BB LIBRARY OF THF, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF Class S M I T TI S ( > N I A X I X S T I T U T I O X BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY: .1. W. POWELL, DIRECTOR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THK SIOUAN LANGUAGES JAMES CONSTANTINE PILLING WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY: J. W. POWELL, DIRECTOR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE 8IOUAN LANGUAGES JAMES CONSTANTINE PILLING- WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1887 PREFACE. This bibliography is the second of a series of authors catalogues, each relating to one of the more prominent linguistic stocks of Xorth America, which it is proposed to issue under the direction of the Bureau of Ethnology. Like its predecessor, upon the Eskimo language, pub lished early in the present year, and its successor, upon the Iroquois, now in an advanced state of preparation, it has been compiled mainly from the writer s Proof-Sheets of a Bibliography of the Languages of the Xorth American Indians, a quarto volume of nearly 1,200 pages, of which a small number of copies were printed in 1885 and distributed to collaborators. It was the intention to publish that volume in due time, with such emendations, corrections, and insertions as might pre sent themselves after examination by those interested in the subject; but of late it has for many reasons been deemed more desirable to pub lish the material in separate parts, each relating, as stated above, to one of the more prominent linguistic stocks of Xorth America. As stated in the Proof-Sheets and in the Eskimo Bibliography, the material for these catalogues has been gathered during personal visits to the more prominent public and private libraries of this country, Canada, England, and France and by correspondence with mission aries, Indian agents, publishers and printers of Indian books, and owners of Americana. No opportunity has been lost to title and describe books at first hand, and in the present instance it has been found necessary to mark with an asterisk but a very small percentage of titles, whether of manuscripts, of articles in serial journals, or of books. Indeed, the author can scarcely hope to be so fortunate in dealing with any other of the linguistic groups as he has been with the Siouan. Many of those who have fashioned the literature of the language are still living; with a number of them he has been in daily contact for a number of years, and with nearly all of those still living he has been in correspondence during the past eight years. Through their aid it has been possible to make a fairly complete list of the linguistic material relating to this family of languages. In recording this matter the dictionary plan has been followed to its extreme limit, the subject and tribal indexes, references to libraries, c. being included in one alphabetic series. This system has been found to work so well in the Bibliography of the Eskimo Language that the writer is more than ever confirmed in his views of its excellence. IV PREFACE. All works are entered under the author s name when known trans lators being 1 treated as authors and under first word of title (not an article or a preposition) when the name of the author is not known. A cross reference is given from the first word of each title in the native languages, whether the work be anonymous or not. All titular matter, including cross references thereto, is in a larger, all index matter in a smaller type. The biographies have been furnished in most cases by the persons themselves. In detailing contents and in adding notes respecting contents, the spelling of proper names used in the works themselves has been fol lowed and so far as possible the language of the respective writers is given. In the index entries of tribal names the compiler has adopted that spelling which seemed to him the best. Works are given chronologically under each author, each work being followed through all its editions before the next one is entered. Each author s name, with his titles &c., is entered in full but once, i. e., in its proper alphabetic order; all other references to him are by initials only. The publications in the Siouau language cover perhaps a wider range than those of any other linguistic group of North America, including the whole Bible, school books, periodicals, &c. Nearly every dialect is represented in print or in manuscript, either by dictionaries or extensive vocabularies, and, of five of the languages at least, somewhat preten tious grammars have been prepared. The earliest record of the Siouan languages mentioned herein is the vocabulary of Hennepin, compiled about 1680. The earliest printed vocabulary is that of the Nando wessi, in Carver s travels, first published in 1778. The earliest text is the Wiunebago Prayer Book of Mazzu- chelli, published in Detroit in 1833, followed, in 1834, by the Oto Hj mn Book of Merrill and the Osage First Book of Montgomery and Requa. The first publications in the remaining dialects of the Siouan stock are: the Sioux Spelling Book of Stevens, in 1836; in Santee, Extracts from Genesis and two other w r orks by Reuville, the History of Joseph by the Messrs. Pond, and the Dakota First Eeading Book by Riggs and Pond, all in 1839. In 1843 Messrs. Hamilton and Irviu printed on their own press the first Iowa work, an elementary book; in 1850 there was issued a similar work in the Omaha, under the superintendence of Rev. E. McKenney; and in 1873 one in the Ponka by Rev. J. Owen Dorsey. In the Hidatsa the first text is by Dr. Matthews: a grammar and dictionary issued in 1873. The Siouan is one of the few linguistic stocks of America in which the whole Bible has been printed, Messrs. Williamson and Riggs having issued the complete work in 1880 in the Santee dialect. Portions of the Scripture have also been printed in the Omaha, Iowa, Oto, and Missouri, and record will be found in the pres ent work of portions in manuscript in the Hidatsa and the Yankton. PREFACE. V The best collection of texts in the Siouaii languages that I have seen is in the library of Major J. W. Powell, Washington, D. C. j the best collections of Siouan literature are those in the Library of Congress and in the British Museum. My thanks are due to Eev. J. Owen Dorsey. of the Bureau of Eth nology, who has kindly translated the Siouaii titles for me. J. C. Pe SEPTEMBER 1, 1887, BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SIOUAN LANGUAGES. BY JAMES G. PILLING. [An (*) following a title indicates that tbe compiler has seen no copy of the work referred to.] A. Absaraka. See Crow. Adam (Lucien). De la derivation verbale spe"cinque de 1 emboitemeut et du poly- synthe tisme dans la laugue Dakota. In Revue de linguistique, vol. 9, pp. 3-25, Paris, 1876, 8. Also, in the same author s Etudes sur six langues americaines &c. pp. 3-25. Etudes | sur | six langues arne ri- caines | Dakota, Chibcha, Nahuatl, Kechua, Quich6, Maya | par | Lucien Adam | conseiller a la cour de Nancy | Paris | Maisonneuve et C ic , Libraires- Editeurs | 25, Quai Voltaire, 25 | 1878 Pp. i-viii, 3- _>5, 29-63, 67-90, 93-122, 125-165, 8. Linguistic contents as above. Copies seen.- Astor, Congress, Powell, Truni- bull. Exauien grammatical compare" de seize langnes americaiues. In Congres Int. des Americanistes, Compte- Eendu, second session, vol. 2, pp. 161-244, Luxembourg & Paris, 1878, 8. The five folding sheets at the end contain a number of vocabularies, among them the Hi- datsa and the Dakota. Separately issued as follows : Examen grammatical compare" 1 de | seize laugues ame ricaines | par | Lu- cieii Adam [ conseiller a la cour de Nancy. | Paris Maisouneuve et O , fiditeurs, I 25, Quai Voltaire, 25 | 1878 Pp. 1-88 and six folding tables, 8. Copies seen: Astor, Boston Public. Triibuer s catalogue, 1882, prices a copy at 6. Adelung (Jobann Cbristopli) and Vater (Dr. Joliaun Severin). Mitbridates | oder | allgemeine | Spraclienkunde | mit i dem Vater Uuser als Spracbprobe Adelung ( J.C. ) and Vater ( J . S. ) Cont d. in bey nabe | fiinf bundert Sprachen und Mundarten, | von | Jobann Chris- topb Adelung, | Cburfiirstl, Siichsisch- em Hofratb und Ober-Bibliothekar. | [Two lines quotation.] | Erster[-Vier- ter] Tbeil. | Berlin, | in derVossischen Buchhand- lung, | 1806[-1817]. 4 vols. (vol. 3 in 3 parts), 8. Assinepoetuc vocabulary (from Uuif reville) , vol. 3, pt. 3, pp. 263-265. Xadowessier grammatic comments, vol. 3, pt. 3, pp. 256-264. Osage words (from Pike), vol. 3, pt. 3, pp. 273-274. Copies seen: Astor, Bancroft, British Mu seum, Bureau of Ethnology, Congress, Earnes, Trumbull, Watkinson. Sold at the Fischer sale, catalogue No. 17, for 11. ; another copy, catalogue No. 2042, for IGs. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 16, it brought $11.88; at the Squior sale, catalogue No. 9, $5. Leclerc, 1878, catalogue Xo. 2042, prices it at 50 fr. ; at the Pinart sale, catalogue Xo. 1322, it sold fur 25 fr. ; and at the Murphy sale, cata- ogue No. 24, a half-calf, marble -edged copy brought $4. American Bible Society: These words following a title indicate that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the library of that society, New York City. American Bible Society. Specimen verses | from versions in different | languages and dialects | in which tbe | Holy Scriptures | bave been printed and circulated by tbe | American Bible Society | and tbe | British and Foreign Bible Society. | [Picture, and one line quotation.] | New York: | American Bible Society, [ Instituted in the Year MDCCCXVI. ) 1876. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE American Bible Society Continued. Pp. 1-48, 1C . St. John iii, 1C, in the Dakota language, p. 38. Copies seen: American Bible Society, Eames, Powell, Trumbull. An edition, similar except in date, appeared in 1879. (Powell.) Specimen verses | from versions in different | languages and dialects | in which the | Holy Scriptures | have been printed and circulated by the | Ameri can Bible Society | and the | British and Foreign Bible Society. | [Picture of Bible and one line quotation.] | Second edition, enlarged. | New York : j American Bible Society, | instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. | 1885. Pp. 1-64. 1C . St. John iii, 16, in Dakota, p. 48. Copies seen : Powell. Issued also with title as above and, in addi tion, the following, which encircles the border of the title-page : Souvenir of the World s In dustrial and Cotton | Centennial Exposition. [ Bureau of Education: Department of the In terior. | New Orleans, 1885. (Powell.) American Board of Commissioners: These words following a title indicate that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the library of the Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Boston, Mass. American Tract Society : These words following a title indicate that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the library of the society, New York City. Anderson (ficv. Joseph). The newly discovered relationship of the Tute- loes to the Dakotan stock; by Rev. Joseph Anderson. In American Philolog. Ass. Proc. third arm. sess. 1871, pp. 15-1G, Hartford, 1872, 8. Tutelo and Dakota examples. Anpao. | The day break, j Published by the Niobrara Mission. "Wankantau- han anpao kinhiyounhipi." Price, Fifty Cents a Year. | Vol. I. No. 1. January, 1878. Address Aupao, ! Yankton Agency, Dakota [-Vol. VI. No. 8. July, 1887. Address Anpao, Greenwood, Dak.]. A four-page paper, issued monthly, the first three pages of which are mostly in the Tauktoii dialect, with an occasional communication in Teton or Santee, the fourth in English. Until May, 1879, the sheet was edited by Revs. J. W. Cook, ^Y. J. Cleveland, and Mr. "W. T. Selwyn ; at the latter date S. J. Brown took the place of Mr. Selwyn as associate editor, and these gen tlemen continued in charge until the suspen sion of the sheet, for want of funds, in June, 1882, Vol. V, No. 6. Anpao Continued. The publication has recently been resumed, the first number of Vol. VI appearing, under date of December, 1886, as an eight-page sheet, of smaller size than the earlier issues, and now printed entirely in the Yankton. The editors are Revs. J. W. Cook and E. Ashley and it is issued from Greenwood, Dak., by the Niobrara convocation. The subscription price has been increased to 60 cents per annum. The various issues contain communications from most of the more prominent Dakota writers and include much of interest to the philologist. Copies seen : Dorsey, Pilling, Powell. Apostles creed : Hidatsa. See Hall (C. L.). Sioux. Tattle (E. B.). Arkansas. See Quapaw. Ashley (E.), editor. See Anpao. Assiniboin : General discussion. Letters. Lord s prayer. Lord s prayer. Lord s prayer. Numerals. Personal names. Relationships. Vocabulary. See Maximilian (A. P.). Carnegie (J.). Marietti (P.). Shea (J. G.). Sniet (P. J. de). Smet (P. Catlin (G.). Morgan (L.H.). Adelung (J. C.) and Vater (J. S.). Vocabulary. Bird (J.). Vocabulary. Deuig (E. T.). Vocabulary. Gallatin (A.). Vocabulary. Hayden (F. V.). Vocabulary. Henry (A.). Vocabulary. House (J.). Vocabulary. TJmfreville (E.). Vocabulary. Willis OV.). Words. Chase (P. E.). Astor : This word following a title indicates that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the Astor Library, New York City. Atwater (Caleb). Remarks j made on a | Tour to Prairie du Chien ; | thence to | Washington City, | in | 1829. | By Caleb Atwater, | late Commissioner employed by the United States to | negotiate with the Indians of the upper | Mississippi, for the purchase of miu- | eral country; and author of | Western Antiquities. | Columbus, (O.) | Published by Isaac N. Whiting. | 1831. Pp. i-vii, i-iv, 1-296, 12. Remarks on Indian languages, pp. 75-84. Rudiments of the gram mar of the Sioux language, pp. 149-151.- A vo cabulary of the Sioux language, pp. 152-172. Copies seen : Astor, Boston Athenaeum, Brit ish Museum, Congress, Dunbar, "Watkinson. Priced by T riibner, 1856, No. 658, at 5s. ; an other copy, No. 1901, at4s.Gd. The Fischer copy, catalogue No. 2790, sold for 2s. ; the Field copy, SIOUAN LANGUAGES. Atwater (C.) Continued. catalogue Xo. 65, for $4.25; the Brinley copy, catalogue Xo. 5358, for $1.50 ; the Murphy copy, catalogue Xo. 124*, for 75 cents. Remarks | made on a | tour to Prairie tin Chien; j tlieuce to | Washington City, | in | 1829. | By Caleb Atwater. Columbus, (O.) | Printed by Jenkins and Glover, High-street. | 1831. Pp. i-vii, 1-296, 12. Remarks on Indian lan guages, pp. 75-84. Rudiments of the grammar of the Sioux language, pp. 149-151. A vocabu. lary of the Sioux language, pp. 152-172. Copies seen: Bureau of Ethnology. - The | Indians of the. Northwest, | their | Manners, Customs, &c., &c. | or | Remarks | made on a tour to Prairie du Chien and | thence to "Washington City in 1829, | by Caleb Atwater, | Com missioner employed by the United States, to ne- | gotiate with the Indians of the upper | Mississippi, for the pur chase of | the mineral country, &c. | Columbus, | Ohio. [1831.] Pp. i-vii, 1-296, 12. Linguistics as under previous title. Copies seen : Boston Public, Congress. The | Indians of the northwest, | their | niauers [sic], customs, &c. &c. | or | remarks | made on a tour to Prairie du Chu-n and | thence to Washington City in 1829, | by Caleb Atwater, ] com- Atwater (C.) Continued. missioner employed by the United States, to ne- | gotiate with the Indians of the upper | Mississippi, for the pur chase of the | mineral country, &c. | Columbus: | 1850. Pp. i-vii, 1-296, 12. Linguistics as iu edition of 1831. Copies seen:, Congress. - The | writings | of j Caleb At water. | Columbus. | Published by the au thor. | Printed by Scott and Wright. | 1833. Pp. 1-8, 1 1. pp. 9-408, 8. This work is made up of two articles: "A description of the an tiquities discovered in the western country ; originally communicated to the American Anti quarian Society, by Caleb Atwater " (pp. 9-165) and "Remarks made on a tour to Prairie du Chien; thence to "Washington City, in 1829" (pp. 167-408). The latter contains remarks upon and a few examples of the Ojibeway, "Win- nebagog, Sioux, and Osaiie. Copies seen : British Museum, Congress. Authorities : See Leclerc (C.), Ludewig (H. E.), Pick (B.), Riggs(S.R.), Sabin (J.), Schoolcraft (H. R.), Triibner & Co., Vater (J. S.), Williams (J.F.). B. [Bagster (Jonathan), editor.] The Bible of Every Laud. | A History of | the Sa cred Scriptures | in every Language and Dialect | into which translations have been made : | illustrated with | specimen portions in native charac ters; j Series of Alphabets: | Coloured Ethnographical Maps, | Tables, In dexes, etc. | Dedicated by permission to his Grace the Archbishop of Canter bury. | [Vignette and quotation, one line.] | London : j Samuel Bagster and Sons, | 15, Paternoster Row ; | Warehouse for Bibles, New Testaments, prayer books, lexicons, grammars, concordances, | and psalters, in ancient and modern languages. [1848-1851.] Pp. i-xxviii, 1-J, 1-406, 1-12, maps, 4. St. John i, 1-14, in Dakota, p. 381. Copies seen : American Bible Society, Boston Athena-urn. Bagster (J.) Continued. [ ] The Bible of every Laud; | or, | A History, Critical and Philological, | of all the Versions of the Sacred Script ures, | in every language and dialect iuto which | translations have been made; | with | specimen portions in their own characters: | including, like wise, | the History of the original texts of Scripture, | and intelligence illustra tive of the distribution and | results of each version: | with particular refer ence to the operations of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and kindred institutions, | as well as those of the missionary and other societies through out the world. | Dedicated by permis sion to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. | [Vignette.] | London : Samuel Bagster and Sons, j 15, Paternoster Row : | Warehouse for BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Bagster (J.) Continued. Bibles, New Testaments, prayer books, lexicons, grammars, concordances, and psalters, | in ancient and modern lan guages. | [Quotation, one line.] [1848- 1851.] 11 p. 11. pp. xvii-lxiv, 4 11. pp. 1-406, 1-4, 2 11. pp. 1-12, 3 11. 4. Linguistics as in previous title. . Copies seen : Astor. [ ] The Bible of Every Land. | A his tory of | the Sacred Scriptures | in every language and dialect | into which translations have heen made: | illus trated by | specimen portions in native characters ; | Series of Alphabets ; | coloured ethnographical maps, | tables, indexes, etc. | New edition, enlarged and enriched. | [Design, and quotation, one line.] | London : | Samuel Bagster and sons : | at the warehouse for Bibles, New Testa ments, church services, prayer books, lexicons, grammars, | concordances, and psalters, in ancient and modern languages; | 15, Paternoster row. [l- GO.] 27 p. 11. pp. 1-36, 1-475, 5 unnumbered pp. maps, 4. St. John i, 1-14, in Dakota, p. 4G3. Copies seen: Boston Public, Congress, Eames. Baird (Henry S.). Indian tribes, chiefs and treaties. [By Hon. Henry S. Baird.] In Historical Magazine, first series, vol. 8, pp. 178-179, New York, 1864, sin. 4. Remarks on language, and names of "Winne- bago chiefs, with English synonyms. Baker (Theodor). UberdieMusik | der | nordamerikanischen Wilden | von | Theodor Baker. | [Design.] ] Leipzig, | Druck und Verlag von Br. itkopf & Hartel. | 1882. Printed cover 1 1. title 1 1. pp. iii-vi, 1-82, 2 plates, 8. Songs in various American lan guages, among them the following versions: Teton, p. 10 ; Sioux, p. 11 ; Teton, pp. 64, 65, 66 ; Yankton, p. 79. Copies seen: Brinton, Dorsey, Powell. Balbi (Adrieu). Atlas I ethnographique dn globe, j on | classification des peu- ples | auciens et modernes j d apres leura langues, | pr6c6dd | d un discours sur 1 utilite" et 1 importance de 1 e tude des langues appliqne e a, plusieurs branches des connaissances humaines ; d un apercu | surlesmoyeusgraphiques employes par les differens peuples de la Balbi (A.) Continued. terre ; d anconp-d oeilsur 1 histoire | de la langue slave, et sur la marche pro gressive de la civilisation | et de la lit- te"rature en Russie, | avec environ sept cents vocabnlaires des principaux idi- omes counus, | et suivi | du tableau physique, moral et politique | des cinq parties dumonde, | Dedie | aS. M.l Em- pereur Alexandre; | par Adrien Balbi, | ancien professeur de gdographie, de physique et de mathematiques, | mem- bre correspondaut de I Athe iie e de Tre"- vise, etc. etc. | [Design.] | A Paris, | Chez Rey et Gravier, li- braires, Quai des Angnstins, N 55. | M.DCCC.XXVI [1826]. | Imprint chez Paul Renouard, Rue Garenciere, N 5. F.-S.-G. 73 unnumbered 11. folio. Loaves 69-70 contain a vocabulary of 2tt words of a number of Ameri can languages, among them the Sioux, "Wine- bago, Ottoe, Kanzes, Omahaw, Minetare, and Osage. Copies seen : Astor, British Museum, Powell, "Watkinson. Bancroft : This word following a title indicates that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the library of Mr. H. H. Bancroft, San Francisco, Cal. Baptismal card, Teton. See Marty (Martin). Barton (Benjamin Smith). New views | of the | origin | of the | tribes and nations | of | America. | By Benjamin Smith Barton, M. D. | correspondent- member [&c. ten lines]. | Philadelphia: | Printed, for the au thor, | by John Bioren. | 1797. Pp. i-xii, i-cix, 1-83, 8. Vocabulary of the Naudowessie (from Carver), 54 words, pp. 2-79. Copies seen: Boston Atheuamm, British Mu seum, Congress. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 106, a half- morocco, uncut copy brought $3; at the Briuley sale, catalogue No. 5359, il a half-calf, large, fine copy " brought $9 ; the Murphy copy, half-calf, catalogue No. 183, brought $5.50. New Views 1 of the Origin [ of the | tribes and nations j of j America. | By Benjamin Smith Barton, M. D. | corre spondent-member [&c. ten lines]. I Philadelphia : | Printed, for the Au thor, | by John Bioren. | 1798. 1 p. 1. pp. i-cix, 1-133, 1-32, 8. Vocabulary of the Naudowessie (from Carver) and Arkan- zas (from Bossu). Copies seen: Astor, British Museum, Con gress, Eames, Wisconsin Historical Society. SIOUAN LANGUAGES. Barton (B. S.) Continued. A copy at the Field sale, catalogue No. 107, brought $8 ; Leclerc, 1878, No. 809, prices an uucut copy at 40 fr. ; at the Murphy sale, cata logue No. 184, a half-inorocco copy brought $9.50. Bastiaii (Adolpli). Ueber die Ehever- luiltnisse. In Zeitschrift fur Ethnologic, vol. 6 (1874), pp. 380-409. Berliu, n. d. 8. Relationships in Dacota, p. 394. B[audry] D[e Lozieres] (Louis Nar- cisse). Voyage | a la Louisiaue, | et sur le continent | de 1 Aiuerique | sep- teutrionale, | fait dans les annexes 1794 & 1798 ; | Conteuaut uii Tableau his- torique de la Louisiane, | des observa tions sur son cliniat, ses riches pro ductions, | le caractere et le nom des Sauvages; des remarques | importantes sur la navigation; des priucipes d ad- minis- | tration, de legislation et do gouvernemeut propres a cette | Colon ie, etc. etc. j Par B*** D***. | Oru6 d une belle carte. | [Three lines quotation. [ Paris, j Deutu, Iinprimeur-Libraire, Palais du Tribunat, | galeries de bois, 11. 240. 1 An XL 1802. Pp. i-viii, 1-382, map, 8. Vocabulary of the Naoudoouessis, pp. 348-353. Copies seen: Astor, British Museum, Con gress, Dunbar, Harvard. A copy at the Fischer sale, catalogue No. 983, sold for 2s. ; the Field copy, catalogue No. 114, for $1.75 ; the Brinlej- copj T . catalogue No. 4392, for $5 ; the Murpuy copy, catalogue No. 711, for $1.50 ; Clarke, catalogue No. 2266, 1886, prices an uncut paper copy at $3. Beckwourth (James P.). The | life and adventures | of j James P. Beck wourth, | mountaineer, scout, and pio neer, | and | chief of the Crow nation of Indians. | With Illustrations. Writ ten from his own dictation, | by T. D. Bonuer. | New York: | Harper & Brothers, pub lishers, j Franklin square. | 1856. Pp. i-xii, 13-537,12. Many Crow terms and proper names, with English signification. Copies seen: Congress. There is an edition of 1858, with no change of title except that of date. (Congress.) Belden (Lieut. George P.). Beldeu, the white chief; | or, | twelve years | among the | wild Indians of the plains. | From the diaries and manu scripts | of | George P. Beldeu, | The Adventurous White Chief, Soldier, Belden (G. P.) Continued. Hunter, Trapper, and Guide. | Edited by | Gen. James S. Brisbin, U. S. A. | Cincinnati and New York: | C. F. Vent. | Chicago : J. S. Goodman & Co. Philadelphia: A. H. Hubbard. | St. Louis: F. A. Hutchiuson & Co. | San Francisco : A. L. Bancroft & Co. | 1870. Pp. 1-513, 8. Medicine song of the Dakotas, with translation, pp. 280-281. Copies seen : Congress, Powell. Sold at the Field sale, catalogue No. 125*, for $2.25. There are editions of 1871 (Powell) and 1872 (Astor) with titles similar to above except in date. [Dictionary of the Snake, Crow, and Sioux.] Manuscript, 182 pp. 8, alphabetically ar ranged, in the library of the Bureau of Eth- - nology. Collected in 1868. Beltrami (Giacomo Costantino). La de couverte | des | sources | du | Mis sissippi | et de | la Riviere Sauglante. | Description | Du Cours entier du Mis sissippi, | Qui n e"tait connu, que parti- ellemeut, et d uue grande partie de | celui de la Riviere Sanglante, presque | eutieremeut inconuue; ainsi que du | cours entier de 1 Ohio. | Aperciis His- toriques, des Endroits les plus iuteres- saus, | qu on y rencontre. [ Observations critico-philosophiques, | Surles Mo3urs, la Religion, les Superstitions, les Cos tumes, les Armes, | les Chasses, la Guerre, la Paix, le Denombrenient, TOrigiue, &c. &c. | de plusieurs na tions indiennes. | Parallele | De ces Peuples avec ceux de I Antiquite", du Moyen Age, et du | Moderne. | Coup- d ceil, | sur les Compagnies Nord-ouest, et de la Baie d Hudson, | ainsi que sur la colouie Selkirk. | Preuves e"vi- dentes, | Que le Mississippi est la pre miere Riviere du Monde. | Par J. C. Beltrami, | Membre de plusieurs Aca demies. | Nouvelle-Orleaus : , Iniprime" par Benj. Levy, N". 8(>, Rue Royale. | 1824. Pp. i-viii, 1-328, 8. Les mois, ou les luues des Sioux, pp. 149-150. Copies seen: Boston Athenaeum, British Mu seum, Congress, Harvard. At the Andrade sale, a copy, catalogue No. 1923, sold for 1 thaler 12 ngr. ; at the Field sale, No. 128, half-calf, for $2.25; Leclerc, 1878, No. 812, prices it at 30 fr. ; the Briuley copy, cata logue Xo. 4452. brought $2.25. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Beltrami (G. C.) Continued. A | pilgrimage | in | Europe and America, | leading to | the discovery | of | the sources of the Mississippi | and Bloody River; | with a description of | the whole course of the former, | and of | the Ohio. | By J. C. Beltrami, Esq. | formerly judge of a royal court in the ex -kingdom of Italy. | In two volumes. | Vol. I[-II]. | London : | printed for Hunt and Clarke, | York street, Covent Gar den. 1 1828. 2 vols. 8. The months or moons of the Sioux, vol. 2, p. 274. Copies seen: British Museum, Congress, Dun- bar, Harvard. Stevens s Nuggets, No. 242, prices a copy at 10s. 6d. ; at the Field sale, catalogue No. 129, a copy brought $3.50; the Brinley copy, cata logue No. 4453, brought $8 ; the Murphy copy,, catalogue No. 212, $3.50. Bergholtz (Gustaf Fredrik). The Lord s Prayer | in the | Principal Languages, Dialects and | Versions of the World, | printed in | Type and Vernaculars of the | Different Nations, | compiled and published by | G. F. Bergholtz. | Chicago, Illinois, | 1884. Pp. 1-200, 12. The Lord s prayer in Dakota (from Biggs), p. 42; in Dakota (latest transla. tion), p. 43. Copies seen : Congress. Bible Continued. Bible : Santee. See Williamson (T. S.) and Riggs (S. R.j. Portions, Omaha. Hamilton (W.). Portions, Santee. Williamson (T. S.) and Riggs (S.R.). Pentateuch, Santee. Williamson (T. S.). Four books, Santee. Williamson (T. S.). Genesis (in part), Omaha. Hamilton (W.). Genesis (in part), Santee. Renville (J.). Genesis, Sautee. AVilliamson (T. S.). Genesis, Santee. Williamson (T. S.) and others. Exodus, Santee. Williamson (T. S.). Joshua, Santee. Williamson (T. S.). Judges, Santee. Williamson (T. S.). Ruth, Santee. Williamson (T. S.). Psalms, Hidatsa. Hall (C.L.). Psalms, Santee. Htnman (S. D.). Psalms (in part), Santee. Renville (J.). Psalms, Santee. Riggs (S. R.). Psalms (in part), Santee. See Riggs (S. R.) and Renville (J-). Psalms, Santee. Williamson (T. S.) and others. Proverbs, Santee. Renville (J.). Proverbs, Santee. Williamson (T. S.). Jeremiah, Sautee. Riggs (S.R.). Ezekiel, Santee. Riggs (S.R.). Daniel (in part), Santee. Renville (J.). Daniei, Santee. Riggs (S. R.). Minor prophets, Santee. Riggs (S. R.). New Testament Omaha. Hamilton (W.). (in part), New Testament, Santee. Riggs (S. R.). Gospels (in part), Iowa. Merrill (M.). Gospels, Missouri. Merrill (M.). Gospels, Oto. Merrill (M.). Matthew, Hidatsa. Hall(C.L.). Matthew, Iowa. Hamilton (W.) and Irvin (S. M.). Matthew (in part), Santee. Renville (J.). Mark, Santee. Renville (J.). Luke, Hidatsa. Hall(C.L.). Luke, Santee. Hinman(S.D.). Luke, Santee. Pond (G. H.). Luke (in part), Santee. Renville (J.). Luke, Sautee. Williamson (T. S.) and others. John (in part), Dakota. American. John, Dakota. Baxter (J.). John, Dakota. Bible Society. John, Santee. Renville (J.). John, Santee. Williamson (T. S ) and others. Acts (in part), Santee. Renville (J.). Acts (in part), Santee. Riggs (S. R.). Epistles of Paul Santee. Riggs (S. R.). (in part), Epistle to Tim- Santee. othy, Epistle to Titus, Santee. Epistle of John, Santee. Revelation, Santee. Bible (Analysis of), Santee. Cook (J.W.). Cook (J. W.). Renville (J.). Riggs (S. R.). See Cook (J. W.). Bible of Every Land. See Bagster (J.). Bible Society. Specimen verses ; in 164 j Languages and Dialects j in which the I Holy Scriptures have been printed and circulated by the Bible Society. [De sign and one line quotation.] | Bible House, | Corner Walnut and Seventh Streets, j Philadelphia. [1876?] Printed covers, pp. 3-46, 18. St. John iii, 16, in the Dakota, p. 38. Copies seen: Eames, Pilling, Powell. The later edition, "in 215 languages," does not contain the Dakota version. (Eames, Powell.) Bibliographical catalogue. See School- craft (H. R.). SIOUAN LANGUAGES. Bibliography, Dakota. See Riggs (S. R). Bierstadt (Albert). [Vocabulary of the Teton dialect.] Manuscript, 6 pp. folio, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Collected in 1863. Biloxi vocabulary. See Gatschet (A. S.). Bird (J.). Vocabulary of the Stone In dians. In House (J.), Vocabularies of certain Xorth Anu-ricau languages, in Philological Soc. [Lon don] Proc. vol. 4, pp. 114-121, London, 1850, 8. Blackfoot-Sioux. See Teton. Blackmore (William). The North Amer ican Indians: a Sketch of some of the Hostile Tribes, together with a brief ac count of General Sheridan s campaign of 1368 against the Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapahoe, Kiowa, and Comanche In dians. By William Blackmore. In Ethnological Soc. Lond. Jour, new series, vol. 1, pp. 287-320, London, 1869, 8. Names of Sioux villages, with English trans- j lation, p. 302. Boilvin (Nicholas). [Vocabulary of the Winnebago language. Idl4-1824?] Manuscript. "Boilvin became Indian agent at Prairie du Chieu before 1814 and continued so until his death in 1824. We owe his list of "Winuebago words to Humboldt, who urged the importance of such collections in a letter to Gal- latin. Gallatin induced the Secretary of War to order Indian agents to send such vocabularies to Washington. Inquiries at Washington thua far fail to discover the precious vocabulary of Boilvin." Butler, in Wisconsin Hist. Soc. Coll. vol. 10, p. 65. Gallatin made use of this vocabulary in his Synopsis of Indian Tribes, pp. 303-422. Bonner (T. D.). See Beckwourth (J. P.). Boston Athenaeum: These words following a title indicate that a copy of the work referred to was &een by the compiler in the library of that institution, Boston, Mass. Boston Public : These words following a title indicate that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in that library, Bos ton, Mass. Boulet (Rev. J. B.), editor. See Youth s. Bourassa (Joseph X.). [Ka\v diction ary. 1850?] Manuscript, 15 11. written on one side only, folio. English, alphabetically arranged, and Kaw. In the possession of Mr. John B. Dun. i bar, Bloomfield, X. J. Joseph N. Bourassa, a well-educated Potta- watomie Indian, died in 1878. Boweii (Benjamin Franklin). America j Discovered | by | the Welsh | in 1170 | Bowen (B. F.) Continued. A. D. i By J Rev. Benjamin F. Bowen. | [Two Hues quotation.] | Philadelphia: | J. B. Lippiucott & Co. | 1876. Pp. 1-184, 12. Mandanand Welsh vocabu lary (from Catliu), p. 127. Copies seen: British Museum, Congress. Brackett (Co?. A. G.). [Vocabulary of the Absaraka or Crow.] Manuscript, 11 pp. folio, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Collected at Fort Wy oming, 1879. Bradbury (John). Travels | in j the in terior of America, | in the | Years 1809, 1810, and 1811; | including | a descrip tion of Upper Louisiana, | together with | the States of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and | Tennessee, | with the | Illinois and western Territories, | and containing | Remarks and Observa tions | useful to | persons emigrating to those countries. | By John Bradbury, F. L. S. London, | Corresponding Mem ber [&c. two lines]. | Liverpool: | printed for the author, | By Smith and Galway, | and published by Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Lon don. | 1817. Pp. i-xii, 9-364, 8. Vocabulary of some words in the Osage language, pp. 213-219. Copies seen: Boston Athenamm. British Mu seum, Congress, Dunbar. Stevens s Nuggets, No. 327, prices a copy at 4s. 6cL At the Field sale, catalogue No. 185, a half-morocco, uncut copy brought $2.25. Clarke, catalogue No. 5367, 1886, prices it at $3. Travels in the interior of America, j in the | Years 1809, 1810, and 1811, | including | a description of Upper Lou isiana, | together with | the States of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and | Ten nessee, | with the | Illinois and western Territories, | and containing | remarks and observations | useful to | persons emigrating to those countries. | Second Edition. | By John Bradbury, F. L. S. London, | Corresponding Member [&c. two lines]. London : published by Sherwood, Neely, and Jones. | 1819. Pp. i-xiv, 17-346, 8. Vocabulary of some words iu the Osage language, pp. 221-227. Copies seen : Congress. Brinley : This word folio wing a title indicates that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler at the sale of books belonging to the late George Brinley, of Hartford. Conn. 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Brinton: This word following a title indicates that a copy of the work referred to was seen hy the compiler in the library of Dr. D. G. Brinton, Media, Pa. Brisbin (James S.), editor. See Belden (G. P.). British Museum: These words following a title indicate that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the library of the Brit ish Museum, London, England. Brown : This word following a title indicates that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the library of the late John Carter Brown, Providence, K. I. Brown (SamuelJ.). Philology. Another interesting chapter upon Indian names, their origin, meaning, and other facts, by an al>le student. In the Sunday Argus, Fargo and Moorhead, Dak. January 6, 1884. A list of names (of Sioux origin) of places in Dakota Territory. See Riggs (S. R.). editor. See Anpao. Brule". See Teton. Bureau of Ethnology: These words following a title indicate that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the librarj- of ! the Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D. C. Burman (Rev. W. A.). Manitoba | His- ! toric al ail i | Scientific Society, | Winni- j peg. | Publication No. 5. | "The Sioux j Language." | Rev. W. A. Burmau, j j Sioux Mission, Manitoba. | [Winnipeg, 1883.] Title 1 1. pp. 1-4, 8. General discussion, I with examples of grammatio construction, in ! the Santee dialect. Copies seen : Powell. Burton (Richard F.). The City of the ! Saints j and | Across the Rocky Mount- i aius to California | By | Richard F. | Burton | Author of <C A Pilgrimage to El ] Medinah and Meccah" | London | Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts | 1861. | The right of trans lation is reserved Pp. i-x, 1 1. pp. 1-708, maps, plate, 8. Chap ter II is entitled " The Sioux or Dakotas " and contains remarks on the Sioux tongue, with numerous illustrative examples of the sign language of the "Prairie Indian" in general, pp. 147-160. Copies seen: Bancroft. Boston Athenreum, Congress, Tale. - The City of the Saints, | and Across the Rocky Mountains to California, i By | Richard F. Burton, | author of | " The Lake Regions of Central Africa," etc. | With Illustrations. I Burton (R. F.) Continued. New York : | Harper & Brothers, Pub lishers, | Franklin Square. | 1862. Pp. v-xii, 2 11. pp. 1-574, map, 8. Remarks on the Sioux or Dakotah language, pp. 120-122. Copies seen : Powell. Sabin s Dictionary, No. 9497, gives : Second edition, London, Longman, 1862, 8. Buschmaiin(Johann CarlEduard). Uber den Naturlaut. Von Hrn. Buschmaun. In Kouigliche Akad. der Wiss. zu Berlin, Abhandluugen aus dem Jahre 1852, pt. 3, pp. 391-423, Berlin, 1853, 4. Contains a few words of Dakota. Issued separately as follows : Uber | den | Naturlaut, | von | Joh. Carl Ed. Buschrnann. | Berlin, | In Ferd. Diimmler s Verlags- Buchhaudlung. | 1853. | Gedruckt in der Druckerei der kouiglichen Akade- inie | der Wissenschaften. 1 p. 1. pp. 1-34, 4. Copies seen: Astor, British Museum. Translated and reprinted as follows : "On Natural Sounds," by Professor J. C. E. Buschmann. Translated by Campbell Clarke, Esq., from the Ab- haudlungen der koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschafteu zu Berlin, aus dem Jahre 1852. In Philological Society [of London], vol. 6 pp. 188-206, [London, 1855] 8. Bushotter (George). [Linguistic mate rial in the Tetou dialect. 1887.] Mr. Bushotter is a native Teton who has been attending a school of divinity near Alexandria. Va. Under the direction of Rev. J. Owen Dor- sey, of the Bureau of Ethnology, he has writ- .ten the following papers in Teton. To many of them Mr. Dorsey has added, and will subse quently add to them all, a literal interlinear translation, explanatory notes, and a free En glish translation. These manuscripts are in the possession of the Bureau of Ethnology. 1. Sword-Keeper and his brother; the latter meets an Anung-ite, or Two-Faces, 10 fcp. pp. ; notes and translation additional pages. 2. Tataugnas kinyan (mythic buffalo). 3. Two-Faces with large ears. (This explains the origin of arrows, pipes, axes, knife- sharpeners, beads, <fec.) 13 pp. 4. Three brothers who had a witch sister. 5. Children, bad old woman (cannibal), and Ikto. 6. Ikto, animals, and women. 7. Man and his ghost wife. 8. Two vs. one : ghost story with a song. 9. Man, female ghost, and male ghost who wrestled with the man. 10. Ghost on the hill. He could not be hit by arrows. SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 9 Bushotter (G.) Continued. 11. Treatment of the sick ; burial customs. 12. The man who came to life again. 13. Hokewiula, or the man and woman in the moon. 14. Man, two in the lodge, ghost female, and the friendly wolf, 8 pp. 15. Man who spared the wolf cubs, 11 pp. 16. Thunder and tbe Uukcegila (mastodon?), 12pp. 17. Waziya, the northern giant, who brings snow, 7 pp. 18. Buffalo people attacked the Indian people, : 6pp. 19. Iktomi and the land turtle, 13 pp. 20. Man and two sous, 15 pp. 21. Turtle who wished to fly, 10 pp. 22. Man who could become a grizzly bear, 6 pp. 23. How the Indians made the sun well, 3 pp. 24. Iktomi and the horned water monster, 7 pp j 25. The strange lake with large submarine i animals, 6 pp. 26. Warrior surrounded by a serpent, 3 pp. 27. One-eyed serpent, short legs and iarge body, 3 pp. 28. Why they pray to stones, the sun, &c. 9 pp. . 29. The mountain in which was a large ser pent, 6 pp. 30. Adventures of a man and his wife, 7 pp. 31. Iktomi and the siyo (prairie chicken?), 5 pp. 32. Adventure of Mastiukin (rabbit carrier), 5pp. 33. Woman who turned to a fish from the waist down, 18 pp. 34. Iktomi and the rabbit; how the latter i made snow, 4 pp. 35. Male ghost and his wife, 8 pp. 36. Man with the magic sword, and the one ; with powerful breath, 6 pp. 37. Swift runner (he who ties stones to his ; legs), 10 pp. 38. Man rescued by the eaglets, 7 pp. 39. The double woman, 4 pp. 40. Iktomi and the mice, 14 pp, 41. Iktomi and the ducks kc. 13 pp. 42. Iktomi and the rabbit; how the rabbit s tail became short, 15 pp. 43. Man who resembled the man in the moon, 11 pp. 44. Young lover rescued by the girl, 12 pp. 45. Warriors met Heyoka (Sunflower), who i was singing and dancing, 2 pp. 46. The flying Santee, 7 pp. 47. Santees first sight of the buffalo, 7 pp. 48. Lakotas went against the Palaui (Rees), 5pp. 49. The short man s adventures, 8 pp. 50. Smokemaker s fate (war story), 7 pp. 51. Fight between the Lakota and Sihasapa (Slk-sik-a), 4pp. 52. Two unarmed men fight a grizzly bear, 8 pp. Bushotter (G.) Continued. 53. The Lakota caught an Omaha spy and tor tured him, 7 pp. 54. The wild man (a nude cannibal), 4 pp. 55. Maka nogeya: he who uses the earth as an ear, 7 pp. 56. Why horses are called sunka wakan (mys terious dogs), 6 pp. 57. Man who understood ravens, 5 pp. 58. Two small stones that were servants of the people, 6 pp. 59. Walianksica, a strange animal, 3 pp. 60. Animal in the Missouri River that breaks up the ice in the spring, 4 pp. 61. How the wind brought sickness to Medi cine Butte Creek, 6 pp. 62. Beliefs about day and night, and the prayers to them, 5 pp. 63. Man in the forest and his contest with ghosts, 8 pp. 64. Heyoka wozepi (feast &c. in honor of the anti-natural god), 18 pp. 65. Heyoka; he dreamed of his death by light ning ; drawing and 13 pp. 66. Fight between Holiboju wicasa and Black- feet (SIk-sik-a), 6 pp. 67. Of a mysterious man who knew about a distant Omaha war party, 5 pp. 68. Wise man ; how he caught his eloping wife, 7 pp. 69. Palani (Rees), or Sihasapa (Blackfeet) came against the Lakota, 5 pp. 70. Origin of the buffalo, 5 pp. 71. Sun dance, pictures, cfcc. 176 pp. 72. He who could lengthen his arm at will, 7pp. 73. What a young man must do before he may marry, 11 pp. 74. How the Crows surrounded some Lakota, 12pp. 75. Hau awicas api ("Some j-elled at them ") ; raid on Dakota camp, 4 pp. 76. Waktoglakapi (story of warrior who waa not wounded), 9 pp. 77. Fight between the Lakota and white sol diers, 20 pp. 78. The Santoes and their fondness for certain kinds of food, 4 pp. 79. What the Lakota thought about the first white people whom they saw, 13 pp. 80. Belief respecting lakes, 3 pp. 81. Belief about this world, 7 pp. 82. Calumet dance, 39 pp. 83. How they honor the dead, 17 pp. 84. Wohloke sni kagapi (men who are arrow and bulletproof), 8 pp.. 85. Love potions <fcc. 5 pp. 86. Tekagapi (acts of a wounded warrior), 7pp. 87. Taku kagapi (actors clothed in robes with buffalo hair outside detect wrong doers), Upp. 88. Those who imitate the elk, 13 pp. 89. Why a man may not speak to his mother in law <fcc. 11 pp. 90. Rules for smoking, feasting, and visiting, llpp. 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Bushotter (G.) Continued. 