STACK ANNEX 5 072 565 *$&. ARTICLES NEW TREATY, AGREED ON BY THE SUB-COMMITTEES Sreat, $ambro', atxfc Keto jg A.M. 5594 AND 5595. LONDON: PRINTED BY J. WERTHEIMER & CO., FINSBURY CIRCUS. ARTICLES NEW TREATY, 'AGREED ON BY ' THE SUB-COMMITTEES A.M. 5594 AND 5595. LONDON: PRINTED BY J. WERTHEIMER & CO., FINSBURY CIRCUS. ARTICLES OF A NEW TREATY. No. 1. That all persons who have been married, or who shall here- after marry, the husband, his wife, and children, shall be con- sidered as belonging to that Synagogue only, wherein such marriage was solemnised ; provided always, that such persons who have already taken up their n^npn nptn in two of the Synagogues, shall not be deprived of such privilege. No. 2. Married persons, never having belonged to any of the three Congregations, who shall become members of either of the aforementioned Synagogues, such persons, with their unmar- ried children, provided the age of the son or sons does not exceed twenty-one years, or has in his own right a claim as renter of a seat in any other Synagogue, shall be considered as under the same circumstances as if originally married in the Synagogue to which they have so attached themselves. No. 3. That in the event of a member of either of the three Syna- gogues becoming a widower, and shall afterwards marry the daughter of a no Vya of either of the other two congregations, he shall have the option, on so marrying, of joining the Syna. gogue to which his intended wife belongs, and shall, on having made such election, forfeit all rights and privileges of his former congregation ; and all the unmarried children, except- ing sons above twenty-one years of age, shall appertain to the Synagogue the father has subsequently joined, provided the sons do not occupy seats hi the Synagogue from which the father has withdrawn himself. No. 4. That any member of either of the said three Congregations, who shall be desirous of marrying with the daughter of a no Vps belonging to either of the other two Synagogues, on such occasion he shall have the choice of marrying in the Syna- gogue of which his intended wife is a member ; but on no con- sideration shall any Synagogue admit any applicant, without being satisfied that the person about to be admitted is not in arrears with the Synagogue he may be about to quit, as in such case, the Synagogue so receiving the member, shall be accountable to the injured Synagogue for the amount (if any) of such arrears. No. 5. That all persons who are not members of either of the three Congregations, shall, on paying for a seat in either of the three Synagogues for at least six months, be considered as belonging to such Synagogue ; such right shall not be ex- tended to any person occupying a temporary seat during the holidays. No. 6. That neither of the three Synagogues shall, under any cir- cumstance whatever, be permitted to let any seat to any mem- ber of another Synagogue, or to the widow, child or children of such member, either annually or during any part of the holidays ; and should inadvertently any money be received for such seat, the amount shall be paid over to the Synagogue of which the person is a member. No. 7. That all persons who shall not be members of either of the three Synagogues, or neither of whose parents were members, such persons shall be considered as D'mi or strangers. No. 8. That if the three Congregations refuse to marry a stranger, such marriage may nevertheless be performed by persons who shall be properly authorised : such persons so married shall be considered as D'miK and that a written authority, signed by the joint committee, be given for that purpose. No. 9. That the burial of D'rniK or strangers, shall be apportioned amongst the three Synagogues in the following manner, The Great Synagogue shall bury one-half, The Hambro' Synagogue one-quarter, and The New Synagogue one-quarter ; and that a correct account shall be kept by the Secretary of each Synagogue of all monies that may be collected for amount obtained for the ground, whether buried on the ^p:i D'ra or DTITIN ground, and the total amount so received shall, at the expiration of every six months, be regularly accounted for, and shall be divided amongst the Synagogues as follows, Two-fourths of the amount to the Great Synagogue, One-fourth ditto Hambro' Synagogue, One-fourth ditto New Synagogue. That the expense of the burial of strange poor, and that of PJ73N11 before and after demise, be made up every six months, and be borne by the respective Synagogues in the same proportion as the receipts for the ground. That when- ever a Synagogue shall bury an mitt or stranger, due notice of the same shall be given to the other two Synagogues. No. 10. That all profits arising from the nto'nu; as due to the three Congregations, shall be divided in the following pro- portions, viz., Two -fourths to the Great Synagogue, One-fourth to the Hambro' Synagogue, One-fourth to the New Synagogue ; this shall, however, not interfere with the fund now accumu- lating by the nto'ntr which shall still belong to the four Congregations in equal proportions, the three aforesaid Syna- gogues and the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue. No. II. That all flour required by the three Congregations for ODD shall be purchased conjointly by the three Synagogues, and if any profit shall be derived from the sale of the same, such profits shall be divided in the following proportions, viz., Two-fourths to the Great Synagogue, One-fourth to the Hambro' Synagogue, One-fourth to the New Synagogue. No. 12. That monthly statements shall be exchanged between the three Synagogues, which shall detail all marriages and burials, as well as all persons admitted as members, with the English and Hebrew names of the parties, and of their recent resi clences. r No. 13. That a Committee shall be annually appointed by the afore- said Congregations to consist of three members of the Great Synagogue, two of the Hambro', and two of the New Syna- gogue, for the purpose