A CATALOGUE OF WORKS ON EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY; DICTIONAEIES AND GRAMMARS OF THE MINOR LANGUAGES OF EUROPE; WORKS ON THE SCIENCE OF LINGUISTICS AND COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY; ANTHROPOLOGY AND ETHNOGRAPHY. Offered for Cash at the affixed net prices by BERNARD QUAEITCH. -»»♦♦ < ■ LONDON : 15, Piccadilly, June, 1884 CONTENTS ■**«- ssu PAGES. I. PoiA'GLOTTS AND COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY II. Non-Aryan Languages 1. Basque 2. Ugro-Finnic Finnish Magyar, Hungarian . Lapponic Esthonian Syrjenic Wotiak III. Aryan Languages 1. Lithuanian, Lettish, Old Prussian 2. Germanic Languages Historical and General Works Gothic Anglo-Saxon, Ancient English Dutch, Flemish Frisic Low German, Old High German and Dialects Scandinavian General Old Norse, Icelandic, Faroese Danish and Norwegian Swedish 3. Latin or Eomance Languages Langue d'Oil, Langue d'Oc, French Dialects Walloon Romansch . „ Rouman, Wallachian Creole Dialects 4. Helleno-Pelasgic Romaic Albanian 5. Celtic Languages Historical and General Works Irish Gaelic . Scottish Gaelic Manx Gaelic Cymric British or Welsh Breton Cornu-British or Cornish 6. Slavic Languages General and Old Slavic Bohemian, Czech Bulgarian Servian, Illyrian, Croat Polish Russian Wendish Windish or Slovenian 7. Gipsy, Rommany, Slang IV. Appendix ok Anthropology and Ethnogeapht 2011—15 2015—16 2016—17 2017 2017 2017 2018 - 20 2021 2021—25 2025—28 2028 2028—32 2032—34 2034—39 2039-43 2043—49 2050—56 2056 2056 2057 2057 2058—60 2060 2060—61 2061-64 2064—65 2065—66 2066—74 2074 2075—76 2077—78 2078—79 2079 2079—80 2080—81 2081—84 2084 20*1 PAGl . 2012 11 201 1 PAG] 1995 -2U1 2 2012 -17 2017 86 2017— lx 2018—49 2050 — 58 2058-60 2060-76 2076— 84 2085—86 20x6— 98 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: Works on the Science of Linguistics and Comparative Philology ; Dictionaries and Grammars of the minor Languages and Dialects of Europe ; Anthropology and Ethnography. I. COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY, HISTORY OF LANGUAGE, POLYGLOTTS. 19932 Abel (C.) Linguistic Essays, 8vo. (pub. 9s), cloth, 7 s 1882 Contains : Language as the Expression of Thought ; Common Language for the Slav Nations ; Coptic Intensification ; Origin of Language ; etc. 19933 Auelung (F.) Catherinens der Grossen Verdienste um die vergleichende Sprachenkunde, 4to. sd. 5s St. Petersb. 1815 19934 ADELUNG (J. C.) Mithridates oder allegemcine Sprachenkunde, mit wichtigen Beytragen zvv^-er grossen Sprachforscher, fort- gesetzt von J. C. Vatee, 4 vols. 8vo. containing the " Lord's Prayer" in 500 Lainiuaqes and Dialects, Ids. 18s J Berlin, 1806-17 19935 the same, 4 vols. 8vo. Id. 20s 1806-17 A history of the known Languages and Dialects, with an account of the hooks printed in or relating to them, and above 500 different specimens, con- sisting chiefly of the Lord's Prayer. Divided as follows: Vol.1. Asiatic Languages, 1806—11. European Languages, 1809— III. part 1, African Languages, 1812— III. part 2, American Languages, continued, 1816— IV. Supplement, by Yattr, Humboldt's Supplement ou the Basque Language ; Vatcr's Nachtriige zum III. Bande, 1817. " Adelung's Mithridates contains specimens of all the known Languages of the world ; a work as classical to the comparative philologist as Blackstone's Commentaries are to the lawyer." 1993G Anderson (W.) Studien zur Vergleicliung der indogermanischrn und finnisch-ugrischen Sprachen, 8vo. sd. Bs <> / Dorpat, 18 , 9 19937 Aechivio Glottologico Italiano, diretto da G. I. Ascoli, Vols. I-II1, and of Vol. IV pi 1 and 2, 8vo. map (pub. at £2. 16*), sd. 32s J Torino, L873-7 Contains learned Essays on the Dialects of Italy, and of the South of France, and other Romance Languages ; also first printed editions ol inediOTaJ "l^oGrn^ etc* " The first volume, consisting of " Saggi Ladini," by the editor, 556 pp. and large map of the RomanBch districts in Switzerland, is sold separately for 9s 1996 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 19938 Arndt (C. G. von) liber den Ursprung und die verschiedenartige Verwandtschaft der europaischen Sprachen, 8vo. cloth, 3s 3d Frankfurt, 1818 19939 Ascoli, Corsi di Glottologia : Fonologia comparata del Sanskrito, del Greco e del Latino, pt. 1, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d Torino, 1870 19940 Vorlesungen iiber die vergleicliende Lautlehre des Sanskrit, des Griechischen und des Lateiniscken, iibersetzt von J. Eazziglier und H. Sclrweizer-Sidler, Band I, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d Halle, 1872 19941 Attwell (H.) Table of the Aryan Languages, roy. 4to. Ids. 3s Qd 1874 19942 BALBI (Adr.) Atlas Ethnographique du Globe, ou Classification des peuples anciens et modernes d'apres leurs Langues — Introduction a l'Atlas Ethnographique, .Tome I (all published) — together one vol. 8vo. and one roy. folio, with about 700 Vocabidaries, bds. 10s Paris, 182G This work consists of Charts classifying languages according to the ethnographic kingdoms, which are followed by comparative tables of elemen- tary words in every known language ; the introduction contains a vast collection of valuable and interesting information on the general principles of the science. 19943 Ballhorn (F.) Alphabete orientalischer und occidentalischer Sprachen, 8vo. hf. morocco, 6s Leipzig, 1859 19944 Barrois (P.) Elements Carlovingieus Linguistiques et Litteraires, 4to. plates, hf. calf, 7s 6d 1840 19945 the same, 4to. calf extra, gill edges, 15s 1846 19946 Bechtel (F.) iiber die Bezeichnungen der sinnlichen Wahrneh- mungen in den indogermanischen Sprachen, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Weimar, 1879 19947 BENFEY (T.) Gesehichte der Sprachwissenschaft und orienta- lischen Pldlologie in Deutschland, 8vo. cloth, C>s ; or. hf, calf, 10s Miinchen, 1869 19948 Ueber die Eritstehung und die Formendes indogerman- ischen Optativ (Potential), 4to. sd. 2s Gott. 1871 19949 1st in der indogcrinanisehen Grundsprache ein nomin- ales Suffix ia oder statt dessen ya anzusetzen r 1 4to. sd. 2s 1871 19950 Ueber die Entstehung des indogermanischen Vokativs, 4to. sd. 2s 1872 19951 Ueber die indogermanischen Endungen des Genitiv Singularis ians, ias, ia, 4to. sd. 2s ' 1874 19952 Einige Derivate des indogermanischen Vcrbums Anbh- Nabb, 4to. sd, 2s 1878 19953 BEZZENBERGER (A.) Beitrage sur Kunde der indogcr- manischen Sprachen, Vols. I- VII 1, 8vo. 5 vols, half russia, and 3 parts, sd, £2. 10s Gottvugen, 1877-81 19954 the same. Vols. I a7id II, 8vo. sd. 20s 1876-78 19955 Bindseii (R. E.) Abhandhmgeri zur iillgemeinen vcrgleiehenden Sprachleln'e, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8v<>. If. calf, 5s Hamburg, 1838 19956 15io.Ni>i:r,u (B.) Studi Linguistioi (sulle Lingue Romanze, delle Lingue furbesche, [diomi e Dialetti Italic!, ecc.) 8vo. portrait of Count GasHglioni, sd, 2s 6d ; or, half calf, 3s 6d Alilano, 1856 COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY: POLYGLOTTS. i!i:>7 19957 Biondblli (B.)Atlanfce Linguistico d'Europa, Vol. I (Classificazionc delle lingue Indo-Europee), 8vo. with tahle and 2 coloured linguistic charts, bds. 4s; or, half calf, 5s Milano, 1841 19958 Bleek, Origin of Language, translated by Davidson, 8vo. sd. 2s Qd 18G9 19959 Bois-Retmond (F. H. du) Kadnius oder allgemeine Alphabetik, 8vo. sd. 2s Qd Berlin, 1862 19960-20096 BONAPARTE (Prince Louis Lucien). A Set of the Philological Works and Tracts by, or produced under the direction of Prince L. L. Bona- parte, comprising in all 158 distinct works, as detailed below, £75. 1847-82 These important contributions to Philology were only pro- duced in very small numbers. Of no volume were more than 256 copies produced — of many considerably less. The following is a list of the works. Most of them are sold separately at the prices affixed ; when a series is selected a reduced price will be charged. 1 Parabola de Seminatore, ex Matthfeo, in LXXII Europceas ling uas ac dialectos versa et Romanis characteribus expressa, 8vo. rare, 25s ' 1857 2 Specimen Lexici comparativi omnium Linguarum Euro- paearum, sm. folio, 15s Florentice, 1847 3 Catalogues des ouvrages de Linguistique Europeenne, edites par le Prince L. L. Bonaparte, lGmo. 3s 1858 4 Deuxieme catalogue des ouv- rage destines a faciliter l'etude des langues Europeennes, 16mo. 4s Qd 1862 5 Canticum Canticorum Salomo- nis, 3 Vasconicce linguce dialectis in llispania vigentibus versum, a J. A. de Uriartc et Bonaparte, 4to. printed in black, red, and green, 15s 1858 6 Canticum trium Puerorum in 7 dialectos Vascouicas versum, 4to. 4s Qd 1858 7 idem, in 11 dialectis Vas- conicis, a, L. L. Bonaparte, 4to. new phonetic types, Qs W. H. lHlJing, 1858 8 Canticum trium Puerorum, editio altera, 4to. new phonetic types, 7s Qd G. Barclay, 1858 9 Prodromus Evangelii Mattlnei octupli, seu Oratio Dominica hispanice, gallice et omnibus Vas- conicis dialectis reddita, 4to. Is Qd is:, 7 10 Dialogues Basques : Guipus- coans, Biscaiens, Labourdius, Souletins, par A. P. Ifrurriaga, J. A. de Uriarte, J. Duvoisin, et l'Abbe Inchauspe, avec deux traductions, Espagnole et Fran- caise, oblong 8vo. 27s 1857 11 Biblia edo Testamentu : the Bible in the Quipuscoan dialect of Basque, by Uriarte, L. L. Bonaparte and Azpiazu, 8vo. 27s 1859 Only Genesis. Exodus, and Leviticus are printed. 12 Evangelio Begun san Mateo, fcraducido al Vaseuence, dialecto Ouipuzcoano, por Uriarte, only 25 copies •printed L858 13 Apocalipsis de San Juan, fcradu- cido al Vaseuence, dial* cto ■ puzcoano, por Uriarte, 16mo. only 50 copies pi'inted, 27s L85S 136 * 1998 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. ^ Bonaparte's (Prince L. L.) Philological Works— continued 14 Apocalipsis de San Juan, Vas c nence Vizcaino, por Uriarte, lGmo. only 51 copies printed, 27s J 1857 15 Doctrina Cristiana, en el Vas- cuence de Llodio, provincia de Alava, 32mo. only 50 copies printed, 15s 1858 16 BASQUE BIBLE : Biblia, edo Testament Zahar eta Berria Duvoisin Kapitainak, latinezko Bulgatatik lehembiziko aldiko Laphurdiko eskarara itzulia. Lnis-Luziano Bonaparte print- zeak argitara emana : La Sainte Bible, traduite pour la premiere fois en langue Basque, Dialecte da Labourd, par le Capitaine Duvoisin, editee par le Prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte, impl. 8vo. 1365 pp. double columns, in parts, £9. 9s; or, half morocco, £10. 10s 1859-65 This work, the most important of the Prince's publications, is now entirely out of print. 17 Ruth, le Livre de, traduit en Basque Labourdin, par Duvoisin, 32 mo. 4s 6 d I860 18 C antique des Cantiques de Salo- mon, en Basque Labourd in, par Duvoisin, 16mo. 4s Gd 1859 19 Apocalypse de Saint Jean, en Basque Souletin, par Inchauspe, lGmo. 27s 1858 20 Verbe Basque (Le) par l'Abbe Incbauspe, publie par le Prince L. L. Bonaparte, 4to. £3. Bayonne, 1858 21 Celtic Hexapla: the Song of Solomon in nil the living dialects of the Gaelic and Cambrian lan- guages (in English, Irish, Gaelic, Manx, French, Welsh, Breton, Vannetais), 4to. 20s 1858 22 Apocripha, Gaelic Albannaich, leia an Alasdair Macgriogair, 8vo. £2. I860 The Gaelic Apocrypha had never been printed before. 23 Evangile de Saint Mathieu, en Breton de Vannes, par Terrien, 16mo. Qs !857 24 Parabola del Eigliuol Prodigo, in Greco di Cargese (Corsica) da Stefanopoli, 4to. Is Qd I860 25 Vangelo di San Matteo, in dialetto Milanese, da Ant. Picozzi, 16mo. 15s 1859 26 in dialetto Bergamasco, da Locatelli, 16mo. 15s I860 27 in dialetto Piemontese, 16mo. 6s 1861 28 in dialetto Genovese, da G. Olivieri, con osservazioni Lin- guistico- comparative sulla pro- nunzia Genovese, da L. L. Bona- parte, 16mo. 15s I860 29 in dialetto Veneziano, da G. Fontana, 16mo. 15s 1859 30 in dialetto Friulano, dal Conte P. dal Pozzo, 16mo. 15s 1860 31 in dialetto Napoletano, da un letterato di Napoli, 16mo. 15s 1861 32 Libro di Rut, in dialetto Siciliano, da Scalia, 32mo. 4s 6d I860 33 Cantico de' Cantici di Salmone, in dialetto Siciliano, da L. Scalia, 16mo. 4s 6d I860 34 Vangelo di Matteo, in dialetto Siciliano, da Scalia, con osser- vazioni linguistico-comparativo. di L. L. Bonaparte, 16mo. 15s 1861 35 Storia di Giuseppe : Capi 37 e 39-45 della Gencsi, in dialetto Sardo Logudorese da Spano, seconda edizione, 8vo. 15s 1861 30 Libro di Rut, in dialetto Sardo meridionale, da Abis, 32mo. 4s 6d 1860 37 Cantico de' Cantici, in dialetto Sardo weridionaU; da Abis, lOmo. .1, <;,/ . i860 38 Profezia di Giona, in dial din Sardo Cagliaritano, da Abis, li'.mo. 4s 6-/ 1861 POLYGLOTTS : PRINCE BONAPARTE'S WORKS. 1999 Bonaparte's (Prince L. L.) Philol 39 Vangclo di S. Matteo, in dialetto Sardo Cagliarita.no, da Abis, 16mo. 15s 1860 40 Storia di Giuseppe : Capi 37 e 39-45 della Genesi, in dialetto Sardo Cagliaritano, da Abis, 8vo. 15s 1861 41 Libro di Rut, in dialetto Sardo centrale, 32mo. 4s 6d 1861 42 Cantico de' Cantici, in dialetto Sardo centrale, 16mo. 4s (id 1861 43 Profezia di Giona, in Sardo Logudorese, da C. G. Spano, 16mo. 4s U 1861 44 Yangelo di S. Matteo, in dia- letto Sardo Logudorese, da Spano, 16mo. 15s 1858 45 Libro di Rut, Sardo Settentrio- nale Tempiese, da Spano, 32mo. 4s 6d 1861 46 Cantico de' Cantici, Sardo Settentrionale Tempiese, 16mo. 4s 6d 1861 47 Vangelo di S. Matteo, in dia- letto Sardo Galhirese di Tempio, da Mundula, con osservazioni da L. L. Bonaparte, 16mo. 15s 1861 48 Yangelo di S. Matteo, in dia- letto Corso, 16mo. 15s 1861 49 Vangclo di S. Matteo, in dia- letto Bomano, da Caterbi et L. L. Bonaparte, 16mo. 15s 1861 50 Sonetto Romanesco, " Che serve che v'annata stroliganno," 4to. 2s 6d s. I. v. a. 51 Evangelio de S. Matteo, en el dialecto Asturiano, por un natural de Asturias, con co-operacion de L. L. Bonapai-te, 16mo. 15s 1861 52 Evangelio de S. Matteo, tradu- cido al dialecto Oallego, por Jose Sanchez de Santa Maria, con observaciones sobre la pronun- ciacion Gallega, Asturiana, Cas- tellana y Portuguesa por L. L. Bonaparte, 16mo. 15s 1861 53 Salomo's Hohe Lied in Sieben- biirgischsachsiseher Spracbe, von Seivert, 16mo. 4s 6d 1859 OGiCAL Works — continued. 54 Psalms, the Book of, in Lowland Scotch, by H. S. Riddell, 8vo. 15s 1858 55 Solomon, the Song of, in Low- land Scotch, by Riddell, 4to. 4s 6d 1858 56 Book of Ruth, in the North- umberland dialect, bv Robson, 32mo. 3s I860 57 Solomon, the Song of, versified in the dialect of the Colliers of Northttmberland, by Bobson, 4to. 7s 6d I860 58 Solomon, the Song of, m twenty- three English dialects, as under, 23 pai-ts, 16mo. each 3s Gd Lowland Scotch, two versions; North- umberland, Newcastle, two versions (For- ster's and Robson's) ; Cumberland, central Cumberland, Durham, Westmoreland, North Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, North Lancashire, Craven, Sheffield, Lancashire (Bolton), Devon. East Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Wiltshire, Cornwall (living dialect), Sussex and Norfolk. 59 Solomon, the Song of, in Saxon- Enqlish, bv Green, 16mo. 4s •'>,/ * 1862 60 Somersetshire Dialect (the), its pronunciation, by Baynes, 8vo. 4s 6d 1861 61 Evangelii Matthan Capi I, Neo- Frisick a Halbertsma, 16mo. 3s 1857 62 Cap. II, 16mo. 25 copies printed 1857 63 Ewangeelje fen Matthewes : Evangelic van Matt Inns vertaald in Land-Frieschy&oOT Halbertsma. 4to. 27s 1858 64 Piesni Piesnei teara Solomona (the Song of Solomon in Rttssi 16mo. 4s 6i 1858 65 Cantiqxie des Cantiques (le) de Salomon, traduit en basque guipuscoan par le Prince houis- Lui-ien Bonaparte, I6m0. 20 pp. 4«Gci l862 2000 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Bonaparte's (Prince L. L.) Philological Works— continued 06 Cantique des Cantiques (le) de Salomon, traduit en basque bis- caycn central, tel qu'il est parle aux environs de Bilbao, et accom- pagne d'une traduction en basque biscayen litteraire de Marquina ; par le P. J. A. de Uriarte ; suivi d'un petit dictionnaire compara- tif des dialectes basques et de notes explicatives, par le Prince L. L. Bonaparte, 16mo. 36 pp. 7s 6d 1862 The Dictionary has never appeared. 67 La Profecia de Jonas, en vascu- ence navarro del valle de Baztan, por Ecbenique, 16mo. 4s 6d 1862 68 Prophetie de Jonas, en Basque de la vallee de Che. Basse Na- varre, par Casenave, 16mo. 4s G<1 1862 69 Storia di Giuseppe Ebreo, in dialetto Sardo Tenipiese, da Por- queddu, 8vo. 15s 1862 70 Profezia di Giona, in dialetto Sardo Tempicse, da P. Porqueddu, 16mo. 4s 6d 1862 71 Doctrina (la) cristiana tradu- cida fd vascm nee, dialecto vkcaino, vai-iedades cle Marquina, Bermeo, Arratia, Centro y Orchandiano, 4to. 16 pp. 7s 6d 1862-64 Only the first two sheets exist. 72 Gospel of St. Matthew, in Loxv- land Scotch, by G. Henderson, 16mo. 15s L852 73 Vangelo di San Matteo, in dia- letto Calabrese Cosenlino, da Lu- ccnte, con osscrvazioni dal Prin- cipe L. L. Bonaparte, 16mo. 15s 1862 74 Cornish Literature, reprinted from the Cambrian Journal, 561,2s 1861 75 Dangue Basque et Lau^ucs Pinnoiscs, par le Prince L. Ij. IJr.nfipaHe, 4to. 24s L862 70 Vangelo di S. Matteo, in dia- letto Bologne8e da Pepoli, 16mo. 15s L862 77 Note sur l'orthograpbie picarde par Paris, 16nio. 3s 1862 78 Solomon, the Song of, in Loic- land Scotch, by Henderson, 16mo. 3s 1862 79 Classification morphologiquo des langues europeennes, adoptee par le prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte pour son Vocabulaire comparatif, 4to. 4 pp. 2s 1863 80 Pi-opbetie (la) de Jonas, tra- duite en basque labourdin par le cap. Duvoisin, 16mo. 16 pp. 5s 1863 81 Evangelium (das) Matthai in den ostlichen Dialect des Livi- schen zum ersten Male iibersctat von dem Liven N. Pollmanh, durchgesehen von P. J. Wiede- mann, 16mo. iv and 124 pp. 18s 1863 (Types phondtiques fonclus expres pour cettc traduction.) 82 Evangelium (das) Matthai in den westlicben Dialect des Livi- schen iibersetzt von dem Liven J. Prinz und dessen Sohnen P. Prinz und J. P. Prinz, dureb- gesehen von P. J. Wiedemann, 16mo. iv and 122 pp. 18s 1863 83 Evangelium (das) Matthai wot- jahiscb, mit Hulfe eines einge- borenen Wotjakcn redigirt von P. J. Wiedemann, 16mo. iv, 112* pp. 18s 1863 84 Storia (la) di (iiuseppe Ebreo, o i Capi xxxvii c xxxix-xlv della Genesi in dialetto sardo sassarese dal can. Giovanni Spano, 8vo. iv-58pp. 15s 1863 85 Libro (il) di Rut, in dialetto si i r do sassarese dal can. G. Spano. 32mo. 24 pp. 5s L863 86 Cantico (il) de' cantici di Salo- mone, volgarizzato in dialetto sardo settentrionale sassarese dal C. G. S. L6mo. 20 pp. 5s 1863 POLYGLOTTS: PRINCE BONAPARTE'S WORKS. 2001 Bonaparte's (Prince L. L.) Puilological Works— continued. 87 Profezia (la) di Giona, in dia- letto sardo sassarese dal Can. G. Spano, 16mo. 16 pp. 5s 1863 88 Saint (lc) Evangile selon St. Matthieu, traduit en picard amienois d'apres la version fran- caise de Lemaistre de Sacy, precede d'nne note sur la man- iere d'ecrire le picard et snivi de quelqnes observations snr cer- tains sons radicanx de cet idiome, par Edonard Paris, d'Amiens, 16mo. xxxii— 142 pp. 18s 1863 89 Saint (le) Evangile selon St. Matthieu, traduit en normand de Guernesey d'apres la version francaise de Lemaitre de Sacy, par Georges Metivier, anteur des Rimes guernesiaises par un Catelain, 16mo. vi — 135 pp. 15s 1863 90 Gospel (the) of St. Matthew, translated into Western English as spoken in Devonshire, by Henry Baird, 16mo. iv — 126 pp. 15s 1863 91 Evangelium Matthiius in sud- harelischer Mundart von F. J. Wiedemann, 16mo. 18s 1864 92 syrjiiniscli, 16mo. 18s 1864 93 Evangile de Matthieu, en dia- lect fra'rtc-comtois de la vallee basse de Doubs, par Ch. Thuriet, 16mo. 15s 1864 94 en dialecte saint ongeoise, par Burgaud des Marets, 16mo. 15s 1864 95 Formulaire de prone conserve dans l'eglise d'Arbonne, re-edite par L. L. Bonaparte, 8vo. 3s Bayqnne, 1866 90 en tongue basque suivi des observations sur les sous-dialcctes bas-navarrais et navairo-souletins par L. L. Bonaparte, 8vo. 4s 6d 1 1866 97 Evangelium (das) Matthai in den nordlichen Dialect des Per- mischen zum crsten Male iibcr- setzt von Popov, 16mo. 18s 1866 Types phonetiques fondus expres pour cette edition. 98 tschcremissisch (so gen- annter Berg- dialect des rechten Wolgaufers) nach dcr Ausprache eines Kosmodcmianskischen Tschcremissen revidirt von Wiedemann, 16mo. 18s 1866 Types phonetiques fondus expres pour cette edition. 99 ersa-mordwinisch, revidirt von Wiedemann, 16mo. 18s 1865 Types phonetiques fondus expres pour cette edition. 100 Vangelo (il) di S. Matteo in dialetto romagnuolo faentino dal Sig. Antonio Morri,16mo.l5s 1865 101 ■ in dialetto sardo sassarese, dal can. G. Spano. Accompag- nato da osservazioni sulla pro- nunzia di questo dialetto, del Principe L. L. Bonaparte, 16mo. xxxix and 125 pp. 18s 1866 102 Saint (le) Evangile selon S. Matthieu, d'apres la version fran- caise de Lemaistre de Sacy, traduit en provengal marseillais modeme par Feraud, 16mo. vii and 130 pp. 15s 1866 103 Carte des sept provinces bas- ques, montrant la delimitation actuelle de t'cuscara et sa division en dialectes, sous-dialcctes et varietes. Par le prince Louis- Lucien Bonaparte. Deux grandes feuilles. Taillc-douce Londres, 1863 103* La meme Carte lithogra- ph ice, 27s 104 Tableau montrant la conju- gaison complete du verbe guipns« coat d;ms ses temps simples, les variantes et les traitements Eamiliers exceptes. Extraite dn "Verbe basque en tableaux " par le prince L. L. B. 2002 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Boxapakte's (Prince L. L.) PniLOLOGicAL Works — continued. 105 Salmo (el) qnincnagesimo, traducido al vascuence del vail de Salazar de la version castel- lana de Don Felipe Scio, por Don Pedro Jose Samper abad de Janrrieta, 4to. 2s 1867 100 Salmo (el) qnincnagesimo, tra- ducido al vascuence aezcoano, sala- cenco y roncales, por Don Martin Elizondo de Aribe, Don Pedro Jose Samper abad de Janrrieta, y Don Mariano Mendigacha de Vidangoz, 4to. 8 pp. 5s Gd 1809 107 Cantique (le) des trois jeunes Gens dans la foumaise, dans les dialectes basques p'Aezcoa, de Salazar et de Roncal, par L. Btmaparte, 4to. 4 pp. 5.* 1808 103 des trois Enfants, 2me edition revue et corrigee, 4to. 3s 1869 109 Cantique (le) des trois enfants dans les trois sous dialectes du basque haut-navarrais meridional, par L. L. Bonaparte, 4to. 4 pp. 3s Gd 1869 110 Catechisnie (le petit) espagnol du P. Astetc, traduit en trois dialectes basques : 1. Aezcoan, par Don Pedro Jose Minondo, avec la co-operation de Don Martin Elizondo d'Aribe; 2. Salazarrais, par Don Pedro Jose Samper; 3. Roncalais, par Don Prudencio Hualdc, verifie et modine sur les lieux memes par le prince Louis-Lucien Bonaparte, 4to. iv — 74 pp. types phonetiques, 28* 180: ) HI Verbe (le) basque en tableaux, accompsgne de notes grammati- cales, selon les huit dialectes de 1'euskara . le guipuscoan, les bisca'ien, le hant-navarrais sep- tentrional, le hant-navarrais occidental, le bas-navarrais occi- dental, le bas-navarrais oriental ei le Bonletdn ; avec les differences de Ienrs sous-dialectes et de lenrs varietes. Recueilli sur les lieux memes de la bouche des gens de la campagne, dans cinq excursions linguist iqnes faites dans les sept provinces basques d'Espagne et de France pendant les annees 1856, 1857, 1866, 1867, 1869, par le prince Louis -Lucien Bonaparte, 4to. xliv — 160 pp. plus 15 tableaux, £2. 16s 1869 112 Jesns. Copla gnisa batzuc molde gutitacoac, celebratus Jesus Jaunaren amoreac ta f avoreac. Don Joanin Lizarragac componduac, ta Luis Luciano Bonaparte principeac arguitara einanac, 5 . 12mo. sans pagination, 15s 1868 Ces 729 quatrains en dialecte haut- navarrais meridional, occupent 2i4 pages 113 Evangelium (das) desMatthaus tsckeremissisch in den so genann- ten Walddialekt des rechten Wolgaufers mit Hiilfe eines wjatkaschen Tscberemissen iiber- tragen von F. J. Wiedemann, 16mo. 120 pp. plus les titres, 18s 1870 Tj'pes phonetiques fondus expres pour cette edition. 114 in den Dialect der Icon- dischen Wogulen imGouvernement Tobolsk, iibersetzt von G. Popov, 10mo. 116 pp. 18s 1868 Types phonetiques fondus cxprcs pour cette edition. 115 in den Dialect der obdor- skischen ostjalcen iibersetzt von Wologodski, 16mo. 36 pp. Gs 1868 116 Vangelo di S. Mattco nel dialetto albanese griego scutarino dal Fr. Rossi da Montalto, rivc- duto da G. Crasnich, 16mo. xii — 166 pp. 18s 1870 117 Vangelo (il) di S. Matteo, tradotta dal testo greco nel dialetto calabro-albanese di Fras- cineto dal Sig. Vinccnzo Dorsa, POLYGLOTTS : PRINCE BONAPARTE'S WORKS. 2003 Bonaparte's (Prince L. L.) Philological Works— continued. riveduto e corretto da Don Demetrio Carmarda, IGnio. 110 pp. plus les titres, 18s 1868 118 Vangelo (il) di S. Matteo, tradotta dal testo greco nel dialetto albanese di Piana de' Greci in Sicilia da un nativo di questo luogo, riveduto e corretto da Don Demetrio Carmarda, 16mo. iv — 116 pp. •plus le titre et V errata, 18s 1868 119 Specimen d'ortliograplie ap- plicable aux dialectes de la langue d'oil, 16mo. 16 pp. 1867 120 Etudes sur les trois dialectes basques des vallees d'Aezcoa, de Salazar et de Roncal, tels qu'ils sont paries a Aribe. a Jaurrieta et a Vidangoz, par le prince L. Bonaparte, 25s 1872 121 Jesuscristoren Evangelio san- dua Juanec Dacarran Guisara (en lasque haut-navarrais meri- dional), 4to. 28s 1868 122 Parabole du Semeur, dans le dialecte Ecossais des Shetlands, par le Dr. L. Edmonston, 8vo. 2s 1873 123 Specimen of the Vulgar Speech of the town of Gloucester, 8vo. 2s 1851 124 Parabola del Sembrador, a los ocho dialectos del Vascuence y a qitatro de sus subdialectos, 12mo. 3s 1878 125 Bonaparte (L. L.) surcertaines Notes, etc. dont M. Vinson a accompagne l'Essai sur la Langue Basque par F. Ribary, 8vo. 6s 1877 126 Remarques sur les dia- lectes de la Corse et sur l'origine basque de plusieurs noms locaux, 8vo. 3s U 1877 127 Nouvelles Observations sur les dialectes de la Corse, 8vo. 4s 6d 1877 128 sur certaines remarques de M. Luchaire (sur le basque de Eontarabie), 8vo. 2s 1877 129 sur le caractere prono- minal de monosyllabe beamais " que," 8vo. 2s 1878 130 Note supplementally sur le " 131 (< 132 que 8vo. %. L879 que, Troisieme note sur le 8vo. 2s 1879 sur les Mots Basques, " 111, Illargi, Illun," etc. 8vo. Is 1879 133 " Roncesvalles " and "Juniper" in Basque, Latin and Neo-Latin, 8vo. 2s 1882 134 Neuter Neo-Latin sub- stantives, 8vo. 3s 1 ssi i 135 Postscript to the above, 8vo. Is 1883 136 List of Basque, TJralic and Aryan dialects in which boohs of the Bible have been translated, 2s Gd 1881 20097 BOPP (Franz) iiber das Conjugations-system der Sanskrit-sprache in Vero-leichung mit jenem der griechischen, latein. persischen und german. Sprache, sm. 8vo. bds. 2s 6d 1*1' » Vergleiciiende Grammatik des Sanskrit, Zend, Griecni 20098 20099 20100 20101 20102 schen, Lateinischen, Litthauischen (Altslawischen), Gotlusehen und Deutschen, in 1 vol. sm. stout 4to. calf, 18s 1833-49 Vergleichende Grammatik, 2te Auflage, 3 vols. 8vo^ hf. calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, 20s 1857-6 I the same, with Arendt's Sach- und Wortregister, 4 vols. in 5 pts. 8vo. sd. 20s ^i"'^ the same, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, 24s ls ;"," , .'. : > ' the same, in 3 vols. 8vo. vellum gilt, 27s 1^57-63 2004 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20103 Bopp's Comparative Grammar of the Sanskrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Slavonic Languages, trans- lated by Eastwick, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 14s 1845 20104 the same, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 18s 1856 20105 Bopp, Grammaire comparee des Langues Indo-Europeennes com- prenant le Sanscrit, le Zend, l'Armenien, le Grec, le Latin, le Lithuanien, l'Ancien Slave, le Gothique et 1'Allemand, traduit sur la denxieme edition par Michel Breal, 5 vols, large 8vo. sd. 35s Paris, 1866-74 20106 the same, 5 vols, large 8vo. hf. calf neat, £2. 5s 1866-74 20107 the same, 5 vols, large 8vo. hco vols, in half red morocco, uncut, the rest sewed, £2. 1866-74 20108 Vocalismus oder sprachvergleichende Kritiken liber J. Grimm's Grammatik und Graff's althochdeutschen Sprach- schatz, 8vo. sd. 2s 6c? ; or, cloth, 3s 6d 1836 20109 BORROW (G.) Targum, or metrical translations from 30 languages and dialects, 8vo. hf. calf, rare, £4. St. Petersburg, 1835 20110 Brinkmann (F.) die Metaphern ; Studien fiber den Geist der modernen Sprachen, Band I, die Thierbilder der Sprache, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d Bonn, 1878 20111 Brown (T. R.) Dictionary containing English words of difficult Etymology, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt edges, 36s 1843 The most singular work ever written on Comparative Philology. Only nine copies printed at the author's own press. 20112 Buttmaxx (P.) Mythologus oder gesammelte Abhandlungen fiber Sagen des Alterthums, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. maps, hf. calf, 5s 1828-9 20113 Catalogues des Ouvrages de Linguistique Europeenne, edites par le Pi-ince L. L. Bonaparte, 16mo. 3s 1858 2U113* Deuxieme Catalogue des ouvrage destines a faciliter lYtude des Langues Europeennes, 16mo. 4s 6d 1862 20114 ChamBBELATNB (J.) Oi'atio Dominica in diversas omnium fere Gentium Linguas versa etpropriis cujusque linguae characteribus expressa, cum dissertationibus de Linguarum Origine, sm. 4to. fine and large paper, vellum, gilt edges, £3. 3s Amstel. 1715 20115 COLLOQUIA et Dictionariolum octo linguarum, Latina*, Gallica 1 , Belgicee, Teutonics, Hispanicac, Italics), Anglican, et Portugallica\ oblong 12mo. the eight languages in parallel columns, vellum., 24s Antverpice, 1630 20116 DelbruCK (B.)undE. Windisch, Syntaktische Forschungen, Band I, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d Halle, 1871 Contains: Der Gebranch des Conjunctivs und Optativs ini Sanskrit und ( .rit i liischcn. von Delbriick. JOl 17 Dictionary (New) of Quotations from the Greek, Latin and modern Lmiruages, translated, stout 12mo. cloth, 4s 1859 20118 DIKVHNBACH (L.) Lexicon Comparatiynm Linguarum Indo- Gcrniiinicarum: vcrgleichi mdes YVorterbuch der germanischen Sprache und ihrer sammtlichen Stammverwandten, mit Beriick- si<-li( iguiig der romanischen,jli1 hauisch-sclftvischeii undkeltischen Sprachen, und mil Zuziehung der finnischen Familie, 2 vols. 8vo. 1830 pp. (pub. at 36s), sd. Us; cloth, Us Frankfurt, 1851 20119 the same, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. calf, 20s; or, ///. morocco, 16s COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY; POLYCiLOTTS. 2005 20120 DiEFENBA.cn (L.) Origines Europaeae : die alter Volker Europas mit iliren Sippen und Nachbarn, 8vo. half calf neat, 6 Frankfurt, 186] 20121 EICHHOFF (P. G.) ParallMe des Langues do PEurope el de l'Inde, 4to. hf. bd. 5s L836 20122 Tableau de la Litterature du Nord au Moycn Age, en Allemagneet en'Angleterrc, en Scandinavic et en Slavonie, 8vo. hf.bd.3s6d 1853 20123 Ellis (R.) on Numerals as signs of primeval unity among man- kind, 8vo. cloth, 5s 1873 20124 Engelmann (W.) Bibliothek der neueren Sprachen (Verzeichniss der Grammatiken, Worterbueher und Cbrestomathien), 8vo. hf. calf, 4s Leipzig, 1842 20125 Faulmann (C.) das Buck der Sckrift, enthaltend die Schriften unci Alpliabete aller Zeiten und aller Volker des gesammten Erdkreises, 4to. Us. 12.? Wien, 1878 20126 Ferrar (W. H.) Comparative Grammar of the Sanscrit, Greek and Latin, Vol. I (all pub. ; sells 12s), cloth, 5s _ 1860 20127 Fick (A.) Vergleicbcndes Worterbuch der indogermaniscben Sprachen, 2 vols, in 3, 8vo. sd. 12s ; or, 2 vols, in 1, hf. calf, 14s Gbitingen, 1870 20128 dieehemalige Spracbeinbeit der Indogermanen Europas, 8vo. sd. 4s 6^ 1873 20129 — — die griechischen Personennamen, mit den Namcn- systemen verwandter Sprachen, etc. 8vo. sd. 3s 6d l s o 20130 Garnett (R.) Pbilological Essays, 8vo. cloth, 2s 6cl L859 20131 Garnier, Fernandez, Donati, et Glasemaker, Dialogues en quatre Langues, Francoise, Espagnole, liqlienne, et Flamende, 12mo. vellum, 4s Amst. Elzevir, 1656 20131*Gelenius (Sig.) Lexicon Sympbonum, sm. 4to. L5 ! ! The first attempt to form a theory of Comparative Philology, and to illustrate it by parallel vocabularies — see under Bohemian. 20132 Gerber (O.) die Spracbe als Kunst, 2 vols, in 3 parts, 8vo. sd. L6s Bromberg, 1871-74 20133 Gerland (G.) Intensiva und Iterativa und ibr Verhaltniss zn einander, sm . 8 vo . sd. 2s Be >J < ■ ig , 1869 20134 Ghirardini (A.) Studii sulla Lcngua Humana, sopra aJcune (Etruscbe cd altre) anticbe Inscrizioni, c sulla Ortografia Italiana, roy. 8vo. sd. 5s Milano, L869 20135 Guichard (Estienne) l'Harmonie Etymologiquc des Langues Hebraique, Clnildaique, Syriaque, Grccque, Latino, Francoise, etc. en laquelle se demonstrc que toutcs les langues sont descendues de l'Hebraique, thick 8vo. vellum, £1. Is Paris, L631 20136 Henselii Synopsis Universal Philologies, Harmonia Linguanim, 12mo. plates of alphabets, specimens of the American Languo with maps, calf, 4s 1 20137 Herrmann (C. II.) Bibliotheca Orientalis et Linguistica (1£ 68), Halle, 1870 ; Bibl. Scriptorum Classicottun (1858-69) mit R. Kluszmann's Supplement (bis 1873), ib. 1871-4; Bibl. Pbiloloo-ica (1852-72), ib. 1873 — 4 vols, in 1, stout 8vo. hf. calf, 5s ° M°-* 200G BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20138 HERYAS (Lorenzo) Catalogo de las Lenguas de las Naciones conocidas, y Numeracion, Division, y Clases de estas segun la diversidad de sua Idiomas y Dialectos, 6 vols, small 4to. Spanish calf, £2. 16s Madrid, 1800-5 Full of valuable information respecting the Languages of America. Contents: Vol.1, Lenguas y Naciones Americanas ; Vol. II, Leuguas y Naciones de las Islas de los mares pacifico e indiano, y de Asia ; Vols. III- VI, Lenguas y Naciones Europeas. Of the Abbe Ilervas' works Balbi says : " Ouvrages, qui malgre beaucoup de defauts . . . n'tn contiennent pas moins des tresors precieux pour l'histoire et la science des langues. surtout a l'egard de celles du Nouveau Monde." 20139 Caballero ( F. ) Noticias del Abate Hervas, 8vo. portrait, Spanish calf, 12s Madrid, 1868 20140 Hofer (A.) Zur Lautlehre ; sprachwissenschaftliche Untersuch- ungen, 8vo. hf. calf, 5s 1839 20141 ■ Zeitschrif't fur die Wissenschaft der Sprache, 4 vols. in 2, 8vo. half calf, 7s 6d Berlin unci Grelfsicald, 1846-53 20142 Holder (W.) Elements of Speech, and Inquiry into the Pro- duction of Letters, 12mo. old calf, 5s 1669 20143 Holmboe (C. A.) Det norske S progs vaisentligste Ordforraad, sammenlignet med Sanskrit og andre Sprog af samme JEtt, Comparative Dictionary, with Indexes, 4to. Ids. 5s Wien, 1852 20144 Hovelacque (A.) et J. Vinson, Etudes de Linguistique et d'Ethno- graphie, 12mo. sd. 2s 6d 1878 20145 Hugo (H.) De prima Scribendi Origine et universa Rei Litterariaa Antiquitate, cui notas adjecit C. H. Trotz, 8vo. plates, calf, 2,s 6d Traj. ad Rhenum, 1738 20146 Humboldt (W. von) iiber den Dualis, 1828; iiber die Ortsadverbien, 1830 — Oswald (J. H.) das grammatische Geschlecht, Paderborn, 1866 ; etc. 5 pieces in 1 vol. 4to. bds. 5s 1828-66 20147 Verschiedenheit des menscblichen Sprachbaues, 4to. half calf gilt, 12s 1836 20148 Jamikson's Hermes Scythicus; or, tlie radical affinities of the Greek and Latin languages to the Gothic, 8vo. bds. Is 6d Edin. 1814 20149 JOHNES (A. J.) Philological Proofs of the original Unity and recent Origin of the Human Race, from a comparison of Languages, 8vo. cloth, 2s 6d 1843 'JO 150 Jolly (J.) Geschichte des Infinitivs im Indogermanischen, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d Miinclien, 1873 20151 KENNEDY (Vans) Researches into the Origin and Affinity of the principal Languages <>f Asia and Europe, 4 to. 1 1 plates of Alphabets and Inscriptions (pub. £2. 12s 6d), hf. calf, 15s 1828 20152 Kky (T. H.) Language, its Origin and Development, lliick 8vo. (pub. Us), rhth, 5s 1874 20153 KUHN ( Dr. Adalb. ) Zeitschbift fur vergleichende Sprachfor- scliun.tr anf dem Gcbietc des Dcutschen, Griechischcn und Lateinischen, I-X1V, in 7 vols. 8vo. half calf gilt, with Gesammtregister to the first ten vols. sd. £7. 10s Berlin, 1852-65 COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY; POLYGLOTTS. 2007 20154 KUHN (A.) und A. SCHLEICHER'S Beitrage zur vergleichend< n Sprachforschung auf dem Gebiete der arischen, celtischen und slawischen Sprachen, Vols. I- VI, pt. 4, 8vo. hf. calf, £'S. 10« Berlin, 1858-73 20155 Landolt, Dictionnaire Polyglotte dc Termes techniques Militaires et de Marine, English, French, German and Butch, 4 vols, large 8vo. sd. 18s Belde, 1865-68 2015G Leibnitii Collectanea Etymologica, 12mo. illustrating Celtic, Gt r- manic, and Romance Philology, with the Lord's Prayer in Tcheremis, 3 dialects of Samoyed, Tungus, Mongol, and Hottentot, calf, Is Gd 1717 20157 the same, thick papee, 12mo. vellum, 10s 1717 20158 LepsIUS (E.) Zwei spraclivergleichende Abhandlungen (liber Alphabete nnd Zahlworter), 1836 ; Palaographie als Mittel fiir die Spracbforschung, 1842 — 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. calf, 2s 6d 1836-42 20159 Standard Alphabet for reducing unwritten Languages and Graphic Systems to a uniform orthography, 8vo. sd. Is Gd 1855 20160 the same, 8vo. sd. 2s Gd • or, cloth, 3s Gd 1863 20161 Macdonnel (D. E.) Dictionary of Quotations, taken from the Latin, French, Greek, Spanish, and Italian Languages, trans- lated into English, 12mo. hf. calf neat, Gs 1822 20162 Mahlow (G. H.) die langen Vocale a, e, o in den europiiischen Sprachen, 8vo. sd. 2s 1879 20163 Manayit (A.) Esquisse Historique sur le Cardinal Mezzofanti, 8vo; frontispiece, hf. calf, 5s 1853 20164 Merian (le Baron de) Principes de l'Etude comparative des Langues, suivis d'Observations sur les Racines Semitiques par Klaproth, 8vo. sd. 2s Gd ; or, Id. 3s Gd 1828 The work includes a comparison of the American and Old-World languages. 20165 Minsheu ( J. ) Guide to the Tongues, with their Agreement and Consent one with another, as also their Etymologies, in these eleven Languages, viz. : English, Welsh, Low and High Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguez, Latine, Greeke, Hebrew, folio, title and three leaves defective, old rough calf, 7s Gil 1617 20166 Monboddo, Origin and Progress of Language, Vols. II-VI (end), 5 vols. 8vo. calf, 7s Gd ' Edinburgh, 1786-1809 20167 Mowat ( R. ) Noms Proprcs anciens et modernes : Etudes d'Onomatologie comparee, 8vo. sd. 2s Gd 1869 20168 Mullek (Fr.) Grundriss der Sprachwissenschaft, Vols. I and 1 i . pt. 1, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 5s Wu n, L877-9 20169 Muller ( H. D. ) der indogcrmanisehe Sprachbau in Beiner Entwicklung, Thcil I, 8vo. sd. 3s Gd Qott. L879 20170 Muller (Max) Lectures on the Science of Language, both Beries, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 30s), cloth and calf neat, 18s 1M'>1- 1 20171 the same, both series, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 20s L861-4 20172 the same, second series, 8vo. cloth, 7s Gd «-862 2008 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. ■^JlT'S Mcller (Max) Lectures on the Science of Language, both series, sm. 8vo. (pub. 16s), cloth, 9s 1871 201 7-i NbmnicH, allgemeinesPoLYCiLOTTEN-LEXicON derNatur-Geschichte, 8 parts in 7 vols. 4to. a Latin Alphabet with polyglot explanations, and also separate alphabets, German, English, Portuguese, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norse and Icelandic, bds. 9s ; or, calf, 10s Hamburg, 1793-98 20175 Niersis. S. Niersis Clajensis Armenioruun Patriarch© Preces, viginti quatuor Unguis edita3, 12mo. portrait, calf gilt, gilt edges, 3s 6d Venetiis, 1823 20176 the same, 12mo. portrait, hf. morocco, gilt edges, 4s 6d ib. 1837 20177 Osthofp (H.) Forschungen im Gebiete der iudogerrnanischen Nominalen Stammbildung, 2 parts, 8vo. sd. 5s Jena, 1875-6 20178 ■ und K. Brugman, Morphologische Untersuchungen, auf dem Gebiete der indogermanischen Sprachen, 3 parts, 8vo. sd. £1. Leipzig, 1878-80 20179 PALLAS, Sravnitelnye Slovar : Otdielenio pervoe : Evropeiskie i Aziatskie Yazyki ; Linguaruru totius orbis Vocabularia com- parativa, AugustissirruB cui'a collecta, Sectio I : Europa? et Asiatics Lingua?, 2 vols. 4to. {ail published), hf. calf, 30s Sanhtpeterb. 1787-9 20180 Paravey (Ch. de) sur l'origine unique et hiei-oglyphique des Chiffres et des Lettres de tous les peuples, roy. 8vo. plates of Alphabets, hf. morocco, 7s 6d Paris, 1826 20181 Parsons (J.) Remains of Japhet, enquiries into the affinity and origin of European Languages, 4to. hf. calf, 5s 1767 20182 the same, 4to. old English blur morocco, broad borders of gold, gilt edges, fine copy, 20s 1707 20183 Pezzi (D.) Glottologia Aria recentissima, 8vo. sd. 9s Torino, 1877 20184 PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY: Proceedings of the Philological Society, 6 vols, complete, 1842-53 — Transactions of the Philolo- gical Society, 1854 to 1884, pt. 2, 18 vols, and 2 parts — Extra V'I.i.mi 3, as described below, 11 vols. —together 35 vols, and 2 parts 8vo. cloth and sd. rare, £18. 18s 1842-81 The following is a list of the extra publications in this set : Loewe's English- Circassian-TuikiBh and Cir.-Eng.-Turk. Dictionary, 1854 — Liber Cure Cocornm; Itolle de Hampole's Pricke of Conscience; The Castle of Love, 3 in 1 vol. 1864— Dan Michel's Ayenbite of Inwyt, ed. Morris, 18G6— Manipulns Vocabulorum, by Peter Levins (1570), ed. by II. B. Wheatley, 1857— A Moeso-Gotbic Glossary, by \V. W. Skeat, 1868— Ellis on Early English pronunciation, with reference to Shakespcre and Chaucer, 4 thick vols. 1869-75 -Danby P. Fry on the Improvement of English Orthography, 1870— Medieval Greek Texts, pt. 1, edited by W. Wagner, 1870. 20185 PROCEEDINGS of the Philological Society, 6 vols. -Transac- tions, L854-79, parti, 10 vols, and 1 part — Extra Volumes, as described below, 8 vols. — together 30 vols, and 1 part, 8vo. cloth, £6. LOs L842-79 The extra publications in this set are: Liber Core Cocornm — Rollc de Hampole's Pricke of Conscience — The Castle of Love — Dan Michel's Ayen- bite of Inwyt -Levins's Manipulns Vocabulorum — Skeat's Mceso-Gothic Glossary— Ellis's Early English Pronunciation, Vols. Mil — Mediaeval Greek Texts, pt. 1. COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY; POLYGLOTTS. 2009 20186 Proceedings of the Philological Society, 6 vols. — Transactions, 1854 to 1875-6 pt. 1, 15 vols, and 1 part;— together 21 vols, and 1 part, cloth and parts, £5. 1842-75 20187 PICTET (A.) Origines Indo-Europeennes ou les Aryas primitifs, Essai de Paleontologie linguistique, 2 vols. impl. 8vo sd. 20s Paris, 1859-63 20188 the same, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. hf. bd. 21s 1859-63 20189 the same, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. hf. morocco, 25s 1859-63 20190 Origines Indo-Europeennes, deuxieme edition, 3 vols. 8vo. sd. 28s 1878 20191 Polyglott Dictionary in four Languages : a new English- Dutch- German- French Dictionary, 4 vols, in 2, royal 8vo. hf. bd. 20s Hague, 1848 20192 POTT (A. F.) Etymologische Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der indo-germanischen Sprachen, mit Bezug auf die Lautumwand- lung im Sanskrit, Griechischen Latein., Littau. und Gothischen, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 5s Lemgo, 1833-36 20193 — the same, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. morocco, 7s 6d 1833-36 20194 ■ another copy, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. calf neat, 8s 6d 1833-36 20195 ■ Etymologische Forschungen auf dem Gebiete der Indo-Germanischen Sprachen, unter Berucksichtigung ihrer Hauptformen ; Sanskrit ; Zend-Persisch ; Griech.-Lateinisch ; Littauisch-SkiAvisch ; Germanisch und Keltisch, 2te Auflage, 6 vols, in 11 parts, 8vo. sd. £5. Detmold, 1859-76 20196 the same, 6 vols, in 7, 8vo. calf gilt, £6. 10s 1859-76 20197 ■ die quinare und vigesimale Ziihlmethode bei Volkern aller "VVelttheile, Halle, 1847 ; die Sprach-verschiedenheit. in Europa an den Zahlwortem nachgewiesen, ib. 1868 — 2. vols. in 1, 8vo. hf. calf, 6s 1847-68 20198 Pott, die Personennamen, insbesondere die Familiennamen ; auch unter Berucksichtigung der Ortsnamen, 8vo. hf. calf 7s 6d Leipzig, 1853 20199 Doppelnng (Reduplication, Gemination) als eines der wichtigsten Bilduugsmittel der Sprache, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d Lemgo, 1862 20200 ■ — Anti - Kaulen oder mythischo Vorstellungen vom Ursprunge der Volker und Sprachen, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d ib. 1863 Prichard's Works — see post : Anthropology 20201 Rai'p (K. M.) Versuch einer Physiologie der Sprache, 4 vols, in 2, 8vo. Ids. 5s Stuttgart, 1836-41 20202 the same, 4 vols, in 2, 8vo. hf. calf, 7s Gd 1836-41 20203 Rapp (M.) Grundriss der Grammatik des indisch-europaischen Sprachstammes, 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. maps, If. calf, 4s 1852-5 20204 — der Verbal- Organismus der indisch-europaischen Sprachen, 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. calf, 5s 6d 1859 20205 Renan (E.) de l'Origine du Langage, 8vo. sd. Is 6d 1858 20206 Revue de Philologie et d'Ethnographie, publiee par de Ujfalvy, tome I, 8vo. -in /'arts, 7s (jd Paris, 1874-75 20207 Rudbecki (O.) Thesaurus Linguarum Asia? et Europa; harmoni- ous, sm. 4to. sd. 2s 6d (Upsalis, 1716) 2010 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20208 Saixt-Aymour (A. de Caix de) la Langue Latine etudiee dans 1' Unite Indo-Europeenne, Vol. I (Histoire, Grammaire, et Classification Lexilogique), roy. 8vo. sd. 4s 6d 1868 20209 SALVE RTE (E.) Essai historique efc philosophique sur les Noms d'Hommes, de Peuples et de Lieux, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 7s Qd Paris, 1824 20210 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 10s 1824 20211 Saussure (F. de) Systeme primitif des Voyelles daris les Langues Indo-europeennes, 8vo. sd. 4s 6d Leipsicle, 1879 20212 Schischkow (A.) Untersuclmngen iiber die Sprache, aus dem Russischen tibersetzt, 3 vols, in 2, hf. russia, 7s Qd St. Peters. 1826-37 20213 Schleicher (A.) Sprachvergleichende Untersuclmngen, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. cloth, 5s Bonn, 1848-50 20214 die Sprachen Europas in systematischer Uebersicht, 8vo. sd. 2s Bonn, 1850 20215 les Langues de 1' Europe moderne, traduit par H. Ewerbeck, 8vo. sd. 2s 1852 20216 Compendium der vergleichenden Grammatik der indo- germanischen Sprachen, 2te Auflage, thick 8vo. sd. 10s Weimar, 1866 20217 the same, 8vo. hf. red morocco, gilt edges, by Bedford, 16s 20218 the same, 1866 — Indogermanische Chrestomathie, mit erklarenden Glossaren zu Schleicher's Compendium, bearbeitet von H. Ebel, A. Leskien, J. Schmidt, und A. Schleicher, Weimar, 1869— Fick (F. C. A.) Worterbuch der indogerman- ischen Gr und sprachen, Guttin. 1868 ; 3 vols, in 1, stout 8vo. hf. morocco, 12s 6d 20219 Compendium, 3te Auflage, thick 8vo. sd. 10s 1871 20220 Compendium of the Comparative Grammar of the Indo- European, Sanskrit, Greek and Latin Languages, translated by H. Bendall, Vol. I (Grammar), cloth, 4s 1874 •J- »~J21 die Unterscheidung von Nomen und Vcrbum in der lautlichen Form, roy. 8vo. sd. 2s Leipzig, 1865 20222 Indogermanische Chrestomathie, mit erklarenden Glos- saren zu Schleicher's Compendium, 8vo. sd. 4s 6d; hf. Id. 5s Weimar, 1869 20223 ScnsiiDT (J.) zur Geschichtc des indogermanisehen Vocalismus, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 9s Weimar, 1871-75 20224 SCHMITTHENNEB (F.) Ursprachlehre : Entwurf zu einem System der Grammatik, 8vo. Ids. 2s Frankfurt, 1826 20225 SlEVEBS ( E.) Grundziige der Lautphysiologie, 8vo. sd. 2s Gd 1876 20226 Grundziige der Phonetik, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d L881 20227 Spaeschtjh (N.) Kelten, Griechen, Germanen: vorhomerische Kul- turdenkmaier ; eine Sprachstudie, 8vo. sd. Gs 6d Milnchen, 1877 20228 Specimem Lexici comparativi omnium Linguarum Europsearum a L. L. Bonaparte, sm. folio, 56 pp. (all printed), sd. 15s Flormtice, 1847 20229 the same, pp. 1-48, russia super extra, 12s 1847 The work was never completed. The latter copy has the title to the work as projected, viz., " Vocaonlariam Comparatiyum," etc. COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY, POLYGLOTTS. 2011 20230 Steinthal (H.) Classification der Sprachen, 8vo. hf. calf, 5s 1850 20231 die Entwickelung der Schrift, 8vo. sd. Is 1852 20232 ■ Charakteristik der kauptsiichlichstcn Typen des Sprach- baues, 8vo. sd. 4s 18G0 20233 Abriss der Spracbwissensclaaffc, Theil I, die Sprachc im allgeraeinen, 8vo. sd. '3s 6d 1871 20231 Stewart (Col. M.) Remarks on the subject of Language, roy. 4to. sd. rare, 18s 1850 20235 Thomsen (W.) fiber den Einfluss der gormaniscben Spracben auf dio fiuniscb-lappiscben, aus dem danischen fibersetzt von E. Sievers, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Halle, 1870 20236 Tomlin (J.) Comparative Vocabulary of forty-eight Languages, comprising 14G common -words, 4to. cloth, 2s Liverpool, 18G5 20237 Twisleton (E.) the Tongue not essential to Speech, 12mo. (pub. 6s), cloth, 3s r 1873 20238 Vater (J. S.) Literatur der Grammatiken, Lexika und Worter- sammlungen allcr Sprachen, von Jfilg, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Berlin, 1847 20239 Vlachus (P. G.) Thesaurus encyclopredicaa basis quadrilinguis, grcece, latine, ital. et gall. sm. 4to. old calf, 10s Venetiis, 1G59 20240 Vocabulary. Sex Linguarum, Latins, Gallica?, Hispanicse, Italica^, Anglicre et Teutonics Dictionaifius, Vocabulary in Six Lan- guages, Latyn, Frenche, Spanish, Italy, English, and Doutch, 12mo. fclarit letter, bds. scarce, £8. 8s Number g, Johana Daiibmann , 1549 The English part of this curious early Polyglott Vocabulary is executed with so much care and comparative correctness that we may reasonably assign it to one of the band of Reformers who left England in the later years of Henry VIII. 20241 Wallin (F. J.) Suonien-Wenajan ja Ruotsin-kielinen Sana-Kirja, Finnish-Russian- Swedish Dictionary, 2 vols, in 1, stout 8vo. vellum, 10s . Hamecnlinnassa, 1848-50 20242 Westphal (R.) Vergleichende Grammatik der indogermanischen Sprachen, Theil I, das inclogermanische Verbum, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Jena, 1873 20243 Whitney (W. D.) Language and the Study of Language, sm. 8vo. cloth, 6s 1867 20244 Life and Growth of Language, sm. 8vo. cloth, 2s 6d 1875 20245 Winning (W. B.) Manual of Comparative Plilology, 8vo. bds. 3s 6d 1838 20246 Wullner, fiber die Verwandtschaft des Indogermanischen, Semitischen und Tibetanischen, 8vo. sd. Is 6d Miinster, 1838 20247 Wuttke (H.) Abbildungen zur Geschichto der Schrift, Heft T, 33 plates of Picture-Writing, with explanations, Svo. sd. 2s 6 ; Leipzig, 1873 20248 Zvmbelios, Parlers Grecs et Romans, lettr point de contact pre- historiqne, Vol. I, A— K, 4to. sd. 12s L880 An etymological Greek Dictionary, showing the relation between the Greek and Romance Languages. 137 2012 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20249 Zehetmatr (S.) Analogiscb-vergleicbendes "Worterbuch, iiber das Gesammtgebiet der indogerrnaniscben Spracben, mit besonderer Berucksicbtigung des Latein., Griecb., Deutscben, Slaviscben uud Sanskrit, impl. 8vo. sd. 10s Leipz. 1879 20250 Philological Tracts, 4 in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. red morocco, 6s 1858-65 Including : Benloew, la Science comparative des Langues, 1858 — Rabaste', de la langue Osque et de ses rapports avec le Latin, 2 plates, Eennes, 1865 ; etc. 20251 Miscellanea Philologica : A collection of 54 Tracts, bound in 9 vols. 8vo. 7;/. calf, from the library of the famous philologist, Mr. Thomas Watts, of the British Museum, £2. v. y. Including : Carson (A.) Philology of the word Baptism, 1841 — Cockbum (W.) Origin of the "World, 1838— Davids (A. L.) Philosophy of the Jews, 1833 — Fox Talbot, Antiquity of "Genesis," 1839— Kidd, Structure of Chinese Language, 1838 — Dixon (F.) Bronze or Brass Belies found in Sussex, plate, 1848 — Hitzig, Grabschrift des Darius zu Nakschi Rustam, no title, 1847 — Harris (W.) on Chaldee Language. 1822 — Howard (N.) on Persian Poetry — American Biblical Repository, nos. 35 and 36, 1839 — Heffter (M. W.) die Religion der Griechen und Rorner, etc. 1848 — Smyth's Persian Moonshee, 1840 — Eclectic Review for Nov. 1844 — Numismatic Chronicle, Vol. VIII, pp. 175-220, plate — Wagenfeld (Fr.) Sanchuniathon's Urge- schichte der Phonizier, 1S36 — Burnouf. Observations sur le Pali, 1827 — Boetticher's Arica, 1851 ; Wurzel Forschungen, 1852 — Tumour, Five Papers on the Pali Inscriptions at Delhi, etc. — Asiatic Society of Bengal, various numbers of ; etc. II. NON-ARYAN LANGUAGES. 1. EUSKARIAN, BASQUE, GUIPUZC0AN. 20252 Astarloa, Apologia de la Lengua Bascongada, d Ensayo de su Perfeccion y Antiguedad sobre todas las que se conocen, sm. 4to. 24 and 4&2pp. calf, 7s Gd Madrid, 1803 A very learned antiquarian philological work, proving the antiquity and isolated position of the Basque Language. 20253-20261 BONAPARTE (Prince Louis Luoien) Works on the •Basque Language : 1 Langue Basque et Langues Finnoises, 4to. 24s 1862 2 Carte des sept provinces basques, mon- trant la delimitation actuelle de t'cuscara et sa division en dialectes, sous-dialectcs et variete's. Deux grandes feuilles, litlwgraphite, 27s Londres, 1863 3 Verbc basque en tableaux, accom- pagnc de notes grammaticales, selon les huit dialectes de l'euskara . leguipuscoan, les bisca'ien, le haut-navarrais septon- trional, le haut-navarrais occidental, le bas-navarrais occidental, le bas-navanais oriental et le souletin ; avec les differ- ences de leurs sous-dialectes et de leurs varie'tes, 4to. xliv — 160 pp. (types phone- tiques) plus 15 tableaux, £2. 16s 1869 4 Etudes sur les trois dialectes basques des vallces d'Aezcoa, de Salazar et de RoTical, tels qu'ilfl sont paries a Aribe, a Jaurrieta et a Yidangoz, 25s 1872 5 Sur certaines Notes, etc. dont M. Vinson a acconi])agn6 l'Essai sur la Langue Basque par F. Ribary, 8vo. 6s 1877 6 Sur certaines Remarques de M. Luchaire (sur le Basque dc Fontarabie), 8vo. 2s 1877 7 Sur les Mots Basques, " 111, lllargi, lllun," etc. 8vo. Is 1879 8 List of Basque, Uralic and Aryan dialects in which books of the Bible have been translated, 8vo. 2s 6d 1881 9 " Roncesvalles " and " Juniper," in Basque, Latin and Neo-Latin, 8vo. 2s 1882 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY : BASQUE. 2013 20262 — 69 Bonaparte, Works on the Basque Language, produced by 1 Catechisme ( le petit ) espagnol t 2s Pesth, 1844 20312 Deutsch-ungarisches und ungarisch-dcutsches Worter- buch, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 7s Gd ^ *&• 1854-7 20312*Boller, zur mas?yarischen Etymologic, 8vo. cloth, 2s Gd (Wicn, 1855) 20313 Bowring's Poetry of the Magyars, with sketch of their Langu and Literature, sra. 8vo. cloth, 3s Gd }'■'■<> 20314 Budai (F.) Magyar Orszag Polgari Historiajara Valo Lexicon, a' XVI szazad vegeig, kiadta Budai E'saias, 3 vols. 12mo. hf. calf, Is 6d Nagy-Va radonn, 1804 20315 Csixk (J.) Grammar of the Hungarian Language, with Wiibu- laries, stout sm. 8vo. cloth, 5s 1853 20316 DRKXELiiElmelkedcsck az Oerockke-valosagrol, Considerations on Eternity, 18mo. bds. uncut, rare, £2. 2s JEsztendoben, 1643 20317 Farkas (J.) Ungarische Grammatik, von J. von Marton, und G. Szlemenies, sm. 8vo. bds. Is Gd Wieih 1^10 2016 BERNARD QHARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20318 Ferencz' (K.) Levelei, 12mo. cloth, 2s Pest, 1845 20319 Fogarasi (J.) Ungarisck-deutsckes und deutsck-ungarisckes Tasckeivworterbucb, 2 vols. 12mo. with G. Borrow' s autograph, bds. 3s 6d Pcsth, 1836 20320 Gyarmatut Affinitas Linguaa Hungarica? cum Linguis Fennicse Originis ; Vocabularia Dialectorum Tataricarum et Slavicarura cum Hungarica comparata, 8vo. morocco extra, gilt edges, 5s Gott. 1799 20321 Kalmar (G.) Prodromus Idioniatis Scytkico-Mogorico-Ckuno- (seu Hunno-) Avarici, sive adparatus criticus ad linguam Hungaricani, 8vo. old calf, 7s 6d Posonii, 1770 20322 Laszlo (G.) Talalmauyok, a' tizen-egyedik szazad-beli liazai Tortenetekbol, I es II darab, Hungarian Stories, 12mo. sd. 2s Kolo'svaron, 1811 20323 Mailath (J. G.) Magyarische Gedickte, ubersetzt, 12mo. bds. 2s Stuttgart, 1825 20324 Marton (J. von) Ungriscke Spracklekre fur Deutsche, mit Glossar, 8vo. G. Borroio's autograph, bds. 2s Wien, 1840 20325 Papai (F. P.) Dictionarium Manuale Latino-Ungai'icum et Hungarico-Latino-Germanicum, 2 vols, in 1, stout sm. 4to. portrait, old calf, 14s Gibinii, 1767 20326- Richter (A. F.) und J. T. Schuster, ungarisck-deutsckes und deutsck-ungarisckes Handworterbuch, 2 vols, stout 8vo. 672 and 805 pp. double cols. sd. 5s Wien, 1837-8 20327 Sajnovics, Demonstrate idioma Ungarorum et Lapponum idem esse, 4to. sd. 5s Hafniae, 1770 20328 ■ tke same, 4to. large paper, hf. Id. 9s 1770 This philological fact has surprised many. 20329 Stancsics (M.) Ungarische Sprackleki-e in Fragen und Antworten, ungarisch und deutsch, 8vo. hf. calf, 2s Pressburg, 1842 20330 Weket's Hungarian Grammar, with Vocabulary, sm. 8vo. cloth, 2s 6d 1852 20331 Paget (J.) Hungary and Transylvania, 2 vols. 8vo. map, views, etc. calf, 14s 1839 20332 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. map, etc. cloth, 10s 1855 Lapponic. 20333 FlELLSTEOM, Grammatica Lapponica, 12mo. calf, 5s Hplmice, 1738 20334 Feus, Lappiske Sprogprover, mod Ordbog, 8vo. hf. bd. 2s. Christ. 1856 20335 Ganaxdkk, Grammatical Lapponica, 12mo. calf, 5s Jlolmia: 1743 20336 Eeemelin (S. G.) Beskrihung ofver Lappmarken ocli Vester- botten, 4to. maps and views, hf. calf, 6s Stockholm, 1810 20337 Hogstrom, Beskrifning ofwer Lapmarker, des Inwanares Hus- holdning, Lefnadsart, etc. 12mo. bd. 3s 6d Stochholm (dr. 1740) 20338 I n R k (J.) Lexicon Lapponicum cum interpretatione vocabulorum Succo-Latina, et indice Suecano Lapponico, auctum Grammatica Lupponica a Lindahl et Oekrling, 4to. pine taper, hf. morocco, 18a Stochholm, 1780 20339 the samo, 4to. pink paper, calf n°al, 20>- 1780 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY : PIN, LAP, LITHUANIAN. 2017 20340 LEEMS (K.) Beskrivelse over Finmarkens Lapper, deros Tunge- maal, Levemaade og forrige Afgudsdyrkelse, etc. 4to. Danish and Latin, 100 plates, hf. calf, £2. Kiobenhaivn, 1767 20341 the same, 4to. old calf, £2. 5s 1767 20342 PossAET (P.) Lapplimdische Grammatik, 8vo. sd. 2s Stuttgart, 1840 20343 Rask (R.) Lappisk Sproglrere, sm. 8vo. bds. 2s Kioben. 1832 20344 Scheffeb, Lapponia, sm. 4to. map and ivoodcuts, hf. vellum, 4s 1673 Esthonian. 20345 Hupel (A. W.) Ehstnische Sprachlehre, nebst einem (ehst.- deutschen und deutsch-ehst.) Worterbuch, sm. 8vo hf. bd. 6s 6d Riga, 1780 20346 the same, 2nd edition, 8vo. hf. bd. 10s Mitau, 1818 20347 K1a.le\vi-Poeg, die estnischen Sagen von, von W. Schott, 4to. bds. 5s 1863 20348 Wiedemann (F. J.) Ehstnisch-deutsches Worterbuch, 4to. 1672 cols, and 148 paqes, triple cols, of Index of German xvords, hf. bd. 18s St. Petersburg, 1869 20349 Aus deni inneren und ausseren Leben der Ehsten, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d %b. 1876 Contains over 200 pages of Esthonian Proverbs. Syrjenic. 20350 Gabelentz, Grundziige der syrjanischen Grammatik, 8vo. hf. calf, 2 S Qd Altenburg, 1841 see No. 20051, Prince L. L. Bonaparte Wotiak. 20351 Ahlquist (A.) Wotisk Grammatik, 4to. sd. 7s 6d Eelsingfors, Acta Soc Scient. Fennicw, 1856 20352 Wiedemann (F. J.) Grammatik der wotjakischen Sprache, nebst einem kleinen wotjakisch-deutschen und deutsch-wotjak. Wor- terbuche, 8vo. sd. 6s Eeval, 1851 ARYAN LANGUAGES. 1. LITHUANIAN, LETTISH, OLD PRUSSIAN. 20353 Bezzenbeeger (A.) Beitrage zmr Geschichte der litauischen Sprache, 8vo. sd. 10s Gottingen, 1877 20354 Bopp (F.) iiber die Spi-achc der alten Preussen in ihren verwandt- schaftlichen Beziehungen, 4to. sd. 2s 1853 20355 Hesselbeeg (H.) Lettische Sprachlekre, sm. 8vo. hf. calf, 2s 6d Mitau, 1841 20356 Joedan (W.) Litthanische Volkslieder und Sagen, 12mo. cloth, 2s Berlin, 1844 2018 BERNARD QUARiTCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20357 Kurschat (F.) zur Kunde der littauischen Sprache, 2 parts, 8vo. sd, 2s 6cl Konigsberg, 1843-9 20358 Deutsch-littauisches "Worterbuch, 2 vols, in 1, stout 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 21s Halle, 1870-74 20359 "the same, Vol. I (A-K), 8vo. sd. 6s 1870-2 203G0 Mielcke, littauisch-deutsches unci deutsch-littauisches Worterbuch, mit Sprach-Lehre, 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. hf calf, 12s ib. 1800 203G1 Anfangs- Grande einer littauischen Sprach-Lehre, 12mo. cloth, 3s ib. 1800 203G2 Nesselmaxx, die Sprache der alten Preussen an iliren Ueberresten erlautert, 8vo. hf. morocco, 6s Berlin, 1845 203G3 Worterbuch der littauischen Sprache, 8vo. If. bd. 10s 1851 20364 Littatiische Volkslieder, littauisch und deutsch, 8to. sd. 5s Berlin, 1853 20365 SCHLEICHER (A.) Litauische Miirchen, Sprichworte, Ratsel und Lieder iibei'setzt, 8vo. ' hf. morocco, 7s Wiemar, 1837 203G6 Handbnch der littauischen Sprache : Graramatik, Lese- buch und Glossar, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 10s ; or, cloth, 12s Frag, 1856-7 20367 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, 14s 1856-7 20368 Sjogren's livische Grammatik nebst Sprachproben, mit hist.- ethnographischen Einleitung von F. J. Wiedemann, roy. 4to. hf. morocco, 25s St. Petersburg, 18G1 203G9 STENDER (C. F.) Lettische Grammatik, 12mo. Ids. 10s ' Mit an, 1783 20370 Lettisches Lexicon, German-Lettish and Lettish-Ger- man Dictionary, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. 773 and 404 pp. double cols. hf. bd. 10s Mittau (1790) 20371 Testament (New). Ta Jauna Derriba (un Dahwida Dsccsmu- Grahamata), in Lettish, 8vo. calf Is 6d JElsinforse, 1861 20372 Vater (J. S.) Sprache der alten Preussen, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d Braunschweig, 1821 2. GERMANIC LANGUAGES. Historical and General Works. 20373 Ann Themis Cimbrica, sivc dc Cimbrorum aniiqnissimis Institutis commentarius, smallest 4to. calf g tit, gilt edges, 6s ILamb. 1737 A work of great learning upon the state of the ancient Scandinavians ami Germans. 20374 BOSWORG n's (J.) Origin of the English, Germanic and Scandinavian Languages and Nations, with a sketch of their early Literature, royal 8vo. with a coloured map of European Languages, cloth, scarce, Vis 1848 20375 I on (R.) the Teutonic Name-system applied to the Family Names of Franoe, England and Germany, 8vo. cloth, 12« 1864 20376 Forstemann (K.j Geschichte dea dcutschcnSprachstammes, 2 vols. 8vo. pla/in margins if . aves torn out, sd. 7s 6d Nordhausen, 1874-5 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY : GERMANIC. 2019 20377 GRAFF, Alt-hoch-deutscher Sprach-schatz, oder Worterbuch tier althochdeutschen Sprachc, mit Index von II. F. Massmann, G vols, in 3, 4to. neatly hf. hi. 30s ^ 1834-37 20378 the same, 6 vols, in 2, 4to. pxtrplc morocco, 36s 1834-37 This Dictionary contains all the Old German words used before the 12th century, compared with the present High German, the Indian dialects, the Greek, Latin, Old Prussian, Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Old Dutch, Icelandic, Sun- . scrit, &c. and showing the roots which the High and Low German, the Eng- lish, the Dutch, the Danish, and the Swedish Languages have in common. 20379 GRIMM (Jacob) Deutsche Grammatik, 4 vols. 8vo. hf bd. £2. 2s Gbtt. 1822-37 20380 the same, 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 5s 1822-27 20381 the same, 4 vols. 8vo. fine paper, hf morocco, £2. 10s 1822-37 20382 the same, 4 vols. 1822-37— Vol. I (all pub.), third edition, 1840 ; together 5 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, £2. 7 s 6d 1822-40 20383 the same, 4 vols. 1822-37— Vol. I, 1840— Andresen (K. G.) Register zu Grimm's Grammatik, 18G5 ; together 6 vols, in 5, hf russia gilt, £2. 10s 1822-65 20384 Deutsche Grammatik, 3te Ausgabe, Theil I, erste Abt. (all pub.), 8vo. Ids. 5s Gbtt. 1840 20385 Deutsche Grammatik, neuer vermehrter Abdruck, besorgt durch W. Scherer, Vols. I and II, in 4 parts, 8vo. (pub. £2. 2s), scl. 25s Berlin, 1869-78 20386 Wober (F. X.) Wort und Sachverzeichnis zu J. Grimm's deutscher Grammatik und Geschicbte der deutschen Sprache, sm. 4to. hf. Id. 8s 6d Wien, I860 " The Deutsche Grammatik of Grimm is the work not of an age nor of a century, hut like the great history of the Athc ni in, /crf//. and 53 plates, sd. 14s [(Antiq. Soc. 1832) 20443 Casauboni (M.) de quatuor Linguis Commentationis pars prior, qua?, de Lingua Hebraica et, de Lingua Saxonica, 12mo. (all pub.), old calf, 3s Gd Lomlim, 1650 20444 Codex Diplomaticus iEvi Saxonici, opera J. M. Kemble, Charters in Anqlo-Saxon and Latin, 6 vols. 8vo. facsimiles, bds. £5. 15s 1839-48 20445 Codex Exoniensis : a collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, from a MS. in the Libraiy of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, with an Eno-lish translation by Thorpe, roy. 8vo. xiv and 535 pp. cloth, 18s 1842 20446 ■ the same, roy. 8vo. calf, stamp on sides, 21s 1842 20447 Cosijn (P. J.) Kurzgefasste altwestsachsische Grammatikj Thiel I, dio "Vocale der Stammsilben, sm. 8vo. sd. Is Leiden, lfcSl 20448 Elstob (E.) Rudiments of Grammar for the English- Saxon Tongue, sm. 4to. large paper, old calf, 28s 1715 20449 Ettmuller (L.) Engla and Seaxna, Scopas and Boceras : Angio- Sazonum Poetro atque Scriptores Prosaici, 8vo. cloth, 4s Quedlinburg, 1850 20450 ■ the same, 1850 ; Vorda Vealhstod Engla and Seaxna : Lexicon Anglo- Saxonicum cum Synopsi Grammatica, 1851 — together 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 12s 1850-1 At the end of the first volume is : Fagrskinna, Korlfattet Norsk Konge- Sage, udgivet af P. A. Munch og C. R. Unger, Christiana, 1847. 20451 Grein (C W. M.) Dichtungen der Angelsachsen, stabreimend tibersetzt, Vol. I, hf. calf, 5s Oott, 1857 20452 the same, 2nd edition, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. cloth, 7s Gd 1863 20453 . Sprachschatz der angelsiichsischen Dichter, Vol. I, A-G, 8vo. cloth, 10s 1801 20454 Bibliothek der angelsachsischen Prosa, Band I : Alfrik do vetere et novo Testamcnto, Pentateuch, Josua, Buch der Richter und Hiob, 8vo. sd. 7s Gd Cassel, 1872 20455 Heliand oder die altsachsische Evangelien-Harmonie, Text, Wor- terbuch und Grammatik, lierausg. von J. A. Schmeller, 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. facsimile, hf. morocco, 12s 1830 2024 BERNARD QUARITOH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20456 Heptateuchus, Liber Job, et Evangeliurn Nicodemi, Anglo-Sax. ; Historian Judith Fragnientum, Dano-Sax. ; edidit Ed. Thwaites, 8vo. frontispiece, bd. 7 s Gd Oxon. 1698 Hickes — see ante p. 2020. 20457 Henshall (S.) Etymological Organic Reasoner ; with part of the Gothic Gospel of St. Matthew and the corresponding part of the Saxon Durham Book, Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, and English, 8vo. Ids. 4s 1807 20457* the same, 8vo. with MS. corrections by Sir Frederic Madden, hf. russia, Gs 1807 20458 KEMBLE'S Saxons in England : a history of the English Common- wealth till the period of the Norman Conquest, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 20s 1876 " His greatest work : full as it is of the deepest and most suggestive learning, it is eminently unsatisfactory in point of form, and far indeed from realizing its second title : ' A History of the English Commonwealth to the period of the Norman Conquest.'" — Saturday Review, February, 20, 1864. 20459 King (The) of Birds, or, the Lay of the Phoenix : an Anglo-Saxon Song of Xth or Xlth century, translated by G. Stephens, 4to. sd. 2s 1844 20460 Layamon's Brut : or Chronicle of Britain, a Poetical Semi-Saxon Paraphrase of the Brut of Wace, with literal translation, notes, and Grammatical Glossary by Sir Frederick Madden, 3 vols, roy. 8vo. facsimiles, bds. £2. 2s 1847 " A highly important publication. The entire Poem is now placed within reach of those who have neither opportunity nor inclination to grapple with the obscurities of MSS. ; and this has now been done under a very careful eye, and with a rich accompaniment of elucidations." — Qarnett's Essays, p. 128. 20401 Leo (H.) Rectitudines Singularum Personarum, nebst Abhandlung iibcr Landansidlung, gutsherliche und bauerliche Verhaltnisse der Angelsachsen, 8vo. cloth, 3s 1842 20462 Angelsiichsisches Glossar, Abth. I, roy. 8vo. sd. 5s Ealle, 1872 20463 MARCH (F. A.) Anglo-Saxon Reader, with Grammar and Vocabulary, 8vo. cloth, 7s Neiv York, 1870 20464 Comparative Grammar of the Anglo-Saxon Languages, 8vo. cloth, 10s ib. 1877 20465 Menologium seu Calendarium Poeticum, the Poetical Calendar of the Anglo-Saxons, Anglo-Saxon and English, by S. Fox, 8vo. bds. 3s 1830 20466 the same, large paper, roy. 8vo. hf. morocco, 5s Gd 1830 20467 Ormumtm (The) with Notes and a Glossary by R. M. White, 2 vols. 8vo. Ids. Oxford, 1852 20468 the same, with the notes and glossary of Dr. R. M. White, edited by the Rev. R. Holt, 2 vols. 12mo. (sells 21s), cloth, 12s 1878 20469 Petheeam (J.) Progress of Anglo-Saxon Literature in England, 8v<>. bds. 3s6tZ 1840 20470 Rask's Anglo-Saxon Grammar, translated by B. Thorpe, 8vo. sd. 3s ; or, bd. 3s Gd Copenhagen, 1 830 20471 the same, 8vo. fine papek, bd. 5s 1830 20472 the same, second edition, 12mo. cloth, 3s Gd 1865 EUROPEAN" PHILOLOGY : ANGLO-SAXON. 2025 20473 Sciimid (R.) die Gesetze der Angelsachsen, Theil I, Text nebst Uebersetzung, roy. 8vo. bds. 3s 6d Leipzig, 1832 20474 SKINNER (S.) Etymologicon Lingua) Anglicana?, seu explicatio vocum Anglicarum Etymologica ex XII linguis, folio, calf, 12s 1671 An early and valuable Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. 20475 SOMNERI Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino-Anglicum, voces phra- sesque prascipuas Anglo- Saxonicas cum Latina et Anglica vocum interpretatione complectens ; iElfrici Abbatis Grammatica Laiino-Saxoriica, cum Glossario, sm. folio, calf, gilt edges, £3. 3s Oxo?i. 1659 20476 ■ the same, sm. folio, old calf, presentation copy, £3. 10s 1659 20477 Thorpe (B.) Analecta Anglo- Saxonica, a Selection in prose and verse, with Glossary, 8vo. bds. 5s 1834 20478 another edition, sm. 8vo. cloth, 6s 1846 (issued ivith a new title, 1868) 20479 Vernon's Guide to Anglo-Saxon Grammar, with extracts, etc. 12mo. cloth, 2s 6d 1861 20480 "Waldere (King). Two leaves of King Waldere's Lay, an Old- English Epic of the VIII century, with translation by G. Stephens, roy. 8vo. 4 photographic facsimiles, sd. 7s' 6d Gheaping. 1806 20481 Wulcker (R. P.) Kleinere angelsachsische Dichtungen : Abdruck der handschriftlichen Ueberlieferung, mit Worterbuche, etc. sq. 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Halle, 1882 English. see special Catalogue. Dutch, Flemish. 20482 Ahn (F.) Grammar of the Dutch Language, 12mo. cloth, 2s 6d 1854 20483 Buys (E.) Dictionary (English-Dutch) of Terms of Art, 2 vols. 4to. portrait, hf. bd. uncut, 7s 6d Amst. 1768 20484 Conscience (H.) Houten Clara, a Dutch story, sq. 12mo. plates, cloth, 3s 6d Antic. 1853 20485 De Bo (L. L.) Westvlaamsch Idioticon, 2 vols, stout 4to. 1488£>p. double cols, map, bds. 21s Brugge, 1873 20486 [Dekker (E. D.)] Max Havelaar of do Koffie-Veilingen, door Multatuli, sm. 8vo. bds. 3s 6d Amst. 1875 20487 Delfortrie (E. J.) Memoire sur les Analogies des Langues Flamande, Allemande, et Anglaise, 4to. sd. 5s Bruxelles, 1858 20488 Engelscite Tieranny met fraaije Kunstjjlaaten, I2mo. engravings by G. Bronwer from designs by P. Wagenaar, with translated extracts from the work, in MS. at end, calf extra, gilt edges, £2. 2s Amst. 1781 On fly-leaf Mr. Beckford has written " extremely rare." 2026 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20489 Gemma Gemmarum quain Dictionarium appellitat (Vocabularius Latino-Belgicus), sin. 4to. title mended, vellum, £4. sinenotd Very bare. Upon the fly-leaf is written, " Irapressa Coloniae per Martinum de Werdena, prope domum consulatus in vico Burgensi (vcl die burgerstraes) commorantum anno Domini, 1507." 20490 GEYSBEEK (P. G. Witsen) biographiscb, antkologisch, en critisch Woordenbock der Nederduitsche Diclitcrs, 6 vols, stout 8vo. thick paper, containing the hives of the Dutch Poets in alphabetical order, with extracts from their ivorks, etc. half red morocco, gilt tops, £2. Amst. 1821-27 20491 Groots (H. de) Bewys van den waren Godsdienst, 12mo. vellum, 2^ Gravenhage (1683) 20492 Halbertsma (J. H.) hefc Geslaclit der Yan Haren's, fragmenten, 8vo. Ids. 2s 6d Deventer, 1829 20493 Harte (Bret) Eerste Schetsen (Tbo Luck of Roaring Camp, enz.) vertaling van Teding van Berkhout, 12mo. sd. 2s Nijmegen, 1873 20494 Hasendonck's Dutcb Grammar, with Vocabulary, etc. 12mo. calf, Is Qd 1814 20495 : the same, 12mo. hf. Id. 2s 6d 1823 20496 Herckmans (E.) Der Zee-Vaert Lof in YI Boecken, sm. folio, engraved title, and 17 etchings, one (Adverse Fortune) at p. 97, by liembrandt, slightly stained, vellum, 25s Amst. 1634 20497 Holtrop's (J.) English and Dutch Dictionary, revised by A. Ste- venson, 2 vols, stout 8vo. 1032 and 1030 pp. bds. 7s 6d; or, hf. calf, 10s Amst. 1823-4 20498 Hooet (P. C.) Taalkundig Wcordenboek, door A. C. Oudemans, 8vo. 7//. calf, 4s 6d Leiden, 1868 20499 Hltgewils et Van Driesscue, Cours de Langue Flamande, 12mo. cloth, Is 6d Bruxelles, 1859 20500 HuTGENS, Koren-Blocmen, Ncdcrlandsche Gedichten, 2 vols, in 1, thick sm. 4to. second enlarged edition, calf, 5s Amst. 1672 2<».">01 the same, 2 vols. 4to. iarge paper, portrait and plates, vellum, fine clean copy, £1. Amst. 1672 Volume I contains on pp. 622-732, Spanish Troverus with Dutch translations. 20502 Jager (A. de) Taalkundig Magazijn, of Bijdragen tot de Kennis der Nederduitsche Taal, 4 vols. 8vo. vellum or hf. calf gilt, 20s Rotterdam en Deventer, 1835-42 A valuable collection of Philological Dissertations. 20503 KlLIANI Duffltki Etymologicum Tcutonicao Lingnoo sive Dic- tionarium Teutonico-Latinum, prrccipuas Tcutonica3 Lingua) dictiones, Latine interprctatas, et cum aliis Unguis collatas complectcns, curante Hasselt, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. best edition, 20s Traj. Bat. 1777 20504 Kramer (M.) Nider-hoch-Tcutsch und Hoch-nicder-teutsch Dic- lionariuin oder bcider Haupt-und Grandspiaclien Worteibucb, folio, vellum, 9e Niirnbcrg, 1719 20505 KuiJPEB (G.) Handleiding tot do Bcsefening der nedcrlamlsche Taal- en Letterkunde, thick 8vo. bds. 3s Gd Breda, 1855 'jo',06 ^Tauix (P.) Dictionnaire Francais-Hollandais et Holland.-Franc. par J. Holtrop, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. calf, 5s Dort, 1786-S7 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: FLEMISH. 2027 20507 Marshall (T.) Dutch Grammar, 8vo. bds. 3s Gd Rotterdam, 1854 20508 Olinger, Dictionnaire Flamand-Franoais et Francais-Flamand, 2 vols. 12mo. doth, 3s Gd Malines, 1852 20509 OUDEMANS (A. C.) Bijdrage tot een Middel- en Oudneder- landsch Woordenboek, 7 vols, stout 8vo. bds. £2. 10s Arnhem, 1870-80 20510 Reinaert de Vos, naer de oudste beryrning, door J. F. Willems, 12mo. woodcuts, sd. 2s Gd Mechelen, 1858 20511 Renout van Montalbaen, door J. C. Matthes, 8vo. sd. 2s Groninqen, 1875 20512 Richardson (E.) Anglo-Belgica, the English and Netherdutch Academy, containing Grammar-Rulers, with a Vocabular, etc. 12mo. vellum, 2s Gd Amst. 1689 20513 Schuerrn (Gherard van der) Teuthonista of Duytsch-Lender ; uitgegeven door Boonzajer, 4to. sd. 12s Leydeu, 1804 20514 Sewel (W.) Compleat Dictionary, English-Dutch and Dutch- English, with Grammars, improved by E. Buys, 2 vols. 4to. frontispiece, hf. morocco, 10s Amst. 1766 20515 Shakspear's Tooneelspelen ; Shakespeare's Works in Dutch, 5 vols. 8vo. hf. Id. uncut, 7s Gd Amst. 1778-82 20516 Stallaert (C.) Cours de la Langue Flamande, sm. 8vo. hf. calf, ( 2s Gd Qand, 1876 20517 Stoke (Melis) Rymkroniik, met Aanmerkingen door B. Huyde- coper, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. uncut, 6s Leyden, 1772 20518 VANDER NOOT (J.) de Poeticsche Wevken,fiamand etfranrais, title and portrait on vellum, ivoodcuts, Anhverpen, 1584; Hymne de Braband,./? amcmtZ et franc ais, coloured portrait and tvoodctits, ib. 1580 ; Abrege des douze Livres 01ympiades,jtfama?icZ et fran- cais,fine copperplate portrait and plates, several illuminated, ib. 1579—3 vols, in 1, sm. folio, fine copies, vellum, from the Bedford library, very rare, £20. 1579-84 Contents : Poeticsche Werken, 35 pages (including title), portrait and 5 woodcuts ; Hymne de Braband, 22 pages (including title, portrait and woodcut); Abrege, 52 pages (including title, portrait, and 17 plates). The woodcuts are by P. HuysseDS, the plates by Dirck Volkaert Coornaert. 20519 Van der Pyl (R.) Grammar of the Dutch Language, 8vo. sd. 3s Gd Rotterdam, 1819 20520 the same, 8vo. hf. calf, 5s 1819 20521 VAN LENNEP (J.) Romantische Werken : de Pleegzoon, Ferdinand Huyck, de Roos van Dekama, Elizabeth Musch, Onze Voorouders, Vier verspreide Verbal en, 14 vols. 12mo. frontispieces, cloth, 32s Rotterdam, 1859-60 Entertaining Romances by a novelist of the first class. 20522 Van Lennep en J. Ter Gotjw, de Uithangteekens, in verband met Geschiedenis en Volksleven beschouwd, 2 vols. 8vo. woodcuts, doth, 10s Amst. 1868 20523 VOCABULARIUS optimus Gemma Vocabulornm merito dictus, sm. stout 4to. a very curious Latin-Flemish Vocabulary, fine copy in crimson calf, £4. Ravetrie, R. Pafrat, 1495 20524 Vries (M. de) Middel nederlandsch Woordenboek, 2 parts, A— Anxt, impl. 8vo. 256 cols. sd. 2s Gravenhage, 1864 138 2028 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20526 WEILAND (P.) Nederduitsch Taalkundig Woordexboek, 11 vols, in 6, 8vo. calf gilt, 30s Amst. 1799-1811 20527 Wernixck (J.) Pocket Dictionary of the Dutch and English Lan- guages, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. calf, 3s Gd London, 1824 Frisic. 20528 Emmius (Urb.) de Origine et antiquatatib. Frisiorum, 12mo. vellum, 5s Qroningce, 1603 20529 Japix (Gysbert) Friesche Rynilerije, en Friesche Wirkken, 2 parts in 1 vol. sra. 4to. good copy in old calf, 7s Gd Leuivard, 1681 The rare second edition of the poems of the Father of Frisic Poetry. 20530 Epkema ( E. ) Woordenboek op de Gedichten en verdere Geschriften van Gysbert Japicx, stout 8vo. 572 pp. bds. uncut, 14s Leeuwarden, 1824 20531 Oera Linda Book, Frisic and English, by J. O. Ottema and W. R. Sandbach, 8vo. 2 facsimiles, cloth, said to be a forgery, 5s 1876 20532 Outzex (N.) Glossarinm der friesischen Sprache, besonders in nordfriesiscker Mundart, zur "Vergleichung mit den verwandten germanischen und nordisclien Sprachen, sm. 4to. bds. 9s Kopenhagen, 1837 20533 Posthumus (R.) Prieuwcke fen friesche Rijmmelerije, 8vo. bds. 2s 6d ' Grinz, 1824 20534 Rask (R.) Frisisk Sprogkere, 12rao. bds. Is 6d Kjoben. 1825 20535 Frisische Sprachlehre, iibersetzt von Buss, sm. 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Freiburg, 1834 20536 RiCHTHOFEX, Altfriesisches Worterbuch, 4to. sd. 9s Gott. 1840 20537 the same, 4to. hf calf 10s 6d 1840 20538 Scheltema (P. C.) Verzameling van Spreekwoorden, Gezegden en Anekdoten, vriesch und altd< utsch, 8vo. sd. 2s Gd Franeher, 1826 20539 Sturenburi; (G. H.) Ostfriesisches Worterbuch, 8vo. sd. 5s Aurich, 1857 Low German, Old High German, Dialects of Upper Germany. 20540 BENECKE (G. F.) Mittelhoehaeutsches Worterbuch, bearbeitet von W. Midler und Zarncke, 3 vols, in 17 parts, royal 8vo. COMPLETE, sd. 32s Leipzig, 1854-61 20541 another copy, bound in 4 vols, royal 8vo. doth, 36s 20542 another copy, in 4 vols, royal 8vo. hf. morocco, £2. 20543 BBEMISCH-NlEDERBACHSISCHES WORTERBUCH, worin alle in ganz Nieder-Sacheen gebrauchlichen Mundarten, nebst veralteten Wortern und Redensarten, aus Vergleichung verwandter Dia- lekte erklaret Bind, 5 vols. sm. 8vo. £-. Bn men, 1767-71 The Kest ami most comprehensive Low German Dictionary. 20541 Castelli, Gedichte in nieder-osterreichischer Mundart, mit einem Idiotikon, 8vo. frontispiece, calf gilt, 5s Wi>,,, l^j.s 20545 Eichwald (K.) Niederdcntscbe Sprichworter nnd Redensarten, mit Gtlossar, 12mo. sd. 2s Bremen, 1868 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY : GERMANIC. 