-^JL GIFT OF PHILOGENY The Science of Love and a SCIENTIFIC SYSTEM OF PRODUCING A NORMAL RACE THROUGH LOVE-MARRIAGES ililllllH BY SELWYN GOULD LANGLEY FOUNDER I "Toward the Future I look and see a greater race to come of beautiful women, athletic, free, able in mind and logic, great in love and maternal instincts, unashamed of their bodies and the sexual parts of them, calm in nerve, and with a chromic recognition of spiritual qualities a race of men, gentle, strong, courageous, continent, affec- tionate, unselfish, large in body and mind, full of pluck and brawn, able to suffer, clean and honest in their animal necessities, self-confi- dent, with no king or overseer." Miriam Wheeler Nicol. "Ignorance is the mother of misery." Ingersoll. "The Truth is Safe, and Nothing Else is Safe." Mueller. "An Honest Man Investigates Both Sides." Lincoln. "Love is the fulfilling of the law." Bible. S09 SANSOMK ST.. SAN FRANCISCO PHILOGENY The Science of Love and a SCIENTIFIC SYSTEM OF PRODUCING A NORMAL RACE THROUGH LOVE-MARRIAGES ^'illllllllllllllllllH BY SELWYN GOULD LANGLEY FOUNDER PREFATORY NOTE I have been studying and investigating human nature, love, the emotions, criminal types, several sciences, and economic conditions for over ten years. My schooling has been very limited, and most of my learning has been from public libraries and outside investigations; and have made several discoveries that science does not know, which I have put in this little pamphlet of Philogeny. I am the founder of the new science and have written this pamphlet to see if I could not start a few thousand intelligent people thinking along these lines. If my Scientific System is put into practice, the time will come when "Heaven on Earth" will be a reality. SELWYN GOULD LANGLEY. COPYRIGHT, 1915 SELWYN GOULD LANGLEY OAKLAND, CALIF. PHILOGENY Philogeny is the science of love. The word is derived from the Greek roots "philos" (love) and "geno" (born), which means love- born, or born in love. As the founder of Philogeny, it is up to me to fully show what love really is; the difference between love and idealized-physical-attraction, or "false-love," and how a normal race can be produced through love-matings. Love is a force created by two complete physio, facio, and month opposites meeting; this force creating a harmonious physical, mental, and emotional attraction between the two opposites; its object being to produce complete mental and physical normality in the progeny through love-reproduction. Month Opposites 182 Days Apart. April and October. January and July. May and November. February and August. June and December. March and September. "Facio" means applying to the size, texture, and shape of the head; and the sizes, shapes, texture, color or complexion of the facial features. "Physio" means applying to the size, shape, color, and texture of the physique. "Month" means applying to the month, "or time of year," and day of month, a person was born in. Month-Attraction and Month-Repulsion. Aqua-Months. Pyro-Months. Aero-Months. Geo-Months. March. April. June. September. July. August. October. May. November. December. February. January. Aqua and Pyro months are repulsive to one another. Aqua and Aero months are repulsive to one another. Geo and Pyro months are repulsive to one another. Geo and Aero months are repulsive to one another. Aqua and Geo months are attractive to one another. Aero and Pyro months are attractive to one another. Aqua months are fairly attractive to one another. Pyro months are fairly attractive to one another. Aero months are fairly attractive to one another. Geo months are fairly attractive to one another. This attraction is an emotional attraction. This repulsion is an emotional repulsion. 4 PHILOGBNY Love is mental-emotional-attraction. There may be a physical at- traction existing between two persons without any love; but love can not exist alone in its highest degree without physical-attraction. Love is dependent upon physical-attraction; but physical-attraction is not dependent upon love. In the process of evolution physical-attraction came first, and all animals mate only by physical-attraction. Love came later when the mental qualities, and emotions, became highly developed in the human body. Today physical-attraction is not enough to hold the male and female together, so that they may live a harmonious life, a life of happiness. Feminine months: May, June, July, August, September, and Octo- ber. Extreme feminine months: July, August, and September. Masculine months: November, December, January, February, March, and April. Extreme masculine months: January, February, and March. The masculine months are positive, masculine, material, selfish, and reason months. The feminine months are negative, feminine, intuitive, emotional, and unselfish months. The masculine months are natural months for males to be born in. The feminine months are natural months for females to be born in. If a man is born in a feminine month he will be more or less internally feminine, emotional, intuitive and negative. If a woman is born in a masculine month she will be somewhat material, somewhat unemo- tional, positive, and act mostly from pure reason. Women born in feminine months make the best mothers. Men born in masculine months make the best fathers; also these men make our greatest sci- entists, inventors, statesmen, philosophers, mathematicians, Army and Navy commanders. FUNDAMENTAL AND DETAILED ILLUS- TRATION OF LOVE (COMPLETE OPPOSITE) Male, Age 26; White Race; Temperament, Mental-Motive; Monthal, March 10th; Weight, 145 Lbs. ; Height, 5 Ft. 10j/ 2 In.; Physique, Tall and Thin; Pale Skin; Straight Brown Hair; Blond; Skin Medium Coarse; Facial, Pale Face; High Head; Head, Me- dium Narrow; Narrow and Long Face; Straight, Medium-Broad Long Nose; Medium Sized, Blue, Dreamy Eyes; Small, Narrow Chin; Projecting Jaw Bones; Coarse Teeth; Low Cheek Bones; Irregular Mouth and Lips; and Narrow Neck. PHILOGENY 5 (COMPLETE OPPOSITE) Female, Age Twenty; White Race; Vital Temperament; Monthal, September 8th; Weight, 150 Lbs. ; Height, 5 Ft. 3 In.; Physique, Short; Stout; Pink Skin, Brunette; Skin Smooth and Fine; Facial, Pinkish Faced; Full Faced; Low and Medium Broad Head; Broad Face; Narrow and Short Roman, or Narrow and Short Concave Nose; Large Sparkling Black or Brown Eyes; Long Eye-Lashes; Dark or Red Curly* or Wavy Hair; Large and Broad Chin; Fine Teeth; High Cheek Bones; Regular Mouth; Full Red Lips; and Stout Neck. Nature is looking for normality in the progeny, physical and mental normality. You love your counterpart or opposite; the more opposite your counterpart is to you, the stronger will be the love. Love- matings will produce progeny of both mental and physical normality. "False-love" or Idealized- Physical- Attraction is a force created by two complete facio and physio opposites meeting through natural month emotional-repulsion; this emotional-repulsion causing strong physical-attraction, its object being to only create a strong physique in the progeny through licentious-reproduction. The sexual-instinct in "false-love" will be intensely strong. The sexual-instinct in common-physical-attraction will be fairly strong. The sexual-instinct in love will be moderate, natural and normal. Love can only exist where there is a blending of all opposites Month, Physio, and Facio in the two persons. Common-physical-attraction can only exist between two persons where there is month-attraction, and somewhat physio and facio op- posites. False-love can only exist where there is a blending of physio and facio opposites in two persons of an opposite-sex, and where there is a month-repulsion. I have already given an illustration of love and will now give an illustration of "false-love," and another one of "common-physical- attraction." ILLUSTRATION OF COMMON-PHYSICAL- ATTRACTION Male. Month, March Aqua Month. Physio-Facio-Opposite of Female. 6 PHILOGBNY Female. Month, July or May Aqua or Geo Month. Physio- Facio-Opposite of Male. Progeny Physique, Normal. Mentality, Below Normal. ILLUSTRATION OF IDEALIZED-PHYSICAL- ATTRACTION OR "FALSE-LOVE" Male. Month, March Aqua Month. Physio-Facio-Opposite of Female. Female. Month, Pyro or Aero Month. Physio-Facio-Opposite of Male. Progeny Physique, Normal. Mentality, Far Below Normal. These Illustrations are figured from a Natural Standpoint; A Phil- ogenic-Standpoint. The effect of love is soothing, pleasurable, with emotions of happi- ness, gladness, worship, respect, with optimistic feelings, exhilarating, with a complete mental-harmony, restful, and with a normal sex- instinct; the love being turned more to the emotions and mentality. The effect of common-physical-attraction is a feeling of comrade- ship or friendship, fair mental-attraction, understanding, produces common-feelings, sex-instinct being fairly strong. This is a far better attraction than "false-love," but is far from coming up to the wonder- ful attraction, love. Many marriages are caused by this common- physical-attraction. They are neutral marriages, because they do not, neither produce misery, nor happiness between the couples. Love- marriages produce happiness, "false-love"-marriages produce misery, while these common-marriages are neutral. False-Love, or Idealized Sex-Attraction, produce miserable effects. Most divorces are caused by being mated by this attraction. This attraction is a curse, because it produces misery between the husband and wife, and abnormal progeny, mentally. There are plenty of this progeny in the state and federal prisons, and in houses of ill- repute. The effect of this attraction produces a powerful sex-instinct. They idealize one another's physical beauty. The mind is turned away from the mentality and emotions, while they are intoxicated with physical desires. They are on the same level with the common- animals. They are full of licentiousness, and are impulsive. Soon after marriage when the fires of the physique cool, there sets in a mental-repulsion caused by the month-influence that they were mated by. This repulsion commences to do its duty. It may cause the wife to commit suicide, or drive the husband to drink. I know of many cases where it caused drunkenness, and some cases where it caused suicide. When the repulsion sets in, it causes feelings of remorse, melancholy, pessimism, combativeness, causes wife-beating, hatred, misery, disgust, and finally sexual- PH1LOGHNY 7 repulsion if they live together long enough. The strong sex-instinct or physical desires grow stronger until they have been fulfilled, and then the month-emotional-repulsion sets into operation. We must all understand these facts and deal with them intelligently. Stop the cause and you have no effect. No one but a coward at heart would refuse to give ear, or investigate these facts. This repulsion is the effect of an Aqua or Geo mating with an Aero or Pyro, and with facio-physio-oppositeness. These are extreme cases of "false love" that I have cited; but these cases are not scarce, but common. Most of the extreme cases are the matings of an Aqua with a Pyro. The cases of love, and common-physical-attraction, hold good in all in- stances. You love your counterpart or opposite, the more the opposite the stronger the love; and if your skin is medium coarse, pale or yellowish, your counterpart's skin must be smooth, fine and pinkish. Nature forces you to discriminate when the opportunity comes for picking a mate. If you ever meet your opposite or soul-mate you will surely know it; but you may go through life and never find any. Philogeny claims that every person has a soul-mate in every ten thousand popu- lation. You, reader, have fifty in San Francisco as a resident of the city; but as love has its degrees, you will not love all fifty in the same degree, because some would be better opposites for you than the others ; but any one of the fifty you would surely love and be happy with if you have the economic means, and your progeny would be those of normality. Self-preservation is the first law in nature; next to that comes the natural desire for reproduction. This life is not worth living unless we can all become happy fathers and mothers. A happy family is the natural incentive for every male and female. Normal men and women are always on the lookout for an affinity or opposite; this is instinctive. "Love is the greatest thing in the world, And right well do we know it; Let us form a union, just you and I, To act it, show it, prove it." There are thousands of people driven to drink and vice from losing out in love; their loss has been caused a good deal from economic conditions. Thousands of men and women go through this life single ; when they become old they realize that they have been cheated; that their life was a life of nothingness; that it was compensatory inasmuch as "no wife and no family, little work and little incentive; wife and family, plenty of work, and plenty of incentive." The woman's place in this life is as a wife, mother and home- keeper. A woman born in her natural month has a strong desire to become a mother and good wife. That is her natural place and she 8 PHILOGHNY realizes it. Nature has fitted her with emotion, intuition, and a lov- able nature. If a woman's both parents were born in masculine months and she, too, she will act very manly, and will be better in an office than as a housewife. A natural man is positive, masculine, intelligent, with little emotion, little intuition, material, practical, strong, forceful, and his natural place is as a provider of the household, and provider and protector of his wife and children. Man's interior and exterior nature is naturally masculine, positive and unemotional. Woman's interior and exterior nature is naturally feminine negative, intuitive and emotional. A man's natural weapon is his physical strength. A woman's natural weapon is her dissimulation or deceit. The more masculine a man is the more he will depend upon his physi- cal powers for protection and the more honest he will be. If a woman is inclined to be masculine, this rule holds good for her. The more feminine and emotional a female is, the more deceit- ful and cunning she will be; for her own protection and material gain, which is natural. This same rule holds good for a man inclined to be effeminate. Honesty is masculine; dishonesty is feminine. There are a great many physically powerful specimens among men, who are more or less effeminate. These men born in feminine months are cunning and deceitful and protect themselves economically and phys- ically in that way. On the other hand, there are physical weaklings who are masculine, honest, and have no means of natural self-protec- tion. Nature is very often compensatory; if you are very strong in one way, you will be weak in another way. Nature wants you to be normal in all ways; not too much of one thing, a little of every- thing. If your both parents were born in masculine months, and you, too, you will be of a very masculine nature, more so, than if but one of your parents was born in a feminine month. Ill-mated parents can only produce extremes and abnormalities. A normal male has plenty of reason with little emotion. A normal female has plenty of emotion and intuition with little reason. If you and your both parents were born in feminine months you will be very feminine and emotional, with the feminine deceitfulness, whether you are male or female; more fem- inine than if but one of your parents was bom in a feminine month. As is sown, so shall be reaped ; and if half of one kind of seed is sown, and half another kind, two kinds of seed will be reaped; in a human being it shall be reaped together as one; and to reap a natural crop, both kinds of seed are necessary in human-breeding; the feminine, emotional and intuitive seed, and the masculine, material and reason seed; then we have a full rounded out being. About seventy-five per cent of the world's population are ill-born, from ill-mated parents. A feeble-minded child or idiot can be produced by two feeble-minded parents; but if only one parent was feeble-minded and the other men- tally strong, the child would be nearer mental-normality than if both parents were feeble-minded. PHILOGHNY 9 If a person is born after the 24th day of a particular month, that person will be classed with the next month after; such as a person born on the 25th day of October will have the fundamental qualities and defects of character and emotional nature of a November person, with also some of the October nature; but the November nature will be predominant. This must be taken into consideration in month- attraction and month-repulsion. It is impossible for any person to truly love another person of an opposite sex, unless that person is a facio, physio, and month, opposite of themself. A March should have a September, Birthdays being about one hundred and eighty-two days apart; Blond, a Brunette; Tall, Short; Stout, Thin; Pale Faced, Red Faced; Blue Eyes, Brown; Coarse Skin, Fine Skin; Small Chin, Large Chin; Curly Hair, Straight Hair; Vital, Mental-Motive Temperament; Thin Lips, Thick Lips; Coarse Teeth, Fine Teeth; High Head, Low Head; Narrow Forehead, Broad Forehead; Wide Head, Narrow Head; etc., etc., etc. A normal person is one who is physically and mentally normal. Mental-Normality in Man. Reason, 75%; Intuition, 10%; Emotion, 15%. Physical-Nor- mality in Man. Health and Vitality. Well Formed Physique. Mental-Motive-Vital-Temperament. Monthal. Masculine Month. Mental-Normality in Women. Emotion, 75%; Reason, 10%; Intuition, 15%. Physical-Nor- mality in Woman. Health and Vitality. Well Formed Physique. Mental-Motive-Vital Temperament. Monthal Feminine Month. Two abnormals ill-mated will reproduce greater abnormals. Two abnormals well mated will reproduce normals. Two normals well mated will reproduce normals. Two normals ill-mated will reproduce abnormals. Two normals can only be ill-mated through the monthal. Degenerates, pessimists and ego-maniacs are victims of ill-mated parents. Nature, like a sponge, quickly reverts to normality when given the opportunity. She accomplishes this in love-marriages, and even after the progeny have grown up, nature rewards and blesses the parents for work well done. Two distinct races in heights may be produced in a few hundred years, by all the short people inter-marrying, and all the tall people doing the same. This method kept up for a few hundred years would produce one race averaging seven feet per per- son; and the other race averaging four and one-half feet per person. If this system kept up for a few thousand years, the tall race would 10 PHILOGENY become nine footers, and the short race become two and one-half footers. One race of midgets and another race of giants. If all the beautiful people should inter-marry for thousands of years, you would produce a race so beautiful physically that we could not picture what they would look like; and if all the ugly people should inter-marry for thousands of years, an awful looking race we would have. A race of large feet, or a race of large ears, can be produced by inter- breeding of the same for thousands of years. Nature likes normality. She is against inter-breeding of sameness. She likes breeding of oppo- sites, both mentally and physically. She wants mixed-breeding, not inter-breeding. If all the people born in masculine months should inter-breed for thousands of years, we would have a race of people so pessimistic, material, unemotional, and cold hearted that they would either all commit suicide or kill one another off in fighting. On the other hand if all the people born in feminine months should do the same, we would have a race of feminine weaklings, so weak mentally and physically that they would soon die off from sickness and disease. So we can see the necessity of mental and physical mixed-breeding. AN ILLUSTRATION (Male. Monthal Aug. 10th; Physique Opposite of Mate; Facial Opposite of Mate.) (Female, Feb. 8th; Physique Opposite of Mate; Facial Opposite of Mate.) (Progeny Mentally and Physically Normal. ) Nature is destructive as well as constructive. She builds up and then destroys, and then builds up again and then destroys; action and reaction. Every cause has an effect, and every effect produces a new cause for something else. Self-preservation is the first law in nature. If we cannot preserve ourselves we will be overcome by other forces, such as wars, pestilence, etc. We must be able to combat nature's destructive forces. We kill the sheep, lamb, catch fish, ;shoot tigers and lions because we have the might, the power. In nature might determines right. If we are caught unarmed or without the might in the jungles by a fierce, hungry lion we are doomed and wrong; the lion is right. If a woman and her both parents, her grandmothers and grand- fathers were all bom in masculine months she would be of a very masculine nature and could almost pass as a man. This may be the case of Mrs. Eugenie DeForest of Los Angeles, who masqueraded as a man for twenty-five years. A woman of this type could fall in love with a very feminine woman or a very feminine-natured man. Music and poetry are enjoyed mostly by people born in the femi- nine months, because of the emotion. A normal person is not one- sided; a certain amount of both reason and emotion are necessary for PHILQGHNY 11 a person to live a happy life. Reason is masculine, while emotion is feminine. If a person is born of a masculine natured father and a feminine natured mother and born in a masculine month, the person will have a masculine nature with some emotion also. But if the person's both parents were born in masculine months, the person will be very masculine natured, and one-sided, with very little emotion. It is natural that a male should have far more reason than emotion. It is also natural that a female should have far more emotion than rea- son. If a woman and her both parents were born in feminine months she will have little reason and be very emotional and feminine natured ; but if a woman and her both parents were born in masculine months she will have little emotion, will be masculine, cold natured and gifted with reason. Many of our scientific and professional women are of these types. It is all a question of monthal and prenatal influences. From a natural standpoint we get our emotion from the monthal and our mother. We get our intellect from the monthal and our father. If a girl is born in a feminine month and her both parents born in masculine months, she will not have as much emotion as if one of her parents were born in a feminine month. Nature is always looking for repetition, that is why it is hard for us to get used to new environments. New ideas and new systems are always disliked by the many. Nature's law of repetition has got them by the throat. They act from instinct more than from reason. That is why the old system of reproduction without love is hard to tear down. Love reproduction will be naturally investigated by the better bred and intelligent. Here are some progeny of extreme ill-mated parents, of which you will probably find in all our state and federal prisons. Mother, born first part of November, Mental-Motive Tempera- ment. Father, born first part of Dec., Motive Temperament. Child, Male, born in Nov. Abnormal. Mother, born first part of March, Mental Temperament, Father, bora first part of April, Motive Temperament. Child, born in May Abnormal. Father, born first part of Aug., Motive Temperament. Mother, born first part of July, Mental Temperament. Child, born in Nov. Abnormal. Father, born first part of Jan., Mental Temperament. Mother, born first part of Feb., Motive. Child, born in Aug. Abnormal. 12 PHILOGHNY Mother, born middle of Nov., Motive Temperament. Father, born middle of April, Motive Temperament. Child, born in June Abnormal. I could give dozens of extreme ill-mated cases, some cases being so extreme that the victims of some ill-mated parents are to be pitied for being born. In most of these cases I would give, the parents themselves would be victims of extreme ill-mated parents. I will give one case as an illustration. Mother's side. Ill-mated. Grandmother born first part of Nov., Vital Temperament. Grandfather born first part of Dec., Motive Temperament. Mother born first part of March, Vital-Motive Temperament. Father's side. Ill-mated. Grandmother born first part of April, Mental-Motive Tempera- ment. Grandfather born first part of March, Motive Temperament. Father born first part of Dec., Motive Temperament. Child born first part of Nov. Abnormal child. Child Strong physique; criminal-mentality. WEAK CASES Mother born first part of Aug., Vital Temperament. Father born first part of July, Vital Temperament. Child born middle of June Abnormal. Weak case. Mother born first part of Sept., Vital Temperament. Father born first part of Aug., Vital Temperament. Child bom first part of July Abnormal. Weak case. Don't make any mistake in judging all these different cases. The temperaments must be strongly considered. Mother born first part of July, Vital Temperament. Father born first part of July, Vital Temperament. Child born first part of July, Vital Temperament. Weak case. Well mated parents cannot produce degenerates. They come from parents mated only in sexual-attraction. Monstrosities are also victims of ill-mated parents; they are classed with the abnormals. All ill-mated parents will not produce degenerates. I think you will also find the grandparents of a sexual-degenerate ill-mated, on both his father's and mother's side. Almost all of our great Presidents were born in masculine-months. Nearly all of our great Army and Navy Commanders were also born PHILOGHNY 13 in masculine-months. Twenty-two out of twenty-eight of our Presi- dents were born in masculine months. Our greatest men of Science, Invention and War were born in extreme masculine-months, which are January, February and March. Many of our great Mercantile Business Men were born in feminine-months; their success in business was due to their artistic nature, emotion, good fellowship, diplomacy, dishonesty, deceitfulness, intuition, and other natural feminine quali- ties; also these men being wide-headed, with plenty of the motive and vital qualities makes them selfish, saving, and progressive. Men of science today have come to the conclusion that people are mostly born rather than self-made. Knowledge is only an acquired thing. Intelligence can be developed; but intelligence cannot be de- veloped very much by a naturally unintelligent person. A person must be born with intelligent faculties. We have seen people who are "educated fools," so to speak. Many of our great intelligent men had a poor education. Knowledge is a good thing if it is well un- derstood and well applied. A person to correctly apply knowledge must have intelligence. Intelligence can only operate through a nor- mal brain. Seventy-five per cent of the human brains in this world do not come up to the normal standard, but quite a few degrees below normal. That is why the present day humanity at large show very little intelligence and progression. Note the present European War. Why is one person born with a different physique, facial features, temperament, mental and emotional qualities and defects from another person? The answer is, because the person has a different prenatal and month-influence, which make the physique, facial features, tem- perament, mental and emotional qualities and defects, different from another person. If both parents had wide heads, Roman noses, large chins, motive-vital temperaments, and born in masculine months, the progeny would be abnormal mentally and strong physically; would be Roman-nosed, wide-headed, large chinned, motive-vital tempera- ment, and probably born in a masculine month; if so, which would equal, extremely combative, destructive, positive, criminal, aggres- sive, and with a poor mentality; the physical controlling the mental. Bring this child up in any environment you choose, and it would turn out "bad." Brought up in a bad environment, it would probably be worse than if brought up in a good environment. "Where mere pairs of babies are concerned, they are of the same sex in two out of three cases. Identical twins, however, are always of the same sex, whether boys or eirls. Physiologists differ as to the reason why, of identical twins. They are undeniably different from 14 PHILOGHNY ordinary ones, being in effect one person in duplicate and sharing, as it were, a single identity. The same mental, moral and physical attri- butes are common to both. It is as if they were halves of one and the same individual. Ordinary twins usually resemble each other remarkably. It is the identical twins, among the rarest of human phenomena, who can hardly be told apart. But the most remarkable thing about them is the close moral sympathy that usually exists be- tween them a sympathy so intense that (unless a vast amount of seemingly reliable testimony on the subject be deemed unworthy of belief) one of them may even receive a subconscious impression of an untoward happening to the other, though a great distance separate them at the time." WHAT THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, SO- CIETIES, FRATERNAL ORDERS, AND OTHER GOVERNMENTS CAN DO. The Philogenic System, being the only system whereby a natural and normal race can be produced, should be investigated by all gov- ernments, by all societies and fraternal orders. The United States Government could establish a new department; The Philogenic De- partment in its Governmental System. Philogenic Matrimonial Bu- reaus could be established in every city of ten thousand population or over throughout the country. Smaller towns and cities could co- operate to make up a ten thousand population and establish bureaus. It could be made a profitable department. Every person who cared to get married could apply to the Government Bureau. The fee could be arranged at one dollar or a little more. The applicants could leave their age, date of birth, address, occupation and photograph. A physical description in writing could be taken of every person, and they should pass a physical examination. These records and photo- graphs could all be placed on file. Take a city like San Francisco, probably several thousand records and photographs would be on file. They would be filed in twelve sections, each section for a different birth-month. If your birthday was in the first part of April, you would only be shown the ones of your opposite sex born in the first part of October. The attendant would tell you the best one most suitable for you. But you could use your own judgment. Nature will force you in this case to pick out your natural mate from many photographs. The Bureau manager could arrange a meeting for you with the one you pick out, by phone or by mail. After you met your mate you could enter into a period of courtship, and if you both agreed to get married, your business with the bureau would be ended; but if by chance you didn't get married, your fee could be refunded, or you may have another trial. PHILOGENY 15 I trust that no person will be prejudiced against these plans unless they have thoroughly investigated Philogeny and found it to be im- practicable. Philogeny put into practice in a generation or two would mean the end of all wars, poverty, ignorance, disease and crime. It is the only system that can guarantee a future "heaven on earth." What could be a more noble idea than having a race born and brought up in love-surroundings? Compare such a condition with what is going on in the world at present. There are some people here in San Francisco who became acquainted, and were married, through the system of Philogeny. Remember that a normal person likes and will fight for a normal environment; weaklings do not care. Why are there twelve men on a jury, may I ask? Would not nine or ten men do just as well? Nine or ten men would do just as well under the present day juries; because the juries today are not complete, but more or less are one-sided. A normal jury would have twelve men, each man being born in a different month; a man then before a jury would have a square, and not a prejudiced, trial by jury. The way the juries are today, it would perhaps be better for a man not to see the jury at all ; but have the case fully written in black and white, and then let the jury pass a verdict upon it. If a man is lucky he may have the jury with him in a certain case; but if the jury is prejudiced and does not like his looks, and there happens to be a psychic-antagonism between him and the jury, the man will not be given full fair play. Many cases of circumstantial evidence are found guilty by a psychic-antagonistic jury. If each man on the jury was born in a different month, you would have twelve men truthfully and not antagonistically passing on the case. A man who is a good artist, and a woman who is a good artist can come together if they love one another, and reproduce a child who will have good artistic faculties. This same rule can apply to repro- ducing a musically inclined child. Other professionally inclined chil- dren can be reproduced in this manner. Investigations of women of ill-fame show that eighty-five per cent of all these women are victims of ill-mated parents. About seventy- five per cent of these women, it is estirnated, are victims of parents born in masculine months. The reaction of extreme sexual instinct is very harmful to the mind and body inasmuch as it produces melancholy, pessimistic effects, nerv- ousness, and general physical weakness. The effect of love is sooth- ing, restful, a blissful mind, pleasurable happiness, exhilaration, and emotional; it cures nervousness; adds to the vitality of the body. 16 PHILOGENY We will number the months from one to twelve. 1. January 5. May 9. September 2. February 6. June 10. October 3. March 7. July 1 1 . November 4. April 8. August 12. December If you were born in, we will say July, you will be attracted to all people born in all months which are numbered by odd numbers, such as 1 , 3, 5, 7, 9, 1 1 ; and the people born in even numbered months will be repulsive to you. You will be more attracted to people born in odd numbered months which are the most opposite of your month, such as months 1 , 3 and 1 1 . This same rule applies to people born in even numbered months. This is called month- attraction and month-repulsion. L. Doncaster in his book on Heredity, in the light of recent re- search, quotes, "It is becoming recognized that a large proportion of criminals are in some way abnormal, and that their crimes are not due to evil surroundings, nor to wilful perversity, but to inherited defects. "If this is actually the case, penal treatment of such is no less cruel than similar treatment of the insane; but in both cases efforts at recla- mation or cure, followed by liberty and encouragement to marry, may only lead to a repetition of the same evils in the next generation." Nature is a good friend and a bad enemy. She plays the part of an enemy in licentious reproduction; and she plays the part of a friend in love-reproduction. We must war against nature's evil powers upon us. Nature says, "Obey me or you will be punished, unless you can defend yourself." A young man of an extreme feminine na- ture can love another of an extreme masculine nature who is a physi- cal, facial and monthal-opposite of himself; and the love will be pure, minus the physical attraction. ' Mr. Bernard Shaw is partly right in his "Man and Superman," "that woman proposes to man without letting him know." He is right in cases of women born in masculine months; they being positive, reasonable and forward; they propose to the feminine month males; they being negative, sensitive, emotional and backward. A woman born in her natural month, which is a feminine month, will never propose to a man born in a masculine month; but it is vice versa. The extreme masculine months are January, February, March. The extreme feminine months are July, August, September. PHILOGHNY 17 After observing and comparing people mentally and emotionally for over ten years, I have found out that people born in the same month, and near the same day of month, are very similar mentally and EMOTIONALLY; mostly EMOTIONALLY. The more they look alike the more similar they are mentally if born in the same month. The month-influence counts for so much; and the facial and physical influence counts for so much. I will give an illustration: Suppose a young man was born near the first part of March, with a Roman-nose and projecting double or square chin; the March influ- ence is forceful, aggressive and positive; the Roman-nose means the same; the projecting square chin means the same. Suppose he had the same chin and nose, but born in the first part of September; the influence of his nose and chin would hold good, but the month influ- ence of September would make him much weaker in force, aggression and positiveness. The month-influence, the phrenological and physiog- nomical influences must all be taken into consideration. They all draw and add to one another. If a man has a high, full and broad forehead, and born in a masculine month, he will be more reasonable and intelligent than if he were born in a feminine month with the same forehead. Twins resemble one another very much, both men- tally and emotionally, from the month and phrenological-influences. If a man is wide-headed and born in an extreme masculine month he will be much more selfish than if he were born in any feminine month with the same wide headedness. We first take the month influence of a person and put it down for what it stands for; then we take the different facial and physical influences of the person and add them to, and subtract them to, the month influence for what they stand for. To do this a person must understand physiognomy, phrenology, and the twelve month-influences correctly. There are only a very few people in this world who understand the month-influences cor- rectly. I do not think there are a dozen people in the United States who understand month-influences correctly. I have given the femi- nine and masculine months, the monthal-groups, and explanation of love, idealized-physical-attraction, and will give other facts concerning Philogeny. What I give in this pamphlet is all that is necessary for any Philogenist to know; but they must put these ideas and facts to a test. I do not ask anybody to believe in Philogeny; but prove it to their own satisfaction as the truth, or as nonsense. PRESERVE THE WHITE RACE The male sex of the Yellow, Red, and Black Races have a strong physical-attraction for the females of the White Race; but the fe- males of the Yellow, Red, and Black Races, as a general rule, prefer males of their own said Race. The females of the White Race prefer males of their own Race, while there are a great many males of the White Race who have a strong physical-attraction for certain females 18 PHILOGHNY of other Races. Nature has given the male sex a desire for cross- breeding. The male is the pursuer of the female, and it is up to the male sex whether we shall have inter-breeding or cross-breeding in all cases. All nations who have cross-bred with other Races have fallen. The White Race is far superior to any other Race, both mentally and physically. The White Race must not cross-breed with other Races; if it does it is sure to fall. The motto is "Preserve the White Race." WHY MONOGAMY IS NATURAL Soul-mates today are very hard to find, because we have no prac- tical system of finding or locating them. If we do happen to meet our soul-mate and marry, it is like winning a capital prize. Millions of people die yearly without meeting their natural-soul-mate during their lifetime. It would be just as well if they had never been born; because they have not enjoyed natural love and have left behind them nothing but progeny which they are responsible for, who do not come up to nature's standard of normality. Monogamy means for a person to marry just one mate at a time, just one natural-soul-mate at a time. We all have on an average of one soul-mate in every ten thousand population, in the particular community to which we belong. If you marry one soul-mate and happen to lose him or her by death or some other reason, do not fret or worry, there are others; but as it is today it is up to you to find another. Some day the Government may aid us by establishing Philogenic Bureaus. According to the divorce court investigations made by different scientists, the majority of divorces are granted to people who were mated oppositely, physically and facially. That is correct; but the scientists do not know the cause, why such is the case. I will tell the cause. The physical-attraction in these cases were good, if there were no sexual-trouble or disease; but the month-attraction in these cases were antagonistic. 'Science does not know anything about month-attraction or month repulsion; that accounts for the ignorance of the scientists in the divorce court investigations. There can be no love or mental harmony where there is a monthal-antagonism ; no matter how well mated they may be in physical attraction. Man and wife may live together and be fairly happy on month-attraction alone. Caleb William Saleeby, M. D., in his book, The Progress of Eugenics, quotes, "The lack of genetic knowledge. For positive eugenics we require what we have not yet genetic knowledge as to the transmission and constitution of worthy human characters. In this respect we know no more than we knew five or ten years ago." PHILOGBNY 19 Henry S. Williams, M. D., L. L. D., in his book, "Choosing Our Children," quotes, "We know now that the possibilities of an indi- vidual are predetermined before birth. When we select a marriage partner, we are predetermining the character of our offspring almost as clearly and as definitely as an architect in predetermining the char- acter of a building when he selects steel or wood or stone as building material. If your child has a wrong heredity, you can no more make him a normal and healthy and clear-minded individual than you can make a marble palace out of bricks or a brick house out of wood. Environment and education can do something, but at best they can only supply a veneer. The essential constitution and mind of the individual are born and not made. Such is the clear, emphatic, and thought provocative teaching of the new heredity. If you are to select a marriage partner wisely, and to give your prospective children half a chance in life, you must be familiar with at least the essentials of this new knowledge." It is estimated that there are four million abnormal children in the United States. There are two hundred thousand imbeciles in this country. Imbecility is heredity, or caused by ill-mating, the progeny being the victims. Dr. Charles B. Davenport has well said, "Governments spend scores of thousands of dollars and establish rigid inspections to pre- vent the spread of the coitus disease of the horse ; but the Spirochaete parasite that causes the corresponding disease in men and entails end- less misery on hundreds of thousands of innocent children may be disseminated by anybody, and is being disseminated by scores of thousands of persons in this country unchecked, under the protection of the personal liberty flag. Alas! that so little thought is had to the loss of liberty of the infected children. Marriage of persons with venereal disease is not only unfit, but it is a hideous and dastardly crime; and its frequency would justify a medical test of all males before marriage, innocent as well as guilty. Fortunately there exists for syphilis at any rate a test so simple that there can be no more objection or any sentimental ground to it than to vaccination." David Starr Jordan in his book, "The Heredity of Richard Roe," quotes, "The character of a nation is determined by the character of the people living in it. The character of the people is determined by their heredity, the kind of blood that runs in their veins. Educa- tion and opportunity enable the individual to realize himself. Strong people demand education and create opportunity." Weak people do not demand education or create opportunity. A labor investigator asked a multimillionaire the other day if he thought that labor was entitled to all it produced. The millionaire said that he thought they were; but as long as he could exploit the weaklings he was going to do it. 20 PHILOGENY Becker's brain found abnormal. Dr. Frank E. Miller, appointed by the State to make an autopsy immediately after the execution, writes The International News Service, that he found Becker's brain abnormal in size, showing less than the normal area of conscientious- ness. But had this great physician had recourse to the teachings of Philogeny, he would have been aided enormously in his diagnosis of the aforesaid Ex-Police Officer, Charles Becker. Caleb Williams Saleeby, M. D., again quotes, "We shall en- counter the great force of love, which is said to make the world go around, and which is certain quite capable of turning some schemes of eugenics inside out and upside down. We shall have to decide whether this natural fact of love is an enemy of eugenics or a friend; and if it has been evolved as a friend of eugenics, as we shall discover, we must search out and destroy all those heathen deities, such as Mammon, Bacchus, and Priapus, which are apt to pervert it and make it useless for the eugenic cause." Genetics, Euthenics and Eugenics will all in time come under the head of Philogeny; because Philogeny absolutely in its complete sense covers all these subjects. It deals with heredity, love, sex-instinct, being well born, born in love, and being well brought up in a normal environment. The discovery of love in Philogeny and the art of love reproduction will bring all these subjects concerning parents, progeny and environment, under the head of Philogenic subjects. Philogeny being the only method or svstem whereby a normal race can be produced, should be investigated by all intelligent people. For Philogeny to operate in its finest and highest degree it is necessary to have a Co-operative Commonwealth which will eliminate poverty, the worst enemy of love. Remember that it takes intelligence to bring about a Co-operative Commonwealth. I am inclined to think, first an intelligent normal race must be produced through the Philo- genic System, before we can have a new form of government. If we should get it by chance through mob force, with little intelligence behind it, the system would not last. First produce a normal race, then let that race intelligently vote for it. The present day humanity has not got the intelligence to vote or organize intelligently; to gain, or make a "Heaven on Earth." SELWYN GOULD LANGLEY. The End. RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW FEB141994 YC 15940 d Bros. Makers Syracuse, K. Y U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY