 1910 and 1917; the U. of M. Library has 1915. 4782. -. . . Year book of the north- em state norrnal school for 1901-02 to 1915-16, with announcements for 1902- 03 to 1916-17. Marquette, 1902-1916. G*; S*. Place of publication varies: Kalamazoo, 1902. 1901-02 is 3rd year. *The Grand Rapids Pubhc Librarv has 1906-07; the State Library has 1901-02, 1905-06, 1906-07, 1913-14, 1915-16. 4783. . Ornithological club. Bulletin of the Michigan ornitho- logical club. Published quarterly in the interests of ornithology in the great lakes region, v. 1-3. Grand Rapids, Mich. [1897-1899]. 3 v. in 1. G;LC. Nos. 3 and 4 of vol. Ill were never published. 4784. -. Pan-American exposition commission. Report of the Pan-American exposition commission for the state of Michigan, 1901; com- piled by Hal. H. Smith, secretary. Lansing, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford CO., state printers [1901?]. 46 p. D; S. 4785. . Pioneer and historical society. Circular, act, constitu- tion, by-laws, and list of officers of the Michigan state pioneer society, or- ganized April 22, 1874. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1874. 14 p. S. 4786. . ■■ . From the Michigan pioneer and historical society, greeting to the educators of Michigan. [Lan- sing? 1905?]. Cover title, [8] p. ^ B; U. 4787. . . General circular [de- siring to collect facts for a series of volumes that may be entitled "Pioneer collections"]. [Lansing, 1876]. 3 p. L C. 4788. . ■■ . . . . Manual, history, act of incorporation, constitution, by-laws, and list of officers and members . . . Lansing, R. Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1893. 38 p. B;LC;S;U. 4789. . . Michigan historical col- lections ... V. 1-39. Lansing, 1877-1915. B; D; G; L C; S; U. Title varies: 1874-76 to 1884 (v. 1-7), Pioneer collections, report of the Pioneer society of the state of Michigan. . . 1885-86 (v. 8-9), Pioneer collections, report of the Pioneer and historical society of the state of Michigan. 1886-87 (v. 10, 12), Historical collections, collections and researches made by the Pioneer and historical .society of the state of Michigan. 1887-1912 (v. 11, 13-38), Historical collections, collections and researches made by the Michigan pioneer and historical society . . . 1915 (v. 39), Michigan historical collections . . . together with a Hst of subjects, authors and illustrations, volumes 1 to 39, inclusive. "General index to volumes I-VI": v. 7, p. [6691-709. Index to the reports and collections of the Michigan pioneer and historical society. 65 514 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN vols. I-XV. 1874-1800. Pub. by authority of the board of state auditors. Lansing, Mich., R. Smith printing co., 1904. 612 p. Index to the reports and collections of the Michigan pioneer and historical society, vols. 16-30, 1890-1906. Pub. by authority of the board of state auditors. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1907. xiv, 554 p. Preface signed: Mary C. Spencer. 4790. . . [Program of meeting, 190^-1917]. [Lansing? 1904-1917]. S*; U*. *The State Library has 1906-1913; the U. of M. Library has 1904-1907, 1911, 1912, 1915- 1917. 4791. . . "Shells of the ocean. " Collected by Mrs. Prudence M. Cooke Pratt. Mt. Clemens and Lansing, Michigan [n. d.]. 14 p. U. 4792. . Political science association. . . . City government in Michigan . . . [Ann Arbor, 1895]. Cover title, 59 p. (Publications of the Alichigan political science association, [vol. I], no. 6, December, 1895). G;LC;S;U. Contents. — Some remarks upon the government of municipalities suggested by the ex- perience, growth, and development of the city of Grand Rapids, by J. W. Champlin. — City government in Kalamazoo, by Dallas Boudemian. — City government in Jackson, by W. H. Withington. — City government in vSaginaw, by W. L. Webber. — City government in Detroit, by C. A. Kent. 4793. . . Convention of educators and business men for the discussion of higher commercial education, held under the auspices of the Michigan political science association, February fifth, sixth and seventh, nineteen hundred and three, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ann Arbor, the Richmond & Backus co., printers, 1903. vii, 229 p. (Publi- cations of the Michigan political science association, vol. v, no. 2, June, 1903). B;G;LC;S;U. 4794. . . Papers and addresses on primar}' reform read at the annual meeting of the Michigan political science association held at Ann Arbor, February 9 and 10, 1905. [Ann Arbor, 1905]. .149 p. (Publications of the Michigan political science association, vol. VI, no. 1). B;LC;S;U. Appendix: References to the primary election laws of the several states, p. 144-149. Contents. — Direct primaries in Kent county. R. W. Butterfield. — Forty years of direct primaries. E. L. Hempstead. — Direct primaries in Minnesota. J. A. Fairlie, D. F. Simp- son, W. A. Schaper and F. M. Anderson. — T!ie new primary law in Wisconsin. H. L. Smith. — The New York primary law. H. A. Bull. — The Bronson primary law in Ohio. A. H. Tuttle. — The Chicago primary system. Dr. C. E. Mcrriam. — Constitutional limi- tations on primary election legislation. F. R. Mechem. 4795. . . Papers and discussions on municipal problems in Michigan at the joint convention of the Michigan political science association and the league of Michigan municipalities, February eleventh and twelfth, nineteen hundred and four, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ann Arbor, the Richmond & Backus co., printers, 1904. viii, 204 p. (Publications of the Michigan political science association, vol. V, no. 4, March, 1904). B; D; G; L C; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 515 4796. . . Publications of the Michi- gan poHtical science association, v. 1 (May, 1893)-v. 6 (March, 1905). [Ann Arbor, the association, 1893-1905]. 6 v. B*; G*; L C; S; U*. ' V. 1, 6 nos., May 18Q3-Decembcr 1895; v. 2, 9 nos., March 1896- December 1897; v. 3, 8 nos., March 1898-1900; v. 4, 6 nos., July 1900-July 1902; v. 5, 4 nos., September 1902- March 1901; v. 6, 1 no., March 1905. No more pubHshed after v. 6, no. 1. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 1, no. 1 and 3; v. 2, no. 2 and 5; v. 3, no. 1, 4, 5; V. 5, 2-4; V. 6, no. 1; the Grand Rapids Public Library has v. 1-5; the U. of M. Library has V. 1, no. 1 and 2; v. 2, no. 2 and 8; v. 3, no. 8; v. 4, no. 1, 3-6; v. 5, no. 1-4; v. 6, no. 1. 4797. . — — . . . . Social problems of the fanner ; papers read at the joint meeting of the Michigan political science association and the Michigan farmers' institutes, February 25th and 26th, 1902 . . . [Ann Arbor, 1902]. Cover title, 159 p. (Publications of the Michi- gan political science association, vol. IV, no. 6. July, 1902). G; L C; S; U. 4798. . . . . . Taxation in Michi- gan and elsewhere . . . [Ann Arbor, 1901]. Cover title, 76 p. (Publications of the Michigan political science association, vol. IV, no. 4, June, 1901). G; LC;S;U. 4799. . Pontiac state hospital. B^^-laws, rules and regulations of the eastern Michigan asylum, Pontiac, Mich. Pontiac, Mich., gazette com- pany's steam printing house, 1878. 48 p. S. 4800. .. . Report of the board of commis- sioners of the eastern asylum for the insane, state of Michigan, for the years 1875-76 to 1878-79. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George c^ co., state printers and binders, 1876-1880. B*; D; G; S; U. Issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. 1878-79 has title: Final report of the board of commissioners of the eastern Michigan asylum for the insane, at Pontiac, Michigan, from September 30th, 1878, to December 31st, 1879 . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1876-77 to 1878-79. 4801. . . Report of the board of trustees of the Pontiac state hospital . . . 1878 to 1914-16. Lansing, Mich., 1878- 1916. B*;D;G;S;U. Report year ends Septeml.)er 30, 1878-1886; June 30, 1888-1916. 1878 to 1892-94 issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. Report in 1878 covers period from the organization of the board in March, 1878 to Sep- tember 30, 1878. Title varies: 1878 to 1908-10, Report of the board of trustees ot the eastern Michigan asylum . . . 1910-12 to 1914-16, called Pontiac state hospital. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1878, 1880-82 to 1892-94. 4802. . Poultry breeders' association. Premium list, with rules and regulations governing the Michigan poultry breeders' association; annual exhibition, to be held at Detroit, Michigan, January 28th to February 3rd, 1892. Detroit, 0. S. Gulley, Bornman & co., 1892. 28 p. B. 4803. . Press association. The bulletin of the Michigan jaress 516 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN association, vol. II-XVII; new series, vol. I-III. Bij^; Ra])ids, Mich., 1895- 1916. S*. Place ot publication varies: 1895, Port Huron; 1897, Eaton Rapids; 1897-1910, Howard City. Title varies. *The State Library has vol. H, no. 6, 7. 11; vol. IV, no. 6, 8, 9, 11; vol. V, no. 1 and 3; vol. VI, no. 1, 4-ll;'vol. VII, no. 1, 3, 6-12; vol. VIII, no. 1-9; vol. IX, no. 1-4. 6, 7, 10; vol. X, no. 1, 2, 4, 7-9, 11; vol. XI, no. 6, 8, 10; vol. XII, no. 1 and 2; vol. XIII, no. 4-8, 10-12; vol. XIV, no. 1-3; vol. XV, no. 4-11; vol. XVI, no. 1-12; vol. XVII, no. 1, 3, 5; new series, vol. I, no. 1-5, 12; vol. II, no. 1-12; vol. Ill, no. 1-8. 4804. . . Proceedings of the Michigan press association . . . [2nd? (1868)]-25th (1893). Lansing, Michigan, 1869-1894. B*; D*; G*; S*; U*. Place of publication varies. Title varies: 1868-1872, Proceedings of the Michigan publishers' association ... Proceedings for 1881 contain a "History of legislation had-upon the subject of libel laws"; 1882 a "Digest of all transactions of the association from its first meeting and a complete list of the membership of the association. " *The Burton Historical Collection has Proceedings for 2nd meeting after reorganization; 12th, 14th-19th, 21st, 22nd, 24th; the main library, Detroit, has 23rd; the Grand Rapids PubHc Library has 7th, 14th, 17th, 18th, 24th; the State Library has [2nd?]-7th; also regu- lar and special meetings 1874-5 to 1876; 1st and 2nd regular meetings after reorganization; 14th-18th. 22nd, 25th; the U. of M. Librarv has [2nd?]-4th; 1st and 2nd after reorganiza- grattion: i5th, 16th, 18th, 23rd-24th. 4805. . . Program of twenty-second annual meeting of the Michigan press association on July 9, 10, 11 and 12, 1889, together wdth inklings of Grand Rapids, old and new; arranged by Major J. W. Long. [Grand Rapids, Mich., Eaton, Lyon & Allen printing co., 1889]. [34] p. S. 4806. . Public domain commission. . . . Agricultural, horti- cultiu-al and industrial advantages. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallen- beck Crawford co., state printers, 1914. 30 p. (Bulletin no. 3). S. Cover title used. At head of title: Michigan. Public domain commission and immi- gration commission. 4807. . • • • ■ Biennial report of the pubHc domain commission . . . 1909-10 to 1914-16. Lansing, Mich., 1912- 1917. vS; U. Report year irregular, 1909-1913. First report covers period from July 8, 1909 to De- cember 31, 1910. Title varies: 1909-10 to 1913-14, Report of the pubHc domain commission . . . "All matters within the jurisdiction, custody and control cf the Michigan forestry com- mission and all authority and discretion vested in it by law were transferred to and vested in the public domain commission." — Report 1911-13, p. 16. 4808. . . Bulletin, no. 1 (1913)-no. 3 (1914.) Lansing, 1913-1914. S. Bulletin no. 1 has title: Act creating the public domain commission as revised and amended by subsequent acts, together with personnel and officers of the commission. No. 2: An act to encourage private forestry, the care and management thereof, and to provide for the exemption from taxation of such private forest reserves. No. 3: . . . Agricultural, horticultural and industrial advantages of Michigan. 4309. . . Joint conference of those interested in the conserv^ation and development of the natural resources of BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 517 Michigan, held under the auspices of the pubhc domain commission, repre- sentative hall, capitol, Lansing, Michigan . . . June 12, 1912 . . . Lan- sing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1912. 121 p. B; LC;"S; U. 4810. . . • • • Michigan, agricultural, horticultural and industrial advantages. Immigration publication, June, 1914 . . . [Lansing? 1914]. 184 p. B; L C; S; U. At head ot title: State of Michigan. PuhHc domain commission and immigration com- mission . . . On cover: Michigan, the land of plenty. Under authority of act 333 of the public acts of 1913 -the public domain commission was also constituted an immigration commission, cf. p. [5]. 4811. . . • • • Ibid. Immigration publication, 1916. (Partial reprint of fonner publication "Michigan") . . . [Lansing? 1916]. 52 p. L C. At head of title: vState of Michigan. Public domain commission and immigration com- mission. Augustus C. Carton, commissioner of immigration, Glen R. Munshaw, deputy commissioner of immigration. 4812. . — . . ■ • Preliminary report of the public domain commission, July 8, 1909 to December 31, 1910. By au- thority. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1911. 15 p. S. This report was followed by a more complete report covering the same period, which is listed herein as the first Biennial report. 4813. . . . . • Proceedings of the pub- lic domain commission, v. 1 (1909-10)-v. 8 (1916-17). Lansing, Mich., 1914- 1916. D*; G*; S; U*. *The main library, Detroit, has v. 1-7; the Grand Rapids Pubhc Library lias v. 1-5, 7-8; the U. of M. Library has v. 1 and 6. 4814. . . . . . Report on classification of state lands, 1916. [Lansing? 1916]. Cover title, 140 p. L C; S. Lists, by counties, of the vacant and unimproved lands belonging to the state of Michigan. 4815. . . Report to the Michigan legislature on the feasibility of using the pulp and chicory dryers in the state to dry the surplus potato crop, by Augustus C. Carton, secretary, public domain commission . . . Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford CO., state printers, 1915. 43 p. L C; S; U. 4816. . . Game, fish and forest fire dept. Annual forest fire report of the game, fish and forest fire department of the pubhc domain commission . . . 1915-1916. Lansing, 1916-1917. S. 4817. . Quartermaster general's office. Communication from the quartermaster general [January 31, 1845]. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, house docu- ment no. [7]). B; D; G; S; U. 518 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4818. . . Report of the quarter- master general of the state of Michigan . . . 1846-47 to 1894-96. Lansing, 1848-1896. B*; D*; S*; U*. Published at Detroit, 1848-1849. 1846-47, 1848 to 1853 54, 1855-56, 1857-58, 1860-61 to 1892-94 issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. Title varies: 1846-47, 1860-61 to 1869-70, Annual report of the quartermaster general. 1848 to 1853-54, 1857-58, Annual report of the adjutant and quartermaster general of the state of Michigan. . . . 1855-56, Report of the quartermaster general. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1848 to 1853-54, 1857-58, 1860-61 to 1865-66, 1867-68, 1869-70, 1871-72, 1872-73, 1873-74, 1875-76, 1877-78, 1879, 1881-82, 1885-86, 1887-88, 1889-90, 1891-92, 1892-94: the main library, Detroit, has 1848 to 1853-54, 1857- 85, 1860-61 to 1865-66, 1867-68 to 1894-96: the State Library has 1846-47 to 1853-54, 1855- 56, 1857-58, 1860-61 to 1865-66, 1867-68 to 1880-82, 1884-86 to 1894-96; the U. of M. Li- brary has 1848 to 1853-54, 1857-58, 1860-61 to 1865-66, 1867-68 to 1894-96. 4819. . . Report of the quarter- master general of Michigan. War with Spain. By authority. Lansing, Robert Smith printing co., state printers and binders, 1898. 15 p. B ; S. 4820. . Railroad commission. Annual report of the Michigan railroad commission ... 1st (1872)-34th (1906); ([1st, 1907])-10th (1916). Lansing, Mich., 1874-1917. B*; S; U*. 1872-1906 haye title: Annual report of the commissioner of railroads. lst-23rd issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. *The Burton Historical Collection has lst-3rd, 5th-8th, 10ch-23rd, and 3rd, 1909; the U. of M. Library has lst-34th and lst-5th. 482 1 . . . Communication and comparative statistics submitted to the Michigan house of representatives by the Michigan railroad commission in response to house resolution no. 32, March 3rd, 1915. [Lansing, Robert Smith printing co., 1915?]. 20 p. U. 4822. . . Orders and opinions issued by the Michigan railroad commission from April 1, 1912 to March 31, 1917. Lan- sing, Michigan, 1912-1917. S. Issued quarterly. 4823. . . Police regulations, established by law for the government of railroad companies to which the attention of rail- road managers and employees is especially directed in connection with the performance of duties. .Comp. by the commissioner of railroads, 1889. By authority. Lansing, Darius D. Thorp, state printer and binder, 1889. 23 p. - — B." 4824. . . Special report of the commis- sioner of railroads of the state of Michigan, in regard to equal mileage rates, etc. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1877. 12 p. (Michigan, legislature, joint documents for 1876, vol. II, no. 2). • D; G; S; U. 4825. . Reformatory. Biennial report of the board of control and warden of the Michigan refonnatory at Ionia . . . 1st (1876-77)-4th BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 519 (1879-80); 1st (1880-82)-18th (1914-16). Lansing, 1878-1916. B*; D*;S;U*. Report year irregular. Annual, 1876-77 to 1879-80; biennial, 1880-82 to 1904-16. Called State house of correction and reformatory, 1877-1900. Title varies slightly. lst-4th Annual reports and lst-7th Biennial reports are issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. *The Burton Historical Collection has lst-4th Annual reports and lst-7th Biennial re- ports; the main hbrary, Detroit, has lst-4th Annual reports and lst-7th, 16th and 18th Biennial reports; the U. of M. Library has lst-4th, 6th, 9th-13th and 15th Biennial reports. 4826. . . Report of the commissioners to locate a state house of correction for Michigan, presented to the governor December 1, 1874. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1875. 6 p. S. 4827. . . Report of the building commissioners of the state house of correction at Ionia, Michigan. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1876. 7 p. S. 4828. . Reviser of the laws. Communication from the reviser of the laws [relative to subjects-for further report to the legislature]. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 7, p. 115). B;D;G;S;U. 4829. . Salt inspector. Annual report of the inspector of salt of the state of Michigan . . . 1872-73 to 1913. Lansing, 1875-[1913?]. D*; S*. Place of publication varies. Called State salt inspector, 1873-1902. 1879-80, 1881-82, 1883-84, 188.5-86, 1892-93, 1893-94 issued as Joint documents of Michi- gan legislature. 1872-73 is 5th annual report; 1913 is final report. *The main librarv, Detroit, has 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 25th-30th, 32 nd; the State Li- brary has 5th, 6th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 25th-36th, 38th-43rd, and final report, August 15, 1913. 4830. . . Statistics relating to the saline interests of Michigan. Comp. by S. S. Garrigues, Ph.D., state salt inspector, and re- ported by the committee on lumber and salt. By authorit}'. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1881. 47, [1] p. L C; S. 4831. . School for the blind. Biennial report of the board of control of the Michigan school for the blind ... 1st (1880-82) -18th (1914- 16). Lansing, Mich., 1882-1917. B*; D*; S; U*. Report year varies; ends Sept. 30, 1882-1886; June 30, 1888-1916. Title varies: 1880-82 to 1882-84, Biennial report of the board of commissioners of the Michigan school for the blind. lst-7th issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. *The Burton Historical Collection has lst-5th and 7th; the main librarv, Detroit, has lst-17th; the U. of M. Library has lst-5th, 7th-16th. 4832. . . Report of the commissioners ap- pointed to locate and establish a Michigan school for the blind. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1880. 7 p., 1 1. D; S. 520 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4833^ . School for the deaf. . . . Biennial report of the board of trustees of the Michigan school for the deaf at Flint . . . 1857 to 1914-16. Lansing 1858-1916. B*; D; S; U*. 1857 to 1893-94 issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. Title varies: 1857-1858, Annual report of the board of trustees of the Michigan asylum for the deaf and dumb and the blind. 1859-60, Biennial report of the board of trustees of the Michigan asylum for the deaf and dumb and the blind . . . 1860-61 to 1867-68, Fifth-Eighth biennial report of the board of trustees of the Michigan asylum for the education of the deaf and dumb, and the blind . . . (with slight variations). 1869-70 to 1879-80, Ninth-Fourteenth biennial report of the board of trustees of the Michigan institution for the education of the deaf and dumb, and the blind, at Flint . . . (with slight variations). 1881-82 to 1885-86 . . . Michigan institution for the education of the deaf and dumb . . . 1887-88 to 1914-16, called Michigan school for the deaf. Between the 9th and 10th biennial reports there was issued a report (without number) for the 10 months December 1870-Scptember 1871. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1857 to 1893-94; the U. of M. Library has 1857 to 1889-90, 1893-94 to 1908-10. 4834^ _ . [Description of the school. Illus- trated], [no imprint], not paged. U. 4835. . Schoolmasters' club. . . . Fortieth meeting of the Michigan schoolmasters' club, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Thursday, Friday, Sat- urday, March, 30, 31, April 1, 1905 . . . [Ann Arbor? 1905]. [11] p. S. 4335^ , . Journal of the Michigan school- masters' club, 31st-51st meeting held in Ann Arbor . . . Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, the club [1898-1916]. B*; G*; S*; U*. Title varies: 31st-41st called Proceedings of the Michigan schoolmasters' club . .' . 32nd and 39th meetings were held at Ypsilanti . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 44th; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 31st, 32nd, 34th, 35th, 37th-45th, 47th-51st; the State Library has 40th-51st; the U. of M. Li- brary has 31st, 32nd, 34th, 35th, 37th-51st. 4337^ , . List of books recommended for a high school classical library by a committee of the Michigan schoolmasters' club . . . Ann Arbor, Sheehan & company, 1895. 18 p. vS. 4333_ , . Ibid. Ed. by Clarence Linton Meader . . . with an introductory note by Francis W. Kelsey. 2d ed., rev. New York, the Macmillan company, 1897. 31 p. L C; S; U. "The first edition of this list (3,000 copies), published by J. V. Sheehan and company, of Ann Arbor, was exhausted in December, 1895 ... A short revised list was published in the School review for March, 1896 (p. 149-157). In the present edition the biWiographical details have been carefully revised, and the titles of several important books published in , 1896-97 have been added." — Note to 2d ed. 4339^ ^ . [Program of annual meeting]. [Ann Arbor, Mich.] 1895-1916. U. 4840. —. Securities commission. . . . Bulletin no. 9, February, 1917, containing revised rules and regulations of the commission, law regu- lating foreign and domestic investment companies (blue sky law), act 46, p. a. 1915. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1917. 20 p. U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 521 4841. [ . Society of New York]. Wolverines we know. [New York? 1917?]. Cover title, 64 p. S. "The edition is limited to five hundred copies of which this is no. 325", p. 3. 4842. . Soldiers' home. Biennial report of the board of mana- gers of the Michigan soldiers' home. 1st (1885-86)-16th (1914-16). Lansing, Mich., 1887-1917. B*; D*; S; U*. Title varies slightly. lst-5th issued as Joint documents. *The Burton Historical Collection has lst-5th; the main library, Detroit, has lst-15th; the U. of M. Library has lst-5th, 8th-16th. 4843. — . Soldiers' relief association. Report of the Michigan soldiers' relief association . . . 1864-1866. Washington [1865?]-1866. B;S. Title varies: 1864, Third annual report of the Michigan soldiers' relief association, for 1864. Report in 1864 was made December 12. The years 1865 and 1866 are included in one report which is called "Fourth annual re- port." cf. p. [3]. 4844. . State agricultural society. List of premiums and rules and regulations, for the 7th-38th annual fair, 1855-1886. Detroit, 1855-1886. B*;S*. Place of publication varies: Adrian, Ann Arbor, Monroe, Pontiac, etc. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 7th, 14th, 21st, 23rd, 26th, 29th, 31st, 33rd, 34th, 35th, 38th; the State Library has 21st, 24th, 25th. 4845. . . Memorial of the executive committee of the Michigan agricultural society, asking for an additional ap- propriation of six hundred dollars in aid of said societ}'", to be distributed as premiums. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, senate document no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 4846. . . Memorial for a state agricul- tural college in Michigan. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 18). B; D; G; S; U. 4847. . . Memorial of the officers of the Michigan state agricultural society, praying the removal of the state agricultural college. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 42). D;G;S;U. 4848. . — . Memorial relative to Michi- gan state agricultural society. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 7). B; D; G;S;U. 4849. . '■ . Three lectures, delivered be- fore the Michigan state agricultural society, at its annual meeting, at Lan- sing, January 17, 1865. The undeveloped regions and resources of the state of Michigan, by D. Bethune Duffield . . . The state agricultural society; its 522 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN means and ends, by A. S. Welch . . . The soils and subsoils of Michigan, by- Prof. A. Winchell . . . Published by order of the legislature. Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865. 96 p. ■ B; S; U. 4850. . . Transactions of the state agricultural society of Michigan; with reports of county agricultural societies . . . V. 1 (1849)-11 (1859). Lansing [1850]-1861. B*; D; S; U. Title varies slightly. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 5 and 9. 485 L . State artillery. Constitution and by-laws of the first company Michigan state artillery. Detroit, J. M. Burger, printer, 1838. 19 p. D. 4852. — — . State association of farmers' clubs. . . . Proceedings of the 17th-25th annual session . . . 1909-1917. [Lansing? 1909-1917?]. S. 4853. . ■ . Program, twenty- first annual meeting of Michigan state association of farmers' clubs in the representative hall at Lansing, Michigan, December 2nd and 3rd, 1913. [Lan- sing, 1913]. Cover title, [8] p._ • S. 4854. . State association of rural letter carriers. Constitution for the government of the Michigan state association of rural letter carriers organized November 22nd, 1902, at Lansing, Michigan. [Lansing? 1902?]. Cover title, [7] p. S. 4855. . State association of the superintendents of the poor. Pro- ceedings of the 6th-20th annual convention of the superintendents of the poor and union association of the state of Michigan, 1879-1894. Lansing, 1880- 1894. B*; D*; S*; U*. Proceedings of the 21st-24th conventions were not puljlished. cf. Michigan. State board of corrections and charities. Biennial report. 14th, 1897-98, p. 180. *The Burton Historical Collection has 6th; the main library, Detroit, has 6th, 7th, 9th- 20th; the State Library has 6th-12th, 18th-20th; the U. of M. Librarv has 7th, 9th-12th, 18th and 20th. 4856. '■ . . An- nual convention of the state association of superintendents of poor and keepers of county infirmaries . . . [5th (1908)]-13th (1916). Lansing, Michigan, 1909-1917. S*; U*. Title varies slightly: 1908-1910, Proceedings of the . . . annual convention of the state association of superintendents of the poor . . . 1914, called Superintendents of poor and keepers of county infirmaries. *The State Library has 5th-7th, llth-13th; the U. of M. Library has llth- 4857. . State association of supervisors. Fifteenth annual ses- sion of the state association of supervisors held at Lansing, Mich., Feb. 3rd, 1914. Lansing, Mich., Litemational pub. co. [1914?]. 39 p. vS. 4858. . State association, Washington, D. C. [A brief history; constitution; roster of membership]. [Lansing? 1895?]. 22, [1] p. S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 523 4859. . State bar association. Proceedings of the lst-26th an- nual meeting of the Michigan state bar association . . . 1891-1916. Lansing, 1892-[1916?]. B*; G*; S*; U*. Place of publication varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1st, 12th, 17th; the Grand Rapids PubHc Library has lst-3rd, 6th, 14th-16th; the State Library has 1st, 6th, 13th-26th; the U. of M. Library has lst-23rd. 4860. . State board of accountancy. Michigan C. P. A. manual, state board of accountanc}', 1915. Comp. by Durand W. Springer, secretary- treasurer . . . [Ann Arbor, Ann iVrbor press, cl915]. 5 p.-l., 3-183 p. D;LC. 4861. . State board of agriculture. Annual report of the secre- tary of the state board of agriculture ... 1st (1862)-55th (191vS-16), and lst-29th annual report of the experiment station . . . Lansing, Mich., 1862- 1916. B;S;U. Report vear irregular. Annual," 1862-1880, 1882-83 to 1915-16; biennial, 1880-82. Reports of the Agricultural experiment station included, 1887-88 to 1915-16. 1862-1863 issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. 4862. . • — . General index of Michigan agricultural reports including the transactions of the state agricultural society, 1849 to 1859, and the annual reports of the state board of agriculture, 1862 to 1888. By authority. Lansing, Mich., Darius D. Thorp, state printer and binder, 1889. 370 p. • -BiLCiSiU. 4863. ■ . . . . . Michigan state farmers' institutes. Winter of 1894-95 to 1914-15. Pub. by authority of the state board of agriculture. [Lansing, Mich.] 1895-1915. D*; S*; U*. *The main library, Detroit, has 1894-95 to 1897-98, 1900-01, 1902-03 to 1914-15; the State Library has 1896-97, 1899-1900, 1900-01, 1902-03 to 1911-12, 1913-14, 1914-15; the U. of ]\L Library has 1894-95 to 1898-99, 1900-01 to 1914-15. 4864. [ . State board of centennial managers]. Catalogue of products of Michigan in the centennial exhibition of all nations at Fairmount Park, Philadelphia . . . Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., 1876. Cover title, 72 p. L C; S. 4865. . ■ . Report of the state board of centennial managers for the international exhibition of 1876. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., 1877. 176 p. D; L C; S. 4866. . State board of corrections and charities. Biennial report of the Michigan state board of corrections and charities 1st (1871-72)-23rd (1915-16). Lansing, 1873-1916. B*; D*; S; U. Report year irregular. Title varies: 1871-72 to 1877-78, . . . Report of the boai-d of state commissioners for the general supervision of charitable, penal, pauper and reformatory institutions . . . "Catalogue of books and pamphlets. Library of state board of corrections and charities " : 6th report, p. [242]-258. lst-12th issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. *The Burton Historical Collection has 2nd-12th, 19th; the main library, Detroit, has lst-22nd. 524 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4867. . . Charities and corrections in Michigan, 1878-1879. Extracts from governor's message con- cerning state institutions, with official reports and docimients compiled by the state board of charities and corrections. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1879. B; S. Various paging. 4868. . '— • Library cata- logue of the state board of corrections and charities of Michigan. [Lansing? 1889?]. 69 p. S. 4869. . . Proceedings of the 2nd-27th annual convention of the Michigan state conference of charities and corrections and of the county agents' association . . . 1883-1908. Lan- sing, 1884-1909. B*; D*; S; U*. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 4th, 9th, 11th; the main library, Detroit, has 2nd-16th, 21st-24th^ 26th, 27th; the U. of M. Library has 26th. 4870. . . Special report of the board of state commissioners for the general supervision of charitable, penal, pauper, and reformatory institutions. On the revision of the laws for the care of the poor, the management of certain state institutions, the pun- ishment of crime, and the control of offenders. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers, 1875. 48 p. L C; U. Issued also as Joint document of Michigan legislature for 1874. B; D; G; S; U. 4871. . State board of dental examiners. Annual report . . . 1913-1916. Lansing [1913 ?]-1917. S; U*. *The U. of M. Library has 1915. 4872. . State board of education. Biennial report of the state board of education of the state of Michigan ... 3rd (1884-86) -18th (1914- 16). Lansing, Mich., 1887-1916. B*; D*; S*; U*. Report year irregular. 4th-7th issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. *The Burton Historical collection has 4th-7th, 13th; the main library, Detroit, has 4th- 11th, 15th-17th; the State Library has 3rd-18th; the U. of M. Hbrary has 4th-14th, 18th. 4873. . . Catalogue of the library of the state normal school. Published by order of the state board of education. [Ypsilanti] 1888. 199 p. S. 4874. . . Memorial of the board of education [relative to the location of the state nonnal school at Ypsilanti]. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 5 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1853, house document no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 4875. . . Memorial of the board of edu- cation, containing a statement of the operation, condition and fiscal neces- sities of the normal school, and asking an appropriation of money in aid there- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 525 of. [Lansing, Hosmcr & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 30). B; D; G; S; U. 4876. . . Memorial of the state board of education, relative to township and district school libraries. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 4877. . . Memorial of the state board of education upon the subject of an agricultural college. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, house docuinent no. 8; senate document no. 5). B; D; G; S; U. 4878. . State board of equalization. Proceedings of the state board of equalization . . . 1871-1916. Lansing, 1871-1916. B*; D*; S*" U* 1871-1881 issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1871, 1876, 1881, 1886,. 1891, 1901; the main li- brary, Detroit, has 1871. 1876, 1881, 1891; the State Library has 1871, 1876, 1881, 1886, 1891, 1896, 1901, 1906, 1916; the U. of M. Library- has 1871, 1876, 1891, 1896, 1901, 1911, 1916. 4879. . State board of examiners in optometry. i\nnual report of the Michigan state board of examiners in optometry ... 1st (1909-10)- 3rd (1911-12). [Lansing? 1910-1912?]. S. 4880. . State board of fish commissioners. Biennial report of the state board of fish commissioners ... 1st (1873-74)-21st (1913-14). Lansing, 1875-1915. B*; D*; S*; U*. Issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature 1873-74 to 1892-94. Title varies: 1873-74, 1875-76, 1879-80, . . . Report of the state commissioners and superintendent, on state fisheries. 1877-78 and 1881-82, . . . Report of the superintendent of Michigan state fisheries . . . 1881-82 to 1913-14, Biennial report of the state board of fish commissioners . . . 14th and 15th biennial reports never published. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1st- 1 1th; the main library, Detroit, has 1st- 13th, 16th-21st; the State Library has Ist-Uth, 13th, 16th-19th, 21st; the U. of M. Lilirary has lst-13th, 16th-21st. 4881. . . Bulletin no. 1-8. Lansing, 1890-1907. — B*; S*; U. *The Burton Historical Collection has no. 2-4; the State Library has no. 2-8. 4882. . . Minute upon the death of Oren M. Chase, George W. Armstrong, and Charles H. Brownell, by Michigan board of fish commissioners. (In Bulletin of the United States fish commission for 1884. Washington, 1884, vol. IV, p. 83-85). L C. 4883. . . . . . Questions and answers relative to German carp and carp culture. Supplement to the bien- nial report of 1883-1884. By authority. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders, 1886. 22 p. S. 4884. . State board of health. Advice for the restriction and prevention of meningitis . . . Leaflets issued by the Michigan state board of 526 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN' health. (Second edition, six thousand, July, 1900;. [no imprint]. Caption title, 6 p. ■ • U. 4885. . • • • • Annual report of the sec- retary of the state board of health . . . 1st (1873)-45th (1916-17). Lansing, 1874-1917. B*;D*;G;S; U*. Report year irregular: ends Sept. 30, 1873-1886; June 30, 1887-1917. *The Burton Historical Collection has 5th, 6th, 9th-llth, 13th-20th, 23rd, 24th; the main library, Detroit, has lst-42nd; the U. of M. Library has lst-42nd. 4886. . . Circular to health officers, rela- tive to the work of health officers and of local boards of health in Michigan. Circular no. 35 being a modification of circular no. 23 issued by the state board of health of Michigan. [Lansing, 1880]. 8 p. (Circular no. 35). S. 4887. . . Communicable diseases in Michigan during the year ending September 30, 1882-1883. by the secretary of the state board of health . . . [Lansing? 1883-1884 "J. S. Title in 1882 varies. 4883_ . . Contributions to the study of the cause of typhoid fever, being some account of outbreaks of fever in several locaHties in Michigan . . . [Lansing? 1877?]. [l]-lxv p. (Reprinted from the Fourth annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1876). S. 4889_ , . Contributions to the study of the spread of diphtheria, with a view to its restriction and prevention; being a report of a special investigation of an outbreak of diphtheria in Union City, replies of correspondents of this board and others to a letter of inquiry on the subject of diphtheria, and a report of a special investigation of an outbreak of diphtheria at Rochester, Michigan . . . [Lansing? 1878?]. [353]-390 p. (Reprinted from the Fifth annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1877). ■ ■ S. 4890. — . . Dangerous communicable dis- eases. How spread, how restricted and prevented. Data and statements sup- pHed to school superintendents and teachers by the Michigan state board of health, in compliance with act no. 146, laws of 1895. 14th ed., August, 1903. Lansing, Robert Smith printing co., state printers and binders [1903]. 16 p. B. 4891. . . Ibid. <15th ed., July, 1904 , . . ). [Lansing?] Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers [1904]. Cover title, 16 p. L C. 4892. . ■ — . Ibid. Teachers' ed. For use in the pubHc schools of Michigan. Lansing, 1906. viii, 93 p. (July-September, 1906. PubHc health, Michigan). L C; U. 4 typewritten leaves inserted. BOOKS AND PAMPE;LETS 527 4893. . . Diseases in Michigan in the year 1882-1883 from rcphes by correspondents of the state board of health; compiled by the secretary of the board . . . By authority. Lansing, Mich., W. S. Geroge & co., state printers and binders, 1884-1885. S. 4894. . . Engineering bulletin no. 2 (August, 1913)-no. 9 (Alarch, 1917). Lansing, 1913-1917. S*. No. 1 was never published. Title for no. 2-6 reads: Public health. Published by the Michigan state board of health, Lansing, Mich. ... • *The State Library has no. 2-7, 9. 4895. : . . Examination of plans for pub- lic buildings, year ending 1882-1884; report by the secretar}^ of the state board of health . . \ [Lansing:^ 1882?-1884?]. S. Title varies slightly. Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1882-1884. 4896. . . General plan of work, and a summary of the work in the office of the Michigan state board of health, dur- ing the fiscal year ending September 30, 1877. [Lansing? 1877?]. xi-xxxix p. (Reprinted from the Fifth annual report of the Michigan state board of health, for the year 1877). — ;— S. 4897. . — . "The great white plague in Michigan," the Michigan exhibit at the international congress on tubercu- losis, Washington, D. C., September 21-October 12. Lansing, Mich. [1908]. 29 p. U. 4898. . . Immigrant-inspection service in Michigan . . . June 1, 1882-May 31, 1883. [Lansing? 1882?-1883?]. S. Title varies. Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1882-1883. 4899. . . Memorial to the legislature concerning illuminating oils, account of the death of a girl because of use of unsafe lamp, and experiments showing why lamps explode . . . [Lansing? 1878?]. [lxxiii]-lxxviii p. (Reprinted from the Fifth annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1877). S. 4900. . . Michigan, a summer and health resort state; a directory of Michigan summer resorts, mineral springs and sanitaria; comp. by Roberts P. Hudson, under the direction of the state board of health . . . Lansing, R. Smith printing co., state printers, 1898. 142 p. B;G;LC;S. "Issued in compliance with a concurrent resolution of the legislature. (Reprint 523)". 4901. . . Model diet tables. Prepared by order of the Michigan state board of health, by Prof. Victor C. Vaughan 528 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN . . . (Reprint no. 327). [Lansing, 1890!^]. 1 p. 1., 177-196 p. (Reprinted from Annual report of the board for 1889) . L C. 4902. . . Opinions relative to duties and compensation of a health officer, by Hon. LcRoy Parker, committee of the state board of health on legislation in the interests of public health; by G. Chase Godwin, city attorney of Grand Rapids, Mich.; and by Hon. Otto Kirchner, attorney general of the state of Michigan, on questions submitted by the health officer and by the board of health of Grand Rapids relative to the application of sections 1693 and 1740, Compiled laws of 1871, as amended by the legislatures of 1877 and 1879. Prepared for publication by Hon. Le- Roy Parker . . . [Lansing, 1880?]. 141-146 p. (Reprinted from the Seventh annual report of the Michigan state board of health, for the year 1879). S. 4903. . . Outline of work in the office of the Michigan state board of health during the fiscal year 1878 ... By au- thority. Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1879. ix-xxxv p. (Reprinted from the Sixth annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1878. Reprint no. 50). S. 4904. . . Petition for abatement of an al- leged nuisance, with comments by the secretary of the state board of health on powers and duties of local boards of health . . . [Lansing? 1884?]. [xl]- xlii p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1883. Reprint no. 160). S. 4905. . . Prevention and restriction of cholera. Document issued by the Michigan state board of health. July, 1884. [Lansing :i 1884. Caption title, 4 p. U. 4906. . . Ibid. Revised and printed, August, 1885. [Lansing?] 1885. Caption title, 6 p. S. 4907. . . Prevention and restriction of small-pox. Docimient issued by the Michigan state board of health. [Lan- sing, 1882]. Caption title, 16 p. L C; U. Edition of 1882, — 30,000 copies reprinted; from the Annual report of the board for 1881. 4908. . . The prevention of typhoid fever. 3rd ed. [n. p.] 1880. 4 p. U. 4909. . . The principal meteorological conditions in Michigan . . . 1877-1904. Lansing, Mich., 1879-1904. S*;U*. Title varies. Reprinted from the Annual reports of the board. *The State Library has 1877-1882, 1890; the U. of M. Library has 1879, 1880, 1896, 1904. 4910. . . Proceedings and addresses of BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 529 the 2nd-4th, 6th-7th general conference of the health officers in Michigan . . . 1894-1904. Lansing, Michigan, 1894-1904. B*; D*; S; U. Nos. 1 and 5 never published. Title varies: 1894-1896, Proceedings of the . . . annual conference of the health officers in Michigan . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 3rd; the main library, Detroit, has 2nd-4thand 6th. 4911. . ■ — . Proceedings and addresses at the sanitary convention . . . 1880-1899. Lansing, state printers, 1880-1899. B*; D*; S; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1883 and 1886; the main library, Detroit, has 1883-1894, 1897-1899; the U. of M. Library has 1880-1889. 4912. -^ . • . Proceedings of the quarter- centennial celebration of the establishment of the Michigan state board of health, held at Detroit, Michigan, August 9, 1898. 1873. 1898 . . . [Lan- sing? 1898]. 100 p. (Supplement to the Annual report of the board. Re- print no. 528). B; L C; S; U. 4913. . . Protection of life in Michigan from dangerous illuminating oils; communications to the state board of health, relative to lamp explosions, defective laws in neighboring states, etc., and remarks on the subject by the secretary of the board . . . [Lansing? 1879?]. [lxiii]-lxix p. (Reprinted from the vSixth annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the fiscal year 1878). S. 4914. . . Public health. PubHshed by the Michigan state board of health . . . v. 1-8; new series v. 1-5. Lansing, 1906-1917. B*;S*;U. V. 1-8 (1906-1913) pubHshed quarterly; new series v. 1-5 published monthly. "Succeeds the teacher's sanitary bulletin as the official organ of the state department of health. " *The Burton Historical Collection has new series v. 1-4; the State Library has v. 1 ; v. 4, no. 1; V. 5-8; new series, v. 1-5. 4915. . . A quarter-century of public- health literature in Michigan : an index of the principal subjects in the pub- lications of the Michigan state board of health, from its organization in 1873 to July, 1898; including also an alphabetical index of the authors of the sub- jects, by Thomas S. Ainge . . . [Lansing, 1898]. 1 p. 1., [525]-600 p. (From the Report of the secretary of the state board of health, 1897). B; G;LC;S. 4916. . ■ . Registration of physicians in Michigan ; report by the secretary of the state board of health . . . [Lansing? 1884]. [115]-121 p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1884). S. 4917. — . . Regulations for examinations in sanitary science, by the Michigan state board of health . . . [Lansing? 1879?]. [511]-512 p. (Reprinted from the Seventh annual report of the Michigan state board of health, for the year 1879). S. 67 530 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4918. . . Relative to the diseases in Michigan during the year 1875-1879; compiled and prepared in the office of the secretary of the state board of health ... By authority. Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1876-1881. S. Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1876-1880. 4919. . • Relative to erysipelas and puerperal fever; being replies by nine observers of diseases to a letter of in- quiry concerning any relation between the two diseases . . . [Lansing? 1878?]. [347]-350 p. (Reprinted from the Fifth annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1877). S. 4920. . . Relative to the Michigan state board of health exhibit in the anthropological building at the world's Colum- bian exposition at Chicago in 1893. (Pub. by the Michigan state board of health . . . ). By authority. Lansing, R. Smith & co., state printers, 1893. [23] p. L C; S. 4921. . • Relative to notices of diseases which endanger the public health, duties of householders, physicians and others; circular from the state board of health of Michigan, to supervisors and other officers of townships, to presidents and other officers of incorporated villages, and to mayors and other officers of cities . . . [Lansing? 1880]. 8 p. S. 4922. . • Relative to scarlet fever; in- cluding repHes of thirty-one correspondents of the state board of health to sixty-six questions on the subject of scarlet fever . . . [Lansing? 1878?]. [393]_448 p. (Reprinted from the Fifth annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1877). S. 4923. . ■ . . . . Report of the tuberculosis surv^ey of the state board of health for the twelve months from October 1, 1915 to October 1, 1916, under the provisions of act 238 of the pubhc acts of 1915. Compiled and published by authority of the state board of health under the supervision of John L. Burkart, M.D., secretary. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1917. 89 p. S. 4924. . . Restriction and prevention of diphtheria; doctmient issued by the state board of health of Michigan. [Lan- sing? n. d.]. 8 p. S. 4925. . . Ibid. (Revised ed. of 1881 . . . ). [Lansing, 1881]. 8 p. L C. 4926. . • Ibid. (3d ed. . . . ). [Lansing] 1881. 8 p. L C. 4927. . . Ibid. (4th rev. ed., 20,000, printed July, 1884). [Lansing? 1884]. Caption title, 6 p. S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 531 4928. . . Restriction and prevention of scarlet fever. Document issued by the state board of health of Michigan. .[Lansing, 1877]. 8 p. L C; U. 4929. . .Ibid. (Rev. ed., 1884— 20,000 printed). [Lansing? 1884]. Caption title, 8 p. S. 4930. . : Special reports and communi- cations to the Michigan state board of health relative to communicable and preventable diseases, etc., diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, small-pox, measles, erysipelas . . . also, constitution of the Grand Rapids sanitary asso- ciation . . . [Lansing? 1879?- 1881?]. S*. Reprinted from the 6th-8th annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1878-1880. *The State Library has 6th and 8th. 4931. . . Special reports of three out- breaks of diphtheria in localities in Michigan, made by two regular corre- spondents of the state board of health, and having special reference to its causation, commimication, and period of incubation; also, a document issued by the state board of health relative to the restriction and prevention of diphtheria . . . [Lansing? 1879?]. [77]-89 p. (Reprinted from the Sixth an- nual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1878). — — S. 4932. . • . Statement of facts concerning cases of typhoid fever apparently due to the use of bad water . . . reports of an epidemic and of cases of scarlet fever, and of other diseases ; and a report of trichiniasis in one family . . . [Lansing? 1878?]. [lxiii]-lxxiii p. (Reprinted from the Fifth annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1877). S. 4933. — — . ■ ■ . Teachers' sanitary bulletin. Published monthly by the state board of health . . . v. 1-8. Lansing, 1898- 1905. S*; U. 1898 contains many portraits and brief biographies. Continued from January 1906 with title: Public health. *The State Library has v. 1, no. 1,4, 6-9; v. 2-8. 4934. . . Typhoid fever in Michigan in 1890, a summary from reports by health officers, clerks and physicians, comp. under the direction of the secretary of the Michigan state board of health . . . Lansing, R. Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1893. Cover title, [209]-233p. (Reprinted from the annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1891. Reprint no. 382). L C. 4935. . — . The water-supply of localities in Michigan, and its relation to health and disease in some of the townships, cities, and villages throughout the state; being replies by regular correspond- ents of the state board of health, and by others, to its circular no. 7 . . . [Lansing? 1877?-1880?]. S. Reprinted from the 4th-7th annual report of the Alichigan state board of health for the year 1876-1879. 532 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4936. . • Weekly reports of diseases in Michigan . . . 1876-1882 based on weekly reports by health officers of cities and villages. Lansing [1877 ?]-1884. S; U*. Title varies. Reprinted from the annual reports of the board, 1876-1883. *The U. of M. Library has 1879-1881. 4937. . State board of inspectors of the Michigan military academy. Report of the state board of inspectors of the Michigan military academy at Orchard Lake . . . 1880-1895. Lansing, state printers, 1881- 1897. B*; S*. Printers: 1880, W. S. George & co.; 1893 and 1895, Robert Smith printing company. Title varies: 1880, Report of the board of visitors to the Michigan military academy . . . 1893, Report of the board of inspectors of the Michigan mihtarj' academy at Orchard Lake . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1880 and 1895; the State Library has 1880, 1893, 1895. 4938. — . State board of inspectors of penal institutions. First biennial report of the state board of inspectors for the period ending June 30, 1892 . By authority. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co. , state printers and binders, 1893]. 29 p. (Michigan, legislature, joint documents for 1892, vol. IV, no. 5). B; D;G;S; U. 4939. . State board of law examiners. Statute rules and regu- lations governing examination of applicants for admission to the bar of the state of Michigan. .By the state board of law examiners. 1913. 5th ed. [Lansing? 1913?]. 27 p. U. 4940. . State board of library commissioners. . . . Annotated Hst of reference books for school and public libraries. [Lansing] 1910. 21 p. D; LC;U. 4941^ . — . . Annual report of the state board of library comm.issioners of Michigan ... 1st (1900)- 17th (1916). Lansing, Mich., state printers, 1900-1917. D*; S; U. Year ends December 31. *The main library, Detroit, has lst-8th, 10th-17th. 4942. . ^ . . . . Books for li- braries; a reprint of the book lists issued by the publishing board of the Ameri- can library association, used by permission of the board. Recommended by superintendent of pubHc instruction. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallen- beck Crawford co., state printers, 1906. 90 p. S; U. At head of title: Michigan. State board of library commissioners. 4943. . . . . . Catalogue of books suitable for a popular library. Lansing, R. Smith printing company, 1901. 1 p. 1., 205 p. D; L C. 4944^ _ . How to start a free pubHc library; prepared by Mary C. Spencer, secretary. Lansing, Mich., BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 533 W3mkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1900. Cover title, 7 p. D;LC;U. 4945. . . Ibid. Lansing, Michigan, W3^nkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1910. Cover title, 8 p. S. 4946. . . Legislative history of township libraries in the state of Michigan from 1835 to 1901. Comp. by L. M. Miller, and printed by order of the board of library commissioners. Lansing, Mich., R. Smith printing co., 1902. 25 p. B; D; L C; S; U. 4947. '- — . . . . . List of books for school libraries, grades 1-8. Based on the Carnegie library of Pittsburgh catalogue of books for the first eight grades, 1907. Lansing, Michigan, Wyn- koop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1908. 36 p. S. 4948. : . ■ . Michigan summer school for library training, first session, June 29 to August 8, 1908, under the direction of the state board of librarv commissioners. [Lansing? 1908?]. [5] p. S. 4949. . . . . . Poems ar- ranged by grades and recommended for reading and memorizing. [Lansing? 1912]. 33, [1] p., 11. D;LC;vS;U. At head of title: Michigan. State board of Hbrary commissioners. 4950. -^. — . . . . Ibid. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Lansing, Mich., 1915. 69 p. D; L C; S; U. 4951. — . ■— — . vState aid to li- braries. Traveling libraries, registered libraries. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1905. 8 p. S; U. 4952. ■ . ■ . . . . Statistics of township and district libraries in Michigan. Lansing, Mich., W. H. Craw- ford CO., state printers, 1913. 110 p. • D; L C; S; U. 4953. . State board of registration in medicine. . . . Rules and regulations relating to standard of preliminary and medical education adopted October 14, 1903. Lansing, Mich., Robert Smith printing co., state printers and binders, 1903. 22 p. U. 4954. . State commission on industrial and agricultural educa- tion. Report of the Michigan state commission on industrial and agricultural education, to the governor, superintendent of public instruction, and com- missioner of labor, Lansing, December, 1910. Published by the commission. [Lansing, 1910]. 95 p. S. 4955. . State court of mediation and arbitration. ■ First annual report of the state court of mediation and arbitration of the state of Michigan. 534 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN By authority. Lansing, Mich., Robert Smith printing co., state printers and binders, 1904. 12 p. D; S; U. 4956. . • Biennial re- port of the state court of mediation and arbitration ... 1st (1903-04)-[3rd (1907-08)]. Lansing, Mich., 1905-1909. B*; D; S; U. *Thc Burton Historical Collection has 1st and 2nd. 4957. . State eclectic medical and surgical society. Memorial of the state eclectic medical and surgical society of Michigan to the board of regents of the university of Michigan, 1878. Niles, Mich., Republican book and job print, 1878. 12 p. S. 4953^ _ . Transac- tions . . . 1876-1879. Kalamazoo, 1876-1879. U. 4959. • . State fair. . . . Premium list of the sixty-fifth annual exhibition of the Michigan state fair, Detroit, September 7-18, 1914 . . . [Detroit, Houghton-Jackson printing company, 1914]. 190 p. S. 4960. — — . State federation of women's clubs. Corresponding sec- retary's report of outside work done by clubs of Michigan state federation for the year ending October 15,1912. [no imprint] . Caption title , [ 1 4] p . S . 495 1_ , . Directory of Michi- gan state federation of women's clubs, 1900-1901; organized 1895, joined the general federation, 1895. [no imprint]. 56 p. S. 4952. . . . . . Hand book of outlines, no. 1, 1916-1917. [Muskegon, Mich., the Dana press, 1918?]. 45 p. — S. 4953. . . . . . Manual . . . 1901-02 to 1914-15. Muskegdn [1902?-1914?]. S*; U*. Place of publication varies; not found on all numbers. *The State Library has 1901-02, 1903-04, 1904-05, 1906-07 to 1914-15; the U. of M. Li- brary has 1901-02 to 1907-08. 4954. . . Michigan club bulle- tin; official organ Michigan state federation of women's clubs, v. 1-11. Jack- son, 1907-1916. S*. Published at Charlotte, 1907-1912. *The State Library has vol. I, no. 1, 2, 3; vol. II, no. 5; vol. Ill, no. 7; vol. IV, no. 10, 11, 12; vol. V, no. 2, 14, 15, 16; vol. VI, no. 1-4; vol. VII, no. 1-4; vol. VIII, no. 1-4; vol. IX, no. 2-4; vol. X, no. 1, 2, 4; vol. XI, no. 1, and 2. 4955_ . . [Program of the] 2nd- 21st annual convention of the Michigan state federation of women's clubs . . . 1896-1915. [Lansing? 1896-1915]. S*. *The State Library has the 2nd and 21st. 4955. . . Report of the corre- sponding secretary at the fourth annual meeting of the Michigan state federa- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 535 tion of women's clubs, held at Manistee, Mich., October 25, 26 and 27, 1898. [no imprint]. 12 p. vS. 4967. . . . . . Year book 1915- 16 to 1916-17 and official report 2 lst-22nd annual convention . . . 1915-1916. [Muskegon, the Dana press, 1915P-1916?]. S. 4968. . State fire marshal. . . . Annual report to the governor of Michigan ... 1st (1911-12)-6th (1916-17). Lansing, Michigan, Wyn- koop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1912-1917. B*; S. *The Burton Historical Collection has 5th. 4969. . . . . . Regulations issued by the .state fire marshal under the provisions of section no. 5 of act no. 178 of the public acts of 1915. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford com- pany, state printers [1915?]. Cover title, [8] p. U. At head of title: State of Michigan. 4970. . State firemen's association. Proceedings of the 1st- 15th annual meeting of the Michigan state firemen's association . . . 1875- 1889. Pentwater, 1875-1889. B*; S. Place of publication varies: Allegan, 1875-1879; New York, 1879-1883; Chicago, 1884. Title varies: 1882-1889, Michigan state firemen's association; proceedings of the annual convention . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 4th and 5th. 4971. . State good roads' association. Ninth annual conven- tion, Michigan state good roads' association, Saginaw, May 23, 24 and 25 1917; president's address, secretary's report, treasurer's report. [Hastings, Mich., Hastings printing company, 1917]. 45 p. S. 4972. ■■ . State grange. Annual meeting of the Michigan state grange, held in Lansing, December, 1892; report of the executive committee of the state grange. [Lansing? 1892?]. Caption title, 14 p. S. 4973. . . Constitution and declaration of purposes of the national grange of patrons of husbandry together with the by-laws of the Michigan state grange and forms of by-laws suitable for adoption by Pomona and subordinate granges; also code for trials. Rev. ed., 1902. [Adrian] Adrain times print [1902]. Cover title, 63 p., 1 1., iii p. S. 4974. . . . . . Lecturer's bulletin, v. 3-19. Lan- sing, Michigan, 1901-1916. S*. Place of publication varies. *The State Library has v. 3, no. 6, 7, 9, 10, 12; v. 4, no. 2-5, 7; v. 5, no. 5; v. 12, no. 2-4; V. 13, no. 1-4; v. 14, no. 1-4; v. 15, no. 1, 3, 4; v. 16, no. 1-4; v. 18, no. 3 and 4; v. 19, no. 1-4. 4975. — . . . . . Lecturer's year handbook, [no im- print]. Cover title, 56 p. — — • S. 4976. . . . . . Lecturer's handbook . . . [East Lan- sing, printed by the Campus press, 1917]. 40 p. S. 536 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 4977^ . . . . . Lecturer's report. [Lansinji;? 1902]. 6 p. S. Report made December, 1901. 4978. . • Patrons of husbandry granges in Michigan with names and addresses of masters, lecturers, secretaries and general field lecturers and deputies. Ann Arbor, Mich., Millard press, 1908-1916. S*. Imprint varies: Jackson, Michigan, the citizen job printing house, 1908-1911, 1913. *Thc State Library has 1908-1913, 1915-1916. 4979. . . Proceedings of the Michigan state grange, patrons of husbandr}^ . . . 19th-41st annual session, 1891-1913. Jackson, Michigan, 1892-[1913?]. .S*. Place of publication varies: Lansing, 1892, 1895-1896. Title varies. *The State Library has 19th, 23rd, 24th, 35th-41st. 4980. . . Treasurer's financial report of the Michi- gan state grange for the year ending December 1st, 1911. [Jackson? 1911?]. Caption title, [10] p. S. 4981. — . State highway committee. . . . Report of the state high- way committee established by the legislature of 1901 and appointed by his excellency, Aaron T. BHss, governor. Lansing, Mich., R. Smith printing co., ■state printers and binders, 1903. 118 p. D; S; U. At head of title: State of Michigan. 4982. . State horticultural society. Annual report of the secre- tary of the state horticultural society ... 1st (1 870-7 l)-46th (1916). Lan- sing, Mich., 1872-1917. — B*; D*; S; U. Title varies: 1870-71, Report of the Michigan state pomological society. 1872, annual report ... 1873-1879, Annual report of the secretary of the state pomological society of Michigan. 1880-1916, Annual report of the secretary of the state horticultural sociecy of Michigan. "Index of contents of Michigan pomological society reports 1872-1879 and Michigan horticultural society reports 1880-1907": 38th annual report, p. fl71]-208. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1st, 2nd, 7th-10th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 30th; the main library, Detroit, has lst-23rd, 26th-32nd, 36th, 37th, 39th, 42nd, 44th. 4983. . . Catalogiie of fruits, of the Michigan state pomological society, for 1878. Prepared b}^ T. T. Lyon . . . Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1879. 59 p. LC. 4984. . State house of correction and branch of state prison in upper peninsula. Biennial, report of the board of control and officers of the state house of correction and branch prison of state prison in upper peninsula . . . 1892-94 to 1914-16. Lansing, Michigan, 1894-1916. B*; D*; S; U*. 1892-94 is called "First biennial report. " cf. p. [5]. This is preceded however by follow- ing: Biennial report of the inspectors and officers of the state house of correction and branch of state prison in upper peninsula for the two years ending June 30, 1892. By BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 537 authority. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1893. 25, [1] p. B; D; S; U. Title varies: 1892-94, Biennial report of the inspectors and officers. 1894-96 to 1912-14, Biennial report of the board of control and officers of the state house of correction and l^ranch of state prison in upper peninsula . . . 1890-92 and 1892-94 issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1892-94; the main library, Detroit, has 1892-94, 1894-96, 1902-04 to 1910-12; the U. of M. Library has 1892-94 to 1910-12. 4985. .— . Report of the board of commissioners of the state house of correction and branch of the state prison in the upper peninsula. By au- thority- Lansing, Darius D. Thorp, state printer and binder, 1889. 7 p. B; D; S; U. Issued also as Michigan, legislature, joint documents for 1888, vol. Ill, no. 8. 4986. . State industrial home for girls. Biennial report of the Michigan state industrial home for girls ... 1st (1879-80) 19th (1915-16). Lansing, Mich., 1880-1916. B*; D; S; U*. Year ends June 30, 1886-88 to 1914-16. Title varies: 1879-80, First annual report of the board of control of the Michigan reform school for girls . . . 1881-82, Second biennial report of the board of control of the Michigan reform school for girls . . . 1883-84 to 1889-90, Biennial report of the board of control of the state industrial home for girls . . . lst-8th issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. *The Burton Historical Collection has lst-8th; the U. of M. Library has lst-9th, 12th- 16th. 4987. . . Charges of the senate finance committee on the industrial home for girls with report thereon by board of control and transcript of evidence taken on the investigation held at the home at Adrian, June 4, 1891. Adrian, times and expositor steam print, 1891. 163 p. B. 4988. . State inspector of illuminating oils. Report of the state inspector of illuminating oils of the state of Michigan ... 1st (187 7) -[39th? (1916)]. Lansing, 1878-1917. — B*; S; U*. 1877-1894, issued also as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1877-1879, 1881-1894, 1905; the U. of M. Library has 1877-1896, 1898-1900, 1902-1908, 1911-1915. 4989. . State land office. . . . Annual report of the commis- sioner of the land office of the state of Michigan . . . [1st (1843)]-73rd (1914). Lansing, Mich., 1844-1916. B*; D*; S*; U*. Published at Detroit, 1844-1848. 1843, 1844-45 to 1893-94, issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. Report year ends December 1, 1843-1861; September 30, 1873-1886; June 30, 1887-1914. Title varies: 1843 to 1885-86, Annual report of the commissioner of the state land office . . . 1886-87 to 1887-88, Report of the commissioner . . . 1888-89 to 1896-97, Land department. Report of the commissioner . . . Full title in 1914 reads: Seventy-third and final report of the commissioner of the land office of the state of Michigan for the six months ending December 31, 1914. Augustus C. Carton, commissioner. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1843, 1844-45 to 1849-50, 1851-52, 1853-54, 1855- 56 to 1874-75, 1876-77 to 1878-79, 1880-81 to 1893-94; the main library, Detroit, has 1843 538 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN to 1844-45, 1846-47 to 1891-92, 1894-95, 1898-99 to 1904-05, 1906-07, 1907-08, 1909-10, 1910-11, 1912-13 to 1914; the State Lilmiry has 1843, 1844-45 to 1914; the U. of M. Library has 1843, 1844-45 to 1853-54, 1855-56 to 1879-80, 1881-82 to 1914. 4990. . . Communication from the commis- sioner of the state land office. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 18vS5]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, senate document no. 8). B; D;G;S; U. 4991. . . Communication from the commis- sioner of the state land office, in accordance with the requirements of the fol- lowing senate resolution [relative to the money paid to the contractor on the canal around the rapids of Grand river]. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 4992. . . Communication from the commis- sioner of the state land office, giving a statement of lands appropriated by this state. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 7). B; D; G; S; U. 4993. . . Communication from the cominis- sioner of the land office, relative to appraisals, and sale of Frederick Mill property. [Detroit, Bagg Sc Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 16). B; D; G; S; U. 4994. — . — . Communication from the commis- sioner of the state land office, reporting the amount of unappropriated inter- nal improvement land now on hand. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 1 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, senate document no. 5). B; D; G; S; U. 4995. . . Communication from the commis- sioner of the state land office, transmitting a statement of the state lands tres- passed upon during the two years prior to 1861. [Lansing, Hosmer & Ken- printers to the state, 1861]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate docu- ment no. 16). B;D;G;S;U. 4996. . . Communication from the commis- sioner of the state land office, relating to swamp lands. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, house docimient no. 7; senate docimient no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 4997. . . Communication from the commis- sioner of the state land office transmitting a statement of the receipts from sales of swamp lands, since February 12th, 1859. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 1 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate docu- ment no. 24). B;D;G;S;U. 4998. . ; ^ — . Communication from the commis- sioner of the state land office, giving a statement of the number of descriptions BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 539 of legal subdivisions, as received from the United States, of unsold swamp lands, in each county of the state. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1858, senate document no. 1. In Journal of the senate of the state of Michigan, extra ses- sion of 1858. Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1858). ■ B;D;G;S;U. 4999. . . Communication from the commis- sioner of the state land office, relative to sales of university lands. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, senate documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 17, p. 92-93). B; D; G; S; U. 5000. . . Communication from the commis- sioner of the state land office, relative to the swamp-land state roads. [Lan- sing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 19 p. (Michigan legislature, 1865, house document no. 6). D; G; S; U. 5001. [ . ]. A list of all internal improvement lands of the state in the lower peninsula remaining unsold, and not by law withheld from sale, up to March 23rd, 1848. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 20 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, house docu- ment no. 21). B;D;G;S;U. 5002. [ . ]. [Report of the commissioner of the state land office in compliance with a request for information about the amount of each appropriation of lands made by the state for the purposes of internal improvement, from and out of the five hundred thousand acre tract donated by the United vStates to the state of Michigan ; and in what counties the lands were originally selected, and from which they have thus far been located in and by virtue of any appropriations made by the legislature]. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate document no. 11). B; D; G; S; U. 5003. . . Report of the commissioner of the state land office and the auditor general on tax homestead lands and the col- lection of delinquent taxes, in compliance with senate resolutions nos. 75 and 76. [Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1909]. 27 p. LC;'S;U. 5004. . . . . . Report of the survey of St. Clair flats by the commissioner of state land office under authority of act. no. 175, p. a. 1899. Lansing, R. Smith printing co., 1903. 75 p. U. 5005. [ . ]. [Statement by Abiel Silver, com- missioner, of the number of university and school lands sold in 1845 at the minimum price, and the number sold in the months of January and February 1846]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 2 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 23). B; D; G; S; U. 5006. . State library. . . . The American flag in prose, poetry and song . . . Lansing, Mich., 1915. 48 p. L C; S; U. 540 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Ibid. - S; U. 5007. . . . Lansini;:, Michigan, 1916. 70 p. - 5008. . — . (Bulletin no. 4, January, 1900). - 5009. . — . Biographical sketches of American artists . . . Lansing, 1912. 3 p. 1., 9-201 p. D; L C; S; U. [Bibliography] S. 2d ed.," rev. and enl. . . . [Lansing] 1900. 36 p. Comp. b}^ Helen L. Earle, Michigan state library. 5010. . . Ibid. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Lansing, Michigan state library, 1913. 245 p. S. 5011. . . Ibid. 3d ed., rev. and enl. Lansing, Michigan state library, 1915. 279 p. ^— L C; S; U. 5012. . . Ibid. 4th ed., rev. and enl. Lansing, Alichigan state library, 1916. 308 p. L C; S. Bibliography: p. [295]-299. 5013. . . Bulletin, no. 1-7. D*; S; U. Lansing, 1896-1906. *The main library, Detroit, has no. 1 and 2. 5014. . . Catalogue of the Michigan state library. Henry Tisdale, state librarian. Lansing, May 1, 1850. Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850. 30 p. L C; S. 5015. — . • '. Catalogue of the Michigan state library for the 3^ear 1857 . . 47 p. LC; S. 5016. . - state librarian . C;S;U. 5017. Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers, 1857. Cover title, E Tenne}^ 5 p. L . Ibid, for the year 1861. J. Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers, 1861. 8 Ibid. for the year 1863. Prepared by J. E. Tenney, state librarian, November 30, 1862. By authority. Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1862. 107 p. ■ — — B; S. 5018. . . Ibid, for the year 1865. Prepared by J. E. Tenney, state librarian, November 30, 1864. By authority. Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 18'64. 112 p. D; S. 5019. — — . ■ . Ibid, for the year 1867. Prepared by J. E. Tenney, state librarian, November 30, 1866. By authorit}^ Lansing, Mich., John A. Kerr & co.; printers to the state, 1866. 131 p. S. 5020. — . . Ibid, for the year 1869. Prepared by J. E. Tenney, state Hbrarian, November 30, 1868. By authorit^^ Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1868. 142 p. B ; S; U. 5021. . . Ibid, for the years 1870-71. Prepared by H. A. Tenney, state librarian. November 30, 1870. By authority. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 541 Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers to the state, 1870. 222 p. B; LC;S;U. 5022. . . Ibid, for the years 1873-4. Prepared by H. A. Tenney . . . January 1, 1873. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & CO., state printers, 1873. viii, 293 p. D; L C; S; U. 5023. . . Ibid, for the years 1875-76. Prepared by Harriet A. Tenne}^ . . . January 1, 1875. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers, 1875. vi, 228 p. D; L C; S. 5024. . . Ibid, for the years 1877-78. Prepared by Harriet A. Tenney . . . January 1, 1877. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers, 1877. vi, 289 p. D; L C; S; U. 5025. . . Ibid, for the years 1879-80. Prepared by Harriet A. Tenney, state Hbrarian, January 1, 1879. By authority. Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1879. viii, 356 p. D;S. 5026. . . Ibid, for the years 1881-2. Harriet A. Tenney . . . January 1, 1881. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers, 1881. 'viii, 434 p. D;LC;S;U. 5027. . . First supplement, for the years 1883-4. Harriet A. Tenney . . . January 1, 1883. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers, 1883. viii, 119 p. B; D; L C; S; U. 5028. . . Second and third supplements. Jan. 1, 1883-April 1, 1890.- Comp. by Mary C. Spencer ... By authority. Lan- sing, R. Smith & CO., state printers, 1890. viii, 229 p. B; L C; S; U. 5029. • . . Catalogue of the Michigan state library. United States documents, state documents, foreign exchanges. Lansing, Mich., Robert Smith printing co., 1898. 2 p. 1., [3]-276 p. D; L C; S; U. 5030. . . Catalogue of the Jenison collection . . . (In Report of the state librarian of the state of Michigan for the years June 30, 1894, to July 1, 1896. By authority. Lansing, Robert Smith printing CO., state printers and binders, 1896, p. 91-134). S. 5031. • . . Communication from the state librarian [relative to books missing from the state library]. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 26, p. 387-388). B;D;G;S;U. 5032. . — — . Communication from the state librarian [relative to the condition of the state library, and matters pertaining thereto]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 5033. . . Communication from the state librarian 542 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN [relative to the manner in which the money appropriated for the enlargement of the state library has been expended]. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit. John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 25, p. 379-387). B; D;G;S;U. 5034. . . Communication in regard to the state library. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 46, p. 743-746). B; D; G; S; U. 5035. . . . . . Finding list of works on genealogy and American local history in Michigan state library. Lansing, Mich., Wyn- koop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1906. 2 p. 1., 128 p. (Bulletin no. 7). B;LC; S; U. 5036. . . . . . Ibid. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Lansing, Mich., 1915. 169 p. G;LC;S;U. 5037. . . First selection of five hundred children's books recommended by the Michigan state library. 2d ed Compiled by Effie L. Power . . . Lansing, Mich., 1913. 91 p. — S. 5038. . . . . . Graded school libraries, grades 1 to 8, library 9, finding list, [no imprint]. Cover title, 8 p^. U. 5039. . — — . [History of the traveling library move- ment in Michigan]. [Lansing] 1898. 