of carrying these resolutions into effect. No. 14. That should either of the three Congregations feel aggrieved at any act or acts of either of the two other Congregations, a notice in writing shall be sent from the Secretary of such Con- gregation, in the name of the President thereof, requesting a meeting of the Committees to adjust the dispute, and which shall be convened within one month from the date of such notice ; and when any dispute shall arise which may be referred to the Committee, the same shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members present, and if an equal number of votes be shown, the Chairman shall give the casting vote, and that five members of the Committee be a quorum. That the Chairman of the Committee shall be annually elected by the Committee, and the meetings shall be held at the Synagogue whereof the Chairman is a member. No. 15. That the Overseers of the three Synagogues shall act al- ternately, the Great Synagogue six months, the Hambro' Synagogue three months, and the New Synagogue three months ; and they shall be allowed to grant such relief to casual strange poor as they may deem requisite, in any sum not exceeding ten shillings, and which must be by an order signed by the acting Overseer ; in no case shall any orders be given for a larger sum than ten shillings in any one month to any individual. That the orders so given by the Overseer be paid by one of the Secretaries in the following manner : if the Overseer be either of the Hambro' or New Synagogue, the orders shall be paid by the Secretary of the Great Syna- gogue ; and when the Overseer be of the Great Synagogue, the first three months' orders shall be paid by the Secretary of the Hambro' Synagogue ; and the following three months by the Secretary of the New Synagogue. That the accounts be adjusted quarterly by the three overseers, and the expen- diture divided in the following proportions, one-half to the Great Synagogue, and one-fourth amount to the Hambro'. and one-fourth to the New Synagogue. No. 16. That a Sub-Committee, consisting of one of the Honorary Officers and Secretary of each Synagogue, shall meet pre- viously to noa in every year, for the purpose of distributing Diva to all strange poor as may need the same. That the expense of niYD so distributed to the strange poor, shall be paid for as follows, One-half by the Great Synagogue, One-fourth by the Hambro' Synagogue, One-fourth by the New Synagogue. No. 17. That the money now received by the Great Synagogue on account of the Polish pjn in Cutler Street, Houndsditch, and the money received by the New Synagogue on account of the Polish f'Jn in Gun Square, Houndsditch, shall be divided amongst the three Congregations ; one-half to the Great Synagogue ; one-fourth to the Hambro'; and one- fourth to the New Synagogue : and that in the event of the death of a member of either DJJD who may be buried by either of the Congregations in consequence of any existing understanding, the Synagogue burying such person shall be considered as having buried a stranger. No. 18. That [medical persons be provided for the purpose of at- tending the strange poor, under the selection of the Committee of the three Congregations, and that the expenditure thereby incurred be borne, one-half by the Great Synagogue, one- fourth by the Hambro', and one-fourth by the New Synagogue. No. 19. That each of the three City Congregations shall forthwith provide a pn at their own expense, who shall, previously to his appointment, be pronounced eligible to that situation b wj va' The foregoing Nineteen Resolutions contain the arrange- ments entered into by the Committees of the three different Synagogues, and are recommended for their adoption. Dated June 29th, 5595. fLYON SAMUEL On the part of the Great J JOS H - JOSEPH Synagogue. LEWIS \AHONS LEVI f A. ISAAC On the part of the i : -uubro' J A. SOLOMON Synagogue. J J. LEVY LHYAM HYAMSJ f ABM. LEVY On the part of the New I ^ gOLOMON g Synagogue. 10 APPENDIX. October 27th, 55961835. 1. That each Synagogue can rescind this treaty, upon giving six months' notice at the expiration of three years from a fixed date. October '27th, 55961835. 2. That three Dayanim be appointed, and the expense be borne in the following proportion one-half by the Great Synagogue, one-fourth by the Hambro', and one-fourth by the New Synagogue. January IQth, 55961836. 3. That the Dayanim be elected during the pleasure of the Board. That neither of these three Dayanim shall be considered as specifically attached to either of the Congregations, and that each of them be required to attend, alternately, each of the Synagogues four months in every year. March 8th, 55961836. 4. Resolved, That the following be substituted for clause No. 8. That all such strangers or D'nTiN who are desirous of mar- rying, and are incapable of taking a seat, or paying for mtm nJinn in either of the three Synagogues, may, on application to this Committee, receive permission for such marriage, to be solemnised by the three Congregations, and that the Chairman of the Committee for the time being be at liberty to grant such permission in the following order : 000 118847 11 The first two persons by the Great Synagogue, the third by the Hambro' Synagogue, and the fourth by the New Synagogue ; and the parties so married, together with their children, shall nevertheless be deemed DmiN and shall not be classed under clause No. 1, or any other clause making the parties married in either of the three Synagogues, as belong- ing thereto in virtue of such marriage. March 6th, 55991839. 5. Resolved, That in future, when any dispute shall arise between either of the Synagogues, the question in dispute shall be referred to one of the three Synagogues, not interested in the question. January 25th, 5602 1842. 6. Resolved, That whenever a marriage shall take place with a woman having illegitimate children, such illegitimate children shall be considered as Dmi and shall not have claim on any particular Synagogue.