91. Certain boyish customs, 7 pp. 92. Ghost story, 7 pp. 93. Origin of white people, 9 pp. 94. Games and their seasons, 10 pp. 95. Education of a boy, 9 pp. 96. Youth killed in battle and his faithful horse, 11 pp. 97. People who used to live in the north, 7 pp. 98. Ghost woman and robin (belief about the latter), 9 pp. 99. Flying serpent, whose touch was fatal, 4 pp. 100. Origin of twins, 4 pp. 101. Mr. Bushotter s autobiography, 117 pp. 02. Belief about the loved one who has been called by the ghost, 6 pp. 103. Fight between two gamblers near Cham berlain, Dak. 7 pp. 104. The singing elk, 8 pp. 105. The belief as to Iktomi, 9 pp. 106. War of Tetous against the Omaha, 7 pp. 107. Narrow escape of Upi-canha, 5 pp. 108. Hankaaitku s war adventure, 10 pp. 109. How certain men (doctors, priests, &c.) have become "mysterious," 16 pp. 110. Fight between the Lakota and the Chey- ennes and Sapa wic"asa (probably the Conianche), 22 pp. 111. Rules of etiquette for brothers, sisters, and cousins, 20 pp. 112. Ghost story, with two pictures, 5 pp. 113. Beavers customs, 8 pp. 114. Iktomi and the old woman who fed all the animals, 24 pp. 115. Handsome man saved from a pit by a wolf, 32 pp. 116. Trick of a myth-teller, 9 pp. 117. Thistles, 4 pp. 118. How the Indians regard the past and their ancestors, 21 pp. 119. What constitutes a respectable man, llpp. 120. Big Belly Society, 5 pp. 121. Mandan Society, 10 pp. 122. Following one another, 7 pp. 123. Painyaukapi, 45 pp. 124. Horse race, 4 pp. 125. Hitting the moccasin, 9 pp. 126. Shooting at the cactus, 5 pp. 127. Hitting the bow, 6 pp. 128. Shooting at bunches of grass, 6 pp. 129. Shooting at the lungs of an animal, 6 pp. 130. Taking slaves from one another, 9 pp. 131. Trampling on the beaver, 6 pp. 132. Ho-wi! Ho-wi! (Boys or youths in a ring &c.) 11 pp. 133. They touch not one another, 5 pp. 134. Game Avith the micapeca (a grass with a long, sharp beard), 5 pp. 135. Old woman accuses them, 4 pp. 136. Game with slings, 4 pp. 137. Goose and her children, 9 pp. 138. Pteheste unpi (buffalo horn game), 7 pp. 139. Hutanaeute (a peculiar stick that is hurled), 4 pp. 140. Making the wood dance by hitting it, 7 pp. Bushotter (G.) Continued. 141 . Making the wood jump by hitting it, 7 pp. 142. Making the bow glide by throwing, 5 pp. 143. Coasting, 7 pp. 144. Game of ball, llpp. 145. Shooting at an arrow set up, 6 pp. 146. Grizzly bear game, 10 pp. 147. Deer game, 10 pp. 148. Running toward one another, 9 pp. 149. Wakinkic~iciyapi, 9 pp. 150. Hitting one another with frozen earth, 10pp. 151. Hitting the ball, 11 pp. 152. Tahuka cangleska uiipi, 43 pp. 153. Game of earthen horses, 7 pp. 154. Paslohanpi; they slide by pushing, 13 pp. 155. They kick at one another, 13 pp. 156. The hoop is made to roll by the wind, 8 pp. 157. Pop-gun game, 9 pp. 158. Wrestling, 8 pp. 159. Courting the females, 8 pp. 360. Game with bows and small, wood-pointed arrows, 10 pp. 161. Swinging, 10 pp. 162. Taking places (of sitting, standing, &c.) from one another, 9 pp. 163. Playing with small things, 17 pp. 164. Hosisipa, or pinching the backs of hands, llpp. 165. Wonape li ali a, 8 pp. 166. Who will get there first ? 9 pp. 167. Hopping, 9 pp. 168. Throwing arrows with the hand at an object set up, 6 pp. 169. Ghost game. 170. Hide and seek. 171. Jumping down from a tree, bank, <fcc. 172. Tanpa unpi, game with piumstones. 173. Odd or even ? A stick game. 174. Throwing chewed leaves into the eyes. 175. Game with the ankle-bones of the deer. 176. Native wooden harmonicon, played by boys. 177. Mysterious game. 178. Playing doctor. 179. Pretending to be dead. 180. Hunting young birds in summer. 181. Hunting eggs in spring. 182. Going to make a grass lodge. 183. Scrambling for presents. 184. Sitting on wooden horses. 185. Making a bone turn and hum by twisting and pulling a cord. 186. String twisted in and out among the fingers. 187. Tumbling and somersaults. 188. Game with large things. 189. Courtship, picture and 47 pp. 190. The Ungnagicala, a bird that foretells cold weather, 14 pp. 191. Cause of scrofulous sore on neck, 10 pp. 192. Meaning of ringing sound in the ears, 10 pp. 193. Ilioka and Tokala Societies, 17 pp. 194. Dog Society. 195. Katela (killing by hitting), or Taniga idu (taking the butfalo paunch;. SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 11 Bushotter (G.) Continued. 196. Scalp (lance. 197. Night dance. 198. Mysterious Society. 199. Grizzly bear dance. 200. Belief about tbe Ptehi6icila, a bird. 201. Glataaupi. Other papers are in preparation. It is the intention of Mr. Bushotter also to fill the blanks in a copy of the second edition of Powell s Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages. Bushotter (G.) Continued. George Bushotter, a full-blood Lakota, was born at the forts of Owl Creek, Dakota Terri tory, in 1864. His father was a Yankton and his mother is a Teton of the Minneconjou tribe. He was educated at the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, Hampton, Va., from 1878 to 1881. Returned to the west in 1881 ; was again at Hampton from the winter of 1882- 83 to 1884 and at the Theological Seminary of Virginia from the fall of 1885 to the spring of 1887. C. Calvary catechism. See Hinman (S. D.). Calvary wiwicawangapi. See Cook (J. \V.)aud Cook (C. S.). Campbell (John). On the origin of some American Indian tribes. By John Campbell. [Second article.] In Montreal Nat. Hist. Soc. Proc. vol. 9, pp. 193-212, Montreal, 1879, 8. Dacotah vocabulary, p. 202. Kadiak and Aleutian words compared with the Dacotah, pp. 205-206. Hittites in America. By John Camp bell, M. A. [Second article.] In Montreal Nat. Hist. Soc, Proc. vol. 9, pp. 345-367, Montreal, 1879, 8. Comparative vocabulary of the Circassian with the Dacotah, pp. 347-348. Issued separately, also, with half-title, re- paged, 1-23. (Pilling, Powell.) Origin of the aborigines of Canada. In Quebec Literary and Historical Soc. Trans, session 1880-1881, pp. 61-93, i-xxxiv, Quebec, 1882, 12. Comparative vocabulary of the Dacotah and Japanese-Koriak languages, pp. i-v. Separately issued as follows : Origin | of the | aborigines of Can ada. | A paper read before the Literary and Historical Society, | Quebec, | by | Prof. J. Campbell, M. A., | (of Mon treal,) j D<51e~gu<$ General de 1 Institu- tion Ethnographique de Paris. | Quebec: (printed at the " Morning Chronicle" Office. | 1881. Printed cover, 2 p. 11. pp. 1-33, and appendix i-xxxiv, 8. Dacotah vocabulary as above, pp. vi-xi. Copies seen: Powell. The affiliation of the Algonquin lan guages. By John Campbell, M. A. In Canadian Institute Proc. new series, vol. 1, pt. 1. pp. 15-53, Toronto, 1884, 8. Comparison of characteristic forms in Algon quin with the same in the neighboring families Campbell (J.) Continued. [Athabascan, Iroquois, Dacotah, andChoctaw], pp. 45-50. Separately issued as follows : The Affiliation of the Algonquin Lan guages. By John Campbell, M. A., Professor of Church History, Presbyte rian College, Montreal. [1884.] No imprint ; pp. 1-41, 8. Copies seen: Shea. Asiatic tribes in North America. By John Campbell, M. A. In Canadian Institute Proc. new series, vol. 1, pp. 171-206, Toronto, 1884, 8. Comparative vocabulary of the Dacotah and Peninsular languages, pp. 202-206. Asiatic tribes in North America. By John Campbell, M. A., Professor of Church History, Presbyterian College, Montreal. [1884.] Half-title reverse blank 1 1. pp. 3-38, 8. Ex tract from the Proceedings of the Canadian In stitute. Linguistics as above, pp. 34-38. Copies seen: Brinton, Powell. [Carnegie (Sir James). ] Saskatchewan | and | the Rocky Mountains. | A diary and narrative of travel, sport, | and adventure, during a journey through the | Hudson s Bay Company s terri tories, | in 1859 and 1860. | By | the Earl of Southesk, | K. T., F. R. G. S. [Sir James Carnegie]. | [Seven lines quotation.] | With maps and illustra tions. | Edinburgh: | Edmonston and Doug las. | 1875. (The right of translation is reserved.) Pp. i-xxx, 1-448. maps, 8. Letter from the Mountain Assiniboines [syllabic characters], p. 250. Copies seen: British Museum, Congress, Har vard. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Carver (Jonathan). Travels j through ; the | interior parts | of | North-Amer ica, | in the | Years 1766, 1767, and 1768.. | By J. Carver, Esq. | captain of a company of provincial | troops during the late | war with France. | Illustrated j with copper plates. | London: | Printed for the Author; | And Sold by J. Walter, at Charing-cross, and S.Crowder, iuPater-noster Row. | MDCCLXXVIII [1778]. 10 p. 11. pp. i-xvi, 17-513, 1 p. maps, 8. A short vocabulary of the Naudowessie [Santee dialect], pp. 433-438. Numerical terras (1- 1000) of the same, pp. 439-440. A short song in same dialect, with English translation, pp. 440- 441. Copies seen: Astor, British Museum, Brown, Bureau of Ethnology, Congress, Harvard, Mas sachusetts Historical Society. Priced in Stevens s Nuggets, No. 470, at 8s. 6d. At the Squier sale, catalogue No. 165, a half- morocco, uncut copy brought $4.75; at the Pinart sale, catalogue No. 209, a copy brought 5 f r. Q uaritch, No. 29928, prices one copy, uncut, at 21. ; another, half-calf, at U. 10*. ; and one, No. 29929, tree-marbled calf, extra, at 21 10s. Travels j through the , interior parts ] of | North America, | in the , Years 1766, 1767, and 1768. | By J. Carver, Esq. | captain of a company of provincial j troops during the late | war with France. | Illustrated with copper plates. | The second edition. | London: | Printed for the Author, | By William Richardson in the Strand ; | And sold hy J. Dodsley, in Palluiall ; J. Robson, in New | Bond-street; J. Walter, at Charing-cross; J. Bew, | in Pater-noster Row ; and Mess. Richard son and | Urquhart, at the Royal Ex change, | M DCC LXXIX [1779]. 12 p. 11. pp. i-xvi, 17-543, map, 8. Lmguis- | tics as in the first edition. Copies seen: British Museum, Brown, Con- , gress, Massachusetts Historical Society. The Squier copy, sheep, catalogue No. 166, brought $3; the Murphy copy, calf, catalogue No. 483, $3. Priced by Quaritch, No. 29930, half-calf, at 1Z. 16s. Travels j through the Interior Parts j of | North-America, in the | Years 1766, 1767, and 1768. | By J. Carver, Esq. | Captain of a Company of Provincial | Troops during the late | War with France. | Illustrated with copper plates. | Dublin: | Printed for S. Price, R. Cross, W. Watson, W. and H. | White- Carver (J.) Continued, stone, J. Potts, J. Williams, W. Colles, | W. Wilson, R. Moucrieffe, C. Jenkin, G. | Burnet, T. Walker, W. Gilbert, L. L. | Flin, J. Exshaw, L. White, J. Beatty, | and B. Watson. | MDCCLXX IX [1779]. 10 p. 11. pp. i-xiii, 1.5-508, map, 8. Linguis tic chapter, pp. 387-412. Copies seen: British Museum, Brown, Dun- bar. Priced in Stevens s Nuggets, No. 471, at 10s. 6d. Johann Carvers | Reisen | durch | dieiuuernGegenden von | Nord-Amer- ika | in den Jahreu 1766, 1767 und 1768, | mit einer Landkarte. | Aus dern Eng- lischen. | Hamburg, | bey Carl Ernst Bohn. 1780. Pp.i-xxiv. 1-456, map, 12. Linguistic chap ter, pp. 350-359. Copies seen : Brown. Travels | through the j interior parts | of | North America, | in the | Years 1766, 1767, and 1768. | By J. Carver, Esq. | captain of a company of provincial | troops during the late > war with France. | Illustrated with copper plates, | coloured, j The third edition. | To which is added, Some Account of the j author, and a copious index, j London : | Printed for C. Dilly, in the Poultry ; H. Payne, in | Pall-mall ; and J. Phillips, in George-Yard, | Lombard- Street, | M DCC LXXXI [1781]. 2 p. 11. pp. 1-22, 11 11. pp. i-xvi, 17-543, index 10 11. 8 C . Same as original edition, except addi tion of preliminary pages, which contain "Some account of Captain J. Carver," and in dex at end. Copies seen: Boston Athenaeum, British Mu seum, Brown, Congress. Priced in Stevens s Nuggets, No. 472, at 10s. 6d. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 283, a half- morocco, uncut copy brought $5.50; at the Brinley sale, catalogue No. 4458, it sold for $6. Three years | travels, | through the | Interior Parts of North America, | for more than | five thousand miles, | con taining, | An Account of the great Lakes, and all the Lakes, | Islands, and Rivers, Cataracts, Mountains, Minerals, | Soil and Vegetable Productions of the North West | Regions of that vast Con tinent; [ with a | Description of the Birds, Beasts, Reptiles, | Insects, and Fishes peculiar to the Country. | To- SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 13 Carver (J.) Continued, gether with a concise | History of the Genius, Manners, and | Customs of the Indians | Inhabiting the Lands that lie adjacent to the Heads and to the | Westward of the great River Missis sippi ; | and an | Appendix, Describing the uncultivated Parts of America that | are the | most proper for forming Settle ments. | By Captain Jonathan Carver, | of the Provincial Troops in America. | Philadelphia: | Printed and sold by Joseph Crukshauk in Market Street | and Robert Bell, in Third Street. | M D CC L XXXIV [1784]. Pp. i-xxi, 1-217, 8. Of their language, pp. 170-179. Copies seen : Brown. Voyage | dans | les Parties Inte"ri- eures de , L Ame rique Septeutrionale, ; Pendant les anndes 1766, 1767 <fc 1768. | Par Jonathan Carver, | Ecuyer, Capi- taine d une compagnie de troupes | pro- vinciales pendant la guerre du Canada j entre la France & PAngleterre. | Ou vrage traduit sur la troisieme Edition | Angloise, par M. de C. . . . avec des re- mar- | ques & quelques additions du traducteur. | Yverdon. | M.DCC.LXXXIV [1784]. Pp. i-xxvi, 1-436, 12. Des langues des In- diens, pp. 304-322. Copies seen : Brown. Voyage j dans | les parties inte - rienres | de | 1 ArueTique Septentrio- nale, | Pendant les anne es 1766, 1767 & 1768. | Par Jonathan Carver, | Ecuyer, Capitaiue d une Compagnie de Troupes Provinciales pendant la guerre du Ca nada entre la France & 1 Angleterre. | Ouvrage traduit sur la troisieme Edi tion | Angloise, par M. de C . . . . avec des remarques & | quelques additions du Traducteur. | [Design.] | A Paris, | Chez Pissot, Libraire, quai des Augustins. | M. DCC. LXXXIV [1784]. | Avec Approbation & Privi lege du Roi. Pp.l-24,i-xxviii,l-451,map,8. Deslangnea des Indiens, pp. 315-334. Copies seen: British Museum, Brown, Con gress. Leclerc, 1878, Xo. 837, prices a copy at 16 fr. Three Years | Travels through the | Interior Parts | of | North-America, | for more than | Five Thousand Miles, | Carver (J.) Continued, containing | An Account of the great Lakes, and all the | Lakes, Islands, and Rivers, Cataracts, | Mountains, Miner als, Soil and Vegeta- | ble Productions of the North-West Re- | gions of that vast Continent; | with a | Description of the Birds, Beasts, Rep- j tiles, In sects, and Fishes peculiar [ to the Coun try. | Together with a concise | History of the Genius, Manners, and | Customs of the Indians I Inhabiting the Lands that lie adjacent to the Heads and | to the Westward of the great River Mis sissippi, and an | Appendix, | Describ ing the uncultivated Parts of America that are | the most proper for forming Settlements. | By Captain Jonathan Carver, | of the Provincial Troops in America. | Philadelphia : I Printed by Joseph Crukshauk, in Market Street, between Second and Third-Streets. | M DCC L XXXIX [1789]. Pp. i-xvi, i-viii, 9-282, 12. Of their Ian- guage, pp. 211-228. Copies seen : Brown. Three Years | Travels I throughout the | Interior Parts | of | North-Amer ica, | for more than | Five Thousand Miles | containing | An Account of the great Lakes, and all the Lakes, | Isl ands, and Rivers, Cataracts, Mount ains, | Minerals, Soil and Vegetable Productions | of the North-west Regions of that Vast | Continent; | with a | Description of the Birds, Beasts, Rep- | tiles, Insects, and Fishes peculiar j to the Country. | Together with a con cise | History of the Genius, Manners, and | Customs of, the Indians | Inhabit ing the Lauds that lie adjacent to the Heads and | to the Westward of the Great River Mississippi ; | and an | Appendix, | Describing the unculti vated parts of America, that are | the most proper for forming Settlements. | By Captain Jonathan Carver, | of the Provincial Troops in America. | Printed at Portsmouth, New Hamp shire, | by Charles Peirce, for David W T est, | No. 36, Marlborough-Street, Boston. | M,DCC,XCIV [1794]. Pp. i-xvi. i-viii, 9-2S2, 12. Of their Ian guage, pp. 212-228. Copies seen : Brown. 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Carver (J.) Continued. Reize | door de | Biunenlauden | van | Noord-Anierika, door | Jonathan Carver, Schildkn. | Kapiteiu van eeue Compagnie Proviutiaale | Troepen Gedunreude den Oorlog | met Fraiik- rijk. | Naar den derdeii Druk nit Let Eugelsch vertaald | door | J. D. Pas teur | met Plaaten. | Eerste[-Tweede] Deel. | [Portrait of Carver.] | Te Leyden, | bij A. en J. Honkoop, 179(3. 2 vols. 8. Title of vol. 2 has no portrait. Linguistics, vol. 2, pp. 150-172. Copies seen: Brown. Three years j Travels | through the | interior parts | of | North-America, | for more than | five thousand miles ; | containing | An Account of the great Lakes ; and all the Lakes, Islands, | and Rivers, Cataracts, Mountains, Miner als, j Soil and Vegetable Productions of the North- | West Regions of that vast Continent; | with a | Description of the Birds, Beasts, | Reptiles, Insects, and Fishes | peculiar to the Country. | To gether with a concise | History of the Genius, Manners, and customs | of the Indians inhabiting the lands that lie | adjacent to the heads and to the west ward | of the great river Mississippi; | and an | appendix, | Describing the uncultivated parts of America that are the most proper for forming settle ments. | By Captain Jonathan Carver, | of the provincial troops in America. | Philadelphia : | Published by Key & Simpson. | 1796. Pp. i-xx, i-x, 11-360. Of tlieir language <fec. pp. 273-293. Copies seen : British Museum, Bureau of Eth nology, Congress. Priced in Stevens s Nuggets, No. 473, at 10s. 6d. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 284, a copy brought $1.75. Three Years | Travels | throughout the | Interior Parts | of | North-Amer ica, | for more than | Five Thousand Miles, | containing | An Account of the Great Lakes, and all the Lakes, Isl ands, | and Rivers, Cataracts, Mount ains, Minerals, Soil and Ye- | getable Productions of the North-west Regions of that | vast Continent; | with a | Description of the Birds, Beasts, Rep tiles, In- | sects, and Fishes peculiar to the Country. | Together with a con- Carver (J.) Continued. cise | History of the Genius, Manners, and Customs | of the Indians | inhabit ing the Lands that lie adjacent to the heads and | to the westward of the great river Mississippi ; | and an | Ap pendix, | describing the uncultivated parts of America, | that are the most proper for forming | Settlements. | By Captain Jonathan Carver, | of the Pro vincial Troops in America. | Printed | by John Russell, for David West, | No. 56, Cornhill, Boston. | 1797. Pp. i-xvi, 5-312, 12. Of their language, pp. 237-254. Copies seen: Boston Athenaeum, Brown. Three Years | Travels | throughout the | Interior Parts | of | North Amer ica, | for more than | Five Thousand Miles, | containing an account of the | Lakes, Islands and Rivers, Cataracts, | Mountains, Minerals, Soil and Vege table | productions of the North West re- | gionsof that vast continent; with a description | of the birds, beasts, rep tiles, insects, | and fishes peculiar to the country. | Together with a con cise | History of the Genesis, Manners, and Cus- | toms of the Indians inhab iting the Lands | that lie adjacent to the heads and | west of the river Mis sissippi; | and an j Appendix, | describ ing the | Uncultivated parts of Amer ica; | that are the most proper for forming | settlements. | By Jonathan Carver, | Captain of the Provincial Troops in America. | Walpole, N. H. | Published by Isaiah Thomas & Co. | 1813. * Pp. i-xvi, 17-280. This edition contains the chapter on language and hieroglyphics, but not the vocabulary. Title furnished by Dr. S. A. Green, of the Massachusetts Historical Societj", from a copy in the library of that society. Carver s travels | in | Wisconsin. | From the | third London edition. | New-York: \ printed by Harper & Brothers, | No. 82 Cliff-street. | 1838. Pp. i-xxxii, 33-376, maps, 8. Of their lan guage &c. pp. 255-272. Copies senn : Congress. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 285, a copy brought $2.50. Aventures | de Carver | chez les Sauvages | de | PAine rique Septentrio- nale. | [Picture.] | SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 15 Carver (J). Continued. Tours | A d Maine & C io | E\liteurs. Second title : Aventures | de Carver | cliez les sauvages | de 1 Ameriquo Septeutrionale | cinquieme edition | [Design.] | Tours | A d Manie et C ie , imprimeurs-li- bxaires | 1852 Engraved title 1 1. printed title 1 1. pp. 1-236, 12. Dulangage, pp. 214-217. Copies seen: Congress. Besides the editions of Carver given above, there are, according to the catalogue of the Brown Library, editions in English as follows : Philadelphia, Joseph Crukshank, 1792, 12; Philadelphia, 1795, 8; Edinburgh, 1798, 8; Charlestown, 1802, 12; Edinburgh, 1807, 8; "Walpole, X. H., 1838, 12. Sabin s Dictionary adds to the above: Edinburgh, 1808, 8. Catalogue | of | one hundred and seven teen | Indian Portraits, J representing | eighteen different tribes, | accompanied by | a few remarks | on the | character, &c. of most of them. | Price 1 2 cents. [1850?] "No imprint; pp. 1-24, 8. A list of promi nent persons belonging to various American tribes, whose portraits were painted by King, of "Washington, and copied by Imnan. The names of most of them are given, witb the English signification. Among the tribes rep resented are the Osage, Otto, "Winnebago, Kan sas, loway, and Sioux. Copies seen: Powell. Catechism : Iowa. See Hamilton ("W.) and Irvin (S. M.). Santee. Hinman (S. D.). Santee. Pond (S. "W.). Santee. Renville (J.) and Williamson (T. S.). Santee. Kigga (S. R.). Yankton. Cook (J. W.) and Cook(C.S.). Catlin (George). Catalogue j of | Catlin s Indian gallery | of | portraits, laud- scapes, | manners and customs, | cos tumes &c. &c., j collected during seven years travel amongst thirty-eight dif- | ferent tribes, speaking different lan guages. 1 New-York : | Piercy & Reed, printers, 7 Theatre alley. | 1837. Pp. 1-3G, 12. A list of prominent person ages of different tribes (including a number of Dakota), giving their names, with English meaning. Copies seen: Harvard, Powell. Catalogue | of | Catlin s Indian Gal lery | of | Portraits, Landscapes, | Man ners and Customs, , Costumes, &c. &c. j Catlin (G.) Continued. Collected during seven years travel amongst thirty-eight j different tribes, speaking different languages. | New York : | Piercy &. Reed, Printers, 7 Theatre Alley. | 1838. Pp. 1-40, 16. Names of persons, with En glish signification, of the Osage, Konza, Sioux, Puncah, Crow, Mandan, Grosventre, Assinne- boin, "Winnebago, Iowa, Omahaw, Otoe, and Missouri. Copies seen : Harvard, "Wisconsin Historical Society. A | descriptive catalogue | of | Cat lin s Indian gallery; | containing | por traits, | landscapes, costumes, &c. | and | representations of the manners and customs | of the | North American Indians, j Collected and painted entirely by Mr. Catlin, | during seven years travel amongst 48 tribes, mostly speak ing different languages. | Exhibited for nearly three years, with great success, in the | Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, Lon don. | Admittance One Shilling. | Colophon : C. and J. Adlard, printers, Bartholomew Close, London. [1840.] Pp. 1-48, 4. Contents as above. Copies seen: Boston Athenaeum, British Mu seum, Powell. Catalogue raisonne | de | La Galerie Indieune de M r Catlin, | renfermant | des portraits, j des paysages, des cos tumes, etc., | et | des scenes de mceurs et coutumes | des | Indieus de PAme*- rique du Nord. | Collection entierement faite et peinte par M r Catlin | Pendant un sejour de 8 ans parmi 48 tribus sau vages, parlaut tretite langues diffe - rentes, et formaut une population d un demi-ruillion d ames. | [Paris:] 1S45. | Imprimerie de Wit- tersheiin, | Rue Montinorency, 8. Printed cover, pp. 1-48, 8. Contents as above. Copies seen: Powell. Some copies have title-page differing slightly from above. (Harvard.) A descriptive catalogue | of | Cat lin s Indian collection, | containing j portraits, landscapes, costumes, &c., | and | representations of the manners and customs | of the | North American Indians. | Collected and painted en tirely by Mr. Catlin, during eight years travel amongst | forty-eight tribes, mostly speaking different languages. | 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Catlin (G.) Continued. Also | opinions of the press in England, France, and the United States. | London : | published by the author, | at his Indian collection, No. 6, Water loo Place. | 1848. Pp. 1-92, 8. Contents similar to above. Copies seen: Harvard, Powell. North and South American Indians. [ Catalogue | descriptive and instruct ive | of | Catlin s j Indian Cartoons. | Portraits, types, and customs. | 600 paintings in oil. | With | 20,000 full length figures | illustrating their vari ous games, religious ceremonies, and j other customs, | and | 27 canvas paint ings | of | Lasalle s discoveries. | New York: | Baker & Godwin, Print ers, Printing-House square, ! 1871. Printed cover, pp. 1-99, 8. Contents as above. Copies seen: Astor, Congress, Eames, "Wis consin Historical Society. The Catliu Indian collection, con taining Portraits, Landscapes, Cos tumes, &c., and Representations of the Manners and Customs of the North American Indians. * : Pre sented to the Smithsonian Institution by Mrs. Thomas Harrison, of Philadel phia, in 1 879. A Descriptive Catalogue. By George Catlin, the artist. In Rhees (William J.), Visitor s Guide to the Smithsonian Institution and United States National Museum, iu Washington, pp. 70-89, Washington, 1887, 8. Contents as above. Copies seen : Pilling. Letters and Notes | on the | Man ners, Customs, and Condition | of the | North American Indians. | By Geo. Cat lin. | Written during eight years travel among the Wildest Tribes of | Indians in North America. ( In 1832, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39. | In two volumes, | with four hundred illustrations, care fully engraved from his original paint ings. | Vol. I[-II]. [ New York : | Wiley and Putnam, 161 Broadway. | 1841. 2 vols.: pp. i-viii, 1-264; i-viii, 1-266; 312 plates and maps, royal 8. A few words of Mandan compared with the Welsh, vol. 2, p. 261. Com parative vocabulary of the Mandan, Blackfoot, Riccaree, Sioux, and Tuscarora, vol. 2, pp. 262- 265. Copies seen: Boston AthenaBum, British Mu seum. Catlin (G.) Continued. According to Sabiu s Dictionary, No. 11536, some copies have the imprint: London, Wiley and Putnam; others: London, published by the author, 1841. Second edition, 1842; third edition, 1842; fourth edition, 1813. Letters and notes | on the | man ners, customs, and condition | of the | North American Indians. | By George Catlin. | Written during eight years travel amongst the wildest tribes of | Indians in North America, | In 1832, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39. | In two vol umes, with four hundred illustrations, carefully engraved from his original paintings. | Third edition. Vol. I [-II]. | New- York : | Wiley and Putnam, 161 Broadway. | 1844. 2 vols. 8. Linguistics, vol. 2, pp. 261-265. Copies seen : Congress, Powell, Trumbull. The first issue of this edition has the im print : London : | Published for the Author by | Tilt and Bogue, Fleet Street. 1 1842. (Trum bull.) (*) Illustrations | of the | manners, cus toms, and condition | of the | North American Indians: | in a series of | letters and notes | written during eight years of travel and adventure among the | wildest and most remark able tribes now existing. | With three hundred and sixty engravings, | from the | Author s Original Paintings. | By Geo. Catlin. | In two volumes. | Vol. I [-II]. | Fifth edition. | London : | Henry G, Bohn, York street, Covent Garden. | MDCCCXLV [1845]. 2 vols. : pp. i-viii, 1-214; i-viii, 1-266; maps and plates, large 8. A few words of Mandan and Welsh compared, vol. 2, p. 261. Vocabu lary of the Mandan, Blackfoot, Riccaree, Sioux, and Tuskarora, vol. 2, pp. 262-265. Copies seen: Congress. At the Murphy sale, catalogue Xo. 523, a copy brought $12. Sabin s Dictionary, Xo. 11539, mentions: Sixth edition, London, 1846; and titles an edi tion: Briissel und Leipzig, 1846-1848. Illustrations | of the | Mauuers, Cus toms, and Condition | of the | North American Indians : j in a series of | Letters and Notes | written during eight years of Travel and Adventure among the | wildest and most remark able Tribes now existing. | With three hundred and sixty engravings | from, the Author s Original Paintings. | SIOUAN LANGUAGES* 17 Catlin (G.) Continued. By Geo. Catlm. | In two volumes. | Vol. ![-!!]. | Seventh edition. | London : | Henry G. Bohr., York street, Covent Garden. | MDCCCXL VIII [1848]. 2 vols. maps, 8. A few words of Mandan compared with the Welsh, vol. 2, p 261. Vo cabulary of the Mandan, Blackfoot, Riccaree, Sioux, and Tuskarora, vol. 2, pp. 262-265. Copies seen : Astor. Tiiibuer, in Ludewig, p. 228,.titles the second edition, in German : Briissel, Muquardt, 1851, and gives the vocabularies as on pp. 348-352. Sabin s Dictionary, No. 11537, mentions the eighth and ninth editions, London, Bohn, 1857; and in No. 11538 an edition : Philadelphia, Haz ard, 1857. Letters and notes | on the | man ners, customs, and condition | of the | North American Indians. Written dur ing eight years travel amongst the wild est | tribes of Indians in North Amer ica, | [Picture.] | By Geo. Catlin. | Two vols. in one. | With one hundred and fifty illustrations, on steel and wood. | Philadelphia: | J. W. Bradley, 48 North Fourth St. | 1859. Pp. 1-792, 8. Linguistics, pp. 786, 787-791. Some copies are dated 1860. Illustrations | of the | Manners, Cus toms, and CoiidiMon | of>the | North American Indians | w r ith | Letters and Notes | written during eight years of travel and adventure among the | wild est and most remarkable tribes now existing. | With three hundred and sixty engravings, | from the | Author s Original Paintings, j By Geo. Catlin. | In two volumes. Vol. I [-II]. | Tenth edition. | London : | Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden. | 18(36. 2 vols. large 8. Copies seen: Boston Athenaeum, Wisconsin Historical Society. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 308, a copy, with colored etchings, "worth nearly ten times the price of plain copies," brought $48. Illustrations | of the | Manners, Cus toms, & Condition | of the | North American Indians. | With Letters and Notes, | Written during Eight Years of Travel and Adventure among the i Wildest and most Remarkable Tribes now Existing. | By George Catlin. | With | three hundred and sixty col- SIOUAN 2 Catlin (G.) Continued, cured engravings | from the author s original paintings. | [Design.] | In two volumes. | Vol. ![-!!]. | London : | Chatto & Wiiidus, Picca dilly. | 1876. 2 vols. : pp. i-viii, 1-264 ; i-viii, 1-266 ; plates, large 8. Maiidan and Welsh similarities, vol. 2, p. 261. Vocabulary, vol. 2, pp. 262-265. Copies seen: Museum, Congress. Priced by Quaritch, No. 29932, at 21. 2s. Catlin s notes | of | eight years travels and residence ] In Europe, | with his | North American Indian col lection : | with anecdotes and incidents of the travels and adventures of three | different parties of American Indians whom he introduced | to the courts of | England, France and Belgium. | In two volumes octavo. | Vol. ![-!!]. | With numerous illustrations. | New- York : | Burgess, Stringer & Co., 22-2 Broadway. | 1848. 2 vols. 8. List of names of 14 Toways, with English signification, vol. 1, p. 294; vol. 2, p. 13. Copies seen : Powell, Watkinson. At the Fischer sale, catalogue No. 350, a copy brought 2s. ; the Field copy, catalogue No. 305, sold for $2. 50. Catliu s notes | of | eight years travels and residence | In Europe, with his | North American Indian collec tion : | with anecdotes and incidents of the travels and adventures of three | different parties of American Indians whom he introduced j to the courts of | England, France, and Belgium. | In two volumes octavo. | Vol. I[-II], | With numerous illustrations. | New York : | published by the au thor. | To be had at all the bookstores. | 1848. 2 vols.: pp. i-xvi, 1-296; i-xii, 1-336; plates, 8. Linguistics as above. Copies seen : Congress. Catlin s Notes | of [ eight years travels and residence | in Europe, with his North American Indian collection. | With | anecdotes and incidents of the travels and adventures of | three differ ent parties of American Indians whom he | introduced to the courts of | Eng land, France, and Belgium. | In two volumes, octavo. | Vol. I[-II]. | With numerous illustrations. | Second edi tion. I 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Catliii (G.) Continued. London: | published by the author, [ at his Indian collection, No. 6, Waterloo Place. | 1848. 2 vols.: pp. i-xvi, 1-296; i-xii, 1-336; plates, 8. Names of 14 loway Indians, with English signification, vol. 2, p. 279. Copies seen : British Museum, Congress, "Wis - cousin Historical Society. Some copies have "Third edition." (Con gress.) Adventures | of the | Ojibbeway and loway Indians | in | England, France and Belgium ; | being notes of | eight years travel and residence in Europe | with his \ North American Indian Col lection, | by Geo. Catlin. | In two vol umes. | Vol. ![-!!]. | With numerous Engravings. | Third edition. | London: | Published by the author | at his Indian collection, No. 6, Waterloo Place. | 1852. 2 vols. 8. A reprint of Notes of Eight Tears Travel in Europe. Catalogue, vol. 1, pp. 253-277. Copies seen: Astor, Boston Athenaeum, "Wis " consin Historical Society. Unparalleled exhibition. | The | fourteen | loway Indians | and their | interpreter, | just arrived from the Up per Missouri, near | the Rocky Mount ains, North America. | "White Cloud," | the head chief of the tribe, is with this interesting | party, giving them that peculiar interest, which | no other party of American Indians have had in a | foreign country; and they are under the immediate | charge of | G. H. C. Melody, | who accompanied them from their country, | with their favorite in terpreter, | Jeffrey Doraway. | Price sixpence. | London : | W. S. Johnson, " Nassau steam press," Nassau-street | Soho. | MDCCCXLIV [1844]. Printed cover with short title, title 1 1. pp. 3-28, 16. Proper names, with English signifi cation. Copies seen : British Museum, Congress, Har vard, "Wisconsin Historical Society. Notice | sur | les Indiens loways, | et | sur le Nuage Blanc, | l er chef de la Tribu, | Venus des Plaines du Hant- Missouri, pros des Montagues Rocheu- ses | (Territoire des Etats-Uuis, Am6- rique du Nord), | sous la conduite | de G. H. C. Melody, Esq, | et accom- Catlin (G.) Continued, pague s | Par Jeffrey Doraway, | Leur Interprete Favori. | Huit gravures sur bois, par Porret.- 1 Paris, | Impriinerie de Wittersheim, | Rue Montmorency, 8. | 1845. Printed cover, pp. 1-24, 16. Copies seen : "Wisconsin Historical Society. Life | amongst | the Indians. | A Book for Youth. ; [Picture.] , By George Catlin, | Author [&c. one line]. | London: j Sampson Low, Son & Co., 47 Ludgate Hill | 1861. | (The right of translation is reserved.) Pp. i-viii, 1 1. pp. 1-366, 16. loway proper names, with English signification, pp. 337-338. loway names and terms passim. Copies seen : British Museum. The French edition: Paris, Hachette et C ie , 1863, has no linguistics. (British Museum.) Life | amongst | the Indians. | A Book for Youth. | [Picture.] By George Catliu, | author of " Notes of Travels amongst the North American Indians," etc. | London : Sampson Low, Son, & Mars- ton, | Milton House, Ludgate Hill. | 1867. | (The right of translation is re served.) Pp. i-xii, 1-339, 16. Copies seen : Astor, British Museum. Life ] amongst \ the Indians. | A Book for Youth. | [ Picture. ] | By George Catliu, | author of "Notes of Travels amongst the North American Indians," etc. | New York: | D. Appletou & Co., 443 & 445 Broadway. | 1867. Pp. i-xii, 1-339, sin. 4. Mandan and Iowa proper names, with English signification, pas sim. Copies seen : Congress. Life | among | the Indians | By George Catlin. | [Picture.] | Gale & Inglis. | London: 30 Pater noster Row. | Edinburgh: | 6 George Street, [n. d.] Pp. i-xiv, 1 1. pp. 17-352, 16. loway proper names, with English signification, pp. 329-330. Copies seen : British Museum. O-kee-pa : | a religious ceremony; | and other | customs of the Maudaus. | By | George Catliu. | With Thirteen Coloured Illustrations. | Philadelphia : | J. B. Lippincott and Co. I 1867. SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 19 Catlin CG.) Continued. 3 p. 11. pp. 1-52, large 8. Short comparative vocabulary of the Mandan and Welsh, p. 45. Copies seen: Astor, British Museum, Con gress. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 313, a copy brought $2.75. O-kee-pa: | A Religious Ceremony; | and other | customs of the Mandans. | By j George Catlin. With Thirteen Col oured Illustrations. | London : | Triibner and Co., 60 Pater noster Row. 1 1867. j All rights reserved. Pp. 1-52, large 8. A few words of Mandan compared with the Welsh, p. 45. Copies seen: Boston Athenaeum, Dunbar, Watkiuson. Priced by Leclerc, 1878, No. 842, at 16 fr. ; by Quaritch, No. 29931, at II 12s. <pegiha : Dictionary. See Dorsey (J. 0.). Grammar. Dorsey (J. O.). Legends. Dorsey (J. O.). Letters. Dorsey (J. O.). Stories. Dorsey (J. O.). See, also, Omaha. See, also, Ponka. Cesxs woraktepe. See Hamilton (W.) andlrvin (S.M.) Chants : Santee. See Hinman (S. D.). Santee. Hiiinian (S. D.) and Welsh (W.). Chants and hymns. See Hinman (S. D.). Chapman (John B.j. See Cook (J. W.) and others. Charencey (Comie Hyacinthe de). Re- cherches | sur les | noms des points de 1 espaee | par | M. le C te de Charencey j meuibre [&c. two lines.] | [Design.] ] Caen | iraprimerie de F. le Blanc- Hardel | rue Froide, 2 et 4 | 1882 Printed cover, title 1 1. pp. 1-86, 8. Fa- mille Siousse: Minetari (oa Hidatsa), pp. 19-20. Copies seen : Brinton, Pilling, Powell. Chase (Pliny Earle). On certain primi tive names of the Supreme Being. In American Philosoph. Soc. Proc. vol. 9, pp. 420-424, Philadelphia, 1869, 8. Terms used by a number of American tribes, among them the Crow, Iowa, and Assineboin. On the radical significance of nu merals. In American Philosoph. Soc. Proc. vol. 10, pp. 18-23, Philadelphia, 1869, 8. Examplesin several Indian languages, includ ing the Sautee from Riggs s Dakota Dictionary and Hayden s Ethnography &c. of the Missouri Tribes. Chateaubriand (Vicomte Francois Aii- guste de). Voyages | en | Anierique | Chateaubriand (F. A. de) Continued, eten Italic: | par | Le Vicomte de Cha teaubriand. | En denx volumes. | Tome Paris | et Londres, chez Colburn, li- braire, | New Burlington street. | 1828. 2 vols. : 2 p. 11. pp. i-iv, 1 1. pp. 1-400 ; 3 p. 11. pp. 1-423, 8. Langues indienues, vol. 1, pp. 273- 286, includes comments upon and comparisons of the Sioux with other American languages. Copies seen: Congress. Travels | in | America and Italy, | by | Viscount de Chateaubriand, | au thor of Atala, Travels in Greece and Pal estine, | The Beauties of Christianity, &c. | In two volumes. | Vol.*I[-II]. | London : | Henry Colburii, New Bur lington Street. | 182S. 2 vols. : 3 p. 11. pp. 1-356 ; 2 p. 11. pp. 1-429, 8. Indian languages, vol. 1, pp. 255-266. Copies seen: British Museum, Congress, Wis consin Historical Society. (Euvres completes | de M. le Vicomte | de Chateaubriand, | meuibre de I Acade ruie francoise. | Tome premier [-treute-sixieme]. | Paris. | Pourrat freres, e"diteurs. [ M. DCCC. XXXVI[-M. DCCC. XL] [1836- 1840]. 36 vols. 8. Vol. 12, Voyage en Anierique, contains Langues indiennes, pp. 167-176. Copies seen: British Museum, Watkinson. Voyages | en Arne rique | en Italic, etc. | par | M. De Chateaubriand | avec des gravures | Paris | Bernardin-Be chet, Libraire | 31, Quai des Augustius [1865] Printed cover, half-title 1 1. pp. 1-380, 8. Linguistics as in edition of 1828, pp. 138-144. Copies seen : Bancroft. Circular, Sautee. See Riggs (A. L.). Clarkson (Matthew). Words in the Osage Language. In Schoolcraft (H. R.), Indian Tribes, vol. 4, p. 275, Philadelphia, 1854, 4. Cleveland (Rev. William Joshua). See Cook (J. W.) and others. See Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A.L.). editor. See Anpao. Mr. Cleveland was born at Columbus, Miss., April 20, 1845 ; was graduated from Hobart Col lege, Geneva, oST. Y., in 1869, and from the Berke ley Divinity School, Middletown,Conn., in 1872 ; was ordained deacon in the same year and went to the Indian mission field in October, 1871 ; or dained priest in 1873. His first mission was at the Lower Brule Agency, Dakota Territory, whence he removed to the Yankton Indian 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Cleveland (W. J.) Continued. Agency in 1874, where he had a mission among the Sioux Indians at White Swan s camp ; es tablished a new mission among the Sicangu, or Upper Brule Sioux, then located on Beaver Creek, Nebraska, at Spotted Tail Agency, in June, 1875. On the removal of Red Cloud and Spotted Tail Agencies to the Missouri River in 1877, Mr. Cleveland returned to the Tankton Agency and took charge, as principal, of St. Paul s Mission Boarding School for Sioux Boys and Young Men. During his stay there he was one of the editors of Anpao. Spotted Tail s and Red Cloud s peoples hav ing been removed to their present locations, he returned to his work among the Upper Brules and Ogalalas at the Rosebud Agency, Dakota Territory, in January, 1879, where he has since resided, conducting, with the aid of others, and supervising, under Bishop Hare, the missions and mission school work at both the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Agencies. For the past two years he has also been principal of St. Mary s Mission Boarding School for Sioux Boys and Girls, 12 miles from Rosebud Agency, on Antelope Creek, Dakota Territory. During his stay at the Rosebud Agency Mr. Cleveland translated into the Dakota tongue considerable portions of Foster s Story of the Bible, The Church Catechism Illustrated, and anumberof hymns. With the aid of Rev. Philip Deloria he has translated the whole of Oxenden s Pastoral Office, and with Rev. Joseph C. Taylor the whole of the Calvary Catechism. He has also made several other translations of minor importance. Mr. Cleveland assisted Rev. Dr. Riggs in his revision of the Dakota Dictionary, supplying the material necessary for introducing the Titouwau dialect throughout the book, and was one of a committee of three to revise the Da kota hymnal used in the missions. In 1885 Mr. Cleveland was appointed rural dean of the western or Niobrara deanery of ; Southern Dakota. i Congress : This word following a title indicates that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the Library of Congress, Wash ington, D.C. Constitution : Dakota. See Riggs (S. R.). Yankton. Cook (J. W.) and others. Constitution and rules. See Cook (J. W.) and others. Constitution of Minnesota. See Riggs (S. R.). Cook (Charles Smith). See Cook (J. W.). See Cook (J.W.) and Cook (C. S.). See Cook (J. W.) and others. Mr. Cook is the son of Caleb Smith, of Vir ginia (lieutenant U. S. Army and, later, major- general Confederate army), and Katie Wana- giska, a full-blood Hunkpati Dakota. He was Cook (C. S.) Continued. born at Fort Randall, Dakota Territory, No vember 1, 1855, and was adopted by Rev. Joseph W. Cook, missionary to the Yanktons, January 3, 1871. Placed iu school at Nebraska College, Nebraska City, Nebr. ; afterwards at Andalusia Hall, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Graduated from Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., in the class of 1881, and from Seabury Divinity School, Faribault, Minn., in 1885. Ordained deacon by Bishop Hare, of South Dakota, June, 1885. Stationed at Pine Ridge Agency September, 1885. Ordained priest by same bishop May, 1886. Married Miss Jessie E. Wells, of Cam bridge, N. Y., September 25, 1886. [Cook (Joseph Witherspoon).] Form { for making catechists | in the | mis sionary jurisdiction | of | Niobrara. | Niobrara j Yewicasipi Makoce Obaspe | kin en, | Catechist wicakagapi woecon kin. | Yaukton Agency : | St. Paul s School press. | 1878. Title 1 p. 16, pp. 2-5 and 2-5, alternate En glish and San tee. Copies seen : Powell. [ ] [Paul s epistles to Timothy and Titus in the Santee dia lect of the Da kota language. By .Rev. Joseph W Cook. Yankton Agency, Dakota: 1878.] No title-page; pp. 1-26 printed on one side only, 8. Prepared by Mr. Cook and sent to his fellow missionaries among the Dakotas for correction. The work has not been published. Copies seen : Powell. [ ] [An analysis of the Bible in the Yankton dialect of the Dakota lan guage. By Rev. Joseph W. Cook. Yankton Agency, Dakota: 1879.] Pp. 1-48, 12. Concerning the above fragment the author, in a letter to me, says that he had "compiled the analysis to the end of the Old Testament, but the printing was cut short at the Book of Psalms on account of the burning of the mis sion printing office." No title-page was com posed and but few copies were printed. Copies seen : Powell. [ ] Okua hayake wakau kicunpi kin en | wocekiye kin. | [1879.] Literal translation : In vestments sacred they put on the in prayers the. [Prayers in the ves try. J No title-page ; 1 p. 16, in the Yankton dia lect of the Dakota. Copies seen : Powell. [A study in the Yankton dialect of the Dakota, by the Rev. Joseph W. Cook, missionary, aided by Charles S. Cook, Alfred C. Smith, Battiste De SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 21 Cook (J. W.) Continued. Fond and Frank Vassar, native half- castes. 