Trigonometry AND Stereographic Projections Trigonometry AND Stereographic Projections (REVISED) PREPARED FOR THE USE OF THE MIDSHIPMEN AT THE UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY BY STIMSON J. BROWN Professor of Mathematics, United States Navy 1913 Copyright, 1913, by RALPH EARLE Secy, and Treas. U. S. Naval Institute (gafttmore (p BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. PKEFACE. I have attempted in the work here presented to give a thor- oughly practical treatment of the subject of trigonometry, adapted to the requirements of the course of study of the Naval Academy. The chapter on stereographic projections represents largely the methods of Professor W. W. Hendrickson, U. S. Navy, by whose courtesy some of the articles and plates have been taken directly from his work on that subject. S. J. B. JANUABY 18, 1913. 3G0378 CONTENTS. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. CHAPTER I. PAGE Angles and their Measure 1 Sexagesimal Units 2 Circular Units 3 Compass Units 5 CHAPTER II. Definitions of Trigonometric Functions . 8 Complementary Functions 11 Fundamental Formulae 12 Line Representation of Functions 15 Reduction of Functions to the First Quadrant 16 Periodicity of Trigonometric Functions 20 Inverse Functions 20 CHAPTER III. Explanation of the Use of Trigonometric Tables 23 Graphs of Trigonometric Functions 31 CHAPTER IV. Solution of Plane Right Triangles 35 Polar Coordinates 38 Graphs, Polar Coordinates 40 CHAPTER V. Functions of the Sum or Difference of Two Angles, Double-angle, and Half-angle 43 Sum of Two Inverse Functions.. 48 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. PAGE Formulae for Oblique Triangles 50 The Sine Formula 50 The Cosine Formula 51 The Tangent Formula 51 Angles in Terms of the Sides 52 Area of a Triangle 53 CHAPTER VII. Solution of Oblique Triangles 55 Radius of Circumscribed and Inscribed Circles 61 CHAPTER VIII. Graphic Representation of Complex Numbers 63 De Moivre's Theorem 65 Functions of Multiple Angles 66 Series for Sine and Cosine 67 Roots of Imaginaries 70 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. CHAPTER IX. General Formulae 71 The Three Sides and an Angle 72 The Three Angles and a Side 73 The Sine Formula 74 The Half-angles in Terms of the Sides 76 The Half-sides in Terms of the Angles 77 Gauss's Equations 78 Napier's Analogies 79 CHAPTER X. Solution of Spherical Right Triangles 80 Napier's Rules 81 The Law of Quadrants.. 82 CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER X. Continued. PAGE The Double Solution 83 Triangles with a Small Part 85 Quadrantal Triangles 86 CHAPTER XI. Solution of Oblique Spherical Triangles 87 Solution by Perpendicular and Napier's Rules 88 Solution by Cosine Formula 90 Solution by Napier's Analogies 92 Double Solution 93 Solution by Tangent Formula (the Three Sides Given) 98 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. CHAPTER XII. Definitions and Fundamental Properties 100 To Project a Circle with Given Pole and Polar Distance 107 Line of Centers of Circles Through a Given Point 109 To Draw a Great Circle at a Given Angle with NS 110 To Find the Pole of a Given Circle Ill True Length of a Projected Arc. Ill Terrestrial Spherical Triangles 112 Great Circle Distances 112 The Celestial Sphere 115 Celestial Coordinates 115 The Astronomical Triangle 117 Given L, d and h, to Project Meridian and Horizon and Solve 121 Given t, d and I/, to Project on Horizon and Meridian and Solve. 126 Method of St. Hilaire 130 Given t. d, h to Project on Equator and Solve 130 CORRECTIONS TO LATEST EDITION OF BROWN'S TRIGONOMETRY. (DECEMBER 10, 1916.) 1. Date of edition not correct. 2. p. ix, 4th line from bottom of page, omit the words " Meridian and Horizon." 3. p. ix, 3d line from bottom of page, omit the words " on Hori- zon and Meridian/' 4. p. 6, 9th line, read"/! ~~Y instead of 5. p. 13, 6th line, omit " or " at left-hand edge of page. 6. p. 16, next to last line, read " side " instead of " sides." 7. p. 18, 3d line, read " sin (180 + 0) = -sin 0" instead of "sin (180+0) = -0." 8. p. 20, last line, read "cos" 1 VT^r 2 " instead of "cos^Vl-z 2 ." 9. p. 21, 4th line from bottom, read " terms of sin x " instead of " terms sin x." _ 10. p. 26, example, middle of page, read " 5 59' 50" " instead of "5 59' #0"." 11. p. 28, 15th line, read " (68 16') " for " (68 15')." 12. p. 35, 9th line from bottom, read "a cotan A" for "a cotan 5." 13. p. 41, 5th line, read " Note " for " Notes." 14. p. 41, 2d line from bottom, read " 135 " for " 105." 15. p. 47, end of 2d line, read '7~ + 0Y for '7-~ 16. p. 48, near middle of page, read " tan' 1 " for 2 CORRECTIONS TO BROWN'S TRIGONOMETRY. 17. p. 48, next line of work, read " 6 - ff = tan" 1 x - tan- 1 y = tan' 1 %=*- 1 + xy 18. p. 50, 4th line from bottom, read " a sin B " for " a sin A" 19. p. 51, in Fig. 38, read " D" placed directly under C, for " is " for " and is." 36. p. 91, 6th line from bottom, read " JA 22 40' 12" " for "A22 50' 12"." CORRECTIONS TO BROWN'S TRIGONOMETRY. 3 37. p. 92, lower right-hand corner of page, read " tan 9.79928 " for " tan 0.79928." 38. p. 94, 15th line, read "6 = 93 36' 2"" for & = 93 35' 2"." 39. p. 98, first two lines of Art. 115, read "This problem" for " The solution of this problem." 40. p. 98, 3d line of Art. 115, read " (Art. 90) " for " (Art. 77) ." 41. p. 99, 10th line from bottom, read " cosec 0.06320 " for " cosec 0.36320." 42. p. 100, 1st line of small capitals, read " ARTICLES " for " CHAPTERS." 43. p. 103, 1st line, read " as " for " at." 44. p. 109, 2d line from bottom, read " point " for " line." 45. p. 115, 8th line, read " A 2 = 8 h 3 m 50 s E." for " A^etc." 46. p. 115, 5th line of Art. 132, read " objects " for " subjects." 47. p. 118, 10th line from bottom, read " PZM = Azimuth of M " for "Plf^ = etc." 48. p. 123, 3d line, read " PZ = 9Q -L " for " PZ + 90 -L" 49. p. 124, last line, read " =70 " for " -70." 50. p. 128, 1st line, read " ZM " for " Zm" PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. CHAPTER I. 1. Trigonometry is the branch of mathematics which treats of the methods of subjecting angles and triangles to numerical com- putation. Plane trigonometry treats of plane angles and triangles; spherical trigonometry, of the angles and triangles formed by arcs of great circles on the surface of a sphere. 2. Comparison of Geometric and Trigonometric Methods. By the methods of plane geometry, if any three of the six parts of a plane triangle are given, except the three angles, the triangle may be constructed and the unknown parts measured, a process neces- sarily inconvenient and inaccurate. By the methods of trigonometry the unknown parts may be found by numerical computation to any desired degree of accu- racy; and this computation is called the solution of the triangle. Before such a solution can be made we shall have to express the parts in numbers by the adoption of suitable units of meas- ure, and define certain functions of angles which depend upon their magnitude. 3. Angles. Although the solution of plane triangles involves the consideration of angles not greater than 180, many problems of mechanics and higher mathematics require the consideration of angles of unlimited magnitude. To represent such an angle, we consider it to be generated by the revolution of a line about a fixed point. Assume such a line 2 2 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. to start in coincidence with OA and to revolve into the position OB, generating the angle AOB, in the direction of the arrow (Fig. 1). The revolution may be continued, in the same direc- tion, until the generating line comes again into coincidence with OB, and so on indefinitely, the angle always having the same boundary lines, but with each revolution greater by 4, 8 or any number, 4n, of right angles. The side OA is called the initial, and OB the terminal, side of the angle. FIG. 1. FIG. 2. Angles generated in this direction, to the left, or counter- clockwise, are usually regarded in mathematical works as positive, in distinction from angles formed by a revolution of the generat- ing line in the opposite direction, to the right, or clockwise. Thus the angle A OB, with the same initial and terminal sides, but generated in the direction of the arrow (Fig. 2), is regarded as negative. The positive direction of revolution is, however, a ques- tion of convenience, as, for instance, in the determination of the errors of the compass in ships, where angles are regarded as positive when generated clockwise. We shall always regard positive angles, unless otherwise stated, as generated in the counter-clockwise direction. 4. Units of Measurement of Angles. Angles occurring in the solution of triangles are expressed in the well-known sexagesimal units of angular measure : degrees, minutes and seconds PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 3 the degree, or -fa of a right angle ; the minute, or -fa of a degree ; the second, or -fa of a minute which are designated by the symbols 1, 1', 1", respectively. 5. Measure of Arcs. Since arcs of a circle .are proportional to the angles they subtend at the center, a degree of arc is -g^-g- of the circumference, and is subdivided into minutes and seconds just as the degree of angle. The actual length of a degree of arc depends upon the size of the circle, and is -^ r- = ^-^ in a circle obU loU of radius r. 6. The Circular Unit. For certain investigations of angles and arcs a circular unit of measure is used. The circular unit of arc is an arc of the same length as the radius ; the circular unit of angle, called the radian, is the angle at the center subtended by this arc. In any circle the semicircumference, whose length is TT times the radius, subtends an angle at the center TT times as great as a radian; thus TT radians and 180 are the same, and the equation connecting the two units is TT radians =180. In writing an angle in radians no symbol is used ; thus, the angle J means an angle of a radian; the angle ~ means ^- or 1.5708 radians, the equivalent of 90. 7. Table for Converting Circular into Sexagesimal Units: TT radians = 180 1 " = 57.29578+ Its log is 1.758123 1 " = 3437.7468' " 3.536274 1 " =206264.8" " 5.314425 4 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. For Converting Sexagesimal into Circular Units : 180 = 3.14159265 radians Its log is 0.497150 1 = 0.01745329 " " 8.241877-10 1' = 0.00029089 " " 6.463726 - 10 1" = 0.00000485 " " 4.685575-10 8. In numerical work the minute makes a convenient unit; and an angle 6', expressed in minutes, is changed into circular units by the formula 0=0.000290890', or the circular value of 1' multiplied by the number of minutes in the angle. For the reverse process, Example 1: Express 35 42' 30" in circular measure. Angle 0' = 2142.5' log =3.33092 log 1' = 6.46373 -10 = 0.62323 log = 9.79465 - 10 Example 2: Express 0= 1.3786 in angular measure. 0= 1.3786 log =0.13944 log 1' = 6.46373 -10 0' = 4739.2' log =3.67571 0=78 59.2' Examples. 1. Give the value in angular units of 7T 7T 2-JT 3-7T 3?T 9?T 17?T T' T ? T~ : ~4~ .-8 J 4- J ~13~' 2. Change the following angles into circular measure : 15, 18, 75, 150, 240, 330, 420. 3. What is the angle at the center of a circle of 2 ft. radius subtended by an arc 12 inches in length ? Also 28 inches ? Ans. 28 38' 52V4; 66 50' 42C'4. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 4. Find the length of V of arc on the earth's equator, assuming 3962 miles as the radius. This distance is the geographical mile; what is its value in feet? Ans. 6085.2 ft. 5. Find the length in feet of 1" of arc on the earth's equator. Ans. 101.4 ft. FIG. 3. 9. Angular Units of the Mariner's Compass. Angles indicated by the mariner's compass are frequently expressed in points, each quadrant being divided into eight points. The value in degrees of one point is therefore 11J, and further subdivisions are ex- pressed in half- and quarter- points. The names of the points are indicated in Fig. 3. 6 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 10. Designation of Angles. Angles are often designated by the letters of the Greek alphabet,* but they may be expressed by any other algebraic notation according to convenience. Their magnitude may be expressed numerically in either unit, although aliquot parts of the circumference are conveniently expressed in circular measure, as 2-n- for 360, (IT 6} instead of (180 0), 7T 9 for 90 The complement of an angle 6 is expressed as either (90 6) or X The supplement of the same angle is (ISO 0) or (IT 6). The angular space about the vertex of an angle may be divided into four quadrants of 1 90 by a line coinciding with X the initial side of the angle, and another line at right angles, as in Fig. 4, the angle XOY, from OX to OY, being the first quadrant. Angles are PIG. 4. said to be : In the first quadrant, when less than 90. In the second quadrant, when between 90 and 180 In the third quadrant, when between 180 and 270 In the fourth quadrant, when between 270 and 360 *For convenience the Greek Alphabet is given: A a Alpha I i Iota P p Rho B j8 Beta K K Kappa 2 a Sigma T 7 Gamma A X Lambda T T Tau A 5 Delta M p Mu T v Upsilon E e Epsilon N v Nu $ Phi Z f Zeta S Xi X x Chi H tj Eta O o Oinicron ^ i// Psi 6 Theta II it Pi ft o Omega PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 7 It is important to note that this designation of angles refers JJonly to their angular magnitude. The modern navy compass, however, is graduated in degrees from the North point through East, South and West from to 360. Positive angles in this system are thus generated right- handed, and the angular magnitude increases through the four quadrants in the opposite direction to those given in Fig. 4. s.i PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. CHAPTER II. THE TRIGONOMETRIC OR CIRCULAR FUNCTIONS. 11. Positive and Negative Lines. Let the vertex of an angle, 0, be taken as the origin of a system of rectangular coordinates; X y' PIG. 7. y FIG. 8. the initial side as the positive axis of X; and the terminal side of the first quadrant as the positive axis of Y. Figs. 5, 6, 7 and 8 show the angle in each of the four quadrants. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 9 The position of any point P of the terminal side of the angle is determined by its perpendicular distance from the axes X'X and YY' ; distances from X'X are taken as positive when P is above X'X, negative when below ; distances from the axis YY' are considered positive when P is to the right, negative when to the left. The line PM, measured parallel to YY', is the ^-coordinate of P, or simply the ordinate; the line OM, or a line parallel to X'X from P to YY', is the ^-coordinate, or the abscissa. The terminal side of the angle, OP, is positive in whatever quadrant, and PO produced back through the vertex is negative; thus, the line OP' (Fig'. 5) is a negative line, relatively to OP. 12. Definitions of the Trigonometric or Circular Functions of Angles. If from any point in one side of an angle a perpendicular be drawn to the other side, produced if necessary, a right triangle is formed, as in Fig. 5, 6, 7 and 8, in which PM, the side opposite the angle, is the perpendicular, OM the base, and OP the hy- pothenuse. The six ratios which may be formed between the three sides of this triangle are called the trigonometric ratios, or the trigo- nometric or circular functions, of the angle, and are denned as follows : The sine of The cosine of 6 hypothenuse abbreviated sin 9= hypothenuse ' The tangent of = Pedicular , tan 0= The cosecant of 6 = jr r-, " *cosec0=^. perpendicular y * $ome mathematicians and navigators prefer to abbreviate " cose- cant " as " esc," thus making formulas symmetrical, all functions having three letters. 10 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. The secant of = h yP then ^ se abbreviated, sec 0= -^ base x The cotangent of 9 = - , , " cot = - . perpendicular y The versine of 0= 1 cos 0, abbreviated vers 0= - - , is fre- quently used as one of the functions. It is important to remember that the three principal functions are the sine, cosine and tangent, and that the cosecant, secant and cotangent are the reciprocals of the first three, respectively. 13. These functions are always the same for the same angle; for if the perpendicular be drawn from any other point, P 1} or P 1 in the side produced, the right triangles thus formed are similar, and the ratios of the homologous sides are the same, not only in numerical magnitude, but also in sign. (Note that all the lines in P'OM' (Fig. 5) are negative, in accordance with the assump- tions of Art. 11.) The ratios are in general different for different angles ; for two right triangles in which the acute angles of the one are not equal to the acute angles of the other are not similar, and the ratios of their homologous sides are not equal. The ratios thus depend on the magnitude of the angle, and upon this alone, and are therefore functions of the angle. 14. Signs and Numerical Value of the Trigonometric Func- tions for Different Quadrants. Since the terminal side, r, of the angle is always positive, the sign of the trigonometric function will depend only on the sign of x or y, or both x and y, in the triangle of reference (Figs. 5, 6, 7 and 8). Thus the sine is positive only where y is positive, in the first and second quadrants ; the cosine is positive where only x is positive, in the first and fourth quadrants ; the tangent will be positive where both x and y have like signs, in the first and third quadrants. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 11 From these simple relations, the following table is easily made, showing the signs of the functions for the four quadrants : Quadrant I II Ill IV Sine and cosecant + Cosine and secant + + Tangent and cotangent + + Since the perpendicular and base are never greater than the hypothenuse of the right triangle, neither the sine nor the cosine of an angle is ever greater than unity; the cosecant and the secant are therefore never less than unity. The limits of the numerical values of all the functions are given in the following table. They may be readily found by following a point P in the terminal side as it revolves around as a center, and noting the signs of the coordinates of P, and the value of the ratio. 6 .. .90 90... .180 180. ...270 270. ...360 Sine +0 .. + 1 + 1 .. .+0 .. .1 1 . ... Cosine + 1 .. .+0 .. . 1 1 ...0 +0 . ...+1 Tangent +0 .. + 00 . . .0 +0 ...+* GO . ... Cosecant +.. + 1 +1 .. .+00 GO . ... 1 1 . . . . GO Secant +1 .. .+ QC . . .1 1 . . . QO +00. ...+1 Cotangent + 05.. .+0 . . . 00 + 00 ....+0 . . . . GO 15. Complementary Functions. Let ABC (Fig. 9) be a right triangle, with the right angle at C. Since Z? = 90 ,4, we may deduce from this rela- tion, and the definitions of the trigonometric ratios, the functions of the complement of an angle. We have : PIG. 9. 12 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. = :=cos=cos(90 -A), c tsMA = ~- cosecA = = sec B= sec (90 -A). a On account of this relation, the sine and cosine, tangent and cotangent, and secant and cosecant are called complementary functions. 16. Fundamental Formulae. In any of the right triangles of Figs. 5, 6, 7 and 8 we have always r 2 r 2 From the definition of the sine and cosine, this becomes sin 2 + cos 2 (9=1. (1) If we divide the same equation, x 2 + y 2 = r 2 , by x 2 , we obtain + 'x 2 ~~ 'x 2 ' or l + tan 2 0=sec 2 0. (2) If we divide by y 2 , we obtain l + cot 2 0=cosec 2 0. (3) These equations are graphically represented in the following figures, the designation of the sides of the right triangle being so made that the ratio involved in the definition gives at once the function ; thus, sin 6 S11 ^ . PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 13 sin tan j FIG. 10. cor From the definitions of the functions we have the following important equations: 111 cosec 6 = -. - , sin 6 Since we always have cot 6 = tan 6 ' sin 6 _ y _._ x_ _ y cos 6 r r "" a; tan = sin cos 6 (4) 17. The values of all the functions may be expressed in terms of any one function by means of the formulae of Art. 16. For in- stance, sin 0=sin 9, cos0= Yl sin 2 0, sin sin tan0= cos 6 VI -sin 2 (9 cos0~ Vl-sin 2 , etc. The same result may always be more readily obtained by mak- ing the given function the appropriate side of a right triangle. Thus, for the preceding example, the right triangle is given in Fig. 11, where by definition sin 0= - . The value of any func- tion in terms of sin 6 is then derived directly from its definition. 14 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. FIG. 11. 4 FIG. 12. If the numerical value of one function is given, the graphic method furnishes the simplest means of finding the numerical value of all the other functions. As an example, if the given function is tan 0=}, the right triangle whose perpendicular is 3 and whose base is 4 (Fig. 12) gives: tan 0= J, sin 0=f, cos 0=f, etc. 18. Examples. 1. Find the remaining functions from the following data (Arts. 16-17) : (a) sina= T 5 7 . (b) seca=-i-J-. (d) (b) (e) m* n' (c) (f) COS a = COSa= 2. Is the equation sec 2 B a possible equation ? from the 3. Derive the values of all the functions of 45 isosceles right triangle whose two equal sides are a. Ans'. sin 45 = -i=- , tan 45 = 1. 4. Derive all the functions of 30 and 60 by dividing the equilateral triangle, of side a, into two equal right triangles. Ans. sin 30 =4, cos 30=iV3, tan 30=\/3. 5. Prove the following identities : (a) (tan0 + cot0)sin0cos0=l. (b) (sin0+cos0) 2 -f (sin 0-cos0) 2 = 2. (e) (tan 2 0-sin 2 0)=tan 2 0sin 2 0. (d) sec 2 0+csc 2 0-sec 2 esc 2 0. r l sin _ 1 sin _ cos COS0 / V PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 15 6. From the relations of complementary functions find a value of the angle involved in the following equations : (a) sina=cos2a (note that sinea = sin (90 2a), and thus a = 90-2a, a = 30. (b) tan2a=cot3a. (c) CSC I a = SCO a. (d) sin 60 = cos 39. (e) sin(0-0)=J, cos(0+ (30, 150, 210, 330, etc.) . (d) tan0+cot0=2. (e) 3 tan 2 0-4 sin 2 0=1. Ans. sin 0= 7 ~. V-4 (f) 2sin0-tan0=0. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 23 CHAPTER III. TRIGONOMETRIC TABLES. 31. Tables of Natural Sines, Cosines and Tangents. The numerical values of sines, cosines and tangents, usually called the natural functions, have been computed and collected in many different tables, distinguished by names indicating the degree of approximation to which the values are given ; thus there are four-, five-, six- or seven-place tables, giving the values of the functions correct to that number of decimal places. In Bow ditch's Useful Tables, Table 41 gives only the natural sines and cosines to five places, for each minute from to 90. The functions of intermediate values may be found by inter- polating for the seconds, on the assumption that the algebraic increase of the function is proportional to the increase in the angle. Thus, for example, if we wish the sine of 30 2 6' 35" the sine of 30 26' is 0.50654, and the tabular difference for one minute between 26' and 27', is .00025, and for 35", ff of .00025 or .00015 and the interpolated value is 0.50669. Auxiliary tables of proportional parts are given in the first and last column of each page, marked " Prop, parts 25 " in the ex- ample cited above, the number 25 being the tabular difference for 1'. The interpolation for the 35" is found in this column opposite the 35 in the column of minutes immediately adjoining. The cosine of the same angle 30 26' is 0.86222, the tabular difference for 1' is 15, and the interpolation for 35" is f- X 15 = 9; the interpolated value is thus 0.86213, since the cosine is a decreasing function. The auxiliary table for this interpolation is found in the last column, marked " Prop, parts 16," and the proportional part for 24 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 35", opposite the 35 in the column of minutes immediately ad- joining, is 9. The columns of minutes, marked " M," thus serve the double purpose of giving the minutes of the tabulated angle and also in- dicating the seconds for which the value of the "proportional part " is given in the same line. The tabulated " proportional part " for a given page is made on the assumption that the tabular difference for 1' is constant for the page ; while the actual difference for this page varies from 26 to 23. When greater accuracy is desired, the actual computation is easily made. Since every angle between and 45 is the complement of another angle between 45 and 90, every function of an angle less than 45 is the complementary function of another angle greater than 45. Therefore it is necessary to extend the table only to 45, the degrees at the top of the page extending from to 45, those at the bottom from 45 to 90. Each number, there- fore, in each column, stands for the function named at the top of the column and the complemental function at the bottom of the same column. Thus, in looking for a function of an angle less than 45, the degrees are found at the top of the page, and the minutes in the left-hand column, marked " M " ; for an angle greater than 45, the degrees are found at the bottom, and the minutes in the right-hand column, marked " M." 32. Tables of Logarithmic Functions. The logarithms of the trigonometric functions, which are of far greater use in computa- tions, are tabulated on the same general plan as the natural func- tions ; and the tables are likewise distinguished by the number of decimal places to which the mantissas are carried. Table 44, of Bowditch's Useful Tables, gives the logarithms of all six functions to five places. Since the sine and cosine of all angles and the tangents of angles less than 45 are less than unity, PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 25 their logarithms are negative. To avoid the use of such loga- rithms, the tabular logarithms of all the functions of Table 44 are increased by 10, which must be subtracted from the tabular loga- rithm to give the correct logarithm for use in computing. For instance, the tabular log sin 30 is 9.69897, from which 10 must be subtracted, making the correct log sin 30, 9.69897 10. The arrangement of the degrees from to 45, and the corre- sponding log function, at the top of the page, and from 45 to 90 at the bottom, is the same as for Table 41 ; but in addition there is also given, at the opposite end of each column of minutes, an angle 90 greater. Thus the log functions of any angle from to 180 may be taken directly from Table 44, without resorting to the use of complemental functions, as explained in Arts. 21 to 28. An in- spection of the table shows that in all cases the minutes of a given angle are found' in the " M " column immediately below the degrees, when these are at the top, and immediately above, when at the bottom, of the page. 33. Tables of Proportional Parts, Table 44. For angles inter- mediate between the minutes of the table, the interpolation for the given seconds may be made on the usual assumption, that the change in the logarithm is directly proportional to the change in the angle. For the five degrees at each end of the first and second quad- rants, the tabular difference for 1' is given for each function in the column marked " Diff. 1' " ; and for angles found on these pages the interpolation for the seconds must be computed. It should be noted, however, since the sine and cosecant, tangent and cotangent, cosine and secant, are respectively reciprocal func- tions, that the log of one of these pairs is the colog of the other, and their tabular difference is the same numerically, but opposite in sign. 26 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. For angles outside of these five-degree limits, the proportional part for each second of angle is contained in the column marked " Diff./' and the corresponding seconds are always found in the left-hand column of minutes, no matter where the degrees of the angle may be found. These auxiliary tables for interpolation depend upon the as- sumption that the tabular difference for 1' for a given function is the same for the whole column. For angles near 5 or 85, this assumption leads to an error which may be as great as 12 units in the last figures of the logarithm. It is therefore advisable to com- pute the interpolation, when the tabular differences are large. As an example of this error, the log sine of 5 59' 50" is found below : 5 59' log sin = 9.01803-10 Tab. Diff. for 50" = + 110 5 59' Jb" log sin = 9.01913-10 The tabular difference for 1' between 59' and 60' is 120, and the proportional part for 50" is 120 xf = 100; and the more nearly correct logarithm is 9.09103 - 10. If the interpolation is made backwards, however, for 10" from 5 60', the log sine is 9.01901 10, a much closer approximation than the first. Example 1 : Find the log sine and log cosine of 28 59' 24". 28 59' sin 9.68534 10 cos 9.9418910 " Diff." 2T, "A" + 9 Diff." C " 3 28 59' 24" sin 9.6854310 cos 9.9418610 The tabular difference for 1' at 59' is 23, and the interpolation for 24" is 0.4x23 = 9.2, or, to the nearest fifth place, 9, which is found in the column marked "Diff.," opposite 24 in the first column. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 27 Example 2: Find the log tangent and log cosecant of 59 54' 48". At the bottom of the page for 59 (opposite 54' in the right- hand column), is found 59 54' tan 0.23681 cosec 0.06291 "Diff." 48", "B" + 23 "Diff.""C" 6 59 54' 48" tan 0.23704 cosec 0.06285 The interpolation for 48" is taken from the column marked " Diff.," between the tangent and cotangent and opposite 48" in the left-hand column. Example 3: Find the log cosine and log tangent of 111 25' 35". The degrees 111 are found at the bottom of the page under the first column, and the minutes must be taken in the same column ; thus : 111 25' cos 9.56247 10n tan 0.40646w "Diff." 35", "A" + 19 Diff.""B" 22 111 25' 35" cos 9.56266 Wn tan 0.40624n Note that the minutes increase from the top of the page, and the direction in which the interpolation is to be applied is found by noting whether the log function for the next higher minute is greater or less. As both the required functions in the second quadrant are negative, this is indicated by the " n " affixed to the logarithms. 34. The Angle Corresponding to a Given log Function. Except for the sine and cosecant, the sign of the function indi- cates whether the corresponding angle is in the first or second quadrant. If the given function is found in the tables, take out the degree and minute corresponding to it. Otherwise, find the two tabular functions between which the given function lies, and note the difference between the given function and the tabular function corresponding to the smaller minute; find the number of 28 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. seconds in the column " M " on tine left side of page, corresponding to this difference, and add to the degrees and minutes already written down. When greater accuracy is required, the seconds may be computed from the proportion which the difference bears to the tabular difference for 1' (or 60"). If the function is the sine or cosecant, there are always two corresponding angles, one in the first quadrant, and the other its supplement. Example 1 : Find the angle whose log cosine is 9.56843 10. The given log cosine lies between 9.56854, corresponding to 68 16', and 9.56822, corresponding to 68 17'; and the difference between it and the tabular function for the smaller minute (68 Iff) is 11, corresponding to which, in the first column, " M," is 20" or 21". The difference for 11 corresponds'to ^ x60 = 21"; and the angle is 68 16' 21". Example 2 : Find the angle whose log tangent is n9. 62456 10. The angle is in the second quadrant ; and the given log tangent lies between 9.62468-10, for 157 9', and 9.62433-10, for 157 10'. Corresponding to the difference 12, in " B," we find 20" in the left-hand column, " M." The angle is 157 9' 20". 35. Functions of Small Angles. Let 6 (Fig. 23) be an acute angle, expressed in circular units, and ABC a circular arc of radius r, the point C determined by producing the perpendicular AM to C. The angle AOC then equals 20. Draw the two tangents AT and CT. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. or or FIG. 23. From plane geometry, chord AC o upon the line OX. The projection of the line AB upon the given line is obviously PQ; its projection upon a line OF at right angles to OX is RS. The projections of a given line of length r upon two axes at right angles are usually called the horizontal and vertical projections of the line, and from the right triangle in- volved in the construction we have at once, calling these pro- jections x and y respectively, xr cos0, y r sin 0, where 6 is the angle of the line with OX 42. Polar Coordinates. Besides the familiar method of fixing the position of a point in a plane by two rectangular coordinates, we may employ the method of polar coordinates in which the position of the point is determined by its distance r=OP from a fixed point in the line OA, with which OP makes the angle 6, as shown in Fig. 30. The point is called the pole or origin, and the line OA the initial line; the distance r is the radius vector and 6 the vectorial angle of the point P, designated by the symbol (r, 0). The angle is measured counter-clockwise if positive ; clockwise if negative ; the distance r is measured along the terminal side, of the angle if r is positive, in the opposite direction if r is negative. 43. Transformation of Coordinates. The relation between polar and rectangular coordinates is simple where they have the same origin and the initial line coincides with the re-axis, as shown in Fig. 31. The fol- x lowing equations connecting the two systems are readily derived from the FIG. 31. figure: P(-r,0) FIG. 30. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 39 x=r cos 0,~] In the following examples, where we have given x and y to find r and B y we may regard the process as the solution of two simul- taneous trigonometric equations rcos x, rsin Q, or as finding the polar coordinates of a given point from its rectangular, an extension of the ideas involved in the solution of a right triangle to angles of any magnitude. Dividing the given equations, we have from which we determine 0, and thence get r=x sec Qy cosec 6. Example: Given x= 17.366, y 20.462, find r and 0. check # = 29.462 log 1.46926 log 1.46926. x- 17.366 log 1.23970 log 1.23970. 0= 59 29.0' I tan 0.22956 I sec 0.29432 I esc 0.06475. r=34.199 log 1.53402 log 1.53401. Examples. Find the polar or spherical coordinates of each of the fol- lowing points, giving the logarithmic solution and check : (a) (3, 4), (b) (-2.67, 3.48), (c) (2.72, -6.76), (d) (_3.478, -7.286), (e) (*V3, 1), (f) (-2.7183, -.36777), (g) (6.765,0), (h) (0, -7.2143). 40 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 44. Equations of Curves in Polar Coordinates. The equation of a curve in polar coordinates may be found by expressing its geometric defini- tion in polar coordinates. For instance, if the pole is on the circumfer- ence, and the initial line is the diam- eter of the circle through 0, as in Fig. 32, we have at once, since APO is a right angle, 32. r=2acos0 as the polar equation of the circle with the given origin and initial line. The polar equation thus found is transformed into rectangular coordinates by substituting the values of r and cos 6 given above, W~2_|_ 2_Q ^_ _ 2flff which reduces to x 2 + y 2 2ax. 45. Tracing or Plotting a Curve in Polar Coordinates. When the equation of a curve is given in polar coordinates, we may either plot a sufficient number of points, by computing the value of r for the corresponding angle and connecting the points with a smooth curve, or we may trace the curve, as in rectangular coordinates, by finding its limits and critical points and sketching in the curve. The following examples illustrate both methods. Plot the locus of the equation r = 2a cos by computing the value of r for every 15. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 41 Taking a equal to one inch, the values of r are found from a table of natural trigonometric functions as follows : 15 30 45 r 2 1.93 1.73 1.41 60 75 1.00 0.52 90' N"ote^f that the values of r from 90 to 180 are numerically the same, but opposite in sign, as from 90 to in reverse order. The FIG. 33. first half of the curve is thus plotted in Fig. 33, and the smooth curve drawn in. Trace the curve whose polar equation is r=acos20. The limits of r are seen to be a for the angle and 180, and -a for 90 and 27Q. The curve passes through the pole (r=0) for values of 45, 1?5, 225, and 315, making the same angles in each case with the initial line as the radius vector. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. FIG. 34. The form at the pole is first drawn ; then starting from A the curve is sketched in through the pole to B f from B through the pole to G, from C through the pole to D, from D through the pole back to A. 46. Examples. 1. Trace the curves given by the following polar equations : (a) rsm6=a. (b) rcos0=a. r=a(l cos 0) (cardioid). (c) (d) (e) (f) = a 2 cos 20(lemniscate). r=asin30. 2. Transform the following curves from polar to rectangular coordinates : (a) (b) r=a. (c) r=asecQ. (d) r=2aBin PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 43 CHAPTEE V. FUNCTIONS OF THE SUM OR DIFFERENCE OF Two OR MORE ANGLES. OF MULTIPLE ANGLES. 47. The Sine and Cosine of the Sum or Difference of Two Angles. We have the trigonometric functions of two angles, 6 and 0', and wish to find the sine and cosine of (0+0') and (00'), in terms of the sine and cosine of and 0'. Let POM (Fig. 35) be the sum of the two given angles. From P, any point in the side OP (which is the common terminal side of (0+0') and of ff=NOP), draw PM per- pendicular to OM and PN per- pendicular to ON; then, from plane geometry, the angle NPM = 0. Also draw NQ perpen- dicular to PM and designate PIG 35 the magnitudes of the various lines as in the figure. From the definitions of the trigonometric functions, we have sin(0+0') = PM e c OP c - b c = sin cos tf + cos sin 0' ; ~d also OM a c " OP = cos cos 0' sin sin ; A A JL . A b c ~ d c 44 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. In the applications of the general definitions of the trigo- nometric functions, we have seen that the definitions apply to angles of any magnitude if we consider the signs of the auxiliary lines involved in the definitions. It follows that trigonometric formulae deduced, with due regard to signs, from geometric figures are of general application. We may therefore assume that ff may be replaced by ( 6'), in the above formula?, giving thus the sine and cosine of (6 9') (see Art. 25) : sin(0 ff) =sin 0cos & cos 6 sin 0', cos(0 0') =cos 6 cos ff -\- sin sin 6' '. These four formulae are fundamental in the consideration of functions of two angles and should be carefully memorized: sin(0+0') =sin 6 cos 0' + cos sin 0', (5) cos(0+0') =cos cos 0'-sin 0sin 0', (6) sin (0-0') =sin cos 0' - cos sin 0', (7) cos(0-0') =cos cos 0' + sin 0sin 0'. (8) As an exercise, prove by use of these formulae the results derived geometrically in Arts. 21-26; thus, from (6), cos(90+0)=cos90 cos0-sin90 sin 0= -sin 0. 48. Tangent of (00'). Dividing the first of the formulae of Art. 47 by the second, and the third by the fourth, we get + ta \ a\ sm cos 0'4-cos sin 0' V > ~ eos 6 cos ff- sm0 sin ff ' , ( fi ff\_ sin cos 6' cos sin ff } ~ cos cos 0' + sin sin 0" If each term in each of these fractions be divided by cos cos 0', PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 45 49. Functions of Double Angles. If, in the functions of (0 + 0') (Equations 5-10), we make 0=0', there results: sin 20 =2 sin B cos 0, (11) cos 20= cos 2 B -sin 2 0, (12) If we replace cos 2 6 by 1 sin 2 6, and sin 2 6 by 1 cos 2 0, in the value of cos 20, cos 20 =1-2 sin 2 0, (14) cos 20=2 cos 2 0-1. (15) 50. Functions of the Half -angle. Since J-s a variable angle, we may replace 20 by , and by J<, in formulae of Art. 49; getting from (14) and (15), after transposition, 2 sin 2 40 = 1 -cos <, (16) 2cos 2 44>=l + cos, (17) and, from (16) -(17), _ 2 These relations are three of the most useful formulae of trigo- nometry. If we rationalize first the numerator and then the denominator, (18) is freed from radicals: tan - < _ -< M9) 2 " 51. Graphic Derivation of Functions of the Half -angle. Let be an angle at the center of the circle ; then J0 is the inscribed angle subtended by the same arc, as in Fig. 36. Calling the radius unity, we have : 46 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. From these data and the definition of the trigonometric functions, we derive: whence tan e= sin 6 1 + COS0 1 cos0 1 cos0 sin 6 ' tan 2 U= 1 + COS0 * FIG. 36. 52. Examples. 1. Find the value of sine, cosine and tangent of 15 from the functions of (45 -30). 2. Find the functions of 15 and 22J from the formula of Art. 50. 3. Show that the value of the functions of 15 derived in Example 2 are the same as those derived in Example 1. 4. Let & ^Q in formulae (5) and (6) and thus derive the sine and cosine of 36. Ans. sin 30 = 3 sin 6 4 sin 3 0, cos 30=4 cos 3 6 3 cos 6. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 47 5. From Art. 50, tan -- = cosec cot <, show that T .~~ tan f ~ + -- J = sec B + tan 0. Assume = (~ + j . 6. Show that sine 2x= . 2 * anx and cos 2x= ' . 2 . 1 + tan 2 x 1 + tan 2 a; 7. Show that tan(45 + z) =cot(45 -a;) = l + i ^ x . 1 tan x 8. From formula (18) show that I it x\ /I sin :r 1 sin # tan - zzA/i bm ^ - - =sec a; tana:. U 2y Vl + sino; cos a: 53. Formulae for Transforming Sums into Products. From the four formulae of Art. 47, we get by addition and subtraction : sin(0+0') +sin(0-0 / ) - 2 sin 6 cos 0', sin(0 + / ) -sin(0-0') = 2 cos sin ff, 006(0+?) +cos((9-(9') = 2 cos cos 0', 008(0+?) -cos(0-^) = -2 sin sin 0'. If we take 0+0' = $, e-e f =' f from which and substitute these values in the preceding equations, they become : sin< + sin'= 2 sin i( + <#>') cos (< <'), (20) sin^> sin<'= 2 cos i(^> + ^>') sin |(< 0'), (21) cos + cos <'= 2cos J(<^> + ^') cos i(<^> '), (22) cos> cos <>'= 2 si 48 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. From the quotient of the first of these by the second, and of the third by the fourth, we obtain : sin<4-sin<' tan sin ^ ~tan^(< ') 54. Sum of Two Inverse Functions. If we have two angles given as inverse functions, the formulae of Art. 48 may be em- ployed to express the sum or difference of the two angles as inverse functions. If, for instance, # = tan 6, and ?/ = tan &, formulae (9) and (10) become, since 6 tan' 1 x and 0'^tan' 1 y, 0+6' = tan' 1 x + tan" 1 y = tan l-xy and 0-j-0' = tan" 1 x tan" 1 y = tan' 1 .f ^ . 1 + zy If the numerical values of the functions are given, as 0= and tf = tan- 1 J, we derive ' = tan- 1 % + tan" 1 J = and lrf-t 55. Examples. 1. Prove the following identities: / x sin :r-fsin y _ \ a . /T x sin a: sin y (b) - = y cos x + cosy 2. Simplify PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 49 sin 3a + sin 5a COS 3a COS 5a c, . T - sin x + sin 2x + sin 3x 3. Simplify- =-. cos z-f-cos 2a; + cos ox 4. Show that tan (2 tan' 1 a) 1 2 . x a 5. If tan' 1 J + tan- 1 J + tan' 1 -J + tan- 1 f = a, find a. 6. Solve sin 2a; = 2 cos x. 7. Solve cos 3x cos 5z = sin a:. 8. 4 tan- 1 J-tan' 1 ^ = ^ . 9. sin' 1 f + sin- 1 -fr + sin' 1 1| = ^ . w 12. sin" 1 (cos x) H-cos" 1 (sin y) +x + y = 7r. 2 x 13. tan-' +tan" _ +t an- , =,. 50 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. CHAPTER VI. FORMULA FOR THE SOLUTION or OBLIQUE TRIANGLES. 56. The Sine Formula. Let ABC (Fig. 37) be any oblique triangle, and from the vertex C drop a perpendicular to the oppo- site side c. Let A, B and C be the values of the angles, a, ~b and c the values of the opposite sides, respectively, and p the value of the perpendicular. C From the two right triangles BCD and ACD, we have p = asinB = b sin A. By dropping a perpendicular from B on h, we obtain p' = a sin C=c sin A. From these two equations, sin A "~ sin B ~~ sin C ' If the angle A is obtuse, the perpendicular falls on BA pro- duced, and then r> p l sin(180 A) =b sin A = a sin 2^ as before. Stated in words: The sides of a plane triangle are proportional to the sines of their opposite angles. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 51 57. The Cosine Formula. In the oblique triangle ABC (Fig. 38), draw the perpendicular p from C to the side c; then in the right triangle ACD the side AD = b cos A, &JL, in BDC, BD = a cos B=c-b cos A. Equating the value of p 2 from each of the two right triangles, from which = b 2 + c 2 -2bccosA. Similar formulas for b 2 and c 2 are obtained by interchanging letters. Hence The square of any side of a triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides diminished by twice the rectangle of these sides multiplied by the cosine of the included angle. 58. The Tangent Formulae. From Art. 56, a_ _ sin A T ~~ sin B ' and, by composition and division, a b sin A sin B From Art. 53, Hence a + b sin A + sin B' sin A sin B _ tan^(A B) sin A + sin B ~ ta a-b _tan|(A-B) a + b . tan|(A-f B) ' Similar formulae for b and c, and a and c, are readily derived by interchanging letters. 52 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 59. Functions of Half -angles in Terms of the Sides. If in Art. 57 we put cos A - 1 - 2 sin 2 \A, . 2 i A _a 2 -(b-c) 2 _ (a-b + c)(a+b-c) ~fc~ ~^fc~ If we put 2s = (a+b + c), then (a-b + c)=2(s-b), (a+b-c)=2(s-c) ; and, substituting these values in the above equation, we obtain ac the last two from interchange of letters. 60. If in the same formula we put cos A = 2 cos 2 \A 1, we get or ^2 -LA- COS 2-i- Put a+6 + c=25; then (b + c a) =2(s a), whence ac The last two are written by interchange of letters. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 53 61. Dividing the formulae of Art. 59 by those of Art. 60 : s(s-c) 62. From Art. 56, we may obtain a -f b _ sin A + sin B c sin C and a b _ sin A sin B c sin C hence by 49 and 53, a + b sin c sin |(7 cos a-b c c sin ^( cos ( But A+B=180-C, and J(A+) =90-- |C; and thus sin (A +B) =cos%C, and cos %(A+B) =sin|(7. Substituting these values, we obtain: a + b _ cosl(A-B) _ cos^(A-ff) c sin^(7 ~ cos %(A +B)' a-b sinl(A-B) _ am$(A-B) c cosJC ~ sin 63. Area of an Oblique Triangle in Terms of Its Three Sides. We have sin A = 2 sin \A cos \A, and, by Arts. 59 and 60, this becomes sin A ^r- ys(s-a) (s b) (sc). be 54 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Hence, K, the area of the triangle (Fig. 37), is K=^pc=^bc sin A, whence K= Vs(s-a) (s l) (s-c). We also have p= \/s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c). PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 55 CHAPTER VII. SOLUTION OP PLANE OBLIQUE TRIANGLES. 64. Case I: Given Two Angles and One Side, A, B and a. The third angle C is found from the formula C=1SO-(A+B). The sides are found by the sine formula, I sin B . c sin C ~ T and = 7 j a smA a smA or . _ . n FIG. 39. o = a sin # cosec A, c= a sin C cosec A. Example: Given A = 50 38' 50", 5=60 7' 25", a = 412.67. (7 = 180 -(110 46' 15") =69 13' 45". a=412.67 log 2.61560 log 2.61560 A = 50 38' 50" cosec 0.11168 cosec 0.11168 J5 = 60 r 25" sin 9.93807-10 (7 = 69 13' 45" sin 9.97082-10 = 462.76 log 2.66535 c = 499.00 log 2.69810 65. Second Method. When a and & are nearly equal, and greater accuracy is desired, we may write : a sin B sin A sin B : r =0,' - = - sm A sin A But whence , a o sin A or sin A 56 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Thus in the preceding example, i(5 + A)=55 23' 7.5" $(B-A)= 4 44' 17.5" 4 = 50 38' 50" b-a = 50.083 a=412.67 6 = 462.753 cos 9.75439-10 sin 8.91699-10 cosec 0.11168 log 2.91663 log 1.69969 66. Case II: Given Two Sides and an Angle Opposite One of Them, a, b and A. By the sine formulae Having found B, we have and c=asin C cosec A. The angle B corresponding to the com- puted sine may be either an angle in the first quadrant or its supplement, and hence two solutions may be possible, as indicated in the geometrical construction of Fig. 40. If the side a is greater than b, the second point of intersection, B 2 , falls on the side c produced, and only one of the solutions fills the given conditions, as the triangle AB 2 C contains 180 A. If the computed value of sin B is unity, the two triangles are two coincident right triangles; while if the computed value of sin B is greater than unity, the triangle is impossible. Example: Given A = 27 47' 45", a = 219.91, 6 = 251.33. PIG. 40. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 57 6 = 251.33 log 2.40024 a = 219.91 colog 7.6577510 log 2.34225 log 2.34225 A =27 47' 45" sin 9.6686910 cosec 0.33131 cosec 0.33131 B,= 32 12' 15" sin 9.7266810 # 2 =147 47' 45" O l =l2Q 0' 0" sin 9.9375310 Cf= 4 24' 30" sin 8.8857210 c,= 408.40 log 2.61109 C 2 = 36.248 log 1.55928 Second Method. Having found B from its sine, we may com- pute AP= b cos A = x, and PB^ = a cos B = y, the negative value resulting from the value of B in the second quadrant, whence 67. Case III: Given Two Sides and the Included Angle, or a, b and C. From the tangent formulae (Art 58), B a-b . and since! (A +B) =4(180 -C) = 90 -\C, tani(A+)= Substituting this value, we derive - 6 co The value of c may now be found from the sine formula, or more conveniently from the formulae of Art. 62, from which -(a + M c 'c or c-(a-b) s _ b) s Example: Given a = 6.2387, & = 2.3475, (7=110 32'. 58 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. a b 3.3912 log 0.59008 log 0.59008 a+6 8.5862 colog 9.06620 10 log 0.93380 l(A+B)=34 44' 0" tan 9.84092 10 cos 9.9147710 gin 9.7556910 I (A B)=17 26' 33" tan 9.49720 10 sec 0.02044 cosec 0.52324 c = 7.3962 log 0.86901 c 7.3962 log 0.86901 A =52 10' 33" B =17 IT 27" The two values of c are computed here for a check. 68. Second Solution. If we wish to find c only, we have, by the law of cosines (Art. 57), c 2 = a 2 + b 2 -2abcosC, which, however, is not adapted to logarithmic computation. If we put cos C = T- 2 sin 2 %C, Let tan 0= a b and the radical in the above equation becomes 2 0=sec0, from which c= (a &)sec 6. Examples. 1. Given a=. 062387, 6 = . 023475, 0=110 32', find 10' 33", 5 = 17 ir 27", c=. 073962. 2. Given a= 35.237, 6 = 18.482, 0=110 40' 30", find 49' 58", B = 22 29' 32", c = 45.198. 3. Find c in both the above examples by Art. 68. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 59 69, Case IV: Given the Three Sides, a, b and c. When all three angles are required, the formula of Art. 61 for the tangent of the half -angle is the most convenient, and is accurate for all values of the angles. When only one angle is required, the formulae of Arts. 4Sand . -3-i Q. V FIG. 44. or 90 . Thus the quantity represented by the line OP, becomes the quantity OQ, when multiplied once by i; and for this reason we take the axis of y as the axis of imaginary numbers, just as we have taken the #-axis as the axis of real numbers. To plot a com- plex number like 3 + 4t, for instance (Fig. 45), lay off OQ = 3 PIG. 46. units horizontally on the axis of real numbers, and the 4t units, QP, at right angles (parallel to the axis of imaginary numbers, which are therefore more properly called quadrature numbers). PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 65 The general complex number x + yi is represented in Fig. 46, from which we illustrate the following terms used in connection with such numbers. The vector OP rVx 2 + y 2 is called the modulus or the absolute value of x + yi. The angle XOP 6 is called the amplitude, or the argument, or the arc of x-\-yi. Modulus of (x+yi) =r= Arc of (x + yi) = 0=tsn\- 1 x 76. Polar Coordinates of Complex Numbers. From Fig. 46 we have x=rcos0, y r 2 (cos 2 0+sin 2 6) = and x + yi=r(cos B+i sin 0). This trigonometric expression shows more clearly the vector char- acter of complex numbers and leads to simpler methods in their use. Examples. 1. Plot the complex number 3 + 4i, and show geometrically and trigonometrically that the angle is turned through 90 by multi- plying the number by i. Ans. ^=tan- 1 (t), ^ / = tan- 1 (-f), i. e., 0' = 90 +6. 2. Find the modulus and amplitude of the following complex numbers, and show that the amplitude of each is increased by 90 by multiplying by i. 3 + 3t, - , n , - . - 77. De Moivre's Theorem. The theorem of De Moivre is stated by the equation (cos 0+tsin 0) n = cos n0 + isin n0, which may be derived in the following way : 66 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. If we square the complex number x + yi=z = r(cos 0+i sin 0), we get = r 2 (cos 2 0-sin 2 0+2i sin cos 6) = r 2 (cos20+tsin20). Multiplying z 2 by 2 = r(cos0+tsin 6), z z = i*\ (cos 20 cos sin 20 sin 0) + 1 (sin 20 cos + cos 26 sin 0) [ = r 3 (cos30+isin30). If this process be continued to n factors, we shall get 2 n = r n (cos 0+i sin 0) n = r"(cos nQ+isinnO). Dropping the common factor s r n , (cos 0+i sin 0) n = cos n0+i sin nO. The theorem may also be developed by multiplying together two expressions like (cosa+tsina) and (cos /? + tsin/?) and noting that the product is <( cos (a +/?) +t sin (a +(3) [-, and so on, for any number n of angles; finally making a =p=y, etc., we derive the formula^ as given. 78. Functions of Multiple Angles. If we write De Moivre's theorem, cos n0 + t sin nO= (cos + t sin 0) n , we may expand the second member by the binomial theorem, and equate the real and imaginary terms of the identity (Art. 74). For example, cos 20+i sin 20= (cos + i sin 0) 2 = cos 2 sin 2 + i2 sin cos 0, whence cos 20- cos 2 0- sin 2 0, isin20 = i2 sin cos 0, thus establishing the formulae of Art. 8&r U (\ PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 67 Ifw=3, cos 30 + i sin 30 = cos 3 + t3 cos 2 sin 3 cos sin 2 tsin 3 . Equating real and imaginary terms, cos 30= cos 3 0-3 cos sin 2 0, tsin30 = i(3cos 2 0sin0 sin 3 0), which may be reduced to cos 30 =4 cos 3 3 cos 0, sin 30=3 sin 4 sin 3 0. Expanding the second member of the identity and equating real and imaginary terms, we express cos nO and sin nO in a power- series of sine and cosine 0. Noting that even powers of i are, real, we may write : cos n0= cos n 0- 2^=11 cos"- 2 sin 2 + n(n-l)(n-2)(n-3) cos n sin n0= cos"- 1 sin 0- rc(n-l)(K,-2) cos n-3 # sin 3 e L5 + tt(n-l)(tt-2)(n-3)(n-4) cos n- 5 e sin 5 # + l Express the following in trigonometric form and find the values of the first, second, third and fourth powers : 7$. Cosine a and Sine a as Power-series of a. In the expres- sions for cos nO and sin nO of the preceding article, let n0=a, and 68 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. let n increase without limit, while a remains unchanged. Then 0= diminishes without limit; and at the limit we have (Art. 35). sin 0= sin = , cos = cos =1. n] n=M n' nj n=x Introducing these values into the expansion of cos nO and sin nO (Art. 78), they become: n(nl) a 2 cosa=l f * 7 2 n 2 n(n-l)(n-2)(n-3) |4 - n [3 n 3 , n(n-l)(n-2)(n-3)(n-4) a 5 ~[5~ "5F" When n increases without limit, the factors containing n all vanish, except the highest power of n in each term; thus, for example, n(n-l)(n-2) , 3 _21 , n 3 " n + n 2 J n=00 The expansions then become : COSa = - a 2 a 4 a /T \ a a a /TT x Sina-a- -||- + -jr"-]j; + ..... Dividing (II) by (I) (synthetic division), PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 69 Examples: QO -< i " \ J- I W \ -L cos 3 = 1 - -T-- + a =.052360. a 2 = . 002742^- 2 = 0.001371. a s = - 000143^- 6 = 0.000024. 24= 0. With these values, we obtain, to five places : sina= .052360 -.000024 = 0.05234. cos a = 1 - .001371 = 0.99863, tana= .052360 + .000048 = 0.05241. 2. Expand e i0 by the exponential theorem (Alg. Art. 161) and by putting iO for x in the expansion show that = cos#+isin 0. 3. Show also that e~ i9 =cos i sin 0, and hence that cos 0= A and 70 PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. 80. De Moivre's Theorem with Fractional Exponents. If we r\ replace 6 by , in fi (cos 0+i sin 6) n = cos nO+isin n0, we get (cos + tsin ) = c V n n / whence n i\ j cos +i sin = (cos 0+i sin 0) n. IV it Since the values of cos 6 and sin remain unchanged when 6 is increased by any multiple of 2?r ? i (cos 0+i sin 6)^ =-{cos(2 We may therefore derive the n values of (cos 0+i sin 6) T by mak- ing k successively equal to 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . . , (n 1) . Examples. 1. Let x+yi=8 = 8 (cos + t sin 0) =8 (cos 2for + isin 2&7r) ; then (x + yi)* = 2 (cos ~p + i sin ^) . Thence show that the three cube roots of 8 are 2, l + tV% and 1 tVs". 2. Find the three roots of ( 8) and plot them; verify them by multiplying the three trigonometric expressions together. SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 71 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. CHAPTEE IX. GENERAL FORMULAE. 81. The object of Spherical Trigonometry is the investigation of the relations of the circular functions of the sides and angles of a spherical triangle, and thus finding formulas for the solution of the triangle. The sides and angles are expressed in the sexagesimal units of angular measure, and their numerical values are independent of the size of the sphere. For this reason, we shall consider the radius of the sphere as unity. PIG. 47. 82. Let ABC (Fig. 47) be a spherical triangle, formed on the surface of the sphere by the intersection of three planes through 72 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. the center of the sphere, 0, forming the triedral angle ABC. The sides of the triangle a, b and c, measure the face angles of the triedral angle, BO C, AOC and AOB, respectively, while the angles between the three planes are equal to the angles of the spherical triangle. A plane tangent to the sphere at A, and thus perpendicular to OA, intersects the three planes in the plane triangle ARC', and the angle at A measures the angle between the faces AOB and A 00, and thus also the spherical angle BAC A. In the right triangle OAB' let OA \\ then OB' = sec c, and AB' = i&n c; in the right triangle OAC', 0.4 = 1, 0C" = sec &, and AC' = ta,n I; let x-ffC'. 83. Relation between the Sides and an Angle of a Spherical Triangle. We have from plane trigonometry, in the triangles OVVvn&AVV: x 2 = sec 2 b + sec 2 c 2 sec b sec c cos a, # 2 = tan 2 & + tan 2 c2 tan b tan ccos A. Subtracting the second equation from the first, and noting that sec 2 B tan 2 0=1, we obtain = 2 + 2 tan b tan c cos A 2 sec b sec c cos a. Transposing the last term, and multiplying the equation by J cos b cos c, there results cos a=cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos A. Writing similar formulas for cos b and cos c, we have the funda- mental formulae for spherical trigonometry: cos a=cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos A, "1 cos b = cos a cos c + sin a sin c cos B, I (A) cos c = cos a cos b + sin a sin b cos C. J 84. We snail assume, in accordance with the principles of gen- erality involved in the definition of the circular functions of plane SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 73 trigonometry, that these formulae are general and apply to spheri- cal triangles whose sides or angles may exceed 90 ; in the practical solution of spherical triangles, however, we shall consider those only whose parts are less than 180. 