170 p. (Bulletin no. 3, September, 1898) S. " Michigan state library bulletin no. 3 contains so far as possible a history of the traveHng library movement in Michigan covering the three years during which the system has been in operation. " p. [1]. 5040. . . . . . Libraries. [Lansing] 1897. 74 p. (Bulletin no. 2, April, 1897). S. 5041. . . List of duplicates in Michigan state Hbrary, for sale or exchange 1893. [Lansing? 1893?]. 21 p. L C. 5042. — — ■ . . . . . List of periodicals in the general de- partment, October 1906. [Lansing, 1906]. Cover title, 14 p. U. 5043. . . Michigan artists, [no imprint]. 10 p. S. Clippings from Biographical sketches of American artists. 5044. . . . . . Outline of study for use of clubs. Lansing, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1901. 178 p. (Bulletin no. 1, revised and enlarged). S. 5045. . . Preferred list of pictures for children and young people. Michigan state library. Lansing, 1915. 10 p. S. 5046. . . Quarterly bulletin of the Michigan state library, v. 1-6. [Lansing] 1910-1915. D; S; U*. vol. 1, no. 1 begins January, 1910. *The U. of M. Library has v. 1-4. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 543 5047. . . Report of the state librarian of the state of Michigan . . . 1849-50 to 1914-16. Lansing, Mich., 1851-1916. J)*, g*. u* 1849-50, 1860, 1861-62 to 1890-92 issued as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. *The main library, Detroit, has 1849-50, 1851, 1860 to 1890-92, 1896-98 to 1912-14; the State Library has 1849-50, 1860, 1861-62 to 1914-16; the U. of M. Library has 1849-50, 1860, 1861-62 to 1892-94, 1898-1900, 1900-02, 1904-06 to 1908-10. 1914-16. 5048. . . Report of the state librarian [February 6, 1840, transmitting a detailed statement of the manner in which the sum of money which has been appropriated for the enlargement of the state library, has been expended the last year for the said purpose agreeable to an act ap- proved March 21, 1837. Also a recapitulation of all the simis appropriated and expended agreeable to said act]. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 68, p. 589-593). B;D;G;S;U. 5049. — . . . . . Study clubs. [Lansing] 1896. 183 p. (Bulletin no. 1, May, 1896). S. 5050. . . . . . Traveling libraries in Michigan. Lan- sing, Robert Smith printing co., state printers and binders, 1900. 102 p. (Bulletin no. 5, September, 1900). S. 5051. . — . Law dept. . . . Accessions July 1, 1914 to September 21, 1916. Lansing, Michigan, state printers, 1916. 21 p. S. 5052. . — ■ — — . . Catalogue of the Michigan state library, law department; comp. by S. Arthur Tomlinson . . . Lansing, R. Smith & CO., state printers, 1896. 685 p. B; L C; U. Contents. — An outh'ne history of Michigan and her judicial systems. — Constitution of Michigan. — Foreign department. — American departme'nt. — Text-books by subjects. — Law periodicals. — Remarkable trials. — Abbreviations of law terms.- — Alphabetical index. 5053. — — . . Legislative reference dept. . . . Amend- ment of state constitutions, by James Wilford Gamer . . . Lansing, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1907. 23 p. B; S. "Reprinted from the American political science review by permission." 5054. . . . . . . Bulletin no. 1 (September, 1907)-no. 5 (November, 1913). Lansing, 1907-1913. B*; S; U. *The Burton Historical Collection has no. 1. 5055. . . . . . . Digest of the laws of the various states relating to motor vehicles. [Lansing] 1914. 8 p. L C; U. At head of title: Michigan. State library. Legislative reference department. 5056. . . . [Documents 544 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN compiled for the committee on printing of the constitutional convention of 1907]. [Lansing? 1907?]. 22 v. B; L C. Pamphlets with caption titles containing constitutional provisions of other states, on various topics, compared with those of Michiga .i. 5057. . . . . . . Laws of the various states relating to a minimtim wage for women and minors. Lan- sing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford company, state printers, 1913. 37 p. (Bulletin no. 5, November, 1913). ■ S; "u. 5058. . . • • • • Laws of the various states relating to presidential primaries. February, 1912. [Lan- sing:^ 1912. 25 p. • L C; U. 5059. . . . • • • Laws of the various states relating to vagrancy. Comp. for use of the commission ap- pointed to investigate the subject of vagranc}-, disorderly conduct, habitual drunkenness, etc. June, 1910. [Lansing?] 1910. 29 p. L C; U. Bibliography: p. 27-29. 5060. . . • • ■ • Ibid. Rev. ed. Lansing, Michigan, state printers, 1916. 61 p. S; U. 5061. . . • • • • Laws of Michigan relating to women. Lansing, Michigan, state printers, 1916. 105 p. S; U. 5062. . — . • • •' • Legisla- tive circular number two, 1915. [Lansing, 1915]. Cover title, 28 p. U. 5063. . . • • • • Legisla- tive reference list. Employers' liability and workmen's compensation. Lan- sing, Mich., Wynkoop, Hallenbeck, Crawford company, state printers, 1911. 17 p. (Bulletin no. 4, February, 1911). — L C; S; U. 5064. . . • • • ■ Local leg- islation. Opinion of Attorney General Grant Fellows upon what constitutes a local or special act under the Michigan constitution, rendered to the legis- lature January 25, 1915 under senate concurrent resolution no. 8. [Lansing, Michigan, 1915]. Cover title, 4 p. U. 5065. . . • • • • Local, special and private legislation, mimicipal charters, gubernatorial veto, initia- tive and referendiun as provided for and regulated by the constitutions of the several states. Comp. for the use of the constitutional convention of 1907. Lansing, Mich., Wymkoop Hallenbeck Crawford company, state printers, 1907. 24 p. (Bulletin no. 3, Sept. 1907). L C; S; U. 5056. . . • Public lands and forest protection. Constitutional provisions of the several states, relative thereto. Compiled by the Michigan legislative reference department for the BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 545 committee on printing of the constitutional convention of 1907. [Lansing, Mich., 1907]. 16 p. U. 5067. . State medical society. The journal of the Michigan state medical society ... v. 1-15. Grand Rapids, 1902-1916. S*; U. Place of publication varies: Detroit, 1902-1907; Battle Creek, 1910-1913. *The State Library has v. 9, no. 3-8, 10; v. 10, no. 2-12; v. 11-15. 5068. . . . . . The president's address, de- livered at Saginaw, June 11th, 1873. (A reprint from the society's trans- actions). Law and intelligence in nattire; and the improvement of the race in accordance with law, by A. B. Palmer, A. M., M. D., Ann Arbor, Mich. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1873. 31 p. • S. At head of title: Michigan state medical society. 5069. . . Report of the state medical society. Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859. Ill p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1859, joint documents for 1858, no. 15). B ; D; G; S; U. Seventh annual meeting. 5070. . . Transactions of the Michigan state medical society, 1867-1901. Lansing, 1867-1901. B*; D; S*; U. Place of publication varies. Title varies slightly. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1869, 1882, 1883, 1891; the State Librarv has 1869-1872, 1891, 1892. 5071. . State military board. Camp, garrison, guard and other military duties. Published by order of state military board for the use of the officers of the volunteer force of Michigan. Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state [I860?]. Cover title, 56 p. S. 5072. . . . . . Laws, rules and regulations governing the militia, national guard, naval brigade. Compiled and arranged b}^ direction of the state military board. 1902. Lansing, Wynkoop Hallen- beck Crawford co., state printers, 1902. 317 p. S. At head of title: State of Michigan. 5073. . . Memorial of the state military board. Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861. 13 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 6). B; D; G; S; U. 5074. . . Proposed permanent national guard encampment at Grayling, Michigan. [Lansing? 1913?]. Cover title, [11] p. U. 5075. — . . . . . Regulations for the Michi- gan national guard. 1911. Ionia, Mich., The sentinel press, 1912. 138, [19] p. LC. Prepared by the State military board. At head of title: Michigan national guard. Military department. Leaves inserted for memoranda. 69 546 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5076. . . Report of the state military board . . . 1868-69 to 1872-74. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers, 1869-1875. S. Issued also as Joint documents of Michip:an legislature. B; D; G; S; U. Report year ends November 30, 1869-1870; September 30, 1871-1874. Report in 1871 is for ten months endinj^ vScpt. 30; 1872-74 is biennial. 5077. . State normal college. The aurora . . . Senior class annual. Michigan state nomial college, v. 3-15. Ypsilanti, 1895-1908. G*; U*. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has v. 3; the U. of M. Librar}^ has v. 15. 5078. . . Proceedings of anniversary day exercises, March 28, 1895. [Ypsilanti, Ypsilantian job ptg. house, 1895]. 55 p. B. 5079. . ■ . Summer school [catalogue] of the Michigan state nomial college . . . 1903-1917. [Ypsilanti] 1903-1917. S*; U*. Title varies slightly. *The State Library has 1903-1910, 1915-1917; the U. of M. Library has 1906, 1908-1911, 1915-1917. 5080. . — . Year book of the Michigan state normal college for 1853 to 1915-16. Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1853-1916. B*; D*; S*; U*. Title varies: 1868-69 to 1879-80, Catalogue of the officers and students of the Michigan state normal school . . . 1881-82 to 1885-86, Calendar of the Michigan state normal school . . . 1886-87 to 1893-94, Register of the Michigan state normal school . . . ' *The Burton Historical Collection has 1881-82, 1889-90 to 1891-92; the main library, Detroit, has 1853, 1857-58, 1874-75, 1877-78, 1879-80, 1881-82, 1902-03, 1903-04; the State Library has 1868-69, 1871-72 to 1907-08, 1914-15; the U. of M. Library has 1896-97 to 1909- 10, 1911-12 to 1915-16. 5081. . — . Conservatory of music. . . . Out- line of courses . . . Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1914. 43 p. S. 5082. . . Dept. of physical education. Sug- gestions for physical training in public schools of Michigan; prepared by the dept. of physical education, M.S.N.C. and pub. by the state superintendent of public instruction. [Lansing] 1912. 10 p. ([Michigan, dept. of public instruction], btilletin no. 43, 1912). L C; S. Bibliography: p. 9-10. 5083. . . Library. Public school libraries; 500 books and how to buy them . . . Ypsilanti, Mich., 1908. iii p., 11., 25, [3] p., 11. (Library bulletin no. 1). L C; U. Blank pages at end for lists of "books that should be added to the school library "- "books for my private library" — "books I wkh to read"— "books I have read (1908)"- G. M. Walton, librarian. 5084. . . Training school dept. . . . Sug- gestive outlines of the courses of study as followed in the kindergarten and elementary grades. 1908-1909. [Ypsilanri, 1909]. 167 p., 1 1. L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 547 5085. . State nurses' association. Proceedings of the eleventh annual convention of the Michigan state nurses' association and second an- nual convention of the Michigan state league of nursing education. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1915. 61 p. S. 5086. . State pharmaceutical association. Proceedings of the lst-34th annual meeting of the Michigan state pharmaceutical association . . . Muskegon, Mich., 1883-1916. B*; G*; U. Place of publication varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 3rd; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 2nd and 27th. 5087. . State press association. 23d annual conclave and a royal outing. Michigan state press association. A story written by the editors themselves, of Saginaw's princely hospitality on July 16th, 17th and 18th, followed by an excursion to Cheboygan, Sault Ste. Marie, Iron Mountain, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Yellowstone National Park, Helena, Butte, Boise City, Ogden, Salt Lake City, Denver, Manitou, Kearney and Omaha, ending at Chicago August 15th, 1890. Compiled and arranged by Fred Slocum, secre- tary. Interspersed with engravings of members and numerous kodak pictures. Also papers read at the meeting, business transacted, officers elected, resolu- tions adopted, membership list, financial statement, etc. [Saginaw, Mich., Seeman & Peters, printers, binders and stereotypers, 1891 ?]. 103 p. S. 5088. . State prison. Affidavits and reports of the inspectors of the state prison at Jackson. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 10 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, house document no. 18). B; D;G;S; U. 5089. . . Catalogue of the library of the Michigan state prison at Jackson, 1897. [Jackson] Michigan state prison, H. Stewart, book and job printer [1897?]. 82 p. S. 5090. . . Communication from the agent of the state prison [January 22, 1855]. [Lansing, Ho-smer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, senate document no. 14). B; D; G;S; U. 5091. . . Rebuilding men. PubHshed by the Michi- gan state prison, extension work department; written by George W. Hartt. Jackson, Mich. [1915]. Cover title, 27 p., 1 1. S. 5092. . . Report of the agent of the state prison in accordance with a resolution of the house. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1845]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1845, house document no. 3). B;D; G;S;U. 5093. . . Report of the board of control and officers of the state prison . . . 1839 to 1914-16. Lansing, 1840-1916. B*; .S*;U*. 548 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Published at Detroit 1840-1848. Title varies: 1839, 1844-45 to 1882-83, Annual report of the inspectors of the state prison . . . 1840-41, Annual report of the state prison . . . 1842-43, Annual report of the board of inspectors of the state prison . . . 1883-84 to 1889-90, Annual report of the inspectors and officers of the Michigan state prison . . . 1890-92 to 1892-94, Biennial report of the inspectors and officers of the Michigan state prison . . . Issued in a series of legislative documents as follows: . 1839, House document, 1840, no. 70. 1840-41, 1842-43, 1844-45 to 1885-86, 1887-88, 1889-90 to 1892-94, Joint documents. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1839, 1840-41, 1842-43, 1844-45 to 1849-50, 1851- 52 to 1853-54, 1855-56 to 1878-79, 1881-82 to 1887-88, 1889-90 to 1892-94; the State Li- brary has 1839, 1840-41, 1842-43, 1844-45 to 1914-16: the U. of M. Library has 1839, 1840- 41, 1842-43, 1844-45 to 1853-54, 1855-56 to 1885-86, 1887-88, 1889-90 to 1894-96, 1898- 1900 to 1912-14. 5094. . . Report of the commissioners on the state penitentiary. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 12 (i. e. no. 15), p. 253-269; senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 12, p. 277-293). B; D; G;S;U. 5095. . . Report of the inspectors of the state prison [on the condition of the prison]. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate docu- ments. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 12, p. 178- 194). B;D;G;S;U. 5096. . . Report of the inspectors of the .state prison [in obedience to a joint resolution instructing the agents and inpsectors to investigate the financial condition, management and other matters relating to that institution which may claim the attention of the legislature]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, senate document no. 15). B; D; G; S; U. 5097. . . Rtiles for the government and discipline, Sept. 9, 1881. [no imprint]. 21 p. — U. 5098. . . Souvenir booklet of the Michigan state prison, Jackson, Michigan, describing the origin, development & success of the Michigan state cannery . . . [Jackson, 1913]. [42] p. — — S. 5099. . . A trip through Michigan state prison, sold as a souvenir for the benefit of the prison band. [Jackson, n. d.]. 24 p. • B;S. 5100. . State psychopathic hospital. Biennial report of the board of trustees of the state psychopathic hospital at the University of Michigan ... 1st (1906-08) -5th (1914-16). Lansing, Mich., 1909-1917. S; U*. *The U. of M. Library- has the 1st, 3rd-5th. 5101. . State public school. Biennial report of the board of control of the Michigan state public school for dependent and ill-treated BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 549 children . . . 1871-74 to 1914-16. Lansing, Mich., 1874-1916. B*; D;S;U*. Report year varies; ends Sept. 30, 1874-1886: June 30, 1887-1916. First report covers the period from April 17, 1871 to Sept. 30, 1874. Title varies: 1871-74 to 1879-80, First-Seventh annual report of the board of control of the state public school for dependent children . . . 1880-82 to 1914-16, Biennial report of the board of control of the Michigan state public school for dependent and ill-treated children. Slight variations in title of biennial reports. 1871-74 to 1888-90, 1892-94 is.sued also as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. *The Burton Historical Collection has lst-6th annual reports, 1871-74 to 1878-79: and biennial reports, 1880-82 to 1888-90, 1892-94; the U. of M. Library has lst-7th annual re- ports, and biennial reports, 1880-82 to 1888-90, 1892-94, 1896-98 to 1914-16. 5102. . . Boys and girls of the Michigan state public school, Coldwater, Michigan, [no imprint]. Cover title, [8] p. — U. 5103. . • . Laws relating to the establishment and government of the state pubHc school for dependent children located at Coldwater, Michigan, and other laws relating to children. Coldwater, Aid- rich [18—?]. 20 p. D. 5104. . . Report of the state public school, to the Paris exposition of 1900, made by special request of the United States commission. Coldwater, Mich., 1900. Cover title, 23 p. L C; U. Title page in French. "By C. D. Randall, member of board of control state public school." — p. [3]. 5105. . State sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis. Bi- ennial report of the board of trustees of the Michigan state sanatorium and the central Michigan sanatorium for the treatment of tuberculosis ... 1st (1907-08)-5th (1914-16). Lansing, Mich., 1909-1916. S; U*. j. Title varies. *The U. of M. Library has lst-4th. 5106. . State swamp land commissioner. Report of the state swamp land commissioner of the state of Michigan . . . 1867-68 to 1883-84. Lansing, 1869-1885. S. Issued also as Joint documents of Michigan legislature. B; D; G; S; U. Title varies: 1867-68 to 1873, Report of the swamp land state road commissioner . . . ("Commissioner" changed to "commissioners," 1871-72 and 1873). 1874, Report of the state swamp land road commissioners . . . 1875 to 1881-82, Report of the state swamp land commissioner . . . Title in 1883-84 reads: Report of the state swamp land road commissioner . . . (Called "State swamp land commissioner's office." p. [3]). 5107. . State tax association. Proceedings of the 5th-6th state tax conference . . . 1916-1917. [Detroit?] Michigan state tax association [1916?-1917:i. S*;U*. *The State Library has 6th ; the U. of M. Library has 5th. 5108. . . Tax bulletin, issued by the Michi- gan state tax association ... no. 2 (October, 1916)-no. 4 (May, 1917). De- troit, 1916-1917. S. 550 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5109. . State tax statistician. First annual report of the state tax statistician. General report . . . Lansing, R. Smith printing co., state printers, 1896. [cS93] p. L C; S; U. Charles V. De Land, tax statistician. Pt. 2. Statement of taxes by counties, 1892-1895. Pt. 3. Equalization tables by counties. 5110. . State teachers' association. Memorial of E. O. Haven, A. S. Welch and J. A. B. Stone, committee of the state teachers' association, with the concurrence of Levi Bishop. E.G. Walker, U. Tracy Howe, James V. Gampbell, Z. Pitcher, D. Bethune Duffield, Orson Jackson, Joseph Warren and Ira Mayhew, uniting in the prayer of the memorialists, asking for an ap- propriation to furnish three copies of the Michigan common school journal and teachers' magazine, to every township in the state, in which common school district libraries are established. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 27). B;D;G;S;U. 5111. . . Memorial of the state teachers' association, asking that in the disposal of the swamp lands a liberal portion of the proceeds may be devoted to colleges and academies in fourteenth district. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 3 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 20). B; D; G; S; U. 5112. . . Official program, Michigan state teachers' association — Institute; 54th-64th annual meeting . . . 1906- 1916. [Grand Rapids? 1906?-1916]. S*; U*. Place of publication varies. Title varies slightly. *The State Library has 54th, 55th, 60th, 61st, 64th; the U. of M. Library has 62nd. 5113. . . Transactions of the Michi- gan state teachers' association; 8th-52nd annual meeting . . . 1859-1904. West Bay City, 1859-[1904?]. B*; G*; S^ U*. Place of publication varies. Title varies: 1859, Transactions of the eighth annual session of the Michigan state teachers' association . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1872, 1874, 1875; the Grand Rapids Pubhc Li- brarv has 1877, 1879, 1883-1886, 1888, 1891, 1894, 1895; the State Library has 1859, 1875, 1904; the U. of M. Library has 1875-1895, 1897. ' 5114. [ — . — — . Committee on educational investigations]. A study of retardation, acceleration, elimination, and repe- tition in the public elementary schools of two hundred twenty-five towns and cities of Michigan. Reported by Charles Scott Berry . . . [Ann Arbor, the Ann Arbor press, 1915?]. Cover title, 48 p. L C. Part of this report was printed in the Seventy-ninth annual report of the superintendent of pubhc instruction of the state of Michigan for the year 1915-1916. 5115. . . Executive committee. Physi- cal training section. Physical training for the city schools of Michigan. Pre- pared by executive committee, physical training section, state teachers' asso- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 551 ciation . . . [Lansing? state superintendent of ])ublic instruction, 1914]. 251 p. (Bulletin no. 2, 1914). L C; S. 5116. . . Ibid. Published by state superintendent of public instruction. [Lansing] 1915. (Bulletin no. 2, reprint 1915). 245 p. vS. 5117. . State union Sunday school association. Proceedings of the 29th-32nd annual convention . . . 1889-1892. Owosso, 1889-[1892]. B*; U*. Place of publication varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 30th-32nd; tlie U. of M. Library has 29th. 5118. . State veterinary board. Stallion registration division. . . . Report of the stallion registration division of the Michigan state veteri- nary board . . . Lansing, Michigan, 1914-1916. B*; G*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1st and 3rd; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 3rd; the U. of M. Library has 1st and 3rd. 5119. . State veterinary medical association. Proceedings of the Michigan state veterinary medical association; 31st-32nd annual con- vention, held at Lansing . . . and midsummer meeting held at Detroit . . . 1913-1914. Mount Clemens, Lee printing company, 1913-1914. — S. 31st has imprint: Coopersville, De Vos & son, printers, 1913. 5120. . Superintendent and collector of the St. Mary's Falls ship canal. Annual report of the superintendent and collector of the St. Mary's Falls ship canal . . . 1856-1880. Lansing, 1857-1881. D; S. Report year ends in December. Issued also in the series: Joint documents of Michigan legislature, 1858-1880. B; D; G; S; U. Title varies: 1856-1858, Report of the superintendent of the St. Mary's Falls ship canal. 1859-1876, Annual report of the superintendent . . . 5121. . Supreme court. Abstract of decisions rendered at the January term 1875 . . . also a complete digest, with marginal notes, indexed as to subject; also, to have an index as to title of cases. Arranged by Hoyt Post, supreme court reporter. Detroit, Richmond, Backus & co., 1875. 51 p. B. 5122. . . Communication from judges of supreme court [in compliance with a resolution asking their opinion relative to confer- ring jurisdiction in certain causes on the county and circuit courts]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, senate document no. 11). B; D; G; S; U. 5123. . — . Exercises of the supreme court of Michi- gan, at the opening of the April term, 1890, in memory of James Valentine Campbell, for thirty-two years a member of that court. Comp. by Charles Clark Hopkins, clerk, supreme court, and pub. by direction of the court. Lansing [D. D. Thorp, printer] 1890. 42 p. B; G; L C; S; U. 552 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5124. . . Michigan reports; cases decided in the supreme court of Michigan ... v. 1-193. Chicago, Callaghan & company, 1878-1917. B;D;S;U. Imprint for v. 30-36 reads: Detroit, Richmond, Backus & co., 1883-1885; v. 37-41: Lansing, state printers, 1879-1880, 1888. Title varies: v. 1-4, Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of the state of Michigan . . . V. 5-18, Michigan reports; reports of cases heard and decided in the supreme court of Michigan ... \'. 19-36, Michigan reports; reports of cases determined in the supreme court of Michi- gan . . . 5125. — . . Practice reports. Cases decided in the supreme court of Michigan in 1896, in which written opinions were not filed. Prepared and published by William D. Fuller . . . Grand Rapids, 1897. 7 p. 1., 109, [13] p. LC; U. 5126. . Traverse City state hospital. Report of the board of commissioners of the northern asylum for the insane at Traverse City . . . 1881-82 to 1884-86. Lansing, Mich., state printers and binders, 1882-1886. S. Full title for 1884-86 reads : Report of the board of commissioners of the northern asylum for the insane at Traverse City, Michigan, from October I;' 1884, to the full completion of their work November 10, 1886. Issued also as Joint documents of the Michigan legislature. 5127. . • . Report of the board of trustees of the Traverse City state hospital . . . 1885-86 to 1914-16. Lan- sing, Mich., 1886-1916. B*; D*; G*; S; U*. Report year ends June 30. Title varies: 1885-86 to 1908-10, Report of the board of trustees of the northern Michigan asylum at Traverse City . . . 1885-86 to 1892-94 issued as Joint documents of the Michigan legislature. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1885-86 to 1892-94; the main library, Detroit, has 1885-86 to 1910-12; the Grand Rapids Public Librarv has 1914-16; the U. of M. Library has 1885-86 to 1898-1900. 5128. . Treasury dept. Communication from the state treasurer relative to banks. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 8 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 1; senate document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 5129. . . Communication from the state treasurer relative to amount of tax paid by the banks of this state, &c., &c. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, senate document no. 11). • — — B; D; G; S; U. 5130. . . Communication from the state treasurer [relative to the claim of George Davies on the internal improvement fund]. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, house documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 12, p. 52-53). B; D; G; S; U. 5131. — . . Communication from the state treasurer relative to the farmers' and mechanics' bank of Michigan. [Lansing, R. W. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 553 Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, senate docu- ment no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 5132. ■ . . Communication from the state treasurer concerning the future pa\Tnents of the $5,000,000 loan, due from the United States bank of Pennsylvania. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 75, p. 272-273). — B; D; G; S; U. 5133. . . Communication from the state treasurer, in relation to bonds issued by fund commissioners. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 19, p. 29-30). B; D; G; S; U. 5134. [ . ]. [Communication presenting, agreeably with a senate resolution, a statement of the amount of funds received and dis- bursed by the state treasurer]. (Michigan, legislature, 1835-6, senate docu- ment no. 13. In Journal of the senate . . . 1835 and 1836. Detroit, John S. Bagg, printer to the legislature, 1836, p. xxvi-xxvii). B; D; G; S; U.» 5135. . . Communication from the treasurer, rela- tive to the amount and kind of funds received for state bonds. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer. 1838, no. 53, p. 532). B; D; G; S; U. 5136. . . Communication transmitting copies of reports of the superintendent of the St. Mary's Falls ship canal. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 29 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 26). B; D; G; S; U. 5137. . ■ . Communication from the state treasurer transmitting copies of reports of the suiDcrintendent of the St. Mary's Falls ship canal. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 29 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 22). B; D; G; S; U. 5138. . . Communication of state treasurer to the governor, relative to the distribution of school moneys [February 8, 1842]. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, senate dcouments. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 14, p. 45-46). B; D; G; S; U. 5139. . . Communication from the state treasurer [in compliance with a resolution relative to payment of money due from the southern railroad company]. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 20). ■ B; D; G;S;U. 5140. . . Communication from the state treasurer relative to negotiation and sale of state bonds. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1863]. 5 p., 1 1. (Michigan, legislature, 1863, house document no. 25; senate document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 554 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5141. [ — . ]. [Communication transmitting in con- fonnit}' with a resolution the receipts and expenditures from the treasury since the last annual report to the legislative council]. (Michigan, legislature, 1835-6, senate document no. 3. In Journal of the senate . . . 1835 and 1836. Detroit, John S. Bagg, printer to the legislature, 1836, p. vi-ix). B; D;G;S;U. 5142. . . Communication from the treasurer, rela- t\YC to pa>Tnent of salary to the governor. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 27, p. 320-321; senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 16, p. 298- 299). B; D; G;S;U. 5143. . . Communication from the treasurer, ex- hibiting the state of the treasury [April 6, 1838]. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 52, p. 531). B;D;G;S;U. 5144. . . Communication from the state treasurer, giving the names, salaries, etc., of the clerks employed in his office. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 28). B; D; G; S; U. 5145. . . Communication accompanying the treasurer's report. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 60, p. 562). B; D; G; S; U. 5146. . . Communication from the state treasurer in relation to weights and measures. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate document no. 10. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 89-90). B; D; G; S; U. 5147. . . Communication from the treasurer of state, relative to w- eights and measures. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 31, p. 299). B; D;G;S;U. 5148. . . Documents relative to the disburse- ments of certain money's. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 37, p. 394-398). B; D; G;S;U. 5149. . . Documents relative to the loan to the Palmyra and Jacksonburgh railroad company. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 27, p. 388- 397). B;D;G;S;U. 5150. . . Report of the treasurer of the state of Michigan . . . 1836 to 1915-16. Lansing, 1837-1916. B*; D*; G*; S*; U*. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 555 Published at Detroit, 1837-1848. Title varies slightly. Issued in a series of documents of Michigan legislature as follows: 1836, Senate document, 1837, no. 5, in Senate journal, 1837; House document, 1837, no. 5, in House journal, 1837. (This covers the period from March 1st to December 31st, 1836 and appears to be the regular report for the year). 1837, House document, 1838, no. 5; Senate document, 1838, no. 5. 1838, House document, 1839, no. 3; Senate document, 1839, no. 2. 1839, House document, 1840, v. 2, no. 14; Senate document 1840, v. 1, no. 3. 1840 to 1842-43, 1844-45 to 1887-88, 1889-90 to 1893-94, Joint documents. Part of the reports are also found in the back of the volumes of Acts of the legislature. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1836 to 1842-43, 1844-45 to 1849-50, 1852-1854, 1855-56 to 1893-94; the main library, Detroit, has 1836 to 1915-16; the Grand Rapids Pub- lic Library has 1836 to 1842-43, 1844-45 to 1854, 1855-56 to 1911-12, 1913-14 to 1915-16; the State Librarv has 1836 to 1842-43, 1844-45 to 1915-16; the U. of M. Library has 1836 to 1842-43, 1844-45 to 1854, 1855-56 to 1898-99, 1900-01 to 1915-16. 5151. — — . . Report of the state treasurer, in answer to a preamble and resolution. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, senate documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 2, p. 15-16). B;D;G;S;U. 5152. . . Report of the state treasurer in com- pliance with a resolution of the house of the 4th instant. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1838, house docuinents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 54, p. 511-512). B;D;G;S;U. 5153. . . Report of the state treasurer, in relation to the payment of certain moneys [February 12, 1842]. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1842, senate doctiments. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state. 1842, no. 19, p. 53-54). B; D; G; vS; U. 5154. . . Report of the treasurer in relation to taxes, and the kind of money paid for taxes. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 40, p. 470- 471). B; D; G; S; U. 5155. [ . ]. [Report of the state treasurer relative to weights and measures]. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, house document no. 9. In Journal of the house of representatives . . . 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 579-580). ' B; D; G; vS; U. 5156. . -^ . The state of Michigan in account with the Michigan state bank. (Michigan, legislature, 1835-6, senate document no. 14). In Journal of the senate . . . 1835 and 1836. Detroit, John S. Bagg, printer to the legislature, 1836, p. xxviii). B; D; G; S; U. 5157. . . Statement of the amount of funds on hand in the treasury, the several accounts the same stands due to, and the amount available and unavailable. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate docimients. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 38, p. 541-542). B;D;G;S;U. 5158. [ . ]. [Statement of moneys paid from the treasury under the act of March 28, 1836, for maintaining the supremacy of 556 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN the laws of Michigan]. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate document no. 18, In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 136-162). B; D; G; S; U. 5159. . University. Addresses delivered in honor of the late President James Burrill Angell of the university of Michigan at the memorial ser\'ice held in Hill auditorium, Ann Arbor, June 28, 1916. [Ann Arbor] the university, 1917. 20 p. (University bulletin, new series, vol. XVIII. no. 15, January, 1917). S. 5160. . . Answer and review of the report of the faculty and committee of the board of regents of the Michigan university, by students. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 19 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 31). B; D; G; S; U. 5161. . . . . . Campus guide book . . . Pub. by the board of regents. Comp. by the university news editor. [Ann Arbor, the university, 1915]. 53 p. (Univeristy bulletin, new series, vol. XVI, no. 13, January, 1915). B; L C; U. 5162. . . Catalogue of the academic senate of the university of Michigan, and of those Avho have received its regular and hon- orary degrees. Ann Arbor, the university, 1871. 88 p. B; G; S. 5163. . . Catalogue of the corporation officers and students in the department of medicine, arts and science in the university of Michigan, 1852-53. Detroit, free press book and job office print, 1853. 39 p. — B. 5164. — ■ . . Catalogue of the officers and students of the Romeo branch of the university of Michigan, Romeo, Macomb county, Michigan, 1849-50. Detroit, Jabcz Fox and co., printers, 1850. 16 p. B. 5165. ■ — — . . Catalogue of the university of Michigan, 1843-44 to 1916-17. Ann Arbor, the tmiversity, 1843-1917. B*; D*; G*; vS*; U. Title varies: 1843-44 to 1870-71, Catalogue of the officers and .students . . . ;1871-72 to 1913-14, Calendar of the university of Michigan . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1843-44, 1850-51, 1854-55, 1855-56, 1858, 1859, 1861 to 1870-71, 1887-88; the main library, Detroit, has 1855-56 to 1913-14; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1861 to 1880-81, 1883-84, 1884-85, 1887-88 to 1909-10; the State Library has 1858 to 1916-17. 5166. . — . Code of laws for the government of the branches of the university of Michigan, adopted by the board of regents of the university. Printed by order of the board. Detroit, Kingsbury & Dally, printers, 1837. 18 p. B. 5167. . . Code of laws for the government of the branches of the university of Michigan, adopted by the board of regents of the university. Pub. by order of the board. Detroit, Harsha & Bates, printers, 1839, 16 p. L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 557 5168. . . Code of rules and regulations for the gov- ernment of the university of Michigan, adopted by the board of regents July 19,1848. [Ann Arbor? 1848?]. 14 p. B. 5169. . . A collection of 'varsity verse, from the various publications of the university of Michigan . . . [Ann Arbor, Inland press, 1899]. 6 books in 1 v. U. 5170. . . The commencement annual of the uni- versity .of Michigan ... v. 1-22. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1881-1902. B*; D*; G*; U. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 3 and 10; the main library, Detroit, has v. 3, 4, 6; the Grand Rapids Public Library has v. 3-5, 7-8, 12, 14. 5171. [ . — ]. The conference question. [Ann Arbor? 1913?]. [8] p. S. 5172. . . Constitutional provisions, laws and by- laws of the university of Michigan. Rev. ed.; adopted February 16, 1864 Ann Arbor, the university, 1864. 31 p. ■ B; L C; S; U. 5173. . . Ibid. Rev. ed.; adopted. July 18, 1883. Ann Arbor, the university, 1883. 40 p. B; G; U. 5174. • — — . . . . . Death notices, supplementary to gen- eral catalogue of officers and students, 1837-1911. (Jime, 1912-August, 1913). Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1913. 12 p. (University bullistin, new series, vol. XIV, no. 18, September, 1913). ■ S. 5175. . . Ibid. (October, 1913-August, 1914). Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1914. lip. (University bulletin, new series, vol. XVI, no. 7.) B; L C. 5176. — . . Ibid. (October, 1915-August, 1916). Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1916. 16 p. (University bulletin, new series, vol. XVIII, no. 10, October, 1916). — S. 5177. . . . . . Directory of the members of the fac- ulties and other officers . . . 1911-12 to 1916-17. Ann Arbor, the university, 1911-1916. ^S*;U. *The State Library has 1916-17. 5178. [ . ]. [Examination questions, 1913-1916]. [no imprint]. U. 5179. . . . . . Exercises at the inauguration of Presi- dent Angell and the laying of the comer-stone of university hall. Ann Arbor, the university, 1871. 33 p. G; L C; S. At head of title: University of Michigan. 5180. . . Exercises at the unveiling of the monument erected in memory of Henry Simmons Frieze. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1899. 26 p. B;LC. 558 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5181. . . . . . Extension service, 1916-1917. Ann Arbor, the university, 1916. 72 p. (University bulletin, new scries, vol. XVIII, no. 5, August, 1916). ■ S. 5182. . . . . . General catalogue of officers and graduates from its organization in 1837 to 1860. Ann Arbor, the university, 1860. 70 p. B. x\t head of title: State university of Michigan. 5183. . . ... A general catalogue of the officers and graduates from its organization in 1837 to 1864. Ann Arbor, the university, 1864. 40 p. S; U. 5184. — . . . . . General catalogue of officers and students, 1837-1890. Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1891. viii, 472 p. B;G;LC;U. 5185. . . Ibid. 1837-1901. Ann Arbor, the univer- sity, 1902. viii, 706 p. L C; S; U. 5186. . . Ibid. 1837-1911. Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1912. viii, 1095, [1] p. — B; L C; S; U. 5187. . . General directory of the students of the imiversity of Michigan, 1895-96 . . . [Ann Arbor?] S. A. Moran [1895?]. 80 p. B. 5188. . . Good Michigan songs. Printed by the alumni association of the university of Michigan. [Ann Arbor!* n. d.]. not paged. B. 5189. . . Junior hop souvenir. 1898. University illustrated magazine. [Ann Arbor, Inland press, 1898]. not paged. U. 5190. . . Laws, ordinances, by-laws and regulations for the government of the university of Michigan. Rev. and adopted Decem- ber 20, 1860; took effect February 1, 1861. Detroit, John Slater's book and job printing establishment, 1861. 32 p. B; U. 5191. . . Laying of the comer-stone of the new medi- cal building. Tuesday, the fifteenth of October, 1901. [Ann Arbor?] 1901. 64 p. D;S; U. 5192. . . List of periodicals now on file at the li- braries of the university of Michigan. Published by the U. of M. daily. [Ann Arbor] 1896. [12] p. S. 5193. . . . . . List of students who have pursued courses of instruction in the science and the art of teaching, during the years 1879-80, 1880-81. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1882. 16 p. L C. At head of title: University of Michigan. 5194. . . . . . Memorial discourses. Address on BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 559 Thomas Mclntyre Coolcy, by Charles A. Kent, A.M. Address on Edward Lorraine Walter, by Richard Hudson, A. M. Delivered in university hall by request of the senate, February, 26, 1899. [Ann Arbor] the university, 1899. 40 p. B; D;G;LC;S;"U. At head of title: University of Michigan. 5195. — . . Memorial discourses on the life and serv- ices of Cory don L. Ford . . . delivered in university hall b}' request of the senate, June 10, 1894, by Victor C. Vaughan and Martin L. D'Ooge . . . Ann Arbor, Mich'., the university, 1894. 31 p. G; L C; U. 5196. . . Memorial of Geo. P. Tindall, Wm. A. Moore, Ashley Pond, Edwin Willits and Dwight May, a coinmittee appointed by the societ}^ of the alumni, of the university of Michigan, to memorialize the legislature, in relation to increasing the endowment of said university. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, house document no. 5). B; D; G; S; U. 5197. . . . . . The meinorial addresses delivered in university hall, November 26, 1880, at the funeral of Professor James Craig Watson, Ph.D., LL.D., professor in the university from 1859 to 1879, by Acting President Henry S. Frieze, Professor Charles K. Adams, Professor Alexander Winchell, and Honorable Thomas M. Cooley. [Ann Arbor] the university, 1882. 1 p. 1., 36 p. G; L C; S; U. At head of title: University of Michigan. 5198. . . Memorial of the president of the univer- sity of Michigan. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, senate document no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 5199. . . A memorial of the seventy-fifth anniv^er- sary of the founding of the university of Michigan, held in commencement week, June 23 to June 27, 1912. Ann Arbor, the university, 1915. vii, [1], 216,'[1] p. D; G; L C; wS; U. 5200. . . The Michigan book. Ann Arbor [The in- land press] 1898. 323 p. B; D; L C; S. 5201. [ . — ]. [Michigan union]. [Ann Arbor, 1914]. [42] p. S. 5202. . . The Michigan university book, 1844-1880. [Comp. by] Theodore R. Chase . . . Detroit, Mich., Richmond, Backus & co., 1881. 399 p. B;G;LC;S;U. 5203. . ■ . . . . Ofificial student directory of the smn- mer session . . . Ann Arbor, The wolverine, 1917. 38 p. U. At head of title: University of Michigan. 5204. . . The phi chapter of the fraternity of psi upsilon in the university of Michigan, 1865-1905. [Ann Arbor?] 1906. 122 p. D. 560 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5205. . . The president's report to the board of regents . . . 1852-53 to 1908-09. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1853-1909. — B*; S*; U*. Report year irregular. Title varies. 1896-97 to 1899-1900 include Report of the treasurer. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1852-53, 1855-56, 1869-70 to 1871-72, 1873-74, 1876-77, 1878-79, 1881-82, 1883-84, 1889-90 to 1891-92, 1893-94 to 1895-96, 1897-98, 1899- 1900 to 1904-05. 1907-08, 1908-09; the State Library has 1865-66, 1866-67, 1869-70 to 1871- 72, 1875-76 to 1881-82, 1897-98, 1898-99, 1901-02, 1902-03, 1905-06, 1907-08; the U. of M. Library has 1852-53, 1855-56, 1869-70 to 1908-09. 5206. . . Private and local gifts to state universities. [no imprint]. [8] p. U. 5207. . . Programme for commencement week, 1868-1915. [Ann Arbor? 1868-1915]. U. 5208. . . . . . Programme of instruction in history, including constitutional law and politics; political economy and finance; sociology and, statistics ; international law ; administrative and municipal law ; general and commercial law; Roman law and Roman institutions; with an announcement and an explanation of special courses in higher commercial education and public administration. Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1900-1901. 24 p. S. Under same cover are : . . . Bulletin of information respecting the course in higher com- mercial education. May, 1901. Ann Arbor, IMich., the universitj^ 1901. 10 p.; and, . . . Announcement of the course of instruction in history" and political science and of the com- bined course in collegiate and law studies, the course in higher commercial education, the course in public administration. 1901-1902. Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1901. 32 p. 5209. . . The proposed laborator}^ of hygiene at the Michigan state university. [Arguments in its favor from various sources]. Detroit, American pharmacist publishing co. [n. d.]. Cover title, 25 p. B;U. 5210. ■ . . Report of committee on requirements for the doctors' degrees. Adopted by the administrative council of the graduate school, June, 1893. [no imprint]. Caption title, 2 p. U. 5211. . . Report on a department of hygiene and physical culture in the university of Michigan, by a committee of the uni- versity senate. Ann Arbor, the university, 1870. Cover title, 18 p. U. 5212. . . Report of the receipts and disbursements of the university of Michigan for the year ending September 30, 1880. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1880. 65 p. S. 5213. . . Rides and regidations for the government of the hospitals of the university of Michigan. Adopted by the board of regents 1891. Joseph Clark, supeHntendent. Ann Arbor, the university, 1891. 11, [1] p. L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 561 5214. . . . . Suggested programs of study in busi- ness administration; announcement, 1916-1917. Ann Arbor, the university, 1916. 23 p. (University bulletin, new series, vol. XVIII, no. 8, September, 1916). S. 5215. . . Synopsis of lectures to senior college class and others, by C. L. Ford. Commencing November 13, 1872. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. [Ann Arbor] J. R. Webster & co., 1872. 7 p. LC. 5216. • . Tappan Presbyterian association of the university of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1895; [historical sketch]. [Detroit, Wilton-Smith co.] 1895. [14] p. S. 5217. ■ . . To wit: Department of law. University of Michigan class of '94. Founded and published by the senior law class of '94. [Ann Arbor, The register publishing CO., 1894]. 236 p. — — B. 5218. • . . University bulletin, new series, v. 1(1900)- V. 17(1915-16). Ann Arbor, 1900-1916. S*; U. V. 8, no. 8 never published. *The State Library has v. 1, no. 1, 2, 5; v. 2, no. 2, 6-9; v. 3, no. 1, 2, 5, LS, 14, 17, 19, 21; V. 4, no. 1, 5. 7-11, '13, 15-17; v. 5, no. 1, 3, 5-13, 15, 21; v. 6, no. 1, 3-6, 8-12, 15, 16; v. 7, no. 1,4, 7, 8, 10-13, 15-17, 19;v. 8, no. 1-3,6, 7, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21; v. 9, no. 1, 2,4-7, 13, 15, 17; V. 10, no. 1-3, 7, 9-11, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25; v. 11, no. 3-6, 16, 20, 22, 23; v. 12, no. 2, 3 5,8, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24; v. 13, no. 1-8, 13, 14, 18, 19, 21; v. 14, no. 1, 3, 6, 7, 11, 13, 16, 18- 21, 26; V. 15, no. 1, 2, 4, 5, 13, 14, 16, 17, 25, 27; v. 16, no. 1, 4, 13, 17, 18, 21, 24, 25, 29, 34, 35, 37; v. 17, no. 2, 8, 9, 15-17, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31-34. 5219. . . University training for newspaper work. Announcement, 1910-11 to 1916-17. Ann Arbor, 1910-1916. U*. *The U. of M. Library has 1910-11, 1913-14 to 1916-17. 5220. • . . University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; photo- gra\aires. Ann Arbor, Mich., G. Wahr [cl904]. 2 p., 32 plates. — — U. 5221. . . University of Michigan. 1871-1896; the quarter-centennial celebration of the presidency of James Burrill Angell, LL.D. June 24, 1896. Ann Arbor, the university, 1896. vii, 92 p. B;G; L C; S; U. On verso of title page : Edition of five hundred copies. 5222. • . . University of Michigan, 1837-1887. The semi-centennial celebration of the organization of the university of Michigan, June 26-30, 1887. Ann Arbor, the university, 1888. vii, 318 p. B; G; LC;S;U. 5223. • . . 'Varsity stories gathered from the student publications at the university of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Inland press, 1900. 1 p. 1., 201 p. U. 5224. . . What's what at Michigan, 1912-1913; An authoritative handbook of athletics, student activities, customs and tradi- tions, comparative statistics, etc., for the university of Michigan. Published 71 562 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN by H. Beach Carpenter . . . Adna R. Johnson, jr . . . Ann Arbor, 1912. 128 p. '- S. 5225. . . Board of regents. Communication from the board of regents of the university [relative to a plan for the university pre- sented by x'\lexander Davis of New York city]. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 23, p. 459- 462). B; D; G; S; U. 5226. • . . . Communication from the regents of the university [relative to amendments to the act providing for the goveminent of that institution]. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, house document no. 17. In Journal of the house of representatives . . . 1837. De- troit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 600). B; D; G; S; U. 5227. . . . The defalcation in the chemical laboratory of the universit>^ of Alichigan. Speeches delivered in the board of regents, April 11, 1878, by Regents Grant, Rynd, Dufheld and Cutcheon, (Reported stenographically by F. W. Upton, of Detroit). [Ann Arbor? 1878?]. Caption title, 45 p. B; S. 5228. [ . . ]. [Explanation of ap- propriations asked from legislature]. [Ann Arbor] 1917. 19 p. (University bulletin, new series, vol. XVIII, no. 24, March, 1917). S. 5229. . . . The medical depart- ment and the hospital of the university of Michigan; report of the regent's committee on the medical department. [Ann Arbor, Register steam printing house, n. d.]. 5 p. S. 5230. . . . A memoir, embracing an epitome of the transactions of the regents of the university, with some reasons for the adoption of their more important measures from 1837, to June 30, 1851. Prepared at the request of the board of regents, by Z. Pitcher. Lansing, Ingals, Hedges & eo., printers, 1852. 16 p. B. 5231. . . . Memorial of the board of regents of the university. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state 1859]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 1; senate document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 5232. . . . Memorial of the board of regents of the university of Michigan to the honorable, the senate and the house of representatives. [Ann Arbor? 1883?]. Caption title, 7 p. S. 5233. . . . Memorial of the board of regents of the university of Michigan to the honorable, the senate and the house of representatives. [Ann Arbor? 1885?]. Caption title, 11 p. S. 5234. . . — . Memorial of the board of regents of the university of Michigan, to the honorable, the senate and house • BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 563 of representatives. [Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor courier print, 1887?]. Caption title, 11 p. S. 5235. • . . -■ . Memorial of the board of regents of the universit}^ of Michigan, relating to the debt of said univer- sity. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 4 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1857, house document no. 6; senate document no. 6). B;D;G; S; U. 5236. . . . Memorial of the board of regents of the university of Michigan, asking payment to the university fund of certain interest moneys. [Lansing, Geo. W. Peck, printer to the state, 1853]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1853, senate document no. 2). B;D; G; S; U. 5237. . . — . Memorial of the board of regents of the university, praying for relief. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house docu- ment no. 11; senate document no. 2). • B; D; G; S; U. 5238. • . . . Petition of the board of regents of the iniiversity of Michigan. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867]. 12 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1867, house document no. 1). B;D;G;S;U. 5239. . . . Proceedings of the board of regents of the university of Michigan ... 1837-1917. Ann Arbor, 1837- 1917. G; S; U. 5240. . . . Remonstrance in behalf of the board of regents of the university against the passage of the senate bill entitled "a bill to repeal act no. 143, of the session laws of 1859, relating to the university interest fund. " [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 10 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, senate document no. 23). B; D:G;S;U. 5241. . . . Report of the board of regents of the university [December 31, 1840, in obedience to the joint reso- lution approved March 25, 1840 requiring the board to report at the com- mencement of their session what changes, if any, are necessary to be made in the organic law of the state relative to said university, in order to secure more effectually the objects of the same]. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, joint docu- ments. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, no. 7, p. 265-266). B; D;G; S; U. 5242. . • — — . . Report of the com- mittee appointed by the board of regents to investigate the recent difficulties at the university, together with the report of the facility to the board. [Lan- sing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 52 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, house document no. 6; senate document no. 16). B; D; G; S; U. 564 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGA'N 5243. . . . Report of the com- mittee on professorships, of the board of regents of the university of Michi- gan, April 2d, 1845. Detroit, printed by Harsha & Wilcox, 1845. 10 p. B;U. 5244. — — . . . Report of a select com- mittee of the board of regents on the collection of the state geologist. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 1, p. 1-2; senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838. no. 1, p. 1-2). B;D;P;S;U. 5245. ■ . . . Statement of the secre- tary of the board of regents of the university of Michigan, in reply to the reso- lution of the senate, adopted on the 21st January, 1850. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 27 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate docu- ment no. 11). B;D;G;S;U. 5246. — . . . Executive coinmittee. Communication from executive committee of board of regents [in accordance with a resolution of the senate requesting an opinion on whether the interest of the university will be promoted b}^ a reduction of the price of university lands, and any reasons which may exist in favor of or against such reduction]. [Detroit, Bagg & Hannon, printers to the state, 1846]. 8 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1846, senate document no. 24). B; D; G; S; U. 5247. [ . . . ] . [Letter from J. Kearsley, chairman of the executive committee of the board of regents to Governor Alpheus Felch in answer to his note covering a copy of the senate resolution relative to the geological, mineralogical, zoological and botanical department of the university of Michigan]. [Detroit, Bagg & Har- mon, printers to the state, 1846]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, senate document no. 17). B; D; G; S; U. 5248. . . . . Petition of executive committee of board of regents of the university of Michi- gan, asking the passage of a law requiring the commissioner of land office to report to said board the sales of university lands. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house documents. Lansing, Munger & Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 16, p. 72-73). B; D; G; S; U. 5249. — . . Class of 1858. The class of "fifty-eight", university of Michigan, 1858 to 1913. [Cleveland] L. E. Holden, 1913. 70 p. D; G;LC;S; U. 5250. . . Class of 1859. The class of " fifty-nine, " university of Michigan. Compiled by the secretary, William James Beal, 1917. [no imprint]. 50 1. S. Mimeographed copy. Edwards brothers, Ann Arbor, mimeographers. 5251. . . Class of 1869. University of Michigan. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 565 The class of sixty-nine in 1887. Written by Classmate Henry Allen Chaney, by order of the class. Detroit, printed by T. Smith [1887?]. 40 p., 1 1. B;G;LC;S;U. 5252. . . Class of 1870. History of the class of 70 of the university of Michigan. Comp. and arranged by Charles S. Carter, secretary.- Pub. by authority of the class. [Milwaukee, Wis., press of Bur- dick, Armitage & Allen] 1891. 152 p., 1 1. L C; S; U. 5253. . . . History of the class of '70, department of literature, science and the arts, university of Michigan. Ed. by Charles S. Carter, secretary . . . [Milwaukee, Wis., press of Burdick & Allen], by authority of the class, 1903. xii, 394 p. B; L C; U. 5254. ■ . . Class of 1873. . . . Record of the class of '73, university of Michigan. Detroit, Ferguson printing company, 1888. 42 p. B;LC;S;U. Secretary: W. M. Carrier. (Prefatory note signed: Wm. Carrier Mathews). At head 'of title: 1873 [— ] 5255. . — . Class of 1875. . . . Record of the class of '75. university of Michigan. Published by vote of the class. [Ann Arbor? 1888.^]. 54 p.' • B. At head of title: 1875 [— ] 1888. 5256. . — . Class of 1893. Vigintennial rettnion. Class of ninety-three, Ann Arbor June 23-24-25-26-27, 1912. [St. Louis, Quinlan- Frick printing compan}^ 1912?]. 32 p. U. 5257. . . Clinical society. Transactions of the clini- cal society of the university of Michigan, v. 1-7. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1910- 1916. -^— B;U. 5258. . . College of dental surgery. Annual an- nouncement, no. 1 (1875)-no. 42 (1916-17). Ann Arbor, Mich., the univer- sity, 1875-1916. B*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1900-01; the U. of M. Library has 1875, 1879-80, 1880-81, 1882-83 to 1887-88, 1889-90 to 1910-11, 1912-13 to 1916-17. 5259. . . College of engineering. Proceedings of the second annual short course highway engineering held at the university of Michigan, February 21 to 25, 1916, under the direction of the college of engi- neering with the co-operation of the Michigan state highway department . . . Ann Arbor, the university, 1916. 331 p. (University bulletin, new series, vol. XVHI, no. 17, December, 1916). S. 5260. . . . Special announce- ment . . . Six year course, 1908-09 to 1909-10. Ann Arbor, the university, 1908-1909. U. 5261. . . . Specifications, de- scriptive geometry drawing. University of Michigan, college of engineering, 566 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN department of descriptive geometry and dra^vinJ^^ Ann Arbor, Mich., G. Wahr. 1915. [16] p. L C. ' 5262. . . . Mechanical dept. Drawing standards and conventions. University of Michigan, department of engineering, mechanical department. Ann Arbor, Mich., G. Wahr [cl908]. 2 p. ]., 19 pi. on 18 1. L C. 5263. . . Colleges of engineering and architecture. General announcement . . . 1895-96 to 1917-18. Ann Arbor [1895J-1917. B*; D*; G*; S*; U. Title varies: 1895-96 to 1912-13 called: Department of engineering. 1913-14: Departments of engineering and architecture. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1902-03, 1903-04, 1911-12; the main Hbrary, De- troit, has 1905-06; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1911-12; the State Library has 1902-03, 1905-06, 1906-07. 5264. . . . Special announcement . . . 1901-02 to 1916-17. [Ann Arbor:^ 1901?-1916?]. U. 5265. . '■ . College of literature, science and the arts. Announcement, college of literature, science, and the arts, 1871-72 to 1916-17. Ann Arbor, [1871 ?]-1916. D*; S*; U*. *The main library, Detroit, has 1883-84 to 1902-03; the State Library has 1900-01 to 1906-07, 1916-17; the U. of M. Library has 1871-72 to 1874-75, 1877-78, 1879-80 to 1916-17. 5266. . . , . . . . Announcement of the courses in higher commercial education . . . 1902- 03 to 1906-07. Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1902-1906. U*. At head of title: University of Michigan. *The U. of M. Library has 1902-03, 1903-04, 1906-07. 5267. . . ,■ . Announcement of the courses in landscape design, 1910-11 to 1916-17. Ann Arbor, 1910-1916. U*. *The U. of M. Library has 1910-11, 1913-14, 1914-15, 1916-17. 5268. . . , . . . . Announcement of the work in forestry for 1903-04 to 1915-16. Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1903-1915. U*. *The U. of M. Library has 1903-04 to 1906-07, 1908-09 to 1912-13, 1914-15, 1915-16. 5269. . . , . Courses in business administration. Announcement, 1909-10 to 1916-17. Ann Arbor, 1909-1916. U. 5270. . . , . List of accredited schools . . . 1908-09 to 1913-14. Ann Arbor, 1908-1913. U. 5271. . . , BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 567 Order of examinations for higher degrees, 1883-1909. Ann Arbor, 1883-1909. S*;U. Title varies. *The State Library has 1903, 1904, 1906. 5272. . . , . . . . Summer session . . . 1900-1903. Ann Arbor, the university, 1900- 1903. B*; S*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1903; the State Library has 1900-1901. 5273. .■ . , . Botanical dept. Field studies in botany. Published by the university of Michigan. Prepared by the botanical department . . . no. 1-5. [Ann Arbor] 1906. U. 5274. . . , . School of political science. Annual announcement of the school of political science in the university of Michigan . . . no. 1 (1881)-no. 4 (1884-85). Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1881-1885. B*; S*; U. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 2nd; the State Library has 4th. 5275. . . College of pharmacy. . . . Announcement for [1880-81 to 1916-17]. Register of Alumni for [1869-1915]. Ann Arbor, the university, 1881-1916. — B*; vS*; U. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1880-81 to 1886-87, 1888-89 to 1891-92, 1893-94; the vState Liorary has 1899-1900. 5276. . . . Index to the con- tributions of original work done by the alumni of the school of pharmacy of the university of Michigan, 1870-1876. [Ann Arbor, Register print, n. d.]. 8 p. B. 5277. . . . . . . Register of alumni, 1895. Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1895. Cover title, 44 p. LC. 5278. . . Detroit observatory. . . . Publications of the astronomical observatory of the university of Michigan, vol. I-II. Ann Arbor, the university, 1912-1916. 2 v. S; U. At head of title : Detroit observatory. 5279. . . . Report of the direc- tor of the Detroit observatory of the university of Michigan, to the board of regents, for the period beginning October 1, 1879, and ending January 1, 1881. Published by the regents. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Thq courier steam printing establishment, 1881. Cover title, 20 p. U. 5280. . . Electro-therapeutical laboratory. Bulletin of the electro-therapeutical laboratory of the university of Michigan, v. 1-4. Ann Arbor, Mich., Inland press, 1894-1897. U. Published quarterly. 568 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5281. . . Engineering society. Constitution and by- laws of the engineering society of the university of Michigan, together with a list of the officers for the first semester, 1882-83, and the engineering faculty. Ann Arbor, the society, 1882. 12 p. L C. 5282. . . . Selected papers read before the engineering society of the university of Michigan . . . Ann Arbor, 1883-1885. LC; U. ' 5283. . . Gallery of art and archaeology. Catalogue of the gallery of art and archaeology in the university of Michigan, by Martin L. D'Ooge, curator of the gallery. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1892. 94, [4] p. G;U. 5284. . . . Ibid. Ann Arbor, the university [189-?]. 116 p. L C. 5285. . • . • . Descriptive catalogue of the museum of art and antiquities, in the university of Michigan. Ann Arbor, E. B. Pond, printer, 1857. 38 p. D; G; L C. Cover dated 1858. Compiled by Henry S. Frieze. 5286. — — . . Graduate school. Annual announcement . . . 1892-93 to 1916-17. Ann Arbor, the university, 1892-1916. D*; G*; S*; U. *The main library, Detroit, has 1892-93, 1893-94, 1895-96, 1897-98 to 1901-02, 1905-06, 1906-07; the Grand Rapids Pubhc Library has 1907-08; the State Library has 1901-02, 1903-04, 1904-05, 1906-07. 5287. . . Homoeopathic medical school. Annual an- nouncement of the homoeopathic medical school of the university .of Michigan for . . . 1876-77 to 1916-17. Ann Arbor, the university, 1876-1916. B*; D*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1883-84; the main library, Detroit, has 1914-15; the U. of M. Library has 1876-77, 1879-80 to 1885-86, 1888-89, 1889-90, 1891-92 to 1916-17. 5288. . . . Souvenir. Homoeopathic college and hospital, university of Michigan, [no imprint]. Cover title, 24 p. U. 5289. . . Law school. Annual announcement . . . 1883-84 to 1916-17. Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1884-1916. B*;S*;U*. Title varies. Includes Catalogue of students, 1884,85 to 1915-16. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1886-87, 1890-91, 1892-93, 1899-1900; the State Library has 1890-91, 1892-93, 1899-1900, 1902-03 to 1905-06; the U. of M. Library has 1883-84 to 1886-87, 1888-89 to 1901-02, 1903-04, 1905-06 to 1907-08, 1909-10, 1910-11, 1912-13 to 1916-17. 5290. . . . Graduates of the law depart- ment of the university of Michigan; a record, 1860-75. Detroit, tribune print- ing company, 1875. 36 p. B:S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 569 5291. . . . Res gestae; annual publica- tion of the senior class of the law department, 1895-1896. [Ann Arbor, 1895- 1896]. B. 5292. . . . vSummer session, department of law . . . 3rd-23rd annual announcement, 1896-1917. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1896-1917. ■ S*; U. *The State Library has the 5th-8th and 23rd annual announcement. 5293. . . Library. Catalogue of the library of the university of Michigan, 1846. Printed by order of the board of regents, under the direction of S. S. Schoff, assistant librarian. Ann Arbor, 1846. 48 p. - — B;S;U. 5294. . . . . . . Course in library methods, 1917. . . [Ann Arbor, 1917]. [4] p. (Supplement to University bulletin, new series, vol. XVIII, no. 18, March, 1917). S. 5295. . . . . . . Library staff manual. Pro- visional ed. Ann Arbor [priv. printed by the librarian at the Ann Arbor press] 1911. Cover title, 31 p. L C; S; U. Preface signed: Theodore W. Koch, Librarian. 5296. . . . Ibid. [2d ed.]. Ann Arbor, [Ann Arbor press] 1912. Cover title, 31 [1] p. L C; U. 5297. . . . Ibid. 3d ed. Ann Arbor [the Ann Arbor press, printers] 1912. 40 p. B; L C; U. 5298. . . . Public exercises on the comple- tion of the library building of the university of Michigan, Dec. 12, 1883. Ann Arbor, the university, 1884. 47 p. G; L C; S; U. 5299. • — . . . University of Michigan library, 1905-1912; a brief review by the librarian. Ann Arbor, priv. print, [by the Ann Arbor press] 1912. 19,' [1] p. B; D; L C; S; U. Foreword signed: T. W. K. [i. e. Theodore Wesley Koch]. 5300. — ■■ •-. . Library committee. Memorial of the li- brary committee to the board of regents [January 10, 1881, in compliance with a resolution of the board of regents requesting the committee "to prepare a memorial setting forth in full the necessity of a library building and the rea- sons therefor"]. [Ann Arbor? 1881?]. 8 p. S. 5301. — . — . Medical school. Catalogue of the officers and students, session of 1851-52 to 1878-79. Ann Arbor, 1852-1878. B*. Place of publication varies : Detroit, 18,'52. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1851-52, 1875-76 to 1878-79. 5302. . . . An historical sketch of the department of medicine and surgery of the university of Michigan. Re- printed from the Medical news, April 20, 1901. New York, 1901. 1 p. 1., 23 p. S. 570 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5303. . . . . . . Memorial on female medical education. [Ann Arbor, 1870]. Caption title, 3 p. L C. At head of title: University of Michigan. Signed: A. B. Crosby, S. H. Douglass, A. B. Pahner. 5304. . . . Summer session of the department of medicine and surgery . . . Announcement . . . 1900-1905. Ann Arbor, the imiversity, 1900-1905. D*; S*; U. *The main Hbrary, Detroit, has 1902; the State Library has 1900 and 1901. 5305. . . Museum. Report of the curator. Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1867-1909. U. 5306. . . . Report, historical and statistical, on the collections in geology, zoology and botany in the museum of the uni- versity of Michigan, made to the board of regents, Oct. 2d, 1863, by Alexander Winchell . . . Ann Arbor, the university, 1864. 26 p. B; L C; S; U. 5307. — ■ . ■ . . Statement of operations in the museum, in the department of "geology, zoology and botany," and the de- partment of "ethnology and relics, " for the year ending 20th September, 1866. [Ann Arbor, the university, 1866]. Caption title, ^12 p. L C. Signed: Alex. Winchell. 5308. . . Museum of art and history. Catalogue of the museum of art and history in the university of Michigan, by Henry S. Frieze. Ann Arbor, the university, 1876. 80 p. U. 5309. . . Museum of natural history. Catalogue of the Trowbridge collection of natural history in the museum of the university of Michigan. Ann Arbor, the university, 1861. iv, 32 p. L C; U. A collection of specimens of natural history, chiefly of North America, made by Lieut. W. P. Trowbridge, donated to the university by the Smithsonian institution. 5310. . . Museum of zoology. Occasional papers of the museum of zoology, university of Michigan . . . no. 1-41. Ann Arbor, the university, 1913-1917. — D*; S; U*. *The main library, Detroit, has no. 1-20; the U. of M. Library has.no. 1-2, 9-11. 5311. . . Pathological laboratory. . . . Contribu- tions from the pathological laboratory . . . Reprints, v. 1 (1896)-v. 7 (1915- 16). Ann Arbor, Mich., 1906-1916. U. "Twenty copies issued. " Aldred Scott Warthin, director. 5312. . . Physical laboratory. Contributions from the physical laboratory of the uni\-ersity of Michigan, no. 1-2. Ann Arbor, Mich.. 1913-1915. S; U. 5313. . . Professors. Memorial of the professors of the university of Michigan [relative to the condition and wants of the institu- tion]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 5 p. (Michi- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 571 gan, legislature, 1855, house docament no. 16; senate document no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 5314. . • Quadrangle. The quadrangle book, being excerpts from " Q " . . . Ann Arbor, 1914. 195 p. L C. "Printed by quadrangle for private distribution. The edition numbers 150 copies, of which this is number 140. " 5315. . . Senate. Memorial of the university senate, relative to establishing a chair of homeopathy in the university of Michigan. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 5 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1861, house document no. 28). B; D; G; S; U. 5316. . . Summer session. Abridged announcement, 1911-1916. Ann Arbor, 1911-1916. B*; D*; S*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1911, 1913-1916; the main library, Detroit, has 1912-1914; the State Library has 1914-1916; the U. of M. Library has 1915. 5317. . — ■ . . Announcement . . . 1894-19^17. Ann Arbor, 1894-1917. D*; S*; U*. Title varies slightly. *The main library, Detroit, has 1896-1903, 1909, 1910, 1913, 1914; the State Library has 1894-1897, 1903, 1917; the U. of M. Librarv has the announcements of the biological station for 1909-1916. 5318. . . Training school for nurses. . . . Annual announcement, 1915-1916. Ann Arbor, the university, 1916. 21 p. (Uni- versity bulletin, new series, vol. XVII, no. 22, January, 1916). • — — - U. At head of title: University of Michigan. Training school for nurses. 5319. . . University homoeopathic hospital. Annual report . . . 1897-98 to 1911-12. [Ann Arbor, Mich.] 1898-1913. • U*. *The U. of M. Library has 1897-98, 1908-09, 1910-11, 1911-12. 5320. . '■ . University hospital. Clinic for the exami- nation and treatment of patients suffering from tuberculosis of the lungs (Con- simiption). [no imprint]. [7] p. U. 5321. . . . Report of the univer- sity hospital of the university of Michigan for the year ending June 30, 1893- 1911. Ann Arbor, the university, 1893-1911. S*; U. *The State Library has 1892-93 and 1893-94. 5322. . . . Dept. of gynecology and obstetrics. [Case records] v. 1-20. [Ann Arbor, 1909-1915]. U*. *The U. of M. Library has v. 1, no. 351-650; v. 2, no. 2100 to v. 20, no. 7300. 5323. — . . University musical society. Annual May festival of the university of Michigan . . . 1897-1917. Ann Arbor, Mich., University musical society, 1897-1917. B*; S*; U. On cover: Oflficial program book. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1899 and 1901; the State Library has 1902, 1909, 1911. 5324. . Western state normal school. . . . Bulletin; published 572 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN quartcrh' by the western state normal school, v. 2-10. Kalamazoo, Mich. [1905]-1914.' S*; U*. *Thc State Library has v. 2, no. 3-4; v. 3, no. 2-3; v. 4, no. 1; v. 10, no. 1; the U. of M. Library has v. 4-6, 9. 5325. . . Year book of the western state nonnal school for 1904-05 to 1913-14, including announcement for 1905- 06 to 1914-15 and register of students. Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1905-1914. G*; S*; U*. *The Grand Rapids PubHc Library has 1908-09; the State Library has 1904-05, 1905-06, 1913-14; the U. of M. Library- has 1908-09 to 1911-12. 5326. . . Training dept. Course of study for the kindergarten and first eight grades, 1915. Kalamazoo, Mich., training department. Western state normal school [1915?]. 196 p. G. Cover numbered : Vol. 10, no. 2. 5327. . Woman's press association. Constitution and by-laws of the Michigan woman's press association; names and addresses of members. Organized in Traverse Cit}', July 22, 1890. [no imprint]. 12 p. S. 5328. . . . . . Proceedings of the second annual session, held in Battle Creek, Alieh., June 9-11, '91 . . . Battle Creek, Mich., Wm. C. Gage & sons, printers, 1892. 24 p. S. At head of title: IVIichigan woman's press association. 5329. [— — . ]. [Program of the 23rd- 24th annual meeting], [n. p., 1912-1913]. — S. 5330. . Woman's press club. Leaves from our lives. Colimi- bian souvenir, Michigan woman's press club. [Grand Rapids, Mich., Dean printing and publishing co., 1894]. 63 p. S. 5331. Michigan (Ter.) Commission on land titles. Governor and judges journal; proceedings of the land board of Detroit; ed. by M. Agnes Burton; comp. by Clarence M. Burton, city historiographer. [Detroit] 1915. 314 p. B;'lC;U. Contents. — Introduction. — Journal of the proceedings of the governor and judges of Michigan, acting as commissioners under an act of congress entitled "An act to provide for the adjustment of titles of land in the town of Detroit and territory of Michigan ..." [Oct. 24, '1808-Nov. 23, 18201. — Appendix: Notes.— [Documents] copied from original papers in the city hall, Detroit [1806-1835] — Index. 5332. . Constitutional convention. Appeal by the con- vention of Michigan, to the people of the United States; with other documents, in relation to the boundary question between Michigan and Ohio. Printed for the convention. Detroit, S. McKnight, 1835. 176 p. B; L C; S. 5333. . Governor and judges. Report of the governor and judges of the Michigan territory, made in obedience to an act entitled "An act to provide for the adjustment of titles of lands in the town of Detroit and territory of Michigan, and for other purposes" . . . Washington, A. & G. Way, printers, 1809. 2 1. — L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 573 5334. . Governor. Messages to the legislative council of Michigan at the commencement of the second session of the fourth council, with accompanying documents, January 5, 1831. Detroit, printed by Geo. L. Whitney, 1831. 20 p. B. 5335. • . . Message of the acting governor [Sep- tember 1, 1834]. [Detroit, 1834]. Caption title, 3S p. U. From Democratic free press, extra, September 2, 1834. 5336. . ■ — . Message du gouvcmeur temporaire au conseil legislatif du territoirc du Michigan 12 Janvier, 1835. [Detroit, 1835]. 11 p. B. At top: Democratic free press, extra, Detroit 13 Janvier, 1835. 