1880-1882.] Manuscript, pp. 77-233, 4. Recorded in a copy of Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, second edition, completely filled. In the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Mr. Cook writes me, under date of June, 1883, as follows: "I am now copying and re writing for the printer a much larger work, which for three years past I have been pre paring, viz, a Commentary on the book of Genesis. It will run to 400 or 500 pp. perhaps. It is in the Yankton dialect, and I hope I shall be able to have it properly printed, which the catechism is not." See Hemans (D. W.). See Hinman (S. D.) and Cook (J. W.). editor. See Anpao. and Cook (C. S.). Calvary | wiwi- cawangapi kin, | qa | wokiksuye an- petu kin koya. | Mrs. D. C. Weston, Owa, Rev. Joseph W. Cook, | qa | Mr. Charles S. Cook, | ieskakagapi. | [Two lines quotation.] [No place.] Published for the | Nio- brara Mission. | 1882. Literal translation : Calvary something-they- ask [catechism] the, and remembrance [holy] days the also. Mrs. D. C. "Weston, wrote, Rev. Joseph W. Cook, and Mr. Charles S. Cook, they-interpreted it. Pp. 1-32, sq. 16. Calvary catechism in the Yankton dialect of the Dakota, Copies seen : Pilling, Powell. [ and others.] Okodakiciye wakau tadowan kin | Hymnal | according to the use of the | Protestaut Episcopal Church | in the | missions among the Dakotas | of the | Missionary District of | South Dakota | Revised and en larged | New York j Thomas Whittaker | 1885 Title 1 1. table 2 11. text pp. 1-172, 18. Con tains 177 hymns, most of which are preceded by a passage of scripture. " The work is in the main," so Mr. Cook informs me, "in the Yank- ton dialect, as a medium between the Santee and Teton, but there have been retained some Santeeisms well understood by the other tribes." In this work Mr. Cook, who was chairman of the committee, had the assistance of Rev. W. J. Cleveland and Charles S. Cook. On page 165 is given the following list of au. thors and translators : Andrew Jones. Daniel "W. Hemans. Committee. George Dowanna. Charles S. Cook. George St. Clair. Charles W. Hoffman. Henry Swift. Cook (J. W.) Continued. John B. Chapman. Philip Weston. Joseph C. Taylor. Samuel D. Hinman. James Hemans. Thomas Wakanna. Joseph W. Cook. William Holmes. T. K. Taylor. Win. J. Cleveland. Luke C. Walker. Wm. M. Robertson. Philip Johnson. Walter S. Hall. Pierre La Pointe. W. T. Selwyn. Paul Mazakute. Copies seen: Dunbar, Pilling, Powell. [ and others.] Constitution and rules of order | of the | convocation of the Niobrara deanery j of | South Dakota. | South Dakota | okna | Niobrara dean ery omniciye kin | woope tona iyotan- dapi kin, | qa | oknayan skanpi kta wowasukiye km. | New York : | Thomas Whittaker, | 2 and 3 Bible House. | 1885. Printed cover as above, title as above, 1 1. text pp. 2-13, English on versos, Dakota (Yankton dialect) on rectos, 8. In this work Mr. Cook was assisted by Revs. W. J. Cleveland and L. C. Walker. Copies seen : Pilling, Powell. Mr. Cook was born at Bethel, Vt., March 12, 1836. His parents removing in 1840 to Circle- ville, Ohio, Mr. Cook was educated at Green- way Boarding School, Springfield, Ohio, and at Kenyon College, Garnbier, Ohio, graduating in the class of 1860. He studied theology at the Philadelphia Divinity School and at the General Theological Seminary, "N"ew York City, graduating from the former in 1864. In this year he was ordained deacon and in 1865 was made a priest. From that time until the end of 1867 Mr. Cook was in charge of churches in the East, going thence as missionary to Cheyenne, Wyo., where he organized a church and built a church, rectory, and school. He remained at Cheyenne until April 25, 1870. On May 9, 1870, Mr. Cook began his labors as missionary to the Yankton Indians, among whom he has remained ever since. He has shown great energy in his work, having built a church at the agency and two at the ends of the reservation, to each of which a day school is attached. Corliss (Capt. A. W.). [Vocabulary of the Lacotah, or Sioux, Bruld band.] Manuscript, pp. 8-103, 4, in the Teton dia lect, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Copied from the original manuscript owned by Captain Corliss into a copy of Powell s Intro duction &c. first edition. Schedules 1, 14-16, and 23 are well filled; 2, 3, 5-11, 13, 17-19, 21. and 24 contain scattering entries; 4, 12, 20, and 22 are blank. Three of the pages at the end are well tilled with Indian names. "Xotes made while at Spotted Tail s Agency of Bnil6 Sioux Indians, on the White River, in Dakota and Nebraska, in 1874." 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Correspondence. Document 512. | Cor respondence | on the subject of the | Emigration of Indians, | between | the 30th November, 1831, and 27th De cember, 1833, | with abstracts. of ex penditures by disbursing agents, | in the | Removal and Subsistence of In dians, &c. &c. | Furnished | in answer to a Resolution of the Senate, of 27th December, 1833, | by the Commissary General of Subsistence [George Gib son]. | vol. i[-iv]. j Washington: Printed by Duff Green. ] 1834. 4 vols. : pp. vii, 3-1179 ; 1 1. pp. 1-972 ; 1 1. pp. 1-846; 1 1. pp. 1-771, 8. Proper names, with English signification, i n Otoe and Omaha, vol. 4, pp. 728-732. Copies seen : Congress, Trumbull. Court de Gebeliii (Antoine de). Monde primitif, | analyse et compare" | avec le monde moderne, | conside re | Dans divers Objets couceruaut 1 Histoire, le Blason, les Mon- | uoies, les Jeux, les Voyages des Phe nicieus autour du | Monde, les Langues Ame ricaines, &c. | ou j dissertations mele es | Tome premier, | Remplies de Decouvertes inte ressantes ; | Avec uue Carte, des Planches, & nn Monument d Auie ri- que. | Par M. Court de Gebelin, | de diverses Academies, Censeur Royal. | [Design.] | A Paris, Chez L Auteur, rue Poupe"e Maison de M. Boucher, Secretaire du Roi. | Valeyre Talne", Imprimeur-Li- braire, rue de la vieille Bouclerie. | Soriu, Libraire, rue Saint Jacques. | M. DCC. LXXXI [1781]. | Avec appro bation et privilege du Roi. Forms vol. 8 of Monde primitif, Paris, 1777- 1782, 9 Yols. 8. The volumes have title-pages slightly differing one from another. Essai sur les ray* ports des mots entreleslangues da Nou- veau Monde et celles de FAncien, pp. 489-560, Court de Gebelin (A. de) Continued, contains: Langue des Chipeway et des Nau- douessies, pp. 520-523. Copies seen : Congress. Triibuer, 1856, No. 631, prices a copy of the 9 vols. (dated 1787) at 31. 13s. 6d. ; at the Fischer sale, catalogue No. 706, a copy brought II. 10s. and at the Brinley sale, catalogue No. 5632, a half-vellum, fine copy, $20.25. Sabin s Dictionary, No. 17174, titles an edition of the Monde primitif: Paris, Boudet, 1775, 9 vols. 4. Crow: Dictionary. Gentes. Gentes. Grammatic treatise. Personal names. Personal names. Personal names. Personal names. Personal names. Personal names. Phrases. Relationships. Sentences. Ten commandments. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabularj . Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Words. Words. Words. Words. See Belden (G. P.). Maximilian (A. P.). Morgan (L. H.). Hayden (F.V.). Beckwourth (J. P.). Catlin (G.). Frost (J.). Indian. Jackson (W. H.). Treaties. Hayden (F. V.). Morgan (L. H.). Hayden (F. V.). Hall (C. L.). Brackett (A. G). Everette (W.E.). Gallatin (A.). Geisdorff (F.). Hayden (F. V.). Latham (R. G.). Morgan (L. H.). Say (T.). Beckwourth (J.P.). Chase (P.E.). Latham (R. G.). Maximilian (A. P.). Culbertson (Thaddeus A.). Journal of an expedition to the Mauvaises Terres and the Upper Missouri in 1850 : By Thaddeus A. Culbertson. In Smithsonian Institution Ann. Rep. for the year 1850, pp. 84-145. Washington, 1851, 8. A tabular view of the Sioux nation on the Upper Missouri, A. D. 1850 (giving tribal names with English signification), pp. 141-142. Tab ular view of several Indian nations on the Upper Missouri, A. D. 1850, pp. 143-144. D. Dakota . Bible, John (in part). Bible, John (in part;. Bible, John (in part). Bibliography. Constitution. Dictionary. Dictionary. General discussion. General discussion. See American. Baxter (J.). Bible Society. Riggs (S. R.). Riggs (S. R.). Hennepin (L.). Riggs (S. R.). Duncan (D.). Hind (H. Y.). Dakota -Continued. General discussion. See General discussion. General discussion. General discussion. General discussion. General discussion. General discussion. General discussion. General discussion. Keane (A. H.). Lelaud (C. G.). Maximilian (A. P.). Miiller (F.). Ramsey (A.). Roehrig (F. L.O.). Shea (J. G.). Turner (W. W.). Williamson (A.W.). SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 23 Dakota Continued. Geographic names. See Hayden (F. V.). Geographic names. Riggs (S. R.). Geographic names. Williamson (A. W.). Grammar. Riggs (S. R.). Grammatic comments. Adam (L.). Hymns. Neill (E. I).). Lord s prayer. Bergholtz (G. F.). Lord s prayer. Gallatin (A.). Lord s prayer. Woahope. Names of animals. Haydeu (F.V.). Names of animals. Hoffman f\V.J.). Names of months. Hind (H.T.). Names of months. Keating (W. H.). Numerals. James (E.). Numerals. Williamson (A.W.). Personal names. Hayden (F. V.). Personal names. Jackson (W. H.). Primer. Hunfalvy (P.). Relationships. Bastian (A.). Relationships. Oppert (G.). Sentences Hoffman (W. J.). Songs. Belden (G. P.). Songs. Gordon (H. L.). Ten commandments. Woahope. Tract. Huggius (E.W.) and Williamson (N.J.). Treaty. Sisseton. Tribal names. Hayden (F.V.). Tribal names. Hind (H.T.). Tribal names. Morgan (A.). Tribal names. Warren (G. K.). Vocabulary. Campbell (J.). Vocabulary. Domenech (E.). Vocabulary. Dorsey (J. O.). Vocabulary. Gallatin (A.). Vocabulary. Hale(H.). Vocabulary. Hayden (F.V.). Vocabulary. Keating (W. H.). Vocabulary. Message. Vocabulary. Riggs (S. R.). Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Williamson (T. S .). Words. Buschmann(J.C.E.). Words. Donnelly (I.). Words. Gordon (H. L.). Words. Hale (H.). Words. Hoffman (W. J.). Words. Latham (R. G.). Words. Lynd (J. H.). Words. Mallery (G.). Words. Morgan (A.). Words. Norris (P. W.). Words. Schomburgk (R.H.). Words. Trumbull (J. H.). Words. Vail (E. A.). Words. Williamson (T. S.). Dakota A B C. See Johnson (P.). Dakota A B C. See Riggs (S. K.). Dakota Church Service. See Hinmaii (S. D.) and Robertson (T. A.). Dakota do waupi kin. See Renville (J.) and others. Dakota First Reading Book. See Riggs (S. R.) and Pond (G. H.). Dakota Nyelov. See Hunfalvy (P.). Dakota odowan. See Riggs (S. R.). Dakota odowan. See Riggs (S. R.) and Williamson (J. P.). Dakota odowan. See Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A. L.). Dakota Tawaxitku Kin, or J the Dakota Friend. | Published by the Dakota Mis sion. | Vol. I. St. Paul, Minnesota, November, 1850. No. I [-Vol. II. Au gust, 1852. No. VIII]. Edited by G. H. Pond. A four-page, twelve-column paper, issued monthly, printed partly in Sautee Dakota, partly in English, most articles being printed in both languages, though occasionally only in the one or the other. An illustrated heading was added to issue No. 7, vol. 1. Vol. 1 ended with the issue of October, 1851, vol. 2 beginning January, 1852, with the size of the sheet much enlarged. The publication was suspended with the issue of August of the same year, in which number the following editorial notice appears: "The Dakota Mission deems it undesirable, while the Indians are so unsettled, to continue the Friend. If the prospect is more encour aging it will be resumed hereafter." There is much of interest to the philologist in this paper : lessons for learners, graiurnatic forms, vocabularies, &c. The meaning of the Dakota words in the title is : Dakota his-helper the. Copies aeen : Congress, Harvard. Dakota tawoouspe. See Riggs (S. R.). Dakota Text-Book. See Huggins (E. W.) and Williamson (N. J.). Dakota wiwangapi. See Pond (S. W.). Dakota wiwicawangapi. See Riggs (S. R.). Dakota wowapi. See Riggs (S. R.). Dakota wowapi. See Williamson (T. S.) and Riggs (S. R.). De Fond (Battiste). See Cook (J. W.). Denig (E. T.). Vocabulary of the Assiui- boine. In Schoolcraft (H. R.), Indian Tribes, vol. 4, pp. 416-481, Philadelphia, 1854, 4. Vocabulary of the Gros Ventres. In PallisHer (John), Journal, Detailed Re ports, British North America, pp. 207-208, Lon don, 18G3, folio. Dictionary : Ogiha. See Dorsey (J. O.). Beldeu (G. 1 .). Hennepiu (L.). Crow. Dakota. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Dictionary Continued. Dakota. See Biggs (S. R.). Hidatsa. Hall (C. L.). Hidatsa. Matthews (W.). Kansas. Bourassa (J. N.). Kansas. Dorsey (J. 0.). Sautee. Williamson (J. P.). Sioux. Belden (G-. P.). Yankton. Williamson (J. P.). Domenech (Abb6 Emmanuel). Seven years residence | in the great | des erts of North America | by the | Abbe" Eni. Domenech | Apostolical Mission ary: Canon of Montpellier: Member of the Pontifical Academy Tiberina, | and of the Geographical and Ethno graphical Societies of France, &c. | Illustrated with fifty-eight woodcuts by A. Joliet, three | plates of ancient Indian music, and a map showing the actual situation of [ the Indian tribes and the country described by the au thor | In Two Volumes | Vol. ![-!!]. | London j Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts | 1860. | The right of trans lation is reserved. 2 vols. 8. Indian languages, vol. 2, pp. 109-163, contains examples from a number of Indian tribes, among tbem tbe Dacota. Vocab ularies &c. vol. 2, pp. 164-189, contain 84 words of Dacota, Mandan, and Osage. Copies seen: Astor, Boston Athenaeum, Brit ish Museum, Congress, Watkinson. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 550, an uncut copy brought $2.37 the Pinart copy, catalogue No. 328, brought 6 fr. ; Clarke, catalogue No. 5415, 1886, prices it at $5. Donnelly (Ignatius). Atlantis: | the antediluvian Avorld. | By Ignatius Donnelly. | Illustrated. | [Quotation, eight lines.] | New York : | Harper & Brothers, Franklin square. | 1882. Title 1 1. pp. v-x, 1-490, 12. Vocabulary, English, Mandan, and Welsh (from Catliu), p. 115. Comparison of Dakota or Sioux (from Lynd) with other languages (Latin, English, Saxon, Sanscrit, German, Danish. <fcc.), p. 116. Copies seen : Boston Public, British Museum, Bureau of Ethnology, Eames. Atlantis : I the Antediluvian World, j By | Ignatius Donnelly. | Illustrated. | [Quotation, eight lines.] | Seventh Edi tion. | New York : | Harper & Brothers, Franklin Square. [1884.] Pp. iii-x, 1-490, 12. Linguistics as in edition of 1882. Copies seen: Boston Athenreum, Congress, Powell. Dorsey : This word following a title indicates that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the possession of Rev. J. 0. Dorsey, Washington, D. C. [Dorsey (Rev. James Owen).] Ponka j ABC wa-ba"-ru. | Missionary jurisdic tion of Niobrara. | New York, | 1&73. Pp. 1-16, sq. 16. Primer in the Ponka dia lect. Copies seen: Dorsey, Pilling, Powell, Trum- bull. How the rabbit killed the (male) winter. An Omaha fable. By J. O. Dorsey. In American Antiquarian, vol. 2, pp. 128-132, Chicago, 1879- 80, 8. In the Omaha language, with interlinear translation in English. The rabbit and the grasshopper: an Otoe myth. Translated by Rev. J. Owen Dorsey, Omaha Agency, Neb. In American Antiquarian, vol. 3, pp. 24-27, Chicago, 1880- 81, 8. In the Oto language, with interlinear trans lation in English. How the rabbit caught the sun in a trap. An Omaha Myth, obtained from F. LaFleche by J. Owen Dorsey. In Bureau of Ethnology, First Annual Re port, pp. 581-583, Washington, 1881, 8. Accompanied by explanatory notes, an inter linear literal translation, and a free translation. The sister and brother : an Iowa tra dition. By J. O. Dorsey. In American Antiquarian, vol. 4, pp. 286-289, Chicago, 1881- 82, 8. Contains an Iowa song, six stanzas, with free translation. The raccoons and the crawfish. An Omaha myth. By Rev. J. Owen Dorsey. In Our Continent, vol. 1, p. 300, Philadelphia, 1882, folio. The rabbit and the grasshoppers. An Oto myth. By Rev. J. Owen Dorsey. In Our Continent, vol. 1, p. 316, Philadelphia, 1882, folio. Omaha sociology. By Rev. J. Owen Dorsey. In Bureau of Ethnology, Third Annual Re port, pp. 205-370, Washington, 1884, 8. Contains several hundred Omaha proper names, words, and sentences, passim. Omaha songs, pp. 320, 322, 323, 325, 331. Siouan folk-lore and mythologic notes. In American Antiquarian, vol. 6, pp. 174-176 ; vol. 7, pp. 105-108, Chicago, 1884- 85, 8. Contains a few Omaha and Ponka sentences and words. SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 25 Dorsey (J. 0.) Continued. On the comparative phonology of four Siouau languages. By Rev. J. Owen Dorsey. In Smithsonian Institution, Annual Report for 1883, pp. 91S-929, Washington, 1885, 8. Languages of the Siouan family, pp. 919-920. The Siouan alphabet, pp. 920-921. Classifica tion of consonants, pp. 921-923. Vocabulary of the Dakota and of the (fegiha (204 words of the Ponka, Kansa, and Osage), pp. 924-927. Notes, pp. 927-929. A paper read before the American Associa tion for the Advancement of Science, at Mon treal, August, 1882. Separately issued as follows : On the | comparative phonology \ of four | Siouan languages. | By | Rev. J. Owen Dorsey, | of the Bureau of Eth nology. | From the Smithsonian Report for 1883. | Washington : | Government Printing Office. | 1885. Title on cover, inside title 1 1. pp. 1-11, 8. Copies seen: Pilling, Powell. Mourning and war customs of the Kansas. By the Rev. J. Owen Dorsey. In American Naturalist, vol. 19, pp. 670-680, Philadelphia, 1885, 8. Also issued separately, without title-page or repagiuation. (Powell.) Kansa names, with English meanings, pp. 671, G74. Sacred 8ong, p. 675. Sentences and terms, p. 676. Indian personal names. By Rev. J. Owen Dorsey. In American Ass. Adv. Sci. Proc. vol. 34, pp. 393-399, Salem, 1886, 8. Examples from the Omaha, Ponka, Iowa, Oto, and Missouri. Separately issued as follows : Indian personal names | by I Rev. J. Owen Dorsey, | member [&c. five lines]. | (From the Proceedings of the American Association for the Ad vancement 1 of Science, Vol. XXXIV, Ann Arbor Meeting, August, 1885.) | Printed at the Salem Press. | Salem, Mass. | 1886. Printed cover, title verso blank 1 1. pp. 393- 399, 8. Fifty copies printed. Copies seen : Dorsey, Pilling, Powell. [Myths, stories, and letters in the ^egiha language.] This material is in the hands of the printer j and will form Part I, Vol. VI, Contributions to j North American Ethnology, to be published by I the Bureau of Ethnology. It comprises 72 j stories and myths and 48 letters, each with in. terlinear translation, explanatory notes, and free translation ; 544 pp. 4 D , are stereotyped. Dorsey (J. O.) Continued. [Grammar of the (/Jegiha language.] Manuscript, 800 pp. folio. Will form Part II, Vol. VI, Contributions to Xorth American Eth nology. [0egiha dictionary: (pegiha-English and English-^egiha. ] Manuscript, 22,000 slips. Contains 20,000 words alphabetically arranged. Will form Part III, Vol. VI, Contributions to North American Ethnology. [Letters and myths in the (Jegiha language. ] Manuscript, 200 pp. folio. Consists of 274 letters and 8 myths which were dictated by Omaha Indians. It was intended to incorpo rate them in Vol. VI, Part I, Contributions to North American Ethnology, but the material already in type for that volume was so exten sive as to preclude this. Concerning the publication of his Cegiha material, Mr. Dorsey writes as follows in The American Antiquarian of September, 1886: "The Director of the Bureau of Ethnology has proposed to publish Vol. VI in three parts : texts, dictionary, and grammar. Part I, Myths, Stories, and Letters, will contain an introduction by the Director, one by the au thor, and the myths, legends, ghost stories, historical papers, and 48 of the 300 epistles * " with interlinear translations, critical notes, and free English translations. Of this body of texts, 544 pages, 4, have been stereotyped at the Government Printing Office since March, 1882. Part I cannot be published before the comple tion of the other parts. The other letters and several myths gained since 1S80 must be re served for publication in another volume. Part II, the dictionary, will have a twofold arrangement, Indian-English and English-In dian. Up to July, 1885, over 16,000 Indian- English entries were transliterated and ar ranged in alphabetical order. No more has been done, on account of frequent interrup tions. From November, 1882, to February, 1883, the author was in Indian Territory, col lecting similar information in the cognate (pe- giha dialects, Kansas, Osage, and Quapaw, which material, however, is too extensive to be admitted into Vol. VI. The preparation of Omaha Sociology, the correction of proof for Dr. Riggs s Dakota Dictionary, and the collec tion of vocabularies &C. from Oregon tribes have occasioned further delays. Lastly, since July, 1885, the author has co-operated with the other workers of the Bureau in the preparation of an Indian synonymy, giving special atten tion to the Dakota or Siouan, Athapascan, Cad- doan, Kusan,Takilman, and Yakonan linguistic families. Even with uninterrupted attention hereafter, it will require at least two years for the completion of the dictionary, to say nothing of the grammar." 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Dorsey (J. O.) Continued. [Linguistic material of the Iowa, Oto, and Missouri.] Manuscript, 1,000 pp. folio. Consists of myths, stories, and letters, with interlinear translations, explanatory notes, and free trans lations, a dictionary of 9,000 words, and a gram mar. [Linguistic material in the Kansa dialect.] Manuscript, described as follows in the Fourth Annual Report of the Bureau of Eth nology, p. xli : " Most of the pages of [a copy of] the second edition of the Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages were tilled. He [Mr. Dorsey] also obtained gramiuatic notes, material for a dictionary of about three thou sand words; texts, consisting of myths, histori cal papers, and letters (epistles) dictated in the original by the Indians, to bo prepared with interlinear translations; critical notes and free English translations ; an account of the social organization of the tribe, with names of gentes, proper names of members of each gens, &c., the kinship system and marriage laws, with i charts ; an account of the mourning and war ! customs, with a curious chart (one similar ! beiug used by the Osage), prepared by the lead- j ing war chief of the tribe, from one inherited i from his grandfather; a partial classification of the flora and fauna known to the tribe ; and maps drawn by the natives, with native local names." [Linguistic material in the Winne- bago language.] Manuscript, 100pp. folio and 2,100 slips. Con sists of a letter (with interlinear translation, notes, and free translation), grainmatic notes, and a dictionary of 2,000 words. These manuscripts are in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. See Bushotter (G-.). James Owen Dorsey was born in Baltimore, Md., in 1848. He attended the Central High School (now the City College) in 1862 and 1863, taking the classical course. Illness caused him to abandon his studies when a member of the second year class. In a counting room from 1804 to 1866. Taught from September, 1866, to June, 1867. Entered the preparatory de partment of the Theological Seminary of Vir- Dorsey (J. O.) Continued. ginia in September, 1867, and the junior class of the seminary in September, 1869. Was or dained a deacon of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States by the bishop of Virginia, Easter day, 1871. Entered upon his work among the Poiika Indians, in Dakota Territory, in May of that year. Had an attack of scarlet fever in April, 1872, aud one of typho- malarial fever in July, 1873. Owing to this ill- iiess, he was obliged to give up the mission work in August, 1873, soon after he had learned to talk to the Indians without an interpreter. He returned to Maryland and engaged in parish work till July, 1878, when, under direction of Maj.J. "W. Powell, he went to the Omaha res ervation in Xebraska in order to increase his stock of linguistic material. On the organiza tion of the Bureau of Ethnology, in 1879, he was transferred thereto, and from that time he has been engaged continuously in linguistic and sociologic work for the Bureau. He remained among the Omaha till April, 1880, when he re turned to Washington. Since then he has made several trips to Indian reservations for scientific purposes, not only to those occupied by tribes of the Siouan family, but also to the Siletz reservation, in Oregon. At the last place, which he visited in 1884, he obtained vo cabularies, grammatic notes, &c. of languages spoken by Indians of the Athabascan, Kusan, Takilman, and Yakonan stocks. The reports of his oflice and field work will be found in the annual reports of the Bureau of Ethnology. Dowamia (George). See Cook (J. W. and others. D unbar : This word following a title indicates that a copy of the work referred to is in the pos session of Mr. John B. Dunbar, Bloonifield, N.J. Duncan (Prof. David). American Races. | Compiled and abstracted by | Profes sor Duncan, M. A. Forms Part 6 of Spencer (H.), Descriptive Sociology, London, 1878, folio. Comments on the language, with examples of the Dakota and Mandan, pp. 40-42. Copies seen: Congress. Some copies have the imprint : New York, D. Appleton & Co. [u. d.]. (Powell.) E. Eames : This word following a title indicates that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the library of Mr. Wilberforce Eanies, Xew York City. Eastman (Mrs. Mary Henderson). Dah- cotah ; | or, | Life and Legends of the Sioux | around Fort Snelling. | By Mrs. Mary Eastman, j with | Preface by Mrs. Eastman (M. H.") Continued. C. M. Kirklaud. | Illustrated from draw ings by Captain Eastman. J New York : | John Wiley, 161 Broad way. | 1849. Pp. i-xxxi, 33-268, 8. A list of Sioux chiefs, with English signification, p. xxv. Sioux names for children, in order of birth, p. xxv. SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 27 Eastman (M. H.) Continued, List of gods of the Dahcotahs, with English sig nification, }>. xxxi. Copies seen: Brinton, Congress, Eames, Har vard. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 596, a copy brought $1.25; at the Squier sale, catalogue No. 316, $1.25; at the Brinley sale, catalogue No. 5388, $2.25,; Clarke, catalogue No. 6383, 1886, prices it at $2. Edwards (Rev. Jonathan). Observations on the language of the Muhhekaueew | Indians: | In.which the Extent of that Language in North America is shewn ; | its Genius is grammatically traced ; some of its Peculiarities, | and some In stances of Analogy between that and the Hebrew are | pointed out. | Com municated to the Connecticut Society of Arts and Sciences, and | published at the Request of the Society. | By Jona than Edwards, D. D., Pastorof a Church in New Haven, and Member of the Con necticut Society of Arts and Sciences. | New Haven, Printed by Josiah Meigs, M,DCC,LXXXVIII [1788]. In Massachusetts Hist. Soc. Coll. second se ries, vol. 10, pp. 81-160, Boston, 1823, 8. This reprint is preceded by an ^Advertise ment" signed John Pickering and dated Salem, Mass. May 15, 1822, which occupies pp. 81-84. "Notes by the editor occupy pp. 98-160 and include a \Vinnebago or Nippegon vocabulary (from Say), p. 115. Comparative table of the Sioux or Naudowessie stock, comprehending the Winnebago, communicated by Mr. Du Pon ceau, p. 151. Observations | on the | Language | of the | Muhhekaneew Indians. | By Jonathan Edwards, D. D. | A new edi tion : | with notes, | by | John Picker ing. | As published in the Massachusetts Historical Collections, j Boston: | Printed by Phelps and Farn- haiu. | 182:i. Pp. 1-82, 8. The linguistics are as above. Copies seen: Boston Athenyeum, Eames. The earlier editions of Edwards s Observa tions do not contain these linguistics. Accord ing to Sabin s Dictionary, No. 21972, there was an edition: Boston, Little, Brown, & Co. 1843. Elder (P. E.). Terms of relationship of \ the Osage, collected by P. E. Elder, U. S. Indian agent for the Osages, Neosho Agency, Fort Scott, Kansas. In Morgan (L. H.), Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family, pp. 293-382, lines 23, Washington, 1871, 4. Eliza Marpicokawin, | raratonwan oyate en wapiye sa; | qa Sara Warpauica qon, | he uakuii ikcewicaxta oyate wan etauhan. ] Boston : | published for the American Tract Society, by | Crocker & Brews- ter. | 1842. Literal translation: Eliza Cloud center woman [i. e. in the midst of the cloud] falls vil lage [Dakota name for the Chippevvas, so called from their former residence at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.] people in icpairer [medicine man] and Sara Poor that also common man [Indian] peo ple one from. Pp. 1-12, 12, in the Santee dialect, Eliza Marpicokawin, raratonwan oyate en wapiye sa, pp. 1-6. Sara Warpanica qon, pp. 7-12. Copies seen : Boston Athenaeum, Powell. English and Dakota Service Book. See Hinmaii (S. D.) and Cook (J. W.). English and Dakota Vocabulary. See Riggs(M. A. C.). English-Dakota school dictionary. See Williamson (J. P.). English-Dakota Vocabulary. See Will iamson (J. P.). Everette (Willis Eugene). [Alphabetic vocabulary of adjectives, nouns, pro nouns, verbs, etc. in the Oglala dialect of the Sioux language.] * Manuscript, 1,300 woi ds in the Teton dialect, collected in Sitting Bull s camp on Milk River, Montana Territory, October 24, 1878. - [Comparative vocabulary of the Oglala and Apsa"rraka or Sioux and Crow.] Manuscript, 1,000 words, collected on Lit tle Horn River, Montana Territory, among the Indians of Two Bellies s Camp, January, 1881. Titles furnished by the author. [Vocabulary of the Teton Sioux, alphabetically arranged, by Willis E. Everette, Government scout.] Manuscript, 91 pp. folio, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Collected in 1881. Exercises, Santee. See Hinman (S. D.). Exercises in Dictation. See Hinmaii (S. D.). Extracts from Genesis. See Renville (J.). Extracts from the gospels. See Renville (J.). 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE F. Featherstonhaugh (George William). A canoe voyage up | the Minnay Sotor; , with an account of the lead and cop per deposits in Wisconsin ; ; of the gold region in the Cherokee country ; | and sketches of popular manners; | &c. &c. &c. | By G. W. Featherstonhaugh, F. R. S., F. G. S. | Author of "Excursion through the Slave States." | In two vol umes. | Vol. ![-!!]. | London : j Richard Bentley, New Bur lington street, | Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty. | 1847. 2 vols. 8. Numerous Sioux names of places and chiefs &c. with English significations, scattered throughout. Copies seen: Astor, British Museum, Con gress. Fletcher (Alice C.). The elk mystery or festival. Ogallala Sioux. By Alice C. Fletcher. In Peabody Museum ann. reps. vol. 3, pp. 276-288, Cambridge, 1884, 8. Omaha chant (4 lines), words and music, with English translation, p. 279. The u wawan," or pipe dance of the Omahas. By Alice C. Fletcher. In Peabody Museum ann. reps. vol. 3, pp. 308-333, Cambridge, 1884, 8. Several songs or chants (44 lines in all), words and music, passim. Speech by an aged Omaha, paragraph of 8 lines, with English translation p. 321. Omaha words and sentences passim. Indian Ceremonies, j by | Alice C. Fletcher. | I. The White Buffalo Fes tival. Uncpapas. | II. The Elk Mystery or Festival. Ogallala Sioux. | III. The Ceremony of the Four Winds. Santee Sioux. | IV. Shadow or Ghost Lodge. Ogallala Sioux. | V. The Wa-wan or Pipe Dance. Omahas. | (From the XVI Report of the Peabody Museum of Amer ican Archaeology and Ethnology ; Cam bridge, Mass., 1883.) | Printed at the Salem Press, | Salem, Mass. | 1884. Printed cover as above, title as above ] 1. text pp. 2GO-333, 8. Copies seen : Bureau of Ethnology. Fletcher (Jonathan C.). List of moons in the Winnebago language. In Schoolcraft (H. R.), Indian Tribes, vol. 4, pp. 239-240, Philadelphia, 1854, 4. Fontaiielle (Henry). Pouca vocabu lary. Fontanelle (H.) Continued. Manuscript, 9 pp. folio, in the library of Dr, J. G. Shea, Elizabeth, N. J. - See Hamilton (W.). Form for making catechists. See Cook (J. W.). Foster (Dr. Thomas). Vol. I. No. l[-3]. Foster s Indian record and historical data. A four-page paper, of which only three num bers were issued, the first November 30, 1876, the other two between that date and March 1, 1877. The editor was "Indian historiographer," and his sheet partook of the nature of a semi official publication of the Indian Bureau. It \vas intended as a vehicle for the preliminary publication of material to be afterwards em bodied in a series of monographs prepared by him and published by the Government. There are notes of value and interest to the philolo gist and a few vocabularies, as follows : Vocabulary of the Attacapas (from the Du- ralde Manuscripts in the library of the Ameri can Philosophical Society) ; names of loway children in order of birth ; proper names in Winnebago, with translations; vocabulary of the Winnebago. Copies seen: Congress, Pilling, Powell, Trura- bull. Freuiere (Antoine D.). See Riggs (S. R.). See Riggs (S. R.) and Williamson (J. P.). - See Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A. L.). Mr. Freniere, who was a half-breed, was killed by hostile Indians in the summer of 1863 as he was descending the Missouri River alone in a canoe. Frost (John). The book | of the J In- diaus j of | North America: | illustrat ing j their manners, customs, and pres ent state. | [Picture.] | Edited by John Frost, L. L. D. | author of the "Book of the Navy," "Book of the Army," &c., &c. | New York : | D. Appleton & Co., 200 Broadway. | Philadelphia : | George S. Appleton, 148 Chestnut St. | MDCCC XLV [1845]. Engraved title 1 1. title as above 1 1. pp, i-x, 13-283, 12. Sioux proper names, with English signification, p. 44. Crow proper names, p. 46. A few Sioux and Maudan terms, pp. 60-61. Copies seen: British Museum, Congress. Har vard. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 754, a copy brought 63 cents. Sabin s Dictionary, No. 26026, mentions an edition : Xew York, Appleton, 1848. SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 29 G. Gabelentz (Hans Georg Conor von der). Grammatik | der | Dakota-Sprache | von | H. C. von der Gabelentz. | Leipzig : | F. A. Brockbaus. | 1852. Pp. 1-64, 8. in the Santee dialect. Forms part 2 of same author s Beitriige zur Spracheu- kuude. Copies seen : Brintoii, Congress, Dunbar, Eames, Powell, Trumbull. Priced by Tiubuer, 1856, Xo. 656, at 2s. 6d. At the Fischer sale, catalogue Xo. 702, a half- morocco copy brought 3s. ; another copy, No. 2373, 1*. Priced by Leclerc, 1878. Xo. 2206, at 2 fr. 50 c. : by Quaritch, Xo. 12573, at Is. 6d. ; and by Triibner, 1882, p. 42, at 2s. Gd. Gallatin (Albert). A synopsis of the In dian tribes within the United States east of the Rocky Mountains, and in the British and Russian possessions in North America. By the Hon. Albert Gallatin. In American Antiquarian Soc. Trans. (Ar- chaBologia Americana), vol. 2, pp. 1-422, Cam bridge, 1836, 8. Grammatic notice of the Sioux (from Case), pp. 251-252. Vocabulary of the Winnebagoes (from Boilvin, Cass, Long), of the Dahcotahs (from Keating, Long, Cass), of the Yankton (from Say), Quappas (from Izard), Osage (from Murray, Cass, Bradbury), Ottoe (from Say), Omaha (from Say), Minetare (from Say), pp. 305-367; Assiniboin (from TTmfreville), p. 374; loway (from Cass). p. 377 ; Crow (from Say), p. 377; Mandan, p. 379. Lord s prayer in Dah- cota, p. 422. Kale s Indians of North-West Amer ica, and vocabularies of North America ; with an introduction. By Albert Gal latin. In American Ethnological Soc. Trans, vol. 2, pp. i-clxxxviii, 1-130, Xew York, 1848, 8. Affinities of the Upsaroka or Crow language with that of the sedentary Missouri Miuetares and with those of the Sioux, pp. cxvi-cxviii. Vocabulary of the Dacotah, Osage, Upsaroka, pp. 83-89. Of the Yankton and Winnebago, p. 116. Of the Quappas, Ottoes, Omaha, Mine- tares of Missouri, p. 117. Gardiner (William H.). [Vocabulary of the Sisseton Dakotas, by W. H. Gar- liner, assistant surgeon, U. S. A.] Manuscript, 10 11. 4, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Collected in 1868. Garvie (James). See Riggs (S. R.). Gatschet (Albert Samuel). [Vocabulary of the Kansas or Kaw.] Manuscript, 12 pp. 4, in the library of the Gatschet (A. S.) Continued. Bureau of Ethnology. Recorded in a copy of Introduction to the Study of Indian Languages, first edition, incomplete. Words and sentences of the Biloxi language, Siouan family. Obtained at Lecompte, Rapides Parish, La., in Octo ber and November, 1886, by Albert S. Gatschet. Manuscript, pp. 1-76, sm. 4, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Pp. 63-72 are blank ; the remainder of the manuscript is well filled with words, phrases, and sentences. So far as I know, this is the only record of the Bi loxi; according to the philologists of the Bu reau, it is undoubtedly of the Siouan stock. Geisdorff (Dr. Francis). [Vocabulary of the Mountain Crows. 1869.] Manuscript, 10 11. 4, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. General discussion: Assinirboin. See Maximilian (A. P.,. Dakota. Duncan (D.). Dakota. Hind (H. Y.). Dakota. Keane (A. H.). Dakota. Leland (C. G.). Dakota. Maximilian (A. P.). Dakota. Miiller (F.). Dakota. Ramsey (A.). Dakota. Roehrig (F. L. O.). Dakota. Shea (J.G.). Dakota. Turner (W. W.). Dakota. "Williamson (A.W.). Iowa. Hamilton (W.). Mandan. Duncan (D.). Mandan. Maximilian (A. P.). Minitari. Maximilian (A. P.). Xaudowessi. Court de Gebelin (A. de). Osage. Jehan (L. F.). Osage. Pott (A. F.). Oto. James (E.). Santee. Riggs (S. R.). Sioux. Atwater (C.). Sioux. Burton (R. F.). Sioux. Chateaubriand (F. A. de) Sioux. Jefferys (T.). Sioux. Mclntosh (J.). Winnebago. Baird (H. S.). Winnebago. Ramsey (A.). Yankton. Maximilian (A. P.). Gentes : Crow. Crow. Iowa. Kansas. Mandan. Minitari. Missouri. Omaha. Oto. Ponka. See Maximilian (A. P.). Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. H.) Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. II.). Morgan (L. II.). Morgan (L. H.). 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Creograchic names : Dakota. SeeHaytlen (F. V.). Dakota. Riggs (S. R.). Dakota. Williamson (A.W.). Iowa. Hamilton (W.). Kansas. Hamilton (W.). Omaha. Hamilton ("W".). Pouka. Hamilton "W.). Sioux. Brown (S. J.). Sioux. Featherstonhaugh (G. W.). Geography, Santee. See Riggs (A.L.). Gordon (H. L.). Legends of the North west. | By | H. L. Gordon, | Author of " Pauline." | Containing | Prelude The Mississippi. | The Feast of the Vir gins, j a legend of the Dakotas. | Wi- noua, | a legend of the Dakotas. | The Legend of the Falls, | a legend of the Dakotas. | The Sea Gull, | the Ojibwa legend of the pictured rocks of Lake Superior. | Minnetonka. | St. Paul, Minn. | The St. Paul Book and Stationery Co. j 1881. Printed cover, pp. i-viii, 9-143, 8. Dakota songs, with English translation, pp. 69, 70, 85 87, 88, 100. Scattered throughout are many Dakota and Ojibwa terms, translations being given in the foot-notes. Xotes (1-86 and 1-27), pp. 124-143, referring to the preceding texts, contain much information as to the etymology and meaning of Indian words. Copies seen: Bureau of Ethnology. Gospel according to Mark. SeeRenville (J.) Grammar : (fegiha. See Dorsey (J. O.). Dakota. Riggs (S. R.). Hidatsa. Matthews (W.). Iowa. Hamilton ("W.) and Irvin (S.M.). Sautee. Gabeleutz (H. G. C. von der). Grammar and dictionary of the Dakota language. See Riggs (S. R.). Grammar and dictionary of the language of the Hidatsa. See Matthews (W.). G-rammatic comments : Dakota. See Adam (L.). Hidatsa. Adam (L.). Santee. Burman (W. A.). Sioux. Atwater (C.). Sioux. Gallatiu (A.). "Wiunebago. Dorsey (J. O.). Wiuuebago. Hayden (F. V.). Grrammatic treatise : Crow. See Hayden (F. V.). Kansas. Dorsey (J. 0.). Man dan. Hayden (F. V.). Mandau. Maximilian (A. P.). Grammatik der Dakota- Sprache. See Gabelentz (H. G. C. von der). Grey Cloud (David). See Riggs (S. R.). G-ros Ventre of the Missouri. See Hidatsa. Guthrie (Her. H. A.). Terms of rela tionship of the Otoe, collected by Rev. H. A. Guthrie, at the Otoe Mission, Kansas. In Morgan (L. H.), Systems of Consanguin ity and Affinity of the Human Family, pp. 293-382, lines 21, Washington, 1871, 4. H. [Hadley (Lewis Francis).] A j Quapaw vocabulary. | And the | Quapaw and Ponca | compared. | Also | the mystery of the Ponca removal j and the j troubles Quapaws were subjected | to on account of the mystery | underlying the re moval of the Poucas, | by lugouompishi, late clerk | of the Quapaw Nation. | 188-2. Manuscript, 7 11. pp. 1-42, 1-91, 1-21, folio, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Title recto 1. 1, verso "Quapaw [words] over_ looked." Brief historical notes, 11. 