85. Relations Existing between a Side and the Three Angles of a Spherical Triangle. Let A'B'C' be the polar triangle of the triangle &' ABC (Fig. 48). From the geometric principles of polar triangles, we have : -6, 6'= 180 -B, cr=i8o-c, c'=i8o-a * V From Art. 83, in the triangle A'B'C', , F IG. 4o. we have * tj (L^Q . fa* (L -t (* cos a' = cos V cos c' + sin V sin c' cos A'. Replacing the values of a', b', c' and A' by the values given above, ^-cosA= (cosB) (cos (7) sin B sin C cos a. Changing signs of all the terms, and interchanging the different letters, we get the three formulae : cos A cos B cos C+ sin B sin C cos a^ cos B= cos A cos (7 + sin A sin C cos 6, L (B) cos C = cos A cos B + sin A sin B cos c. J 86. The Sine Formulae. From the first of the formulae of Art. 83, we get A cos a cos b cos c cos A = ; - : . sin b sin c Squaring both sides, and noting that 1 cos 2 A = sin 2 /!, 74 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 2 A sin 2 sin 2 c cos 2 a cos 2 cos 2 c + 2 cos a cos cos c bin A ; r-^ ; = . sin * sin c Putting for sin 2 b sin 2 c its equal, (1 cos 2 0) (1 cos 2 c), we get sin 2 b sin 2 c=l cos 2 cos 2 c + cos 2 b cos 2 c, whence . 2 , 1 cos 2 a cos 2 cos 2 c+2 cosacos cos c sin 2 A = - . . - . sin 2 sin 2 c Dividing both sides by sin 2 a, sin 2 ^. _ 1 cos 2 a cos 2 b cos 2 c + 2 cos a cos & cos c _ -, sin 2 a ~ sin 2 a sin 2 b sin 2 c a constant, since the right-hand side of the equation remains un- changed, when A and a are replaced by either B and b, or C and c. Hence, sin 2 A _ sin 2 B _ sin 2 C sin 2 a sin 2 b ~ sin 2 c ' or sin ^4. sin B _ sin (7 sin a " " sin " " sin c ' or sin a sin B= sin & sin A,! sin a sin (7 = sin c sin A, i- ( C) sin b sin C = sin c sin B. J Stated in words, these formulae read : In any spherical triangle, the sines of the angles are propor- tional to the sines of the opposite sides. 87. The sine formula may be derived from a geometrical figure (Fig. 49) . From any point P in OC, draw PM perpendicular to the plane OAB, and draw MA' and MB' perpendicular to OA and OB, respectively. SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 75 Then the angle PA'M = the angle A, and PB'M=ihe angle B. PM PM hence BinA = Pl" sin A _ PB f sin B ~ PA' ' (1) FIG. 49. In the triangles POA' and FOR, the angle POA' = l t and POB' = a; and sma= PA ' and FO ' sin a PB' sin b ~ PA' From (1) and (2), or sin A _ sin a sin J5 sin & sin A _ sin B sin a sin ft 76 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 88. Formulae for the Half -angles. In the first of the formulae (A), put cos A = 1 2 sin 2 \A. ; then cos a cos b cos c + sin b sin c 2 sin b sin c sin 2 \A, (I) whence, since cos b cos c + sin b sin c=cos(& c), (2) .. 2 sm b sin c From Art. 53, Plane Trigonometry, cos (6 c) cosa= 2 sin i(6 c + a)sin(& c a) Let then and J(a+c &) =s b. Substituting the values of (3) and (4) in Similarly, and sin 2 1? A _ sin (s-fr) sin (s-c) sin & sin c sin 2 ig- sin (s-ft) sin (s-c) sin a sin c . n2 sin a sm 89. Substituting in the same formula of Art. 83, cos A = 2 cos 2 \A. 1, cos a cos b cos c sin b sin c + 2 sin b sin c cos 2 \A. = cos ( & -f c) + 2 sin b sin c cos 2 JA, (3) (4) SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 77 whence C^S ifxl : ; : ~ y 2 sin b sin c cos a cos ( b + c) = 2 sin = 2 sin Introducing, as in Art. 88, s = Similarly, a I c) a). sin 6 sm c sn a sin c (E) sin a sin b 90. The quotient of (D) divided by (E) gives: tan a *A = sin (5 &) sin (s c} sin s sin (s a) sin s sin ( s b ) tan sin 5 sin (s c) 91. Formulae for the Half -sides. To find similar formulae for the half -sides, apply the formulae (D), (E) and (F) to the polar triangle, thus : = 90 c=180-C" = 270-^ Whence we have s-a= 5-6= sn = cos cos = sin 2 Ja', tan 2 $A = cot 2 Ja'. 78 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Substituting the above values in the formulae (D), (E) and (F), and dropping primes, we obtain sm B sin G tan 2 la 1 fl - sin B sin C -* 92. Formulae of Gauss or De Lambre, From (D) and (E), sn cos = sm c /sm Y si sin a sin 6 or sm c cos4(7. Similarly, cos \A. sin 45 = cos if A cos 45 = sin 4 sin 5= sm c sm c cos sn (1) (2) ( 3 ) (4) From Plane Trigonometry (Art. 4^), (1) + (2) gives sine Reducing, Similarly, cos 4c sin sm \c cos %c ^ cos a (5) sm c 2 sm -|c cos ^c sin Jc sin 4 (A 5) =0034^ sin 4 (a &). (6) SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 79 In the same way, 1 / A , T>\ in f -sins sin (s c) \ cos4(A+)=sm4(7| -- ^ -- ) = |^l(^+&)smi C | I 2 sin Jc cos Jc J or and, similarly, sinico>si(A--#)=siiil<7sin4(a+&). (8) Collecting (5), (7), (6), and (8), we have Gauss' Equations: cos c sn cos Jc cos ^ (A + B) =8in4(7co8j(o-f-J), sin Jc sin J (A 5) =cos-J(7 sinj(a 6), | sin \c cos ^ (A 5) ^sinJC' sini(a+&).j 93. Napier's Analogies (or Eatios) .Dividing (6) by (5) (Art. 92), and transposing, tan^c From (8) -(7), _ cos ^ (A -B) tan|c c From (6) -7- (8), From (5) -(7), tan \ (A +B] _ cot 4(7 ~ 80 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. CHAPTER X. SOLUTION OF SPHERICAL RIGHT TRIANGLES. 94. When one of the angles of a spherical triangle is a right angle, the general formulas of Chapter IX assume forms which may be generalized under two simple rules. Assume the angle = 90, and the formulae of (A), (B) and (C) become: FromA(3), cos c=cosacos b.- (1) " B(3), cosc=cot^cot#. (2) " B(l), cos A = cos a sin B. (3) " B(2), cos B= coat sin A.- (4) " C(2), sin a = sin c sin A. (5) " 0(3), sin 6 = sine sin B. (6) From the triangle AB'C' (Fig. 47), cos A = ^^ = tan b cot c, (7) tan c cos B= tan a cot c, ( 8 ) by interchanging a and b and A and B in (7). We have tan A = sm , and substituting the values of sin A cos A and cos A from (5) and (7), tan A tan b sin c cos c tan b 3 and putting cos c= cos a cos I, from (1), we obtain, finally, cos a sm sin or sin b = tan a cot A ; (9) and by interchange of letters, sin a = tan b cot B. (10) SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 81 These ten formulae are sufficient for the solution of any spherical right triangle of which any two parts are given (excluding the right angle). 95. Napier's Rules. The ten formula? necessary for the solu- tion of any right triangle from two given parts, may be readily derived from two artificial rules, devised by Lord Napier. Omitting the right angle, and taking the complements of the hypothenuse and of the two adjacent angles, the five parts are called the circular parts of the right tri- angle, and are lettered as in Fig. 50. If we consider any three of these circular parts, one of them is the middle part and the other two either adjacent or opposite parts. For example, of the parts b, a and C0i co-B, a is the middle part and b and co-B \ adjacent parts, the right angle being omitted; while of the three parts co-A, co-B and b, co-B is the middle part and b and co-A opposite parts, since each is separated from co-B by an intervening part. Napier's two rules are : 1. The sine of the middle part is equal to the product of the tangents of the adjacent parts. 2. The sine of the middle part is equal to the product of the cosines of the opposite parts. Example: Given a and b, to find the formulae for the other parts of the triangle in terms of functions of the given parts alone. To find the angle A : The three circular parts are a, b and co-A; b is the middle part; and the other two adjacent parts; hence sin b = tan a cot A, or cot A = sin b cot a. (1) To find B: a is the middle part and b and co-B adjacent parts ; hence sin a tan b cot B, or cot B= sin a cot b. (2) 82 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. To find c: co-c is the middle part, a and b opposite parts; hence cos c cos a cos 6. (3) A check formula involving the three required parts, co-c, co-A and co-B, is found by taking co-c as the middle part, co-A and co-B as adjacent parts, giving cos c cot A cot B. (4) Note that the check formula is always expressed in terms of the functions l>y which the parts are obtained. 96. Solution of Spherical Right Triangles. When two parts of a spherical right triangle are given (not including the right angle), each of the other parts is to be determined in terms of the functions of the two given parts only, by means of Napier's rules, and the computation checked by a " check formula " involving the three computed parts. It is customary to divide the solution into five cases, according to the parts given; but this is not necessary, as Napier's rules furnish an obvious method for any case that may arise. 97. To Determine the Quadrant in Which a Computed Part Belongs. If the computed part is found from its cosine, tangent or cotangent, the sign of the function determines the quadrant; but if it is found from its sine, it may be in either the first or second quadrant. Except in the particular case of a double solu- tion, the proper quadrant for a part found from its sine may be determined by one of the two following principles. 98. 1. In a right spherical triangle an angle and its opposite side are always in the same quadrant. For we have cos A = sin B cos a; and since sin B is always positive (#<180), cos A and cos a must have the same sign; that is, A and a must be either both less or both greater than 90. SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 83 99. 2. When the two sides including the right angle are both in the same quadrant, the hypothenuse is less than 90 ; when the two sides are in different quadrants,, the hypothenuse is greater than 90. This follows from the relations between the three sides, cos c^cos a cos b. For if a and b are in the same quadrant, cos a and cos b have like signs and cos-c is positive, so that c is in the first quadrant; i. e., less than 90. If a and b are in different quadrants, their cosines have different signs ; cos c is therefore negative, and c is in the second quadrant ; i. e., >9^j^ 100. Double Solutions. When the two given parts are a side and its opposite angle, there are always two solutions, as in such a case the required parts are all found from their sines, and may be therefore in either the first or second quadrant. In arranging and marking the parts which go together, attention must be paid to the principle of Art. 99. 101. Examples. Example 1: Given a = 37 45' 20", b = 113 10' 30". Taking the two parts a and b with each of the other three in turn as the third part, we find, Fig. 51 : Fio.^51. cos c= cos a cos b; (1) sin b = tan a cot A, or cot A = sin b cot a; (2) sin a = tan b cot 5, or cot B sin a cot b; (3) Check: cos c = cot .4 cot #. (4) Note that the check formula for a right triangle always' con- tains the functions from which the required parts should be found. 84 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. = 37 45 20 cot 0.11101 sin 9.78696 cos 9.89798 =113 10 30 sin 9.96340 cot 9.63153n cos 9.59499w A 40 6 42 cot 0.07447 41 15 . - cot 9.41849n c =108 7 43 cos 9.49297?! Check: (cot A cot B)=cos 9.49296n Example 2: Given & = 154 7', #=152 23'. Formulae : ( 1 ) sin a = tan b cot 5, (2) sin A = sec & cos B f (3) sin c=sin b cosec 5, (4) sin a= sine sin A (check). o / " 6 =154 7 tan 9.68593ft sec 0.04591ft sin 9.64002 B =152 23 cot 0.28127w cos 9.94747ft cosec 0.33390 a x = 68 02 36 sin 9.96730 a 2 =lll 57 24 A,= 80 1 20 sin 9.99338 Ao= 99 58 40 c 2 = 70 20 30 sin A 9.99338 Check: sin a 9.96730 For the proper grouping of the parts (Kules 1 and 2), a and A^ are put in the same quadrant, the first; and c^ must be in the second quadrant, since # and b are in different quadrants. Derive the formulae and check, and solve the following right triangles : o / " o ' " o ' " 3. c=109 41 50 4. o= 67 6 53 5. A= 55 18 13 6 = 25 52 34 A= 80 10 30 c = 75 20 30 6. A=138 27 18 7. a =116 24 25 8. 6=154 032 B 80 55 27 6= 16 50 30 5=126 57 37 9. 6=60 10. a= 90 11. a= 90 A= 90 6 = 60 6 = 90 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 85 102. Additional Formulae for the Solution of Spherical Right Triangles. In cases where a part is found from its computed sine or cosine, the formulae of the preceding articles may have to be transformed into formulae involving functions of the half-angle to insure sufficiently accurate results. Thus, if we have given c and a, we have . A _ sin a 8111 /t - , sin c from which 1 sin A __ sin c sin a 1 + sin A ~ sin c + sin a ' sin c sin a=2 cos -J(c+a)sin -J(c a), sin c + sina=2 sin J('c+a)cos(c a). Hence tnn(45"-iA)= From cos c=cos a cos &, or cos &= cos c , we derive cos a 1 cos & _ cos a cos c 1 + cos 6 ~~ cos a + cos c ' or From cos B= tan c ' 1 cos B _ tan c tan a 1 + cos L ~ tan c + tan a ' tan 2 iB=^ r/ " ^ 86 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Examples. 1. Derive, from cos c cot A cot B, the formula 2. From cosa=? 3 derive 103. Quadrantal Triangles. If one side of a spherical triangle is 90, it is called a quadrantal triangle. In its polar triangle, the angle opposite the quadrantal side is 90 ; and the formulae for the right triangle thus formed are easily transformed into those for the given triangle. Generally but one or two parts of the triangle are required and formulae (A), (B), (C) are readily converted by putting the given side of 90 in the proper formulae. SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 87 CHAPTER XI. SOLUTION OF OBLIQUE SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. 104. Any oblique spherical triangle may be divided into two right triangles by a perpendicular from an angle to its opposite side, and the complete solution of the triangle obtained in terms of the given parts and certain parts of the right triangles as auxiliaries, thus reducing the solution of all spherical triangles to the application of Napier's rules for right triangles. When the three given parts are the three sides (a, b, c) or the three angles (A, E, C], however, the solution by the formulae for the half- angle is much more expeditious and accurate. In solving other cases, draw a plane triangle to represent the spherical tri- angle, and letter the segments of the base and <', and the parts of the opposite angle 6 and #', as in Fig. 52. The perpendicular p is eliminated in the solution and for that reason is not lettered. The other parts of the triangle are to be so lettered that (1) two of the given parts shall be in the first triangle and (2), whenever pos- sible, two of the required parts in the second triangle. It will be found, that when Ajbp^OT AJ3f ,(two parts including a third part) are given, there is a choice of two ways in which the diagram may be lettered; and that one should be taken which brings the two required parts, when only two are required, in the second triangle. PIG. 52. 88 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. When two parts and a part opposite one of them are given, the perpendicular can be drawn in but one way. There is no ambiguity about the quadrant in which the com- puted parts belong, as the two rules concerning right triangles (Arts. 98 and 99) apply to both the right triangles. Note that in double solutions is in the same quadrant as $, & in the same quadrant as '. 105. Case I: Given A, b, c, required E, a Let two of the parts of the first triangle be A and b, as in Fig. 53, making the two required parts fall undivided in the second triangle. From the first triangle, by Napier's rules, tan = cos A tan ~b, (1) *'=c-$. (2) To find a: Associate a and ' with b and : cosa=cos' cosp, cos & = cos cos p. Eliminating p by division, cos a = cos b cos ' sec . To find B: Associate B and ' with A and : sin <' = cot B tan /?/ sin 4> = cot A tan p. (3) Eliminate tanp: cot B = cot A sin ' cosec <, cos B = cot a tan ' (check). (4) (5) SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 89 If the angle C is also required, we find 6 and tf, using the given parts and the two auxiliary parts and '. cot 0= cos & tan A. (6) sin p = cot & tan <', sin p = cot 0tan<. Eliminating sinp, cot tf^cot 6 tan < cot <', (7) 0=0+0*. (8) The whole computation may be checked by the sine formula, sin A _ sin B _ sin C /o^ sin a sin 6 sin c * 106. If tan (/> from (1) is negative, and A is obtuse, the per- pendicular will fall to the left of A on the side BA produced, in which case < will be negative and less than 90 ; this case is shown in Pig. 54. M fl A C tf fa FIG. 54. FIG. 55. If tan (f> from ( 1 ) is negative, and A is acute, the perpendicular will fall to the right of A (either upon AB or AB produced), in which case will be positive and lie in the second quadrant ; this case is illustrated in Fig. 55. The same result will be reached, however, if, in all cases, the auxiliary is taken in the first or second quadrant according to 90 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. the sign of tan , and the proper signs of the functions of the auxiliary arcs and c (/> are observed. 107. Case I : Second Solution, Given A, 6 and c. This prob- lem is of importance in navigation, where, however, only the side a and the angle B are required. The angle B is then usually taken from " azimuth tables," com- puted for that purpose, and the side a is computed from the formula cos a = cos & cos c + sin & sin c cos A, after substituting 1 2 sin 2 ^A for cos A, giving cosa=cos(& c) 2 sin & sin csin 2 |A; (10) or else by putting cos A = 1 vers A., giving cosa=cos(& c) sin 6 sin c vers A. (11) The following example is solved by both methods, as well as by the formulae of Art. 93. cfc' Note, in the first solution, tan is negative an is taken as a negative angle, its value would be - (59 28' 39") ; <' becomes 124 57' 9". Following these parts through the computation, we get A and B from their functions, in agreement with the results already obtained by taking in the second quadrant. Cot 9 will be negative as before, and will have to be taken as a negative angle, to be in the same quadrant as ; cot & will still be negative and must be taken in the second quad- rant with (j> f ; thus =-(68 49' 23") &- 114 40' 9" e+tf= 45 50' 46" as before. SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 91 o )0 co o CO o CN> o o , 18 co => a 10 Q Q y- ri 1 v j i rf 5 H Oi C t 5 ' 5 Ci CC C 5 Oi CO Oi O F- * 05 T 3 e ^ r d c h . 5 a ' > 05 > S .S HW HN HN H ^ ) 02 -4-5 -+^ pj ( | 1 s J ^ s TIT -C rO r-O - ^ S^ S" S" f + 1 + f Q eo cc ,-J ' 1 HN HN *** ' *> He, HM HN Hcq cs >: co . q .S S o Sf3 fl ^ * oi i-i d c4 '5 j'Sj o -^ 3 -P C 1 O o QD 4. I P< Sol 5 oi ei r-l Oi O - . + 53, eq O e SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 93 1. Given A = 50' 6 = 59 c=109 2. Given 5=102' a= 98 c= 99 Examples. 10' 10" 29 30 39 40 find a, B, and C. Ans. 55' 4" 8 18 9 48 find &, A, and (7. Ans. a= 69 34' 56" #= 44 54 31 (7 = 129 29 52 find c, A, and B. Ans. 17' 58" 16 48 6 20 3. Given C = 99 44' 46" a=81 2 30 6 = 99 58 38 3' 0" 43 8 30 24 111. Case II: Given A, B and c, to Find C and a. Letter the diagram (Fig. 56) so as to bring the required parts (7 and a in the second triangle. Here one of the given angles, B, is divided, and we may first deduce 6 and ff. A = 100 (7=101 c=101 ( A= 82 B= 98 cot = cos c tan A, ^ = -0, cot a=cot c cos 0' sec 0, cos (7 = cos A sin 0' cosec 0, cos a = cot 6' cot (7 (check). (3) (3) (4) (5) 94 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. If b is required, tan < = cos A tan c, (6) tan <' = tan < cot tan 0', ( 7 ) &:=< + '. (8) The whole computation is to be checked by the sine formula. The problem, however, never comes in navigation, and very sel- dom, if ever, in any practical way. Examples. 1. Given 1 = 115 56' 23" B= 50 51 43 c= 52 29 24 find a, b, and C. Ans. a=89 29' 30" 6 = 59 35 50 $' (7 = 45 30 35 2. Given b = 93 -96' 2" A = 97 17 38 = 100 10 54 find 5, a, and c. Ans. 5 = 94 48' 16" a = 96 33 58 c = 99 40 34 3. Given a= 99 40' 48" 5=114 26 50 C= 82 33 31 find A, b, and c. Ans. A= 95 38' 4" 6 = 115 36 45 c= 79 10 30 112. Case III: Given a, b and A, to Find B and c. The per- pendicular can be drawn in only one way, as in Fig. 57. tan < = cos A tan b. (1) cos a= cos <' cos p,~] cos & = cos < cos p. J SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 95 Eliminating cos p, cos ' = cos (j> cos a sec &, (2 ) c = **', (3) sin <'=cot B tan p,' sin cot A tan>. Eliminating tan p, cot J5 cot A sin <' cosec . (4) It is important to note that ', being found from its cosine, may be either a positive or a negative arc, and hence there are two solu- tions possible. This is always the case in spherical triangles where two of the given parts are an angle and a side opposite. This problem is of frequent occurrence in navigation, where, however, only the parts B and c are required. If the angle C were required, it would be computed from the formulae cot = cos b tan^l, (6) cot e f = cot tan cot <', (7) (8) Check by the sine formula. 113. The following example of Case III is solved completely and checked : 96 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. i I cs d +i os 0-! M -M ce o "o -fj o ^ 8 rH CO CO co cc C5 CC . oc cs * co K o ^ cs o:' d t^- lO 03 00 r^ N -M os Q^) ^ os d d ft C 02 e "55 *OD 13 . GO Tl< rH CO os 10 i-~- * ^H OS o 0-1 00 OS C5 c: "* "* co 3 v 5-i * OS O CO IO (M Jg ^O Z& Q3 ^ ^ ^ GO Ol O ^ 10 OT os os d cs d os cs o o CO rH CS t- +| +1 OS ! -s i !s i 02 ^ +1 o o * & S ' oi f ' lO GQ IO CO I _u c 1 ' 2 ^ GO rH Q^ ^i ^ os d * os os CO CS IO CO OS GO o cs CO q CJ ' * OS OS d o 8 . . aq ,0 . " o 10 10 IO -HH CS "St '02 . rH }< IO <* CO +3 * GO GO q OS 05 d S co S co GO ^O CC Tf O CO O O CO 22 fi ^ O 1^ =cosB tan a, sin $'= sin < cot A tan #, cos b = cos a cos <' sec <, c =

' and is determined by its sine, it may be in either the first or the second quadrant; and c, therefore, has two values, as noted. The corresponding two values of b are determined from the two values of 4,'. The angle, C, if required, is determined from the formulae : cot 6 = cos a tan B, (5) cot & - cot 6 tan cot ', ( 6 ) C=(0+tf) or 0+(180-0'). (7) This problem does not occur in navigation, and is of rare occur- rence elsewhere. 8 Since 98 SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. Examples. 1. Given 4 = 115 36' 45" B= 80 19 12 6= 84 21 56 find a, c, and (7. Ans. 0=114 26' 50" c= 82 33 31 C= 79 10 30 2. Given a=53 18' 20" 5 = 46 15 15 4 = 79 30 45 find &, c, and (7. Ans. c = 50 24' 57" (7=70 55 35 & = 36 5 34 3. Given B = 76 41' 13" 4 = 117 44 36 a=126 17 22 find I, c, and C. Ans. 6 = 117 35' 35" c= 24 16 50 C= 26 50 24 &' = 62 24 25 c' = 120 53 50 (7 = 109 34 34 115. Case V: Given the Three Sides, a, b and c 4t this problem is most conveniently and accurately solved by means of the tangents of the half -angles (Art. W-), especially when all three angles are required. It is one of the most frequent problems of navigation (where, however, only the angles 4 and B are required) and, for reasons peculiar to the problem, 4 is found from sin 2 4 (Art. 88), and B from cos 2 # (Art. 89). The tangent formulae may be put in a more convenient form by multiplying the expressions of Art. 90 by sin(s a] sin(s b) -, sin(s c) sin(s a) ' sin(s b) sin(s c} ' SPHERICAL TRIGONOMETRY. 99 respectively, giving tan B= , ~ sm(s-a) sm(s-b) P sin (5 c) 9 where p /sin (s a] sin (s b ) sin (s c) V sins Example: Given a=56 37', 6 = 108 14', c=75 29'. a = 56 & =108 c =75 37 14 29 0, cosec 0.30933 . 6 33.0 sin 9.95198 sin 9.31549 sin 9.84707 s =120 10 56= 63 11 44 33 56 41 P . . 2)9.17774 9.58887 U = i* = io = 23 61 28 25 56 53 55 54 28 tan tan tan 9.63689 0.27338 9.74180 These results should be checked by the sine formula. 100 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. THE FOLLOWING CHAPTERS, TOGETHER WITH THE PRECEDING METHODS OF SPHER- ICAL TRIGONOMETRY ARE ESSENTIAL TO THE STUDY OF NAVIGATION; AND, AS A PROFESSIONAL SUBJECT, THEY SHOULD BE MOST THOROUGHLY UNDER- STOOD BY ALL MIDSHIPMEN. CHAPTEE XII. 116. Definitions. The projection of the sphere on the plane of one of its great circles, when the point of sight is taken at one of the poles of the great circle on which the projection is to be made, is called a stereo graphic projection. The plane on which the projection is made is called the primi- tive plane, and the circle the primitive circle. The polar distance of a point on the sphere is its angular dis- tance on the surface of the sphere from one of the poles of the primitive circle. The polar distance of a circle is the angular distance of any point of its circumference from either of its own poles. 117. The inclination of a circle is the angle between its plane and the primitive plane. Let WBED (Fig. 59) be a great circle cut from the sphere by the primitive plane, N and 8 its poles, the pole 8 being taken as the point of sight. Let P! be any point of the sphere, and NP^BS a great circle cut from the sphere by a plane through P intersecting the primi- tive plane in the straight line BOD. Then NP t is the polar dis- tance of P 1 ; and p ly the point in which SP 1 pierces the primitive, is the stereographic projection of the point P x . STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS', 101 The angle NSP^ is measured by one-half the polar distance of P l ; hence Op^ the distance of p from the center of the primitive circle, is Op^-rtan^p, where p is the polar distance, and r the radius of the primitive circle. N ^ . \ 1 S~~ -~ ! \ !//' "^ \ i 7 ^/ A. j^: < .\ /<|0 X. ^ \l 118. Let Cd-R (Fig. 59) be a small circle of the sphere, its plane making an angle with the primitive plane. Its pole P is the extremity of the diameter of the sphere, OP, passing through the center of the circle perpendicular to its plane. The -polar distance of the circle is PQ PR. Its inclination, (f>, to the primitive WEED is measured by the arc NP, which measures the angle between their poles, since the angle between the planes is equal to the angle between the normals ON and OP drawn from to the two planes. 102 STEREOGPA^HIC PROJECTIONS. The line WE, the intersection of the plane passed through NO and OP with the primitive plane, is called the line of measures of the circle QQ^R. 119. Let NSWE (Fig. 60) be a circle cut from the sphere by a plane through NS and OP, the axes of the primitive circle and the small circle QR, respectively, and WE the straight line in which it intersects the primitive plane. Then WE is the line of measures of the circle QR. N P being the pole of the circle QR, PQ = PR is its polar distance, and PN its inclination (since the angle between two circles is equal to the distance between their poles) . 8 is the point of sight, and q and r the projections of the extreme or principal elements of the oblique circular cone SQR, which is formed by the pro- jecting lines of all points of the circle QR. Denoting the polar distance of the circle QR by p, and its inclination by <, we have, in the two right triangles SOq and SOr STEEEOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. 103 -at" the distances on the line of measures from the center of the primitive circle to the projected extremities of the diameter of QR. 120. The Stereographic Projection of a Circle is a Circle. Let QR (Fig. 61) be any circle, P the vertex of a cone tangent to the sphere along QR, and Q any point in QR. Pass a plane through SQP, cutting from the primitive a line, pq, which is the projection of the element PQ; cutting a tangent plane at 8 in ST, which is parallel to pq; and from the sphere a circle (not shown in the figure) to which PQ and ST are tangents, 8Q being the chord of contact. Fig. 62 represents the circle omitted in Fig. 61, rotated into the plane of the paper. 104 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. Draw PK parallel to pq (Fig. 62) ; it is also parallel to TS, and the alternate interior angles TSQ and QKP are equal. But as T8 and TQ are tangents from a common point T, they are equal, and the angle TSQ = angle TQS Bangle KQP. Hence PK=PQ. K-, .,? FIG. 62. The triangles Sqp and SKP are similar, hence or pq = PQ - , which is equal to a constant, since PQ, pS and PS are all fixed lengths. Since pq is constant, the point p being fixed, it follows that the locus of q is a circle whose center is the projection of the vertex of the tangent cone. STEREOGRAPH: c PROJECTIONS. 105 We shall see hereafter that this gives us a simple construction, to find the center of the projected circle. 121. Angles on the Sphere are Unaltered in the Stereographic Projection. Let MR and MT (Fig. 63) be tangents to two curves on the sphere at the common point M. (These curves are S "*--.. FIG. 63. T not shown in the figure.) Let these tangents be projected on the primitive plane by the planes RIMS and TMS, respectively, in the lines mr and mi, and let MaS and Mis be the circles cut from the sphere by these planes; also let the lines cut from the tangent plane at 8 be SR and ST. Since the tangent plane is parallel to the primitive, the lines SR and ST will be parallel to mr and mt, and the angle RST-rmt. 106 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. Join RT. Now, since R8 and RM are tangents to the same circle, they are equal; and for the same reason TM=TS; hence the triangles RMT and R8T are equal, and the angle RMT= RST=rmt. That is, the angle between two lines drawn tangent to the sphere at a common point is equal to the angle between their projections. Y FIG. 64. / As the angle between two curves on the sphere is measured by the angle between the tangents at the common point, it follows that angles on the sphere are unaltered by 'the stereographic pro- jection. 122. The principal properties of the stereographic projection are those just proved; viz.: 1. That all circles are projected as circles. 2. That angles are not altered. STKREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. 107 These properties enable us to construct the projections of spherical triangles by convenient and simple methods. 123. To Project Any Circle of the Sphere, Given its Polar Dis- tance and the Projection of its Pole. First Method. Let NESW be the primitive circle (Fig. 64), and Z the projection of the point diametrically opposite the point of sight, the latter lying in the axis of the primitive circle at a perpendicular distance r from Z, below the primitive plane. Let P be the projection of the pole of the given circle ; draw the diameters NS through P, and WE at right angles. The diameter NPS is the projection of the great circle through P; and we re- volve it about the diameter N8 into the plane of the primitive, bringing tlie point of sight to W. NS is the line of measures, and 108 STEREOGRAPH: c PROJECTIONS. Q } the intersection of WP (produced] with NQE, is the revolved position of the pole P. Lay off from Q, Qr and Qt equal to the given polar distance, and draw Wr and Wt, cutting the line of measures in r and t 19 the extremities of the diameter of the required projection (Art. 119), and c, the middle point of r 1? is its center. f Second Method. Find Q, as in the first method, take Qr (Fig. 64) equal to the given polar distance, and draw Wrjr, giving one extremity of the diameter at r v . Draw rV tangent at r, meeting ZQV in V, the vertex of the tangent cone, and join VW, cutting NS in c, the center of the required circle (see Art. 120, Fig. 61). Draw the circle with radius c/v This method is most convenient when the pole is on the circum- ference of the primitive circle, as in Fig. 65. Here we simply draw the diameter NS through P and WE at right angles, laying off the polar distance Pr, and drawing the tangent at r to intersect NS in the center c. STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. 109 124. To Project a Great Circle. When the polar distance is 90, the circle is a great circle and passes through W and E (Fig. 66), which are each 90 from P. Proceed as for a small circle to find Q, lay off 0r = 90, and draw Wr t r. The tangent cone to the sphere becomes in this case a tangent cylinder, of which ZQ is the axis ; and the line from W, parallel to ZQ, cuts the line of measures at c, the required center. Draw the circle with radius cr^ cW. Since W, r and E are three points of the required circle, a per- pendicular to the middle point of Wr^ will intersect N8 in c, a much less convenient way of getting c. 125. To Find the Locus of the Centers of the Projections of All Great Circles Passing Through a Given Point. Let P (Fig. 67) be the given point through which the projections of great circles are to pass; draw the diameters NFS and WE at right angles, and draw WPQ to Q. 1. The projections of all great circles through P must also pass through a point 180 from P; hence draw the diameter Qr, and draw Wr, cutting NS, the line of measures, in T; then T is the projection of the point 180 from P. Since all the required circles pass through P and T f their center must lie on the straight line perpendicular to PT at its middle point c; the line is called the line of centers. 2. Since a great circle may always be drawn through the points W, P and E (Art. 124), the point c may be found by drawing a perpendicular to WP at its middle point, intersecting N8 in c. 3. The triangle WcP is isosceles, and the angle PWs=ihe angle WPS, which is measured by J(90 +QN) =%QNW; i. e., the arc QEs = QNW. Hence lay off QEs=QNW, and draw Wcs. This is equivalent to laying off a polar distance QNW from Q; and thus the line of centers is the projection of a small circle passing through the iwe of sight and having the polar distance QNW = 180 <, where denotes its inclination. 110 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. 4. From the figure, Wr = QE, and rSs=lSO -QEs = 180 -QNW=QE. Hence lay oft*WSs=2QE f and draw Wcs. 5. Since the angle WEs=QZE=WZr, a line joining E and s is parallel to Qr, which gives a fifth method. Of these methods the most convenient are : ( 3 ) Lay off QEs =QNW and draw Ws f (4) l&joftWS8=2QE. 126. To Draw a Great Circle Through P Making a Given Angle with NS. The tangent to the required circle at P (Fig. 67) makes the required angle (x) with PZS (Art. 121) ; the per- pendicular to the tangent (i. e., the radius), makes with PZS the angle 90 x. Hence construct ZPC = 9Qx, intersecting the line of centers in C, the center of the required circle. STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. Ill Note that the projection of a great circle always meets the primitive circle at the extremities of a diameter, LK, of the primitive circle. 127. To Find the Pole of a Given Circle. 1. Let Wr^E (see Fig. 66) be a given great circle. Draw the diameters WE and NS at right angles, and draw Wr r. Lay off rQ = 9Q and join WQ, cutting NS in P, the required pole. 2. Let r^ (Fig. 64) be a given small circle; through its center c draw the diameter NS, and WE at right angles. Draw Wr^ and Wt 19 intersecting the primitive circle in r and t. Bisect the arc tQr in Q, and draw WQ intersecting NS in P, the required pole. 128. Given the Projected Arc of a Great Circle, to Find its True Length. Let NM (Fig. 68) be the arc to be measured. Fing the pole X of this arc, and draw the straight line XMm; then Nm is the true length required. For XMm is the projection 112 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. of a small circle which passes through the point of sight; i. e., through a pole of the primitive ; and since it passes through the poles of two circles, NM and the primitive, it makes equal angles with them, the triangle NMm is isosceles, and NM=Nm. The distance Nm might also be found by drawing the tangent Me to meet NS at c; then a tangent to the primitive through c meets the primitive at ra. In other words, c is the vertex of a tangent cone of which a small circle passing through M and m (pole at N) is the base. But this method would generally be in- convenient. The solution of the reverse problem is obvious, to lay off the pro- jected length NM on a given circle Nr^S, from its true length Nm, by simply drawing from the pole X, Xm to m, cutting the given circle in M . 129. Spherical Triangles on the Earth Regarded as a Sphere. Definitions. The axis of the earth is the diameter about which the earth revolves. The north and south poles are the extremities of the earth's axis. The equator is a great circle of the earth perpendicular to its axis. Meridians are great circles of the earth passing through its poles, and are therefore perpendicular to the equator. The latitude of a point on the earth's surface is its angular dis- tance north or south of the equator (measured on the meridian passing through the point) . The longitude of a point on the earth's surface is the angle at the poles between the meridian of the point, and a fixed meridian taken as the origin of longitudes, as the meridian of Greenwich, or of Washington Longitude is reckoned from the zero meridian, positive to the west, negative to the east, from O h to 12 h , or from to 180. 130. To Find the Great Circle Distance between Two Given Points. The angle between the meridians of the two planes is STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. 113 obviously the algebraic difference of their longitudes. The two adjacent sides are the co-latitudes of the two places ; and we have two sides and the included angle (Fig. 69) to project the triangle, measure, and compute the desired parts. FIG. 69. Example : Find the great circle distance from Cape Flattery, Long. (AJ =8 h 20 m W., Lat. (LJ =48 N., to Java, Long. (X 2 ) = 7 h 28 m E., Lat. L 2 = 9 S. Take the meridian of Cape Flattery as the primitive circle (Fig. 69) and P as the North Pole of the earth. Lay off PM 1 = 90 L^ 9 114 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. = 42. Draw through P a great circle making the angle 123 with PMi (or 33 with PP') . See Art. 126. This is conveniently done by laying off P'Q'c 114, twice the angle cfP', then draw- ing PCC-L to c the center of the required circle PM 2 P'. Find its pole p by Art. 127. Make PQs=99 (the north polar distance of Java, 9 S.), and draw p s cutting off PM 2 , the projected length of 99. Draw the diameter M^m^ and the diameter perpendicular to it; then find the center of the great circle through MJl z by perpendicular bisector of chord M^M Z) meeting line of centers at c 2 , and draw MJtt z m^ The triangle PM^M 2 is the projection of the given triangle. After finding the pole, p 2 , of M^M 2 m^ the true length of M^M., is given on the primitive circle (Art. 128) by the arc D intercepted between p^M^ and p 2 M 2 (produced), about 118 30' . The angle PM^M 2 is measured by the projected arc mp of the great circle 90 from M 19 the true length of which is marked M^ on the primi- tive circle, about 70. 131. Numerical Computation. From Art. 105, Spherical Trigonometry, calling \ 2 -Xi=A, 6 = 90-L 2 , c=90-L 1 , we get tan (f> = cos ( A 2 Aj ) cot L 2 , $' = (90 -LJ -$ = cosZ> = sinL 2 sec < sin( cot(A 2 Ajcosec L! 48 00' 00" X 2 \,=123 00' 00" ^2 4 _9 00' 00" = 73 47' 8" cos cot tan 9.7361 In 0.80029w cot 9.81252n D M, D 0.53640 47' 8" =118 30' 35" = 70 23' 30" =7110.6 geographical miles. sin 9.19433w sec 0.55404 sin 9.92943 cos 9.67880w esc cos 0.01763 9.72160n cot 9.55175 STBREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. 115 The values found from the projection agree as closely with the computed values as could be expected from the scale of the pro- jections (Fig. 69). Examples. Project the triangle and compute the great circle course between : (1) San Francisco, L 1 = 37 47' 48" N., A 1 = 8 h 9 ra 43 s W. ; Manila, L 2 = 14 35' 25" N., A^=8 h 3 m 50 s E. Ans. = 100 '50' 55". M^N. 61 45' 34" W. (2) New York, L=40 40' N., A= 4 h 55 m 54 s AY.; Cape Good Hope, L = 33 56' S., X= l h 13 m 55 s E. (3) San Francisco, L = 37 47' N., X= 8 h 09 m 43 s W.; Sydney, L = 33 52' S., A=10 h 04 m 50 s E. 132. The spherical coordinates of a point on the earth, latitude and longitude, as defined in Art. 129, can be determined only by astronomical observations of the heavenly bodies, the sun, moon, planets and fixed stars. ^ \ (fc^ftf ^In such observations these 01103 cotes are seen projected on the background of the sky, and appear to have a revolution about an axis from east to west. This apparent revolution is due to the rotation of the earth on its axis in the opposite direction, but we shall regard the apparent revolution of the heavenly bodies as real. 133. The Celestial Sphere. The celestial sphere is an imagi- nary spherical surface of indefinite radius, having the eye of the observer at its center, and upon which the heavenly bodies are projected. The poles of the sphere are the points in which the earth's axis produced meets the celestial sphere, and about which the celestial sphere apparently revolves once in 24 hours. The equinoctial (or celestial equator) is the great circle 90 from the poles obviously the same as the great circle formed by the indefinite extension of the earth's equator. 116 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. Hour circles are great circles through the poles or the great circles produced by the indefinite extension of the earth's meridians. The zenith and nadir are the points of the celestial sphere vertically overhead and vertically underneath the observer. They may be conceived to be the points in which the celestial sphere is pierced by the indefinite extension of the radius of the terrestrial sphere -through the position of the observer. The celestial horizon is the great circle of which the zenith and nadir are the poles ; or it is the great circle cut from the celestial sphere by the tangent plane to the earth at the observer's position. Since the radius of the celestial sphere is infinite, we may sub- stitute for the tangent plane, a parallel plane through the center of the earth, for these two planes will meet the celestial sphere in the same great circle, which is the celestial horizon. (See Fig. 71, Art. 135.) Vertical circles are great circles passing through the zenith and nadir. The celestial meridian (of a place) is the hour circle passing through the zenith and nadir ; it may also be defined as the vertical circle passing through the poles. The celestial meridian is ob- viously the great circle formed by the indefinite extension of the plane of the terrestrial meridian of a given place. The prime vertical is the vertical circle passing through the east and west points of the horizon, and is perpendicular to the meridian and to the horizon. The declination (d) of a point of the celestial sphere is its angular distance north or south of the equinoctial, measured on the hour circle passing through the point. It is marked north or south like latitude on the earth. The polar distance (p) of a point of the celestial sphere is its angular distance from the pole; p = 9Q d if the declination is of STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. 117 the same name as the pole from which it is reckoned, otherwise p = 90 + d. The altitude (h) of a body is its angular distance above the horizon. The zenith distance (z) of a body is its angular distance from the zenith; z = 90 -h. The hour angle (t) of a point of the celestial sphere is the angle at the pole between the meridian of a place and the hour circle passing through the point. The azimuth (Z) of a body is the angle at the zenith between the meridian of a place and the vertical circle passing through the body. The amplitude of a body is the arc of the horizon between the east or west point and the body when in the horizon. The ecliptic is the great circle of the celestial sphere which is the apparent path of the sun, due to the real motion of the earth around the sun. The vernal equinox, or the first point of Aries, is the point in which the ecliptic cuts the equinoctial, as the sun passes from south tojnorth declination. The right ascension of a heavenly body is the angle at the pole between the hour circle passing through the body and the hour circle through the vernal equinox. 134. The Astronomical Triangle. The spherical triangle whose vertices are the pole, the zenith and any point M on the celestial sphere is called the astronomical triangle. The angle at the pole P is the hour angle (t), the angle at Z is the azimuth (Z), the angle at the point M is the position angle. The side PZ is the co-latitude (90 -L) ; the side PM is the polar distance from the elevated pole, and is equal to 90 d when the latitude and declination have the same name, to 90 +d when they have different names ; the side ZM is the zenith distance of the point, or the co-altitude, 90 h. 118 STEREOGRAPH ic PROJECTIONS. The relation of the astronomical triangle to the definitions of Art. 133 is shown by the diagram of Fig. 70 : NWS = Horizon. Mrrii Vertical circle of M. Mm, = Altitude of M. = Azimuth of M. PQP'Q' = Meridian. (Q'WQ = Equator. I PMP' = Hour circle of M . mM Declination of M . [ MPZ = Hom angle of M. Either of these two groups forms &' system of spherical co- ordinates, by which the position of a body on the celestial sphere is known with reference to the observer's position : 1. When its hour angle and declination (or polar distance) are known. 