5337. . . Message of the acting governor. Stevens T. Mason, to the legislative council, of the territory of Michigan, or the 17th August, 1835; together with the documents accompanying the same and the report of the select committee, to which the said message and docu- ments were referred, presented by Mr. Doty, chairman. Detroit, Sheldon M'Knight, printer, 1835. 37 p. B; G. 5338. . Laws, statutes, etc. An act to organize the militia, approved April 2, 1825. Detroit, printed by John P. Sheldon, 1825. 32 p. B. 5339. . , , . Actes relatifs aux townships, aux grands chemins, aux elections, etc. Publics conformement a certaines resolutions, passees pendant la seconde session du second conseil legislatif du Michigan. Detroit, imprimes par Sheldon & Wells, 1827. 69 p. B. 5340. . , , . The laws of Michigan. Vol- ume I . . . City of Washington, A. & G. Way, printers, 1806. 179 p. B;S;U. 5341. ■ . , , . Laws of the territory of Michigan with marginal notes and an index; to which are prefixed the ordi- nance and several acts of congress relating to this territory. Published by authority. Detroit, printed by Sheldon & Reed, 1820. 517 p. S. 5342. . , , . Laws of the territory of Michigan, adopted by the legislative board since July the third, 1821. Pub- lished by authority. Detroit, printed by Sheldon and Reed, 1824. 40 p. S. 5343. — . — — , , . Laws of the territory of Michigan, comprising the acts, of a public nature, revised by commissioners appointed by the first legislative council and passed by the second legislative council; the acts and resolutions of the first and second councils; and the acts now in force, adopted by the governor and judges of the territory; together with the declaration of independence, the constitution of the United States, 574 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN and certain acts of congress relative to said territory. Published by authority. Detroit, printed by Sheldon & Wells, 1827. 709 p. B; S. 5344. . , , . Laws of the territory of Michigan, condensed, arranged, and passed by the fifth legislative council; together with the declaration of independence ; the constitution of the United States; the ordinance of 1787; and the acts of congress, relative to said terri- tory. Pubhshed by authority. Detroit, printed by Sheldon M 'Knight, 1833. 623 p. B;S;U. 5345. -— . , -, . Laws of the territory of Michigan ... By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers to the state, 1871-1884. 4 v. — ^B;D;LC;S;U. Vols. 2-3 paged continuously. Known as the "Reprint of territorial laws." Contents. — v. 1. Introductory [by A. D. Fraser]. Laws adopted by the governo.- and judges: The "Woodward code" of 1805. The "Cass code" of 1816. Code of laws published in 1821. Laws compiled by the legislative board in 1824. Laws, etc., published by the legislative council in 1825. Some acts of congress affecting Michigan territory. Executive acts, 1815-22. — v. 2. All laws enacted by the legislative authority of the territory from 1806 to 1830, which are not included in v. 1. — v. 3. Acts and resolutions of the legislative council for the years 1830-35. — v. 4. Supplemental: All laws enacted by the legislative authority of the territory, not printed in vols. I, II, and III, territorial laws, being acts from 1806 to 1811, and also those passed at the special session of the 6th legislative council, August 17th-25th, 1835. 5346. . , , . Militia laws of the territory of Michigan. Detroit, printed by S. M'Knight, 1833. 38 p. B. 5347. . , , . Some of the acts of the terri- tory of Michigan, with the titles and a digest of all the acts of the said terri- tory now in force. March 20th, 1816. Detroit, printed by Theophilus Mettez, 1816. 138 p., 1 1., [4] p. S; U. 5348. T— . , , . Township laws of the terri- tory of Michigan. Detroit, printed by S. M'Knight, 1833. 91, [1] p. B;S;U. 5349. . Legislative council. Acts passed at the first ses- sion of the first legislative council to the second session of the sixth legislative council of the territory of Michigan. Detroit [1824?]- 1835. B*; S*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has lst-2nd session of 1st council; 1st session of 3rd council to 2nd session of 4th council; 1st- 2nd session of 6th council; the State Library has lst-2nd session of 1st council; 1st session of 3rd council to 1st session of 5th council; lst-2nd session of 6th council; the U. of M. Library has 1st session of 3rd council; 1st session of 4th council to 1st session of 5th council; lst-2nd session of 6th council. 5350. . . Acts passed at the special ses- sion of the sixth legislative council of the territory of Michigan, begun and held at the capitol, in the city of Detroit, on Monday, 17th August, 1835. By authority. Detroit, Sheldon Al'Knight, printer to the council, 1835. 117 p., 1 1. ' S. 5351. . . A communication, from the secretary of the territory, and a report thereon, from the select committee, to BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 575 whom the communication and the documents accompanying' it were referred; made the 27th February, 1827. Printed by order of the legislative council. Detroit, printed by Sheldon & Wells, 1827. 14 p. S. 5352. . . Journal of the proceedings of the lst-6th legislative council of the territory of Michigan . . . 1824-1835. Detroit, 1824-1835. S; U. Title varies: 1824-1830, Journal of the legislative council of the territory of Michigan . . . 1831-1833, Journal of the legislative council of Michigan . . . 1834, Journal of proceedings of the sixth legislative council, extra session, convened September 1, 1834 ... Reprint of Journal of extra session in 1834 and of 2nd session of 6th council (1835) have imprint: Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1894. 5353. . . Memorial of the legislative council of the territory of Michigan, to the congress of the United States, adopted Aug. 4, 1824. Detroit, printed by Sheldon & Reed, 1824. 15 p. B. 5354. . . Memorial of the legislative council of Michigan territory, praying that the claims of sundry citizens of that territory for property lost or destroyed during the late war [of 1812] may be paid. [n. p.] 1834. 3 p. G. 5355. . . Private and incorporation laws, passed at the second session of the fifth legislative council of the teni- tory of Michigan. Published by authority. Detroit, M. T., printed by S. M 'Knight, 1833. 168 p. "^S. 5356. . . Report of Mr. [T. P.] Burnett January 8, 1836 [to the] seventh legislative council, first session. [Monroe? Ellis & Amdt, printers to the legislative council, 1836?]. Caption title, 10 p., 1 1. S. 5357. . . Special session of the legisla- tive council of the territory of Michigan convened at Detroit, Michigan, August 17, 1835. Message of Stevens T. Mason, acting governor, with ac- companying report of the select committee to which said message and docu- ments were referred. Original printed in 1835. (Reprint, 1894). Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1894. 25 p. S; U. 5358. . Supreme court. A digest of the rules of the su- preme court of the territor}^ of Michigan. • Detroit, printed by Sheldon & Reed, 1821. 24 p. B;S. 5359. Michigan air line railroad company. The Michigan air line railroad company. [Jackson? Mich., 1868]. Cover title, 17 p. B. Prospectus of the company. Dated at end: Jackson, November 25, 1868. 5360. Michigan almanac. 1869-1891. Detroit [1869-1891]. B; G*; S*; U*. *The Grand Rapids Pubhc Library has 1869-1880, 1883-1886, 1889-1891; the State Li- brary has 1869-1890; the U. of M. Library has 1869, 1871, 1872, 1875-1877, 1879-1891. 576 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5361. The Michigan alumnus ... v. 1-23. Ann Arbor. Mich., 1894- 1917. B*; D; G*; S; U. Monthly during the college year. Vol. I, no. 9 (June, 1895) and v. 2, no. 9 (Juno, 1896) form commencement annuals for the years 1895 and 1896. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 2-21; the Grand Rapids Public Library has V. 4-11, 14-22. 5362. ; Vol. VIII., no. 5. February, 1902. [Apn Arbor, 1902?]. Cover title, [197J-234 p. S; U. Contents. — The new medical building, by G. Carl Huber. — The early days of the medical department, by Robert C. Kedzie. — Some experiences as a medical expert, by Victor C. Vaughan. — The days of auld lang syne: Recollections of Michigan alumni. — The psycho- pathic ward, by William J. Herdman.— The Rockefeller fellowships, by Frederick G. No\'y. 5363. Michigan bank directory, 1906-1916. Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids national bank, 1906-1916. — B*; G*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1909; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1906- 1911, 1915-1916. 5364. The Michigan book, a state cyclopedia, with sectional county maps alphabetically aiTanged . . . Detroit, Mich., S. Farmer & co. [1901]. 352 p. B;G; L C; U. 5365. The Michigan bridge & construction co.^ Detroit. Manufacturers of iron, wooden, combination and suspension bridges, trestles, roofs, turn-tables, water-stations, &c. ; engineers and contractors for the location and construc- tion of railroads and other public works. Detroit, O. S. Gulley's steam presses, 1871. 40 p. G;U. 5366. The Michigan Catholic bicentenary supplement, August, 22, 1901. [Detroit] 1901. 40 p. D. Contents. — Detroit histor>^ during 200 years, compiled by Richard R. Elliott. — Diocese of Detroit created. — The ciyic celebration. — The religious celebration. — Detroit city parishes. 5367. Michigan central railroad company. Annual report of the board of directors of the Michigan central railroad company, to the stockholders . . . Detroit, 1847-1915. B*; G*; S*; U*. Place of publication yaries: Boston, 1848-1862. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1854, 1860, 1881 ; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1850-1852, 1905-1910, 1913-1915; the State Library has 1854, 1855, 1860; the U. of M. Library has 1847-1862. 5368. . Charter of the Michigan cen- tral railroad company, passed by the legislature of the state of Michigan, and approved March 28th, 1846. With amendments. Boston, J. S. Potter, printer, 1857. 38 p. B. 5369. . Circular of the treasurer of the Michigan central railroad company, to the stockholders, December 26, 1855. Boston, J. H. Eastbum's press, 1855. 20 p. S. 5370. . Comfort in travel . . . Chi- cago, Rand, McNally & co., 1894. [22] p. S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 577 5371. . Compilations of the charter of the Michigan central r. r. co., with the laws of Indiana and Illinois, author- izing the construction of the road in these states : together with certain laws of Michigan relating to railroads. Detroit, tribune job printing establish- ment, 1869. 1 p. 1., 128 p. B. 5372. . Contract between the Michi- gan central railroad company and the Galena and Chicago union railroad. Detroit, daily advertiser press, 1851. 14 p. B. 5373. . Copies of reports of the "Michigan central railroad company," for the years 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856 and 1857, with the accompanying affidavits of the directors. Re- port of the "Michigan central railroad company," from December 1st, 1850, to December 1st, 1851, made agreeably to the 32nd section of the original charter of said company, and the 1st section of the act of March 16th, 1847. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 23 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 5374. . Detroit, "the city of the strait;" historical, descriptive, illustrated. Chicago, general passenger dept., Michigan central 1901. 46 p. D; L C; S. By Frank J. Bramhall. 5375. . Extracts from the railroad laws of the state of Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois, for the use of the officers and employees of the Michigan central railroad company. Detroit, legal dept. of Michigan central railroad, 1879. 66 p. B. 5376. • — . The fairy isle of Mackinac . . Chicago, Rand, McNally & co., printers [1888]. 48 p. (In From city to surf Chicago, 1888). — L C. 5377. ■ — . Laws and charters in Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois, under which the Michigan central road, and its con- nections with Chicago, have been constructed. Detroit, W. F. Storey, 1856. Ip. 1., 107p. B. 5378. . Mackinac Island; Michigan resorts; Michigan central, the Niagara Falls route, [n. p., 1914?]. 31 p. S. 5379. . Reply to a communication from Mitchell Hinsdill, esq., and others, of Kalamazoo, concerning the com- parative rates of transportation of freight over the Michigan central railroad . . . by J. W. Brooks, superintendent and engineer. Detroit, printed by Munger & Pattison, 1848. 27 p. L C. 5380. . Report of a case, decided in the circuit court for the county of Wayne, in chancery, entitled the Michigan" 73 578 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN central railroad company vs. the Michi<^an southern railroad company, E. C. Litchfield, Guy Foote, et el. [!] Comprising; an abstract of the bill and answer, and the points made by counsel and the opinion of the court in full. Detroit, E. A. Wales, printers, 1853. 43 p. B. 5381. . Report upon the merits of the Michigan central railroad as an investment for eastern capitalists, by J. W. Brooks; with the charter [by-laws, and first annual report of the directors]. Detroit, Charles Willcox, printer, 1846. 76 p. B. 5382. — . In summer days; to Niagara Falls, Mackinac Island, the St. Lawrence, the White Mountains, the Hudson, the Adirondacks, and the sea, via the Michigan central, "the Niagara Falls route." [Detroit, gen'l passenger dept., M. C. r. r., n. d.]. 56 p. B. 5383. Michigan central railroad employees' mutual relief association. . . . Proceedings of first annual meeting, and articles of incorporation, con- stitution and by-laws. Incorporated May, 1870. Detroit, Richmond & Backus, 1870. 17 p. B. At head of title: Revised edition. 5384. Michigan Christian teachers' institute. Six lectures delivered at the Michigan Christian teachers' institute, held at Grand Rapids, Mich., October 1 and. 2, 1914. Kalamazoo, Mich., Dalm printing co. [1915]. 108 p. LC. 5385. Michigan clover farms . . . [Grand Rapids, Mich., 1909^]. 63, [1] p. G. 5386. Michigan club . . . Annual banquet ... 1st (1886)-7th (1892). Detroit, 1886-1892. B*; S*. *The Burton Historical Collection has lst-5th, 7th; the State Library has 5th. 5387. . Proceedings at the lst-8th annual meeting of the Michigan club . . . 1886-1893. Detroit, 1886-1893. G*; S*; U*. *The Grand Rapids PubHc Library has 2nd and 4th; the vState Library has 1st, 3rd, 8th; the U. of M. Library has 8th. 5388. Michigan conservatory of music. Catalogue . . . 1900-01 to 1903-04. [Detroit, Mich., Detroit free press print, co.] 1900-1903. B*; LC*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1903-04; the Library of Congress has 1900-01. 5389. Michigan cremation association. The Michigan cremation associa- tion, Detroit, Mich., presents for your consideration incineration . . . [De- troit, 1911?]. 49 p. B;D;LC;S. On cover: In commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Detroit crematorium. 5390. The Michigan daily, v. 1 (1890)-v. 26 (1916). Ann Arbor, Mich., 1890-1916. — U. Published daily (Monday excepted) during the college year at the University of Michigan. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 579 5391. . Style book, the Michigan daily, Ann Arbor, Mich. . . . [Ann Arbor, Michigan daily] 1913. 42 p. U. 5392. Michigan day celebration. Michigan souvenir, Jan. 26, 1897. [no imprint]. 35 p. U. 5393. Michigan day schools for the teaching of speech to the deaf. [Grand Rapids, Mich., printed by Hensen printing company] 1905. 39 p. G;LC;S. "Thi.s pamphlet is prepared under the direction of the friends of the deaf in the state of Michigan." — p. 3. 5394. . . . The Michigan digest; a digest of the reported decisions of all the courts of Michigan down to October, 1907. Comp. under the American digest classification . ., . St. Paul, West publishing co., 1908-1909. 6 v. (American digest system. State series). D; L C; S. Contents. — v. 1. Abandonment — Coroners. — v. 2. Corporations — Fiscal court. — v. 3. Fish — Maritime law. — v. 4. Maritime liens — Salt wells. — v. 5. Salvage — Year. — v. 6. Table of constitutions and statutes construed. Table of topical abbreviations. Table of cases digested. 5395. Michigan digest covering decisions of the supreme court of Michigan reported in Michigan reports, vols. 149 to 188, Northwestern reporter vols. 113, page 1, to 155, page 144 . . . with a table of constitutions and statutes construed and a table of cases digested. Compiled under the American digest classification. Volume 7. St. Paul, West publishing co., 1916. 2p.l., 1508 p. S. 5396. The Michigan engineer, containing the proceedings of the Michigan engineering society, 1880-1908. Grand Rapids [1880-1908]. D*; G; LC;S*; U. lst-29th annual meetings. Place of pubhcation varies: [Lansing?] 1880-1883; Chicago, 1884-1885; Kalamazoo, 1886-1888, 1893, 1896, 1906; Lansing, 1892, 1894, 1895, 1897; Battle Creek, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1898-1905; [Detroit?] 1907. Title varies: 1880-1882, Meeting of the Michigan association of surveyors and civil en- gineers. 1883-1884, Proceedings of the Michigan association of surveyors and civil engineers at its annual meeting. 1885-1888, Proceedings of the Michigan engineering society at its annual convention. 1889-1899, The Michigan engineers' annual, containing the proceedings of the Michigan engineering society. 1900-1908, The Michigan engineer, containing the proceedings of the Michigan engineer- ing society. 1886-87 issued in one volume. Date on title page of 4th annual meeting incorrectly given as 1882 instead of 1883. "Table of contents of the annual reports [i. e. the above series] published by the Michigan engineering society 1880-1893" in vol. for 1893, p. [271]-276. •The main library, Detroit, has 1882-1892; the State Library has 1880-1883, 1886-1908. 5397. Michigan farmer. Circulation information, 1912-1913 . . . De- troit, Michigan [1912?]. [16] p. S. 5398. Michigan female seminary. Fourth annual catalogue of the Michi- gan female seminary, located at Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1870-71. Kalamazoo, printed at the Telegraph steam book printing house, 1871. 21 p. • S. 580 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5399. . Circular . . . 1879-80. Kalamazoo, 1880. 13 p. B. 5400. Michigan gas company. Rules and regulations . . . [Detroit, Winn & Hammond, n. d.]. 8 p. B. 5401. The Michigan hand-book, pub. annually by the university Christian associations of the university of Michigan. 1886-87 to 1915-16. Ann Arbor, 1886-1916. U. The Christian association.s of the university are combined under the name: Students' Christian association. 5402. The Michigan home colony company. ... A full description of the countr\', its soils, climate, waterways and transportation routes, with maps and photographic illustrations of the agricultural, horticultural and stock farms, taken in and around Lewiston, in the tract of the Michigan home colony company's land . . . [Milwaukee, the Fowle printing co., 1901?']. 27 p." S. ' 5403. Michigan homeopathic college. . . . Annual announcement of the Michigan homoeopathic college, Lansing, Mich., session of 1871-72 to 1872-73. Jackson, P. H. Van Dyne, book and job printer, 1871-1872. S; U*. lst-2nd annual announcement. 1871-72 has title: First term of the Michigan homeopathic medical college of the city of Lansing, session of 1871-72. Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1871. 16 p. *The U. of M. Librar>^ has 1871-72. 5404. Michigan insurance company of Detroit. Memorial and report of the Michigan insurance company of the city of Detroit. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1843, senate documents. Detroit, ElHs & Briggs, printers to the legislature 1843, no. 3, p. 21-24). B; D; G; S. 5405. The Michigan journal of education and teachers' magazine; pub- lished under the auspices of the Michigan state teachers' association ... v. 1-7. Ann Arbor, 1854-1860. G*; S. PubHshed at Detroit, 1854-1857. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has v. 1, 3, 4, 7. 5406. Michigan libraries: published semiannually in the interest of the libraries of Michigan by the state board of library commissioners, and con- taining the report of the Michigan library association, v. 1-2. Lansing, 1910- 1914: B*; S*. Title of V. 1 varies slightly. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 1, no. 1; v. 2, no. 1 and 3; the State Library has V. 1, no. 1-5; v. 2, no. 1-3. 5407. Michigan manufacturer and financial record. Made in Michigan. Grand Rapids, Michigan manufacturer and financial record [1914]. 168 p. G. 5408. Michigan mortgage security society. Organic law, articles of asso- ciation and by-laws; incorporated January 25, 1878. Detroit, post and tri- bune print [1878?]. 53 p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 581 5409. Michigan poets and poetry, with portraits and biographies . . . [Leslie, Mich., Michigan pubhshing co., 1904]. 324 p. B; G; S. 5410. Michigan serial digest; a digest of all Michigan cases from June, 1898 down to June 1904. By the editorial staff of the serial digest publishing CO. Grand Rapids, Mich., The serial digest publishing company, 1904. xvi, 231 p. L C. 5411. Michigan southern and northern Indiana railroad company. By- laws of the Michigan southern & northern Indiana railroad company. New York, C. W. Benedict, stationer & printer, 1868. 12 p. B. 5412. ' . The charter and laws of the states of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Illinois, relating to the Michigan southern and northern Indiana rail-road company. New York, J. W. Amerman, 1855. vi, 218 p. D; L C. 5413. . Leases and contracts of the Michigan southern and northern Indiana railroad co. Comp. in April, 1868. Chicago, Spalding & La Montes, ptrs., 1868. 173 p. B. 5414. . Letter to the stockholders of the Michigan southern & northern Indiana railroad company, by George Bliss, (president of the company) March 24, 1860. New York, C. W. Bleecker, printer and stationer, 1860. 13 p. B. 5415. Michigan southern railroad company. Circular statement of the condition and prospects of the Michigan southern railroad from Toledo and Erie to Chicago, 1849. New York, Van Norden and Amemian, printers, 1849. 19 p. B. 5416. . Exhibit of the condition and prospects of the Michigan southern railroad. [New York, 1850]. 16 p. G. 5417. ': • . The memorial of the Michi- gan southern railroad company. [Lansing, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1848]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1848, senate document no. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 5418. . Memorial of the Michigan southern railroad company, asking amendments of its charter. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1850, senate document no. 17). B; D; G; S; U. 5419. Michigan state auto school. The automobile electrician's key for starting, lighting and ignition systems; a loose leaf book of wiring diagrams, modelsof cars from 1906 to 1917 . . . Detroit, the Michigan state auto school, 1917. [420] p. L C. Copyright, 1917, Roy C. Fryer. 582 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5420. Michigan state bank. Annual report of the trustees of the Michigan state bank and other assets, December 10, 1844. [Detroit, 1844]. 5 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1844, joint document no. 10). U. 5421. . Communication from Michigan state bank, explanatory of document no. 36. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house docu- ments. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 40, p. 321- 322). B; D; G; S; U. 5422. • — . Communication from the president of the Michigan state bank, relative to moneys advanced public officers, &c. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1839, senate documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 13, p. 391-393). B; D; G; S; U. 5423. . Communication from the trustees of the as- sets of the Michigan state bank, in answer to a resolution of the senate. [De- troit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 11 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1844, senate document no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 5424. Michigan state gazetteer and business directory . . . 1873 to 1915-16. Published biennially by R. L. Polk & co. Detroit, 1873-[cl915]. B*;D;G*;S;U*. Title varies slightly: 1873, Michigan state gazetteer and business directory for 1873. J. E. vScripps & R. L. Polk, compilers. 1875, Michigan state gazetteer and business directory for 1875. R. L. Polk & co., compilers. 1877 is called volume III. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1875 to 1903-04, 1913-14; the Grand Rapids Pub- lic Library has 1877 to 1915-16; the U. of M. Library has 1877 to 1913-14. 5425. The Michigan teacher : an educational monthly, v. 1-11. Ypsilanti, Mich., Payne & Whitney; [etc., etc.] 1866-1876. B*; L C; S*; U*. Place of publication varies. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 2, no. 10 and v. 11, no. 8; the State Library has v. 1, no. 1-10, and v. 6; the U. of M. Library has v. 1-3. 5426. Michigan teachers' directory, containing lists of state boards of education, college faculties, county secretaries, principals of high schools, superintendents of high schools, superintendents of schools, and valuable statistics concerning schools, by Henry R. Pattengill. 1889-90 to 1916-17. Lansing, 1889-[1916?]. G*; S*; U*. Title varies slightlv. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has 1909-10 and 1915-16; the State Library has 1890-91 and 1916-17; the U. of M. Library has 1889-90 to 1907-08, 1911-12 to 1916-17. 5427. The Michigan technic . . . Published annually by the engineering society of the university of Michigan, v. 1-29. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1888-1916. U*. Title varies. *The U. of M. Library has v. 1-26; v. 27, no. 3 and 5; v. 28, no. 1 and 3; v. 29. 5428. Michigan trust company. Assignees and receivers. The Michigan trust CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. [Grand Rapids, Seymour & Muir printing CO., 1896]'. Cover title, 24 p. L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 583 5429. ■ . The laws of the state of Michigan relat- ing to the descent and distribution of property, with digest of the inheritance tax law. 5th-13th ed. 1899-1915. Grand Rapids, Michigan trust co., 1899- 1915. B*; G*; S*; U*. Published biennialh\ *The Burton Historical Collection has 11th and 12th editions; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 11th edition: the State Library has 8th, 11th and 12th editions; the U. of M. Library has 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 12th and 13th editions. 5430. Michigan union college, Leoni. Catalogue of the Michigan union college for the year . . . 1854-55 to 1855-56. Detroit, 1855-1856. S. 5431. The Michigan university magazine, v. 1-3. Ann Arbor, 1867-1869. — - B; D;G; S*. *The State Library has v. 1, no. 1. 5432. Michigan university medical journal. [Devoted to medicine, sur- gery, pharmacy, and collateral sciences]. Conducted by the faculty of the medical department, v. 1-3. Ann Arbor, R. A. Beal, 1870-1873. B;D;U. Monthly: March, 1870-February, 1873. 5433. Michigan volksblatt. 1853-1903. Goldenes jubilaiim. [Detroit, Mich., volksblatt co., 1903]. 117 p. • B; D. 5434. . . . Michigan volunteers of '98 ; a complete photographic record of Michigan's part in the Spanish- American war of 1898. (Official souvenir). Detroit, Mich., G. F. Sterling & co. [1898]. [102] p. L C. 5435. Michiganensian . . . the year book, published by the senior classes of the university of Michigan ... v. l(1897)-v. 20 (1916). [Ann Arbor? 1897-1916]. B*; D*; G*; S*; U. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1897, 1900,- 1903, 1904; the main library, Detroit, has 1898, 1899, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1911-1913; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1903, 1907, 1909; the State Library has 1898, 1900-1903, 1907, 1911-1916. 5436. Military order of the loyal legion of the United States. Michigan commandery. By-laws for the government of the Michigan commandery of the loyal legion of the United States. Reprint ordered June 6th, 1907. De- troit [Topping & CO., printers, 1907]. 8 p., 1 1. L C. 5437. . Circular [s] no. 1-12; series of 1885-1914. Detroit, 1885-1914. U. Each series has a separate numbering in addition to the general consecutive numbering. 5438. . . In memoriam: Oscar Fred'k Heyerman; died at sea, October 27th, 1895. [Detroit, 1896]. [4] p. B. 5439. — . . . . Register of members. [Detroit?] 1905. [39] p. L C. 584 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5440. . Supplementary proceedings of regular monthly meeting, com- mandery of state of Michigan, military order loyal legion of the United States. Detroit, March 3d, 1892. [Detroit^ 1892?]. 9 p. L C; S. Proceedings on the occasion of the presentation to General O. M. Poe of a portrait of himself. 5441. . War papers read before the Michigan commandery of the mili- tary order of the loyal legion of the United States . . . V. 1 (1886)-v. 2(1898). Detroit, Ostler printing company [etc.] 1888-1898. D; U. "Published by the commander^-. " 5442. Millard, Alfred L. Early history of Lenawee county and of the city of Adrian [Mich.] from the first settlement of the county. Historical oration delivered at Adrian, July 4, 1876. By Alfred L. Millard. Adrian, Mich., times and expositor steam print, 1876. 24 p. B; L C; S. 5443. Millen, Frank Eric. . . . Foul brood ; supplement to special bulletin 58, [by] F. E. Millen. East Lansing, Michigan, 1914. 8 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 64, January, 1914). M A C; S. Also in Fiftv-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of aericulture, p. 358-360. 5444. , . . . . Transferring bees, by F. E. Millen. East Lansing, Michigan, 1915. 16 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 76, December, 1915). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 360- 371, under title: Bee-keeping becoming specialized. 5445. Miller, Andrew. New states and territories, or the Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, north-western, Missouri, Louisiana, Mississippi and Ala- bama, in their real characters, in 1818; showing . . . the situation, size, num- ber of inhabitants . . . &c of each . . . Also, a description of the rivers, roads, settlements, qualities and prices of lands . . . and the advantages and disadvantages of each . . . and of the new parts of York state, Pennsyl- vania, Virginia and Kentucky . . . By Andrew Miller. Printed for the bene- fit of emigrants, and others, intending to visit the western country, [n. p.] 1819. 96 p. LC;S. 5446. Miller, George J. The establishment of Michigan's boundaries; a study in historical geography, by George J. Miller . . . [n. p., 1911?]. Cover title, 339-351 p. (Reprinted from the Bulletin of the American geo- graphic society, vol. XLIII, May, 1911). B; S. 5447. , . Some geographic influences in the settlement of Alichigan and in the distribution of its population, by George J. Miller . . . [New York] 1913. 321-348 p. (Reprinted from Bulletin of the American geographical society, vol. XLV, no. 5). S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 585 5448. , . Ibid. (In Bulletin of the American geographical society. New York, 1913, vol. XLV, p. 321-348). D. 5449. Miller, N. J. William Crapo Durant; a character sketch by N. J. Miller. [New York ? 1916 ?]. Cover title, 12 p. (Reprinted from the New York evening mail, June 2nd, 1916). S. 5450. Mills, Glen V. Glen V. Mills' Ann Arbor- Ypsilanti directory. Washtenaw countv . . . Ann Arbor, G. V. Mills, 1892-1899. 6 v. LC;U*. *The U. of M. Library has 1892, 1894-1899. 5451. , . Glen V. Mills' directory of Flint city . . . 1897- 98 to 1903. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Glen V. Mills, 1897-1903. L C*; S*; U*. Title varies. 1897-98, Glen V. Mills Flint city directory . . . *The Library of Congress and the U. of M. Library each have 1903; the State Library has 1897-98. 5452. Mills, The Glen V., directory co. The Glen V. Mills directory co.'s directory of the city of Ypsilanti [1901]-1904. [Ann Arbor, Mich.] the Glen V. Mills directorv co. [cl9011-1904. U*. Title varies: 1901, Glen V. Mills Ypsilanti city directory. 1903-1904, The Glen V. Mills directory co.'s directory of the city of Ypsilanti. *The U. of M. Library has 1901, 1902 and 1904. 5453. Mills, James Cooke. Our inland seas, their shipping & commerce for three centuries, by James Cooke Mills. With illustrations from photo- graphs and maps and drawings. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co., 1910. xv [l7]-380p. D;G;S. 5454. Millspaugh, Arthur Chester. Party organization and machinery in Michigan since 1890, by Arthur Chester Millspaugh . . . Baltimore, 1917. viii, 9-189, [1] p. LC;S. Thesis (Ph. D.) — Johns Hopkins university, 1916. Published also as Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and political science, series XXXV, no. 3. ■ S. 5455. Milwaukee, lake shore and western railway company. Gogebic and other resorts in northern Michigan and Wisconsin reached by the Mil- waukee, lake shore & western railway. Chicago, Poole bros., printers and en- gravers, 1885. 38 p. B: U. 5456. Mining companies. Petitions of various mining companies, praying for the organization of the township of Sibley, and other townships, in Ke- weenaw county. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 29). D; G; S; U. 5457. Mining journal co. First annual review of the copper mining in- dustry of Lake Superior, containing a carefully and concisely written account of early explorations and discoveries in the Lake Superior copper region; a valuable paper on the geological formation of the copper ranges; statistics of production, etc.; an accurate map of the copper belt, and a full and complete 586 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN description of the producing properties and those now in progress of develop- ment. Pubhshed by the Mining journal co., limited. Marquette, Michigan, 1899. 189 p. — G;S. 5458. Minutes of the state convention of the colored citizens of the state of Michigan, held in the city of Detroit on the 26th and 27th days of October, 1843, for the purpose of considering their moral and political condition as citizens of the state. Detroit, printed by William Harsha, 1843. B. 5459. Miskouaki. . . . Indian affairs around Detroit in 1706. Speech of Miskouaki, an Ottawa chief to the Marquis Vaudreiul [Vaudreuil], governor general of Canada and his reply, September, 1706. Tr. by Col. Charles Whit- tlesey from a manuscript brought with other historical papers, from Paris by Gen. Lewis Cass. [Cleveland, 1871]. Caption title, 6 p. (Western Reserve historical society. Historical and archaeological tracts, no. 8). L C; S;U. Another version of these speeches, from the Cadillac papers, is printed in the Hist, col- lections of the Mich, pioneer and hist, society, v. 33, p. 288-296. 5460. Missaukee county agricultural society. Premium list of the 16th annual fair . . . Lake City, plain dealer print, 1897. 44 p. B. 5461. Missaukee county. School commissioner. Missaukee schools. Directory of teachers and officials, statistics and other infonnation of general interest. Illustrated with pictures of school buildings, children and land- scapes. 1913-14. By John Q. Zuck, school commissioner, Missaukee county, [no imprint]. 44 p. U. 5462. [Mitchell, James J.]. Detroit in history and commerce. A careful compilation of the history, mercantile and manufacturing interests of Detroit . . . Detroit, Mich., Rogers & Thorpe, 1891. 160 p. — D; L C; S; U. 5463. Mitchell public library, Hillsdale. Annual report . . .no. 1-6. Hillsdale, Mich., 1909-1914. U*. *Thc U. of M. Library has no. 1, 3 and 6. 5464. Mitchener, Charles Hallowell. Ohio annals. Historic events in the Tuscarawas and Muskingum valleys, and in other portions of the state of Ohio. Adventures of Post, Heckewelder and Zeisberger. Legends and tradi- tions of the Kophs, mound builders, red and white men. Adventures of Put- nam and Heckewelder, founders of the state. Local history, growth of Ohio in population, political power, wealth and intelligence . . . Ed. by C. H. Mitchener . . . Dayton, 0., T. W. Odell, 1876. vi, [2], 358 p. L C. 5465. Moerdyk, Peter. History of the churches and benevolent associa- tions of Grand Rapids, Michigan, by Rev. P. Moerdyk, D.D. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dean printing co. [1891]. Cover title, 85 p. G. 5466. , . History of the first Reformed church, Grand Rapids, Michigan. A discourse preached January 4, 1880 by the pastor, P. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 587 Moerdyk. With an appendix. Grand Rapids, Michigan, John C. Melis, printer, 1880. 37, 3 p. U. 5467. Mofifett, Edward A. Municipal ownership; address of Mr. Edward A. Moffett, of New York city, before the committee on cities and villages of the Michigan constitutional convention. Lansing, Mich., 1907. 22 p. G. 5468. Mollhausen, Balduin. . . . Der leuchtturm am Michigan und andere erzahlungen von Balduin Mollhausen, mit einer einleitung von Th. Fontane. Stuttgart, W. Spemann [1882 pref.]. 212 p. G. 5469. Monroe the floral city, a city of homes and industries; issued by the city of Monroe, Michigan, on the occasion of the unveiling of the monu- ment to Gen. George A. Custer. [Compiled, engraved, priated by the Penin- sular engraving company]. [Toledo, Ohio, 1910]. 47 p. S. 5470. Monroe high school. Class of '96. Local history. By the class of '96, Monroe high school. [Monroe] Monroe commercial print [1896?]. 52 p' U. 5471. Monroe and Ypsilanti railroad company. Report of S. M. Bartlit, chief engineer of the Monroe and Ypsilanti railroad company. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. I, no. 3, p. 23-24). B; D; G; S; U. 5472. [Monteith, James]. Geography of Michigan. [New York & Chi- cago, A. S. Barnes & co., 1878]. 6 p. L C. No title page. Special suppl. to the Mich. ed. of Montieth's school geographies. 5473. Montgomery, Hugh T. . . . The glacial phenomena as exhibited in northern Indiana and southern Michigan and the residting waterways, by Hugh T. Montgomery, M.D. South Bend, Ind., the society, 1899. Cover title, 20 p. (Northern Indiana historical society, publication no. 2). LC. 5474. Moore, Charles. Augustus Brevoort Woodward — a citizen of two cities, by Charles- Moore. (In Columbia historical society, records . . . Washington, 1901, v. 4, p. 114-127). L C. Read before the society March 5, 1900. 5475. [ , ]. Detroit as she is. By "Seymour. " Illustrated from sketches and portraits by Hugh Capper, A. Kahn [etc.] Detroit, Mabley & CO., 1889. 61, [3] p. B;G;LC;S. 5476. , . . . . The discoverers of Lake Superior, by Charles Moore . . . [Ann Arbor, 1897]. Cover title, 13 p. (Michigan political science association, publications, vol. II, no. 5). S; U. 5477. [ , ]. Governor, judge, and priest; Detroit, 1805-1815. A paper read before the witenagemote, on Friday evening, October the second, 588 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 1891. New- York, De Vinne press, 1891. 24 p. ("Witenagemotc paper, no. 6"). B;G;LC;U. Signed at end: Charles Moore. "The materials for this paper were obtained mainly from a collection of manuscripts in the department of state at Washington ..." Gov. Hull's administration of Michigan territory 1805-1812, and his relations with Judge Woodward and others, including an account of Detroit at that day. 5478. , . History of Michigan, by Charles Moore . . . Chicago, the Lewis pubHshing company, 1915. 4 v. G; L C; S; U. Paged continuously. Vols. 2-4 contain biographical material. 5479. , . The northwest under three flags, 1635-1796, by Charles Moore . . . New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1900. xxii p., 1 I., 401. [1] p. B;G;LC;S. 5480. — ■ — , . The Ontonagon copper boulder in the U. S. na- tional museum. By Charles Moore. (In Annual report of the board of regents of the Smithsonian institution . . . for the year ending June 30, 1895. Report of the U. S. national museum. Washington, Government printing office. 1897, p. 1021-1030). B*; S. *The Burton Historical Collection has an excerpt from the annual report. 5481. Moore, Ella Adams. . . . Outline of study for Lapeer Tuesday club; twenty-sixth year, 1904-1905; course in early American literature, pre- pared by Ella Adams Moore, of Chicago university. [:Lapeer? 1904."']. 33 p. S.^ 5482. Morenci. Charters. Charter and ordinances of the village of Morenci. Printed and published by order of the common council of said vil- lage. Morenci, Mich., printed at the office of the New era, 1874. viii p., 1 1., 43 p. S. 5483. . . Charter and ordinances of the village of Morenci. Printed and published by order of the common council of said vil- lage. Morenci, Mich., Morenci observer steam print, 1892. 2 p. 1., 55 p. S. 5484. Morgan, J. Franklin. . . . The soil solution obtained by the oil pressure method, by J. Franklin Morgan. East Lansing, Michigan, 1916. 38 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, technical bulletin no. 28, October, 1916). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 497-529. 5485. Morrill, Donald Littlefield. Federal and state government; an ele- mentary treatise on the civil govcmrnent of the United States and the state of Michigan . . . Chicago, Scott, Foresman and co., 1901. [:iii]-xiv, 317 p. LC. 5486. Morris, Thomas. . . . Journal of Captain Thomas Morris, of his m.ajesty's XVII regiment of infantry; Detroit, September 25, 1764. Reprint BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 589 from the author's miscellanies in prose and verse (London, 1791), pp. 1-39. .(In Thwaites, Reuben G., ed. Early western travels, 1748-1846 . . . Cleve- land, 1904, V. 1, p. [293]-328). B; L C; S; U. 5487. Morrison, Nathan Jackson. Memorial address delivered at the laying of the comer stone of the south hall of Olivet college, Thursday, June 28th, 1866, by Rev. N. J. Morrison . . . Published by order of the trustees. Landing, Mich., John A. Kerr & co., steam book and job printers, 1866. 34 p, — S. 5488. Morton, Edward G. Prohibition. Remarks of Hon. E. G. Morton, of Monroe, in the constitutional convention, August, 1, 1867. [no imprint]. Caption title, 8 p. U. 5489. • , . Remarks of Hon. E. G. Morton, in the house of representatives, March 4th, 1865, on the bill making an appropriation to complete the building for the asylum for the insane, at Kalamazoo. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 41). D; G; S; U. 5490. Morton, Edward Payson. . . . Lake Huron and the cotintry of the Algonquins, by Edward Payson Morton. Chicago, Ainsworth & company [cl913]. 103, [1] p. (The great lakes series). G. 5491. • , . . . . Lake Michigan and the French ex- plorers, by Edward Payson Morton, Ph. D. Chicago, Ainsworth & company [cl914]. 104 p. (The great lakes series). D; G; L C; S. 5492. Moses, Zebina. The sons of Michigan and the Michigan state asso- ciation of Washington, D. C. from December, 1862, to December, 1912. A historical sketch by Zebina Moses. [Washington, 1912]. 38 p. B; LC;S. "By request of the officers and members of the executive committee of the Michigan state association. " Cover title: Fifty years of the sons of Michigan and the Michigan state association of Washington, D. C. 5493. Motor guide and league. . . . Blazing the way, automobile routes between principal cities and towns. Southern Michigan cd. Detroit and Chicago, Motor guide and league [cl905]. 152 p. L C. Comp. by Sidney J. King. 5494. The motorists handbook of Detroit. Detroit, Mich., The motorists handbook company [cl914]. Cover title, 80 p. L C. 5495. Mt. Clemens. Business men's association. Mount Clemens: the bathing city. Pub. by the business men's association, [no imprint], not paged. B. 5496. — . . Charters. Act of incorporation, charter' and ordi- nances of the city of Mt. Clemens, with complete index. By authority. Mt. Clemens, the press job rooms, 1893. 165, xxxix p. S. 590 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5497. — . . Public library. Annual report of the public library, Moimt Clemens, Mich., for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912. [Mount. Clemens? modem press, printers, 1912?]. 16 p. S. 5498. Mudge, Charles E. Mudge's directory of Eaton, Barry and Ingham counties, giving the name, business, place of business, if any, and residence of all citizens; also, a complete list of all state, city, and village officials; directory of streets, churches, societies, etc. Compiled, arranged and published by Chas. E. Mudge. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1878. iv, 224 p. S. 5499. Mulhern, James. The water supply of Greenville, present and prospective; a paper read before the sanitary convention at Greenville, Michi- gan, April 11, 1882, by James Mulhern, M.D. . . . [Lansing? 1883?]. Cap- tion title, 153-156 p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1882. Reprint no. 115). S. 5500. Mumford, F. B. Fattening lambs, by F. B. Mumford. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 107. In Thirty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1894, p. 301-326). MAC;S;U. 5501. , — . — . Ibid. Agricultural college, Mich., 1895. [47]-65 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 128, September, 1895). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 267-285. 5502. Mumford, Herbert W. Fattening lambs. — A comparison of fodders, by Herbert W. Mtmiford. Agrictdtural college, Michigan, 1896. [17]-40 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 136, Septem- ber, 1896). MAC;S;U. Also in Thirty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 174-195. 5503. , , — . The production and marketing of wool, by H. W. Mumford. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1900. [57]-90 p. (Michi- gan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 178, January, 1900). M AC;S;U. Also in Thirty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 199-224. 5504. Muncie, J. H. . . . Two Michigan bean diseases, [by] J. H. Muncie. East Lansing, Michigan, 1914. 12 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, special bulletin no. 68, March, 1914). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 426-435. 5505. Hunger, Daniel. Memorial of Daniel Munger and George W. Pat- tison, of the Michigan state journal, relative to the appointment of that BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 591 journal as the state printer. (Michigan, legislature, 1849, house documents. Lansing, Munger and Pattison, printers to the state, 1849, no. 4, p. 9). • B;D;G;S; U. 5506. Munroe, Kirk. The copper princess ; a story of Lake Superior mines. By Kirk Munroe . . . illustrated by W. A. Rogers. New York and London, Harper & bros. [cl898]. iv p., 1 1., 237 p. G. 5507. , . At war with Pontiac; or, the totem of the bear; a tale of redcoat and redskin, by Kirk Munroe . . . illustrated by J. Finne- more. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1895. 1 p. 1., v-vii, 320 p. B; G;LC. 5508. Murphy, George B. Album of views. [Battle Creek, Mich.] 1893. 6 phot. L C. 5509. Murphy & co. Grand Rapids city and Kent county directory, 1875-1876 . . . also a new map of the city. Grand Rapids, Mich., Murphy & CO., 1875-1876. 2 v. G. 5510. The musical directory of Detroit; teachers, schools, musicians, musical dealers, etc. etc. . . . Published by Frank A. Barrett, v. 1, no. 1. Detroit, 1904. 146 p. B. 5511. Muskegon. Board of trade. The advantages and surroundings of Muskegon, Mich.; the material interests of a progressive city; under auspices of the Muskegon board of trade, December, 1892 . . . [Muskegon, Mich., 1892]. 116 p. G;LC;S. 5512. . Charters. Charter and ordinances of the city of Muske- gon, as revised during the year 1887 . . . Muskegon, Mich., morning news printing and binding house, 1888. 323 p. G. 5513. . . The charter of the city of Muskegon, Michi- gan, approved March 19, 1901. Muskegon, Mich., Muskegon news company, limited, 1901. 1 p. 1., 129 p. S. 5514. . First Baptist church. Ladies' society. The Muskegon cook book of tested receipts, (total abstinence). Comp. by the ladies' society, of the first Baptist church, Muskegon, Mich. . . . [Muskegon, Mich.] Wanty & Manning, printers and binders [cl890]. 128 p. L C. Advertising matter interspersed. Interleaved. 5515. . Ordinances, etc. Ordinances of the city of Muskegon, compiled in 1881, by Andrew B. Allen. Muskegon, Mich., news and reporter printing house, 1881. xii p. 2 1., [15]-132 p. G. 5516. ■ — — . , . Ordinances of the city of Muskegon in force September 1, 1891. Compiled by Nelson De Long, city attorney. Printed and published by authority of the common council. Muskegon, Mich., chronicle printing and binding house, 1891. 161 p. ■ — — S. 592 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5517. . Public school library. Catalogue of the public school library of Muskegon, Mich. Mrs. A. B. Miner, librarian. Muskegon, Mich., chronicle book and job press, 1885. vi p., 2 1., 79, [1] p. G. 5518. Muskegon improvement commissioner. Report of the Muskegon improvement commissioner. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, joint documents for 1858, no. 16). B; D;G; vS; U. 5519. Muskegon county pioneer and historical society. Annual of the Muskegon county pioneer and historical society for the year 1887. Muskegon, Michigan, Muskegon chronicle binding and printing house [1887?]. 104 p. G;S. 5520. Mussey, Henry Raymond. Combination in the mining industry: a study of concentration in Lake Superior iron ore production, by Henry Raymond Mussey, A. B. . . . New York [the Columbia university press, the Macmillan company, agents] 1905. 169 p. S. Thesis for the degree of Ph. D. in Columbia university. 5521. Nash, Alice. History of the tabernacle Methodist church, Detroit, Mich; golden jubilee, 1849-1899. Comp. by Miss Alice Nash. [Detroit, 1899:^. 90 p. B. 5522. National Americanization committee. Americanizing a city; the campaign for the Detroit night schools, conducted in August-September, 1915, by the Detroit board of commerce and board of education, under the auspices of the national Americanization committee and the committee for immigrants in America . . . issued by the national Americanization com- mittee and the committee for immigrants in America. New York city, 1915. 23 p. L C. 5523. National association letter carriers. Detroit branch no. 1. Pro- gram, annual entertainment, 1891-1895. [Detroit? 1891-1895]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1891, 1893, 1895. 5524. National benevolent fraternity. By-laws of the national benevolent fraternity, adopted, April, 1891. Detroit, John F. Eby & co., printers [1891 ?]. 10 p. ^^- B. 5525. National building plan association. Artistic homes; with a descrip- tion of beautiful and economical residence buildings . . . designed by the national building plan association . . . [Buffalo, Matthews, Northrup & co., cl887]. [75] p. L C. 5526. ■■ . Artistic homes; with a descrip- tion of beautiful and economical residence buildings, churches, school houses, store fronts, etc., designed by the national building plan association, archi- tects and superintendents . . . [Bufifalo, Matthews, Northrup & co., cl888]. [97] p. L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 593 5527. National chautauqua association. Michigan state summer encamp- ment, national chautauqua association, ltd. . . . for higher education, civi- lizing amusements, nobler citizenship, under management of educational, musical, church, dramatic, automobile and boating club members of Michigan . . . [Detroit, printed by Williams and Houghton, cl915]. 29 p. L C. 5528. National educational association. Days in and about Detroit; national educational association; fortieth annual meeting, Detroit, July 8-12, 1901. Detroit, 1901. 62 p. B. 5529. National grange in Michigan. Souvenir, national grange in Michi- gan, Lansing, November 12-22, 1902. [Lansing, Mich., Robert Smith print- ing co., 1902]. 112 p. B;.D;S;U. 5530. Nazareth academy. Annual announcement, 1911-12. [no imprint]. 24 p. B. 5531. . Facts concerning Nazareth; the following in- formation is for the benefit of visitors, [no imprint]. [3] p. B. 5532. . Nazareth academy, Nazareth, Kalamazoo county, Mich. 1905-1906. [no imprint]. 30 p. • B. 5533. Nedham, A. G., & co. Battle Creek and Marshall city directories with Albion village directory, including the villages of Athens, Augusta, Bed- ford, Bellevue, Burlington, Ceresco, Climax and Homer, for 1883 . . . Cold- water, Michigan, A. G. Nedham & co.; Battle Creek, Mich., Musical messen- ger book and job print, 1882. 303 p. S. 5534. Neill, Edward Duffield. ... A critical period for the French traders of lakes Michigan and Superior, A. D. 1684, with some letters, now first printed. By Edward D. Neill ... (In Macalester college, St. Paul, Minn., dept. of history, literature, and political science, contributions. St. Paul, 1890-92, 2d ser. (1892), p. [137]-158). L C; U. 5535. , • Discovery along the great lakes, by the Rev. Edward D. Neill . . . [with a critical essay on the sources of information, and editorial notes]. (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical history of America. Boston and New York, 1884-89, v. 4 (1885), p. [163]-200). LC;U. 5536. Nelson, Edward William. Fisheries of Chicago and vicinity, by E. W. Nelson. (In Report of the commissioner [of fish and fisheries] for 1875- 1876. Washington, 1878, p. 783-800). L C. 5537. Nevins, John M. Protest of Senator Nevins, against the passage by the senate of a bill to provide for county superintendents of schools, and to amend certain sections, and to repeal certain other sections, of the primary school law. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 11). D; G; S; U. 75 594 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5538. New Baltimore. Ordinances, etc. By-laws and ordinances, to- gether with the charter or act of incorporation of the village of New Baltimore, state of Michigan. Detroit, the Wilton-Smith co., printers, 1892. 36 p. S. 5539. Newberry, John Stoughton. Reports of admirality cases argued and adjudged in the district courts of the United States for the district of Michigan, northern district of Ohio, etc., from 1842-1857. New York, Banks, Gould & CO., 1857. 594 p. D. John stoughton Newberr>', Reporter. 5540. Newspaper cartoonists' association of Michigan. A gallery of pen sketches in black and white of our Michigan friends "as we see 'em, " by news- paper cartoonists' association of Michigan. [Detroit, Wm. Graham printing CO., cl905]. 640 p. D;G;LC. "Compiled and collated by C. O. Youngstrand. " 5541. Newton, Stanley. Mackinac Island and Sault Ste. Marie, by Stanley Newton . . . [Sault Ste. Ad^arie, Sault news printing co., cl909]. 3p. 1., 187 p. G; LC;S. 5542. Niagara and Detroit rivers railroad. Report of the engineer upon the preliminary surveys for the Niagara and Detroit rivers railroad; with a map, profile and plan of construction. 1837. [no imprint]. 58 p. B. 5543. Nichols, Charles W. A government class-book of the state of Michi- gan, by Charles W. Nichols . . . Syracuse, N. Y., C. W. Bardeen, 1897. 3 p. 1., 9-308 p. D;LC;S;U. 5544. Nicholson, A. W. The causation of intermittent fever, including a record of 118 cases of intermittent fever and of coincident meteorological and other conditions, by A. W. Nicholson, M. D. . . . [Lansing? 1881?]. 193-212 p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1880. Reprint no. 70). S. 5545. Nida, Stella Humphrey. Letters of Polly, the pioneer, written to a younger brother and sister back east, by Stella Humphrey Nida. New York, the Macmillan company, 1916. viii p., 1 1., 182 p. G; L C. 5546. Niles, William H. The military government of the district of Lake Michigan; its legal standing as defined by official letters and papers, by Wil- liam H. Niles . . . Capt. George Streeter, the American Dreyfus, now in the state's prison, at Joliet, 111. Chicago, Hufford & co. [1903?]. 48 p. G. 5547. Niles. Board of education. Catalogue of the officers, teachers and students of the public schools of Niles . . . 1866-67 to 1874-75. Niles, Michi- gan, 1867-1875. B*; S*. Place of publication varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1866-67, 1873-74, 1874-75; the State Library has 1868-69 and 1871-72. 5548. . . Circular of the public schools of Niles, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 595 Mich., containing organization, course of study, and rules and regulations. Niles, Michigan, board of education, 1891. 74 p. (In Catalogues of some of the leading high schools of Michigan, vol. I . . . Columbian exposition, 1893). U. 5549. . Charters. Charter of the city of Niles, and ordinances, as amended up to 1874. Niles, D. B. Cook, book and job printer, 1874. 91 p. B. 5550. . First Baptist church. First Baptist church, Niles, Michigan. Seventy-fifthanniversary, August 11-14, 1916. [Niles, 1916]. 42 p. ■ S. 5551. Nimmo, David Chalmers. Detroit songs, by David Chalmers Nimmo . . . [Detroit, cl917]. Cover title, 16 p., 1 1. S. 5552. Nimmo, Harry M. The men of '05; some pen pictures and a few- other things concerning one hundred or more gentlemen connected with the first all-Republican government of Michigan, by Harry M. Nimmo . . . De- troit, Mich. [cl905]. 2 p. 1., 7-126 p., 1 1. D; G; L C. 5553. Noble, Francis William. Historical resume of pilgrimages of De- troit commandery, no. 1, knights templar, from date of organization, Jan. 1, 1851 to 1878. Detroit, E. B. Sowith & co., 1878. 109 p. D. 5554. Noel, Theophilus. Noel's souvenir of the fortieth annual picnic [of] Berrien county old settlers association. [St. Joseph, Mich., A. B. Morse com- pany, printers, cl914]. Cover title, [30] p. — — L C. "The address by Mr. R. W. Reese": p. [10]-[26]. 5555. Nomination of a candidate for United States senator by a caucus of the Republican members of the Legislature of 1907, held in the hall of the house of representatives, in Lansing, Michigan, January 2nd, 1907. [Grand Rapids, Michigan, engraved and printed by Etheridge printing company, 1908?]. 104 p. — S. "Reported and published by Bender & Brewer, shorthand reporters. Grand Rapids, Michigan. " 5556. North-American mineral land company. Prospectus of the North- American mineral land company . . . New York, J. J. Bloomfield, stationer and printer, 1865. 24 p. S. 5557. North channel shooting club of Detroit. Constitution and by-laws of the north channel shooting club of Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, Wm. Gra- ham, printer, 1880. 18 p. B. 5558. Northeastern Michigan development bureau ... A land of unde- veloped possibilities, [no imprint]. 1 p. 1., 16 p. S. 5559. Northeastern Michigan realty co. Northeastern Michigan; the district of Michigan where grains, grasses, fruits, vegetables and live stock are unequaled . . . [Alpena? 1911?]. 14 p. S. 596 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5560. Northern Michigan agricultural and mechanical society. . . . Ofificers, rules and regulations, and premium list of the grand union fair, to be held at the city of Grand Rapids . . . 1871-1872. Grand Haven, Michigan, 1871-1872. vS. 1871 published: Grand Rapids, eagle steam printing house. 5561. Northern Pacific railroad. Proceedings of a convention, East Sagi- naw, Mich., Nov. 23d-24th, 1869, to consider the question of the shortest and most feasible route and the best means for promoting the construction of the Northern Pacific railroad. East Saginaw, 1869. 54 p. ■ — — • B. 5562. Northrup, Ansel Judd. Camps and tramps in the Adirondacks, and grayling fishing in northern Michigan: a record of summer vacations in the wilderness. By A. Judd Northrup. Syracuse, N. Y., Davis, Bardeen & co., New York, Baker, Pratt & co., 1880. viii, [9]-302 p. — D; L C. 5563. Northrup, Zae. ... A bacterial disease of the June bettle larvae, lachnostemaspp. By Zae Northrup. East Lansing, Michigan, 1914. (Michi- gan agricultural college, experiment station, technical bulletin no. 18, June, 1914). M AC;S. Also in the Fifty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 490-523. 5564. , . . . . The influence of certain acid-destroying yeasts upon lactic bacteria, by Zae Northrup. East Lansing, Michigan, 1912. 35 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, technical bulletin no. 15, June, 1912). , M A C; S. Also in the Fifty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 418-450. 5565. Northrup & son. Pictures of South Haven, Mich. South Haven, Mich., Northrup & son [cl900]. [5], 50 p. G. 5566. Northwestern Michigan press association. North-western Michi- gan press association, lst-2nd annual meeting . . . Big Rapids, 1878-1879. B;G*;S*. Place of publication in 1878: Traverse City. *The Grand Rapids Public Library and the State Library each have 1879. 5567. Northwestern reporter. The northwestern reporter blue book. Tables of cases so arranged as to show where any case cited from the reports of Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, and Wis- consin, are to be found in'the northwestern reporter, volumes 1 to 162, cover- ing the reports published from 1879 to June 22, 1917. 9th ed. St. Paul, West publishing co., 1917. [1254] p. L C. Pagination irregular, including advertising matter. Lettered on cover: Blue book for the northwestern reporter. 5568. North-western summer institute, devoted to instruction in language, literature, and science. [Prospectus, 1882]. Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor register printing & publishing co. [1882?]. 48 p. B. I BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 597 5569. Norton, H. W. Baby beef production, by H. W. Norton, jr. East Lansing, Michigan, 1910. [185]-213 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, bulletin no. 261, April, 1910). — M A C; S. Also in the Forty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agricultural, p. 399-424. 5570. — ■ , — . — . Preliminary report on wintering fami work horses, by H. W. Norton, jr. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1909. [49]-59 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 254, March, 1909). M AC; S. Also in Forty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 228-235. 5571. ; — . — . Rearing calves on skim-milk and supplementary feed, by H. W. Norton, jr. East Lansing, Michigan, 1909. 29 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 257, October, 1909). M AC;S. Also in Forty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p- 246-272. 5572. Norton, Oliver Willcox. Strong Vincent and his brigade at Gettys- burg, July 2, 1863. Oliver W. Norton . . . Chicago, 1909. 57 p. L C. Pages 1 l-vS7 contain extracts from letters and reports by officers in command at the battle of Gettysburg. 5573. Norway. Board of education. Announcement of the Norway pub- lic schools 1890-1891. Organization, course of study, rules and regulations. Published by order of the school board. Norway, Michigan [1890?]. 42 p. (In Catalogues of some of the leading high schools of Michigan, vol. I . . . Columbian exposition, 1893). U. 5574. Nowlin, William. The bark covered house, or back in the woods again; being a graphic and thrilling description of real pioneer life in the wil- derness of Michigan . . . By William Nowlin, esq. Detroit, printed for the author, 1876. 3 p. 1., [xi]-xiv, [15]-250 p. B; L C; S. 5575. Nursey, Walter R. The city of Escanaba, Michigan, U. S. A., the iron port of the world. A history of its growth, with a description of its in- dustries, resources, commercial position, climate and topography; replete with information for the capitalist, manufacturer, artizan, agriculturalist, tourist and sportsman. By Walter R. Nursey . . . With map's and illustrations. Printed and published by Lew M. Cates, of "the calumet." Escanaba, Mich., 1890. 86 p. S. 5576. , . The Menominee iron range. Its cities: their industries and resources. Being a sketch of the discovery and development of the great iron ore beds of the north, situated within portions of the states of Michigan and Wisconsin . . . [Milwaukee, Swain & Tate co., 1891]. 150 p. L C. 5577. Obituary commemorative of the death of Mrs. Lucy M. Henderson, 598 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN who died April 6th, A. D. 1860 . . . Detroit, daily advertiser steam power press print, 1860. 15 p. B. 5578. Obituary notice of Prof. A. Arnold Clark of Lansing, Michigan . . . [Lansing? 1891?]. [Ixxvj-lxxxii p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1891). S. 5579. O'Brien, Frank A. The diocese of Detroit. What it was. What it is. By the Rev, Frank A. O'Brien . . . (In Michigan pioneer and historical collections. Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders, 1886, vol. IX. p. 128-137). B*; D;G;LC;S;U. *Thc Burton Historical Collection has a reprint, lip. 5580. • — , — . Forgotten heroines, by Rt. Rev. Mgr. Frank A. O'Brien . . . Lansing, Michigan historical commission, 1916. 8 p. B;LC;S;U. 5581. , — . "Le pere juste," Right Reverend Monsignor Joos, V. G. A paper read before the Michigan pioneer and historical society at its thirtieth annual session in the senate chamber, Lansing, June 2, 1904, by Father O'Brien . . . Nazareth, Mich., The Nazarene print [1904]. 48 p' L C. 5582. ,' . Two early missionaries to the Indians: Lady Antoinette von Hoeffern; Father Frank Pierz. By Rt. Rev. Monsignor Frank A. O'Brien, LL.D. . . . Lansing, Michigan historical commission, 1916. 15 p. (Reprinted from the Michigan historical collections, v. 39, p. 219-232). vS. 5583. Oceana Beach association, Pentwater, Mich. . . . [Description of Oceana Beach]. [Grand Rapids, Mich., Dean-Hicks printing co., n. d.]. [10] p. S. 5584. O'Connell, John Patrick. Seeing Detroit, land and water; a de- scriptive guide to points of interest in and around Detroit, by John P. O'Con- nell. Detroit, the Griswold press, 1914. 69, [3] p. B; L C. 5585. Ohio. Co-operative topographic survey. The Ohio-Michigan boundary, being volume I of the final report (in four vols.). Ohio Co-opera- tive topographic survey, by C. E. Sherman, C. E., inspector. 1916. [Mans- field] press of the Ohio state reformatory [1916]. 3 p. 1., 115 p. L C; S. Survey made with the cooperation of the Michigan geological survey. "Basis of the Ohio-Michigan boundary dispute, by A. M. Schlesinger " : v. 1, p. 59-70. "The controversy over the Ohio-Michigan boundary, by A. M. Soule": v. 1, p. 71-112. "Bibliography of the Ohio-Michigan boundary dispute, comp. by A. M. Schlesinger": V. l,p. 113-115. 5586. — — . Governor. Message of the governor of Ohio, at the second session of the thirty-third general assembly, June 8th, 1835, [together with dociunents accompanying the governor's message, and an appendix]. Colum- bus, James B. Gardiner, printer to the state, 1835. B; S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 599 5587. . . Special message of Governor Lucas to both branches of the general assembly of Ohio, made in pursuance of the third sec- tion of an act making an appropriation to defray the expense of carrying into effect the laws in regard to the northern boundary line; with accompanying documents. December 8th, 1835. Columbus, J. B. Gardiner, printer to the state [1835?]. 31, 64 p. B; G; L C. 5588. . Legislature. Report of the joint select committee to whom were referred the governor's message and accompanying documents on the subject of the northern boundary. Columbus, James B. Gardiner, printer to the state, 1835. 18 p. B; S. 5589. . . Resolutions of the legislature of the state of Ohio, on the subject of the northern boundary of said state, March 24, 1834. [Washington?] Gales & Seaton [1834?]. 7 p. G. 5590. [Ohio, Quincy and Grand Haven railroad company]. [The O. Q. & G. H. railway; will it pay? Read and see], [no imprint]. [5] p. G. No title page. 5591. Old club. The old club of Detroit . . . Detroit, A4ich.. 1912. 67 p. L C. Colored postal card mounted on p. [2] as frontispiece. 5592. The old national bank. Dictionary of Grand Rapids ; issued by the old national bank, [no imprint]. '51, [1] p. G. 5593. . General letter on trade conditions and a business forecast . . . Grand Rapids, Mich., Old national bank, 1913-1917. 2 V. G. 5594. The old north-west leaflets, pub. under the auspices of the Chicago history teachers' association . . . v. 1, no. 1-2. Chicago, Boston, Atkinson, Mentzer & Grover [cl906]. 2 v. L C. No more published. Contents. — v. 1, no. 1. Marquette, [J.]. The last two journeys of Father Marquette, with an introduction and notes by Edwin Erie vSparks . . . — v. 1, no. 2, Mann, C. W., ed. Manners and customs of the western Indians. 5595. Old settlers' mining company. Articles of association of the old settlers' mining company [of the city of Detroit] adopted August 25th, 1845. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers, 1845. 12 p. B. 5596. Oliver, David Dykins. Centennial history of Alpena county, Michi- gan. Giving sketch of Michigan from its early settlement, fortunes and mis- fortunes of first settlers. The survey, settlement and growth of Alpena county, from 1837 to 1876. By David D. Oliver. Alpena, Mich., Argus printing house, 1903. 186 p., 1 1. B; L C; S; U. 5597. Olivet. Charters. Charter of the village of Olivet, and ordinances adopted August 8, 1889. Compiled by Geo. M. Ely and Geo. W. Keyes. Olivet, optic steam printing house, 1890. 24, 14 p. S. 600 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5598. Olivet college. . . . Bulletin . . . [vol. I?]-vol. XVI. Olivet, Michigan, Olivet college, 1902-1917. S*. *The State Library has 2d ser., no. 1 ; vol. VI, no. 4 and 5; vol. VII, no. 3, 5, 7; vol. IX, no. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7; vol. X,.no. 4, 5, 7; vol. XI, no. 3, 5, 6; vol. XII, no. 3-6; vol. XIII, no. 6; vol. XIV, no. 4, 5, 6; vol. XVI, no. 7. 5599. . Exercises and addresses at the dedication of the new library building Olivet college, June 19, 1890. Olivet, Frank N. Green, optic steam print, 1890. 21 p. S. 5600. . Exercises connected with the observance of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Olivet college, and the fortieth anniversary of Olivet institute. Olivet, Mich. Boston, Beacon press, 1885. xii, 63 p. S. 5601. . Olivet college catalog ... 1846 to 1916-17. Olivet, Michigan, 1846-1917. S*. Place of publication varies: Marshall, 1846-1848, 1852-1856; Detroit, 1860, 1870-1873, 1877-1878; Rochester, N. Y., 1862-1863; Chicago, 1864; Lansing, 1865-1869; Erie, Pa., 1877; Boston, 1879-1889; Kalamazoo, 1895. Title varies: 1846 to 1846-47, Catalogue of the officers and students of Olivet college . . . 1847-48, 1851-52 to 1855-56, Annual catalogue of the officers & students in the Olivet institute . . . 1860-61, Catalogue of the officers and students of Olivet college . . . 1862-63, Catalogue and circular of Olivet college . . . 1863-64 to 1868, Catalogue of Olivet college . . . 1869,1888 to 1895-96, Catalogue of the officers and students of Olivet college . . , 1870-71, Circular and catalogue of the officers and students of Olivet college . . . 1889-90, Thirtieth annual catalogue of the officers, students and alumni of Olivet col- lege . . . 1896-97 to 1914-15, Catalogue of Olivet college . . . (1907-08 to 1916-17 contain an- nouncements for 1908-09 to 1917-18). *The State Library has 1846 to 1847-48, 1851-52 to 1855-56, 1860-61, 1862-63 to 1873, 1876-77 to 1880-81, 1882-83 to 1889-90, 1895-96 to 1897-98, 1899-1900, 1901-02, 1907-08, 1909-10, 1911-12 to 1916-17. 5602. Olmsted, Frederick Law. . . . Conditions in Detroit, 1915, by Frederick Law Olmsted, together with a report made by Professor Olmsted to the Detroit board of commerce in 1905. Detroit, the commission, 1915. Cover title, 36 p. B; L C; vS. At head of title: City plan and improvement commission. 5603: , . Improvement of the city of Detroit. Re- ports made by Professor Frederick Law Olmsted, junior, and Mr. Charles Mulford Robinson, to the Detroit board of commerce. Detroit, 1905. 67 p. B;U. 5604. — , . The park for Detroit : being a preliminary consideration of certain prime conditions of economy for the Belle Isle scheme, designed to further determinative discussion of the lasting interests of the city in the matter, with a view to a settled policy; with a suggestion of the distinctive character of a park adapted to the local circumstances, and an outline of the leading features of a suitable permanent plan of operations. Printed for the author. [Boston, Franklin press: Rand Avery & co.] 1882. 62 p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 601 5605. O'Malley, John P. Manistee city and county directory, by John P. O'Malley . . . Manistee, Mich., 1888. 1 p. 1., 179 p. L C. p. 13-24, 141-179, advertising matter. 5606. The oracle. Published annually by the sophomore class of the university of Michigan, v. 3-33. Ann Arbor, The inland press, 1869-1902. B*; D*; U*. *Tlie Burton Historical Collection has v. 5, no. 1; v. 14, 21, 22, 25, 26, 31; the main li- brary, Detroit, has v. 7-9, 12, 13, 21, 23, 25-28; the U. of M. Library has v. 3, no. 1; v. 5, no. 1; V. 7-29, 31-33. 5607. Orcutt, William Dana. Burrows of Michigan and the Republican party; a biography and a history, by William Dana Orcutt . . . New York [etc.] Longmans, Green and co., 1917. 2 v. G; L C; vS. 5608. Order of the descendants of colonial governors. Michigan. Roll of members in the state of Michigan. 1897. [no imprint]. 43 p. D; U. 5609. Osborn, Chase Salmon. Address of Chase S. Osborn at Republican state convention, Kalamazoo, September 30, 1914. [Lansing, Mich., Robert Smith printing co., 1914?]. Caption title, 8 p. S. 5610. ■ , . The "Soo"; scenes in and about Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, with descriptive text; edited by C. S. Osborn. [Milwaukee, Wis., King, Fowle & Katz, 1887]. 40 p. • G. 5611. Osborn, William Henry. Farming, fanti homes, and farm lands, by WilHam H. Osborn . . . [Marinette, Wis., eagle printing company, cl913]. 48 p. L C. Maps on pages 2 and 3 of cover. 5612. Osborne farm annual . . . Lansing, Michigan [1913]. 96 p. U. 5613. Osceola consolidated mining company of Michigan. Report of the Osceola consolidated mining company of Michigan, 1886-1904. [Boston? Mass.] 1887-1905. B*. Report year ends Dec. 31. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1886 and 1904. 5614. Oscoda. Ordinances, etc. Ordinances of Oscoda village, together with the charter, the by-laws of the board of water commissioners and the rules and regulations governing the fire department. Oscoda, the Saturday night printing house, 1891. 74 p. ■ S. 5615. Ossoli, Sarah Margaret (Fuller). Sttmmer on the lakes, in 1843, by S. M. Fuller. Boston, C. C. Little and J. Brown; New York, C. S. Francis and company, 1844. 3 p. 1., [3]-256 p. • • G; L C; S. 5616. Ostrander, Russell Cowles. Civil government of the United States, and of the state of Michigan, with statements of some general principles of government. A text book for schools, by Russell C. Ostrander . . . Chicago, G. Sherwood & co. [cl884]. 3, iii-xvi, 7-295 p. L C; S; U. 602 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5617. Otis, Charles Herbert. . . . Michigan trees; a handbook of the native and most important introduced species, by Charles Herbert Otis, curator, with an introduction by George Plumer Bums, director. Ann Arbor, the regents, 1913. xxxii, 246 p. (On cover: University bulletin, new series, vol. XIV, no. 16). D;G;LC;S. At head of title: University of Michigan. Botanical garden and arboretum. 5618. [Ottawa Indians]. [Petition of the Ottawa Indians, residing at L'arbre Croche, on the north-west extremity of the southern peninsula]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 5619. Our churches, Detroit, Michigan. Detroit, John F. Eby & co.. printers, 1895. 261 ]). B. 5620. Owen, C. W. The first Michigan infantry, three months and three years. Brief history of the regiment from its organization in May, 1861, until its muster out in July, 1865, together with personal experiences of writer. [Quincy?] Quincy herald print, C. W. Owen, prop. [1903?]. Cover title, [73] p. -^ S. 5621. Owosso. Ladies' library and literary association. Articles of asso- ciation, b^^-laws and catalogue of books of the ladies' library and literary asso- ciation of Owosso city. Organized May 5, 1867. Chartered November 16, 1870. Owosso, Michigan, J. H. Champion & co., 1870. 25 p. S. "Additional books," [3] p., following the catalogue. 5622. . Young men's Christian association library. [Catalogue]. [Owosso? 1896?]. 47 p. S. 5623. Packard motor car company. The packard, February, 1916. [De- troit, The Packard motor car co., 1916]. 24 p. B. 5624. Page, Lorena Maybelle. Legendary lore of Mackinac; original poems of Indian legends of Mackinac Island. By Lorena M. Page . . . Cleveland, O., Lorena M. Page [1901]. 131 p. G; L C; S. 5625. The pageant of Escanaba, Friday, June 2nd at 1 :15 p. m., Ludington Park . . . [Escanaba, Mich., daily mirror printing office, cl9l7]. 31 p. LC. p. 23-31, advertising matter. "The text of the pageant was written in most part by seven high school girls." 5626. Paine, Charles. . . . History of the iron rails upon the Michigan southern and northern Indiana railway. A paper presented by Charles Paine, civil engineer, member of the society; with remarks on the construction and wear of rails, by J. Dutton Steele, civil engineer, member of the society. [New York, 1872]. Caption title, [249]-258 p. L C. At head of title: XX. American society of civil engineers . . . Transactions ... At a meeting of the society, Sept. 21, 1870. 5627. Palache, Charles. . . . The crystallization of the calcite from the BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 603 copper mines of Lake Superior, by Charles Palachc, accompanied b}^ six plates. (In Michigan, geological survey, [reports], vol. vi, pt. ii: Upper peninsula 1893-1897. Lansing, 1898, p. [157J-184). L C. "Literature": p. 162-163. 5628. Palmer, Mrs. Alice Freeman. Why go to college; an address by Alice Freeman Palmer . . . Special edition issued for the university of Michi- gan. New York, Thomas Y. Crowell & company [cl897]. 32 p. G. 5629. [Palmer, A. B.]. [A statement of the relation of the facult}^ in the department of medicine and surger}- in the university of Michigan to the faculty in the homoeopathic college]. [Ann Arbor? 18 — ?]. 12 p. — ■ — • B. No title page. 5630. Palmer, Friend. Early days in Detroit; papers written by General Friend Palmer, of Detroit, being his personal reminiscences of important events and descriptions of the city for over eighty years. Detroit, Mich., Hunt & June [cl906]. 1032 p. -^— B; G; L C; S. Introductory notice signed: The editors, PI. P. Hunt, C. M. June. 5631. Palmer, George Herbert. The life of Alice Freeman Palmer. By George Herbert Palmer. Boston and New York, Hought^on Mifflin com- pany, 1908. 5 p. 1., 354 p. G. 5632. Palmer, Thomas Witherell. Mr. Thompson's school at St. Clair in 1842. Address by Thomas W. Palmer, pioneer's day, June 25th, 1907. [no imprint]. 28 p. B. 5633. , . "To the soldier dead," a response by Hon. T. W. Palmer, to that toast at the annual banquet of the society of the army of the Tennessee, Detroit, Sept. 15, 1887. Detroit, Togee & Morrison, printers [n. d.]. 21 p. B. 5634. Palmyra and Jacksonburg railroad company. A petition from the stockholders of the Palm3^ra and Jacksonburg railroad company. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 26, p. 58-64). B; D; G; S; U. 5635. . Report of the Palmyra and Jacksonburg railroad company. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, house documents. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 32, p. 300-302). — B;D;G;S;U. 5636. Pangborn, J. G. The B. & 0. red book for Michigan, 1884; giving the Republican, Democratic and Prohibition vote by counties for governor, 1882 and justice supreme court, 1883; for presidential electors, 1876 and 1880; for congressmen by counties and districts, 1880 and 1882. With a condensa- tion of the vote of the state since 1836. Baltimore, Baltimore & Ohio railroad CO., 1884. 20 p. B. Compiled by J. G. Pangborn. 604 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5637. Parish, John Carl. . . . George Wallace Jones, by John Carl Par- ish. Iowa City, la., The state historical society of Iowa, 1912. xii p., 1 1., 354 p. (Half-title: Iowa biographical series; ed. by Benjamin F. Sham- baugh). L C. "Notes and references": p. 305-334. Part II, autoljiography, p. 73-247; part III, per- sonal recollections, p. 249-303. 5638. Parish, W. H., publishing company. Art work of Detroit . . . Chicago, the W. H. Parish pub. co., 1894. 87 p. B. 5639. Park, James Stanton. The pageant of old Detroit, by James Stan- ton Park. [Detroit, Speaker-Hines press, cl915]. 3 p. 1., 44 p. B; D;LC;S. 5640. Parke, Davis & company. Fifty years of manufacturing pharmacy and biolog>'; jubilee souvenir, 1866-1916. [Detroit] Parke, Davis & company [1916]. 14 1. L C. Plates printed on both sides. 5641. Parker, Amos Andrew. Trip to the west and Texas. Comprising a journey of eight thousand miles, through New- York, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana and Texas, in the autumn and winter of 1834-5. Inter- spersed with anecdotes, incidents and observ'ations. By A. A. Parker. Con- cord, N. H., White & Fisher, 1835. 276 p. ■ L C. 5642. Parker, Leroy. Coroners and coroners' inquests: a report to the Michigan state board of health, by Hon. Leroy Parker ... By authority. Lansing, Mich., W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1879. Cover title, [313]-320 p. S. 5643. , . Legal and other measures for the prevention of casualties; a paper by Hon. Leroy Parker . . . read at the sanitary conven- tion at Battle Creek, Mich., March 29, 1881 . . . [Lansing? 1882?]. [95]-104p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1881. Reprint no. 83). S. 5644. , . Meetings and expenses of township boards of health and salaries of health officers. Opinion by Hon. Leroy Parker, president of the state board of health, on questions submitted by H. M. Spicer, supervisor of the township of Crystal Lake, Benzie co., Mich. [Lansing? 1882?]. Cap- tion title, 252-253 p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health, for the year 1882). S. 5645. , . The powers and duties of local boards of health, by Hon. Leroy Parker, of Flint, Michigan, member of the state board of health, and its committee on legislation in the interests of public health . . . [Lan- sing? 1880?]. 291-300 p. (Reprinted from the Seventh annual report of the Michigan state board of health, for the year 1879). S. 5646. , . Public-health subjects before the American social science association, at Saratoga, N. Y., September 5-8, 1882; the Michigan BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 605 plan for general boards of health, care of chronic inebriates, house-drainage, health of criminal women, reported by Hon. Leroy Parker . . . [Lansing? 1882?]. 328-338 p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health, for the year 1882). S. 5647. , . Verification by the health officer of diagonosis of diseases dangerous to the public health; opinion by Hon. Leroy Parker . . . [Lansing? 1883?]. 254-256 p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1882. Reprint no. 133). S. 5648. Parkman, Francis. History of the conspiracy of Pontiac, and the war of the North American tribes against the English colonies after the con- quest of Canada, by Francis Parkman, jr. . . . Boston, C. C. Little and J. Brown; [etc., etc.] 1851. xxiv, 630 p. L C. 5649. , . The conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian war after the conquest of Canada, by Francis Parkman. 9th ed., rev., with addi- tions. Boston, Little, Brown & co., 1880. 2 v. B. 5650. , . Ibid. 10th ed., rev., with additions. Boston, Little, Brown and company, 1894. 2 v. S. 5651. , . Ibid' Boston, Little, Brown and company [cl898]. 2 V. S. At head of title: The pocket Parkman. 5652. , . Ibid. Boston, Little, Brown, and company, 1902. 2 V. S. 5653. [Parmenter, Edward L.]. School libraries; some suggestions on their selection and use, with a recommended list of one hundred fifty volumes, [no imprint]. Caption title, [8] p. S. 5654. Parrish, Isaac H. Speech of Isaac H. Parrish, before the Grant club at Grand Rapids, March 27, 1868. [no imprint]. Caption title, lip. S. 5655. Parrish, Randall. A sword of the old frontier; a tale of Fort Chartres and Detroit; being a plain account of sundry adventures befalling Chevelier Raoul de Coubert, one time captain in the hussars of Languedoc, during the year 1763. By Randall Parrish . . . Illustrated by F. C. Yohn. Chicago, A. C. McClurg & CO., 1905. vi p., 1 1., [9]-407 p. B; G. 5656. Parsons, Barclay & Klapp. Report on Detroit street railway traffic and proposed subway made to board of street railway commissioners, city of Detroit, by Barclay, Parsons & Klapp [consulting engineers]. [Detroit] 1915. 6 p. 1., 5-291 (i. e. 299) p. B;LC;U. p. 299 wrongly numbered 291. 5657. . . . The part taken by Essex county in the organization and settle- ment of the northwest territory. (In Essex institute, historical collections . . . Salem, 1888, v. 25, p. 165-234). B; L C. A collection of extracts from letters, speeches and other sources. 606 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5658. Patrick, Mason Mathews. Some damage by the lake storm, No- vember, 1913, by Lieut. Col. Mason M. Patrick . . . (In Professional memoirs, corps of engineers, U. S. army, and engineer department-at-large. Washing- ton, 1914, V. 6, p. 333-344). L C; S. 5659. , . The work of the United States lake sur- vey office, Detroit, Michigan, by Lieut. Col. Mason M. Patrick . . . and Mr. F. G. Ray . . . (In Professional memoirs, corps of engineers, U. S. army, and engineer department-at-large. Washington, 1916, v. 8, p. 149-160). • LC;S. 5660. Patten, Andrew J. . . . Analyses of miscellaneous materials, com- piled by Andrew J. Patten. East Lansing, Michigan, 1911. 12 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 55, June, 1911). MAC;S. Also in Fiftieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 337-346. 5661. , . . . . Analyses of some materials sold as insecti- cides and fungicides, by A. J. Patten and D. C. Kellogg. East Lansing, Michi- gan, 1915. lip. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 74, July, 1915). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 340-348. 5662. , . Commercial feeding stuffs, by Andrew J. Pat- ten, E. F. Berger, A. E. Smoll and E, A. De Windt. East Lansing, Michigan, 1916. 72 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bvilletin no. 276, November, 1916). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. [347J-416. 5663. , . Fertilizer analyses, by Andrew J. Patten [and others]. 1905-1916. East Lansing, 1905-1916. M A C; S. Issued as Bulletins of Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, as follows: 1905, Bulletin no. 232, July, 1905. 1906, Bulletin no. 239, August, 1906. 1907, Bulletin no. 248, August, 1907. 1908, Bulletin no. 252, August, 1908. 1909, Bulletin no. 256, August, 1909. 1910, Bulletin no. 263, August, 1910. 1911, Bulletin no. 265, August, 1911. 1912, Bulletin no. 269, September, 1912. 1913, Bulletin no. 272, September, 1913. 1914, Bulletin no. 274, October, 1914. 1915, Bulletin no. 275, December, 1915. • 1916, Bulletin no. 278, December, 1916. 5664. , • — . Lime for agricultural purposes, [by] A. J. Pat- ten and J. A. Jeffery. [East Lansing?] 1911. [79]-82 p. (Michigan agricul- tural college, experiment station, circular no. 11, June, 1911). • M A C; S. Also in Fiftieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 315-319. 5665. , . . . . Manufacture and storage of the lime- sulfvu- spray, by Andrew J. Patten. East Lansing, Mich., 1911. [67]-77 p. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 607 (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, circular no. 10, January, 1911). M AC;S. Also in Fiftieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 306-314 . 5666. Pattengill, Henry Romaine. The civil government of Michigan, comp. by Henry R. Pattengill. Lansing, Mich., H. R. Pattengill [cl887]. 2 p. 1., 92 p. B; LC. 5667. , . Ibid. 6th ed. (Twenty-eighth to thirty-eighth thousand). Compiled by Henry R. Pattengill . . . Lansing, Mich.. Robert Smith, 1895. 2 p. 1., 104 p. L C; S; U. 5668. , .Ibid. 19th ed., constitution of 1909. Lansing, H. R. Pattengill, 1910. 2 p. 1., 137 p. D. 5669. , . Ibid. 20th ed. (rev.) Constitution of 1909. Compiled by Henry R. Pattengill . . . Lansing, Mich., Henry R. Pattengill, 1911. 2 p. 1., 137 p. U. 5670. , . Ibid. 21st ed. rev. Constitution of 1909. Compiled by Henry R. Pattengill . . . Lansing, H. R; Pattengill, 1912. 2 p. 1., 104 p. G. 5671. , . Michigan cards, historical, geographi- cal and civic; 100 cards, 500 interesting facts about Michigan . . . Author and publisher, Henry R. Pattengill. Lansing, Mich. [19 — ]. 100 cards. S. 5672. ■ — , . Special day exercises; arbor day, memorial days, state day, flag exercises, mothers' day, penmanship day, authors' days, statesmen's days. Thanksgiving, Christmas. (4th ed.), 1907; selected and arranged by Henry R. Pattengill . . . Lansing, Mich., H. R. Pattengill [1907]. 161 p. L C; S. 5673. Pattison, James William. "Opening of the Hackley art galleries," by James William Pattison. (In Fine arts journal. Chicago, 1912, vol. XXVII, no. 2, p. 521-536). S. 5674. Patton, John. An address by John Patton, delivered at Lansing, Mich., October 12, 1898, at the unveiling of the statue, erected by the state of Michigan, in the capitol grounds, to the memory of Austin Blair, war governor. [Lansing? 1898?]. 20 p. L C; S; U. 5675. , . Grant, Sherman, Farragut, Lincoln. An address by John Patton, delivered May 30, 1900, at the unveiling of the statues pre- sented to the city of Muskegon, Mich., by Charles H. Hackley. [Muskegon? 1900?]. Cover title, 25 p. S. 5676. Patton, John, jr. The Wilson bill and Michigan. Speech of Hon. John Patton, jr., of Michigan, in the United States senate, June 22, 1894. Washington, D. C, The capital press, 1894. 17 p. B; S. 608 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5677. Pauperism and crime in Michigan in 1872-73; message of John J. Bagley and official reports and documents. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1873. G; S. Various paging. Contents. — Message of Governor John J. Bagley. — Report of the board of state com- missioners for the general supervision of charitable, penal, pauper, and reformatory insti- tutions. — Annual report of the inspectors of the state prison of the state of Michigan for the year 1872. — Eleventh annual report of the officers of the Detroit house of correction to the common council of the city of Detroit for the year 1872. ^Sixteenth annual report of the board of control of the state reform school of the state of Michigan. — Abstract of the annual reports of the county superintendents of the poor of the state of Michigan for the year ending September 30th, 1872. 5678. Pauperism and crime in Michigan in 1874-75. Extracts from the message of Governor John J. Bagley, with official reports and documents. By authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1875. — S. Various paging. 5679. Paxson, Frederic Logan. The railroads of the "old northwest" before the civil war, by Frederic L. Paxson . . . Issued October, 1912. [Madison, Wis., 1912]. Cover title, [243]-274 p. (Reprinted from volume XVII, part I, of the Transactions of the Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts, and letters). L C. 5680. Payne, William Harold. . . . Contribution to the science of edu- cation values, by W. H. Payne . . . Ann Arbor, Andrews & Witherby, 1886. Cover title, 29 p. (University of Michigan, philosophical papers, first ser., no. 3). LC;U. 5681. ■ — , . Contributions to the science of education, by Wilham H. Payne . . . New York, Harper & brothers, 1886. 1 p. 1., [vi]- xi, [2], 358 p. L C. Appendix: The study of education in the university of Michigan, p. [335J-347. 5682. , . Ibid. New York, Harper & brothers, 1887. 1 p. 1., [v]-xi, [2], 358 p. L C; S. 5683. , . Historical sketch of the public schools of the city of Adrian; and a brief description of their present condition. Com- piled by WilHam H. Payne. By order of the board of trustees. [Adrian, Mich., times and expositor steam print, 1876]. 43 p. • S; U. 5684. • , . The relation between the university and our high schools. A lecture delivered before the state teachers' assbciation, at Ypsilanti, on Wednesday, December 27th, 1870. With notes and ap- pendices. By W. H. Payne . . . Adrian, Mich., C. Humphrey, 1871. iv p., 1 1., [7]-26, 13 p. B;LC;S;U. 5685. , . A state uniformity in text-books. The county superintendent law. A contrast with a difference. Two brief papers on questions of the hour. By W. H. Payne. Adrian, Mich., times and ex- positor steam presses, 1871. 11, 4 p. L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 609 5686. Pearse, Arthur Sperry. . . . The crawfishes of Michigan, by A. S. Pearse. The insect galls of Michigan, by Mel. T. Cook. The birds of school girl's glen region, Ann Arbor, Michigan: a study in local ornithology, by A. D. Tinker. Preliminary list of the sites of aboriginal remains in Michigan, by Harlan I. Smith . . . Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hall'enbeck Craw- ford CO., state printers, 1910. 95 p. (Michigan, geological and biological sur- vey, publication 1, biological series 1). L C; U. "Published as a part of the annual report of the board of geological survey for 1900". 5687. , . Notes on Crustacea recently acquired by the museum, by A. S. Pearse. [Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1913]. Cap- tion title, 4 p. (In Michigan, university, museum of zoology, occasional papers, no. 1). U. 5688. Peattie, Mrs. Elia Wilkinson. The beleaguered forest. By Mrs. Elia W. Peattie. New York, D. Appleton and company, 1901. 349 p. G. ■ Story of a lumber camp in the pine forests of northern Michigan. 5689. Peck, George W. Memorial of George W. Peck, William H. Chap- man, L. K. Hewitt and others, relative to the state agricultural college. [Lan- sing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 4 p. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1865, house document no. 45). S; U. 5690. Peck, John Mason. A new guide for emigrants to the west, con- taining sketches of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, with the ter- ritories of Wisconsin and Arkansas, and the adjacent parts . . . By J. M. Peck, A. M. . . . Boston, Gould, Kendall & Lincoln, 1836. vii, v-374 p. LC;S. 5691. , . Ibid. 2d ed. Boston, Gould, Kendall & Lincoln, 1837. xii p., 1 1., [15J-381 p. L C. 5692. , . A new guide to the west: containing sketches of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Wisconsin and Iowa '. . . Cincinnati, D. Anderson, 1848. xii, 15-381 p. L C. 5693. Pender, James. History of Benton Harbor and tales of village days. A combination of local historic events, interwoven with anecdotes of the times when Benton Harbor was a village. Together with a compilation of other records. By James Pender. Chicago, the Braun printing co., 1915. 4 p. 1., 200 p. G; LC; U. 5694. The peninsular club. Grand Rapids. The peninsular club. Grand Rapids, Michigan . . . [Constitution, by-laws and list of members]. [Grand Rapids, press of the Eaton, Lyon & Allen printing co.] 1891. 64 p. S. 5695. , — . [Manual]. [Grand Rapids, Mich., 1881-1891]. 3 v. G*. *The Grand Rapids Pubhc Library has 1881, 1885, 1891. 77 610 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5696. Peninsular Portland cement company. [Prospectus], [no imprint]. 68 p.^ S. No title page. 5697. Pere Marquette railroad company. Annual report . . . [n. p.] 1915-1917. 2 V. G*. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has 1915 and 1917. 5698. . . . . Dair}'ing in Alichigan . . . •[no imprint]. [8] p. S. At head of title: Industrial pamphlet no. 2. 5699. . Fishing and hunting in Michi- gan; a booklet of information for the use of the camper, the visitor from other states, and the resident sportsman as well, containing a synopsis of the fish and game laws of interest to all sportsmen, and especially to the non-resident. Issued by the passenger department of the Pere Marquette railroad . . . De- troit, Mich., 1911. 47 p. — S. 5700. — ■ — . . . . The holders of junior se- curities present certain facts and considerations to citizens of Michigan. [De- troit? 1913?]. Cover title, 27 p. — D; L C; S; U. 5701. . Michigan summer resorts . . . a guide to the summering places in the lake and river region of the state of Michigan; together with a list of hotels and boarding houses, their rates; fishing and hunting lodges and the laws respecting fishing and hunting, etc. Issued by the passenger department, Pere Marquette railway. Detroit, . Mich. [cl917]. 40 p. L C. Map on p. [3] of cover; folded map loose. 5702. . Ottawa Beach, season 1907; Black Lake resorts near Holland, Mich. Issued by the passenger department of the Pere Marquette railroad . . . [no imprint]. Cover title, 15 p. — — ■ S. 5703. — . Pointe aux Barques resort, a com- munitv for summer folks, and others. Issued by the Pere Marquette railroad . . . Detroit, Mich. [1907']. [24] p. S. " 5704. Perkins, James Handasyd. Annals of the west : embracing a con- cise account of principal events which have occurred in the western states and territories, from the discovery of the Mississippi valley to the year eighteen hundred and forty-five. Comp. from the most authentic sources, by James H. Perkins. Cincinnati, J. R. Albach, 1846. xx, 591, [1] p. L C. Bibliography: p. [xviii]-xx. 5705. , — . Ibid. Cincinnati, J. R. Albach, 1847. XX, 591, [1] p. G; L C. 5706. , . Ibid. To the year eighteen himdred and fifty ... 1st ed., by James H. Perkins. 2d. ed., rev. and enl. by J. M. . Peck. St. Louis. J. R. Albach, 1850. xxiii, [1], [25]-808 p. L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 611 5707. , . Ibid. 1st ed., by James H. Perkins. 2d ed., rev. and enl. by J. M. Peck. St. Louis, J. R. Albach, 1851. xxiii, [1], [25J-818 p. — L C. 5708. [ , ]. Ibid. To the year eighteen hundred and fifty-six. Comp. from the most authentic sources, and pub. by James R. Albach. Pittsburgh, W. S. Haven, book and job printer, 1856. xl, 41-1016 p. LC. 5709. Perry, Belle McArthur. Lucinda Hinsdale Stone, her Hfe story and reminiscences, by Belle McArthur Perry, president Michigan state federation of women's clubs. Introduction by Ellen M. Henrotin, ex-president general federation of women's clubs . , . Detroit, the Blinn publishing company, 1902. xiv, 369 p. B; S. 5710. Perry, Oliver Hazard. Hunting expeditions of Oliver Hazard PeiTy, of Cleveland, verbatim from his diaries; embellished with tail-pieces engraved about 1800 by Dr. Alexander Anderson and others, and printed from the original wood. Cleveland, for private distribution, 1899. viii, 246, [2] p. L C. "One hundred copies printed." Expeditions from 1836 to 1855. 5711. [Person, Harlow Stafford]. Report on the public archives of Michi- gan. (In American historical association, annual report ... for the year 1900. Washington, 1901, v. 2, p. 60-63). B; L C; S; U. Part of the report of the pubHc archives commission for 1900. 5712. , . Ibid. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1901. 1 p. 1., 60-63 p. LC;S;U. 5713. Peter R. L. Peirce; in mcmoriam. [n. p.] 1878. 57 p. G. 5714. Peterman, Alexander L. Elements of civil government ; a text-book for use in public schools, high schools, and normal schools, and a manual of reference for teachers, by Alex. L. Peterman . . . [Michigan ed.]. New York, Cincinnati [etc.] American book company [1891]. 261 p. L C; U. "Supplement. The state of Michigan " : p. 225-261. 5715. Peterson, Reuben. Edward Swift Dunster, A. M., M. D.; a bio- graphical sketch, by Reuben Peterson, A. B., M. D. . . . [Ann Arbor? 1905?]. Caption and cover titles, 12 p. (Reprint from April, The physician and sur- geon, Ann Arbor and Detroit). S. 5716. Petoskey. Public library . . . Annual report of the Petoskey pub- lic library ... 3rd (1911-12)-5th (1913-14). Petoskey, Michigan, 1912- 1914. -^— S. 5717. Pettit, Rufus H. The codling-moth in Michigan, by Rufus H. Pettit- Agricultural college, Michigan, 1904. [75]-93 p. (Michigan agricultural col- 612 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN lege, experiment station, bulletin no. 222, December, 1904). MAC; S;U. Also in Fortv-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 184-194. 5718. — , . . . . Foul brood, [by] R. H. Pettit. East Lan- sing, Michigan, 1912. 12 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment sta- tion, special bulletin no. 58, April, 1912). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-first annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture,p.526- 53.S. 5719. , . . . . Insects injurious to the apple [and other fruits], by R. H. Pettit . . . Agricultural college, Michigan, 1904. 64 p. (Michigan agriculttiral college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 24, February, 1904). M A C; S; U. Also in Fortv-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 287-346. 5720. , . Insects new or unusual in Michigan, by R. H. Pettit. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1906. [85]-109 p., 1 1. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 244, December, 1906). M AC;S;U. Also in Forty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. [202J-224. 5721. , . Insects of 1907, by R. H. Pettit. East Lansing, Michigan, 1908. [109]-123 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 251, March, 1908). M A C; S. Also in Fortv-seventh annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 281-292. 5722. ■ , . Insects of field crops, by R. H. Pettit. Agricul- tural college, Michigan, 1910. [33]-84 p. (Michigan agricultural college, ex- periment station, bulletin no. 258, February, 1910). M A C; S. Also in Fortv-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, v. 273-320. 5723. , . Insects of the garden, by Rufus H. Pettit. Agri- cultural college, Michigan, 1905. 77 p. (Michigan agricultural college, ex- periment station, bulletin no. 233, December, 1905). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 154-221. 5724. -, . Mosquitoes and other insects of the year 1902, by R. H. Pettit, B. S., entomologist. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1902. 26 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 17, January, 1903). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 252-277. 5725. , . yllosquitoes and other insects of the 3'ear 1902, bv R. H. Pettit, entomologist. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1903. [13]- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 613 20 p. . (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 204, January, 1903). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 134-139. 5726. , . Some insects of the year 1897-1901, by Rufus H. Pettit. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1898-1902. M A C; S; U. Title varies slightly. Issued in 1897-1899, 1901, as Bulletins of Michigan agricultural college, experiment sta- tion, as follows: 1897, Bulletin no. 160, June, 1898. 1898, Bulletin no. 175, July, 1899. 1899, Bulletin no. 180, March, 1900. 1901, Bulletin no. 200, May, 1902. 5727. , . Thrips on oats, [by R. H. Pettit]. [Agricultural college, Michigan] 1907. [1] p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 38, July, 1907). M A C; S. Also in Forty-seventh annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 293. 5728. Pettit, William. Remarks respecting the copper district of Lake Superior, made at the monthly meeting of the Franklin institute held March 18th, 1847, by Dr. William Pettit ... [no imprint]. Caption title, 8 p. (From the Journal of the Franklin institute). S. 5729. Peyton, John Lewis. Over the Alleghanies and across the prairies. Personal recollections of the far west, one and twenty years ago, by John Lewis Peyton . . . London, Simpkin, Marshall and co., 1869. xvi, 377 p. LC. 5730. Phelps, Martha Bennett. Frances Slocum, the lost sister of Wyom- ing. Compiled and written by her grandniece Martha Bennett Phelps, for her children and grand children. New York, the Knickerbocker press, 1905. 167 p. B. 5731. Phillips, Philip Lee. The rare map of the northwest, 1785, by John Fitch ... A bibliographical account, with facsimile reproduction including some account of Thomas Hutchins and William McMurray, by P. Lee Phillips . . . Washington, W. H. Lowdermilk & company, 1916. 43 p. L C. Map 76 X 56cm. "Edition limited to 200 copies for sale. This is number 5." Bibli- ography: p. 34-41. • 5732. Photographic album [presented to the Hon. S. Lewis Withey; con- taining photographs of the officers of the United States district court for the western district of Michigan, May 18, 1863, a portion of the Grand Rapids and Traverse jurors and the officers of internal revenue], [n. p., 1864]. not paged. G. 5733. Physicians', dentists' and druggists' directory of Michigan . . . arranged alphabetically by post-offices . . . Chicago, Galen, Consier & co., 1893-1899. G*. Title varies. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has 1893 and 1899. 614 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5734. Pictures of South Haven, Mich. South Haven, Mich., Northrup & son, 1900. |5], 50 p. G; L C. 5735. Picturesque iron and copper mining of northern Michigan . . . New York, A. Wittemann [1891J. 1 p. 1., 29 pi. L C. 5736. Pidgeon, William. Traditions of De-coo-dah; and antiquarian re- searches : comprising extensive explorations, surveys, and excavations of the wonderful and mysterious earthem remains of the mound-builders in America; the traditions of the last prophet of the Elk nation relative to their origin and use; and the evidences of an ancient population more numerous than the present aborigines. By William Pidgeon. Embellished with seventy en- gra\'ings, descriptive of one hundred and twenty varying arrangements . . . New York, Thayer, Bridgman & Fanning; [etc.] 1853. 334 p. G. 5737. Pierce, John D. Memorial of J. D. Pierce and others, relative to the establishment of a female college. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 6). B; D; G; S; U. 5738. Pierson, Arthur Tappan. The Doric pillar of Michigan. A memo- rial address, commemorative of the Hon. Zachariah Chandler, United States senator, delivered in the Fort street Presbyterian church, Detroit, Michigan, Thursdaj' morning, November 27, 1879, by Arthur T. Pierson, pastor. De- troit, 0. S. Gulley, Bomman & co., printers, 1879. 45 p. B; L C; U. 5739. Pieters, Adrian John. . . . The plants of Lake St. Clair, by A. J. Pieters. With a map. Results of a biological examination of Lake St. Clair undertaken for the state board of fish commissioners in the siunmer of 1893 under the supervision of J. E. Reighard. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1894. 10, [2] p. (Michigan, fish commission, bulletin no. 2, with Michigan, legislature, joint documents for 1894, vol. IV, no. 6). B; D; G; S; U. 5740. Pilcher, Elijah H. Protestantism in Michigan: being a special history of the Methodist Episcopal church and incidentally of other denomi- nations. Notices of the origin and growth of the principal towns and cities of the state; biographical sketches of many prominent pastors and laymen connected with the birth and growth of Protestantism in Michigan. Illus- trated. By Elijah H. Pilcher, D. D. Detroit, R. D. S. Tyler and co., [cl878]. 464 p. — B;G;S;U. 5741. Pilcher, James E. Life and labors of Ehjah H. Pilcher of Michigan; fifty nine years a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church. Ed. by his son, James E. Pilcher. New York, Hunt & Eaton,1892. 142 p. B; U. 5742. The pine lands and lumber trade of Michigan, exhibiting the extent, quality and advantages. Compiled from official and authentic sources, by an old resident of the state. Detroit, printed by H. Bams, at the tribune office, 1856. 15 p. B;U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 615 5743. Pingree, Hazen Smith. Address by Governor H. S. Pingree, before the Republican club of the university of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, March 4, 1898. [Lansing, 1898?]. Caption title, 12 p. B; U. 5744. , . Facts and opinions; or, danger that beset us. By Hazen S. Pingree. Detroit, Mich., F. B. Dickerson co., 1895. 210 p. B;G;LC;S;U. 5745. Pioneer; a weekly newspaper ... by the students of south high school. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1915-1917. G. V. 1 begins in 1915. 5746. Pitcher, Zina. An address to the first graduates of the medical de- partment of the university of Michigan, by Z. Pitcher ... Detroit, W. Harsha, 1851. 16 p. U. 5747. Pitezel, John H. Historical recollections: a paper by Rev. J. H. Pitezel; and an original poem, [pioneers of Methodism in southwestern Michi- gan] by Rev. J. W. Robinson, both of the Michigan conference, read before the historical society of the Michigan conference, at Jackson, Mich., Septem- ber 23, 1872. Cincinnati, printed by Hitchcock and Walden, 1873. 38 p. S. 5748. , • — . Lights and shades of missionary life : containing travels, sketches, incidents and missionary efforts, during nine years spent in the region of Lake Superior, by Rev. John H. Pitezel . . . Cincinnati, printed at the Western book concern, 1857. 431 p. S. 5749. • — — — , . Ibid. New ed. With • important supplementary matter brought down to date. Cincinnati, Walden and Stowe; New York, Phillips & Hunt, 1882. 467 p. B. 5750. Pitts, Alvah Grenelle. Notes on the early history of freemasonry in Michigan [by] A. G. Pitts. [Detroit? 1912?]. Cover title, [11] p. ■ B;LC;S. 5751. Piatt, Montague T. Michigan state business directory, 1870-71. Montague T. Piatt . . . Detroit, tribune book and job office, 1870. 348 p. G;S. 5752. Poe, Orlando Metcalfe. Annual report upon the improvement of certain rivers and harbors in Michigan and of Michigan City harbor, Indiana . . . being appendix M M of the annual report of the chief of engineers for 1893. Washington, Government printing office, 1893. xxvi, 2857-2960 p. G. Work in charge of Col. O. M. Poe until Nov. 1, 1892. Report by William Ludlow, Major, Corps of engineers, relative to works of river and harbor improvement in his charge. 5753. Pointe aux Barques resort association. . . . Pointe aux Barques, Huron cotmty, Mich. . . . [no imprint]. [22] p. S. 616 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5754. Pointe aiix Pins, Michigan. Chicago, Hedstrom-berrig co. [n. d.] 18 p. B. 5755. , . [Detroit, Winn & Hammond, n. d.]. 28 p. B. 5756. Pokagon, [Simon] . 0-gi-maw-kwe Mit-i-g\va-ki (queen of the woods). Also a brief sketch of the Algaic language, by Chief Pokagon . . . Biography of the chief, by the publisher. Hartford, Mich., D. H. Engle, 1899. 2 p. 1., viii, [5J-255 p. S. 5757. , [ ]. Ibid. 3rd ed. Hartford, Mich., C. H. Engle, 1901. 255 p. G. 5758. The politician and public official; an illustrated weekly magazine devoted to American politics, industries, noted men and women, and public affairs, vol. I. Lansing, Michigan, 1899-1900. ■ S*. J. L. Cox, editor and publisher. *The State Library has vol. I, no. 1, 4-10, 12-41. 5759. Polk, R. L., & co. Polk's Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and Washtenaw county directory . . . 1886-87 to 1916. Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & co., 1886-1916. B*; LC*;S*;U*. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1914; the Library of Congress has at least 1907- 1912; the State Library has 1906, 1908-1910, 1912, 191.S-1916; the U. of M. Library has 1886-87, 1888-89, 1890-91, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915. 5760. , — . — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s Battle Creek city directory . . . 1896-97 to 1916. Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & co., cl896-cl916. G*;LC*;S*. Title varies. 1897-98 is called 2nd year. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has 1896-97; the Library of Congress has at least 1896-97, 1897-98, 1899-1900 to 1905-06, 1907-08 to 1912; the State Library has 1897-98, 1903-04, 1905-06, 1907-08, 1908, 1909, 1912, 1916. 5761. , — . — ., . Polk's 1877-78 to 1914-15 Bay City directory, embracing a complete alphabetical list of business firms and private citizens in Bay City and Essexville . . . Bay City, Detroit [etc.] R. L. Polk & co., 1877-C1914. G*; L C*; S*; U*. Title varies. 1887-88 to 1903-04 have inverted directory of West Bay City with separate title page. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has 1877-78; the Library of Congress has at least 1883, 1886, 1887 to 1891-92, 1905-06, 1906-07; the State Library has 1883, 1884-85, 1891-92, 1897, 1902, 1905, 1906-07, 1908-1910, 1913, 1914-15; the U. of M. Library has 1879-80, 1881-82, 1883, 1884-85 to 1891-92. 5762. , — . — ., . Benton Harbor, St. Joseph and Niles directory ... V. 3 (1907-08)-v. 4 (1910). Detroit, R. L. Polk&co., 1907-1910. S. Title in 1907-08 reads: R. L. Polk & co.'s Benton Harbor, St. Joseph, Niles and Berrien county directory . . . 5763. , — . — ., . Directory of Big Rapids City, Mecosta county, Cadillac, Cedar Springs, Cheboygan, Fife Lake, Harbor Springs, Howard City, Kalkaska, Mackinac, Mackinaw, Petoskey, Reed City, Rockford, St. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 617 Ignace and Traverse City, including also Alanson, Alba, Ashton, Belmont, Boyne Falls, Crofton, Edgerton, Elmira, Kingsley, Leetsville, Leroy, Lock- wood, Luther, Mancelona, Manton, Maple Hill, Mansfield, Milton Junction, Pierson, Sand Lake, South Boardman, Tustin, Walton and Westwood . . . Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & co., 1884. 497 p. S. 5764. , — . — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s 1910 Calumet, Houghton, Hancock and Laurium directory . . . Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & co., cl909. 764 p. S. 5765. , — . — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s 1910-1912 Cheboygan city and county directory . . . also including a complete directory of Indian River, Mackinaw City, Tower and Wolverine . . . vol. I-H. Compiled and published by R. L. Polk & co. Detroit, Mich., cl910-1911. S. 5766. , — . — ., . East Saginaw directory . . . 1881-82 to 1884. Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & co., 1881-1884. S. Title varies. 1883 is volume V. 5767. , — . — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s Escanaba city and Delta county directory . . . also including a complete directory of Bark River, Brampton, Cornell, Defiance, Fayette, Ford River, Garden, Gladstone, Groos, Hyde, Isabella, Kipling, Lathrop, Masonville, Nahma, Newhall, Ogontz, Perkins, Rapid River, Rock, St. Jacques, Schafifer, Stonington, Uno, Van's Harbor, Wells and Woodlawn . . . 1905-06 to 1909-10. Detroit, R. L. Polk & CO., cl905-cl909. B*; S*. Title varies slightly. *Tlie Burton Historical Collection has 1905-06; the State Librarv has 1905-06, 1907-08, 1909-10. 5768. , — . — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s Flint city and Genesee county directory, 1890-91 to 1916, containing an alphabetically arranged list of business firms and private citizens in Flint, Clio, Davison, Fenton, Flush- ing, Gaines, Goodrich, Grand Blanc, Linden, Montrose, Mount Morris, Otis- ville & Swartz Creek — a fanners' directory of Genesee county . . . Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & CO., cl890-cl916. S*. Title varies. 1890-91 is volume III. *The State Library has 1890-91, 1905-06, 1907-08, 1909, 1912, 1916. 5769. • ,—.—., . R. L. Polk & co.'s 1877-1917 Grand Rapids city directory ... v. 5-45. Grand Rapids, Mich. [1877]-cl917. B*; G;S*; U*. Title varies. Early volumes include directory of Kent county. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1909; the State Library has 1882-83, 1884-85, 1890, 1898, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1906, 1909, 1912-1914, 1916; the U. of M. Library has 1910. 5770. , — . — ., . Polk's Hillsdale city and county directory . . . 1905-06 to 1908-09. Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & co., cl905-cl908. — - S*. 1905-06 is the 1st volume. *The State Library has 1905-06 and 1908-09. 618 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5771. , — . — ., ■- . R. L. Polk & co.'s Houghton county directory ... V. 1 (1895-96)-v. 7 (1907-08). Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & co., 1895- 1907. LC;S*. Title varies. *Tlie State Library- has v. 5-7. 5772. , — . — ., . Polk's Ionia city and county directory. 1903 . . . also including a complete directory of Belding, Clarksville, Hubbardston, Lake Odessa, Lyons, Muir, Palo, Pewamo, Portland and Saranac ... v. 1. Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & co., 1902. 1 v. L C. 5773. . — . ■ — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s Jackson city and county di- rectory . . . 1883 to 1915-16. Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & co., 1883-cl915. LC*;S*. Title varies. 1883 is volume VI. *The Librarv of Congress has 1899-1900; the State Library has 1883, 1884, 1885-86, 1890, 1893-94, '1903, 1905 to 1915-16. 5774. , — . — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s Kalamazoo city directory . . . 1885-86 to 1916. Kalamazoo, Detroit, R. L. Polk & co., 1885-cl916. B*; LC*; S*. Title varies: 1903-04, 1906-1908, Ihling bros. & Everard's Kalamazoo city and county directory . . . 1905, Kalamazoo city and county directory . . . 1909, Ihling bros., Everard company's . . . Kalamazoo city directory . . . 1910, R. L. Polk & co.'s 1910 Kalamazoo city directory . . . 1912-1914, Polk's . . . Kalamazoo city directory . . . *The Burton Historical Collection has 1913; the Library of Congress has at least 1903-04 to 1910; the State Library has 1885-86, 1903-04 to 1910, 1912, 1914, 1916. . Lansing city and Ingham county directory 6 (1892). Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & co., 1883- . Polk's Ludington city and Mason county di- . V. 1 . . . Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & co., 1904. 5777. , — . — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s Manistee county directory . . 1895-96 to 1907-08. Chicago, Detroit, R. L. Polk & co., cl895-cl907. — LC:S*. 5775. . . . V. cl891. 1 (1883-84)-v, — S. 5776. rector}^ Iv. - 1904-1905 . . — LC. Title varies. 1895-96 is volume I. *The State Library has 1897-98 and 1902-03. 5778. , — . — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s Marquette cit}' and county director}^ . . . [1894]-1908. Detroit, Mich. [1894]-cl908. L C*; S*;U*. Title varies. 1894 is vol. I. *The Library of Congress has at least 1894, 1901-02 to 1905-06, 1908; the State Library has 1895-96; the U. of M. Library has 1899-1900, 1901-02, 1905-06, 1908. 5779. , — . — ., • . R. L. Polk & co.'s Menominee directory . . . 1903-04 to 1907-08. Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & co., cl903-cl907. S*. *The State Library has 1903-04 and 1907-08. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 619 5780. , — . — ., . Polk's Muskegon city and county directory ... V. 1 (1883-84)-v. 17 (1912). Detroit, Grand Rapids [etc.] R. L. Polk & CO., 1883-C1912. LC;S*. Title varies. *The State Library has 1883-84, 1885-86, 1899-1900, 1906-07, 1908, 1909, 1912. 5781. , — . — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s Owosso city and Shiawassee county directory . . . 1905-06 to 1910-11. Detroit, Mich., cl905-cl910. LC*;S*. Title varies. *The Library of Congress has 1905-06; the State Library has 1905-06, 1907-08, 1910-11. 5782. , — . — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s 1905-06 to 1909-10 Petoskey city and Emmet county directory . . . vol. II-III. Detroit, Mich., cl905- cl909. B*; S. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1905-06. 5783. , — . — ., — — . Port Huron city and St. Clair county directory, 1887-88 . . . Detroit, R. L. Polk & co., 1887. 385 p. -. — B. 5784. , — . — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s 1884-1915 Saginaw directory . . . vol. [IV?]-XXXII. Saginaw, 1884-cl915. L C*; S*. Place of publication varies. Title varies. *The Library of Congress has 1898-99; the State Library has 1884, 1890-91, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1906, 1908-1910, 1912, 1913, 1915. 5785. , — . — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s [1888-89] to 1911-12 Sault Ste. Marie city directory ... v. 1-10. Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & co., cl888-cl911. ^ LC*;S*. Title varies. *The Library of Congress has at least 1888-89 to 1909; the State Library has 1902, 1905- 06, 1909, 1911-12. 5786. , — . — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s 1900 to 1909-10 Traverse City and Grand Traverse county directory . . . vol. I-VI. Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & CO., cl900-cl909. B*; L C*; S*. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1904-05; the Library of Congress has at least 1900 to 1904-05, 1907-08; the State Library has 1904-05, 1907-08, 1909-10. 5787. , — . — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s Wyandotte directory, 1907- 1908 . . . including a complete directory of Ford, Trenton, Ecorse, Sibley and Wyandotte Heights ... v. 1. Detroit, Mich., R. L. Polk & co., cl907. 1 V. L C. 5788. — -, — . — ., : Polk's Michigan state gazetteer and business directory . . . PubHshed biennially by R. L. Polk & co. 1873 to 1917-18. Detroit, 1873-C1917. B*; D; G*; S; U*. Title varies. 1873 compiled by J- E- Scripps and R. L. Polk. 1877 is "Volume in." *The Burton Historical Collection has 1875 to 1903-04, 1913-14; the Grand Rapids Pub- lic Library has 1877 to 1915-16; the U. of M. Library has 1877 to 1913-14. 620 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MICHIGAN 5789. , — . — ., . R. L. Polk & co.'s students' directory of the U. of AI. 1905-06 to 1916-17. [Ann Arbor? Mich.] R. L. Polk & co., cl905- 1916. L;C*;S*;U. *The Library of Congress has 1905-06; the State Library has 1907-08 and 1908-09. 5790. Polk, Murphy and co. Grand Rapids directory, 1874-75; compris- ing an alphabetically arranged list of business firms and private citizens; a classified list of all trades, professions and pursuits; a miscellaneous directory of city and county officers, public and private schools, churches, banks, in- corporated institutions, etc., also . . . sketches, business directories of Grand Haven, Spring Lake, Coopersville, Nunica, Newaygo, Sparta Center, Rockford, Cedar Springs, Sand Lake, Pierson, Howard City, Big Rapids, and Middleville. Detroit and Grand Rapids, Mich., Polk, Murphy & co., 1874. 366 p. G. 5791. , . Jackson city directory, 1873-74, containing an alphabetically arranged list of business firms and private citizens; a clas- sified list of all trades, professions, and pursuits; and miscellaneous directory of city and county officers, public and private schools, churches, banks, in- corporated institutions, etc., etc. . . . Polk, Murphy & co., publishers, De- troit, Alichigan. Jackson, daily citizen print, 1873. 274 p. S. 5792. Pollock, James Barkley. Michigan fungi, by Jas. B. Pollock and C. H. Kauffman. [no imprint]. 57-67 p. (Reprinted from the Seventh an- nual report of the Michigan academy of science). • U. 5793. Pontiac. Annual report of the various city departments under the commission form of government, v. 1-2. [n. p.] Michigan printing company, 1911-1913. G. 5794. . Board of education. Catalogue ... for the school year 1872-3; including the rules and regulations of the board of education. Pub- lished by the board of education. Pontiac, 1873. 40 p. B. 5795. . . Centennial report of the board of education of the Pontiac public schools, 1876. Published by order of the board. Pontiac, Michigan, Pontiac gazette company, book and job printers, 1876. 56 p. S. 5796. . Charters. An act incorporating the city of Pontiac, ap- proved March 15, 1861; as amended March 18, 1865, March 20, 1867, March 20, 1869, and March 9, 1871. Pontiac, Jacksonian office print, 1871. 42 p. B. 5797. . . Charter of the city of Pontiac (commission form) , adopted by the electors of the city of Pontiac on the 30th day of Jan- uary, 1911; in efTect Feb. 16th, 1911. jn. p., 1911]. Cover title, 36, [8] p. G. 5798. ■ — . . Proposed charter for the city of Pontiac. Pontiac, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 621 the Pontiac press gazette, 1911. 5 p. (Extract from the Pontiac press gazette, vol. VII, no. 91, January 5, 1911). U. 5799. . . Charter of the city of Pontiac . . . adopted January, 1911 ... as amended April 6th, 1914. [Pontiac, 1914]. Cover title, 63 p. S. 5800. . Ordinances, etc. The revised ordinances of the city of Pontiac, for the year 1901. Rev. and comp. by John E. Brondige, city clerk, and E. E. Hymers, attorney. By order of the common council. Pontiac, Pontiac publishing CO. [1901]. 119 p. B. 5801. Poole, William, Frederick. The early northwest; an address before the American historical association at its fifth annual meeting, Washington, December 26, 1888, by the president, William Frederick Poole . . . New- York, the Knickerbocker press, 1889. 26 p. (Reprinted from the papers of the association). B; L C. 5802. , Ibid. (In American historical associa- tion, papers. New York, 1889, v. 3, no. 2, p. 275-300). B;LC; S; U. 5803. • , . The ordinance of 1787, and Dr. Manasseh Cutler as an agent in its formation, by William Frederick Poole. Cambridge, Mass., Welch, Bigelow, and company, 1876. 38 p. G. 5804. , . The ordinance of 1787; a reply by Wil- liam F. Poole. From "The inlander" for January, 1892. Ann Arbor, printed privately, 1892. 15 p. G. 5805. , . The west, from the treaty of peace with France, 1763, to the treaty of peace with England, 1783, by William Frederick Poole . . . (In Winsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical history of America. Boston and New York, 1884-1889, v. 6 (1888), p. [685]-743). L C; S; U. 5806. Poppleton, Andrew J. Address, delivered at the annual fair of the Oakland co. agricultural society, Sept. 30th, 1852, by Andrew J. Poppleton. Pontiac, Thompson, printer, gazette office, 1852. 12 p. S. 5807. Porter, E. Darwin. Business directory of Barry county, Michigan, containing a history of Hastings and Nashville, also the name, location and postoffice address of all residents in Barry county, and a list of postoffices in the county. Compiled by E. Darwin Porter. Grand Rapids, Mich., Daily Democrat steam book and job printing house, 1872. 164, [4] p. S. 5808. Porter, Henry H. H. H. Porter; a short autobiography, written for his children and grand children. Chicago, priv. print. [R. R. Donnelley and sons] 1915. 40 p., 2 1. L C. "Mr. Porter's life work was . . . interwoven with the development of Chicago and the near northwest. " — Introd. 5809. Porter, Lewis. Letter of Hon. Lewis Porter relative to his report of 622 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN the eighth of February, 1859, upon the memorial of the freeholders of the ninth ward, Detroit. Detroit, daily advertiser steam ])resses, 1859. 31 p. B. 5810. Port Huron. Charters. Re\dsed charter of the city of Port Huron; an act to amend the charter of the city of Port Huron, approved March 29th, 1877. [no imprint]. 79, 34 p. B. 5811. . . The charter and ordinances of the city of Port Huron. Printed by authority of the common council. Comp. by Beach and Benedict . . . Port Huron, Mich., Riverside printing co., printers and binders, 1901. 513 p. — G; U. 5812. . . Charter of the city of Port Huron, Michi- gan. Printed by authority of the common council, December 19, 1910. [Port Huron, 1910]. 116 p. G; U. 5813. . . Proposed new charter, as adopted by the Port Hm"on charter commission, which is in accordance with the home rule act, passed by the last state legislature, will be submitted to the people for their approval on Saturday, November 5th, 1910. [Port Huron, 1910]. G. Clipped mounted copy of the Port Huron times-herald, Saturday, August 27, 1910. 5814. • — . . The charter and ordinances of the city of Port Huron printed by authority of city commission. Compiled by George A. Ashpole and Stephen H. Moore. Burt D. Cady, city attorney. Port Huron, JMichigan, herald printing company, printers and binders, 1915. 417 p. U. 5815. . Common council. Proceedings of the common coun- cil of the city of Port Huron for the year 1904. [Port Huron? 1904?]. 1 p. 1., 232 p. S. 5816. . Ladies' library association. Catalogue of library; containing an alphabetical list of the names of authors with the titles of their works, also the rules concerning its use and a historical sketch. Detroit, daily post print, 1869. 32 p. B. 5817. . Ordinances, etc. [Ordinances of the city of Port Huron]. [Port Huron, 1890]. 23 p. — S. 5818. . Public library. Eighteenth annual librarian's report of the Port Htiron public library for the year ending April 30, 1914. Port Huron, Michigan, 1914. [6] p. S; U. 5819. Port Huron and Chicago railroad line. The shortest northern and central route between the great west and the Atlantic seaboard. Thirty-year first year mortgage sinking fund seven per cent, gold bonds . . . Port Huron and Lake Michigan railroad coinpany and peninsula railway* companies of BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 623 Michigan, Indiana and Illinois . . . New York, G. F. Nesbitt & co., printers, 1869. 48 p. B. 5820. Port Huron and Lake Michigan railroad company. Charter of the Port Huron & Lake Michigan railroad company : being an act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Port Huron and Lake Michigan railroad company, approved January 30, 1847. Approved February 13, 1855. Lan- sing, G. W. Peck, printer, 1855. Cover title, 24 p. B. 582 1 . . A new railway outlet from Chicago to the seaboard. Port Huron and Lake Michigan rail- road company — Chicago and Michigan grand trunk railway company. Or- ganization — resources — business prospects. Prepared ... by W. L. Ban- croft, secretary of the Port Huron and Lake Michigan railroad company. Port Huron, Mich., 1866. 52 p. B. 5822. Port Huron and Mi'waukee railway company. Petition of the Port Huron and Milwaukee railway company for a grant of lands. [Lansing, Hos- mer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 9). B; D; G; S; V. 5823. The Port Huron times-herald. . . . Eastern Michigan of to-day. Supplement of the Port Huron time-herald, Aug. 26, 1911. [Port Huron, 1911]. Cover title, 32 p. L C. 5824. Portland cement association. The concrete roads of Wayne county (Detroit) Michigan. With map. Chicago, Portland cement association [1916]. 13, [1] p. L C. 5825. Portrait and biographical album of Barry and Eaton counties, Michi- gan, containing full page protraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county, together with portraits and bio- graphies of all the presidents of the United States and governors of the state. Chicago, Chapman bros., 1891. 828 p. B. 5826. Portrait and biographical record of Berrien and Cass counties, Michigan, containing biographical sketches . . . Chicago, Biographical pub- lishing CO., 1893. 4 p. 1., [17]-922 p. L C. 5827. Portrait and biographical album of Branch county, Mich., contain- ing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representa- tive citizens of the county, together with portraits and biographies of all the governors of the state, and of the presidents of the United States. Chicago, Chapman brothers. 1888. 4 p. 1., 19-648, [4] p. L C. 5828. Portrait and biographical album of Calhoun county, Michigan, con- taining full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and repre- sentative citizens of the county together with portraits and biographies of all the presidents of the United States and governors of the state. Chicago, Chapman bros., 1891. 5 p. 1., 19-1046, [4] p. S. 624 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5829. Portrait and biographical album of Clinton and Shiawassee counties, Mich., containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county, together with portraits and biog- raphies of all the presidents of the United States, and governors of the state. Chicago, Chapman bros., 1891. 5 p. 1., 19-1001, [5] p. B; G; L C; S. 5830. Portrait and biographical record of Genesee, Lapeer and Tuscola coimtics, Aiichigan . . . Chicago, Chapman bros., 1892. 4 p. 1., [17J-1056, [6] p. L C. 5831. Portrait and biographical album of Gratiot county, Mich., contain- ing portraits and biographical sketches of citizens . . . also ... a complete history of the county, from its earliest settlement to the present time. Chi- cago, Chapman brothers, 1884. 3 p. 1., [17]-820 p., 1 1. L C; S. 5832. Portrait and biographical albimi of Hillsdale county, Mich., con- taining portraits and biographical sketches of prominent citizens . . . Chi- cago, Chapman brothers, 1888. 3 p. 1., [17]-1004. [4] p. L C: U. 5833. Portrait and biographical album of Huron county, containing . . . biographical sketches of . . . citizens . . . also ... a complete history of the county, from its earliest settlement to the present time. Chicago, Chap- man brothers, 1884. 3 p. 1., [17]-500 p. L C. 5834. Portrait and biographical album of Ingham and Livingston counties, Michigan . . . Chicago, Chapman bros., 1891. 4 p. 1., [17]-871, [4] p. B;LC;S. 5835. Portrait and biographical album of Ionia and Montcalm counties, Mich., containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county; together with portraits and biog- raphies of all the presidents of the United States, and governors of the state. Chicago, Chapman bros., 1891. 5 p. 1., 19-846, [4] p. L C; S. 5836. Portrait and biographical album of Isabella county, Mich., contain- ing . . . biographical sketches of . . . citizens . . . also ... a complete history of the county, from its earliest settlement to the present time. Chi- cago, Chapman brothers, 1884. 3 p. 1., [17]-589, [1] p. L C. 5837. Portrait and biographical album of Jackson county, Michigan, con- taining full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and repre- sentative citizens of the county, together with portraits and biographies of all the governors of the state and of the presidents of the United States. Chi- cago, Chapman bros., 1890. . 5 p. 1., 19-881, [4] p. ■ B; L C; S. 5838. Portrait and biographical record of Kalamazoo, Allegan and Van Buren coimties, Michigan, containing biographical sketches of . . . citizens . . . governors of the state, and . . . presidents of the United States. Chi- cago, Chapman brothers, 1892. 4 p. 1., [17]-986, [4] p. L C; S*. *The copy in the State Library has 4 p. 1., [17]- 1144, [5] p. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 625 5839. Portrait and biographical album of Lenawee county, Mich., con- taining full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and repre- sentative citizens of the county, together with portraits and biographies of all the governors of Michigan, and of the presidents of the United States. Chicago, Chapman brothers, 1888. 5 p. 1., 19-1217, [5] p. L C. 5840. Portrait and biographical album Mecosta count}-, Mich., containing portraits and biographical sketches of . . . citizens . . . also ... a com- plete history of the county, from its earliest settlement to the present time. Chicago, Chapman brothers, 1883. viii p., 1 1., [17J-654 p. G; L C; S. 5841. Portrait and biographical album of Midland county, Mich., contain- ing . . . biographical sketches of . . . citizens . . . also ... a complete history of the county, from its earliest settlement to the present time. Chi- cago, Champan brothers, 1884. 3 p. 1., [17]-433 p. B; G; L C-; S. 5842. Portrait and biographical record of Muskegon and Ottawa counties, Michigan, containing biographical sketches of . . . citizens, and of the presi- dents of the United States. Chicago, Biographical pub. co., 1893. 4 p. 1., [17]-577p. B;G;LC;S. 5843. Portrait and biographical record of northern Michigan, containing portraits and biographical sketches of . . . citizens . . . Chicago, Record publishing CO., 1895. 4 p. 1., [17]-551, [1] p. L C. 5844. Portrait and biographical album of Newayco [Newaygo] county, Mich., containing . . . biographical sketches of prominent . . . citizens . . . also ... a complete history of the county, from its earliest settlement to the present time. Chicago, Chapman brothers, 1884. viii p., 1 1., [17J-572 p. LC. 5845. Portrait and biographical album of Oakland county, Michigan, con- taining full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and repre- sentative citizens of the county . . . Chicago, Chapman bros., 1891. 5 p. 1., 19-959, [5] p. LC;S. 5846. Portrait and biographical album of Osceola county [Mich.] contain- ing . . . biographical sketches of prominent . . . citizens . . . also ... a complete history of the county, from its earliest settlement to the present time. Chicago, Chapman brothers, 1884. 4 p. 1., 19-422 p. • G; L C; S. 5847. Portrait and biographical record of Saginaw and Bay counties, Michigan, containing biographical sketches . . . Chicago, Biographical pub- lishing CO., 1892. 4 p. 1., [17]-1044, [5] p. B; L C. 5848. Portrait and biographical album of St. Joseph county, Michigan, containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county, together with portraits and biographies of all the governors of the state, and of the presidents of the United States. Chicago, Chapman brothers, 1889. 606, [3] p. G. 79 626 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5849. Portrait and biographical album of Sanilac county, containing . . . biographical sketches of . . citizens . . . also ... a complete history of the county, from its earliest settlement to the present time. Chicago, Chap- man brothers. 1884. 3 p. 1., [17]-546 p. L C. 5850. Portrait and biographical album of Washtenaw county, Michigan, containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens, together with biographies of all the governors of the state, and of the presi- dents of the United States. Chicago, Biographical publishing co., 1891. 5 p. 1., 19-639 (i. c. 647), [3] p. L C; U. 585 1 . Portrait of Douglas Houghton ; paramount reasons why it should be purchased at this time, [no imprint]. [2] p. S. This is addressed to the legislature and is signed: Pioneer of Michigan. 5852. Postiff, Walter. . . . Cucumbers as a cash crop, [by Walter Postiff]. [East Lansing?] 1913. [135]-138 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, circular no. 19, April, 1913). M A C; S; U. Also in Fifty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 376-380. 5853. [Postum cereal co. Advertising dept.]. [Joumc}' through the fac- tories that make postum, grape-nuts and post toasties, written, designed and illustrated by the advertising department of postum cereal co., ltd.]. [Battle Creek, Michigan, printed by Gage printing co., 1915?]. 47 p. S. 5854. Potier, Peter. The Jesuit manuscript. The account book of the Huron mission and the colonists of Detroit, 1733-1751. Written by Father Peter Potier, S. J., last of the Huron missionaries, 1743-1781. Translated and annotated by Richard R. ElHott. (In the United States CathoHc historical magazine. New York, 1891-1893, v. 4, no. 2, p. 141-164; no. 3, p. 290-327; no. 4, p. 440-453). B. 5855. Potter, William W. History of Barry county. By Hon. W. W. Potter. Illustrated. With biographical sketches of prominent men, by Ford Hicks and Edward Butler. Grand Rapids, engraved and printed by the Reed- Tandler co. [1912]. 269 p. B; U. 5856. [ , .]. Michigan's first justice of the peace. [Has- tings' 1907]. Cover title, [11] p. S. 5857. [Potts, Hiram]. Historical and business compendium of Ottawa county, Michigan . . . Grand Haven, Mich., Potts & Conger [1892]. 2 v. in 1. G;LC. 5858. Powell, Lyman Pierson. . . . Historic towns of the western states, ed. by Lyman P. Powell . . . New York & London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1901. xxxvi p., 1 1., 702 p. (American historic towns). B; L C; S; U. Includes Detroit [by] Silas Farmer. — Mackinac [by] Sara A. Shafer. 5859. Power, Effie Louise. First selection of five hundred children's BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 627 books. Recommended by the Michigan state hbrary. 2d ed. Compiled by Effie L. Power . . . Lansing, Mich., 1913. 91 p. S. 5860. , . A selected list of children's books for school libraires of Michigan; comp. by Efhe L. Power . . . Pub. by Luther L. Wright, state superintendent of public instruction. [Lansing? 1909]. 72 p. LC;S;U. "This children's Hbrary was selected and the books purchased for the use of the students in the summer Hbrary school conducted by the Michigan state board of library commis- sioners at the state Hbrary, Lansing, 1908." — Introd. A portion of the notes were prepared by Miss May H. Prentice. 5861. Powers, James Mellen. The Michigan law of marriage and di- vorce, with forms of procedure conforming to the Michigan judicature act, by James M. Powers . . . Detroit, F. S. Drake, 1917. xx, 640 p. LC;S. "Divorce laws of diflferent countries": p. 157-165; "causes authorizing divorce and the procedure in different states " : p. 166-193. 5862. Powers, Perry F. A history of northern Michigan and its people by Perr}^ F. Powers, assisted by H. G. Cutler . . . Chicago, the Lewis pub- lishing company, 1912. 3 v. B; G; L C; S. 5863. , . . . . Michigan central railroad company, com- plainant vs. Perry F. Pov/ers, auditor general of the state of Michigan, de- fendant. Abstract of pleadings and proofs on behalf of the defendant, [no imprint]. 323 p. U. At head of title: The circuit court of the United States for the western district of Michi- gan, southern division, in equity. 5864. , ■ — . . . . Numerous railway companies, com- plainants in as many suits, vs. Perry F. Powers, defendant in equity; brief for complainants, on the questions common to all the suits concerning the validity of Michigan statute for taxation of railroads and other, corporations (Act no. 173 of the Michigan laws of 1901) under the fourteenth amendment to the federal constitution, prepared by Lloyd Bowers of counsel for com- plainants. [Grand Rapids? Mich., 1906?]. Cover title, xii p., 2 1., 184 p. G. At head of title: In the circuit court of the United States, for the western district of Michigan, southern division. 5865. Pratt, Foster. Historical sketch of early masonry in Michigan, by Foster Pratt . . . Grand Rapids, Mich., printing house of L S. Dygert, 1884. 47 p. (With Freemasons, Michigan, grand lodge, transactions, 1826- 27 to 1860. Grand Rapids [etc.] 1883-84). B; L C; S. 5866. Pray, F. H. Washtenaw county directory for 1878-79, embracing a complete alphabetically arranged list of the business firms and private citi- zens, a classified business directory, a directory of city and county officers, churches, public schools, literary and various other associations of the cities of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti ; a complete directory of the \' illages of Manches- 628 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN ter, Dexter, Chelsea and Saline ... a brief history, of Michigan. Comp. & pub. by F. H. Pray. Ann Arbor, 1878. 268 p. B; U. 5867. Presbyterian alliance of Detroit. Twenty-fifth anniversary of in- corporation: historical sketches of churches; compiled by direction of the alliance. [Detroit, Wm. Graham printing co., 1899]. Cover title, 52 p. B;G. 5868. Presbyterian church. Synod of Michigan. Minutes of the [27th?]- 78th annual meeting of the synod of Michigan . . . 1861-1912. Detroit, 1861-[1912?]. S*. Place of publication varies: Coldwater, Jackson. Lansinp', etc. *The State Library has [27th?]-61st, 70th, 71st, 73rd-78th. 5869. . . The synod of Michigan and the state university. From the minutes of synod for 1882. [no imprint]. 8 p. B. 5870. The Presbyterian pulpit; a volume of sermons by ministers of the S3'nod of Alichigan with an introduction by Lemuel B. Bissell. Monroe, Bis- sell and Eastman, 1898. 415 p. B. 5871. Preston, Nina K. Library institutes. Nina K. Preston, Hall-Fowler librar}% Ionia, Mich., read at Michigan library association meeting. Port Huron, ]\Iay 27, 1904. [no imprint]. [4] p. (Bulletin of Michigan library association, no. 2). S. Reprinted from December, 1904, Public libraries. 5872. Preston national bank of Detroit. The Preston national bank of Detroit, Detroit, Michigan. Capital, — $1,000,000, and its Michigan corre- spondent banks and bankers. February, 1889. Detroit, J. F. Eby & co., printers, 1889. 7 p. 1., 65 p. L C. 5873. Price, W. H. The status of mouth hj^giene in preventive medicine, by W. H. Price, 'M. D., health officer, Detroit, Michigan. An address before the Michigan state dental society, 1914. (In The dental summary. A journal of practical dentistry . . . Published by the Ransom & Randolph co. Toledo, Ohio, vol. XXXV, no. 3, p. 253). — - U. 5874. [Pritts, Joseph]. Incidents of border life, illustrative of the times and condition of the first settlements in parts of the middle and western states, comprising narratives of strange and thrilling adventure — accounts of battles — skirmishes and personal encounters with the Indians — descrip- tions of their manners, customs, modes of warfare, treatment of prisoners, &c., &c. — also, the history of several remarkable captivities and escapes. To which are added brief historical sketches of the war in the northwest, embracing the expeditions under Gens. Harmar, St. Clair and Wayne. With an appendix and a review . . . Comp. from authentic sources. Chambersburg, Pa., J. Pritts, 1839. ix p., 1 1., [13]-491 p. L C. Issued in 1849 under title: Mirror of olden time border life . . . BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 629 5875. [ , ]. Abcntheuerliche creignisse aus dem leben der ersten ansiedler an den grenzen der mittleren und westlichen staaten. Nebst historischcn skizzen von den feldzugen der generale Harmar, St. Clair and Wayne gegen die Indiancr im nordwesten ; und nebst einem anhange und einer uebersicht . . . Aus glaubwiirdigen quellen gesammelt [anon.] Uebers. von Benjamin S. Schneck. Chambersburg, Pa., H. Ruby, 1839. xi, [12]-537 p. LC. 5876. Proceedings of the forestry convention held in Grand Rapids, Mich., January 26 and 27, 1888, under the auspices of the independent forestry com- mission and published under authority of the state board of agriculture . . . [Lansing, Thorp & Godfrey, state printers and binders, 1888]. 61 p. (Michi- gan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 32). MAC; S;U. Also in Twentv-seventh annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 305-363. 5877. Proceedings, unveiling ceremonies of the Mason monument . . . Capitol square park, Detroit, Michigan, May 30th, 1908. [Detroit, 1908]. Cover title, 18 p. S. 5878. Professor Joseph Estabrook; memorial services at Olivet college. (In The echo. Olivet, Olivet college, 1894, vol. VII, no. 2, p. 11-54). S. 5879. [Proposition for the purchase of the southern railroad, and the Te- cumseh branch railroad]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. [1] p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, house document no. 11). B; D; G; S; U. 5880. Protestant Episcopal church in the United States. Diocese of Michi- gan. Bishop's convention address, A. D. 1882. [no imprint]. 19 p. B. 5881. . • . Journal of the proceedings of the lst-80th annual convention of the Protestant Episcopal church in the diocese of Michigan . . . 1834-1913. De- troit, 1834-1913. B*; D*; G*; S*. Place of publication varies: Ann Arbor, etc. *The Burton Hi-storical Collection has 26th, 33rd, 35th, 36th, 47th, 52nd, 80th; the main library, Detroit, has 25th-61st, 79th; the Grand Rapids Public Library has lst-29th, 33rd-63rd; the State Library has 14th-49th, 51st. 5882. ■ . . Journal of the special conventions of the diocese of Michigan, held at Detroit, in the years 1835 and 1836. Detroit, printed by George L. Whitney, 1836. 35, [1] p. B;S. 5883. — . — . Report of the committee on the state of the church; reprinted by order of the eighty-third annual convention of the diocese of Michigan, [no im- print]. [8] p. ■ S. 5884. . Diocese of western 630 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Michigan. Constitution and canons of the diocese of western Michigan, pub- hshed by order of the convention. Grand Rapids, Mich., Stanton printing CO., 1897. 32 p. G. 5885. . • . Journal of the proceedings of the primary convention of the Prot- estant Episcopal church in the diocese of western Michigan, held in St. Mark's church, Grand Rapids, commencing on Wednesday, December 2nd, A. D., 1874. To which is prefixed a record of proceedings and papers preliminary to the organization of the diocese. Published by order of the convention. Grand Rapids, Dygert bros. & co., printers and bookbinders, 1875. 43, [1] p. S. 5886. . . Journal of proceedings of the lst-38th annual convention of the diocese of western Michigan . . . Manistee, Mich., 1875-1912. G*; S;U*. Place of publication varies: Grand Rapids, Hastings, etc. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has lst-35th; the U. of AI. Library has the 29th. 5887. Protestant orphan asylum. Year-book of the Protestant orphan asylum of Detroit . . . 1898-1915. [Detroit] 1898-1915. B*; G*; S*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1898, 1901, 1906, 1913, 1915; the Grand Rapids Public Librar>' has 1901, 1903, 1904, 1906, 1909; the State Library has 1900-1904, 1907. 5888. The provident building, loan and savings society of Michigan, incor- porated September 9, 1872. Constitution and by-laws. Detroit, E. Schober, ptr., 1872. 42 p. B. 5889. Prudden, Theodore P. A semion preached at the dedication of Pl}-mouth church, Lansing, Mich., March 18th, 1877, by Rev. Theodore P. Prudden . . . [Lansing? 1877?]. 17 p. S. 5890. , — '■ . Twenty years of the history of Plymouth church, Lansing, Michigan. A sermon by the pastor. Rev. Theodore P. Prud- den, April 27th, 1884. Lansing, W. S. George & co. [n. d.]. 27 p. B 5891. Prudden, William K. The corporate excess tax plan ... an ad- dress in part, given before the taxation commission by W. K. Prudden, at a hearing given the mantifacturers of Lansing, October 31, 1911, at Lansing, Michigan . . . [Lansing? 1911?]. 16 p. S. 5892. The public life of Lewis Cass, the soldier, the statesman, and the patriot; with a biographical sketch of Major General W. O. Butler. New York, WiUiam H. Graham, 1848. 64 p. S. 5893. Puddefoot, William G. Hewers of wood; a story of the pine forests. By William G. Puddefoot and Isaac Ogden Rankin. Illustrated by Edith Browning Brand. Boston, Chicago, The Pilgrim press [c 1903]. 352 p. G. 5894. Pumpelly, Raphael. . . . Copper district [of the upper peninsula of Michigan] by Raphael Pumpelly. Assistants: A. R. Marvine, M. E., L. G. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 631 Emerson, C. E., and S. B. Ladd. [New York, J. Bien, 1873]. xi, 143 p. (Michigan, geological survey, [reports], vol. I, pt. II: Upper Peninsula 1869- 1873). LC;U. 5895. Puterbaugh, Sabin D. Puterbaugh's chancery pleading and prac- tice. A practical treatise on the forms of chancery suits, pleadings and prac- tice, with forms of bills, answers, pleas, demurrers, exceptions, petitions . . . etc., by Sabin D. Puterbaugh . . . rev., re-written and specially adapted to the statutes, decisions and rules of practice of the state of Michigan, by Orlando W. Powers . . . Peoria, 111., Puterbaugh & Puterbaugh, 1882. xxvi, [3]-849p. LC;S. 5896. — , '- . Ibid. 2d ed. Chicago, Callaghan & company, 1890. xxxi, 3-1041 p. L C. 5897. , . Ibid. 3d ed. Chicago, Callaghan & com- pany, 1898. XXV, 889 p. L C; S. 5898. Putnam, Daniel. The development of primary and secondary public education in Michigan. A historical sketch by Daniel Putnam. Ann Arbor, Mich., G. Wahr [1904]. xiv, 273 p. G; L C; S. 5899. , . A history of the Michigan state norma.l school (now normal college) at Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1849-1899. By Daniel Putnam, A. M., LL.D. . . . Ypsilanti, Mich, [the Scharf tag, label & box co.] 1899. 368 p. B; G;LC; S; U. 5900. , . A school geography of the state of Michigan. Pre- pared ... to accompany Colton's common school geography. [New York] Sheldon &co.,1877. 15p. (Col ton, J. H. Colton's common school geography. Supplements). L C. No title page. 5901. , . A sketch of the history of the Michigan state teachers' association, prepared by Daniel Putnam, of the state normal school, and presented at the meeting of the association held at Lansing, December 27th, 1876. Published by the association. Ypsilanti, Mich., Commercial steam printing house, 1877. 70 p., 1 1. L C; S; U. 5902. Quaife, Milo Milton. Chicago and the old northwest, 1673-1835; a study of the evolution of the northwestern frontier, together with a history of Fort Elearbom, by Milo Milton Quaife . . . Chicago, The university of Chicago press [cl913]. vii, 480 p. L C; U. Annotated bibliography: p. [437] -458. 5903. Quarles, Joseph Very. The old and the new : an address delivered at the fifty-ninth annual commencement of the university of Michigan, Thurs- day, June 18, 1903. By the Hon. Joseph Very Quarles. [Ann Arbor] 1903. 1 p. 1., 9 p. (On cover: University of Michigan bulletin, new series, vol. IV, no. 13). — '- LC; U. Reprinted from the Michigan alumnus. 632 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5904. The queen city of the straits. (In The Massachusetts mutual. Springfield, 1892, v. 11, no. 6). B. 5905. Rahn, Otto. . . . The bacterial activity in soil as a function of grain-size and moisture content, by Otto Rahn. East Lansing, Michigan, 1912. 40 p. (Michigan agricultirral college, experiment station, technical bulletin no. 16, June, 1912). M A C; S. Also in the Fifty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 451-489. 5906. The railway panoramic guide of the Lake shore & Michigan southern and Michigan central railroads . . . New York and Chicago, The overland publishing CO. [1879?]. 131 p. D. Advertising matter interspersed. 5907. Ralph, Julian. Lake Superior along the south shore from the pen of Julian Ralph. [New York, press of American bank note co., 1890]. Cover title, 82 p. — L C. Contents. — Ralph, J. Lake Superior along the south shore.— Wadsworth, M. E. A sketch of the geology of the Marquette and Keweenawan districts. 5908. • — — , • ■ — . Ibid. Presented with the compliments of the passenger department of Duluth, south shore & Atlantic railway. [New York, press of American bank note co., cl890]. Cover title, 1 p. 1., 62 p. L C;U. 5909. , . Along the bowstring or south shore of Lake Superior, by Julian Ralph. Issued by the general passenger department of Duluth, south shore and Atlantic railway. [New York, press of American bank note CO., 1891]. 99 p. B;LC. Title vignette. Cover title: Lake Superior along the south shore, from the pen of Julian Ralph. "A sketch of the geology of the Marquette and Keweenawan districts, by Dr. M. E. Wadsworth . . . 2ded.": p. [75]-99. 5910. , . Ibid. [New York, press of the American bank note CO., cl893]. 99 p. S. 5911. Rameau [de Saint-Pere, Edme]. Notes historiques sur la colonic Canadienne de Detroit ; lecture prononcee par Mr. Rameau a Windsor sur le Detroit, comte d'Essex, C. W. le lundi ler Avril 1861. Montreal, J. B. Rol- land&fils, 1861. 68 p. B;LC. 5912. Ramsey, J. An address delivered by Mr. J. Ramsey, jr., president of the Ann Arbor railroad before the Detroit board of commerce at Detroit, Mich., November 16th, 1911. [Detroit? 1911 ?]. 20 p. S. 5913. Randall, Caleb D. Ecole de I'etat de Michigan (Etats-unis) pourles enfants pauvres et dependants, par M. — C. D. Randall, secretaire du comite de direction. [Berne? Switzerland, 1878]. 8 p. S. 5914. , . L etat et Fenfant, par Hon. C. D. Randall, Coldwater, Michigan. [Berne, Switzerland, 1895?]. Caption title, 9 p. S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 633 5915. , . . . . Protection de I'enfance . . . Quels sont les moyens d'assurer la defense et la protection de I'enfant traduit en justice? Rapport presente par M. C. D. Randall de Coldwater (Michigan). [Bcme? Switzerland, 1877?]. Caption title, 11 p. S. 5916. Randall, Floyd G. . . . The county road system, compiled by Floyd G. Randall, chief clerk . . . Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Craw- ford CO., state printers, 1911. 49 p. (Michigan, state highway department, bulletin no. 3). S. 5917. Ranney, George E. . . . Achievements in medicine — incentives to its scientific study; read before the Lansing city medical society, July 7, 1876. By George E. Ranney, M. D., of Lansing, Mich. [Detroit? 1876]. Caption title, 14 p. (Reprinted from Detroit review of medicine, September and October, 1876). S. 5918. , . Address delivered by Geo. E. Ranney, M. D. ... at the dedication of the regimental monument in Chickamauga U. S. militar}^ park, September 18, 1895. [no imprint]. Half title, 4 p. S. 5919. , . The health service of a state, by George E. Ranney, M. D., of Lansing, Mich., read at a sanitary convention at Battle Creek," Michigan, March 30, 1881 . . . [Lansing, 1881?]. [169]-179 p. (Re- printed from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health, for the year 1881). S. 5920. — — — , ■ — . List of regular physicians registered in Michi- gan, under act no. 167, laws of 1883, showing names, residence, length of time in practice, where and when graduated. Compiled by George E. Ranney, M. D. . . . January 5, 1885. [Lansing? 1885?]. 47 p. S. 592 1 . , ■ — . . . . Observations upon the progress of medi- cal science, with hints upon some vulgar errors impeding the same, by Geo. E. Ranney . . . Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1873. 16 p. (Michigan central medical society, president, addresses). LC;S. • 5922. , ■ — . President's annual address; death a universal law, [by] George E. Ranney, M. D., Lansing. [Lansing? 1892?]. Caption title, 21 p. (Reprint from Proceedings of Michigan state medical society, 1892). S. 5923. — , . Reminiscences of an army surgeon. A paper read before the Michigan commandery of the military order of the loyal legion of the United States, December 2, 1897, by Companion Geo. E. Ranney. [no imprint]. 20 p. S. 5924. Ransom, George F. Souvenir of Detroit in 1899, [by] Geo. F. Ran- som. [Detroit, George Harland, printer, 1899]. 36 p. S. 634 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5925. [Ransom, Wyllys CadwellJ. Historical address at Kalamazoo, Michigan, July 4, 1884. [Kalamazoo? 1884?]. Cai)tion title, 12 p. vS. 5926. [Rantoul, Robert Samuel]. The part taken by Essex county in the organization and settlement of the northwest territory. Salem, Mass., Salem press publishing and printing co., 1889. 72 p. (Reprinted from Historical collections, Essex institute, vol. XXV, 1888). L C. A collection of extracts from letters, speeches, and other sources. 5927. Rasmussen, August. Pioneer life in the Big Dane settlement . . . Montcalm county, Michigan . . . 1856-1902. [no imprint]. 24 p. B. 5928. Rathom, John Revelstoke. Two Chicago sketches: when the city wakes to life; Lake Michigan in calm and storm. By John R. Rathom. [Providence, R. I., Livermore & Knight co., cl910]. [44] p. L C. 5929. Ravell, Charles H. Sixty years of banking in Michigan, by Charles H. Ravell. Battle Creek, Mich., Old national bank, 1910. [4], 164 p. G. 5930. Raven, Paulina E. . . . Garment making for girls, by Paulina E. Raven and Anna Bryant Cowles . . . [East Lansing] 1916. 55 p. (Michigan agricultural college, extension division, club bulletin no. 9, May, 1916). M AC;S. 5931. Raven, William Franklin. Bean production, by W. F. Raven. East Lansing, Michigan, 1910. [85]-97 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, btilletin no. 259, March, 1910). M A C; S. Also in Forty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 321-329, under title: Bean growing. 5932. Ream, Laura. History of a trip to the great Saginaw valley, June, 1871, by invitation of the Fort Wayne, Muncie, and Cincinnati railroad, and with the co-operation of the Bee line, Fort Wayne, 'Jackson and Saginaw, and Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw railroad companies, by Laura Ream. Indianapolis, R. J. Bright & co., printers, 1871. 96 p. G; L C; S. p. 86-96, advertising matter. 5933. Reaume, Richard F., & co. R. F. Rcaume's Detroit theatrical and city guide, 1885. Detroit, R. F. Reaume & co., 1885. 100 p. B. 5934. Record of addresses delivered, poems read, and other exercises, at a re-union of former pupils of Rev. J. A. B. Stone, D. D., and Mrs. L. H. Stone, held at Kalamazoo, Michigan, Wednesday and Thursday, September 23rd and 24th, 1885. Kalamazoo, Michigan, Kalamazoo publishing com- pany, printers and binders, 1886. 112 p. S. 5935. Redway, Jacques Wardlaw. Natural advanced geography. [Michi- gan and Wisconsin ed.] (Natural geographies). New York, American book CO., 1901. 162, 16 p. D. 5936. Reed, Earl H. The dune country, by Earl H. Reed . . . with BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 635 sixty illustrations by the author. New York, John Lane company; London, John Lane; [etc., etc] 1916. 287, [1] p. D; L C; S. Depicting life along the southern and eastern shores of Lake Michigan. 5937. [Reed, Etta E.]. Announcement of special interest to foreigners de- siring to speak English correctly. [Detroit, 1915?]. [2] p. S. 5938. , . The Reed method for the correction of stammering. 5th ed. 22nd thousand. By Mrs. Frank A. Reed . . . Detroit, Mich., 1911. 44 p. S. 5939. , . Speech work in the Detroit public schools. Mrs. Frank A. Reed . . . (In National education association of the United States, journal of proceedings and addresses. Ann Arbor, 1916. p. 870). LC;S. 5940. Reed, Frank A. The Reed method for the cure of stammering, by Frank A. Reed . . . [Detroit, press of Curtis-Midford adv. co., 1902]. 38 p. L C. - 5941. Reed, George Irving. Bench and bar of Michigan; a volume of his- tory and biography . . . George Irving Reed, A. M., ed. Chicago, The cen- tur}^ publishing and engraving company, 1897. vii, 586, xv p. D; G;LC; S. Appendix: Roll of Michigan la^vyers (xv p.). 5942. Reid, James W. Reid's index to the amended laws of Michigan containing a synopsis of new laws passed since the compilation of 1857, to- gether with amendments thereto; also references to all amendments to the compiled laws. Arranged to conform to the sectional divisions, and general index to the compiled laws of 1857. By James W. Reid . . . Lansing, Mich., Jno. A. Kerr & co., steam book and job printers and binders, 1867. 122 p. D;S. 5943. Reighard, Jacob Ellsworth. ... A biological examination of Lake St. Clair. Preliminary account of work done during the summer of 1893 by the party maintained by the Michigan fish commission. By J. E. Reighard . . . Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1894. 60 p. (Bulletin of the Michigan fish commission, no. 4). S. Also with Michigan, legislature, joint documents for 1894, vol. IV, no. 6. B; D; G; S; U. 5944. , . . . . The breeding habits, develop- ment and propagation of the black bass (Micropterus dolomieu lacepede and micropterus salmoides lacepede) , by Jacob Reighard . . . [Lansing, Wynkoop Hallcnbeck Crawford co., 1905]. Cover title, 73 p. (Bulletin of the Michigan fish commission, no. 7). — — L C; S; U. At head of title: (Contributions from the zoological laboratory of the university of Michigan, no. 97). "Reprint from Sixteenth report of state board of fish commissioners." "Literature cited": p. 69-72. 636 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 5945. , . An ecoloj^ical reconnoissance of the fishes of Douglas Lake, Cheboygan county, Michigan, in midsummer, by Jacob Reighard . . . Washington, Government printing office, 1915. 1 p. 1., 215-249 p. ([U. S.], bureau of fisheries, doc. 814). L C. From Bulletin of the bureau of fisheries, vol. XXXIII, 1913. Literature cited: p. 249. 5946. Rembaugh, Bertha. The political status of women in the United States. A digest of the laws concerning women in th'e various states, and ter- ritories. Compiled by Bertha Rembaugh, member of the New York bar. With an introduction by Harriet Stanton Blatch, president of the women's political union. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, the knicker- bocker press, 1911. xiii, 164 p. U. Michigan: p. 69-75. 5947. Remington, Cyrus Kmgsburj\ The ship-yard of the Griffon, a brigantine built by Rene Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, in the year 1679, above the falls of Niagara . . . Illustrated by views and maps ancient and modem, together with the most complete bibliography of Hennepin that has ever been made in any one list and containing some editions not mentioned by Sabin and other authorities. By Cyrus Kingsbury Remington. Buft'alo, N. Y., 1891. 78 p. B. "^ 5948. Report of the subscriptions for the education of the seminarians of the diocese of Grand Rapids, for the year ending September 1st, 1915. [Grand Rapids, Mich., Powers-Tyson printing co., 1915?]. 121, [7] p. G. 5949. Republic iron company. Articles of association, by-laws, etc., of the republic iron company. Cleveland, O., Sanford & company, printers, 1875. 15, 38 p. B;L"c. "Constitutional provisions and statutes relating to mining and manufacturing com- panies, organized under the general laws of the state of Michigan": 38 p. at end. 5950. Republican party. Michigan. Proceedings at celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of the Republican party, at Jackson, Michi- gan, July 6, 1904; pub. by the general committee. Detroit, by arrangement with the Detroit tribune, 1904. 3 p. 1., [xi]-lxiii p. D; G; L C; U. Published also as chapter IX of William Stocking's Under the oaks, 1904. 5951. — — . . Under the oaks; the record of the first Republican state convention which was held in Jackson, July 6, 1854; the events which led to it, and the results that followed. Republished from the Detroit post and tribune of July 6, 1879. [Detroit? 1879?]. Caption title, 36 p. S; U. . 5952. . . Ingham county. . . . Address of the Republican central committee of Ingham county. [Lansing, Mich., I860]. Caption title, 16 p. G; L C; S. At head of title: Read and circulate 1 Facts for the people' 5953. . . State central committee. [Campaign BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 637 address to the] Republicans of Michigan, October 3, 1862. [Detroit!* 1862]. [1] p. — u. 5954. ■ — . ^ . . Correspond- ence with Hon. Wni. L. Bancroft. [Detroit, 1866]. Caption title, 4 p. LC. A letter to Bancroft, dated Detroit, October 26, 1866. 5955. . . . . . . . Evils of free trade; effect upon Michigan farmers and laboring men, viewed in the light of facts and statistics; free trade arguments answered. [Lansing?] 1888. 32 p. S. At head of title: [Issued by Republican state committee]. 5956. . . ■ . "Michigan, my Michigan. " Put Republicans on guard again; in behalf of coimtry, state and party. Issued by the Republican state central committee. [Lansing? 1914]. Caption title, "32 . S. 5957. — . . . . • • State and national finances, and the Kansas policy of the Democratic party, 1858; to the people of Michigan, by the state central committee. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers, 1858]. Caption title, 16 p. • S; U. 5958. [Reynolds, Charles F.]. The standard guide; Mackinac Island and northern lake resorts . . . [New York] Foster & Reynolds, 1899. 3 p. I., 88 p. B;G;LC. 5959. Reynolds, L. P. The city of Hillsdale, Michigan, by L. P. Rey- nolds, [n. p., 1915]. Caption title, 36 p. U. On cover: The city of Hillsdale, Michigan, May, 1915. 5960. ■ , — . — . . . . Closing chapter of the story of fifty years .' . . Hillsdale, Mich., 1899. Cover title, 40 p. S. 5961. [ , — . — .]. Hillsdale college; its early history, removal, and the destruction of its buildings — change of style and description of the new plan — aid needed — the obligations of the county and denomination . . . [Hillsdale? 1874?]. Caption title, 8 p. • S. 5962. [ , — . — .]. Hillsdale college; its founding and removal — buildings destroyed by fire — change from massed to separate buildings — description of the new plan- — its cost and aid needed to complete it . . . [Hillsdale? 1874?]. Caption title, [4] p. S. 5963. [ , — . — .]. Hillsdale college; sketch of its history — loss of its buildings — change of plans — description of the new and their cost — county and denominational obligations — opinions touching the new plans . . . [Hillsdale? 1874?]. Caption title, 5 p. S. 5964. [ ,—.—.]. Hillsdale college; sketch of its histor}-— recent 638 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN loss of its buildings — change of plans and description of the new . . . [Hills- dale!* 1874']. Caption title, 7 p. S. 5965. [ , — . — .]. The true review. Hillsdale, Alich., 1902. 32 p. S. 5966. Rezek, Antoine Ivan. Histor}^ of the diocese of Sault Ste. Marie and Alarquette, containing a full and accurate account of the development of the Catholic church in upper Michigan, with portraits of bishops, priests, and illustrations of churches old and new. By Rev. Antoine Ivan Rezek. Houghton, Michigan, vol. I, 1906; vol. II, 1907. 2 v. S. 5967. Rice, Franklin G. Diary of 19th Michigan volunteer infantry diu*- ing their three years service in the war of the rebellion, by Franklin G. Rice . . . [Big Rapids? n. d.] Cover title, 55 p. S. 5968. Rice, William H. David Zeisberger and his brown brethren, by Rev. Wm. H. Rice. Bethlehem, Pa., Moravian publication concern [cl897]. 64 p. B. 5969. [Richards, William C.]. The fairy isle of Mackinac. (In Magazine of American history. New York, 1891, v. 26, p. 22-35). S. 5970. Richardson, E. S. The water-supply of Reed City and the dangers of its contamination, by E. S. Richardson, M. D. . . . [Lansing? 1884?]. (Reprinted from a supplement to the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1883. Reprint no. 207). S. 5971. Richardson, [John]. Wacousta; or, the prophecy. An Indian tale . . . By Major Richardson . . . Rev. ed. New York, Dewitt & Davenport [cl851]. viii, [9]-223 p. B; L C. 5972. , [ ]. Wacousta; a tale of the Pontiac conspiracy, by Major Richardson . . . With illustrations by Charles W. Jefferys . . . Toronto, Historical publishing company, 1906. xii, 13-454 p. D; G; LC;S. 5973. , [ ]. War of 1812. First series. Containing a full and detailed narrative of the operation of the right division of the Canadian army, by Major Richardson, K. S. F. [Brockville] 1842. 3 p. 1., [2], 182, [1] p. B;LC. 5974. , -^ . Richardson's War of 1812; with notes and a life of the author, by Alexander Clark Casselman. Toronto, Historical pub- lishing CO., 1902. Iviii, [2] p., 1 1., 320 p. L C. With facsim. ot title page of edition of 1842. "The history of the war was to be written in three series . . . the history was not com- pleted." — p. xxxv-xxxvi. Bibliography of the works of Richardson: p. liii-lviii. "The Richardson genealogy": p. xlvi-xlix. "The Askin genealogy": p. xlix-lii. 5975. Richberg, John C. Incongruity of the divorce laws in the United States — a legal tangle, by John C. Richberg. (In Michigan political science BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 639 association, publications. [Ann Arbor] 1895, [vol. I], no. 4, p. [55]-77). G;LC;S. 5976. Richmond, Rebecca L. . . . The fur traders of the Grand river valley, by Miss Rebecca L. Richmond; paper read before the meeting on De- cember 20, 1907. Grand Rapids, Mich., reprinted from the Michigan trades- man, 1907. 1 p. 1., 35-47 p. (Publications of the historical society of Grand Rapids, no. 3, v. 1, pt. 3). B; L C; S. 5977. Richter, William. Secrets of taxidermy revealed; life of William Richter, ten years with the Chippewa Indians. History and habits of North American animals; how to stuff and preserve birds, animals, and reptiles, by Prof. Wm. Richter . . . Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1873. 20 p. ■ S. 5978. Rickard, Thomas Arthur. The copper mines of Lake Superior, by T. A. Rickard ... 1st cd., 1st thousand. New York & London, The engi- neering & mining journal, 1905. 164 p. G. 5979. Riddell, William Renwick. The first judge at Detroit and his court. An address by the Honorable William Renwick Riddell . . . for the twenty- fifth annual meeting of the Michigan state bar association, Lansing, Michi- gan, June 10, 11. [Lansing, 1915]. 3S p. B; S. 5980. Ries, Heinrich. . . . Clays and shales of Michigan, their properties and uses, by H. Ries; accompanied by four plates and six figures . . . Lan- sing, R. Smith printing co., state printers, 1900. vi p., 1 1., 67 p. (Michigan, geological survey, [reports], vol. VHI, pt. I: [Lower peninsula, 1900-1903]), LC;U. 5981. [Rifenberick, Robert B.]. A statement of "facts" concerning the so-called "Barcroft appraisal" of the Detroit united railway lines in the city of Detroit. August, 1910. [Detroit? 1910]. Cover title, 51 p. — — L C. Letter to the editor of the Engineering-contracting magazine, Chicago, with e>diibits A-L. 5982. Riley, Henry Hiram. The Puddleford papers; or humors of the west, by H. H. Riley . . . Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, Lee, Shepard and Dillingham, 1875. 386 p. S. 5983. River Raisin and Lake Erie railroad company. Report of the River Raisin and Lake Erie railroad company. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate docimients. [Detroit] George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, no. 9, p. 158). B;D;G;S;U. 5984. . Report of the River Raisin and Lake Erie railroad company [January 1, 1841]. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1841, house documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 29, p. 68-69). B; D; G; S; U. 5985. Rix, Guy Carleton. Temperance address by Guy Carleton Rix, de- 640 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN livered at the Universalist church, Dowagiac, Sunday, July 5, 1874 . . . Kalamazoo, daily telegraph job print [1874?]. 8 p. S. 5986. Robbins, Warren S. . . . Hog cholera and preventive treatment, [by] Warren S. Robbins. East Lansing, Michigan, 1914. 22 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 65, February, 1914). MAC;S. Also in Fiftv-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 364-382. 5987. Roberts, [Robert Ellis?]. Detroit one hundred years ago. [no im- print]. 178 p. G. 5988. , . Sketches and reminiscences of the city of the straits and its vicinity ... by Robert E. Roberts. Detroit, free press book and job printing house, 1884. 2 p. 1., 178 p. B; D; G; L C; S. 5989. [ , ]. Sketches of the city of Detroit, state of Michigan, past and present. 1855. Detroit, R. F. Johnstone & co., printers 1855. 63, [l]p. B; LC;U. 5990. Robinson, C. S. . . . Organic nitrogenous compounds in peat soils. II. By C. S. Robinson. East Lansing, Michigan, 1911. 22 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, technical bulletin no. 7, April, 1911). ■ M AC;S. Also in Fiftieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 387-405. 5991. , — . — . Utilization of muck lands, by C. S. Robinson. East Lansing, Mich., 1914. 29, [1] p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, bulletin no. 273, June, 1914). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 298-324. 5992. Robinson, George. History of Cheboygan and Mackinac counties; business and manufacturing statistics, soil, timber, prospects for settlers, &c; a tourists' guide for Mackinaw Island and other places of interest to pleasiu-e seekers . . . Published by Geo. Robinson . . . R. A. Sprague . . . De- troit, LTnion job printing company, 1873. 45 p. B; S. 5993. Robinson, James W. A centenary serman. Propagandism of Christianity, as exemplified in the planting and growth of Methodism in the United States, and especially in the state of Michigan, and city of Coldwater, delivered in the M. E. church at Coldwater, Mich., October 7th, A. D. 1866, by the pastor, Rev. Jas. W. Robinson. Published by request. Coldwater, Benton & Burr, printers, gazette office [1866?]. 15 p. S. 5994. Robinson, William A. A business directory of the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan, for the year 1856. Compiled by W. A. Robinson. Chicago, Scripps, Bross & Spears, 1856. 56 p. G. 5995. Robinson and Campau. Complete specifications for the new cen- tral high school to be erected on Fountain street, near Prospect street . . . BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 641 Robinson and Campau, architects; Wm. B. Ittner, consulting architect; Smith, Hinchman and Grylls, consulting engineers. Grand Rapids, Mich., business department, board of education, 1909. vii, [1], 378 p. G. 5996. Robinson, Floyd W. Analyses of some of the commercial feeding stuffs of Michigan, by Floyd W. Robinson. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1902. lip. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 203, December, 1902). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. n25]-133. 5997. • — , . Fertilizer bulletin, by Floyd W. Robinson. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1904. 23 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 217, July, 1904). M A C; vS; U. Also in Fifty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. I127]-146. 5998. [Robinson, W. Scott], A l^iographical sketch of Elroy M. Avery. Reprinted from the history of the city of Cleveland, with a geneological out- line. Cleveland, 1888. 1 p. 1., 423-433 p. S. 5999. Rochefoucault Liancourt, [Francois Alexandre Frederic] Due de la. Travels through the United States of North America, and the country of the Iroquois, and upper Canada, in the years 1795, 1796 and 1797, by the Duke de la Rochefoucault Liancourt. With an authentic account of lower Canada, three rhaps, several tables, &c. 2d ed. London, printed by T. Gillett for R. Phillips, 1800. 4 v. B; L C; S. 6000. Rogers, [A. C. and Delia]. Memorial of Misses Rogers, in behalf of the Michigan female college. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 28). B;D;G;S;U. 6001. Rogers, Frank F. . . . Care of earth roads, by Frank F. Rogers, C. E., deputy commissioner . . . Lansing, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford CO., state printers, 1910. 12 p. (Michigan, state highway department, bul- letin no. 1, March, 1910). S. 6002. , . . . . Gravel roads, by Frank F. Rogers, C. E., deputy state highway commissioner . . . Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hal- lenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1911. 16 p. (Michigan, state highway department, bulletin no. 2, March, 1911). S. 6003. , . . . . Macadam roads, by Frank F- Rogers, C. E., deputy state highway commissioner . . . Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hal- lenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1912. 21 p. (Michigan, state highway department, bulletin no. 4, March, 1912). S. 6004. Rogers, Fred H. List of banks and banking corporations that have existed in the territory and state of Michigan, prior to the national banks. Compiled from various sources by Fred H. Rogers. Detroit, 1885. 10 p. B. 81 642 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6005. Rogers, Howard S. History of Cass county, from 1825 to 1875, by Howard S. Rogers. Cassopolis, Mich., W. H. Mansfield, vigilant book and job print, 1875. iv, [5]-406 p. G; L C; S; U. 6006. Rogers, Joseph Sumner. A national reser\^e for the exigency of war, by Colonel J. Sumner Rogers. (In Michigan political science association, publications. [Ann Arbor, 1894], v. 1, no. 3, p. [18]-32). B; G; S; U. 6007. Rogers, Robert. Ponteach: or the savages of America. A tragedy, by Robert Rogers. London, printed for the author, 1766. 110 p. B. 6008. , . Ibid. With an introduction and biography of the author, by Allan Nevins. Chicago, The Caxton club, 1914. 261 p. B. 6009. Romeyn, Theodore. Theodore Romeyn, bom at Hackensack, N. J., August 22d, 1810. Died at Detroit, Mich., July 22d, 1885. [no imprint]. 12 p. B. 6010. , . To the people of the state of Michigan, [n. p., 1841?]. Caption title, 48 p. S. Signed (p. 40) Theodore Romeyn. Detroit, June 7, 1841. On cover: Mason-Romeyn controversy. 6011. Romig, S. V. The disposal of waste matter, by S. V. Romig, M. D. . . . (Read at a sanitary convention held at Ionia, Mich., Dec. 13 and 14, 1883 . . . ). [Lansing? 1885?]. [38]-41 p. (Reprinted from a supplement to the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1884. Reprint no. 159). S. 6012. Rominger, Carl. . . . Geological report on the upper peninsula of Michigan, exhibiting the progress of work from 1881 to 1884. Iron and copper regions, by C. Rominger. Accompanied by a map and two geological cross sections. [Lansing, R. Smith & co., state printers, 1895]. [vii]-x p., 1 1., 179 p. (Michigan, geological surv^ey, [reports], vol. V, pt. I: Upper peninsula, 1881- 1884). LC;U. "Describes the character and distribution cf the granite and dioritic rocks, the lithologic character, succession, and structure of the iron ore and Keweenawan groups. Includes descriptions of some of the iron and copper mines." — Weeks, bibliography of North American geology . . . 1892-1900. 6013. , . . . . Geology of lower peninsula [of Michigan] by C. Rominger. [New York, J. Bien, 1876]. 4 p. 1., 225 p. (Michigan, geo- logical stirvey, [reports], vol. Ill, pt. I: Lower peninsula, 1873-1876). LC;U. "Observations on the Ontonagon silver mining district and the slate quarries of Huron Bay, by C. Rominger": p. [151]-166. "Report on the salt manufacture of Michigan, by S. S. Garrigues": p. [167J-216. 6014. , . . . . Marquette iron region . . . Menominee iron region. By C. Rominger . . . New York, J. Bien, 1881. xiv, 248 p. (Michi- gan, geological survey, [reports], vol. IV: Upper peninsula, 1878-1880). LC;U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 643 6015. , . . . . Palaeontology. Fossil corals. By C. Romin- ger. [New York, J. Bien, 1876]. 161 p., 56 1. (Michigan, geological survey, [reports], vol. Ill, pt. II: Lower peninsula, 1873-1876). L C; U. 6016. , . . . . Palaeozoic rocks [of the upper peninsula of Michigan], by Dr. C. Rominger. [New York, J. Bien, 1873]. 105 p. (Michi- gan, geological surv^ey, [reports], vol. I, pt. Ill: Upper peninsula, 1869-1873). LC. 6017. Roosevelt, Theodore. Episodes from "The winning of the west," 1769-1807, by Theodore Roosevelt . . . New York and London, G. P. Put- nam's sons, 1900. 4 p. 1., vii-xv, 247 p. (Half title : The knickerbocker litera- ture series, [vol. I]). L C. Ed. by F. L. Olmsted. 6018. , . ... La conquete de I'Ouest . . . Traduc- tion Albert Savine. Paris, Dujarric & cie, 1904. (Bibliotheque intemation- ale . . . ). L C. Contents. — [t. I] Des Alleghanys au Mississippi, 1769-1777. 6019. , . The northwest in the nation ; biennial address before the state historical society of Wisconsin, January 24, 1893, by Theodore Roosevelt. (Reprinted from the Proceedings of the fortieth annual meeting). [Madison] Wisconsin state historical society, 1893. [1], [92]-99 p. L C. 6020. , . Roosevelt vs. Newett, a transcript of the testimony taken and depositions read at Marquette, Mich. [n. p.] priv. print. [cl914]. 362 p. L C. Testimony concerning Roosevelt's personal habits in the trial of his libel suit against Newett. 6021. , . The winning of the west, by Theodore Roose- velt . . . New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1889-1896. 4 v. LC;S; U. Contents. — I. From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1769-1776. — II. From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1777-1783. — III. The founding of the trans-AUeghany commonwealths, 1784-1790. — IV. Louisiana and the northwest, 1791-1807. 6022. , -. . Ibid. New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1900. 6 V. L C; U. Contents.— Pt. I. The spread of English-speaking peoples. — pt. II. In the current of the revolution. — pt. III. The war in the northwest. — pt. IV. The Indian wars, 1784-1787. Franklin, Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee.^ — pt. V. St. Clair and Wayne. — pt. VI. Louisiana and Aaron Burr. 6023. , . Ibid. Philadelphia, Gebbie and company, 1903. (His [Complete writings]. Uniform ed.). L C. "The edition de luxe is printed from type and will be limited to five hundred copies." 6024. , . Ibid. New York, The review of reviews company, 1904. 4 v. L C. 6025. , . Ibid. New York, The current literature publishing company, 1905. 6 v. L C. 644 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6026. Root, Melvin A. The legal condition of girls and women in Michi- gan; compiled by Melvin A. Root, of Bay City, Mich., 1894. Lansing, Michi- gan, H. D. Reprogle & co., publishers American series [cl894]. 60 p. G; S. 6027. [Ross, Abel Hastings]. An open letter to the moderator and mem- bers of the Stanton, Mich., council, in the case of Wells H. Utley; a review of the case, name of council, meaning of ministerial standing, orderly proceed- ings, etc., by a member of the eastern association of ministers of Michigan. [Detroit] GuUey, Bomman & co., 1882. 23 p. B. 6028. Ross, Robert B. [Detroit mechanics society]. [Detroit, 1904]. D. Clippings from the Detroit news tribune. 6029. , . The early bench and bar of Detroit from 1805 to the end of 1850. "Winder's memories. " Pub. by R. P. Joy & C. M. Burton. Detroit, 1907. 247 p. B; D. Page proof, the printed pages facing each other. "Biographies" [a list]: 1 leaf inserted between p. [2] and [3]. 6030. [ , — — .]. [Facts relating to alleged portrait of John Nor- vcll, U. S. senator of Michigan]. [Detroit, 1912]. not paged. D. 6031. , ■ — . Industrial school entertainments; old time fun; a record of entertainments given by the Detroit board of trade for the benefit of the industrial school society in 1864-1878. Published in the Detroit Sun- day news tribune, commencing Sunday, Jan. 15, 1905. [Detroit, 1905?]. 28 p. D. 6032. , . Landmarks of Wayne county and Detroit, by Robert B. Ross and George Catlin, rev. by Clarence W. [M.] Burton . . . De- troit, The evening news association, 1898. xx, 872, 320 p. B; D; G; LC;S. "Biographical": p. [631]-872; "Personal references": [lJ-280, at end. 6033. — ■ — , — . The patriot war, by Robert B. Ross. Published in Detroit evening news, 1890. Revised by the author for the Michigan pio- neer and historical society. [Detroit? 1890?]. Cover title, 101 p. U. 6034. Roster of the 20th Michigan infantry, including also a list of de- ceased and honorary members. [Ann Arbor, courier, printers and binders, 1899]. 36 p. S. 6035. [Roth, Filibert]. Forest fires, how they can be prevented in the future . . . [Detroit, P. N. Bland printing co., 1909?]. Cover title, 15, [1] p. S. 6036. , . Forest regulation, or the preparation and develop- ment of forest working plans : volume I of Michigan manual of forestry, by Filibert Roth. Ann Arbor, Mich., the author, 1914. viii p., 1 1., 218 p. , LC. "Literature of regulation": 1 I., following p. viii. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 645 6037. , . What is forestry, and what does it mean to the people of Michigan? By Filibert Roth . . . [Grand Rapids, Mich., Trades- man company, engravers and printers, 1908?]. 21 p. S. 6038. , . What the state should do and why it should do it now, by Prof. Filibert Roth . . . [Lansing', Mich., 1905?]. 1 p. 1., 81-96 p. (Reprinted from Report of forestry commission, 1903-4). L C. Found also in "Michigan forestry. Some questions answered": p. 23-37. 6039. Rouech, August Eugene. Guide to lawful fees and compensations for the state of Michigan. Comp. by August E. Rouech. Detroit, Mich., the Richmond & Backus co., 1895. 86, x p. L C. Lettered on cover: Michigan fee guide. 6040. , . Ibid. 2d ed. Detroit, the Richmond & Backus CO., 1900. 106, xii p. L C. 6041. Rowland, Oran W. A history of Van Buren county, Michigan: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people, and its principal in- terests. By Captain O. W. Rowland . . . Chicago and New York, the Lewis publishing co., 1912. 2 v. B; S. Paged continuously. 6042. Royal arcanum. Detroit council no. 47. Constittition and by-laws governing Detroit council no. 47, royal arcanum, Detroit, Mich. Detroit, free press book and job printing house, 1878. 51 p. — — B. 6043. . Michigan. Grand council. The royal arcanum. Its objects and plans. Pub. in interest of the grand council of Michigan. Ap- proved by the grand regent. Mason, Mich., H. H. Terwilliger, 1881. 1 p. 1., 12, [1] p. LC. 6044. Rupp, Israel Daniel. The geographical catechism of Pennsylvania, and the western states; designed as a guide and pocket companion, for travel- lers and emigrants, to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Missouri; containing a geographical and early historical account of these several states, from their first settlement up to the present time, by I. Daniel Rupp . . . Harrisburg, Pa., J. Winebrenner, 1836. iv, 384 p. D; G;LC. 6045. Rural mail directory co. Directory of rural free mail delivery, Kent county, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich., Rural mail directory co., 1909. 132, [2] p. G. 6046. Russell, Alfred. Census bulletin no. 48 of 1891, by Alfred Russell, esq., president of the association. (In Michigan political science association, publications. [Ann Arbor, 1894], v. 1, no. 3, p. [9J-17). B; G; L C; S;U. 6047. , • ■ — . Corporations in Michigan. President's address read at the meeting in Jackson, March 16, 1894, (the topic being selected at 646 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN the request of the association). By Alfred Russell. (In Michigan political science association, publications. [Ann Arbor, 1894], v. 1, no. 2, p. [97J-108). G;LC;S;U. 6048. , . Dissatisfaction with the senate. By the Honorable Alfred Russell . . . (In Michigan political science association, publications. [Ann Arbor, 1894], V. 1, no. 2, p. [41J-48). G; L C; S; U. 6049. , . James Frederick Joy. By Alfred Russell, general attorney in Michigan of the Wabash railroad. (In The railway magazine. New York, 1897, v. 2, no. 1, p. 50-56). U. 6050. Russell, Israel Cook. A geological reconnaissance along the north shore of lakes Huron and Michigan by Israel C. Russell. [Lansing, Mich., 1905]. 3 p. 1., [39]-105, [1] p., 1 1., [171]-182 p. (From Report for 1904 of Michigan board of geological survey). L C. Several plates preceded by leaf with descriptive letterpress. Previous publications: p. 40-42. 6051. , . . . . The Portland cement industry in Michi- gan, by Israel Cook Russell. Extract from the twenty-second annual report of the [U. S. geological] surv^ey, 1900-1901. Part III — Coal, oil, cement. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1902. 1 p. 1., 629-685 p. B;L C; S. 6052. , . . . . Research in state universities. A paper read before the research club of the university of Michigan, January 20, 1904, by Israel C. Russell . . . Ann Arbor, the imiversity, 1904. Cover title, 24 p. (University bulletin, new ser., vol. V, no. 5). L C. 6053. , . The topographical surv^ey of Michigan. An address by Israel C. Russell ... to the Michigan academy of science at its ninth annual meeting. Ann Arbor, Mich., Michigan academy of science, 1903. Cover title, [32] p. U. 6054. Russell, John A. Prehistoric discoveries in Wayne county, Michi- gan, by John A. Russel, A. M. Detroit [Shelby printing co.] 1911. 20 p. D;S. 6055. Russell, Robert. . . . Agricultural notes in Ohio and Michigan, by R.Russell . . . [Edinburgh? 1856]. 15 p. (From the Journal of agriculture for October, 1856). L C. 6056. Ruthven, Alexander Grant. . . . The herpetology of Michigan, by Alexander G. Ruthven, Crystal Thompson and Helen Thompson; Memoranda towards a bibliography of the archaeology of Michigan, by Harlan I. Smith; prepared under the direction of Alexander G. Ruthven . . . Lansing, Mich., Wynkopp Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1912. 190 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 10, biological series 3). LC;S;U. " General bibliography " : p. 162-166. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 647 6057. , —. . . . Miscellaneous papers on the zoology of Michigan. Prepared under the direction of Alexander G. Ruthven, chief naturaHst; pub. as a part of the annual report of the board of geological survc}' for 1915. Lansing, Mich., W. H. Crawford co., state printers, 1916. 179 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 20, biological series 4). L C; S; U. Bibliography: p. 159-170. Contents. — ^Observations on the fishes of Houghton county, Michigan, by T. L. Han- kinson. — An ecological study of the fish fauna of the Douglas Lake region, Michigan, with special reference to the mortality of the species, by R. J. Colbert. — Dragonflies of the Doug- las Lake region, Michigan, by A. T. Evans. — The reptiles and amphibians of Monroe county, Michigan, by C. Thompson. — Results of the Mershon expedition to Charity Islands, Lake Huron: Coleoptera, by A. W. Andrews. — Results of the Shiras expeditions to Whitefish Point, Michigan; fishes, by T. L. Hankinson. 6058. , . On ameiva bifrontata cope and ameiva divisus (Fischer). By Alexander G. Ruthven. [Ann Arbor, Mich., the university, 1912]. Caption title, 3 p. (In Michigan, university, museum of zoology, occasional papers no. 2). S; U. 6059. Ryan, Daniel Joseph. . . . From charter to constitution: being a collection of public documents pertaining to the territory of the northwest and the state of Ohio, from the charters of James I, to and including the first constitution of Ohio, and the state papers relating to its admission to the union, showing thereby the historical chain of title of said state from 1606 to 1803. By Daniel J. Ryan. (In Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly. Columbus, 1898, v. 5, p. [vii]-xiii, 1-164). L C; S. 6060. Sabin, Louis Carlton. Filling and emptying the third lock at St. Marys Falls canal, Michigan, by Mr. L. C. Sabin ... (In Professional memoirs, corps of engineers, U. S. army, and engineer department-at-large. Washington, 1917, v. 9, no. 44, p. 115-134). L C. 6061. Sackett, Walter G. Some bacterial diseases of plants prevalent in Michigan. (Popular), by Walter G. Sackett. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1905. [203]-220 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bul- letin no. 230, June, 1905). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 269-281. 6062. Sadler, Herbert Charles. The experimental ship tank of the uni- versity of Michigan, by Herbert C. Sadler. [Ann Arbor] Ann Arbor press [n. d.]. 11 p. (Reprinted from Michigan technic, June, 1906). U. 6063. , . Some points in connection with ship- building on the great lakes, U. S. A., by Prof. Herbert C. Sadler . . . Lon- don, Institution of naval architects, 1909. Cover title, 8 p. U. 6064. Sage public library. Catalogue of the Sage library of West Bay City, Michigan: Founded A. D. 1883 by Hon. H. W. Sage, Ithaca, N. Y. West Bay City, Michigan, 1886. [East Saginaw, Mich., evening news print- ing and binding house, 1886]. [iv], 279 p. S. Dedication exercises, '19 p., is bound with the Catalogue. 648 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6065. ' . Su])plement "A" to catalogue of the Sage library, of West Bay City, Michigan. Arranged by Mrs. C. C. Faxon, 1889. [Bay City, Mich., tribune book and job rooms, 1889]. .90 p. S. 6066. Saginaw. Board of education. Saginaw high school; catalogue. Saginaw, Friedman & Hynan print, 1905. 40 p. D; G. 6067. . . vSaginaw high school. Circular of infonnation and curriculum of study; printed by the board of education. Adopted by the board of education May 19, 1909. Saginaw, W. K. Mclntyre CO. print [1909]. 12 p. D. 6068. . . Saginaw, west side, public schools (Union school district). Outline of graduate work, 1892. [Saginaw? 1892?]. 32 p. (In Catalogues of some of the leading high schools of Michigan, vol. I . . . Columbian exposition, 1893). — — U. 6069. . Board of public works. Annual report of the board of public works of the city of Saginaw . . . 1886-87 to 1911. Saginaw, Mich., 1887-[1912?]. B*; S*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1886-87; the State Library has 1003 and 1911; the U. of M. Library has 1900-01. 6070. . Board of trade. . . . Annual review of the Saginaw board of trade ... 2nd (1882)-9th (1889). East Saginaw, 1883-1890. B*; S*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 2nd-5th, 7th; the State Library has 2nd-4th, 7th- 9th; the U. of M. Library has 3rd and 5th. 6071. . . Fiftieth year ending May, 1913. Sagi- naw, Michigan [Valley printing co., 1913?]. 56 p. U. Contents. — Annual address President J. A. Cimmerer, given at the fiftieth annual meet- ing. — Reports of the treasurer and secretary of the Saginaw board of trade. — Golden anni- versary exercises. — Articles of association and by-laws of board of trade. 6072. . — . Proceedings . . . 1894-95 to 1912-13. [Saginaw, Mich., 1895-1913]. U*. *The U. of M. Library has 1894-95, 1911-12, 1912-13. 6073. • — ■ — — . — ■ — ■ . Project for Saginaw Ba}^ water for the city of Saginaw, proposed by Gardner S. Williams, consulting engineer, aus- pices, Saginaw board of trade. Saginaw, Michigan, 1912. Cover title, 34 p. S. 6074. . . [Report] 1910-11 to 1911-12. Saginaw, Michigan [1911 M912?]. S. Year ends in May. 6075. . Board of water commissioners. Annual report of the board of water commissioners to the common council of the city of Saginaw for the year ending December 31st, 1911-1912. Saginaw, Michigan, Seemann & Peters, inc., printers, 1912-1913. S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 649 6076. . . Water commissioners' re- port on water supply of East Saginaw. Analysis of Saginaw river water and its purification. [Saginaw? 1867?]. Caption title, [3]-10 p. L C. 6077. . Charters. Charter of the city of Saginaw, Michigan, as amended in 1891, together with the acts of the legislature incorporating the board of education of East Saginaw and the union school district of Saginaw as amended in 1891. Printed by authorit}^ of the common council. Saginaw, Michigan, Laing & Moiles, printers and binders, 1891. 366,. 94, 6 p. S. 6078. . . [Charter amendments, city of Saginaw 1893] . ISaginaw, 1893?]. [3]-54 p. S. 6079. . . Charter of the city of Saginaw, Michigan, as amended in 1897; including the act incorporating the board of education of East Saginaw and the amended act of the union school district of the city of Saginaw. Saginaw, Mich., Seemann & Peters, 1897. 121 p. G. 6080. . . Amendments to the charter of the city of vSagi- naw, Michigan, passed by the legislature, June 1st, 1899. Printed by authority of the common council. [Saginaw, Mich., 1899]. 13 p. G. 6081. • . ■ . Charter of the city of Saginaw, Michigan, as amended in 1903, including the act incorporating the board of education of East Saginaw and the amended act of the union school district of the city of Saginaw. Printed by authority of the common council. Saginaw, Mich., Saginaw printing and publishing co., printers and binders, 1903. 222 p., 11., 119 p. S. 6082. . . Charter of the city of Saginaw, Michigan, with amendments thereto and the acts of the legislature relating to or affecting the city of Saginaw. Printed by authority of the common council. Saginaw, Wm. K. Mclntyre, printer, 1905. 361 p. G; S. 6083. . . Laws amending the charter of 1905 of the city of Saginaw, Michigan, passed by the legislature in 1907. Printed by au- thority of the common council in October, 1907. Saginaw, Mich., Seemann -& Peters, printers and binders, 1907. 3 p. 1., 68 p. S. 6084. . Chief of police. . . . Annual report of the chief of police .. . . 1902-03 to 1904-05. Saginaw, Mich., 1903-[1905:t S*; U*. Year ends June 30. *The State Library has 1903-04 and 1904-05; the U. of M. Library has 1902-03. 6085. . Common council. Manual of the common council, in- cluding municipal government, &c., of the city of Saginaw. Published by order of the common council. Saginaw, Mich., courier printing and binding CO., 1891. 114 p. S. 6086. . .• Proceedings of the common council. {Saginaw? Mich.] 1897-1998. 1 v. G. 650 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6087. . Controller's office. Annual report of the city controller, 1895 to 1911-12. Scunnaw. Alich.. 1895-[1912?]. ■ G*; S*; U*. *The Grand Rapids Public Library has 1895; the State Library has 1903-04, 1904-05, 1907-08, 1909-10 to 1911-12; the U. of M. Library has 1898-1902, 1910-11. 6088. . East side public library. Catalogue of the public library of East Saginaw, Michigan. Comp. by W. L. Smith, librarian. Pub. by the board of education. East Saginaw, Mich., courier co., printers, 1878. 73 p. LC. 5089. . High school. Class of 1862. A sketch of the life of Joel D. Eaton, together with the last oration delivered by him in the Saginaw high school. A memorial voltime prepared by the class of 1862. East Saginaw, courier co., printers and binders [n. d.]. 15 p. U. 6090. . Ordinances, etc. Compiled volume of ordinances of the city of Saginaw, Michigan. Compiled and printed by authority of the com- mon coimcil. Saginaw, Mich., Seeman and Peters, printers, 1898. iii, [3]- 224 p. U. 6091. . Public library of union school district. Catalogue of the public library of- union school district of Saginaw, Mich., West side. Saginaw, C. H. Lee, printer and binder, 1899. 146 p. L C. 6092. — . Public school library. Catalogue of the library of the Saginaw public schools, 1873. Saginaw, Mich., daily Republican oflfice, 1873. 1 p. 1., 25 p. U. 6093. Saginaw and Bay salt co. Articles of association, by-laws, and order of business of the Saginaw and Bay salt co. as amended and adopted at the annual meeting, March 15, 1870. Also, the rules and regulations of state salt inspector for 1870, state salt inspection law, mining and manufacturing law, analysis of salt, etc. Bay City, Mich., John Culbert, book and job printer [n. d.]. 42 p. • U. 6094. Saginaw daily enterprise. Statistics for 1867. Annual statement of the manufacture of lumber, lath, shingles ... by Saginaw daily enterprise. East Saginaw, daily enterprise, 1868. 32 p. U. 6095. Saginaw river improvement association. Saginaw river improve- ment; statistics showing the necessity of government appropriation for the removal of the Carrollton bar, prepared by the executive committee of the Saginaw river improvement association . . . East Saginaw, Mich., daily en- terprise steam printing house, 1874. 12 p. S. 6096. Saginaw valley. Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. Sagi- naw, Michigan, the gateway to the land of opportunity, [no imprint]. [16] p. U. 6097. The Saginaw valley. Containing a sketch of its history; description of the country; statement of its business interests; and notices of its business BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 651 houses; with particular reference to East Saginaw & Saginaw City. East Saginaw, daily enterprise steam printing house, 1871. 58 p. U. 6098. The Saginaw valley; its extent, boundaries, etc. [anon.], [no im- print]. Caption title, 13 p. U. 6099. . . . The Saginaw valley; its salt, lumber, and other resources. [Saginaw, 1863]. Caption title, 15 p. U. At head ot title: Saginaw weekly enterprise — Extra. 6100. Saginaw valley land, salt and mineral company. Prospectus of the Saginaw valley land, salt and mineral company, of New York and Michigan. Office, no. 35, Pine street, N. Y. New York, Henry Spear, stationer and printer, 1864. 16 p. B. 6101. Saginaw valley. Lumberalen. Tariff on lumber. Several reasons why the present tariff should not be repealed. Proceedings of a meeting of lumbermen of the Saginaw valley, held at East Saginaw, March 10, 1870. Facts and statistics of the lumber business of the Saginaw valley. East Sagi- naw, Mich., daily enterprise steam print, 1870. 14 p. B. 6102. St. Andrew's society, Detroit. Anniversary of birth of Robert Bums, 154th (1913)-157th (1916). Detroit [1913-1916]. B. 6103. — . , . Constitution and by-laws of the St. Andrew's society of the city of Detroit. Detroit, the daily post book and job print, 1866. 24 p. B. 6104. St. Clair. Common council. A corporation manual of the city of St. Clair, Michigan, containing the charter, ordinances and rules of order of the common council. Also names of village and city officers from 1850 to 1872. Compiled by J. Ward Hill, city clerk, by order of the common council. St. Clair, Mich., printed at the Republican office, 1872. 158 p. U. 6105. • — . . . A corporation manual of the city of St. Clair, Michigan, containing the charter, ordinances and rules of order. of the common council. Compiled by order of the common council. St. Clair, the Republican book and job rooms, 1886. 93 p. U. 6106. — . . Protection fire company. Constitution and by-laws of protection fire company no. 1 of the city of St. Clair. Adopted June 7, 1858. St. Clair, Collins and Morse, printers, 1858. 15 p. U. 6107. St. Clair and Romeo railroad company. Affidavit of the president and secretary of the St. Clair and Romeo railroad company, relative to the expenditures. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 3, p. 13). B; D; G; S; U. 6108. — . . Proposition for a transfer of the charter of the St. Clair and Romeo railroad company. (Michigan, legis- lature, 1837, house document no. 2. In Journal of the house of representatives 652 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN . . . 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. [487J-488; senate document no. 2. In Journal of the senate . . . Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. [l]-2). ■ B; D; G; S; U. 6109. — . . Report of the expenditures on the St. Clair and Romeo railroad, January 10th, 1839. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1839, house documents. Detroit, J. S. and S. A. Bagg, printers, 1839, no. 7, p. 135). B;D;G;S;U. 6110. [ — . ]. [Report of the president and directors of the St. Clair and Romeo railroad company, January 10, 1837]. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, house document no. 10. In Journal of the house of representatives . . . 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 580-581). B;D;G;S;U. ^ 6111. St. Clair county agricultural society. Premnum list of the first an- nual fair of the St. Clair county agricultural society, to be held at St. Clair, on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 14th and 15th, 1856. St. Clair, B. B. Bissell, office of the St. Clair Republican, 1856. 8 p. U. 6112. ■ — .■ — — • • — — . Rules, regulations and pre- miums of the third annual fair of the St. Clair county agricultural society, to be held at St. Clair, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 13th, 14th and 15th, 1858. St. Clair, F. H. Morse, printer. Republican office, 1858. Cover title, 16 p. U. 6113. St. Clair mineral springs company. Illustrated circular of the Oak- land, open the year round. St. Clair, the St. Clair mineral springs co., 1882. 82 p. B." 61 14. St. Helen development co. The land of opportunity ; Michigan farm and fruit lands . . . [St. Helen? n. d.]. Cover title, [26] p. S. 6115. St. John, John R. A true description of the Lake Superior country . . . with Ba\ffield's chart . . . also a minute account of the copper mines . . . and ... a concise mode of assaying, treating, smelting, and refining copper ores. By John R. St. John. New York, W. H. Graham, 1846. 1 p. 1., 118 p. D;LC;S;U. 6116. St. Joseph. Charters. Charter and general ordinances of the vil- lage of St. Joseph. Revised and compiled by the village attorney. Printed and published by authority of the common council of the village of St. Joseph. St. Joseph, Michigan, Saturday herald book print, 1889. 72 p. S. 6117. St. Joseph county. Citizens. Petition of 363 citizens of St. Joseph county, praying the legislature to confer upon the Grand Rapids and Indiana railroad company, a portion of public lands, granted to aid in the construction of certain railroads in the state of Michigan. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch printers to the state, 1857]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate docu- ment no. 21). B;D;G;S;U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 653 6118. St. Louis magnetic spring, discovered, 1869, St. Louis, Gratiot county, Michigan. Analysis by Prof. S. P. DufFicld, of Detroit; history of the spring; medical authorities; reports of cures; diseases treated . . . East Saginaw, daily enterprise steam printing house, 1870. 16, 4 p. B. 6119. St. Luke's hospital and church home, Detroit. Annual report, [1st (1867)]-2nd (1868). [Detroit, 1867-1868]. B. 6120. — . , . Rules for the internal government of St. Luke's hospital and church home, Detroit. Detroit, free press book & job printing house, 1871. 20 p. B. 6121. St. Mark's hospital. Grand Rapids. . . . Report from April, 1890 to April, 1892 . . . Grand Rapids, Michigan [1892?]. 64 p. G; S. 6122. St. Mary's academy. Catalogue of the pupils of St. Mary's acad- emy, Monroe, Mich., for the scholastic year, 1879-80. Annual commence- ment, Tuesday, June 22d, 1880. Monroe, Mich., commercial book print, 1880. 24 p. B. 6123. St. Mary's college. Good form. Monroe, Mich., St. Mary's col- lege [cl915]. 2 p. 1., 3-58 p. L C. 6124. St. Mary's hospital, Detroit. Second annual report of the eye and ear department of St. Mary's hospital and St. Mary's free eye and ear in- firmary for the year ending June 1, 1879. Detroit, free press print, 1879. 12 p. • B. 6125. St. Mary's canal mineral land company. . . . Reports upon the value of the company's lands located in the iron region of Lake Superior, county of Marquette, state of Michigan. Boston, Wright & Potter, printers, 1864. 54 (i. e. 55) p. • L C. At head of title: St. Mary's canal mineral land company. 6126. — . . A statement of the plan of the company; with the act of incorporation, and a letter from C. T. Harvey, esq., describing the character, extent, and value of its mineral lands, with maps, etc. New York, Baker & Godwin, printers, 1859. 24 p. B. 6127. St. Mary's Falls ship canal. Report of the commissioners of the St. Mary's ship canal [January 17, 1855, relative to the condition and state of the work, in compliance with a resolution of the house]. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 6128. . . Report of the board of control of the Saint Mary's Falls ship canal. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 10 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 9). B;D; G; S; U. 6129. St. Mary's Falls ship canal company. Report of the directors of the St. Mary's Falls ship canal co. to the stock holders; with accompanying 654 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN maps and papers September, 1858. Detroit, printed by H. Barnes, tribune office, 1858. 46 p. B. 6130. — . . 560,000 acres pine lands, in the state of Michigan, with lumber statistics and other valuable information concerning the pine lands of the Saint Mary's Falls ship canal company . . . Detroit, printed by H. Bams, 1857. 15 p. B; L C. Signed: George S. Frost, land agent, Detroit, Mich. Included with pamphlet, and published later, is "Detroit post railroad map of the lower peninsula of Michigan," issued by Geo. S. Frost & co., of Detroit. Advertising matter on p. 11]. 6131. St. Pierre, Telesphore. Histoire des Canadiens-Frangais du Michi- gan et du comte d 'Essex, Ontario, par T. St. Pierre. Detroit, 1891.348 p. B. Copy incomplete : 34 p. of first part. 6132. — . , . Ibid. Montreal, typographic dc la Gazette, 1895. 2 p. 1., 348 p. L C. 6133. Salem. Township board. Opinions of the judges of the supreme coiirt of Michigan in the case of the people ex rel. the Detroit and Howell railroad company, vs. the township board of Salem; mandamus, April term, A. D. 1870, at Detroit. By Authority. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers to the state, 1870. 53 p. S. 6134. Salmon, Lucy Maynard. Education in Michigan during the terri- torial period, by Lucy M. Salmon; and Federal land grants for internal im- provements in Michigan, by A. N. Bliss. Lansing, W. S. George & co., 1885. 35 p. G. 6135. Salsbury, Lant K. The state of Michigan, supreme court; the people of the state of Michigan vs. Lant K. Salsbury, respondent: record, error to superior court of Grand Rapids . . . [Grand Rapids, Mich., 190-?]. 4 V. ■ G. 6136. Sample, C. H. Ventilation, read at a sanitary convention held at East Saginaw, Mich., December 2 and 3, 1884, by C. H. Sample, M. D. . . . [Lansing? 1886?]. Caption title, 4 p. (Reprinted from a supplement to the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1885). S. 6137. Samuel Porter Williams; in memoriam. [no imprint]. [13] p. S. 6138. Sanford, Frank Hobart. . . . Michigan's shifting sands. Their control and better utilization, by F. Hobart Sanford. East Lansing, Mich., 1916. 31 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, forestry dept., special bulletin no. 79, May, 1916). M A C; L C; S. Also in Fifty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 385- 413. 6139. Sargent, Charles Sprague. Crataegus in southern Michigan, by C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 655 S. Sargent . . . Pub. by the state board of geological survey as part of the report for 1906 . . . Lansing, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., 1907. 3p. 1., [515]-570p. U. 6140. Sauer, William. . . . Sauer's standard guide and pocket directory of Detroit and suburbs including Highland Park, Hamtramck, River Rouge, St. Clair Heights, Grosse Pointe, etc., showing comer house numbers, paved streets, street car lines and general information about the industrial, educa- tional, religious, and public institutions. [Detroit, Wm. vSauer, cl914]. 253 p. U. At head of title : New edition. 6141. Sault Ste. Marie. Charters. Charter and ordinances of the city of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Published by authority of the city council. [Sault Ste. Marie] Soo Democrat book and job rooms, 1892. 110 p . S. 6142. . . . The charter and ordinances of the city of Sault Ste Marie in force 1900, with notes and digests of the decisions of the supreme court relative thereto. Compiled and annotated by authority of the common council, by John W. Shine . . . Lansing, Mich., Robert Smith printing company, 1900. xvi, 309 p. S. 6143. . . Citizens' semi-centennial canal anniversary association. 1853-1903. Semi-centennial celebration of the commencement of the Lake Superior ship canal. Chicago, Rand, McNally & co., printers and engravers [1903]. Cover title, [10] p. S. 6144. Sault Ste. Marie investment company. Sault Ste. Marie; the phe- nomenal city of the great lakes, etc. ; great inducements offered to investors. Detroit, the company [n. d.]. 7 p. B. 6145. Savage, James. The prehistoric finds of Michigan, by the Rev. James Savage, Detroit, Mich. (In Records of the American Catholic historical society of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, American Catholic historical society, 1911, vol. XXII, no. 1, p. 21-38). S. 6146. Sawyer, Alvah Littlefield. A history of the northern peninsula of Michigan and its people; its mining, lumber and agricultural industries; by Alvah L. Sawyer . . . Chicago, the Lewis publishing company, 1911. 3 v. ■ LC;S;U. Paged continuously, vol. 2-3 include biographical sketches. 6147. Sawyer, J. E. Oakland summer homes. Published by J. E. Sawyer. Pontiac, Mich., printed by Commercial ptg. co. [1899?]. [5] p. S. 6148. Scarborough motor guide company. Scarborough's official tour book . . . Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and trunk lines. Indianapolis, Indiana, Scarborough motor guide company, cl916. 64 a, 72 b, 1140 p. LC;S. 6149. Scates, Charles. Scates' pocket cruising book for Lake Michigan, 656 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN prepared and comp. specially for yachtsmen, by Charles Scales . . . [2d ed.]. [Chicago, C. Scates] cl914. 77 p. L C. Contains advertising matter. 6150. Scenery of Lake Superior; landscape illustrations of Foster and Whitney's report of the geologx' of the Lake Superior land district. Pt. 2. Cloverden, 1854. not paged. G. 6151. Scenes on Lake Huron; a tale, interspersed with interesting facts in a scries of letters, by a North American . . . New York, published for the author, 1836. 139 p. S. 6152. Schaefer, Charles B. The coal fields of Saginaw, Mich., Chas, B. Schaefer, publisher. Saginaw, Mich., Seemann & Peters, printers, 1898, Cover title, 88 p. • S. 6153. Schaffner, Margaret Anna. . . . The territorial tax legislation of Michigan, by Margaret A. Schaffner, Ph. D. [Ann Arbor, 1902]. Cover title, 46 p. (Publications of the Michigan political science association, a^oI. V, no. 1, Sept., 1902). B;G;LC;S;U. At head of title: Studies in Michigan histon\ Bibhography: p. 44-46. 6154. Schedule of village lots in the village of Allegan, offered for sale by Mary Ann Hubbard, sole devisee and executrix of Samuel Hubbard, de- ceased, and Charles C. Trowbridge, trustee of Alexander L. Ely, Allegan, September 13, 1849. Marshall, H. C. Bruce, expoimder print, 1849. 19 p. B. 6155. Schenck, John S. History of Ionia and Montcalm counties, Michi- gan, with illustrations and biographical sketches of their prominent men and pioneers, by John S. Schenck. Philadelphia, D. W. Ensign & co., 1881. 502 p. — ^B;LC;S. 6156. [Schmidt, Carl E.]. How the truth regarding proposed forestry legislation is distorted. [Detroit, 1909]. Caption title, [4] p. S. 6157. Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe. Algic researches, comprising inquiries respecting the mental characteristics of the North American Indians. First series. Indian tales and legends ... by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft . . . New York, Harper & brothers, 1839. 2 v. B; G; L C; S. No more pubHshed. A later edition (Philadelphia, 1856), with some additions and omissions, was published under the title: The myth of Hiawatha. 6158. , ■ — — . The American Indians. Their history, condition and prospects, from original notes and manuscripts, by Henry R. Schoolcraft. Together with an appendix, containing thrilling narrati\^es, dar- ing exploits, etc. New rev. ed. Rochester, Wanzer, Foot and co. [Buffalo, printed] 1851. 495 p. B; L C. Originally issued, 1844-45, in eight numbers with paper covers bearing title: Oneota, or the red race of America . . . Afterwards issued under various titles: The red race of America; The Indian in his wigwam; The American Indians; Western scenes and remi- niscences . . . cf. Sabin. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 657 6159. , . Archives of aboriginal knowledge. Con- taining all the original papers laid before congress respecting the history, antiquities, language, ethnology, pictography, rites, superstitions, and myth- ology, of the Indian tribes of the United States, by Henry R. Schoolcraft . . . Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co., 1860. 6 v. L C. Added title page, engraved: Information respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States: collected and prepared under the bureau of Indian affairs, by Henry R. Schoolcraft . . . Illustrated by Capt. S. Eastman, U. S. A., and other eminent artists. Pub. by authority of congress. A reissue of the author's Historical and statistical information, respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States . . . Philadelphia, Lip- oincott, Grambo & company, 1851-57. 6 pt. This work was issued also with title: In- formation respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo, & company, 1853-57. A cheaper edition com- prising only the first five volumes was published with the same title and imprint, cf. Sabin. 6160. [ , ]. A bibliographical catalogue of books, translations of the scriptures, and other publications in the Indian tongues of the United States, with critical notices [anon.]. Washington, C. Alexander, 1849. 27, [1] p. B;LC. Half title : Literature of the Indian languages. 6161. , • Communication from Henry R. School- craft, esq. to His Excellency Governor Mason, relative to geographical names, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house doctiments. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 59, p. 559-562). • B; D; G; S; U. 6162. ' , . Discourse delivered before the historical society of Michigan, by Henry R. Schoolcraft . . . (In Historical and scien- tific sketches of Michigan. Comprising a series of discourses delivered before the historical society of Michigan. Detroit, 1834, p. 51-109). B; D; G;LC;S;U. 6163. , . History of the Indian tribes of the United States: their present condition and prospects, and a sketch of their ancient status. Published by order of congress, under the direction of the department of the interior — Indian bureau. By Henry Rowe Schoolcraft . . . Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co., xxviii, 25-756 p. B; L C. Half title: General history of the North American Indians. 6164. , . Incentives to the study of the ancient period of American history. An address delivered before the New York his- torical society . . . 17th November, 1846, by Henry R. Schoolcraft . . . New York, press of the historical society, 1847. 38 p. L C; S. 6165. ■ , . The Indian in his wigwam, or charac- teristics of the red race of America. From original notes and manuscripts, by Henry R. Schoolcraft . . . New York, W. H. Graham, 1848. 1 p. 1., 5-416 p. G;LC. 6166. [ , ]. The Indian fairy book, from the origi- nal legends ; with eight illustrations in color b}^ Florence Choate and Elizabeth 83 658 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Curtis. New York, Frederick A. Stokes company [cl916]. 6 p. 1., 303 p. LC. "These Indian fairy tales are chosen from the many stories collected by Mr. Henry R. Schoolcraft ... In 18.56 this collection of his stories was published by Mason brothers in New York city." — Foreward. 6167. [ , ]. The Indian tribes of the United States : their history, antiquities, customs, religion, arts, language, traditions, oral legends and myths. Ed. by Francis S. Drake . . '. Philadelphia, J. B. Lip- pincott & CO., 1884. 2 v. : L C. An abridgement of the author's "Information respecting the history, condition, and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States, " with additions by the editor. 6168. , — . Information respecting the history, con- dition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States : collected and prepared under the direction of the bureau of Indian affairs, per act of con- gress of March 3d, 1847, by Henry R. Schoolcraft, LL.D. Illustrated by S. Eastman, capt. U. S. A. Published by authority of congress . . . Phila- delphia, Lippincott, Grambo & company [etc.] 1851-57. 6 v. B ; L C; S. Vol. 1 has title "Historical and statistical information respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States ..." Vol. 6 has title "History of the Indian tribes of the United States: their present condi- tion and prospects ..." and half title "General history of the North American Indians. " 6169. , . Ibid. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Gram- bo & company [etc.] 1852-57. 6 v. L C. 6170. , . Inquiries, respecting the history, present condition, and future prospects, of the Indian tribes of the United States, by Henry R. Schoolcraft . . . Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo & co., 1851. 1 p. 1., 523-568 p. B;LC. Extracted from the appendix to v. 1 of his Information respecting the history, condition and prospects of the Indian tribes of the United States, Philadelphia, 1851-57. 6171. [ , 1. Ibid. [Philadelphia M 851?]. Caption title, 1 p. 1., 55 p. L C. 6172. , . The myth of Hiawatha, and other oral legends, mythologic and allegoric, of the North American Indians, by Henry R. Schoolcraft, LL.D. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co.; [etc., etc.] 1856. xxiv, [13]-343 p. L C. 6173. , . Narrative journal of travels through the northwestern regions of the United States; extending from Detroit through the great chain of American lakes, to the sources of the Mississippi river. Per- fomied as a member of the expedition under Governor Cass. In the year 1820. By Henry R. Schoolcraft . . . with a map and eight copper plate engravings. Albany, E. & E. Hosford, 1821. 1 p. 1., xiv p., 1 1., [17]-419, [4] p. G;LC;S;U. 6174. , . Narrative of an expedition through the upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, the actual source of this river; embracing BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 659 an exploratory trip through the St. Croix and Bumtwood (or Broule) rivers: in 1832. Under the direction of Henry R. Schoolcraft. New York, Harper & brothers, 1834. 1 p. 1., vi, [7]-307, [1] p. B; G; L C; S. Appendices: I. Natural history. II. Indian language. III. Official reports. 6175. , . Natural history. The following ex- tracts relative to the natural history of Michigan are taken from a lecture de- livered before the Detroit lyceum, by Henry R. Schoolcraft. (In Historical and scientific sketches of Michigan. Comprising a series of discourses de- livered before the historical society of Michigan. Detroit, 1834, p. 177-191). B;D;G;LC;S; U. 6176. , . Oneota, or characteristics of the red race of America. From original notes and manuscripts, by Henry R. Schoolcraft . . . New York & London, Wiley & Putnam, 1845. vi, [5]-512 p. B;G;LC. 6177. [ , ]. . . . Outlines of the life and character of Gen. Lewis Cass. Albany, J. Munsell, printer, 1848. 64 p. B; LC;S;U. At head of title: Albany argus. 6178. , . Personal memoirs of a residence of thirty years with the Indian tribes on the American frontiers: with brief notices of passing events, facts, and opinions, A. D. 1812 to A. D. 1842. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo and co., 1851. xlviii, [17J-703 p. B;G;LC;S;U. 6179. , . The red race of America, by Henry R. Schoolcraft. New York, W. H. Graham, 1847. [3]-416 p. B; L C. 6180. , . Ibid. New York, W. H. Graham, 1848. 1 p. 1., [5J-416 p. L C. 6181. [ , ]. Suggestions for travellers visiting the ancient sites of Indian occupancy in America, [n. p., 184-?]. 6 p. • L C. No title page. Signed "H. R. S." 6182. , . Summary narrative of an exploratory expedition to the sources of the Mississippi river, in 1820; resumed and com- pleted, by the discovery of its origin in Itasca Lake, in 1832. By authority of the United States. With appendices, comprising ... all the official re- ports and scientific papers of both expeditions. By Henry R. Schoolcraft. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Grambo, & co., 1855. xx, [17J-596 p. G; LC;S;U. The first part. Narrative of the expedition of 1820 (p. 37-320), is a revised edition of Schoolcraft's "Narrative journal of travels through the northwestern regions of the United States. " Albany, 1821. The second part. Discovery of the actual source of the Mississippi river (p. 221-274), is an abridgment of his "Narrative of an expedition through the upper Mississippi valley to Itaska Lake. " New York, 1834. 660 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6183. , . Travels in the central portions of the Mississippi valley; comprising observations on its mineral geography, internal resources, and aboriginal population. (Performed under the sanction of government, in the year 1821). By Henry R. Schoolcraft . . . New York, Collins and Hannay, 1825. iv, 459 p. G; L C. 6184. [ ■ , ]. Western scenes and reminiscences: together with thrilling legends and traditions of the red men of the forest. To which is added several narratives of adventures among the Indians. Auburn [N. Y.] Derby & Miller; Buffalo, Derby, Orton & Mulhgan, 1853. v, [5]- 495 p. L C. Contents. — Personal reminiscences. — Tales of a wigwam. — Poetry. — Sketches of the lives of noted red men and women. — Origin and history of the race. — Ethnology. — Lan- guage. — Appendix [Narratives of captivities]. 6185. Schooley, Augustus C. Among the wolverines: a series of letters on the resources, growth and business. of the principal towns and cities of Michigan; with an essay on the credit system, and the commercial inde- pendence of the northwest . . . By Aug. C. Schooley. Chicago, 111., Chi- cago printers' co-operative association, 1869. 2 p. 1., 40 p. L C; S. 6186. Schoolmaster; a monthly journal devoted to the entire school in- terests of Michigan, v. 1-3. Flint, Mich., 1906-1909. 3 v. G. Merged with Western journal of education. 6187. Schuyler, Robert Livingston. The transition in Illinois from British to American government, by Robert Livingston Schuyler . . . New York, the Columbia university press, 1909. xi, 145 p. L C; U. "A list of the sources and secondary works cited": p. [1411-145. 6188. Scott, Charles. [The Reformed church in America], its missionary work at home, by Prof. Charles Scott, D. D., Holland, Mich. [n. p., 1876 :i. 32 p. S. At bottom of pages: 499-530. 6189. Scott, George. Scott's new coast pilot for the lakes, containing a complete list of all the lights and Hght houses, fog signals and buoys, of both the American and Canadian shores, with a full description of all the harbors and breakwaters completed and in progress . . . also courses (corrected for magnetic variation of the compass) , and sailing directions for all the lakes and rivers . . . Comp. from the most reliable sources, and from personal notes and observations of over forty years' experience on the lakes. By George Scott . . . 9th ed. rev. and enl. Detroit, Speaker printing company, 1914. 2 p. 1., [3]-226 p. G. 6190. Scott, James L. A journal of a missionary tour through Pennsyl- vania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Wiskonsin [ '] and Michigan . . . Provi- dence, the author, 1843. 203 p. L C. 6191. Scott, Joseph. A geographical dictionary; of the United States of North America. Containing a general description of each state . . . With a BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 661 succinct account of Indiana, Michigan, and upper and Lower Louisiana terri- tories . . . By Joseph Scott . . . Philadelphia, printed by Archibald Bart- ram, for Jacob Johnson, and co., no. 147, Market street, 1805. iv, [584] p. B; LC. 6192. Scott, Winfield Lionel. A jaunt along the River Rouge, by Winfield L. Scott and Joseph A. Labadie . . . Detroit, the Labadie press, 1908. 13, [1] p. S. 6193. [Scrap-book of the Gov. Bliss campaign, July 8-Aug. 6th, 1902]. S. Newspaper clippings. 6194. Scripps, James Edmund. An outline history of Michigan . . . De- troit, tribune book and job office, 1873. Cover title, 11 p. B; L C; U. 6195. The searchlight; printed and published every week by the students of junior high school. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1914-1917. G. 6196. Searl, Kelly Stephen. Michigan court rules, annotated, by Kelly S. Searl . . . Chicago, Callaghan and company, 1916. 3 p. 1., 339 p. LC;S. Interleaved. Contents. — Supreme court rules. — Circuit court rules. — Probate court rules. — Railroad commission rules. — Industrial accident board rules. 6197. Seeley, Dewey Alsdorf. The climate of Michigan and its relation to agriculture, by Dewey Alsdorf Seeley. (In Fifty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture. Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1917, p. [679]-715). S. Thesis for degree of M. S. 6198. Seeley, Thaddeus De Witt. History of Oakland county, Michigan; a narrative account of its historical progress, its people, and its principal in- terests. Comp. from the official records of the county, the newspapers and data of personal interviews, under the editorial supervision of Thaddeus D. Seeley . . . Chicago, and New York, the Lewis publishing company, 1912. 2 V. LC;S. Paged continuously. Vol. 2 includes biographical sketches. 6199. [Seely & Lowrey]. Big Rapids, Michigan, the water power city. [Big Rapids, Mich., Seely & Lowrey] 1906. not paged. G. 6200. The senior sickle. An annual publication of Adrian high school, 1903-1908. [Adrian, Mich., 1903-1908]. L C*; U*. *The Library of Congress has 1903; the U. of M. Library has 1907-1908. 6201. Sessions, H. C. A manual for the use of county clerks, sheriffs and constables, containing many new forms not found in any other work; also a complete compendium of the powers and duties of clerks, sheriffs and con- stables. Rev. by Andrew Howell. Detroit, Richmond & Backus co., 1889. 196 p. D. Compiled by H. C. Sessions. 662 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6202. [Severance, Frank Hayward]. The peace mission to Niagara of Ephraim Douglass in 1783. (In Buffalo historical society, publications. Buf- falo. 1914, V. 18, p. [113]-142). B; L C; S; U. Major Ephraim Douglass was sent by congress in the summer of 1783 to Detroit and Niagara to carry news to the Indians of the peace with Great Britain. 6203. Seward, William H. Argument of William H. vSeward in defence of Abel F. Fitch and others, under an indictment for arson, delivered at Detroit on the 11th, 12th and 14th of September, 1851 . . . Detroit, F. B. Way & company, 1851. 64 p. B; vS. 6204. Seymour, Henry William. Remarks of Hon. H. W. Seymour, before the Michigan senate, April 13th, on the bill for the establishment of a prison of infamy. [Lansing] Thorp & Godfrey, state printers [1887?]. 11 p. G;LC. 6205. Seymour, James. Memorial of James Seymour in relation to the bill authorizing James Seymour and Ogden Clark to keep up a dam on Flint river. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1850]. 6 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1850, senate document no. 30). B; D; G; S; U. 6206. Shaffmaster, Allen Dyer. Hunting in the land of Hiawatha; or, the hunting trips of an editor; the story of seven annual hunting trips of the author . . . by A. D. Shaffmaster. Illustrations from views taken by the author. Chicago, M. A. Donohue & company [1904]. 183 p. D;LC. 6207. Shannon, Peter C. The state of Dakota: how it may be fonned. RepHes to the pamphlet of Hon. Hugh J. Campbell, U. S. attorney of Dakota, treating upon the above subject. Opinions of courts, jurists and statesmen, as to the admission of new states into the union. By P. C. Shannon . . . Yankton, D. T., herald printing house, 1883. 58 p. L C. Contents. — The state of Dakota: How it may be formed from the territory.— ^Power of congress over the territories. — Should Michigan's example be followed? — The Michigan case. — The real causes which produced the conditional act of Congress, of June 15, 1836. 6208. Sharp, John C. Speech of Senator John C. Sharp, of the 6th dis- trict, Friday, April 15, 1887 [in favor of the bill to change the swamp land fund to the primary school fund]. [Lansing, 1887]. 15 p. ■ — — • S. 6209. Shaw, James T. The interstate commerce act from the shippers' standpoint, by James T. Shaw. (In Michigan poHtical science association, publications. [Ann Arbor, 1893], v. 1, no. 1, p. [128]-143). B; G; LC;S;U. Discussion by T. G. Craig, H. C. Adams: p. 134-143. 6210. Shaw, L. Lloyd. The industries of Grand Rapids; her relations as a centre of trade, business houses, and mamrfacturing establishments. Grand Rapids, Mich., J. M. Elstner & co., 1887. 120 p. G. Compiled by L. L. Shaw. 6211. [Shaw, Robert S.]. Alfalfa. Notes relating to suitability of soil^ cultivation, seeding, fertihzing, etc., [by R. S. Shaw, director]. East Lansing, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 663 Mich., 1908. 4 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, cir- cular no. 1, June, 1908). M A C; S. Also in Forty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 327-329. 6212. , . College fann buildings, by R. S. Shaw and J. A. Jeffery. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1907. [37]-108 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 250, October, 1907). MAC;S;U. Also in Forty-seventh annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 211-280. 6213. , . Cull beans as a food for swine, by R. S. Shaw and A. C. Anderson. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1906. [69]-81 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 243, November, 1906). MAC; S;U. Also in Forty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 191-201. 6214. , . Digester tankage for swine, by R. S. Shaw. Agri- cultural college, Michigan, 1906. [145]-160 p. (Michigan agricultural col- lege, experiment station, bulletin no. 237, May, 1906). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 271-279. 6215. , . Dried beet pulp and dried molasses-beet-pulp for fattening sheep, by R. S. Shaw. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1904. [41]- 50 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 220, October, 1904). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 160-166. 6216. , . Dried beet pulp for fattening steers, by R. S. Shaw and H. W. Norton, jr. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1907. [153]- 165 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 247, June, 1907). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 257-265. 6217. , . Part I. Equipment for breeding, feeding, care and management of swine. Part II. Preliminary report of forage crops for swine. By Robert S. Shaw. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1905. [95]-124 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 223, Jan- uary, 1905). MAC;S;U. Also in Forty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 195-216. 6218. , . Feeding whole grain, by R. S. Shaw and H. W. Norton, jr. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1906. [57]-67 p. (Michigan Agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 242, October, 1906). M AC;S;U. Also in Fortv-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 182-190. 664 ' BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6219. , . First annual rci)ort of grade dairy herd, by R. S. Shaw and A. C. Anderson. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1906. [161]- 176 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 238, May, 1906). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 280-292. 6220. [ , .]. ... I. Methods of breeding for the improve- ment of Michigan cattle. II. Organization of co-operative breeders' associa- tion in Michigan. [By R. S. Shaw and W. F. Raven]. East Lansing, Mich., 1909. [31]-44 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, circular no. 4, January, 1909). M A C; S. Also in Forty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 353-364. 6221. , . Michigan agriculture, its present status and wonderful possibilities, by R. S. Shaw. East Lansing, Michigan, 1914. 23 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 70, April, 1914). MAC;S;U. Also in Fifty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 457-478. 6222. , . A plan for the improvement of Michigan cattle, by R. S. Shaw. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1906. [33]-53 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 241, September, 1906). M AC;S;U. Also in Forty-sixth annual report of the secretarv of the state board of agriculture, p. 163-181. 6223. — — , . Roots supplementary to silage for dairy cows, by R. S. Shaw and Horace W. Norton, jr. Agriculture college, Michigan, 1906. [17]-31 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, btilletin no. 240, September, 1906). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 150-162. 6224. , . Succotash, as a soiling crop, by R. S. Shaw. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1906. [111]-127 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 235, February, 1906). MAC; S; U. Also in Forty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 247-257. 6225. Shear, C. L. Grape spraying experiments in Michigan, 1907-8, by C L. Shear and Lon. A. Hawkins . . . East Lansing, Michigan, 1909. 13 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 49, May, 1909). M A C; S. Also in Forty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 312-316. 6226. Sheldon, Mrs. Electa M. The early history of Michigan, from the first settlement to 1815, by E. M. Sheldon. New York, A. S. Barnes & co.; Detroit, Kerr, Morley & co., 1856. 409 p. B; G; L C; S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 665 6227. , . . Ibid. New York and Chicago, A. vS. Barnes & co., 1874. 409 p. B. 6228. Sheldon, George. Lucius Manlius Boltwood, by Hon. George Sheldon. Boston, press of David Clapp & son, 1905. 15 p. G. 6229. Shepard's Michigan citations (3d ed.). Complete history of all cases in the Michigan reports, including Harrington, Walker & Douglass . . . New York, the F. Shepard company, 1903. 206 1. L C. 6230. Sherman company. Port Huron and Fort Gratiot directory, gen- eral and of business classified . . . Port Huron, Mich., Sherman company, 1892. 239 p. G. 6231. Sherwood, Theodore Clark. Bank note circulation, by Hon. T. C. Sherwood ... (In Michigan political science association, publications. [Ann Arbor, 1893], v. 1, no. 1, p. [57]-65). B; G; L C; S; U. 6232. Sherzer, William Hittell. . . . Detroit folio; Wayne, Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Romulus, and Wyandotte quadrangles, Michigan, by W. H. Sherzer. Surveyed in cooperation with the state of Michigan. Washington, D. C, U. S. geological survey, 1917. Cover title, 22 p. (U. S. geological sur- vey, geologic atlas of the United States, no. 205). L C. At head of title: Department of the interior. 6233. , . . . . Geological report on Monroe county, Michigan, by W. H. Sherzer. Accompanied by seventeen plates and eight figures including three colored maps. Lansing, R. Smith printing co., state printers, 1900. x p., 1 1., 240 p., 1 1. (Michigan, geological survey, [reports], vol. VII, pt. 1). LC;S;U. "Reviews previous geological work in the county, the character and occurrence of the Pleistocene, Devonian and Silurian formations, the physical geography and glacial history, ^nd the occurrence and character of the economic products, minerals, and fossils found in the county." — Weeks, Bibliography of North American geology, 1892-1900. 6234. — , . . . . Geological report on Wayne county, by W. H. Sherzer . . . Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1913. 388 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 12, geological series 9). L C; S; U. Pub. as a part of the Annual report of the board cf geological and biological survey for 1911. 6235. Shields, George O. Rustlings in the rockies: hunting and fishing by mountain and stream. By G. O. Shields (Coquina). Chicago, Belford, Clarke & co., 1883. xv, 9-306 p. L C. Contents. — Rustlings in the rockies. — In the Big Horn mountains. — Ten days in Mon- tana. — The gulf coast of Florida. — Recollections of boyhood. — The days of long ago. — Trouting on the Namecagon. — Pike and bass fishing on Long Lake. — The Lake Superior region. — Autumn ramblings in northern Michigan. — The island of Mackinac. — A narrow escape. 6236. Shinkman, William Anthony. 240 Schachaufgaben von W. A. Shinkman in Grand Rapids, gesammelt von Max Weiss . . . Potsdam, A. Stein's verlagsbuchhandlung [1905?]. [6], 159 p. G. 666 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6237. Shoesmith, Vernon Morelle. Alfalfa j^^rowing in Michij^an, by V. M. Shoesmith. East Lansing, Michigan, 1913. [99]-136 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 271, February, 1913). M AC;S. Also in Fiftv-sccond annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 273-308. 6238. , . . . . Com growing ; suggestions to members of boys' com clubs, by V. M. Shoesmith . . . [East Lansing] 1916. 16 p. (Michigan agricultural college, extension division, club bulletin no. 7, April, 1916). MAC;S. 6239. , . . . . Hairy vetch, by V. M. Shoe- smith. East Lansing, Mich., 1915. 8 p. (Michigan agricultural college, ex- periment station, circular no. 27, June, 1915). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 314-320. 6240. , . . . . Sweet clover, by V. M. Shoe- smith. East Lansing, Mich., 1914. [149J-156 p. (Michigan agricultural col- lege, experiment station, circular no. 23, June, 1914). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 543-548. 6241. Shove's business advertiser, and Detroit directory for 1852-53, containing a correct census of the city for 1852, together with an historical sketch of the city and its trade . . . no. 1 — To be published annually. De- troit, free press book and job office print, 1852. xii, 235 p., 1 1. L C; S;U. 6242. [Sibbald, John A.]. A true history of certain fraudulent land entries in odd and even sections within the limits of the Ontonagon and state line R. R. grant in the upper peninsula of Michigan. Washington, D. C, R. O. Polkinhom, 1883. Cover title, 25 p. L C. Signed by John A. Sibbald, attorney. 6243. Sifferath, N. L. A short compendium of the catechism for the Indians, with the approbation of the Rt. Rev. Frederic Baraga, Bishop of Saut Sainte Marie, 1864. [By] Rev. N. L. Sifferath, missionary of the Ottawa and Otchipwe Indians. BufTalo, N. Y., C. Wieckmann (aurora printing house), 1869. 62, 2 p. G; S. 6244. . . . Simon J. Murphy, bom in Windsor, Maine, April twenty- second, 1815; died in Detroit, Michigan, February first, 1905. [Detroit, Winn & Hammond, 1905?]. [11] p. B; S. 6245. [Simpson, Nathan F.]. Souvenir booklet of the Michigan state prison, Jackson, Michigan, describing the origin, development & success of the Michigan state cannery. Established during the reconstruction of the Michigan state prison, wherein the contract system was displaced by state BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 667 account industries, operating under methods prescribed by the "new- penology." [no imprint], not paged. U. 6246. [Sinclair, D. D.]. Proposition for the purchase of the southern rail- road of the state. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, house document no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 6247. [Singleton, Roy]. Pleasure parties in the northwest; incidents of forty years ago. (In Magazine of American history. New York, 1890, vol. XXIV, p. 123-125). B; S. 6248. Sketch of the life and public services of Gen. Lewis Cass. [Wash- ington, printed at the Congressional globe office, 1848]. 8 p. B; G. 6249. A sketch of the life of Dr. Henry Carlton Fairbank. [n. p., 1898?]. 20 p. — S. 6250. A sketch of the life of Mrs. Mary A. Rice Fairbank. [no imprint]. 15 p. S. 6251. A sketch of the life of William C. McMillan. Published in the De- troit journal, September sixth, 1902, on the occasion of his declining to be a candidate for the United States senate. Reprinted and circulated by the citizens' committee of Wayne county, organized to promote Mr. McMillan's candidacy in 1906. [Detroit? 1906?]. 27 p. B; U. 6252. Sketch of the life of Col. Michael Shoemaker, [n. p., 1890]. 93 p. S. 6253. Sketch of James Jesse Strang and the Mormon kingdom on Beaver Island . . . Lansing, Mich., R. Smith & co., printers [1892?]. 14 p. (Re- printed from vol. XVIII, Michigan pioneer and historical collections). ■ LC;S. Consists of two articles, one from the New York times of Sept. 3, 1882; the other from the Detroit free press, June 30, 1889. 6254. Skinner, Hubert Marshall. Primary lessons in the geography of Michigan, by Hubert M. Skinner, Ph. D. Chicago, Crosby & company [cl905]. 66 p. L C. 6255. , . . . . The story of Michigan, by Hubert M. Skinner. Dansville, N. Y., F. A. Owen pub. co.; Chicago, 111., Hall & McCreary, cl913. 36 p. (Instructor literature series, [no. 520]). G; L C. On cover: Stories of the states. 6256. Slocum, Charles Elihu. History of Frances Slocum, the captive. A civilized heredity vs. a savage, and later barbarous, environment, by Charles Elihu Slocum . . . Defiance, O., the author, 1908. 48 p. B;LC;S. Bibliography: p. 48. Includes genealogy of her descendants. 668 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6257. , . History of the Maumee river basin from the earhcst account to its organization into counties, by Charles Elihu Slocum . . . Indianapolis, Toledo, Bowen & Slocum [cl905]. viii, 638, xx p. LC;S. 6258. , . The Ohio country between the years 1783 and 1815, including military operations that twice saved to the United States the country west of the Alleghany Mountains after the revolutionary war, by Charles Elihu Slocum . . . New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1910. xviii p., 1 1., 321 p. B; LC;S. 6259. Smalley, Harold Ryland. . . . Managerncnt of muck-land farms in northern Indiana and southern Michigan, by H. R. Smalley . . . Washington [Govt, print, off.] 1916. 26 p. (U. S., dept. of agriculture, farmers' bulletin 761). LC. Contribution from the office of farm management. 6260. Smart, James S. Funeral sennon of the Maine law and its offspring in Michigan, with an appendix, containing the doings of the North American temperance convention held in Chicago, 111., Nov. 10-12, 1857. New York, printed for the author, 1858. 106 p. B. 6261. , . The political duties of Christian men and minis- ters; a sermon for the times, delivered at Jackson, July 23, 1854, by Rev. J. S. Smart of the Methodist Episcopal church. Detroit, Baker & Conover, book and job printers, 1854. 23 p. B; S. 5252. , . A sermon on the women's temperance crusade, by Rev. J. S. Smart, delivered at the M. E. church, Port Huron, Mich., March 29, 1874 . . . Port Huron, Mich., times print [1874]. 14 p. S. 6263. , . The whisky war in Adrian; or, the trials and tritmiphs of prohibition in Lenawee county, Mich. ; a discourse delivered at the M. E. church in Adrian, Michigan, July 17, 1870, by Rev. J. S. Smart. Detroit, Mich., J. M. Arnold & co. [n. d.]. 33 p. S. 6264. Smit, C. de. Naar Amerika? Schetsen uit de portefeuille, op reis naar en door de nieuwe wereld; door C. de Smit ... 2. druk. Winterswijk, H. Bulens [1882]. 112 p. L C. 6265. Smith, A. M. A full and complete description [of the] centennial celebration in Manistee, Michigan, embracing the oration of the day by Hon. John C. Blanchard, and the historical address by Hon. B. M. Cutcheon, with full particulars of the events of the day. Edited and pubHshed by App. M. Smith. Manistee, 1876. Cover title, [5]-35 p. S. 6266. Smith, Arthur Maurice. Varsity views. Michigan. Ann Arbor, A. M. Smith [1906?]. [39] p. U. 6267. Smith, Clinton D. Alfalfa in Michigan, by C. D. Smith. Agricul- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 669 tural college, Michigan, 1905. [133]-148 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 225, June, 1905). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 222-232. 6268. , . A brief review of special bulletins nos. 24, 25 and 26 . . . by C. D. Smith, director. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1904. 7 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 216, June, 1904). MAC; S; U. Also in Forty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 212-215. 6269. [ , .]. ... 1. Building silos, [by Clinton D. Smith] 2. Forage crops, [by Clinton D. Smith and A. A. Crozier]. Agricultural col- lege, Michigan, 1896. 23 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment sta- tion, special bulletin no. 6, December, 1896). M A C; S; U. 6270. , . Dairy records, by Clinton D. Smith.- Agricul- tural college, Mich., 1895. 46 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 127, September, 1895). ■ M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 223-266. 6271. , . Experiments with sugar beets in 1903, by C. D. Smith, director. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1904. 19 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 215, June, 1904). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 198-211. 6272. , . Fattening lambs, by Clinton D. Smith and F. B. Mumford. Agricultural college, Mich., 1894. 27 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 113, October, 1894). — — MAC; S;U. Also in Thirty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 340-364. 6273. , . Feeding com smut to dairy cows, by Clinton D. Smith. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1896. [41]-46 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 137, October, 1896). MAC;S;U. Also in Thirty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 196-201. 6274. , . Foul brood, by C. D. Smith and J. M. Rankin. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1901. 11 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 14, June, 1901). M A C; S; U. Also in Fortieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 306- 310. 6275. , -. A grade dairy herd. The first year of its history, [by] Clinton D. Smith. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1899. [101]-112 p. 670 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 166, January, 1899). — -MAC;S;U. Also in Thirty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 196-203. 6276. , . . . . Grand Traverse disease or Lake Shore dis- ease, by C. D. Smith. East Lansing, Michigan, 1909. 10 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 50, July, 1909). MAC;S. 6277. , . Legtmies other than alfalfa, by C. D. Smith. Agricultural college, Mich., 1905. [165]-184 p. (Michigan agricultural col- lege, experiment station, bulletin no. 227, June, 1905). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 244-258. 6278. , . Observations on the influence of nodules on the roots upon the composition of soy beans and cowpeas, by C. D. Smith and F. W. Robison. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1905. [125]-132 p. (Michi- gan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 224, May, 1905). M AC;S;U. Also in Forty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 217-221. 6279. , . Pig feeding, by Clinton D. Smith. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1896. [47]-56' p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, btdletin no. 138, November, 1896). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 202-211. 6280. , . . . . Planting sugar beets, [by] Clinton D. Smith, director [and] R. C. Kedzie, chemist. [Agricultural college, 1897]. 4 p. (Michigan agrictiltural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 8). M AC;S;U. 6281. , . Rape as a forage plant, by Clinton D. Smith and F. B. Mumford. Agricultural college, Mich., 1894. 29-34 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 114, October, 1894). M AC;S;U. - Also in Thirty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 365-370. 6282. , . Shrinkage of farm products, by Director C. D. Smith. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1901. [157]-172 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 191, May, 1901). MAC;S;U. Also in Fortieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 279- 288. 6283. , . Some experiments in com raising, by C. D. Smith, director. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1898. [257]-288 p. (Michigan BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 671 agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 154, March, 1898). M AC;S;U. Also in Thirty-seventh annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 433-462. 6284. , . Some experiments with beet pulp as a stock food, by C. D. Smith, director. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1901. 27 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, biilletin no. 193, Novem- ber, 1901). MAC;S;U. Also in Forty-first annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. [111]-126. 6285. , . Some experiments with poultry, by Clinton D. Smith and C. S. Brooks. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1898. [329]-344 p. (Michigan agriciiltural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 158, May, 1898). M AC;S;U. Also in Thirty-seventh annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 498-513. 6286. , . Sugar beet experiments, 1902, by C. D. Smith, director. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1903. [61]-75 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 207, March, 1903). M AC;S;U. Also in Forty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 177-189. 6287. , . . . . Sugar beets, [by] Clinton D. Smith, director [and] R. C. Kedzie, chemist. [Agricultural college, Michigan] 1899. 4 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, ' special bulletin no. 10, February, 1899). M A C; S; U. 6288. , . Sugar beets in Michigan in 1897, by Clinton D. Smith, director, and R. C. Kedzie, chemist . . . Agricultural college, Mich., 1897. [121]-158 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bul- letin no. 150, December, 1897). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-seventh annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. •303-338. 6289. , . . . . Sugar beets in the upper peninsula, by C. D. Smith, director, and Superintendent L. M. Geismar. [Agricultural college, Michigan] 1903. 8 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 18, March, 1903). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 278-285. 6290. , . . . . Suggestions on farm accounts, [by] C. D. Smith. [Agricultural college, Mich.] 1898. 12 p. (Michigan agricultural col- lege, experiment station, special bulletin no. 9, November, 1898). MAC;S;U. 6291. Smith, Edgar B. A biographical sketch of Hal. C. Wyman, M. D., [by] Edgar B. Smith, M. D. [Detroit? 1908?]. 6 p. S. 672 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6292. Smith, E. B., & co. Peninsula state almanac', 1877; Michigan statistical annual. [Illus.]. [Detroit] E. B. Smith & co., 1877. 128 p. B. 6293. Smith, EUsha H. The history of Howell, Michigan, by Elisha H. Smith. Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., steam book and job printers and binders, 1868. 66 p. S. 6294. Smith, Erwin Frink. Notes on the Michigan disease known as "httle peach." An address before the Saugatuck & Ganges pomological society, by Erwin F. Smith . . . Fennville, Mich. [1898]. 12 p. (Reprinted from the Fennville herald, Oct. 15, 1898). L C; S. 6295. Smith, Erwin F. The influence of sewerage and water-supply on the death-rate in cities, Erwin F. Smith . . . [Lansing? 1886?]. [83]-168 p. (Reprinted from a supplement to the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1885. Reprint no. 243). G; S. 6296. , — . Sewerage and water-siipply ; discussion at a sani- tary convention held at Lansing, Mich., March 19 and 20, 1885, by Erwin F. Smith. [Lansing? 1886?']. [104]-106 p. (Reprinted from a Supplement to the annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1885. Reprint no. 231). S. 6297. Smith, Harlan Ingersoll. Archeological survey of Michigan. [New York? 1901?]. 3 p. (From the American anthropologist (N. S.), v. 3, Jan- uary-March, 1901). G; S. 6298. , . . . . Caches of the Saginaw valley, Michi- gan, by Harlan L Smith, Saginaw, E. S., Mich [n. p., 1894?]. Caption title, 4 p. (From the Proceedings of the American association for the advancement ■ of science, v. 42, 1894). ~. — U. 5299. , . . . . Notes on the data of Michigan archaeology by Harian L Smith. [Peoria, 111., J. W. Franks & sons, 1896]. Half title, 1 p. 1., 9, [1] p. (Reprint from the American antiquarian. May, 1896). LC;U. 5300, , . . . . The Saginaw valley collection . . . by Harlan L Smith . . . [New York, 1901]. 1 p. 1., 24 p. (With The Ameri- can museum journal. New York, 1900-01, v. 1). B; L C. Suppl. to American museum journal, v. 1, no. 12, Nov.-Dec. 1901. 6301. , . Summary of the archeology of Saginaw valley, Michigan, by Harian L Smith. [New York? 1901?]. Caption title, 286-293 p. (From the American anthropologist (N. S.) v. 3, April-June, 1901). B; S. 6302. Smith, Henry. Petirion of Henry Smith, of Watertown, for an appropriation of one thousand dollars to aid in developing his plan for an ele- vated Pacific railway. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 673 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 17). B; D; G;S:U. 6303. [Smith, Henry H.]. Julius Caesar Burrows the only living " Colum- bian Orator." A shallow demagogue unmasked . . . [no imprint]. 128 p. ■ U. 6304. [ , .]. Why Julius Caesar Burrows, a senator from the state of Michigan should be expelled from the United States senate . . . [n. p., 1900?]. 2 p. 1., [3]-80 p. B; G; L C; U. Preface and end of vol. signed: Henry H. Smith. 6305. Smith, Hubbard Madison. Historical sketches of old Vincennes, founded in 1732; its institutions and churches, embracing collateral incidents and biographical sketches of many persons and events connected therewith, by Hubbard Madison Smith, M. D. Vincennes, Ind., 1902. 288 p. LC. 6306. Smith, Hugh McCormick. The fisheries of the great lakes, by Hugh M. Smith . . . (In United States, commissioner of fish and fisheries, report, 1892. Washington, Gov't printing office, 1894, p. 361-462). G. 6307. Smith, Joseph Morgan. Memorial of Hon. Wilder D. Foster; pre- pared and privately printed at the request of his family. Grand Rapids, Mich., daily Democrat steam printing house, 1873. 37 p. G. Edited by J. Morgan Smith. 6308. Smith, Mrs. Lydia Adeline (Jackson) Button. Behind the scenes; or, life in an insane asylum, by Lydia A. Smith. Chicago, printed for the author by Culver, Page, Hoyne & co. [cl879]. 4 p. 1., 257 p. L C. On cover: Vol. 1. 6309. Smith, Ralph C. & co. Western land office, Detroit, Mich. [De- scription of tracts of Michigan land]. Detroit, Richmond & Backus, 1857. 24 p. -^ B. 6310. Smith, Richard A. . . . The occurrence of oil and gas in Michigan, by Richard A. Smith; pub. as a part of the annual report of the board of geological and biological survey for 1912. Lansing, Mich., Wynkoop Hallen- beck Crawford co., state printers, 1914. 281 p. (Michigan, geological and biological survey, publication 14, geological survey 11). L C; S; U. 6311. Smith, R. W. Petition of R. W. Smith and 23 others, relative to New Buffalo and the central railroad. [Lansing, R. W. Ingals, state printer, 1851]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1851, senate document no. 17). B;D;G;S;U. 6312. Smith, S. L. Pre-historic and modem copper mines of Lake Su- perior, by S. L. Smith, [no imprint]. Caption title, 23 p. B; S; U. 6313. Smith, Samuel W. On the occasion of the acceptance of the statue of Hon. Zachariah Chandler; address of Hon. Samuel W. Smith of Michigan 85 G74 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN in the house of representatives, Sunday, April 19, 1914. Washington, Govern- ment printing office, 1914. 8 p. S. 6314. [Smith, William]. An historical account of the expedition against the Ohio Indians, in the year 1764. Under the command of Henry Bouquet, esq: colonel of foot, and now brigadier general in America. Including his transactions with the Indians, relative to the delivery of their prisoners, and the preliminaries of peace. With an introductory account of the proceeding campaign, and battle at Bushy-Run. To which are annexed military papers, containing reflections on the war with the savages ; a method of forming fron- tier settlements; some account of the Indian country, with a list of nations, fignting men, towns, distances and different routs. The whole illustrated with a map and copper plates. Pub. from authentic documents, by a lover of his country. Philadelphia, printed and sold by W. Bradford, 1765. 1 p. 1., xiii, 71 p. L C. Frontispiece [plate 1] has title: A topographical plan of that part of the Indian country- through which the army under the command of Colonel Bouquet marched in the year 1764, by Thos. Hutchins, asst. engineer. 483-^x373'^ cm; inset "A general map of the country on the Ohio and Muskingham shewing the situation of the Indian-towns with re- spect to the army under the command of Colonel Bouquet, by Thos. Hutchins asst. engi- neer. " PI. II, facing p. 7, [Order of march and encampment] including figures I-IV. 16J/(>x21 cm. PI. Ill, facing p. xii. Plan of the battle, near Bushy-Run gained by His Majesty's troops . . . From an actual survey by Thos. Hutching, assistant engineer. 33x29 cm. The above are the original plates; later editions and reprints have reproduced those of the English edition of Thomas Jeffries, 1766. Authorship attributed by Allibone, Rich and others to Thomas Hutchins. 6315. [ , ]. Relation historique de I'expedition contre les Indiens de I'Ohio en MDCCLXIV. Commandee par le chevalier Henry Bouquet, [etc., etc.]. Tr. de I'anglois, par C. G. F. Dumas. Amsterdam, M. M. Rey, 1769. 2 p. 1., [v]-xvi, 147, [10] p. L C. The illustrations include the two maps of the original edition of 1765 (in the present edition on different plates), the two plans of that edition, and the two plates engraved by Benjamin West which first appeared in the London edition of 1766. The translator has added a brief biographical sketch of Bouquet. 6316. Smith, William Alden. Eulogy of Hon. William Alden Smith, of Michigan, upon the life and character of Hon. Russell A. Alger, (late a senator from the state of Michigan), delivered in the senate of the United States, Saturday, February 23, 1907. Washington, 1907. 4 p. B. 6317. Smith, William H. Catalogue of the reptilia and amphibia of Michigan, by W. H. Smith, M. D., Ph. D. [Salem, Mass.?] 1879. viii p. ([With Science news. Salem, Mass. [etc.], v. 1]). L C; S. Supplement to Science news. 6318. Smith, William Henry. The St. Clair papers. The life and public services of Arthur St. Clair, soldier of the revolutionary war; president of the continental congress; and governor of the north-western territory; with his correspondence and other papers, arranged and annotated by William Henry Smith . . . Cincinnati, R. Clarke & co., 1882. 2 v. B; G; L C; S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 675 6319. Smith, William L. G. Fifty years of public life. The life and times of Lewis Cass, by W. L. G. Smith . . . New York, Derby & Jackson, 1856. xii, [13]-781 p. B;G;LC;S;U. 6320. Smithe, George C. Glimpses: of places, and people, and things; extracts from published correspondence and other writings, 1861-1886. By Geo. C. Smithe. Ypsilanti, Mich., "The Ypsilantian" press, 1887. 191 p. S. 6321. 1. The social conference club: its objects and work. 2. A di- rectory of the charities and philanthropies of Detroit. 1906. [no imprint]. 31 p. ^ B. 6322. Societe de secours mutuels et de bienfaisance La Fayette. Acte d'incorporation, constitution et reglements de la societe de secours mutuels et de bienfaisance La Fayette de Detroit . . . Detroit, presse a vapeur de la Companie de I'union, 1874. 32 p. • B. 6323. Society of arts and crafts, Detroit. Annual report . . . lst-9th- [Detroit, 1908-1916?]. B*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 9th; the U. of M. Library has lst-6th. 6324. Society of colonial wars. Michigan. Historical paper delivered by Frank J. Cobb before the society of colonial wars of the state of Michigan at Detroit club. "English supremacy from 1763 to 1793. " May seventh, nine- teen hundred and four. Detroit, press of Raynor & Taylor [n. d.]. 10 p. B. 6325. . . Historical papers delivered be- fore the society of colonial wars of the state of Michigan. [Detroit, Winn & Hammond, 1908]. 2 p. 1., 3-32 p. B;LC;S. Contents. — "Pioneers and patriots," by Edwin Erie Sparks. — " The boundary lines of the United States under the treaty of 1782," by Clarence M. Burton. 6326. . . The message of the mound builders to the twentieth century. An address delivered at the sixteenth an- nual dinner. May 7, 1913, by Archer Butler Hulbert . . . Detroit, the so- ciety, 1913. 17 p. B. 6327. . . " The Paul Revere of the west, " address of Mr. Joseph F. Tut tie, jr., of Colorado. Amusements in Detroit in colonial days, paper of Mr. Clarence M. Burton of Detroit. Patriotism, ad- dress by Rev. Samuel S. Marquis, D. D. Delivered at the annual dinner of the society of colonial wars. May seventh, nineteen hundred nine, at the De- troit club, Detroit, Mich. [Detroit, Speaker-Hines press, ^909?]. 1 p. 1., 5-59 p. B;LC;S. 6328. Society of Michigan. Lawrence, Kansas. Society of Michigan, Lawrence Kansas, 1871. Lawrence, Kansas, tribune book and job printing establishment, 1871. 8 p. S. 676 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6329. Soldiers' and sailors' association. Michigan. Ninth annual re- union of the soldiers' and sailors' association of Michigan, at Kalamazoo, June 20. 1878. Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo daily gazette book and job rooms, 1878. 26 p. S. 6330. Solvay guild, Detroit. Solvay guild; year book, 1914-1915. [Del- ray, Solvay process co., 1915]. [31] p. B; S. 6331. Some funny things; a careful selection of funny sketches, from the pens of such well known writers as the Detroit free press man, the Burlington hawkeye man, the Dan bury news man, the Norristown herald man, and a number of other funny men. New York, F. Harrison & co. [cl880]. 64 p. LC. 6332. Somerville school for young ladies. Annual circular of Somerville school for young ladies, at St. Clair, Michigan, 1883-84 to 1886-87. St. Clair, the St. Clair Repubhcan print, 1883-[1886?]. B*. Title varies: 1883-84, Calendar of vSomerville school, St. Clair, Michigan, 1883-4. In- corporated according to the laws of the state of Michigan, Sept. 20, 1880. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1883-84 and 1886-87. 6333. . Somer\^ille school, (for young ladies) at St. Clair, Michigan. [St. Clair, St. Clair Republican print, n. d.]. 24 p. B. 6334. Sons of the American revolution. District of Columbia society. The battle fields of the Maumee valley ; a collection of historical addresses de- livered before the sons of the American revolution, District of Columbia society, March 18, 1896. [Washington, press of W. F. Roberts, 1896]. 2 p. 1., [3]-46p. B;LC. Contents. — Introduction, by Dr. G. B. Goode. — Methods of Indian warfare, by Prof. O. T. Mason. — Settlement of the northwest territory, with the struggles against the Indians and British in the Maumee valley, 1788-1813, by Mr. W. Van Zandt Cox. — Efforts made by the Maumee valley monumental association towards preserving historic sites in north- western Ohio, by Hon. J. H. Southard. — The present condition of the historic sites in the Maumee valley and en the island of Put-in-bay, by W. H. Chase. — The influence of the Wayne and Harrison campaigns on the settlement of the northwest, by Hon. S. A. North- way. — The northwest as affected by the treaty of Ghent, by Dr. Thomas Wilson. 6335. . Michigan society. Michigan society, sons of the American revolution. Calendar, 1907-08 to 1911-12. [De- troit? 1907?-1911?]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1907-08 and 1911-12. 6336. . . Society of the sons of the revolution in the state of Alichigan, February, 1899. [Detroit?] 1899. 20 p. S. 6337. . . Year book of the Michigan society of the sons of the American revolution, from 1890 to 1898. Detroit, the society, 1898. 228 p. B; L C; S. The celebration of evacuation day, Detroit, 11 July, 1896, p. 59-65; marking graves of revolutionary heroes John F. Hamtramck and James Witherell, Detroit, Oct. 18, 1897, p. 66-78; roster of officers of first U. S. infantry, 1803, p. 79-80. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 677 6338. . . Year book ; Michigan society, sons of the American revolution. 1916. Compiled by Ray- mond E. Van Syckle, secretary . . . Detroit, Michigan [1916?]. 48 p. B:S. 6339. . . Detroit chap- ter. . . . Yearbook, 1913-1915. [Detroit, 1916]. 27 p. B; S. 6340. Sons of temperance. Michigan. Detroit division no. 2. Constitu- tion and by-laws of Detroit division no. 2, of the sons of temperance, of the state of Michigan. Detroit, Wilham Harsha, printer, 1852. 35 p. B. 6341. . . Grand Haven division no. 83. Con- stitution, by-laws and rules of the Grand Haven division, no. 83, of the sons of temperance, of the state of Michigan, instituted October 23d, 1848. Grand Rapids, Jacob Bams & company, printers, 1838. 19 p. S. 6342. The Soo; scenes in and about Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, with descriptive texts. Pub. by N. C. Morgan, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Chi- cago, Chittenden ptg. co. [cl899]. not paged. B. 6343. The Sophie B. Wright day nursery. Annual report, 1913-14 to 1914-15. Detroit, 1914-1915. — B. 6344. Soule, Annah May. The international boundary line of Michigan, by Annah May Soule. (In Michigan pioneer and historical society, historical collections. Lansing, 1896, v. 26, p. 597-631. 11 maps). B; D; G; LC;S;U. 6345. , . The southern and western boundaries of Michigan, by Annah May Soule, M. L. [Ann Arbor, 1896]. 2 p. 1., 71, [2] p. (On cover: Publications of the Michigan political science association, vol. II, no. 2, May, 1896). B;G;LC;S;U. At head of title: Studies in Michigan history. Bibliography: p. [72-73]. 6346. Souvenir for the home coming at Almont, summer, 1909. [no im- print]. [8] p. B. 6347. Souvenir of the copper country, upper peninsula of Michigan. [Houghton, Mich., B. E. Tyler, 1903]. Cover title, [96] p. L C. 6348. Souvenir album of Catholic churches, schools and institutions in and around Detroit. [Detroit, 1910?]. 64 p. B. 6349. Souvenir of Cadillac day, July 24, 1893. Detroit, Chas. M. Rous- seau, book and job printer, 1894. 55 p. B. 6350. Souvenir of Detroit. [Pub. by Ward bros.]. [Columbus, cl885]. not paged. B; D. 6351. Souvenir of Detroit . . . containing a sketch of Detroit's history^ resources and points of interest to visitors. Detroit, Mich., Alvord & co- [1891]. [10] p. B;LC. 678 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MICHIGAN 6352. Souvenir of Detroit in 1899, by Geo. F. Ransom. [Detroit, Geo. Harland, n. d.]. 36 p. B. 6353. Souvenir of Detroit; [views of the buildinj^s with a brief aceount of the cit}']. [no imprint], not paged. -^ — S. 6354. Souvenir of Grand Pointe summer resort, Harsen's Island, Mich. [Detroit, Winn & Hammond, n. d.]. 10 p. B. 6355. Souvenir of Grand Rapids, Mich. [Columbus, Ohio, Ward brothers, 1890?]. 12 pi. L C. 6356^ Souvenir of Ludington, Michigan; home of the Epworth league training assembly . . . [Ludington r] 1898. 2 p. 1., 11 mounted phot. LC. Comp. by L. F. Swarthout. 6357. Souvenir of Muskegon for the twentieth annual convention, de- partment of Michigan, woman's relief corps June 10 and 11, 1903. [Muske- gon, Mich., from the press of the Chronicle, masonic temple, 1903]. Cover title, [26] p. ■ S. 6358. Souvenir of Petoskey and Bay View; accompanied by a short his- tory and points of interest to visitors . . . Detroit, Mich., J. C. Van Ness [1895]. 4 p. 1., 43 pi. on 23 1. G; L C. 6359. Spaulding, E. G. Opposition to the President's veto of the bill to improve the St. Clair flats. Speech of Hon. E. G. Spaulding, of New York. Delivered in the house of representatives, February 24, 1860. [Washington, D. C, Buell & Blanchard, printers, I860]. Caption title, 7 p. U. 6360. Spears, Raymond Smiley. A trip on the great lakes ; description of a trip, summer, 1912, by a skiff traveler, who loves "outdoors." Tells of fish, fur, game and other things of interest. By Raymond S. Spears. Colum- bus, O., A. R. Harding [cl913]. 212 p. -' G. 6361. [Spencer, Frank S.]. Saginaw, Michigan, U. S. A. 1857-1907; semi- centennial souvenir. Pub. under the auspices of the board of trade. [Sagi- naw, F. S. Spencer, 1907]. 1 p. 1., [5]-191 p. L C. Publisher's preface signed : Frank S. Spencer. 6362. Spencer, Mrs. Mary C. Women's clubs and public libraries. Paper read before the state federation of women's clubs, by Mrs. M. C. Spencer, secretary of the board of library commissioners. Printed by instruction of the board. [Lansing, 1901?]. 8 p. B; L C; S. 6363. Spies public library. . . . Annual report of the Spies public library. 2nd (1906-07)-12th (1916-17). Menominee, Michigan [1907-1917]. S*. Year ends in February. *The State Library has 2nd-10th, 12th. 6364. . Catalogue of Indian and nature studies from BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 679 northern Michigan in platinum, etching and oil, by Grace Chandler Horn . . . [Menominee. 1912]. [4] p. S. 6365. . Souvenir of the Spies public library. [Me- nominee, Mich., herald-leader co., n. d.]. [16] p. S. 6366. Spragg, Frank A. Barley improvement, by F. A. Spragg. East Lansing, Michigan, 1916. 11 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, circular no. 32, August, 1916). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 664-672. 6367. — , . . . . Red rock wheat, by F. A. Spragg and A. J. Clark. East Lansing, Michigan, 1916. 7 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, circular no. 31, August, 1916). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 659-663. 6368. , . Wheat improvement, by Frank A. Spragg. East Lansing, Michigan, 1912. 15 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 268, August, 1912). M A C; S. Also in Fifty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. [185]-197. 6369. Sprague, Elvin L. Sprague's history of Grand Traverse and Lee- lanaw [Leelanau] counties, Michigan, embracing a concise review of their early settlement, industrial development and present conditions, together with interesting reminiscences. Edited and compiled by Elyin L. Sprague . . . and Mrs. George N. Smith. To which will be appended a comprehen- sive compendium of national biography and life sketches of well-known citi- zens of the county . . . [Indianapolis?] B. F. Bowen, 1903. 7 p. 1., [17]- 806 p. S. 6370. Sprague, R. A. Saginaw valley and lake shore business gazetteer & directory. Also, a general business review of all the commercial & manufac- turing interests and resources of the Saginaw valley; the lake shore, the northern line of the J. L. & S. r. r., the Saginaw valley & St. Louis r. r., the numerous mills on the F. & P. M. r. w. west, and the Saginaw Bay shore. A classified business directory of all cities, villages and towns in the territory above mentioned . . . R. A. Sprague, publisher. East Saginaw, daily enter- prise steam job printing house, 1873. v, [1], 184 p. S. 6371. Sprague, T. S. Sprague's visitors' guide and dictionory [dictionary] of Detroit and vicinity . . . Detroit, Mich., T. S. Sprague, 1883. 2 p. 1., 74 p. B;LC. 6372. Sprang, George E. Petoskey and Little Traverse Bay . . . Petos- key, Michigan, G. E. vSprang, 1895. 4 p. 1., 29 pi. G; L C. 6373. Spring Arbor seminary bulletin. Published quarterly, vol. V, no. 2. Spring Arbor, Mich., 1913. U. 680 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6374. Springsteen, B. M. Petition of B. M. Springsteen and others, rela- tive to tax law. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 19). B; D; G; S; U. 6375. The standard guide, Mackinac Island and northern lake resorts. With illustrations. [New York], Foster & Reynolds, 1904. 3 p. 1., [5]-76 p. S. 6376. Stanton, Elmer E. Stanton's U. S. lawyer's diary and rtile book for Michigan; rules of practice, state courts, U. S. courts . . . lawyers' direc- tory . . . postage and postoffices . . . Stanton's interest table . . . rates of postage, legal holidays. By Elmer E. Stanton . . . Grand Rapids, 1891- 1895. 3 V. G. 6377. Stark, Gilbert Little. Letters of Gilbert Little Stark, July 23, 1907- March 12, 1908. Cambridge, Riverside press, 1908. 5 p. 1., [3]-509 p. S. 6378. The state; pub. by state executive committee, young men's Chris- tian association of the state of Michigan . . . vol. IX-XXVL Detroit, 1901- 1917. S*. *The State Library has vol. IX, no. 1 and 4; vol. X, no. 1, 3, 4; vol. XI, no. 1, 2, 4; vol. X:il, no. 1; vol. XIII, no. 1-4; vol. XIV, no. 1-4; vol. XV, no. 1, 3, 4; vol. XVI, no. 1, 2, 4; vol. XVII, no. 1-4; vol. XVIII, no. 2-5; vol. XIX, no. 1-4; vol. XX, no. 1-4; vol. XXI, no. 1-8; vol. XXII, no. 1; vol. XXIII, no. 2-13; vol. XXIV, no. 1, 3-12; vol. XXV, no. 1-12; vol. XXVI, no. 1-6. 6379. State affairs ... v. 1 (July 12, 1893)-v. 2 (July 11, 1894). Lan- sing, Michigan, 1893-1894. S. 6380. State affairs ; the science, the art, and the humor of politics and pub- lic doings, especially in Michigan, vol. L Detroit, Mich., State affairs pub- lishing CO., 1900-1901. S*. *The State Library has vol. I, no. 1-34 [3:^?], 40. 6381. Statement of the affairs of the bank of Washtenaw, February 10, 1837. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, house document no. 13. In Journal of the house of representatives . . . 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 583-585). B; D; G; S; U. 6382. A statement of facts relative to the troubles in St. Paul's church, Detroit, in 1866 and 1867, by a former member of the vestry . . . Detroit, advertiser and tribune printing company, 1867. 34 p. B; S. 6383. . . . Statement of the salt and lumber business of Saginaw valley, for 1863; with other items of interest concerning the resources, progress and prospects of that portion of Michigan, [no imprint]. Caption title, 8 p. U. At head of title: East Saginaw courier — Extra. 6384. State Republican, Lansing. . . . Legislative souvenir, 1897, and political history of Michigan. Lansing, Mich., Robert Smith printing co., 1897. Cover title, 90 p. S; U. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 681 6385. A statistical sketch of the state of Michigan, showing its resources, relative importance, and intimate connexion, in interest and commercial rela- tions with New York and other Atlantic states. New York, G. F. Hopkins, printer, 1838. 18 p. L C. 6386. Statistics of the state of Michigan, compiled from the census of 1850, taken by the authority of the United States . . . Lansing, R. W. In- gals, state printer, 1851. 183 p. B. 6387. The Steams salt & lumber company. Kalkaska and Antrim counties and their splendid fann lands. [Ludington, Michigan, record-appeal printery, 1910?]. 23 p. S. 6388. [Stebbins, G. B.]. "British free trade," a delusion. To the far- mers, mechanics, laborers, and all voters of the western and north-western states. [Detroit? 1865?]. Caption title, 8 p. B;U. 6389. [ , — . — .]. Western farms & factories; neighbors and allies. Protection of our industry; development of our resources. [Detroit? 1870?]. Caption title, 16 p. B. 6390. Steele, Mrs. Eliza R. A summer journey in the west, by Mrs. Steele . . . New York, J. S. Taylor and co., 1841. 3 p. 1., [13]-278 p. LC. Added title page. Contain account of journey through New York state, the great lakes, the Illinois river and down the Mississippi to the mouth of the Ohio; thence up the latter river and across Pennsylvania and Maryland. 6391. Steele, J. Button. Port Huron and Lake Michigan railroad. Re- port of J. Dutton Steele . . . New York, J. P. Prall, 1868. 9 p. B. 6392. Steele, Oliver Gray. Steele's western guide book, and emigrant's directory; containing different routes through the states of New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan. With short descriptions of the climate, soil, productions, prospects, &c. 3d ed. Buffalo, O. G. vSteele, 1835. 89, 2 p. LC. First edition, Buffalo? 1832, published under title: Emigrant's guide through the western •states . . . 6393. , . Ibid. Containing different routes through . . . New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin territory, etc. With descriptions of climate, soil, productions, prospects, etc., 11th ed. . . . improved and enl. Buffalo, Steele & Peck, 1839. 108 p. L C; S. 6394. , : Ibid. Containing different routes through the states of New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, etc., etc. With descriptions of the climate, soil, productions, &c. With an appendix containing the routes to Oregon and California . . . 16th ed. Newly arranged and greatly improved. Buffalo, O. G. Steele, 1849. 72 p. L C. 682 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6395. Steere, Joseph Beal. The university of Michigan and the saloons of Ann Arbor, by Professor J. B. Steere. Read before the students Christian association, Sunday, December 6, 1891. [n. p.] 1891. 7 p. G; U. 6396. Stephenson, Isaac. Recollections of a long life, 1829-1915. By Isaac Stephenson. Chicago, priv. print., [by R. R. Donnelley and sons com- pany] 1915. 264 p., 1 1. G. 6397. [Stevens, Alva T.]. Prevention of stinking smut of wheat, [by A. T. Stevens]. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, press bulletin [no. 5]. In Thirty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1894, p. 432-433). M A C; S. 6398. [Stevens, Frederick Waeir]. Michigan constitutional convention of 1850. Detroit, 1907. 64 p. (Reprinted from the Detroit Saturday night). B;D;vS. 6399. , . " Reciprocal demurrage. " Remarks of F. W. Stevens, general solicitor of the Pere Marquette railroad company, be- fore the senate and house railroad committees of the Michigan legislature, at Lansing, February 27, 1907. [n. p., 1907]. Cover title, 34 p. L C. 6400. — , . Revised rules of practice in the courts of Michigan; circuit court rules and chancery rules adopted October 8, 1896; to take effect January 1, 1897, with the amendments thereto; probate court rules adopted June 28, 1899. With an appendix containing the special rules in the different counties, code of ethics, etc. Notes by Frederick W. Stevens. 2d ed. Chicago, Callaghan and company, 1902. 341 p. L C; S; U. 6401. — , . Testimony of Frederick W. Stevens, given at Detroit, commencing on the 12th day of March, 1913, before a com- mittee of the Michigan legislature. Detroit, Record printing co., 1913. 187 p. B. 6402. , . A treatise on practice in actions at law in the circuit courts and supreme court of Michigan ; with forms, by Frederick W. Stevens . . . Chicago, Callaghan & company, 1899-1900. 2 v. LC;S. 6403. , . The two-cent passenger fare bill. Re- marks by F. W. Stevens, general solicitor of the Pere Marquette railroad com- pany, before the senate committee on railroads, at Lansing, Michigan, March 25, 1907. [n. p., 1907]. Cover title, 23 p. L C. 6404. , . Wanted : an impartial Michigan tri- bunal for the trial of special proceedings against railroad companies involving intra-state railroad rates and other important subjects; a paper read before the directors of the Michigan manufacturers' association, at Detroit, De- cember 16, 1908. By Frederick W. Stevens. [Detroit ? 1908 ?]. 20 p. S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 683 6405. Stevens, George H. Transcontinental trip in a Ford, from Lead, Black Hills, S. Dakota, to Detroit, Mich., May 25, 1915-Aug. 3, 1915 . . . By George H. Stevens and James G. Larmer. [Detroit, Joseph Mack printing house, cl915]. 76 p. L C. 6406. Stevens, Thomas Wood. Book of words; a pageant of the old north- west. By Thomas Wood Stevens. Presented by the state normal school, Mil- waukee, June 15 and 16, 1911. [Milwaukee, press of I. S. Bletcher & co., cl911]. 1 p. 1., 5-76 p., 1 1. LC. 6407. Stewart, Catherine. New homes in the west, by Catherine Stewart . . . Nashville, Cameron and Fall, 1843. iv, [5]-198 p. L C. "Musings in the west" (verses): p. 159-198. 6408. Stewart, Duncan. Memorial of Duncan Stewart, upon the wonder- ful state of humanity, &c., and asking a grant of 750,000 acres of public lands for the "north shore line." [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 7 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 23). B; D; G; S; U. 6409. Stinchcomb, Mrs. Hogue. History of the ladies' literary club of Grand Rapids, Michigan. [Grand Rapids, Mich.] Clandoin printery, 1910. 299 p. G. 6410. Stocking, William. Michigan farmers. Effect of the Wilson-Gor- man act on agricultural interests. Diminished exports, swelling imports and a crippled home market, [no imprint]. 8 p. B. 6411. ■ , . Michigan's New Hampshire pathmakers, by William Stocking. (In The granite monthly . . . Concord, N. H., The granite monthly co., 1902, vol. XXXHI, no. 2, p. 81-89). B; S. 6412. , . Under the oaks; commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Republican party, at Jackson, Michigan, July 6, 1854; comprising a history of the party in Michigan; the proceedings of the anniversary celebration, and portraits of leading Michigan Republicans; ed. by William Stocking. Detroit, Mich., the Detroit tribune, 1904. 3 p. 1., [9]-336, viii p. G; L C; S. 6413. Stockman, Mrs. Dora H. The coming of happy valley grange to hard scrabble hollow. Written for the state grange by the state grange lec- turer, Mrs. Dora H. Stockman, and given by members of Charlotte grange at the state grange at Lansing. [Lansing, state grange, 1917]. Cover title, 10 p. S. 6414. , . . Farmerkin's farm rhymes, by Dora H. Stockman. Lansing, Michigan, Henry R. Pattengill, 1911. 72 p. S. 6415. Stockton, John. . . . Report from the secretary of war, commu- nicating (in compliance with a resolution of the 15th instant) a report of John Stockton, superintendent of the mineral lands on Lake Superior, with map, 684 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN &:c. March 19, 1845. Read and ordered to be printed, and the map engraved. [Washington] 1845. Caption title, 22 p. (U. S. 29th cong., special sess., sen- ate [doc] 175). L C. Contains reports by J. B. Campbell, G. N. Sanders, and A. B. Gray. Numbered with documents of 28th cong., 2d sess., thoujTh it originated in the 29th cong.^ special sess. 6416. Stone, Frederick Dawson. The ordinance of 1787, by Frederick D. Stone . . . reprinted from "The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biog- raphy." Philadelphia, 1889. 34 p. G. 6417. Stone, James H. A biographical sketch of Judge Bazel Harrison, the first white settler in Kalamazoo county, who departed this life at Prairie Ronde, Kalamazoo county, Mich., August 30th, 1874, aged one hundred and three years, five months and fifteen days. By James H. Stone. Kalamazoo, Ihling bros., steam book and job printers, 1874. 36 p. S. 6418. [Storrs, Lucius C.]. Correctional work in Michigan. (In The an- nals of the American academy of political and social science. Philadelphia, 1904, vol. XXIII, no. 3, p. 472-476). L C; S; U. 6419. , . Our county poor-houses, as seen by the board of charities. By L. C. Storrs, secretary. [Lansing] Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders [n. d.] 7 p. S. 6420. , . Penological hints, by L. C. Storrs . . . (In Michigan political science association, publications. [Ann Arbor, 1894], v. 1, no. 2, p. [3]-40). G;LC;S;U. Discussion: p. 23-40. 6421. Stoughton, William L. Laws of the United States, granting lands to the state of Michigan, for roads, railroads, harbors, and other purposes. Collected and arranged in pursuance of a resolution of the senate of January 9, 1867, by Wm. L. Stoughton, attorney general. By authority. Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1867. 60 p. B; S. 6422. Stout, George S. The story of a year in Missaukee county. Edited by Geo. S. Stout. Being a review of the events of the year 1891, within the limits of Missaukee county, together with other sketches, biographies, etc. . . . Lake' City, Mich., issued by the Independent [1891?]. 27 p. G. 6423. Straker, David Augustus. Circuit court commissioner's guide. Law and practice, state of Michigan. By D. Augustus Straker. Detroit, The col- lector publishing co., 1897. 168 p. L C; S. 6424. , . Legal treatise on larceny of dogs, de- livered by D. Augustus Straker . . . before the Detroit college of law, Feb- ruary 22, 1892. Detroit, the Richmond & Backus co., printers, 1893. 29, [1] p. L C. "Table of cases and authorities cited": [1] p. at end. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 685 6425. Strang, Charles J. Beaver Island and its Mormon kingdom . . . [Harbor Springs, Mich., J. C. Wright, 1895]. [63]-68 p. L C. No title page. Extracted from The Ottawan, by J. C. Wright. 6426. [Strang, James Jesse]. Ancient and modem Michilimackinac, in- cluding an account of the controversy between Mackinac and the Mormons [anon.] [n. p.] 1854. Cover title, 48 p. L C. 6427. [ , ]. Ibid. [2d ed.]. [n. p., 1894]. 4, 48 p. LC;S. Cover title has date 1854; preface by Wingfield Watson has date 1894. "This second edition ... by Mr. Strang's own pen is presented to the honest reader . . . " — Preface p. [1]. 6428. [ , ]. Ibid. As pubHshed in 1854, with supple- ment. St. Ignace, Mich., The news and free press, 1885. 52 p. B; G. 6429. [ , ]. [Scrap-book, 1848-1882]. S. Pamphlets, newspaper clippings, manuscripts and letters. 6430. , — — . Some remarks on the natural history of Beaver Islands, Michigan, by James J. Strang'. (In Smithsonian institution, annual report, 1854, Washington, 1855, p. 282-288). L C; S. 6431. Strickland, William Peter. Old Mackinaw; or, the fortress of the lakes and its surroundings, by W. P. Strickland. Philadelphia, J. Challen & son; New York, Carlton & Porter; [etc., etc.] 1860. 404 p. B; G; LC;S;U. 6432. , . The pioneers of the west, or, life in the woods, by W. P. Strickland. Fourth thousand. New York, Carlton & Porter; Boston, J. P. A/[agee [cl856]. 403 p. B. 6433. Striker, Daniel. . . . An historical address, delivered at Hastings M. E. church, November 6th, 1891, by Hon. Daniel Striker, upon the occasion of the celebration of the semi-centennial of the organization of the first M. E. society, of Hastings, Mich. . . . Published by request. Kalamazoo, Ihling bros. & Everard, printers, 1891. 62 p. G; S. At head of title: 1841. 1891. 6434. [Stuart, Lewis G.]. A review of " Michigan as a province, territory, and state ... "by Henry M. Utley, Byron M. Cutcheon; advisory editor, Clarence M. Burton . . . 1906. (In Historical society of Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids, Mich., publications . . . Grand Rapids, 1906, v. 1, p. 3-13). B;LC;S. 6435. , . Verdict for Michigan. How the upper penin- sula became a part of Michigan. By L. G. Stuart. A paper read before the Michigan political science association at a meeting held in Grand Rapids, April 3 and 4, 1896. [Ann Arbor, Mich.] 1896. 390-403 p. G. Contains Life and letters of Lucius Lyon, by Hon. George W. Thayer, p. 404-604. 686 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6436. Sunday school convocation and teachers' institute. Proceedings of the 3rd-6th annual Sunday school convocation and teachers' institute . . . 1884-1887. [Detroit, 1884P-1887?]. B*. Title varies. *The Burton Historical Collection has 3rd, 5th, 6th. 6437. Sunderland, Jabez Thomas. Ministry of fifteen years in a college town. A sennon. Ann Arbor, Register pub. co. [n. d.] 23 p. U. 6438. , . Rev. B. Fay Mills & the state uni- versity, or, ought revivals & meetings for sectarian propagandism to be held in a state institution of learning? . . . Ann Arbor, Register pub. co., 1893. 13 p. U. 6439. Swain, John Gw3mn. Letters from John Gwynn Swain, to his mother; written on his entrance into life, aged seventeen, giving a description of his voyage to Canada and adventures at Lake Superior, [n. p.] printed for private circulation, 1869. Ill p. G. 6440. Swan, Lansing & Journal of a trip to Michigan in 1841, by L. B. Swan. Rochester [N. Y.] 1904. 53, [1] p. B; G; L C; S; U. 6441. [Sweet, Homer DeLois]. Elroy Mckendree Avery, [n. p., 1893]. Caption title, [7] p. • S. The pages were extracted from Homer D. L. Sweet's History of the Avery family. 6442. Sweetser, Charles H. Tourists' and invalids' guide to the north- west, in three parts. L The pleasure tourist. II. The rod and the rifle. III. The invalid. Containing information about Minnesota, Wisconsin, Dakota, and the Lake Superior region. Compiled by Charles H. Sweetser. New York, published at the Evening mail office, 1868. 65 p. S. 6443. Swift, Ivan. Fagots of cedar, out of the north & blown by the winds [poems]. With photographs and original drawings of Michigan landscape, by Ivan Swift. Chicago, designed and printed by the author at the To-morrow press, 1907. 37, [1] p. L C; S. Partly reprinted from various periodicals. The edition is limited to two hundred copies. 6444. , . Fagots of cedar, out of the north & blown by the. winds & ashes and embers, with titles old and new not contained in the origi- nal limited edition. By Ivan Swift. Clintonville, Mich., the Willows shop, 1909. [96] p. LC;S. 6445. [Swigart, George W.]. The Swigart tract in Mason, Manistee, Lake and Wexford counties of the southern peninsula of Michigan. [Chicago ? 1913]. Cover title, 72 p. G. 6446. Swineford, Alfred P. Annual review of the iron mining and other industries of the upper peninsula for the year . . . 1880-1882. Marquette, 1881-1883. B*; D. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1881. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 687 6447. , . History and review of the copper, iron, silver, slate and other material interests of the south shore of Lake Superior. [By] A. P. Swineford. Marquette (L. S.) Mich., the mining journal, 1876. 2 p. 1., [3]-280p. B;G;LC;S;U. 6448. , . The Menominee iron range ; history of its mines, when and by whom discovered, their present condition and future prospects. Marquette, mining journal, 1880. 56 p. B. 6449. , . Swineford's history of the Lake Superior iron district; its mines and furnaces. 2d ed., containing report for 1870. [By] A. P. Swineford . . . Marquette, mining journal office, 1871. 98 p. B; S. 6450. , . Appendix to Swineford's history of the Lake Superior iron district, being a review of its mines and furnaces for 1871-1873. Marquette, mining journal office, 1872-1873. S. 6451. Tabular statement of the copper and iron business of Lake Superior, from 1845 to the ending of December 31, 1872. Houghton, Michigan, Portage Lake mining gazette office, 1873. [3] p. S. 6452. Taft, Levi Rawson. The apple orchard, by L. R. Taft. Agricul- tural college, Michigan, 1895. [25]-48 p. (Michigan agricultural college, ex- periment station, bulletin no. 124, April. 1895). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 644-667. 6453. — — , . ... 1. The apple orchard. 2. Spraying — Why and how, by L. R. Taft . . . Agricultural college, Michigan, 1896. 19 p. (Michigan, agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 4, November, 1896). M A C; S; U. 6454. , . Bush fruits for 1898, by L. R. Taft and H. P. Gladden. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1899. [285]-290 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 171, March, 1899). M AC;S;U. Also in the Thirty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 329-333. 6455. , ■ . Eighty new strawberries, by L. R. Taft and H. P. Gladden . . . [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1893. 15 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 100, August, 1893). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 416-428. 6456. [ , ]. Frozen trees and their treatment, [by L. R. Taft]. [Agricultural college, Mich.] 1899. 4 p. (Michigan agricultural col- lege, experiment station, special bulletin no. 11, March, 1899). M A C; S;U. 6457. , . Fruit list and apple scab remedies, by L. R. 688 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Taft. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1890. 42 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 59, April, 1890). MAC;S;U. Also in Twentv-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 228-264. 6458. , . Fruit notes . . . by L. R. Taft. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1892. 14 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 81, March, 1892). MAC;S;U. Also in Thirtieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 316- 327. 6459. , . Fruits at the agricultural college, [by] L. R. Taft and H. P. Gladden. Agricultural college, Mich., 1896. [47]-59 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, btdletin no. 130, February, 1896). MAC;S;U. Also in Thirty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 328-340. 6460. , . Insecticides and fungicides, by L. R. Taft . . . [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1892. 26 p. (Michi- gan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 83, April, 1892). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-first annual report ot the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 224-247. 6461. , . Legislation relating to insects and diseases of fruit trees, and preliminary report of the state inspector of nurseries and orchards, by L. R. Taft and D. W. Trine. Agricultiu-al college, Mich., 1898. [309]-319 p. (Michigan agrictiltural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 156, March, 1898). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-seventh annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 480-490. 6462. , . Michigan frait list, by L. R. Taft. Agricul- tural college, Mich., 1894. [106]-122 p. - (Michigan agricultural college, ex- periment station, bulletin no. 105, February, 1894). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 271-287. 6463. ^^— , . Ibid. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1899. [127]-140 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, btdletin no. 168, February, 1899). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 214-221. 6464. [ , ]. ... A new danger to fruit growers; the dreaded San Jose scale, [by L. R. Taft]. [Agricultural college, Mich., 1897]. [3] p. (Michigan agrictdtural college, experiment station, special btdletin no. 7). B;MAC;S;U. 6465. , . Notes on strawberries, by L. R. Taft and M. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 689 L. Dean. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1901. [109]-119 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 189, March, 1901). M A C; S; U. Also in Fortieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 244- 250. 6466. , . Notes on vegetables, by L. R. Taft and M. L. Dean. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1902. [87]-112 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 196, January, 1902). MAC;S;U. Also in Fortv-first annual report of the secretarj^ of the state board of agriculture, p. 165-185. 6467. ■ , . [Orchard] spraying, by L. R. Taft. Agricul- tural college. Michigan, 1907. 32 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, special bulletin no. 37, April, 1907). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. [275J-300. 6468. , . Peach and plum culture in Michigan, by L. R. Taft. Agricultural college, Mich., 1894. 62 p. (Michigan agricultural col- lege, experiment station, bulletin no. 103, February, 1894). MAC; S;U. Al?o in Thirtv-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 170-227. 6469. , . Pests of orchard and garden, by L. R. Taft and G. C. Davis. Agricultural college, Mich., 1895. 80 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 121, April, 1895). MAC;S;U. Also in Thirty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 549-623. 6470. , . Potatoes, by L. R. Taft and U. P. Hedrick. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1895. 16 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 119, February, 1895). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 523-536. 6471. , — , 1. Potatoes. 2. Kale. 3. Experiments with squashes. 4. Tomatoes. By L. R. Taft. Lansing, Darius D. Thorp, state printer and binder, 1889. 27 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 48, April, 1889). M A C; S; U. Also in Twenty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 272-295. 6472. , • . Potatoes and potato scab, by L. R. Taft and R. J. Coryell. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 108. In Thirty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1894, p. 327-346). M A C; S; U. 6473. , . Potatoes. Vegetable tests, by L. R. Taft, 87 690 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN H. P. Gladden and U. P. Hedrick. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1896. 36 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 131, April, 1896). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 341-374. 6474. , . Potato tests, by L. R. Taft . . . [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1892. 21 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 85, April, 1892). M AC; S;U. Also in Thirty-first annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 251-270. 6475. , . Raspberries, blackberries and grapes, by L. R. Taft and H. P. Gladden. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1898. [161J-169 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 151, February, 1898). MAC; S;U. Also in Thirty-seventh annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 339-345. 6476. , . Review of special bulletins 27, 28, 30, and 31, by L. R. Taft and C. D. Smith. Agricultural college, Mich., 1905. [149]- 164 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 226, June, 1905). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 233-244. 6477. , . Small fruit notes, by L. R. Taft and H. P. Gladden. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1895. 14 p. (Michigan agricul- tural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 122, April, 1895). MAC;S;U. Also in Thirty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 624-635. 6478. , . Small fruit notes; spraying. By L. R. Taft, H. P. Gladden and R.J. Coryell. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1893. 20 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 92, March, 1893). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 129-145. 6479. , . Small fruits for 1904 . . . by L. R. Taft and M. L. Dean. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1904. 12 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 213, May, 1904). M AC;S;U. Also in Forty-third annual report of- the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 184-191. 6480. , . Small fruit trials at the college, by L. R. Taft and H. P. Gladden. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1897. [147]-163 p. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 691 (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 142, March, 1897). M AC;S;U. Also in Thirty-sixth annua] report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 286-300. 6481. , . Spraying calendar, by L. R. Taft [and others], 1898-1908. East Lansing, Michigan, 1898-1908. ^ — B*; M A C*; S*; U*. Issued as Bulletins of Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, as follows: 1898. Bulletin no. 155, March, 1898. 1899, Special bulletin no. 12, March, 1899. 1902, Special bulletin no. 15, March, 1902. 1903, Special bulletin no. 19, May, 1903. 1904, Special bulletin no. 26, April, 1904. 1907, Special bulletin no. 36, March, 1907. 1908, Special bulletin no. 45, May, 1908. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1899; the M. A. C. Library has 1898, 1899, 1902-1904, 1907, 1908; the State Library has 1898, 1899, 1902-1904, 1907, 1908; the U. of M. Library has 1898, 1899, 1902-1904, 1907, 1908. 6482. , . Strawberries, by L. R. Taft and H. P. Gladden. Agricultural college, Mich., 1897. [49] -63 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 148, September, 1897). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-seyenth annual report of the secretary' of the state board of agriculture, p. 237-249. 6483. , . Strawberries and raspberries, by L. R. Taft and H. P. Gladden. Agricultural college, Mich., 1894. [123]-135 p. (Michi- gan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 106, February, 1894). M AC;S;U. Also in Thirt^^-third annual report of the secretary cf the state board of agriculture, p. 288-300. 6484. , . Strawberry culture. Notes on varieties, by L. R. Taft and H. P. Gladden. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1898. [41]- 76 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 163, November, 1898). MA C; S; U. Also in Thirty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state beard of agriculture, p. 153-177. 6485. , . Strawberry notes for 1899, by L. R. Taft and H. P. Gladden. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1899. 14 p. (Michigan agri- cultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 176, August, 1899). M AC;S;U. Also in Thirty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 149-158. 6486. , . Strawberry notes for 1901, by L. R. Taft and M. L. Dean. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1902. [73]-85 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 195, January, 1902). MAC;S;U. Also in Forty-first annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 157-164. 6487. , . Tomatoes and potatoes, by L. R. Taft and M. L. Dean. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1904. [13]-22 p. (Michigan agri- 692 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN cultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 214, Mav, 1904). MAC;S;U. Also in Fortv-third annual report of the secretary of the state lioard of agriculture p. 191-198. 6488. , . Variety tests of vegetables, by L. R. Taft. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 109. In Thirty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1894, p. 347-363). M AC;S; U. 6489. -, . Vegetables and bush fruits, by L. R. Taft and M. L. Dean. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1903. [lOlj-122 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, btilletin no. 209, June, 1903). MAC;vS;U. Also in Forty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. [212]-231. 6490. , , Vegetable novelties and notions, by L. R. Taft, H. P. Gladden and U. P. Hedrick. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1895. [17]-28 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 120, February, 1895). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-fourth annual report of the" secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 537-548. 6491. , . Vegetable tests, by L. R. Taft [and others], 1891-1900. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1891-1901. M A C*; S*' U* Issued as Bulletins of Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, as follows: 1891, Bulletin no. 79, January, 1892. 1893, Bulletin no. 90, Februar>% 1893. 1897, Bulletin no. 153, February, 1897. 1898, Bulletin no. 170, March, 1899. 1900, Bulletin no. 190, April, 1901. *Each of the above libraries have 1891, 1893, 1897, 1898, 1900. 6492. , . . . . Vegetables; comparative tests; methods of culture. By L. R. Taft. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1890. 43 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 57, March, 1890). M A C; S; U. • Also in Twenty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 179-218. 6493. , . Vegetables, old and new, by L. R. Taft, H. P. Gladden and M. L. Dean. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1897. [209]-244 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 144, April, 1897). MAC;S;U. Also in Thirty-sixth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 344-379. 6494. , . Vegetables; varieties and methods. By L. R. Taft. [Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders] 1891. 41 p. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 693 (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 70, January, 1891). MAC;S;U. Also in Thirtieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 160- 198. 6495. Talbot, John A. Table of cases, cited, affirmed, modified and over- ruled of all the Michigan reports, from Harrington's chancery to the thirty- third Michigan, inclusive. This table is in three parts, each separately double- indexed, and includes all cases, both English and American, cited by the supreme court of Michigan. By John A. Talbot . . . New York, Albany, N. Y., Banks & brothers, 1878. 330 p. L C. Period covered: 1836-1876. 6496. Tanner, John. A narrative of the captivity and adventures of John Tanner (U. S. interpreter at the Saut de Ste. Marie) during thirty years resi- dence among the Indians in the interior of North America. Prepared for the press by Edwin James . . . New York, G. & C. & H. Carvill, 1830. 426 p. LC; S. 6497. Tappan, Harvey. Pioneer history of St. Clair county, taken from public records. Address by Judge Harvey Tappan, St. Clair county pioneer society, Algonac, June 28, 1910. [Algonac, Mich., 1910]. 1 p. 1., 8 numb. 1. B;LC. Printed on one side of leaf only. Text runs parallel with back of cover. 6498. , . School law and a history and description of the educational system of Michigan, by Harvey Tappan, LL. B. Port Huron, Mich., Sherman company, printers, 1889. 8 p., 1 1., [9J-155, xii p. B; LC;S;U. 6499. Tappan, Henry Philip. A discourse, delivered by Henry P. Tappan, D. D. at Ann Arbor, Mich., on the occasion of his inauguration as chancellor of the university of Michigan, December 21st, 1852. Detroit, Advertiser power presses, 1852. 52 p. ■ D; L C; S. 6500. , . Public education : an address ; delivered in the hall of the house of representatives, in the capitol at Lansing, on the evening of January 28th, 1857, by Henry P. Tappan . . . Detroit, printed by H. Bams, 1857. 40 p. B;LC;S;U. 6501. , . President Tappan's message to the law con- gress of the university of Michigan. Delivered January 18th, 1862 . . . Ann Arbor, Clark, Wiltsie & co., printers, 1862. 12 p. L C. " Chancellor Tappan . . . acting as President of the United States for the Moot congress of the University of Michigan, delivered his annual message . . . January 18th, 1862, the two houses convening in joint session to receive it. " — p. [3]. 6502. , . Report of Henry P. Tappan, in relation to the university. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 8 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 12). B; D; G; S; U. 694 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6503. , . Review by Rev. Dr. H. P. Tappan of his connection with the university of Michigan. Detroit, Detroit free press steam book and job printing establishment, 1864. 52 p. B; L C; U. 6504. , . The university; its constitution, and its relations, political and religious: A discourse delivered June 22d, 1858, at the request of the Christian library association, by Henry P. Tappan . . . Published by the regents at the request of the alumni. Ann Arbor, printed by S. B. McCracken, 1858. 36 p. B; S; U. 6505. [Tateum, William Aldrich]. "Before the blazing back-log"; little tales of woods, fields, waters . . . Grand Rapids, Mich., Dean-Hicks printing CO., 1907. 99, [2] p. G. 6506. Taylor, Benjamin Franklin. Theophilus Trent; old times in the oak openings. By Benj. F. Taylor. Chicago, vS. C. Griggs and company, 1887. viii, 250 p.' B; G; S. 6507. Taylor, Claude O. Administration of workmen's compensation benefits under the Michigan law — Methods of procedure — Labor's view point, by Claude O. Taylor ... an address delivered at the third annual conven- tion of the International association of casualty and surety underwriters, Quebec, Canada, July 9, 1913. [Quebec? 1913]. 8 p. L C. 6508. Taylor, Edward Livingston. Harrison-Tarhe peace conference, [by] Col. E. L. Taylor . . ..(In Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly. Columbus, 1905, v. 14, p. 121-131). — - L C; S. 6509. Taylor, R. L. . . . A year with bees, by R. L. Taylor. Agricultural college, Mich., 1894. 28 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment sta- tion, special bulletin [no. 1], October, 1894). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirtv-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 396-421. 6510. The technic ... v. 1-29. Published annually by the engineering society of the university of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1888-1915. B*;S*; U*. Continued as the Michigan technic. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 1; the State Library has v. 3, no. 3; the U. of M. Library has v. 1-24; v. 25, no. 1; v. 26, no. 3 and 5; v. 27, no. 3; v. 28, no. 1 and 3; v. 29, no. 1 and 2. 6511. Tecumseh. Charters. Charter, by-laws and ordinances of the vil- lage of Tecumseh, as adopted and in force prior to July 1, 1884. Compiled by order of the council. Tecumseh, Mich., Herald steam book and job printing house, 1884. 1 p. 1., [5]-88 p. vS. 6512. Teevin, Thomas W. Hand book and guide to all places of interest in the city of Grand Rapids . . . with a complete society directory .. . . [Grand Rapids, Mich.] 1891. 80 p. L C. 6513. Ten Brook, Andrew. American state universities, their origin and BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 6C5 progress; a history of congressional university land-grants, a particular ac- count of the rise and development of the university of Michigan, and hints toward the future of the American university system. By Andrew Ten Brook. Cincinnati, R. Clarke & co., 1875. iv, v-viii, 410 p. B; L C; S;U. 6514. Terry, Frank Taylor. . . . The aborigines of the northwest; a glance into the remote past [by] Frank Taylor Terry. [Milwaukee, 1896]. Cover title, [59]-72 p. (Parkman club publications, [v.l], no. 4). LC:U. 6515. Thatcher, Benjamin Bussey. Indian biography; or, an historical account of those individuals who have been distinguished among the North American natives as orators, warriors, statesmen, and other remarkable characters. By B. B. Thatcher, esq. New York, J. & J. Harper, 1832. 2 v. G;LC;S. 6516. Thatcher, Marshall P. A hundred battles in the west, St. Louis to Atlanta, 1861-65. The second Alichigan cavalry, with the armies of the Mississippi, Ohio, Kentucky and Cumberland . . . with mention of a few of the famous regiments and brigades of the west. By Captain Marshall P. Thatcher . . . Detroit, the author, 1884. xiv, [15]-416, 15, [63] p. B;G;LC;S;U. 6517. Thayer, George Washington. From Vermont to. Lake Superior in 1845; a personal narrative, delivered before the "old resident's association of the Grand river valley," June 26, 1902. By George W. Thayer. Grand Rapids, Western Michigan printing co. [1902]. 30 p. G. 6518. Thayer, S. B. Memorial of S. B. Thayer and others on the subject of establishing a chair of homoeopathy in the medical department of the uni- versity. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 4 p. (Michi- gan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 10). B; D; G; S; U. 6519. Thelan, Nicholas. Memorial of Nicholas Thelan and others, rela- tive to silk culture. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 15). D; G; S; U. 6520. [Thoits, Alvin True]. Souvenir ; Grand Rapids board of trade outing, October 3, 1901. [Textby A. T. Thoits . . . photographsby Harry K. Dean]. [Grand Rapids, Mich., 1901?]. not paged. G. Ornamental borders on pages. 6521. Thomas, Henry F. A twentieth century history of Allegan county, Michigan . . . comp. under the editorial supervision of Dr. Henry F. Thomas . . . Chicago, New York [etc.] Lewis publishing company, 1907. xv, 655 p. LC;S. 6522. Thomas, James M. Jackson city directory . . . 1867-68 to 1869- 696 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 70. Compiled and published by James M. Thomas. Jackson, Mich., Carlton & Van Antwerp, printers, 1867-1869. -^— S*. Title varies. *The State Library has 1867-68 and 1869-70. 6523. :, . Kalamazoo county directory with a history of the coimty from its earliest settlement. Containing descriptions of each town and ^•illage within the county. Also the names of all persons residing in the several villages in the county. With a new census of Kalamazoo village, and all the villages in the county. 1869 and 1870. James M. Thomas, compiler and publisher. Kalamazoo, Michigan, Stone brothers, book and job printers, 1869. 374 p. G;S. 6524. Thomas, S. E. & co. Woodmere cemetery, 1907. Comp. by S. E. Thomas & co. Detroit [1907]. not paged. B. 6525. [Thompson, David]. Remarks on the maps from St. Regis to Sault Ste. ]Marie. (In Ontario historical society, papers and records. Toronto, William Briggs, 1899, v. 1, p. 117-121). B; S. 6526. Thompson, Elizabeth Ballard. The times that were. By Elizabeth Ballard Thompson. Illustrated by Helen E. Miller. [Grand Rapids, Mich.] Cargill press, 1899. not paged. G. 6527. Thompson home for old ladies. Articles of association and by-laws of the Thompson home for old ladies. Detroit, O. S. Gulley's press, 1875. 12 p. B. 6528. . Ibid. Detroit. 1877. 12 p. B. 6529. Three Rivers. Annual reports, 1900-1904. [Three Rivers? 1900?- 1904?]. S. Mounted newspaper clippings. 6530. . Board of education. Course of study of the public schools of Three Rivers for 1892-93. Three Rivers, Michigan, The board of education, 1892. 28 p. (In Catalogues of some of the leading high schools of Michigan, vol. I . . . Columbian exposition, 1893). U. 6531. . Board of public works. Annual report of the board of pubHc works . . . Three Rivers, 1899-[1903]. S*. Title varies sHghtlv. *The State Library has 1899 and 1903. 6532. . Charters. Charter and ordinances of the village of Three Rivers, 1890. Elkhart, Ind., Truth publishing house, 1890. 115 p. S. 6533. A thrilling narrative from the lips of the sufferers of the late Detroit riot. March 6, 1863, with the hair breadth escapes of men, women and children, and destruction of colored men's property, not less than 815,000. Detroit, Mich., the author, 1863. Cover title, 24 p. S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 697 6534. Thwaites, Reuben Gold. The boundaries of Wisconsin; with a general historical survey of the division of the northwest territory into states. Illustrated by eleven maps. By Reuben G. Thwaites . . . [Madison, Wis., 1888?] 1 p. 1., [451]-501 p. (Reprinted from vol. XI, Wisconsin historical col- lections [i. e. Collections of the Wisconsin State historical society]). • LC. 6535. , . How George Rogers Clark won the north- west, and other essays in western history, by Reuben Gold Thwaites . . . Chicago, A. C. McClurg & co., 1903. xx, 378 p. B; L C; S; U. Contents. — How Georp;e Rogers Clark won the northwest. — The division of the north- west into states. — The Black Hawk war. — The story of Mackinac. — The story of La Pointe. — A day on Braddock's road. — Early lead mining on the upper Mississippi. — The Draper manuscripts. 6536. , . The story of Mackinac, by Reuben Gold Thwaites . . . Madison, State historical society of Wisconsin, 1898. 1 p. 1., 16 p. (From Wisconsin historical collections, vol. XIV). S. 6537. Tibbits, John S. A compend on the powers and duties of super- visors, in the state of Michigan, containing copious references to the statutes and decisions of courts, with rules and directions, and a brief appendix of forms. By John S. Tibbits . . . Detroit, Richmond, Backus & co., 1876. 120 p. — D;LC. 6538. , . A compilation of all the laws in relation to the fees and salaries of public officers in the state of Michigan. Also the salaries of officers of the general government, with stamp duties, postal rates, census reports, tables of weights and measures, values of ancient and modem coins, and a vast amount of other useful information . . . Detroit, Wm. A. Scripps, steam power book and job printer, 1876. 72, iv p. B; D; G; U. 6539. Tiffany, Alexander Ralston. A treatise on the criminal law of the state of Michigan, with precedents of indictments, and forms in proceedings before magistrates in criminal cases, by Alexander R. Tiffany . . . Adrian Mich., Ingals, Mills & company, 1854. 6 p. 1., 531, [5] xvii p. G. 6540. , . Ibid. 2d. ed. rev. and enlarged by Andrew Howell. Detroit, W. A. Throop & co., 1870. 894 p. B; S. 6541. , . Ibid. 5th ed. 4th ed. as rev. and enl. by A. Howell. Detroit, Richmond & Backus co., 1900. x, 1206 p. LC;S. 6542. , . A treatise on the powers and duties of justices of the peace in the state of. Michigan, under chapter ninety-three of the revised statutes of 1846, being chapter one hundred and seventy-eight of the compiled laws of 1871. With practical forms. By Alexander R. Tiffany . . . 5th ed. Rev. and enl. by Andrew Howell . . . Adrian, C. Humphrey; Detroit, Richmond & Backus, 1873. vli, 892 p. — G; L C; S. 698 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6543. , . Ibid. 6th ed. 2d. ed. as rev. and enl. by Andrew Howell . . . Adrian, C. Humphrey; Detroit, Richmond, Backus & CO., 1875. vii, 933 p. L C; S. 6544. , . Ibid. 7th ed. 3d ed. as rev. and enl. by Andrew Howell . . . Adrian, C. Hvmiphrey; Detroit, Richmond, Backus & CO., 1879. vii, 869 p. L C. 6545. , . Ibid. 8th ed. 4th ed. as rev. and enl. by Andrew Howell . . . Adrian, C. Humphrey; Detroit, Richmond & Backus CO., 1886. vii, 940 p. L C; S. 6546. , . Ibid. 9th ed. 5th ed. as rev. and enl. by Andrew Howell and Charles Arthur Howell . . . Detroit, Richmond & Backus CO., 1894. vii, 922 p. L C; S. 6547. Tipton, J. C. The tourist and investor; an illustrated guide to the Lake Superior district, by J. C. Tipton . . . Hancock, Mich. [n. d.] 100 p. G. 6548. Titus, J. H. Proposition of J. H. Titus, to lease from the state the central railroad. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1846, house document no. 5; senate docimient no. 14). B;D;G;S;U. 6549. Tivy, Joseph Albert. Souvenir of the seventh, containing a brief history of it. Prefaced with a view front and rear of the "late unpleasant- ness" ... By Sergeant J. A. Tivy . . . [Detroit? 1893]. 78 p. G;LC. 6550. Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Maurice Clerel de. De Tocque- ville's voyage en Amerique; edited with introduction, notes, and vocabulary by R. Clyde Ford . . . Boston, D. C. Heath & co., 1909. ix, [1], 161 p. (Heath's modem language series). G. 6551. , . . . . Quinze jours au desert and Voyage en Sicile, by Alexis de Tocqueville. Ed. by Jean Edmond Mansion . . . Oxford, Clarendon press, 1904. xvii, [1], 103, [1] p. (Oxford modem French series, ed. by Leon Delbos). L C. 6552. Todd, John. The lost sister of Wyoming; an authentic narrative, by Rev. John Todd. Northampton, J. H. Butler, 1842. 160 p. B. 6553. Tollman, John L. Petition of John L. Tollman and 92 others, ask- ing that the laws may be so amended, as to allow overseers of highways to be appointed, and appropriations for roads and bridges to be made at noon, on election days. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, senate document no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 6554. Towar, James D. Cow peas, soy beans and winter vetch, by J. D. Towar. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1902. [161]-176 p. (Michigan agri- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 699 cultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 199, April, 1902). • M AC;S;U. Also in Fortv-first annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 222-230. 6555. , . Experiments with sugar beets, by J. D. To war, agriculturalist. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1901. [95]-107 p. (Michi- gan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 188, February, 1901). MAC;S;U. Also in Fortieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 235- 243. 6556. , . Sand lucerne, by J. D. Towar. Agricultural col- lege, Michigan, 1902. [145]-160 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, bulletin no. 198, March, 1902). M A C; S; U. Also in Forty-first annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 210-221. 6557. , . Soil tests on upland and muck ; clover and sand lucerne notes; wheat experiments. By J. D. Towar. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1900. [145]-169 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 181, April, 1900). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirtv-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 266-284. 6558. , . Sugar beet experiments, 1901, by J. D. Towar. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1902. [113J-144 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, btdletin no. 197, February, 1902). MAC; S;U. Also in Fortv-first annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 186-209. 6559. , . Sugar beet investigations, by J. D. Towar. Agri- cultural college, Michigan, 1900. [91]-113p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 179, February, 1900). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-ninth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 225-244. 6560. [Tower, Lewis W.]. Builders of greater Grand Rapids in biographi- cal caricature, by cartoonists of Grand Rapids. [Grand Rapids, Mich., White printing company, 1914]. not paged. G. By Lewis W. Tower and Raymond F. Barnes. 6561. The town of Huron, at the foot of Lake Huron, St. Clair co., Michi- gan. Circular addressed to capitalists, and those who design removing to the west. Published by the proprietors. New York, E. B. Clayton, printer and publisher, 1857. 32, [1] p. B; G. 6562. Towsley, A. W. An appeal to the legislature and the people of Michigan for fair treatment to the Michigan railroads on the question of in- creased passenger fares, by A. W. Towsley, vice-pres. and general manager, the Ann Arbor railroad co., Toledo, Ohio. [Lansing? 1914?]. Cover title, 13 p. U. 700 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6563. Transeau, Edgar Nelson. The bogs and bog flora of the Huron river valley . . . By Edgar Nelson Transeau . . . [Chicago] University of Chicago press [1906]. 2 p. 1., 351-375, 418-448, 17-42 p. ("Reprinted from the Botanical gazette 40: 351-375,418-448. 1905, and 41: 17-42. 1906," Nov. 1905-Jan. 1906). G; S; L C; U. Thesis (Ph. D.) — University of Michigan. Bibliography: p. 40-42 at end. 6564. [Trask, Albert]. A brief upon the insurance laws of Michigan. Fire life, accident and marine . . . Saginaw, Mich., F. R. Ganschow & son, print- ers, 1901. 127, [2] p. L C. Copyright by Albert Trask, Saginaw, Mich. 6565. , . Briefs and notes on the statutes and decisions of Michigan, by Albert Trask. Saginaw, Mich., F. R. Ganschow & son, 1900- 1903. 3v. LC;S. V. 3: Seemann & Peters, printers. 6566. , . Index of the Michigan statutes, 1904, by Albert Trask . . . [Saginaw? Mich.] 1904. 301 p. L C; S; U. 6567. , -. — . Notes on Michigan's laws of evidence, by Albert Trask . . . Saginaw, Mich., Seemann & Peters, printers, 1903. 650, xi p. LC. 6568. , . Time, in practice, and index to forms and precedents in the Michigan reports, by Albert Trask . . . [Saginaw, Mich.] Seemann & Peters, printers, 1906. 94 p. L C. 6569. Traverse City. Annual reports of the city of Traverse City . . . 1906-07 to 1914. [Traverse City? 1906-1914.^]. S*. Title from 1908-09 to 1912-13 reads: Annual reports of the city of Traverse City, Michi- gan, fiscal year beginning May 1st . . . to April 30th . . . In 1914: Annual reports of the city of Traverse City, Michigan, for the year beginning January 1st, 1914, to December 31st, 1914. *The State Library has 1906-07 to 1908-09, 1910-11 to 1914. 6570. . Board of education. Announcement and course of study of the public schools of Traverse City, Mich. By order of the board of education. Traverse City, Grand Traverse herald print, 1891. 69 p. (In Catalogues of some of the leading high schools of Michigan, vol. I . . . Columbian exposition, 1893). U. •6571. . . Proceedings of the board of education of the city of Traverse City, Michigan . . . 1912-13 to 1914-15. [Traverse City? 1913?-1915?]. S. Title in 1912-13 reads: Official proceedings of the board of education . . . 6572. . Board of trade. Grand Traverse fruits and agri- culture; Traverse City board of trade. Traverse City, Michigan [1911?]. 23 p. S. 6573. . Charters. Proposed charter of the city of Traverse BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 701 City; statement to the electors in reference to the ])roposed revised charter. [Traverse City, Mich., 1912]. 8 p. G. 6574. . . . . . Charter of the city of Traverse City. Adopted April 10, 1913. [Traverse City, 1913]. 12 p. 1., 74 p. G; "s. p. 66-74 blank. 6575. . City commission. Official proceedings of the City commission of Traverse City, Michigan for the year ending December 31st, 1915. [Traverse CityM916?]. xi, 240 p. S. Also Official proceedings, January 17, 1916. 6576. . Common council. Proceedings of the city council, 1903-1905. Traverse City, Mich., 1903-1905. 2 v. G. 6577. — . . Report of the special water supply committee of the city council of Traverse City, Michigan, including also-the report of the engineers, H. F. Northrup, city engineer, Geo. W. Rafter, con- sulting engineer. Traverse City, Mich., Grand Traverse herald print, 1897. 77 p. G. 6578. . Ladies' library association. Catalogue and consti- tution & by-laws of the Ladies' library association of Traverse City . . . Traverse City, Mich., Traverse Bay eagle steam print, 1875. 19 p. ' LC. ' 6579. . Public library. . . . Annual report of the Traverse City pubhc library . . . [6th (1909-10)]-12th (1914-15). [Traverse City, 1910-1916?]. S*. Previous to the Eighth annual report . . . for the year ending April 30, 1912, the number of the report is not given. *The State Library has [6th]-9th, llth-12th. 6580. The Traverse region, historical and descriptive, with illustrations of scenery and portraits and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers. Chicago, H. R. Page & co., 1884. 5 p. 1., [9]-369 p. LC;S. Includes Grand Traverse, Cheboygan, Emmet, Charlevoix, Leelanau, Antrim,. Benzie, Kalkaska, and Wexford counties. 6581. Travis, Benjamin F. The story of the twenty-fifth Michigan, by B. F. Travis . . . Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo publishing co., 1897. 400 p. LC. 6582. Tread well, S. B. Petition of S. B. Treadwell and others, asking for the creation of a chair of homoeopathy in the university. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 1 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house document no. 9). B; D; G; S; U. 6583. Treat, Loren L. Protest of the Hon. Loren L. Treat, against the passage of the preamble and resolutions ratifying the amendment proposed by congress, abolishing slavery in the United States. [Lansing, John A. Kerr 702 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN & CO., printers to the state, 1865]. 7 p. (Michij^an, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 38). D; G; S; U. 6584. Trimble, George. The lake pilots' handbook; useful knowledge pertaining to the great lakes, and great lakes' piloting, that shotdd be useful to the professional as well as to the beginner. Compiled by Capt. George Trimble. Port Huron, Mich., Riverside printing co., 1907. 230, [2], iv p. G;S. 6585. [Troop, Mrs. Edna Willa (Sullivan)]. Blackbird, a story of Macki- nac Island. By Scota Sorin [pseud.]. Illustrations and decorations by Clyde E. DaiT. [Detroit, Mich., Citator publishing company, cl907]. 3 p. 1., 141, [l]p. LC;S. 6586. Trowbridge, C. A. Petition of C. A. Trowbridge and 345 others, asking for the passage of a law authorizing the business of banking. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1857, senate document no. 2). B; D; G; S; U. 6587. , Charles Christopher. Communication from C. C. Trowbridge on behalf of the Historical society of Michigan. (Michigan, legislature. 1837, senate document no. 29. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 176-177). B; D;G;S;U. 6588. , . Detroit, past and present, in re- lation to its social and physical condition. A paper read before the Historical society of Michigan, by Charles C. Trowbridge, May, 1864. Detroit, printed by O. S. Gulley, 1864. 26 p. B; S. 6589. , . History of the Episcopal church in Michigan, by Hon. C. C. Trowbridge, of Detroit, [no imprint]. 11 p. (Reprinted from the Michigan pioneer and historical collections, v. 3). B. 6590. [ ^ , ]. Tributes to his memory in the church in Michigan. [Detroit? 1883?]. 49 p. B; S. Contents. — Testimonial of the Standing committee of the diocese of Michigan. — From the address of Rt. Rev. Samuel S. Harris, bishop of Michigan, deHvered before the diocesan convention, June 6th, 1883. — A sermon preached in Christ church, Detroit, by the Rev. Chauncey B. Brewster, on the second Sunday after Easter, April 8, A. D. 1883. — Sermon. In memoriam of Charles C. Trowbridge by Rev. Rufus W. Clark, jr., preached in St. Paul's church, Detroit, April 8th, 1883. 6591. The Trowbridge testimonial. Banquet given by the citizens of De- troit to the Hon. Charles C. Trowbridge at the Russell house on the 29th of December, 1882, on his eighty-third birthdav. [no imprint]. 132 p. B;G. 6592. Trowbridge, Luther Stephen. "Michigan troops in the battle of Gettysburg." Michigan at Gettysburg; address of Gen. L. S. Trowbridge. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 703 July 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 1863. June 12th, 1889. Detroit, Winn & Hammond, printers [1889]. Cover title, 12 p. D; L C. 6593. Trowbridge, Mary Elizabeth (Day). History of Baptists in Michi- gan, by M. E. D. Trowbridge . . . Published under the auspices of the Michi- gan Baptist state convention. [Philadelphia?] 1909. 1 p. 1., [v]-x, 338 p. D;LC;S. 6594. , . Pioneer days ; the life-story of Gershom and Elizabeth Day, by M. E. D. Trowbridge, with introduction by Z. Grenell . . . Philadelphia, American Baptist publication society, 1895. 160 p. B;D;LC;S. Rev. Mr. Day went to Michigan in 1836 and served as pastor of Baptist churches in Niles and Sturgis. Considerable space is given to his tours in New England soliciting funds for his churches. In 1849 he crossed the plains to California. 6595. Trowbridge, Rowland E. Michigan contested election. Speech of Hon. Rowland E. Trowbridge, of Michigan, in the house of representatives, February 14, 1866. [Washington, printed at the Congressional globe office, 1866?]. Caption title, 7 p. U. 6596. True, Gordon H. A discussion of farm dairy methods, by Gordon H. True. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1899. [113]-126 p. (Michigart agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 167, January, 1899). MAC;S;U. Also in Thirty-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 204-213. 6597. True, M. A. Official city guide of Grand Rapids, Mich., containing a complete map showing all streets and places of general interest, with bird's eye view of surrounding country . . . Grand Rapids, Mich., M. A. True, 1891. 40 p. S. 6598. Tucker, John Randolph. Oration of Hon. John Randolph Tucker, LL.D. (In Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly. Columbus [1889], v. 2, p. 64-87). L C; S. 6599. , . Oration delivered by Hon. John Randolph Tucker . . . April 7, 1888, at the celebration of the centennial of the founding of the northwest at Marietta, Ohio. Columbus, O., Ohio archaeological and historical society, 1888. Cover title, 1 p. 1., 24 p. L C. 6600. Tucker, Willard Davis. Gratiot county, Michigan. Historical, biographical, statistical. Chronicling the events of the first sixty years of the county's existence as the abode of white men; with county, township, city and village matters fully detailed, and with miscellaneous events of im- portance duly and suitably treated; by one who has been a resident of the cotmty nearly half a century. [By] Willard D. Tucker . . . Saginaw, Mich., press of Seeman & Peters, 1913. 1 p. 1., [5]-1353, [4] p. G; L C; S; U. 6601. Tupper, Wilbur S. Address delivered by Wilbur S. Tupper . . . 704 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN before the commercial class of the university of Michigan, Ann Arbor, No- vember 13th, 1902. Los Angeles, M'Bride press [1902']. 23 p. (Reprinted from Insurance indicator of Detroit). vS. 6602. Turner, Frederick Jackson. Outline studies in the history of the northwest/prepared by Frederick J. Turner . . . Chicago, C. H. Kerr & company. 1888. 12 p. (On cover: National bureau of unitv club leaflets, no. 17). L C. Published for the National I)urcau of unity clubs. References: p. 7-12. 6603. , . The west as a field for historical study, by Frederick J. Turner . . . (In American historical association, annual re- port ... for the year 1896. Washington, 1897, v. 1, p. 279-319). B;G;LC;S; tl. Remarks by Dr. Winsor, Prof. A. C. McLaughlin and Prof. Woodrow Wilson: p. 287-296. "Appendix: Av^ailable material for the study of the institutional history of the old northwest, compiled by Isaac S. Bradley": p. 296-319. 66()4. Turner, Isaac. Statement of Isaac Turner, made and sworn to be- , fore the committee on the public lands, in the house of representatives of the state of Michigan. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 6 p. • (Michigan, legislature, 1855, house doctiment no. 15). B; D; G;S;U. 6605. Turner, Timothy Oilman. Gazetteer of the St. Joseph valley, Michigan and Indiana, with a view of its hydraulics and business capacities. Chicago, Hazlitt & Reed. 1867. 166 p., 1 1. B; L C. 6606. Turtle, Charles Richard. The centennial northwest. An illustrated history of the northwest, being a fvdl and complete civil, political and military history of this great section of the United States, from its earliest settlement to the present time . . . By Prof. Charles R. Tuttle . . . and Rev. A. C. Pen- nock . . . Madison, Wis., The inter-state book company, 1876. 656 p. L C. As used here the term northwest includes the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Tvlichigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. 6607. , , General history of the state of Michigan ; with biographical sketches, portrait engravings, and numerous illustrations. A complete history of the peninsular state from its earliest settlement to the present time. Comp. by Charles Richard Tuttle. Detroit, R. D. S. Tyler & CO., 1873. 2 p. 1., [vii]-xvi, [17J-735, [9] p. B; G; L C; S; U. 6608. , . History of Grand Rapids, with biographi- cal sketches. Grand Rapids, Tuttle & co., 1874. 154 p. D; G. 6609. [Tuttle, Sarah]. Conversations on the Mackinaw and Green Bay Indian missions ... By the author of conversations on the Sandwich Islands mission, Malvina Ashton, Naval chaplain, &c. ... Rev. by the publishing committee. Boston, printed by T. R. Marvin, for the Massachusetts Sabbath school union, 1831. 1 p. 1., [5]-128 p. L C. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 705 6610. Twentieth century club of Detroit. The twentieth century club of Detroit . . . 1907-08 to 1915-16. [Detroit, 1907 ?-1915?]. B*; D*; S*. Ofificers, programs, articles of association, list of members, etc. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1915-16; the main library, Detroit, has 1907-08, 1908-09: the State Library has 1908-09. 6611. . Home and school gardening committee. Annual report, 8th (1911)-9th (1912). [Detroit, 1912?-1913?]. B. 6612. Tyler, Edmund B. Petition of Edmund B. Tyler, contesting the seat of Hon. Elihu B. Pond, for the seventh senate district. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. [3]-15 p., 1 1. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 2). B; D; G; S; U. 6613. An unabridged report of the Straight — Pattengill debate on school book legislation held in Coldwater, Michigan, June 11, 1912. With intro- duction giving reasons for its publication at this time, Feb. 17, 1913. [Battle Creek.-^ Gillett-Farra printing co., 1913?]. Cover title, 39 p. U. 6614. Union League of America. Michigan. Grand council. Abstract of the proceedings of the Grand council of the U. L. A. for the state of Michi- gan. Detroit, 1863. 16 p. B. 6615. : — . . . Proceedings of the state Grand council of the U. L. A. of Michigan, at its special ineeting, held at Detroit, Wednesday, March 2d, 1864. Also, proceedings of executive committee of the state, list of councils, etc. Detroit, 1864. 27 p. ■ B ; S. 6616. Union mission Sunday school of Detroit; its history from its organi- zation to the present time ; reports of the secretary and biographer for the year 1869. Detroit, Tribune book and job office, 1870. 26 p. B; S. 6617. Union publishing co. Business and professional directory of Kent county, Mich., with county, city, village, and township officers, distances, routes, etc., together with complete county map . . . Battle Creek, New York, Chicago, The union publishing co., 1896. 200 p. G. 6618. Union trust company. Advantages of the trust company with especial reference to the Union trust company of Detroit, Michigan. De- troit, Union trust company, 1905. 108 p. B. 6619. . A digest of the Michigan laws governing the descent and distribution of real and personal property. Compliments of Union trust company, Detroit, Mich. [Detroit, Gregory, Mayor & Thom co., 1914]. 16 p. B;LC. 6620. . Twenty-five years of humanities and bene- fits, issued by the Union trust company of Detroit, Michigan, on the twenty- fifth anniversary of its founding. October 19th, 1891. October 19th, 1916. [Detroit, 1916]. 36 p. B;S. 89 706 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6621. . Union trust com])any, Detroit, 1891-1916; descent and distribution. [Detroit, Pohl printin<:j co., cl916]. 24 p. B;LC. Contains Michigan statutes governing descent and distribution. 6622. United Spanish war veterans. 'Dept. of Michigan. Proceedings of the llth-12th annual encampment of the dc|)artment of Michigan, United Spanish war veterans . . . 1914-1915. Lansing, Michigan, Wjmkoop Hal- Icnbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1914-1915. S*; U*. *The State Library has 12th; the U. of M. Library has 11th. 6623. U. S. Board of commissioners of Indian affairs. Report of the board of commissioners, assembled at Michilimackinac, vSeptember, 1836, on the claims of creditors of the Ottawas and Chi]3pewas, presented under the treaty of Washington, concluded with those tribes, March 28th, 1836. Detroit, printed by Geo. L. Whitney, 1837. 66 p. B. 6624. — . — . Bureau of the census. . . . Census of manufactures : 1904. Michigan. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1905. 35 p. (Bulletin 18). LC;U. At head of title: Department of commerce and labor. Bureau of the census. S. N. D. North, Director. Prepared under the supervision of William M. Steuart, chief statistician for manufac- tures, in cooperation with Fred M. Warner, cf. p. 5. 6625. — . — . . . . . Thirteenth census of the United States taken in the year 1910. Abstract of the census. Statistics of popula- tion, agriculture, manufactures, and mining for the United States, the states, and principal cities, with supplement for Michigan containing statistics for the state, counties, cities, and other divisions. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1913. 719 p. LC;S. At head of title: Department of commerce and labor. Bureau of the census. E. Dana Durand, director. 6626. — . — . . . . . Thirteenth census of the United States taken in the year 1910. Statistics for Michigan. Containing statistics of population, agriculture, manufactures, and mining for the state, counties, cities, and other divisions. Reprint of the supplement for Michigan published in connection with the abstract of the census. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1912. Cover title, p. 565-714. L C; S; U. At head of title: Department of commerce and labor. Bureau of the census. E. Dana Durand, director. Running title: Supplement for Michigan. 6627. — . — . . . . . Special census of the population of Hamtramck, Mich., June 25, 1915. Prepared under the supervision of Eugene F. Hartley, of the bureau of the census. Washington, Govt, print. off., 1915. 16 p. L C. At head of title: Department of commerce. Bureau of the census. Sam L. Rogers, director. 6628. — . — . . . . . Special census of the population BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 707 of Hit^^hland Park, Mich., November 15, 1915. Prepared under the super- vision of Emmons K. Ellsworth, of the bureau of the census. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1916. 7 p. L C. At head of title: Department of commerce. Bureau of the census . . . 6629. — . — . . . . . Special census of the population of St. Clair Heights, Mich., November 18, 1915. Prepared under the super- vision of Emmons K. Ellsworth, of the bureau of the census. Washington, Govt, print. oft\, 1916. 4 p. L C. At head of title: Department of commerce. Bureau of the census . . . 6630. — . — . Circuit court. Eastern district of Michigan. The circuit court of the United States, Eastern district of Michigan, in equity, no. 3044. John W. Mackintosh et al. vs. the Flint & Pere Marquette railroad com- pany et al. Record, containing bill, answer, testimony and exhibits. Printed under supervision of Walter S. Harsha, clerk. Detroit, John F. Eby & CO., printers, 1887. 1026 p. B. 6631. — . — . . Western district of Michigan. Southern di, vision in equity. Michigan railroad tax cases; opinion of the court, Wanty- district judge. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dean-Hicks printing co. [1905?]. 40 p. G. 6632. — . — . Circuit and district courts. Dist. of Michigan. Rules and regulations in bankmptcy adopted by the circuit and district courts of the United States for the District of Michigan, February 1, 1842; together with the law establishing a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States. Detroit, Morgan Bates, ptr., 1842. 38 p. B. 5533. — , — , . . . Rules of the circuit and district courts of the United States for the District of Michigan, in cases at law, in equity, admirality, and bankruptcy, with annotations. Adopted September, 1878. Detroit, Richmond, Backus & co., 1878. 226 p. B. 6634. — . — . 4th congress, 1st session. Proceedings of congress, in 1796, on the admission of Tennessee, as a state, into the union, upon a footing with the original states, a case in point, so far as regards our present position, in the state of Michigan. By authority. Detroit, S. M 'Knight, printer to the state, 1835. 15 p. D; G; L C. 6635. — . — . 24th congress, 1st session. An act to establish the northern boundary line of the state of Ohio, and to provide for the admission of the state of Michigan into the union upon the conditions therein expressed. (A4ichigan, legislature, 1835-6, senate document no. 16. In Journal of the senate . . . 1835 and 1836. Detroit, John S. Bagg, printer to the legislature, 1836, p. xxx-xxxi). B; D; G; S; U. 6636. — . — . 34th congress, 1st session. An act making a grant of alter- nate sections of public lands to the state of Michigan to aid in the construc- tion of certain railroads in said state, and for other purposes. [Lansing, Hos- 708 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN mer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1857]. 3 p. (Miehigan, legislature, 1857, house document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 6637. — . — . 45th congress, 3d session. Memorial addresses on the life and character of Alphcus wS. Williams, (a representative from Michigan,) de- livered in the house of representatives and in the senate, forty-fifth congress, 3d sess. . . . Washington, Govt, print, off., 1880. 102 p. B; G; LC;S. Published by order of congress. 6638. — . — . 46th congress, 2d session. Eulogies on the late Hon. Zacha- riah Chandler, delivered in the senate and house of representatives of the United States, on Wednesday, January 28, 1880. Washington, D. C. [Gov't print, off.] 1880. 67 p. B;G;LC. Pub. also, the same year, under title: IMemorial addresses on the life and character of Zachariah Chandler. 6639. — . — . — ■ , . Memorial addresses on the life and character of Zachariah Chandler, (a senator from Michigan) , delivered in the senate and house of representatives, forty-sixth congress, second session, January 28, 1880. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1880. 146 p. B; LC;S;U. 6640. — . — . 50th congress, 1st session. Memorial addresses on the life and character of Seth C. Moffatt, (representative from the eleventh district of Michigan). Delivered in the senate of the United States, on March 15, 1888. Washington, D. C, Rufus H. Darby, printer, 1888. Cover title, 8 p. U. 6641. — : — . , . Memorial addresses on the life and character of Seth C. Moffatt (a representative from Michigan). De- livered in the house of representatives and in the senate, fiftieth congress, first session. Published by order of congress. Washington, Government printing office, 1889. 57 p. U. 6642. — . — . , 2d session. Proceedings in congress upon the acceptance of the statue of Lewis Cass, presented by the state of Michigan. Washington, Government printing office, 1889. 106 p. B; G; S; U. 6643. — . — . 52d congress, 2d session. . . . Memorial addresses on the life and character of Melbourne H. Ford, a representative from Michigan, de- livered in the house of representatives and in the senate, fifty-second con- gress . . . Washington, Govt, print, off., 1893. 47 p. (52d cong., 2d sess., house miscellaneous docimient no. 98). G; L C. Published by order of congress. 6644. — . — . 53d congress, 1st session. Memorial addresses on the life and character of John Logan Chipman, (a representative from Michigan) de- livered in the house of representatives and in the senate, 53d congress, 1st session. Washington, Government printing office, 1895. 72 p. G. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 709 6645. — . — . , 2d session. . . . Memorial addresses on the life and character of Hon. J. Logan Chipman (late a representative from the state of Michigan), in the senate of the United States, Thursday, January 25, 1894. [Washington, 1894]. Caption title, 4 p. S. 6646. — . — . — ; 3d session. . . . Memorial addresses on the life and character of Francis Browne Stockbridge (late a senator from Michi- gan) delivered in the senate and house of representatives, fifty-third congress, third session . . . Washington, Govt, print, off., 1895. 83 p. (53d cong., 3d sess., senate miscellaneous document no. 152). G; L C. "Published by order of congress. " 6647. — . — . 57th congress, 2d session. James McMillan (late a senator from Michigan) . Memorial addresses in the senate and house of representa- tives, fifty-seventh congress, second session. Washington, Gov't printing off., 1903. 146 p. (57th cong., 2d sess., senate document no. 225). B; S. 6648. — . — . 59th congress, 2d session. Russell Alexander Alger (late a senator from Michigan). Memorial addresses, fifty-ninth congress, second session, senate of the United States, February 23, 1907, house of representa- tives, Febniary 24, 1907. Comp. under the direction of the Joint committee on printing. Washington, Gov't printing off., 1907. Ill p. (59th cong., 2d sess., senate document no. 405). B; L C; U. 6649. — . — . 62d congress, 3d session. . . . William W. Wedemeyer (late a representative from Michigan). Memorial addresses delivered in the house of representatives and the senate of the United States, sixty-second congress. Proceedings in the house, Februar}^ 16, 1913. Proceedings in the senate, February 22, 1913. Prepared under the direction of the Joint com- mittee on printing. Washington [Govt, print, off.] 1914. 99 p. (62d cong., 3d sess., house document no. 1483). L C. 6650. — . — . 63d congress, 1st session. . . . Statue of Zachariah Chand- ler erected in statuary hall of the United States capitol by the state of Michi- gan. Proceedings in statuary hall, in the senate, and the house of representa- tives of the United States, upon the unveiling, reception, and acceptance of the statue of Zachariah Chandler, from the state of Michigan. Comp. under the direction of the Joint committee on printing. Washington, Govt, print. off., 1914. 90 p. (63d cong., 1st sess., senate document no. 184). LC;S;U. 6651. — .■ — .Congress. House. Committee of elections. Michigan elec- tion . . . Report [of] the committee of elections, to which was referred the subject of the contested election of delegate from the territory of Michigan. [Washington, 18216]. 10 p. (19th cong., 1st sess., house [document] no. 69). B;S. 6652. — . — . . . Committee on the judiciary. . . . North- em boundary of Ohio, and admission of Michigan into the union. (To ac- 710 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN company bill H. R. no. 383) . . . Report . . . [Washington] Blair & Rives, printers [1836?]. 132 p. (24th cong., 1st sess., house [document] no. 380). B;G;LC;S;U. Includes message of the President communicating to congress a copy of the constitution adopted by the people of Michigan for forming a state government, and other documents connected therewith; and another message from the President transmitting documents relative to the northern boundary of the state of Ohio. 6653. — . — . . . Committee on alterations in judicial es- tablishment in northwest territory. Report of the committee appointed on the 10th December last, to enquire whether any, and what alterations are necessary to be made in the judicial establishment of the territory northwest of the Ohio, and to divide the said territory into two distinct and separate governments. 3d March, 1800. Pub. by order of the House of representa- tives. [Washington? 1800?]. 4 p. B. 6654. — . — . . . Committee on public lands. . . . Mineral lands— sale of. (To accompany bill H. R. no. 409). May 4, 1846 . . . Mr. Relfe, from the committee on public lands, made the following report [con- cerning copper lands of Michigan]. [Washington] Ritchie & Heiss, print. [1846]. Caption title, 51 p. (29th cong., 1st sess., house report no. 591). LC. "The committee avail themselves of a copious extract from the report of Doctor Houghton on the general geology of the upper peninsula of Michigan . . . also, a chemical analysis of ores on the leases of the Lake Superior company, on Eagle River, by Dr. Charles T. Jackson." 6655. — . — . . . Committee on rivers and harbors. St. Mary's Falls canal (H. R. 19366). Hearings before the committee on rivers and harbors of the house of representatives of the United States, sixtieth congress, first session . . . [Mar. 30-31, April 1, 1908]. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1908. iii, 65-286 p. L C. 6656. — . — . . . . St. Mary's river at the falls, Michigan. Statement of Brig. Gen. W. L. Marshall, chief of engineers, U. S. Army, February 4, 1909, on the bills H. R. 19366 ... and H. R. 25411 . . . Washington, Govt, print, off., 1909. 1 p. 1., 351-379 p. L C. Bills to provide for obtaining possession of lands and other property necessary for con- struction, repair, etc. of certain public works at Sault Sainte Marie. 6657. — . — .— — . . . • • ■ St. Alary 's river, Michigan, at the falls. The necessity for government owner- ship and control of the rapids of St. Mary's river, at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Washington, Government printing office, 1909. 32 p. (60th cong., 2d sess., house doctunent no. 13). S. 6658. — . — . . . Committee on affairs in the territory of Michigan. Report of the committee of the house of representatives, to whom was referred the message of the President of the United States, of December 23,. 1805, transmitting a report from the governor and presiding judge of the BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 711 territory of Michigan . . . March 18, 1806 . . . Washington, A. & G. Way, printers, 1806. 56 p. ([9th cong., 1st sess., house] report, March 18, 1806). B; D;LC. To accompany bill relating to land titles, in the districts of Detroit, Vincennes, and Kas- kaskias. Included are letters of Albert Gallatin, secretary of the treasury'; the address of Arthur St. Clair to the Indians, Oct. 3, 1799, letters of Judge Woodward; chronological table of the settlements in the territory, etc., etc. 6659. — . — . — . Senate. Committee on commerce. St. Mary's river and Hay Lake channel, Michigan. Statements before the subcommittee of the committee on commerce. United States senate, consisting of Senators Pahner (chainnan). Sawyer, Dolph, Vest, and Coke, in favor of the bill (S. 1821) proAading for the improvement of St. Mary's river and Hay Lake chan- nel, Michigan. [Washington, 1888]. Caption title, 13 p. S. 6660. — . — . . . Committee on the judiciary. . . . Re- port [on a bill to settle and establish the northern boundary line of the state of Ohio, and a joint resolution on the subject of that line]. [Washington] Gales and Seaton, print [1836]. 53 p. (24th cong., 1st sess., [senate docu- ment] no. 211). B;G;LC;U. 6661. — . — . Deep waterways commission. Report of the United States deep waterways commission; prepared at Detroit, Michigan, December 18- 22, 1896, by the Commissioners James B. Angell, John E. Russell, Lyman E. Cooley. Accoinpanied by the report on technical work . . . January 18, 1897 . . . Washington, 1897. 263 p. (54th cong., 2d sess., house document no. 192). U. 6662. — . — . Dept. of agriculture. . . . Soil survey of the Pontiac area, Michigan, by Henry J. Wilder and W. J. Geib . . . Washington, Government printing office, 1904. 31 p. S. 6663. — . — . Dept. of commerce and labor. Steamboat inspection service. Pilot rules for the great lakes and their connecting and tributary waters. Ed. May 1,1912 . . . Washington, Gov't printing office, 1912. 20 p. G. 6664. — . — . Dept. of labor. . . . Michigan copper district strike. Feb- ruary 7, 1914. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1914. 183 p. (Bulletin of the United States bureau of labor statistics, whole no. 139, conciliation and arbi- tration series, no. 3). B; L C; U. At head of title: U. S. Department of labor. Bureau of labor statistics. Royal Meeker, commissioner. Originally issued under title: Strike in the copper mining district of Michigan. Senate document no. 381, 63d cong., 2d sess. Issued also as House document no. 741, 63d cong., 2d sess. Contents. — Report of the commissioner of labor statistics in regard to the strike, prepared by Walter B. Palmer, with appendixes: 1. Agreement between western federation of miners and Butte & Superior copper co. — II. Organization and properties of the Calumet & Hecla mining co. and subsidiary companies. — III. Capital paid in dividends, and cost of production of Lake Superior mines. — Report of John B. Densmore, solicitor of the dept. of labor, and of John A. Moffitt, immigrant inspector, detailed as commissioners of conciliation on efforts to secure a settlement of the strike. 6665. — . — . . . . . . Strike in the copper inining district of 712 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Michigan. Letter'from the Secretary of labor, transmitting in response to a senate resolution of January 29, 1914, a report in regard to the strike of mine workers in the Michigan copper district which began on July 23, 1913 . . . Washington [Govt, print, off.] 1914. 183 p. (63d cong., 2d sess., senate document no. 381). L C. 6666. — . — . District court. Dist. of Michigan. Abstract showing the number of white inhabitants of the state of Michigan, according to the census of 1840. (Michigan, legislature, 1841, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1841, vol. II, no. 14, p. 9-10). B; D; G; S; U. 6667. — . — . Engineer dept. . . . General and detail drawings of Poe lock, St. Mary's Falls canal, Michigan. Pub. under the direction of Colonel Chas. E. L. B. Davis, corps of engineers, U. S. Army, in 1907-08. Detroit, Mich. [1909?]. 2 p. 1., 19 pi. L C. At head of title: War department. Corps of engineers. 6668. — . • — • . . . . Manistee harbor, Michigan. Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of engineers, reports of examination and survey of Manistee Harbor, Michigan. [Washing- ton, Gov't print, off., 1906]. 12 p. (59th cong., 1st sess., house document no. 511). LC. Includes reports of M. B. Adams together with endorsements by the board of engineers for rivers and harbors. 6669. — . — . . . . . A4essage from the President of the United States, in compliance with a resolution of the senate in relation to the survey to ascertain and designate the boundary-line between the state of Michigan and the territory of Wiskonsin . . . [Washington] Blair & Rives, printers [1841]. 16 p. (26th cong., 2d sess., senate [document] no. 151). B; LC;U. With U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the judiciary . . . Report . . . [Wash- ington, 1836]. Report made by the bureau of topographical engineers. 6670. ■ — . — . . . . . New lock at St. Mary's Falls canal, Michigan. Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of engineers, report containing plan and estimate for new lock . . . [Washington, Govt, print, off., 1906]. 6 p. (59th cong., 2d sess., house docu- ment no. 333). L C. Report by Charles E. L. B. Davis. 6671. ■ — . — . . ... St. Mary's river at the falls, Michigan. Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of engineers, reports on examination and surv^ey of St. Mary's river at the falls, Michigan, with a view to the construction of an additional lock. [Wash- ington, Govt, print, off., 1911]. 16 p. (62d cong., 1st sess., house document no. 64). LC. 6672. — . — . General land office. General instructions to his deputies; BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 713 by the Surveyor general of the United States, for the states of Ohio and Indiana, and the territory of Michigan. Cincinnati, J. H. Wood, printer, 1833. 56 p. L C. 6673. — . — . Lake survey. Annual report upon the survey of northern and northwestern lakes . . . 1860-1875. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1860-1875. B*; G*; S*. Extracts from the Annual report of the chief of engineers to the secretary of war. Report year ends June 30. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1875; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1860, 1871-1875; the State Library has 1874. 6674. — . — . . [Catalogue of charts]. Detroit, Mich., U. S. Lake survey office, 1909. [7] p. L C. At head of title page: War department. Corps of engineers. Survey of northern and northwestern lakes. "Regulations for the sale of lake survey charts" on title page. 6675. — . — . . . . . Lake Huron, St. Clair river. Lake St. Clair, and Detroit river, to supplement the information given upon the charts of the great lakes, and issued with those charts from the ofiQce, U. S. Lake survey, Detroit, Mich. . . . [Washington?] 1902. 46 p. (Bulletin no. 12c). S. 6676. — . — . . . . . Lake Michigan and Green Bay, to sup- plement the information given upon the charts of the great lakes, and issued with those charts from the office, U. S. Lake survey, Detroit, Mich. . . . [Washington?] 1902. 70 p. S. 6677. — . — . National park service. . . . Report on the proposed Sand dunes national park, Indiana, by Stephen T. Mather. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1917. 113 p. — f, C. At head of title: Department of the interior, Franklin K. Lane, secretar3\ National park service, Stephen T. Mather, director. On the advisability of securing all that portion of the counties of Lake, Laporte, and Porter, in the state of Indiana, bordering upon Lake Michigan, and commonly known as the sand dunes, with a view to creating a national park. Appendices: A. Hearing on tl:e sand dunes national park project, held at Chicago, Oct. 30, 1916. — B. Miscellaneous letters, resolutions, and other documents. 6678. — . — . Office of Indian affairs. Circular. [To obtain statistics and material tending to illustrate the history, present condition, and future pros- pects of the Indian tribes of the United States]. [Washington, 1847]. 1 1. LC. Circular letter used in collecting data for Henry R. Schoolcraft's Information respecting the histor}^ condition and prospects of the Indian tribes . . . Ms. note on blank part of folder, signed: H. R. S. 6679. — . — . Postoffice dept. . . . Scheme of city distribution for use in the post office at Detroit, Mich. Corrected to March 15, 1908. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1908. 8 p., 9-65 numb. 1., 67-90 p. L C. At head of title: Post office department. 6680. — . — . . . . . Scheme of city distribution for use in 714 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN the post office at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Cor. to January 1, 1910 . . . Washington, Govt, print, off., 1910. 98 p. L C. 6681. — . — . President. Message from the President of the United States transmitting a report from the governor, and presiding judge of the territory of Michigan, relating to the state of that territory, December 23d, 1805. Washington, A. & G. Way, printers, 1805. 16 p. ■ B. 6682. — . —'. . Message from the President of the United States with documents in relation to the boundary hnc between Ohio and Michigan territory, December 10, 1835. [Washington?] Gales & Scaton, [1836?]. 2 p. 1., 202 p. ' G;S. 6683. — . — . . Message from the President of the United States in relation to the admission of Michigan into the union, December 27, 1836. [no imprint]. 36 p. • — — G. 6684. — . — . . Message [June 24, 1846] from the President of the United States, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the senate information in relation to the removal of the Chippewa Indians from the mineral lands of Lake Superior. [Washington? 1846?]. 3 p. (29th cong., 1st sess., senate [document] no. 403). B. 6685. — . — . . . . . Message from the President of the United States to the two houses of congress, at the commencement of the first session of the thirty-first congress. December 24, 1849. Read, and ordered to be printed, with the accompanying documents. Part III. Washington, printed for the Senate, 1849. 1 p. 1., 371-1215 p. (31st cong., 1st sess., senate execu- tive document no. 1). — — B; L C; vS. Includes Report on the geological and mineralogical survey of the mineral lands of the United States in the state of Michigan, by Charles T. Jackson; also Annual report of the commissioner of Indian afYairs. Issued also as House executive document no. 5, 31st cong., 1st sess. 6686. — . — . Railway mail service. Scheme of Michigan, Cincinnati, Ohio standpoint. August, 1908. Geo. W. Pepper, superintendent ninth di- vision. Approved: Alexander Grant, general superintendent R. M. S. Wash- ington, Govt, print, off., 1908. 125 p. L C. 6687. — . — . Superintendent of Indian affairs for Michigan. Annual re- port of the acting superintendent of Indian affairs for Michigan, made to the bureau of Indian affairs at Washington at the close of the fiscal year, 30th September, 1840, Detroit, A. S. Bagg, printer, 1840. 28 p. B. 6688. — . — . Treasury dept. Letter from the Secretary of the treasury [December 17th, 1818] transmitting a statement of lands sold northwest of the Ohio, the purchase money of which has not been fully paid, and the moneys received for said lands ; also, a description of the paper which has been received, and is still receivable for the same. Washington, printed by E. De Krafift, 1818. 6 p. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 715 6689. • — . — . : . Report of the Secretary of the treasury with annual report from the commissioner of the General land office. [Washington, 1835]. 37 p. G. 6690. — . — . . Surveys of public lands; report to probable cost per mile of sur\'eying township lines in the mineral region of Lake Su- perior ... by the commissioner of the General land office, United States. [Washington?] Blair & Rives, 1844. 4 p. G. 6691. — . — . War dept. . . . Boundary — Ohio and Michigan. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secre- tary of war, on the progress made in astronomical observations, in relation to the northern boundary of the state of Ohio . . . [Washington] Blair & Rives, printers [1835?]. 325 p. (24th cong., 1st sess., house document no. 7). B;LC. With U. S. Congress. Senate. Committee on the judiciary. . . . Report . . . [Wash- ington, 18361. 6692. • — . — . . . . . Letter from the acting Secretary of war, transmitting with a letter from the Chief of engineers, report on preliminary examination of Port Huron harbor, Mich., with a view to constructing some compensatory structure in the St. Clair river fronting the city of Port Huron, that the city of Port Huron may have a depth of water not less than 20 feet from the present dock line out to the thread of the stream. [Washington, 1913]. 7 p. (63d cong., 1st sess., house document no. 221). S. 6693. — . — . . . . . Letter from the vSecretary of war, transmit- ting, (in obedience to a resolution of the house of representatives of the 18th ult.) information in relation to the superintendency of Indian affairs, in the territory of Michigan during the year 1820, and part of the 3^ear 1821 . . . Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1822. 132 p. (17th cong., 1st sess., house executive document no. 60). B; L C. Includes accounts rendered by William Clark, governor, and superintendent (cx-officio) of Indian affairs of Missouri, and of Lewis Cass, governor, and superintendent i,ex-oflficio) of Indian affairs of Michigan. 6694. — . — . . Letter from the Secretary of war [January 23, 1827] transmitting a report of a survey of La Plaisance Bay harbor in the territory of Michigan. Washington, printed by Gales & Seaton, 1827. 10 p. (19th cong., 2d sess., house document no. 142). B. 6695. — . — . . . . . Mineral lands on Lake Superior. Letter from the Secretary of war [June 16, 1846] relative to the mineral lands on Lake Superior, in compliance with a resolution of the house of representatives of the 12th instant. [Washington] Ritchie & Heiss, print. [1846']. 23 p. (29th cong. 1st sess., house document no. 211). B; S. 6696. — . — . . Report of the Secretary of war, relative to a cer- tain fortification for the defence of Detroit. (Michigan, legislature, 1842, 716 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN senate documents. Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1842, no. 12, p. 43). B; D; G; S; U. 6697. — . — . — . Report of the Chief topographical engineer, ac- companying the annual report of the Secretary of war, 1859; appendix E, annual report upon the public works at St. Clair fiats and St. Mary's river. By A. W. Whipple . . . October 1, 1859. [Washington? 1859?]. 23 p. S. 6698. — . — . . . . . Schoolcraft and Allen — expedition to north- west Indians. Letter from the Secretary of war, transmitting a map and re- port of Lieut. Allen and H. B. [read R.] Schoolcraft's visit to the north-west Indians in 1832. [Washington] Gales & Seaton, print. [1834]. Caption title, 68 p. (23d cong., 1st sess., house document no. 323). G; L C. Contains Allen's report only. Schoolcraft's account of the expedition, inchiding his official reports, was pub.. New York, 1834, under title: Narrative of an expedition through the upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake . . . 6699. — . — . . Survey of Grand River below Grand Rapids . . . [Washington, Government printing offiee] 1892. 28 p. G. No title page. 6700. Universalist convention of Michigan. Constitution and by-laws of the Universalist convention of Michigan, together with the laws of the general convention for securing a uniform system of fellowship, government and dis- cipline, and forms of organization for parishes, churches, and associations. Adopted at Manchester, Mich., Jan. 24th and 25th, A. D. 1872. Printed under the direction of the executive board at Lansing, August 12th, 1872. Lansing, W. S. George & co., printers and binders, 1872. 39 p. S. 6701. University of Detroit. Catalogue of officers and students, 1877- 1895. Detroit, 1878-1895. - — D. 6702. . University of Detroit magazine; the tamarack 1897-1917. [Detroit], 1897-1917. B*; G*; S*. 1897 is V. 1. *The Burton Historical Collection has June and December, 1897; January, 1898; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 191,5-1917; the State Library has 1917. 6703. . . . . Prospectus of the college of arts and sciences, 1912-13 to 1914-15. Detroit, 1912-1914. — D; S*. *The State Library has 1913-14. 6704. . Law school. . . . Bulletin ; published month- ly from Feb. to June, by the university of Detroit, v. 1-4. Detroit, Mich. [1914-1917]. S*. *The State Library has v. 1, no. 2 and 3; v. 2, no. 2 and 3; v. 3, no. 2; v. 4, no. 3. 6705. The university; a bi-monthly, university of Michigan, V. 1-2. [Ann Arbor] 1879-1880. — B*; U. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 1, no. 2-13. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 717 6706. The university castalia, v. 2-5. Ann Arbor, the independents, 1867- 1870. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 2, no. 2; v. 3, no. 3; v. 4, no. 4; v. 5, no. 5. 6707. University chronicle, v. 1-3. Ann Arbor, 1867-1869. D; U. 6708. The university homoeopathic observer ... v. 1-15. Lancaster, Pa. and Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1899-1915. S*; U*. Title varies: v. 1. Phials, published annually by the junior class of the homoeopathic dept. of the University of Michigan. Phials, continued as a number of The university homoeopathic observer through v. 7, 1909. *The State Library has v. 3, no. 1-4; v. 4, no. 3-4; v. 5, no. 1, 3-4; v. 6, no. 1, 3-4; v. 7, no. 1-4; v. 8, no. 1-4; v. 9, no. 1, 3; the U. of M. Library has v. 1, no. 1-3; v. 8; v. 9, no. 1-4; v. 10, no. 1-3; v. 11, no. 1-4; v. 14, no. 1-3; v. 15, no. 1-4. 6709. University of Michigan athletic annual, 1914-15. an authoritative handbook of athletic statistics . . . Ann Arbor, Mich. [Ann Arbor press, 1914]. 1 V. U. 6710. University of Michigan bulletin of infomiation addressed to the legislature of 1913 and to the people of Michigan. Ann Arbor, the university, 1913. 23 p. (University bulletin, new series, v. 14, no. 11, February, 1913). B. 6711. University of Michigan bulletin of infomiation addressed to the legislature of 1915 and to the people of Michigan. Ann Arbor, the university, 1915. 31 p. (University bulletin, new series, v. 16, no. 31, March, 1915). B;U. 6712. University of Michigan club of Detroit. By-laws of the Un versify of Michigan club of Detroit; adopted June 10, 1911. [Detroit Wm. Graham ptg. CO., n. d.]. 7 p. B. 6713. University of Michigan club of New York. University of Michigan club. New York City, 1909-1914. [Brooklyn, New York, Eagle press] 1909- 1914. U*. *The U. of M. Library has 1909, 1913, 1914. 6714. The University of Michigan gothamite, v. 1-7. New York, 1909- 1916. U*. *The U. of M. Library has v. 1, no. 1-10; v. 2, no. 1-6, 7, 9; v. 3, no. 1-4, 6-9; v. 4, no. 1-9; V. 5, no. 1-6, 8; v. 6, no. 1, 3-5, 7-9; v. 7, no. 3, 4, 10. 6715. University of Michigan news-letter, v. [1]-13. Ann Arbor, 1898- 1911. S*; U. *The State Library has no. 1, 2, 4-8, 12-16, 19-50, 52-58, 60-73, 75-83, 87-94, 96-101, 103-108, 110, 111, 113-159; 161-185, 187-258. 6716. . . . The university palladium, pub. annually by the secret societies, V. 2-38. Ann Arbor [etc.] 1860-1896. B*; D*; G*; S*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has v. 8-14, 17-20, 22, 24, 31, ^3, 34, 37; theXmian librarv, Detroit, has v. 2-4, 7-16, 18, 21-26, 28-38; the Grand Rapids Public Library has v. 11, no. 1; V. 13, no. 1; v. 33-34, 37; the State Library has v. 17; v. 18, no. 1; v. 19, no. 1; v. 22, no. 1; the U. of M. Library has v. 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 19-21, 24, 26-30, 32-38. 718 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6717. The university question; nature of its government, status of the regents and faculty, disorganizing course of the regents, [n. p., 1864?]. 8 p. — — S. 6718. The university record, v. 1 (April, 1891)-v. 4 (February, 1895). [Ann Arbor] University of AIichigan[ 189 1-1895]. 4 v. D*;LC*;S;U. " Issued four times a year by a committee of the University senate, acting under authority of the Board of regents. " No more published. *The main Hbrarv, Detroit, has v. 1-3; the Library of Congress has v. 1; v. 2, no. 1-2; V. 3-4. 6719. University school of music. [Announcement, 1907-08 to 1913-14]. [Ann Arbor, Mich., 1907-1914]. B*; S*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has Special fall announcement, 1913; the State Li- brary has following announcements: Fall, 1909-10 to 1912; Winter, 1909-10, 1912, 19LS: Summer session, 1010, 1913-1914; Historical piano and violin sonata recitals, 1910-11; the U. of M._ Library has following: Fall, 1907-08 to 1909-10; Special, 1913; Winter, 1907-08 and 1909-10; Summer, 1907-08 and 1909-10; Historical piano and violin sonata recitals, 1910-11; Dept. of piano and organ tuning, 1908-09. 6720. — . Calendar . . . 1893-94 to 1912-13. Published by the University musical society. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1894-1913. B*;S*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1893-94 to 1901-02; the State Library has 1904-05, 1908-09 to 1912-13. 672 1 . . Personal sketches of members of the faculty of the Universit}^ school of music, illustrated. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1898. Cover title, 20 p. B; S. 6722. [Upper peninsula development bureau]. Dairying in the upper peninstila of Michigan . . . [Chicago, Poole bros., n. d.]. [13] p. S. 6723. [ ]. Diversified farming in the upper peninsida of Michigan. [Chicago, Poole bros., n. d.]. [13] p. S. 6724. — . Homes and farms in the upper peninsula of Michigan. [Chicago, Poole bros., 1911 ?]. 60 p. S. 6725. [ — ■ ]. Home sweet home. [Chi- cago, Poole bros., n. d.] [13] p. S. 6726. . Manufactures and water- power . . . [Chicago, Poole bros., n. d.] [13] p. • S. 6727. [ ]. Seven million fertile acres in the upper peninsula of Michigan. [Chicago, Poole bros., cl911]. Cover title, 60 p. B; LC;S. 6728. [ ]. Upper peninsula of Michi- gan fruit. [Chicago, Poole bros., n. d.]. Cover title, [10] p. S. 6729. Upper peninsula educational association. Bureau of research. Re- port of the Bureau of research, 1914. Marquette, Michigan, Mining journal [1914]. 41 p. G. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 719 6730. . Library section. . . . Program [Houghton' 1911]. [4] p. S. 6731. Utley, Henry Munson. The class of sixty-one, university of Michi- gan and something about what "the boys" have been doing during forty years from 1861 to 1901; comp. by Henry M. Utley and Byron M. Cutcheon . . . [Detroit, J. Bornman & son] 1902. 277, [21] p. B; D; G; S; U. 6732. , — . The fur trade in the early development of the northwest, by Henry M. Utley. (In American historical magazine. New York, 1906, V. 1^ p. 45-51). L C; S. 6733. , . Michigan as a province, territory and state, the twenty-sixth member of the federal union, by Henry M. Utley, Byron M. Cutcheon; advisory editor, Clarence M. Burton . . . [New York] The publishing society of Michigan, 1906. 4 v. B;D;G;LC;S;U. Contents.— V. 1. Michigan as a province, from its discovery and settlement by the French to its final surrender to the United States, by H. M. Utley. — v. 2. Michigan as a territory, from its incorporation as part of the northwest territory to its organization as a state, by B. M. Cutcheon. — v. 3. Michigan as a state, from its admission to the union to the close of the civil war, by B. M. Cutcheon. — v. 4. Michigan as a state, from the close of the civil war to the end of the nineteenth century, by H. M. Utley. 6734. Van Buren, Anson DePuy. Michigan in her pioneer politics; Michi- gan in our national politics, and Michigan in the presidential campaign of 1856. By A. D. P. Van Buren. [no imprint]. [238]-295 p. (Reprint from Michigan pioneer and historical collections, vol. XVII). B; U. 6735. Van Buren county. Citizens. Proceedings of a meeting held at Paw Paw, Van Buren county [on January 20, 1844, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of petitioning the legislature for a revision of the act to provide for the assessment and collection of taxes, and also for an additional appropriation for the extension or completion of the central rail- road, and for the improvement of Paw Paw river]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1844]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1844, house docu- ment no. 25). B;D;G;S;U. 6736. [Vanderpoel, Aaron] . [Speech on the bill to admit the state of Michi- gan into the union; delivered in the house of representatives of the United States, January 24, 1837]. [Washington? 1837?]. 7 p. B; G; U. No title page. 6737. [Van Dyke, James Adams]. Argument in the railroad conspiracy case; entitled the People of Michigan vs. Abel F. Fitch and others. Tried before His Honor, Warner Wing, presiding judge, of the circuit court for the county of Wayne, at the May term, 1851, in the city of Detroit. Detroit, Duncklee, Wales & co., 1851. 132 p. B. 6738. , . Meinorial of James A. Van Dyke, asking the legislature not to condemn the franchise of the Michigan central railroad company. [Lansing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 6 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1855, senate document no. 3). B; D; G; S; U. 720 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6739. Van Fleet, James Alvin. Old and new Mackinac; with copious ex- tracts from Marquette, Hennepin, La Houtan [La Hontan], Cadillac, Alex- ander Henry, and others . . . By Rev. J. A. Van Fleet, M. A. Ann Arbor, Mich., Courier steam printing house, 1870. 176 p. G; S; U. 6740. ■• , . Ibid. 2d cd. Cincinnati, printed at the Western Methodist book concern, 1874. 173 p. B; L C; S. Bibliography in preface. 6741. , . Ibid. 3d ed. Grand Rapids, Mich., printed at "The Lever" book and job office, 1880. 173, [1] p., 1 1. B;LC. 6742. — , . Summer resorts of the Mackinaw region, and adjacent localities. [Detroit, Mich.] Lever print, 1882. 49 p. B;G; LC. 6743. Van Hise, Charles Richard. . . . The geology of the Lake Superior region, by Charles Richard Van Hise and Charles Kenneth Leith. Wash- ington, Government printing office, 1911. 641 p. (U. S. Geological survey, monographs vol. LII). L C; S. Bibliography': p. 73-84. "Physical geography of the Lake Superior region by Lawrence Martin": p. 85-117. "The Pleistocene, by Lawrence Martin": p. 427-459. 6744. , . . . . Preliminary report on the Mar- quette iron -bearing district of Michigan, by Charles Richard Van Hise and William Shirley Bayley, with a chapter on the Republic trough, by Henry Lloyd Smith [Smyth] . . . Washington, Govt, print, off., 1895. Cover title, 477-650 p. L C. Extract from the 15th Annual report of the U. S. Geological survey, 1893-94. Complete report issued as monograph of the U. S. Geological survey, vol. XXV'III. 6745. , . . . . The Marquette iron-bearing dis- trict of Michigan, with atlas, by Charles Richard Van Hise and William Shir- ley Bayley, including a chapter on the Republic trough, by Henry Lloyd Smyth. Washington, Govt, print, off., 1897. ■ xxvii, 608, viii p., 1 1. (U. S. geological siu"vey, monographs, vol. XXVIII). B; L C. Atlas has imprint date, 1896. "Geological explorations and literature": p. 5-148. 6746. [ , ]. . . . Menominee special folio, Michi- gan, [by Charles Richard Van Hise and William Shirley Bayley] . . . Wash- ington, D. C, U. S. Geological survey, 1900. Cover title, 13 p. (U. S. Geological siurvey, geologic atlas of the United States no. 62). L C. Maps cover an irregular area about 20 miles long. Scale 1: 62,500; contour interval 20 ft. 6747. The Van Leuven Browne national magazine, October 1912-June, 1917. Detroit, 1912-1917. B*; S*; U*. "Published monthly and devoted to the educational, social, moral and physical settle- ment of all crippled children of mental power. " BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 721 *The Burton Historical Collection has Oct., Dec. 1912; 1913; April-Nov. 1914; March- Mav, 1916; the State Library has Nov. -Dec. 1915; Feb.-Nov. 1916; Januar}^ and June, 1917; the'U. of M. Library has March-May, 1916. ■ 6748. Van Raalte, A. C. De toestand der Hollandsche kolonisatie in den staat Michigan, Noord-Amerika, in het begin van het jaar 1849, medegedeeld in drie brieven van de Weleerw. heeren A. C. Van Raalte, C. Van der Meulen, ^n S. Bolks aan C. G. De Moen, waar achter volgt een brief van den Weleerw. heer G. Baay uit Alto, staat Wisconsin, aan zijne vrienden in Nederland. Amsterdam, Hoogkamer & co., 1849. 60 p. G. 6749. Van Schleven, Gerrit. "Centennial." Historical sketch of Holland city and colony. Delivered July 4th, 1876 . . . Holland, Mich. [1876]. 8 1. LC. Newspaper clippings. 6750. Vamum, James Mitchell. An oration, delivered at Marietta [Ohio] July 4, 1788, by James M. Varnum . . . the speech of His Excellency Arthur St. Clair . . . upon the proclamation of the commission appointing him governor of said territory; and the proceedings of the inhabitants of the city of Marietta. Newport (Rhode-Island) Peter Edes, 1788. 14 p. L C. Autograph letter of Varnum inserted. "Published by order of the directors and agents of the Ohio company." 6751. Vattemare, Alexander. [Letters to the secretary of state relative to receipt and distribution of books, documents, etc.]. [Detroit, Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1847]. 4 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1847, house document no. 17). B; D; G; S; U. 6752. Vaughan, Henry Frieze. Observations on typhoid fever in Detroit, by Henry F. Vaughan . . . [St. Louis, C. V. A4osby company, 1916]. 46 p. (Reprint from the Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, vol. I. no. 6). LC. Thesis (D. P. H.)— University of Michigan, 1916. "This dissertation was published as a paper in the March, 1916, number of the Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine, with the names of Henry F. Vaughan and W. Frank Walker . . . as joint authors. " 6753. Vaughan, Victor Clarence. . . •. Healthy homes and foods for the working classes, by Victor C. Vaughan . . . Concord, N. H., Republican press association, 1886. 62 p. G. At head of title: American public health association. Lomb prize essay. 6754. , . Mouth conditions and their relations to public health, by Victor C. Vaughan, M. D., Ann Arbor, Mich., president American medical association. (In The dental summary; a journal of practi- cal dentistry . . . Published by the Ransom & Randolph co. Toledo, Ohio, vol. XXXV, no. 3, p. 246-249). U. 6755. Vermont. Governor. [Communication enclosing copy of a resolu- tion relative to extending the franking privilege to the governors of the several states]. (Michigan, legislature, 1838, house documents. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1838, no. 32, p. 334). B; D; G; S; U. 91 722 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6756. . . [Communication transmitting] resolutions of the state of Vermont relative to slavery, &c. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, senate document no. 22. In Journal of the senate ... in the year 1837. Detroit. John vS. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 168). B; D; G; S; U. 6757. Versteeg, Dingeman. De Pelgrim-vaders van het westen. Eene geschiedenis van de worstelingen der Hollandsche nederzettingen in Michigan, benevens eene schets van de stichting der kolonie Pella in Iowa. Grand llapids, Alich., C. M. Loomis & co., 1886. 209, [2] p. L C. 6758. Verwyst, Chrysostom. Life and labors of Rt. Rev. Frederic Baraga, first Bishop of Alarquette, Mich.; to which arc added short sketches of the lives and labors of other Indian missionaries of the northwest. By P. Chry- sostomus Verwyst . . . Milwaukee, Wis., M. H. Wiltzius & co., 1900. xv, 476 p. B;LC;S. 6759. , . Missionary labors of fathers Marquette, Menard and Allouez, in the Lake Superior region. By Rev. Chrysostom Verwyst, O. S. F. . . . Milwaukee, Chicago, Hoffman brothers, 1886. vii, [9]-262p. B; G; L C; S. 6760. Very funny, not too funny; just funny enough. A careful selection of the freshest and best sketches of the Detroit free press man, the Burlington hawkeye man, the Norristown herald man, the Galveston news man, and other well known funny men. New York, F. Harrison & co. [cl880]. 64 p. L C. 6761. The veteran publishing company. The veteran, devoted to the interests of the "boys of '61 to '65, " the Grand army of the republic, the Union prisoners of war association, the Woman's relief corps, and the Sons of veterans, vol. II. Lansing, Michigan, 1884-1885. S*. Title of nos. 30, 35 and 42 reads: The veteran, devoted to the interests of ex-soldiers, sailors, and their heirs . . . Published by the Veteran pub. co., Detroit, Mich., 1885. *The State Library has vol. II, no. 1-30, 35, 42. 6762. Veterans of the war with Mexico. Michigan association. Proceed- ings of the 5th-6th annual meeting of the Michigan association of veterans of the war with Mexico . . . 1878-1879. Grand Rapids, Daily Democrat print, 1879. B;S*. Imprint in 1878: Ludington, Record book and job printing house. *The State Library has the 5th, 1878. 6763. Vicksburg. Ladies' library. Catalogue of books in the Ladies, library, Vicksburg, Mich. [Vicksburg, Mich., The monitor, 188-?]. Caption title, 7, [1] p. L C. 6764. [Viger, H. A.]. Quelques notes sur Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, [no imprint]. 25 p. B. 6765. Vigneau, Joseph J. Souvenir program, bi-centenary of the found- ing of Detroit, July 24, 25, 26, 1901. Comp. by Jos. J. Vigneau. Detroit, Morrison printing CO. [1901?]. not paged. B. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 723 6766. The village of Wyandotte; its present and prospective advantages, [no imprint]. Caption title, 8 p. B. 6767. Visit of the American institute of mining engineers to the Lake Superior copper mines, July 12th and 13th, 1897. [Houghton, The mining gazette, 1897]. 12 p. B. 6768. Vivian, John. Remomstrance of John Vivian and 81 others, citizens of Keweenaw county, against the organization of new townships in said county. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 14). D; G; S; U. 6769. [Vliet, Mrs. Mina Alice (Wilde)]. History of the early life and business interests of the village and township of Leslie, Ingham county, Michigan. Pub. under the auspices of the Elijah Grout chapter. Daughters of the American revolution. [Battle Creek, Mich., Ellis publishing company, printers] 1914. 120 p., 1 1. G; L C. "Comp. and arranged by Mrs. Mina A. Vliet. " "Early settlers": p. [17J-61. 6770. Volney, Constantin Francois Chasseboeuf, comte de. View of the climate and soil of the United States of America : to which are annexed some accounts of Florida, the French colony on the Scioto, certain Canadian colonies, and the savages or natives: tr. from the French of C. F. Volney . . . London, J. Johnson, 1804. xxiv, [iii]-vi, 503, [1] p. L C. 6771. , , . A view of the soil and climate of the United States of America: with supplementary re- marks upon Florida; on the French colonies on the Mississippi and Ohio, and in Canada; and on the aboriginal tribes of America, by C. F. Volney . . . Tr., with occasional remarks, by C. B. Brown. With maps and plates. Phila- delphia, pub. by J. Conrad & co. ; Baltimore, M. & J. Conrad & co. ; [etc., etc.]. [Philadelphia] printed by T. & G. Palmer, 1804. xxviii, 446 p. L C. .Supplement (p. [265J-439) contains: On the winds of Norway and Sweden. — On Florida and the work of Bernard Romans. — On Belknap's History of New Hampshire, and Wil- liam's History of Vermont. — On Gallipolis, or the Scioto colony. — On the French colonies on the Wabash, &c. — On the Indians of North America. — Vocabulary of the Miami lan- guage. 6772. "W. H. T." In memoriam, Mrs. Sophia Truax Slocum, 1818-1912. [Detroit? 1912?]. [10] p. S; U. 6773. Wadsworth, Marshman Edward. On the relation of the " Keweena- wan series" to the eastern sandstone in the vicinity of Torch Lake, Michigan, by M. E. Wadsworth. (In Boston society of natural history, proceedings. Boston, 1884-1888, vol. XXVII, 1886, p. 172-180). L C; S. 6774. , . . . . The origin and mode of oc- currence of the Lake Superior copper-deposits, by Dr. M. E. Wadsworth . . . Lake Superior meeting, July 1897. [n. p., 1897?]. Caption title, 28 p. LC. "Transactions of the American institute of mining engineers." 724 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6775. , . A ])a]:>er on the Michigan mining school; prepared by Director M. E. Wadsworth, Houghton, and read before the State teachers' association at Lansing, Dec. 27, 1893. Lansing, R. Smith & CO., state printers and binders, 1894. 14 p. L C; U. 6776. , . . . . The south trap range of the Keweenawan series, by M. E. Wadsworth. [New Haven, J. D. & E. S. Dana, 1891]. cover title, [417J-419 p. (From American journal of science, vol. xlii, November, 1891). L C. 6777. Wagner, Franklin. The Michigan university song book; comp. and ed. by Franklin Wagner . . . New York city, Hinds, Noble & Eldredge [cl904]. 4p. 1., 114p. D;G;LC;U. 6778. Wagner & co. Michigan on the gridiron, 1904. Ann Arbor, Wagner & CO. [1904]. 67 p. L C. Issued by Wagner & co., tailors, Ann Arbor, jNIich. Advertising matter interspersed. 6779. Waid, Clarence William. . . . Hints on home gardening, by C. W. Waid . . . [East Lansing] 1916. 8 p. (Michigan agricultural college, exten- sion-division, club bulletin no. 8, April, 1916). ■ M A C; S. 6780. , . . . . The home vegetable garden, by C. W. Waid. [East Lansing]. Michigan agricultural college, extension division, 1916. 35 p. (Michigan agricultural college, extension division, bulletin no. 4, May, 1916). B; M A C; S. 6781. • , . . . . Potato growing, by C. W. Waid . . . [East Lansing] 1915. [8] p. (Michigan agricultural college, extension divi- sion, club bulletin no. 2, May, 1915). M A C; S. 6782. , . . . . Standardization and group classifica- tion of potato varieties for Michigan, by C. W. Waid. [East Lansing] Michi- gan agricultural college, extension division, 1916. 15 p. (IMichigan agricul- tural college, extension division, bulletin no. 5, April, 1916). B; M A C; S. 6783. , . . . . Suggestions for growing potatoes, by C. W. Waid . . . [East Lansing] Michigan agricultural college, extension di- vision, 1917. 6 p. (Michigan agricultural college, extension division, bulle- tin no. 7, April, 1917). M A C; S. 6784. Waldo, Dwight Bryant. A sketch of the origin, establishment, and workings of the national banking systein, with special reference to issues, by Professor D. B. Waldo. (In Michigan political science association, publica- tions. Ann Arbor, 1893, v. 1, no. 1, p. [23]-39). B; G; L C; S; U. 6785. Walker, Adam. A journal of two campaigns of the fourth regiment of U. S. Infantry, in the Michigan and Indiana territories, under the command of Col. John P. Boyd, and Lt. Col. James Miller during the years 1811 and 12. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 725 By Adam Walker, late a soldier of the 4th regiment. Keene, N. H., printed at the Sentinel press, by the author, 1816. 143 p. B; G. 6786. Walker, Bryant. An illustrated eatalogue of the mollusca of Michi- gan, by Bryant Walker. Part 1. Terrestrial pulmonata. (Land snails). Pub. by the state board of geological surv^ey, as a part of the report for 1905, and as a contribution to the biological survey of the state, authorized by act 250, session 1905. (In Report of the State board of geological survey of Michigan for the year 1905 . . . Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford co., state printers, 1906, p. [427J-531). B; L C; S; U. 6787. Walker, Charles Irish. The north-west during the revolution. An- nual address before the State historical society of Wisconsin, Tuesday even- ing, January 31, 1871, by Hon. Charles L Walker . . . Pub. by order of the legislature. Madison, Wis., Atwood and Culver, state printers, 1871. 46 p. B; D; L C. This region had been annexed to the province of Quebec in 1774. 6788. , . Ibid. Madison, Atwood & Culver, 1871. 46 p. (Wisconsin, , state historical society, annual address. 1871). • LC;S. 6789. Walker, E. C. Opening lecture before the Young men's Christian association of Detroit, delivered January 30, 1853 . . . by E. C. Walker . . . Detroit, Duncklee & Wales, book and job print, 1853. 24 p. B;S. 6790. Walker, James B. Experiences of pioneer life in the early settle- ments and cities of the west, by James B. Walker. Chicago, Sumner & co., 1881. 310 p. B. 6791. Walker, [James B.]. Remarks of Senators Walker, McCurdy, Davis and Crawford, on the announcement of the death of Hon. Edward Everett. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate document no. 1). B; D; G; S; U. 6792. Walker, Judson Elliott. Campaigns of General Custer in the north- west, and the final surrender of Sitting Bull, by Judson Elliott Walker. New York, Jenkins & Thomas, 1881. 139 p. G. 6793. Walker, Timothy. Two letters addressed to General William Hull on his conduct as a soldier, in the surrender of Fort Detroit, to General Brock, without resistance, in the commencement of the late war with Great Britain. By Timothy Walker, of Hopkinton, Mass. Boston, printed for T. Walker, 1821. 12 p. L C. 6794. The Walloon Lake association. Picturesque Walloon. Published by the Walloon Lake association. Walloon Lake, A4ich. [Grand Rapids, engraved and printed by the Dean-Hicks co. cl911]. 56 p. B; S. 6795. Walter, Frank Keller. . . . The care of school libraries and some helps which are available, by Frank K. Walter, New York state library school. 726 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Printed by permission of the author. [Lansinj^? Mich.] 1911. 6 p. LC;U. At head of title: Michigan. State board of library commissioners. Read at the annual meeting of the library section of the New York state teachers' asso- ciation. Rochester, December 28, 1910. Pub. also in New York libraries, July 1911. 6796. Ward, David. The autobiography of David Ward. New York, privately printed, 1912. 4 p. 1., 194 p. D; L C; vS. 6797. [Ward, E. B.]. . . . Protection vs. free trade, national wealth vs. national poverty. To the farmers, mechanics, laborers, and all voters of the western and north-western states. [Detroit? 1865?]. Caption title, 8 p. U. 6798. , — . — . Reasons why the northwest should have a protective tariff and why the Republican party is the safest party to trust with the gov- ernment . . . [Detroit, I860]. 8 p. U. 6799. Ward, Henry B. . . . A biological examination of Lake Michigan in the Traverse Bay region, by Henr}^ B. Ward . . . Lansing, Robert Smith & CO., state printers and binders, 1896. 99, [3] p. (Bulletin of the Michigan fish commission no. 6). S. 6800. Ware, W. H. The centennial history of Cheboygan county and vil- lage. Organization of the cotinty, townships, and village, early history, settle- ments, improvements, present business, valuble statistical tables, advertis- ments. Supplement, descriptive of Mackinac Island . . . By Rev. W. H. Ware. Cheboygan, Mich., Northern tribune print, 1876. 106 p. C;LS. 6801. Warfield, Lewis. Facts concerning the proposed elevated terminal railroad, by Lewis Warfield, transportation engineer, consulting engineer [December 19th, 1898]. [no imprint]. [6] p. B. 6802. [Warner, Charles F.]. Picturesque Detroit and environs . . . Northampton, Mass., Picturesque publishing co. [1893]. 148, [3] p. LC. 6803. [ , .]. Ibid. 1,000 illustrations. Northampton, Mass., Picturesque publishing company [cl893]. 160, [3] p. S. 6804. [Warner, Fred Maltby]. Nomination of candidates by direct vote, a comparison of the primary election laws of the various states. [Lansing? 1904?]. [6] p. S. 6805. Warriner, Eugene Clarence. The all-day trades school. E. C. Warriner, superintendent of schools, Saginaw, Mich. [Vocational education, D]. (In National education association of the United States, joirmal of pro- ceedings and addresses . . . 1915. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1915, p. 313-319). LC;S. 6806. , . Industrial and vocational training in BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 727 the public schools. Prepared by Supt. E. C. Warriner, Saginaw, E. S., and published by the State superintendent of public instruction. [Lansing] 1909. 10 p. (Michigan, dept. of public instruction, bulletin no. 2, 1909). LC;S. "Read before joint meeting of Michigan school superintendents and Ijoards cf education, Lansing, April 23, 1909." 6807. Warthin, Aldred Scott. The organization of a state anti-tubercu- losis association, by Aldred Scott Warthin. [Ann Arbor, 1908?]. Cover title, 7 p. (Reprinted from the Journal of the Michigan state medical society, March, 1908). U. 6808. , . The Peter White gift of the medical li- brary [of the University of Michigan, by] Aldred Scott Warthin . . . [Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor press, 1916]. Cover title, 9 p. U. 6809. [Washburn, William S.]. Detroit. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott CO., 1889. 4 p. ' L C. Appears as article "Detroit" in Chamber's encyclopaedia. 6810. Washtenaw county. Bar association. Proceedings at the banquet given by the bar association of Washtenaw county at Ann Arbor, Michigan, on the evening of September 28, 1894. At Cook's hotel in honor of Hon. Alpheus Felch upon the anniversary of his ninetieth birthday. [Ann Arbor, Mich., The courier office, printers and binders, n. d.]. 41 p. — ■ — G; S; U. 6811. ■ — . Board of supervisors. Proceedings of the board of supervisors of the county of Washtenaw . . . 1872-1909. Ann Arbor, 1872-[1909?]. S*; U*. Place of publication varies: Ann Arbor, Chelsea, Ypsilanti. • *The State Library has 1883-1896; the U. of M. Library has 1872, 1875-1878, 1880, 1884, 1885, 1887, 1888, 1891-1893, 1896-1898, 1906, 1909. 6812. . Commissioner of schools. Manual of the public schools of Washtenaw co., Michigan, for the year 1898-1899. Pub- lished by William N. Lister, commissioner of schools. [Ann Arbor, The inland press, printers n. d.]. 59 p. U. 6813. . Teachers' institute. A catalogue of the Wash- tenaw county teachers' institute. First term. Held at the court house in the village of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, on Monday, the 22d day of March, 1847, and four succeeding days . . . Detroit, Bagg & Hannon, printers, 1847. 12 p. B. 6814. Waterman, George A. Hog cholera, by Geo. A. Waterman. Agri- cultural college, Michigan, 1898. [321]-328 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 157, May, 1898). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirty-seventh annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 492-497. 6815. Water-way tales; the magazine of the great lakes. Compliments of Detroit & Cleveland navigation co., Detroit, Mich. . . . [Detroit?] Adver- tising department, D. & C. coast line to Mackinac [el 909]. 152 p. L C. 728 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6816. Ibid. Detroit, Alich., Advertising department, Detroit & Cleve- land navigation co. [cl910]. 155 p. D; L C. 6817. Waterways convention. The Sault Stc. Marie canal and Hay Lake channel. Official report of the proceedings of the Waterways convention held at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, July 20th, 1887. Published by order of the convention under the direction of the permanent secretary. Duluth [Minn.] Daily news print, 1887. 46 p., 1 1. B; L C; S. Slip inserted after p. 44. fold, slip after p. 46. 6818. Watkins, L. Whitney. Michigan birds that nest in open meadows, by L. Whitney Watkins, Manchester . . . [no imprint]. [66]-75 p. (Re- printed from the First report of the Michigan academy of science). S. 6819. Way, Willard V. The facts and historical events of the Toledo war of 1835, as connected with the first session of the court of common pleas of Lucas county, Ohio. By W. V. Way . . . Toledo, Daily commercial book and job printing house, 1869. iv, [5]-52 p. B; G; L C; S; U. 6820. Wayne county. Board of county auditors. Report of the board of county auditors . . . 1865-1871. Detroit, 1866-1872. B*. *T^e Burton Historical Collection has 1865, 1866, 1871. 6821. . Board of county road commissioners. . . . An- nual report of the board of coimty road commissioners of Wayne county to County board of supervisors of Wayne county . . . 1909-10 to 1915-16. De- troit [1910 ?-1916?]. B;S*. Year ends September 30. *The State Library has the 5th. 6822. . Board of supervisors. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the board of supervisors . . . 1862-1915. Detroit, 1862-[1915]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1862-1913, 1915. 6823. • . ^ . Proceedings of the special meeting . . : 1887-1915. Detroit, 1887-[1915]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has February, 1887; May, 1889; March, 1891; Jan- uary, 1892; November, 1894; March, 1895; 1897-1913; 1915. 6824. . . Quinquennial meeting . . . 1866-1911. Detroit, 1866-[1911?]. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1866, 1876-1911. 6825. . Citizens. Petition of sundry citizens, inhabitants of the county of Wayne, in the territory of the United States north-west of the river Ohio. 2d January, 1801. Referred to Mr. Pinckney, Mr. McMillan, Mr. Imlay, Mr. Elizur Goodrich, and Mr. Kittera, published by order of the House of representatives. [Washington, 1801]. 7 p. (U. S. 6th cong., 2d sess., house documents). • L C. The petitioners, whose names are not printed, ask for the confirmation of the land titles, the setting aside of lands for the support of educational and religious institutions, and the extension of the mail service to Detroit. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 729 6826. . Coroners. Report . . . 1909-1914. Detroit [1909?-1914?]. B. 6827, . County school commissioner. Public schools of Wayne county; manual and directory. Detroit, Mich., E. W. Yost, county school commissioner [n. d.j. 55 p. S. 6828. . Drainage commissioner. Annual report of the drainage commissioner . . . 1871-1872. Detroit, 1872-1873. B. 6829. — . Grand jurors. Presentment of the grand jurors of the county of Wa^me, to the circuit court of said county, with a request that the same be transmitted to the legislature, relative to a house of refuge. [Lan- sing, Hosmer & Fitch, printers to the state, 1855]. 3 p. (Michigan, legisla- ture, 1855, house document no. 4). B; D; G; S; U. 6830. . Historical and pioneer society. Chronography of notable events in the history of the northwest territory and Wayne co. . . . 1531-1890 . . . with biographical sketches of the early explorers and pioneers. Comp. and arranged by F. Carlisle. Detroit, 0. S. Gulley, Bomman & CO., 1890. 484 p. "b ; G; L C; S. 6831. . • = • . . . . Souvenir of Cadillac day celebrated July 24th, 1893. Detroit, C. M. Rousseau, printer, 1894. Cover title, 55, [1] p. L C. At head of title: 1701 Detroit 1893. Compiled by Fred. Carlisle, secretary, Wayne county historical and pioneer society. 6832. ■ . Republican club. An organization with a work to perform. What it has done and what it proposes to do, of interest to all Republicans. Published by the club. Detroit, 1908. lip. B. 6833. . Superintendents of poor. . . . Annual report of the superintendents of the poor of Wayne county . . . [38th? (1871)]-83rd (1915-16). Detroit, 1872-1917. B*; D*; G*; S*. Title varies slightly. *The Burton Historical Collection has [38?], [39th?], 61st-65th, 78th, 80th-82nd; the main library, Detroit, has [38th?], [39th?], 61st, 63rd-65th, 67th, 74th, 76th, 78th, 80th-82nd; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 61st, 78tli, 80th, 82nd; the State Library has 62nd, 64th, 66th, 67th, 69th-83rd. 6834. . Treasurer. Report . . . 1865-1866. Detroit, 1866-1867. — B. 6835. Wayne county business directory and guide book. Detroit, E. P. Shellenberg, 1881. 252 p. B; D. 6836. Wayne county official directory and manual for the years 1905-1906; compilation of historical, departmental and miscellaneous information relat- ing to county affairs. Published by order of board of county supervisors, com- piled by the board of county auditors. Detroit, Raymor & Taylor, printers and binders [1905?]. 132 p. B; D. 730 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6837. Wayne county savings bank. [ Report of the condition of the bank ; object of the bank and of savings banks; savings banks in America 1870; savings banks in Michigan; value of savings institutions, etc.]. [Detroit, 1897?]. 50 p. B. 6838. Wayne county voter's guide, 1886; issued by the Wayne county RepubHcan committee and Detroit city committee. [Detroit? 1886?]. 8 p. B. No title page. 6839. Weadock, Thomas A. E. A CathoHc priest in congress; a sketch of Rev. Gabriel Richard by Hon. Thomas A. E. Weadock, M. C, read before the United States Catholic historical society on February 28th, 1892. [Wash- ington' 1892?]. Caption title, 20 p. G; S. 6840. Webber, William Lewis. Argument by William L. Webber on be- half of the Flint & Pere Marquette railroad company, before the Secretary of the interior, in opposition to the claim of the state of Michigan, [n. p., 1888?]. 18 p. G;U. 6841. , — . Indian cession of 1819 made by the treaty of Saginaw. The within paper was read by W. L. Webber, of Saginaw, before the Michigan pioneer and historical society, at its annual session, held at Lansing, June 5th and 6th, 1895. Saginaw, Mich., Seemann & Peters, printers, 1895. Cover title, 29 p. S; U. 6842. , . Labor in relation to the production of wealth, by Hon. Wm. L. Webber . . . (In Michigan political science associa- tion, pubHcations. [Ann Arbor, 1897]. v. 2, no. 7, p. [27]-34). G; LC;S;U. 6843. , . . . . The relations of corporations to the state, by William L. Webber . . . [Ann Arbor, 1897]. Cover title, 15 p. (Publications of the Michigan political science association, v. 2, no. 9, De- cember, 1897). G;LC;S;U. 6844. , . The state and its railroads ; their interests identical . . . By W. L. Webber. East Saginaw, Mich., Courier company, orinters and binders, 1877. Cover title, 15 p. B; S. 6845. , . State of Michigan. Swamp lands . . . Compiled by W. L. Webber. East Saginaw, Mich., Courier co., printers and binders, 1888. 123 p. D; U. 6846. Webster, Homer Jeptha. . . . History of the Democratic party organization in the northwest. 1824-1840. By Homer J. Webster . . . (In Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly. Columbus, 1915, v. 24, p. 1- 120). B; D; G; L C; S; U. 6847. Weeks, Aaron. Affidavits of Aaron Weeks and others, and other documents, relative to the Sault de Ste. Marie canal, transmitted by the execu- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 731 tive with his annual message of January 8, 1840. (Michigan, legislature, 1840, senate documents. Detroit, George Dawson, state printer, 1840, vol. II, (not numbered), p. 587-596). B; D; G; S; U. 6848. Weeks & Polk. Bay city directory, 1873-74 ... to which is ap- pended directories of Wenona, Banks, Essexville, and Salzburg . . . Weeks & Polk, publishers. Detroit, Mich., 1873. 1 p. 1., [xi]-xiv, [15]-445 p. S. 6849. Wegwijzer en raadgever voor landverhuizers naar Noord-Amerika, inzonderheid naar de westelijke staten: Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin en Jowa [anon.]. Zwijndrecht, J. Boden, 1846. iv, 63 p., 1 1. LC. 6850. Weissert, Charles A. The Indians and the trading-posts in the northwest of Barry county, Michigan. By Charles A. Weissert. Hastings, Michigan, Banner press, 1911. 29 p. B; S. 6851. Welch, Roy Dickinson. Michigan's favorite college songs. Edited by Roy Dickinson Welch . . . and Earl Vincent Moore . . . Ann Arbor, Mich., University music house [cl914]. 164 p. S. 6852. Weld, Isaac. Travels through the states of North America, and the provinces of upper and lower Canada, during the years 1795, 1796 and 1797. By Isaac Weld, jun. 4th ed. Illustrated . . . with sixteen plates . . . Lon- don, printed for J. Stockdale, 1807. 2 v. L C; S. 6853. , • . Reise durch die Nord Amerikanischen freistaaten und durch ober=und unter= Canada in den jahren 1795, 1796 und 1797, von Isaac Weld. Aus dem Englischen frei iibersetzt . . . Berlin, bei Hande und Spener, 1800. 410 p. B. 6854. , . Voyage au Canada, pendent les annees 1795, 1796 and 1797, par Isaac Weld. Ouvrage traduit de I'Anglais, et enriche d'une carte generale du pays, et de onze planches, offrant les points de vne, les plus remarquables, et notamnent de fameux saut de Niagara. A Paris, imprimerie de Munier [n. d.]. 3 v. B. 6855. Wellings, James H. Directory of the city of Detroit ; and register of Michigan, for the year 1845. Containing an epitomised history of Detroit ... By James H. Wellings . . . Detroit, printed bv Harsha & Willcox, 1845. 2 p., 1., 121 p. G;LC;S;U. 6856. , . Directory of the city of Detroit ; and register of Michigan, for the year 1846. Containing an epitomized history of Detroit ... To which is added copious extracts from the state geological reports in relation to the rise and fall of the great lakes, etc. By James H. Wellings . . . Detroit, A. S. Williams, printer, 1846. 213, [1] p. ' G; L C; S; U. 6857. Wells, Cora Edna. The university as an art centre, by Cora E. Wells. [Chicago, Fine arts journal, 1907]. 31-34 p. (From the Fine arts journal, vol. XVIII, no. 2). U. 732 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6858. Wells, Hezekiah G. Memorial of H. G. Wells, asking an appro- priation for the agricultural college of this state, and remonstrating against the removal of said college. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co., printers to the state, 1865]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 11; senate document no. 17). D; G; vS; U. 6859. Wells, James Monroe. "With touch of elbow;" or, death before dishonor; a thrilling nan-ative of adventure on land and sea, by Captain James M. Wells. Philadelphia, Chicago [etc.] J. C. Winston co., 1909. 1 p. 1., Ill, 2 p., 1 1., 362 p. L C. 6860. Wendell, Emory. Wendell's history of banking and bankers of Michigan. A concise history of banking operations from the earliest time to the present, with detailed accounts of Michigan banking history and laws, and sketches of leading banks and bankers of the state as they are at the opening of the twentieth centurv. Emorv Wendell, editor. Detroit [1902?']. 2 v. B;G;S. 6861. The Wendell directory company. The Washtenaw county directory, 1883-4. Embracing a complete alphabetically arranged list of the business firms and private citizens^ a classified business directory, a directory of city and county officers, churches, public schools, literary and various other societies and associations of the cities of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti ; a business directory of the villages of Chelsea, Dexter, Manchester, Milan and Saline [etc.]. Pub- lished by the Wendell directory company . . . Coldwater, Mich., Moore & Nichols, printers, 1883. xHii, 446 p. U. 6862. Wenley, Robert Mark. The life of George Sylvester Morris; chap- ter in the history of American thought in the nineteenth century, by R. M. Wenley. New York, Macmillan company; London, Macmillan & company, limited, 1917. 3 p. 1., v-xv, 332 p. (Lettered on cover: University of Michi- gan publications). G; L C; S. "Writings of G. S. Morris": p. xi-xv. 6863. Wenona. Charters. Village charter, ordinances and code of rules of the common council of the village of Wenona. Wenona, Mich., printed at the Herald office, 1874. 72 p. S. 6864. [Wesselius, Sybrant]. Michigan day schools for the teaching of speech to the deaf. [Grand Rapids, Mich., printed by Hensen printing com- pany] 1905. 39 p. L C. "For copies address S. Wesselius, Grand Rapids, Mich." 6865. West Michigan holstein breeders' association. Catalog of the an- nual consignment sale . . . [n. p.] 1915. 1 v. G. 6866. West Michigan pike association. Road guide and tourist directory of the west Michigan pike; a scenic highway along Lake Michigan "lake shore all the way" through Michigan's summerland from the Indiana line to the straits of Mackinac, issued by the West Michigan pike association . . . Grand BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 733 Rapids, Mich., West iMichigan development bureau, John I. Gibson, seere- tary, 1914. 48 p. G. 6867. . Maps, routes and tourist's di- rectory of the west Michigan pike, a scenic highway along Lake Michigan through Michigan's summerland; the northernmost link of the Dixie highway from the Lincoln highway to the straits of Mackinaw . . . 4th ed. . . . Muskegon, Mich. [cl916]. 76 p. B;S. 6868. Western federation of miners. Miners' bulletin. Published by authorit}^ of Western federation of miners to tell the truth regarding the strike of copper miners, no. 15 (September 16, 1913)-no. 66 (April 14, 1914). Hancock, Mich., 1913-1914. S*. *The State Libran^ has no. 15, 17-24, 26, 27, 29-31, 33, 35, 40-43, 47, 51, 52, 57, 66. 6869. Western industries of America : an illustrated history of the manu- facturing interests of the western states and territories, embracing a classified list of the leading manufactures of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wiscon- sin, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, Colorado, CaHfomia and the territories. Chicago, Fox, Cole & co., 1879. 5 p. 1., 17-136 p. L C. 6870. The western journal of education . . . An educational magazine devoted to the professional aspects of teaching, v. 1 (January, 1908)-v. 5 (December, 1912). Ypsilanti, Mich., Michigan state normal college, 1908- 1912. 5 V. G;LC;S. Monthly except July and August. Editors: Jan. -June, 1905, R. M. Reinhold; Oct. 1908-Dec. 1909, H. Z. Wilber. Continued as the American schoolmaster. 6871. Western Michigan Congregational club. Constitution and by-laws of the Western Michigan Congregational club, with a list of members and officers. May, 1887. Grand Rapids, Colestork & Seymour, printers, 1887. 16 p. B. 6872. Western Michigan development bureau. PubHcity bulletin, no. 51-134. Traverse City, Mich., 1910-1916. U*. *The U. of M. Library has no. 51-59, 61-64, 66-78, 81-85, 88-108, 110-115, 118-134. 6873. . Western Michigan, the land of fruit and fortune; Western Michigan development bureau, Traverse City, Mich. . . . [Grand Rapids, press of the White printing co., 1912]. 40 p. S. 6874. . Western Michigan; "the land of fruit and fortune"-, 1914 edition . . . Grand Rapids, Mich., White printing company, 1914. 40 p. • S. 6875. . Western Michigan, the land of opportunity . . . [Chicago, Poole bros., n. d.]. 48 p. S. 6876. ■ . Ibid. [Chicago, W. F. Hall printing compan}^ n. d.]. 48 p. S. 734 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6877. Western Michigan lake shore horticultural association. Proceed- ings of the horticultural convention called by the Western Mich, lake shore horticultural association, and held at Spring Lake, Feb. 3d & 4th, 1869. With an address on horticulture, by John T. Dale, esq., of Chicago. Grand Haven Mich., printed at the Union office, 1869. 2 p. 1., 36 p. S. 6878. Western railway advertising company. The travelers' illustrated official railway reporter and guide. Published by the Western railway adver- tising CO. Detroit, William Graham's steam presses, 1876. 84 p. B. 6879. Western Reserve historical society. Letters from the Samuel Huntington correspondence, 1800-1812. (In Western Reserv^e historical society, tracts. Cleveland, O., 1915, no. 95, pt. 2, p. [55]-163). L C; S. Pt. 1 of this tract (p. [l]-54) includes articles of incorporation, officers, membership and annual report for 1914-1915. Of the 57 letters in the collection, five were written by Hunt- ington, 48 were addressed to him, and four were addressed to George Tod. 6880. . Battleof French Town, 1813— Major Craig on Lake Erie, 1782 — White men as scalpers — Geographer Gen- eral Hutchins. [Cleveland, 1874]. 8 p. (Western Reserve and northern Ohio historical society, [historical and archaeological tracts] no. 22). S. 6881. The western union mutual life and accident society of the United States, Detroit, Mich. Detroit, John F. Eby & co. [n. d.]. 20 p. B. 6882. Weston, Charles V. Address on the street railway question deliv- ered before the committee of fifty in the council chamber in the city of De- troit on Monday evening, March 8th, 1909, by Charles V. Weston of Chicago, [no imprint]. 55-81 p. B. 6883. Weston, I. M. Documents and addresses of L M. Weston, while mayor of Grand Rapids, Mich., 1888-9. New York, Knickerbocker press, 1889. iv, 145 p. B; G; S; U. 6884. Wheeler, Charles F. Catalogue of the phacnogamous and vascular cryptogamous plants of Michigan, indigenous, naturalized and adventive, by Chas. F. Wheeler and Edwin F. Smith . . . Lansing, W. S. George & co., state printers and binders, 1881. 105 p. S. 6885. , . Insects of the clover field, by C. F. Wheeler and G. C. Davis. Agricultural college, Mich., 1894. 41-64 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 116, October, 1894). M AC;S;U. Also in Thirty-fourth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 377-400. 6886. , . Prickley lettuce. Histon.-, [by C. F. Wheeler]. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, press bulletin no. 3. In Thirty-third annual report of the secretar\' of the state board of agriculture. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1894, p. 431-432). M AC;S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 735 6887. — , . The Russian thistle, [by C. F. Wheeler]. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, press bulletin no. 4. In Thirty-third annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture. Lansing, Robert Smith & co., state printers and binders, 1894, p. 43v3-434). M AC;S. 6888. , . A sketch of the original distribution of white pine in the lower peninsula, with map, by Prof. C. F. Wheeler. — Present con- dition of forests and stump lands, by F. C. Skeels. — Reforesting stump lands by Dr. W. J. Beal. — Meteorology of the forests, by Dr. R. C. Kedzie. — Forestry legislation, by Director C. D. Smith. Agricultural college, Michigan, 1898. 39 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, bulletin no. 162, November, 1898). M A C; S; U. Also in Thirtv-eighth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 122-152. 6889. Wheeler, John H. History of Wexford county, Michigan, embrac- ing a concise review of its early settlement, industrial development and present conditions. Comp. by John H. Wheeler. To which is appended a compre- hensive compendium of national biography and life sketches of well-known citizens of the county . . . [Logansport, Ind.] B. F. Bowen, 1903. 6 p. 1., [17]-557 p. LC;S. 6890. Whelan, A. F. The water supply of Hillsdale, by A. F. Whelan . . . [Lansing? 1885?]. Caption title, [111]-117 p. (Reprinted from a sup- plement to the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1884). S. 6891. Whelan, Don Bion . . . The bean-maggot in 1915, by Don B. Whelan. East Lansing, Michigan, 1916. 4 p. (Michigan agricultural col- lege, experiment station, circular no. 28, February, 1916). M A C; vS; U. Also in Fifty-fifth annual reoort of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 321-322. 6892. Whig party. Michigan. State central committee. To the people of Michigan. [Detroit? 1844]. Caption title, 8 p. L C. Signed : State central committee. 6893. Whist club, Grand Rapids. [The members; the contests, 1885-1897 ; memorable outings of the club; psalms for the songsters]. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dickinson bros. [1898?]. 41 p. — G. 6894. WTiite, A. S. Grand Rapids, A. D. 1873; its leading commercial and manufacturing interests. Grand Rapids, Eber Rice & co., 1874. 20 p. G. 6895. White, James. The early life and later experience and labors of Elder Joseph Bates. Ed. by James White. Battle Creek, Seventh-day Ad- ventist pub. ass'n, 1878. 320 p. B; D; G. 6896. , . Sketches of the Christian life and public labors of 736 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN William Miller, gathered from his memoir by the late Sylvester Bliss, and from other sourees. By Elder James White. Battle Creek, Mich., steam press of the Seventh-day Adventist publishing association, 1875. 416 p. S. 6897. White, Morris J. Bicycle routes in Michigan . . . Grand Rapids, Mich., the author, 1896. [60] p. G; L C. 6898. White, O. K. vSuggestions on planting orchards, by O. K. White. East Lansing, Michigan, 1910. 29 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experi- ment station, bulletin no. 262, July, 1910). M A C; S. Also in Fiftieth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 225-250. 6899. White, Peter. . . . The mining industry of northern Michigan, by Peter White . . . [Ann Arbor, 1899]. Cover title, 19 p. (Publications of the Michigan political science association, vol. Ill, no. 6, January, 1899). D;LC;S;U. 6900. Whitehouse, Robert Treat. Michigan judicature act of 1915 and New Jersey chancery act of 1915, with notes, by Robert Treat Whitehouse. Chicago, Callaghan and company, 1915. 2 p. 1., 124 p. L C. 6901. White Pigeon. Ordinances, etc. Ordinances of the village of White Pigeon. By order of the common council. Constantine, L. T. Hull, printer, 1865. 2 p.' 1., 3-12 p. S. 6902. . [A brief sketch of an interesting old town], [no imprint]. 32 p. B. 6903. White printing company. White's auto guide for Grand Rapids and western Michigan; routes and pleasure trips to over three hundred points; synopsis of automobile laws and regulations and general information for owners and drivers . . . Grand Rapids, Mich., White printing company, cl915. 48 p. G; LC. 6904. . The White printing co's street and railway service directory of Grand Rapids, Michigan. What to see and how to see it. It contains a list of all the streets, avenues, courts, and places; map of busi- ness center, also of parks, public buildings, railroads and interurban depots. Grand Rapids, Mich., White printing company [cl912]. 64 p. G. 6905. White star line. Daylight trips on the Detroit and St. Clair rivers, by the White star line . . . [Detroit, James H. Stoqe & co., printers, 1901?]. 96 p. S. 6906. Whitford, Harry Nichols. . . . The genetic development of the forests of northern Michigan; a study in physiographic ecology . . . [by] H. N. Whitford. Chicago, University of Chicago press, 1901. Cover title, 289- 325 p. (Reprinted from the Botanical gazette, vol. XXXI, May, 1901). LC. 6907. Whiting, Henry. Discourse delivered before the Historical society BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 737 of Michigan; by Henry Whiting . . . (In Historical and scientific sketches of Michigan, comprising a series of discourses dehvercd before the Historical society of Michigan. Detroit, 1834, p. 111-147). B; G; L C; vS; U. 6908. , . Remarks, on the supposed tides, and periodical rise and fall of the North American lakes, by Henry Whiting. (In Historical and scientific sketches of Michigan, comprising a series of discourses delivered before the Historical society of Michigan. Detroit, 1834, p. 193-215). B;G; L C; S; U. 6909. Whitney, Alfred Carpenter. Pontiae; a drama of old Detroit, 1763. By Alfred Carpenter Whitney. Boston, R. G. Badger, 1910. Ill p. B; D;G. 6910. Whitney, Allen Sisson. . . . Education at the university of Michi- gan; history, present status, and pressing needs [by] A. S. Whitney . . . Ann Arbor, the university, 1916. Cover title, 20 p. (University bulletin, new ser., vol. XVII, no. 33). L C. At head of title: . . . University of Michigan. 6911. , . Status of superintendents, principals, and teachers of the high schools of Michigan, [by] A. S. Whitney . . . [Ann Arbor, Mich., Ann Arbor press, 1916]. Cover title, 19 p. (Reprint from Journal of the Michigan schoolmasters' club, fifty-first meeting, held in Ann Arbor, March 29, 30, and 31). L C. 6912. Whitney, Milton. Field operations of the bureau of soils, 1904: sixth rej^ort, with accompanying papers by assistants in charge of field parties. Washington, Gov't printing office, 1905. Various paging. (U. S. Depart- ment of agriculture, bureau of soils). G. Edited by Milton Whitney. 6913. Whitney, William A. History and biographical record of Lenawee county, Michigan. Containing a history of the organization and early settle- ment of the county, together with a biographical record of many of the oldest and most prominent settlers and present residents, obtained from personal interviews with themselves or their children . . . Written and compiled by W. A. Whitney and R. I. Bonner. Adrian, W. Steams & co., printers, 1879- 1880. 2v. B;LC;S. Title of V. 2 varies slightly from that of v. 1. 6914. Whittaker, Frederick. Popular life of Gen. George A. Custer . . . by Frederick Whittaker . . . New York, Sheldon & company [etc.] [cl876]. X, 648 p. S. 6915. Whittier, Charles Albert. ... In the A4ichigan lumber camps, by Charles Albert Whittier. Illustrated. New York, London and Chicago, F. T. Neely co. [1900]. viii, [9]-137 p. (The boys' vacation series). LC;S. On cover: Fourth edition. 93 73S BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6916. Whittlesey, Charles. . . . Ancient mining on the shores of Lake Superior, by Charles Whittlesey . . . [Washington, Smithsonian institution, 1863]. 2 p. 1., 29 p. (Smithsonian institution, eontributions to knowledge, vol. XIII, no. 155). L C; S; U. 6917. , . Gen. Wadsworth's division, war of 1812, by Colonel Charles Whittlesey. [Cleveland, O., 1879]. Caption title, 115-123 p. (Western Reserve and northern Ohio historical societv, [tract, v. 2], no. 51). LC;S. 6918. [ , — ]. . . . Papers relating to the expeditions of Colonel Bradstreet and Colonel Bouquet, in Ohio, A. D. 1764 . . . [Cleveland, 1873]. Caption title, 2 no. (Western Reserve and northern Ohio historical society, tracts no. 13-14). L C; S. Chiefly extracts from private journals, letters and newspapers. Selection no. 2 (tract 14) transcribed by Dr. F. B. Hough. 6919. [ , ]. Railway connections with Lake Superior. Letter to the Hon. Truman Smith. Cleveland, Harris & Fairbanks, printers, 1853. 12 p. B;LC. Signed: Chas. Whittlesey. 6920. Widdicomb, William. Address made at the banquet given by the Grand Rapids board of trade in commemoration of the semi-centennial anni- versary of the incorporation of Grand Rapids as a city. [Grand Rapids, 1900]. not paged. • — • — G. Cover title: Furniture made Grand Rapids famous. 6921. , . . . . The early history of the furniture indus- try in Grand Rapids, by Mr. William Widdicomb . . . paper read before the meeting on April 21, 1909. Grand Rapids, Mich., reprinted from the Michi- gan tradesman, 1909. 1 p. 1., 63-76 p. (Publications of the Historical society of Grand Rapids, no. 5, v. 1, pt. 5). B; L C; S. 6922. , . The mahogany tree; a brief historical view and consideration of its present usefulness . . . Grand Rapids, Mich. [Tradesman company, cl907]. not paged. G. 6923. Wilber, Mark D. Report of the Hon. Mark D. Wilber, chairman of the committee on cities and villages, to the state of Michigan, on the Detroit park bill, March 5, 1873. Detroit, Daily post book and job printing estab- lishment, 1873. 15 p. S. 6924. , . Speech of Hon. Mark D. Wilber, in the senate of Michigan, March 26, 1873, advocating the construction of the Michigan ship canal. Published by order of the senate. Lansing, W. S. George & co., state- printers and binders, 1873. 37 p. S. 6925. Wilbur, Cressy Livingston. The collection and registration of vital statistics by Cressy L. Wilbur, M. D. . . . Read at the fourteenth annual BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 739 convention of state and local boards of health, at Columbus, Ohio, January 21 and 22, 1904. Lansing, Mich. [1904]. 6 p. S. 6926. Wilcox, Delos Franklin. Municipal government in Michigan and Ohio; a study in the relations of city and commonwealth, by Delos F. Wilcox, Ph. D. ... New York, 1896. 181 p. B; D; G; L C; S; U. Thesis (Ph. D.) — Columbia university. Pub. also as Studies in history, economics and public law, vol. 5, no. 3, p. [3211-498. 6927. , . A report on the sheriff's office of Kent county, Michigan, by Delos F. Wilcox, secretary of the Civics club of Grand Rapids. [Grand Rapids? 1903?]. 20 p. B. 6928. Wilgus, William John. Detroit river ttmnel and electrification of the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R., by William J. Wilgus. [New York? 1911]. 2 p. 1., [3]-93, [1] p., 1 1., p. 73-155. ' L C. "Detroit river tunnel" has special Title page: Excerpt minutes of proceedings of the Institution of civil engineers, vol. CLXXXV. Session 1901-1911. Part III. London, 1911. The electrification of the suburban zone of the New York central and Hudson river rail- road has half-title: Reprinted from transactions [American society of civil engineers], vol. LXI, p. 73 (1908). 6929. Wilkin, Frank A. . . . Small fruit culture, by Frank A. Wilkin. East Lansing, Michigan, 1913. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 59, March, 1913). M A C; S; U. Also in Fifty-second annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 309-322. 6930. Wilkinson, Ralph Burnham. A treatise on the law of mechanics' liens on real property in Michigan, by Ralph B. Wilkinson . . . Detroit, Drake law book company, 1906. 1 p. 1., [VII]-XViri, 206 p. D ; L C ; S. 6931. Wilkinson, Syd. E. Greetings from the U. S. S. Michigan (2d ed.) by Syd. E. Wilkinson . . . [Portsmouth, Va., Whitson & Shepherd, printers] 191L 37, [3] p. LC. 6932. Willard, George. Counting the electoral votes; speech of Hon. George Willard, of Michigan, in the house of representatives, January 26, 1877. Washington, 1877. 12 p. S. 6933. Willcox, Orlando Bolivar. Instruction in field artillery, no. 1, school of the piece . . . Arranged for the Military board of the state of Michigan, by O. B. Willcox. Detroit, Bams, French & Way, printers, 1860. 24 p. B. 6934. [ , ]. Shoepac recollections: a way-side glimpse of American life, by Walter March [pseud.]. New York, Bunce & brother, 1856. viii, [9]-360 p. B; G; S. 6935. [ — — — , ]. Ibid. 3rd ed. Boston, James French and company; Detroit, Raymond & Selleck, 1857. viii, [9]-360 p. B. 6936. Williams, Albert. Prohibition and woman suffrage; speech of Hon. 94 740 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Albert Williams, of Ionia, Michigan, made at Charlotte, Mich., October 9th, 1874. [no imprint]. Caption title, 30 p. B; S. 6937. , . The prohibition reform party. Speech b>- Hon. Albert Williams, of Ionia, Michigan, made at Ionia, Mich., September 22, 1876 . . . [no imprint]. Caption title, 8 p. S. 6938. , . The prohibition reform party. Speech of Hon. Albert Williams, of Ionia. Alichigan, made at Saranac, Mich., September 7th, 1876 . . . [no imprint]. Caption title, 8 p. B; S. 6939. Williams, A. L. Memorial of A. L. Williams, A. N. Hart and Geo. C. Munroe, relative to the examination into the affairs of the Amboy, Lansing and Traverse Bay railroad. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co. , printers' to the state, 1865]. 2 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, house document no. 47; senate document no. 40). D; G; S; V. 6940. Williams, Charles David. Second annual address of the Rt. Rev. Charles D. Williams, D. D., L. H. D., L L. D., Bishop of the Diocese of Michi- gan, delivered at the seventy-fourth annual convention held Wednesda}' and Thursday, in St. Paul's church, Detroit, November 13 and 14, 1907. Pub. by order of the convention. [Detroit, 1907]. 38, [1] p. S. 6941. Williams, C. S. Williams' Grand Rapids directory, city guide and business mirror; compiled by C. S. Williams . . . 1859-'60. Grand Rapids, Mich., P. G. Hodenpyl, 1859. 122, [2], 72 p. G. Includes list of post offices in the United States and territories. 6942. Williams, Gardner Stewart. Reports on the valuation and exten- sion of the Ann Arbor water works, by Gardner S. Williams . . . Ann Arbor Mich., 1902. Cover title, 38 p. U. 6943. , . Some Detroit hydraulic experiments, by Williams, Hubbell and Fenkell, with discussion, [no imprint]. 369 p. (Reprinted from Transactions American society of civil engineers, v. 47, 1902). U. 6944. Williams, George Huntington. . . . The greenstone schist areas of the Menominee and Marquette regions of Michigan; a contribution to the subject of dynamic metamorphism in eruptive rocks, by George Huntington Williams, with an introduction by Roland Duer Irving. Washington, Gov't print, off., 1890. 241 p. (U. S. Geological survey, bulletin no. 62). LC;S. 6945. Williams, G. Mott. In memory of Peter White ... A sermon, preached in St. Paul's cathedral church, Marquette, Mich., Trinity Sunday, 1908, by G. Alott Williams, Bishop of Marquette, [no imprint], not paged. U. 6946. [Williams, L. Fred]. [Friendly fellows of furniture town]. [Grand Rapids, Mich., 1899?]. not paged. G. No title page. Compiled by L. Fred Williams. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 741 6947. Williams, Meade Creighton. Early Mackinac : " the fairy island. " A sketch . . . St. Louis, Mo., Buschart bros. [cl897]. Ill p. B; D; LC; S. 6948. , . Ibid. A sketch, historical and descrip- tive, by Meade C. Williams ... 3d ed., rev. and enl. St. Louis, Mo., Bus- chart bros., print., 1901. 163 p. — D; L C; S. "Books consulted": p. 8-9. 6949. — , . Ibid. 4th ed., rev. and enl. St. Louis, Buschart bros., print., 1903. 176 p. B; L C. Title varies slightly from that in 3d. ed. 6950. , . Ibid. New ed., rev. and enl. New York, Duffield & company, 1912. 9 p. 1.. 13-184 p. L C. Bibliography: p. 183-184. 6951. , . The early Protestant mission on Mackinac Island, by Rev. Meade C. Williams . . . [St. Louis?' 1902?]. 15 p. B. 6952. , . Ibid. 2d ed. St. Louis, 1906. 15 p. B. 6953. , . The old inission church of Mackinac Island. An historical discourse delivered at the reopening, July 28th, 1895, by the Rev. Meade C. Williams, D. D. Issued by the board of trustees. De- troit, press of Wilton-Smith co., 1895. 22 p. B; D; G; L C; S. 6954. Williams, Newton H. [pseud.]. Michigan first regiment. Incidents, marches, battles and camp life, and the adventures of the author, known as the Indiana banker, who was fifer in company " F " and m.ade such remarkable time in leaving Bull's run: Time first mile 2 minutes 39 seconds. Detroit, printed for author, 1861. 19 p. D. 6955. Williams, Ralph D. The Honorable Peter White. A biographical sketch of the Lake Superior iron country. By Ralph D. Williams. With numerous illustrations. Cleveland, Penton publishing co. [cl915]. xvi, 205 p. G;S;U. 6956. , . Ibid. 2d ed. enlarged. With numerous illustrations. Cleveland, Penton publishing co. [cl907]. xiv, 286 p. G;U. 6957. Williams, Samuel. Two western campaigns in the war of 1812-13. 1. Expedition of Captain Henry Brush, with supplies for General Hull, 1812. 2. Expedition of Governor Meigs, for the rehef of Fort Meigs, 1813. By Samuel Wilhams. Cincinnati, R. Clarke & co., 1870. vii, [9]-58 p. (In Ohio valley historical series, no. 7, miscellanies [pt] 2. Cincinnati, 1871). LC;U. The author's pensonal reminiscences, first pub. in the Ladies' repository for 1854. Appendix (p. [55]-56) The muster roll of Captain Brush's company. 742 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6958. Williams, W. B. The duty of the state to meet every educational want of its citizens, by Rev. W. B. Williams, of Charlotte, Mich. Boston, Beacon press, Thomas Todd, printer, 1891. 52 p. S. 6959. Williams, Wolcott B. A history of Olivet college, by Re\'. Wolcott B. Williams, 1844-1900. Olivet, Michigan, 1901. 173 p. S. 6960. Williams, O. E., aeroplane company. Concerning our exhibition machines and other tvpes. Fenton, Michigan, Fcnton courier ])rint [n. d.]. [6] p. U. ' • 6961. Williams and Bumham. Pocket guide to the city of Detroit. Pub. by Williams & Bumham. Presented by J. B. Cla}^ . . . Detroit, Talbot & CO., printers and publishers, 1879. 36 p. B. 6962. Willits, Edwin. Inaugural address of Edwin Willits, president of Michigan agricultural college, August 19, 1885. [no imprint]. Caption title, 7 p. S. 6963. [Wilson, E. S.]. History of the Grand Rapids fire department, 1844-1899; published in the interest of the Fireman's fund association. Grand Rapids, Mich. [Crockett & Conklin, 1899]. 127 p. G. 6964. Wilson, Frazer Ells. The peace of Mad Anthony; an account of the subjugation of the north-western Indian tribes and the treaty of Green- ville by which the territory beyond the Ohio was opened for Anglo-Saxon set- tlement, by Frazer Ells Wilson . . . Greenville, O., C. R. Kemble, printer, 1909. 122, [3] p. B;LC;S. "A revision of 'The treatv of Greenville' published in 1894." — Forword. Authorities: p. [4]. 6965. ■ — , . The treaty of Greenville, being an official account of the same, together with the expeditions of Gen. Arthur St. Clair and Gen. Anthony Wayne against the north-western Indian tribes, and an historical sketch of the territory northwest of the Ohio river, previous thereto, by Frazer E. Wilson . . . Piqua, O., The correspondent press, 1894. 103 p. - — G;LC;U. 6966. Wilson, Thomas. The Arkansas traveller, by Thomas Wilson. (In Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly. Columbus, 1900, v. 8, p. 296-308). LC; S; U. Also published separately. Including an account of the wagon routes and stage travel of the old northwest. 6967. Winchell, Alexander. Description of elephantine molars in the museum of the university, by Prof. A. Winchell . . . [Ann Arbor? 1863?]. 3 p. S. ' " 6968. , . Description of fossils from the Marshall and Huron groups of Michigan, by Alexander Winchell . . . [Philadelphia, 1862]. Caption title, 405-430 p. (From the Proceedings of the Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia, September, 1862). L C; S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 743 6969. , . . . . Description of new species of fossils, from the Marshall group of Michigan, and its supposed equivalent, in other states; with notes on some fossils of the same age previously described. By Professor Alexander Winch ell. [Philadelphia, 1865]. Caption title, 109-133 p. (From the Proceedings of the Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia, July, 1865). LC;U. 6970. , - — — . The diagonal system in the physical features of Michigan, by A. Winchell . . . [Syracuse? 1873]. Cover title, 7 p. (From the American journal of science and arts, vol. VI, July, 1873). U. 6971. , . Douglass Houghton, by Alexander Winchell. [Minneapolis, Minn., The geological publishing co.] 1889. 129-139 p. (From the American geologist, Sept., 1889). U. 6972. • , . Field studies in the Archaean rocks of Minne- sota, with accessory obser\^ations in Ontario, Michigan and Wisconsin, by Alexander Winchell . . . Ann Arbor, Mich., Register printing and publishing CO., 1889. Various paging, [494] p. (Extracted from the 15th and 16th An- nual reports of the Geological and natural history survey of Adinnesota) . LC. 6973. , • — . Geology of Washtenaw county, Michigan, by Alexander Winchell . . . Chicago, C. C. Chapman & co., 1881. Cover title, 30 p. (Extracted by permission from the History of Washtenaw county). B;U. 6974. , . The Grand Traverse region. A report on the geological and industrial resources of the counties of Antrim, Grand Traverse, Benzie and Leelanaw in the lower peninsula of Michigan. By Alexander Winchell . . . Ann Arbor, Dr. Chase's steam printing house, 1866. iv, [5]- 97 p. B; G; L C; S. 6975. , . The isothermals of the lake region in North America, by Alexander Winchell . . . [no imprint]. 13 p. (From the Pro- ceedings of the American association for the advancement of science at the Troy meeting, August, 1870). S. 6976. , . List of books and papers published by Prof. Alexander Winchell, LL. D., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1850-1883 [1886]. [Ann Arbor, 1886]. Caption title, 10, p. (Extracted from 'Alumni record'). LC;U. 6977. • — , . ... A memorial discourse on the life and services of Rev. Benjamin Franklin Cocker . . . Delivered in university hall, by request of the senate, June 24, 1883, by Alexander Winchell . . . [Ann Arbor] the university, 1883. 35 p. G; U. 6978. , . ... A memorial discourse on the life and services of Rev. Erastus Otis Haven, D.D., LL.D., professor in the university 744 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN from 1853 to 1856, and president of the university from 1863 to 1869, and late bishop of the Methodist Episcopal church in the United States. Delivered in university hall, by request of the senate, November 6, 1881, by Professor Alexander Winchcll, LL.D. [Ann Arbor] the university, 1882. 57 p. S. 6979. , . Memorial of A. Winchell, professor of geology and zoology and botany, in the university of Michigan. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 10 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, house document no. 29). B; D; G; S; U. 6980. , . Michigan. Being condensed popular sketches of the topography, climate and geology of the state . . . [Claremont, N. H.j Claremont manufacturing co., 1873. 120 p., 1 1. (Extracted, by permission,^ from Walling's Atlas of Michigan). B; L C; S; U. 6981. , . Notes on Selandria Cerasi Harris as it occurs at Ann Arbor, Michigan, by Professor Alexander Winchell. [Boston? 1865?]. Caption title, 321-325 p. (From the Proceedings of the Boston society of natural history, vol. IX, February, 1865). S. 6982. , . Notice of the rocks lying between the car- boniferous limestones of the lower peninsula of Michigan and the limestones of the Hamilton group: with descriptions of some cephalopods supposed to be new to science. By Alexander Winchell . . . New Haven, printed by E. Hayes, 1862. 17 p. (From the American journal of science and arts, vol. XXXHI, May, 1862). L C. 6983. , . Notice of a small collection of fossils from the Potsdam sandstone of Wisconsin and the Lake Superior sandstone of Michigan, by Prof. Alexander Winchell. [New Haven? 1864?]. Caption title, 8 p. (From the American journal of science and arts, vol. XXXYH, March, 1864). ■ S. 6984. , . Notices and descriptions of fossils from the Alarshall group of the western states, with notes of fossils from other states, by Alexander Winchell . . . [no imprint]. Caption title, 245-260 p. S. 6985. [ , ]. The oil region of Michigan. Description of the Baker tract situated in the heart of the oil region of Michigan, the prop- erty of L. Baker, Toledo, Ohio. Detroit, H. E. Downer, engraver and printer, 1864. 7 p. B; U. 6986. , . On the saliferous rocks and salt springs of Michigan, by Alexander Winchell. [n. p., 1862?]. Caption title, 5 p. (From the American journal of science, vol. XXXIV, Nov. 1862). S. 6987. , . Rectification of the geological map of Michi- gan, embracing observations on the drift of the state, by Alexander Winchell . . . Salem, printed at the Salem press, 1875. 1 p. 1., [27]-43 p. (From the BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 745 Proceedings of the American association for the advancement of science, De- troit meeting, August, 1875). B; L C; vS; U. 6988. [ , • ]. Salt manufacture of the Saginaw valley, Michigan, [n. p., 1862]. Caption title, 15 p. (From the Merchants' maga- zine for Sept. 1862). L C; S. 6989. , . Some indications of a northward transporta- tion of drift materials in the lower peninsula of Michigan, by Professor Alexander Winchell. [New Haven? 1865?]. Caption title, 8 p. (Reprinted from American journal of science and arts, 1865, vol. XL). B; S. 6990. [ , ]. [Statement of operations in the museum and in the department of geology, zoology and botany, of the university of Michi- gan for the year ending September 20, 1865]. [no imprint]. 12 p. B. No title page. 6991. Winchell, Newton Horace. Crucial points in the geology of the Lake Superior region, by N. H. Winchell . . . [Minneapolis, 1895]. cover title, [95] p. (From the American geologist, vols. XV and XVL 1895). — — ■ LC. 6992. • , — ■ . The economical geology of the region of Cheboygan and old Mackinac, in the counties of Presque Isle, Cheboygan and Emmet, state of Michigan, by N. H. Winchell . . . [Ann Arbor, Mich.? 1871?]. 7 p. LC. 6993. Wing, Talcott E. History of Monroe county, Michigan . . . Illus- trated. Talcott E. Wing, editor. New York, Munsell & co., 1890. viii, [9]- 606, 53 p. B; D; G; LC; S; U. 6994. [Winsor, Justin]. Joliet, Marquette, and La Salle. Historical sources and attendant cartography, by the editor. (In Narrative and critical history of America. Boston and New York, 1884-1889, v. 4 (1885), p. [201]- 246). L C; S; U. ' 6995. , . The pageant of Saint Lusson, Sault Ste. Marie, 1671. An address delivered at the annual commencement of the university of Michigan, Thursday, June 30, 1892, by Justin Winsor . . . Ann Arbor, board of regents, 1892. 34 p, B; G; L C; S; U. 6996. Winter, Orrin Bowman. . . . Durabilit}- of concrete drain tile, by 0. B. Winter and H. H. Musselman. East Lansing, Michigan, 1915. 13 p. (Michigan agricultural college, experiment station, special bulletin no. 75, December, 1915). MAC; S. Also in Fiftv-fifth annual report of the secretary of the state board of agriculture, p. 349-.350. 6997. Wisner, George W. . . . Address of George W. Wisner, the Whig candidate for congress, to the people of the third congressional district of Michigan. [Pontiac? 1844]. Caption title, 16 p. S. At head of title: [Second edition]. 746 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 6998. , . Protest of George W. Wisner, against the adoption of the report of the select committee to investigate the official con- duct of Judge George Morell. (Michigan, legislature, 1837, house document no. 2. In Journal of the house of representatives . . . adjourned session, 1837. D.etroit, John. S. Bagg, state printer, 1837, p. 4-10). B; D; G; S; U. 6999. Withington, William. Cutting to the quick, an address delivered before the Cambridge temperance society, at Springville, Lenawee co., Michigan, January 15, 1838. By William Withington. Published by vote of the society . . . Adrian, printed at the office of the Constitutionalist, 1838. cover title, [3]-10 p. S. 7000. Withington, William H. The first call of the civil war; personal recollections of Michigan's response. A paper read by Gen. W. H. Withington before Edward Pomeroy post, G. A. R. at Jackson, Michigan, in 1897. [no imprint]. 31, [1] p. S. 7001. , . Michigan in the opening of the war. A paper read before Michigan commandery of the military order of the loyal legion of the United States, March 2nd, 1887, by Companion W. H. Withing- ton . . . Detroit, Ostler printing company, 1889. 17 p. (On cover: War paper, [v. 1], no. 5, Michigan commandery, M. O. L. L. U. S.). L C; U. 7002. [Wittemann, Adolph]. Grand Rapids, Mich. New York, Adolph Wittemann [cl8S5]. not paged. G. 7003. Wolf, Gustave Adolph. Against revision; reasons advanced for con- sidering the present state constitution adequate, by G. A. Wolf . . . Re- printed from the Civic news. [Grand Rapids, Mich., 1906]. 10 p. G. 7004. The wolverine : a representative weekly by the students of Michi- gan university, v. 1-3. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1901-1903. U. 7005. Wolverine automobile club. By-laws, articles of association, list of officers, committees and members of the Wolverine automobile club. De- troit, 1911. 29 p. B. 7006. Wolverine brass works. Illustrated catalog H . . . Grand Rapids, Mich. [^1914]. 1 V. G. 7007. Wolverine directory company. Port Huron city directory. 1901- 1904. Port Huron, Mich., Riverside printing co., 1901-1904. 2 v. ■ G. The Grand Rapids Public Library has 1901 and 1904. 7008. Wolverine directory co. Wolverine directory co's St. Clair county directory 1912, comprising the following towns and cities, Port Huron, Algonac, Capac, Emmett, Marine City, Memphis, St. Clair and Yale. Also alphabetical list of the heads of families, mmiber of acres of lands owned or rented, section living on and post office, address or rural route in the town- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 747 ships . . . Port Huron, Michigan, Herald printing company, printers and binders, 1912. 832 p. S. 7009. Woman's Christian temperance union of Michigan. Proceedings of the annual convention . . . 1877-1894. Detroit, 1877-1894. B*;G*. Place of publication varies. The 4th annual convention was held in 1877. *The Burton Historical Collection has 1877, 1880, 1881; the Grand Rapids Public Library has 1878, 1880-1882, 1884-1890, 1892-1894. 7010. Woman's progress, among the schools & colleges. The University of Michigan v. 3, no. 2. Philadelphia, Woman's progress co., 1894. U. 7011. Woman's relief corps. Dep't. of Michigan. Journal of the [1st]- 31 annual convention of the department of Michigan, Woman's relief corps, auxiliary to the Grand army of the republic . . . 1884-1914. Lansing, 1885- 1914. '- S*. Place of publication varies: Detroit, Grand Rapids, etc. Title varies: 1884-1885, Proceedings at the organization and institution of the depart- ment of Michigan, W. R. C. and at the second annual convention, held respectively at Lansing, April 2, 1884; and at East Saginaw, February 11 & 12, 1885. 1 886- i 888, Proceedings of the . . . annual convention of the Woman's relief corps . . . *The State Library has [lst]-5th, 11th, 18th-31st. 7012. . . . Roll of members; ad- dress of department president ; report of officers, and proceedings of the twenty- ninth department convention Woman's relief corps, auxiliary to the Grand army of the republic, Port Huron, Michigan, June 19th and 20th, 1912. [no imprint]. 150 p. S. 7013. . . . Corps no. 7. January 1, 1906, roster of members, Charles T. Foster relief corps no. 7 . . . [Lansing? 1906?]. [8] p. S. 7014. Woman's whist league. Woman's whist league contests and rules for the sixteenth congress to be held at hotel Cadillac, Detroit, April 28th, 29th, 30th, May 1st, 2nd, 1913. [Detroit, Speaker-Hines press, 1913?]. 15 p. S. 7015. The women's improvement association of Grosse He. . . . The treaty tree and memorial tablet, Grosse He. Compiled by the Women's improvement association . . . Lansing, Michigan, Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford company, state printers, 1907. 58 p. (Reprint of papers found in Michigan pioneer and historical collections, v. 35). B; S. 7016. Wood, DeVolson. Report in reference to the establishment of a school of technology in the university of Michigan, by Prof. DeVolson Wood. Ann Arbor, Courier steam print, 1872. 8 p. S. 7017.' Wood, Edwin Orin. History of Genesee county, Michigan; her people, industries and institutions, by Edwin O. Wood, LL.D. . . . With biographical sketches of representative citizens and genealogical records of many of the old families . . . Indianapolis, Indiana, Federal pubhshing com- pany, 1916. 2 V. S. 748 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7018. Wood, John R. Wood's official railway guide of Michigan; revised and issued on the first of every month . . . Detroit, J. R. Wood, 1886-1887. B*. *The Burton Historical Collection has September, 1886 and April, 1887. 7019. Wood, L. H. Physical, industrial and sectional geography of Michi- gan, by L. H. Wood . . . Kalamazoo, Horton-Bcimer press, 1914. 291 p. D;G; S. 7020. Wood, Norman Asa. Discovery of the breeding area of Kirtland's warbler, by Nonnan A. Wood . . . Ann Arbor, Mich,, University museiim. University of Michigan [1904]. 13 p. (Reprinted from "Bull, Mich, ornith. club, vol. V, p. 3-13, March 1904"). L C. 7021. , . Notes on the birds of the Au Sable valley, Michigan, by Norman A. Wood and Earl H. Frothingham. [no imprint]. (Reprinted from The auk, vol. XXII, no. 1, January, 1905, p. 39-54). U. 7022. — — , . Notes on the occurrence of the yellow rail in Michigan, by Norman A. Wood . . . [New York, 1909]. 5 p. (Extracted from The auk; a quarterly journal of ornithology, vol. XXVI, January, 1909, no. 1). U. " 7023. , — ■ . . . . Notes on the spring migration (1907) at Ann Arbor, Michigan . . . [Cambridge, Mass., 1908]. Cover title, 10-15 p. (From The auk, vol. XXV, no. 1, January, 1908). U. 7024. , ■ . vSome new and rare bird records for Michigan, b}^ Norman A. Wood, [no imprint]. 175-178 p. (Reprinted from The auk, vol. XXII, no. 2, April. 1905). U. 7025. , . Some records of the fall migration of 1906. Nonnan A. Wood. [Lansing!' 1907?]. Cover title, 166-171 p. (Reprinted from the Ninth annual report of the Michigan academy of science). U. 7026. , . Twenty-five years of bird migration at Ann Arbor, Michigan, by Norman A. Wood. From the university museum, uni- versity of Michigan, [no imprint]. Cover title, 151-156 p. (Reprinted from the Eighth annual report of the Michigan academy of science). U. 7027. Wood, Norman Barton. Lives of famous Indian chiefs from Cofa- chiqui, the Indian princess, and Powhatan; down to and including Chief Joseph and Geronimo. Also an answer from the latest research, of the query, whence came the Indian? Together with a number of thrillingly interesting Indian stories and anecdotes from history . . . By Norman B. Wood . . . Aurora, 111., American Indian historical publishing company [cl906]'. .\, 11- 771 p. S. 7028. , . Ibid. Chicago, 111., L. W. Walter company [cl906]. X, 11-666 p. S. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 749 7029. Woodbridge, William. An address before the Detroit young men's society, delivered by request, April, 1848, by Hon. William Woodbridge. Detroit, printed by Garrett & Geiger, 1849. 23 p. B; L C. 7030. [ , ]. A letter to the Hon. Abraham Edwards, president of the legislative council of the territory of Michigan, April 14, 1823. [no imprint]. 16 p. B. 7031. , . Memorial of Gov. Wm. Woodbridge, in reply to the memorial of the common council of the city of Detroit to the legislature, on the subject of the limits of Detroit. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1859]. 5 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1859, senate document no. 26). B; D; G; S; U. 7032. ■ , . Memorial of Wm. Woodbridge, D. Thompson, F. E. Eldred, N. W. Brooks, Porter Kibbie and others, tax payers of the city of Detroit, praying for relief against taxes and other burthens in the ninth ward of Detroit. [Lansing, Hosmer & Kerr, printers to the state, 1861]. 17 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1861, house document no. 30). B; D; G; S; U. 7033. , . Speech of Mr. Woodbridge, in support of the bill "To apply certain alternate sections of the public lands towards the com- pletion of works of internal improvement in the state of Michigan and for other purposes". [Washington? 1846?]. Caption title, 16 p. — — S. No title page. 7034. Woodruff, Roy O. Water power bill. The Commonwealth power company has the people of Michigan by the throat and is continually tighten- ing its grip . . . Speech of the Hon. Roy O. Woodruff of Michigan in the house of representatives July 24, 1914. Washington, 1914. Cover title, 15 p. U. 7035. Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury, jr. . . . Nonvay pine in the lake states, by Theodore S. Woolsey, jr. . . . and Herman H. Chapman . . . [Washington, Govt, print, off.] 1914. 42 p. (U. S. Dept. of agriculture, bulletin no. 139. (Professional paper) ). L C. Contribution from the forest service. 7036. Woolson, Constance Fenimore. Anne; a novel, by Constance Feni- more Woolson; illustrated by C. S. Rienhart, New York, Harper & brothers [cl882]. iv, 540p. G;LC. 7037. , . Ibid. Biographical ed. New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1899. v, 540 p. L C 7038. , . Castle Nowhere : lake-country sketches, by Constance Fenimore Woolson. Boston, J. R. Osgood and com- pany, 1875. 2 p. 1., [7]-368 p. L C. Originally appeared in the Atlantic monthly, Scribner's monthly, and other magazines. Contents. — Castle Nowhere. — Peter the parson. — Jeannette. — The old agency. — Misery landing. — Solomon. — Wilhelmina. — St. Clair flats. — The lady of Little Fishing." 750 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN 7039. Worcester, W. L. Diphtheria in the Michigan asylum for the in- sane, at Kalamazoo; report concerning an outbreak of 62 cases occuring from Oct. 20, 1880, till August 16, 1881, by W. L. Worcester, M. D. . . . [Lansing? 1883?]. [343]-355 p. (Reprinted from the Annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1882. Reprint no. 139). S. 7040. Workmen's compensation law of the state of Michigan. Rev. August, 1915, with amendments and supplementary acts. [New York, Roy press, cl915]. 31 p. L C; U. 7041. Worsfold, William. A special danger near switches on railroad tracks; letter, with diagram illustrating the subject, from William Worsfold, M. D. . . . and some remarks on the subject by the secretary of the state board of health . . . [Lansing? 1878?]. 459-464 p. (Reprinted from the Fifth annual report of the Michigan state board of health for the year 1877). S. 7042. Wright, Edward J. Ionia in 1891; a directory and gazetteer of the city of Ionia, Michigan, including the charter and ordinances of the city. Published by authority of the common council; and city and county maps. Edward J. Wright, editor and publisher. Ionia, Mich., Sentinel printing co., 1891. 351 p. G;LC;S. 7043. , . Wright's assessor's manual; a guide to the assessment of taxes under the Michigan tax law of 1893, by Edward J. Wright, with applied notes from three hundred decisions of the supreme court. Lan- sing, Mich.,' R. Smith & co.. printers, 1894. 103 p. L C; S. 7044. Wright, James North. . . . The development of the copper in- dustry of northern Michigan, by J. N. Wright . . . [Ann Arbor, 1899]. Cover title, 15 p. (Publications of the Michigan political science association, vol. Ill, no. 5, January, 1899). B; D; G; L C;'S; U. 7045. , — — ■ — ■ — . Where copper was king, a tale of the early mining days on Lake vSuperior, by James North Wright. Boston, Small, Maynard & company, 1905. x, 352 p. D; G; vS. 7046. Wright, John Couchois. Ella, a stor}- of the white slave traffic, by John C. Wright. Harbor Springs, Mich., published privately by John C. Wright [cl911]. 132 p. S. 7047. , . Lays of the lakes, by John C. Wright. Boston, Richard G. Badger, Gorham press [cl911]. 78 p. • — — S. 7048. , . Northern breezes, by John Couchois Wright . . . Harbor Springs, Mich., The lakeside press, 1915. [36] p. • S. 7049. , . Ibid. Harbor Springs, Mich., J. C. Wright [cl917]. 112 p. D. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 751 7050. , . The Ottawan, a short history of the vil- lages and resorts surrounding Little Traverse Bay . . . also an account of the noted Mormon kingdom on Beaver Island during the fifties . . . Illus- trated by J. C. Wright. Lansing, Mich., R. Smith & co., 1895. 80 p. G;LC. . 7051. , . Stories of the crooked tree, by John C. Wright . . . Harbor Springs, Mich., The lakeside press, 1915. 90 p. B;LC;S. Published in 1917 under title: The crooked tree ... 7052. , . The crooked tree (3d ed). Indian legends of northern Michigan, by John C. Wright . . . Harbor Springs, Mich., J. C. Wright [cl917]. 148, [3] p. L C. 7053. Wrinkle, university of Michigan, v. 1 (October 13, 1893)-v. 10 (October, 1902). Ann Arbor, Mich. [The wrinkle association] 1894-1902. ■ D*;LC;U. Biweekly during the college year. *The main library, Detroit, has v. 1-4. 7054. Wyandotte publishing company. Souvenir Wyandotte postal guide,. January 1st, 1900 . . . Issued by the Wyandotte pubHshing company. De- troit [n. d.] 28 p. B. 7055. Wyer, Raymond. An art museum, its concept and conduct, by Raymond Wyer . . . Muskegon, Michigan[ printed by the Dana press] 1914. 60 p. — - G;S. 7056. Wyman, Hal. C. The poorhouse^ — an up-to-date institution, by Hal. C. Wyman, M. D. [Lansing? 1905?]. 6 p. (Reprinted from Proceedings, twenty-fourth annual convention of state board of corrections and charities). S. 7057. Young, William T. Sketch of the life and public services of General Lewis Cass. With the pamphlet on the right of search, and some of his speeches on the great political question of the day. By William T. Yoimg . . . Detroit, Markham & Elwood, 1852. xv, [17]-420 p. B; G; L C; S;U. 7058. — ■ — , . Life and public services of General Lewis Cass together with the pamphlet on the right of search ... by Wm. T. Young. (Second and improved edition). Detroit, Markham & Elwood, 1852. xv, [17]-420 p. S. 7059. Young and co. Young and co.'s business and professional directory of central Michigan. Milwaukee, Standard printing and stationery co., 1902. 517 p. G. 7060. Young ladies' seminary and collegiate institute. Annual catalogue of officers and pupils of the Young ladies' seminary and collegiate institute, 752 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MICHIGAN Monroe City, Michigan, 2nd (1852)-14th (1865). New York, 1852-1865. B*;S*; U*. *The Burton Historical Collection has 15th; the State Library has 2nd; the U. of M. Li- brary has 7th. 7061. Ypsilanti. Board of education. Biennial catalogue and circular of the officers, teachers and pupils of the Ypsilanti union seminary, together with the courses of study, rides and regulations for the school year 1859-60 to 1868-69. Published by the board of education, Detroit. 1860-1869. S*. Title varies: 1859-60 . . . Catalogue of the officers, faculty and students for the acar demic year. *The State Library has 1859-60 and 1868-69. 7062. . . Catalogue of the officers, instructors, and students of the Ypsilanti high school, for the school year . . . 1898-99 to 1900-01. Ypsilanti, Mich., the board of education. 1899-1901. S*. *The State Library has 1898-99 and 1900-01. 7063. Ypsilanti board of underwriters. Constitution and by-laws of the Ypsilanti board of underwriters, [no imprint]. 23 p. S. 7064. Ypsilanti. Board of water commissioners. First annual report of the board of water commissioners of the city of Ypsilanti. Published by authority. Ypsilanti, 1890. 77, iv p. B; S. 7065. . Charters. Charter of the city of Ypsilanti, Michigan, revised October, 1865. Detroit, Free press book and job printing establish- ment, 1868. 125 p. G. 7066. . . Revised charter of the city of Ypsilanti ap- proved May 5, 1877, as amended by act 400 of the laws of 1881. Printed by authority of the common council of the city of Ypsilanti. 1882. Ypsilanti, Commercial publishing house, 1883. 191 p. L C. "Revised ordinances of the city of Ypsilanti": p. [93J-168. 7067. . . Revised charter of the city of Ypsilanti, ap- proved May 5, 1877 as amended by act 400 of the laws of 1881 and by local laws of 1891. Printed by authority of the common council of the city of Ypsilanti, 1891. Ypsilanti, Ypsilantian publishing house, 1891. 220 p. S. 7068. . . Revised charter of the city of Ypsilanti, ap- proved May 5, 1877, as amended by act 400 of the laws of 1881 and by local laws of 1891, 1899, 1901 and 1905. Printed by authority of the common coimcil . . . 1905. Ypsilanti, Ypsilanti daily press company, 1905. 240 p. LC;S. Amendments to the city charter of Ypsilanti, Michigan, April 7, 1913. [Ypsilanti? 1913?]. Cover title, 5 p. L C. 7069. . Vestry of St. Luke's church. In memoriam, WHliam Hothersall Gardam, the beloved rector of St. Luke's church, Ypsilanti, Michi- BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 753 gan, 1896-1914 . . . [Ypsilanti] vestry of St. Luke's church [1914?]. not paged.' S. 7070. Ypsilanti and Tecumseh railroad company. Report of the Ypsilanti and Tecumseh railroad company. (Michigan, legislature, 1839, senate docu- ments. Detroit, John S. Bagg, state printer, 1839, no. 14, p. 393-395). B;D;G;S;U. 7071. Ypsilanti woolen manufacturing company. Memorial of the Ypsilanti woolen manufacturing company. [Lansing, John A. Kerr & co. printers to the state, 1865]. 3 p. (Michigan, legislature, 1865, senate docu- ment no. 13). D;G;S;U. 7072. Zeisberger, David. Diary of David Zeisberger, a Moravian mis- sionary among the Indians of Ohio. Translated from the original German manuscript and edited by Euge'ne F. Bliss. Cincinnati, Robert Clarke & co. for the Historical and philosophical society of Ohio, 1885. 2 v. B; LC;S. ^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ■ O ^~.. 41584 ^ u\ JW' 7^ 'J JO c'lr^ ^ .^IIIBR, ^4 ■'<:'Aaviian-^V' ^ ;(i3AlNa-3W^ %omyi^- ^.OFCAl 6: W ■umw' inc.Ayrtirr iC IIDDAOV . !^ AWfFlfr RARV6?/ 7v| I vv^ m-i^' % ^Ofl/* f^ rtis K IIVERS 5^1 1-3\\V -< IVER.V mm oa I ">- "^ ■ 'i I I I I '^ — 4>. vL-* II 1 II Hill ill .... . - .-.- - - - « ;3V. fc^l 3 1158 00796 0072 7120NVS0V :)-K '?fc ilDNY-SOV*''" AA 000 844 778 i H 1 311-1 mi "i-n c-o OF-CAllFOff/k- ,OP-CA' "^^ %J13AINn-3V MFunivfr: T O .dGElf /Or- n .../ B> C^i ?■> vsov 5)1 ?:> vsov .i3A C LliiiW\il i (>^ <,Y\v LlL>li/\n I ^1 HIT ••^i^^jd^AiNivav %a3AiNn3V