2-7. -Re marks, p. 1. Key to the sounds used, p. 3, re verse blank. Quapaw vocabulary, pp. 5-42. Notice of the Quapaws and Poncas, p. 1. Qua paw- Pouca vocabulary, pp. 3-9. The mystery of the Ponca removal, pp. 1-20. Quapaw [words] overlooked, p. 21. Mr. Hadley informs me that he has another Quapaw manuscript, consisting of vocabulary, grammatic material, &c., but he has furnished me no detailed description. Haldeman (Samuel Stehmau). Analytic orthography: | an | investigation of the sounds of the voice, | and their | alphabetic notation 5 | including | the mechanism of speech, | and its bearing upon | etymology. | By | S. S. Halde- iuau,A.M., | professor in Delaware Col lege; | member [&c. six lines]. | Philadelphia: | J. B. Lippiucott & Co. | London : Triibner & Co. Paris : Benjamin Duprat. | Berlin: ITerd. Diimuiler. | I860. Pp. i-viii, 5-148, 4. A short vocabulary in Kausa, p. J 35. Numerals (1-10) of the Kansa and Osage, p. 146. Copies seen : Boston Athenaeum, British Mu seum, Bureau of Ethnology, Eames, Trumbull. Hale (Edward Everett). Kanzas and Ne braska: | the history, geographical and physical characteristics, | and political position of those Territories ; j an ac- SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 31 Hale (E. E.) Continued. count of the | Emigrant Aid Compa nies, | and | directions to emigrants. | By | Edward E. Hale. | With an | orig inal map from the latest authorities. | Boston : Phillips, Sampson and Com pany. | New York: J. C. Derby. | 1854. Pp. i-viii, 9-256, 12. A few English, Man. dan, and Welsh words (from Catlin) compared, p. 32, Copies seen : Boston Athenaeum, British Mu seum, Congress, Trurubull. Hale (Horatio). Indian migrations, as evidenced by language. In American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal, vol. 5, pp. 18-28, 108-1 2 i, Chicago, 1883, 8. Words in Tutelo and Dakota, pp. 109-111. Separately issued as follows . Indian migrations, | as evidenced by language : | comprising | The Huron- Cherokee Stock: The Dakota Stock: The Algonkins : | The Chahta-Muskoki Stock : The Moundbuilders : | The Iberi ans. | By Horatio Hale, M. A. | A Paper read at a Meeting of the American Asso ciation for the Advance- | ment of Sci- erce, held at Montreal, in August, 1882. Reprinted from the "American Antiqua rian" for January and April, 1883. | Chicago : | Jameson & Morse, Print ers, 162-164 Clark St. | 1883. Printed cover, title 1 1. pp. 1-27, 8. Copies seen: Briuton, Dorsey, Eames, Pilling, Powell, Trumbull. The Tutelo Tribe and Language. By Horatio Ha I In American Philosoph. Soc. Proc. vol. 21, pp. 1-47, Philadelphia, 1883, 8. The alphabet, phonology, and grammatic forms, pp. 13-35. Vocabulary of the Tutelo, Dakota, and Hidatsa, pp. 36-47. Also issued separately, pp. 1-47, 8. (Eames.) On some doubtful or intermediate articulations: An experiment in pho netics. By Horatio Hale, esq. In Anthropological Inst. Great Britain and Ireland Journal, vol. 14, pp. 233-243, London, [1885] 8. Besides examples from other American lan guages, this article contains : Interchangeable consonants in the Hidatsa language (from Mat thews), pp. 233-234. Of some articulations in the Dakota (from Riggs s Grammar), with a short vocabulary, pp. 237-238, 240. [Vocabulary of the Tutelo, with re marks on the same. 1879.] Manuscript, 30 pp. 4 in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Hall (Rer. Charles Lamon). Wahopin- ilite toiuksa | pidak. | Literal translation: Great-mysterious-one his-words good. I sheet, oblong, 11 by 3J inches. The ten com mandments in Mandan. Translated in 1877, with the assistance of Howard Mandan, a na tive. Copies setn : Pilling, Powell. [Dictionary of the Gros Yeutre or Hidatsa language. ] * Manuscript, recorded in an interleaved copy of Matthews s Hidatsa Dictionary and consist ing of about 450 additions to and corrections of that work. [Hidatsa phrase book.] * Manuscript, 56 pp. consisting of conversa tional sentences. [Portions of the scriptures, hymns, and prayers in the Gros Veutre or Hi datsa language. ] * Manuscript, 31 pp. sm. folio. These trans lations were made at Fort Berthold, Dak., 1882 to 1885, with the assistance of natives. They are, in detail, as follows : The ten command ments ; Loi d s prayer ; 1st, 23d, 121st, and 146th psalms; St. Matthew v, 1-12; St. Luke xv, 11-32: Apostles creed; six hymns; two prayers. [The ten commandments and the Lord s prayer in the Crow language. ] * Manuscript, 2 pp. folio. Done at the Crow Agency in 1883, with the assistance of a Groa Ventre Indian. [Vocabulary of the Mandan.] * Manuscript, 6 pp. sm. folio, consisting of about 50 words. These manuscripts are in the possession of their author, to whom I am indebted for their description. Mr. Hall, who in 1885 was stationed at Fort Berthold, Dak., was born in Winchester, Eng land, in 1847, and was educated in the schools and College of Xew York City. In 1871-72 he attended the Union Theological Seminary of Xew York City, and from 1872 to 1874 he was at Andover, Mass. In 1874 he went to Springfield, Dak., near the Dakota Indians, where he re mained until 1876, going thence to his present residence. Hall (Walter S.). See Cook (J. W.) and others. Hamilton (Rev. William). Remarks on the Iowa language. In Schoolcraft (H. R.), Indian Tribes, vol. 4, pp. 397-406, Philadelphia, 1854, 4. [ ] Translations | into the | Omaha language, | with | Portions of Script ure ; | also, | a few hymns, j 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Hamilton ( W. ) Continued. New York: | printed by Edward O. Jenkins. | 20 North William street. | 1868. Pp. 1-30, 16. Scriptural sentences, with in terlinear translation, p. 7-14. Exodus xx, pp. 14-17. Psalm li, pp. 17-19. Lord s prayer, p. 20. Hymns, pp. 20-30. Copies seen : Powell, Trumbull. Indian names and tlieir meaning. In Xebraska State Hist. Soc. Trans, and Heps, vol. 1, pp. 73-75, Lincoln, Nebr., 1885, 8. Geographic names derived from various In dian languages: Kansas. Iowa, Omaha, Ponca, &c. Followed by a brief list of Indian names of streams and localities, by Henry Fontanelle. Hymns | in the | Omaha language. | Prepared by | Rev. William Hamilton, j Omaha mission, | [Monogram.] | American Tract Society, | 150 Nassau street, New York. [1887. ] Pp. 1-96, 16. Hymns (62 in all), pp. 3-86. The Lord s prayer, p. 87. The ten command ments, pp. 87-89. Index to hymns, pp. 90-96. Many of the hymns are translations of fa miliar English originals, as is shown by the respective titular lines. Copies seen: Pilling, Powell. [A portion of Genesis in the Iowa language.] * Manuscript, 63 pp. 12, in the possession of the author. Includes the first ten chapters. [Portions of the Scriptures of Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, Isaiah, St. Matthew, St. John, Acts in the Omaha language,] Manuscript, 760 pp. 18. In the possession of the author. [St. Matthew s gospel, with portions of St. Luke, St. John, and the Acts of the Apostles, in the Iowa language.] * Manuscript, 267 pp. folio. This work, the author informs me, is a revision of the transla tion of St. Matthew s gospel, mentioned above, with other portions of the scriptures added ; it is ready for publication should an oppor tunity present itself. The preceding manuscripts are in the pos. session of the author, who says that, in addi tion to the above translations, he has, perhaps, as much more material, consisting of explana tions, comments, &c. [Vocabulary of the Iowa and Omaha. 1880.] Manuscript, 1211. 112 words each, oblong folio. Mr. Hamilton is preparing a more extensive vocabulary of the Iowa and Omaha, to be given, when finished, to the Bureau of Ethnology. [Vocabulary of the Omaha, alpha betically arranged. 1887.] Manuscript, 33 11. 4. The two preceding manuscripts are in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Hamilton (W.) Continued. - See Kent (M. B.). and Irvin (Rev. S. M.). Wv-\vv-kv- ha3 1 e-ya e-tu u-ua-ha j Pa-hu-ca3 e-cte | ae-ta-wa3, rnv-he-hvn-yse e-cas | ra pra3- toe-kse. Wv-kvn-fas Frse-cse J Wv-kun- fa3 Jweh-cae-ku | a>wv-un-ye-ka3 : | wv-kxn-ta \vv-je-kaj a3-ta-wse, | Pra3- spa-te ra-a-ua-se-na-ha, | u-ke-cos e-tan- ta wv-ke-kun-foe-na-ha I wv-w r a-ye se-ta- wo3 o3-wcen-ye-ce | pa-ce-fae-ig-a3 E. ca3- pra3-t3-ka? | Pa-hu-ca? Fv-kse-ku Wv-kun-fa; te-ta- wce Wv-wv-kv-ho3-u-ua-ha a3-ta-wa3- ta. I 1843. Literal translation: Writing one first made the-one-which Iowa speech his, american speech made clear by talking. Teacher tall [Hamilton] Teacher short [Irvin] too they- caused-it. God people his, Presbyterian the- ones-who, nation difierent teaches-different- things the-one-who (?) his (?) because (?) Bap tist e small Interpreted-it. Iowa Sac-too Teacher his "Writing-makes-it-the-one-who his- at. 1843. Second title : An Elementary Book ] of the | loway Language, | with an | English Transla tion. | By | Wm. Hamilton, | and S. M. Irvin. | Under the direction of the B. F. Miss, of the | Presbyterian Church. | J. B. Roy, Interpreter. | loway and Sac Mission Press, I Indian Ter ritory. | 1843. Pp. 1-101, 8. Copies seen : Boston Athenamm, Powell ; the latter copy lacks title-page and a number of leaves. [ ] Ya-wse | pa-hu-ca? | e-cse a3-ta- wa3 | e-tu-hce wa-u-na-ha. | Pa-hu-cse fa-ka3-ku | wv-kun-ise a3-tawa? | ;e-wv- u-nye-kae. j W. W k*. IPnta. wv ha, [ wv-wa-ye ae-ta-wce se-wsen-ye-ce : | prse-spa-te-ra-ya-na-se-na-ha. "Ya-wae cse-kash-ce ye-ho-wv o-ke- | ya-woe-we- r : mv-ya-pro-ka3 ye-ho- | wv o-ke-ya- wa3-we-rse." W. Y. xcvi-6. | Pa-hu-co3 Fv-ko3-ku Wv-kun-fos ce-ta- woe | Wv-wv-kv-ha3-u-na-ha se-ta-wse- ta, | 1843. Literal translation: Song iowa speech his the-very-first different-ones-which-were-made Iowa sac-too teacher his they-caused-it. Gfod]. P[eop]le. IS T [ation different. t[eaches-difier- ent-things-the-one] who, disposition his they- caused-it -because (?) presbyterian- the -ones- who "Song very -new Jehovah sing-ye-to-him: land-whole jehovah sing-ye-to-him" G[od] Sfongs] [i. e. Psalms] xcvi-6. Iowa Sac-too Teacher his "VYriting-makes-it-the-one-who his- at, 1843. Second title: Original | hymns, | in the | loway language. | By | the missionaries, | to SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 33 Hamilton ( W. ) and Irvin ( S. M. ) Cont d. the loway & Sac Indians, | Under the direction of the | Board of Foreign Missions of the | Pres byterian Church. | [Two lines quotation.] | Iowa and Sac Mission Press, | Indian Terri tory, | 1843. Pp. 1-62, 8 ; Indian title recto 1. 1, English title recto 1. 2. Copies seen: Boston Athenasum, Powell. Aii | loway grammar, | illus trating | the principles | of the | lan guage | used by the j loway, Otoe and Missouri j Indians. | Prepared and printed | by | Rev. Win. Hamilton | and | Rev. S. M. Irvin, | Under the di rection of the Presbyterian B. F. M. | loway and Sac Mission Press. | 1848. Title verso note 1 1. preface pp. iii-ix (erro neously numbered xi), index 2 unnumbered pp. alphabet 1 unnumbered p. text pp. 9-152, 16. Copies seen: Congress, Dorsey, Dunbar, Eames, Powell, Trumbull. The | loway | Primmer \_sic~] \ composed of the most common | words, and arranged in | alphabetic order. | Compiled and printed | for the loway School | by | Wm. Hamilton and j S. M. Irvin. | Under the direction of the Pres byterian B. F. M | loway and Sac Mission Press. | 1849. Pp. 1-8, 16. Copies seen : Powell. The j loway Primmer [sic] | second edition | prepared and printed | by Win. Hamilton | and | S. M. Irvin. j Under the direction of the Presb n. B. F. Missions. | loway and Sac Mission Press | 1850. 15 11. 16. The pagination of this little pam phlet is curiously confused. I have seen but one copy, that in the library of Maj. J. W. Powell, and but infrequent references to it. It is bound with a copy of the first edition, which ends with p. 8. The second edition, which has its own title-page, as above, is paged 12 on reverse of title, followed by 13 on recto of 1. 2, the verso of which is paged 9, followed on recto of 1. 3 b.v p. 7, verso not paged; the recto of 1. 4 is paged 9, and the pagination runs consecutively to 24 ; the recto of 1. 12 is numbered 17, but the verso 26 is correct, as is also p. 27, the reverse of which is blank. The recto of the fourteenth leaf is numbered 21. verso 30; the fifteenth, recto p. 31, verso p. 24. [ ] Ce-sxs | wo-ra-ka?-pe *-ta- wae, | Mat-fu ae-wv-kv-hte-na-ha, | a- rae ka>. [1850,] Literal translation: Jesus news good his Matthew he-wrote-it-tbe-one-which, that is it. SIOUAN 3 Hamilton (W. ) and Irvin (S. M.) Cont d. No title-page, heading as above : pp. 1-32, 16. . Six chapters of the gospel of St. Matthew in the Iowa language. The remainder of the gospel has not appeared in print. Copies seen: Powell. [ ] Wc-wv-hre-kju. [1850.] Xo title-page, heading as above ; pp. 1-29. 16. Catechism in the Iowa language. The transla tion of the heading is: Some questions. [ -] Wv-ro-hse. [1850.] Xo title-page, heading as above ; pp. 1-24, 16. Prayers in the Iowa language. Mr. Hamilton was born in Lycoming (now Clinton) County, Pennsylvania, on August 1, 1811. In his twenty-first year, having meanwhile remained on his father s farm, part of the time being engaged in study, he went to col lege at Washington, Pa., in what is now Wash ington and Jefferson College, from which he was graduated in 1834. He at once engaged in teaching in Wheeling, Va., going thence to Pittsburgh. He was licensed to preach in 1837, and was accepted by the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions as their missionary, being ordained in October of the same year. During the fall of 1837, having been married during the summer of the same year, Mr. Ham ilton started westward, and spent the winter among the Iowa and Missouri Sac Indians on Wolf Creek, Nebraska, where Rev. S. F. Irvin and wife were stationed. Among these Indians Mr. Hamilton spent fifteen years. In 1853 Mr. Hamilton was transferred to the Oto and Omaha Mission, Bellevue. Xebr., and since that time has been almost continually in the service of the Presbyterian Board of For eign Missions. Haiiranna qa Rtayetu. See Hinman (S. D.). Hayden ( Ferdinand Vandeveer ). A sketch of the Mandan Indians, with some observations illustrating the grammat ical structure of their language; by Dr. F. V. Hayden. In American Jour. Science and Arts, vol. 34, pp. 57-66, Xew York, 1862, 8?. Taken in part from the same author s Con tributions to the Ethnography and Philology of the Indian Tribes of the Missouri Valley. Separately issued as follows : (From the American Jouru. of Science and Arts, Vol. XXXIV, July, 1862.) A Sketch of the Mandan In dians, with some observations illus trating the Grammatical Structure of their language. By Dr. F. V. Hayden. Xo title-page ; pp. 57-66, 8. Copies seen: Xational Museum. 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Hay den (F. V.) Continued. Contributions to the ethnography and philology of the Indian tribes of the Missouri Valley. By F. V. Hayden, M. D. In American Philosopb. Soc. Trans, new se ries, vol. 12, pp. 231-461, Philadelphia 1863, 4. Chapter 14, D.ikotas: Ethnographical his tory, pp. 364-375. Names of Dakota bauds, with their principal chiefs, pp. 375-376. Names of months or moons, rivers, anima s, etc. pp. 376-377. Vocabulary of the Dakota language, pp. 377-378. Chapter 15, Assiniboins : Ethnographical history, pp. 379-389. Vocabulary of the As- siniboin dialect of the Dakota language, pp. 389-391. Chapter 16, Aub-sd-ro-ke, or Crow Indians: Ethnographical history, pp. 391-395. Re marks on the grammatical structure of the Aub-sa-ro-ke or Crow language, pp. 395-401. Phrases and sentences, pp. 401-402. Chapter 17 : Vocabulary of the Aub-sd-ro-ke or Crow language, pp. 402-420. Chapter 18, Miunitarees: Ethnographical his tory, pp. 420-424. Vocabulary of the Minui- taree dialect of the Aub-sa-ro-ke or Crow lan guage, pp. 424-426. Chapter 20 : Observations on the Grammat ical structure of the Mandan language, pp. 435-439. Chapter 21 : Vocabulary of the Mandan lan guage, pp. 439-444. Chapter 22 : Sketch of the Omaha and Iowa or Oto Indians, pp. 444-448. Vocabulary of the Omaha language, pp. 448-452. Vocabulary of the Iowa, or Oto language, pp. 452-456. This work was also issued separately, with title-page as follows : Contributions j to the | ethnography and philology | of the | Indian tribes | of the | Missouri Valley. | By Dr. F. V. Haydeu, | member of the American Philosophical Society, of the Academy of Natural Sciences of | Philadelphia, etc. etc. | Prepared under the direction of Capt. William F. Raynolds, T. E. U. S. A., | and published by permission of the War Department. | Philadelphia: | C. Sherman & Sou, printers. | 1862. 2 p. 11. pp. 231-461, map, 4. Copies seen: Brinton, Dunbar, Eames, Na tional Museum, Powell, Trumbull. Priced by Quaritch, No. 29962, at 11. Brief notes on the Pawnee, Winne- bago, and Omaha languages. By F. V. Hayden, M. D. In American Philosoph. Soc. Proc. vol. 10, pp. 389-421, Philadelphia, 1869, 8. Omaha grammatic forms and phrases, pp. 406-407. Vocabulary, pp. 407-411. Winnebago Hayden (F. V.) Continued. grammatical forms and phrases, pp. 411-415.-~ Vocabulary, pp. 415-421. Priced by Leclerc, 1878, No. 2071, at 12 fr. Hdinanpapi wowapi. See Williamson (T. S.). He tuwe he. See Riggs (S. R.). [Hemans (Rev. Daniel Wright).] Ihank- tonwan iapi. | Ikce wocekiye wowapi kin, | qa minahanska makoce | kin en | token wokduze, | qa okodakiciye wakau en j tonakiya woecon kin, j hena | de he wowapi kin ee. | Yankton Agency, D. T. | Mission Press. | 1870. Literal translation : Yankton speech. Ordi nary a-cryiug-to-something written the, and knife-long [American] land the in how thing- not-to-be-touched [sacred], and fellowship mys terious in how-many-ways things-done the, those this that something written the that-is-it. Pp. 1-108, 16. Copies seen : Dorsey, Powell. The king s highway. | Wicastayatapi tacanku : | qais, | woahope wikcemna | oyakapi kin. J Rev. Richard Newton, D. D., | kaga, | Rev. Daniel W. He- inaiis, | Dakota iapi en | kaga. | Yanktou Agency : | St. Paul s School Press. | 1879. Literal translation : They-reckon-him-a-chief his-road: or, somethiug-to-be-kept [command ment] ten they-told-it-the. Rev. Richard New ton, D. D. he-made-it. Rev. Daniel W. Hemans, Dakota language in he-made-it. Pp. 3-427, 16, in the San tee dialect. The title above is preceded by an engraved title-page composed of a chain of ten links, each link rep resenting a commandment; inside of the chain is: The king s highway. Illustrations of the ten commandments. Rev. R. Newton, D. D. The translation of this work was revised by Rev. J.W. Cook. Copies seen : Powell. Mr. Hemans is a Santee Dakota and was edu cated by Rev. S. D. Hinman. See Cook (J.W.) and others. - See Hinman (S. D.) and Cook (J, W.). Hemans (James). See Cook (J. W.) and others. Hermepiii (Rev. Louis). [Dictionary of the Dakota language. 1680 f ] " When once I had got the word Tahetchiaben, which signifies in their language, How call you this ? I began soon to be able to talk of such things as are most familiar. This difficulty was hard to surmount at first, because there was no Interpreter who understood both Tongues. SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 35 Hennepin (L.) Continued. For example; If I had a mind to know what to run was in their Tongue, I was forc d to mend my pace, and indeed actually to run from one end of the Cabin to t other, till they under stood what I meant, and had told me the Word ; which I presently set down in my Dictionary. * * * Ono day they told me the Names of all the Parts of a Man s Body. However I forbore setting down several immodest Terms which these people scruple not to use every foot" Hennepin. Henry (Alexander). Journal | of | Alex ander Henry | to | Lake Superior, Red River, | Assiuiboiue, Rocky Mountains, ! Columbia, and the Pacific, [ 1799 to 1811, | | to establish the fur trade. Manuscript, about 1,700 pp. foolscap, pre served in the Library of Parliament, Ottawa, 1 Canada. For this description I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. Charles X. Bell, of Winni peg, who writes: " The sheets are evidently not the original ones used by Alexander Henry, but | are rewritten from his journals by one George ; Coventry, who seems to have been a family [ friend. No date is given to the copying, nor i is there any intimation where the original docu ments are to be found." The .journal extends from 1799 to 1812, and "between tbe dates 1808 and 1809 are vocabula ries of the Ojeebois, Knistineaux, Assiniboine, j Slave, and Flat Head, about 300 words each of | the first three and a somewhat larger number of the last two. Copies of these have been fur- ; nished the Bureau of Ethnology by Mr. Bell. Hidatsa : Apostles creed. See Hall (C. L.). Bible, Psalms. Hall (C. L.). Bible, Matthew (in Hall (C. L.). part). Bible, Luke (in part). Hall (C. L.). Dictionary. Hall (C. L.). Dictionary. Matthews (W.). Grammar. Matthews (W.). Grammatic comments. Adam (L.). Hymns. Hall (C. L.). Lord s prayer. Hall (C. L.). Numerals. Williamson (A. W.). Personal names. Catliu (G.). Phrase book. Hall (C. L.). Prayer book. Hall (C. L.). Relationships. Matthews (W.). Ten commandments. Hall (C. L.). Vocabulary. Hale (H.). Vocabulary. Matthews (W.). See, also, Minitari. Hidatsa dictionary. See Matthews (W.). Hind (Henry Youle). North- West Terri- I tory. | Reports of progress ; | together with | a preliminary and general re port | on the | Assiniboiue and Sas katchewan exploring expedition, | made under instructions from the pro- Hind (H. Y.) Continued. viucial secretary, Canada. | By Henry Youle Hind, M. A. | professor of chem istry and geology in the University of Trinity College, Toronto, | in charge of the expedition. | Printed by Order of the Legislative Assembly. ; [Design.] | Toronto : | printed by John Lovell, corner of Yonge and Melinda streets. | 1859. Pp. i-xii, 1-202, 4 11. 9 folding maps, 3 plates, folio. The Sioux or Dakotah Indians, pp. 115- 116, includes remarkson language, listof moons, a sentence, with translation, &c. from Riggs s Grammar &c. Copies seen : Astor, British Museum, Con gress, Harvard, National Museum. Priced by Quaritch, No. 28574, at 12s. There is au edition, title as above, unpaged. (Bureau of Ethnology.) Territoire du. uord-ouest. | Rapports de progres ; | aussi, | uu rapport pr61i- minaire et un rapport ge ne ral | sur | I expe dition d exploration de 1 Assini- boiue et de la Saskatchewan, | faite en vertu destructions du secretaire provincial, | Canada. | Par Henry Youle Hind, M. A., | professeur [&c. two lines]. | Imprimes par ordro de TAs- semblee legislative. | [British arms. ] | Toronto : | John Lovell, imprimeur, coin des rues Yonge et M61inda. | 1859. Pp. i-xi, 1-208, map and plates, 4. Linguis tics as in previous edition, p. 115. Copies seen : British Museum, Bureau of Eth nology. Priced by Quaritch, No. 28575, at la. British North America. | Reports of progress, | together with | a prelimi nary and general report | on the | Assiuniboiue and Saskatchewan | ex ploring expedition ; | made under in structions from | the provincial secre tary, Canada. | By Henry Youle Hind, M. A., | professor of chemistry and ge ology iu the University of Trinity Col lege, Toronto, | in charge of the expe dition. | Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Ma jesty, | August 1860. | [British arms.] | London : | printed by George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode, | printers to the Queen s most excellent Majesty. | For her Majesty s Stationery Office. | 1860. Pp. 1-219, maps, folio. The Sioux or Dako tah Indians, pp. 126-127. Copies seen : Congress, Pilli ng, Powell. 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Hind (H.Y.) Continued. Narrative | of | the Canadian Red River | exploring expedition of 1857 j and of the | Assiuniboine and Saskatch ewan | exploring expedition of 1858 j by | Henry Youle Hind, M. A. F. R. G. S. | professor of chemistry and geology in the University of Trinity College, Toronto | In Charge of the Assinuiboiue and Saskatchewan Expedition | In Two Volumes | Vol. ![-!!]. | London ; Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts | 1860 | The right of trans lation is reserved 2 vols. 8. The Sioux or Dakotah Indians, j vol. 2, pp. 153-166. Copies seen : British Museum, Congress. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 979, an un- | cut copy brought $6.50. Clarke, catalogue No. 4012, 1886, prices it at $6. [Hiiiman (Rev. Samuel Duttou).] Cal vary | catechism, j in the j Dakota Lan guage. | Translated for the Mission of St. John. | [Two lines quotation.] | Faribault, Minn.: | Central Repub lican Book and Job Office, | O Brien s Block, Main Street. | 1864. 50 pp. 32, probably in the Santee dialect. Title furnished by Mr. J. F. Williams, libra rian of the Minnesota Historical Society. [ ] Calvary catechism, | in | Santee Dakota. | Translated by permission | for the | Collegiate Mission. | H. | [Two lines quotation.] | Mission Press, j Archdeaconry of the Niobrara. | 1871. Outside title : Calvary wiwicawangapi kin. | Isanyati Dakota iyapi en. | [Cross composed of eleven stars.] | Yewicaxipi okodakiciye. | [Two lines quotation.] | Niobrara taokiye itancan makoce en, | wowapi kaga kin. | San tee Agency, Neb. | 1871. Literal translation: Calvary they-ask-them- questious the. Santee Dakota speech in. He- told-them-to-go fellowship. Niobrara his- helper chief country in, something-written he-made the. Title verso Second edition, revised and cor rected. S. D. H. 1 1. text pp. 3-28, 16. Copies seen : Dorsey, Pilling, Powell. Magnificat. 1 1. St. Luke i, 46-55, in the Santee dialect, translated and printed for chanting. Issued about 1864. Title furnished by the author. Prayer for Indian missions. No title-page ; 1 p. 16, in the Santee dialect. Issued about 1864. Copies seen : Powell. Hiiiman (S. D.) Continued. Ikce wocekiye wowapi. | Qa isan- tauka makoce. | Kin en | token woh- duze, | qa okodakiciye wakau en | to- nakiya woecon kin, | hena de he wowapi kin ee. | Samuel Dutton Hiuman, | Missionary to Dakotas. | Saint Paul : | Pioneer Printing Com pany. | 1865. Literal translation: Common prayer book. And knife-large [American] country. The in how sacrament, and fellowship holy in how many doings the, those that this book the it [is] it. Samuel Duttou Hirmian &c. Pp. i-x, 1-321, 8, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen : Astor, Congress, Dorsey. [ ] Odowau. | XXII. | H. | Philadelphia: | McCalla & Stavely,, prs. | 1869. * 26 pp. 32. Hymns in the Santee dialect of the Dakota. Title from Mr. J. F. Williams, librarian of the Minnesota Historical Society. [ ] Exercises in Dictation, | in | En glish and Santee Dakota, | for | Colle giate Mission. | H. | Mission Press : | Archdeaconry of the Niobrara. | 1871. Pp. 1-20, 12. Copies seen: Dorsey. [ ] Chants and hymns, | of | morning and evening prayer, | in | Santee Da kota. | Pointed for singing. | Mission Press. | Archdeaconry of the Niobrara. | Santee Agency, Neb. | 1871. Preceding the title is printed cover, reading : Hanranna qa rtayetu | cekiyapi en odowan. kin. | Psalms and hymns, | of | morning and evening prayer, | in | Sautee Dakota. | Pointed for chanting. | [Impriut as above.] Pp. 1-16, 16. The literal translation of the Santee words on the printed cover is : Morning and evening crying-to-him in song the. Copies seen .- Powell, Smithsonian. A second edition was issued in the same year as follows : [ ] Hauranna qa Rtayetu, | Cekiyapi en Odowan kin. | Psalms and Hymns, | of | Morning and Evening Prayer, | in | Santee Dakota, j Pointed for chant ing. | Mission Press. | Archdeaconry of the Niobrara, | Santee Agency, Neb. | 1871. Title verso Second edition revised and cor rected by S. D. H. 1 1. text pp. 3-17, 16. The first 16 pp. contain the same matter, differently arranged, as the first edition. The seventeenth, page contains a chant for Easter. Copies seen : Dorsey. SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 37 Hinmaii (S. D.) Continued. I J Hynms and Psalms | in | Santee Dakota. For the | Collegiate Mission, | to the | Dakota Indians. | Mission Press. | Archdeaconry of the Niobrara. | Santee Agency, Neb. | 1871. Pp. 1-81, 12. Second edition, revised and corrected. I have seen no copy nor any men tion of the first edition. Copies seen : Dorsey, Smithsonian. [ ] The | Mission Service, | Wocekiye Wowapi. | Isantanka qa Isanyati, | lyapi en. | Collegiate Mission. | Mission Press. | Archdeaconry of the Niobrara. j Sautee Agency, Neb. | 1871. Title 1 1. pp. 3-143 (wrongly numbered 134), 12, in English and Santee on opposite pages. As far as p. 73 the Dakota occupies the rectos, the English the versos; beginning with p. 74 the order is reversed. The translation of the Santee words in the j title is: A-crying-to-hiin something-written. Knife-big [American] and Santee-speech in. < Copies seen : Dorsey. There is a version in Santee alone, as follows : j [ ] Wocekiye wowapi. Isanyati iyapi en yewicaxipi okodakiciye Niobrara taokiye itancan makoce kin en. Santee Agency : 1871. Literal translation: A-crying-to-him some thing written. Santee speech in he-told-them- to-go fellowship Niobrara his-helper chief country the in. Title furnished by the author. [ ] Hymns in Dakota, for use in the | Missionary Jurisdiction of Niobrara. | Published | by the | Indian commis sion | of the | Protestant Episcopal Church. | 1874. Pp. 1-127, 16^, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen: Powell. [ ] Hymns in Dakota, for use in the j Missionary Jurisdiction of Niobrara. | Published | by the | Indian commis sion j of the | Protestant Episcopal Church. | 1870. Pp. 1-127, 16, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen: Powell. See Cook (J.W.) and others. [ am l Cook (J.W.).] English and Dakota | Service Book: | being parts of the | Book of common prayer | set forth for use in the j missionary jurisdiction | of | Niobrara. | Published by | the Indian commis sion | of the | Protestant Episcopal Church. | 1875. Hinman (S. D.) and Cook (J. W.) Continued. 1 p. 1. pp. 2-135, 2-135 (double numbers), alter nate English and Santee, 12. Copies seen : American Bible Society, Pilling, Powell, Trumbull. [ ] English and Dakota | Service Book: | being parts of the | Book of common prayer | set forth for use in the | missionary jurisdiction | of | Nio brara. | Published by | the Indian commis sion | of the | Protestant Episcopal Church. | 1879. 1 p. 1. pp. 2-135, 2-135 (double numbers), alter- nate English and Sautee, 12. Copies seen: Powell. [ ] Okodakiciye | wocekiye wo wapi kin, | qa | okodakiciyapi token wicaqupi kin; | qa | okodakiciye wa- kan kin en woecon qa wicoliau | kin, America makoce kin en, United States | en, Protestant Episcopal Church | unpi kin ohnayan : | qa nakun | psalter, qais David Tadowan kin. j [New York:] Published by | The New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society j for | the Indian commission of the Protestant Episcopal Church. | 1878. Literal translation : Fellowship a-crying-to- him something-written the, and covenants how they-give-to-them the ; and fellowship myste rious the in deed and custom the, America country the in, United States in, Protestant Episcopal Church they-use-it the according-to: and also Psalter, or David his-soug(s) the. Pp. i-xxii, 1-664, 12. In its translation Messrs. Hiuman and Cook were aided by Kev. D. W. Hemaus and Mr. Luke C. Walker. Copies seen: American Bible Society, Dorsey, Powell. Some copies are dated 1 883. One of these is in the possession of Mr. James D. Garlield, Fitch- burg, Mass., who has furnished me title. (*) - and Robertson (T. A.). Dakota Church Service | for the | Mission of Saint John. | Rev. S. D. Hinman, | Mis sionary to the Dakotas. | Thomas A. Robertson, | interpreter to the Mis sion. | Faribault, Minn.; | Central Republi can Book and Job Office \ 1802. 26 pp. 12 3 . Title furnished by J. Fletcher "Williams from copy in the library of the Min nesota Historical Society. Mr. Hiuman in forms me that the predecessor of this little work was a leaflet containing two or three prayers. 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Hiiiman (S. D. ) and Welsh ( W. ) . Taopi | and his friends, | or the | Indians | Wrongs and Rights. | Philadelphia: | Claxton, Remseu & Haffelfinger. | 1869. 1 p. 1. pp. i-xviii, 1-125, 8. Missionary carol iii Santee, with English translation by S. D. Hiiiman, pp. 45-46. Copies seen : Congress. and Whipple (H. B.). Journal | of the | Rev. S. D. Hiiiman, | missionary | to the | Sautee Sioux Indians. | And | Taopi, | by | Bishop Whipple. | [Three lines quotation.] | Philadelphia: | McCalla & Stavely, Printers, 237-9 Dock Street. | 1869. Pp. i-xviii, 1-87, 12. Mr. Hinman s Journal occupies pp. 1-49. On pp. 45-46 is a missionary carol in Santee-Dakota. with English transla tion. Copies seen: British Museum, Congress, Dor- sey, Powell. Mr. Hiuman was born at Pittsburgh, Pa., January 17, 1839, and was educated at the Rec tory School, Hainden, Conn., where, in 1856, he was made a teacher. In 1857 he taught in the Episcopal Academy of Connecticut,atCheshire, and in 1858 in Bishop Seabury University, Fari- bault, Minn., being at the same time a student of divinity. In 1860 he was ordained a deacon by Bishop Whipple, and in the same year was appointed missionary to the Mdewakantonwan and Walipekute Dakotas at the Lower Sioux Agency, Minn. During the Sioux massacre of 1862, Mr. Hiuman was one of the defenders of Ft. Ridgely. In 1863 he was ordained priest, being at the time stationed at the camp of Indian prisoners at Ft. Snelling, Minn., from which point he ac companied the captive Sioux to Crow Creek, Dak., remaining as their missionary until ]865. From 1866 to 1876 he was stationed with the Sautee near Xiobrara, Nebr., and was made archdeacon of the diocese. While here he founded St. Mary s School. At the treaty of Ft. Rice, in 1868, Mr. Hinman was the Santee interpreter, and in 1874 was the commissioner on the part of the United States for the purchase of the Black Hills, Dak. Since that time he has served the Government in various official capacities in connection with the Sioux ; a portion of the time, during 1882, he was employed by the Bureau of Ethnology, Washington. Since 1886 Mr. Hiuman has been in charge of the Mdewakantouwan School, near Redwood, Minn. History of Joseph. See Pond (S. W.) and Pond (G. H.). History of our Lord. See Merrill (M.). Hoffman (Charles W.). See Cook (J. W.) and others. Hoffman (Dr. Walter James). Notes on the Migrations of the Dakotas. In American Philolog. Ass. Proc. ninth ann. sess. pp. 15-17, Hartford, 1877, 8. Various comments on language, with exam ples in Dakota. List of Mammals found in the Vicin ity of Grand River, D. T. By W. J. Hoffman, M. D., late U. S. Army. In Boston Soc. ISTat. Hist. Proc. vol. 19, pp. 94-1 02, Boston, 1878, 8. Twenty-eight names of animals in the Dakota language (Tetou dialect). [Sentences with interlinear trans lation.] In Mallery (G.), Sign language among Xorth American Indians, in Bureau of Ethnology First Ann. Rep. Washington, 1881, 8. Brule Dakota sentences, pp. 483, 492. Ponka sentence, p. 484. The above are given in connection with and as explanatory of gesture language. Vocabulary of the Maudau. Manuscript, 1 1 11. 200 words, 4, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Collected at Ft. Berthold, Dak., September, 1881. Holmes (William). See Cook (J. W.) and others. Hotchangara. See Winnebago. House (J.). Vocabularies of certain North American Languages. By J. House, Esq. In Philological Soc. [of London] Proc. vol. 4, pp. 102-122, London, 1850, 8. Vocabulary of the Stone Indians, pp. 114-121. Huggiiis (Amos W.). See Riggs (S. R.) and Williamson (J. P.). - See Williamson ( J. P.) and Riggs (A.L.). Mr. Huggins, the so n of one of the oldest mis sionaries of the American board among the Dakotas, was employed as Government teacher at Lac-qui-parle, near the head of the Minnesota River, in Minnesota, where he was killed by the Indians, August 19, 1862. [Huggins (Eliza Wilson) and Williamson (N.J.).] Dakota Text- Book. | Waui- yetu, Modoketu | iyahua | anpetu otoi- yohi on | oelide wanjidaii | wowapi wakaii etanhau. | Wakautunka i oie kin tewahiuda woyute | mitawa isanpa. Job 23 : 12. | American Tract Society, | 150 Nassau Street, New York. [1872.] Literal translation: Spring, Summertogether with day-each-one for verse one something- SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 39 Huggins (E. \V.) and "Williamson (N. J.) Continued. written mysterious from. God mouth word the I-prizc food my more than. Pp. 1-108, 32. Reverse of title: A verse for each day in the year. Selected from the holy scriptures by Eliza W. Huggins and Nancy J. Williamson. Copies seen: British Museum, Congress. Miss Huggins was born March 7, 1807, and died June 22, 1873. Hunfalvy (Paul). A | Dakota Nyelov | Himfalvy Palt61. | Kiilonnyomat a in. acad. Ertesitobol. | Pesteu. i NyouiatottLauderere sHeck- euastnal. | 1856. Pp. 1-68, 8. Dakota primer. Extract from the bulletins of the Hungarian Academy. Copies seen : Shea, Trumbull. Hunter (John Dunn). Manners and Cus toms I of | Several Indian Tribes | Lo cated West of the Mississippi ; | Includ ing some account of the Soil, Climate and Vegetable | Productions, and the Indian Materia Medica : to which is | prefixed the History of the Author s Life during a resi- | deuce of several years among them. | By John D. Hun ter. | Philadelphia: | Printed and Pub lished for the Author, | by J. Maxwell, | S. E. Corner of Fourth and Walnut Streets, i 1823. Pp. i-ix, 11-402, 8. List of remedies used by the Indians, in the Osage (?) language, with English significatipn, pp. 369-394. Copies seen: Astor, British Museum, Con gress, Eaines, "Wisconsin Historical Society At the Brinley sale, catalogue No. 5409, an un cut copy brought $2.50. Memoirs j of a | captivity | among | the Indians | of | North America, | from childhood to the age of nineteen : | with | anecdotes descriptive of | their manners and customs. | To which is added, | some account of the | soil, cli mate, and vegetable productions | of the territory westward of the Missis sippi, i By John D. Hunter, j London : | printed for | Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, | Pater noster-row. | 1-23. Pp. i-ix, 1-447, 8. List of remedies &c. pp. 402-427. Copies seen: Astor, Boston Athenasum, Brit ish Museum, Congress, Duubar. At the Squier sale, catalogue Xo. 522, a half- calf copy brought$l. 62 ; priced by Leclerc, 1878, Hunter (J. D.) Continued. Xo. 913, uncut, at 20 i r. ; at the Brinley sale, cata- alogue No. 5410, an uncut copy brought $2; priced by Quaritch, Xo. 29968, at Is. 6d ; Clarke, catalogue No. 6445, 1886, prices it at $2.25. Memoirs | of a | captivity | among | the Indians | of | North America, | from childhood to the age of nineteen : | with | anecdotes descriptive of | their manners and customs. | To which is added, | some account of the | soil, cli mate, and vegetable productions | of the territory westward of the Missis sippi. | By John D. Hunter. | A new edition, with portrait. | London : | Printed for | Longman, Hurst. Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, | Paternoster-row. | 1823. 2 p. 11. pp. iii-ix, 1-447, 8 3 . List of remedies, pp. 402-427. Copies seen : Eames, Trumbull. Der | Gefangene unter den Wilden j in | Nord-Amerika ; | nach | J. D. Hun ter s Deukwilrdigkeiten | seines | Auf- enthalts uuter denselben uiid seiner Schilderung | des Charakters und der Sitten der westlich | vom Mississippi wohnenden Stamme, herausgegeben | von | W. A. Liudau. | Erster[-Dritter] Theil. | Dresden, bei P. G. Hilscher. | 1824. 3 vols. 16. List of medicines &c. vol. 3, pp. 90-119. Copies seen : British Museum, Congress. Memoirs | of a | captivity | among | the Indians | of | North America, | from childhood to the age of niuete en : with j anecdotes descriptive of | their manners and customs. | To which is added, | some account of the | soil, climate, and vegetable productions | of the territory westward of tLe Mississippi. | By John D. Hunter. | The third edition, with additions. | London ; | printed for | Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, Paternoster-row. | 1824. Pp. i-xi, 1-468, portrait, 8. Copies seen : Boston Public, British Museum, "Wisconsin Historical Society. At the Field sale, catalogue Xo. 1058, a copy brought $2; priced by Leclerc, 1881 Supp., Xo. 2802, at 20 fr. ; sold at the Piuart sale, catalogue Xo. 475, for 6 fr. to Quaritch, who prices it, Xo. 29969, half-calf, at 12*. Leclerc, 1878, Xo. 2548, titles an edition in Swedish Mariefred, 1826, which he prices at 16 fr. 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Husband (Bruce). [Vocabulary of the Sioux.] Manuscript, 6 11. folio, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Collected at Fort Lara- mie, 1849. Hymns : Dakota. Hidatsa. Iowa. Omaha. Oto. Santee. See Xeill (E. D.). HalKC.L.). Hamilton ( W.) and Irvin (S.M.). Hamilton (W.). Merrill (M.). Hiumau (S. D.). Hymns Continued. Santee. See Renville (J.) and others. Santee. Riggs (S.R.). Santee. Riggs (S. R.) and Will iamson (J. P.). Sautee. Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs ( A. L.). Yankton. Cook (J. W.) and others. Hymns and Psalms. See Hinman (S. D.). Hymns in Dakota. See Hinman (S. D.). Hymns in the Omaha language. See Hamilton (W.). I. lapi oaye. | Published by the Dakota Mission. Taku waste okiya, taku s"ica kipajiu. Fifty Cents a Year. | Vol. I. May, 1871. No, I[-Vol. XVI. Ko. 7. July, 1887], A four-page, small quarto paper, published monthly at Greenwood, Dak. ; first issued May, 1871, with Rev. J. P. Williamson as edi tor, Mr. Williamson supervising the Yank- ton material, the Messrs. Riggs the Santee. The first volume, ending June, 1872, is entirely in the Dakota language. With the beginning of the second volume, January, 1873, the title was changed to lapi oaye. The Word car rier, the size of the sheet increased, the first page illustrated, and the fourth page printed partly in English. At this time, also, Rev. Stephen R. Riggs was made principal editor, Mr. Williamson remaining as associate. At the beginning of the sixth volume, January, 1877, Rev. Alfred L. Riggs took the place of Mr. Williamson as associate editor, and the place of publication was changed to the Santee Agency, Xebr. With Xo. 1 of Vol. 9, January, 1880, the paper was enlarged to an eight-page monthly, the editorial management remaining unchanged. The death of Rev. S. R. Riggs, on August 24, 1883, left Rev. A. L. Riggs sole editor, his name alone appearing on the issue for October, 1883, Vol. 12, Xo. 10. The issue for December, 1883 contains a notice of certain changes to be made in the next issue, that for January, 1884, Vol. 13, Xo. 1. At this date the Dakota and English sections were separated, making two distinct papers, the lapi oaye, in Dakota, and The Word carrier, in En glish. Rev. John P. Williamson was appointed editor of the former and Rev. Alfred L. Riggs of the latter. The title of the lapi oaye was changed back to substantially its original form, the size of the paper reduced and the number of pages decreased to four, and the place of publication changed to Greenwood, Dak. The subscription price was increased to 60 cents per annum. Copies seen : Dorsey, Powell, Trumbull. Ihanktoiiwaii iapi. See Hemaiis (D. W.). Ikce wocekiye wowapi. See Hinman (S. D.). Indian Bazaar. | [Picture of Indian.] | Mandan, Dakota. [1884?] 4 pp. 18. In the center of the third page begins "Heap Talk! ! A small vocabulary of the Sioux language, " which extends to the bot tom of the fourth page. It consists of conver sational questions, the principal numerals, and a few names of pieces of money. Copies seen : Dorsey, Pilling, Powell. Indian catalogue. 1 1. broadside, 4. Contains list of 55 proper names, with English translation, of members of a number of tribes, among them the Mde- wanktou Sioux, Yankton, Sisseton and Wah- peton, and Ponca. Issued, perhaps, by a Gov ernment bureau, to be sent to Indian agents, as it is accompanied, in a separate sheet, by a circular letter asking that certain informa tion be furnished of the Indians named. Copies seen : Powell. Indian treaties, | and | laws and regu lations | relating to Indian affairs : | to which is added j an appendix, | con taining the proceedings of the old Congress, and other | important state papers, in relation to Indian affairs. | Compiled and published under orders of the Department of War of | the 9th February and 6th October, 1825. | Washington City : | Way & Gideon, printers. | 1826. Pp. i-xx, 1-6C1, 8, pp. 531-661 consisting of a supplement, with the following half-title: "Supplement containing additional treaties, documents, &c. relating to Indian Affairs, to the end of the twenty-first Congress. Offi cial. Xames of chiefs, with English significa tion, in Great and Little Osage, pp. 249-252, 257, 418-419; Teeton, p. 277; Sioux, pp. 278-281; Yancton, p. 282 ; Maha, pp. 283-286 ; loway, pp. 287, 639; Kanzas, pp. 290, 294, 421 ; Wiuuebago, pp. 295-296: Ottoe, pp. 298-299, 301, 639; Pon- carar, pp. 302, 305: Quapaw, p. 308; Yancton, SIOUAX LANGUAGES. 41 Indian Continued. Teton, pp. 338-339 ; Sioune and Ogallala, pp. 341- 342; Hunkpapa (Sioux) p. 348 : Mandan, pp. 353- 354: Minuetaree, pp. 356-357; Crow, pp. 359-3CO Sioux, Winnebago, pp. 367-370, 572-573, 583: Wah-pah-coota, p. 639; Sussiton, p. 639; Oma- hah, p. 639; Tancton and Santie, p. 640. Copies seen : British Museum, Bureau of Eth nology. See, also, Treaties. Investigator. The | investigator: | re ligious, moral, scientific, &c. | [Three lines quotation.] Published monthly. | January, 1845[-December, 184(3]. | Washington : | T. Barnard, printer, | cor. llth st. and Pa. avenue. | 1845 [-1846]. 