2. When its azimuth and altitude (or zenith distance) are known. 135. The latitude of a place on the earth is equal to the declina- tion of its zenith or to the altitude of the elevated pole. STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. 119 Let pzq (Fig. 71) be the terrestrial meridian of a place z, pp^ the axis of the earth, and q^Oq the equator. Extend the axis of the earth, the equator, and the radius (or vertical) of the place, to meet the celestial sphere in P, Q and Z. The plane NOS, parallel to the tangent plane nzs at z, is the celestial horizon. The arc qz, which is by definition the latitude of z, is obviously equal to QZ, which by definition is the declination of the point Z, the zenith. FIG. 71. The elevated pole (P) is the pole visible above the observer's horizon (the north pole for places in north latitude, the south pole for places in south latitude) . The arc NP, the altitude of the elevated pole P, is equal to QZ, the latitude of z, since each is equal to 90 less the arc PZ. The arc PZ, included between the zenith and the pole, is therefore 90 L, where L is the latitude of a place. 136. To Find the Latitude of a Given Place. The latitude of a given place (i. e., the declination of its zenith) is most easily found from the observation of the altitude of the sun or other 120 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. celestial body when it is just on the meridian of the place. Sup- pose the meridian altitude of such a body to have been measured and reduced by various small corrections to give the true altitude above the celestial horizon. The declinations of the brighter celestial bodies are tabulated in the American Nautical Almanac. With these two data the method of finding the latitude is shown in Fig. 72, where the celestial sphere is projected on the plane of the meridian of the given place. ZSNaN is the meridian, Z the zenith, NWS the horizon, P the elevated pole, Q^Q the equator, and QZ the latitude. If m is the observed body, then QM is its declination and m^Z its zenith distance = 90 h : . We have from the figure If the body is in south declination, as at ra 2 , then L=ZM z -QM 2 =Z 2 +(-d 2 ), STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. 121 south declination in this case being negative (the latitude being north). If the body is north of the zenith, as at M 3 , then FIG. 73. 137. Projection of the Astronomical Triangle. Case I : Given L = 20 N., d=32 N., h = 4:Q, body bearing W., to Project the Triangle on the Plane of the Horizon. The three sides of the given triangle are PZ = 70, PM=58, ZM = 50. Let NE8W be the horizon, then Z will be the center of the primitive circle (Fig. 73). Draw the diameters NZ8 and WZE 122 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. at right angles, and take NZ8 as the line of measures. The point of sight (Na) lies below Z perpendicular to the primitive plane and at a distance r. The projected pole P lies between Z and N f and for the purpose of finding this, the point of sight is revolved about NS into the position W. Lay off EA = 90 - L, and draw WA cutting N8 in P, the pro- jected pole. Construct the small circle of 58 polar distance from P by laying off Ar and Ar' equal to the polar distance 58, and joining Wr f intersecting NS in r one extremity of the diameter (Art. 123). The center c is found by the second method of Art. 123, the tangent at / intersecting ZA (produced) in V, and join- ing WV, cutting NS in c; cr^ is the radius of the required circle. Lay off EH=9Q -h = 5Q, and draw WH cutting N8 in h; then Zh is the polar distance 50 from Z. With Zh as a radius (and Z as center) draw a circle cutting Mr in M. This point being at the given distance from both P and Z respectively, and lying west of the meridian NS, is the required point. Lay off As=ANW, and join Ws> cutting NS in c ; draw the line of centers of great circles through P, perpendicular to NS at c . Bisect the chord PM, and draw a perpendicular at its middle point meeting the line of centers in c, the center of the required great circle PM. Draw the great circle ZM, passing through the point of sight, as a straight line, completing the construction of PZM. The values of the required quantities t and Z are indicated on the projection ; the measure of the angle Z by the arc of the primitive circle included between ZPN and ZM produced, approximately 64 ; the value of the hour angle ZPM=t is measured by the arc of the primitive circle marked t, approximately 53 45', which is the true length of Qm the projected arc of the equator, WQE, intercepted between the two hour circles PZQ and PMm. The angle PcC l is also a measure of the angle ZPN. (See Art. 126.) STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. 123 138. To Project the Same Triangle on the Meridian. Let PZSN be the meridian (Fig. 74), and draw the diameters ZWNa and NWS at right angles. Lay off PZ&3Q-L and draw the diameters PP' and QQ' at right angles. Since the object is west of the meridian, the center of the primitive circle is W. FIG. 74. From Z, lay off ZH = 90 h, and draw a tangent at H inter- secting WZ in c, the center of the small circle having a polar dis- tance of 90 -h (Art. 123, Second Method); with radius cH draw the small circle HM. From P lay off Pr=90 -d = 58, and draw a tangent at r, intersecting PP^ in c x , the center of the small circle of 58. With radius c^r draw the small circle rM, intersecting HM in M, which has the given polar distance from both Z and P, re- spectively. 124 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. The perpendicular at the middle point of the straight line ZM intersects NS, the line of centers of Z, in the center for the great circle ZM. Construct the great circle PM in a similar way, giving PZM, the projection of the given triangle. The value of the angle PZM is given by the arc of the primitive marked Z (about 64), which measures the projected arc of the horizon Nm, which is in turn the measure of the azimuth. The hour angle t is measured by the arc of the primitive marked t, the true length of the projected arc Q'm^ of the equator, about 53 50'. 139. To Project the Same Triangle on the Equator. In the projection (Fig. 75) the primitive circle is the celestial equator or equinoctial, and the pole P is its center. " Call the vertical diam- eter QQ' the projection of the meridian and lay off WA = 9Q L ^70, drawing EA cutting QQ' in Z, the projected zenith. Find STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. 125 c l9 the center of the small circle of (90 ft) =50 polar dis- tance, and construct the circle; find Pb, the projected length of the polar distance PM = 58, and draw the small circle inter- secting the first one in M. Find the line of centers of all great circles through Z, and the center c of that one which passes through M. The construction is obvious. The value of t, 54 30', is measured by the arc of the primitive circle as indicated. The azimuth Z is measured by the true length of the intercepted arc Nm of the horizon ENW, indicated by Z on the primitive circle, about 64. 140. Numerical Solution of the Triangle. This problem is the time sight, of almost daily occurrence in the navigation of a ship at sea. The altitude of the observed body is measured with the sextant, the latitude is assumed as known, and the declination of the observed body is taken from the tables of the Nautical Almanac. To derive the formulae, used in the solution of the triangle, let t = A, Z = B, in the formulae of Arts. 88 and 89 (Sph. Trig.), sin o sin c sin a sin c Then c=90-L s c = %(L + p h)=s f h where s 1 ' = %(h + L + p) ; substituting these values in the above formulae, sin 2 \t cos s' sin (s' h) sec L cosec p. cos 2 \Z = cos s' cos (s' p)secL sec h. 126 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. Note that p, the polar distance, is used, and not d. In making the solution, always use the form given below. h= 40 00' sec 0.11575 L= 20 00' sec 0.02701 sec .02701 p= 58 00' esc .07158 2s' = 118 00' s'= 59 00' cos 9.71184 cos 9.71184 s'-h= 19 00' sin 9.51264 s'-p= 1 00' cos 9.99993 2)9.32307 *= 27 18' 12" sin 9.66153 t= 54 36' 24" 2(9.85453 3 h 38 m 25.6 s \Z 32 14' 34" cos 9.92726 Z 64 29' 8" 141. Case II : Given t, d and L, or Two Sides and the Included Angle. Take L = 39 K, =2 h 20 m =35, d=S K 1. On the Horizon : Let NESW be the horizon (Fig. 76), and draw NZS and WZE at right angles. Find ZP, the projected length of 90 -L=EA = 51 ; construct the projection of the equator, Ws'E, by drawing We parallel to ZA (Art. 124), intersecting NS at c, the center, giving We, the radius. The pole p of the hour circle PM, making an angle of 35 with PZ, must lie on the equator 35 from the pole of PZ or E; hence lay off Ee = 35 and draw Pe, cutting the equator at p. Since the poles and center of any great circle are in the same straight line as the center of the primitive, draw Zpc^ meeting the line of centers at c lf the center of the required circle, and construct the great circle PM. From its pole p draw pm, making the true length of PM, measured by p'm = 90 -d = 82. STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS, 127 Draw ZMriL i the great circle through Z and M, completing the construction of PZM, and find its pole p 19 laying off m 1 p 1 = 90. To find the altitude h, draw pji^ giving mji l} the true length of the projected h (m 1 7lf)=45 50'. The azimuth Z is given directly by the arc NWm 1 = l2Q. 2. The same triangle projected on the meridian in Fig. 77, where PZ 90 L as before. Draw the equator Q'WQ, which is FIG. 76. the line of centers, as also the locus of the poles, of all great circles through P. Find the pole of PM making an angle of 35 with the meridian by taking P'a=35, giving Wp the projected length of the distance between the poles of the two circles ; find its center c by taking P'& = 70, twice the angle P'Pc=35. From the center c, draw PtP' and lay off Pm = 9Q -d = 82. Draw pm cutting the great circle at M; PM projected length of Pm = 82. 128 STEREOGRAPH ic PROJECTIONS. Draw a perpendicular to middle point of the chord Z'fiQ inter- secting the line of centers of great circles through Z at c 1? the center of ZMm^Na. Find its pole p i by taking ,sz t 90. Draw FIG. 77. p^M, giving the true length of the projected altitude Mm^ as indicated approximately 45 50'. The azimuth PZM is measured by the true length of the projected arc of the horizon N Wm^ that is, by the arc NQ'z, about 125. 3. The same triangle is projected in the plane of the equator in Fig. 78, where SPN' is taken as the projection of the meridian, and the projection of the zenith found by making PZ = 9Q -L. Draw PMt, making the hour angle ZPM = 35, and find the point M by drawing pM from pole p of the hour circle PM, cutting off Mt = S projective length. Bisect chord ZM as before by a perpendicular meeting the line of centers at c; then construct ZM meeting horizon produced at m, and find its pole p by joining cP. The altitude Mm is measured by A-^ according to usual STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. method, and is about 45 45'. The azimuth, MZP, is measured by the true length of the arc of the horizon N Wm, or N'Wz nearly. 142. Numerical Solution of Case II. By Napier's rules, drop- ping the perpendicular from M on PZ : tan = cos t cot d, sin/t=:sin^ sin(Z/ + <)sec , cot Z = cot t cos (L + ) cosec <. Note that when d has a different name from L, d is negative. L = 39 00' 00" cos 9.91336 cot 0.15477 cot 0.85220 sin 9.14356 = 35 00' 00" = 8 00' 00" = 80 15 53" =119 15' 53" = 45 53' 00" =125 18' 40" 10 tan 0.76556 sec 0.77178 sin 9.94070 esc 0.00630 cos 9.68917n sin 9.85604 cot 9.85024w 130 STEREOGRAPHIO PROJECTIONS. 143. Method of St. Hilaire. In the practice of navigation the value of Z is taken from Azimuth Tables, and h is derived from the formula of Art. 107 (Sph. Trig.), sin h = sin d sin L+ cos d cos L cos i, =cos(Ld) 2 cos d cos L sin 2 1/. log cos L 9.89050 cos (L-d) 0.85717 (Table 41) log cos d 9.99575 No. 0.13917 log 2 0.30103 0.18728 sinfc 0.71800 (Table 41) log sin 2 $t 8.95628 A- 45 53' 23" No. 0.13917 log 9.14356 The computed value of h is compared with the observed value, thus furnishing a method of establishing the position of the ship, instead of computing t by Art. 140. Log sin 2 ^ may be taken directly from Table 45 of latest edition of Bowditch's Useful Tables. 144. Case III : Given t, d and h, to Find L. We have given two sides and an angle (t) opposite co-h, thus furnishing a double solution. Assume t=32, d=21 N., ^ = 40 W. The projection is made on the equator, on account of the simplicity of the con- struction. Let EQ'WQ be the primitive circle, the equator, which has the pole P at the center. Draw the diameter QPQ', and EW at right angles (Fig. 79). Construct the angle QPM =2=32, and PM as shown in the figure equal to 90 d=89. Prom M as a pole construct the small circle having a polar distance (90 h) =50, on which lie all points having the given zenith distance of 50. Then the two points Z^ and Z 2 , in which this circle of equal alti- tudes intersects PQ, satisfy the conditions of the problem. Find the line of centers for M and construct the great circles Z^M and Z 2 M, completing the two triangles. STEEEOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. 131 Since P is the projection of the North Pole, Z 1? lying between it and the equator, is the projected zenith of a place in north lati- tude, while Z 2 , lying at a greater polar distance than 90, is the projected zenith of a place in south latitude. The true length of Z^Q is measured by the arc marked L 1 = 66 50' N.; the true length of QZ 2 , by the arc marked L 2 = 18 S. FIG. 79. 145. Numerical Solution of Case III. Draw the perpendicular from M to the side PZ Z 2) and by Napier's rules derive : tan (j> = cos t cot d, cos <' = cos sin h coseo d, /, = 90 -(<#>: ' tan h. 132 STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTIONS. Note that ', being found by its cosine, may be either a positive a negative arc. or h = 40 00' 00" t = 32 00' 00" d = 21 00' 00" N. = 65 38' 46" 0'= (42 17' 55") Z l= 40 13' 38" Zj= 139 46' 22" L 1= : 17 56' 41" S. L,= 66 39' 9" N. cos 9.92842 cot 0.41582 tan 0.34424 sin 9.80807 tan esc 0.44567 cos 9.61529 9.92381 cos 9.86903 tan () 9.95899 cos () 9.88280 AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS OVERDUE. Berkeley yp j 7 ID i '-.-.. 3 G 0378 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY