'lit/ 7-7 .V... EXTRACT from (in Art firmeribhHj Hiilv* for the Government of the Stuff Library . f,u*ed March 8f/, 1861. Si:* riox 11. The Librarian shall cause to be kept a register of all hooks issued and returned : and all books taken by the members of the Legislature, or its officer.*, shall be returned at the close of the session. If any person injure or fail to return any book taken from the Library, he shall forfeit and pay to the Librarian, for the benefit of the Library, three times the value thereof: and before the Controller shall issue his warrant in favor of any member or officer of the Legislature, or of this State, for hi.- per diem allowance or salary, he shall be satisfied that such member or officer has returned all books taken out of the Library by him. and has M-"li-