OF CAL1F. LIBRARY. LOS ANGEL-E Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN < Ni:W PI{()Nni:NUNi; AM) EXPLANATORY ENGLISH-ITALIAN AND ITALIAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY: JOHN MILLHOUSE, AUTIIOR OF THE " CORSO GRADUATO E COMfJ.ETO 1)1 LINGUA 1SGLESE. THIRD EDITION. WITH NUMEROUS ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS, BY FERDINAND BRACCIFORTL VOL. II. ITALIAN AND ENGLISH. LONDON: N. TRIIBNER & CO., 60, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1868. Stack Annex OF THE PRONUNCIATION THE ITALIAN ALPHABET. A, B, C, C, E,' E, G, G, Hy I, J, M, 0,' 0, P, Q, R, s, s, T, U, V, Z, z, SOUNDS IN ENGLISH EXAMPLES all. fama, casa bee, be ceo cliee (before e, i), cencio, ceffo kay (before a, o, w), camera, conto, cnrro dee, dito e (open, as in met), erba , erto e (close, as in great) cena, seno cf-fav. fino, filo jee ( before e , i ), gemma, giro gay (before a, o, M). gara, goffo, gufo acca, macchia ee, pira, pino e;% (?//, in yieW) iioja, studj el- lay, lato em-may, mono cir-nay, nano o (open, as in pot), nolle, morte o (close, as in bone), sono pee, pena coo, quanto er'-ray, riso es'-say (s sharp), serva es-say ( s soft ), resa tee, tetto oo, ( u in rude ) puro vee, vena zeta,ds, (in bids), zelo ts, (z in chintz], zitto Ingl. ~\ * VOWELS. A has but one sound in Italian, that of the english a in far; as, fato, /ate, caro, dear. E has two sounds, the open and the close; the open is that of the english e in met ; as, fermo, firm, and the close that of the english a in fame; as, seno, womb. I is always pronounced like e in be; as, vino, wine. O like e has two sounds, one open, the other close. The first is that heard in the english words, not, nor; as, nolle, night, forte, strong ; and the second is that of the english o in the words note, pore; as, amore, love, porno, aw apple. E and O in these volumes with the circumflex accent, are to be pronounced open; unaccented or with the acute accent, they are pronounced close; as, erto, steep, morte, death, pe'na, pain, s6no, am. U has invariably the sound of oo in the english word coo ; as, cubo, a cube. J is considered as a vowel in Italian. At the end of a word it sounds like ee in the englisb word, bee, each vowel pro- nounced separately be-e; as, lempj, temples, spazj, spaces. In the beginning or middle of a word it is pronounced like y in the words yield, year, young; as, jena, hyena, noja, annoyance. CONSONANTS. The Italian consonants are pronounced like the English, except c, g, h, s, z. C before e or i is pronounced like ch in the words chess, chief; as cena, (pronounce chay'-nd) supper, cibo, (chee-bo) food. In Italian as in english c followed by a, o, u is pro- nounced like kj as, carta, paper, cono, a cone, cupo, sombre. CC preceding e or i, sounds like ch in the word achieve, that is, the former c is pronounced like t, and the latter retains its ordinary sound; as, accento (pronounce atchent- to) accent, faccia (fdt-che-a) , face. CH before e or t is pronounced like k, or like c/t in the english words chemist, chyle: as, cheto, chi'no, pronounce kay'-to, kee-no. G before e or has the sound of j in jest or g in gin ; as, gelo (pron.jay-lo) frost; giro, (jee-ro) turn; giorno. (jee-or-no) day ; gemma, gem. G followed by a, o, u is pronounced as in english; thus, galto, a cat, golfo, a gulf, gusto, taste. If gg comes before the vowel e , or i, the former g sounds like d and the latter like j in jest; as, 6ggi, to-day. GH is pronounced like g in give or gh in ghost; as, ghetto, Jewry, ghirlanda, garland. GL before fl, e, o, u is pronounced hard as in english ; as, gladio, a sword, gleba, a glebe, globo, a globe, gluline, glue. GL has a liquid sound like that of I in pavilion or II in bril- liant, whenever it is followed by the vowel t'.; as, egli, gli, (pronounce ay-l-yee, V yee] he, the, him. It has always the same sound when gli precedes another vowel: as, bigliardo, billiard, voglia, will, wish, moglie, wife, ciglio, eye-brow, cigliuto, heavy browed. GL is pronounced hard as in english when it preceds the vowel i followed by a consonant; as, negligente. Anglicano, negli- gent, Anglican. GN in the syllables gna, gne f gni, gno, gnu has a liquid sound similar to that of ni in the words banio, companion, pinion, onion; as, compagno, a companion, bagno, a bath , s6gno , a dream, agnello, a lamb, ignudo., naked, incognito, incognito. GUA, GUE, GUI, are pronounced like gwa, gway, guee in english; as, guancia, cheek, guerra, war, guida, guide. H in italian is never sounded. See page 286. S in ilalian as in english has two sounds, the hard and the soft, or the sharp and the flat. Belwen two vowels it has gene- rally the flat or soft sound as heard in the english word ease; thus, viso, o visage, r6sa, a rose, arnese, harness. Ac- companied by a consonant or at the beginning of a word, 4 it is always pronunced sharp as in pulse , search , class; examples, sarto, o tailor, fresco, fresh., asso, a plank. SC before e or i sounds like sh in the english words, shake f shell, sheer j as, scelta, a choice, scena, a scene, scirro, a scyrrhus. SC folloved by a, o, u is pronounced sk, as in english; thus scandalo, scandal. SCH is always pronounced like sk, or like sch in the english words school, scholar; as scheletro , a skeleton, scherma, fencing, schiavo, a slave, schifo, a skiff, schiena, the back, schioppo, o gun. Z in the beginning or body of a word, has generally its soft sound, that of ds; as, Lazaro, Lazarus, Zodi'aeo, the Zo- diac. Exception ; Z is pronounced sharp like r in the english word chintz or like ts in benefits, when it precedes i followed by another vowel; as, zfo, uncle, grazia , grace, spezie, species. ZZ is generally pronounced hard like ts; as fazzolelto, a hand- kerchief, bellezza, beauty. OBSERVATIONS. In orthography and pronunciation, as in many other respects, the Italian language approaches nearer to perfection than any other idiom in Europe. In it there are no silent letters and no diphthongs: every letter is pronounced, and each letter , however it may be combined with others . is always articulated distinctly with the sound that is peculiarly its own. Thus the two letters that form a double consonant are each pronounced separately , and two or more vowels coming in suc- cession are articulated one after the other as they come under the eye. Examples: Borea (pronounce bo-ray-ah) Boreas, fiore ^(fee-oray) flower, voi (vo-ee) you, tuoi (too-6-ee) thy, terrore (ter- ro-ray) terror, imme'nso (im-men-so) immense. ACCENTS. There are two accents in Italian, the grave (') and the acute ('). The GRAVE ACCENT is placed: 5 1 . On nouns ending in td and til which have the singular and plural alike; as, liberta, virtu (contracted from libertdde, virtude), liberty, virtue. 2 On the first and third person singular of the future of all verbs; as, amero, I will loice, amera, he will love. 3. On the third person singular of the perfect-definite of all those verbs in which the first person of the same tense ends with t\vo vowels; as, canlai, / sang , canto; he sang, credei , / believed, crede, he believed, finii, / finished, fini, he finished. 4. To distinguish between words alike in orthography but different in signification; as, di, day, di, of; si, yes, so, si, one's self; e, is, e, and; la, there, la, her, the; li, there, li, the, them; da, gives, da, from; pero, therefore, pero, a pear-tree; ne. neither - nor, ne, of it, of them; leste, heads, teste , just now; Cola, ab~ brev. of Nicola, Nicholas, cola, there; costa, shore, costa, there. 5. To signify that the vowels thus marked are shortened and pronunced in one sillable with the preceding vowel ; as cio, this, that, gia, already, giii, below, piu, more, puo, may, can, qua , qui , here. The following words are always written with the grave accent; caffe , coffee, cosi, so, thus, orsii , come, come on, oibo, fie. A final vowel bearing the grave accent has always a much quicker and sharper sound than when it is not thus designated. ACUTE ACCENT. This accent is used only on the letter i, in the terminations ia, io, to indicate that the two vowels are pro- nounced in two distinct syllables; as, magia, magic, desio, desire. These few cases are the only ones in which the accent is used in Italian. In this volume howerer the emphatic syllabe of every Italian word of two or more syllables will be found accented. When the stress of the voice falls upon the vowels a, i, u, it is marked, except in the above cases, with the acute accent. E and O close are marked in the same manner: but when these letters are open, the circumflex accent is employed (e 6) to in- dicate at once the pause of the voice and the open sound of the vowel, NOUNS. GENDER. NCMBER. There are but two genders in Italian; all nouns whether they relate to persons, things or abstract qualities, are either mascu- line or feminine. Nouns ending in o are of the masculine gender, and form their plural in i; as, libro , libri, book, books, fanciullo, fan- ciiilli , boy, boys. Nouns ending in a are feminine, and form their plural in e: thus, donna, woman, donne, women, casa, house, casa, houses. Nouns in e are some masculine others feminine, and all have their plural in i; as, padre, padri, father, fathers, madre, madri, mother, mothers. Nouns ending in a or ii with the accent, as also those ending in ie 3 are feminine, and are the same in the singular as in the plural; as, cilia, city, cilia, cities; virtu, virtue, virtu, virtues; effigie, effigy, effi'gie, effigies. Nouns ending in t are part masculine part feminine, and have no distinction of number; as, eclissi, eclipse, eclissi, eclipses. Words ending in ca, ga have die, gJie in the plural ; as, mo- naca, m6nache, nun, nuns, verga, verghe, rod, rods. Dissylables in co and go (except, porco, Greco), take chi, ghi in the plural; as, fuoco, fire, fuochi, fires, luogo, place , luoghi, places (p6rci, hogs). Nouns in co, go of more than two syllables, if preceded by a consonant take h in the plural; as, seniscalco, seneschal, seni- scalchi, seneschals, albergo, hotel, alberglii, hotels. Preceded by a vowel they are mostly wrillen without the h; as, amico , .friend, amid , friends, Teologo, a Divine, Teologi, Divines. Nouns ending in do, gio, pronuuced in one sillabe form their plural by supressing the o, or by changing io inlo j; as, bacio, kiss , baci, kisses, sliidio, study, sludj, studies. When io is accented and forms two distinct sillables , the o is in the plural changed into i; as,desio, desire, desii, desires. AUGMENTAT1VES, DIMINUTIVES, etc. A considerable number of Italian nouns, adjectives ands verbs, admit certain post-fixes or changes of termination, which mo- dify in a variety of ways the idea expressed by the primitive term. Thus one added to a word annexes to it the idea of lar- geness, etto, that of smallness, uzzo, uccio, pettiness, paltriness, accio, ugliness, odiousness , ino , ello, pretliness , slenderness , sightliness, otto, slurdiness, stoutness, vigour; ame, ume, quan- tity, number; eyyiare, acchiare, ellare, repetition, continuity. Examples: Libro, a book, libretto, a little book, librettmo, a pretty little book , libro'ne, a large book , librdccio, a great ugly book. Fan- ciullo, a boy, fanciulle'Mo., a little boy, fanciullmo., a lovely child, charming boy, nice little fellow. Ruscello, a brook, ruscelleftoj a rivulet , a stream , ruscellelt/no , a streamlet , a rill. Sapiente , saccente, a savant, a wise-acre , saccenluzzo, a would-be-wise man, a smatlerer, willing, sapientone., a Solomon, an ark of wisdom. Vedova, a widow, vedovo'na, a large or fat widow, an old or respectable widow, vedoveta_, a tidy little widow, a smart or pretty widow; \edo\6tta, a buxom widow; vedove//o, a young or interesting widow, a poor dear little widow. Vecchio, an old man, Vecchione,, a fine large old man, a hearty, grave or vene- rable old man; vecchieMo, a little old man, vecchidMo,, a sturdy, stout old fellow; veccbiiizzo^-Mca'o,, a shabby, mean little old little man, \euchierello, a poor little old man, a much to be pitied old man, vecchidccio, a bad or odious old man, an old wretch. Vecchiume , a heap , mass or quantity of old things , a lot of lumber. Giovine, a young man, a youth; giovinefto, a lad, a boy; giovince^q, a stripling, a slender, lilhe, graceful youth; giovi- notto, a strapping youth, a fine young man, a good looking or gentlemanly looking young fellow; giovinastm, a wild or wicked youth, a scamp. Mano, a hand; manmo, a soft, white, delicate little hand, an aristocratic hand; mandccia, a coarse, ugly hand, a plougman's hand , a great mutton fist. Voce , a voice; \oc\6ne, a strong, manly voice; vocfna^ a soft voice, a sweet, low, lady- like voice. Bestia, a beast; bestio'ne., a great beast, a brute; be- stiona'cczOj a brute beast, a great, ugly, nasty beast; bestiito/o,, besliola, a small animal, a little creature; bestio/mo, a beautiful little creature, a pigmy animal, and insect. Cane, a dog; cagnetto, cagnuolo, a little dog; cagnolino, a pretty little dog, a lapdog; cagnaca'o, a villanous dog, an ugly cur; cagnoMo, a strong or powerful dog; a bully, a paid or hired bully. Donna, a woman; donnaccia, a wicked woman; domcciuola, a silly woman, an old wife. Uomo, a man; omicciuolo, a puny, weak or paltry fellow. C6rpo, body; corpiiscolo, a small or diminutive body. Gente, people , folks; geniuccia, low people; gentawje^ a lot of people. Plebe, plebeians, lower orders; plebaglia, the mob, rabble, po- pulace, dregs of the people. Poeta, a poet; poeiuzzo, a rhyme- ster, a paltry poet; poeta'siro^ a poetaster. Canzone, a song; canzoncma, a little song. Lume, a light; lumicino, a little light, rushlight, taper. Cagione, an occasion , a cause; cagionce'lla , a slight cause. Povero, a poor man; pover/no^ poverefto^ poor little fellow, poor little man. Bene, well; benmo_, pretty well; benone,, quite well, perfectly well; (bem'smwo, very well), Rischioso , dangerous, hazardous; rischiose'fto, somewhat dangerous, rather hazardous. Rosso, red; rossigno, rossiccio, inclining to red , red- dish. Bianco, white., biancasfro,, whitish, of a dirty white; bian- colino, of a delicate white. Verde , green; verddj/no/o, greenish. Abbruciato, burnt; abbrucial/ca'o, superficially burnt; abbruciac- chidto, burnt here and there, broiled, Radunato, met, assembled; Tadunaticcio , mustered by chance, picked up here and there, chance-medley. Baciare, to kiss; baciucchidre, to give rapidly many little kisses one after the other, to pour a shower of kisses. Saltare, to jump, -leap; sa\telldre, saliicchidrej sallerelldre, to skip here and there, to frisk about, to trip it on the light fantastic toe, to trip or go tripping along. Mordere , to bite ; morseggidre , morsecchidre, to bile often or gently, to champ, gnaw, nibble. Cantare, to sing; canierelldre, to sing in a low voice, to sing by fits and starts, to warble, chant, hum. keep humming. Rubare, to rob; rubac- chidre, to steal by little and little, to pilfer, to continue pilfering. _ 9 OBSERVATION. Previous to entering upon the study of the following pages, the student will do well to copy out and commit to memory, at least one example of each of the above inflections. Acting thus he will have learnt before hand, and before he pas- ses the threshold the exact import of more than eight thousand Italian words- VERBS. Italian verbs are divided into three different conjugations, which are distinguished by the termination of the infinitive. The first conjugation comprehends all those verbs which, in the infinitive, end in are; as, amdre, to love; the second com- prehends those which end in ere or ere; as temere, to fear, cre- dere, to believe; and the third includes those ending in ire, as sentire, to feel. The verbs of these thre conjugations are varied or conjugated with the auxiliary verbs avcre to have, and essere to be. CONJUGATION OF THE AUXILIARY VERBS A VERB AND ESSERE Avere, IJiFIMTIVE. to have. PRESEfiT PARTICIPLE. Avendo , aventc , having. PAST PARTICIPLE. Avulo , -a, -i , -e, had. INDICATIVE. sere. JKFIMTIVE. to be. PRESEfiT PARTICIPLE. Essendo , being. PAST PARTICIPLE. Stato , -a , -i , -e, been. INDICATIVE. lo ho, I have. tu hai, thou hast. egli ha, he has. ella ha, she has. noi abbiamo, we have. voi avete, you have. eglino hanno , they hare. elleno hanno , they have. IMPERFECT. lo aveva , I bad. tu avevi , thou hadst. egli aveva , he had. noi avevamo, we had. voi avevate, youd had. eglino avevano , they had. lo sono, tu sSi , egli , ilia e, I am. thou art. he , she is. noi sianio , voi sietc , eglino sono, elleno sono, we are. you are. they are. they are. lo era, ti; eri , ella era , noi rravamo, voi eravate, eglino erano, I was. thou wast, she was. we were, you were, thev were. 10 lo ebbi , I had. Io fiii , I was. tu avesti , thou hadst. tu fosti , thou wast. egli ebbe , he had. egli fu , he was. noi avemmo, we had. noi fi'immo , we were. Toi aveste , you bad. voi foste, you were. eglino ebbero , they had. elleno furono , they were. FDTDRE. FUTURE. lo avro , ( shall have. Io saro, I shall be. tu avrai , thou wilt have. tu sarai, thou wilt be. ella avra. she will have. egli sara, . he will be. noi avre^mo, we shall have. noi saremo, we shall be. voi avr6te, you will have. voi sarete , you will be. elleno avranno, they will have. eglino saranno , they will be. CONDITIONAL. CONDITIONAL. lo avrei , I should have. Io sarei , I should be. tu avresti , tbou wouldst have. tu saresti , thou wouldst be. egli avrebbe. he would have. egli sarebbe, he would be. noi avremmo , we should have. noi saremmo , we should be. voi avreste, you would have. voi sareste , you would be. eglino avrebbero , they would have. eglino sarebbero , they would be. IMPERATIVE. IMPERATIVE. abbi , abbia tu , have (thou). sii , sia tu , be thou. abbia egli , let him have. sia egli , let him be. abliia ella , let her have. sia ella , let her be. abbiamo noi , let us have. siamo noi , let us be. abbiate (voi), have ye. si ate voi, be (ye). abbiano eglino , let them have. siano elleno , let them be. SUBJUNCTIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. PRESENT. PRESENT. che io abbia, that I may have. che io sia, that I may be. che tu abbia, thou maysl have. che tu sia , sii , thou mayst be. ch' egli abbia, he may have. ch' egli , ella sia , he , she may be. che noi abbiamo, we may have. che noi siamo , we may be. che voi abbiate, you may have. che voi siate , you may be. ch' eglino abbiano , they may have. ch' eglino siano , they may be. PERFECT. PERFECT. . che io avessi, that I might have. che io fossi, that I might be. che tu avessi, thoumightsthave. che tu fossi , thou mightst be. ch' ella avesse, she might have. ch' egli fosse, he might be. che noi avessimo , we might have. che noi fossi mo , we might be. che voi aveste, you might have. che voi foste , you might be. ch' elleno avessero , they might have. ch' elleno fossero, they might be. COMPOUND TENSES. COMPOUND TENSES. ho avuto, -a, I have had. s6no stato, -a, I have been. avevo avuto, -a, I had had. era slato, -a, I had been. ebbi avuto, -a, I had had. fiii stato, -a, I had been. avro aviito, -a, I shall have had. saro stato, -a, I shall have been. avrei aviito, -a, I should have had. sarei stato, -a, I should have been. abbia avuto, -a, I may have bad. che sia stato, -a, ecc. that I may have been. 11 VE It! H CS H ^ 5 ~ 5 5 2 * "1^4 ^ NF O ^ CATIVE 51 -^ o T3 S ND 03 K a a 3 ^ _: Oj ts 9i s S a > > H 3 "S > EGULAR INFIN1T1 S o 2 ' u< ^ u ;y: S ." i < H y2 < o V* INDICAT PRESEN ~; o 5 o - * i. M i W v o t3 o e CM o * c -o -0 V o -o w 2 " 2 -s o < ^s . a w ' - - :2 -a ' 2 -^ 2 ^ ~ "I I |iii t. o 5 3 o -^ ^3 _ 3 t 5 H sz: > w VE N ^: -^ 3 | ^^^ N 1 S g a == cs CATIVE - ^ S u 85 S 2 2 r- td c/j - 1 .1 v^ a. | | f I 1 2 .2 H a c a > a . l 111 ,- - ^2 s s s a a a 12 5 1 5 * -Ta 2 - 2 S ~- 'f. ** C3 e/l fi- -CC *C3 'O k CO *C3 *CO E S S B S B t_ C- i. t, S- i. 03 C3 03 ESSSSS 1. _ L. S- C- i- 03 03 a a D ^ -50 ^0 ~ ,.-T C '? ^ Sll o .- :3 - .S a a a a s - > ^ o S i ;: < 4?!L- = "s i w ^ ^.g ^0 j g H z: a ~ 1 ^ 1 5 I s i ^ ?'! g> a i ~ ^ s cT s <-S ^ - c ~^ d c 1 1 1 5 ' 2 1 S 2 "5i *"* 2 ~ ^0 *^T ^ ^! o E o. e *i2 O ^ *^ CO O "^ S 1 s '5 - -^. "" ^ 1 ^ a ^ $ ^ 3 \ CO C/3 Ci 5 "5 ~ : ^ o co * 1 ^ _ N -^._T J . $ 1 p" = cTo | V 2 ' -- o =f2~! CO CO ._ % 1 $ J $ . o 5 2 "5 "O -o ** O '?? ^ ^ ~ ? ^ "2 s> * * -so, " ^ 2 ^ " 2 -S " _^ " i; S " e <: 5 "^5 - ? "5- i-> ~ -~. IS .*5 Cl 'S I ; 'i 2 j 12 t ^ > g I 1 2 is CS * S i w i i 5 ' 1 IT a 1 11 ^ "^ o~ ^z ~~z *~ <^- i^: ^ * 1 o I a "ii ~ 1 o^ *** S """ 2 ^ 2 "S s * _ 1 1* ^ "*~ "-B u p e ^ E I z - 1 c\ .^~ CO .- co ._r * f . 1 7. p =T *'% CE -3 "g O II ~ 5 V y 's 'S ellcno crc r n co *-J i -w '-O "3 < 3 ~ "O t. i. o O i - o ^r .. 2 3 g 1 g 5 c/3 GJ J -iJ t. J . i. O j c 3 '3 ^ - > o I _o" U o" '^ "r P -3 ."E ? o~ ^ ^ "3 jf JS 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 i i - > .-. % O -^ '? '? r U 1 i u ' ' 1 1 o -< W ^ *s3 cj j . . 15 . *> ^J ^ ^ INI ii . : > "55 ^ &> 2r ^ ^^ 2 I a ^> 2 ^ , J^ .^ ^* . c 5 ^ 5 '-* O S ^S 1 e* s 5 a s ^ 4 o & * J -2 < e . t> "?S 5 *> > *" ^ CE S i > 5 ^ *S5 S 5 " ^ ^ "~ "? ^ "2 -S 5 crt a 8 S ^ 2 _--<; ^ g Z a *| S S 2 ^ S c^ 1 % ^ .? -S '= > 'i | en Z H t- cw u ,0 ^ -2 cs - ~ "5 ~J* 5 t a S *-< e c O ^ 11 Ll O " C (y lz ^~. \ ] o" a - 0. 'e 1*T S 1 o* HI'OUND Qi & e *N ^ * ^ *i a 2-1 f ?5 | i-1 I ._r - ,r z J'l 11 o 3 ) J CO c/1 CO O u ee' o' o~ '^ o-o- J ." . -3 _o 3 'tf) ** O o 'S c > To o 1 ~& *Z 1 M C5 C3 C -Ti *ri E S C3 es 1 ^ = s 5 -rr * C3 w 1 1 1 1 1 *>lll ea > ? *5 T 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 \ 1 S > J < a < <3 14 H Z S a -S CU S3 6 . . . SS a S fZ ~ ' C~ I I I I 2 O - X! J3 J2 j <0 7-7-7 7-7-7 s o~ ~ ^ "J J S '05 *W '45 - w tn W3 c/3 *-* c/3 ^ vi tr> ^ ^cfl ^2 ^ - e & c s 1 - . 5 ^ " ?V? : 7*7? -1U3S > "> ^> > _> J> -JU3S -1U9S .11 es es to - 'T O H " . J .J CJ -5 05 c-t r\ tf} en w ^-* ^^ 5 ^ en 03 t en g g 0> <0 -45 es i I T T T I M o. .-T :2 - -* ^ S a -o -cs a. \. to confirm, assure , certify, to ascertain; -tarsi, vrf. to assure one's self, to be or become assured Accertatamente, adv. surely, with certainty Accertazione, sf. the ascertaining, confirming, assuring, establishing, confirmation Accerlello, sin. a kestrel, small hawk Accerto, sm. v. Accertamenlo Accesamente, adv. ardently, eagerly, fervidly Acceso (/Vow accendere),parf. andarf/. lighted, lit, burning, heated, inflamed, red-hot, fiash- ing ; ( commercial) not extinguished , not paid, open'; fuoco acceso, a lighted ff re; co- 16re acceso, a lively or flashy c&lour Acccssare, vn. \. (ant.) to cease, stop , desist Accessible, adj. accessible, approachable Accessione, sf accession, addition, access, fit Accessit (a latin word), accessit (distinction granted to him who not having obtained a price, has approached the nearer to it) Accesso, sm. access, admittance; fit, paroxysm Accessoriamente, adv. accessorily Accessorio, -a, adj. accessory Accestire, vn. (agr.) to sprout, shoot, grow bushy; to cabbage Accetta, sf. hatchet, axe (come Accetlabile, adj. acceptable, agreeable, wcl- Accetlagione, gf. -amento, sm. v. Accettazione Accettante , adj. inf. accepting , approving , receiving Accettare, va. \. to accept, approve, receive; una tratta, una lettera di cambio, to ac- cept a draft, a bill of exchange Accettatore, -rice, smf. accepter Accetlazrone, sf. acceptance, receiving, accept- ation ; an acceptance, a draft accepted Accetlevole, belter accettabile, adj. acceptable Acceltevolmenle, adv. with pleasure, willingly Accetto, -a, adj. acceptable, pleasing , agree- able, grateful, welcome; hailed with pleasure Accetto, sm. acceptance, acceptation Accezione, sf. acceptation Acchetare, va. \. toj hush, quiet, still, tran- quillize , calm , appease; -arsi , vrf. to tranquillize one's self, become calmed, hu- shed, appeased, tranquil (calm Acchetato, -a, adj. hushed, quiet , appeased , Acchiappare, va. 1. to catch, seize; to trick Accliiappalo, -a, adj. caught, tricked, gulled Acchiocciolare, va. 1. (from chiocciola, a snail) to force a person down into a squatting posture arsi, tr/". to shrink like a snail, to dodge or cower down , to sit brooding , moping Acchiiidere, va. 2. irr. (preterit : acchiusi) to enclose; vi acchiudo la mia accettazione a due mesi , I enclose you my acceptance at two months Acchiuso, a, adj. enclosed, (included) Accia, sf. thread, flax; axe Acciabattamento, sm. a botching, bungling Acciabattare, va. \. to botch, bungle, cobble up Acciaccare , va. \. to crush , squash , bruise, j)6und (front Acciacco, sin. infernally, illness; outrage, af- Acciaccoso , adj. sickly , unhealthy , infirm , disabled Acciaino, sm. steel (to sharpen knives) Acciajato, -a, adj. steeled, tipped with steel Acciajo, sm. steel; pennad'acciajo, a steel pen Acciajuolo, sm. a steel (to strike a light) Acciapinare.ua.l. to dA hastily (get angry ant.) Acciare, va. 1. (altnost obsolete) to mince, hash Acciarino, sm. steel (to strike a light, etc.) Acciaro, sm. steel, (poet.) sword, poniard Acciarpare, va. \. to cobble, botch, bungle Acciarpatore , -trice, smf. cobbler, botcher , bungler Acciarpinato, -a, adj. clumsy, bungling, done or written hastily and without care Accidenlale, adj. accidental, fortuitous, casual Accidentalmente.arfu. accidentally, by chance Accidentario, -a, adj. accidental , contingent, incidental Accidente, sm. accident, chance, hap; accident (philos.); misfortune, stroke, paralysis, sud- den attack of illness , apoplectic fit, death; accidente I gli venga un accidenlel death to him 1 Devil to him I Accidentuccio, sm. a trifling accident Accidenza, sf. v. Accidente Accidia, sf. idleness, sloth, indolence Accidiare, vrf. to indulge sloth, to be sluggish Accidioso, -a, adj. idle, listless, slothful; s. a sluggard, drdne Acciecare, va. \. better accecare, to blind Accigliamento , sm. contraction, knitting of the brows, frown Accigliare.ra. 9. to tame down a bird of prey by sewing up its eyelids ; arsi , to knit oue's brows, look sullen Accigliato, -a, adj. gloomy, austere, sullen Accigliuto , -a , adj. having long and bristly brows Accignere, va. to prepare, dispose Accignersi , accingersi , pref. irr. to gird up one's loins , prepare one's self; a fare una cdsa, to set about doing a thing Accignimento, sm. the preparing one's self 'Accileccare, va. to balk, trick, disappoint Accincigliato, -a, adj. fringed; ornamented, bordered with fringes nor, rude; - fall, son, bull; - fare, do ;- by , lymph; poise , boys , foul , fowl ; gem, as forte, ruga;- forte, otuf, culla 5- erba , ruja j -lai, e, i, poi. fausto; gammi. rou. ACC 26 ACG Accincignare,ua. to gird up, to tuck up one's dress Accingere, va. v. Accignere Accinto, -a, adj. girded, girt ; prepared, ready Accio, i'iij. that, to the end that Acciocche, conj. that, in order that Acciottolare, va. \. to pave with pebbles Acciottolato, sm. place paved with pebbles Accipigliarsi, vrf. to scowl , frown, to put on a frowning look Accipigliato, -a, adj. scowling, lowering Accircondare, va. i. v. Circondare (sever Accismare, va. \.(from cisma) to cut asunder, Acciuffare, va. I. to take by the hair, to catch, seize; -arsi , to take each other by the Acciuga, sf. belter alice, anchovy (.hair Acciugata, sf. anch6vy-sauce Accivanzare, v. Civanzare Acciveltare, va. lo coquet, decoy, entice, allure, tempt, seduce Accivettato, -a, adj. cautious, wise by expe- rience Accivimento, sm. a furnishing with every thing Accivire, ra. 3. (little used) to provide, procure Acclamante.arfj. who applauds, claps, huzzas Acclamare, van. 1. to applaud, clap, acclaim, to elect by acclamation Acclamatore, -trice, smf. one who applauds, acclaims Acclamazione, ,v/'. acclamation, applause Acdino,arf;'. (ant.) inclined, addicted ; v. Dedito Acclive, adj. acclivious, declivous, sloping Acclivita, sf. acclivity, declivity, slope Accludere, accluso, v. Includere, inciuso Accoccare, va. I. to notch the bowstring, place the arrow ; accoccarla ad iiuo , to play one a trick Accoccatijsmp/. Tcg]els(of silk-manufactures) Accoccolare, va. \. -arsi, vnrf. to seat a per- son squat, to sit or be seated squat Accodare.wi.l. -arsi,t>/rf. to fdllow, or cause 4o follow each other head to tail in a string (as beasts of burden, etc.) Accodato, -a, adj. accompanied, followed Accoglienza, sf. welcome, kind reception Accogliere, va. 2. irr. (accolgo, accdgli, acco- glie; part, accolsi), to welcome, make wel- come, receive, entertain ; to assemble, better raccogliere, (to approach, arrive); -rsi belter Radunarsi, raccogliersi Accoglimeqtaccio, sin. a cool reception Accoglimento , sm. welcome; kind or favour- able reception; assemblage, union Accogliticcio, -a, adj. chance-medley, muster- ed by chance, picked up here and there Accoglilore, -trice, smf. receiver; gatherer Accoiitalo, sm. the order or office of acolytes Accolito, sm. acolyte Accollare, va. \. to yoke; -arsi, to take charge of, undertake, becdme responsible for Accollatario , sm. undertaker; one who takes charge of, or becomes responsible for Accollato, -a, adj. yoked, undertaken; vestira accollato, a dress that covers up the bosom and neck, a wrapper AccoMlo, sm. jut, jiilty, projection in a build- ing (supported by consoles and corbels) Accolpare, accolpato, v. Incolpare, incolpato Accolta, sf. a gathering, miisler; v. Raccolta Accoltellante, sm. v. Accoltellatore Accoltellare, va. 1. to stab with a knife Accoltellata, coltellata, sf. stab with a knife Accoltellatore, sm. a knife-man, a cut-throat Accolto, -a., adj. welcomod, received, gathered Accomanda, sf. trust, prbperty confided, de- posit, sum placed in a trading concern, share Accomaadagione , sf. protection, auspices, care, trust, charge, keeping, guardianship Accomandante , sm. a sleeping partner in a commercial concern; a share-holder in a joint-stock company Accomandare, va. 1. to recommend , to con- fide (a thing) to the keeping of, to hand 6ver, give in charge, deposit, consign, re- mit; to belay, lo brace with a rope, to lash Accomandarsi, vrf. to recommend one's self, to entreat the protection or solicit the kind offices of a person Accomandatario, gm. the acting partner in a joint-stock company; a trustee, an agent Accomandato, -a, udj. recommended, handed 6ver, confided, remitted, deposited , given in charge or in trust; referred to Accomandigia, sf. (ant.) v. Accomandacione Accomandita, sf. a partnership or joint slock company, consisting of active and sleeping partners, the latter answerable only to the extent of their engagements Accomenda, sf. money or goods confided to the master of a vessel lo trade with Accomezzarsi, vnrf. to unite by the middle Accomignolare, va. to form in the shape of a roof, lo acuminate Accommiatare, va. to dismiss (in a polite or friendly manner), to let (one) go, give leave lo go; -arsi, lo lake one's leave, take leave of, to bid good bye, say farewell Accommiatalo, -a, adj. dismissed Accomiatatore, -trice, smf. he, she that gives leave, dismisses, sends away, bows out Accommialatura, sf. v. Commiato Accomodabile , udj. that may be settled, ad- justed, brought to an accomodation Accomodarnento, s>n. adjustment, composition Accomodare, t. 1, to suit, lo make commo- dious, or convenient, to accommodate, to put in order, adapt, adjust; to adjust a difference, to arrange, compound, compro- mise ; arsi, to come lo a compromise or Fate, mete, bite, note, tube; - fat, met, bit, n6t, liib; - fir, pique, Seuo. vino, lai, roma, flume; - patto-pctto, petto, e, i, notte , oeuf; - oiano , viuo. AGO 27 AGO composition , to get reconciled, to acc6m- modate one's self, to sit down ; accomoda- tevi , sit d'Jwn , be seated; la s' accomodi , (respectful ) , please to be seated^ pray, sit down, do me the favour to sit down Acco modal am ente,arft. suitably Just, exactly, a propos Accomodativo , -a, adj. suitable, that can ac- commodate Accomodato, -a, adj. fitted, adapted; conve- nient Accomodatrice , acconciatrfce, sf. tire woman Accomodatura, sf. adjustment, agreement Accomodazione, sf. v. Accomodamento Accompagnamento , sm. the accompanying, a musical accompaniment; a suite, relinue Accompagnanle.urf/'. accompanying, attendant Accompagnare , va. \. to accompany , attend, escort; to accompany on a musical instru- ment; to join with, unite, match; arsi, to acc&mpany one' g self, to play (one's self) the accompaniments, to take a companion or helpmate, to get married Accoinpagnalo, -a, adj. accompanied Accompagnaldre, -trice, smf. he, she who ac- companies; a companion; he she that plays the accompaniments (train Acconipagnaliira, sf. accompaniment, suite, Accomunagione, sf. t the jpulting, having or Accoiiiuiiaiuenlo, urn. J enjoyng all things in common; community Accoiuunare , van. I. to put all things in common , to enjoy in common; to live in a community; -arsi, to treat each other as comrades , to live on a c6mmon footing of equality, to be S6cialists Acconcezza, sf. suitableness, ornament, dress Acconciamenle, adv. befiltingly, becomingly Acconciauiealo, sm. an arranging, adjusting Acconciare, va. 1. to make fitting or befit- ting , to make cdmely or becoming , to lit , adjust, set to rights; to set in order, deck, adorn ; to prepare , pres6rve ( cook ) ; i capelli , to dress or deck one's hair ; \in gi6vane , to find a young man a situa- tion or a wife ; le ragioni , to settle disputed accounts ; questo vino vi accon- ciera lo stomaco, this wine will put your jtomach to rights ; uno pel di delle fe- ste, to give one a thrashing, to dress him ; -arsi , to deck one's self out , to prepare settle or place one's self; acconciarsi del- 1'anima, to settle one's spiritual concerns , prepare for death Acconciatamenle, adv., belter acconciamente Acconciato, -a, adj. fitted, adjusted, decked Accoociatore , sm. one who sets to rights , a peace maker, reconciler ^adjuster ; a hair- dresser, altirer, decker out Acconciatrice, gf, a tire-w6inan, milliner Acconciatura, sf. an ornamented head of hair, an ornament for the head; perdero I' ac- conciatura, to miss one's aim, be balked Acconcime, sm. the act or expense of putting in order a farm house and farm Acconcio, sm. befittingness, convenience, gain Acconcio , -a, adj. fitted, adjusted , dressed ; befitting, becoming; suitable, apt, disposed; in acconcio, a propos; discorso die cade in acconcio, a seasonable or suitable dis- course, a word in season Accondiscendere, iv. Condiscendere. Accone , sin. (mafi)- fl?t bottomed lighter Acconfarsi , vrf. \. bet.-" confarsi Acconigliare , va. to draw up the 6ars into the galley Acconscntimento, sm. consent, assent Acconsentfre , va. 3. to consent, agree to ; to assent, to cede; chi tace acconsente, prov. cxp. silence gives consent Acconsentito, -a, adj. consented, approved Acconsenziente, adj. consenting, assenting Accontare, v. Antoverare, informare, etc. Accdiitentare, v. Gontenlare Acconto, m. a conlidant, trustworthy- friend, a correspondent (obsolete); instalment, sum in part payment Acconvenirsi, vn. to become , be pr6per, re- quisite, fit, convenient, expedient Accoppare, va. \. to knock down (a bull) Accoppiabile , adj. susceptible of being coup- led , paired, yoked or matched Accoppiamento , sm. the act of coupling or placing in pairs, the state of being matched or arranged in pairs ; a pairing , coupling, copulation Accoppianle, adj. that.unites, pairs, couples Accoppiare, va. 1. to couple, yoke, pair, match, unite ; -si, to be or join in pairs Accoppialo, -a, adj. coupled, matched, paired Accoppiatojo, sm. leash, lialher strap, string Accoppialore, sin. that couples; a matchmaker Accoppiatura, sf. coupling, pairing , union Accorame'nto, sm. (from cuorc), heart sorrow, grief, a taking to heart, grieving Accorare , va. \. to grieve , to afflict deeply, to pierce lo the heart; si, to be deeply afflicted, grieved to the heart, agonized Accoralo, -a, adj. deeply grieved , afflicted Accoratdjo , sm. any thing heart-rending Accorazi6ne , sf. deep grief , s6rrowing , sadness Accorciamento , sm. a shortening , a con- traction Accorciare, va. 1. to shorten, cut short; to contract, abridge; si, to shorten, shrink, shrivel up, become short Accorciatamente, adv. in a w6rd, briefly Accorciativo, -a, adj. shortening, contracting Accorciato , ta , adj. shortened , abridged nor, rude; - fall, son, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, boys, fo"ul , fowl; gem, as forte, ruga j - forle , aeuf, culla j - crba.ruga;- lai, e. i; poi. fut; geuiuia , rosa. AGO 28 AGO Accorciat&re , sm. shortener , abbreviates , abridger Accorciatura, sf. shortening, abridgement Accorcievole , adj. that may be shortened Accordabile, adj. that can be made to agree; reconcilable, grantable, admissible, allowa- ble; (music) tunable Accordamento, sm. accordance , c6nsonance, unison, accord; harmony of parts, keeping Accordanle , arfj. agreeing , harmonising, ac- c6rdant; sm. a peace-maker, mediator Accordanza, sf. agreement , v. Accordamento Accordare , ra. i. to tune (a musical instru- ment), to put in tune; to cause to sound in unison, to reconcile, bring to an agree- ment ; to make agree , (pram.) ; to concede acc&rd;, grant ; rti. to be in unison , to ac- c6rd, agree, si , vnfr. to concur, agree, come to an agreement, harmonize; e'ssi non possono accordarsi fra loro , they cannot agree among themselves; le virtii s' accor- dano fra loro , the virtues agree or har- monize with each other Accordatamente, adv. unanimously Accordalo , sm. harmony, v. Accordamento Accordato, ta, arfj. agreed, tuned, reconciled Accordatore , sm. a tuner (of musical instru- ments'); a harmonizer, peace-maker, recon- ciler , promoter of concord Accordatrice , sf. she who reconciles , tunes (a musical instruments) Accordatura, sf. harmony, unison, consonance Accordellato, sm. sort of woollen cloth Accordevole, adj. reconcileable, compatible Accordo , sm. agreement, compact; consent, harmony, accord, keeping (fine arfs); met- tere d'accordo, to make friends; reconcile; siamo d'accordo, we are agreed Accorellalo, -ta, adj. (probably from giusta- cuore, sort of waistcoat or corset) spruce, trim , foppish; looking as if coming out of a band-box Accorgersi, vrf. 2, irr. (mi accorgo , s' ac- corge, past, m' accorsi , part, accorto) to perceive, to be sensible of; io m'accfirgo, I perceive; misono accorto,! have perceived Accorgevole, adj. v. Accorto Accorgimento.sm. shrewdness, circumspection Accfirre , v. Accogliere Acc6rrere , vn. 2 irr. (io acc&rro , past , egli acc6rse, part, accorso) to run up, to crowd to; to pursue Accorrimento, v. Concorso Accorr'uomo (excl.) help 1 help I Accorso, -sa, adj. run to, followed close Accortamente , adv. slily, warily, cunningly Accortamento, v. Accorciamento Accortare, v. Accorciare Accortezza , sf. wariness , finesse , cunning , tact Accortinare, va. (from cortina) to curtain; to inclose or furnish with curtains Accorto, -ta, adj. wary, subtle, shrewd , cir- cumspect , prudent , knowing, wise; fare aqcorto , to advise , warn ; male accorto , indiscreet , unwary (ing Accosciarsi , t trf. \. to squat, sit dow cower- Accostamentb, sm. approaching, approach Accostante, adj. pliant, supple, conformable, approaching , nearly like ; vino accostante, stomachic wine , bracing wine ; argomento accostante, a stringent argument Accostare , va. \. (from costa a rj'6, a coast) to approach , to bring near; arsi, vrf. to approach, to go near; ad uno, to step up to a person, to go close up to him; que- ste due opinion! si accostano , those two opinions almost touch each other Accostatura, sf. union, join, juncture Accostevole, adj. of easy appr6ach, accessible Accosto, adv. beside, close to, hard by Accostolato, adj. ribbed Accostumanza, sf. custom, habit, practice Accostumare , va. t. to accustom, inure; to train, train up; vn. to be used, accustomed, in the habit of; si , vrf. to inure one's self, become accustomed , get practised Accostumatamente, adv. usually, as usual Accostumato, ta, adj. accustomed, customary; usual ; trained , well-bred, distinguished; virtuous , moral Accotonare, va. \. to make silky, raise the Accotonatore, sm. he who naps cloth (nap Accovacciarsi , accovigliarsi ; vrf. to stick one's self in a cove, to lie down in a hollow or lair, to dodge , crouch, cower down, burrow Accovacciolarsi , v. Accovacciarsi Accovonare , t'. 1. to bind up in sheaves Accovonatiira, sf. the binding up in sheaves Accozzamnlo, sm. a striking together, clash; a gathering, an assemblage, an odd meeting, omnium gatherum; a heterogeneous mass Accozzare, va. 1. to unite oddly, lug together, to rake up, get together, to amass ; si, to clash; butt; meet, encounter Accreditare , va. 1. to give credit to , bring into repute Accreditarsi , vrf. to get a name, bring one's self into repute Accreditato, -ta.arf;'. accredited, legally auth- orised , creditable , estimable, cried up Accrescere , va. 2. irr. (accresco , -sci , -see , past, accrebbi ) , to increase, augment Accrescente, adj. increasing, augmenting Accrescenza, sf. T. Accrescimento Accrescimento, sm. increase, gr6wth, addition Accrescitivo, -va, adj. increasing, augmenting Accrescitore, trice, smf. an increaser Accresciuto, -la, adj. augmented, grown Fate, mete, bite, n&te, tube, - fit, met, bit, not, tub; - far, pique, Seno, vino, lai , roma. Came; - patio-petto, petto, e, i, nolle, oenfi mano ; vino. AGO 29 ACQ Accrespare , accrespatura , v. Increspare , in- crespamSnto (down Accucciarsi , vrf. ( of dogs ) to crouch , to lie Accucciolarsi, vrf. v. Accucciarsi Accudire , vn. 3. to look after , take care of, mind Acculare , va. to drive ( one ) to a place from which there is no escape; to drive ( one) into a corner; to bring (one) to a stand Accularsi , vrf. 1. to sit on one's rump as dogs , cangaroos etc. ; to squat down ; be a squatter; to take up one's I6dgings vulg. Acculatlarsi, vrf. to sit down like. a dog, etc. Accumulamento, -anza , smf. accumulation Accumulate, va. 1. to accumulate, hdap up Accumulatamente, adv. abundantly, in lots Accumulate, -ta, adj. heaped up, accumulated Accumulator, -trice, smf. an accumulator Accumulazione, sf. v. Accumulamento Accuorare, v. Accorare Accuparsi , vrf. to become glAomy , sullen , th6ughtful Accuratamente, adv. accurately, with care Accuratezza, sf. accuracy, care, attention Accurate, -ta, arfji. accurate, -with care Accusa, sf. accusation, accusal , charge Accusabile , adj. that may be accused Acciisamento , sm. the accusing; accusation Accusante, adj. accusing; smf. an accuser Accusare , vu. 1. to accuse of, charge with; to indfct, arraign, impeach: to tax, blame, repr6ach ; un ministro , to impeach a minister ; un fatto , to avow , or own a fact; una lettera , to ackndwledge the receipt of a letter; -arsi, vrf. incolparsi, to tax, blame or accuse one's self Accusative, sm. the accusative (case) Accusato, -ta, adj. accused, accused of, charg- ed with , etc. (former Accusatore, -trice, smf. accuser, plaintiff, in- Accusatorio , -a , adj. accusatory, accusing , containing an accusation Accusazione, sf. accusation, charge, blame Accusazioncclla, sf. slight accusation, charge Acefaliti , smpl. (history) Acephali , Acepha- lites (sects who refused to fellow some noted leader ) Acefalo , -la, adj. acephalous, headless Aceraja, sf. a wood of maple-trees Acerbamente , adj. prematurely , crudely , unseasonably , tartly , with acerbity , bit- terly, acridly, harshly, austerely, pertina- ciously, doggedly Acerbelto, -a, adj. tartish, green, sour, crude, Acerbezza, sf. acerbity, tarines, asperity (coy Acerbire, va. 3. -are, va. \. to exacerbate Acerbita , -ade , -ate , sf. acerbity, tartness , harshness (harsh Acerbo , -a , adj. sour, unripe , tart , crude , Acero, sm. (hot.) a maple-tree Acerra , sf. acerra ( a vessel in which incense lias been burned) Acei rare , va. to heap up, to pile Acerrimamente , adv. very harshly , sourly , bitterly Acgrrimo, -a, arfjf. very sour, tart, harsh Acertello, sm. kestrel Acervare, va. to heap up, to pile Acervo, sm. (poet.) heap, pile, T. Mucchio Acetabolo, sm. vinegar cruet ; acetabulum Acetato, -a, adj. acid, acidulated, sour, tart Acelico, -a, adj. (chem) acetic ; acido acetico, acetic acid Acetire, vn. 3. (acetisco , etc.), to sour , beco- me acid Aceto, sm. vinegar Acetosa, sf. sorrel Acetosella, sf. wild s6rrel , dock Acetosita, -ade, -ate, sf. acidity, sourness Acetoso, -a, adj. acetous, acid, sourish Acetiime, sm. subacid Achille, sm. (anal.) the tendon of Achilles Achillea, sf. (hot.) milfoil Achittarsi, vrf. \. to tacke the 16ad (at bil- liards) Achitto, sm. lead (at billiards), first stroke Acidaro, sm. sort of ancient hat Acidezza, acidita, sf. acidity, tartness Acidificare, va. to make acid Acidire, vn. to grow sour, shSrp, acid Acido , -a, adj. acid, sour, tart, pungent, bitter Acidulo, -a, utlj. acidulated Acidume, sm. acids in general, acetum Aci forme, adj. aciform, needle-shaped Acinifdrme , adj. aciniform, having clusters like grape-stones Acino, sm. kernel of a grape, raisin st6ne Acin6so, -a, adj. ful of grape-st6nes Acirologia, sf. impropriety, inaccuracy in language Acma, sf. crisis (med.); acme, height, pitch Acolito, sm. v. Accdlito Aconito, sm. aconite, wolfs bane Aconzia, sm. acontias , dart snake , anguis ja- Acope, sm. acopis, precious stone (culi Acori, smpl. running ulcers on the face Acqua , sf. water; piovana, rain water; d6lce , fresh water ; di mare , marina , salt water, sea water, beryl; fresca, c61d water ; acque mineral! , mineral waters ; di latte, buttermilk, whey; nanfa, orange flower water, r<5sa, rosata , rose water; della regina, Hungary water; cedra- ta , lime water, lemonade , morta , sta- gnant water ; nndare per acqua , to go by water; attignere acqua, to draw water; prov- vedersi d' acqua (war. ), to take in water; cascata di acqua, water-fall; linee d'acqua, water lines ; mezzo pieno d'acqua (mar.), water-logged; molinoad acqua, water mill; n6r, rude; - fall , s6n, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; poise y boys, foul, fowl; gem, as forte, ruga ;- forte , ocufi culla ;- erba , ruga; - lai , c, i; poi fatisto ; gemma , rosa. ACQ 30 ACU . giuocbi d'acqna, water -works; tromba tor- binosa d'acqua, waterspout; impermeabile all'acqua, water tight ; corridojo dell'acqua. water way (.); a prova d'acqua , water proof: viva, spring water, living water; a fior d'acqua, on a level with the water ; c6ncia , sugared, sweetened or acidulated water; farun buco ntill'acqua, pestarl'acqua, to beat the water, beat thfi air; lavorarsot- t' acqua , to work under groud , stealthily ; la nave coroinciava a far acqua, the ship began to leak ; voglio far acqua, spander acqua, I will make water, piimp ship, piss; voglio vedere 1' acqua chiara, I will see it out, see to the bottom; lasciate 1'acqiiaan dare alia china, let things take their course; avremo dell'acqua, we shall have rain; 1' ac- qua mi veniva alia bdcca , my teeth liegan to water; egli slelte tralle due acque, he wa- Tered , remained undecided; diamante di prima acqua, a diamond of the first water; cameriere, dell' acqua fresca, waiter, some cold water : Samuele , acqua per la barba , shaving water, Sam Acquacchiare, vn. 1. to Itae vigour, strength Acquacchiarsi , vnr. to stoop or lie close to escape observation Acquaccbiato. -a, adj. faint, low spirited Acquaccia, sf. bad, corrupted , muddy water Acquacedralajo.sm. dealer in lime water and lemonade Acqnaforle, sf. acquafortis Acquagliare, va. \. to curdle, turn into whey and curds Acquajo, sm. a waterer, sprinkler, irrigaler; a conduit, sewer, drain, water lube Acquajo, -a, udj. draining ; solco acquajo , a drain, sewer, a deep draining furrow Acquajolo , */. be wbo waters meadows , cloth, etc. Acquajuolo, -A, adj. aquatic, aqueous, watery Acquapendente , >/. side (of mountains) Acquare , va. \. to inundate, bathe (ant.); to provide ( it ship ) with water, to take in water Acquario, sm. v. Aquario Acquartierarsi, vrf.i. to take up one's quarters Acquarzente , sf. brandy Acquastrino, sin. a marsh , swamp Acquala, sf. supply of fresh water (on board); a watering place for ships Acquatico, -a, -tile, -tivo, -a, adj. aquatic Acquato, -a, adj. mixed with water, watered Acquattarci, r/V. 1. to squat, sit squat, cower --Acqualtato, -a, adj. squat, crouching Acquaviu'ijo, sm. dealer in brandy Acquavite. sf. brandy Acquazzdne, sm. a sudden and heavy summer shower, a clashing down rain Acquazzoso, -a, adj. pluvious, rainy Acquedotto, sm. aqueduct, water-conduit Acqueo, -a, adj. watery, aqueous Acquereccia, sf. ewer, basin Acquerella, sf. small or soft rain, light rain Acqueullare, va. 1. to paint in water-colours Acquerello, sm. prepared water-colours ; thin watery wine, hog-wash; v. Vinello Acquerugiola, sf. drizzling rain. Scotch mist Acquetare. ra. 1. to appease, pacify, tranquil- lize, quiet Acquetla, sf. small rain , light plensant sum- mer shower; wine and water; poison Acquicella, sf. rivulet, drizzling rain Acquid6ccio, sm. T. Acquedotlo Acquidoso, -a, adj. humid, moist, wet Acquiescenza, sf. acquiescence, compliance Acquiescere, CM. 2. to acquiesce , yield Acquielamento, sm. quiet, rest, tranquillity Acquietare, va. 1. to quiet, v. Acchelare, -arsi Acquirenle, .>. acquirer, purchaser, buyer adj. acquiring, purchasing Acquisire , va. 5. v. Acquistare Acquisitive, -a, adj. acquisitive AcquisiHzio, -a, adj. acquired extrinsically, adventitious, not essentially inherent Acquisito, -a, adj. v. Acquistato Acquisitore, -trice, v. Acquistalore, -trice Acquisizione, sf. acquisition-, purchase Acquistabile, adj. acquirable, obtainable Acquistamento, sm. purchase, acquiring Acquistare, va. I. to acquire , purchase Acquistato, -a, adj. purchased, acquired Acquistatore, sm. -trice, sf. purchaser Acquislevole, adj. acquirable, attainable Arquisto, sm. purchase, acquisition, acquest Acquit rino, sm. marsh, swamp, bog Acquitrinoso, -a, adj. marshy, swampy Acquoliba, sf. small rain, water; mi viene 1'acquolina in bocca, my mouth waters Acquosita, sf. aquosity, waterincss Acquoso, -a, adj. aqueous, watery- Acre, adj. shaip. sour, pungent, acrid, harsh Acredine, sf. acrimony, sharpness Acrem6ote, adv. sharply, severely, harshly Acrezza, Agrezza, sf. tartness, sharpness Acrigno, -a, adj. sourish, tartish Acrimonia, sf. acrimony, severity Acrimonico, -a, adj. acrimonious, corrosive Acrimonidso , -a, adj. acrimonious , sharp, bitter, corrosive Acrita, sf. sharpness, tartness , pungency Aero, a, adj. (poel.) sharp, biting, pungent Acrobato, sm. rope dancer Acromatico, -a, adj. acromatic Acromio, sm. top of the shoulder, acronium Acronico, sm. the acronical rising or setting of a star Acroslico, sm, an acrostic Acroterio, sm acroteria, small pedestals Acuire, m. 5. to sharpen, give sharpness to; I'intelleUo, to sharpen the wit 'Fate, mete, bite, n6t,. tube; - fat, met, bit, n6t, tub; - far, pique, Seno, vino, Ini , roira, Puire :- pnlto-petlo, petto, e, i, nuiit,atitfi - maao, vino. ACU 31 ADD 'Acuita, sf. acuteness, sharpness, acumen, wit Aculealo, -a, ai/j. aculeated, pointed, prickled Aculeo, sm. sting, prickle, goad, stimulus Acume , sin. a sharp point; acumen . sharp- ness of wit Acuminare, va. to sharpen, edge, point Acuminate, -a, adj. acuminated Acuslica, sf. acoustics . Acustico , -a , adj. acoustic , auditory ; neVvo acustico, acoustic, auditory nerve; cornetta acustica, ear-trumpet, hearing-trumpet Acutamente, adv. acutely, sharply Aculezza , sf. aculeness, sharpness, wit, acu- men Acuto, -a, adj. acute, sharp, pointed ; angolo aculo , an acute angle: accento acuto, the acute accent; voce acula , a shrill voice; feblire aciita, an acute fever Acuziangolo, SHI. acute angle Ad, )>rc;>. used before a vowel for A, to , at; ad uno ad nno, one at a time, one by one Adacquabile , adj. that can be watered, irri- gated, sprinkled Adacquamento, sm. watering, irrigation Adacquare, va. \. to water, wash, bathe Adarquato, a, adj. watered, mixed with water Adacquatiira, sf. a watering, sprinkling Adagiare , va. 1. to set a thing down slowly and carefully; to place a person in a recli- ning or easy posture , to set him dolvn at his ease; to accommodate, to make snug or comfortable; adagiarsi, to sitdoxvnat one's case, to recline, to be in any easy p&slure, to take one's ease; to act slowly, and loi- tering)} Adagiato, -a, adj. seated in an easy p6sture, at one's ease , snug , comfortable , well off, in easy circumstances Adagino, orfc. softly, not so fa's!, gently Adagio, sm. an adage; (mug.) adagio; adv. slowly, softly, at one's ease; adagio, ada- gio, gently; voi andale tanto adagio, you go so slowly, so leisurely Adagissimo, adv. (superlative of adagio) very slowly Adamanlc, sm. adamant, diamond Adamantino, -a, adj. adamantine, hard Adamica, adj. terra Adamica, land won from the sea Adamiti, m. pi. (church history) Adamites Adarce, sf. adarce Adasperare, adasprfre, v. Inasprire Adastarsi, vrf I. to loiter, amiise one's sell Adastiamenlo, sm. spile, envy, j6alousy Adastiare, va. 1. (little used), to envy, hate Adattabile, adj, that can b adapted, Applica- ble, apposite, suitable, fit AdatlabiliUi, ,s/. aptitude, fitness, suitableness Adattacchiare, va. \. to adapt, or adjust ill; to missaply, misarrange Adattamenlo sm. ) adaptation , fitness , Adattanza, sf. ) aptness, application Adaltante, adj. who adapts, applfes Adatlare va. 1. to adapt, fit, suit, adjust -arsi, vi- f. to accommodate one's self to Adatlazi6ne, sf. (litt/e used) adaptation Adattato,-a I adj. adapted, suited, fitted, fit, Adalto,-a j proper, suitable, capable, apt Adatlevole, adj. v. Adattabile Addanajato, better danajoso, -a, adj. monied Addarsi, vrf. 3. to addict or give one's self to Addaziare, i>a. (customs) to lay a duty on Addebilire, addebolire, v. Indebolfre Addebolimenlo, v. Indebolimento Addecimare, decimare, va. \. to tithe Addecimatore, -trice , smf. tither, one who collects tithes; t(thing-man Addensare, va. 1. to make dense; si, to become dense, get thick Addensamento, ec. v. Condensamento, ec. Addentare, ra. i: to seize with the teeth, dash one's teeth into, to pinch, Wte Addentato,-a, adj. bitten, seized with the teeth Addenlellare.ua. 1. (archil.) to leave projecting bricks or toolhingstdnes at c6rners; to den- ticulate, dovetail, notch, indent Addentellato, sm. toothing stone, projecting brick, dentil, indentation; adj. indented Addentrarsi, vrf. to penetrate deep, to go or plunge far into Addentro, indentro, adv. within, inwardly Addestare, van. \. to awake, rouse, stir up Addcslramento, sm. a training, preparing Addeslrare, va. 1. to train, teach, form, in- struct; to prepare, discipline, drill ; to break in, manage; to squire, h61d the stirrup; -arsi, to prepare one's self, to get prepared, used, trained, to exercise, practise Addestral6re, sm. a gentleman iisher, a squire, a groom; one who teaches, trains, disciplines Addetto, -a, adj. dedicated, destined, em- ployed, occupied, engaged, attached Addi, adv. on the.... day; addi sette Luglio, on the seventh July (close Addiacente, adj. adjacent, contiguous , lying Addietro , ado. behind , back, behindhand, backwards ; tornar uii passo addietro , to step back, return; lasciare addietro , to leave behind; ne' tempi addietro, in the past; per lo addietro, heretofdre, hitherto; essere addietro con, to he behind band with, ignorant of (adjective Addiettivamente , adv. adjective! y , as an Addietlivare, va. to use adjectively , in the manner of an adjective Addietlivo, sm. adjective Ad teach, en- lighten ; to make erudite or wise ; arsi , to acquire knowledge , improve one' s mind Addottrinatamente , adv. learnedly , eruditely Adottrinatissimo,-a,(irfj. very learned, erudite Addottrinato, -a, adj. learned, well informed Addottrinatura, sf. learning, tuition erudition Fate, mete, bite, n&te, tube; - fat, met, bit, n&t, tub; - fir, pique, ADD 33 ADO Addrappato , -a, adj. adorned with splendid drapery, or hangings (dietro Addrielo , addreto adv. poet, behind; v. Ad- Adduare, van. \. (ant.} v. Addoppiare Adduceole, adj. mf. adducent (of the muscles); adducing Addiicere, va. 2. (ant.) to adduce; v. Addurre Adducfbile , adj. addiicible , that may be ad- duced Adducitore, sm. trfce, sf. alleger, adducer Addurare, van. i. v. Indurare, induraisi Addurre, va. 2. /. (adduco, adduci, adduce; pass, addussi, part. add6tto) to bring, con- vey; to adduce, allege (briught Addutto, -a, addotto, -a, adj. adduced, alleged, Addutlore, sm. abducent muscle, abductor Ahduzione, sf. (anat.) abduction Adeguamento, sm. equalizing, miking alike Adcguare , va. \. to equalize, to make equal or alike , to bring to a par or balance ; to appraise, estimate (adequately Ad i-'imtamente, adv. equally, proportionately, Adello, adeno , sm. sort of fish somewhat re- sembling the sturgeon Adempibile, adj. that can be fulfilled, executed Adempiere , adempire , va. 2. irr. to fulfil , perform , execute , acc&mplish ; adempire un comando, to execute an 6rder Adempimenlo, sm. a fulfilling, performing, executing, accomplishing (piere Adempire, va. 5. to fulfil, execute, Y. Adem- Adempitore, sm. fulfiller , perfdrmer , accom- plisber Aderapiuto, -a, adj. fulfilled, executed Adenografia , sf. adenography (that part of anatomy which treats of the glands) Adenoideo, -a, adj. (anat.) glandular Adenologfa, sf. adenology (the doctrine of the glands , their nature and uses) Adenolomia , sf. adenotomy , a cutting or in- cision of a gland Adenzione. sf. ademption, revocation (of will) Adepto, adetto, sm. an adept Adequare, v. Adeguare ( quately Adequatamente , adr. equally , exactly , ade- Adequato, v. Adeguato, ec. Adoquazione, sf. equality , equalization, pro- portion, supputation, calculation Aderbare, ra. i. to feed with griss, put out to grass Aderente, adj. adherent ; sm. an adherent Aderenza, sf. adherence, attachment, c5inci- ding; agreeing with; accepting, acceptance Adergere, va (poet.) v. Ergere Adcrimento , sm. adherence , accepting , ac- cordance Aderire,vn. 3. to adhere, stick to a party, an opinion, to coincide, agree, approve, consent Aderito , -a , adj. attached to a pSrty or opi- nion, coincided with, consented to Aderpicaro , vn. to climb, to climb up, to clamber; (of plants) to creep Adescamento, sm. bait, allurement, seduction Adescare, va. \. to bait (a hook); to attract, entice, allure, egg on, inveigle Adescato, -a, adj, allured, enticed, inveigled Adescatdre , -trice , smf. he , she that baits , allures, entices, inveigles Adesidne , sf. adhesion , adherence , uniting , coinciding, coincidence, agreement, appro- val, consent Adesivo, -a, adj. (med.) adhesive Adesso,arfu. now, at present, at this instant; adess' adesso , directly, presently, just nolfr A destra, adv. on the right hand Adetto, adepto, sm. an adept, proficient Adiacente, adj. adjacent, contiguous, near Adiacenza, sf. nearness, vicinity; adjacent place Adianto, sm. (bot.) maiden-hair, fern Adieltfvo, aggetlivo, sm. an adjective A dilungo, v. Dilungo Adi mare, va. to cast down; arsi, to go down Adinamfa , sf. (med.) adynamy, weakness oc- casioned by disease Adinamico , -a, adj. (med.) adynamic, weak, destitute of strength A Dio, addfo, adv. adieu, farewell, good bye Adipe, sm. v. Lardo. grasso, pinguedine Adiposo, -a, adj. adipose, plump, full of fat Adiramento, sm. a getting angry; anger Adirare , va. I. to irritate , make angry -arsi, to get angry, fall into a passion, ba angry ; si adiro fieramente , he got very angry ; he flew out into a terrible passion Adiratamente, adv. angrily, in a passion Adirato, -a, adj. angry, irritated, wrathful Adire , va. 5. to take possession of an inher- itance Adirevole, adj. irritating, making angry A dirimpetto, adv. opposite, facing A diritto, adv. directly, straight; deservedly A dirittura , adv. instantly, immediately, di- rectly, at once Adir6so, -a, adj. irascible, hasty, irritable A dismisura, adv. beyond measure A dispetto, adv. in spite of, in despite of Adito, sm. portal, entry, access, ingress Adizione, sf. the entering upon an inheritance Adjutdre, sm. a coadjutor, assistant, protector Adjutorio, sm. v. Ajuto Adjuvare, v. Giovare Adizzare, adizzante, v. Aizz4re, ec. Adnata , sf. ( anat. ) adnata (one of the coats the eye) Adnalo, adj. ( lot. ) adnate ( pressing close to the stem or growing to it) Adobbare, v. Addobbare, ec. AdoccbiamSnto, sm. the looking; a look, glance ' Adocchiare, va. \. to eye. gaze upon, stare at Adolescente, adj. adolescent; sm. a youth Adolescenza, adj. adolescence, youth (ed Adombrabile,aoj'. that may be traced, delineaV- nor, rude ;- fall , son, bull; - fare , do; - by, lymph; poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem, as Diz. Hal. Ing. 3 ADO I Adombramento , sm. a shading , shadowing , overshadowing, a shade, trace, umbrage Adombranle, adj. casting a shadow up6n , overshadowing, offiiscaling, darkening Adombrare, va. 1. lo cast a shadow upon, to darken; fig. to offiiscate, blind ; to trace, shadow, delineate, sketch; to fancy, imag- ine; lo take umbrage at; to start, shy Adombrato , -a, adj. shided, darkened, ob- scured; shadowed, foreshadowed; traced, designed, sketched; startled, astonished Adombratore, sm. he who shadows, traces , delineates, draws (bramento Adombrazione , sf. adumbration ; v. Adom- Adonare, va. v. Abbassare, domare, ec. Adonestare , belter cooncslarc , va. 1. to pal- liate , veil , disguise; to give an air of de- cency and justice to Adonico, adj. (cersif.) adonic Adonide, sf. (bot.) adonis Ad onta, (sm. a dispelto) adv. in spite of, in despite of, notwithstanding : ad onta dclle preghiere paterne, notwithstanding (or in spile of) his father's prayers Adonlare , va. 1. to put to shame , to affront arsi, vrf. to feel hurt; get angry Adontalo, -a, adj. affronted , offended, vexed Adonloso, -a, adj. insulting, offensive Adoperabile.arfj. employable, capable of being used, fit or proper for use Adoperamento , sm. the using, making use of Adoperare, t>a. 1. to use, employ, make use of -arsi, vrf. to exert one's self, make every effort; to work, fag, try, endeavour; to con- tribute; a coloro che amano Iddio tutte le cose s'adoperano in bene , Sll things work together for good lo Ihem who love God Adoperato, -a, adj. used, employed, exerted Adoperatore, -trice , smf. he , she that uses , employs , makes use of Adoperazione,sf. v. Adoperamento, operazidne Adoppiamento, sm. the giving opium ; sleep Adoppiare, fa. 1. to administer 6pium, lull Adoppiato, -a, adj. lulled to sleep with opium Adoprare, va. \. to use employ; v. Adoperare Adorabile, adj. adorable, worthy of adoration Adorabilita, sf. adorableness Adoramento, sm. adoration, worship Adorando,-a, v. Adorabile Adorante, adj. adoring; smf. a worshipper Adorare, ra. 1. to adore , w6rship; (fo pray) Adorato, -a, adj. ad6red, worshipped ^Adoratore, -trice, smf. adorer, worshipper ~Adoral6rio, sm. (ant.) a heathen temple Adorazione, sf. adoration, worship Adordinarsi, vrf. (ant.) to prepare one's self Adorevole, adj. better adorabile Adorizzare, v. uniper. (poet.) lo be or get shady Adornamento, sm. drnament, finery, attire Adornare, va. 1. to adorn , deck , embellish , set off Adornatame"nte, adv. elegantly, with grace 4 ADU Adornato,-a, adj. adorned, decked, set off Adornalore, -trice, tmf. he, she who decks, .adorns (Adornatura),sf. I dress, embellishment.deco- Adornezza, sf. I ration, ornament, elegance Adorno, sm. ornament, finery, attire Ad6rno,-a, adj. adorned, set off, decked out Adolare, v. Dotare Adottamento, sm. an adopting, adoption Adollare, va. 1. lo adopt Adottatore, -trice, smf. adopter Adotlazione, .of. adoltamento, sm. adoption Adottivo,-a adj. adoptive, adopted Adovare, ra. \. to make oval, egg-shaped Adovrare, va. \. v. Adoperare Adozione, sf. adoption; v. Adottazione Adraganti, adj. (bot.) tragacanlh; (pharm.) adraganlh; sf. (pharm.) adraganlh Adrento, adv. (poet.) within, inwardly Adrieto (poet. v. addielro), ado. bcbinl, back Adro, -a, (for alro,-a,) adj. black, dismal A due a due, adv. cxp. Iwo by l\vi Aduggere, va. 2. (used only in the third person sing. Pres. Indie. : adugge) v. Aduggiare Aduggiamenlo,s?H. a damp or blighting shade Aduggiantc, adj. lhat casts a blighting shade; damping, blighting, withering Aduggiare, ra. \. to cast a blighting shade up6n ; to damp, blight, wither, dispirit Aduggiato, -a, odj. shaded, blighted, damped Aduggialore, -trice, smf. that darkens, damps Adugliare. ra. (mar.) to coil up a cable , etc. Adugnare, ra. v. Adunghiare Adulante, adj. flattering, adulatory Adulare, ra. 1. to adulate, flitter Adulatore, -trice, smf. adulaler, flatterer Adulatoriamenle, adv. flatteringly, in a flat- tering manner Adulatorio, -a, adj. adulatory, flattering Adulazi6ne, sf. adulation, excessive flattery Adiiltera, sf. an adulteress Adultcramente, adv. in an adulterous manner Adultcramento, sm. adulterating, adulteration Adulterare, vn. to commit adultery ; ra. to adulterate, doctor, mix Adulterate, -a, adj. adulterated, mixed Adulteratore, -trice, smf. adulterer, adulteress Adulterazione, sf. adulteration, forgery Adulterino, -a, adj. adulterine, begotten in adultery; spurious, counterfeit, adulterated Adultero, sm. adulterer, one guilty of adultery Adu!to,-a, adj. adult, grown up; sm. an adult; scudle per gli adulli, adult schools Adunamento, sm. the act of uniting or bring- ing together; the assembling, meeting; an assembly, meeting, (parliament) Adunanza , sf. a meeting , assembly , convo- cation Adunare, ra. 4. to assemble, bring together, convoke; si, to come together, assemble, meet Adunata, sf. assembly, meeting; v. Adunanza Fate, mete, bite, n&te, tube; - fat, met, bit, ndt, tub; - far, pique, 35 - AFF Adunat6re, -trice, smf. collector, conT6ker Adunazidne, sf. v. Adunamento Aduncare. ra. \. lo make adiincous, to curve, croo*. bend; -arsi, to become adiincous, to get curved, hooked, bent Adunco, -a, adj. crooked, hooked, aduncous Adunghiare, ra. 1. to seize with the claws, to lay hold of wilh the talons or nails Adiinque, adv. then, therefore Adusare, r. 1. adusarsi, vr. v. Assuefare.as- suef.irsi Adustare, va. 1. to parch, scorch, crisp, char; to dry up, burn up, to make arid , adust Adustezza I sf. aduslion, aridity, dry ness , Adusiidne j drought, parching, scorching Aduslivamente, adv. in a dry burning manner Adustivo, -a, adj. parching, schdrching, dry Adiislo , -a , adj. ;uiust , parched , sc6rched , burnt up, dry; campi adusli, burnt up fields Aer, aere (or arial, sm. air, wiud (tune) Aereo, -a, arlj. aerial, of the air Aerificazione, sf. aerification Aeriforrce, adj. aeriform Aerimanle, sm. a diviner by the air Aerimanzia, sf. aeromancy Aerimetn'a, sf. acr6meiry, pneumatics Acrino, -a, adj. v. Celeslino Aerodinamica, sf. aerodynhmics Aerolito, sm. aerolite, aerolilhe; atmospheric, meteoric, falling stone Aeromanzia, sf. v. Aerimanzia AenSmetro, fin. an aer6meter (vigator Aeronauta, SHI. an aeronaut, an aereal na- Aeroso, -a, adj. airy, sprightly , gay, light, polilp, civil, offhanded; v. Disinvollo Aerostatica, tf. aerostatics Aercslato, sm. aerostat, air balloon (on Aescare, adescare, va. \. to bait; allure, egg Afa, if. the suffocating or stifling feeling pro- duced by close air or sultry heat; sultri- ness ; closeness, hot stifling air; far afa, to annoy; be tiresome , to damp one's spirits Afaticcio, v. Afaluccio Afalo, -A, adj. withered , dried up, blighted , drooping; sickly, puny, meagre, thin Afaluccio, -a, adj. sickly, languid, feeble, weak Afelato, a, adj. languid, tired out, exhausted Afelio, sm. (plur. afelj) aslr. aphelion Aferosi, sf. (yram.\ apheresis Affabile, adj. affable, civil, polfte Affahiliia, -ade, -ate, sf. affability, courtesy Affabilmenle, adv. affably, condescendingly Affaccendarsi, rrf. ^. to bustle about, make a fuss, to occupy one's self Affacccndato, -a., adj. biistlingabout, occupied, hiirried , fussy , very busy, 6ver head and ears in business Affaccellare, ra. 1. to cut a dfamond facet wise Affaccliinare, I-H, 1. (frnm fiiccltino, a pdrter) to loll, fag , drudge , to work like a slave AITacciare, in. 1. to, smooth, plane, level arsi; vrf. to step up to, come close up to, to present or show one's self; to face ; af- facciatevi, come up, c&me he>e; affacciileyi a questa fineslra, come up lo this window, lAok but; affacciarsi, to offer one's self, be an aspirant ; v. Offrirsi (mente Affacciatame'nle, adv. b6ldly ; v. Sfacciala- Affagollare, infagoltare, r. to biindle up Affaitarsi, affailato, (on/.) v. Abbell/re Affaldare, ra. to plait, fold, double Affaldellare, i-o.l. lo pack up, wrap up, en- close Affalsare, va. \. to falsify, adulterate Affamare , va. \. to famish , starve ; to excite an appetite, cause hunger; affamdre una citta, lo starve out a town; rn. to bo dying wilh hunger, starving Affamatfccio, -a, adj. half starved, famished Affamato, -a.orfj. famished, starved; voracious Affamatuzzo, -a, adj. starved looking, mean Affamigliarizzare, rn. \. T. Addimcsticare Affarofre , rn. 5. to be very hungry, famish- ed ; to starve, die with hunger Affangare, rn. \. (from fango, mud, mfre),to get muddy, or muddied, to become miry: ra. to muddy, soil ; to splash wilh mud Affannamento, sm. ?. Affanno Affannante , adj. grievous , disquieting, suf- focating Affannare , rn. 1. to breathe with difficulty, to be suffocated, stifled; to feel that tight- ness of breast or difficulty of breathing which is c6nseqnent on sharp b6dily pain or in- tense mental agony; to be grieved, agitated, anxious, agonized; M. to gri6vc,pain, dis- quiet, agitate; afflict, agonize -arsi , vrf. to fret , grieve , vex one's self, to be uneasy, anxious, agitated; to strive , strain, try, fag, endeavour Affannato, -a.nrf/'. suffocated; agitated, anxious Affannatdre.sm. that is anxious, causes anxiety Affann^vole, adj. v. Affannoso, ansioso Affanno, xm. a breathing gaspingly, shortness of breath, agitation of mind, intense anxiety, mental agony; anguish, s6rrow, affliction Affann6ne, tm. a fussy fellow; meddling person Affannoneria, sf. eagerness, care, trouble Affannosamente, adv. wilh anxiety, restessly Affannnso, -a, adj. suffocating, stifling, sultry: piinful, distressing, grievous, vexatious, sad Affardellare, ra. \. to make up into a bundle Affare , sm. affair , business . station ; c6me vanno gli aflari? how is business? ufimo d' alto affare, a great or high-born man Affarello, sm. a smail matter, slight affair Affarsi, rn. irr. to suit, become, v. Confarsi Affaruccio, sm. a trifling business, petty affair Affasciare, ra. \. to bind up in fagots, tie up Affascinamento, sm. fascination, bewitchery Affascinanle, adj. fascinating, bewitching Affascinare , ra. \. to fascinate , charm , en- chant, slupify, bewith; (mostly used in this last sense) nor, rude ; - fall , son, bull ; - fare, do ; - by, lymph ; poise , beys, foul , fowl ; gem , as AFF 36 AFF Affascinatore,sm. bewilcher, magician, wizard Affascinalrice , sf. she who fascinates , a fas- cinating lady, a charmer; she who be- witches, a female magician, an old bag Affascinazione, sf. fascination, bewitching Affastellare, va. 1. (from fastello , a fascine or fagot) to make up into fagots, to bundle up, to huddle or jumble together AfTaslidire, va. 3. v. Infastidire Affatare, v. Fatare Affatato , -a, adj. charmed against balls, ar- rows, etc., fated, invulnerable Affalicamento. sw. fatigue, tiredness ; toil Affaticante, adj. hard working, indefatigable Affaticare, va. I. to tire, fatigue, weary, ha- rass , tease , plague , importune ; vn. and vrf. arsi, to strive, try, endeavour Affalicato, -a, adj. weary, fatigued, harassed Affalicalore.sMi.ahard working man; a pains- taking woman ; a drudge slave Affatichevole, adj. laborious, painstaking Affaticoso, -a, adj. laborious, indefatigable Affatto, a/t>. quite, entirely, thoroughly, per- fectly; niente affatto, nothing at all Affalturamenlo,sm. sorcery, witchcraft, spell Affatturare , va. \. to bewitch, charm , cast a spell over,- affatturar vino, to adulterate or doctor wine Affatturato, -a, adj. spell bound ; adulterated Affatturatore, -trice, smf. sorcerer, sorceress Affatturazione, sf. witchery, sorcery Affazzonamentn, sin. ornament, embellishment Affazzonare, va. 1. to adorn, set off, deck out Affe, adv. by my faith, in faith, faith; on my word, upon my honour Affegatare, vn. \. v. Accorarsi Affermamento, sm. affirmation, confirmation, confirming Affermante, adj. who affirms, confirms Affermare, va. 1. to affirm , maintain, assert Affermarsi, vrf. to strengthen or establish one's self; to become firm, get consolidated Affermatamente , affermativamente , adv. af- firmatively, assuredly, positively; rispon- dere affermativamente, to reply in the af- fermative Affermaliva, sf. affirmative Affermativo, -a, adj. affirmative, positive Affermato,-a, adj, affirmed, averred, confirmed Affermatore, -trice, smf. that affirms, asserts Affermazidue , sf. affirmation, assurance Afferramento ,sm. the act of grasping, clutching Afferrante, adj. who grasps; grasping Afferrare, t-a. 1. to grasp , grapple, clutch, -gripe , lay hold of; to seize , catch , com- prehend; to come to soundings, cast anchor Afferrato , -a, adj. grasped, seized; landed Afferralojo, sm. a grappling iron, hold-fast,etc. Affertilire. va. Z. to fertilize, to make fruitful, productive Affetlamento, sm. an affecting ; affectation Affettare, va. (with the first e close, from fet- ta , a slice) , to slice , to mince; to fold or plait cloth; (with the first e open) to affect, desire, covet; pretend to; vn. to be affected (in one's manners, dress, etc.) Affettatamente , adv. most eagerly ; very af- fectedly Affeltato, -a, adj. sliced; affected, artificial Affettatore, sm. an affected person; a folder; one who slices, cuts in slices Affettazione, sf. affectation; studied manners, mannerism Affettivo, -a, adj. affecting, touching, pathetic Affetto , sm. affection, passion , movement of the soul; affection, inclination, emotion of the heart ; liking , attachment , affection . tenderness, love ; desire, wish -a, arf;'. disposed, affected, inclined; well or ill dispdsed, (fond) Affettuosamente, adv. affectionately, heartily, tenderly Affeltu6so, -a, adj. affectionate, fond, kind Affezionare, va. 1. to create an affection for, excite a fondness of, to enamour, to attach; affezionarsi, to get food of, to like, to take a liking to , to become attached to Affezionatamente, adv. affectionately Affezionato , -a, adj. affectionate, attached, fond ; inclined Affezi6ne,s/. affect! on, attachment, tenderness Affezionevole, adj. fond ; affectionate, loving Afflaccare, va. \. v. Fiaccare Affiatare , vn. i. to pay liibute or rent as a feudatory Affiato, sm. adj. feudatory; tributary Affibbiaglio, fermaglio, sm. a buckle, clasp Affibbiamento, sm. buckling, clasping, faste- ning Affibbiare , va. \. to buckle , clasp , billion , hinge; afJ&bbiarla ad lino, to play one a trick Affibbiato, -a, adj. buckled, fastened, buttoned Affibbiatojo , sm. button-hole , eye , hook , tag, etc. Affibbiatura, sf. buckling, hooks and eyes Afficcare, va. 1. Ficcare Affidare, va. i. to assure, give confidence, se- cure ; affidarsi di , to have affiance in . to rely upon, trust to, confide in; non vi affi- date all*uomo di cui tutli parlanobene, do- n't trust (to ) the man of whom every one speaks well Affidato, -a, adj. confided, entrusted , trusty, trust w6rthy , true; sm. a trusty friend Affidat6re, -trice, smf. one who assures, con- fides, entrusts Affievolare, ire, T. Affievolire Affienire, vn. 5. to be stunted Affievolimenlo , sm. T. Indebolimento Affievolire , va. to weaken, enfeeble, make weak; fii. to weaken , get-feeble , become weak (weakly Affievolito , -a , adj. weakened , enfeebled ,. Affiggere, vn. 2. trr. (affigo,affige,^as<. affis- Fate, mete, bite, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, n&t, tub ; - far, pique, AFF 37 si, ec.) to slick, fasten, to stick up, nail to; to tie , bfnd ; to fasten one's eyes upon , to gaze or stare at; to stimulate, stir up; vn. to stand still, stop; un foglio o cartello al muro, to stick up a bill, post up a placard Afliguramento, sm. a recognizing, recollecting Affigurare , va. \. lo recognize or recollect a person, etc. by the figure or external form; to imagine; -arsi, to figure to one's self, conceive, imagine Affilare va. 1. to whet, sharpen, make sharp Affilarsi, vrf. to be in a row, march in file Affilato, -a , adj. sharp, pointed, sharp-set; viso affilato, a long thin face Affilatura, sf. the edge, sharp edge Affileltarc, va. \. to lay snares, catch in a net Affiliate, -a, smf. a person affiliated; adj. af- filiated, ad6pted, associated Affiliare , va. 1. lo affiliate; io receive into a society, and initiate in its mysteries, plans or intrigues Affiliazione, sf. affiliation Affilo, a-filo, adv. in a straight line, right line Aflinamenlo, sm. perfection, refinement Affinare, DO. i. to refine, to purify by fire; to whet, point, sharp-set, sharpen; -arsi , vrf. to bfcome refined, purified Affinalo, -a, adj. relined, purified; elegant Aifinatojo, am. a crucible, melting-pot Affinatore, sm. a purifier of gold, a refiner Affinche, conj. to the end that , in order to Affine, adj. near, akin, kindred, analogous Affinita; -ade, -ale, sf. affinity, nearness, clo- seness, kindred, alliance, relation , simili- tude, resemblance (ness Afficcamcnto,*m. a becoming hoarse, hoarse- Affiocare, vn. to get hoarse, (to become weak) Affiocalo, -a, adj. hoarse Affiocatura, sf. belter affiocamento, hoarseness Affiochire, va. 5. v. Affiocare Affione, sm. opiate prepared with amber and saffron Affiorato, -a, adj. damasked; ornamented with Dowers Affirm are, va. \. letter affermare, to affirm Affisare , affissare , va. \. to fix one's eyes updn, lo look at steadfastly or intently ; to gaze at; lo post up a bill or placard, to affix, si, to fix one's attention, to attend to, mind, be intent Affissamenlo, sm. a gazing at, stare; an affixing Affissi6ne , tf. aff.xing , application; the act or expence of sticking up or posting up a bill or placard Affisso , sm. an kfCx (gram.) an affixture , a placard , a bill posted up, play bill; (the ancient name of a corporation of tradesmen in Florence); adj. affixed, fastened, attach- ed ; stuck or posted up (farmer Affiltaju61o,sw. a tenant, lease holder, tenant Aftittante, affillanziere , sm. a landlord, he who lets out (land, etc.) on a lease AFF Affittare,ra. \. to let, to let out on a lease, etc.; to hire, rent , to take on a lease , to farm ; affittarsi, to let , to be let; casa, podere , camera ad affiltare , ad affittarsi, bouse, farm, room, to let Affiliate, -a, adj. let, let out; taken, rented, hired; ho affitlato unappartamento, I have taken an apartement Affittatore , sm. he wo lets out a farm , etc. ; he wo charters a ship, the chartering par- ty, freighter Affitlevole.arf/. that can be let out, taken, rented Affittirsi , vnrf. to thicken , to become thick or dense Affitto , sm. the letting or renting; the rent or hire; v. Fitto a, adj. affixed, fastened, stuck up Affi ttuale, sm. a tenant, renter, 16dger, farmer Affittuario (law), v. Affillajuolo Afflare, va. \. an., v. Soffiare, spirare Afflato, sm. poet, brealh. inspiration, afflatus Affliggente, adj. afflicting, painful, sad Affliggere, va. 2. irr. laffligge, past, afflisse, part, afflitto) to afflict; si, rrf. to grieve Afflitlivo,-a, adj. afflicting, afflictive, grievous Afflitto, -a, adj. afflicted, sad, melancholy Afflizione, sf. affliction, sorrow, pain, grief Affloscire, va. "a. to make flaccid, flabby Affluente, adj. abundant, affluent, flowing Affluentemente, adv. abundantly, richly Affluenza, sf. a crowding or flowing in, a concourse, throng, rush; affluence, great abundance; affluenza di venlo, d' idee, di popolo , a rush of wind , throng of ideas, crowd of people, influx of visitors (bondare Affli'iere,-fre, va. ant. v. Abbondare, soprab- Afflussionalo, -a, adj. (med.) having an in- flammation of the cheek, or on the chest; having a calarrhal inflammation Affliisso, sm. afflux, flow, rush of humours Affocalistiare.ra. 1. to shade with dark colours Affocare, va. \. to set on fire, inflame Affocaticcio, -a, adj. rather inflamed Affocato, -a, adj. of a fiery flashy colour, burnt Affogaggine, sf. \a stifling suffocation, dif- Affogamenlo, sm. I ficulty of breathing Affogare, va. \. to stifle , suffocate ; affogare I'M. e -arsi vrf. to be stifled, get suffocated, choked, drowned; affogare uno , to stifle a person; una fanciulla, to marry a girl ill; affogare in un bicchier d'acqua, to get drowned in one's own spittle; di sete, to be stifled, choked with thirst Affogato, -a, adj. stifled, suffocated, clicked; close; uova affogate, poached eggs Affollamenlo, sm. crowd, throng, concourse Affollare, va. \. to crowd or huddle together; arsi, vrf. to crowd or rush together, to press, to throng Affollataroente,adu. in a crowd, lumiiltuousljr AITollalo, -a, adj. crowded, thringed Affoltamento, sm. over-haste, precipitation nor, rude; - fall , son, bull ; - fare, do; - by, lymph ; poise , boys, foul, fowl ; gem , a* AFF 38 Affoltare, ra. 1. to rusb upon, oppress; tw. -arsi, vrf. to dash forward, rush, hurry; to puzzle, eat greedily, bolt ArTolt.V, , ff. fiiss, great eagerness AffondamcDto, sm. a going or sending to the bottom, a sinking, foundering Aflbndare, va. 1. to sink, send to the bot- tom; en. to sink, founder, go to the bot- tom; una fossa, to sink a ditch; deepen a drain (deepened Affondato,-a, adj. sunk, foundered, wrecked, Affondatura.sf. sinking, digging into, deepening Aff6ndo,-a, adj. ant. deep, low. bottom Affondo, sm. irretrievable failure, bankruptcy Affondo.a fdndo, ado. thoroughly Afforcare.i'fi. i. to moor accross ; hang, gibbet Afforestierare, van. to give , have or assume the appearance of a f&reigner; to make or become quite a stranger Affornellare, va. to suspend or hold up the oars AffortiCcame'nlo, si. (little used), v. Fortiflca- Affortire, va. 5. ant. v. Forlificare (mento Afforlunato, -a, adj. v. Fortunato Afforza, adv. heller a forza, by dint of Afforzame'nto, sm. v. addition of strength, cor- roboration Afforzare, ca. 1. lo slrenghlen, T. Forlificare Afforzificare, ca. 1. v. FortiQcare Affoscare, ca. 1. v. OITuscare Affossarae'uto, $m. the entrenching; a trench, moat entrenchment Affossare, va. I. to entrench, surround with trenches Affossalo, -a, adj. entrenched, surrounded with trenches; occhi affossati, hollow eyes Affossatura, ./". v. Affossamento Affragnere, affrangere, to. 2. (affrango.pasf. affransi, part, affranto) to break, smash, splinter; fracture; beat down; le violate Affralare, -ire, ca. I. 3. to weaken, enervate, make frail; frsi, lo become enfeebled Affralimcnto , sm. weakness, enfeeblement , enervation, frailty, infirmity Affrancabile, adj. that may be freed, set free, emancipated; releasable Affrancante, adj. liberating, exempting Affrancare, ca. 1. to free , set free , emanci- pate; to liberate, exempt; to make lithe and vigorous; carsi , erf. to get freed, obtain one's liberty, become vigorous Aflrancalo, -a, adj. freed; sm. a freed man Affrancazi&ne.s/" enfranchisement, liberation, discharge, release Affrangere, ra. 2. JIT. v. Affragnere Afi>anto-a, adj. broken, w6rn down, used up Affrappare, ra. 1. lo cut, mince, cabbage AOratellamentoswi. j familiarity, intimacy, fel- Affratellanza, sf. I lowship, brotherly love, common fool of equality AffraU'llarsi, vrf. \. to become comrades or chums; to live together like brothers Affreddare , ca. 1. to cool , make cold ; en. AGA anj vrf. arsi, to cool, get cold, to become lukewarm, to slacken, flag Affrenamenlo, sm. check, restraint, curb Affrenare.ea. \. to curb, check, bridle, restrain Affrenatore, -trice, SHI/", restrainer; one who curbs, checks, bridles (wind) Affrescare, en. 1. (mar.) to blow fresh (of the Aflrrellamenlo.sm. -anza, sf. haste, hurry, fuss Affreltarc, va. \. to hasten, speed, despatch -arsi, vrf. to make haste, to hurry Affrettalamente, adv. in a hurry, hastily Affreltatore, -trice, smf. a hastener, iirger on Affretloso, -a, adj. hasty, hurried, fiissy Affrico, Affricano, sm. south-wind Affriltellare, va. 4, to fry eggs; fig. to kill AtTrontame'nlo, sm. affront, attack, assault Affrontare, va. 1. to affront; to face, to attack the enemy in front; to affront or insult a person , to pitch into him ; -arsi , to attack each other in front, to dish, to meet face to face , to encounter Affronlato, -ta, adj. affronted, assaulted, en- countered ; face to face ; battaglia affron- tata, a pitched battle, general engagement Affronlatore , sin. affronter , aggressor, as- saulter Affronto, sm. an affront, insult; (a rencounter) Affumare , ca. i. v. Affumicare Affiimato, -ta, adj. smoked, smoky; abject Affumicamento, sm. a fumigating, fumigation AlTumkare, ca. \. to fumigate, smoke dry Affumicata, sf. ant. v. AfTumicamenlo Affumicato, -ta, adj. smoked, fumigated Affuocare, ca. 1. v. Affocare Affusolare, va. v. RalTazzonare, abbellire Affusolato, -ta, adj. bedecked , whirled Affusto, sm. (artillery) carriage (of a gun) Afobfa , sf. v. Inlrepide'zza Afonia , sf. aphony, loss of voice or speech Aforismo, sm. an aphorism Aforisticamenle, adv. apboristically Aforislico, -ca, adj. aphoristical Afretto , -ta , adj. sourish , tartisb. , acrid Afrezza , sf. acritude , acridness , tartness , sourness Afrizile, sf. (mini) aphrizite (a variety of black tourmalin ) Afro , -a, adj. sour, sharp, harsh, biting Afrodisiaco , -ca , adj. (med.) aphrodisiac, aphrodisiacal Afrodile , sf. ( myth. ) Aphrodite (a mame of Venus ) Afrogala, sf. (the Lombards call it lattimele) whipped cream Afronflro , sm. salpetre, v&lalile salt, soda Afta, sf. (mcd.) aphtous , ulceration, sore; pi. afle, aphtae Aga, sm. an Aga, Turkish commander Agalassia , agalattia , agalazia , sf. ( med. ) want of milk Agalloco, sm. (hot.) agalloch , agallochum , aloes wood FAU, m6te, bile, n6tc, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub; - far, pique, AGA 39 AGG Agamo, -ma, adj. (bot.) igamous (stians) Agape , sf. love feast ( of the primitive chri- Agapeti, sfp. virgins living in sisterhood Agarico, am. agarick, mushroom, drug Agata, sf. agate (precious stone) Agata, if. needle full (of twine for netting) Agatoso, -sa, adj. agaty Agavano, SHI. (but.) agave Agazzare, vn. \. v. Arrovellare, acciappiare Agente, SHI. agent, steward, factor, minagcr adj. acting, that acts ; active Agcnzia, sf. agency office; (agency) Agevolamento, sm. the act of facilitating Agevolare , va. I. to facilitate, make easy Agflvolalo, ta, adj. facililaled, made easy Agevole , adj. easy, very easy; without any difficulty, facile, manageable; conquerable Agevolezza , sf. facility , ease ; mildness ; facilencss ARpvolmenle , nilv. easily, with ease AggalTare, va. \. to catch, snatch, lay hold of Aggan^herare , va. \. to h6ok (into an eye) , to clasp. Agzavignare, va. \. to gripe, grasp, seize Aggocchire, vn. 5. ant. v. Umiliarsi , abbas- Aggegnare, v. Andar a genio (sarsi Aggelare, i-. 1. to congeal, freeze Aggelato, -ta, adj. frozen, congealed, iced Aggelazione, sf. congcalament , frost, jelly Aggentilire, va. 5. to render genteel , elegant Aggcltare, vn. 4. to project, jut out Aggellivo, SMI. adjective Aggelto, SHI. projection, jutting out (fast AgglH'rmiliare, va. 4. to clutch, grasp, hold Ag^hernnato, -ta , adj. (her.) barred, crossed with stripes of a different color Agghiacciamento , sin. frost, extreme c6ld Agghiacciare, va. 4. to freeze, to turn into ice ; to congeal , ice . chill ; agghiacciare , -arsi , DIM/, to get frozen, become iced, chilled; agghiacciare di freddo , to freeze , be frozen, starve Agphiaccialo, -ta, adj. frozen, chilled; folded Agghiaccio, sin. a sheep cote ; v. (Kile Aggbiailamento, SHI. numbness, chill Agghiadare , -ire, vn. to be benumbed with cold, to be chilled , frozen . starved Agghiadalo, -ta, adj. benumbed, frozen, chilled Aggiacenza , sf. appurtenance , appendage Aggiacere , (ant. ) vn. 2. irr. to suit , beco- me , befit Aggiardinalo, -ta, adj. gardened; dressed and cultivated as a garden; with gardens Agginocchiarsi , vrf. 4. v. Inginocchiarsi Aggio, mn. agio, exchange, discount Aggio^are, va. 4. to yoke, put on the yoke Aggiogalo, ta , adj. yoked Aggiogalore , -trice, smf. one who y6kes Aggiogliato, -ta, adj. mixed with tares, darnel Aggiornare, van. \. to fix a day, to adjourn; to make a day of night; arsi, to be day, to dawn; aggiorna , s'aggiorna , si fa gior- no, day breaks, morn appears Aggiornato, -la, adj. adjourned, appointed Aggiolaj."Jio , si. agiotage, slock jobbing, jobbing Aggiotalore , -trice , smf. stock -jobber , mo- ney jobber, jobber Aggiramento, sin. a circumventing , a fraud Aguirandola, sf. v. Girandola Aggirare , fan. 4. to surround , to go or get round s to enclose , hem in , beset, circum- vent; uno , to come rolind or deceive a person, to make a nose of wax of him; aggirare , -rarsi , vnrf. to roam, ramble, strangle; to get bewildered, lost Aggirala, sf. a turning round , swindling Aggiratore, -trico , smf. rambler, scamp; circumvcnler, parasite, charmer, bewitcher, cajoler Aggiudicare, va. 4. to adjudge , adjudicate, award Aggiudicatario, -a, smf. (of xales by auction) purchaser; (adminlttralion) contractor Aggiudicato, -ta, adj. adjudged, awarded Aggiudicazione, sf. adjudication, award Aggiugnere, aggiiingere , vn. 2. (aggiungo, aggiuuge , past, aggiiinsi , part, aggiunto) to add; to overtake , join , unite, v. Rag- giungere , congiungersi Aggiugnimento , SHI. the act of adding, v. Aggiiinta Aggiugnit6re , -trice, smf. he, she thai adds Aggiiinta , sf. addition , increase , augmenta- tion ; sesta edizione con aggiunle , sixth edition with additions Aggiunlivo, -a, adj. v. Addieltfvo Aggiunto,-a, adj. added , joined, united; sm. en epithet, adjunctive, adjective; an adjunct, colleague, surrogate , assistant Agginzidne, sf. addition, adjunction, pendant Aggiurare, va. 4. ant. to adjure Aggiusiabile, adj. that may be adjusted Aggiustamenlo, sm, adjustment, agreement Aggiuslare, va. 4. to adjust, arrange, settle, set to rights ; arsi, to agree, come to a settlement; aggiuslare i cannoni, to point the cannon; un conto, to adjust or sell!* an account Aggiustalamente, adv. pr&perly, fitly, rightly Aggiustalezza , sf. justness , exactness , pro- priety, accuracy, correctness; di niente, right mfndedness, clearheadedness Aggiustato,-a, adj. adjusted, settled ; shrewd Aggiustatore , sm. an adjuster , a settler ; a minter, he that weighs and sizes the money Aggiustevole, adj. that can be adjusted Aggtobare, va. 4. conglobate, conglobe^ to gather into i ball , to collect into a round mass Agglomerare, va. 4. to conglomerate, to gath- er into a ball or round body Agglutinare, ta. 4. to conglutinate nor, rude, - fill, sun, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, boys , foul, fowl; gem, ar AGG 40 AGG Aggobbire, vn. 2. (aggobbfsco, -isci, -isce) to become hump-backed, get hunch-backed Aggolpacchiarsi, vnrf. v. Avvolpacchiare (Aggomicciolare) > va. 1. to coll up, wind up; Aggomitolare \ to make into a clew or coil; arsi, to coil or gather one' self up; to muster in platoons, form into squares Aggomitolato, -a, adj. coiled, wound up Aggottare , va. to pinup ship, to empty the water-ways Aggradevole, adj. agreeable; to one's liking, to one's mind, acceptable, pleasing Aggradevolmente , adv. aggreeably Aggradimento, sm. pleasure, consent, liking Aggradire, va. 5. irr. (aggradisco, -isci, -isce) to receive with pleasure , accept willingly, to like , be pleased with; to please , to be acceptable Aggradilo, -A, adj. received with pleasure, accepted willingly, acceptable, aggreeable Aggraduirsi, vrf- 3. to make one 's self agreea- ble to , to worm one 's self into the good graces of Aggraffare, va. i. to clutch, clasp, snatch, hook Aggrampare, va. 1. to hook, seize; v. Aggrap- Aggranare, vn. ant. v. Granire (pare Aggranchiarsi, vrf. 1. (from granchio, a crab) to get stiff, cramped or crooked from cold Aggranchiato, -a, adj. cramped, stiff with cold^dila aggranchiate , fingers cramped or crooked from cold Aggrancire, va. 3. v. Grancire Aggrandiruento, sm. aggrandizement, increase Aggrandire, va. Z. to enlarge , aggrandize , make gre4t ; irsi , to become large or great Ajjgrandito, -a, adj. enlarged, raised Aggrandit6ro, sm. magnifier, amplifier Aggrappamento, sm. the act of grappling Aggrappare, va.4. to grapple, grasp , hook; -arsi , to cling to; aggrapparsi ad una rupe, to cling to a rock Aggrappato,-a, adj. grappled, stuck to Aggrappolare , va. 1. to cluster ; to collect into a bunch Aggrappolato ,- a , adj. clustered , collected into a bunch Aggraticciare, DO. i. to entwine , interpene- trate, embrace ; arsi, to become inter- woven, get intertwined (nare Aggratigliare, va. \. v. Incatenare, imprigio- Aggravamento, sm. surchage, aggravation Aggravante, adj. aggravating Aggravare, va. 1. to make onerous or griev- ous; to lay too heavy a load upon, to weigh upon, weigh down, oppress, aggrie've, aggravate ; le mandorle aggravano il capo, almonds cause a feeling of heaviness in the bead ; aggravarsi, to grow heavy, 6ner- ons, grievous ; to feel aggrieved aggravat- ed, angry (heavy Aggravate , -a , adj. aggravated , aggrieved ; Aggravazione, sf. aggravation, heavier weight Aggravezzare, va. 1. ant. to aggrieve, to bear hard upon , to oppress , to impose hard- ships on Aggravio, sm. a painfully onerous weight, an oppressive load, a grievous or unjust impo- sition; aggravation, grievance, injury, wrong Aggraziare, va. \. v. Graziare Aggraziatamente, adv. with a good grace Aggraziato,-a,arf;'. pardoned, graceful, genteel Aggredire.M. 5. to aggress, assault feloniously Aggregamento, si. I Areazi6ne Aggreganza, sf. ) v ' Aggregare, ra. \. to aggregate Aggregate, -a, adj. aggregated sm. aggregate, assemblage, mass Aggregazione, sm. aggregation, association Aggreggiare , va. 1. to gather together , to form into a herd or flock ; arsi, to herd together, to become gregarious AggressionBjS/ 1 . a felonious assault; aggression Aggressore, sm. assaulter , aggressor, felon Aggrevare, va. \. poet. v. Aggravare Aggrezzare, vn. \. ant. v. Agghiadare Aggrezzire, vn. 3. v. Inlirizzire Aggricciarsi, vnrf. to be struck, overpowered with horror , to shake with fear ; to have one's hair stand on end from terror Aggricchiato,-a, adj. v. Aggranchiato Aggrinzare,-ire , t>. 1. 5. to wrinkle, get wrinkled (rutted Aggrinzato , -a , adj. wrinkled , shrivelled , Aggrizzarsi, vnrf. v. Intirizzire, irrigidire Aggrizzato,-a,af//. stiff with cold; v. Intirizzito Aggrommare, vn. 1. to get covered with tar- tar, crust or wine lees Aggroppamento , sm. a knotting, knot, group Aggroppare, va. \. Aggruppare Aggroltare , va. \. to 6pen a ditch, raise a ditch bank or ridge; le ciglia, to knit one's brows Aggrotlescare, va. \. to paint, carve, orna- ment grotesquely (grotesque Aggrottescato , sm. a grotesque ; a figure in Aggrovigliare, -arsi , vnrf. to curl up, shrink up, become twisted, entangled Aggrovigliato, -a, adj. entangled, twisted Aggrumamento, sm. clot , concretion, curd, coagulum, coagulation Aggrumare , vn. \. to clot, concrete, curdle , coagulate Aggrumato, -a, adj. curdled, coagulated Aggrumolare, va.t. to collect, hdap, put together Aggruppamento, sm. the forming a knot; ga- thering into a bunch, grouping together Aggruppare, aggroppare, va. \. to knot, form a knot, tie; to makeup a packet, parcel, or rouleau; to group, gather into a group Aggruzzolare , va. \. to h6ard, heap, pile up litlle by little Agguagliamento.sm. a making equal, tallying Fate, m6te, biU, n6t, tube; - fit, met, bit, n&t, tub; - far, pique, AGG 41 AGO Agguaglianza, sf. equality, conformity Aggnagliare, va. I. to equalize, tally, balance, make equal; to make even or smooth (tely Agguagliatamente, adv. equally, proportiooa- Agguagliatore, sin. that equalizes , smooths Agguagliazione, sf. conformity, equality Agguaglio, sm. poet, touch-stone, comparison Agguanlare, va. (from guanto , a gloved to lay one's hands upon, to seize and hold by force; to reef Agguardamento , sm. a looking at, revolving, Agguardare, va. 1. ant. to consider, examine Agguatare , va. \. v. Guatare Agguatevole, adj. v. Insidioso Agguato , sin. lurking place, ambush, ambus cade ; essere in agguato, lo lie in wait Aggueffare, va. v. Azgiungere Agguerrirc, va. 3. to train up or inure to war Agguerrfto, -a, adj. disciplined; inured to war Agguindolamento, sm. the act of reeling off; an artifice, deceit, imposture Agguindolare, t-a. to reel off, *ind up; fiy. to lead by the nose, v. Aggirare, -arsi Agguindolo, sin. v. Guindolo Agguslare, vu. \. to please, give pleasure Agherbino, sm. ant. v. Garbino, libeccio Aghetla, sf. litharge, vitrified lead Agbelto, sm. a lace, (to lace a corset, etc.) Agghiaccio, sm. helm, rudder, tiller Agliiforrue , adj. needle-shaped Aghir6ne, sm. a heron Agiamento, sw. ease, conveniency; easing Agiamina , sf. barbaric work , insertion of metals Agiare, va. 1. v. Adagiare Agiatamenle, adv. with ease, commodiously Agiatezza, sf. easy circumstances, the state of enjoying or means of procuring the con- veniencies and comforts of life ; wealth , comfort; a respectable competency Agiato , -a , adj. at one's ease , in easy cir- cumstances, well off, wealthy; comfortable, snug, commodious, ample ; slow Agibile, arf;'. feasible, practicable Afile, adj. agile, lithe, nimble, quick Agilila, -ade, -ate, sf. agility, nimbleness, li- theness . quick Agililare, va. \. to make agile, lithe, nimble, Agilmente, adr. nimbly, litbely, actively Agio^sm. convenience, leisure, ease, comfort (house, water-closet); agi, the convenien- cies and comforts of life ; prender agio , to take one 's ease; dar agio , to give time to pay; (ire una cosa a bell' agio, to do a thing at one 's leisure, at one's ease; a vo- stro agio, at your leisure, when convenience will permit , at your perfect convenience; (fare i suoi agi, to ease one's self) Agi re, ran. 3. (agisco, agisci, agiscet to act, dperate, perform; to act as an agent or actor Agitamento, sm. agitation, shake, shock, stir Agi (ante, a. \. to raise the standard , hoist the flag Alberato, -a, adj. hoisted, set up, unfurled Alberatura, sf. masls, masting, mast-store Albercocca, albicocca, sf. an apricot Albercocco, sm. apricot-tree Alberclla, sf. aspen-tree Alberello, sm. small vase, phial Alberese, sf. lime stone Albereta, sf. alberelo, sm. a grove of aspens Alberetto, sm. a little tree, dwarf tree, shrub Albergamenlo, albergagione, smf. v. Albergo Albergare.ua. 1. to lodge, to receive into one's house or hole! , to accomodate with lodgings, to harbour; vn. to lodge, lake up one's lodgings, to stop, reside, dwell, nestle Albergato, -a, adj. lodged, harboured; resi- ded, dwelt; full of hotels or mansions Albergalore , sm. the proprietor or landlord of a hotel, an innkeeper, hotel-keeper Albergatrice, sf. a land-lady Albergheria, sf. v. Alhergo Alberghetto, sm. a little hotel, an inn Albergo , sm. a hotel, large inn; lodging, dwelling; prendere albcrgo, to stop or put up at a hotel ; stare ad albergo , to be at a hotel, to be slaying at an inn Alberfno , sm. a dwarfish tree; denaritis; (mushroom) Albero, sm. tree; (mar.) ship's mast; ge- nealdgico, family tree; nano, dwarf tree; far salire sur un albcro (hunting), to tree; al priroo cblpo non cadel'albero,/jroi). cxp. at one stroke falls not the oak Albicante, albiccio, -a, adj. whitish Albicocca, sf. apricot Alhicocco, sm. apricot-tree Albijjesi , smpl. (church history) Albigenses , Albigeois Albiligiistre, adj. as while as the privet-flower Albinaggio , sm. ( law) escheat to the crown nfir, rude; - fall, son, bull; - fire, do; - by, lymph; poise, beys, foul, fowl; gem, as ALB 44 ALI (of the property of an alien deceased) ; au- baine, prize. God-send; wind-fall Albino, -a, arlj. whitish ; jm. an Albfno Albidne, sf. (poet.) Albion (England) Albo, -a, poet. adj. white, turbid, tipsy Albinato, sm. v. Albinaggio Alb6ne, sm. kneading-trough Albdra, sf. a species of l,eprosy, albora Alborare, va. v. Inalberare, ecc. Alboraltarsi, vnrf. (little used) to becSme tu- multuous, to mutiny, revolt Albore, sm. aurora, dawn Albore, sm. a tree, V. Arbore AlborStto, sm. (littfe used) commotion, insur- rection Albiigine, sf. albugo, whitespot (on the cornea) Albugineo.rtf/; (nnat.) albuminous, albugineons Albuginoso, -a, adj. albugineons, white Album, sm. an album , a scrap-book Albume, sm. the white of an egg, albumen Albumina, sf. albumen Albuminoso, -a, adj. albuminous Alburno , sm. white hazel-tree, sap Alcade, alcaldo, sm. Alcade, Alcaid, Spanish judge Alcaico, adj. (greek and lot. vert.) alcaic Alcalescente, adj. alkalescent, alkaline Alcali, sm. alkali Alcalino, Alcalico, -a , adj. (e/iem.) alkaline Alcalizzare, ra. 1. to alkalize, make alkaline Alcalizzazione, sf. alcalizalion, alkalizing Alcanna, sf. alkanet, red dye, henna Alcanzo, sm. a courier, postman Alee, sm. an elk Alce"a, sf. vervain, mallow, alcea Alchenna, sf. v. Alcanna Alchermes, sm. (pharm.) alkermes Alcliimia, sf. alchemy, alchymy Alchiraico, -a, adj. alchemical, of alchemy Alchimfsta, sm. an alchemist Alchimislico, adj. alchemistic, alchemistical ; sophisticate Alchimizzare, vn. \. to practise alchemy Alcione, sm. king-Gsber, halcyon, alcedo Alcionide, adj. halcyon : sm. halcyon days Alcionio, sm. alcyonium Alcool, sm. (cftem.) alcohol Alcoolizzare, rn. t.^chem.) to alcoholize Alcorano, sm. the Alcoran Alcova, sf. alcovo, sm. an alcove Alcunamente, adv. (seldom used) by no means Alciino, -a, pron. and adj. somebody, some; alcuna volta,s5metimcs; non ne ho alcuno, I have none Aldebaram , sm. (aslr.) aldcbaran , the bull's Aldermanno, sm. alderman (eye Aldino, -a, adj. aldine (edition) Aleatico, sm. v. Leatico Alegpiare, vn. \. to flutter, flap, try to fly Alena, sf. breath , respiration Alcnamento, sm. breathing, respiration Alenare, vn. 1. to breathe; sm. breathing Alen6so, -a, adj. belter ansante Alepardo, sm. v. Leopardo Aleppe! inter, (ant.) oh! alas 1 (Dant.) Alerione.sm. spread egale without feet or beak Alessifarmaco. alessiterio , sm. counterpoison Aletta, sf. small wing, pinion, fin (of a lish) Alettromanzia, sf. alectryomancy, (an ancient practice of foretelling events by means of a cock) Aleuromanzia, sf. aleiiromancy (a kind of di- vination by meal) Alfa , sf. alpha , first letter of the greek al- phabet, beginning Alfabeticamente, adv. alphabetically Alfabetico, -a, adj. alphabetic Alfabeto, sm. alphabet, A, B, C, (horn book) Alfana, sf. (poet.) a mare Alfido, (ant.) alfiere, sm. bishop (chess) Alfiere, sm. ensign-bearer ; bishop (chess) Alfitomanzia, sf. alphilomancy (divination by barley-meal) Alfo.sm. alphus, vitiligo (a species of leprosy) Alfonsine , adj. fpl. (astr.) alphonsine tables Alga, aliga, sf. sea-weed, sea-grass Algebra, sf. algebra Algebraico, -a ; algebrico, -a, arf;. algebraic, algebraical Algebricamenle, adv. algebraically Algebrista, sm. an algebraist Algente, adj. (poet.) algid, cold, chill, freezing Algere, rn. 2. irr. to be c61d, freeze, shiver Alg6re, sm. algor, extreme cold, chillness Algoritmo, sm. algorithm, the art of numbers Algoso, -a, adj. full of sea-weed Alguazile, sm. alguazil Alia, sf. wing (of a building) Aliare, vn. \. to fly, flutter about, turn Alibi , SOT. (law) an alibi ; provar 1' alibi , to prove an alibi Alice, better acciuga, sf. an anchovy Alidada, sf. alhidade, cross-staff, quadrant Alidire, va. 5. v. Dissennare Alido, alidere, ec. v. Arido, disseccare, ec. Alidorato, -a, adj. golden-winged Alidore, sm. v. Aridita Alieggiare, vn. \. v. Aleggiare Alienabile, adj. alienable, transferable Alienamento, sm. alienation, separation Alienante, arf;. who alienates, sells Alienare , va. \. to alienate, transfer , part with, make over , deliver up; to estrange, turn away; alienare un bene, to alienate a property; gli affetti , to alienate the af- fections; alienarsi , to become estranged, parted, severed Alienatamente. adv. giddily, th6ugbtlessly Alienatario sm. (law) alienee Alienato, -a, adj. alienated, parted with, sold; alienated , estranged ; out of one's right mind, deranged, distracted, crazy Alienatore.sm. who estranges, alienates.turns away File, mete, bile, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub; - far, pique, ALI 45 ALL Alienazi6ne, sf. alienation, transfer, making over, sale; alienation, estrangeuent, aver- sion ; alienation of mind, distraction, men- tal derangement, temporary madness Alieoo , -a , adj. alien , foreign far from , averse; non sono alieno da far cio, I don't feel disinclined to do that ; sarebbe cosa dal n6stro proposito troppoaliena, it would be too foreign to our subject Alfgero, -a, adj. winged, bearing wings Alimentamento, sm. aliment, alimenting Alimenlare. ra. 1. to aliment, noiiristi, feed Alimenlare, adj. alimentary, nutritive; siighi alimentari, nutritive juices Alimentario , -a, adj. alimentary; dutto, ca- nale alimentario, the alimentary duct; pen- sione alimentaria , a maintenance , an ali- mony, a provision Alimentato , -a, adj. alimented , nourished, maintained Alimento, sm. aliment, food, nourishment Alimentoso, -a, adj. aliment, il, nutritive Alimo, sm. alimos, common liquorice Alina, >/'. small wing Alinero, -a, adj. black-winged Alinevbso, -a, adj. having snow-white wings Aliosso,#m. small bone, ossicle, osselet, cockle Aliotto, sm. end of a sleeve, cuff, ruffle Alipede, adj. wing-footed, swift, fleet Aliquanto, -a, adj. aliquant , unequal part of Aliquuto, -a, adj. aliquot, aliquot part Alisei, sinpl. venli alisei, the trade-winds Alisi, s/. a halo (round the sun, etc.) Alismo, SHI. alisma, water plantain Alitare, vn.\. to pant, puff, blow, breathe short sm. a panting, piifting, breating short Alito sm. breath, light breath, breathing; a slight smoke , light vapour; alito di vento, a breath of wind ; riaver 1'alito, to breathe, to recover one's self Alituoso , alitoso , -a , adj. odorous , incense- breathing Aliveloce, adj. swift-winged, swift Alia, prep, and def. art. fern. sing, before a conson. to the, at the Alia, ./'. an ell; yard; (a hall, square) Alia buona, adverb, certainly, truly, in truth Alia carlona, adverb, carelessly, coarsely Allaccevole, adj. attractive, v. Alleltevole Allacciamento.sm. a lacing, noose; allurement Allacciare , va. 1. to lace ; to tie or lash to- gether; to bind, noose allure, inveigle, en- tangle; allacciarsela, to be presuming, to make believe Allacciativo, -a, adj. adapted to lace, tie, allure Allacciatore , -trice , m/. he , she who laces , ties, binds Allacciatrice, sf. an alluring woman, a syren Allaceialura, sf. a tying, fastening, buttoning Alia cieca, adverb, blindly Alia distesa, udccrb. at length , at full length Allagamento, sm. inundation, overflow Allagare, va. \. to overfJ6w , inundate, flood , submerge ; fig. to come like a deluge Allagazione, sf. an overflowing, submerging, flood Alia larga, adverb, aloof, at a distance Alia lunga^ adverb, at the long run Alia mano, adverb, of easy access , tractable, manageable Allampanare, vn. v. ardere,/fy. lobe famishing Allampanato, -a, adj. meagre, starved-looking Alia pazzesca, adverb, foolishly, like a fool Alia peggio, adverb, at the worst Allappare, va. \. to prick the tongue, sting the palate Allantoide, sf. (anal.) allautold, allantois Allargamento, sm. an enlarging, extending Allargare, va. 1. to enlarge , to widen , broa- den, amplify, extend; allargar la rnano, to become open handed, generous ; allargarsi con uno , to open one's mind to a person; allargarsi, v. Farlar distesamente Allargato, -a. adj. enlarged, abundant, copious Allargatore, sm. enlarger, amplifier Alia rinfiisa, adverb, confusedly Allarmare, va, 1. to alarm; si, to become alarmed Allarmato, -a, adj. alarmed Allarme, sm. (from alle armel to arms!) a- larm; fright; allarme (also , a false alarm Alia scapestrata, adverb, dissolutely, loosely Alia sfilata, adverb, one alter another, in file Alia sfuggiasca. adverb, stealthily, furtively Alia sfuggita, adverb, by the way Alia spicciolata, adverb, apart from any main body, delachedly, despersedly, in a scatter- ed manner, one by one Alia sprovvista, adverb, unawares, unexpect- edly, without previous preparation Allassamento, sm. ant. v. Rilassazione Allassare , va. \. ant. to tire, fatigue Allato, adv. beside, by; allato allato, close by Alia trista , adce-rb. coldly, in a cold manner Allattamento, sm a suckling, giving suck to Allattante, sf. a nurse, a wet nurse Allattare, va. \. to suckle ; vn. to suck Allattatrice , sf. a nurse, a wet nurse Alia venlura, adverb, at random, without settled aim or purpose , at hazard Alia volta , v. Volta Allavorare, vn. \. to work; v. Lavorare Alle , prep, and def. art. fern. pi. at the , to the Alleanza , sf. alliance , league; 1' alleanza di grazia, the covenant of grace; far alleanza, to form an alliance, to league Alleato, -ta, adj. allied; sm. an ally Allecornire, vu. 3. to make or render dainty; (fir/.) to allure, entice (gnare AHeOcare, -carsi, vn. 1. to take root; v. Alli- Allegabile, adj. that may or can be alleged Allegacciare , va. 1. to tie tight , hard ; to fasten , to bind fast nor, rude; - fall, sdn, bull; - fare, do; - by , lymph; poise, buys, foul, fowl; gem, as ALL 46 ALL Allegamento, tm. allegation; setting on edge Allegire, va. t. to allege, cite; to set the teeth on edge ; to alley ; CM. to unite in a league ; to knit, set, form Allegalo, -ta. adj. alleged, allied , allojed Al legal ore, -trice, tmf. an alleger, qudter Allegazione , tf. allegation, quotation Alleggerixenlo , cm. a lightening, easing, relief Alleggerire, m. 3. to lighten, soften, mitigate, ease , relieve ; irsi , to take off one's clothes (eased Alleggerite , -la , adj. lightened , unloaded , Alleggerilore, tm. (tea) a lighter, tender, flat boat (levialion Alleggiamenlo, tm. a lightening, easing, al- AHeggiire , to. 1. T. Alleggerire ; nna ni- ve , to ease a ship , lighten a vessel ; la gomena, to ease the cable Alleggiito , -ta , adj. tightened , eased , alle- viated (relieves Alleggiatore , -trice, tmf. he, she who eases, Allegoria , tf. an allegory Allegoricamenle, adj. allegorical!? Allegorieo, -a, adj. allegorical , fignraliTe Allegorisia, tut. an allegorist Allegoriuare, va. \. to allegorize Allegramente , adc. giilv, cheerily, sturdily Allegramento, tm. T. Allegrezza Allegrinte, adj. joyous, mirthful, cheery AUegrare , allegrire, ta. 1. to rejoice , gladden, cheer , make joyous ; allegrarsi , T. Ralle- grarsi (blithe Allegrativo*, -a, adj. gladdening, diverting, AUegratore, -trice, tmf. cheerer; he she who gladdens, makes joyous Allegretto, -ta, adj. rather lively, gay, merry Allegrezza , tf. rejoicing , joyonsness, cheer- fulness AUegn'a, tf. mirth, gladness, merriment, glee Allegro, -a, adj. cheerful, Hvely, gay, mirth- ful, merry, blithe; cheery, sprightly, brisk, quick , smart; cm. (mat.) allegro Allegruccio, -a.orf/". good humoured, sprightly Alleloja , CM. Hallelujah AUenamento , cm. breathing time, breathing , respite Allenare, m. i. to get out of breath , to be- come breathless or sbortwinded ; to faint away , languish ; va. to put in breath ; to give heart, courage, buoyancy; to strength- en, nerve , invigorate ; allenare nn cavallo, to breathe a horse, to make him (by exer- cise) long winded and strong ; allenarsi , to take breath, to stop, pause, breathe Allenalo, -ta, adj. out of breath , blown , un- nerved , heartless ; in breath , nerved , vig- orous, hearty Allenire , no. 5. to soften , mollify , mitigate , alleviate Allenitore, -trice, tmf. softener; he, the who softens, mftllifies, alleviates Allentaraento, -tanza, rmf. relaxation Allentare, ra. i. to slacken, relax ; allentarsi, to slacken , get slack , give way , becSme relaxed, softened; allenlale il freno, slacken therein; la cdrda s' allenta , the cord is gelling slack Allenlato, -la, adj. slackened, relaxed Allenlatura, tf. a relaxation of the intestines, an incipient rupture Allenzamenlo, *w. v. Legatura, fascialura Allenzire, ta. 1. to bsndage, swathe; v. Fa- Alle prese, adverb, v. Presa (sciare AH'erU , adcerb. upon one's guard ; state al- 1'erla , bewire , be upon your guard , keep a sharp look rat Allessamento , cm. lessalura , f. boiling , slewing (stew Allessare, va. 1 ( belter lessare ) , to boll , to Allesso , -sa , adj. boiled ; cm. boiled meat ; T. Lesso Alleslire , 5. -tire , tw. 1. ( allestisco , tisci , tisce , etc. ) to prepare . to make or get ready; t/rsi, to prepare one's self, get one's self ready Allestilo, -ta, adj. prepared . ready Allettajudlo, cm. a decoy-bird Alleltamare, ra. i. T. Letamare Allettamento , tm. allurement , attraction , lure, chirm Allettinte, adj. attractive, fascinating Allettare , ra. 1. to entice , allure , attract deed?; allettirsi , to lake to one's bed (as a sick person) ; to nestle , find a couching place ; to become bedded or lodged , as standing corn beaten down by a hail- storm ( bait Alletlativa , tf. allurement , attraction , lure, Alletlato, -ta, adj. allured, enticed, decoyed; taken to his or her bed, bed-ridden Alletlatore, cm. -trice, tf. eoticer ; allurer, seducer Allellerato, -ta, ant. adj. lettered, learned Allettevole, adj. attractive, alluring, seductive Allevamdnto, cm. bringing up, education Allevinte, tmf. he she who rears , brings up Allevare, ra. 4. to rear, breed, bring up, edu- cate ; un figlinolo, to rear a child; le pecore, to breed sheep Allcvita , tf. (rural economy) breeding , the raising of a breed or breeds Alleralo, a, adj. brought up; bred, edncited cm. v. Allievo Allevatore, cm. foster-father; T. Natritore Allevatrfce , tf. fdster-mother , nurse, T. Bi- lia, nut rice, levalriee Allevatnriccia, tf. a neglect? d education, bad training Alleviagione, */:-iamento, cm. alleTialion.ease Alleviire, ta. 1. to alleviate, lighten, ease Alleviatore, CM. reliever, alleviator Alleviazione, tf. alleviation, ease, relief Allezzare, en. l-eller puzrare, v. Lezzo FaU, mete, bite, not*, tube; - At, met, bit, not, tab; - far, pique, ALL 47 ALL Alii, prep, and def. art. masc. pi at the , 1o the Allianza, sf. family alliance, kin, kindred Allibbire, va. 3. (ant.) to be dismayed , pale Allibramento,sm. a booking, registry (census) Allibrare, va. 1. (better registrare) to book Allicere, va. 2. v. Alletlare Allfdere, n. (used only in the 3. person sing, of the present and fret. : alh'de, allise, and in l!:e past part, alliso) to bruise Allictare. va. \. to gladden, rejoice, please Allievarsi, vrf. \. to sbool up; get buoyant Allievo, am. a pupil, scholar; foster-child Alligamenlo, sin. the taking root; settlement Alligalo, sm. an enclosed letter; v. Incluso Alligatore, sm. alligator: crocodile Allignare, vn. 1. to take root; grow Allignato, adj. rooted, growing, thriving AH' impaizata,orfrer'. headlong, rashly .heed- lessly, thoughtlessly All'improvvisla, adverb, suddenly , unexpect- edly ; impromptu, off-hand Allindare, i. -ire, 5. va. to make spruce, neat, clean, terse ; to set off; allindarsi, vrf. to deck one's self, out Allindalo,-a, adj. made dapper, neat; terse Allindatore, sm. embellisher, polisher Allineamento, sm. line, straight line; (mil.) dressing, line Allineare, va. I. to draw out in line of battle Allinguato,-a, adj. talkative, chatty Alliquidire, rn. 5. (belter liqnidire) to liquefy Allisciare, ra. \. (belter lisciare) to smooth , sleek Allistare, va. 1. r. Listare Allilerazione, sf. alliteration Allivellare, va. v. Livellare Allividimento, sm. the gelling livid , lividity Allividire, rn. 3. (allividisco, -fsci, fsee, ecc.) to become pale and livid, to get paleas death Allo, alli.agli, alla.alle, def. art. and. prep. at the, to the; alle sei, at six; agliscolari, to the scholars Allobrogo, JIB. clown, country bumpkin Allocare rn. 1. poet, allogare, to locate Allocca, sf. a dull, stupid , moping woman Alloccaccio, sm. a great ugly owl; (a solitary' 1 AHoccare, ra. \. to spy, watch, lie in wait for Alloccheria,*/ 1 . an owl's awkward flight moping Allocco, sm. an owl ; a moping fellow, dance Allocuzione, sf. allocution, address Allodiale, a, adj. allodial, allodian, freehold; terre allodiali, allodial lands, freeholds Allodio, sm. a freehold, freehold estate Allodola, sf. a sky lark; -letta, a little lark Allogamento , sm. -gioae , sf. the letting : a lease Allogare, ra. 1. to place, locate, settle; da- nari, to put money out to interest ; terre, to let lands, etc., on a lease; una ffglia, to marry a daughter, settle her in life Allogalo,-a, adj. placed, located , settled , let Allogatore.sm.he who places, lets; a landlord Allogaiione, sf. lease Alleggeria, sf. v. Allogaio, alloggiamento Alloggiamento, sm. lodgings; rooms, quarters; cantonments ; lodgment , entrenchment ; alloggiamento d'inverno, winter quarters; porre gli alloggiamenti, to encamp Alloggiante , *m he who gives a lodging , a landlord, a host Allogciare. fa. i. to lodge, accoaaoJate with lodgings ; rn. to lodge, take op one's lodg ings; I'alloggiano gratuitamente, they lodge him gratis: cbi tardi arriva male alloggia, he is ill lodged who arrives late, last come last served ; allo? giarsi (mil.) to open an intrencbment, effect a lodgment Alloggiato , -a , adj. lodged , quartered , in- trenched ; dove siele alloggiato? where are you lodged? Alioggiatore , tm. he who gives a lodgingj a host , innkeeper , landlord , lodging-house' keeper Alloggio, sm. a lodging, lodging house, lodg- ings ; cattivo alloggio, bad lodgings; bell'al- loggio, splendid rooms, comfortable lodgings Allogliato.-a, adj. stupid- doll Allongamenlo, sm. v. Allungamento Allonlanamento, sm. allontananza , sf. the act of sending or slate of being far away, the going or being off and away ; removal , absence, distance, remoteness Allonlanare , ra. i to remove , to send far away ; -arsi , to go or be a great way off; to withdraw, to keep off or away Allontar.alo, -a, adj. remote, off, far off Alloppiare, ra. 1. to drug with opium ; to liill Alloppio, sm. v. oppio ; pigliar 1'alloppio, to die Allora, adv. then ; at that time; d'allora in qua, since that time ; all6ra quando, allor- quando, when, wilst sm. a sort of pe"ach ; (a quiz, mask) Allorche, adv. when, whilst Allorino, a, adj. of laurel ; sm. a little laurel A116ro,sB. a laurel ; spinoso, v. Agrifoglio Alldlta.arfc.poef. (anf.)tlien. attbat m6ment Alluciare, ta. 1 . poet, to eye, gaze on, stare at Allacignolare, ra. 1. to make wicks; twist Allucignolato, -a, adj. twisted like a wick Allucinare, ra. 1. to dazzle , impose on , de- ceive, delude Allucinarsi, vrf. 1. to be hallucinated, to err Allucinazione, sf. hallucination Alluda, sm. soft leather, sheep's skin Alludello, sm. (cheat.) alndel Alludente, adj. allusive, hinting at Alludere, ra. 3. irr. to allude, bint at. refer to Allumare , ra. 1. to ignite , Hgbt ; to set fire to ( a train etc. ) v. Accendere , illnminare Allumatore, sm. he whe ignites, lights Allume, sm. alum Allumigra , sf. alum-pit nftr, rude; -fall, son, bull; - fire, do; - by, lymph; poise, b^s, foul, fowl; gem, as ALL 48 ALT Allurainare, ant . v. llluminare , etc. ( dying ) to ,alum Alluminatura, sf. (dying') aluminp Alluminoselto, -a, adj. slightly aluminous Allumindso, -a, ailj. aluminous, of alum Allunamento, sm. the ciirvity of the deck ol ships Allunato, -a, adj. (sea) curTed like a crescent AllungameDto, SHI. a lengthening; distance Allungare, va. 4. to lengthen, stretch; prolong; allungare un vestito , to lengthen a coat; i liquori, to dilute liquor; far allungar il collo, to tantalize , keep in expectation; allungarsi, v. Dilungarsi (away Allungato, -a, adj. lengthened, diluted; off, Allungalore, -trice, smf. he , she wko lenght- ens ; (mar.) liittock Allungalura, sf. lightening, stretching Allupare, vn. \. to have a wolf s appetite Allupalo, -a, adj. as hungry as a wolf Allusione, sf. allusion, hint, implication Allusive, -a, adj. allusive, hinting at Alluriare, va. 1. v. Allagare Alluvione, sf. alluvion Alma, poet, (anima), sf. the soul Almadia, sf. Almadie; a bark canoe used bv the Africans; a long-boat used at Calicut Almagesto, sm. almagest Almanaccare , vn. 1. to write almanacks; to wonder, puzzle one's brains, try to find out Almanacco, sm. almanack, calendar; far al- manacchi , to build castles in the air ; to fancy, wonder Almanco, belter almeno, adv. at least Almiraglio , almirante , ammiraglio , sm. an , admiral; an admiral's ship Almo, sm. (an(.) v. ammo ; adj. (poet.) excel- lent, great Almucantaro, sm. (astr.) almucanlar Alno, sm. v. Ontario Aloe, sm. aloes, aloe tree Aloelico, -a, adj. aloetical, like aloes Alone, sm. a halo (round the sun or moon) Alopecia, alopezia, sf. the falling ot the hair Alosa, sf. shad (fish) Aloscia, sf. hydromel , honey and water Alpe, sf. a high mountain; pi. le Alpi (geogr.) the Alps Alpe'slre, adj. like the Alps; rough, wild, picturesque ; alpeslre deserto , a wild, a wilderness Alpigiano, alpigino, -a,, smf. an inhabitant of the alps ; oof;, of an Alpine mountaineer Alpino, alpigno, -a, adj. Alpine, of the Alps Alquanto , adv. somewhat , in some degree , Tather; p/ur. alquanti, adj.pr. s6me, some little, some few; ne ho alquanto , I have some (of it) , ne ho alquanti , I have a few Alsi, (ant.) altresi, adv. also; likewise, too Allalena, sf. a swing, see-saw (bascule) Altalenare , van. \. to swing , see saw, send up and down Altaleno, sm. a swing-gate or bridge, a lever, swipe Altamente, adv. hfghy, greatly, remarkably Altana , sf. small light tower (on a building) Altare, sw.allar; scoprir gli altari, to betr4y secrets Allarello, sm. a little altar; a lecturn Altarino, sm. litlle altar, v. Inginocchiatojo Altazzoso, -a, adj. v. Altiero Altea, bismalva. sf. marsh-mallows Alterabile, adj. alterable, changeable Alterabilita, sf. changcableness Alleraraente, adv. haughtily, disdainfully Alteramento, sm. v. Alterazi6ne Alterare, ra. 1. to alter, change, deteriorate Alterarsi , vrf. to become perturbed , get an- gry, fly into a passion Alteratamente, adi\ angrily, furiously Alterative, -a, adj. alterative (med.) Alterato, -a, adj. altered , changed; irritated Alterat6re, -trice, smf. he, she who alters , changes Allerazioncella , sf. a slight alteration ; per- turbation ( tion Alterazione, sf. change, alteration, adultera- Altercare, vn. \. to dispute, quarrel, wrangle Altercativo, -a, adj. contentious, quarrelsome, wrangling Allercazione , sf. altercation, dispute, brawl Alterello, -a, adj. rather tall, somewhat high Alterezza I sf. haughtiness, stateliness, pride, Alterigia { insolence, arrogance Alternamente, adv. by turns, alternately Alternare, van. 1. to alternate, change in turn Alternalamenle, -ativamente, adv. alternately Alternativa, sf. alternative , option ; alterna- tiva crudele, cruel, dire alternative, dilemma Alternative, alternate , -a, arf/. alternate , by turns Alternazione, sf. alternateness, alternation Alterno , -a , adj. (oeom.) altern , successive , alternate Altero, -6so, -a, orf;'. haughty; lofty, noble Alletto, -a, adj. v. Alterello, alticcio Altezza, ./. tonsil, amygdale; almond-like gland in the throat Araissibile, adj. that may be lost AmissibHila, sf. the possibility of being lost Amissione, sf. loss Amista, -ade,-ate, sf. amity; '(friendship) Amistanza, $f. a sudden and light friendship Amitto, sm. v. AmmUto Ammaccamento , sm. the act of bruising, a bruise, a contusion (bruised Ammaccare, re, vn. 2. t'tr. v. Apparire Apparigliare, va. \. to match (horses) Apparimento, sm. apparition, vision Apparire, vn. 3. (apparisco, -isci,-fsce, part. apparso, apparito) to appear, come forth, shew itself, one's self; comincia ad apparir )' aurora, the aurora begins to appear Appanscente.orf;'. visible, remarkable; showy, gaudy, flkshy, gorgeous Appariscenza, sf. splendid appearance, portly figure ; slateliness , magnificence , gor- geousness Apparito, -a, adj. appeared, become visible Apparilore, sm. (ram. ant.) sergeant, bailiff, constable Fate, mete, bfte, n6te, tube; -fat, met, bit, n6t, tub; - far, piqe, APP 63 APP Apparizione, apparita, sf. apparition, vision Apparso, -a, adj. appeared, evident Apparlamento, sm. apartment, suite ofrooms, rooms, apartments; (large room ; apartment) Appartare , va. ^. to separate, to set aside, place apart, segregate; appartarsi, to with- draw one's self, retire from Appartatamente, adv. separately, aside, apart Appartato.-a, adj. separated; apart, set apart Appartegnente I adj. bel&nging, pertaining, Appartenente | concerning, befitting Appartenenza, sf. appurtenance, pertinence Appartenere,rji.(appartengo,-tieni,-tiene, ecc.) to belong, appertain, pertain, concern, befit, become (make fade Appassare, va. \. (far appassire), to wither, Appassato,-a, adj. withered, failed Appassionamento, xm. ardour, love, passion Appassionare, va. \. to impassion Appassionarsi, vrf. 5. to become impassioned; to be eager about , or passionately inter- ested in a thing Appassionatamente, arfi'. passionately, eagerly Appassionatezza , sf. passion, love, ardor, eager or vehement desire Appassionato, -a, adj. v. Passionate Appassire, appassirsi, vn.Z. (appassisco,-i'sci, -isce.-iamo, -ite, -iscono), to fade, wither Appassito, -a, adj. faded, withered Appaslare, ro. \. to knead, paste, stick tarsi, vrf. to stick to (as paste), to adhere Appastato, -a, adj. kneaded, pasted, stuck Appellabile, adj. appealable, susceptible of appeal, that may be appealed from Appellagione, -azione , ./". -amento, sm. ap- pellation, name, title, denomination ; (legal) an appeal (peals Appellante, smf. appellant, he she who ap- Appellare, van. 1. to appeal to a higher c6urt; to cite, (o summon before a magistrate ; to call, name, poet, better chiamare , no- rninare; appellare, appellarsi da una sen- tenza, to appeal from a judgment Appellative, -a , adj. that may be appealed from ; am. an appellative , generic name ; lasciare il proprio per 1' appellative, to quit a certainty for an uncertainty Appello, sm. a call, a call in judgment, an appeal, appealing; a calling out, challenge, fleiial; fare appello, to bring in an appeal, to appeal ; far 1' appello , to call 6ver the names, to call or count the bouse (legis.) , to call the roll, {Mi/if.) Appena, a pena, adv. hardly, scarcely; a gran pena, a mala pena , with great difficulty; appena egli cube proferite queste parole, che la voce gli manco, e cadde morto , he had scarcely uttered these wdrds, when his voice failed him, and he fell dead Appenare, vn. 1. to suffer, be in pain, be distressed; va. to pain, distress, tease Appenalo, -a, adj. afflicted , distressed , tired Appendere, va. 2. Vr. (appendo, past, ap- pesi, ecc.) to hang up, affix to, append, suspend, annex; appendere alia croce , to nail to the cross: alia parete, to hang upon or to the wall: v. Appiccare Appendi'ce, sm. appendix, addition Appendizie, sf. pi. better vanlaggi, patti, sm. pi. conditions which the tenant is to perform, besiite paying the rent ; as to supply the owner with fowls, eggs, ecc. Appenneccbiare, va. 1. to fill the distaff Appensare, fan. \. to premeditate (little used) Appensatamnte, adv. designedly, on purpose Appeso, -a, adj. appended, suspended Appestare, va. \. to infect, bestink (vulg.); bring the pest Appest4to, -a, adj. infected, tainted; bestiink Appetente, adj. desirous, greedy or eager after Appetenza, sf. a slight appetite; appetency Appetibile, adj. desirable, to be wished for Appeli're, vn. to desire earnestly, to long Appetitevole, adj. (seldom used] v. Appelitoso Appetilivo, -a, adj. v. Appelitoso Appetito, sm. Appetite; canino , a canine appetite; appetito, fig. ardent desfre. im- petuous wish , sensual passion ; disor- din&to, a disordinate, disorderly or unruly . passion; biion appetito, I wish you a good appetite Appetito, -a, adj. longed for, eagerly desired Aapetit6so, -a, odj. appetizing, alluring, at- tractive (tency,wish Appetizione, sf. appetency, appetite; appe- Appettare, van. \. ta hive at heart; take an interest in; (to put one thing for another) Appetto, adv. prep, opposite, facing ; abreast ; compared to; a petto di v6i egli non e ch' un bambino , he's but a baby to you Appezzare, va. \. to cut in pieces Appiacere, w*. 2 v. Piacere Appiacevolire , va. 5. (appiacevolisco ,-isci,) to soften, appease; to make mild, pleasing, agreeable Appianamento, sm. v. Spianamento Appianare, ra. \. to smooth, level , facilitate Ap'pianato, -a , adj. levelled, smoothed , faci- litated Appianatdjo, sm. roller, garden-roller Appiastrare, va. 1. to plaster, stick, daub; arsi, to stick, adhere, bec6me glued to Appiastrato, -a, adj. daubed 6ver with any thing viscous Appiastricciamento, sm. conglutination Appiastricciare | va. \. to plaster or stick Appiastriccicare | together with any thing viscous or clammy Appiattamento, sm. tbe act of cowering down and hiding one's self ; abiding, concealment Appiattare, va. \. (from piatto, flat, squat) , to flatten , make flat, to squeeze down or in, to crush , make squat ; to secrete , to bide in a hole, corner, cove, etc.; to con- nor, rude; - fall, son, bull; -fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem, as APP 64 APP ceal; appiattarsi,to squat down, dodge into a bush, bide one's self, skulk, lie concealed Appialtataoiente, adv. stealthily , underhand Appiattato, -a, adj. flattened; lying squat, concealed; come'l serpente sta appiattato nell' erba, as a serpent lies hid under the grass (hook Appiccagnolo, sin. hook, crook, peg, tenter- Appiccamento, am. the act of hanging up Appiccantc, adj. sticky, viscous, glutinous Appiccare, ra. 1. to hang, hang up, suspend, attach, hook, to conjoin, stick together, unite, cement ; appiccarsi, le become stuck or hooked together, to meet, become at- tached; to seize on; appiccate il vostro mantello, hang up your great-coat : le live s' appiccano al tetto, the grapes are sus- pended to or from the roof; s' appicca il fooeo, the fire is kindling; hanno appic- cato il fuoco alia casa, they hare set fire to the house ; appiccar la zuffa , la battaglia, to come to blows , give battle ; appiccare un ladro, to hang a robber: v. Impiccare Appiccalfccio, -a , adj. sticky, sticking, vis- cous, cleaving, catching; male appiccatic- cio, a contagious disease; un appiccaticcio, a dangler, an importunate fellow Appiccalivo,-a, adj. contagious, catching Appiccato,-a, adj. hooked, hung up, stuck Appiccatojo, sm. v. Appicagnolo Appiccicaticcio , adj. v. Appiccatfccio Appiccatura, sf. fastening, joining, union Appicciare, appiccicare, t>. 1. to tack or stick to , to superadd ; pani appicciati , rolls or loaves stuck together ; v. Piccia Appiccinfre , fa. 5. to make smaller , lessen, diminish; frsi, to become (still) smaller, to got diminutive Appicinito, -a, adj. made smaller, contracted Appicciolare, va. 1. -ire, 5. v. Appiccinire Appiccionarsi,.f)/. (burl.) to become pigeon livered ; fig. to be duped, pigeoned, fleeced of money Appicco.sm. adhesion, union, junction; hook, means of attaching or sticking ; dare ap- picco, to give a pretext Appiccolamento, sm. diminution , lessening Appiccolare,va. 1. appiccolire, ta. 5. v. Appic- cinire Appie, appiede , adv. at the foot , below , at the bottom ; apple* della pagina, at the bot- tom of the page Appieno, adv. fully, completely, quite Appigionamento, sm. hire (of a house), house rent ~~Appigionare , va. 1. dare a pigione , to let (rooms, or houses); appigionare, pigliar a pigione, to rent or hire (a hou^e or apart- ment) (let) Appigionasi, sm. bill (of a house, rooms , to Appigionato, -a, adj. hired, let (root Appigliamento, sm. union , junction ; taking Appigliare, va. to stick, cling, hold , adhere ; v. Appiccare, attaccarsi ; appigliarsi a, to betake one's self to , to stick to, abide by Appigliatura, sf. union, junction, connexion Appiglio, sm. pretext, pretense, c61or , show Appigrirsi, vfr. 5. (m'appigrisco) to grow lazv Appillottarsi, vrf. \. to linger, loiter, be wedded to (a place) Appinzare, va. 1. to prick, sting, pique Appio , sm. apium, parsley, smallage Appiola, sf. api, v. Appiuola Appiolina, sf(bot.) anthemis, camomile Appidmbo adv. like a plummet, perpendicu- larly Appisolarsi, tnrf. to be drowsy, to nap Appiuola, sf. golden pippin (apple) Appiuolo, sm. golden pippin tree (plauder Applaudente, adj. applauding; smf. an ap- Applaudere , va. 2. in 1 , applaudire , 5. (ap- plaudo, -disco, -isci, -isce) to applaud, to clap; applaudirsi, to strut, look big, enact the swell, be on good terms with one's self Applaudimento, sm. an applauding, applause Applaiulito, -a, udj. applauded, clapped Applauditore, sm. -trice, sf. he, she who ap- plauds, claps, extols Applauso, s>. applause, plaudit, praise Applausore, sin. applauder, approver Applicabile, adj. applicable , suitable Applicamento, sm. application, applying Applicare, va. 1. (applico, applichi , applica) to apply , to lay on or over , to adapt , to assign , appropriate , adopt ; to touch at , ply between , (sea) ; applicare la mente , to apply one's mfndto; km, vrf. to apply one's self to , lo set about , study ; appli- catevi a' vosiri studj, apply yourself to your studies Applicatamente, adv. with application, intently Appicatezza, nf. application, sedulousness Applicato , -a , adj. applied, addicted , prone Applicazi6ne , sf. application, care Appo, prep, near, by, with, among; appo i Roman!, with or among tne Romans ; appo noi, with us; v. Appresso ; appo , ( ( for a pgtto di), in comparison of, compared to Appoderamento, sm. farming, cultivating land Appoderare, t-a. \. (from podere) to farm , to cultivate land Appoggiaraento , sm. a leaning , an arm-rest Appoggiare , va. 1. to lean (a thing against another), to rest; to stay, prop, buttress, b61ster up,supp6rt; to sgcond; appoggiare" la labarda,to lean or rest the halberd against the vail, to bully or sponge a dinner ; un muro , una pers6na, to stay or prop up a wall , to back or stand by a person; una mozi6ne, to second a motion, (legis): ap- poggiarsi, to lean or be leaned against , to depend, rely or stay one's self up6n Appoggiato,-a, adj. pr6pped, supported, sec- onded Fate, mete, bite, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, not', tub; - far, pique, APP 65 APP Appoggiatojo, sm. any thing to lean upon , the arm or back of a chair or form , the arm-rests of a carriage ; bannisters of a stair case, etc. Appoggiatura.s/". aleaning, rest; v. Appoggio Appdggio, sm. a prop, stay,supp6rt; favour, countenance, auspices, protection Appollajare.va. \. toroost;(/i. almost, nearly, v. Dappoichu Apprestamento, appresto, sm. preparation Appreslantfi, adj. preparing', that prepares Appreslare , va, \. to prepare , make ready, set in order, disp6se; arsi, vrf. to pro- pare one's self, get ready Apprestalo,-a, adj. prepared, ready, in 6rder Apprestatrice, sf. she who prepares Appreziazione, sf. appraisement, valuation Apprezzabile, adj. estimable, valuable Apprczzamento, sm. estimate, appraising Apprezzare, va. \. to value , estimate , rate ; to prize, esteem; apprezzarsi, to esteem or prize one's self Apprezzativo, -a, adj. commendable, laudable Apprezzato,-a, adj. rated, estimated, valued, prized, esteemed, respected Apprezzatore, sm. -trice, sf. he she who rates or values ; who prizes, esteems Approbare, va. 1. v. Approvare Approbazione, sf. approbation, approval Approcciamento, apprdccio, sm. approach Approcciare,-iarsi, vn. \. (ant.) to draw near Appr6ccio, sm. (fort.) approach; (mil.) ap- pr6ach Approdare, vn. \. to come to shore, come. into port , land ; to profit , be good or useful ; v. Far pro Approdo, sm. landing ; landing-place (age Approfitlare, vn. \. to profit, derive advant- Approfondare.va. \. I to dig to the bottom, to Approfondire, va. 5. j deepen ; to examine to the bottom, search out, scrutinize Approntare, va. 1. v. Apprestare, allestire Appropiare, -pri&re,va. 1. to apply properly, to adapt, adjudge ; appropriarsi, to apprd- priate to one's self Appropinquarsi, vrf. (poet.) v. Appressarsi Approposilo, adv. a propds, appositely Appropriarsi, vrf. to appr6priato to one's self Appropriate, -a, adj. appropriated, fitted, good Appropriate , -trice , smf. one who appro- priates, appropriator Appropriazione, sf. appropriation, adoption Appropriatamente, adv. with propriety, suita- bly, right Approssimamento, sm. v. Appressamento Approssimanle.adj. approximating, approach- ing, coming near; something like nor, rude; - fall, son, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; pSise, b$s, fdul|, fowl; gem, as Diz. Hal. Ing. $ APP 66 ARA Approssimare, -arsi , v. Accostare , -arsi ; il tempo si approssima, the lime is approach- ing Approssimativamente,arfu. by approximation, by a rough guess Approssimativo,-a, adj. approximative ; rough (not exact) Approssimazione, sf. (ant.} T. Avvicinazione Approvabile, adj. approvable, laudable Approvagi6ne,s/".(anf.) approbation, approval; (proof) (probation Approvamento, sm. approyanza, (ant.)sf. ap- Approvare, va. 1. to approve, consent, (con- firm) Approvalamente , adv. with the approval of Approvativo, -a, adj. approving ; of approba- tion, approval Approvato,-a, adj. approved, confirmed Approvatore, sm. -trice, sf. approver Approvazione , sf. approbation , approval', liking Approrecciarsi, vrf. to benefit, improve, rise Approveccio, sm. protit, advantage, gain Approvigionamenlo, sm. victualling , supply of provisions; supply Approvigionare, va. \. to victual, to store, to supply (with necessaries) Appulcrare, va. i. (lot.) y. Abbellire Appulso, sm. (aslr.) appiilse (approach of any planet to a conjunction with the sun) Appunlable, adj. that can be stitched, polnt- ed , sharpened , worthy of remark ; blama- ble, faulty, censurab'e Appuntamente.arftf. precisely , exactly, just so Appuntamento , sm. appointment , salary ; appointment, assignation , agreement con- vention, accord; reslar in appuntamenlo di , to agree upon; ho un appunlamento per le tre , I have an appointment at three Appuntare , va. \. to baste, tack with pins , sew with long stitches ; to point , sharpen , appunlare una cosa, to note a thing, write il down ; uno, to blame or reprove a per- son; un cannonc, to point a cannon Appuntatamente, adv. v. Appuntamente Appuntalo, -a, adj. stitched, pointed; formal Appuntato, sm. a sum agreed upon, a settled account; a payment by appoint; adv. pre- cisely, exactly Appuntatore, sm. noter, critic, censnrer Appuntatura , sf. blame, censure, note, mark Appuntellare, va. 4. (from puntello, a prop) to prop, stay, support; bolster op Ajyiuntellato, -a, adj. prdpped, stayed Appuntino, precisamente, adc. just, exactly; ser Appuntino , Mr. Critic Appunlo, sm. the balance of an account, the balancing , settling or closing an account : blame, censure, note Appiinto , adv. precisely , exactly ; per 1' ap- punto, just so, mettersi in , to get ready Appuntonare, v. Appuntellare Appuramento , sm. a purifying, clarifying, cleansing Appurare, fa. 1. to purify, clarify, cleanse Appuzzamento, sm. stench (infection) ppuzzare , va. \. to infect with an offensive smell ; vn. to emit an offensive smell Appuzzolare, va. \. v. Appuzzare Aprente , adj. opening, that opens Apricare , vn. \. to be in the open air and exposed to the sun; to bask in the sun Aprico, -a, adj. open and sunny; sm. a sunny spot sheltered from the wind Aprile, sm. april (a month) (cement Aprimento, sm. an 6pening, chink; commen- Apriporta, sm. porter, door-keeper Aprire, va. 5. (apro, past aprii, part, aperto) to open , throw open, disclose, unclose; aprirsi, to 6pen one's self or itself, to burst open, to gape, expand, crack, cleave Aprilivo, -a, adj. aperitive Apritore , sm. opener, porter, box-keeper Apritura, aprizione, sf. opening, disclosure Apside , sf. apsis (of a church); apsidi pi. (aslr.) apsides, the two points (in the orbit of a planet) at the greatest and least dis- . tance from the sun -Apteri , smpl. aptera (insects without wings) Aplero,-a, adj. apterous, destitute of wings Aqua , sf. water, v. Acqna Aquario, sm. Aquarius (sign of the Zodiac) Aquatico , -a, adj. aquatic, pluvious, watery Aqueita, -ade , -ate ; v. Aquosita Aqueo , -a, adj. aqueous, watery Aquid6ccio, sm. v. Aquidotlo Aquila, sf. an eagle (stone Aquilina (pietra) , sf. ( min.) aetites , eagle- Aquilfno, sm. eaglet, yoiing eagle; adj. aqui- line ; n aso aquiline, an aquiline nose Aquilonare, adj. northerly, boreal, slormy Aquilone, sm. north wind, cold wind, aquilen Aquilolto , sm. T. Aquilino Aquosita, acquosita, sf. aquosity; wateriness Ara, sf. (poet.) altare, sm. an altar Arabascare, va. I. to adorn with arabicwork, with arabesques (to, ecc. Arabescalo , arabesco,-a, adj. v. Rabesci- Arabico, -a, adj. arabic; arab Arabile , adj. arable Arac , aracca , sm. arack (spirituous liquor) arrack, rack Arachide, sm. (hot.) earth-nut Aracnide , sm. (ent.) arachnidan; aracnidi, /)/. arachnida Aracnoide , aranea , sf. ( anat. ) arachnoid , arachnoid membrane, serous coat of the brain Aracnoidile , sf. (med. ) inflammation of the arachnoid tunic Aragna , sf. aragno, sm. a spider, a cobweb A ragi&ne , adverb, justly Aragnarsi , vnrf. v. Azzuffarsi Araldica , sf. heraldry Fate, mete, bite, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub, - far, pique, ARA 67 ARC Araldo , -a , smf. a herald Aramento, sm. ploughing, husbandry, tillage Arancia, sf. an orange Aranciaja , aranciera, sf. orangery, 6range- hduse Aranciata, sf. 6rangeade (orange-water) Arancialo, -a, adj. orange coloured Arancialo, sm. orangery, 6range-planlation Arancino, sin. small orange, china-orange Arancio , sm. 6range-tree; adj. orange-col- oured Arante, sm. and adj. ploughman, ploughing Arare , va. 1. to plough ; drilto , to walk straight Arat/vo, -a, adj. plowable, tillable; terra ara- tiva, plow-land, plo"ugh-land Aratore , sin. a ploughman, husbandman Aratorio, -a, adj. of husbandry, of farming Aratro (aralo, aratolo), sm. a plough Araliira, arazione, sf. tillage, ploughing Arazzeria , sf. tapestry manufactory Arazziere, sm. tapistry-worker; tapistry-man- ufacturer Arazzo, sin. tapeslry, hangings, arras Arln'ntro, better laberinto, sm. a labirinth Arbilraggio , sm. arbitration Arbilrale, adj. (law) by arbitration Arbitrament , sin. arbitrement, arbitration Arbitranle, sm. he, she who decides, an arbi- trator Arbilrare , va. 1. to arbitrate , decide , judge Arbitrariamente, ado. arbitrarily Arbitrario, arbftrio, sm. will, free will Arbilrario, -a, adj. arbitrary, free, desp&tic Arbilrato, sin. umpirage (judgment); arbi- tration Arbilratore, sm. arbitrator, arbiter, iimpire Arlu'lrio, sm. will, free will; absolute power Arbilro, sin. umpire, arbitrator, arbiter Arhorato , arboroso , -a , adj. full of trees , , woody Arbore (poet. ) , albero , sm. a tree Arboreo , -a , adj. arboreous , of trees Arborescenle , adj. arborescent Arboreto, sm. a grove, plantation, wood Arboriforme , adj: arboriform , having the form of a tree Arborizzazione , sf. arborization ( the figure of a plant in minerals or fossils) Arboscello, arbusce'llo, arbusculo , arbusco , s/n. arbuscella, arbiiscula, sf. a little tree, shrub Arbusteno , sm. wild vine (climbing up trees) Arbuslo, sm. arbule, shrub, dwarf tree Arbuto, sm. arbule, straw-berry tree Area, sf. a chest or coffer; a coffin; sarcdph- agus, urn, tomb, ark; ark of the covenant; un' area di sciSnza , a yery learned man , an eminent scholar Arcaccia , sf. old chest , trunk Arcade, arcadico, -a, adj. arcadian Arcadore, sin. archer, bowman; knave, cheat Arcafsmo, sm. ancient phrase , archaism Arcale, sin. arch (of a door), semicircle, centra Arcaliffo, sm. calif, caliph, kalif Arcame, carcame, sm. a carcass (skeleton) Arcanamente, adv. secretly, mysteriously Areangelo, sm. an archangel Arcano, sm. an archanum, a hidden mystery a, adj. hidden , mysterious Arcare, van, \. to let off an arrow, to shoot; to arch ; to cheat Arcasso, sm. the stern-frame, buttock of a ship Arcata, sf. a bow-shot; a strike with Ine bow of a fiddle; tirar in arcata , to inquire ob- liquely, to pump (cheated Arcato , -a , adj. arched , vaulted , curved ; Arcatore, arcadore, sm. a b6wman, an archer Arcavola , sf. great great grand-mother Arcavolo, sm. great great grand-father Arce , lat. sf. rock Archeggiare, va. 1. to bend (any Ihinglinthe form of an arch; vn. (mus.) to use the bow, to scrape , fiddle, striim Archeggiato, -a, adj. bent, curved, vaulted Archeologia, sf. arche6logy Archeologico, -a, adj. archoeological, relating to archoeology Archeologo, sm. archoeologist , one versed in antiquity Archetipo , sm. archetype Archetto, archetlino, sm. a small arch, little bow; the bow of a violin , a fiddle-stick Arcbibugiare , van. \. to shoot with an ar- quebuse Archibiisata, arcbibugiata, sf. gun-shot Archibusiera, sf. belter feritoja, sf. a loop- bole Archibusiere, archibugiere, sm. arquebusi6r Archibuso , archibugio , sm. handgun, ar- quebuso Archidiacono, sm. archdeacon Archiera, arciera, sf. loop-hole, barbican Archiginnasio , sm. chief Gymnasium Archimandrila, sin. the bell-wether, the leader or chief of the flock; archimandrite Archimiare , va. \. to transmute metals , etc. Arcliipenzolare , va. \. to regulate by the plummet Archipenzolo, sin. lead-plummet Architempio. sm. chief temple Architetlare, va. \. to plan, build, to lay out on architectural principles , to contrive Archilettato, -a, adj. planned, built ; devised Architctlo, sm. architect, builder, contriver Architetto, -a, adj. of an architect, belonging to architecture, architectural Architettonico , -a, adj. architectural Archileltore, sm. -trice, sf. belter architetto, architect, builder; founder, originator, artisan Architellura , sf. architecture Architrave, sm. architrave Arcliitravato, -a, adj. having an architrave Architriclino, sin. high seneschal nor, rude; - son, fall, bull; - fare, do, - by, lymph; poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem, as ARC 68 ARD Archiviare, va. 1. to register in the archives Archiviato, -a, adj. registered, authenticated Archivio, SHI. archives , old records-office Archivista , sm. recorder, keeper of the rolls Archivolto , sm. upper contour of an arch Arci, a prefix contradted from the Greeh w5rd archi signifying capo , grande , eminente , arch, extra , over, high, etc. as , Arciduca , Archduke, Grand Duke Arcibello, -a, adj. most beautiful, extra-fine Arcibenissimo , adv. exceedingly -well Arcibestione, sm. great blockhead Arcibonissimo , -a , adj. super-excellent , perfect (fql , learned Arcibravo, -a, adj. superlatively brave , skil- Arcibricc6ne , sm. an arch villain , arrant scoundrel (knave Arcibuffdne, sm. a very fool, arch fool, arrant Arciconsolato, sm. the dignity of First Consul Arciconsolo , sm. a First Consul Arcicontento , -a , adj. more than content , quite pleased, delighted, overjoyed Arcicorredato, -a, adj. extra-provided, richly equipped Arcicredere, va. 2. to believe most fully Arcidevolissimo, -a, adj. most truly dev6ted Arcidevoto, -a, adj. given wholly to devotion; superstitiously devout Arcidiaconato , sm. archdeaeonship Arcidiacono , sm. archdeacon Arcidiavolo, sm. the chief of the fallen angels, arch-fiend Arciduca, sm. archduke Arciducale , adj. archducal , pertaining to an archduke Arciducato , sm. archdukedom Arciduchessa, sf. archduchess Arcieloquentissimo , -a , adj. most eloquent , remarkably or superlatively eloquent Arciepiscopale , adj. archiepiscopal Arciere, -o, -a , smf. archer, female archer Arcifallito , -a , adj. who was failed ir- retrievably Arcifanfano.-a.sm/". a vantard, romancer, swell Arciflemmatico, -a, adj. phlegmatic, cold, dull heavy, sluggish in the highest degree Arcifondatore, sm. the first or primitive founder Arcigiullare, sm, a juggler, buffoon, quiz Arcignamente, ado. gruffly, sourly, scowlingly Arcignezza, sf. griiffness, crossness, asperity Arcigno, -a, adj. sharp, crabbed, harsb,_gruff, far viso arcigno, to look grim , to scowl Arcilodare, va. \. to cry up, extol, magnify -Arcimajuscolo, -a, adj. capital, extremely hu- ~~ge, ridiculous Arcimatto, -a, adj. raving mad, stark mad Arcimastro, maestro, sm. head master; most distinguished master, master by eminence Arcimentire, tr. 5. to tell a most bare-faced lie Arcinfernale, adj. more than hellish Arcinobilissimo, -a , adj. most noble Arcionato, -a, adj. poet, saddled Arcione, sm. saddle-bow (saddle) Arcipelago, sm . (geog.) archipelago, jEgean SB'S Arcipochissimo , -a , adj. very little indeed , next to nothing Arcipoeta, sm. the prince of poets Arcipresso, better cipresso, sm. a cypress tree Areipresbiterato I sm. dignity , office of an Arcipretato j arch-priest , arch-pre- sbyter Arcipretale, adj. of an arch priest, arch-pres- byter Arciprete, sm. arch priest . arch-presbyter Arcisavio, -a, adj. superlatively wise Arcisinagdgo , archisinagogo , sm. the chief of the synagogue Arcisolenne, adj. most solemn Arcispedale, sm. principal hospital Arcivescovado, sm. archbishopric Arcivescovale, -ile, adj. archiepiscopal Arcivescovo, sm. archbishop Arcivoslro, -a, adj. most truly yours Arco , sm. bow, arch, ciirve, semicircle Arcobaleno, sm. rainbow; Iris Arcobugio, sm. v. Archibuso Arcolajo. sm. reel, winder, yarn-blades Arconcello, sm. a small bow Arconte, sm. Archon , one of the nine chief magistrates in ancient Greece Arcoreggiare, va. \. to break wind; (to belch) Arcuato, -a, adj. bent, crooked, arched, curved Arcuccio, sm. cradle tester, top -head (of cra- dles) ; cradling (of beds) Ardelione, sm. pander Ardente , adj. ardent, burning, fiery, keen, eager, amorous; occhi ardenti, keen, pierc- ing eyes; raggi ardenti, burning rays ; ca- vallo ardente, a spirited fiery horse Ardenlemente, adv. ardently , passionately Ardenza. sf. heat , glow , intense heat , fiery ardour, ardency : , eagerness, burning desi- re ; nell' ardenza dell' ira , in the heat of passion Ardere , en. 2. ur. (ardo, -i, -e , past , arsi , arse , arsero , part . arso ) to burn , blaze, glow, be ardent, shine; spirito da ardere, spirits to burn, spirits of wine; ardere d'am6re, di sd^gno, to glow with love, burn with rage; va. to consume; il fuoco arse m61te case , the fire consumed ( or burnt down) a number of houses Ardesia, sf. a slate Ardiglione, sm. tongue (of a buckle) Ardimento, sm. boldness, daring, hardihood Ardiment6so, -a, adj. bold, daring, hardy Ardire, m. 5. (ardisco, -isci,-isce,-iamo, -ite, -fscono) to dare, to be b61d or adventurous , to take the liberty ; sm. daring, hardihood, boldness, valour Arditamente, adv. b&dly, Daringly Arditezza, sf. boldness, daring, hardihood Ardito, -a, adj. bold, brave, daring,, hardy Ardore, sm. ardour, warmth; fervour, glow, Fate, mete, bite, n6tc, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub; - far, pique, ARD 69 ARI warm desire ; cavallo pieno d' ardore , a mettlesome spirited horse Arduamente, adv. arduously, with difficulty Arduita, sf. arduousness, difficulty ; steepness Arduo , -a, adj. arduous, difficult, hard, toil- some , perilous; ardua intrapresa, an ar duous undertaking; arduo sm. v. Arduita Ardiira, sf. v. Arsura, cociore, brnci6re Area, sf. area, superficies (extent) Areca, sf. (hot.) arec, areca ( a kind of palm- tree) Arefazione, sf. arefaction (drying) Arella, sf. a small wooden sty for swine Arem , aremme, sm. harem (the division al- lotted to females in the East) Arena, sf. sand, gravel, sand- bank ; arena, amphitheatre ; le bollenti arene di Libia the burning sands of Lybia Arenaceo,-a, adj. sandy, arenofe, arenaceous Arenario, sm. gladiator, prize-fighter Arenarsi , vnrf. to stick in the sand, run aground, get stranded Arenga, sf. herring (fish.} ; harangue Arenosita, -ade, -ate, sf. sandiness Aren6so, -a. adj., sandy, full of sand Arente , adj. v. Arido Areolo, areola, smf. artiola ; v. Ajetta, ajuola Areometro, sm. are&meter (an instrument for measuring the specific gravity of liquids) Areonauta, sm. v. Aeronauta Areopagita , areopagito , sm. Are6pagite , a member of the Are6pagus Areopago, sm. areopagus (a sovereign tribu- nal at Athens) Areostalico, -a, adj. aerostatic; pallone areo- slatico, an afr balloon Areostilo, sm. (arch.) areoslyle (arrangement of columns with wide spaces between them) Areotetlonica, sf. (mi7.)areotecht6nics (attack and defence of fortified places ) Aresta, sf. v. Resta Arfasattfillo, arfasatto, sm. a 16w-born fellow Arganare, va. \. to wire-draw, spin into wire Argano, sm. windlass, capstan, crane Argemone, sm. (hot.) argemone, prickly poppy Argentajo, argenliere , sm. silversmith Argentale, adj. silver-coloured, silvery Argcntare, t'a. \. v. Inargentare Argentato, -a, adj. 6verlaid with silver Argcntatorc, sm. one that plates, silvers over Argenlatiira, sf. silvering Argenteo, -a, adj. silvery, silver-coloured; viisi argentei, silver vases ; argentea luna, the silvery moon Argenteria, sf. plate, silver-plate Argentiera. sf. a silver-mine Argentiere, argentiero, sm. a silver-smith Argentina,,";/', (bot.) argentina, argentine, silver-weed, wild tansy Argenlino, -a, adj. silver-coloured , silvery; v6ce argentina, a clear silvery voice Argento, sm. silver Argentorffero, -a, adj. producing silver Argento vivo, sm. quicksilver, mercury ; aver 1' argenlo vivo addfisso , to be always in motion (Argfglia) argilla, sf. argil, clay, potter's clay Argigli6so, -a, argilloso, -a, adj. clayey Argillaceo, -a, adj. argillaceous, clayish Arginamento, sm. the raising a dyke or bank Arginare, va. \. to raise a dyke or rampart Arginato , -a , adj. guarded by a bank, mo- le , etc. Arginatura, sf. embankment, diking Argine, sm. a dyke, bank, levee, mole; met- tere argine a, to opp6se a barrier to Arginetto, sm. a little dyke, bank; rampart Arginoso, -a, adj, full of banks, impediments Argnone, sm. v. Arnione Argo , sm. (astr.) Argo navis (rogant Argogliarsi, vrf. \. (ant.) to grow proud, ar- Argomentaccio, sm. a bad argument Argomentare, van. \. to argue, reason; to pro- ve by syllogisms or arguments; (syn. argui- re), toargue.tend to prove; arsi, to equip one's self, prepare (ner Argomentat6re, sm. arguer , disputant rfiaso- Argomentazione, sf. an argument, a dispute, discussion, argumentation, reasoning Argom^nto , sm. a reason , argument , syllo- gism, proof, a conjectural argument, sign, indication ; a reasoning , argument, dispu- te; the argument or subject matter of a dis- course; a tool, instrument; (an injection) Argomentoso, -a, adj. persuasive, convincing, powerful ; ingenious , skilled in argument Argonauta, sm. argonaut Arguire, va. 3. (arguisco , -isci , -isce, ec.) to infer, conclude, argue, to blame, reprimand; dal numero de' delitti si pu6 argufre (o ar- gomentare) la civilta d'un popolo, from the number of crimes we may argue or infer the degree of civilization of a people Argumentante, sm. reasoner,disputant, arguer Argumentare, argumento , v. Argomentare Argutamente, adv. artfully, siibtilly Argute"zza, sf. finesse, subtility; wit, quibble, witty conceit Arguto,-a,arf/. subtil, ingenious, vitly, piquant Argiizia, sf. siiblilty, ingenuity, piquancy ; a quibble , bon-mot , joke , witticism ; dire arguzie, to say good things, be piquant Aria , sf. the air , the vital air ; air , mi6n , look; (ius. ) an air, tune, song; favellar in aria, to talk idly , talk to the winds; pigliar 1' aria , to take the air , to take a walk , a ride, an airing; aria aperta , the open air ; bell' aria di testa , a noble air , beautiful turn of the bead, lofty mien; aria infctta, foul air; castelli in aria, castles in the air; fabbricalo in aria ( chime'rico ) , air-built; schiflppo da aria, air-gun; imper- meabile all' aria, air-tight; leggiero come 1'aria, airy-light nor, rude; - fall, son, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph ; poise, boys, foul, fowl- gem, as ARI 70 ARM Arianismo, sf. arianism Arianna, sf. (astr.) Ariadne (a constellation in the northern hemisphere) Aridamente, adv. dryly Aridezza, ariditate j sf. aridity, dryness.bar- Aridila, aridilade j renness ; tiresomeness Arido,-a, adj. arid, dry; fig. tiresome Arieggiare, va. \. to resemble, look like Arienlo, v. Argento (ing ram Arielare, va. i. to beat down with a batter- Ariele, sm. ram; aries; battering-ram Arietla, sf. a little air, an arietta, a song, tune Arietiina, ,tf. short air, liltle song, sonata A rilenlo, adverh. softly, cautiously Arimane , sm. ariman , ahriman , arima (the evil genius of the Persians) Aringa, sf. a harangue, speech; a herring Aringamento, sm. harangue, long speech Aringire , van. 1. to harangue , to make a speech Aringato, -a, adj. harangued, prepared, ready Aringatore, sm. speaker, orator, haranguer Aringheria, sf. harangue, speech, discourse Aringhiera, sf. rostrum, bar, hustings Aringo Ism. arena, lisls; rostrum, bar, Arringo j pulpit; harangue, tournament Ariolo, sm. diviner, soothsayer; y. Indovi'no Ariona, sf. a noble, air, majestic appearance Arioso, -a, adj. airy; well aired, simny airy, light, giddy, gay, -whimsical; pretty, grace- ful , charming; casa ariosa , a well aired house, a house in an open, sunny spot Arismetica, arismelrica, sf. (ant.) arithmetic Arista, sf. chine of pork Aristarchcggiare, vn. \. to crilicfse severely Aristarco, sm. arislarch, a merciless critic Aristoerata, sm. aristocrat Aristocraticamente, ado. aristocratically Aristocralico,-a, adj. aristocratical Aristocrazia, sf. aristocracy Aristotelicamente, adc. according to Aristotle or to his philosophy Arislotelico, a,ar//.oforbel6nging to Aristotle Aristotelismo, sm. Aristotelianism Aristula, sf. small fish bone Aritmelica, sf. arithmetic Arilmptico, sm. an arithmetician, accountant Arilmelicn, -a, adj. arithmetic Arlecchinata, sf. harlequinade Arlecchino, sm. harlequin, buffoon, jester Arlotto, sm. a dirty glutton; slovenly fool Anna, sf. poet. V. arme ; ant. v. alma Armaccia, sf. cliismsy weapon, bad arms Armacollo (ad), adverb. acr6ss , (slung ) over the sli6ulder, in a sling ATmadiaccio , sm. a bad clothes press , uglj cup-board Armadio.sm. apress, clothes press, cup-boan Armadiira, sf. armour (arms) Armadureita, sf. light armour Armajuolo, armajo, sm. armourer, gun-smith Armamentario, sm. arsenal, armoury Armamento, sm. the arming, equipping , pre- paring for sea; an armament Armare , va. \. to arm; arsi , vrf. to arm one's self Armario,sm. a clothes-press; press, (book-case) Armala, sf. a fleet, navy ; an army Armatamente, orfr.' by main force, with arms Armatetta, armatella, sf. small fleet, army Armato,-a, adj. armed, fitted up, provided with Armatore, sm. privateer, privateer captain Armatiira, sf. armour, cuirass, breast-plate Arme e arraa , plur. armi e arme , sf. arms weapons , armour ; arme gentilizic , coat of arms, crest, arms; muover 1' armi , to begin or declare a war; aH'arrai ! to arms! arme da fuoco , fire arms; arme bianche , swords, daggers, all arms except fire arms ; fatto d' arme , an exploit ; piazza d' arme , Mars field, army square; far il yiso dell' ar- me , to lock daggers; porlar le armi , to bear arms; presntare le armi ( mil.) , to present arms; aprirsi il passo colle armi, to fight one' s way ; levarsi ad arme (cor- rere all' arme), to rise in arms; dar di piglio all' armi, to take up arms; deporre 1' armi, to lay down one's arms Armeggeria, sf. v. Armeggiamento ( Armeggevole ) armeggiante , adj. fighting Armeggiamento, sm. a joust , mock-combat , toiirnay Armeggiare, vn. \. to joust; run a lilt; stam- mer, hesitate, to rummage like a silly person Armeggial6re, sm. a joiister, tiller, swordsman Armeggieria, sf. lilt, joust, mock encounter Armeggio, sm. T. Armamenlo Armeggio , sm. a rummaging ( like a silly person) Armeggione, sm. a fussy or meddling fellow Armel , sf. (bol.) barmel, the wild African rue Armellfna, sf. the fur of the ermine, ermine Armellino, ermelli'no, sm. ermine (.er Armentario.sm. herdsman, drover, cow-keep- Armentario, -a, adj. of cattle Armento, sm. drove, herd of cattle Armeria, sf. arsenal, armoury, place for arms Armetremendo, -a, adj. poet, dreadful in arms Armicella, sf. small weapon, trifling arms Armiero, -a, adj. being in arms; sm. esquire (a knight's companion) , armiger Armifero, -a, adj. armigerous , bearing arms Armigero, -a, adj. warlike; sm. an armiger Armilla (armella), sf. bracelet, armlet Armillare , adj. armillary , like a bracelet; la sfera armillare, the armillary sphere Armipotente, adj. mighty in arms, warlike Armistizio, sm. armistice, suspension of arms Armizzare, va. i. (mar.) to cast anchor, moor Armizzo, sm. (mar.) mooring Armoneggiare , vn. 1. v. Armonizzare Armenia, sf. harmony, concord, union Armoniaco, sm. ammoniac, gum ammoniac, salt ammoniacum Fate, mete, bile, note, tube; - fat, met, bit, n6t, tub; - far, pique, ARM 71 ARR Annoniaco, -a, adj. harmonized , set in 6rder Armonico, -a, adj. harmonica!, musical Arraoniosamente, adv. harmoniously Armonioso, -a, adj. harmonious, melodious Armonista, sm. harmonist, musician, compo- ser of music Armonizzamenlo, 5m. barmoniousness, musi- calness, agreement, concord Armonizzante, adj. harmonizing (mony Armonizzare, vn. I. to harmonize, make har- Armonizzato, -a, adj. harmonized; giovane bene armonizzato, a well made youth Armoraccio, better ramolaccio.sm. horse-radish Arnaldisti, sm. pi. arnoldists, disciples of Ar- nold of Brescia Arnesario, sm. called in Lombardy attrezzf- sla , sm. (theatre) manager (for the decora- tion, dressing, etc.) Arnese, sm. gear, harness, utensils, furniture, clothes ; male in arnese, badly dollied ArneseUo, sm. light utensil , little instrument Arnia , sf. bee-hive Arniajo, sm. apiary, a stand or shed for bees Arnica , sf. (bol.) arnica Arnione, argnone, rognone, sm. a kidney Arnomanzia, sf. divination by the inspection of lambs Aro (d' Egitto), sm. (bol.) Egyptian bean, co- locassia Ar6ma, sm. aroma, fragrance Aromatario, sm. a seller of spices, a grocer Aromalichczza j sf. aromatics , quality aro- Aromalicila | malic Aromatico, -a, adj. aromatic , fragrant; spicy Aromatico, sm. perfume, sweet odour, fragrance Aromatile , sm. precious stone of the nature of myrrh Aroraatizzare, va. 1. to aromatize , perfume Aromalo, sm. Aromatics, sweet-smelling spice A rompicollo , adverb, at the risk of breaking one's neck, headlong, rashly, precipitately Arpa, sf. a harp; d'Eolo, an Eolian harp Arpagonare, va. \. to harpoon; clutch, grapple Arpagone, sm. harpoon, harping iron Arpe, sf. v. Arpa Arpeggiamento, sm. harping, arpeggio Arpeggiare, vn. 1. to play (on) the harp , sound tho lyre; harp ; to arpeggiate Arpeggio, sm. (wins.) arpeggio Arpese, sm. (arch.) hdldfast Arpia, sf, a harpy ; a ravenous wretch Arpicare, va. \. to climb, or scramble up ; to meditate Arpicordo, buonaccordo. sm. a harpsichord Arpino, sm. hook, grappling-iron Arpioncello, arpioncino, sm. a small hinge Arpione, sm. a door or window-hinge, a hook, tenter Arpisla, sm. a harper, minstrel, harpist Arpone, sm. harpoon, Gsh-spear, spear Arra, sf. earnest, earnest money, pledge Arrabaltarsi, vrf. 1. to toil hard, endeavour Arrabbiamento, sm. rage, rabid fury Arrabbiare.tvi. \. to become rabid, get furious; dalla fame, to have a wolfs appetite Arrabbiamento, sm. rage, rabid fury Arrabbiare, vn. \. to become rabid, get fu- rious; dalla fame, to have a wolfs appetite Arrabbiatamente, adv. rabidly, furiously Arrabbialello, sm. a furious little fellow Arrabbiato, -a, adj. enraged, rabid; meagre, thin Arraflare , arraffiare , va. i. to seize with a grappling iron; to grapple, hook , snatch, wrest, wrench Arraffato, -a, adj. snatched, wrested, seized Arraraacciare, va. 1. to drive (one) in a sledge Arramacciato , -a, adj. drawn in a sledge; overturned Arramatare, to. \. to catch birds by fire light Arramparsi , vnrf. v. Arrampicarsi Arrampicare, -arsi, vn. 1. to climb, clamber Arrancare, rn.-l. to go lame; limp; to row hard Arrancato, -a, adj. hard rowing Arrancidire, vn. o. (isco, -isci ) to become rancid, musty, old Arrancidito, -a, adj. become rancid, musty, old Arrandellare, va. \. to lie, bind fast, url, flic; Arranfliro, va.l. to snatch, catch, gripe, seize Arrangolare, vn. \. to gr6w angry, impatient Arrangolalo, -a, adj. enraged, furious, hard Arrantolato, -a, adj. hoarse, harsh, rough Arrapinato, -a, adj. passionate, hasty, tiresome Arrappare, va. \. v. Arraffare Arrappatore, sm. -trice, sf. robber, ravisber Arras pare, in. 1. v. Rasparo Arrata, sf. better irra, earnest Arrecare, va. 1. (arreco, -chi, -ca), to bring; v. Recare Arrecatore, sm. -trice, sf. he, she who brings Arredare, va. 1. to rig out, furnish, adorn Arredo, sm. rigging, furniture, ornament Arrembaggio, sm. the act of boarding a ship Arrembare, va. \ . to board, attack, charge Arrenamento , sm. a running aground, slick- ing in the sand , -stranding; fig. stoppage, diilness, deadness, stagnation of trade Arrenare, vn. i. (from arena, sand) to stick in the sand, run ashore or aground, to get stranded; fig. to be stopped, stuck, stran- ded; va. to rub with sand, polish with sand-paper Arrenato, -a, atlj. stranded, run aground Arrendamento, sm. a renting, lease, tenure Arrendatdre, sm. arrendatrice, sf. renter Arrendersi , vrf. 2. to surrender, to give in; (hot.) to bend , yield, comply'; con capi- tolazione, (mi7.) to surrender up6n articles; a discrezione, to surrender at discretion Arrendevole, adj. pliant, flexible, supple Arrendevolezza, sf. flexibilily, docility Arrendevolmenle , ado. in a pliable minner Arrendimento, sm. a surrendering , giving in Arrequiare, vn. 1. poet. v. Riposare nor, rude; - fall, son, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph, poise, beys, foul, fowl; gem, ai ARR 72 ARR Arreso, -a- arrenduto, -a, adj. surrendered Arrestare, va. l.to arrest, stop, seize, detain; un ladro, to arrest a robber ; la lan- cia, to place the lance in rest, to couch the lance; arrestarsi , to slop, be stopped; ar- restarsi a mezzo discorso , to stop in the middle of a speech Arrestatore, sm. one who arrests, a tipstaff, bailiff Arresto , arrestamenlo, sm. arrest, the act of arresting or apprehending , a caption ; a stoppage, delay; decree, decision , (little used) Arretare , arreticare , va. I. to catch in the net, to insnare Arreticato, -a, adj. ensnared, caught in the net Arretrarsi , vrf. 1. ( m' arretro , ecc. ) , to go, fall or start back, to recede, flinch , recoil Arretrato, -a, adj. g&ne or drawn back; left behind, left unpaid, in arrear Arretizzio, -a, ad;', surprised, oppressed Arrezzare, va. \. to shade, shadow, screen Arri ! arri! hey! hey ! go on (speaking to a beast of burden) Arricchimento, sm. the enriching, growing rich Arricchire , vn. 3. (arrichfsco , -isci , -fsce , -iamo, -ite, -iscono), to get or grow rich; va. to make rich , to enrich , to adorn ; ar- ricchirsi, to become rich, to prosper, thrive Arricchito, -a, ad;', enriched, grown rich Arricciame'nto, sm. a bristling up of the hair; a sudden horror, a fright which makes the hair stand on end ; a curling, cnrl Arricciare , wo. i. (arriccio, ecc.) to bristle up , stand on end ; to curl , frizzle , friz , crisp ; m' arricciarono i capelli , my hair stood on end ; arricciare i capelli , to curl or friz the hair ; il muso , to turn up one's nose; un muro, to roughcast a wall Arricciato, -a, adj. curled , bristled up , irri- tated Arricciatura, sf. curling, curls, frizzing, friz- zling, crisping ; first coat of rough cast Arricciolare , va. i. to friz, frizzle ; crisp; to form into small curls or ringlets Arricciolato, -a, adj. frizzled, curled, crisped Arricciolinamento,sm. curls, frizzling, ringlets Arricordarsi, vnrf. T. Ricordarsi Arridere , va. 2. irr. ( arrido , past, arrisi , part, arriso), to smfle up6n. favour; la For- tuna arride alia nostra impresa , F6rtnne smiles upon or favours our Enterprise Arriffare, tn. to raffle; put to stake, jeopardize Arringante, -galore, sm. haranguer, orator Arringare,ran. 1. arringo, v. Aringare, aringo Ajripare, va.'l. poet. v. Approdare Arrischiamento, sm. a risking, risk Arrischiante, adj. daring, adventurous, fool- hardy Arrischiare, ra. 1. (arrischio, -i, -ia,) to risk, hazard , jeopardize ; en. e ( arrischiarsi , vrf. to risk , run the risk , dare , venture , be b61d Arrischiatamente , adv. daringly, adventur- ously, hazardously, rashly, with great risk Arrischiato, -a, adj. risked, hazardous , per- ilous; dangerous (rash Arrischievole.odj. daring, resolute, fool-hardy, Arrischio, sm. v. Rfschio Arrisicare, va. \. Risicare, risicato, ecc. Arrissarsi , vnrf. to wrangle , quarrel , kick up a row Arristiarsi, i-nrf. v. Arrischiarsi, cimentarsi Arrivabile, adj. that can be reached or at- tained to Arrivamento, sm. arrival , coming (reaching) Arrivare, vn. \. (from riva, bank, shore), to make land, touch the bank, reach the shore ; to arrive, come to; to reach, come up to , attain to ; va. to bring ashore, to help to, to reach a thing ; da Venezia a Milano s' arrfva in sedici ore , you come (or can come) from Venice to Milan in sixteen hours ; ci sono arrivato alle tre , I arrived at three ; io non arrivo con la mano quel ramo , I cannot reach that branch ; non ci arrfvo, I cannot attain to it, reach it, understand it , it's beyond my compre- hcnsion, above my reach; arrivatemi quella cosa, reach me that; arrivar bene , to be veil received, to succeed Arrivato, -a, adj. arrived, reached, attained to Arrivo, sm. arrivata, sf. arrival, coming Arrizzare, van. \. to bristle; v. Arricciare Arroba.s/. anarobe, 3.Trol)&, (weight, measure) Arrobbiare, ran. \. to dye with madder Arrocare, vn. \. to grow hoarse ; v. Affioc4re Arroccare, va. I. to fill the distaff: to castle Arrocchiare,ra.l. to cut in pieces, botch, cftbble Arrogantaccio, -a , ad), very arrogant, over- bearing; sm. an arrogant, insolent fellow Arrogante, adj. arrogant, insolent, proud Arrogantemente, adi 1 . arrogantly, insolently Arrogantone, act}, very arrogant, insolent Arroganza, sf. arrogance, presumption, pride Arrogare, -arsi, ran. 1. to arrogate, pretend to Arrogazione, sf. (law) adrogation, (a species of adoption in ancient Rome) Arrfigerfi, rn. 2. frr. to add, give to boot Arrogimento, sm. addition Arrolame'nto, sm. (mil.) enlistment Arrolare, ro. 1. to enrol enlist, register Arrolarsi, ra. \. to enrol one's self Arrolato, -a, adj. enrolled, enlisted, registered Arrompere, ra. 2. irr. v. R6mpere, allonta- narsi, dirompersi Arroncare, va. i. to weed, aberiincale, root out Arroncato,-a, adj. weeded, rooted out Arroncigliare, va. i. v. Roncigliare (wet Arrorare, ra. 1. to bedew, moisten, sprinkle, Arrosare, ra. 1. to bedew, to sprinkle or moisten gently (as with dew) Arrossimento, sm. blushing, blush ; shame Arrossire , ( -are) rn. 3. (arrossisco, -isci) , to blush, redden, become red , be ashamed Fate, mete, bite, n&te, tube; -Ltat, met, bit, n6t, tub; - far, pique, ARR 73 ART Arrostare, va. 1. (from rosta) to drive awiy with a leafy twig; to shake the air (as with a leafy wig) Arrostarsi, vnrf. (from rosta , a leafy twig , palm, fan) to struggle, to be violently shaken, to toss one's arms about, to lay about one lustily , to twist , flounder, strive; va. to shake ; agitate, stir Arrosticciana, sf. belter braciuola ; chop, steak Arrostimento, sm. arrostitura, sf. r6asting Arrostire, va. \. to roast; t6ast, broil Arrostito, -a, adj. roasted 1, toasted, broiled; manzo arrostito, roast beef Arrosto, sm. r6ast meat Arrfita, sf. addition, increase, overplus Arrotamento, sm. sharpening, grinding, whet Arrotante., sm. a grinder, knife-grinder Arrotare, va. \. to grind, sharpen; to polish, smooth; to stretch on the wheel, to rack; arrotarsi, to r611 about, get-rubbed together; become p&lished Arrotdto,-a, adj. ground, (sharpened on the wheel) ; racked , stretched on the wheel, t&rtured; dappled, dapple Arrotatore, arrotino, sm. a knife-grinder; a near, greedy, interested man Arrdto, -a, adj. from arrogere , surplus , su- peradded, 6ver-plus (a roleau Arrotolare , va. i. to r611 up in the form of Arrovellare, vn. 'I. to get warm, angry, fu- rious; ra. to make (one) mad with anger Arrovellatamente , adv. furiously, with rage Arrovellalo,-a, adj. furious, boiling with rage Arroventamento, sm. the making red-hot Arroventare, va. \. to make red hot, fiery Arroventimento, sm. the getting red-hot Arroventire, vn. 5. to grow red-hot, fiery Arroventito, -a, adj. red hot , fiery, burning Arrovesciamdnto , sm. overtkrow, destruction Arrpvesciare, to. \. to turn the -wrong side out, to turn upside down, to upset; dyer- throw , destroy; arrovesciar le mani sui fianchi, to set the hands on the hips (with the elbows projecting outward) , to set the arms a kimbo; rsi, vrf. to get upset Arrovesciatura, v. Arrovesciamento (turned Arrovesciato,-a, adj. 6verthrown , ruined, Arrovescio , adv. against the grain, jm the wrong side, the wrong way, inside out Arrozzfre, tnrf. atlfnto) to attain to, arrive at, reach, sound; touch, hit; lo draw ,up; coi-'li occhi, to discern, perceive, see clearly Allin<:il6re, sm. -trice, sf. who drasvs wine, eic. Attinto, -a, adj. drawn, derived from Atliraglio, sm. luggage, equipage, baggage Atlirare, ra \. to draw; altirarsi, to attract; addosso, to bring up6n one's self Altiiare , va. \. (low) lo litigate , plead , sue; to engage in or carry on lawsuits Attitazione, sf. (law) litigation, pleadings Atlitudine, sf. aptitude, skill; attitude Atlivamente, adv. actively Ailivare.wi. I. to carry into action, effect; or execution Atiiviii, -tade, -late, sf. activity Altivo, -a, adj. active, laborious; enterprising; active, lithe, sharp , prompt; verbo allivo, an active verb; vita alliva, a life of activity; debiti altivi , ouls'andiug credits; debili passivi outstanding debts Attizzamenlo,sm. the act of poking or stirring up the fire; a stirring up anger, provocation Allizzarc, ra. 1. to stir up the fire; lo irritate Attizzatojo, sm. a large foundry poker Attizzatore, -trice, sinf. be , she who p6kes (the fire) (/ty.) one who adds fuel lo flame, or stirs up anger, provocation Alto, sm. act , action , deed , gesture , move- ment; un alto d'eroismo, a heroic act; tra- gedia in cinque atti, a tragedy in five acts; metlere in alto, to carry into effect, put in execution; pagabile nell'atto della consegna, payable on delivery, at the moment of con- signment Alto, a, adj. apt, fit, pr6per, adapted Alto di-fede , auto da fe , sm. ( a solemn day held by the Inquisition for the punishment of her,etics) Atlollere, va. 3. (poet.) v. Innnlzare Atlondare, va. 1. to make round, full, plump Attonilaggine.s/ 1 . stupidity, ddllishness, bldck- ishness Altonito, -a, adj. astonished, amazed Atlopato, -a, adj. full of mice, rals Atlorcare, va. 1. to pile up (wood) in a py- ramidal form Attorccre, va. 2. irr. (atldrco, -ci , -ce , past attorsi , part, altorlo ) to twist, wring; v. Tdrccre Altorcigliare, va. to twist, wrap, twine Attorcigliamento, sm. twisting, twining (up Atlorcigliato, -a, adj, Iwisled, twined, wound Attorcimento, sm. twisting , winding up Altore, sm. an actor, player; an agenl,br6ker, factor; (law) a plaintiff Atloria, sf. management , administration Atlorneggialo , nealo , -a, adj. enclosed , en- compassed, surrouuded, beset AltornianienlOjjfm. encl6sure,c6mpass, paling Atlorniare, va. \. to surround, beset, enclose Altorno, prep. adv. about, round, round about Attorno atlorno, adv. round about, all round Altorrare.tMJ. 1. (from lorre) to heap up tower- like, to pile op Atlortigliare, va. 1. to twist, twine, wrap round Atlortigliato, -a., ad. twisted, twined, entangled Attorto,-a, adj. wrung, twisted, entangled Attoscare, tier. 1 to poison, embitter, grieve Aitoscato, -a, adj. poisoned Altoso, -a, adj. childish, fr61icsome, stirring, waggish Attossicagidno, sf. ) poisoning, giving pois- Attossicamento, sm. ( on ; empoisonment Altossicante, adj. poisonous, (venomous) Atlossicare, va. 1. (atldssico, -chi, -ca) to poison Altossical6re, sm. a poisoner, empoisoner Altrabiccalo, -a, adj. encamped, under lenls Attraenle, adj. attractive, prepossessing, lovely Allraere, va. 2. irr. lo attract, entice, chirm Altraimento, sm. attraction, allurement Atlrappare, va. \. to deceive, seduce, surprise Allrapparsi, allrappfrsi, vnrf. v. Rattraparsi Attrappalo, -a, adj. deceived, surprised, ta- ken in; cavallo attrappato , a foundered horse Atlrapperfa. sf. contraclion of the nerres, fraud Attrarre, ra. 2. irr. to attract, draw, entice Attrattabile, attrattevole. adj. v. Trallabile Atlrattiva, sf. attraction, allurement, charm ; altratlive personal! , personal attractions, charms Altraltivita , sf. attractiveness , the pO"wor of attracting nor, rude; - fall. s6n, bull; - fare , do ; - by, lymph ; poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem , as 84 AUD Attrattivo. -a, adj. attractive , prepossessing , enticing Attratto, -a, adj. attracted, drawn , enticed Attrattorio.-a, adj. v. Altrattivo Attraltn'ce, sf. she who attracts, allures Attraversamento, sm. a crossing, traversing; a thwarting, impediment, obstacle Altraversare, va. \. to cross , traverse, to go through, to get through or across; to thwart; attraversare il campo nemieo , to traverse or pass thr6ugh the enemy's camp; i di- segni di qualchediino, to twhart a person's plans, baffle his schemes; attraversarsi a un disegno , to oppose one's self to a plan, be opposed to a project Attraversalo, -a, adj. crossed, traversed, thwarted Attraversal6re, -trice, smf. he, she who crds- ses, opposes, bars, thwarts , baffles Attraverso, a traverse, adv. across, through ; altraversolaforesta, across or through the forest Attrazione, sf. attraction, drawing to; (med.) attraction; (physics) attraction Attrazzare, fa. 1. to rig a ship, to rig out Attrazzatore, sm. rigger (of a ship) (Altrazzo) attrezzo,sm. tool, instrument; at- trezzi di cucina, kitchen utensils; di guerra, war stores, implements of war Attrecciare, va. 1. lotrecciare Attrezzare , va. i. Attrazzare Attribuimenlo, sm. the attributing; an impu- tation Attribuire, vn. 5. (attribuisco, -fsci , -isce, -iamo , -ite , -iscono) to attribute , ascribe, refer; assign ; attribuisco ta sua malattia al soverchio uso dell'oppio, I attribute he r illness to her eating too much opium ' Atlribiursi,w/. to ascribe to one's self, claim Attribuilo, -a, adj. atlribuited, imputed Attribulivo, -a, adj. attributable, imputable Attribute, sm. attribute, property, essential quality; gli attributi divihi, the attributes of the Divinity, the Divine attributes Attribuzione, sf. attribution, attributing Atlrice, sf. an actress; (law) plaintiff Attrislamento, sm. sadness, affliction , grief Attrislanle, adj. afflicting, grievous, painful Attristare, va. \. altristire, 5. to grieve, sadden Atlrislarsi, vrf. to afflict one's self, be pained Atlristato, -stito, -a, adj. grieved, pained, sad Attrislazione, sf. gri6f, affliction, trouble Attritamento.sm. grinding, pounding, mincing Attrilare, va. \. attritato; v. Trilare, tritato Attrfle, -a, adj. compunctious, sdrrowful for sin,, repentant; sm. (phys.) attrition Altrizione, sf. attrition, compunction; attri- tion, rubbing together; v. Trilameoto Attruppamento, am. mob, riotous mob Attrupparsi , vnrf. to troop , to collect toge- ther, to collect in a mob, to gather; to get together in a mob Atlrnppato, -a, adj. get together, gathered in crowds, grouped Attuale, adj. actual, real; present, effective; il momento attuale, the present moment Attualita , -ade , ate, sf. the actuality , the reality; le attualila , present realities, things as they really exist Attualmente, adj. actually , now, at this mo- ment, at this very lime, actually, really, in effect, in fact, indeed; egli e attualmente in Roma, he is now in Rome Altuare, ra. 1. to actuate, fulfil, execute, d6; to bring into operation; emb6dy in acts; to act out, to execute, perform Attuariato , sm. the office of a scrivener, registrar or notary Atluario, sm. a scrivener, registrar, notary Attuarsi , vrf. to apply one's self intently Attuato , -a , adj. acted out , carried into act or execution, effected, performed, realized Attuazione , sf. actuation , the state of being put in action ; effectual operation Attuccio, sm. a puerile act, childish action Attuffamento, sm. plunge, immersion , dive Attuffare , va. 1. to plunge , dive, duck, dip. immerse; attuffarsi, to plunge, dive, dash- into the water, to duck ; atluffarsi ne' vizi, to plunge headlong into vice Alluffato, -a, adj. plunged, dived, dipped AUuffalura, atluffazione, if. v. AUuffaraenlo Attuffevole, adj. deep; fit for plunging, diving Attujare, va. 1. ant. to offuscate, darken Atluoso, -a, adj. active, stirring, fussy Atturarfl, va. 1. T. Turare Altutare , va t \. to deaden , blunt, quench; to soften, calm, still, assuage; to compose, quiet, to beat into silence; attutare (smor- zare) la polvere, to lay the dust Attutarsi, vrf. to gr6w calm, be appeased Attutalo, -a, adj. appeased, calm, composed Altutatore, attutitore, sin. an appeaser , pa- cifier Altuiire , va. 5. to still , quiet , silence , U> impose silence; un. uomo irato , to ap- pease an angry man A lull' uomo , adverb, with all one's might , with might and main; bard, earnestly, laboriously Aublezia , sf. ( bot.) sort of vervain Aucchiare, va. 1. to sew, work with a needle Audace, adj. audacious, bold, insolent, rash Audacemeote, adv. audaciously, rashly Audacia, sf. audacity, rashness , temerity Audibile, udibile, adj. audible Audienza, audienzia, sf. v. Udienza Audite, va. 3. v. Udfre Auditivo, -a, adj. v. Uditfvo Audfto, sm. hearing (one of the five senses) Auditorato, sm. auditorship, auditor's office Auditore , sm. auditor, hearer, master of the rolls (v. Uditorio Auditorio , SIM. auditory , audience chamber; Fate, mete, bite, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, n6t, tub; - faT, pique, AUD 85 AUT Audizi6ne, sf. hearing ; ( law) di teslimo- nj , bearing of witnesses Auge, am. uslr. summit, apex, acme Augi'Hatore, SOT. poet, a bird-catcher Augello, sm. poet, a bird; v. Uccello.uccelletto Auggiare , ra. 1. v. Adugiare Augnare ( tagliare a ugna ) , va. t. to cut or cut out in the form of a nail or shell Augnatt'ira. sf. ihe cutting or clipping a bush or tree in Ihe form of a nail or shell Augumentabile, adj. (little vied] that may be augmented Augiimenlare , va. d. T. Aumentare Augnmentato , -a , adj. (little used) augmen- ted, increased Aujnimentazione , sf. augumento , sm. ( little iise/l ) increase Augnmentalivo, -a, adj. (little used) augmen- tative, increasing Augurale, adj. augurial, of an augur Augurante, adj. foretelling, presaging; wishing Augurare, van. I. to augur, divine , foretell , wish; vi auguro buon appetite, buon viag- gio , il buon anno , I vish you a good ap- petite, a pleasant journey, a happy new year Augnrato, -a, adj. presaged, wished Angurat6re, augure, sm. augur, soothsayer Augurio, sm. an augury, 6men, presage Aucurioso , -a, arlj. ominous, superslitious Augustalc, adj. imperial , augiist Augiislano , -a , adj. augiistan ; confessi6ne augustana, Augustan confession Auj-'iistare, rn. i. to make prosperous, happy ( lilt If wed ) Angusto, -a, adj. august (grand, royal) Aula, sf. ruval palace, hall, court Auledo, sm. flute player; v. Flautfsta Anlcnle, adj. sweet smelling, fragrant Aulico , -a , adj. aulic ; to , or of Ihe court ; Consiglio Aulico, Aulic Council Aulire, ran. 5. to perfume, T. Ollre Aulo. KIII. sort of ancient flute Aulodia , sf. a singing accompanied by the flute Aumentabile, adj. augmentable, increasable Aumenlamento, sm. increase, augmentation Aumentante, adj. increasing, augmenting Anmeniare, ran. \. to increase, grow, extend Aumentativo, -a, adj. augmentative Anmentalo, -a, adj. augmented, improved Anmi'Mtatore, SHI. -trice, sf. increaser Aumentazionp, sf. augmentation, addition Aumento, sm. growth, increase Aumctlare, aumettarsi, ran. \. to wet, damp Aumiliare, umiliare, t-n. to humiliate, humble Anna, sf. ell, yard (measure) Aunanza, adunanza, sf. meeting, assembly Aunare, adunare, van. I. to assemble Auncicare.ra. \. to carry away, steal, swindle Auncinarsi, vrf to bw, bend, turn crooked Aunghiare, augnare, va. 1. to cut angularly Aungbiatura, augnatura, sf. angular cut A nn'ora, adwl>. together, at the same time Aura, sf. (poet.) gentle breeze, air, favor Aura popolare, sf. popular applause, favor Anrare, va. \. inanrare, to gild, brighten Aurato, -a, adj. gilded, bright, like g61d Aurelia, sf. chrysalis, first state of a maggot Aureo, -a, adj. golden, of gold , gilded Aureocolorato, -a, ffrf/^of a g6)d c6lor Aureola, sf. glory, crown, blaze of light Aurdtta; sf. soft wind, zephyr Aurfrola, sf. auricle of the heart Auricolare , adj. auricular, t6ld in the 6ar; confessione auricolare, auricular confessioo Anricome, adj. yellow-haired Auriculare, adj. auricular, secret Aurifero, -a, arlj. producing gold, anriferons Auriga, sm. (poet.) charioteer Aurigare, m. to drive or conduct a chariot Aurino, -a, doralo. adj. gilt , g61den Aurispicio, sm. divination, foretelling Aurizzare, rn. \. to turn into gold Auro, sm. (poet.) gold plate, riches Aurora, sf. aurora, dawn, break of day Ausare, rn. I. to use ; acciistom. insure Ansare, ausarsi, rn.to be accustomed, used to Ansato, a. adj, accustomed, habituated Ansiliare, adj. auxiliary, helping, relievable Ausiliario, -a, adj. auxiliary (of troops) Ausiliatore, sm. helper, reliever, protector Ausilio, sm. (lat.) help, relief, succor Auso, -a, adj. (poet.) b61d, daring Ansonia, sf. (poet.) Italy, Ausonia Auspice, sm. prot6ctor, patron Arjspicfna, sf. augury (the art of foretelling events by Ihe flight or chattering of birds) Auspicio, auspizio, sm. presage, favor, pro- tection, countenance, guidance, auspices Austeramente, adv. austerely, rigidly Aasterita,-tate,-tade, sf. severity, roughness Auslero, -a, adj. severe, rigid, mor6se, grave Australe, auslrfno, -a, adj, Sostral, southern Austro, am. (poet.) south-wind, ausler Autentica, if. authentic testimony Aulenticamente, adv. authentically AutenticAre, va. \. to authenticate, pr6ve Autenticato, -a, adj. authenticated, prAved Aulenticazi&ne, sf. authentication Autentico, -a, adj. authentic, valid Autentico (per), adverb, anthenlically Autocrata, autocrate, sm. autocrat (a title as- sumed by the Emperor of Russia) Aulocralico,-a, adj. autocratic, autocratical Autocrazia, sf. autocracy Autografo, -a, adj. autographal, autogrkphic, autographical Autografo, sm. autograph Autdma, automato, sm. automaton Automalico, -a, adj. automatic, automatical Automalismo, sm. the system of automatic or involuntary animal m&lion Autonomia, sf. (i/reek) autbnomy , the power or right of self-government n<5r, rude; - fall, son, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph ; poise, boys; foul, fowl; gem, as AUT 86 AVE Antonomico, -a, adj. autonomian, pertaining to autonomy Aul6nomo,-a,"arfj. autonomous Autopsia, autossia, sf. (med.) autopsy, ocular demonstration Autoralo, -a (little used), r, Autenticato Autore, sm. author, inventor, cause Aulorevole, adj. accredited, authorized Aulorevolmcnte, adv. authoritatively, with full power Autorila,-t4te,-lade, sf. authority, legal power Auloritalivo,-a, adj. authoritative, imperious Autorizzare, va. \. -to authorize, empower Antorizzalo,-a, adj. authorized, empowered Autorizzazione, sf. authorization, the act of empowering, giving authority; legal po"wer, permission, grant Actrice, sf. authoress Anlunnale, adj. autumnal, of autumn Aulunno, sm. autumn, the fall of the leaf Auzzare, tvi. to whet, v. Aguzzare Ava, sf. grandmother Avacciare, avacciarsi, fan. i. ant. v. Affrel- Avaccio (o tardi o), adv. sooner or later (tare Avale, adv. (ant.) soon, presently, now, this mo- Avalle, adv. below, down, downwards (men! Avallo, sm. (commerce) undertaking, guaranty (of bills) Avambraccio, sm. v. Anlibraccio Avanguardia, sf. vanguard, 'front of the army Avania, sf. molestation, exaction; affront, insult Avanotto, sm. young fry ; novice, simpleton Avanle, prep, and adv. poel. before, forward Avanti, prep, and adv. before, forward, sooner, rather; preceding; il giorno avanti, the day before; the preceding day; andatc avanti , go on , speak on; non bisogna piii avanli, that suGfces; a van lie he. before that; Tcnile avanli, come forward, come up, step in; andate avanti, io vi seguiro, go before, V II follow Avanticamera, sf. v. Anlicamera Avanlichc, adv. v. Avanli Avanliguardia, sf. v. Yanguardia Avanzamcnlo, sm. advancement, progress Avanzanle, udj. surpassing, rising, super- fluous Avanzare, va. \. to ouslrip , outrun, outdo, surpass, excel; to advance, forward, dis patch; to remain; il piii agile avanza il piu forte, the swiftest outstrips the slron gest ; lalvolta il discppolo avanza il maestro, sometimes lliOscliolarJuislrips (.or surpasses _his master; avanzare in merito, to surpass OS exceed in merit; Silla avanzo Mario neU'arle dclla lirannide , Sylla surpassed llarius in the art of tyranny ; ritcnendo prigioni quelli die avanzarono alia loro crudelia, holding as prisoners, those whom their ciuelly had spared; a me n'avanzano pochi , 1 have but few remaining ; dopo di y6i, se ne avanza, after you, should there remain any, should any be left Avanzarsi, vrf. to advance, piish forward, thrive, improve, to anticipate; s' avanz6 circa trenta pass! verso lui, he advanced about thirty paces towards him; chi vuole avanzarsi deve alzarsi alle cinque, he that would thrive must rise at five; che uhtiia. e avanzarsi il dolore?why anticipate grief? of A hit use is it to torment one's self be- fore the time? Avanzaticcio, sm. remnant, bit, scrap, remains Avanzatile,avanzevole,nnf. v. Soprabbondante Avanzalo, -a , adj. advanced , forward , re- mained, left; in eta, in years, old Avanzatore, sm. advancer, forwarder; he who advances or makes advances (mainder Avanzelto, sm. small remnant, trifling re- Avanzo , sm. remainder , remains , residue , residuum , remnant , savings , clear gains , profit ; ancient ruin , relic ; metlere ad avanzi , to carry to the account , of prolil (and loss); un prezioso avanzo, a precious relic, valuable remains, venerable ruin; gli avanzi deltempio d' Apollo, the remains or ruins of the temple of Apollo; ne bo d'a- vanzo , I have plenty and to spare, I have more than enough Avanzuglio, sm. v. Avanzaticcio Avaraccio, -a, adj. very avaricious , sordid , miserly; sm. a niggard, an odious miser Avaramente, adv. sordidly, avariciously AvareAlo , sm. a little miser; -a , adj. rather avaricious Avaria , sf. average , damage at sea ; inden- uizzared'un'avaria, to make good an average Avarissimo,-a, adj. very avaricious, niggardly Avarizia, sf. avarice, niggardliness Avarizzare.i-H. 1. tosavesordidiy.be niggardly Avaro, -a, adj. avaricious, miserly, stingy Avaro,-a, smf. miser, niggard, pinch-penny Avarone, avaronaccio,-a, smf. a great miser Ave (//.). good day; ave I hail I all hail! Avelenare, va. 1. v. Avvelenare Avellana, sf. filbert, hazel nut Avellano, sm. filbert tree, hazel-bush Avellere, va. 2. irr. v Svellere f Avello, *>. poet, sepoltura, sf. tomb , grave, sepulchre Ave Maria, Avemmaria, /nfcr. hail, Mary! sf. a bi-ll rung in the morning and evening twilight to announce the hour of prayer; Angelus ; beads of a rosary ; vengo da voi stasera, ali'Ave-Maria , I'll call this even- ing at the sound of the evening bell, at dusk Avena, sf. oats; oaten reed , pastoral pipe; avcte dato I' avena a' cavalli ? have jou given the burses their oats? Avente, adj. having, who has, possesses Avere , va. and aux. in: 2. ( ho , liai , ba , ec. vide Introduction), to have, pos- sess , hold ; ogni cittadioo cbe avesse sa- Fate, mete, bite, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, n6t, tiib; - fir, pique, AVE 87 rcbbe stato caccialo, every citizen who had any pr6perty would have been driven away; avendolo per santfssimo uomo, believing him to be a very holy man; aver fame, sle, freildo, to be hungry, tliirsly, cold; hoquin- dici anni, I'm fifteen years old ; aver voglia, to have a mind ; agio, to have time , be at leisure; in balia , to have in one's power; in pregio, to prize, esteem ; in costume, to be accustomed ; per regola, to make it a rule; a sdegno, to despise, disdain; averla con uno , to be displeased or angry with a person ; aver per buono , to take in good part: aver a caro che ecc., to be glad that, etc; ho di mestieri , j want; avere a avere (esser creditore), to be to have, to be creditor,; avvi , vi han- no, ec., Idler evvi, vi s6ao, there is, there are; ebbevi di quegli che, ec. , there were s&me who, etc. Avere, SMI. property, estate, wealth, inherit- ance, possessions; ha scialacquato lutto il suo avere, he has squandered all his property Aver'a, sf. sort of sea-giill Averno. sm. (poet.} hell, avernus Aversione , avversione , sf. hatred , aversion repugnance Averse, -a., adj. averted , turned aside, removed AverUTi) , va. 2. in-, to avert > turn aside , v.ard off Averlimcnlo, am. the averting, turning aside, warding off Avidamente, adv. greedily, eagerly Avidezza, sf. J greediness , avidity, Aviiiita,-ade.-ate,.f. j eagerness, strong desire Avidn.-a, n'/j. greedy, eager, covetous Avina, xf. wood lark, meadow-lark Avironare, va. \. v. Circondare Avironato,-a, adj. surrounded, enclosed Avito,-a, adj. (/Vomavi, fdrefathers , an- cestors) hereditary, inherited from one's forefathers Avo, -a, avolo, -a smf. grand-father, grand- mother Avocare, va. 1. to appeal, remove a cause Avocazkine, sf. appeal, removal of a causo Avopadare.ivi. I. ant. to be an advocate, law yer Avogado, ic/feravvo cato, 8 riduate Baccalaureate, sm. baccalaureate, the degree of bachelor of arts Baccanale, sm. drunken feast, bacchanals Baccanario, -a, adj. bacchanal, bacchanalian Baccanella, sf. rout, mob, tumultuous assembly Baccanello, sm. little bustle, noise, uproar Baccano, sm. great noise, uproar, tumult Baccante, smf. bacchant, bacchante, priest, priestess of Bacchus Baccara, sf. (hot.) assarabacca Baccaro, &;/. (bot.) blue bottle, foxglove Baccalo, -a, adj. drunk, furious, raging Baccella, sf. pod, husk; (fig.) a simple, silly woman (ninny Baccellaccio , sm. big pod, hull, (fig.) great Bacci'llajo, sm. podder, a gatherer of pods Baccellerfa, sf. bachelor's degree . Baccellello, sm. small pod, oval edge Baccelliere, baccelliero, sm. bachelor of arts BaccelHna , sf. ( bot. ) dyer's broom , dyer's weed, green-weed Bacellino, -a, adj. producing pods Baccello, sm. pod, husk, hull, shell Baccellone, sm. hull, great dunce, blockhead Baccbeggiare , vn. to riot , racket , play the bacchanal Bacchera, sf. (bot.) foxglove, blue-bottle Bacchella, tsf. rod, slick; da fucile, ramrod; di (amburo, drumstick; (j)am<.) rest slick, resting-slick; divinaloria, divining wand; magica , conjuring wand; comandare a bacchella, to rule with a tight hand Bacchettaro, va. i.(mil.) to flog through the line Bacchetlata, sf. stroke with a switch, rod Baccheltina, sf. bacchettino, sm. small switch Bacchetto, sm. litile bacchus Bacchellona, sf. a bigoted woman, female de- volee, hypocrite Bacchelloncella, sf. I i-,,, BacchelloDciDO, Jn. \ I'ttle hypocrite Baccheltone, sm. bigot, hypocrite, devotee Bacchettoneria, sf. I bigotry, hypocrisy, de- Bacchettonismo , sm. j votion Baccheltuzza, sf. small switch, rod, slick Bacclievole, adj. noting, playing the bacchanal liacchiare, va. \. to knock down with a slick Bacchiata, sf. blow wilh a stick, cudgi-'lling Bacchico, -a, adj. of bacchus, jovial, drunken. Bacchifero, -a, adj. bacciferous, berry-bearing Bacchildne, sm. simpleton , booby, n.nny, Bacchio, sm. pole, staff, ciidgcl ^block ^are al), va. \. irr. to act at random Bacco, sm. Bacchus ; (pud.) winp Bacheca , sf. glass-case , line man in appea- rance Uacherozzo , bacherozzolo , bachcrello , sm. small worm, grub Bacherozzola, sf. (but.) sort of liver-wort Bachiera, sf. silk-worm nursery Bachiocco, sm. doll, ninny, dunce, blockhead Baciabasso, sm. bow cap in hand , reverence Baciatnano, sm. respect, service, compliment Baciamcnto, sm. kissing, salute, kiss Bacianne, (poet.) (-contraction of baciamoci, \. pars. plnr. imperat. of baciare ) , let us kiss one another Baciante, adj. kissing, fond of kissing Baciapile, baciapolvere, sm. hypocrite, bijot Baciare, va. \. to kiss, salute, touch with, the lips, baciar lascopa, vulg. to bear, have paliunce; baciare il chiavislello , to depart hopeless of return Baciare, sm. kiss , salute with the lips , buss Baciarsi, vi-f. to kiss one another, to exchan- ge kisses Baciasanli, sm. a devotee, bigot Bacicchiare, va. 1. v. Bac'niccare Bacicci, sm. (bot.) glass wort ; sill-wort Baciato, -a, adj. kissed, saluled wilh the lips Bacialore . sm. baciatiice , sf. a kisser , one fond of kissing Bacignb, sm. kiss, salute Bacile. bacino, sm. basin, wash-hand basin Dacinclla, bacinella, sf. small basin I3acinetlo, sm- helmet, casket Bacino, sm. basin, wash-band basin; (mar.) dock, dry -Jock Bacio, sm, kiss, salute, north aspect liaciocco, sm. simpleton, dolt, blockhead Uaciozzo, sm. hearty kiss, Idving kiss llaciuccare, baciucchiare, va. ^. to kiss rapidly and repeatedly, to be always kissing and Jaciucchio, sm. v. Baciiiccio (billing Fate, mete, biie, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub; - fa far, pique, BAG 91 BAL Baciuccio, * litlle kiss Baco, am. silk-worm , worm , maggot , mite ; (wrii-.l passage boat, ferry-boat, horse boat; avi're i baclii, lo be saJ, dejected, gloomy ; avere itbaco in iina cosa, lo have a fancy for a thing , ha il baco con lui , he cannot bear (suffer) him Bacnco, sni. apricot Bacolino, am. small worm, grub Bacolo, SHI. (pod.) staff, walking-stick, trun- cheon Bacologia, sf. a treatise on silk-worms Bacolojiico, -a, adj. of silk-worms Baciicco, sm. hood, capuchin, cowl Bacuccola, sf. wild filbert, hazel-nut Bada istarc a), ni. \. in: to stand trifling (lenere a), va. -2. in-, to amuse by prom- ises, keep at bay Bada^'in, sm, beguiling look, fond glance Badalithi*', badaliscliio, v. Uasili'sco Badaloccare, tii.l. lo lounge, lose one's time Badalona, tf. plump fat hearty woman Ba.ialone, am. great idler, tritler, large Og Badaliiccare, vn. 1. to skir.nish, dally, lounge Badaluccare, sm. skirmishing, diversion Badaluccalore, sm. skirmisher, idler, trifler Badalucco, sm. skirmish, pastime (siire a), en. 1. irr. lo idle one's time Badamcnlo, sm. delay, poslp6ning _ liadaiu, tn. 1. lo trifle one's time, stay, loiter liadare, va. to mind , observe , lake care of, 6>t!e Badale a' falli vostri, mind your own business Badr-ila sf. silly conceited woman Baderna, xf, (mar.) a plat Badessa, ., ba.'.i.-liccole . s//i. small baggage 1', . '.liooi', sm. soldier's boy, blackguard Ba^u^liume, sm. great quantity of baggage Bajiaro, baghcro, SHI. v. Bagaliino Batiiiscia, sf. worthless woman, strumpet, harlot Ba^ascio, bapascione, xm. whoremonger, bully Bagaiti'lU, sf. juggler's trick, liifle, bauble Bagaiidiieie, MH. juggler, buffoon, trifler Bagattclluccia, *f'. a mere trifle Bagatlino, sm. farlhing Baggea, sf. a stupid, silly woman Baggeo, sm. simpleton Bagaianaccio, sm. great blockhead, numskull Uaggianata, ./". a silly act, word, or thing Baggiane, sfp. court-promises, fair words Uaggianeria, sf. silly thing, foolish speech Baggiano, sm. v. Babbaccio Baggiolare, va. 1. lo lean, prop, support, rest Baggiolo, sm. prop, support, stay Bagbero, sm. farlhing ian old Venetian coin) Bagiana, sf. beans just shelled, joke, banter Bagio, sm. (poet.) kiss, salute Bagiola, xf. (hot.) myrtle-berry Bagnuccbiare, v.t. 1. to moisten, wet a little Dahlia, sf. large sea-tub, bucket Bagliore, sm. dazzling light, flash of light Bagnajudlo, sm. bath-keeper, dipper, bather Bagnamenlo, sm. bath ing, sprinkling, wetting Bagnaole, adj. moistening, welling, bathing Bagnare, va. 1. to moisten, wet, damp Bagnarsi, vrf. lo bathe, go into Ihe water Bagnato,-a, adj. wet, moistened, washed Bagnalore, sm. bather, swimmer Bagnaliira, sf. bathing, season for bathing Bagno, sm. bath, bathing-tub, cistern, lank; bagne (convict-prison) d'acqua frcdda, SHI. cold-bath d'acqua calda, sm. hot-bath maria, bagno marie, sm. balneum-mariae Bagola, f. (hot.) the berry of the lote-lree Bagnuolo , sm. small bath , fomentation , stuping Bagordare, vn. 1. to tilt, joust, revel, feast Bagdrdo, sm. pike, lance, revelry, riot Baj z,*f. joke, derision, banter, bay, roadstead (vuler la), vn. 2. in: to spdrt, joke, rally (dar la), va. 1. in: lo laugh at, mock Bajaccia, */. great flam, story, trick, joke Bajare, vn. \. to bark, clamor at Bajata, sf. joke, derision, raillery, ridicule Baje (far le), vn. 2. i>r. lo sport, fr61ic, tiy, to play Ibe wag Bajetta, sf. bombasin, baize, cove, small bay Bailo, sm. city magistrate Bajo, adj. bay, chesnut-color Bajocco, sm. roman penny Bajoso,-a, adj. facetious, jocise, waggish Bajonaccio, bajone, sm. great joker, banterer Bajonetia, /". bajonet; caricarealla bajonetU (wil.)\o charge wilh.lbe bayonet; prender (d'assallo) alia bajonetta, lo carry at the point of the bayonet; piantare in canna la bajonelia , to lix bayonets ; bajonella in canna I fix bayonets 1 Baire, i'. 5. to grow pal.?, be confused Bajuca, bajiicca, bajiiccola, sf. trifle, bauble Bajulo, sm. v. Paccbino Baju61a, bajezza, sf. frivolous thing, gewgaw Ualassa, v. Bardacca Balaiisla, balauslra, sf. I flower of Ihe wild Balaiisiro, sm. j pomegranate tree Balaustrala, sf. balustrade nor, rude; - fall, son, bull ;- fare, do ;- by, lymph ; pffise, bi^s, foul, fowl; gem , as 92 BAL Balaustro, sm. (arch.) baluster , banister Balbeggiare, vn. \. v. Balbeltare Balbeltante, sm. stammerer, stutterer Balbettare , balbelticare , vn. I, to stammer, stutter, speak confusedly; (of children) to lisp (speak imperfectly) ; balbeltare una scu- sa, to stammer out an apology Balbezzare, balbuzzare, vn. 1. to stammer Balbo,-a, adj. tongue-tied, stammering Balbolire, balbutfre, vn. 5. to stammer, stutter Balbuzie, sf. stammer, stutter BalbuziSnte, adj. stammering, stuttering Balbuzione, sf. v. Balbuzie Balco, sm. (ant.) v. Palco Balconala, sf. small railed gallery Balc6ne, sm. balcony Baldaccbino, sm. canopy Baldamente, adv. b61dly, courageously Baldanza, sf. boldness, hardihood Baldanzeggiare, vn. 1. to lead a merry life Baldanzosamente, adv. in a b6ld manner Baldanzosolto,-a, adj. somewhat proud , bold Baldanzoso,-a,arfj. bdld, haughty, courageous Baldezza, sf. baldime"nto,(anf.) sm. b61dness, courage Baldo, -a, adj. bold, courageous, haughty Baldore, sm. (ant.) boldness, assurance Baldoria, sf. wild-fire, bonfire, feasting (fare), ra. \. irr. to live sumptuously, riot Baldracea, sf. harlot, woman of pleasure Balena, sf. whale; (atttr.) celus; osso di ba- Jena, whale-bone ; pesca dellabal^na, whale- fishery Balenamenlo, sm. lightning, flash, blaze Balenare, vn. \. lighten, stagger, reel Baleniere , sm. whaler (fisherman) ; -whaler, whale-ship Baleniero, -a, adj. of a whaler; batldllo ba- leniero , nave baleniera, whaler's boat, whale-ship, whaler Baleno, sm. flash of lightning Baleno (in un), adverb, in a trice, instantly Balenoso, -a, adj. abounding vith whales Balestra, sf. cros s-b6w, arbalist quadrant Balestrajo, sm. bowman, archer Baleslrare, van. \. to shoot, dart, vex Balestrala, sf. b&w-shot, distance of a bow- shot Baleslrat6re, balestriere, sm. bowman, archer Baleslrerfa,.*/". company of archers, b6wmen Baleslriera, sf. (fort.) barbacau , loop-hole, embrasure Balestro, sm. cross bow, arbalist , quadrant Balestro (andare sul), vn. 1. irr. to go on ~pindle shanks Baleslrone, sm. large cross-b6w Balestruccio, sm. (orn.) king's fisher; (arts) bow ; aver le gambc a balestruccio , to be bandy-legged Balia, sf. wet-nurse, nurse ; essere a balia, to be out at nurse Balia, sf. power, authority, command Balia (essere di sua), to be one's own master ; darsi in balia ai piaceri, to give one'sself up to pleasure Baliaccia, sf. bad wet-nurse Baliaggio, sm. bailiwic Baliatico, sm. nurse's wages, expence of nursing Balialo, sm. 6ffice, du ration of a bailiffs 6ffice Balio, sm. foster-father; bailiff, magistrate Balioso, -a, adj. powerful Balfre.ra. 5. to suckle, rear up, educate Bali're.ua.l. to govern, rule, command, handle, wield Balfsla, balh'sta, sm. engine to cast st6nes Balistica, sf. ballistics Balivo, sm. inferior judge, city-magistrate Balia, sf. bale, pack Ballabile, adj. suited to dancing; sm. ballet Baliaccia, sf. large ill made bale, heavy load Ballacocca, sf. an apricot Ballacocco, sm. an apricot-tree Balladore, sm. ruin, deck of a ship Ballare, vn. 1. to dance, shake.be unsteady in campo azziirro, v. to dance upon nothing Ballata, sf. dancing-song, dance Ballala, tal sonata (qual) , proa. exp. like for like, til for tat . (guidar la), vn. \. to command, rule Ballatojo, sm. gallery, flat roof, platform Balla*6re, sm. ballatn'ce, sf. dancer Balle (far le), vn. 1. irr. to pack off, decamp (a), adv. exp. in plenty, in great quantity Balleria, sf. (ant.) dancing, art' of dancing Ballerina , sf. dancing girl, dancer, female partner Ballerfno, sm. 6pera dancer, dancer, haw Baller6nzolo, sm. a skipping, jumping about, a little dance Balletta, sf. small bale Balletto, sm. ballet, dramatic dance, interlude Ballo (entrar in),:n. d.to undertake (a thing) (uscir di), vn. irr. 3. to finish (a thfng) sm. ball, dance , assembly of dancers Ballonchio, sm. country dance, round dance' Ball6ne, sm. largo bale Ballonzare I vn. 1. to dance without order!, Ballonzolare j skip, jump about Ball6nzolo, sm. a silly dance Ballotta, if. boiled chestnut; vole, suffrage Ballotlamenlo , sm. v. Ballottazione Balloltaro, va. \. to vote, ballot, toss, bandy Ballotlazi6ne, sf. ballotation, v6ting Ballotto, sm. soil of chestnut-tree Balneabile, adj. fit for bathing Balneario, adj. balnea! ; slabilimento balnea- rio , bathing establishment Baloardo, sm. bulwark, rampart, bastion Baloccaggine, sf. trifles, silliness, nonsense Baloccamenlo.sm. amusement, diversion, trifle Baloccare, van. 1. to amuse, gape about Baloccatore, -trice, smf. a trifler.amuser, be- gufler Baloccheria, sf. foolishness, absurdity Fate, mete, bfte, n6le, tube; - fat, met, bit, n6t, tub; - far, piqwc, BAL 93 BAG Balocco, sm. booby, simpleton, ninny Baloccone, sm. great booby, numskull Baloccone, adv. foolisly, without thought Biilogia, sf. boiled chestnut, vole, suffrage Balogio, -a, adj. silly, foolish, weak Balordaccio, sm. thickskull, dolt, simpleton Balordaggine, balorderia, sf. stupidity Balordame&te, adv. foolishly, stupidly Balordo, sm. loggerhead, blockhead, clown Balsamico, -a, adj. bals'uuic, mitigating Balsamina, sf. (hot.) balsam, (annual plant) Balsamino. sm. balsam, balsam apple Balsame, baliimo, sm. balm, ointment Balsimare , fa. 1. to embalm Balta , sf. a downward push, an upset; dare la balta, to upset , overthrow , overturn , fig. to waste, squander Balteo, sm. belt, bald rick Baluardo, sm. bulwark, rampart, bastion Baluginare, vn. \. to be short-sighted, unable to see far Balusante, adj. short-sighted, unable to see far Balza, sf. rock, cliff, precipice, valance Balzana, sf. fringe, furbelow Balzano, -a, adj. while-spotted, giddy-headed Balzanle, adj. bouncing, leaping Balzaro , en. \. to bound, leap, skip , jump , jolt; vi balzo la pal la in niano, you had the ball at your own foot Balzatore, sm. jumper, leaper Balzeggiare . va. 1. to cause to bound, leap, jump, rebound Balzellare, ta. 1. to skip, leap , bound lightly Balzellato, -a, adj. overburdened with taxes Balzello, sm additional tax, subsidy Balzelloni, udc. in jumping, frisking, skipping Balzelto, sm. small bound, leap . Balzo, sm. buubd, leap, jump, rebound Bambagello, sm. paint, rouge Bambagia, sf. barobagio , sm. cotton; tenere nella bambagia, to pamper Bambagino, sm. dimity, fine cotton cloth Bambagidso, -a, adj. soft as cotton Bambinaggine, bambineria, sf. childishness Bambinello, bamberoltolo, sm. little child Bambinesco, -a, uJj. childish, v. Puerile Bambino, -a, smf. little b6y, little girl, babe Bambo, -a, udj. simple, foolish, stupid, dull Bambocceria, sf. childishness, child's action Bambocciata, sf. (paint.) picture of rustic low life Bamb.'ccio I tm. little child, simpleton, piip- Bamb kciolo j pet, bad painting Bamboccione, sm. big, fat child Bambola, sf. doll, puppet, looking-glass Bambolcggiamento, sm. childish action Bainboleggiara, vn. I. to act like a child Bamboleggiatore, sm. childish person Bambolinaggine, sf. childishness, puerility Batnbolino, -a, smf. litlle boy, girl, darling Bambolila,-ate, -ade, if. (ant.) childish action Bambolo, *m. babe, baby, infant Bamboldne, sm. big, fat child, fine child Bambii, sm. bamboo, Indian cane Banca, sf. soldiers' pay-ofGce, v. Banco Bancario, -a, adj. of the bank, payable at the bank (feast Banchettaccio, sm. bad bench; low, vulgar Banchettarc, va. 1. to give a feast , entertain Banchetto, sm. small bench, banquet, feast (fare), vn. 1. irr. to banquet, feast Banchierc, banchiero, sm. banker, cambist Banchioa.s/'. small bench, causeway, foot-path Banco, sm. bench, form, bank, counter ; banco d' arena , sand-bank ; banco di ghiaccio , a field of ice Banconcello, sm. small bank, oak-plank Bancone, sm. great bench, plank Banda, sf. side, band, company, troop, gang; di sotlovento (war.), lee-side; di so- pravvento, weather side; bande della nave, sides , beams of a ship ; bande della stiva , wings of the hold (meltere da) , va. 3. irr. to put aside , re- serve (andare alia), va. \. irr. to go to ruin a ban Ja (passaro da), pa. \. to run through (da), adv. exp. aside, apart, by Bandato, -a, adj. girt, bo'und Bandeggiare , ta. 1. to banish, exile, drive away Bandeggiato, -a, adj. exiled, banished Bandella, sf. iron-work, hinger of a door Banderajo , sm. ensign bearer, church dress maker Banderese, sm. knight banneret Bander6la, sf. bandrol, weather-cock, vane Bandiera, sf. banner, ensign, flag, colors ; far la bandiera, to cabbage (of tailors); ban- diera di poppa (mar.) ensign; di prora , jack ; di pace, flag of truce (a), adv. er/j.Jby chance, heedlessly Bandinella, sf. towel, bed-curtain Bandini, sm. stanchions Bandire.ua. 5. to proclaim, publish, cry, banish Bandita, sf. proclamation, privileged place Bandilo, sm. exile, outlaw, bandit, assassin adj. exiled , proscribed , outlawed ; tener corte bandila, to keep open house Ban.litore, sm. public crier Bando, sm. ban, proclamation, banishment (di testa), reward for arresting (trar di), to recall from exile Bandoliera, sf. shoulder-belt, bandolier Bandolo, sm. head of the skein (ritrovare il), ta. 1. to find the way Bacdone, sm. a large metal plate Bandono , sm. (ant.) abandonment, forsaking Baniani , snip. Banians (.Indian idolaters) Bano , sm. a governor in Croatia , Walla- chia, etc. Bao , sm. (mar.) beam; maestro, mid-ship beam nor, ride; - fall, son, bull; - fin?, d6j - by, Ijmph ; poise, b^s, foul , fowl ; gem , ai BAG 94 BAR Bao Bao (fare il), (low tttscan) to hoot after (a mask) Bara, sf bier, coffin, litter (aver la bocca snlla) , to have one foot in the grave, be 61d or infirm Barabuffa, sf. racket, riot, noise, fray, quarrel Baracane, sm. barracan , strong thick camlet Baracca, sf. barrack, shed, hut Baraccame, sm. a kind'of ribbed or figured cloth Baraccare, va. 1. to build barracks, quarter Baracehiere, sm. sutler, provider Baracciizza, sf. small barrack, shed Barare, vn. d. to cheat, dupe, overreach Bararia, sf. fraud, deceit, r6gnish trick Baralro, barato, sm. abyss, hell, pit Baratta, sf. contention, contrast. Dant. Barattamento. sm. exchange, truck, barter Baraltare, va. d. to exchange, barter, cheat Barattato, ia, adj. bartered, cheated Barattatore, sm. bdrlerer, exchanger, cheat Baraltazione, sf. barter, truck Baratteria, sf. bartering, cheating Baralliere, baralliero, -a, smf. barterer, cheat Baratto, sm. truck, exchange, cheat Baratlola, sf. sort of water-fowl Barattolo, sm. a medicine pot Barba, sm. (ant.) uncle, (Lombard word) sf. beard, root, origin, spridg (farsi la), to shave Barba di stoppa (fare), oa. \. to play a trick (alia), adv. exp. in spite of Barbabietola, sf. beet-root, be'etrave Barbacane, sm. barbacan, aqueduct , conduit Barbaccia, sf. ugly beard, shaggy beard Barbacheppo, sm. simpleton, blockhead Barhagia, nf, voluptuous place, slews Barbagianni, sm. owl, stupid man Barbagrazia, : *f. (burl.) parlicular favor ; a- vere in barbagrazia, to take lit) as a great favor Barbaglio, sm. dizziness, dimness, wonder Barbalacchio, sm. numskull, ninny, fool Barbandrocco, adj. stupid, foolish, silly Barbano, sm. uncle, v. Zio Barbaramente, adv. barbarously Barbare, vn. \. to take root, v. Barbicare Barbareggiaro, vn. \. to commit barbarisms Barbarescamente, ado barbarously Barbaresco, -a, adj. of Barbary Barbarico, -a, adj. barbarous, savage Barbaric, sf. barbarity, cruelly, inhumanity Barbarismo, sm. barbarism, impure speech Barba.rila, sf. barbarity, barbarism, impurity ~^~of speech Barbarizzarc , va. \. to barbarize, v. Barba- reggiare Barbarla a uno, -a, va. d. to play one a trick Barbaro (barbero), -a, adj. barbarous, cruel Barbarossa, sf. kind of grapes, sort of wine Barhassore, sin. v. Bacalare, wfse acre Barbata, sf. roots, small rools Barbatella, sf. laver, sprig, shoot, twig Barbalico, sm. (ant.) taking root, foundation Barbato, -a, adj. rooted, inveterate, bearded Barbazzale, sm. curb, restraint, check Barbcrare, vn. d. lo whirl about, turn round Barberesco, sm. groom of the barbs, barb Barbero, sm. barb, barbary horse Barbetta, sf. liltle beard, barbel, small roots, fetlock, drag, barbe, barbel Barbellino, sm. very small barbel, loach Barbicaja, sf. rooty stump (of a tree) Barbi camenlo, sm. taking root, radicalion Barbicare, vn. d. to take root, strike far into Barbicato, -a, adj. rooted, inveterate, deep Barbicazione, sf. a striking or taking root; rootedness Barbicella, barbicciuola . ... . Barbicina, barbicola j '/' sn Barbice, sf. (ant.) ewe, (female) sheep, v. Pe- Barhic&ne, sm. main root (cora Barbi era, sf. barber's wife, shaver Barbieraccio, sm. a paltry barber Barbiere, sm. barber, shaver, hair dresser Barbierfa, barberia, sf. barber's shop Barbificare, vn. d. ( -co, -chi ) lo spread and multiply its roots (of a plant) Barbigi, snip, whiskers, muslaches Barbino, sm. miser, pinch-penny, gray-beard Baibio, barbo , *MI. barbel ( Csh found in rivers) Barbocchio, sm. shoot, sucker of a reed Barbogio, adj. doting, in second childhood; sm. an old dotard Barbone , sm. gray beard , dotard , vater- spaniel Barbolta, sf. sort of old light gaily Barboliare , .vn. \. lo make a noise like that of boiling water Barbozza, sf. chin band, cover, horse's un- der jaw Barbiiccia, sf. thin beard, v. Barbicella Barbuccfno, adj. thin bearded Harbujiliamento, sm. stutter, confused speech Barbngliare, va. \. to stutler, slammer Barbuta, sf. helmet, casque, helmed soldier Barbiilo, -a, adj. bearded, grown up, rooted Uarca, sf. bark, b6at, ferry-boat Barcaccia, sf. old barge, large ugly boat, etc. Barcajuolo, barcarolo, barcaruolo, sm. boat- man , bargeman , wateni.an Barcarola, >f. (inus.) barcarolle (b6at song) Barcala , sf. boat load, boat full Bar cheggiarc , vn. to steer the boat, barge; lo be at the helm; (fly.) to manage one's affairs well Barchetigio, sm. (mar.) boating Barchereggio, sm. number of boats togelher Barchella, barchellina, sf. j small boat, skiff, Barclrellino, barchctlo. sm. j wherry Barchino, sm. little boat Barco , sm. park , v. I'arco Barcollamenlo, sm. balancing, t&ttering Fate, mete, bile, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub; - far, pique, BAR 95 BAS Barcollanfe , adj. 16 tie ring , wavering, re- clining Barcollare, va. \. lo waver, reel, stagger (mar.) lo pitch , roll, heave Barcollone, adv. in staggering, reeling Barcone, .m. large boat, barge, transport Barda, sm. horse sleel-armor, caparison Bardacca , sf. an earlhcn porous vessel used in Egypt for conling water, by exposing it to Ihe north wind Bardameniare, va. \. to caparison, harness Bardamentato, bardato, -a; adj. caparisoned Bardana, sf. (but.) biirdoc (medicinal plant) Bardarc , va. 1. v. Bardamentare Banlascia , bardassa , sm. bardash , whore- monger, calamfte Bardatiira , sf. bardamenlo , sm. horsetrap- ping Bardella, sf. pack-saddjc, pannel Barditllare, va. to put on the packsaddle Bardellella, sf. small pack saddle, pannel Bardellone, sm.sofl saddle (lo break in foals) Bardico, a, adj. bardic, bardish , pertaining to hards or Iheir poetry Bardiglio, .vi/i. v. Bargiglio Bardo, snt. bard, a poet and a singer among the ancient Cells; Bardi, snip, bards, poets, priesis iof the Gauls) Bardocucullo , sm. sort of cloak with a hood worn by Hards Bardosso (a), ado. without saddle, bare- backed Bardotlo, sm. small mole, driver's mule passar per bardollo , lo come off scot-free Bareggiare, va. \. v. Harare Barella, sf. hand-barrow, litter, portable bed Barellare , va. 1. to carry on a litter , hand- barrow Barcria, sf. fraud, roguish trick, v. Bararia Bargagnare, va. \. (ant.) lo negotiate, trait, bargain; to cavil Bargello, am. police captain, sheriff; dar nel bargcllo, to meet with a bad accident Bargia, sf. dew-lap (of oxen) t Barpilio, sm. (m/n.) hard bluish stone Bargiu'li , tmp. I gils , flaps of a cock , etc. Barglmno , sm. j excrescence on the neck liargigliiilo, -a, adj. that has gills, flaps Baricfna, sf. a little bier, litter Barigello, sm. captain of the police, sheriff Bariglia . sf. barilla (a plant); (the alcali procured from this plant) Barigliondno, sm. small barrel, cask Bariglione, sm. cask, barrel, powdcring-tub Barile. .sm. h6gshead, tun, butt, barrel Barilelta,.v/". barilelto, sm. small barrel, keg, liarilotlo, barilozzo , sm. flagon, riindlel, Barlotia, barlelta, sf. cask, barrel (of Barlollo, bar!etlo , xi. awalch) Barlo , sm. barium (the metallic basis of baryta ) Barite, sf. (min.) baryta ( the heaviest of the earths); solfato di barfle , barytes , heavy spar Barflono, -a, adj. barytone (musical term) Uarletlajo, sm. cooper Uarlume , sm. glimmer, faint appearance, spark; tie ho un barlume , I have a slight, faint notion of it Barnabila, sm. (religions order) barnabite Baro, barro, sm. cheat, rogue, knave Barocchio , barocco , sm. (from baro) v. Ba- rattiere Barocciajo, sm. a wagoner, carter Barocciala, sf. cart-load Uaroccio, biroccio, sm. wagon, cart, bar6uche Barocco, -a, adj. (fine arts) odd, irregular; in Ihe whimsical style of the XVII and XVIll century Baroccolo, sm. extortion, sharking Baromelrico, -a , adj. (pi. -ci , f. -che) baro- metrical Bardmelro, sm. bar&meter Baronaccio, sm. rogue, cheat, rascal Baronaggio , sm. barony Baronale, adj. baronial Baronare, vn. 1. to beg, mump, steal, spunge Baronata , sf. roguery, ch6at Baroncello , sm. little baron , lilllc rake , cheat Baroncio, sm. litlle dirty boy, ragamuffin Barone, sm. baron, vagabond; di Campo- fiore, pick-p6cket Baroneria, sf. rdguery, fraud, imp6slure Baronesco, -a, adj. baron-like , mean, vile, roguish Baronessa, sf. baroness Baronelto, sm. baronet, knight-banneret Baronevole, adj. n6ble, great, magnificent Baronevolm6nte, adv. nobly, like a lord Baronia, sf. barony Barra, sf. bar; bank of sand; profession of the law Barrare, va. \. to bar, obstruct, prevent, stop Barreria, sf. fraud, deceit, r6guish trick Barretla, if. a little bar of metal, ingot Uarricare, va. \. lo barricade, slop, obstruct liarricata, sf. barricade, stop, obstruction Uarriera, sf. barrier bars, palisade Darrfto, sm. the voice of an elephant Jarro, sm. potter's clay, china-jar, v. Baro Jaruflfa, sf. barulTo, sm. fray, altercation Jarullare, vn. \. to retail, buy and sell again Barullo, sm. retailer huckster, inn-keeper iariizzola, 'sf. sort of water-fowl Jar/ellella, sf. joke, pli s asnlr<, jest, banter Jarzellellare, vn. \. to jest, joke, rally Jasa, base, sf. base, basis, foundation iasalfschio, basalisco, sm. basilisk (serpent) iasalte, basallo, sm. (min.) basalt Jasaliico, -a, adj. (min) basaltic Jasalifno, -a, adj. basalline iasamenlo, sm. base, pedestal, basis iasare, va. i. to base, ground nor, rude; -fall, son, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, boy*, fdW, fowl; gem, as BAS 96 BAT Bascia, bassa, sm. bashaw, pacha Basciataggio, sm. pashawlic, the jurisdiction of a pashaw Basciare, va. \, to kiss, salute \vith tho lips Bascio, sm. kiss, (ant.] north aspect Base, sf. trick (at cards) Baseo, sm. simpleton, dunce, blockhead Basetta, sf. whisker, mustache Baseltino, sm. small whisker, mustachio BastMtone, sf. man who has One long whiskers Basilare, a:/j. (anat.