2029 2054G Eychman de Calwe (Jodoci) Vocabularium Latino- Germanicum, sm. 4to. fine copy in russia, £2. sine nota (? Cologne or Strasburg, about 1485) Eychmann was a preacher and teacher at Heidelberg. It would appear that the work is derived from his lessons, not directly composed by him. The compiler claims a high superiority for it beyond all preceding Vocabularies because of its fulness in synonyms and explanation of idioms. 20547 Frauer (L.) Lehrbuch der althochdeutschen Sprache und Literatur, 8vo. sd. 2s Gel Gppenheim, 1869 20548 Genesis und Exodus nach der Milstater Handschrift, herausg. von J. Diemer, mit Worterbuch, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. woodcuts, hf. calf, 6s Wien, 1862 20549 Graff (E. G.) die althochdeutschen Prapositionen, 8vo. bds. Is 6d Konigsberg, 1824 20550 Grimm (J.) iiber den altdentschen Meistergesang, sm. 8vo. 2s 6d ; or, calf, 3s 6d Gottingen, 1811 20551 Grimm (W.) Deutsche Heldensage, 8vo. hf. calf, 3s 6d Gdtt. 1829 20552 Grimm (J. und W.) Deutsche Sagen, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut, 17s 6d 1816-18 20553 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. 18s 1816-18 20554 Altdeutsche Walder, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. bds. £2. 2s Gassel, 1813-10 Grimm — see also under class Germanic General. 20555 Hagen (F. H. von der) Minnesinger : Deutsche Lieder-diciiter des 12ten, 13ten und 14ten Jahrhunderts, aus alien bekannten Handscriften und friiheren Drucken gesammelt, 4 vols, in 3, 4to. (the most complete collection of these Poems), hf. morocco neat, scarce, £2. 10s Leipsig, 1838 This great repository of Old Teutonic Poets is unrivalled in Europe. 20556 Hahn (K. A.) Althochdeutsche Grammatik, 8vo. hf. calf, 2s Prag, 1852 20557 Althochdeutsche Grammatik, nebst einem Glossar, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d 1870 20558 Haldeman (S. S.) Pennsylvania Dutch : a dialect of South German with an infusion of English, 8vo. cloth, 3s 6d 1872 20559 Hebel (J. P.) Allemannische Gedichte, 12mo. sd. Is 6d Aarau, 1852 20560 Heyne (M.) Kurze Laut- und Flesionslehre der altgermanischen Sprachstamme, 8vo. hf. calf, 5s Paderborn, 1862 20561 Kinderling (J. F. A.) Geschichte der plattdeutschen Sprache, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d Madgeburg, 1800 20562 Koberstein (Aug.) Laut-und Flexionslehre der mittelhochdeut- schen und der neuhochdeutschen vSprache in ihren Grrxtndzugen, 8vo. bds. 2.s Halle, 1862 20563 Kronika (De) fan Sassen in Rimen, fan Wcdekind went up Albregt fan Brunswyk 1279, na der shrivt berighted un for- lugted dorg K. F. A. Scheller, 8vo. very neat, 5s BrunswyJe, 1826 20564 Laciimann (C.) Snecimina Lingua) Francica?, 8vo. cloth, 2s Berol. 1825 20565 Laien Doctrinal (der) ein altsassisches gereimtes Sittenbucb, mit Glossar, von Scheller, 8vo. calf, 4s" Brauns. 1825 138 * 2030 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20567 Lexer (M.) Mittelhocbdeutsches Taschenworterbuch mit gram- matiseher Einleitung, 12mo. 320 pp. triple cols. sd. 2s 6d Leipzig, 1881 20568 Manessen (R.) Samrnlung von Minnesingern aus dern schwa3- bischen Zeitpuncte, CXL Dichter enthaltend, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. hf. calf, 10s Zurich, 1758 20569 Meyer (C.) Sprache und Spracbdenknialer der Langobarden : Quellen, Grammatik, und Glossar, Paderborn, 1877 — Die altdeutscben Bruchstiicke des Tractats des Bischof Isodorus von Sevilla, de fide catholica contra Judajos, lat. und altdeutsch, mit Glossar, von K. Weinhold, ib. 1874; 2 vols, in 1, hf. calf, 5s 1874-7 20570 MQller (J.) Gedicbte und Prosa in aachener Mundart, 12mo. neiv series, cloth, 2s 6d Aachen, 1853 20571 Nibelunge Noth (der) und die Klage, herausgegeben von K. Lacbmann, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d 1851 20572 Nibelunge Liet (der) berausg. (mit Uebersetzung) von K. Sim- rock, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 5s Stuttgart, 1868 20573 Fischer (H.) die Forscbungen iiber das Nibelungenlied seit Karl Lacbmann, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Leipzig, 1874 20574 Otfrids von Weissenburg Evangelienbucb, von J. Kelle, Band I und II, Text und Grammatik, 2 vols 8vo. plates, hf. calf, 14s Pegensburg, 1856-69 20575 Otfrid's Krist, das alfceste hocbdeutscbe Gedicbt (IX Jahrh.), herausg. von Graff, 4to. facsimile, cloth, 6s Konigsberg, 1831 20576 tbe same, 4to. facsimile, thick vellum paper, binding damaged, Humboldt's copy, 7s 6d 1831 20577 ■ Cbristi Leben und Lebre, ubersetzt von J. Kelle, 12mo. sd. 2s Prag, 1870 20578 Radlof (J. G.) Bildungsgescbicbte der Gerraanen nacb den Urdenk- malen der Spracbe und der Gescbicbte, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 3s 1825 20579 Riciiey (Micb.) Idioticon Hamburgense, 4to. vellum, 5s Uamburgi, 1 743 20580 Bitter (J. G. C.) Grammatik der mecklenburgisch-plattdeutschen Mundart, 8vo. bds. 3s 6d Rostock, 1832 20581 Ruffs (Jacob) Etter Heini uss dem Schwizerland (ein politischcs Schauspiel) erlautert von H. M. Kottinger, 8vo. hf. mssia, 5s 1847 20582 Schade (O.) Satiren und Pasquille aus der Reformat ionszeit, 3 vols. 8vo. sd. 7s Hannover, 1863 A very interesting work, showing the state of feeling existing with regard to the Reformation amongst the people of Germany, and containing many curious specimens of the colloquial language of the time. 20583 SCHELLER (K. F. A.) Biicberkunde der sassiscb-niederdeutscben Sprache, Hvo. bds. 4s Braunschiveig, 1826 An important catalogue raisonne of the valuable literary monuments principally from the Ducal Library at Wolfcubbiittcl. 20584 Shigt-B6k der Stad Brunswyk, 12mo. plates, calf, 4s 1839 20585 ScHMELLER (J. A.) die Mundarten Barents, 8vo. map of languages, cloth, 5s • Miinchen, 1821 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY : GERMANIC, SCANDINAVIAN. 2031 20586 Schmeller, Bayerisches Woerterbuch : Sammlung von Wortern und Ausdriicken die in den lebenden Mundarten sowolil als in der altera Provincial-Litteratur, etc. vorkommen, 4 vols. 8vo. bd. 20s Stuttgart, 1827-37 20587 the same, 4 vols. 8vo. calf neat, 28s 1827-37 One of the best German Provincial Glossaries, the result of careful studies and diligent comparative researches with constant references to other Teutonic and to Scandinavian Dialects. 20588 bayerisches Worfcerbuch, zweite Ausgabe, bearbeitet von G. K. Frommann, Vol. I (A-N), roy. 8vo. in parts, 10s Milnchen, 1869-72 20589 Schmid (J. C.) Schwiibisches Worterbuch, 8vo. 630 pp. portrait, sd. 5s ; or, cloth, 6s Stuttgart, 1831 20590 Schmidt (K. C. L ) Westerwaldisdb.es Idiotikon, mit Vergleichung anderer Dialekte, sm. 8vo. calf, 4s Eadamar, 1800 20591 SCHUTZE, Holsteinisches Idiotikon, oder Sammlung plattdeut- scher, alter und neugebildeter Worte, 4 vols, in 2, sm. 8vo. bd. 10s ; 4 vols. hf. vellum neat, Sir F. Maddeiis copy, 15s Hamb. 1800-6 A valuable Glossary of Low German, comprising a collection of ancient and modern Low German Words, Idioms, Witticisms, Proverbs, Nursery and other Rhymes, Anecdotes, and expressions illustrating the Manners, Customs, Games and Festivals of the Holsteiners. 20592 Schwenck's Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache, in Beziehung auf Abstaminung und Begriffsbildung, 8vo. with comparisons and roots from cognate languages, sd. 2s 6d Franckf. 1838 20593 Stalder (F. J.) Versiich eines schweizerischen Idiotikon, mit etymologischen Bemerkungen, 2 vols. 8vo. bd. 7s 6d Aarau, 1812 20591 die Landessprachen der Schweiz, oder schweizerische Dialektologie, 8vo. Ids. 5s Aarau, 1819 20595 Steinmeyer (E.) und E. Sievers, die althochdeutschen Glossen, Band I, Glossen zu biblischen Schriften, thick roy. 8vo. sd. 10-s- 1879 20596 Strodtmann (J. C.) Idioticon Osnabrugense, Altona, 1756— Bock (J. G.) Idioticon Prussicum, Kbuigsb. 1759— Meyer (S.) Eror- terung des ehemaligen Religions- Wesens der Teutschen, Leipz. 1756 ; 3 vols, in 1, stout 12mo. hf. bd. 10s 1756-9 20597 Tatiani Alexandrini Harmonia3 Evangelicaa antiquissima versia Theotisca, ut et Isidori Hispalensis ad Florentinam sororem de Nativitate Domini, etc. libri eadem lingua conversi, J. P. Pal- thenius edidit, 4to. large paper, calf, 30s Grijphisuxddice, 1706 20598 Tatian, lateinisch und altdeulsch, mit Glossar, von E. Sievers, 8vo. hf. calf, 4s 6d Paderborn, 1872 20599 Wacker'nagel (W.) Deutsches Lesebuch, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 6s &d Basel, 1836 20600 ■ Kleineres altdeutsches Lesebuch nebst Worterbuch, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. bds. 5s *&• 1861 20601 Glossar zum altdeutschen Lesebuch, 8vo. bds. 2s 6d Basel, 1840 20602 Ziemann (A.) Mittelhochdeutschcs Worterbuch, nebst gram- matischen Einleitung, 8vo. 72U pp. doable cols. hf. calf, 7s 6d Qaedlinberg, 1838 2032 BERNARD gUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20603 Zingerle (I. V.) Lusernisches Worterbuch, 8vo. 80 pp. sd. 2s Innsbruck, 1869 Modern German. see in Special Catalogue. Scandinavian. 20604 Forbes (J. D.) Norway and its Glaciers visited in 1851, roy 8vo. map, coloured views, etc. cloth, 36s Edinburgh, 1853 Followed by Journals of Excursions in the High Alps of Dauphine", Berne, and Savoy. 20605 Graberg de Hemso (J.) Saggio Istorico su gli Scaldi o Antichi Poeti Scandinavi, 8vo. portrait, hf. morocco, 3s 6d Pisa, 1811 20606 Horn (F. W.) History of the Literature of the Scandinavian North, translated by R. A. Anderson, 8vo. cloth, 15s Chicago, 1884 A most interesting work, giving the history of Scandinavian Literature, from the earliest times to the present, with lives of the principal authors. A " Bibliography of the important books in the English language, relating to the Scandinavian countries," prepared by T. Solberg, occupies the lant 84 pages of the volume. 20607 Iiire (J.) de Tnmultu Dalekarlorum, vulgo Naeftoget dicto, Vjisnl. 1743 — Analecta Epistolorum in primis Historian! et Res Litterarias Suecia? illustrantinm, exhibet O. A. Knos et J. E. Mallmin, Letters of Swedish Statesmen of the 17th century, ib. 1787-1796 ; and others, in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. Id. 7s 0d 1743-1802 20608 JOHNSTONE ( J. ) Antiquitates Celto-Scandicse, containing extracts, with Latin translations, from the Sagas, Havnice, 1786 — Antiquitates Celto-Norinannicre ; containing the Chronicle of Man and the Isles, extracts from the Annals of Ulster, Ware's Ireland, etc. Latin and English, ib. 1786 —2 vols, in 1, 4to. bd. 10s 1786 20609 the same, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. hf. calf gilt, 17s 20610 the same, fine paper, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. hf. morocco gilt, 20s 20611 Loccenii (J.) Historia) Suecanre a primo Rege Sueciao usque ad Carolum XI, libri ix ; ace. Antiquitatum Sueo-Gothicarum lib. in, stout sm. 4to. ///'. calf, Bs C>d Francqf. 1676 20612-628 NORDISK OLDSKR1FT SELSKAB. A large collection of the publications of the Society of Antiquaries of the North, from 1836 to 1878, as described below, in all 72 vols. 8vo. (except 1 which is in roy. 4to. and 1 which is in folio), numerous plates of Antiquities and liunic Inscriptions, 17 vols, in hf. morocco and hf. calf, the rest unbound, £25. Copenhagen, 1836-78 Contents : 1 NoBPIBK Tidskrift for Oldkyndighed, Vols. 1 and II 1832-33 2 Ann a i. Kit for Nordisk Oldkyndighcd. complete from the beginning of this scries in 1836 to its end in 18(13. 23 vols, in 24 3 Aaksmode. 2 thin vols. 1840-41 This series ceased in J 842. 4 Memoibes des Antiquaires du Nord, from the beginning in 1836 to 18711, in 8 vols. — Section Abiatique, 1840-3, 1 vol. 1840-72 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: SCANDINAVIAN. 2033 Nordisk: Oldskrift Selskab — continued. 5 Antiquarisk Tidsskrift, from the commencement in 1843 to its end in 1S63, 7 vols, in 6 1843-63 6 Aarboger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie, from the beginning of this series in 1866 to 1871, 6 vols. 7 Tiling til Aarboger for Nordisk Old- kyndighed, 1866-76 and 1878, in 3 vols. 1866-78 8 Oldnordiske Sagaer, 1:2 vols. 1825-37 12 13 14 15 16 Vi'.stiges d'Asscrbo et de Soborg, de- couverts par Frederic VII de Dane mark, map and plates 1 855 Rafn, Inscription Runique de Piree interpretee, woodcuts Monuments Runographiques inter- pretes Atlas de Archeologie du Nord re- presentant des Echantillons de l'age de Bronze et de l'age der Fcr, folio, 22 plates of Ornaments, Weapons, etc. Antiquitates Americans sive Scrip- tores Septentrionales Kerum Ante- Columbianarnm in America, roy. 4to. thick paper, plates 1837 Islendinga Sogur, eptir gomlum Handritum, 2 vols. 1829-30 10 Goide to Northern Arclncology, by the Earl of Ellesmere, numerous wood- cuts 1848 11 Saga Jatvardar Kommgs bins helga, facsimile 1852 20G29-36 NORDISK OLDSKRIFT SELSKAB. Another collection of the publications of this Society, as described below, — 43 vols. 8vo. six vols. bd. the rest sewed, £10. Copenhagen, 1836-74 Contents: 1843-54 and 1 Nordisk Tidskrift for Oldkyndighed, 2 vols. 1832-33 2 Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed, 1836 to 1855, 1861 and 1862, 17 vols. 3 Me moires des Antiquaries du Nord, 1836-74, in 7 vols. — Section Asiatique. 1840-43 4 Antiquarisk Tidsskrift, 1861-63, 5 vols. 5 Rafn, Inscription Runique du Piree interpretee 1856 6 Vestiges d'Asserbo et de Soborg 7 Saga Jatvardar Konungs bins helga 1852 20637 Nyeeup (R.) og J. C. Kraft, almindeligt Litteratur-lexicon for Danmark, Norge, og Island, Biographical Dictionary of Authors, 4to. hf. calf, 10s 1820 20638 Olai (Eric) Historia Suecorum Gothorumque, opera J. Messenii, square 8vo. vellum, arms of Shytte, Baron of Duderof, in gold on sides, 7s 6d Stoclch. 1615 20639 Porthan (H. G.) ad recensionem Bullarii Romano- Sueogothici, a A. Celse editam, accessio, 4to. Ids. 5s Aboce, s. a. (1800) 20640 Regesta Diploraatica Historic Daniel : Index Chronologicus Diplomatum et Literarum, Historian! Danicam usque ad 1660 illustrantiuni, 2 vols. 4to."kZs. 7s 6d Haunice, 1843-47 20641 Saxonis Grammatici Historia Danica, recens. P. E. Midler et Velschow, Vol. I, roy. 8vo. portrait, hf. russia, 16s Haunice, 1839 2Q642 Historia Danica, S. J. Stephanus recog. notisque illustr. 2 vols, in 1, folio, woodcuts, A. Burmann and G. H. Burrow's autographs, vellum, 15s Sorce, 1644-5 20643 Saxo Grammaticus. Den Danske Kronike som Saxo Granimaticus screff, halfffierde hundrede Aar forleden, nu forst aff Latinen udsaett, offverseet, oc forbedret aff Anders Soffrinsson Vedel, S m folio, first edition, portrait of Frederic II, title and last leaf mended, hf. Id. 30s (Kjbbeuhavn) 1575 Extremely rare first Danish edition, of which a facsimile was lately issued. 20644 Rasmussen, om to nylig funtlnc Fragmentev at' en Codex af Saxo, 4to. facsimiles, sd. 2s 6d ib. 1855 2034 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20045 SleswiCK. On nationality and language in the duchy of Sleswiek or South Jutland, 8vo. cloth, 2s Copen. 1848 2064(3 STEPHENS (George) the old NORTHERN RUNIC MONU- MENTS of SCANDINAVIA and ENGLAND, now first collected and deciphered, complete in three parts, folio, many hundred woodcuts of Sculptured Crosses and Pillars, Weapons, Ornaments, etc. and numerous large plates of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Art relics, executed in gold and silver, sd. £7. 10s ( 'heapinghaven [Copenhagen], 1866-68-84 The best and finest of all existing books upon a most interesting subject. The archaeologist will prize it no less highly than the ethnologist, tor it concerns both equally. Certain theories of race and language held by the author will not be acceptable to all students, but no one can fail to appreciate the thorough and scholarly manner in which the antiquarian and historical features of the work are developed. It is a repository of facts and monu- ments in which every one who studies the ancient history and civilization of Northern Europe will be obliged to seek for information. The linguistic portion of the volume, which the author calls "Old Northern Word-Row and Scandinavian Runic Word-List," occupies pp. 895-1019 in double columns. '• It is, indeed, with some degree of pride that we, as Englishmen, can refer to this work as the modern, as we can to Hickes's great Thesaurus as the old standard authority on Northern literature." — The Athenaeum, London, Aug. 3, 1867. •' The deep erudition displayed in this great work, and the splendour, variety, aud artistic excellence of its illustrations, were unequalled any- where." — Journ. of the Histor. and Archcsol. Association of Ireland, April, 1869 '• . . . Never before have these runes been investigated with a like amount of skill, care, and judgment." — The Reader, London, Aug. 4, 1866. 20647 Theineb (A.) Schweden und seine Stellnng zum heiligen Stuhl nnter Johann III, Sigismnnd III und Karl IX, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. bd. 5s Augsburg, 1838-30 20648 Thorkelin (G. J.) Diplomatarium Arna-Alagnaianum, exhibens Monumenta Diplomatica, Historiam atque JuraDania^Norvegia?, etc. (1085-1799), 2 vols. 4to. large paper, plates, calf, 20s Maunice, 1786 20649 THORPE (B.) Northern Mythology, comprising the principal popular traditions and superstitions of Scandinavia, North Ger- many, and the Netherlands, 3 vols. sin. 8vp. frontispiece, hf. bd. uncut, C2. 1851-2 20650 Weinhold (K.) Altnordisches'Leben, 8vo. plate of Runic and other Alphabets, hf. calf, 5s Berlin, 1856 20651 Wheaton (H.) History of the Northmen, or Danes and Nor- mans, up to the conquest of England by William of Normandy, 8vo. bds. 3s <"„/ 1831 20652 Worm (J.) Lexicon over danske, norske og islandske Loerde Mcend, 3 vols. sin. 8vo. over 2200 pp. hf. calf, Borrow's autograph, 10s ffelsingoer, 1771-84 20653 ~ the same, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. old calf, 12s 1771-84 Old Norse, Icelandic, Faeroese. 2065 ! A ■■ \ a la it Biorns a Skardsa, Tslandice et Latine, 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf, 7s Qd Herappseyce, 1774-5 Annals of Iceland and Norway from 1100-1645. EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: OLD NORSE. 2035 20655 Abe's Islanderbuch im islandischen Text, mit deutscher Ucberset- zung, Namen- und Worter-verzeidbniss, herausg. von Th. Mobius, 8vo. map, sd. Is 6d 1869 20656 Asbjobnsen (P. C.) Tales from the Fjeld, translated from flic Norse by G. W. Dasent, 8vo. (pub. 10s tid), frontispiece, cloth, 5s 1874 20657 Bayldon (G.) Grammar of the Old Norse or Icelandic Language, sm. 8vo. (pub. 7s 6d), cloth, 5s 1870 20658 Biblia thad er Heilog Ritning, endurskodud utgafa, stout 8vo. calf, 3s 6d i Lunditnum, 1866 See also ante, page 1623. 20659 BIORNER (E. J.) Nordiska Kampa Dater : Volumen historicum, continens Regum, Herorum, et Pugilum in orbe Hyperboreo antiquo res gestas ; accessit conspectus genealog. Suethicorum Regum et Reginarum, etc. Islandice, Suecice, et Latine, folio, foxed, old calf neat, 30s Stockholm, 1737 "Livrerare: vend. 54 nor. Meerman."— Brunet. Priced £3 by YVcigel in 1860. It is a collection of great importance and value, containing the Icelandic Sagas, in a compendious form. 20660 Carpenter (W. H.) Neu-islandische Grammatik, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d 1881 20661 CLEASBY (R.) Icelandic-English Dictionary, based on his MS. collections, enlarged and completed by G. Vigfusson, with introduction, and life of Cleasby by Dasent, 4to. (sells £3. 7s), cloth, £2. 8s Oxford, 1873 20662 the same, 4to. hf. morocco neat, £2. 16s 1873 " This work will be of especial service for our etymologists and lexico- graphers in establishing a sound analytical method for the derivation of that vast portion of our idiom which traces its origin back to Gothic sources." Athenmum. The Times says it is " the greatest help to English Philology that has yet been published." 20663 Codex Juris Uplandici, cum notis, Glossario, etc. : Uplands-Lagen utgifven af C. J. Schlyter, 4to. 3 facsimiles of MSS. sd. 7s Gd Stockholm, 1834 20664 Codex Runicus, udgivet af Kommissionen for det Arnamagnasanske Legat, exact facsimile, in photolithography, of the original, 200 pages — Thornsen (S. G.) om Runernes Brug til Skrift udenfor det monumentale ; 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. morocco, 20s Kjvbeithavu, 1877 20665 Dietrich (F. E. C.) Altnordisches Lcsebuch, mit Grammatik und Glossar, 8vo. Ids. 2s 6s I\;; 20709 ORKNEYINGA SAGA : Saga Hins Helga Magnusar Eyia Jarla, sive Vita Sancti Magni Insularum Comitis, Islandice et Latinr, ed. J. Jonams, 4to. fine paper, hf calf, 24s Hafniai, 1780 20710 the same, 4to. fine paper, calf, 28s 1780 2038 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20711 Orkneyinga Saga, translated by Hjaltalin and Goudie, with notes by Anderson, 8vo. maps and plates, cloth, 9s Edinburgh, 1873 20712 Pfeiffer (Fr.) Altnordisches Lesebuch, Text, Grammatik und Worterbuch, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d Leipzig, 1860 20713 the same, 8vo. calf extra, 5s 1800 20714 Pjetdrsson (P.) Fimtiu Hugvekjur ntaf Pinu og Danda Jesu Krists, sm. 8vo. hd. 2s 6d Reykjavik, 1859 20715 Rafn (C C.) Nordiske Kaempe-Historier efter islandske Haand- skrifter, fordanskede, 2 vols. 12mo. hf. hd. 10s Kjbbenh. 1821-3 20716 RASK (E. C.) Bejledning til det Islandske Sprog, 12mo. sd. 2s Kjob. 1811 20717 Specimina Literature Islandica?, magnam partem Anec- dota, Islandice, 12mo. sd. 2s 6d Holmice, 1810 20718 ■ Grammar of Icelandic or Old Norse Tongue, translated by G. W. Dasent, 8vo. cloth, 14s ; or, hd. 15s 1843 20719 — - the same, 1843 — Snorri Sturluson, Prose Edda, trans- lated by Dasent, Stockholm, 1842 ; in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. calf, 16s 1842-43 20720 Easy Method of Learning the Old Norse Tongue, from the Danish, by H. Lund, 12mo. cloth, 2s 6d 1869 20721 Rymbegla, sive Rudimentum Computi Ecclesiastici et Annalis veterum Islandorum, isl. et lat. ed. Biornonis, 4to. Fine Paper, plates, hf. hd. 10s Havn. 1780 20722 the same, 4to. fine paper, calf, 12s 1780 20723 Sagan Landnama ; Christendoms Saga ; Gronlandia edur Gram- landz Saga; 1 vol. sm. 4to. woodcuts, rare, £4. 4s Skallholte, 1688 Edited by Theodoras Thorlacius. 20724 Sahlstedt (A. M.) Runstafwen Foray ad, saint des Beskrifning och Brnk, 12mo. calf, 7s 6d Stockholm, 1776 20725 Scripta Historica Islandorum de Rebus gestis veterum Borea- lium, latine reddita, curante Soc. Reg. Antiq. Septent. 12 vols. 8vo. st?. £2. 10s EafwicB, 1828-46 20726 Sjoborg (N. H.) Samlingar for Nordens Foi-nalskare, innehallande inskrifter, figurer, ruiner stensiittningar i Sverige och Norrige, Vols. I and II, 4to. 143^?«^s, hd. 10s Stockholm, 1822-4 20727 SNORRE STURLESON'S HEIMSKRINGLA; Historia Regum Norvegicorum, nova editio aucta, Islandice, Da/nice et Latine, opera G. Schoning, 6 vols, folio, maps, etc. hds. uncut, £5. Eavnice, 1777-1826 20728 Edda Islandorum, an. Chr. 1715 Islandice couscripta per Snorronem Sturlffl, nunc primum islandice, danice et latine in lucem prodit opera P. J. Resenii ; Philosophia antiquissinia Norvego-Danica dicta Woluspa, qra.se est pars Edda) Samiundi, islandice et latine primum facta a Resenio ; Ethica Odoni, pars Eddse Sajmundi vocata Haavamaal, etc. nunc islandice et latine producta est per Resenium ; 3 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. old calf, gilt edges, 35s llavuiai, 1665 The translation of the Wo]us)>a. 1073 (not iu thin copy), and the piece " Ethica ( >doni " are nearly always wanting. " Livre tres-rare et important i>our l'histoire du Nord." — Brunei. EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: NORSE, DANISH. 2039 20729 Snorra Sturlusonar Edda, Th. Jonsson gaf at, 8vo. hf. calf neat, 9 s Kaupm. 1875 20730 Sturlunga-Saga, edr Islendinga-Saga bin mikla, in Icelandic, 4 parts in 2 vols. sm. 4to. hf. bd. 25s Kaupmann. 1817-20 20731 Thorlakssonae Islenzk Ljodabok, 2 vols. 12mo. Poetical Transla- tions from the English, German, Danish, etc. bds. 7s Gd 1842-3 20732 Thoesen (P. G.) de Danske RunemindersuiEerker, forste Afdeling : Runeinindersmaerkerne i Slesvig (all pub.), roy. 8vo. many plates of inscriptions, Ids. 18s 1864 20733 Uygaaed (M.) Eddasprogets Syntax, 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. oloth, 2s Gd Bergen, 1865-7 20734 Viga Glum's Saga, translated by Sir E. Head, 12mo. cloth, 2s Gd I860 20735 Vigfusson (G.) and F. York Powell, Icelandic Prose Reader, with Grammar and Glossary, sm. 8vo. (pub. 10s Gd), cloth, 6s Gd Oxford, 1879 2073G Corpus Poeticum Boreale ; the poetry of the Old Northern tongue from the earliest time to the thirteenth century, edited, classified, and translated, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 35s Oxford, 1883 20737 WlMMER, Fornnordisk Formlara, 8vo. sd. 3s Gd Lund, 1874 20738 Wolff (Jens) Runakefli, le Runic Rim-Stok, auquel est ajoutee la Thryms-Quida, Icelandic and French, 8vo. plates of Runic ■ inscriptions, sd. 3s Gd ; or, hf. calf, 5s Paris, 1 820 20739 Worm (O.) Regum Daniaa Series duplex, in Latin and Old Norse in Runic characters, sm. folio, bds. 3s Gd Hafnice, 1042 20740 — — ■ Fasti Danici, universam tempora computandi rationem antiquitus in Dania, et vicinis regionibns observatam e.vhi- bentes, sm. folio, cuts of Runic inscriptions, bds. 7s Gd Hafnice, 1643 20741 the same, 1643 — Danica Monumenta, 1643 — Regum Dania? Seines duplex, 1642; in 1 vol. sm. folio, cuts, vellum, 12s 1642-3 20742 Hendeeson (E.) Iceland, a Journal of a residence in that Island, 1814-15, with observations on the History, Literature, Anti- quities, etc. 8vo. map and plates, cloth, 5s Edinburgh, 1819 Danish and Norwegian. 20743 Aasen (Ivar) Ordbog over det norske Folkesprog, 8vo. bds. 5s Kristiania, 1850 20744 Norske Ordsprog, 12mo. morocco extra, 10s Christ. 1856 20745 Asbjoensen (P. C.) Auswahl norwegischer Volksnuirchen und Waldgeister-Sagen, ubersetzt von H. Denhardt, 8vo. portrait and illustrations, cloth, 5s Leipzig, 1881 20746 Andersen (H. C.) Eventyr, 18uio. 125 illustrations, cloth, 6s 1854 20747 • ■ 1 Sverrig, sm. 8vo. cloth, 2s Kjob. 1851 20748 Bartholinus de Natural mirabilibus, sm. 4to. cf. 7s Hafu. 1674 On page 14(5 commences, " de studio Linguae Danicee Qurestio." 20749 Bibelen eller den Hellige Skrift, indeholdende det Gamle og Nyo Testamentes canoniske Boger, stout 8vo. calf, 2s Gd London, 1861 2040 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20750 Bibelen eller den Hellige Skrift, stout 8vo. calf, 2s Gd _ Christiania, 1864 Bibles — See also page 1604. 20751 Botten-Hausen (P.) la Norvege Litteraire : Catalogue des Ouvrages Norvesdens du XIXe siecle, roy. 8vo. cloth, 5s 8 Christ. 1868 20752 Bresemann (Fr.) and W. Jones, English and Danish Dialogues, sm. 8vo. hfi bd. 2s Copen. 1848 20753 Christian I and Hans. Huitfeldt (A.) Historiske Bescriffvelse om huis sig haffver tildraget under Christiern I, Danmarckis, Sverigis, etc. Konge, 1448-1481 ; Kong Hansis Kronicke, 1481-1513—2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, 10s Kiub. 1599 20754 Christian II. Historisk Relation om Konung Christierns II grymme Tyrannii uthi Swerige, Danmark, och Norje, utdragen uthur Huitfaldt och Rijmwijs forfattat [aff. S. Hans Oloffsson, JAncovX men for'battrat aff E. Schrodero, sm. 4to. vellum, 6s r s.l. 1644 20755 Christian IV. Beskriffvelse om Christians IV Danmarckis oc Norgis Konnings, etc. Kongelige Kroning udi Kjobenhaffn, 1596, optegnet ved Majets : Secret erer A. Erich, oc fordansket ved B. Dallinum, sm. 4to. vellum, 9s Kj&b. 1598 20756 Christian IV, Rette og Forordninger. Danmarkis Rigens Ret oc des Dele, 1621 — Birche Rett, 1623— and nearly 100 Ordin- ances, in 1 vol. thick sm. 4to. fine copies, vellum, 7s Kjdbenhaffn, 1615-24 20757 Cohen (A. D.) Jodiske Noveller, Fortoellinger og Folkesagn, 8vo. half calf gilt, 4s Gd 1861 20758 Danske ORDBOG, udgiven under Videnskabernes Selskahs Besty- relse, Vols. I- VI, 4to. antique calf neat, Vol. VII sd. £3. 3s Kjob. 1793-1853 This is the great national Dictionary of Denmark, compiled by a learned Society. The seventh volume only carries the alphabet down to letter T. 20759 Dehn (J.) Skizzer fra London, 12mo. sd. 2s Christiania, 1862 207G0 See Tiden an, novelle, 2 vols, in 1, 12mo. sd. 2s Gd 1862 207(31 Excelsior, novelle, 12mo. cloth, 2s Gd 1863 20762 Dictionary of the English and Danish Languages, 2 parts in ] vol. 18mo. bd. 3s Tauchnitz, Leipzig, n.d. 20763 Edda (den reldre) paa Dansk ved F. "W. Horn, 8vo. If. calf, Bs Gd Kjob. 1869 20764 ElBE (N. J.) Cursus paa 100 Timer i Engelsk, etc. (English Grammar), 8vo. hf. bd. 2s ib. 1875 20765 Ersi-kw (T. H.) Almindeligt Forfatter- Lexicon for Danmark med tilhorende Bilandc, 1814-40, 3 vols. Ms. 1843-53— Supplement indtil 1853, parts 1-9 (A— Mo), sd. 1854-61, 8vo. 36s Kjobenh. 1843-61 A valuable Bibliographical Dictionary of Danish Authors. The con- tinuation of the above set can be supplied. 20766 Febrall o? Repp, Dansk-Engelsk Ordbog, 12mo. bds. 2s M Kjdben. 1845 20767 FRADER8DOBFF, Introduction to Danish or Norwegian, 12mo. cloth, 2s l 8 ^' EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: DANISH. 2041 20768 Friis (S.) Roskilde Domkirke, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. with plates illustrating the Architecture and Monuments, sd. 3s Gd Kjobenhavn, 1851-2 20769 Gi season (K.) Dansk Ordabok med Islenzkum Thydingum, sin. folio, 596 pp. sd, 9s Kawpm. 1851 20770 Goldschmidt (M.) Hjemlos en Fortoelling, 3 vols. 12rao. hf. calf neat, 12s (1857) 20771 Gronberg (B. G.) Tydsk-Dansk Haand-Ordbog, ved Kaper, 1866 — Kaper ( J. ) Dansk-Norsk-Tydsk Haand-Ordbog, 1870 ; together 2 vols. 8vo. half russia neat, 7s 1866-70 20772 Grundtvig (S.) Gamle danske Minder i Folkenrande, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. russia, 14s Kjoh. 1854 20773 Gamle danske Minder i Folkemunder, 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. calf (lilt, 7s 6d Kjobenhavn, 1861 20774 [Gyllembourg - Ehnenswaerd (T. C.)] Skrifter af Forfatteren til " en Hverdags-Historie," samlede og ndgivne af J. L. Heiberg, 12 vols, in 6, 12mo. sd. 12s ib. 1849-51 20775 Samlede Skrifter, af Forf. til " en Hverdags-Historie," 12 vols. 12mo. portrait, hf. morocco extra, £2. ib. 1866-7 Danish Novels by a popular Authoress. 20776 Hammerich, Danska oeh Norska Liisestycken, 8vo. bds. 3s Gd ib. 1865 20777 Heiberg's Poetiske Skrifter, paany samlede og ordnede af For- fatteren, 8 vols. 12mo. sd. 10s Kjbb. 1848-49 20778 Hoyens (N. L.) Skrifter udgivne ved J. L. Ussing, 3 vols. 8vo. portrait, If. calf, 12s Kjobenhavn, 1871-76 20779 Holberg's samtiiire Comoedier, med Anmoerkninger ved Boye, 8vo. 7s Gd ib. 1843 20780 Comedier, og Peder Paars, 9 vols, in 10, 8vo. fine portrait, bds. 25s ' ib, 1848-55 A finely printed edition issued by the Holbergske Samfund. and edited by Liebenberg. 20781 Peder Paars, et keroisk-comisk poema, 4to. numerous fine plates and vignettes, If. calf, 9s ib. 1772 20782 Niels Kli'ms underjordiske Reise, oversat af J. Baggescn, 4to. 16 plates by Abildgaard, hf. calf, 15s ib. 1789 20783 Ingemanns(B. S.) Samlede Skrifter (Dramatiske Digte, Romanzcr, Sange og Eventyrdigte, Fortoellinger Dramatiske Digte, etc.), 26 vols, in 13, 12mo. hf. morocco, 20s Kwb. 1845 20784 Jl'idske Lowbog, 12 pts.'in 1 vol. stout 4to. thick paper, with the various additions, as issued from time to time, fine portraits of //><> Kings of Denmark, calf, gilt edges, 28s ib. 1642- 1 !• 20785 ' Quedam breves' expositiocs et legum ct itiriu con- cordantie et alligationes circa leges iucie (JntisB) per Kanutz Epm Vibergen, Danice et Latine, sin. 4to. lit. tjfltfj, title and two preliminary leaves wanting, old calf, £2. 8s Impressum Haffnie per Gotfridv, de Gh men, 1508 Very rase ; one of the most interesting works on the ancient laws of the North. Heber's copy fetched £3. 19s. 20786 Moller (P. M.) Efterladte Skrifter, i Udvalg ved C. Winther, 2 vols. 12mo. hf. morocco extra, 5s Kjolenhavn, 1873 2042 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20787 MOLBECH, Dansk Ordbog, med Talemaader, Historie det Sprogs, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. 1500 pp. double columns, bds. 10s; hf. calf, 12s; or, calf (jilt, 15s Kiobenhaim, 1833 20/88 ■ — — Dansk Ordbog, 2 vols, in 1, roval 8vo. second improved and enlarged edition, 1500 and 1636 coh. hf. calf, 18s ib. 1859 A valuable Dictionary, the standard authority for Danish writers, and also indispensable to the philologist. It contains comparisons of the cognate ■words in the other Scandinavian and Teutonic languages. 20789 Dansk Dialect-Lexicon, med Orel, Udtryk, ok Tale- maader, etc. 8vo. xxxii and, 696 pp. hf. calf, 15s ib. 1841 A comparative Dictionary, containing references to the cognate languages, including the English dialects. 20790 om de gamle Danske Folkeviser, 8vo. vellum paper, the dedication copy to Sir F. Madden, cloth, 12s 1848 20791 Mueller (P. E.) Sagabibliothek, med Anmcerkninger og indle- dende Afhandliuger, 3 vols. 12mo. thick paper, hf. calf, 18s 1817-20 The best work on the subject, with a description and analysis of all the Sagas from the twelfth century. 20792 Critisk Undersogelse af Danmarks og Norges Sagnhis- torie. eller om Trova?rdie'beden af Saxos og Snorres Kilder, 4to. Ids. 4s 1823 20793 Munch (P. A.) det norske Folks Historie : Unions-Periodex, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 6s Christiania, 1862-63 20794 OEHLENSCHLAEGERS Tragodien, 10 vols, in 5, 1841 ; Dig- tervcerker, 17 vols, in 2, 1844; togetber 27 vols, in 14, 18mo. hf. Id. 32s Kiob. 1841-44 20795 Erindringer, 4 vols, in 2, 8vo. portrait, cloth, 5s ib. 1850-51 20796 Udvalgte Ycerker, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d ib. 1853-54 20797 Gods of the North, translated from the Danish by W. E. Frye, 8vo. sd. 6s 1845 20798 Olsen (L. B.) Engelsk-Dansk og Dansk-Engelsk Lexicon, 4 vols. in 2, 12mo. hf. bd. 6s Kiob. 1806-19 20799 Pedeesens (Christiern) Danske Skrifter, udgivne af Brandt og Fenger, 4 vols. 8vo. bds. 12s ib. lH.-)0-54 Contents: — l'ostilleu — Tidebogen — Bogen om Messen — Det Nye Testamcnte — David's Psalter. 20800 Rask (E. C.) Danish Grammar, edited by T. G. Repp, 8vo. bd. 2s 6d 1846-7 20801 RiiMKKuNiKi: (den Danske), udgivet af C. Molbcch, 8vo. Fine Paper, bds. 6s ib. 1825 This Rhymed Chronicle, the oldest Danish work of the kind, is by >.'iels, Niseis, or Nicolaus, a Cistercian of Sorb, who died 1481. Molbcch has edited the first edition, by Godf rid at' Ghemen 1495, adding an Introduction and Glossary. Saxo G ka mm .uncus — see ante, No. 20627. 20802 Scheel (H. O.) Udkast af Krigens Skneplads, eller Beskrivelae over Danmark, Norge og Syerrig, som Indledning til Eong licderik IV Krigs-Historic, 4to. calf, 5s L785 20803 Schneidee (F.) Danish Grammar, 8vo. sd. 2s Copenhagen, s. a. (? 1820) EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: DANISH, SWEDISH. 2043 20804 Strelow (H. N.) Cronica Guthilandovum, den Guthilandisko Cronica, Cronicle of Jutland from the earliest times, in Banish, smallest 4to. hf. hi. 10s Kiobing. 1633 20805 Sqhm (P. F.) Historie over Folkenes Oprindelse i Almindeligked, Kjob. 1709 ; Om de Nordiske Folks teldste Oprindelse, ib. 1770 ; 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. hf. calf, 5s 17G9-70 20806 Testamente (Det Nye) oversat fra Grnndsproget, sm. 8vo. calf, (jilt edges, 2s London, 1809 20807 Ulfeldt's (L. C.) Jammers-Minde, af liendes Fangenskab 1663-85, udgivet afS. B. Smith, 8vo. portrait, hf. bd. 5s KiiJb. 1869 20808 Vallensbeck (H. M.) Diarium Polemicum Metricnm Latino- Danicum Ohsidionis Havniensis (a Snecis), 1658-1660, smallest 4to. curious woodcuts, hf. calf, 4s 6d Hafnice, 1660 20809 Wei.hayen (J. S.) Samlede Skrifter, 8 vols, in 4, 12mo. portrait, hf. calf extra, 15s Kjobenhavn, 1867-68 20810 WEYLLE (C. O.) Glossarium Juridicum Danico-Norvegicuni, det er, alle gamle Danske oc Norske Glosers rette Forklaring, sm. 4to. hf. bd. 7s 6d 1652 20811 the same, 4to. large thick paper, old calf, 21s 1652 20812 Wolff (E.) Dansk-Engelsk Ord-bog, 4to. calf, 6s ' 1779 Swedish. 20813 Adlersparre (C.) Historiska Samlingar, 5 vols. 12mo. half calf, 6s Stockholm, 1793-1822 20814 Aelskarex, Forfattare och Drang : Comedie i en act, sm. 8vo. calf, 2s Stock. 1799 20815 Afzelids (A.) Swenska Folkets Sago-Hafder eller Faderneslan- dets Historia i Signer, FolksSnger, etc. 829-1718, 11 vols, in 15 parts, sm. 8vo. sd. 10s 1844-70 20816 ■ the same, Vols. I to VII, in 3 vols. 12mo. hf. morocco neat, 10s 1844-53 Vol. VII carries the history up to 1593, 20817 ALEXANDRI Magni Historia pa Swenska Rijm, stout sm. 4to. thick paper, fine copy in old calf, rare, 36s Wijsingzborg, 1672 Translated by Boo Jonszon, Chancellor of Sweden, in the reign of King Albert. At the end are several documents, 1369-1470, relating to Jonszon. 20818 Bellman (C. M.) sammlade Skrifter, 5 vols, in 1, 8vo. calf, 4s 1836-38 20819 Fredmans Epistlar, 81 Swedish Songs with Music, in 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, hf. calf neat, 16s ib. 1816 20820 Sanger, Songs with Music, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. portrait, hf. calf, 10s ib 1813 20821 BESLUTHER, Stadgar, Privilegia, Forordningar, 1004-91: Royal and Parliamentary Ordinances, Degrees, Regulations, etc. about 35 pieces in 1 vol. very stout sm. 4to. bds. £2. 10s Stockholm, 1604-91 A valuable collection of the original legislative enactments concerning the internal administration of the kingdom during several successive reigns. They were reprinted in abstract in the publication of the Kongl. Stadgar of 1706 L39 2044 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20822 Biblen, in Swedish, stout 8vo. old calf, 2s Stock. 1832 see also ante, page 1632. 20823 [Botin (A.)] Beskrifning om Swenska Hemman och Forda-Gods, 2 parts in 1 vol. sin. 4to. hf. bd. 5s ib. 1755-56 20824 Bremer (F.) Lifvet i gamla Verlden, Dagboks- Anteckningar 6 vols, in 3, 12mo. hf. calf, 16s Stockholm, 1860-2 20825 Bring (S.) Samling af Handlingar ock Paminnelser som kunna gifwa Lins i Swanska Historien, 3 vols, in 2, 12mo. calf gilt, 5s 1754-8 20826 Brisman (S.) Engelskt och Svenskt Hand-Lexicon, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. bd. Lorroufs autograph, 5s JJpsala, 1801 20827 Brunius, Skanes Konstkistoria for Medeltiden, stont 8vo. 16 plates of Architectural Plans, Sections, etc. sd. 3s Lund, 1850 20828 Brunnmark's Introduction to Swedish Grammar, 12mo. bds. Is 6d 1805 20829 Columbi (S.) Bibliske Werld, sampt andre hans Poetiske Skriffter, sm. 4to. with Music to the Songs, hf. calf, 5s Stockholm, 1687 20830 Corpus Juris Sueo-Gotorum Antiqui, Sweriges gamla Lagar, cum notis, Glossariis locupletissimis ac indicibus, edd. H. S. Collin et C. J. Schltter, 7 thick vols. 4to. thick paper, numerous fac- similes of MSS. calf neat, the last vol. bds. £5. Stockholm et Lund, 1827-52 20831 Dalin (A. F.) Svenska Handordbok, thick 12mo. a compendious Sivedish Dictionary, cloth, 4s Stochholm, 1868 20832 Delen (C.) Engelskt-Svenskt Lexicon, 2 vols, in 1, 4to. hf. calf, 16s Stockholm, 1806 20833 the same, 4to. calf, 20s 1806 20834 Dieterich (U. W.) Ausfiihrliche schwedische Grammatik, 1848 — and 3 other pieces, including Swedish- German Vocabulary, in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 5s Stock. 1848-50 20835 Dijkman, Historiske Anmiirckningar ofwer och af en dehl Run- stenar i Swerige, sm. 4to. containing numerous liunic inscrip- tions, vellum, 3s Gd Stockholm, 1723 20836 Diplomatarium Dalekarlicum : Urkunder rorande Landskapet Dalarne utgifne af Kroningssvlinl och J. Liden, 3 vols, in 1, 4to. 019 documents, date 1248-1550, some in Latin, facsimiles, hf. calf gilt, 12s Stockholm och Fahlun, 1842-6 20837 Diplomataeium Suecanum colleg. et edd. J. G. Liljegren et B. E. Hildebrand, Vols. I-V pt. 1, thick 4to. containing documents of l/ic beginning of the 9///-14/// centuries (817-1344), 7 facsimiles, two vols. hf. russia ueti/, the rest sewed, £'S. 10s Jlolmiai, 1829-58 The first two volumes were edited by Liljegren, the other volumes by Hildebrand. Tomes I IV pt. 1 contain over three thousand eight hundred Swedish and Latin Papers, Civil, Military, Ecclesiastical, etc. with Indexes. 20838 Edda pa Svenska, af P. A. Godecke, 8vo. frontispiece, cloth, 5s 1877 20839 Fickes (Anna) Chronicon Genealogicum, ellcr, Underwisning pa nagon gannnnl SlScht, ned Lnvs Sigessons Anteckning, 8vo. hf. bd. hs Stock. 1718 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY : SWEDISH. 2045 20840 FRYXELL (A.) Berattelser ur Svenska Historien, Vols. I to XX, 12rao. (pub. at £2. 10s), sd. 14s Stock. 1840-54 The twentieth volume brings the history down to the death of Charles the Eleventh, at the end of the 17th century. 20841 Geijer (E. G.) Svenska Folkets Historia, 3 vols. 8vo. bds. 10s ib. 1832-G 20842 Valda Smarre Skrifter, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. hf. morocco, 5s ib. 1842 20843 Geijer och Apzelius, Svenska Folk- Visor, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, 15s ib. 1814-1G 20844 GEIJERS (E. R.) Samlade Skrifter, 14 vols. 8vo. Library Edition, portrait, hf. morocco, £3. ib. 1849-55 Complete edition of the great historian, the classic writer of Sweden. 20845 Grau (O.) Beskrifning ofver Wiistmannland, 12mo. views, Runic inscriptions, hf. bd. 5s Wasteras, 1754 20846 Gyllenborg (G. F.) Oder, Intrades-tal, Fabler, Theater-stycken, etc. 3 vols. 1795-1812 — Vapen (A.) Tuisten emellan Ajax och Ulysses, fri ofversattning a£ Gyllenborg, 1804 ; 4 vols, in 1, stout 8vo. hf. bd. 7s 6d 1795-1812 20847 Hallenberg (J.) Disquisitio do no minibus in lingua Suiogothica, Lucis et Visus, Cultusque Solaris in eadem lingua Vestigia) 2 vols. sm. 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Stockholm, 1816 20848 — — the same, 2 vols, in 1, stout sm. 8vo. hf. russia, 10s 1816 20849 Historisk Sallskap : Handlingar rorande Sveriges iildre, nyare och nyaste Historia, samt historiska personer, Vols. I-IX, 1830- 33 — Handlingar rorande Sveriges Historia, utgifna af Fryxell, Vols. I and II, 1836— together 11 vols. 8vo. sd. 6s lb. 1830-6 20850 Hofberg, Nerikes gamla Minnen, ett bidrag till Konst och Odlings-Historia, etc. 8vo. nwmerous ivoodcuts of Inscriptions, Utensils, Buildings, etc. ivith an appendix on Music, bds. 6s Oerebro, 1868 20851 Hylten-Cavallics och G. Stephens, Svenska Folk-Sagor och Afventyr, forsta delen, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 5s Stockholm, 1844 20852 the same, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. hf. morocco gilt, gilt edges, 7s 6d 1844 20853 IHRE. Glossarium Suiogothicum, in quo tarn hodierno usu frequentata vocabula, quam in legum patriarum tabnlis aliisijue a3vi medii scriptis obvia explicantur, et ex dialectis cognatis illustrantur, 2 vols, in 1, large folio, fine paper, very tall copy, old calf, £3. 3s TJpsalia-, 1769 <; One of the best dictionaries of any language in Europe ; it is a master- piece of criticism and erudition."— Boucher. Highly praised by Jamieson. 20854 [Klemming (G. E.)] Ur en Antecknares Samlingar, 3 parts in 1, 4to. 3 leaves of facsimiles of a rare edition of the Legend if St. Katherine, hf. bd. morocco, gilt tops, 32s Stockholm, 1868-9 Privately printed, and presented to Mr. Gordon by (i. E. Elemming They contain valuable notes and criticisms on rare Swedish books and .MSS. 20855 Klingwall (J. G.) Fornlemningar i Wisby, 'J parts in.-ne, obloiu;- sm. 4to. 11 views of Wisbi/, If. I»J. 3s 6d ib. 1823 ' ' 139 * •2046 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20856 Kong. Stadgar, Forordningar, Bref, och Resolutioner, 1528-1701, angaende Justitia? och Executions-Ahrender, stout sm. 4to. 1852 pp. frontispiece and plate, old calf , 16s Stockholm, ] 706 A long index of over 200 pp. in double columns adds value to this volume. 20857 Kyrko-Lagen af 1686 och Kongl. Forordningen, hum med Rattegang i Dom-Capitlen forhallas skall, af den 11 Februari, 1687, etc. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. Ms. 12s TJpsala, 1845 20858 Lagerhring (S.) Sammandrag af Swea Rikes Historia, ifran de aeldsta til de nyasta Tider, 6 parts in 1 vol. stout 8vo. hf. bd. 5s 1780-90 20859 Laxman (Eric) hans Lefnad, Resor, Forskningar och Brefvexling, af W. Lagus, 8vo. maps, sd. 4s Helsingfors, 1880 20860 Lenstrom (C. J.) Svenska Poesiens Historia, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 3s 6tl 1839-40 20861 ■ Svensk Laesebog, 8vo. hf. morocco, Qs 1843 Swedisli Reading-book, containing pieces of Swedish prose and poetry, with glossary and a history of Swedish Literature. 20862 Easy Method of Learning the Swedish Language, 12mo. cloth, 2s 6d 1861 20863 Leopold (C. G.) Samlade Skrifter, 3 vols. 8vo. portrait, hf. calf, 4s 1814 20864 Linnerhielm (J. C.) Bref under Resor i Swerige, 3 vols. 4to. about 80 fine Views of Landscapes, Ruins, etc. designed and drawn with much talent, 26 of them in sepia, with numerous vignettes, fine copy in old calf gilt, 32s Stockholm, 1797-1816 A collection of Engravings of Picturesque Scenery, and Monuments in Sweden. 20865 May (A.) Larobok i Engelska Spraket, 12mo. hf. bd. Is 6d 1841 20866 Exercises for Conversation in English and Swedish, 12mo. Id. Is 6d Stock. 1849 20867 the same, 12mo. hf. bd. 2s 1849 20868 ■ Swedish Grammar, sm. 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Stockholm, 1849 20869 Milton, det Forlorade Paradiset, Swedish, 8vo. hf bd. 5s 1815 20870 Oehrlander och Leffler, Tetraglott-Lexicon for Oefversiittningar fran Svensken till Tyska, Franska och Engelska Spraken, 4to. hf. calf, 20s Stock. 1852 20871 Olaffs Saga, pa Swenske Rim, uplagde af Hadorphius 18mo. fine paper, engraved title, fine copy in old calf, 16s ib. 1675 Including Norske forbund medh Swerige, and Jemptelandz Bref. 20872 PERINGSKIOLDI Monumenta Sueo-Gothica ; liber primus, Uplandise partem primariam Thiundiam continens, Suec. et Lat. 1710 : (liber secundus) Monumenta Ullerakerensia cum Upsalia Nova illustrata, Suec. 1719 ; 2 parts in 1 vol. folio, numerous plates and woodcuts of Runic Monuments, Tombs, Coins, etc. hf. calf, 30s Stockholmias, 1710-19 20873 Petrei (P.) Chronica om alia Swcrikis och Gothis Konungar til Carl then IX, sm. 4to. hf. bd. Us ib. 1611 20874 Chronica etc. till Grustaf Adolph, sm. 4to. bd. 5s ib. 1614 Including Accounts of the "Gotha Konungar uthi frammande Land, och tbe Amazoniska Quinuors Bedrcf, sanipt en Oration aff Kavaldi, Krcliicbiskop." 20875 Qvinxokna, 3 vols, in 1, 12mo. a Swedish Novel, cloth, 4s 1836 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY : SWEDISH. 2047 20876 Ralamb (C.) Observationes Jurispractica3 : Paniinnelser uthi Rattegangs Saker, etc. 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. vellum, 5s Stockholm, 1679 Med Beskriffniug om thess Constantinopolitaniskc Legation 1658 til Portam Ottomanicam. Friherr Ralamb was a distinguished statesman and diplomatist under Carl Gustav. 20877 Rosenhane (S.) Svea-Rikes Kontmga-Langd, 4to. hf.calf, 5s 1789 20878 Twaa gambla Swenske RUM KRONIKOR, och Konungars For- lijkningar, etc. uthgangne af J. Hadorphio, 2 vols, in 1, very stont sm. 4to. fine paper, vellum, 12s Stockholm, 1674-76 20879 the same, 2 vols. 1674-6 — Hialmters och Olvers Saga, om Konungar i Mannaliem eller Sverige, och om theras uthresor til Grekeland och Arabien, i the forsta 100 ahren efter Christi fodelse, gamla Nordislca och Swenslco, af Peringskiold, Stoclch. 1729 — 3 vols, in 2, sm. 4to. fine paper, old calf (jilt, 25s The " Rijm Kroenikor" consists of "En kort Kionika ofwer Swea och Gibtha Konungar, then wijdlifftige Kronikon ofwer Swea och G6tha Konun- gars, och Hofdingars Lefwerne och bedrifften, begynner aff Erik Laspe, ahr 1223. varia; lectiones Register, etc. ; item the gamble Konungars, Forstars och Herrars Forlijkningar, Foreeningar, Fbrsiikringar, Dagtingan, och Forskrif- ningar, til Swenske Historien hbrande." 20880 Rudbeckii filii (Olavi) Nora Samolad sive Laponia illustrata, suecice et lat. sm. 4to. frontispiece and 3 plates, hf. calf, 36s Upsalai, 1701 20881 Atlantica illustrata, sive illustrium, nobilium atque regnm Insula, sm. 4to. hf. morocco, 7s 6d ib. 1733 20882 Runa, en Skrift, for Faderneslandets Fornvanner utgifwen af Dybeck, 4 vols, in 1, impl. 8vo. numerous plates, hf. calf, 12s Stockholm, 1842-45 20883 Runeberg (J. L.) Samlade Skrifter, 3 vols. 8vo. hf bd. 12s 1851-2 20884 Rydquist, SveDska Sprakets Lagar, 3 vols. 8vo. sd. 4s 1850-2 20885 Sahlstedt (A.) Swensk Ordbok, med Latinsk Uttolkning, SwensJc och Latinsk, sm. 4to. hf. bd. 5s 1773 With a Latin-Swedish Glossary of 62 pages in double columns, at the end. 20886 Samling af Verser pa Swenska, 4 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. calf, G. Borrow's autograph, 3s 6d Stockholm, 1751-;') 20887 Schefferi (J.) Upsalia Antiqua, 12mo. vellum, os TJpsaliai, 1666 20888 Serenius, English- Swedish Dictionary, second edition, with ad- ditions, 4to. bd. hs Xijkopiwj, 1757 20889 ■ the same, 4to. calf, 7s tid 1757 An excellent Dictionary, with Gothic and other etymologies. 20890 Shakspeare's Dramatiska Arbeten ofwersatta af C. A. Hagberg, 12 vols. sm. 8vo. sewed, 18s Lund, 1847-54 The only Swedish translation of Shakespeare. 20891 Sivers (H.J.) Konung Gustafs I Historia: en Bcskrifning om thess fangenskap i Danmark, flygt til Liibeck, wistande pa thenna orten, resa til Swei'ige, etc. sm. 4to. 2 plates, hf. calf, 7s 6a- ture depuis leur origine jusqu'au XIVc sieclc, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 10s 1841 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: ROMANCE LANGUAGES. 2051 20948 I3URGUY (G. F.) Grammaire do la Langne d'O'il, ou Grammaire des Dialectes Francais aux Xlle et Xllle siecles, suivie d'un Glossaire, 3 vols, in 2, 8vo. hf. calf, 25s 1856-69 20949 Cabesianh (Gaillem de) der Trobador, sein Leben und seine Werke, von F. Hfiffer, 8vo. sd. Is 6d 1869 20950 Chardrt's Josaphaz, Set Dormanz und Petit Plet; Dichtungen in der anglo-norniannischen Mundart des XIII Jabrh. herausg. von J. Koch, 12tno. sd. Is (5d Heilbronn, 1879 20951 Charlemagne, an Anglo-Norman Poem of the twelfth century, published by F. Michel, 1 2 mo. facsimile, cloth, 18s 1836 20952 Chevallet (A. de) Origine et Formation de la Langue Francaise, seconde edition, 3 vols. 8vo. sd. 22s 1858 20953 the same, Vol. I (first edition), 8vo. cf. gilt, 7s 6d 1853 Contents of Vol. 'I: Prolegomenes, Element Latin, Element Celtique, Element Germani<(ue. 20951 Codigem Manu Scriptum Digby 86 (principally pieces of Anglo- Norman Poetry), in Bibl. Bodl. asservatum descripsit E. Stengel, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Halls, 1871 20955 Conquest of Ireland by Henry II, Anglo-Norman Poem, edited by Fr. Michel, with introduction by Th. Wright, 12mo. facsimile, cloth, 5s 1837 20956 Corblet (J.) Glossaire du Patois Picard, ancien et moderne, avec des recherches sur ce dialect, 8vo. sd. 6s 6d 1851 20957 Couzinie (J. P.) Dictionnaire de la Langue Romano- Castraise et des Contrees Limitrophes, roy. 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Castres, 1850 20958 Craig (J. D.) Hand Book to the Modern Provencal Language, 12mo. cloth, 2s 6d 1863 20959 Crespin (S.) Mystere de Saint Crespin et Saint Crespinien, public d'apres un MS., par Dessalles et Chabailles, 8vo. sd. 6s 1836 Only 200 copies printed. 20960 Crestien yon Troies, li Romans du Chevalier au Lyon, herausg. von W. L. Holland, 8vo. sd. 3s Hannover, 1862 20961 Crousillat (A. B.) La Bresco (1837-61), 8vo. sd. os Avignoun, 1865 20962 Diefenbach (L.) fiber die jetzigen romanischen Schrit'tsprachen : die spanische, portugiesische, rhatoromanische, franzosische, italiiinische und dakoromanische, 4to. bds. 2s ivl Leipzig, 1831 20963 Diez (F.) Grammatik der Romanischen Sprachen, 3 vols, in 2, 8vo. hf. calf, 7s 6d Bonn, 1836-44 20964 ■ dieselbe, 2te Ausgabe, 3 vols, in 2, 8vo. calf gilt, 10s 1856-60 A comparative Grammar, and the best ou the subject. 20965 Grammaire des Langues Romanes, 3eme edition, 3 vols. in 6 parts, 8vo. (pub. at 36 francs), sd. 16s Paris, 1873-6 20966 Introduction a, la Grammaire des Langues Romanes, traduite par G. Paris, 8vo. cloth, 3s l s,; "' 20967 the same, 1863 — Genesis, in Btissian, London, I860 — Cowell's Inaugural Lecture, 1867 — Otto Bidder's Chemical Philosophy, 1868 ; in 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, 5s 2052 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 20068 Diez (F.)Etyrnologisckes Wurterbuch der Romanisclicn Spracken, 8vo. 780 pp. sd. 5s 6d ; or, cloth, 6s 6d 1853 20060 dasselbe, 8vo. hf. russia, 7 s 1853 20070 dasselbe, 3te Ausgabe, 2 vols, in 1, hf. russia, 15s Bonn, 1860-70 209/1 dasselbe, 4te Ausgabe, mit Ankang von A. Scheler, 1^76 — Jarnik (J. U.) Index zu Diez' Worterbuck, 1878 ; 2 vols. large 8vo. sd. 16s 1878 20072 Zwei altromanische Gedickte, erklart von Diez, 8vo. sd. Is 6d Bonn % 1852 20073 Anciens Glossaires Romans, corriges et expliques par F. Diez, traduit par A. Bauer, 8vo. sd. 2s 1870 20073*Etablissements et Coutumes, Assises et Arrets de l'Eckiquier de Norrnandie (1207-45) d'apres le MS.francais, par Marnier, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d 1830 20074 Faidit (H.) et R. Vidal de BeSaudun, Granimaires Provencales (Xlle siecle), 8vo. sd. 2s • 1858 20075 Fauriel (C.) Histoire de la Poesie Provencale, 3 vols. 8vo. calf c.ctra, by Bedford, £2. 12s 6d Paris, 1847 20976 Favre (L.) Glossaire du Poitou, de la Saintonge et do 1'Aunis, 84 and 356 pp. Niqrt, 1867 — Revelliere-Lepeaux, Notice du Patois Vendeen, ib. 1867 ; 2 vols, in 1, large 8vo. cloth, uncut, 12s 6d 1867 20077 Fuchs (A.) uber die sogenannten unregelniiissigen Zeitworter in den roraaniscken Spracken, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d ; or, half calf, 3s 6d 1840 20078 die romaniscken Spracken in ikrem VcrkJiltnisse zuni Lateiniscken, 8vo. map, bds. 2s 6d Halle, 1840 20079 Gatien-Arnoult, Monumens de la Litterature Romane depuis le XlVe Siecle, 4 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. bd. 15s Toulouse (? 1840) 20080 Godefroy (F.) Dictionnaire de l'ancienne Langue Franc-aise, et de tous ses dialectes du IXe au XVe siecle, fascicules I- VI (a-aten) 4to. (pub. 30s), 472 pp. triple cols. sd. 20s 1880-81 20981 GOUDELIN (Pierre) las Obros e Diccionari Moundino-Francezo, 1(343 — La Floureto Novbcdo del Ramelet Moundi, Poems in the Tolosan dialect, 1647 — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 4to. fine copies, vellum, rare, 35s Toulouse, 1647-48 20082 Grkgoire le Grand (Pape) Vie du, legende Francaise, publiee par V. Luzarcke, 12mo. hf. calf, 7s 6d Tours, 1857 20983 GuiLLATJME le Clerc de Norrnandie, le Besant de Dieu, mit einer Einleitung von E. Martin, 8vo. sd. 2s Halle, 1869 20084 Jajirbucii fur Romaitcbche and Exgltsche Literatur, kerausg. von A. Ebertund F. Wolf, complete from tke commencement in 1859 to 1873 : First Series, 12 vols. 1859-72— New Series, Nos. 1 and 2, 1873 ; 8vo. nine vols, in hf. purple morocco, uncut, /he rest in parts, £5. 10s Berlin and Leipzifj, 1850-73 ■mi'ik."> .Iuirbuch fiir Romanisckc Literatur, Vols. I-X, 8vo. hf. calf r/ilt, £3. 10s 1859-69 20086 JAUBERT, Glossaire du Centre dc la France, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 15s 1855 20987 ■ the same, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 16s 1855 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: ROMANCE LANGUAGES. 2o53 20989 Kblham (R:) Dictionary of tlie Norman or Old French Language, with the Laws of William the Conqueror, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 28s s. a. (? 1779) 20990 Keller (A.) Romwart, Beitrage zur Kunde mittelalterlicber Dichtung aus italianischen Bibliotheken, 8vo. hf. calf neat, 7s Manilla i m, L^l-1 20991 Le Marchant (J.) Livre des Miracles de Notre-Dame do Charfcres, ecrit en vers, au XHIe siecle, publie avec un Glossaire par M. G. Duplessis, 8vo. 3 plates, sd. 21s Chartres, 1855 20992 Lespy (V.) Grarnniaire Bearnaise suivie d'uu Vocabulaire Bearnais- Francais, 8vo. sd. 7s 6d 1880 20993 Lewis (G. C.) on the Origin and Formation of the Romance Languages, 8\ r o. cloth, 7s 6d 1839 20993* — the same 8vo. doth, 5s 1862 20991 Littbe (E.) Histoire de la Langne Francaise, etudes sur les Origines, l'Etymologie, la Grammaire, les Lettres au Moyen Age, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 10s 1863 20995 Maun (K. A. F.) Etymologische Untersuchungcn auf dem Gebiotc der romanischen Sprachen ; Etymologische Untersuchungcn aiber Geographische Namen — 2 vols, in 1, sm. 8vo. hf. morocco, 5s 1863 20996 Metivier, Dictionnaire Franco-Normand ou Recueil des mots particuliers au dialecte de Guernesey, 8vo. 500 pp. (sells 12s), cloth, 7s 1870 20997 Miceu (G.) Grammatica Nissarda per empara en poou de temp lo Patouas doou Pais, 12mo. sd. 2s 6d Nissa, 1840 20998 MlLLES et Amys. Amis et Amiles unci Jourdains de Blaivies ; zwei altfranzosische Heldengedichte des karlingischen Sagen- kreises, herausg. von C. Hofman, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Erlangen, 1852 20999 Miracles de Nostre Dame par personnages, publie par C. Paris et U. Robert, tome IV, 8vo. cloth, 5s 1879 Containing: Miracles de Amis et Amille, de Saint Ignace, dc S. Valentin, d'une femme que Nostre Dame garda, de l'Empereris de Komme, de ( )ton, roy d'Espaigne. 21000 Mistral (F.) Calendau, pouemo nouveu (en Provencal), traduc- tion francaise en regard, 8vo. portrait, sd. 5s Avignon, 1807 21001 Morungen (Heinrich von) und die Troubadours ; ein Beitrag zur Betrachtung des Yerhaltnisses zwischen deutschem und pro- venzalischcm Minnesang, von F. Michel, 8vo. sd. 5s Strasshurg, 1880 21002 Mouskes (Philippe) Eveque de Tournay au XHIe siecle. Chro- nique rimee de Philippe Mouskes, publiee par le baron de Reifl'enberg, avec des preliminaires, des notes et des appendices, 2 vols. 1836-38— Supplement, 1845 ; in 2 vols, stout 4to. frontis- pieces, hf. calf, 15s BruxeUes, 1836-45 21003 Nostra Dama (Gio. di) Le Vite dclli piu eclebri et antichi primi Poeti Provenzali che fiorirno nel tempo delli Re di Napoli, et Conti di Pi-ovcnza, liquali hanno inscgnato a tutti il Poetar Vulgare, in Italiana tradotte da Gio. Giudici, 12mo. vellum, fin* copy, £'3> 3s Uone, Yh7l 2054 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21004 Orell (C. von) Altfranzosische Grammatik, 8vo. bds. 2s Ziirich, 1830 21005 ■ the same, 8vo. calf gilt, 5s 1830 21006 Alfranzosische Grammatik (Forinenlehre), 8vo. sd. 3s 6d ib\ 1848 21007 Paris, Note sur l'Orthographe Picarde, 16mo. 3s Bonaparte, 1862 21008 Pellissier, la Langue Francaise depuis sou origine : tableau historique de sa formation et de ses progres, sm. 8vo. cloth, 3s 1866 21000 Pluquet (F.) Contes populaires, prejuges, patois, proverbes, noms de lieux, de l'arrondissement de Bayeux, 8vo. frontispiece, sd. 2s 6d Rouen, 1834 21010 Pont (G.) Origines dn patois de la Tarentaise, ancienne Kentronic : precis bistorique, proverbes, cbansons, etc. 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Paris, 1872 21011 RAYNOUARD, Choix des Poesies originales des Troubadours, contenant une Grammaire Romane, Dissertation sur les Cours d' Amour, Poesies, Biographies des Troubadours, et la Gram- maire comparee des Langues de 1'Europe Latine, dans leurs rapports avec la Langue des Troubadours, 6 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. £10. 18*16-21 le meme, Tome I, la Grammaire de la Langue des Trou- badours, 8vo. half calf, 18s 1816 Grammaire Romane, ou de la langue des Troubadours, 8vo. sd. 10s ; or, hf. calf, 12s 1816 Grammaire comparee des Langues de 1'Europe Latine, dans leurs rapports avec la Langue des Troubadours, 8vo. hf. calf, 10s 1821 the same, 1821 — Grammaire de la Langue Romane, 21012 21013 21014 21015 21016 21017 21018 avant Tan 1000, 1816 ; in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt tops, 14s 1816-21 Lexique Roman ou Dictionnaire de la Langue des Troubadours comparee avec les autres Langues de 1'Europe Latine, precede d'un resume de la Grammaire Romane, etc. 6 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £5. 5s), hf. calf, £3. 10s 1838-44 the same, 6 vols. 8vo. vellum gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by J. Leighton, £3. 16s 1838-44 — ■ the same, 6 vols. 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, by Clarlie, £5. 1838-44 " Les travaux de Mr. Raynouard sont destinds a, rcmplir une grando lacunc dans l'histoire litteraire du moyen age. L'erudition de Mr. R. est aussi etcnduequesolide; mais ce qui est bien plus admirable encore c'est la critique lumincusc, la mcthodc vraiment philosophiquc qu'il apporte dans toutes ces recherches." — Schlegel. 21019 Rbnadt. Lai d'Ignaures, en vers, du Xlle siecle, par Renaut, suivi des Lais de Melion et du Trot, en vers, du Xllle siecle, publics par Monmerque et Fr. Michel, 8vo. sd. 2s <'>jpara ; Adavaalov ^KXrjpov Kp?y- ri/cbs Ll6Xe/i09, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 7s Gd Adrjv. 1867 Greek poems of the fifteenth century published for the first time at the national expense. 21097 Serovios. tyv^oXoyia o-roi^e^S?/?, 8vo. If. bd. 3s Ilermopoli, 1811 21098 STArEIPITOT (A.) 'D.yvyla i) 'Apxaiokoyta, 4 vols. sm. 8vo. plates, hf. bd. 7s Gd Bievvg, 1815-18 21099 STPATOTAH Vx pay pare (a (piXococpias, 8vo. red morocco gilt, 4s AdriP. 1864 140 2060 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21100 TPIKOTIIH (%.) 'laropia t/}? 'EXkiivi/ci]? 'ULTravaaTaaews, History of the Greek Revolution, 4 vols. 8vo. (pub. £2. 2s), hf. calf, 20s London, 1853-6 21101 Varvati (C.) Dictionnaire Francais-Grec Modern e, 4 vols. in 2, stout 8vo. hf. calf, 10s Athenes, 1860 21102 Ventote (G.) TpafifiariKT] t?}? Ta\\iKr)<; AiaXetcrov, 12mo. hols. 2s Venice, 1810 21103 Vincent (E.) and T. G. Dickson, Handbook of Modern Greek, 12mo. cloth, 2s Qd 1879 21104 Vlachos (A.) Neugriechische Chrestomathie, sm. 8vo. sd. Is 6d Leipzig, 1870 21105 Wieland (Ch. M.) BetXdvSov tu)v 'A/SSypircov rj 'laropia, 2 vols, in 1, sin. 8vo. hf. calf, 3s Qd Vienna, 1817 Greek Dialects : 21106 Compaketti (D.) Saggi dei Dialetti Greci dell' Italia Meri- dionale (Greco e Italiano), 8vo. Ids. 4s 6d Pisa, 1866 see Leake's Researches in Greece, Classical Gat. -p. 1972. Albanian. 21107 Benloew (L.) la Grece avant les Grecs, 8vo. sd. 3s 6c? Paris, 1877 The precursors of the Greeks were the Pelasgians and the Leleges, the ancestors of the modern Albanians. 21108 Broughton (Lord) Travels in Albania and other Provinces of Turkey, 1809-10, 2 vols. 8vo. map and plates, cloth, 7s 6d 1855 21109 Hahn (J. G. von) Albanesische Studien, 3 pts. in 1 vol. royal 8vo. maps, sd. £2. 10s Jena, 1854 Including Historical and Ethnological Treatises, Grammar, Vocabu- laries, etc. 21110 Lecce (M. da) Osservazioni grammaticali nella Lingua Albanese, sm. 4to. 228 pp. calf, 3s Boma, 1716 21110*Xylander (J. von) die Sprache der Alhanesen oder Schkipetaren, 8vo. Ids. 2s 6d Frankfurt, 1835 • see also Leake's Researches in Greece, Classical Cat. p. 1972. 5. CELTIC LANGUAGES. Historical and General Works. 21111 BARNES (W.) Noies on Ancient Britain and the Britons, 12mo. cloth, 2s (id 1858 21112 [Clblends (J.)] Ethnological Vocabulary, or Essay to retrieve the antient Celtic, 8vo. Id. 4s 17G8 21113 DlEFENBACH (L.) Celtica ; sprachliche Bocumente zur Geschichte dor Kelten, mid Versnch einer genealogischen Geschichte der fCelten, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. sd. 7s Stuttgart, 1839-40 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: CELTIC LANGUAGES. 2061 21114 Jones (W. B.) Vestiges of the Gael in Gwynedd, 8vo. doth, 2s 1 ' 1851 21115 LHUYD'S Archjeolocia Britannica, giving some account of the Languages, Histories, and Customs of the Original Inhabitants of Great Britain, from Collections made in Wales, Cornwall, Bas-Bi'etagne, Ireland, and Scotland, Vol. 1 (all published), sm. folio, old calf, 30s Oxf. 1707 21110 the same, large paper, calf, £2. 10s 1707 Contains : I. Comparative Etymology — II. Comparative Vocabulary of the Original Languages of Britain and Ireland. — III. and IV. Armoric Grammar and Vocabulary by Manoir — V. Welsh Words omitted in Dr. Davies' Dictionary — VI. Cornish Grammar — VII. Antiqua Britannia) Lingua Scriptorum Catalogus— VIII. British Etymologicon, by Parry — IX. Intro- duction to the Irish language— X. Focloir ; an Irish-English Dictionary- XL Catalogue of Old Irish MSS. 21117 Maclean (L.) History of the Celtic Language, 12mo. cloth, 2s 1840 21118 Morin (E.) Esquisse comparative des Dialectes Neoceltiques, partie I, Dialectes Britanniques, 8vo. sd. 2s Bennes, 1868 21119 Obermuller (W.) Deutsch-keltisches, geschichtlich-geograph- isches Worterbuch zur Erklarung der Eluss-, Berg-, Orts-, Gau-, Volker- und Personen-Namen Europas, West-Asiens und Nord- Africas, 17 parts, 8vo. sd. 18s Leipzig, 1866-72 21120 Kevue Celtique, dirigee par H. Gaidoz, numbers 1-10, forming Vols. I, II, and III nos. 1 and 2, 8vo. sd. £2. 2s 1870-77 21121 Shaw (W.) Galic-English and English- Galic Dictionary, contain. ing all the words in the Scotch and Irish Dialects, 2 vols. 4to. interleaved, calf neat, 7s 6d 1780 21122 ZEUSS, Grammatica Celtica, e monumentis vetustis tarn Hibernicae Linguae quamBritannicae Dialecti Cambricae, Cornicae, Armoricae, nee non e Gallicae priscae reliquiis, 2 vols. 8vo. 1163 pp.sd.9s Lipsice, 1853 2H23 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. neatly hf. Id. 10s 6d 1853 21124 ejusdem, editio altera, curavit H. Ebel, roy. 8vo. 1115 pp. sd. 25s Berol. 1871 21125 ■ another copy, roy. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 28s 1871 21126 Guterbock (B.) et R. Thurneysen, Index Glossarum et Voca- bulorum Hibernicorum quae in Granimaticao Celticae editione altera (1871) explanantur, roy. 8vo. sd. 7s 1881 Zeuss' Grammatica is the most learned Celtic Polyglot hitherto published. The immense stores of Philological research treasured up in this work leave it unsurpassed in any department of Linguistics. Irish Gaelic. 21127 Annals of Ireland, three fragments copied from ancient sources, Irish and English, edited by J. O'Donovan, sm. 4to. cloth, 12s Gd Irish Arch. Soc. 1860 Annals of the Kingdom —see post : Ireland. 21128 Banquet of Dun na n-Gedh and the Battle of Magn Rath, Irish and English, editod by J. O'Donovan, sm. 4to. cloth, 5s TrisTi Arch, Soc. 1842 140 * 2062 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENER AL CATALOGUE. 21129 Brooke (Miss) Reliques of Irish Poetry, heroic poems, odes, elegies and songs, Irish and English, 4to. hf. morocco, 15s 1789 21130 Donleyy (A.) Catechism, or Christian Doctrine by way of question and answer, in Irish and English, 8vo. old calf, 7s Gd Paris, 1742 21131 Foley (D.) English-Irish Dictionary, 8vo. cloth, 6s Dublin, 1855 21132 Genealogies, Tribes and Customs of Hy-Eiachrach, commonly called O'Dowda's country, Irish and English, by J. O'Donovan, sm. 4to. cloth, 10s Irish Arch. Soc. 1844 21133 HARDIMANN (J.) Irish Minstrelsy, or Bardic Remains of Ireland, with English Poetical Translations, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, £2. 12s 6d 1831 21134 Irish Glosses: a Mediaeval Tract on Latin Declension, with examples explained in Irish, edited by W. Stokes, sm. 4to. cloth, 12s Qd Eish Arch. Soc. I860 2"! 135 Joyce (P. W.) Irish Local Names explained, 12mo. cloth, 2s Gd Dublin, s. a. (1875) 21135*MacCurtin (H.) Elements of the Irish Language, sm. 8vo. calf, 7 S Qd Lovain, 1728 2113G Marcel (J. J.) Alphabet Irlandais, 8vo. hf. Id. 3s Gd 1804 21137 Marci Evangelium. Glossal Hibernicae veteres Codicis Taurinensis (in quo continetur comment, in Marci Evangelium), edidit C. Nigra, 8vo. sd. 7s Gd Lut Tar. 1869 21138 Miscellany of the Irish Archaeological Society, Vol. I (all pub- lished), sm. 4to. cloth, 5s 1846 Including : Irish Charters in the Book of Kells, Iris?!, and English, by J. O'Donovan— Ancient Poem attributed to St. Columbkillc, with translation by the same ; and 12 other pieces. 21139 Neilson (W.) Introduction to the Irish Language, 8vo. 2s Dublin, 1808 2H40 the same, 1808— O'Brien (P.) Grammar of Irish Lan- guage, 1809 ; in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. calf, 4s 1808-9 21141 Introduction to the Irish Language, 12mo. cloth, 2s Achill, 1845 21142 Nennius. Irish Version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius, edited by Todd, Irish and English, sm. 4to. cloth, 5s Irish Arch. Soc. 1848 21143 O'Brien (J.) Eocaloir Gaoidhilgc-Sax Bhcarla : Irish-English Dictionary, sm. 4to. bds. 30s Paris, 1768 21144 ■ the same, second edition, revised and coiTccted, 8vo. cloth, 10s Dublin, 1832 21145 the same, large paper, royal 8vo. cloth, 15s 1832 21146 O'Brien (P.) Grammar of the Irish Language, 8vo. bd. 2s Gd Dublin, 1809 21147 O'Clery, Eelire na Naomh n-Ercnnach : Calendar of Native Saints of Ireland, usually styled the Martyrology of Donegal, compiled by Friar Michael O'Clerigh, Irish and English, edited from tin; original MS. in the Burgundy Library, at Brussels, by Dr. O'Donovan, with introduction, notes and indexes, by Drs. Todd and Reeves, 8vo. cloth, £2. Irish Arch. Soc. 1864 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: IRISH GAELIC. 2063 21148 O'Donovan. The Topographical Poems of John O'Dubhagain and Giolla na Naomh O'Huidhi-in, edited in Irish, with translations, notes, and introductions by John O'Donovan, roy. 8vo. doth, 20s Irish Arch. Soc. 1862 21149 O'Donovan's Irish Grammar, 8vo. cloth, 12s 1845 The best Irish Grammar extant. 21150 O'Reilly (E.) Account of nearly 400 Irish Writers, down to 1705, with Catalogue of their Works, 4to. G. Borrow's copy, bcls. 7s Gd Dublin, 1820 Forming Vol. I, pt. 1 (all pub.), of the Transactions of the Iberno-Ccltic Society, for 1821. 21151 ■ ■ Irish-English Dictionary, with Grammar, 4to. calf, 15s ib. 1821 21152 Irish-English Dictionary, revised, with a Supplement, by J. O'Donovan, sm. stout 4to. 20s ib. 1864 21153 Ossianic Society's Transactions, 6 vols. 8vo. ib. 1854-61 Consisting of ancient works illustrating the history and literature of Ireland from the earliest times, edited from the original manuscripts by ( (Kearney, O'Daly, O'Grady, and others, with the text printed opposite each translation. Most of the volumes are out of print. List of Contents : Vol. I. Battle of Gabhra, Garristown in Vol. IV Fenian Poems, ed. by John O'Daly, 10s the county of Dublin, fought ad. 283 II. Festivities of the house of Conan of Cecan-Sleibhe, county Clare III. Pursuit after Diarmuid o'Duibhne, and Grainne, the daughter of Cormac Mac Airt, King of Ire- land in the 3rd Century, 7s 6d VI. Proceedings of the great Bardic Institution, edited by Connellan, a very interesting volume on the Irish Bards, with text, and prose and verse translations, cloth, 7s 6cJ Fenian Poems, Second Series 21151 Petrie's (G.) Christian Inscriptions in the Irish Language, edited by Stokes, complete in 2 vols. 4to. 128 plates and many ivoodcuts, cloth, £3. Dublin University Press, 1872-78 These parts form the annual volumes of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland, from 1870 to 1875. The last 2 plates are Irish, Welsh, and Gaulish Alphabets. An indispensable work to all Celtic scholars and students of Irish History. Having been printed for the Association, very few copies have come into the market. 21155 Stokes, Goideliea, Old and Early-Middle-Irish Glosses, Prose and Verse, second edition, royal 8vo. cloth, 20s 1872 21156 Testament (New), in Irish, 12mo. bds. 2s London, 1828 21157 Three Irish Glossaries : Cormac's Glossary, O'Davoren's Glos- sary, and a Glossary to the Calendar of Oingus the Culdee, 8vo. cloth, 9s 1862 21158 Tracts relating to Ireland, 2 vols. sm. 4to. cloth, rare, 25s Irish Arclueological Society, 1841-42 Contents : The Circuit of Ireland, by Muircheartach Mac Neill, a poem written in 942 by Cormacan Eigeas, in Irish and English, with notes by John O'Donovan, with map — Briefe Description of Ireland, 1590, ed. by Aquilla Smith — Treatice of Ireland by John Dymmok (cir. 1600), with notes by Rev. 11. Butler — Annalcs de Monte Fernandi (Multifernan), ed. by A. Smith, etc 21159 Tribes and Customs of Hy-Many, commonly called O'Kelly's country, Irish and English, by J. O'Donovan, sm. 4to. map. cloth, rare, 18s Irish Arch. Soc. 1 843 2064 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21100 Vallancey (C.) Grammar of the Irish Language, 4to. plates of Alphabets, cloth, 4s Lublin, 1773 21161 the same, 4to. old calf, 5s 1773 21162 Prospectus of a Dictionary of the Aire Coti, or, Ancient Irish, compared with the Cuti, or, Ancient Persian, with Hindoostanee, Arabic, and Chaldee, 4to. bds. 5s ib. 1802 Collectanea — see post: English Books. 21163 Windisch (E.) Irische Texte mit Worterbuch, 8vo. sd. 20s Leipzig, 1880 Scottish Gaelic. 21164 ARMSTRONG (R. A.) Gaelic-English and English- Gaelic Dic- tionary, with Grammar, 4to. bds. uncut, 38s 1825 21165 the same, 4to. hf. calf neat, £2. 2s 1825 21166 Bible, in Gaelic, stout 12mo. calf, 2s 6d London, 1807 21167 Campbell (J. F.) Popular Tales of the West Highlands, orally collected, with translation, Vols. I and II, sm. 8vo. cloth, rare, 36s Edinburgh, 1860 21168 Leabhar na Eeinne, Heroic Gaelic Ballads, 1512-1871, Vol. I, sm. folio, cloth, 30s ib. 1872 21169 Dean of Lismore's Book, a Selection of Ancient Gaelic Poetry, with modern Gaelic version, English translation and notes by MacLauchlan and Skene, 8vo. facsimiles, cloth, 10s ib. 1862 21170 DICTIONARIUM Scoto-Celticum, a Dictionary of the Gaelic Language, compiled by the Highland Society, Gaelic, English and Latin, 2 vols. 4to. (pub. at £7. 7s), bds. £3. 18s ib. 1828 21171 Forbes (J.) Principles of Gaelic Grammar, in Gaelic and English, 12mo. cloth, 3s 6d ib.'l84S 21172 McAlpine (N.) Pronouncing Gaelic-English and English- Gaelic Dictionary, with Gaelic Grammar, 2 vols, in 1, sm. stout 8vo. (pub. 9s), cloth, 7s 6d 1881 The best Modern Gaelic Dictionary. 21173 Macdomhnuill (R.) Comh-chruinncachadh Orain, ath-leasaichte le Tuairneir, Gaelic Songs, 18mo. hf. calf, 7s tid Glasgow, 1809 21174 Macintyke (Ducan ban) Orain Gliaidhcalach : le Donnchadh Macantsaoir, 12mo. uncut, 20s Duneiditmn, 1790 A very scarce collection of Gaelic Poems, consisting of 210 pages, qnilc perfect, with the exception of a leaf or two of the list of subscribers at end. 21175 MUNRO (James) Gaelic Primer, 12mo cloth, Is Edinb. 1862 21176 Ossian. Davies (E.) Claims of Ossian examined; an essay on the Scottish and Irish Poems, published under that name, roy. 8vo. bds. 4s <">,/ ; or, calf gilt, 0s Swansea, 1825 see Romances, page 771. 27177 Mackenzie (If.) Report of the Highland Society of Scotland on the Poems of Ossian, 8vo. 'plates, hf. calf, 7s Cxi Edin. 1805 2117H Nicor„sox (A.) Gaelic Proverbs and familiar Phrases, sm. 8vo. (pub. 9s/, cloth, Gs ib. 1881 20179 Shaw (W.) Analysis of the Galic Language, with Vocabulary and Selections, second edition, 8vo. bd. 2s 6d ib. 1778 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: GAELIC. 20G5 21180 Stewart (A.) Gaelic Grammar, 8vo. bd. 3s 6d Edinb. 1812 21181 Stewart (A. and D.) Cochnjixneachta taoghta de Shaothair nam Bard Gaeleach, Gaelic Poems, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. uncut, 20s Duneidin, 1804 Manks Gaelic. 21182 Cregeen (A.) Dictionary of the Manx Language, with Gaelic Proverbs, etc. sm. 8vo. bd. 3s 6d Douglas, 1835 21183 Kelly (Rev. J.) Practical Grammar of the Ancient Gaelic, or Language of the Isle of Mann, 4to. bds. 10s 1804 21184 Practical Grammar of the Ancient Gaelic, or Language of the Isle of Man, usually called Manks ; edited together with an Introduction, Life of Dr. Kelly, and Notes, by the Rev. W. Gill, 8vo. (pub. at 10s 6d), cloth, 3s 6d Manx Society, reprint 1870 This work has hitherto been very scarce ; B. Q. has reprinted a small edition. 21185 KELLY'S Manx Dictionary, in 2 parts: I. Manx and English; II. English and Manx, edited by the Rev. W. Gill, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. viii and 432 pp. dotMe columns (pub. at 21s) cloth, 10s Douglas, Manx Society, 1866 " The Council of the Manx Society repose full confidence in the judgment of the Rev. W. Gill. As the authorized Translator of the Acts of Tymvald into Manx, he holds the highest place of authority as to the living Manx language. He has had long experience in preaching, and in the other duties of a Manx parish clergyman. As the editor of their edition of Dr. Kelly's Manx Grammar, he has already placed the Manx Society in his debt. And now, with such coadjutors as Messrs. Clarke and Moseley, Mr. Gill's edition of Dr. Kelly's great work must command the confidence of all Manxmen, and be an abiding monument of the final stage of the fast-disappearing dialect of the Celtic language, indigenous to the Isle of Man." 21186 Manks Society's Publications : a complete set from the commencement, 29 vols. 8vo. cloth, rare, £16. 16s Douglas, 1859-82 Contexts, with the prices at which 1. Sacheverell's Account of the Isle of Man, edited by Rev. J. dimming. 25s 1859 2. Manx Grammar, by Rev. J. Kelly, edited by Rev. W. Gill, 3s Gd 1859 3. Legislation of Three of the Thirteen Stanleys, Kings of Man ; edited by Rev. W. Mackenzie, facsimiles, 7s Gd 1860 4. 7, 9. Oliver's Monumenta Insulse Manniae, 3 vols. Vols. I and II are out of print, 30s 1860 5. Oswald's Vestigia Insula? Mannia? antiquora ; Armorial Bearings of the Isle of Man, coloured facsimiles, plates. 15s I860 6. Eeltham's Tour through Man, in 1797-8, edited by the Rev. B. Airy, maps. 1 0s Gd some vols, are sold separately : — 8. Harrison's Bibliotheca Monensis, a Bibliographical Account of Works relating to the Isle of Man, 13s Gd 1861 10. Challoner's Treatise of the Isle of Man. in 6 chapters (1656), edited, with notes, by Rev. J. Cumming, portrait of Fair- fax, plates in facsimile, 10s Gd 1863 11. Waldron's description of the Isle of Man, printed in 1731, edited, with Notes, by Harrison, 10s Gd 1845 12. Parr's Abstract of the Laws. Customs, and Ordinances of the Isle of Man, Vol. I, edited by Gell, 10s 6d 1867 13. Kelly's Manx-English and English- Manx Dictionary, 10s 1866 14. Feltham and Wright's Monumental Inscriptions in the Isle of Man, i^tes, 7s Gd 2066 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Maxks Society's Publications — continued. 15. Camming. Collection of Memoirs on the Antiquities of the Isle of Man. plates, 10s 1S6S 16. Harrison, Mona Miscellany, a collec- tion of Proverbs, Sayings. Ballads, Customs, Superstitions. Legends, pecu- liar to the Isle of Man, 7s 6i 1869 17. Clay and Crellin's Currency of the Isle of Man, many plates of Coins and Bank Notes 1869 18. Harrison's Old Historians of Man: Camden, Speed, Dugdale, Cox, Wilson, "Willis, and Grose, 16 maps and plates, 7s6d ' 1872 19. Records of the Tynwald and St. John's Chapels in the Isle of Man, by Harrison, •with an account of the Duke of Atholl taking possession of the Island in 1736; also a Lay of Ancient Moua. 14 plates, 7s 6d 1871 20. Manx Miscellanies. Vol. I, containing selections from " Paradise Lost," trans- lated into Manx, by the llev. T. Chris- tian — Diary of James, Vllth Earl of Vols. 29,30 and 31 have Derby, who was beheaded atBolton-in- the-Moors, Oct. 15th, 1651, etc. etc. with 2 plates, 7s &d 21. Mona Miscellany, Second Scries, with 2 plates and Music to one song, 7s 6n the general Cultivation of the "Welsh Language ; Historical Essay on AY ales ; EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: WELSH. 2007 Essay ou the Harp ; Law Trials of the Ancient Britons ; Catalogue of Welsh MSS. in North Wales ; on the Invasions of Britain ; Mythology of the Ancient Britons ; Ancient and Modern Welsh Music, etc. etc. 21191 the same, Vol. II, part 2, 8vo. sd. 5s 1843 Contents : Historical Account of the Monasteries and Abbeys in Wales, by the Rev. P. Williams — Historical Account of the Castles of Glamorgan and Monmouth, by J. Harding— Account of the Flintshire Castles, by 11. Maxwell— Catalogue of Welsh MSS. etc. in North Wales, part II, by A. Owen — Essay on Welsh Poetry, by W. Davies. 21192 Cymmrodor (Y) embodying the Transactions of the Cjmmro- dorion Society of London, edited by the Rev. Rob. Jones and T. Powell, Vols. I-IV pt. 1, in 9 parts, 8vo. sd. £3. 3s 1877-81 Articles on Welsh History, Language, Literature, Anthropology, Folk Lore, by Lewis Morris, Prof. Rhys, Rev. E. Owen, Rev. J. Davies, Prince L. L. Bonaparte, Brinley Richards and John Thomas. 21193 Athravaeth Gristnogavl, Le cair uedi cynnuys yn grynno'rhol brifbyniciau syd i gyfaruydo dyn ar y phord i baraduys, sm. 4to. sd. 10s 1880 Originally printed at Milan, 1568, and reproduced in facsimile from the unique copy in the possession of Prince L. L. Bonaparte. It is a Christian Catechism by Morys Clynog, edited by Griffith Roberts. 2119-1 Cothi (Lewis Glyn) Gwaith, Poetical Works, 8vo. cloth, 10s Oxford, 1837 21195 the same, 8vo. calf, gilt edges, 14s 1837 Lewis Glyn Cothi flourished in the reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV. Richard III. and Henry VII. 21196 Salesbury (Wyllyam) Dictionary in Englyshe and Welslie, moche necessary to all snche Welshemen as wil spedly learne the englyshe togue, black letter, sm. 4to. 4 parts, complete, sd. 25s Imprynted by John Waley (1547), reprinted, 1877 21197 Dafydd ab Gwilym, Barddoniaetli, o grynhoad Owen Jones, a W. Owen, sm. 8vo. First Edition, calf, rare, 20s Llundain, 1789 21198 Davies (J.) Antiqro Linguas Britannica3 (Cambro-Britannica3) Rudimenta, 12mo. ids. 2s Gd 1809 21199 DAVIES (John) [FLORES POETARUM BEITANNICORUM] Adargraphiad Llythyrenol o Flodau y Beirdcl Brytannaidd, a gydgunnullwyd gan y dysgedig Dr. John Davies, ynghyd a Rhagdraethawd ar Farddoniaeth Gymreig gan William Midel- ton, l2mo. facsimile, cloth, 5s Privately printed, LUtndain, 1804 (from the original MwijtHg, 1710) A literal reprint carefully made by the late Rev. Mr. Jones of Rother- hilhe at his own private press. 21200 Davies (Walter) Rhyddid : tracthawd e ennillodd ariandlws Cymdeithas y Gwyneddigion ar ei Thestun i Eisteddfod Llanelwy, 1790, 8vo. hf. bdris 6d Uundain, 1791 21201 (Gwalter Mechain) Gwaith : Collected Welsh and Eng- lish Works in Prose and Verse, edited by D. S. Evans, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 36s Caerfyrddin (< Carmarthen), 1868 Two of the volumes contain the Welsh and English prose works, which relate to Cambrian Archaeology. History and Literature, etc. 2068 BERNARD QTJARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21202 Efanglydd, Yr (the Messenger), a Monthly Magazine, containing literary articles and Poems by Welsh Writers, with Music by eminent Bards, complete from the commencement to May, 1835, 5 vols, in 53 parts, 8vo. sd. 7s <5d 1831-35 This interesting periodical was the forerunner of the "Haul," hereinafter mentioned, and which commenced in July, 1835. 21203 Evans (W.) English-Welsh Dictionary, 8vo. Ids. 2s 6d Carmarthen, 1812 21204 EVANS (D. S.) English and Welsh Dictionary, adapted to the present state of Science and Literature ; in which the English Words are deduced from their originals, and explained by their synonyms in the Welsh Language. 2 vols, cloth, 35s 1852-8 " The scientific terms are rendered into Welsh in this work with far greater care and skill than has been hitherto attempted, and a large portion of them are altogether new. We have no doubt that Mr. Evans' work will be considered one of our standard works of reference." — Archwologia Camirensis. 21205 Gambold (W.) Welsh Grammar, 12mo. cloth, Is U Bala, 1833 21206 Gwyneddion, or an Account of the Royal Denbigh Eisteddfodd, 1828, 8vo. Ids. 2s M Chester, 1830 21207 HAUL, Yr (the Sun), a monthly Magazine of Literature, Politics, Religion and Science, containing Essays and Poetical Pieces by David Owen (Brutus), the Rev. T. Price (Camhuanawc), and other eminent Welsh Writers, a complete set from the com- mencement to 1856, 21 vols, in 258 parts, 8vo. sd. £4. 1835-56 21208 Jones (R.) Gorchestion Beirdd Cymru : neu Flodau Godidow- grwydd Awen, Select Cambrian Poems, 4to. hf. bd. 15s Mwythiq (Shrewsbury), 1773 21209 Joxes (Th.) English-Welsh Dictionary, 12mo. 500 j>j>. double cols. Ids. 2s 6d Denbigh, 1826 21210 Jones (W.) Crynoad o holl elfenau, neu gyntefigion y Gymraeg, 8vo. Ids. Is 6d Binhych, 1826 21211 Lltwaec Hen, Prince of the Cumbrian Britons, Heroic Elegies and other pieces in Welsh, with a literal translation by William Owen, 8vo. uncut, 10s 1792 Prefixed is a Life of Llywarch Hen, with a sketch of British Bardism. 21212 MABINOGION (the) or Ancient Romances of Wales, from the Llyfr Coch o Hergest, and other Ancient Welsh MSS. with an English translation and notes, by Lady Charlotte Guest, 3 vols, roval 8vo. facsimiles of MSS. and vignettes, hf. morocco, inn- ut, £4. 10s 1838-49 t Imperfect sets completed. The Titc copy fetched £7. 10s. 21213 the same, large PAPER, 3 vols, imperial 8vo. far si miles mid woodcuts, brown morocco extra, '/Ut edges, by Bedford, £21. 1838-49 " I hold every literature to bo valuable, which springs from the heart of a people, and is connected with their warmest feelings ; and I am inclined to believe, that there must be some particular charm in that literature, which has found such grace in ladies' eyes, as to attract those of one (Lady Charlotte Quest), who is surrounded by so many other objects to court her attention, to spend a part of their lustre, in tracing the characters of half-faded manu- BCripts, in order to reproduce them for our instruction and amusement, in the EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: WELSH. 2069 most elegant form ; and I may surely venture to say. that it' the Elzevirs, and Bodonis, and Didots, must hide their diminished heads before our Llandovery Printer, we may challenge a comparison with all the learned ladies, who have adorned the literature of Europe, for her, whose works his labours have contributed to embellish." — Dr. Thirlivall, Bishop of St. David's. '"I cannot quote the Mabinogion, without expressing a grateful sense of the obligations Lady Charlotte Guest has conferred upon all lovers of our early literature, in her invaluable edition and translation of that interesting collection of British Romances." — Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. "Three circumstances conspire to render Lady Charlotte Guest's publica- tion of the Mabinogion one of the most extraordinary productions of the day. 1st - . The intrinsic merit of the Tales themselves, whether considered with reference to the light thrown by them on the manners, habits, and mythologies of the ancient Welsh, or as mere literary compositions — in which latter respect they may assuredly take rank with the best of their class in any country. 2nd. From the fact of an English Lady, born to rank, and nurtured in all the refinements and accomplishments of her age, devoting herself to, and successfully achieving a task which Celtic scholars, learned in antiquities, and imbued with all the nationality and enthusiasm for which they have ever been proverbial, had, for generations, shrunk from in despair — namely, the translation and illustration of these strange and mysterious fictions ; and, thirdly, the circumstance of the printing press of a hitherto obscure Welsh town, 200 miles from London, being able to produce a work, which, for typo- graphical elegance, may challenge comparison with the very choicest specimens of metropolitan art." — The Cheltenham Looker-On. 21214 MABINOGION, from tne Llyfr Cocli o Hergest, translated into English by Lady Charlotte Guest, complete in 1 vol. large 8vo. pp. xx an d ^04, with all the 46 woodcuts of the first edition, (pub. at 21s), hf. bd. morocco, gilt tops, 18s 1877 The Mabinogion (literally, "Boys' Stories") of Wales arc far more important than their name would seem to indicate. As a collection of ancient traditions and legendary narratives, they possess sufficient interest to attract the student of Comparative Mythology and Folklore, as well as the youthfnl reader who delights in tales of warlike and strange adventure, of knights who encounter giants, goblins, and sorcerers, of Beauty wronged and redressed. These Mabinogion are also valuable from another point of view, as examples of the ancient literature of Celtic Britain, the fables of its prehistoric times blended with traditions of the actual occurrences that attended the invasion and conquest of the country by the Anglo-Saxons ; rhapsodies which must have grown up and taken something like their present form between the sixth and twelfth centuries of our era. But these stories have still a wider interest as containing the germ of all that grand literature of Romance which blossomed with Chivalry in the twelfth century, and has since constituted the chief mental pabulum of the civilized world. The influence it has exercised over the destinies of mankind is apparent throughout the course of the Middle Ages, and in the institutions which survive from what has been called the Feudal System ; yet no great thinker seems to have sufficiently considered the power of Romance in the world's history. In the Mabinogion we have its earliest expression ; the first fruits of a School of Fiction totally distinct from the imaginative productions of the ancient world ; with which all modern literature may be said to begin. Hence the charm that draws poets to the story of King Arthur and his knights, hence the fascination which writings thus inspired unconsciously exert over the minds of the multitude, keeping fresh in their memories old tales, which, without some such hidden power, could never, even at the bidding of genius, have again emerged into the light of literary day. 21215 Morus (Huw) Eos Ceiriog, 2 vols. 12mo. songs and poems com- posed about the end of the seventeenth century, bds. 7s Wrexham, 1823 2070 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21216 MYVYRIAN (The) Archaiology of Wales, being a collection of Historical Documents from Ancient MSS. (by Owen Jones, edited by Williams and W. 0. Pugbe), 3 vols, royal 8vo. cloth, £7. 10s} or, calf extra, £8. 10s 1801 This glorious work, the result of a noble and well-spent life, used to sell at 12 guineas ; the new edition has brought down its price. 21217 Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales, new issue, thick roy. 8vo. cloth, 35s Denbigh, 1861-70 To this edition have been added : more notes upon the " Gododin," and an English translation of the Laws of Howel the Good ; also a chapter on Ancient British Music, by John Thomas. The finest collection of old Welsh Poetry in existence. It is the source of almost all our information on the subject. 21218 Nash (D. W.) Taliesin on the Bards and Drnids of Britain, presentation copy from the Author to J. R. Planche, Esq. 8vo. cloth, 12s 1858 21219 Owen (W.) Grammar of the Welsh Language, 8vo. Ids. 5s 1803 21220 Parry (R.) Awdl ar y Greadigaeth, 12mo. 6cl 1850 li This production is worthy of a place in the first-class. — With respect to the three poems occupying the first rank, the Judges beg to observe, that the Poem signed Gwalchmai ab Meilir, is the effusion of a powerful muse, and displays great vigour, thought, and the use of correct language." — Beirniadaeth yr Eisteddfod fel ei Cyhoeddid gan J. Richards, Ysiv. Treior- loerth. 21221 Price (Thomas) Carnhuanawc, Hanes Cymrn, a Chenedl y Cyinrv, o'r cynoesocdd hyd at farwolaeth Llewelyn ap Gruffydd, 8vo. cloth, 5s 184-2 21222 Literary Remains and Life, 2 thick vols. 8vo. photo- graphic portraits ami numerous plates, cloth, 20s 1845-55 21223 the same, Vol. II (Life and Correspondence), 8vo. cloth, 6s 1855 21224 Prichard (Rhys) Y Seren Forcu, neu Ganwyll y Cymry ; sef Gwaith Prydyddol ; gan Rice Ilees, stout 12mo. frontispiece, cloth, 9s; or, hf. calf, 10s LlanyTnddyfri, 1841 21225 PuGHB (W. Owen). W. Owen, Dictionary of the Welsh Language, explained in English; with numerous illustrations, from the litei'ary remains and from the living speech of the Cymry; to which is prefixed a Welsh Grammar, 2 vols. 8vo, portrait, hf, mil, 20s London, 1803 21226 PUGHE (Owen) Welsh and English Dictionary: the National Dictionary of the Welsh Language, with English and Welsh Equivalents', 2 vols, royal 8vo. 36s Denbigh, 1832 This is the second edition of Owen's Welsh-English Dictionary, the Author having changed his name from Owen to Pughc, and having adopted a new (and better) orthography. 21227 the same, third edition, edited and enlarged by R.J. Pryse, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, cloth, 25s ib. 1866-73 ."The principal object of the present editor has been to embody all the words which arc in the writings of our best Welsh authors from Aneurin Gwawdrydd down to Ieoan Glan Geirionydd. The work therefore contains, n't only all the words which appeared in the last edition of Dr. Pughc's large Dictionary, but ninny thousands also which are not found in his or any other Welsh and English Dictionary. In working out this principle, it was found necessary by the editor to include a great number of obsolete words, and of EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: WELSH. 2071 doubtful propriety; but as they are used by eminent writers, many will naturally wish to have an explanation of them. The initials of the authors' names are generally added to such words, in order that the student may see who used them. The derivations and explanations given by Dr. Pughe are adopted, as far as they go, and are deemed correct. Great care has been taken to note every obsolete, low, or doubtful word. A full explanation of the words is given in Welsh also, as well as in English, which gives the work an entirely new phase." 21228 Rhjisi (Joannis Dav.) Cambrobrytannica) Cymra;ca5ve Lingua? Institutiones et Rudimenta, ad intelligend. Biblia Sacra nuper in Cambrobiytannicum sermonem versa, etc. small folio, slightly stained and wormed, calf neat, £3. 5s Londini, Thomas Orwinus, 1592 21229 the same, sm. folio, calf neat, from Sunderland libran/, £G. 1592 Collation: Title, Dedication to Edward Stradling, 3 leaves; Dedications in English and Welsh and Errata, 8 leaves; and 304 pages. Between pp. 4 and 5 is a folded table. 21230 Rhys (J.) Lectures on Welsh Philology, sm. 8vo. (pub. 15s), cloth, 8s 6d 1879 21231 21232 21233 21234 21235 2123G 21237 Ricuards (T.) Antique Lingua) Britannicce Thesaurus; British or Welsh-English Dictionary, with Grammar and a collection of Welsh Proverbs, 8vo. title injured, half calf , 7s Bristol, 1759 Antiquae Linguae Britannicae Thesaurus, 8vo. calf, 10s Dolgelly, 1815 Rowland (T.) Grammar of the Welsh Language, 12mo. cloth, 2s Boh/well, 1853 the same, second enlarged edition, 12mo. cloth, 2s 6d London, 1857 the same, third greatly enlarged edition, 12mo. cloth, 3s Qd Bala, 1865 Welsh Exercises, part 1, 12mo. cloth, 2s Bala, 1870 SCHULZ, the influence of Welsh Tradition upon the Literature of Germany, France, and Scandinavia, which obtained the Prize of Eighty Guineas at the Abergavenny Eisteddvod, 1840 : translated from the German of Albert Schulz, Author of the Life of Wolfram von Eschenbach, etc. by Mrs. Berrington, 8vo. (sells 6s), hf. morocco, 4s Qd 1841 " Albert Schulz has undertaken in this Essay to explain the circumstances which rendered the cycle of the Romances of the Round Table so popular throughout Europe, that they may be said to have become naturalized in almost every part of Christendom. He has conducted the investigation with great zeal and ability. The work is highly creditable to the translator." Athenaeum. " A work like the present, coming, as it does, from a learned foreigner, ought to remove some of the sneering doubts which so many affect to entertain as to the real merits of the ancient literature of Wales." Arcliawlogia Cambrensis. 2123S Y Seint Greal, being the Adventures of King Arthur's Knights of the Rounh Table in the Quest of the Holy Greal, and on other occasions, in Welsh and English, edited by the Rev. Robert Williams, 3 parts, 8vo. cloth, 18s Hengwrt M88. 1-3, 1874-76 21239 the same, bound in 1 vol. 8vo. half calf , 20s 1874-76 2072 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21240 Y Seint Greal, part 3, separately, 8vo. 7s 6d 1876 The Welsh MS. from which this is printed dates from the early part of the fifteenth century (it may have been copied from one of greater age), and contains in its first part a translation from the Quest du Saint Greal. The second part is taken from the second part of the Histoire du Graal. This Welsh translation has an independent value as showing what Welsh names correspond to the French ones, and as containing traces of the concurrent British legends of King Arthur and his Knights. 21241 Skene's Four Ancient Books of Wales containing the Kymric Poems attributed to the Bards of the Sixteenth Century, 8vo. cloth, 18s Edinburgh, 1863 21242 SPURRELL'S English- Welsh and Welsh-English Pronouncing Dictionary, 2 vols, in 1, thick 16mo. cloth, the best and most handy compact Welsh Dictionary, equally well adapted to Travellers nud Students, 8s 1872 21243 Spurrell's Grammar of the Welsh Language, 12mo. bds. Is Carmarthen, 1848 21244 the same, second edition, 12mo. cloth, 2s 1853 21245 Practical Lessons in Welsh, 12mo. cloth, Is 0>d Carmarthen, 1881 21246 TESTAMENT NEWYDD ein Arglwydd Jesu Christ, sm. 4to. Editio Princeps of the Scripture in Welsh, with the title quite perfect ; 27 leaves missing, and portion of the last two leaves in facsimile (the colophon however being original), the body of the boolc in fine and sound condition, £30. London, Henry Denhani, 1567 The leaves absent from this copy are those which contained the prelimi- nary matter between the title and the text, besides folios 123-126. This Testament, the work of William Salesbury, is excessively rare, and is a book, at the same time, of great intrinsic merit. It should be the most piecious jewel in a fine Welsh library. I can supply separately leaves 107, 108, 109, 110, and also 399 (the last leaf), which are in duplicate in this copy. 21247 Thomas, Corph y Gainge,neu Ddifyrwch Teuluaidd, Welsh Poems, 18mo. bds. 4s 6d Dolgelleu, 1810 21248 ViLLEMABQui (H. de la) Myrdhinn ou l'Enchanteur Merlin, son Histoire, ses CEuvres, son Influence, 12mo. hf. calf neat, 4s Paris, 1862 21249 WALTERS (J.) English- Welsh Dictionary, stout 4to. rough calf, Owen Jones' copy, 25s London, 1794 21250 the same, 2 vols, in 1, stout 4to. rough calf, 15s Dolgelly, 1815 21251 English-Welsh Dictionary, third edition, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. (pub. £3. 3s), cloth, 25s Denbigh, 1828 21251* the same, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. ///. calf, 30s 1828 Publications of the Welsh Manuscript Society, in cloth: 21252 LlBEB Landavkxsis ; or Ancient Register of the Cathedral Church of Llandaff, edited with English Translations and Notes; by W. J. Rees, royal 8vo. nearly 700 pp. facsimiles of ancient M88. 21s 1840 2125:! IIkkaldic Visitation's ok Walks and the Makciiks, in the time of Queen Elizabeth and James I, by Lewis Dwnn, Deputy EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: WELSH. 2073 Publications of the Welsh Manuscript Society — continued. Herald at Arms for Wales : from original Manuscripts, together with an Introduction, and numerous explanatory notes ; edited by Sir Samuel Hush Meyiuck, 2 vols, iinpl. 4to. facsimiles, pedigrees and coats of arms, out of print and yery rare, £12. 1846 21254 Dosparth Edeyrn Dafod Aur : or the ancient Welsh Grammar, compiled in the thirteenth century,, by Edeyrn the Golden Tongued, by the command, and at the desire of Llywelyn Ap Gruffudd, Prince of Wales ; Rhys Vychan, Lord of Dynevor and Ystrad Towy ; and Morgan Vychan, Lord Paramount of Morganwg ; and which received the sanction of a National Jury. With an English translation, and copious notes, edited by J. Williams ab Ithel, thick 8vo. cxxvii and 350 pp. 20s 1855 21255 Barddas ; OR Bardism, a collection of original documents, illustrative of the Theology, discipline, and usages of the Bardo-Druidic System of the Isle of Britain, with translations and notes, by J. Williams ab Ithel, Vol. I, all published, thick 8vo. xxxv and 425 pp. — a portion of the second volume, con- taining " Privilege and Usage," pp. 9-168, being all ever printed —together 2 vols. 8vo. 10s • 1862-72 21256 Lives of the Cambro British Saints, from ancient Welsh and Latin Manuscripts with English Translations and Notes ; by W. J. Rees, royal 8vo. 680 pp. facsimiles, 25s 1853 21257 Meddygon Myddvai ; or the Physicians of Myddvai ; being a compendium of the medical practice of the celebrated Rhiwallon and his sons, Cadwgan, Gruffudd, and Einion, of Myddvai, in Caermarthenshire, physicians to Rhys Gryg, Lord of Dynevor and Ystrad Towy, son of Gruffydd Ap Rhys, the last prince of South Wales, about the year 1230 ; from various Ancient MSS. in the libraries of Jesus College, Oxford, Llanover, and Tonn ; accompanied by an English translation. To which is prefixed the curious legend of the Lady of the Lake, called Llyn-y-van, from whom, the above physicians were said to be descended. And a copious Herbal, edited by J. Williams ab Ithel, m.a., and translated by John Pughe, thick 8vo. xxx and 470 pp. (published at 21s), reduced to 10s 1862 21258 The Iolo Manuscripts, a selection of ancient Welsh MSS. in prose and verse, from the collection made by the late Edward Williams (iolo morgan\yg), for the purpose of forming a continuation of the Myvyrian Archaiology ; and subsequently proposed as materials for a new History of Wales; with English Translations and Dates, by his son, the late Taliksix Williams (ab iolo), royal 8vo. 700 pp. plates of ancient Crosses and facsimiles, out of print, rare, £4. 4s 1848 - all the above seven works, forming the complete set, in 7 vols, royal 8vo. and 2 vols. impl. 4to. cloth, £20. 1840-72 21259 Liber Landavensis. A Manuscript Commentary on the "Liber Landavensis" by J. W. Price, royal 8vo. a folding pedigree, and 85 neatly written pp. unpublished, 32s (185< ») This MS. came to niv hands with the stock of the Welsh MS. Society. 2074 BERNARD QUARITOH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 212G0 WnoLE Duty of Man. Holl Ddyledfwydd Dyn, o gyfieithiad Edward Samuel, 1718 — Samuel (E.) Duwiol-Swyddau, a Gwed- diau, 1718; in 1 vol. 12mo. old calf gilt, gilt edges, £2. 2s Shrewsbury, 1718 212G1 Williams (E.) Recollections and Anecdotes of Edward Williams, Iolo Morganwg, by E. Waring, 12mo. portrait, doth, 2s Gd 1850 212G2 Williams (J.) Gomer, or a brief Analysis of the Language and Knowledge of the ancient Cyniry, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 9s 1854 21263 WILLIAMS (Robert) ENWOGION CYMRU; a Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Welshmen, from the earliest times to the present, and including every name connected with the Ancient History of Wales, thick 8vo. 568 pp. (sells 16s), cloth, 12s 1852 " This work is highly useful in elucidating the History of the Principality, and will be a hook of reference on the subject. The Author draws his information from sources of the best authority, many of them not lying within the reach of the ordinary reader ; and, while he has condensed his information in a clear forcible manner, he preserves, at the same time, great freedom and elegance of diction." " It is a work which ought to be on the table of every Cambrian Anti- quary."' — Archceologia Cambrensis. Breton. 21264 Bacox-Tacox, Recherch.es sur les Origines Celtiques, principale- ment sur celles de Bugey, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait and plates, calf, 5s 1798 21205 LE GONIDEC, Dictionnaire Breton - Francais, ct Franeais- Breton, precede de sa Grammaire Bretonne, enrichi d'additions, des mots Gallois et Gaels correspondants au Breton, et de l'llistoire de la Langue, par Hersart de la Villemarque, 2 vols. 4to. 594 and 834 pp. sd. 28s Saint-Brieuc, 1847-50 21266 the same, 2 vols. 4to. calf {not quite uniform), 32s 21267 the same, 2 vols. 4to. calf extra, 35s 21268 Dictionnaire Breton-Francais, prec. de sa Grammaire Bretonne, 4to. If. calf neat, 20s 1850 21269 Grammaire Celto-Bretonne, 8vo. If. bd. 7s Gd Paris, 1838 21270 LiEPELLETIER, Dictionnaire de la Langue Bretonne, oil Ton voit son antiquite, sun affinite avec les ancienncs langues, et I'etymo- logie de plusieurs mots des autres langues, folio, old calf gill, arms of Louis X V on sides, 35s Paris, 1752 li An excellent Dictionary of the old Breton Language. Lepclletier was one of the most learned Scholars in Celtic matters that Brittany has produced." //. L. Johnes. 21271 Testament (New), in Breton, 12mo. calf, 2s Gd Brest, 1847 21272 Teoude (A. E.) Dictionnaire Francais-Breton du dialccte de Leon, 8vo. If. calf, Is 6d ib. 1869 '21:273 Villemaequ^ (T. H. de la) Barzaz-Breiz : Chants populaires de la Bretagne, avec traduction, Irs melodies originates, etc. 2 vols. 12mo. 181.'. EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: CELTIC, CORNISH. 2075 Cornu-British or Cornish. 21274 Bannister (J.) Glossary of Cornish Names, local and family, ancient and modern, 8vo. 7 parts, complete, lbs Truro, 1869-70 21275 the same, 8vo. parts i-iv, 2s 6d 1869-70 21276 Cornish Literature, reprinted from The Cambrian Journal, 1861, 2s L. L. Bonaparte, 1861 21277 Jenner (Henry) the Cornish Language, 8vo. with two facsimiles of Cornish MSS. sd. 2s 1876 21278 Jordan (W.) Creation of the World with Noah's Flood, written in Cornish in 1611, with an English translation by J. Keigwin, edited by D. Gilbert, 8vo. hf. del. 8s 6d 1827 21279 Meriasek (Saint) Life of, a Cornish Drama, edited with translation by W. Stokes, roy. 8vo. cloth, 10s London, 1872 21280 Mount Calvary, written in Cornish some centuries past, trans- lated into English by J. Keigwin, edited by D. Gilbert, 8vo. sd. os 1826 21281 Mount Calvary, written in Cornish some centuries ago, with English translated by Keigwin, edited by Gilbert, 1 826 — Jordan (Win.) The Creation and Flood, written in Cornish, 1811 ; with English translation by Keigwin, and pieces in modern and ancient Cornish, edited by Gilbert, 1827— Gilbert (D.) Ancient Christmas Carols and their tunes sung in the West of England, 1822— together 3 vols, in 1, 8vo. 30s 1822-27 21282 Norris (E.) the Ancient Cornish Drama, with Grammar and Vocabulary, 2 vols, in 1, 8vn. with 3 autograph letters inserted, hf. calf gilt, 24s Oxford, 1859 " The three Dramas contained in these volumes constitute the most important relic known to exist of the Celtic dialect once spoken in Cornwall."' The Grammar occupies 92 pp. and the Vocabulary 128. 21283 (Tonkin and Gwavas) Arclneologia Cornu-Britannica, an Essay to preserve the Ancient Cornish Language, with Grammar and Cornish-English Vocabulary, by William Pryce, 4to. hf. calf neat, 18s Sherborne, 1790 21284 the same, 4to. calf, 20s 1790 21285 the same, 4to. very tall copy, calf gilt, 24s Prince L. L. Bonaparte was the first person who pointed out the true authorship of the work so impudently fathered by Pryce. 21286 WILLIAMS (Robert) Lexicon Cornu-Britannicum : Dictionary of the Ancient Celtic Language of Cornwall, in which the words are elucidated by copious Examples from Cornish Works, with translations, and the Synonyms in Welsh, Armoric, Irish, Gaelic, and Manx, 3 parts in 2 vols. 4to. 400 />£>. sd. rare, 28s Llandovery, 1862-65 21287 the same, 3 parts in 1 vol. 4to. cloth, 30s 1862-65 21288 the same, 4to. hf. morocco neat, 35s 21289 — ■ the same, 4to. 'numerous MS. additions by Rev. S. Lyons, cloth, £3. 3s 21290 ■ the same, 4to. interleaved, with mum/ valuable MS. additions by the Author, hf. calf, £21. 1862-65 141 2076 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21291 WILLIAMS (Robert) Lexicon Cornu-Britannicuru, parts II and III, 4to. containing General Title, Preface, and pp. 145 — 400, completing the work, sd. 21s This work is the first attempt towards collecting and preserving all that now remains of the Ancient Language of Cornwall, which is supposed to have been that Dialect of the Celto-British that was once spoken throughout the central and southern divisions of England by the original inhabitants, who ultimately coalesced with the Anglo-Saxons ; an event which has in a considerable degree influenced the formation of the English Language. This is also the first time that the six Dialects have been carefully examined and analysed, and the l'esult is no less curious than interesting. Besides the cognate languages above mentioned, illustrations are added from the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and Germanic Languages. 6. SLAVIC LANGUAGES. Old Slavonic (Church Language) and General Works on the Slavonic Languages. 21292 Abel (C.) Slavic and Latin: Ilchester Lectures on Comparative Lexicography, 8vo. cloth, 4s 1883 Contains : the Slavification of the Finnish Area ; the two Russian Languages ; Egyptian Inversion ; etc. 21293 Bibliothkque Irnperiale Publique de St. Petersbourg, Catalogue de la Section des Russica, ou Ecrits sur la Russie en langues etrangeres, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. sd. 15s 1873 21294 Chichekof, Recherch.es sur les Racines des Idiomes Slavons, 8vo. hf. calf, 4s et Graeca\ Poi,onorum usui acconunodatum, stunt sm. folio, old calf, 36s dracovim, 1621 21370 Comrnii (J. A.) Janmu Linguarum Reseraiss Vcstibulum Latino- German ic<>- I'olonicuni, 12mo. vellum, 7s Dantisci, 1642 A collection of 2000 short sentences in Latin, German and Polish, with Latin and German Indexes. 21371 Complete Dictionary, English-Polish and Pt>lisii : English, com- piled from the Polish Dictionaries of Linde and Mrongovius, with English Grammar, 2 vols. 8vo. 370 and 536 pages, triple •■ills. hf. moroGco, 18a Berlin, 1849-51 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY : SLAVONIC LANGUAGES. 2081 21372 Grammatyka Francuzka krotko zebrana dla uczacych sie Jezyka Francuzkiego, 18mo. sd. 2s Wilnie, 1788 21373 Jordan (J. P.) die polnische Sprache in Grammatik, Chresto- mathie und Worterverzeichniss, 8vo. hf. calf, 2s Leipzig, 1845 21374 Kopcztnski, Grammaire Polonaise, 8vo. hf. calf, 2s 6d Varsovie, 1807 21375 LINDE, Slownik Jezyka Polskiego (Dictionary of the Polish Language), 6 vols, in 4, 4to. upwards of 4000pp. double columns, half calf, £4. 10s Warszaivie, 1807-14 " Chaque mot Polonais, outre son explication en Allemand et Latin, est rendu dans les treize autres Dialectes de la Langue Sclavonne. viz. Bohemien. Croate, Russe tant vulgaire que liturgique, Bosniaque, Carniolien, Dalmate. Ragusain, Sclavon, Sclovake, Sorabe ou Wende, Slavon de Hongne, Winde de Styrie." — Pillet. 21376 Schiewek (0.) Grammatik der polnischen Sprache, sm. 8vo. sd. 2 S Franstadt, 1847 21377 Smith (C. W.) Grammatik der polnischen Sprache, 8vo. calf, 2s , ; Berlin, 1845 21378 Szumski (T.) Recueil des meilleures anecdotes, contes, fables, etc. avec des mots polonais, des dialogues, etc. 8vo. sd. 5s Rawicz, 1813 21379 Zywot Przenachwalebnieyszey Bogarodzice, Panny Maryey, Life of the Virgin Mary, in Polish, 18mo. old calf, 12s Krahowie, 1648 Russian. 21380 Alexandrow, Easy Method of Learning the Russian Language, 12mo. cloth, 2s 6d 1867 21381 Arndt (J.) Tchtiri Knighi 6 Istinnom' Christianstve, on true Christianity, in Russian, 12mo. old calf, 7s 6d Halle, 1735 21382 Bowring (J.) Specimens of the Russian Poets, translated, 12mo. Ids. 3s 6d 1821 21383 Chun-Dchi-Khan, Book of, translated from the Man dchou- Chinese into Russian, by A. Agathonof, sm. 8vo. bds. 2s St. Peters. 1788 21384 Davydof (I.) Lectures on the Belles-Lettres, Russian, 4 vols. 8vo. sd. 12s Moscow, 1837-43 21385 Dbrjavin, Sochineniya, 4 vols. 8vo. calf, 25s St Petersb. 1808 21386 Dictionnaire complet Francois- Russe par une Societe de gens de lettres, 2 vols. sm. 4to. hf. bd. 7s 6d St. Pctersbourg, 1786 21387 Galakhov ( A. ) Russian Chrestomathy, Prose and Poetical Selections, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, 6s St. Petersburg, 1870 21388 Gretch, Prostrannaya Russkaya Grammatika, Vol. I, 8vo. hf. bd. 2s 6d 1830 21389 Practical Russian Grammar, with Key, in Russian, 8vo. hf. calf, 7s 6d m 1832 21390 Grammaire Raisonnee de la Langue Russe, traduite par C P. Reiff, 2 vols, in 1, thick 8vo. /(/. bd. 16s 1828-29 21391 the same, with a reprinted title, 2 vols, in 1, thick 8vo. hf. bd. 18s 1837 2082 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21392 Gorlov (I. N.) Istoriya Yaponie, History of Japan, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Moskva, 1835 21393 Grigoriev (B. B.) Rossia i Asia, Sbornik po Istorie, Etnografie i Geograpkie, roy. 8vo. sd. 7s 6d 1876 21394 Hamoniere (G.) Vocabulaire Francais et Russe, in Slavonic and Soman characters, sq. 12mo. hf. bd. 2s 6d 1815 21395 Hamoniere (G.) Grammaii-e Russe, 8vo. 404 pages, sd. Ys'od; or, hf. bd. 2s Paris, 1817 21396 Hasfeld (J. P.) English Lessons : Conversations, etc. 8vo. Buisian and English, sd. 5s 1849 21397 Heard (J.) Practical Grammar of the Russian Language, sm. 8vo. Ids. 2s 6d St. Petersburg, 1827 21398 the same, with the Key, 2 vols, in 1, sm. 8vo. bd. 7s 6d 1827 21399 (Herzen) Poliernaya Zviezda, 1855-6, 2 vols. 8vo. Prose and Poetry, sd. 6s London, 1857-8 21400 Heym, Slovar Rossiisko-Frantsuzsko-Niemetskii, Russian-French- German Dictionaiy, '8vo. hf. morocco, 12s Leipzig, 1844 21401 Joel (M.) unci P. Fuchs, Anleitung zur Erlernung dor russischen Sprache, stout 12mo. morocco, hs 1871 21402 Karamzin, Sotchineniya, 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, os St. Petersb. 1848 21403 Kniga Glemaya Prokhladnuyi Vertograd, etc. Herbal and Materia Medica, with an account of diseases and their treatment, in old Russian, Slavonic character, sm. 4to. curious MS. on paper, with rubrics, hf. bd. lettered on the bach Tsvyetnih, £2. ? Moscow, about 1650 21104 Lettres sur la Crimee, Odessa etla Mer d'Azof, 8vo. Russian and French, hf. calf, 3s 6d ^ Moscou, 1810 214U5 Magazine of Useful Knowledge, January to June, 1795, in Russian, 8vo. coloured plates of Fashions, etc. calf, 3s 6cZ 1795 21406 Orbini (Mauro) Kniga Istoriographia, sm. 4to. in Russian, old calf , £2. St. Petersb. 1722 Excukdingly BARE : not mentioned by bibliographers. It is a trans- lation of Orbini's Regno degli Slavi, made by order of Peter the Great, to whom it is dedicated, and in this volume there appear for the first time the characters of modern Russian typography'. 21407 Obbis Visibilis, Latin-Russian-German-Italian-French Dialogues, sm. 4to. last fciv leaves of Index wanting, hf. bd. 5s s. a. (circa 1800) 21408 O'l'TO (F.) History of Russian Literature, with Lexicon of Russian Authors, translated by G. Cox, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d Oxford, 1839 21409 PauCKBK (A.) Manual of Russian Conversation, 12nio. sd. 2s 6d St. Petersburg, 1863 It contains the Alphabet, words and phrases frequently used, in Russian and Roman characters. Use of Verbs, Dialogues, Grammar, Table of Coins, Technical Terms, etc. 2141.0 IVnoit tiik (!i;i:at. Reglanieni Dukliovnoi: Ordinance with regard to Church Discipline, in old Slavonic characters,- 12mo. calf, lt'>.-' Moslcve, 177-~> 21411 Psalter. Kniga Khvaleniya ili Psaltir, sm. 8vo. hf. coif, O. Barrow's autograph, 2s Sanhtpeterlurg, 1822 21112 Pushkin (Alex.) Stikhotvoreniya, Poems, part 1, 8vo. O. Morrow's autograph, sd. 2s ib. 1820 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY : RUSSIAN. 2083 21413 Pushkin Sotchineniya, Prose and Poetical Works, in Russian, 11 vols, royal 8vo. portrait, hf. calf neat, £2. ib. 1838-41 21414 Sotchineniya, s Materialov dlia ego Biographie, etc. Vols. I- VI, roy. 8vo. portrait, hf. bd, 24s ib. 1855 21415 Ralston (W. R. S.) Songs of the Russian People, as illustrative of Slavonic Mythology and Russian Social Life, 8vo. cloth, 9s 1872 21416 Russian Folk-Tales, 8vo. cloth, 8s 6d 1873 21417 REIFF (C. P.) Grammaire francaise-russe, 8vo. sd. 2s Leipzig, 1853 21418 ■ Little Manual of the Russian Language, in Slavonic and Roman characters, 12mo. sd. Is Paris, I860 21419 Parallel Dictionaries of the Russian, French, German and English Languages, with Grammars, 4 vols, stout sq. 12mo. sd. 16s 1872-3 21420 Parallel Dictionaries: Russian-French-German-English, with Russian Grammar, stout sq. 12mo. bd. 7s 6d 1860 21421 Dictionnaire Francais-Russe-Allemand- Anglais, stout sq. 12mo. cloth, 3s 1852 21422 the same, new edition, stout sq. 12mo. hf. bd. 4s 1875 21423 English-Russian Grammar, or Principles of the Russian Language for the use of the English, 12mo. pp. viii and 263, cloth, bs Paris, 1883 21424 Ruskia Skazki, Soderjashtchia : Russian Tales, Anecdotes, etc. Vols. I-VI, IX, and X, in 4 vols. 12mo. hf. bd. 5s Moscow, 1783-1807 21425 Scott (Sir Walter) Antiquarv, in Russian, 8vo. cloth, 5s St. Petersburg, 1845 21426 Shelekhov (G.) Puteshestvie, Voyages in the Pacific Ocean, 1783-90, 12mo. sd. 6r. Borrow's autography 2s Sanktpeterburg, 1812 21427- Shishkov (A.) Morskoe Slovar' (Seaman's Dictionary in English, French and Russian), the three Alphabets in 1 vol. sm. 4 to. hf. bd, 7s 6d 1795 21428 Sobranie Stariimych Russkich Skazok, Russian Tales, 12mo. hf. bd, Borrow's autograph, 2s (id, Moskva, 1830 21429 Starinniya Dikovinki, ili Sobranie Russkikh Skazok, Russian Tales, 12mo. ({. Borrow's autograph, calf 3s iJd SanJctpeter, 183U-1 21430 Sumakokov (A.) Elegii Liebovnya, Ody Trojestvennya, Eklogi : Poems in Russian, vellum, 4s St. Pet. 1774 21431 Veglie di Tasso, translated into Russian byN. Ostolopov, Russian and Italian, 8vo. plates, hf. calf, 5s St. Pet. 1819 21432 Guthrie (M.) Tour through the Crimea, and the north shore of the Euxine, 1795-6, 4to. map and plates of ruins, etc. cloth, 7s <>s, hf. calf, 12s 1824 21442 Wallace (D. M.) Russia, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. 24s), 2 folding maps, cloth, 15s 1877 An interesting account of the political and social condition of Russia , past and present. Wendish; Lusatian, Sorabic. 21443 Bose (C.) Wendisch-deutsches Handworterbuch, 8vo. scl. 2s (Irimmti, 1840 21444 Jordan (J. P.) Grainrnatikderwendisch-serbisehen Sprache in der Oberlausitz, 8vo. sd. 2s ■ Prag. 1841 21445 Matth^i (G.) Wendische Grammatica, 12mo. interleaved in, sm. 4to. with numerous MS. notes, bds. 10s Budissln, 1721 21446 Schmaler (J. E.) Wendische-deutsche Gespriiche, dcutsche--\ven- disches Worterbuch, 2 parts, sm. 8vo. sd. 4s llaulzen, 1841-3 Windish, Slovene, Carinthian. 21447 (Kopitar) Grammatik der slavischcn Spraclie in Krain, Karnten ttnd Steyermark, 12mo. hf. russia, 6fi Laibach, 1808 Pages 385-4CO comprise a valuable Bibliography of early Slavonic publications. 7. GIPSY, R0MMANY, SLANG. 21448 Ascoli, Zigeunerisches, 8vo. sd. 2s OcZ ; or, hf calf, 3s Halle, 1865 21449 BATAI1LARD (P.) Derniers Travaux relatifs aux Bohemiens, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d 1872 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY: GIPSY. 2085 j_ - 21450 Baudrimont (A.) Vocabulaire de la Langue des Bohemians habitant les pays Basques Francais, 8vo. 40 pp. sd. Is 6d Bordea>i,v, 1862 21451 Borrow (G.) the Zhicali, or an Account of the Gypsies in Spain, with collection of Songs and Poetry, and Dictionary, 2 vols. sin. 8vo. cloth, 15s 1841 21451* Romano Lavo-Lil : Word-Book of the Romany, or Eng- lish Gypsy Language, sm. 8vo. cloth, 10s 1874 21452 another copv, sm. 8vo. with Col. Chambers MS. notes, cloth, 12s 6d 1874 21453 another copy, sm. 8vo. with Br. BurnelVs MS. notes, cloth, 12s 6d _ 1874 21454 Ghilengheri (J.) Ghilia Salomuneskero an i Romani tcib ; II Cantico dei Cantici di Salomone per la prima volta tradotto dal testo Italiano in fronte nell' Idioma Zingaresco (Indo-Orientale), studio di J. Pincherle, Italian-Zingari, 8vo. sd. Is Trieste, 1875 21455 Grellmann, Histoire des Bohemiens, recherches sur leur Origine, leur Langage, etc. trad, de l'Allemand, 8vo. bds. 5s Baris, 1810 21456 Grellmann, Dissertation on the Gipsies, their Customs and Origin, translated by Raper, 4to. comparative vocabulary of G-ipsg and Hindustani, 12s 1787 21457 Historia de los Gitanos, por J. M. 12mo. frontispiece, bd. 5s Barcelona, 1832 21458 Hoyland (J.) Historical Survey of the Gypsies, 8vo. bds. 5s ; or, hf. calf, 6s Yorh, 1816 21459 Hudson (G.) gli Zingari in Ispagna, sm. 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Mil. 1878 21460 Leland (C. G.) English Gipsies and their Language, sm. 8 vo. second edition, cloth, 5s 1874 21461 Liebich (R.) Zigeuner in ihrem Wesen und in ihrer Sprache, mit Glossar, 8vo. sd. 4s Leipzig, 1863 21462 Miklosich (F.) iiber die Mundarten und die Wanderungen der Zigeuner Europas, 4 parts, roy. 4to. sd. 10s Wien, 1872-4 21463 Paspati, Etudes sur les Tchinghianes ou Bohemiens de l'Empire Ottoman, roy. 8vo. 652 p r p. including an Introduction, Grammar, Bictionaries, Tales, etc. sd. 20s Constantinople, 1870 A nearly exhaustive work, based upon close study of books and a long personal experience of Gipsey life. In fact the much vaunted adventures of Mr. Borrow were trifles in comparison with the patient investigation of Mr. Paspati ; and the result of the labours of each is proportionate. In this examination of the Gipsey of Eastern Europe, we have what is philosophically the most valuable study of its kind, as it gives us the oldest European form of the Gipsey language. 21464 Pott (A. F.) die Zigeuner in Europa und Asien, ethnographisch- linguistische Untersuchung, vornehmlich ihrer Herkunft und Sprache, 2 vols. 8vo. bds. 17s; or, hf. calf, 18s Halle, 1844-5 21465 Smart (B. C.) and H. T. Crofton, Dialect of the English Gypsirs, second edition, revised and greatly enlarged ; containing a com- plete Grammar, copious Vocabularies, Romany-English and English-Romany, with Examples original and translated, illus- trative of the Manners, Customs, etc. cf the English Gypsies, 8vo. (pub. at 10s 0<7), cloth, 5s 1*75 The best book on the English Gipsies. •2086 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21466 Thomasii (J.) Dissertatio Philosopliica de Cingaris, sm. 4to. sd. 5s Lips. 1671 21467 Curioser Tractat von Zigeunern, aus deni Lateinischen ins Teutsche iibersetzt, 12mo. sd. 5s Dresden, 1702 21468 Vagabondo (II) overo Sferza de' Bianti, e Vagabondi, 18mo. hf. vellum, 15s Bologna, 1708 IV. APPENDIX. Anthropology, Ethnology, Comparative Mythology, Primitive Institutions. Chiefly from the Library of the late Dr. Joseph Barnard Davis, LTanley, Staffordshire. 21469 Anatomical Drawings. Crania, 46 drawings; Diseases and Malformations of the Hip Joint, 45 pencil drawings, beautifully executed; and 14 various ; in portfolio, £3. 3s 1755 21470 AN" GAS (G. F.) New Zealand Illustrated, royal folio, 60 fine coloured plates, illustrating the aboriginal inhabitants, native implements, scenery, etc. If. green, morocco, gilt tops, £28. 1847 21471 ANGAS, South Australia Illustrated, royal folio, 60 fine coloured plates, illustrating the Aboriginal Inhabitants, Native Implements, Domestic Economy, Scenery, Natural History, etc. hf. morocco, £14. 1847 21472 ■ The Kaffirs Illustrated, royal folio, portrait and 30 coloured plates, unbound, £9. (1849) 21472* the same, hf. morocco, £10. 10s (1849) Plate 30 represents i( New and remarkable species of Lepidoptera from Natal and the Zulu Country.'' 21.473 Anthropological and Ethnographical (and Natural History) Society of Russia, IzVTBSTlYA (Transactions), 35 parts and vols. Jinpl. 4to. plates, some coloured, and woodcuts, sd. £4. 10s Moscow, 1867-81 A highly important collection, from the library of Dr. Davis, the anthro- pologist. Most of the parts or vols, consist of a complete memoir. The subjects arc of course chiefly ethnological, but there are also some memoirs on Entomology, with coloured plates. 21474 ANTOMMARCHI (E.) Planches anatomiques du corps humain. exreutces d'apres les dimensions naturellos, accompagnees d'un fcexte explicatif, par Antommarclii, publiees par le comte de Lasteyric, Atlas, containing 48 anatomical plates, with a dupli- cate coloured set on stout paper, elephant folio, hf. green morocco, uncut, Text, impl. folio, hf. calf gilt, uncut, £3. 16* Paris, 1826 21475 Akchiy fur Anthropologic, Vol. I, Vol. II part 1, Vol. Ill, Vol. IV and Vol. V parts 1 and 2 — 11 parts, 4to. plates, sd. 36s Bra mschweig, 1866-72 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY. APPENDIX: ANTHROPOLOGY. 2037 "21470 Asmus ( P.) die indogermanische Religion in den Hanptpunkten ihrer Entwickelung, Band II, 8vo. 2 parts, sd. 2s 6d Halle, 1877 Contains, das Absolute unci die Vergeistigung der einzelnen indogennan- ischen Religionen. 21477 Astrolabe (1') et la Zelee, Voyage au Pole Sud et dans l'Oceanie, 1837-40, sous le commandement de M. J. Dumont d'Urville ; Antliropologie par Dumoutier, 1 vol. 8vo. and impl. folio Atlas of 50 plates, on India paper 1842-47-54 Zoology, Texte, containing the Ethnology, 2 vols. 184(3 — together 3 vols. 8vo. Ids. and 1 vol. impl. folio, If. morocco, £3. 10s 21478 Bachofen (J. J.) das Mutterreckt, eiae Untersuchung iiber die Gynaikokratie der alten Welt, thick 4to. plates, sd. 18s Stuttgart, 1861 21479 Bahr (J. K.) die Graber der Liven, plates of sepulchral remains, Dresden, 1850 — Gozzadini (G.) di mi Sepolcreto Etrusco scoperto presso Bologna, plates, Bologna, 1834; and others, in 1 vol. royal 4to. hf. calf, 14s 1850-4 21480 Baer (C. E. de) Crania ex Thesauris Anthropologicis Academic Imperialis Petropolitana?, 16 plates — Commentar iiber Papuas mid Alfuren, a Commentary on the preceding ivorh ; 2 vols, royal 4to. with MS. notes by Dr. Davis, sd. 10s Petropoli, 1859 21481 Selbstbiographie, §vo. portrait, sd. 5s St. Petersburg, 1866 21482 Baissac (J.) de 1'Origine des Denominations Etlmiques dans la Race Aryane, 8vo. sd. 2s 1867 21483 Barteett, Progress of Ethnology, 8vo. sd. 2s New York, 1847 21484 Bastian (A.) das Bestiindige in den Menchenrassen, und die Spiel- weite ihrer Veriinderlichkeit, 8vo. map, sd. 3s Qd 1868 21485 Beitriige zur vergleichenden Psychologic : die Seele und ihre Erscheinungsweisen in der Ethnographie, 8vo. sd. 3s Qd 1868 21486 Ethnologische Studien, Band I, 8vo. sd. 2s Qd Jena, 1871 21487 die Rechtsverhaltnisse bei verschiedenen Volkern der Erde, 8vo. sd. 4s Qd 1872 21488 Benfey (Th.) Hermes, Minos, Tartaros, 4to. sd, Is Qd Gbttin. 1877 21489 Berger de Xivrey (J.) Traditions Teratologiques, ou recits sur quehpies points de la fable du merveilleux, etc. publics d'apivs MSS. grecs, latins et en vieux francais, 8vo. hf. calf, 5s 183t'> 21490 Beumenbachii (J. F.) Decas Collectionis sua^ Craniorum, 4to. 70 plates, Us. £2. 16s Gottingce, 1790-1873 21491 the same, 4to. 70 plates, calf, £3. 12s 6d 1790-1873 The last 5 plates (06-70), added, without descriptions, in 1873, are also sold separately, 3s 6cJ. 21492 de Gatieris Humani varietate nativa, 12mo. plates of Crania, cloth, 5s ib. 1795 21493 Boitard, le Monde Antediluvienillustrc ; Paris avant les Hommes, l'Homme Fossile, etc. publie par P. Ch. Joubort, large 8vo. plates, sd. 6s 1862 21494 Boucher de Perthes, Antiquitcs Celtiques et Antediluviennes, Memoire sur l'lndustrie primitive et les arts a leur origine, 3 vols, royal 8vo. 115 lithographic plates, hf. calf, £2. 10s Paris, 1849-64 2088 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21495 Boucher de Perthes, de la Creation : Essai sur l'origine et la progression des etres, 4 vols. 12mo. sd. 10s Paris, 1841 21496 Broc (P. P.) Essai snr les Races humaines, royal 8vo. 2 plates, sd. 2s 6d Bruxelles, 1837 21497 Bunsen (Ernst von) die Plejaden und der Thierkreis, oder das Geheimniss der Symbole, 8vo. sd. 3s Gd Berlin, 1879 21498 Cailleux (T.) Origine Celtique de la Civilisation de tons les Peuples, 8vo. sd. 5s 1878 21499 Campbell (J.) Negro-Mania, an examination of the falsely assumed Equality of the various races of Men, 8vo. cloth, 12s Philadelphia, 1851 21 500 Camper (P.) Verhandeling over het natuurlijk Verschil der wezen- strekken in Menschen, 4to. plates of Crania, hf. bd. 5s Utrecht, 1791 21501 Redenvoeringen, 4to. portrait and plates of expression in Man and Animals, hf. bd. 3s Gd ib. 1792 21502 iiber den natiirlichen Unterschied der Gesichtsziige in Menschen, iibersetzt von S. T. Sommering, 4to. 10 plates of Crania, calf, 7s Gd Berlin, 1792 21503 Carus (C. G.) Atlas de Cranioscopie, on dessins figurantifs de Cranes et de Paces de Personnages celebres on remarquables, 2 parts in one vol. impl. 4to. 20 plates, hf. morocco, 18s Leipzig, 1843 21504 Symbolik der menschlichen Gestalt, 8vo. woodcuts, hf. bd, 3s 6d ib. 1853 21505 Christy (H.) Collection of ancient and modern Stone Implements and of other Weapons, Tools, and Utensils of the Aborigines of various Countries, 8vo. cloth, 9s 1862 21506 Clement (K.J.) die nordgermanische Welt, oder unsere geschicht- lichen Anfange, 8vo. bds. 2s Gd Kopenhagen, 1840 21507 College of Sukgeons. Catalogue of the Osteological Series in the Museum of the College of Surgeons, by Prof. Owen (Fishes, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals), 2 vols. 185:3 — Catalogue of the Histological Series, by Quekett, 2 vols. 1850-55 ; together 4 vols, royal 4to. cloth, 36s 1850-55 21508 CONGRES International d'ANTHROPOLOGiE et d'Archeologie pre- historique. Transactions of the third session of the Inter- national Congress of Prehistoric Archceology, Norwich and London, 1868, 1 vol. cloth 1869 Compte Rendu de la 7e session, Stockholm, 1874, 2 vols. sd. 10s; or, hf. red morocco gilt, uncut, 15s Stockholm, 1876 Compte Rendu de la 8e session, Budapest, 1876, Vol. I (all pub.), sd. 10s * Budapest, 1877 — Together 4 vols, thick large 8vo. with many fine plates and woodcuts, sd. £2. 1869-77 The following eminent men have contributed to the above : G. Busk, T. II. Huxley. V. Broca, Tereira da Costa, Worsaae. l)c Quatrefages, Montelius. Schaaffhausen. Lartet. II. Hildebrand, etc. etc. 21509 COUBBON (A. de) sur la Colonisation de la Bretagne-Armoricaine, et but ['Origine des Institutions Feodales chez les Bretons et chez l<-s (iennains, 2 parts, sm. 8vo. sd. 3s Gd 1841-7 EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY. APPENDIX: ANTHROPOLOGY. 2089 21510 Craniologt: twenty-three tracts in Dutch, by P. Bleeker, W. Vrolik, C. Swaving, A. A. Sebastian, Schroeder van der Kolk, D. Lnbach, J. A. Boogard and others, bound in 2 vols. 8vo. plates of Crania, hf. calf, 14s Leiden, etc. 1852-65 21511 Cuvier (F.) Dents ties Mammiferes, 8vo. 103 plates, Ms. 9s 1825 21512 Cuvier (G.) Anthropological Memoirs, by G. Cuvier and others, 25 works in 1 vol. 4to. plates, half calf, lettered Miscellanea, 28s 1816-1863 Contents : Cuvier, sur une alteration singuliere de quelques Tetes humaines, 1823 — Cuvier sur la Venus Hottentotte — Froberville, sur les Races negres de l'Afrique orientale, 1H50 — Quatrefages (A. de) sur Tangle parietal, et sur uu goniometre, 1858 — Rousseau (J. B.) des Caracteres distinctifs de l'espece humaine, 1859 — Milne-Edwards, sur l'authenticite de la deeouverte d'une Machoire humaine a Moulin-Quignon, 1863 — Primer, die altiigyptische Menschenrasse, 1846 — Expose des titres et Travaux Scientifiques de M. Broca, 1863, etc. several with notes by Br. Davis. 21513 DALTON (E. T.) Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal, imp. 4to. 38 lithographic portraits from Photographs (pub. £6. 6s), cloth, £3. 3s * Calcutta, 1872 Printed for the Government of Bengal ; very few copies have reached Europe. 21514 DAVIS (J. B.) and J. Thurnam, Crania Britannica. Delineations and Descriptions of the Skulls of the early Inhabitants of the British Islands, together with Notices of their other Remains, 60 plates and many woodcuts (pub. at £6. 6s in parts), 6 parts in one vol. folio, cloth £5. 10s Printed for Subscribers only, 1865 21515 the same, 2 vols, in 1, folio, half calf, £6. 1865 21516 - - the same, 2 vols, folio, calf , fine copy, £7 1865 21517 21518 21519 21520 With a proof portrait and autograph letters of the Author. Thesaurus Craniorum : Catalogue of the Skulls of the various Races of Man in the Collection of J. B. Davis, with the Supplement, 8vo. plates and cuts, cloth, 24s 1867-75 the Supplement {separately), 8vo. plates, cloth, 3s 6tZ 1875 Sopra un Cranio Lepcha dell' Imalaja affetto da Torino, 1867 Davis and others, 1865-74 aboriginal Races, plate?. iperostosi, royal 4to. plates, 5s Memoirs on Craniology, by J. B 12 works in one vol. 4to. half calf, £3. 3* Contents : Davis on Synostotic Crania among Haarlem, 1865 ; on the peculiar Crania of the Inhabitants of Groups of Islands in the Western Pacific, plates. 1868 ; Osteology and Peculiarities of the Tasmanians, Haarlem. 1874 ; Contributions towards determining the weight of the Brain in different Races of Man, 1868 — Zaaijer. fiber die Form des Beckens Javanischer Frauen ; etc. 21521 Doornik (J. E.) Over Gall's Herssen-Schedelleer, 8vo. plates, hf. bd. 7s Amst. 1804 21522 ■ Wijsgeerig - Natuurkundig Onderzoek aangaande den Oorspronglijken Mensch, 8vo. red morocco, gilt edges, 3s 6d lb. 1808 21523 Duchinski (F. H.) Necessite des Reformes dans FExposition de 1'Histoire des Peuples Aryas-Europeens et Tourans, particulii'iv- ment des Slaves et des Moscovjtks, 8vo. 2 large ethnologic/! Dill) ps, ,/. OS Paris, 1 81 '4 2090 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21524 Eble (B.) die Lehre von den Haaren in der gesammten organischen Natur, 2 vols. 8vo. plates, 7s 6d Wien, 1831 21525 Eccardi (J. G.) de Origins Germanoruin, eorumque vefcnstissimis Coloniis, Migrationibus ac Rebus gestis libri II, 4to. plates of antiquities, coins, etc. old calf gilt, 7s 6d Gottingce, 1750 2152G Edwards (W. P.) des Caracteres physiologiques des Races liumaines, 8vo. sd. 2s 1829 21527 the same, 8vo. hf. calf, 25s 1829 In the same volume are : Broc (P. P.) Essai sur les Races Humaines, plates, 1836 ; Lereboullet (M.) Esquisses Zoologiqucs sur l'Homme, Stras- bourg. lS4i ; Gosse (L. A.) Deformations Artificielles du Crane, plates. 1855; etc. 21528 Engelhardt (C.) Demnai-k in the early Iron Age, illustrated by recent discoveries in the peat mosses of Slesvig, roy. 4to. (pub. 31s 6d), plates and woodcuts, cloth, 20s 1800 21529 Epps (G. N.) Spinal Curvature, its theory and cure, 4to. coloured plates, cloth, 3s 6d 1849 21530 Ethnological Journal, edited by Luke Burke, Vol. I, Nos. 1-1.1 {all published), in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. calf neat, rare, 17s 6d 1848-49 21531 ETHNOLOGICAL Society of London. Journal of the Ethno- logical Society, 4 vols, rare, 1848-50 —Transactions, 7 vols. 1859-09 ; together 11 vols. 8vo. plates, some coloured, cloth, £0. 10s 1848-09 21532 Fayet (A. N. de) des anciens Peuples de l'Europe, et de lenrs premieres migrations, 8vo. maps, hf. calf gilt, 0s 6d Paris, 1842 21533 Fligieb (C.) zur prsehistorischen Ethnologie Italians, 8vo. sd. 2s Wien, 1877 21534 Friedreich (J. B.) die Weltkorper in ihrer mythisch-symbolischen Bedeutung, herausg. von N. Friedreich, 8vo. sd. 3s 0(7 Wurzburg, 1804 21535 Gaddi (P.) Iperostosi Scrofolosa Cefalo-Vertebrale e Cefalo- Sclerosi Rachitica, plates, Modeua, 1803 — Bibra (F. von) die Algodou-Bay in Bolivien, coloured plates, Wien, 1852 — Cornalia (E.) Illustrazione della Mummia Peruviana del Museo Nazionale di Napoli, frontispiece, Alilano, 1800 — Zoja, Descrizionc di un Tesehio Boliviano Microcefalo, ih. 1874 — Davis, sopra un Cranio Lepcha dell' Imalaja a ffetto da Iperostosi, Torino, 1807 — in I vol. royal folio, half calf gilt, £1. Is 21536 CALL (F. J.) et G. SPURZHEIM, Anatomie et Physiologic, du Systrnie Nerveux en general, et du Cerveau en partieiilier, 4 vols, and Atlas of 100 Plates — 5 vols. imp. folio, half calf gill, fine ''"I'll, £8. 15s Paris, 1810-11' 21537 Gai/ion (F.) Hereditary Genius, 8vo. (pub. 12s), cloth, 0s Gd 1809 21538 Gannal (J. N.) Histoire des Embaumements, 8vo. sd. 3s 6d 1841 21539 GarbiGLETTI (A.) Brevi Cenni intorno ad un Cranio Etrnsco, Torino, n. d. — NlCOLUCCl (G.) intorno a' Crania Britannica de .1. B. Davis e J. Thurnam, Napoli, 1800— Predieri (P.) l'Etat intellectuel des Hydrophobes, Bologne, 1801; and 19 others, in 1 vol. 8vo. hf.calf, lettered Opnscoli Ttaliani, 7s i860-] EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY. APPENDIX: ANTHROPOLOGY. 2091 21540 [Getty (E.)] Notices of the Round Towers of Ulster, plates, n. d. ■ — Grattan (J.) Description of a New Craniometer, plates, n. d, ; 2 vols, in 1, 4to. sd. 16s 21541 Hahn (J. G. von) Sagwissenschaftliche Studien, stout 8vo. sd. 105 Jena, 1876 21542 Hamilton (Lady Augusta) Marriage Rites, Customs and Cere- monies of all Nations of the Universe, 8vo. Ids. 18s 1822 21543 Hamt (E. T.) Precis dc Paleontologie Humaine, 8vo. woodcuts, sd. 5s 1870 21544 Haven (S. F.) Archaeology of the United States, impl. 4to. sd. 21s Washington, Smithsonian Inst. 1855 21545 Hellwald (P. von) Culturgeschichte in ihrer natiirlichen Entwickelung bis zur Gegenwart, stout 8vo. half russia, 10s Augsburg, 1875 21546 Heusinger (C. P.) vier Abbildungen des Schadels der Simia Satyrus, von verschiedenem Alter, zur Aufklarung der Fabel vom Oran utarl, impl. 4to. plates, Ms. 5s Marburg, 1838 21547 Hoffmann (Ernst) der nordliche Ural und das Kustengebirge Pai- Choi, untersucht und beschrieben von einer, in den Jahren 1847-50, durch die K. Russische Geographische Gesellschaft ausgeriisteten Expedition, 2 vols. 4to. ethnological and other plates, the plates stamped, sd. 18s St. Petersburg, 1853-56 21548 Holland (G. C.) Constitution of the Animal Creation, as expressed in Structural Appendages, 8vo. cloth, 3s 6d 1857 21549 Humphry (G. M.) Treatise on the Human Skeleton, stout 8vo. plates, cloth, 18s Camb. 1858 21550 HUNTER (W.) Anatomy of the human gravid Uterus, exhibited in figures, impl. folio, 34 plates, with explanations in Latin and English, hf. calf, 30s Birmingham, J. Baskerville, 1774 21551 Huschke (E.) Schiidel, Hirn und Seele des Menschen und der Thiere nach Alter, Geschlecht und Race, folio, with notes by Dr. Davis, plates, half morocco, 18s Jena, 1854 21552 Ith (J.) Versuch einer Anthropologic oder Philosophie des Menschen nach seinen korperlichen Anlagen, Theil I, 8vo. calf, 2s Winterthur, 1803 21553 Keller (P.) Lake Dwellings of Switzerland and other parts of Europe, translated by J. E. Lee, roy. 8vo. (pub. 31s 6d), nearly 100 plates, cloth, 20s 1866 21554 Kemble (J. M.) Horae Ferales ; or, Studies in the Archaeology of the Northern Nations, edited by R. G. Latham and F. W. Pranks, roy. 4to. plates of weapons, pottery, ornaments, etc. some coloured, cloth, £2. 2s 1863 21555 Kennedy (J.) Essays, Ethnological and Linguistic, 8vo. cloth, 2s 6d 1861 21556 Kopernicki (J.) Czaszki z Kurhanow Pokuckich jako materyjal do Antropologii przedhistorycznej Ziem polskieh, royal 4to. plates of Crania, sd. 6s Krahowie, 1875 21557 Kuhn (A.) die Herabkunft des Feuers und des Gottertranks : ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Mythologie der Indo-germanen, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d 1859 J42 2092 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21558 Lacepede (Cte. de) Histoire naturelle de l'Homme, 8vo. hf. calf, 5s 1827 21559 LATHAM (R. G.) Natural History of the Varieties of Man, 8vo. cloth, .55 1850 21560 Varieties of the Human Species : a Manual of Ethno- graphy, 8vo. cloth, Is 6d 1856 21561 Laveleye (E. de) de la Propriete, et de ses formes primitives, 8vo. half morocco, 7 s 6cl 1877 21562 Lenhoss£k (J.) Az Emberi Koponyaisme : Cranioscopia, 4to. plates, presentation copy, with autograph letter from the author inserted, bds. 10s Budapest, 1875 21563 Deformations artificielles du Crane, 4to. plates and woodcuts, cloth, gilt edges, 7s Budapest, 1878 21564 Ledckart (F. S.) Zwischenkieferbein des Menschen, in seiner normalen und abnormen Metamorphose, roy. 4to. plates, hf. bd. 7s 6d Stuttgart, 1840 21565 Liebeecht (F.) zur Volkskunde : alte und neue Aufsatze, 8vo. sd. 10s Heilbronn, 1879 21566 Link (H. F.) die Urwelt und das Alterthum erlautert durch die Naturkunde, 2 vols. 1821-2 ; das Alterthum und der TTeber- gang- zur neuern Zeit, 1842 — together 3 vols. sm. 8vo. bds. 7s 6d 1821-42 21567 Lubbock (Sir J.) Origin of Civilization and the Primitive Con- dition of Man, 8vo. illustrations, cl. 9s 1870 21568 Lucae (J. C. G.) zur organischen Formenlehre, plates, Frankfurt, 1844 ; de Symmetria et Asymmetria Organorum Animalitatis, imprimis Cranii, j) lates, Marburgi, 1839 — in 1 vol. folio, bds. 14s 1839-44 21569 zur Architectur des Menschenschiidels, folio, 32 plates, half morocco, 21s Franlcfurt, 1857 21570 Masset (G.) Book of the Beginnings, containing an attempt to recover and reconstitute the lost Origines of the Myths, Symbols, Religion and Language, with Egypt for the mouthpiece and Africa as the birthplace, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. (pub. 36s), cloth, 24s 1881 Contents : Vol. I, Egyptian Origines, in the British Isles; Vol. II, in the Hebrew, Akkado, Assyrian and Maori. 21571 MauPvT (L. F. A.) la Terre et l'Homme, ou Apercu historique de Geologie, de Geographic et d'Ethnologie generates, 12mo. hf. calf, 4s 6d 1857 21572 Mayer (B.) Mexican History and Archeology, with notice of Zapotec Remains, royal 4to. Opiates, 7s 6d Washington, Smithsonian Inst. 1856 21573 MicnEL (F.) Histoire des Races Maudites de la France et de l'Espagne, 2 vols. 8vo. sd. 14s 1847 21574 the same, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. cloth, 15s 1847 21575 MILN (J.) Fouilles faites a Carnac (Morbihan) : les Bossenno et le Mont-Saint-Michel, impl. 8vo. map, views, and numerous plates 1 5s Washington, Smithsonian Institution, 1848 From the library of Mr. Barnard Davis, who has written on a blank leaf at the end a very interesting commentary on, or criticism of, the work, in which he remarks that the age of some of these monuments is probably about 2000 years, and that " these investigations confirm the general conclusion of Man's comparatively recent origin." 21616 Stahl (K.) Beitrag zur Pathologie des Idiotismus Endemicus, genannt Cretinismus, plates, Breslau, 1845 ; Neue Beitrage zur Physiognomik und Pathologischen Anatomie der IdiotiaEnde- mica, plates, Erlangen, 1851— Huschke, iiber Craniosclerosis Totalis Rhachitica, Jena, 1858 ; and some numbers of the American Phrenological Journal ; in 1 vol. royal 4to. half calf 18s 21617 Steffexs (H.) Anthropologic, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. 6s 6d Breslau, 1822 2096 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21619 Stuart (M.) De Mensck, zoo als hij voorkomt op den bekenden Aardbol, afgebeeld door J. Kuyper, 6 vols. 8vo. plates, those of Races coloured, half calf, £1. 4s Amst. 1802-7 21620 Swan (J. G.) Indians of Cape Flattery, Strait of Fuca, Wash- ington, impl 4to. woodcuts, sd. 21s Washington, Smithsonian Inst. 1869 21621 Stritteri (J. G.) Memorise Populorum, olim ad Danubinm, Pontinm Euxinum, Paludem Mceotidem, Caucasum, Mare Caspium, et inde niagis ad Septemtriones incolentium, e Sci'ip- toribus Historia3 Byzantina? erutee ac digestai, 4 vols. 4to. half calf, a fine copy, scarce, £4. 10s Petropoli, 1771-79 21622 Tylor (E. B.) Researches into early History of Mankind, and the Development of Civilization, 8vo. (pub. 12s), xooodcuts, cloth, 7s 6d 1870 21623 Tkany (A.) Mythologie der alten Teutschen u. Slaven, 8vo. hf. calf, 5s Znaim, 1827 21624 Tyson (E.) Orang Outang, sive Homo Sylvestris, or the Anatomy of a Pygmie compared with that of a Monkey, an Ape, and a Man, with essay concerning the Pygmies, Cynocephali, etc. of the Ancients, sm. folio, plates of anatomy, old calf, 14s 1699 21625 Vernbau (R.) le Bassin dans les Sexes et dans les Races, 2 vols. royal 8vo. 16 plates, sd. 4s 6d Paris, 1875 21626 Virchow (R.) Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur wissenschaftlichen Medicin, 8vo. plates, hf. calf, 7s 6d Frankfurt, 1856 21627 ■ Beitrage zur physischen Anthropologic der Deutschen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Friesen, 4to. plates of skulls, bds. 8s (id 1876 21628 Virey (J. J.) Histoire Naturelle du Genre Humain, 4 vols, in 2, 12mo. coloured plates, hf. calf, 9s Bruxelles, 1834 21629 Vogt (C.) Vorlesungen iiber den Menschen ; seine Stellung in der Schopfung, 2 vols, in 1, 8vo. woodcuts, If. bd. 9s Giessen, 1863 21630 VROLIK (G.) Dissertatio de Homine ad statum gressumque erectam per corporis fabricam disposito, Lugd. Bat. 1795 — and 8 other works by, or relating to, Vrolik, in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. calf, 10s 21631 Considerations slir la diversity des Bassins de differentes Races Humaines, 8vo. text and 8 folio plates, with 3 original Brawings by Vrolik added, Amst. 1826 — Burgess (G. H.) Views from Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, 1857; in one vol. royal folio, half morocco, 18s 21632 Vrolik Museum. Catalogue de la Collection d' Anatomie humaine, compaive et pathologique, de MM. Ger. et W. Vrolik, par J. L. Dusseau, 8vo. sd. Is 6d Amst. 1865 21633 Weertii (C.) Entwicklung der Menschen-Rassen durch Einwirk- ungen der Auszenwelt, 8vo. bds. 5s Bamgo, 1842 21034 WiaCKER (H.) Wachsthum und Bau des menschlichen Schiidels, part 1, atlas 4to. 17 plates, bds. 18s Beipzig, 1862 21635 "White (C.) Regular Gradation in Man, and in different Animals and Vegetables, plates, 1799 — Weber (M. J.) die Lehre von den Ur-und Racenformen der Schadel und Becken des Men- schen, pla!>s, "DUsseldorf, 1830 — Ross (Sir J.) Appendix to Second EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY. APPENDIX: ANTHROPOLOGY. 2097 Voyage, coloured plates, 1835— Woods (H.) Description of the Fossil Skull of an Ox, front. 1839— Fitzinger (L. J.) iiber die Schadel der Avaren insbesondere iiber die seitlier in Oesterreich anfgefundenen, coloured plates, with a quantity of MS. notes by Dr. Davis inserted, Wien, 1853 ; and others, in 1 vol. roy. 4to. If. calf, £4. 4s 21636 Wilde (W. R.) Catalogue of the (Celtic) Antiquities in the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy, 3 parts complete, 8vo. woodcuts, sd. 20s Dublin, 1857-62 I, Stone, Earthern, and Vegetable Materials ; II, Animal Materials and Bronze ; III, Gold. Part I sold separately at 2s 6d. 21637 Williams (J.) Essays on various Subjects, Philological, Philoso- phical, Ethnological and Archaeological, etc. 8vo. cloth, 5s 1858 Containing Essays on Celtic Coins, Ancient Traditions among certain primitive Nations, Written Records of the Cumri, etc. 21638 Williamson (W. C.) Description of the Tumulus at Gristhorpe, front, presentation copy, with autograph letter, Scarborough, 1836 — Bowman (W.) Reliquiae Antiquaa Eboracenses, plates and cuts, Leeds, 1855— Horner (L.) Researches near Cairo, 2 parts, plates, 1855 — Lithographs of Crania from the Round Towers of Ulster — Vrolik en Van der Hoeven, Beschrijving eenes to Pompei Menscheltike Schedel, Amst. 1859 ; in 1 vol. 4to. If. calf, 25s 21639 Worsaae, Primeval Antiquities of Denmark, translated, and applied to the illustration of similar remains in England, by W. J. Thorns, 8vo. woodcuts, cloth, 5s 1849 21640 Wyman (Jeffries) Fresh- Water Shell Mounds of the St. John's River, Florida, 4to. plates of shell and bone implements, and pottery, sd. 7s &d Salem, Mass. 1875 21641 Zeuss (K.) die Deutschen und die Nachbarstamme, 8vo. hf. calf, 20s Miinchen, 1837 A learned Ethnological work, giving an ample account of ancient tribes and races of Europe. 21642 Zimmermann (E. A. G.) Zoologie Geographique ; premier Article, l'Homme, 8vo. hf. Id. 5s C asset', 1784 21643 Ethnological Tracts, 16 in 1 vol. 8vo. woodcuts, hf. calf, 7s 6d Including : Saull on the Aboriginal tribes of Britain, 1848 — Briggs on the Aboriginal race of India as distinguished from the Sanskritic or Hindu race, 1852 — Kennedy on the probable origin of the American Indians with reference to that of the Caribs, 1854 ; on the Ancient Languages of France and Spain, 1855. 21644 ANTHROPOLOGICAL OPUSCULA, a Collection of over three hundred and fifty octavo books and pamphlets on Anthropology, Craniology and Archaeology, collected by Dr. Davis, many with plates, in six parcels, £10. The following list will give an idea of the contents : — Ackermann, iiber die korperliche Verschie- Berline Gesellschaft fur Anthropologic, denheit des Mannes vom Weibe, hf. bd. 3 nos. 1881 Mainz, 1788 Blumenbach (J. F.) de Generis Humani ,. iiber die Kretinen 1790 varietateNativa.pZaies Goettingas,1781 Bataviaasch Genootschap : Catalogus d. Bonstetten, der Mensch im Suden und im Ethnologische Afdeeling Norden 1825 • Batavia. 1877 ' L'Homme du Midi et l'Homme du Bataillard, les Zlotars 1878 Nord 182G 2098 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Anthropological Opuscula — continued. Boucher de Perthes, etc. THc-mme Fossile en France 1864 Broca, sur l'Hybridite Animale 1860 Instructions Craniologiques et Cranio- metriques 1875 Catlin (G.) The Breath of Life, 25 illustra- tions 1862 Coronel, Schelsen uit het Markersche Volksleven Amst. n. d. Crull, Dissertatio de Cranio 1810 Deschamps, Etudes de Races Humaines Part'*, 1859 Geoffroy, sur les Orangs n. d. Gozzadini, la Xecropole de Villanova 1870 Hamy, les Negritos de Formost 1873 Hceven (van der) Catalogus Craniornm 1860 Anthropologisch Ondezoek 1852 Meigs, Hints to Craniographers 1858 Meiners, die verschiedeuen Menschenarten in Asien, etc. 1811 Morin, les Britanni 1862 Pechlini de Habitu et Colore JEthiopum liber Kiloni, 1677 Perier, Fragmens Ethnologiques 1857 Perty, Anthropologische Vortrage 1863 Porta, die charakteristischen Parallelkopfe, plates ca. 1800 Pomeroy, Synostose des Os du Crane 1869 Price (T.) on Physiognomy and Physiology of Inhabitants of Britain 1 820 Quetelet, sur l'Homme 1842 Rames, l'Homme fossile des Cavernes de Lombrive et de l'Herm 1862 Robert, Age de Pierre, et sur les Monu- ments Celtiques 1865 Roget, Ethnogenie Gauloise 1861 Rigollot, Instruments en Silex trouves a St. Acheul 1854 Sauvage, l'Etat senile du Crane 1870 Schaafhausen, sur 1' Anthropologic pre- historique 1873 Smith (S. Stanhope) Essay on Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species 1788 Thurnham, on the weight of the Brain 1866 Topinard, Races Indigenes de PAustralia 1872 Wagner (Rudolph) Tracts on the Brain, in German, 1 vol. hf. Id. 1858, etc. Naturgeschichte des Menschen 1831 Weisbach, uber Schiidelformen, plates n. d. 21645 CRANIOLOGY : a valuable and interesting Collection of sixty quarto Memoirs, formed by Dr. Barnard Davis, containing a large number of plates, a large parcel, £3. 16s Including the following works : — Calori, sopra un Cranio Scafoideo Bologna, 1871 sopra un antico Cranio Fenicio tro- vato in Sardegna ib. 1879 del Tipo Brachicefalo negli Italiani odierni ib. 1868 Crania, etc. an Atlas of 30 plates Davis on the weight of the Brain in Man 1868 Eberhard, die Menschenrassen Koburg, 1842 Freiburg (I. B.) Catalog der Anthropolo- gischen Sammlung der UniversitSt 1878 Gaddi, Cranio cd Encefalo di un Idiota Modena, 1867 Grattan, Mode of measuring Human Crania, plates n. d. Human remains found in Round Towers of Ulster, plates n. d. On an ancient sepulchral mound n. d. Houssclle, descriptio duorum Craniorum e Gentc Puriana Berol. 1822 Koperincki, Bau der Zigcunerschiidel n. d. Landzert der Stallelwinckel Frank f. 1867 Landzert, Beitriige zur Craniologie Frank/. 1867 Maggiorani, Reminiscenze antropologiche della Sicilia 1871 Meyer (R.) der Gorilla n. d. Riccardi, Studi intorno ad alcuni Crani Araucanos e Pampas Roma, 1879 Schaafhausen, Urform des menschlichen Schlidels Bonn, 1868 Schmidt (E.) Kraniologischo Untersuch- ungen n. d. Schwarz, Novara Expedition, Anthropo- logy Vienna, 1862 Spengel, Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Poly- nesien Schiidel 1876 Spengel, Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Fidschi Insulaner n. d. Weber, Lehre von den Ur- und Racen- Formen der Schiidel des Menschen Dilss. 1830 Weisbach, der deutsche Weiberschiidel n. d. Weisbach, Schiidel aus Grabstiitten in Bohmen n. d. Wittwerck, de varia Humani Cranii forma Btrol. 1825 V. APPENDIX. Works in Various European Languages, forming a Supplement to the preceding sections. 21646 Attwell, Table of the Aryan (Indo-European) Languages, showing their classification and affinities, with Grimm's law of the interchange of mute consonants : a wall-map, folded, folio, 2s 32 — Vitterhets-Academien 2049 — Vitterhets Nojen 2049 — Witterhetsstycken 2049 — Celtic— Wilde 2097 — Danish— Worsaae 2097 — Finno-Ugrian— Aspelin 2101 — Galicia— Sivelo 2100 — Manx— Curaming 2066 — Norwegian— Rygh 2100 — Scandinavian — Sjoborg 2038 — Teutonic— Schiller 2020 — see Archaeology Antommarchi (L.) Planches Anat. 2086 Antonescu (G. M.) Diet. Rinnan 2057 Apocalipsis, Apocalypse, see Bible Apocrypha, see Bible Arabic— Vallancey 2064 Arbonne (Eglise d') Form, de Prone 2001, 2013 Archaeological Soc. of Athens 2058 Archaeological Soc., Irish 2061-63 Archajology— Altas de Arch, da Nord 2033 — Davies (W.) 2067 — Ellesmere (Earl of) 2033 — see Antiquities Archaionomia, Anglo-Saxon 2022 Architecture — Brunius 2044 Archiv fiir Anthrop. 2086 Archivio Glottologico Italiano 1995 Are's Islanderbuch 2035 Arendt, Register 2003 Aribe, dialect— Bonaparte 2012 Armenian — Bopp 2004 Armorial Bearings of Man — Oswald 2065 Armoric Lang. — Manoir 2061 — Williams 2075 — Zeuss 2061 Armorica — Courson 2088 Armstrong (R. A.) Gaelic Diet. 2064 Arna-MagnEeus — Thorkelin 2034 Arndt (C. G. von) Europ. Sprachen 1996 Arndt (J.) Tchtiri Knighi 2081 Arpi Themis Cimbrica 2018 Arratia, dialect — Doctrina 2000, 2013 Arsenius (Kasspar) — Pobozna Knjzka 2078 Arsskrift af Vetenskaps-Soc. — Upsala 2049 Art Dictionary (Dutch)— Buys 2025 Arwidsson, Upplysn. af Finlands Hafder 2014 Aryan languages 2017-86 — Bonaparte, dialects 2003, 2012 — Kuhn u. Schleicher 2007 — Pictet 2009 Aryan (Non-) Langs. 2012-17 Aryan races — Duchinski 2089 Asaphen (Richardus) — Bible 2066 Asbjoinsen (P. C.) Norweg. Volks- marschen 2039 — Tales from the Fjeld 2035 Ascoli (G. I.) Archivio 1995 — Corsi di Glottologia 199$ — Lautlehre des Sanskrit 1996 — Zigeunerisches 2084 Asia— Obermiiller 2061 Asiatic Langs. — Adelung 1995 — Hervas 2006 — Kennedy 2006 — see Oriental Asiatic Races— Hervas 2008 Meiners 2098 Asiatic Society of Bengal 2012 Asmus (l\) Indogerm. Religion 2087 Aspelin (J. R.) Antiquite"s Finno- Ougriennes 2101 Asserbo et Soborg, Vestiges do 2033 Assert atio Antiq Oxon. Academ. 2022 Astarloa, Lengua Bascon. 2 1 1 Astete, Cate'chisine Espagnol 2002,2013 Astrolabe (1") e la Zdle'e, Pole-Stul 20S7 Astuvian dialect, S. Matteo 1999 — see Bonaparte (52) 1999 Athens, Archseol. Soc. of 2058 Athravaeth Gristnogavl 2067 Atlas de Arche'ologie du Nord 2.33 INDEX. Attwell (H.) Table of Aryan Lang. 1996, 2099 Atzeler (F.) German. Elements 2050 Aunis, Dialect of— Favre 20i2 Australia— Angas 2086 — Topiuard 2098 Austrian Dialects— Castelll 2028 Authors, Diet, of— Eralew 2040 Nyernp og Kraft 2033 — O'Reilly 2063 Avril (J. t.) Diet. Provencal 2050 Azof, Sea of— Lettres 2082 Azpiazu, Bible (Basque) 1997 Azpiroz, see Erro 2013 Bacon-Tacon, Origines Celt. 2074 Babukic (B.) Ilir. Gram. 2079 Bachofen (J J.) Mutterrecht 2087 Baecker (L. de) Gr. des langues franc. 2099 Bm 2073 Bardic Institution — Ossianic Soc. 2fi63 Bards, British— Nash 2070 Barnes (W.) Ancient Britain 2060 — Se Gefylsta, Anglo-Sax. Delect. 2022 Barrington (Daines) — Alfred's Oro- sius 2021 Barrois (F.) Elements Carloving. 1996 Bartholinus de Naturae mirab. 2(39 Bartlett, Progress of Ethnol. 2087 Bartsch (K.) Chrestom. Francaise 2050 — Chrest. Provencale 2050 — see Komances et Pastourelles 2055 Basque 2012, 2101 — Baecker 2099 — Bible and parts — see Bible — Bonaparte, list of dialects 2003 Etudes 2003 RUT " 111. Illargi, Illun " 2003 — — Langue Basque 2000 sur remarques de Luchaire 2008 sur certaines notes 2003 Tableau du verba 2001 Verbe Basque 2002 — Carte des sept prov. 2001 — Co I da guisa batzuc 2002 — Dialogues 1997 — Doctnna Cristiana 1998, 2000 Form, de Prone 2001 — Inclianspe, Veibe Basque 1998 — Jeauscrlstoren Evang. 2003 — Roncevalles, and Juniper 1003 Basque Provinces— Baudriraont 2085 Michel 2014 Basque Kaces — Humboldt 2013 Michel 2014 Perochcgui 2014 Haitian [A ) Bestandlge in den Menchenrassen 2087 — ReUr&ge zur Psychologie — Ethnolog. Studien 2087 — Bechtsverh<nlsse Bataillard, Bougmlens — le Zlotara 2 20 2052 2030-31 2054 2035 1999 2000 1996 2050 2053 1996 2055 2055 2043 2043 2043 2010 Bataviaasch Genootschap 2097 Battle of Gabhra— Ossianic Soc. 2063 Baudrimont (A.) Vocab. Bohemien 2085 Baudry (F.) les freres Grimm Bauer (A.) — Diez Bavarian Dialects — Schmeller Baveux, dial. etc. — Pluquet Bayluon (G.) Icelandic Gr. Paynes, Somersetshire dialect Baztan, dialect— Prof, de Jonas Bazzigher (J.) Ascoli Beam dialect— Bonaparte 2003 — Lespy Bechtel (F.) Bezeichnungen Becket (Thomas a) von Bekker Bekker (1.1— Thomas a Becket Bellmann (C. M.) Skriftcr — Sanger — Fredmans Epistlar Bendall (H.)— Schleicher Beneeke (G. F.) Mittelhoehd. Worterb. 2028 Benfey (T.) Hermes, Minos, etc. 2087 — Indogerm. Genitiv 1996 — Optativ 1996 — Sprachwissensch. in Deutschl. 1996 — Suffix ia 1996 — Verbum Anbh-Nabh 1996 — Vokativs 1996 Bengal, Ethn.— Dalton 2089 Benloew (L.) la Grece 2060 — Science des Langues 2012 Benson (Th.) Vocab. Anglo-Saxon 2022 Beowulf, Poems, by Kemble 2022 by Thorpe 2022 Bergamesc dialect — S. Matthew 1998 Berger de Xivrey (J.) Traditions 2087 Bergklint, Skrifter, see Utmarkta 2049 Bergmann (F. W.)— Edda-Geschichte 2036 Bergnedan (Guillem von) Lieder 2050 Berkhout (T. van)— Harte (Bret) 2026 Berlic (J. A.) Illir. Gr. 2079 Berline Gesellschaft fur Anthrop. 2097 Bermeo, dialect— Doctrina 2000, 2013 Berne— Forbes 2032 Beronie (Nic.) Diet. Bas-Limousin 2050 Berrington (Mrs.)— Schulz (A.) 2071 Bertran de Born, Stimming 2050 Besluther, Stadgar, etc. 1604-91 2043 Bevis of Hampton, see Charlemagne 2066 Bezsonov (P.)— Jagic 2079 Bezzenberger (A.) Beitrage indogerm. Spraehen 1996 — Geschichte der litau. Spr. 2017 Biaudet (G.)— Aspelin 21ul Bible, Polyglott (Parab. de Semin) 1997 — Albanian (S. Matt.) 2002, 2003 — Anglo-Saxon (S. Matt.) see Hensball 2024 (Heptat. etc.) see Caedmon see Grein, Bibl. see Heliand — Asturian (S. Matt.) — Basque ^1859) (1859-65) (S. John) (Pioph. of Jonah) (S. Matt ) (Prod Matthsei) (Parab. of Sower) (Salmo L) (Revelations) (Ruth) (Sung of Solomon) (Cant, des trois jeunes gens) 1997, 2002 — Bergamesc (S. Matt. — Bolognese (S. -Matt.; ). Matthew: Bong of Solomon) 1997, 2024 2023 2023 2023 1999 19H7 1998 2003 2000 2014 19'J7 2003 200 2 1997, 1998 1998 1997-2000 1998 2074 1998 Bible. Bulgarian (N. Test.) 2079 — Culabrian (S. Matt ) 2000, 2002 — Cambrian (Song of Sol.) 1998 — S uth Carelian (S. Matt.) 2001 — Corsicun (S. Matt.) 1999 (Prodigal Son) 1998 — Danish (1861) 2039 (1864) 2040 (New Test.) 2043 see Pedersen 2042 — Devonshire dialect (S. Matt.) 2001 — English dialects (23) (Song of Sol.) 1999 — Finnish 2014 — Fianche-Comtd dialect (S. Matt.) 2001 — Frisic (S. Matt.) 1999 — Friuli dialect (S. Matt.) 1998 — Gaelic 2064 (Apocrvpha) 1998 (Song of Solomon) 1998 — Gahcian (S. Matt.) 1999 — Genoese (S. Matt ) 1998 — Old German (Gen. u. Exod.) 2029 see Otfrid 2030 see Tatian 2031 — Gothic (S. John) 2021 see Codex Argent. 2021 see Henshall 2024 — Greek of Corsica (Prod. Son) 1998 — Gipsy (Song 'of Sol.) see Ghlleng- hieri 2085 — Guernsey dialect (S. Matt.) 2001 — Icelandic 2035 — Irish (New Test.) 2063 (Song of Solomon) 1998 — Lettish (N. Test.) 2018 — Livonian (S. Matthew) 2000 — Manx (Song of Solomon) 1998 — Milanese (S. Matt.) 1998 — Mordwinic (S. Matt.) 2001 — Neapoletan (S. Matt.) 1998 — Northumberland dialect (Ruth) 1999 (Song of Sol.) 1999 — Ostiak (S. Malt.) 2002 — Permic (S. Matt.) 2001 — Picard (S. Matt.) 2001 — Piedmontese (S. Matt.) 1998 — Provencal (S. Matt.) 2001 — Romagnol (S. Matt.) 2001 — Romanese (S. Matt.) 1999 — Romansch, see Nott da Por- ta 2056 — Russian (Gen.) 2051 (Song of Solomon) 1999 — Sardinian (Cant, de' Cant.) 1999 (Proph. of Jonah) 1998-20"1 (Story of Joseph) 1998-2000 (S. Matt.) 1999,2001 (Ruthl 1998-2000 (Song of Solomon) 1998-2000 — Lowland Scotch (S. Matt.) 2000 fTsalms) 1999 (Song of Sol.) 1999, 2000 Shetland (Par. of Sower) 2003 — Servian (N. Test.) 2080 — Sicilian (Ruth) 1998 (S. Matt.) 1998 (Cantico de' Cant.) 1998 — Siebenbiirgisch (Song of Solomon) 1999 — Slavonic (Church) 2076 — Swedish 2044 — Svrjcnic (S. Matt.) 2001 — Theotisc— see Tatian 2031 — Transylvanian Saxon (Song of Sol.) 1999 — Tsehcrcmissic (S. Matt.) 2001, 2002 — Vannetais (Song of Solomon) 1998 — Venetian ;S. Matt.) 1998 — Vogul dialect (S Matt.) 2002 — Welsh (Song of Sol ) 1998 (Salesbury's N. Test.) 2H7J (Parry, ICiO) 2066 — Wotlak S. Matt.) 2000 — Xaintonges dialect (S. Matt.) 2001 INDEX. Bible — Bonaparte, list of dialects 2003,2012 — Royaumont's Hist. 2014 Biblical (American) Repository 2012 Bibliography, Manx — Harrison 2065-6 — Norwegian— Botten-Hausen 2040 — Swedish— Klemming 2045 Bibliotheca Monensis 2065-6 Bibliotheque Impl. de St. Pdtersbourg 2076 Bibra (F. von) Algodou-Bay. 2090 Bilbao, Basque dialect of — Cant, des Cant. 2000 Bindseil (H. E.) zur vergl. Sprachlehre 1996 2099 Binna (D.)— Nott da Porta ' 2056 Biorner (E. J.) Nord. Kampa Dater 2035 Biornson (St.)— Rymbegla 2038 Biographical Diet. — Nyerup og Kraft 2033 — Williams (R.) 2074 Biondelli (B.) Atlante Ling. 1997 — Studi Ling. 1996 Birch (S.) Opening of Mummy 2094 Biscaien dialect — see Basque Black Sea— Guthrie 2083 — Reuilly 2084 Blade" (J. F.) Contes en Agenais 2050 Blazewicz (T.) Gram, dacoroman. 2057 Bleek, Origin of Lang. 1997 Bteeker (P.) — Craniology 2089 Bloeh (M) Ungar. Taschenwb'rterb. 2015 Blumenbach(J. F.) Collect. Craniorum 2087 — Generis humani varietas 2097 Blundell (W.) Hist, of Man 2066 Bock (J. G.) Idiot. Prussicum 2031 Boehmer (E.) Roman. Studien 2050 Boethius, Anglo-Saxon 2021 Boetticher, Arica 2012 — Wurzel Forschungen 2012 Bottiger (C. W.)-Tegner 2048 Bohemia, Crania— Weisbach 2093 Bohemian 2078 — Fruhling 2076 — Linde 2081 Bois-Reymond (F. H. du) Kadmus 1997 Boitard, Monde Antddiluvien 2087 Bojesen (Maria) Danish Gr. 2101 Bolivia, crania— Bibra 2090 Zoja 2090 BoHer, die finn. Sprachen 2014 — Conjugation 2014 — Decimal ion 2014 — Magyar. Etymol. 2015 Bologuese dialect— S. Matteo 2000 Bolton dialect — Song of Sol. 1999 Bonaparte (Prince Louis Lucien) Philological Publications 1997 — Cat. des Ouvrages 1997, 2004 — Classification morph. 2000 — Specimen Lexici 2010 — Works on Basque Language 2012 — Carte des sept provinces Basques 2001 — les trois dialectes 2003 — sur les mots III, Illargi, etc. 2003 — Langue Basque 2000 — List of dialects 2003 — Remarques de Luchaire 2003 — Monosyll. " que " 2003, 2050 — Tabl. du verbe Guipuscoan 2001 — Verbe Basque en tableaux 2002 — Notes de Vinson 2003 — Cornish Literature 2075 — dialects de la Corse 2003 — Neo-Latin subst. 2003, 2050 — Orthographe de Langue d'Oil 2055 — Sonetto Romanesco 2055 Bonstetten, Mensch im S. u. N. 2097 — l'Homme du M. et da N\ 2097 Boogard (J. A.)— Craniology 2089 Boonzajer— Schuercn 2027 Bepp (Franz) Conjugations-system 2003 — Verglcich. Gram. — Gr. comparee 2004 — Comparative Gr. 2004 — Sprache dcr alten Freussen 2017 — - Vocalismus 2004 Borel (P.) Tresor de Recherches 2050 Born (Bert ran de) Leben, von Stimming 2050 Borrow (G.) Romano Lavo-Lil 2085 — Targum 2004 — Zincali 2085 Bosse Hist., see Herraudi et Bosk 2036 Bose (C.) Wend. Wbitorbuch 2084 Bosnian — Linde 2081 Bosft-orth (J.)— Alfred's Europe 2021 — Alfred's Orosi.s 2021 — Anglo-Saxon Gr. 2022 — Dictionary 2022-3 — Origin of Engl. etc. 2J18 Botin (A.) Swenska Hemraan 2041 Botten-Hausen (P.) Norvege Litteraire 2040 Boucher de Perthes, Antiq. Celtiques 2087 — de la Creation 2088 — l'Homme fossile 2098 Eounet (P.) Moun paure Patois 205J Bouterwek (K. W.)— Casdmon 2023 Bowman (\V.) Reliquse Eboracenses 2097 Bowring, Poetry of Magyars 2015 — Polish Poets 2H80 — Russian Poets 2081 Boye— Hulberg 2041 Brain, Works on— Davis 2l 89, 2098 — Morton 2093 — Thurnham 2098 — Wagner (R.) 2098 Brandt— Pedersen 2042 Braune (W.) Goth. Gram. 2021 — Gothic Grammar 2021 Bre"al(M.)— Bopp 2004 Bremer (F.) Lifvet 2044 Bremisch-Niedersachs. 'Worterb. 2028 Bresemann (Fr.) and W. Jones, Danish Dialogues 204O Breton 2074 — Baecker 2099 — S. Mathieu 1998 — Song of Solomon 1998 — Songs — Villemarque - 2074 Briefe Descript. of Ireland 2063 Briggs, Aborig. race of India 2097 Bring (S.) Samling ap Hand. 2041 Brinkmann (F.) Metaphern 20j4 Brisman (S.) Svenskt Lexicon 2044 Britain— Price 2094, 2098 — Ancient— Barnes 2060 — Cymmrod. 2067 — Davis 20S9 — Lhuyd 2061 — Morin 2098 — Nennius 2062 — Saull 2097 British Ancient langs. — Lhuyd 2061 British (Cymric) see Welsh British Isles — see Britain Britons — see Britain Brittany— Courson 2088 — Lhuyd 2061 — Miln 2092, 2099 Broc (P.P.) Races hnmaines 2088,2090 Broca (P.) l'Hybiiditd 2098 — Instructions Craniolog. 2098 — ses Congres d'Anthrop. 2<>8S — see Cuvier 2089 Broocman (F.)— Spcgel 2048 Brook .Miss) Reliques 2062 Brougliton (Lord Albania 2060 Brouwer (C.) Engravings — Engelsche Tieranny 2025 Brown (T. R.) Dictionary of English, etc. 2004 Bruce-Whyte, Langues Romanes 2050 Bruginan (K )— see Osthoff Brunius, Skanes Konsthistoria 2044 Brunnmark, Swedish Gr. 2044 Brunswick— Schiller 2039 Brut, Roman de, see Waco Brutus, see Owen (David) Budai (F) Magyar OrszagPolgari 2015 Budenz (J.) Plural. Possessiv-afflxe 2014 Biihlur (J. A.) Gram. Rhato-Romonsch 2056 Bugey— Baeon-Tacon 2074 Bulgarian 2079 — Grammar (1859) 2079 — Old— Leskien 2077 Bunsen (E. von) die Plejaden 2088 Burgaud des Mavets, S. Matt. 2001 Burgess (G. II.) Honolulu 2096 Burguy (G. F.) Gr. de la Langue d'Oil 2051 Burke (L.)— Ethnol. Journal 2090 Burmann (A.) Autograph — Saxo 2033 Burnell (Dr.1 MSS.— Borrow 2085 Burnouf, Observ. sur le Pali 2012 Busk (G.)— Congres d'Anthrop. 2088 Buss— Rask 2028 Butler (R.)— Dymmok 2063 Buttmann (P.) Mythologus 2004 Buys (E.) Dictionary (Dutch) 2025 — see Sewel 2027 Byzantine Hist.— Krug 2084 Caballero (F.)— Hervas 2006 Cabestanh (Guillem de) Leben, von Hiiffer 2051 Cffidmon's bibl. Dichtungen 2023 — Metrical Paraphrase 2023 Cagliari, Dialect— Prof, di Giona 1998 — S. Matteo 1999 — Storia di Giuseppe 1999 Cailleux (T ) Origine Cellique 2088 Caius (J.) Antiq. Cantebrig. Acad. 2022 — Hist. Academic 2022 — Pronunt. Gr. et Lat. 2022 Cairo— Horner 2097 Calabrian dialect— S. Matthew 2000, 200 J Calendar, Anglo-Saxon— Menologium 2024 — of Irish Saints— O'Clery 2062 — of Oingus— Three Glossaries 2063 — Runic— Wolff 2039 Callimachus, Codix tes Moldabias 2059 Calori, Cranio Scafoideo 2098 — Cranio Fenicio 2098 — Tipo Brachicefalo 209 -i Calvary (Mounr) 8075 Cambiesier, Diet. Walon 2056 Cambrian Langs., Song of Solomon 1998 see also Welsh, Breton, Cornish — Hist, and Liter.— Davies t\V.) 20G7 Cambrian Journal, Cornish Lit. 2000 Cambridge— Caius 2022 Cambro-British Saints, Lives 2073 Camden — Harrison 2066 Campbell (J. F.) Leabhar na Feinno 2064 — Tales of W. Highlands 2064 Campbell (J) Negro-Mania 2088 Camper (P.) Verscbil der Wezen- strckken 2088 — Redenvoeringen 2088 — Unterschied d. Gesichtsziige 2088 Cankof (A. und D. K.) Bulgar Gr. 2079 Cantico de Cantici, Canticum, Can- , etc., see Bible Cantique des trois jeunes gens, see Bible Canutus — Jiidske Lowbog 2041 Card. ile (J. S)— Alfred's Boethius 2021 Carelian (South)— S. Matthew 2001 Cargese, Dialect — Prodigal Son 1998 Caribs— Kennedy 2097 4 INDEX. Carinthian— Kopitar 2084 Carisch (0.) Gram. Rh'atoroman. 2056 Carlovingian — Barrois 1996 Carlovingian History— Schilter 2020 Curmarda (D.) S. Matt., Albanian 2003 Calabrian 2003 Carnac, Archseol.— Miln 2092, 2099 Carnhuanawc. see Price (Th.) 2070 Carniolian— Kcpitar 2084 — Linde 2081 Carols, Christmas— Gilbert 2075 Carpenter (W. H.) Neu-island Gr. 2035 Carson (A.) Baptism 2012 Carus (C. G.) Atlas de Cranioscopie 2088 — Symbolik d. Gestalt 2088 Casaubon (M.) de quatuor Linguia 2023 Casenave, Proph. of Jonah 2000 Cassii (B.) Inst. Ling. IllyricR 2079 Castelli, Gedichte 2028 Caster, dialect — Couzinie" 2051 Castle of Love 2008 Castien CM. A.) Ostjak. Sprachlehre 2077 — Gram. Tscheremissa 2015 Catalogues des ouvrages e"d. par Bona- parte 1997, 2004 Catechism, Polish, by P. Glodius 2080 Catechisme (le petit) Espagnol 2013 Caterbi, S. Matteo 1999 Catherine II of Russia — Adelung 1995 Catlin (G.) Breath of Life 2098 Caucasus, Insciipt. — Pomialowsky 2102 — Races of Miiller 2014 Celsis (A.)— Forthan 2033 Celtic Languages 2060 — Diefenbach 2004 — Celtic Hexapla 1998 — Kuhn u. Schleicher 2007 — Leibnitz 2007 — Pott 2009 — Sparschuh 2010 Celtic Antiq.— Boucher de Perthes 2087 Cailleux 2088 Robert 2098 Wilde 2097 Celtic Early Ilistory— Diefenbach 2060 Jones 2061 Lhuyd 2061 Prichard 2091 Centronia, dialect of— Pont 2054 Centro, dialect — Doctiina Crist. 2000, 2013 Ceylon-Portuguese— Fox 2057 Chabailles— Crespin (Saint) 2051 Chaldee— Guichard 2005 — Harris 2012 — Vallancey 2064 Challoner's Isle of Man 2065 Chamberlayne (J.) Oratio Dominica 2004 Chambers (Col.)— Borrow 2085 Chanson de Roland, see Roland Chardry's Josephaz, Set Donnanz, nnd Petit Plet 2051 Charlemagne, by Michel 2051 — Williams 2066 Charlyma>-n, see Charlemagne Charma (M. A.) do Sommeil 2094 Charters, Anglo - Saxon — Codex Dlplom. 2023 — German — Grimm 2019 — Irish— Miscellany 2062 Chartres, Notre-Dame de — Le Mar- chant 2053 Chaucer— Ellis 2008 Chemistry— Kichter 2051 Chersonese (Taurlc)— Slestrzencewlcz de Bohusz 2084 Chevallet (A. de) Langue Franc. 2051 Chiohekof, Racines des [diomefl 2076 Chiffl irt. etchings — Chanson de Roland 2096 Chinese— Eidd 2012 Chodzko (A.) Gr. Puldoslave 207C Chodzko (A.) Polish Diet. 2080 Choix de Chansons Wallonnes 2056 Christ, Life, in Creole— Putman 2057 Christendoms Saga— Sagan 2038 Christian I of Denmark — Huitfeldt 2040 Christian II of Denmark— Oloffsson 2040 Christian IV, Rette og Forordringer 2040 — Erich 2040 Christian (T.)— Manx Miic. 2066 Christian (William)— Records 2066 Christiera — see Christian Christmas Carols - Gilbert 2075 Christy (H.) Stone Implements 2088 Chronica Regum Manniae, Munch 2066 Chronicles, Danish— Riimkronike 2042 — Jutland— Strelow 2043 — Saxon — Ancient History 2022 — Swedish— Svenska Forn. Sails. 2048 Chun-Dchi-Khan, Book of 2081 Church Discipline — Peter the Great 2082 Church Hist.— Konungs-Skugsja 2037 — Kyrko-Lagen 2046 — Thomaeus 2049 Church Slavonic 2076 Cihac (A. de) Diet. Daco-Romane 2057 Circassian — Loewe 2008 Cize (Valley of) dialect— Prof, de Jonas 2000 Clarke (J. T.)— S. Mark's Chapel 2066 Classics, Gr. and Lat. — Herrmann 2005 Classification de L. L. Bonaparte 2000 Clay and Crellin, Currency of Man 2066 Cleasby (R.) Icelandic Diet. 2035 Clelends (J.) Etimol. Vocab. 2060 Clemens (A.) Walach. Worterbuch 2057 Clement (K. J.) Nordgerm. Welt 2088 Cluny, Hotel de— Saint Surin 2055 Clynog (Morys) — Athravaeth 2067 Cnapli (G.) Thesaurus Polonus 2080 Coekburn (W.) Origin of the World 2012 Codex Argenteus 2021 — Diplomaticas— Keroble 2023 — Exoniensis— Thorpe 20'J3 — Juris Upland., Schlyter 2035 — MS. Digby 86 2051 — Runicus 2035 — Vercellensis— JElfric Soc. 2021 Codrika (P.) Melete tes Ellenikes Dialekton 2058 — see Fontenelle 2058 Cohen (A. D.) Jb'diske Novellcr 2040 Coins, see Numismatics College of Surgeons 2088 Collin (H. S.)— Corpus Juris Sueo-Got. 2044 Collin (M.)— Donatus 2078 Colloquia et Diet, octo ling. 2004 Columbi (S.) Bibliske Werld 2044 Columbkille (St.)— Miscellany 2062 Comenii (J. A.) Januse Ling. Vestib. 2080 Comparative Philology 1995 Comparetti (D.) Saggi Grecl 2060 Complete Polish Diet. ( 1 849) 2080 Conan, Festivities of — Ossianic Soc. 2063 Congres Intern. d'Anthrop. 2088 Connellan — Ossianic Soc. 2063 Conquest of Ireland, Michel 2051 Coniadi (M.) Roman. Tascheworterb. 2056 Conscience (H ) Houtcn Clara 2025 Constantinescu (B.) Probe di Ltmba 2057 Contes— Barbazan 2060 — de Bayeux— Pluquet 2054 — en Ag'cnais— Blade" 2050 Coormaert (Dlrck Volkacrt) Plates by— Vander Noot 2027 Copenhagen— Museum Anat. 2093 Copenhagen Hist.— Vallensbeck 2043 Copla guisa batzuc (Quatrains) 2002, 2013 Coptic— Abel 1995 Corblet (J.) Glossaire Picard 2051 Cormac— Three Glossaries 2063 Cornalia (E.) Mummia Peruv. 2090 Cornish 2075 — Lhuyd 2061 — Cornish Literature 2000 — Zeuss 2061 Cornish dialect— Song of Sol. 1999 Cornu-British — see Cornish Cornwall— Lhuyd 2061 Coronel, Markersche Volksleven 2098 Corpe (H.) Introd. to Greek 2058 Corpus Juris Sueo-Gotorum 2044 Correze, dialect — Beronie 2050 Corsican dialacts— Bonaparte 2003 — S. .Matteo 1999 — Prodigal Son 1998 Cosenza dialect— S Matteo 2000 Cosijn (P. J.) Altwestsach. Gram. 2023 Costa(Pereira da)— Congres d'Anthrop. 2088 Cothi (L G.) Gwaith 2067 Cotton MS. of Orosius 2021 Courson (A. de) Colonis. de la Bretagne 2088 Couzinii (J. P.) Diet. Rom.— Castrais 2051 Cowell's Inaugural Lecture 2051 Cox (G.) Harrison 206G — see Otto 2082 Craig (J. P.) Provencal Handbook 2051 Craniology 20f6 — Atlas of Crania 20!>8 — Delgado 2090 -r Lithographs of Crania 2097 — 60 Memoirs on 2098 — 23 Tracts 2089 Crasnich (G )— S. Matt. 2002 Craven, dialect— Song of Sol. 1999 Cregeen (A.) Manx Diet. 2065 Crellin— see Clay 2066 Creole dialects 2057-58 Crespin (Saint) Mystere de 2051 Cresten von Troies, >i Romans 2051 Crimea— Guthrie 2083 — Lettres 2082 — Reuilly 2084 Croat 2079-80 — Linde 2081 Crofton (H. T.)— see Smart (B. C.) 2085 Crousillat (A. B.) la Bresco 2051 Crull, de Cranio 2098 Cumming (J.) Antiquities of Man 2066 — see Challoner 2065 — see Sacheverell 2065 Crusenstolpe— Witterhetsstycken 2049 Csink (J.) Hungarian Gr. ' 2015 Cumberland dialect— Song of Sol. 1999 Cuvier (F.) Dents des Mammiferes 2089 Cuvier (G.) Anthrop. Memoirs 2089 — TStes humaines 2089 — Venus Hottentotte 2089 Cymmrodor (Y) 2067 Cymmrodorion 2066 Cymric, British— see Welsh Czech, see Bohemian Daco-Rouman — see Rnuman Dafydd ab Gwilym, Barddon. 2067 Dakoromansch, see Ronman Dalekarlia — Diplomatarium 2044 Daihunty— Delgado 2099 — see Pereira da Costa 2100 Dalin (A. F.) Svenska Ordbok 2044 Dallin iB.)— Christian IV 2040 Dalmatia— Fortis 2080 — Wilkinson 2080 Dalmatian — Linde 2081 Dalton (E. T.) Ethn. of Bengal 2089 Danish i!039, 2101 — Graff 2019 — Halderson 2036 INDEX. Danish— Magni (Regis) Leges 2037 — Meidinger 2020 — Nyerup og Kraft 2033 — Recherchessurl'origine 2100 — Saxo Grammaticus (1575) 2033 — Snorre Sturleson 203s — Worm 2034 Danish dialects— Molbech 2042 Danish Authors— Erslew, Lex. 2040 Danske Ordbog 2040 Dasent (G. W.j— Asbjornsen 2u35 — see Cleasby 2035 — see Njals Saga 2037 — see Kask 2038 — see Snorra Sturleson 2038 Dauphine"— Forbes 2032 David's Psalter — see Bible Davids (A. L.) Philos. of Jews 2012 David (J.) Gr. Grecque Moderne 2058-9 — Modern Greek Gr. 2058 Davidson— Bleek 1997 Davies (E.) Claims of Ossian 2064 Davies (Dr. John) Flores Poet. Brit. 2067 — Diet., see Lhuyd 2061 — Ling. Brit. Rudim. 2067 — see Cymmrodor 2067 Davies (W.) Rhydid 2067 — Gwaith 2067 — see Cymmrod. 2067 Davis (J. B.) Thesaurus Craniorum 2089 Suppl. 2089 — Cranio Lepcha 2089-90 — see Anthropological Opusc. 2097 — see Memoirs on Craniulogy 2089, 2098 — see Nicolucci 2090 — Books from Library of 20S6 — and J. Thurnam, Crania Britannica 2089 see Nicolucci 2090 Davis (E. H.)— Squier 2095 Davydof (I.) Lectures 2081 Dean of Lismore's Book 2064 De Bo (L. L.) Westvlaamsch Idioticon 2025 Deheque (F. D.) Diet. Grec-moderne 2058 Dehn (J.) Excelsior 2040 — See Tiden an 2040 — Skizzer fra London 2040 Dekker (E. D.) Max Havelaar 2025 Delbriick (B.) und E Windisch, Synt. Forschungen 2004 Delen (C.I Svenskt Lex. 2044 Delfortrie (E. J.) sur les Analogies 2025 Delgado (J. F. N.) Grutas da Cesareda 2099 Delhi, Inscript.— Turneur 2012 Delia Bella (A.) Dizzion. lllirico 2079 Denbigh Eisteddfodd— Gwyneddion 2068 Denhardt (H.)— Asbjornsen 2039 Denmark— Christian I 2040 — Christian II 2010 — Engelhardt 2090 — JUdske Lowbog 2041 — Regesta Diplom. 2033 — Saxo Gramma' icua 2033 — Scheel 2042 — Vallensbeck 2043 — Wheaton 2034 — Worm 2039 — Worsaae 2097 — see also Scandinavia Denton (\V.)— Mijatovies 2079 Derby (James, Vllth Earl of)— Manx Misc. 2066 Derjavin, Sochineniya 2081 Deschamps, Etudes de Races 2098 Desiardins (E.) Monuments Epigraph. 2099 Dessalles— Crespin (Saint) 2051 Devonshire dialect— S. Matthew 2001 — Song of Solomon 1999 D'Hasendonck — see Hasendonck Dialects — see place where spoken Dialogue of Salomon and Saturnus — jElfric Soc. 2021 Dialogues Basques 1997, 2013 Dialoguri Romano-Nemtseschti 2057 Dickson (T. G.)— Vincent 2060 Dictionarium Scoto-Celt. 2064, 2101 Dictionarium Trilingue — Polycaipof 2077 Dictionarius Sex Linguarum 2011 Dictionary (Polyglott) iu four langs. 2009 — English and Danish 2040 — of Quotations 2004 Dictionnaiie de Poche Hollandais2101 — Frauc.-Russe 2081 — Laiiguedocien, par S. 2055 Diefenbach (L.) Celtica 2060 — Lexicon Compar. 2004 — Origines Europ. 2005 — Roman. Schriftsprachen 2051 Diemer (J.)— Genesis u. Exodus 2029 Dieterich (U. W.) Runen-Sprach- Schatz 2035 — Schwed. Gram. 2044 Dietrich (F. E. C.) Altnord. Leseb. 2035 Diez (F.) Roman. Graramatik 2051 — Gr. des langues Romanes 2051 — Introduction & la Gr. 2051 — Glossaires Romans 2052 — Roman. Wb'rterbuch 2052 — Zwei altroman. Gedichte 2052 Dijkman, Runstenar i Swerige 2044 Diplomatarium Dalekailicum 2044 — Suecanum 2044 Dissertation sur la langue Basque 2013 Dithmar — Victhens Dixon (F.) Bronze or Dobrowsky Sprache — Lehrgebaude bb'hm. — Instit. Ling. Slavicas — Etymologikon slaw. Doctrina Cristiana Donati — see Gamier 2102 Brass Relics 2012 (J.) Gesch. d. bbhm. 2078 2078 2076 2076 1998, 2000, 2013 2005 Donati Methodus de Etymol. 2078 Donegal, Martyrology— O'Clery 2062 Donlevy (A.) Catechism 2062 Donner (O.) Verwandts. der flnn.- ugr. Spr. 2014 Doornik (J. E.I— Gall 2089 — Oorsprongl. Mensch 2089 Dorsa (V.) S. Matt., Calabrian 2002 Dorset dialect- Song of Sol. 1999 Dosparth Edeyrn Dafod Aur 2073 Doubs, dialect— S. Matthieu 2o01 Drama, Cornish — Norris 2075 — Swedish— Tobise Comedia 2019 Dreams — Charma 2094 — Symonds 2094 Drexelii Elmelkedesek 2015 Driessche (Van)— see Hugewils 2026 Druidism— Barddas 2073 — Nash 2070 Duchinski (F. H.) Peuples Aryas- Eur. 2089 Dugdale— Harrison 2066 Dumont d'Urrille (J.)— Astrolabe (1') 2087 Dumoutier— Astrolabe (1') 2087 Dun na n-Gedh, Banquet of 2061 Duplessis (G.)— Le Marchant 2053 Durham dialect— Song of Sol. 1999 Durham Book (Saxon)— Henshall 2024 Dusseau (J. L.)— Vrolik Museum 2096 Dutch 2025, 2101 — Baecker 2099 — Graff 2019 — Landolt 2007 — Meidinger 2020 — Polyglott Dictionary 2009 Dutch Creole— Van der Vegt ■ 2058 Dutch (Pennsylvania)— Haldeman 2029 Duvoisin (J.) Basque Bible 1998 — Cantique des Cantiques 1998 — Dialogues Basques 1997, 2013 — Jonah 2000 — Ruth 1998 Dwnn (Lewis) Herald. Visit, of Wales 2072 Dybeck— Runa 2047 Dymock (John) Ireland 2061 Eastwick— Bopp 2004 Ebel (H.)— Schleicher 2010 — see Zeuss 2061 Eberhard, die Menschenrassen 2098 Ebert (A )— Jahrbuch 2052 Eble (B.) Lehre v. d. Haaren 2090 Eccardi (J. G.) Origo German. 2090 Echenique, Prof, de Jonas 2000 Eclectic Review 2012 Edda Ssemundar (den seldra), Grundt- vig 2036 — Munch 2035 — see Snorre 2038 — Analysis of Voluspa 2036 — in Danish 2040 — in German 2036 — in Swedish 2044 Edda Snorra Sturlusonar 2038-9 Eddas— Uygaard 2039 Edeyrn, see Dosparth Edeyrn 2073 Edmonston (E.) Par. of Sower 2003 Edward the Confessor — Ancient Laws and Instit. 2022 Edwards (W. F.) Caracteres physiol. 2090 Efanglydd (Yr) 2068 Egils-Saga 2036 Egilsson (S.) Lex. Poeticum 2036 — see Homer 2036 Egypt— Morton 2093 — Pettigrew 2094 — Primer 2089 Egyptian Hieroglyphics— Lauriel 2038 — Inversion — Abel 2076 Ehrensvards Skrifter— Utmarkta 2049 Eibe (N. J.) Cursus (Engelsk) 2040 Eichhoff (F. G.) Hist, de la langue Slave 2076 — Parallele de Langues 2005 — Tableau de la Litt. 2005 Eichwald (K.) Sprichworter 202S Eigeas (Corm.) Circuit 2063 Eisteddfodd, Denbigh— Gwyneddion 2068 Ekholtz (A.)— Witterhetsstycken 2049 Elizundo d'Aribe (M.)— Catechisme 2002, 2013 — Salmo L 2002 Ellesmere (Earl of) Guide to Archseol. 2033 Ellis (A. J.) English Pronunc. 2008 Ellis (H.) MS. of Ciedmon 2023 Ellis (R.) on Numerals 2005 Elstob (E.) English-Saxon Tongue 2023 Embalming— Gannal 2090 Emmius (Urb.) de Frisiis 2028 Engelhardt (C.) Denmark 2090 Engelmann (W.) Bibl. der neueren Spr. 2005 Engelsche Tieranny 2025 England, early hist. — Ancient Laws 2023 Kemble 2924 Leo 2024 Schmid 2025 Stephens 2034, 2102 Worsaao 2097 — Gipsies— borrow 2085 Leland 2085 Smart and Crofton 2085 English— Bosworth 2018 — Delfortrie 2025 — Eibe 2040 — Eichhoff 2005 — Graff 201 9 INDEX. English— Meidlnger 2020 — Recberches sur 1'origine 2100 English, Early, see Anglo-Saxon English Dialects— Molbech 2042 Song of Sol. in 23 1999 see under Place Epkema (E.)— Japix 2028 Epps (G. N.) Spinal Curvature 2090 Erben (K. J.) Pisne Narodni 2078 Eric XIV— Tegel 2048 Erich (A.)— Christian IV 2040 Erro y Azpiroz, Alfabeto 2013 — Alphabet 2013 Eisa-Mordwinic, see Mordwinic Erslew (T. H.) Forfatter-Lexicon 2040 Erving (G. W.)— Erro 2013 Esquisses d'une Gr. Grec 2058 Esthonian 2017 Esthonian Races— Wiedemann 2017 Etimulogical Vocab., see Clelends 2060 Etruscau — Ghirardini 2005 EtaMissements, etc deNormandie 2052 Ethiopians— Pechlin 2098 Ethnological Journal, L. Burke 2090 Ethnological Soc. of London 2090 Ethnology 2086, 2099 — Hovelacque et Vinson 2006 — Revue de Philologie 2009 — Tracts (16) 2097 Etruscan Archseol.— Gozzadini 2087 — Crania— Garbigletti 2090 Ettmiiller (L ) Anglo-Sax. Poet® 2023 — Lexicon A.-S. 2023 — Scopas and Boceras 2023 — Vorda Vealbst6d 2023 Etymology — Clelends 2060 Euren (G. E.) Finsk Spraklara 2014 — Finsk Forrnlara 2015 Europe, Description of— King Alfred 2021-2 — Obermiiller 2061 — early hist— Fayet 2090 European Philology 1995 Appendix 2099 Euscarian, see Basque Evangelia Slavice, vulgo Texte du Sacre 2076 Evangelio, Evangelium, see Bible Evangile, see Bible Evans (D. S.) Welsh Diet. 2068 — see Davies (W.) 2067 Evans (W.) Welsh Diet. 2068 Evangeelje, see Bible Ewerbeck (II.)— Schleicher 2010 Expression, plates of— Camper 2088 Eychman de Calwe iJodici) Vocabu- larium 2028 Eysteins Asgrimssonar Lilia 2036 Fables, Finnish— Ganander 2014 — Polish— Szumski 2081 Fabliaux— Barbazon 2050 Fabre (M. H. L.) Diet. Franc.-Easque 2013 Fabricius (J. A.)— Victhen 2102 Faenza dialect— S. Matteo 2001 fiirocss *Uou Fseroiske Qvoeder, Lyngbye 2036 Fagrskinna, Norsk Konge-Sage 2023 Faidit (H.) Gram. Provencale 2u52 Farkas (J.) Ungarische Gi am. 2015 Faulmann (C.) Buch der Schrift 2005 Fauriel (C.) Chants Populates 2058 — Poesie Provencale 2052 Favre (L.) Glossaire du Poitou, etc. 2052 Fayet (A. N. de) Peuples de l'Europe ' 2090 Feltham's Tour through Man 206fi and Wright, Monumental lnscr. 2065 Fenger— Pedereen 2042 Fenian Poems— Ossianic Soc. 2063 Feraud.S. Matt. 2001 Ferencz :K.) Levelci 2016 Forguson (U.) Teutonic Name-System b 2018 Fernandez— see Garnicr 2005 Feroese 2036 Ferrall og Repp, Dansk Ordbog 2040 Ferrar (W. H.) Compar. Grammar 2005 Festivities of Conan— OssianicSoc. 2063 Feudal Instit.— Courson 2088 Fick (A.) Ehemal. Spracheinheit 2005 — Gtiech. Personennamen 2005 — Vergl. Worterbuch 2005, 2010 Fickes (Anna) Chronicon Geneal. 2044 Fiellstrom, Gram. Lapponica 2016 Fiji Islanders— Spengel 2098 Filhol (H.)— seeGarrigou 2099 Finland— Handl. till Upplysning 2014 — Idman 2014 — Retzius 2095 — Slozer 2084 Finnic Langs.— Bonaparte, Langue Basque 2»12 — Dieienbach 2004 — Gyarmathus 2016 — Thomsen 2011 — see also Finnish Finnish 2014, 2101 — Tracts 2015 — Wallin 2011 — see also Finnic Fischer (H.)— Nibelungenlied 2030 Fitzinger (L. J.) SchSdel d. Avaren 2097 Flattery (Cape) Washington -Swan 2096 Flemish — see Dutch Fligier (C.) Ethnol. Italiens 2090 Flintshire— Maxwell 2067 Focloir— Lhuyd 2061 Forstemann (E.) Deutsche Sprach- stamm 2018 Fogarasi (J.) Ungar. Taschenworterb. * ' 2016 Foley (D.) Irish Diet. 2062 Folk-Songs, Lithuanian— Jordan 2017 Nesselmann 2018 — Servian— Serb. Volkslieder 2080 — Swedish— Afzelius 2043 Geijer och Afzelius 2045 Hvlt. '.n- ;avallius 2045 — see Ballads Folk-Tales, Jewish— Cohen 2040 — Norwegian— Asbjornsen 2039 — Russian— Ralston 2083 — Servian— Mijatovies 2079 — Welsh— Cymmrodor 2067 Fontaine, see La Fontaine Fontana (G.) S. Matthew 1998 Fontarabia, Basque of— Bonaparte 2003, 2012 Fontcnelle, in Romaic 2058 Forbes (J.) Gaelic Gr. 2064 Forbes (J. D.) Norway 2032 Forfatter-Lexicon— Erslew 2040 Forster, Song of Solomon 1999 Formulaire de Prone, Basque 2001, 2013 — dans l'eglise d'Arhonne 2001, 2013 Fornaldarsagan, Melstedh 2036 _ Rafn 2036 Fornsvenskt (Ett) Legendarium 2048 Fortis (Alb.) Dalmatia 2080 Foulquier (V.) etchings— Chanson de Roland 2055 Fox (S.)— Menologium 2024 Fox (W. B.) Ceylon Portuguese 2057 Fox Talbot, Genesis 2012 Fradersdorff, Introduct. to Danish 2040 France— Michel 2092 — Nestor 2077 Franche- Comte\dialcct— S. Matt. 2001 Francic Language— Hickcs 2020 — Lachmann 2029 — Schllter 2020 Franco-Norman— Metlvicr 2053 Franks (F. \V.)— Kemble 2091 Franzen (F. M.) Orthoepia Fennica 2015 Frascineto, dialect— S. Matt. 2002 Frauer (t.) Altboclid. Lehrbueh 2029 Fre'de'ric VII de Danemark, Vestiges 2033 Freiburg (J. B.) Cat. Anthrop. 2098 French— Atzeler 2050 — Baecker 2099 — Diefenbach 2051 — Landolt 2007 — Littre - 2053 — Macdonnel 2007 — Pellissier 2054 — Polyglott Dictionary 2009 — Recberches sur l'origine 2100 — Schulz 2071 — Vlachus 2011 French, Old 2050 Kennedy 2097 French Dialects 2050 Archivio 1995 French Creole— Thomas 2057, 2058 Les Bambous 2058 Turiault 2058 Frianore— see Vagabondo (II) 1086 Fridhriksson, Islenzskar Rjettritunar. 2036 Friedreich (J. B.) Weltkorper 2090 Friedreich (N.)— Friedreich (J. B.) 2090 Friis Lappiske Sprogprover 2016 Friis (S.) Roskilde Domkirke 2041 Frisian Anthropology— Virschow 2096 Frisic 2028 — S. Matthew 1999 Frisic liaces— Emmius 2028 Frithiofs Saga— Tegner 2048 Friuli, Dialect, S Matt. 1998 Froberville, Kaecs Negres 2089 Frohlich (R. A.) Vier slaw. Haupstpr. 2076 Frommann (G K.)— Sehmeller 2031 Fry (D. P.) English Orthogr. 2008 Frye (W. E.)— Oehlensclilager 2042 Fryxell (A ) Svenska Historien 2045 — see Historisk Sallskap 2045 Fuca (Strait of) Washington— Swan 2096 Fuchs (A.) Roman Sprachen 2052 — Roman Zeitworter 2052 Fuchs (P.)— see Joel 2082 Fulda— Ulfilas 2102 Gabelentz (II. C. de) Syrjan. Gram. 2015, 2017 — see Ulfilas 2102 Gabhra, Battle of— Ossianic Soc. 2063 Gaddi (P.) Cranio diun Idiota 2098 — Iperostosi Serofolosa 2090 Gaelic Langs— Song of Sol. 1998 Gaelic, Irish, see Irish — Manx, see Manx Gaelic, Scotch 2064, 2101 — Apocrypha 1998 — Song of Solomon 1998 — Williams (R.) 2075 Gaelic Races— Jones 2061 Gaidoz (H.)— Revue Celtique 2061 Gaimard (P.)— la Recherche 2095 Galakhov (A.) Russian Chrest. 2081 Galanos (D.)— Hitopadesa 2058 — see Itihasa Samuchaya 2059 Galicia— Simocs 2100 Galician dialect, S. Matteo 1999 Gall (F. J.)— Doornik 2089 — et G. Spurzheim, Anatomie 2090 Galton (F ) Hereditary Genius 2090 Gambold (W.) Welsh Gr. 2068 Ganander, Gram. Lapponica 2016 — Mythologia Fennica 2015 — Popular Fables 2014 Gannal (J. N.) Embaumements 2090 Garbigletti (A.) Cranio Etrusco 2090 Garnett (R.) Philol. Essays 2005 Gamier, Fernandez, Donati, et Glase- maker, Dialogues 2005 Garrigou (F.) et H. Filhol, Age de la Pierre 2099 Gatien-Arnoult, Litter. Romane 2052 Gaulish— Petrie '-'<"'•- — Zeuss 2061 INDEX. Gaulish Ethnology— Roget 2098 Gediehte, Zwel altroman.— Diez 2052 Geijer (E. G.) Svenska Folkets Hist. 2045 — Valda Smarre Skriften 2045 — och Afzelius, Folk-Visor 2045 Geijer (E. R.) Skrifter 2045 Gelenii Lex. Syinphonum 2078 Gell— Parr 20G5 Gemma Gemmarura 2026 Genealogies of Hy-Fiachrach 2062 Genesis and Exodus, Milstater Hands. 2029 Genet— Idman 2014 Genoese dialect, S. Matt. 1098 Geoffroy, sur les Orangs 2098 Geography of King Alfred, Hampson 2021 Geography, Names — Mahn 2053 OoermUller 2061 Ger, et W. Vrulik, Cat. de la Collection de 2096 Gerber (O.) Sprache als Kunst 2005 Gerland (G ) Intensiva u. Iterativa 2005 German— Atzeler 2O50 — Baecker 2099 — Bopp 2003 — Deltortrie 2025 — Diefenbach 2004 — Eichhoff 2005 — Graff 2019 — Grimm 2019 — Heinrici 2056 — Kuhn 2006 — Landolt 2007 — Meidiuger 2020 — Minnesinger — Heinr von Morungen 2053 — Polyglott Dictionary 2009 — Pott 2009 — Recherches sur l'origine 2100 — Schulz 2071 — Sparschuh 2010 — Thomsen 2011 — Zehetuiayr 2012 German (Low) 2028 German, Old 2028, 2101 Graff 2019 Mekiinger 2020 German Dialects 2028 Germanic Langs. 2018,2101 — Bopp 2003 — Bosworth 2018 — Diefenbach 2004 — Leibnitz 2007 — Pott 2009 — Thomsen 2011 Germanic Races— Arpi Themis 2018 Germano (G.) Vocab. Greco vulgare 2'')58 Germany — Courson 2088 — Eccard 2090 — Virschow 2096 — Weisbach 2098 — Zeuss 2097 — Mythology— Thorpe 2034 Tkany 2096 Getas— Stritter 209G Getty (E.) Round Towers of Ulster 2191 Geysbeek (P. G. W.) Woordenboek 2026 Ghemen (Godfrid af)— Riimkionike 2.142 Ghilengheii (J.) Ghilia Salomun. 2085 Ghirardini (A.) Sludii sulla Lengna 2005 Gilbert (D.) Christmas Carols 2075 — see Jord in 2075 — see Mount Calvary 2075 Gill (\V ) — Kelly 2065 Giona, Profezia dl, see Bible Gipsies 2084 — Koperincki 20P8 Gipsy 2084 Gislason (K.) D.insk Ordabog 2011 2077 2067 2005 2093 2081 2062 2052 20C3 2062-3 Gitanos, Historia de lo9 2085 Giudici (Glo.)— Nostra Dama 2053 Giuseppe, Storia di, see Bible Glagollta Clozianus Glamorgan — Harding Glasemaker — see Garnicr Glasnik Srpskog Utchenog Drushtva 2079 Gliddon (G. R.)— see Notfc Glodius (Paulas)— Catechism Glossse Hibern. — see Marcus Glossaires Romans — Diez Glossaries, Three Irish Glosses, Irish — Stokes Gloucester, Spec, of Vulgar Speech 2003 Godefroy (F.) Diet, de l'ancien Franc. 2052 Godfrid af Ghemen — Riimkionike 2042 Godecke (P. A.)— Edda 2044 Gogorov (U. A.) Bulgarski Retchnik 2079 Gokstad — Nic daysen 2100 Goldschmidt (M.) Hjemlds 2041 Gorilla, see O.ang Outang Gorlov (I. N.) Istoriya Yaponie 2082 Goss — Chronica Regum Mannioe 2066 Gosse (L. A.) Deformations du Crane 2090 Gothic 2021, 2102 — Bopp 2 <03-4 — Graff 2019 — Henshall 2024 — Hickes 2020 — Holtzmann 21ol — Jamieson 2006 — Lye 2020 — Meidinger 2020 — Pott 2009 — Serenius 2047 — Skeat 2008 Gothrici et Rolfi Hist. 2036 Goths, History of— Olaus (Eric) 2033 — Stritter 2096 Gotland— Petreus 2046 Goudelin (Pierre) Obros e Diccion. 2052 — la Floureto Novbelo 2052 Goudie— Orkneyinga Saga 2033 Gouw f Stanleys of Man ■ idee, Diet. Breton 2074 Leibnitius- lee I .el ■• Leibnitz, Collectanea Etymol. 2007 Leland (C G.) English Gipsies 2085 Leleges — Benloew 2060 Le Marchant (J.) Miracles 2053 Lencquist, Superstitio Fennoram 2015 Lenhossek (J.) Az Ernberi Kopony. 2092 — Deform, du Crane 2092 Lennep (Van)— see Van Lennep Lenstrom (C. J.) Svenska Poesien 2046 — Svensk Liesebog 2046 — Swedish Method 2046 Leo (H.) Angelsiichs. Glossar 2024 — Rectit. Sing. Personavum 2024 Leon, dialect— Troude 2074 Leopold (C. G.) Skrifter 2046 Lepelletier, Diet Breton 2074 Lepsius (R.) Pal'aographie 2007 — Standard Alphabet 2007 — Zwei sprachvergl. Abhandl. 2007 Lereboullet (M.) Esquisses Zoolog. 2090 Leskien (A.) Altbulgar. Handb. 2077 — see Schleicher 2010 Lespy (V) Gr. Be"arnaise 2053 Letters, Origin of— Holden 2006 Paravey 2008 Lettish 2017 Lettres sur la Crime's 20S2 Leuckart (F. S) Zwischenkieferbein 2092 Levins (Peter)ManipulusVocabulorum Lewis (G C.) Romance Langs. 2053 Lexer (M.~ Mittelhochdeutsches Wor- terb. 2030 Lexicon Slaveno-roskii 2077 Lhuyd, Archaeologia Brit. 2<'61 Liber Cure Cocorum 2008 Liber Landavensis, Rees 2072 MS Comment. 2073 Linden (J.)— Diplomat. Dalekarl. 2044 Lidner's Arbeten— Utmarkta 2049 — Skrifter 2048 Liebenberg— Holberg 2041 Liebich (R ) Zigeuner 2085 Liebrecht ;F.) zur Volkskunde 2092 Liege, dialect— Grammaire par L. M. 2056 Simonon 2"56 Liljegren (J. G. — Diplom. Succ. 2044 — Monumenta Runica 2037 — Run-Lara 2037 — Run-Urkunder 2037 Limousin— Beronie 2050 Lindberg (C. F.)— Rygh 2100 Linde, Slownik Jezyka Polskiego 2081 Ling. Kavleken 2048 — Lysif den Gothiske 204S Linguarium Sex Dictionarius 2011 Lii.k II. 1 .; Urwelt u. Alterthum 2092 — das Alterthum 2092 Lindalil— Hire, Lex. Lapponic. 2016 Linnerliielm (J. C.) Resor i Swerige 2046 Lismore's (Dean of) Book 2064 Lithuanian 2017-18 — Bopp 2003-4 — Diefenbach 2004 — Pott 2009 Littre" E. Langue franc. 2053 Livonia— Baur 2087 — Wiedemann— see Sjogren 2018 Livonian 2017-18 — S. Matthew 2000 Livy [P.] Abltazionl Lacustri 2099 Lizarragac (J.) Copla guisa batzuc 20 2, 2013 Llandaff— Liber Laodav. 2072 lo, dialect— Doctrina Cristiona 1998, 2013 Llywarch Hen, by Owen 2068 III, s. Matth( w, Berpamesc 1998 suecanse Lodi .;da Loebe— Clfllas 2102 Loewe, Circassian Diet. 2008 Logudoro, dialect— Storia di Guiseppe 1998 Prof, di Giona 1999 S. Matteo 1999 Lombard Dialect— Meyer 2030 Lords (Guillaume de)— Roman de la Rose 2055 Loverdos, Tragoudia tes Anges 2059 Lowland Scotch — see Scotch Lowndes, Modern Greek Lex. 2059 Lubach (D.)— Craniology 2089 Lubbock (Sir J.) Origin of Civilization 2092 Lucae (J. C. G.) zur organ. Formen- lehre 2092 — Archit. des Schadels 2092 — de Svmmetria 2092 Lucente, S. Matthew 2000 Lucerne dialect— Zingerle 2031 Luchaire, Basque de Fontarabie, see Bonaparte 2003, 2012 Lund (H.)— Rask 2038 — see Tegner 2048 Lusatian 2084 Luzarche (V.)— Gregoire (Pape) 2052 Lye (E.) Diet. Saxon. 2020 Lyngbve (H. C.) Fseroike Qvceder2036 Lyons (S )— Williams (R.) 2075 Mabinogion, by Lady C. Guest (1838) 2068 (1877) 2069 McAlpine (N.) Gaelic Diet. 2064 MacCurtin (H.) Elements of Irish 2062 MacDornhnuill (R.) Oram 2064 Macdonnel (D. E.) Diet, of Quotations 2007 Maegriogair (A.) Gaelic Apocrypha Macintyre (Duncun ban) Orain 2064 Mackenzie (H ) Report on Ossian 2064 Mackenzie (W.)— Legislation of Stan- leys 2065 McLauchlan— Dean of Lismore 2064 Maclean (L ) Celtic Langs. 2061 McNeill (Muir) Circuit — Tracts 2063 Madden (Sir F.)— Henshall 2024 — see Layamon 2024 Magazine of Useful Knowledge, Rus- sian 2082 Maggiorani, Reminiscenze antropol. 2098 Magh Rath. Battle of— Banquet 2061 Magnseus fArnas)— Thorkelin 2034 Magni (Regis) Leges Gula Thing. 2037 Magyar 2015 — Linde 2081 Mahlon G. H.) Vocale a, e, o 2007 Malm K. A. F.) Etymolog. Untersuch. 2053 Mailath (J. G.) Magyar. Gedichte 2016 Malew— S. Mark's Chapel 2066 Ma] ImintJ. E.)— seeKnos 2032 Mammals— Cuvier 2089 Man, Isle of— Bibl. Monensis 2066 — Blundell 2066 — Challoner 2066 — Chronica Regum, Munch 2066 — Clay and Crellin 2066 — Cumming 2066 — Feltham 2065 and Wright 2065 — Harrison 2065-6 — Johnstone 2032 — LegUlation of Stanleys 2065 ManxSoc. 2065-6 Oliver 2065 Oswald 2065 Parr 2066 Tvnwald Chapel 2066 Waldron 2065 • i. Le Cardinal Mezzofanti 2007 Mnnessen (R.) Minnesinger 2030 Mauks Gaelic 206fi — .Miscellanies 2066 — Song of Solomon 1998 INDEX. 11 Manx— Williams (R.) 2075 Manx Society 2065-6 Manning (0.)— Lye 2020 Manoir, Armoric Gr. — Lliuvd 20C1 MSS. English— Stephens 2048 — French— Stephens 2048 — Irish— Lhuyd 2061 — Welsh— Cymmrod. 20C7 Iolo 2073 MS.Soc. 2072-73 Owen— Cymmrod. 2067 Marcel (J. J.) Alphabet. Irland. 2062 March (F. A.) Anglo-Saxon Reader 2024 — Anglo-Saxon Gr. 2024 Marci (St.) Evang. — Glossaj Hibern. 2062 Marcusson (Biorn) Nockrer Marg- Frooder 2037 Marin (P.) Diet. Holland 2026 Marnier — Etablissements de Norman- die 2052 Marquina, dialect — Cant, des Cant. 2000 Doctrina Cristiana 2000,2013 Marriage Rites — Hamilton (Lady A.) 2091 Marshall (T.) Dutch Gr. 2027 Marseilles dialect— S. Matt. 2001 Martin (E.) Guillaume le Clerc 2052 Martinique Creole— Turiault 2058 Marton (J. von) Ungrische Sprach- lehre 2016 — see Farkas 2015 Martyrology of Donegal — O'Clery 2062 Mary (Virgin) Life, Polish 2081 Massey (G.) Book of Beginnings 2092 Massmann (H. F.) Graff 2019 Matthrei (G.) Wend. Gram. 2084 Matteo (San)— see Bible Matthes (J. C.)— Renout van Mon- talbaen 2027 Matthew (St. 1 — see Bible Maury (L. F. A.) la Terre et l'homme 2092 — see Nott and Gliddon 2093 Max Havelaar — Dekker 2025 Maxwell (H.) Flintshire — Cymmrod. 2007 May (A.) Engelsk L'arobok 2046 — Swedish Exercises 2046 — Swedish Gr. 2046 Mayer (B.) Mexican Hist, and Arch. 2092 Mayerberg (A. de) Mo?covie 20S4 Mecliain (Gwalter), see Davies (W.) Mecklenburg dialect — Ritter 2u30 Mecquet (E.)— la Recherche 2095 Meddygon Myddvai 2073 Mediajval Greek Texts, ed. Wagner 2008 Medicine — Kniga Glenaya, etc. 2082 — Meddygon Myddvai 2073 — Virschow 2096 Meidinger (H.) Diet. Tento-Gothique 2020 — Vergl. etymol. Wiirterb. 2020 Meigs, Cat. of Crania 2093 — Hints to Craniographers 2u98 — Memoir of Morton 2093 — see Nott and Gliddon 2093 Meiners, Menschenarten in Asien 2098 Melion, Lai de — Renaut 2054 Mellin— Witterhetsstycken 2049 Mclstedh ;P.) — Fornaldarsagan 2036 Memoiresdes Antiq. du Nord. 2032-3 Mendigache (M.) SalmoL 2002 Menologium — Fox 2024 Mentone, dialect — Andrews 2050 Meon — Barbazan 2050 see Roman de la Rose 2055 Merian, Principes de l'Etude comp. 2007 Meriasek (Saint) Life 2075 Merlin— Villemarque . 2072 Messeuius (J.)— Olaus 'Eric 2033 Mdtirier (G.) Diet. Franco-Normand 2058 — S. Matt. 2001 Meung (Jehan de) Roman de la Rose 2055 Mexico — Mayer 2092 Meyer (C.) Langobardcn 2030 Mover (L.) die Gothische Sprache2021 Meyer (R.) der Gorilla 209S Meyer (S.) Religions-Wesen 2031 Meyrick (Sir S. 14.) Herald. Visit, of Wales 2072 Mezzofanti— Manavit 2007 Miceu (G.) Gram. Nissarda 2053 Michel (Deanl Ayenbitu of Inwyt 2008 Michel (F.) Pays Basque 2014 — Races maudires 2092 — see Chanson de Rolaud 2055 — see Charlemagne 2051 — see Conquest of Ireland 20-51 — see Heinr. v. Morungen 2053 — see Renaut 2054 — see Riote (la) du Monde 2054 Micro-copy- College of Surgeons 2o83 Midelton (W.)— Davies (J.) 2067 Mielcke, Littau. Wb'rterb. 2018 — Littau. Sprachlehre 2018 Mijatovies (C.) Serbian Folk-Lore 2079 Miklosisch (F.) Altsloven. Formenlehre 2077 — Altsloven. Lautlehre 2077 — Mundarten d. Zigeuner 2085 — Radices Sloven. 2077 — Vergl. Gr. d. Slav. Sprachen 2077 Milanese dialect— S. Matthew 1998 Military Diet.— Landolt 2007 Miiles et Amys, von Hofman 2053 Miln (James) Fouilles a Carnac 2092, 2093, 2099 Milne-Edwards, M&choire humaine 2089 Milton (John) Paradise Lost, Icelandic 2037 Manx Misc. 2066 Swedish 2046 Minnesinger — Hagen 2029 — Heinr. v. Morungen 2u53 — Manessen 2030 Minondo (P. J )— Astete 2002, 2013 Minsheu (J.) Guide to the Tongues 2007 Miracles de Nostre Dame 2053 — see Le Marchant 2053 Mircesco (V.) Gr. Roumaine 2057 Miscellany of Irish Archreol. Soc. 2062 Mississippi — Squier and Davis 2095 Mistral i,F,) Calenduu 2053 Miibius (Th.)— Are 2035 Moller (P. M.) Skrifter (1873) 2041 Mceso-Gothic — see Gothic Mulbech (C.) Dansk Ordbog (1833) 2042 '1859) 2042 — Dansk Dialect-Lexicon 2042 — Gamle Danske Folkeviser 2042 — see Riimkionike 2042 Moldavia, Laws— Eallimaches Skar- latos 2059 Monboddo, Origin of Language 2007 Mona Miscellany 2066 Mone (F. J.) Quellen u. Forschungen -020 Mongol— Leibnitz 2007 Mont, dialect— Sigart 2056 Monmerque' — Renaut 2054 Monmouth— Harding 2067 Moutalbacn (Renout van) — Matthes 2027 Montalto (R. da) S. Matt. 2002 Montelius (O.) la Suede pre'hist, 2099 — see Congres d'Anthrop. Montenegro — Wilkinson 2080 Morbihan, Architol.— Miln 2092 Mordwinic— S. Matthew 2001 Morin (E.) ies Britanni 2098 — Dialectes Neo-celtiquea 2061 Morri (Ant. 1 S. Matteo -001 Morris (Lewis) — Cvmnirodor 2067 Morris— Michel (Dan) 2008 Morse (E. S.) Shell Mounds 2093 Morton iS. G.) Crania iEgyptiaca 2093 — Memoirs by 2093 — Life by Grant 2093 — Memoir on, by Meigs 2093 by Wood 2093 Mouingen (lleinrich von) von Michel 2053 Morus ( Huw) Eos Ceiriog 2069 Moseley— Kelly 2u05 Moulin-Quignon — Mdne-Edwards 2089 Mount Cavary. Cornish 2^75 Mourek, Bohemian Diet. 2078 Mouskes (Ph.) Chronique riine"e 2053 Mowat (R.) Noras Propres 2007 Muller (F.) Ethnograpuie 2093 — Grundriss der Sprachwissenschaft 2O07 Muller (F.H.) der UgrischeVolkstamm 2014 Muller (H. D.) Indoger. Sprachbau 2007 Muller (J.) Aachen. Gediehte 2030 Muller (L. C.j Islandsk La;sebog 2037 Muller (Max) Science of Lang. 2007-8 Muller (P. E.) Sagabibliothek 2042 — (Jnders. af Sagnhistorie 2042 — see Halderson 2036 — see Saxo Gramm iticus 2033 Muller i,W.) Altdeutsche Religion 2 35 — see Benecke 2028 Multatuli— Dekker (E D.) 2025 Mulufernan Annales de, ed. A. Smith 2063 Mummies— Birch 2094 — Cornalia 2090 — Pettigrew 2094 Muuch (P. A.) Norke Folks Historie 2042 — see Chronica Regum Manniae 2066 — see den aelJra Edda 2035 — see Fagrskinna 2023 — see Konungs-Skugsja 2037 — see Norges Gamle Love 2037 — o ' C. R. Unger, Oldnorsk Laesebog 2037 Mundula, S. Matteo, Sardin. 1999 Munro (J.) Gaelic Primer 2064 Muscovy, see Russia Muse"e Nat.Hongrois— Desjardins 2099 Museum Anat. Holmiense 2093 Music, Basque — Michel 2014 — Ancient British — Thomas (John) 2070 — Welsh— Cymmrod. 2067 Myriantheus — see Lascarides 2059 Mystere de Saint Crespin 2051 Mythology (Comparative) 2086 — see Cymmrod. 2067 — Gauander 2015 — Grimm 2019 — Massey 2092 — Ralston 20S3 — Thorpe 2034 — Tkany 2096 Myvyrian Archaiology (1801) 2070 (1861) 2070 Names — Bannister 2075 — Ferguson 2018 — Joyce 2062 — Mowat 2007 — Obermuller 2061 — Polr, 2009 Nash (D. W-) Taliesin 2070 Natal— Augas 2086 Natural Hist— Authrop. Soc. 2086 — Nemnich 2008 Naval Dictionary — Landolt 2007 Navarre, Basque dialects — see Basque Neapolitan dialect, S. .Matt. 1998 Neavcs (Lord)' Comp. Philology 2099 Negedly (J.) Bohm. Lehrbuch 2078 Negris (A.) Modern Greek Gr. 2059 Ncg iocs— Campbell 2088 — Frobcrville 2089 12 INDEX. Neilson (W.) Introd. to Irish 2062 Nemnich, Polyglotten-Lex. 2008 Nennius, Hist. Brit, in Irish 2002 Neo-Frisic, see Frisic Neo-Latin— Bonaparte Neuter Suhst. 2003, 2050 — Roncevalles and Juniper 2003, 2012 Nerike— Hofberg 2045 Nesselmann, Sprache der alten Preus- sen 2018 — Littau. Volkslieder 2018 — Littau. Worterb. 2018 Nestor, Chronique de 2077 Netherlands, Mythology— Thorpe 2o31 Neumann (K. F.) Volker d. Russlands 2084 Newcastle dialect— Song of Sol. 1999 Newspaper, Swedish — Stockholms Tidning 204S New Zealand— Angas 2086 Nials Saga, see Njal Nibelungenlied— Fischer (H.) 20S0 — Simrock 2030 Nibelunge Noth (Der)— Lachmann 2030 Nice, dialect — Miceu 2053 Nicholas of Myra (Saint) Sluzhba 2077 Nicodemus — see Bible Nicolaus of Soro. Riimkronike 2042 Nicolaysen (N.) Vikings-Ship 2100 Nicolson (A.) Gaelic Proverbs 2064 Nicolucti (G.) Crania Britannica 2090 — Memoirs by 2093 Niels of Soro, Riimkronike 2042 Niersis (Sancti) Preces 2008 Nigels of Soro, Riimkronike 2042 Nigra (C.) Glossre Hibern— Marcus 2062 Nimes, dialect — Bounet 2050 Njals Saga, Dasent 2037 Non-Aryan Languages 2012 Noot (Vander), see Vander Noot Nordisk Oldskrift Selskab 2032-3 Nordisk Tidskrift for Oldkyn. 2032-3 Norfolk !:■ illy F.) 400 Irish Writers 2063 — Irish Diet. 2003 Orell C. von AltfranzBs. Gr. 2054 Btal Philology— Benfey L996 Hermann 2005 Pall. is 200:, Rudbeck 21 ion Orkneyinga Saga, Hjaltin and Goudie Jon.Tus 2037 Ormulum, by White 2024, 2101 and Holt 2021 Oi-osius, Anglo-Saxon — Alfred the Great 2021 Cotton MS. of 2021 Lauderdale MS. 2021 r.i].iiv Ghirardinl 2005 iberg 2049 — Paris 2054 Rabaslii 2012 Osnaburg, dialed Strodtn nn Ossian — Davies 2064 — Mackenzie 2064 Ossianic Society 2063 Osteology — College of Surgeons 2086 Osthoff(IL) Nominalen Stammbild. 2008 — und K. Brugman, Morphol. Unter- such. 2008 Ostiak— Castren 2077 — S. Matthew 2002 Ostolopov (N.)— Veglie di Taaso 2083 Oswald (J. II.) Grammat. Geschlecht 2006 Oswald's Vestigia Ins Mannise 2065 Otfrids Krist, von Graff 2030 uebers. von Lehre 2030 — Evangelienbuch 2030 Ottema (J. 0.)-Oera Linda Book 2028 Otto ( F.) Russian Literature 2082 Oudemans (A. C.) Nederlandsch Woordenboek 2027 — see Hooft 2026 Outzen (N.i Fries. Glossar. 2028 Owen (A.) Welsh MSS.— Cymmrod. 2067 Owen (David)— Haul 2068 Owen (E.) — Cymmrodor 2067 Owen (R.) Odontography 2093 — see College of Surgeons 2088 Owen (W.), see Tughe (W. Owen) Oxford — Assertatio Antiq. Oxon. 2022 Pacific Ocean— Slielekhov 2083 — Islands of— Davis 2089 Hervas 2006 Paget (J.) Hungary and Transylvania 2016 Palacky (F.)— Safariks 2079 Palaeography — Lepsius 2007 Palaeontology 2086-99 Pali— Burnouf 2012 — Tumour 2012 Pallas (P. S.) Russia 2084 — Sravnitelnye" Slovar 2008 — Tibet 2084 Falthenius (J. P.)— Tatian 2031 Panchatantra, in Romaic 2058 Pannier (L.)— Alexis (Saint) 2050 Papai F. P.) Diet. Ungaricum 2016 Parable of Prodigal Son, see Bible — of Sower, see Bible Paravey (Ch. de) Origine des Chiffres 2008 Paris (C.)— Miracles de Nostre Dame 2053 Paris (Ed.) S. Matt. 2001 — Orthographe 1'icarde 2000, 2054 Paris (G )— Alexis (Saint) 2050 — see Diez 2051 Paris (L.)— Nestor 2077 Parr's Laws of Man 2065 Parry's Welsh Bible (1020) 2066 Parry (David) Etymologicum — Lhuvd 2001 Parry (R.) Awdl ar y Gread. 2070 Parsons (J.) Remains of Japhet 2008 Paspati, Tchinghlanes 2085 Patois, see Dialects Paucker (A.) Russian Conversation 2082 Pays Basques, see Basque Provinces Peabody Museum 2093 Pechlin, de ^Ethiopibus 2098 Pe. In sous , Chr. ) Danske Skriftcr 20 12 Pelasgians— Bcnloew 2060 Pellissier, la langue Fran?. 2054 Pennsylvania Dutch — Ilaldcman 2029 Pentateuch see Bible Pepoli, s. Matthew 2000 Peicira da Costa (F. A) Estado da Terra, etc. 2100 Perler, Fragmena Ethnol. 2098 Peringskiold (J.) Monumcnta Sueo- Goth. 2048 Hialmters och Olvers Saga 2047 Permic S. Mall hew 2001 Perocbegui J.de Nacion Bascongada 2014 INDEX. 13 Persia, Ethnology— -Khanikof 2094 Persian — Bopp 2003 — Howard '2012 — Pott 2009 — Smith 2012 — Vallancey 2064 Perty (M.) Anthrop. Vortriige 2098 — Etlmographie 2i93 Peru— Cornalia 2090 — .Morton 2093 Peter the Great, Reglament Duk- hovnoi 2082 Petheram (J.) Progress of Anglo- Saxon Lit. 2024 Petit, binding by — Roman de la Rose 2055 Petranovitch (Y. B.) Srpske Narodne 2079 Petrei (O.) Chronica om Swerikis Konungar 2046 Petri (O.)— Tobias Comedia 2049 Petrie (G.) Christ, lnscript. 2063 Pettigrew (T. J.) Egypt. Mummies 2094 Pezzi (D. ) Glottologia Aria 2008 Pfeiffer (Fr.) Allnord. Lesebuch 2038 Philological Society 2008-9 Philology (Comparative) 1995, 2099 — European 1995 — Oriental, see Oriental Phoenicians — Wagenfeld 2012 Phoenix, Lay of — King of Birds 2024 Phrenological Journal, American 2095 Physiognomy — Camper 2088 — Carus 2088 — Price (T.) 2094, 2098 — Schadow 2095 Physiology— Gall et Spurzheim 2090 Piana, dialect— S. Matt. 2003 Picard dialect— Corblet 2051 — Paris 2000, 2054 — St. Matthieu 2001 Pictet (A.) Origines Indo-Europ. 2009 Picozzi (Ant.) S. Matthew, Milanese 1998 Piedmontese dialect, S. Matt. 1998 Piesni Piesnei tsara Solomona 1999 Pincherle (J.)— Ghilenghieri 2085 Pire"e, lnscript. Kunique — Rafn 2033 Tisone, Diet. Komanescu 2057 Pjetursson (P.) Fimtiu Hugvekjur Jesu Krists 2038 Plattdeutsch, see German (Old) Pluquet (F.) Contes de Bayeux 2054 Pobozna Knjzka 2078 Po?a (A. de) Antigua Lengua de las Espanas 2014 Poetry, Finnish — Porthan 2015 — Magyar — Bowling 2015 Poets, Dutch— Geysbeek 202G Poitou, dialect— Favre 2052 Poland— Kobierzicki 2102 — Przezdziecki et Rastawiecki 2102 — Sulikoy 2102 Poliernaya Zviezda — Herzen 2082 Polish 2080, 2102 — Complete Diet. (1849) 2080 — Frohling 2076 Pollmann (N.) S. Matthew 2000 Polycarpof (T.) Diet. Trilingue 2077 Polyglott Dictionary in four langs. 2009 Polyglotts 1995 — Scandinavian 2018 — Teutonic 2018 Polymeres (G.) Greek Lex. 2059 Polynesia — Hervas 2006 — Spengel 2098 Polynesian Lings.— Hervas 2006 Pomeroy, Synostose des Os du Crane 2098 Pomialowsky (I.) Sbornik nadpisei Kavkaza 2102 Pompeii, Crania— Vrolik 2097 Pont (G.) Patois de la Tarentaise 2051 Popov (G.) s. Matt., Permic 2001 Vogul 2002 Porqueddu (P.) Prof, de Giona 2000 — Storia di Giuseppe 2000 Porta, Parallelkopfe 2098 Poi than ( H. G. ) Bullar. Romano- Suegoth. 2033 — de Poesi Fennica 2015 Portii (S.) Diet. Grascum 2059 Portugal — Pereira da Costa 2100 — Ribeiro 2100 Portuguese Creole — Fox . 2057 Teza 2057 Possart (P.) Lappland. Grammatik 2017 Posthumu3 (R ) Prieuwcke 2028 Pott (A. F.) Anti-Kaulen 2009 — Doppelung 2009 — Etymolog. Forschungen 2009 — Personnennamen 2009 — Sprach-verschiedenh. 2009 — Zahlmethode 2009 — Zigeuner 2085 Powell (F. York) — see Vigfusson 2039 Powell (T.)— Cymmrodor 2067 Pozzo (P. dal) S.Matthew 1998 Prague, Royal Acad. — Jungmann 2078 Predieri (P.) Hydrophobes 209o Price (J. W.)— Liber Landav. 2073 Price (Th.) Hanes Cymru 2070 — Liter. Remains 2070 — Physiognomy 2094, 2098 — see Haul 2068 Prichard (J. C.) Celtic Nations 2094 — de Generis Humani Varietate 2094 — Natural Hist. 2094 — Physical History 2094 — Biography by T. Hodgkin 2094 Prichard (Rhys) Y Seren Foreu 2070 Prinz (J.) S. Matthew 2000 Prinz (J. P.) S. Matt. 2000 Prinz (P.) S. Matt. 2000 Prodromus Evang. Matthaji, Basque 1997 Profecia de Jonas, see Bible Proferie de Jonas, see Bible Profezia di Giona, see Bible Prone, Formulaire de, Basque 2013 Property, Rights of— Bastian 2087 Provencal— Avril 2050 — Baecker 2099 — Bartsch 2050 — Craig 2051 — Faidit 2052 — Fauriel 2052 — S. Matthieu 2001 — MinnesiDger, Heinr v. Morungen 2053 — Mistral 2o53 — Poets— Nostra Dama 2053 — Sauvages 2055 — Vidal de Besaudun (R.) 2052 Proverbia Communia — Suringar 2101 Proverbs, Esthonian — Wiedemann 2017 — Finnish— Traner 2015 — Gaelic— Cregeen 2065 Nicolson 2004 — Languedoc— Sauvages 2055 — Lithuanian — Jordan 2017 Schleicher 2018 — Manx — Harrison 2066 — Provencal — Sauvages 2055 — Spanish — Huygens . 2026 Pruner, AltSgypt. Menschenrasse 2089 Prussian (Old) 2017-1S — Graff 2019 Prussian (Modern) — Bock 2031 Pryce (W.) — Tonkin and Gwavas 2075 Przezdziecki (A.) ft E. Rastawiecki, Monuments de Pologne 2102 Psalmo (el), see Bible Psalms, see Bible Psalter, see Bible Psaltir, Kniga Khvaleniya ili 2082 Psychology — Bastian 2087 Pugho (John)— Meddvgon Myddvai 2073 Pnghe (W. Owen) Welsh Diet. 2070 — Welsh Grammar 2070 — see Dafydd ab Gwilym 2067 — see Llywarc Hen 2068 — see Myvyrian Arch. 2070 Pulsky— Nott and Gliddon 2093 Pursuit after O'Duibhne — OssianicSoc. 2063 Pushkin (Alex.) Sotchineniya 2083 — Stikhotvoreniya 2082 Putman (J. J.) Bida di Hesoe Kriestoe 2057 Pyl (Van der) Dutch Gr. 2027 Pyrenees Aridgeoises — Garrigou et Filhol 2099 Quatrefages (A. de) Angle parietal 2089 — Progres de l'Anthrop. 2094 — Unite" de l'Espece humaine 2094 — see Congres d' Anthrop. 2088 — et E. T. Hamy, Crania Ethnica2094 Quekett — College of Surgeons 2088 Quetelet (A.) Croissance de l'Homme 2094 — Poids de l'Homme 2091 — sur l'Homme 2098 — Treatise on Man 2094 Quinnorna 2046 Quotations, New Diet, of 2004 — Macdonnel, Diet. 2007 Rabaste, la Langue Osque 2012 Radlof (J. G.) Bildungsgeschichte2030 Rafn (C. C.) Antiq. Americana 2033 — Inscription Runique 2033 — Monum. Runograph. 2033 — Nord. Ksempe-Historier 2038 — see Fornaldar Sogur 2036 Rafnis Vita, see Gunnlaugi Saga 2036 Raghuvansa, see Kalidasa Ragusa — Wilkinson 2080 Ragusan Lang. — Linde 2031 Ralamb (C.) Observ. Jurispractica; 2047 Ralston (W. R. S ) Russian Folk-Tales 2083 — Songs of Russian People 2083 Rames, l'homme fossile 2098 Ramzelius (M. M.i de Lingua Sueogoth. 2049 Rangabd, Gr. du Grec Actuel 2102 Raper— Grellmann 2085 Rapp (K. M.) Physiologic der Sprache 2009 Rapp (M.) Grundriss der Grammatik 2009 — Verbal-Orgismus 2009 Rask (E.) Anglo-Saxon Gr. 2024 Rask (E. C.) Danish Gr. 2042 — Bejledning til lslandske Sprog 2038 — Icelandic Gr. 2038 — Method of learn. Old Norse 2038 — Spec. Literat. lslandica 2038 Rask (R.J Frisisk Sproghtre 2028 — Frisische Sprachlehro 2028 — Lappisk Sproglasre 2017 Rask (R. K.)— Halderson 2036 Rasmnssen, om Codex af Saxo 2033 Rastawiecki (E.) see Przezdziecki 2i02 Rauch (P. M.) Einheit d. Menschen- geschlechtes 2094 Rausch (F.) Literatur rhatoroman. 2057 Ravaldi, Erchiebiskop — see Petreus 2046 Raveestein, Diagrams 2094 Raynouard, Choix des Poesies 2054 — Gr. Romane 2054 — Gr. compare'e des Langues 2054 — Gr. de la Langue Romane 2054 — Lexique Roman 2054 — see Roman de Rou 2056 Recherche (la) Voyage en Islande 2095 Rccherchcs sur l'originc d'un grand DOmbre de mots, etc. 2100 Rees (Rice)— Prichard Rhys 2070 14 INDEX. Rees (W. J.) —Liber Landav. 2072 — see Carnbro-British Saints 2073 Reeves— O'CIery 2062 Reformation (The)— Schade 2030 Regazzoni (I.) l'Uomo preistorioo 2100 Regesta Dipl. Hist. Daniete 2033 Reelament Dukhovnoi — Peter the Great 2082 Reichert (C. B.) Bau d. Geliirns 2095 Reiff(C. P.) Gr. Russe 2083 — Russian Manual 2083 — Russsan Gr. 2083 — Parallel Diet. 2083 — seeGretch 2081 Reiffenberg (Baron de) — Mouskes 2053 Reiuaert de Vos, Dutch 2027 Reinwakl— Ulfilas 2102 Religions— Heffter 2012 — Massey 2092 — Meyer 2031 Miiller 2035 Remade (L.) Diet. Wallon 2056 Rembrandt, Etching — Herckmuns 2026 Renan (E.) Origine du Langage 2009 Renaut, Lai d'Iginiures 2054 Renout van Montalbaen — Matthes 2027 Renvall (G.) Lex. Ling. Finnicse 2015 ■ — Relat. Nominal. Fennicae 2015 Repp (T. G. )— see Ferra!l 2042 — see Rask 2042 Reschelii (T.) Diet. Bohemicum 2078 Resenius (P. J.) — Haavamaal 203S — Snoire Sturleson 20:18 — Woluspa, see Snorre 2038 Retzius (G.) FinskaKranier 2095 Reuilly (J.) Voyage en Crimde 20S4 — see Pallas 2084 Revelliere-Le'peaux, Patois Vende'en 2052 Revolution, Greek — Trikoupes 2060 Revue Celtique, par Gaidoz 2061 Revue de Philologie et d'Ethnograpliie 2009 Rhresi (J. D.) Cambrobrvt. Linguos Inst. 2071 Riiiito-Romonsch, see Romansch Rheims, Church— Evangelia 2076 Rhys (Prof.)— Cvmmrodor 2067 Rhys (J.) Welsh Lectures 2071 Ribary (F.) surlaLangue Basque — see Bonaparte 2003, 2012 Ribeiro (C.) Estudos prehist. em Portugal 2100 Rxcardi, Crani Araucanos e Pampas 2098 Richards (Brinlpy)— Cymmrodor 2067 Richards (T.) Welsh Diet. 2<>71 Richardson (E.) Anglo-Belgica 2027 Richelieu (Card.) — Fortius 2059 Richey (Mich.) Idiot. Hamburg. 2030 Kichter (A. F.) u. J. T. Schuster. Ungar. Ilandwnrterb. 2016 Richter (O.) Chemical Philos. 205] Ricbthofeu, Alttries. Wurterb. 2028 Riddell (II. S.) Psalms 1999 — Song of Solomon 1999 Rigollot, Instruments en Silex 2098 Riimkronikc (den Danskc) af Molbech 2042 Rijm-Krdnikor (Swenske) 2047 Ringsted Kirke, Konegravene i 2101 Biote (la) du Monde 2054 Rltter (J. G. C.) Mecklenburg. Gr. 2030 Robert ( — ) Age de Pierre 2098 Robert (E.) — Voyage de la Recherche 3095 Robert 'L'.)— Miracles de Noatre Dame 2058 Roberts (Gr.)— Athravaeth 2067 Robson, Book of Kuth 1999 — Song of Solomon 1 999 Roget, Ethnogenle Oauloise Rol d'Angleterra et le Jongleur 2054 Roland, Chanson de, pur Michel 2056 par Guatlcr Rolfi Hist.— see Gothricus 2036 Rolleof Hampole, Prickeof Conscience 2iOS Romagnol of Faenza— S. Matteo 2001 Romaic 2058, 2102 Roman de Brut — Wace 2055 Roman de lu Rose, par Me"on 2035 Boman de Rou— Wace 2056 Roman Religion — Hettter 2012 Romar.ce languages 2050 — Archivio 1995 — Biondelli 1996 — Diefenbach 2004 — Leibnitz 2007 — Zambelios 2011 Romances et Pastourelles, par Bartsch 2055 Romanesc dialect, S. Matteo 1999 — Sonetto 1999, 2055 Romansch 2056 — Diefenbach 2051 — see Ladinic Romer (F.)— Desjardins 2099 Rommany 20 S4 Runcal, dialect— Astete, Catechisme 2002 Bonaparte, Etudes 2003, 2012 Cant, des trois jeunes gens 2002 Cate'chisme Espagnol 2013 Salmo L 2002 Roneevalks, in Basque, Latin and Neo- Latiu 2003, 2012 Roquefort (J. B. B.) Glossaire 2055 Rosas (W. J.) Czechorecnost 2078 Rossnhane (S.) Svea-Rikes Konun^a- Langd. -017 Roskirke Church— Friis 204 1 Rosny (L. de)— Terrien Poncel 2100 Ross (Sir J.) Appendix to 2nd Voyage 2096 Rou, Roman de — Wace 2056 Rougemont (F. de) Age du Bronze 2095 Rouman 2057 — Diefenbach 2031 Roumieux (L.) II pdnjo-col 2050 Round Table, Romances — Saint Graal 2071 see Schulz (A.) 2071 Round Towers— Williamson 2097 Rousseau (J. B.) Curacteres del'espece humaine 2u89 Rowland (T.) Welsh Gr. 2071 — Welsh Exercises 2071 Royal Soe. of Northern Antiquaries — see Society Royaumont's Hist, of Old Test. 2014 Rudbeck (O.) Atlautica 2017, 2100 — Laponia 2047 — Thesaurus Ling. 2009 Rutimeyer (L.) u. W. His, Crania 1 1 el vet. 2095 Ruffs (Jacob) Etter Ilt-ini 2030 Rompelt (II. B.) System der Sprach- laute 2100 Runa, af Dybeck 2(>47 Rimakefli — Wolff 2039 Rnneberg J. L.) Skrifter 2 47 Runic — Codex Runicus 2035 — Dletericb 2035 — Dijkman 2044 — Gothrici et Rolfi Hist. 2036 — Grau 2015 — Ilickes 2020 — Lauriel 2037 — Liljegrcn 2037 — Nordisk Oldskrift Selskab 2082 — Perinskiold 2046 — Kudbeck 2100 — Sahlstedt 2038 — Sjoborg 2088 — Stephens 2034, 2102 — Tliorsen 2035,3089 — Wolff 2039 — Worm 2039 — Weinhold 2031 Ruskiu Skazlti 2083 Russia, Anthrop. and Ethnogr. Soc. 2086 — Bibl. Impl. St. de Pe"tersbourg 2076 — Duchinski 2089 — Herberstain 2083 — Ka:amzin 2059 — Krug 2084 — Mayerberg 2084 — Nestor 2077 — Neumann 20S4 — Pallas 2084 — Schlbzer 2084 — Suchtelen 2048 — Wallace 2084 Russia in Asia — Grigoriev 2082 Russian 2081, 2102 — Diet. Franc Russe 2081 — Frohling 2076 — Genesis 2051 — Linde 2081 — Pallas 2008 — Piesni Piesi.ei (Song of Solomon) 1999 — Wallin 2011 Russian Typography — Orbini 2082 Rut (Libro di) — see Bible Rutebeuf, tEuvres, par Jubinal 2055 Ruth, see Bible Rydquist, Sveuska SpraketsLagar2047 Rygu (O.) Norwegian Anthiuities 2100 !; vmbegla, ed. biornonis 2038 Sacheverell's Isle of Man 2065 Sacy (Lemaistre de) S. Matt. 2001 Ssemuiidar Edda, see Edda Ssemund.ir Safariks (P. J.; Altbohm Gr. 2079 — und F. Palacky, BOhm. Denkmaler 2079 Sagas — Biorner 2035 — Christendoms Saga 2038 — Egils-Saga 2036 — Fornaldarsagan 2036 — Gronl india Saga 2038 — Gunnlaugi Saga 2036 — Hialmters och Givers Saga 2047 — Islendinga Scigur 2033 — Jatvardar Konungs Saga 2033 — Landnama Sagan 2( 38 — Laxda;la-Saga 2037 — NjalsSaga 2087 — Olafs Saga 2037 Swedish 2046 — Oldnord. Sagaer 2033 — Orknejinga Saga 2037-8 — Sturlunga-Saga 2039 — Viga Glum's Saga 2039 — see also Edda — see Johnstone 2032 — see Miiller (P. E.) 2042 — see Sveuska Fornskrift Siillskapet 2048 — see Tegner 2048 Sahlstedt (A.) Svensk Ordbok 2047 Sahlstedt (A.M.) Runstafweu Fornyad 2038 St. Acheul, Antiq.— Rigollot 2098 Saint-Aymour (A. de Caix de) Langne Latlne 2010 Saint Graal, by Williams 2071 St. John's R., Florida— Wyman 2097 S. Mark's Chapel, Man, Records 2066 Saintonge, dialect — Favre 2059 St, Petersburg Academy— Baer 2087 — Bibl. Imple. de 2076 Saint-Sui in, l'llotel de Cluny 2055 Saints, Irish— O'Clery 2062 — Lives of Cambro-British 2078 Sajnovics, Demonstr. Idioma Ungar. 2016 Salazar, dialect— Astete, Catechisme 2002 Bonaparte 2003, 2012 Cant, des trois jeunes gens 2002 Catechisme Espaguol 2013 Salmo L 2002 Salesbury (W.) Welsh Diet. 21167 - see Testament Ncwydd 2u72 s.tlemo's Hohe Lied, see Bible INDEX. 15 Salomon and Saturnus — jElfric Soc. 2021 Salverte (E.) Essai sur le Noms 'J010 Samh&Ue i Stockholm, Witteiihets Arb. 2049 Samling af verser pa Swcnska 2047 Samoyed— Leibnitz 2007 Samper (P. J.) Catechisme Espagnnl 2013 — Salmo L 2002 — see Astete, Catechisme 2002 Samuel (Ed.) Duwiol-Swyddau 2074 — see Holl Ddyledf. Dyii 2074 Sanchez de Santa Maria (Jose) S. Matteo L9SI9 Sanchuniathon — see Wagenfeld 2012 Sandbach (W. R.)— Oera Linda Book 2028 Saadifoit (E. et G ) Museum Anatoni. 2095 Sandifort (G.) Tabula? Craniorum 2095 Sandwich Islands, Views — Burgess 2096 Sanskrit— B;>pp 2003-4 — Delbriick 2004 — Ferrar 2005 — Graff 2019 — Holmboe 2006 — Pott 2009 — Recherches sur l'origine 2100 — Schleicher 2010 — Zehctmayr 2012 Santa Maria (Sanchez de), see Sanchez 1999 Sardinian dialect, Cant, de' Cant. 1998-2000 — Profezia di Giona 1998-2001 — Storia di Giuseppe 1998-2000 — Libro di Rut 1998-2000 — S. Matteo 1999, 2001 Sassari. dialect— Cant, de' Cant. 2000 — Prof, di Giona 2001 — Storia di Giuseppe 2000 — S. Matteo 2001 — Lib. di Rot 2000 Sissen, De Kronika fan 2029 Satha ;K. N.) Ellenika Anekdota 2059 Saull, Ahorig. Tribes of Britain 2097 Saussure (F. del Systeme des Vovelles 2010 Sauvnge, Etat dn Crane 2098 Sauvages Diet. Languedocicn 2055 Savoy -Forbes . 2032 Saxo Grainmaticus, Hist. Dan. (Kjob. 1575) 2033 Miiller et Velschow 2033 Stephanus 2033 — see Miiller 2042 — see Rasmussen 2033 Saxon, Old — Holizmann 2101 Laieri Doctrinal 2102 — see German Dialects Saxon Chronicle — Ancient History 2022 Saxon Durham Book — see Henshall 2024 Saxon-Fnglish — Song of Solomon 1999 Scalia (L.) Cantico de' Cant. 1998 — Libro di Rut 1998 — S. Matteo Scandinavia Hist. etc. 2032-34 — Ai pi Themis — Biorner 203* — Christian I 2040 — Christian II 2040 — Clement 2088 — Fiekes 2044 — Goturicns et Rolfus 2086 — Herraudas et Bosa 2036 — Kemlde 2091 — Nordisk Oldskrift Selskab 2032 — Scheel 2042 — Suhm 2043 — Thorkelin 2034 — see r.d-la — Mythology— Thorpe 2034 — Runes— Stephens 2034,2102 Scandinavian Langs. 2018, 2032 — Boswoi th 2018 — Eichhoff 2005 — Grimm 2019 — Holmboe 2000 — Schulz (A.) 2071 Schaafhausen, Anthrop. prehist. 2098 — Urform d. Sch&dels 2098 — see Congies d" Anthrop. 208S Schade (O.i Satiren 2030 Schadow (G.) Physio omies nationales 2005 Schafariks (P.J.) Slaw. Alterthilmer 2077 — Siidslaw. Literatur 2077 Scheel (II. O.) Udkast af Krigens Skueplads 2042 Schi tfer (J ) Lapponia 2017 — Upsalia 2047 — see Gothrici et Rolti Hist. 2036 Scheler (A.)— see Diez 2052 — Diet. d'Etvmologie Fr. 2055 Seheller (K. F. A.) Biicherkunde 2030 — Shigt-BSk 203 l — see Kronika 2029 — see Laien Doctrinal 2029, 2102 Scheltema (P. C.) Veizameling 2028 Scherer (W.) Gtschichte d. Deutschen 9pr. 2020 — see Grimm's Grammatik 2019 Schiewek (C.) Polnische Gr. 2081 Schilter (J.) Thesaurus Antiquit. 2020 Schischkow (A ) Untersuch. iiber die Spr. 2010 Schlegel— Gragas, Cod. Juris 2036 Schleicher (A.) Compendium der vergl. Grammatik 2010 — Compendium of Comp. Grammar 2010 — Indogerm. Chrestomathie 2010 — Li'.tau Handbuch 2018 — Litau. Miirchen . 2018 — Nomen u Veibum 2010 — Sprachvergl. Untersuch. 2010 — Sprachen Europas 2010 — Langues de l'Europe 2010 — see Kohn Schlozer (K. de) Habitants de la Russie 2084 Schlyter (C.J.) — Codex Juris Upland. 2035 — see Corpus Juris Sueo-Got. 2044 Schmaler (J. E.) Wend. Gespriiche 20S4 Schmeller (J. A.) Bayer. Worterb. 2031 — Mundarten Bayerns 2030 — see Ileli-nd 2023 Schmidt (J. C.) Schwab. Worterb. 2031 Schmid (R.)Gesetze der Angelsaclisen 2025 Schmidt (E.) Kraniol. Untersuch. 209S Schmidt (J.) Indog. Vocalismus 2010 — see Schleicher 2010 Schmidt (K. C. L.) Westerwald. Idiot.. 2031 Schmitthenner (F.) Ursprachlehre 2010 Schneider (F.) Danish Gr. 2 42 Schneller (C.) Roman. Volksmun- darten 2057 Schoimul, Roman. Gram. 2057 Sehoning G.) - Snorre Sturleson 2038 S«hott W. Kalew-Poeg 2017 Schueren (Gherard van der) Teuthon- isfa 2027 Schi'itze, Holstein Idiot. 2031 Sclinl< A Welsh Tradition 2071 Schulze E.) Goth. Glossar 2021 1 J.T )see Richter (A. F.] 2016 Schwarz, Novara Expedit. 209S eizer-Sidler It .) Ascoli 1996 Schwenck, Worterbueb. 2031 Scotch dialects— Shaw 2061 — Lowland— S.Matthew 2000 Psalms 1S99 Scotch dialects — Song of Solomon 1999, 2000 — Shetland— Par. of Sower 2003 Scottish Gaelic, see Gaelic Scotland, Early Hist.— Lhuyd 2061 Scott (Sir W.) Antiquary, Russian 2083 Scripta Hist. Island., cur. Soc. Reg. Ant.iq. Septent. 2038 Scutari, dial.— S. Matt. 20'2 Scythians— Schlozer 2084 Seaman's Russian Diet 20S3 Sebastian (\. A.)— Crar.iology 2089 Seiut Gieal,see Saint Giaal Sembrador, Parabola del, see Bible Semeur, Parabole de, see Bible Semitic Races — Rougemont . 2095 Semticlangs. — Wullner 2011 Semitic Roots — see Merian 2007 Serbische Volkslieder — Vuk 2089 Serenius, Swedish Diet. 2017 Sermones Catholiei— JJlfric Soc. 2021 Serovios, Psycliologia 2059 Serventois et Sottes Chansons 2055 Servian 2079-80 Seth (Simeon) — Kalila wa Dimna 2058 Sewel (W.) Dutch Diet. 2027 Sex Linguarum Diciionarius 2011 Shakespeare's Works in Dutch 2027 — Swedish— Hagberg 2047 — see Ellis 2008 Shaw (Ch.)— Andersen 2101 Shaw (W.) Galic Diet. 2061, 2064 Sheffield dialect— ^ong of Sol. 1999 Shelekhov (G.) Puteshestvie 2083 Shertzl, Sravnit. Gr. Slavyenskikh 2077 Shetlands, Scotch of- Tar. of Sower 2003 Shishkov (A.) Moiskoe Slovar 20S3 Sicilian dialect, Cantico de' Cant. 1998 — S. Matt. 1998 — Libro di Rut 1998 Sicily — Maggiorani 2098 Siebentrugisch dialect, Salomo's Hohe Lied 1999 Sies'.rzencewicz de Bohusz (Stan.) Chersonese Taurique 2084 Sievers (E.) Grundziige derLautphys. 2010 — Grundz. der Phonetik 2010 — see Tatian 2031 — see Steinmeyer (E.) 2031 Sievert, Salomo's Kohe Lied, Sieben- bi'ng dialect 1999 Sigart (J.) Glossaire Montois 2056 Sigesson (Lar)— Fiekes 2044 Silvestre (J. B.)— Evangelia 2076 Simoes (A. F.) Archeol. da Peninsnlar Iberica 210) Simonon, Poesies de Lie"ge 2051 Simrock (K.) — Nibelunge Liet (Per) 2030 Sivelo (D. R. B.) Antig. de Galicia 2100 Sivers ,n. J.) Gustaf I 21 17 Sjdborg (N. 11.) Nordens Fornlilskare 2038 Sjogren (A. J.) die Finn. Sprache 2015 — Livische Gram. Skarlatos KallimaL■hes , Laws 2059 Skeat (W. VT.) Moeso-Gothic Glossary 2008, 2021 Skene's Four Ancient Books 2072 — see Dean of Lisiuore 2064 Skinner (S.) Etyinol. Ling. Anglicans 2025 Skulls, sec Craniolngy Skleros Ath. -Sit ha" 2050 Skrifteraf Forfatteren til "en Hver- dags-Hist." 2041 Slang 2084-86 — Italian— Biondclli 1996 Slaves, Negro— Campbell 2088 Slavonic Languages 2076 16 INDEX. 2076-78 2004 209G 2089 2084 2096 2080 Slavouic Languages— Abel 1995 — Bopp 2004 — Eichhoff 2005 — Gyarmathi Afflnitas 2016 — Kubn u. Schleicher 2007 — Linde 2081 — Pott 2009 — Zehetmayr Slavonic, Old (Church) — Bopp Slavonic Mythology— Ikany Slavs — Duchinski — Schliirer — Stritter — Wilkinson Slesvig, see Sleswick Sleswiek— Engelhardt 2090 — Nationality and Lang, of 2034 — Thorsen 2039 Slovar Tserkovno-Slavyeno-Rossiiski i 2077 — Tserkovno - Slavyenskago i Russ- kago 2077 Slovene 2084 Smart (B. C.) and H. T. Crofton, dialect of Gypsies 2085 Smith (A.) — Annales de Monte Fern. 2063 Smith ,'C. W.) Poln. Gr. 20S1 Smith (John)— Bsedse Hist. 2101 Smith (S. B.)— Ulfeldt 2043 Smith (S. S.) Variety of Complexion 209S Smyth's Persian Moonshee 2012 Snorre Sturleson, Edda Island. 2038 Jonsson 2039 — Heimskringla, ed. Schoning 203S — see Muller (P. E.) 2042 Sobranie Starinnych Russkich Skazok 2083 Society, Anthrop. and Ethnogr. of Russia 2086 — Antiquaries of the North 2032-3 Jonsson 2037 Olafs Saga 2037 Scripta Hist. Island. 2038 Society, Archseol., of Athens 2058 — EthnoL, of London 2090 — Highland— Diet. Scoto-Celt. 2064 Ossian 2064 — Iberno-Celtic— O'Reilly 2063 — Icelandic Literary — Fridhriksson 2036 nomer 2036 — Irish Archaeological 20G1-C3 Miscellany 2002 — Ossianic 2063 — Vetenskaps Soc. i Upsala 2049 — Welsh MS. 2072-7" Siiborg— see Asserbo 2033 Simmering (S. T. von) Leben, ven B, Wagner 2095 — see Camper 2088 Svro tXicolaus of) — Riimkronike 2042 Sohlberg (L. G.) Domkyrkau i Wes- teras 2047 Solberg (T.)— see Horn 2032 Solomon, Song of, see Bible Somersetshire dialect — Baynes 1999 — Song of Solomon 1999 Somncr, Diet. Saxon. 202S Sonetto Romanesco 1999 Song of Solomon, see Bible Songs Breton — Villemarque' 2074 — Femes*— Fiertiiske (feeder 2036 — Gypsy— Borrow 2085 — Romaic— Fam ill — Russian— Ralston 2 " k 3 — Servian— Vuk — Swedish— Bellmann 2043 Sticrhielm 2048 — Wallon— Choix de Chansons 2056 — see also Ballads, Carols Sorabic 2084 — Linde »081 — see Wendish Soulctin, sec Basque Spain, Gypsies— Borrow 2085 Hudson 2085 — Michel 2092 — Simoes 2100 Spanish— Baekcr 2099 — Diefenbach 2051 — Huvgens 2026 — Macdonnel 2007 Spanish, Ancient — Kennedy 2097 Spanish Creole— Putman 2057 Teza 20C7 Spano (C. G.) Prof, di Giona 1999, 2001 — Storia di Giuseppe 199S, 2000 — S. Malfceo 1999, 2001 — Libro di Rut 1999, 2000 Sparschuh (X.) Kelten, Gricchen, etc. 2010 Specht, Festland Asien-Europa 2095 Specimen Lexici Comp. a Bonaparte 1997, 2010 Specimen d'orthographe de la Langue d'Oil 2003, 2055 Specimen of Vulgar Speech of Glou- cester 2003 Speed — Harrison 2066 Spegel (H ) Gloss. Sueo-Goth 2047 — Poetiska Skriffter 2048 Spengel, Fidschi Insulaner 2098 — Polynesien Scbadel 209S Spnrrell's Welsh Diet. 2072 — Welsh Gr. 2072 — Practical Lessons 2072 Squier (E. G.) and E. H. Davis, Monu- ments of Mississippi 2095 Stadgar (Kong.), Fdrordn., etc. 2046 Stagciritos (A.) Ogygia 2059 Sragneln Skrit'ter— Utmiirkta 2049 Stahl (K.) Idiotismus Endemicus 2095 Stalder (F, J.) Landessprachen d. Schweiz 2031 — Schweizer. Idiot. 2031 Stallaert (C ) Cours de la Langue Fla- mande 2027 Stancsics (M\) Ungar. Studien 2016 Stanley (Hon. 11.) Rouman Anthology 2057 Stanleys, Kings of Man 2065 Starinniya Dikovinki 2083 Steffens (II ) Anthropologic 2095 Steinmeyer (E.) u. E. Sievers, Glossen 2031 Steinthal (H.) AbrissderSprachwissen- sehaft 2011 — Typen des Sprachbaues 2011 — Classification der Spraehen 2011 — Entwickel. der Schrift 2011 Stender (C. F.) Lettische Gram. 2018 — Lettisches Lexicon 2018 Stengel (E.)— Codex MS. Digby 2051 Stephanopoli, Parab. del Figl. Prod. 199S Stephanus (S. J.)— Saxo Grammaticus 2033 Stephens (G.) Brittiska och Fransyska lliind-Skriftema 2048 — Runic Monuments 2034, 2102 — see llylten-Cavallius 2045 — see King of Birds 2024 — see Waldere's (King) Lay 202 i Stevenson (A.)— Holtrop 2026 Stewart (A) Gaelic Or. 2065 Stewart 'A. and D.) Cochruinnea< lita 2065 Stewart (M ) Remarks on Language 2011 Stiernhlelmii (G | MusajSueth. 2048 Stiernmann— Tegel 2048 Stimrolng (A.)— Bertran dc Born 2050 Stockholm, Kongl. Biol.— Stephens 2048 — Samhalle i, Wlttcnhcts Ajb. 2049 Stockholm! Tidnlng 2048 Stoke Melta Rymkronijk 2027 -v. i (.uidelica ' 201 18 — see Pc 2063 — see Irish Glosses — see Mciiastk Saint) 2075 Storia di Giuseppe, see Bible Stiahlmann (J.l Finn. Sprachlehre 2015 Stratoules, Pragmateia Philos. 2059 Strelow (H. N.) Cronica Guthiland. 2043 Strinnholm (A. A.) Sweska Hist. 2048 Stiitteri (J. G.) Memorix Populorum 2096 Strodtmann (J. C.) Idiot. Osnabruij. 2031 Stuart (M.) De Mensch 2096 Sturenburg (C. H.) Ostfrles. Worterb. 2028 S'.ulii Lex. Illvricum 2079 — Vorab. Illirico 2080 Sturlunga-Saga 2039 Stvrian— Kopitar 2084 — Linde 2081 Suchtelen, Kriget (180S-9) 2048 Suhm (P. F.) Oprindelse 2043 Suio-Gothic, see Sweden and Swedish Sulikovii (J. D.) Comment. Rerum Polon. 2102 Sumarokov (A.) Elegii Liebovnva 2083 Superstitions, Finnish — Lencquist 2015 Surinam, Creole — Van der Vegt 205S Surgeons, College of 2088 Suringar (\V. II. D.) Gloss, van der oudhollandsche 2101 Sussex— Dixon, Bronze Relics 2012 — dialect — Song of Sol. 1999 Svenska Akademiens Handl. 2048 — Fornskrift Sallskapet 2048 Swabian Dialect — Manesscn 2030 — Schmid 2031 Swan (J. G.) Indians of C. Flattery 2096 Swaving (C. )— Craniology 2089 Sweden, Hist. etc. — Adlersparre 2043 — Besluther, 1604-91 2043 — Bring 2044 — Corpus Juris 2044 — Cod. Juris Upland. 2035 — Diplom. Suec. 2044 — Fry sell 2045 — Geijer 2045 — Hialmters Saga 2047 — Historisk Sallskap 2045 — Knos et Mallmin 2032 — Kong. Stadgar, etc. 2046 — Kyrko-Lagen 2046 — Lagerbring- 2046 — Loccenius 2032 — Montelius 2099 ■ — Olaus (Eric) 2033 — Petreus 2046 — Ralamb 2047 — Rijin-Kronikor 2047 — Rosenhane 2047 — Sivers 2047 — Sjciborg 2038 — Strinnholm 2048 — Suchtelen 2048 — Tegel 2048 — Theiner 2034 — Thirty Years' War 2049 — Thom.-eus 2049 — Wiesclgren 2049 — Wilde 2049 Sweden, Views — Linnerhiclm 2046 — sec also Scandinavia Swedish 2043 — Bidrner 2035 — Gothrici ct Rolfi Hist. 2036 — Graff 2019 — Herraudi et Bosa? Hist. 2086 — Juslenius 2015 — Meidinger 2020 Etudbeck 2100 — Wallin 2011 Swedish Xewspaper— Stockholm ning 204S — Orthography— Graberg 2049 Swenska FBrfattare, Arbeten af 2049 Swiss I dalects- Stalder 2031 Switzerland— Keller 2091 INDEX. 17 Switzerland, Kiitimeyer u. His 2095 Swoboda— Kb'niginhofer Handschrift 2078 Symbols— Bunsen 2088 Symoncla (J. A.J Sleep and Dreams 2094 Syriac— Guichard 2005 Syrjenic 2017 — Gabelentz 2015 — S. Matthew 2001 Szlemenies (G.)— Farkas, Ungar. Gr. 2015 Szumski (T.) Recueil des Anecdotes 2081 Talvi, Lang, of Slavic Nations 2078 Tarentese dialect — Pont 2054 Tasmania — Davis 2089 Tasso, Veglie di, Russian 2083 Tataric Langs.— Gyarmathi Affinitas 201G Tatiani Harmon. Evang., Palthenius 2031 Sievers 2031 Taurinensis Cod. Glossaj — see Marcus 2062 Tcheremis— Leibnitz 2007 — S. Matthew 2001 Tcholakov (V.) Bulgarskii Naroden Sbornik 2079 Teeth— Owen (R.) 2093 Tegel (E. H.) Erics XIV Hist. 2048 Tegner (E.) Axel 2048 — Dikter 2048 — Frithiot's Saga 2048 — Bihang till Frithiof 2048 — Nattvards-Bamcn 2048 — Skrifter 2048 — Tal hallet i Lund 2048 Tempio dialect— Cant, de' Cant. 1999 Prof, de Giona 2000 Storia di Guiseppe 2000 S. Matteo 1999 Libro di Rut 1999 Ter Gouw (J.)— Van Lennep 2027 Terrien, S. Mathieu, Breton 1998 Terrien Poncel (A.) du Langage 2100 Testamen Caharreco llistorioa 2014 Testament — see Bible Teuto-Gothic, see Germanic General 2018 Teutonic Languages 2018 Texte du Sacre — Evangelia 2o76 Teza (E.) Dialetto Curassese 2057 — Indoportoghese 2057 Thebes, Mummy— Birch 2091 Theiner (A.) Schweden 2034 Theotisc — Tatian 2031 Thibetan Languages— Wullner 2011 Thieves' Slang, see Slang Thirty Years' War — Fbrteckning 2049 Thiundia— Peringskiold 2046 Thomaji (S. S.) Christna Kyrkans Hist. 2019 Thomas (John) — Cymmrodor 2007 — see Myvyrian Arch. 2070 Thomas (J. J.) Creole Gram. 2057, 205K Thomas (— ) Corph y Gainge 2072 Thomas a Becket, von Bekker 2055 Thomasii (J.) Dis. de Cingaris 2086 — Tractat v. Zigciiiiein 2086 Thorns (W. J. — Worsaae 2097 Thomsen (W.) Einfluss der German. Sprachen 2011 Thorkeliu (G. J.) Diplom. Arna-Mac- liffiannm 2034 — see Laada;la-Saga 2037 Thorlacius (Theod.) — Sagan Landnania 2038 Thorlakssonar Islenzk Ljiibabok 2039 Thorlakssyni (J.)— Milton 2037 Thorpe (B.) Analecta Anglo-Saxon. ■JUL'.-, — Northern Mythology 203 I — see Beowult 2022 — seeCasdmon 2023 — see Codex Exoniensis 2023 Thorpe (B.) see Rask 2024 — see Serniones Catholiei 2021 Thorsen ,P.G.;Danske Runemindersin. 2039 — Om Runeres Brug 2035 Three Irish Glossaries 2063 Thryms-Quida— Wolff 2039 Thuriet (Ch.) S. Matthew 2001 Thurnham (J.) Weight of Brain 2098 — see Davis (J. B.) — see Nicolucci 2090 Thurneysen (R.) — see Giiterbock 2001 Thwaites (Ed.) — Heptateuchus 2024 Tibet— Pallas 2084 TillKg til Aarboger for Nord. Oldkyn. 2033 Tkany (A.) Mythologie d. Teutschen 209G Tobise Comedia 2049 Tobolsk, dialect— S. Matthew 2002 Todd— O'Clery 2062 — Nennius 2062 T.ikio, ArchMol.— Morse 2093 Tolosan dialect — tioudelin 2u52 Tomlin (J.) Compar. Vocabulary 2011 Tonkin and Gwavas, Archajol. Cornu- Brit. 2u75 Topinard, Races de l'Australia 2098 Tractatus de Ling. Suio-Goth. 2049 Tracts, Anthropological 2097-8 — Finnish 2015 — rel. to Ireland 2063 — Philological 2012 Traner (J ) de Proverb. Fennicis 2015 Transylvania — Paget 2016 Tvansylvanian Saxon, Salomo's Hone Lied 1999 Traver (11) dou sieele 2050 Tribes and Customs of Ily-Many 2063 Trikoupes (S.) Ellenike Epanastasis 2060 Troies (Cresticn von) li Romans 2051 Trot, Lai de— Renaut 2004 Trotz (C. H.)— Hugo 2U06 Troubadours — Heinr. v. Morungen 2053 — see Raynouard 2054 Troude (A. E.) Diet. Breton 2074 Tsheremissic — Castren 2015 — S. Matthew 2002 Tulle, dialect— Bdronie 2050 Tungus— Leibnitz 20O7 Turanian races — Duchinski 2089 Turiault (J.) Creole de la Martinique 2058 Turkey— Broughton 2000 — Gipsies — 1'aspati 2uk."> Turkish— Loewe 20u8 Turner (W.) Human Structure 2094 Tumour, Papers on Pali ln»cript. 2012 Twisleton (E.) Tongue not essential to Speech 2011 Tylor (E. B.) Hist, of Mankind 2096 Typography, Russian — Orbini 2082 Tyrol, dialect— Schneller 2057 Tyson (E.) Orang Outang 2096 Udairich und Bozena— Koniginlv fer MS. 2078 Dggla (C. H.) Svea-Rikcs Rads-Lan^l 2049 Ugrian Races— Miiller 2014 Ugro-Finuic 2ui4 — Anderson 1995 Ujfalvy— Kevue de Philologie 2009 UlUrldt, (L. C.) Jammers-Minde 2043 Ulfllas 2102 I ' iieraker, An; iquities— Peringskiol 2046 lister-Getty 2U91 -Uiattan ' 2098 — Johnstone 2032 — Lithographs of Crania from 2097 Unger (C, R.) — Fagrskiuna 2023 — see Munch 2087 Upland — Codex Juris Uplandici 2035 — Peringskiold 2046 Uppstrom (A )— Codex Argenteus 2021 Upsala— Arsskrift 2049 -Seheffer 2017 Ur en Anteckn. Saml. — see Klemming Ural Mts.— Hoffuiann 2091 — M tiller 2014 Uralic dialects — Bonaparte, dialects 2003, 2012 Uriate (J. A. de) Apocalipsis des San Juan 1997-98 — liiblia (Basque) 1997 — Canticum Cauticorum 1997, 2000 — Dialogues Basques 1997, 2013 — S. Mateo 1997 Ussing (J. L.)— Hoyens 2041 Utmiirkta Arbeten af Swenska Fofat- tare 2049 Uygaard V M.) Syntax 2039 Vaillant (A.) Gr. Valaque 2057 — Vokabular Rumanesk 2057 Valenciennes, dialect— Serventois 2055 Vallancey (C.) Irish Gr. 2064 — Prospectus of Diet. 2064 Vallunsbeck (H. M.) Diarium Polemi- cuni 2C43 Van Driesseh — see Hugewils 2026 Van Eys, Gram. Basque 2ol4 Van Lennep (J.) Werken 2027 — en J. Ter Gouw, Uitlnmgteekens 2027 Van der Hoeven, Anthrop. Ondezoek 2098 — Catalogus Craniorum 2098 — see Vrolik 2097 Van der Kolk (Schroeder) — Craniology 2089 Van der Nost (J.) Hymne de Braband 2027 — Livres Olympiades 2027 — Poeticsche Werken 2027 Van der Pyl (R.) Dutch Gr. 2027 Van der Vegt (A. H.) Neger-Engelsch 205S Vandals— Stritter 2096 Vangelo, see Bible Vannes, dialect— S. Mathieu 1998 Vannetais, Song of Solomon 1998 Vapen (A.) Ajax och Ulysses 2045 Varvati (C.) Diet. Grec. moderne 2060 Vater (J. S.) Adelung's Mithridates 1995 — Liter, der Grammatiken 2011 — Sprache d. alten Preussen 2018 Vedel (A. S.) — Saxo Grammaticus (1575) 2033 Veglie di Tasso, Russian 2083 Velasco y Fernandez de la Cuesta (Lad. de) los Euskaros 2101 Velschow — Saxo Grammaticus 2033 Vendee, dialect— Revelliere-Le'peaux 2052 Venetian dialect, S. Matthew 1998 Ventote G.) Creek Gr. 2060 Verelius (O.)— Gothrici et Rolfi Hist. 2036 — see Ilerraudi et Bosse Hist 2036 Verneau i R. le Bassin 2n96 Vernon's Anglo-Saxon Guide 2025 Verser af Swenka (Samling af) 2047 Vesterbot— Hermelin 2016 Vest iges d'Assei bo et de SOborg. 2033 Vetenskaps-Soc. i Upsala — Arsskrift 2049 Vialle (J. A.)— Beionie 2050 Victhens (A.) Bcschr. Dithmarschen 2102 Vital de Besaudun (R.) — see Faidit 2052 Vidangoz, dialect— Bonaparte, Etudes 2012 Viga Glum's Sagu— Head 2039 Vigfusson (G.)— Cleasby 2035 — and i'. York Powell, Icelandic Reader 2039 Corpus Poeticum Boreale 2039 Yillemarque' (T. H. de la) Barraz- Breiz 2074 18 INDEX. Villemarque — Myrdliinn 2072 — see Le Gonidec 2074 Vincent (E.) and T. G. Dickson, Hand- book of modern Greek 2060 Vincent (L.)— Bounet 2050 Vinson (J.) — see Bonaparte, sur Notes 2003, 2012 — see Hovelaeque 2006 Virey (J. J.) Hist. nat. du Genre hu- main 2096 Virschow (R.) Abhandl. ear Medicin 2096 — Beitr. zur Anthropologic 2096 Vishnu Sarma, in Romaic 205S Vittenhets Arbeten utg. af et Samhalle i Stockh. 2049 Vitterhets Acad. Handl. 2049 Vitterhets Nojen 2049 Yitterhetsstycken, af Ekboltz 2049 Vlachos (A.) Nengrie< h. Clirest. 2060 Vlachas ,P. G.) Thesaurus eneyclopred. 2011 Vladislas of Poland and Sweden — Kobierzicki 2012 Vocabularium Com p. a Bonaparte 2010 Vocabnlarius Optimus Gemma, etc. (Latin-Flemish) 2027 Vocabulary in six Languages 2011 Vdluspa, Analysis of 2036 Vogt (C.) Voiles, iiber d. Menschen 2096 Vogul dialect— S. Matthew 20o2 Voltaire, Cresars D6d, pa Svenska 2049 Voltiggi (J.) Riscoslovnik Illirif. 2080 Vries (M. do) Middelnederlandsch Wooidonbuch 2072 Vrolik (A.) de Hyperostosi Cranii 2094 Vrolik (G.) Dissert, de Homine 2096 — Diversity des Passins 2096 Vrolik (W.)— see Crauiology 2089 — see Ger 2096 — Museum 2096 — en Van der Hocven, Schedel to Pompei 2097 Vagabondo (Ii) 2086 Vuk, Serb. Worterb. 2080 — Serb. Or. 2080 — Serb Hoehzeitelieder 2080 Wace, Roman de Brut 2055 — Roman de Rou 2056 — see Layarmm's Brut 2024 Wachteri (J. G ) Glos*. Germanicum 2102 Waekernagel ( W.) Deutsches Lesebueh 2031 — Glossar zum Leseb. 2031 — Kleinetes Leseb. 2031 Wastmannland — Grau 2045 Wagenaar (P. ) Designs by — Engelsche Tieranny 2025 Wagenfeld (Fr.) Sanchunialhon's Urgeschichte 2012 Wagner (R.) Naturgesch. d. Menschen 2098 — Tracts on Brain 2098 — Lcben, von Sommcring 2095 Wagner | W.)— Mcdi.-cval Greek Texts 2008 Waldcrc's (King) Lay, Anglo-Saxon 202'. Waldron's Isle of Man 2065 Wales— see Cymmrodorion 2066-7 — Heraldic Visit., by L. Dwnn 2072 — Lhuyd 2061 — Myvyrian Archuiology (1801) 2070 (1861) 2070 Wallace D. M. liussia 2084 Wallaclnan 2057 Wallin K. J.) Finnish Diet. 2011 Wallin (J. Oj Viltcili.ts-Arbeten 2019 Walloon 2056 Walter (J.) Welsh Diet. 2072 Wiire's Ireland — lohostone 2032 Waring i:.) Willlama v..) 2071 Weber M. ,J. Fonnen ll. Sch.-idcl 2096, 2098 Weerth (C.l Entwlckl. d. Menschen- Rassen 2096 Weiland (P.) Nederduitsch Woordenb. 2028 Weinhold (K.) Altnord. Leben 2034 — see Isodorus I Bischof) 2030 Weisbacb, deutsche Weiberschiidel 2098 — Scli-idel aus Grabsiitten 2098 Weisbach, Schiidelformen 2008 vVekey, Hungarian Gr. 2016 Wclcker(H.) Wachsthum d. Scuadels 2096 Welhaven (J S.) Skrifter 2043 Welsh 2066 — Lhuyd 2061 — Minsheu 2007 — Peti ie 2063 — Song of Solomon 1998 — Williams (R.) 2075 — Zeuss 2061 Welsh Biography— Williams (R.) 2074 Welsh MS. Society 2072-73 Wendish 2084 — Linde 2«81 Werninek (J.) Dutch Diet. 2028 Wesely— Vuk 2080 Weske (M.) Untersuch. zur Gram. (finn.) 2015 Westeras— Sohiberg 2047 Westerwald Dialect— Schmidt 2031 Westmoreland dialect — Song of Sol. 1999 Westphal (R.) Vergl. Grammatik 2011 Westrogoths — Got in ici et Rolti Hist. 2036 Weylle (C. CO Gloss. Jurid. Danico- Norveg. 2043 Wlieatley (H. B.) — Levins (Peter) 2008 Wheaton (H.) Ilis'oryof the North- men 2034 White (C.) Gradation in Man 2096 White (R. M.)— Ormulum 2024, 2101 Whitney (W. D.) Languages 2011 — Life and Growth of Language 2011 Whole Duty of Man, Welsh 2074 Widegren, Swedish Lex. 2049 Wiedemann (F. J.) Ehstn. Worterb. 2017 — Leben der Ehsten 2017 — S. Matt., Carelian 2001 Livonian 2000 Mordwinic 2001 Tcheremissic 2001-2 Wotiak 2000 — Wotjak. Gram. 2017 — see Sjogren 2018 Wieland (CM.) Beilandon Istoria 2060 Wieselgren (P.) de Claustris Suiogoth. 2049 — Sveriges skona I it. 2049 Wilde (J.) Sueci.x hist, pragm. 2