2 vols. 8. Edited by J. F. Polk. A com parative vocabulary, contained in pp. 261-265, 289-293, includes Winnebago words. Copies seen: Congress, Powell. Iowa: Bible, Genesis (in See Hamilton (W.). part). Bible, New Testa- Hamilton (W.). meut (in pait). Bible, gospels (in Merrill (M.). part). Bible, Matthew (in part). Catechism. General discussion. Gentes. Geographic names. Grammar. Hymns. Legends. Letters. Numerals. Hamilton (W.) and Irvin (S. M.). Hamilton (W.) and Irvin (S. M.). Hamilton (W.). Morgan (L. H.). Hamilton (W.) and Irvin (S. M.). Hamilton (W.) and Irvin (S. M.). Hamilton (W.) and Irvin (S. M.). Dorsey (J. O.). Dorsey iJ. O.). Williamson ( A. W.). Iowa Continued. Personal names. See Catalogue. Personal names. Catlin (G.). Personal names. Dorsey (J. O.). Personal names. Foster (T.). Person U names. Indian. . Personal names. Jackson (W. H.). Personal names. Kent (M.B.). Personal names. Maximilian (A. P.). Personal names. Treaties. Prayers. Hamilton (W.) and Irviu (S. M.). Primer. Hamilton (W.) and Irvin (S. M.). Relationships. Morgan (L. H.). Songs. Dorsey (J. O.). Stories. Dorsey (J. O.). Vocabulary. Gallatin (A.). Vocabulary. Hamilton (W.). Vocabulary. Hayden (F. V.). Words. Chase (P. E.). loway grammar. See Hamilton (W.) and Irvin (S. M.). loway Primmer. See Hamilton (W.) and Irvin (S. M.). Irvin (Rev. Samuel McCleary). See Ham ilton (W.) and Irvin (S. M.). Mr. Irvin was born in Western Pennsylvania in 1812. A call having been made by the West ern Foreign Missionary Society for teachers among the western Indians, Mr. Irvin otfered his services, and in 1837 he was married and started westward. His first stop was among the Sac and Fox Indians, where is now Doni- phan County, Kaus:is. Soon after, ho was li censed and was ordained to the ministry. For nearly thirty years Mr. Irviu devoted himself to the Indian missions. At present he is spend ing his time, under the direction of the Pres byterian Board of Foreign Missions, chiefly among the few Iowa and Sac Indians living at the mouth of the Great Nemaha River. J. Jackson (William Henry). Department of the Interior. | United States Geolog ical Survey of the Territories. | F. V. Hayden, U. S. Geologist-in-Charge. | Miscellaneous Publications Xo. 5. | Descriptive catalogue | of | the pho tographs of the | United States Geo logical Survey | of j the Territories, | for i The Years 18(i9 to 1873, inclusive. | W. H. Jackson, | photographer. | Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 1874. Printed cover, pp. 1-83, 8. Catalogue of photographs of Indians, including proper names, with English signification, of the Crows, Jackson (W. H.) Continued. Dakotas, lowas, Omahas, Otoes, and Poncas, pp. 69-83. Copies seen: British Museum, Bureau of Ethnolog}-, National Museum. Department of the Interior. | United States Geological Survey of the Terri tories. | F. V. Hayden, U. S. geologist. | Miscellaneous publications, Xo. 9. | De scriptive catalogue | of j photographs j of | Xorth American Indians. , By | W. H. Jackson, | photographer of the Sur- vey. | Washington : | Government Printing Office. I 1877. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Jackson (W. H.) Continued. Pp. i-vi, 1-124, 8. Names of chiefs, with English definitions, of the Crows, Dakotas or Sioux (Brule, Cut Head, Mdewakanton, Oga- lalla, Oncpapa, Santee, Yankton, Lower and Upper Yanktonais), lowas, Mandans, Missou- rias, Omahas, Osages, Otoes, and Poncas. Copies seen : Bureau of Ethnology, National Museum. James (Edwin). Account | of | an ex pedition | from | Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, | performed in the years 1819 and 20, \ by order of | the Hon. J. C. Calhouu, Sec y of War: | under the command of | Major Stephen H. Long. | From the notes of Major Long, Mr. T. Say, and other gen- I tie- men of the exploring party. | Com piled | by Edwin James, | botanist and geologist for the expedition. | In two vols. With an atlas. | Vol. ![-!!]. | Philadelphia: | H. C. Carey and I. Lea, Chestnut St. | 1823. 2 vols. 8, atlas, 4. Brief references to the languages of the Otoes, Missouries, andloways, vol. 1, pp. 342-343. Indian language of signs, pp. 378-394. For other linguistic contents, see Long (S. H ) ; also, Say (T.). Copies seen : Boston Athenamni, British Mu seum, Bureau of Ethnology, Congress, Dunbar, Trumbull. Account | of an | Expedition | from Pittsburgh | to | the Rocky Mountains, performed | In the Years 1819, 1820. | By order of the | Hon. J. C. Calhouu, Secretary of War, | under the command of | Maj. S. H. Long, of the U. S. Top. Engineers. | Compiled | from the notes of Major Long, Mr. T. Say, | and other gentlemen of the party, | by Edwin James, | Botanist and Geologist to the Expedition. | In three volumes. | Vol. IC-III]. I Lou ion : | Printed for | Longman, ! Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, | Pater- j noster-Row. | 1823. 3 vols. 8. Indian language of signs, vol. 1, pp. 271-288. Remarks on language, vol. 2, pp. 65-66. The linguistics by Messrs. Long and Say do not appear in this edition. Copies seen: Boston Athenaeum. The Field copy, catalogue No. 1112, sold for $15.75; the Pinart copy, half-morocco, uncut, catalogue No. 493, for 25 fr. A | narrative | of | the captivity and adventures | of | John Tanner, | (U. S. interpreter at the Saut de Ste. Marie,) | during | thirty years residence among James (E.) Continued. the Indians | in the | interior of North America. | Prepared for the press | by Edwin James, M. D. | Editor of An Account of Major Long s Expedition from Pittsburgh | to the Rocky Mount ains. | New York : | G. & C. & H. Carvill, 108 Broadway. | 1830. Pp. 1-426, 8^. Numerals, 1-10, in Oto (from Say), Konza, Omawhaw, Yauktong, Dahko- tah of Upper Mississippi, Minnetahse, Win- nebago, Quawpaw, Naudoway, Winnebago, pp. 324-333. Copies seen: Boston Athenseum, Briuton, Dunbar, Trumbull. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 1113, a half- morocco copy brought $3.63; attheSquier sale, catalogue No. 552, half-morocco, $3.38. Priced by Leclerc, 1878, No. 1020, uncut, at 35 fr. The Murphy copy, half green calf, catalogue No. 2449, brought$3.50. A | Narrative | of | the Captivity and Adventures | of | John Tanner, | (U. S. Interpreter at the Saut de Ste. Marie,) | during | thirty years residence among the Indians | in the | Interior of North America. | Prepared for the Press | By Edwin James, M. D. | Editor of An Ac count of Major Long s Expedition from Pittsburgh | to the Rocky Mountains. | London : | Baldwin & Cradock, Pater noster Row. | Thomas Ward, 84 High Hoi born. | 1830. Pp. 1-426, portrait, 8. The American edi tion with a new title-page onl}-. Copies seen : Astor, Trumbull. Sabiu s Dictionary, No. 35685, titles an edition in German: Leipzig, 1840, 8, and one in French : Paris, 1855, 2 vols. 8. Jefferys (Thomas). The natural and civil J history | of the | French domin ions | in j North and South America. | Giving a particular Account of the | Climate, | Soil, | Minerals, j Animals, j Vegetables, | Manufactures, j Trade, | Commerce, | and | Languages, | to gether with ! The Religion, Govern ment, Genius, Character, Manners, and | Customs of the Indians and other Inhabitants. | Illustrated by j Maps and Plans of the principal Places. | Collected from the best Authorities, and engraved by | T. Jefferys, Geographer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. | Part I. Containing | A Descrip tion of Canada and Louisiaiia[-Part II. Containing I Part of the Islands of SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 43 Jefferys (T.) Continued. St. Domingo and St. Martin, | The Isl ands of | St. Bartholomew, Guadaloupe, Martinico, La Grenade, | and | The Island and Colony of Cayenne]. | London, | Printed for Thomas Jefferys at Charing-Cross. | MUCCLX [1760]. Part 1, 4 p. 11. pp. 1-168 ; Part 2, 2 p. 11. pp. 1-246; maps, folio. Of the origin, languages * * * of the different Indian nations inhab iting Canada [including the Sioux] Fart 1, pp. 42-97. Copies seen: British Museum, Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society. At the Field sale, a copy, calf, catalogue Xo. 1119, brought $0.50. The natural and civil | history | of the | French dominions | in | North and South America. | With an Histori cal Detail of the Acquisitions and Con quests made by the | British arms in those Parts. | Giving a particular Ac count of the | Climate, | Soil, | Miner als, | Animals, | Vegetables, | Manu factures, | Trade, | Commerce | and | Languages. | Together with [ the Re ligion, Government, Genius, Character, Manners and | Customs of the Indians and other Inhabitants. | Illustrated by | Maps and Plans of the principal Places, | Collected from the best Au thorities, and engraved by | T. Jefferys, Geographer to his Majesty. Part ![-!!]. Containing | A Description of Canada and Louisiana. | London : | Printed for T. Jefferys, at Charing-Cross; W. Johnston, in Lud- gate-street ; J. Richardson j in Pater noster-Row ; and B. Law and Co. in Ave-Mary-Lane. | MDCCLXI [!?()!]. Part 1, 4 p. 11. pp. 1-168; Part 2, 2 p. 11. pp. 1-24(5; maps, folio. Contents as in edition of 1760. Copies seen: Ator, British Museum, Con gress. Jehan (L.-F.). Troisieme et derniere | Encyclopedic Thdologique, | [&c. twenty-four lines]. | Publide | par M. l Abb6 Migne | [&c. six lines]. | Tome Trente-quatrieme. | Dictiouuaire de Liuguistique. | Tome Unique. | Prix: 7 Francs. | S lmprime et so vend chez J.-P. Migue, fiditeur, ) aux Ateliers Catho- ! liques, Rue d Arnboise, au Petit-Mout- rouge, | Barriere d Eufer de Paris. | 1858. Jehan (L.-F.) Continued. Second title : Dictiounaire | de | Linguia- tique | et | de Philologie Comparee. | Ilistoire detouteslesLanguesmortes et vivantes, j ouj Trait6 complet d Idiomographie, | emhrassant | 1 examen critique des systemes et detoutesles questions qui se rattacheut | a 1 origine et h la filiation des langues, a leur essence organique | et aleurs rapports avec 1 histoire des races hu- maines, de leurs migrations, etc. | Preced6 d un | Essai sur le inle du langage dans 1 e vo lution de Intelligence humaine. j Par L.-F. Jeh an (de Saint-Clavien), | Membre de la So- ciete geologique de France, de 1 Academie royale des sciences de Turin, etc. | [Quotation, three lines.] | Publi6 | par M. TAbb6 Migne, | fiditeur de la Bibliotheque Uuiverselle da Clerge, | ou | des Cours Complets sur chaque branche de la science ecclesiastique. | Tome Unique. | Prix: 7 francs. I [Imprint as in first title. 1 Outside title 1 1. titles as above 2 11. columns (two to a page) 9-1448. The Tableau poly glotte des langues includes the Sioux-Osage, columns 1151-1158. Copies seen: British Museum, Shea. There is an edition, Paris, 1864, which I have not seen, a copy of which is in the Watkiuson Library, Hartford, Conn. Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel. See Riggs (S.R.). Jesus ohuihde. See Riggs (S. R.). Johnes (Arthur James). Philological Proofs | of the | original unity and re cent origin | of the | human race. | Derived from a comparison of the lan guages | of | Asia, Europe, Africa, and America. | Being an inquiry | how far the differences in the languages of the globe | are referrible to causes now in operation. | By j Arthur James Johnes, esq. | [Four lines quotation.] | London: | Samuel Clarke, 13, Pall Mall east, j Rees, Llaudovery ; E. Parry, Bridge street, Chester; Rees, Carnarvon. | 184!?. Pp. iii-lx, 1-17:. , and appendices 102 pp. 8. On the origin of the American tribes, pp. 155- 172, contains a table showing Mandan and Welsh affinities (from Catlin). Copies seen: Briti.-h Museum, Congress. Philological Proofs | of the | original unity and recent origin | of the | Hu man Race. | Derived from | a compari son of the languages | of | Asia, Europe, Africa, and America. | Being an inquiry how far the differences in the languages of | the globe are referrible to causes now in operation. | By | Arthur James Johues, Esq. [Three lines quotation.] j 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Johnes (A. J.) Continued. London: John Russell Smith, | 4, Old Compton Street, Solio Square. MD CCC XL VI [1846]. Pp. iii-lx, 1-172, 1-103, 8. Linguistics as above. Copies seen: Astor. Johnson (Rev. Philip). Dakota A B C | Wowapi. | Rev. Philip Johnson kaga. | Mission Press: | Archdeaconry of the Niobrara. | Santee Agency, Neb. | 1871. Pp. 1-32, 12. Primer in the Dakota lan guage, Santee dialect. Copies seen : Dorsey, Smithsonian, Trumbull. Johnson (P.) Continued. Dakota ABC | wowapi. | Rev. Philip Johnson, kaga. | New York : | American Church Press Co., Ill East Ninth Street. | 1872. Pp. 1-23, 16, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen : Powell. See Cook (J. W.) and others. Jones (Andrew), others. See Cook(J.W.) and Josuwa, qa Wayacopi kin. See William son (T.S.). K. Kansas : Dictionary. Dictionary Geutes. Geographic names. Legends. Letters. Numerals. Numerals. Personal names. Personal names. Personal names. Personal names. Relationships. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Words. SeeBourassa (J. N.). Dorsey (J. O.). Morgan (L. H.). Dorsey (J. 0.). Dorsey (J. O.). Dorsey (J. O.). Haldeman (S. S.). James (E.). Catalogue. Catlin (G.). Indian. Treaties. Morgan (L. H.). Balbi (A.). Dorsey (J. 0.). Gatschet (A. S.). Haldeman (S. S.). Lelaml (C. G.) Morgan (L. H.). Say (T.). Stubbs (A. W.). Maximilian (A. P.). Katolik wocekiye. See Ravoux (A.). Kaw. See Kansas. Keaiie (A. H.). .Appendix. Ethnogra phy and Philology of America. By A. H. Keaue. Iii Bates (H. W.), Central America, the West Indies, &c. pp. 443-5G1, London, 1878, 8. General scheme of American races and lan guages, pp. 460-483, includes the Dacotah fam ily. Keating (William H.). Narrative | of | an expedition | to the | source of St. Peter s River, | Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, | &c. &c. | performed in the year 1823, | by order of | the Hon. J.C.Calhoun, Secretary of War, | un der the command of | Stephen H. Long, Major U. S. T. E. | Compiled from the notes of Major Long, Messrs. Say, | Keating (W. H.) Continued. Keating, and Colhoun, | by | Will iam H. Keating, A. M. &c. | professor of mineralogy and chemistry as applied to the arts, in | the University of Penn sylvania ; geologist and | historiogra pher to the expedition. | In two vol umes. | Vol. ![-!!]. | Philadelphia: | H. C. Carey & I. Lea Chestnut street. | 1824. 2 vols. maps, 8. Names of the moons in Da kota, vol. 1, pp. 422-423. Vocabulary of the Dacota or Sioux, vol. 2, pp. 450-459. Copies seen : British Museum, Bureau of Eth nology, Congress, Dunbar, Eames. AttheBrinleysale, catalogue No. 4653, a copy, calf, brought $5 ; at the Murphy sale, catalogue No. 1366 (p. 193), half-morocco, $5.50. Narrative | of an | expedition | to the | source of St. Peter s River, | Lake Wiunepeek, j^ Lake of the Woods, &c. | performed in the year 1823, | by order of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, | Secretary of War, | under the Command of Stephen H. Long, U. S. T. E. | Compiled | from the notes of Major Long, Messrs. Say, Keating, & Colhoun, | By William H. Keating, A. M. &c. | Professor of Mineralogy and Chemistry, as applied to the Arts, in the University of | Pennsylvania; Geologist and Historio grapher to the Expedition. | In two volumes. | Vol. I [-II]. | London : | Printed for Geo. B. Whit- taker, Ave-Maria-lane, 1825. 2 vols. 8. Linguistics, vol. 1, p. 441; vol. 2, appendix, pp. 147-156. seen: Astor, Boston Athenajum, Brit ish Museum, Congress. Priced in Stevens s Nuggets, No. 1589, at 105. 6d. by Quaritch, No. 12193, one copy, cloth, at SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 45 Keating (W. H.) Continued. 12s., another, half-calf, at 14s. ; at the Pinart sale, catalogue No. 507, a copy brought 11 fr. : priced by Quaritch, No. 29972, boards, at 15s. ; by Clarke, catalogue No. 5483, 1886, at $7.50. Kent (M. B.). [List of names of Iowa Imliaus, with English translation.] Manuscript, 8 pp. folio, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. It is accompanied by a similar list revised by Bev. William Hamilton, 7 pp. folio. Mr. Kent was United States Indian agent at the Great Nemaha Agency. King s highway. See Hemans (D. W.). Kinzie (Afrs. John H.). Wau-Buii, j the | "Early Day" | in | the North- West. | By Mrs. John H. Kinzie, | of Chicago. | With Illustrations. | New York : | Published by Derby & Jackson, | 119 Nassau Street. | Cincin nati : H. W. Derby & Co. | 1856. 1 p. 1. pp. i-xii, 13-498, large 12. Wiimebago terms passim. Copies seen : Congress. Kinzie (J. II.) Continued. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 1210, a copy brought $3.13. Clarke, catalogue 1886, prices it at $4. - Wan-Bun, | the | " Early Day | in | the Northwest. | By Mrs. John IT. Kiuzie, | of Chicago. | Second edition, with illustrations. | Chicago: | D. B. Cooke & Co., Pub lishers. | 1857. Pp. i-xii, 13-498, large 12. Winnebago terms passim. Copies seen : Boston Athenaeum, Watkinson. Wan-bun, | the | early day in the Northwest. By Mrs. John H. Kinzie, j of Chicago. [Three lines quotations.] Philadelphia: | J. B. Lippincott <fc Co. | 1873. 1 p. 1. pp. i-xiii, 15-390, 12. Winnebago terms passim. Copies seen: Congress. Kipp (James). Vocabulary of the Man- dan. In Schoolcraft (H. K,.), Indian Tribes, vol. 3, pp. 255-256, 446-459, Philadelphia, 1853, 4. L. Lacotah. See Teton. LaFleche (Frank). See Dorsey (J. O.). Lakota A B C. See Riggs (S. K.). La Pointe (Pierre). See Cook (J. W.) and others. Latham (Robert Gordon). Miscellaneous Contributions to the Ethnography of North America. By R. G. Latham, M. D. In Philological Soc. [of Lopdou] Proc. vol. 2, pp. 31-50, [London] 1846, 8.- Scattered through out are words from the Omahaw, Osage, Quap- pa, Dacota, Tancton, Upsaroka. Comparative vocabulary (60 words) of the Maudan and Crow, pp. 38-40. Table showing affinities between the Mandan and other Indian languages, pp. 40-42. Affinities between the Iowa and other Indian languages, and a few words and nu merals of the Iowa, pp. 48-50. Elements | of | comparative phi lology. , By i R. G. Latham, M. A., M. D., F. R. S., &c., | late fellow of King s College, Cambridge ; and late professor of English | in University College, Lon don. | London : | Walton and Maberly, | Upper Gower street, and Ivy lane, Paternoster row; | Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, | Pater noster row. | 1862. | The Right of Translation is Reserved. Latham (R. G.) Continued. Pp. i-xxxii, errata 1 1. pp. 1-774, 8. Com parative vocabulary of the Mandan and Crow, pp. 458-460 ; of the Yankton, Winnebago, Dah- cota, and Osage, pp. 460-461 ; of the Omaha and Minetari, pp. 461-462. Copies seen: Congress. Lawrence (Lorenzo). See Rigfes (S. R.). See Riggs (S. R.) and Williamson (J.P.). - See Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A.L.). Leclerc (Charles). Bibliotheca | Ameri cana | Histoire, geographic, | voyages, archeologie et linguistique | des | deux Ame riques | et | des lies Philippines j redigde | Par Ch. Leclerc | [Design.] | Paris | Maisonncuve et C ie , libraires- (Sditeurs | 25, quai Voltaire, 25. | 1878. 2 p. 11. pp. i-xx, 1-737, 1 1. 8 D . Supplement No. 1 appeared in 1881 and Supplement No. 2 in 1887. The linguistic part of this volume occupies pp. 537-643 and in arranged alphabet ically under families. The list of Dakota works appears on pp. 576-577 ; Hidatsa. Minetaris ou Gros Ventres, p. 587 ; Omaha, p. 617 ; Oaage, p. 618; Winnebago, p. 642. Copies seen: Boston Athenanim, Bureau of Ethnology, Eames, Maisonneuve, Pilling. Priced by Quaritch, No. 12172, at 12*., and a large paper copy, No. 12173, at H. Is. ; by Le- 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Leclerc (C.) Continued. clerc, supplement, 1881, No. 2831, at 15 fr., and a copy on Holland paper, No. 2832, at 30 fr. ; by Quaritch, No. 30230, large paper copy, 12s. ; by Leclerc, supplement, 1887, p. 121, 15 fr. Legends : Cegiha. See Dorsey (J. O.). Iowa. Dorsey (J.O.). Kansas. Dorsey (J. O.). Missouri. Dorsey (J. 0.). Omaha. Dorsey (J. O.). Oto. Dorsey (J. O.). Santee. Riggs (S. R). Teton. Bushotter (G.). Leland (Charles Godfrey). The [ Union Pacific Kailway, | Eastern Division, | or, | three thousand, miles in a railway car, | By Charles Godfrey Leland. | U. P.R. W.,E.D. | Philadelphia : | Ring-wait & Brown, Steam-Power Book and. Job Printers, | Nos. Ill and 113 South Fourth Street, j 1867. Printed cover, pp. 1-95, 8. Short vocabu lary of the Kaw language, obtained from the na tives and from Mr. II. L. Jones, of Salina, p. 71. Copies seen : Bureau of Ethnology. Fusang | or | The Discovery of America | By [ Chinese Buddhist priests in the | Fifth Century. By | Charles G. Lelaud. | New York: | J.W. Bouton,706 Broad- ; way. [ 1875. Pp. i-xix, 1-212, 12. Contains, pp. 101-109, an extract from Roehrig (F.L.O.),The language of the Dakotas, published in Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Hep. for 1871. Copies seen : Eames. Fusang | or | The Discovery of America : By | Chinese Buddhist priests in the | Fifth Century. [ By | Charles G. Leland. | London: | Triihner & Co., Ludgate Hill. | 1875. | (All rights reserved.) Pp. i-xix, 1-212, 12. Linguistics as above. Copies seen : Astor, British Museum, letters : Assiniboin. See Carnegie (J.). (fegiha. Dorsey (J. O.). Iowa. Dorsey (J. O.). Kansas. Dorsey (J. O.). Missouri. Dorsey (J. O.). Oto. Dorsey (J. O.). Winnebago. Dorsey (J. O.). Iiewi toope. See Williamson (T. S.). Long (Maj. Stephen Harriman). Vocabu laries of the Winnebago, Puant or Nip- pegou, and Naudowessies of Carver and Hennepin. Long (S. H.) Continued. In James (E.), Account of au expedition &Q, vol. 2, pp. Ixxxvi-lxxxviii, Philadelphia, 182S, 8. "Taken down by Major Long during his tour on the Upper Mississippi in the year 1817." These vocabularies are not given in tho Lon don edition, 1823, 3 vols. 8. Lord s prayer: Assiniboin. See Marietti (P.). Assiniboin. Shea (J. G.). Assiniboiu. Smet (P. J. de). Dakota. Bergholtz (G. F.). Dakota. Dawson (S. J.). Dakota. Gallatin (A.). Dakota. Woahope. Hidatsa. Hall(C.L.). Omaha. Hamilton (W.). Osage. Shea (J. G.). Osage. Smet (P. J. de). Osage. Youth s. Oto. Lord s. Santee. Lord s. Sioux. Tuttle (E.B.). Lord s prayer in Otoe. Wakanta eyeiise warohie aetowse. In Bible Society Eecord, vol. 29, p. 151, New York, 1884, 8. (Powell.) Lord s prayer in [Santee] Dacotah or Sioux. In Schoolcraft (H. R.), Indian Tribes, vol. 5, p. 592, Philadelphia, 1855, 4. Lowry (Elizabeth). Numerals [1-1,000,- 000,000] of the Winnebago. In Schoolcraft (H. II.), Indian tribes, vol. 2, pp. 214-216, Philadelphia, 1852, 4. Ludewig (Hermann E.). The | litera ture | of | American aboriginal lan guages. | By | Hermann E. Ludewig. | With additions and corrections | by Professor Wm. W. Turner. | Edited by Nicolas Triibner. | London : | Triibner and Co., 60, Pater noster row. | MDCCCLVIII [1858]. Pp. i-viii, 1 1. pp. ix -xxiv, 1-258, 8. Ar ranged alphabetically by families. Addenda by Wm. W. Turner and Nicolas Triibner, pp. 210-246. List of grammars and vocabularies in Dah- kotah, pp. 59-G1, 219; loway, pp. 80-87, 224; Konza, pp. 97, 225 ; Maha, Omaha, pp. 101, 226 ; Maudan, pp. 106, 228; Minetare, p. 119; Osage, pp. 139-140, 234; Oto, pp. 140,234; Quappa, pp. 156-157; Pviccaree, pp. 163, 237 ; Tetou, p. 186; Winnebago, pp. 200-201 ; Yankton, p. 203. Copies seen: Congress, Eames, Pilling. At the Fischer sale, catalogue No. 990, a copy brought 5s. 6d. ; at the Field sale, catalogue No. 1403, an uncut copy, $2.63; at the Sqnier sale, catalogue No. 699, an uncut copy, $2.62; another uncut copy, No. 1906, $2.38. Priced by Leclerc, 1878, No. 2075, at 15 fr. The Pinart copy, cata- SIOUAN LANGUAGES 47 Ludewig (II. E.) Continued. Ingue No. 563, brought 25 fr. ; the Murphy copy, catalogue "No. 1540, $2.50. Priced by Clarke, catalogue No. 6751, 1886, at $4. Lynd (James William). History of the Dakotas. [From] J. W. Lynd s manu scripts. In Minnesota Hist. Soc. Coll. vol. 2, pt. 2, pp. 57-34, St. Paul, 1865, 8. Paper edited by Rev. S. R. Riggs, the portion here published being chapter 6, Religion of the Dakotas. It contains a number of Dakota terms. For extracts, see Donnelly (I.). [History of the Dakotas and other North-American Indians. ] Manuscript in the library of the Minnesota Historical Society, concerning which Mr. J. Fletcher "Williams, the librarian of the society, writes me as follows : " When Mr. Lynd was murdered by the very savages whose origin, history, religion, and lan guage he had so conscientiously labored to il lustrate in his work, the manuscript was in his trunk, in an apartment of the trading house Lynd ( J. W.) Continued. where he was employed. It then consisted of perhaps 600 pages of foolscap and was com plete aud ready for the press. The Indians threw the package out on the floor, in search of money or other valuables, and the leaves be came scattered on the floor. A fe\v days after ward the troops occupied the building as quar ters, and, unfortunately, no one knowing the value of the manuscript or not caring for it, it was used for waste paper, until an officer with more intelligence than the rest noticed it and saved the remainder in a soiled aud torn state. Out of the 600 pages which it had originally- contained, only 172 leaves remained. Xo one chapter remains complete. Sometimes there are several consecutive leaves, with a break of mauy pages. The chapter on language has now only four leaves. One of these is marked xxvi, showing that it was of considerable length. Other references to the Dakota lan guage are scattered throughout the work. Mr. Lynd seems to have had a theory of the Euro pean origin of the tongue. He gives two tables, one page each, to show similarity between Da kota and European words." M. Mclntosh (John). The ; Origin ; of the I North American Indians; j with a faith ful description of their manners and customs, both civil | and military, their religions, languages, dress, and | orna ments. | To which | is prefixed, a brief vifw oe [sic] the creation of the world, the situation j of the garden of Eden, the Antediluvians, the foundation of | nations by the posterity of Noah, the progenitors | of the N. Americans and the discovery | of the New World by Columbus. | Concluding with a copious selection of Indian speeches, the an tiquities | of America, the civilization of the Mexicans, and some | final obser vations on the origin of the | Indians. | By John Mclntosh. | New York: | Published by Nans & j Cornish, | 278 Pearl Street.*) 1843. Pp. iii-xxxvi, 37-311, 8. Particularities of the Indian languages [Algonquin, Huron, Sioux ] . pp. 92-97. Copies seen: Astor, British Museum, Con gress. Some copies titled as above bear the date of 1844. (*) The first edition was: Toronto. Coates, 1836 t 8, in which the linguistics appear on pp. 43-47. j The | Origin | of the | North Ameri can Indians ; | with a | faithful descrip- Mclntosh (J.) Continued, tion of their manners and | customs, both civil and military, their religions, languages, dress, | and ornaments : | including | various specimens of Indian eloquence, as well as histor | ical and biographical sketches of almost all the | distinguished nations and celebrated | warriors, statesmen and orators, | among the [ Indians of North America. New edition, improved aud enlarged. | By John Mclntosh. | New-York: | Published by Nafis & Cornish, | 278 Pearl Street. | Philadel phia-John B. Perry. [1V44.] Pp. i-xxxv, 39-345, 12. Linguistics, pp. 93-98. Copies seen : British Museum. Some copies with title as above have a slightly differing imprint, the second line thereof being: St. Louis, (Mo.) Nans, Cornish & Co. The Briuley sale catalogue, No. 5427, titles a copy New York [1846], which sold for $1. The | origin | of the | North Ameri can Indians; j with a | faithful descrip tion of their manners and | customs, both civil and military, their | relig ions, languages, dress, | and orna ments: | including | various specimens of Indian eloqnence, as well as histor | ical and biographical sketches of 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Mclntosh (J.) Continued. almost all the | distinguished nations and celebrated | warriors, statesmen and orators, | among the | Indians of North America. | New edition, im proved and enlarged. | By John Mcln tosh. | Xew York : | Cornish, Lamport & Co., publishers, | No. 8 Park Place. | 1849. Pp. 1-345, 8. Linguistics as in edition of 1843, pp. 93-98. Copies seen .- Boston Public, British Museum. Leclerc, 1878, No. 945, prices a copy at 20 fr. I have seen an edition of 1853 with title-page otherwise as above. (Congress.) The | Origin | of the I North Amer ican Indians; | with a | faithful de- i scription of their manners and | cus toms, both civil and military, their | religions, languages, dress, | and orna ments. | Including | various specimens of Indian eloquence, as well as histor- | ical and biographical sketches of almost all the | distinguished - tious and celebrated | warriors, statesmen and orators, | among the | Indians of North America. | New Edition, improved and enlarged. | By John Mclntosh. | New York: j Sheldon, Blakeman and Co. | No. 115 Nassau Street. | 1867. 1 p. 1. pp. v-xxxv, 39-345, 8. Linguistics as above. Copies seen: British Museum. Some copies with title as above have the im print : New York: | Sheldon and Company. | No. 115 Nassau Street. | 1858, collation and contents as above; and some copies with the latter imprint are dated 1859. (Wisconsin His torical Society.) McKenney (Rev. Edward). [Omahaw ] primer. 1850.] 8 pp. 16, curiously paged, the recto of 1. 1 having no number, the verso paged 3 ; 1. 2 is paged 4, both recto and verso; 1. 3 unpaged: 1. 4 recto paged 7, verso 8. The only copies I have seen are without the I title-page; the first page begins: Lesson I. Alphabet of Omahaw syllables. It contains, j in addition to the alphabet and words of two or j more syllables, the Lord s prayer, an account of ! the creation and fall of man, and two hymns. | This is the first publication in the Omaha lan guage. The author, a Presbyterian missionary ! to the Omahas from 1846 to 1853, was aided in : his work by Louis Sans Souci, a native Omaha. Copies seen : Pilling, Powell. The only other copy of which I have seen any mention was that which was sold at the Field sale, catalogue No. 1725 ; it brought 40 cents. Magnificat. See Hiiiman (S. D.). Maka-oyakapi. See Riggs (S. R.) and Riggs (A. L ). Makoce wowapi. See Riggs (S. R.) and Riggs ( A. L.). Mallery (Col. Garrick). A calendar of the Dakota nation. In Hayden (F. V.), Bulletin, vol. 3, pp. 3-25, Washington, 1877, 8. Dakota terms passim. Also issued sepa rately with half-title. Mandan : General discussion. See Duncan (D.). General discussion. Maximilian (A. P.). Gentes. Morgan (L. H.). Grammatic treatise. Hayden (F. V.). Grammatic treatise. Maximilian (A. P.). Numerals. Smet (P. J. de). Personal names. Catlin (G.). Personal names. Indian. Personal names. Jackson (W. H.). Personal names. Treaties. Relationships. Morgan (L. H.). Ten commandments. Hall (C. L.). Vocabulary. Bowen (B. F.). Vocabulary. Catlin (G.). Vocabr ary. Domenech (E.). Vocabulary. Donnelly (L). Vocabulary. Hall (C. L.). Vocabulary. Hayden (F. V.). Vocabulary. Hoffman (W.I.). Vocabulary. Kipp (J.). Vocabulary. Latham (R. G.). Vocabulary. Morgan (L. H.). Vocabulary. Rafinesque (C. S.} Vocabulary. Smet (P. J. de). Words. Catlin (G.). Words. Frost (J.). Marietti (Pietro), editor. Oratio Domin ica | in CCL. lingvas versa | et | CLXXX. charactervm formis | vel nos- tratibvs vel peregrinis expressa | cvraute | Petro Marietti | Eqvite Typo- grapho Poutificio j Socio Admiuistro | Typographei | S. Consilii de Propa ganda Fide | [Printer s device. ] | Ro- mae | Anno M. DCCC. LXX [1870]. * 5 p. 11. (half-title, title, and dedication), pp. xi-xxvii, 1-319, 4 11. indexes, 4. Includes 59 versions of the Lord s prayer in various Ameri can dialects, among them the Assiniboin, p. 307. Title and description furnished by Dr. J. H. Trumbull from copy in his possession. Marty (Bishop Martin). [Teton baptis mal card. 1885?] An 18 card, in the Teton dialect of the Da- kota language, given by Bishop Marty, vicar apostolic of Dakota, to the Indians who are re ceived into his church. Below the spaces for entering name, date of birth, of baptism, &c. ia SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 49 Marty (M.) Continued. the apostles creed. On the reverse side of the card are the commandments of God and the church, in verse, as sung by the Catholic chil dren, with heading as follows: Tuwe mini akastanpi kin he wokonze kin heiia opa kta iyecetu, the literal translation of which is: "Who water they-pour-on-him the that law the those follow will right. Copies seen : Powell, Shea. Matthews (Dr. Washington). Gram mar and dictionary | of the | language of the Hidatsa | (Minnetarees, Grosven- tres of the Missouri). | With an | intro ductory sketch of the tribe. | By | Washington Matthews. J New York: j Cramoisy Press. | 1873. Pp. i-xxv, 27-148, large 8=. Shea s American | Linguistics, Series II, Xo. I. Introduction, pp. j v-xxv. Hidatsa grammar, pp. 27-59. Die- ; tionary of the Hidatsa language, pp. 61-148. Copies seen: Astor, Boston Athenaeum, Brit ish Museum, Congress, Eaines, Powell, Trum- bulL Priced by Leclerc, 1878, Xo. 2252, at 30 f r. ; by Triibner, 1882, p. 78, at 11. 10s. At the Pinart sale, catalogue Xo. 597, a copy brought 11 fr. j Priced by Quaritch, Xo. 30078, at 12s. Hidatsa (Minnetaree) English | Dic tionary, j By ) Washington Matthews. | New York : j Cramoisy Press. | 1874. 2 p. 11. pp. 149-169, large 8. Shea s Ameri can Linguistics, Series II, Xo. 2. English- Hidatsa vocabulary, pp. 149-168. Copies seen : Astor, Boston Athenaeum, Brin- ton, Congress, Eames, Powell, Trumbull. Priced by Triibner, 1882, p. 78, at 15s. Department of the Interior. | United States Geological and Geographi cal Sur vey. | F. V. Haydeu, U. S. Geologist-iu- Charge. ( Miscellaneous publications, No. 7. | Ethnography and philology | of the | Hidatsa Indians. | By | Wash ington Matthews, | assistant surgeon United States Army. | Washington : | Government Printing Office. | 1877. Pp. i-vi, 1-239, 8^. Ethnography, pp. 1-72, I includes list of relationships, pp. 55-56. Phi- j lology, pp. 73-85. Hidatsa grammar, pp. 87- j rji. Hidatsa dictionary, pp. 123-212. Eu- glish-Hidatsa vocabulary, pp. 213-239. Copies seen : Astor, British Museum, Con- I gress, Dorsey, Eames, Pilling, Powell, Trum- ! bull. Priced by Triibner, 1882, p. 78, at 11. Us. 6d. At the Murphy sale, catalogue Xo. 1G42, a copy ; brought 35 cents. Priced again by Triibner, ! Oriental and Linguistic Publications, 188."), p. 46, at II. Us. Gd. ; by Koehler, catalogue 440, Xo, 904. at 9 M. ; by Quaritch, X"o. 30079, at 15s. ; and by Clarke, catalogue Xos. 6521 and 6746, 1886, at $2. SIOUAN 4 Maximilian (Alexander Philipp, Prim roit IHed-Neuwied). Reise | in | das in- nere Nord- America | in den Jahren 1832 bis 1834 | von | Maximilian Prinz zu Wied. | Mit 48 Kupfern, 33 Vignetten, vieleu Holzschnitten undeiner Charte. ; Erster[-Zweiter] Band. | Coblenz, 1839[-1841]. | Bei J. Hoel- scher. 2 vols. 4. Xames of the gentes of the Crow Indians, vol. 1, p. 401. Proper names, with En glish signification, of members of several tribes, among them the Sioux, Omahas, Joways, and Otoes, p. 648. Sprachproben der Assiniboins, vol. 2, p. 480. Ein Paar Worte der Crows (Corbeaux), p. 490. Sprachproben der Dacota (Sioux) vom Stamme dt-r Tanktonans, pp. 491- 498. Ein Paar Worte der Tetons (Dacota), p. 498. Ein Paar Worte der Konsa-Sprache, p. 504. Sprache der Mandans oder Xumaugkake, pp. 514-544. Grammaticalischer Versuch iiber die Mandan-Sprache, pp. 544-557. Abweichun- gen der Mandan-Sprache in den beiden Dorfern dieses Stammes, pp. 557-561. Sprachproben der Monnitarris, pp. 562-590. Worte der Oto- Sprache, pp. 612-630. Copies seen : Congress. At the Field sale, catalogue Xo. 1512, a copy of this edition together with one of the London 1843 edition brought $40.50. Voyage | dans 1 inte rieur | de | PAme rique du Nord, | exe cute pendant les aime*es 1832, 1833 et 1834, | par | le prince Maximilien de Wied-Neuwied. | Ouvrage | accompagne d un Atlas de 80 planches environ, | format demi-colom- bier, | dessine es sur les lieux | Par M. Charles Bodmer, | et | gravdes par les plus habiles artistes de Paris et de Londres. | Tome premier[-troisieme]. | Paris, | chez Arthus Bertrand, edi- teur, | libraire de la Socie te de go- graphie de Paris, | et de la Socie te" royale des antiquaires du nord, | rue Hautefeuille, 25. | 1840[-1843]. 3 vols. 8. Only a portion of the linguistics appearing in the German edition is given in the above. Xotice sur les laugues de diffe rentes nations au nord-ouest de 1 Amerique, vol. 3, pp. 373-398, contains a vocabulary of 23 words of the different languages treated of in the Ger man edition, pp. 379-382. Essai d une gram- ruaire de la langue Mandane, pp. 383-388. De la langue des sigues en usage chez les Indieus, pp. 389-398. Copies seen: Congress. Travels | in | the interior of | North America. | By | Maximilian, prince of Wied. j With numerous engravings on wood, | and a large map. | Translated. 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Maximilian (A. P.) Continued. from tlie German, | by H. Evans Lloyd. | To accompany the original series of eighty-one | elaborately- col oured plates. | Size, imperial folio. | London : | Ackermanu & Co., 9C, Strand. | MDCCCXLIII [1843]. Pp. i-x, 1-52C, map, 4. Hieroglyphic Indian letter from a Mandan to a fur trader, with ex planation, p. 352. On the origin of the Otos, Joways, and Missouris, p. 507. Indian signa tures to contract for sale of land, with English significations, p. 508. Neither the vocabularies appearing in the German edition nor the extracts in the French issue are given in this edition. Copies seen : Astor, Boston Athenaeum, Con gress, Watkinson. Sold at the Field sale, together with a copy of the Coblenz edition (see third title above), for $40.50 ; at the Murphy sale, catalogue No. 1645, a half-morocco copy brought $42, and one without the plates, half-russia, No. 3014, $4. Priced by Quaritch, No. 28991, a half-morocco copy, 81. 15s. Mazakute (Rev. Paul). See Cook (J. W.) and others. Mazakute was a Santee presbyter of the Protestant Episcopal Church, missionary to Mad Bull s band of Yauktons, at Choteau Creek, Dakota, in 1870. In 1871 he was trans ferred to the Santee reservation and was given charge of the mission at Bazillo Creek, which post he held until his death in 1872. He was the author of a number of the hymns which are included in the various collections. [Mazzuchelli (Rev. Samuel).] Ocangra Aramee WawaA afcara, | (OrWiimebago Prayer Book.) | [Three lines quotation in Winnebago. ] j Waiastauoeca, , 1833. Geo. L. Whitney, printer. | Detroit, 1833. Title verso blank 1 1. prayers, pp. 3-9; hymns, pp. 10-14 ; catechism on the principles of faith, pp. 15-16; alphabet and numerals, p. 17; words of one syllable &c. p. 18 ; 16. The text is en tirely in the Winnebago language. This is the first publication, so far as I know, of a text in any of the dialects of the Siouan family. Copies seen: Boston Atheuoeum, Powell. Mazzuchelli, in his Memorie istoricho ed edi- fiauti d un roissionario apostolico, Milan, 1844, speaks of this little book as follows, "the mis sionary" referred to meaning himself: "The number of the new Christians had now in creased to about 200 when the missionary pro ceeded to the city of Detroit, 700 miles from the "Wisconsin River, in order to print the few things that had been translated into Wiuue- bago. These formed a tract of 18 pages, small octavo, and contain * * *. The little book was entitled Ocangra Aramee * * *, Detroit, 1833." Merrill (Moses). Wdtwhtl | Wdwdklha Tva | Eva Wdhonetl. ! Mariu Awdofka. j Otoe Hymn Book. | By Moses Merrill. | Shawanuoe Mission. | J. Meeker, Printer. | 1834. Printed cover, title as above 1 1. text pp. 3-12, 16. The title on cover is abridged somewhat, as follows : Wdtwhtl | Wdwdklha Tva | Eva | Wdho netl. : Shawannoe Mission, J. Meeker,,Piiuter. , 1834. Copies seen : Boston Athenaeum. - Wdkuntl Eeifa | Cesus Kryst | Wd wdklha Atva, | Wdhseka Ukewyglhce Atvakiueitlnl | Wowdkowika | Marin | Wdtotl Wdkwnga Atva | 1837. Printed cover, pp. 1-32, 12. Title from a copy belonging to the son of the translator. The printed cover reads as follows : The history | of | our Lord and Saviour | Jesus Christ; | comprehending all that the | Four Evangelists | have recorded concerning him | all their relations being brought together in one | narrative so that no circumstance is omitted, but | that inestimable history is con tinued in one series | in the very words of Scripture | by the Rev. Samuel Lieberkuhu, M. A, | Translated into the | language of the | Otoe, loway, and Missouri j tribes of Indians | by Moses Merrill | Missionary of the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions | assisted by Louis Dorion interpreter | Part I. | Meeker Printer Shawanoe Baptist Mission | 1837 Mr. Merrill, the fourth son of Rev. Daniel Merrill, A. M., of Sedgwick, Me., was born De cember 15, 1803. In 1828 he was licensed to preach, and in 1832 was ordained a minister in the Baptist Church. On June 1, 1830, he was married to Eliza, the daughter of Gen. Silvanus Wilcox, of Charleston, N. Y. About the time of his ordination he and Mrs. Merrill were ap pointed missionaries to the Indians by the Baptist Board of Foreign Missions, and were directed to labor on the shores of Lake Supe rior. They left the State of Maine in August of that year and arrived at Sault Ste. Marie in October. There, in company with Messrs. Bingham and Meeker, they spent the Aviuter in missionary labors, designing to ascend to Lake Superior in the following spring. Previ ous to their departure, however, the Board of Missions directed them to a more promising field of labor. They left Sault Ste. Marie in May, 1833, and arrived at the Shawanoe Mission House, within the then Indian Territory, on the 13th of the following. July. In October they departed for their station among the Oto. In reaching this they had to penetrate the wilderness about two hundred miles from Shawanoe, a journey of twenty-four days. The Oto village was on the south bank of the Platte River near its j unction with the Missouri, the mission station being SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 51 Merrill (M.) Continued. on the north bank. Upon their arrival Mr. and Mrs. Merrill entered zealously upon their labors and early undertook to learn the Oto language. Mr. Merrill became so fluent as to preach to the Indians in their own tongue. He died February 6, 1840. The work of translation into the Oto dialect was undertaken the next year after the opening of the mission at Bellevue. The interpreter first employed could only translate from the French language ; aud from that the words were put into Oto. September 3, 1634, Mr. Merrill -writes : " I have now in press a small work for the Otoes. In making my translations I am obliged to employ two interpreters, a French and an Otoe. and besides this I have to ride twenty miles to the trading post to get them." This pamphlet is doubtless the Oto Hymn Book titled above. In Mr. Merrill s journal under date of No vember 17, 1834, occurs this entry : "Preparing manuscript for second Otoe reading book," and under date of April 16, 1835, "My third Otoe book is printed." I am indebted to Mr. S. P. Merrill, Rochester, X. T., a son of the author, for the above notes. Miege (Biship). See Shea (J. G.). Minitari : General discussion. See Maximilian (A. P.). Gentes. Morgan (L. H.). Numerals. James (E.). Personal names. Indian. Personal names. Treaties. Relationships. Morgan (L. H.). Vocabulary. Balbi (A.). Tocabulary. Gallatiu (A.). Vocabulary. Hayden (F. V.). Vocabulary. Latham (R. G.)_ Vocabulary. Morgan (L. H.). Words. Charencey (H. de). See, also, Hidatsa. Minneconju. See Teton. Mission service : Santee. See Hinman (S. D.). Santee. Hiuman (S. D.) and Cook (J. W.). Santee. Hinman (S. D.) and Robertson (T. A.) Mission Service. See Hinman (S. D.). Missouri : Bible, gospels (in See Merrill (M.). part). Gentes. Morgan (L. H.). Legends. Dorsey (J. O.). Letters. Dorsey (J. O.). Personal names. Catlin (G.). Personal names. Dorsey (J. O.). Personal names. Jackson (W. H.). Personal names. Treaties. Relationships. Morgan (L. H.). Stories. Dorsey (J. O.). Model lirst reader. See Riggs (S. R.). [Montgomery (Rev. William B.) and Requa (Rev. W. C.).] Washashe wageressa pahygreh | tse. | The Osage first book. | [Picture.] | Boston: | printed for the American Board of Commissioners | for Foreign Missions, by Crocker & Brewster I 1834. Pp. 1-126, 18. Familiar sentences in Osage and English interlinear, pp. 13-24. Selections from Proverbs, pp. 25-33 Genesis, pp. 34-49. Ten commandments, pp. 50-51. Isaiah, pp. 52-54. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, pp. 55-126. Copies seen: Boston Athena-urn, Congress, Eames, Powell. At the Brinley sale one copy, catalogue No. 5763, brought $1 ; another, No. 5764, 50 cents. Morgan (Alfred). A description of a Dakotan Calendar, with a few ethno graphical and other notes on the Da- kotas, or Sioux Indians, and their terri tory. By Alfred Morgan. In Literary and Philosophical Soc. of Liver pool Proc.vol. 33, pp. 233-253, Londonand Liver pool, 1879, 8. Names of Dakota bands, pp. 239-240, and a number of Dakota terms passim. Morgan (Lewis Henry). Smithsonian contributions to knowledge. | 218 | Systems | of | consanguinity and af finity | of the | human family. | By | Lewis H. Morgan. | Washington City : | published by the Smithsonian Institution. | 1871. Title on cover as above, pp. i-xii, 1-590, platea, 4. Forms vol. 17, Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Tableof consanguinity of the Seneca-Iroquois and Yankton-Dakota, pp. 167-169. Table of re lationships, Winnebagoe and Isauntie-Dakota, p. 181. Comparative vocabulary of the Mandan, Kaw, Otoe, Isauntie-Dakota, and Winnebagoes, p. 182. Comparative vocabulary of the Minui- taree, Crow, Chocta [and others], p. 183. A few words in the Crow language, p. 186. Table of relationships in Seneca, Wyandote, Yankton, Mandan, Kaw, Otoe, Chocta, and Cherokee, p. 194. System of consanguinity and affinity of the Dakotan stem, Dakota nation, pp. 293-382. includes, lines 9-27, the following dialects: Isanntie, Yankton, Yauktonais, Sissetou, Ogalalla, Brule, Fncpapa, Blackfoot, Asini- boine, Punka, Omaha, Iowa, Otoe (Missouri the same), Kaw, Osage (Quappa the same), Wiuuebagoe, Mandan, Minnitaree, Crow. Copies seen: Astor, British Museum, Bureau of Ethnology, Congress, Eames, Trumbull. - Ancient society | or | researches in the lines of human progress | from savagery, through barbarism | to civ- 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Morgan (L. H.) Continued. ilization | by | Lewis H. Morgan, LL. D | member of the National Academy of Sciences. Author of "The League of the Iroquois," | "The American Beaver and his Works," "Systems of Consanguinity and | Affinity of the Hu man Family," Etc. ] [Two lines quota tion.] | New York | Henry Holt and Com pany | 1877 Pp. i-xvi, 1-560, 8. Proper names iu Omaha, with English signification, p. 78. List of geutes of the Punkas and Omahas, p. 155; ofthelowas, Otoes and Missouris, audKaws, p. 156; of the Winnebagoes, p. 157 ; of the Mandans and Minni- tarees, p. 158; of the Upsarokas or Crows, p. 159. Copies seen: British Museum, Bureau of Eth nology, Congress. Some copies with title as above have the im print: London | Macrnillan and Co. | 1877 (British Museum.) There is also a New York edition of 1878. (Bureau of Ethnology. ) Miiller (Dr. Friedrich). Die Sprachen j der | schlichthaarigen Rassen | von f D r - Friedrich Miiller | Professor [&c. eight lines]. | I. Abtheilung. | Die Sprachen der australischeu, der hyper- boreischen | und der amerikauischen Rasse [sic]. | Wien 1882. | Alfred Holder | K. K. Hof- und Universitiits-Buohhiindler | Rothenthurmstrasse 15. Pp. i-x, 1-440, 8. Forms pt. 1, vol. 2, of Grund- riss der Sprachwisseuschaft, Wien, 1876-1882, 2 vols. 8. Die Sprache der Dakota, pp. 214-222. Copies seen: A stor, British Museum, Bureau of Ethnology, Watkinsou. Murray (Dr. ). Worter der Osage- Sprache aufgenommtu von Dr. Murray. In Yater (J. S ), Analekten der Sprachen- kunde, pp. 53-62, Leipzig, 1821, 8. There is a manuscript Osage vocabulary by this author in the library of the American Phil osophical Society, Philadelphia, probably the original of the above. (*) Names of animals: Dakota. Dakota. See Hayden (F. V.). Hoffman (W.J.). Names of gods, Santee. See Eiggs (S. K.). Names of months: Dakota, See Hayden (F. V.). Dakota. Hind (H. Y.). Dakota. Keating (W. H.). Sioux. Beltrami (G. C.). Winnebago. Fletcher (A. C.). National Museum : These words followiDg a title indicate that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the museum library, Washington, D. C. Naudowessi : General discussion. See Court de Gebelin (A. de). Numerals. James (E.). Vocabulary. Adelung (J. C.) and Vater (J. S.). Vocabulary. Barton (B. S.). Vocabulary. Baudry de Lozieres Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Words. Words. Words. Words. See, also, Sioux. Carver (J.). Edwards (J.). Gallatiu (A.). Hale(E.E.). Johnes (A. J.). Vater (J. S.). Warden (D. B.). Neill (Edward Duffield). Indian trade. A sketch of the early trade and traders of Minnesota. By Edward D. Neill. Neill (E. D.) Continued. In Minnesota Hist. Soc. Annals, 1852, pp. 29- 48, St. Paul [1853], 8. Names of the bands of Scioux of the east, with their signification, and The Scioux of the west [with their signification], p. 40. Dakota laud and Dakota life. By Edward D. Neill. In Minnesota Hist. Soc. Annals [1852], pp. 45-64, St. Paul [1853], 8. Names of the Scioux of the east, with their signification, pp. 46-47 ; Language, pp. 49-50 ; Song and translation, p. 53 ; List of moons, p. 62. Reprinted in Minnesota Hist. Soc. Coll. vol. 1, pp. 254-294, St. Paul, 1872, 8. Annals | of the | Minnesota Histor ical Society. | MDCCCLVI, j contain ing ] Materials | for the | History of Minnesota. | [Seal.] | Prepared by | Edward D. Neill, Secretary of the So ciety. | Saint Paul: | Joseph R. Brown, Ter ritorial Printer, | Pioneer and Democrat Office. | 1856. Second title : Materials | for the future | His tory of Minnesota; | being a | Report | of the | Minnesota Historical Society | to the | Legis lative Assembly | in accordance with a joint resolution. | Fifteen hundred copies ordered to be printed for the use of the Legislature. | Saint Paul: | Joseph R. Brown, Territorial Printer, | Pioneer and Democrat Office. I 1856. SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 53 Neill (E. D.) Continued. 1 p. 1. pp. 1-141, 1-17, 8. Forms vol. 5 of the Minnesota Hist. Soc. Annals. Names of the bands of the Scioux of the east, with their sig nifications, p. 40. Title from Mr. W. Eames, from a copy in the Astor Library. The | history of ruinnesota: | from the | earliest french explorations j to the | present time. | By | Edward Duf- field Neill, | Secretary of the Minnesota Historical Society. | [Quotation one line.] | Philadelphia: | J. B. Lippincott & Co. | 1858. Pp. i-xlviii, 49-628, 8. Dakota hymn, with translation, p. 64. Dakota names for the months, with translations, p. 86. Dakota al phabet, p. 97. Copies neen : Astor, British Museum. The | history of Minnesota: | from the | earliest French explorations | to the j present time. | By | Edward Duf- field Neill, Cor. Mem. [&c. two lines]. , [Quotation one line.] | Second edition, revised and enlarged. | Philadelphia: | J. B. Lippincott & Co. | Minneapolis, Minn. : | T. T. Bach- eller & Co. | 1873. Pp. i-lii, 49-758, 8. Linguistics as in edition of 1858. Copies seen: Congress. The | history of Minnesota : | from the | earliest French explorations | to the | present time, | by the | Rev. Ed ward Duffield Neill, | president of Mac- alester College; | Corresponding Mem ber of Massachusetts Historical Society ; Author of | "Virginia Company of Lon don, ""The English Colonization of | America," ["]Fouiiders of Maryland," Etc., Etc., Etc. | [One line quota tion.] | Fourth edition, revised and en larged. | Minneapolis: | Minnesota Historical Company. | 1882. Neill (E. D.) Continued. Pp. i-lii, 49-928, 1-10, 1-16, 1-4, 8. - Linguis tics as in edition of 1858. Copies seen: British Museum, Congress. Nippegon. See Winnebago. Norris (Philetus W.). The | calumet of the Coteau, | and other | poetical leg ends of the border. | Also, | a glossary of Indian names, words, and | western provincialisms. | Together with | a guide-book | of the | Yellowstone Na tional Park. | By P. W. Norris, | five years Superintendent of the Yellow stone National Park. | All rights re served. | Philadelphia: | J. B. Lippincott & Co. [ 1883. Frontispiece 1 1. pp. 3-275, sm. 8. Glossary of Indian words and provincialisms, pp. 223- 233, contains a number of Dakota words. Copies seen: National Museum, Pilling, Powell. Numerals : Assiniboin. See Smet (P.J. de). Dakota. James (E.). Dakota. Williamson (A. W.). Hidatsa. Williamson (A. W.). Iowa. Williamson (A. W.). Kansas. Haldeman (S. S.). Kansas. James (E.). Maudan. Smet (P. J. de). Minitari. James (E.). Naudowessi. James (E.). Omaha. James (E.). Omaha. Smet (P. J. de). Osage. Haldeman (S. S.). Osage. Pott (A. F.). Oto. James (E.). Oto. Smet (P. J. de). Quapaw. James (E.). Santee. Chase (P. E.). Santee. Prescott (P.). Sioux. Smet (P. J. de). Sioux. Trumbull (J. H.). Tutelo. Wilson (D.). Wiunebago. James (E.). Winuebago. Lowry (E.). Yankton. James (E.). 0. OcangraArameeWawafcafcara. SeeMaz- zuchelli(S.). Odowan. See Hinman (S. D.). Odowari. Dakota hymns. See "Will iamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A. L.). Oglala : Personal names. See Indian. Personal names. Jackson (W. H.). Personal names. Tuttle (E. B.). Relationships. Morgan (L. H.). Vocabulary. Everette ( W. E.). Okodakiciye wakau. and others. See Cook ( J. W. ) Okodakiciye wocekiye. See Hinmau (S. D.) and Cook (J. W.) Okna hayake. See Cook (J. W.). Omaha : Bible (portions). See Hamilton (W.). Gentes. Morgan (L. H.). Geographic names. Hamilton (W.). Hymns. Hamilton (W.). 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Omaha Continued. Osage Continued. Legends. See Dorsey (J. O.). Poetry. See Ponziglione (P. M. ). Lord s prayer. Hamilton (W.). Prayers. Smet (P. J. de). Numerals. James (E.). Primer. Montgomery (W. B.) Numerals. Smet (P. J. de). andRequa(W. C.). Personal names. Catlin (G.). Relationships. Elder (P. E.). Personal names. Correspondence. Relationships. Morgan (L. H.). Personal names. Dorsey (J. O.). Vocabulary. Adelung (J. C.) and Personal names. Indian. Vater (J. S.). Personal names. Jackson (W. H.). Vocabulary. Balbi (A.). Personal names. Maximilian (A. P.). Vocabulary. Bradbury (J.). Personal names. Treaties. Vocabulary. Domenech (E.). Primer. McKeuuey (E.). Vocabulary. Dorsey (J. O.). Relationships. Morgan (L. H.). Vocabulary. Gallatin (A.). Relationships. Sturges (C.). Vocabulary. Latham (R. G.). Sentences. Dorsey (J. O.). Vocabulary. Murray ( ). Sentences. Hamilton (W.). Vocabulary. Pike (A.). Songs. Dorsey (J. O.). Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Songs. Fletcher (A. C.). Words. Clarkson (M.). Vocabulary. Balbi (A.). Woids. Hunter (J. D.). Vocabukry. Gallatin (A.). Words. Latham (R. G.). Vocabulary. Hamilton (W.). Words. Murray ( ). Vocabulary. Hayden (F. V.). Oto : Vocabulary. Latham (R. G.). Bible, gospels (part). See Merrill (M.). Vocabulary. Riggs (S. R.). General discussion. James (E.); Vocabulary. Say (T.). Gentes. Morgan (L. H.). Vocabulary. Williamson (T. S.). Hymns. Merrill (M.). Words. Latham (R. G.). Legends. Dorsey (J. O.). See, also, (/Jegiha. Letters. Dorsey (J. O.). Oowa wowapi. See Williamson ( J. P. ). Lord s prayer. Lord s. Numerals. James (E.). Oppert (Gustav). On the classification Numerals. Smet (P. J. de). of languages. A contribution to com- Personal names. Catalogue. parative philology. Personal names. Catlin (G.). In Madras Journal of Literature and Science Personal names. Correspondence. for 1879, pp. 1-137, London, 1879, 8. Personal names. Dorsey (J. O.). Relationships of the Dakota nations, Mis Personal names. Indian. souri nations, and Upper Missouri nations Persona] names. Jackson (W. H.). (from Morgan), pp. 114-115. Personal names. Maximilian (A. P.). Personal names. Smet (P. J. de). Osage : General discussion. See Jehan (L.-F.). General discussion. Pott (A. P.). Lord s prayer. Shea (J. G.). Lord s prayer. Smet (P. J. de). Lord s prayer. Youth s. Numerals. Haldeman (S. S.). Personal names. Reading book. Relationships. Relationships. Stories. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Treaties. Merrill (M.). Guthrie (H. A.), Morgan (L. H.). Dorsey ( J. O.). Balbi (A.). Gallatin (A.). Numerals. Pott (A. P.). Personal names. Catalogue. Personal names. Indian. Personal names. Jackson (W. H.). Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Haydeu (F. V.). Morgan (L. H.). Say (T.). Personal names. Treaties. Otokahe ekta. See RenviUe(J.). P. Periodical : Santee. See Dakota. Santee. lapi. Yankton. Anpao. Yankton. lapi. Personal names : Assiniboin. See Catlin (G.). Crow. Beckwourth (J. P.). Crow. Catlin (G.). Crow. Frost (J.). Personal names Contin ued. Crow. Crow. Crow. Dakota. Dakota. Hidatsa. Iowa. Iowa. Iowa. See Indian. Jackson (W. H.). Treaties. Hayden (F. V.). Jackson (W.H.). Catlin (G.). Catalogue. Catlin (G.). Dorsey (J. 0.). SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 55 Personal names Continued. Personal names Continued. Iowa. See Foster (T.). Tetou. See Indian. Iowa. Indian. Teton. Treaties. Iowa. Jackson (W. H.). Teton. Tuttlo (E. B.). Iowa. Kent(M.B.). Wiunebago. Bainl(H. S.). Iowa. Maximilian (A. P.). Winnebago. Catalogue. Iowa. Treaties. Winuebago. Catliu (G.). Kansas. Catalogue. Winnebago. Foster (T.). Kansas. Catlin (G.). Winnebago. Indian. Kansas. Dorsey ( J. O.). Winnebago. Treaties. Kansas. Indian. Yankton. Indian. Kansas. Treaties. Yankton. Treaties. Mandan. Catlin(G.). Yankton. Tuttle (E. B.). Mandan. Mandan. Marulan. Indian. Jackson (W. H.). Treaties. Phelps (Edwin). See Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A.L.). Miuitari. Indian. Phrases : Minitari. Treaties. Crow. See Hayden (F. V.). Missouri. Catlin(G.). Hidatsa. Hall (C. L.). Missouri. Dorsey (J. O.). Yankton. Cook (J. W.). Missouri. , Jackson (W. H.). Pick (Per. B.). The Bible in the lan Missouri. Oglala. Treaties. Indian. guages of America. By Rev. B. Pick, Oglala. Jackson (W. H.). Ph. D., Rochester, N. Y. Oglala. Tuttle (E. B.). In The New-York Evangelist, Xo. 2518, New Oinaha. Catlin (G.). York, June 27, 1878. Omaha. Correspondence. An article on twenty-four different versions Oraaba. Dorsey (J. O.). of portions of the Bible extant in the languages Omaha. Indian. of America, including slight reference to the Omaha. Jackson (W. H.). Dakota, Omaha. Maximilian (A. P.). Pickering (John). See Edwards (J.). Omaha. Osage. Osage. Treaties. Catalogue. Indian. Pike (Gen. Albert). [Vocabulary of the Osage language.] Osage. Jackson (W. H.). Manuscript, 11 11. folio, 200 words, in the Osage. Treaties. library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Oto. Oto. Catalogue. Catlin (G.). Pilgrim s progress. See Riggs (S. R.). Oto. Correspondence. Pilling : This word following a title indicates that Oto. Dorsey (J. O.). a copy of the work referred to is in the posses Oto. Indian. sion of the compiler of this catalogue. Oto. Jackson (W. H.). Poetry, Osage. See Ponziglione (P. M.). Oto. Maximilian (A. P.). Oto. Smet (P. J. de). Polk (J. F.), editor. See Investigator. Oto. T ifipfl Ponka. Catlin (G.). Pond (Rev. Gideon Holister). Wootanin Ponka. Dorsey (J. O.). waxte Luka owa qon. The gospel by Ponka. Indian. Luke, in the Dakota language; trans Ponka. Jackson (W. H.). lated by G. II. Pond, esq. Ponka. Treaties. In Pond (G. H.) and Renville (J.), Wootanin Quapaw. Indian. waxte Luka qa Jan, pp. 161-241, Cincinnati, Quapaw. Treaties. 1843, 12. This latter work is appended to and Santee. Indian. paged continuously (161-296) with Williamson San tee. Jackson (W. H.). (T. S.) and others, Wicoicage wowapi, Cincin Santee. Tuttle (E.B.). nati, 1842, 12. Sioux. Catalogue. The translation of the Santee words in the Sioux. Catlin (G.). title is: News good Luke he-wrote-it in-the- Sioux. Eastman (M. H.). past. Sioux. Sioux. Ftatherstonhaugh (G.W.). Frost (J.). Power and influence of Dakota Sioux. Indian. medicine-men. Sioux. Maximilian (A. P.). In Schoolcraft (H. R.), Indian Tribes, vol. 4, Sioux. Sioux. pp. 641-651, Philadelphia, 1854, 4. Sioux. Smet (P. J. de). Contains Santee medicine song, with transla Sioux. Treaties. tion. Song reprinted in ibid. vol. 6, p. 655. 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Pond (G. H.) Continued. Dakota superstitions. By G. H. Pond, of Bloomington. In Minnesota Hist. Soc. Coll. vol. 2, pt. 3, pp. 3-2-62, St. Paul, 1867, 8. Contains Dakota songs, with translation. See Pond (S. W.) and Pond (G. H.). See Riggs (S. K.). - See Riggs (S. K.) and Pond (G. H.). See Riggs (S. R.) and Williamson (J.P.). See Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A.L.). editor. See Dakota tawaxitku. and Renville (Joseph). Wootanin waxte | Luka qa Jan, | owapi qon hena eepi; | Matorota qa Psincinca oka- gapi. | The | gospels j of | Luke and John, 1 in the Dakota language; j trans lated | by Mr. G. H. Pond and Mr. Joseph Renville, sr. | Published by the Ameri can Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. | Cincinnati: | Kendall and Barnard, printers. | 1843. Literal translation: Xews good Luke and John, they-wrote-them in-the-past those those- are-they; Grizzly-bear-gray aud Wild-rice s- child they-made-it-after-a-model. Grizzly -bear-gray is probably Mr. G. H. Pond and Wild-rice s-child (a bulbous, esculent root found on the Missouri Elver) maybe the name of Mr. Renville. Pp. 161-296, 12. Appended to and paged con tinuously with Williamson (T. S.) and others, "Wicoicage wowapi. Mr. Pond translated the gospel of Luke (pp. 163-241) ; Mr. Reuville, the gospel of John (pp. 242-296). Copies seen: Boston Athenaeum, Congress, Powell, Trumbull. G. H. Pond was born in Washington, Litchfield County, Conn., June 30, 1810 ; he received a par tial education at the Litchfleld Academy, and afterwards studied Greek, Hebrew, and theol ogy privately. In 1834 he began work among the Dakotas, among whom he labored until 1852. Besides composing a number of works in Santee, assisting as translator, <tc., he acted as editor of the Dakota Friend for two and a half years. lu 1853 he accepted the charge of a Presbyterian church at Bloomington, Minn., where he died January 20, 1878. Pond (Rev. Samuel W.). Wowapi Inon- pa. | Wowapi wakaii etauhan taku wanjikji | oyakapi kin he dee. | Wan- mdiduta kaga. | The Second | Dakota Reading Book. | Consisting of Bible Pond (S. W.) Continued. Stories from the Old Testa- | ment. By Rev. S. W. Pond, | Missionary of the A. B.C.F.M. | Boston: | Printed for the American Board of Commissioners | for Foreign Missions, by Crocker | and Brewster. | 1842. Literal translation : Something-written the second. Something-written mysterious from what different-ones they told-it-to-him the that this-is-it. Eagle-scarlet [S. W. Pond] he-made- it. Pp. 1-54, 16, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen : Boston Athenaeum, Boston Pub lic, British Museum, Harvard, Massachusetts Historical Society, Trumbull. Priced by Leclerc, 1878, ]STo. 2207, at 15 fr. Dakota | wiwangapi wowapi. | Cate chism | in the | Dakota or Sioux Lan guage. | By Rev. S. W. Pond, | Mission ary of the A. B. C. F. M. | New Haven: | Printed by Hitchcock & Stafford. | 1844 . Pp. 1-12, 12, in the Santee dialect. The trans lation of the Sautee words is: Dakota they- asked-questious something- written. Copies seen : Boston Athenaeum. See Riggs (S.R.). See Riggs (S. R.) and Williamson (J.P.). See Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A.L.). and Pond (G. H.). The | History | of | Joseph, | in the language of the | Dakota or Sioux Indians. | Translated from Genesis, by | Samuel W. and Gid eon H. Pond | (Missionaries). | Printed for the American Board of Commis | sioners for Foreign Missions. | Cincinnati: | Kendall and Henry Printers. | 1839. Pp. 1-56, 16. On the recto of the second leaf is this title: Josep Oyakapi kin. [Woodcut.] Maza on kagapi. Cincinnati, Ohio. 1839. The translation of this title is: Joseph they-told-it- of-him the. Iron by-means-of they-made-it. Copies seen: Astor, Boston Athenasum, Trum bull. S. W. Pond was born in Washington, Litch fleld County, Conn., April 10, 1808; was edu cated at the Litchfield Academy, afterwards studying Greek, Hebrew, and theology pri vately. With his brother, G. H. Pond, he joined the Dakota Mission in May, 1834, being stationed first at Lake Harriet, Minn. In 1853 he settled at Shakopee, Minn., where he still resides. S10UAN LANGUAGES. 57 Ponka : Gentes. See Morgan (L. H.). Geographic names. Hamilton (W.). Personal names. Catliu (G.). Personal names. Dorsey (J. O.). Personal names. Jackson (W. H.). Personal names. Treaties. Primer. Dorsey (J. O.). Relationships. Morgan (L. H.). Sentences. Dorsey (J. O.). Vocabulary. Dorsey (J. O.). Vocabulary. Fontauelle (H.). Vocabulary. Riggs (S. R.). Vocabulary. Williamson (T. S.). See, also, (pegiha. Ponka ABC. See Dorsey (J. 0.). Poiiziglione (Rev. Paul Mary). [Speci men of Osage poetry. ] Manuscript, pp. 1-9, 8, belonging to Dr. John G. Shea, Elizabeth, N. J. It is in the form of a letter to Rev. P. J. de Srnet, written " from the Mission of S. Francis of Jerome, North Amer ica, Osage Nation, February 9, 1867. "Letter of transmittal, p. 1. To the most holy Trinity, in Osage. p. 2; in English, p. 3. Supplication to God, p. 4; translation, p. 5. Supplication to the virgin Mother of God, in Osage, p. G; in English, p. 7. Prayer to the guardian angel, in Osage, p. 8; in English, p. 9. Reverse of p. 9, blank. Pott (August Friedrich). Die | quimire UDcl vigesimale | Ziihlmethode | bei Volkern aller Welttheile. | Nebst aus- fuhrlicheren Bemerkuiigen | Uber die Zahlworter indogermanischen Stamuies | und einem Auhauge iiber Fingerna- men. | Von | Dr. August Friedrich Pott, j ord. Prof. [&c. four lines]. | Halle, | C. A. Scliwetsclike uud Solin. j 1847. Pp. i-viii, 1-304, 8. Numerals of the Sioux- Osage and Omahaw, pp. 67-68. Copies seen: Astor, British Museum, Wat- kinson. Doppelung (Reduplication, Gemina tion) | als | eines der wichtigsteu Bil- duugsmittel der Sprache, | beleucbtet ansSprachen aller Welttheile | durch | Aug. Fried. Pott, Dr. | Prof. [&c. two lines]. | Lemgo & Detmold im Verlage der Meyer scheu Hofbucbhaudlung 1862. Pp. i-vi, 1-304, 8. Osage material, pp. 270- 271. Copies seen : Astor, British Museum. Die Sprachverschiedeuheit in Europa an den Zalworterii nachgewiesen sowie \ Pott (A. F.) Continued. die q u in are uud vigesimale Ziilmethode. Von Professor Dr. Aug. Friedr. Pott. In Pott (A. F.) and Gosche (R.), Festgabe zur xxv. Versammlung detitscher Philologen, pp. 1-109, Halle, 1867, 8. Inquiries into the origin of numeral systems among various peoples, including the Crow and Maudan, pp. 64-66 ; Dakota, p. 07. Separately issued as follows : Die | Sprachverschiedeuheit | in Eu ropa | an deu Zahlwortern nachgewie sen | sowie | die quiuiire uud vigesimale Zahlmethode | von | D r . Friedr. August Pott, | Prof. [&c. three Hues]. | Halle | Verlag der Buchhaudluug des "Waisenhauses. | 1868. Printed cover as above, title as above 1 1. pp. 1-109, 8. Powell : This word following a title indicates that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the library of Maj.J. W. Powell, Washington, D. C. Prayer for Indian missions. See Hin- man (S. D.). Prayers : Hidatsa. Iowa. See Hall (C. L.). Hamilton (W.) and Irviu (S.M.). Osage. Smet (P. J. de). Santee. Hinman (S. D.). Winnebago. Mazzuchelli (S.). Yaukton. Cook (J. W.). Tankton. Hemans (D. TV.). Prescott (Philander). Dacota numera tion [Sautee dialect]. By Philander Prescott. In Schoolcraft (H. R.), Indian Tribes, vol. 2, pp. 206-208, Philadelphia, 1852, 4. Mr. Prescott was an Indian trader at Tra verse des Sioux, on the Minnesota River. He was killed during the Dakota outbreak in 1862. Primer: Dakota. See Hunfalvy (P.). Iowa. Hamilton (W.) and Irvin(S.M.). Omaha. McKenney (E.). Osage. Montgomery (W. B.) andRequa(W. C.). Ponka. Dorsey (J. O.). Santee. Johnson (P.). Santee. Ravoux (A.). Santee. Riggs (A. L.). Santee. Riggs (S. R.). Santee. Williamson ( J. P.). Teton. Riggs (S. R.). Yankton. Williamson (J. P.). Psalm wowapi. See Riggs (S. R.). 58 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Quapaw : Numerals. Personal names. Personal names. Relationships. Vocabulary. See James (E.). Indian. Treaties. Morgan (L. H.). Barton (B. S.). Q. Quapaw Continued. Vocabulary. See Dorsey (J. O.). Vocabulary. Gallatin (A.). Vocabulary. Hadley (L. F.). Words. Latham (R. G.). R. Rafinesque (Constantine Samuel). At lantic Journal, | And | Friend of Knowl edge. | In eight numbers. | Containing about 160 original articles and tracts on Natural and | Historical Sciences, the Description of about 150 New Plants, | and 100 New Animals or Fos sils. Many Vocabularies of Langua- | ges, Historical and Geological Facts, &c. &c. &c. | By C. S. Rafinesque, AM... PH. D. | Professor of Histor ical and Natural Sciences, Member of seve- | ral learned societies in Europe and America, &c. | Knowledge is the mental food of man. | Figures. | Melissa or Balm, page 14 | Mammoth Cave, 27 | Franklinia, 79 | Fossil Teeth, 100 | Tu bular shell, page 127 | 7 New Fossil Shells, 142 | American and Lybian Glyphs or Primitive Alphabets, 38. | Philadelphia: | 1832-1833. | (Two Dollars. ) 2 p. 11. pp. 1-212, 12. Vocabulary of the Wahtani or Mandan, pp. 132-133. Copies seen : Boston A thenaBum, British Mu seum, Congress. At the Squier sale, catalogue No. 1091, a copy brought $4.50; at the Murphy sale, catalogue No. 2087, 50 cents. American languages Wahtani or Maudau. In Priest (Josiah), American Antiquities, pp. 393-395, Albany, 1833, 8; also, in ibid, third edition, pp. 393-395, Albany, 1833, 8. Contains a vocabulary of 23 words and nu merals, 1-10, of the Mandan. This article is omitted in subsequent editions. Ramsey (Alexander). Annual report of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Minnesota Territory, dated Oct. 17, 1849. . In 31st Congress, 1st session, Senate Ex. Doc. No. 1, President s message, with accompa nying documents, pp. 1005-1036. Pronunciation, etymology, and signification of Dacota, Chippewa, and Winnebago names passim. [Ravoux (Rev. Augustin).] Wakan- tanka ti ki canku Literal translation : Sacred-great [God] house the road. [Road to heaven.] No title-page, half-title as above, pp. 1-56, 1-24, 1-8, 16, in the Dakota language, Santee dialect. The first edition, the author informs me, was published in 1843 or 1844. Williams s Minnesota Bibliography gives a title of the second edition with half-title as above and the imprint: St. Paul: Pioneer Office. 1863. The Minnesota Historical Society owned a copy of this later edition, but it was burned in the fire of 1881 which destroyed the State capitol. I am un able to determine whether the above is a copy of the first edition or of the second. Copies seen: Powell. [ ] Katolik Wocekiye Wowapi Kin. [1876.] No title-page, heading as above; pp. 1-84, 16, in the Isanti dialect of the Dakota Ian- guage. It is probably a revision of the pre ceding work, Wakantanka ti kin canku, that heading appearing at the top of page 7. Sum mary of Christian doctrine, prayers, &c. pp. 1-6. Wakantanka ti kin canku (Bible history), pp. 7-45. Woiwangapi (catechism), pp. 46-59. Katolik Dakota odowanpi (Catholic hymns in. Dakota), pp. 60-84. Published by Bishop Martin Marty, O. S. B., vicar apostolic of Dakota, who writes nie : " It was composed nearly forty years ago by Rt. Rev. Father Au. Ravoux, V. G. of St. Paul dio cese, and revised by me when I began work among the Dakotas in 1876." Copies seen : Pilling, Powell, Shea. Reader : Oto. Santee. Santee. Santee. Riggs (S. R.) and Relationships : Assiniboin. Crow. Dakota. Dakota. Hidatsa. Iowa. Kansas. See Merrill (M.). Poud (S. W.). Riggs (S. R.). Riggs (S. R.) Pond (G. H.). See Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. H.). Bastian (A.). Oppert (G-.). Matthews (W.). Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. H.). SIOUAN LANGUAGES. Relationships Mamlau. Minitari. Missouri. Oglala. Omaha, Omaha. Osage. Osage. Oto. Oto. Ponka. Quapaw. San tee. Sautee. Tetou. Winnebago. Yaukton. Continued. See Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. H.). Sturges (C.). Elder (P. E.). Morgan (L. H.). Guthrie (H.A.). Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. H.). Eiggs (S. R.). Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. H.). Morgan (L. H.). Renville (Antoiue). See Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A. L.). Renville (Daniel). See Williamson (J. P.) audRiggs(A. L.). Renville (John Baptiste). Woouspe ita- kihiia. ! Ehakeun okaga. ! Precept upon precept: | translated into the | Dakota language. | By John B. Renville. | Prepared for the press | by S. R. Riggs, | missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. | Published by the | American Tract Society, | 117 Washington Street, Bos ton, | Hurd and Houghtou, 13 Astor Place, N. Y. | The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass. [1864.] Pp. i-iv, 5-228, 16 3 . Copies seen .- Pilling, Powell, Wisconsin His torical Society. This work is also issued with the imprint: Published by the American Tract Society, 128 Cornhill, Boston [1864]. The verso of the title reads: Geo. C. Hand & Avery, Stereotypers and Printers. (Trumbull.) See Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A.L.). Renville (Joseph), jr. See Williamson (J.P.) and Riggs ( A. L.) Joseph Renville,jr., son of the following au thor, died February 8, 1856, aged about 47 years. Renville (Joseph). Extracts | from | Genesis, and the Psalms : | with the | third chapter of Proverbs, | and the | third chapter of Daniel, | in the Dacota language. Translated from the French Bible, as published by the | American Bible Society, by Joseph Renville, Sr. | Compared with other translations, and prepared | for the press, by | Thomas S. Williamson, M. D., | (Missionary.) | Published for the American Board of Renville (J.) Continued. Comrnis- | sioners for Foreign Mis sions. | Cincinnati : | Kendall and Henry, printers. | 1839. Second title: Otokahe ekta | Wakantanka taku owasiu kage cin | qa ix | Genesis eciyapi qa, | odowan wakan | qa^ is Psarn eciyapi, | wowapi wakan "Waxicu tawa hetanhan Psin- | cinca ie ska dena oyaka qa. j Pejihuta wicaxta owa kin ee | Mazaonkagapi. ! Cincinnati, Ohio. \ Omaka. \ 1839. Literal translation : Beginning at Mysterious- one-great whatall he made the or Genesis they- call-it and, song mysterious or Psalm they-call- it, something-written mysterious Frenchman his that-lrom Rice-child [Williamson] talked- white these he-told and. Grass Indian-man he- wrote-it the that-is-it. Iron with they-made it &c. Pp. i-vi, 7-72, sq. 24, in the Santee dialect; English title recto 1. 1, Dakota title verso 1. 1. Copies seen: Astor, Boston Athenaeum, Mass achusetts Historical Society, Powell, Wiscon sin Historical Society. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 1932, a copy brought $1 ; at the Murphy sale, catalogue No. 2742, 90 cents. Extracts | from the Gospels of | Mat thew, Luke & John, | from the | Acts of the Apostles, | and from the | First Epistle of John, | in the language of | the Dacota, or Sioux Indians. | Trans lated from the French, as published by the | American Bible Society, by | Joseph Reuville, Sr. | Written and pre pared for the press, by | Thomas S. Williamson M. D., | (Missionary.) | Cincinnati : | Kendall and Henry, Printers, j 1839. Pp. 1-48, sq. 24, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen : Astor, Boston Athenaium, Wis consin Historical Society. A copy at the Field sale, catalogue No. 1934, brought $1. The | gospel | according to | Mark, | and extracts from some other books of | the New Testament, | in the language of the Dakotas. | Translated from the French by | Joseph Renville, Sr. | Written and prepared for the press, by | Thomas S. Williamson M. D., | (Missionary.) | Published for the Amer ican Board of Commis- | sioners for For eign Missions. | Cincinnati : | Kendall and Henry printers. | 1839. Second title : Wotanin waxte | Markus owa kin | dee. | BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Renville (J.) Continued. Maza on kagapi. | Cincinnati, Ohio. | Ixta wayazau wi | omaka | 1839. Literal translation : News good Mark write the this- [is]-it. Metal with they-make. Ciucin. nati, Ohio. Eyes-sore moon [Mai eh] year 1839. Pp. 1-96, 24, in the Santee dialect; English title recto 1. 1, Dakota title recto 1. 2. Copies seen: Astor, Boston Athenaeum, Pow ell, Wisconsin Historical Society. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 1933, a copy brought $1. Wootanin waxte Jan owa qon he dee. The gospel of John, in the Da kota language; Translated from the French, by Mr. Joseph Renville, sr. In Pond (G-. H.) and Renville (Joseph), "Wootanin waxte Luka qa Jan, pp. 242-296, Cincinnati, 1843, 12. This latter work is ap pended to and paged continuously, pp. 161-296, with Williamson (T. S.) and others, Wicoicage wowapi, Cincinnati, 1842, 12. The Santee words in the title, literally trans lated, are: News good John he-wrote-it in-the- past that this-is it. - See Pond (G. H.) and Renville (J.). SeeRiggs(S. R.). See Riggs (S. R.) and Renville (J.). See Riggs (S. R.) and Williamson (J.P.). - See Williamson ( J. P. ) and Riggs (A.L.). ail d Williamson (T. S.).] Wiconi owihanke waiinin I tauiu kin. | Dr. Watts Second catechism for children | in the Dakota language. | Boston : | printed for the American Board of Commissioners for | Foreign Missions, by Crocker and Brewster. | 1837. Literal translation : Life end wanting is-inani- fest the. Pp. 1-23, 12, in the Santeo dialect. Copies seen : American Tract Society, Boston Athenaium, Pilling. and others. Dakota dowanpi kin. | Hymns | in the j Dakota or Sionx lan guage. | Composed by j Mr. J. Renville and sons, | and the | missionaries of the A.B.C.F.M. | Boston: | Printed for the American Board of Commissioners | for Foreign Missions, by Crocker | and Brewster. | 1842. Pp. 1-71, 16, in the Sautee dialect. Copies seen: Boston Atbeua3um, Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society, Powell. At the Fischer sale a copy, catalogue N o. 2286, brought 4s. ; at the Murphy sale, No. 2953, $1. Some copies of this woik have an addition, ! Renville (J.) Continued. pp. 73-105, p. 73 being headed: Dowanpi kin. 1846. (Powell, Trumbull.) The hyrnns were translated by S. R. Riggs, G. H. Pond, S. W. Pond, T. S. Williamson, J. Renville, and A. L. Riggs. Joseph Renville was of mixed extraction, his father a French trader and his mother a Da kota. According to his own statement he was born on the Mississippi River, a few miles be low the town of St. Paul, about the year 1779. His early childhood was passed in the wigwam of his mother, but when about ten years of age he was taken by his father to Canada and placed under the care of a Catholic priest, from whom he received a knowledge of the French language. Before reaching manhood he re turned to the people among whom his early life Avas passed. During the war of 1812 he re ceived an appointment as captain in the Brit ish army and with Dakota warriors marched to the American frontier. About 1822 he occu pied a trading post at Lake Traverse, removing thence to Lac-qui-parle, Minn. In 1841 Mr. Ren ville was chosen and ordained a ruling elder, discharging the duties of this oflice until his death. He died in March, 1846, at Lac-qui-parle, having spent more than half a century among the Dakota. Nearly all the translations into the Dakota language up to the time of his death were either made or supervised by him, and to his ability in this direction frequent tribute is paid by the members of the Dakota mission. Renville (Michel). See Riggs (S. R.j. Requa (Rev. William C.). See Mont gomery (W. B.) and Requa (W. C.). Riggs (Rev. Alfred Longley). Wicoie wowapi kin. | The word book. | By | Alfred L. Riggs, B. D. | missionary of the A.B.C.F.M. | [Picture.] | Published for the Dakota Mission, [ American Tract Society : New York. | 1877. 1 p. 1. pp. 1-49, 12. Primer in the Santee dia lect. The translation of the Dakota words in the title is Word something-written the. Copies seen: Powell, Wisconsin Historical Society. There is an edition of 1881 with no change of title except in date. (Powell.) [ ] Woonspe wankantu. 4 pp. 8. Circular of the Santee Normal Training School, Santee Agency, Nebraska, for the year ending June 30, 1879[-1887J. In 1883 it was enlarged to 8 pp. The issues for the earlier years contain an address in Dakota, and all contain Dakota names of pupils, with En glish signification. The meaning of the words in the heading is Lesson high. Copies seen : Bureau of Ethnology, Pilling, Powell. SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 61 Riggs (A. L.) Continued. Wicoio wowapi | Wowapi Pehanpi kin. | The Word Book Wall Roll | By A. L. Riggs, A. M. j [Picture.] | Published for the Dakota Mission, by the I American Tract Society, | Xew York City. [1881.] Title reverse blank 1 1. and 25 other un numbered 11. folio 21i by 31 J in. Primer in the Santee dialect. The Dakota words on the title signify Word book book folded-tip the. Copies seen: Powell. Language of the Dakotas and cog nate tribes; by Alfred L. Riggs, A. B., B. D., missionary of the American Board. Manuscript, 24 11. 8, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. General characteristics, verbal forms, &c. See Riggs (S.R.). See Riggs (S. R.) and Riggs (A. L.). See Riggs (S. R.) and Williamson (J.P.). - See Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A.L.). editor. See lapi oaye. A. L. Riggs, a son of Rev. S. R. Riggs and Mary A. C. Riggs, was born at Lac qui-parle, Minn.. December 6, 1837. He joined the Dakota mission in 1870 and is now principal of the school at the Santee Agency. [Riggs (Jtfrs. Mary Ann Clark).] An | En glish and Dakota | Vocabulary, | by | a Member of the | Dakota Mission. | Pub lished by the A. B. C. F. M. | New York : | Printed by R. Craig- head. | 1852. Pp. 1-120, 8. Extracted from Riggs (S. R \ Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Lan guage, and printed ou smaller sheets. Mrs. Riggs died in Beloit, TTis., March 22, 1869 ; she had lived twenty-eight years in Minne sota, twenty-five of which were spent among the Dakotas. Copies seen : Boston Athenaeum. Riggs (Rev. Stephen Return). Wowapi Mitawa. | Tamakoce kaga. | My own Book. | Prepared from Rev. T. H. Gal- laudet s "Mother s Primer," and | "Child s Picture Denning and Reading Book," in the Dakota | language. | By S. R. Riggs, A. M. | Missionary of the A. B. C. Foreign Missions. | Boston: | Printed for the American Board of Commissioners for For- | eign Missions, by Crocker and Brewster. | 1842. Riggs (S. R.) Continued. Printed corer : Wowapi Mitawa. I Tamakoce kaga. | [Four-line verse in Dakota.] | Wicaxta nom | uman Crocker eciyapi qauman ix Brews ter | eciyapi hena ma/a on kagapi, otonwe wan Boston | eciyapi he etu. I 1842. Literal translation .- Book my. His-country [S. R. Riggs] he made-it. Man two one Crocker they-call and other Brewster they-call those metal with they-make, town one Boston they- call that at. Printed cover, pp. 1-64, sq. 24, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen: Astor, Boston Athenaeum, Con gress, Massachusetts Historical Society, Trurn- bull. At the Fischer sale, catalogue No. 2283, a copy brought 2s. ; at the Briuley sale, catalogue Xo. 575!), $1. (52; at the Murphy sale, catalogue Xo. 2953, $1. Jesus | ohnihde wicayecinoranyaupi qou : | qa | Palos wowapi kage ciqon ; | nakun, | Jan woyake ciqon denaeepi. | Tamakoce okaga. | The | Acts of the Apostles; | and the | Epistles of Paul ; with the | Revelation of John ; j in the Dakota language; | translated from the Greek, | by Stephen R. Riggs, A. M. | Published by the American Bible So ciety. | Cincinnati : | Kendall and Barn ard, printers. | 1843. Literal translation : Jesus going-from-place- to-place he-caused-them the they-acted in-the- past: and Paul something-written he-made-it in-the-past; also, John he-related-it in-the-past these those-are-they. His-country [S. R. Riggs) he-made-it-after-a-copy. Pp. 1-228, 12, in the Santee dialect. Acts, pp. 3-61. -Epistles of Paul, pp. 62-198. Reve lation, pp. 199-228. Copies seen : Boston Athena3um, Congress, Powell. - Dakota | tawoonspe. | Wowapi I. | Tamakoce kaga. | Louisville, Ky. | Morton and Gris- wold. [18f>0.] Literal translation : Dakota his-lesson. Some thing-written I. His-country [S. R. RiggsJ he- made-it. Reverse title: Dakota | lessons. | Book I. | By S. R. Riggs, A. M. missionary of A. B.C. F. M. Louisville. Ky. | Morton and Griswold. Pp. 1-48, 16 , in the Santee dialect. Copies seen,- Boston Athenaeum, Congress, Trumbull. Dakota | tawoonspe. | Wowapi II. | Dakota lessons. | Book II. | By S. R. Riggs, A. M. | missionary of A. B. C. F. M. | Louisville, Ky. | Morton and Gris wold. [ 1850. ] 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Riggs (S. R.) Continued. Pp. 1-48, sq. 16, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen: Boston Athenaeum, Congress, TrnmbulL Parts 1 and 2 at the Fischer sale, catalogue No. 2285, brought 3*. Address [on the language of the Da- kotas] of S. R. Riggs. In Minnesota Hist, Soc. Annals, 1850- 51, pp. 132-142, St. Paul, 1851,8. Grammar and dictionary | of the | Dakota language. | Collected | by the members of the Dakota mission. | Ed ited | by Rev. S. R. Riggs, A. M., | mis sionary of the Am. Board of Com. for Foreign Missions. | Under the patron age of the Historical Society of Minne sota. | Accepted for publication | by the Smithsonian Institution, | Decem ber, 1851. Forms vol. 4 of Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, pp. ix-xx, 1-64, 1-338, Washington, 1852, 4. Introduction, pp. xv-xix. Dakota bibliogra phy, p. xx. Grammar, pp. 1-61. Interlinear translations, pp. 61-64. Dictionary of the Da kota: Dakota-English, pp. 1-273; Euglish-Da- kota, pp. 279-338. Copies seen : Bureau of Ethnology, Pilling, Powell. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowl edge. | Grammar and Dictionary | of the | Dakota Language. | Collected j by the Members of the Dakota Mis sion. | Edited | by the Rev. S. R. Riggs, A. M., | Missionary of the Am. Board of Com. for Foreign Missions. | Under the patronage of the Historical Society of Minnesota. | Washington City: | Published by the Smithsonian Institution. [ June, 1852, | New York : G. P. Putnam. Title 1 1. advertisement 1 1. preface pp. v-vi, introduction pp. vii-xii, 1-64, 1-338, 4. Copies seen: Bancroft, Eames, Shea, Trurn- bull. Priced by Triibner, 1856, No. 657, at 11. 16s. At the Fischer sale, catalogue No. 2284, a copy brought II. 5s. ; at the Field sale, catalogue No. 1978, $3.50. Priced by Leclerc, 1878, No. 2208, at 60 fr. ; by Quaritch, No. 12574, at 11 5s. The Murphy copy, catalogue No. 2132, brought $5. Triibner, 1882, p. 42, prices it 21. 10s. Francis, 1887, No. 386, prices a "superb, elegantly-bound copy r at $12 and a copy in cloth at $8. Clarke, catalogue No. 6728, 1886, prices it at $8. Some copies of the grammar were issued separately ; Triibner, 1856, No. 655, prices one at 3s. 6d. and Clarke, catalogue No. 9726, 1886, at $2. Riggs (S. R.) Continued. Dakota bibliography. In Riggs (S. R.), Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Language, w r hich forms vol. 4 of Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, p. xx, Washington, 1853, 4. Consists of a list of 18 Dakota works. See Williams (J. F.). Dakota odowan. | Hymns | in the | Dakota language, | with tunes. | Ed ited | by S. R. Riggs. A. M. | missionary of A. B.C. F.M. | Published by the j American Tract So ciety, | New York: 150 Nassau-street. | Boston : 28 Cornhill. [1853.] Title 1 1. text pp. 3-123, index of tunes p. 125, index of first lines pp. 126-127, 12, in the San- tee dialect. Most of the hymns are set to music. Contributors: T. S.Williamson, S. R. Riggs, A. L. Riggs, S. W. Pond, Joseph Renville, G. H. Pond, A. D. Freuiere, and Lorenzo Lawrence. Copies seen: American Tract Society, Brit ish Museum, Powell, Wisconsin Historical So ciety. The | pilgrim s progress, | by John Buuyau. | In | the Dakota language, | translated | by Stephen R. Riggs. A. M., | missionary of A. B. C. F. M. | Published by the | American Tract Society, | 150 Nassau-street, New York. [1857.] Reverse title: Mahpiya ekta oicimani ya; | John Bunyan | oyaka. | Dakota iapi en | Tama- koce okaga. [Picture.] Literal translation: Sky to traveling he- went ; John Bunyan he-told-it. Dakota speech in His-country [S. R. Riggs] he-made-it-after-a- copy. Pp. 1-264, 160. Copies seen: British Museum, Congress, Dor- sey, Pilling, Powell, Trumbull, Wisconsin His torical Society. At the Brinley sale, catalogue No. 5760, a copy brought $1. The | Constitution of Minnesota, | in the | Dakota Language, | translated by | Stephen R. Riggs, A. M. | By order of the Hazelwood Republic. | Boston : | Press of T. R. Marvin & Son : | 1858. Pp. 1-36, 12. Copies-seen: American Board of Commission ers. Wowapi Nitawa. Your own Book. A Dakota Primer for Schools. By S. R. Riggs. Minneapolis: 1863. 32 pp. sq. 12. Title from Williams s Dakota Bibliography. SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 63 Riggs (S. R.) Continued. Dakota | wiwicawangapi kin. | Da kota catechism. | By S. R. Riggs, A. j M. | missionary of A. B. C. F. M. j [Pict- j ure.] | Published by the | American Tract ; Society, | 150 Nassau-street, New York. Outside title nearly similar to above, pp. 1- 36, 24, in the Santee dialect. The last page of cover contains a hymn entitled Shining shore. Copies seen: British Museum, Congress, Pill ing, Powell, Trumbull. A new edition was published in 1882, with : outside and inside titles exactly like the above ; ; the only material change iu the text is in the revision of the Lord s prayer, which is on p. 3 in both editions. (Powell.) Dakota | wowapi wakan kin. | The ! New Testament, | in the | Dakota Ian- ! guage: | translated from the original [ Greek, | by Stephen R. Riggs, A. M. | j missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. | New York: American Bible Society, | instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. | ! 1865. Pp. 1-408, 16, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen : American Bible Society, Astor. \ I have seen copies with title as above and : dated 1866 (American Bible Society), 1867, j (Powell), 1871, 1874 (American Bible Society, j Powell), 1878 (Congress), and 1880. Psalm Wowapi. | The Book of Psalms, | in the Dakota language : | Translated from the Hebrew, | by S. R. Riggs, A. M., | Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. | New York: j American Bible Society, I instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. | 1869. Pp. 1-133, 18, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen : Trumbull. Psalm wowapi. | The | book of Psalms, | in the | Dakota Language : | translated from the Hebrew, | by S. R. Riggs, A. M., | Missionary of the A. B. I C. F. M. | New York : American Bible Society, instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. | 1871. Pp. 1-265, 12, in the Sautee dialect. Psalm wowapi, pp. 1-133. Wicoie wakau [Proverbs], j pp. 135-J69. Eyanpaha kin [Ecclesiastes], pp. 171-183. Dowanpiodowan [Song of Solomon], pp. 183-189. Isaya tawoyukcan kin [Isaiah], pp. 189-265. Copies seen : Dorsey, Powell, Trumbull. Some copies are dated 1874. (Congress, Pow Riggs (S. R.) Continued. [ ] Dakota | A B C Wowapi Kin. | Tamakoce kaga. | Chicago : | Dean and Ottoway, Print ers. | 1866. Literal translation : Dakota ABC book the. His country [S. R. Riggs] he-made-it. Pp. 1-40, sq. 16, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen: American Board of Commission ers. Dakota | A B C wowapi. | By Rev. S. R. Riggs. | [Picture.] j Publishel by the | American Tract Society, | 150 Nassau-street, New York. [1867.] Pp. 1-32, sq. 24, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen : Powell. Dakota | A B C wowapi. | By Rev. S. R. Riggs. | [Picture.] | Published by the | American Tract Society, | 150 Nassau-street, New York. [186".] Pp. 1-64, sq. 24. Enlarged edition of previ ous work, the first 32 pages being a reprint thereof. Copies seen: Congress, Pilling, Powell, Trumbull. Tah-koo wah-kan ; | or, | the gospel among the Dakotas. | By | Stephen R. Riggs, A. M. | missionary of the A. B. C. F. M., and author of the Dakota grammar | and dictionary. | With an Introduction, | by | S. B. Treat, | sec retary of the A. B. C F. M. | Written for the Congregational Sabbath-School and Publishing | Society, and approved by the Committee of Publication. | Boston : | Cong. Sabbath-School and Publishing Society. | Depository, 13 Coruhill. [1869.] Pp. i-xxxvi, 1-491, 12. Scattered through out this volume are many terms in Dakota. Chap. 2, pp. 7-14, is a short dissertation on the Dakota language, and on pp. 61-75 is a list of the names of the gods of the Dakota, witli En glish signification. Songs with music, p. 476. Copies seen : Congress. The Field copy, catalogue Xo. 1979, sold for 63 cents. Issued also with title-page as above and im print as follows: Boston: | Congregational Publishing Society, | Congregational House, | Beacon Street. (British Museum, Powell.) Terics of relationship of the Dakota Isauntie, collected by Rev. Stephen R. Riggs at the Dakota Indian Mission, Pajmaze, Minn., March, 1859. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Riggs (S. R.) Continued. Iii Morgan (L. H.), Systems of Consanguinity j and Altiuity of the Human Family, pp. 293-382, j Washington, 1871, 4. Follows line 9 through j those pages. Concerning Dakota beliefs. In American Philolog. Ass. Proc. third aim. j sess. pp. 5-G, "New York, 1872, 8. Contains Dakota names of gods. The Dakota language. By Rev. S. j R. Riggs. In Minnesota Hist, Soc. Coll. vol. 1, pp. 89-107, St. Paul, 1872, 8. Lakota | A B C Wowapi. | By Rev. S. R. Riggs. | Published by the | American Tract Society | 150 Nassau-street, New York. [1874.] Pp. 1-32, sq. 16, in the Teton dialect of the Dakota language, one peculiarity of which is the use of the letter I instead of d. Copies seen: British Museum, Eames, Powell. Model | first reader. | Wayawa toka- heya. | [Picture.] | Prepared | in | English-Dakota. | By S. R. Riggs, LL. D. | Chicago: | Geo. Sherwood & Co. | Printed at the Lakeside Press, Chi cago. [1875.] Outside title : Model | Wayawa Tokaheya. | [Quotation one line.J | Model series. | [Pict ure.] | J. Russell Webb. | Chicago: | Geo. Sherwood & Co. Pp. 1-112, 12, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen : Powell. A second edition was published in 1885 with no change in titles or pagination and only minor corrections in the text. In the earlier edition the illustrations are in colors, in the later in black. (Powell.) The translation of the scriptures into the Dakota language. By the Rev. S. R. Riggs, D.D., LL.D. In Bible Society Record, vol. 21, No. 4, New York, April 20, 1876. (Powell.) An account of the translation, by Joseph Renville, T. S. Williamson, G. H. Pond, and S. R. Riggs, of various portions of the Bible into the Dakota language. [ ] He ttiwe he. [Republican Print, Chicago, 1877.] No title-page ; pp. 1-7, 4, in the Santee dia lect. Hymn "That who," i. e. Who is that? Copies seen : Powell. Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel | qa | wicasta wokcan toktokeca, | Dakota iapi en. | Tamakoce okaga. | Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, | and the | minor prophets: I in the | Dakota language. | Riggs (S. R.) Continued. Translated from the Hebrew by S. R. Riggs. | New York : | American Bible So ciety, | instituted in the year MDCCC XVI. | 1877. Literal translation : Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Dan iel, and Indian-man prophet different-ones, Da kota speech iu. His-country [S. R. RiggsJ he- made-it-after-a-copy. 1 p. 1. pp. 267-531, 16, in the Santee dialect. Appended to and paged continuously with Psalm wowapi, by the same author. Copies seen : American Bible Society, Powell. The theogony of the Sioux. By Rev. Stephen R. Riggs, LL. D. In American Antiquarian, vol. 2, pp. 265-270, Chicago, 1879- 80, 8. Dakota terms passim. Mary and I. | Forty Years with the Sioux. | By | Stephen R. Riggs, D.D. LL.D., | Missionary [&c. three lines]. | With an Introduction | by | Rev. S. C. Bartlett, D. D., | President of Dart mouth College. | Chicago : W. G. Holmes, | 77 Madison Street. [1880.] Pp. i-xx, 1-388. Numerous references to the Dakota language, account of translations, bio graphic notes of missionaries, &c. Copies seen : Congress. Of the Dakota language. In American Antiquarian, vol. 3, pp. 243-244, Chicago, 1881, 8. A dog s revenge. A Dakota fable, by Michel Reuville. Obtained by Rev. S. R. Riggs. In Bureau of Ethnology, First Annual Re port, pp. 587-589, Washington, 1881, 8. The text in Dakota is accompanied by an interlinear translation in English, linguistic notes, and a free translation. [ ] Indian names. Gossip about deri vation and meaning of various peculiar and sonorous red men nomenclature by Iapi oaye. A list of Dakota names of places appearing in the Sunday Argus, Fargo and Moorhead, Dak., of August 12, 1883, taken from Iapi oaye, The Word carrier. It was reprinted in a num ber of the newspapers of the country and was again printed in the Argus of December 9, 1883, under the heading " Philology, together with a second list furnished by Rev. John P. Will iamson from the papers of his predecessor, Dr. Riggs. "Another interesting chapter upon In dian names, their origin, meaning, and other facts," by Samuel J. Brown, appeared in the Sunday Argus of January 6, 1884. (Powell.) SIOUAN LANGUAGES. Rlggs (S. R -) Continued. [Comparative vocabulary of the Da kota, Winnebago, Omaha, and Ponca dialects. 1864.] Manuscript, 9 11. folio, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Includes a few gram- matic forms. [Dakota myths. 1677.] Manuscript, pp. 1-195, 8, in the Bureau of Ethnology. Intended to form a part of the dictionary and grammar of the Dakota now in course of preparation for the press. Each legend is accompanied by an interlinear literal translation and a free translation, and some of them have explanatory notes. Though gath ered, written, and corrected by Mr. Kiggs, he assigns tlu-ir authorship as follows : Wichanhpi hiulipaya: The fallen star, writ ten out by Michel Renville, pp. 1-32. Wontanico hoksina ohan kin : Blood-clot boy doings the, written out by David Grey Cloud, pp. 33-56. Legend of the head of gold, by Walking Elk, pp. 57-69. Odowan sigsice: Songs bad, written out by David Grey Cloud, pp. 70-78. Taseuta-yukikipi, written out by M. Ren- ville, pp. 79-108. Chezhan: The thief, written in Dakota by James Garvie, pp. 109-128. The younger brother, written in Dakota by M. Renville, pp. 129-177. Wamniih a-itagosa: Bead spitter, written in Dakota by M. Renville, pp. 178-194. [Dictionary of the Dakota: Dakota- English. 1883.] Manuscript, 820 pp. folio. Thia material is in the hands of the printer and will form a por tion of Part 1 of Tol. 7, Contributions to North American Ethnology. The remaining portion of Part 1 will consist of myths and stories, with interlinear translations, and a grammar of this dialect, 6G5 pp. of which are stereotyped. It will be published by the Bureau of Ethnology. Part 2 will consist of the English-Dakota ; Dictionary, which is in course of preparation. [Vocabulary of the Dakota lan guage.] Manuscript, 10pp. 4, 180 words, in the library of Dr. J. G. Shea, Elizabeth, N. J. See Renville (J. B.). - See Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A.L.). - See Williamson (T. S.) and Riggs (S.R.). editor. Sec lapi oaye. and Pond (Rev. G. H.). The | Da kota | First Reading Book, | prepared by | Stephen R. Riggs and Gideou H. SiOUAN 5 Riggs (S. R. ) and Pond (G. H. ) Cont d. Pond | (Missionaries.) | Printed for the American Board of Commis- | sioners for Foreign Missions. | Cincinnati: | Kendall and Henry, Printers, j 1839. Second title: Dakota | [Picture] | OyawaTVo- wapi. | Otokahe kin. | 1839. Pp. 1-40, 10. Primer in the Santee dialect. The translation of the Dakota words in the title is : Dakota Reading something-written. First the. Copies seen : Astor, Boston Athenaeum, Brit ish Museum, Massachusetts Historical Society, Trumbull. At the Murphy sale, catalogue Xo. 2953, a copy brought $1. and Renville (J.). Odowan wakau. Part of the Psalms, in the Dakota lan guage; Translated from the Hebrew, by Stephen R, Riggs, A. M., and Mr. Joseph Reuville, sr. In Williamson (T. S.) and others, Wicoicage wowapi, pp. 107-160, Cincinnati, 1842, 12. and Riggs (Rev. A. L.). Maka-oya- kapi. | Guyot s elementary geogra phy | in the | Dakota language. | By S. R. Riggs LL. D., and Rev. A. L. Riggs. i [Picture.] | Published for the Dakota Mission. | New York: | Scribner, Armstrong, & Co., 743 Broadway. | 1876. Pp. 1-83 and map 2 pp. sm. 4, in the Santee dialect. The Indian words in the title signify: Earth-they-tell-about-it. Copies seen : British Museum, Powell, Trum bull. Clarke, catalogue No. 6737, 1886, prices a copy at $1. Bound with this is the following : [ ] Makoce | wowapi wakan kin en cajeyatapi kin. | Geography of Bible lands. | [Picture entitled:] Arabia en wowanyake wan. [1876.] Literal translation : Country something- written mysterious the in they-call-it-by-nauie the. Xo imprint ; title 1 1. text pp. 3-4, 3 colored maps. Copies seen : British Museum, Powell. - and "Williamson (J.P.). Dakota odowan. | Hymns | in the | Dakota language. | Edited | by Stephen R. Riggs, | and | John P. Williamson, | missionaries of the A. B. C. F. M. | Published by the | American Tract Society, | 150 Nassau-Street, New York. [1863.] Pp. 1-162, 16. 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Riggs (S. R.) and Williamson (J. P.) Continued. Copies seen : American Board of Commission ers, Pilling, Powell, Wisconsin Historical So ciety. At the Brinley sale. catalogue No. 5761, a copy bound in morocco brought$1.25; another copy, cloth, No. 5762, $1. There is an enlarged edition as follows : Dakota odowan. | Hymns | in the | Dakota language. | Edited | by Stephen R. Riggs | and | John P. Will iamson, | missionaries of the A. B. C. F. M. | Published by the | American Tract Society, | 150 Nassau-Street, New York. [1869.] Pp. 1-184, 16. These two editions run alike to p. 148, inclusive, and pp. 169-178 of the latter are like pp. 149-158 of the former. "Four editions have been printed; to the last, published in 1869, twenty pages of new matter -were added. The book has now 182 pp. and contains 170 hymns and chants." S. R. Riggs. Contributors: T. S. Williamson, J. P. William- Bon, Alfred Riggs, Stephen It. Riggs, S. W. Pond, A. W. Huggins, Joseph Reuville, JohnB. Renville, G. H. Pond, A. D. Freuiere, and Lo renzo Lawrence. Copies seen: American Tract Society, Con gress, Powell, Trumbull. Stephen Return Riggs, the son of Stephen Riggs and Anna Baird, was born at Steuben- ville, Ohio, March 23, 1812. He prepared for college at the Ripley (Ohio) Latin School, graduated at Jefferson College in 1834, and at tended the Western Theological Seminary at Allegheny one year, 1835- 3G. He was ordained to the gospel ministry in the Presbyterian Church in the spring of 1837. Married Mary Ann Clark Longley, daughter of General Longiey, of Hawley, Mass., February 16, 1837. Was commissioned missionary to the Dakota Indians by the American Board and reached his field at Fort Snelling, Minn., June 1, 1837. Was stationed temporarily at Lake Harriet Station, near Fort Siu-lliug. Arrived at Lac- qui-parle, on the Upper Minnesota River, in the autumn of the same year. Here he re mained until the spring of 1842, when he went east and superintended the printing of con siderable portions of the Bible in the Dakota language and also a hymn book and school j books. On his return to Dakota land in the spring of 1843 he opened a new mission station at Tra verse des Sioux, near what is now Saint Peter, Minn. By vote of the mission he was sent back Riggs (S. R.) and Williamson (J. P.) Continued. to Lac-qui-parle in the fall of 1846. In the fall of 1851 he made another journey east, when the Dakota grammar and dictionary was printed. After the burning of the mission buildings in 1854 a new station was opened at Hazelwood, near Yellow Medicine, where he continued to labor until obliged to flee with his family at the time of the Sioux outbreak in 1862. Escaping that massacre, his family found a home for three years at Saint Anthony. During this time he was serving the govern ment as chaplain of General Sibley s expedi tion of 1862 and as interpreter of his expedi tion against the hostiles in 1863. His home was removed to Beloit, Wis., in 1865, where he spent his winters working on the translation of the Bible into Dakota and on other books, for the benefit of the Indians. His summers were spent in tours through the Indian country. In 1870 he began a new station at Sisseton Agency, but returned to reside at Beloit, and died there August 24, 1883. His wife having died in Beloit on March 22, 1869, Mr. Riggs married May 28, 1872, Mrs. Anna B. Ackley, of Granville, Ohio. Robertson (Thomas A.). See Hiiimaii (S. D.) and Robertson (T. A.). - See Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A.L.). Robertson (William M.). See Cook (J. W.) and others. Roehrig (F. L. O.). On the language of the Dakota or Sioux Indians. By F. L. O. RiK.hrig. In Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rep. 1871, pp. 434- 450, Washington, 1873, 8. Separately issued as follows: The laugiiage | of | the Dakota or Sioux Indians. | By F. L. O. Rcehrig. | From the Report of the Smithsonian | Institution for 1871. | Washington: | Government Printing Office. | 1872. Printed cover 1 1. pp. 1-19, 8. Copies seen : Astor, Brinton, Powell, Trum bull, Wisconsin Historical Society. Triibner, 1882, p. 42, prices a copy at 2s. Qd. There is a long extract from this paper in Leland (C. G.), Fusaug, pp. 99-109, New York, 1875, 12. Roy (J. B.). See Hamilton (W.) and Irvin (S. M.). SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 67 S. Sabin (Joseph). A \ dictionary | of | Books relating to America, | from its discovery to the present time. | By Jo seph Sabin. | Volume I[-XVI]. [Three lines quotation.] New-York: | Joseph Sabin, 84 Nassau street. | 1868[-1886J. 16 vols. 8, still in course of publication, and including thus far entries to " Remarks." Contains titles of many works relating to the Siouan languages. Now edited by Mr. Wilber- force Eames. Copies seen: Congress, Eames, Bureau of Ethnology. [Sage (Rufns B.).] Scenes | in the | Rocky Mountains, | and in | Oregon, California, New Mexico, Texas, and | the Grand Prairies ; [ or | notes by the way, | during an excursion of three years, | with a | description of the coun tries passed through, ; including their | geography, geology, resources, present condition, and | the different nations in habiting them, i By a New Englander. | Philadelphia: | published by Carey & Hart. | 1846. Pp. i-xii, 13-303, 12. A few words and sen tences in Latin and Sioux, p. 137. Copies seen : British Museum, Congress. The Field copy, catalogue No. 2048, sold for 80 cents. Scenes | in the | Rocky Mountains, | and in | Oregon, California, New Mexi co, Texas, and | the Grand Prairies; | or, | notes by the way, | during an ex cursion of three years, | with a | de scription of the countries passed through, | including their | geogra phy, geology, resources, present condi tion, | and the different nations in habiting them. | By Rufns B. Sage, j Second Edition Revised. | Philadelphia: Carey and Hart. 1^47. Pp. i-xii, 13-303, 12. Linguistics as above. Copies seen : Congress. According to Field s Essay, No. 1346, there is an edition, Boston, Wentworth <fc Co. 1857. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 2049, it brought $2.50. . Rocky Mountain Life; | or, | Start ling Scenes | and | Perilous Advent ures | in the | Far West, | during an ex pedition of three years. | By Rufus B. Sage, | The Western Adventurer. | Boston: Thayer & Eldridge, j 114 & 116 Washington Street. I 1860. Sage (R. B.) Continued. 2 p. 11. pp. vii-xiv, 1 1. pp. 29-363, 12. A few words and sentences in Sioux, p. 183. St. Clair (George). See Cook (J.W.) and others. Sansarc. See Teton. Santee : Bible. See Williamson (T. S.) and Riggs (S.R.). Bible (in part). Williamson (T. S.) and Riggs (S. R.). Bible, Pentateuch. Williamson (T. S.). Bible, four books. Williamson (T. S.). Bible, Genesis (in Renville (J.). part). Bible, Genesis. Williamson (T. S.). Bible, Genesis. Williamson (T. S.) and others. Bible, Exodus. Williamson (T. S.). Bible, Joshua. Williamson (T. S.). Bible, Judges. Williamson (T. S.). Bible, Ruth. Williamson (T. S.). Bible, Psalms. Hinman (S. D.). Bible, Psalms (in Reuville (J.). part). Bible, Psalms. Riggs (S. R.). Bible, Psalms (in Riggs (S. R.) and part). Reuville (J.). Bible, Psalms (in Williamson (T. S.) part). and others. Bible, Proverbs (in Renville (J.). part). Bible, Proverbs. Williamson (T. S.). Bible, Jeremiah. Riggs <S. R.). Bible, Ezekiel. Riggs (S. R.). Bible, Daniel (part). Reuville (J.). Bible, Daniel. Riggs (S.R.). Bible, minor proph Riggs (S.R.). ets. Bible, New Testa Riggs (S.R.). ment. Bible, Matthew (in Renville (J.). part). Bible, Mark. Renville (J.). Bible, Luke (in part). Hinman (S. D.). Bible, Luke. Pond (G. H.). Bible, Luke (in part). Renville (J.). Bible, Luke. Williamson (T. S.) and others. Bible, John. Renvillo (J.). Bible, John. Williamson (T. S.) and others. Bible, Acts. Renvillo (J.). Bible, Acts (in part). Riggs (S.R.). Bible, epistles of Riggs (S. R.). Paul (in part). Bible, epistle to Tim Cook (J. W.). othy. Bible, epistle to Ti Cook (J. W.). tus. Bible, epistle of John. Renville (J.). Bible, Revelation. Riggs (S. R.). 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Santee Continued. Bible, Revelation See Biggs (S. R.). in part), Bible (analysis of). Cook (J. W.). Catechism. Hinman (S. D.). Catechism. Pond (S. W.). Catechism. Renville (J.) and Williamson (T.S.). Catechism. Riggs (S. R). Chants. Hinman (S. D.). Chants. Hinman (S. D.) and Welsh (W.). Circular. Kiggs (A. L.). Dictionary. Williamson (J. P.). Exercises. Hinman (S. D.). Form for making cat- Cook (J. W.). echists. General discussion. Riggs (S. R.). Geography. Riggs (S. R.) and Riggs (A. L.). Grammar. Gabelentz (H. C. von der). Grammatic comments. Burman (W. A.). Hymns. Hinman (S. D.). Hymns. Renville (J.) and others. Hymns. Riggs (S.R.). Hymns. Riggs (S. R.) and Williamson (J. P.). Hymns. Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A. L.). King s highway. Hemans (D. W.). Legends. Riggs (S. R.). Lord s prayer. Lord s. Mission service: Hinman (S. D.). Mission service. Hinman (S. D.) and Cook (J. W.). Mission service. Hinman (S. D.) and Robertson (T. A.). Names of gods. Riggs (S. R.). Numerals. Chase (P. E.). Numerals. Prescott (P.). Periodical. Dakota. Periodical. lapi. Personal names. Indian. Personal names. Jackson (W. H.). Personal names. Tuttle (E. B. ) . Pilgrim s progress. Riggs (S. R.). Prayer book. Hinman (S. D.). Prayer book. Hinman (S. D.) and Cook (J. W.). Primer. Johnson (P.). Primer. Ravoux (A.). Primer. Riggs (A. L.). Primer. Riggs (S.R.). Primer. Williamson (J. P.). Reader. Pond (S. W.). Reader. Riggs (S. R.). Reader. Riggs (S. R.) and Pond (G. H.). Relationships. Morgan (L. H.). Relationships. Riggs (S.R.). Sentences. Williamson (T. S.). Songs. Pond (G. H.). Tract. Eliza. Santee Continued. Tract. See Pond (S. W.) and Pond (G.H.). Tract, Renville (J.B.). Vocabulary. Gardiner (W. H.). Vocabulary. Morgan (L. H ). Vocabulary. Riggs (M. A. C.). Vocabulary. Williamson (J. P.). Vocabulary. Williamson (T. S.). Saskatchewan, and the Rocky Mount ains. See Carnegie (J.). Say (Thomas). [Vocabularies of Indian languages.] In James (E.), Account of an expedition &c. vol. 2, pp. Ixxx-lxxxv, Philadelphia, 1823, 8. Wahtoktataor Oto, Kouza, Omawhaw, Sioux (Yancton band), Miunetare or Gros ventre, pp. Ixx-lxxviii ; Uparoka or Crow, p. Ixxix ; Wuh- toktata or Oto, p. Ixxx ; Omawhaw, pp. Ixxx- Ixxxiil; Sioux (Yancton band), p. Ixxxiv; Min- netare or Gros ventre, pp. Ixxxiv-lxxxv. These vocabularies do not appear in the London edition, 1823, 3 vols. 8. The Upsaroka and Minnetare vocabularies are reprinted in Schoolcraft (H. R.), Indian Tribes, vol. 3, pp. 255-256, Philadelphia, 1853, 4. Scenes in the Rocky Mountains. See Sage(R.B.). Schoenmakers (F.). See Shea (J. G.). Schomburgk (Sir Robert H.). Con tributions to the Philological Ethnog raphy of South America. By Sir R. H. Schomburgk. In Philological Soc. [of London] Proc. vol. 3, pp. 228-237, London, 1848, 8. "Affinity of words in the Guinau language with other languages and dialects of America " [including the Dakota], pp. 236-237. [Schoolcraft (Henry Rowe)]. A | bib liographical catalogue | of | books, translations of the scriptures, | and other publications in the | Indian tongues | of the | United States^ | with | brief critical notices. | Washington: C.Alexander, printer. | 1849. Pp. 1-28, 8. Books, tracts, and translations in the Sioux or Dacota proper, pp. 24-25 ; Winne- bago, pp. 25-26 ; Iowa, p. 26 ; Otoe, p. 26; O&age,. Washashe, p. 27. Copies seen : Congress, Pilling, Powell. Priced by Triibner, 1856, No. 1452, at 3s. 6d. At the Field sale a copy, catalogue No. 2070, brought $2 ; at the Brinley sale, catalogue No. 5630, a half -morocco autograph copy brought $5. Reprinted, with a preliminary note, synopsis, additions, &c. as follows : Literature of the Indian languages. A bibliographical catalogue of books, SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 69 Schoolcraft (H. R.) Continued. translations of the scriptures, and other publications in the Indian tougnes of the United States, with brief critical notices. In Schoolcraft (H.R.), Indian Tribes, vol. 4, pp. 525-551, Philadelphia, 1854, 4. Books, tracts, and translations in the Sioux, or Dacota proper, pp. 547-549 ; Winnebago, p. 549; Iowa, pp. 549-550 ; Otoe, p. 550 ; Osage, pp. 550-551. Selwyn (William T. ). See Cook ( J. W. ) and others. editor. See Anpao. Mr. Selwyu was born at Hinhanwakpa (Owl Creek), Dak., March, 1856. He is the son of Chief Ptewakannajin, commonly known as Medicine Cow, arid grandson of Chief Hesaza. He was taken into the mission family at Yank- ton Agency, Dak., September, 1871. Septem ber, 1872, he was sent to Nebraska College, Ne braska City, Nebr., and in 1873 to Brooklyn, N. Y., where he attended the public school. From 1874 to 1876 he was at Andalusia Hall, Bucks County, Pa. On returning to Yankton Agency he taught and acted as a catechist for about two years in the mission and then as Government teacher in a day school. He then went to Pine Ridge as a teacher. Sentences : Crow. See Hayden (F. V.). Dakota. Hoffman (W. J.). Omaha. Dorsey (-J. O.). Omaha. Hamilton (W.). Ponka. Dorsey (J. O.). Santee. Williamson (T. S.). Sioux. Sage (R. B.). Shea : This word following a title indicates that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the library of Dr. J. G. Shea, Eliz abeth, N. J. Shea (John Gilmary). History | of the I Catholic Missions | among the | Indian tribes of the United States. | 1529- 1854. | By John Gilmary Shea. | Author [&c. three lines]. | [Design.] | New York: | Edward Dunigan & Brother, | 151 Fulton-Street, near Broadway, | 1855. Engraved title, pp. 1-514, 12. Lord s prayer in Osage (from Bishop Miege and Rev. F. Schoenmakera), p. 454 ; in Assiniboiu, p. 478. Copies seen: Astor, British Museum, Con gress, Trumbull. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 2112*, a copy sold for $2.25; at the Murphy sale, catalogue No. 2264. for $3.25. Geschichte | der | katolischen Mis- sionen | unter den | ludianer-Starnmeu der Vereinigten Staaten. | 1529-1860. | von | John Gilmary Shea, | Verfasser Shea (J. G.) Continued. [&c. two lines]. | Aus dein Euglischen iibersetzt | von | J. Roth. | Sr. Heilig- keit Papst Pius IX gewidmet. | Mit 6 Stahlstichen. | Wiirzburg. | Verlag von C. Etlinger. [1858.] Pp. 1-668, 12. Title from the author. ! History | of the [ Catholic missions | among the [ Indian tribes of the United States, | 1529-1854. | By John Gilmary Shea, | author of [&c. three lines]. | [Design.] | New York : I T. W. Strong, | Late Edward Dunigan & Brother, | Cath olic Publishing House, | 599 Broad way. [1870.] Engraved title 1 1. pp. 1-514, 8. Contents as in edition of 1855. Copies seen : Congress. Powell. Clarke, catalogue No. 6620, 1886, prices a copy at $2. Early voyages | up and down the Mississippi, | by | Cavelier, St. Cosme, Le Sueur, [ Gravier, and Guiguas. | With an Introduction, Notes, and an Index, | By John Gilmary Shea. | [De sign.] | Albany: | Joel Munsell. | 1861. Pp. i-ix, vii-xiv, 15-191, sm. 4. Munsell s Historical Series, No. 8. Names of the Scioux nations of the eastern part and their significa tion, p. 111. Scioux of the western part, of whom we have any knowledge, p. 111. Copies seen: Astor, Boston Athenaeum, Brit ish Museum, Congress, Massachusetts Histori cal Society, Shea. The Field copy, catalogue No. 2112, sold for $6. Languages of the American Indians. In American Cyclopaedia, vol. 1, pp. 407-414, New York, 1873, 8. Grammatic examples in various American languages, among them the Dakota. Sioux : Apostles creed. See Tuttle (E. B.). Dictionary. Beldeu (G. P.). General discussion. Atwater (C.). General discussion. Burton (R. F.). General discussion. Chateaubriand (F. A. de). General discussion. Jefferys (T.). General discussion. Mclutosh (J.). Geographic names. Brown (S. J.). Geographic names. Featherstonhaugh G. Grammatic comments. Grammatic comments. Lord s prayer. Names of months. W.). Atwater (C.). Gallatin (A.). Tuttle (E. B.). Beltrami (G. C.). 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Sioux Continued. Numerals. See Smet (P. J. de). Numerals. Trunibull (J. H.). Personal names. Catalogue. Personal names. Catlin (G.). Personal names. Eastman (M. H.). Personal names. Featherstonhaugh(G. W.). Personal names. Frost (J.). Personal names. Indian. Personal names. Maximilian (A. P.). Personal names. Sioux. Personal names. Smet (P. J. de). Personal names. Treaties. Sentences. Sage (R. B.). Songs. Baker (T.). Spelling book. Stevens (J. D.). Tribal names. Culbertson (T. A.). Tribal names. Neill (E. D.). Tribal names. Shea (J. G.). Villages. Blackmore (W.). Vocabulary. Atwater (C.). Vocabulary. Balbi (A.). Vocabulary. Husband (B.) Vocabulary. Indian. Vocabulary. Smet (P. J. de). Vocabulary. Tuttle (E. B.). Words. Frost (J.). Words. Sage (R. B.). Sioux Spelling-Book. See Stevens (J. D.). [Sioux proper names, with English translation.] In 48th Congress. 1st session, Senate report (No. 283) on the condition of the Sioux and Crow Indians [Washington, 1884], 8. A list of proper names of chiefs and head men of the Lower Tanktonnais tribe of Sioux or Dakota Indians, p. 296. Copies seen : Bureau of Ethnology. Sisseton. See Santee. Sisseton and Wahpeton | treaty, | of February, 1867, | in Dakota. * No title-page ; 6 pp. 8. Title from Williams s Bibliography of Minnesota. Smet (Rev. Peter John de). Oregon mis- j sions | and | travels | over the Rocky ! Mountains, | in 1845-46. | By | Father P. J. de Smet, | Of the Society of Jesus | New-York : | published by Edward Dunigan, j 151, Fulton-street | M j DCCC XLVII[1847]. Half-title 1 1. frontispiece 1 1. engraved title j 1 1. title as above 1 1. dedication 1 1. preface pp. xi-xii, text pp. 13-408, 2 11. map, plates, 16. Lord s prayer, and numerals, 1-10, in the As- j siuiboiu, reverse of first unnumbered 1. at end. Copies seen : Astor, Bancroft, British Mu seum, Congress, Eames, Harvard, Shea. At the Field sale, a copy, catalogue No. 2159, brought $3 ; at the Brinley sale, catalogue No. j Smet (P. J. de) Continued. 5612, $3.75; at the Murphy sale, catalogue No. 785, $5.50. - Missions de TOrdgon | ct Voyages | aux Montagnes Rocheuses | aux sources | de la Colombie, de 1 Athabasca et du Sascatshawiu, | en 1845-46. | [Picture entitled:] Marie Quillax dans la lm- taillecontrelesCorbeaux. (Aout 184(i) | Pag. 217. Par le Pere P. J. de Smet, | | de la Soci6t6 de Je"sus | Gand, | impr. & lith. de V e . Vander Schelden, | 6diteur. [1848.] 2 p. 11. pp. i-ix, 9-389, map, 16. Lord sprayer in Assiniboiue, p. 353. Vocabulary of the Man- dan and Sioux, p. 358. Numerals, 1-10, of the Mandan, Assiniboin, and Sioux, p. 359. Copies seen .- Bancroft, Congress, Shea. Field s Essay, No. 1425, titles an edition: Paris, 1848, 12. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 2158, it brought $3.25. Ciuquaute | NouvellesLettres | du | R. P. De Smet, | de la Compaguie de Je"sus et Missionnuire en Arn6rique, | publics par | Ed. Terwecoren, | de la ineme Compaguie. | [2 lines quota tion.] | Paris | Rue de Tournon, 20. | Tournai | Rue aux Rats, 11. | H. Castelmau | E"di<eur. | 1858. Pp. i-ix, 1-503, 12. Lord s prayer and Ave Maria in Osage, with interlinear French trans lation, p. 319. Names of Sioux chiefs, trans lated, p. 107. Names of Sioux and Otoe dele gates, translated, p. 99. Copies seen: British Museum. Tributs d admiration payes aux Tetes Plates. Pater et Ave Maria en laugue Osage. Viugr-sixieme lettre du R. P. de Smet. In Collection de precis historiques, Melan- ges Iitt6raires et scientifiques, par 35d. Ter- wecoreu, de la Compaguie de J6sus, tome 7, 1856, pp. 611-614, Bruxelles, imprimerie de J. Vandereydt, n. d. 8. Interlinear translation in French. Western | missions and missionaries: | a series of letters, | by | Rev. P. J. de Smet, | of the Society of Jesus, | Author of "Indian Sketches," "Oregon Missions," Etc. | [Picture entitled:] Excelsior | New York : | James B. Kirker, | late Edward Dunigan and Brother, | 599 Broadway (up-stairs). | 1863. Pp. 1-532, 12. Pater and Ave in Osage, with interlinear translation, pp. 278-279. Copies seen : Astor, Bancroft, Boston Athe naeum, British Museum, Congress. SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 71 Smet (P. J. de) Continued. The Field copy, catalogue No. 216 1 , brought ! $3.87. The first edition was printed in 1859. (*) j There is also an edition with the imprint : New | York: | T. "W. Strong, | Late Edward Dunigan | <fc Bro., | Catholic Publishing House, | 599 Broadway. [1870?] Western | Missions and Missionaries: \ | a series of letters, I by | Rev. P. J. de Smet, | of the Society of Jesus, | Author of "Indian Sketches," "Oregon Mis sions," etc. | New York: | P. J. Keuedy, | Excel | sior Catholic Publishing House, | 5 Bar clay Street, | 18dl. * j 1 p. 1. pp. 5-532, 8. New Indian sketches. | By | Rev. P. J. de Smet, S. J. | New York: | D. & J. Sadlier & Co., 31 Barclay-st. | Montreal cor. Notre - Dame and St. Francis Xavier sts. [1865.] Pp. 1-175, 16. Numerals, 1-10, of the Omaha, Otto, Mandan, and Rickarie, p. 126. Copies seen : Brinton, British Museum, Con gress, Shea. The Field copy, catalogue No. 2160, brought $1.25. Some copies have slightly differing imprint, the words "Boston 128 Federal-Street" ap pearing just before the word Montreal. (Bos ton Athenaeum.) Other copies have title as above with printed cover as follows : Sadliers Household Library. | No. 91. Price 15 cts. | New Indian Sketches. | By Rev. P. J. de Smet, S. J. | Complete ami unabridged edi tion. | New York: | D. &, J. Sadlier <fc Co., 31 Barclay st. | Montreal : 275 Notre Dame street. (Powell.) Smith (Alfred C.). See Cook (J. W.). Smithsonian Institution : These words following a title indicate that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the library of the above institution. Songs : Dakota. See Belden (G. P.). Dakota. Gordon (H. L.). Iowa. Dorsey (J. O.). Ornaha. Dorsey (J. O.). Omaha. Fletcher (A. C.). Santee. Pond (G. H.). Sioux. Baker(T.). Teton. Baker (T.). Yankton. Baker (T.). Spelling-Book, Sioux. See Stevens (J. D.). [Stevens (Tier. Jedediah D wight).] Sioux Spelling-Book. | Designed for the use of | Native Learners. | [Picture.] | Boston : | Printed for the American Board of Commissioners j for Foreign Missions, by Crocker & Brewster. | 1836. Pp. 1-22, 12. Copies seen : Boston Athenaeum, Eames, Massachusetts Historical Society. "Mr. Stevens began missionary work among the Dakotas in the spring of 1835 ami withdrew from the mission in the spring of 1839. He did not learn the Dakota language nor give the Indians any instruction, but he kept in his famil}- five or six half-breed girls who were taught by his niece, Miss Lucy E. Stevens. 1 S. W. Pond. "Mr. and Mrs. Stevens were from Central New York, and were engaged as early as 1827 in missionary labors on the Island of Mack iuaw. In 1829 Mr. Stevens and Rev. Mr. Coe made a tour of exploration through the wilds of Northern Wisconsin, coming as far as Ft. Snelling. For several years after, Mr. Stevens was connected with the Stockbridge mission on Fox Lake, and in the summer of 1835 he had commenced this station at Lake Harriet. "Mr. Stevens had gathered from various sources a vocabulary of five or six hundred words. This formed the commencement of the growth of the Dakota grammar and dic tionary which I published fifteen years after wards." S. R. Riggs. Stone Indians. See Assiniboin. Stories : (pegiha. Iowa. Missouri. Oto. See Dorsey (J. O.). Dorsey (J. O.). Dorsey (J.O.). Dorsey (J. 0.). Stubbs ( A.W. ). [Vocabulary of the Kan sas or Kaw. 1878.] Manuscript, 40 pp. 4, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. Sturges (tfer. Charles). Terms of rela tionship of the Omaha, collected by Rev. Charles Sturges, at the Omaha Mission, Blackbird Hills, Neb. In Morgan (L. H.), Systemsof Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family, pp. 293-382, lines 19, Washington, 1871, 4. Swift (Henry). See Cook (J.W.) and others. 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE T. Tanner (John). See James (E.). Taylor (Joseph C.). See Cook (J. W.) and others. Taylor (T. K.). See Cook (J. W.) and others. Ten commandments : Crow. See Hall (C.L.). Dakota. "Woahope. Hidatsa. Hall(C.L.). Mandan. Hall (C. L.). Teton : Baptismal card. See Marty (M.). Personal names. Indian. Personal names. Treaties. Personal names. Tnttle (E. B.). Primer. Riggs (S. K.). Relationships. Morgan (L. H.). Songs. Baker (T.). Vocabulary. Bierstadt (A.). Vocabulary. Corliss (A. H.). Vocabulary. Everette (W. E.). Words. Maximilian (A. P.). Tract : Dakota. See Huggins (E.W.)and Williamson (X.J.) Santee. Eliza. Santee. Pond (S. W.) and Pond (G. H.). Santee. Renville (J. B.). Translations into the Omaha language. See Hamilton (W.). Treaties | between the | United States of America | and the several | Indian tribes, | from 1778 to 1837: | with | a copious table of contents. | Compiled and printed by the direction, and under the supervision, | of the | Commissioner of Indian Affairs. | Washington, D. C. | Published by Langtree and O Sullivau. | 1837. Pp. i-lxxxiii, 1-699, 8. Copies seen: British Museum, Powell. Issued, also, with title as follows : Treaties | between the | United States of America, | and the several | Indian Tribes, | from 1778 to 1837 : | with | a copious table of contents. | New Edi tion, | carefully compared with the originals in the Department of State. | Compiled and printed by the direction, and under the supervision, | of the | Commissioner of Indian Affairs. | Washington, D. C. | Published by Langtree and O Sullivan. | 1837. Title 1 1. preface 1 1. contents pp. v-lxxxiii, text pp. 1-699, 8. Contains names of Indian chiefs, with En glish signification, of the following: Treaties Continued. Osago, pp. 146, 178, 332, 368, 631 ; Teton, pp. 167, 343 ; Sioux, pp. 168, 169, 192, 346, 347, 375-376, 450, 452-453, 695; Tancton, pp. 170-343 ; Maha, p. 172; loway, pp. 183, 379, 451, 678; Kanzas, pp. 184, 337, 310-371; Winnebago, pp. 194, 376, 430-431, 441- 442, 506-507 ; Otto, pp. 207-208, 382, 451-452 ; Pon- carar, pp. 209, 340; Quapaw, pp. 241, 317,632; Ogallala, p. 346 ; Mandan, pp. 358-359 ; Minne- taree, pp. 362-363; Crow, p. 365 ; Omahah, p. 451 ; Missouri, p. 452. Copies seen : Bureau of Ethnology. See, also, Indian treaties. Treaty, Dakota. See Sisseton. Tribal names : Dakota. See Hay den (F. V.). Dakota, Hind (H. Y.). Dakota. Morgan (L. A.). Dakota. Warren (G. K.). Sioux. Culbertson (T. A.). Sioux. Neill (E. D.). Sioux. Shea (J. G.). Trubiier (Nicolas). See Ludewig (H. E.). Triibner & Co. A catalogue | of | an extensive collection | of j valuable new and second hand books, | English and foreign, j in | antiquities [&c. 3 lines] [ books on languages, on bibliography and on | North and South America. | On sale at the low prices affixed | by | Trubner & Co., | 60 Paternoster Kow, j London. [1856.] Printed cover as above, pp. 1-158, 8. Ameri can languages, pp. 44-47, contains a number of Siouan titles. Copies seen : Pilling. A | catalogue | of | dictionaries and grammars | of the | Principal Lan guages and Dialects | of the World. | For sale by ) Trubner & Co. | London: | Trubiier & Co., [5]8 & 60 Paternoster row. j 1872. Printed cover, title 1 1. notice 1 1. text pp. 1- 64, 2 11. 8. List of works in Dakota, p. 14. Copies seen : Pilling. Triibner s | catalogue | of | diction aries and grammars | of the | Principal Languages and Dialects of the World. | Second edition, | considerably enlarged and revised, with an alphabetical in dex. | A guide for students and book sellers. ! [Monogram.] | London: | Trubner & Co., 7 and 59, Ludgate Hill. | 1882. Printed cover, title 1 1. notice p. iii, index pp. iv-viii, text pp. 1-170, 8. List of works in Da kota, p. 42. Copies seen: Pilling. SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 73 Trumbull : This word following a title indicates that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the library of Dr. J. Hammond Trumbull, Hartford, Conn. Trumbull (J. Hammond). On the best Method of Studying the North Ameri can Languages. By J. Hammond Trum- : bull, of Hartford, Conn. In American Philolog. Ass. Trans. 1869-70, pp. 55-79, Hartford, 1871, 8. Contains examples in Sioux-Dakota. Also issued separately. On Numerals in American Indian Languages, and the Indian Mode of Counting. By J. Hammond Trumbull, of Hartford, Conn. In American Philolog. Ass. Trans. 1874, pp. 41-76, Hartford, 1875, 8. Issued also as a separate pamphlet, as fol lows: On | numerals | in | American Indian languages, | and the | Indian mode of counting. | By J. Hammond Trumbull, LL. D. | (From the Transactions of the Am. Philological Association, 1874.) | Hartford, Conn. | 1875. 1 p. 1. pp. 1-36, 8. Contains numerals in a number of Siouaii dialects. Copies seen : Powell, Trumbull. Turner (William Wadden). Professor Turner s letter on Indian philology. In Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Pep. 1851, pp. 93- 97, Washington, 1852, 8. Turner (W. W.) Continued. Comments on Riggs s Dakota Grammar and Dictionary, and, incidentally, on Indian lan guages generally. -SeeLudewig(H.E.). Tutelo : Numerals. See Wilson (D.). Vocabulary. Hale (H.;. Words. Anderson (J.). Words. Hale (H.). Tuttle (Rev. Edmund B.). The boy s book | about Indians. | Being | what I saw and heard for three years | 011 the plains. | By | Rev. Edmund B. Tuttle, | Post-Chaplain, LI. S. A., Fort D. A. Rus sell, Wyoming Territory, 1870. | [One line quotation.] | Philadelphia: | J. B. Lippincott & Co. | 1873. Half-title 1 1. title 1 1. pp. v-xii, 13-207, 8. List of names of chiefs of the following tribes, with English signification: Brule Sioux, pp. 34-35; Ogalla, pp. 35-38; Yanctonai, pp. 38-39; Minneconjon, pp. 39-41 ; Uucpapa Sioux, p. 41 ; Blackfeet Sioux, p. 42; Ogallalla Sioux, p. 42; Two-Kettle Band, p. 42; Sausareh Sioux, p. 43; Santee Sioux, p. 43 ; Eed Cloud s staff | Sioux], p. 102. Squaws of high blood, pp. 102-103. Indian language, counting, &c. [short Sioux vo cabulary], p. 160. Lord s prayer in the Sioux language, p. 205. Apostles creed in Sioux, p. 206. Copies seen: British Museum, Congress. Two-Kettle. See Teton. u. Umfreville (Edward). The | Present State j of | Hudson s Bay. | Containing a full description of | that settlement, and the adjacent country; | and like wise of | the Fur Trade, | with hints j for its improvement, &C.&G. | To which are added, | remarks and observations made in the inland | parts, during a residence of near four years ; | a speci men of live Indian languages; and a | journal of a journey from Montreal to New | York. | By Edward Umfreville ; | eleven years in the service of the Hudson s Bay Com- | pauy, and four years in the Canada | Fur Trade. | London : Printed for Charles Stalker, No. 4, Stationers- | Court, Ludgate- Siveet. | MDCCXC [1790]. 2 p. 11. pp. i-vii, 1-230, 1 1. 8. Vocabulary of 44 words of the Assinepoetuc or Stone Indians on folding sheet facing p. 202. Copies seen: Astor, Boston Athenaeum, Brit ish Museum, Brown, Congress, Shea. Umfreville (E.) Continued. Priced in Stevens s Nuggets, No. 2722, at 7s. Gd. At the Field sale, catalogue No. 2407, a copy brought$1.50 ; at the Squier sale, catalogue No. 1446, $1.63. Priced by Quaritch, No. 28280, at II. 4s. Eduard Umfreville | iiber | den ge- genwartigen Zustaud | der | Hudsons- bay, | der dortigen | Etablissemeuts | uud ihres Haudels, | nebst | einer Be- schreibung | des Inneru von Neu Wal- lis, | uncl einer | Reiso von Montreal nachNeuYork. AusdemEuglischeu. | Mit | einer eigenen neuen Charte, eiuer kurzen Geographic | dieser Lander und mehreren Erliiuterungen | herausgege- ben | von | E. A. W. Zimmerman, | Hofrath und Professor in Braun schweig. | Helmstadt, bey Fleckeisen. 1791. Pp. i-xxvi, 1-164, map, 8. Vocabulary, p. 148. Copies seen : Brown. Uncpapa. See Teton. 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE V. Vail (Eugene A.). Notice | sur j les In- diens | de l Ame~rique du Nord, | orne"e de quatre portraits colorids, dessin6s d apres | nature, et d ime carte, | par | Eugene A. Vail, | Citoyen des fitats- Unis d Amdrique, membre de plusieurs socie te s savautes. | Paris, | Arthus Bertrand, e"diteur, | libraire de la Socie te de Ge ographie et de la Socie te Royale des Autiquaires du Nord, | rue Hautefeuille, 23. | 1840. Pp. 1-246, map, plates, 8. Des langues irt- diennes, pp. 40-58, contains a i ew examples in Dacotah. Copies seen : Astor, Boston Athenreum, Brit, ish Museum, Congress, Eames, Harvard, Shea, Watkiuson. At the Fischer sale Quaritch bought a copy, catalogue No. 1702, for Is. ; another copy, No. 2871, sold for 7s. 6d. ; at the Field sale, cata logue No. 2416, it brought $1.25; at the Squier sale, catalogue No. 1456, $1.62 ; at the Brinley sale, catalogue No. 5469, $2.50; at the Pinart sale, catalogue No. 916, 1 fr. 50 c. ; priced by Quaritch, No. 30031, at 6s. Vassar (Frank). See Cook ( J. W. ). Vater (Joharm Severin). Untersuchun- gen | liber | Amerika s Bevolkerung | aus deni | alten Kontiueiite | deui | Herrn Kamraerlierrn j Alexander von Humboldt | gewidmet | von j Johann Severin Vater | Professor uud Biblio- thekar. | Leipzig, | bei Friedrich Christian Wilhelm Vogel. | 1810. Pp. i-xii, 1-212, 12. A few words of Nado- wess, pp. 156-174, 195-203. Copies seen: Astor, British Museum, Con gress, Harvard, Watkinson. At the Fischer sale, catalogue No. 2879, a copy was bought by Quaritch for Is. Gd. Linguarum totius orbis | Index | alphabeticus, quorum | Grammaticae, Lexica, | collection esvocabulorum | re- ceusentur, | patriasiguificatur, historia adumbratur | a | Joanne Severiuo Va- tero, | Theol. Doct. [&c. 2 lines]. | Beroliui | In officiua libraria Fr. Ni- colai. | MDCCCXV [1815]. Latin title verso 1. 1, German title recto 1. 2, dedication 2 11. preface pp. i-iv, half-title 1 1. text pp. 1-259, 12. List of works in which vo cabularies in the Nadowess dialect appear, pp. 163-165. Copies seen : Bureau of Ethnology. Litteratur | der | Granimatikeu, Lexika | und | Wortersammlnngen | Vater (J. S.) Continued. aller Sprachen der Erde | von | Johann Severin Vater. | Zweite, vollig um- gearbeitete Ausgabe | von | B. Jiilg. | Berlin, 1847. | In der Nicolaischen Buchhandlung. Pp. i-xii, 1-592, 2 11. 8. Arranged alphabet ically by families, with dialect and author in dexes. List of works in : Crow, p. 73 ; loway, p. 498 : Konza, pp. 207, 506 ; Maha, Omawhaw, pp. 236, 512; Mandau, "Wahtani, pp. 247, 514; Minetare, pp. 253, 518; Nadowessier, Sioux, Dahkotah.pp. 261, 522; Osage.pp. 269, 529 ; Oto, pp. 271, 530 ; Quappa, p. 534 ; Teton, p. 398 ; Tute- loe, pp. 423-424 ; Winuebago, p. 441 ; Yankton, p. 442. Copies seen : Congress, Eames, Harvard. The copy at the Fischer sale, catalogue No. 1710, brought Is. - See Adelung (J. C.) and Vater (J. S.). Villages, Sioux. See Blackmore (W.). Vocabulary : Assiniboin. Assiniboin. Assiniboin. Assiniboin. Assiuiboin. Assiuiboin. Assiniboin. Assiuiboin. Assiuiboin. Biloxi. Crow. Crow. Crow. Crow. Crow. Crow. Crow. Crow. Dakota. Dakota. Dakota, Dakota. Dakota. Dakota. Dakota. Dakota. Dakota, Dakota. Dakota. Hidatsa. Hidatsa. Iowa. Iowa. Iowa. Kansas. Kansas. Kansas. See Adelung (J. C.) and Vater (J. S.). Bird (J.). Denig (E. T.). Gallatin (A.). Hayden (F. V.). Henry (A.). House (J.). Umfreville (E.). Willis (W.). Gatschet (A. S.). Bracket t (A. G.). Everette (W.E.). Gallatin (A.). Geisdorff (F.). Hayden (F. V.). Latham (R. G.). Morgan (L.H.). Say (T.). Campbell (J.). Domenech (E.). Dorsey (J. 0.). Gallatin (A.). Hale (H.). Haydeu (F. V.). Keating (W.H.). Message. Biggs (S. R.). Vocabulary. Williamson (T. S.). Hale (II.). Matthews (W.). Gallatin (A.). Hamilton (W.). Haydeu (F. V.). Balbi (A.). Dorsey (J. O.). Gatschet (A. S.). SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 75 Vocabulary Continued. Vocabulary Continued. Kansas. See Haldemau (S. S.). Ponka. See Dorsey (3. O.). Kansas. Leland (C. G.). Ponka, Fontanelle (H.). Kansas. Morgan (L. H.). Ponka. Kiggs (S. R.). Kansas. Say (T.). Pouka. Williamson (T. S.). Kansas. Stuhhs (A. AY.). Quapaw. Barton (B. S.). Maiidan. Bo wen (B. F.). Quapaw. Dorsey (J. O.). Mandan. Catlin(G.). Quapaw. Gallatiu (A.). Mamlan. Domenech (E.). Quapaw. Hadley (L. F.). Mandan. Donnelly (I ). Santee. Gardiner ( W. H.). Mandan. Gallatin (A.). Santee. Morgan (L. H.). Mandan. Hall(C.L.). Santee. Riggs (M. A. C.). Mandan. Hayden (F.V.). Santee. Williamson (J. P.). Mandan. Hoffman (W. J.). Santee. Williamson (T. S.). Mandan. Kipp (J.). Sioux. Atwater (C.). Mandan. Latham (KG.). Sioux. Balbi (A.). Mandan. Morgan (L. H.). Sioux. Husband (B.). Mandan. Rafiuesque (C. S.). Sioux. Indian. Maudan. Smet (P. J. de). Sioux. Smet( Minitari. Balbi (A.). Sioux. Tuttle (E. B.). Minitari. Gallatiu (A.). Teton. Bierstadt (A.). Minitari. Hayden (F. V.). Teton. Corliss (A. H.). Minitari Latham (R. G.). Teton. Everette ( W. E.). Minitari. Morgan (L. H.). Tutelo. Hale (E.). Minitari. Say (T.). Winnebago. Balbi (A.). Naudowessi. Adelung (J.C.) and Wiunebago. Boilvin (1ST.). Tater (J. S.). Whmebago. Dorsey (J. 0.). Naudowessi. Barton (B. S.). Winuebago. Edwards (J.). Naudowessi. Baudry de Lozieres Winnebago. Foster (T.). (L.N.). Winnebago. Gallatiu (A.). Xaudowessi. Carver (J.). Winnebago. Hayden (F. V.). iNaudowessi. Edwards (J.). Winnebago. Latham (R. G.). Oglala. Everette (W. E.). Wiunebago. Long S. H.). Omaha. Balbi (A.). Winuebago. Morgan (L. H.). Omaha. Gallatin (A.). Winnebago. Riggs (S. R.). Omaha. Hamilton (W.). Winnebago. Williamson (T. S.). Omaha. Hayden (F. V.). Tankton. Gallatin (A.). Omaha. Morgan (L. H.). Yankton. Say (T.). Omaha. Riggs (S. R.). Omaha. Say (T.). Vocabulary of the Dakota. Omaha. Williamson (T. S.). In Soeiete Ethnologique, M6moires, vol. 2, p. Osage. Adelung (J. C.) and 264. Paris, 1845, 8. Vater (J. S.). Title from Ludewig s Literature of American Osage. Balbi (A.). languages, p. GO. Osage. Bradbury (J.). Osage. Domeuech (E.). [Vocabulary of the Dakota, taken down Osage. Dorsey (J. O.). from Manzakute mani.] Osage. Gallatin (A.). Manuscript, 14 pp. folio, in the library of Mr. Osage. Latham (R. G.). j. Q. Shea, Elizabeth, N. J. Osage. Murray ( ). Osage. Pike (A.). [Vocabulary of the Osage language.] Osage. Vocabulary. Manuscript, pp. 1-8, 8, in the library of Con Oto. Balbi (A.). gress, being affixed to the copy of vol. 2 of Oto. Gallatin (A.). Volney s Tableau du climat <fcc. Oto. Haydc ii (F. V.). Oto. Morgan (L. H.). Voyage a la Louisiane. See Baudry de Oto. Say (T.). Lozieres fLuK). 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE w. Waliopinihte toinksa. See Hall (C. L.). Wahpeton. See Santee. Wakamia (Thomas). See Cook (J. W.) and others. Wakantanka. See Ravoux (A.). Walker (Luke C.). See Cook (J. W.) and others. See Hinman (S. D.) and Cook (J. W.). Walking Elk. See Riggs (S. R.). Warden (David Baillie). Recherches | sur lea j autiquite s de 1 Ame rique | Septentrionale, | par D. B. Warden, | ruenibre correspondant de FAcade ime des sciences de 1 Institut J royal, etc., etc. | (Ouvrage extrait. du 2 e volume <les Me moires de la dite Socie te .) | Paris, | Everat, imprimeur-libraire, | rue du Cadrau, No 10. | 1827. Title verso blank 1 1. text pp. 3-144, 4. Pr6- tendue affinite des langues indiennes avec celles de divers peuples, pp. 112-120, includes a few words of Naudowesses or Sioux. Copies seen : Congress. The later edition, 1834, of this work does not contain the Sioux words. (Bancroft.) Warren (Lieut. Gouverneur Kemble). 34th Congress, | 1st Session. | Senate. | Ex. Doc. | No. 76. | Explorations | in the j Dacota country, | in the year 1-55. | By | Lieut. G. K. Warren, | to pographical engineer of the u Sioux ex pedition." | Washington : | A. O. P. Nicholson, Senate printer. | 1856. 1 p. 1. pp. 1-79, i-vi, map, 8. Names of Da cota tribes, with English signification, pp. 15-16. Copies seen : Astor, National Museum, Pow ell. Washashe wageressa. See Montgomery (W. B.) and Requa (W. C.). Watkinson : This word following a title indicates that a copy of the work referred to was seen by the compiler in the Watkinson Library, Hartford, Conn. Wdkuiitl Eeifa. See Merrill (M.). Wdtwhtl Wdwdklha, See Merrill (M. ). Welsh (William). See Hinman (S. D.) and Welsh (W.). Weston (Philip). See Cook (J. W.) and others. Wewvhaekju. See Hamilton (W.) and Irvin (S. M.). Whipple (Bishop Henry Benjamin). See Hinman (S. D.) and Whipple (H. B.). Wicoicage, hdiuanpapi. See William son (T. S.). Wicoicage wowapi. See Williamson (T. S.). Wicoicage wowapi. See Williamson (T. S.) and others. Wicoie wowapi. See Riggs (A. L.). Wicoie wowapi kin. See Riggs (A. L. ). Wiconi owihanke. See Renville (J.) and Williamson (T. S.). [Williams ( J. Fletcher). ] Bibliography of Minnesota. Prepared by the libra rian of the society. In Minnesota Hist. Soc. Coll. vol. 3 (1870-1880), pp. 13-75, Saint Paul, 1880, 8. Includes a "Dakota bibliography," pp. 37- 42, consisting of a list of Dakota works in the library of the society ; in its preparation Mr. Williams was assisted by Rev. S. R. Riggs. Issued separately as follows : Bibliography of Minnesota. | From the | Minnesota Historical Collections Vol. Ill, Part I. | By J. Fletcher Will iams : | secretary of the Minnesota His torical Society ; corresponding | mem ber of the historical societies of Penn sylvania | and Virginia. | Fifty copies separately printed. | St. Paul : | office of the Press Print ing Company. | 1870. Pp. 1-65, 8. Dakota bibliography, pp. 27 -33. Copies seen : Congress, Pilling. Williamson (A. W.). Is the Dakota re lated to the Indo European languages? By A. W. Williamson, adj t prof, math ematics, of Augustan College, Rock Island, Illinois. In Minnesota Acad. Nat. Sci. Bull. vol. 2, pp. 110-142, Minneapolis, 1881, 8. Separately issued as follows : Is the Dakota related to the Indo European languages ? By A. W. Will iamson, adj t prof, mathematics, of Augustan College, Rock Island, Illinois. [1881.] No title-page; pp. 1-33, 8. Numerals, 1-10, in the Dakota, Iowa, Omaha, and Hidatsa lan guages, p. 28. Copies seen : Powell, Trumbull. SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 77 Williamson (A. W.) Continued. - The Dakotau languages, and their i relations to other languages. By A.\V. Williamson. In American Antiquarian, vol. 4, pp. 110-128, Chicago, 1882, 8. Separately issued as follows : - The Dakotan Languages | by | A. W. Williamson. | Augustaua College, Rock Island, Illinois. | From | American An tiquarian, January, 1882. Printed title on cover, 10 unnumbered 11. 8. Minnesota geographical names de rived from the Dakota language, with some that are obsolete. By Prof. A. W. Williamson. In Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Minn. 13th Ann. Rep. pp. 104-112, St. Paul, 1885, 8. Pronunciation is indicated and signification given. The author acknowledges his indebt edness to an able article by Rev. A. L. Riggs in lapi oaye, January, 1883, and to information ob tained from his father, Rev. T. S. Williamson. Noticed and some extracts given in The Press, St. Paul, Minn., October 24, 1885. (Powell.) Mr. A. TV. Williamson, son of Dr. T. S. Will iamson, was born at Lac-qui-parle, Minn., in 1838. He was graduated from Marietta Col lege, Ohio, 1857. From December, 1871, to De- cember, 1872, he was principal of the Odawah Mission Boarding School, Bad River, Wis. Williamson (Rev. John Poage). Oowa wowapi, | Dakota iapi en. j John P. Williamson, | owa. | [Picture.] | New York: | printed for the Ameri can Board by j the American Tract So ciety. | 1865. Literal translation: Letter book, Dakota speech in. John P. Williamson, he-wrote-it. Printed cover as above, without the date, verso a hymn in Dakota, title as above 1 1. text pp. 3-80, 12<>. Copies seen : Trumbull. There are editions of 1871 (Congress, Pilling, Powell, Shea), 1873 (Powell), and 1876 (Powell) differing from the above only in date. English-Dakota | Vocabulary. | Wasicuu iapi | lesca wowapi. | Toua Wa&cim iapi ouispepi kin yacinpi wo wapi | kin de on ociciyapi wacanmi qa wakage. | Edited | by John P. William son, | Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. | Edward R. Pond Mazaehde. | Sautee Agency Neb. | 1871. Literal translation : Frenchman speech inter preter something-written. How-many French, man speech ye-know-how-to-read the ye-desire something-written the this by-means-of I-aid- ye I thought and I made-it. Williamson (J. P.) Continued. 3 p. 11. pp. 1-137, sm. 8, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen : British Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Trumbull. [ ] [English-Dakota school dictionary. Greenwood, Yaukton Agency, D. T., 1871.] No title-page ; pp. 1-24, 16. Alphabetically arranged, two columns to the page. Page 1, first column, contains words beginning with the letter A ; second column, B ; page 2, first column, BE, &c. Copies seen : Trumbull. An | English-Dakota | school dic tionary. | Was icun qa Dakota | leska wowapi. | Compiled by [ Rev. John P. Williamson, | missionary of the Presby n B d of For n Missions. | [Four lines quotation.] | Iapi Oaye Press: | Yankton Agency, D. T. | 1886. Title verso blank 1 1. 1 1. in Dakota and 1 in English, containing the Dakota alphabet, re marks on accent, &c. text pp. 1-144, double col umns, 12. "In this vocabulary the Santee dialect has been placed first. The regular dia lectic changes of d and n into I for the Teton and of hd into kd for Yankton and gl for Teton are not noted; but a considerable number of other dialectic ditferences are given." Copies seen : Dorsey, Massachusetts Histori cal Society, Pilling, Powell. [ ] [Primer in the Yanktou dialect of the Dakota language. Santee Agency, Neb., 1874.] No title-page ; 8 unnumbered 11. sq. 16. First page contains the alphabet and numerals, 1-39. The first work printed in the Yankton dialect. Copies seen : Trumbull. See Riggs (S. R.) and Williamson (J.P.). editor. See Iapi oaye. [ and Riggs (A. L.).] Dakota Odo- wau. Dakota Hymns. Published by j the Dakota Mission | of the | American Board | and the | Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. | Printed by the j American Tract So ciety, | 150 Nassau Street, New York. | 1879. Title 1 1. preface signed by above as editors, verso Lord s prayer, doxology, &c. 1 1. text pp. 5-124, contents &c. pp. 125-133, 4, in the Sautee dialect. Most of the hymns are set to music. On p. 133 is a list of contributors, as follows : Thomas S. Williamson. Joseph Renville, jr. Stephen R. Riggs. Antoine Renville. Samuel W. Pond. John B. Renville. Gideon H. Pond. Daniel Renville. 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A. L.) Continued. Amos W. Huggins. Antoine D. Frenier. John P. Williamson. Lorenzo Lawrence. Alfred L. Riggs. Edwin Phelps. AY. J. Cleveland. Thomas Robertson. Joseph Renville. Copies seen : American Tract Society. A later edition as follows : ] Dakota odowan. | Dakota hynms. | Published by | the Dakota Mission | of the | American Missionary Association | and the | Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. | Printed by the | American Tract So ciety, | 150 Nassau street, New York. | 1883. Pp. 1-133, 4. Copies seen : Pilling, Powell. [ ] Odowan. | Dakota hymns, | published by | the Dakota Mission. | Printed by the | American Tract So ciety, | 150 Nassau street, New York. | 1881. Title verso "Edited by John P. Williamson and Alfred L. Riggs " 1 1. preface verso doxol- ogy &c. 1 1. text entirely in Dakota (with the exception of English headings to the hynms) pp. 5-213, contents pp. 214-222, 24. The list of contributors is as follows : S. R. Riggs. A. D. Frenier. J. P. Williamson. John B. Renville. A. W. Huggins. A. L. Riggs. Joseph Reuville, jr. W. J. Cleveland. G. H. Pond. T. S. Williamson. S. W". Pond. A. Renville. Copies seen : Powell. Mr. J. P.Williamson, son of Dr. T. S. William son, was born at Lac-qui-parle, Minn., in Octo ber, 1835. He was graduated from Marietta College in 1857 and from Lane Theological Sem inary in 1860. From 1860 until 1862 he was a missionary among the Dakota at the Lower Agency, Minnesota, and since then on the Mis souri River. Williamson (Nancy Jane). See Huggins (E.) and Williamson (N. J.). Miss Williamson was born at Lac-qui-parle, Minn., July 28, 1840. In 1873 she joined her brother, J. P. Williamson, in missionary labor at Yankton Agency, Dak., and remained until her death, November 18, 1877. Williamson (Dr. Thomas Smith). Wi coicage. Genesis, in the Dakota lan guage ; Translated from the Hebrew, by Thomas S. Williamson, M. D. In Williamson (T. S.) and others, Wicoicage wowapi, pp. 3-106, Cincinnati, 1842, 12. Wicoicage wowapi, | Mowis owa : | qa | wicoie wakau kin, | Salomon kaga. Williamson (T. S.) Continued. | Pejihuta Wicasta | Dakota iapi en kaga. | The Books | of | Genesis and Proverbs, | in the Dakota Language, | Translated from the original Hebrew, | by Thos. S. Williamson, A. M., M. D. | New York: | American Bible Society, | Instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. | 1865. Literal translation: Generation something- written, Moses wrote-it: and word mysterious the, Solomon he-made-it. Grass man [T. S. Williamson] Dakota speech in he -made-it. Pp. 1-115, 16, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen : American Board of Commission ers. I have seen editions of 1866, 1867, 1874, and 1878, with no change of title except in date. Hdinaupapi, | wowapi Mowis owa inonpa kin, | Dakota iapi en j Pejuta Wicasta kaga. | Exodus, | the second book of Moses, | in the Dakota Lan guage, | translated from the original Hebrew, | by Thos. Williamson, A. M., M. D. | Missionary of the A. B.C. F.M. | New York: | American Bible Society, | Instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. | 1869. Literal translation: They-came-out-of, some thing-written Moses he-wrote-it the-second the, Dakota speech in Grass man [T. S. Williamson] be-made-it. Pp. 1-65, 18, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen: British and Foreign Bible So ciety, Trumbull. Lewi toope, | wowapi Mowis owa iyamni kin, | Dakota iapi en | Pejuta Wicas ta kaga. | Leviticus, | the third book of Moses, | in the Dakota lan guage, | translated from the original Hebrew, | by Thomas Williamson, A. M. ; M. D., | Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M. | New York: | American Bible Society, | Instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. | 1869. Literal translation : Levi his-law, something- written Moses he-wrote-it the-third the, Da kota speech in Grass man [T. S. Williamson] he-made-it. Pp. 1-47, 16, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen : Trumbull. Wicoicage, hdinanpapi, | Lewi too pe, qa wicayawapi. | The | First Four Books of Moses, | in the | Dakota Lan guage: Translated from the Hebrew, J by | Rev. T. S. Williamson, M. D. I SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 79 "Williamson (T. S.) Continued. Xe\v York: | American Bible Society, | Instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. | 1872. Literal translation: Generation, they-came- out-of, Levi his law, and they-couuted-them. Pp. l-L 54, 12, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen: Dorsey. Wfope Mowis owa kin | Dakota iapi en | Pejuta Wicasta kaga. | The | Law written by Moses, | in the Dakota Lan guage : | translated from the Hebrew, | | by | Rev. T. S. Williamson, A. M.,M. D., Missionary. | New York : | American Bible Society, j | Instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. | j 1872. Literal translation: Law Moses he-wrote-it I the Dakota speech in Grass man [T. S. William son] he-made-it. Pp. t-254, 16, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen : American Bible Society, British ; Museum. Appended, without title-page, is : [ ] Woope Itakihua. [Deuteronomy. 1872.] Pp. 1-57, 16. I have seen copies of the entire work with titles as above, but dated 1874. (Congress, Powell.) Who were the first men ? In Minnesota Hist. Soc. Coll. vol. 1, pp. 295- 301. St. Paul, 1872, 8. Many Dakota terms passim. Josuwa, | qa Wayacopi kin, j qa Rute, | oahnyanpi qou | oyakapi wo- wapi kin. | The | books of Joshua, Judges, j and Ruth, | in the Dakota language : | translated from the He brew, | by | Rev. Thomas S. William son, A. M., M. D., | missionary Presby terian Board of Foreign Missions. | New York : American Bible Society, instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. | 1875. Literal translation : Joshua, and Judges the, and Ruth, tbey-acted, in-the-past they-told-it something-written the. Pp. 1-81, 16, in the Santee dialect. Copies seen : Powell. [Comparative vocabulary of the Win- nebago, Omaha, Pouka, and Dakota, with remarks on the same. 1858.] Manuscript, pp. 1-38, 4, in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology. [Vocabulary of the Isauati Sioux (Dakota).] Williamson (T. S.) Continued. Manuscript, 17 pp. folio, with some additional words on backs of pages. In the library of Dr. J. G. Shea. - See Reiiville (J.) and Williamson (T. S.). -SeeRiggs (S. R.). See Riggs (8. R.) and "Williamson (J.P.). - See Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A.L.). - and Riggs (Stephen R.). Wowapi wakau; | Dakota iapi en. | Pejibuta- wicasta qa Tamakoce okagapi. The | Holy Bible : | containing the greater part of | the Old Testament and the New Testament ; | in the | Dakota lan guage. | Translated from the originals, i by T. S. Williamson and S. R. Riggs, missionaries. | New York : | American Bible Society, instituted in the year MDCCCXVI. | 1877. Literal translation: Something-written mys terious. Dakota speech in. Grass-man [T. S. Williamson] and His-country [S. R. Riggs] they-made-it-after-a-copy. Under this title-page have been bound vari ous portions of the Scriptures which had pre viously appeared at various dates, some with title-page, others with caption only. They are as follows : Williamson (T. S.), Woope Mowis, The Law written by Moses, New York, 1874, pp. 1-254, and [Deuteronomy], pp. 3-57. Josuwa qa Wayacopi kin, Books of Joshua <fcc. New York, 1875, pp. 1-81, and [First and Second Samuel], pp. 391-478. Riggs (S. R.), Psalm wowapi, The book of Psalms, New York, 1874, pp. 1-133, and [Prov- erbs-Isaiah], pp. 135-265. Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, <fcc. Xew York, 1877, pp. 267-531. Dakota wowapi &c. The Xew Testa ment, Xew York, 1874, pp. 1-408. Copies seen : American Bible Society, British Museum, Powell. Some copies are dated 1879. (Shea.) Dakota | wowapi wakau. | The j Holy Bible, | in the | language of the Dakotas : | translated out of | the original tongues ; | by Thomas S. Will iamson and Stephen R. Riggs, J mis sionaries. | New York: | American Bible Society, | instituted in the year 181(5. | 1880. Pp. 1-254, 3-57,3-81, 391-755, 3-531, and New Testament, 1-408, 8 3 . 80 BILIOGRAPHY OF THE Williamson (T. S.) Continued. Though, printed for the most part from the j same plates as the edition of 1877, a change in the pagination will be aoticed, i. e., pp. 391-478 in the former become 391-755 in this edition. This is caused by the following additions: First and Second Kings, pp. 479-569 ; First and Second Chronicles, pp. 570-663; Ezra, pp. 664- 680; Nehemiah, pp. 680-702; Esther, pp. 703- 715; Job, pp. 715-755. Unlike the 1874 edition, the different parts, with the exception of the New Testament, arc- not preceded by separate title-pages, and I am unable to give each translator credit for his part of the above. The title-page of the New Testament, trans lated by S. R. Riggs, is exactly like that of the edition of 1874. These additions make the Dakota Bible com pletethe first, so far as I know, except the Cree and Eskimo, in any Indian tongue since Eliot s Bible in the Massachusetts language. . The Muskoki is nearly complete. Copies seen : Pilling, Powell. Some copies are dated 1883. (British and Foreign Bible Society.) and others. Wicoicage wowapi, | qa odowau \vakau, | Heberi iapi etanhan kagapi. | Pejihuta wicaxta, Psincinca, qaTamakoce, okagapi j kinhenaeepi. | The book | of | Genesis, | and a part of the | Psalms, | in the Dakota language ; translated from the original | Hebrew, by the missionaries of the A. B. C. F. M., | and Mr. Joseph Renville, sr. | Printed for the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. | Cincinnati, Ohio : | Kondall and Bar nard, printers. | 1842. Literal translation : Generations something written, and song mysterious, Hebrew speech from they-made-it. Grass man [T. S. Will iamson], Rice-child [G. H. Pond], and His- country [S. R. RiggsJ they-made-it-after-a-copy the those are-they. Pp. 1-296, 16, in the Santee dialect. Made up of translations by different authors, as follows: Williamson (T. S.), Wicoicage, Genesis, pp. 3-106. Riggs (S. R.) and Renville (J.), Odowan Wa- kan, Part of the Psalms, pp. 107-160. Pond(G. H.),WootaninwaxteLukaowaqon, The Gospel by Luke, pp. 163-241. Renville (J.), Wootanin waxte Jan, The Gos pel of John, pp. 242-295. The last two papers are joined under one title-page and are dated 1843. See Pond (G. H.) and Renville (J.). Copies seen : Boston Athenamiu, British and Foreign Bible Society, Congress, Powell, Truni- bull. Priced by Leclerc, 1878, No. 2204, at 35 fr. The Brinley copy, catalogue No. 5758, brought $1.25. Williamson (T. S.) and others Con tinued. Dr. Williamson, "the father of the Dakota mission," was born in Union District, S. C.,in March, 1800, and died in St. Peter, Minn., June 24, 1879. He completed his medical education at Tale College, graduating in 1824, and settled at Ripley, Ohio, where he was married April 10,1827. In the spiingof 1834, under the au spices of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, he made a trip as far west as Ft. Suelling. Returning to Ohio, he was ordained as missionary by theChillicothe Pres bytery, and soon after was appointed by the board as missionary to the Dakotas. In April, 1835, Dr. Williamson left for his field of work and arrived at Ft. Snelling May 16. He re mained among the Dakota as missionary until the outbreak in 1861. Willis (William). Article XI. The In dians of Hudson s Bay, and their lan guage ; selected from Umfreville s "Present state of Hudson s Bay," by Wm. Willis. In Maine Hist. Soc. Coll. vol. 6, pp. 265-272, Portland, 1859, 8. Vocabulary (23 words) in the Assinee Poe- tuc language, p. 271. Wilson (Daniel). The Huron-Iroquois of Canada, a typical race of American aborigines. By Daniel Wilson, LL. D., F. R. S. E., President of University Col lege, Toronto. In Royal Soc. of Canada Proc. and Trans, for 1884, vol. 2, pp. 55-106, Montreal, 1885, 4. Comparative tables of numerals (1-20, 30, 100, 1,000) in various American languages, among them the Tutelo, pp. 92-94. See Hale (H.). Winnebago : Dictionary. See Dorsey (J. O.). General discussion. Baird (H. S.). General discussion. Ramsey (A.). Grarnmatic comments. Dorsey (J. O.). Grammatic comments. Hayden (F. V.). Letters. Dorsey (J. 0.). Names of months. Fletcher (J. C.). Numerals. James (E.). Numerals. Lowry (E.). Personal names. Baird (H. S.). Personal names. Catalogue. Personal names. Catlin (G.). Personal names. Foster (T.). Personal names. Indian. Personal names. Treaties. Prayer book. Mazzuchelli (S.). Relationships. Morgan (L.H.). Vocabulary. Balbi (A.). Vocabulary. Boilvin (N.). Vocabulary. Dorsey (J. O.). Vocabulary. Edwards (J.). Vocabulary. Foster (T.). Vocabulary. Gallatin (A.). SIOUAN LANGUAGES 81 Winnebago Continued. Vocabulary. See Hayilen (F. V.). Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Words. Words. Words Continued. Latham (R. G.). Long (S. H.). Morgan (L. H.). Riggs (S. R.). Williamson (T. S.). Investigator. Kinzie (J. H.). Wisconsin Historical Society : These words fol lowing a title indicate that a eopv of the work referred to was seen in the library of the above society, Madison, Wis. Woahope Wikcemua kin. The Ten Commandments and the Lord s Prayer, in the Dakota Language. Boston. 1842. 1 sheet. Title from "Dakota bibliography," in Williams s Bibliography of Minnesota. The copy described therein belonged to thelibrary of the Minnesota Historical Society, which was destroyed by fire in 1881. Wocekiye \vowapi. See Hinman (S. D.). Wooiispe itakihna. See Renville (J. R). Woonspe wankantu. See Riggs (A. L.). Woope Mo\vis. See Williamson (T. S. ). Woopi Itakihna. Sie Williamson (T. S.). Wootanin waxte. See Pond (G. H.) and Renville (J.). Words : Assiniboin. See Chase (P. E.). Crow. Beckwourth (J. P.). Crow. Chase (P. E.). Crow. Latham (R. G.). Crow. Maximilian (A. P.). Dakota. Buschmann (J. C. E.). Dakota. Donnelly (I.). Dakota. Gordon (H. L.). Dakota. Hale (H.). Dakota. See Hoffman (W. J.). Dakota. Latham (E.G.). Dakota. Lynd (J. II.). Dakota. Mallery (G.). Dakota. Morgan (L. H.). Dakota. Norris (P. W.). Dakota. Schomburgk (R.H.). Dakota. Trumbull (J. H.). Dakota. Vail (E. A.). Dakota. Williamson (T. S.). Iowa. Chase (P. E.). Kansas. Maximilian (A. P.). Mandan. Catlin (G.). Mandan. Frost (J.). Mandan. Ha!e (E.E.). Mandan. Johnes (A. J.). Minitari. Charencey (H. de). Xaudowessi. Vater (J. S.). Xaudowessi. Warden (D. B.). Omaha. Latham (R.G.). Osage. Clarkson (M.). Osage. Hunter (.J. D.). Osage. Latham (R. G.). Osage. Murray ( ). Quapaw. Latham (R. G.). Sioux. Frost (J.). Sioux. Sage (R. B.). Teton. Maximilian (A. P.). Tutelo. Anderson (J ). Tutelo. Hale (H.). Winnebago. Investigator. Winnebago. Kinzio (J. H.). Yankton. Latham (R. G.). Wowapi Inoupa. See Pond (S. W.). Wowapi Mitawa. See Riggs (S. R.). Wowapi Nitawa. See Riggs (S. R.). Wowapi \vakan. See Williamson (T. S.) and Riggs (S. R.). Wewvhaekju. See Hamilton (\V.) and Irvin (S. M.). Wvrohce.. See Hamilton ( W.) and Irvia (S.M.). SIOUAN- 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE S1OUAN LANGUAGES. Y. Yankton : Bible, Genesis (com ments on). SeoCook(J. W.). Catechism. Cook (J. W.) and Cook (J. S.). Constitution. Cook (J. W.) and others. Dictionary. Williamson (J. P.). General discussion. Maximilian (A. P.). Hymns. Cook (J. W.) and others. Numerals. James (E.). Periodical. Anpao. Periodical. Tapi. Personal names. Indian. Personal names. Treaties. *- Personal names. Tnttle (E. B.). Phrases. Cook (J. W.). Prayers. Cook (J. W.). Prayers. Hemans (D. W.). Primer. Williamson (J. P.). Relationships. Morgan (L. H.). Songs. Baker (T.). Vocabulary. Gallatin (A.). Vocabulary. Say (T.). Words. Latham (R. G.). Yawae palmcas. See Hamilton ( W.) and Irvin (S.M.). Youth s. The youth s | companion : | A juvenile monthly Magazine published for | the benefit of the Puget Sound Catholic Indian | Missions; and set to type, printed and in part | written by the pupils of the Tnlalip, Wash. Ty. | Indian Industrial Boarding Schools, under | the control of the Sisters of Charity. | Approved by the Rt. Rev. Bishop [JEgidius of Nesqually]. | Vol. I. May, 1881. No. l[-Yol. V. May, 1886. No. 60]. [Tulalip Indian Reservation, Snoho- raishCo.W.T.] Edited by Rev. J. B. Boulet. Instead of being paged continuously, continued articles have a separate pagination dividing the regu lar numbering. For instance, in Xo. 1, pp. 11-14, Lives of the saints, are numbered 1-4 and the article is continued in ~No. 2 on pp. 5-8, taking the place of pp. 41-44 of the regu lar numbering. Discontinued after May, 1886, on account of the protracted illness of the editor. Lord s prayer in Osage, p. 150. Copies seen : Congress, Powell, Shea. CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. LIST OF AUTHORS, IN CHRONOLOGIC ORDER, WHO HAVE WRITTEN IN OR UPON THE SIOUAN LANGUAGES. 1680 Hennepm (L.). 1824 Hunter (J. D.). 1760 Jefferys (T.). 1824 Keating ( W". H.). 17(51 Jefferys (T.). 1825 Keating (W. H.). 1775 Court de Gebelin (A. de), note. 1826 Balbi (A.). 1778 Carver (J.). 1826 Hunter (J. D.), note. 1779 Carver (J.). 1826 Indian. 1779 Carver (J.). 1827 Warden (D. B.). 1780 Carver (J.). 1828 Beltrami (G. C.). 1781 Carver (J.). 1828 Chateaubriand (F. A. de). 1781 Court de Gebelin (A. de). 1828 Chateaubriand (F. A. de). 1784 Carver (J.). 1830 James (E.). 1784 Carver (J.). 1830 James (E.). 1784 Carver (J.). 1831 At water (C.). 1789 Carver (J.). 1831 Atwater (C.). 1790 Umfreville (E.). 1831 Atwater (C.). 1791 Umfreville (E.). 1832-1833 Raflnesque (C. S.). 1792 Carver (J.),note. 1833 Atwater (C.). 1794 Carver (J.). 1833 Mazzuchelli (S.). 1795 Carver ( J.), note. 1833 Eafinesque (C. S.). 1796 Carver (J.). 1834 Correspondence. 1796 Carver (J.). 1834 Merrill (M.). 1797 Barton (B. S.). 1834 Merrill (M.),note. 1797 Carver (J.). 1834 Merrill (M.), note. 1798 Barton (B. S.). 1834 Montgomery ("W. B.) and Ri-qua (W. 1798 Carver (J.), note. C.). 1799-1*11 Henry (A.). 1835 Merrill (M.), note. 1802 Baudry de Lozieres (L. X.). 1836 Gallatiu (A.). 1802 Carver (J.), note. 1836 Mclntosh (J.),note. 1806-1817 Adelung (J. C.) and Yater (J. S.). 1836 Stevens (I. D.I. 1807 Carver (J.), note. 1836-1840 Chateaubriand (F. A. do). 1808 Carver (J.), note. 1837 Catlin (G.). 1810 Yater (J. S.). 1837 Merrill (M.). 1813 Carver (J.). 1837 Renville (J.) and Williamson (T. S.). 1814-1S24 Boilvin ("ST.). 1837 Treaties. 1815 Yater (J. S.). 1837 Treaties. 1817 Bradbury (J.). 1838 Carver (J.). 1819 Bradbury (J.). 1838 Carver (!.), note. 1821 Murray ( ). 1838 Catlin (G.). 1823 Edwards (J.). 1839 Renville (J.). 1823 Edwards (J.). 1839 Reuville (J.). 1823 Hunter (J. D.). 1839 Renville (J.). 1823 Hunter (J. D.). 1839 Pond (S. W.) and Pond (G. H.). 1823 Hunter (J. D.). 1839 Riggs (S. R.) and Pond (G. H.). 1823 James (E.). 1839-1841 Maximilian (A. P.). 1823 James (E.). 1840 Catlin (G.). 1823 Long (S. H.). 1840 James (E.), note. 1823 Say (T.). 1840 Vail (E. A.). 1824 Beltrami (G-. C.). 1840-1843 Maximilian (A. P.). 1824 Hunter ( J. D.). 1841 Catlin (G.). 83 84 CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. 1841 Catlin (G.),note. 1842 Catliu (G.),note. 1842 Catlin (G.), note. 1842 Catlin (G.), note. 1842 Eliza. 1842 PomUS. W.). 1842 Renville (J.) and others. 1842 Riggs (S.R.). 1842 Riggs ( s - K -) au(1 Renville (J.). 1842 Williamson (T. S.). 1842 Williamson (T. S.) and others. 1842 Woahope. 1843 Catliu (G.).note. 1843 Catliu (G.),note. 1843 Edwaids (J.), note. 1843 Hamilton (W.) and Irvin (S. M.). 1843 Hamilton (W.) and Irviu (S. M.). 1843 Johnes (A. J.). 1843 Maximilian (A. P.). 1843 Mclutosh (J.). 1843 Pond (G. H.). 1843 Pond (G. H.) and Renville (J.). 1843 Ronville (J.). 1843 Riggs (S.R.). 1843-1844 Ravoux (A.). 1844 Catlin (G.). 1844 Catlin (G.). 1844 Mclutosh (J.). 1844 Mclntosh ( J.), note. 1844 Pond (S. W.). 1845 Catlin (G.). 1845 Catliu (G.). 1845 Catliu (G.). 1845 Frost (J.). 1845 Vocabulary. 1845-1846 Investigator. 1S46 Catlin (G.), note. 1846 Johnes (A. J.). 1846 Latham (R. G.). 1846 Renville (J.) and others, note. 1*46 Sage (R. B.). 1846-1848 Catlin (G.), note. 1847 Featherstonhaugh (G. W.K 1847 Pott (A. F.). 1847 Sage (R. B.). 1847 Smet( 1847 Vator (T. S.). 1848 Catlin (G.). 1848 Catlin (G.). 1848 Catlin (G.). 1848 Catliu (G.). 1848 Catliu (G.). 1848 Frost (J.), note, 1848 Gallatiu (A.). 1848 Hamilton (W.) and Irvin (S. M.). 1848 Schomlmrgk (R. H.). 1848 Smet (P. J. de). 1848-1851 Bagster (J.). 1848-1851 Bagster (J.). 1849 Eastman (M. H.). 1849 Hamilton (W.) and Irvin (S. M.). 1849 Husband (B.). 1849 Mclutosh (J.). 1849 Ramsey (A.). 1849 Schoolcraft (H. R.). 1850 Atwater (C.). 1850 Bird (J.). 1850 Bourassa (J.N.). 1850 Catalogue. 1850 Hamilton ( W.) and Irvin (S. M.). 1850 Hamiltou (W.) and Irvin (S. Mj. 1850 Hamiltou (W.) and Irviu (S. M.). 1850 Hamilton (W.) and Irviu (S. M.). 1850 House (J.). 1850 McKenney (E.). 1850 Riggs (S.R.). 1850 Riggs (S.R.). 1850-1852 Dakota. 1851 Catlin (G.), note. 1851 Culbertson (T. A.). 1851 Riggs (S.R.). 1851 Riggs (S. R.). 1852 Carver (J.). 1852 Catlin (G.). 1852 Gabeleutz (H. G. C.). 1852 Lowry (E.). 1852 Prescott (P.). 1852 Riggs (M. A. C.). 1852 Riggs (S. R.) 1852 Turner (W. W.). 1853 Buschmaim (J. C. E.). 1853 Buschmaun (J. C. E.) 1853 Kipp (J.). 1853 Mclutoah (T.),note. 1853 Neill (E. D.). 1853 Neill (E. D.). 1853 Riggs (S.R.). 1853 Riggs (S. R.). 1854 Clarkson (M.). 1854 Denig(E. T.). 1854 Fletcher (J. C.). 1854 Hale (E. E.). 1854 Hamilton (W.). 1854 Pond(G.H.). 1854 Schoolcraft (H. R.). 1855 Buschmann (J. C.E.). 1855 James (E.), note. 1855 Lord s. 1855 Shea (J. G.). 185(5 Beckwourth (J. P.). 1856 Hunfalvy (P.). 1856 Kiuzie (J. H.). 1856 Neill (E. D.). 1856 Smet (P. J. de). 1856 Triibner & Co. 1856 Warren (G.K.). 1857 Catlin (G.), uote. 1857 Catliu (G.), note. 1857 Kinzie (J.H.). 1857 Mclutosh (J.). 1857 Riggs (S. R.). 1858 Beckwourth (J. P.), note. 1858 Jehau (L.-F.). 1858 Ludewig (H. E.). 1858 Mclntosh (J.), note. 1858 Neill (E. D.). 1858 Riggs (S.R.). 1858 Shea (J. G.). 1858 Smet (P. J. de). 1859 Hind(H. Y.). 1859 Hiud (H. Y.). 1859 Hind (H. Y.),note. CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. 85 1859 Mclntosh (J.).note. 1859 Willis (W.)- 1860 Bagster (J.). 1860 Catlin (G.). 1860 Domenech (E.). I860 Haldeman (S. S.). 1860 Hind(H.Y.). 1860 Hind (H. Y.). 1860 Sage (R. B.). 1861 Burton (R.F.). 1861 Catliu (G.). 1861 Shea (J. G.). 1862 Burton (R. F.). 1862 Barton (R. F.), note. 1862 Hay den (F. V.)- 1862 Hayden (F. V.). 1862 Hayden(F.Y.). 1862 Hiiiman (S. D.) and Robertson (T 1862 Latham (R. G.). 1862 Pott(A.F.). 1863 Bierstadt (A.). 1863 Denig(E. T.). 1863 Hayden (F. Y.). 1863 Ravoux (A.), note. 1863 Biggs (S.R.). 1863 Riggs (S. R.) and Williamson (J. 1863 Smet (P. J. de). 1864 Baiid (H. S.). 1864 Hinman (S. D.). 1864 Hinman (S. D.). 1864 Hiuman (S. D.). 1864 J6hau (L.-F.). 1864 Renville(J.B.). 1864 Renville (J. B.), note. 1864 Biggs (S.B.). 1864 Riggs (S. R.). 1865 Chateaubriand (F. A. de). 1865 Hinman (S.D.). 1865 Lynd (J. W.). 1865 Riggs (S.R.). 1865 Smet (P. J. de). 1865 Smet (P. J. de), note. 1865 Williamson (J. P.). 1865 Williamson (T. S.). 1866 Catlin (G.). 1866 Riggs (S. R.). 1866 Riggs (S. R.), note. 1866 Williamson (T. S.), note. 1867 Catlin (G.). 1867 Catlin (G.). 1867 Catliu (G.). 18C7 Catlin (G.). 1867 Lelaud (C. G.). 1867 Pond (G. H.). 1867 Ponziglione (P. M.). 1867 Pott (A. F.). 1867 Riggs (S. R.). 1867 Riggs (S. R.), note. 18ti7 Williamson (T. S.), note. 1868 Beldeu (G. P.). 1868 Gardiner (W. H.). 1868 Hamilton (W.). 1868 Pott (A. F.). 1868 Riggs (S.R.). 1868 Williamson (T. S.). 1868-1886 Sabin (J.). 1869 Blackmore (W.). 1869 Chase (P. E.). 1869 Chase (P. E.). 1869 Geisdorff (F.). 1869 Hayden (F. V.). 1869 Hinman (S. D.). 1869 Hinman (S. D.) and Welsh (W.). 1869 Hinman (S. D.) and Whipple (H. B.). 1869 Riggs (S. R.). 1869 Riggs (S. R.). 1869 Riggs (S. R.), note. 1869 Riggs (S. B.) and Williamson (J. P.). 1869 Williamson (T. S.). 1869 Williamson (T. S.). 1870 Belden (G. P.). 1870 Hemans (D. W.). 1870 Marietti (P.). A.). ; 1870 Shea (J. G.). 1870 Smet (P. 1870 Williams (J. F.). 1871 Belden (G. P.), note. 1871 Catlin (G.). 1871 Elder (P. E.). 1871 Gordon (H. A.). 1871 Guthile (H. A.). P.). i 1871 Hiuman (S. B.) 1871 Hinman (S. D.). 1871 Hinmau (S. D.). 1871 Hinman (S. D.). 1871 Hinman (S. D.). 1871 Hiuman (S. D.). 1871 Johnson (P.). 1871 Morgan (L. H.). 1871 Riggs (S. R.). 1871 Riggs (S. R.). 1871 Riggs (S. R.), note. 1871 Sturges (C.). 1871 Trumbull (J. H,). 1871 Williamsou (J. P.). 1871 Williamson (J. P.). 1871-1887 lapi. 1872 Anderson (J.). 1872 Belden (G. P.), note. 1872 Huggins (E. W.) and Williamson (N. J.). 1872 Johnson (P.). 1872 Neill (E. U.), note. 1872 Riggs (S. R.). 1872 Riggs (S.R.). 1872 Roehrig (F.L.O.). 1872 Triibuer &. Co. 1872 Williamsou (T. S.). 1872 Williamsou (T. S.). 1872 Williamsou (T. S.). 1872 Williamson (T. S.). 1873 Dorsey (J. O.). 1873 Kiuzie (J. H.). 1873 Matthews (W.). 1873 Xeill(E.D.). 1873 Roehrig (F. L. O.). 1873 Shea(J.G.). 1873 Tattle (E. B.). 1873 Williamsou (J. P.), note. 1874 Bastian (A.). 1874 Corliss (A. W.). 1874 Hinman (S. D.). 86 CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. 1874 Jackson (W. H.). 1874 Matthews (W.). 1874 Rig-s (SB.)- 1874 Riggs (S. II.), note. 1874 Riggs (S. R.), note. 1874 Trumbull (J. H.). 1874 Williamson (J. P.). 1874 Williamson (T. S.), note. 1S75 Carnegie (J.). 1875 Himuan (S. D.) and Cook (.J. W.). 1875 Lelaud (C.G.). 1875 Leland (C. G.). 1875 Biggs (S.R.). 1875 Trumbull (J. H.). 1875 Williamson (T. S.). 1870 Adam (L.). 1876 American Bible Society. 1876 Bible Society. 1876 Boweu (B. F.). 1876 Catlin (G.). 1876 Ravoux (A.). 1876 Riggs (S. B.). 1876 Riggs (S. R.) and Riggs (A. L.). 1876 Riggs (S. B.) and Riggs (A. L.). 1876 Williamson (J. P.), note. 1876-1877 Foster (T.). 1S77 Hall (C. L.). 1877 Hamilton (W.). 1877 Hoffman (W.J.). 1877 Jackson (W. H.). 1877 Mallery (G.). 1877 Matthews (W.). 1877 Morgan (L. H.). 1877 Morgan (L. H.), note. 1877 Riggs ( A. L.). 1877 Riggs (S. R.). 1877 Riggs (S. R.). 1877 Riggs (S.B.). 1877 Riggs (S.RA 1877 Williamson (T. S.) and Riggs (S. R.). 1878 Adam (L.). 1878 Adam (L.). 1878 Adam (L.). 1878 . Cook (J. W.). 1878 Cook (J. W.). 1878 Duncan (D.). 1878 Duncan (D.).note. 1878 Everetto (W. E.). 1878 Gatschet (A. S.). 1878 Hall (C. L.). 1878 Hall (C. L.). 1878 Hall (C. L.). 1878 Hinmau (S. D.) and Cook (J. W.). 1878 Hoffman (W. J.). 1878 Keanc (A. H.). 1878 Leclerc (C.). 1878 Pick (B.). 1878 Riggs (S. R.). 1878 Rigga (S. R.), note. 1878 Stubbs (A. W.). 1878 Williamson (T. S.), note. 1878-1879 Dorse j- (J. O.). 1878-1879 Dorsey (J.O.; 1878-1879 Dorsey (J. O.) 1878-1879 Dorsey (J. O.) 1878-1887 Anpao. 1879 American Bible Society, note. 1879 Brackett (A. G.). 1879 Campbell (J.). 1879 Campbell (J.). 1879 Catlin (G.). 1879 Cook (J. W.). 1879 Cook (J. W.). 1879 Hale (H.). 1879 Hemans (D. W.). 1879 Hinman (S. D.). 1879 Hinman (S. D.) and Cook (J. W.). 1879 Morgan (A.). 1879 Oppert (G.). 1879 Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A. L.). 1879-1880 Dorsey (J. O.). 1879-1880 Riggs (S. R.). 1879-1885 Riggs (A.L.). 1880 Hamilton (W.). 1880 Riggs (A. L.). 1880 Riggs (S. R.). 1880 Riggs (S. R.), note. 1880 Williams (J. F.). 1880 Williamson (T. S.) and Riggs (S. R.). 1880-1881 Dorsey (J. O.). 1880-1882 Cook (J. W.) and others. 1881 Campbell (J.). 1881 Dorsey (J. O.). 1881 Everette (W. E.). 1881 Everette (W.E.). 1881 Gordon (H.L.). 1881 Hoffman (W. J.). 1881 Hoffman (W. J.). 1881 Leclerc (C.), note. 1881 Riggs ( A. L.). 1881 Riggs (A. L.), note. 1881 Riggs (S. R.). 1881 Riggs (S. R.). 1881 Srnet (P. J. de). 1881 Williamson (A. W.). 1881 Williamson (A. W.). 1881 Williamson (J. P.) and Riggs (A. L.). 1881-1882 Dorsey (J. O.). 1881-1886 Youth s. 1882 Baker (T.). 1882 Campbell (J.). 1882 Chareucey (H. de). 1882 Cook (J. W.) and Cook (C. S.). 1882 Donnelly (I.). 1882 Dorsey (J. O.). 1882 Dorsey (J. O.). 1882 Hadley (L.F.). 1882 Miiller(F.). 1882 Neill (E. D.). 1882 Riggs (S. B.). 1882 Triibner <fc Co. 1882 Williamson (A. W.). 1882 Williamson (A. W.). 1882-1885 Hall (C. L.). 1883 Burnian (W. A.). 1883 Dorsey (J. O.). 1883 Hale (H.). 1883 Hale (H.). 1883 Hall (C. L.). 1883 Hinman (S. D.) and Cook (J. W.). 1883 Norris (P. W.). 1883 Riggs (S.R.). CHRONOLOGIC INDEX. 87 1883 Williamson (J. P.) and Ri< 1883-1887 Hamilton (W.). 1833-1887 Hamilton (W.). 1883-1887 Hamilton (W.). 1KS4 Berjiholtz (G. F.). 1884 Brown (S. J.). 1884 Campbell (J.). 1884 Campbell (J.). 1884 Campbell (J.). 1884 Campbell (J.). 1884 Donnelly (I.). 1884 Dorsey (J. O.). 1884 Fletcher (A. C.)- 1884 Fletcher (A. C.). 1884 Fletcher (A. C.). 1884 Indian. 1884 Lord s. 188 1 Sioux. 1884^1885 Dorsey (J.O.). 1SS5 American Bible Society. 1885 Cook (J. W.) and others. 1885 Cook (J. W.) and others. 1885 Hale (H.). 1885 Hamilton (W.). 1885 Marty (M.). 1885 1885 1885 1SS6 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1886 1SS7 1887 1887 x. a. X.d. X. d. X. d. X.d. X. d. X.d. X.d. X. d. X. d. X.d. X.d. Ri.ffps (S. R.),note. Williamson (A. W.). Wilson (D.). Dorsey (J.O.). Dorsey (J. O.). Dorsey (J. O.). Dorsey (J. O.). Dorsey (J. O.). Gatschet (A. S.). Williamson (J. P.). Bnshotter (G.). Hamilton (W.). Leclerc (C.), note. Catliu (G.)- Fontanelle (H.). Indian. Kent (M. B.). Lynd (J. W.). Murray ( ),note. Pike (A.). Sisseton. Srnet (P. J. de), note. Vocabulary. Vocabulary. Williamson (T. S.). OF THE UNIVERSITY OF 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONLY TEL. NO. 642-3405 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall JW. 2 4 1970 7ft UL. M980 EC.CIR.JUH1 2 LD21A-60m-3, 70 (N5382slO)476-A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley 203015