*) basilar, basilary Basilica, sf. cathedral, basilic Basilico, sm. (bot.) s\vcet basil, basilicon Basilischio, sm. basilisk Basimenfo, sm. swoon, fainting fit Basimentuccio, sm. slight fainting fit Basina, bas6flia, sf. pottage, broth, soup Basire, rn.5. to dio, expire, breathe one's last Basito, -a, adj. dead, deceased, defunct Basoso, -a, adj. stupid, heavy, dull, sluggish Bassa, sf. sonata, dance, shallows Bassalle, basalle, sm. basalt, black marble Bassamento, sm. j abasement, fall, humilia- Bassanza, sf. (ant.) \ tion, disgrace, misery Bassare, ran. to diminish, ajiate, lower, humble Bassaride, sf. v. Baccante Bassato,-a, adj. lowered, brought down, bumbled Bassetta, sf. basset (game at cards) Bassettare, va. 1. (ant.) to be the death of, kill Basselto, sm. cownter-tenor, middle part nrf;. somewhat low, short Bassezza, sf. meanness Idwness Bassilica, sf. basilic, basilica , middle vein of Bassilico, sm. sweet basil (plant) (the arm Basso, sm. depth, boltom, bass, base-viol nrf;. low , shallow , mean , base ; bassa gente, low people, plebeans; mare'a bassa, 16w water, ebb tide; acqua bassa, shallow water; panno basso, narrow cloth; te- nere it viso basso , to loot down ; il di e basso, it is getting late; a basso, da basso, adv. below, down stairs, yonder Bassone, sm. bassoon Bassorilievo, sm. bas-relief Bassdlti, gmp. mess of macaroni Bassotto, s>. a short stout man, terrier Bassoventre, sm. (anal.) abdomen, venter Bassura, sf. a lower place, lowland, 16wness Basta, sf. basting, seam with long stitches adv. enough, h61d, stop, sufficiently Bastabile.nrf;. (rtnt.i lasting, durable, sufficient Bas'-agio, sm. (ant.) man of all work, v. J?acchino * Bastajo, bastSro, sm. pack-saddle-maker Bastalena (a), ado. with all one's might Bastante, adj. sufficient, enough, competent Bastantemente, adv. sufficiently, enough (za Bastanza,s/". dura'ion, sufficiency ,v. Abbas tan- Bastarda, sf. small galley, broth-pot, kettle Bastardaccio, bastardello , sm. mean bastard Bastardella, sf. stew pan, sauce-pan, skillet Bastardigia, bastardaggine, sf. bastardy Bastardire, vn. 5. to degenerate , v. Imba- stardire Bastardo, -a, smf. ed adj. bastard, illegitimate Bastardume , sm. a race of bastards , useless- shoots Bastare, ran. \. to suffice, satisfy, last; poco mi basta, I am content with little; mi basta d'essere stalo ingannalo una volta, I hare been caught once, it is enough; falelo , se ti basta 1'animo, do it, it you have the cour- age ; una risma mi basta un mese , a ream lists me a month Bastato, -a, adj. long, protracted Bastena, sf. a light pack-saddle Basterna, sf. ancient chariot Bastevole, adj. sufficient, competent Bastevolezza, sf. sufficiency, competence Bastevolmente ndv. sufficiently, enough Baslia, sf. bastion, rampart, bulwark Bastiere, sm. pack-saddle maker, v. Bastajo Bastimento, sm. ship, vessel Bastingare, sm. (mar.) barricading; netting; TO. 1. (mar. ) to barricade Bastionare, va. 1. to fortify with bastions Bastionato, -a, adj. fortified, strengthened Bastioncello, sm. small bastion, bulwark Basli6ne, sm. bastion, bulwark, rampart Bastire, va. 3. (ant.) to build, v. Fabbricare Bastita, sf. rampart, fdrtress, fortification ^asto, sm. pack-saddle, pannel, ace of clubs; non son uomo da portar basto , I am not a man to pocket an affront; serrare il basto addosso ad uno, to press , urge one , to lie hard upon him ; basto rovescio , a valley between two mountains Bastonaccio, sm. club, cudgel, bludgeon Bastonamento, sm. v. Bastonatura Bastonarc, va. i. to cudgel, criticise; basto- nare i pesci (burl.) to row Bastonata, sf. drubbing, cudgelling Bastonato, -a, adj. cudgelled, drubbed Bastonatore, -trice, smf. ciidgeller , one who bea;s Baslonatura, sf. bastinade, cudgelling Bastoncello, bastoncino, sm. small stick Baslonc , sm. baton , staff, club , truncheon; di comando , the staff of command; della vecchiaja, the support of 61d age; egli non si cura del bastone, he is cudgel-proof Bastoni, snip, clubs (at cards) Bastoniere, sm. mace-bearer, beadle Bastracone, sm. (burl.) fat lusty man, T. At- ticciato Bastuda, sf. fish-net (Tisedin salt pools) Batacchia, batacchiata , sf. bastinado Batacchiare, va. 1. to eudgel, beat with a stick Batacchio, sm. stick, club, cudgqj, long pole Bitalo, sm. (o;i<.) lappet (of a hfcod) doctor's scarf Batassare, va. (ant.) \. to shake, agitate Batata, sf. batata, sweet potato, potato File, m6t. to pain through industry Beccarello, sm. kid (animal) Beccastrino, sm. maltock, pickaxe Beccata, sf. stroke with the bill, hit, bite Beccaleila, sf. trifle, thing of no value Beccatello, sm. bracket, supporter, corbel, a sland Beccatina , sf. little stroke with the bill , main-point (poiot (averla sulla ) , to touch up&n the main- Beccalojo, sm. drawer (of a bird cage) Beccheggiare, vn. (mar.) to pilch (to rise and fall , as the head and stern of a ship pas- sing over waves); to heave and set, to send Beccheggio, sm. ( mar. ) pitching, sending, heaving and selling beccherello, sm. kid, small he-goat Beccheria, sf. slaughter-house, butchery Becchetto, sm. fillet, hole (for shoe-lie) prow Becchico, -a, adj. pectoral, for a cough Becchino, sm. v. Beccamorto Becco, sm. beak, bill, head of a ship, hc-g6at still' s pipe (immollare il), i. vn. to drink, tipple in molle (metlere il), vn. 2. irr. to prate; dirizzare il becco agli sparvieri; to attempt impossibilities Beccofrusone, sm. (orn.) hooded-crow Beccone, sm. great buck-goat, b!6ckhead Beccoslorlo , sm. v. Becc'a forbice Beccuccio, sm. giillel, spout (of a jug, etc.) Becera, sf. an awkward, clumsy woman Bedeguar, sm. bedeguar, eleganline Bee (for bevc), he drinks Bee (for bevve), 5. he drank Beeote, adj. drinking Befana, sf. imaginary being said by silly people to come on the night before Epi- phany , and bring presents for children; puppet, doll, goblin, bugbear, fright (ugly woman) Befanaccia, sf. hideous spectre, phantom Befania , sf. v. Epifania Beffa, sf. trick , joke, trifle, nonsense Beffabile, adj. v. BeOevole Beflardo, sm. jester, joker, banterer Beflare, va. \. to quiz, laugh at, ridicule; so- venle chi cerca beffare resta beflalo , the cheat often falls upon the cheater Beflarsi , vrf. not to care for, laugh at Be04to, -a, adj. ridiculed, laughed at Beffat6re, sm. belTatrice, sf. jeer, mocker Beffe (farsi), ro. \. irr. to jeer, banter, quiz BeOeggiamento , sm. ridicule, derision Beffeggiare, va. \. to mock, ridicule Befieggiat6re, sm. sc6rner', scoffer, mocker Beffevole, adj. desplicable, contemptible Bega, sf. dispute, contention, v. Briga Begbina , sf. beguine , one of a congregation of half nuns in Flanders File, mete, bile, note, ttibe; - fat. met. bit. n&t, tub; - far, pique, BEG 99 BEN Beghino , bighfno, sm. a beghard , beguiu , hypocrite, canter Begliomini, smp. (hot.) balsam, balsamine Begole , tfp. trifles, v. Bagallella Beitore. sm. drinker, v. Bevilore Bel , adj. in. ting, beautiful, fair, fine; il bel m6n<1o, the fashionable world; il bel sesso, the fairsex;fa bel tempo, it is fine weather; ho bel dire, bel fare , it is useless , in vain for me to say, to do ; e un bel che , certo , da fame tanto strepilol a great matter, indeed to make such noise I Bel bello, adv. softly, gently Belamenlo, belato, sm. bleating , bleat Belandra, belamla, sf. bilander (small vessel) Belante, adj. bleating, crjing , whining Belare, va. 1. to bleat, chatter, cry Bel bello, adv. exp. gently, softly, discreetly Belfiivino, sm. benzoin, aromatic gum Bella, if. a fair lady, a beauty, a sweetheart; la bella dormente, the sleeping beauty Belladonna, sf. (hot. ) bella-donna , deadly ni;: lit-shade Bellami-nte, adv. gently, Admirably Bellatore, sm. (poet.) warrior, v. Guerriero Bella-zazzera, adj. that has fine ringlets (ant.) Bel'eila, $f. mud, mire, filth, slime Belletlo, xin. rouge, paint (for the face) Bellelto, -a, adj. pretty, genteel, passable Bellettone, sm. muddy, miry, slimy ground Bellezza , sf. handsomeness , comeliness , beauty perfection; euna bellezza a vedeilo, it is a fine thing to see it ; fare del ben bel- lezza, to do a great deal of good Bellicato,-a. adj. placed in the middle, centre Bellfco, sm. navel, centre Bellico, -a, bellicoso, adj. warlike Belliconchio, sm. urabilfcal string Bellicdne, sm. large goblet, bumper, brimmer Bellicosamente, adv. valiantly, bravely Bellicoso, -a, adj. war-like, martial Belligerante , adj. belligerent , waging war carrying on war Belligero, -a, arf/.V Bellicoso Bellimbusto , sm. a dandy , a fop , a band- some but good for nothing young fellow Bellino, -a, adj. pretty, smart, pleasing Bellirico, sm. dried Indian plumb, myrobalao Bello, sm. beauty, the beautiful, the suitable the 6pportune; nel o sul bello dell' eta, in the prime of life a , adj. beautiful , well made , fair , fine gracious , genteel , agreeable ; farsi bell di , to plume one's self with , on Bellocchio, sm. (mm.) star-stone Belloccio, a, adj. beautiful, well made, tall Bellone, adj. fine, very handsome, beautiful Bellore , sm. ant. v. Bellezza Belloso, belluccio, -a, adj. pretty, neat Bellumore, adj. facetious, lively, merry Belo, sm. bleating Belone, sm. a crying, whining child ella, -ate, -ade, sf. beauty, T. Bellezza elva. sf. (pnet.) wild boast elvcdere, sm. (arch.) belvedere; (bot.) bel- videre. goosefoot, wild orach elvicida, sm. wild-beast-hiinler elzebii, sm. Beelzebub (a prince of devils) elzulno, sm benzoin, aromatic drug, resin erabe (for bene bcnei, adv. well we 1 emmione, sm. chief man, v. Uaggiorente emmolle, bemolle, sm. (mus.) v. Bimolle emmollizzare , va. I. (mus.) to mark with a flat Jenacconciarndnte, ado. very aptly, fitly, pr6perly, justly, pertinently ienaffetlo, -a, adj. affectionate, fond Icnagurataraenlc, adv. auspiciously ienauguralo, adj. auspicious, fortunate ienallevato.-a.orf;'. well brought up, educated tenandata . sf. farewell-money (to servants) lenavventuratamente, adj. luckily ienavrenturato, -oso, adj. liicky Jen bcne, adv. very well, extremely well, very much , quite, entirely Jenccnare, va. t. to sup well ienchc, con;', although, though (mannered Jencrealo , -a, adj. well bred , polite , well- ienda, sf. band, fillet, veil, nun's stomacher Jendarc , to. i. to bind, to blinfold, to hioitwink )endatura, sf. the act of binding iendella, bendere.la, sf. small band, fillet Jondone, sm. lappets, mitre-band 3endiiccio, sm. child's handkerchief Jene , sm. good , profit , advantage , utility , pr6perty , wealth, happiness; volcr del bene ad uno, to wish a person well, to like him ; un uomo da bene , an honest upright man; aver per bene, to take in good part, to take it well of; beni slabili , beni immobili , estates , houses and lands ; beni mobili , chatties ; far del bene, to do good; dir del bene di qualcheduno, to speak well of one; chi ben fa bene aspclti, do well and bare well adv. well , justly, rightly, right; ben tor- nalo , welcome home ; bene arrivalo , wel- come to town , etc. si bene , yes indeed , most certainly , ben vi sta , you richly deserve it; bcne spesso , very often ; ha guadagnalo ben died mila lire, he lias made at least ten thousand francs Benedetla, sf. electuary, honey of conserves Benedellfno , -a , adj. Bcnedictiue ; smf. a Benedictine, a monk or nun of St. Benedict, a black friar Benedetto, sm. falling-sickness, lenitive a, adj. blessed, much wished for Benedicente, adj. praising, speaking well of Benedicere, va. 2. v. Benedire Benedicite , sm. prayer before meals , grace ; dire il benedicile, to say grace cor, rude; - fall, s5n, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem, as BEN 100 BER Benedfre, va. 5. to bless Benedilore, sm. -trice, sf. blesser, praiser Benedizione, sf. benediction, blessing Benefaliivo , -a, ad), beneficial , beneficient , beneficent Benefatio, sm. (poet.) benefit, service, favor Bencfallorc, s>. benefactor, patron Bcnefattrice, sf. benefactress, patroness Beneficaro, va. 1. to benefit, do good to BeneGcato, sm. beneficiary, incumbent a, adj. benefited, obliged Beneficatore, sm. he that confers a benefit Beneficente, adj. beneficent, liberal , kind BeneGcenza, sf. beneficence, doing good Bencficiale, benelicale, a/lj. beneficial Beueficiare, va. \. to benefit, serve, oblige Beneliciario , -a , adj. beneficiary ; sm. bene- ficiary , one who holds a benefice Bencficiala , sf. (llicat.) benefit, benefit-night Beneficiato , sm. beneficiary, incumbent Beneficio , bcnificio , sm. kindness , favor, benefit sm. living , benefice ; far le cose a benefi- cio di natiira o di forluna , to do things at random, carelessly Benelicione, sm. benefice, a fat living Bencficiollo , bencflciello, sm. poor living Benefico, -a, orf/'.-bencGcenl, liberal, generous Benefiziare, vn. i. to be useful, advantageous Benefiziata, sf. prize-ticket Benefizio, sm. kindness, service, favor Benemercnte, adj. meritorious, deserving of Benemerenza, sf. desert, merit (reward Bcnemerilo, -a, adj. well deserving, that has well deserovd of Bcneplacilo, sm. option, good will, conve- nience; farcle a vostro beneplacito , yon will do as you may like best, as you will Bencsscre, sm. welfare, -well-being, prosperity Bcneslanle , adj. healthy , in easy cir- cumstances, well off Bencviso, -a, adj. v. Benvfsto Benevivcre, vn. 1 irr. to lead a happy life Bencvoglienlo, adj. benevolent, kind. Bencvoglienza, sf. benevolence, good-will. Benevolo, -a, adj. affectionate, kind, benign Bcnefacienle, adj. beneficent, doing good Bcnfatto, -a, adj. well made, elegant Bengalino, sm. (orn.) bengaly Beniamioo, sm. pin-basket (youngest child) darling Benificante, bcneficante adj. beneficent, kind BeniGcenza, bencficenza, sf. beneGcence, dis- position to do good Benignila, -tale, -lade, sf. benignity, goodness Benigno, -a, adj. benign, affable, obliging Bcntno, adv. well , tolerably well Beninsierae, adv. harmoniously; sm. (fine arts) ensemble; uniformity, harmony, mass Benintenzionato , -a, adj. well-intentioned, well-meaning Beninleso, -a, adj. well understood Benivoglienza, v. Benevolenza Benlavoralo, -a, adj. well wr&ught, perfect Benmontato, -a , adj. well-mounted , riding a good horse Benna, sf. a sledge, low carriage, cart Bennato, -a, adj. well-born, noble, lucky Benone, sm. (burl.) well-wish, great l&ve adv. very -well Bensai, bensi, ado. exp. yes, certainly, truly, but (to servants) Benservilo, sm. teslim6nial, character, (given Bentenuto, -a, adj. well-kept, well-maintained Benlornato, sm. -welcome, velcome homo Benloslo, adv. very soon, quickly, shortly Benvislo, -a, adj. grateful, v. Accetlo Benvoglicnle, adj. benevolent, kind Benvolenlieri, ado. very willingly, heartily Benvolere, va. 2. irr. to wish well, v. Amare Benvoliito, -a, adj. beloved, dear, darling Benzoato, sm. (clicm.) bcnzoale Benzoico , -a, adj. (clicm.) benzoic; acido bcnzoico, benzole acid, flowers of benzoin Benzoino , sm. benzoin, benjamin , gum ben- jamin Beola, sf. (hot.) v. Betula Beone, sm. a great drinker Berbena, sf. vervain, v. Verbena Berber! , berbero, sm. barberry-bush Berbice, sf. ant. sheep, v. Pecora Bercildcchio, sm. a squint-eyed person Bere, bevere, va. 2. irr. to drink, swallow Bere (dare a) , va. \. irr. to make (one ) be- o affogare, to be obliged to d6 (licve con gli occhi, to devour with one's eyes bianco, to be disappointed grosso, not to be nice, not view closely un affronlo; to swallow an affront un uovo, to sip up an egg (hair Berenice (chioma di ) , sf. (aslr.) Berenice's Berellino, berlino , -a, adj. gray, grey, grey- ish, ash-colored Berga, sm. dyke, steep bank, towering beach Bergamolta, sf. bergamot ^pear), essence Bergamdtto, sm. bcrgamot-lree Berghinella, berghinelluzza, sf. low woman Bergo, sm. sort of grapes and vine Bergolinare, fa. 1. to pun, quibble, rally Bergolo, -a, adj. light, fickle, lively Bergolo, sm. basket Uericuocolo, v. Confortino, sm. ginger-bread Berillo, sm. beryl (precious stone) Berlina, sf. pillory , berlin (coach); mettera alia berlina, to pillory Berlinga, sf. an 6IJ milanpse coin Berlingaccio, sm. shrove-Tiiesday Berlingajuolo, bcrlingatore, sm. babbler Berlingamenlo, sm. prate, tattle, nonsense Berlingare, vn. \. to prate, tattle, babble Berlinghiera, sf. babbler, talkative woman Uerlinghiere, sm. great talker, glullon Berlmgozza, sf. country-dance Berlingozzo, sm. puff-pastry, puff-tart, pie Fate, mele, bile, note, tube; - fat, mot, bit, n&t, tub; - far, pique, BER 101 BEV Bermudiana, if. (hot.) berraudiana Brrn.icla, bernicca, branta, tf. barnacle Bernardino, sm. Bernardino, a monk of the order of St. Bernard Bernesco,-a, adj. burlesque, in Berni's style Bernia, f. riding hood (formerly worn by ladies) Bcrniepgiare , vn. to burlesque , to Imitale Berni's style Bernocchio, bernoccolo.sm boss, bump, knob Bernoccoluto, -a, adj. full of knobs, bumps Berrella, sf. berrelio, sm. b6nnet, cap, hat; da nolle, nfghl-cap; da prele (f>rt. ) priest's bdnnel; trarsi la berrella, fardi ber- rella, lo pull off one's hat, to doff one's beaver: avcre il cervelsopra la berrella, to be passionate, hasly, hot-headed Berretiaccia, sf. ugly 6ld cap, bonnet Berreltajo, am. cap, b6nnet-mAker, seller ; me- nar le mani c&me i berrellai , to be quick, expeditious in dispatching business BerreHina, berreltuccia, sf. small cap, bonnet Berrellfno, sin. caldlle, ca!6le, coif, small cap a, adj. malicious, r6guish- dark (obs.) (cap Berrettona, sf. berreltone, sm. large b&nnet, Berriuiila, i berrella da nolle), s/!(o(/s.jnfght-cap BerrovAglia, sf. v. Sbirraglia Berroviere, sm. ruffian, bully, bailiff Bersagliare, sm. lo shoot at a mark Bersapliato (da), adj. tormented by, made a mark for Bersapliere, sm. sharpshooter Bersaglio, sm. mark, target, butt, peril; es- sere il bersaglio della fortiina , to be the sport of f6rlune Bersi una cosa, vrf. to believe implicitly Berla, sf. chat, raillery, rammer, beetle (dare la),a. i. iVr. to banter, cheat, imp6se up6n Bcrleggiamento, sm. m6ckery, raillery Berlegjiiare, va. \. to mock, ridicule, quiz Berlegjiiatore, sm. m6cker, v. Beffal6re Berlelle, sfp. brace-bands, braces (straps to sustain trowsers) Bertesca, sf. mantelet, m6vable parapet, per- ilous spot Berlescare, va. 1. to fortify -with parapets Berlescone, sm. large mantelet, moveable shed Berlins, sf. (or/i.) jay, jack-daw Bcrlolotlo (a), adverb, without any expense; mangiare a bertolotto , lo eat at free cost, to be sc&t-fre'e Berlcne, sm. keeper of a whore; cr6pped- horse Bertovello , sm. net of twigs, bow-net , b6w- wheel Berliicci, smp. (mar.} trucks Berli'iccia, sf. bertuccio, sm. monkey: pigliar la berluccia. to gel drunk; dire leorazidni, i paternoslri della berluccia, to swear, blas- pheme, to murmur (against); la berluccia ne porta I 1 acqua, Kghl come, Ifghl go Bertficcino, sm. small monkey, ape Berluccidne, sm. baboon, ugly fellow BerOizo, beruzzolo, sm. peasanis's breakfast, in (he fields; sip, small draught Berza, sf. shin, shank Berzaglio, sm. mark, peril, v. Bersaglio Berze (levare le), vn. 1. to run away Bescio, besso, SOT. (ant.) simpleton , T. Bab- baccio Bessa, besseri'a I stupidity, foolishness Bessagpine, sf. \ awkwardness, silliness Beslemmia, sf. bcstemmiamenlo , sm. blas- phemy Bestemmiare, fan. 1 to blaspheme (curse) Beslemmiato,-a, adj. blasphemed Beslemmialoraccio, sm. great blasphemer Bi'stcmmialore, sm. I blasphemer, impious BRStemmialrice, sf. \ wretch Beslia, sf. beast, irrational animal (enlrare in), vn. 1. lo fly inlo a passion Bestiaccia, sf. nasty beast, grcal blockhead Besliajo, sm. herdsman, grazier Bcstiale, adj. bestial, brutal, beaslly Beslialeggiare, t>n. \. lo say or do brutal things Bestialita,-ate, -ade, xf bestiality, cruelty Bestialmcnlc, adv. like a hriiie, filthily Besliame, sm. callle, herd, flock Besliario, sm. wild-beasl keeper, fighler Besticciuola, sf. small animal, young f&al Besliolina, bestioluccia, sf. I ,.,., , . Besliolino, beili6lo, ! I lllll Creature Besliolucciaccia, sf. nasty liitle beast itestidne, bestionaccio, sm. great dirty beast Bestiuola, bestidla, sf. I small animal, insect, Besliuolo, sm. ( silly person Betel, sm. (bot.) belle, betel (indian plant) Beitola , sf. ale-house , public-house , cook's shop, tavern Beltolante , adj. haunting ale-houses , public houses ; sm. tavern-haunter , tavern-man , pot-man, ale-knfght Belloletta, sf. small public house, pot-ho~use Betloliere, sm. tavern keeper Hellcnica,*/". (ftoDbelony; (fig.) excellent thing Belula, betulla, sf. birch-lree Devanda, sf. drink, draught, potion Bevandaccia, sf. bad drink, sorry liqnor Bevandfna, bevandiiccia. sf. small draught Beveraggio, sm. beverage, drink-mdney Beveratdjo, sm. horsepond, v. Abbeveralojo Severe, van. 2. irr. to drink Bevereccio, -a, adj. thai is drunk wilh pleasure Beveria, if. drunkenness, v. Sbcvazzamento Beverfno, beverello. bevirolo , sm. a small drinking vessel (for birds in a cage) Bevero, sm. beaver, v. Castoro BeveronAccio, bcver6ne, m. horse-beverage Bevlbile, adj. drinkable, p6lable Bevilacqua, sm. water-drinker, member of the temperance soc(ely, teetotaler Bevim^nto, sm. the act of drinking Bevildre, sm. bevilriee, sf. drinker, tippler * nor, rude; - fall, son, bull; -fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem, ai B-EV 102 BIE Bevilura/bevizione, sf. (he acl of drinking Bcv6nc, -a. smf. great drinker, v. Be6ne Beuta, bcviiia, tf. drinking-bout; ad ogni be- vula, al each draught, at every glass Bevulo,-a, adj. drunk, swallowed Bey, sm. bey Bezzicante, adj. picking, disputing, scolding Bezzicare, va. 1. to peck, bill, dispute, scold Bezzicala, sf. v. Beccala Bezzicalo,-a, adj. hen pecked, found fault with Bezzicatura, sf. pecking, nibbling, wound Bezzi, snip, money; non aver bezzi, to have no money Bezzo, sm. Venetian farthing Bezzuarico , bczoarico , bezoardico , -a, adj. (pharm.) bezoardic Bezzuarro, bezoar. bezoardo, sm. (mod.) be- zoar (a concretion in the stomach and in- testines of animals) Biacca, sf. ceruse, white lead Biada, sf. biado , sm. (ani.) standing corn, corn, 6ats Biadajuolo, tin. c&rn-chandler Biadetto, sm. azure blue Biaduli, .imp. the stumps of wheat, rye, etc. left by the scythe; sliibble Biancare, v. Bianchire Biancaslro, bianchetto,-a. adj. whitish Biancaslronaccio, sin. extreme whiteness Biancaslrone, biancone, .tin. deadly white Bianchebraccia, adj. f. while-armed Bianchcggiamento, sm. whitening, whiteness Biancheggiante, adj. growing while, foaming Bianchegjjare, ivi.. 1. to grow white, foam Biancheria, sf. linen, linen-cldlhcs Bianchezza, sf. whiteness, paleness Bianchiccio, -a, adj. inclining to white pale Bianchimento, sm. bleaching, whitening Bianchire, van. 3._to bleach, vash, grow while Biancicare, vn. 1. v. Biancheggiare Bianco, sm. while, whiteness , blanc; white- wash: bianco dull' uovo, while of an egg; era vcsiila di bianco, she was dressed in while; dare il bianco (ai muri), to while- wash (the walls); far vedere il bianco per nero, to make believe; lasciare in bianco, to leave a blanc ; lotto bianco , a blank (in the lottery) Bianco, -a, adj. while, pile, pray, wan Biancofiorilo, adj. hearing while flowers Biancolino, biancuccio,-a, adj. whitish Biancomangiare. sm. blanc-manger (ragout) Biancore, sm. whiteness, v. liianchezza .Biancoso,-a, adj. very while, while as sn&w ~J)iancospino, sm. (but.) hawthorn, whitethorn Biancovestilo, -a, adj. dressed in white Biancume, sm. whilishness Bianic, sm. v. Yagabondo Biasciare, biascicire, va. \. to mump, chew Biascic6ne, sm. one who mumps, chews Biasimaro, biasmare, ta. 1. to blame, ccnsur iJiasimabile, adj. blameable, blame-worthy tiasimato,-a, adj. blamed, censured Jiasimalore, sm. biasimatrice, sf blamer liasimcvo'e, adj. blameable, reprehensible liasimevolmfinte, ado. reprchensibly Jiasimo, biasmo, sm. b!ame reproach, fault; degno di biasimo, blameworthy Biaslemmare I l Dibliomania, sf. bibliomania Biblioteca, tf. library, study; ambulante, living library 3ibliotecario, sm. librarian; sotto-bibliotcca- rio, under-librarian 3iblista, sm. biblist Bica, sf. rick, slack, heap, pile; montar sulla bica, to fly out into a passion Bicarbonalo, sm. (diem.) bicarbonate Bicchierajo, sm. drinking-glass maker, seller Bicchiaccia, sf. trifle, v. Bajucola Bicchiere, sm. drinking-glass Bicchierello, bicchieriuo, sm. a small glass Biccbierone, sm. large glass, tumbler Bicchierotto, sm. prelly large glass Bicciaculo, sm. twy-bill, two-edged adz Uirciocca, Bicocca,. ./". hamlet on a hill, castle Bicciughera, sf. restive borse, miile, ass, etc. Biciancole, sf. see-saw Bicipiiale, adj. bicipital, bicipitous Bicipile, sm. (anal.) biceps { adj. bicipital, having two heads Bicolore, adj. bicolor , having two distinct colours Bicorno, bicornuto, -a, adj. bicorn, bicornous Bicornia, sf. bipoinled anvil, bickern BicSpidt 10 ' ' a | ad i- bicflspid ' bic " s P idale Hi dale, sm. foot soldier (ant.) Didcllo, sm. beadle, mace bearer Bidenlato, -a, adj. bidcntal, having two te/th; (hot.) bfdenlale, two toothed Bidcnte, sm. pitch fork, pick-axe, mattock Bidetlo, sm. pony, pad, nag Bidollo, sm. v. Beola Biecamcnte, ado. with an evil eye, askew Bieco, -a, adj. squinting, grim, bitter rimirar con occliio bieco, to look with a rancorous or malevolent eye Biennale, bienne, adj. biennial File, mele, bite, note, tube; - fat, met, bit, n6t, tub; - lar, pique, BIE 103 BIN Biennio, sm. two years, space of two years Bieta, bietola, sf. beet (root) Bietolone. sm. booby, ninny Bielta, sf. wedge, bhsil ; essere nna mala biet ta, lo be a makebale Biettone, sm. a big foot; a wide chin Bifario , -a , adj. bifarious , two-fold , ( bot. ) pointing two ways Bifedo, -a, adj. (bot.) bffid, two-cleft Bifero , -a, adj. (bot.) biferous , bearing fruit twice a year Bifla, sf. an optic level Bifl6ro, -a, adj. bifl&rous, bearing two flowers Bifolca, sf. an acre, v. Bubiilca Bifolcheria, sf. tillage, husbandry, ploughing Bifdlco, bifdlco, sm. plougman , husbandman Biforcaraento, sm. bifurcation, separation Biforcarsi , vrf. to be bifurcate , bifurcated , forked ; (of roads') to fork Biforcalo, -a, adj. bifurcated, forked Biforcazione, biforcatiira, sf. bifurcation, fork- ing, division into two branches Biforco, SM. fork, pilch-fork Biforculo, -a, adj. bifiircous, two-forked Biforme, adj. bilornied , of two shapes Bifr6nte, adj. two faced, deceitful Biga, sf. two-wheel-carriage, car, cart Bigamia, sf. bigamy Bigatlo, bigattolo, sm. silk worm , caterpillar (mal) sm. a wicked raan, rascal Bigello, sm. frieze, coarse camlet Bigemino,-a, (bot.) bigeminale , twin-forked Biger<5gnolo, -a, adj. somewhat gray Bighellone, sm. blockhead, dunce, dolt Bigherajo, sm. buffoon, merry-andrcw s. threard-lace-maker, seller Bigherato, -a, adj. adorned with bone-lace Bigherino, sm. narrow lace, edging Bfghero, sm. bone-lace, piirl, thread-lace Bighfno, bighiotto, m. hypocrite, beghard Bigiccio, -a, adj. somewhat gray, greysh Bigio, sm. gray color Bigiola, sf. (am.) torn-tit, titmouse Bigione, sm. bigia, sf. fig-pecker, beccafico Biglia, sf. ivory-ball, billiard-ball Bigliardo, sm. billiards, billiard-table; giuo- care al bigliardo, to play at billiards; faro uoa partita al bigliardo, to play a game of billiards Biglielto, sm. bill, note, card, ticket Biglione, sm. debased coin Bigoglione, bigoldne, sm. blockhead, dunce Bigoucia, sf. vat, large tub, pulpit, chair (monlare in) vn. 1. to mount the pulpit, enact the moralist Bigoncina, bigoncetta, sf. small vat, tub Bigoncio, sm. hat, large tub Bigonciona, sf. large yat Bigonia, bignonia, sf. (bot.) trumpet-flower Bigordare, va. to tilt, v. Bagordara Bigordo, sm. pike, lance (a bigot Bigolteggiare, vn. 1. to bo a bigot, to act like Bigotteria, sf. bigotry, act of bigotry Bigotlo, -a, adj. bigot ; bigoted, smf. a bigot, devotee Bilancetla, sf. small pair of scales, balance Bilancia, sf. balance, beam and scales; dare il tracollo alia bilancia, to turn the scale sf. square fish-net , square hoop-fishing- net, the spring-tree, bar or swing bar of a coach (esser in), vaux. to waver, be irresolute Bilanciajo, sm. scale maker or seller Bilanciamento , sm. ponderation, weighing; Bilanciare, va. \. lo weigh, examine, p6nder Bilancialo, -a, adj. weighed, examined Bilanciatore , -trice , smf. pbnderer, one who weighs in his mind Bilanciere, sm. pendulum, fl/er (of a watch) Bilancino, -a , smf. small scales , splinter or trace-bar of a carriage , postilion's horse , leader, postilion Bilancio, sm. balance, ledger, parallel; il bi- lancio batte, the account is right Bilaterale, adj. bilateral, (law.) (of contracts) reciprocal Bilbocbetto, sm. bilboquet, cup and ball Bile, sf. bile, choler, spleen, wrath (far montar la), va. \. irr. to provoke Bilenco, -a, adj. v. Sbilenco, bandy legged Bilia, bilie, sf. packer's tightening stick Biliario, -a, adj. biliary, bilious Bilicare , va. \. to counterpoise , set in equi- librium Bilicato, -a, adj. poised, weighed, examined Bilico , sm. equipoise, equilibrium , bingo, swipe, seesaw; stare in bilico , to be in see-saw, ready to fall : meltere in bilico, to poise, to place in equilibrium; tenere in bi- lico, to poise, to hold in equilibrium Bilieltalo, -a, adj. billeted, quartered Bili'Dgno , -a , better bilingue , adj. double- tongued, false Bilione, sm. billion, thousand millions Bilidrsa, sf. chimera, bug bear Bilioso, -a, adj. bilious, ch6leric, irascible Biliollalo, -a, adj. speckled, studded Billera, sf. jest, trick , waggery, merry mis- chief Billi bflli, bflle Wile, chuck chuck Bfllo, sm. (used by children) bird Billa, bielta, (ont.)v. Bella Biluslre, adj. of two lustres, ten years BImaoo, adj. m. (natural history) bimanous, two-handed Bimbo, sm. baby, plump chubby child Bime, sm. swine Bimembre, adj. having two members ; doiible- natured Bimestre, adj. of two months Bimolle, sm. B flat (music.) Bin4re, vn. 1. to twin, bear twins, pair Binario, -a, adj. binary, two, double Binascenza, sf. the birth of twins nor, rude; -fill, son, bull; - farr, do; - by, lymph 1 ; pmse , boys, foul, fowl; gem, a* BEN 104 BIS Binato, -a, smf. and adj. twin, twin-born a, adj. of two natures Bindella, sf. ribbon, riband Bindolare, va. 1. v. Abbindolare Biodoleria, sf. winding, artifice, canning Bindolo, sm. swing, see-saw, turn, deceiver Bindolone, sm. sharper, knavish flatterer Binocolo, sm. binocte, binocular telescope Binoculare, adj. binocular Binomio, sm. (alg.) binomial; di Newton , binomial theorem Bioccolato.bioccoluto.orf/. fleecy, flocky, flaky Bioccoletto, sm. small flock of wool, flake Bioccoli (laoain), tf. fleece ; raccogliere i bioccoli, (vulg.) te watch, to be on the watch, to look out, to be on the look out Bioccolo, am. flock of wool, tuft Biodo, sm. a rush (for making mats) Biografia, sf. bibgraphy BiograDco, -a, adj. biographic, biographical Biografo, sm. biographer Bionda, sf. wash, for the hair Biondare, rn. 1. to give a light golden hue, to make fair, yellowish Biondegglante , adj. gr6wing fair, yellowish Biondeggiare, vn. 4. to grow, or be fair Biondella, sf. (hot.) ccntaury, sponge-laurel Biondello, biondetto, -a, adj. somewhat fair Biondezza, sf. flaxen color, fair complexion Biondo, -a, adj. fair, light, flaxen (dare Biordare, vn. (ant.) 1. to tilt, revel, T. Bagor- ! Bioscio, -a, adj. speaking indistinctly ; a bio- scio, adverb, at the worst Biotto , -a , adj. (ant.) poor, indigent, T. Me- SChJDO Bipartibile , adj. biparlible , that may be di- vided into two Bipartire, va. 3. to divide into two parts Bipartirsi, vrf. to divide, part in two Bipartite, -a, adj. bipartite, divfded into two Bipedale, adj. bipelalous, of two leaves Bipede, sm. e adj. biped, two fooled Bipenne, sf. (poet.) two-edged axe Biquadrato, -a, adj. (alg.) biquadratic, of the fourth degree Biquadro, bequadro, sm. (mus.) natural Biracchio, sm. rag, titter, v. Biandello Birba, sf. fraud, malice, craftiness, phaeton; (of a man), beggar, cheat, vagabond, thief; batter la birba, andare alia birba, to mump, beg Birbante, sm. rogue, scoundrel, fdle beggar Birbanteria, sf. knavery, r6guery, rascality Birbone, sm. big lazy beggar, mumper Birboneggiare, fan. 1. to mump, beg Birbonerfa, birbonala, sf. r6guery, knavery Bircio,-a, adj. short-sighted, squinting Bire"me, sf. galley with two r6ws of r&wers Biribara, sf. squabble, confusion, tumult Biribfsso, sm. biribi (game of hazard) Biricchinala , sf. knavish , roguish , rascally trick Biricchfno, sm. urchin, a naughty boy, a low or good for nothing fellow, a wretch Birilli, snip, nine pins', skittles Biroccino, sm. phaeton, curricle, cabriolet Birocccio, tm. cart, chariot, v. Baroccio Birra, sf. beer, small beer Birracchio, sm. calf a year 61d, loin of veal Birrajo, sm. brewer, beer seller Birraria, sf. brewery, beer-garden, ale-house Birrerfa, sf. the constabulary force Birresco, -a, adj. b6ld, impudent, of beer Birro, birroviere, sm. baililT, serjeant (man Birrone, sm. strong beer, ale, a stirly police- Bis , adv. lot. twice ; (at Iliealre) encore Bisaccia, sf wallet, saddle-bags Bisanteo, bisanlino, sm. bizantine, spangle Bisarcavolo, -a, smf. great-great-grandfather Bisava, bisavola, sf. greal-grand-moiher Bisavo, bisavolo, *m. great-grandfather Bisbelico, -a, adj. whimsical, morose Bisbigliamento, sm. a whispering Bisbigliare, vn. 1- to whisper, speak low Bisbigliatorc, sm. whisperer, miirmurer Bisbiglio, sm. whisper, murmur, rumor Bisca, sf. gaming-house Biscajuolo , sm. gamester, gambler, cheat, black leg Biscantare Ira. 1. tphum, sing low, often, Biscantarellare ) again and again Biscanlo, sm. corner, hiding place, duet Biscazza, biscaccia, sf. gaming house, hell Biscazzare, rn. 1 to game away one's estate Biscazziere, sm. gamester, v. Biscajuolo Biscazzo, sm. bischenca, sf. dirty trick Bfschero , sm. peg (of a stringed-instrument) Bischeruccio , bischerello, bischerellino , sm. small peg, pin Bischetlo, sm. shoe-maker's tool-bench Itischizzare, rn. 1. to muse, v. Fantaslicare Bischizzo, sm. invention, v. Invenzione, parlita Biscia , if. snake , camminare a biscia , to go winding about Bisci&ne, sm. large snake, great serpent Bisciuola, sf. a little adder, worm Biscol&re, adj. speckled (wry Bisconlorto, -a, adj. qufle dist&rted, crooked, Biscoltare, ra. 1. to bake bard (twice), perfect Biscoliello, biscntiino, sm. sugar-cake Uiscolteria, . ravine Borsa, sf. purse, valise, the exchange; tener borsa strclla, to be niggardly B6rsa (far), va. \. irr. to board, layup money Borsajo, sm. purse-maker, seller Borsajuiilo, sm. cul-piirse, pick p&cket Borsellioa, sf. fob, small p6cket Borscllo , borsellino , sm. little purse , bag, p&cket Borsdlta , sf. borsfglio, sm. fob, small pocket Borsotlo, sm. m6ney-bag, large-purse Boruro ; sm. ( rttcm. ) b6ruret, a combination of boron with a simple body Borzacchino, sm. buskin, half-boot Boscnglia, sf. woods, underw6od Boscalioso, -a, adj. woody, full of \r6ods Boscajuolo, sm f 6 roster, wAod-ranger Boscata, sf. gr6vo, h&scage Boscato, a, adj. woody, full of tre'es Boschereccio, -a, adj. rural, sylvan Boschettiere , sm. woodman , sportsman , hunter Boschctlfno, sm. small gr6ve, thicket Boschclto, sm. gr6ve, small-wood Boschivo, -a, adj. wood-land, woody Bosco, sm. wood, f&rest , plantation of trees ; esscr da bosco e da riviera, to be fit for any thing Boscoso, -a, adj. woody BdsToro, sm. (. fetters, shackles Bove, sni. (/locl.'i, ox, v. Bue Bovicida, sin. ox-killer, slaughterman Bovile, sm. ox stall, cow-house Bovina, buina, sf. ciiw's dung, soil Bovino, adj. of oxen, of ihe breed of dxen Bozza, nf. swelling, blotch, rough draught Bozzacchio, bozzacchione, sm. blasted plum Bozzacthire, vn. 5. to grow siiinled, decay Buzzacchiulo, -a, adj. stunted, deformed Bozzaccia, */'. large swelling, blotch Bozzago, bozzagro, sm. bdzzard Buzzare, v. Abbozzare BJZZC, .. bossage relief, proofs (print) BozztMlo, sm. isea) shell of a b!ock, top block Bozzctio, -a, smf. bud, button, roiigh-skclch Bozzima, sm. weavers' starch, gum-water Bozzimare, va. i. v. Imbozzimare Bozzina, tf, (ant.) boiling, v. Bollitura Bozzininga, sf rallle snake Bozzo, nut. rough stone , b!6ck , free-stone; a pool of spring-water ; cuckold Bozfolaraja, .nf. a countryman Campajuolo, -a, adj. rural, of the country Campale , adj. pertaining to the battlefield, arrayed; baltaglia campale, a pitched battl* Campamento, sm. encampment, camp Campana, sf. bell, alembic, curfew; delta pendola, clock-glass; dell'argano (HI/.), the barrel of the capstern; fonderia di caot- pane, bell-foundry; snonare lo campane, U ring the bells; su'onar le campane a fesU, nor, rude; - fall, s6n, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, bJys, foul; fowl; gem, ae 120 CAN to chime; suonar le campane a mortorio , to toll the knell; far la campana d' un pezzo, to do a thing at once ; aver le campane grosse, to be bard or dull of hearing Campanaccio, sm. a small bell (to hang at a cow's or ram's neck); montone del campa- naccio, bellwether Campanajo, si. bell-ringer, founder Campanella,*/'. campanellino,campanello,sm. small bell, band-bell , door-bell; knocker, door-clapper (in the form of a ring); cam- panella (hot.) bell-flower, blue-bell ; calze a campanelle, stockings that hang down Campanile, sm. steeple, belfry Campanone, sm. great bell Campanula, sf. (hot.) campanula Campanulato, -a , campaniforme adj. (hot.) campanulate, campaniform , in the shape of a bell Cam pa re, va. \. to save, rescue, shun vn. to escape , save one's self, live; non ne camp6 uno, not one escaped Campeggiamento, sm. camp, v. Accampamento Carnpeggiare, vn. \. to encamp, lake the field, scour the country, to suit, fit, become, shine, set off, 'figure, make a figure, stand out; argome'nto in cui fece campeggiare la sua eloquenza, a subject on which he made a display of his eloquence Campgggio, sm. log-wood (for dyeing) Campereccio,-a, adj. rustic, rural, wild Camperello, campicello, sm. small field Campestre, adj. campestral, rural Campidoglio, Campidolio, sm. Capitol Campfo, adj. flat, smooth, of Ike plain Cainpione, sr. champion, pattern , day-book Campionessa , sf. (burl.) championess, a fe- male champion Campire, va. 3. to paint the ground (picture) Campo, sm. field, plain, space, camp; campo santo, cemetery, burial-ground, church- yard; dar campo, to give room, give an opportunity; mettere in campo, to propose, to introduce ; a campo , out of town ; levar il campo, to decamp; prender campo , to acquire vigor Cam pore" ccio, -a, adj. rustic, v. Campereccio CamulTare, van. 1. to disguise, dissemble Camuflalo, -a, disguised, feigned Camiiso, -a, smf. a flat-nosed person Canaccio, sm. big ugly dog, traitor, villain Canaglia, canagliaccia, sf. rabble, canaille Canagliume, sm. the dregs of the people Canajuolo, -a, smf. black grapes Cafiale, sm. canal, pipe, channel Canalelto, canalfno, sm. little canal, gutter Canapa, gf. hemp (fibrous plant) Canapaccia, sf. (bol.) v. Artemisia Canapaja, sf. field of hemp, hemp field Canapajo, sm. hemp-dresser, seller Canapale, sm. rope, bitter, wicked fellow Canape, sm. hemp-twist Canape, sm. sdfa, settee Caoapello, sm. small rope Canapiglia, sf. wild duck Canapino, -a, adj. of hemp, hempen Canapo, sm. cable, cordage, ropes, tackle Canapuccia, sf. hemp-seed Canarino, sm. canary-bird Canata, sf. a great scolding Cauatteria, sf. pack of dogs , number of dogi Canattiere, sm. dog-keeper Canavaccio, canovaccio, sm. canvass , towel Canavajo, sm. biiller, steward of the table Cancellable, adj. that may be cancelled Cancellamento, sm. cancellagione, sf. repeal Cancellare, va. 1. to cancel, rail in, erase Cancellata, sf. rail-fence, railing Cancellalo, -a, adj. cancelled, railed off or in Cancellatura, cancellazione, sf. cancelling Cancelleresco, adj. belonging to chancery Cancelleria, sf. chancery (court of equity) Cancellierato, sm. the chancellorship Cancelliere, sm. notary, registrar, chancellor Cancello, sm. rails, lattice, grating, balustrade, chancelbar, lobster Cancellone, sm. great bar, railing Canchero.sm. the cancer, zounds t the deuce I Cancheroso, canceroso, -a, adj. cancerous Cancrena, cancherella, sf. gangrene Cancrenare, vn. I. to gangrene, mortify Caucren6so, -a, adj. gangrenous , mortifying Cancro, sm. cancer, crab (sign of zod.) Candela , sf. candle, light; dl cera , waz- candle; di sevo , tallow-candle; accen- derc. una candela, to light a candle; leggere al lume di candela , to read by candle-light Candelabro, sm. chandeleer Candeletta, sf. small wax-light, taper Candellaja, candellara, sf. candlemas Candelliere, sm. candlestick, chandeleer Candellotlajo, sm. a tallow-chandler Candelotto, sm. a short thick candle Candente, udj. ardent, burning, shining Candi (zucchero), sm. sugar candy Candidamente, adv. candidly, sincerely Candidamento , sm. whiteness, v. Bianchezza Candidate, sm. candidate, udj. made white Candidatura, sf. candidature, candidateship Candidezza, sf. whiteness, v. Canddre Candiero , sm. sort of drink made of eggs , milk and sugar Candificare, va. 1. to inflame, make red hot Candi re, va. 5. to candy, confect Candito, sm. candied fruits, preserves Cando, -a, adj. (ant.) white , candid , v. Can- dido Candore , sm. shining or snowy whiteness, purity, sincerity, ingenuousness, candor Cane , sm. dog ; an instrument for drawing teeth; an instrument used by coopers; (of fire arms) cock; Kan, Kaun, Khan (Persian governor; tartar chief); (astr.) the dog-star; arrabbiato , a mad dog; di guardia; Fate, mete, bite, note, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub; - far, pique, CAN 121 CAN watch dog; di casa, di cortile, house-dog; barbdne, water-dog; da fermo, a poin- ter , selling dog: dacaccia, hound; levriere, grey-hound; di mire, dog-fish, sea-dog; orccchi di cane (in a bonk) , dog's ears : esser tratlato da cane , to be treated like a dog : aizzare un cane , to set on a dog; menare il can per 1'aja, to go about the bush; raJdrizzar le gambe ai cani , to wash a Moor while; aver rispello al cane per amor del padrone , love me and love my dog: destare il can che dorme, to awake the sleeping dog ; a can che lecchi cenere non fidare Farina , be that will steal a pin , will steal far belter things; can che abbaja p6co morde, prov. cxp. a barking dog seld- om bites Canefora, sf, canephora ( pi. canephorae), young lady carrying on her head in a basket various things destined for sacrifices Caneslraccio, sm. an iiply old basket Cancstrello, canestreltino | sm. small basket, Canestretto, canestrino I pannier, hamper Canestriera, canefora, sf. basket woman Canestro, -a, smf. pannier, basket, hamper Canevaccio, sm. v. Canavaccio Canfora, if. camphire Canforato. canforico, -a, adj. camphorale Cangiabile, adj. changeable, mutable, fickle Cangiamento, SHI. change, mutation Cangiante, cangio, -a, adj. changing Cangiare, va. \. to change, alter, shift Cangiaro, cangiarro, sm. sort of turkish dagger Cangiato, -a, adj. changed, altered, turned Cangio, sm. v. Cambio Cangrena, if. gangrene, v. Cancrena Canibale, sm. v. Cannibale Caniccio, sm. a hurdle (texture of twigs) Canicidio, im. canicide, dog killing Canicula, canfcola, sf. dog-star, dog days Caniculare, canicolare, adj. canicular Canile, sm. dog kennel, dirty house Caninamente, adv. like a mad dog, furiously Canino, sm. small dog, puppy, whelp A, adj. canine, dogfish, currish; denli canini, Ihe eye-teeth Canizie, sf. 6ld age, v. Canulezza Canna, gf. cane, reed, wlnd-vipe , ell; canna di fucile, the barrel of a gun; canna d' 6r- gano , the pipe of an organ ; canna da pe- scare , a fishing-rod ; canna da serviziale , clyster-pipe; giudicare gli allri con la sua canna , to measure another man's corn by one's own bushel Cannajo, sm. weaver's drawer, hurdle to dry fruit on, eel basket, witer pipe-maker Cannamele, sf. sugar-cane Cannala, .f. caning, blow with a stick Can nella. , canzone , to laugh at, to banter; essere in canzone, to be laughed at, to be the laugh- ing stock; canzone dell' ucccllino , tale of a tub ; dar canzone, to give fair words Canzonelta, sf. canzonet, little song Canzoniere, sm. a song book ' Canzonina, canzonuccia, sf. canzonet Caologia , sf. chaology, treatise on chaos; confused treatise Caos (caosse, pod.), sm. chaos, confusion Capacchione, sm. great nonsense, absurdity Capaccio, sm. large ugly head, thick skull -a, adj. obstinate, stubborn Capace, adj. capable, able, fit, ample Capacita, -ade, sf. capacity, power, extent Capacitare, va. 1. to enable, qualify convince, persuade Capacitarsi, vrf. to be convinced, persuaded Capacitate, -a, adj. convinced, sensible of Capaguto, -a, adj. pointed, sharp (of arm) Capanna, sf. collage, hut, 16dge, barn Capanna del camino, sm. mantel-piece Capannello, -a, smf. J small cottage, hut ^ Capannelto, -a, smf. ) troop, band, gang Capannisc6ndere, sm. bide and seek (play) Capanno, sm. c6ttage, cabin, thatched hut Capannola, sf. assembly of people, club Capannone, sm. cottage, bonfire Capannuccia , sf. little c6ttage, hut; manger (representing that where our Lord was born) Capannuccio, sm. small cottage; sort of turret on the top of a cupola; a bonfire Caparbieria, sf. I obstinacy , stiib- Caparbieta,-tate,-tade,sf. j borness Caparbio, -a, adj. obstinate, stubborn Caparra, sf. earnest Caparramento, sm. v. Caparra Caparrare, va. \. to give earnest, security Caparrone, capa ssone, sm. a blockhead Capata, sf. blow with the head, salute Capeare, vn. \. (mar. colla trinchettina , e vela di straglio di maestra), to try ( under the fore-stay-sail, and main-stay-sail) Capecchiaccio, sm. hiirJs, refuse of hemp Fate, mete, bite, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, n6t, tub; - far, pique, CAP 123 CAP Capecchio, sm. coarse tow, wadding, trash Capella, sf. (pod.) young (she) goat Capellaccio, sm. head of hair Capellamenlo , tin. a bush of hair; filaments of trees or roots Capellaltira, capis-lialura, sf. head of hair Capelliera, ./'. lalse hair, ciirls, ringlets Capellino, -a, . exactly, to a hair Capellulo, -a, , de)la mia amicizia, depend on my friendship; faccia capitalu, di me in tutto , dispose of me in every thing Capitalista. sm. capitalist, moneyed indivi- dual ; fund-holder Capitalim-nt.', m/r. capitally, with death Capilana, sf. admiral's ship Capitananza, capilaneria, sf. chief command Capilanare.ran. 1. to appoint chiefs, command Capitanato, sm. captairny, chieftainship Capitanato, -a, adj. commanded, headed Capitaneggidre.ra. 1. to lead, command troops Capitano, sm. captain, commander Capitare, van. \. to arrive at, conclude, finish; capitar bene , male , to come off well or ill, be successful , unsuccessful ; fate capi- tarequesta lettera, cause this letter to come to hand, be delivered Capitato , -a , adj. having a head ; growing with a head (as garlic, etc.) Capitazione, sf. capitation, poll-tax Capitello , sm. the capital of a colum , head- band (of a book) Gapilo, -a, adj. comprehended, understood Capitolante, sm. member of a chapter, voter Capitolare, en. 1. to capitulate, treat Capilolare, adj. capitulary; sm. capitular, capitulary; i capitoliri di Carlomagno , the capitularies of Charlemagne Capilolato, -a, adj. capitulated, agreed Capitolazione, sf. capitulation, agreement Capitolino, -a, adj. capitoline, of the capitol Capitolo, 8i. chapter, ( of a book ) ; chapter (of friars or canons); chapter-house, head- band (of a book) sm. old poem' composed of triplets ; aver voce in capitolo, to have credit, interest at the board; non ha voce in capitolo, he is a mere cipher Capiloli, imp. convention, accord, agreement; matrimoniali, marriage-articles Capitombolare, ni. 1. to tumble, fall headlong Capitombolatore, sm. tumbler Capitombolo, sm. a tumble head over heels Capilone, sm. coarse silk, silk-wad Capitozzolo, sm. v. Coliotorlo Capiloso, -a, adj. 6bstinate, headstrong Capitozza, sf. pollard (oak lopped) Capitudini, smp. meeting of aldermen Capiluto.-a.arf;. large-headed (of cabbage, etc.) Capiverio, sm. v. Capoverso Capo, sm. head, chief, beginning, end; capo maestro, head master; da capo a piede , from head to foot , from top to toe ; mi gira il capo , I feel giddy; vi auguro (o vi do ) il buon capo d' anno , I wish you a happy new year; in capo dell' anno , at the end of the year ; non ho altro in capo , I think of nothing else; si raise in capo che, he has taken it into his head that; capo per capo, item per item ; died capi di bestiarae, ten head of cattle; capo della via, end of the street; da capo, again; venire a capo, to bring about; metier capo, (of rivers) to empty, disbarge itself; far capo, (ofpatlu, roads) to end in; (med.) to draw to a head ; far capo da uno , to apply to one; baltere il capo nel nn'iro. to knock one's head against the wall ; non sapere dove si dar di capo, not to know which way to turn , what shift to make , to be put to one's shifts ; non ne trovar ne capo , ne coda , to make neither head nor tail of a nor, rude; - fall, son, bull ;- fare, do ;- by, lymph ; puiie, buys, foul, fowl; gem , as CAP 124 CAP thing ; fare a suo capo, to have one's way, to follow one's mind; lavare il capo ad tino (fig.), to speak ill of a person, to scold one; capo di latte, the cream of milk; cal- zetle ad un capo, a due capi, single, double threaded stockings; rimaner col capo r&tlo, to have the worst of it, to come off with a br6ken head ; non mi rompete il capo, don't tease me ; cosa fatta capo ha , prov. exp. a thing done has an end Capobandilo, SOT. a chief of bandits or bandilli Capocaccia , SHI. chief hunter , huntsman (of a prince) Capocchia, sf. head of a stick, pin, nail, etc. Capocchio, -a, adj. dull, stupid, heavy Capocenso, sm. poll-lax, capitation Capochino, sm. a nod, a slight bow Capocollo, sm. chitterlings Capocroce, sm. cross-way, cvoss-r6ads Capocuoco, sm. head -cook, kitchen-steward Capo d' opera, sm. a master-piece Capofila, sm. first s6ldier of the file, line Capofillo (a), adverb, head down, headlong Capogatlo, sm. vertigo, the staggers Capogiro, sm. giddiness, dizziness (fig.), whim, freak Capolavoro, sm. a masterpiece Capolello, sm. head-hoard hangings Capolevare, vn. \. to fall hcad-fdremost Capolevalo, -a, arf). fallen head-foremost Capolino , sm. a little head ; far capolino , to peep, spy through, a hole etc. Capolo, sm. handle Capoluogo , sm. chief-residence , chief-town , city; (of England) county-town Gapomaestro, sm. architect, superintendent Capomandria, sm. inspector of the studs Capomese, sm. the first day of the month Capomorto, sm. (cltem.) sediment Capon a, sf. a headstrong, obstinate woman Caponaggine, sf. &bstinacy, stubbornness Caponamenle, ado. obstinately, stubbornly Caponar 1' ancora, rn. to cat the anchor Caponcello, sm a self willed little fellow Capone, sm. a large head, obstinate man Caponeria, sm. obstinacy, stubbornness Capoparle, sm. head, leader of a parly Capoparto, sm. v. Secondiua Capopiede, sm. error, topsy-liiryy Capopolo, sm. p6pular chief (ral Caporale, sm. chief commander, (mil.) cdrpo- adj. chief, principal, capital Caporano,sm. (ant.) principal man, head, chief Caporfccio, sm. (ant.) fright, V. Raccapriccia- menlo ^Caporione, sm. chief, alderman of a ward Caporiverso, adv. v. Caporovescio Caporovescio , ado. topsy-turvy , upside down Caposcala, sm. the top or bead of (he staircase Caposcuola , sm. the founder of a particular school Caposella, sm. the founder of a sect CaposSldo, sm. bounty, remuneration Caposquadra, sm. c6mmodore, commander Capostfpite, sm. head of a race or family Capotasio, sm. peg, (of a stringed instrument) Capotruppa, sm. chief, captain of the band Capolta, sf. cloak (women's) Capoverso, sm. (he beginning of a verse Capovolgere, va. 2 ) to liirn upside down, put Capovoltare, va. \. J on the wrong side Capovolto, -a, adj. turned upside down Cappa, sf. a Spanish cloak, cardinal's mantle, churchman's cap, hood, cape, scollop (shell- fish) ; mantle-tree: (mar.) primage; cappa degli albori , the coat of the mast; cappa pel timone , the coat of the rudder; stare alia cappa, to bring (a vessel) to; per un punto Martin perde la cappa , proo. cxp. the merest trifle is often a bar to success Cappare, va. \. to choose, select, pick out Gappalo, -a, adj. picked out, selected Cappella, sf. chapel, musicians (of a church) Cappella (maestro di), sm. leader of the choir Cappellaccio, sm. large old hat, coarse hat Cappellajo, -a, smf. a halter Cappellania, sf. chkplainship Cappellano, sm. chaplain, almoner Cappellata, sf. cap in hand, cringing bow Cappellelta, sf. small chapel, oralory Gappellelto, cappellino, sm. small hat, cap Cappclliera; sf. tat-box, case Cappellina, sf. 9m.\\ chapel, small bat Cappellinajo, sm. hat stand, rack for hats Cappello , sm, ( for men ) hat ; ( for women ) bonnet; (of cardinals) hat; wreath of flowers (for Ihe head), wreath; (fulconery) hood ; ( of mushrooms ) pi leus ; (distillery) cap ; di castoro, castor hat ; di paglia, straw hat; corddne di cappello , hat band; levarsi il cappello, to lake off one's hat; mettelevi il cappello, put on your hat; aspetlare il cappello, (falconery) to submit tamely to the hood (fig.) , to be led by the nose; abbasso i cappelli! hats off! col cap- pello in niano , hat in hand; col cappello in testa, with one's hat on ; calcarsi il cap- pello fin sugli occhi, to pull one's hat over one's eyes Cappell6no, sm. large hat Cappelluccio, sm. old hat, mean, coarse hat Cappelluto, -a, adj. tiifled. tufty, crested Capperi, inlerj. dear me! wdnderful I Cappero, sm. caper (pickle), caper-bush Capper6ne, sm. hood, carrier's cl&ak Capperuccio, sm. short cloak with hood, cowl Cappietto, sm. loop, narrow band of silk Cappio, sm. knot, corsojo, running knot Cappita, inlerj. v. Cappcri Capponaja, sf. capori-coop, hen-coop Capponare, va. \. to capon, cut off , curtail , disfigure, cat the anchor Capponala, sf. birth-day feast on capons Capponato,-a, adj. caponed, curtailed Fate, mete, bite, note, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub; - far, pique, CAP 125 CAR Capponcello, sm. smill young capon Cappone, am. capon, soprano (vul.) Capponie'ra , sf. (mil.) caponniere , cSvcred lodpment Cappdtta, sf. c!6ak (women's) Cappolto , sm. cloak, riding-hood , capote ; (mil.) frock c6at, guard, watch-coat; fareun cappotto, to capot (at picket) ; far Tar cappo t- to (SL un bastimenlo), to overset Cappuccelto, sm. small cowl, capuchin Cappucciajo, sm. hood, cowl, cloak-maker Cappuccino, sin. capuchin monk, cowl Cappiiccio, SHI. cowl, cabbage, lettuce Capra , .<,/. she goal; cavalcare la capra al chino , to run headlong , to hiirry in a breakneck ruinous manner , to have the worst oT it, to come off with a broken head ; salvar la capra e i cavoli , to save one's bacon, to run with the bare and hold with the hounds ; clu ha capre, ha coma , pror. ox/)., no gain without pains Caprajo, capraro, sm. g6atherd . Capraria, -aggine, sf. (hot.) goats rue, th6rn Capreolare, 01/7. (liot.) claspered Capreoli, smp. (arch.) caulicoles Capreolo, sm. (hot.) cirrhus, tendril , clasper Capreslerfa, sf. fr61ic, wanlonnes, freak Capreslo, -a , smf. rope , haug-villain , v. Ca- peslro Caprella, sf. yoiing she g6at, kid Caprelio, caprettino, sm. young kid, kid Caprezzo, SHI. (anl.) caprice, v. Capriccio, ri- brezzo Capricciare, vn. 1. (ant.) to quake with fear, T. Raccapricciare Capriccio, sm. cold shivering , caprice; aver capriccio d' una cosa , to have a fancy for a thing Capricciosamente, adv. capriciously Capricciosita, sf. capriciousness, strangeness Capriccioso, -a, adj. capricious, whimsical Capricorno, sm. Capricorn (.sign of the zodiac) Caprilico, sm. wild-fig-tree Capri foglio, sm. (bol.) eglantine, h6ney-suckle Caprigno, caprino,-a, adj. goatish; dispular della lana caprina , to dispute about a straw Caprile, sm. a fold or pen for g&ats Caprio, sm. roe-buck, wild-goat Capriola, sf. caper, jump, capriole Capriolare, vn. \. to leap, cut capers Capriolelto. sm. yoiing roe-buck, lawn Capriolo, capriuolo, sm. roe-buck, tendril Capripede, adj. goal-fooled Capriuola, sf. dde, roe Caprizzanle, adj. irregular (pulse) Capro, sm. a buck-goat, (mar.) privateer; emissario, scape-g6at Caprone, sm. large ho goat, old debauchee Capsula, sf. capsule, pod Capsulare adj. cipsular, hbllow Caplivare, vu. 1. v. Cattivare Capto,-a, ant. adj. taken, smitten, enamored Capuccia, sf. cabbage lettuce Capuccio, sm. little head Capzioso, -a, adj. captious, fraudulent Caraballole, sfp. riff- raff, Irijles, biwbles Carabe, sm. yellow-amber Carabioa, sf. carabine Carab'inata, sf. a carabine-shot Carabinerfa, sf. gendarmery , armed police- fdrce, the body of carabiniers Carabi-niere, SHI. carabinier, policeman Caracal, sm. caracal (a species of lynx) Caracca, sf. carac , carack, a Portuguese' In- diaman Caracollare, vn. t. to caracole, to -wheel about Caracollo, sm. caracole, wheeling about Caraffa, sf. decanter, v. Guaslada Caraffino, -a, smf. small decanler, cruet Cara(T6ne, sm. large decanter Carafta, smf. Caraite (Jewish sectary) Carambola, sf. (billiards) cannon Carambolare, vn. i. (billiards) to cannon, to make a cannon Caramello, sm. caramel, burned sugar Caramcnte, adv. dearly, tenderly Caramogio, sm. an ugly dwart, a shrimp Caramussale , sm. Turkish merchantman Caratare, v. 1. to weigh carefuly, examine Caratato,-a, adj. weighed minutely Caratello, sm. keg, cask, small barrel Caralo , sm. carat ( weight of four grains ); uno sciocco , boys, foul, fowl; gem, as CAR 128 CAR Carotajo. sm. carrot seller, fibber, quack Carolare, vn. 1. to fib, tell st6ries, boast, draw the long bow Caroiidi, sfp. (anat.) the carotid arteries Carotiere, sm. carrot-seller) fibber quack Carovana, sf. caravan, quantity, convoy; fare la sua carovana, to serve one's apprentice- ship, time Carpacco, sm. fur cap (Greek) Carpare, vn. \. better carpire, va. 3. to snap, snatch from, seize upon, tm. to -walk on all fours Carpenteria, sf. ship carpentry Carpentiere, sm. cart-wright, carpenter Carpenlo, sm. \. Carrala Carpiccio, sm. a great quantity, great many, dare un buon carpiccio, to give a shower or volley of blows , to bang , give a sound thrashing Carpico, -a, adj. (anal.) carpal Carpine, carpino, sm. a lime-tree, horn beam Carpi&ne, sm. carp, (pond-fish) Carpire, va. 3. to snatch away , wrest from , steal Carpita, sf. a coarse counterpane, rujf Carpilella, sf. thin light blanket, cover Carpito, -a, adj. carried off, stolen Carpo , sm. (onat.) wrist; carp (fish) Carpolito, sm. carpolile (petrifaction of fruit) Carpono, carponi, adv. on all fours, on hands and feet Carradore, carrajo, sm. cart-wright, carter Carraja, sf. cart-way Carrala, sf. cart-load Carratello. sm. barrel, hogshead Carreggiabile, adj. that may be passed with carts ; strada carreggiabile, cart-way Carreggiare, va. \. to drive a cart, waggon, etc. Carreggiata, sf. cart road, cart way ; uscfr dalla carreggiata, to mistake, to be out Carreggiatore, sm. carter , waggoner Carreggio, sm. number of carls together Carretta, sf. cart, car, carriage (of a cannon) Carrettajo. sm. carter, driver, waggoner Carrettare, vn. I. to draw or drive the cart Carretlala, sf. cart full, cart load, tumbrel Carrettella, sf. sort of gig or chaise Carretliere, sm. carter, waggoner, carrier Carrettino, sm. small wheel -barrow, dray Carrelto, sm. wheel-barrow, brewer's dray Carretlone, sm. a large covered waggon Carriaggio, sm. baggage, equipage Carricello, sm. small car, chariot Camera, sf. carder, course, race, life Carrino, sm. cart , barricade in a camp Carriuola, sf. truckle bed, calash Carro, sm. car, waggon, cart load, (asrr.) Charles' wain ; mellere il carro innanzi ai buoi, to put the cart bef6re the horse; fare il carro colla vela (mar.), to shift the sail ; a carri, adv. exp. in lots, in abundance Carroccio, sm. carroccio, a chariot of war and triumph (in the Italian republics of the mid- dle ages) Carrozza, sf. a carriage, equipage, c6ach; te- ner carrozza, to keep one's carriage, to rf- de in a carriage (a coach may go Carrozzabile, adj. through, along or by which Carrozzajo, sm. coach maker Carrozzare, rn. to go in a coach , to c6ach it Carrozzata, sf. c6ach full, coach-load Carrozziere, sm. coach-man, v. Cocchiere Carrozzino, sm. curricle, small carriage Carruba, sf. carob (plant) Carrubio, carriibbio, carrubo, sm. carob tree Carruccio, sm. go-cart Carriicola, carriica, s. pulley, wcalher-cock Carrucolare, va. \. to hoist with pulleys, cheat Carrucolelta, carrucolina; sf. small pulley Carla, s. paper, page, bill, bond, map, bill of fare; da navigare, a chart; marezza- ta , marble paper; pecora , parchment, vellum; straccia , waste-paper; siic- chia, siigante, blotting paper; da leltere, letter paper, post paper; da disegno, drawing-paper ; da petiziooi , fool's cap paper, da involli, brown paper, wrap- ping paper ; con colla , sized paper; bollata , stamped paper; da scrivere , writing paper; da slampa, printing pa- per; pesla, papier mache; velina, wove papier; monetata, paper-money; costituzionale , charte constitution, funda- mental law ; la Magna Carta, the Great Char- ter, MagriaCharla; giuocare alle carte, to play cards , or at cards ; dare le carte , to deal the cards ; scambiare le carte in mano, to give or make believe one thing for ano- ther; far carta , to give a bond ; imbrattar carta, to blot, waste paper; far le carte alia scoperta , to speak freely one's mind ; fare una partita alle carte', to play a game of cards ; mescolare le carte , to shuffle the cards; dare carta biancaad alciino, to give, to throw one a carte blanche ( unlimited power) Cartabello, sm. scarce book, manuscript Cartaccia, sf. bad paper, waste paper Cartaceo, -a; adj. of paper , paper like Carlajo, cartaro, sm. paper maker, seller Carlamo, sm. bastard wild saffron, (plant) Cartanonnata, sf. virgin-parchment Carlata. sf. page Carlaluccia, sf. belter cartuccia. sf. a car- tridge : slracciar (coi denli ) la cartuccia (mil.), to bite the cartridge Carteggiare, va. \. to glance over a book or chart, point, corresp&nd, play at cards; car- teggio co'signori B. C. e C. a , I correspond, or keep up a regular correspondence with Messieurs B. C. and Co. Carteggio, sm. a corresp6ndence (by letters) Carlella, sf. a cartouch, a r6H or scroll, in- scription, label, portf61io Fate, mete, bite, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, n6t, tub; - far, pique, CAR 129 CAS CartellAre, vn. \. to publish manifestos Cartellfna, sf. small label, inscription, etc. Cartello, sm. bill, libel, challenge, manifesto Cartellone, sm. a placard, large, posting bill Cartesianismo, SOT. (pltil.) cartesianism Carlesiano, -a, adj. (phil.) cartesian Carliera, sf. a paper mill, paper ware-house Cartilagine, sf. cartilage, gristle Carlilapineo,-a,-6so, -a, adj. cartilaginous Cartina, sf. small piece, or bit of paper Cartismo, sm. the political doctrines of Con- stitutionalists Carttsta, sm. a Constitutionalist Cartocciere. sm. cartouch box Cart6ccio, sm. a paper cup, cornet of paper used by grocers, a cartridge, cartouch Cartolajo, sm. paper merchant, stationer Cartolare, ra. 1. to page an account book Cartolaro, sm. ship's journal, log-book, dfary Carloleria, .if. stationer's shop, stationery Cartolina, sf. label, inscription, pocket-book Cartoniccio, sm. bad paste-b6ard Cartone, sm. paste-b6ard, cartoni (paint. ) cartoons (tridge Cartuccia, carluzza.sf. small bit of paper, car- Can'iba, sf. v. Carriiba Caruncola, sf. carbuncle, small excrescence Carvi, sm. (hot.) caraway, caraway seed Casa, sf. house, home, family, (fig.) country ; di campagna, a country house, country seat; di cilta, town house; di com- mercio, commercial, mercantile establish- ment , firm ; di correzidne , bridewell ; di salute, private hospital; amico di casa, friend of the family; faccendedi casa household affairs ; esser di casa , to be in- timate, well acquainted with; fare gli onori di casa, to do the honours of the house ; restare , trattenersi in casa , to remain at h6me, to keep within doors; uscire, sortir di casa, to go from borne , out of doors ; tornare a casa, to return home, logo h6me- ward, (fig.1 to come to the purpose ; aprir casa, to begin house-keeping; star con 1' dc- chio a casa, to mind one's business; dove state di casa"? where do you live? in casa Roberto? Is Robert at hdme* 9 fuori di casa, he is out of doors : andate a casa maltdolta (a casa del diavolo) (n//;/.1, go to the devil ; chi fa la casa in piazza non puo soddisfare ognuno, prop. exp. a man in pu- blic business cannot please every body Casacca, sf. jacket, surlout; voltar casacca. to turn one's c6at Casaccia, sf. iigly house, dirty house Casaccio, sm. unlucky event, strange accident Casaccone, sm. great jacket, surtout Casale, sm. hamblet, village Casalingo,-a, adj. domestic, fond of home, sedentary, pane casalingo, househ61d bread Casaliuo, sm. small hamlet, village Casalone, jm. 61d ruinous house Casamatta, sf. casemate, soldiers' prison Casamento.sm. large house, handsome Iddginj Casare, fan. \. to marry , begin bouse kdeping, to make a point (backgammon) Casarellina, sf. small house Casatella, sf. excellent small cheese Casato, -a, smf. surname, house, family, race Cascdggine, sf. drowsiness, sleepiness Cascamento, sm. fall, falling Cascamorto (far il) , sm. to make desperate love to a woman Cascante, adj. falling, weak, cascante di vezzi, dying with affectation Cascare, vn. \. to fall , lose courage ; cascare le braccia, to be discouraged, disheartened, to be out of heart; cascare (altrui) le ve- stiraenta di dosso, to be tattered, ragged, in rags; cascare il cacio su' maccher6ni, to chance most luckily; cascar di vezzi , to be lackadaisical , to die with affectation; ca- scar dalla fame, di sonno, to be dying with hunger , with sleep ; le sono caduti tiitti i dcnti, she has lost all her teeth ; il vento casca, the wind falls, abates (bark Cascarilla,cascariglia, sf. (pharm.) cascarilia- Cascita, sf. fall, cascade, water-fall Cascaticcio, -a, adj. weak, frdil^flckle Cascato, -a, arf/. fallen, cast down Cascatojo,-a, adj. (little used) apt to fall in lore Caschetto, sm. helmet^ casque, head-piece Cascina, sf. dairy, cows' pasture grounds Cascinotto, sm. a watch-cabin in a field or vineyard, a lodge composed of stakes and Cascio, sm. ch6ese (thatch. Casco, sm. helmet, casque, head-piece Caseare, ra. 1. to make caseous (caseous Caseazi6ne, sf. cheese-miking; the making Caseggiato, sm. a large house or building Casella, sf. small house, small square, cell Casellfna, sf. little cell Casco, sm. casein Caseoso, cacidso, arf;'. cheesy Casereccio, -a, adj. domestic, household Caserma, sf. barrack, soldiers' building Casetta, caserella, casellina, sf. smiill house Casettino.-a, smf. small country house Casiera, sf. house-keeper, woman-servant Casiere, sm. steward, keeper of a house Casile, sm. mean habitation, v. Casipola Casimiro, sm. cassirae>e, kerseymere Casina, casioina, sf. small house, cottage Casino, sm. small country-box, summer-house, club Casipola, casupola, sf. dirty small house, hut Casirato,-a, adj. cheesed, nice Casista, sf. casuist Caso, sm. case, accident, adventure, chance; a caso, per caso, by chance; casa che, in case that ; dato il caso , put the case ; non fa caso, no matter; far caso di una cosa, to value a thing; essere in caso di morto, to be at .the point of death; 1' immagina- ndr, rude; - fall, son, bull; - fare, d6; - by, lymph; poise, boys, foul], fowl; gem, as Di:. Hal. Ing. 9 CAS 130 zione fa caso, imagination makes that seem true, which is not Casoccia, sf. a large dirty house Casolana, sf. sort of apple Casolaraccio, sm. old ruinous house, hovel Casolare.sm. an old uncomfortable house Casone, sm. a large house Casoso, -a, adj. fearful, uneasy, anxious Casotto, -a. smf. snug house, sentry box Cassa, sf. chest, bos, case, coffer, safe, trunk, frame , treasury , slays of a loom, stock of a gun , bee-hive ; ( printing ) chase ; di lisparmio , the savings-bank ; d' ammor- tizzazione , sinking-fund; conto di cassa, cash-account ; cassa da morto, coffin; tener la cassa, to act as cashier; batter la cassa (mil.), to beat the drum , to enlist; batter la cassa addosso ad uno, to traduce, revile, defame, backbite a person Cassajo, sm. v. Gassettajo Cassale, adj. deadly (fever, etc.) Cassamadia, sf. kneading-trough Cassamenlo, sm. annulling, v. Cassazi6ne Cassapanca, sf. a chest in the form of a bench Cassare, va. \. to annul, abolish, cancel Cassatiira, sf. erasure, cr6ssing out, oblitera- Cassava, sf. cassavi, arrow-root (tion Cassazidne, sf. cassation, abolition, annulling; coite di cassazione, court of appeal; ricor- rere in cassazione, ( law ) to sue for a writ of error Casserelto, sm. chest, fort, castle Cassero, sm. chest, fortress, quarter deck Casserola, sm. sauce-pan, small copper pan Cassella.sf. casket, small box, alms box, coach- box: da viaggio, dressing-case , da spu- tarvi, spitting-box; da pecchie, bee-hive; andare, stare a cassetta, to drive a carriage Cassettajo, sm. trunk, box-maker, seller Casseltino, -a, smf. casket, case, drawer Casseltone, sm. chest of drawers, bureau Cassia, sf. cassia, purgative Cassiere, sm. cashier, cash-keeper Cassilagine, sf. (hot.) henbane Cassilfgnea, sf. (bol.) bastard cinnamon Casso, sm. breast, chest, shirt-breast a, adj. br6ken, vain, annulled Cassonaccio, sm. large 61d trunk, coffer, box Cassoncello, sm. small trunk, chest, box Cassoncino, sm. small sepulchre, tomb Cassdne, sm. great, chest, trunk, coffer Casta , sf. caste , distinct order of society ( in Hindostan) _Gastagna, sf. chestnut; (mar.) paul, pawl: ca- "~ slagne vertical! , hanging pauls ; cavar la caslagnacolla zampa altrui, to make a cat's paw of a person Castagnaccio, sm. chestnut-bread (nuts Castagnajo, sm. one who gathers or sells chest- Caslagnelo, sm. a gr6ve of chestnut-trees Gastagnetta, sf. small chestnut, castanets Castagnino, -a, adj. chestnut color Castagno, sm. chestnut-tree, brown-color; castagno d' India , horse-chestnut-tree Castagnuolo, -a, adj. cheslnut-colored, brown Castagnuolo, sm. small chestnut tree Caslalda, sf. a nun who has the charge of the household furniture; a fanner's wife, a farm Castalderia, sf. the managing of a farm Castaldo ( castaldione ) , sm. the bailiff of a manor, steward of a manor house Caslamenle, adv. chastely, modestly Castellana, sf. castellan's lady (lands Castellaneria, sf. castellany, chatellany, castle Castellania, sf. office, dignity of a castellan Castellano, SKI. castellan, lord of a manor, keeper, governor of a caslle, ward Castellano, -a, adj. of, or to a caslle Castellare, SHI. an old ruinous caslle Caslelletto, -a, smf. small caslle, forl Castellino, sf. cobnut (boy's game) Castello, sm. castle, hamiet, village sm. rammer,, heavy club, capstan ; far ca- stelli in aria, to build castles in (he air Cestellolto, sm. borough, large village Castelluccio, sm. small castle, fortress Castigare, va. \. to chastise, correct, punish Casligato, -a, adj. chastised, corrected Castigazione, sf. castigo,sw. correction, pun- ishment Castigli6ne, sm. borough, large village Caslimonia , sf. pudency , pudicity , shame- facedness Caslita, -tale, -tide, sf. chastity, purity Casio, -a, adj. chaste, m6dest, pure Cast6ne, sm. bezil, collet (of a ring) Castore, sm. (aslr.) Castor, Apollo Castore e Polluce , sm. ( meteorology ) Castor and Pollux , Saint Helen's , Fermo's fire, corposant Castorio, sm. castor-oil, castoreum Castoro, sm. castor, beaver, cistor-hat Castrafica, sf. trick, waggery, frolic Castramenlazi6ne, sf. the art of encamping Castraporcelli, castraporci, sm. gelder Castrare, va. 1. to castrate, geld, curtail Castrato, sm. mutton, eunuch Castrato, -a, adj. castrated , gelded , curtailed Caslratura, caslrazione, sf. castration Castrense, adj. earned in military service Castro, sm. (poet.) caslle, fortress, citadel Caslronaccio, sm. large wether, blockhead Castroncello, sm. j young wether, young fool, Castroncino, sm. I hare-brained young man Castr6ne, sm. a wether, ninny, dunce Castronerfa, caslronaggine, sf. stupid talk Castruccino, sm. an ancient coin of Lucca (so called from Caslruccio, lord of that city ) Casuale, adj. casual, accidental, fortuitous Casualita , sf. casualty, accident, chance Casualmente, ailr. casually, by chance Casuccia, casiizza, sf. (batched cottage, hut Casucciaccia, sf. ruinous old collage, hut Casuccina, sf. small thatched cottage , cabin Fate, melc, bile, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, ndt, tub; - far, pique; CAS 131 CAT Casupola, sf. ugly small house , dirty collage Casuro, -a, adj. ruinous, falling lo ruin Casus feederis (latin), Ihe case stipulated by treaty Catacauslica,, sf. (geom.) calacaustic ciirve Calaclismo, sm. inundation, deluge Calac6mba, sf. catacomb , sepulchral vSult Catacresi, sf. catachresis Calaciistica, sf. (pliys.) catacoustfcs, Ihe doc- Irine of reflected sounds Catadioltrica sf. (jihys.) caladioptrics Caladiotlrico , -a. adj. (plii/s.) catadrioptric , catadrioplrical, reflecting light Caladupa , sf. (local) sluice , flood-gate , wa- terfall Catafalco, fin. calafalco Calafascio (a), adverb, topsy-liirvy Catafora, sf. a lelhargic complaint Catafratta, sf. coat of mail Galafratlo, am. cuirassier, soldier in armor Catalcssi'a, .if. (mccl.) catalepsy, calalepsis, insensibility Catalellico, -a, (mcd.) cataleptic Catalelto, am. bier, litter Catalopare, va. lo insert in a catalogue, to catalogue Catalogo, sm. catalogue, list, roll Catapecchia, sf. desert, wilderness Calaplasma, sin. p6ollicc, cataplasm , plaster Catapulla, sf. catapult Cataratta, sf. v. Cateralla Calarrale, adj. catarrhal Calarro, sm. catarrh, defluction , c6ld; aver il catarro di una cosa , to think one's self able to do a tiling Catarronaccio, sm. very bad rheum, etc. Catarronc, sm. great cold, rheum, catarrh Catarrosamenle, adv. -with a cold, rheum Catarroso , -a . adj. calarrhal, subject to, or troubled with catarrhs Catarlico, -a, adj. cathartic, purgative Calarzo, sm. waste silk, dirt, filth Galasla, sf. pile (of wood), funeral pile Calastare, ra. 1. to heap up, tax, v. Accata- "* stare Calaslasi, sin. division of ancient tragedy Calaslo, sm. tilho, tax-book, tax, impost Cataslro, s;. rent-roll (of a manor) Cataslrofe, sf. calhstrophe, fatal end Cataiino, -a , pron. nif. (ant. ) each , T. Cia- scheduno Catcchismo, sin. ri'.lefliism, principlesoffailh Catechfsta, sin. catechist Catochislico, -3., adj. catecliistical, instructive Catechizzare, rn. 1. to catechise., interrogate Catccismo, sm. \. Calechismo Gaiociimeno, catecumino^ sm. catechumen Categorfa, sf. category, predicament ("alt v'oricamente, adc. categorically, f(5rmally (-ate^iirico, -a, w'j. categorical, categoric Catellino, sm. little puppy, whelp Catello, sm. little dog, whelp Catell&ne , sm. a very large whelp; catellon catellone, stealing along, step by step Catena, sf. chain ,bond, fetter, ridge; di monti , chain , ridge of mountains; da fufico , pot-hanger , pot-hook ; di scfigli sotl'acqua (mar.), reef, ridge; del cftllo, the bones that bind the neck; di ferro , an iron chain; anello di catena, a link of a chain ; spezzare le catene, to break one's chains; esser condannato alia catena, lobe sent to the galleys , to be condemned to w6rk at the oar (on board of a galley) Catenftccia^ sf. a large heavy chain Catenaccto, sm. padlock, bolt Catenare, rn. 1. to chain, fetter, shackle Catenaria, sf. catenary, catenarian vdult Catenella, caleniizza, s'f. small chain Cateralta , sf. Sluice, flood-gate ; (mcd.) cata- ract; portcullis; cascade; le catcralte del cielo sono apfirle , it rains pailfuls ; levar la cataratta da un occhio, (surg,) to couch an eye Calerva, sf. crowd, pack, multitude Catelere, sn. (surg.) a catheter Caleta, sf. sort of fishing line Cateto, sm. (geom.) cathetus Catinajo, sin. potter, earthenware-maker Catinella. sf. wash-hand-basin v. Bacino Catinellella, -ina, -uzza, sf. very small basin Catino, si. parlhen-basin; kitchen-vessel Catobl6pa, sm. a kind of serpent Calorcio, sm. b61t, bar, v. Cbiavistello Catollrica, sf. catoptrics, caloptrical, (optics) Catrafosso, sm. precipice; giddy height Catragimoro^ sm. (ant.) dizziness, whim, freak Catramare, va. I. v. Inc.alramar'e Catrame, sm. tar, liquid pitch Catriosso, sm. carcass, of a fowl , etc.) Cattabriga, sm. litigious man, chicancr Caltaneo, cattano, sm. v. Caslellano Cattare, ra. 1. to captivate, win by flattery; cattar la liraosina, to go begging Cattedra, sf. chair (uni'v.), pulpit, papal see; ex cattedra, with authority Catledrale, sf. cathedral, episcopal church adj. of a chair or professorship Caltcdranle, cattedratico, sm. lecturer, pro- fessor Caltivaccio, sm. a great rascal, scoundrel Gattivaggio, sm. captivity . v. I'rigionia Catlivamente, adv. badly, wickedly Cattivanza, sf. captivity, wickedness Caltivanzuola, sf. knavery, fr61ic, trick Callivare , ro. \. to take prisoner captivate; cattivarsi la stima di uno, to win or capti- vate a person's esteem Gatlivato, -a, ad], captivated, subdued Cattiveggiare, t-n. \. to grieve, lead a bad life CatHvellaccio , sm. a poor wretch Gattivetlo, -a, smf. ed adj. miserable, pi'iful, a poor wretch, a cunning little rascal Cattivelluccio, -a. adj. lean, weak, wan nor, rude; - fall, son, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph ; poise, beys, foul; fowl; gem, as CAT 132 CAV Cattiveria, cattivezza, sf. bondage, malice Catlivita, -ate, -ade.s/ 1 . captivity, wickedness; recarsi la cattivita in ischerzo , to laugh at justice Cattivo, -a, smf. and adj. captive, slave a, adj. wretched, bad, wicked, paltry Cattivuzzo, -a, adj. r6guish , mischievous Catto, a, adj. (ant.) captive, ravished Cattolicamente, adv. in a catholic manner Cattolicismo, sm. Catholicism Cattolicila, sf. catholic faith (adherence) Callolico, smf. and adj. catholic, pious Cattura, sf. capture, seizure, apprehension Catturare, va, d. to apprehend, arrest Catuno, -&,pron. (ant.) each, v. Ciascuno Caudatario, sm. a train-bearer , page , atten- dant Caudate, -a, adj. tailed, that has an addition Caule, sm. (bot) caulis , berbacious stem or stock Caulino, -a, adj. (bot.) cauline Causa, sf. cause, motive, reason, origin; fisica o morale, physical or moral cause; sostenere , difendere la buona causa , to stand for the good cause. sf. cause, law suit, action: difendere , pa- trocinare una causa, (law.) to plead a cau- se; avere, non avere interesse in causa., to be, not to be concerned in a suit, to reco- ver; parlare con cognizione di causa, to speak from experience ; rinnegare la pro- pria causa , to apostatize from one's own cause che (a), con;', because, for this reason Causale, adj. causal Causalita, -ate, -ade, sf. causality Causalmente, adv. with cause, reason Causante, adj. causing, occasioning Causare, va. 1. to cause, occasion, produce Causativo, -a, adj. causative Causa to, -a, adj. caused, occasioned Causatore, -trice, smf. author, causer, agent Causidico, sm. a counsel, pleader, advocate Caustica, sf. (geom.) caustic curve Causticita, sf. causticity Caustico, sm. caustic, burning application a, adj. caustic, burning , biting Cautamente, adv. warily, slily, craftily Cautela, sf. circumspection , caution Cautelare, va. 1. to caution, answer for, bail Cautelato, -a, adj. assured , safe, prudent Cauterio, sm. cautery, powerful caustic Cauterizzare, va. to cauterize Cautezza, sf. v. Cautdla Canto, -a, adj. wary, prudent, cautious Cauzionare , va. \. to be or becdme surely for, (law) to bail (a person), to repI6vy (a thing) Cauzione, sf. (law.) bail, security, surety, warranty; sussidiaria. counter security ; dar cauzione , to give bail ; ammettere alia cauziorie, to admit to bail, to replevy Cava, sf. a cave, cove, hole, mine, quarry Cavadenti, sm. a tooth-drawer, dentist Cavagno, sm. basket, pannier, hamper Cavalcabile, adj. that may be ridden Cavalcamento, sm. riding, going on horse-back Cavalcante, sm. rider, postilion, horse Cavalcare, vn. \. to ride, cruize, domineer; cfille staffe c6rte, allaturca, to ride with short stirrups; a bisdosso , a bardosso, to ride bare-backed; far cavalcare la capra ad uuo, to make one believe that the moon is made of green cheese Cavalcata, sf. cavalcade, riding Cavalcatojo , srn. a mounting-block , horse- block Cavalcatore, sm. horseman, cavalier, rider Cavalcalura, sf. any beast for the saddle Cavalcavia; sf. a union gallery 6ver an arch Cavalcheresco. -a, adj. v. Cavalieresco Gavalciare, vn. \. to ride, sit, stand astraddle Cayalcione, adv. astraddle, astride Cavaleggiero, sm, a light horse man Cavaleressaj sf. (burl.) a knight's lady, horse- woman Cavalierato , sm. knightood ; promosso al ca- valier4to , raised to the dignity of knigh- thood Cavaliere , SM. cavalier , knfght, hfirseman; della Giarrettiera , Knight of the Gar- ter ; errante , Knight errant ; cavalier servente, a lady's admirer, a lady's favo- rite; d'industria , a sharper , a fortune- hunter; da cavali6re, n6bly, like a gentle- man ; cavaliere, a raised plat form to plant cannon up6n; stare o essereacavaliere, to domineer, command, be or stand over, fa- re, armare, creare cavalie"ri, to knfght Cavalierotto, sm. a great lord gentleman Cavalla, sf. mare Cavallaccia, sf. a jade, hack Cavallaro, sm. muleteer, hdrse-bey, sergeant Cavallata, .-if. ancient horse militia Cavallereccio, -a, adj, p6rtable by horses Cavallerescamente, adv. nobly, gallantly Cavalieresco, -a, adj. n6ble, chivalrous, gallant Cavalleressa, sf. (burl.) v. Cavaleressa Cavalleria, sf. knightood, horse, cavalry Cavallerizza, sf. riding-school Cavallerizzo, sm. horse-breaker, rider, esqui- re, master of the horse Cavalletta, sf. grasshopper, 16cust , cheat ; fare una cavalletta ad uno , to play one a trick Cavalletto, sm. small horse, tressle, hobby Cavallierato., sm, knfghth6od Cavallina, sf. filly, young mare, debauchery ; scdrrer la cavallfna , to live a lewd life , to be a debauchee Cavallino, sm. colt, foal , p&ny, nag, cob Cavallino, -a, adj. horse, of a hdrse Cavallivendolo, sm. horse-dealer , jockey Cavallo , sm. horse , sand-bank , a knight File, mete, bite, note, tube; fat, met, bit, not, tub; - far, pique, CAV 133 CEC (at chess); birbero , a barb , bdrbary horse; marine, a sea horse; ombroso, a restive or skittish horse ; int6ro , en- tire horse ; da r.arrozza , cdach horse , da tiro, d' attiraglio, drift horse; a d6ppio uso, a h6rse fitted to ride or drive; di razza , a blood-horse ; di corsa , a race-horse; di caccia, a hiinter; da sella , a saddle-horse; delle stanghe , a wheel-b6rse; del postiglione, a leader; d'affitto', a kackney hfirse , a back; er- r6re da cavallo , an egregious blunder ; ne- goziante di cavalli , horse-dealer ; le guar- die a cavallo, the horse-guards; mediatdre di cavalli, horse-jockey; corsa di cavalli, horse-race ; ferro di cavallo , horse-shoe ; finimenti di cavallo, horse-trappings; mon- tare a cavallo , to mount a horse , to get upon one's horse ; sinonlare da cavallo, to alight from one's horse; attaccare i cavalli, to put the horses to ; dire nn cavallo , to horse-whip, lash: fare una corsa a cavallo, to take a ride ; fare una cosa a cavallo , to do a thing in a hurn ; vi andai a cavallo , I went there on horse-back ; cader da ca- vallo , to fall from one's horse , to fall off one's horse; conoscere i cavalli alle selle, to know a horse by his harness; lasciarsi levare a cavallo , to let one' s self be imp6- sed upon; esserea cavallo (fig.), neither to lose, nor win; paseersi come il caval del Ciolle, to feed upon air; il cavallo fa andar la sferza , prov. cxp. the thing goes the wrong way , is begun by the wrong end ; andar sul cavallo di s. Francesco, to go on loot; a cavallo donato non si gnarda in bocca, prov. cxp. look not a gift horse in the mouth Cavall6ne, sm. greal-hfirse, surge, breaker Cavallocchio, sm. \vasp, hornet, exactor Cavalluccio, SHI. a little nag, cob, pad Cavamacchie, sm. scourer (of clothes) Cavamento, sm. cavity, excavation Cavana, sf. a cove, covered b6at , mooring Cavare, va. \. to take off, draw up, dig, pull, pluck, wring , wrest; nn d6nte , to draw a tooth ; il cappello., to take off one's hat; acqua , to draw water; sangue, to let blood; ulile , to r6ap or gain profit; gli occhi , to pull the eyes out; una fossa , to dig a grave ; cavar di bocca un segr to, to wrest a secret from one , to get a secret out of a person ; cavar denari da qnalcheduno, to get m6ney from one; cavar le mani d'un affare, to make an end of a business ; cavar uno di cervello , to taze one to death ; cavare i calcelti ad uno , to pump a person; cavar uno dal fango , to raise one from the dirt; cavar buono o mat viso di un affare , to succeed well or ill in a business Cavastivali, sm. boot-jack Cavastracei, sm. giin-w6rm, cfirk-screw Cavata, sf. ditch, m6at, pit, digging Cavatina, sf. short air, song, tune, arietta Cavato, sm. cavity, hollow, hollowness Cavato, -a, adj. dug, concave, extracted Cavatore, sm. digger . delver , miner , ditcher Cavatura, sf. cavity, hole, h611ow, digging Cavaturaccioli, sm. cork-screw Cavazi6ne, sf. excavation, cavity, hdllowness Cavedine, sf. 16ach (fresh water fish) Cavedio, sm. (ant.) court-yard, v. Cortile Cavelle, sfp. (vttlg.) trifle, sdmething, any thing Caverella, sf. small hole, cave, cavity Caverna, sf. cavern, antre, den, cave Cavernella, cavernetta, sf. small cavern Cavernosita, -ade, depth, concavity Cavernoso, -a, adj. civernons, hollow Cavernuzza, caverozzola, sf. small cave Cavetto, sm. (arrh.) cavetto, g<5rge Cavezza, sf. halter, hanging rope, bridle Cavezzina, sf. bridle, reins, restraint Cavezz6ne, sm. cavesson, n6se-band Cavezzuola, sf. smill halter, wag, r6gue Caviale, sm. caviary faviccbio, -a, sm. peg, pin, spigot Caviglio, -a, smf. peg, pin, ankle Cavigliuolo, sm. small peg, pin, spigot Cavillare, m. \. to cavil, wrangle, carp at Cavjllat6re, -trice, smf. caviller, chicaner Cavillazfone j (ant.) sf. pettifogging, cavilling Cavillita ) sophism, subtlety, quirk Cavillosamente, adv. captiously, with cavils Cavilloso, -a, adj. cavillous, captious Cavith, ade, sf. cavity, hole, hollow Cavo, sm. cable, rope (to fasten a ship) sm. mould, engraving, mortise, cape -a, adj. h611ow, deep, c6ncave a, adj. (cavato), dug, excavated Cavolesco, -a, adj. of or like cabbage Cavolo, sm. cabbage; Core, cduliflower; tu nonhai amangiareilcavoloco'ci^chi, prov. exp. you have to d6al with one wh6 is not] a fool; portare il c&volo a legnaja, to carry c6als to Newcastle Cavolo'ne, sm. large cabbage Cavretto, sm. chevril, kid, v. Capretto Cavriola, cavriudla, sf. caper, capridle Cavriufllo, -a, smf. he-g6at, sh6 gdat Caiioso, -a, adj. v. capii6so Cazza, sf. crucible, ladle, potstick Cazzabagliore, sm. (iron) dazzling, dizziness Cazzare, va. I. (sea) to haul the cible C4zza-scotta,sm. (mor.) the main sail rope block Cazzatello, sm. (vul.) sh6rt thick set man Cazzavelo, -a, smf. sea-giill, sea-mew Cazzottare, vn. \. to box. fist , thump (vulg.) Cazzotto, sm. thwack, cuff, blow with the fist Cazzuola, sf. trowel, perfume, scent-bottle Ce (for ci before, ne, lo, ecc.),pron. to us, us Ce, adv. here, there Ceciggine, sf. cecity, blindness Cecamente, adv. blindly, groping along n6r , rude ; - fill , son , bull ; - fire , do ; - by , lymph ; poise , boyi , fuul , fowl ; gem , as 134 GEM Cecare, va. \. to blind, obscure, cloud Cecarola, sf. (mar. a little sail) Cecato, -a, adj. blinded, darkened Cecca, sf. magpie (bird) v. Gazzera Cece, sm. chick-pease, vetch (plant); inse- gnare a rodere ceci ( vulg. ) , to show one his fault ; egli e un bel cece , he is a fop ; egli e cece da far questo , he is capable of it, (in a bad sense) Cecero, sm. swan (ant.) v. cigno Ceehesco, -a, adj. dark, obscure, blind Cechezza, cechita, -ate, -ade, sf. blindness Cecino, sm. chick pease, swan, my little dear! Cecita, -ate, ade, sf. blindness, infatuation Gecolina, sf. a grig, small eel Cecolino, sm. a blind young man Cedente, adj. flexible, yielding, ductile Cedere, van. 2. IIT. to yield, submit, give up ; non vi cedo in nulla, I am not inferior to you in any thing, I am as good a man as you; ?i cedo il mio luogo, I resign my place to you Cederno, sm. (ant.) lemon, citron, citron-tree Cedevole, adj. flexible, pliant , docile Cedevolezza, sf. flexibility, v. Arrendevolezza Cediglia, sf. (gram.) cedilla Cedimento , sm. sinking , subsidence , subsi- dency (of ground, etc.) Cedizione, sf. cession, giving up Cedola, sf. bill, promissory note Cedolone, sm. placard, posting bill Cedornella, sf. (hot.) balm-mint; cedronella Cedrangola, sf. sainfoin, lucerne (herb) Cedrare, va. 1. to season with lemon Cedralo, sm. lime, lime-tree, lime water a, adj. lemon-tasted Cedria, sf. gum of the cedar tree Cedrino, -a, adj. cedrine, made of cedar Cedriuolo, sm. cucumber (plant and fruit) Cedro, sm. cedar, lime, citron, lime-tree Cedrone, sm. heath-cock Cedronella, sf. balm-mint (plant) Ceduo, -a, adj. fit to be cut down Cediito, -a, adj. yielded, given up Cefaglione, sm. (of palm-trees) pith Cefalargia,.?/". cephalalgy, accidental head-ache Cefalea, sf. (med.) headache Cefalica, sf. cephalic vein Cefalico, adj. cephalic, good for head-ache Cefalo, SM. mullet, miller's thumb (fish) Cefaldpide, sm. (natural history) cephalopod Cefeo, sm. (aslr.) cepheus Ceffare, va. \. to catch, snatch, v. Ciuffare Ceffala, sf. box on the ear, cuff, slap -Ceffalella, -ina, sf. slight slap on the face Ceffatone, -a, sm. terrible slap, a heavy blow Ceffautto, sm. a blockhead, muzzle Ceffo, sm. snout , muzzle , ugly face ; far ceffo, to make faces Ceffone, sm. slap on the mouth, hard cuff Ceffuto, -a, adj. having a large broad face Celamento, sm. concealment, hiding Celare, va. I. to conceal, secrete, disguise Celarsi, vref. to hide, conceal one's self Celata, sf. ambuscade, helmet, salad Celatamente, adv. secretly, under hand Celato, -a, adj. concealed, bcciilt, latent Celato (in), ade. exp. clandestinely, by stealth Celatone, sm. a great helmet Celatore, -trice, smf. one who hides, conceals Gelebe, smf. v. Gelibe Celeberrirao, -a, adj. very famous, renowned Celebrabile, adj. praiseworthy, laudable Celebramento, sm. celebration, celebrity Celebrante, sm. officiating priest Celebrare, rn. !. to celebrate, extol, praise Celebrato,-a, adj. celebrated, praised Celebrat6re, -trice, smf. extoller, praiser Celebrazione, sf. celebration Celebre, adj. famous, celebrated, illustrious Celebrevole , adj. worthy of being celebrated Celebrila, -ate, -ade^ sf. celebrity, festival Celere, adj. (po.) swift, fleet, nimble Gelerita, sf. celerity, swiftness, velocity Celeste, adj. celestial, divine, sky blue ; i ce- lesti, snip, (poet.) the celestials, the inhab- itants of heaven Celestiale, adj. celestial, heavenly Celestialmente, adv. celestially divinely Gelestino, -a, adj. blue, azure, sky blue Ce\i3i,sf. waggery, jest, joke, playfulness, trick, quizzing, raillery; reggere alia celia , to know how to take a joke; reggere la celia, to keep up the fun Celiaccia, sf. a bad joke, unhandsome trick Celiaco, -a, adj. ce'liac, of the lower belly Geliarca, sm. commander of 1000 soldiers Celiare, fan. \. to jest, joke, sport, quiz Celiatore, -trice, sf. a quiz, jester Celibato, sm. celibacy, single life Celibe, smf. unmarried man or woman Celicolo, -a, adj. inhabiting heaven Celidonia, sf. (hot.) celandine, swallow-wort, h6rned or prickly poppy Celia, sf. cell, cellar, cave Cellajo, cellario, sm. cellar, v. Celliere Celleraja, sf. cellarist (in a nunnery) Cellerajo, cellerario, sm. cellarist Celleraria, sf. office, duty of cellarist , butler Celletta, sf. small cell, socket (of teeth) Celliere, *i. cellar, vault, pantry, buttery Celloria, sf. (burl.) n6ddle, pate, head Cellula, Celliizza, sf. small cellar, cell, room Cellulare, adj. j cellular, full of little cells', Celluloso, -, adj. \ honey-combed Celonajo, sm. upholsterer, carpet-maker Celone, sm. quilt, rug, cover, carpet Celsilujine, sf. latin, (little used) eminence (ant.) Highness, Excellency (a title) Celtico,-a, adj. Celtic, pertaining to the Celts; il celtico , sm. Celtic , the language of the Celts Cembalo , sm. piano-forte , cymbal , tabor ; andar col cembalo incolombaja, to blab out Fate, mete, bite, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub, - far, pique, OEM 135 CEN one's business ; fipura da cembali, a fright- ful figure, an ill-looking man Cembanella, sf. small pipe, v. Connamella Cembanello, sm. small labor, tabret Cembolismo, -a, smf. (belter embolismo ) em- bolism, intercalation, insertion Cembra, sf. (arch.) apophyge Cementaro, va. 1. to calcine, purify, cement Cementato, -a, adj. purified cemented Cemenlat6rio,-a, adj. purifying, purificatirc Cementazione, sf. purification, cementing Cemento, sm. a sort of sling, cement Cemmanella, sf. v. Cennanu'lla Cempennare, ran. 1. to stumble, v. Incespare Cena, sf. supper; la santa Cena, the Lord's supper; andare a lotto senza cena, to go to bed siipperless Cenacolo, xm. supper-room (scriptural) Cenante, sm. supper-eater, supper-guest Cemin 1 , ffi. 1. to sup, eat supper Cenata, sf. supper, simpleton (an(.) Cencerello, sm. small rag, t'ltter Cenceria, sf. heap of rags, tatters, etc. Cenciaccio, sm. filthy dirty rag, bad clothes Cenciaja, sf. worthless thing, thing of no use Cenciajo.cenciajuolo, sm. ragman, rag-picker Cenciata, sf. a slap with a rag or dish- clout Cencinquanta, adj. a hundred and fifty Cencio, *m. rag, tatter, dish-clout, non dar fuoco al cencio, not to lend the least assi- stance; venir dal cencio, to loathe, despise, disdain; uscfr di cenci, to mend one's for- tune Cenci6so,-a, adj. ragged, in tatters Cencro, sm. venomous speckled serpent Ceneraccio, sm. lie-ashes, essence of ashes Ceneracciolo, sm. coarse bucking -tub cloth Cenerario, -a, adj. containing the ashes of Cenerata, sf. lie, lixivium Cenere, smf. (po.) ashes, dust, cinders; il giorno delle ce'neri, ash-Wednesday ; co!6r di cenere , ash-color ; di color di cenere , ashy, ash-coloured; covare s6lto le ceneri, (of fire) to sleep in its ashes, to smdudler; covare, guardar la cenere, to keep the fire warm ; andare in cenere, to be burnt or re- duced to ashes ; ridurre in cenere, to burn or reduce to ashes Cenerella, sf. light supper, small company Cenercntola, sf. cinder-wench, cinder-woman, scullion Cenerino, cenericcio,-a, adj. ash-colored Cenerognolo,-a, adj. of ash-color Ceneroso, -a, adj. cinerulent, full of ashes Cenino, sm. cenetta, f. little supper Cennamella, sf. bag pipe, flageolet, piper Cennare, v. Accennare Cennalo, -a, adj. hinted, v. Accennalo Cenno, sui. sign, wink, beck, nod, signal, com- mand : far cenno di una cosa , to hint at, allude to or touch lightly upon a matter; intendere a cenni, lo understand, to take a Cennovanta, adj. a hundred and ninety (hint Cenobio, sm. a monastery, convent Cenobita, sm. friar, monk Cenobitico, -a, adj. cenobitical, monastic Genotafio, sm. cenotaph, empty monument Cenquaranta, adj. a hundred and forty Censalito, -a, adj. (ant.) ragged, v. Gencioso Censessanta, adj. a hundred and sixty Censettanta, adj. a hundred and seventy Censfto, v. Censuario Genso, sm. rent, tribute, reward, census; dar danari a censo, to put out money to interest Censorare, ra. 1. to criticise, censure Gensorato, sm. censorship, 6ffice of censor Censore,s. censor, censurer, critic, inspector Censoria, sf. censure, v. Censura Gensorio,-a, adj. censorian, censorious Censuale, adj. feudal, pertaining to tenures Censuario, sin. copy-hdlder, tenant, renter Censuato, -a, adj. taxed, assessed, rated Geosura , sf. censure, critique, censorship; censure ecclesiastiche, ecclesiastical censure Censurabilc, adj. censurable, reprehensible Censurare, t>. 1. to censure, find fault Gensurato, -a, adj. blamed, criticised Censuratore, sm. censurer, reprover Centaurea, sf. centaury (plant) Centauro,s?n. (myth.) a centaur; (ash-f centaur Centellare, ra. l. to sip Centellino, centello, sm. rip, smill draught Centenaria, sf. (law) centennial prescription Centenario, -a, adj. centenary, centennial Gentesimo , sm. a farthing, a cent (American. coin); a, adj. hundredth, centesimal Centigrado, adj. centigrade; term6metro cen- tigrado, centigrade thermdmeter Gentigrammo.sm. centigramme, the hundredth part of a gramme Centilitre, sm. centiliter, centilitre, the hund- redth part of a litre Centimano , adj. (myth.) having a hundred hands (as Briareus) Cenlimetro, sm. centimeter , centimetre , the hundredth part of a metre Cenlimorbia, centinodia, sf. (hot.) T. Cento- nodi Centina, sf. (arch.) the semicircular wooden frame on which a new arch is turned Genlinajo, sm. (/'/. centinaja); a hundred : a centinaja, by hundreds, in great number Centinare, ra/1. to arch, vault, curve Centinato, -a, ndj. vaulted, arched, circular Gentinatura, if. (arc//.) (centina) a mould for Centipede, sm. centiped (an arch Cento, sm. adj. a hundred; lo scontodel dieci per cento, a discount of ten per cent Centogambe, sm. wood-louse, forty-feet Centomila, adj. a hundred thousand Centonchio, sm. chick-weed (herb.) Gentone, sm. pitch-work, rhapsody Centonodi, sm. (hut.) knot-grass Centrale, adj. central, of the centre n6r, rude; - fall, son, bull; -fire, do; - by, lymph , poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem, as GEN 130 CER tlentreggiare, vn. to centre, tend to the centre Centrico, -a, adj. centrical Centrifuge, -a, adj. (phys.) centrifugal Gentrina, sf. porpoise, sea-hog Centripeta, adj. (phys.) centripetal Centre, sin. centre, middle, bottom, heart Centuravirale , adj. centiimviral , pertaining to the centiimviri Centumviralo, sm. cenlumvirate , the office of a centiimvir Centiimviri, centovfri, smp. the centiimvirs Centuno , sm. a hundred and one, (ficj.) a thousand aud one Gentupede, 5m. centipede, millepes Centuplicare, va. \. to centuplicate Centuplicatamente, adv. a hundred-fold Centuplicato,-a, adj. made a hundred fold Centuplo, sm. centuple, a hundred fold Centuria, sf. (century) company of 100 men Centuridne, sm. centurion, captain of 100 men Cenuzza, sf. a little supper Csppaja, ceppata, sf. rooty stump (of a tree) Ceppatello, sm. small stump, trunk Ceppo, sm. the 16wer part of the trunk of a tree, slump, block, log, stocks, fetters, chai ns, stock, origin; cfippo d'incudine, the block of an anvil; ceppodicase, a block of houses ; ceppi tLrnorosi, the chains of love; ceppo, a blockhead, a christmas-box ; ceppo dell'an- cora (mar.) the anchor-stock Cera, sf. wax, wax-candle, taper, face , look, appearance, mien, cheer (far buona), vn, t. irr. to feast , entertain (di buona), adv. exp. merrily, with j(y; mi rallegro vederla con quella buona cera, I am glad to see you look so well Cerajuolo, sm. a wax chandler Ceralacca, sf. sealing wax Ceramella, sf. pipe, v. Cennamella Cerasa, sf. (better ciriegia), a cherry Cerasta, sf. cerastes, h6rned serpent Cerate, sfp. (mar.) tarpaulins, tarpawlings Cerato,-a, adj. cerated, cered Ceraunio, cerauno, sm. (min.) thunder-stone Cerbaja, sf. plantation of 6aks, v. Cerrto Cerbialto, sm. fawn, yoiing deer Cerbio, sm. stag, hart, male red deer Orboneca, (cerbonea, ant.), sf. bad mixture of wine Cerbottana, sf. a long tube, an e"ar-trumpel ; sapere, o intendere per cerbottana, to hear at second hand, indirectly Cerca, sf. cercamenlo , sm. search , inquiry; andar alia cerca, to beg, to go begging Cercante, adj. seeking, inquiring, begging Cereare, va. 4. to seek, search (stroll) ; cercar d'alcuna cosa col fuscellino , to seek a thing diligently; cercar il nodo nel giunco, to con- jure up difficulties; cercar d'uno, to enquire after one ; cercar un partfto, to look or seek after a good match ; cercar brighe , to seek trouble Cercato, -a, adj. searched, sought Cercatore, -trice, smf. seeker, inquirer Cercatiira, sf. research, perquisition, inquest Cerchia, sf. v. Cerchio Cerchiajo, sm. hoop-maker, cooper Cerchiamento, sm. the hooping Cerchiare, va. 1. to hoop, encircle Cerchiato,-a, adj. hooped, surrounded Cerchiatura, sf. hooping, encircling Cerchiellino, sm. very small circle, assembly Cerchiello, cerchielto, sm. small circle Cerchiettfno, sm. very small circle, plain ring Cerchio, sm. circle, hoop, iron ring, garland sm. circuit, enc!6sure, assembly; in cerchio; dare un colpo quando in sul cerchio e quan- do in sulla botte, to give one knock on the hoop, another on the barrel; a cerchio, ad- verb. round, around, about Cerchiolino, sm. small circle, small hoop Cercine , sm. a slight ring-like cushion for a seat , for the head (of a porter) , a child's padded cap or head protector Cerco, sm. (po.) circle, enclosure, circus a (for cercato), adj. searched, sought Cerconcello, sm. (ant.) v. Crescione Cerc6ne, sm. sour wine Cercuito, sm. circuit, circumference, compass Cere ale, ad/, of Ceres, of bread jicereali, grain of every sort Cerebello, sm. (anat.) cerebellum, little brain Cerebrale, adj. cerebral, of the brain ; conge- sti6ne cerebrale (med.), congestion of blood in the brain Cerebro, sm. the brain Ceremfinia, sf. v. Cerimonia Ceremoniale, sm. v. Cerimoniale Ceremoniere, sm. v. Cerimoniere Ceremoniosamente, adv. v. Cerimoniosamente Ceremoni6so, -a, adj. v. Cerimonioso Cereo, -a, adj. waxen, made of wax; sm. taper (for churches), wax-taper, cierge Cerere, sf. (myth.) Ceres; (astr.) Ceres Cerfoglio, sm. (hot.) chervil Cerfuglione, sm. curl of hair (hanging loose) Cerimonia, sf. ceremony, formality Cerimoniale, sm. ceremonial, ritual; adj. ce- remonial, formal Cerimoniere, the master of ceremonies Cerimoniosamente, adv. ceremoniously Cerimonioso, -a, adj'. ceremonious, formal Cerinta, sf. (bot.) honey -suckle Ceriudlo, sm. impostor, swindler Cermatdre, sm. (ant.) v. Ciurmatore Cerna, sf. refuse , offal , scum , a novice (at play) pickings, selection; far cerna , to make a selection, to choose Cerneccbiare, va. \. to ch6ose, pick 6flen Cernecchio, sm. curl hanging 6ver the ears Cernere, va. 2. j to choose, pick, s6e Cernire.t'a. Z.ant- j clearly, cull, sift, discuss Cernito,-a, (cernuto,-a>, adj. set apart, picked Cerniera, sf. hinge, turning-joint FaK, mete, WUr, n&te, tube; - fit, met, bit, ndt, tub; - far, pique, CER 137 CES Cernit6jo, sm. a stick used in sifting Cernil6re, sm. sifter Ce>o, sm. a large wax candle, a uinny Cerdna, sf. a broad laughing face Cer6so, -a, atfj. waxen, made of wkx Cerotlino, cerottolo, sm. little cerate Cerolto, sm. wax taper, cerate, plaster Cerozza, sf. face, air, look, appearance (lone Cerpellone , sm. a great bliinder. v. Scerpel- Cerracchione, sm. large green 6ak Cerrare, en. \. to fringe; (fig.) to boast, quack Cerretano , sm. charlatan , quack , juggler , cheat Cerretanone, sm. a quack, a great empiric Cerreto, sm. wood, forest of green 6ak trees Cerro, sm. green oak, fringe, lock of hair Cerruto, -a, adj. full of green 6aks Cerlame , SHI. (po.) cimbat, war, fight; sin- polar certame, a single combat, a duel Certamente, adv. certainly, surely Certamento , sm. (ant.) certainty , assurance, T. Accerlamento Certano, -a, adj. certain, sure (ant.) Certare, va. \. (po.) to light, combat Cerlezza (certanza, ant.), sf. certitude, evi- dence CertiCcamento, sm. confirmation, assurance Certificare , ra. \. to certify, attest, confirm; il sottoscritto cerliOca che , ec. , the under- signed certifies that, etc. Certificate, sm. cerliCcate, confirmation -a, adj. certified, attested Certificazione, sf. testimony, attestation Certissimamente, adv. most certainly Ccrtissimo, -a, adj. most certain Certitiidine, sf. certitude, full assurance Certo , sm. the certainty , the certain; pfglia il certo, e lascia 1' incerto, seize the certain, leave the uncertain a, adj. certain , indubitable , positive; e c6sa certa, it is certain ; di certo, al cerlo, per certo, adv. most certainly; un certo, a certain man , a person Cert6sa, sf. cartbusian monastery Certosino, sm. a carthusian monk Certuno, -a, pron. indef. some, somebody Ceruleo, -a. adj. skj'-blue Cerume, sm. cerumen, 6ar wax Cerusia, sf. (anl.) surgery, v. Chirurgia Cerusico, sm. surgeon, v. Chiriirgo Cerussa, sf. white lead, ceruse Cerva , cervia, sf. hind (female of the stag) Cervellaccio, sm. a bad head, a bad memory, a mad cap, an eccentric person Cervellaggine, sf. whim, folly, caprice Cervellata, sf. a thick short sausage Cervellotto, sm. a lively genius, a wit; (anal.) cerebellum, little brain Cervelliera, sf. a helmet, cksque, head-piece Cervellinaggine, sf. giddiness, freak Cervellino, sm. a (woman'sl cap, an odd man a, adj. hare-brained, giddy Cervello, sm. genius, the brain, brains, judg- ment, wit, talent, ability; stillarsi o bec- carsi il cervello, to rack one's brains; esscr fuori di cervello, to be out of one's wits, or beside one's self; stare in cervello, to have one's wits about one, mettere il cer- v611o a parlfto ad uno, to bring a person to reason ; poco cervello , little brains; bru- ciarsi il cervello, to blow out one's brains; cervel balzano , a Ifght-headed half wilted fellow Cervellone, sm. a great genius ; singular fellow Cervellotico, -a, adj. light-brained, hair-brain- ed, odd, eccentric, mad Cervelliilo, -a, adj. of sound judgment Cervetta, sf. a young hind, deer Cervetto, cerviatto, sm. young stag, fawn Cerviattello, sm. very young fawn Cervicale, adj. cervical, belonging to the neck Cervic6so, -a, adj. stiff-necked, stubborn Cervice, sf. neck, back of the neck Cerviere, sm. lynx; dcchio cerviero, lynx-eyed Cervietto, sm. young stag, fawn Gervino, -a, adj. of a stag, tawny, deer-c61ored Cervo, cervio, sm. stag, hart yolante, sm. paper kite, flying toy Cervogia, sf. beer, drink of herbs and grain Cerzior4re, va. l.toinfdrm, acquaint, instruct certify, verify, attest (law) Cerziorato, -a.arf;'. assured, certified, attested Cerziorazione, sf. testimony, attestation Cesare , sm. Caesar, emperor; o Cesare o niente, either all or nothing Ccsireo, -a, adj. imperial, cesarian ; opera- zione cesarea, (surg.) cesarian section (the taking of a child from the womb by cutting) Cesarie, sf. (po.) head of hair, bush of hair Cerellamdnto, sm. carving, sculpture Cesellire, va. \. to chisel, carve, sculpture Cesellato,-a, arf/. chiselled, carved, sculptured Cesellalura , sf. carved or chiselled work; (of metals) chasing Cesellat6re, sm. carver, engraver, enchiser Cescllello, cesellino, sm. small chisel, graver Cesello, sm. chisel, graver, burin Cesio, -a, adj. "blue, azure (blue eyed) Cesoje, sfp. scissors Cespicare, va. 4. to stumble, v. Inciampare Cespite, cespo, sm. a turf, bush, sod, furze Cespitdso, -a, adj. briery full of brambles Cespugliato, -a, adj. bushy, briery Cespuglielto, sm. small bushy, brier Cespuglio, sm. turf, sod, bush, tuft Cespuglioso, -a, adj. bushy, full of bushes Cessagi6ne, sf. intermission, cessation Cessame, sin. filth, ribaldry, rabble, sciim Ccssamento, sm. discontinuance, pause Cessante, adj. ceasing, that ceases, remits Cessare, rn. i. to cease, discontinue, stop; il temporale cesscra tosto, the storm will soon be 6ver ca. 1. to avoid , escape, avert, dispel; ces- nor, rude; - fall , son , bull; - fare, dA; - by, lymph; pffise , beys , foul , fowl; gem , as CES 138 CHI sire la fatfca , to shun work; per cessaie mali piii grandi , to avoid greiler evils; i lenitivi cessano il do!6re, lenitives ease (or assuage) pain Cessarsi, vnrf. to forbear, beep from, abstain, refrain; non si puo cessire dal here, he cannot forbear drinking Cessato, -a, adj. ceased, stopped Cessazione, sf. cessation, interruption Cessionario , SHI. cessionary , bankrupt , as- signee Cessione, sf. the cession, conveyance transfer, assignement; di beni, (law.) surrender, surrender of properly; essere ammesso al beneffcio di cessione , ( law. ) to take the benefit of the insolvent act; farcessi6ne, to make a surrender of property, to transfer, assign Cesso , sm. ceasing , putting , off , giving up , (ant. in this sense); privy, necessary, water- closet Cesta,.i/". basket, fishing-basket; aceste,adu. cxp. plentifully, abundantly Cestaccia, sf. great ugly 6!d basket Ceslarolo, sm. basket maker, seller Cestella, cesterella, sf. j hand basket , small Ceslello, cestellino, sm. \ flat basket Cestino, sm. small basket, dove-cot (child's) g6-cart Cest/re, vn. 3. to sprout, shoot, grow bushy Cestito,-a, adj. thick, bushy, tufted Cesto. sm. bush, iuft, clum, ceslus (bel), sm. (iron.) fine fellow, nice man Cestone, sm. large wicker-basket, hamper Cestuto, -a, adj. tufted, headed, thick Cesura, sf. cesura, pause in a verse Cetaceo, -a, adj. cetaceous Cetera, cetra, sf. a cithern, harp, lyre eccetera, adv. et cetera, and so forth Ceterante, sm. player on the harp, harper Ceteratore^ceterisla.sm. harper, harp-player Ceterizzare, cetereggiare, va. 1. to hftrp Cetina, sf. charcoal, burning pits Ceto.swi. whale (fish) Cetologia, sj. celology Cetra, sf. small harp, v. Cetera Cetracca. sf. ceterach Cetrangolo, tm. (bot.) citron Cetrarciere , sm. one with bow and cithern Cetrina, sf. balm (plant) Celriuolo, sm. cucumber, v. Cedriuolo Che , pron. re/of, that , who , whom , which , what ; la signora che canta , the lady who or that sings ; 1'uccollo che canta, the bird which o that sings; il signore che redo, the gentleman whom or that ( see; non so cbe fare, I do not know what to do pron. inlcrrog. what? che dite ? what do you say? che c'e? what is the matUr? il che, pron. rel. which ; il che mi displace, which displeases me con;, that, because, than , whether ; spero che verrete oggi, I hope that you will come to-day ; che se non venite presto me ne vado, because if you dont'tcome s6on, I will start ; che veniate o no, whether you come or not; piii coraggioso che prudente, more courageous than prudent Che, arfc. when, as soon as, after, till, until; finitache avro questa letteraandero, when, or as soon as I have finished this letter I' II go ; aspettate , che io venga , wait till I come; che? why? che, non parlate? why dont't you speak? non che, but, only; noa ha che una camera, he has only one room; che, 16; ditegli che venga, tell him to come Che , sm. matter; un bel che, a great matter Che che , checche , pron. rel. whatever ; che che diciate, whatever you (may) say Chele, sfp. scorpion's claws Chelidonia, sf. high celandine (plant) Chelidro, sm. sea-tortoise, water-serpent Cbelonite, sf. toad-stone Chente , adj. what, how (antifj.) (que Chentiinque, pron. (ant.) whoever, v. Qualun- Cheppia, sf. a shad Chere, or chiere (for cerca), 3. pers. sing. press, ind. of, cherere, requires, etc. Cberere, va. 2. irr. (poet.) to require, demand Cheriea, sf. t6nsure, shaven crown Chericale, adj. clerical, of the priesthood Chericato.sm. the condition of an ecclesiastic, the clergy Cherichetto, sm. a young priest, clerk Cherico, sm. clerk, priest, learned man Chericone, sm. great clerk, very learned map Chericuto,-a, adj. who has the tonsure Chericuzzo, sm. poor, ignorant priest Cheripo , sm. (an indian word) mother of Cberisfa, sf. (ant.) the clergy lj, nailed, fastened with nails Chioderfa, sf. nail manufactory, trade, w&rk Chiodetto, sm. small nail, spigot, peg, pin Chiodo, sm. nail, stud; senza testa, clasp- headed nail, clasp-nail; con vile, clincher- nail ; estrarre , cavare un cbiodo , to take out a nail ; conliccare un chiodo, to drive a nail : ribadire un cbiodo, to rivet, clinch a nail; ballere, far due chiodi ad una calda , to kill two birds with one stone ; aver fis- so il chiodo, to have made up one's mind, resolved ; un chiodo caccia i'altro , prov. exp. one nail drives out another (new things, persons make old ones forgotten) Chi<5ma, sf. -a head of hair Chiomante, adj. hairy ; fig. leafy, full of leaves Ct)ioroalo,-a adj. hairy, fibrous, leafy Cbiominevoso, -a, adj. hoary-headed Chiosa, sf. glossary, comment Chiosare, va. l.lo gloss, comment Chiosat6re, sm. glosser, commentator Chiosco,-a, smf. kiosk, turkish summer-house Chiostra, sf. dwelling, abode, habitation Chiostrino , chiostricfno , sm. small cloister , convent Cbiostro, sm. a cloister, convent, monastery Chiotto,-a, adj. (burl.) silent, taciturn Chiovagione, sf. all the nails (in a work) Chiovare, va. 1. to nail , lame in shoeing ; to nail op Chiovatura, sf. prick of a nail (in shoeing) Chiovellato, -a, adj. pierced, with nails Chiovello, chiovo, sm. nail Cbiozzo, sm. gudgeon (fish), simpleton Chiragra, sf. gout in the hands, cliiragra Chiragrato, chiragrdso , -a, adj. having the gout in the hand, or subject to that disease Chiragrico, adj. chiragrical Chirintana, chirinzana, sf. country dance Cbirografo, sm. bond under one's own hand Chiromante, sm. chiromancer, palmister Chiromanzia, sf. chiromancy, palmistry Chirurgfa, tf. surgery, external operation Chirurgo, sm. surgeon, cbiriirgeon Chisciare, fa. 1. (agr.) to weed, root out Chitare, va. 1. (arif.) to quit, leave, cease Chilarriglia,-ina, sf. a small guitar Chitarra, sf. a guitar Cbitarrisla, sm. guitarist, guitar-player Chiucchiurlaja, sm. confused noise, nonsense nor, rude; - fall, son, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; poic , b.ys, foul; fowl; gem, as Chiudenda, sf. an enclosure, hedge, palisading Chiudere , va. 2. in: to shut, close , enclose, fence ; il pugno, to clinch the fist ; la via, il passo , to bar , stop up the way or passage,; chiudete la pdrta, shut the door; chiude'tela a chiave , lock it; il'dolore mi chiude il cudre, I am ready to die for grief; non avro cbi mi chiuda gli occhi ,. I shall not have any one to close my eyes ; perduti i buoi, chiusa la stalla. prov. erp. when the horse is stolen, the stable door is shut Chiudimento, sm. enclosure, shutting up Cliiunque, pron. whoever, any body Chiurlare, v. 1. to hoot like the cat-owl Chiurlo , sm. bird catching with bird-lime ; curlew, a stupid fellow, dolt Chi lisa. tf. enclosure, fortiGcation, prison; the conclusion of sonnets, speeches, etc. Chiusamente, adv. secretly, by stealth Chiusino. sm. cover, lid, stopple, stopper Chiiiso, sm. close enclosure, fence Chiuso,-a, adj. shut up, enclosed, covered Chiusura, sf. enclosure, close, lock, closure Ci, pron. us, to us, ourselves; amaleci, love us; mandated, send us, (send to us); c'in- ganniarno, we deceive ourselves; ciamiamo come sorelle, we love one another (each other) like sisters Ci, adv. here (there); veniteci(/brvenitequa) come here ; vi ci condurro , I'll bring you there Cia, sf. tea, v. Te Ciabatta, sf. old shoe, old rag Ciabaltajo, sm. seller of old shoes Ciabatteria, sf. trifle, worthless thing Ciabaltiere,-ino, sm. cobbler, botcher, bungler Ciaccherino, sm. a young pig (tare Ciacciamellare, vn. 1. to prate, v. Ciaramel- Ciacco, sm. a hog, sponger, freebooter Ciaccona, sf. a chacoon (Spanish dance) CiaTare, va. 1. to drag the anchor Cialda,.*/". wafer, thin crackling cake; in- ciampar nelle cialde (or nei cialdoni), to get drowned in one's own spittle Cialde tta, sf. cialdoncino, sm. small wafer, etc. Cialdonajo, sm. wafer-maker, seller Cialdone, sm. a thin crisp cake rolled up in the form of a cornet or paper cup Cialtrdne, sm. a rogue, swindler, cheat Ciambella, sf. small delicate cake , a roll Ciambellajo, sm. cake-baker, pastry-cook Ciambellotto, sm. camlet (stuff.) Ciamberlano, ciambellano, sm. chamberlain Ciamberlato,-a, adj. (ant.) adorned with scul- pture Ciammengola, sf. trifle, bawble, silly woman Ciampanella, sf. foolish thing, wild prank Ciampaoelle (dare in), v. to do foolish things Ciampicare, ciampare, vn. 1. to stumble Ciancerella, -iilla, sf. a bawble, child's play Ciancetta, ,/. trifle, t y , gewgaw , play thing Ciancia,,s/. jest, banter, chat, chit-chat, fiddle- CIA 142 CIE faddle, n6nsense, spdrt, trffles; darlacian- cia, to quiz Cianciafniscolc, sfp. trifles, jests, fooleries Cianciamento, sm. sport, joke , prattle Cianciare, rn. to prate, trifle, tilk Idly Cianciatore, -trice, smf. babbler, joker Ciancicare, vn. \. v. Cianciare Cianciero, -a, adj. droll, prattling, chattering Cianciolina, sf. lillle joke, jest, sport, trifle Ciancione, sm. a ribald, chatty fellow Cianciosamenle, adv. in jest, waggishly Cianci(iso,-a, adj. playful, dr611, prating Ciancivendolo, sm. a bamboozler, a swell Cianciume, sm. swaggery, empiricism Cianfrusaglia,,-caglia, sf. trash, stuff, riff-raff Cianghellino, sm. improper conduct Ciangolare, rn. \. v. Chiacchierare, Ciangottare, va. \. to talk idly, atjrandom Ciano (PSrsico), sm. (hot.) corn-flower, weed, blue-bottle Ciapperdne, sm. chaperon, hood (antiq.) Ciapperolto, sm. cloak, mantle Ciappola, sf. a round or flat graver Ciappoletta, sf. small graver Ciaramella, smf. a tattler, babbler, idle talker Ciaramellare, tn. \. to tattle, speak at random Ciarla, sf. idle talk, prating, chat CiarlamentOj sm. idle talk, nonsense Ciarlante, adj. full of prate, chatty Ciarlare, vn. 1. to prattle, stun with talk Ciarlataneria, sf. empiricism, loquacity Ciarlalanismo, sm. v. Ciarlataneria Ciarlatanesco,-a, adj. quackish , ignorant _ Ciarlatano, sm. a quack, mountebank, cheat Ciarlatore, -trice, smf. babbler, tattler Ciarleria, sf. chit-chat, prate, tattle Ciarliero, ciarliere, sm. idle talker, babbler Ciarlone, sm. an everlasting talker, romancer Ciarpa, sf. rags, titters, old clothes, frippery sf. a scarf, shoulder-belt , sling Ciarpame sf. heap of rags, tatters Ciarpare , wan. \. to botch , v. Acciabaltare Ciarpiere.ciarpone, sm. a bungler, spoil-trade, busy-body, shuffling fellow Ciarpume, sm. v. Ciarpame Ciascheduno,-a, pron. each, every one Cibaccio, sm. bad or c6arse food Cibamento, sm. the nourishing, nutrition Cibare, va. \. to feed, nourish, give food Cibaria, sf. victuals, food Cibarsi , vrf. to eat , feed up6n ; cibarsi di frulti, to live upon fruit; cibare uno di spe ranza, to feed one with hopes Cibario,-a, adj. cibarious, nourishing, of food Cibato,-a, adj. fed, nourished, filled with CiBazione, sf. eating, food, nourishment Cibo, cibare, sm. food, victuals, aliment Ciborio, sm. pyx, box, sacred vase Cib6so,-a, adj. fruitful bearing fruit Cibreo sm. ragout, fricassee, made dish Cica, xf. nothing; adv. not at all Cicala, cicada, sf. (ent.) cicada, cicade, tree- h 6pper , frog-hopper ; chatterer ; ( mar. ) anchor-ring; tfirre la volta alle cicale, to make no end of babbling, to tilk incessantly, to stun with talk Cicalaccia, sf. great chatterer, great talker Cicalamenlo, sm. praling, chatter, idle tiilk Cicalanle, adj. chattering, prating, tattling ]icalare, i'i. \. to prate, chatter; blab ,icalata, sf. chit-chat, prattle, a long story Cicalatore, -trice, smf. chatterer, prater Cicalat6rio,-a, adj. talkative, apt to prate ;icaleria, sf. talkativeness, prating Cicaleccio, cicaliccio, sm. prattle, chit-chat Cicaletta, sf. ?. small grasshopper Cicaliera, sf. a talkative woman, a gossip ]icaliere, cicalino, sm. a babbler ^icalio, sm. idle talk, prate ]icalone, cicalonaccio, sm. a great talker jicatrire, sf. a cicatrize, scar Cicatrizzare, ra. \ to cicatrize, heal up Ciccantona, sf. street-walker, allurer, deceiver, siren Ciccantone, sm. quack, mountebank , cheat Cicchera. sf. cup. v. Chicchera Ciccia, sf. meat, flesh, (puerile) Cicciolo, sm. small bit (of juiceless meat) Ciccione, sm. whitlow, tumor, boif Cicci6so,-a, adj. fleshy, plump Cicciotlolo, sm. fleshy excrescence Cicciuto, -a, adj. fat, plump, full of flesh Cicerbita, sf. sow-thistle (herb) Cicerchia, sf. vetch, sweet scented pea Cicerone, sm. pica (type), a Cicer6ne Ciccronearoente, adv. like Cicero Ciceroniano, -a, adj. Ciceronian, resembling Cicero Cichino, sm. very little, ever so little Cicigna, sf. newt, eft (small lizard) Cicisbea, sf. coquette, gay flaunting -woman Cicisbeare, va. d. to cburt the ladies Cicisbeato, sm. cicisbeatura , sf. cicisbeism , coquetry Cicisbeo, sm. cicisb^o, a gallant, a Lothario Ciclamino, sm. (bol.) cyclamen, sow-bread Ciclo, sm. cycle, round of time, revolution Cicloide, sf. cycloid, geometrical curve Ciclometria, sf. (geom.) cyclometry (the art of measuring cycles or circles) Ciclopi, smp. (myth.) Cyclops Cicl<5pico, -a, adj. cyclopean, cyclopic , per- taining to the Cyclops Cic6gna, sf. stork, beam (of a bell) Cicognino, sm. a young stork Cicorea, cicoria, sf. endive, succory Ci curare, -ire, va. to tame Cicuta, sf. hemlock (plant) Ciecamente, adv. v. Cecamente Ciecare, ra. 1. v. Cec4re Ciechesco, -a, adj. v. Cechesco Ciechita, -ate,-ade, sf. v. Ceciti Cieco, -a , adj. blind , inconsiderate , dark , obscure , gl6omy , misterious , hidden ; un File, mole, bite, n6te, tube; -Jit, met, bit, n6t, tub; - far, plqe, CIE 143 CIN cieco, sm. a blind man; una cieca, sf. a blind voman ; ubbidienza cieca , implicit obedience ; cieco d'un ficchio , blind of an eye, one-eyed ; lanterna cieca, a dark lan- tern ; bastonate da cieco, unmerciful bl&ws; alia cieca , like a blind person , blindly ; ginocarc alia cieca , to play blind man's biiff; i ciechi, the blind: giudicare alia cieca , to judge by the label ; in terra di ciechi chi ha un occhio e signore , prov. exp. in the land of the blind one-ej'ed peo- ple are kings Ciecolina, sf. v. Cecolina Ciecolfno, am. v. Cecolfno Cielo, stn. heaven, paradise, sky, day-light, country, climate, air , deling ; azzurro , blue sky ; limpido, sereno , clear sky ; nurolo, nuvoloso, oscuro, cloudy , dark, heavy sky- ; o cielo ! good heavens 1 volesse il Cielo 1 would to Heaven ; grazie al Cielo, thanks lo Heaven; il Cielo me ne guard! , Heaven forbid! gli nccelli del cielo, the birds of the air; il cielo del letto , d' una stanza , the tester (ot Ihe bed) the ceiling of a room ; cambiar cielo, to remove (to another coun- try) ; toccar il del col dito, to compass one's utmost wishes ( to be overjoyed ); movere cielo e terra , to move Heaven and earth : (to leave no stone unturned) ; lodare a cielo, to praise to the skies Ciera, cera , sf. look, countenance , face , ap- pearance , cheer; non avete buona ciera, you don't look well Cifera , cffra, sf. cipher , device name (in a ring); favellare in cffra, to speak myste- riously Ciferisla, sm. a writer in occult characters Cifrare, ixi. \. to cipher- write in ciphers Cigarro, sm.segar ; porta-cigarro, segar-case Ciglio, sm. (pi. cfglia, f. ) brow, eye-brow, sfght, view; aguzzar le ciglia, to look stead- fastly ; inarcar le ciglia , to bend or raise tin; brows; increspare, aggroltar le ciglia , ' to knit the brows Ciglione, sm. the edge of a ditch or hill Cigliuto, -a, adj. heavy eye-browed Cigna, sf. girth Cignalaccio, sm. large wild b6ar Cignale, sm. wild boar Cignere, cfngere, va. 2. irr. to gird, embrace, inclose; cfgner le braccia al collo ad uno , to thr6w one's arms round a person's Deck; cignerla ad uno, to play one a trick Cigno, sm. swan, (fig.) poet (Jign6ne, sm. under-girth, belly-band, girth Cigolamenlo , sm. rattling, clattering Cigolare , ni. \. to rattle, crackle , creak; to hip, vhiz (as green wood burning) Cigolio, sm. crackling, creaking, whizzing Cigolo , cigulo , -a, adj. (ant.) little, small, v. Piccolo Cilecca, sf. balk, trick, disappointment Cileslrfno, cile'stro, -a, adj. sky-c61ored Cilicino, -a, adj. like or of hair-cloth Cilicio, sm. sack-cloth, hair-cloth Ciliegia, sf. cherry, v. Ciriegia Ciliegio, sm. cherry-tree, v. Cinegio Cilindrare, rn. 1. to calender Cilindrelto, sm. small cylinder, r611er CiHndrico, -a, adj. cylindrical Cilindro, sm. cylinder, r6ller Cilizio, sm. sackcloth, hair-cloth Ciloma, sm. (ant.) long harangue, v. Sciloraa Cima, sf. summit, top, head, ridge, height d'u6mo, sm. an eminent man di ribaldo, sm. arch, arrant rogue; andar su per le cfme degli a'.beri, to cavil, to frame sophism Cimare, va. \. to shear (clolh), behead, lop Cimasa, sf. small fillet, ogee, moulding Cimata, sf. the process of shearing cloth Cimato, -a, adj. crafty, cunning, artful, sly Cimatore, sm. shearman, clipper, shearer Cimatura, sf. down, shearings or Hue of cloth, the act of shearing cloth Cimazio, sm. (arcfc.) small moulding, ogee Cimba , sf. (po. ) bark , boat , ferry-b&at ; la cimba di Car6nte, Charon's bark Cimbalo, sm. cymbal, labor, tabret Cimbellare, rn. d. v. Cimbottolare Cimberli (in) , adv. exp. in a good humor , half seas over Ciombottolare, vn. 1. to fall (on one's face) Ciombottolo, cimbotto, sm. a fall, tumble Cimeliarca, sm. (litlle used) cimeliarch (the chief keeper of the things of value belong- ing lo a church) Cimentare, ra. to attempt, risk, venture, try; la propria riputazi6ne , to exp6se one's reputation Cimentarsi, vrf. to face, encounter, engage Cimentato, adj. tried, risked, ventured Cimento, sm. danger, attempt , trfal , essay ; mettere a cimento , to hazard, expose, en- danger; venire a cimdnto, to come to a trfal Cimcntoso, -a, adj. hazardou^, dangeroi^ Cimice, sf. bug (fig.) great coward, poltroon Cimiciajo, sm. a nest of bugs Cimiciattola, sf. reddish grape Cimicione, sm. a great overgr&wn bug Cimiere, cimiero , sm. crest (helmet); aver cimiero ad ogni elmelto, to be fit for every- thing Cimino, sm. (bol.) cumin, v. Comfno Cimiterio, cimitero, sm. a cemetery, church- yard , burying-ground; pialfr co' cimiteri , to be weak and infirm, to drop in the earth Cimmerio, -a, adj. (po.) dark, gloomy, obscure Cimorro, cimurro , sm. strangles, glanders; avere il cimurro, (/?//.) to be cross, angry Cim6ssa, sf. selvage, list (of cloths) Cfna, sf. a medicinal root Cinabrise, sm. red chalk Cinabro, sm. cinnabar, vermilion nor, rude; - fill, son, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, boys , foul, fowl; gem, as crn 144 CIO Cincia, cinciallSgra, sf. (orn.) tit mouse, tomtit Cinciglio, sm. ornamental fringe of a belt Cinciglione, sm. large fringe of armor Cinciuno, sin. a curl, lock of hair Cincischiare, va. \. to hack, cut; cincischiare nelle parole, to hesitate, stammer, faultcr, to be at a stand Cincischiato, -a, adj. hacked, cut Cincischio, sm. slashing, stammering Cinerario, -a, adj. cinerary Cinerazione, sf. reduction by fire to ashes Cinerizio, -a, adj. ash-c61ored, gray Cingallegra, sf. tit-mouse, torn -tit (bird) Cingere, va. 2. irr. to gird , enclose, embrace Cinghia, sf. girth, cingle (of a horse, etc.) Cinghiaja , sf. ( vet. ) vein n6ar the girthing place Cinghiale, sm. wild boar Cinghialino, -a, adj. of the wild b6ar Cinghiare, va. \. to gird, enclose; sm. (ant.) v. Cinghiale Cinghiata, xf. a stroke with a strap, a lash Cinghiato, -a, adj. girthed, girded Cinghiatura, sf. girthing, girlhing-place Cinghio, sm. circle, enclosure, circuit Cingoleito, sm. small girdle, cincture Cingolo, sm. girdle, belt, cincture Cinguettamento, sm. prattle, tittle-tattle, chat Cinguettare, va. 1. to stutter, lisp, chirp, chatter (as birds do), to chat, prate Cingueltatore, -trice, smf. a silly prater Cinguelteria, sf. prating, gossip, chit-chat Cinico, sm. and adj. cynic, cynical, satirical Cim'gia, sf. embers, hot cinders Cinfglia, sf. silk velvet-twist Cinismo, sm cynicalness, cynicism Cinnamo, cinnamomo, sm. (hot.) cinnamon Cfno, sm. (agr.) a wild plum Cinocefalo, sm. cynocephalus Cinoglossa , sf. ( hot. ) hound's tdngue , dog's tongue Cinosiira , sf. (ash: ) cynosure , ursa minor , the little bear (sw6rd Cinquadea , sf. (burl, and vulg.) sword , long Cinquanta, adj. fitfy Cinquante'simo, -a, adj. fiftieth Cinquantina, sf. fifty, fifty (things) Cinquanlino, sm. (agr.) sort of indian corn Cinque, adj. five Cinquecenlesimo, -a, adj. five hundredth Cinquecentista, sm. writer of the 15th. century Cinquecenlo, adj. five hundred Cinquefoglie, cinquefoglio, sf. (bot.) clnquefoil (kind of clover) Clnquemila, adj. five thousand Cinquennio, sf, the space of five ydars Cinquina, sf. five, ffve (things) Cinquino, sm. tw6 fives, or cinques (at dice) Cinla , sf. enc!6sure, circuit, girdle, belt; (ma)-. ) wale; cinta prima, the main wale , cinta della seconda coperta, the channel wale Cinlino, sm. under petticoat Cinto, sm. girdle, cincture, halo, small close a, adj. girded, surrounded Cintola, sf. girdle, waist, cincture, belt, sash, starsi colle niani a cfntola, to stand idle Cintolino , sm. small band, girdle, garter; avere il cintolino rosso , to have the prefe- rence Cfntolo , sm. band, girdle, list (of cloth) Cintonchio, sm. v. Centonchio Cintura, sf. cincture, girdle, string Cinturetta, sf. small girdle Cinturetto, cinlurino, sm. small belt, girdle Cinturdne, sm. waist-belt, sword-belt Ci6, pron. m. this, that, what; con tulto cid r with all that, after all; cio non ostante, and yet Ciocca, sf. bunch, cluster of flowers, fruit, etc. a tuft or lock of hair; ciocche di capelli d'oro , golden locks; ciocca a ciocca , one lock after anSther, lock by lock Ciocche, pron. what, that which Ciocchetta, sf. small tuft, lock (of hair) Ciocco, sm. log, billet (of wood) blockhead Cioccolata, sf. chocolate (drink) Cioccolate, sm. ch&colate (paste) Cioccolato, sm. v. Cioccolata Cioccolatte, sm. v. Cioccolate Cioccolatiera, sf. a ch6colate-pot Cioccolatiere , sm. maker, seller of chocolate Cioccuto, -a, adj. full of clusters or flowers Cioe, adv. that is, that is to say, namely Ciomperfa, sf. mean, base action Cidmpo, ciofo, am. carder, mean fellow Cioncare, vn. \. to tipple, mkngle, fell Cioncato, -a, adj. drunk, cut, maimed Cioncatore, sm. toper, drunkard Cionco , -a, adj. drunk, cut off, mutilated; rimase cionco d'un braccio, he had an arm cut off, he came off with the loss of an arm; un coltello colla punta ci6nca , a blunted knife Cioncolare, vn. I. to waddle, toddle Ciondolamento, sm. dangling, hanging Ciondolare, vn. 1. to hang dangling, bobbing about Ciondolino , sm. ear-ring, drop, bob, pendant Ciondolo, sm. a thing that hangs dangling Ciondol6ne, sm. a trifler, loHnger, idler Ciondolone, -6ni, adv. in a dangling manner Cidnno, -a, adj. lazy, simple, low, despicable sm. a good for n6thing fellow Cionta, sf. (ant. and vulg.) blow with a stick, bastinado Cioppa, sf. (ant.) petticoat, tunic, bedgown Cioppotta, sf. small pettic6at, bed-gown, tunic Ciotola, if. cup, goblet, bowl Ciotoletta, sf. small cup, goblet, b6w! Ciotol6ne, sm. large-cup, goblet, b6wl Ciottare, va. \. (ant.) to flog, whip, lash Ciottato , -a , adj. (ant.) whipped, lashed, scourged Cidtto, am. pebble, sl6ne, flint, cripple Fate, mete, biU, n6t, tube; - fat, met, bit, ndt, tiib; - far, pique, CIO 145 CIR Ciotto, -a, adj. lame, maimed, imperfect Ciottolare, va. 1. to throw stones at, pave Ciottolata, sf. a blow or hit with a stone Ciotlolato, sm. a paved r6ad, highway Ciottolalo, -a, adj. paved, stoned Cioltoletlo, nm. small stone, (lint Cidttolo, sm. flint, Hint stone, pebble; lavare il capo co' cioltoli, to backbite, slander Ciottolono, sm. a large stone, flint Ciovetta, sf. (ant.) screech-owl, v. Civetta Ciparisso, sm. (but.) sort of tithymal Cipigliare , vn. \. to eye askance, to look at with an evil eye Cipfglio , sm. a rancorous look; guardar con cipfglio, to frown, to eye askance Cipiglioso, -a, adj. irascible, passionate Cip6lla, sf. onion, head Cipollata, sf. ragout of onions and g6urds Cipolletta, gf. leek, scallion, chives, onion Cipollino, -a, smf. chives, scallion, shalot Cipollotto, sm. hair-bag Ciporro, sm. 16bster, v. Granciporro Cippo, sm. cippus, half column, index Cipresseto , sin. (agr. ) plantation of cypress- trees Cipressino, -a, adj. clove-tasted, spiced Cipresso, sm. cypress, (fin-) nape of the neck Ciprigna, adj. /'. of Cyprus (fig.) sf. Venus Ciprino, sm. chub, miller's thumb Ciragra.s/'. (ant.) gout in the hands, chiragra, v. Chiragra Circa, prep, about, concerning, near Circaintellezione, sf. (;>/i<7.) full comprehension Circdnse, adj. of the circus, of wrestling Circo, sm. circus (circular space for sports) Circolante, adj. circulating, that circulates Circolare, vn. 1. to circulate, roll, go round va. 1. to dispute, oppose, discuss adj. circular, round, circulatory Circolarila, sf. circular form, circularity Circolarmenle, adt>. circularly, round Circolalo (circulate, ant.), sm. circle, crown, garland Circolato, -a, adj. round, circular, rotatory Circola(6jo , sm. circulatory , chemical vessel Circolatorio, -a, adj. circulatory, circular Circolazione, sf. circulation, rotation Circolelto, sm. small circle Circollocuzi6no, sf. circumlocution Circolo, sm. circle, revolution, circuit Circoncidere, ua. 2. irr. to circumcise Circoocidimento, sm. circumcision Circoncignere.i'fl. 2. irr. toenc!6se,gird Danle Circoncinto, -a, adj. surrounded, enclosed Circoncisiooe , sf. the circumcising , circum- Circonciso, -a, adj. circumcised (cision Circondaroento, sm. encompassing, circuit Circondante, ad;, surrounding, round Circondare , va. 1. to enclose , surround , en- viron, gird, b&rder Circondario, sm. boundaries, environs Circondato, -a, adj. surrounded, environed Circondatore, -trice, smf. one who snrrounds, encloses Circondazione, sf. surroQnding Circond6tto, -a, adj. (po.) drawn around Circondurre, ua. 2. irr. to lead around Circonferenza, sf. circumference, circle Circonferenziale, adj. circumferential Circonflessione, sf. circumflexion, turning Circonfl^sso, -a, adj. bent, circumflex Circonfletlere, va. 2 Vr. to bend, bow Circonfluenza, sf. circiimfluence Circonfondere, va. I. to diffuse around Circonfulgere, va 2. irr. to shine round Circonfiiso, -a, adj. spread aroTmd, ambient Circonlocuzione, sf. circumlocution Circonscdtto, -a, adj. circumscribed Circonscrivere, va. 2. irr. to circumscribe Circonscrizione, sf. circumscription, limit Circonspetto, circospetlo,-a, adj. circumspect; uomo circospetto . a considerate man; au- dar circospetto , to proceed , deal , or act with caution Circonspezione, sf. circumspection Circonstante, sm. by-stander, v. Circostantc adj. surrounding Circonstanza, sf. circumstance, vicinity, neigh- borhood, v. Circoslanza Circonstanziare, vn. \. to circumstantiate Circonvallare , va. \. (to circumvallate) to surround with a rampart Circonvallazi6ne, sf. circumvallalion Circonvenire, va. 5. to circumvent, deceive Circonveniito, -a, adj. circumvented Circonvenziono, sf. circumvention, fraud Circonvicino, -a, adj. circumjacent Circonvolgere , va. 2. lo circumvolve , to roll round Circomvolnzione, sf. circumvolution Circoscritto, -A, adj. circumscribed, limited Circoscrivere, ua. 2. irr. v. Circonscrivere Circospetto, -a, adj. cautious, wary Circospezi6ne, sf. wariness, ciution Circostante, adj. surrounding, present Circostante, sm. a by-stander, spectator Circostanza, sf. circumstance, particularity; aggravante, aggravation; altenuante, extenuating circumstance; con circostanze aggravanti, (law) compound; in tali circo- stanze, under such circumstances Circoslanziare, va. \. to circumstantiate Circuimento, sm. circuition, g6ing rouiid Circuire, t>ai. 5. (po.) to enc!6se, go ro"und Circuita, -ate, -ade. sf. circuit, circuilion Circuito, sm. circuit, compass, turn; questa citta ha 10 miglia di circuito , tliis city is ten miles in circumference Circufto, -a, ad;, surrounded, enc5mpased Circuizione, sf. circuition, compass, preamble Circumambiente, adj. (phys.) circumambient Circumcignere, va. 2. irr. to surround, gird Ciregeto, sm. (agr.) plantation, of cherry-trees Ciriegia , sf. a cherry ; ciriegie nfire , black ndr, rude; - son, fall, bull; -fare, do, - by, lymph; poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem, as Diz. Hal. Ingt. i0 cm 146 CIV cherries; ciriegie duracine , hard-fleshed cherries; nocciuola, osso di ciriegia, cherry- stone; le parole son come le ciriegie, che 1' una lira 1' allra , prov. exp. words are like cherries, that one draws another Ciriegio, sin. a cherry-tree Ciriegiuolo, -a, adj. of cherry-color or taste Cirimonia, sf. v. Ccreraonia Cirindone, sm. new-year's gift, handsel Ciriuola , sf. grig, small eel Ciromanzia, sf. chiromancy, palmistry, v. Chi- romanzia Cfrro, SOT. curl, T. Riccio , capellatiira Cirurgia, sf. (ant.) v. Chirurgia Cisale, SOT. land-mark, boundary, ridge Cisalpino , -a, adj. (geogr.) Cisalpine , on the south of the Alps Ciscranna, sf. folding-chair, worn out things Ciscranno, sm. (ant.) a book-shelf Cisma , sf. (ant.) schism , disunion, discord, T. Scisma Cispa, sf. blearedness, viscous matter Cispadano , -a, adj. (geogr. ) Cispadane , on this side of the Po (with regard to Rome) Cispardo, cispicoso, a, adj. blear eyed Cisposita, sf. blearedness Cissoide, gf. (geom.) cissoid (nedicline Cislercense , sm. Cistercian , a reformed Be- Cisterna, sf. cistern, tank Cisternetla, sf. small cistern reservoir Cisti, cistide, sf. (surg.) cyst, cyslis Cislico, -a, adj. biliary, cystic Cfslio, sm. (bol.) rock rose, hip, haw Cistitide , sf. (med.) cystitis , inflammation of the bladder Cislocele, cistocelia, sf. (surg.) cyslocele Cistotomia, sf. (surg.) cysl6lomy, the art or practice of opening cysls Cilara, sf. (po.), lute, guitar, harp Glare, vn. 1. to cite, summon, allege, quote Citareggiare, vn. \. to play on the harp, etc. Ci la redo, cilarista , SOT. player on the harp , minstrel Citarizzare, vn. 1. to play on the harp, etc. Citato, -a, adj. cfted, summoned, quoted Citalore, SOT. qudter, ciler, enumerator Citatoria, sf. summons, writ Citazione, sf. citation, summons, quotation Cftera, sf. (ant.) lute, harp, v. Cetra Citeriore, adj. near, hilher, hilhermost Citiso, sm. heath, broom, furze, fern Citracca, sf. milt-wort (herb) Citragine, sf. (bol.) balm, mint Citrico, -a, adj. acid, lemon-tasted, citrine Citrini'zz;i, citrinita, -ate, ade, sf. jaundice Cilrino, -a, adj. lemon tasted, colored Cilriuolo, citriolo, sm. cucumber Cilroniera, sf. orangery Cilia, xf. girl, lass, maid, T. Zilella Citta, -ate, -ade , sf. city , town; la citta do- lenle (/;oe/.) hell Cittadella, sf. small town, bfirough, citadel Ciltadfna, sf. a citizen's wife Cittadinamenle, adr. politely, citizen-like Cilladinanza, sf. freedom ( guild 1 denizalion, citizens, civility, politeness, abode; ammet- tere alia cilladinanza, to denizen, to grant the freedom of the city; essere ammesso alia citladinauza, to be deniztd , to receive the freedom of the city Cittadinare, va. \. to people a town, city Ciltadinatico, sm. the right of a burgess Cittadinello, SOT. a liitle burgess, citizen Cittadinescamente, adv. like a citizen, civil Cilladinesco, -a, adj. of a citizen, civil Cittadino, -a, smf. citizen, burgess, patriot a, adj. of a citizen, civil, polile CiUadinuzzo, sm. low mean cilizen^burgess Cilladone, sm. a very large city, town Citto, SOT. bey, lad, yoiing man (vulg.) Cfltola, sf. a little pirl, lass Cittolo, sm. a little bey, lad Ciuca, sf. a she ass Ciuco, sm. ass Ciuffagno, -a, adj. griping, ready to seize Ciuffare, va. \. to catch, gripe, snatch Ciuffetto, SOT. small tuft , lock of hair , tener la fortuna pel ciufletto , to be fortunate , to fix the wheel of fortune; pigliar il tempo pel ciuffelto, to lake time by the fore lock Ciuflb, sm. tuft, lock of hair, toupet Ciiiffolo, s/p. trifles, nonsense Ciurlo , sm. pirouette , a whirling or turning about on the toes Ciurma , sf. all the slaves of a galley, crew, ship's crew, mob, rout Ciurmaborse, sin. cut -purse, pick-pocket Ciurmadore, sm. enchanter, impostor, ch6at, swindler, quack Ciurmaglia, sf. mob, rabble, blackguards Ciurmante, SOT. and adj. impostor, cheating Ciurmare, t'a. 1. to charm, enchant, c6njure, cheat as mountebanks do Ciurmarsi, tr/. to get drunk Ciurmato , -a , adj. charmed , invulnerable ; sono ciurmalo a tutti i vostri inganni , I am proof against all your deceit Ciurmat6re, -trice, smf. wizzard, witch, cheat Ciurmeria, sf. cbam, quack, tricks Ciuschero, -a, adj. tipsy, half seas over Civada, sf. (mar.) the sprit sail Civaja, sf. all kinds of piilse, vote, suffrage Civanza, sf. benefit, profit, gain Civanzarc, va. 1. to provide, procure Civanzaisi, vrf. to supply one's self with Civanzo, sm. advantage, profit, gain Give, SOT. (ant.) citizen, polite person (riage) Cfvea, sf. civeo, sm. (ant.) sledge (rustic car- Civetta, sf. screech owl, coquette; schiacciare il capo alia civetla, impaniar la civetta, to catch one in his own snare; far la civetta, to coquet, flirt Civcttare , tan. 1. to coquet , deceive , flirt , dangle after, be a coquette, play the wanton Fate, mete, bfte, n6tc, tube; - fat, met, bit, ndt, tub; - far, pique, CIV 147 COB Civelterfa, sf. coquetry, flirtation Civettina, sf. a small owl, little coquette Civettino, am. a fnp, gallant, dandy Civettismo, sm. coquettish arts Civettone, sm. large owl, swell, exquisite Civeltu61a, civelli'ma, sf. a little^ coquette Civico , -a , adj. civic , of the town , city; la guardia civica , tbe national guard, the militia Civile, sm. a register, control (book) nt'j. civil, pol/te, decent, snug Civilfsta, sm. jurisconsult, civilian Civilita -ate, -ade, sf. civility, politeness Civiliuzare, va. \. to civilize Civilmente, adv. civilly, politely, affably Civilla, -ale, -ade, sf. civility, politeness Civire, va. 3. to provide, v. Accivire Civorio, sm. pix, v. Ciborio Cizza, sf. (anl.) v. P6ppa, mammella Clacche, sfp. clops, galdches Clade, sf. (/jo.) slaughter, carnage Clamare, w. \. (/;o.) to cry aloM Clamazione, sf. clamor, cry, invocation Clamide, sf. Roman soldier' s cloak Clam6re, sm. clamor, outcry Clamoroso, -a, adj. clamorous, noisy, turbu- lent, boisterous Clandestinamente , adv. clandestinely , by stealth Clandestine, -a, arlj. clandestine, secret Clanpore, sm. clangor, flourish (of triimpets) Claretlo, sm. claret (light French wine) Clarificare, va. \. to clarify, v. Chiarificaro Clarinelto, clarfno, sm. a clarion (trumpet) Classe, sf. class, order; (poet.) fleet; briccone di prima classe, an arch-r&gue Classico, -a, adj. classical Classificare, va. \. to class, classify Class! ficazi6ne, sf. classification Claudicante, adj. (latin.) hilling, limping Claudicare, rn. \. (latin.) to halt or limp Clausola, clausula, sf. clause, stipulation Claustrale, adj. claustral, raonaslical Claustro, sm. (po.) a cloister, monastery Clausura, sf. enclosure, m&nastery; (of nuns) seclusion Clava, sf. (po.) a club bludgeon Clavicembalo, sm. barpsicord, pianoforte Clavicola, sf. (anal.) clavicle, clavicula, collar- bone Claviforme, adj. (lot.) clavate, clavatcd, club- shaped (used) Clavigero , -a, adj. keeping the keys (little Clavo, sm. (po.) rudder, nail, knob Clemalide, sf. (bnt.) periwinkle, cotton-weed Clcmente, adj. clement, humane Clementemenle, adv. mercifully, humanely Clemenlfne, .//>. pope Clement's constitutions Clemenza, clemenzia, sf. clemency Clericale, adj. v. Chericale Clericato, sm. v. Chericato Clero, sm. the clergy Clessfdra, clepsidra, sf. clepsydra , hydraulic clock Cliente, sm. client, dependent Clientela, sf. patronage, clients, partizans Clientolo, clientulo, sm. client, dependant Clfma, sm. climate, clime, region Climate, climato, clfmo, sm. (antiq.) climate Climatgrico, -a, arlj. climacteric, climaclerical Clinica, sf. clinical medicine, clinical surgery; Iezi6ni di clinica, clinical, lectures Clinico, -a, adj. clinical clinic Clipeato, -a, adj. (po.) armed with a shield Clipeo, sm. (pa.) shield, .buckler, target Clistere, clistero, sm. clyster, injection Clisterizzare, va. to clysterize , to apply a clyster Clfvo, sm. (po.) hill, declivity, slope Clivo, -a, adj. declivious, sloping C\t2\&,sf. (dot.) sun-flower, heliotrope, tiirnsol Cloaca, sf. sewer, drain, sink Clorato, sm. (chem.) chlorate Clorico, -a, arlj. (chcm.) chldric Cloro, sm. (diem.) ch!6rine, chldrin Clorosi, sf. (med.) chlorosis, the green sickness Cloruro, i. (diem.) chlorid Co' (for coi, con i, con li), pr. with the Coabitare, rn \. to live together, cohabit Coabitat6re, sm cohabitant Coabitazione, sf. cohabitation Coaecadgmico, sm. f6llow-academician Coaccusato, sm. ( law) person accused of the same offense ( willi... ) fellow-prisoner ( for the same offence) Coacervare, va. \. (po.) to heap up, pil<; Coacervazidne, sf. (po.) heaping up, pile Coadiumento, sm. joint aid, mutual assistance Coadjut6re, SOT. coadjutor, helper Coadjutoria, sf. coadjiitorship, mutual help , coadjutor's 6ffice Coadjutrfce, sf. helper, 4ider, assistant Coadjuvare, va. \. to help, assist, succor Coadjuvato, -a, adj. assisted, helped Coadunare, va. \. to collect, h&ard up Coadunazione, sf. collecting into one mass Coagulabile, arlj. congealable, coagulable Coagulam^nto, sm. coagulation, curdling Coagulare, van. 1. to coagulate, curdle Coagulativo, -a, adj. coagulative Coagulato, coagolato, -a, adj. coagulated Coapulazionc , sf. coagulation , congelation , curdling Coagulo, sm. rennet, riinnet, coagulator Coalescenza, sf. coalescence, union, concretion Coaliziono , sf. coalition, league, conspiracy Coarlare, va. 1. to restrict, limit, contract Coartativo, -a, adj. astringent , restrictive Coarlazione, sf. contraction, straitening Coatlfvo, -a, adj. coercive, compulsory Coatto, -a, adj. f6rced, compelled Coazione, sf. coaction, f6rce, compulsion Cobalto, sm. cobalt (mineral) Cobio, sm. a gudgeon, v. Ghiozzo nor, r&de; - fall, son, bull; - fare, do; - by, lynsph; poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem, as COB 148 COF Cobola, sf. old Provincial ballad Cocca , sf. the notch of an arrow , arrow , shaft, a cock-boat, Ihe tip of a spindle Coccare, to. 1. to notch the bowstring, put the arrow on the bow-string Coccare, vn. 1. to make, faces, play a trick Cocchetta, sin. little notch Cocchiata, sf. serenade (in a coach), coachfull Cocchiere, SHI. a coachman Cocchina, sf. country dance Cocchio, sm. coach, carriage, chariot, car Cocchione, sm. large coach, carriage Cocchiumare, vn. \. to mock, trick Cocchiiime, sm. biing, bung-hole Coccia , sf. pimple , hilt ( of sword), n6ddle ; coccia d' uovo, the shell of an egg Cocciniglia, sf. cochineal (red color) Coccio, sm. pot sherd fragment Cocciuola, sf. small pimple, burn, scald Cocciuto, -a, adj. headstrong, obstinate, stub- born Cocco , sm. cochineal , scarlet , egg, darling ; (bo/.) cocoa Coccodrillo, sm. crocodile, alligator; lagrime di coccodrillo, treacherous tears Coccola, sf. berry, pate, noddle Coccolina, sf. small berry, hooping-cough Coccolone, -i, adv. (essere, star), lo lie or sit squat Coccoveggia, sf. a screech-owl, coquette Coccoveggiare, va. 1. to lie in wait, coquet Cocente , adj. burning, ardent, smarting, sharp Cocere, va. I. to cook, burn, v. Cuocere Cochigiia, cochilia, sf. (an.)v. Conchiglia Cocimenlo, sm. heat, digestion, smart Cociore, sm. burning, smarting Cocitojo, -a, adj. easily cooked Cocitura, sf. decdction, cooking, burning Coclea, sf. screw-nut ; female , hollow screw ; (anat.) cochlea of the ear, helix Coclearia, sf. spoon-wort, scurvy-grass Cocolla, sf. cowl, hood, frock (af a monk) decollate, sm. friar wearing a hood, etc. Cocollo, sm. a kind of cowl Cocoma, sf. a kettle, boiler Cocomerajo, sm. (agr.) water-melon bed; wa- ter-melon seller Cocomerello, sm. water-melon, wild cucumber Cocomero, sm. water-melon Cocuzza, sf. v. Zucca Cocuzzo I sm. crown of the head , top of a Cociizzolo ( spire, of a mountain, etc. Gftda, sf. tail, the end, train, series, stalk; inlera, (of horses) switch tail; moiza, bob- tail; di rdndine, (carpentry) dove-tail; cavallina (bot.), horse- tail ; di volpe (hot.), tailed amaranlhus, fox-tail-grass , fox-tail; di Hone (hot.), mother-wort ; di tdpo (bot.), mouse-tail ; ( mar. of cables ) point ; dalla coda liinga, long-tailed; dalla coda mozza, bob- tailed; far coda romaua, to fol- low one laughing at him ; meltere la coda dove non va il capo, to intrude one's self every where , to try to get by hook or by crook; guardare colla coda dell' occhio , to ogle (one) to glance slily, to cast a sly glance at a person ; guastar la coda at fagiano, to forget the cream of a story; lisciare la coda , to flatter, cajole ; far coda, to attend, to fol- low; nella cdda sta il veleno (prov. exp.) , the venom lies in the tail (the difficulty often lies at the end) Codardamente, adv. in a cowardly manner Codardi'a, sf. cowardice, pusillanimity Codardigia, sf. v. Codardfa Codardo, -a, adj. cowardly, pusillanimous Codato, -a, adj. having a tail, tailed Codazza, sf. tail end, extremity (train) Codazzo, sm. retinue, train, attendants Coderino, -a, adj. of the tail, having a tail Codesto, -a, prow, this, that, v. Gotesto Codetta, sf. little tail Codiare, va. \. to dodge, spy, watcji, pry Codiatore, sm. a dodger, spy, informer Codice , sm. code, manuscript; (pliarrn.) di- spensatory Codicillare, adj. of the codicil Codicillo, SHI. codicil, appendage to a will Codico, sm. (ant.) v. Codice Codiglio , sm. codille (a term at ombre when the game is won) Codilungo, sm. (orn.) the long tailed tomtit Codimozzo, -a, adj. docked, without a tail Codino, -a, smf. a little tail Codidne, sm. rump Codirosso, sm. kind of fig-pecker Coditremola, sf. water-wag tail (bird) Codognata, sf. quince marmalade Codone, sm. crupper-strap, long tailed duck Coduto, -a, adj. tailed, having a tail Coefficiente, sm. (alg.) coefficient Coeguale, adj. coequal, alike Coequalo, adj. (ant.) v. Coeguale Coercere , va. 2. ( latin ) te coerce , repress , compel , constrain Coercibile , adj. coercible , that may bo re- strained or compelled Coercitivo, -a, adj. coercive, restrainable Coercizi6ne, sf. coercion, restraint, check r compulsion Coerede, sm. coheir, joint heir Coerente, adj. coherent, consistent, united Coerenza, sf. coherence, consistency Coesione, sf. cohesion, connexion, adhesion Coesistente , adj. coexistent, coexisting Coesistenza, sf. coexistence Coesistere, vn. 2. irr. to coexist Coetaneo, adj. coelaneous , contemporary, of the same age or century, equal in age Coeterno, -a, adj. co-eternal Coevo, -a, adj. coeval , contemporary Cofaccia, sf. (ant.) (v. Focaccia) bun, cake Cofaccina, cofaccetta, sf. (ant.) small bun, cake Fate, mete, bite, note, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub; - far, pique, COF 149 COL Cofanajo, sm. a basket maker, trunk maker Cofanetto, sm. small basket or trunk Cofano, sm. basket, chest, trunk coffer Coffa, sf. (mar. ) the round top, basket Cogitabondo, -a, adj. musing, thoughtful Cogitare. rn. 1. (po.) to think, muse Cogitative, -a, adj. cogitative, pensive Cogilazione, sf. thought, meditation Coglia, sf. scrotum , the bag which contains the testicles Cogliere, ra. 2. />>. to gither, take, catch, hit; il tempo, to choose the proper time; in iscambio, to mistake; sul fatlo, to catch i n the deed ; cagione, to find a pre- tence , an excuse ; il friitto delle sue fa- tiche , to reap the fruit of one's labour ; se mi avesse a cogliere qualche disgrazia , should any misfortune befall me; la nolle ci cfilse a mezza strada, we were overtaken by the night at half-way ; per la rosa spesso la spina si coglie, (firm, exp.) the thorn is often plucked for the rose Coglio, sm. (of a serpent), slough (pron. sliiff) Cogliola, ./". sort of plum (Y. Scoglio Cogli6ne, sm. v. Testicolo Coglionare, va. (vul.) v. Beffare , deridere Coglitore, sm. gatherer, reaper Cognata, sf. sister-in-law Cognatizio, -a, adj. (law) cognate, proceeding from the same stock Cognato, sm. brother-in-law -a, adj. allied, akin, related, kindred Cognazi6ne, sf. kindred, relation, affinity Cognito, -a, adj. (po.) known Cognitore, sm. he who knows, (/m*.)rep6rter Cognizioncella, sf. slight knowledge Cognizione, sf. knowledge, science Cogno, sm. wine measure of ten barrels (ant.) Cognome, sm. surname, family name Cognominare, va. \. to surname, denominate Cognominarsi, vrf. to take the surname Cognominato,-a, atlj. surnamed, called Cognominazione, sf. surname, family name Cogn6scere, ra. 2. irr. (an/..) to know, v. Co- noscere Cogolaria, sf. sweep-net, wide mouthed net Cogoma, sf. a kettle, boiler Cojaccio, sm. bad leather Cojajo, sm. a tanner, leather cutter Cojame, sm. quantity of leather, hides Cojetto, sm. leather jerkin Coincidente, adj. coincident, concurrent Coincide nza, sf. coincidence, concurrence Coinddere, rn. 2. irr. to coincide, concur Coito, sm. coition, copulation Coil6so, -a, adj. (ant.) v. Pensier6so Co'l , col (far con lo , collo) prep, and art. with the Cola, adv. there, in that place, yonder Cola, sf. a strainer, colander, filter Colafizzare, ra. 1. to cuff, slap, box (lot.) Colaggio, colaggiuso, adv. down there, below Colamento , sm. the straining through, run- nine, draining, flux, flow, leakage Colanti, sm. running knots (sea.) Colare, ran. 4. to strain through, filter, drain, drop; colar a fondo nna nave, to skiittle a Colasci6ne, sm. Italian lute (ship Colassii, colassuso, adv. there above (po.) Colata, sf. (mar.) fair curve, h6llow floor Colatfccio, sm. strainings, percolation Colatio, colativo, -a, adj. liquable, dissoluble Colalo, sm. percolation, straining, filtration Colato,-a, adj. strained, filtered: aria colala, a wind that comes through cracks; draught of air; vino colato, smooth wine Colat6jo, sm. strainer, c61ander Colatura, sf. filtration, colature, slalactides Colazioncina, sf. a little breakfast Colazione, sf. breakfast, v. Colezi6ne Colcare, rn. 1. to lay down, stretch Colcarsi, vnrf. to lie' down, go to bed Colcato,-a, adj. reclined, v. Coricato Colei, pron. re/, f. she, that woman, that woj- man there; io sono colei che, 1 am she who Colendissimo, -a, adj. most w6rskipful Colente, adj. respectful, reverent, h6noring, (po.) inhabitant Coleoptero, coleottero , sm. coleopteran (pi. coleopteral , insects having wings covered with a case or sheath C<51era, sf. anger, v. Cdllera Colera morbus, sm. the cholera morbus Colere, va. 2. irr. (po) to worship, revere Colericamente, adv. v. Collericarnente Colerico, -a, adj. v. Collerico Coler6so, -a, smf. (med.) person affected with ch61era, cholera-rafirbus ; adj. ch61eric (of cholera) , affected with cholera , cholera- morbus. v. Coller6so Colezione, xf. brekfast, luncheon, cold colla- tion ; fr colezione, to breakfast Colibeto, sm. a little story, tale Colibri, *m. (orn.) Immming-bird Colica, sf. cilic, bowel-complaint C6lico,arf/. affecting the bow-els, griping (fowl) Coif mho, sm. (orn.) pliingeon, diver (a sea- Colla, sm. glue, cord, scourging; di pesce, Colla, prep. art. f. sing, with the (isinglass Collaborare, rn.l. to ass6ciate in labour (par- ticularly literary or scientific) Co llaborat&re, -trice, smf. collaborator, as- sdciate in literary or scientific labor Collacrimare, tn. \. to mourn or weep with Collana, sf. necklace, string of pearls, etc. Collanuccia, collanvizza, sf. small necklace Collaraccio, sm. large neckband Collare.ra.l. to rack, torture, to give the strap- pado, scourge va. to lower or hoist with a rope , to upraise, to glue, piste together , join, stick Collare, sm. collar, neck-band, ruff; prender lino pel collare. to collar one, to take, seize one by the collar nor, rude; - fall, son, bull; -fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, bfys, foul, fowl; gem, ai 150 COL Collaretto, sm. cape, collar, shirt-collar Collarino, sm. small collar, Deck-band, ruff Collala, sf. a blow or cuff on (he neck, acco- lade , embrace ; dire la collata , to dub a knight, to confer an order of knightood Collalcrale, sm. pay-master general , relative adj. collateral, indirect, near Collatore, SHI. advowee, collator, patron Collattaneo, sm. a foster-brother (prove Collaudare, va. 1. to laud, praise together, ap- Collaudazidne, sf. praise, approval, approba- Collazionare, va. \. to collate, compare (lion Collazioncina, sf. v. Colazioncina Collazione, sf. conference , parley , collation, confronting ,' collation or bestowing of a beniCce Colle, sm. a hill Collega, sm. colleague, associate, adjutor (ant.) colloganza, sf. league, alliance Collegamento, sm. binding, union Collegare, fa. I. to bind, connect, unite Collegarsi, vrf. to confederate, league Collegatario, sm. (law) cotlegatary Collcgalo, sm. a confederate, ally a, adj. allied, confederate, united Collegatore, sm. a leaguer, binder Collegazione, sf. union, connexion, junction Collegiale, sm. and adj. collegiate, collegian, collegia! Collegialmenle, adj. in common, unanimously, with the consent of the whole college Collegiare, tn. I. to consult, decide together, hold a consultation (as physicians, etc.) Collegiala, sf. a collegiate-church Colli'gialo, -a, adj. collegiate, of a college Collegio, sm. college community, assembly; convilto, college of boarders; per gli esterni , college of day scholars; il Sacro Collegio, the Cardinals; entrare in collegio, to enter college; scacciare.espelleredal col- legio, to expel from college , to expel the college; sortire di collegio to leave college; caricar a collegio ( mar. ) , to take in , to 16ad a mixed cargo (steal Colleppolare, van. (ant.) to leap for joy, join, Collera, sf. bile, anger, wrath, passion; ac- cesso di collera, Dt of anger; essero in col- lera, to be angry; andare in collera, to get angry, to put one's self into a passion, to fall, fly into a passion ; far saltare in collera, to make angry, to put in a passion, to in- cense, to provoke (one) lo anger Collericamenle, adv. angrily, in a passion Collerico,-a, adj. chdleric, hasty, irascible CoJ]er6so,-a, adj. lilious, good for the bile Coltella, sf. collection, harvest, collect Colletlajo, sm. c6llar maker or seller Collellare, va. 1. to collect, obtain by contri- bution ColU'llivam6nte, adv. collectively Colletlivo, -a, adj. collective, apt to gather Collullizio, -a, adj. collected here and there Collelto, sm. collar; tippet; a little hill Collettore, sm. collector, gatherer, exacter Collettoria, sf. a colleclorship, a tax, the lev- ying a tax Collezione, sf. collection Collicello, sm. little hill, hillock Collidere, vn. -2. in: to clash (against each other) Colligiano, sm. mountaineer, highlander Colligine, sm. cuttle fish Collilungo, -a, adj. long necked Collimare, vn. 1. to aim at, point, strive Collfna, sf. a bill, a little hill Colline, sfp. a r6w of small hills Collinetto,-a, smf. a little hill (fare Colliquare, va. \. lo liquefy, melt. , v. Lique- Colliquativo, -a, adj. (wed.) colliquative Colliquazione, sf. melting, v. Liquefazione Collfrio, sm. (pliarm.) collyrium, eye-water Collisione, sf. collision, clash Collo, prep, and art. (for con lo) with the Collo, sm. the neck, a bale; collo del piede, the instep; collo di moute, top of a mount- ain ; rompersi il collo , to break one's neck, decay, fall off ; porlare in collo, to carry on one's shoulders or back; aver il braccio al collo , to have one's arm in a sling; allungare o delungare il collo ad uno, to keep a person very long wailing- for dinner or for any thing , to give him to know haw bitter is hope deferred; getlar le braccia al collo ad uno , to clasp one about the neck (to embrace him) : cader di collo, to be put out of favour; tirare il collo ad una gallina , to wring the neck of a hen ; fare il collo torto , lo assume dev6- tion, devduledness, godliness, to be a bigot Collocabile, adj. that may be placed, s.tuated, settled ^settlement Collocamento, sm. the placing, disposition, Collocare , fa. 1. to place, arrange, settle; collocare una figlia , to marry or settle a daughter Collocate, -a, adj. placed, situated, settled Collocatore, -trice , SHI/, one who places , settles ; arranger Collocazidne, collocatura, sf. the placing Collocutdre, -trice , smf. collocutor , one of the speakers in a dialogue Collocutorio, sm. the parlour of a coment Collocuzione, sf. conference, interview Colloquintida, sf. bitter apple (purgative) Colloquio, sm. discourse, conversation, talk Collora, sf. (ant.) anger, v. Collera Collotdrto, sm. hypocrite, bigot Collottola, sf. the nape of the neck Colludere, in 2 iVr lo collude, impose up6n; (law) to prevaricate Collusione, sf. prevarication (law^ ; collusion Collusivamente, adv. collusively Collusivo, -a, adj. collusive, fraudulent Colluvie, sf. (lot.) a crowd, mob, multitude Fate, mete, bite, note, tube; - fat, met, bit, n&t, tub; - far, pique, COL 151 COL Colmare,rrt. 1. to fill to overflowing , pile up ; colmare alcuno di favori, di Lenedizioni, to 16ad a person -with favors, with blessings ; colmar di pioja, di dolore , to overwhelm with jcy, with tirief r;i. 1. to overflow, run 6ver Colmat.i, sf. the act of filling up or heaping, a mound, embankment, bank Colmato, a, adj. filled up, loaded with Colmatore, -trice, smf. that fills to overflowing Colmatura, sf. overfiilness; 6ver-measure Colmetto, -a, adj. a little raised, embossed Colmfgno, sm. ridge (of a roof), top, summit C6lmo, sm. height , summit, roof, top; nel colino dclla collcra, in the height of anger a, adj. over full, convex, loaded with Colo, sm. sieve, boulter, scarce, strainer, fan Colocasia, sf. (hoi.) colocasia, Epyplian bean Colofonia, sf. colophony (resin) Colomba, sf. (female) dove, pigeon ; (mar.) keel Colombaccio, sm. wood-pigeon, ring-dove Colombajo, -a, smf. pigeon-house, columbary ; sviare la rolombaja , to disoblige or turn away customers Colombana, sf. (agr.) sweet white grape (wine) Colombara, sf. dove-cote, pigeon-house Colombario, sm. pigeon-holed catacombs Colombella, sf. wood-pigeon, yoiing pigeon Colombina, sf. pigeon's dung, vervain (plant) Colorabino, -a, adj. of pigeons, pigeon-colored sm. limestone, yoiing pigeon Colombo, sm. a pigeon, dove; lorraiuolo, rock-dove; torquato , selvatico , ring- dove, stock-dove; pigliar due colombi ad una fava , to kill two birds with one stone Colon, sm. colon (the largest of the incstines) Colonario, -a, adj. of a colony Colonia, sf. c&lony, settlement, settlers ; fon- daro, slabilire una colonia , to plant or settle a colony Coloniale, adj. colonial, of the colonies Colonico, -a, adj. colonial; relating to hus- bandmen (colony in Colonizzare, va. 1. to colonize, to plant a Col6nna, sf. a column, pillar, bed p6st, Gle; scanalata, fluted column; t6rta, spirale, wreathed cdlumn; voltiana, electrical, galvanic battery; lecolonned'Ercole (geog.) Hercules' pillars; formaio acolonne, co- lumnar Colonnare , va. 1. to adorn with columns Colonnato, sm. a Spanish silver coin Colonnato, -a, smf. colonnade, range of pillars Colonnello, sm. (mil.) a colonel; (pron. ciirnel) a little column Colonnella, sf. little pillar, prop, supp6rter Colonnino, sm. v. Coloonetta Colono, sin. a planter, colonist, settler Coloquintida, sf. (hot.) coloquinlida , the col- ocynth or bitter apple Coloramento, sm. dye, color, tint, tincture, dimness (of the e}es) Colorare, va. \. to c61or, dye, piint, stain, tinge, adorn, veil palliate, dispuise Coloralamcnte, adv. feignedly, plausibly Colorato , a- , adj. colored , painted , glozed 6ver, plausible; colorale ragioni, spacious arguments Colorazidne, sf. a coloring, veil, disguise Coldre, sm. color, complexion, appearance; chiaro, light color; cangiante , chan- geable cfilour ; permanente, durevole , permanent, fast c61or; chesbiadfsce.sva- nisce, fading color ; oscuro, carico, dark deep colour; appariscenle , che da nel- 1'occhio, showy, gaudy colour; co!6ri all'a- quarello, water-colours ; coldri ad olio, oil- colours ; venditore di coldri , c6lor-man : senza colore , colorless; sotto colore di, under color, pretext, pretence, of: macinar* i colori , (paint) to grind colours, paints; dar colore , (cards) to follow suit ; la gio- venlii vede tutto color di rosa , youth sei every thing in its brightest c61ours Colorelto, sm. slight color, blush, pretence Colorifico, -a, adj. colorific Colorire, va. 5. to color, v. Colorare Colorisla , sm. (pi. -isli) cdlorist , a painter who excels in coloring Colorilo, sm. coloring, complexion a, adj. colored, dyed, painted Colorit6re, sm. painter, limner Coldro, pron. dem., pers. they, th6se Colossale, adj. colossal, huge, gigantic Colosseo, sm. Colosseum, Coliseum (the am- phitheatre of Vespasian at Rome) Colossicotera, sf. a machine for raising Iarg stones Colosso, sm. a colossus, enormous size, giant Coldslro , sm. ( med. ) colostrum , first milk drier child-birth Colpa, sf. fault, offence, error, crime; colpa mia. my fault; dar la colpa, to lay the fault (or blame) on ; chiamarsi in cdlpa, to con- fess one's self guilty; io non vi ho colpa, it is not my fault Colpabile, adj. culpable, faulty, blameable Colpabilmente, ado. culpably , criminally Colpare, van. \. to sin, blame, accuse Colpato, -a, mlj. criminal, guilty Colpeggiare, ca. 1. to bit, strike, thump Colpettino, sm. blow, little draught Colpevole, adj. culpable, criminal, faulty Colpevolmente, adv. culpably, criminally Colpire, va. 3. to strike, hit the mark. succeed Colpito, -a, adj. struck, beaten, succeeded Col pi t6re,- trice,* nf. be, she whohils, strike* C6lpo, sm. b!6w, str6ke, hit, act, wound, shot; colpo fortunalo, a liicky hit; di or da maestro, a masterly stroke ; di mare , * surge , a breaker, a sea; di pistola , a pistol s*not; di furfle , a shot, a gun- shot ; di pogno, a blow with one's 'list; di venlo , a squall or gust of wind; nor, rude; - fall, s6n, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; pois, boys foul, fowl, gem, at COL 152 COM di ritiro (mar.) , the Evening watch-gun ; di colpo, ad un colpo, adv. exp. at once , all at once Oolposo, -a, adj. v. Colpevole C61ta , sf. collecting ( of taxes ) , gathering a crop, mill-dam; far cfilta , to hit , wound , to draw to a head Coltare, ra. v. Coltivare Coltella, sf. a c6ulter, ciitlas, dagger, dirk Coltellaccio , sm. a cleaver , chopper , any great iigly knife , old studding sail Goltellajo, sm. T. Coltellinajo Coltellata, sf. a cut, stab with a knife; fare a coltellate, to fight with sw6rds or knives Coltelliera, coltellesca. sf. sheath, knife-case Coltellelto, sm. folding-knife, small knife Coltellinajo, sm. cutler, seller of knives Coltelllno, sm. small knife, folding-knife Coltello, sm. knife , dagger, great grief, palm- branch ; (of wings) the 16 ngest feathers; affilato , sharp knife ; ottuso , spuntato , blunt knife; a molla, clasp-knife ; da tavola , table knife ; da trinciare , car- Ting knife; lama dicollello, knife-blade; arrotare , afGlare un coltello , to sharpen , whet a knffe; mattoni per collello , bricks placed on their narrow side; servire alcu- no di coppa e di coltello , to be the c6n- slant attendant (cup-bearer and carver) of a person Coltivabile, sf. arable , tillable, cultivable Coltivamento, sin. culture, tillage, worship Coltivare, vn. \. to cultivate, till, exercise Collivato, -a, ad/, cultivated, improved sm. ploughed land, field Coltivatore, sm. a cultivator, ploughman, en- coiirager, fomenter Collivatrice, sf. cherisber , promoter Coltivatura, sf. culture , tillage, ploughing Coltivazione, sf. cultivation, husbandry, ciil- tnre, worship Collfvo, -a, adj. tilled , ploughed Collo, sm. ploughed land, worship -a (from coltivare), adj. cultivated, refined Col to, -a(fromc6gliere), adj. gathered, caught Golt6re, sm. husbandman, v. Culture Coltrare, to. \. to plough with the coulter C61tre, sf. coverlet, quilt, counterpane Coltrice, sf. feather-bed, mattress Coltrice, sf. v. Coltivatrice Coltricelta. coltricina, sf small feather-bed Coltricione, sf. large feather bed, mattress C61tro, sm. coulter, plcmgh -share Coltroncino, sm. light counterpane, quilt CoUrone, sm. coverlet, counterpane , quilt Coltftra, sf. culture, tilled land, worship Colubrfna, sf. a ciilverin (piece of ordnance) Colubro, sm. (po.), an adder, snake Colui, pron. pers. dem. he, that Columbaria , sf. vervain, pigeon-foot (herb) Coluro, sm. (asfr.) colure (circle of the sphere) Com (for come), adv. how ? as Coma, sf. (po.) head of hair, comma Comadre, sf. v. Commare Comandamento. sm. command, 6rder; i died comandamenti , (relit/. ) the ten command- ments Comandante , sm. commander , chief; sf. commandress Comandata, sf. the king's command Comandativo, -a, adj. imperative Comandato,-a, adj. commanded, enjoined Comandatore, sm. a commander Comandatrice, sf. commandress Comandita, sf. v. Accomandita Comando,sm. command, will, injunction, (mar.) spun-yarn; di due (mar.), two-yarn, rope- yarn ; non ba dieci franchi al suo comando, he cannot command ten francs; a'vostri comandi, yours to command, at your service Comandare, va. 1. to command, order, rule, bid; comandare a bacchetta, to rule with a high hand ; comandare il rombo (mar.) , to shape the course Comarca, sf. the territorial district of the ci- ty of Rome, (Comarca) Comare, sf. a midwife , a gossip Comare, va. 1. (anf.) v. Inpannare Comato, -a, adj. (po.) hairy, v. Chiomato CombaciameBto, sm. joining together Combaciare. va. \. to join, fit, unite together Combaciarsi, vrf. to kiss one another, meet Combaciato, -a, adj. fitted, joined together Combattenle. sm. and adj. combatant, fighting Combattere, en. 2. to fight, combat, besiege , harass en. 2. to contradict, dispute Combattibile , adj. combatable, that may be disputed or opp6sed- Combattimento, sm. fight, battle, combat Corabatlitore, sm. a combatant, fighter Combattitrlce, sf. a virago, fighting woman ComLattuto, -a, adj. fought, disputed Combibbia , sf. (ant.) noisy revelry (at an inn, etc.) Combinabile, adj. combfnable Gombinamento, sm. combination, union Combinare, va. \. to combine, join together Combinat6re, sm. he who combines Combinazione, sf. combination, union Combinito, -a, adj. combined, assembled Combriccola, sf. conventicle, secret meeting Coraburente, adj. burning Combustibile , adj. combustible Combuslibilita, sf. combiistibleness Combnstione, sf. combustion, conflagration Combusto, -a, adj. burnt, consumed Gombutta (a, or in), (vul.) in c6mmon Come, adv. so, as, like, as soon as C6me , adv. interr. how 1 why ? what ? come stale? how do you do? come! siete amma- lato ? how I you are ill? come siete suo a- mico . as you are his friend; vive come se avesse mille lire sterline all'anno , he lives Fate, mete, bite, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, n&t, tub; - far, pique, COM 153 COM as if he had a thousand a year; 1' oro, co- me il fudco , e buon servitore ma catlfvo padrone, gold , like fire is a good servant but a bad master; di'temi il c6me ed il per- che , tell me the how and the -why , the means and the m6tive Comeche, conj. however; though Comechessia, adv. anywise, in any wise Comedia, sf. comedy , v. Commedia Comediante, sm. comedian, T. Commediante Comentare, va. and deriv. , \. Commenlare Comere , rn. 5. irr. (ant. ) to adorn, beauti- fy (/at.) Cometa, sf. comet; crinita, haired comet; codata, tailed comet Comelario, -a, ndj. cometary, of a comet Comiato, sm. leave, v. Commiato Comicamente, adv. comically, merrily Coroico, sm . comic writer, poet, actor -a, adj. c6mical, ludicrous, merry Comfgnolo, sin. the ridge (of a roof), top Cominciamento, sm. beginning, opening Cominciantc, smf. beginner; adj. beginning Cominciare, va. \. to begin, commence; una lite , te commence proceedings , an hclion at law; cominciare a fare il medico, to commence a Doctor Cominciato, sm. commencement, beginning a, adj. begun, commenced Cominciatore, -trice, smf. founder, beginner Comincio, sm. (ant.) the commencement Cominella, sf. (hot.) bishop-weed Comino, .v. cumin (plant) Comitante, sm. and adj. attendant Comitato, sm. committee; un comitato della Camera dei Comuni , a committee of the House of Commons; essere del comitato, to be on a committee; formarsi in comita- to (composto) di tutta la Camera, to form itself into a committee of the whole house Comitato, sm. (po.) comiliva, sf. train, reti- nue, attendants Comito , sm. (mar.) captain over the galley- slaves Comiziale, adj. coraitial; morbo comiziale (mod.) falling-sickness Comizj , snip, the comilia or p6pular assem- blies of the Romans Comma , sf. c6mma ; ( gram. ) this point (,) ; (wins.) the interval between the major and minor lone Commacolare, wo. \. to stain, spot, soil Commallevadore, sm. a joint bail Commandam^nto sf. v. Comandamento Commandante, sm. v. Comandante Commandare, t'a. 1. v. Comandare Commare, sf. v. Comare Commedia. sf. comedy, farce, play-house Commediante, smf. comedian, actor, actress, player, buffoon Commediare, va. 1. to write, act comedies Commedina, commediola, sf. little comedy Comraedio'grafo , commediajo , sm. writer of comedies Commemorabile, adj. commemorable Commemoramento, sm. commemoration Commemorare, t-a. \. to commemorate Commemorative, -a, adj. commemorative Commemorato, -a, adj. commemorated Commemorazione, sf. commemoration, public celebration Commenda, sf. commandery, commendam Commendabile , adj. commendable, laudable Commendabilmente , adv. commendably Commendam6nto, sm. praise, eulogy Commendare, va. t. to commend, recomm6nd Commendatario . sm. commendatary Commendatfzia, sf. a letter of recommendation Commendatizio, -a, ndj. recommendatory Commendato, -a, ndj. praised, extolled Commendal&re . -trice , smf. a commander , one who commends or praises Commendatoria, sf. commandery Commendazione, sf. commendation, encomium Commendevole, adj. praise-worthy, laudable Commensale , sm. a table companion , one who eats at the same table Commensurabile, adj. commensurable Commcnsurabilitk , sf. commensurabilily Commensurare, va. \. to proportion, compare Commenlare , va. \. to comment, expound, annotate Commentario, sm. commentary, book of c&m- ments , memoir Commentate, -a, adj. commented, annotated Commentatdre , -trice , smf. commentator , commenler, annotator Commentazioue, sf. (little used) v. Commento Commento, sm. comment, annotation, exposi- Commerciabile, adj. negotiable (lion Commerciale, adj. commercial , merchant Commercianle , smf. trader , dealer , trades- man , tradeswoman Commerciare, vn. \. to trade, traffic, deal, to carry on trade Commercio I sm. commerce, trade , intimacy, Commerzio j habit, affair, correspondence Commescolare , va. 1. to commingle, mix together Commessa , sf. ( ant. ) commission , 6rder , charge , v. Commissi6ne Commessaria, -riato, smf. commissaryship Commessario, commissario, sm. commissary, executor, trustee, justice of the peace Commessazione, sf. revelry, debauchery Commessi6ne , sf. command, drder, charge Commesso, sm. a b6arder, clerk, mosaic Commesso, -a, adj. d6ne, committed Commessura, sf. joint, seam, junction Comrnestibile, sm. eatables, Tictuals, food adj. eatable, fit for food Comraesti&ne, sf. mixture, compound Commettcnte, sm. employer, constituent Commettere, va. 2. ire. to 6rder, give a cora- nfir, rude; - fall, s6n, bull; - fare, do; - by, Jymph; poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem, ai COM 154 COM mission, intrust, commit; un delitto, to commit, perpetrate a crime; una cosa ad uno , to commit, intrust a thing to one's care; discordie, to sow discord, to set at variance, un cavo (mar.) to lay a rope; una mala creanza , to be guilty of a breach of manners ; ho commesso al vento le mie fatiche , all my pains are come to nothing Commettiaiale, sin. a fire-brand, disturber Comrnetlitore, sin. employer, perpetrator Commettitrice, sf. fomenter of quarrels Commettitura, sf. joining, setting (in metals) Commezzamento, -ezzo, sm. equal division Commiatare , va. I. to dismiss , to give leave (of departure) Commiato , sm. leave , permission dismissal; dar co mm i at o, to dismiss; chieder commia- to , to ask leave to go ; prender comruiato , to take leave, bid farewell Commilitone, sm. fellow-soldier, comrade Comminare , va. 1. (law) to threathen , de- nounce (punishment) Comminato, -a, adj. prohibited with threats Comminatoria , comminaziouc , sf. threat, commination Comminuzione, sf. comminution Commischiamento, sm. mixture, compound Commischiare, va. \. to mix together Commiserabile, adj. worthy of compassion Commiserabilmente, adv. pitifully, wofully Comroiserare, van. 1. to pity, commiserate Commiserative, -a. adj. compassionate Commiseratore , -trice , smf. commiserator , one who pities Commiserazione, sf. compassion, pity Commiserevole , adj. sad, deplorable Commiso, -a, adj. v. Commesso Commissaria , sf. commissariato , sm. com- missariat, eommissaryship Commissariale, adj. commissariat Commissario , sm. v. Commessario Commissionario , sm. agent , commissioner; fareil commissionario, to transact business as a commission agent Commissione, sf. commission, order, power; casa di commissions , (agenzia), commis- sion-agency Commistioue, sf. mixture, compound, infusion Commislo, -a, uilj. mixed, confounded Commistura , sf. commixture Commisturare, va. \. to commix, blend, mingle Commodamente, adv. conveniently, easily Commodore, ra.-l. to lend, accomodate, fit Commodatamente, adv. commodiously, fitly Cbinmouato , sm. a gratuitous loan, lending Commodatdre, sm. lender Commodevolmente, adv. v. Commodamente Commodezza, sf. conveniency, proximity Commodita , sf. convenience , conveniency , opportunity, occasion; la commodita d'una casa , the accomodations , conveniences ol a house; la commodita fa I' uomo ladro , prov. exp. opportunity makes a thief CommoJo , sm. convenience , ease , leisure , profit adj. convenient , useful , easy , fit , good , commodious , opportune ; esser commodo , to be in easy circumstances; con cemmodo, a vdstro commodo, at your leisure, al your perfect convenience Commodoro , sm. (mar.) commodore , the of- ficer who commands a squadron or detach- ment of ships Commorante, adv. dwelling, residing Comruosso,- a, adj. moved, affected, stirred Commotivo, -a, adj. moving, touching Commoto, -a, adj. ()>o.) moved, v. Commosso Coinmovere , va. 2. v. Commuovere Cornmovimento, sm. tumult, commotion Commovilore, -trice , smf. mover, exciter Commovitura, commovizione, sf. (little used) commotion Commozione, sf. emotion, commotion Commozioncella. sf. a slight emotion, etc. Commune , adj. and. deriv. v. Comune , co- munale , ecc. Communire, va. 5. to fortify, v. Rinforzare Commuovere, t'a. 2. ('/. to move, affect, touch, agitate , disturb , stir , vex ; commuoversi , to be moved, feel agitated Commutabile , adj. commutable Commutamento, sm. change, commutation Commutare , va. 1. to exchange, commute Commulativo, -a, adj. commutative Commutato, -a, adj. commuted Commulazione , sf. commutation, change; commulaziono di pcna , commutation of punishment Comodamente, adv. v. Commodamente Comodante, smf. (law) lender Comodare, va. 1. v. Commodare Comodatamente, adv. v. Commodatamente Comodatario, sm. (law) borrower Comodato, sm. (law) loan v. Commodato Comodatore , sm. v. Commodatore Compadre, sm. (vulg.) v. Compare Compadrone, sm. joint master, joint or neigh- boring land-lord, etc. Compaginare, va. \. to compaginate , join Compaginatura, compagine , sf. compages , structure, connection, contexture Compagna, sf.a. female companion ^company) Compagnare , va. 1. v. Accompagnare Compagnesco,-a,a(//. of a companion, sociable Compagnessa, sf. (bur ) companion, partner Compagnevole, adj. sociable, compauionable Compagnia, sf. company, society, companions; far compagnia, tener compagnia ad uno, to keep one company ; fruquentare buona o cattiva compagnia, te keep good or bad com- pany ; esser piacevole in compagnia, far buona compagnia, to be good company; una compagnia di commedianti , a company of Fate, mete, bite, note, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub; - far, pique, COM 155 COM stage players; di fanterfa, a company of foot soldiers ; di negozianti , a trading cSmpany ; la Compagnia dclle Indie Orien- tal! , (be East India C6mpany ; la ditta di Brown , Ulack e Corapagnia , the firm of Black , Brown and Company (abbreu. Co.) ; le catlive compagnie corrompono i costu- mi, //ror. ex/>., evil communications corrupt good m:\nners Compagno, -a , smf. a companion , cSmrade , mate , associate , partner , the equal , the like; questi guanti non sono compagni , these gloves are not fellows Compagnone, sm. a boon campinion, tall man Compagnfizzo, *//i. a little companion Companatico, -a, smf. victuals eaten with Comparative, a-//', comparable bread Comparaliilila , ,/. compressibility, compres- sibleness Compressione, sf. compression, pressing Compressivo , -a , adj. compressive , having power to compress Compresso, -a, adj. compressed, close, strong ; nebbia compressa, thick fog Compressore, sm. presser Comprimente, adj. compressing, restraining Comprimere, en. -2. irr. to compress, restrain Compro, past. part, (for comprato) bought Comprobare, va. ^. v. Comprovare Comprofesso , sm. a professed monk of the same order Compromesso, sm. a compromise, arbitration : me'ltere in compromesso, to expose, hazard Compromettere , IYI. 2. irr. to compromise , expose , risk ; compromeltere 1' autorita , 1' onore , ecc. , to expose one's authority , honor, etc.; compromeltersi , to compro- mise one's self, be compromised, to en- gage, promise, take on one's self Compromissario, cumpromessario, sm. umpire Compromissorio , -a , adj. compromissorial , relating to a compromise Gomproprieta, sf. (law.) joint-pr6perty Comproprietario,-a, smf. joint-proprietor, etc. Comprovamento, sm. approbation, ^ attestation Comprovare, va. I. to approve, prove, accept, admit Comprovato, -a, adj. approved, admitted, etc. Comprovatore, sm. approver, commender Comprovazione, sf. approbation, proof Comprovinciale, adj. of the same province Compto, -a, adj. (ant.) decked, trimmed Compugnere, va. 2. irr. to afflict, pierce, vex Compugnimento, sm. v. Compunzione Compulsare, va. i. to compel, force (law.) Compulsoria, sf. a warrant, compulsion Compungere, va. 2. in-, to afflict, sling, jcx CompunUvo, -a, adj. causing remorse, moving Compunto, -a, adj. contrite, grieved, stung Compunzione, sf. compunction Computable , adj. computable , that may be calculated, reckoned Computamenlo, sm. computation, reckoning Computare, ra. 1. to compute, count , reckon amongst, place in tho number of Computato, -a, adj. reckoned, counted Computatore, -trice, smf. computer, reckoner, calculator Computazione, sf. v. Computamento Corapulista, sm. calculator, reckoner Computisteria , sf. accountant's office , ci- phering Compute, sm. calculation, reckoning, account Compulrescere, vn. 2. irr. computrire,5. to rot Comiina, sf. (ant.) I corporation, ward, com- Comune, smf. \ miinity Comunale, adj. c6mmon , vulgar, trifling; in , ado. exf. c6mmonly, generally Comunalm6nte, ado. usually, c&mmonly Comunalila, (ant.) v. Comunanza Comunanza, sf. commonalty Comunare, ran. 1. v. Accomunare Comune, sm. common people, commons, public Coraune , adj. common , that be!6ngs equally to all, usual , ordinary, indifferent, vulgar, trivial ; luogo comune , a necessary house , privy; in comune, in common Comunella, sf. community, v. Accomunamento Comunemente, adv. usually, generally Comunicabile, adj. communicable, affable n6r, rude, - fall, son, bull; - fare, do; - by, Ijaipb; poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem, as COM 158 CON Comunicabilita, sf. communicability Comunican ento, sm. communication Comur.icanle, sm. communicant Comunicanza, $f. communion, participation Coraunicare, rcn. 1. to communicate, impart, participate, make common, to frequent, to put in common , to administer the sacra- ment of the Lord's supper; comunicarsi, to receive the communion, or the Lord's supper Comunicativa, sf. a facility ofexplaining one's self in teaching , a power of conveying in- struction Comunicativo, -a, adj. communicative Comunicatore, sm. he who communicates Comunicazione , sf. communication , commu- nion Comunichino, sm. host, consecrated wafer Comunione, sf. communion, participation Comunisrao , sm. communism , agrarianism , socialism Comunisla, smf. cdmmunist, one who holds the principles of communism Comunita , -ade, -ale, sf. community; in , in common Comuno , sm. (ant.) common people, v. Co- mune Comunque, comunquemente, adv. ndwever Con, prep, with Conato, sm. (po.) effort, attempt Conca, sf. a large wooden or earthen oblong washing vessel, a wide shallow trough, a basin, hollow cove, cavity, shell, canal, lock; essere una conca fessa, to be sickly or infirm ; basta piii una conca fessa che una salda , a sickly person sometimes out- lives a robust man Concambio, sm. exchange, return Concaraeralo, -a, adj. voluted, arched Concatenamento, j.i. concatenation, series Concatenante, adj. joining, binding together Concatenare, va. 1. to chain, unite together Concatenate, -a, ad;. linked, joined together Concatenazione, sf. concatenation, chain Concausa, sf. joint cause Concavalo, -a, adj. concaved, made b&llow Concavita, sf. concavity, hollowness Cdncavo, sm. hollowness, concave surface Concavo, -a, adj. concave, hollow, vaulted C6ncavo concavo, adj. double c&ncave Concedenle, adj. granting, allowing Concedere, ra. 2. IJT. to concede, grant, permit ; to lend, give, produce, pass Concedimento, sm. concession, consent, gift Concedilore, am. granter CoBcediilo, -a, adj. conceded, granted Concento, sm. concent, harmony, concert Concentramenlo, sm. concentration Concentrare, va. I. to concentrate, contract Concentrate, -a, adj. concentrated, concealed Concentrazionc, sf. concentration, meditation Concgntrico, -a, adj. concentric Concepere, va. 2. irr. to conceive, v. Coucepire Concepibile, adj. conceivable, imaginable Concepigione , concepizione , sf. (ant.) con- ception Concepimento, sm. conception, idea, notion Concepire , ta. 3. to conceive, understand; odio per una cosa o persona , to take hatred to a thing or person; amore , gelosia, to become, enamoured, jealous ; un' idea, un' opinidne , to form an idea, an opinion Concepito, conceputo, -a, adj. conceived Conceria, sf. tannery Concernente, adv. concerning, upon Concernente, adj. belonging to, relative to Concernenza, ./! connexion, affinity, relation Concernere, va. 2. ('IT. to concern, relate to Concernevole. adj. concerning, regarding Concertare, va. \. to concert, settle, adjust Concertato, sm. int licence, agreement Concertato, -a, arf;. concerted, contrived Concertat6re, -trice, smf. concerter, contriver Concerto, sm. a concert, harmony, agreement, convention; di concerto , with common ac- cord, unanimously Concessibile, concedibile, adj. grantable Concessional, sm. receiver by grant, grantee Concessione, sf. concession, grant, permission Concesso,-a, adj. conceded, granted, given Concessorio,-a, adj. concessory Concettaccio, sm. bad idea, conception Concettare.vn. 1. to invent or say witty things Concettino.sm. a conceit, a concetto, witticism, fr&thy wit, false wit. tinsel Conceltizzante, adj. full of flashes of wit Concettizzare, rn. 1. to be fanciful, witty Concetto , sm. conceit, thought, flash of wit, conception, imagination , id^a, esteem, re- pute, credit, fame: essere in concetto di , to have the reputation of, to be looked up&n as : ha perduto il concetto appressodi me, he has lost his credit with me; adj. con- ceived Conceltdne, sm. (iron.) a brilliant thought Concettosamente, adv. in a witty manner Ccncettcso,-a, adj. full of pleasant fancies Concezione, sf. concepimento , sm. the feast of the conception Concbetta, sf. small tub, trough (pron. trof.) Conchiglia, sf. sea shell, conch shells Conchigliacco, -a, adj. formed of shells Conchiglielta, sf. small shell, conch Coochigliologfa, sf. conchology , the natural history of shells Conchiliforme, adj. f6rmed like shells Conchiudente, adj. conclusive, decisive Conchiudere, va. 2. nr. to conclude , infer, end; res61ve, convince, shut up Conchiusioue, sf. conclusion, consequence Conchiuso, -a, adj. concluded, settled, ended Concia, *f. a tan-house, tanning , seasoning Conciabrocche, am. mender of broken ware Conciacalzette, smf. a stocking-mender Fate, mete, bite, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, n&f, tub; - far, pique, CON 159 CON Conciame'nto, sm. mending, v. Conciatura Conciare, va. 1. to dress, ad&rn, triu, mend; conciar pelli , cu6jo , to dress skins , tan hides, leather ; conciar vini , to adulterate wines; conciar la terra, to manure land; conciare uno pel di delle feste, to give one a good dressing or drubbing Conciatelti, sm. slater, tiler, thatcber Conciato,-a, adj. repaired, set off, neat Concialore, sm. currier, tanner Conciatura, sf. adjusting, dressing Conciazione, sf. mending, sewing, dressing Concidere, va. 2. /rr. (710.) to cut in pieces Conciero, sm. mending, adjustment , repair Concij,'lio, sm. (po.) council, assembly Conciliabile, adj. reconcilable, that may be conciliated Conciliabolo , conciliabulo , sm. conventicle , an assembly of schismatic prelates Conciliaraento, sm. conciliation Conciliare, DO. \. to conciliate, reconcile; con- ciliAre la fame , il sfinno , to procure an appetite, induce sleep ; conciliarsi, to capti- vate, get one's self good will, be or become reconciled Conciliare, adj. consistorial, of the council Conciliamiente, adv. in a cdnsistory Conciliative, -a, adj. conciliating Conciliate, a, adj. conciliated, reconciled Conciliatore, -trice, smf. a peacemaker Conciliat6rio,-a, adj. conciliatory Conciliazione, sf. agreement, reconciliation Concilio, sm. council, assembly , consistory; ecumenico, generale, ecumenical, general council ; convocare un Concilio , to call or convene a Council Conciliuzzo, sm. sj'nod, clerical assembly ConcimAre, t>a. 1. to manure, Improve (land) Concimato,-a, ailj. manured, fattened Concimatore, -trice , smf. manurer , one who manures lands Concime, gin. a mending, manure, c&mpost Concinnita,-ate,-ade, f. (po.) elegance Conci'nno, a, adj. elegant Concio, si/i. agreement, drnamcnt, attfre, ma- nure, c&mpost; venfrein c6ncio, to be pr&- per, suitable expedient, seasonable; inc&n- cio adv. cxp. ready, in readiness C6ncio,-a, adj. dressed, set off, elegant ; mal c&ncio, ill-used, in a bad plight Concioffosseche, conj. i since.se'eing. ConciofTossecosa, conciossiache J in as much Concioffossecosache,conciossia- ] as cosach6* Concionante, sm. 6rator, haranguer Concionare, ran. i. to harangue, preach (lot) Concionat6re, sm haranguer, preacher Concione, sf. harangue, speech, sermon Concisamente, adv. concisely, briefly Concisi≠ nf. the cutting off, concision Concise, a, adj. concise, laconic, short Concistoriale, adj. consist&rial ConcistSrio, sm. c6nsistory Concitamenlo, sm. emotion, incentive, tumult Concisare, t-a. 1. to, stir up, excite, prov&ke Concilalfvo, -a, adj. incentive, encouraging Concitato,-a, adj. stirred, moved, provoked Concitat6re,-tn'ce, smf. an instigator C'^ncitazi&ne, sf. concitation, v. Concitamento Concittadfno, -a, smf. fellow citizen Conclamazione, sf. outcry, shout, hubbub Conclave, sm. a conclave , a close assembly Conclavio, sm. cabinet, closet, small room Conclavista, sm. member of the c6nclave Concludente, adj. concludent, decisive Concludentemente, adv. conclusively Concluilenza, sf. concludency, conclusiveness Concludere, va. 2. i'rr. to conclude, fix, end, shut up, confine, include Conclusi6ne, sf. conclusion, c&nseqnence Conclusi6ne (in) arft'. exp. in short, finally Conclusionetta, sf. little inference, thesis Conclusivam^nte, adv. conclusively Conclusfvo, -a, adj. conclusive, decisive Concluso, -a, adj. concluded, shut up Concoidale, adj. (mm.) conchoidal Concoide, sf. (geom.) conchoid Cdncola, sf. v. Catino, bacile Concoldre, adj. of one c61or ConcomilSnle, adj. concomitant, concurrent Concomitanza, sf. conc6mitance, union Concordante, adj. concordant, conformable Concordanteme'nte, adv. v. Concordevolmente Concordinza, concordagione , sf. agreement, conformity, concordance, fitness Concordare, ran. to reconcile , make friends, vn. to concord, agree together , be unani- mous, conform Concordatamente, adv. unanimously Concordato, sm. convention, compact, concor- dat (between the Pope and a temporal Sov- ereign) Concordato, -a, adj. unanimous, agreeing Conc6rde, adj. conformable, like, similar; di Concorde parere, of the same opinion Concordemente, adj. unanimously, with one accfird Concordcvole, adj. conformable, agreeable Concordevolmente, adv. agreeably, conform- ably, unanimously Concordia, sf. c&ncord, unanimity, harmony; mettere a concflrdia , tc reconcile , make friends , di pari concordia , with one con- sent; di concfirdia,with one accdrd (rile Concorporare, va. 1. to concorporate, incorpo- ConcorporAto, -a, adj. incorporated, emb6died Concorrente, adj. concurrent, ro-6perating CoDcorrente, smf. competitor, rival, opponent Concorrenza, sf. competition, rivalship Concorrere , vn. 2. irr. to flock to (a place) , concur, cooperate, dispute (a thing) with; to compete for; concorreranno alia meda- glia quelli soltanto che, ecc., the medal will be competed for only by such as etc. nor, rude; - fall, s6n, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem, as CON 160 CON Concorrimento, sm. concourse, confluence Concorritore, -trice, smf. one who concurs Concorso, sm. concourse , crowd, throng; meeting , competition ; !o stato di concorso del fallito (law), the bankrupt's estate; an- dare a concorso, lo compete (for a place, a prize, etc.); dare per concorso, to give away by competition; mettere a concorso, to put up for competition adj. met, agreed, united Concotto, -a, arf;. done, digested, concocted Concozione, .*/". concoction, maturation Concreare, va. 1. lo create, produce together Concrealo, -a, adj. innate, inherent, natural Concreazione, sf. joint creation, production Concredere; va. 2. irr. (ant.) to believe with, intrust Concreditore, -trice, smf. joint-creditor , who intrusts Concrelare, va. \. to concrete Concrete, -a, arf;. concrete Concrezione, sf, concretion, coagulation Concubina, sf. concubine, mistress Concubinario, sm. who keeps a concubine Concubinato, sm. concubinage Concubinesco, adj. of a concubine Concubinetta, sf. little concubine, miss Concubito, sm. lying, steeping, together Conculcabile, aJj. deserving to be trampled on Conculcamento, sm. trampling with the feet Conculcare, ca. 1. to trample upon, spurn Conculcato , -a, adj. trampled under foot Conculcatore, -trice, smf. oppressor, spiirner Conculcazione, sf. trampling upon, spurning Concudcere, va. 2. irr. to concoct, digest Concuocimeoto , sm. v. Concozione Concupire, va. 2. (po.) to covet, desire Concupiscenza, -enzia, sf. concupiscence, lust CoDCUpiscere, va. 2. irr. (po.) to long for Concupiscevole, -ibile, adj. conciipiscible Concupiscibilita, -ate, -ade, sf. concupiscence Concupiscivo, -a, adj. concupiscible Concussare, va. \. to shake, move , agitate Concussatore, sm. shaker, commotioner Concussionario, sm. extdrtioner , exacter Concussione, sf. concussion, extortion, shock Concussivo, -a, adj. conciissive , shaking Concusso, a, adj. concussed, shaken Condanna , sf. condemnation, sentence ; pro- nunciare condanna , to pass sentence ; su- bire condanna, to suffer judgment; subire la propria condanna, to undergo one's sen- tence Condannabile, adj. condemnable, culpable Gendannagione, sf. v. Condanna Condannamento, sm. sentence, doom Condannare, va. 1. to condemn, sentence; in contumacia (law) to give judgment against one in a state of contumacy; opinion!, dottrine, lo explode opinions, doctrines; ad una multa, to fine Condannato, -a, adj. condemned, blamed Condannatore, sm. eondemner, judge Condannatorio, -a, arf/. condemnatory Condannazione, sf. condemnation , doom Condannevole, ndj. condemnable, blameable Condebitori, snip, joint-debtors Condecente, adj. decent, becSming, proper Condecentemente, adv. decently, properly Condecorare, va. 1. to decorate, adorn, deck, ornament Condegnamente, adv. worthily Condegnitii, sf. dignity, worth, condignness Condegno, -a, arf;'. condign, worthy Condennare, va. 1. (ant.) v. Condannare Condennazione, sf. v. Condanna Condensabile, adj. condensable Condensabilita, sf. condensability Condensamento, sm. condensation, thickness Condensare, va. \. to condense, thicken Condensarsi, vrf. to grow Ihick, condense Condcnsato, -a, adj. condensed, thick, dense Condensatdre, sm. (phys.) condenser Condensazione, sf. condensation, thickening Condenso, -a, adj. (po.) condense, thick Condeputato, sm. fellow-deputy Condescendenle, ailj. v. Condiscendente Condescend^nza, sf. v. Condiscendenza Condescendere, en. 2. irr. v. Condiscendere Condescensione, sf. v. Condiscensione Condescensivo, -a, adj. condescending Condesceso, -a, arf;'. v. Condisccso Condicere, DM. 2. irr. to become, v. Confare Condimento, sm. seasoning, sauce, condiment Condire, va. 5. to season, pickle, preserve Condiscendente, arf;'. condescending, affable Condiscendenza, sf. condescendence , conde- scension, compliance Condiscendera , CM. -2. irr. to descend with, condescend, yield Condiscendimento, sm. descent with, deference Condiscensione, sf. condescension, affability Condisceso, -a , adj. condescended complied with Condiscepolo, sm. school-fellow, condisciple Condisi, sm. (hot.) white hellebore Condito, -a, adj. seasoned , dressed , pickled; condito di senno, judicious Condito, -a, adj. (po.) built, raised, erected Conditore, sm. founder, author (lot.) Conditura, gf. seasoning, v. Condimento Condividere, c. 2. to share with others Condivisidne, sf. division among several Condizionale, adj. conditional, restrictive Condizionalmente, adv. cendilionally Condizionare, va. 1. to enable, qualify Condizionarsi, vrf. lo qualify one's self Condizionatamente, adv. conditionally Condizioncella, sf. a pretty good condition Condizionato, -a, adj. fit, able, qualified, con- ditioned ; ben condizionato, well conditioned Condizionato, sm. condition Condizione, sf. condition, rank, situation; implicita, sotlinlesa, implied condition; Fate, mete, bile, note, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub; - far, pique, CON 161 CON resolutdria (latv), condition siibseouent; sospensfva (law), condition precedent; vio- lazione d' una condizione, breach of a con- dition ; osservanza d' una condizione , per- formance of a condition; inosservanza d'una condizione, non performance of a condition; sotlo condizione die , on , upon condition that, with a proviso that; senzacondizioni, unconditional, unconditionally ; fare una condizione, to make a condition; osservare una condizione, to perform a condition ; nes- suna cundizidne va esente dal dolore , no decree is free from s6rrow Condizi6ne (a), adv. ex/;, updn condition Condoglianza , condolenza , sf. condolence; ISltera, visita di condoglianza, letter , visit of condolence; debbo largli le mie condo- glianze, I must condole with him, I must offer him my condolence Condolersi, erf. 2. irr. to complain, grieve, condole (with) Condoininio, SM. joint-power, dominion Condonabile, adj. pardonable, excusable Condonare, va. 1. to pardon forgive, excuse Condonatore, sm. forgiver, pardoner Condonazidne, sf. pardon, forgiveness Conddre, sm. (orn.) condor Condolta, sf. conduct, deportment, escort ; disordinata, disorderly conduct; regola- re, normale, drderly .steady conduct; fran- ca, leale, round dealing; da galantudmo, fair dealing; catliva condolla . misconduct, misbehaviour; cerlificatodi buona condolta, testimonial of good conduct; essere uomo di condolta, to conduct one's self well, properly Condoltiera, sf. conductress, manager Condotliere, s>n. conductor, leader, carrier Condollo, sin. conduct, way, road, path, con- duit, canal, aqueduct, pipe adj. conducted, done, followed Conducente, adj. conducing, contributing Condiicere, va. 2. irr. v. Condiirre Conducevole, adj. conducive, favorable Conducibile, adj. conducible, conducing Conducimenlo, sm. conduct, management Conducitore, sm. couiJiictor, teacher, captain Conducitrice, sf. conductress, governess Conduplicazione, sf. duplicate, repetition Condiirre, va. 2. irr. to conduct, lead, bring, steer; to persuade, induce, bring to, accom- pany to; al puscolo; to graze, to tend (grazing cattle) ; a spasso , to take one out (for a walk); a fine, a compimento, to finish, complete, acc&mplish; a buon porlo.lo bring safe into harbour ; (fig.) to ac- complish happily , prosperously; in un luogo, to go or come to a place; condursi, vrf. to conduct one's self, to behave; condursi alia presenza di uno, to wait upon a person Condullibile , adj. (pltys.) capable of being conducted Conduttibilita, (p/i//s. ) conductibility Condulto, sm. (ant.) conduct, direction, car* Condutto, -a, adj. (po.) conducted, carried Conduttore, sm. conductor, leader, guide, guard, monitor, tutor, tenant, lodger Condultura, sf. journey, transport, carriage Conduzione, sf. v. Conducim6nto; (law) loca- tion, leasing on rent Cones labile, sm. the lord hfgb constable Coneslabilerfa, sf. high constableship Confabulare, VH. \. to confabulate, chat Confabulatore, -trice , smf. pralter, one who talks familiarly (talk Confabulatorio, -a, adj. belonging to familiar Coofabulazione, sf. confabulation, confab Confacente, adj. suitable, convenient, proper Confacenza, sf. v. Confacimento Confacevole, adj. fit, proper, just, suitable Confaccvolezza, sf. suitableness Confacimento , sm. v. fitness, suitableness, propriety Confarsi, vrf. 1. irr. to become, suit , agree , fit; siflatio discorsonon si confa ad un par vostro , such talk don' t suit , or don' t be- come a person like you Confarrazione, sf. confarrealion (the solemni- zation of marriage among the Romans, by a ceremony in which the bridegroom and bride tasted a cake of flour) Confastidiarsi, vrf. 1. to tire, v. Annojarsi Confederamento, sm. alliance, league Confederando, -a, adj. that should be allied Confederarsi, vrf. 1. to confederate Confederativo, -a, adj. confederate Confederate, -a, adj. confederate, leagued Confederate, sm. a confederate, ally Confederazione, sf. confederacy, alliance Conferente, adj. conferring, besl6wing Conferenza, sf. conferimento, in. conference Conferire, iin. 5. to confer with, consult, im- part, best6w , confer , collate , do good , be beneficial; la cavalcalaconferiscepiual ca- valio che al cavaliere, riding is more bene- ficial to the horse than to the rider Conferitore, -trice, smf. conferrer , one who confers, bestows Conferma, confermazione, sf. confirmation Confermaroeuto, sm. sanction, approbation Confermare, va. 1. to confirm, ratify, approve Confermativo, -a, adj. confirmatory Confermato, -a, adj. confirmed, approved Confermatore, -trice, smf. confirmer, altester Confermazioue, sf. confirmation, approbation Confermo, a, adj. v. Confermato Conferva, sf. (bol.) conferva (tubular , jointed water-weeds) Confessamento, sm. confession, declaration Confessare , van. I. to confess, acknowledge, own , avow ; confessarsi , to confess to a priest, to confess one' s self Conl'cssato, -a, adj. confessed, declared Confessatore, sm. confessor, T. Confessdre nfir, rude ; - fall, son, bull ; - fare, do; - by, lymph ; poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem , as Diz. Hal. Ing. 11 CON 162 CON Confessionale, -ario, sm. confessional, confes- sionary, confession-chair Confessionale, adj. confessionary, pertaining to confession Confessione, sf. confession, declaration, faith Confesso, -a, adj. confessed, ackn&wledged Confessore (confess6ro, ant.), sm. confessor Confeltare, t>a. I. lo confect, preserve, sweeten ; confellare uno, to fawn upon a person Confettato, -a, adj. confected, preserved, mixed Confellatdre, T. Confeltiere Confeltiera, sf. sweel-m6at box, crystal jar Confelliere, sm. cdraflt-maker , confectioner, dealer in preserves Confetto, sm. sweet-meat, sugar-plum, etc. adj. confected, preserved, pickled Confeltura | sf. preserves, sweet-meats, c5m- Confezidne ( fits, sugar-plums, mixture Confezionare, ra. i. to confect, preserve, mil Confiocamento, sm. the driving in nails Conficcare , va. \. to nail , fasten , thrust in , drfve in, fix (in the memory) Conficcato, -a, adj. nailed, fixed, impressed Conficcatiira, sf. the nailing, fastening, fixing Conficere, va. 2. irr. to consecrate; to confect Confidamento, sm. I strong hope, trust, con- Confidanza, sf. \ fidence, faith, parole ConOdare, tn. 1. to triist, confide , rely upon Confidarsi, vrf. to give one's self up to, rely on, confide Confidato, -a, adj. conffded, assured Confidejuss6re, sm. (law) cobail, cosurety Confidante, adj. confiding, c&nfident Confidente, smf. a confidant, trust-worthy friend Confidentemente, adv. c6nfidently Confidenza, sf. confidence, trust , assurance , sure and certain hope, intimacy, se'crecy Confidenziale, adj. confidential, trusty, secret Confidenziario, sm. be who holds in trust Confido, sm. (ant.) confident, v. Confidente Configgere, ta. 9. irr. to nail, pierce, fix with nails, T. Conficcare Configurare, ra. 1. to configure, form, disp6se in a certain figure or shape Configurarsi , vrf. 1. to take the form , figure Configurate, -a, adj. like, made like ConGgurazi6ne, sf. configuration Confinante, adj. contiguous, bordering Confinare, con. 1. to confine, limit, bound, set bounds, border upon, be contiguous, banish Conlinario, -a, adj. of the confines Conlinarsi, vrf. to confine, limit one's self Confinato, -a, adj. confined, bounded Confinazi6ne, sf. the establishing of limits Confine, sm. confines, boundaries, limits Confingere, va. 2. irr. to counterfeit Confirmare, va. 1. v. Confermare Confisca, sf. confiscation , f6rfeiture , forfeit; sopgetto a confisca, (law) liable to confisca- tion , forfeiture; incorrerc la confisca di , perdere per confisca, to forfeit Confiscabile, adj. confiscable, forfeitable Confiscamento, sm. T Confiscazione Confiscare, vn. \. to confiscate, forfeit Confiscate, -a, adj. confiscated, forfeited; a profitto dello Stato, confiscated to the king, queen Confiscazione, sf. confiscation, forfeiture Confitente, adj. confessing, acknowledging Confitto, -a, adj. pierced or fixed with nails, stuck, imprinted, engraven, crucified Couflagrazione, sf. conflagration Conflatile, adj. that may be melted (by heat), founded (in a mould), cast, smelted Conflato, -a, arf;. (po.) joined together ConOItto, sm. conflict, contest, cdmbat, fight Confluente, sm. and arf;. c6nflux, conlluent Confluenza, sf. confluence., junction, union Confondere , ra. 2 irr. to coufdund, jumble , mix; to confuse, perplex, discompose, abash; to destroy, precipitate, waste Confondersi, vnrf. to get confused, perplexed Confondibilc , arf;'. that may be confounded, confused, perplexed Confondimento, sm. confusion , trouble, ruin Confondit6re, sm. confounder, destrqj-er Conformare, van. I. te conform, assimilate Conformarsi, vrf. to conform one's self Conformativo, -a, arfj. conformable, similar Couformato, -a, arf;. conformed, regular Conformazione, sf. conformation, disposition Conforme, arfj conform, suitable, agreeing Conforme , conformemente , arfu. conforma- bly to, agreeably to, in conformity with, pursuant to Conforme'vole, arf/. conformable, agreeable Conformista, smf. conformist Conformila,-ate, -ide, sf. confdrmity Conforlabile, adj. admitting comfort, that may afford comfort, consolation Confortagidne, sf. j comfort , assistance, Confortamento, sm. \ ease, relief Confortante, adj. c8mforting, heartening Confortare, t-a. 1. to comfort, console, hearten, corroborate, fortify, incite, egg on; con- fortire il cane all'erta, to egg one on to do a thing; confortarsi , to h6pe strongly, to flatterone's self that; conforlarsi con gli aglictti, to feed upon vain hopes Confortativo, -a, adj. strengthening Confortato, -a, adj. comforted, strengthened Confortat6re, -trice, smf. comforter, cons6ler; a buon confortatore con dolse mai la testa, prov. exp. it is iasy for a happy man to give (good) advice to the unfortunate Confortatorio, -a j arfj. consolatory, comfor- Confortevole, j table, strengthening Confortazione, sf. j comfort , heartening , Conforto, sm. j 6ase, encoiiragement Conforterla, sf. a place -where persons sen- tenced to death receive the comforts of religion Confortinajo, sm. ginger-bread baker, seller Confortino, sm. ginger-bread, spice cakes, etc. Fate, met*, bit*, n6t*, tulx; - fat, met, bit, ndt, tub; - far, pique, CON 163 CON Confdsso, sm. (fort.) barbacan Confrato, confratello, sm. friar, br6tber Confraternila, sf. fraternity, brotherhood Confredfglia, sf. assembly of bad people Confrirare, confricarsi, van. \. to rub, fret Confricato, -a, adj. riihbed against, fretted Confricazione, sf confrication, friction Confroniamento, confronto, am. confronting Confrontare, vn. \- to confront, compare Confrontato, -a, adj. confronted, compared Confrontazione, sf. the confronting Confuagire, vn."2 to fly for help, v. Rifuggfre Confusamente, adv. confusedly, pell-mell Conlusetto, -a, adj. s&mewhat confused Confusione, sf. confusion, trouble, disorder; shame Confuso,-a, adj. confused, obscure, indistinct, abashed; alia confusa, confusedly Confulabile, adj. that can be refuted Confulamento, sm. confutazione,/" refutation Confutare, va. i. to confute, dispr6ve, refute Confulalfvo,-a, adj. v. Confutatorio Confutato, -a, adj. confuted, disproved Confutatnre, sm. disprover Confutatririo, adj. proper to refute Congaudere, vn. 2 /IT. (po.) to rejoice together Congedare, m. \. to dismiss, give leave CoiigeJo , sm. leave, permission, farewell; (mil.) discharge, furlough, fiirlow; in con- gedo (mi/.}, on furlough; dar congedo , to dismiss, send away, t '/.) to discharge, to furlough ; premier congedo , to take one's, leave, bid farewell Congi-gnamento, sm. collecting, union Conpcynarc, VH. \. to connect, join, intrust Congelabile, adj. congealable , tbat may be congealed Congelamento, sm. congelation Congelare, raft. 1. to congeal, coagulate, fix Correlate), -a, adj. congealed, concrete Congelazioiie, sf. congelation Congeneo, congenilo,-a, adj. cognate, begot- ten or born together Congenere, adj. of the same kind, congenerous Corigentura, sf. (ant.) v. Congiuntura Congerie, 'sf. (po.) heap, mass, congeries Congi stione, sf. (metl.) congestion Congcllura. sf. conjecture, supposition Congelturahile, adj. conjccturable , that may be conjectured, guessed Congcltuiale, adj. conjectural, hypothetical Congetlurare, t'a. 1. to conjecture, suppose Conghiellura, sf. conjecture, guess; falsa conghiettura, mistonjecture, wrong surmis Conghiclturalc, adj. conjectural, hypolhelica Copgktellurare, va. I. to conjecture, guess Congliit'iluralo, -a, adj. conjectured, guesse Coiifihietluratore, sm. conjeclurer, guesser Congiario, //i. a gift to the Hdraan soldiery Congialo, congio, sm. (mil.) leave, v. Conged Congiugare, ecc. v. Conjugare, ecc. (unite Congiugnitore, -trice, smf. be, she who joins ]ongiugnitura, sf. a joint, ream, juncture Congiugnere I va. 2. irr. to join, match, ongiiingere I annex, cohabit, be near; in matrimonio, to unite in marriage, to conjoin }ongiungimento, s. jiinctiun, union longiunla, sf. wife, consort, partner ^ongiunlamente, adv. together, jointly ]ongiunl(vo,-a, adj. conjunctive, joined longiuntfvo, sm. conjunctive (mood of verb) Longiunto, sm. a relative, relation, kinsman; i congiiinli, the near and d^ar a, adj. joined, related, allied ongiuntiira, sf, union, joint, juncture, crisis jongiunzidne, sf. conjunction, conjuncture Conjsiura, sf. congiuramento , i. conspiracy; fare, ordire una congiura , to form a con- spiracy ^ongiurante, sm. and adj. plotter, conspiring longiurare, van. 1. to conspire, plot, conjure ^ongiurato, -a, adj. conjured, conspired longiurato, congiuratore, sm. conspirator jongiuraziooe, sf. conspiracy, conjuration jonglobato, -a, adj. conglobate, accumulated Conglobazione.s/ 7 . co nglobalion, accumulation Jonglomerare, va. 1. to conglomerate, to collect, gather into a round body or mass ]onglnmeralo,-a, adj. conglomerate ^onglutinameuto, sm. conglutination Conglutinare, va. I. to conglutinate ^onglutinativo,-a, adj adhesive, viscous []ongluiinalo, -a, adj. united together, glued Lk>nglutinazione, sf. conglutination, slicking Congratulare, ran. 1. to congratulate, rejoice with; congralularsi (rallegrarsiicon alcuno delle sue felicita, to congratulate a person on his happiness, good fortune Congratulatore, trice, smf. cong'ratulator , one who offers congratulations Congratulatdrio, -a, adj. congratulatory Congralulazione, sf. congratulation Congrega (congreganza, ant.), sf. congre- gation Congregabile, adj. that may be congregated, gathered, assembled Congregamenlo, sm. assembly, meeting Congregare, va. \. to assemble, collect CongregatOj-a , ndj. congregated, assembled Congregazione, ,*f. congregation , assembly Congresso, sm. congress, meeting, assembly; il Congresso Americano, the American Con- gress; il Congresso degli Scieoiiati , the Scientific Congress Congrua, nf income (of a rector, curate, etc.) Congruamenle, ado. congruously, suitably Congruenle, adj. congruent, suitable Congruenza, sf. suitableness , cougruence Congruila, .if. congrQity, fitness Congruo, -a, adj. cdugruous. fit, becoming; jus congruo, the right of neighborhood Conguagliare , va. 1. to equilfze , make even Conguagliarsi, vnrf. to become equal nor, rude; - fill , son, bull; - fire, do; - by, Ijmph; p6iie , boyi, foul, fowl; gem, as CON 164 CON CoDguaglio, sm. a levelling, balancing, equal- ization Coniare, va. 1. to coin, bind, lighten Coniato, -a, adj. coined, struck, bound Conialore, sm. coiner, author, inventor Coniazione, 6 1 /". coinage Conica, sf. \gcom.) c6nics Conicamente, adv. in form of a cone, conically Conico, adj. conic, c6nical, in the form of a cone Conjetlura, sf. conjecture, v. ConghieUura Conil'ero, sm. (hot.) conifer; couiferi , smp. (hot.) conKera; conffero , -a, adj. (bol.) co- niferous, bearing cones Coniforme, adj. coniform, conical Conigliera,-ena, sf. warren, rabbit burrow Coniglio, sm. rabbit, coney, cony ; aver i co- nigli in corpo, to be as timid as a hare Conigliolo,-uzzo, sm. young rabbit Conio, sm. wedge, coin , puncheon; femmina da conio, a -whore; conj dei peunoni (mar.) the cleats of the yard-arms Conjugabile, adj. (gram.) that may be conju- gated (m6nial Conjugale, adj. c6njugal , connubial , matri- Conjugare, va. i. to conjugate, join, unite Conjugalo,-a, adj. conjugated, married Conjugazione, sf. conjugation, union, joining Conjuge, srnf. (lat.) consort, partner Conjugio, sm. (po.) marriage., matrimony Con meco , con esso meco , prep. and. pert. pron. with me Connaturale , adj. connatural, natural , con- form, suitable Connaiuralizzare , va. to connaturalize , to connect by nature Connaluralizzato,-a, adj. naturalized Connaturare , va. 1. to make of the same nature Connazionale, adj. mf. ofthe same nation Connessione, connessita, sf. connexion Connesso, -a, adj. connected, joined, linked Conneslabile, Kin. marshal! , v. Coneslabile Connellere, va. 2. in: to connect, join, link , tie; non conneltere, to talk nonsense Connina, sf. (hot.) wild-orach, goose foot Connivente, i/j. conniving, closing the eyes against faults Connivenza, */. connivance, forbearance Connotali, snip, description ; prendere i con- nolati di uno (potice\ to lake the description Connovizio, sm. a fellow novice (of a person Conuiibio, sm. (poet.) marriage, matrimony Connumeraru, va. 1. to reckon, number Connumerato,-a, adj. reckoned, numbered Cono, SHI. a cone (geom. figure) Conocchia, sf. distaff; lilare colla conocchia , to spin with a disialT Conocchiala, sf. a distaff full Conoioale , adj. (geom. ) couoldal , conoldic , conoldical Conoide, sf. conoid (geom.) Conoscentc , adj. knowing, grateful, easily recognised , known; un , an acquaintance, a well informed person, cnnnoissieiir Conoscentemente, adv. thankfully, knowingly Conoscenza , sf. kn6wledge , intelligence , acquaintance; far conoscenza con alciino , to gel acquainted with one, to make acquain- tance wilh one ; godo assai di aver falta la sua conoscenza , happy to have made your acquaintance Con6scere, va. 2. I'IT. to know, understand, try, taste, relish; to take c6gnizance(rico- noscere ) , to acknowledge; di n6me, di farna, to kn&w by name, by reputation; di vista, to know by sight; d'amore, to have carnal kniwledge (of a woman); darsi a conoscere, to make one's self known; far con6scere, to make appear, to prove; cono- scersi di (/or iotendnrsii, to understand, to be skilled or a connoisseur in, to be con- versant with Conoscibile, adj. kn6wable, easily known Conoscimenio, sm. knowledge, judgment Conoscitivo, a,oc//. v.Discernitivo.intellettivo Conoseitore , -trice, smf. a connoisseur (in) good judge (of) Conoscilura, sm. knowledge, sense, judgment Conosciutamente, adv. knowingly Gonosciiito, -a, adj. known, noted , notorious Conoslabile, sm. (ant.) v. Conestabile Conquassabile, adj. that may be shaken Conquassamento, sm. v. Couquasso Conquassare, van. 1. to shatter, bruise, shiver, crush, squash, crash, ruin Conquassalo, -a, adj. shattered, crushed, ruined Conquassatore, -trice, smf. one who shatters, crushes, ruins Conquassazidne , sf. I crash , crush , shock , Conquasso, sm. \ shattering, havoc, riiin; andare in conquasso, to fall to ruin; met- tere , mandare in conquasso , to shatter, break to pieces, destroy, rfiin, waste Conquidere , va. 2. I'T. to alflict, cast down ; (poel.) to subdue, cdnquer, vanquish Conquidersi, vrf. to grieve, fret,_be uneasy Conqufso, -a, adj. (poet.) cast down, grieved, subdued Conquista, sf. a conquest, acquisition; fare una conquista, to make a conquest Cooquistante, conquislal6re, -trice, adj. con- quering , victorious; I' esercito conquista- tore. the conquering army Conquistare, va. 1. to conquer, subdue; un paese nemico , to conquer a country from the enemy Conquistato, -a, adj. conquered, subdued Conquistatore, -trice, srnf. conqueror Conquisto, sm. v. Conquisla Conregnare, vn, \. to reign together Consacrante, sm. consecraior, ordainer Consacrare, va. 1. to consecrate, devote, ded- icate; to crown (sovereigns) Fate, m*(e, bite, n6l, tdbe; - fit, met, bit, n6t, liib; - far, pique, CON 165 CON Consacrato, -a, adj. consecrated, sacred Consacrazione, sf. consecration Consangufneo, -a, adj. near of kin, related Consaneuireita, -ate, -ade, sf. consanguinity Consapevole, adj. cdnscious, acquainted with ; far consapevole. to impart, make kn6wn Consappvolma, sf. kowlcilge , consciousness Consapevolmenle, ade. with knowledge, con- sciously, knowingly Consapienle, adj. (jit.et.) acquainted with Conscendere, vn. 2. irr. v. Condiscendere Conscienza, coscienza. sf. conscience Cfinscio, -a, adj cdnscious, privy to, sensible Conscrillo, -a, adj. c6nscript, registered Conscrivc-re, ro. 2. irr. to enrol, register Con seco , prep, and pers. pron. with one' s self, with him Consecrare, consaprare, ro. \. to consecrate Consecrato, ccnsagrato, -a, adj. consecrated Consecraziftne, sf. consecration Consecutivame'nte, adv. consecutively Consecutivo, -a, adj. consecutive, successive Consecuzione, sf. acquisition Consegna , sf. the consigning or delivering; (mil.) orders (of a post) instructions; ca- porale di consegna (mil.), corporal of a relief; pagampnto neH'allo della consegna, payment on delivery: consesna , the pass- port registrar at a city-gate: forzare la consi'gna, (mil.) to force a sentry: levar la consegna, to rev6ke, to recall orders Consegnare, r/i.l. to consign, Deliver, commit; alia memriria, to hand down to posterity; alle fiamme , to commit , consign to the flames Consegnalario, sm. consignee, trustee Consepnaiivo, -a, adj. fit to be consigned Consegnato, -a, adj. consigned, marked Consepnatore , -trice, tmf. consigner, consi- gnor (trust Consegnazione , sf. consfenment , deposit , Conspguenle , adj. following, ensuing: sm. a consequent ; adv. per conseguente, in con- sequence , therefore ConseguentPmenle, adv. consequently Consepiienza, sf consequence, result Consepmhile, ndj. obtainable, attainable Conseguimento, sm. acquisition, attainment Conseguire, van. 5. to obtain, follow, happen Conseguilare, van. \. v. Conseguire Consegiiitatore, sm. obtainer, acquirer Conseguilo, -a, adj. obtained, acquired Consgnso, SIM. consent , approbation Consentaneo.ofY;' consenlaneous, suitable, fit Consenti ( Dei } , adj. and smp. ( mylh. ) the twelve superior Gods (of heathen Rome) Consentimenlo, sm. consent, acquiescence Consenting, vn. 3. to consent, yield, approve, agree, to allow of Consentito, -a, adj. consented, complied with CqnsenlitAre, -trice, smf. one who consents Conseniienle, adj. consenting to, abetting Consenrie'vole, adj. disp6sed to consent Consepelire, ro. 5. to bury, inter together Consepollo, -a, adj. buried together Conseppellire, T. Consepelire Consequ^nte, adj. T. Conscguente Conserba, sf. v. Conserva Conserrare, ro. \. to shut, close, lock, press together Consertare, vn. \. T. Concerlare Conserlo, -a, adj. iniwined, united Conse'rva, sf. fellow servant (wnan); a safe, pantry, buttery, st6reh6use; conserva d'ac- qua , a reservoir, mill-pond; conserva di piante, a green house, hot-house; conserva, conserve, preserves, preserved fruits or flowers , pickled cabbage , etc. : conserva , fleet of merchantmen; andare di conserva , to go (in company) together; far conserra, to lay in a store Conservabile , adj. that may be preserved Conservadore, sm. conservator, preserver Conservaggio, sm. fellowship in captivity Conservagione, sf. preservation, conservation Conservamftnto, sm. maintenance, support Conservare, va. i. to conserve, maintain, pre- serve, keep; conservatevi.take care of your- self, mind your health Conservative, -a, adj. conservative, fit to keep Conservatojo, sm. magazine, dep6sitory Conserval6re, -trice, smf. a preserver, main- tainer ; aconservalive, m6derale aristocrat, t6ry Conservatfirio, sm. infirmary, conservatory Conservazione, sf. preserving, defence, health Conserve'vole, adj. that will keep Conservo, sm. fellow-servant, help-mate Conse'sso, sm. an assemlily,c6mpany, meeting Conseltaju6lo, sm. a member oTthesame sect' Consettario, sm. a fellow sectarian, sectary Considerabile, adj. considerable, important Considerabilmente, ado. considerably, greatly Consideramdnto, sm. consideration , ndtice Considerando, sm. a subject to he considered Consideranle, adv. considering, atlinlive Considerinza, sf. (ant.) v. Considerazione Considerare, vn. \. to consider, mind, obser- ve , reflect up&n , behdld , view , look at, gaze upon Consideratamfente , adv. considerately , advi- sedly Consideratfvo , -a , adj. taking into conside- ration Considerate, -a, adj. considerate, circumspect Consideratore, -trice, smf. a considerer Considerazi6ne, sf consideration, regard Considerevole, adj. v. Considerable Consigliam^nto, sm. counsel, advice Consiglianle, smf. adviser, busy-body Consigliare, va. 1. to advise, consolidazi6ne, sf. consolidation, funding jOnsolo, sm. (ant.) comfort, relief, alleviation !onsol6ne, sm. grand consul, lord provost ^onscmigliante, adj. v. Consimile jonsomigliare, va. \. to assimilate, conform onsnnante, orf/. harmonious, consonant ; gf. a consonant >onsonantemente, adv. conformably to Consonanza. sf. harmony, cousistency , accord >onsonare, van. 4. to ting or play in unison, to accord, suit, agree , answer lonsono, -a, adj. consonant, agreeing, enrapt ^onsopito. -a, adj. ravished ^onsorella, sf. common sister , sister (nun) ^onsorte, smf. husband, wife, partner ^onsorlerfa, sf. society, family, conformity jOnsorlo, sm. (on/.; companion, partner, as- sociate Consorzio, sm. partnership, firm, society Conspergere, ta. 2. irr. (po.) to besprinkle Conspetto, sm. v. Cospetlo Conspicere, va. 2. irr. to look round, see (lat.) Conspicuo, -a, adj. conspicuous, v. Cospicuo Conspirare, van. \. to conspire, complot Conspiralo, -a, adj. conspired, conjured Conspiratdre, -trice, smf. a conspirator Conspirazione, sf. conspiracy Constare, v. monop. n. I. to appear , be evi- dent; to consist, to be made of; cio consta di diverse parti, it is made up of several parts Constatare, va. 1. to ascertain, establish, ve- rify , prove ; to stale , authenticate ; le- galmente, to assign Consternazione, sf. consternation, dread Constipato, -a, adj. close, crowded, costive Constituente, adj. constituent, conslituting Constiluire, va. 5. to constitute, appoint Conslituilo, -a, adj. consliluled, determined Constitutive, -a, adj. constitutive Conslitutore, sm constitute^ appolnter Constituzidne, sf. constitution, order Conslrelto, -a, adj. constrained, biiund Conslrfgnere | vu. 2. i'rr. to constrain , force, Conslringere j oblige, compel, tie, bind Conslringimento, sm. constraint, violence Conslruire, va. 3. to construct, build, construe Conslrullo, sm. advantage, profit, effect, gain, construction ; in construtto, in effect Conslrutto, -a, adj. built, raised, constructed Construtlura, construzione ; sf. slriiclure Consuetamente, adv. as usual, commonly Consuetare, vn. \. to be accustomed, used to Consueto, -a, adj. accustomed, usual Consuetudinario , -a , adj. habitual , custo- mary Consiieludine, sf. custom, habit, use, practice Consulare, adj. consular, v. Consolare Consulente, adj. (be) that is consulted Consulta, sf. consultation, consult , council FaU, mel, bite, note, tube; - fat, met, bit, ndt, liib; - far, pique, CON 167 CON Consul lire, van. \. to consult, deliberate ; insieme, to concert , contrive Consullativo, -a, adj. v. Consultfvo Consullato, -a, adj. consulted , deliberated Consullatore, -trico, smf. consulter, one who consults, asks counsel or information Consnllazione, sf. consultation, consulting Consullivo, -a , adj. fit to be consulted ; aver voto consultivo, to have a r.ght of discus- sion (withifut deciding 1 ) Cousullo, sm. counsel, advice, perscription opinion (of barristers, physicians); uncon- sulto d'avvocato, counsel's opinion Consultore, sin. consulted counsellor, adviser Consukoriamente, adv. prudently, maturely Consultorio, -a, adj. able to give, take ad vice Consuma, .*.['. (ant.) consumption, absorption, waste Consumable, adj. consumable ConsumamentO, sm. consumption , affliction Consumanle , adj. consuming, wasteful Consumanza, sf. (ant. ) wasting; spending, decay Consumare, ra. 1. to consume, lavish, waste; to consummate, perfect, finish; consumar- si, to pine away, waste, long for Consumalivo, -a., adj. consumptive, consuming Coosumaln, sm. jelly-broth, soup a , adj. consumed , used, accomplished, experienced, consummate Consumatore, -trice, smf. consumer, waster Consumazione, sf. consumption , waste Consumo, sm. consumption, waste, decay; inlerno , home consumption ; esterno , foreign consumption Consuntibilo , adj. consumable , that may be wasted Consunlivo, -a, adj. consuming . exhausting Consunlo, -a, at//, consumed, destroyed, wast- ed, worn out, consumptive Consunzinne , sf. consumption, waste, con- summation, end; dare in consunzfone, (mcd.) to be in a consumption, to become consum- ptive ; tendenza alia consunzione , (mcd.) consiimptiveness Consuocero, sm. the wife's father with regard to (lie husband's father and viceversa Consuonare, sm. v. Consonare Consur(ierc, r/. 2. irr. (/><>.) to arise, proceed Consussisienle, adj. existing toghcler Consustanziale adj. consubslantial Consustanzialila , sf. consnbslantiality Consuslanzialmcnle , adv. consubstantially Consustanziazione , sf. consubslanlialion Conlaliile, sm. accountant, calculator, recko- ner book keeper Conlabilita, sf. accounts , book keeping, ac- counts' office Contadinaccio, -a, smf. great clown, rustic Contadiuella, sf. pretty little country girl Contadinello , sm. smart country lad Contadinescameate, adv. v. Villaname'nle Contadin^sco, -a, adj. rustic , rural Conladfno, -a, sm. country-man, woman Contadinollo, sm. a fine young country fellow Contado, sm. country, fields, county, shire Contage, sf. (po.) contagion, plague Contagio, sm. conlagione. /' contagion, plagu* Conta^i6so, -a, adj. contagious , infectious Contamenle, adv. (ant.) v. Acconciamente Conlamenlo, sm. account, number, recital Contaminabile, dj. that may be contaminated Conlaminamcnto, sm. pollution, defilement Conlaminare, va. 1. to contaminate, defile Contaminatamente, adv. v. Urutlamente Contaminate, -a, adj. contaminated, defiled Contaminalore, sm. polluter, corrupler Conlaminazione, sf. contamination, infcclioa Contanle, adj. counting, ready, prompt; da- naro contaole , o contanti , ready money , cash; a conlante, in ready money Conlanza, sf. (ant.) v. Conlezza , knowledge, notice, intimacy Conlare, van. I. to count, calculate reckon, value, esteem, prize , repute , be esteemed , recount, relate; contarla grossa, to relaU something incredible ; conlare senza 1'oste, to reckon without one's h6st Contaslevole, adj. (ant.) litigious, quarrelsome Contalo, &, adj. mentioned, I old counted Contalore, -trice, smf. an accountant, tiller ronlallo, sm. contact, touching, touch, union Conlazione, sf. computation. Y. Contamento C6nle, sm. count (foreign title), earl Contea, sf. county Con leco, camp. pron. with thee , thyself Conteggiamento , conteggio, sm. calculation , reckoning, account Conleggiare, va. -I. to count, compute Conlpgna, sf. (ant. ) a haughty look, proud demeanor Conlegnenza, sf. (ant.) circuit, environs (of a town Contegno, sm. circuit, nook, cfirner, place, aspect, behavior, appearance, pomp, pride, gravity, conceit; camminar in contegno, to walk with a measured haughty pace; start in contegno, to look demure, distant Contegnoso, -a, adj. staid, reserved, proud, grave Conlemperamento, sm. I due proportion, con r Conlemperanza, sf. j stilulion, temper Conlemperare, ra. 1. to temper, proportion Conlemperato, adj. tempered, prop6rtioned Contemplabile , adj. that may be , or worthy to be contemplated Contemplamento, sm. contemplation Contemplanle, adj. contemplating, musing Contemplare, va. \. to contemplate, meditaU Contemplaliva, sf. the contemplative faculty Contemplative, -a, adj. contemplative Contemplate, -a, adj. contemplated , beheld Contemplatore, -trice, smf. contemplalor Coulemplazione, sf. contemplation nor, rude; - fall, s6n, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, b^s, foul, fowl; gem, as CON 168 CON Contemporaneo , -a, adj. contemporary Contemprare, va. \. v. Contemperare Contendenle , smf. conlendent , antagonist ; adj. contending, opposing Contendere , van. 2. frr. to contend , strive , contest, va. to prohibit, bar, hinder Contendevolmente, adv. contentiously Contendimento, SOT. dispute , debate, effort Contendilore, -trice, smf. quarreller, wrangler Conlenente, adj. containing, v. Conlinenle Contenente, adv. directly, v. Incontanente Contenenza, sf. contents, countenance Contenere,t-a. 2. to hdld, include, comprehend, contain , refrain Contenersi , vrf. to stop , forbear , refrain , abstain, to contain one's self, to preserve a serious or grave manner ; da! here , dal rfdere, to forbear drinking, laughing Contenimento, sm. capacity, continence, for- bearance, self-possession , mien Conlenitdre, -trice, smf. container, restrainer Conlennendo, -a, adj. contemptible (lat.) Contennere, va. 2. (po.) to contemn Contentabile , adj. that may be contented , satisfied Contenlame'nte, ado. with pleasure Contentamento, sm. content, joy, pleasure Contentante, adj. satisfying, pleasing Contentare, va. 1. to content, satisfy, gratify Contenlarsi, vrf. to be satisfied, content Conlentato, -a, adj. contented, satisfied Contentatura, sf. v. Contentamento Contentevole, adj. satisfying, sufficient Contentezza, sf. contentment, satisfaction Contentfbile, adj. v. Disprezzabile Contentfvo, adj. that contains or restrains Contento, sm. content, jcy a, adj. content, joyful, pleased Conten6to, sm. the contents, tenor, substance -a, adj. contained, comprised Contenzi6ne, sf. contention, c&ntest, debate Conlenziosamenle, adv. contentiously Contenzidso, -a, adj. contentious, litigious Gonterfa, sf. jet, glass-ware Conterminale, contermino, adj. contiguous Conterrainare, va. 1. to border up6n Contermine, sm. union , junction of confines, bounds Contermino , -a , adj. conterminous , conter- minal , contiguous Conterraneo, -a, adj. of the same country, soil Contgsa t s f. debate , contest , strife, dispute ; venire a contesa, to fall out, quarrel, begin to contend Coflfeso, -a, adj. prohibited, hindered Contessa, sf. a countess Contfissere, va. 2. irr. to interweave, intwfne Contessina, sf. a little or young countess Contessuto, -a, adj. woven, joined together Conlestabile , sm. the lord hfgh constable Contestare, va. 1. to contest, strive, contend; (law) to bring the plaintiff's declaration and the defendants's answer into court , to refer a cause Conlestazi6ne, sf. debate, contest Conlesto. sm. context, concatenation, series s. adj. interwoven , fdrmed Contezza , gf. knowledge, n6lice, advice Conticfnio, sm. dead of nfght, deep silence Conticfno , sm. small account , bill Contigia, sf. ornament; contigie, sfp. adorned shoes Contigiato, -a, adj. adorned, embellished Contiguazi6ne, sf. jproximjty, contiguity, Contiguita,-ade,-atp ( vicinity, nearness Contfguo, -a, adj. contiguous, adjacent Contfna, sf. intermittent fever (ant.) Continental, adj. continental Conlinente.orf/. containing, continent, chaste Continent?., sm. c&ntinent, mainland Continentemente, adv. chastely Continenza , sf. the act of containing, c6nli- nence, chastily, deportment Contingente. adj. contingent, casual, eventual sm. contingent, share, quota, dividend Contingentemenle, adv. contingency, casually Conlingenza , ,/". conlingcuce, casualty Contingere, en. 2. irr. to happen, fall out Contingfbile, adj. casual, fortuitous, eventual Contingibilita, sf casually, eventuality Conlinova, sf. continual leter, v. Conlinuo Continovare, and deriv. v. Continuare Conlinuamente, adv. continually, always Conlinuamento, sm. continuation, continuity Conlinuanza, sf. v. Conlinuazione Continuare, van. I. to continue, last, persevere Continuato, -a, adj. continued, uninterrupted Conlinuat6re,-trice,swi/'. conlinualor, successor Conlinuazione, sf. I continuation, duration, Conlinuila,-ate,-ade | assiduity, constancy Continue, sm. continuity, connexion -a, adj. continuous, continual (di, del, al) adv. rxp. always, etc. Conlista, sm. (pi. -sti) v. Computista onto , sm. account , reckoning , bill , compu- tation, calculation , relation, story; conto aperto o acceso, an opened or 6pen account; spento , a closed account; corrente, an account current; conti cliiari amicfzia lunga,( clear accounts) short reckonings make long friends; portate il conto, bring the bill or account; fo conlo di parlfre. domani , I intend to start to-m&rrow; in verun conlo, on no account, by no means; dugento franchi a cooto, two hundred francs on account ; udmo di conto, a man ofweight; saldare un conto, to balance an account; verificire un conlo, to audit an account; fare un c&nlo, to cast up an account; conto di vendita, account sales; libro di conti, account book ; per conto di , on account of; non far conto di , to despise , make no account of; non mi torna a conlo , 1 don't find my account in it; rendele conto di, File, mtU, bfte, n&t. (paint.) in a counter-light, against the light Contralto. sm. the counter-tenor Conlramalia, sf. counter-charm Conlrammarca, sf. a counter-mark, check Contrammandare, ra. 1. to countermand Contramroandalo, sm. a countermand -a, adj. countermanded Conlrammarcia, sf. (mil.) counter-march, counter- movement Conlrammarea , sf. an unusual tide, counter tide Contrarnmina, sf. countermine Conlramminare, va. 1. to countermine, defeat Contrammiraglio, sm. rear admiral Conlrammomento, sm. counterpoise, equipoise Conlramuro, sm. (for.) counlermure, con- tramure Conlraunalurale, adj. contrary to nature Conlram'so, sm. T. Conlrasfdrzo Conlraoperazione , sf. contrary action , c6n- trary effect Contra parte, sf. counterpart, second part Contraperlura, sf. (stirg.) sort of incision Contrapolenza, sf. resistance, opposition Conlrappassare, vn. 1. to retaliate, to return like for like Conlrappasso, sm. retaliation, like for like; (dancing) counter-pace, counter-step Contrappelo, sm. the wrong side, against the (hair ) grain ; andare a contrappelo , to go against the grain (hair) Conlrappesam6nto, sm, equilibrium Conlrappesare, va. 1. to counterbalance, to weigh, compensate, examine Conlrappesalo, -a, adj. counterbalanced, weigh- ed, examined Conlrappeso, sm. counterpoise, weight Conlrappolizza, sf. counter bond Contrapponimenlo, sm. opposition, parallel Contrapp6rre, ra. 2. frr. to oppose, compare Contrapporsi, vrf to cross, tbVart, oppose Conlrapporzione, sf. opposition, obstacle Coulrapposizione, xf. v. Conlrapponimento Contrap|i6sto, .fm. resistance, opposition, pass ~~-a, adj. c&nlrary, oppdsed Conlrapprocci.sm/j. (/or;.) counter-approaches Contrappuutista, sm. composer (if music) Conlrappiinlo, sm. counterpoint, composition Contrargine, sm. a dike. or bank parallel to another Conlrariamenle, adv. in a contrary manner Contrariante, adj. contradicting, opposing Contrariare, ra. 1. to contradict, thwart Contrariato, -a, adj, conlrailicied, opposed Contrarieta, -tate, -tade, sf. contrariety, op- position, spite, invidiousness, tribulation Conlrario, sm. the contrary, the reverse -a, adj. contrary, adverse, untoward Conlrario (per lo , al), adv. cxp. on the con- trary Conlrarispondere, va. 2. irr. to rejoin Contrarisposta, sf. counterplea, rejoinder Contrarivoluzionario, -a, adj. counter-revolu- tionary Controrivoluzione, sf. counter revolution Contrarre, va. 2. ir. to contract, unite, gain; matrimonio, debiti, lo contract marriage, debts, to run in debt; abitiidini, lo coo- tract habits ; amicizia, to contract , en- gage, knit friendship Contrarsi, vrf. to shrink up, grow short Contrarte, sf. c'Sunter plot, cross-bite, artifice opposed to another Contraruota di poppa, sf. (mar.) inner post; di prua, apron Contrascambiamento, sm. exchange, truck Conlrascarpa, sf. (fort.) counterscarp Contrascritla, sf. mutual written agreement Contrascrilto, -a, adj. written against Contrascrivere, va. 2. irr. to write against Conlrasforzo, sm. opposite force, repulsion Conlrassenso, sm. contrary sense, misconcep- tion, misconstruction, ministerpn:lalion Contrassegnanle, adj. indicative, pointing out Conlrassegnare, i-a. 1. lo mark, countersign Contrassegnalo, -a, adj. Ci5unlersigned, noted Conlrassegnatiira, s^. counter -signature Conlrassegno, sm. mark, note, token, sign Conlrassigillare, va. I.Jo counterseal Contrassigillo, sm. a counterseal Contraslabile, adj. conleslable, disputable, conlroverlible Conlraslamento, sm. dispute, debate, c6ntrast Contraslarapa, sf. cdunlerproof Contraslante, adj. opposing, cenlending, dis- puting Conlrastanza, sf. v. Contrasto Conlrastare, wi. 1. to resist, opp&se , contest Contraslato, -a, adj. contested, disputed Contrastal6re, sm. opponent, disputant Contrasto, sm. contestation, opposition, c6n- trast Contratt4bile, adj. neg6liable Conlraltagliare, va. 1. to counter-etch Contraliaglio, sm. carving, engraving Conlrallamente, adv. in a contracted manner Contrattamento, sm. T. Conlratlazi6ne Conlrallante, adj. contacting, in treaty Conlrailare, va. 1. lo contract, negdliate; bargain (debiti), va. to contract debts Conlratlazione, sf. the bargaining, dealing Contrattempo, sm. an untoward event, un- Fat, mete, bite, n6tt, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub; - far, pique, CON 171 CON pleasant unforeseen circumstance; far un conlratl6mpo, to perplex a business Contratlempo (ill, a), nilv. exp. unseasonably Conlrattile, adj. contractile, self contracting Ontraitilita, sf. contractility, contraclifoility Conlratlivo, -a., adj. astringent, binding, c6- stivc Contralto, urn. contract, bargain, agreement adj. contracted, impotent, that has lost the use of his limbs Conlrallura, sf. contraction, shrinking Conlravvalere, ran. 2. in: to be equivalent to Contravvallazione, sf. conlravallation Conlravvedere, vu. 2. irr. to look at with an evil eye Contravveleno, sm. counter-poison, antidote Contravvenirc, r/i. 3 to contravene, infringe; break, violate , transgress , offend against; contravvenfre ad una liVge , to transgress, to break or violate a law Contravvenloro, .sm. infringer, violator Cbntravverslta, -tale, -tade, xf contrariety Conlrawenzione , sf. contravention , infrac- tion, offence ( against the regulations of the police); esseru in coulravvenzione , to in- frin^o the regulations; commetlere una con- travvi-nzione (law) to commit an offence Conlrazicne, sf. contraction, shrinking C&ntrc ,.//>. (mar.) tacks of the main and fore sail Conlribuenle, adj. contributing,- concurrent Contrihuire, va. 2. to contribute, concur Conlribuilo, -a, adj. contributed, concurred Conlribulivo , -a , adj. conlribulive , tending to contribute Contritmio, xm. I contribution, quota, pro- Contribuzione, sf. \ portion, levy, tax ;con- tribuzioni diretie, direct taxes, assessed taxes; contribuzioni indirelte, indirect taxes, excise; ulTizio delle contribuzidni indirette, excise oflicu; irupiegalo delle con- tribuzioni indirelte, excise-man; esatlore delle contribuzioni, tax-gatherer; soggetto alle contribuzioni indirette, excisable; esi- gere le conlribuzi6ni, to collect taxes Conlributore, sm. coulribuente, smf. contrib- utor, co-operator ^another Conlrimboscaia', sf. an ambush opposed to Conlr' impannata, sf. I counter \vlndo,Ci)un- Contr' inveiriala, sf. \ ter frame CoDlrirsi, vi-f. 5. to be contrite, repent Conirislamenlo, sm. sadness, sorrow Conlristare, va. to grieve, alflicl, sadden Contrislarsi, i-nif to be allliclud, cast down Contrislalivo, -a, adj. afflicting, grievous Contristalo, -a, adj. afflicted, sorrowful Conlristatore, -trice, smf. afllicler, vexer Conlrislazione, f. v. Contrislamento Conliiiamente, adv. contritely, penitently Conlritare, va. 1. lo pound, grind, pulverize Contrilato, -a, adj pounded, bruised, criishec Conlrilo, -a, arfj. contrite, bruised, crushed 'ontrizioncella, f. a slight contrition >6ntro, prep, against, opposite lo; pro e con- tro , pro and con , for and against; darst c&nlro, to falter, contradict one's self ]ontrocrilica , sf. critical observations on a piece of criticism jonlrofirmare, va. I. to countersign Controllare, va. \. to oversee, control or ver- ify accounts Conlrollo. sm. control, counter-register, audit (of accounts) !3onlrolloro, sm. controller Controprova, conlrostampa, sf. counter-proof ^ontr'ordine, sm. a counter order Jontrosdnso, xm. v. Conlrasenso (doubled jontrosiampalo , -a, adj. (printing) tlhmd , Controslomaco (a), adv. v. Controvolonla Controvare, va. \. (ant.) to invent, suppose, forge Controvato,-a, adj. feigned, fabricated Conlroversia, sf. cdntroversy, dispute Controversisla, sm. (pi. -sti) cdntrovertist (on religion) controversialist, controversy-writer Controverso, -a, adj . debated, doliblful Con'rovertere, va. 2 iir. to controvert Conlroverlibile , adj. controverlible , dispu- Controvolonta, ado. against one's will (table Coolriigiolare, va. \. (ant.) to chop Contubernale , adj. (liilin) conlubernal , per- taining to fellowship in a mess or lodging Conluhernio, sm. (latin) fellowship in a mess or lodging Contumace, adj. contumacious, refractory; sf. (/mi.) v. Contumacia Contumacemente, adv. refractorily Contumacia, sf. (law) c&nlumacy, contempt; (mar.) quarantine CoDlumacia (far), tiff. 1. irr. to be in quarantine Contumacialu, adj. pertaining lo contumacy Contumelia, sf. contumely, abuse Contumeliosamente, adv. contumeliously Conluinelioso, -a, adj. contumelious, abusive Contiindere , va. ^. lo contuse, to bruise by beating Conturbagi6ne, sf. I perturbation, trouble, Coutiubamenlo, sm. | disturbance, agitation, Conturbanza, xf. (ant.) uneasiness Contuibare, va. \. to disturb, perturb Conlurbalivo, -a, adj. ditiirbmg , perturbing Conturbato, -a, adj. disturbed, perturbed Coulurbatore, -trice, smf. a perliirber Conlurbazi6ne, sf. v. Conlurbameuto Contusione, sf. contusion, bruise Contuse, -a, adj. bruised, contused Coniulore, -trice, smf. (law) a joint-guardian, Conlultoche, conlutto. con;, although Conlullocio, adv. however, nevertheless, yet Contuttosiaciocche, v. Uenche, quanlunque Convalescente, adj. convalescent , rec6vering Convalescenza, sf. convalescence, convales- cency , recovery; esscre in convalescenza , to be convalescent, to be in a slate of con- n6r, rude;- fall, s6n, bull ;- fare, do; - by, lymph; poiie , buy*, foul, fowl; gem, as CON 172 CON valescence; entrare in convalescenza, to become or gel convalescent Convalidare, va. \. to strengthen, confirm Convalidarsi, vrf. to recover one's strength Convalidato, -a, arfj. recovered, corr6borated Convalidazione, sf. (Inw) rendering, making Convalle, sf. dale, valley, vale (valid Convegna, sf. (ant.) convention, engagement, compact Convegno, sm. appointment, meeting, assem- bly, congregation, v. Convegna Convellere, r. 2 (merl.) to cause distention Convenente, sm. agreement, engagement, fact, stale, means, way, proportion Convenenza, sf convention, agreement, pro- p6rtion, conformity Convendvole, arfj. suitable, jiist, convenient (il) , im. conformity , the decent , the sui- table , the requisite ; far i convendvoli , to pay compliments Convenerolezza, sf. proprfety, decency Convenevolmenle, adv. in a pr6per manner Conveniente, adj. convenient, fit, decent (il) , the suitable , the just Convenienteraenle, nrfc. convdniently, fitly Convenienza, tf. convdniency, conformity Convenfre , va. 5 to agrde; suit , become , be proper, requisite, fit, convenient, expedient; ci conviene partire, we must set out; con- viene ch'egli lo faccia , he must do it , it is right or proper that he should do it Convenire, va, 5. to convdne, cite, summon Convene, sm. (tint.) convention, v. Convegna Convenlare, ra. 1. to confer a doctor's degree Conventazione , sf. the crowning ( of poets , doctors) Conventicolo, -a, smf. conventicle, mdeting Convenifgio, smf. (little used) convention, agreement Convenifno, conventuccio , sm. small convent Convenlo. sm. meeting, agreement, c6nvent; frale sfralalo non loda il eonvento , a run- away ni6nk never praises his c6nvent Conventa41e, adj. conventual, monastic Convenulo, -a, adj. agreed on, settled; il con venulo, il reo convenuto. (/ntcl the defendant Convenzionale , arfj. conventional , belonging to a convention Convenzionire, vn. 1. to agree, stipulate Convenzione , sf. cSvenant , c&nlracl, agrde- ment ; convention ( Fifnch hist. ); conven- zi6ni matrimonial!, (law) marriage articles Convergdnle, arfj. ccnverging, tending to one Convorgenza, tf. convergence (genm.) point Coavergere , vn. 2. i?r. to converge, to tend to one point Conversa, sf a lay sister in a nunnery Conversamente, adv. on the c&ntrary Conversamdnto, sm. v. Conversaziftne Convrrsanle, arfj. c6nvcrsant, familiar Conversire , va. t. to converse, frequent, keep company with, be familiar with Conversatfvo, -a, arfj. sociable, affable Conversalore, SOT. visitant, speaker ConversaziAne , sf. conversation , conversa- zi6ne , behavior , an evening party, soiree , assembly Conversevole, arfj. sficiable, companionable Conversione, sf. conversion, transmutation Conversfvo , -a , arfj. fit to convert or to be converted Converse , -a, smf. convert, serving-frfar or nun ; il converse, the c&nverse, the contrary -a, arfj. converted, changed turned (per), adv. erp. on the contrary Convertere, va. 2. ir. v. Convertfre Convertfbile , arfj. convertible , transformable Convertimento, sm. change, v Conversione Converlire, va. 5. to convert, mak* a convert, change, turn; la religione converte in bene i mali delta vita, religion converts the evils of life into blessings; convert/re i pecca- tori, to convert sinners Converlirsi, vrf. to turn, be converted Convertilo, -a, adj. converted, changed Converlitore, sm. converter Convertivole, adj. (ant.) v. Convertible Convessita, sf. convexity, convex Convdsso, sm. and arfj. c6nvex. convexed: con- vesso-concavo, convexo c6ncave; convesso- convesso, convexo c6nvex Cotiviare.va. \. (ant.)tn c6nvdy, v. Cnnvogliire Convicino, -a, arfj. adjScent, v. Circonvicfno Convincenle, adj. convincing, clear Convincentemdnie, adv. convincingly Convincere, vn. 2. rr. to convince, persuade, overc6me Convincimdnlo , sm. conviction , persuasion; aver 1' intimo convincimento , to be positi- vely convinced Convinciifvo, -a, adj. persuasive, convincing Convfnto, -a, arfj. convinced, persuaded Convinzione, sf. conviction, confutation Convisital6re, -trice, smf. a companion on a visit Convitante, sm. an invfler, a host, or h6stess Conviiare, va. \. to invite lo a feast Convilato, sm. a guest, one invfted to a feast -a, orfjf, invited, asked to dinner, etc. Convitat6re, -trice, sm. an invfler^to a repast) Convitfgia, .. (sea) frame, frames Coppiere, copiiero, sm. a cup bearer Coppie'lla, sf. small couple, pair Goppo, sm. pitcher, tile, cavity, hollow (of the eyes) Copp6ni, snip, chips, shavings Coprente, adj. covering, biding, dissembling nor, rude, - fall, son, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, buys, foul, fowl; gem, as COP 174 COR Coprime'nto, sm. a c5vering, the act of cover- ing, the copulation of animals -Coprfre, va. 5. irr. lo cover, mask, dissemble, una giumenla , to , c5ver , leap , serve , horse a mare ; la voce , to drown the voice; il telto di tejjole, lotfle; di ar- de'sia, to slate ; di paglia , to thatch ; la ritirala, (mil.) to cover the retreat , -frsi, vrf. to put on one's hat; si copra, put on j onr hat ; si copra bene il seno, cover up your bosom ; il cielo si copre di nuvoli, the sky gets very cloudy opri!6re, sm. that covers, entire h<5rse, etc. ; coprii&re di telii , a tiler , slater , tbatcher Copritura, sf. covering, cover, pretence Copula , sf. copulation , conjunction , union , coupling -Copnlare, va. \. to couple, conjoin, unite Copulalivamente, ado. conjunctively Copulative, -a, adj. conjunctive, copulative Copulilo, -a, adj. paired, conjoined , coupled Corabile, adj. v. Cordiale Coraggiue, gf. (hot.) v. Buglossa Coraggio, sm. courage; heart, b&ldness, bra- very , darine, will; far coraggio, to en- courage, to give courage to, to inspire with courage; farsi coraggio, to pluck up cour- age ,JU> take heart ; rianimare il coraggio , to rouse one's courage, to stir one's spirit; armarsi di coraggio, lo summon up all one's courage ; ave're il coraggio di, to find, have the heart lo ; perdersi di coraggio , to lose one's courage; su vial coraggio! courage! cheer up! Coraggiosamente, adv. courageouly, b6ldlv Corapgioso a., adj. courageous, bold, manly Corale, adj. cordial, hearty, aflectiolale Corallajo, sm. a coral cutter, polisher Corallifero,-a, adj. coralliferous , abounding, in coral Corallina, sf. coralline, sea moss (sea-plant) Corallino,-a, adj. (po.) coralline, of coral Corallo, sm. coral (sea-plant) Corallume, sm, quantity, nature of coral Coralmenle, adv. cordially, sincerely; chorally Corame, am. all sorts of leather, raw-hfdes Corampopolo , ado. exp. (latin) publicly, Corarovdbis, sm. a p6rtly man (openly Corano, sm. the k6ran, alkoran (the Mahom- medan book of faith) Corata.s/'. pluck, milt, liver and lights, haslet, parts near the heart Coralella, sf. liver and lights, chitterlings ~Coralell/na, sf. entrails, intestines Corazza, sf. a cuirass, cuirassier Corazzajo, sm. maker, seller of cuirasses Corazziere, sm. cuirassier Corazzina, sf. small cuirass, breast plate Corazzonc, sm. large cuirass, breast plate Corba, sf. basket, basket full, curbs; corbe di una nave, the ribs or skeleton of a ship Corbacchiooe, sm. great raven, crow Corbaccbione di campanile, sm. ciinningblade Corbaccio, sm. ugly bad r4ven Corbare, vn. 1. lo puff, swell with pride Corbel lare,i'a. 1. to quiz, lo make fun of, laugh at. rally, banter Corbellatore, sm. mocker, jester Corbellalura, nf. mockery, quizzing Corbelleria, sm. a Irille, idle stuff, fudge Corbello, sm. a basket, small basket Corbellone, sm. a large basket Corbezzola, sf. arbute berry, tree-strawberry Corbezzolo, sm. arhule, slrawberry-tree Corbicioo, sm. small yoiing cr6w Cdrbo, sm. (poet.) raven, crow Corbclino, sm. sort of September fig Coihona, sf. common piirse (of priests offlcia- ting a churcli); mellere in corbona, to put asfde, to keep for one's self Corcare, corcarsi, t; Coricare, coricarsi Corda, /". rope, siring ; corda d'arco, a bdw- slring; ballcrino da corda, rope dancer ; corda per ballare, dancing rope, light rope ; corda, the strappado, corda magna (anal.) the tendon of the leg , palla corda, tennis ; a corda, straightway , directly, in a line; strumeuto a corde , stringed instrument; meltere in corde uno strumeuto, lo string a musical instrument; fare alia corda, lo play at tennis; tener uno sulla corda, to keep one in suspense Cordaggio, cocdame, sm. cordage, rigging Cordajo, sm. a rope maker Cordeggiare, vn. \. to be in a line, even with Cordelia, cordellina, */. tape, small cord Cordellare, va. \. to twist, twine, interweave Corderia, sf. rope-manufactory, rope -walk Cordiaco,-a, adj. of the heart Cordiale, sm. cordial , strengthening draught adj. cordial, hearty Cordialita, sf. cordiality, heartiness Cordialmente, ado. cordially, heartily Cordicella,-ina, sf. small cord, pack-lbread Cordiero, sm. superintendent of a rope-yard Cordigliero, sm. cordelier (friar) Cordiglio, sm. girding rope (of friar), band Cordfno. sm. a cobbing bdard, flat bludgeon Cordogliare , van. 1. (ant.) to pily , lament grieve Cordoglio, sm. anguish, heart-grief Cordogliosamente.odu. sorrowfully, bitterly Cordogli6so,-a, adj. sorrowful, lamentable Cordonare, fa. 1. lo surround, bind, gird with a cord or rope Cordonato,-a, adj. edged round Cordoncello, ino, sm. small string, twist, lace Cordone, sm. string, hat-band, loop, line; rib- bon (worn bj knights); ombelicale (anat.) umbilical cord, navel string, (bot.) fiinicle, funiculous, fuuicle-cliord ; sanitario, san- itary cordon; del campanello, bell-pull , bell-rope (maker Cordovauiere , sm. (ant.) cordwainer , shoe- Fate, met*, bite, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, n6t, tub; far, pique, COR 175 - COR Cordovino, t. Spanish leather, Cordovan C<5re, sm. (po.) heart, core, T. Cuore Coregaia, sf. a fart; lira- una coreegia, to let Corcoprafia, sf. chor6graphy (a f-t Coretto, SMI. sort of breast-plate orSrmor for the breast Coriindolo, sm. coriander seed Coriamiro, sm. coriander (plant) Coribanle, sm. a frantic priest of Cybele., co- rybante Coricare, vn. (little used) to go to bed, lie dawn Coricare, va. \ . to lay the sfigar cane, vine, etc. in furrows or underground, to Jay any thing at ils lengih Coricarsi, vrf. to lie down, stretch one's self horizontally, stoop; si cririca il sole, the sun g6es down, is selling, disappears Coricdla, smf. (/jo.) breaker of hearts, Menz. Coridno, sm. little heart Cordidalio, sm. fumiler, fumatory (herb) Corifeo; sm. chie7, leader, principal man orileto, sm. a hazel gr6ve C6rilo, sm. a filbert or hazel-nut tree Corimbifero,-a adj. (po.) bearing ivy-berries Cor/mho, sm. (po.) cluster of ivy-berries Corinfestatrfce, sf. heart tormentor, Chiabrer. Corinlio, corinto. sm and adj. (arch.) Corin- thian order, Corinthian Corio, sm. skin, bide, v. CuAjo Corfsta, smf. (pi. coiisli) a chorister, singer, Corfzza, sf. (med.) a bad c61d in the head , rheum Corlaja, sf. (ant.) pluck, milt, liver Corna, sfp. (of cdrno, sm ) horns Cornaccliia, sf. rook, small cr6w, chatterer Cornacchiamenlo, sm. chit chat, prattling Cornacchiare, vn. to chatter, prattle, prate Cornacchino, sm. young cr6w Cornacchione, sm. a great babbler Cornamenlo, sm. a tingling in one's ears Cornamusa, sf. a bag-pipe Cornamusare, vn. 1. lo play on the bag-pipe Cornare, va. \. to blow (or wind) , the horn (ant. in this sense) ; cornare gli orecchi, to tingle, to feel a kind of thrilling sound Cornaia, sf. blfiw with the horns; menare una cornala, to hit with the horns Cornalore, sm. vho b!6ws, sounds the horn Cornatura. sf. a set of hdrns Cornea, sf. cornea (of Ihe eye) Corneggiare, vn to butt, brandish the h<5rns, shoot out horns <5rneo, -a, adj. hiinisher, prince, master, lord Correggilura, sf. revisal, amendment, reform Correggiuola, sf. knot-grass (herb) Correggiuolo, sm. crucible, T. Crogiuolo Corregoare, va. \. to reign together Correlalivo, -a, adj. correlative Correlazidne, sf. mutual relation , conformity Correligionario, sm. one of the same religion Corrente , sf. current, stream, use; sm. rafter, small joist; eleltrica, electric cur- rent; submarina, underset; d' aria, draught; d'acqua dolce ( mar. ) a fresh; andaretolla correnle, logo with the stream; andare contro la corrente, to go against the stream , to oppose the stream Correnle, adj. current, general, swift, running, usual, common; aqua corrente, running water; conlo corrente, an account current; prezzo corrente , price current , current price; ai due del correule, on the second in- stant; uomo correnle, an accomodatingman; ( corn'vo , hasty ) , prone ; a penna cor- rente, with ease adv. fluently, glibly, with facility Correnlemenle, adv. currently, hurriedly Correnlfa, sf. the centre or current of a river Correnzia, sf. the headlong course , the rush of waters Correo, sm. an accdmplice Correre, vn. 2. irr. lo run, flow, glide, pass on; correre a fiiria, to act rashly; correre un cavallo, to run a h<5rse; correre il palio, to run a race; corre il mio trenlesimo anno, I am in my thirtieth year; correre addosso altrui, to fall upon one; correre la posta, to ride or drive p6st; al tempo che corre , as limes are (or go); correre rischio , forlii- na, ec. , to run the risk; correr nella men- te, perl'animo, to come into one's head, to strikeone ; corre v6ce,itisre ported; fare cor- rer voce, to spread a report; corre differen- ra, there is a difference; monetache corre, money that is current; correr giostra, 1'a- ringo, to joust, tilt, run the gauntlet; cor- rere una forliina di mare ( mar. ) to scud , to run before the wind; correre con forza di vele, to crowd all sails; correre al largo, to stand for the oi'Gng; correre il mare, to infest the seas, to cruize; correre una bor- dala, to run on board in lacking Correria, sf. incursion, inr6ad, attack Correspeltivamente, adv. correlatively, corre- spondenlly Correspettivilk , sf. relation, conformity, af- finity, reciprocal correspondence (sonant Correspeltivo , -a., adj. correspondent, con- Correllamenle, adv. correctly Correllivo, -a, adj. corrective, assuasive Corretto, -a, arf;. corrected, correct, exact Corrett6re, sm. corrector, reformer, rector Correltoria, sf. office of corrector Corretlrfce.s/". monilress, censurer.faull finder Correzionale , adj. ( law ) relative lo misde- meanors ; pena correzionale, penally by fine or imprisonment; tribunale correziouale , court for the trial of misdemeanors Correzione, sf. correction , reform, (print. ) reading, correcting; casa di correzione, house of correction, bridewell; fare una correzione, to make a correction Corridojo, corridore , sm. a corridor, gallery Fatf, met*, bite, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, ndt, tub; - f*r, pique, COR 177 - COR Corrid6re, sm. a scout, rdver, cdurser , racer Corriera, if. mail-coach; (mar.) advice-boat Corriere, tin. courier, messenger, mail Com'gibile, adj. corrigible, mendable Corrimento, sm. course, race, running Corrispondente, sin. a correspondent, trustee Corrispondenle , adj. corresponding suitable Corrisnondentemente, alv. suitably, filly Corrispondenza, sf. correspondence, fitness Corrispondere, vn. 2. irr. to correspond, suit Corrisponsale , adj. and smf. (law) that is surety with another, cosurety Corrisponsione , sf. remuneration, reward, recompense Corritojo, sm. v. Corrid6jo Corrilore, -trice, smf. rover , T. Corrid6re Corrivo , adj. too hasty , 6ver credulous; un corrivo, a silly fellow, a dupe Corroborate, adj. corroborating, fortifying Coroborare, va. \. to corroborate, strengthen Corroborativo, -a, adj. corroborative Corroborate, -a, adj. corroborated, comforted Corroboratore, -trice, smf. fortifier, strength- filer Corroborazione, sf. strengthening, strength Corrodenle, adj. corroding, wasting, biting Corrodeie, r. play things, toys, bawbles Crepuscolo, sm. the twflipht, crepiiscule Crescendo, sm. (mus.) crescendo Crescente, sm. crescent (of the moon) adj. increasing, growing Crescenza, sf. growth, increase, excr&scence Crescere,toi.2. irr. to gr6w, increase, expand; crescere a vista d'occhio, to grow apace Cresce"vole, adj. susceptible of growth Crescimento, crescere, sm. augmentation Cresci6ne, sm. (bol.) water cresses, cresses Crescilore, -trke, smf. increaser, gr6wcr Cresciiilo, -a, adj. increased, grown , gr6wn up, brought up, adiilt Cresciutficcio , -a , arlj. pretty well grown up, rather plump, strong-limbed Cresentina, sf. toast and oil with salt, etc. Cre"sima, crfsma, sf. chrism, confirmation Cresimante, cresimal6rc, sm. anointer Cresimare, va. 1. to confirm , anoint (in bap- tism, confirmation, and extreme unction) Cresimalo, -a. adj. confirmed, anointed Creso, -a, adj. (ant.) (fur credulo) believed Cr^spa, sf. wrinkle, fold, plait, pucker, gather Crespamento, sm. crisping, plaiting, creasing; crespamento di capegli, plait, curl, braid Crespare, van. \. to twist, curl, shrink Crespello, sm. fritter, a crisp cake Crespftio, sm. barberry (wild plum) Crispo, -a, adj. crisped, curled, frizzled Crespone, sf. c6arse woollen crape (stuff) Cresp6so, -a, adj. curled, frizzled, crisp Cresla , tf. crest, tuft, top, head, summit; cresta di gallo, a c6ck's comb; rizzarc, al- zar la cresta (vulg.), to become proud, to get puffed up; abbassare la cresta (vulg.), to be crest fallen Crestaja, sf. milliner, tire woman Creslomazia, sf. (greek) chresl6mathy, a book of extracts Crestdso, crestuto,-a, adj. crested, tiifled n6r,rude;- fall, s6n, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; foul, fowl; gem.ai ORE 182 CRO Greta, sf. ckalk, clay, argil, unctuous earth Cretaceo,-a, adj. chalky, clayey Cretinismo, sin. cretinism, the state of a cretin Cretino,-a, SHI. a Cretin , one of certain de- formed and helpless idiots in the valleys of the Alps Cretoso,-a, adj. cretose chalky Cri'a, sf. (rhet.) concise narration Criare anrf derivatives, v. Creare Cribrare, va. \. (po.) to sift, winnow, debate Cribrazione, sf. cribration, sifting, discussion Crfbro, *i. sieve, boulter, scarce Crfcca, sf. a game at cards , flush of cards, pair-royal, creek, band Cricch, cri, sm. crack, sudden disruption Cricchiare, en. 1. to creak, crack, clack Cricchio, sm. whim, caprice, y. Capriccio] Crico, sm. (mec/i.) jack (a machine for raising weights) Crimenlese, SMI. high treason, great offence Criminate, adj. criminal, culpable Criminalista, sm. writer on criminal matters Criminalita, sf. criminality, criminalness , guiltiness Criminalmente, adv. criminally Criminarc, va. \. to charge with a crime Criminatore, -trice, smf. accusant, accuser Criminazione, sf. crimination, charge Crfmine, sm. crime, offence, sin, fault Criminoso, -a, adj. criminous, culpable Crinale, sm. ornament for the hair Crinatura , sf. (of walls) decay occasioning Crine, sm. hair Criniera, sm. horse's or lion's mane, coarse hair cracks Crinito, crinuto,-a, adj. hairy, long-haired Crino, sm. (commerce) hair, horse-hair Criocca, sf. dis6rderly crew, gang, clique Cripta, sf, crypt, subterranean chapel Crisalide, sm. chrysalis, aurelia Crlse, sf. crfsi, sf. a crisis Crisma, sm. v. Cresima Crisocolla, sf. gold solder, borax Crisolito, sm. (min.) chysolite, transparent Crisopasso, sm. (min.) green emerald (topaz Cristallino, -a, adj. crystalline, translucent Crislalizzare, va. 1. to crystallize, congeal Cristallizzarsi, vrf. to coagulate, concrete Cristallizzazione, sf. (c/ie/ii.) crystallization Cristallo, sm. crystal; (po. ) clear stream Crislallografia, sf. crystallography Crislalo, -a, adj. crested, tufted, Sannaz. Crjsteo,-ere,-ero, sm. clyster, injection Cristianaccio, sm. a bad or iigly Christian Cristianamenle, ado. like a Christian Cristianella, sf. silly, foolish woman Crislianello, sm. a silly or mean fellow Crislianesimo, sm. Christianity, Christian re Hgion Cristianissimo, -a, adj. m&st Christian: il R Crislianfssimo, his most Christian majesty (King of France) ristianita, -ate, -ade,sf. Christendom, Christ- ianity, ehristian religion Iristiano.-a, smf. a Christian, believer; par- tare da cristiano, to speak like a Cristian : farsi cristiano, to embrace Christianity adj. Christian, pious, religious Iristianone, sm. large (all man, simple man Jristo, sm. Christ, Messiah, Redeemer Iritamo, sm. (hot.) samphire, sea-samphire, marsh salt-wdrt, grass wort rilerio, sm. criterion, good sens e Irilica, sf. criticism, critique, censure Iriticabile, adj. that may be criticised , cen- surable ]riticamente, adv. critically, judiciously ]rilicare, va. \. to criticise, censure Iriticato, -a, adj. criticised, censured ]rilicat6re, -trice, smf. a critic, censurer Critichelto, sm. ignorant, bad critic ]rilicismo, sm. criticism, animadversion ; the criticizing, animadverting Iritico, sm. a critic, censurer, judge 9 -a, adj. critical, accurate, capliou s; osser- vazi&ni criticbe, critical remarks jrittogama, sf. (&of.)cryplogamia,crypt6gamy Crivellajo, sm. sieve or riddle-maker Crivellare, va. 1. to sift, riddle, van , exam- ine, discuss, censure Crivellalo,-a, adj. riddled, sifted, discussed; crlvellato di palle, riddled with balls Cnvellat6re, -trice, smf. sifter, one who rid- dles (pram) Crivellatura, sf. riddling, siftings Cmellazione, sf. (the act or pr6cess of) sift- ing, riddling Crivello, sm. sieve, riddle Crocaddobbato,-a, adj. saffron-colored Croccare, vn. I. to crack, chat, chatter Crocchiare, va. i. to strike, tattle, chat , clack Crocchio , sm. a meeting, clique, chatting party ; stare a crocchio, to chat, sit chatting Crocchione, sm. prattler, great talker, blab Croccia, sf. (ant.) oyster, v. Osteri a Crocciare, v. Chiocciare Crocco, sm. an iron hook, crook Croce, sf. cross, trouble, affliction; gran Croce, (knight) grand cross ; il segno della cr6ce, the sign of the cross; in croce , in forma di croce, a mo' di croce , crosswise , cross, in the form of a cross; farsi il segno della croce, to make the sign of the cross, to cros g one's self; porre uno in croce I/J/.), bandir- gli la croce addSsso, to revile, detract, backbite one , to cry him down; far delle braccia croce , to cross one's arms ; fare una croce a un debito , to forgive , remit a debt; a occhio e croce , ado. exp. at ran- dom ; croce dell' ancora (mar. ) the crown of the anchor Crocellino, sf. small cross Croceo, -a, orf;. saffron-cdlored Croceria, sf. multitude of crusaders Fate, mete, bit*, n6te, tube; - fit, met, bit, ndt, tub, - far, pique, CRO 183 CRU Croccsegnare , to. 1. te sign with the cross ; crocesegnarsi , i-rf. to assume the cross (engage in a crusade) Crocesegnalo, crocesignato, sm. a crusader Crocesignalo, -a, adj. marked with a cross Crocelto, sf. small cross, croslet Crocevia, sf. cross-way, road, street Crociare , va. 4. to sign or mark with tho cross; crociarsi , to take the cross Crociata, sf. crusade, crusades lax, a cross way, cross-roads , a cruise Crociato , *>i>. a crusader -- a, adj. crossed Crocicchio, sm. cross-ways , place where two or more r6ads cross each other Crocidare, crocitare, vn. 1. to croak, caw Crocte'ra , sf. (astr. ) crosier , tho Southern Cross; (mar.) cruise, cruising place Crocffero, sm. crdss- bearer; -a, adj. (but.) cruciferous Crocifiggere, va. 2 irr. to crucify, torment Crocifi'sso, sm. crucifix, adj. crucified Crocifissoro, sm. crucifier, tormentor Crocfna, sf. vervain (plant) Crociooo , SHI. great cross Crociuolo, crogiuolo, sm. a crucible Croco, sm. (po.) crocus, saffron (plant) Crogiolare, vn. I. to boil or dress nicely; crogiolarsi, to pamper one's self Crogiolato , -a , adj. well cooked , delicately dressed Crogiolo, sm. gentle stewing, slow cooking Crojo, -a, adj. hard, rough, coarse, vulgar Crollamento, sm. the shaking, tottering Crollante, adj. shaking, tottering, crumbling Crollare, VH. \. to shake, jog, agitate , loss Crollala, sf. crollo, sm. shake, toss, jog Crotna, sf. quaver, cr6tchet, sharp (in music) Cromatica, sf. (nnis.) chromatic Cromatico, -a, adj. chromatic, by semitones Cromo, sm. (metal.) chr6me, chromium Cronaca, sf. v. Cronica Cronica, sf. chronicle, history Cronicaccia, sf. a wretched chronicle, history Cronichista, croufsla, sm. chr6nicler , his- Idrian Cronico , -a , adj. chronic , of long standing , tedious or difficult of cure Cronografia, sf. chron6graphy, description of time past Cronologia , sf. chron61ogy Cronologico, -a, adj. chronological , of time Cronologista, cronologo, sm. chron61ogist Cronometro, sm. a chron6meler, watch Cronoscopio , cronoscopo , sm. chronoscope , cbron&meter Crosazzo, sm. crusado (coin with a cross) Crosciare , I-H. 1. to rain in torrents, pour, spout, bubble up, crash, crackle Croscio, sm. bubbling up, crash, burst; cro- scio or scroscio di tuono, di risa, loud clap of thunder, burst of laughter Crosla, sf. crust, scab, scurf, surface Crostaceo, -a, adj. crustaceous, be!6nging to the Crustacea Croslata, sf. fruit-pie, tart, any sort of pie Crostatura, sf. pavement, incrustation Crostino, sm. toast, small criist of bread, bimn Crostoso, -a, adj. crusty, full of crusts Grotalo. sm. Castanet, cithern Grovello, sm. (agr.) wine of impressed grape* Cruccevole, adj. irascible, passionate, hasty Cruccevolmente, adv. in a passion, hastily Criiccia, sf. pick-axe, mallock, hoe Crucciamento, sm. irritation, exasperation Crucciare, va. \. to irritate, exasperate Grucciarsi , vrf. to get angry, wrathful Grucciatamente, ado. angrily, in a passion Crucciato, -a, adj. angry, provoked Crucciatdre , -Irice , smf. exasperator, incen- sor, kindler of anger, wralh Griiccio, sm. anger, wrath, spile Crucciosamenle, adi\ passionately Cruccioso, -a, adj. provoked, angry, hasly Cruciamento, cruciato, sm. torment, pain Cniclare , va. \. to torture , excruciate ; cru- ciarsi , vnrf. to take the cross , become a crusader Crucialo, -a, adj. tormented, tortured Crucifiggere, v. Crocifiggero Grucio, sm. torment, torture, grief, pain Crudamente, adv. crudely, harshly, cruelly Crudeliccio , -a , adj. cruel , barbarous , inhuman Crudele, adj. cruel, merciless, ruthless Crudeletlo, -a, adj. somewhat cruel Grudelezza, sf. cruelty .barbarity, inuu- Crudelita,-tate,-lade inanity, cruel action, Crudelta,-tate,-tade rigor, inclemency Crudero, -a, adj. (po. ant.) cruel , rigid, raw, sour Crudelto, -a, adj. rither crude, unripe, raw Grudezza , sf. I crudity , unripenness , Crudila, -late, -lade j rawness, indigestion Crudfvoro , -a , adj. that eats crude things , cruel Crudo, -a, adj. raw, unripe , sour, hard Cruentare, va. 1. to stain, smear with blood Cruento, -a, adj. bloody, horrible , dreadful Cruna, sf. I eye of a needle, middle, bottom, Gruno, sm. ( h6llow (narrow path. Dant.) Gru6re , sm. (lot.) v. Sangue Crup, sm. (med.) cr6up, (vulj. rattles) Crusca, sf. bran, refuse, dregs, dross Crusca, sf. F16renline academy of letters Cruscajo, sm. bran seller, buyer Cruscante, sm. one who affects to speak or write the purest Tuscan; a speaker or wri- ter blindly obsequious to the Academy dtlla Crusca Cruscata, sf. a cock and bull story, nonsense Cruscheggiare , vn. 1. to be fastidious in the nor, rude; - fall, s6n, bull; -fare, do; - by, lymph ; poise, boys, fdJQ, ftfwl; gem, a* CRU 184 CUL choice of words ; to speak or write with blind obsequiousness to the Academy delta Cnisca Cruschello, sm. fine bran Cruschevole, adj. (iron.) affected in the choice of Tuscan -words Crusc6ne, sin. coarse bran Cruscoso, -a, adj. branny, full of bran Cruslaceo, adj. crustaceous Cubare, -si, vnrf. te lie down, v. Giacere Cubatto, sm. cubaltola, smf. bird-trap Cubatura, cubazione, sf. (geom.) cubature Ciibebe, sm. (hot.) cubeb Ciibico, -a, adj. cubic Cubfcolo, sm. (latin) a little bed-room Cuhieolare, -ario, sm. v. Cameriere Cubitale, adj. cubital, of the elbow Cubito, sm. cubit, elbow, bend, angle Cubitoso, -a, adj. (ant.) desirous, v. Cupido Cubo, sm. cube, die, b6dy of six equal squares Cuccagna, sf. land of delight, plenty Cuccaja, sf. nest, v. Nido, covacciuolo Cucchiaja, sf. drag, dredge, rammer, ladle Cucchiajera, sf. case for spoons Cucchiajo, sm. spoon, spoonful; un cucchiajo d" argento , a silver spoon ; prendetene un cuccbiajo, take a spoonful Cucchiaj6ne, sm. large spoon, soup-ladle Cucchiajala, sf. spoonful Cucchiara, sf. trowel, rammer, ladle Cdcchiarioo, sm. small spoon, te"a spoon Cuccia, sf. couch, dog's bed Cucciare, van. \. to lay down, extend, lie down Cucciato, -a, adj. stretched, laid down Ciiccio, sm. little dog, a stupid fellow Cucciolino, sm. pretty little dog, lap dog Cucciolo, cucciu6lo, sm. puppy, whelp Cucco, sm. egg, favorite, darling ; yecchio cuc- co, a dotard Cuccuino, cuccolo, sm. cuckoo (bird) Cuccuma, sf. (vulg.) a ketile; malice , wrath, rage Cucimento, sm. seam, cicatrice, scar Cucina, sf. kitchen, victuals, c6okery ; attrezzi di cucina, kitchen battery, utensils; roba di cuofna (grascia), kitchen stuff; serva di cucfna, kitchen wench, maid; cucina di va- scello, cuddy, cook room ; intendersi di cu- cina, lo understand cookery Cucinare, van. 1. to c6ok, prepare, dress Cucinelta, sf. small kitchen, little cooking Cuciniera, sf. cook-maid, woman-cook Cuciniere, sm. (v. Cuoco), man cook Cucfre, va. 3. to sew, stitch, tack, join toge- ther ; la bocca, to silence, to hush up Cucilo, -a, adj. sewed, stitched Cucito, sm. cucittira, f. seam, suture Cucilore, -trice, smf. sewer, tailor, seamstress, minder, dress maker Cuculiare, va. 1. to mock, laugh at, quiz Cuculiatura, sf. trick, waggery, quizzing Cucullato, -a, adj. hooded Cucullo, -a, smf. hood, cowl, v. Cocolla Cuculo, cucule, sm. (or.) cuckoo Cucurbita, sf. cucurbite, gourd, pumpkin Cucurbilaceo, -a, adj. (hot.) cucurbilaceous , resembling a gourd Cucurbilino, -a, adj. bred in the bowels Cucuzza, sf. g6urd, pompion, noddle, pile Cucuzzolo, sm. summit, top, vertex, apex Ciiffia , ff. coif, cap , head dress , bonnet; da nolle, nipht coif, cap; uscirne pel rdtto della cufGa, lo c6me off. lo save one's bacon ; egli nacque con la cuffia , he was born to pood luck (he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth) Cuffiaccia, sf. ugly coarse cap Cuffiare, va. i, to guzzle, to gormandize Cufficlta, cuffina,s/". small biggin, child's cap Cuffione, sm. large cap, coif, biggin Cuffiolto, sm. man's cap, bonnet Cufico,-a,aeral6re, -trice, smf. one who deliberates Deliberaziooe, sf. deliberation, consultation Delicamento, sm. v. Delicatezza Delicatamenle, adv. delicately, tenderly )>cliratt'zza,-ura, sf. delicacy, s6ftness Delicato, -a, adj. delicate, gentle, soft Delimare, ra. \. to consume, corrode, file Delineamenlo, sm. delineation, sketch Delineare, va. 1. to draw, sketch Delinealo,-a, adj. delineated (er Delineatdre, sm. a delineator, designer, paint- Delinquenle, sm. a delinquent, offender Delinquenza, sf. v. Colpa, Delitto Delinquere, van. 2. irr. (po.) to transgress Deliquio, sm. a faintinj: lit, swoon; cadere in deliquio, to full into a swoon Deliramento, sm. v. Delirio Delirante, adj. delirious Delirare, vn. \. to rave, be delirious Delirio, sm. delirium, raving, madness Deliro, -a, adj. delirious, mad, raving Delilto, sm. a crime, misdeed; di lesa mae- sta, high treason Delitlu6so,-a, adj. criminal, guilty Delivrare, va. \. to liberate, v. Liberare Delfzia, sf. delight, pleasure, charms Deliziamento, */. delight, pleasure, joy Deliziare, va. 1. to make delightful, to delight Ueliziarsi, vrf. to take delight in, enjiy Deliziosamdnte, adv. deliciously, sweetly Delizioso (deliziano, ant.), -a, adj. delicious, sweet Dell', com/), def. art. mf. sing, before awovct) of the (any Delia, comp. def. art. fern. sing, of the ; some, Delle, com/), def. art. fern. pi. of the; sAme, any; vi sono delle d6nne che , ccc. , there are some women who, etc. Dello, comp. def. art. m. sinr/. (before s fol- lowed by a consonant) of the ; some , any; mi occ6rre de llo spago, I want some pack- Del pari, adv. exp,, equally, likewise (thread Del resto, adv. exp., v. Reslo Del liitlo, adv. exp., T. Tutlo Deliibro, sm. (po.) temple, church Delucidazione, sf. v. Dilucidazione Deludere, va. 2 irr. to delude, beguile, trick Deludim6nto, sm. delusi6ne, sf. delusion Deluditore, sm. deceiver, beguiler, deluder Deliiso,-a, adj. deluded, deceived, balked Delusdrio, -a, adj. delusive, delusory, decep- tive Demagogia,sf.;d6magogy,demagogism, means cmplwed by demagogues Demagficico, -a, adj, demagogic, demagogical Demagogizzare, vn. \. to influence or lead the populace, to act as a demagogue Demag6go, sm. (pi. -ghi) demagogue, factious man, leader of the populace Demandare, va. \. T. Commettere Demaniale, adj. (of lands) beldnging to the Demanio, sin. crown-land (crown Demarcazione, sf. demarcation; linea di de- marrazione, line of demarcation Dementare, va. 1. to make road, infatuate Dementato,-a, adj. mad, infatuated, wild Demente, adj. mad, foolish, insane Demenza, demenzia, (ant.), sf. madness, folly Demergere, rn. 2. irr. to sink, v. Sommergere Dfinerilare, van. \. to forfeit, do amiss Demerilevole, adj. unworthy, undeserving Demerilo (demerto, poet.), sm. demerit, piin- Demersione, sf. v. Immersione (ishment Ucmerso, -a, adj. overwhelmed, sunk (tat.) Democratico,-a, adj. democratical (ernment Democrazia , nf. democracy , popular gov- Demolire, no. 3. to demolish , destroy , raze Dc'inolito.-a, adj. demolished, destroyed Demolizione, sf. demolition, destruction Demone, sm v. Demonio (furious Demoniaco,-a, adj. dem6niac, demoniacal, nor, rude; - fall , son, bull ; fare, do; - bj, lymph ; poise, boys, foul; fowl; gem, as DEM 192 DEP Demonio, sm. demon, devil, evil spirit Demonolalria, sf. demonolatry , the worship of demons Demoralizzare . va. ^. to demoralize; corrupt the morals of Demoralizzazione, sf. demoralisation Den (for debbono), they must, they should Deuajaccio, sin. bad money Denajale, adj. worth a penny Denajo, denaro, si. a penny, (pi. pence), mon- ey; avele del deoaro? have you any money; denaro conlanle, ready money, cash; non ho denari in dosso, I have no money about me ; sensale di denaro , money broker ; il yaldre , 1' equivalente del denaro , money's wdrlh; senza denari , moneyless; denari morli , money lying dead; meltere a gua- dagno i denari, to put out money to inter- est; col denaro si fa lutto , prov. exp. mo- ney makes the mare go Denajoso, denaroso, -a, adj. moneyed Dendrilc, sf. dendrite, arborescent mineral Denegamento, sm. denegazione, sf. denial Denegare, va. \. to deny, v. Dinegare Denigrare, t-a. i. to blacken, tarnish Denigralo, -a, adj. blackened, tarnished Denigratore, -trice, smf. defamer, slanderer, detractor Dcnigrazi6ne, sf. blackening, defamation Den no (for debbono), they must, ought Denodare, va. 4. to untie, undo a knot Denominare, va. 1. to denominate, name, call Denominalivo, -a, adj. denominative Denominator, sm. denominator Denominazione, sf. denomination , name Denolare, va. \. to den6te, mark , signify Denotativo, -a, adj. expressing, indicating Denotazione, sf. denotation, designation Densamento, sm. densazione, sf. denseness , density Densare, va. 1. to condense, v. Condensare Densila, -ate, -ade, *f. density, thickness Denso, -a, adj. dense, thick, compact, solid Deotaccio, sm. an ugly bad tooth Denlale, sm. a coulter, ploughshare, shark Dentate, adj. dental, with the teeth Dentame, sm. a set of teeth Denlare, r. 1. to teeth, to cut the teeth Denlaruolo, sm. v. Zanna Deniata, sf. a bite, a nibble Denlato, -a, adj. having leelh, indented; ruo- ta denlata, cog-wheel Denlalura, sf. a set of teeth Denle, sm. tooth, nolch; guasto , cariato, -paries tooth; Cnlo, false tooth; cani- no, eye-tooth; denli incisori, incisivi, fore teeth ; denti roolari , back teeth , grinding leelh ; denti di saviezza ( del giudizio), wis- dom teeth; slridor di denti, gnashing of the teeth; spazzetu'no pei denti, tooth brush; mal di denti , tooth-ache; spuntare i denti, to breed teeth ; cavare (estrarre) un denle, to draw a tooth; farsi cavare un dente , to have a looth drawn; lener 1'anima co' den- ti , to be on the point of dying; moslrare i denti, to shew one's teeth , snarl, put on a threatening look ; pigliare il morso coi denti , to be headstrong ; stare a denta asciiilto, to be without eating, to be starving; vi alleghera i denti, it will set your teeth on edge Dentecchiare, denticchiare , r. 1. to nibble Dentellalo, -a, adj. indented (cut in the edge into points, like teeth) ; (anat.) denticulated Dentelliere, sm. tooth-pick Dentello, sm. indentation, edging of lace Dentiera, sf. artificial set of teeth Denlifricio, sm. tooth-powder Deutino, sm. small tooth, notch Denlista, sm. dentist, tooth-drawer Denlizione, sf. dentition, culling of the teeth Dentro , adv. within, inwardly; o dentro o fuori, within or without ; yes or no ; risol- vere o dentro o fuori , to resolve one way or olher (to come to a resolution) Denudamcnto , sm. denudazione, sf. denuda- tion, a making bare Denudare, va. 4 to divest, strip, eip&se Denudalo, -a, adj. deprived, divested, stripped Denunzia, sf. denunziamento,sm. denunciation Dcnunziare, va. I. to denounce, accuse Denunziat6re, sm. denouncer, informer Denunziazione, sf. denouncement, accusation Deo, sm. (ant ) v. Dio Deodalo, adj. given by god Deoneslare, fa. 1. Disonorare Deono (for devono), they must, should Deortaldrio, -a, adj. dissuasive , dehortatory Deosculazione, sf. v. Bacio, Baciamento Deoslruire, va. 3. to deobstriict, to clear from obstructions Depauperamento, sm. depauperation, imp6v- erishment, exhaustion, drain of wealth Depauperare, t'a. \. to make poor, impdverish Dependente, adj. depending , c6nsequcnt sm. a dependent (from Dependere, va. 2. irr. to depend on, proceed Deperdimenlo, sm. loss, ruin, destruction Deperimento.sm. perishing, dying away, with- ering, decline, dwindling away, pining, pi- ning away, decay, ruin Deperire, vn. 3. to perish , die away, wither, waste, decay, decline , dwindle away , pine away, go to ruin Depilalorio, sm. depilatory Depilazione, sf. (med.) depilation Deplorabile, adj. deplorable, lamentable Deplorabilmente, adv. deplorably, wdfully Deplorando, -a, adj. deplorable, mournful Deplorare, van. \. to deplore, lament, bewail Deplorato, -a, adj. deplored, pitied {ner Deploralore, -trice, smf. deplorer, deep mour- Deplorazione, sf. deploring, lamentation Deponeute, sm. a deponent, verb deponent Fate, mete, bite, n6te, tube; - fat, met, bit, ndt, tub; - far, pique, DEP 193 DES Deponime'nto, sm. deposition, testimony Depopulazione, sf. v. Saccheggio , spopolazione Dcporre , ra. 2. irr. tojiep6se , deprive , de- grade, to quit, lay down , resign Deporre, wm. 1. to attest, bear witness, declare Deportazi6ne, sf. transportation , exile Depositare, ra. \. to depdsit, intrust, consign Deposilaria, sf. a c6nfidant, depositary Depositario , sm. a trustee , dep&sitary, c6n- fidant Depositeria, sf. depository, treasury Deposito, sm. deposit , trust, charge; meltere in deposito , to deposit Deposit6re , -trice, srnf. depositor , one who makes a deposit Deposizione.s/". deposition, evidence, sediment Deposto, sm. v. Altestazione Deposto, -a, adj. deposed, displaced, laid aside; dep<5sta ogni lema, ogni vergogna , having laid aside all fear, all shame Depravamento, sm. v. Depravazi6ne Depravare, va. 1. to deprave, corrupt , spoil Depravato, -a, adj. depraved, spoiled Depravatore, sm. corriipter, depraver Depravazione, sf. depravation, corruption Deprccabile, adj. merciful, lenient, pitiful Deprecative, -a, adj. deprecative, entreating Deprecazione, sf. deprecation, supplication Depredamento, sm. depredation, pillage Depredare, va. \. to ravage, ransack, prey on Depredalore, -trice, smf. ravager, depreditor Depredazione, sf. depredation, spoiling Depremere, ra. 2. frr. v. Deprimere Depressione, sf. depression, abasement Depresso, -a, adj. abject, low, dispicablo Depress6re, sm. (anat.) depressor Deprimere, va. 2. irr. to depress, depreciate Depurare, ra. I. to purify, depurate Depuralivo , -a , adj. depuratory , tending to purify Depurate, -a, adj. depurated, purified Depuratore, -trice, smf. purifier Depuratorio , sm. a vessel in which depura- tion takes place Depurazione, sf. depuration, purifying Deputare, va. 1. to depute, appoint, delegate Depulato, -a, adj. deputed, appointed, sent Deputato, sm. a deputy, delegate Deputazione, sf. deputation, vicegerency Deredare, va. 1. to disinherit Derclitto , -a, adj. abandoned, forsaken, friendless Derelezione, sf. v. Abbandonameato Deretano , am. hind part. v. Diretano Deridere, va. 2. irr. to deride, laugh at, mock Deriditore, -trice, smf. a derider, m6cker Derisibile, adj. laughable, ridiculous Derisione, sf. derision, scorn Derisivamente, adv. with or through derision Derisivo, -a, adj. ridiculous, ludicrous Deriso , sm. derision ; meltere , prendere in deriso, to deride, to scorn Deriso, -a, adj. laughed at, derided Deris6re, sm. derider, scoffer Derisorio, -a, adj. mocking, derisive Deriva, sf. (mar.) lee-way, leeboard Derivante, adj. deriving, coming from Derivdre, vn. \. to derive, originate in; to spring , issue , rush, flow; (mar.) to sag to leeward , to fall to lee way ; dalP ozio deri- vano tulti i vizj , idleness iss the root of all vices Derivative, -a, sf. derivative, derived from Oerivazione, sf. derivation, origin Derivieni, smv. windings, v. Andirivieni Derma, dermide, sf.(anat.) derm, the organ- ized integument or skin Dermologta , sf. (anal.) dermatdlogy , a trea- tise of the skin and its diseases Dermo, sm. (war.) wart; issar la bandiera ia derrao, to hoist the flag -with a waft Deroga, xf. v. Dorogazione Derogabile , adj. that may be derogated , disparageable Derogamdnto, sm. v. Derogazione Derogare, ra. 1. to derogate, disparage; senza derogare al vostro merito , without dispar- aging , derogating from your merit Derogatore, -trice , smf. one who derogates , disparages Derogatorio, -a, adj. der6gatory, detracting Derogazione, sf. derogation, lessening Derrata, sf. m erchandise, goods, wares, -ware, commodity, dose , portion ; questa e buona derrala, this is very cheap Derubamento , sm. v. Rubamento Derubare, ra. 1. v. Rubare Dems , sm. a dervise (dervis) , a tiirkish or persian monk Desalare, va. \. to clear, purge from salt Descendente, sm. and adj. v. Discendente Descenso, sm. descent Desceso, -a, adj. descended, sprung from Descheria, sf. chopping-table (for mincing meat) Deschelto, sm. small table, bench , foot-stood Desco, sm. table, board, ordinary, dinner ta- ble, officers' mess table, butcher's chopping tible , form , chair; fate silenzio e riverita il desco , keep silence, respect the chair; slarsi , trovarsi a desco molle , to eat at a table without a table-cloth; chi non mangia a desco ha mangiato di fresco , prov. exp. he that does not eat at dinner time has probably dined before Descrittibile, adj. that may be described Descrittivo, -a, art"./, descriptive Descritlo, -a, adj. described, represented Descrittore, sm. describer Descrivere , t>a. 2. irr. to describe Descrivibilo , adj. that may be described Doscrizione, sf. a description, picture, sketch Desertare, va. i. v. Disertare Deserto , sm. desert, wilderness , waste cotin- nor, riide ; - fall, son, bull ; - fare, dA; - by, lymph; poise, bys, f6ul, fowl; gem, as Di'z. ///. Ing. 13 DES 194 DET try; predicare al deserto, to preach in the wilderness Deserto, -a, adj. desert, solitary, laid waste Desertore, sm. T. Disertore Deservfre, v. Disservire Diserzione, sf. desertion, forsaking Desiabile , adj. (po.) v. Desiderabile Desianza, sf. (ant.) v. Desio Desiare, va. 1. to desire, v. Desiderare Desialo, -a, desiderato , adj. desired Desiccate , -a, adj. dried up, T. Diseccato Desiderabile, desiderevole, adj. desirable Desiderabilmente, adv. ardently, eagerly Desiderante, adj. desirous, longing for Desiderare, va. I. to desire, wish, long for Desiderativo, -a, adj. desirable Desideratore, -trice, sinf. desirer, wisher Desiderio, sm. desire, earnest wish, longing Desiderosamente, adv. with desire, eagerly Desideroso, -a, adj. desirous, eager, longing Desidia, sf. (po.) sloth, idleness, indolence Designare, va. 1. to design Designazione, sf. designation, design, sketch, first draught Desinare, vn. \. to dine, eat one's dinner; fare da desinaro, dare da desinare, to pre- pare or give a dinner; venite a desinare con me, come and dine with me Desinare , sm. desinata, sf. a dinner, repast; un trislo desinare, a poor dinner, a dull dinner party ; fare il desinare , to prepare dinner or supper Desinatore, sm. one who dines, guest Desinente, adj. desinent, ending Desinenza, sf. termination, ending Desio, sm. (po.) desiore , sm. (ant.) desire, longing Desiosamente, adv. ardently, earnestly Desioso, -a, adj. desirous, T. Desideroso Desipiente, adj. desipient, trifling, foolish Desir, desire, desiro, sm. (po) desire Desirare, va. 1. (po.) to desire Desistere, vn. 2. irr. to desist, cease, forbear Desolabile , adj. that may be desolated, ruin- ed, afflicted Desolamento, sm. desolation, destruction Desolare, va. 1. to desolate, ruin, lay waste Dosolato, -a, adj. desolated, ruined, afflicted Desolatore, sm. a desolater, destrier Desolazidne, sf. desolation, devastation Desperanza, desperazione, sf. v. Disperanza Despetto, -a, adj. despised, T. Dispelto Despoleggiare , vn. 1. to act or rule despot- ically Despolicamente, adv. despotically (power Despotico , -a , adj. despotical , absolute in Despotismo, sm. absolute power, despotism Despota, despolo, sm. absolute prince, despot Despumare, va. 1. to sciim , to take the froth from the surface of liquors Despumazione, sf. despumation, clarification, scumming Desquamazidne, sf. (med.) desquamalion, sep. aralion of the cuticle in small scabs Dessa (used only witch essere and parere), pron. f. she, she herself, the same Dessi, -e. pron. mfp. they themselves Desso, pron. MI. be, himself, the same; e desso, it is he himself; non mi par desso, 1 don't think this is the same Deslamenlo, sm. rousing, awaking Destare, vn. \. to awake, rouse, revive Destarsi.trnf. to awake, resume, begin again Destatojo, sm. an alarm clock, morning bell Destalore, -trice, smf. rouser, inciter Desterita, sf. dexterity, skill, cleverness Destinare, va. 1. to destine, design, intend Destinato, smf. (ant.) v. Destino Destinato, -a, adj. destined, fated, doomed Deslinazione, sf. destination, purpose, intent Destino, sm. destiny, fate, doom, lot Destituire, va 5. to dismiss (public functio- naries), to remove (from office) Destituto, -a, adj. destitute, forlorn, poor Desliluzidne, sf. dismissal, dismission, remo- val (from office) Desto, -a, adj. awaked, lively, brisk Deslra , sf. right hand , side ; (po. ) hand ; a destra , to the right; sedere alia destra , to sit at one's right hand Destrale, sm. right hand, arm ornament Destramente, adv. skifully, expertly Desirare, va. 1. (ant.) v. Addestrare Destreggiamento, sm. T. Dcstrezza Destreggiare , va. 4. to contrive skifully Destrezza, sf- dexterity, sagacity, tact Destriere, -o, -a, smf. courser, steed Destro,sm. opportunity, 6pcning, conveniency, juncture , close-stool , water closet , privy ; prendereildestro, to seize, the opportunity ; il farei se ne avessi il destro , I would do it, if I had an opportunity a, adj. skilful, clever, cunning, dexterous, right, upright, propitious; se avessi piu destra forluna , if I was more lucky ; egli e il mio braccio destro, he is my right arm Destrocberio, sm. armlet for the right arm Destruenle, adj. destructive, ruinous Destruggere, va. 1. irr. v. Distriiggere Deslrutlore, dislruggitore, sm. destroyer Dosli'uzione, sf. destruction, desolation, ruin Desudare , va. 1. to transude , pass through the pores Desumere, va. 2. irr. to infer, conjecture Desunlo, -a, adj. inferred, gathered, deduced Detenere, va. 1. irr. to detain, hinder, step Delenlore , -trice , smf. detainer , wrongful holder Detenulo, -a, adj. detained, detained in cus- tody, in confinement Detenzione, sf. detention, confinement Detergente, adj. detergent, cleansing Detergere, va. 2. irr. to deterge, cleanse Deterioramenlo, sm. deterioration FaUr, mete, bite, n6te, tube; - fit, met, bit, ndt, tub; - far, pique, DET 195 DIA Deteriorare, va. 1. to deteriorate, waste Determinare, ca. \. to determine , decide, fix Delerminatamente, adv. determinalely Determinative, -a, adj. definitive, decisive Determinate, -a, adj. determined, resolved Determinatore, -trice, smf. delerminator, de- terminer, one who determines Determinazione, sf. determination, resolution Delersivo, -a, adj. detersive, purifying Deterso, -a, adj. cleansed, purified, washed Detestabile, arfj. detestable, hateful, odious Delestabilmente, adv. detestably, hatefully Detestando, -a, adj. ab6minable, execrable Delestare, va. \. to detest, abhor, hate Deteslatore , -trice , smf. delester , one who abhors Delestazionc, gf. detestation, abomination Delonazi6ne, sf. detonation Detraggere I va. 2. irr. to lessen, deduct, slan- Delrarre j der, detract, seize, carry off Detratlare, va. \. (ant.) v. ricusare, rifiulare Detratto, -a , adj. lessened , deprived , slan- dered Del rail 6re, -trice, smf. detractor, slanderer Detralt6rio,-a, adj. detractory, derogatory, defamatory Detrazi6ne, sf. detraction, lessening Delrimenlo, sm. detriment, hiirl, injury Dctrimentoso,-a, adj. detrimental, hurtful Detroncare, va. I. v. TroncSre Detronizzare, va. 4. to dethrone Detrudere, va. 2. in: to thrust down, drive in Detruso,-a, adj. sunk, driven in, turned out Delia, sf. debt, credit, good luck (in play); buona o calliva delta, good or bad credit; stare a delta di alcuno, to acquiesce in the opinion of a person; esser in delta con uno, to agree ; aver delta , essere in delta , to bejiicky at play; tagliar la delta, to compound, to come to an agreement; stare della delta, lo be bail (or surely) for another man's debt ; a detla sua, as he (or she) says (or said) Dettagliare, va. i. to detail, particularize, re- late in detail Dellaglio , sm, detail , particular; detailed, particular, circumstantial account; cntrars in deltagli , to enter inlo detail , to partic- ularize Deltame, sm. dictates, precepts ; contrario al dellame della coscienza; contrary to the dictates of conscience; sec&ndo il deltame della ragione , according to the dictates of reason Deltare, ra. 1. to dictale, suggest, Itiach Betlato, sm. style, composition, adage; com- porrc con bel detlalo, lo write in a One style adj. dictaled, taught, suggested Deltatorc, -trice, smf. who dictates Deltatura, sf. style, dictation, diclatorship Detlazi6ne, gf. v. Dellame Detlo, sm. word, saying, maxim ; dal dello al fatto c'e gran tratto, prov. exp. saying and doing are IwA things Detto, -a, adj. said, sp6ken , called , named Detto fatlo, adv. exp. no sooner said than d6ne Detumescenza , sf. (med.) lowering , sinking (of a swelling) Delurpare, va. l.to dirty, disfigure Deturpalore, sm. deftler, corrupter Deturpazione, sf defilement, ccrruplion,pol- liition, foulness, dirtiness Deulcronomio , sm. deuteronomy , the fifth book of the pentateueh Devastamento, sm. havoc, waste, ruin Devastare, ua. !. to devastate, plunder, waste Devastato,-a, adj. laid waste, ravaged Devastatore , SHI. a ravaper, despoiler Devaslazione, sf. devastation , havoc, pillage Devenfre, en. 5. to proceed (from one thing to another), to proceed (to do a thing) Deviamenlo, sm. the deviating, deviation Deviare, r. 1. to deviate, go astray , digress Deviate, -a, adj. deviated, g&ne astray Deviazione, sf. deviation, swerving, deflection Devoluto, -a, adj. devolved, transferred Devoluzione, sf. devolution, transfer 'Devolvere, en. \. to dev61ve, fall to Devotamente, adv. devoutly, piousfy Dev6to,-a, adj. devout, devoted, attacked Devozione, sf. dev6tion, pfety, reverence Di, prep, of , with , from , than , in , by , s' ; le foglie dell'albero, the leaves of the tree; 1'ombrella di Roberto , R6bert's umbrella , sopraccarico di epiteti , 6verl6aded with epithets ; fu ferfto di pugnale , he was wounded with a dagger; impcditelo di farlo, prevent him from doing it; piii rfcco di me , richer than I ; ha cinque piedi di lar- ghezza, it is five feet in breadlh; di giorno, by day; di nolle, by night ; d' inverno , in winter Di, sm. day, light Diabete , sf. ( mcd. ) dfabete , excessive dis- charge of saccharine urine Diabolicamente, adt: diabolically Diabolico,-a, adj. diabolical, very wicked Diacalamento, sm. a stomachic electuary Diacine, diacin (1) inter, the deuce (!) Diac6dion,s77. (pharm.) syrup of poppies, dia- cddium Diaconato, sm. deaconship, deaconry Diaconessa , sf. deaconess , a female deacon (in the primitive church) Diaconfa, sf. d6aconry, deaconship , hospital (in the primitive church) Diacono, sm. deacon Diadcma, sm. diadem, crown, tiara, royalty Diafanila,-ale,-ade, tf. transparency Diafano,-a, adj. diaphanous, transparent Diaforesi, sf. (med.) diaphoresis, augmented perspiration Diaforetico,-a, adj. diaphoretic, sudorific nor, rude, - fall, son, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, b^ys , foul, fowl; gem, as DIA 196 DIB Diafragma, diafrarnma, SJM. the diaphragm Diagnosi, sf. (med.) diagnosis, the knowledge of a disease Diagnostics), -a, adj. (med.) diagnostic , indi- cating the nature, of a disease Diagonale, adj. from angle to angle, diagonal Dfagonalmente, tide, in a diagonal direction Diale , adj. m. (of a Flamen) devote'd to Ju- piter (art Dialettica , sf. dialectics , logic , the dialectic Dialetticaruente, adr. logically Dialettico, -a, adj. logical, dialectical sm. a logician, reasoner Dialelto, sm. a dialect, idiom, style Dialoghetto, sm. a short dialogue, conference Dialogico, -a, adj. dialogistic, dialogistical Dialogismo, sm. dialogism Dialogista, sm. a dialogist, interlocutor Dialogizzare, dialogare, vn. 1. to dialogize or discourse in dialogue Dialogo, SHJ. dialogue, conference Dialtea, sf. diallhea, ointment of Diamanlaccio, sm. diamond of little worth Diamanlajo, sm. diamond cutter; jeweller Diamante, sm. a diamond; diprima acqua, a diamond of the first water; un anello di diamanti, a diamond ring; incastonare un diamante, to set a diamond Diamantino, -a, adj. of diamond sm. a small diamond Diamarinala, sf. conserve of kentish cherries Diametrale, adj. diametrical Diamelralmente, adv. diametrically, directly Diametro, sm. diameter Diamin, diamine(l), inter j. the deuce (1) dickens (I) Diana , sf. Diana , the moon ; the morning star; tiro di diana (mar.), morning watch- gun; batter la diana, to beat the day-break drum, the reveil Diandri , adj. m. pi. (bol.) diandrian , dian- drous, having two stamens Diandria, sf. (lot.) diandria, a class of plants having two stamens Dianzi, adv. before, just now, not long since; come dissi dianzi, as 1 said before Diapapavero, sm. syrup of poppies, diacodium Diapason, sm. (inns.) diapason, diapase Diapente , sf. ( mus. ) diapente , an interval making the second of the concords Diapento, sm. (pharm.) diapente, a composi- tion of five ingredients Diario, sm. diary, journal, day book Di4rio,-a, adj. diarian, daily Diarisla, sm. diarist, one who keeps a diary Diarrea, sf. diarrhea, lax Diascane 1 diascolo, interj. the deuce 1 Diaspro, sm. jasper Diastematico, -a, adj. divided, separated Diastilo, sm. diastyle Diastole, sf. dilatation of the heart Diatonico, -a, adj. (mus.) diatonic, proceed- ing by degrees and including both tones- and semitones Diatriba, sf. a diatribe, dissertation Diavola. diavolessa, sf. a termagant, shrew, a devil in petticoats Diavolaccio, sm. a great ugly devil, rascal (buon), sm. good natured fellow Diavoleggiare, vn. 1. to play the devil Diavoleria, sf. troublesome devilish affair Diavolesco, diabolico, -a, adj. devilish Diavoleto, diavolio, sm. burl, a number of devils; great, devilish confusion, noise or difficulty Diavolettino, diavoletto, sm. little devil, imp Diavolo, sm. devil , evil spirit; ha il diavolo in corpo, addosso, the devil's in him; far il diavolo e peggio, il diavolo a quattro, to be furious ; chi diavolo i'avrebbe mai cre- duto?who the devil would have thought it? sapere dove il diavolo tiene la coda , to be sharp and cunning; non fate il diavolo piii nero che non e , prov. exp. give the devil his due ; un diavolo caccia 1'altro , one nail drives out another Diavolone, sm. a great devil, a confit Di balzo , adv. cxp. after a short interval ; (taken) at a bound Dibarbare, dibarbicare, va. i. to uproot Dibarbicamento,sm. the rAoting up, uprooting Dibassamento, sm. v. Abbonamenlo Dibassare, va. \. to debase , v. Abbonare Dibastare, va. \. to take off the pack-saddle Dibatlere, va. 2. to toss about, shake , bandy, agitate , shuffle , beat, debate, bruise toge- ther, pound; dibattersi, to exert one's self, be agitated, violently shaken Dibattimento, dibattito, sm. shaking, debate; i dibattiti delle camere, the debates of the houses Dibattitojo, sm. cithern, lute, large guitar Dibattitdre, sm. a debater controverlist Dibatto, sm. v. Dibattimento Dibattiita, sf. v. Dibatlito Dibattuto, -a, adj. afflicted , discouraged Di bel nu<3 vo, arff. exp. again, a second time, once more Diboccare, va. \. to take out of one's mouth Dibonariamente, adv. graciously, affably Dibonarieta, -ate, -ade, sf. affability, kindness Diboscamenlo, sm. the felling trees, clearing Dibosc&re , va. 1. to cut down the trees of a wood, c!6ar, make a clearing Diboscato, -a, adj. cleared of trees Diboltare, va. 1. to shake, v. Agitare Di botto , adv. exp. at once , on a sudden , suddenly Dibrancare, va. i. to dilate, v. Sbrancare Di brigata, adv. exp._ together, in company Dibruciare, va. 1. to'biirn, v. Abbruciare Dibrucare, dibruscire, va. \. to lop, prune Dibucciamento,sm. barking(oftrees), shelling Fate, mete, bite, note, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub; - far, piqe, DIB 197 DIE DibucciAre, va. 1. to strip off Ihe bark, pel Dibucciato, -a, adj. barked, peeled, shcllrd Di bu<5na fede , adv. exp. faithfully , in good faith, honestly Di buon animo, adv. exp. heartily, willingly Di buon aria , adv. exp. blithly , cheerfully ; adj. pleasant, merry, jocund Di buona voglia, adv. exp. willingly, readily, with good will Di buon'ora, adv. exp. early, betimes Dicare, adj. cliatty, glib, pert, talkative Dicacita, sf. garrulity, glibness, pertness Dicadere, vn. 2. irr. to decay, v. Decad^re Dicalvaro, va. \. to shave, make bald Dicapitare, va. \. to behead, v. Decapitare Dicare, va. \. (latin) v. Dedicare Dicastero, sm office, bureau, department (for the transaction of public affairs) Dicato, -a, adj. dedicated, consecrated (po.) Dicco, sm. dyke, v. Argine Dicembre, sm. december Dice"nte, adj. saying, who says D/cere, va. 2. iVr. (antiq.) v. Dire Diceria, sf. a wordy harangue, prosy speech, saying; tener dicen'a di una cosa^ to talk long and pr6sily of a matter Di certo, adv. exp certainly, assuredly Diceruzzo, sm. a short but empty speech Dicervcllare, va. \. to rack the brains, bother Dicervellato, -a, adj. hare brained, wild Dicervellarsi , vrf. to bother , 6verwork or 6ver task one's brains Dicessare, tan. \. (ant.) to lessen, v. Scemare Dicevole, adj. suitable, decent, becoming Dicevolezza, sf. decency, suitableness Dicevolmente, adv. ddcently, becomingly Dichiaragione, -mento, smf. declaration Dichiarante, smf. he or she who declares Dichiarare, va. 1. to declare, explain, mani- fest; dichiararsi, vrf. to declare Dichiaratfvo, -a, adj. declarative, explanatory Dichiaratore, -trice, smf. declarer , explainer Dichiaratorio, -a, adj. declaratory Dicbiarazione, sf. declaration, explication Dichiarire , va. 3. to enlighten , save Irom doubting, dissipate one's doubts Dichinamento, sm. stooping, going down, bend- ing, slope, declination, decline Dichinare, t-n. 1. to decline , go down , fall ; il giorno dichina , the day begins to de- cline; dichinarsi, to stop down, to bend Dichino, sm. decline, bent, declivity, descent; le mie forze cominciano ad andare in de- chino, my strength is begining to decline Diciannove, sm. nineteen Diciannovesimo, -a, adj. nineteenth Diciassette, sm. and adj. seventeen Diciassettesimo, -a, adj. seventeenth Dicibile, adj. that may be said Diciferare , dicifrare, va. 1. to decipher, ex- plain (explained Diciferato, -a, dicifrato, -a, adj. deciphered , Diciferalore, dicifratore, sm. decfpherer , ex- plainer Dicioccare, vn. 2. to break off the clusters or tiifts of fruits and flowers Diciottesimo, -a, adj. eighteenth Dicifitto, SOT. and adj. eighteen Dicit6re, sm. speaker, relaler, 6rator Dicitura, sf. delivery ( in speaking ), speech ; avero una bella dicitura , to hate a fine delivery Dicollare, va. \. behead, v. Decollare Dicolto, -a, adj. dried in the sun, boiled Dicozione, sf. v. Decozione Dicrescere,i'a.2. t'rr. to decrease, v. Decrescere Di colpo , adv. exp.. suddenly, instantly, at once Di colta, adv. exp. out of hand, off-hand, im- mediately Di compagnfa, adv. exp. in company, together Di concerto, adv. exp. with common accord , unanimously Di conc<5rdia , adv. exp. conc6rdably, with agreement, unanimously Di continue, adv. exp. continually Di conserva , adv. exp. together, in company (as a convoy, or caravan) Di contra, di conlro,prep. and adv. exp. 6ver- against, opposite Di corsa , di c6rso , adv. exp. cursorily , in running Di cdrto , adv. exp. shortly, in a short time ; esser vestito di c6rto (of priests) to be dres- sed in short clothes Di costa/nrfy. exp. on one side, close, by ; di cosla al flume, close by the river Dicotiledone, dicotiledonio, -a, adj. (bol.) di- cotyledonous, having two lobes Dicotiledone (pi. dicoliledoni), smf. (bot.) di- cotvledon , a plant whose seeds divide into two lobes in germinating Dicrollare , va. \. to shake , T. Crollare , di- battere Dicnidare.ua. i. to swe"eten, v. Disasprire, dis- acerbare Dicu6cere, va. 2. irr. (ant. ) to . make a de- c6ction, dry in the sun Di cuore, adv. exp. heartily, from the heart; V amo di cuore, 1 love you m6st sincerely, I do love you Didascalico , didatlico , -a , adj. didactic , in- structive Diddtto, -a, adj. deducted, drawn, derived Die sm. (po.) day, light, sunshine Die (for diede), gave Diece, dieci, sm. and adj. ten Diecina, T. Decina Dieresi, sf. separation of vowels, dieresis Dieronsi (for. dieronosi.5. pers. p. perf. ind. of dare, vrf.), they gave one another Diesis, sm. semitone Dicta, sm. diet, regimen, dietary, assembly ; tenere a dicta, to diet, to put upon a diet ; ndr, rude; -fall, son, bull; -fire, dA; - by, lymph; poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem, as DIE 198 DIF stare in dieta, to ben on a 16w diet; osser- Yare la diela, to observe, keep a regimen Dietamente, adv. quickly, nimbly Dietare, va. 1. to diet, keep to a regimen Dielelica, sf. (mcd.) dietetics, principles for regulating the diet Dielelico, -a, adj. dietetic, dietelical Dielreggiare, vn. \. to go, fall or start back Dietro , prep, and ado. behind , after, after- wards; porta di dietro , a back door; ve- nivano dietro a me, they came after me; farsi in dielro , to draw back; dietro la porta , behind the door ; dietro guardia , v. Retroguardia Dietroguardia, sf. rear guard Difalcare, va. 1. to deduct, abate, retrench Difalcazione, sf. 1 retrenchment diminution , Difalco, SHI. J deduction, abatement Difalla , sf. default , fault, defect, omission, breach, dearth Difaltare, va. \. to omit, fail, decrease Difendente , sm. respondent, defendant, one who maintains a thesis Difendere, va. 2. in: to defend, protect va. 2. to prohibit, v. Proibire; difendersi; vrf. 2, to defend one's self Difendfivole, adj. defensible, justifiable Difendirnento, sm. defence , v. Difesa Difenriilivo, -a, adj. defensive Difendilore, -trice, smf. defender , protector Difensibile, adj. defensible , maintainable Difensivo, -a, adj. defensive, fit for defence Difensore, sm. defender, protector, guardian; difensore uflicioso, (law) defendep appointed by the C6urt Difen're, va. 5. v. Deferire Di ferrno, adv. exp. verily, certainly, for cer- tain Difesa, difensione, /". defense, defence, resist- ance; personale, propria difesa, sflf-de- fense; roezzi di difesa, (law) justification; in propria difesa, per propria difesa, in self-defeuse; senza difesa , undefended, de- fenseless , unsheltered; in istato di difesa; defensible; mellere, porre in istalo di di- fesa, to make defensible; stare sulla difesa, to stand upon the defensive; prendere, in- traprendere , assiimere la difesa di alcuno , to lake one's part or defense ; chi puo far difesa contro i vostri vezzi? who can resist your charms? Difcso, -a, adj. defended, protected Difellanle. adj. defective, wanting i. who fails, who is in want Difetlare, van. \. to stand in need of, be in want of, be without, need, want (blame) Difetlivamente, adv. in a defective manner Difetlivo, -a, adj. defective, imperfect Difetlo, sm. defect, blemish, failing, want; per difetlo di esperienza , from want of expe- rience; adempiere il difelto, supplire al di- fetlo, to supply a deficiency; correggersi de' propri diftti , to mend , reform; ave> difelto di una cosa, to winter need a thing; far difelto, to fail in duty; imputare a di- fetto, to lay to one's blame or charge Difeltosamente, adv. defectively, in an imper- fect manner Difettoso, -a, adj. defective, imperfect Difettuccio, difettuzzo, sm. a slight defect Difc.Uuosita, sf. defectiveness, imperfection Diffalcare, va. 1. v. Difalcare Diffalco, m. v. Difalco DilTalta, sf. fault, omission, v. Difalta Diffaltare, ra. \. v. Difaltare Diffamamenlo, sm. v. Diffamazione Diffamare, vn. 1. to defame, slander, belie Diffamato, -a, adj. defamed, slandered Diffamatore, sm. defamer, slknderer Diffamalorio, -a, adj. defamatory, calumnious Diffamazione, sf. defamation, cilumny Differente, adj. different, unlike, various Differenleraente, adv. differently, otherwise Uifierenza, differenzia, sf. difference, dispute Differenziare, vn. \. to discriminate, distin- guish Differenziatamente , adv. with difference or distinction Differenziato, -a, adj. distinguished , marked Differimenlo, sm. delay, respite, putting off Differire, va. 5. to defer, put off, delay, post- p6ne, adjourn Differmamento, sm. (little used) refutation, confutation Differmare, va. 1. (little used) to refute, con- fute Difficile, adj. difficult, hard, puzzling Difficiletto, -a, adj. somewhat difficult Diflicilmente, adv. with difficulty, hardly Difflcolta, difCculla, -ate, -ado , sf. difficulty, trouble; grave, serious difficulty; leg- giera, lieve, trilling difficulty ; fare dilflcol- ta , to object to a thing; far nascere le dif- Ccolta, to raise difficulties; studiare indif- ficolla,' to love difficullies Difficollare, va. 1. to make difficult , hard Difficoltoso, -a, adj. difficult, hard to please Diffidamento, sm. diffidanza, sf. distrust, dif- fidence, suspicion Diffidare, va. t. to distrust , doubt, suspect; diflidare di alcuno, to distrust a person Diffidato, -a, adj. distrusted, suspected Diffidente, adj. diffident , mistrustful Diflidenza ( diffidenzia , ant.), sf. diffidence, distrust, suspicion Diffinire, va. 5. to define, decide, determine Diffinitaraente, adv. clearly, absolutely Diffjnitivamente, adv. definitively Diffinilivo, -a, a . ant.) delight, joy Dilettante, sm. a dilettante, amateur Diletlare, va. 1. to delight, rejoice, recreate Dilettarsi, vrf. to take delight in, be pleased Dilettato, sm. (ant.) delight, pleasure, joy, T. L)ileltam<5nto Dilettatore, -trice, smf. rejolcer, amuser Dilettazione, sf. pleasure, satisfaction, delight Dilettevole, adj. delightful, charming Dilettevolmente, adv. delightfully Dilettissimo, adj. dearly beloved Dileltivo,-a, adj. affectionate, fond, lender Diletto, sm. pleasure, delight, joy; a di'.etto, a bel diletto , at will , at pleasure , on pur- pose ; andar a diletto, to gd walking; pren- der a diletto, to make sport of a, adj. beloved, 'dear Dilettosamente, adv. agreeably, pleasantly Dilettoso, dilezioso, -a, adj. delightful Dilezione, sf. 16ve, affection, benevolence Diliberamente, adv. freely, v. Liberamente Diliberamento, sm. J deliverance, riddance, Diliberanza, sf. { deliberation, decision Diliberare, va. (v. Liberare), to deliver, re- lease, rid of, deliberate, prop6se, decide Diliberatamentc, udc. deliberately, advised^ Diliberativo,-a, adj. deliberative Diliberato, adj. determined, res61ved, fixed; con prop6sito deliberato, wilfully Diliberazione, sf. deliberation, resolve Dilibero, -a, adj. determined, released Dilibrarsi, vrf. \. to lose one's equilibrium Dilicamento.sm. dilicanza./'. (an(.)delicateness Dilicatamenle, adv. delicately, tenderly Dilicatezza, sf. delicacy, exquisitness , vo- luptuousness, effeminacy, softness Dilicato, -a, arf;'. delicate, weak, nice, tender; mani delicate, soft hands; vivande delicate, Dilicatura, sf. v. Delicatura (dainty bits Diligentare, va. 1. to perform with diligence Diligente, adj. diligent, watchful, careful Diligentemente. adv. diligently, carefully Diligenza, diligenzia, sf diligence, care Diligione, sf. (ant. derision), v. Dileggiamento Dilimarsi, vrf. I. to go down to the bottom Diliquidare, va. 1. to liquefy, melt, dissolve Fate, mete, bite, n&le, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub; - far, pique, DIL 201 DIM Diliscare, va. 1. to scale fish (camp Diloggiare, tn. \. to march off, remove, de- Diloggiato,-a, adj. gone away, removed Dilombare.tn.l. arsi, vrf. to break one's back Dilombato,-a, adj. hipsbot, brokenbacked Di lontano. orfi-. erp. a! a distance, from afar Dilucidaroente, adv. lucidly, clearly, plainly Dilucidare, va. \. to dilucidate Dilucidato, -a, adj. explained, cleared Dilucidazione, sf. elucidation, clearing Dilucido, -a, adj. (cut.) clear , evident, lucid Dilucnlo,*m. (In tin] dawn, d pawning, daybreak, the first appearance of light in the morning Diluente, sm. d.luent, diluting, attenuating Diluire , t'. 3. to dilute, wash, weaken; to render liquid or more liquid, to make thin, or more fluid Di liinga mano , adv. exp. long since , a long while ag6 Dilungamento,sm. remoteness, distance, delay Dilungare, ra. 1. to send off, keep off, remove ; (for prolungare) to prolong, delay, put off; (for allungare) to stretch, lengthen, extend; dilungarsi , vref. to depart from, go away , digress; dall'argomento , to depart from the main subject Dilungato, -a, adj. removed, prol&nged; non m'era molto dilungato da casa, quando co- mincio a piovere, I had got but a little way from home, when it began raining Di lunge, di liingi, adv. exp. far off, distant Diliinpo, di lungo, adi: exp. continually, di- rectly , immediately ; sonare a dilungo , to ring out the bells Diluviano, -a, adj. diluvian, of the deluge Diluviare, t. \. to rain, to pour , to deluge, inundate, overflow, dev&ur Diluvialore, -trice, sinf. a gormandizer, glutton Diluvio, sm. deluge, influx, abundance Diluvione, sm. guttler, great glutton Diluvioso, -a, adj. overflowing like a deluge Dimagratnento, sm. the becoming, getting or growing thin, spare Dimagrare, dimajiherare, va. \. to make lean, tii. to gr6w thin, lean (thin Dimagrato , -a , adj. attenuated , emaciated , Dimagrazione, sf. attenuation, growing thin Di male in peggio, adv. exp. worse and worse Di mal occhio , adv. exp. surlily , with dis- pleasure , with a rancorous or malevolent eye; veder di mal occhio', to* see with dis pleasure , to look upon surly , to look with a rancorous or malevolent eye Dimanda. sf. question, demand, request Dimandagione,s/. dimandamento, m. demand Dimandante, sinf. demandant, petitioner Dimandare, fa. 1. to ask, demand, request Dimandatore, -trice, smf. inquirer, deniander Dimando, sm. dimandazione, f. demand (day Dimane , domane , sf. the morrow , the next Dimani , sm. and adv. to-morrow; dimani a otto , to-morrow week; dim an 1'altro , the day after lo-m&rrow; dimaui s^ra , to-mor- row evening Dimanierache, di maniera che, conj. so that Di mano in mano, adv. erp. successively, one after another; di mano in mano ch'io pro- grediva, as I advanced; e cosi di mano in mano, and so forth Dimattina, o.) rejoiced, joyful Disaugurare, va. \. to draw a bad omen Disautorare, va. \. to degrade, disaulhorize Disavanzare, vn. \. to lose ground, suffer loss Disavanzo, sm. detriment, loss, damage; met- tere a disavanzo, to reckon for loss Disavor rare, rn.1. to discharge or unload ballast Disavvanlaggiare, ra. 1. to lose one's advan- tage Disavvanlaggio, sm. disadvantage, injury Disavvanlaggiosamenle, adv. with loss Disavvantaggioso, -a, adj. disadvantageous Disawedimenlo, sm. inadvertence, neglect Disavvedutamente, adv. inconsiderately Disavvedutezza, sf. inattention, imprudence Disavveduto, -a, adj. inconsiderate , heedless Disavvenenle, adj. ill-looking, unprepossess- ing, forbidding, ugly Disavvenenlezza, sf. j deformity , ugliness , Disavvenenza, sf. j clownishness Disavvenevole, adj. ugly, disgusting Disavvenire, vn. 5. to happen unfortunately, fall out unluckily, come unseasonably Disavventura, sf. mishap, mischance Disavventuratamente, adv. unfortunately Disavvenluralo, -a J adj. unlucky , unfor- Disavvenluroso,-a j tunale, hapless Disavvertenza, sf. inadvertence, neglect Disavvezzamenlo, sm. disuse, want of practice Disavvezzare, va. 1. to disaccustom, -wean Disavvisamento, sm. 6versight, imprudence Disbandeggiato, -a, adj. exiled, banished Disbandire, fa. 3. to banish) v. Sbandire Disbarallare, disbaragliare, va. 1. to rout Uisbaragliato, -a, adj. routed, v. Sbaragliato Disbarbare, va. 1. to root out, shave Disbarbato,-a, adj. rooted out, beardless Disbarcare, van. \. to disembark, unload Disboscare, van. \. to cut down trees Disbramare, va. \. lo gratify, v. Sbramare Disbranare, va. \. to tear, v. Sbranare Disbrancare, va. 1. to disbranch, sever (sw6rd Disbrandare, va. I. to disarm , take one's Disbrigare, va. 1. to disinlricate, disentangle, _ disengage , dispatch , resolve ; disbrigarsi, to extricate one's self, get rid of Disbrigato, -a, adj. extricated, got rid of Disbrigo, sm. dispktch, expedition , speedy transaction of business Disbrumare, va. \. to burnish, p&lish, gloss Disbuffare, ri. 1. v. SbulL.re Discacciamento, sm. expulsion, banishment Discacciare, vo. \. to expel, drive away Discacciato,-a, adj. expelled, driven away Discacciatore, -trice, smf. expeller Discadere, vn. 2. to fall away, decay, waste; to fall lo , dev&lve; discadere di forze , to lose one's strength, become debilitated Discadimento, sm. fall, decay, waste, ruin Discaduto,-a, adj. fallen, decayed, wasted Discaggere, vn. 2. irr. (ant.) v. Discadere, to fall away, decay Discalzaie, va. \. to pulloffshoes, v. Scalzare Discalzo, -a, adj. bare-fooled , v. Scalzo Discamerare, va.-l. to free from confiscation Discanso, sm. escape, v. Scampo Discanlare, va. 1. (ant.) to disenchant Discapezzare, ra. 1. to lop, prune, behead Discapitare, ra. 1. to suffer loss, be a loser Discapito, sm. detriment, loss, damage Discarcare, van. \. to unl&ad, v. Scaricare Discareerare, va. 1. lo set at liberty, release Discarco, sm. v. Discarico Discaricame'nto, sm. discharging, unloading Discaricare, van. lo unload, disburden Discaricalo,-a, adj. unloaded, disburdened Discarico, sm. discharge, unloading Discaro, -a, adj. disagreeable, unacceptable; non vi sia discaro d' ascoltarmi, be so good as to hear me Discatcnare, va. 1. lo unchain, let loose Discatenato, -a, adj. unfettered, unchained Discavalcare, van. \. to unhorse, dismount Discedere,tn.2. irr. (latin) to depart, go away, set out Disccndente, adj. that descends , smf. a des- cendant Discendcnza, sf. extraction, lineage, race Discendere, vn. 4. irr. to descend, spring from Discendim6nto, sm. descent, declivity, slope Discensi6ne, sf. descent, descension Discensivo, adj. that may descend Discenso, sm. (po.) descent, declivity Discensore, sm. (ant.) descendant, offspring Disceole, smf. learner, scholar, pupil Discepolalo , sm. pupilage , the time one is under a m&sler (scholar Discepolo, -a, smf. a disciple, scholar, a female Discernente, adj. discerning, shrewd Disccrnenza, sf. (ant.) sign, mark, choice, T. Discernimento Discernere, ra. 1. to discern, distinguish, dis- criminate, perceive, see, understand Discernevole, adj. quicksighted, clear-headed Discernimcnlo, sm. discernment, judgment Discernilfvo, adj. capable of discerning Discernitore, -trice, smf. discerner, judge Discernuto,-a, adj. discerned, distinguished, perceived, understood Discerpere, va. 2. (lal.) to tear to bits Discerre, t-a. 2. t'rr. to choose, divide Discervcllalo,-a, adj. hare brained, wild Discesa, sf. descent, declivity, decay Disceso,-a, adj. descended, issued, born F4U, mtie, bite, n6te, tube; - fit, met, bit, n6t, tub; - far, pique, DIS 207 DIS Discettare, ra. 1. (ant.) to dispute, debate Disceltazione, sf. debate, contest (Int.) Discervellare, va. i. \. Dicervcllare Disceveranza, sf. separation, division Discevcrare, rn. i. to sever, part, set aside Disceverarsi, rrf. 1. to part with Disceverato,-a, adj. dissevered, separated Discezione. sf. y. Dissezione Dischiarare.rn. 1. (ant.) to declare, make man- ifest, v. Dichiarare Discttialtare, tn. (ant.} v. Tralignare Dischiatlato. -a, adj. degenerated, base Dischiavacciare , 'va. 1. (a;il.) to unlock, unfetter Dischiavare , w. 1. to 6pen (with a key) , unlock, disclose, rescue from slavery Dischiedere, r i. -2. irr. to suit ill Dischierare, ra. 1. to break the ranks, disorder Discbierarsi, erf. l.o quit the ranks Dischicsta, sf. (ant.) negligence, carelessness Disctiiodarc, ra. 1. v. Schiodare Discl.iomare, ra. 1. to pull out, cut off the hi':ir (elude Dischiiidere, ra. 2. irr. to disc!6se, open, (ex- Dischiumare, ra. 1. to skim, (scum) Dischiuso, -a, adj. opened , disclosed, mani- fested Discipnere, va. 2. iVr. to ungird, untie Discindere, va. 2. irr. to cut, cleave (Dant.) Discinto,-a, adj. ungirt, untied Disciogliero.ra 2. irr. to untie, break, dissolve Discio>rlicrsi, vrf. 2. to melt, dissolve, liquefy Discioglimento, SMI. solution, analysis, end Discioplitore, smf. resdlver, interpreter Disciollaniente, adv. quickly, briskly Disciollo, -a, adj. dissolved", loose, unfetter ed , untrammelled , uninciimbered , active , vigorous, lively, brisk Disciorre, ra. 2. in'. v. Disciogliere Discipilo, -a, adj. (ant.) insipid, v. Scipfto Disciplina, sf. discipline, flagellation Disciplinabilila, sf. disciplinahleness Diseiplinale, adj. disciplmable, docile Disciplinale, adj. disciplinary, of discipline Disciplinare, va. 1. to discipline, flagellate Disciplinato, -a, adj. disciplined, -whipped Disciplinfvole, adj. disciplinable, ddcile Discipulo, sm. (ant.) disciple, v. Discepolo Disco, sm. disk, quoit, discus, disc, breadth Discdbolo, sm. a quoit-player, discobulus Discoccare, v. Scoccare Discojare, ra. 1. to skin, flay, undeceive Uiscolamente, adi\ dissolutely, loosely Disccletto, -a, adj. rakish, vaggish, saucy Discolo, -a, adj. quarrelsomej dissolute, wild; alia discola, adv. disorderly Discoloramento, sm. paleness, v. Scolorazione Discoiorare, ra. i. to discolor, stain Discolo ra to, -ito, -a, adj discolored , pale Discolorazione, sf. discoloration, loss of color Discolorire, ra. 3. to discolor , v. Scolorare Discolorirsi, discolorarsi, vrf. to gr6w pale Discolpa, tf. encuse, justification Discolpamento, sm. excuse, justification Discolpare, ra. t. to exculpate, justify , cl^ar Discolpalo, -a, adj. exculpated, justified Disc6mbere, rn. 2. to lean at meals, according to the manner of the ancients Discomodare, ra. 1. T. Scomodare Discomodita, sf. T. IncomoJila Discomodo, -A, adj. inconvenient, v. Incomodo Discompagnabile, adj. separable, divisible Discompagnare, ra. 1. to separate Discompagnato, -a, adj. disunited, divided Discompagnatura, sf separation, disunion Discomporre, ta. 2. irr. to discompdse, derange Disccmpostezza, sf. disorder, imm6desty Discomposto, -a, adj. deranged , discomposed Disconcertare, ra. 1. v. Sconcertare Disconciare, ra. 1. T. Sconciare Disconcludere, ra. 2. (v. Sconcludere) to break Off, unsettle conclusions Disconcluso,-a, adj. br6ken off, not concluded Disconcordia, sf. v. Discordia Disconfessare, va. 1. to disavow, disown Disconfidare, ra. 1. to distrust, v. Diffidare Disconfiggere, ra. 2. irr. T. Sconfiggere Disconfitta, sf. disc6mCture, v. Sconfitta Disconfortare, ra. 1. to dissuade; disconfor- tarsi, vrf. to be disheartened Disconforto, sm. discomfort, v. Sconforto Disconoscgnte, adj. ungrateful, unthankful Disconoscenza, $/*. ingratitude, v. Sconoscenza Disconoscere , ra. 2. irr. not to kn6w again , to take for andther, T. Sconoscere DisconcsciutamentCj adv. incognito Disconosciuto, -a, adj. unknown. forg6lten Disconseguire, ra. 3. not to obtain Disconsentimento, sm. dissent, opposition Disconsentirc, rn. 5. to dissent, disagree Disconsigliamenlo, SHI. dissuasion Disconsigliare, va. i. to dissuade, v. Sconsi- gliire Disconsiglialo, -a, orfj. ill-advfsed, dissuaded Disconsigliatore, sm. dissuader Disconsolare , ra. 1. to discomfort, v. Scon- solare Discontentare, ra. 1. v. Scontentare Discontento, -a, adj. discontended, afflicted Discontinuare, ra. 1. to discontinue Discontinuatamente, ado. interruptedly Disconlinuato, -a, adj. discontinued, left off Discontinuazione, sf. discontinuation, stop Discontinuo , -a , adj. discontinuous , broken off, interrupted Disconvenevole, v. Sconvenevole, sconveniente Disconvenire, ra. 5. to misbecome, not suit Discopertamente, adv. 6penly, clearly (open Discopcrlo , -a , adj. discovered , discl&sed , Discoprimento, sm. discovery, manifestation Discoprire, ra. 3. to discSver, discjose , sh6w Uiscopritore, sm. discoverer, discloser Discoraggiamnto, sm. discouragement, fear Discoraggiante, adj. discouraging, alarming n6r, rude; - fall, son, bull; - fare, do; - by , lymph; poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem, as DIS 208 DIS Discoraggiare, va. \. to discourage Discorare, va. 1. to dishearten, terrify, dismay Discorato, -a, arf;. disheartened, terrified Discordaraento, sm. disagreement, unfitness Discordante, adj. discordant, incompatible Discordantemente, adv. incompatibly Discordanza, sf. discordance, disagreement Discordare, vn. IMo disagree, be at variance, jar, clash, be out of tune Discordato, -a, adj. discordant, dissonant Discordatore, sm. a -wrangler (ble Discorde. adj. dissonant, jarring, incompati- Discordomente, adv. discordantly Discordevole , adj. contentious, quarrelsome, contradicting, discordant, ill-sorted Discdnlia, sf. discord, variance , dissension Discordioso, -a, adj. (ant.) litigious, quarrel- some, v. Discorde Discorrenle, adj. running up and down Discorrere, va. 2. irr. to ramble, r6am , run about, discourse, reason, argue, speechify Discorrevole, adj. slippery, mutable , fleeting Discorrimento, sm. talk, flow, running about Discorrilore, -trice, smf. talker, prater Discorsivamente, adv. discursively, in a dis- cursive manner Discorsfvo, -a, discorsevole, adj. discursive Discorso, sm. a reasoning, a discourse, trea- tise, speech, sermon, talk; a flux, running Discortese, arf;'. discourteous, T. Scortese Discortesia, sf. v. Soortesia Discoscendere, va. 2. irr. v. Scoscendere Discosceso, sm. precipice, steep, rock, crag Discosc6so, -a, adj. steep, craggy, precipitous Discosciare, to. \. to break, disjoint the thfgh Discosciato, -a, adj. broken, sleep , craggy Discostamento, sm. sending away, distance Discostare, va. \. to remove, send off: disco- starsi, to remove one's self, keep off Discoslo, arfu. far off, distant, far from Discovrire, e deriv. v. Scoprire, ecc. Discredente, adj. incredulous, indocile Discredenza. .ned.) a dyspepsy , dyspepsia, bad digestion Dispcrabile , odj irretrievable , despaired of Disperagione, sf. v. Disperazione Disperanle, adj. afflictive, grievous , hopeless Disperare , von. 2. to deprive of hope , lose one's patience; disperarsi , vnrf. to despair of, despond, become disheartened Disperatamente, adv. desperately, madly Disperalezza, sf. despair, v. Disperazidne Disperalo, -a, arf;. desperate, hopeless: un disperato , sm. one driven to distraction or desperation, a desperate fool-hardy fellow, a poor needy reckless wretch; da disperato fiih: exp. like a madman Disperazione, sf. despair, desperation, dis- traction . recklessness ; darsi alia dispera- zione, to give one's self up to despair Disperdere, rn. 2. to dissipate, squander, waste, disperse, scatter, rout, miscarry Disperdimento, sm. dispersion, waste , ruin Disperditamente. adv. dispersed!}' Disperditore, sm. a destroyer, waster (rout Dispe>vere, ro. 2. frr. to disperse, scatter, Dispergimento, sm. scattering, ruin, rout Dispergilore, sm. destroyer, ravager , waster Dispersamente, adv. dispersedly Disperse, adv. (ant. for di per se), a!6ne; lo fece di per se, he did it by himself Dispersione, sf. dispersion, distraction Disperse, -a, adj. dispersed, wasted, routed Dispeso, adj. spent, v. Speso Dispettabile, arf;. despicable Dispeltaccio, sm. a spiteful insnlt, affront Dispettare, ro. \. to despise: dispettArsi , to fret, be vexed Dispetlato, -a, adj. despised, spited, vexed Dispettivole, adj. despicable, v. Spregevole Dispeltivame'nte, orft 1 . contemptuously Dispelto, sm. affront, invidiousness, contempt, scfirn; av^re in dispetto, to despise , con- temn; lo faro a vostro dispfitto (marcio dispetto), I' H do it in spite of you -a, adj. (better spregiato^ despised, vfle Dispettosamenie, ado. spitefully, angrily Dispett6so,-a, arf;'. spiteful, malicious, vfle Dispettosuzzo,-a, adj. somewhat spiteful Dispiacente, adj. displeasing, sorry Dispiacenza, -enzia, sf. displeasure, s6rrow Dispiacere, va. \. in: to displease, disgust ; me ne displace, I am s6rry for it Dispiacere, dispiacimento, SOT. displeasure, grief, affliction Dispiacevole, arf;. unpleasant, painful Dispiacevolezza, sf. displeasure, vexation Dispiacevolmente, adv. disagreeably Dispiaciuto,-a, arf;. displeased, angry, vexed Dispianare, va. I. to lay, stretch or spread out on the ground, fig. to explain ; dispia- narsi, to lie down flat on the ftrJund^ Dispianato,-a, arf;'. explained, laid down Dispiantare, ra. \. to root out, v. Spiantare Dispiccire, ro. 1. to tear, pluck up, pull up Dispicciare, va. \. to despatch, expedite Dispiegare, ro. 1. to explain, display, spread Dispiegarsi, vrf. to expand, dilate, D.int. Dispietanza, sf. (ant.) cruelly, inhumanity Dispietatamente, adv. cruelly, without pity Dispielato, -a, arf;. unmerciful, ruthless Dispignere, ro. 2. rr. T. Scancellare Oispitto, sm. (anf.) v. Dispetto Displicenza, sf. v. Dispiacenza Dispodestare , va. \. to deprive of power; dispodestarsi, vrf. to resign one's power Dispogliare, ro. \. to strip, v. Spogliare Dispolpare, ra. i. v. Spolpare Disponente, smf. disposer (p6sal Disponibile, arf;'. dispdsable , subject to dis- Disponimfinto, sm. disposition, firder, rank Disponitivo, -a, adj. pertaining to disp6sal ; that implies disposal Disponitdre, sm. disp&ser, regulator Dispontaneamente, orfi'. v. Spontaneamente Dispopolare, ra. \. to unpeople, v. Spopolare Dispopolatore, sm. dep&pulator, destroyer Disp6rre, ro. 2. JIT. lo disp6se, prepire, set in order , persuade , engage one to do; to dispose of; dispdrsi , to prepare one's self, resolve, determine Disposanaenlo, sm. belr&lhing, v. Sposamento Disposare, ra. \. v. Sposare Dispositive, -a, arf;. implying disposal; (law) enacting ;disposilivo, sm. recital (of deeds); il disposilivo del Decrelo, the enacting part of the Decree Disposit6re, sm. disposer, ruler, governor Disposizione, sf. disposition, mind, intent Dispossessare, va. 1. to dispossess , disseize Disp6sta, sf. (ant.) v. Disposizione nor, rude; - fall, son, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, boys, foul, fowl; gem, ai DIS 214 DIS Dispostamente, ado. -with order, method Dispostezia, sf. readiness, agility, beauty Disposto,-a, adj. disposed, inclined, fit, adapted, nimble; egli non 6 disposto a venire, he don't feel inclined to come; ben disposto del corpo, lithe, agile, well made; disposto , ben disposto , well disposed to- wards, friendly Pispotesiare , va. 1. to deprive of power, to divest of dignity or oflice Dispoticamente, adv. despotically Dispotico, -a, adj. despoticaJL, absolute Dispotisino, mi. absolute power, despotism Dispoto, sin. despot, absolute prince , master Dispregare, va. \. to neglect to pray, to have no mind to pray Dispregevole, adj. despicable, contemptible Dispregevolmente , adv. disdainfully, slight- ingly Dispregiabile, adj. despicable, contemptible Disprcgiamento, */. dispregianza, f. contempt Dispregianle, disprezzante, adj. disdainful Dispregiare, ra. 1. to despise, undervalue Dispregialivo, -a, adj. implying contempt Dispregiato, -a, adj. despised, contemned Dispregiatore, -trice, tmf. despiser, scorner Dispregio, disprezzamento, SHI. contempt Dispreguare, vu. 1. T. Spregnare Disprezzabile, adj. despicable, contemptible Disprezzantemente, adv. v. Uispregevolmente Disprezzare, va. 1. to despise, undervalue Disprezzativo, -a, adj. worthy of contempt Disprezzalore, -trice, smf. conteuiner, scorner Disprezzevole, adj. despicable, contemptible Disprezzevolmeute, adc. disdainfully Disprezzo, sm. contempt, scorn, disdain Disprigionare, va. i. to free from prison Disproporzionare, va. 1. to disproportion Disproporzionato, -a, adj. disproportionate Disproporzione, sf. disproportion (.lently Disprovedutainente, ado. unawares, inadver- Disproveduto,-a, adj. unprovided, destitute Disprunare, t. 1. to cut away thorns, briers Dispumato, -a, adj. frothy, v. Schiumato Dispuro,-a, adj. impure, immodest Disputa, disputazione, sf. dispute, debate, discussion, strife Disputable, adj. disputable, controvertible Disputabilita, sf. coulestableness, possibility of being disputed, debated Dispulamenlo, sm. disputazione,/'. disputation Dispulante, tsinf. disputant Disputare, va. i. to dispute, contest, debate; disputar dell'ombra dell' asino , to dispute about trifles Dlgputativo,-aj adj. disputativo , disputable Disputato,-a, adj. disputed, controverted Dispulatore,-trice, smf. arguer, reasoner Di&quUizione, sf- disquisition, inquiry Disradicare, i-a. 1. to rdot out, eradicate Disragionato,-a, adj. v. Irragionevole Disragione,*/; (ant.) want of sense, foolishness Disredare, to. 1. (a(.) v. Diseredare Disregolatamente, a>.li-. wilh<>ut moderation Disregolato,-a, adj. disorderly , unruly Disrompere, va. 2. irr. (/w.)to break off, part Disruvidire, vu. 5. to rub off the riist, polish Dissagrare, va. i. to profane, desecrate Dissagrato, -a, adj. profaned, polluted Dissalare, i-. who knows not how to dissemble, knows not bow to reign Dissimulatamente, ade. dissemblin gly , with dissimulation Dissimulato,-a,aof;. dissembled, feigned, crafty, artful Fate, mete, bile, n6U, tub*; - fat, met, bit, n6t, tub; - far, pique, DIS 215 DIS Dissimulat6re,-trice, smf. dissembler Dissimulazione, nf. dissimulation, dissembling, false pretence Dissipabile, adj. that may be dissipated , dis- sipable Dissip;ibilita, sf. possibility of being dissipa- ted, scattered , dispersed, wasted Dissipamento, sin. dissipation, wasting Dissipare.tw. 1. to dissipate, disperse.squander Dissipato,-a, adj. dissipated, dispersed, squan- dered Dissipatore.-trice, smf. squinderer, waster Dissipazione , .>/". dissipation, prodigality, waste l)issipito,-a, adj. insipid, tasteless, flat Dissodare, fa. 1. to break up, plough , till Oissollecitiidine, sf. slowness, laziness Dissolubile, adj. dissoluble, dissolvable Dissolubita, sf. dissolubility , dissolvableness Dissolutamente, adv. dissolutely , loosely Dissolutezza, sf. disorderly conduct, excess Dissolulivo, -a, adj. dissolvent, dissolving Dissolute, -a, adj. dissolute , disorderly, de- bauched; dissolved, melted, liqueffed, fused Dissoluzione, sf. dissolution, solution Dissolvunte, adj. dissolvent, dissolving Dissolvero, va. 2. in: (po.) to dissolve Dissolvitore.-trice, smf. diss&lver, that which dissolves or has the power of dissolving Dissomigliante, adj. unlike, different Dissomiglianza, sf. disparity, unlikeness Dissomifiliare, vn. \. to be different, unlike Dissonante, adj. dissonant , discordant Dissonanza, sf. dissonance, jarring Dissonare , vn. \. to sound unharmoniously , to be dissonant, discordant; to disagree Dissonnarsi, vrf. to a akc Dissolterramento, sm. exhumation, the disin- terring of a corpse; the digging up of iny thing buried Dissotterrare, va. \. to disinter, unbiiry Dissovvenire, vn. 5. to forget Dissuade're, fa. 2. (')/. to dissuade, divert Dissuasione , sf. dissuasion , contrary advice Dissuasive, -a, adj. dissuasive; tending to dis- suade Dissuaso, -a. adj. dissuaded, diverted from Dissuasdre, sm. dissuader, dehorter Dissuasorio, -a, adj. dissuasive, dehortatory Dissueliidine, sf. disuse, want of practice Dissuggellare, va. to unseal, break the seal Distaccamento, sm. detaching , detachment Distaccanza, sf. the untying, disengaging Distaccare, va. 1. to pull or wrest away , de- tach; to separate, part disunite; distac- carsi, to part, to detach one's self Distaccatura, sf. the detaching, separating Distacco, sm. the state of being detached or separated, disengagement, alienation Distagliare, t'a. 1. to cut asunder , intersect Distagliatiira, sf. separation, division, cut Distante, adj. distant, remote, far off Distanza,-anzia, sf. distance, space Di stare, vn. 1. irr. to be distant , far off Distasare, fa. \. to unstop Distemperaraento, sm. dissolving, diluting Distemperare, va. I. v. Stemperare Distemperanza, sf. v. Stemperamento, intem- peranza Distendere, va. 2. irr. to extend, stretch , lay down, lay open; distendersi , to dwell or enlarge upon (a subject), to unbend Distendimento, sm. extension, distension Distenditore, -trice, smf. extender, stretcher Distenditura, sf. distenlion, v. Distensione Distenebrare, va. \. to clear up, San. Distenere, va. 2. in: to retain, detain, stop Distenime'nto, sm. detention, restraint Distensione, sf. distenlion, expansion Disteniito, -a, adj. detained, hindered Disterminare, va. \. to exterminate, destroy Disterrare, va. 1. v. Esiliare Distesa, sf. expansion, stretching Distesa (alia, a.), adv. exp. at large, diffusedly Distesamenle, adv. diffusedly, widely Disteso,-a, adj. spread, wide, long, unbent Uistessere, va. 2. to unweave, v. Stessere Distico, sm. (vers.) distich, couplet of lines Distillamento, SOT. distillation, distilling Distillante, sm. a distiller Distillare, van. \. to distil, drop, infuse Distillatojo, sm. a still, alembick, distillery Distillatore, sm. a distiller Distillatorio, SM. a still, alembic; adj. m. dis- tillatory, used for distilling Distillazione, sf. distillation, dropping Distinguere, va. 2. irr. to distinguish, to part, divide, examine; distinguersi , to distin- guish Dislinguibile, adj. distinguishable (one's self Dislinguimento, sm. v. Distinzione Dislinguitore, -trice, smf. distinguisher Distiuo, sm. (ant.) destiny, file, r. Destine Distintamente, adv. distinctly, clearly Distinliva. sf. v. Distinzione Distintivo,-a, adj. distinctive; il dislintiTo. *i. the distinguishing mark or sign, th characteristic DisU'nto,-a, adj. distinguished, distinct, clear Distinzione, sf. distinction, difference Dislirpare, va. \. to extirpate, v. Estirpare Distivalare, va. \. to take off one's boots Distivare, va. \. to unstow the hold (sea) Distogliere,v. 2. irr. to dissuade, divert from Distoglimento, s. the diverting from Distoglitdre, -trice, smf. dissuader Dislfilto, -a, adj. taken away, diverted from Distonare, vn. \. to be or sing out of tune Dislorcere, va. 2. irr. to twist, v. Storcere Dislornamento, sm. hinderance, diversion Distoroare, va. \. to turn away, turn from Dislorre, va. 2. irr. to dissuade, divert from Dislorto, -a, adj. dist6rted, crooked, unjust Distraere, distraggere, ua. 2. IJT. Distrarre n6r, rude; -fall, son, bull; -fare, do ;- by, lymph ; poise, b^i, foul, fowl; gem, a DIS 216 DIS Di straforo, adv. e.rp. by stealth, privately, secretly, closely Distrarre, ra. 2. irr. to distract, divert from, turn aside from ; distrarsi , to divert one's mind from, beguile one's sadness Distraltare, ra. \. to maltreat , ill-treat, to treat or use ill Distrattivo , -a , adj. distractive , causing dis- traction, absence Distratto, -a, adj. distracted, absent Distrazione, sf. distraction, absence Distrelta,.'*/'. distress, straitened circumstances Distrettamente, adv. rigorously, severely Dislreltezza, tf. rigor, severity , hardness Distretto, sm. district, territory, circuit a, adj. pressed, pinched, limited Distrettuale, adj. of the district Distribuimenlo sm. distribution, p&rtion Distribute, va. 5. to distribute, divide, range Dstribuito, a, arf;'. distributed , divided Distribulore, sm. distributer, divider Distributivamente, adv. distribulively Distributive, -a, arf;. distributive Distribute, -a, adj. distributed, dealt out Distributore, -trice, smf. distributer Distribuzioncglla, sf. a small distribution Distribuzi6ne, sf. distribution, p6rtion Distrigare, ra. 1. to disentangle, disintricate, unravel, unfold, explain ; distrigarsi, to dis- entangle one's self, to gel rid of Distrignere , -ingere, wo. 2. irr. to bind c!6se, wring hard, squeeze, pinch; to enc6mpass, hold ; esser dislrelto di vettovaglia , to be straitened for provisions ; distrettodi paura, in a great fright Distrignimeoto, -ngimento, sm. the tying cl&se Distrofo, sm. (cers.) a song of two stanzas hstruggere, va. 2. irr. to destroy, melt Distruggimento, sm. destruction, ruin DistruggitMTo, -a, adj. destructive , -wasteful Distruggit6re,-trice, smf. destroyer , waster Distrultivamenle, adv. destructively DistrulUvo,-a, adj. destructive, ruinous Dislrutlo.-a, adj. destroyed, wasted, diss&lred Distrutlore, sm. a destroyer istruzidne, sf. destruction, waste, ruin Dislurare, va. i. to unst&p, uncork , open Disturbamento , sm. dislurbanza, f. trouble, disturbance, disorder, perturbation 'isturbare. va. \. to disturb, displace, vex isturbat6re,-trfce, smf. a disturber , veser istiirbo, sm. disturbance, trouble, anxiety Disuadere, va. 2. irr. to dissuade, v. Dissua- dere Disjjasi6ne, sf. dissuasion, v. Dissnasione )isu4so, -a, adj. dissuaded, v. Dissuaso >isuas6rio,-a, adj. dissuasive, v. Dissuasorio Jisnbbidente.-ignte, adj. disobedient, T. Dis- obbediente Disubbidientemente , adv. disobediently, T. Disobbedientemente (obbedienza Disubbidienza,-nzia, sf. disobedience, v. Dis- Disubbidire, va. 3. to disobey, transgress, v. Disobbedire Disudire, vn. 3. to seem not to hear Disuguaglianza, sf. disparity, inequality Disuguale, adj. unequal, different, uneven Disugualita, -ate, -ade, sf. v. Disagaagliaatt Disugualmente, adv. unequally , unevenly Disumanare, rn. \. to divest of humanity Disumanarsi, vrf to gro-w inhuman, cruel Disumanato,disumano,-a, arf;. inhuman, cruel Disumazione, sf. exhumation Disunibile. adj. divisible, separable Disunidne, sf. disunion, discord, division Disunire, va. 3. to disunite, separate , divide DisunitamSnle, adv. separably, distinctly Disunlo, -a, adj. lean, thin, unprdfltable Disuria, sf. (mod.) dysury, pain and difficul- ty in discharging the urine Disnsanza, sf. disuse, desuetude Disusare, va. \. to disuse, disaccustom Disusatamente, adv. unusually, againstcnstom Disusato, -a, adj. disused, unusual , 6bsolete Disiiso. sm. cessation of custom Disulilaccio , -a, adj. ( of persons ) , good for nothing, lazy, silly, awkward Disulile, adj. useless, answering no purpose Disutility, -ade. -ate.s/'. uselessness,inulility Disulilmente, rft\ uselessly, in vain Disutole, adj. (ant.) v. Disulile Disvalente, adj. worthless, of little value Disvalere, van. 2. irr. to prejudice, hurt Disvalore, sm. weakness. little value, demerit Disvantaggio, sm. disadvantage, prejudice Disvariamlnto, sm. variation, difference Disvariare, ra. t. to differ, vary, be different Disvario, sm. variation, diversity, difference Disvedere, vn. 1. to neglect, overlook Disvegliare, ra. \. to awake, rouse, stir up Disvegliere, disvellere, ra. 2. irr. to pluck up Disvelamento, sm. unveiling, discovering Disvelare, ra. \. to unveil, uncover, disclose Disvelal6re, sm. revealer, discoverer Disvgllere, ra. 2. v. Svellere Disvenfre, vn. 3. to faint, v. Svenire Disventura, sf. ill-luck, v. Svenlura Disventurato, -a, adj. unlucky, v. Sventnrato Disverginare , vn. \. to defile, v. Sverginare Disverre, va. 2. irr. to pluck up, v. Svellere Disveslire, ra. 3. to undress, v. Sveslire Disvezzare, ra. t. to disaccustom, disuse, wean Disviamento, sm. a wandering, straying, de- viation, g6ing out of the wiy Disviare, va. 1. to mislead, lead astray Disviarsi, vrf. \. to stray, deviate, forsake Disviatamente, adv. in a devious manner Disviato, -a, adj. misled out of the right way Disviat6re, -trie* 1 , smf. misleader, seducer Disviluppare, ra. \. to unravel, unfold, cliar Disviscerare, ra. \. to eviscerate, v. Sviscerare Disvischiare, ra. \. to set free from bird lime, to disentangle (business Disvischiarsi , vrf. 1. to get rid of a scurry Fat, mete, bit*, n6te, tube; - fit, met, bit, n&t, tub: - far, pique, DIS 217 DIV Disviticchiare , va. 1. to untwist, untwine Disviziare, van. 1. to correct, reform, purify Dfsviziarsi. rrf. \. to get cured of one's vices Disvogliato, -a. adj. v. Svogliato Disvolere, va. 2. irr. to refuse, decline, reject Disvolgere, disvogliere, va. 2. irr. to unfold Disvogliare, va. \. v. Svogliare Disvolto, -a, adj. extricated, free, disengaged Ditalc, gin. thimble, fingerstall Di lanto in tanto, adv. erp. from time, to time Dite, sm. (myth.) the god of the infernal re- gions; hell (pit Ditello, sm. (pi. dilella or ditelle,f.)the arm- Dilenere, va. 2. irr. to entertain, amuse, stop, detain, arrest, confine, shut up Ditenitdre, -trice, smf. amuser , detainer , wheedler Ditenulo, -a, adj. detained, confined Ditirambeggiare,tm. 1. (ters.) to write dithy- rambs Dilirambico, -a, adj. (vers.) dithyrambic Ditirambo, sm. dithyramb, song to Bacchus Dito, sm. (phir. dita, f.); (nf the hand.) fin- ger; (of the fool) I6e; (measure) finger; rosso, (nfthe hand) thumb- indice, the fore-finger; me"dio , middle finger; annu!4re , ring-finger; mfgnolo, little finger; il dito di Dio, the finger, or hand of God;contare in sulle dita, to coilnt with one's fingers; farsi scriccchiolare le dita, to crack one's fingers; darsi del dito nel- 1'occhio (fig.), lo injure or harm (none but) one's self; leccarsi le dita, to lick one's fingers; sporcare colle dila , to thumb; mordersi il dito di checche sia, (te bite one fingers) to repent a thing; toccare il cielo col dito, to attain beydnd the object ofone's wishes; mostrare uno a dito , to point at one; avere una cosa su per le dita, to have L thing at one's fingers' ends ; legarsela al dito, to resolve not to forget; non sape>e quante dita si ha nelle mani , not to kn6w how many beans make five Ditola, sf. (bot.) mushroom, fiingns Ditouo, sm. (mnx.) interval of two ndtes Ditrappare.wj. \ (ant.} to rob artfully, swindle Ditrarre, va. 2. irr. to take away, se"ize upon, rob Di tratto, adv. exp. on a sudden, suddenly at once Ditrazione, sf. (a n t.) detraction, v. Detrazione itnnciare, va. 1. to cutoff, hash, mince )itta, S f. firm: la ditla Brown, BlackeComp. the firm or house of Brown, Black and Co. Dfltamo, sm. (hot.) dittany tlare, va. 1. (ant.) to dictate, v. Dettare Jittato, sm. (ant.) v. Dettato iittatoro, SM. a dictator >ittal(3rio, -a, adj. dictat&rial IJittatura, sf. dictatorship J'tlo, sm. (ant.) v. Detto Dittdngo, sm. diphthong Diturpare, va. \. to make ugly, disfigure, soil Di tutto punto , adv. exp. completely, at all points; armito di tutto punto, armed at all points Diurcsi, sf. (med.) diuresis, excrcsion of urine Diuretico, -a, adj. (med.) diuretic ; sm. a diu- retic, a medicine that provokes urine Diiirnale, adj. diurnal, v. Dinrno Diurno, -a, adj. diurnal, daily, quotidian; sm. diurnal, day-book Diiiturnamente, adv. for a long time Diuliirno, -a, adj. diutiirnal, lasting, of long duration Diulurnita , ate , -ade , sf. diuturnity , length of time, long duration Diva, sf. (po.) gftddess, mistress Divagame'nto, sm. a roving abr&ad, rkmbling, r6aming Divagare, va. \. to r6ve, ramble, wander Uivallamenlo, sm. descent, g6ing jlpwn Divallare, va. \. to descend, go down-hill, to decline Divampare, van. \. to burn, shine, blaze DivAno, sm. divan, council, assembly Di vantaggio, adv. exp. extremely, well Divariare, tan. i. to vary, change, differ Divario, sm. variety, difference, inequality Divastamento, SM. -azione, s^. devastation Divecchiamento, sm. gr6wing young again Divecchiare, van. \. to gr6w young, renovate Divedere (dare a), va. 2. irr. to let see, let per- ceive , give to understand , evince , argue , shew, demonstrate Di veduta, adv. exp. by sight Divegliere, disvellere, va. 2. irr. to root (Jut Divgllere, va. 2. v. Svellere Divellimento, sm. the rooting out Divelto, sm. ploughed ground a, adj. torn up, uprooted, grubbed up Divenfre, vn. 5. to become, happen, come to pass, turn out Diventare , van. 1. to bec6me; diventar di mille co!6ri, to change color, blush Divenuto, diventalo, -a, adj. become, gr&wn Diverbio, sm. a talk, noisy dispute Divcrgente, adj. divergent, diverging Divergenza, sf. div6rgence, divergement Divdrgere, vn. 2. trr. to diverge Di verita, di vero, adv. exp. truly, in truth Di vSrno, adv. exp. in winter Diverre, va. 2. irr. to pull, root out, dig, plough Diversamente, adv. differently, excessively Diversare , vn. 1. (ant.) to differ, vary , be different Diversificare, va. \. to diversify, vary, change Diversificazione, sf. variation, change Diversione , sf. the turning aside , a feint (stratagem), diversion (amusement) Diversita, sf. diversity (perversity) Diversivo, -a, adj. diverting, tending to divert; sm. lateral, side-drain Diverso, -a, adj. different, unlike (perverse) ndr, rude; - fall, s6n, bull: - fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, boys, foul, fiwl; gem, as DIV 218 DOC Diversorio, sm. (antiq.) inn, lodging Divertere, va. 2. to divert, v. Divert! re Diverticolo, sm. digression, subterfuge Divertimento , sm. diversion , pastime , inter- ruption Divertire, va. 5. to divert , amuse, dissuade, take off, turn away; divertirsi, to divert one's self, be drverted from Divertito, -a, adj. diverted, dissuaded Divertire, va. 5. to undress, divest, strip off Divetlare, va. 1. to beat or dust wool Divetlino, sm. beater of wool Divezzare, va. 1. to disuse, wean; divezzarsi, to disaccustom one's self, to break off or get cured of a habit Divezzo , -a , adj. ovlt of practice , disaccusto- med, weaned Diviare , adj. 1. to deviate , go astray, digress Divialamente, adv. quickly, in a hurry Diviato, -a, adj. quick, active, ardent Dividendo, sm. a dividend, quota, share Divi'dere, va. -2. to part, separate, divide Dividcvole, adj. divisible, separable Dividitore, -trice, sinf. divider, sharer Dividuo, -a , adj. that may be divided , divi- sibile Divietamento, sm. prohibition, v. Divieto Divie'.are, va. \. to forbid, prohibit, interdict Divietazione, sf. (ant.) prohibition, v. Divielo Divieto, sm. prohibition, forbidding, veto Divimare, va. 1. (ant.) v. Sciorre Divimarsi, vrf. (ant.) to disentangle one's self Divinale, adj. (ant.) divine, v. Diviuo Dirinalmenle, adv. divinely Divinamento, SIM. divinazione , sf. divination Divinare, vu. \. to divine, predict, foretell Divinatore, -trice, smf. a diviner, v. Indovino Divincolamento, sm. contortion, twisting Divincolare , va. 1. to untwist, writhe, wrest, wring; Jivincolarsi, to disentangle one's self Divincolaziona, sf. v. Divincolamanlo Dirinita , -ate , -ade , ./'. the Divinity , the Godhead, a god, goddess Divinizzare, va. t. to deify, adore, idolize Divinizzazione, sf. deiGcation, apotheosis Divino, -a, adj. divine, heavenly, excellent Divisa, sf. share, way, device, liver j ; (mil.) uniform, regimentals Divisamente, adv. separately, distincly Divisamento, sm. partition, division, devising, th&ught, design, project, device Divisare, va. 1. to,trinh, describe, invent, de- vise; to divide, order, diversify Divisatamente, adv. distinctly, by guess Drvisato, -a, adj. divised, disfigured, varie- gated, striped Divisibile, adj. divisible, separable Divisibility, -ate, -ade, sf. divisibility Divisione, sf. division, disunion, discord Divisive, -a, adj. divisible, separable Diviso , sm. ( ant. ) thought , design , order , project Diviso, -a, adj. divided, separated, disunited Divisore, sm. divider, v. Dividitore Divisorio , -a, adj. that has a dividing quali- ty; muro divisorio, a partition wall Di vista , ado. exp. by sight ; lo conosco di vista, I know him by sight Divizia, sf. affluence, v. Dovizia Divizie, sf. riches, wealth, money, property Divizioso, -a, adj. opulent, v. Dovizidso Divo, -a, adj. (po.) divine, celestial Divolgamento, sm. divulging, publication Divolgare, i-u. i. to divulge, make public Divolgatamente, adv. in a blabbing manner, without concealment, publicly Divolgatore, -trice, smf. diviilger , one who divulges or reveals Divolgazione, sf. divulging, publication Divolgere, va. 2. irr. (ant.) to roll , wrap, T. Avvolgere Di volo, adv. exp. at once, suddenly, in pas- sing, by the way, by tbe bye Di volonla , di voglia, adv. exp. willingly , of one's own accord Divolto, divoluto, -a, adj. wrapped, rolled up Divoracita , -late , -tide , sf. (ant. ) voracity , gluttony Divoraggine, divoragione, sf. (ant.) I voracity, Divoramento,sm.divoranza,/".(,a.) j a vortex Divoramonti, sm. braggart, bully, vaporer Divorare, t'a. 1. to devour, consume Divorativo, divorante, -a, adj. devouring Divoratore, -trice, smf. devdurer, consumer Divoratiira, divorazione, sf. (ant.) devouring Divorziare, tn. 1. to divorce (from), to be divorced (from) Divorzio , SIM. div6rce, separation; cagione , causa di divorzio, divorcer; persona che fa divorzio, div6rcer ; far divorzio, to divorce, to be divorced (from); aver fatto divorzio, to have been div6rced; domandare divorzio, to sue for a divorce ; ottenere divorzio , to obtain a divorce Divotamente, adv. devoutly, piously Divcto, -a, adj. devout, devoted, attached Divozioncella, sf. lukewarm devotion Divozidne, sf. devotion, piety, attachment Divulgare, va. 1. to divulge, make public Divulso , -a, adj. (from divellere) torn away Dizionario, sm. a dictionary Dizi6ne, sf. diction, word, district, circuit Do, sf. (music) do Doana, sf custom-house, v. Dogana Dobla, sf. pistole (coin), flounce Doblelto, sm. sort of cotton stuff Dobldne, sm. a doubloon Ddblo, sm. (ant.), d6blo, -a, adj. (ant.) double , v. Ddppio Doccetta, sf. small conduit, pipe; tube, canal Doccia , .sf. an earthen conduit, pipe, gutter, canal , ive's dropper , rivulet , a pumping, a gouge Docciajo, sm. a gutter maker File, mete, bite, note, tube; - fat, met, bit, not, tub; - far, pique, DOC 219 DOM Docciare, va. \. to pour or pump down water ; dare la doccia, to give a shower bath; doc- ciare, vn. to drop, come showering down Docciatiira, sf. embrocation, pouring by drops Doccio, doccione, $m. earthen c6nduit-p/pe Docile, adj. docile, teachable , tractable Docilita, -tale, -lade,*/", docility, tractableness Documenlare, va. 1. to document, furnish with d6cuments Docuinento, *i. document, instruction, precept Dodecaedrico , adj. m. (geom.) dodecah^dral , consisting of twelwe equal sides Dodecaeilro, SHI. (yearn.) dodecahedron, a reg- ular solid having twelwe equal bases Dodecagono , SMI. (geom.) dodecagon, a reg- ular polygon having twelve equal sides and angles Dodicesimo, -a, sm. and adj. twelfth Dodici, adj. twelve Uodicimila, num. adj. twelve thousand Dodicina, sf. v. Dozzioa Dodranlo, sm. nine inches, three fourths Doga, sf. one of the staves of a barrel Dojjale, adj. dogal, pertaining to a Doge Dogana , sf. custom-house; customs (admini- stration); custom-duty; ricevitoredella do- gana, the collector of the customs; preposto delta dogana, a custom-house oflicer; que- slo va esente dai diritli di dogana, this is free of duty Doganale , adj. of customs ; unione doganale, union of customs Doganato , sm. the office of custom-house agents Doganiere, sm. custom-house officer Dogare, va. 1. to place or mend the staves of a barrel Dogato , sm. dogate , the office or dignity of Doge Doge, dogio, sm. Doge, captain general Doghetto, sm. small, young mastiff l)6glia, tf. grief, pain, affliction, labor Ddglie (le), sfp. the paint of labor (child- birth) Doglianza, sf. lamentation, plains, grief Dogliente, adj. afflicted, v Dolente Doglietto, sm. small cask, barrel, keg Doglio, sm. cask, tun Dogliosamente, adv. grievously; sorrowfully Doglioso, -a, adj. afflicted, sorrowful, painful Dogma, .sm. a dogma Dogmatico, -a, adj. dogmatical, positive Dogoiatizzare, vn. \. to dogmatize D'ogni intorno,arfi\ exp. on every side, from all places, round about Dogo, .im. a mastiff, bull-dog Doh ! dot inteij. (antiq.) ah! (alas!) D61ce, SHI. sweet, sweetness, Pctr. Dolce, adj. sweet, agreeable, pleasant; amia- ble, soft, good; acqua dolce , fresh water ; oiima dolce, mild climate; legno dolce, soft wood; metallo dolce , soft , ductile metal; salita, scala dolce, easy ascent, easy stair- case; colorito dolce (/mint.) , soft coloring; indole dolce , sweet temper , gentle or soft disposition ; uomo dolce di sale , a soft fel- low, a shallow-wilted man ; avere una vena di dolce, to be silly, foolish, shallow-brain- ed; partirsi a bocca dolce, to go away sat- isfied, well- pleased Dolce, adv. softly, pleasantly, agreeably dolce, adv. exp. agreeably, by degrees Dolcemente, adv. sweetly, softly, gently Dolcezza, */ sweetness, pleasure, folly Dolci, smp. sweets, sugar-plums, conlits Ddlcia, tf. dolce, HI. swine's blood Dolcialo, -a, adj. (ant.) sweet, charming Dolcicanoro, -a, adj. melddious Dolcilicare, va. \. to sweeten, calm, appease DolciOcato, -a, adj. dulcified, softened, sweet DoiciQcazione, sf. sweetening, duplication Dolcigno, -a, adj. sweetish, somewhat sweet Dolcidne, adj. soft, dull, silly Dolci6re, SHI. dolciliidine.^aiU.) v. Dolcezza Dolciume, SHI. sweet meats (in general); sweetishness, insipid sweetness D61co,-a, adj. (of weather, aitliq.) mild; tem- perate, pleasant Dolenle, adj. doleful, sad, afflicted, wretched Dolenza, sf. (ant.) grief, pain, v. Dolore Dolere, VH. 2. irr. to suffer, ache, feel pain; mi duole il capo, my head aches, I have a pain in my head; mi ddlgono gli occhi, I have sore eyes ; dolersi , to grieve , com- plain, pity, T. Lamentarsi, lagnarsi , com- piangere (four shillings Dollaro, sm. dollar, a silver coin worth about Dolmano, sf. dollman, a long cassock or robe worn by Turks Dolo, SHI. fraud, artifice, v. Frode, inganno Dolorare, vn. 1. to be in pain, suffer Dolorato, -a, adj. afflicted, tormented, vexed Dolorazione, doloranza, sf. (ant.) grief, pain Dolore, sui. pain, anguish, grief, pangs DoloriDco.-ifero, -a, adj. painful, dismal Dolorosamente, adv. sorrowfully, grievously Doloroso, a, adj. dolorous , painful, smart- ing, cutting, sad, afflicted, rascally Dolosamente, ado. deceitfully, craftily Dolosita, -ate, -ade, sf. fraud, deceit, artifice Doloso, -a. adj. deceitful, wily, fraudulent Doliito, dolto,-a, adj. pitied, lamented Dolzaino, sm. hautboy, v. Oboe Dulzore, SHI. dolzuia, /'. (a/U.) sweetness, Petr. Domabile, adj. tameable Domanda,domandagione,s/'. demand, request; accondiscendere a una domanda, to comply with a request ; fare una domanda , to ask a question, to make a request or petition; esaudire una domanda, to grant the prayer of a petition; a sciocca domanda nessiina risposta, prov. exp. a silly question needs no reply Domandante, smf. demandant, petitioner nor, rude; - fall, son, bull; - iare, do; - by, lymph; poise, bJyi, foul, fowl; gem, as DOM 220 DON Domandare, va. \. to ask, demand, request; domandar d'uno, te enquire or ask after one; domandare una c6sa ad uno, to ask one for a Ihing, to ask a thing of a person ; domandategli chi e , ask him his name ; che cosa domandate ? what do you -want ? Doman da sera, domansera, adv. to morrow Evening Domandat6re, -trice, smf. demander, inquirer Domandita, sf. (ant.') v. Dimanda Domando, sm. demand, question, asking Domane, domani. sm. and adj. to morrow Domaniale, adj. belonging to the crown Doman 1' altro, sm. the day after to-morrow Domare, va. \. to tame, break, subdue Domatizzare, va. 1. (ant.) to dogmatize, v. Dog- matizzare Domato,-a, adj. subdued, conquered, br6ken Domat6re, -trice, smf. subduer, timer Domenedfo (for Dio\ sm. God, v. Dominedio Domenica, sf. siinday Domenicale, adj. dominical, of Sunday ; 1* o- razione domenicale, the Lord's prayer; abi- to domenicale , sunday-cl6thes , best dress Domenicano,-a, smf. dominican friar, nun Domeslicamente, adv. domestically, familiarly Domesticare, va. 1. v. Dimeslicare Domestichevole, adj. tamable, that may be . domesticated (intimacy Domestichezza , sf. domesticity, familiarity, Domeslico, -a, adj. domestic, tame, familiar Domestico, sm. a domestic, valet Domevole, adj. tameable, v. Domabile Domiciliario,-a, adj. domiciliary; perquisi- zi6ne domiciliaria, search in a house Domicilio, sm. residence, house, ab6de; do- micilio legale , legal settlement ; ele"jrgere domicilio, (/nt/i) to choose a domicile (for some particular transaction) Dominante , adj. dominant, reigning; la re- Jigione dominante , the established church Dominare, DO. 1. to rule 6ver, domineer, command ; un monte che domina la la cilta, a hill that commands the town Dominalo, sm. (ant.) dominion, v. Dominio Dominat6re, -trice, smf. ruler, sovereign Dominazione, sf. empire, power Domine, sm. lord, curate, priest Dominedio, sm. (for Dio) the Lord, God Dominicale, adj. dominical, of siinday Domfnio, sm. dominion, empire, power Domfno, sm. (poT) dominion, power, territory Domino, sm. domino (a general disguise at masquerades), domino (play); in domino, fh a domino; giuocare al domino, to play dominoes Domma, sm. established principle, dogma Dommaiina, sf. to-morrow morning D6mo (for domato), adj. subdued, tamed Don (/or donno), sm. lord, sir, master, d6n Donagione , sf. donamento, (ant. ) m. gift, present Donante,, adj. giving, bestowing (as a gift) Donare, va. \. to give, present wilh (a gift); donarsi, to give one's self entirely to Donario, sm. a votive offering Donativo, sm. a free gift, donative Donatario, sm receiver of a donation, donee Donato,-a, adj. bestowed upon, presented Donatore, -trfce, smf. giver , beslower, donor Donatiira, sf. (ant.) v. Donazione Donazi6ne, sf. donalion , gift; tra vivf (law) donation during the life time of the ddnor, free gift; fare una donazione , to make a donation Donde , re/, pron. and adv. whence , from whence Dondeche, adv. of what place soever Dondolare, va. 1. to swing, dally; dondolarsi, to loiter, lose one's time Dondolo, sm. any thing swinging; jest, sport, quizzing; voler il dondolo, to 15ve a joke Dondolona, sf. plump hearty woman Dondolone , sm. a dangler , lounger , stupid tiresome fellow ; a dondolone , adv. exp. dangling about, in suspense Dondiinque, adv. (antiq.) v. Dondeche Donna, sf. a woman, wife, lady, mistress, di camera , wailing woman , lady' s maid ; di parlito, idle , disorderly woman , wo- man of the town ; di parto , del parto, a woman that is lying in ; fuor di Cgli , a woman that is past child-bearing; nostra Donna , our Lady , our blessed Lady ; me- nare , tor donna , to take a wife ; nemfco delleddnne, woman-hater; donna che pren- de , tosto si rende , prov. exp. a maid that taketh yieldelh; donna senza onesta non fu mai bella , unchaste wiman never was handsome Donnaccia, sf. impudent shameless woman Donnajo, donnajuolo, sm. a friend or slave of the fair sex, a general 16vcr Donneare, van. 1. to court the ladies, flirt Donneggiare, vn. i. todomineer, lord it, play the master or mistress (teously Donnescamente , adv. like a woman, cour- Donnesco, -a, adj. effemminate, womanlike Donnetta, sf. a little woman, mean woman Donnicciuola, sf. a p6or sorry woman, an 6Id wife, a weak ignorant wiman DonnicciuSlo, -a, adj. womanish, acting like a woman Donniciaa, donnina, sf. a pretty tittle woman Donnino . -a, adj. fond of the fair sex; sm. a friend or admirer of the fair sex Donno, sm. master, 16rd (po), don a, adj. (ant.) good, kind, benevolent, Danle Donnola, sf. weasel Donnone, sm. a large fat square built woman Donnuccia. sf. a silly little woman Dono, sm. gift, present, favor, benefit , talent (in) , orft'. exp. as a gift , for nothing : fa>e un dono , to make a present; dono molto Fat, mete, bfte, n&te, tube; - fat, met, bit, not 1 , tub; - far, pique, DON 221 DOV aspettatoevenduto, non donato, prov. exp. a gift long waited for is sold not given Donora , sfp. bride' s clothes and Ornaments, present made to the bride Donqua, dOnque, adv. (ant.) then, y. Ounque Douiizzo, doniizzolo, sm. slight gift , present Donzella, sf. a marriageable young lady, vir- gin, maid , damsel , lady's maid; vecchia doozella, an old maid Donzellare, vn. \. to toy, dally, trifle away one's time Donzello, sm. kuight's esquire, spark , valet, sergeant, bailiff, tip-staff, constable Donzelldne, sm. lounger, loiterer, idler Doplare, va. 1. (ant.) to double, v. Doppiare Dopo, prep, and ado. after, behind , since; i'un dopo 1'altro, one after another; davanti e dopo, before and behind; dopo quel tem- po, since that time Dopoche, conj. and adv. after that, since Doppia, */'. pistole, hem, flounce Dop[>iamente,adi>. doubly, deceitfully Doppiare, fa. \. to double, fold, increase Doppiatura, sf. doubling, folding, fold Doppieggiare, vn. \. (print.) to double , slur Doppiere, doppiero.sm. torch, taper, wax-light Doppieruzzo, sm. small torch, taper, wax-light Doppiezza, sf. duplicity, dissimulation, deceit Doppio, sm, double, twice as much ; chime a, adj. double, deceitful, two faced Doppione, sm. doubloon (Spanish coin) Doramento, sm. doratura, f. gilding, ornament Dorare, va. 1, to gild, brighten, ad<5rn Doralo, -a, adj. gilt, adorned, beautified Doratore, sm. gilder Dore, adj. of gold-color Doreria, sf. gold-plate Doricismo, sm. doricism, dorism Dorico, -a, adj. doric Dormalfuoco, sm. drone, sluggard, sleeper Dormente, adj. sleeping (torio Dormeulorio, sm. (ant.) dormitory, v. Dormi- Dormicchiare, dormigliare, vn. I. to doze, nap Dormiente, adj. sleeping, dozing Dormiglione, sm. a great sleeper, lazy dr&ne Dormiglioso, -a, adj. sleepy, drowsy Dormire, vn. 5. to sleep; dormire tutti i suoi sonni, to lake one's ease; dormir al fuoco , to be negligent; chi dorme non piglia pesci, prov. exp. the sleeping fox catches no poul- try ; dormir a chiusi 6cchi , to be perfectly easy, tranquil Dormire, sm. (sonno), sleep, slumber, rep&se Dormila, sf. rest, sleep; fare una buona dor- mita, to take or have a good nap Dormitore, -trice, sif. sleeper, drone, sluggard Dormitorio, dormitoro,sm. dormitory (in con- vents) Dormitura, dormizi6ne, sf. night's rest, sleep Dormiveglia, if. the state between waking and sleeping Dorsale, adj. dorsal, of the back Dorso, sm. back, v. Dosso Dosa, dose, sf. dose, p6rtion, mixture Dosare, va. \. to dose, make up doses Dosseggiare, fa. 1. to back, to mount a horse Dossi, snip, skins of squirrels Dossiere, dossiero, sm. blanket, coverlet Dosso , sm. back ; dar il dosso, to turn one' s back , turn away ; levarsi da dosso , to get rid of; non ho moneta in dosso, 1 have no money about me Dotale, adj. ddtal, pertaining to dower Dotare, va. \. to portion, endow, bestow, endue Dotato, -a, adj. endowed, favored , adorned Dotatore, sm. who apportions, gives a dowry Dotazione, sf. dotation, giving a dowry Dote (dola), sf. dowry, marriage-portion, en- dowment, gift, talent; costiluire, assegnare una dote, to endow , to settle a dower on; senzadate, unportioned, ddwerless, unen- dowed Dolta , sf. hour, favor, favorable opportunity time; rimeller le dotte, to make up for lost time, neglected opportunities D6tta, sf. (ant.) fear, doubt, suspicion. Da. Ar. Dottaggio, sm. (antiq.) doubt, apprehension Dotlamente, adv. learnedly, with knowledge Dotlante, rfj. (ant.) fearful, v. Timor6so Dottare, vn. \. (ant.) to fear, v. Temere Dolto, -a, adj. learned, erudite Dottoraccio, -uccio, sm. a pitiful doctor Dottorale, adj. d6ctoral Dottoramenlo, JIM. the conferring or receiving a doctor's degree Dottorando , -a , adj'. about to be crowned doctor Doltorare, va. 1. to give the degree of doctor Dotloralo, s. d6clorship, rank of a doctor Dotlore , sm. doctor, professor, master Dotlorellaraente, adr. in a conceited, pedan- tic miitiner Dottorello, sm. poor ignorant doctor Dotloressa, sf. learned w6man, blue st6cking Doltorelto, -icchio, -ino , sm. a petty doctor Doltorevole, adj. v. Dottorale Doltoso, -a, adj. doubtful, v. Dubbioso Dottrina, sf. doctrine, knowledge, erudition Dottrinale, adj. d6ctrinal, instructive Dottrinamento, sm. instruction, teaching Dottrinare, va. \. to leach, instruct, inform Doltrinario, sm. (politics) ddclrinaire (theo- rist) Doltrinarismo, sm. the political views and principles of doctrinaires Dotlrinalamente, adv. doctrioally, learnedly Dottrinato , -a, adj. taught, instructed, learned Doltrinalore, sm. an instructor, institutor Dove , adv. where , whither ; dove andate ? where are you g6ing ? dove (for ove) , if, in case that, provided ; dove ( for laddove , quando), whereas, on the contrary; il dove e il quando, the when and the where nor, rude; - fall , son, bull; - fire, do; - by, lymph; poiir, boys, foul, fowl; gem, DOV 222 DUE Doveche, row/, and adv. alth&ugh, wherever Dove che sia, adv. wherever, any where Dovente, adj. owing, indebted , boh6lden Dovere, vnn. 2 irr. to owe, be obliged; ought, must ; vi debbo cento franchi , I 6we you a hundred franks; vostra sorella e ammalata, dovrste andarla a trov4re , your sister is un-well , you ought to go and see her ; de- f'essere un errore di stampa , it must be an error of the press ; egli deve venire do- mani . he is to c6me to-morrow sm. duty, task , part, that which is right ; a dovere, correct, rfght, as it ought to be Doveroso, -a, adj. dutiful, due, rightful . just Dovizia, sf. riches, wealth, stfire, abundance Doviziosamente, adv. abundantly, c6piously Dovizioso, -a. adj. rich, abundant , c6pious Dovunque, adv. wheresoever, wherever Dovutamente, adv. justly, deservedly, fitly Dovuto, sm. a debt , due, duty, obligation Dovuto, -a, adj. due, obliged, fit, pr6per Dozzina, sf. dozen, twelve; stare adozzina, to b6ard ; tenere a dozzina, to take b6arders, keep an ordinary or boarding-house; da dozzina , v. Dozzinale Dozzinale, adj. ordinary, common, mean Dozzinalmente, adv. vulgarly, cdmmonly Dozzinante, smf. a b6arder Draco, drago, -a, smf. (po.) a dragon Draga, sf. a drag, dredge, grains Draganle, sm. (pharm.) gum tragacanth; (mar.) the wing transom Dragare, ra. \. to drag, clean with a drag Draghetto, sm. dragonet, cock of a gun Draghinassa, sf. rapier, 61d long sw6rd Dragomanno, sin. dragoman, interpreter Dragone, smf. dragon (serpent), dragoon Dragonessa , sf. she dragon ; dragon , vixen , termagant, fierce violent woman Dragontea, sf. (bol.) glass-plantain , dragon- wort Drama, sm. the drama, v. Dramma Dramma, sf. drama, play ; drachma, drachm, dram, eighth of an ounce Drammaticamenle, adv. dramatically Drammalico, -a, adj. dramatic Drammatnrgia.s/'. dramaturgy, the art of dra- matic poetry and representation Drammaturgo, sm. dramatist Drappare, en. \. (paint.} to paint drapery Drappeggiare, tin. \. v. Drappare Drappella, sf. a spSar head, barb Drappellare, en. \. to wave, flounce the c81ors Drppelletto, sm. small band , troop Drappello, sm. troop, of sftldiers, band, flag Drappellone, sm. valance flaps, tapestry Drapperfa, sf. drapery ; silk stuffs Drappicello, SOT. light silk stuff Drappigre, sm. diaper, mercer, silk-weaver Drappo, sm. mercery, c!6tb, cl6thes, dress Drastico, -a, adj. (pltarm.) drastic, powerful; sm. a drastic purge Drento (for dentro), adv. within, inwardly Driade, sf. (myth.) a dryad , wood nymph Dringolare, DO. \. to jog, v. Tentennare Dritlo, c deriv. v. Dirftto, ec. Drizzare, enn. \. to raise, erect, pitch Droga, sf. a drug; droghc, sp. drugs, spices, groceries Droghen'a, sf. drugs, spices, groceries Drogliiere, sm. a druggist, a grocer Dromedario, sm. dromedary, arabian camel Druda, sf. sweet-heart, mistress , concubine Druderia, sf. amorous caresses, f6ndling Drudo, sm. lover, gallant, sweet-heart -a, adj. clever, bold, spruce, amorous Driiido , sm. druid (ancient Celtic priest ) Duale , adj. dual , of two Dualismo , sm. the dualism , the doctrine of two Gods, a good and an evil one Dualista, smf. dualist, one who holds the d&c- trine of dualism Dualita, sf. duality, distinct reason of two Dubbieta, dubbiezza, sf. doubt , irresolution, suspense, fluctuation, of mind Dubbio, dubbi6so, -a, dubbievole, adj. doubt- ful, uncertain, irresolute Dubbio, dubitamento, sm. I doubt, uncertain- Dubilanza, -azione, sf. ) ty, scruple, suspi- cion, irresolution Dubbiare, dubitare, van. 1. to doubt .hesitate Dubitabile, -4nle, adj. uncertain, dubious Dnbitamentoso, -a, adj. uncertain , irresolute Dubitamento, sm. v. Dubbio Dubilalivo, -a, dubilevole I doobtful , uncer- Dubitalo, dnbitoso, a, adj. ( tain, difficult Dubitativamenle, dubitosamente I j.^hifniu- Dubitevolmente, adv. Duca, sm. general, chief, leader, duke Ducale, adj. ducal, of a duke Ducato, sm. dukedom, diichy, ducat (coin) Ducatdne, sm, a diicat Duce, sm. (po.) captain, commander, guiile Ducfinto, num. adj. two hundred Ducere, ro. 2. irr. (Int. antiq.) v. Condurre Duchea, ducea, sf. a diichy or dukedom Duchesco, -a, adj. T. Ducale Duchessa, sf. duchess, conductress , guide Duchessfna, sf. young, or little duchess Duchlno, sm. young duke or duke's son Due , num. adj. p. two ; stare in fra due , to be uncertain; tener tra due, to h61d in su- spense Duecento, sm. and adj. two hundred Duecentocinquanta, num. adj. two hundred and fifty Duellante, sm. duellist, single combatant Ducllare, ea. \. to fight a duel Duellario, -a, adj. relating to a duel Ducllatore, duellisla, sm. a duellist Duello, sm. a duel Duemila, smp. and adj. two thousand Duennale, adj. biennial, lasting two years Ductanti, adv. as many more Fate, mete, bite, note, tube; - ftt, met, bit, n6t, tub; - far, pique, DUE 223 EBR Duetto, sm. a duet (in music) Dugencinquanta ; sm. and adj. two hundred and fifty Dupento, sm. and adj. two hundred Duino, sm. twA dees Duista, smf. v. Dualista Dulcamara,*/', (bot.) -woody night shade Dulcicanoro, -a, adj. musical, melodious Dulcificare, r. 1. to s6flen, sweeten Dulcinea, sf. dulcinea, the charmer Dulia, sf. diilia, inferior worship (of saints, etc.) Dumi'la, -flia, duorofla,-flia, sm. two thousand Dumo, sm. (po.) bush, briers, thflrns Dum6so, -a, adj. full of bushes, briers, bram- bles Duna, sf. down, bank of sand (thrown up by the sea) Dunque (dunqua, ant.), adv. then, whit? Duo, dua, dui (ant.), smp. and adj. tw6 Duodecimo, -a, adj. the twelfth Duodecuplo, -a, adj. twelve times as much ; duodecuple, consisting of twelves Duodenale, adj. (anat.) be!6nging to the duo- denum Duodeno, sm. (anal.) duodenum , the first of the small intestines Duolo, sm. grief, pain, ra&urning (po.) Du6mo , sm. dome, cathedral Duplicare, va. I. to double, fold Duplicalamente, adv. doubly, deceitfully Duplicate, sm. a duplicate, a double -a, adj. doubled, filded Duplicazi6ne, sf. a doubling Duplica, sf. (law) (of the defendant) rebutter; (of the plaintiff) surrejoinder Diiplice, adj. twofold, double Duplicila, -ate, -ade, sf. duplicity, dissimula- Duplo, sm. double, two f61d (lion Dura, sf. (ant.) deliy, stay, obstinacy , dura- tion ; di lunga dura (durata) , of long stan- ding ; stare alia dura , to be pertinacious , obstinate Durabile, arf/ durable, lasting Durabilita; -ate, -ade, sf durability, duration Durabilmente, adr. for ever, perpetually Duracine, adj. plur. hard , tough Iprnn. tiif), clinging (said of fruit) ; pesche duracine , cling-stpne peaches; (burl.) heavy b!6ws with a stick (brain) Duramadre, sf. (anat.) the dura mater, (of Duramente, adv. harshly, hardly, cruelly, ru- dely, with difficulty Duramenlo; sm. duration , continuance Durante, arf/. lasting, during, continuing Duranza, durata, sf. duration, stability Durare, DI. \. to last, continue, hold out, en- dure, hear, stand, resist, be tenacious; du- 16 un' ora, it lasted an hour; durar falfca, to bear labor; chi la dura la vince, he who holds out conquers Durata, sf. duration, v. Durazi6ne Durativo, duraturo, -a, adj. durable, steady Durato, -a, adj. lasted, endured, suffered Durazione, sf. duration, continuance, length Duretto,-a, adj. rather hard, tough (pron. tiif) Durevole, adj. durable, lasting Durevolezza, sf. durability, continuance Durevolmente.orfi' durably, lastingly, for ever Durezza, sf. hardness, toughness (pron. tuf- nes), induration Durita, -ate, -ade, sf. v. Durezza Duro, sm. hardness, toughness, difficulty a, adj. hard, string , firm, rude, cruel, stubborn , inflexible , inexorable , harsh , disagreeable; pietra dura, a hard stone; pane duro, stale bread; capo duro, a thick - beaded fellow , a blockead; trotlo duro , a bird trot ; duro di b6cca , hardmouthed , tener duro, to be firm, steady, immovable Duttile, adj. ductile, malleable, flexible Duttilila, sf. ductility, flexibility Dutto, sm. duct, canal, passage Duttore, sw. (lalin) conductor, leader , gufde Duumvirate , adj. duumviral , pertaining to the duumvirate Duumvirato, sm. duumvirate Duumviro, sm. duumvir; duumviri, smp. duumviri E E (fifth letter of the alphabet), e E, ed eonj. and; ella ed io, sh6 and I E' (fur egli ), pron. m. he, it; e'mi pare, it appears to me; e' canta, he sings E', 5 per*, s. pre. ind. of essere, is; egli e, he is Ebanista, sm. cabinet-maker Kbano, sm. ebony, an ebony tree Ebbio, sm. (bot.) dwarf elder Ebbrezza, sf. drunkennes, intoxic4tion,ebriety Ehbriachezza, sf. T. Ebbrezza Ebbriico,-a, adj. v. Briaco Ebbriarsi, vrf. \. to get drunk, tipple Ebbriatore, sm. drunkard, tippler Ebbrieta, sf. T. Ebrezza (wine Ebbrifest6so,-a,arfj. refreshed, enlivened with Ebbrioso, -a, arf;. v. Ebbro Ebbro, -a, adj. inebriated, intoxicated, drun- ken, excited to frenzy Ebddmada, sf. (latin; little used) week Ebdomad4rio,-a, adj. hebd&madal, hebdoma- dary, weekly ; sm. hebdomadary, president . for the week Ebe, 5 per. sing. pres. ind. of Ebere (an?.), is Ebeno, sm. ebony, v. Ebano ' (weak Ebere, vn. 2. irr. (ant.) T. Indebolirsi , venir meno Ebetazi6ne, sf. stupidity, w6akness of intellect Ebete, arf;'. wdak, infirm, dull, bliinted Ebollimento, sm. ebollizione, f. ebullition, heal Ebollire, vn. 5. to boil over, to effervesce Ebraico, -a, adj. hebrew, jdwish; sin. the he- brew (language) nor, rude ; - fall , s6n, bull; - fare, do; - by, lymph; poise, boys, fiwl; fowl; gem, as EBR 224 EDA Ebraismo, sm. hebraism , Hebrew idiom . law Ebraizzare, t'. 1. to hebraize , jiidaize, to conform to the Jewish religion or ritual Ebrea, sf. a hebrewess, an Israelitish woman Ebreo, sm. h6brew, a Jew; (fig.) usurer, cheater, one who overcharges Ebreo, -a, qdj. Hebrew, of the Hebrews Ebullizione, sf. ebullition Ebure, sm. (ant.) ivory, v. Avorio Eburneo,-umo, adj. ivory, white as ivory Ecatombe, sf. a hecatomb Eccedenle, adj. excessive, immoderate Eccedentemente, adv. exceedingly, excessively Eccedenza, sf. excess, superfluity Eccedere, van. 2. irr. to exceed, surpass, sin Eccellcnte, adj. excellent, rare, exquisite Eccellentemente, adv. excellently Eccellenlissimo, -a, superl. most excellent, notable, illustrious Eccellenza, -enzia, sf. perfection, excellence (title) excellency; eccellenza, si, yes, your Excellency; per eccellenza, preeminently, excellently, by way of eminence Eccellere, tia. 1. irr. (lat. po.) to excel, surpass Eccelsamente, adv. highly, loftily, mightily Eccelsitudine, sf. (antiq.) highness, loftiness Ecce)so,-a, adj. lofty, magniflcent, sublime Eccentricamente, adv. in an eccentric manner Eccentricita, sf. eccentricity, singularity Eccentrico,-a, adj. eccentric, singular, odd Eccepire, va. 3. to except, exclude, object, to make objection Eccessivamenle, adu. eicessively, profusely Eccessivila, sf. v. Eccesso Eccessivo, -a, adj. excessive, immoderate Eccesso, sm. excess, excellence, crime Eccelera, sf. and so of the rest, et cetera Eccettare, t-a. 1. (ant.) to except, T. Eccettuare Eccetto, adv. and prep, except, unless, save sm. exception, difference Eccetto che, con;', except that, unless Eccettuare, va. 1. to except, Eccettualivo, -a, adj. including an exception Ecceltuato.-a, adj. excepled, except, except- ing, T. Eccelto Eccettuazione, eccezione, sf. exception Eccezionabile, adj. exceptionable , liable to objection Eccezionale , adj. exceptional , farming or making an exception Eccezionare, va. \. T. Eccettuare Eccidio, sm. slaughter, havoc, ruin Eccitabile , adj. excitable , capable of being Eccitabilila, sf. excitability (excited Eccilamento, sm. the exciting , inciting , in- stigating, stimulating, egging on Eccitante, adj. exciting, that excites Eccitare, t